Mk:^^ t LIBRARY OF THE University of California. Received Q^J^-l^^yK, > '^9^- Accession No./yJla,^, . Clas~s No. ^mm ECONOMIC CONDITIONS MANORS OF RAMSEY ABBEY, A DISSERTATION PRESENTED TO THE FACULTY OF BRVN MAWR COLLEGE FOR THE DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY BY NELLIE NEILSON, A.M. "1898 Copyrighted, 1899, by N. NEILSON 7 7 366 W-^'-?: ^ u PRESS OF ^Jtoimran & Co., iptnladtlphta. PREFACE. The purpose of this paper is to give a full and connected state- ment of some of the agrarian and economic conditions existing on a certain group of English manors during a limited period. In order to illustrate the conditions described in the text a number of documents have been printed in the appendix. It is realized that by further access to the manuscripts some difficult passages in these documents might have been explained. I wish to express my gratitude to Prof. Maitland, Mr, J. H. Round, and Mr. Hubert Hall for their generous assistance to me in England, and to acknowledge my great obligation to Prof Andrews of Bryn Mawr College, under whose direction my work has been conducted, for his unfailing help and encouragement. I am also indebted to Prof. Andrews for reading the proof sheets. Philadelphia, May, 1899. CONTENTS. PAGE Introductory, 7 CHAPTEK I. General Description op Eamsey and the Manors, 8 CHAPTEK II. Economic Conditions in the Twelfth and Thir- teenth Centuries, 22 CHAPTEE in. Administration op Wistowe, 63 CONTENTS OF APPENDIX. COMPOTUS EOLLS OP WiSTOWE, 1 Eental OP Wistowe, 104 CoMPOTUS EOLL OF BaNLIEU, 117 List of Saints' Days, 119 Index, 121 OF TUB U-NIVXRSITY ECONOMIC CONDITIONS ON THE Manors of Ramsey Abbey. Some questions are still unanswered in the economic history of England during the centuries after the Conquest that will require for their final solution a very wide and intimate knowledge of the conditions and developments of life under the manorial system. Although such knowledge, in its completeness, will be gained only after a thorough study has been made of much material at present superficially known, yet investigations for the determination of minor issues and the statement of conditions upon even small groups of manors should add somewhat to the exact knowledge of manorial organization and aid in the ultimate fuller understanding of some of the economic problems of the period. For a limited investigation of this kind, and the special study of the generally conservative economic conditions upon church lands, the manors of Ramsey Abbey afi'ord an excellent opportunity, be- cause the material relating to Ramsey covers a long period and is unusually abundant and interesting. Although much of this mate- rial has been printed, chiefly in the Ramsey Chartulary^ and Chronicle,' a larger part is still in manuscript, preserved in the Public Record Oflice and British Museum. Since no study of Ramsey can be complete until all this material has been examined, the present paper, being based upon a small proportion only of the unprinted documents, in addition to the printed material, has been limited : first, to a description of the life on the more important Ramsey manors in the thirteenth century and a comparison with this of the life in the twelfth century ; and, secondly, to a more detailed consideration of the organization and administration, at a somewhat later period, of one, probably typical, Ramsey manor as 1 Cartularium Monasterii de Kameseia, published in three vohimes in the Kolls Series. ^ The Chronicle of the Abbey of Eamsey, in the Rolls Series. 8 ECONOMIC CONDITIONS ON RAMSEY MANORS. exhibited in the account rolls of that manor.* Furtlierraore, in order to facilitate a full understanding of the economic conditions of the manors, an introductory account is given of Ramsey abbey, and of the situation and extent of the Ramsey manors and their relations to the abbot. CHAPTER I. A General Description op Ramsey and the Manors. The history of Ramsey Abbey will be best obtained from the Chronicle of Ramsey and from Dugdale's Monasticon. For the present purpose it is sufficient to say that Ramsey was founded probably^ in the reign of Edgar, and continued generally pros- perous until its dissolution in 1539. The monastery was built upon the island of Ramsey in Hirst- ingston Hundred, Huntingdonshire, near the southern boundary of the great fens. The island was small, two miles long by less than two broad, and, like other islands of the fens, very fertile. Upon it were all the buildings of the monastery and the vineyards and orchards of the monks. At the abbey gate grew up in the course of time the village of Ramsey and the village church. To the west, where the fen was narrowest, the monks connected the island with the mainland by a causeway of stone and wood.^ North and east the fens extended for many miles, broken only by occasional islands of which Ely was the largest, and by the meres of Whittlesea, Ben- wick, Ugg, and Brik. Little attempt was made in early times to drain this fen land. A few dikes, traces of which still remain, were built through the district by the Romans,* Cardike, the most im- portant, extending from Lincoln to Peterborough, and perhaps even ^ A number of the account or compotus rolls of the manor of Wistowe in Ilunt- ,, ingdonshire are printed in the appendix. Il * The authority for Blomefield's statement (History of Norfolk, i. 195) that Ramsey was one of the monasteries destroyed by the Danes in 870 is Matt. Paris, Chron. Maj., i. 392. Matt. Paris in turn follows the Register of Abbot Cnrteys (see Appendix to Antiq. Sancti Edmundi Burj^i, Battely). Probably the date given in the foundation charter (R. C, ii. 51) is the correct one. '- * See Chronicle of Ramsey. * Wells, History of the Draining of the Bedford Level. Skertchley, Geology of the Fen Land. (Memoirs of the Geological Survey. ) GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF RAMSEY. 9 farther south to Ramsey. In the east there were, dikes near Wis- beach, of wliich Poclike was the most important, and numerous embankments along the coast. Tradition ascribes to Cnut the Cnut's Dike, or Kingsdelph, between Peterborough and Ramsey. The Monk's Lode, extending out into the fens from Sawtrey, was built by the monks of Sawtrey in the twelfth century as a channel along which to bring in stone for their monastery. Until, however, the formation of the Bedford Level Company the fens remained practically untouched. Proximity to the fens gave to the monas- teries of the district a certain local colour. Each house had, for ex- ample, important fen fisheries, those of Ramsey being valued in Domesday Book at £10.' Again, the villeins of neighbouring villages were required, as part of their regular services, to cut in the fen thorns and rods for enclosures, estovers, and a kind of reed excel- lent for thatching. The rights of common pasture for their cattle upon the coarse grass growing in the drier places were unfailing subjects for dispute among the monasteries. South of Ramsey, where firmer land began, almost all the vills were held by the abbey. The only interruptions to Ramsey lands north of the Ouse were the royal forest of Sapley, the Ely soke of Somersham, including the five manors of Somersham, Pidley, Fen- ton, Earith, and Bluntisham, and the royal borough of Huntingdon. The group of Ramsey manors extending south of the Ouse to in- clude the Hemingfords, was the largest and most concentrated held by the abbey; it included Bury, Wistowe, Upwood, two Raveleys, Warboys, Broughton, Ripton, Slepe, where the fair of S. Ives was held, Holywell, Houghton and Witton,two Hemingfords, and parts of Stukeley and Sawtrey. Except in the cases of the two last named, in which at the time of Domesday Book manors were held by Eustace and by that Judith tlirough the marriage of whose daugh- ter Matilda the earldom of Huntingdon passed into the hands of the kings of Scotland, the vills in this group were held intact by the abbot, the vill and manor being in every case coterminous. Other Ramsey manors were scattered through the counties of Hunt- ingdon, Cambridge, Northampton, Bedford, Lincoln, and Norfolk, the abbot holding also one manor in Suffolk and one in Hertford- shire. These outlying manors were in some cases coterminous with ' D. B., i. 205. "In Witelesmare habet abbas de Ramesy i navem et abbas de burg i navem et abbas de Torny ii naves. ... In Hontedunescire piscarise et marae abbatis de Ramesy preciantur x lib. abbatis de Torny Ix sol. abbatis deBurg iiii lib." 10 ECONOMIC CONDITIONS ON RAMSEY MANORS. the vill ; often, Ijowever, other lords held manors in the same vill, the strips of the tenants lying intermixed in the open fields. Of the numerous Ramsey manors in Cambridgeshire only two, Gravele and Cnapwell, rated each at five hides, included the whole vill. The following table has been made from Domesday Book of the vills at that time held entirely or in part by the abbot, together with the amount of his holding and the holding of other lords where such existed : County. Hundred. Vill. Tenant. Tenement. Huntingdon Hirstingstoni Bluntisham Abbot of Ramsey J^hide 6% hides Bishop of Ely Stivecle^ Abbot of Ramsey Eustace Judith 7 hides 1 virgate 3 hides Riptune Abbot of Ramsey 10 hides Broctune Abbot of Ramsey his sokemen 4 hides 5 hides Wistov Abbot of Ramsey 9 hides Upehude Abbot of Ramsey 10 hides Haliewelle Abbot of Ramsey 9 hides Slepe Abbot of Ramsey 20 hides Hoctune Abbot of Ramsey 7 hides Witune Abbot of Ramsey 7 hides Wardebusc Abbot of Ramsey 10 hides Toselund Ghellinge Abbot of Ramsey Alberic de Ver 5 hides 5 hides Emingeforde Abbot of Ramsey by Radulf Eustace Alberic de Ver 18 hides Ihide 4 hides 11 hides ~ Radulf Ihide Alia Eminge- Abbot of Ramsey 5 hides forde Upeforde Abbot of Ramsey Arnulf Hesding by monks of Cluny Judith Eustace 4 hides 10 hides 3 hides 3 hides Dellinctune Abbot of Ramsey 6 hides Delestun Redinges Abbot of Ramsey 1 hide (Leystonestane) A bbot of Ramsey William Engayne Eustace 7 hides i% hides 4% hides Bierne Abbot of Ramsey 4 hides Breninctune Abbot of Ramsey 4 hides Westune Abbot of Ramsey Eustace 10 hides 1 hide (soke iu Acu- mesberie) Elintune Abbot of Ramsey 10 hides Normaucros Saltrede Abbot of Ramsey Eustace Judith Taini Regis 7% hides }4 virgate 3 hides 3}i virgates 10 hides ]/, carucate Adelintune Abbot of Ramsey 10 hides Lodintuiie Abbot of Ramsey iVo hides Cambridge Stov Bron Abbot of Ramsey Alan 1 hide 4 hides 1 virgate (Biune) Picot de Grentebrige Peter de Valongies 1 13 hides 1 hide 3 virgates 1 For the ungelded demesne lands in Hirstingston Hundred see D. B., i. 203, and Mr. Round in Domesday Studies, i. 96. 2 The Domesday spelling of the names of vills has been retained. GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF RAMSEY. 11 County. Hundred. ViLL. Tenant. Tenement. Cambridge Stov Abbot of Ramsey Alan 2 hides 134 virgates 334 virgates Harduin de Scalers Papeword Gravele Abbot of Ramsey 5 hides Elesworde Abbot of Ramsey Gislebert de Gand Harduin de Scalers 9 hides 1 virgate 5 acres 34 hide less 5 acres 1 virgate Chenepewelle Abbot of Ramsey 5 hides Boehesworde Abbot of Ramsey Alan Robert Gernoun Gislebert de Gand Harduin de Scalers 34 hide 1 hide 334 hides 1 hide 1 virgate 43^ hides Draitune Abbot of Ramsey Terra Regis Alani Alan Gislebert de Gand Picot de Grentebrige 3 virgates 3^ hide 3 hides 43^ hides 3 hides 1 virgate 1 hide Cure Abbot of Ramsey Harduin de Scalers Picot de Grentebrige Judith 10 hides 3 virgates 2 hides 1 virgate 34 hide J^hide Staplehov Burwelle Abbot of Ramsey Cetriz Alan Alan Harduin 10 hides 1 virgate Khide 2}i hides 1 hide 1 virgate X hide Norestov G re tune Abbot of Ramsey 8 iiides 23^ virgates 234 hides >^ virgate Count Moriton Picot de Grentebrige 3 hides 3 virgates Two hundreds of Cetriz Abbot of Ramsey 3 hides less 3^ virgate Ely Abbot of Ely 2 hides 3^ virgate Wisbech Abbot of Ramsey Abbot of Crowland William de Warenne Abbot of Ely 8 fishers " 3 fishers 6 fishers 2 fishers Hertford Odesei Furreuuelde Abbot of Ramsey 10 hides 1 virgate Suffolli Fabentga Lawesselam Abbot of Ramsey 8 carucates with soke Bedford Radeburnsoca Cranfelle Abbot of Ramsey 10 hides Flichtham Bertone Abbot of liamsey 11 hides Pechesdene Abbot of Ramsey 10 hides Hereford Wiboldestune Abbot of Ramsey Eudo Dapifer Hugo de Belcamp Ricardus, son of Gisle- bert The wife of Radulf Taillebois Nigel de Albingi 13^ virgates 6 hides 3 virgates 3^ virgate 2 hides 34 virgate 53^ virgates 9 hides 1 virgate Bicheleswade Hereford Abbot of Ramsey Osbern, son of Walter 5 hides 3 hides 01 i stone Clistone Abbot of Ramsey Bishop of Lincoln Eudo, son of Hubert Nigel de Albingi Judith 1 hide 3 hides y, virgate 63^ hides 2 hides 1 hide Sethlindone Abbot of Ramsey 10 hides Holewelle Abbot of Ramsey Abbot of Westminster 334 hides 6K hides 3^1iide Standon Abbot of Ramsey Wife of Radulf Taille- bois 234 hides Northamp- ton Northampton Abbot of Ramsey 1 house Wilibroc Hala Abbot of Ramsey 13^ virgates Luditune Abbot of Ramsey 34 hide Adelintune Abbot of Ramsey 3^ hide 1% hides S. Peter of Burg 1 Not mentioned in Inquis. Com. Cant. ; the manor is assessed at 10 hides. There is another Drayton in Chesterton Hundred. 12 ECONOMIC CONDITIONS ON RAMSEY MANORS. County. Hundred. VILL. Tenant. Tenement. Northamp- ton Pochebroc Hemintone Abbot of Ramsey- 2^ hides Hochelav Bernewell et Abbot of Ramsey 6 hides Dodintune King 6 hides 1 virgate Wimerlev Wicetone Abbot of Ramsey 3 hides Brachefeld Abbot of Ramsey Judith Judith 1 house belonging to Wicetone with 5 acres Soke of % acre 3 virgates Liucoln Bishop of Bayeux 3 virgates Cominctune Abbot of Ramsey 1 car. 6 bov. Bishop of Lincoln 9 car. 23^ bov. Cranwelle Abbot of Ramsey Gislebert de Gaud 3^ car. prati 13'4 car. Trichingham Abbot of Ramsey Gislebert de Gand Colswain Bishop of Durham Odo Vliuet %car. 1 car. 14 bov. and fraction 5 bov. and fraction 10 bov. and fraction 5 bov. and fraction Norfolk Clachelosei Hidlingheia Abbot of Ramsey William de Warenne Invas. Hermeri 2 car. 22 acres 6 acres Winebotsham Abbot of Ramsey William de Warenne Invas. Hermeri 2 car. IJ^ car. 7 freemen in W. and Stowe. Hermer had commendation and half soke. Snora Abbot of Ramsey 3^ car. Derham "1 Phorham y . Abbot of Ramsey A small holding Utevelle J Fredeburga Walsoca Abbot of Ramsey 1 car. 1 fishery Dochiiiga Broncestra Abbot of Ramsey 3, (10 ?) car. Smethdune Rinetede Abbot of Ramsey 2 car. Brodecros Bruneham Abbot of Ramsey A small holding through Roger Bigod The few changes in the general extent of Ramsey lands tliat oc- curred after Domesday Book may be observed by comparing with Domesday Book the lists of manors given in the Chartulaiy.^ In the time of Abbot Walter, after the occupation of the monastery by Geoffrey de Mandeville, the greatest number of alienations was made, but even at this time the total amount of land that changed hands was not great. More important changes were the result of the " fission of vills." Two Raveleys, berewics of Wistowe and Upwood, became distinguished. Caldecote was coupled with War- boys, and Wenyngton, a neighbouring hamlet, with Ripton. The Hemingford and Alia Hemingford, not always clearly distinguished in Domesday Book, became Hemingford Abbot's and Hemingford Gre}^ tlie latter, a knight's fee, taking its name from Reginald Gre}', who held it of the Count of Oxford, who lield it of the abbot. Two ^ The abbot had the soke of the hundred and half of Clachelose. ^ iii. 208. GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF RAMSEY. 13 Giddings (Redinges ?) are probably already separated in Domesday Book. The three Sawtreys, Sawtrey le Moygne, Monks' Sawtrey and Judith's Sawtrey, and Great and Little Stukeley became more clearly defined. Only one Ripton appears in Domesday Book. King's Ripton, a manor in ancient demesne, was afterwards held at farm by the abbot for £8 a year.^ The abbot held also, from the time of Henry II., the hundred of Hirstingston at farm for four silver marcs.^ The exact amount of land under cultivation in Ramsey manors in the thirteenth century cannot be determined because the hida- tion of the manors, given in the extents, represents a fiscal assess- ment not always to be reduced to areal terms. The confusion be- tween the fiscal and areal hides is recognized in the extents, and various expedients are used to reconcile the two systems. The manor of Barton,^ for example, was rated to the king at 10 hides, to the abbot at lis hides, the abbot's assessment agreeing more nearly with Domesday Book. In Cranfield,*on the other hand, the king's assessment of 10 hides agrees with the Domesday assessment, but the manor answered to the abbot for Hi hides. The abbot, being nearer to the land, would perhaps make an assessment more nearly in accordance with the actual conditions. Usually, however, the number of virgates to the hide or acres to the virgate was increased or decreased until the territorial and fiscal hides agreed. Although, therefore, the average number of acres to the hide for all Ramsey manors was very little over 120, yet the variation in individual cases was very great. In Therfield 64 acres made a virgate,* in I^awshall 50 acres, but in Ripton only 151 acres and in Shitlingdon only 12 acres. In Shitlingdon the hide, containing four virgates, that is, 48 acres, was unusually small. In Barnwell, Remington, and Gravele seven virgates were required to make the hide, in Lawshall only three virgates. Hides on the same manor sometimes differed. In 1 ii. 82 ; i. 273. » ii. 84. ' i. 475 : " Villata de Barthona defendit versus regem pro decern liydis, et ver- sus abbatem pro undecim hydis et dimidia et dimidia virgata prseter crofterium et cotlandiam." * ii. 4 : "In Craunfeld sunt undecim hydse, una virgata et dimidia, et una cot- landa, quae continet tertiam partem unius virgatie, praeter dominicum curiae, quod non scitur quantum contineat. Sic coniputatur quantum ad abbatem. Tota etiam villata cum dominico computatur, quantum ad Eegem, pro decern hydis." See also iii. 219, 314. ^ For figures see Table of Hidation, iii. 208. 14 ECONOMIC CONDITIONS ON RAMSEY MANORS. Shitlingdon, where four ^drgates usually made a hide, one-half hide of four virgates occurred.^ In Gravele' seven virgates of unknown acreage made a free hide, 64 virgates, of 20 acres each, a hide in villenage. A virgate in Barton' contained at most 28 acres, at least 23 acres. Brancester* was rated at 10 hides, hut it was not known how many virgates made a hide there nor how many acres a virgate. Even if the expedients of the compilers of the extents could be trusted to remove the discrepancy between the fiscal and areal hides, it would still be impossible to reckon the extent of the vill since not all the land was necessarily included in the fiscal assessment. Privileged tenements on most manors were put, or, if assart land, allowed to remain, unhided (extra hidam) in order to escape the payment of hidage. A virgate in Broughton, for example, ceased to pay hidage when fraudulently put extra hidam by the farmer of the vill,° and from Domesday Book® it appears that all demesne lands in Hirstingston hundred were exempt from the payment. Manors such as Hulme and Ringsted, that were not hided, or in which land was held usually in acre lots, as in Brancester and Chat- teris, paid no hidage.'' The only exception to the rule that non- hided land paid no hidage seems to have been one virgate in War- boys.* The object of hidage was " to sustain the knights of the abbey in the army of the king,'" and, except in the cases of occa- sional tenants who owed both scutage and hidage,^" the payment was made by non-military tenants of hided land, that is by tenants at money rents and by virgaters, and seems thus to have extended a form of the military obligation to the bulk of the villeins. The small holdings of cottars, crofters and lesser tenants being given, as a rule, in acres, and paying no hidage, were probably another con- siderable item omitted in the hidation of the vill. » i. 459. ^ iii. 214. ^ i. 475. * i. 413, 438. ^ i. 334 . . . . " unam virgatam .... quae etiam solebat dare hydagium, auxilium vicecomitis, et pontagium. Quae servitia, a tempore Johannis Kussel, tunc temporis firniarii de Broughtone, qui eandem virgatam terrse, ob favorem Henrici Pyncernne, fraudulenter posuit extra hydam, omnia hactenusdetinentur." 6 D. B., i. 203. ^ i. 401, 404, 412, 429. * i. 308: " Heres Willelmi . . . tenet unam virgatam extra hydam pro duobus cotlandis, pro qua dat duos solidos per annum ; . . . . dat hydagium, quotiens servitium domini Regis exigitur ab abbatia ; dat etiam wodehac." " i. 273 and elsewhere. Compare especially iii. 219 : " Ita quod tota terra nos- trae abbatife communicata est cum ipsis {i.e., the military tenants) per hidas Jid istud servitium (of four knights) perficiendum." ^° ii. 36 : "Dat scutagium et hydagium." See also ii. 47. GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF RAMSEY. 15 Although little territorial value can be safely assigned to the tables of hidation in the Chartulary, yet, because the Ramsey manors were situated in counties where the boundaries of the vills have remained for all practical purposes stationary, some idea of the ex- tent of the old vills may be obtained from the present acreage given in the reports of the Board of Agriculture or from a study of the ordnance maps. In this connexion the following table may be of some interest. It is taken from an agricultural description of the county of Huntingdon^ in the year 1811, before the enclosure of some of the vills, and gives the total acreage of the important group of Ramsey manors in Huntingdonshire, together with the amount in arable, waste, wood, heath, and fen at that time. Although the total acreage may have remained sufhciently the same, the proportion of land under each head must have greatly changed. The draining of the fens would make a large difference in the amount of arable. 6 <6 w a o ^ decessores sui attraxenmt sib! de corpore comitatus extra praedictara banlencara in aliquo loco per duas leucas, in aliquo loco per tres, alicubi per quinque, alicubi per septem leucas" .... For boundaries of banlieu see i. 214, 243. * i. 223 ; iii. 65. For a court roll of the banlieu see the appendix. eENERAL DESCRIPTION OF RAMSEY. 17 serve for the abbey' and to arrange other military matters. The court was held every three weeks, but the greater number of suitors attended at two great sessions at Michaelmas and Easter, Professor Maitland has shown from the rolls of Broughton^ the increasing difficulty in enforcing the attendance of important suitors at the court. The rolls are full of essoins and of repeated distraints of those that have not even essoined themselves. Another important privilege of the abbot, of a different character, •" was the right to hold markets and fairs. Markets were held at fre- quent intervals on most, if not all, manors. They formed small local centres of trade attended by very few, probably, besides the inhabitants of the immediate neighbourhood. Fairs were of more general interest. Th^great fair of S. Ives, ranking with Boston next after Winchester and Stourbridge, was held each year in the old Ram- sey manor of Slepe on the river Ouse. The origin of the fair is ob- scure ; according to Matthew Paris^ a fair existed from a very early time, although the bones of S. Ives, after whom it was named, were not discovered in Slepe until 1002.* Henry I.^ confirmed to the abbot in 1110 a fair to be held for eight days in each year, beginning on the Wednesday before Easter. In John's reign an additional fair of which very little is afterward heard, was held in August during the octave of Saint Lawrence.® In 1252 the king, by the advice of Robert Passelewe, disturbed the abbot in the possession of the fair, but because " the noble house of Ramsey incurred thereby so great a damage that it would rather have lost any of its manors,'" in 1258 an arrangement was made by which, on the immediate pay- ment of 500 marcs and the yearly rent of £50, the abbot regained his privileges.® Thereafter the fair continued as long as the abbot wished, and Ramsey received all the proceeds that had before gone to the king, together with stallage, the right to receive payment from stalls, tronage, the right to possess a beam for weighing coarse goods, and all plens, forfeitures, rents, and revenues. No royal bailiff or officer entered the fair. In 1286," under a plea of quo ^ For a discussion of the Ramsey knight service see Round, Feudal England, 296-298. ■^ Select Pleas in Manorial Courts, court rolls of Broughton. •''Chron. Maj., v. 296-297. 'Ramsey Chronicle, 114. Compare Chron. Maj., i. 480. Mi. 101. 6 ii. 297. ' Chron. Maj., v. 297. « R. C, ii. 67 ; Chron Maj., v. 699. » R. C, iii. 56. 2 18 ECONOMIC CONDITIONS ON RAMSEY MANORS. warranto, the abbot was summoned before the itinerant justices to answer the claims of the bailiffs of Huntingdon borough that they, the bailiffs, were in seisin of the tolls taken in the fair, that such tolls belonged to the royal borough of Huntingdon held by them in fee farm, and that it was their privilege to carry a black rod through the fair and collect the tolls. The abbot, while admitting that they should carry the rod, denied their right to receive tolls except at the entrance of the vill. The vill of S. Ives was divided into two parts, the Street of the Bridge, Vicus Pontis, and the Green, grena. During the fair the Street of the Bridge was probably a great centre of trade. Those that held houses and lands facing on the street were often obliged to hold their fronts at the will of the lord, so that he might, if de- sired, have his own stalls there or receive the proceeds^ from the stalls of his tenants. Those that dwelt in the Street of the Bridge had in common many services, and at least the one privilege of folding their own sheep.^ The Green does not appear in the extents of S. Ives except in the name of the typical virgater, Nicholas ad Grenam.^ In a court roll of S. Ives, however, the distinction be- tween street and green is clearly made. After a preamble telling the date and place of holding the court, the names of nine jurors are given, and after these the names of eleven jurors for the Street of the Bridge and six for the Green.* Again, in the same roll, in a list of the watches owed during fair time by the villatce ad arma jurake, two constables were required for the Street of the Bridge and for the Green. Keeping watch at S. Ives was one of the usual ser- vices of Ramsey villeins. An obligation binding many manors directly with Ramsey was the rendering of farms. Professor Maitland has shown that beside the right to receive wites and the resulting right of the lord to hold a court for his villeins, another element of royal superiority alienated by the king to churches in the original grant was the right to re- ceive a farm or food rent from the alienated land.* Ramsey farms 'R. C. i. 287: . . . . " et sustinet frontem ad opus domini abbatis." Again (ibid.) . . . " tenet duo mesuagia in vico frontes et arreragia dictoruni mesuagiorum pro voluntate sua locat tempore nundinaruni." i. 291 . . . . " et sustinent tres frontes in nundinis ad opus Abbatis." 2 i. 284: . . . " et bidentes extraneoruni et eorum qui terram non habent in vico pontis jacere debent in falda abbatis et non alibi." 3 i. 287. ■• Public Kecord Office, Court Rolls, 178,/ 96. * See Domesday Book and Beyond, 235. GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF RAMSEY. 19 must then have had a long history, but it is not until some time after the Conquest that we hear of them. The Chartulary contains^ two sets of undated documents in which the farm system of Ram- sey is described with great fulness. The preamble of one set fixes the date of the following documents later than Henry I.,^ but, judg- ing from the somewhat antique spelling of place names, it is perhaps later by not many years. The other set corresponds in general con- tents with the first, and may probably be ascribed to the same period. Other occasional references to farms in the Chartulary and Chronicle are of less importance.^ The farm system as it is described in the Chartulary documents was as follows : all the manors were divided into two groups, the manors assigned to the convent of the monks to provide hospitality, and the manors assigned to the chamber of the abbot. A number of manors in the second group belonged to the barony also. The manors assigned to the convent corresponded with those assigned to the steward or cellarer, and wqre the manors from which the food supply of the monastery was drawn. There were due from them at the abbey during the year the equivalent of thirteen full or fort- nightly farms (quindenx, firmse duarum hebdomarum) or food sup- plies, each of which was extended by the cellarer to last over four of the fifty-two weeks of the year. Eight manors owed a full fiirm and ten other manors owed a fiirm of one week. The farm of each manor was rendered not entire, but in fixed portions at appointed dates.'' In October, for example, parts of the farms of Weston, Elton, Therfield, and Burwell were due ; the remainder of Burwell's farm was rendered in January, February, and July. The carriage of the farm to Ramsey was part of the services of the villein. In Burwell,^ in Cambridgeshire, a virgater carried the farm whenever the Jirmarius desired, and in return was free from the work of one day. In other cases the villein, at the will of the firmnrius,^ furnished two horses to carry the farm. It has been suggested' that the re- markable extension of a fortnight's food supply over four weeks was a deviation from the original system, and was due to the poverty of the abbey under Abbot Walter after Geoffrey de Mandeville's occu- Mii. 160-; 230-. Mii. 163. ^ See i. 65, in the catalogue of books of the lost library of Ramsey : "antiquus pamfletus de firmis." See also Chronicle, 40, 206. Mii. 234. Mii. 310. 'iii. 301. ' Vinogradoff, Villainage in England, 301. 20 ECONOMIC CONDITIONS ON RAMSEY MANORS. pation. The Chartulary documents would, then, date from this period.' The distress described in the Ramsey Chronicle, the con- fusion of the monastic life, the desolation of agriculture and the re- sulting alienation of lands after the withdrawal of Geoflfrey's men,' makes an extension of the farms as a means of temporary relief a not improbable measure. There is, however, no direct evidence in support of the theory in the Chartulary.^ The composition of the various farms is practically the same in the two sets of documents. The full or fortnightly farm included : (a) of bread, 12 quarters of ground wheat, valued at 20 s., to be used for the monks and their guests ; 2000 loaves (^vokepanni) for the ser- vants, valued at 12 marcs ; (b) of ale, 50 mittx'- of barley, valued at 32 s. ; 25 mittx of malt at 24 s. ; (c) miscellaneous, 24 mittse of fod- der, 10 Ihs. of cheese, 10 Ihs. of lard, 2 treix of beans, 2 trdse. of butter, bacon, honey, 10 fressings, 14 lambs, about 125 hens, 14 geese, 2200 eggs, 1000 herring. Nine manors delivered also five cartloads of hay each. A full farm included, besides the tribute in kind, £4 in money. The sum of the money equiva- lents of the articles of the farm, together with the £4, made the total value of the full farm approximately £17 ; the value of all the farms together was about £221. The amount of food received at Ramsey was increased by certain " presents " made from the manors. The firviarms who had the management of the farms paid, besides the farm, 5 s. less 1 d. in food each year, and also at the three festivals of Christmas, Easter, and S. Benedict " presented " fixed amounts of cheese, butter, eggs, wheat, malt, and barley, and a number of hens. Once in the year he provided also thirty-six men to work in the vineyard. ' The hypothesis is perhaps slightly supported by the fact that the amounts of the farms in the Chartulary tables (iii. 160) are in every case written over era- sures. New, smaller amounts may possibly have been substituted for the older Qnes. " I^amsey Chronicle, 334. 3 The statute of Abbot Aldwin (1091-1102), confirmed by Reginald (1114-1133) (iii. 163). calls the manors held by the cellarer farm manors, and their full (plena) farm corresponds with the fortnightly farm described in the second set of docu- ments ( iii. 230). The number of manors contributing sui)plies is not given in Abbot Aldwin's statute. A curtailment in the amount from each manor is, however, more probable than a curtailment in the number of manors, and probably, there- fore, the documents either date from the same period or show unchanging condi- tions. Early references to the farm system occur in the Chronicle, 40, 206. * A mUta was \isuallv between 4 and 5 rings (16 and 20 bushels). GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF RAMSEY. 21 The manors owinc; a full or fortnightly farm were Elton, Therfield, Burwell, Elsworth, and Warboys. Slepe and Houghton rendered each two weeks' farm, of which one week was a " lentfarm." Wes- ton, Brington, and Bithorn together rendered a full fortnightly farm. Cranfield, Upwood, Gravele, Broughton, Ripton, and Halywell ren- dered each a full farm of one week, half, that is, the farm of two weeks. Wistowe, Cnapwell, Hemingford, and Elington rendered lent farms (, due in Lent and differing frona the ordinary farm of one week only in the fact that 40 -s. in money was given in- stead of 5 lbs. of cheese and 5 lbs. of lard. Every farm manor, whether it owed a farm of two weeks, of one week, or a lent farm, gave 16 d. to the poor from the eleemosynary or Maundeacre on Maundy Thursday.^ The monks had for their own use the vineyards and orchards, the cow and pig yards on the island, the fisheries of Wells and all the meres, ponds and adjacent waters. Hechmundgrave, near Ramsey, and the island of Ramsey were assigned to the cellarer, refectory and kitchen of the monas- tery, and the arable of Hechmundgrave and Ramsey to the suste- nance of the fowls and cattle of the monks. The assignment of manors to the convent as farm manors was ar- bitrary,^ and any discrepancy in the various lists may be explained by a change in assignment. The classification of the other manors is more obscure. They were assigned to the chamber of the abbot^ and the barony,* and might belong to both.* The assignment to the chamber of the abbot was arbitrary,® but in no case, probably, did a manor belonging to the barony owe a farm. The manors belong- ing to the chamber included, in the main, those that did not belong to the convent, and, like those assigned to the convent, were subject to change. Their functions were : to defend the church in pleas arising in lay or ecclesiastical courts, to supply the convent Avith bread and ale, and to cover any deficit in the farms.' Occasional assignments were made to other departments of the abbey also.^ Rents were received by the almoner and pittancer, the ^ iii. 233: "Ad raandatum pauperum in Ccena Domini sexdecim denarios de acra elemosinse." i. 458, . . . "Camerarius Eameseipe percipit duas acras fru- menti, nuncupatas Maunde acras, in meliori loco et blado purissimo." See also iii. 164. 2 ii. 218, 232, 235, 240. Mii. 1G9. M. 267. * iii. 169 ; i. 267. For example, Hemingford, Brongliton, Chatteris, Ringsted. «ii. 219, 222, 223; iii. 291. 'iii. 170. » Ramsey Chronicle, 301. 22 ECONOMIC CONDITIONS ON RAMSEY MANORS. rents and church of Warboys belonging to the almoner alone/ Other important obedientarii of the abbey, not connected with the farm system, were a prior, with full power in the abbot's absence, a sub-prior, two monks, the abbot's chaplains, witnesses, coadjutors, and advisors in all matters, and a monk who kept the seal of the abbey. External affairs were managed by two monks and the seneschal of the house who referred any doubtful matter to the abbot. Within the abbey one monk under the cellarer had charge of the bread, ale and wine ; another of the bake-house and brewery, the hay and candles. All the money belonging to the chamber was given to three treasurers, to be reserved by them for the use of the monastery and to make good any deficit in the returns of the con- vent. To these treasurers the farmers, who paid a lump sum to the abbot as a composition for the proceeds of a manor, were accus- tomed to pay at certain times, being warned " to make no waste in wood or demesne, and to oppress no one unjustly whereby the chamberlain or almoner should receive an injury."^ No manor belonging to the convent or chamber could be put at farm without the common consent of the convent, nor could any customary land be made free or any land alienated. The judicial powers and special franchises of the abbot and the farms represent the external organization of the Ramsey fief, the relation of the manors as a whole to the abbot. Another connex- ion between the abbot and his men, more important for the study of economic conditions, existed within each manor in the work done by villagers on the lord's demesne and the payments made to the abbot's representative in the manor. The discussion of this phase of, Ramsey manorial life will form the second part of this paper. CHAPTER II. Economic Conditions in the Twelfth and Thirteenth Centuries. The special value of the study of economic conditions within tlie Ramsey manors lies first in the fact that the Chartulary extents, the chief sources of information, cover a large number of manors, and 1 ii. 204. ^ Theaefirmarii should not be confused with the firmarii who managed the farms. COMPARISON OF ECONOMIC CONDITIONS. 23 secondly in the fact that the two series in which the extents are contained, being separated by many years, furnish on comparison evidences of certain economic changes and developments. The extents of the first series^ are undated, but their approximate period may be determined. They describe not only the conditions at the time of writing, but also those " in the time of King Henry." The villagers that held land when the extents were written were usually removed by one generation^ from those holding land in Henry's reign. It does not immediately appear which Henry is meant, although the fact that no distinguishing number is added to the name perhaps implies Henry I. More certain evidence is obtained when, as occasionally happens, the name of King Henry is coupled with that of a contemporary abbot whose date can be ascertained from the Chartulary. The extent of Elington, for example, tells how, after the death of King Henry, the church of Elington acquired one virgate of land from Abbot Walter.^ Walter was abbot from 1133-1160, Henry I. died in 1135; the date of the first series is therefore probably fixed in the generation after Henry I., during the reign of Stephen or early in the reign of Henry II.* After the con- fusion and devastation of Geoffrey de Mandeville's occupation the abbot may well have desired to have the obligations of his men and the extent of his lands clearly defined. The extents of the second series* are usually dated, and may be generally ascribed to the second half of the thirteenth century. Between the first and second series, therefore, about a hundred years intervened. In addition to the two important series there are a few scattered, usually undated, extents® and a short series of " ver- dicts " of the latter part of the twelfth century.'' The thirteenth century extents show the Ramsey manorial system in its typical form, the villata bound to the lord by heavy labour service still actually performed. In this, as in the earlier period, the conditions 1 iii. 257. 2 iii. 258, 270, 272, 273, 283, 301, 309, 313, and elsewhere. Occasionally the land was still held by the tenant of Henry I. (iii. 258 [bis), 261) ; occasionally it had already descended to the second generation, (iii. 258, 261.) ^ iii. 305 : " Et ecclesia possidebat tunc (T. E. H. ) novem acras et post mortem Regis Henrici Osmundus Presbyter acquisivit Ecclesiae unam virgatam ab Waltero Abbate." See iii. 176 for date of Abbot Walter. * iii. 304 : " Henrici Regis Senioris " is mentioned. See also iii. 25-1. * i. 251—. « iii. 289, 292, 296. ^ iii. 241—. 24 ECONOMIC CONDITIONS ON RAMSEY MANORS. described by the extents, even of manors far apart territorially, are generally uniform. The results gained by a study and comparison of the extents of the two centuries should aid in determining whether, in the twelfth and thirteenth centuries, the general tendency in the Ramsey manors was towards an increase or decrease of villein obligations. A de- crease would lend some support to the theory of an originally ser- vile condition of English peasantry ; an increase, on the other hand, would indicate a depression of at least a part of that peasantry, and the hardening and tightening of villein obligations. Before dis- cussing the directions in which these tendencies might appear, how- ever, it will be necessary to describe a difference in the form of the series of extents— a difference wdiich, although in itself perhaps sig- nificant, makes comparison difhcult. The earlier extents are very short. They usually contain a state- ment of the hidation of the manor, a list of the free tenants and ten- ants holding by money rent, the services and payments incumbent upon them, the amount of land in villenage, the labour services of the typical virgater, and of the cottars and lesser holders. Sometimes an account of the live stock of the manor is added. The descrip- tion of the villein services is in almost every case very brief, rarely covering more than a quarter to a half page. The week work, ploughings and reapings, carrying service and customary payments are given in bare outline. The thirteenth century extents, on the other hand, are long and full ; they describe, often in minute detail, the normal life of the manor. The order of their contents is usually as follows :— After an account of the land held by the village church and the various tithes due to the priest, the manor is de- scribed topographically. A long list is given of the culturae or fields of the demesne, the names of which are usually indicative of local characteristics.^ The number of ploughs necessary for the cultiva- tion of the demesne is given, followed by a description of the 1 Compare, for example, the extent of Wistowe, i. 353: "Domiuicum Abbatis de Wystowe consistit in subscriptis culturis videlicet ; Briggefnrlange ; Helre- stube' ; Clayhulle abuetans super Lowewey ; alia cnltnra, qufe appellatur ("hahelle .... Brocfurlange ; Henepelande .... Stoneeroft ; Bernewellcshalu ; Kelne- weye ; cultura, quae appellatur Nientiene .... super Stonilande, quinque sel- liones; ad Langgebeggho .... Byssopeswonge .... Kyngeslond .... Fulbrocfurlauge .... Mulnefurlange .... Littlehylle .... Nomannes- lande." .... COMPARISON OF ECONOMIC CONDITIONS. 25 meadows, woods, and marshes. The total hidation of the vill, in which the demesne is sometimes included, is next stated, the re- mainder and bulk of the extent being filled with a list, by name, of the tenants of the manor, their services and holdings. The descrip- • tions of the labours and obligations of the typical virgater usually cover several pages ; any small variations in the services of other men of the class are carefully noted, and the obligations of cottars and lesser men are fully described. The existence of a second series of extents is itself suggestive. To justify the abbot in making new extents for so many manors the older series must have been proved insufficient. Certain changes in the hidation of vills, in the tenants, and in the creation of new tenements had occurred, but were probably not in themselves of sufficient importance to necessitate a whole series of new extents. It seems more probable that the lord was finding the old extents too indefinite. He was anxious to exact the uttermost from the villeins, and in order to leave no loophole of escape or option he caused the exact services of each tenant to be written. If a decrease in the earlier obligations appear, these new extents may seem to repre- sent a struggle on the lord's part to retain what is passing from him ; if an increase, they may mark a step forward on the lord's part dic- tated by his desire to ensure what he has already gained. Economic changes implying such an elevation or depression of the condition of peasants between the twelfth and thirteenth cen- turies will then be sought in the two following directions : first, in an increase or decrease in the amount of land and number of tenants at labour service ; secondly, in an increase or decrease in the weight of the obligations of those owing such service. 1. Tenants and tenements. — Three main classes of tenants are de- scribed in the extents : the holders of free lands, the tenants at a money rent (censuai-ii), and the villeins or unfree. The largest free tenements were held by military service. The Le Moygnes held in all eleven hides,' the Engaynes ten and a-half hides.^ In Hemingford the Count of Oxford held five hides. Non- military tenements rarely exceeded one or two hides, and many were much smaller.^ Large freeholders held land in demesne with free tenants, censuarii, and villeins.** In Stukeley two freeholders ' i. 267. 2 iii. 219. »i. 283 ; iii. 307, and elsewhere. *i. 491, 286. 26 ECONOMIC CONDITIONS ON RAMSEY MANORS. held demesne land that was estimated at more than three hides.^ From the tenants by military service the knights of the abbey were chosen, other freeholders owing homage and following the hundred and county courts and the court of Broughton. Sometimes the free hide paid a money rent^ and occasionally performed light labour services.* The censuarii, as their name implies, paid a money rent for their land. The class was a large one, extending from those that, while paying a rent for their land, followed the courts like the freeholders, to those that paid a trifling rent, and in their labour ser- vices are hardly to be distinguished from villeins. In the thirteenth centur}' a large number of cottars, crofters and lesser men held their land by a mone}^ rent. The villeins included the virgaters, the chief support of the manorial system, and those cottars and crofters whose land was held on a labour tenure. Although the essential obligation of each division of the tenants is clear, it is often difficult to classify an individual tenant. The classes shade into one another, or, rather, the censuarii overlap on the one side tlie free, on the other the villeins. Great difficulty in comparing the number of tenants in each class at the two periods results, a difficulty which is further increased by the inaccuracy and confusion resulting from the uncertaint}'' of the hidation, in the figures indicating the amount of tenements. The sum of hides and virgates rarely equals the given hidation of the vill.'' Any evidence based upon a comparison of the amount of land free or in villenage, or of the number of tenants in the different classes, is more or less unreliable, and an elaborate comparison of the series would proba- bly be useless. A general tendency with many exceptions may probably, however, be discerned. The most stable element in the extents is the land held by virgaters, ad opus. In a number of manors this land had appreciably increased between the time of King Henry and the thirteenth century. In Stukeley 9 out of 28 virgates were ad opus in the twelfth century, 122 out of 26i virgates in the thirteenth.^ In Shitlingdon, in the same time, 32i virgates ad opus had increased to 47 virgates, with a probable decrease in the land free or ad censum.^ In Wistowe land ad opus had increased from 27 virgates to 30^,' in Broughton from 28 virgates to 30,® and M. 393. Mii. 307. M. 343 (6is). * iii. 278, Houghton and Witton. i. 281, S. Ives. * iii. 274 ; i. 392. 6 iii. 307 ; i. 458. ' iii. 271 ; i. 351. » iii. 273 ; i. 330. COMPARISON OF ECONOMIC CONDITIONS. 27 in Elington from 24 virgates to 27*/ In Houghton and Witton the free and censuarii had probably lost 3 virgates.'' In S. Ives, on the other hand, the amount of free land and land ad cenmm had in- creased,* perhaps through the influence of the fair. In Hemingford 5 hides of the demesne had been rented by the thirteenth century, so that the land ad censum had increased.* In Holywell 8 virgates out of 23 virgates ad opus in the time of Henry I. had been rented by the thirteenth century.^ One virgate ad opus in Girton was lost between the twelfth and thirteenth centuries.® Figures obtained from other extents are too uncertain to be of value. The evidence of land passing from one condition to another is not entirely dependent upon the addition of single holdings. It is sometimes expressly stated that land once ad opus has become free or been placed ad cens^im. Such statements, however, referring to occasional holdings only, are not numerous enough to counterbal- ance the evidences of an increase in the virgates ad opus. In Wis- towe, Witton and Stukeley, for example, one virgate ad opus had been put ad censum; one virgate in Kurwell, two cotlands once ad opus in S. Ives, and five virgates once ad censum in Burwell had be- come free.'' The largest increase in rents was probably among the cottars, crofters, and smaller holders. The number of such tenants holding ad opus or ad censum was much larger in the thirteenth century than in the twelfth. In Barton* 11 cotsetles became 13 cot- lands ; 21 crofts at rent and labour, and 27 crofts held by virgaters ap- pear. In Shitlingdon® only 3 crofts, once at labour, are mentioned in the earlier extent, 13, all ad opus, are mentioned in the later, together with a number of trifling tenements of rods, fractions of acres, corners and forelands. In Houghton^" there were 20 cotlands at work, one cotland free (once ad censum), 17 tofts at work and 2 crofts ad censum in the twelfth century ; 13 " cotagia," 23 crofts, 10 cotlands and 9 tenants holding each a manse and 18 or more acres, in the thirteenth century." In almost all the later extents there is a large ' iii. 304 ; ii. 23. ^ iii. 278 ; i. 363. In Witton 25 virgates, according to the extents, were ad opus in the thirteenth century ; only 6 in the twelfth. The figures are probably wrong, however, for not all the virgates are accounted for in the twelfth century. ' iii. 280; i. 281. M. 380. ^iii. 281 ; i. 293. ejii, 313 . j 491 ' See extents for these manors quoted above. * iii. 274 ; i. 474. »iii. 307 ;i. 458. ' 10 iii. 278; i. 363. " Other examples are in Holywell, iii. 281 ; i. 293 ; in Broughton, where almost no small holders are entered in the twelfth century, iii. 273 ; i. 230 ; in Stukeley, 28 ECONOMIC CONDITIONS ON RAMSEY MANORS. number of tenants of pytels, buttes, gores, forelands, and otber odds and ends of land, who, although they may have existed in the twelfth century, are not mentioned in the extents of that period. The twelfth century nativi do not appear as such in the thirteenth century. Although, tlierefore, any very definite conclusion in regard to the amount of land in villenage or at money rent in the two centuries is impossible because the statements of the extents may not in every case be complete, yet a general tendency to change in the amount of land held ad opus may probably be discerned. It is sufficiently clear that the average amount of land ad opus did not decrease, but rather increased, during the period, and tluit the increase in lands made free, although apparent in several manors, was neither uniform nor very great, being most evident among the smaller holders. The ab- sorption of land from the waste would probably account for many of the new censuarii. If, during the period under consideration, the services of the tenants had been constantly becoming less bur- densome, a general tendency towards the increase of the freer forms of land tenure would probably have been expected rather than the evident tendency in the opposite direction. 2. Villein Obligations. — The comparison of the labour services at the two periods gives more reliable and definite results than the comparison of tenants and tenements. The thirteenth century ex- tents contain, as has been said, unusually full and clear descriptions of the villein services ; the twelfth century extents, also, although shorter, contain the essential information, — the number of days of work required by the lord. Before observing the changes that oc- curred during the interval between the series, however, it will be convenient to describe the labour services as they were in the thir- teenth century. An acquaintance with the details of these services is not only necessary to a comparison of conditions at the two periods; it has also, on account of the large number of manors on which the conditions are described, an intrinsic value. From the thirteenth century extents of Ramsey an unusually clear under- standing may be gained of the life of peasants in east central England. iii. 274 ; i. 392 ; in Heniingford, iii. 275 ; i. 380. Probably the very large decrease in S. Ives (iii. 280 ; i. '281) is due to tlie fact that the later extent is not complete. In Cranfield it is hard to judge of the increase ; already in the twelfth century there were nearly 700 acres of assart land of 50 censuarii. COMPARISON OF ECONOMIC CONDITIONS. 29 The labour obligations of the typical villein, the virgater or semi- virgater, may be divided into the two usual main divisions of week work and boon work. Week work, the most oppressive obligation of the villein, was the regular labour required by the lord for the cultivation of the demesne from each villein on certain days in every week of the year, the number of days so required varying in different manors and at different seasons. Week work may be divided according to the kind of labour performed into (a) ploughing, (6) miscellaneous works, such as sowing, harrowing, reaping and threshing, and (e) carting. (a) Ploughing. A greater proportion of the villein's time was consumed in ploughing than in any other single kind of labour, one day in every week during most of the year being reserved for this purpose. The day so reserved was, in almost every case, Friday.^ In Burwell, in the twelfth century, the villein ploughed on Mon- day.^ In Weston a bailifi' attempted to defer the ploughing, but the villeins insisted that on Friday only could such labour justly be required of them.^ In Abbot's Ripton, on the other hand, the lord could at his will defer the ploughing, or receive it in one week for several weeks following.* Two interruptions in the regular weekly ploughing, for which provision was usuall}'^ made, were the incidence of a feast day on Friday or the occurrence of bad weather. If Fri- day were a feast day, the ploughing was sometimes omitted entirely or, more often, made up in some way afterwards. In S. Ives the lord had no compensation ; a Friday feast day was a dead loss.^ In 1 Haliwell, i. 299 ; Warboys, i. 310 ; Broughton, i. 335 ; Hemmingford, i. 384 ; Stukeley, i. 393 ; Shitlingdon, ii. 460 ; Barton, ii. 475 ; Girton, i. 493 ; Whiston, i. 55 ; Cranfeld, ii. 17 ; Elton, ii. 23 ; Weston, ii. 35. In a few cases the day is not specified ; for example, i. 288, 345, 35t5, 398. ^ [^ 309 * ii. 38 : ''Dicunt tamen, quod non debent aliquam aruram de jure, nisi die Veneris, nee debet aliquo tempore aliqua arura prorogari nisi pro trituratione quarterii." Cf. ii. 44 : " Prseterea dicunt quod de jure non debet arura prorogari ab uno tempore usque ad aliud, nisi tempus impedierit, nisi trituratio quarterii." .... * i. 323: "Arabit . . . qualibet hebdomada . . . unam sellionem, si- cut jungitur, quam aruram dominus differre poterit, pro voluntate sua, vel earn in una septimana pro duabus vel tribus septiraanis sequentibus ad libitum suum recipere. ' ' ^ i. 288: " et quinta die arabit, si necesse fuerit, nisi dies festivus hoc irapediat, quem diem non reddet." 30 ECONOMIC CONDITIONS ON RAMSEY MANORS. Hemingford and King's Ripton one day so lost went to the lord, that is to say, was paid later ; the next day went to the villata and was not paid.' In Houghton when Friday was a feast day the abbot could call for the ploughing on one of the preceding work days of that week, Monday, Tuesday, or Wednesday, but in this case the ploughing counted both for itself and for the work that would otherwise have been performed on the substituted day.' Dur- ing the important festival seasons ploughing was almost always omitted entirely, at Christmas sometimes for fifteen days, sometimes for eight only, at Easter for a week and occasionally longer, and at Pentecost for a week.^ In Halywell the conditions were very strin- gent ; ploughing omitted at Christmas was made up in the follow- ing week.* If bad weather interfered, the loss was sometimes to the lord, sometimes to the villata. Ploughing omitted in Therfield be- tween Michaelmas and Christmas on account of rain or frost was not paid later, and between Christmas and Michaelmas a villein did not plough at all for the lord unless he ploughed for himself.* In Warboys before Christmas he repaid all ploughings prevented by bad weather, unless it were by ice ; after Christmas he repaid all delayed ploughings.* In Broughton, when omitted for bad weather ^ i. 39S : " arabit uno die . . . et hoc nisi festum impediat. Et tunc per totum annum computabitur unum festum domino, et aliud sibi, praeter- quam qiiindecini diebus Natalis et quindecim diebus Pasch», et Pentecostes, in quibus nee arabit, nee aliud genus operis faciet." i. 492: " et si festum intervenerit in his diebus unus locabitur domino, et alius hominibus villae." ^ i. 360: "Quinta vero die, scilicet die Veneris, arabit, . . . nisi festum impediat, et tunc poterit dominus habere ipsam arurara die Luna>, vel IMartis, vel Mercurii prsecedente ; et computabitur ei, tarn pro opere illius diei, quam pro arura sua. ' ' Cf . i. 393. » i. 323, 393, 398, 408. * i. 299 : . . . . "in qualibet anni septimana semel ad voluntatem domini prseter octo dies Natalis Domini, arabit, pro qua arura in Natali remissa in proxima hebdomada sequenti operabitur per unum diem." * i. 4ti : " Et debet omnis dimidia virgata arare pro opere suo semel in septi- mana infra festum S. Michaelis et Natalis nisi impediatnr propter gelu vel plu- viam. Et si contingat non arare infra dictum tempus propter gelu vel hujus modi, imposterum dictam aruram solvere non tenetur. Et si contingat dimidia virgata infra Natale et festum S. Michaelis non arare, domino non tenetur arare, nisi sibimet araret." « i. 312 : "Reddet etiam omnes aruras ante Natale Domini in respectu positas propter aeris intemperantiam vel aliam causam, prseterquam propter glaciem. Post Natale autem reddet omnes aruras quoounque modo in respectu positas." COMPARISON OF ECONOMIC CONDITIONS. 31 or any other reasonable cause, ploughing was not repaid.' During certain seasons of the year ploughing was often omitted intention- ally, other work being substituted on the ploughing days. This happened most often during the harvest when the villata was hard pressed with reaping and gathering in the crops," but occasionally it happened also in the winter.^ The importance of ploughing is again shown by the fact that it was usually the only work required during illness. If a villein were ill for a year and a day, he was exempt from all service during that time but ploughing and, some- times, part of his harvest work, but if his illness continued longer his regular services were required as before.* The amount of ploughing to be done in a day by each plough was often defined in terms of strips, half acres, or rods.* If a villein had not a full plough team of his own he joined with other members of the \allata, the same amount of work being then required from two or more villeins together that would have been done by each with a full plough.® The total amount of work was distributed according to the number of ploughs, demesne and in villenage, of the manor, not according to the number of villeins. Each plough, whether fur- nished by one or more villeins, was responsible for its own share of the work. Even when ploughing had been commuted, a censuarms, if his cattle belonged to a plough team, was required to make the ^ i. 336: . . . "singulis septimanis anniar abit super terram domini uno die sicut super propriam. Quam aruram non admissam propter aeris intemperan- tiam vel aliam causam rationabilem, reddet in subsequent i septimana ad sum- monitionem servientis." ^ i. 310: " Quolibet . . . die Veneris cujuslibet septiman?? per annum prseter Nataleet quinque septimanasinautumno . . . arabit diraidiaiu acram." See also i. 347, 3f:;7, 399. * i. 475 : . . . . . " et die Veneris arabit . . . except© quod, inter Natale et Purificationem non arabit, sed operabitur pro arura." See also i. 493. * i. 337 : " Et quotiens infirmetur, erit quietus ab omni opere praeter aruram- Et si ejus aegritudo per annum duret et diem, toto illo tempore ab omni opere erit quietus, prseterquam de arura. Post annum vero et diem, a nuUo opere per aliquam infirmitatem excusabitur." Cf. i. 301, 303, 312, 325, 347, 359, and else- where. * i. 357 : " Qualibet autem die arabit, aliquando unam sellionem, aliquando unam sellionem et dimidiam, vel plus, secundum majoritatem et minoritatem terras." See also i. 32:!, 398, 50 ; ii. 28, and elsewhere. * i. 493: " Et in qualibet hebdomada, arabit die Veneris, scilicet, si habeat carucam unum sellionem, si non, quotquot fuerint associati ad unum (.si'c) caru- cam, arabunt unam sellionem sicut jacet in campis." See also i. 310, 345. 32 ECONOMIC CONDITIONS ON RAMSEY MANORS. ploughing himself unless it could be done without him by the others belonging to the plough.' Good ploughing was required ; if the Weston villein ploughed badly through ignorance he gave a plough- share, if he ploughed badly from custom he gave more, in propor- tion to the greatness of the fault.^ The lord did not depend upon villein ploughs only for the culti- vation of the demesne ; he had also in each manor ploughs of his own, belonging to the curia. These demesne ploughs were worked by a special class of tenants, the akermanni or carucarii, who held their land on condition of " following the lord's ploughs." Each acreman probably directed the work of one demesne plough.' The acremen were usually semi-virgaters ; in Cnapwell, in the twelfth century, they were cottars.* When a man served as acreman, although exempt from some villein services,* his ploughing duties were very binding. In Upwood he was obliged to go to the ploughs on every day when it was necessary. On his death his widow paid no heriot but, instead, supplied another acreman to take his place.* In Warboys provision was made for the ploughing of the acreman's own land. " In every second week of the year, except Christmas and five weeks in autumn, he (the acreman) shall have a ploughing with a full plough as the villeins are joined, on Friday, on his own land, and as many acremen as there are shall have this same custom.'" ' i. 468 : (4.T virgates ar^ censwm) . . . " si averia habeant conjuncta caru- cis illorum qui aruram debeant domino, solvent arura, si vero aliis non solvent." ' ii. 42 : " Consuetude apud Westone talis est, quod si contingat aliquem igno- ranter male arare, dabit unum voraerem ; sed si ex consuetudine male araverit, dabit plus, secundum (juod deliquerit." See also i. 464. ^ In Broughton and Wistowe there were four demesne ploughs and four acremen ; in Upwood there were seven ploughs and seven acremen. See i. 332, 349, 356. * iii. oOO : (11 cotlands) . . . " de quibus firmarius faciet sihi [tres?] aratores." * i. 318 : " Et sciendum, quod si aliquis istorum acremannorum sit pr>opositus vel bedellus, erit quietus ab omni opere, quamdiu in tali officio extiterit, praeter aruras quse dicuntur bedesolewes. Et si aliquis istorum sit carucarius in curia, omnino erit quietus ab onmi opere et aruris, pntter hydagium." * i. 349: .... " eunt ad canicas abbatis quolibet die per annum cum necesse fuerit ; et si ad carucas non eant ante prandium, et post, facient opera, qu»e eis fuerint inpmcta." . . . i. 350 : "' Relictjie vero eorum non dant herietum, quia in crastino obitus suorum maritorum invcuient sufficientes carucarios locis de- functorum." ^ i. 318: " Et in qualibet sccunda scptimana anni, i>noter Natale et quinque septimanas in autumno, habebit aruram, una cum una caruca Integra sicut villani COMPARISON OF ECONOMIC CONDITIONS. 33 From the extent of Shitlingdon it is evident that in the thirteenth century and before, the lord sometimes hired outside labour to help plough his land. " There is no one in the vill," the extent states, " nor ever has been, who, to defend his land, goes or should go to the ploughs of the abbot. Nevertheless, if any virgater or other man of the lord abbot should wish, on account of poverty, to drive or keep the lord's ploughs, he shall receive wages as though he were a hired outsider.'" (6) Miscellaneous Works. The greater part of the remainder of the villein's week work was spent in miscellaneous services directly or indirectly connected with agriculture. Beginning at Michaelmas Avhen the harvest was stored, the year's work was generally divided into two great periods, from Michaelmas to the Gules, that is, the first of August, the beginning of harvest, and from the first of August to Michaelmas again. Minor divisions were often made in each period. On many ni^nors week work was counted from Michael- mas to weeding, fromjYeeding tojiaying, from haying to harvest; occasionally from Michaelmas to Christmas was a separate period.^ In harvest time the feast of the Nativity of the Virgin (September 8) sometimes marked a division.^ The lines of division were drawn according to the number of days of work a week required from the villein in each period. The number of days of work a week, not counting the Friday ploughing, required between Michaelmas and the Gules of August on some of the important manors, was as follows : — In Stukeley, Barton, Girton, Whiston, Elton, two days, Monday and Wednesday ; in Warboys, Abbot's Ripton, Upwood, and Houghton, three days, Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday; in Cranfield, Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday. In Burwell, Hemingford and King's Ripton the villein worked only one day a week besides ploughing. In S. Ives and Shitling- don the system was more complicated. In S. Ives a villein worked junguntur, die Veneris, super terram suam. Et cum plures fuerint carncarii, ean- dem habebunt consuetudinem." See iii. 257. 1 i. 473 : " Non est autem aliquis in villa, nee unquara consuevit, qui pro terra sua defendenda ad carucas domini Abbatis eat, nee ire debeat. Verumtamen, si quis forte virgatarius, vel alius hominuni domini Abbatis, propter indigentiam, carucas domini voluerit fugare, vel tenere, accipiet pro stipendiis tanquam extra- neus conductus, et terram suam sumptibus propriis defendet, vel operibus." 2 i. 4G0, 492. * ii. 28. 3 34 ECONOMIC CONDITIONS ON RAMSEY MANORS. in one week four days, in the next week only two ;' in Shitlingdon he worked four days, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday, in every third week ; during the intervening fortnight he worked on Mondays and Wednesdays only." The marked increase in the labour in other parts of the year, especially at weeding, haying, and har- vest, will be discussed in connexion with the boons. The kind of work performed on the lord's days depended neces- sarily upon the^ season of the year. Between Michaelmas and Christmas iell a large part of the threshing of the grain. Each vil- lein threshed a certain number of sheaves, so metimes within the lord's curia, sometimes without. In Brancester he threshed be- tween Michaelmas and Christmas, and again between Purification and Easter, three quarters of whatever kind of grain the bailiff wished, and for this service he received a loaf of moderate size and a bundle of straw, containing no more than he could carry without dropping. If any fell, he lost the straw and was in the lord's mercy. If the lord did the threshing himself, that is to say, hired labour to do it for him, the villein paid 3 d.^ In Therfield the villein threshed or ground 32 sheaves of wheat inside the curia, 24 outside, 24 sheaves of barley, 4 of here, 24 of beans, 6 of peas and 36 of wheat.* Early winter or late fall was the time of the first ploughing of the year and the sowing of the winter wheat, before which the ground was prepared and harrowed. At this season, too, nuts, ripened in the woods of the manors, were collected,^ the nut-gathering at Wistowe 1 i. 288: " A festo etiam Sancti Michaelis usque ad Pentecosten una septimana operabitur per quatuor dies, et die quinta arabit. In alia septimana per duos dies et tenia die arabit ; a Pentecoste usque ad festum Sancti Michaelis, qualibet sep- timana continue per quatuor dies operabitur et quinta die arabit . . . .'' ^ i. 460: " . . . . operabitur .... in qualibet septimana per duos dies Luna' et Mercnrii, excepto quod etiam qualibet tertia septimana operabitur per quatuor dies." ... ■^ i. 415: "A festo Sancti Michaelis usque ad Natale, quocunque tempore ei pr.Tceptum fuerit, triturabit tria quarteria de quocunque genere bladi ballivus voluerit, et habebit unum panem mediocris quantitatis, et unum fesciculum stra- minis, quantum ipse vel socius portare poterit. Ita scilicet quod si fesciculus stra- minis confringatur infra portam curia?, perdet stramen, et erit in misericordia, prout melius tinire poterit. Et si dominus voluerit, quod ipse trituret, tuncdabit pro trituratione tres denarios Et eodem modo triturabit inter Purifica- tionem et Pascha, vel dabit tres denarios." * i- •I''- ^ i. 30t» : " Et si nuccs fuerint abundantcs in bosco abbatis, colliget unain calli- gam mediocris quantitatis, plenam nucibus bene mundatis . .. ." See also i. 290. COMPARISON OF ECONOMIC CONDITIONS, 35 being performed regularly on holidays.' About Christmas time the villeins made malt for the lord, and carried it to Ramsey to be ap- proved or rejected by the abbey brewer.'^ Other winter works were cutting wood or underbrush, and gathering rods, reeds, thorns, and sticks in the marshes.^ At some time during the year when the frost was not in the ground the villein dug ditches, probably in order to drain the waters of the fens from the fields. New ditches were dug in unbroken land, and old ones were dug over again. A ditch in new land in Holywell was one perch long, with a depth of two "spadegrafs" and a width at the top of five feet and at the bottom of one foot. An old ditch was two perches long, and the same width and depth.* Scattering manure was another winter service.^ In the spring, usually in early Lent, the second plough- ing of the year, and the sowing of barley and oats, and harrowing, occurred. At Easter the fair of S. Ives was held, and during fair time certain services were required of the villeins of neighbouring manors. Each manor owed a certain number of watches at S. Ives, a list of which is found in the court roll already mentioned.* The document, headed Villatce o,d nrma jiiratce, gives the names of the constables and the number of watches owed by each manor. Broughton, Ripton Abbot's, Hemingford Abbot's, and Houghton owed each eight watches, Elsworth and Holywell six, Wodehurst and Waldhirst three, and Cnapwell only two. The number owed by Warboys and Wistowe is not given. If the S. Ives villein kept ^ i. 358: "Etsinuces fuerint abundantes in boscis de Sunderlande et Rokes- grave, colliget etiam in eisdem quartam partem unius bnsselli nucum die Decolla- tionis Sancti Johannis Baptistae, vel alio die festivo, si dominus voluerit." 2 i. 300, 322, 357, 394, 432. * i. 324: "Si secare debeat, que reus secabit usque ad nonam." i. 30ri, 432. i. 345: ". . . . a festo .... Sancti Michaelis usque ad Hokeday colliget qua- tuor fescicula spinaruui, et portabit ad curiam ; et post Hokeday colliget quinque . . . . et quotiens coliigit virgas in marisco, sive in bosco, portabit quatuor fesci- cula ad propinquiorem locum, ubi carrecta curiae sibi facilius poterit occurrere ; et cum ad curiam virgas portaverit, colliget duo fescicula, quae bene mundabit ; eodem modo faciet de sudibus colligendis sicut de virgis ad clausturam faciendam in campis." Cf i. 310, 311, 325, 415. * i. 299 : "Si fossare debeat in plana terra, faciat unam perticam fossati pro uno opere, habentis profunditatem duorum spadegrafs, et latitudinem in summitate quinque pedum et in fundo unius pedis. Et si in veteri fossato duas perticatas faciat ejusdem latitudinis et profimditatis." i. 288, 335, 486 and elsewhere. See also Wells, Bedford Level, Appendix. * i. 324, 476 and elsewhere. 6 Public Eecord Office, Court Rolls, 178/96. 36 ECONOMIC CONDITIONS ON RAMSEY MANORS. watch the night before a work day he was excused from work the next day.^ Some manors owed another service at the fair. The Hemingford villein collected in the wood of S. Ives, on a day in Passion Week chosen by himself, a bundle of rods or thorns, which he carried to S. Ives to help enclose the fair.^ In Wistowe the vil- lein collected rods on Maundy Thursday and on the morrow of Easter, to make hurdles and a wall. The length of the hurdle made by each villein was nine or eleven feet; the wall was required to ex- tend between two stall posts. The gathering of rods, thorns and reeds at other times in the year for the use of the curia was an important part of villein labour. Such material, gathered in the woods and marshes and often removed in a boat, was used for enclosures, sheep- folds, and for fences round the curia or in the fields to keep the cat- tle off the arable.^ In Houghton a virgater paid a bundle of rods and a bundle of thorns whenever demanded ; with the thorns he made enclosures at any time when necessary, with the rods he made enclosures from Hokeday to Michaelmas.* The washing and shear- ing of the sheep in early summer was usually done by the lord's own servants or by hired labour. When performed by the villeins it was regarded as a favour on their part, though, probably, a favour that could not well be refused. The Holywell villein sent one man to shear ex gratia, f the Warboys villein in the twelfth century re- ceived 4 d.^ for shearing. On Norfolk manors, where sheep farming was most extensive, guarding the lord's fold was as important a duty as guarding the lord's plough. When the Ringsted villein guarded ' i. 290 : .... " quotiens etiam vigilaverit in feria vel alio tempore ad latrones custodiendos, quietus ab opere fuerit, in crastino illius noctis" See also i. 301. 2 i. 290, 301, 347, 359. Compare i. 366: "In nundinis Sanoti Ivonis claudent villata? de Iloughtone et de Wythone medium parietem in ordine franc' contra Leycestriam, et facient deyas ad aperturas seldarum de Leycestria versus aquil- onem ; et colligent virgas ad idem, ubi provisum fuerit a ballivo abbatis. Ita scilicet quod virgas colligere debent ad diem proprium, et claudere ad diem fir- marii." Mii. 312 ; i. 416. * i. 367 : "Qua-iibet etiam virgata colliget nnum fesciculum de spinis, et idem faciei sepeni vel clausturam singulis temjioribus anni, cum necessc fuerit. Et col- iget, similiter, unum fesciculum de virgis singulis teniporibus anni. Sod non faciet sepem vel clausturam de virgis, nisi ab Hokeday us erit ad panem, potagium, aquam, allecia et caseum ; ... ad tertiam autem precariam veniet sicuti ad pri- mam, si dominus voluerit ; ad quam habebunt in omnibus sicut ad primam." See also i. 337, 324. TOHHIVERSIT i COMPARISON OF ECONOMIC CONDITIONS. 45 on almost all the manors, the most striking exception being at Barnwell, in Norfolk, Avhere at the first precaria, or " bedryp " as it was called there, bread, fish and water were received, at the second bread, meat and ale/ Extra Boon-Services. The food provided at the harvest precarias seems in origin to represent the thanks of the lord for the special services performed by the tenants at his request. By the thirteenth century, however, the giving of food had become an obligation to which the lord was as much bound as were the tenants to the ren- dering of boon-services. This transformation of a voluntary gift into an obligation gave rise to a new group of boon-services by means of which the lord probably tried to recompense himself for the food he gave to the tenants. In the extents of the thirteenth century there is frequent reference to extra days of service demanded as a return for the food given at the regular harvest j)recar?'«. There is no evidence to show that such days were demanded after the boon-ploughings, perhaps because the food received at those times was a less considerable factor and bore less heavily as an obligation upon the lord. These extra services are called in most of the ex- tents lovebones. The term lovebone is not limited to extra services of this kind, but is applied to any service, outside the regular work, performed at the need and demand of the lord. It is worthy of note, however, that although usually given to the boon ploughings, it is never used for the ordinary harvest precarise. The lovebone after the harvest precarisn fell, as a rule, on the morrow of the first boon-day, but occasionally it was rendered at the worker's own pleasure.^ The service was avowedly to pay for the food received at the precarise. On such occasions the villein providing his own food worked in person or furnished a man to work to pay for the food received from the lord on the preceding day.^ In S. Ives, if the precaria fell before the first of August, the villein worked on the morrow with one man ; if after the first of August, he worked with M. 49 : ... " primum bederipe cum pane, allece et aqua ; et alium bene faciet sine cibo, et alium bederipe, si placet domino ; sed secundum bederipe cum pane, carne et cervisia ; et inveniet sibi et familiae suse unum ciphum ad potan- dum dum comedit, et feret secum domui suae plenum ciphum suum de cervisia, quamvis sit de una lagena ..." ^i. 399: . . . "etad diem proprium mittet quilibet unum hominem ad me- tendum, ad reddendum cibum pracariaj." ^ i. 300 : " Et inveniet unum hominem in crastinum ad reddendum cibum diei prsecedentis." See also i. 289, 311, 368, 395. 46 ECONOMIC CONDITIONS ON RAMSEY MANORS. two men ;' in most cases, however, only one man had to be pro- vided. All the villata, except usually the libere feudati, were liable to sucli lovebones. In Barton every man whose house opened on the street furnished a worker to the lovebone whether he held by money rent or by labour.' Cenmarii often worked after the first pre- caria only, whereas in many cases the villein worked after all.' Reaping* was the usual service performed, but occasionally a " love- fother.p or carrying service, was rendered instead of, or as well as, the reaping. On the manor of Hemingford such carrying service was rendered in return for meat and ale received at the precaria.^ These extra boon services seem, then, to imply an increase and hardening of services in the thirteenth century. The boon works first asked for, and then demanded, carried with them an obligation of food which in turn became burdensome to the lord. The origi- nal voluntary character of this obHgation having been lost sight of, the lord apparently compensated himself for the food given by the imposition of new services, thus increasing the labours of the ten- antry. This explanation would account for the fact that in Ramsey extents of a date earlier than the thirteenth century such harvest lovebones do not occur. Although the boon-services thus far mentioned were the most ex- tensive, there were others of minor importance and more or less M. 289: " Et si ista precaria, ob maturitatem temporis, capiatur ante Gulara August! , quod aliqnando accidit, in crastino illius precarife operabitur cum uno homine in recompensatione prandii precaripe pra?cedentis, sine cibo ; et si post Gulam Angusti eadem capiatur precaria, inveniet duos homines operantes eodem modo quo prius.' M. 488 : "Item qujelibet donius, habens ostium apertum versus vicum, tam de malmannis quam de cotmannis et operariis, inveniet unum liominem ad lovebone, sine cibo domini." Professor Vinogradoff, Villainage in England, p. '.184, makes this passage refer to the regular harvest pre^ame. Tliis seems improbable, how- ever, for, as has been said, the term lovebone is never used for the harvest boon- days, and in no instance does a reaper work on a regular boon without receiving food from the lord. ^See i. 289, where the villein works one day after each of three precarifp. * The Ih'inralfaker, the reaping of the half acre, mentioned by Professor Vini)- gradoff, Villainage in Kngland, p. 285, seems to belong to such lovebone services. •^i. 385-6: " Veniet ad prima m precarinm Inveniet ad diem proprium unum hominem ad metendum pro cibo prccaria\ Carriabit etiam ail diem proprimn unam carrectatam bladi, quae vocatur lovefotlier. Si dominus necesse habuerit facere secundam precariam, veniet ad illam. . . . Et si habuerit carnem et cervisiara sicutad primam, inveniet unum hominem, et faciet lovefother, sicut ad primam." COMPARISON OF ECONOMIC CONDITIONS. 47 sporadic occurrence. In the weeding and haying seasons, for in- stance, the villein performed sometimes slight boon services instead of increasing his week work, or, it may be, in addition to such in- crease. For the lovebone at haying (lovebone de falcatione) the villein usually received some compensation, in most cases twelve pence from the abbot's purse for " sythale " or " scotale," and as much grass as he could lift on his scythe without bending the scythe to the ground or breaking it.' The customaries refer to boons or love- bones of harvesting, of carrying rods, threshing and planting beans.^ Special ploughings are called " benerth "^ or " wudobene,"* special reapings " beneryp."* Such services are called indifferently boon- or ben-services. The boon services, although falling most heavily on the villeins, were by no means confined to them. Cottars and croftmen also attended the precariss, going usually either alone or with one worker. Censuarii, too, all the rest of whose labour services had been commu- ted, had still to appear at the boons, in many cases at both the ploughing and the harvest boons. Some difference was made, how- ever, between the censuarius and the ordinary villein. The villein at the harvest boons worked in the fields with his own hands, whereas the censuarius " bore a rod over the workers to admonish them that they should work well."^ Usually, too, the censuarius dined in the hall at the table of the firmarius, but the villein dined ^ Most extents mention such customs at haying. See, for instance, i. 298, 307, 324, 460 ; ii. 39 ; iii. 65. '^ iii. 254: " Et herciat ad luvebone duobus diebus, et portat virgas apud Sanctum Yvonem ad hivebone una die ; et purgat bladum una die ad luvebone," etc. ^ i. 475 : " Quselibet caruca arabit ad cibum proprium unum sellionem. Et vo- cabitur beneerthe. ' ' *i. ;-!10 : "In secunda septimana post festum Sancti Michaelis arabit dimidiam acram, quae appellatur Wodebene." i. 487: " Quselibet virgata operaria arabit dimidiam acram in hyeme quod dicitur beene. Et in instate aliam dimidiam acram, quod dicitur wudobeene.'" *i. 358: " Metet etiam duas rodas fruraenti, quod dicetur beneryp, ligabit, et domi carriabit, sine cibo domini." ® i. 308 : " . . . veniet ad omnes precarias autumni, deferens virgam super operarios, eodem die ill curia comesturus." i. 354 : " Et veniet in propria per- sona, cum duobus honiinibus suis operantibus, ad primam precariam in autumno ; et erit ultra operantes, ad monendum eos ut bene operentur." See also i. 336, 405 ; ii. 47, and elsewhere. 48 ECONOMIC CONDITIONS ON KAMSEY MANORS. in the field with the other workmen.' A further distinction is some- times found in cases, already mentioned, where the censuarius at- tended only the first precaria. Thus attendance at the boon-services was the last prtedial labour of the censuarius to be commuted. There are even occasional instances of the attendance of freeholders at the precarix. On the manor of Upwood the holder of a free hide of the abbey, beside the usual services of a freeholder, ploughed and was present himself or sent his bailiff" or reeve to the first harvest preca- ria to see that his tenants worked well.^ That the precariae should be the last rural service to be commuted is not surprising. While, on account of its cumbersome nature, it was an advantage to both lord and tenant that the week work be commuted, the lord would be reluctant to surrender services so im- portant and convenient as the boons. Tlie week work could occur on stated days only ; the boon services could, within certain limits, be demanded at the lord's discretion, and hence could be regulated by the weather and the condition of the crops. As a rule, the ploughing-boons seem to have been commuted before the harvest precarias, for in many cases the tenant rendered only the harvest- boons.^ There are a few instances, however, of attendance at the boon ploughings where the harvest boons are not mentioned.* Before comparing the week work and boon services of the villeins in the twelfth and thirteenth centuries, a little more should be said of the services of the cottars and lesser holders. The distinction between cottars and crofters is not always ver}'- clear. If the extents are to be trusted, many of the cottars of the twelfth century were called crofters in the thirteenth, and occasionally the extents evi- dently use the terms as interchangeable.* In the main, however, ^ i. 368 : " Ad singulas etiam istarum precariarum veniet tarn Tancredus, quam heres Warini Blundi, cum tota familia sua, qufe operari potest, practer iixores, et ipsi deferent virgas suas super operarios. Familiae vero eorum operabuntur sicut et alii. Ipsi etiam comedent in aula cum firmario, familis vero eorum cum ope- rariis aliis." Cf. i. 492. '■'i. 318 : "Alexander . . . tenet unani hydam pro qua facit houmgium Abbati et forinsecum servitium sicut alise hydj*" libera^ in Abbatia . . . Diias aruras faciet . . . Et quilibet ejus tenentium inveniet unum hominem ad primam precariam autumni, ad oibum domini ; et ipse, vel ejus ballivus vel pra'i^ositus, erunt, ad illam precariam, custodes ad videndum (]uod bene operentur." » i. 287, 308, 333, 492 ; iii. 245. * i 334, 344. * i. 397. A number of men are described as bolding crofts ; a little later they are called coUarii. See also i. 489. COMPARISON OF ECONOMIC CONDITIONS. 49 the Gotland was larger than the croft ; it contained anywhere from five to twelve, or more, acres, and was sometimes computed as a half virgate/ It frequently itself included a croft. The croft rarely contained more than two or three acres. The services of the cottar can often not be distinguished, except in quantity, from those of the virgater. One or two days of week work and one day of weekly ploughing were often required of him, besides precarige and custom- ary payments.^ The ploughing duties probably imply that he held land in the arable, and in one case his plough beasts are mentioned.' Other cottars worked only on Mondays, whence they were called Lundinarii or Monday men. In every case a cottar's carrying service was mside super dorsum,,i.e., on foot. His load is sometimes defined.* Crofters performed services that were, in kind, much like the cot- tars, but their obligations were lighter and they did not plough. Holders of pytels, manses, and other trifling tenements, sometimes worked in proportion to their holdings, but more often paid a small money rent. It is a question how these smallest tenants were able to support themselves unless they worked for pay on the demesne or elsewhere. The daily life described in the thirteenth century extents is in no important way peculiar to the Ramsey villeins, and the only special value of a study of it lies in the unusual fulness and detail of the extents. From a short comparison of the thirteenth century extents with those of the twelfth century more interesting results may, how- ever, be obtained. The difference in the form of the extents of the two periods, the greater fulness and definiteness in the thirteenth century, and the evident increase in the amount of land ad opus, have been already described ; a much more important change had taken place during the intervening century in the amount of work actually performed. In the week work the villein worked a larger number ^ i. 368, 371: "Item ibi sunt decern cotlandaj quaruni qujelibet computatur pro dimidia virgata." i. 452 : . . . "tenet dimidiam virgatam, quae solet esse una cotlanda ; sed augetur cum uno crofto." 2 i. 302, 368, 444 ; ii. 21. Compare iii. 279, 280, 300, 301. ' i. 368 : " De duodecini . . . cotagiis operatur quodlibet singulis septimanis a festo Sancti Michaelis usque ad Gulam Augusti, prjeter tredecim dies Natalis, per unum diem, in omnibus, sicut virgata, pro uno die, et alio die arabit, cum quot capitibus habet in caruca, sicut virgatarius. ' ' *i. 483 : " Faciet averagia in dorso in suo turno usque Londoniam, vel Rame- seiam et portabit quinque capones, vel sex gallinas, vel tres aucas, vel centum ova." See also i. 329, 362, 369, 449. 4 50 ECONOMIC CONDITIONS ON RAMSEY MANORS. of days in the thirteenth than in the twelfth century. In the boons the change is still more evident; in the twelfth century there were, with the exception of an occasional preces and a few small special ploughings or reapings, no boons ; in the thirteenth century there was a fully developed system of boons and a further addition of love boons. The differences in week-work and boons in the two coun- tries may be most concisely expressed in the table on page 51. The most marked increase shown by the table is clearly the uni- versal appearance of the heavy obligation of ■precarise ;^ but the in- crease in week work, though less striking, is very appreciable. From Michaelmas to August week work increased in Hemingford, Upwood and Warboys by one day a week, in Shitlingdon by one day every third week, in S. Ives by one day till Pentecost, after Pentecost by two days a week. Harvest week work increased by one day in Brough- ton, by two days in Brancester, Warboys and Barton, and slightly in Wistowe and Holywell. A corresponding increase occurred in the work of cottars and crofters. The evidence gained from a comparison of the Ramsey extents is then distinctly in favour of an appreciable and steady depression in the condition of the villeins ; it is against Mr. Seebohm's theory that precarix were " the necessary corollary to the limitation of week work." As the number of days on which a villein worked for his lord became fixed by custom, the lord, in Mr. Seebohm's theory, demanded special services to fill up the gaps left by the decreasing week work. The week work and precarice, thus stood to one another in inverse ratio, the one decreasing as the other increased. On Ramsey manors, however, not only did the week work not decrease between the middle of the twelfth and the middle of the thirteenth century ; it even increased, along with the appearance and develop- ment of the boons. The obligations of the Ramsey villein in the thirteenth century seem to have been in every way heavier than in the twelfth century, and the fact already stated that the amount of land ad opus was probably somewhat greater, certainly not less, in the thirteenth than in the tAvelfth century points in the same direc- tion of a depressed i)easantry. It is true that the account rolls of Wistowe show, in the fifteenth 1 Before the thirteeeth century extonts the following references to preces occur : iii. 243, 27H, 300, .301, 308, 312, 314. An early lovebone is mentioned in a Hem- ingford extent of the end of the twelftli century, iii. 243 : . . . " Et crastina die erit ad luvehone " . . COMPARISON OF ECONOMIC CONDITIONS. 51 s -j ;:^ ^ ;:^ ^ — ^ ^ ^ ^^ ^ ^ ^' ^ <«! ^ ^ <>! < ■t <1 <^ < < . >. >. ^ >. ■6 03 >, >. d 03 a a 10 03 '? 2I oi ■0 |S| 03 03 o3 ■0 -0 ■A ■0 M oj 13 03 -a '& Si 13 o a >> 03 cc 03 10 very ot 2 men, but Sal man. 10 lO CO CO lO 10 >> 03 1 "So a 3 -# 03 lO ft CO w 3 •d a 03 5a . ti ^ 0) 1 m o ^1 a 03 w eo c4 J f h a ■?d ■0.-1 a) ho ^ •? 3 B>> na >. - s Mo ■U (S 'd CO 03 . a OS >. >. >. >» >. m 0) >. !>. >. -0 g 13 rQ Oh 1- "d a 03 03 oi 03 03 5" «■§ 03 03 fl'^" a> -O ■a ■O 73 T3 •C ■O "C a a) aj ei-d s3 a * S .00 a § a < CO 00 -3< CO CO CO CO CO 03 J3 II ■a a s CO CO CO 88 g^ ^ >«>._• ^ a5 aj tH "^ aJ a a a a c a 03 S:g a a a • s ^ c "d ^ b ^ (^ ;z; •a iz; 2; z Z ;z; Z ^0; 2; ^ d d d CO a? 0) "O >> o a a a « (d S 0) 13 r ^ (M 03 >. >. >. >, fe. >. >. CO > •tn t^ 2 03 0; 03 03 "3 2 03 03 oi V, t4 03 "S '^ > -a "C t3 -o -o "O 13 M W >. >. >^ IT CO CO 0. aj CO CO ;:^ uO o 03 cS 03 3§ > « 3 m &2 OT Ol ■O >. u > 03 03 ^ o3 W >> >. >. >. >. >. >. >» co-^^ t >> T3 CO >. o 03 oi 03 03 03 03 cS o cj 03 a a ■a a aj a > c -, a. tub 4 X! c I. s a 2 ■3 a a a a a 5 2 a t pa 03 1 5 52 ECONOMIC CONDITIONS ON RAMSEY MANORS. century, when the reguhir week work had been practically abolished though some labour services still remained, that the number of pre- cariee had slightly incre.-ised, two new ploughing boons having been added. During the whole of the fourteenth century the week work and boons had continued side by side in Wistowe with surprisingly little change from the earlier conditions. As late as the first half of tlie fifteenth century a new system of money rents was for the first time largely adopted. The fact that precariai then remained when week work had disappeared under the altered conditions shows only the surprising tenacity of old customs on Ramsey manors, and the fact that the precarise were the last services to be relinquished by the lord. They were less unwieldy than the week work, the lord having more power over the time of their occurrence, and would naturally, therefore, be retained later than the week work. There is no evidence in the Wistowe rolls of an increase in precarise at the expense of week work. Customary payments. In addition to his labour services the villein owed certain annual payments in money and kind. The money payments were, in general, of three kinds — those paid to the king, those paid to the abbot, and those paid to the village church. Man}?^ of these payments were the same in the twelfth and in the thirteenth centuries. The royal payments in Hirstingston hundred before the grant of that hundred to the abbot, first recorded in Henry II. 's reign,' went to the king, and are therefore not mentioned in the twelfth century extents of Hirstingston manors. Other pay- ments resulting from the occasional commutation of labour services l)robably appeared in the interval between the extents. All the payments are more uniformly entered and full}^ described in the thirteenth century. Payments to the abbot. Perhaps the most universal and certainly the most obscure payment made by villeins to the abbot was heusire. The word occurs as heusire, heusyre and eusier^ in the extents, as hen- srJiire, henthyre and heusire in the Hundred Rolls, and as heweschire, heuschire, in the WistoAve account rolls.' Only villeins, including virgaters, cottars, and crofters ad opus, were liable to pay heusire. A Hemingford tenant in the twelfth century withheld his share because he had become a censuarius,* and in Holywell certain censuarii shared 1 ii. 84. 2 iii 244. '' Rot. Hund. ii. (iO.S, (131, ()")7 ; ;in(l Appendix, pp. 1, 19, 81, and elsewhere. * iii. 242 : ".Johannis Liber Homo tetictdiias virgatas ct dimidiam j)ro quinqne solidis . . . et participat cum villata et detinet eusier." COMPARISON OF ECONOMIC CONDITIONS. 53 with the villata in all save heusire.^ The reeve of Abbot's Ripton was freed from the payment.^ The only clue to the meaning of heusire is found in the extent of S. Ives: a virgater does not give heusyre because he has not a croft pertaining to his messuage^ — a croft be- ing the close surrounding a dwelling-house. The passage suggests that heusire was a kind of rent paid for the villein's house and gar- den in the village, his " house hire.''* The usual amount of the payment was 12d. from a virgater,* or 16d.,® paid sometimes at Mar- tinmas (November 11), Annunciation (March 25) and the Nativity of S. John Baptist (July 24), sometimes at the feast of S. Andrew (November 30) and of S. Benedict (March 21).' Merchet^ the payment made by the villein on the marriage of his daughter, although usually a distinctive villein payment, on actount of a few exceptions cannot be taken as a test of villein status. In Cranfeld it was uncertain whether a censuarius who still owed labor services, owed merchet.' Again in Wistowe a censuarius holding a virgate for 6 s. but still ploughing, gave merchet.'" No free tenant, however, nor one all of whose services had been commuted, owed merchet." The amount of the payment was not fixed, but it did not exceed 5 s}^ It was a disadvantage to the lord to lose any of his tenants, and therefore more merchet was paid if the daughter married a man of another vill. The Brancester villein paid 2 s. if ^ i. 297 : ' ' Eobertus . . . tenet unam virgatam . . . pro qua dat duos solidos. . . . Et participat in omnibus cum villanis praeter heusyre. ' ' ^ i. 326 : . . . " Si sit prsepositus. . . . Erit etiam quietus de lieusyre et foddercorn. " * i. 292: . . . " Robertus non dat heusyre . . . quia non habet croftam pertinentem messuagio suo." * This explanation of the extent and chartulary forms is partly due to Prof. Maitland. The dropping of the " h " in eusier is not remarkable, but if the guess be correct, the " n" forms in the Hundred Rolls must be a mistake or a misread- ing, although the u in the Wystowe forms might easily be read as n. = i. 287, and in most cases. ^ iii. 278, 311, 312. ' ii. 25 ; i. 287, and elsewhere. * For a discussion of the etymology and meaning of merchet see Pike, in intro- duction to Year Book, 15 Edward III., pp. xv.-xliii. 9 ii. 6. " i. 356. '° i. 449 : . . . " nee dat merchetum, quia liber est, et manens super terram suam de Laushille." ^^ i. 384: "Dat merchetum pro filia, sicut melius finire poterit, ita tamen quod non excedet summan quinque solidorum, sive maritando fuerit infra villam, sive extra." See also i. 472. 54 ECONOMIC CONDITIONS ON RAMSEY MANORS. his daughter married within the vill ; if she married without the vill, he made the best arrangement possible/ Leyrwite, another universal villein payment, was a fine for incon- tinence. The amount was usually 2 s.^^ but the offender was often excused on account of poverty.^ Germma, when a payment made by a father on his daughter's marriage, is difficult to distinguish from merchet.* The word is more often used, however, in another meaning of money paid to the lord for right to enter into possession of the land of a deceased tenant.^ Even a son or daughter might be liable to pay a gersuma for ingress to the land of a deceased father.^ In Houghton, certain land in villenage passed to the widow of a tenant, but on the death of a father or mother the land might at the will of the lord be " ger- suraata " to the younger son, or, if there were none, to the nearest of blood according to the custom observed on the manor.' Gersuma was sometimes used in a general sense of money paid in an agree- ment over and above the sum agreed upon.* On the death of a customary tenant the widow usually paid a heriot either in money or in the best of her cattle to the lord.^ For this she was for thirty days excused from all work except, some- times, ploughing. The heriot in money for a virgater was usually 5 s. In Wistowe the wife of a crofter paid no heriot, but continued her services as before.^" In Brancester the lord received the best of the cattle, if there were any, the widow holding the land by the ani- mal given to the lord. If there were no cattle the widow paid 32 d. If she had a son or daughter the widow received only half the land, and for the other half the son or daughter made the best arrange- ment possible." ^ i. 416 : "Si filiam suani maritaverit infra villain, dabit pro mercheto ad plus duossolidos, si extra villain, finiat, ad melius quod poterit." See also i. 384, 432. '' i. 416, 432. ^ See Maitland, Select Pleas in Manorial Courts, 92, 93. * i. 298 : "Dabit etiam pro filia sua niaritanda, gersumani." . . . See also ii. 245. ^ ii. 245 : " Et scieiuluin, ipiod si aii(|uis ciistiiiuarius sine lierede tie progenie sua exeunte decesserit, nos tradamus terram suam et niessuagiuni snuin cuicuiique volueriuius, et gersniiiam inde provcnientem penes nos retinueblnuis." See also i. 334. « i. 432. ' i. 372: " Erit auteiii dicta terra post mortem ])atris vel matris gersuinata ad voluntatem domini filio jnniori." . ^ ii. 279. Cf. Round, Geoffrey de Mandeville, 3(!0. . " i. 312, 325, 337, and in most cases. '" i. 361. " i. 416. COMPARISON OP ECONOMIC CONDITIONS. 55 Another impoi'tant group of customary payments was made to the abbot in commutation of old hibour services, or of payments made in kind. Fishsilver occurs also as fissilver, phisshesilver/ haringsilver/ money ad allec^ and adpiscem or adpisces emendos* and in the Hundred Rolls as fissilver.^ The amount of the payment was usually a frac- tion of a penny." Sometimes the total amount due from the villata is given in the extents.' Sometimes a number of virgates are grouped together as a unit, five hides in Elton giving 4 d. at Easter.* In Wistowe a rotatory system prevailed ; a virgater paid in each turn 2 d., a turn falling sometimes once in two years, sometimes once in three.® The payment was usually made in Lent, and was, per- haps, a commutation for fish once given to the abbot at that season. Occasionally, however, fishsilver was paid at Easter,'" and once at Christmas." Brewingsilver is called also maltsilver,^* and a " toll for barley for making the ale of St. Mary."'^ In the Hundred Rolls onaltsilver^* and mitesilver^^ occur. In Warboys certain lands called " malt lands " were held by a labour service tenure, but gave as fixed rents (redditus assissn) 15 d. for malt.'* The amount of the payment varied, but did not exceed a'few pence." Maltsilver may have been a commutation on some manors of the malt delivered by the villein at Ramsey.'* » i. 52. * i. 298, 322, and elsewhere. ^ iii. 248, and elsewhere. * iii. 254, 259, 271, 272. » Eot. Hund. ii. 603 {bis), 626. 6 iii. 250, 254; ii. 31; i. 287, 298, and elsewhere. ^ iii. 248, 278 ; i. 371. * iii. 259 ; i. 487. * i. 356 : . . . "in quolibet turno ad fyssilver in Quadragesima dat duos de- narios. Qui turnus accidit, aliquando semel in duobus annis, et aliquando in tribus." 10 i, 487. " i. 299. ^'^ i. 46: "De maltsilver dat decern denarios, vel faciet duas mittas gruti, vel brasei." ^* i. 489 : . . . " molendinarius colliget ova de qualibet domo ad voluntatem dantis et ad opus domini, per sic quod sint quieti de theoloneo braysire ad cervi- siam Beatse Mariae faciendam." " Rot. Hund. ii. 600 {bis) 603. 15 Eot. Hund. ii. 601, 657. '« Rot. Hund. ii. 602. " Rot. Hund. ii. 600, 657 ; R. C. i. 302, 335, 474, and elsewhere. '* i. 345: . . . " faciet unam mittam et dimidiam braesii, quam recipiet ad domuni siiam, bene mundatam ; et illam carriabit apud Rameseiam ; de cujus de- fectu, si in ipso fuerit inventus, braciatori de suo proprio satisf aciet. " See also i. 322, 335. 56 ECONOMIC CONDITIONS ON RAMSEY MANORS. Wynyardsilver, argentum vinese, is described in the Wistowe rolls as a commutation of the villein's work of one day a year in the Ramsey vineyard. Wodepenny, to be distinguished from wodehac, an obscure royal payment, was paid by villeins in place of going to the wood. It is mentioned in the extents of Brington and Bithorn.^ In Whiston two hens were given for wodesgonge.^ A villein paid also in various ways on his live stock — his sheep, his cattle, and pigs. The payment pro multone^ ad arietem* called also wether silver,^ was probably paid in place of sheep or rams originally delivered to the cellarer of Ramsey.® Werthale, or ivether hale,'' should be distinguished from wethersilver. From the extent of Barton it is evident that werthale was money given to the villata by the lord, instead of a sheep, for the mowing of a certain meadow. The passage in the extent declares that when the meadow of the lord was mown, if the lord pastured his flocks there the villata received a sheep ; if not, the villata received 6 d. (wetherhale) for that sheep. The sheep was set free in the middle of the meadow, and if the villeins could catch it they kept it, if they could not they lost it for that year.^ Werthale may be compared with sitheale, the payment often made to the mowers of certain " bene " meadows in order that they might buy ale. A payment on wool is mentioned in the extents of Elton. The name of the payment varies. In the twelfth century the virgater paid half penny ad lanain^ in the thirteenth century extents he paid a half penny ad willesilver at Pentecost,'" in the Hundred Rolls he paid a half penny pro wallesilver}^ The customary wardpenny, wardsilver, warpenny, or ivarthsilver is » ii. 37, 43. ^ i. 56 : Compare for woodpenny Rot. Hund. ii. ()29: " dabit duos denarios per annum pro wodepenny vel operabitur per duos dies more consueto." =* i. 309. * iii. 254, 271. ^ i. 314, 345, and elsewhere. " iii. 271. ■^ See extent of Girton, i. 493: " Et tota villata habebit sexdecim denarios, quadrantem, quae vocantur wertliale, wetherhale." •* i. 476: "Ad diem etiam, quo falcaut pratum domini, habebunt unum niul- tonera et si dominus habuerit ibidem bidentes, et si non habuerit, habebunt sex denarios pro nuiltone. Ita scilicet quod ipse multo libere pouetur in prato in medio eorum, et si comprehendere possunt, habebunt ilium, et si evadere possit, eo anno perdent ilium." « iii. 259. '" i. 487. " Rot. Hund. ii. 657. COMPARISON OF ECONOMIC CONDITIONS. 57 probably the same payment that was made by the greater tenants in place of watch and ward, and should therefore be included among the royal payments.* Professor VinogradoflF, however, finds a dif- ference. The customary wardsilver he considers a payment on the villein's cattle.^ Wardsilver had certainly some connexion with cattle, but probably only in the method of its assessment. A vil- lein was rated to wardsilver according to the number of animals he owned. In Hemingford the virgater or crofter who at Martinmas had cattle to the value of 30 d. gave a half penny for wardsilver.^ There was, however, a distinct payment on oxen, pro botie, in War- boys and Wistowe,* and a payment called bvsaginin on each cow in Hulme.^ Wardpenny may have been sometimes a commutation of the duty of watching at S. Ives in fair time. Pannage, the payment for keeping pigs and for license to feed them on the mast of the manor woods, was practically universal. The villein paid for his pigs according to their age. In Warboys a pig of one year and over cost 2 d. pannage, a pig of a half year and over 1 d., and a pig of a quarter year and over a half penny.® The amount of the pannage sometimes depended upon the time of year at which the pig was killed or sold.' If the nuts were plentiful in the wood the villein sometimes kept his pigs at home, but paid his pannage as before.* Other payments were made by the villein to the abbot's courts. The curious payment ca]\ed fidstiiigpound is found on the manors of Cranfield, Burwell, Shitlingdon, Barton, Elton,^ and probably Therfield. By the payment of an annual sum, fulstingpound, ^ See Rot. Hund. ii. 680, where wardsilver is paid to the bailiff of Toulyslund Hundred from Hemingford Abbot's. ^ Villainage in England, 291. * i. 390. Compare i. 354, 365, and elsewhere. * iii. 292 : " Pro quolibet bove de carruca, sive vacca lac praebente, tres obolos per annum, excepto primo anno, quo non dat nisi obolum pro bove sive juvenca." Cf. iii. 269, 315. ^ i. 402 : . . . "si habuerint vaccas dant ad busagium, unnm denarium." . . . ® i. 309: "Dat pannagium pro porco super annum duos denarios, pro porco dimidii anni unum denarium. Et pro porco unius quarterii obolum ; et licet por- cos suos domi retinuerit in anno quo copia glandis f uerit, nihilorainus pro eis dabit pannagium." ' ii. 37 : "Si ipsum (porcum) occiderit, vel vendiderit, inter Gulam Augusti et Purificationem, (dabit) imum obolum die Sancti Martini pro pannagio. Si post Purificationem nihil dabit." Cf. ii. 43. » See above, i. 309, and compare i. 345, 356. » Eot. Hund. ii. 607. 58 • ECONOMIC CONDITIONS ON RAMSEY MANORS. the villagers compounded with the manorial court, so that in all cases of misdemeanour they should pay only 6 d. before trial, and after trial, if they awaited judgment, only 12 d.' Exemption from a heavier fine did not extend to theft or bloodshed, but to minor matters, such as the omission of suit at the mill or trangressions in ploughing and harvest work.^ Tlie total amount in Cranfield, and probably in Therfield, was 20 s., in Barton, 30 s. In 1254, during a vacancy of the abbey, 40 s. was received.^ The free did not pay fulstingpound/ Chevagium, capitagium, or headpenny, was the common payment made at the view of frank })ledge by the chief pledges of the tith- ing for those not attending the view."^ By the payment of head- penny the cottager in Houghton was freed from attendance at all halimots in the year except two, the one held next before the Gules of August and the one next after Michaelmas, when pleas were held super se.^ The royal payments need little discussion. The most important were sheriff's and hundred's aid, hidage, pontage, wardpenny and wodehac. Wodehac, which should not be confounded with wode- penny, was clearly a royal payment made to the sheriff of Hunt- ingdonshire from manors within that county.' It was due from 1 i. 441 : "Villa dat ad viginti solidos, qui dantur, quod cum aliquis cadat in misericordia domini, det ante judicium sex denarios. Et post, si expectet judi- cium, duodecim denarios, nisi sit pro furto vel aliqua maxima transgressione. Sci- endum quod non omnes dant ad viginti solidos, et ideo non omnes sunt facturi finem . . . uno et eodein modo." * i. 473: "Si vero convictus fuerit, quod debito modo ad molendinum domini sectam non fecerit, ante judicium dabit sex denarios; et si judicium sustinuerit, dabit duodecim denarios." i. 464 : "Ad festura Sancti Andrea; dat quatuor denarios nt super transgressionibus operum convictus, ut arura3, messis, et aliorum hujusmodi, ante judicium amer- cietur sex denarios, post judicium duodecim denarios." ii. 22 : " Tota villfita, praeter liberos, dat in festo Sancti Andreas viginti solidos, qui vocatur filstinpound ; et per hoc qnieti debent esse de omnibus misercordiis, ante judicium pro sex denariis et post judicium pro duodecim denariis nisi pro effusione sanguinis vel pro excisione qnercus, pro furto." See also i. 46. 3 iii. 12. * See above, i. 473, and compare i. 486. * i. 309, and elsewhere. * i. 369 : " Et per pra'dictum hovedpeny qnieti dobont esse a secta onmiinn bali- motorum per annum praeterquam duoruni, scilicet cujusdam proximi ante (Julam Augusti, et proximi post festum Sancti Michaelis, ubi habeant placitum super se." .... ' iii. 324 : "Item solutae vicecomiti lluntindoniaj pro Wodehac, x marcse." COMPARISON OF ECONOMIC CONDITIONS. 59 freeholders and censuarii as well as villeins, and was often included under forinsec services.* The meaning of the word is obscure. Church Payments. — The payments to the parish church were as follows : On the death of a villein the priest often received the best of the cattle ; if the wife died, the priest received the second best.'^ Peter^s Pence, like ward penny, was assessed according to the value of the villein's cattle. A married man having cattle valued at 30 d. paid usually a penny, St. Peter's Penny ; an unmarried man paid half as much.* A payment called ploualnies was levied on ploughs. In S. Ives, Holywell and Broughton for every plough yoked between Easter and Pentecost, and in Wistowe for every plough yoked between Michaelmas and Christmas, the priest received 1 cL* In Broughton ploualmes was paid in bread, one-third going to the church, two- thirds to the poor.* In Upwood the priest received nothing from the ploughs.® Every man with a hearth paid something toward lighting the church (ad Iwninare or ad candelam). The villein whose wife was living paid more than the widower.' Tithes. — The most important church dues were the tithes from the lord and villagers. The tithe sheaves due from the lord's demesne were usually paid in the form of acres already planted in special fields. The priest received several acres of one grain in the field post femicium, others of another grain in the field next that chosen for the seed, and still others near the Maundy acre.* Tithes due ^ i. 297: . . . " facit homagium abbati, et sectaiu curiae de Broughtone, et forinsecimi servitium cum wodehac." . . . See also i. 286, 288, 296, aud else- where. ^ i. 294, 352, and elsewhere. * i. 331 : " Quilibet autem maritus habens in vigilia Natalis Domini averia gradentia pretii ad minus triginta denarios, dabit ad Ad Vincula Sancti Petri unum denarium ; qui quidem denarius appellatur denarius Sancti Petri ; et vir sine sponsa et vidua, dabunt obolum ; pro catallis autem dictus denarius non dabitur." See also i. 282, 321, and elsewhere. * i. 282. * i. 331 : " Deferunt autem omnes parochiani, tarn liberi quam villani, in festo Nativitatis Beatae Maria;, ad ecclesiam, tot panes quot habent capita in caruca juncta post Natale, exceptibus capitibus equorum ; de quibus panibus tertia pars remanebit ecclesise . . . et duae partes per parochianos pauperibus distribuentur." See also 353. (Soloualmes.) 6 i. 341. ■f i. 282, 341, and elsewhere. ® i. 364 : "Et percipit persona . . . pro decimis garbarum de dominico Abba- tis duodecim acras inbladatas ; scilicet de frumento post femicium et post culturam, quam firmarius vel serviens Abbatis eligere voluerit ad semen, et post acram GO ECONOMIC CONDITIONS ON RAMSEY MANORS. from villein land were of various kinds. The church usually re- ceived a tithe of the hay, a tithe of the products of the garden and curtilage, of the wool and linen, a goose, pullets, hens, or a tithe of the monej'^ values of these, and on every tenth day of the year a tithe of milk.' A few payments in kind were due to the abbot. The most com- mon were hens at Christmas and occasionally on other great days, eggs at Easter, and, in some manors, barley for ale. The abbot re- ceived various kinds of grain, wheat measured in cumbs, rings, erthendales,^ or tolfats,* and fodder.* Occasionally rents were paid in ploughshares or bowls of honey ,^ sometimes in fishes and eels.® In Walsocn the abbot received the third part of all fish caught. He received in the time of King William a third of a dolphin, and in the reign of Stephen the smaller of two fish, the division being made in the manorial court. As spoils from a shipwreck in Wal- socn, the abbot once received a ninth part, 5 s., and a trey of corn.' Only that side of the villager's life in which he came into contact with the lord can be described with fulness or certainty. With the other side of his life, the cultivation of his own strips of arable and his personal interests apart from the lord, the extents have nothing to do, and any information concerning it is largely accidental. From an occasional passage we learn that a villein ploughed the lord's land with all the beasts with which he ploughed his own,^ that an acreman ploughed his own land once every second week with the lord's plough,' or that in the harvest the villein worked for the lord every day but Saturday, Saturday being reserved for his own reaping.'** The week work and boons undoubtedly con- mandati, sex acras ; de hordeo quatuor acras, et de avena duas acras post culturas hordei et avense, quas balliviis domini abbatis eligerit ad opus abbatis." i. 474 : " Et persona percipit duas partes totius deciuite bladi de dominico. Ita scilicit quod in autumno inensuratur totum dominicum per acras, et de omnibus acris decimalibus percipit persona duas partes et Abbas tertiam." See also i. 405, 458, and elsewhere. ^ i. 330-331, 284, 294, 320. Mii. 247. *iii. 280. *iii. 271, 2«2, and elsewhere. * iii. 270. « iii. 29t5. ' iii. 289. » i. 336. ® iii. 257, and i. 318 : " Et in qualibet secunda septimana anni .... habebit aruram, una cum una caruca Integra, sicut villani junguntur, die Veneris, super terram suam." '" ii. 24: "Item tempore messionis inveniet quolibet die in septimana unum hominem, ad metcndum ad cibum proprium, excepto die Sabbati, in quo opera- bitur opus proprium." COMPARISON OF ECONOMIC CONDITIONS. 61 sumed a large part of the villein's time, but, perhaps, not as much as at first appears. The extents do not always require that the vir- gater shall work himself, often he is only to " furnish a man to work." Then, as has been said, in every household there must have been a number of other workmen beside the virgater, for in times of special stress more than one man was furnished. Famuli et alii always accompanied the Wystowe villein to the boons. Again, work on the lord's land did not always require a whole day ; the villein often stopped at noon.^ On most manors, too, there was in the thirteenth century a large class of very small holders, the tenants of the odds and ends of land alread}^ mentioned, who paid a rent and held no land in the arable. These men were very nu- merous to be always sure of hired work on the demesne, and it seems possible that the villein might engage their labour on his own land.^ For the villein's live stock, his plough beasts, cows, pigs, and sheep, rights of common in the pasture lands of the manor were re- quired. The thirteenth century extents define these rights very strictly. After the hay was cut the meadows were usually thrown open as pasture to the free and villeins alike. In S. Ives, horses might be tied among the haymows even before the hay was re- moved.' Sometimes the cattle of the villeins could be pastured in the meadows only when the cattle of the lord were ah'eady there.* Rights of pasture before the hay was cut were reserved for the ab- bot alone,^ but the abbot's several pastures were sometimes open to privileged villagers.® After the removal of the crops, cattle were pastured in the arable also. The priest of Broughton, if he owned cattle, had rights of common with the villata in the fields (campis).' In Fenstokking the abbot's men had pasture after the grain was ^ ii. 23 : " Item herciabita mane usque ad nonam pro uno opere," and elsewhere. It is usually stated if the villein is to work until vespers. See ii. 44. ^ Maitland, Domesday Book and Beyond. 41. ^ i. 295: " Et in praedictis pratis, post fenum asportatum, conimunicabunt omnes . . . . et cum fenum fuerit adunatum, licebit omnibus et singulis equos habentibus eos ligare inter muliones ; sed si damnum faciant, imparcentur, et emendas faciant." * i. 306 : " Pascet etiam tantummodo cum caruca sua in pratis Abbatis post fenum adunatum, si averia Abbatis ibidem existant, et alio modo non." See i. 283, 330, 342, 364, and elsewhere. ^i. 306: ... ''si forte contigerit ipsum Abbatem ante tempus falcationis aliquam partem prati sui cum averiis suis pascere, quod ssepius contingit" .... ® i. 283. ' i. 330 : " Commimicabit cum villata in campis." 62 ECONOMIC CONDITIONS ON RAMSEY MANORS. removed from 40 acres.' In King's Ripton, after the removal of the hay all the meadows v?ere put in defense until the grain in the ad- jacent fields was ripe.^ The abbot's demesne might be sown in the meadow, the stubble being afterwards used as pasture by the lord and acremen.' The woods of the manor afforded pasture for the cattle,* pannage for the pigs, and green and dry wood, turf and rods for cutting. In S. Ives there were two woods ; one was the abbot's several, and in it no one could cut or pasture without permission ; in the other all the men of S. Ives, Waldhirst, Wodehirst, Holywell, and Nidingworth had common. The Bishop of Ely had common there, also, in re- turn for certain privileges of the abbot's men in Ely land.* In War- boys none could take wood except at a fitting time to mend their ploughs.® Of three woods in Upwood two were reserved from Mich- aelmas to Martinmas for the abbot alone, because during that time the nuts were most plentiful.' Besides meadows and woods many manors had strips of fen in which the cattle of the vill were pastured, and from which estovers and reeds were taken.' Some meadows in the fen were surrounded with water and were reached by boat f to other meadows, used as pasture land, the cattle were driven along paths. The boundaries in the fens were very uncertain, and hence the pasture rights were the cause of many disputes. The many difficulties arising from the frequent intercommoning of Ramsey and neighbouring monasteries seem to point back to a time when the fen was held as common land, and the cattle of all the men of the region fed there " horn un- der horn.'"" In the eleventh, twelfth, and thirteenth centuries rights 1 i. 96 : . . . " quadraginta acrarutn, scilicet Fenstokking, sed post blada aspor- tata homines abbatis habent communam." . . . *i. 321: "Post falcationem etiam, et fenum asportatum, omnia prata apud Ryptone eruntin defensione, si dominus voluerit, quousque blada dictis pratis adjacentia fuerint de campis amota, ita quod nullus pascet in eis cum averiis.'' 'i. 'S:V2. * Ibid. * i. 283: "In alio bosco communicant onmes cum averiis suis pascendis, de Sancto Ivone, Waldhyrst, Wodehyrst, Haliwelle, Nidingworthe, dominus Elyensis Episcopus, et oranes sui tenentes de soca de Somcrsham." Cf. also Rot. Ilund. 1.301: . . . "ubi omnes tenentes de soka solebant communire cum averiis suis." 6 i. 307. ' i. 342. 8 i. 308, 332, 354. ^ i. 430 : " Prata in raarisco, scilicet Crowelode . . . et cingitur dictum pratnm undique aquis." '" i. 164: . . . " et ut pastura eis esset omnibus communis, id est, cornu sub cornu." WISTOWE CONDITIONS. 63 of common were being differentiated and boundaries established, and innumerable disputes resulted. On the east, Ramsey quar- relled with Ely over Weremeremore near Benwickmere and Crowe- lodemore/ so that in 1284 a perambulation of the bounds between Huntingdonshire and Cambridgeshire^ was made. Not until ten years later was an agreement reached, according to which the abbot and his tenants of Warboys, Upwood, Ravele, Wistowe, Broughton, and Bury were to common with horses, oxen, and cows in Were- meremore, while the bishop and his tenants of Somersham were to common in Crowelodemore. The abbot and his men secured a pas- sage through the bishop's marsh to Hollode, but in return the abbot's lode between Nidingworth and the Great Bank, near Earith, was not to be too deep for the bishop's cattle to pass to the pasture in Holywell. Fishing in the lode was to be common to all. In the north, Ramsey and Thorney quarrelled constantly over the marsh of King's Delph, the first division of the marsh being made in the eleventh century,^ the last in 1253. Ramsey had other disputes with the Bardolphs in the northeast,* and with Peterborough, Wal- ton and Sawtrey in the west and northwest.^ CHAPTER III. The Administration of Wistowe. It has been already suggested that there are distinct limitations upon the value of extents as evidence for the exact economic condi- tions upon the manors at any given time. The extents were, in the main, written statements, made at long intervals, of the relation of the villagers to the lord. They served as a general guide for the defi- nition of services, to limit the lord in a tendency to deninnd more than was customary and the villagers in a clesire to give less. In them the will of the lord could play an important part by ofi'ering alternatives and equivalents of labour, and they could take no ac- count of interruptions in the routine of manorial life arising from unusual and transitory circumstances. Neither could they give any information of permanent value concerning the output of the manor, 1 i. 201-218. » i. 197. ' iii. 38. * ii. 220: " Coparcenarii." * ii. 329, 343, and elsewhere. 64 ECONOMIC CONDITIONS ON RAMSEY MANORS. for this would necessarily vary from year to year. In another class of material, the account rolls, on the other hand, the exact conditions on a manor in a given year, the practical workings in that year of the provisions of the extent, may be studied. The account roll gives an accurate and full description of the manorial economy. It is an itemized account rendered yearly at Michaelmas to the lord, by the reeve, of all the receipts and expenses of the manor, and of the current product and stock. Sometimes there is added an exact description of the " works " rendered in that year by the villagers. Extents and account rolls overlap a little in date, but the bulk of the account rolls is later than the extents. Series of account rolls exist in manuscript for almost all the Ramsey manors. The great number of these documents and their comparative difficulty of access has made it impossible to examine with care the rolls of more than one manor. The manor of Wistowe in Huntingdonshire has been chosen because there seems to have been no unusual circumstance concerned in its development, and it may therefore probably be taken as a type of the large group of Ramsey manors surrounding it. Wistowe lay about three miles south of Ramsey.^ The village was somewhat square in shape, with the manor house and curia, cover- ing about three acres of ground, at one corner. The line of the banlieu ran across the village, including within the banlieu the manor house, church, and part of the village. Along a brook flow- ing north past the village through Bury to the Ramsey fen were the Wistowe meadows, Thornebrigge and Benemede, cut twice a year; Holm, Langepol, Horsepol, and Fulebrok, cut once a year; and Aldebyrislade and Chesehuslade, cut once a year for two years, and the third year lying at pasture with the fallow. The arable land lay beyond ; the extent of 1252 gives an interesting list of the demesne fields, but it is impossible to identify the names, on a modern map.^ Pasture land and two woods, Sunderland and Rokesgrove, also belonged to the manor. To the northeast of Sunderland, perhaps near the present Warboys wood, the long narrow i)iece of Wistowe fen land extended to Wytmannclode. In 1811, before the manor was enclosed, there were 1820 acres in arable, 60 in meadow, 40 in pasture, 300 in waste, and 30 in wood.' ' i. 351 : Rot. Hund. ii. 602. ' There is probably no award map for Wistowe. * Parkinson, Agriculture of the County of Huntingdon. WISTOWE CONDITIONS. 65 The Wistowe series of account rolls begins with an account for the year 1297/ and continues with numerous breaks tlirough the two succeeding centuries. The earlier rolls only have been exam- ined here ; those, that is to say, for the years 1297, 1298, 1304, 1307, 1311, 1316, 1318, 1324, 1336, 1351, 1354, 1368, 1472, and two undated fragments, one belonging between 1336 and 1351, and the other probably in 1466, possibly later. Of these, the rolls for 1297, 1298, 1307, 1311, 1316, 1318 (?), 1324, 1351, 1368, and 1466 (?), and a rental of 1381, will be found in the appendix. Most of the Wistowe court rolls have also been examined. The account rolls all conform to one general type. There is a preamble in which is given the name of the reeve or bailiff of the manor, with the date and length of time accounted for. The earlier accounts are rendered by the reeve alone, but after the roll of 1336 the reeve and bailiff sometimes act together, and in the fifteenth century the collector of rents and firmarius appear. The date is fixed by the year of the abbot of Ramsey, to which is sometimes added the year of the regnant king. The time covered is usually from Michaelmas to Michaelmas. The first entry after the preamble is always of the amount of arrears from the preceding account. Upon this follow the receipts of the current year arranged under certain general heads, of which the order and number may vary. The most important sources of receipts were rents, the sale of "works," grain, and stock, fines, gersumas, and the proceeds of the view of frank pledge and other courts. The account of expendi- tures follows the receipts, and here also the number and order of heads vary. Payments to the abbot's chamber, to the cellarer and other officers, the purchase of grain and stock, the cost of ploughs and carts and utensils of various kinds, the cost of the mill, of food for the boon days, and the wages and payments of manorial servants, are the most important items. The third part of the rolls contains an account of the grain and stock produced by the manor, with an occasional supplementary description of the labour services of the villagers. The administration of Wistowe will be most readily studied by examining these items in order, and tracing any evi- dences of economic change through the successive rolls. The first item under the receipts of the manor is rents. Rents included, chiefly (a), land rents — rents, that is to say, from land ^ There is an earlier roll in the Public Recoid Office, but it is very difScult to read. Ministers' Accounts, 88 )/29. 5 66 ECONOMIC CONDITIONS ON RAMSEY MANORS. ad cew^uni, fixed rents (redditus assisce), and, after the Black Death, rents from the demesne ; (b), customary payments. In the earlier rolls, before 1350, these rents are entered under the "terms " of the year at which they were paid ; later all are grouped together under redditus per annum, or some phrase of like meaning. The terms at which payment was due varied with the kind of rent, and some- times also with the year. The table on page 67 will show conve- niently the rents paid in Wistowe from 1297-1380. The second column shows the usual terms at which portions of the rent were paid. (a) Land rents. The study of land rents is connected with im- portant questions relating to the disappearance of labour services, the growth of money rents, the renting of demesne lands, and, in short, the break up of the old manorial system. The subject is a difficult one largely because it has to do with a period of transition when no hard and fast lines can be drawn between the various classes of tenures, and the very terms used are difficult to define. To understand clearly the land rents in Wistowe, it will be neces- sary, at the outset, to give some account of the land in Wistowe and Ravele held at difl'erent times by money rents and labour service, beginning with the extents and following through the rolls to the fifteenth century. The necessary information for this purpose can be satisfactorily obtained from those rolls only in which there are descriptions of the number and kind of " works " rendered by the villagers, and the amount of land still held at labour service. From the other rolls it is usually impossible to tell with any certainty the amount of land held by various tenures. The earliest information is found in the extents. In Henry I.'s time^ 6i, perhaps 7, virgates were ad censum, 27 virgates ad opus; there were six crofts "and eight cotlands. In 1252,* 30 J virgates were in villenage; one virgate was held ad censum by the Clerevaux and 4^ other virgates were partly ad censum ; there were 18 crofts and a number of smaller holdings. The first roll containing an account of works is that of 1336. In this year bl virgates were ad censum, 23 virgates ad opus. The services of four other virgates were deducted because one belonged to the reeve and beadle, two to the four acreraen, and one was in the hands of the lord. 9^ cotlands were ad opus, and in the autumn, that is to say, from the Gules of » iii. 271. =* i. 351. WISTOWB CONDITIONS. 67 ^ ^ rt ■« :5?^ th IS ;!;■ :^ ^ o ^ -1 ^5^ ^ ^ 2 "« ^ '«' i "«■ ^ -^ s> i> to C-l ^ ^ IM ^ :5^ ^ ;g -e -e ^ pa g aj e 0) 6 >um, 18 j virgates, five hidemen and one cotland were in opere. In the two rolls of the next century all this was changed, and a large part of the work was done by hired labour. In 1472 the villata paid a lump sum of £25.9.11 for services from lands " nuper in opere et censu.'^ The roll (c.) 1466* gives a more definite account of the fate of the labour services. All were not yet extinct ; 71 virgates in Wistowe, 41 virgates in Ravele still owed certain new and old boon- ploughings, harrowings, 42 in all, carriages, which, however, were not performed in the year in which the roll was written, 53 weed- ings, 20 haying works, 49 j autumn reapings, 31-1 autumn works, and after harvest for three weeks, two works a week. In the autumn the works of two hidemen were included. All the customary ten- ants of Wistowe and Ravele aided in shearing the sheep, in hay- making, and in the autumn boons ; the works of each tenant were, however, comparatively slight. The bulk of the labour services had been " relaxed " nine years before. A comparison of these figures shows an increase in the amount of land ad opus between the time of Henry I. and 1252; after 1252 a slow, gradual decrease to 1380, but little if any accelerated by the Black Death. In the latter part of the next century, although the bulk of the labour services had disappeared, an appreciable number was still performed, and for the rest the villeins had paid a compo- sition sum with which free labour was hired. The number of virgates ad ccnsum given in the above table of rents agrees in every case with that given in the description of works ; and we may, therefore, conclude that tlie number of virgates in the list of rents covers in any year the total number held ad ccnsum. The ^ Appendix, pp. 70-73. ^ Appendix, pp. 85-86. * Appendix, p. 104. * Appendix, pp. 92, 96, 101-103. WISTOWE CONDITIONS. 69 rent for a virgate so held was regularly a marc (13 s. 4 d.), paid at the feasts of the Annunciation and the Nativity of the Virgin. It. will be noticed that there was no steady relation between the rise and fall of the amounts of land ad censim, and ad opus; the land ad censum did not increase by the amount by which the land ad 02ms decreased. The amount of land ad censum varied only very slightly from 1297-1351. The drop to three virgates in 1351 was probably due to the ravages of the Black Death, the other virgates usually ad censum being vacant. After the Black Death, as might be expected from the decrease in the number of villagers, the amount steadily in- creased. The variation in the number of cotlands ad censum was, on the other hand, great and without apparent cause. The number ad ojncs dropped at the Black Death from nine to one, and the ser- vices of the seven impotent cotmen of 1351 were apparently never resumed. The terms cottars and crofters seem to have been used interchangeably in the rolls. The hidemen, of whom there were usually five ad opus, were probably the descendants of the five men that remained in the hida elemosinse^ in the extent of the twelfth century. Four of these held each a croft and two acres by the rent of 12 d. and one day's work a week. The fifth held a toft and paid 12 d. Still another tenant held a half " virga " in the same hide. In the Hundred Rolls^ four " hidemanlonds " are described, each containing a messuage of a half acre and a croft of two acres, one rod. The tenant worked one day a week, paid 12 d. for redditus assisse and made also certain villein payments. The "akerman- londs " were held by the acremen or carucarii on a labour tenure with the exemptions usually given to manorial servants. Beside the land ad opus and the land ad censum there was another kind of land in Wistowe, held, or leased, at a money rent, called terra arentata. It is the rapid increase in this land, especially in the demesne, that is the most evident effect in Wistowe of the Black Death. After the j^estilence the number of workmen was necessa- rily greatly reduced, the price of labour was raised, and, since the demesne coijld no longer be cultivated by the villagers, the lord began to let to outsiders or members of the villata the parts for the cultivation of which the reduced customaiy labour was not sufficient. The first lot rented was one of 53 acres, in le Stokkinge, to the men of Bury f other lots in le Brach, Bisshopeswong and other demesne ^ iii. 272. 2 jjot Hund. ii. 602. ^ Appendix, p. 59. 70 ECONOMIC CONDITIONS ON RAMSEY MANORS. fields soon followed, so that by 1368' 142 acres at least of the de- mesne had passed out of the lord's control. The rental of 1381* contains a long list of the demesne fields that have been arentatae, the names of which agree with those in the extent of 1252. Not all of the demesne, however, can have been rented. The number of labour services still actually performed shows that the greater part must have remained in the lord's hands to be worked as before by the lord's customary tenants. For this part the system of bailiff farming may have been in use for some ^^ears after the Black Death, since the bailiff's name appears with the reeve's in the rolls of 1351 and 1354, but the rolls show no change in the general organization of the manor beyond the leasing of the demesne lots. The third and last kind of land rents accounted for in the rolls was the fixed rents Qredditus assissh) including rents in money and kind. These were rents received with regularity year after year. Land held thus would^erhaps differ from that ad censum in being subject to no fluctuations and in supplying to the lord an assured revenue. It is evident that fixed rents formed usually an important part of the profits of a manor. During a vacancy of Ramsey from October, 1254, to Januar}^ 1255, the redditus amsse were the second item in amount, and reached the considerable sum of £32.12 s. from all the manors. In Wistowe, however, the amount collected was for a long time trifling. From 1297 to 1368 all that is recorded is one unvarying sum of 4 s. 6 d. (together, in 1297, with 76 hens), paid always at Michaelmas. After 1380 the rent increased, the original 4 s. Q d. disappearing or becoming merged in the larger amount. In the later rolls the sources of the rent are indicated. In 1381,^ for instance, the rent amounting to some 14 s., was derived from two free tenements, two free half virgates, a manse, a forge, three mes- suages and hangerlond. In the next century, in 1472, it was paid from the land and tenements of the old fief of Robert Love, from half messuages, meadows, furlongs, and the like. (&) The study of customary payments in Wistowe adds very little to what has been already said concerning such payments-on the Ram- sey manors in general. The money was paid, for the more part, as composition for the labour services of the villeins, and the origin of the payments may be usually found among the services described in the extents. ^ Appendix, pp. 74-75. ' Appendix, pp. 108- ; especially 113-116. ' Appendix, p. 104-. WISTOWE CONDITIONS, 71 Sheriff's aid was paid in Wistowe at the rate of 6 (/. a virgate. After the Black Death there was a fall in the amount. Originally a forinsec payment, it was received by the abbot as farmer of the hundred of Hirstingston. Wardsilver, also originally a forinsec payment, was paid at Martinmas at the rate of a farthing a virgate. Argentum vinese was the wynyardsilver of other manors.' Notesilver may be con- veniently added to the list of customary payments, although in the rolls it occurs among the small sales. The following passage from the extent^ will explain the payment : " If nuts abound in the woods of Sunderland and Rokesgrave, he (the virgater) shall collect in the same a fourth part of one bushel of nuts on the day of the Behead- ing of John Baptist, or on some other feast day, if the lord will." The payment in commutation of this service was li d. from each virgate, and amounted to something between 3 s. and 3 s. 8 d. In the years 1368. and 1380 the payment was not made, because there were no nuts.^ In the rental of 1381 and the rolls of the fifteenth century two tallages are mentioned among the rents.^ The Easter tallage was levied on land, 10 d. on a virgate, li> d. on a cotland and 2 d. on a hideland. The Michaelmas tallage was paid for the agistment of beasts, i d. for a horse, 2 d. for a hestla, 1 d. for eight pigs, and 1 d. for eight sheep. The rolls declare that no more than this was paid for sheep because the sheep lay at the fold of the abbot. Perhaps in some years the villein had the privilege, denied to strangers and to those that used the pasture although they had no lands in Wis- towe, of folding his own sheep.* In this case he probably paid a higher tallage. Washinypenny, paid by the villagers in 1466 (?),^ was a commuta- tion of the duty of washing the sheep, a service at that time per- formed by hired labour. Of the remaining customary payments hangcrlondiiilver and heus- chire need a word of comment. Hangcrlondsilver was a small pay- ment made in years in which certain land called hangerlond, meadow land," was sown ; if the land were not sown the payment was not made. It is possible that the land itself did not lie in Wistowe, but in the neighbouring manor of King's Ripton, for in 1297 and 1307 payments of 4 d. were made to that manor pro han- 1 i. 358. 2 Appendix, p. 76. * Appendix, pp. 90, 113. * i. 354. ^ Appendix, p. 95. ^ See Bosworth-Toller : liangra = a meadow, a piece of land along a road. 72 ECONOMIC CONDITIONS ON RAMSEY MANORS. gerlond} The word occurs again in the extent of Abbot's Ripton.^ Heuschire was levied, as on most manors, at the rate of 12 d. or 13 d. a virgate. Partial exemptions were made for the officers of the manor, a reduction, that is to say, of 2 d. each for the reeve, beadle, and four acromen, and, until 1324, for the smith also. Occasionally a larger reduction was made for the Asplond land. The payment is entered as reddltus cum liensckire, and since 13 d. a virgate would not amount to the large sums given, quite half the j^ayment may be credited to the redditus. In the rolls of 1466 (?) and 1472 the former payments of the tenants " lately in opere et censii,^^ are enumerated, nothing being rendered in these years because the customars had been " placed at new works" iad nova opera). The relaxation of sheriff's aid, heuschire, malt- silver, fishsilver, argentum vineas, wethersilver and the Easter tallage took place in 1413, the seventeenth year of Ab'bot Thomas Boterwyk. Notesilver, pondage, and tallage to the cellarer were placed in denariis in 1442.^ 1413 was the year in which, on most of the Ramsey manors, the old wa)rks wore abolished, and new and much lighter ones sub- stituted.* The next heading in the rolls after rents is the sale of " works." The " works " were the regular labour services, a number of which, varying with the number required to cultivate the demesne, were in each year sold, or, in other words, remitted for a money equivalent. There is extreme irregularity in this number. In 1297, 260 works were sold ; in 1307, 1470; in 1311, 596i ; in 1316, 272; in 1324, 537 ; in 1336, 242^ ; in 1351, 4241 ; in 136s, 456; in 1380, 189^. In 1472 a lump sum of something over £25 was paid for all the services ; in the fragment of 1466 (?) almost all the services have been relaxed. The prices of works were invariable. Autumn works were always the most valuable, selling at 1 J d ; works after autumn sold at 1 d., sum- n)er works at f d., winter works at 2 d. The sums received varied from £4.19 s. 9 d. in 1307 to 13 s. 6 d. in 1316. The i)roportion of the total number of works of each season sold in an average j^ear can be determined from the rolls. In 1368, in the winter, from Martin- mas to the eve of the vigil of Pentecost (June 5), 19 virgates were responsible for 1306 works ; 209 of these, hawever, fell on feast days, and were, therefore, remitted; 76 were paid in maltsilver and argen- ^ Appendix, pp. 5, 22, and elsewhere. * i. 328. ' See Minister's Accounis, 8*^5/14. * Page, Umwandhing der Frolindienste in Geldrenten, 45, note. WISTOWE CONDITIONS. 73 turn vinece; 801- works were sold; 1300 J were actUcally rendered in threshing, hedging, thatching, harrowing,' etc. In the summer, tliat is from Pentecost to the vigil of the Gules of August, from a total of 483, 76 works fell on feast days, 106 were sold, and 301 ren- dered in cutting and tossing hay, making marl, weeding, tlireshing, and the like. In the autumn, from the Gules of August to the eve of the Nativity of the Virgin, from a total of 848 works, two feast days cancelled 38 works, 260 were sold, and 550 rendered. After the autumn, from the Nativity of the Virgin to the eve of Michaelmas, 189 works were due, 57 fell on feast days, Ql were sold, and 122^- were performed.^ Thus it is clear that to a late date a very small proportion of works was sold ; the greater number were still rendered in the old labour service. It is disappointing to find in the Ramsey rolls so little direct evi- dence of the economic changes resulting from the Black Death and the Peasants' Revolt of 1381. On most manors the Black Death caused a rapid increase in money rents for labour service ; in Wistowe, however, its most evident effect was, as has been said, an ■increase in the land are/data. The cause of the revolt of 1381 was claimed by Professor Thorold Rogers to have been the attempted resumption by the lord of the old labour services, that had come, largely through the influence of the Black Death, to be paid in money, and no longer in actual work.^ There is no evidence in Wistowe of any such resump- tion of labour services. Until 1368 the evidence points to a gradual increase in the land ad censum, but also, as has been shown, to a constant decrease after 1252 in the land ad opus, and to a perma- nence in the proportionate number of labour services performed. Each virgate in 1336, 1351, and 1368 rendered between 170 and 180 works a year. No rolls have been examined for the years between 1368 and 1380, but the documents of 1380 and 1381 show no evidence of any tendency to enforce the labour services ; the same customary payments are enumerated in them as in the earlier rolls, and there is no violent change either in the number of virgates ad censum and ad opus or in the rents paid. The resumption of labour services would necessarily have left a mark somewhere in the rolls. The services that could be resumed would be those commuted in the customary payments, or the services of the virgates lately put ad censum. The ser- vices of the virgaters ad opus are so regularly and definitely accounted * The sum of winter works in the roll is wrong somewhere. ^ Appendix, pp. 85, 86. ' * Kogers, Agriculture and Prices, I. 81-82. 74 ECONOMIC CONDITIONS ON RAMSEY MANORS. for, those omitted on account of illness, and the number sold in any year are so carefully recorded, that one cannot suppose that these were not, until 1368, actually performed. 175 works from a virgater is a considerable number of services. Leaving out of account feast days, he must still have worked for the lord during a good part of the year. The court rolls of Wistowe\ like the account rolls, show no trace of a resumption of services. There is, it is true, in the rolls for Richard II. 's reign an occasional trifling fine for neglect of labour, but such fines do not by any means cease al\er 1381. The explanation of the exemption of Wistowe from a return to the old services, if such a return were ever attempted an3'where, might per- haps be that Wistowe was church land on which the old services had never been to any great degree resigned, and that the abbot of Ramsey had, therefore, no temptation to such measures of oppres- sion.^ Sale of Grain. — The prices of grain in the Wistowe rolls correspond, in the main, with the average prices given b}'- Rogers. One excep- tionally high rate is given: peas and wheat reached 8 s. a ring (16 s. a quarter) in 1316, the year of the famine. Probably very little, if any, grain was sold outside the manor. Most of it was bought by winnowers (ventrices) and taskaloresj^ who probably lived within the vill. Twice in the year 1316 peas were sold in market (in foro), once at Easter and once at the feast of St. Benedict. The number of outsiders at such a market would, however, be ver}^ small. Sale of Stock. — The receipts from the sale of stock, live stock and " dead " stock, formed an important part of the revenues of the manor. The live stock included pigs, cattle, horses, oxen, sheep, and poultry. Dead stock included such articles as hides of cattle, oxen, or horses, carcasses of dead animals, often of those drowned in the fen or killed by the murrain, about eating whose flesh there seems to have been no hesitation, the fleece and skins of lambs, * Public Record Office, Court Kolls, 179/10, and following. * Page (Umwandlung der Frohndienste in Geldrenten) has shown that the Peasants' Revolt had nothing to do with labor services, but that, on the other hand, the lightening of services in eastern and central England kept on steadily and gradually after the Black Death until all services were relaxed. ^ I have completed the MS. form ta.-^k' thus at the suggestion of ^Ir. Hall, but I am not sure of the form or the meaning. There may be some connection with the common phrase ad lascham, and the tuskalores may have been villagers who worked regularly by the task instead of by the number of works or days of work. Rogers mentions tassatoreji. Cf. Appendix, p. 2 (note). WISTOWE CONDITIONS. 75 flitches, hams, cheeses, butter, milk, and eggs. The prices cor- respond in the main with those given in Rogers' tables. The largest sale, in 1316, amounted to £13 2 s. 11 d. Miscellaneous articles of small value were grouped under the heading Mimita Vendita. These included hay sold by the mow (midlio), bundle, or little truss (tassiculus) . In 1324 no hay was sold " on account of the flood.'" Underwood of all kinds, stipida, aldres, mortua busca, old hedges, rotveres, loppes, esdiaites arborum, croppes, bark, fruit of the garden and thensid',^ apples, nuts, tan, payment for lambs, pannage for pigs, jwlic',^ used for the mill- stone (1 s.). The remaining receipts of the manor were derived from fines, gersumas and perquisites of the courts. Gersumas were of two kinds. The first, paid for ingress to land, amounted usually to 20 s. a half virgate, once to 40 s. Whether the lawful heir succeeded to the land or a stranger seems to have made no difference in the amount paid. With this kind of gersuma may be classed the heriots, the number of which that amounted to 2 s. 6 d. implies that many of the villagers of Wistowe held half virgates. The heriot from a full virgate, according to the extent of 1252, was 5 s. The second kind of gersuma was money paid for permission to marry within or without the manor. Such gersumas were paid occasion- ally by the man, more often by the woman herself, or by her father. The amount varied from 1 s. to 4.s. In 1380, Joanna, wife of Rich- ard Vernoun, paid as much as 26 s. 8 d. Perquisites of Courts.— The chief manorial courts mentioned in the rolls are the court held for the view of frank pledge, called after 1336 the leet court, and an autumn court. The chief profits of the court for the view of frank pledge were derived from chevage (hevedsilver) and fines. In 1307 the amount reached £4 9 s. 1 d. ; in 1336, £3 13 s. 4 d. ; in 1380, only £1 8 s. 5 d. The large amount re- ceived indicates that this was the great court of the year, the receipts from the autumn court being very much smaller. The court rolls of Wistowe-^ show that the view of frank pledge was held at various times, but usually in the late fall. The business usual at manorial courts was transacted. The chief misdemeanours recorded are: en- croachments on the lord's wood and marsh, either by digging, cut- ting, and carrying away rods, sticks, turf, and the like, or by the * Appendix, p. 54. 2 I cannot explain this word. ^ Public Kecord Office, Court KoUs, 179/40. 76 ECONOMIC CONDITIONS ON RAMSEY MANORS. depredations of the villeins' pigs or sheep, trespasses of villein cattle on the lord's peas and grain, encroachments on royal highways, thefts, sometimes, of corn from the grange, impounding of the lord's cattle, violations of the assize of ale, slander, assault, and inconti- nence. Fines were imposed in slightly increasing number in the later rolls for non-performance of labour services, for stopping work at noon against the custom of the vill, for bad ploughing on the lord's land, sometimes also for withdrawal from office, a certain John Outy paying on one occasion 20 s. that he might be excused from the office of beadle for the year. Often ale tasters were fined for non-performance of their duties. The increase in these fines in later years was probably due to the growth of the ideas of freedom, the use of hired labour, and the difficulty in enforcing villein labour. The sum of all the receipts for the year is given at the end of the several headings. In the same way the sum of all the expenses for the year, together with the difference owed by the reeve, is given at the end of the expenses. The amount of money that passed through the reeve's hands in different years varied greatly. In 1368, for example, a great deal of buying and selling was done in the manor, and the reeve had to account for £77 8.s. 6y\ d. In 1298 and 1304 very little business was done ; in 1304 the reeve accounted for only £3 6 s. 52 d. The expenses were less than the receipts in every year except 1351, when they exceeded the receipts by 19 s. 91 d The profit varied from iSs.1 d. to £36 8 s. 91 d. and f of i d. The following table will show the receipts and expenses, and the profit or loss for each year : Receipts. Expenses. Profit. Loss. 1297 £. s. d. 22 2 8 3 13 8% 3 6 5H 44 15 WA 38 1 2 18 3 % 53 7 37 5 4'% 42 18 10i2 27 8 2% 77 8 6j|,?4 0fJ/i 44 16 2j| £. s. d. 3 7 1 1 15 y 38 1 6 32 lOK 1 34 3 ^M 36 8 28 8 41 3 %yi £. s. d. 6 7 1 11 5 6 14 4% 6 3j| 17 3 y^ 3 2 V 6 10 10^ 36 8 9%,%ofJ4 £. s. d. 1298 1304 1307 i:!ll 1316 A 1316 B 1324 1336 1351 19 9><$ 1368 1380 Expenses. — The following were the more important yearly ex- penses of Wistowe: payments made to abbey officers and others, the purchase of stock and grain, the cost of ploughs and carts, the WISTOWE CONDITIONS. 77 cost of horseshoeing, the repair of buildings, small expenses, pay- ments made to manorial ministers, wages, gifts, and a few remitted rents and miscellaneous expenses. The payments made to abbey officers are chiefly interesting be- cause they show the connexion between Wistowe and Ramsey, the amount, that is to say, of money, stock and grain paid each year by Wistowe to the abbey.' Payments were made to three departments of the abbey — to the abbot's chamber, to the cellarer, and to the chaplain and lesser officers. The amount of money paid into the abbot's chamber varied ; in 1316 it was £14 1 s. lOJ d. ; in 1307, 1311 and 1324 it was a little over £7 ; in 1297, 1336 and 1352 it was £3 or over. In 1298 only one item of 11 s. from the Grafham land is re- corded. The money thus paid over to Ramsey was derived from sheriff's aid, perquisites of the view of frank pledge, and gersumas, from sundry rents, and from the sale of the proceeds of the manor in hay, peas, and grain. The payment in kind to the chamber was made usually for some special occasion. In 1307, for instance, one calf and six goats were sent to the abbot at the burial of Edward I., and four goats and poultry were sent at Pentecost.^ In 1316, when Abbot John de Sawtrey died, a number of small birds, twelve hens, the carcasses of an ox and two cows, four little jDigs and thirty- two doves were sent to Ramsey for his burial.^ For the installation of the new abbot, Simon de Eye, capons, hens and ducks were sent, together with poultry and other things for the cardinal. The value of the stock bought to send to Ramsey in 1307 reached 34 s. 1 d. A larger part of the stock sent was usually taken direct from the proceeds of the manor, and the money value is therefore not given. In 1324 a bull, a pig and fourteen rings of oats were sent to Erough- ton for the abbot's use there,* and during the same year, before and after Easter, there were further donations of birds, little pigs and cheeses. All the payments in stock made to the chamber seem to have been for the abbot's personal use. It may be remembered that it was from the supply of the chamber that in earlier times the cellarer could draw, in order to make good any deficiencies in the manorial farms. A larger payment of live stock made to the cellarer of the abbey is probably the only trace of the old " lent farm " owed by Wis- 1 The amount of grain sent to Ramsey is entered under the grain account in the third part of the rolls. ^ Appendix, p. 22. ^ Appendix, pp. 43, 45. * Appendix, p. 55. 78 ECONOMIC CONDITIONS ON RAMSEY MANORS. towe. The amount of stock varied somewhat from year to year ; in 1307, 1311 and 1336, however, it remained practically the same, and consisted of 115 cheeses, weighing 1^ lbs. each, 6 rings of beans, 11 geese, 103 hens, and 1860 eggs from the produce of the manor. By purchase it included also 5i lbs. of hard cheese, 7? lbs. of bacon, frescings, lambs, the flesh of an ox and a sheep, butter, herring, and fresh cheese. The value of the bought stock, together with 60 s. paid on tally, reached some £13.^ The amount of grain sent to Ramsey in 1307, most of which was probably received with the above stock by the cellarer, was : of wheat, 207 rings ; of peas, 6 rings for fodder ; of oats, 108 rings ; of mixture, 54 rings ; of grouts, 180 rings ; of barley, 164 rings.'' In addition to the payments to the chamber and cellarer, 3 s. was given each year to the chaplain, 2 s. 3 d wynyardsilver to the sub-cellarer, 7i d. to the sartrinum for soap and thread, and 6 d. to the brewhouse for candles. The receiver of the convent got 6 s. for meadow, and occasionally the sacristan received 2.s. for wood. The revenue in money derived by Ramsey from Wistowe was, therefore, covered in the main by the payments made into the abbot's cham- ber; the amounts paid to other departments were trifling. The value of the revenue in kind, of which the greater part went to the cellarer, cannot be accurately determined, because it was largely derived from the manorial stock, and has no money value given in the rolls. On behalf of the manor the reeve owed a few trifling rents or payments included among the expenses. In 1297, 1324, 1336, 1352, 1368, and 1380, 2 s. 2]- d. was paid at Upwood for the Upwood farm, 8 d. to the Broughton family for the Graf ham land, and 8 d. to the Gosselyns.^ In 1466 (?) the same rents are mentioned, but the names of the receivers are different.* In 1297 and 1307 there was also a payment of 4 d. for hangerlondsilver to the manor of Ripton Regis.* Purchase of Gi'ain and *Stoc^\— Wistowe was practically self-sup- porting, and comparatively little grain or stock was bought, just as little was sold. Purchases were usually made for some special pur- pose — to send to Ramsey, for instance, or to sujiply the reeve on a journey to Wisbeach. The largest sum paid for stock and grain 1 Appendix, pp. 22, 34. * Appendix, pp. 23, 24. » Appendix, pp. 5, 55, 77. '' Appendix, p. 94. * Appendix, pp. 5, 22. WISTOWE CONDITIONS. 79 was £6 10 s. 9^ d. in 1307, and of this £4 13 s. went for a special purchase of 124 lambs from Roger de Norton.^ Again, in 1324, from a total of £5 1 s. 4 d., £3 12 d. was paid for lambs.' The largest purchase of grain was in 1368, when 15 quarters of wheat cost £3 16 s. 8 d.' • Cost of Ploughs and Carts.— The chief articles purchased for ploughs were : ploughshares, clouts, steel in garbs, iron in pieces, wood, nails, halters for the plough beasts, and iron for " hokes, haspis, slingis, and cappings."* The carts required clouts for the axles' strake, brodd, and frykyng nails, hides for the harness, tar, cords, halters, grease, axles, bypbynea (?), borle for the saddle and collar, kyppelyne (?), canvas, wyneges' and dewilleges (?). The wages of carters and of men making and repairing the ploughs and carts also come under this head. The wages of the smith for making ploughs through the year in 1307 amounted to 2 s. ; in 1311 and 1324, for making the iron- work of the plough and shoeing the horses, 2 .5. ; in 1351, for the iron-work of three ploughs, 10 s. & d.; in 1472, for iron-work and shoeing the horses on all feet, 10 s. The carpenter shared in making the wood-work of the ploughs and carts. In 1297 he received 2 s. 3 d. for making and repairing ploughs by the year; in 1304 and 1307 he worked for a penny a day, with food from the lord's table; in 1311 he made ploughs at task, receiving 2 s. 5i d. ; in 1336 he received 3 s. for the year; in 1351, for mak- ing and repairing the wood-work of the plough from the lord's wood, by the year, 2 s. 10 d. ; in 1368, 3 s. 6 d. In 1466 (?) a car- penter was hired to make repairs for 2 s. 3 d.^ The carter's wages are discussed under small expenses. Horseshoes.— The expense of horseshoeing usually included the cost of iron and nails, and the payment of the smith. Sometimes the material was furnished by the lord (1311), sometimes by the smith (1324). In 1324 the smith, furnishing his own iron and nails, received 15 s. for shoeing six cart-horses and six stotts for the year.' The information concerning boon services in the Wistowe rolls has been already discussed. Small expenses included cloth for sacks and canvas for the dairy, the cost of combing and fulling wool, baskets and vessels for water and milk, presses for the dairy, dishes and pewter utensils, the care 1 Appendix, p. 22. ^ Appendix, p. 56. » Appendix, p. 77. * Appendix, p. 77. s Appendix, pp. 61, 78, and elsewhere. » Appendix, 28, 34, 56 ; 6, 28, 61, 77, 94. ' Appendix, p. 56. 80 ECONOMIC CONDITIONS ON RAMSEY MANORS. of pigs, the wages of the herdsmen, porcarius, and carters, the tan- ning of hides for harness, parchment, various agricultural instru- ments, such as vanges, tribuli, tripods, forks, schoneltre, schone- lerynges (?), taratantaro, the cutting and carrying of rushes, salt, bought by the ring and bushel, and the care of slieep. Sheep. — The accounts of stock show that there were usually be- tween two and three hundred sheep belonging to the demesne. Be- sides the money paid to the shepherd, included in the wages of the manorial servants, there were certain other expenses incident to the care of sheep. A quantity of milk, in 1311 26 gallons at 1 d. a gallon, was bought for the lambs,^ candles were necessary at lamb- ing time, and oil, tar, and bitumen mixed with butter were used in cases of the scab. Any payment made to a carter, outside his regular wages, for an unusual carrying service, or to meet his expenses while on a jour- ney, was also usually included among small expenses. Once 4000 reeds, carried from Middlemoor to Bury bridge, cost 3 s.2d.f again, the abbot was taken to London or the reeve to Wisbeach.^ Many such extra carriages were to buy grain. The usual cost was 2 d. if the distance were not very great. Wistowe carters went as far as Therfield in Hertfordshire, Cranfield and Shitlingdon in Bedford- shire, and even to London. Repair of buildings. — The buildings and out houses mentioned in the rolls are : a hall, a greater and lesser grange, a brew house, a bake house, a sheep fold, a pig pen, a hen house, a dove house, a bestiarium, an ox house, a cart house and granaries. The main item of expense connected with these was thatching. Although pea stalks and grain were sometimes used, the better material for thatch- ing was reeds, cut in the marshes, peeled and carried by land and water to the manor. It is stated in the extent that every Wistowe villein cut, tied and carried to the airia 40 sheaves of rushes for the work of one day.* The purchases of reeds mentioned in the rolls must, therefore, have been made to supplement the regular village supply. Reeds were sold in sheaves or thousands, the number bought on any occasion being usually two or three thousand, and the price 5 d. a thousand. Besides the cost of the reeds and their carriage to Wistowe, the services of the thatcher (coopertor) required > Appendix, p. 35. ^ Appendix, pp. 7, 79. ^ Appendix, p. 7. * i. o58. WISTOWE CONDITIONS. 81 compensation. In 1324 the thatcher received 2 ri./ in 1868 3 d.'' In 1351 one thatcher was hired for the barley grange at 4 d. a day, and probably another for the dove cote, hen house and wheat grange at 3 d.^ Tlie thatcher was not included among the manorial servants, but was, perhaps, an outsider, or, more probably, a villager whose service did not occupy all his time. The repair of the build- ings involved also the purchase of nails and spikes, and a varying amount of carpenter work for repairing the old buildings or erecting new ones. In 1311, for example, five carpenters and a boy were at work on a new granary and the rebuilding of parts of the sheep fold, pig pen and " cartehouse." The workmen received 22 s. 2 d. and their food.* ♦ Cost of the mill. — The most important purchases for the mill were millstones and canvas for the sail yard. From the large prices paid, 42 s. 2 d. in 1297, 25 s. in 1307, 44 s. 8 d. in 1324, the millstones must have been foreign.^ In 1307 the cost of placing the stone on the cart for carriage to Wistowe (2 d.) and the expenses of the reeve in going for it (2 d.) are entered together with the argentiim dei or lucky penny paid by the reeve.® In 1298 thirty yards f canvas were bought for the sail yard.' Chains, nails, trendies, boards, splints, bars, spikes and uppelongs were also purchased at various times. The most important remaining expenses were the wages and re- munerations of the servants of the manor and of outside labourers. Professor Vinogradoff has shown^ the importance of the class of ser- vientes found in every great feudal centre, and, in smaller numbers and degree, in the lesser units also. The manorial servientes or ser- vants directed the various activities of the manor, receiving their payment in money and kind, and in exemption during office from part of the usual villein obligations. The reeve, the smith, the beadle, the woodward, the ploughmen, the carter and various herds- men were the most important servants in Wistowe. If these regular servants, as might frequently happen, were not able to do all the necessary work, two courses were open to the reeve: either he might engage a villager skilful in the required industry, in carpenter work, thatching, or tiling, for example, or whose cart could be used for carrying service, or he might call in outside labour. Sometimes it is 1 Appendix, p. 57. ^ Appendix, p. 78. » Appendix, p. 62. * Appendix, p. 35. ^ Kogers, Agriculture and Prices, i. 505. 6 Appendix, pp. 28-29. ' Appendix, p. 17. * Villainage in England, 320. 6 82 ECONOMIC CONDITIONS ON RAMSEY MANORS. difficult to tell which course was followed. The remunerations for all important labour performed on the manor are entered in the rolls under three heads, expensee domorum, stipendia, and ohlationei?. Under stipendia and oblationes the reeve accounted for the annual wages of the manorial servientes and any extra gifts or fees to them ; under expenses domorum he accounted for more variable payments to ser- vants and for the wages of outsiders hired for special services. The latter payments are entered not separately, for each individual, but in a lump sum for all such labourers during the year, and it is, therefore, not always possible to tell whether the labourer worked throughout the year or on special occasions only. Under e.rpensai domorum are entered the special payments made to certain manorial labourers working from Michaelmas to the Gules of August. Of these the reeve, the thatcher, the gooseherd, the plough carpenter, the winnower, the serviens and his boy, the clerk and his boy, and the abbot's carpenters came from outside the manor and were paid " for their comings " (ad suos eventus)} During autumn, from the Gules of August to Michaelmas, the list of labourers changes a little; the reeve, beadle, woodward, mcyator, dairy woman, goose- herd, cook, and reap-reeve each received compensation for services. Judging from the sum of the payments made in each year from 1297 to 1368, the amount of labour hired within or without the manor to aid the servants does not seem to have materially increased. From Michaelmas to the Gules of August the amount varied from 24 s. to 30 s. only, except in 1318, when it fell much lower. From August to Michaelmas it averaged a very little over 5 s. In the roll (c) 1466, however, there is great increase in the autumn payments. During the preceding century the actual cultivation of the demesne was all performed by the customary tenants ; but in 1466, with the relaxation of many customary services, a change had come about, and to supplement the labour services still rendered, outside labour had become necessary. The roll contains constant reference to men hired for special works on the demesne. For one day's work in helping the manorial servants thresh barley and peas, the usual price of threshing being a penny for six rings, 98 labourers were hired ; eight mowers were hired to cut rushes in the marsh, two reapers to work " from the first sheaf to the last " at 19 s. 4 d., and five labour- ers for five weeks at 31 s. Still others were hired for haying in the ^ Appendix, pp. 7, 35, and elsewhere. WISTOWE CONDITIONS. 83 meadows, and for weeding, cutting and carrying the grain. To carry corn, twenty carters came at request {de prece) with their carts.^ Stipendia were the regular yearly wages paid to the manorial offi- cers and lesser servientes. The bailiff" and serviens in some years, the woodward or warrener invariably, and, until 1324, the clerk, received 4 s. each year, the woodward receiving also Qs. S d. for his robe.'* Thomas de Norgrove, whose office is not given, received in 1307 and 1311 10 s.^ The lesser servientes receiving yearly wages in- cluded a carter, three ploughmen (six in 1351, only two in 1368), a cowherd, a shepherd, a dairymaid, a cook, and in 1297 a miller. Each of these received, until 1336, 3 s. a year; 4 d., that is to say, at tlie feasts of the Purification and Ascension and the Gules of August, and 2 s. at Michaelmas. The cowherd in 1324 received only 1 s. 6 d. In the fragment after 1336 the wages of each of these servants was 2 s. 8 d, but in 1351 and 1368 the amount rose to 6 s. each, the same payment being made to a porcarins, who before this time had received only 2 s. 3 d.* In addition to the money payments the servientes received a con- siderable allowance of grain. In 1297, for example, the woodward received during 42i weeks 6' ring. 3 bu. of mixed grain, the carter, three ploughmen, jjorcarws, and miller together received for the same time 39 rings, and the dairymaid 6 ring. 3 bu. The shepherd for 34 weeks received 2 i^ing. 3 bu., and the " guardian of beasts " 3 bu.^ In 1368 and 1466 (?) the woodward received 1 quarter (i.e., 2 rings or 8 bushels) of mixed peas and wheat every ten weeks, the cow- herd, carter, and ploughmen each 1 quarter in twelve weeks.^ Tri- fling pa3anents were made also to herdsmen that guarded manorial beasts in the marsh. The rolls for the next century show a change in the stipendia like that in the expensce domorum. Already in 1351 the Black Death had doubled the wages of the manorial servants.'' Labour was scarce, the unrented parts of the demesne had still to be cultivated, and the wages of manorial servants, like those of outside labourers, were bound to increase. The Statute of Labourers seems to have left no mark. In the early part of the next century the relaxation of customary ser- vices resulted in a still greater increase, so that in 1466 (?), although the woodward still received only the usual 4 s., the carter received 1 Appendix, pp. 95, 96. ^ Appendix, pp. 8-9, 30, 36, 46, 58, 63, 79, 96. ^ Appendix, pp. 30, 36. * Appendix, pp. 63, 79. ^ Appendix, p. 12. ^ Appendix, pp. 82, 99. '' Appendix, p. 63. 84 ECONOMIC CONDITIONS ON RAMSEY MANORS. 22 s., the shepherd 20 s., and the ploughmen 13 s. 4 d. In all, the payments to manorial servants in this year, not counting the out- side labour hired, amounted to £6 8 d} In addition to wages and payments for service performed, it was the custom in Wistowe to give the servants small Christmas and Easter gifts, or oblationes. Thus the woodward received a penny or Ih d. a year, iheserviens 2 d., the /amw/i each a penny, half at Christ- mas and half at Easter. Gifts or fees of another kind were given on special occasions, probably as an acknowledgment of what had been originally boon services. When the first crop was cut from the meadows of Wile- weyemade and Thornebrigge the mowers received 7 d., and, if a second crop were cut, another 7 d.^ These meadows were probably the " benemeads " cut originally in part, or wholly, by boon service. As in other manors, such money was paid for " sitheale." In the time of reaping there was a particular custom called " le Rypgos," or " Repegos." It does not appear by name in the extent, but may have been a reaping boon, the love boon after the harvest precarix, perhaps. At le Repegos the customars received 2 s., and meat, geese, doves, and corn.^ Another occasion upon wliich the cus- tomars received a gift was the " forthdrove." The forthdrove took place at Christmas time, and although no definition of the custom is given, it may perhaps be connected with a Christmas ploughing. The payment to the customars was called " forthdrovesilver," and amounted, always, to 2 s.* Before leaving this part of the rolls one other source of expense should be mentioned. For one reason or another, rents, customary payments, works, and gersumas were occasionally, probably by letter of the lord, relaxed or remitted to the villagers. The most common reason for the remission of labour was illness. In the fragmentary roll after 1336^ a virgater and a semi-virgater, on account of con- tinued illness, were excused from thirty-six autumn and eighteen post-autumn works, valued in all at 6 s. In 1351 the works of four impotent villagers and a number of customary payments were re- laxed.* Once it is noted that a man's illness has already lasted a ' Appendix, p. 96. * Appendix, pp. 7, 29, 35, and elsewliere. ' Appendix, pp. 8, 31, 35, and elsewhere. * Appendix, pp. 58, 63, and elsewhere. ' Brit. Mus. Add. Ch., 39896. « Appendix, pp. 63-64. WISTOWE CONDITIONS. 85 year.' It has been already said that, after a year and a day of ill- ness, most Ramsey villeins were again responsible for their full labour. The third and last part of the rolls contains an account of the grain and stock of the manor, of which the greater part was raised on the demesne, although a small amount was bought from without and a little brought in by the villagers as " foddercorn." The dis- position of the grain is carefully recorded ; so many rings were used for seed, so many, by far the largest number, were sent to Pwamsey, and so many were sold to winnowers and tnskatores. A certain amount was given in wages to the farm servants, or to the seneschal at the view of frank pledge, or was required for the boon services and Repegos. Barley and drage were used to make malt. The live- stock of the manor is also recorded in great detail. The total num- ber of animals held during the year, the number sold or killed by the murrain or in other ways, and the number remaining at Michaelmas is given. Reference to the rolls in the appendix will furnish sufficiently clear examples of the grain and stock accounts of the manor.^ The occasional supplementary descriptions of the works rendered have been already discussed in connexion with the works sold. In the rolls of other Ramsey manors there must be a great deal of information concerning the relaxation of villein services, the in- crease of hired labour, the effect of the Black Death, the causes of the rebellion of 1381, and other questions raised in the Wistowe rolls, the comparison of which with the Wistowe material would be interesting and helpful. It is evident that until many more of these documents have been examined no very general conclusion can be drawn concerning the life on Ramsey manors during the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries, or the conditions attending the gradual disappearance of the manorial system. Brit. Mus. Add. Ch., 39896. Appendix, pp. 9-; 17-; 22-; 3G- ; 40-; 47-; 63-; 80-; 97- A list of the feast days mentioned in the documents will be found at the end of the appendix, p. 119. On account of the limitations of ordinary type, the contractions in the nnex- panded forms in the text are denoted by commas. APPENDIX. COMPOTUS ROLLS OF WISTOWE, HUNTS. I. WisTowE, 1297/ [Compotus] Thomas Euty prsepositi de manerio de Wystowe a festo sancti Michaelis anno domini J. abbatis^ xii usque ad eundem festum anno revoluto, de receptis et expensis. [Arreragia.] Idem reddit compotum de xlii 8. iiii d. de arrera- giis prsecedentis compoti. Summa xlii s. iiii d. ; probatur.' [Terminum] sancti Idem reddit compotum de iiii s. de redditu assiso (sic) et vi d. Summa iiii s. vi d. ; probatur. [Terminum] sancti Idem reddit compotum de vi s. x d. oh. de auxilio vicecomitis et . . ;* et de viii d. qu. de Wardsilver ad eundem terminum. Summa vii s. vi d. oh. qu. ; probatur. Terminum sancti Andrese. Idem reddit compotum de xxiii s. 1 d. oh. qu. de redditu cum heuchire^ ad eundem terminum, et desunt xiiii d. de preeposilo, bedello, fabro et de iiii akermannis ; et de v s. vi d. de terra Walteri de Graf ham ad eundem terminum. Probatur, Summa xxviii s. vii d. oh. qu. [Ad NJatalem. Idem reddit compotum de xii s. i d. de maltsil- ver; et desunt xvii d. oh. de praeposito, bedello, fabro et de iiii akermannis quorum quilibet dat . . . virgatar' v d. Summa xii s. i d. ; probatur. 1 Public Eecord Office, Ministers' Accounts, 885/30 (25-26 E. 1. 1. There is an earlier roll for Wystowe in the Record Office, 885/29 (22 E. I.), but it is fragmentary and almost illegible. -' John de Sautre, Abbot of Ramsey, 1285-1316. See R. C. iii. 185. * Probatur {passim) is added in a later hand. * Several words are deleted. * Heuchire, or, possibly, henchire. 1 1 APPENDIX. [Ad] Annunciationem [beatse] Marise. Idem reddit compotum de xxi s. V d. de redditu cum heuchire, et desunt xiiii d. de supradictis, ut supra ; et de xvi d. de fissilver ; et de ii s. iii d. de argento vine^e ; et de ii s. viii d. oh. de auxilio vicecomitis ad eundem terminum ; et de xxx s. de iiii virgatis terrae et dimidia ad censum ad eundem terminum ; et de ii s. vi d. de ii cotmannis ad censum ad eundem terminum ; et de iii s. ix d. qu. de terra Ranulphi de Clerevaus ad eundem termi- num. Summa Ixiii s. xi d. oh. qu. ; probatur. Ad terminum sancti Benedicti. Et de xxi s. ix d. de heuchire cum redditu, et desunt xiiii d. de supradictis ut supra ; et de iii s. iiii d. de Wethersilver ad eun- dem terminum ; et de v s. vi d. de terra Walteri de Graf ham ad eundem terminum. Summa xxx i*. vii d. ; probatur. [Ad] Nativitatem [sancti] Johannis. Et de vi s. ix d. qu. de auxilio vicecomitis. Summa vi s. ix d. qu. ; probatur. [Ad N]ativitatem [beatse M]ar[i8e]. Idem reddit compotum de xxx s. de iii virgatis terrse et dimidia ad censum, et de ii s. vi d. de ii cotbandis^ ad censum ad eundem terminum. Summa xxxii s. vi d. ; probatur. [Opera] vendita. Idem reddit compotum de x s. x d. de cc* et XX operibus venditis : pretium operis, obolus. Summa x s. x d. ; probatur. [Frumentum] venditum. Idem reddit compotum de ii s. de i ring.^ vendita task'* post festum sancti Mi- chaelis ; et de xii s. ix d. de iii ring, venditis task' et de v. bu. ven- ditis ventricibus: pretium ringse iii s. ; et de ii s. xi d. de i ring. vendita task' et iii ha. venditis ventricibus de novo grano : pretium ring«, XX d. Summa xvii s. viii d. ' Cotbandis-cotlandis ? ^ The long hundred is used in most cases in the rolls. ' Rincjd. See Rogers, Agriculture and Prices, i. 168 : " The ring is common in the Huntingdonshire accounts of Ramsey abbey. It was equal to half a quarter, i.e., is identical with the coomb of the eastern counties." A quarter is equal to eiirht bushels. * Task'. This word is puzzling. It might be connected witli the verb tassare if the last letter were not clearly a k. Perhaps it stands for ta^katoribus, " task- ers," but such men are not, I think, mentioned elsewhere in the Ramsey records. In the account rolls the form occurs often, usually in conjunction with ventricibus. In every case the unexpanded form is left in the text. 2 COMPOTUS ROLLS OF WISTOWE. [Ordeum] venditum. Idem reddit compotum de xvi d. oh. de iii hu. ordei venditis ventricibus in ieme : pre- tium busselli, v d. oh. [Dragetum] venditum. Idem reddit compotum de iii s. vi d. oh. de ii ring, ii hu. drageti venditis task' : pretium ringse, xvii d. Summa iiii s. xi d. [Fabffi] et pisse venditse. Idem reddit compotum de xxii d. oh. de V. hu. venditis task' et ventricibus ; et de xii d. de ii hu. venditis task' ; et de xiii s. de vi ring., ii bu. venditis : pretium ringse, ii s. Avena vendita. Idem reddit compotum de v s. iii d. de iiii ring. ii bu. avense venditis task' : pretium ringae, xiiii d. Summa xxi s. i d. oh. Summa xliii s. viii d. oh. pro vi ring, frumenti, iii bu. ordei, ii ring., ii bu. drageti, vii ring., i hu. pisarum et iiii ring., ii bu. avenae. Staurum venditum. Idem reddit compotum de vi s. viii d. de i vacca vendita ; et de xxii d. de ii vitulis ven- ditis ; et de viii d. de vitulo vendito ; et de xxii (d.) de ii vitulis ven- ditis ; et de xxxi s. de xii porcis venditis celerario : pretium porci, xxxi d. ; et de xxvi s. de x. porcis venditis : pretium porci, xxxii d. oh. ; et desunt xiii d. de tribus inmundis ; et de viii s. de iii porcis venditis: pretium porci, xxxii d. Summa iiii Ii. vi s. xi d. pro i vacca, v vitulis et xxv porcis ven- ditis. Staurum Mart [ino]^ venditum. Idem reddit compotum de viii d. de ii pernis^ inmundis ven- ditis, et de ii s. ii d. de corio et carcasio unius vaccae de morina venditis ; et de iii s. iiii d. de corio unius bovis et juvenci occisorum ad magnam precariam autumpni. Summa vi s. ii d. de ii pernis, carkosio unius vaccae, corio i bovis, i vaccae et i juvenci. Et de vi s. iii d. de xii lagenis et dimidia venditis ; et de iii s. vii d. de viii lagenis butiri anni praecedentis venditis : pretium lagenae V d., et ultra iii d. Summa ix s. x d. de butyro. Summa xv s. vi d. Minuta. Idem reddit compotum de vi s. de iii tassiculis rotun- dis de feno venditis; et de ii s. vi d. de tanno vendito; ^ Stock for which there was not suflSicient food to last through the winter was sold or killed at Martinmas. See Rogers, Agriculture and Prices, i. 16. ^ Pernce, hams. 3 APPENDIX. XX et de iii s. viii d. de iiii viii agnis separandis: pretium agni, obolus. Summa viii s. vi d. de feno et tanno. Et de vi s. x d. de pannagio porcorum et separatione agnorum. Summa xix s. Gersurase et exitus terrse. Idem reddit compotum de xxvi s. viii d. de Thoma Haukyn pro terra quon- dam Thoma3 Rykedomi ; et de xx s. de Roberto Errode pro dimidia virgata terras quondam patris sui ; et de iii s. de Emma in Angulo pro se maritanda; et de xii d. de Martot filia Alexandri ad Portam pro se maritanda. Summa 1 s. viii d. Visus franci plegii et perquisita de . . , . curiis. Idem reddit compo t u m de vi s. viii d. de capitagio ; et xlix s. ii d. de perquisitis ejusdem curiae ; et de v s. i d. de perquisitis curiae autumpni. Summa Ix s. xi d. Expense. [Libera] tiones. Idem computat liberatos in cameram de aux- ilio vicecomitis ad terminum sancti Andrea vi s. vi d. oh. qu. per i talliam ; et liberatos ibidem de visu franci plogii XV s. V d. oh. per i talliam, et, per aliam talliam, xvi s. i d. Item liberatas in eandem [cameram] per manum R. de Nortone ii marcas de gersuma Thomae Haukyn. Summa xxxviii s. i d. qu. per iii tallias ; et per manum R. de Nortone, ii marcae. Wystowe.^ Idem computat in volatiliis^ emptis et missis apud Rameseiam ad Natalem, xii d.; et de stauro x . . . .'; et ante Natalem pro le (coquina?) domini inde c. ovorum iii d. In xxxiii alandis* emptis per ii vices circa Purificationem beatae Mariae, iiii d. ; et in ii aucis emptis et missis apud Hemingford ad festum . . . . ; et in vii pul- licimis^ emptis ad dictum festum, vi d. ; et de stauro, ii porci pingues et iii gallinae; et in i capriolo empto et misso ad coquinam abbatis ai)ud Rameseiam, x d. ; et in i capriolo empto et misso ad nun- dinas Sancti Ivonis, viii d. In vi pullanis emptis et missis ad co- * In dorso. ' VolatiUa. Snipes, ruffs and other small birds common in the fens. ' The contracted form of this omitted word looks like anacb'. * Larks. * For pullicinis .'—probably fowls. 4 COMPOTUS ROLLS OF WISTOWE. quinam doniini abbatis apud Bro[u]ton ad le Rypgos/ yd.; et iiii aucis de staiiro ; et liberati Paulino Janitori xii d. ad calcetam de Rameseia per praiceptum domini abbatis. In done domini abbatis metentibus in autumpno, vi d. Summa [v s. vi d] Celerarius. Idem computat liberates celerario super talliam Ix s. Eidem pro xv fressingges,'' 1 s. Eidem pro allece, v s. Eidem pro frisco caseo, iii s. Eidem pro butiro, ix s. Eidem pro una XX pensa duri casei, viii s., et de stauro vi casei qui fecerunt iii pensas duri casei. Eidem pro [ f pensis [ ]. Eidem pro [ ] pen- sis baconum. Eidem pro carne bourn [ ]. Eidem pro multoni- bus Eidem pro agnis ad Pascham et ad Pentecostem. Eidem c c pro viii xxx ovis emptis, iii s. x d. Et de stauro cum redditu viii XX xxx ova. Et ad festum sancti Benedicti, iiii x ova. Eidem pro xxx gallinis, iii s. i d. oh. Et de stauro Ixxiii gallinge. [Summa] . . vii li. xxiii [. d. . .] Idem computat liberates capellano domini abbatis iii s. sine tal- lia. Et in sartrino pro filo et sapone, et in brascino pro candellis, xiii d. oh. sine tallia. Summa . vi . . . xiii s. . . . d. Idem computat liberates Johanni de Broutone pro terra Ranul- phi de Clerevaus viii d. Et ad firmam de Upwode, ii s. ii d. qu. ; et Johanni Gosselyne, viii d. ; et ad manerium de Ryptone Regis, iiii d. Summa iii s. x d. qu. Fabse emptse. Idem computat in vi ring, fabarum emptis ad opus celerarii, xiiii s. : pretium ringse, xxviii d. Grutum. Idem computat in iii ring, ii hii. gruti emptis, x s. ii. d. oh. : pretium ringse, xxxv d. Braseum. Idem computat in v ring, i hu. brasey emptis, xiii s. vi d. oh. qu. : pretium ringse, xxxi d. Summa xxxvii s. ix d. qu. Carucse. Idem computat in ii vomeribus emptis xiiii d. In xv clutis emptis, xxi d. oh. ; et in vii garbis asceris et dim- idia emptis, v s. ix d. ; et in xiii peciis ferri emptis, ii s. xi d. ; et in vi peciis ferri emptis, xv d. ; fabro pro carbone inveniendo, ii s. ad ^ See Cunningham, Growth of English Industry and Commerce, 525: "This may have been the Kern-supper when harvest was over." ^ Fressingges, probably young pigs, majores porcelU. See Du Cange. * This and the following bracketed spaces are left blank in MS. 5 APPENDIX. ferramentura carucarum ; et in stipendio carpentarii carucarum pro carucis faciendis et reparandis per annum, ii s. iii d. Summa xvii s. i d. oh. Carectae. Idem reddit compotum in xlviii clutis^ ad axes ii s. ; et in c de strak nayl,'^ xiiii d. ; et in i brodde,' iiii d. oh. ; et in xii grapis* . . . ol . . emptis, viii d. oh. ; et in uno ferra- mento ad unam carectam ferandam, vi s. viii d. oh. qu. ; et in ii paribus rotarum ligandis, viii d. ; et in i pari rotarum ad ferandum, ii s. i d.; et in i pari tractium,^ iiii d. oh. ; et in uno corio equino dealbando, v. d. ; et in corio unius pull . . . dealbando, id.; et in dimidia lagena de tar, ii d. oh. ; et in ii cordis, et in ii paribus trac- tuum emptis, xxiii d. ; et in uno bypbynea' ad carectam, i d. ; et in viii capistris,^ et in i cordula de pilo domini facienda, ii d. ; et in v rotis separandis et ligandis, iiii d. oh. ; et in uncto empto ad carectas, iiii d. ; et in ii axibus, iii d. oh. Summa xvii s. xi d. oh. qu. [Fer]rura, Idem computat in c ferruris equinis emptis iiii s. ; et in M. M. clavorum emptis ii s. Summa vi s. M Emendatio domorum. Idem computat in ii rosci cariandis ex- tra mariscum usque ad aquam pro parva grangia cooperienda, xxiii d. oh. ; et per aquam, ix d. oh. ; et in xxx garbis de rosco pelato emptis ad dictam grangiam, vi d. ; et in c clavis emptis, ii d. ; et in stipendio unius cooj)ertoris pro dicta parva grangia cooperienda et crestanda, v s.*; et abbas solvit carpentario pro stipendiis suis ; et in stipendio unius coopertoris pro ii tassis pisarum pro grangia ex parte una et domo palese etgallinario et pro coquina, xvii d. .... molendin[i]. Idem computat in una mola empta ad mo- lendinum xlii s. ii d. Summa Iii s. vi d. Minutse. Idem computat in xii ulnis de sacclot ad iiii saccas, xv d. ; et in i porta empta, ii d. ; et in i cribro' empto, i d. ; ^ Clouts. ' Strak nayls are nails with large heads, used to fasten iron strakes on the wheels of a cart. See Rogers, Agriculture and Prices, i. 544. ^ Another kind of nails. For discussion of nails see Rogers, Agriculture and Prices, i. 49o. * Three-pronged fork. * Drawing reins, traces. See Du Cange. • I cannot find the meaning of this word. ' Halters. ® The amount is 6 d. short. The item 5 .s. is somewhat blurred, and possibly 6 d. should follow. * Sieve. 6 COMPOTUS KOLLS OF WISTOWE. et in ii olleis^ luteis ad cervisiam et ad aquam, id.; et in uno tara- tantaro'* ad lac, id.; et in purcellis sanandis per annum et pro aliis M bestiis sanandis, ix d. ; et in ii rosci cariandis extra mariscum usque c ad aquam, ii s. ix d. ; et in mille et v rosci cariandis per aquam usque Rameseiam, ix d. oh. ; et in i batello locato ad domum roscum et ad homines cariandos in marisco et extra, vi d. ; et in porcis. pur- cellis et aliis bestiis sanandis, ix d. ; et in ii cribris emptis, ii d. ; et in pannagio de xxxii porcis apud Briggestowe, iiii s. scilicet pro i porco, iii oh. ; et in expensis unius garcionis custodientis dictos por- cos per V septimanas, ii s. vi d. oh. qu. Et in iiii petris^ lana3 pectandis, ii s. i d. oh. ; et in dicta lana filanda, ii s. x d. oh. qu. ; et in xxxi ulnis de prsedicta lana fullandis, ii s. V d.; et [ ]■* et liberati quater versus Terfeud, semel versus Cbirecestre, semel usque C[ra]nfeud^ pro blado quirendo, et semel versus Londonem cum abbate, xiiii d. ; et in cervisia pro fenis levan- dis in pratis domini, viii d. Summa xxiii s. v d. oh. Et in falcatoribus prati ex consuetudine, xiiii d. ; et ad secundam vesturam, vii d. Summa xxi d. Expensse seneschalli. Idem computat in expensis seneschalli super compotum v s. iiii d. qu., dimidiam pernam, porcum, ii aucas, ii bu. frumenti, i ring, ii hu. avenas, i caseum per i talliam, et in expensis seneschalli ad visum ii s. x d. oh., ii hu. frumenti, iii hu. brasey, vi hu. et di. de avena per i talliam. Summa viii s. ii d. oh. qu. Expensse domorum. Idem computat in expensis domorum a festo sancti Michaelis usque Gulam Au- gust! pro Willelmo serviente cum garcione per suos adventus, et pro prffiposito computat, et pro custodi aucarum, et pro carpentario carucarum per suos adventus, et pro iii carpentariis domini abbatis per iii septimanas, et pro Andrea Carpentario cum garcione per i septimanam, et pro ii aliis carpentariis per i septimanara, et pro vannatori® per iiii septimanas, ultra trituratores, et ante et post, per suos adventus, et pro Thoma clerico cum garcione per suos adven- tus, et pro i coopertori per suos adventus pro magna grangia, aula, ^ A kind of vessel or measure. See Du Cange. ^ Du Cange defines tcuralantara as an instrument by striking which grain flows on the stones of a mill. Probably here it is simply a vessel of some kind. ^ For the weight of a -petra of wool, see Kogers, Agriculture and Prices, i. 367. * Blank in M.S. Probably 2i d. is accounted for, the amount needed to verify the addition. ^ ^- g^ Cranfeld. « Winnower. 7 APPENDIX. domo boviculorum et vaccarum, pro le malthus et cor et pro aliis domibus cooperiendis et crestandis, pro opere suo et aliis diversis operariis cum supervenientibus, xxxiiii s. oh. qu., iii porcos et dimidium et diraidiana pernam, bacones, viii caseos, x ring, i bu. frumenti, ii ring, de tolcoren, vi gallinas, i lagenam butiri, vi ring. brasey, per i talliam contra Wok' f et in expensis domorum per autumpnum pro Martino Janot, preeposito, bedello, wodewardo, meyatori et pro daya et custode aucarum per v septimanas, xi s. xi d., iiii caseos, i porcum, bacones, dimidiam lagenam butiri, iii ring. frumenti, ii ring., i bu. gruti, et i ring., et iii bu. brasey, i aucam per ii tallias ; et a dicto die usque festum sancti Michaelis pro W. Beu- meys, preeposito, wodewardo et pro custode aucarum et pro i coop- ertori per iiii septimanas ; et in vi bu. salis emptis per vices, xii d. ; et in ii ring, salis, xiiii d. [Prejcarisefcarucarum]. Idem computat in pane ad unam pre- cariam carucarum in Quadragesima de xxvii carucis, ii ring, ii bu. frumenti ; in cervisia, vi «. ix d., et in allece et in alio pisce, ii s. xi d. per i talliam ; et in pane ad unam precariam carucarum in Quadragesima de xviii carucis, i ring, ii bu. in cervisia, et in allece et in alio pisce, v s. v d., per i talliam. Summa xv -s. i d. Precariee autumpni. Idem computat in carne empta ad primam precariam autumpni, ii s., i bovem, i juven- cam, ix caseos, vi ring, frumenti, v bu. gruti, v ring, ii bu. brasei per i talliam ; et in allece empta ad secundam precariam autumpni, iii s., vii caseos, ii aucas, v ring, frumenti, i ring, gruti, iiii ring, i 6m. brasey per i talliam ; et in carne empta ad le Rypgos, xxiii d. ob., iiii aucas, xii columbellos, ii bu. frumenti, ii bu. gruti, i ring, brasey per i talliam. Summa vi s. xi d. ob. [St]ipendia. Idem computat in stipendio Willelmi de Beaumej's per annum iiii s. et tantum apud Upwode ; et in stipendio Ricardi Wodewardi per annum, iiii s. ; et in stipendio ' Wok'. See R. C, i. 487 : " Et cum wougkecorn debeat mitti, triturabit tres travas." R. H. , ii. 657: " Et cum wakekorn debeat mitti triturabit tres thravas." Also R. C, iii. 159: " Nota, quod septem disci cumulati de wonk' faoiunt par- vam mensuram rasam ;" and ibid., IGO: " Wouk' per quarteriuin pro farina." Vokepanni mentioned in the documents relating to farms in the Chartulary. R. C, iii. 168: " Redderet etiam duo mille vokepanni ad opus servientum vel quatuor quarteria et quatuor ringas tritici sicut cadit de garbis, veniilatas, ad mensuram del melehous rasas." The forms ivouk', wok' and vok' occur often in the grain accounts of the rolls. 8 COMPOTUS ROLLS OF WISTOWE. unius carectarii, trium carucariorum, vaccarii, molendinarii et dayse ad Purificationern beatse Maria?, ii s. iiii d. quorum quilibet capit iiii d. ; et in stipendio porcarii ad eundem terminum, iii d. ; ot in sti- pendio eorundem ad Assencionem Domini, ii s. vii d. ; et in stipen- dio eorundem ad Gulam Augusti, ii s. vii d. ; et in stipendio unius carectarii, trium carucariorum, vaccarii, molendinarii et dayse ad festum sancti Michaelis, xiiii .s-. quorum quilibet capit ii s. ; et in sti- pendio unius porcarii ad eundem terminum, xviii d. Summa xxxi s. iii d. [Oblatio]ne8. Idem computat in oblationibus Ricardi Forestarii die Natalis Domini iii ob. ; et in oblationibus viii supradictorum famulorum die Natalis Domini et Paschse, viii d. ; et in caritate eorundem ad Natalem, ii s. Summa ii s. ix d. ob. XX [Tritura]tio. Idem computat in viii ix ring, iii bu. frumenti (et de X ring, de novo grano^) triturandis xiiii s. i d. XX ob. qu. (x d.) : pretium ringse, i d. ; et in xvi ring, ii bu. ordei, iiii x XX ring, ii bu. drageti, vii xiii ring, avenge et in v ring, pisarum trituran- dis, X s. vi d. : pretium ringse, obolus ; et in ccxlvii ring, i bu. fru- _XX _ XX menti, iiii xi ring, i bu. ordei, iiii xvii ring, pisarum ventandis vii s. vii d. [Relax]atio per [breve?]. Idem computat in relaxatione omni- bus customariis de Wystowe xx s. per i breve ; et Agneti le longe de parva Ravele ix d. per i breve ; et Roberto ad le Broc de Wystowe vi d. per i breve ; et Roberto Crane et Johanni filio suo vi d. peri breve; et Thomse ad le Broc de Wystowe, clerico, vi d. per i breve. Summa xxii s. iii d. ExiTus Grangiarum. Frumentum. Idem reddit compotum de xi ring, iii bu. per opera de ii alls jacentibus in loco primaj meyse in capite australe raaioris grangise ; et de xxxvi ring, per taskam de dictis duabus alls per i talliam ; et de Ix ring, ii bu. per opera de meya XX cum cumulo ejusdem partis ; et de vi xiii ring, iii bu. per taskam de eadem meya per iii tallias ; et de x ring, receptis de Broutone per talliam contra Johannem Wylymot ; et de xiii ring, per i tal- liam de molendino. Item; et de xxiii ring, frumenti de novo grano per opera et per i talliam ; et de xii ring, i bu. per opera de ^ Inserted above the line. 9 APPENDIX. uno midsty jacente contra hostium maioris grangiae; et de xv ring. per taskam de eodem mydsty per i talliam. Surama cclxvii ring, iii bu. [I]nde : in semine Ix ring, ii 6m. per i talliam ; et in venditione task' et ventricibus vii ring, cum novo grano ; et in missione apud XX Rameseiam vi vi ring, quae fecerunt vii quartaria farie (sic) per talliam contra Thomam Clericum, et pro multura earundem, vii ring., et in mixtura ad wok', et ad liberationem famulorum, Ivii ring. ; et in missione apud novum locum, ii ring, iii hu. sine tallia; et in expensis seneschalli ad visum et super compotum, i ring, per ii tallias ; et in missione apud Upwode ii ring, per i talliam et apud Novum locum ; et in expensis domorum pro supradictis a festo sancti Michaelis usque Gulam Augusti, x ring, i bu. per talliam ; et per autumpnum vi ring, per talliam. Item ii . . . et ii precariis carucarum, iiii ring, per ii tallias; et in ii precariis autumpni, xi ring. ; et in le Rypgos ii bu. per i talliam ; in missione apud Rame- seiam xviii ring, de novo grano quae fecerunt i quartarium per supra- dictam talliam contra Thomam Clericum ; et pro multura i ring. et. Ordeum. Idem reddit compotum de jclv ring, iii bu. per opera de una ala jacente in loco primse in capite aquilonare maioris grangise in parte occidentale ; et de xvi ring, ii bu. per taskam de eadem ala per i talliam ; et de xx ring, receptis' de Houtone per i talliam contra Alexandrum prsepositum ; et de xvi ring, de molen- dino per i talliam. Item. Et de xl riiig. receptis de manerio de Halywell sine tallia; et de xlii ring, receptis de personatu de Ofiforthe sine tallia ; et de 1 ring, receptis de personatu de Elesworthe sine tallia ; et de xl ring, de novo grano per i talliam per opera. Summa ccxxiiii^ ring, i bu. Inde: in semine xxii ring, iii bu. per i talliam; et in venditione task' et ventricibus iii bu.; et in liospitio nichil quia in mixtura; et in mixtura ad wok' ad liberationem famulorum, xxvi ring. ; et XX in braseo faciendo, viii xviii ring. Item in braseo faciendo, xxxiiii ring. ; et in mixtione cum drageto, viii ring, ii bu. ; et in aucis et gallinis de escajtis' ii bu. Et oeque. XX Dragetum. Idem reddit compotum de iiii x ring, ii bu. per taskam de meya cum cumulo in capite aquilonare maioris grangiae plena fere ad laquinos ; et de vii ring, per opera de eadem * There should be, however, 270 rings. ' Probably " fallings" of grain given to geese and chickens. 10 COMPOTUS ROLLS OF WISTOWE. meya per i talliam ; et de xxviii ring, receptis de Houtone de per- sonatu per i talliam contra Alexandrum prsepositum ; et de viii ••111 • . ^^ ring, ii bu. de drageto superms mixto. Summa vi xiiii ring. Inde : in semine xxxi ring, i bu. per i talliam ; et in venditione task' et ventricibus, ii ring, ii bu. ; et in braseo faciendo, iiii xiii ring. ; et in mixtione cum avena de escsetis, ix ring. ; et sic de in- cremento vii bu. Avena. Idem reddit compotum de xlv ring, iii bu. per opera de meya cum cumulo in capite aquilonare maioris gran- XX gise ; et de vii ring, per taskam de eadem meya per i talliam ; et de xxjx ring, de foddercoren ; et desunt iii ring, ii bu. de prseposito, bedello et de iiii akermannis ; et de xv ring, de novo grano de i tasso longo per opera et per i talliam ; et de xiiii ring, per taskam de eodem tasso ; et de ix ring, de drageto superius mixto. Summa ccxii^ rhig. iii bu. In semine vi v ring, per i talliam ; et in venditione task' et ven- tricibus, iiii ring, ii bu. ; et in missione apud Rameseiam xl ring., quffi fecerunt viii mittas per talliam contra Thomam Clericum ; et apud Broutone ad equos domini abbatis, iiii ring. ; et in farina ad potagium, iiii ring, i bu. per i talliam ; et in equis seneschalli super compotum, vi bu. per i talliam ; et ad visum, vi bu. et di. per i tal- liam ; et in equis servientis per suos adventus, iii ring. ; et in vi equis carectariorum a festo sancti Michaelis, xlvii ring, per i talliam. Item in missione apud Rameseiam xv ring, quae fecerunt iii mittas de novo grano per supradictam talliam contra Thomam Clericum ; et sic remanent vi ring, iii bu. et di. Fabse et pisse. Idem reddit compotum de Ixix ring, per opera de uno tasso lonco (sic) ; et de v ring, per taskam de eodem tasso per i talliam ; et de vi ring, de emptione ; et de v ring. ii bu. de novo grano per opera. Summa iiii v ring, ii bu. Inde : in semine xxi ring, ii bu. per i talliam ; et in venditione task' et ventricibus et aliis, iiii ring, i bu. ; et in missione apud Rame- seiam celerario, vii ring, per talliam ; et in mixtura ad wok' et ad liberationem famulorum, xlii ring ; i bu.; et in porcis et purcellis sustinendis, viii ring, ii bu. per i talliam ; et sic de incremento i ring. ^ Probably cclii ring, iii bu., for this is the sum accounted for below. 11 APPENDIX. [Mixtujra. Idem reddit compotum de Ivii ring, frumeuti xxvi ri7ig. ordei et de xlii ring, i bu. pisarum superius mix- tis. Summa vi iiii ring, iii hu. Inde: et in missione apud Rame- seiam de novo grano xviii ring, quve fecerunt i wok'. Idem com- putat in missione apud Rameseiam xxxiii ring. qu£e fecerunt i vok' et dimidium et vi ring, per talliam contra Thomam Clericum .... ii ring, per talliam. Idem computat liberatas famulis pro arreragiis liberationum suarum anni prascedentis, xv ring. ; et in liberatione Wodewardi a festo sancti [Michaelis] usque in crastino sanctse Marise Magdalenae per xlii septimanas et dimidiam, vi ring, iii bu. ; et desunt vii bu. pro defectu bladi . . . . ; et in liberatione unius carec- tarii, trium carucariorum, porcarii et molendinarii a festo sancti Michaelis usque ad eundem festum anno revoluto per .... xxxix ring, iii bu. ; et desunt xii ring, i bu. pro defectu bladi ; et in libera- tione dayse per supradictum tempus, vi ring, iii bu. ; et de . . . . ring, quae ad mensam (?) per vi septimanas in autumpno et iii bu. pro defectu bladi ; et in liberationibus bercharii a festo sanctorum C[ ]' per xxiiii septimanas usque festum sancti Michaelis, ii ring, iii bu. ; et desunt v bu. pro defectu bladi ; et liberates custodi bestiarum iii bu. Wystow^he. XX Grutum.^ Idem reddit compotum de viii xviii ring, ordei supe- rius brasiati ; et de xxxiiii ring, (vi ring.y ordei de novo grano superius brasiati ; et de iii ring, iii bu. de emptione. Summa cxxi ring, ii bu. Inde in missione apud Rameseiam xxxiii ring, qua fecerunt vii XX mittas et vi bussellos per i talliam ; et in missione ibidem iiii xiiii ring, quse fecerunt xx mittas ; et iiii ring, per aliam talliam contra Thomam Clericum ; et in mixtione cum brasyo quia non purum grutum, liiii ring. ; et [in expensis] domorum per autumpnum, ii ring, i bu. ; et in ii precariis autumpni, ii ring, i bu. ; et in le Rypgos, ii bu. per i talliam ; et in missione apud Rameseiam xxxiii ring, ii ^ The parchment is torn at the name of the second saint ; the name of the first is not clear. * In dorso ; second membrane. Written upside down at the top of the mem- brane, and apparently a heading for something afterwards cut off, is the follow- ing : Perquisita de Wystowe anno J. abbatis xii. ' Written above the line, and probably the correct amount. 12 COMPOTUS ROLLS OF WISTOWE. bu. de novo grano quae fecerunt vii mittas ii ring, per talliam contra Thomam Clericum ; et remanent in granario ii ring. Braseum. Idem reddit compotum de vi rmr/. de remanente ; et XX de iiii xiii ring, drageti superius brasiati ; et de liiii ring, de gruto superius mixto ; et de v ring, i bu. de emptione. XX Summa vii xviii ring, i bu. XX Inde in missione apud Rameseiam v quae fecerunt xx mittas ; et xl ring, quae fecerunt viii mittas per ii tallias contra Thomam Cler- icum ; et in cervisia in hospitio pro car .... faciendo et erigenti- bus (?) minorem grangiam, vi ring. ; et in seneschallo ad visum iii bu. per i talliam ; et in hospitio per .... autumpnum, vii bu. ; et in ii precariis autumpni ix riiig. iii bu. per ii tallias ; et in le Kyp- gos i ring, per i talliam ; et sic de incremento i ring. Staurum. Equi carectarum. Idem reddit compotum de vii de remanenti- bus. Inde in mo'rina i. Et sic remanent vi carectarum.^ Stotti.^ Idem reddit compotum de v de remanentibus et de i recepto inferius de pullanis byennis. Et sic remanent vi stotti. Byenni. Idem reddit compotum de i de remanente. Inde supe- rius inter stottos i. Et sic remanet nichil. Pullanus mas anup'. Idem reddit compotum de remanente nichil ; et de i recepto serius de exitu hoc anno. Et sic remanet i pullanus anup'. Juvenci. Idem reddit compotum de i de remanente. Et re- manet i juvencus. Pullani byenni. Idem reddit compotum de remanente nichil ; et de i recepto inferius de pullanis superan- natis. Et remanet i byennus. Bulla femina superannata. Idem reddit compotum de i de re- manente et nichil recepta inferius. Inde superius inter byennos i. Et sic nichil remanet. Pulli annup'. Idem reddit compotum de i de remanente et nichil recepto inferius de exitu. Inde in morina i. Et sic nichil remanet. ^ Supply eqid? ^ Stotti — "low-bred stallions." See Rogers, Agriculture and Prices, i. 36. 13 APPENDIX. Exitus. Idem reddit compotum de i de recepto de exitu hoc anno ; et remanet superius pullanus mas prout patet. Et sic nichil remanet. Boves. Idem reddit compotum de xviii de remanentibus et de ii receptis inferius de bovettis. Inde in magna precaria autumpni i. Et remanent xix boves. Bovetti. Idem reddit compotum de ii de remanentibus et de i recepto inferius de boviculis. Inde superius inter boves ii. Et sic remanet i bovettus. Boviculi. Idem reddit compotum de i de remanente et de vi receptis inferius de superannatis. Inde superius inter bovettos i. Et sic remanent vi boviculi. Superannati. Idem reddit compotum de vi de remanentibus ; et de iiii receptis inferius de remanentibus vitulorum. Inde superius inter boviculos vi. Et remanent iiii superannati. [Vi]tuli mas. Idem reddit compotum de v de remanentibus et de V receptis inferius de exitu. Inde superius in- ter superannatos iiii et in morina i. Et remanent v vituli. Taurus. Idem reddit compotum de i de remanente. Et re- manet i taurus. Vaccse. Idem reddit compotum de xviii de remanentibus ; et nichil recepta inferius de juvencis. Inde in morina iii. Et remanent xv vaccse. Juvencae. Idem reddit compotum de i de remanente et de iiii receptis inferius de juvenculis. Inde in magna pre- caria autumpni i. Et remanent iiii juvencae. Juvenculae. Idem reddit compotum de iiii de remanentibus et de V receptis inferius de superannatis ; et superius inter juvencas iiii. Et remanent v juvenculye. Superannatse. Idem reddit compotum de v superannatis et de iiii receptis inferius de remanentibus vitula- rum. Inde superius inter juvenculas v. Et remanent iiii super- annata3. [V]itul8e. Idem reddit com])otum de v de remanentibus et de v receptis inferius de exitu vitulorum. Inde superius inter superannatas iiii et in morina i. Et remanent v vitulse. Exitus. Idem reddit compotum de xv vitulis de exitu hoc anno. In venditione v, et superius inter vitulos mas v, et inter vitulas feminas v. Et sic nichil remanet. [Ap]er, Idem reddit cordpotum de i de remanente. Et remanet i. 14 COMPOTUS ROLLS OF WISTOWE. [Por]ci. Idem reddit compotum de Iviii de remanentibus et de xxxii receptis de remanentibus purcellorum. Inde in venditione xxx porci ; et in lardario v porci ; et in missione ad coquinam abbatis apud Rameseiam iii ; et apud Hemingforthe ii porci ; in done Jphanni de Sawtre i porcus. Et sic remanent xlix porci. [Pujrcelli. Idem reddit compotum de xxxii de remanentibus et de xiii receptis inferius de exitu hoc anno. Inde superius inter porcos xxxii. Et remanent xiii purcelli. . . . . ^ Idem reddit compotum iii de remanentibus. Et rema- nent iii ... , es. .... Idem reddit compotum de xxi purcellis de exitu hoc anno. Inde superius inter purcellos de remanentibus xiii. Et sic nichil remanet. [Pernae]. Idem de ii pernis de remanentibus et de v porcis posi- tis in lardario. Summa xii pernse. Inde in vendi- tione ii pernse ; et in seneschallo super compotum dimidia perna ; et in hospitio usque Gulam Augusti vii pernse et dimidia; et per autumpnum ii pernse. Et sic nichil remanet. [Aucae]. Idem reddit compotum (de) xxiii de remanentibus et de 1 de exitu. Summa Ixxiii aucse. Inde in missione apud Rameseiam ad coquinam abbatis, vi aucse, et apud Broutone ad le Rypgos domini abbatis, iiii; et in missione apud Rameseiam, celerario, xi aucse ; et ad coquinam abbatis versus Northamtone, xii aucse ; et in bracino et pistrino, iii aucse ; et in seneschallo super compotum, ii aucse ; et in expensis domorum per autumpnum ii aucse per ii tallias; et in secunda precaria, ii aucse ; et in Rypgos, iiii aucse per talliam ; et in famulis die Nativitatis beatse Marise, i auca ; et in morina ix. Et sic remanent xvii aucse. [An]athes. Idem reddit compotum de xxx de remanentibus ; et de ii (de) exitu. Summa xxxii. Inde in missione apud Rameseiam ad coquinam abbatis ad Natalem x et in morina vi. Et remanent xvi anathes. [Gajllinse. Idem reddit compotum de xliiii de remanentibus et de xxii de exitu ; et de ii caponibus de Thoraa Beye et i capon e de Gileberto Carniste; et de Ixxvi gallinis de redditu assiso (sic) ; et desunt vii gallinse de prseposito, bedello, fabro et de iiii akermannis, et xxxvii de wodehenne de tota villata. Summa ^ The margin has been torn off. 15 APPENDIX, vii V gallinse. Inde in missione apud Rameseiam ad coquinam ab- batis in autumpno et alias (sic), xiiii ; et ad coquinam suam apud Broutone in autumpno, v galling ; et in missione apud Rameseiam, celerario, Ixxii gallinte ; et ad coquinam abbatis pro episcopo/ vi gallinae ; et in argento, xxx gallinee; et in hospitio usque Gulam Augusti, xiii gallinae ; et in missione ad coquinam abbatis apud Hemingforthe semel, v gallinse ; et in morina v ; et in ostorio domini abbatis, i ; et remanet xxvii gallinse. XX Idem reddit compotum vi vi caseis de remanentibus et de Ixx XX caseis de reluco et de vi x caseis de exitu a die Veneris proxime ante festura sancti Augustini Anglorum Apostoli usque festum sancti Michaelis, quolibet die computato, primo et ultimo. XX Summa cc iiii vi casei. XX Inde in missione apud Rameseiam, celerario, vi casei qui fecerunt iii pensas duri casei ; et in missione apud Broutone ad abbatem, ii casei ; et apud Rameseiam, ii frisci et dimidia lagena butiri ; et in seneschallo, super compotum, i caseus ; et in hospitio usque Gulam Augusti viii casei et per autumpnum iiii ; et in ii precariis autumjDni, xvi casei ; et ad feriam Sancti Ivonis v casei ; vaccario et consuetu- XX dine i. Et sic remanent vii vii casei. II. WisTOWE, 1298." Compotus Thomse Euty praepositi de Wystowe a festo sancti Michaelis anno domini J. abbatis xiii, de receptis et expensis. Arreragia. Idem redit compotum de [ ].' Ad festum sancti Michaelis. Idem reddit compotum de iiii s. vi d. de redditu assiso (sic). Ad terminura sancti Martini. Idem reddit compotum vi s. x d. ob. de auxilio vicecomitis. Frumentum. Idem reddit compotum de xiiii s. iii d. qu. de vi ring, fruraenti, i bu. ; et de i ring, avense vendita task' et vetricibus (sic). ^ Probably refers to the visit of the Bishop of Lincoln. See Wardeboys roll for same year. ^ Public Record Office, Ministers' Accounts, 885/30. 3 Blank in MS. 16 ^N I VERS COMPOTUS ROLLS OF WISTOWE. Idem reddit compotum de v s. ix d. de v ring, iii bu. avense ven- ditis super compotum, et de iii s. de ii ring, brasey venditis super compotum. Staurum venditum. Idem reddit compotum de x s. ii d. de iiii porcis venditis : pretium porci, ii s. vi d. oh. ; et de V s. ii d. de ii porcis venditis ; et de iii s. vii d. de ii porcis im- mundis venditis; et de ii .s. i d. de i porco immundo. Gersumse. Idem reddit compotum xiii s. iiii d. de Godefrido Puskere pro dimidia virgata terrse quondam patris sui ; et de v .s. de Willelmo Margarete pro i hydemanland quondam Alexandri fratris sui. Summa Ixxiii s. viii d. oh. qu. Expense. Liberationes. Idem computat pro superexpensis compoti prse- cedentis xxvi s. vi d. oh. qu. Idem computat liberatos in cameram abbatis xi s. de terra Wal- teri de Graf ham per i talliam. Idem computat liberatos celerario super talliam x s. Eidem pro xv fressingges, vi s. ; et de stauro, xvi XX porcos de pretio xliiii s. Eidem pro ii pensis duri casei, vi xiiii caseos, et capellano domini abbatis iii s. ; et in sartrino et bracino vi d. Item. Idem computat in xxx ulnis de camecbo' emptis ad molendinum vii s. vii d. Idem computat in pannagio de xxi porcis apud Bere- bichamstede iii s. vi d. ; et porcario, xii d. ; et in viii ulnis ad ii sac- cos, xii d. Item carectario versus Cranfeld pro meremio quirendo, meremium ii d. ; et versus Westone de Walde, i d. ; et versus Ter- feud'^, i d., in parcameno, iiii d. Idem computat in expensis seneschalli abbatis ii s. iii d. oh. qu. ; et super compotum, iii -s. xi d. oh.., iii bu. frumenti. Item vi bu. et di. avense. Idem computat in expensis diversis a festo sancti Michaelis ii s. iiii d. qu. Item liberatos task' et ventricibus, xiiii s. iii d. qu. Summa totius expensse Ixvii s. i d. oh. qu. s[in]e superexpensis ; et sic debet praepositus domino vi s. vii d. ExiTus Grangiarum. Frumentum. Idem reddit compotum de iii hu. de remanente ; et de vi ring, per opera de uno mydsty jacenti * Canvas? See Rogers, Agriculture and Prices, i 571. ' Or Terfend. 2 17 APPENDIX. XX contra hostium maioris grangias plena ; et de v ii ring, per taskam de eodem mydsty per i talliam ; et de iii bu. receptis de Upwode sine tallia ; et de ii ring, i hu. receptis de molendino per talliam. XX Summa v xi ring, iii bu. Inde : in seniine Ixix ring, ii bu. per i talliam ; et in venditione task' et ventricibus, vi ring, i bu. ; et in missione apud Rameseiam xxvii ring, quse fecerunt i quartarium et dimidium, et iii ring, sine tallia ; et in mixtura ad wok' et ad liberationes famulorum, iiii ring, ii bu. ; et in seneschallo ad visum, iii bu. ; et super corapotum iii bu. per ii tallias ; et in hospitio a festo sancti Michaelis usque festum sancti Edmundi Regis, ii ring. ; et in missione apud Novum Locum iii ring, per i talliam ; et sic de incremento ii ring., et ulterius remanet in granario i bu.^ Ordeum. Idem reddit compotum de nichil de remanente, et de XXV ringis per opera de prima mej'a in capite orientale minoris grangise plena usque le slyverasen et residuum ante festum sancti Michaelis cum le malthus per i talliam ; et de xxii ring, per opera de meya cum cumulo ejusdem partis; et de xiii rm(/. per taskam de eadem meya per i talliam ; et de iiii ring, ii bu. receptis de molendino per i talliam. Summa Ixiiii ring, ii bu. Inde : in braseo fusendo lix 7-ing. ii bu. ; et in mixtura iiii ring. ii bu. Item ii bu. ; et seque. Dragetum. Idem reddit compotum de xl ring, receptis de prima meya in capite aquilonare minoris grangiae per taskam et per i talliam ; et in braseo faciendo, xxxv ring, i bti. ; et remanent in granario iiii ring, iii bu. et seque. Avena. Idem reddit compotum de vi ring, iii bu. et di. de re- manente ; et de Ivii ring, per taskam de prima meya in capite aquilonare maioris grangise per i talliam Inde : in missione apud Rameseiam x ring, per i talliam ; et x ring, sine tallia quse fecerunt iiii mittas contra Thomam Clericum ; in farina ad potagium, i ring. ; et in equis seneschalli ad visum, vii bu. ; et in equis seneschalli super compotum vii bu. per i talliam ; et in equo servientis ii bu. sine tallia ; et in equis carectariorum xiii ring, iii bu. per i talliam ; et remanent xi ring, ii bu. et di. In venditione i ring, task', et in venditione sui)er compotum, xii ring, et {sicy Fabse et pisse. Idem reddit compotum de nichil de remanente ; et de xii ring, per opera de uno tassiculo rotundo. ^12 rings, 3 bushels, remain unaccounted for. ' 2 bu. are unaccounted for. 18 COMPOTUS ROLLS OF WISTOWE. Inde : in porcis pinguendis vii ring. ; et sic remanent v ring, in granario, et ulterius i bu. Grutura. Idem reddit compotum de ii ring, de remanente et de Ixix ring, ii bu. Summa Ixxi ring, ii bu. Inde in hospitio et ad visum, ii ring, ii bu. ; et in missione apud Rameseiam xxxvi ring, quse fecerunt viii mittas per talliam contra Thomam Clericum ; et remanent in granario et in malthus xii ring. ; et in mixtura cum braseo, xx ring, iii 6m. ; et seque. Braseum. Idem reddit compotum de xxxv ring, i bu. drageti superius brasiati ; et de xx ring, iii bit. de gruto mixto. Summa Ivi ring. Inde : in venditione super compotum ii ring. Inde in missione apud Rameseiam xx ring, sine tallia ; et remanent xxxiiii ring. ; et seque. x III. WisTOWE, 1307.' Compotus Stephani Catelyne prsepositi de Wystowe a festo sancti Michaelis anno domini J. abbatis xxii usque ad eundem festum anno revoluto. Arreragia. Idem reddit compotum de Ixxv s. iiii d. qu. de arre- ragiis anni prsecedentis. Summa Ixxv s. iiii d. qu. Michaelis. Idem reddit compotum de iiii s. vi d. de redditu assisse. Summa iiii s. vi d. Martini. Idem reddit compotum de vi s. v d. qu. de auxilio vice- comitis, et desunt v d. de iiii akermannis ; et de vii d. ob. qu. de Wardsilver, et deest obolus de iiii akermannis. Summa vii s. i d. Andrew. Idem reddit compotum de xxiii s. i d. ob. qu. hewechyre, et desunt xiiii d. de pra^posito, bedello, fabro et de iiii akermannis ; et de v s. vi d. de terra Walteri de Graf ham ; et de molendino ad firmam, xviii s. iiii d. Summa xlvi s. xi d. ob. qu. Natalis. Idem reddit compotum de xii s. i d. de maltsilver, et desunt xvii d. ob. de prasposito, bedello, fabro et de iiii akermannis ; et de molendino ad firmam, xviii s. iiii d. Summa xxx s. v d. Annunciationis. Idem reddit compotum de xxiii s. i d. ob. qu. de hewechyre cum redditu, et desunt xiiii d. de prseposito, bedello, fabro et de iiii akermannis ; et de xvi d. de fys- 1 Brit. Mus., Add. Ch., 39889. 19 APPENDIX. silver ; et de ii s. viii d. oh. de auxilio vicecomitis ; et de ii s. iii d. de argento vinese ; et de xxxiii s. iiii d. de quinque virgatis terrae ad censum quorum quilibet {sic) dat dimidiam marcam. Et de xviii s. iiii d. de molendino ad firmam ; et de iii s. ix d. qu. de redditu Ranulfi de Clerevaus. Summa iiii Ii. iiii s. x d. oh. Nativitatis beati Johannis. Idem reddit compotum de vi s. ix d. qu. de auxilio vicecomitis ; et de xviii s. iiii d. de molendino ad firmam. Summa xxv s. i d. qu. Terminum sancti Benedicti. Idem reddit compotum de xxiiii s. V d. oh. qu. de redditu cum hewe- chire, et desunt xiiii d. de prseposito, bedello, fabro et iiii akerman- nis ; et de iii s. iiii d. de Wethersilver ; et de v s. vi d. de terra Wal- teri de Graf ham ad eundem terminum; et de redditu Ranulfi de Clerevaus oh. qu. ; et de hangerlondsilver iiii d. quia seminatur hoc anno. Summa xxxii s. viii d. oh. Nativitatis beatse Mariae. Idem reddit compotum de xxxiii s. iiii d. de quinque virgatis terrse ad censum. Summa xxxiii s. iiii d. De operibus venditis. Idem reddit compotum de xlii s. dccc xlviii operibus venditis in yeme: pretium XX operis, obolum ; et de Ivii s. ix d. de ccc v ii operibus venditis in autumpno : pretium operis, i d. oh. Summa iiii Ii. xix s. ix d. Frumentum venditum. Idem reddit compotum de xv d. receptis de ii hu. frumenti venditis ventricibus circa festum Omnium Sanctorum ; et de xxi d. de iii bu. venditis eisdem. Ordeum venditum. Idem reddit compotum de xix d. oh. de iii hu. ordei venditis ventricibus circa festum sancti Thomse Apostoli. Pisse venditse. Idem reddit compotum de xiiii d. de i ring. pisarum vendita eisdem. Summa v s. ix rf. oh. Staurum venditum. Idem reddit compotum de Ixx s. de xx porcis venditis Nicholao le Cowhirde et Thomse Henrico : pretium porci, iii s. vi d. ; et de 1 .s. receptis de xx porcis venditis eisdem : pretium ])orci, ii s. vi (/. ; et de xix s. receptis de V porcis venditis Henrico le Daye; et de xx s. de i bove vendito circa Pascham ; et de xl s. de xii porcis venditis celerario : pretium porci, xl d. Summa ix H. xix s. Staurum mortuum. Idem reddit compotum de ii s. iiii d. de car- cosio unius boviculi submersi in marisco ; 20 COMPOTUS ROLLS OF WISTOWE. et de X s. de vi pernis venditis ; et de v s. de corio i bovis et de corio i bovetti de remanentibus ; et de ii s. vi d. de corio i bovis de morina in marisco ; et de iiii s. de corio i bovis occisi ad precarias au- tumpni ; et de vi d. de pelletteria i agni mas occisi ad precarias auturapni ; et de xii d. de ii lagenis butyri venditis. Summa xxv s. iiii d. Minuta vendita. Idem reddit compotum de ii s. xi d. de stipulis venditis ; et de Iiii s. iiii d. de iiii acris prati venditis in Wyleweyemade In i pecia prati vendita de relucro apud le Benemade, xv s. vi d. ; et de ii 6\ de tanno vendito ; et de pan- nagio porcorum xxiii s. vii d. per talliam contra Thomam de Nor- grove ; et de ii s. receptis de Nicholao molendinario pro emenda- tione panni virgse molendini ; et de vi d. receptis pro una vacca er- randa (?) veniente quasi weyf quia calumpniata fuit ; et de iii s. iiii d. pro Iiii lagenis et dimidia venditis : pretium lagense, ob. qit. ; et de ii 6\ vi d. de c columbis venditis : pretium iiii "'', i d. Et prseceptum est prseposito quod de cetero respondebit pro qualibet vacca de caseo et butyro vendito. Summa cviii s. viii d. Fines et Gersumae. Idem reddit compotum de ii s. receptis de Cristina le Swan de Parva Ravele pro licentia maritandi ; et de ii s. de Emma filia Roberti Pabri pro eodem (sic) ; et de X s. receptis de Thoma le Akerman pro ingressu habendo in terra Graf ham ; et de vi s. viii d. receptis de Johanne le Heryng- mongere pro ingressu habendo in uno cotlando quondam matris suae. Summa xx s. viii d. De visu et aliis curiis. Idem reddit compotum de iiii Ii. ix s. i d. de visu ; et de curia autumpni xiii s. iii d. Summa vii Ii. xxii d. Summa totius receptee cum arreragiis xliiii Ii. xv s. x d. ob. qti.^ Expensee. Idem computat liberatos in cameram domini abbatis de auxilio vicecomitis vi s. vi d.; et v s. vi d. de terra Graf ham per i talliam ; et liberatos in eandem de visu, iii s. vi d.; et de terra Graf ham, vii 6\ per i talliam. Item liberatos in eandem de visu, xl s. ; et liberatos in eandem de auxilio vicecomitis, vi s. vi d. ob. qu. ; et de terra Graf ham, v s. vi d, per i talliam. Item solvit fratri Stephano super compotum Ixv s. Item solvit pro roba Thomse de Norgrove vi s. viii d. Idem computat in i capriolo empto et misso domino abbati ad Pascham ix d. ; et de stauro vi puloni.^ ' The sum is not correct. Some items have evidently been omitted. ^ Pullani? 21 APPENDIX. Item missos ad eidem quando ivit ad sepeliendum domini regis, i vitulum, vi capriolos. Item eidem ad Pentecostem iiii capriolos et vi pulonos. Item in v aucis emptis et missis eidem ad Pentecos- tem, X d. Summa vii li. vii s. ix d. oh. qu. Celerarius. Idem computat solutos celerario super talliam Ix s. ; et pro quinque pensis et dimidia duri casei, xliiii s. ; et de stauro ii pensas ; et pro vii pensis baconum et dimidia, Ixxv s. ; et pro frescynges, 1 s. ; et pro agnis, iii s. vii (/. qu. ; et pro carne boum, xviii d. ; et pro multone vs.; et pro butyro, xii s. iii d. ; et pro allece, vs.; et pro frisco caseo, ix s. per iii tallias. Idem computat solutos capellano domini abbatis iii s. Item in sartrino pro f3do et sapone, vii d. oh. ; in pistrino et bracino, vi d. Subcelerarius. Idem computat solutos subcelerario pro operibus vineae ii s. iii d. per i talliam. Idem computat solutos receptoribus pro melle vi s. per testimonium fratris Johannis de Leytone. Idem computat solutos Jolianni de Broughton de red- ditu Ranulphi de Clerevaus ad festum sancti Michaelis, viii d. ; et ad manerium de Riptone Regis iiii d. pro hangerlondsilver ; et firmario de Upwode, ii s. i d. oh. ; et Johanni Gocelyne de redditu Ranulphi de Clerevaus viii d. ad Pascham, Summa xiii li. xv s. vi d. qu. Item vi s. Fabse emptse. Idem computat in vi ring, fabarum emptis pro celerario x s. xi d. : pretium ringse, xxii d. In ii ring, emptis pro semine iiii s. Staurum emptum. Idem computat in i stotto empto viii s. In ciiii agnis emptis de domino Rogero de Nor- ton, iiii li. xiii s. : pretium agni, ix d. Item in xxiiii pulcinis emptis pro domino, xiiii d. ; et in xxxiii gallinis emptis pro celerario, iiii s. X d. oh. In XX pulcinis emptis, viii d. oh. Item in xii pulcinis emptis, vi d. Item in expensis propositi in itinere versus Wyse- becham pro agnis emendis cum iii garciouibus, xii d. Staurum mortuum emptum. Idem computat ii s. vi d. in xii caseis emptis de Upwode ad im- plendum duo pensas casei apud Rameseiam. In dcccxxx ovis emptis pro celerario ad Natalem, iiii s. i d. oh. Summa vi li. x s. ix d. oh. WySTOWE anno J. ABBATIS XXII. Dragetum, Idem reddit compotum de cl 7'ing. drageti de dua- bus dimidiis meyis per opera ex parte boreale grau- 22 COMPOTUS ROLLS OF WISTOWE. gise contra Thomam de Norgrove per talliam ; et residuum est avena ; et de xviii ring, receptis de ordeo superius mixto. Sunima clxviii ringse. Inde in semine xxxix ring, iii bu. contra Thomam de Norgrove per i talliam. In braseo infusendo cxxxii ring, iii bu. per i talliam contra Dayam ; et de incremento iiii ring, ii bu. XX Pisfe. Idem reddit compotum de iiii xvi ring, i bu. ; et de xxiii ring, ii bu. de quadam parte alterius tassi per opera contra Thomam per i talliam ; et residuum reinanet in garbis ; et de empti- one viii ring. Summa cvii ring, iii bti. Inde in semine xxiiii ring, contra Thomam de Norgrove per i talliam. In missione apud Rameseiam vi ring, pro prsebenda equorum. In mixtura ad liberationem famulorum, xlii ring. In mixtura pro wok', xviii ring. In prsebenda equorum carectse, ix ring, i btt. In porcis joinguendis et sustinendis, xx ring, ii bu. In missione celerario, vi ring. Et remanent in granario vii ring. ; et sic de incremento, v ring. Avena. Idem reddit compotum de i ring, de remanente ; et de XX c iiii iii ring, de duabus dimidiis meiis per opera ex parte boriale grangise contra Thomam de Norgrove per i talliam ; et re- siduum est dragetum ; et de novo grano xii ring, ii bu. contra Thomam de Norgrove per i talliam. XX Summa c iiii xvi ring, ii bu. Inde in semine Ivii ring, iii bu. contra Thomam de Norgrove per i talliam. In prsebenda equorum carectse, xlviii ring, iii hu. In XX missione apud Rameseiam v viii ring, quae fecerunt xxi mittas iii ring. In farina ad potagium, v ring. ; et sic de incremento, iii ring. Mixtura. Idem reddit compotum de Ix ring, frumenti, xviii ring. ordei et de Ix ring, pisarum. Summa cxviii ring. Inde in liberatione unius carectarii, iii carucariorum, i vaccarii, i bercarii, i porcarii et i dayse a festo sancti Michaelis usque ad XX eundem festum anno revoluto, per Hi septimanas, iiii i ring., capta ringa per quinque septimanas ; et deest i ring, de daya quia fuit ad mensam per quinque septimanas in autumpno ; et deest etiam i ring, de porcario quia sine porcario per quinque septimanas causa mortis ; et cuidam custodienti bestias in marisco per xxxvi septi- manas, iii ring., capta ringa per xii septimanas ; et in missione apud Rameseiam liiii ring, quae fecerunt iii wok' ; et sque. 23 APPENDIX. Grutum. Idem reddit compotum de clxxiii ring, gruti supe- rioris de ordeo infuso. Summa patet. Inde in missione apud Rameseiam c Ix ring, quse fecerunt xl mit- tas. In expensis pro visu, i ring. In expensis domorum a festo sancti Michaelis usque ad eundem festum prseter quinque septi- manas in autumpno, xii ring. In expensis domorum per autump- num, vi ring, ii bu. In expensis pro precariis autumpni, v ring. In expensis pro le repegos, i ring. Et sic de incremento xii ring, ii bu. ; et nihilominus remanent in granario xii ring. Braseum. Idem reddit compotum de ii rm^. de remanente; et de cxxxii ring, iii bu. brasei receptis superius de dra- geto infuso. Summa cxxxiiii ring, iii bu. Inde in missione apud Rameseiam cxliiii ring, quse fecerunt xxxii mittas iiii ring. Et sic de incremento, ix ring, i bu. Equi carectse. Idem reddit compotum de vi equis carectse de re- manentibus. Et remanent vi equi carectse. Stotti. Idem reddit compotum de v stottis de remanentibus ; et de i recepto de emptione. Summa vi. Et remanent vi stotti. Boves. Idem reddit compotum de xxi bobus de remanentibus ; et de vii receptis inferius de bovettis. Summa xxviii. Inde in morina i, et occisus pro precariis autumpni i, in venditione i. Et remanent xxv boves. Bovetti. Idem reddit compotum de vii bovettis de remanentibus ; et de vii receptis inferius de boviculis. Summa xiiii. Inde superius inter boves vii. Et remanent vii bovetti. Boviculi. Idem reddit compotum de viii boviculis de remanen- tibus ; et de V receptis inferius de superannatis. Sum- ma xiii. Inde in morina i, et superius inter bovettos vii. Et re- manent V boviculi. Superannati. Idem reddit compotum de vi superannatis de re- manentibus; et de vii receptis inferius de vitulis mas. Summa xiii. Inde submersus in marisco i, et superius inter boviculos V. Et remanent vii superannati. Vituli mas. Idem reddit compotum de ix vitulis mas de rema- nentibus ; et de V receptis inferius de exitu. Sum- ma xiiii. Inde in morina ii, et superius inter superannatos vii. Et remanent v vituli mas. Taurus. Idem reddit com])otum de i tauro de remanente. Et remanet i taurus. 24 COMPOTUS ROLLS OF WISTOWE. Vaccse. Idem reddit compotum de xx vaccis de remanentibus ; et de ii receptis inferius de juvencis. Summa xxii. Et remanent xxii vacca?. Juvencse. Idem reddit compotum de ii juvencis de remanenti- bus; et de ii juvencis receptis inferius. Summa iiii. Inde superius inter vaccas ii. Et remanent ii juvencse. Juvenculse. Idem reddit compotum de ii juvenculis de remanen- tibus ; et de vi receptis inferius de superannatis. Summa viii. Inde superius inter juvencas ii. Et remanent vi juvenculse. Superannatse. Idem reddit compotum de vi superannatis de re- manentibus ; et de V receptis inferius de vitulis fe. Summa xi. Inde superius inter juvenculas vi. Et remanent V superannatse. Vitulse fe. Idem reddit compotum de vii vitulis fe de remanen- tibus ; et de vi receptis inferius de exitu. Summa xiii, Inde in morina ii, et superius inter superannatis v. Et re- manent vi vitulse fe. Exitus. Idem reddit compotum de xii vitulis receptis de exitu hoc anno. Summa xii. Inde in missione domino abbati in itinere versus Londonem ad sepeliendum domini regis i, et superius inter vitulos mas v, et inter vitulas fe vi. Et seque. Multones. De remanente nichil, et de Ivii receptis inferius de agnis mas. Et remanent Ivii multones. Agni mas. Idem reddit compotum de Ixiii agnis mas de rema- nentibus ; et de Ixxiii receptis inferius de exitu et emptione. Summa cxvi. Inde in morina ante tonsionem vii, et post tonsionem i, et occisus ad precarias autumpni i, et superius inter multones Ivii. Et remanent Ixxiii agni mas. Matrices. Idem reddit compotum de i ove remanente; et de xl receptis inferius de agnis fe. Summa xli. Et rema- nent xii oves matrices. Agni fe. Idem reddit compotum de xliii agnis fe de remanenti- bus; et de xliiii receptis de emptione de domino Rogero XX de Nortone ; et de exitu hoc anno i. Summa iiii viii. Inde in morina ante tonsionem iii, et superius inter matrices xl. Et rema- nent xlv agni fe. Exitus. Idem reddit compotum de ciiii agnis emptis de domino Rogero de Nortone, et de exitu hoc anno i. Summa c 25 APPENDIX. V. Inde superius inter agnos mas Ixxiii, et inter agnos fe xlv, et in morina vii. Et seque. XX Vellera. Idem reddit compotum de v velleribus de exitu hoc anno et missa sunt apud Raraeseiam per talliam. Et seque. Pelles. Idem reddit compotum de quinque pellibus agnorum de remanentibus, et de vii pellibus agnorum mas et fe, et de i pelletteria agni mas occisi ad precarias, et de vii pellibus agnorum de exitu et de emptione. Et remanent vii pelles lanutffi et xii pelles agnorum et i pelletteria bydentis. Apri. Idem reddit compotum de i apro de remanente. Et re- manet i aper. Porci. Idem reddit compotum de Ixvii porcis de remanentibus ; et de liii receptis inferius de porcellis. Summa c i. Inde in venditione Ivii. In lardario viii, et in missione domino abbati pro priore de Huntingdone i et in morina i. Et remanent liiii porci. Porcelli. Idem reddit compotum de Ix porcellis de remanenti- bus, et de Ixiiii de exitu hoc anno. Summa ciiii. Inde in morina vi et superius inter porcos liiii. Et remanent Ixiiii porcelli. Sues. Idem reddit compotum de iii suis (sic) de remanentibus. Et remanet iii sues. Exitus. Idem reddit compotum de Ixvi porcellis de exitu hoc anno. Summa patet. Inde in morina ii et superius inter porcellos Ixiiii. Et £eque. Lardarius. Idem reddit compotum de viii porcis positis in lar- dario. Summa patet. Inde in venditione vi per tal- liam. In expensis domorum a festo sancti Michaelis usque ad eun- dem festum, prseter in autumpno, iii porci et i qn. In expensis domorum per autumpnum, ii pernse et di. et i qu. Et remanet i perna. Coria. Idem reddit compotum de corio i pullani, ii juvencorum, i bovis, i bovetti, i vaccse et coriis ii superannatorum de remanentibus, et de corio i bovis de morina, i bovis occisi ad precarias autumpni, i boviculi de morina, i superannati sul)- mersi, ii vitulorum mas de morina et ii vitulorum fe de morina. Summa xvi. Inde in venditione iii coria bourn, et corium i bovetti, et in ex- pensis pro harnesio, corium i pullani, ii jumentarum, i vaccse et ii 26 COMPOTUS ROLLS OF WISTOWE. superannatorum. Et remanent cerium i boviculi, i superannati, ii vitulorum mas et ii vitulorum fe. Aucse. Idem reddit compotum de xxiii aucis de remanentibus, et de Ii de exitu, et de emptione vi. Summa Ixxiiii. Inde in morina iii, in missione celerario x, et domino abbati per vices ix. In expensis domorum, ut patet superius, xii. In pistrino et bracino iii. In expensis pro curia v. Et remanent xxxii aucsd. Anathes. Idem reddit compotum de xxxix anathibus de rema- nentibus, et de xxxvii. Summa Ixxvi. Inde in ex- pensis pro visu iii. In missione domino abbati per vices xii. In expensis domorum per vices vii. In morina v. Et remanent xlix anathes. Capones. Idem reddit compotum de vi caponibus de remanen- tibus ; et de vii receptis de redditu. Summa xiii. Inde in missione domino abbati xiii. Et seque. Gallinse. Idem reddit compotum de x gallinis de remanentibus, et de Ixxvi de redditu, et de emptione Ixxix, et de ex- XX itu XV. Summa clx. Inde in missione celerario v iii, et domino abbati ut supra xxiiii. In expensis pro visu et curia autumpni ix. In expensis domorum per vices xiii. In morina ix. Et remanent xxii gallinse. Casei. Idem reddit compotum de cxxxvi casei de remanentibus, et de xii de relucro inter festum sancti Michaelis et Nata- lem, et de Ixv de exitu a festo sancti Augustini Episcopi usque ad festum sancti Michaelis, quolibet altero die computato, et de xii de emptione. Summa ccxxxiiii. Inde in missione celerario cxxvi. In expensis domorum a festo sancti Michaelis usque ad eundem festum preeter quinque septimanas in autumpno, x. In expensis per autumpnum vii. In magna precaria x, et vaccario ex consue- XX tudine i. Et remanent v casei. Butyrus. Idem reddit compotum de i quartario de remanente et de vi lagenis et dimidia de exitu. Summa vi lagenae et di. et i quartarius. Inde in venditione ii lageuie. In expensis domorum i lagena. In bidentibus unguendis iii lagenae et iii qu. Et seque. Columbse. Idem reddit compotum de ccxxxi de exitu hoc anno. Summa patet. Inde in missione apud Rameseiam 1 • • T ^^ Ivi per vices. In expensis domorum per totum annum iiii xv per diversas tallias, et in venditione ut supra c. Et seque. 27 APPENDIX. Carbones. Idem reddit compotura de xl ring.' de remanentibus. Summa patet. Inde in missione apud Rameseiam xii ring. Et remanent xxviii ring, carbonum. Carucffi. Idem computat in iii carucis de novo faciendis et aliis eraendandis ad tascham x d. Item in dictis carucis emendandis circa festum sancti Barnabi Apostoli, iiii d. oh. In vi ploucloutis emptis, ix d., et Godefrido Fabro pro carucis faciendis per annum, ii s. Item in vi clutis, ix d. Item solutum cuidam car- pentario per i diem pro carucis emendandis ad mensam, i d. Item in stipendio i hominis pro carucis rest[aur]andis et reparandis in autumpno, xii d. In v garbis asceris emptis, ii s. x d. oh. : pretium garbai, viii d. oh. In vi peciis ferri emptis, xxi (7. Item soluti fabro pro ferramentis carucarum emendandis, iii d. Summa x s. viii d. Carectffi. Idem computat in duabus paribus rotarum emptis v s. In iii paribus rotarum nudarum emptis, v s. iii d. In expensis prgepositi et i garcionis pro dictis rotis petendis et emen- dis, iiii d. In iiii ulnis emptis de canobo pro harnesio, x d. In xxiiii clutis ad carectas, xii d. In cc de Broddes, iii d. Item solu- tes carectario eunti ter apud Therfeld post bladum et meremium versus Sanctum Ivonem, vi d. Item in harnesio carectas emen- dando, ii d. In emendatione carectae in itinere versus Londonem, ii d. Item solutos carectario in itinere versus Londonem, Bernake et Therfeld pro diversis faciendis et petendis, per xi vices, xxii d. Item carectario versus Therfeld ter post meremium, vi d. In xxiiii clutis, xii d. In c clavis pro eodem, i d. qu. In i corda ad carec- tam, vii d. In i pari tractuum, yd. In i kyppelyne, i d. qu. Item carectario versus Londonem cum domino abbate, ii d. In duabus paribus tractuum, vi d. qu. In c clavis ad carectam, xx d. In i ulna de canobo, iii d. c . . , Ferrurge. Idem computat in v clavis equorum emptis ix d. qu. In xxi ferruris equorum emptis, x d. qu. In mcc et dimidio clavis equorum emptis, xxiii d. Summa xxiiii 6\ ii n." Emendationes domorum. Idem computat in stipendio i hominis cooperientis domum bracini et cres- tantis et super grangiam per iiii dies ad mensam domini, iiii d. Idem computat in i mola empta, xxv s. et in argento dei,* i d. Item » See Rogers, Agriculture and Prices, i. 422. ' The sum is short by a farthing. » i.e., the "lucky penny" paid by the reeve in the purchase. See Rogers, Agriculture and Prices, i. 505. 28 COMPOTUS ROLLS OF WISTOWE. solutes pro dicta mola super carectam ponenda, ii d. ; et in expensis prsepositi ibidem, ii d. In c de magna spyka pro mola emendanda, iii d. Summa xxvi s. Minuta. In iii coriis tannandis, xi d. In purcellis castrandis per annum, viii d. In dimidia lagena uncti, vi d. In filo empto pro harnesio, i d. In i Barelep, ii d. In i lagena buty- minum empta pro bidentibus unguendis, iiii d. ; et famulis pro for- drove ad Natalem, ii s. In corio i stotti dealbando, v d. In ii cor- dis et i capistra faciendis de pylo domini, i d. In iii quartis Buty- minum pro rotis unguendis, iii d. In bordis sicandis per duos homines et per duos dies, iiii d. In expensis pro bidentibus ton- dendis, in cervisia, viii d. oh. In xii Ii. de bourle pro harnesio, viii d. In i lagena Butyminum, iiii d. Item solutos pro Sythehale apud Wileweyemad vii d. et apud Thorenbriggemad vii d. In ex- pensis prsepositi in itinere versus Steres Brigge cum i equo et gar- cone pro ascere emenda, v d. In i ulna de canobo ad dayerum, iii d. In coagulo, i d. oh. In pergameno, iii d. Summa ix s. viiii d. Expensse seneschalli. Idem computat in expensis pro visu ii s. xi d. oh., ii bu. frumenti, i ring, gruti, ii hu. avense, ii aucas, iiii anathes, vi gallinas, per i talliam ; et in expen- sis pro curia autumpni, ii s. vi d.. i hu. frumenti, iii aucas, iii pul- cinos, per i talliam. Summa v s. v d. oh. Expensse domus. Idem computat in expensis domus a festo sancti Michaelis usque ad eundera festum preeter quinque septimanas in autumpno, pro serviente cum gar- cione per suos eventus, prseposito, clerico cum garcione per suos eventus, xxi s. vi d. Expensse domus per autumpnum. Idem computat in expensis domus per quinque septi- manas in autumpno iii s. i d. oh. qu., ii pernas et dimidiam, i aucam, xxxviii columbas, iii ring, ii hn. frumenti, vi ring, ii hu. gruti, vii caseos, per i talliam. Precariae autumpni. Idem computat in expensis pro precariis autumpni v ring, frumenti, v ring, gruti, x caseos, xii columbas, iii d., i bovem, i multonem, iiii aucas per i talliam contra Robertum de Castre. Idem computat in expensis pro le Repegos xx d., iiii aucas, xii columbas, i ring, frumenti, i ring, gruti contra Robertum de Castre per i talliam. Idem com- putat in iii hu. salis emptis ix d. qu. In ii ring, salis emptis, ii s. Summa vii s. x d. 29 APPENDIX, WySTOWE anno J. XXII.* Stipendia cum eorum oblatione in bussellis. Idem computat in stipendio Thomse de Norgrove x s. ; et pro oblatione sua, i d. oh. ad Natalem. Item in stipendio Wodewardi per annum, iiii s., et pro oblatione sua, i d. ad Natalem, et clerico computat iiii s. pro stipendio. Item in sti- pendio i carectarii, iii carucariorum, i vaccarii, i bercarii et unius dayse per annum, xxi s., qut)rum quilibet capit iii s. ; et porcario^ ii s. iii d.; et in oblationil)Us eorundem, viii d., quorum quilibet capit i d. ad terminum usualem. Summa xlii s. i d. oh. XX Ventilatio. Idem computat in ccc v ii ring, ii h\i. frumenti, ccxxi XX ring, i hu. ordei, cl ring, drageti, v xix ring, iii hu. XX pisarum et c iiii xv ring, ii hu. avense ventilandis ad tascham, xii s. ix d. oh. : pretium viii ringarum, i d. Summa xii s. ix d. oh. Relaxationes. Idem computat in relaxatione Roberto Gylleville de Wystowe de amerciamento suo in ultimo visu vi d. per i breve. In relaxatione Godefrido Fabro de amercia- mento suo in ultimo visu, xl s. per testimonium fratris S. de Dene- ford ; et in relaxatione Johanni Gernoun, vi d. de amerciamento suo in ultimo visu per i breve; et in relaxatione Johannse filiae Albini de Wystowe de amerciamento suo in ultimo visu, vi d. per i breve. Summa xii s. vi d. Summa totius liberationis et expensie xxxviii U. xviii d. Et sic debet prsepositus domino vi Ii. xiiii s. iiii d. oh. qu. ; et nichil debet aliis; et versus illud debitum debentur ei de operibus venditis in autumpno Ivii s. ix d. ; et de feno vendito ad primam vesturam xx s., et de feno vendito de relucro xviii s. ; et alii diversi debent xviii ,s. xi d. Summa cxiiii s. viii d. Et sic prsedictus propositus xix s. viii d. oh. qu. Et praeceptum est Thomae de Norgrove levare prse- dictam arreragiam sine dilatione. Frumentum. De remanente iii ring, ii hu. ; et de xxxv ring, i bu. del midsti ; et de cix ring, de prima meya plena per opera ex parte australe grangife contra Thomam de Norgrove per i talliam ; et de cl ring, de meya cum cumulatione plena per opera ex parte australe contra Thomam de Norgrove per i talliam ; et de xxviii ring, i hu. per opera de novo grano contra Thomam de Norgrove per i talliam. Summa cccvi ring. ^ In dorso. 30 COMPOTUS ROLLS OF WISTOWE. Inde in semine Ixiiii ring, iii bu. per i talliam contra Thomam de XX Norgrove. In missione apud Rameseiam c iiii vii ring, quae fece- runt xi magna quartaria et dimidium ; et pro multura iii ring, ii bu. ; et residuum ad molendinum ventriticum. In mixtura pro wok', xviii ring. In mixtura ad liberationes famulorum, xlii r'ing. In venditione ventricibus, i ring, i bu. In expensis pro visu, ii bu. et pro curia autumpni, i hti. In expensis domorum a festo sancti Michaelis usque ad eundem festum exceptis quinque septimanis in autumpno, xiii ring, iii bu. In expensis domorum per autumpnum, iii ring, ii bu. frumenti. In expensis pro magna precaria, v ring. In expensis pro le repegos, i ring. Et remanent in granario v ring. ii bu. Ordeum. Idem reddit compotum de viii ring, ii bu. i jyeck. de re- manente ; et de cxix I'ing. ii bu. de prima meya cum uno cantello in le midsty per opera contra Thomam de Norgrove per i talliam ; et de ci ring, iii bu. per opera de meya cum cumula- tione plena ex parte orientale contra Thomam de Norgrove per i talliam. Summa ccxxix ring, iii bu. i peck. Inde in semine xxxix ring, per i talliam contra Thomam de Nor- grove. In mixtura pro wok', xviii rmt/. In venditione ventricibus, iii 6w. In gruto infuso, clxxiii ring., et in mixtione cum drageto, xviii ring. Et remanent in granario i ring, i peck. IV. WiSTOWE, 1311.^ Compotus Stephani Catelyne prsepositi de Wystowe a festo sancti Michaelis anno domini J. abbatis xxvi usque ad eundem festum anno revoluto. Arreragia. Idem reddit compotum de xx s. de arreragiis ultimi compoti. Summa xx s. Michaelis. Idem reddit compotum de iiii s. vi d. de redditu as- sise. Martyn. Idem reddit compotum de vi s. v d. de auxilio vice- comitis, et desunt v d. de iiii akermannis ; et de vii d. ob. qu. de Wardsilver, et deest obolus de iiii akermannis. Andreae. Idem reddit compotum de xxiii s. i d. ob. qu. de hewe- chyre, et desunt xiiii (d.) de prseposito, bedello, fabro 1 Brit. Mus., Add. Ch., 39890. This MS. contains only part of the account; the other part is in the Public Record Office, Ministers' Accounts, 885/32. 81 APPENDIX. et de iiii akermannis ; et de v s. vi d. de terra Walter! de Graf ham ; et de xviii s. iiii d. de molendino ad firmam. Summa Iviii s. vi d. oh. Natalis. Idem reddit compotum de xii s. i d. de maltsilver, et desunt xvii d. oh. de prgeposito, bedello, fabro et de iiii akermannis ; et de xviii s. iiii d. de molendino ad firmam. Annunciationis. Idem reddit compotum de xxiii s. i d. oh. qu. de hewechyre cum redditu, et desunt xiiii d. prse- posito, bedello, fai)ro et de iiii akermannis ; et de xvi d. de fyssilver ; et de ii s. viii d. oh. de auxilio vicecomitis ; et de ii s. iii d. de a.r- gento vinese; et de xxxviii s. iiii d. de v virgatis et tribus quartariis terrae ad censum, quorum quselibet virgata dimidiam marcam ; et de xii d. de dimidio cotlando ad censum ; et de xviii s. iiii d. de molendino ad firmam; et de iii s. ix d. qu. de redditu Ranulphi de Clerevaus ad eundem terminum. Nativitatis beati Johannis. Idem reddit compotum de vi s. ix d. qu. de auxilio vicecomitis ; et de xviii s. iiii d. de molendino ad firmam. Summa vii Ii. vi s. iiii d. oh. qu. Terminum sancti Benedicti. Idem reddit compotum de xxiii s. v d. oh. qu. de redditu cum hewechyre, et desunt xiiii d. de prjeposito, bedello, fabro et de iiii akermannis; et de iii s. iiii d. de Wethersilver ; et de v s. vi (/. de terra Walteri de Graf ham ad eundem terminum ; et de ob. qu. de redditu Ranul- phi de Clerevaus; et de iiii d. de hangerlondsilver hoc anno, quia seminatur. Nativitatis beatse Marise. Idem reddit compotum de xxxviii s. iiii d. de v virgatis et tribus quartariis terrse ad censum. et de xii d. de dimidia cotlanda ad censum. Summa Ixxii s. oh. De operibus venditis. Idem reddit compotum de vii 5. vii d. de clxii operibus venditis in yeme : pretium XX operis, oh. ; et de xlii s. v d. qu. de cc iiii xix operibus et dimidio venditis in autumpno : pretium operis, i d. oh. ; et de iiii s. viii d. oh. de Ixxv operibus venditis in sestate : pretium operis, oh. qu. Summa liiii s. viii d. oh. qu. Frumentum venditum. Idem reddit compotum de vi s. vi d. de iii ring, i bit,, frumenti venditis' ventricibus. ' Vend' vend' occur in the MS. here, and again in the account of stock. Prob- ably the second vend' is a repetition of the first. 32 COMPOTUS ROLLS OF WISTOWE, Ordeum venditum. Idem reddit compotuni de xviii d. de iii hu. ordei venditis eisdem ventricibus. Pisse venditse. Idem reddit compotum de xviii d. de i ring. pisarum vendita ventricibus, et de viii d. de ii hu. venditis eisdem. Summa x s. ii d. Staurum. Idem reddit compotum de xxv s. receptis de ii bobus venditis ; et de vi s. de i vacca vendita quia debilis ; et de xi s. iii d. de iiii porcis venditis ; et de xli .s. vii d. de xiiii por- cis venditis : pretium porci, iii s. j^raeter v d ; et de 1 s. iii d. de xix porcis venditis : pretium porci, ii s. viii d, prseter w d.\ et de xxvii s. iiii d. de xi porcis venditis: pretium porci, ii .?. vii d. prseter i d. ; et de vii s. de ii porcis venditis ; et de Ixiiii s. de xv porcis venditis : pretium porci, iiii s. iii d. et ultra iii d. ; et de vii s. xi d. de i bove de morina vendito; et de viii d. de i vitulo vendito. [Mortuum] staurum [venjditum. Idem reddit compotum de iii s iii s. xi d de xvii pellibus lanutis de i lagena b[utiri] . . . Summa xii U. viii s. xi d. Minuta vendita. Idem reddit compotum de xvi s. de tanno ven- dito ; et de Ivi s. viii d. de i pecia prati qure vocatur Wyleweyemade ; et de iii s. vii d. oh. de Notesilver; et de stipulis venditis, X s. iii d.) et de xviii rf. pro custodia i juvenc^ quae venerit {sic) quasi Weyfe et postea calumpniata ; et de xxiii d. XX de iiii xiii columbis venditis : pretium, iii pro denario. Summa iiii U. ix s. xi d. oh. Fines et Gersumse. Idem reddit compotum de xiii s. iiii d. de Ricardo Burgeys pro ingressu habendo in i quartario terrse quondam Ricardi Burgeys ; et de v s. de Willelmo Rykeden pro i cotlando quondam Rogeri le Lepe ; et de iiii s. de Elena le Palmere pro licentia maritandi; et de iii s. de Matilda Mauger pro eodem (sic) ; et de v s. viii d. receptis de fine pro diver- sis hominibus male metentibus bladum domini in le Brache. [Idem] reddit compotum xxviii s. v d. de visu cum capitagio. Summa Ix s. v d. Summa totius receptag cum arreragiis xxxviii Ii. xiiii d. WySTOWE' anno DOMINI J. ABBATIS XXVI. [com]putat liberatos in cameram domini abbatis In dorso. 33 APPENDIX. de visu xxiiii s. per i talliam eandem de exitu manerii, vi li. per i talliam. Celerarius. Idem computat solutos celerario super talliam Ix s. ; et pro quinque pensis et dimidia duri casei, xliiii s. ; et de stauro, ii pensas ; et pro vii pensis et dimidia baconum, Ixxv s. ; et pro frescynges, Is.; et pro agno, iii s. vii d. oh. ; et pro carne bovis, xviii d. ; et pro multone, vs.; et pro butyro, xii s. iii d. ; et XX pro allece, vs.; et pro frisco caseo, ix s. ; et de stauro, xi aucse, v iii gallinse; et de ovis, Mdcc ova per iiii tallias. Subcelerarius. Idem computat solutos subcelerario pro operibus vinese ii s. iii d. et receptori pro melle vi s. Item solutos capellanis domini abbatis, iii s. In sartrino, vii d. oh. In pistrino et bracino, vi d. Item solutos pro roba emenda ad feryam sancti Ivonis, vi s. viii d. Staurum. [Ide]m computat in x pulcinis emp- XX tis pro .... abbatis iiii ovis emptis pro .... Sum ma xxii li. i d. qu. Carucse. Idem computat in stipendio i carpentarii facientis caru- cas ad tascham ii s. v d. oh. In vi clutis, ix d. In xviii peciis ferri emptis apud Rochewelle, v s. iii d. Item in v peciis ferri, xiii d. Item solutos fabro pro ferramentis carucarum facien- dis per annum, et pro ferruris equorum, ii s. Item in v garbis asceris emptis, iii s. vi d. oh. ; et in expensis propositi versus Roche- welle et redeundo, ii d. oh. Carectse. Idem computat in i carteband cum clave viii s. In i pari rotarum ad ferramentas, iii s. In iii paribus ro- tarum, vi s. oh. qu. In iii sellis ad carectam, vii d. oh. In ii cordis ad carectam, xvi d. In ii {)aribus tractuum, ix d. In v kyppelynes, iiii d. In Ix clutis, ii s. iiii (/. oh. In xii clutis, vi d. In albo corio pro harnesio, xix d. In harnesio faciendo, xi d. In vi Wyneges, c iii d. Item in v de broddes, viii d. Item carectario ter apud Ber- nake, et bedello, vi d. Ferrurae. Idem computat in c ferrurarum equorum emptis iiii s. ii d. In xii ferruris, vi d. In m. m. clavis emptis. c c .... In V clavis equorum emptis, ix d. In iiii, viii d. Item in c iiii clavis, viii d. Summa li s. xi d. qu. Emendationes domorum. Idem computat in ccc de epykis vii d. oh. In ii hengellis ad bercarium, 34 COMPOTUS ROLLS OF WISTOWE. iiii d. In o rosci pelati, iii s. iiii d. Item in stipendiis ii hominum sicantium meremium, bordarii et alii, per xv dies et dimidium ad mensam domini, ii s. v d. Item in stipendio Thomae Haukyn cum garcione et iiii aliis carpentariis facientibus granarium et partem de bercario, porcherium et domum gallinarum et le cartehous, ad men- sam domini, xxii s. ii d. per diversas tallias contra eosdem. Item ciiidam cooperienti dictas domos per x septimanas ad mensam domini, v s., capienti per septimanam vi d. Summa xxxiii s. x d. oh. Minuta empta. Idem computat in iii Ii. uncti iiii d. oh. In xii ulnis canobi pro sackis, xix d. In vi ulnis canobi pro harnesio et pro dayero, xii d. oh. Item in bydentibus lavandis et tondendis, xii d. Item in coriis boviculi et vituli tannandis, viii d. In porcellis castrandis, viii d. In xxxiiii H. de Bourle, xvii d. In ii coriis vituloruni tannandis, ii d. In i sadal Item solutos falcatoribus prati de Thorenbriggemade, vii d., et falcatori- bus de Wyleweyemade, iii d. oh. ex consuetudine. In i corda et iii capistris faciendis de pylo domini, i d. oh. In lacte empta pro agnis nutriendis, v s. Summa xiii s. < Wystowe, AN]\0 J. XX VI.^ Expenses seneschalli. Idem computat in expensis pro visu xiiii d., i ring, gruti, ii hu. avense per i talliam. Expensse domorum. Idem computat in expensis domorum a festo sancti Michaelis usque ad eundem festum anno revoluto prseter v septimanas in autumpno, pro servi- ente cum garcione per suos eventus, prseposito, clerico, cum gar- cione per suos eventus et pro diversis carpentariis per magnum tempus, xxxiiii s. xi d., xvii riiig frumenti, xiii ring, gruti, vi porcos, bacones, xii caseos, ii lagenas butyr, xliii columbas, contra Thomam de Norgrove per talliam. Idem computat in iii ring, et di. sails emptis ii s. viii d. oh. Expensae domorum per autumpnum. Idem computat in expen- sis domorum per v septi- manas in autumpno, videlicet pro Ricardo de Jakele, praeposito, bedello, Wodevvardo per .... septimanas et daya, vi s. viii d., iii pernas, vii caseos, i lagenam butyri, iii ring, ii bu. frumenti, vii ring. ii hu. brasey [contra] Ricardum de Jakele per i talliam. Item in expensis pro le Repegos, ii s. v d. oh. Summa xlv s. v d. oh. Item ii s. v d. oh. ' Public Kecord Office, Ministers' Accounts, 885/32. This MS. completes, witliout a break, the roll for the year 1311. 35 APPENDIX. Stipendia. Idem computat in stipendio Thomse de Norgrove x s., et penula sua xii d., et pro oblatione sua i d. oh. Item clerico computat iiii s. Item Wodewardo, iiii s., et pro obla- tione sua, i d. Item in stipendio unius carectarii, iii carucariorum, i vaccarii, i bercarii, i dayse per annum, xix s. vi d. quorum quilibet capit iii s. ; et desunt xviii d. de ii carucariis pro defectu servitii sui in manerio. Item in stipendio unius porcarii per annum, ii s. iii d. Item in stipendio unius hominis custodientis bestias in marisco, xviii d. per totum annum. Item cuidam bercario custodienti by- dentes in marisco, iiii d. Item in oblationibus, viii d. Summa xliii s. v d. oh. Ventilatio. Idem computat in cccliiii ring, frumenti, clxiii rmg. XX iii hu. ordei, cxxv rimg. iii bu. drageti, iiii xv ring, i hu. pisarum, ex ring. aven?e trituratis ad tascbam, ventilatis ad tascham, x s. i rf. : pretium viii ringarum, i d. Relaxationes. Idem computat in relaxatione plegiorum Sarre Godefrey de amerciamentis vi d. per i breve. Summa x s. vii d. Summa totius liberationis et expensse xxxii Ii. x d. oh. Et sic debet prsepositus domino vi Ii. iii d. oh. ; et postea solvit super com- potum apud Wystowe xxxii s. ; et apud Wardeboys xxiii s. Item apud Broughtone xxi s. Et sic debet prsedictus propositus adhuc xliiii s. iii d. oh. Frumentum. Idem reddit compotum de Ixxvi ring, frumenti del midsti per opera contra Thomam de Norgrove per i talliam ; et de cxlviii ring, de prima meya plena per opera ex XX parte australe contra Tliomam de Norgrove per i talliam ; et de iiii x ring, de meya cum cumulatione plena per opera contra eundem XX per i talliam ; et de iiii ix ring, de residue ejusdem meyjB per opera contra eundem. Summa ccclxiii ring. XX Inde in semine iiii iii ring, ii hu. contra Thomam de Norgrove per i talliam. [In missione] apud Rameseiam ccix ring, quse lecerunt xiii magna quartaria et dimidium et vi ring., et pro multura, vii ring. ii ha., et residuum ad molendinum ventriticum. In mixtura pro wok', ix ring. In mixtura ad liberationes famulorum, xli ring, i hu. et di. In expensis domoruni, xvii ring. Item in expensis per au- tumpnum, iii ring, ii hu. In venditione ventricibus, iii ring, i hu. Item in liberatione Wodewardi per annum, ix ring, i hu. et di. ; et 36 COMPOTUS ROLLS OF WISTOWE. desunt iii bu. et di. quia fuit ad mensam per i mensem in autumpno, capiens ringam per v septimanas. Et sic de incremento ii hu. XX Ordeum venditum. Idem reddit compotum de iiii ii ring, i hu. de prima meya plena per opera contra XX Thomam de Norgrove per i talliam ; et de v i ring, ii hu. de meya cum cumulatione plena per opera contra Thomam de Norgrove per i talliam. Summa clxiii ring, iii hu. Inde in semine xlv ring, iii hu. contra Thomam de Norgrove per i talliam. Item in mixtura pro wok', ix ring. In mixtura ad liber- ationes famulorum, iiii ring. In venditione ventricibus, iii hu. Item XX in gruto infusendo, v xvi ring. In mixtione cum drageto, iii ring. Et remanent in granario vii ring, iii hu. ; et sic de incremento, ii ring., ii hii. Dragetum. De remanente x ring, iii hu. Et de Ixx ring, de me- dietate primse meyae plenfe ad laquinos per opera contra Thomam de Norgrove per i talliam, et residuum est avena ; et de Ixxv ring, iii hu. de meya cum cumulatione per opera contra eundem per i talliam, et residuum est avena; et de iii ring, receptis superius de ordeo. Summa cxxxix ring, ii hu. Inde in semine liiii ring, ii hu. contra Thomam de Norgrove per i XX talliam. In braseo infusendo v v ring, contra dayam per i talliam. In gallinis sustinendis, ii hu. de escaetis ; et sic de incremento Pisse. De remanentibus xxixrin^. pisarum. Et de xi ring, iii hiL. de i tasso rotundo per opera contra Thomam de Norgrove XX per i talliam ; et de iiii iii ring, ii hu. de i tasso per opera contra Thomam de Norgrove per i talliam. Summa ciiii ring, i hu. Inde in semine xxxiiii ring, contra Thomam de Norgrove per i talliam. In mixtura pro wok', ix ring. In mixtura ad liberationes famulorum, xxxvii ring, i hu. et di. In porcis sustinendis, xxi ring. Item in porcis pinguendis xiii ring, i hu. contra porcarium per i tal- liam ; et solutse celerario, vi ring. In prsebenda equorum, iii ring. In venditione, i ring, ii hu. ; et sic de incremento iii hu. et di. Avena. De remanente xi ring. di. hu. Et de cxvi ring, de re- siduo primge meyge et mey?e cum cumulatione per opera contra Thomam de Norgrove per i talliam ; et de foddercoren, xxix ring. Summa clvi ring. di. hu. Inde in semine Ixxviii ring, contra Thomam de Norgrove per i 1 i.e. lagenasf 37 APPENDIX. talliam. In missione apud Rameseiam xlv ring, quae fecerunt ix mittas contra Rogerum clericum per i talliam. In prtebenda equorura xliiii ring, iii bu. contra -carectarium per i talliam. In farina ad potagium, v ring. In aucis sustinendis et pinguendis, i ring. In equo servientis, ii ring, i bit. et di. ; et teque. Mixtura pro wok'. Idem reddit compotum de ix ring, frumenti, ix ring, ordei et de ix ring, pisarum. Summa xxvii ring. Inde in missione apud Rameseiam xxvii 7'ing. quse fecerunt i wok' et dimidium contra Rogerum clericum per i talliam ; et seque. Mixtura ad liberationes famulorum. Idem reddit compotum de xli ring, i bu. et di. fru- menti, iiii ring, ordei et xxxvii ring, i bu. et di. pisarum. XX Summa iiii ii ring, iii bu. Inde in liberatione i carectarii, iii carucariorum, i vaccarii, i ber- carii, i porcarii et i dayse a festo sancti Michaelis usque ad eundem festum anno revoluto per Iii septimanas, Ixxvi ring, ii bu., capta ringa per v septimanas ; et desunt v ring, ii bu. pro defectu famu- lorum per vices hoc anno quia infirmi ; et deest i ring, de daya quia fuit ad mensam per .... septiman' in autumpno. Item in liber- atione unius custodientis bestias in marisco per totum annum, iiii ring, i bu., capta ringa per xii septimanas. Item cuidam bercario custodienti bydentes in marisco per xx septimanas, ii ring. ; et eeque. XX [Gru]tum. Idem reddit compotum de v xvi ring, gruti receptis de oi'deo superius infuso. Summa patet. XX Inde in missione apud Rameseiam v xiiii 7'ing. iii bu. quffi fece- runt XXV mittas contra Rogerum clericum per talliam. Item in expensis pro visu, i ring. ; in expensis domorum extra autumpnum, xiii ringse ; et sic de incremento xii ring. ; et nihilo- minus remanent in granario iii ring, i bu. XX Braseum. Idem reddit compotum de v v ring, brasei receptis de drageto superius infuso. Summa patet. XX Inde in missione apud Rameseiam v v ring, quaj fecenint xxi mittas contra Rogerum clericum per i talliam. Item in expensis per autumpnum, vii ring, ii bu.; et sic de incre- mento vii ring, ii bu. Equi carectarum. De remanentibus vii equi carectarum. Summa patet. 38 COMPOTUS B,OLLS OF WISTOWE. Inde inferius inter stottos i ; et remanent vi equi carectarum. Stotti. De remanentibus vi stotti ; et de i recepto superius de carectariis. Summa vii. Et remanent vii stotti. Boves. De remanentibus xxxi boves ; et de iiii receptis inferius de remanentibus bovettorum. Summa xxxv. Inde in venditione iii. Et remanent xxxii boves. Bovetti. De remanentibus iiii bovetti ; et de iiii receptis inferius de remanentibus boviculorum. Summa viii. Inde superius inter boves iiii. Et remanent iiii bovetti. Boviculi. De remanentibus iiii boviculi ; et de iii receptis in- ferius de remanentibus superannatorum. Summa vii. Inde superius inter bovettos iiii. Et remanent iii boviculi. Superannati. De remanentibus iii superannati ; et de iii receptis inferius de remanentibus vitulorum mas. Summa vi. Inde superius inter boviculos iii. Et remanent iii superan- nati. Vituli mas. De remanentibus iii vituli mas; et de v receptis in- ferius de exitu hoc anno. Summa viii. Inde superius inter superannatos iii. Et remanent v vituli mas. Taurus. De remanente i taurus. Et remanet i taurus. Vaccse. De remanentibus xxiiii vaccie ; et de ii receptis inferius de remanentibus juvencarum. Summa xxvi. Inde in venditione i. Et remanent xxv vaccae. Juvencse. De remanentibus ii juvencte; et de i recepta de rema- nentibus juvencularum. Summa iii. Inde superius inter vaccas ii. Et remanet i juvenca. Juvencula3. De remanente i juvencula ; et de iii receptis inferius de remanentibus superannatarum. Summa iiii. Inde superius inter juvencas i. Et remanent iii juvenculse. Superannatse. De remanentibus iii superannatse ; et de vii re- ceptis inferius de remanentibus vitularum fe. Summa x. Inde superius inter juvenculas iii. Et remanent vii superan- natse. Vitulse fe. De remanentibus vii vitulie fe ; et de ix receptis in- ferius de exitu hoc anno. Summa xvi. Inde superius inter superannatas vii. Et remanent ix vitulie fe. 39 APPENDIX. V. WiSTOWE, 1316.» Compotus Stephani Catelyne prsepositi de W^'stowe a festo sancti Michaelis anno domini J. abbatis xxxi usque ad diem Jovis proxi- mum ante festum sancti Dionysii anno domini ejusdem supradicto. Arreragia. Idem reddit compotum de xiiii li. xix s. vi d. qu. de arreragiis ultimi compoti sui. Summa xiiii li. xix s. vi d. qu. Michaelis. Nichil recipit. Ideo Thomas Laveroke oneratur. Staurum mortuum. Idem reddit compotum de ii s. vi d. de xxii caseis venditis praeposito de Upwode ad per- faciendam (sic) i pensam apud Rameseiam. Summa ii s. vi d. Bladum venditum super compotum. Idem reddit compotum de xliiii s. de v ring, ii bii. fru- menti venditis super compotum ; pretium ringse viii s. ; et de viii s. de ii ring, drageti venditis super compotum ; et de ix s. de ii ring, i bu. pisarum venditis super compotum. Summa Ixi s. Summa totius receptee cum arreragiis xviii li. iii s. qu. Expensse. Idem computat liberatos Tliomse Laveroke successori suo in tallagio celerarii super talliam xx s. Summa totius liberationis et expense xx s. ; et sic debet dictus Stephanus preepositus domino xvii li. iii s. qu. ; et postea solvit apud Rameseiam c s. ; et sic debet adhuc dictus prsepositus domino, xii li. iii s. qu. ; et postea solvit ibidem Ix s. ; et sic debet adhuc ix li. iii s. qu. ; et postea solvit ibidem 1 s. per quamdam talliam ; et sic debet adhuc Stephanus domino vi li. xiii s. qu. ; et postea allocantur ei apud Wystowe Ixxvi s. quos solvit in cameram domini per i tal- liam ; et sic debet adhuc dictus Stephanus domino Wiis.qu.) et postea solvit ibidem xx s. ; et sic debet adhuc xxxvii ^s. qu. ; et pos- tea solvit ibidem vi s. ; et sic debet adhuc xxxi s. qu. ; et postea, anno iii', solvit xi s. per talliam ; et anno viii" xv s. qu. ; et dominus pardonavit eidem vs.; et sic quietus est. Frumentura. De remanente v ring, ii bu. frumenti ; et de xxiii ring, receptis de prima meya plena per opera con- tra Johannem servientem per i talliam. Summa xxviii ring, ii bu. ^ Brit. Mus., Add. Ch., 39891. In this year Stephen Catelyne was reeve from Michaelmas to the festival of lit. Dionysius ; Thomas Laveroke was reeve from the festival of St. Dionysius to the following Michaelmas. 40 COMPOTUS ROLLS OF WISTOWE. Inde in missione apud Rameseiam xviii ring, quae fecerunt unum magnum quartarium. Item liberate successori suo, ii ring. Item in semine, iii ring. Item in venditione super compotum, v ring, ii bn. ; et jeque. Ordeum. De remanente i bu.; et de xxiiii ring, i bu. de medie- tate primae meyae per opera contra Johannem servi- entem per i talliam. Summa xxiiii ring, ii bu. Inde in gruto infusendo, xx ring — . Item in mixtione cum drageto, iiii ring, ii bu. ; et seque. Dragetum. De remanente xvii ring, ii bu. ; et de iiii ring, ii bu. receptis superius de ordeo. Summa xxii ring. Inde in braseo infusendo, xx ringee. Item in venditione super compotum, ii ring. ; et seque. Pisse. De remanentibus ii ring, i bu. Summa patet. Inde in venditione super compotum, ii ring, i bu. ; et seque. Avena. De remanente vi ring, i bu. et di. Summa patet. Inde in missione apud Rameseiam v ring, quae fecerunt i mittam. Item liberata Thomae successori suo, i ring, ii bu. ; et seque. Grutum. Idem reddit compotum de xx ring, gruti receptis supe- rius de ordeo. Summa patet. Inde liberatse Thomse prseposito, xx ring. ; et seque. Braseum. Idem reddit compotum de xx ring, brasei receptis superius de drageto. Summa patet. Inde liberatse Thomaj successori suo, xx ring. ; et aeque. Et memorandum quod Thomas Laveroke recipit totum staurum quod remanet ad festum sancti Michaelis. Ideo de toto debet re- spondere in proximo compoto suo. Wystowe." Compotus de Wystowe anno domini J. abbatis xxx, etiam xxxi ; scilicet .... Stephani prsepositi. VI. WiSTOWE, 1316.2 Compotus Thomse Laveroke prsepositi de Wystowe a die Jovis proximo ante festum sancti Dyonisii usque ad festum sancti Michaelis ; scilicet anno domini J. abbatis xxxi, et anno domini S. abbatis primo.* 1 Heading on the back of the roll. ^ Brit. Mus., Add. Ch., 39892. ' In this year Simon de Eye, ^' juris eanonici pi-qfessor," succeeded John. See E. C, iii. 186. 41 APPENDIX. Arreragia. De arreragiis nichil ad prsesens. Michaelis. Idem reddit compotum de iiii s. vi d. de redditu as- sisse. Summa iiii s. vi d. Martyni. Idem reddit compotum de vi s. v d. de auxilio vice- comitis, et desunt v d. de iiii akermannis ; et de vii d. ob. qu. de Wardsilver, et deest oh. de iiii akermannis. Summa vii s. oh. qu. Andrese. Idem reddit compotum de xxiii s. id. oh. qu. de hewe- chj're, et desunt xiiii d. de prseposito, bedello, fabro et de iiii akermannis ; et de v s. vi d. de terra Walteri de Graf ham. Summa xxviii s. vii d. ob. qu. Natalis. Idem reddit compotum de xii s. i d. de maltsilver, et desunt xvii d. oh. de praeposito, bedello, fabro et de iiii akermannis. Summa xii s. i d. Annunciationis. Idem reddit compotum de xxiii s. i d. oh. qu. de redditu cum hewechyre, et desunt xiiii d. de prseposito, bedello, fabro et de iiii akermannis ; et de xvi d. de fissilver ; et de ii s. viii d. oh. de auxilio vicecomitis ; et de ii s. iii d. de argento vinese ; et de xxxiii s. iiii d. de v virgatis terrse quorum (sic) quilibet dat dimidiam marcam ; et de iii s. ix d. qu. de redditu Ranulphi Clerevaus ad eundem terminum; et de iii s. de i cotlando et dimidio ad censum. Summa Ixix s. vi d. qu. Nativitatis sancti Johannis. Idem reddit compotum de vi s. ix d. qu. de auxilio vicecomitis. Summa vi s. ix d. qu. Benedicti. Idem reddit compotum de xxiii s. v d. oh. qu. de red- ditu cum hewechyre, et desunt xiiii d. de prseposito, bedello, fabro et de iiii akermannis ; et de iii s. iiii d. de Wether- silver; et de V s. vi d. de terra Walteri de Graf ham ad eundem ter- minum ; et de redditu Ranulphi de Clerevaus 06. qu. ; et de hanger- londsilver nichil quia non seminatur hoc anno. Summa xxxii s. iiii d. ob. Nativitatis beatse Marise. Idem reddit compotum de xl s. de vi virgatis terrse ad censum ; et de iii s. de i cotlando et dimidio ad censum. Summa xiiii s. De operibus venditis. Idem reddit compotum de vii s. de cxlviii operibus venditis a festo sancti Michaelis XX usque Pentecostem : pretium operis ob. ; et de vi s. vi d. de v iiii operibus venditis a dicto festo usque Gulam Augusti : pretium operis ob. qu. Summa xiii s. vi d. 42 COMPOTUS ROLLS OF WISTOWE. Ordeum venditum. Idem reddit compotum de xiii d. de i hu. ordei vendito ventricibus. Pisae venditae. Idem reddit compotum de iii s. de ii hu. pisarum venditis ventricibus circa Carniprivium f et de iiii IL xvi s. de xvi ring, pisarum venditis jam post Pascham in foro : pretium ringse vi s. ; et de x s. de ii ring, ii hu. venditis per dominum abbatem pauperibus villse : pretium ringa? iiii s. ; et de xxxii s. de iiii ring, venditis in foro circa festum sancti Benedicti : pretium ringfe viii s. ; et de xvii s. iiii d. de ii ring, venditis in foro post fes- tum sancti Benedicti : pretium ringse viii s. viii d. ; et de xvii s. iiii d. de ii ring, venditis in foro ; pretium ringae ut supra. Summa viii Ii. xvi s. ix d. Staurum venditum. Idem reddit compotum de xx s. de i equo carectse et i stotto venditis quia debiles ; et .de xviii s. de ii vaccis venditis quia steriles ; et de xx s. de i bove vendito ; et de iiii Ii. ii s. de xv porcis venditis celerario : pretium porci V s. vi d. ; et de cviii s. de xviii porcis venditis apud Hunting- don: pretium porci vi s. ; et de vi s. viii d. de ii porcis venditis; et de iiii s. de i porco vendito. Summa xii Ii. xviii s. viii d. Staurum Mortuum. Idem reddit compotum de iii s. de corio i bovis et ii coriis vaccarum occisarum ad sepulturam domini abbatis ; et de iiii s. vi d. de coriis ii bovum et coriis duarum vaccarum occisarum ad stallationem domini S. ab- batis ; et de xiii d. de corio i bovis de morina ; et de v s. de vi pel- libus lanutis venditis de morina ; et de ii s. viii d. de iiii lagenis butyri venditis ; et de i d. oh. de iii pellibus agnorum venditis ; et de xvii d. oh. de vii caseis venditis ; et de xx d. de carne i vacc® de morina vendita ; et de iii s. iiii d. de exitu i bovis, i bovetti, i vaccfe et ii juvencorum occisorum pro sepultura domini J. abbatis et pro stallatione domini S. abbatis ; et de iiii d. de carne i bydentis de morina vendita ; et de vi d. de carne i vituli de morina. Summa xxiii s. v d.^ Minuta vendita. Idem reddit compotum de vii s. ii d. oh. de pan- nagio porcorum ; et de iii s. de tanno vendito ; et de xvi d. de pomis venditis ; et de xxx s. ix d. de subbosco ven- dito; et de stipulis viii s. i d. oh. ; et de xii d. de i polic' usitat' de mola; et de Notesilver iii s. vii d. oh. Summa Iv s. oh. 1 Carniprivium may be either the first days of Lent or Septuagesima Sunday. * The sum is 3 d. short. 43 APPENDIX. Fenum venditum. Idem reddit compotum ix s. vi d. de iii mul- lionibus feni venditis Stephano Cateljnie in le Benemade ; et de v s. iiii d. de i mullione vendita Agnetse de Reves de Upw[ode] ; et de v -s-. iii d. de ii mullionibus venditis cuidam de Upwode apud le Wyleweye ; et de v s. vi d. de i mullione vendita Thomse Laveroke ibidem ; et de v s. vi d. de ii mullionibus venditis Thomse Goulere et Roberto Bronnote; et de iii s. de i mullione ven- dita Agnetffi uxori Johannis de Broutone ; et de ii s. vi d. de i mul- lione vendita Adfe Sutore ; et de iiii s. receptis de relucro feni in le Benemade. Summa xl s. vii d. Wystowe, anno primo. WySTOWE anno DOMINI J. XXXI.' Fenum venditum. Et de ii s. vi d. de i mullione vendita Roberto le Rede in Wyleweyemad ; et de iii s. de i mullione vendita ibidem Godefrido Pulere; et de v s. ii d. de ii mullionibus venditis [Ricardjo Bercario ibidem ; et de v s. ii d. de ii mullionibus venditis Stephano Austyn in eodem prato ; et de ii s. iiii d. de i mullione vendita Sarre Outy in eodem prato ; et de ii s. viii d. de i mullione vendita Ricardo atte Welle in eodem prato; et de XX d. de i mullione vendita Roberto de Cotes in eodem prato ; et de ii s. viii d. de i mullione vendita Roberto Bronnote in eodem prato. Summa xxv s. ii (/. Fines et Gersuma?. Idem reddit compotum de xl s. de Roberto le Rede pro ingressu habendo in dimidiam virgatam terras quondam Thomae Broun ; et de xl s. de Johanne filio Johannis Aspelon pro dimidia virgata terrse quondam Ranul- phi Fabri ; et de xl s. de Johanne Laveroke pro dimidia virgata terra? quondam patris sui ; et de ii s. vi d. de Margeria uxore Thomse le Palmere pro heryecta ; et de ii s. vi d. de Emma Laveroke pro heryecta; et de xv d. de uxore Ranulphi Lauwe pro eodem; et de x s. de Johanne atte Welle pro i virgata terrse quondam Rogeri Rychard ; et de xxvi s. viii d. de Thoma Palmere pro dimidia vir- gata terrse quondam Johannis Laveroke; et Roberto le heryngmongere pro uuo cotlando quondam Johannis le heryngmon- gere ; et de iiii s. de Stephano filio Augusti pro Amicia filia sua raaritanda; et de iiii s. de Mariota atte Welle pro eodem. Summa viii Ii. xv s. xi d. ^ In dorso. u COMPOTUS ROLLS OF WISTOWE. De perquisitis curiae. Idem reddit compotum de liiii s. de visu ; et de curia autumpni xii s. ix d. Summa Ixvi s. ix d. Diversa vendita super compotum. Idem reddit compotum de xx s. X d. de ii coriis bovum, iiii bovettorum, iii superannatorum, vii vaccarum, v juvencorum, ii juvenculorum et ii vitulorum fe de remanentibus anni prtecedentis : pretium cujuslibet, x d., scilicet de tempore Stepliani Catelyne. Summa xx s. x d. Summa summarum totius receptee Iiii //. vii d. Expensse. Idem computat liberatos in cameram domini abbatis de auxilio vicecomitis ix s. ; et de terra Graf ham v s. vi d. per i talliam. Item liberatos in eandem de terra Graf ham v s. vi d. per i talliam de termino sancti Benedicti. Item liberatos in eandem de auxilio vicecomitis de eodem termino vi s. vi d. ob. qu. per i talliam. Item liberatos in eandem de subbosco vendito xxx s. ix d. per i talliam. Item liberatos in eandem de visu liiii s. per i talliam. Item liberatos in eandem de feno vendito xlv 6\ per i tal- liam. Item liberatos in eandem de pisis venditis iiii Ii. x s. per i talliam. Item liberatos in eandem pro procuratione cardinalis xi s. X d. ob. per i talliam. Item liberatos in eandem de decimis xxiii s. viii d. qu, per i talliam. Summa xiiii Ii. xxii d. ob. Idem computat in volatiliis emptis et missis apud Rameseiam ad coquinam domini abbatis ad sepulturam domini abbatis iii s. ii d. Item in xii gallinis emptis et missis ibidem tunc, ii s. ; et de stauro, carcosium i bovis et ii carcosia vaccarum, iiii xjorcelli et xxxii columbae. Item in vi gallinis silvestribus emptis et missis priori Rameseise ad Natalem, xii d. Item in iiii caponibus et xxxvi gal- linis emptis et missis apud Rameseiam pro stallatione domini S. abbatis, x s. ii d. : pretium caponis, iii d. ob. : pretium gallinse, iii d. Item in xii anathibus emptis et missis ibidem' pro eodem, iii s. Item in xii aucis emptis et missis ibidem pro eodem, vi s. xi d. : pretium cujuslibet, vii d., prseter i d. Item in xii gallinis silvestri- bus et . . . .> volatiliis, iii s. iiii d. Item in c ovis, x d. Item in i lagena mellis, ii s. ii d.; et de stauro, carcosia ii bovura, et ii car- cosia vaccarum, vi porci et vi porcelli. Item in xii pulcinis emptis et missis apud Rameseiam pro cardinale, xviii d. Summa xxxiiii s. i d. ' The omitted word is possibly cdandis. 45 APPENDIX. VII. WiSTOWE, 1318 (?).' Expensfe domorum. Idem computat in expensis domorum per V septimanas in autumpno, videlicet pro serviente, prajposito, repereve, Wodewardo, bedello, coco et diversis supervenientibus, v 6-. i d. ; et de stauro, vi ring, frumenti, xii ring. brasei, iiii pernse, viii casei, v a[uc8e] et xxxii colurabse per i tal- liam contra J. de Claxtone. In i ring, salis in Quadragesima, xiiii d. In i ring, salis circa festum Petri et Pauli, xii d. Precaria. Idem computat in una precaria in autumpno, in pane vi ring, frumenti. in cervisia braciata vi 7'ing., i carko- sium i . . . . mort' de morina, i multonem, ii aucas et ix caseos per i talliam contra J. de Claxtone. Summa vii s. iii d. Stipendia. Idem computat in stipendio servientis per annum iiii s. Item clerico computat iiii s. Item wodewardo, iiii s. [et] pro[roba] sua, vi s. viii d. In stipendio unius carectarii, iii carucariorum, vaccarii, bercarii et coci per annum, xxi s., vide- licet cuilibet eorum ad festum Purificationis et ad festum Ascen- sionis iiii d., et ad Gulam Augusti iiii d., et ad festum sancti Michaelis ii s. Item porcario per annum, ii s. iii d. Oblationes. Idem computat in oblatione servientis ad Nathalem ii d. Item wodewardi, i d. Item in oblatione unius carectarii, iii carucariorum, vaccarii, porcarii, bercarii et coci ad Nathalem, iiii d., cuilibet ob. Item eisdem ad Pascham, iiii d., cuilibet ob. Summa xlii (s.) ix d. Ventilatio. Idem computat in ventilatione ccxl ring, frumenti, XX cxiii ring, ii bu. ordei, v viiii ring, i bu. drageti, clxi ring, ii bu. avente et cxxi ring, i bu. pisarum, viii s. ix d., videlicet pro viii ring, i d. Summa viii s. ix d. Relaxationes. Idem computat in relaxatione Johanni le Barkare per litteram domini abbatis vi d. Item Elene le Tayllour i)er litteram domini, xii d. Item Thomse le Akerman per litteram domini, xx d. Item Rogero Molendinario de firma molen- dini per litteram domini abbatis, ii s. Summa v s. ii d. Summa summarum totius liberationis et expensae xxix //. x s. ob. ; et sic debet prsepositus domino x s. iiii d. ob. De quibus allocantur ' Brit. Mus., Add. Ch., 39893. From the occurrence at the foot of the mem- brane of the words " Wistouv, anno iii," this fraguuMit may perliaps be dated 1318- 1319, the third year of abbot Simon. 46 COMPOTUS ROLLS OP WISTOWE. ei de redditu terrse quondam Rogeri Noreye de anno prsesente vi s. quia in munu domini ad firmam ; et sic debet adhuc dictus prae- positus de clar' iiii s. iiii d. oh. Memorandum quod Stephanus Catelyne nuper praspositus, tene- batur domino de arreragiis suis xxxi .s. qu. sicut patet rotulo prse- cedentis compoti. De quibus postea solvit in cameram xi s. per i talliam ; et sic debet adhuc xx s. qu. ; et anno praedicti abbatis viii", ' solvit in cameram x s. per talliam, et v s. qu. sine tallia ; et dominus pardonavit eidem vs.; et quietus est. Frumentum. Idem reddit compotum de xxxiii ring, ii bu. et di. frumenti de remanente ; et de cxvii ring, i hu. fru- menti de prima meya plena contra J. de Claxtone per i talliam ; et de cxxii ring, iii hu. de meya cum cumulo plena contra J. de Clax- tone per i talliam. Summa cclxxii ring, ii hu. et di. Inde in semine per i talliam contra J de Claxtone, iiii ii ring. In mixtura 1. . . , ring, iii hu. In expensis seneschalli, v hu. In pane pro autumpno, vi ring. In pane i precarife, vi ring. In missione apud Rameseiam cvi ring, quae fecerunt vii magna quartaria per i talliam contra R. Underwode. Item Petro . . . . de Rameseia i ring, per litterara domini. In wouk', xv ring. In semine super ter- ram coci, vi ring, i hu. In multura apud Houghtone, iiii ring. In venditione, iii ring. Et remanent in granario xi ring, i hu et nihilominus remanent in garbis per sestimationem xxx ring. Ordeum. Idem reddit compotum de xxvii ring, ii hu. ordei de remanente, et de cxiii ring, ii hu. ordei de meya cum cumulo [contra] Claxtone per i talliam. Summa cxli ring. Inde in semine xxxi ring, i hu. per i talliam contra J. de Clax- tone. In gruto infuso, iiii v ring. In mixtura inferius cum drageto, xliii ring. In semine super terram coci, i ring, ii hu. ; et sic rema- net in granario i hu. Dragetum. Idem reddit compotum de [xjiii ring, iii hu. drageti XX de remanente ; et de v iiii ring, i hu. drageti de meya cum cumulo semiplena ; et de xliii ring, de ordeo superius .... et de viii ring, de . . . inferius. Summa cxlix ring. Inde in semine xxxi ring, ii hu. jjer i talliam contra J. de Clax- tone. In braseo infusendo cxvii ring. ; et remanent in granario ii hu. Avena. Idem reddit compotum de xxiiii ring. avenjB receptis de i cantello per i talliam contra J. de Claxtone ; et de 47 9 APPENDIX. cxxxvii ring, avenge de meya cum cumulo semiplena contra J. de Claxtone ; et de xxix ring, de fodderkorn ; et desunt i ring, ii bu. bordario et fabro. Summa c iiii x ring, ii bu. XX 1 T> -U Inde in semine, v ix ring, i bu. In missione apud Brougntone domino, i ring, ii ha. In missione apud Rameseiam x . . . quse fecerunt iii mittas et iii rmg. per i talliam contra R. Underwode. In farina pro legumene, vii ring. In seneschallo super dicta .... coci, xvi ring, i bu. In prtebenda vi equorum carectarum, xl ring. iii bu. In aucis, gallinis, [annatibus], sustinendis v . . . . In prse- benda iii equorum seneschalli per i noctem in Quadragesima, i bu. et di. In mixtura cum drageto superius, viii ring. In prsebenda equorum . . . . i ring, i bu. et di. In missione apud Rameseiam per litteram abbatis, i ring. ; et remanent in granario ii ring, iii bu. Pisffi et fabse. Idem reddit compotum de viii ring, iii bu. pisarum de remanentibus; et de xix ring, i bu. pisarum de i cantello' veterum pisarum ; et de Ixvii ring, i bu. pisarum de maiore tasso pisarum per talliam contra J. de Claxtone ; et de liiii ring, iii biL pisarum et fabarum de minore tasso per talliam contra J. de Claxtone. Summa cxxx ring. Inde in semine xxxvii ring, i bu. per talliam contra J. de Clax- tone ; et in semine super terram coci, ix ring, ii bu. Item celerario, vi ring. In mixtura, xxxix ring, ii bu. In wouk', xxx ring. In porcis, purcellis pinguendis et sustinendis per annum, xxiiii ring, ii bu. In prffibenda equorum carectarum, ii ring, ii bu. In venditione, iii ring. ; et sic de incremento ii ring, i bu. pisarum. Mixtura. Idem reddit compotum de 1 rmp'. iii 6((. frumenti; et de xxxix ring, pisarum ii bu. XX Summa iiii x ring, i bu. Inde in liberatione servientis per annum, exceptis v septimanis dum fuit ad mensara in autumpno, xi ring, iii bu. frumenti, ca])ientis per septimanam i bu. Item wodewardo per illud tempus, ix ring, i bu. et di., capienti per v septimanas i ring. Item in liberatione i carectarii, iii carucariorum, vaccarii, porcarii, bercarii et coci per annum, excepto coco per quinque septimanas in autumpno, Ixviii ring, i bu. et di Item cuidam custodienti bestias in marisco, iii bu. ; et ffique. Wouk'. Idem reddit compotum de xv ring, frumenti et xxxring. Summa xlv ring. » Cf. Rot. Hund., i. 175. 48 COMPOTUS ROLLS OF WISTOWE, Inde in missione apud Rameseiam xlv ring, quse fecerunt ii wouk' et dimidium per talliam contra R. Underwood ; et seque. WiSTOWE ANNO III.^ Grutum/ Idem reddit compotum de iiii v ring, gruti de ordeo XX superius infuse. Summa iiii v ring. XX Inde in missione apud Rameseiam iiii vi ring, quae fecerunt xix mittas ii bu. per talliam contra R. Underwood ; et sic de incremento ii bu. Braseum. Idem reddit compotum de ii bu. brasei de remanente ; et de cxvii ring, brasei de drageto superius infuso. Summa cxvii ring, ii bu. Inde in cervisia braciata in autumpno, xviii ring. In missione apud Rameseiam c ring, quae fecerunt xxiiii mittas per talliam con- tra R. Underwode ; et sic de incremento ii bu. Equi carectarum. Idem reddit compotum de vii equis carec- tarum de remanentibus, et de i recepto de emptione. Summa vii. Inde in missione apud Scottiam i. Et [remanent vi equi] carectarum. Stotti. Idem reddit compotum de vi stottis de remanentibus, et de ii de emptione. Summa viii. Et [remanent viii stotti] quorum i femina. Boves. Idem reddit compotum de xvii bobus de remanentibus, et de i de bovettis inferius, et de i de emptione. [Summa] xix. Inde in venditione i. In morina xiiii. Et remanent [iiii boves]. Bovetti. Idem reddit compotum de ii bovettis de remanentibus. Summa ii. Inde superius inter Taurus. Idem reddit compotum de i tauro de remanente. Summa i. Inde in morina i. Et nichil remanet. Vaccae, Idem reddit compotum de xiii vaccis de remanentibus. Summa xiii. Inde in morina [i]x. Et sic remanent iiii vaccae. Juvenci. Idem reddit compotum de i juvenco super compotum, et de iii receptis de juvenculis inferius. Summa iiii. Inde in rnorina i. Et remanet iii juvenci. ' See lirst note of this roll. » In dorso. 4 49 APPENDIX. Juvenculi. Idem reddit compotum de iii juvenculis de remanen- tibus. Summa iii. Inde superius inter juvencos iii. Siiperannati. Idem reddit compotum de vi superannatis de re- manentibus. Summa vi. Inde in morina vi. Et nichil remanet. Vituli femini. Idem reddit compotum de v vitulis feminis de re- manentibus ; et de i de exitu. Summa vi. Inde in morina v . . . . Exitus. Idem reddit compotum de x vitulis de exitu. Summa X. Inde superius inter vitulos ferainos i. In morina ix. Et nichil remanet. Multones. Idem reddit com})otum de xlviii multonibus de re- manentibus, et de xxv receptis de agnis mas inferius. Summa Ixxiii. Inde in morina ante tonsioriem i, et post tonsionem iii. Et remanent Ixix multones. Agni mas. Idem reddit compotum de xxv agnis mas de rema- nentibus, et de xxx de exitu inferius. Summa Iv. Inde superius inter multones xxv. Et remanent xxx agni mas. Matrices. Idem reddit compotum de Ivii matricibus de rema- nentibus, et de xvi receptis de agnis feminis inferius. Summa Ixxiii. Inde in morina ante tonsionem ii, et post tonsionem i. Et remanent Ixx. Agni femini. Idem reddit compotum de xvi agnis feminis de re- manentibus, et de xxiii de exitu. Summa xxxix. Inde su])erius inter matrices xvi. Et remanent xxiii agni femini. Exitus. Idem reddit compotum de lix agnis de exitu anni prse- sentis. Sumnia lix. Inde superius inter agnos mas xxx, et inter agnos feminos xxiii. In morina vi. Et nichil remanet. Pelles. Idem reddit compotum de iii pellibus lanutis de morina ante tonsionem ; et de iiii piletteriis post tonsionem. Summa vii. Inde in venditione vii. Et nichil remanet. Apri. Idem reddit compotum de i apro de remanente. Summa i. Et remanet i aper. Porci. Idem reddit compotum de xxxiiii porcis de remaneutibus, et de xxvii de purcellis inferius. Summa Ixi. Inde in missione domino apud Kameseiam iiii. Item in venditione xv. In lardario ii. Et remanent xl porci. Purcelli. Idem reddit compotum de xxxi purcellis de remanen- tibus, et de ix de emptione, et de xxxiiii de exitu in- 50 COMPOTUS KOLLS OF WISTOWE. ferius. Summa Ixxiiii. Inde superius inter porcos xxvii. In morina iiii. Et remanent xliii. Sues. Idem reddit compotum de iii suibus de remanentibus et de i de emptione. Summa iiii. Inde in venditione i. Et remanent iii sues. Exitus. Idem reddit compotum de xlviii purcellis de exitu anni prsesentis. Summa xlviii. Inde missi apud Rameseiam domino iiii. Item eidem apud Broughtone ii, et eidem apud Hough- tone ii. Superius inter purcellos xxxiiii. In morina vi. Etnichil remanet. Lardarium. Idem reddit compotum de iiii pernis receptia de ii porcis mactatis ad lardarium. Summa iiii. Inde in expensis domus in autumpno iiii. Et nichil remanet. Vellera. Idem reddit compotum de i vellere de remanente, et de cxxiii velleribus de tonsione anni prsesentis. Summa cxxiiii. Inde in missione apud Rameseiam cxxiiii per i talliam. Et nichil remanet. Coria. Idem reddit compotum de coriis ii vaccarum, v vitu- lorum, de remanentibus ; et de coriis xiiii boum, i bovetti, i tauri, ix vaccarum, i juvenci, vi superannatarum feminarum et v yitulorum feminorum. De morina . . . . de exitu. Summa Iiii coria. Inde in venditione, xlvi. In expensis harnesii, ii ; et re- manent coria [iii] boum, i vaccae et i superannatte feminse quorum iii coria boum tannantur et corea i vaccae et i superannatse deal- bantur. Aucae. Idem reddit compotum de xii aucis de remanentibus, et de XXXV de exitu, et de xxiiii de emptione. Summa Ixxi. Inde missae domino apud Rameseiam, xvii. Item domino apud Broughton, ii. Item eidem apud Houghton, ii. In expensis domorum in autumpno, vii. Item celerario, x. In pistrino et bra- cino, iii. In morina, xi. Et remanent xix aucse. Capones et gallinae. Idem reddit compotum de xxxi caponibus et gallinis de remanentibus ; et de vi caponi- bus de perquisitis visus ; et de Ixxiii gallinis de redditu custuma- riorum ; et de xlix de exitu ; et de xxix de emptione. Summa clxviii. Inde in expensis seneschalli, xii. In missione domino apud Rameseiam, vi capones et xii pulcini. In expensis fratris Stephani in autumpno .... In morina per foulm'de, xxix pulcini. Item celerario iiii. Et remanent xxiii capones et gallinae. 51 APPENDIX. Anathep. Idem reddit compotum de xix anathibus de rema- nentibus, et de xviii de exitu. Summa xxxvii. Inde in missione apud Rameseiam viii. In niorina iiii. Et remanent XXV anathes. Ova. Idem reddit compotum de cccxl ovis de exitu gallinarum ; et de M iiii ovis de redditu custumariorum ; et de vii de .... Summa mmcc ova. Inde missa Col .... Mdccxx. In expensis domorum in autumpno, d. Et nichil remanet. XX Casei. Idem reddit compotuni de iiii vii caseis de remanentibus ; et de iiii de relucro post festum sancti Michaelis ; et de . . . . vi caseis .... a festo Apostolorum Johannis et Jacobi per cxii dies sequentes. videlicet quolibet altero die i. Summa cxxxvii. Inde in missione apud Rameseiam celerario Ixiii qua? fecerunt i pensam per talliam. Item fratri Stephano, ii. In expensis [domus], xvii. Et remanent Ixxv. Buiirum. Idem reddit compotum de v lagenis butiri de exitu dayeri. Summa v lagense butiri. Inde iii lagense et dimidia. Et remanet i lagena et dimidia. XX Columbse. Idem reddit compotum de vii columbis [receptis de XX exitu] columbarii. Summa vii xvii. Inde in mis- sione domino, vi xi. In autumpno, xxxii. Item Et nichil remanet. VIII. WiSTOWE, 1824.* Compotus Johannis de \Vardebo3^s prtepositi de Wystowe de om- nibus receptis et expensis suis a festo sancti Michaelis anno domini S. abbatis viii usque ad idem festum anno revoluto. Arreragia. Idem respondet de xxii s. vii d. de arreragiis compoti sui anni prsecedentis. Summa xxii s. vii d. Ad festum sancti Michaelis. Idem reddit compotum de iiii s. vi d. de redditu assisEe ad festum sancti Michaelis. Summa iiii s. vi d. Ad festum sancti Martini. Idem respondet de vi s. vi d. ab. qu. de auxilio vicecomitis, et desunt v d. de iiii akermannis ; et de vii d. oh. qu. de Wardsilver, et deest obolus de iiii akermannis. Summa vii s. ii d. ob. Brit. Mu8., Add. Ch., 39894. 52 COMPOTUS ROLLS OF WISTOWE. Ad festum sancti Andrese. Idem respondet de xxiii s. iii d. oh. qu. de heweschyre, et desunt xii d. de prseposito, bedello et iiii akermannis ; et de v s. vi d. de terra Wal- ter! de Graf ham ; et de xx s. de firma molendini. Sum ma xlviii s. ix d. oh. qu,. Ad Natalem Domini. Idem respondet de xii s. iii d. oh. de malt- silver, et desunt xv d. de prseposito, bedello et iiii akermannis. Summa xii s. iii d. oh. Ad festum Annunciationis. Idem respondet de xxiii s. iii d. oh. qu. de heweschyre, et desunt xii d. de prseposito, bedello et iiii akermannis ; et de xvi d. de fyshsilver ; et de ii s. viii d. oh. de auxilio vicecomitis ; et de ii s. iii d. de ar- gento vinese ; et de xxxv s. de v virgatis et i quartario terrae ad cen- sum quorum {sic) quilibet dat dimidiam marcam ; et de xiii s. de vi cotlandis et dimidio ad censum quilibet dat ii s. ; et de iii s. ix d. qu. de redditu Ranulphi Clerevaus ; et de xx s. de firma molendini. Summa ci s. iiii d. oh. Ad festum Nativitatis sancti Johannis. Idem respondet de vi s. ix d. qu. de auxilio vice- comitis, scilicet de qualibet virg^ata ii d. oh. Summa vi s. ix d. qu. Ad festum sancti Benedict!. Idem respondet de xxiii (s.) vii d. oh. qu. de heweschire ad festum sancti Benedict!, et desunt xii d. de prseposito, bedello et iiii aker- mannis ; et de iii s. iiii d. qu. de wethersilver ; et de v s. vi d. de terra Walter! de Graf ham ; et de oh. qu. de redditu Ranulphi Cler- vaus ; et de iiii d. de hangerlondsilver quia hoc anno seminatur ; et de XX s. de firma molendini. Summa Hi s. xi d. Ad festum Nativitatis beatse Marise. Idem respondet xxxv s. de V virgatis i quartario terrae ad censum ut supra ; et de xiii s. de vi cotlandis et dimidio ad cen- sum ; et de xx s. de firma molendini. Summa Ixviii s. XX Opera vendita. Idem respondet de xiii s. viii d. oh. de cc iiii ix operibus iemalibus venditis : pretium operis, oh. ; et de vii s. vii d. oh. de Ixi opere (sic) autumpni vendito : pretium operis, i d. oh. ; et de xii s. iii d. de cxxvii operibus post autumpnum venditis : pretium operis, i d. Summa xxxiii .v. vii d. Bladum venditum. Idem respondet de xxi d. de ii hu. frumenti / venditis ventricibus ; et de iii s. iiii d. de ii ring, pisarum venditis ventricibus ; et de xvi d. de i ring, pisarum vendita ventricibus. Summa vi s. v d. 53 APPENDIX. Staurum venditum. Idem respondet de xxiiii s. de i bove ven- dito ; et de iiii s. x d. de i stotto vendito ; et de ii s. vi d. de i stotto vendito ; et de xiiii s. de i tauro vendito. Summa xlv s. iiii d. Bidentes venditse. Idem respondet de xx s. de xvi multonibus venditis circa festum sancti Andreas : pretium multonis, xv d. ; et de xxviii s. ix d. de xxiii ovibus matricibus ven- ditis, . . . . * fe : pretium cujuslibet, xv d. ; et de xviii s. viii d. de vi multonibus et viii matricibus venditis celerario circa festum sancti Andrese : pretium cujuslibet, xvi d. Summa Ixvii s. v d. Pelles et piletterise venditse. Idem respondet de v s. de x pelli- bus lanutis venditis ; et de xvii d. de ix piletteriis, viii pellibus agnorum venditis; et de v s. de xx pellibus agnorum venditis. Summa xi s. v d. Porci venditi. Idem respondet de x s. de iii porcis venditis ; et de xlv s. de x porcis venditis celerario : pretium porci, iiii s. vi d. Summa Iv s. Staurum mortuum. Idem respondet de ii s. de i perna vendita ; et de xix d. de i corio i vaccse de morina vendito ; et de ii s. de xxiiii lagenis lactis venditis. Summa v s. vii d. De feno nichil propter inundationem aquarum. Minuta vendita. Idem respondet de xxix s. i d. de subbosco ven- dito per talliam contra Johannem Cartere ; et de ii s. iii d. de tanno vendito ; et de xii d. de mola usitata. De pannagio nichil ob defectum glandium ; et de iii s. viii d. qu. de nuci- bus, videlicet de xxix virgatis terrse et quartario, quilibet dat i d. ob. ; et desunt iiii d. ob. de prseposito, bedello et iiii akermannis. De pomis nichil. De stipula nichil hoc anno ut dicit. Summa xxxvi s. qu. Fines et Gersumse. Idem respondet de xl s. de Roberto filio Johannis Aspelon pro ingressu habendo in i virgatam terr^e qua3 quondam Ricardi Gernoun ; et de xiii .^. iiii (/. de Johanne filio Roberti filii Stephani pro ingressu habendo in dimidiam virgatam quondam patris sui ; et de iii s. de Michaele Aylmar et Alicia Outy pro licentia se maritandi super feodum. Summa Ivi s. iiii d. Perquisita curiae. Idem respondet de Ixx s. viii d. de perquisitis visus franci plegii, et de vi caponibus de fini- * The omitted word is illegible. 54 COMPOTUS ROLLS OF WISTOWE. bus factis in eodem ; et de xx s. ii d. de perquisitis curiae autump- nalis. Summa iiii H. x s. x d. Vendita super compotum. Idem respondet de xiii s. de diversis rebus venditis super compotum. Summa xiii s. Summa totalis receptarum cum arreragiis xxxvii li. v s. iiii d. oh. qu. Expense et Liberationes. Camera domini. Idem computat liberatos in cameram domini Ix s. de perquisitis visus per i talliam. Item ibidem de auxilio vicecomitis et de terra Grafham de termino sancti Andreffi, xii s. oh. qu. per i talliam. Item ibidem de gersuma, xx s. per i talliam. Item ibidem de auxilio vicecomitis termino An- nunciationis beata? Marise, ii s. vi d. oh. per i talliam. Item ibidem pro decimis secundi anni, xlvii s. vi d. oh. per ii tallias. Item ibidem de auxilio vicecomitis et terra Grafham de terminis sancti Johannis et Benedicti, xii s. oh. qic. per i talliam. Summa vii li. xiiii s. ii d. oh. Minuta missa domino. Idem computat in missione apud Broughton pro expensis domini ibi- dem i aprum, i porcum, iiii i-ing. avenaj per i talliam. In missione domino ante Pascham, vi gallinas, iiii anathes, Ixii columbas, xvi minutos volatilios ; et post Pascham, iiii p[ur]cellos, xix aucas, ii XX capones, xxvi pulcinos, Ixx columbas, c iiii ova et ii caseos per i talliam. Celerarius. Idem computat solutos celerario Ix s. super talliam ; et pro vii pensis baconum, Ixx 5. ; et pro iiii pensis duri casei, xxxii s. ; et pro frescingges, Is.; et pro allece, ii s. ; et de XX stauro, vi ring, fabarum, dimidiam pensam casei, xi aucas, v iiii gallinas, Mdccxx ova per iiii tallias. Summa x li. xiiii s. Subcelerarius. Idem computat solutos subcelerario pro argento vineffi ii s. iii d. per i talliam. Item conventui pro medow, vi s. per i talliam. Item capellanis domini abbatis, iii s. In bracino, vi d. In sartrino vii d. oh. pro filo et sapone. Summa xii s. iiii d. oh. Redditus soluti. Idem computat solutos apud Upwode ii ^t. pro redditu ad terminum sancti Michaelis. Item ibidem ad festum sancti Andrese, oh. qu.. Item Goscelino de Ronseby viii d. pro redditu. Item Willelmo de Broughton viii d. pro redditu. 55 APPENDIX. Item apud Upwode pro redditu ad festum Annunciationis, ob. qu. Item ibidem pro redditu ad festum sancti Benedicti, ob. qu. Summa iii s. vi d. qu. Compotus^ de Wystowe anno domini S. abbatis viii" viii° viii". Staurum eraptum. In i bove empto xx s. viii d. Summa xx s. viii d. Bidentes emptse. In xlvii agnis de exitu anni prsesentis emptis diversis pretiis, Ixxii s. per Johannem Staur'. Summa Ixxii s. c In xxviii gallinis emptis, iiii s. viii c^. In viii ovis, iiii s. Summa viii s. viii d. Carucse.^ In vi peciis ferri, xxii d. ob. In i garba asceris, x d. In iiii carucis restandis,* iiii d. In stipula fabri pro ferramentis carucre de novo faciendis, ponendis et acuendis a festo sancti Micbaelis usque festum Nathalis Domini, ii s. In iii peciis ferri, xii d. In i garba asceris, x d. In iii clutis, vi d. In carucis restandis et reparandis in Quadragesima., xviii d. In vi peciis ferri, ii s. In ii garbis asceris, xx d. Item fabro pro ferramentis repa- randis, ut supra, ii s. In ii garbis asceris, xx d. In iiii peciis ferri, xvi d. In carucis restandis et reparandis, viii d. In ii peciis ferri, vii d. Item in iiii capistris, ii d. In stipendio fabri pro ferramentis reparandis, ut supra, ii s. iii d. In iiii peciis ferri, xv d. In carucis restandis, vi d. Summa xxii s. xi d. ob. Carectffi.* In carectis reparandis, vi d. In xii clutis, vi d. In c broddis, i d. ob. In i ulna canobi, iii d. In kyppe- lyne, i d. In albo coreo, viii d. In iiii paribus rotarum, xi s. viii d. In c de strakenayl, ii s. ii d. In v ulnis canobi, xv d. In xxxvi clutis, xviii d. In cc broddes, iii d. In c clavis pro Dyvelegges, ii d. In i nova ferrura rotarum cum to to attilio, x s. ix d. In ii pari- bus rotarum ferrandis, vi d. Summa xxx s. iiii d. ob. Ferrura. In stipendio fabri pro vi equis carectarum et vi stottis ferrandis ante et retro cum ferris et clavis suis, per annum, xv s. ; pro quolibet equo, xv d. Summa xv s. XX Precariae carucarum. In precaria xx carucarum cum iiii homini- ^ In dorso. ' " XXV pecije ferri ; vi garbae " Is written in the margin opposite this item. " Restaur andisf * "iiii paria rotarum. i nova ferrura cum . . . ." is written in the margin opposite this item. 56 COMPOTUS ROLLS OF WISTOWE. bus in Quadragesima in pisce et allece, iii s. ii cL, et ii ring, frumenti et iii ring, brasei. Summa iii s. ii d. Emendationes domorum. In ii seruris emendandis ad januas, ii (I. In stipendio carpentarii pro aula et grangia emendandis, ii s. vi d. In stipendio i coopertoris pro aula, grangia, bestario, coquina, domo brasino et granario emen- dandis, per XXV dies et dimidium, iiii s. iii d. ; capientis per diem ii d. In rosco, v d. Summa vii s. iiii d. Custus molendini. In i mola empta pro molendino xliiii s. viii d. Summa xliiii s. viii d. Custus bidentum. In i lagena et dimidia bitumenis, vii d. ob. In xxvi lagenis lactis pro agnis, ii s. ii d. In i lagena bituminis, v d. In bidentibus tondendis et lavandis, iiii d. In i lagena bituminis, v d. In i lagena bitumenis, v d. Summa iiii s. iiii d. ob. Minuta empta. In corio i equi carectarum de morina dealbando, viii d. In ii taratantaris emptis, iii d. ob. In ii peciis ferri, vii d. In ii vangis et ii tribulis cum dictis peciis fer- randis, iiii d. In i tripode v d. ob. In purcello castrando, iiii d. In bobus navigandis in marisco, iiii (/. In parcameno, ii d. Summa iii s. ii d. Custus pratorum. In falcatione de Thornbriggemade vii d. ex consuetudine. Summa vii d. Expensse seneschalli. In expensis seneschalli pro leta tenenda, iii s. ob. ; et de stauro, ii bv. frumenti, iii bu. avenffi, i ring, brasei, i perna, i purcellus, ii aucse, ii anathes, vi gallinae per i talliam. Item in expensis seneschalli pro curia au- tumpni tenenda, ii s. vi d. ; et de stauro, i bu. frumenti, i purcellus, ii capones et iiii pulcini per i talliam. Summa v s. vi d. ob. Forinsecsb expensse. Idem computat in expensis carectarii ver- sus Byker, ix d. Item in xii lagenis lactis pro V capriolis missis per dominum abbatem, xii d. In expensis carectarii versus Therfeld per v vices pro blado petendo, x d. In pullano domini ferrando, xiiii d. Summa iii s. ix d. Expense domorum. In expensis domorum per v septimanas in autumpno, videlicet pro serviente, prse- posito, Rypereve, dayo et diversis carectariis bladi per vices, vi s. viii d. ; et de stauro, iiii ring, ii bu. frumenti, v ring, gruti, v ring. brasei, iiii pernse, v aucae, xii columbse, i lagena butiri et viii casei per i talliam. Summa vi s. viii d. 57 APPENDIX. In i ring, salis, xvi d. In i ring, salis, xiiii d. In i bu. salis, v d. Summa ii .s\ xi d. Stipendia fAmiiloruTu. In stipendio servientis per annum, iiii s. Item clerico computat iiii s. In stipendio wodewardi, iiii s. In stipendio i carectarii, iii carucariorum, ber- carii et day (sic) per annum, xviii s., cuilibet iii s. In stipendio vaccarii per annum, xviii d. In stipendio porcarii per annum, ii s. iii d. Summa xxxiii s. ix d. Oblationes. In oblatione servientis, per annum, ii d. Item wode- wardi, i d. In oblationibus i carectarii, iii caru- cariorum, bercarii, day, porcarii et bercarii, per annum, viii d., cuili- bet ad Nathalem ob., et ad Pascham ob. Item eisdem pro fortb- drovesilver ii s. ex consuetudine. Summa ii .s. xi d. Ventilatio. In ventilatione dcciiii ring, omnimodi grani ad taskam, viii .9. ix d. qu. ; videlicet pro viii ringis i d. Summa viii s. ix d. qu. Relaxationes. In relaxatione Jobanni le Taylour per literam domini, xii d. Item Jobanni Barkere per lit- teram domini, xii d. Summa ii s. Summa totalis expensarum et liberationum xxxiiii Ii. iii s. iiii d. ob. ; et sic debet prsepositus domino Ixii s, qu. De q[uibus] reddet anno sequente. IX. WiSTOWE, 1351.' Compotus Johannis Coupere ballivi et Willelmi Waryn propositi ibidem a die Martis in festo sancti Micbaelis Archangeli anno Ri- cardi abbatis ii usque idem festum anni proximi sequentis. Arreragia. De quo nichil hie quia Adam Brunne propositus anno prtecedente est inde responsus. Nichil. Redditus per annum. Idem respondet de iiii ^. vi d. de redditu assisoe termino Micbaelis ; et de xvi s. iii d. de auxilio vicecomitis terminis Andreie, Annunciationis et J. Bap- tistse provenientibus de xxxii virgatis et dimidia terras in Wystowe et Ravele, de quolibet (sic) virgata vi d. ; et de viii d. di. qu. de warthpenis, de qualibet virgata qu. termino Martini ; et de xxxii s. vi d. de praedictis xxxii virgatis et dimidia pro hewshire, de quoli- bet virgata xii d. terminis Andrese, Annunciationis et sancti Bene- dicti ; et de xi s. de redditu tenementorum quondam Walteri de » Brit. Mus., Add. Ch., 39897. 58 COMPOTUS ROLLS OF WISTOWE. Graf ham terminis Andreas et Annunciationis. De firma molendini nichil hoc anno in denariis quia extra in blado ; et de xiii s. vi d. ob. de eisdem xxxii et dimidia virgatis pro maltsilver, de quolibet virgata v d. termino Nativitatis Domini ; et de ii s. iii d. de argento vinese ad terminum Annunciationis, et de xvi s. de fishsilver eodem termino ; et de iii 6^ x d. de redditu Radulfi Clerevaux, videlicet ter- mino Annunciationis iii .s. ix d. qu. et Translationis Andrese ob. qu. ; et de iii s. iiii d. ob. qu. de wethersilver termino sancti Benedicti, de quolibet virgata i d. qu. ; et de iiii d. de hangerlond termino Nativitatis [beatse] Marise quia seminatur hoc anno; et de xl s. de iii virgatis terrae ad censum, de quolibet xiii s. iiii d. terminis An- nunciationis et Nativitatis beat* M arise. De Iiii acris terrsB dom- inicse apud le Stockinge nichil hoc anno quia in manu domini. De XV s. pro i mesuagio et xviii acris terrae et prato quondam Andrese Parys nunc in manu domini ratione minoris a^tatis heredis ejusdem, et postea dimissis Roberto Cateiyne et soeiis suis omissis (?) in campo. Summa vi li. ix s. vii d. qu. [Opera] vendita. Idem respondet de viii s. vi d. ob. qu. de cxvii operibus gestatis venditis : pretium operis, ob. qu. ; et de xxiii s. ii d. qu. de clxv et dimidio operibus autumpni venditis : pretium operis, i d. ob. ; et de viii s. vi d. de v ii operibus post autumpnum : pretium operis, i d. Summa xl s. iii d. Bladum venditum. Idem respondet de iiii s. iiii d. ob. de ii ring. ii bu. di. ordei venditis ventilatricibus, per ringam xx d. ; et de xv d. de i ring, drageti vendita eisdem. Summa v s. vii d. ob. Staurum [ven]d[itum]. Idem respondet de xli s. viii d. de xx porcis venditis : pretium capitis, ii s. i d. ; et de xxii s. de xii porcis venditis : pretium capitis, xxii d. ; et de xxiii s. de x porcis venditis celerario : pretium capitis, ii s. iiii d. minus in toto iiii d. de i porco immundo; et de xx s. de ii bobus venditis in hospitium domini apud Rameseiam ; et de v s. de iii porcis immundis venditis. Summa cxi 6\ viii d. Exitus manerii. Idem respondet de vii d. de i corio bovis ven- dito ; et de ii s. viii d. de iiii coriis vaccarum et ii coriis bovettorum venditis ; et de ix s. de xliii caseis ponderis i pondi venditis ; et de xx d. de ii lagenis, dimidia butiri venditis : pretium lagena;, viii d. ; et de xx s-. de feno vendito per talliam con- tra ballivum ; et de ii s. de croppis et cortice venditis. De pasturis nichil hoc in denariis quia depasturantur per averios manerii. De 59 APPENDIX. stipula, pannagio, subbosco, mortua busca et vetere mol[endino] nichil hoc anno ; et de iii s. oh. qu. terraino Decollationis sancti Johannis de xxiiii virgatis in opere et censu pro Notesilver, de quo- libet virgata i d. oh. quando contingit; et de iii d. de pomis venditis hoc anno ; et de vi s. viii d. de firma columbarii.^ Summa xlv s. x d. oh. qu. Fines et perquisita curiae. Idem respondet de Iv s. x d. receptis de perquisitis letse hoc anno ; et de xxvi s. i d. de perquisitis curiae autumpni ; et de xxi s. iiii d. de diversis gersumis hoc anno. Summa ciii s. iii d. [Receptee] forinsecse. Idem respondet de Ix s. receptis de Ada Brunne prgeposito ante ipsum anno prsece- dente in tallagio celerarii ; et de xxxi 6\ vi d. receptis de vestura mortua vendita per talliam contra ballivum. Summa iiii li. xi s. vi d. [Ven]ditio super compotum. Idem respondet de xx s. v d. de diversis venditionibus super com- potum. Summa xx s. v d. Summa totalis receptarum xxvii li. viii s. ii d. oh. Resolutiones redditus. Idem computat resolutos manerio de Upwode termino Michaelis ii s. ii d. qu. ; et Willelmo de Broughton, viii d. ; et Thomse Gocelyne, viii d. Summa iii s. vi (/. qu. Expensa; et Uberationes. Idem computat solutos in camera domini per talliam contra fratrem W. de Walk', Rec'^ de leta hujus anni, Ix s. Summa Ix s. Celerarius. Idem soluti celerario pro fressinges, xl s., et super talliam, Ix s. ; et pro bacone, Ixx s. ; et pro ii pensis dimidia duri casei, xx s.; et de stauro, vi rwigf. fabarum per tal- liam, i pensa duri casei ; et pro agnis ii -s., Ixvi gallinse, Mdcc ova, X aucse. Summa ix li. xii s. Acquietanciaj. Idem computat solutos capellanis domini iii 5. ; et subcelerario pro operibus vinese, ii s. iii d. ; et conventui pro medoibus, vi s. ; et sartrino pro filo et sapone, vii d. oh. ; et in bracino pro candela, vi d. Summa xii s. iiii (/. oh. Bladum emptum. Idem computat in iii ring, fruraenti emptis pro liberatione famulorum, mensa July, vii s. : pretium ring., ii s. iiii d. Summa vii s. ^ "Firma columbarii" is written in the margin. ^ Receptor* 60 COMPOTUS ROLLS OF WLSTOWE. Staurum emptum. Idem compiitat in vi aucis emptis ad co- quinam domini xviii d.: pretium capitis, iii c d.; et in xxiiii pulcinis emptis pro eodem ad i d. oh., iii s. ; et in ix XX ovis emptis ad vi d., iiii s. vi d. ; et in c v xvi columbellis emptis pro coquina domini, iiii -s. xi d., pro iiii columbellis id.; et in xii gallinis emptis, xviii d. Summa xv s. v d. M .... et .... ^ per vices de equis carectarum. Ciistus carucarum. Idem computat in iiii peciis ferri emptis xxi d. ; et in viii slabbis emptis, xii d. ; et in v peciis ferri emptis ad v d., ii s. i d.; et in iii garbis asceris emptis, ii s. iii d. ; et in stipendio fabri pro ferramentis iii carucarum fabri- candis de ferro et asseribus prsecomputatis, x s. vi d. ut patet per talliam ; et in stipendio carpentarii facientis et reparantis opus lig- neum iii carucarum de meremio domini per annum, ii s. x d.; et in V ploucloutis emptis, x d.; et in i cultro empto, viii d. Summa xxi s. xi d. Precariffi carucarum. Idem computat in expensis ad ii precarias, qualibet^ xxiiii carucse, tempore warecta- tionis, ix s. vi d. oh. ; et de stauro, iii ring, ii hii. frumenti, iiii ring, ii hu. brasei et vi casei per talliam ; et in expensis ad ii precarias tem- pore rebinationis, qualibet vice xxiiii carucse, viii s. ii d. ; et de stauro, iiii ring, frumenti, v ring, brasei, vi casei et ii aucae per tal- liam ; et in expensis pro i precaria xiii carucarum tempore secundse rebinationis,^ iii s. v d ; et de stauro, ii ring, frumenti, ii ring, ii bu. brasei, iii casei per talliam. Summa xxi s. i d. oh. Custus carectarum.^ Idem computat in iii paribus rotaruni nu- darum emptis ad vi s. iiii d., xix s. ; et in c strakenayl emptis pro i pare rotarum ferrando, v s. ; et in ii wynekis et dewleggis emptis, v d. ; et in ferramentis i paris rotarum de rebus praecomputatis etxii dewilleggis emptis de fabro pro eodem, ii s. ; et in i pare trahicium empto, viii d. ; et in vi tensis de kyp- pelyne emptis, ii d. ; et in iii hoopis ferreis emptis pro rotis, vi d. ; et in xlii clutis emptis pro carectis, iii s. vi d. ; et in ii cordis pro carectis emptis, xx d. ; et in vi Ii. uncti emptis pro carectis emptis, vi d. ; et in rubro coreo empto pro harnesio, iiii d. ; et in iii capistris emptis, iii d. ; et in iiii ulnis cavenacii emptis pro harnesio ad ii d. ' The two omitted words are illegible. ^ Supply vice as below. ^ Compestationis is crossed out. * "iii paria rotarum" is written in the margin. 61 APPENDIX. c ... 06., X rf. ; et in viii clutnayl emptis ad iii d., ii 5. ; et in dealbando i coreo equino et ii coreis juvencorum pro harnesio, xiii d. oh. In filo empto pro harnesio, ii d. In iiii raynes, iiii d. Summa xxxviii s. v d. oh. XX Ferrura equorum. In iiii iiii ferruris equinis emptis tarn pro vii vi equis quam pro afFris ad i d., vii s. ; et in m C ...... J. viii clavis equinis emptis, c ad iii d., iiii s. vi d. ; et in stipendio fabri pro ferruris vi equorum carectarum in omnibus pedibus et vi afl'rorum in ii pedibus anterioribus de ferro et clavis domini, ii s. vi d. Summa xiiii s. Custus domorum. Idem computat in i coopertore conducto per V dies dimidium ad cooperiendum super grangiam ordei ad iiii (rf.) per diem, xxii c/. ; et in i coopertore jcooperiente super domum columbarum, gallinarum et super gran- giam frumenti per iiii dies dimidium, xiii d. oh., capiente per diem iii d. Summa ii s. xi d. oh. Custus molendini. Idem computat in viii bordis emptis ad molendinum xii d. ; et in cccc spikings emptis pro eodem, xi d. oh. Summa xxiii d. oh. Custus bidentum de quo nichil hoc anno. Minuta necessaria. Idem computat in vi hu. salis emptis pro potagio lamulorum ad x r/., v s. ; et in ii furcis pro blado emptis contra autumpnum, vi d.; et in ii pressuris emptis pro dayero, vi d. ; et in i homine faciente i fornacem plumbi per ii dies, viii d. ; et siccatione ccciii ring, ii bti. brasei ad taxam, iiii s. vi rZ., pro ix ring, i d. oh. ; et in i ferreo tribulo empto, ii d. oh. ; et in xii virgis cavenacii emptis pro iiii saccis inde f^iciendis ad i d. oh., xviii d. ; et in i vetere cilicio' empto pro cilicio domini emen- dando, xviii d. ; et in i operario emendante cilicium domini, vi d. ex consuetudine ; et in vi discis emptis pro famulis, iii d. ; et in ii ciphis emptis, ii d. ; et in ii wyndl' emptis de stramine, iii d. Summa xv s. vi d. oh. Expensse supervenientium per talliam. Idem computat in expen- sis seneschalli ad letam iii s. viii d. ; et de stauro, ii hn. frumenti per talliam, i ring, brasei et ii hu. avenae; et in expensis cujusdam ad curiam autumpni, iiii s. vii d. ; et de stauro, i hu. frumenti, di. hu. prsebendffi, i porcellus, ^ Hair shirt. 62 COMPOTUS ROLLS OF WISTOWE. ii aucse, vi pulcini per talliam ; et in expensis fratris J. de Claxton et aliorum secum exeimtium mense Aprilis pro manerio supervi- dendo, xviii d. ; et de stauro, ii bu. frumenti per talliam. Summa ix s. xi d. Expensae domorum in autumpno. Idem computat in expensis ballivi, praepositi, bedelli, i garcionis ballivi per vii septimanas in autumpno ix s ii d. oh. ; et de stauro, V ring, ii hu. frumenti. xi ring, brasei, ix casei, ii aucse, ii XX pernae per talliam ; et in expensis ad ii precarias' v ii operariorum qualibet vice in autumpno nichil in denariis ; et de stauro, ii vac- cae, vi ring, frumenti, v ring, brasei, viii casei, ii aucse per ii tallias. Summa ix s. ii d. oh. Stipendia et oblationes et consuetudines. Idem computat in sti- pendio i warenarii per annum iiii .s., et eidem pro roba sua, vi s. viii d. ; et in stipendio ii carectariorum, vi carucariorum, i vaccarii, i bercarii, i porcarii et i coci per annum, Ixxii s., cuilibet vi s. ; et in stipendio garcionis bal- livi, ii -s. per annum (hie et residuum apud Wardeboys ii s.) ; et in stipendio i custodientis bestias manerii in marisco, xii d. In obla- tionibus ballivi, ii d. ; et in oblationibus xiii famulorum pro festis Natalis Domini et Paschse, xiii d. In expensis famulorum ad le forthdrove, ii s. ; et in denariis datis custumariis falcantibus pratum domini xiiii d. ex consuetudine pro le sitheale ; et in provisione data custumariis venientibus de praecepto ballivi ad levandum fenum domini, viii d. ; et in denariis datis custumariis tondentibus bidentes domini, viii d. ex consuetudine. Summa iiii Ii. xi s. v d. c Trituratio et ventilatio. Idem computat in ventilatione iiii xx ring, cujuslibet generis bladi dominicae c vi ?. xi d., pro vi ring, i d., deductis ii Ix ring, ventilatis per opera. Summa vi s. xi d. AUocantiae redditus. In allocantia redditus de auxilio vice- ii comitis pro x virgatariis, akermannis, ad iii iiii censum, impotentibus etin manu Radulfi Clerevaux per escambiam terminis Andreae, J. Baptistae et Annunciationis, v s., cuilibet vi d. ; 1 " Precarije in autumpno " is written in the margin. 68 APPENDIX. et eisdem pro warthpenis termino Martini, ii d. ob., cuilibet qu. ; et allocantia prseposito et bedello, semivirgatario, et prsedictis x vir- iiii d. gatariis pro hewechire, xi s., cuilibet xii d., terminis Andreas, An- iiii rf. iiii d. nunciationis et sancti Benedicti ; et prsedictis xi virgatariis pro maltsilver, iiii s. vii d., cuilibet v d. termino Natalis Domini ; et eisdem xi virgatariis pro wethersilver, xiii d. ob. qu. termino Bene- dicti, cuilibet virgatario i d. qu. Summa xxi s. xi d. qu. Summa totalis expensarum et liberationum xxviii li. viii s. ;^ et sic est excessus xix s. ix d. ob. Wystowe^ anno secundo Ricardi abbatis. Compotus Willelmi Waryn praepositi ibidem .... Frumentum.' Exitus grangipe terra bondorum .... Et in expensis ad v precarias carucarum, ix ring, ii bii. per iii [tallias]; et in expensis .... in autumpno .... ring. . . bu. per talliam ; et ad ii precarias autumpni vi. Summa quae supra. Ordeuni. Idem respondet de Ixxviii ring, i bu. de exitu anterioris meiffi trituratis per opera, per talliam . . . . et de iiii ring media? meya? ; et de ciii ring, de exitu meyae cum cumu- latione .... per talliam contra . . . . de iiii x ri7ig. de exitu gran- gise frumenti ; et de iii ring, i bu. di. de . . . . terrse nativorum per talliam. Summa cccxxxi ring, ii bu. De quibus in semine per talliam contra ballivum, xxxvi ring, ii c bu. ; et in braseo fuso inferius ii Iiii .... et in [liberatione] famu- lorum ut patet inferius, Iv ring, hoc anno ex conventu, et in ven- XX d. ditione ventilatricibus ut infra ii ring, ii bu. di Summa quae supra. Idem* respondet de Ixxii ring, iii 6w. di. de exitu in grangia fru- menti ; et de Iiii ring, ii bu. de .... in eadem grangia trituratis per opera })er talliam ; et de iiii ring, per asstimationem in garbis. Summa ex ring, i bu. di. Dragetum. De quibus in semine xlii ring, iii bu. di. per talliam unde computat ringam super terram vac';'* et in- ' The amount is 12 s. 4 d. short. ^ In doiso. ^ " Recipe ii ring, iii bu. iiii pecke jilus semine septimo et dimidio" is written in the margin. * "Recipe ii i-ing. iii bu. di. plus semine v '»" is written in the margin. ' Vacuamf 64 COMPOTUS ROLLS OF WISTOWE. ferius cum avena, xiiii rituf. i bu. ; et in braseo fuse ut patet in- ferius, Ixx ring. ; et in liberatione tamulorum inferius, ii ring, i 6w. ; et in venditione ut infra, i ring. Summa qua) supra. De remanente/ vii rmg. fabarum et pisarum ; et dc . . . . meya XXX ring, ii hic. fabarum de exitu ; et de xx ring, pisarum de exitu per opera per talliam ; et de Ii ring, ii bu. de pisis de exitu maioris tassi ; et de v ring, de exitu .... nativorum per talliam cum fru- mento; et de viii rmg. per sestimationem in garbis. XX Summa v xviii ring. di. bu. Faba3 et pisse. De quibus in semine per talliam Ixx ring, ii bu. Item i bu. di. super terram vac' ; et liberate bal- livo de Riptone Regis, ii ring, per talliam ; et in xii porcis impin- guendis pro celerario et lardario, viii ring. ; et in porcis manerii sustinendis per annum, xi ring. Inferius cum avena, ix ring, i bu. di., et celerario, vi ring, per talliam ; et in liberatione famulorum ut patet inferius, xiiii ring, iii bu. di. Summa quae supra. Et a3que. Avena. Idem respondet de ii bu. de exitu tempore Adge Brunne ; et de XV ring, ii bu. de exitu trituratis per opera per tal- liam ; et de xiiii ring, i bu. de drageto superius ; et de ix ring, i bu. di. receptis de ftibis et pisis superius; et de xxiiii ring. 1 r T 1 ... xxi et di. avena? de toddercoren provementibus de xxiiii virgatis in opere et iii virgatee ° ^ censu, de qualibet virgata i ringa de . . . . i virgata pro praposito et bedello, ii virgatse pro . . . akermannis, iiii virgata quaj nichil faciunt propter impotentiam, in manu Radulfi Clerevaux ad ter- minum vita), nunc in manu domini per mortem dicti Radulfi ; et de XXXV ring, per aestimationem in garbis. XX Summa iiii xix ring. di. bu. De quibus in semine per talliam xxxvii ring, i bu. per talliam ; et in prffibenda equorum seneschalli ad letam, ii bu. ; et in [equo] seneschalli ad curiam autumpni, di. bu. ; et in farina ad potagium famulorum manerii, vi ring. ; et in praebenda equorum carectarum manerii per annum, xxxiii ring, unde xx\ ring, in garba; et in pras- benda atfrorum et boum et averiorura per a^stimationem, x ring: in garbis; et in prsebenda iiii pullanorum de equitio domini, vi ring. .... et in sustenatione agnellorum et ovium matricium vi ring. unde qu. ii bu. in garbis. Summa qu« supra. ^ " Recipe vii ring. di. bu. plus semine et di." is written in the margin. 5 65 APPENDIX. Exitus Molendini f Ordeum. Idem respondet de iii 7-ing. de remanente etde ccliii ring, ii bu. de nichil hoc anno quia re- cipit bladum per mensuram rasam. Summa cclii rmj;. ii bu. De quibus in expensis seneschalli ad letam, i ring, ii bu. missa apud Ramesciam i)er talliam .... contra G. de Alk', clericum pistrini, et per talliam contra W. de Westone, xviii ring, iii bu precar' carucarum, xii ring, per talliam ; et in expensis domorum in autumpno xi . . . per talliam ; et .... autumpno v ring, per talliam ; et reddit compotum iii CQ ring Dragetum. Idem respondet de Ixx i-ing. de facturis hoc anno ; de emptione nichil quia rec' .... De quibus missaj apud Rameseiam per talliam contra G. de Alk' Ixix ring. Frumentum. ( Idem respondet de xiii 7'ing. de firma I i ventritici dimissi hoc anno pro .... I de grosso blado. j De quibus .... frumenti xii ring. [^ i bu. ■{ Mixtura. f Idem respondet de xiii ring, de exitu . . . molendini. De quibus missa apud Rameseiam per talliam cum frumento contra Willelmum de Westone i ring. . . . . ut patet inferius ii bu. Et re- t manent xi ring Liberationes famulorum. Idem resiDondet de Ixxi ring, ii bu. di. frumenti ; et de Iv ring, ordei superius receptis pro liberatione famulorum ; et de ii bu. mixturte molendini ; et de ii ring, ii bu. de drageto et de xiiii ring, iii bu. et di. fabarum et pisarum superius receptis pro liberatione famulorum. Summa cxxiiii ring, ii bu. De quibus in liberatione i wodewardi per annum, capientis ringam per V septimanas, x ri7ig. i bu ii carectariorum, vi caruca- riorum, i vaccarii, i bercarii, i porcarii et i coci per annum excepto coco per vii septimanas in autumpno ex ... . ad mensam domini .... quilibet capit ringam per v septimanas ; et in liberatione i . . . . l)allivi per annum .... septiraan'; et in liberatione i cus- todientis averios mancrii in marisco a festo Inventionis sancta^ Crucis [ad] festuni sancti Michaelis per xxi septimanas, ii ring, capta ringa per x septimanas; et in liberatione i garcionis custodientis m COMPOTUS ROLLS OP WISTOWE. ag[nos] .... per x septimanas in restate hoc anno ii bu. drageti et super compotum ii ring. di. bu} Equi carectarum. De remanentibus vi equi carectarum ; et de 1 proveniente de strayhe. Et remanent vii equi carectarum. Surama vii. Affri. De remanentibus vi afFri mas. Summa vi. Et remanent vi atfri mas. Boves. De remanentibus xxviii boves; et de ii de adjunctione. Summa xxx. De quibus in morina i putridum cadaver; et in venditione ut infra ii cuj us . . . } Et remanent xxvii boves. Taurus. De i de remanente. Et remanet i taurus. Vacca3. De remanentibus xxiiii, et de adjunctione nichil. De quibus in morina putridse ii ; et mactatce pro expensis ad ii precarias autumpni ii. Summa iiii. Et remanent xx vaccse quarum xi steriles. Bovetti. De remanentibus iiii bovetti. De quibus in morina ii et adjuncti cum bobus ii. Et seque. Juvenci. De remanentibus ii juvenci et computati in morina. Et seque. Boviculi. De remanentibus ii boviculi et de i proveniente de streyra.* De quibus in morina ii. Summa ii. Et re- manet i bovettus. Juvenculffi. De remanentibus vii juvenculse. De quibus in morina ii. Et remanent v juvenculse. Vituli superannati. De remanentibus iiii vituli mas. De quibus in morina ii. Et remanent ii boviculi. De remanentibus vi vituli fe. De quibus in morina ii. Et re- manent iiii juvenculse. Vituli de exitu. De exitu ix vituli quorum viii mas, et rema- nent ix vituli de exitu quorum viii mas. Corea. De remanente i coreum afifri dealbatum et de i coreo bovis, iiii coreia vaccarum, ii coreis bovettorum, ii coreis juvencorum, ii coreis boviculorum, ii coreis juvencularum, iiii coreis vitulorum de remanentibus. Summa xviii. *De quibus in reparatione harnesii, i coreum affri, et in vendi- tione ut infra, i coreum bovis, iiii corea vaccarum, ii corea bovet- torum; et reddit compotum ii corea boviculorum, ii corea juven- ^ "iii s. X d. ob." is written in the margin. * Carcosium? ^ Compare streyxa, stray. * " viii s." is written in the margin. 67 APPENDIX. cularum et iiii vitulorum cruda. Et remanent ii corea juvencorum albata. Summa xvi. Multones. De remanentibus 1 multones ; et de ii de adjunctione. Summa Hi. Et remanent lii multones. Oves matrices. De remanentibus Ix oves matrices ; et de adjunc- tione nichil. Et remanent Ix oves matrices. Hoggastri. De remanentibus ix hoggastri. De quibus in morina post tonsionem vii et adjuncti superius cum multoni- bus ii. Et ffique. Gerciae. De remanentibus vii gerciffi et computatse in morina ante tonsionem. Et feque. Agni de remanentibus. De remanentibus xvi agni mas. De qui- bus in morina post tonsionem iii, et missi ad coquinam domini iii. Et remanent x hoggastri. De re- manentibus xxxii agni fe. De quibus in morina post tonsionem vi. Et remanent xxvi gercise. Exitus. Idem respondet de Ixix agnis de exitu. De quibus in morina xx et missi ad coquinam domini vii. Summa xxvii. Et remanent xlii agni de exitu, quorum xviii mas. f Lanutse. De remanentibus xxix, et de vii de exitu, et ^ ,, i mittuntur apud Rameseiam per talliam. Et relies. ii d oh I *^^^^- I Nudse. De remanentibus xiiii, et de xvi exitu. Et ven- I ditse super compotum. Et seque. I Pelliculee. De remanentibus nichil; et de xx de exitu. I De quibus missR3 Rameseiam iiii. Et teque. (^ Et super compotum xvi.^ Vellera. Idem resj)ondet de cxliiii velleribus de exitu ; et mit- tuntur apud Rameseiam per talliam. Apri. De remanente i aper. Summa i. Et remanet i aper. Sues. De remanentibus iii sues. Summa iii. Et remanent iii sues. Porci. De remanentibus lix porci, et de 1 adjunctis et de i pro- veniente de streyra. Summa v x. De quibus, in morina ii, et venditi celerario x, et pro lardario i, et in venditione ut infra xxxii. Item iii immundi, et ad coquinam domini ii. Summa 1. Et remanent Ix porci. PoreuUi. De remanentibus Iiii porcuUi. De quibus in morina iii, et adjuncti superius cum porcis 1. Et seque. ' " iiii d." is written in tlie margin. 68 COMPOTUS ROLLS OF WLSTOWE. XX Porcelli. Idem respondet de iiii de exitu. De quibus missi ad coquinam domini xxxvii ; et in expensis seneschalli ad curiam autumpni i. In morina i. Summa xxxix. Et rema- nent xli porcelli. Pernfe. Idem respondet de ii pernis de exitu i porci superius mactati ad lardarium. De quibus in expensis domorum in autumpno ii pernae. Et seque. Aucse. De remanentibus v aucfe ; et de xxx de exitu ; et de vi de emptione. Summa xli. De quibus missse ad coquinam domini, xii aucse ; celerario x per talliam ; et in bracino et pistrino, iii ; et in expensis ad curiam au- tumpni, ii aucse per talliam ; et in expensis ad ii precarias caru- carum, ii per talliam ; et in expensis domorum in autumpno, ii aucse ; et in expensis pro i precaria autumpni, ii per talliam ; et super compotum. Summa xxxv. Et remanent vi auca? quarum i anser.^ Anates. De remanentibus xii anates unde v errarii ; et de xxv de exitu. Summa xxxvii. De quibus in morina, ix ; et missi ad coquinam domini, iii ; et super compotum, xix ; et remanent vi anates unde iii eir7 Summa xxxi. Capones. De redditu Roberti Barker loco Johannis Maugere et Thomse Olyncei'e pro i funario posito in communa, ii ; et de i de redditu Roberti Mice pro eodem ; et de i de chevagio Thomse Catelyne pro licentia manendi extra. De facturis nichil hoc anno. Summa iiii. De quibus super compotum i. Summa i. Et remanent iii capones. Gallinse. De remanentibus vii gallinse quarum i gallus ; et de lix gallinis receptis de xxiiii virgatis dimidia in opere et censu, de quolibet ii gallinae, v cotmannis in opere et censu, iii hide- mannis in opere, de quolibet i gallina, et ii dimidiis coterellis, i gal- lina, deductis virgatis officiariorum et existentibus in manu domini ut supra inter avenam, vii cotmannis impotentibus et existentibus in manu domini et ii hidemannis in manu domini; et de xii de emptione. Summa Ixxviii. De quibus missse celerario Ixvi, et ad coquinam domini iiii. Et remanent viii gallinse quarum i gallus. Pulcini.^ De exitu xxiiii hoc anno et de xxiiii de emptione. De 1 "vi d." is written in the margin. ^ "xix rf.'' is written in the margin. ' "ii s." is written in the margin. 69 APPENDIX. quibus in expensis seneschalli ad curiam autumpni, vi ; et missi ad coquinam domini, xviii ; et super compotum xxiiii. Et seque. c Ova. Idem respondet de cc ovis de exitu ; et de viii x ovis de redditu dictarum xxiiii virgatarum dimidia in opere et censu, V cotmannorum, iii hidemannorum et ii dimidiorum coterel- lorum, de quolibet virgatario xl ova, cotmanno et hidraanno x ova et coterello v ova, deductis ofl&ciariis et censuariis impotentibus et ex- c istentibus in manu domini ut supra inter gallinas ; et de ix de emp- C XX tione. Summa m ix v x ova. De quibus missa ad coquinam domini ccc, et celerario Mdcc. Et nichil remanet. Volatus.- De quo nichil hie hoc anno ut testatur ballivus pro deffectu tenentium. XX Casei. Idem respondet de iiii vi caseis de remanentibus ; et de XXV caseis de relucro ; dt de cxx caseis de exitu a primo die May usque festum sancti Michaelis. Summa ccxi. De quibus missi celerario ponderis i pensse per talliam xliii una forma; et in expensis ad precarias carucarum per talliam, xii casei ; et in expensis domorum in autumpno, ix ringse (?) per talliam ; et in expensis ad ii precarias autumpni, viii casei per talliam ; et in venditione ut infra, xliii casei ponderis i pond ; et super compotum, XX XX XX : et remanent v xvii casei unde iiii iii de maiore forma. Butirum. Idem respondet de vi lagenis et dimidia butiris de factura hoc anno. De quibus computat in exitu do- morum in autumpno dimidiam lagenam et mixtas pro bitumineiii lagenas dimidiam ; et in venditione ut infra, ii lagenas dimidiam. Et nichil remanet. c Opera hyemalia. Idem respondet de m vii Ixvii operibus recep- tis de xxi virgatis dimidia in opere a die Martis in festo sancti Michaelis usque festum Pentecostie contingentera hoc anno xvi die mail per xxxii septimanas, v dies quorum ii operabiles, de quolibet virgatario per'septimanam iii opera diebus Luna^, ISIar- tis et Mercurii, deductis officiariis et censuariis ut supra inter avenam ; et de xliii operibus receptis de prredictis xxi virgatis di- midia pro ii diebus .lovis contra festum Natalis Domini et Paschae ; et de Ixvi operibus receptis de ii cotmannis in opere per idem tem- ^ "iii s. iiii (/." is written in the margin. 70 COMPOTUS ROLLS OF WISTOWE. pus, de quolibet per septimanam i opus, videlicet diebus Luna3, sine allocantia alicujus festi, deductis officiariis et censuariis ut supra inter gallinas. Summa Mdcclvi. De quibus allocantur prasdictis xxi virgatis dimidiee pro xv die- XX bus festis contingentibus hoc anno infra preedictum tempus, cc iiii ii opera dimidium ; et eisdem pro foddercorn et maltsilver, Ixiiii opera dimidium, cuilibet iii opera ; et eisdem pro argento vineae, xxi opera dimidium ; et Willelmo Haukyn semivirgatario aegroto per V septimanas, vii opera dimidium ; et in blado dominicse tri- turando, cxvii opera ; fimo coopertori super tassos pisarum et super grangiam, Iii opera; et in stipula falcanda, xlvii opera; et in eadem coUigenda, xl opera ; et in carucis tenendis et fugandis, v opera ; et in blado ventilando, xlii opera ; et in terra hercianda, xxxiiii opera ; et in muro ponefaldfe reparando, v opera ; et in ii axationibus carec- tarum, ii opera; et in spinis prosternendis et haiis faciendis circa bladum domini in campis per loca diversa propter conculcationem bestiarum, xiii opera; et in marlo cariando, viii opera; et apud Hideky, Ixi opera per talliam. Item in trituratione bladi dominicfe, C XX . . . , vii iiii i opera ; et in sepibus faciendis circa copicia in bosco, xxxv opera; et in marlo cariando, Iv opera; et in terra hercianda tem- pore seminis Quadragesimse, cclii opera ; et in . . . .^ coopertoris, xi opera ; et in blado ventilando, vii opera ; et in reparatione et emen- datione carpentarii carucarum et carectarum per vices, xv opera ; et missa apud Rameseiam per talliam contra subcelerarium, xix opera. Summa qu£e supra ; et leque. c XX Opera a3stivalia. Idem respond et de v v ix operibus dimidio receptis de prtedictis xxi virgatis dimidia a festo Pentecostse usque Gulam Augusti per xi septimanas de quoli- bet (sic) per septimanam iii opera, deductis officiariis et censuariis ut supra inter yemalia ; et de xxi operibus dimidio receptis de eisdem pro i die Jovis ante festum sancti Benedicti ; et de xxii operibus re- ceptis de prsedictis ii cotmannis in opere per idem tempus, de quo- libet per septimanam i opus, deductis censuariis etc. ut supra ibidem. Summa dcxxxiii. De quibus allocantur prsedictis xxi virgatis dimidite pro iiii die- bus festis contingentibus infra prtedictum tempus cum septimana XX XX Pentecostse, iiii vi opera; et in trituratione bladi dominicje, iiii viii 1 The word written here in the MS. is not clear ; possibly it may be pvovidentia. 71 APPENDIX. opera ; et in . . . .^ coopertoris, xvii opera ; et in marlo faciendo, xiiii ; et in haiis faciendis circa bladum domini apud Briggedole propter conculcationem bestiarum, xxvi opera; et in virgis colli- gendis pro claiis ad faldam faciendam, xxiii ; et in Iv claiis facien- XX dis ad faldam, xi ; et in sarculatione bladi dominicse, v xi ; et in XX falcatione pratorum domini, iiii vii ; et in feno faciendo, Ixiiii ; et in fimis cariandis, xlv; et in meremio prosternendo et scapellando pro carucis, xvii ; et in operatione operis lignei molendini, iiii opera ; et in carucis fugandis et tenendis, v, dimidiiim ; et missa apud Hideky, xvii per talliam ; et in venditione ut infra, cxvii opera, dimidium : pretium operis, oh. qu. Summa quae supra ; et seque. Opera autumpnalia. Idem respondet de dcclxiii operibus recep- tis de prsedictis xxi virgatis in opere a Gula Augusti usque festum Nativitatis beatse Marise per v septimanas iii dies quorum ii operabiles, de quolibet per septimanam viii opera, videlicet diebus Luna? ii, Martis i, Mercurii ii, Jovis i et Veneris ii, deductis officiariis et censuariis etc. ut supra, et dimidia virgata ex- istente in manu domini a Gula Augusti usque festum Michaelis ; et de xxii operibus receptis de ii cotmannis in opere per idem tempus de quolibet per septimanam ii opera, diebus Lunse et Mercurii, de- ductis censuariis et existentibus in manu domini ut supra ; et de xviii operibus receptis de iii hidemannis in opere per idem tempus, XX de quolibet dimidium. Summa dec v iii. De quibus allocantur preedictis xxi virgatis per ii dies festos con- tingentes diebus Martis infra prisdictum tempus xlii opera ; et in c XX diversis bladis dominicas metendis, ligandis et adjuvandis, v v xv opera, dimidium ; et in venditione ut infra, clxv opera, dimidium : XX pretium operis, i d. oh. Summa dec v iii. Opera post autumpnum. Idem respondet de clxix operibus re- ceptis de praedictis xxi virgatis in opere a festo Nativitatis beatre' usque festum Michaelis per iii septimanas, de quolibet per septimanam iii opera, diebus Lunae, Martis et Mer- curii, deductis officiariis et censuariis ut supra ; et de vi operibus re- ceptis de ii cotmannis in opere per idem, de quolibet per septi- manam i opus ; et de ix operibus receptis de iii hidemannis in opere per idem tempus, de quolibet per septimanam i opus. XX Summa c iiii iiii. 1 See note above. ^ Marwe omitted. 72 COMPOTUS ROLLS OF WISTOWE. De quibiis allocantur prfedictis xxi virgatis pro iii diebus fcstis Ixiii opera ; et in calinatione et collectione stipulse, xxxix ; et in XX venditione ut infra, v ii opera : pretium operis, i d. Sum ma quae supra, Wistowe/ anno iii Ricardi abbatis. Compotus inter W. Waryn pra3positum ibidem et Thomam Randolf bedellum ibidem usque festum Pentecostie. Idem Thomas oneratur de iiii s. vi d. de red- ditu termino Michaelis ; et de ix s. viii d. qu. de auxilio vicecomitis terminis Andrese, Annunciationis, vi s. xi d. ob., ii s. viii d. oh. ; et de viii d. de Wartepenys termino Martini, et de xxi s. vii d. de hewschire terminis Andrea et Annunciationis quolibet termino iiii d. de quolibet virgatario ; et de xiii s. vi d. oh. de maltsilver terrnino Natalis Domini ; et de ii s. iii d. de argento vine^e termino Annun- ciationis ; et de xvi d. de fischsilver eodem termino ; et de iii s. ix d. qu. de redditu Clervaux termino Annunciationis. De wether- silver nichil quia terminum sancti Benedicti. De hangerlonge nichil quia terminum ISI ativitatis beat© Maria. De censuariis nichil quia collectum prsepositum {sic). Sum ma Ivii s. iii d. oh. qu. De perquisitis lets? Ivi s. x d. Summa totalis cxiii s. i d. oh. qu. De quibus in allocantia pro auxilio vicecomitis pro x virgatariis, ii iii iiii i akermannis, ad censum, impotentibus et in manu domini, terminis Andrese et Annunciationis, iii s. iiii d. ; et ii d. oh. pro wartepenys termino Martini ; et de vii s. iiii d. pro heweschire pro x virgatis in manu etc. terminis Andrese et Annunciationis ; et de iiii s. vii d. pro eisdem pro maltsilver termino Natalis Domini. Summa xv s. v d. oh. Remanent iiii Ii. xvii s. viii d. qu. unde liberati prseposito per talliam ix. Wistowe anno supradicto. W. Benet bedellus post ipsum usque festum Michaelis oneratur de vi s. vii d. de auxilio vicecomitis ter- mino J. Baptistse; et de x s. v d. de hewschire termino Benedicti; et de oh. qu. de redditu Clerevaux termino Benedicti ; et de iii s. iiii d. oh. de wethersilver termino Benedicti. De hangerlond' termino Nativitatis sanctse Marise, iiii d. De operibus venditis tempore suo xl s. iii d. De perquisitis curias autumpni, xxvi s. i d. De ger- sumis nichil quia prsepositum {sic). De notesilver termino Decol- lationis sancti Johannis, iii d. oh. qu. Summa iiii Ii. x s. ii d. De What follows is on a small piece of parchment attached to the roll. 73 APPENDIX. quibus allocantur pro auxilio vicecomitis termino J. Baptista3 xx d. ; et iii s. viii d. pro liewschire termino Benedict! ; et xiii d. oh. qu. pro wethersilver termino Benedicti, vi s. v d. oh. qu. Remanent iiii li. iii s. viii d. qu. X. WisTOWE, 1368.^ [Wystojwe. Compotus Willelmi Benet prsepositi ibidem a festo sancti Michaelis anno domini Ricardi abbatis xix usque vigiliam sancti Michaelis . . . .^ proximam sequentem per annum' Idem respondet de xxxii li. xix s. ii d. qu. iii qu. i qu.^ de arrera- giis ultimi compoti sui de anno proximo prsecedente. Unde super Johannem Brommote bedellum v d. anno prsecedente, vii li. v s. xi d. oh. qu., iii qu. i qu. . . . computat xxv li. xiii s. iii d. oh. Summa xxxii li. xix s. ii d. qu., iii qu. i qu. Idem respondet . . . s. vi d. de redditu termino Michaelis ; et de xiii s. i d. oh. de auxilio vicecomitis . . . xxvi virgatis i qu. in opere et censu, de virgata vi d. termino Martini, ii d. oh. . . . ii d. oh. Bar- tholomeo deducto ut in kalendario ; et de xxvi s. iii d. de heuschire proveniente de eisdem custumariis, de virgata xii d. terminis An- drea?, Annunciationis et sancti Benedicti . . . kalendario ; et de x s. xi d. qu. de maltsilver proveniente de eisdem custumariis, de vir- gata V d., termino Natalis Domini deducto ut in kalendario ; et de xi s. de redditu terrse Walteri de Graf ham terminis Andrese et sancti Benedicti ; et de xvi d. de fisschsilver termino Annunciationis ; et de xix d. de argento vinese proveniente [de] xix virgatis in opere . . . li. id.; et de iii s. x d. de redditu terra Clerevaux terminis Annunciationis et sancti Benedicti. De i acra dimidia hangylondi quie reddit solutum xii d. quando seminatur, hoc anno seminatur, xi d. . . . de xxiii d. oh. qu. de wethersilver proveniente de xix vir- gatis in opere, de virgata i d. qu,., termino sancti Benedicti. Summa Ixxv s. vi d. oh. .... terrffi dominicse. De liiii acris terra? dominicse in le Stok- kinge dimissis Elemosinario Rameseise xxi acrse et iiii hominibus de Bury, acra pro x (/., terminis Annunciationis et Assumptionis beataj Marise, xlv s. ; [de] iii acris dimidia terrjB ' Public Eecord Office, Ministers' Accounts, 885/33. ^ The word following Michaelis is much stained. * i.e., f of a farthing. 74 COMPOTUS ROLLS OF WISTOWE. dominicas in le Brache dimissis Willelmo Aubyn et sociis suis ad terminum xl annorum, hoc anno v*", acra pro x cL, xxviii s. x d. eisdem terrain is ; de ix acris, dimidia, [domini]cfe apud Bisshopes- wong dimissis Willelmo Neweman et Willelmo de Broughtone ad terminum x annorum, hoc anno iiii*", acra pro viii d., vi s. iiii d. eisdem terminis .... Taillour pro iii rodis terrpe dominical apud Linnleclayhill, eidem dimissis ad terminum vitse suae, xii d. eisdem terminis ; de i placia vocata Feypigthel cum prato adjacente .... acris iii rodis dimidia dimissis Willelmo Neweman de Bury ad ter- minum XX annorum, hoc anno iii", acra pro xiiii d., vi s. x d. qu. eisdem terminis ; de i . . . . dominic?e apud Berne Wellishalfe dimiss' Johanni Grene ad terminum vitae sua?, x d. eisdem terminis ; de xxxvi acris, ii rodis dimidia terrse dominicse apud Kingeslonde dimissis .... ay lie et sociis suis ad terminum xx annorum, hoc anno ii", acra pro x rf., xxx s. vi d. qu. eisdem terminis ; de Willelmo Waryn pro iii acris dimidia terrae dominicse vocatis . . . . ; [de] Johannis Ivessone iii acris dimidia terrse dominicse apud Buryston et Watirlonde, et Ricardo Wodekoc pro ii acris i roda terrse dominicse apud Houndhegge et Long . . . o dimissis eidem ad terminum vitae, acra pro xvi d., xii s. iiii d. De firma i molendini ventritici dimissi hoc anno ad iiii terminos xlii s. Item oneratur de iiii s. de firma ejusdem omissis anno praecedente. Summa viii Ii. xiii s. vii d. oh. Item iiii s. De Roberto Cotes pro custodia quondam^ Andrew Parys usque ad legitimam aetatem heredis x s. Summa x s. . . . . et arrentationes. De vii virgatis i quartario ad censum, virgata pro xiii s. iiii d., terminis Annun- ciationis et Nativitatis beatse Mariae, iiii U. xvi s. vii d. De dimidia virgata arrentata Johanni Ivesson eisdem terminis, xii s. De di- midia virgata arrentata Roberto Coulere eisdem terminis, ix s. De i virgata terrae arrentata Isoldae Grimbaldi eisdem terminis, viii s., in anno sequente arrentata quibusdam de customariis domini pro XX ... . [de Stjephano H3'the loco Johannis filii Ricardi pro i quartario terrae arrentato eisdem terminis, iiii s. ; de Radulfo Sabyn et Johanne Grigge loco Johannis Wrighte pro dimidia virgata terrae arrentata .... iiii d. ; de viii cotlandis ad opus pro iiii s. et i cot- lando ut patet in kalendario, xxx vii s. vi d. ; de i cotlando arrentato Johanni Ivesson eisdem terminis, iiii s. ; de i semicotlundo arren- ' Some words are inserted in very faint ink ; perhaps vel de cetero quia jyro .... 75 APPENDIX. tato Willelmo Flexman . . . . xii d. ; de v hidmannis in opere, de quolibet xii d., v s. eisdem terminis ; de Stephano Ailmar pro i messuagio et vi acris terne sibi arrentatis ad terminum vitse [suae]. Summa ix li. xvii s. vi d. [De] .... iiii operibus yemalibus dimidio venditis ad ob., xiii s. iiii d. qic; et de v vi operibus testivalibus venditis ad oh. qu., vi s. vii d. ob.; et de cc . . . . operibus autumpnalibus venditis ad i d. ob., xxxii s. vi d. ; et de ix operibus post autumpnum, dimidio, ven- ditis ad i d., ix d. ob. Summa Iiii s. iii d. qu. [Venjditio stauri. De i bove vendito celerario, xiii s. iiii c^. ; et de i vitulo superannato vendito eidem, v s. ; etin X multonibus de exitu venditis eidem ad xviii d., xv s.; [et] in ix porcis venditis eidem, xviii .s. ; et de xx porcis in paribus venditis ad ii s. V d., Is.; et de iii gallinis dimidia venditis viii d. ob. qu. Summa cii s. ob. qu. XIX s. [De] .... [pe]llibus lanutis unde xxxviii ad vi d., ii s. ix. d. XV s. . xi ad iii d., xxxi et ix pelletteriis venditis ad iiii d. ob., xxxvi s. ix d. ; et Iii pelletteriis et xii pelliculis venditis in grosso, xix d. ; de firma viii vaccarum vitulantium boc anno nichil quia vaccse remissee sunt in mariscum de pr^cepto seneseballi statim post vitulationem .... omnium matriciura etpannagio porcorum, agistamento in bosco nichil accidit; de feno vendito ut patet per parcellas, xlix s. ii d. ; de subbosco v rodarum dimidia^ vendito, xiii s. vii d aldres, (sic) mortua busca et veteribus haiis nichil accidit ; de roweres venditis nichil hoc anno; de loppis et escffitis arborum nichil accidit; de proficuo i [col]umbarii per annum, vi s. viii d. ; de superiore mola usitata, xii d. ; de notesilver, ad quod quilibet virgatarius in opere reddit solutum i d. ob. quando plenitudo nucium fuit, nichil hoc anno quia nulla? nuces ; de stipu- lis venditis, ii s. ; de fructu gardini et thensut' nichil accidit ; de Thoma Lye pro i placia de tenemento vacuo' sibi dimissa hoc anno, vi d. ; et de cc ovis venditis, xii d. Summa cxii s. v d. ob. Perquisita curia cum .... De perquisitis i lette tent£e hoc anno, Ivi s. xi d. ; de perquisitis curiae autumpni, xix s. ; de diversis gersumis factis hoc anno, Ixxiii s. viii d. Summa vii li. ix s. vii d. ' De ten^ va£ is the manuscript form. 76 COMPOTUS ROLLS OF WISTOWE. Idem respondet de xv s. iii d. oh. de diversis rebus venditis super compotum ut patet extra. Summa xv s. iii d. oh. Summa totalis receptarum cum arreragiis Ixxvii li. viii a. vi d. qu., iii qn. i qu. Item iiii s. de molendino omissis anno pr£ecedente. Resolutio redditus. Idem computat resolutos manerio de Upwode termino Michaelis, ii s. ii d. qu. ; 'et Willelmo de Broughtone, viii d. ; et Thomas Gosselyn, viii d. termino Michaelis. Summa iii s. vi d. qu. .... De denariis liberatis celerario pro firma sua hoc anno, xxxvi s. iiii d. ; et eidem sine tallia de x multonibus ven- ditis eidem de xviii d., xv s. ; de stauro, x auca?, Ixiiii gallinse, m ova ; et liberati capellanis domini, iii s. ; et subcelerario pro opere vineffi, ii s. iii d. ; et in sartrino pro filo, vii d. oh. ; et in bracino pro candellis, vi d. ; et receptori conventus pro medow, vi s. Summa Ixiii s. viii d. oh. .... carucarum. In ferro empto pro ferramentis iii carucarum per annum unde i levatur de equis carec- tarum, vii s. vii d. ; et in iii, dimidia, garbis asseris emptis, ii s. xi d. ; et soluti fabro pro dictis ferramentis fabricandis et reparandis per annum, ix s. xi d.; et soluti carpentario pro opere ligandi carucas per annum, iii s. vi d. ; et in iii capistris emptis pro aftris, ii d. ; et in ferro empto pro hokis, haspis, slingis, et cappingis ad carucas, xvi d. ; et soluti fabro pro factura iii ploucloutis, iii d. Summa xxv s. viii d. [Prejcarise carucarum. In expensis ad iii precarias carucarum quarum prima de xx carucis, secunda de xxi et tertia de xxi, quselibet caruca cum iii hominibus prseter famu- los et alios capientibus cibum sufficientem et non ad assisam, xix s. ii d. ; de stauro, i qu., iiii hu. cum i . . . .' frumenti ex gratia, iii qu. brasei, drageti, i auca. Summa xix s. ii d. . . . . et staurum. In xv qu. frumenti emptis unde x qu. empta ad V s. et V qu. empta ad v s. iiii d., Ixxvi s. viii d. ; et in xv anseribus emptis, v s. ; et in vii caponibus emptis, ii s. iiii d. Summa iiii li. iiii s. Custus carectarum cum ferruris equorum. In ii paribus rotarum emptis pro fimo," xii s. vi d. ; et in vi clutis emptis pro magna carecta, xvi d. ; et in xxiiii c minoribus clutis emptis, iii s. ; et in v brod. . . dimidio emptis, xx d. ; 1 Antaclo? * Or frumento? 77 APPENDIX. et in imcto empto pro carectis unguendis preeter staurura, ii s. ; et in iii paribus trahicium emptis, ii s. :k d.; et in ii coleriis emptis, ii s. vi d. ; et in corio tannato empto pro pipis, bacropis et aliis . . . } ad carectas ii s. ; et in i kippelyne de v tensis, iii d. ; et in stipendio i carpentarii facientis i cartebo .... per iiii dies, xvi d. ; et eidem axautionibus^ iii carectas, yd.; et in ulna de cavenate erapta pro hernesio, iiii d. oh. ; et in filo empto ad idem, ii d. ; et in i corio equino empto pro bernesio, xix d.; et soluti pro ferruris v equorum carectarum per annum in omnibus pedibus, et vi equi (sic) a festo sancti Michaelis usque festum Purificationis, et iii affrorum per annum in pedibus anterioribus, pro equo xx d., et affro x d., xii s. ii f/. Summa xliiii s. i d. oh. Custus domorum et molendinorum. In stipendio i coopertoris cooperientis super bove- rium, malthous, grangiam et porticum granarii per x dies, ii s. vi d. ; et in ferro empto pro vii vinculis pro le seilyerd, xiiii d. ; et in stipendio fabri pro eisdem faciendis et clavis pro eisdem de ferro domini, ix d. ; et in stipendio carpentarii imponentis prsedictam seilyerde, ii s. ; et in sploutis, barris et uppelong emptis, ii s.\d.\ et in Ix clavis emptis pro eisdem, iii d. Summa viii s. ix d. [Cu]stus bidentum. In v lagenis butiri emptis, iiii s., et in ii lagenis dimidia uncti emptis ad miscuram cum eodem, iii s. iiii d. ; et in tarpit, viii lb., empto pro bidentibus signandis, viii d. et in dimidia Ih. candellarum empta pro bercario tempore agnorum, i d. oh. ; et soluti customariis domini lavantibus et tondentibus bidentes domini ex tonsura, viii d. ; et in batellagio bidentum domini in mariscum ct extra, xvi d. Summa x .s. i d. oh. Expensce minute. In parcameno, iii d. ; et in v hu. salis emptis ad x d., iiii s. ii d. ; et soluti pro dealbandis ii coriis equinis, quorum i de pullanis de equitio domini pro her- nesio, xviii d. ; et in i hop empto pro i cuva cum stipendio cuparii, i d. oh. ; et in semilon de straminc empto, v d. ; et in i corbella de stramine empta, viii rf.; et pro factura ferramentorum i tribuli de ferro domini, i d. ; et in plantis et })orrectis emptis, iiii (/. ; et in ii Ih. XX candelge emptis pro braseo faciendo, vi d. ; et soluti pro siccandis c iiii xiiii qu., iii bu. brasey, pro x qu. iii d., v s. iiii d. ob. ; et in stipendio The word is illegible. Perhaps another word for axaiio, the .iuiietion of the axle with the wheel. 78 COMPOTUS ROLLS OF WISTOWE. i coopertoris cooperientis tassis pisarvim per iii dies, ix d. ; et in xxx virgis grossi panni emptis pro i paniio ventilate ad iii d. oh. qu. in c toto ob., ix s. iiii d.; et in vii rosci emptis pro coopertura, vii s. Sum ma xxiii s. vi d. Item vii s. Expenses senescballi. In expensis seneschalli ad letani per tal- liam, vii s. ii d. ; de stauro, iiii ho. fru- menti, vi bu. brasey, ii bu. aveme, i multo, ii porcelli, ii aucse, ii capones; et in expensis ejusdem pro manerio supervidendo, iii s. ii d.; de staiiro, ii 6w. avense, i auca, ii capones. Summa x s. iiii d. Expensse autumpni. In expensis ballivi, prsepositi, bedelli et coci per iiii septimanas in autmnpno, xi s. v d. ob., i qu. ii bu. frumenti, ii qu. iii bu. brasey, ii pernse, ii aucee ; et in iii lb. candelse emptis ix d. ; et in expensis ad precarias in au- XX xviii tumpno de iiii xi operariis prseter famulos et alios quorum quilibet capit i panem unde viii de i 6w., et . . . . singuli ii, i ferculum : pre- tium, i d., et i .lescam casei : pretium, oboii, vi s. x d. ; de stauro i qu. ii bu. frumenti, i qu. brasey, i auca. Summa xix s-. ob. Vadia ballivi. In vadiis ballivi per annum exceptis iiii septi- manis in autumpno, capientis per septimanam xiiii d, Ivi s. ii d. Summa Ivi ?. ii d. Stipendia famulorum. In stipendio i wodewardi per annum, iiii s. ; et eidem pro roba sua, vi s. viii d. ; et in stipendio i carectarii, ii carucariorum, i vaccarii, i bercarii, i por- carii et coci per annum, cuilibet vi s., xlii s.; et soluti i custodi vi averiorum in marisco, pro capite ii d., xii d. ; et in oblatione ballivi, ii d., et X famulorum ad festa Natalis Domini et Pasclise, xii d. ; et soluti eisdem pro eorum forthdrove, ii s. ; et dati eisdem de prse- cepto domini per ii vices, viii d. ; et dati eisdem de praecepto fratris Henrici de Madd [ingle], vi . . . . et eisdem de prsecepto ejusdem, alia vice, iiii d. ; et soluti carectariis quercini, frumenti et aliorum victualiiim apud Therfeld et alibi usque Rameseiam, per vi vices, xii d. ; et in stipendio garcionis bercarii custodientis bidentes [in] marisco hoc anno, xii d. Summa Ix s. ii d. [Tri]turatio [et] ventilatio. In trituratione cxlvi qu. ii bu. ordei trituratorum ad tascham sine avan- tagio, pro quartario iii d., xii s. vi d. ob. qu. ; et in ventilatione ccxl qu. ii bu., pro iii quartariis i d. sine avantagio, vii s. ix d. Summa xlix s. iii d. ob. qu. AUocantise. In allocantiis redditus assise terrse et tenementi quondam Andrese Parys quia in manu domini ra- 79 APPENDIX. tione minoris setatis heredis, nichil de cetero quia probavit aetatem, iii s. vi d. ; et x d ob. de redditu Johannte Clervaux relaxato per doniinuin abbatem pro tota vita domini abbatis. Summa iiii s. iiii d. ob. Denarii liberati. Idem computat liberates in camera domini fratri Nicholao de Giddinge receptori^ domini per talliam, xl s. ; et eidem per manum fratris Henrici de Mad- dingle sine tallia, Ixx s. ; et eidem de arreragiis suis per talliam de anno prtecedente, cxii s. iii d. ; et soluti fratri Henrico de Sawtre de eisdem per talliam levatam anno sequente, xxx s. ; et eidem fratri Nicholao per i talliam levatam anno xvi per manum elemosinarii unde prius non' habuit allocantiam, xxvii s. vi d. ; et eidem fratri Nicholao de Giddinge per tallias levatas annis xvii et xviii per manum ejusdem elemosinarii unde prius non habuit allocantiam, Iv s. Summa xvi li. xiiii s. ix d. Summa totalis expensarum et liberationum xli IL iii s. viii d. ob. Debuntur domino xxxvi li. viii s. ix d. ob. qu. iii qu. i qu. De quibus liberati fratri Henrico de Sawtre receptori domini anno sequeute, iii s. iiii d. de arreragiis sine tallia ; et eidem de eisdem arreragiis, xlviii s. sine tallia ; et eidem per manum Johannis Bron- note bedelli sine tallia, xx s. ; et eidem per manum ejusdem per iii vices, xxx s. sine tallia ; et eidem de feno vendito sine talHa, xx s. ; et eidem de arreragiis propositi per manum propositi, xx 6\ sine tallia ; et eidem de eisdem arreragiis sine tallia, xiii s. iiii d. ; et sic debuntur domino, xxviii li. xiiii s. i d. ob. qu. iii qu. i qu. De quibus liberati fratri Nicholas de Giddinge receptori pro firma terrge del Stokkinge sine tallia per manum elemosinarii et per medium Johannis Bron- note bedelli, ut patet in papiro recepto, xxvii s. vi d. ; et sic debun- tur xxvii li. vi s. vii d. ob. qu. iii qu. i qu. unde super Johannem Bron- note bedellum, ix li. xvi s. ii d. qu. iii qu. i qu. ; et super ipsum com- putantur xvii li. x s. v d ob. De quibus allocantiis eidem computan- tur de diversis superonerationibus et de i allocantia de anno prae- sente et anno pra)cedente, xx s. ; et sic debet idem propositus xvi li. X s. V d. ob. 2 de Maddingle ; et de Ixxi qu ballivum et de emptione xv . . . . de grano novo .... XX Summa iiii x qu. vii bu. di. * Or receptarum f ^ In dorso. The first part is much defaced. 80 COMPOTUS ROLLS OF WISTOWE. '. . . . layhille, Eldernestube et Tonestoft per talliam vi qu. v hu. ; et in expensis seneschalli ad letam per talliam iiii li. ; et in expensis ad iii . . . . et in expensis domorum in autumpno i qu. ii hu. ; et ad precarias autumpni, i qu. ii hu. ; et liberata clerico pistrini Rame- seise per talliam, xl qu. ii hu. iii peck. ; et in anno pra3[cedente] xviii .... clerico pistrini per aliam talliam, xv qu. ; et in frumento re- laxato Roberto Randolfe per fratrem Henricum de Maddingle de vetere debito, i qu. i hiL Summa quae supra. XX ^Idem respondet de xx qu. v hu. de vetere grano et de c v vii qu. de exitii terrse ad tascham (cvii qii. ii hu.y et per opera per talliam. Summa ccvii qu. v hu. Inde in semine super Hemplonde, Kalve Weye, Oldebury, Pide- leshille et Wulstony croft per talliam, xxx qu. iii hu. ; et in ex- XX , p *etin braseo fusendo c iiii xiiii qu. iii hu. et super iii hu. Summa quae supra. Fabae et pisae.^ De remanentibus, viii qu,. i hu. di. ; et de vetere grano, xix qu. iiii hu. ; et de xxxiii qu. iii hu. de exitu . . . per opera . . , . xv qu. De receptis de novo grano, iii qu. V hu. i peck. Remanent in garbis, per aestimationem, Ivi qu. de vetere grano de . . . . Summa Ixxix qu. v hti. di. Inde in semine super Kipperecroft, Hasilholt, Aillenemade, Smethescroftdole et Wouglond per talliam, xxxi qu. ; et in expensis ix pro xi porcis impinguendis pro celerario, lardario, coquina domini, Ixvi ii qu. vi hu. ; et in expensis porcorum campestrium et porcelloruni per annum, vi qu. iiii hu. ; et liberata ; et inferius cum avena, ii qu. vii hu. ; et in expensis pro columbario in yeme, ii hu. ; et in expensis equorum carectarum omnium .... et in liberatione famulorum inferiorum, xvii qu. iiii hu. iii peck. Summa qua3 supra. Avena." De remanente, iiii qu. iii hu.; de recepta in garbis per ' "iii qu. i bu" is written in the margin. ' "... X qu. plus de . . . iii" is written in tlie margin. ' Inserted above the line. * "xviii d." is written in the margin. ^ ". . rim/. V bu. . . . minus . . iiii rf;." is written in tlie margin. dimidia ^ ". . ii qu,. yi bu. minus semine deducto vi acrarum pro decima praepositi, dimidia bedelli, molendinarii Kameseiae .... apud Biging hoc anno" is written in the margin. 6 81 APPENDIX. festimationem i qu. iiii bu.; et de xiii qii. i bu. de foddercorn pro- veniente de xvi. . . virgatis, iiii bu. deductis ut in kalendario, et recepta de pisis superius ii qu. vii hu. Suinma xxi qu. vii bic. Inde in semine super Chapeleynesbench et Smethescrofthirne per talliam, v qu. i bu. di. ; et in prtebenda equorum seneschalli et . . . . iiii bu. ; et in farrina pro potagio famulorum, ii qu. ii bu. ; et in prac- benda equorum carectarum per annum, iiii qu. vii bu. ; et in expen- sis . . . . equitio domini, i qu. iiii bu. ; et liberata clerico pistrini Rameseiffi per talliam cum pisis, ii qtt. iiii bu. ; et in expensis ag- norum, iii bu. ; et super compotum iii qu. Summa xx qu. vii bu. Et remanet i qu. avenae liberatum. XX Braseum. De remanente xii qu. i bu. i peck. ; et de c iiii xiiii qu. iii bu. de factura hoc anno. De mixtura .... XX Summa c v vi qu. iiii bu. i peck. Inde in expensis seneschalli ad letam per talliam, vi bu. ; et in expensis ad precarias carucarum, iii qu. et in expensis domorura in ... ad precarias in autumjjno, i qu. et liberata clerico pistrini cxii qu. V bu. di. Summa cxix qn. vii bu. di. XX Et remanent iiii vi qu. iiii bu. iii peck. Exitus molendini. Inde nichil hie quia infra in denariis. Liberationes famulorum. Idem respondet de xviii qu. ii bu. iii jjeck. frumenti et xvii qu. iiii bu. iii j)eck. pisarum receptis de blado superius pro liberatione famulorum. Summa xxxv qu. vii bu. di. Inde in liberatione i wodewardi per annum, quia non ad mensam in autumpno, capientis quartarium per x septimanas, v qu. i bu. di.; et in liberatione i carectarii, ii carucariorum, i . . . . et coci per annum, exceptis iiii septimanis in autum2)no pro coco, quilibet capit quartarium per xii septimanas, xxx qu.; et in liberatione gar- cionis bercarii .... per x xiiii septimanas, vi bu. frumenti. Summa qu« supra. Equi carectarum. De remanentibus vi. Inde in morina i, testa tallia. Et remanent V equi. Affri. De remanentibus iiii. Et remanent iiii affri. Boves. De remanentibus xi. De adjunctione i. Summa xii. Inde in venditione celerario i. Et remanent xi boves. Vacca?. De remanentibus xiiii. De adjunctione ii. Summa xvi. Et remanent xvi vacca^ vendita> anno . . . . ii. Bovetti. De remanente i, et adjungitur cum bobus superius ; et ii ii in marisco cum vitulis .... remanent .... 82 COMPOTUS ROLLS OF AVISTOWE. Jnvencfe. De remaiitibus ii, et adjunguntiir cum vaccis superius^ Taurelli. De remanentibus ii. Et remanent ii taurelli. Boviculi. De remanentibus vi. Et remanent vi bovetti. Juvenculffi. De remanentibus iii. Et remanent iii juvencfe. Vituli. Superannati. De remanentibus ii mas. Inde in vendi- tione celerario i. Et remanet i boviculus. Vituli. De remanentibus. De remanentibus vi, quorum i mas. Et remanent vi vituli superannati quorum i mas. Vituli. De exitu. De exitu viii, et non plures, quia iii vituli aborti sunt et v vaccse anular'. Inde liberatus ad co- quinam domini i. Et remanent vii vituli quorum ii mas. [Co]ria. Idem respondet de i corio equino de exitu. Et rema- nent i corium equinum. Multones. De remanentibus cxxii. De adjunctione xxvi. Summa cxlviii. Inde in venditione celerario post tonsuram x, et . . . . letse i, et in morina ante tonsuram xvi et post tonsuram v. Et remanent cxvi multones. Oves matrices. De remanentibus iiii xi quarum xx castratse. XX De adjunctione xxiii. Summa v xiiii. Inde in morina ante tonsuram xliii et Summa xlvii. Et rema- nent Ixvii oves matrices unde . . . . x. Hoggastri. De remanentibus xxvi, et adjunguntur cum multoni- bus superius. De remanentibus xxiii, et adjunguntur cum ovibus matricibus superius. Agni. De remanentibus. De remanentibus Ixviii quorum xxxiiii mas. Inde in morina ante tonsuram xxi quorum v mas, et post tonsuram ii, quorum i mas. Summa xxiii. Et remanent xxviii xvii xlv hoggastri et gerci. Agni. De exitu. De exitu Ixxix. Inde in morina xxxii; et mactati per canes ix. Et remanent xxxviii agni de exitu. XX Pelles. Idem respondet de iiii pellibus lanutis, xi pelletteriis et xli pelliculis de exitu bidentum supradictorum existen- tium in morina, et venditse infra. Vellera. Idem respondet de ccxxix velleribus de tonsura biden- tum supradictorum ; et liberata apud Rameseiam per talliam. Apri. De remanente i. De adjunctione i. Summa ii. Et liberati ad coquinam domini ii. Et ?eque. Sues. De remanentibus iiii quorum i castratus. Inde in morina i castratus. Et remanent iii sues. 83 APPENDIX. Porci. De remanentibus xli. De adjunctione xxxviii. Summa Ixxix. Inde in venditione celerario, ix ; et in venditione in paci'V XX ; et liberatus ad coquinam domini i ; et raactatus pro lardario i, et in morina t. b.^ vi. Et remanent xlii porci. Porculi. De remanentibus xxxviii. Et adjunguntur cum porcis superius. Porcelli. De exitu xlv. Inde in expensis senesciuilli ad letam per talliara ii ; et liberati ad coquinam domini, ix ; et in morina per pocke, xiii. Summa xxiiii. Et remanent xxi porcelli. Pernse baconis. Idem respondet de ii pernis de exitu porci mac- tati superius ])ro lardario. Et computat in ex- pensis domorum in autumpno. Exitus porcorum.-^ Idem respondet de i exitu de eodem porco ; et vendito super compotum. Unctum. Idem respondet de iii lb. de exitu prsedicti porci ; et computantur in carectis unguendis. Aucae. Et remanent vi quarum v marol'. De exitu, xxvi. De emptione, xiiii. Summa xlvi. Inde in expensis senes- challi ad letam et curiam per talliam, iii; et liberatae celerario Rameseise sine tallia, x; et liberate famulis pistrini et brasini Kameseise, iii; et . . . Et in expensis . . . autumpno, ii ; et ad precarias autumpni, i; et liberatae ad coquinam domini xx aucfe; et . . . Summa xxxix. Et remanent vi auca? quarum v marol'. Anates. De remanentibus v quarum iiii cirrar'. De exitu xx. Summa xxv. Inde super compotum xx. Et rema- nent v anates quarum iiii cirrar'. Capones.* De remanentibus v. De factura vi. De emptione vii. Summa xviii. ii ^Inde in expensis seneschalli ad letam ii et pro manerio super- videndo per ii tallias, iiii ; et liberatte ad coquinam domini, xii ; et super compotum, ii. Et a^que. .... De remanentibus vii quarum i gallus. De redditibus xxvi virgatarum i qu. in opere et censu, de virgata ii gal- linis deductis ut in kalendario, Iii dimidia. De redditibus x cot- mannorum in opere et censu et v hydmannorum in opere, de quo- libet i gallina deducta ut in kalendario, xv gallinaj. Summa Ixxiiii dimidia. ' Or patr' ? '•' Tcxio hallivo ? ^ *' vi r^" is written in the iiiarp;in. •* "xx xix Willelmus Haukyn,Thomas i qu. Randolf, Willelmus Sabyn, di. Johannes Outy, Simon Ap- di. di. pelon, Simon Augstyn,Avota di. Mowyn, Nicholas Haron, Ste- i qu. phanus Hythe, Willelmus Coulere, Johannes Vernoun, di. Johannes Appelon, Johan- nes Willisson, Ricardus di. ^ Hobbe, Alexander Sabyn, ^ Ricardus Catelyne, Ricar- ^ di. dus Vernoun, Robertus di. Hythe, Johannes Sabyn, di. di. Robertus Rede, Stephanus 1 qu. atte Gate, Nicholas Herron, di. di. Censuarii \ Willelmus Benet, Johannes i qu. Baroun, Johannes Vernoun, di. iii qu. Simon Hikkesson, Petrus iqu. Waker, Ricardus Hobbe, Benedictus Coulere, Ricar- i qu. dus Sabyn. VI 1 et ( quar- tarius S ^ COMPOTUS B,OLLS OF WISTOWE. r In officio ballivi de War- 1 di. di. j Officiarii i deboys, prsepositi, bedelli et )■ iii akirmannorum, dimidia. cuilibet Cot- manni Arren- tata? In opere. Arren- tata3 di. Robertus Coulere, Johan- di. i qu. nes Ivesson, Stephanus ;' i virgata ] Hythe, Isolda Grymbalde, i qu. i gu. Radulfus Sabyn, Johannes L Grigge. Petrus Waker. di. Willelmus Flexman, Jo- iii. di- midia 11, 111 quar- tarii 1 i di- midia \ ^1 Hyd- manni hannes Ivessone. Johannes Sabyn, Ricardus Schepherde, Alanus May, Margoria Basely, Willelmus di. 4 .s. •I Webstere, Willelmus Cou- )■ ix di. xviii d. lere, Simon Hikkesson, Alexander Sabyn, Johannes Waryn, Johannes Ailmar. j In manu domini, i cotlanda quondam i^ Thomse Rede. ( f Robertus Rede, Johannes Ripton, A kind of iron, probably foreign. See Eogers, Agriculture and Prices, i. 145, 470. * Eushes. ^ According to a fixed measure. " Wheelbarrow. 94 COMPOTUS ROLLS OF WISTOWE. Emptio bladi et stauri. In ii porcis emptis, ii -s. Expensse miniitfe. In v bu. salis emptis, ii s. viii d. oh. In i patella enea empta in festo sancti Bene- dicti, xvi d. In i olla enea empta eodem vice, iiii s. ii d. In x pedis de pewtre, videlicet i char', iii patellae, iii disci, iii saucers emptse, iiii s. ii d. In i albo coreo empto pro hernesio reparando xviii d. oh. In i . . . .' empta, v d. oh. In ii schoneltres emptis, iiii d. In ii schoneler3'ngs emptis, v d. Et soluti Johanni Outy senescallo pro clays faciendis, ix d.\ et Johanni hythe pro eodem, ix d. In i scala empta, xviii d. In i bolt pani saecimi empto, v s. In V ulnis canesite emptis cum filo, ix d. oh. In iiii virgis cilicii emptis, XX d. M Custus domorum. In iii rosci emptis, xv s. In falcatoribus con- ductis pro rosco falcando in marisco ac li- M gando, viii s. ii d. In iii rosci emptis ii vices, xv s. Custus bidentum. In bidentibus domini lavandis praeter Wasch- eyngpens, ii d. Soluti pro lavatione bidentum domini de bigg\ ii s. iii d. In expensis custumariorum venientium per i diem pro bidentibus domini tondendis, ut in pane, caseo et servisia tune empta pro eisdem, nihil hie quia in hospitio. Trituratio et ventilatio. In trituratione frumenti nihil quia per famulos. In lal:)orariis conductis pro ordeo triturando, xxvi s. iiii d. et non plus quia residuum per famulos. In trituratione pisarum, ii s. ii rZ., et residuum \)ev famu- los. In ventilatione nihil quia per famulos. Sarculatio et falcatio. In laborariis conductis pro prato falcando prseter opera custumariorum, ii s. In laborariis conductis pro bladis dominicse sarclandis, iiii s. vi d. soluti custumariis domini falcantibus pratum ex consuetudine in Thornebrygmede, vii d. Custus autumpni. In expensis ii falcatorium conductorum a prima garba usque ad ultimam, cum v labo- rariis conductis per v septimanas in autumpno, cum expensis carec- tariorum venientium de prece cum carectis pro bladis dominicse cariandis, quisque per i diem, nihil hie quia in hospitio ; et in sti- pendiis prsedictorum ii falcatorium, xix s. iiii d. ; et in stipendiis v laborariorum prjedictorum, xxxi s. In ii laborariis conductis pro ordeo restando et ligando, xviii d. In laborariis conductis pro fru- ' The word in the MS. may be seance. 95 APPENDIX. mento metendo et ligando et colligendo, iii s. vi d. In xii paribus cirotecarum emptis pro aiitumpno, xxi d. Vadia. In vadiis ballivi per annum, xl s. Stipendia. In stipendio wodewardi per annum, iiii s.; et eidem pro roba sua, vi 6-. viii d. ; et soluti Johanni Wryghte carectario, xxii s. ; et Roberto Hyche bercario, xx s. ; et Johanni Sabyne carucario, xiii s. iiii d. ; et Johanni Syme, x s. ; et Roberto Barone pro i quartario anni (?) a festo Natalis Domini usque festum Michaelis, xi s. iiii d. ; et Johanni Gernoun, xvi s. ; et Emma? Sabyne pro braseo siccando, iiii .s. ; et Willelrao Bakere a festo Purifica- tionis usque Pascham, x s. ; et Johanni Wryghte tempore seminis ordei et pisarum, iii s. iiii d. Expensae seneschalli. Expensae forinsecse. Expensse hospitii. In expensis ad v pr^carias carucarum, vide- licet ad iii antiquas precarias quselibet de xv carucis et quselibet caruca cum ii hominibus prseter famulos et alios, ac cum expensis custumariorum ad ii precarias carucarum de nova consuetudine quselibet precaria de xiiii carucis et quselibet caruca cum ii hominibus capientibus cibuni sufficientem et non ad assisam cum ventaclione in campo, cum expensis i carpentarii pro carectis et carucis faciendis et reparandis, cum expensis falcatorium con- ductorum pro rosco falcando in marisco, quisque per i diem, cum expensis custumariorum venientium per i diem pro bidentibus domini tondendis, ut in pane, caseo et servisia tunc' cum expensis XX iiii xviii laborariorum conductorum jiro ordeo et pisis triturando, quisque per i diem, ac cum expensis laborariorum conductorum pro prato falcando et bladis sarculandis ; et cum expensis ii falcatorium con- ductorum a prima usque ad ultimam in autumpno ; et cum expen- sis v laborariorum conductorum per v septimanas in autumpno ; et XX cum expensis carectariorum venientium de prece cum carectis suis, quisque per i diem pro bladis dominicse cariandis, cum le repegos et rewardo famulorum; et cum expensis ad i precariam autump- nalem de Ix operariis capientibus cibum sufficientem et non ad assisam ; cum expensis vii virgatarum i qu. et di in opere in Wystowe quorum quilibet virgatarius inveniet ii falcatores cum ii 1 Or turn f 96 COMPOTUS ROLLS OF WISTOWE. laborariis sequentibus in falcatione ordei et ii falcatores cum ii laborariis sequentibus in falcatione pisarum et ii laborarios in fru- raento nietendo, ordeo ligando vel rastando, et semivirgata eodem mode pro rac' in Wystowe ; ac cum expensis iiii falcatorium et di- midii et ix laborariorum de iiii virgatis terrse et dimidia in Ravele in opere, quisque per i diem capiens cibum sufficientem et non ad assisam, et quilibet capere solebat i panem unde viii de i bu. et sin- guli ii (sic) i ferculum : pretium i d., et i lescam casei : pretium ob. ; cum expensis ballivi Johannis Sabyne, carucariorum Johannis Syme, Ricardi Barone a festo Natalis Domini usque festum Michaelis, Johannis Gernoun porcarii, Emmse Sabyne siccatoris brasei, Wil- lelmi bakere a festo Purificationis usque Pascham, Johannis Wryghte tempore seminis ordei et pisarum ; cum expensis laborariorum con- ductorum pro frumento metendo, ordeo ligando et rastando ; ac cum expensis senescalli ad letam et curiam et ad supervidendum manerium, et aliorum supervenientium ut patet per parcellam, xxiii s. iiii d. De stauro ut extra. Wystowe, anno domini Johannis abbatis tricesimo.' .... Idem respondet de xxii qit. ii bn. de . . . . hoc anno Summa xxx .... ii ... . In semine super xxvi acras iii rodas videlicet super .... i .... eddle iiii acras i roda Chesebirge continent' .... v .... pro semine xiii acrpe i roda et residuum cum pisis, super acram iii bit. .... in toto i qu. ii bit. ; et in liberatione famulorum ut inferius, V qu. ii bu. ; et in pane farinae pro expensis senescalli ad letam .... maner', ac cum pane farin?e pro expensis precariarum carucarum, precariarum autumpni pro toto .... maner', xvi qu. iiii bu. ; et soluti ^pro mutuo anni prsecedentis videlicet nihil ad hue; et in venditione super compotum iii qu. vi bu. pro .... Ordeum. Et in i qu. vi bu. de remanente in manerio ten .... c et de ii xi qu. de toto exitu lioc anno .... operar' conduct' et pro famulis ; et de xxi qu. iiii bu. receptis apud .... c de providentia domini per talliam. Summa ii xliiii qu. ii bu. De quibus in semine super Ixxii acras diniidiam, videlicet super Estlonge iii acras ; Ridelondweye i acram dimidiam . . . . ii acras iii rodas; Inlonde xxvi acras dimidiam; hydehadelond i acram iii rodas; Coppedhegehedlond iii rodas ; Bu .... dole ex parte boreali ix acras i rodam ; eandem peciam ex parte australi xix acras di- ' See first note on this roll. ^ " xiiii s." is written in the margin. 7 97 APPENDIX. midiam ; eandera peciam in medio vii acras dimidiam, super acram V bii. minus in toto xii qu. iiii bu. di., xli qu. vi ha. ; et in sustenta- tione porcelloium et pulcinorum, v qu. ; et liberata ballivo de Up- XX wode, X qu. ; et in braseo fuso ut inferius, c iiii v qu. vi bu. Et remanent i qu. vi bu. in manu Thomas Goulere et Johannis barcarii domini. Pisae. Et de i qu. de remanente ; et de xxix qu. vi bu. de toto exitu hoc anno trituratis per faraulos et per operarios conductos ad mensem ; et de viii qu. receptis de providentia domini apud Rame- seiam ; et de x qu. de exitu prsedicto per sestimationem in garbis ; et de i qu. ii bu. fabarum recepto apud Rameseiam de providentia domini. Summa 1 qu. De quibus in semine super Ixxvii acras, videlicet super Brigge- dole X acras dimidiam ; Netherclayhille vii acras, i rodam ; Over- clay hille ix acras dimidiam, Elderstub ix acras, i rodam ; Wolston- croft vii acras, i rodam ; Pidlehille vii acras, dimidiam ; Aldebury xiii acras, parcellam de Hemplonde vii acras per sestimationem ; et residuum cum frumento, supra Kilneweye vi acras, iii [rodas] super acram iii bu., plus in toto iiii qu. v bu., xxxiii qu. iiii bu. ; et in liberatione famulorum ut inferius, v qu. ii bu. ; et in porcis impin- XX XX X guendis pro lardario domini, coquina, lardario nianerii, sk', per aestimationem in garbis, iiii qu. ; et in porcis campestralibus susti- nendis per annum in garbis per aestimationem, i qu. ; et in rewardo equorum carectarum, 'afFrorum et agnorum per sestimationem in garbis v qu. ; et in venditione super compotum, ii bu. pro .... Et remanet i qu. in manu Ricardi Westone de Wenyngtone. Vescte. De iii bu. di seminatis anno pr^cedente nihil hie de exitu quia expendebantur in sustentatione equorum carectarum et aft'rorum ; et de iiii bu. receptis de providentia domini apud Rameseiam. Summa iiii bu. Et computantur in semine i acra; super litillesdyrstub q' per acram, iii bu., plus in toto i bu. Et teque. Avense. De iii qu. avenarum seminatis anno praecedente nicbil hie de exitu quia liberati pro decima et chepp' ; et ])ro sustentatione equorum, affrorum, vitulorum et omnium matricium in garbis ; et de iii qu. receptis de clerico granarii. Summa iii qu. De quibus in sennne super iii acras i rodam super litillehille in xiiii selionibus, super acram iiii bu. minus in toto i bu., i qu. iiii bu. ; et in farina pro potagio famulorum et pro hospitio, i qu. iiii bu. ; et ^ " viii d. " is wriUcn in the margin. 98 COMPOTUS ROLLS OF WISTOWE. in praebenda equi senescalli, equorum carectarum et equorum siiper- venientium nihil hie quia in garbis. XX Braseum. Et de lix qiL ii bu. de remanente in graiiario ; et c iiii V qu. vi bu. do I'actura hoc anno de ordeo superius fuso ; et de X qu. iiii bit. de mictis, ut remanet de singulis, xvii qit. grout liberatis clerico pistrini Rameseia3 i qu. prout computatuni est per c examinationem mensural. Summa ii Iv qu. iiii bu. De quibus, brasei pro expensis senescalli ad letam et ad super- videndum manerium, ac pro expensis ad precarias carucarum, pre- carias autunipnales, ac pro expensis in manerio per totum annum, xxxvi qit. ii bu. ; et liberata clerico pistrini Rameseise per talliani cii qu. Et remanent in granario cxvii qu,. ii bu. Liberationes famulorum. Et de v qu. ii bu. frumenti et v qu. ii bu. pisarum receptis superius pro liberatione famulorum. Summa x qu,. iiii bu. De quibus liberata wodewardo per annum, capienti quartarium ad X septimanas in p . . . ,, v qu. i bu., di. ii qu. ; et in liberatione i carectarii et i vaccarii per annum, cuilibet qu,. ad xii septimanas, viii qit. iiii bu. Et seque. Equi carectarum. De remanentibus iiii. Et remanent iiii equi carectarum. Affri. De remanentibus iiii. De providentia doraini i ; de extra huris [i]. Et remanent vi affri unde i apud Hough tone. Boves. De remanentibus ix. De adjunctione i. Summa x. De quibus necatus pro expensis quia longeseke i. Et rema- nent ix boves. Tauri. De remanentibus ii. Et remanent ii tauri. Vaccse. De remanentibus vi. De adjunctione i. Summa vii. Et remanent vii vacc?e unde in marisco. Bovetti. ] De remanentibus. Summa ii. De quibus in ad- Juvenci. j junctione cum bobus supra i, et vaccis i. Et a^que. Boviculi. I De remanentibus ii. De quibus necatus pro lar- Juvencula;. \ dario manerii i. Et remanet i bovettus. Superannati. De remanentibus ii. Et remanent ii juvenculae. ^j. ,. f De remanentibus. De remanentibus iiii. Et rema- ' ^ nent iiii vituli superannati. De exitu. De exitu vii. De quibus in morina iii. ^ Et remanent iiii vituli de exitu. 99 nihil hie quia per Johannem Schepperde in compoto per se. APPENDIX. Coria. De remanentibus iii. De averiis superius necatis pro hospitio et in morina, videlicet de bobus i, de boviculis i, de vitulis iii. Sumnia viii. De qnibus putrida in marisco nihil; et in hernesio reparando ii. Et remanent vi coria in manu ballivi. Multones Oves matrices Hogg' et porci Agni Pelles Pelleteriae Pelliculi Vellera. Apri. De remanentibus v. Summa v. De quibus liberatus ad coquinam domini i, et liberatus usque Bigg' i. Et rema- nent iii apri. Sues. De remanentibus iiii. De emptione iii de Ricardo Rede. Summa vii. De quibus necati pro lardario in hospitio iiii. Et remanent iii sues. Porci. De remanentil)us xix. De adjunctione xxiii. Sumnia xlii. De quibus liberati celerario pro lardario domini XX ; et necati pro lardario manerii ii ; et necati pro hospitio et in autumpno de sk' x. Et remanent x porci. Porculi. De remanentibus xxiii, et adjunguntur cum porcis supra. Et aeque. Porcelli. De exitu xlv. De emptione vi. Summa Ii. De quibus liberati ad coquinam domini vi ; et liberati Thomse Geldesowe i ; et in morina xxx. Et remanent xiiii porcelli. Parvse baconum cum exitu porcorum. Nihil hie quia expendun- tur in hospitio ; et seque. Unctum. De vi ])orcis superius necatis nichil quia eomputnntur in expensis pro carectis unguendis ; et a-que. Auca). De remanentibus vi quorum v mariol'. De exitu xxv. Summa xxxi. De quibus liberata> ad coquinam domini xii ; et celerario nihil quia in denario solito (dc) viii ; et in morina, et in devoratione per wipes, xiiii. Et remanent vi aucfe quorum v mariol'. Annates. De remanentibus v quorum iiii eirr'. De exitu xx. Summa xxv. De quibus in venditione super compo- tum XX ... . Et remanent v annates quorum iiii eirr'.' * "xx (I." is written in the margin. 100 COMPOTUS ROLLS OF WISTOWE. Capones. De factura hoc anno xxiiii. Summa xxiiii. De qui- bus liberati ad coquinam domini xviii. Et remanent vi capones. Gallina?. De remanentibus xi, unde pro stipite vii quorum i gallus. De redditu virgatarum in opere et censu solito de quolibet ii gallinse, nihil quia relaxantur custumariis, hoc anno nullus ix°, causa mutationis operum suorum. De ii cotmannis in opere et ii censu et ii hidemannis in opere de quolibet i gallus, iii gallinaj. Summa xv. Et remanent xv gallinte unde pro stipite vii quorum i gallus. c Ova. De exitu ii Ix. De redditu virgatarum in opere et censu solito de quolibet xl ova nihil causa ut supra. De ii cot- nullus mannis in opere et censu et ii hidemannis in opere, de quolibet x ova, xl ova. De Avota Barone pro i crofta quondam Willelmi C XX Lawe, v ova. De emptione c. Summa iii v v. De quibus liberata c celerario nihil causa ut supra ; et liberata ad coquinam domini iii ; XX et in expensis in hospitio v v. Et seque. Pulcini. De exitu xlii. De emptione xxii. Summa Ixiiii. De quibus liberati ad coquinam domini per talliam, xxxvi ; et in caponum factura superius, xxiiii ; et in expensis in hospitio iiii. Et geque. Gallinse silvestrales. De redditu volatilium hoc anno nichil. Nichil. Opera hyemalia ad obolum. De praidictis virgatis in opere in Wystowe a festo sancti Michael is Archangeli usque vigiliam Pentecostse per septimanas et dies quo- rum operabiles solito (sic) de virgata per septimanam iii opera,^ die- bus Lunse, Martis et Mercurii deductis ut in kalendario et deductis diebus testis super dies suos contingentibus, nihil quia relaxantur custumariis domini, hoc anno ix. De eisdem pro ii diebus Jovis contra Natalem Domini et Pascham nihil causa ut supra. De cot- mannis in opere per idem tempus, solito de quolibet per septimanam i opus die luna?, nihil causa prtedicta. Nihil. Opera gestivalia ad ub. qii. De priedictis virgatis in opere in Wis- towe a festo Pentecostse usque vigi- liam Guise Augusti per septimanas et dies quorum operabiles solito ^ Perhaps the text should read operibm to agree in case with solito. 101 APPENDIX. de virgata per septimanam iii opera diebus supradictis, nihil causa prsedicta. De eisdem pro i die Jovis contra festum sancti Bene- dict!, nihil causa ut supra. De cotmannis in opere per idem tem- pus solito de quolibet per septimanam i opus, nihil causa prsedicta. Nihil. Opera autumpnalia ad i d. oh. De pra^dictis virgatis in opere a Gula August! usque vigiliam Na- tivitatis beatte Marian per v septimanas et iii dies solito de virgata ii i ii _ ii _ per septimanam viii opera diebus LuniB, Martis, Mercurii, Jovis et Veneris, nihil causa ut supra. De ii hidemannis in opere per idem tempus de quolibet per septimanam i opus die Lunse, x opera. De cotmannis in opere per idem tempus solito de quolibet i opus die Lunaj, nihil causa prsedicta. Opera post autumpnum ad i d. De pra^dictis virgatis in opere a festo Nativitatis beatse Maria3 usque vigiliam santi Michaelis per iii septimanas solito de virgata per septimanam iii opera diebus Luna, Martis et Mercurii, nihil causa ut supra. De ii hidemannis in opere per idem tempus, de quolibet per septimanam i opus die luna?, vi opera. Pratum falcabile. In Thornbrigge v acraj iii rodse x perticffi, di. ; Benmede x acrae di et vi perticaj di. In le Holme, iii acraj xi perticffi ; fulbrookslade, ii acra?, iii perticae ; Wol- weymede, iii acrae, di. xxxiii perticae. In le Redyng pra^ter pas- turam, i roda, xvi perticffi ; Aldeburyslade, i acra. De quibus dimissae ut inferius : in Wolweymade iii acra di. xxxiii perticai ; in Aldeburyslade i acra, et datae Johanni Bekere Juniori per senescallum in Fulbrookslade ii acrae iii perticas ; et falcantur ad manerium cum Redynge, xiv acrae iii rodaj, iiii pertica\ Fenum. De remanente, xl carectae feni. De exitu priedictarum acrarum falcatarum hoc anno, xlv carectae feni. De quibus liberataj ad abbathiam cum carectis custumariorum, v carecta; feni ; et in sustentatione equorum carectarum, afiVorum, hoggastriorum et omnium matricium et agnorum, xxxix carectae feni. Acrae seminatae. Arura. De vii virgatis qu. et di. in opere in Wystowe unde de quolibet (sic) de iiii virgatis integris pro antiquis pre- cariis, iii arurte ; et de quolibet de iiii, qu. et di., de quolibet vi arurje, xxxii arura. De eisdem vii virgatis qu. et di. pro novis pre- cariis, de quolibet iiii arura3, xxx arura. De iiii virgatis terra di. 102 COMPOTUS ROLLS OF WISTOWE. in opere in Ravele, de qnolibet iii aruree, xii arurai. De eisdem pro novis precariis, de quolibet ii arurse, viii arurse. De Ricardo Wryghte pro iii antiquis precariis, iii arurte. De Johanne Randolf pro eisdem, iii arurce. De Ricardo Barkere, i arura. De Johanne Owty, i arura. De Ricardo Bronne de Ravele, iii arurse. Opera herciatura?. De pra^dictis vii virgatis qii,. et cli., de quolibet iiii herciaturaj, et qua^libet herciatura cum ii equis, xxix herciatura. De iiii virgatis terrae et dimidia in opere in Ravele, iiii herciaturse. Cariagium. Memorandum quod prtedictse vii virgatffi qu. et di. in opere quod quilibet eorum cariabit usque Rame- seiam x qu. brasei ; et quilibet de iiii virgatis di. in opere in Ravele XX V qu. brasei ; et sic possunt cariare iiii xiiii qti. . . . et non care- antur (sic) ad hue hoc anno. Lavatio bidentum. Pro quo quilibet custumarius qui tenet vir- gatam vel semivirgatam vel quartarium solvet i d. vocatum Wassyngpeny ballivo manerii unde non oneratur in Rentale quia facit opus. Tonsio bidentum. Item quilibet custumarius in opere, censu et arentatione qui tenet virgatam, semivir- gatam vel quartarium, et cotmannus et hydemannus tam in opere quam in arentatione, inveniet i laborarium pro bidentibus domini tondendis per i diem, et quilibet custumarius de Ravele eodem modo. Sarculatio. De prsedictis vii virgatis qu. et di. in opere de quoli- bet vi opera ; videlicet quilibet virgatarius in opere sarculabit per vi dies in tribus septimanis, xliiii opera. De iiii vir- gatis di. in opere in Ravele, de quolibet ii opera, ix opera. Falcatio prati. Omnes custumarii falcabunt pratum de Thorn- briggmede ut solito de antiquitate et levabunt. De prsedictis vii virgatis qu. et di. in opere, de quolibet ii opera, vide- licet quilibet virgatarius inveniet ii falcatores per i diem integrum pro prato dominicaj falcando in loco sibi assignato, xv opera. De i virgata et di. in secunda arentatione, de semivirgata i opus, iii opera. De Ricardo Berker, i opus. De Johanne Outy, Thakker, i opus. Precarise autumpnales. Ad quam custumiam omnes custumarii in opere et arentatione tam in Wistowe quam in Ravele cum omnibus servientibus eorum, uxore sua ex- cepta, venient per i diem pro blado dominicse metendo vel ligando, XX iiii opera. 103 APPENDIX. Opera autumpnalia in falcatione. De prsedictis vii virgatis qu. et di. in opere, de quolibet iiii opera, et qiiodlibet opus continet in se dietam unius falcationis cum laborariis sequentibus, Unde medietas in falcatione ordei et altera medietas in falcatione pisarum, xxix opera et dimidium. De prse- dictis iiii virgatis terra? et dimidia in Ravele eodem modo quo supra, iiii opera. De Ricardo Barkere, i opus. De .Johanne Outy, Thak- kere, i opus. Opera autumpnalia. De ii hydemannis in opere, de quolibet per septimanam i opus die lunse inter Gulam Augusti et Nativitatem beata? Marise, xii opera. De praedictis vii virgatis qu. di., de quolibet ii opera, pro quolibet opere inveniet i hominem per i diem pro blado ligando et rastrondo, xv opera. De iiii virgatis di. terra? in Ravele, de quolibet i opus ut supra, iiii opera et dimidium. Opera post autumpnum. De prtedictis ii liidemannis in opere per iii septimanas inter festum Nativi- tatis beatae Marise et sancti Michaelis, de quolibet per septimanam i opus, vi opera. De praedictis vii virgatis qtt. et di. in opere, de quolibet per idem tempus ii opera, et inveniet pro quolibet opere i falcatorem pro stipula falcanda, xv opera. Custus pisarum. De prsedictis iiii virgatis terrse et dimidia in opere in Ravele. de quolibet ii opera, ix opera videlicet pro quolibet Rental of Wistowe, 1381.* Wystowe. Rentale renovatum anno domini Edmundi abbatis iii". Redditus Jobannes Gernoun pro terra et tenemento assisffi. suo liberat de redditu assisse per annum : xii d. Redditus i Thomas Outy pro sua demivirgata terra? demivir- quondam Thomse Frere in opere, videlicet gatarii in dat ad auxilium vicecomitis iii d. ; ad opere. heuchire, vi d. ; ad maltsilver, ii d. oh. ; ad fisshsilver inferius in titulo per se de sin- gulo custumario ; ad argentuni vinete, ob. ; ad wethersilver ob. di. qa. ; ad tallagium ut inferius de singulo custumario : xii d. ob. di. qu. ' Brit. Mus., Add. Ch., 39919. 104 RENTAL OP WISTOWE. ob. qu. 1111 s. Adcensum. Thomas Eliot pro i quartario dimidise virgataj terrse quondam Thomas Andrew ad censum dat ad auxilium vicecomitis i d. ob. ; ad heuchire, iii d. ; ad maltsilver, i d. qu. ; ad fisshsilvere inferius per se in titulo de singulo custumn,rio, et solvit ad tallagium ut inferius : v d. Idem Thomas solvit pro censu prwdicti quartarii terrse : iii s. iiii d. In opere. Ricardus Sabyn et Johannes Eliot pro altero quartario ejusdem dimidise virgatse terrte in opere secundum portionem ut Thomas Outy : vi d. qu. et iiii* pars i qu. In opere. Johannes Marchaunt pro dimidia virgata terrie in opere quondam Johannis Waryn facit sicut prasdictus Thomas Outy : xii (/. ob. di. qu. Ad censum. Johannes Bronnote pro i cotlando ad cen- sum, quondam Johannis Sabyn, solvit ad tallagium et solvit pro censu : Redditus Willelmus of the Wolde pro dimidia vir- assisaj. gata terra? liberse quondam Andrete Parys de redditu assisse : Redditus Johannes Page pro dimidia virgata terrse assisse. liberse quondam Roberti de Cotes de red- ditu assisse : In opere. Robertus Hiche pro dimidia virgata terras quondam Roberti Randolf in opere facit in omnibus ut Thomas Outy : xii d. ob. di. qu. In opere. Johannes Goulere et Emma Randolf pro dimidia vix'gata terrse quondam Willelmi Arnalde in opere, et faciunt in omnibus sicut prsedictus Thomas Outy : xii d. ob. di. qu. In opere. Thomas Baroun pro dimidia virgata terra? quondam Willelmi Baroun in opere facit in omnibus sicut prsedictus Thomas : xii d. ob. di. qu. In opere. Ricardus Holbeche pro dimidia virgata terrse quondam Johannis Sabyn in opere facit in omnibus sicut prsedictus Thomas : xii d. ob. di. qu. In opere. Johannes Eliot pro dimidia virgata terrse 105 111 s. Ill s. ix d. ix d. APPENDIX. quondam Roberti Rede in opere facit in omnibus sicut prsedictus Thomas : xii d. oh. di. qii. In opere. Thomas Elliot pro dimidia virgata terrse quondatn Joliannis Eliot in opere, facit in omnibus ut prsedictus Thomas : xii d. oh. di. qu. Adcensum. Ricardus Wodecok pro dimidia virgata terrse quondam Johannis de Wenyngton ad censum pro custuma : xi (/. oh. Idem Ricardus pro censu ejusdem di- midiae virgatse terrse : vi s. viii d. Ad censum. Idem Ricardus pro i quartario dimidiaj virgatte terra quondam Benedicti Waryn ad censum secundum portionem : v d. oh. qu. Idem Ricardus pro censu ejusdem terra;: iii s. iiii d. In opere. Willehnus Taillour, pro altero quartario terrse ejusdem tenementi in opere, facit secundum ratam portionem sicut prse- dictus Thomas Outy : vi d. qu. et iiii' pars i qu. In opere. Idem Willelmus pro i hidlando in opere quondam Roberti Smyth de redditu per annum prater opera : In opere. Johannes Brunote pro dimidia virgata terrse in opere quondam Stepliani patris sui facit pro eodem (sic) in omnibus sicut l)riiedictus Thomas Out}': xii d. oh. di In opere. Johannes Kyng pro dimidia virgata terra? in opere quondam Willelmi Walteri facit sicut pnedictus Thomas: xii d. oh. di. qu. In opere. Ricardus Revessone pro dimidia virgata terrse in opere quondam Rogeri Kyng facit sicut prtedictus Thomas : xii d. oh. di. qu. In opere. Johannes le Rede pro dimidia virgata terrse in opere quondam Thomas Rede facit sicut prsedictus Thomas : xii d. oh. di. qu. In opere. Johannes Gulere pro dimidia virgata terrse quondam Thoma; Housbonde in opere facit sicut pradictus Thomas : xii d. oh. di. qu. In opere. P^mma Randolf i)ro dimidia virgata terrse quondam Joliannis Randolf in opere facit sicut prtedictus Thomas : xii d. oh. di. qu. 106 xii d. qu. RENTAL OF WISTOWE. iii d. In opere. Ad censum. Redditvis assisse. Ad censum. Antiqui census. Firma. Redditus assisffi. Redditus assise. Redditus assisffi. In opere. Ad censum. Willelmus Waryn pro dimidia virgata ter- rse quondam Thonia? Haukyn quia stat in officio ballivi ai)ud Wardeboys (juietus et aliter ad censum : nichil ad censum Idem Willelmus Waryn pro dimidia vir- gata terrse quondam Thomse Waryn tam prsedictus : nichil in opere Johannes Haukyn pro dimidia virgata terrse quondam Willelmi Haukyn patris sui in opere, et facit in omnibus sicut prse- dictus Thomas Outy : xii d. oh. di. qu Robertus Hiche pro dimidia virgata ten ta ad censum quondam Thomaj Housbonde pro custuma : xi d. oh Idem Robertus pro censu ejusdem terra?: vi s. viii d Robertus Smyth pro manso suo cum for- gia in communa de redditu assisa? cum iiii d. ob. incremento vi d. Robertus Rede pro dimidia virgata terrse ad censum quondam Galfridi Rede pro custuma : xi d. oh. Idem Robertus pro censu eiusdem di- midise terrse : vi s. viii d. Johannes Catelene pro i cotagio quondam Johannis of the Hall de antiquo censu : ii s. Stephanus Ailmar pro i mesuagio et vi acris terras quondam Johannis Mice ad- quisitis in dominico ; vii s. Agnes Philip pro mesuagio suo quondam Thomas Oliveri de feodo prioris sancti Ivonis : xii d. Simon Barkere pro mesuagio suo de feodo ejusdem quondam Johannis Barkere: xii d. Ricardus de Ely pro mesuagio suo de eodem feodo quondam Roberti Haukyn : xii d. Johannes Rede pro i quartario dimidise virgatee terrse quondam Roberti Rogeri in opere facit ut Thomas : vi d. qu. et iiii° pars i qu. Willelmus Sabyn pro altero quartario prse- dicti tenement! ad censum pro custuma : v d. oh. qu. 107 APPENDIX. d. xii d. Idem Willelmus pro censu prsedicti quar- tarii terrse : i^i ^ In opere. Willelmus Taillour et Johannes de Welle l)ro dimidia virgata terrse in opere quon- dam Thomffi Randolf pro custuma: xii d. oh. di. qu In opere. Robertus Rede pro i hidlando in opere quondam Johannis in the hirne de red ditu. In opere. Adam Brunne pro dimidia virgata terrse in opere quondam Thomai Palmere in onmibus sicut Thomas Out}^ : xii d. oh. di. qu In opere. Johannes att iate pro i hidlando in opere quondam Johannis Malgiere de redditu: .In opere. Andreas Smyth pro i hidlando in opere quondam Johannis Albyn de redditu : In opere. Ricardus Sabyn pro i hidlando in opere quondam Thomse Sutore de redditu : Antiqui Radulfus Sabyn pro terra et tenemento census. quondam Willelmi de Graf ham de anti- quo censu: Ad censum. Ricardus Catelene pro i cotlando ad cen- sum quondam Johannis Cohere solvit ad tallagium et custumam et pro censu : In officio. Stephanus atteiate pro dimidia virgata terrte quondam Willelmi Akirman stat in officio akirmanni ; Ad censum. Willelmus Barkere pro dimidio cotlando quondam Johannis Oliveri ad censum, de censu : Et idem Willelmus solvit ad tallagium : Arenta- Idem Willelmus pro dimidia virgata ter- tiones. rte quondam Johannis Ivessone sibi aren- tata-: Idem Willelmus pro i cotlando quondam Willelmi Piers sibi arentato : Ad censum. Stephanus Atteiate pro dimidia virgata terras ad censum quondam Roberti atte iate patris sui pro custumis suis : Et idem Stephanus dat pro censu ejusdem dimidiai virgatse terrte : vi s. viii d 108 xii d. xn xii d. XI s. iin s. nichil. 11 s. inferius. Xllll s. nil s. d. oh. RENTAL OF WISTOWE. nil S. 1111 S. 1111 S. nichil. In opere.^ Johannes Love pro dimidia virgata terrsR in opere quondam Willelmi inwel de red- ditu pro ciistumis suis : xii d. oh. di. qu. In opere. Adam Brunne pro dimidia virgata terra) in opere quondam Johannis Wardeboys pro custumis suis : xii d. oh. di. qu. Ad censum. Johannes Harseye pro i cotlando ad cen- sum quondam Alani May solvit ad talla- gium et solvit pro censu : Ad censum. Robertus Smyth pro i cotlando ad cen- sum quondam Margerise Basely solvit ad tallagiuni inferius et solvit pro censu : Ad censum. Willelinus Webstere pro i cotlando ad cen- sum quondam Willelmi Taillour solvit ad tallagium inferius et solvit ])ro censu : In officio. Robertus Rede pro dimidia virgata terras quondam Johannis in the hirne in officio akirmanni : In opere. Johannes Fraunce pro dimidia virgata ter- rse quondam Adse Brounote in opere : xii d. oh. di. qu. Arenta- Johannes Grigge et Radulfus Sabyn pro tiones. dimidia virgata eis arentata : xiii s. iiii d. Ad censum, Willelmus Sabyn pro dimidia virgata ter- rse ad censum quondam Ricardi Love pro custumis suis : xi d. oh. Idem Willelmus pro censu prpedictte terrse : vi s. viii d. In officio. Idem Willelmus pro dimidia virgata ter- ras quondam Thomre atte chirch stat in officio akirmanni: Arenta- Willelmus Flexman pro dimidio cotlando tiones. quondam Roberti Lord sibi arentato : Arenta- Ricardus Wodecok pro i cotlando quon- tiones. dam Roberti Cole sibi arentato : Ravele. Johannes Outy pro i virgata terrse in opere vi d. Redditus quondam Willelmi Outy pro auxilio vice- xii d. V d. i virgatiB comitis, heuchire, maltsilver, fisshsilver xii d. V .s. ^ A hand is drawn in the margin opposite this entry. 109 APPENDIX. terrae in opere. In opere. Ad censum. Redditus assis?e. Redditus assisse. Arenta- tiones. In opere. In opere. In opere. Arenta- tiones. In opere. Ad censum. In opere. i d. qu. nil nil s. xii d. X s. de cetero cum custumariis inferius, ar- id, i d. qu. gento vinese, Wethersilver, ad tallagium cum custumariis inferius : ii s. Ricardus Hobbe pro quartario dimidiic virgatffi terrae quondam Alexandri Frere in opere facit secundum ratam i)ortionem ut pra^dictus Johannis Outy : vi d. qu. et iiii* pars i qu. Idem Ricardus pro quartario ejusdem di- midise virgatee terra ad censum pro rata portione, pro custumis suis : v d. oh. qu. Idem Ricardus pro censu pradicti quar- tarii terrse : iii s- Johannes Clerevaus pro terra et tenemen- tis suis liberis : Idem Johannes pro angerlonde quia semi- natur et iacet sub Rokesgrove : Simon Asplond pro dimidia virgata terra quondam Johannis Martyn sibi arentata : Ricardus Hobbe pro i quartario terrse di- midiae virgatse terrae quondam Nicholai Baroun : vi d. qu. et iiii* Henricus Hiche pro altero quartario ejus- dem terra3 in opere : vi d. qu. et iiii"' pars i qu. Idem Henricus pro i quartario terrae cum mesuagio quondam Simonis Austyn in opere : vi d. qu. et iiii" Simon Austyn pro sua dimidia virgata terrae quondam Willelmi Baroun sibi arentata : Nicholas Harrow pro dimidia virgata ter- rae quondam Johannis Catelyne in opere : xii d. ob. di. qu. Johannes Baroun i)ro dimidia virgata ter- rae ad censum de redditu pro custumis : Et idem pro censu pradictaj dimidia vir- gata terra : Stephanus Hiche pro sua virgata terra in opere facit sicut pradictus Johannes Outy : ii s. i d. qu. Willehnus Gulere pro dimidio eotlando ad censum quondam Reginaldi Arnald 110 pars 1 qu. pars 1 qu. XV s: xi d. ob. VI ^^ Vlll RENTAL OF WISTOWE. solvit ad tallagium lit inferiuv'i, et solvit pro censu sieiit i cotmannus pro i cot- lando de consuetudine : Rentalk' de Wystowe. Adhuc Ravele. Stephanus Hiche pro i qiiartario dimidia) virgatse terr?e quondam Joliannis Hol)- besson sibi arentato : iiii s. Ricardus Hobbe pro quartario ejusdum dimidiffi virgakie terras in opere de rcdditu : vi d. qu. et iiii"'' pars i qu. Johannes Vernoun pro dimidia virgata terra? in opere quondam Alexandri VVil- lessone pro eodem : xii d. ob. dimidium qu. Petrus Wakyr pro dimidia virgata terras quondam Himonis Hikkesson sibi arentata : ix s. Idem Petrus pro i quartario dimidife vir- gatse terras quondam Willelmi Hiche sibi arentato : iii s. iiii d. Johannes Willessone pro quartario ejus- dem terra; sibi arentato . iii s. iiii d. Johannes Vernoun pro dimidia virgata terrse in opere quondam Johannis Asp- londe de redditu : xii d. oh. dimidium qu. Nicliolaus Harrow i)ro quartario dimidia; virgatae terrae quondam Nicholai Catelyne ad censum de redditu pro custumis pro rata portione : v d. oh. qu. Idem Nicholaus pro censu praedicti quar- tarii : iii s. iiii d. In opere. Willelmus Benet pro quartario ejusdem dimidiae virgatae terrae in opere de red- ditu : vi d. qu. et iiii" pars. Antiqui Anna Gocce pro tofto quondam cotagio census. quondam Henrici Ailmar de antiquo censu : Arenta- Willelmus Benet pro capitale mesuagio i tiones. virgatae terrae quondam Isoude Grymbalde arentato : ^ In dorso. Ill Arenta- tiones. Arenta- tiones. In opere. Arenta- tiones. Arenta- tiones. Arenta- tiones. In opere. Ad censum. xviii d. APPENDIX. Arenta- tiones. Arenta- tiones. In opere. In opere. Ad censum. Arenta- tiones. Arenta- tiones. In opere. In opere. Arenta- tiones. In opere. In opere. In opere. Idem Willelmus Benet, Petrus Waker, Simon Austyn et Simon Asplond pro i virgata terrse quondam pradicta? Isoude ad prsedictum mesuagium spectante eis arentata : xx s. Ricardus Hobbe pro i cotlando quondam Johannis Barre sibi arentato : ii s. viii d. Willelmus Benet pro i quartario terrse cum i placia edificata quondam Jobannis Sabyn in opere de redditu : vi d. qu. et iiii* pars. Willelmus Gulere pro i quartario terrse cum i placia vacua in opere quondam Ricardi Gulere de redditu : vi d. qu. et iiii* pars. Petrus Wakyr pro dimidia virgata terrse ad censum quondam Johannis Baroun, de custumis : De eodem Petro pro censu priedictte terra : Johannes Willeson pro i tofto quondam cotagio Thomae Ryn cum ii buttes terrse sibi arentatis de' : Petrus Wakyr pro i cotlando quondam Simonis Hikkesone sibi arentato : xiiii d. Idem Petrus pro i cotlando quondam Thomse Hotoft in opere solvit ad talla- gium ut inferius de redditu : Nichil. Johannes Asplond pro iii quartariis terrte i virgatse terrse quondam Johannis Ail- mar in opere pro custumis : xviii d. oh. qu. iii'' pars. Idem Johannes pro i quartario ejusdem terrse sibi arentato, ut dicit : v s. Johannes Willesson pro dimidia virgata terrse in opere quondam Willelmi Clerici pro custumis : xii d. ob. di. qu. Willelmus Benet pro dimidia virgata ter- rse quondam Thomse Benet patris sui in xi d. oh. vi s. viii d. xiii d. opere xii d. oh. di. qu. Ricardus Hobbe pro suo quartario terrse cum mesuagio ad idem spectante quon- ' The following word is crossed out. 112 RENTAL OF WISTOWE. Antiqui census. In opere. Ad censum. dam Nicholai Baroun in opere de redditu pro custumis pro ratis : vi d. qu. et iiii" pars. Johannes Baroun pro i mesuagio edificato quondam Johannis Benet de antiquo censu : ii s. et v ova. Ricardus Catelyne pro i virgata terras quondam Stephani Catelyne in opere : ii s. i d. qu. Alicia Gulere pro i virgata terrse ad cen- sum quondam Benedicti Gulere pro cus- tumis : xxiii d. Et eadem Alicia pro censu prsedictse vir- gatee terrse : xiii s. iiii d. Johannes Clerevaux pro dimidia virgata terrse quondam Stephani Austyn sibi arentata : ix s. De singulo custumario domini in opere et censu per annum de cetero semper seque termino Annunciationis : xvi d. De custumariis domini tam de virgatariis quam de cotmannis et hidmannis in opere, censu et officio termino Michaelis, agista- mento pro averia sua, videlicet pro equo, ob. ; pro bestia, ob.; viii bidentibus, i d.; viii porcis, i d. ; aliquando mains, ali- quando minus. De eisdem custumariis pro termino Paschae agistamento per terram, videlicet de virgatario, x d. ; cotmanno, i d. ob., et hidmanno, ii d. secundum hos quidam sunt in opere, censu et officio. Memorandum de Notesilver. De pannagio. Firma Willelmus Aubyn pro terra in le Brach terrse. ad terminos Paschse et sancti Benedicti : iii s. i d. Willelmus Leightone pro terra ibidem eisdem terminis : iiii s. ii d. Johannes Londone pro terra ibidem eis- dem terminis : iiii s. ii d. Emma Miller pro terra ibidem eisdem terminis : iii s. ix d. 8 113 Arenta- tiones. Fisshsilver. Tallagium : pro ter- mino Mi- chaelis. Pro termino Paschse. APPENDIX. Johannes Wenyngton pro terra ibidem eisdem terminis : iii s. ix d. Johannes Randolf pro terra ibidem eisdem terminis : iii s. iiii d. Johannes Mice pro terra ibidem eisdem terminis : iiii s. Willelmus Puke pro terra ibidem eisdem terminis : ii s. vi d. Eeymundus rector de Wystowe pro terra in Bisshopeswonge terminis supradictis : vi s. Robertus Rede pro terra ibidem eisdem terminis : xii d. Ricardus de Ely pro terra ibidem eisdem terminis : xii d. Stephanus Ailmar pro terra ibidem eis- dem terminis : xii d. Ricardus Sabyn pro terra ibidem eisdem terminis : vi d. Ricardus Catelyne loco Roberti Waryn pro iii rodis terr£e dominicse super Litel- clayhille : xii d. Walterus Rolege pro v acris iii rodis di- midia terrse et prati dominici vocati Fen- pightil inclusi : vi s. x d. qu. Johannes Grene pro i acra terrse dominicse apud Bernwellehille eisdem terminis : x d. Thomas Smyth pro terra dominica apud Kyngeslonde eisdem terminis : iiii s. vi d. qu. Willelmus Attestede pro terra dominica ibidem eisdem terminis : iiii s. vi d. Johannes Bigge pro terra dominica ibidem eisdem terminis : iii s. vii d. Walterus Baker pro terra dominica ibidem eisdem terminis : iii s. vii d. Thomas Neweman pro terra dominica ibidem eisdem terminis : iii s. vii d. Johannes Siwelle pro terra dominica ibidem eisdem terminis : iii s. vii d. Johannes Wyse pro terra dominica ibidem eisdem terminis : iii s. vii d. 114 RENTAL OF WISTOWE. Ricardus Albyn pro terra dominica ibidem eisdem terminis : iii Willelmus Waryn pro iii acris dimidia terra? dominicte vocatse Nynetene : iiii Willelmus Barker pro iii acris dimidia terras dominicae apud Buryston et Watir- lond eisdem terminis : iiii Ricardus Wodecok pro ii acris terrse domi- nicse apud Hundheg et Longheghoo : Robertus Smyth et Ricardus Sabyn de le Goryn et Bisshopeswonge terrse dominicse eisdem terminis : De i mesuagio et vi acris terrge dominicffi dimissis Stephano Ailmare pro vii s. nichil hie quia superius cum redditu : De i placia continente iii cotagia quondam Johannis Baroun pro ii s. nichil hie quia superius in redditu : De i placia quondam Johannis Arnalde dimissa Johanni Catelyne pro ii s., nichil hie quia cum redditu superius : Ricardus Shepperde pro i acra terrse dominicse super Toftdole juxta terram Willelmi Waryn eisdem terminis : Johannes Brounote pro dimidia acra ter- rse dominicse in le Lowefelde juxta ter- ram Johannis Marchant : Willelmus Waryn pro i acra terrse domi- nicse super Tuftdole juxta terram ejusdem Willelmi : Ricardus de Ely et Willelmus Sabyn pro le hydegoryn continente i acram terrse dominicse : Johannes Atte iate pro dimidia acra terrse dominicse super Middeldole juxta terram Thomse Eliot : Andreas Smyth pro ii rodis terrse domi- nicse in le lowfelde contra Turfslade inter terram Stephani Atteiate ex utraque parte eisdem terminis : 115 s. vii d. s. viii d. s. viii d. iii s. XX d. Nichil. Nichil. Nichil. xii d. vi d. xii d. xii d. vi d. vi d. APPENDIX. Ricardus de Ely pro i roda terrse domi- nicse apud Bronbrigge juxta terrain Jo- hannis Love eisdem terminis : iii d. Idem Ricardus pro i roda terrse dominicse apud Le Pightelsende contra Langpool eisdem terminis : iii d. Idem Ricardus de Ely pro dimidia acra terrse contra le Pightelshende juxta ter- ram Stephani Atteiate abuttante super le Brook : vi d. Johannes Eliot et Johannes Brounote pro dimidia acra terrse dominicse vocata le Thurwood abuttante super le Slade juxta terram ejusdem Johannis Eliot : vi d. Willelmus Waryn pro iii acris terrse dominicfe vocatis Godfreislonde quarum : iii s. Adam Brunne pro i forera terrse dominicse continente dimidiam acram vocata Stowe- cresthadlonde : vi d. Willelmus Waryn et uxor ejus pro qua- dam parcella prati vocata Aldburyslade de dominico : xiii d. oh. Idem Willelmus et uxor ejus pro quadam parcella prati de dominico vocata le Redynge : xiiii d. Molen- De Thoma Millere de Hadenham pro dinum. firma molendini ventritici: xlvi s. viii d. IIB ACCOUNT ROLL OF BANLUCA. Banluca Ramesei^, 1312.' Richardus filius Robert! Russel ballivus Banlucse Rameseise red- dit compotum suum apud Rameseiam die Martis proximo post festura sancti Michaelis episcopi anno domini J. abbatis xxvii, de omnibus receptis et expensis a festo sancti Michaelis anno domini J. abbatis prsedicti xxvi usque ad idem festum anno revoluto. Arreragia. Idem respondet de xxx s. de arreragiis compoti prse- cedentis. Summa xxx s. Redditus sancti Michaelis. Idem respondet de xxv s. vi d. oh. de redditu assises de termino sancti Michaelis ; et desunt vi d. de domo quondam Roberti le Squiler quos elemosinarius percipit; et desunt xl d. de domina de Walton pro domo quondam Reginaldi coci qui assignantur ad duos cereos inveniendos ad magnum altarem in alleviatione corporis Christi. Ad Pascham. Idem respondet de xxv s. iiii d. oh. de redditu assisse de Pascha; et desunt vi d. de domo Roberti Squiler pro elemosinario ; xl d. de domina de Waltone pro domo Reginaldi coci ut supra ad festum sancti Michaelis ; et de iiii s. v d. receptis de arreragiis reddituum diversorum a retro existentium de annis prseteritis ; et de iii s. de domibus ad portam hoc anno usque ad festurn sancti Michaelis. Summa Iviii s. iiii d. Perquisita pro placitis et curiis. Idem respondet de diversis fini- bus et amerciamentis de extrac- tis curise de Smythcroft nihil hoc anno. Idem respondet et de vi li. xiii s. receptis de visu cum capitagio ; et de vi s, viii d. de amer- ciamentis coram justitiariis ad gaolam Rameseise deliberandam assignatis ; et de xxx s. x d. de perquisitis curiae tentse de mense in mensem apud Rameseiam hoc anno ; et de xv d. de perquisitis curiae in festo sancti Benedict! ; et de pixide dominus Abbas recipit [ j'* ; et de vi! s. ix d. de diversis stallagiis die sancti Benedict! ; et de v! d. pro insufiiciente pondere panis. Summa ix li. Summa totius receptee cum arreragiis, .xiii li. viii s. iiii d. Expensae. Idem computat liberatas in camera viii li. xv s. oh. per xi! tallias. Item in relaxatione per dominum ab- batem Johanni Waker, vi d. ; Eliae Reygner, xv!!! d. ; Waltero Corby, xi! d. ; Willelmo le Folber, vi d. ; Alexandre Frebody, vi d. ; Jo- hanni Fabro, xx! d.\ Johanni de Sautre, xii d.) Emmee Michel, vi d. ; Alexandre le Long, ix d. ; Richardo Russel, v! d. ; uxor! Regi- Public Kecord Office, Ministers' Accounts, 876/26. » Blank in MS. 117 APPENDIX. naldi Ace, xii d. ; Willelmo Prassyn, vi d. de amerciamentis in visu ; et in relaxatione Johanni de Sawtre, vi d. de amerciamentis curise de Rameseia, et in relaxatione Willelmo de Temesforde, xl d. ; et Symoni de Spyneyc, xl d. de amerciamentis apud Smythescroft. Summa totiiis liberationis et relaxationis ix li. xii s. ii d. oh. ; et sic debet pra^dictus Richardus domino Ixxvi s. i d. oh. Ex quibus in respectu per dominum abbatem, xiii s. iiii d. de amerciamentis totius villatffi in visu. Et solvit super compotum xv s. 06. Et prffiterea in relaxatione Katerina? de Ravele per dominum, xii d, Alicise de Ravele, vi d., et Johanni de Hemes, vi d. de amer- ciamentis in visu; et Symoni ad crucem vi d. de amerciamentis in curia tenta de mense in mensem ; et in relaxatione Johanni Mun- tabon per dominum, vi s. viii d. de amerciamentis in dictis curiis in partem solutionis xxiiii s. quos dominus eidem Johanni debuit pro frisco pisce prout idem Johannis tactis sacrosanctis juravit, et solvit super compotum xi s. vii d. Et prsterea solvit super com- potum vii s., et sic debet praedictus Richardus adhuc domino xx s. 118 SAINTS DAYS MENTIONED IN THE RAMSEY DOCUMENTS. A List of the Principal Saints' Days Mentioned in the Ramsey Documents. S. Andrew, November 30. Translation, May 9. S. Augustine (apos. AngL), May 26. (Bish.), August 28. S. Barnabas, June 11. S. Bartholomew, August 24. S. Benedict, March 21. Carniprivmm, the first days of Lent or Septuagesima Sunday. _ S. Clemens, November 23. Ccena Doviini, Maundy Thursday. SaactcB Crucis Exaltatio, September 24. Inventio, May 3. S. Dionysius {apos. Gall.'), October 9. (Pope), December 6. (Areop.), October 3. S. Edmund, King, November 20. Epiphany, January 6. Gida Augusti, August 1. S. James, July 25. S. John (apos.), December 27. S. Johannes ad Fortam Catenam {Latinam), May 6. S. John Baptist. Decollatio, August 29. Nativity, June 24. SS. John and James (?) S. Laurence (arch. Cant), February 2. S. Martin, November 11. Mary Magdalen, July 22. S. Matthew, September 21. S. Michael, September 29. Mary (B. V. M.). Annunciation, March 25. Assumption, Au- gust 15. Conception, December 8. Nativity, September 8. Puri- fication, February 2. Omnium Sanctorum, November 1. SS. Peter and Paul, June 29. SS. Simon and Jude, October 28. S. Thomas, December 28. 119 NDEX. Account rolls, description of, 64, 65 Acreage of manors, 15 Acremen (carucarii), 66, 69 Akermanni, 32 Argentum vinea? (wynyardsilver), 56, 67 Asplond land, 72 Assignment of manors, 21 Auxilium vicecomitis, see sheriff's aid. Bakehouse, 22 Banlieu, 16, 64 Barnwell, 12, 13, 45 Barton, 11, 13, 14, 27, 33, 38, 39, 46, 50, 57, 58 Beadle, 66, 76, 82 Bedryp, 45 Benedays, 43, see boon days. Benemeadows, 56, 84 Benerth, 47 Beneryp, 47 Benesed, 41 Benservices, 47, see boon services. Bithorn, 10, 15, 21, 56 Bitumen, 80 Black Death, 66, 68, 69, 70, 73, 83, 85 Bluntisham, 9, 10 Boon, harvest, 42, 44 ; hayings, 47 ; plonghings (precarise carucarum), 39- 42, 68 ; weedings, 47 Boon days, 43 Boon services, 39-48 ; extra, 45 Borle, 79 Brancester, 14, 34, 50, 53, 54 Brewery, 22, 78, 80 Brewingsilver, 55 Brington, 10, 15, 21 Broughton, 9, 10, 15, 21, 30, 35, 38, 50, 56, 59, 61, 63 Burwell, 11, 19, 21, 27, 29, 83, 39, 57 Bury, 9, 15, 38, 39, 67, 69 Busagium, 57 Buttes, 28 Bypbynea, 79 Caldecote, 38 Cambridge, 38, 39 Capitagium, 58, see chevage. Carpenters, 79, 82 Carriage, 38, 39, 49 ; on foot, 39 ; long, 37, 38 ; short, 37 ; see carting. Cartehous, 81 Carting, 29, 37, 39 Carts, cost of, 79 Carucarii, 32, see acremen. Cellarer, payments to, 77 Censuarii, 2), 26, 28, 31, 43, 46, 47, etc. Chamber, payment to, 77 Chaplain, paj'ment to, 77 Chatteris, 11, 38 Chevage (chevagium), 58, 75 Church payments, 52, 59-60 Clerevaux land, 67 Clouts, 79 Cnapwell, 10, 11, 21, 32, 35 Colchester, 39 Common in meadow, 61 Common, rights of, 61-63 Commutation of labour, 48, 52, 55, 57, 71, 72, 73 Cotagia, 27 Cotland, 27, 66, 69, etc. Cotsetles, 27 Cottars, 14, 26, 36, 39, 47, 48, 49, 50, 69, etc. Court, autumn, 75 ; of Broughton, 16, 26 ; county, 26 ; hundred, 26 ; leet, 75 ; manorial, 15 ; rolls of Wistowe, 75 ; royal, 16 ; of Smithescroft, 16 Cranfield, 13, 21, 33, 38, 39, 57, 58, 80 Croft, 27, 49, 53, 66 Crofters, 14, 26, 48, 49, 50, 69. Croftmen, 47 Culturae, 24 Cumbs, 60 Curia, 32, 34, 36, 37, 80 Customary payments, 49, 52-60, 70-72 Cutting wiiod, 35 Dairy, 79, 82, 83 Dewilleges, 79 Dikes, 8 Ditches, 35 Dovecote, 67 Earith, 9, 63 Eels, 60 Elington, 10, 21, 23, 27 Elsworth, 11, 21, 35 Elton, 10, 11, 19, 21, 23, 40, 55, 56, 57, 63 Enclosures, 15, 36 Erthendales, 60 122 INDEX. Estovers, 62 Busier, see heusier. Expens;e domorum, 82 Expenses, ainonnt of, 76 Expenses, small, 79 Extents, 22, 23, 24, 63, etc. Famuli, 42, 44, 61, 84 Farmer (firmarius), 19, 22, 38, 43, 47 Farms, 18-21, 38 ; composition of, 20 Feast days, 29 Fen, dikes through, 8 ; disputes con- cerning, 62 ; fisheries in, 9 ; pasture in, 62, 63 Fenton, 9 Fines, 74, 7"), 76 Fisheries, 9 Fishsilver, 55, 67, 72 Fisselver, 55, see fishsilver. "Fission" of vills, 12 Foddercorn, 85 Fold, guarding of, 36 Food at boons, 41, 42, 44 Forelands, 28 Forthdrove, 84 Forthdrovesilver, 84 Franchises of banlieu, 1 6 Frank pledge, view of, 58, 77, 85 Freeholders, 25, 45, 48, etc. Fulstingpound, 57 Garbs, 79 Gersuma, 54, 75, 77 Gidding, 10, 13 Gifts (oblationes), 84 Girton, 11, 27, 33 Gores, 28 Gosselyns, 78 Grafham land, 67, 78 Grain, accounts of, 85 ; purchase of, 78 ; sale of, 74 Gravele, 10, 11, 13, 14, 21 Grena, 18 Hangerlond, 71 Hangerlondsilver, 67, 71, 78 Haringsilver, 55 Harvest, 34 ; boons, 42-45 Haying, 34 ; boons, 47 ; see boon. Headpenny, 58 Hechmiindgrave, 21 Heraingford, 9, 10, 15, 21, 25, 27, 30, 33, 3), 36, 38, 43, 46, 50, 57 ; Alia, 10, 12 Hemington, 13 Henthyre, see heusire. Herdsmen, 83 Heriot, 32, 54, 75 Hcuschire, see heusire. Heusier, see heusire. Heusire, 52, 67, 71, 72 Hevedsilver, 75 Hidage, 14, 58 nidation, 13, 25 Hidemonlands, 69 Ilidemen, 69 Hirstingston Hundred, 8, 10, 13, 14, 52, 71 HolyweU, 9, 10, 21, 27, 30, 35, 36, 39, 50, 52, 59, 62, 63 Horseshoes, 79 Houghton, 9, 10, 15, 21, 27, 30, 33, 34, 35, 36, 43, 58 Hulme, 14, 57 Hundred aid, 58 Huntingdon (borough), 9, 18, 39 ; earl- dom, 9 Hybernagium, ploughing ad, 40, 41 Ipswich, 39 Jurisdiction of abbot, 15 King, payments to, 52 Kingsdelph, 63 Knights, 25, 26 Kyppelyne, 79 Labour, hired, 33, 36, 82 ; services, 28- 52, 68 ; services from freeholders, 26 ; services, resumption of, 73 Land ad censum, 27, 66, etc. Land ad opus, 26, 27, 28, 66, etc.; in- crease in, 68 Lawshall, 11, 13 Lent farms, 21, 77 Lincoln, 8 London, 39, 80 Lovebones, 40, 45, 47 Lovef other, 46 Lucky penny, 81 Lundinarii, 49 Malt, 35, 38, 85 Maltlands, 55 Maltsilver, 55, 67, 72 Mandeville, Geoffrev de, 12, 19, 23 Manse, 27, 49 Manuring, 35 Markets,"l7, 74 Maundyacre, 21, 59 Merchet, 53 Mevator, 82 Mill, 67, 81 Miller, 83 Millstone, 81 Mitesilver, 55 Mundbryche, 16 Murrain, 74, 85 Nails, 79, 81 Nativi, 28 Nidingworth, 62, 63 Northampton, 11, 89 Notesilver, 71, 72 INDEX. 123 Nuts, 34, 57 Obedientarii, 22 Oblationes, 84 Officers, payments to abbey, 77, 78 Operarii, 44 Pannage, 57, 62, 75 Pasture, in arable, 61 ; in fen, (12, 63 ; several, 61 ; in woods, 62 Payments, to abbot, 52, 58 ; ad allec, 55 ; ad arietem, 56 ; ad candelara, 59 ; ad lanam, 56 ; ad luminare, 59 ; ad piscem, ad pisces emendos, 55 ; in kind, 60 ; pro bove, 57 ; pro multone, 56 Peasants' Eevolt, 73, 85 Perquisites of court, 75 Peterborough, 8, 63 Peter's Pence, 59, 63 Pbisshesilver, see fishsilver. Pidley, 9 Ploualmes, 59 Ploughing, 29-33 Ploughs, 24, 39, etc. ; cost of, 79 ; mak- ing and repairing, 79 Pondage, 72 Pontage, 58 Potagium, 44 Precarife, 39-48, 50, see boon services. Preces, 50 Proceeds of manors, 77 Pytels, 28, 49 Ramsey, 9, 15, 21, 35, 38, 39, 56, etc. ; history, 8 ; situation, 8 Eaveley, 9, 12, 15, 63 Eeach, 39 Reapreeve, 82 Rebinatio, 42 Receipts, amount of, 76 Redditus assisse, see rents, fixed. Relaxations, 84 Rents, 65-72 ; fixed, 55, 67, 70 ; of honey, 60 ; land, 68-70 ; of plough- shares, 60 Ringsted, 12, 14, 36 Ripton, 9, 10, 13, 15, 29, 30, 33, 35, 39, 71, 72 Rods gathered, 35, 36 Sailyard, 81 Saint Albans, 38 Siunt Ives, 15, 27, 33, 35, 37, 39, 45, 50, 53, 57, 59, 61, 62 ; fair of, 9, 17, 35, 36 ; Grena, 18 ; Vicus Pontis, 18 ; watches at, 35 Sapley, 9 Sartrinum, 78 Sawtrey, 9, 10, 13, 63 Schonelerynges, 80 Schoneltres, 80 Scotale, 47 Scutage, 14 Semi-virgaters, 32 Seneschal, 22, 85 Serviens, 82, 84 Servientes, 81 Shearing, 36 Sheep, 80 ; farming in Norfolk, 36 ; folding, 36, 37 ; wasliing, 36 Sheriff's aid (auxilium vicecomitis), 58, 71, 72, 77 Shitlingdon, 11, 13, 14, 26, 27, 33, 34, 38,_ 50, 57 Shoeing horses, 79 Sitheale, 56, 84 Slepe, 9, 21, see Saint Ives. Smith, 79 Smithescroft, court of, 16 Somersliam, 9 Sowing, 34 Spadegrafs, 35 Stallage, 17 Statute of Labourers, 83 Stock, 61, 64, 65, 74, 78; account of, 85 ; sale of, 74, 75 Stukeley, 9, 10, 15, 25, 26, 27, 33 Sytheale, 47, see sitheale. Table of Ramsey manors, 10; of rents, 67 ; of services, 51 Tallage to cellarer, 72 ; Easter, 77, 91 ; Michaelmas, 71 Tanning, 80 Taratantaro, 80 Taskatores, 74, 85 Terra arentata, 69, 73 Thatcher, 80, 82 Thatching, 80 Thensut', 75 Therfield, 11, 13, 21, 30, 34, 38, 39, 57, 58, 63, 80 Threshing, 34 Tithes, 59, 60 Tolfats, 60 Tofts, 20, etc. Tramesiam, plougliing ad, 40 Trendies, 81 Trey, 60 Tribuli, 80 Tripods, 80 Tronage, 17 Underwood, etc., sale of, 75 Unhided land (extra hidam), 14 Uppelongs, 81 Upton, 10 Upwood, 9, 10, 15, 21, 32, 33, 48, 50, 59, 62, 63, 78 Vanges, 80 V^entrices, 74 124 INDEX. Verdicts, 23 Vessels for water and milk, 79 Vicus Pontis, 18 Villeins, 25, 26, 43; their land cultivated, 60 ; obligations, 24, 25, 28, 50, etc. Vokepanni, 20 Wages (stipendia), 79, 80, 82, 83 Waldhirst, 35, 62 Wallesilver, 56 Walsocn, 12, 60 Walton, 63 Warboys, 9. 10, 12, 15, 21, 22, 30, 32, 33, o5, 36, 50, 55, 57, 62, 63 Wardpenny, 56, 58 Wardsilver, 5*3, 57, 67 Ware, 39 Warectatio, 42 Warpenny, 56 Warrectum, ploughing ad, 40 Warrener, 83 Warthsilver, 56 Washingpenny, 71 Weeding, 34, 47 Week work, 29, 39, 42, 50, etc. . Wells, 21 Wenyngton, 12 Werthale, 56 Weston, 10, 19, 21, 29 Wetherhale, 56 Wethersilver, 56, 67, 72 Whiston, 33, 56 Wille.silver, 56 Winnower, 82, 85 Wisbeach, 11, 78, 80 Wistowe, 9, 10, 15, 21, 26, 27, 34, 35, 36, 41. 42, 44, 50, 5i?, 53, 54, 55, 57, 59, 64, 65, etc. Witton, 9, 10, 27 Wodehac, 56, 58 Wodehurst, 35, 62 Wodepenny, 56 Wodesgonge, 56 Woodward, 81, 82, 83, 84 Wool, 79 Works, miscellaneous, 29, 33-37 ; new, 72 ; sale of, 72 Wudobenes, 47 Wyneges, 79 Wynyardsilver (argentum vinese), 56, 71, 72, 78, 79 cu> '% \^ .^ rx /-"\