T^Rif«r; 35Al^r Lloyd Triumph cf genius THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES FREDERIC THOMAS BLANCHARD ENDOWMENT FUND THE Triumph of Genius, A DREAM; Sacred to the MEMORY of The late Mr. Charles Churchill. By Mr. L L O Y D. Tour old Mcnjhnllfee Vifwm, and your yoimg Men Jhall dream Dreams. Vivit pojl Funera Virtus. LONDON: PRINTED FOR THE AUTHOR, And Sold by T. Jones Printer, in Fetter-Lane, Fket-flreet, MDCCLXIV. r> .^ f J, a Y )T o > ' ff; ' >--r. ^ ^\'j<\ 1 ^. . [ 5 ] -. .-.1 / THE TRIUMPH of GENIUS, DREAM. g N Days of Yore, by Sacred Writ we're told. That JacQb\ Son to Pharaoh did unfold Strange Vifions of the Night, to him reveal'd, Which from th' Egyptia?! Magi were conceal'd ; How then fhall Man, with all his boafted Senfe, Fathom the deep Dcfigns of Providence ? Or why to Reafon's weak Advice appeal To judge what Dreams or Vifions may reveal? This Truth we know that when the adlive Mind By Sleep reliev'd, exulting, unconfin'd, B To S65280 [ 6 ] To diftant Regions jftrays, aloft flie foars And all Creation's vaft Expanfe explores, Sometimes to Heav'n fhe mounts on fllver Wings, And with bright Seraphs Hallelujah iings ; Sometimes with fallen Angels flie laments, And bound in Chains with them, too late, repents; Oft times on Earth in focial Converfe join'd. And often on Elyjium\ Banks reclin'd. Of Friends departed views the welcome Train, Till by the Body call'd to Earth again, Rcludant £he obeys, and fummon'd back, At Nature's Call, refumes her former Track, Attends the Body in its Cares and Pains, Till Sleep, return'd again, diffolv'es her Chains. A Pile there ftands where, hid from vulgar Eye, Entomb'd the Aflies of our Heroes lye; Sacred to thofe whofc Adions, when on Earth, Befpoke their Owners of fupcrior Worth ; Here Addifofi\ and Gay\ Remains we find. With Shakefpear, Rowe, and other Bards enfhrin'd Cofigreve, [ 7 ] Congreve^y and Pope, whofe keen inftrudivc, Page Was form'd to curb the Vices of the Age. Scarce had the Ni2;ht her fable Mantle drawn. As late I wander'd f)eniive and forlorn, Clofe by the Spot where Milton\ Body lies, Involuntary Slumber feiz'd mv Eyes, And held me bound in deepeft Refv^cric, 'Till by the Morning Clock I counted Three. During this Interval of found Repofe, A Form in fhining Veft before me rofe. To me he beckon'd ** Follow ftraight, faid he, Where I condud:, for fo the Fates decree ; To you 'tis giv'n to Mortals to unfold Where Rhadanianthus docs his Councils hold, Where ^acus and Mmos both accord To give to real Merit juft Reward ; Arife, faid he, and dread not the Event ;" 1 foUovv'd, wond'ring what the Vifion meant. Thro' '[ 8 ] Thro' lonefome Paths I travell'd under Ground, 'Till on Elyjtum\ Banks myfelf I found ; And favv, furpriz'd, upon the other Shore, Two Souls advancing to be ferry 'd o'er ; The one a Painter 07ily great by Na?}ie, T'other a Poet of immortal Fame ; The jfirft of his Abilities fo proud. That with difdainful Air he call'd aloud To Charon " Here, you Fellow, take me o'er, A greater Genius never blefs'd this Shore ; Hafte at your Peril, here's a Wretch draws nigh, Had he dy'd firft, I'd wrote his Elegy, He boafts fuperior Genius, but 'tis known No one e'er yet had Genius like my own ; Take me but o'er before this haughty Bard, And, truft my Honour, Gold is your Reward." Charon, to Menaces and Threats unus'd, Aftonifh'd ftood, to hear himfelf abus'd, But [ 9 ] But wlien tlie wretched Boafter he efpy'd, * What ! is it you he fcornfully reply'd, Your Offers I defpife, for know I deem You, nor your Prefents worthy my Efteem, Confider Man, that where you now are got, You're not protedled by the heav'n-born Scot ; To punifli this your Difrcfpect to me, I firft will know what Minos £hall decree, Whether for PunilKment to take you o'er Or leave yon here unburied on the Shore." Thus Charon -y when a tall, majeftic Shade AVith Afpecfl ftern Correggws Ape furvey'd ; *' Conceited Fool, faid he, fubmit your Caufe With me to Rhadavianthus and the Laws, Flatt'ry he hates, to him my Cafe I truft, His Laws are wife, and his Decrees are jufl ; By him I'm known, much hath he heard of you, And will beftow Reward wherever due ; Ere long before the Court our Plea we'll bring, You as Correggio^ I as Gotham's King." C Scarce [ ^o ] Scarce had he ended, when thus Charon flraight, " Poet, ftep in, you Painter, you fhall wait ! In vain you claim the Title ol firft Oars, Learn firfl: to pay more Def rencc to thefe Shores." Struck with Amazement at this dire Difgracc, The Painter now alTum'd a "Jaituss Face; He chang'd his Tone to amend for what was paft. And call'd aloud " Stop, Cha?'on^ why fo faft? I may be able when I get my Due, To gain, perhaps, a better Place for you That Fellow with you is at beft a Drone, The Line of Beauty is to him unknown; Befides I've brought fuch Pieces from above, As mufl: to ev'ry one my Merit |^rove, Prithee pufh back thy Boat, and turn him out. That you'll be recompenc'd you need not doubt." In vain he calFd, he rais'd his Voice in vain, No Promifes would bring him back again ; The Painter jftorm'd " Well, lince it muft be fo, Take you the Poet firft, — e'en let him go ; But [ " ] But be aflur'd that when I crofs the Siyxy On you my fiift Refcntmcnt I jfhall fix ; Then horribly chagrin'dj he faid no more. Mean while the Boat had reach'd the other Shore. Now on the Bank unnumber'd Souls appear, With. Horace J Pope^ and Dryde?i, in the Rear ' '' The Stranger each with innate Joy furvey'd, To each, by Turns, a low Obeyfance paid, Leapt from the Boat, and join'd with fprightly Air, Brown the facetious, Swift the debonaire. Still unregarded on the barren Soil, Stood the mock Raphael of Brita?inia?, Iflc, Stung to the Heart to fee the fmall Refped: Shewn to his Genius ; but refolv'd to aft Confiftent with the Charadler he bore While upon Earth, a gentler Look he wore, And better with fuch Treatment to difpence Imputed it to Charo7i\ Wane of Senfe. The long expeded Wherry now return'd, And (tho' with ranc'rous Spleen he inward burn 'd) Chearful [ .2 ] Chearful he feem d, and to avoid Difpute, Difcours'd oi Scotland, and the Earl oi B — ; Charon more wife rejcdled with a Slight: The empty Nonfenfe of the crack-brain'd Wight, " Mortal, faid he for once let Reafon rule, Nor prove your-fclf (though thought by all) a Fool; Confcious of Merit which you ne'er poffefs'd Let felf Conceit no longer guide your Breaft Too foon you'll find, when on the other Side, How little you and Genius are ally'd; For your Behaviour when you firft came here. To an fwer you are cited to appear ; Sage Rhadafnanthiis and the Judges all Expcd: you now before them in the Hall ; With whom, unlefs your Merit fhines confeft Your Vanity will never ftand the Teft Of Juftice keen : — my Time permits no more." This faid, with haftv Strokes he row'd to Shore. Soon as he reach'd the Banks a Hifs arofc, And Howls, fad Prefages of future Woes ; No friendly Guide th' affrighted Painter meets But each with cool Difdain his Landing greets : Till [ '3 ] Till Envjy bawling with Ste?itorian Lungs, • And biting Malice^ with a thoufand Tongues, Infpir'd him with frefli Vigour; on he rufli'd, And with new Ardour tow'rds the Palace pulh'd Of fam'd Elyfnim^ where, in deep Debate, The Court aJfTembled to announce his Fate ; Thither he fped, attendant on his Side, His neareft Friend, and clofe Companion, Pride, Now had he gaiii^ the Thrcfliold of the Hall, *• My Friend, faid he to Pride^ for Silence call ; The meritorious Works I've here to fhew, Shall foon convince them what to me they owe." When Rhadamanthui thus — " Mortal forbear Of your own Works fuch high Conceit to wear ; We equal to your Merits fhall decide, You, for your Advocate, have chofcn Pride ; Before us therefore now prefer your Plea, Nor doubt the Equity of our Decree." Pride then with haughty Tone proclaim'd his Worth, His Genius as a Painter when on Farth ; D Hi^ [ '4 ] His March to Fmchley and his Beauty s Line, Prov'd him iinequal'dj and his Works divine ; His Sigifmund fuch Graces did inherit Correggio\ felf muft own fuperior Merit ; E'en Titian too, and Angela muft yield The Palm to him, as Mafter of the Field : But moft of all, muft he who hither came On the fame Day, give up his farther Claim ; Vain his Pretenftons to poetic Fame, His Times, his Gotham, fcarce deferve a Name When weigh'd with H—g—h\ Merit, all muft own The Prize of Genius is his Due alone. Thus pleaded Pride the Merits of his Caufe, Then bow'd, cxpedring general Applaufe. When lo ! with confcious Innocence poft!efs'd, C // ftood forth, and thus the Judge addrefs'd ; <* My Rule has been the Guilty to difplay With all their Crimes in Face of open Day ; To paint true Merit in its proper Light, And do my injur'd King and Country Right. ■ Vice [ '5 ] Vice might, as in a Glafs, its Pidurc fee, But Virtue ne'er receiv'd a Stab from me ; No Views of Int'rcfl: could dircd: my Pen, My Satire pointed at the greatefl: Men ; In Vice the grcatejl \ them did I defy, And laid their Deeds before the Public Eye ; To fkrccn the guilty great I Gold defpis'd, And patriotic Virtue juftly priz'd ; H—g—h fold P-tt thro' Views of Gain alone. For which lie never can enough atone ; (Diana s Temple thus a Wretch once fir'd Who to immortal Infamy afpir'd) To clear the Charadlers he fully'd o'er I ftrove — But Modefty forbids me more. He faid — and Rhadamanthus thus decreed ; " Enough, no firther Evidence we need; Againfl: this Boafter, his Delence is vain That Genius he has none to me is plain ; The Court dilTolv'd, with Shouts the Palace rings, And C //'s Genius each triumphant fmgs. FINIS. N ^ At ^' UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY Los Angeles This book is DUE on the last date stamped below. REC'D LD URC «W-AR 1 7 1984 Form L9-50m-7,'54 (5990; 444 THE LlimAK^ UNIVERMTY 0^ CALlFOr- I,OS A^^rELKS PR 35U1 L77t }y'[",'x,:^mkmmm^mm^m