, . , cr^ ex' THE ROYALIST'S DAUGHTER AND THE KEBELS: OB. TH DUTCH DOMINIE OF THE CATSKEIS. A TALE OF THE REVOLUTION. BY REV. DAVID MURDOCH, DJX NEW YORK : UNITED STATES BOOK COMPANY SUCCESSORS TO JOHN W. LOVELL COMPANY 150 WORTH ST., COR. MISSION PLACE filtered, according to Act of Coegren, In the year 1886, by JOHN X. POTTKR. la ttoOerk'i Oflke of the Dfatrict Court of toe Omtea States, in and for the Dfatriet of PenoayiTni. THE DISCOVERY. LETTER of WESSEL SCHERMEBHORN, to the excellent and venerable ABRAHAM HAASBBOTTGH, Esq., New York. Hum PKAK, Aug. 12, I860. MY inrcH EESPECTED UKCXE, BT MY MOTHER'S SIDE. I WKITK this from the highest point of land my feet ever have stood upon. I am now looking out upon the great valley of the Hudson, and can see the spires of Poughkeepsie, the cupola of the Capitol at Albany, the hills of Connecticut and Massachusetts. The White and Green Mountains rise before me in noble grandeur; all spread- ing out, so that it seems as if a great sheet were let down from heaven; while the North Kiver, like a silver ribbon, is running through the resplendent garniture. "We of Holland descent have cause of pride in Hendrick Hudson the discoverer ; and as I look down, my heart beats with transport at the thought that MT ances- tors have made all that land to become what I see, in fertility, rich- nsss and beauty. Chiefly my blood dances in my veins as I recall the history of those noble acts performed on the scene that Ses before my view. Knowing your great interest in all that refers to the past, I have, since leaving the Bowery, been collecting the antiquities of this region, especially such as may throw light upon the early history of the colony, as far back as the settlement of New Amsterdam a matter in which I know you to be deeply interested, engaged as yoq 2137304 IV THE DISCOVERY. DOM are in forming a museum, that may in time rival that of Ply mouth Kock or Hartford. I send you several cases per the " Vrow " sloop, Captain Post, in which are precious relics, valuable in your eyes : Primus. Dutch tiles that were brought over in the ship " Gilded Beaver," March, 1660; a china milk-pot that stood on Gen. Schuyler's table when the great Washington and his aid, Gen. Hamilton, sat at the same ; a looking-glass that the light-heeled Docbter of Dom. Megapolenses saw herself in before she ran away with Michael Goosen, the tailor. Secundua. A piece of the Duffel cloth, the knife, and a button from the beaver that Aejie Hollenback got for interpreting between the Governor who then was, and Pewack, Chief of the Mohicanders, at the transfer of the land east of the Cauli bergs, extending from the Heilder- bergs, north, near to Albany, down to the south of Siepos Creek, which creek runs close to Kingston, which was ancient Esopus ; also, in a small box laid in lint that grew on old Dom. Schuneman's farm, you will find a ring once worn by Annie Bogart, sister's dochter to AnejaBogardus, that was second cousin to Anneka Janks, of blessed memory ; next you have the staff or cane with which Dom. Schaet chastised the Lutheran dominie when he came off second best,. Tertius. And what you will value most of all is the ancient manu- script, inclosed in double sheepskin. Its history is curious and might make the groundwork of a strange story itself. One of the dominies of the region being inquisitive in his disposition, and fond of tracing out all traditions of old Holland, found in an oaxen, worm-eaten chest, books bearing the name of Dom. de Eainde, who had, with other good men, been driven away from JSTew York when the British took the ancient edifice in William street, and made it a riding school. By looking into the records of the Colle- giate Church, you will doubtless find the name and the history of that Eevolutionary worthy, up to the time he too* refuge in Caats- baan, the anciont stone church of which lies just at my feet, and where I went last Sabbath, and heard the purest, and most eloquent THE DISCOVERY. T Dominie that now lives, of the old stock. Among those old \olumea was this precious document found, and which I procured undei