UC-NRLF llliili iiiiiiiiiiiii iiiiiiy III $B ETM TOM PREFACE. The writers of this history of the Chinese in- surrection are neither of them unknown to the world of letters. M. Gallery, once a missionary, and afterwards interpreter to the French, embassy in China, is the author of several works connected with the study of the Chinese language. Dr^ Yvan, physician tq^ the French em bassy in Chin a^ has written an interesting book of travels in various parts of the globe, under the title of " Yoyages et Kecits." There is no preface to their history of the rebellion to inform us which is the share taken by each in the work, but from the antecedents of the two writers, we may fairly conjecture that the narrative belongs to Dr. Yvan, and the interpreta- tion of the various documents with which it is in- terspersed to M. Callery. If these gentlemen had merely made use of their opportunities of consulting the archives of their embassies to reduce a quantity of fragmentary in- PREFACE. formation into a continuous narrative, they would still have done good service, considering tlie im- portance of their subject, and the scanty instal- ments by which we receive all the knowledge con- nected with it. But they have done far more than this : they have not merely given a dry narrative of the rebellion, but they have introduced so many lively descriptions of localities and events, that while this book has all the charm of romance, it gives a novel, instructive, and even humorous pic- ture of Chinese manners generally. Although the work of MM. Gallery and Yvan comprises the most important event that has occur- red during the rebellion, namely, the capture of Nankin, it has been deemed advisable to add a sup- plementary chapter, bringing down the narrative to the date of pubhshing this translation. This supplementary chapter contains the events that have occurred since last April, together with some additional information, which throws new light on the narrative of the events preceding. In spelling the Chinese names, the French mode has been adopted; the monosyllabic element of the names of places commencing each with a cap- ital letter, while those of persons are distinguished by the hyphen only. An alteration of the spelling would have rendered the book inconsistent with the Map, and, in the case of persons, would hardly I PREFACB. have been justifiable. To convert the French or- thography into the English, a change of "Teh" into " Ch " of " Ch " into " Sh," and of initial " Ou" into "W" will generally suffice. The French method of distinguishing provinces by the definite article (as the Kouang-Si), has also been employed. With respect to the map, it should be remarked, that a black spot against a town indicates its cap- ture by the insurgents. J.O. London, August 25, 1858. CONTENTS. Chapter Page I. — ^The Emperor Tao-kouang — the last years of his reign . 9 II, — Accession of the Emperor Hien-foung . . .24 IIL — ^The new Emperor and the old Ministers — First news of the Insurrection 31 rV. — ^The Kouang-Si — The Miao-tze — Tlie Insurgents during the year 1850 4*7 V. — Protestations — Secret meetings — Proclamation of the Pretender 60 VL — ^The Revolt in the Kouang-Toung — the Viceroy in the Kouang-Si 11 VIL — ^A crime — The SapSqnes — Kouei-Lin . . .87 VIII. — ^A sanguinary scene — Policy of the Insurgents . 100/^ IX. — Chinese Generalship — Insurrection at Hai-Nan — Insurrection in the Provinces of the Hou-Nnn and the Hou-Pe 116 X. — ^The Pretender and two official envoys — Confession and execution of Ti6n-t6 — New successes of tlie rebels 128 XL — Revolt in Formosa — The Lin family — Tlie god Eouan — An aquatic assault . .142 Vm CONTENTS. Chapter Page Xn. — ^The regatta of Tchang-Cha — The descendants of Confucius — How to make money — Ou-Tchang and Han-Tang 167 yTTT. — ^Decree respecting the taking of Ou-Tchang — Siu poisoned — Punishment of the Europeans by the Chinese 1*73 XIV. — ^The five kings — Organization of the insurgent ar- my — ^A vord about Nankin . . . .188 XV. — Proclamation of the Empress — ^Disgrace of Siu . 20Y XVI. — ^Taking of Xankin — ^Imperial edicts — Insurrection- ary proclamations — Attitude of the Europeans — Progress of the insurrection .... 216 XVIL — State of parties in China — Is Tien-te the legitimate descendant of the Mings ? — ^Prophetic rebuses . 244 SUPPLEMENTARY CHAPTER. Sir George Bonham's proceedings — Interview of Mr. Mea- dows with the insurgent chiefs at Nankin — ^Sir George Bonham's account — Religious ideas of the insurgents — "The Trimetrical Classic" — Mr. Meadows' account of the insurgents and their chief — Capture of Amoy . 263 POSTSCRIPT. Proceedings of the insurgents at Amoy, Nankin, and Chin- kiang-foo— State of Pekin — ^Visit yf ^ r. Taylor ta the rebel camp— Latest advices 298 THE INSURRECTION IN CHINA CHAPTEE I. The Emperor Tao-kouang— the last years of his reign. :/'"»/ "^ HE Chinese insurrection is one of the most import- events of the present time. Politicians of all coun- r'lm /4>hserve with curiosity the progress of that invading vhich during three years has steadily advanced to- /' its proposed end — the overthrow of the Tartar dy- '■> ^ Will it attain this prodigious result ? This we lot yet foresee ; but in the meanwhile all who are in- ; ted in Christianity or in commerce watch with unea- ::::::^=j the alternations of the struggle, and the nations of ,' 7est await with anxiety the issue of a war which, [ when it may, will essentially modify their relations \ he Chinese empire. In sucli a state of things, we • leemed it opportune to write a history of the insur- •Q — to give an idea of the threatening invasion — Jo follow its course through the districts where it i already penetrated. To throw a light on the origin 10 THE iVstjftReqfTa?<''N; €HIKA, ''.^ 0^* these events we shall first sketch the biography of the last emperor, and give a glance at the state of the Chi- nese empire at the close of his reign. This monarch, who was born in 1780, and who on as- cending the throne took the name of Tao-kouang, or " bril- liant reason," was the second son of the Emperor Kia- king. His youth was passed in comparative obscurity, and he was thirty years of age when an event which near- ly overthrew his dynasty suddenly brought out some of the eminent qualities with which he was endowed. The Emperor Kia-king was a weak incapable man, completely governed by those around him. An unwor- thy favorite reigned in his name. This person, who was named Lin-king, was the chief eunuch of the palace. In- stances of this kind are not rare in the annals of the court of China. The chief of the eunuchs has always great influence in the intrigues of the palace, and accord- ing to the strange ideas of the country, his personal de- fect is no obstacle to his ambition. The authority of Lin- king was boundless. He disposed of every office. The highest functionaries, the ministers, and even the imperi- al family, bowed before him. Nor did this lofty position satisfy him. The indirect exercise of power emboldened him to desire the sovereign authority for himself, and he began to open a path to the throne by gaining over the greater part of the military mandarins. This conspira- cy was conducted with so much secresy, that no one at the Court of Pekin suspected it in the least. One day, when the Emperor was hunting with his sons, CONSPIRACY or LIN-KINO. U Lin-king introduced into the capital those troops whose chiefs he knew were entirely devoted to him, and the sol- diers were disposed about the environs of the palace. The plan of the first eunuch was to kill the Emperor and the princes of the imperial family, and to have himself immediately proclaimed by the army, whose chiefs he had secured. Towards the evening the Emperor return- ed to the palace without mistrust, accompanied by his eld- est son, and followed by his usual cortege of civil and military mandarins. Scarcely was the great portal closed behind him than Lin-king gave the signal to his cohorts, who at once surrounded the palace, and guarded every outlet. In the hurry of this critical moment, the first eunuch had not observed that the second son of Kia-king was not returned from the chase with his father. When the con- spiracy had already broken out, the prince returned to Pekin alone. He was in a hunting dress, and wore none of the insignia of royalty ; he could therefore traverse the city without being recognized. The greatest agita- tion already prevailed in the principal quarter, and he only required a moment's reflection to perceive the cause of the tumult, and to divine the purpose for which the troops had surrounded the palace. By the aid of his plain costume, he passed through the people, who were in an excited and disorderly state, and reached the very fo- cus of rebellion. The first eunuch had left the palace to harangue his partisans, and the prince could now see that the favorite, whose insolcoco had so often angered him, 1:2 THE INSURRECTION IN CHINA. was at the liead of the rebellion. He approached still nearer, unobserved among the throng of troopers, and al- though he was quite alone among so many enemies he did not for an instant lose his courage or his presence of mind. Tearing oflF the round metal buttons which adorn- ed his dress to use them as bullets, he loaded the fowling- piece which he carried in his belt, and taking a short aim at the chief eunuch, shot him dead on the spot. The troops were thrown into disorder. The soldiers threw down their arras and fled, and all the partisans of Lin-king dispersed, to escape the chastisement they had deserved. The prince returned triumphant into the im- perial residence, the threshold of which had not been profaned by the rebels, and old Kia-king learned his dan- ger and his deliverance at the same time. Tao-kouang ascended the throne in 1820. According to the usages of the princes of his dynasty, he had mar- ried a Tartar woman — a woman with large feet. She did not give birth to any children, but he had a numer- ous family by his concubines. In China neither law nor custom makes any difference between the children of a lawful wife and those of a concubine : they have all the same rights ; the sterility of the Empress therefore did not at all affect the succession to the throne. During the earlier part of his reign, Tao-kouang call- ed to the administration of public affairs, those statesmen who, in the eyes of the people, were faithful guardians of Chinese traditions. Every nation whose history dates from a remote past, has its conservative party ; and dur- CHINESE DIPLOMACY. 13 \ng tranquil times it is to the representatives of the old national guarantees that the government is naturally en- trusted. But when the luotiient for modifying ancient institutions has inevitably arrived, the exclusive attach- ment of this party to things of the past becomes really dangerous. This political truth may be perceived as well in the history of Chinese revolution, as in the history of France. The agents of Tao-kouang, thoroughly Chinese .in their ideas, and filled with a proud disdain for barba- rian nations, involved their country in a disastrous war, because they did not see that the moment was come when they should descend from that diplomatic elevation where their presumption and the endurance of the Europeans had so long maintained them. At a later period, the same spirit of resistance to the exigencies of the time caused the insurrectional movement of which we are about to treat. In fact, the two most important events which have been chronicled in the annals of China during the last quarter of a century — namely, the war with Eng- land, and the revolt in the Kouang-si — have both pro- ceeded from the same cause. In spite of all the opposition of the " Son of Heaven," the war of China against England resulted in bringing Chinese diplomacy, to a certain extent, within the com- pass of the political movement of the West; and the ex- perience which cost Tao-kouang so dear, afforded no in- struction to bis successor. Before proceeding further, we will briefly set forth the occasion of this first struggle. By virtue of its original charter, the East India Com- 14 THE INSURRECTION IN CHINA. pany enjoyed till 1834 the monopoly of the British trade with China. Those merchants who have founded, be- yond the limits of their own country, the most opulent and extensive empire of our time, had the sole right of trading in the produce of the Chinese empire. It will easily be understood that when difficulties arose between the Chinese functionaries and the Company's agents, the latter, being exclusively occupied with commercial interests, made but feeble protestations against preten- sions which were often exorbitant. The representatives of the Company were, for the most part, clever merchants, and nothing more ; and the one among them, who has of late acquired the most celebrity — namely, Sir John Da- vis — was more distinguished for his literary attainments than for his national susceptibility. When the Company's charter expired in 1834, the English Government refused to renew their exclusive privileges ; and all British merchants had now a right to trade with China. Some years afterwards, the Emperor Tao-kouang resolved to check in his dominions the pro- gress of a custom, which was about a century old — in other words, to prohibit the sale of opium through the whole extent of the Celestial Empire. For this purpose he sent to Canton a man whose services he had already learned to appreciate. A mandarin of acknowledged integrity and inflexible will, whose severity was some- what barbarous, came to the capital of the two Kouangs to replace a faithless official, who, in consideration of LIN fl VIOLENCE. lO enormous advantages, had closed his eyes to the illicit traffic of the British merchants and the smugglers. Every one trembled at the arrival of the new governor, who wore the insignia of the highest dignities, and whose appearance was very imposing. Lin was then about fifty years of age ; he wore the red ball, and the peacock's feather with two eyes. *' Lin's only error was that he did not understand the altered spirit of the time, and consequently did not reck- on on the change which had taken place in the character of the foreigners with whom he had to settle such diffi- cult and delicate questions. So long as the mandarins had to deal directly with agents of the East India Com- pany, they could without danger assume a disdainful tone ; for such a tone inflicted no deep wound on men devoted solely to their commercial interests. But when Lin came suddenly into contact with the representatives of a government jealous of its dignity, he struck against a rock which he little expected. As a man of tact, he should have confined himself to the efficacious measures he had already adopted. Thanks to his activity, his zeal, and above all to the fear which * The color of the ball worn at the apex of the conical cap Bcrves, in some measure, to mark the rank of the wearer. Red indicates the highest degree of official dignity. The introduction of peacock's feathers, of one, two, or three eyes, and of different colors, to hang from the top of the cap down the back as a sign of various degrees of merit, was an invention of the Tartar dy- nasty. — J. O. 16 THE INSURRECTION IN CHINA. he inspired, lie had given new sinews to the Chinese Gov- ernment, and the smugglers, constantly chased by the custom-house officers of the Celestial Empire, had nearly abandoned their dangerous trade. Bat not content with this first success, he wished, by a vigorous act, to strike a blow at the British merchants, and to put out of their heads all thoughts of again introducing the narcotic drug into the Chinese empire. One night the hongs, or factories in which the foreign- ers resided, were surrounded by troops ; and the Eng- lish, American, and Parsee merchants, learned, when they awoke, that they were Lin's prisoners, and that the vice- roy of the two Kouangs allowed them three days to give up all the opium they had on board the " receiving ships ;" in default whereof, they were to be treated according to the utmost rigor of the new law, — in other words, were to lose their heads. This was a violent measure, especially when we reflect that Lin was by no means in the right. In France, where ideas are not always correct, it is a settled point that the English were wrong in the opium war, and that the cause of right suffered in the treaty of Nankin. No opinion could be more false. The English carried on a contraband trade on the coasts of the Celestial Empire precisely similar to the smuggling which takes place ou the coast of France ; and we have not, as I am aware, laid down the principle that we can seize and threaten with death all the foreign merchants within our clutches, on the pretext that there are vessels in the Havre or Mar- SURRENDER OF THE OPIUM. l7 seilles roads loaded with contraband goods. To proceed, however — when Lin struck his decisive blow, there were vessels oflf the island of Lin-tin loaded with more than 20.000 chests of opium, and representing a value of more than 50,000,000 francs (2,000,000/.) This glut arose from the eflScacious measures which had been pursued by the hoppo (the director-general of the Canton customs), at the instigation of and under the authority of Lin. In this extremity, the prisoners wrote at once to Cap- tain Elliot, commander of the naval forces of England in the Chinese waters, who then happened to be at Macao. They informed him of the dangers which threatened their lives and fortunes, at the same time soliciting his intervention and assistance. Captain Elliot hastened to his countrymen at once, and after urging them not to yield to the demands of the mandarins, he announced that he purchased the 20.000 chests of opium in the name of her Britannic Majesty ; and declared that be would make a political question of what had hitherto been a commercial difficulty. He then ordered Lin to withdraw his troops, and release the Queen's subjects. The vice- roy took no heed of this demand. He simply replied, that the severest measures would be taken against the English, unless the whole of the opium on board of their ships was given up. As Captain Elliot had not suflScient force to resist the Chinese troops, ho gave up the prohibited article. Lin caused large pits to be dug, and the opium, covered with (iuick-lime, was buried in the island of Lin-tin, in the 18 THE INSURRECTION IN CHINA. presence of witnesses ; after which operation, the foreign merchants detained at Canton were set at liberty. However, the day of retribution was at hand. In a short time a British fleet sailed up the river of Canton, dismantling the forts, and threatening the banks on each side, and took a strong position on the nothern coasts of China, by occupying Tchou-san (Chusan). When news of these events was received at Pekin, Lin was immedi- ately recalled, and Kichan, a member of the imperial family, was appointed by the Emperor to succeed him. Ki-chan was an intelligent and resolute man. He saw at once with what sort of enemies he had to deal, and the danger to whidb the Government had been exposed by the imprudence and presumption of his predecessor. As a skillful diplomatist he did not hesitate to accept the ultimatum laid down by the " barbarians ;" that is to say, he avoided a disastrous war by accepting hard con- ditions, such as a heavy indemnity paid to the English, the cession of Hong-kong, and so forth. However, when the treaty was submitted to the Emperor for sanction, the " Son of Heaven " rejected it with indignation. Ki- chan was ignominiously recalled, and underwent the great- est indignity that had ever been inflicted on any high functionary under the reign of Tao-kouang. He was pub- licly degraded, his property was confiscated, his concu- bines were sold, his house was rased to the ground, and, to complete his misfortunes, he was exiled to the remotest part of Tartary. These sudden reverses of fortune are spectacles which TREATY OF NAXKIN. 19 the Celestial Emperor often presents to the Chinese peo- ple. The lower orders always applaud such catastrophes, which appeal to their gross instincts : and they think that a strong blow is necessarily a just one. Those of our readers who wish to form a better acquaintance with the great mandarin Ki-chan, have only to read the '• Voyage au Thibet," by MM. Hue and Gabet ; they will find him at Lassa, on intimate terms with the intrepid travellers. - A mandarin named Y-chan succeeded Ki-chan in the government of Canton, and brought back with him the treaty which his predecessor had concluded, torn. Hos- tilities were renewed at once. Every one knows the re- sult of the English expedition. Ning-po, Chang-hai, Tchou-san, Ting-hai, fell successively into the hands of the English, who at last compelled the Chinese to sign at Nankin a treaty, by which they ceded Hong-kong to the " barbarians ;" opened to them four new ports on the northern coast of the empire, granted them the occupa- tion of Tchou-san for five years ; and, moreover, bound themselves to pay a heavy indemnity. This treaty was concluded by Ki-in, another member of the royal family, with whom we were intimately ac- quainted. He was the political friend of Mou-tchang-ha, the prime minister, and member of the council. These two persons were unquestionably the greatest statesmen during the reign of Tao-kouang. It is very probable that the " Son of Heaven," the sublime Emperor, never knew precisely what was going on between the English and the Chinese. He died, doubtless, consoled by the 20 THE INSURRECTION IN CHINA. pleasant thought that his troops were invincible, and that if Hong-kong had been charitably bestowed on a few wretched exiles, it was only because they had begged for the happiness of being his subjects. At all events, the treaty of Nankin was signed and ratified, and Ki-in, who was appointed governor of the two Kouangs, came to occupy the difl&cult post of Can- ton. He at once impressed his convictions on the mind of the prime minister, Mou-tchang-ha, and through his influence with that high dignitary, though difi&culties still sometimes arose between the people of the West and the Chinese, a rupture became almost impossible. We should add that this new policy, this attitude of the pro- gressive conservatives, irritated the population of Canton against them. They were accused of temporizing with foreigners, and betraying their sovereign for the advan- tage of the barbarians. Thousands of placards held up the name of Ki-in as an object of popular hatred and vengeance. We quote one of these placards literally, to show that injustice, violence, and evil passions, belong to all countries and all races. " Our cannibal mandarins have hitherto been the ac- complices of the English robbers in all the acts that the latter have committed against order and justice. For five years to come our nation will mourn the humiliation it has been forced to undergo. " In the fifth moon of the present year, many Chinese have been slain by foreigners ; their bodies have been flung into the river, and buried in the bellies of fishes ; MILITARY REFORM. 21 but our high authorities have treated these affairs as though they had never heard of them ; they have looked upon these foreign devils as though they were gods ; they have despised the Chinese as though they had the flesh of doojs ; and have not valued the life of men more than the hair which is shorn from the head. They persist in keeping the throne in ignorance of what is passing, and in neglecting to treat this affair with the importance which it deserves. Thousands of people are filled with grief and anger ; sorrow has penetrated the marrow of their bones, and their sole consolation is to express their woes in the public assemblies, «&c., &c." These absurd accusations had no influence on the po- litical fortunes of Ki-in. The Emperor, satisfied with his services, recalled him to Pekin to confer new dignities upon him and to raise him to the highest ofl&ces. He became the colleague of Mou-tchang-ha. These two statesmen endeavored to effect several reforms. The first was directed to the military department. Ki-in saw clearly that the Chinese soldiers, armed like the Homeric heroes with bows and arrows, or encumbered with old- fashioned matchlocks, could not cope with the European troops, and he endeavored to change this grotesque mode of equipment. We find on this subject a very curious report presented to the emperor during the ministry of Ki-in. The point is the substitution of percussion guns for the old arquebus, which was fired with a match. We see that in this change of firearms China has the advan- tage over Europe : she has passed over the flint-and-pan. 22 THE INSURRECTION IN CHINA. '' I respectfully report, that whereas your Majesty has charged a prince of the imperial family to make an ex- periment of the percussion weapons made in my depart- ment, all these weapons have been found admirably effi- cient. Nevertheless, as such weapons are somewhat similar in their mechanism to clocks and watches, they are in constant danger of getting out of order, so as not to work at all. Hence they are in need of frequent re- pair, which must not be neglected if they are to be kept ready for use at a moment's notice. " For the manufacture of detonating powder and gun- powder, an annual supply of one thousand cattis of salt- petre and fifty cattis of sulphur will be required ; and I entreat your Majesty to have them sent to me. " Fifty thousand copper caps should be placed every year in the arsenals, as a reserve, and renewed when necessary, in order to meet the exigencies of a sudden war. Besides this supply, a quantity of caps should be made for the practice with fire-arms, which takes place during the great reviews of spring and autumn. " A year has scarcely elapsed since your Majesty first gave orders for the manufacture of weapons of the kind above mentioned, and even now all the persons employed on them — artificers, officers, and soldiers — have acquired wonderful experience, not only in the art of making them, but also in that of using them. We, therefore, pray your Majesty to grant to each of them the reward which his meritorious efforts deserve. "We also entreat you to PROSPECTS OF 1850. 23 ' 'iblisli fill edict setting forth the Mantchou name which < to be given to the percussion guns." Thus in the last days of the reign of Tao-kouang the Chinese empire was really in the path of progress. Mou- tchang-ha and Ki-in gave a powerful impulse to the move- ment, while the conciliatory spirit of the two ministers improved the relations with foreigners. The English chased the pirates, to the advantage of both nations ; and if a suspicious junk made its appearance in the southern waters they ran it down at once. In fact, all was going on for the best, when an unexpected event changed the aspect of affairs. CHAPTEE II. Accession of the Emperor Ilien-foung. On the 26tli of February, 1850, at seven o'clock in the morning, the entrances to the imperial palace of Pekin were obstructed by a dense throng of mandarins of the inferior orders, and servants in white dresses and yellow girdles, who spoke in a whisper, and wore an aspect of official grief on their countenances. In the midst of this ocean of subalterns were stationed sixteen persons, each accompanied by a groom, who held a horse saddled and bridled. These sixteen persons wore the satin cap tied under the chin and surmounted by a white ball ; also a girdle hung with bells ; a tube of a yellow color was slung diagonally over their shoulders, and they held in their hand a long whip. One of the high dignitaries came out from the palace, and with his own hands gave each of these men a folded document, sealed with the red seal of the Emperor. The sixteen, after bowing to receive it, swung round the tube, which with the exception of its yellow colour perfectly resembled the tin cylinders in which soldiers, released from service, enclose their conge. In this they respectfully placed the official des- DEATH OF TAO-KOUANG. 25 patch ; after which they mounted on horseback ; while the grooms secured them on their saddles with thongs that passed over their thighs. When they were firmly fixed, the crowd gave way, and the horses set oflf at full speed. These sixteen horsemen, who are called Fei-ma, or " flying couriers," had each of them to perform in twenty-four hours a journey of six hundred li, or sixty leagues French. Their office was to carry the following despatch to the Governors-general of the sixteen provinces of the Celestial Empire: — " The Board of Rites gives notice in great haste to the Governor-general, that on the fourteenth of the first moon, the Supreme Emperor, mounted on a dragon, de- parted to the ethereal regions. At the hour moo in the morning, his Celestial Majesty transmitted the imperial dignity to his fourth son, Se-go-ko, and in the evening, at the hour /wzi, he set off for the abode of tlie gods. " It is consequently ordered that the mourning for the Empress-dowager, which had nearly reached its ter- mination, shall be immediately resumed by all civil and military functionaries, and that no one shall be allowed to shave his beard or his head in the interval. A sub- sequent decree will make known the duration of the great imperial mourning." Thus it appears that the Emperor Tao-kouang was dead, and accordingly the constitution of the empire had devolved the supreme dignity on the successor he had appointed. The sceptre was to be wielded by his fourth son ; but 2 2C THE INSURRECTION IN CHINA. the " Son of Heaven*' had departed from ancient usage, by appointing his heir by word of mouth. Usually the bequest of supreme power was made long beforehand, by a solemn document which was deposited in a golden coflfer, to be opened with great solemnity when the Em- peror ceased to exist. However, even in China, the last will of a deceased monarch is not always respected, and we may find there, as elsewhere, an illustration of the old adage, " A living dog is better than a dead lion." The history of the Celestial Empire offers several examples of a violation of the posthumous orders of the Emperor ; and we may as well record here one of the most remarkable instances of the sort, inasmuch as it strikingly exemplifies the civilization and manners of China. The second Emperor of the dynasty of Tsin, Tsin-che- houang, being already old and infirm, sent his son, Fou- sou, the heir to the throne, into the north of China, to superintend the defensive works, which three hundred thousand men were constructing on the Tartarian fron- tier. He gave the young prince for his guide and guardian, the celebrated Mong-tien, an experienced general, and the most illustrious warrior of his time. While the im- perial prince and his three hundred thousand men were working at that great wall of China, which travellers have so much lengthened in their narratives, the old Emperor Tsin-che-houang took it into his head to perform a pilgrimage into the southern provinces, to visit the tombs of his predecessors Chuen and Yu. The latter is AN ANCIENT ANECDOTE. 27 the Deucalion of Chinese mythology, and his memory is held in high veneration. Tsin-che-houang performed this long journey, accom- panied by his second son, Hou-hai, and Tcha-kao, chief of the eunuchs. The old Emperor could not support the fatigues of the journey. He fell ill at a great dis- tance from his capital, and feeling the approach of death, wrote to his eldest son to quit the frontier, and proceed .with all haste to the capital of the empire, there to re- ceive the news of his decease, and to celebrate his funeral when his body should be brought thither by his faithful servants. The chief of the eunuchs, whose office it was to place the imperial seal on this despatch and send it to the crown-prince of the empire, fabricated another des- patch, and boldly substituted it for that of the dying emperor. In this document, which had all the marks of authenticity, Tsin-che-houang ordered the prince his son, and the illustrious warrior who accompanied him, to kill themselves, by way of expiating their transgress- ions. On the day after the perpetration of this fraud, the Emperor died. The infamous Tcha-kao then persuaded the second son to take possession of the throne ; but to cflfect this usurpation, it was necessary to conceal the death of the Emperor for a certain time, in order that the high functionaries, and the young princess, who had remained in the capital, might not of their own accord proclaim the heir, already appointed by the deceased monarch. 28 THE INSUllRECTION IN CHINA. The eunuch therefore contrived this stratagem. The body, wrapped in sumptuous raiment, and in the same attitude as during life, was placed in a litter surrounded by a light trellis-work, and concealed by silken curtains. A few initiated persons could alone approach it, and the eunuch proclaimed throughout the route that the Em- peror, wishing to hasten his return, would travel day and night without alighting from his litter. At meal times, the procession stopped for a moment to take in the food, which was consumed by a man placed in a litter by the side of the corpse ; but even the most curious eye could not detect anything behind the thick silken cur- tains. Unfortunately this took place during the most intense heat of summer, and the corpse soon began to send forth a most intolerable stench, which would have revealed the terrible truth, had not the eunuch contrived a new ex- pedient. He sent in advance of the procession an ante- dated edict, professedly issued by the Emperor, which declared that the said Emperor, for the interest of com- merce, allowed the carts of vendors of oysters to take the same route as his cortege. Formerly this had been severely prohibited on account of the offensive nature of the wares. The oysters, which in Chinese are called pao-yu. are the enormous shell-fish to which naturalists give the name of spondyks. and were then, as now, large- ly consumed by the people. The oyster-dealers took advantage of the permission which was granted them ; and consequently cart-loads of AN ANCIENT ANECDOTE. 29 spondyks preceded and followed the imperial procession, sending forth efl3uvia which defied the most sensitive nose to detect the putrid exhalations of the corpse among the alkaline exhalations which surrounded it. In this manner the imperial litter reached the capital amid the sound of gongs and the acclamations of the multitude. Prince Hou-hai and the eunuch took their measures at once. Having gained over the high functionaries and the soldiers, they announced the death of Tsin-che- houang, and proclaimed the new Emperor. While all this was going on at Ping-yuen, Fou-sou and Mong-tien received with astonishment the imperial edict which com- manded them to kill themselves. The old general ob- served to bis pupil that it was contrary to the rules of sound policy to order generals who commanded 300,000 men to die by their own hands, without providing suc- cessors, and he was therefore of opinion that the impe- rial edict was a forgery. However Fou-sou made the heroic reply that filial piety required him to obey, with- out examination or discussion, an order bearing his fa- ther's seal, and stabbed himself without hesitation. The accession of Hien-foung was not attended by such disastrous circumstances, though his father had not ap- pointed him in the express terms to which the Chinese, who are formalists by nature, attach great importance. He mounted the throne without opposition, and if we have related the catastrophe of Prince Fou-sou, it is only for the purpose of showing the reader how easily the most audacious crimes may be perpetrated in a country 30 THE INSURRECTION IN CHINA. where an almost invisible sovereign is surrounded by persons who, at any given moment, can conspire together to violate without a struggle the law of succession to the throne. The new Emperor, according to custom, aban- doned the name he had hitherto borne, and took that of Hien-fouDg, which signifies " Complete Abundance," CHAPTEE III. - The new Emperor and the old Miniatera— First news of the Inaurrection. After the death of Tao-kouang, one of us wrote as follows : — " We must be very ignorant of the affairs of China, or have some interest in concealing the truth, if we do not feel the gravity of the political position result- ing from the old Emperor's decease." These words were addressed to some journalists, who seemed to think that the people of the Celestial Empire were utter strangers to the feelings which animate the people of the West. We, on the other hand, who have long been convinced that the disdain of the Chinese for the arts of the bar- barians is no more than a result of national vanity, could not conceal from ourselves the gravity of the position. A young man of nineteen, inheriting absolute power, and succeeding an old man whose reign had been chec- quercd by events of incalculable import, appeared to us a severe test for the destinies of the empire. It was to be feared that he would only be guided by the feelings and suggestions of persons of his own age ; and it must be remembered that in China the educated youth and the 32 THE INSURRECTION IN CHINA. ignorant populace entertain the same political opinions. They profess an equal hatred for foreigners, and enter- tain the same instinctive repugnance for the institutions of other countries. The arts of other nations seem to them tainted with heresy, for they feel that their intro- duction among themselves is followed by new manners and customs. In a word, they are re-actionaries by hab- it, and by their attachment to national usages. Only those who are of a mature age, and have been trained in the school of experience, can appreciate the arts and in- stitutions of Christian nations. Ki-in, at the time of our residence in China, when no misfortune had yet be- fallen him, often praised the Governments of England, the United States, and France ; and at the same time, Ki-chan, who had been unjustly cast down from his high position, expressed similar opinions to MM. Hue and Ga- bet, in the holy city of Thibet. The accession of Hien-foung was hailed as an event of great promise. The national party saw in him the regenerator of the old exclusive system. If this party did not hope to see him build the great wall which was now crumbling, it could, at any rate, believe, without ex- cessive vanity, that he would raise a barrier across the river of Canton, and hinder the fire-ships of the '• barba- rians " from approaching the capital of the twO Kouangs. On the other hand, the progressive conservatives hoped that one who was the son of Tao-kouang, and the pupil of Ki-in, would maintain peace with foreigners, and reg- ulate the opium trade, as the English had done in India, FALL OF THE OLD MINISTERS. 33 the Dutch in Malay, and as the French have done with respect to the sale of two poisons equally dangerous, al- cohol and tobacco ; and finally, that the army, the fleet, and the administrative details of the Chinese, would re- ceive those improvements which modern times demanded. In monarchical countries — especially where the mon- archy is absolute — the beginning of a new reign affords full scope to all sorts of illusions and ambitious dreams. Everybody prepossessed with his own Utopia hopes to see it realized, when a hint from the sovereign will is all that is required for so desirable an end. Hence, during the first days of the reign of Hien-foung, each of the different parties believed that its own system of politic! would be established. In the mean while the young Emperor lived, surround ed by a troop of flatterers, eunuchs, and concubines, i? his immense palace — whose domain is as extensive as on« of our cities. He never passed the limits of those gar dens, the walks of which are of quartz, sparkling with a thousand colors ; and it might be imagined that he was altogether absorbed in those refined luxuries and splen- did enjoyments which are concealed in retreats impene- trable to the eyes of the multitude. Politicians began to feel surprised at this long period of inaction ; when all of a sudden the thunder broke forth. The absolute power exerted itself at last — the moment of unexpected downfalls, and unlooked-for elevations, had arrived. It was the reactionary party that triumphed. The Moniteur of Pekin contained the dismissal of Moa-tchang-ha and 2* 34 THE INSURRECTION IN CHINA. of Ki-in, and thus set forth the motive of this proceed- ing :— " To employ men of merit, and to remove the un- worthy, is the first duty of a sovereign, for if any in- dulgence is shown to the unworthy, the government loses all its power. " The injuries done to the empire, by some of its func- tionaries, have now reached their utmost limit. The Government is everywhere on the decline ; the people are in a state of general demoralization ; and the burden of all these calamities falls upon me. Nevertheless it was the duty of my ministers to propose good measures, to reform abuses, and to render me such daily assistance as might keep me in the right direction. " Mou-tchang-ha, as first minister of the cabinet, has enjoyed the confidence of several Emperors, but he has taken no account of the difficulties of his office, or of his obligation to identify himself with the virtue and good counsels of his sovereign. On the contrary, while he has maintained his position, and the credit which pertains to it, he has, to the great detriment of the empire, kept men of real merit out of office, and while, to deceive me, he has put on an outward show of devotion and fidelity, he has only employed his talents in dexterously trying to make my views accord with his own. " One of the acts which most kindled indignation, was his removal from office of those men who had not the same political opinions with himself, at the time when the c[uestion concerning the barbarians was under con- FALL OF THE OLD MINISTERS. 35 sideration. For with regard to Ta-lioung-ha and Yao- joung, whose extreme fidelity and energy offended him, he never rested till he had overthrown them ; while with respect to Ki-in, a shameless man, who is dead to all virtue, and whom he hoped to have for an accomplice in his iniquities, he was not satisfied till he had raised him to the highest dignity. There are numberless examples of the same kind to show that he constantly made use of the favour he enjoyed to extend the measure of his power. " The last Emperor was too honest and too just him- self to suspect men of perfidy, and on this account Mou- tchang-ha has been allowed to go on fearlessly and with- out hindrance in his evil courses. If all his treason had once been brought to light, there is no doubt that he would have suffered a severe punishment, and that not the slightest mercy would have been extended to him. However, his audacity was increased by his impunity, and the continua^on of the imperial favour ; and even unto this day his conduct has been unchanged. " At the beginning of our reign, whenever we had oc- casion to ask his advice, he either gave it in equivocal term.s, or was silent. A few months afterwards he had recourse to stratagem. "When the vessel of the English barbarians arrived at Tien-sin he conspired with his ctm fidant Ki-in, to make his own policy prevail, and to expo.SM the people of the empire to the return of past calamitiea. "Wc cannot depict all the dangers which were hidden in l)is schemes. 86 THE INSURRECTION IN CHINA. " When the minister Pan-che-gan strongly advised us to employ Lin, Mou-tchang-ha never ceased to urge that the iDfirmities of Lin rendered him unfit for any employ ; and when we ordered him to proceed to the Kouang-Si to exterminate the rebels, Mou-tchang-ha again questioned the aptitude of Lin for this mission. He has thus treache- rously endeavoured to dazzle our eyes, that we may not see what is going on without ; and it is in this that his culpability really consists. "As for Ki-in, his anti-national propensities, his cowardice, and his incapacity, are beyond expression. While he was at Canton he did nothing but oppress the people in order to please the barbarians, to the great de- triment of the State. Was not this clearly shown in the discussion respecting the entrance of the Europeans into the official city ? " On the one hand he violated the sacred principles of justice, while on the other he outraged the natural feel- ings of the nation, thus causing hostilities which we had no reason to expect. " Very fortunately, our predecessor, fully informed of the duplicity of this man, recalled him in haste to the capital, and though he did not at once remove him from office, he would certainly have done so when a fitting time arrived. " Often, in the course of the present year, when he has been called before us, he has, while speaking of the Eng- lish barbarians, endeavoured to persuade us how greatly they were to be feared, and how necessary it would be to FALL OF THE OLD MINISTERS. 37 come to a speedy understanding with them, if any dif- ference arose. He thought that we did not know his treason, and that he could easily deceive us; but the more he declaimed, the more evident did his depravity become, and his discourse was no more in our ears than the barking of a mad dog. He even ceased to be an ob- ject of commiseration. " The manoeuvres of Mou-tchang-ha were veiled and -hard to detect, while those of Ki-in were palpable and visible to all the world ; but with respect to the mischief they might have done to the empire, the guilt of both these persons was equal. If we do not proceed against them with all the severity of the law, how are we to show our respect for the institutions of the empire? How will our example strengthen the people in sentiments of rectitude ? " Considering, however, that Mou-tchang-ha is an old minister, who has held the reins of empire for a long time, under three successive reins, it goes against our heart suddenly to inflict upon him the severe chastise- ment which he deserves. We wish, therefore, that he be treated with mildness, that he be simply deprived of his rank, and that he never be recalled to any office hereafter. " The incapacity of Ki-in has been extreme ; never- theless, taking into consideration the difficulties of his position, we wish that he also should be treated with in- dulgence, and order that he be degraded to the fifth rank, and that be remain as a candidate for employment in one of the six Boards of administration. 38 THE INSURRECTION IN CHINA. " The selfish conduct of these two men, and their in- fidelity to their sovereign, are notorious throughout the empire. Nevertheless we have treated them with elem- encj, not condemning them to capital punishment. In examining their case, we have used all our care, and it was not till after mature reflection, as our ministers are aware, that we came most unwillingly to a decision which had become indispensable. " May all the civil and military officers of the capital and the provinces show henceforth by their conduct, that they are guided by the principles of sound morality, and faithfully serve the empire without fearing difficulties or seeking indolent repose. If any one is aware of any measure calculated to call forth the wholesome action of the government, or to promote the welfare of the people, let him make it known without reserve. No one should be guided by his attachment to his political master, or by his sympathies for his protectors. " Such are our most ardent wishes ; and we order that our decision be published both within and without the capital, that all the empire may take notice of it. " Respect this ! Dated the 18th day of the lOfch moon of the 30th year of Tao-kouang (21st November, 1850)." This document is dated in the reign of Tao-kouang, although it was promulgated by his successor. To ex- plain this apparent difficulty it should be observed, that the whole of the year in which an emperor dies is con- eidered by Chinese chronologists to belong to his reign. We should bear in mind that Ki-in, now so cruelly de- THE STANDARD OP THE MINGS. 39 graded, had possessed the entire confidence of the Em- peror Tao-kouang, to whom he was nearly related ; that he had reached the very summit of greatness ; and that his sovereign had given him the highest mark of esteem, when he appointed him to preside over the obsequies of the Empress dowager. The successors of Mou-tchang-ha and Ki-in were se- lected from among the most fanatical enemies of the Europeans, and employed every effort to destroy the ef- fect which a contact with " barbarians " might have pro- duced on some individuals of their nation. This depar- ture from his father's policy was not productive of hap- piness to the new monarch. Shortly after the victory of the reactionary party, the first intelligence of the revolt of the Kouang-Si was received. Precursory symptoms had to some extent announced this insurrection. Marvels preceded realities, and en- dowed them with a sort of prestige, by giving the rebel- lion of the Kouang Si the character of an event predicted by the prophets, and expected by true believers. A re- port was current among the people that the 48th year of the present cycle, which began in 1851, was the epoch fixed by prophecy for the restoration of the dynasty of Ming. It was added that a sage, who lived under the last emperor of that race, had preserved his standard, and had prophesied that he who unfurled it in the midst of his army would ascend the throne. At the beginning of the insurrection it was aflBrmed that the rebels march- ed under this miraculous flag, and the fact was not at all 40 THE INSURRECTION IN CHINA. questioned by the people. We have seen with our own eyes many of these sibylline decrees, the obscure phrases of which seem modelled on the verses of Nostradamus and St. Csesarius. The multitude does not believe in the extinction of ancient royal races ; it is never certain that their last representative is laid in the tomb. The Portuguese people still expect the return of Don Sebas- tian, who was killed at the battle of Alcazar-Quivir, three hundred years ago. A general uneasiness soon took possession of the pub- lic mind. There was a talk of treacherous or corrupt mandarins ; the number and importance of secret affilia- tions were exaggerated ; and in several places meetings were held, where the legitimacy of the Tartar dynasty, and the necessity of substituting for it a national dynas- ty, were publicly discussed. The movement was so manifest, that, in the month of August, 1850, the follow- ing article was published in an English journal : — " 24th August. — Under the powerful influence of the men of letters, and in consequence of a general discontent throughout China, the cry of reform is raised in all di- rections. The new principles are making immense pro- gress, and the day is rapidly approaching when the em- pire will be torn in pieces by civil war. Among the higher and middle classes of Pekin there is a firm belief in the prophecy diffused over China a century ago, that the reigning dynasty will be overthrown in the commence- INSURRECTION IN THE KOUANG-SI. 41 ment of the 48th year of the present cycle, and this fatal year will begin on the 1st February next. "This event is by no means improbable, if we exam- ine with attention the revolutionary movements which have simultaneously taken place at the most remote points of this vast empire. The work of revolution has already commenced in the province of Kouang-Si, in the neighborhood of the first commercial city of China; and It is the general belief among the lettered party of Can- ton, that thia is only a pilot-balloon to test the opinion of the masses, and to force the Tartar Government to dis- play the means which it has at its disposal for its self- preservation. " Hitherto the rebels have triumphed over every ob- stacle ; and their chief, who takes the title of Generalis- simo, openly declares that the object of the revolutionary movement is to dethrone the reigning dynasty, and to found another of Chinese origin. In vain have the au- thorities armed all the contingents of their several dis- tricts; the torrent has carried everything before it, and many mandarins have fallen victims to their loyalty. At the same time, the successes of the rebels do no hon- ^ or to their cause ; their passage is marked by pillage, murder, conflagration, and all those acts of spoliation which are scarcely practised in cities taken by storm ; although the people thus afflicted have given no motive for persecution, but on the contrary, have been the first to sufier under the Imperial tyranny. The lettered and 42 THE INSURRECTION IN CHINA. the ricli do not approve of these deplorable excesses, but they are without power to check them. " Besides the secret societies, which are now more nu- merous than under the late Emperor, clubs are every- where formed, in spite of the laws which prohibit all meetings of the kind. In these every member is forced to make oath that he will do all in his power to overthrow the dynasty of Tsing, and pursue this noble undertaking until its end is attained. " While this work of regeneration is going on, the boy who now wields the imperial sceptre annihilates the devoted ministers who, seeing the approach of the tem- pest, dare to convey the counsels of experience and wis- dom to the foot of the throne. While the nation utters the cry of ' Reform,' the blinded monarch answers by that of ' Resistance ;' and to that natural movement of mind which has brought China into the path of progress, he opposes a factitious movement to force it back into the impracticable routine of the past. Can we be astonished, if the Tartar dynasty falls in a contest so unequal ? If go, it will only have itself to blame. " We shall presently see with what dexterity the insur- gents have taken advantage of popular credulity, — with what art they make use of a personage in the shade who never speaks and never shows himself, but in whose name an army of 100.000 men is in motion. Strange to say, the chief competitors in this great struggle are two young men scarcely out of their boyhood. The Emper- CHARACTER OF THE EMPEROR. 43 ror Hien-foung is only twenty-two years of age. He is of a middle height, and his form indicates great aptitude for bodily exercises. He is slender and muscular. His face, which indicates a certain degree of resolution, is chiefly characterized by a very high forehead, and by an almost defective obliquity of the eyes. His cheek bones are very prominent, and strongly marked. The space between the eyes is large and flat, like the forehead of a buffalo. Hien-foung is of a stubborn and credulous dis- position. In the midst of the most effeminate luxury he affects severity of morals, and, notwithstanding his youth, he is already married. The Empress is a Tartar prin- cess, with large feet, totally devoid of that delicacy and fragile gracefulness which belong to the small-footed Chinese women. The Emperor loves to see her perform the violent exercises which are the delight of the women of her nation, and she often gallops about with him in the extensive gardens of the palace. Ti^n-te, the chief of the insurrection, is not above twenty-three years of age ; but study and want of rest have made him prematurely old. He is grave and mel- ancholy, leads a very retired life, and only communicates with those about him when he gives his orders. His face is expressive of mildness, but it is a mildness pecu- liar to certain ascetics, and which neither excludes firm- ness nor that obstinancy belonging to persons of strong religious convictions. His complexion, which borders on the color of saffron, is that of the Chinese of the south- em provinces. In stature he is taller than Hidn-foang ; 44 THE INSURRECTION IN CHINA. but he appears less robust. Both of them have been in- fluenced by their education ; and their moral are indicat- ed by their physical qualities. The young Emperor, easy in his movements, and with firmness in his glance, has an aspect of haughty command, and requires blind obedience. Tien-te, on the other hand, has a fixed gaze, which seems to penetrate into the depths of the human soul, and to unmask all its designs. He commands rather by suggestions than by directly giving orders. In a word, he has the taciturn reserve of a man who has long reflected before he has made any one the confidant of his projects. As for the position he takes, the following is an account given by a Chinese of the Pretender's entry into one of the numerous cities of which his troops have taken possession : — " The cortege of the new Emperor recalled to my mind the scenes which are represented in our theatres, and those pieces in which we see the heroes of ancient times who lived before we submitted to the Tartar yoke. The persons who surrounded Tien-te had cut off" the tail, and allowed their hair to grow, while in- stead of the change buttoned at the side, they wore tunics open in front. None of the oflicers had on the thumb of the right hand the pan-tche, or archer's ring, which our mandarins wear with so much ostentation. The Em- peror was in a magnificent palanquin, enclosed by curtains of yellow satin, and carried by sixteen officers. After the palanquin of Tien-te came that of his tutor, placed on the shoulders of eight coolies. Then came his thirty CHARACTER OF THE PRETENDER. 45 wives in painted and gilded chairs. A multitude of ser- vants and soldiers followed in perfect order." Such are the peculiarities of the two young men who now dispute the throne of China. If we draw a compari- son between them we shall find that one is deficient in qualities which are indispensable to his position, while the other possesses all those talents which are useful to a pretender. Hien-foung, invested with supreme authori- ty,-and summoned to direct a state-machine, the springs of which are strained but not worn out, does not know how to restore those parts which have been affected by time. His chief defect is a want of that exquisite tact which enables a prince to give every one the exact meas- ure of praise or blame which is his due. He is not en- dowed with a correct judgment, for amongst that multi- tude of attendants, eunuchs, concubines, and slaves who surround him, he does not know how to distinguish those faithful counsellors whose fate is bound up with the exis- tence of his dynasty, from mere adventurers who hover about every palace, and who, having their fortunes to make, never give advice which is wholly disinterested. At once violent and weak, the young Emperor abandons himself to his favorites of the moment, and places blind confidence in the officials for the time being. The mani- festations of his authority are always the exaggerated ex- pressions of some insinuation, perfidious or otherwise ; and even in this latter case his most useful determinations become so many political faults when they have passed through a brain naturally disposed to violence and ferocity. 46 THE INSURRECTION IN CHINA. Tien-te, on the contrary, has organized his political system by so marshalling existing interests as to secure devoted agents. Affable to all, he has only one intimate adviser. Whether it be his father, his master, or only his friend, no one knows ; but this mysterious councillor accompanies him everywhere. Violence is foreign to the Pretender's character. He speaks on all subjects with moderation, and it is only with the greatest reserve that he alludes to the monarch whose rival he has become. Surrounded by officers who are partners in his fortunes, he is better served than the Emperor ; and the discipline of his governmental staff is under his own immediate in- fluence. While his generals advance, conquering cities and acquiring new territory, he remains in the back- ground, watching the position of the people of each dis- trict, and organizing his political system. But he is al- ways within such a distance of the theatre of war, that his enemies cannot doubt his courage, while his friends have no right to blame his temerity. CHAPTEE lY. The Kouang-Sl— The Miao-tze— The Insurgents during tlie year 1850. The insurrection began in the Kouang-Si. This prov- ince, which is larger than the whole state of some sover- eigns of our old Europe, is under the administration of a governor-general, and forms part of the vice-royalty of the two Kouangs. It is situated in the south-west of the empire, and is bounded on the east by the Kouang- Toung, on the west by the Yun-Nan, on the south by the Tonkin, and on the north by the Hou-Nan. It is a mountainous district, covered with naked peaks, the sum- mits and declivities of which bear no signs of vegetation. The numerous hills of rounded form, which rise above these gigantic peaks, are covered with shrubs and ligne- ous plants. The mountains of the Kouang-Si belong to the curiosities of the Celestial Empire, and all the guides of travellers in China give singular accounts of these ac- cidents of the soil, which no foreigner has been at liberty to explore since the time of the Jesuits. According to native travellers, these masses take the form of various animals, and represent, beyond the 48 THE INSURRECTION IN CHINA. chance of mistake, sometimes a cock, sometimes an ele- phant ; while rocks are found in which strange animals are encrusted, petrified in the most singular attitudes. We have carefully examined the drawings of these fig- ures, which resemble the species restored by Cuvier, and we are convinced that they are only red spots produced by an oxide of iron, and strongly contrasted with the black color of the stone. The general aspect of the Kouang-Si is singularly pic- turesque, and this vast district ofiers points of view, which have often been depicted by Chinese painters. But their landscapes always appear strange to European eyes : the inaccessible mountains, which appear fashioned to suit the caprices of human imagination — the rocks bearing a resemblance to gigantic animals — the rivers, which fall into abysses, crossed by impassable bridges — all these appear to us like something belonging to the realm of fairies. Charming as it is, the country is extremely poor, and its picturesque beauties are opposed to fertility. If the Creator had spread a few vast plains at the foot of these mountains with bare summits, the numerous torrents which flow from the heights might have been turned to useful account. But the soil is only suited to cer- tain kinds of cultivation, and only produces a few arti- cles of luxury. It is on the broad plains of the Kouang- Toung that the waters are found in some degree service- able. If we study the map of the Kouang-Si, and bear in mind the war now going on, we are forced to admit PRODUCE OF THE KOUANGSI. 49 that the chief of the insurrection showed great discern- ment in choosing for his starting-point this barren and mountainous country. The poverty of the inhabitants was in itself a powerful ally, and an army of adventurers could easily be recruited from a people who are always in a state of indigence. Moreover, the accidental irreg- ularities of the soil, which we find throughout the dis- trict, are favorable to its defence. The " Son of Heav- en " would require an army twenty times more numerous, and means of attack a hundred times more efificacious than those now at his disposal, to dislodge the rebels from their natural intrenchraents. In case of defeat, the insurgents of the Kouang-Si could renew the history of that desperate struggle which the guerillas of heroic Spain maintained so long against the French troops. There are besides several points of resemblance between the inhabitants of the Iberian pen- insula and those of this southern province of the Chinese Empire. Both are sober, intrepid, inured to fatigue, and animated by the same spirit of independence. After centuries of occupation, the Tartars have been unable to reduce the more remote regions of this mountainous dis- trict into a state of submission. A circumstance arising from the nature of the soil, and the agricultural habits of the people, was also favor- able to the designs of the Pretender. The produce of the Kouang-Si chiefly consists of white cinnamon and badiana. and the care which these trees require, only oc- cupies the cultivators during a portion of the year. It 3 60 THE INSURRECTION IN CHINA. is on the declivity of the hills that these two magniiSoent species of evergreen chiefly thrive. The capital of the province is in some measure concealed by the shade of these fine trees. Hence comes its name of Kouei-Lin, which signifies a forest of cinnamon-trees. The Laurus cinnamomurYiy and the Ilicium anisatum constitute the principle wealth of the Kouang-Si. Commerce derives from this province, not only the bark of the white cinna- mon and the brown umbrels of anise, but also the essen- tial oils, which are obtained by distillation from the bark of the Laurus cinnamomum and the husks of the Ilicium. The oil of the green anise is found in a concrete state ; and an oflScer of the customs confounding the two kinds, has stated in an official document on the Chinese trade, that Badiana sugar is supplied by the Kouang-Si. "We need only glance at the drawings of the Chinese artists to be convinced that the soil of the Kouang-Si abounds in metallic strata. This natural peculiarity caused a sort of miracle, which greatly struck the imagi- nation of the multitude. At the beginning of the insurrection, the chiefs wished to mark the date of their enterprise, by the erection of a religious monument. The w^orkmen set about their task, and they hollowed out some of the decomposed rocks, which offered no strong resistance to the pick-axe. They had not descended many feet, when they came to some pebbles very similar to the flints deposited by our rivers. These pebbles, being examined with care, were found to be very heavy ; they were in fact, lumps of argentifer- THE MIAO-TZE. 51 ous lead, of surprisiog richness. It was by means, they say, of this providential treasure that the Pretender paid his first soldiers Whether this story be true or not, it deserved to be recorded by those writers of legends, whose works will some day amuse the leisure hours of the mandarins. We cannot quit this wonderful anecdote without remarking that, at the present day, strange coincidences take place, which seem to hand over science and observation to the service of those minds which have a tendency to believe in supernatural phenomena. As if to confirm the Chi- nese miracle, argentiferous strata precisely similar to those of the Kouang-Si have been recently discovered in Nor- way. It was in the month of August, 1850, that the jour- nals of Pekin first made mention of the Chinese insur- rection. According to the ofl&cial gazette, the troop of insurgents was merely composed of pirates, who had escaped the shots of the English on the coasts of the Fo- Kien, and had taken refuge in the mountains. It must be confessed that the robbers must have made a singular choice, in establishing themselves in one of the poorest districts of the empire, far from the populous cities, and from all the high roads of communication. But it must also be admitted that this place, totally unsuited to the exploits of a highway robber, was an admirable centre for the organization of an insurrectionary army. The insurgents at first were in no hurry to contra- dict these reports. They even allowed them to gain 62 THE INSURRECTION IN CHINA. credit, and established themselves in the southwest of the province, in the midst of a population scattered among the mountains ; continuing to recruit their army, and patiently awaiting the attack of the " tigers" of the Celestial Empire. We should here remark that the most distant regions of the Kouang-Si are peopled by a race of men known as Miao-tze. It would be difficult to give the reader an idea of these refractory tribes, if we did not find in the journal of one of our party the particulars of a conversation on the subject. This conversation took place during our stay in China at the residence of Houang-ngan-toung, assistant impe- rial commissioner, who had asked us to dinner in com- pany with MM. Ferriere and D'Harcourt. The young and elegant minister of the Celestial Empire occupied at Canton the pagoda of Foung-lien-miao ; and it was in the choir of this Buddhist temple that he received us, and that the dinner was served. During the repast the conversation turned on the Miao- tze, and the following are the details given by this official personage : — " The Miao-tze are natives of a mountain chain, which takes its rise in the north of the Kouang-Toung, and ex- tends to the central provinces of the empire. They al- ways choose secluded spots, and are never found in soci- eties of above 2,000. Their houses are raised on piles, after the manner of the Malays, and the domestic animals which they rear are kept under their own roof In gen- eral the Miao-tze are agriculturists and warriors. They are THE MIAO-TZE. 53 an intrepid race, inured to fatigue, and reckless of danger. The Tartars have never been able to reduce them to -ibmission. They have always preserved the ancient na- tional dress, have never shaved their head, and have always Kepelled the authority of the mandarins and the the customs of the Chinese. Their independence is now an established fact, and in our maps their country is left white to show that they do not submit to the Emperor. " The last attempt which was made to subdue them was in the reign of Kien-loung ; but in spite of the bull- etins which were published to set forth the victories of the Imperial troops, it was necessary to give up all idea of subduing the mountaineers. From that period till 1 832 there was no interruption to tranquillity ; when the warlike spirit was again awakened. " They decorated one of their nation with the title of Emperor, clothed him in a yellow robe — the symbol of supreme authority — and made an irruption into the low countries, which they completely devastated. Their in- vasion caused us great uneasiness. Our troops were beaten by these savage hordes. The Miao-tze were too warlike to be conquered by arms, but negotiation was employed with success. The Emperor sent skilful di- plomatists, Who held interviews with the chief, and per- suaded them, in consideration of certain advantages, to disband their troops and return peaceably home." ^ Bat do these mountaineers never descend into the plains ?" asked one of us ; " and have they not in the end established some relation with the Chinese ?" 64 THE INSURRECTION IN CHINA. " The Miao-tze scarcely venture into the cities," re- plied Houang ; " nor do they carry on any great trade with us. They cultivate the mountain rice, and turn to account the forests which are protected, by their indepen- dence, from the axe of the Chinese laborer. They sell to the merchants who visit them in their villages the tim- ber which they have felled, and which is floated down into the low countries by the various streams which flow into the sea. Their intercourse with their neighbors is confined to the interchange of part of their produce for the manufactured articles of which they stand in need. It should be added that this nation is the terror of the inhabitants of the Chinese towns. . " The Chinese call the Miao-tze ' men-dogs, men-wolves.' They believe that they have a tail, and state that when a child is born, the soles of its feet are crtuterized to harden them, and render them incapable of fatigue. These, however, are mere fictions. The Miao-tze are, in reality, a fine intelligent race, and their manners, I believe, are becoming more civilized. Indeed, I have one fact to prove that they are not wholly rude and unlettered. During the last literary examination over which I pre- sided, three young Miao-tze made their appearance to take their degrees — a circumstance which never occurred before." This conversation throws great light on the shrewd policy of the insurrectionary chiefs of the Kouang-Si. By concentrating themselves at this point, they doubt- less intended to gain the intrepid Miao-tze as auxiliaries, THE VICEROY SIU. 66 while at the same time they took care not to proclaim this alliance, for fear of alarming the people of the towns who persist in looking upon the Miao-tze as barbarians. According to documents which we have ourselves in- spected, it appears that the insurgents passed the first months of 1850 in the South-west of Kouang-Si, perform- ing some strategic movements of no importance, and ap- proaching the frontiers of the Kouang-Toung. The first towns which fell into their hands were the town of Ho — one of the most commercial in the province — and the capital of the district, Kiang-Men, where three manda- rins of high degree persisted in opposing them. These manoeuvres gave great uneasiness to the Governor-general of the two Kouangs. The titulary head of this vice- royalty, whose name was Siu, was an irresolute man, pru- dent to a degree of cowardice. When he learned that the rebels were approaching him, he urgently solicited the honor of visiting the tomb of the late Emperor, and prostrated himself before it, hoping thus to escape the responsibility with which he was threatened. This re- quest was not granted ; and the viceroy, fearing that he would be accused of allowing the evil to increase, sent troops to reduce the rebels. The Imperial soldiers were, however, conquered and destroyed. The tactics of the insurgents consisted in feigning flight, and thus drawing their enemies into ambuscades, where they slaughtered them without mercy. This strat- agem answered on several successive occasions. Siu, hearing of these calamities, set off without delay to Pekin, 5G THE INSURRECTION IN CHINA. where he spread the alarm. While he was proceeding towards the capital, the insurgents obtained new successes, and the Chinese journals gave a daily bulletin of the ad- vantages gained by these guerillas. Two rebel chiefs, Tchang-kia-soung and Tchang-kia-fou, did wonders on two successive occasions, and the soldiers of the " Son of Heaven" nearly all perished in the field. Hitherto there was no notion of a pretender to the throne. There were merely generals appointed on the spur of the moment, who did not conceal their intention of overthrowing the reigning dynasty, but made no men- tion of any sovereign whom they intended to set up in its stead. The insurgents, emboldened by success, now passed the limits of the Kouang-Si, and penetrated the Kouang- Toung. Between Tsing-Yuen and Ing-Te they met a detachment of the Imperial troops. The rebels retreated according to their ordinary tactics, but turning back al- most immediately, they slaughtered the Imperialists to a man. At this moment two political acts of great importance took place almost simultaneously — one at the Court of Pekin, the other in the insurgent camp. The young Em- peror, faithful to his retrograde policy, ordered old Lin, who was living in retirement in a charming habitation in the environs of Fou-Tcheou, to subdue the rebels of the Kouang-Si. Our readers will no doubt recollect this austere mandarin, this conscientious barbarian, who had opium destroyed to the value of 50,000,000 francs. Not- FIRST PROCLAMATION BY THE INSURGENTS. 5? withstanding his advanced age, the old servant obeyed the orders of his young master, and set oflF for the prov- ince he was oommissioned to reduce. The insurgents answered the commissioner's envoy by the following proclamation, which makes the Chinese ap- pear much less Chinese than they are generally sup- posed. " The Mantchous, who, for two centuries, have been 4;he hereditary occupants of the throne of China, were originally members of a small foreign tribe. With the aid of a powerful army they took possession of our treasure, our lands, and the government of our country, proving that superior strength is all that is required for the usurpation of an empire. There is, therefore, no dif- ference between us, who levy contributions on the villages we have taken and the officials sent from Pekin, to collect the taxes. Taking and keeping are both fair alike. Why then, without any motive, are troops marched against us? This appears to us very unjust. How ! have the Mantchous, who are foreigners, a right to collect the revenues of eighteen provinces, and to appoint the officers who oppress the people ; while we, who are Chinese, are forbidden to take a little money from the public stock 1 Universal sovereignty does not belong to any individual to the exclusion of all the rest, and no one ever saw a dynasty which could count a hundred generations of em- perors. Possession — and possession only — gives a right to govern." This proclamation was the first political act of tlie re- 3* 58 THE INSURRECTION IN CHINA. bels. Hitherto the principle for which they fought had only been promulgated by those vague rumors which, when the moment of revolution has arrived, circulate among the masses, as if they had a presentiment of what was about to happen. At the commencement of the insurrection, the Anglo- Chinese press was divided into two parties. One looked upon the insurgents as mere robbers, ready to lay down their arms as soon as they had filled their pockets, or perhaps their hands ; the other, on the contrary, feigned to regard the rebel army as a troop roused to fanaticism by dexterous chiefs, and ready to shed every drop of their blood in the overthrow of the reigning dynasty. Neither of these exclusive opinions was correct. Revolutionists cannot live in China any more than in Europe, on pure water and patriotic maxims ; while, on the other hand, it must be confessed, to the honor of humanity, that the most detestable causes, to act on the masses, must appeal to elevated sentiments, and gener- ous ideas, by which, as isolated individuals, the members of these obscure bodies would be but little moved. The proclamation of the insurgents of the Kouang-Si gave the insurrection its true significance. By openly pro- claiming that they looked upon possession as the sole source of legitimacy, they avowed that their object was not only to expel the Mantchous, but to transfer the ad- ministration of the public revenues into the hands of the Chinese. Now, this latter consideration was not without value in the eyes of the politicians of the Celestial Empire. DEATH OF LIX. 59 This was the last act of the insurgents in 1850. It was simultaneous with the death of Lin, which took place in the month of November. The old mandarin died as he was proceeding to his post, at Tchao-Tcheou- Fou, in the province of Kouang-Toung. He was about sixtj-nine years of age, and sank under the fatigue and cares of government. His death cast a gloom over the public mind, and seemed a bad omen for that cause which the courageous old man had supported to his last hour. CHAPTEK Y. Protestations — Secret meetings — Proclamation of tlie Pretender. The Chinese year begins in the month of February, which marks a commercial and financial crisis through- out the empire. At this time every liability becomes due, everybody completely settles his affairs : creditors are paid, and debtors are dunned for money. There is no merchant so small that he does not make up his ac- counts, and draw a correct conclusion as to the financial results of the year just terminated. Now, in the month of January, a report was spread at Canton that the insur- rection of the Kouang-Si was suppressed, and that the tigers of the Celestial Empire had added new laurels to those previously acquired. While this intelligence found credit liquidation was easy ; business went on in a nor- mal course, and commerce being now rendered secure, speculation was begun on a grand scale. This security was not of long duration. It was soon found that the reports of pacification, although emanating from an ofl&- cial source, were entirely false. The cunning mandarins of the Kouang-Toung had actually fabricated the bulle- THE CHINESE TAIL CUT OFF. 61 tins of the Chinese army to suit their own commercial purposes. When the truth at last came to light, it was found that the insurrection, far from being suppressed, had made alarming progress. Hitherto, one of the Anglo-Chinese journals had stood alone in treating the troubles of the Kouang-Si as a matter of trivial import- ance ; but recent facts caused this journal also to ex- claim with dithyrambic fervor — " This revolt may be the ijommencement of a revolution which will overthrow the Mantchous ; but we say with Mazarin — let us wait !" This was bringing Mazarin a long way to avoid a con- fession that the character and importance of events had been completely mistaken. While the European press, placed near the scene of insurrection, had come to the conclusion that the over- throw of the Tartar dynasty was a possible event, the insurgents made a demonstration which might be con- sidered equivalent to a declaration of war to the death. It is well known that the custom of shaving the head so as to leave no hair except the long tail from the sinciput, is a Tartar fashion, imposed by the conquering on the conquered race. It was thus that the former marked their new subjects. Now the insurgents, to show that they had thrown oflf the foreign yoke, cut off the tail, al- lowed their hair to grow, and decided that all who joined the insurrectional movement, should leave ofif the chang and the Tartar tunic, and should wear the robe open in the front that their ancestors had worn in the time of the ^lingfl. The mere act of applying the scissors to the de- 62 THE INSURRECTION IN CHINA. molition of the ordinary fashion of the hair, constitutes, in China, an act of high treason which it requires no little courage to perform. Cutting off the tail is, in fact, throwing away the scabbard of the sword. This vigor- ous proceeding greatly alarmed the Court of Pekin. It was necessary, at any price, to reassure the people, and to reanimate the troops ; and for this purpose a crafty strat- agem was devised. It was assumed that the rebels had made their submission to the imperial commissioners ; and one day the Imperial Gazette contained the follow- ing document, which proves that the Moniteur of the Celestial Empire, ofl&cial though it be, does not always tell the truth : — " We plebeians were born in times of abundance, and have hitherto been faithful subjects. Our families are esteemed in our villages ; we have practiced virtue, and respected property ; but in consequence of a long series of rainy seasons, the farmers were not able to get in their harvests, and the people, being without labor or means of subsistence, were obliged to associate with robbers. We came to the Kouang-Si in search of a residence, and there we met some of our countrymen, who being dis- tressed like ourselves, formed with us a band of robbers. If, however, we have followed the example of the too famous Lou-moung, cannot we also, like him, reform our conduct ? When we think of our homes and our rela- tives, we are filled with the desire of seeing them once more; but when a resistless wind has driven us far into a stormy sea, how are we to regain the wished-for shore ? NEW COMMISSIONER IN THE KOUANG-SI. 63 Still, we trust that your lordships will have pity upon us, and obtain from his Imperial Majesty an act of oblivion for all that is past. If the withered and useless tree re- ceives the same dew as the sweetest flower, why should not a man endowed with great goodness, grant life to those who implore his commiseration ? In our hearts we are faithful subjects, and we shall be happy to return to the path of duty. Henceforth, to the end of our days, we will be faithful servants in any humble condition you may please to appoint ; and if we commit any fault we shall willingly submit to the lash and the bamboo. These are our earnest wishes which we communicate to you with our faces prostrate on the ground. If this proceeding offends you, we shall await your sentence with fear and trembling." In spite of this act of contrition, the Government of Pekin, who perfectly knew the real claims of this docu- ment to authenticity, appointed a new Imperial Commis- sioner in the Kouang-Si, shortly after the death of Lin. This functionary, who name was Li-sing-iuen, was for- merly Governor of the two Kouangs. He received orders to seize the Governor of the insurgent province, and to send him chained to Pekin. However, Li-sing- iu^n made a report to the Emperor, in which he made it clear that all the responsibility of the recent events fell upon Siu, the viceroy of the two Kouangs, and ac- cused him, in so many words, of having favored the de- velopment of the insurrection by his tardiness in sending troops against the rebels. While the Imperial Commissioner was drawing up this 64 THE INSURRECTION IN CHINA. accusation, Siu was writing to his young master that the insurrection in the Kouang-Si had been occasioned by the incapacity of the old Governor of the province, who, by his weakness, his unreasonable severity, his want of intelligence, his presumption, and his love of popularity, had excited these disorders. The young Emperor, who, between these contradictory reports, did not know where the truth lay, adopted a middle course. He de- graded the Governor of the Kouang-Si, and he lowered, the rank of Siu by four honorary degrees. This was just the same thing as if the French Government, being dissatisfied with a holder of the Grand Cross of the Le- gion of Honor, reduced him to the position of a Chevalier. Notwithstanding this punishment, Siu was maintained in the Government of the two Kouangs. In the course of our narrative, we shall frequently recur to this estimable viceroy, who, like many mandarins of a country better known than China, is endowed with every virtue, but who certainly shines little by his civil, and still less by his military courage. The following fact, which was related at Canton, will explain the sympathy of the people for the cause of the insurgents. In March 1851, the little town of Lo-Ngan was taken by the insurgents, after a stout resistance. The conquer- ors levied contributions on the town, and securing the person of the pawnbroker,* fixed his ransom at 1.000 * This was probably one of the upper class of pawnbrokers, who correspond in a great measure to our bankers. — J. O. UPROAR AT LO-XGAN. 66 taels (nearly 8,000 francs, or 320/.) The unfortunate man paid the ransom, and was released at once, hut on the following day the city was occupied by the Imperial troops, who had dislodged the rebels, and who now levied a new contribution on the inhabitants. The unfortunate pawnbroker was taxed on this occasion to the amount of 3.000 taels. The pawnbroker, who was a man of great influence in his locality, was enraged at being pillaged by those who ought to have protected him, and excited the people in the public places. He was followed by several other orators, and the mob, under the influence of their speech- es, swore by their ancestors that the reign of the Tartars was henceforth at an end. The inhabitants threw off the cJiang, after which they immediately cut off the tail, and then made an appeal to the insurgents. These came in the middle of the night, and the Imperial troops, sur- prised during their sleep, were massacred. In March 1 85 1, the acts of the Court of Pekin followed each other with great vigor, while the insurgents re- mained inactive, or, at any rate, did not risk any import- ant movement, never attempting an expedition except where conquest was certain. In the meanwhile, the most contradictory reports were circulated throughout the em- pire, and even at the seat of war. The mandarins an- nounced that the rebels had been deprived of the miracu- lous standard which had rendered them victorious. This magical banner, of which we have already spoken, had, according to the general opinion, been preserved by a 66 THE INSURRECTION" IN CHINA. Tao-se,* who endowed it with supernatural power. It is said to be covered with spots of blood, and to bear an historical inscription. If we regulate our opinion on this subject by the known habits of the Chinese, it appears probable that the Impe- rial troops will often boast of having taken this palladi- iim^ while, on the other hand, the insurgents will never lose it. On the side of the insurrection, the news is hawked about that the insurgents have entered the Kouang-Toung ; that Sin-Tcheou-Fou is in their power ; and that they have taken the city of Kouei-Lin, the cap- ital of the south-east. In the meanwhile, Li, the Imperial Commissioner, who was sent to the Kouang-Si, established himself at Kouei- Lin, which had not been taken by the rebels, together with the terrible Tchang-tien-tsio, as his lieutenant. Dur- ing our residence in China, that ferocious mandarin gov- erned the Hou-Nan, where the use of opium had spread to a frightful extent. To stop the progress of this mis- chievous habit, he ordered that the smokers of opium, when fully convicted of the fact, should have their lower lip slit. We have seen the mutilated wretches with our own eyes, and their appearance is most horrible. The operation, performed by clumsy executioners, had left hideous traces. The flesh was jagged, and the scar was much more like a gaping wound than one of those seams which the surgeons of Paris produce with so much art, * A priest of the sect of Tao. — J. O. EXECUTIONS IN CANTON. 67 The appointment of this terrible man to the post of Lieutenant-Governor was a most significant act. How- ever, it seemed that the terror inspired by his name pro- duced no more effect upon the insurgents of the Kouang- Si, than upon the opium-smokers of Hou-Nan. In con- formity with the same system of policy, rigorous measures were adopted towards the turbulent population of Canton. The authorities of the two Kouangs, viz., the Governor- Gejieral and the criminal judges, put to death in one day thirty-six individuals accused of plotting against the safety of the State. "Were these unhappy persons really condemned for political oflFences? In China a sort of preventive justice is exercised. According to the ex- igencies of the occasion, individuals condemned for other misdeeds are dressed as political criminals, and put to death in that character, that the people whom these ex- ecutions inspire with a wholesome terror, may think the culprits are suffering the penalty of treason and rebellion. It is, however, possible that these wretched victims were members of the secret societies which are very numerous in China, and which not only branch into the interior of the empire, but extend to those Indian locali- ties resorted to by Chinese emigrants. In Singapore, Penang, Batavia, and Manilla, we have known numerous adepts of the secret societies of the Chinese empire. These societies belong to a sort of freemasonry, the known object of which is the dethronement of the Man- tchous. In 1845 we passed several days in the society of a 68 THE INSURRECTION IN CHINA. tradesman of the Chan-Toung, who clandestinely intro- duced arms into the territories of the empire. He con- ducted us to a house which he occupied in the western part of the suburb, the dirtiest and worst inhabited quar- ter of the outer town. The proprietors were adepts of the association. We were received by a young woman with large feet, and with her head dressed in the usual Chinese fashion, with silver bodkin and flowers in her hair, and attired in a tunic and trowsers of deep blue. We went into a species of garret: though it must be ob- served the garrets in this country are on the first floor. The merchant had taken us home to ask our opinion re- specting the arms which he had bought from the Ameri- cans. These were enormous sabres, with steel scabbards. They were of common workmanship, but nevertheless were very cheap, having been sold in China at the price of ten francs, which was less than prime cost. When we entered the room, our Chinese friend drew one of these broad blades from its sheath, and with loud exclamations began to throw himself into attitudes, after the manner of those Chinese heroes which are painted on fans. After giving him our opinion on the value and quality of his merchandize, we asked him if he had purchased these arms for the invincible " tigers." At these words the Chinese smiled in a significant manner, and by an expressive gesture showed us the use to which the weap- ons were to be applied with respect to the Imperial troops. Who can say ? Perhaps at this very moment these gigantic sabres are in the hands of the rebels ; per- THE INSURGENT EMPEROR PROCLAIMED. 69 haps their keen blades have laid open more than one blue cbang, and have demolished more than one conical cap. The nomination of the terrible Tchang-tien-tsio, the executions at Canton, and the reported triumphs of the Imperial army, industriously circulated, had not checked the rebels. To the violent acts and vauntings of the Tartar sovereign, they answered by proclaiming an empe- ror of their own, whom they called Tien-te, that is to say, ''Celestial Virtue." Hitherto the insurgents had merely expressed their intention to overthrow the Tartars, but now they raised up a competitor for the throne, paid the highest honors to a Chinese, and — horrible to say ! — clothed him in the Imperial yellow. Soon the name of Tien-te resounded throughout the empire ; and, contrary to Tartar usage, which prohibits subjects from copying the features of their sovereign, portraits of the Pretender were distributed throughout the provinces by thousands. Thanks to this circumstance, we are enabled to present to our readers a portrait of Tien-te. It is our opinion that the principal object of the rebel chief in circulating his likeness was to give the people an idea of the head-dress and costume of the time of the Mings, thus newly revived. We can now duly appreciate the facts of this first period of insurrection, as well as the skilful, firm, and, above all, cautious policy of its chiefs. For a whole year Tien-te remained in the shade, and his partisans contended themselves with spreading the report that a descendant 10 THE INSURRfiCTlON IN CHINA. of the Mings was still in existence. Now they proclaim him, but they do not show him to the people. The new Emperor is enveloped in a sort of mysterious obscurity, and it is only at distant intervals that he shows himself, even to his fanatical partisans. CHAPTER VI. " The Revolt In the Kouang-Toung— The Viceroy in the Kouang-Si. The rebellion now decidedly took the character of a civil war. The Court of Pekin was in consternation, and the young Emperor resolved to send to the theatre of war, men of whom he had personal knowledge, and whose energy and steadfast fidelity had already been tested under other circumstances. In May 1851, he sent to Kouei-Lin, the capital of the Kouang Si, the Prime Minister Sai-chang-ha, with two assistant Mantchous, Te-hing and Ta-toung-ha. The first of these two mandarins was hitherto little known ; the other had acquired an unfortunate celebrity on the coasts of Formosa : he had presided over the massacre of the whole crew of the Nerbudda^ an European transport- ship. As soon as these measures were known at Canton, the commercial interest was alarmed. The traders began to deplore the misery of the times ; and, in their hyperbolio and figurative language, likened the insurrection of the Kouang-Si to the overflow of the Yellow River, that 72 THE INSURRECTION IN CHINA. " Grief of China," as it is called by the poetical bureau- crats of the Celestial Empire. Soon came a new measure which increased the discon- tent of the Canton merchants to perfect exasperation. The Grovernment took the liberty of borrowing their money to defray the expenses of the war. At first 100,000 taels were asked, and afterwards 500,000 piasters passed from the pockets of peaceable tradesmen into the pouches of mandarins more or less military ; though it must be confessed that, in return for their money, they had the satisfaction of seeing Canton put into a respectable state of defence, and of being present at an important military evolution. Several bodies of troops were despatched to the Kouang-Si ; but as the communications with Kouei- Lin were cut off, the soldiers, to reach their destination, were obliged to take a circuitous route by the Hou-Nan. About this time a strange rumor began to circulate, and was published without qualification in all the Anglo- Chinese journals, whether favorable or unfavorable to the insurrection. It was stated that the Pretender was really a descendent of the Mings, but that he was a Catholic ; and that his course was everywhere marked by the overthrow of pagodas and the destruction of idols. Others, oiPtigj^ntrary, affirmed that he belonged to the sect of the Chang-ti — in other words, that he was a Pro- testant. Not wishing to discuss the part which the Christian inhabitants of China are destined to play in the existing struggle, we shall merely remark that the name of Tien- f RUMORS CONCERNING THE INSURGENTS. 73 tS or " Celestial Virtue," chosen by the Pretender, is purely pagan. The rumor in question was, doubtless, spread by the crafty agents of the retrograde party — ^by mandarins, who played the double game of exciting the Buddhist part of the population against the insurgents, and of increasing the hatred of the young Emperor against the Christians, by representing the latter to be enemies of his throne. "By a less dexterous manoeuvre, which had no other effect than that of revealing the source of the suspicious information, it was even insinuated that the insurgents had announced their intention of expelling the Europeans from the five ports as soon as they were in possession of supreme authority. Thus the mandarins intrigued in three directions, hoping to gain a three-fold advantage, by exciting the hatred of the Emperor against the Chris- tians, whilst at the same time they aroused the courageous Europeans, and the numerous followers of Buddha, against the rebels. At this juncture new complications arose to increase the embarrassments of the Viceroy Siu. The insurgents unfolded their banners in the West of the Kouang-Toung, and the rebels occupied Kao-Tcheou-Fou, a chief town of the department, situated about ten leagues from the fron- tiers of the Kouang-Si, and at a short distance from the sea. This coup de main led to the supposition that they meant to secure a retreat in case of a reverse, or — what was much more to be dreaded — that they contemplated some maritime expedition. At the same time troubles 4 74 THE INSURRECTION IN CHINA. arose in another part of the Kouang-Toung. The inhab- itants of the districts of Nan-Hai and Toung-Kouan re- fused to pay the taxes. The Emperor ordered the in- stigators of this contumacious act to be punished ; and Siu, in faithful execution of his master's commands, sent a mandarin, with an order to bring before him the two principal culprits. The mandarin returned with the in- telligence that they were both dead. Siu suspected this to be one of those tricks so often resorted to by man- darins to shelter criminals from the pursuit of justice ; and to be assured of the fact, he ordered the two corpses to be brought to him. When the unlucky mandarin re- turned to the disloyal districts with this order, the whole population rose to a man, surrounded the ill-starred agent with furious cries, threw him out of his palanquin, which they tore to pieces, and would have torn him to pieces like- wise, if he had not effected his escape while they were sacking his house. On reaching Canton, this worthy son of the Celestial Empire declared that nothing in the world could induce him to return to the duties of his ad- ministration. Siu at last found a way of chastising these rebellious districts. The punishment which he inflicted is highly characteristic, and shows the degree of civilization attain- ed by this singular people. Notwithstanding the difii- cultie'j of the moment, he announced that the literary ex- aminations would take place as usual within the walls of Canton ; but that candidates from Nan-Hai and Toung- Kouan would be excluded. He thus punished the rebel- A LITERARY PUNISHMENT. lious districts in the persons of those men of intelligence wlio ought to be the leaders of the people in every coun- try ; and certainly no punishment could have been more effective. Siu in person presided over the examinations, at which more than 3,000 students were present. The number of candidates would have been still larger, had it not been for the difficult circumstances under which they took place. We have travelled through these districts of Nan-Hai and Toung-Kouan, which are situated in the midst of the fruitful plains watered by the Tchou-Kiang. They are intersected in every direction by canals, and there is no cessation of abundant harvests. These canals are con- stantly furrowed by vessels, which, with their broad sails made of reeds, pass through fields of rice like so many gigantic fans. Nowhere in the world has human indus- try produced more splendid results, or accumulated more agricultural wealth. During the months of June and July, no intelligence was received. Persons acquainted with the general practice of the Government affirmed that letters from the Kouang-Si were stopped, in order to keep the people ig- norant of the real state of affairs. Only one fact was known for certain. The Tartar General, Ou-lan-tai, had set off from Canton with a small army to attack tho rebels ; who, contrary to their usual custom, had advanc- ed to meet him, and intercepted his passage near Lo- r-I. A smart encounter took place, and victory was the side of the insurgents. Many of the Imperial 76 THE INSURRECTION IN CHINA. soldiers were killed, and Ou-lan-tai, dangerously wound- ed, had to undergo the amputation of an arm. After this misfortune, the Government took new meas- ures, and concentrated fresh forces to march against the Kouang-Si. Sam-koua, formerly a Hong merchant, and now prefect of Shang-IIai, was despatched with orders to appropriate the revenues of the customs and salt-tax in the province of tlie Kiang-Nan to defray the expenses of the war. Siu himself, having no longer any pretext for delay, made up his mind to join the Imperial Com- missioners, and set off at the head of 3.000 men. At the moment when he was about to quit Canton, the fol- lowing proclamation was posted at the northern gate : — " Tchou, hereditary prince of the dynasty of Ming, having received orders from Heaven to take pity on the people, and punish the crimes of its present rulers, has published this for the information of all. "His Sovereign Majesty, Tien-te, has learned that Siu-kouang-tsin is so wicked and corrupt, as to deceive his sovereign, deceive the nation, flatter foreigners, and oppress the people. Knowing that at this moment he abuses his authority at Canton by treating men of letters with tyrannical cruelty and severity, thus awaking the wrath of Heaven, his Majesty had resolved to collect a great number of troops to take vengeance on his crimes. Fearing, however, to disturb the people, his Majesty con- fines himself to a statement of facts, and now publishes this proclamation, in order that you, soldiers and people, may clearly know that if any one of you will lay hands DANGER OF SIU. 11 on the aforesaid traitor, Siu-kouang-tsin, and bring him to the Imperial camp, with witnesses to prove his identi- . . he shall at once receive a reward of 10,000 piastres. The money is ready, and will be paid down as soon as | the robber is brought. Observe well the name of this ; despoiler of the people ; he is called Siu-kouang-tsin, and is to be found at this moment in company with wretches like himself, in the ofi&cial house of the street Maina, in the city of Canton. ' " The 25th of the sixth moon of the second year of Tien-te (13th July, 1850)." The prudent Viceroy fell into a great passion, when he heard of this proclamation ; and fearing that some des- perado would really act upon it, he declared it apocry- phal, and swore he would be revenged upon the author, when he found him out. But even the police of a vice- roy cannot know everything, especially when they have to deal with those unlawful productions to which the au- thor does not put his name. Siu continued his search for the culprit, suspecting that it was some Canton man of letters that had done him this ill turn ; he had, how- ever, so many enemies in this class, that he did not know whom to punish. When Siu began his march, he crossed the two walled enclosures of Canton, escorted by a double rank of sol- diers. Two gongs noisily announced his passage, and his chair was preceded by a banner, on which was in- scribed, '• Fall into order and keep silence ; this is the Imperial Commissioner." No one thought of disobeying 78 THE INSURRECTION IN CHINA. this order. At the sound of the tam-tams, the trades- men prudently retired into their shops, the chair-porters stopped, and the foot passengers, surprised by the pro- cession, ranged themselves along the walls, with eyes lowered and hands hanging down. Siu was huddled into a corner of his palanquin, in an attitude indicative of bad temper. The afifair of the placard had greatly vexed him ; and he looked about from left to right, as if he was seeking an opportunity of venting his wrath. In China, however, such great pains are taken to avoid the conse- quences of ill-humor in a mandarin, that notwithstanding his desire to pick a quarrel with some one, there was no fault to be found. At last, when he reached the corner of Hoei-Gai-Kiai, the street of " Kind Affection," which is the Faubourg St. Germain of Canton, the grand man- darin turned pale, knocked violently at the edge of his chair, and ordered the porters to stop. They were be- fore the house of one of those poor artists who make large images of household gods, and paint family pictures. This man had displayed against the outer walls of his residence some of his most remarkable works ; and, strange to say, in the midst of smiling deities, offended genii, and pictures of footless women, who seemed to fly about like birds in the fluttering folds of their light rai- ment, appeared the figure of a decapitated mandarin ; the dignity of the person being indicated by the characters on his breast-piece. The body was on its knees, and the head, separated from the trunk, was lying near a felt cap, decorated with the ball of honor. It was this hor- AN UNLUCKY OMEN. 79 rible painting which had called forth the wrath of the viceroy. '• Let the author of this painting be brought before me," he exclaimed. At these words a poor miserable painter came out of his shop trembling, and fell on his knees before Siu's chair. " Why did you set up this figure in my path ?" cried the mandarin, in an angry voice. "*• Only to dry it, my lord," replied the artist. '' Was it not rather to put an evil omen in my path?" asked the Viceroy enraged. "How could I, your excellency's humble slave, be guilty of such a crime ?" cried the painter, with his face in the dust. " Why, then, did you paint this abominable picture?" " Alas ! my lord, because it was ordered. I gain my living by my work." " Good ! To teach you not to get your living by daub- ing horrible subjects of this sort, you shall have twenty strokes of the bamboo," said the Viceroy, turning towards the oflBcers of his suite. The porters again set themselves in motion, while the poor painter was seized and taken to the city gaol, where the Viceroy's sentence was executed. It was with these two events fresh in his mind that our mandarin set off for the war. Siu learned by his scouts that the insurgents, who amounted to a formidable body, were at Ou-tcheou-Fou, one of the towns in the extreme east of the Kouang-Si. 80 THE INSURRECTION IN CHINA. Faithful to his prudential maxims, he took care not to surprise the enemy j but stopped at Chao-King, with the intention of watching them. It must be confessed that he would have found it very diflficult to conceal his march, for besides the 3,000 men under his command, he had in his train a throng of inferior mandarins, servants, execu- tioners, musicians, and flag-bearers ; to say nothing of a small party of young women, who were intended to relieve the tedium of the journey. It would have been impossible to advance secretly with this noisy escort, which recalls to memory that of Darius ; with this difference, that the money and the women, instead of being borne in chariots, were carried on men's- backs, in sacks, coffers, and palan- quins, Siu took with him a store of treasure : on leaving the city of Canton he had laid in a good supply of piastres, and on his route had increased his stock of the sinews of war as much as possible. In China, more than in any other country, are victories gained by money over hearts and consciences ; which, it may be observed, bear by no means an extravagant price. Siu, impressed with this fact, had taken measures to reduce the town without striking a blow, and to gain battles without firing a shot. During his journey from Canton to Chao-king, the follow- ing incident occurred. He came on his way to a deep and rapid stream, which could only be crossed by a swinging bridge of bamboos. Part of the escort had already crossed to the opposite bank ; Siu stopped his chair, and ordered the coolies to proceed slowly and cautiously. They obeyed, but had EPARTURE OP SIU FROM CANTON. 81 no sooner reached the middle of the bridge, than a sudden shock precipitated them and their burdens into the stream, and a moment of terrible disorder ensued. The military chest was at the bottom of the river, and the unfortunate coolies were struggling against the current, uttering la- mentable cries ; while Siu, enraged, beat the edge of his chair with his fan. Fortunately the coolies swam like fishes, and easily gained the bank. The Viceroy would wiHingly have given them the bastinado, but he reserved this luxury for another time, and ordered the luckless wretohes, who were still panting and trembling, to fish up the precious chest without delay, threatening them with the most terrible chastisement if they did not recover it. The coolies threw oflf their clothes, and courageously plunged into the water. They were skilful divers, and having duly explored the bottom of the river, they suc- ceeded, after many efi"orts, in bringing ashore the precious chest, which, though wet and covered with mud, had re- ceived no damage. Siu lost no time in having it placed on the shoulders of two other coolies, and gave orders to renew the journey. Some days afterwards, when he had reached Chao-King, one of his first cares was to have the chest opened in his presence ; when, in the place of his ingots of gold, he found nothing but flints and pieces of stone wrapped carefully up in silky paper. The coolies were audacious thieves, who had dexterously contrived the substitution. The Viceroy, in a transport of rage, set all the police on the alert, but without avail. The thieves had doubtless taken refuge in the country of the 4» 82 THE INSURRECTION IN CHINA. rebels, where both their persons and their booty were in safety. The insurgents, knowing what kind of projectiles were in the Viceroy's coffers, and with what sort of ammuni- tion he had armed himself for the campaign, began to adopt a system of observation likewise, waiting a favor- able opportunity for effecting a double capture, by taking the general and his weapons at once. However, if the Viceroy was not excessively brave, he was extremely cun- ning, the rebels got nothing by their generalship. China, a prosaic and unwarlike country, was on this occasion the scene of a proceeding which recalls the days of the preux chevaliers. Tchou-lou-tao, a rebel chief, tired of finding himself opposed to an enemy whom no provocation could withdraw from his intrenchments, resolved to "call him out;" and, with his imagination probably excited by " tJie lovely eyes of the Viceroy's chest,^'' sent Siu the fol- lowing challenge : — " Having learned that your excellency has brought troops hither to subdue and exterminate us, I want to know how you will escape the fate which awaits you ? You are afraid to fight with us. You are evidently without strength or courage ; for having ranged your troops in order of battle, you are overcome with fear and confusion jusfe when an engagement ought to begin. If you realljr hav€ confidence in your strength and your re- sources, and in spite of your absolute weakness think you can support a contest, appoint some near day that we may at once decide by single combat which of us is END OP SIU'S FIRST CAMPAIGN. 83 to yield and which to triumph, and thns save from cer- tain and general destruction those unfortunate soldiers whom you are slaughtering in detail." On receiving this challenge, which was contrary to all the usages of a country where the great point is to live as long and take as much care of oneself as possible, Siu flew even into a more violent passion than when he read that famous placard which set a price upon his head. Under the influence of extreme excitement he went be- yond the limits of his ordinary prudence, and even be- yond the ramparts of the city. Seated in his palanquin, he put himself at the head of his troops, and performed a whole day's march. However, at the distance of a few lis from Chao-King, the Viceroy, taking a hint from the heat of the weather — it was the month of August — re- solved to finish his military display with a return to the city. Thus ended the first campaign of Siu against the rebels. While announcing the departure of the Governor-Gen- eral of the two Kouangs at the head of his little army, an English journal well acquainted with the affairs of China, made this apparently correct remark. '' Siu is laboriog to disperse the bands of the Kouang-Si, not by force, but by money and stratagem ; and he will assur- edly succeed. Money is the great object of the rebellion." However, in spite of this prophecy, the crafty manda- rin did not succeed. The fact is, there was something beyond an interested motive at the bottom of this re- bellion. We shall presently see what other element it 84 THE INSURRECTION IN CHINA. was that offered an invincible resistance to Siu's diplo- macy. At all events, Siu did quite right in not measuring himself against the soldiers of Tien-te, who treated the vanquished with unheard-of barbarity. Five hundred soldiers of the Hiang-Chan, having had the misfortune to fall into an ambush, were slaughtered by the fanatical partisans of the Pretender. Only ten escaped, and these ' spread the alarm through Kouei-Lin, by relating the sad fate of their comrades. Notwithstanding these successive defeats, the manda- rins did not cease sending bulletins of their victories to the " Son of Heaven." The Moniteur of Pekin was hardly large enough to record their prowess. In some of these military romances, mention is made of the mar- vellous effects of a cannon ball which swept off an entire file of the enemy's army, beginning with the captain ; and a reward is asked for the cannoneer who took this won- derful aim. Another bulletin states that in one action 800 men were killed by a single volley, and that the con- querors stormed three towns in one day. All these mon- strous fables are accompanied with precise names and dates. Even the official flourish of the pen is not want- ing. Nevertheless, these very men who palmed such gross falsehoods on their sovereign would die in the de- fence of his throne. We have already seen Lin quitting his beloved soli- tude in obedience to the orders he had received, and dying on his way to his post. His successor, Li-sing-yuen, after DEATH OP LI-SI\G YUfeK. 85 half a year's good and faithful service, asked the Emperor to release him from his duties for a short time, that by a little rest he might recruit his health, now worn out by his struggles in the cause of Tartar rule. The favor was granted, and the faithful subject, transmitting the Impe- rial seal to Sai-chang-ha, in compliance with the orders he had received, quitted Kouei-Lin for Pekin. How- ever, the desired boon arrived too late. The responsibil- ity of his position had undermined his health: his in- ability to subdue the insurgents had affected him with a mortal grief; and he died before reaching the Imperial city. Old institutions have alone the power of inspiring this devotion. The story of Blondel and Richard his king, is repeated in the history of all old dynasties. A loyal subject of this kind, though lie sighs to see the sceptre in weak or incapable hands, dies, nevertheless, to defend the sovereign who is bowed down beneath the weight of his own greatness. Certain families have traditions which render them partners of the misfortunes of royalty, and nothing — not even their own will — can detach them from their glorious servitude. The Emperor, on learning the death of Li-sing-yuen, found also in his own heart one of those noble sentiments which do equal honor to the monarch and the subject. He shed tears for his faithful servant, pronounced his eulogy in a public edict, and ordered the Board of Rites to render the deceased all the honors due to a governor- general. These oflBces being performed, he sent to the 86 THE INSURRECTION IN CHINA. Governor of the HouNan, ten taels weight of the gin- seng of Tartary, that it might be presented to the aged mother of Li-sing-yuen. It is well known that, in the eyes of the Chinese, this plant is endowed with marvel- lous properties. It is looked upon as a specific, at once powerful and harmless against the decline of strength, and the diminution of vital warmth. The rich, therefore, make frequent use of this cordial, not doubting that it will prolong their existence for a considerable time, and in certain cases preserve them from death. The young Emperor seemed, by making this present, to tell the mo- ther of his faithful servant, that he prayed she would live as many days as her son had lost in his service. f CHAPTEE YII. A crime— The sapeques— Kou*i-LIu. In the month of July 1851, a mysterious occurrence, the circumstances of which are now but imperfectly known, took place in the Imperial palace. At the hour when the Emperor usually walks in the superb gardens of his palace, an armed man darted upon him and at- tempted to assassinate him. A chamberlain, who was close by, arrested the arm of the assassin, and thus saved the " Son of Heaven." He perilled his own life by this act of devotion, and received in the elbow a wound which rendered amputation necessary. Now, had this crime been premeditated by some partisan of the rebels ? or had the relatives of the Emperor, alarmed at seeing the sceptre in the hands of a mere youth at such a critical juncture, wished, for the sake of the dynasty, to remove their young kinsman by violence ? This last supposition is the more probable. Regicide is the crime of desperate causes ; and it is very seldom that the representatives of progress — men who have really a fair prospect of the 88 THE INSURRECTION IN CHINA. realization of their views — employ this detestable expe- dient to accelerate the triumph of their principles. Eighteen mandarins lost their heads in consequence of this attempt ; and every member of their families suf- fered the same fate. This is a terrible law of the Celes- tial Empire. Decrees very often smite criminals in the persons of their descendants. i A report was spread in China on the subject of this occurrence, that the Emperor's uncles were not strangers to the crime ; and this report was not wholly disbelieved. Even the names of Mou-tchang-ha and Ki-in were men- tioned. This was precisely the case of Burrus and Sen- eca, suspected of attempting the life of young Nero. It is more probable that the eunuchs of the palace were the accomplices of the odious attempt, — those degraded be- ings, who have always played an infamous part in the conspiracies of the court. On more than one occasion, revolutions in the Celestial Empire have been chiefly promoted by some individual of this abject class ; who, while deprived of virility, are endowed with a treacher- ous energy, and in whom the passion of envy supplies the place of ambition. The attempt on the Emperor's life found an echo in the insurgent provinces, where the fall of the Tartar dy- nasty was proclaimed, to some extent, by the circulation of sapeques bearing the name of Tien-te. Sapeques called in the Chinese language tsien, are the current coin . of the empire. They are small pieces of copper, zinc, and nickel, round and thin, like a French piece of twenty sous, CHINESE COIN. 89 and are pierced through the middle with a square hole, by "which means certain definite amounts may be strung together. , This coin is as ugly as the large French sou. A single piece is never worth more than a centime ; and as the composition of which they are made is very liable to rust, they have often the dirtiest appearance imagin- able. Nevertheless, these coins are the national money par excellence: there is no other currency; excepting ingots of gold and silver, which are totally without oflScial mark. The sapeques are never adorned with medallions, but are only stamped with the name of the Emperor in whose reign they have been cast — we say ca&t^ because in China money is cast in a mould, not struck with a die. The law punishes with death the imitators of these wretched little coins : as was formerly the case in France. The practice of rewarding the informer is, however, not general in China : this is one of the refinements of Euro- pean civilization. The appearance of the new coin greatly perplexed the politic traders of Canton ; who for a long time doubt- fully contemplated the seditious mark of the Pretender. They were perhaps of the opinion of a person who, hav- ing once been a politician, afterwards held a sacred office, and said, " I have a very easy method of discovering whether a sovereign is legitimate. I merely order a new piece of 100 sous to be placed before me, and the image which it presents is, in my eyes, the true Caesar. To me the true Caesar is always he that coins the money." i This method was convenient ; but between two sover- 90 THE INSURRECTION IN CHINA, eigns, each of whom claimed the same authority, the theo- logians of the Celestial Empire wefe sadly puzzled. The man we have quoted would not have been epibarrassed at all ; he would probably have held out both his hands, and declared that both the emperors were legitimate alike. In spite of their efforts, the insurgents had not been able to take possession of Kouei-Lin, the capital of the Kouang-Si ; but a great number of capitals of depart- ments had fallen into their power. Lo-Ting-Tcheou and Li-Ning-Hien had been taken by storm, and they had carried off an enormous booty. After the capture of these two cities, one of the rebel chiefs, Tchou-lou-tao, sent a flotilla manned by 6,000 men, to take lu-Lin- Tcheou. The prefect and the general, Ou-lan-tai, were in this town. At the approach of the rebels, they at- tempted a strategic movement to intercept their passage ; but instead of suddenly attacking the enemy, they fell, quite unexpectedly, into an ambuscade. The action took place during the night, and the fol- lowing day shone upon a melancholy scene. The Impe- rial troops, surprised by the rebels, had literally had their throats cut, and among the dead lay the unfortu- nate prefect of lu-Lin-Tcheou. However, it is better for a Chinese official, civil or military, to fall in a struggle than to survive a defeat. The unhappy vanquished often anticipate the Emperor's sentence, and inflict the punish- ment of death on themselves. We have seen several ex- amples of this barbarous stoicism. The governors of PREVALENCE OP SUICIDE. 01 Lo-Ting-Tcheou and Li-Ning-Hien obeyed that fatal pre- judice which forbids most mandarins to await the arrival of disgrace. It is difficult to reconcile this contempt of life with the cowardice displayed by the same men under other circumstances. It is the prestige of traditional authority that causes this miracle. The same individual who would tremble at the sight of a drawn sword, resolutely^ poisons or hangs himself, at the thought that the master who has elevated him will degrade him, or blame his conduct. Towards the end of 1851, the triumphs of the rebels succeeded each other so rapidly that even the Pekin Gazette^ ceasing to record the Imperial victories, began to set forth the advantages gained by the insurgents. All the fortified towns were put in a state of warlike preparation, and the Europeans received letters from their correspondents in the interior, assuring them that at Hang-Tcheou, Tchin-Hai, and Ning-Po, all was ready for action. In the large cities, topographic plans of the insurrection were sold, in which were marked all the dis- tricts occupied, and all the towns taken by the rebels. These plans, which were published monthly, have been brought to Europe, and it is by one of them that we now follow the progress of the rebels. We shall call them rebels till the day when they enter the imperial palace of Pekin. After that event we shall give them anothc name, for then, according to the political notions receiv- ed in China, the rebel will be Hien-foung. On the 29th of September, a considerable body of in- 92 THE INSURRECTION IN CHINA. surgents encountered the Imperial troops in the district of Young-Gan. A conflict took place, and the tigers were routed. After this action, which was one of the most sanguinary throughout this war of skirmishes, the rebels followed up their advantages, and took by storm Young-Gan-Tcheou, Houen-Mou, and Ping-Lo, the chief town of the department. The victors summoned the magistrates to recognize the sovereignty of Tien-te, and every one who refused to obey the summons was mutilat- ed, or simply put to death. Even in this country, which the civilized children of the "West call barbarous, official dignitaries may be found who will remain faithful to their sovereign in the presence of triumphant rebellion, and who will rather die than violate their oaths. The insurgents, now masters of the three towns, spared the inhabitants, who suffered no injury of person or of property. A proclamation by Tien-te urged them to live peaceably together ; at the same time, allowing all who would not recognize his authority to retire whither- soever they pleased, and to take their property with them. A large number of peaceable citizens took speedy advantage of this permission, and went off, loaded with their most valuable effects. Unfortunately, in effecting this emigration, they fell into the midst of a troop of Imperialists, who, without taking into consideration the motive that had caused them to flee from the conquered cities, stripped them completely, and killed those who en- deavored to defend themselves. While suffering from this violence, these unfortunate victims of civil war re- CRUELTY OF THE IMPERIAL SOLDIERS. 93 preached the Emperor's soldiers with cowardice before the enemy, and audacity in attacking defenceless people. " You are," they said, " mice to the rebels, and tigers to us." In the meanwhile, Siu, who was still shut up in the environs of Kao-Tcheou Fou, exhausted his strategic re- sources. He set a price on the head of Tine-te's father, on that of the mysterious counsellor who everywhere ac- companied the Pretender, and on that of Tien-te himself; offering 90,000 taels to whoever should bring him these three heads in a sack, thus estimating each of these re- bellious skulls as worth 20,000 taels above the value set on his own. In spite of these brilliant offers, Siu saw no results. Despair then got the better of the viceroy of the two Kouangs. He felt ill at ease in the Kouang-Si, and urged the Emperor to allow him to return to Canton. A Chinese mandarin afflicted with ennui, and bowed down under the cares of his state, is capable of devising the oddest stratagems to get out of it. Our mandarin, in a report which the official gazette of Pekin was unkind enough to publish, declared to his master that the subjects of Dona Maria de Gloria, Queen of Portugal, were preparing an expedition against the Celestial Empire. He transformed the peaceful resi- dents of Macao into a troop of pirates ready to aid the insurrection, and wishing to conquer the provinces of the Kouang-Toung and the Fo-Kien on their own account. It is plainly evident that this gigantic empire, admin- v istered by lying mandarins, and defended by cowardly 94 THE INSURRECTION IN *CHINA. soldiers, is in a state of dissolution. Symptoms of its approaching fall appear on every side. On the right bank of the Tchou Kiang, in the front of those gardens of Fa-ti. so well known to Europeans, and which abound in knotted and stunted trees cut into the shapes of buffaloes and tigers, there arrived in the month of September, 1851, twenty large junks, bearing 2.000 recruits from the district of Touang-Kouan, in- tended to reinforce the troops of the Kouang-Si. At the moment of setting sail, these mercenary troops re- fused to start, unless they received two months' pay in advance. The mandarins complied with their demands, and the undisciplined horde set off, accompanied by 1,000 volunteers and 900 regular troops, and taking with them twenty field pieces. But what could be expected from men of this kind ? Like the bands of mercenaries who sold their services in days of yore, they were capable of going over to the enemy if their pay was a single day in arrear. This circumstance alone serves to explain the continual defeats of the Imperial army, and the no less uninterrupted progress of the insurrection. In the mean while, the Emperor Hien-foung, who felt his throne tottering, sought to prop it up by new acts of vigor, and had recourse to those detestable expedients which blind despotism employs in dangerous times. Prompted by terror and indignation, he punished with- out mercy the generals who were guilty of being beaten, and degraded the administrators of the provinces, depart- ments, and districts, over which the insurrection was SEVERITY OF THE EMPEROR. 96 spread. The Moniteur of Pekin contained a long com- ment on the faults which the persons in question had committed ; and every name was followed by a sentence of death, or at least by a degradation. Sai chang-ha — who, having first been prime minister, was sent as commissioner extraordinary of the Kouang- Si, and who, after the death of Lin, had been appointed by the Emperor, governor of that province — was lowered foor degrees, because he did not succeed in suppressing the insurrection. Generals, who on the eve of an action had the misfortune to be ill, were also degraded; and Ou-lan-tai, the Tartar general of Canton, was included in the degradation. However, before the arrival of the Im- perial decree in the Kouang-Si, Ou-lan-tai was fortunate enough to prove his bravery in a bulletin of his own. The decree, therefore, was revoked as far as he was con- cerned, and he was reinstated in his dignities. Amid all these dangers and difficulties, the " Son of Heaven" passed much of his time in trifling amusements, surrounded by his favorites and a few courtiers ; who were, perhaps, plotting his death. Strange to say, he amusbd himself in writing a poem on the lofty deeds of the Tartar general. We have read some of the poetic lucubrations of the young Emperor. They give evidence of a mind which, having little invention of his own, uses the imagination of others; every line awakening a re- miniscence of the classic authors of the Celestial Empire : the Chinese Homers, the Ariostos of Pekin, furnished the imperial poet with most of his bombastic lines. 96 THE INSURRECTION IN CHINA. While the Mantchou sovereign was " tuning his lyre," as Delille says, what was the descendant of the Mings about ? He was not composing an epic poem : he doubt- less thought, and with reason, that an Emperor who had a throne to conquer or defend, had quite enough to do without writing dithyrambics. He wrote only in prose ; and he now published a new manifesto, in which, to a certain extent, he revealed his future policy. This im- portant document roused the attention of the European residents of China, who generally have a sublime contempt for native politics. We give a fragment of this document, which was especially addressed to the Imperialists ; we shall afterwards give another proclamation in which the ideas of Tien-te are more clearly laid down ; — " We shall not be alone in defeating you. The very air, by the infection which it spreads around you, warns you to retire. When my celestial virtue has triumphed, the country will become happy, and the governors will be virtuous as in the days of old. I perceive the standard set up by the celestial council, and I have appointed a great general, after receiving his oath of humanity. If the waves rise and engulf all before them — if we ascend ramparts, and open for ourselves a pathway into citadels — I fear that you will have much trouble in saving the capital, and in preserving tranquillity in his majesty's palace." The attempts of the rebels against the city of Kouei- Lin (which according to more reports than one they had taken, but which in reality they had not yet captured), DESCRIPTION OF KOU^ILIN. 97 was a frequent theme of conversation. This city was an important military post ; but it seemed that the insurgent chiefs did not care much for the military importance of the places which they occupied. With the exception of certain strongholds-, into which the Pretender retired, they abandoned all the fous and all the Mens* after having levied the contributions required for the payment of their troops. This system of tactics resembles that of those barbarous chiefs whose great invasions are recorded by'history. The insurgents advanced straight forward, gaining every day a position which they abandoned on the day following. It was evidently their intention to lay open a path to the capital. With such a centralized government as China, the Mantchous will always hold the throne as long as Pekin remains in their hands ; but when the descendant of the Mings enters the imperial capital, the provinces which he has crossed, and not con- quered, will recognize his rights and submit to his au- thority. Having returned to Kouei-Lin we will now give a short description of the city, which we shall have fre- quent occasion to mention in the course of this narrative. The capital of the Kouang-Si is built on the right bank of a large river called Kouei-Kiang. This magnificent river, which flows from east to west, after frequently changing its name and receiving several tributaries, * A " Fou," according to Sir J. Davis, is a city of the first, and a " Hi6n " a city of the third rank ; though the above would lead us to suppose that the first and second ranks were intended. — J. O. 5 98 THt; l.N.SUJUililCTlON IN CHINA. washes the ramparts of Canton, under the name of Tchou- Kiang, or the river of pearls. Koue'i-Lin is a walled city. The horizon is bounded on the north by magnifi- cent mountains, the sharp summits of which resemble the points of an immense row of obelisks. At the foot of three slender peaks are a number of rounded hills, which seem to have fallen from their summits. These are covered with cinnamon trees, the fragrance of which pervades the atmosphere nearly all the year round. The aspect of Koue'i-Lin presents many charms to a Chinese. The landscape abounding in freaks of nature is, in their eyes, endowed with singular beauty : those artists who paint impossible rocks, create an imaginary vegetation, and admire in their gardens the monstrosities of Chinese art, are never weary of contemplating natural scenery, provided that their imagination can detect in it some strange image, some undefinable form. The tourists of the Celestial Empire contemplate the rocks of the Koua.ng-Si with a feeling similar to that with which cer- tain individuals survey the fantastic forms assumed by floating clouds, insisting that they are peopled with im- ages which merely exist in their own imagination. One of these natural curiosities is on the borders of the River Kouei-Kiang, in front of the city on the east. It is an enormous block of stone, the shape of which re- minds one of a gigantic elephant. The Chinese call this rock Siang-Pi-Chan, or the '^ rock of the elephant's snout." The animal is half covered with bamboo ; and bears on his back a round tower, with a double roof of porcelain. THE " ISOLATED WONDER. 09 surmounted by winged dragons. One might almost fancy it to be one of those huge creatures, bathing amid the reeds in one of the rivers of India, and carrying one of those pavilions on which the king of Siam loves to ride. The ramparts of the city are composed of bricks and large stones, cemented with clay. They are surmounted with battlements in good condition, and two rows of can- -non are pointed from the embrasures. Towards the west, within the precincts of the city an immense stone, conical in form and resembling an immense sugar- loaf, rises suddenly from the soil. This steep rock, which the Chinese call the " Isolated Wonder," is ascended by a path winding around it, and along which small oratories are formed at every step. The celebrated pagoda, in front of which are two tall masts, adorned with gay pennants, rises from its summit. A bridge of boats connects the suburbs of the city with the surrounding country ; for the river flows at the foot of Kouei-Lin, in much tho same manner as the Rhone before Avignon. It is asserted that Kouei-Lin contains more than 400,- 000 inhabitants ; but such statements do not appear cor- rect to any one who has not seen a Chinese city. Such is the capital of the province which has been the cradle of the insurrection. We may add that Siu, with whose prudence we are acquainted, has not endeavored to shut himself up in this place, which the Chinese Government deems impregnable. Perhaps the same opinion has hither- to protected it against the rebels. CHAPTEE YIII. A sanguinary scene— Policy of the Insurgents. In the course of the year 1851, more than 700 unfor- tunate persons were executed at Canton. The severity of the mandarins seemed to increase in the same propor- tion as the extension of the insurrection ; and every day some arrest took place, and some unhappy wretch, shut up in a bamboo cage, or shackled like a wild beast, was brought from the province of Kouang-Si or the revolted districts of the Kouang-Toung. Generally they had not to wait for their sentence ; since, in case of insurrection, the superior authority of the province has a right to in- flict capital punishment, and makes abundant use of this sanguinary privilege. An execution is a horrible thing in any country, but in China its horrors is doubled by its attendant circumstances. We give here the letter of one of our friends, who had the melancholy curiosity to be present at the execution of fifty-three rebels of the Kouang-Si. " On the 1st of May," he writes, " I attended an execu- tion with three of my friends. The street in which these frightful scenes occur, is situated as you are aware, with- A CHINESE EXECUTION. 101 out the walled city of Canton, towards that part of the suburbs which lies to the south along the river. This narrow, dirty street, which is about 100 metres long and 15 wide, is called by the Europeans, the ' Potter's Field.' All the houses on each side are in fact inhabited by work- men who make common services of porcelain, and those portable furnaces which you have often seen in the poor- est houses, and in the floating residences on the river. For fear that a Chinese Scholar like you may dispute names with me, I must tell you at once that this dismal place is called by the natives, Tsien-Tze-Ma-Teou, or, the '■ Quay of the Thousand Characters,' in allusion to the numerous signs which are seen there from the river. " "We arrived there at ten o'clock in the morning, and took our station in front of a shop belonging to a mender of old stockings. This was an excellent position to take a survey of the whole ceremony, and we remained there quietly till noon ; at which time some soldiers and officers attached to the service of the mandarins, arrived to clear the street and thrust back the curious. As in Europe, the persons who came to see the spectacle were the vilest dregs of the populace, — dirty, ragged people, with sinister countenances, who wandered about this ensanguined soil ; where most likely they had already seen the execution of u number of their companions, and perhaps of their ac- complices. *^ In a short time the roll of the tam-tam announced to us the arrival of the whole procession. Mandarins of every degree, with the red, white, blue, or yellow ball, 102 THE INSURRECTION IN CHINA. riding on horseback, or carried in palanquins, and followed by an escort of musicians, sbirri, and standard-bearers, alighted at a short distance from the place of execution. Contrary to their ceremonious habits, they arranged themselves in the dismal enclosure. '" Then arrived the criminals. They were fifty-three in number, each shut up in a basket, with his hands tied be- hind his back, his legs chained, and a board inscribed with his sentence hanging from his neck. You have often met in the Chinese streets a pair of coolies carry- ing a pig stretched out at its full length in a bamboo case. Well Just imagine a human being put in the place of the unclean animal, and you can form an idea of the fifty-three unfortunate creatures in their cages. When the cages were set down, they were opened and emptied, just as when a pig is turned out at a butcher's shop. I examined these unfortunate wretches with attention : they were worn out with hunger, and looked more like skeletons than living beings. It was evident that they had sufi'ered the most dreadful privations. They were clothed in loathsome tatters, wore long hair, and the dishevelled tail attached to the crown of the head, had been reduced to a third of its usual length. They had evidently belonged to the insurgent bands, who had adopted the fashion of the Mings, and allowed all their hair to grow. " Many of these unfortunate persons were very young : some were not sixteen years of age ; while others had gray hair. Scarcely were they thrown on the ground A CHINESE EXECUTION. 103 pell-mell, when they were compelled to kneel ; but the greater part of them was so debilitated from suffering, that they could not keep in this position, and rolled in tlie mud. An executioner's assistant then picked them up, and arranged them all in a row ; while three execu- tioners placed themselves behind them and waited the fatal moment. Fou doubtless recollect those horrible figures whom we have often seen together in the cortege of the criminal judge of Canton — those figures dressed in a red blouse, and wearing a copper crown, adorned above the ears with two long pheasant's feathers. Well ! these were the executioners who now waited the signal with a rude and heavy cutlass in their hands. These enormous weapons are about two feet long, and the back of the blade is two inches thick : altogether it is a cumbrous instrument, shaped like a Chinese razor, with a rude handle of wood. " A mandarin who closed the cortege^ then entered the enclosure. He was adorned with the white ball, and held in his hand a board, inscribed with the order for execution. As soon as this man appeared the frightful work began. Tlic executioner's assistants, each clothed in a long black robe, and wearing a sort of head-dress of iron wicker- work, seized the criminals behind, and passing their arms under the shoulders of their victims, gave them a swing- ing movement, which made them stretch out their necks. The executioner who was now in front, holding his sword in both hands, threw all his strength into the weapon, and divided the cervical vertebra with incredible 104 THE INSURRECTION IN CHINA. rapidity, severing the head from the body at a single blow. The executioner never had to strike twice ; for even if the flesh was not completely cut through, the weight was sufficient to tear it, and the head rolled on the ground. An assistant then levelled the victim with a kick, for the corpse would otherwise have remained in a kneeling position. After three or four decapitations, the executioner changed his weapon ; the edge of the blade seeming completely turned. The execution of these fifty-three wretches only lasted some minutes. " When the last head had fallen, the mandarins retired from the scene as silent as they had come. Seeing the highest provincial officers present at the execution of these unfortunate men, I was struck with the reflection that in all countries — horrible to say — the political scaffold has been elevated instead of degraded. After the departure of the mandarins, the executioner picked up all the heads, and threw them into a chest brought for the purpose. At the same time the assistants took the chains off the victims as they lay in a pool of blood. The heads were carried away, but the bodies were left on the place of execution. " A lamentable scene then commenced. A troop of women with dishevelled hair approached the fatal spot, shrieking aloud in wild disorder. These unhappy beings were endeavoring t6 distinguish their fathers, their hus- bands, and their children, among the headless corpses. It was a frightful scene to see them hurrying about, pon- dering, and constantly mistaken among these headless A CHINESE EXECUTION. 105 remains. This search continued all day, accompaniGd by a mournful noise ; funeral dirges being mingled with cries and sobs. The women never ceased repeating that kind of chant common to all funeral ceremonies, and which was composed, it is said, in the time of the Mings. It is a sort of rhythmical plaint, in which the same words constantly recur. ' Oh, misery ! Oh, despair ! My hap- piness is gone forever ! Your kindness will no longer soften the bitterness of life ! Alone and bereaved of all, I can only weep and die over your ashes !' and so on. " To these details, which I saw with my own eyes, I should add some others which have been communicated to me by the Chinese. When the criminals left their prison, each was provided with a cake. This was one of those pies cooked by steam, and filled with sweetmeats, that you have often seen on the table of mandarins. " I asked the reason of this practice, and was informed that the criminal stomach was filled for two reasons. First, that the effusion of blood should not be too copi- ous ; and, secondly, that the soul, famished by too long an abstinence, might not torment those who separated it from its mortal tenement. I give you this explanation, that nothing may be omitted. The following particular statement is curious. It was given me by a man of let- ters, who stood by my side during the horrid spectacle. The execution did not take place quite according to rule. Generally the culprit is brought before a kind of altar, formed of stones brought from the eighteen provinces. This expiatory altar is raised on the day previous to the 5* 106 THE INSURRECTION IN CHINA. execution, and when all is over it is taken down. This custom — so thought my informant — is excellent. It in- spires the criminal with feelings of contrition, because he seems to pay the penalty of his crime before the inhabit- ants of the empire." The mandarins not only employed means of this kind to suppress the insurrectional movement ; they also en- deavored to turn the cause of the rebels into derision, by circulating among the people pamphlets filled with incred- ible anecdotes. In one of these satirical productions it was stated, for instance, that Tiente had perished in an accidental conflagration of his camp, an dr that his wife had seized upon the government, having first assassinated her husband's brother. Now, in China, female rule is not allowed ; and the Empress Ou-heou,the Elizabeth of the East, who seized the Imperial power and held it for more than twenty years, is always mentioned with horror. The prejudices of the Chinese are so obstinate on this sub- ject, that they have effaced the name of the Empress Ou-heou from the list of sovereigns of the Celestial Em- pire ; so that, to them, this disgraceful reign never ex- isted at all. The idea of seeing the sovereign power in the hands of a woman fills them with indignation : al- though they are aware that it is a woman reigns over that western people which has subdued them, and that the English nation was never greater or more glorious than under the government of her Gracious Majesty, Queen Victoria. The Government lost no time in appealing to the PROGRESS OF THE REBELS. 107 purses of Canton, and by an Imperial decree, " Complete Abundance" asked the opulent city for the sum of 1.000,000 taels. This loan is equitably divided in the following manner : the weight of 400,000 taels falls upon the mandarins, and that of the other 600,000 on the tradesmen. The latter say that, in point of fact, they will have to bear the whole burden, as the mandarins will continue to extort from them the 400,000 which .should fall to their share. The political reflections of these unfortunate persons are as dismal as possible ; but after a multitude of suppressed complaints, they end by opening their purses The generals charged with the suppression of the in- surrection stood in great need of cash. The Viceroy of the two Kouangs, our intrepid friend Siu, still employed no other projectiles than ingots of silver. It was said that he remained shut up in Kao-Tcheou-Fou ; and that, being blockaded by the rebels, he had offered them the Bum of 300,000 taels if they would retire and allow him to leave the city and proceed to Pekin, where lie would have the satisfaction of informing the Emperor that he had pacified the Kouang-Si. The rebels took no notice of his proposals, but alwaj's pressed forward. After occupying Ping-Lo-Fou and Young-Gan-Tcheou, as we have already said, the rebels successively took pos- session of Ou-Hien and Tchao-Ping. which are situated, one to the east and the other to the west of the two first cities. With the exception of Kouei-Lin, the city of the " Isolated Wonder," there was not a town, village, or 108 THE INSURRECTION IN CHINA. hamlet, throughout the Kouang-Si, which had not sub' mitted to the law of the rebels, and adopted the costume of the Mings. The Emperor, irritated by these fresh defeats, continued, in his own person, to stimulate the courage of his generals. He ordered Sai-chang-ha to re- take Young-Gan-Tcheou within a fortnight ; and that, in default thereof, the generals Hain-ing, Ou-lan-tai, and Tien-san, should lose their heads. This order of con- quest — made after the fashion of the Moniteur of 1793, which Hien-Foung had certainly not read — singularly aroused the zeal of the gallant captains, and on the 17th day of the 10th moon, they set out to recapture the city of Young-Gan-Tcheou. The insurgents, who did not expect them, advanced to meet the Imperial troops, whom they at first attacked feebly. However, in the middle of the action they unmasked a formidable battery, the murderous fire of which swept away the troops of the unfortunate mandarins. The taking of Young-Gan-Tcheou was followed by that of Ou-Tcheou-Fou* in the province of Canton. An eye- witness, who was present at this action, asserted that the insurgents proved to be divers bodies of troops, com- manded by chiefs, who, though independent of each other, were all united by a common desire to overthrow the Tartar dynasty. This assertion was confirmed by the following proclamation, which was posted on the walls of * Ou-Tcheou-Fou has previously been mentioned as situated in the Kouang-Si, and is so placed both in the map attached to this woi'k, and in the one published by Sir John Davis. — J. O. PLAX OF FEDERALIZATION. 109 'Toung-Gan-Tcheou, and threw a new light on the history of the insurrection. This important document was as follows : — •' Know all people, that China belongs to the descend- ant of the ancient dynasty : do not be appalled, ye stu- dents, freemen, artisans, and merchants, but remain each of you firm to his work. The fortune of the dynasty of Han is about to flourish once more, and the foreign dy- nasty of the Mantchous approaches its termination. This is a decree of Heaven, of which there can be no doubt. After a long union, division is to follow. In order that things may be securely established on the pub- lication of the laws, our sovereigns have displayed their beneficence, and before prostrating themselves before the Supreme Being have always rendered assistance to the unfortunate. After having learned to adore God, they labored to save the peeple from calamity, have supported the weak, resisted the strong, and saved the villages from robbers. They did not act like the chiefs Tai-te-ou and others, who stopped the junks on the rivers, pillaged and massacred the inhabitants of town and country, and then asked the mandarins for passports and safe conducts to take them to a place of safety. When our princes, by the power of Heaven, entered Young-Gan, they extended their munificence around them, and looking upon the people as their own children, induced them to abstain from murder, and to take nothing without permission. They are just and impartial as a balance ; but if any one refuses obedience, he will be handed over to the oflBcers 110 THE INSURRECTION IN CHINA. of the army. Our princes call upon the inhabitants of every district to surrender, if they would merit the re- ward due to voluntary adhesion. In the meanwhile they are now waiting the arrival of chiefs of the other provinces, that they may join their forces, and attack the capital of Pekin ; after which they will proceed to a di- vision of the empire." This proclamation, as far as the political ideas are con- cerned, is a paraphrase of that proclamation of Tien-te which we have not given entire. There is one predomi- nant idea, namely, that of breaking up the empire. These men have perceived that countries so heteroge- neous as those of which the immense empire of China is composed — separated from each other not only by long distances, but also by difference of customs — could not remain submissive to the same laws. A decree may in- deed be passed that the people of the north and the peo- ple of the south shall be governed by one code, but the human mind protests against this assimilation. A vast empire cannot remain free and compact except by feder- alization. Hence, although Tien-te is at Young-Gran- Tcheou, it is not he who speaks ; but one of the feuda- tory kings yet to come. The proclamation is not dated from the second year of Tien-te, but from the first year of Tien-kio. This document not only shows us the intention of the chiefs, but to a certain extent initiates us into their plans. It tells us by what means they expect to acquire supreme authority. These skilful politicians are in reality not POLICY OF THE INSURGENTS. Ill very anxious about the countries which they cross, and the submission of the provinces and departments, how- ever they may call upon the inhabitants to submit. They are perfectly acquainted with the vulnerable side of the power which they assail, and against this they di- rect their attack. Their chiefs, they say, are waiting the arrival of the chiefs of the other provinces, that they may march with combined forces and take the city of Pekin ; after which they will proceed to the division of the empire. They know well enough that if once Pekin is in their power, they are sure of everything else. Will the Emperor take refuge in one of the towns of the Tartar frontier, and there seek to reconquer his throne ? While we contemplate a plan so ably devised, we na- turally ask how it was thus wisely and patiently matured. We ask how these chiefs, who sign in the name of royalty, are accepted without reservation by numerous armies, and what sanction their authority has received. In our opinion the whole affair has been admirably conducted, from the time of the first movement in Kouang-Si — a pilot balloon, which the rebels launched to test the under- mined power of the Tsings — to the proclamation of Tien- t<^. This proclamation was inspired by the profoundest wisdom. To a people accustomed for ages to imperial rule, that is to say, to the infallible authority of one chief, it would be most injudicious to reveal at once the project of founding a federal empire. The men of letters were alone capable of comprehending this idea, too lofty 112 THE INSURRECTION IN CHINA. for the apprehension of the multitude. It was, therefore, especially necessary to show that the future edifice had its key-stone like the edifice now existing. It was in the silence and in the shadow of the secret societies that this plan was conceived. Since the fall of the Mings and the accession of the Mantchous, clandestine associations — these intellectual laboratories of declining states — have been incessantly in operation. The most celebrated of these secret societies — the society of the three princi- ples, or the Triad — commands a powerful organization. Throughout China, and whereever the Chinese emigrate, members of this association may be found ; and the people of the Celestial Empire can almost say without exagger- ation, "When three of us are assembled together the Triad is amongst us." Even in the form of the proclamation of Tien-Kio, it may be perceived that a new regenerative element has penetrated those obscure retreats where projects of na- tional independence are formed — we mean the Christian element. The authors of the proclamation of Young- Gan-Tcheou talk of " decrees of Heaven." They have, they say, prostrated themselves before the Supreme Being ; after having learned to adore God, they have la- bored to save the people from calamities. These are forms of expression unknown to the idolaters of China, and foreign to the language of Catholics. The honor of introducing them into China belongs to the Protestants ; and if we may trust report, it appears that a native Pro- testant holds an elevated rank, and exercises a high au- M. GDTZLAFF. 113 thority among the insurgents. This Protestant is, we are assured, a convert of Gutzlaff, the last secretary- interpreter at Hong-Kong. M. Gutzlaff has now been dead some years. He was bom in Pomerania, and quitted his native country very young. He did not in the least resemble the fair sons of Germany, whose florid complexion is kept up by draughts of beer. He was an intelligent man, endowed with a great aptitude for acquiring languages; and had no sooner entered a country than he spoke the idiom of its inhabitants. At the outset of his peregrinations he had been a Lutheran missionary ; next he entered the service of the Bible societies ; and, at last, by his great familiar- ity with the Chinese language, he obtained the situation of first interpreter to the English Government, a place to which splendid appointments are attached. If we can trust certain malicious informants, the Rev. Dr. Gutzlaff travelled for a long time, with a Bible in one hand and a yard measure in the other, distributing Bibles and selling cloth, on the most equitable terms ; and that, in this fashion, he went through Java, Slam, the Archipelago of Chusan, and the islets in the neighborhood of Corea and Japan. Be that as it may, he has left us accounts of his travels, which, on the whole, are very pleasant reading. M. Gdtzlaff had the art of inspiring the Chinese people with the greatest confidence. He was of a middle stature, and tolerably stout ; his prominent eyes sparkled beneath thick lashes, which were overshadowed by long black and 114 THE INSURRECTION IN CHINA. bushy eye-brows. His face, with features the reverse of angular, and its light olive complexion, seemed to belong to that variety of the human race which we call the Mon- gol. In his Chinese dress, he was so exactly like a na- tive, that he could have gone through the streets of the walled city of Canton, without being recognized. One evening, during our stay in China, we spoke of him to the mandarin Pan-se-tchen, who was much at- tached to him, and one of us expressed his astonishment at finding in a European the characteristics of the Chinese race. The mandarin quietly replied : — "Nothing can be more natural. GutzlaflF's father was a native of the Fo-Kien settled in Grermany." This fact appears to us so extraordinary, that we should hesitate to relate it if Pan had not assured us that M. Gutzlaff himself was his authority. At all events, whether his origin was Chinese or not, M. Gutzlaff perfectly knew how to adapt himself to the ideas of a people who are at once sensual and mystical. He founded in China a sort of secret society called the " Chinese Union," the object of which was the conversion of the Chinese to Christianity by the Chinese themselves. "When it was first known that the insurgents had in several places burnt the Buddhist statues, and overthrown the pa- godas, it was thought that a number of Catholics had joined the rebels. At a latter period the various Anglo- Chinese journals stated that a disciple of the artful Pro- testant missionary was the head of the band, whose zeal gutzlaff's influence. 115 was displayed by the destruction of the monuments of idolatry. In time we shall know, perhaps, the name of the iconoclast, whose influence we have shown in the im- portant document laid before our readers. CHAPTER IX. Chinese generalship— Insurrection at Ha'i-Nan— Insurrection in the Provinces of the Hien Nan and the Hien-Pe. The Tartar general resolved to avenge the defeats that had taken place in the department of Ping-Lo. For this purpose he assembled the greater part of the troops, dispersed about the Kouang-Si, the Kouang-Toung, the Kouei-Tcheou, and the Yun-Nan, and marched against the rebels with a force of 13,000. A Chinese army looks like a military array on the stage. The foot soldiers are dressed in red cassocks trimmed with white, having on the bosom and in the centre of the back a piece of white calico, on which the name of the regiment to which they belong, is inscribed in huge characters. They wear on their heads a conical cap, striped with various colors, and are armed with a wretched matchlock. The horse- men, of whom there is a very small number in the Impe- rial army, are mounted on lean, ill-harnessed jades, and wrapped up in long blue robes.- In this strange attire they look much more like Musselmen women on a jour- ney, than the Tartar heroes whom our fathers saw in the opera of " Lodoiska." CHINESE GENERALSHIP. Ill In the midst of these grotesque soldiers, march the aidard-bearers, holding a stafiF surmounted by a flag representing a chimera, a dragon, or some other fabulous figure. The drummers march at the head of the regi- ment. Numerous gongs are beaten in regular time, and the roll of the drum is minted with the heavy sound of the metallic instrument. The Imperial army encountered the rebels between two towns of the third order, called Ping-Nan-Hien and Tchao-Ping, on a very irregular spot, near the Kouei- Kiang, the banks of which are bordered with sloping hills. The general deployed a portion of his troops in a small valley, and sent the rest to attack the insurgents in flank. While the soldiers were executing this manoeu- vre, the general accompanied by his aides-de-camps, sta- tioned himself in the central army, to direct the strategic movements. The standard-bearers and the drummers formed a double circle round this staflF. and the officers of each company placed themselves each behind his seventy-five soldiers. To explain this arrangement, we ought to inform our readers that in the Chinese army the word of command is given, not with the voice but with the sound of the gong. A certain innovator has proposed to introduce this method into the French army, but it has been judi- ciously settled that it would be impracticable in a country where the ears of the soldiers have not been trained to harmony. It is evident that to carry this musical ar- rangement into eflect, the gongs and drums must always 118 THE INSURRECTION IN CHINA. be within the range of the staff officers. As for the other chiefs of the army, they stand behind their soldiers because the latter are very apt to retreat without waiting for any word of command, and this position enables the officers to keep them at their post, or to kill them if they recede. Silence is not required in the ranks : in fact, the con- trary is the case. The Imperial soldiers advanced against the rebels, uttering horrible shouts ; and the dismal roll of the gongs was echoed among the mountains. The insurgents seemed panic-struck at this revival of the siege of Jericho. They feebly defended the heights which they occupied, and descending from their positions, gradually retreated to other points. This game of hide-and-seek had already lasted several hours, and the Imperialists, now weary, were on the point of abandoning the pursuit of the enemy when they debouched into a valley abounding in groups of those magnificent bamboos which form part of the wealth of China. The rebels flung themselves behind these bar- riers of verdure, as if to escape the fury of the Imperial- ists ; when the latter formed the fatal resolution of pur- suing them through the bamboo thickets. Scarcely were they entangled in these treacherous oases, than a large body of rebels came down from the mountains, preceded by upwards of sixty field-pieces. The Tartar general, finding himself thus surrounded, gave the signal for retreat ; that is to say, the gongs left off their martial roll, and only sounded at intervals. It THE "TIOEKS. 110 was too late. When Ou-lan-tai retreated to Lis camp, only half the troops obeyed the order. Of the rest, some had been killed, and the others had prudently gone over to the enemy. Frequently in the course of this narrative we have given the name of " tigers " to the Emperor's soldiers without explaining the cause of a sobriquet so often ap- plied. In the Celestial Empire these brave warriors haYe all sorts of animals painted on their bucklers, and the surname is derived from the circumstance that the figure of the tiger is more common than any other. All this seems very ridiculous to us ; but we have something very like it at home. In our own military uniforms we find traces not only of the tiger, but also of the wolf and other animals ; the hair caps, and all those shaggy arti- cles of dress with which we muffle up our grenadiers, take from us the right of laughing at the Chinese tigers, of whom, to speak the truth, we are sometimes mere imitators. European troops, it is said, have borrowed another de- tail of military art from the Chinese. The Spaniards allege the Portuguese introduced into their exercise the ridiculous command : " Rostro feroz ao inimigo .'" and that on receiving this order the soldiers put on a fierce aspect, advanced with a warlike gesture, and showed their teeth to the enemy. If this story be true, the Por- tuguese were plagiarists. At the present day the poor tigers go to battle with menacing gesticulations, and make horrible grimaces. The defeat of the Tartar general did not discourage 120 THE INSURRECTION IN CHINA. Siu, the Viceroy of the two Kouangs, who remained shut up behind the thick ramparts of Kao-Tcheou-Fou. He swore by his long moustache that he would revenge the rout at Ping-Nan-Hien ; and for this purpose he bor- rowed from the ancient history of the kingdom of Tsi, a stratagem which reminds one of the Trojan horse, and the foxes of Samson. Four thousand buffaloes were tied together, and torches of resin were attached to their long horns. This troop was placed under the conduct of four thousand soldiers, and the expedition, the preparations for which had been a profound secret, set off one evening in the direction of the rebel camp. According to this notable scheme, every, buffalo, being thus transformed into a " fire chariot," was to commit fearful ravages, kill every one within its reach, and set fire to the enemy's camp. The horned battalion advanced at first without meeting any obstacle, for the insurgents, warned of the stratagem, allowed the animals to pass along unimpeded. The Imperialists paid dearly for this procession by torchlight ; for before they had reached the camp, the enemy, who had watched all their movements by the light of this splendid illumiuation, fell upon them unexpectedly, as they had often done before, and the usual scenes of carnage were renewed. This bright invention of Siu's caused a sacrifice of more than 2 000 lives. Those who escaped slaughter were chased as far as the walls of Kao-Tcheou-Fou, where the Viceroy was quietly ensconced. This fact alone is enough to show us the state of the art of war ART OF WAR. 121 amoDg the Chinese. If the Anglo-Chinese press had been our sole authority, we should have hesitated to publish this account ; but we have compared the narra- tive of the Friend of China with authentic Chinese doc- uments, and they both perfectly agree in all the details of this incredible story. In the eyes of the Chinese and Tartar warriors, the comical invention of Siu passes for a very ingenious piece of generalship. - Nevertheless, there exists among them a treatise on the art of war which is highly esteemed. This classical work, which is in twenty-four volumes, is entitled " Ou- Pi-Tche," or a " Complete Treatise on the Art of War." Not only private individuals, but even civil mandarins below the third, and military mandarins be- low the fourth rank, are forbidden to read this book. In China a tradesman, a cultivator, or a man of letters, is not allowed to take any interest — even the interest of ordinary curiosity — in the art of war. The owner of such a book would be severely punished, if he held but a subordinate post in the hierarchy, or was a mere " man of letters." The booksellers are allowed to keep only one copy of the work in their shops, and when they sell it they are compelled to set down in a register the name and address of the purchaser, — ^just as is done in France, when poison is sold by a druggist. Certainly, if the work contains such fine things as Siu's contrivance, it is as well not to reveal them to the eyes of the vulgar. Before they undertook the war against the Celestial Empire, the English obtained several copies of this trea- G 122 THE INSURRECnON IN CHIXA. tise. One day, an American merchant at Canton com* munlcated this circumstance to a mandarin of very high rank, when the latter struck his left hand with his fan, and exclaimed, " I am not surprised now that the red- haired barbarians defeated us." We have already said that there were several symp- toms in China of internal discomfort, and a tendency to dissolution. As we proceed in our narrative, new facts arise to confirm our opinion. The official Gazette of Pekin stated, over and over again, that insurrectional movements had taken place in the island of Hai-Nan, in the Hou-Nan, and in the Hou-Pe. The island of Hai-Nan lies to the south of the prov- ince of Canton. This is a possession almost as im- portant as that of Formosa. All the tropical fruits grow there in abundance, and great quantities are ex- ported to the principal cities of the empire. The Chinese have held Hai-Nan for many centuries, but have never completely subdued the native race, that inherits the mountainous districts in the centre of the island. It is probable that the insurgents formed an alliance with this warlike race, and that they acted with regard to them as their brethren of the Kouang-Si had acted with the Miao-Tze. The following fact confirms the supposition : — After a great battle at the foot of the high mountains of Hai-Nan, a Tartar chief ventured to pursue the rebels into the narrow ravines of the " Mountains of a Hundred Fingers." Ten days elapsed, but neither the soldiers INSURRECTION IN THE HOU-KOUANG. 123 nor their officer had returned. It was then resolved that an expedition should be made to learn their fate, and, after a long and dangerous search, the unfortunate cap- tain was found nearly starved to death. He was the only survivor of his troop, and the rebels had abandoned him in this solitude, after cutting off his nose and ears. The insurgents having found allies in the country, lost no time in occupying Kioung-Tcheou-Fou, the capital, and- afterwards all the other towns of any importance. This coup de main in Hai-Nan proves that the insur- gents wished to secure a point whence to act afterwards upon the Kouang-Toung and the Fo-Kien. The Hou-Nan and the Hou-Pe once formed a single province called the Hou-Kouang. Even at the present day, the two provinces are frequently known by the name of the Hou-Kouang, just as in France, we still use the name of Provence to designate the various departments, arising from a division of the former province ; and in the course of this narrative we shall often make use of the ancient denomination to designate the towns com- prised within the limits of the two modern provinces. Hence, to trace the progress of the insurrection in the map, it is necessary to look for the points indicated in both the provinces, when it is not stated to which of the two they belong. The entrance of the rebels into the Hou-Kouang pro- duced a great sensation at the Court of Pekin. The Imperial Government had hitherto lessened the import- ance of its defeats, and concealed as much as possible the 124 THE INSURRECTION IN CHINA. "uneasiness of its position. However, on hearing that the insurrection had extended to the Hou-Nan and the Hou-pe, it uttered a cry of alarm. An express was sent from Pekin to Canton to commu- nicate the disastrous news. The official messenger pub- lished the facts that the insurgents had effected a junc- tion with 20.000 Miao-Tze, that they were marching upon the capital, and that Soung-Tao-Ting had been de- stroyed. While this news was scattering terror through Canton, the rebels took possession of Toung-In-Fou like- wise. The Minister of War ordered the 10,000 men in the Se-Tchouan to march at once to Hou-Pe, and that all the disposable troops of the surrounding provinces should be directed to this point. As the action of the rebels was chiefly centred in the north of the province of Hou-Kouang, we shall now give a topographical sketch of the country. The Hou-Pe is one of the poorest provinces of the empire. It is, like the Kouang-Si, a mountainous coun- try, but the temperature is much colder. The produce of the soil is analogous to that of the centre of France, consisting of corn, vegetables, and the finest gourds in the world. The mountaineers of the Hou-Pe live much like the mountaineers of France, residing, like them, in huts thatched with straw, and subsisting on a still more scanty nourishment. These poor people are frequently visited by famine, the constant attendant of violent changes of climate. Once it swept away a third of the population. INSURRECTION IN THE HOU-KOUANQ. 1^6 In this district, as in the Kouang-Si, the insurgents had for allies the poverty, and the warlike instincts of the people. When first it was learned that a portion of the population had risen in the ancient province of the Hou-Kouang, the first supposition was that this was a strategic movement on the part of the rebels of the Kouang-Si. This was a mistake. The insurrection in the Hou-Pe and the Hou-Nan, although the same in tendency as the other, was commanded by independent chiefs. As we have already had occasion to remark, the troops, ill paid by the Imperial Government, readily passed over to the enemy. It was now learned that a detachment of the army, 6,000 strong, commanded by Ou-lan-tai, had joined the rebels with arms and baggage. There was among the people such a disposition to aid the insurrectionary movement, that the Viceroy of the two Kouangs published a decree to prohibit the young men of the towns forming themselves into volunteer corps. In this document, which is ably drawn up, the Governor- General affirms that the Imperial troops are sufficient to resist the insurrection, and thanks the people under his charge for their excess of zeal. In reality, he knew what he was about. Experience had taught him that these improvised soldiers, when placed under the orders of the military mandarins, were eager to desert as soon as they were opposed to the enemy. As if for the express purpose of disproving the asser- Ition that it was the rebels of the Kouang-Si who had r— 126 THE INSURRECTION IN CHINA. Hou-Nan, news now arrived that the chiefs in command at Kouei-Lin had assembled round this capital all the troops at their disposal, for fear of being surprised by the insurgents, whose number daily increased. To these details were added the account of a new victory gained over the Imperial troops in the north of the Kouang-Si. The progress of the insurrection in the Hou-Kouang was no less rapid than in the Kouang-Si ; and it was learned that the towns of Tao-Tcheou and Kiang-Hoa were taken almost simultaneously without much resist- ance. A chief of the Kouang-Si, named Tai-ping-wang, then formed an alliance with the rebels of the Hou-Pe. This sort of confederation threatened many points at the same time ; and several important localities — Lo-Ting- Tcheou, Houen-Yuen-Fou, and Ho-Che-Fou — fell into the power of the insurgents. In these three principal towns they found abundance of booty ; as they seized the public treasure and the stores provided for the Imperial troops. According to their usual custom they respected private property, confining themselves to the spoilatioQ of the functionaries, and a large appropriation of the public revenues. This conduct gained for them the sym- pathy of the inhabitants, who saw with the most perfect indifference, the tragical end of the mandarins who had governed them, and who now, dreading the Emperor's wrath, hanged themselves in despair. It was now per- fectly clear that, in proportion as the insurrection spread over the provinces, its action became more regular. The brigands of Kouang-Si had become neither more nor less REAL PROGRESS OF THE INSURRECTION. 127 than party-leaders, who respected the property of others, inspired their soldiers with notions of moral rectitude, and sympathized with those who are the real victors in all political conquests — viz., those who have something to lose. However, this new development of the insurrec- tionary power was more and more menacing to the Em- peror's throne. CHAPTEE X. The Pretender and two oflBcial envoys — Confession and execution of Ti6n-T6- New success of the rebels. "While the army of Tien-te commanded the country, the Pretender himself, surrounded by his household, his soldiers, and his guard, had established himself in a strong position in the mountain of Tse-Hing, not far from the Kouei-Lin. The Governor of the Koang-Si, finding that there was a favorable occasion for opening one of those negotiations in which Chinese diplomatists so greatly shine, resolved to send a kind of embassy to the rebel chief This high functionary would willingly have pacified the country without bloodshed, and concluded the war by dint of those long subtle arguments in which the Chinese " men of letters " so much excel. We shall give what may be called the proces-verhal of the interview that took place between the Pretender and the envoys of the Vice-Grov- ernor Tseou. This document, which has been translated from the Chinese, will show the reader the firm and cautious policy of Tien-te, the prestige which surrounds his dawn- DEPUTATION TO Tlfex-Tfe. 129 ing authority, and the attitude he assumes with respect to the Tartar Emperor. " Tseou. Lieutenant-Governor of the Kouang-Si, sent Han-heou, a man of letters of the first degree, and Tchang- fang-yeou, a man of letters of the second degree, with three other individuals, to Tien-te, on the mountain Tse- Hing, to induce him to make his submission. " Han-heou and his companions, fearing lest they Bboold be at the appointed place at an unfitting moment, wrote a letter to Tien-te, to ask him on what day he would admit them into his presence, and resolved to await his answer, before they ascended the mountain. The answer having arrived, they advanced with their baggage ; but before they reached the foot of the moun- tain, they were joined by a certain number of persons, who came to salute them and to act as guides. " When they had gone halfway up the mountain, they came to an outer wall, the lofty gate of which was guarded by troops, both within and without. They then went through three other gates, guarded in the same manner, and arrived at a fourth, where they were received by a dozen ofl&cers, dressed in the fashion of the Ming dynasty, who, after having proclaimed the name and rank of each, advanced courteously, and invited the five visitors to enter the house set apart for strangers, where they were entertained with great magnificence. " Their arrival was announced to Tien-te, who fixed an audience for the following day. In compliance with this order, they were, on the mc-rrow, conducted by au of- 6* 130 THE INSURRECTION IN CHINA. ficer through a fifth door, when an eunuch signified to them, on the part of the Emperor, that they must put on the costume of the Ming dynasty Han-heou and the others did not dare to disobey orders, and accordingly put on the costume, which was brought them. When their toilette was ended, the eunuch conducted them to the steps of the court, where they were received by Tien- te himself, who came to the foot of the steps, and led. them to his residence, asking them to sit down, like guests on a visit to a friend. Tien-te then asked them for what purpose they had come ; upon which Han-heou opened the conference, and set forth, in a very eloquent discourse, the commission with which he was charged. The others spoke in their turns, making use of the most specious ar- guments, and citing various examples to persuade Tien-te to make his submission, and thus to restore to the people that tranquillity of which the war had deprived them. " When this discussion was ended, Tien-te said to them : — ' Masters, you misunderstand me completely. How can a prince submit to his own subjects ? I am the eleventh descendant of the Emperor Tsoung-tching, of the great dynasty of the Mings, and I now rightfully levy troops in the hope of recovering my ancient terri- tory. A rebellion was originally the cause that the race of Tsing was invited by Ou-san-kouei', minister of the Ming dynasty, to assist in overthrowing the rebel chiefs Tchang and Li. Here, however, they did not stop. They took possession of the country, and my ancestors, con- sidering the service done by the race of Tsing in the INTERVIEW WITH TifcN-Tfe. ' ISl war against the rebels, did not venture to expel them at once, but allowed them and their descendants to occupy the throne for 200 years, as a reward for their good con- duct. You surely cannot say that this reward was in- sufficient. At present, strong in the justice of my cause, I am levying troops to recover the possessions of my an- cestors. The race of Tsing ought to retire to their own country without resistance, so that each party may be in j)ossession of its own territory. This course would bring repose to the soldiers and the people. Masters, you are still subjects of the Chinese empire, and you perfectly understand the doctrines of Confucius and Mencius. Can you have entirely forgotten your lawful prince, and re- main contentedly the subjects of foreigners ?' ''After this discussion, Tien-te ordered that Han-heou and his companions should be called by the name of min- isters. He gave them a grand banquet, and entertained them splendidly for five days. At the end of this time the clothes which they had worn on their arrival were burned, and Tien-te accompanied them to the confines of the mountain, where he took leave of them with great af- fability. *' On returning to Kouei-Lin, they related their ad- venture to the Governor. Tseou flew into such a passion, that it brought on a fit of illness, and for several days he could neither eat nor sleep." Immediately after this interview, the Pretender aban- doned his retreat, and quitting the mountains, stationed himself in the plain. His presence was the signal of new 132 THE INSURRECTION IN CHINA. calamities to the Imperialists, who, in many encounters, were beaten by the legions who accompanied the Pre- tender. These warlike bands took Lou-Tchcou, and ad- vanced once more against Kouei-Lin, which they intended to storm. The walls, however, defended by artillery in good condition, proved too strong for them, and they were forced to retire. On their retreat they set fire to the suburbs and burned the bridge, which crossed the river opposite the " Isolated Wonder." Kouei-Lin was defended by the Tartar general Ou- lan-tai. While fighting on the ramparts, where they were attacked with fury by the rebels, he received a ball in the knee. As the wound was considered very danger- ous, and the medical science of China was deemed insuf- ficient in so grave an emergency, an express was sent to Canton to ask the advice of Dr. Parker, minister of the gospel, interpreter to the American charge d'affairs^ and medical man into the bargain. The doctor expressed himself perfectly willing to visit the wounded man and extract the ball, but his offer was not accepted, inasmuch as no foreigner can go into the interior of the country, without violating the laws of the empire. Ou-lan-tai, ac- cordingly, set off for Canton to receive the attentions of Dr. Parker there, but the bad medical treatment which he had previously undergone, produced a mortification of the wound, and he died on the road. Ou-lan-tai was one of the best generals in the Chinese army, which, however, by no means, proves that he was endowed with great military talent. He was a good PRETENDED CONFESSION OF TiftN-Tfe. 133 master of that official kind of bragging, by dint of which the people of the Celestial Empire often get rapid pro- motion. Shortly before his death, when the rebels had evacuated the city of Young-Gan, to advance to another point of greater importance, Ou-lan-tai lost no time in making a triumphant entrance into the deserted town, and sending a report in which he boasted that he had taken it from the enemy. There was no great harm in this ; the Court of Pekin is accustomed to hear much greater falsehoods. Shortly after the interview of Tien-te with the men of letters sent by the vice-Governor Tseou, a wonderful re- port was circulated. It was affirmed that the Pretender had been made prisoner, and that Siu, the Viceroy of the two Kouangs, had sent him to Pekin, with a strong escort, shut up in an iron cage. At first, the tale was not re- ceived without hesitation ; in fact, it was considered a mere fiction. Soon, however, all doubts were removed, for the Official Gazette of Pekin published a decree by which Tien-te was sentenced to undergo the extreme penalty of the law. According to the custom generally adopted in China, the decree was prefaced by a general confession, on the part of the accused. The contrite document was as follows : — " I am a native of Hang-Chan, in the department of Hang-Tcheou, and am thirty years of age. My father and mother are both dead ; I have neither brothers, sis- ters, wife, nor children. In my youth I gave myself up to letters, and I have undergone several examinations. 134 THE INSURRECTION IN CHINA. Since, however, the examiners did not acknowledge in me any talent for composition, hut paralyzed my efforts, I hecame a honze. Shortly afterwards I quitted this posi- tion, to be examined again, but I was sent back as be- fore. This filled my heart with resentment, and I carefully studied works on military science, as well as the topography of the different provinces, that I might become skilful in war, and overthrow the Imperial Gov- ernment. While I was a bonze, I lived in silence and retirement, studying how to render myself familiar with all the rules of generalship, as practised from the earliest times down to our own day. I thought that I could thus execute my plans with promptness, and take the empire by a mere turn of the hand. " A few years ago, being still a bonze, I travelled into the Kouang-Toung, and passing through Houa, formed the acquaintance of Houng-siu-tsiuen and Foung-yun- chan, both men of letters of great talent, but both, like me, unfortunate in their examinations. They had tra- versed the two Kouangs, and had formed an association composed of the most determined members of the ' So- ciety of the Three Principles.' Each of the initiated made a vow that he would live and die with the rest, and aid them to the best of his power. The number of adepts rapidly increased, and there was a growing fear that disunion would arise among them. Houng-sin-tsiuen was learned in magic, and the art of holding converse with devils, while Foung-yun-chan forged a history about a Heavenly Father, a Heavenly Brother, and Jesus, set- PRETENDED CONFESSION OF TifeN-Tfe. 136 tiDg forth how the Heavenly Brother came down from Heaven, and how all those who wished to serve the Hea- venly Father might know where to find their greatest ad- vantage ; and adding that the Heavenly Brother, before his death, only occupied a small palace in Heaven, but that since he died for man, he has been seated in a large palace. By inflammatory words like these they have so bound to themselves the number of the association, that no one thinks of leaving them. "In December 1850, when their number and their power became great, I went to the Kouang-Si, where I saw Houng-siu-tsiuen ; he had engaged many graduates of Kouang-Toung to begin the work of pillage, and at- tack the government. The members of the fraternity voluntarily followed these individuals, sacrificing to them their persons, their families, their property — in fact everything they had — so that there was money to pur- chase horses and enrol troops. From this moment their hopes increased, and they took the name of the ' Society of the Chang-ti.' " When I arrived at the Kouang-Si, Houng-siu-tsiuen called me his worthy brother, honored me with the title of King Tien-te (celestial virtue), and took lessons from me in the art of war. He called himself King Tai-ping (grand pacificator) ; Yang was general-iu-chief with the civil power, with the title of King of the East ; Siu was lieutenant-general of the right wing, with the title of King of the West ; Foung was general of the advanced guard, with the title of the King of the South ; Wei was 136 THE INSURRECTION IN CHINA. general of the rear-guard with the title of King of the North. " Ministers were also appointed. Thus Che was ap- pointed minster of civil affairs, and King of the Right Wing ; Tsin was charged with the revenue department, and was King of the Left Wing ; Ou-lai and Tsang were generals of the guard ; Tchou was appointed judge ; and Tsang, Yu-sin, and Lo, were appointed lieutenant- generals. There were several other officers, whose names I have forgotten, who commanded some 300, others 100 men. If any individual turned his back in battle he was executed, and his officer was severely punished, while re- wards and dignities were granted to those who obtained a victory. The Grovernment troops killed a great many of our men. I called Houng-siu-tsiuen my elder brother, and our subordinates addressed us both as your majesty ; otherwise we were always called by our proper name. " On the 25th of August we took Young-Gran after routing the Imperial troops. Houng and myself mount- ed our palanquins, and installed ourselves in the official residence, which was called the Court, and in which no one was permitted to reside. Houng-siu-tsiuen derived all his military knowledge from me ; but we did not al- ways agree in our views. I looked upon this place as not sufficiently important, and asked him why he gave so many individuals the title of king ; moreover he had great confidence in the practice of magic, although even in the remotest times no one ever attained the throne by that means. In addition to all this, he was given to wine and I PRETENDED CONFESSION OF TifeN-Tft. 137 debauched, and bad with him thirty-six wives. At the bottom of my heart I desired his defeat and destruction, for without him I should have got the power into my own hands. " At this period, all the battles were directed by Wei- tching, who, as a military man, was careful and indefa- tigable. He was endowed with great courage, and with 1,000 men was a match for 10,000 Imperialists. During the few months that we occupied Young-Gan-Tchou, which we called our court, all our ofl5cers made reports on state affairs. A calendar was published under the direction of Young,* in which the intercallary moon was omitted. In this I took no part. " When all communication with the city was impeded — when rice, gunpowder, and other stores, began to fail — the idea occurred to us, that as the members of our as- sociation were very numerous in the Kouang-Toung, and in the department of Ou-Tcheou, we must take courage, and leave our prison (sic) to rejoin them. On the 7th of April, we planned a sally, and divided our forces into three bands. At eight o'clock in the evening Wei-tching set out with 6,000 men ; and at ten o'clock Yang and Foung set off also with 6,000 men, taking with him Houng-siu-tsiuen and his wives, with palanquins, horses, and baggage. At two o'clock in the morning Siu and I set off, with 1,500 men. When we were at a league's distance from Houng-siu-tsiuen's column, the Imperial troops attacked us ; and as Siu had neither obeyed my • Quwre, Houng ? — J. O. 188 THE INSURRECTION IN CHINA. orders, nor attended to my signals, we were put to rout ; more than 1,000 men were killed, and I was made prisonei'. It was I who ordered the eastern fort to fire, when we left the town, and set fire to the houses, in order facilitate our sally. " My real name is not Houng, but I adopted it when I contracted friendship with Houng-siu-tsiuen. I wore an embroidered dress, and a high yellow hat. The other kings had similar hats embroidered with red. The rest of the chief ofl&cers wore yellow embroidered aprons when they went to battle, and carried yellow flags. In the ofiicial palace I wore a yellow robe, but it was not through my own choice that I ascended the Imperial throne. " This confession is authentic." In this document, which was probably composed by some Pekin man of letters, we may easily detect a per- fidious intention to compromise the Christians. The Chinese Union, the secret society founded by Gutzlaff, is principally mentioned as having furnished its contin- gent to the insurrection. To the present day the Chang- Ti alone — that is to say, the Protestants — are accused of having raised the standard of revolt. We do not know how far these insinuations are true ; but it would be singular enough if we found the same phenomenon at the same time through the whole world ; viz. that while the Catholic nations seem to be asleep in Europe, the Protestant nations are pushing forward, spreading, and occupying the largest place in this great globe. It is REPORTS SPREAD BY TPIE MANDARINS. 139 true that in the days of their religious fervor, the Por- tuguese and the Spaniards did as much as is now done by England and the United States. The confession of Tien-te had produced a great sensa- tion, and the particulars of his execution at Pekin were discussed, when all of a sudden it was ascertained that the dead Tien-te was apocryphal, and that the real Tien- te was safe and sound among the mountains of Kouaug- Si, where he continued to exercise his secret influence, and to watch the progress of the insurrection. This political comedy had been played off by the in- genious Siu, who, having caught an insignificant rebel chief, had boldly passed him off as the Pretender, and sent him to Pekin with all the pomp due to Tien-to. The rebels appeared at several points simultaneously, and the Imperialists always retired before them. As these marches and counter-marches are not very inter- esting we shall not name the places where they occurred. About this time a fact, for the authenticity of which we do not vouch, greatly occupied the public mind. A report was suddenly spread that Tien-te had quitted his retreat, marched with his troops into the Hou-Kouang, and, having taken possession of the district of the Tchang- Che, had ordered the erection of a temple to the Supreme Being. This fact, we repeat, is not probable. If it had been true, there is no doubt the Catholics, sooner or later, would have joined the insurrectionary movement. We must not omit to mention here a new manoeuvre on the part of the cunning mandarins. We have already uJ^^ 140 THE INSURRECTION IN CHINA. said, that on various occasions, they had endeavored to alarm the Europeans with the consequences which might result to them from the triumph of the rebels. For this purpose they first spread the report that it was the in- tention of Tien-te to close the ports of China against the " barbarians," and afterwards affirmed that all his eflforts were directed against Canton, and that he had sworn that, on the first day of the Chinese year, he would eat his dinner in that European port. On the contrary, everything in the conduct of Tien-te proves a deliberate intention to keep on the best footing with the Christian nations. Instead of advancing towards Canton, the rebels have never shown themselves even in the province, except to sound the disposition of the people, and, in case of neces- sity, to secure a retreat by sea. Then, have we not our- selves a convincing proof that Tien-te is not hostile to Europeans or Christians ? Among the great number of missionaries, who have spread to the very heart of the empire, there are many who reside in the Kouang-Si, and other provinces occupied by the rebels. Now, not one of these has suffered the slightest violence. We have not heard so much as a dark rumor on the subject since the commencement of the insurrection. The reader will, perhaps, be of opinion that we exag- gerate the personal importance of the descendant of the Mings, and that, like the generality of historians who sketch a political figure, we ascribe to the hero of our tale designs, calculations, and combinations, of which he GREATNESS OF TlfiN-xfi. 141 never dreamed. In answer to objections of this kind, we need only refer to the documents which we have laid before the reader, and which, without doubt, emanated from the Pretender. After reading these, every one must agree with us that Tien-te is endowed with rare po- litical sagacity, indubitable superiority of intellect, and above all, with that energy, at once active and patient, which is peculiar to men trained under the shadow of secret societies. OHAPTEE XI. Revolt in Formosa— The Lin family— The god Kouan— An aquatic assault We said some time back that there is more resem blance between Chinese civilization and our own, than is generally supposed ; in fact, the points of similitude are more numerous than the points of difiference. This opin- ion has been held by many travellers, and above all, by those laborious Jesuits, who have even been reproached with too much partiality for the Chinese. Since those learned men left off writing, no one, except those who have pillaged them, has given a perfectly accurate de- scription of the interior of China, or of the manners, ideas, and private life of the Chinese. The truth is that this country has suddenly stopped in the path of progress, and that, in certain respects, it is where Europe was three centuries ago. Hence, we often find among the people — a people at once polished and barbarous — facts which to us seem incredible, — acts of puerile and savage so- lemnity. The following anecdote was related at Canton in the month of June 1852: — OATH OF BLOOD." 143 I 1 Two rebel chiefs, Houng and Ki, made between them the oath of blood — that is to say, they swore to live and die together, fighting for the same cause ; and for this purpose, putting off the Tartar dress, and putting on the austere costume of the time of the Mings, they went to a desert-place on the sea-shore, where, in the presence of some friends, the elder of the two opened a vein in the hand of the younger, and received in a cup the blood whrch flowed from the wound. He then handed over the sharp instrument to his friend, who performed a similar service in return. After this operation the blood of the two friends was mixed with a small quantity of water, and the whole was poured into one of those metal cups which are used at marriage ceremonies. Houang and Ki then drank the sanguinary mixture alternately till the last drop was gone. From this moment the blood was supposed to flow in their veins, and they were bound by a tie which they could not break without infamy. Per- haps on this account they made use of the nuptial goblet, like a bridal couple, who are to hold all things in common. While the Orestes and Pylades of China thus cemented their friendship, they conceived the idea of spreading the insurrection through the island of Formosa, and set off, followed by a large number of partisans. The island of Formosa is situated to the south-east of the province of Fo-Kien, and is the largest Chinese pos- session, independent of the Continent. This island has always been a focus of rebellion. Being but half sub- dued, it has often, and sometimes for many years, thrown 144 THE INSURRECTION IN CUINA. off the authority of the mandarins. The celebrated cor- sair Ko-chin-ga succeeded in making Formosa a snug little independent kingdom ; but the Chinese, with the aid of those irresistible projectiles, which they employ so efficaciously in all their wars, finished by demolishing the usurper. For a long time the soil of Formosa has been turned to profitable account by the Chinese, especially those of the Fo-Kien, who have surrounded the shore with mag- nificent plantations of the sugar-cane. However, the interior of the country, like the mountains of Hai-Nan, is peopled by an unsubmissive race, who to this day have resisted the decrees of the Emperor and the authority of the mandarins. The Chinese Government maintains a numerous garri- son at Formosa, and it is here that the most warlike sol- diers are trained. It is well known that the inhabitants of the Celestial Empire feel great horror at the thought of leaving their bones far from the " Land of Flowers." On this account the Government, to free those whose trade is death from the dread of being buried beyond the limits of their country, causes all the soldiers who die in the island to be taken to Emoui (Amoy). We have, with our own eyes, seen the tombs of those deceased heroes who died in defence of the sugar-plantations of Formosa. They are modest tombs, shaped like a horse-shoe, and symmet- rically constructed on the perfumed hills of Emoui, where they are shaded by the undulating leaves of the magno- t FORMOSA. 145 lia, the plumeria, whose scarcely opened flowers fall like flakes of snow, and by the fragrant mimosa, the yellow tufts of which embalm the air. Here every one has his place in a common inclosure, which is, as it were, a bee- hive of death, where every one peaceably reposes in his \ solitary cell. The rebels proceeded to a point in the island, and had no sooner arrived than they found allies among the na- tivfis. Ha'i-Nan and Formosa, do not occupy a large space in the vast map of China, and the loss of these pos- sessions would take but an imperceptible fragment from the crown of the " Son of Heaven ;" but they are looked upon as military posts of great importance, inasmuch as they respectively command a view of the coasts of the '^ Kouang-Toung and the Fo-Kien, and those who occupy them can impede the junks on their passage to the north of the Empire. Again, if the turbulent people of the Fo-Kien rose in conjunction with those of Formosa, they would, without further aid, form an army, against which the Tartars would struggle with difiiculty. The result of the attempts made by Houng and Ki is as yet unknown. The only news Is, that they were for- tunate in their first engagements with the Imperialists, but this is not sufficient to make us prejudge future events. As we have already said, the Chinese keep their best troops at Formosa. This country is to China what Cau- casus once was to Russia, and the Punjaub to British India. Here the Chinese soldiers receive their military 7 ]46 THE INSUKUECTION IN CHINA. education ; but it must be confessed that the school has not turned out any celebrated generals. The insurgents of the island of Formosa, like those of the Kouang-Si and the Hou-Kouang, wear a red turban, fastened by long metal bodkins, which pierce the knotted hair gathered up at the back of the head. This is the real Chinese head dress. When the French ladies turnup their hair a la Chinoisc, they adopt a fashion, which is not at all that of the present empire, but is an exact im- itation of the Chinese fashion two hundred years ago. The style, which the insurgents have lately revived, is several centuries old. The three provinces of the Hou-Nan, the HouPe, and the Kouang-Si, were still occupied by the insurgents. Siu had prepared a new expedition, and a grand battle was fought in the neighborhood of Lo-King-Chan. As usual, the tigers were defeated ; the general who com- manded the Imperial army lost more than 1.500 men, and thought himself very lucky in escaping the pursuit of the enemy. Danger became so pressing in the Hou-Kouang that the viceroy of that ancient province, now the Hou-Nan and the Hou-Pe, levied a force of 4.000 men at his own expense, and devoted a sum of 200,000 taels to the costs of the war. In spite of this patriotic devotion, and the energetic measures of the high functionary, who had given such a noble proof of his devotion, the insurgents pursued their invasive march into the Hou-Pe, where they secured the post of Kouang-Fa. Tbey next ad- PROGRESS IN THE IlOU-Pfi. 147 vanced upon Young-Tcheou-Foo ; and afterwards, Hou- ang-Cha-Ho and Tcbouen-Tcheou fell successively into their hands. No act of violence marked their passage ; but at Kia-Ho, on the extreme frontier of the Hou-Nan, the insurgents were followed by a band of robbers, who committed numerous depredations. This isolated fact, to which many parallels may be found in epochs of inter- nal struggles, and of war civil or foreign, cannot be laid to the charge of the leaders of the revolt. Hitherto the progress of the insurrection had been one continued triumph ; but at last this series of unparalleled successes was interrupted by a few reverses. The rebels attacked at Tchao-Tcheou-Fou by the Imperialists, lost more than 200 men in the engagement, while an equal number remained prisoners in the hands of the enemy. Some days afterwards they were again defeated at Young- Tcheou-Fou ; and about the same time they received a check still more terrible. Their flotilla chased the ene- my's fleet, directing fire-boals against the Imperial junks. During this manoeuvre the wind changed suddenly, and their own vessels were consumed by the flames. Soon, however, the insurgents were amply revenged. They took Kouei-Yang, in the Hou-Nan, by storm, and acted as if they were in an enemy's country. All the public buildings were. burned down, ten mandarins were be- headed, and all the principal inhabitants were forced to pay a heavy contribution for the preservation of their lives and property. The Lin family alone were obliged to pay 200.000 tacls into the treasury of the insurgents. 148 THE INSURRECTION IN CHINA. The Lins are the most powerful family in this rich district. In every one of the eighteen provinces of the Chinese empire there are several families so ancient that our Montmorency, compared to them, are but nobles of yes- terday. Their internal hierarchy is altogether patri- archal. Three or four generations live under the same roof, obedient to the will of a revered grandsire ; they bring the fruit of their labor to a common stock, and thus accumulate great wealth. These families are often mentioned in the Imperial edicts as affording examples of the highest virtues, and they always command the greatest respect. We have just said that, in these patrician houses, every individual brings the fruit of his labor to the com- mon stock. To explain this peculiarity it is necessary to state that, by a prejudice contrary to ours, a man who lives on his income is much less esteemed in China than one who lives by his labor. To avoid the blame attached to indolence, even the richest persons make a point of exercising some liberal profession, and do not disdain manual labor. Thus a person whose father and brother write comments on Confucius, paints screens and fans. The exactions of the rebels were doubtless caused by the vigorous defence made against them ; at Ping Gan, where the garrison offered no resistance, the insurgents were content with the trifling sum of 50,000 taels ; after receiving which, they retired and proceeded to Yen-Tze- Che. After their departure the garrison quietly re- HING-GAN. 149 sumed its duties, and things resumed their ordinary course. The only difference was, that the inhabitants found themselves with 50.000 taels less in their pockets. In the month of September, 1852, Tien-te, with all his court, and with that devoted guard which never quits him, established himself in the town of Hing-Gan, situ- ated in the North of the Kouang Si, at a short distance from Kouei-Lin, and on the frontiers of Hou-Nan. He was thus only a few leagues from the ingenious and pru- dent Siu. Notwithstanding this alarming proximity, the Viceroy did not abandon the position he occupied. It seemed as though a sort of truce had been tacitly agreed upon between the insurgents and the Imperialists, for they both kept their respective positions without risking an engagement. There is no doubt that the insurgents had considerable forces at their disposal, since Siu did not attempt to dislodge the Pretender from his central position. Hing-Gan is a walled city, smaller than Kouei-Lin, but admirably situated. Its occupation placed Tien-te, as it were, in the very heart of the insurrection. By the way of tlie Kouang-Si he could communicate with Hai- Nan and Formosa ; and at the very entrance of the Hou-Nan, at a short distance from Yang-Tze-Kiang, was the route which would sooner or later conduct him to Nankin, and perhaps to the capital of the Empire. Moreover the position he assumes as the Agamemnon of the insurrection, obliges him to practice the greatest caution. " The King of Kings " can, indeed, direct the 150 THE INSURRECTION IN CHINA. various movements of his army, but lie avoids taking any part in the action. The descendant of the Mings could not expose his sacred person to danger without risking the safety of his cause. Here lies the difficulty of all political edifices that depend on one key-stone. If any accident loosens this stone, the whole structure falls to pieces. Tien-te understands this so well that he has never been seen near the place of danger. When a bat- tle is over, the " kings," his future vassals, send him their high officers to communicate what has passed. In the meanwhile the project of forming a federal em- pire became more and more manifest. We have already seen that Tien-te, in his interview with the envoys of the Governor of the Kouang-Si, ex- pressed himself formally on this subject. " The Tsings," he said, " ought to retire into their own country, without resistance, and the people would recover their tranquil- lity." He did not deny the services which the Tartars had rendered to China, and he spoke of Hien-foung as " His Majesty."* hoping, perhaps, that the latter would one day recognize his sovereignty. Constant to this scheme of federation the rebels of the Hou-Nan, concen- trated at Houei-Yang and Yang-Hing, proclaimed a new royalty, dating from the first year of Ming-Ming. The monarch thus enthroned unfurled his banner, and set the royal seal at the foot of his decrees. According to an- * This expression does not occur in the proces-verhal of Tseou's envoys, but in the fragments of Tien te's manifesto, contained in Chapter VII.— J. 0. INSURGENTS STILL SUCCESSFUL. 151 cient usage, the Government is carried on by ministers : three Koungs, nine Kings, twenty-seven Tchou-heous, and eighty -one Ses.* The power of the new king is absolute, but there is no- thing in his acts to show that he denies the right of the descendant of the Mings, as his suzerain. The successes of the insurgents in the Hou-Nan became more and more rapid : they occupied the greater number of the chief tmvns of departments, and after a contest which lasted five days, took Kia-Ho-Tcheou and Y-Tchang. The emissaries of Tien-te were spread throughout the provinces. One of them arrived at Canton ; coming into contact with the officials, and even with the agents of the European governments, to whom he made known the progress of the insurrection. Through him it was ascer- tained that the rebel army, 80.000 strong, was assembled at Kiu-Tcheou-Fou, in the Hou-Pe ; that it was com- manded by generals of equal power, and that the Kings of Chinese Attica were deliberating whether they should descend the Yang-Tze-Kiang as far as Nankin, whence they would ascend towards the Se-Tchouan. This intelligence caused the adoption of new fiscal measures to strengthen the sinews of war. The man- darins levied on all the inhabitants of the empire a sup- plementary tax equal to this tenth part of their incomes. At the stvme time the PcJcin Gazette stated that the Emperor had taken 3.000.000 taels from his own private • These are Chinese titles of nobility ; the word " King" in thii list being not English but Chinese. — J. O. 152 THE INSURRECTION IN CHINA. purse, to contribute to the expenses of the war. This example did not, in the slightest degree, excite the patriotic generosity of individuals ; and even the agents of the Government were not forward with their cash, but rather confined themselves to protestations of devotion, and enthusiastic prayers. The vice-governor of the Kouang-Si transmitted to his sovereign, in the form of a report, the following account of a vision, which filled his soul with courage and hope. The curious document is as follows : — " Tseou-ming-ho. Governor of the Kouang-Si, presents this memoir on his knees, entreating his Majesty to re- cognize by new titles the protection afforded to the em- pire by certain deities. " Since this dynasty has governed the empire, the ma- jestic energy of the God Kouan* has been displayed in a very remarkable manner, and the emperors have success- ively decreed to him honors, erected temples, and offered sacrifices. Lately when the city of Kouei-Lin was at- tacked by rebels, I respectfully visited his temple at critical moments, burned incense before him, and en- treated him to save the lives of the people. Now it happened that within a week after a prayer of this kind, twenty-five pieces of cannon, cast by the Mings, were found behind the pagoda. The cannon proved to be of great strength, and have aided us much ; for the greater * This is a Jeified warrior of ancient times, especially adored by the present dynasty fur his supposed assistance. — J. O. THE GOD KOUAX. 153 number of the rebels left on the field of battle were slain by them. " On diflferent occasions we learned, through the spies sent by the rebels, and also tljrough our prisoners, that whenever the rebels pressed too close upon the city, they saw a red light shining above it, and a horseman who in- cessantly brandished his sword. The horse was gigantic ; ihe guards who surrounded the mysterious personage were far above the ordinary stature, so that the sight of them alone was sufficient to terrify the rebels and make them yield. "I am informed, moreover, that on the 13th of the third moon, when the night was dark and rainy, at the fourth watch, the rebels sent down, upwards of fifty junks behind the rock called the ' Elephant's Snout,' hoping that the obscurity of the night and the noise of the rain would conceal their approach, and that they would thus be able to effect a landing. It happened, however, that their progress was stopped by a violent wind from the north, and a horseman armed with a brilliant cuirass ap- peared on the surface of the waters, encouraging the Imperial troops to advance and repel the rebels. At the same moment, amid the darkness of the night, suddenly appeared an enormous shining lantern, inscribed with the words ' Great Happiness.' " I now reflect that whereas, when the rebels were beaten before the town, our soldiers were all near the embrasures of the wall, the horseman who appeared to the rebels brandishing his sword amid a red light, could 7* 154 THE INSURRECTION IN CHINA. not be any other than the god Kouan, who thus visibly came to our aid. When, again, our troops repulsed the rebels and destroyed their vessels, it could not have been one of them who galloped on the water as on terra fir ma. Indeed the words which appeared on the lantern in the air allow of no doubt that this was the spirit of the god of ' Great Happiness.' " Under diflfereut dynasties, this god has granted fa- vors, which the sovereigns recognized by new titles of honor. In the twentieth year of Tao-kouang (1841), the image of the god was carried in procession on account of a terrible drought which afflicted the province, and by this pious act gentle and abundant rains were obtained. The Emperor, to whom the fact was related, wrote the follow- ing words with his own hand, and sent them to be hung up in the middle of the temple ; ' The assistance we have received has been as vast as the goodness of the god.' Now, therefore, that the rebels have been happily repel- led, and hide themselves for shame, I dare to ask your Majesty whether it would not be right to testify our grat- itude to the god Kouan, ' King of Great Happiness,' by adding some new titles to those he bears already. By this expedient, fear and respect will be everwhere dif- fused, and the country will enjoy endless repose. " I have consulted with the Imperial commissioner, the Prime Minister Sai-chang-ha, and also the Governor- general Siu, who joined with me in this petition." Notwithstanding this happy omen the Imperialists were defeated at every point, and the insurgents success- I. EXD OF 1852. 155 ively occupied the district of Ho-Tchang-Tsan, fifteen leagues from Tchao-Tcheou-Fou, Tai-Lin, Ta'o-Tcheou, and Kiang Hoa. However, in the midst of this monoto- nous series of victories and acquisitions, an exhilarating event occurred, an account of which we borrrow from the official journal. The rebels having taken Tao-Tcheou, the Imperial troops became much enraged, and swore that they would recapture the city, or exterminate its defenders. For this purpose an army of 40.000 laid siege to Tao-Tcheou, and a great number of warriors courageously mounted the walls. A sanguinary con- test ensued, and the tigers killed 3.000 ijisiirgents, and made 100 prisoners; but without being able to enter the city. After this defeat the besieged fled, panic-struck, behind their ramparts, and there remained. No provo- cation could induce them to renew the contest. The tigers then raised round the city a wall twenty feet thick, in which there was but a single opening ; after which they turned the course of the Tao-kiang, so as to inundate the town. The official journal unfortunately omits to tell us the result of this aquatic manoeuvre. Probably the Pre- tender's troops got oflF with a little wetting, and the rats were the only sufferers in the besieged town ; in which case rats for the first time would have been the victims of tigers. The year 1852 closed upon these disasters. Where- cver the Imperialists had opposed the rebels, they had been almost invariably beaten, and the insurrection was evidently spreading like the Yellow River when it bursts 156 THE INSURRECTION IN CHINA. its dykes. The Emperor punished the generals and high functionaries for the defeats they had suffered. Sai- chang-ha was recalled to Pekin ; and, in company with the viceroy of the Hou-Kouang, and the under governor of the Hou-Nan, was by virtue of a decree, summoned before a state council. These officers were threatened with degradation, and perhaps with capital punishment. Such is the mode of procedure adopted by the Court of Pekin ; the " Son of Heaven" compels the mandarins literally to take the words " Conquest or Death" for their motto. Siu was appointed to succeed Sai-chang-ha as Imperial commissioner in the two Hous, and was suc- ceeded by Y in the viceroyalty of Canton. We do not give the decree ordering the degradation of Sai-chang-ha, having already given a specimen of the kind by inserting in our third chapter the Imperial decree by which Mou- tchang-ha and Ki-in were degraded. Suffice it to say that the governor and vice-governor of the two Hous were accused of the defeat of the Imperialists in the city of Kiang-Hoa, on the 24th July, and of Young-Ning on 29th of the same month. The crime for which the Em- peror punished them, was that of disobedienee : he had ordered them to conquer, and his orders had not been executed. CHAPTEE XII. The regatta of Tchang-Cha— The descendants of Confucius— How to make money — Ou-Tchang and Han-Yang. The Emperor Hien-foung, cast down by so many ca- lamities, summoned back to office the old servants of his father. Ki-chan and Ki-in, his great uncles, were the first reinstated in their functions. Ki-chan had incurred the anger of the old Emperor for having acceded to the propositions of the English, and Ki-in had been high in favor during the same reign, through accepting the very treaty which had caused the fall of his kinsman. The disgrace of the latter, it will be remembered, was of recent date ; Hi^n-foung removed him from his councils because he showed too much favor to the "barbarians." A man- darin named Hin-gan, whom Tao-kouang had degraded for being too progressive in his views, was appointed prime- minister in the, place of Sai-chang-ha. But while the young Emperor recalled these intelligent and faithful men, who might, perhaps, have re-established his totter- ing throne, he did not change his policy. In no country in the world is there ever more than a certain number of men whose political value is universally 158 THE INSURRECTION IN CHINA. recognized ; and whatever the government may be, it is compelled, by the law of self-preservation, to apply to these men for assistance. This the young Emperor per- ceived ; . but when he re-established the former ministers, is was only to make use of their names. Far from asking their advice, he sent them into remote provinces. The very terms of certain decrees, which were promulgated by the young " Son of Heaven" after this measure, are suflficient to reveal his real sentiments. We see that the monarch entertains against the " barbarians" feelings which nothing can conquer — not even the services which the " barbarians" may be called upon to perform. The rebels laid siege to the capital of the Hou-Nan. This city, which is called Tchang-Cha, is situated on the river Siang, one of the tributaries of the Yang-Tze-Kiang. The Siang flows from an immense lake, which is a sort of boundary between the Hou-Nan and the Hou-Pe. It is a fine river, with limpid waters, constantly furrowed by innumerable vessels. Tchang-Cha, whose battlements are reflected on the glassy surface of the stream, is backed by mountains covered with trees half way up, and ter- minating in peaks as black as basalt. This city was con- sidered important as far back as 500 years before Christ. About this time, a celebrated man named Chen-yuen was drowned in the blue waters of Siang. He was, probably, some fresh-water sailor, a predecessor of the canotiers on the Seine. His countrymen, afflicted at his death, pro- claimed him genius of the stream, and established regattas in his honor. From these remote times to the present THE REGATTA. 159 day, the nautical fete has been celebrated on this spot every year, on the fifth day of the fifth moon, with un- diminished splendor. The privileged vessels which take part in the sport, are without parallel in the world. They are small, long, narrow boats, representing all the fantas- tic animals devised by the imagination of the children of the Celestial Empire. Some have the lengthened form of serpents, and are winged like antediluvian reptiles. Others have the shape of chimeras, with long teeth, and a tail armed with darts ; while others, again, resemble the dragons of the pagodas, with their scaly backs shin- ing like bars of metal. These fantastic boats are richly gilt, and are painted inside green, red, or blue. They lit- erally fly across the waters, each impelled by the force of twenty rowers. The fiites generally last for three days. Tchang-Cha is, however, not a mere place of amuse- ment. It is also a commercial and military city of great importance. The insurgents besieged it with great ac- tivity ; and the garrison, losing all courage, was about to Burrender, when our friend Siu revived the spirit of the soldiers. Ho came at the head of some fresh troops, who bravely repulsed the enemy, and forced them to raise the siege. The eity, however, had suflfered greatly from this attempt. The enemy's artillery had demolished a portion of the walls, which, it must be confessed, might easily have tumbled down in the time of peace at the mere sound of gongs and petards. The insurgents then proceeded to Yo-Tcheou, which they took without strik- 160 THE INSURRECTION IN CHINA. ing a blow, and where they levied a contribution of IjOOO taels. But, what was much more important, they took 200 junks which were lying off this town, and sailed up the river as far as King-Tcheou-Fou, where they in- trenched themselves and secured their booty. The whole of th^ expedition was conducted by the in- surgent general, Tai-ping-wang, one of the most deter- mined chiefs in the army of Tien-te. This was the general who wrote upon his banners two lines, which would liter- ally be mille pieds in our prolix language, but which they compress into twenty syllables. The lines are as fol- lows : — " We three thousand brave men, courageous as tigers, will straight proceed to tread down the enclosed land of Yeou-ien. " The dragon will fly to the fifth nine, and cause the days of Yao and Chun to revive." Every Chinese inscription is so much like the Apoca- lypse, that it cannot be understood without a comment. The following is an explanation of the above lines. " The three thousand brave men, courageous as tigers," — this is a hemistich from the ancient Kins* — " will straight proceed to tread down the inclosed land of Yeou-ien," — that is, they will go to Pe-tcheli, where Pekin is situated. " The dragon will fly to the fifth nine," is an allusion to the Cabalistic number in the treatise on " Changes," re- * The Kins, or "Kings" as they are generally spelled in Eng- land, are five canonical books, ascribed to Confucius. Of these, the Ye-King, which treats of the changes in nature, is the last — J. 0. K O U t'i-TC II E O IT. 161 lating to the flying dragon in the heavens. Translated into our vulgar tongue, the whole, put together, signifies that the Emperor Tien-te will quit his humble residence at Young-Gan to visit the Palace at Pekin. The Moniteur of the Empire, notwithstanding its hab- itual taciturnity, registers facts with extreme gravity. It contained the information that the viceroy of the Kouei- Tcheou had represented to tlie Emperor that he could not^ send recruits into the Hou-Nan because the country was filled with armed rebels. The province of the Kouei-Tcheou is situated to the west of the Koang-Si, and is a country still poorer than the cradle of the insur- rection. The authority of the mandarins has always been strongly contested by the inhabitants, who are much more like their neighbors, the indomitable Miao-Tze, than the Chinese. The mandarins of the Kouei-Tcheou habitu- ally say of the people under their rule tliat they are a detestable race, who will never understand the merit of obedience. The industry of this country corresponds with the rude character of its inhabitants. Mines of various metals are worked, and the poppy is cultivated. The inhabitants of the Kouei-Tcheou are like those European peasants who set a few tobacco plants under the shelter of rocks in some nook unknown to revenue ofi&cers, and thop carry on an illicit trade with the pre- pared leaves. From the secret produce of the Kouei- Tcheou is prepared an opium which is quite as good as that of Patna, Malwa, and Turkey. China at this mo- ment presents a singular spectacle to the world. She is 162 THE INSURRECTION IN CHINA. ruining herself by vain attempts to prohibit the introduc- tion of a drug from foreign countries, which she could produce in enormous quantities in her own country at a cheaper rate, and of an equal if not superior quality. The number of the Pekin Gazette winch contained the report of the viceroy of the Kouei-Tcheou stated that the mandarin of Hio-Kouang in the Chan-Toung had been killed by rebels. The Chan-Toung is situated more than 200 leagues from the insurgent provinces, and is a country which resembles the mountainous districts of Savoy and the French Alps. Lofty oaks grow on its heights, while chestnut trees and dark-leaved walnut-trees border its fields. Family estates are separated from each other by hedges of hawthorn and sweet-briar. The sober and laborious inhabitants of the Chan-Toung have not the warlike spirit of the Miao-Tze, and it is difficult to see how a population so peaceable could have been in- duced to join the insurrection. It was in the Chan-Toung that Confucius was born. Well-authenticated descendants of the philosopher par excellence, are still found in the province, amounting at the present time to several thousands. The direct heir has the title of duke, and of all the hereditary nobility of the empire this is the most sacred. A fief has been granted to this family, and for more than 2,000 years it has lived apart from political commotions, always honored and respected by the numerous dynasties which succeeded each other on the throne. One of the last numbers of the Pekin Gazette contained a letter from the Duke t DESCENDANTS OF CONFUCIUS. 163 Koung-fan-hoa, thanking the young Emperor for sending him the poems composed by his father, Tao-kouang. In fact, the descendant of the great man corresponds with the Imperial family as an equal. To preserve the re- spect of the people and the affection of the sovereign, the heads of the family have always abstained from taking part in public affairs. They are contented with peace- fully superintending their fief, and governing their nu- merous vassals, who are nearly all related to them. The existence of this powerful family may afford matter for serious reflection to us of the West. The descendants of the divine man of China have been surrounded for twenty centuries with universal veneration ; the respect which is felt for them has been transmitted from genera- tion to generation in the country which owes its civiliza- tion to their venerable ancestor. With us infant nations, the origin of some princely families comparatively mod- ern may be readily found, but we should in vain seek for the direct heirs of the majority of our great men : in fact, we scarcely know where their ashes repose. We have known in our time a descendant of the Chi- nese Socrates. His name was Tchao tchang-ling, and he was assistant mandarin to the imperial commissioner Ki- in during the labors of the mission extraordinary of France in China. He was a Han-Lin* academician, well versed in tlje learning of his own country ; and the rep- resentatives of European interests could perceive that he was a profound diplomatist. At the same time the truth ♦ The Imperial College at Pekin.— J. O. 164 THE INSURRECTION IN CHINA. obliges us to state that he was too much of a pettifogger, and very ugly. The symptoms of rebellion were now terribly strong in all directions. In the midst of the general embarrass- mentj the imperial treasury became exhausted, and the minister who superintended the outlay of the public money uttered a wail of distress, and denounced this scandalous fact to the Emperor. It was found impossi- ble to make the mandarins who commanded the insur- gent provinces render an account of the money confided to their charge. They merely replied that they required 700.000 taels to support the costs of the war. The num- ber of soldiers on the lists concocted by the mandarins amounted sometimes to 40,000, sometimes to 100.000 men : that is to say, to a number that always varied ac- cording to circumstances, but which in every case was three times larger than the effective force assembled un- der the Imperial flag. However it is the fate of the Chinese Government to be always cheated. The " Son of Heaven " is the best robbed man in his dominions : the ministers rob him, the military officers rob him, the inspecting mandarins rob him: in fact, there is an organized system of pillage, in which every one seeks to enrich himself at the expense of the State. According to official documents published by the Government, the general costs of the war amounted to 18,000,000 taels, that is to say, to 75,000,000 francs (3,000,000/.), in a single year. In this financial difficulty GENERAL DISHONESTY. 165 all the mandarins hit upon new plans for raising money. One of them, Hou-tio, head of one of the departments of the board of war, proposed to the Government a monop- oly of the opium trade. A similar project during the reign of Tao-kouang caused the fall of the minister who dared to propose it : the old Emperor's indignation was so great that he had at first resolved to put the auda- cious minister to death. But times were now changed : Hien-foung, notwithstanding his hatred of opium-smok- ers, listened with respectful attention to a plan which promised to replenish his cofiers ; so alarming was the rapidity with which these were drained. Although no- thing is yet decided, it is probable that before long Hien- foung will consent to this reform. Pie is aware that be- fore engaging in a desperate struggle with the European merchants and the Chinese smugglers, the best policy of the Government will be to establish a monopoly of the drug. As a pendant to this measure, the official Moni- teur of the empire makes a curious statement of the means which the State has at its disposal for increasing its resources. "We give this list ; since it will show far more clearly than any remarks of ours, the vices which liave crept into Chinese administration. It will be seen that Hien-foung, under the pressure of circumstances, far from seeking to elevate the morals of the nation by a bold and honorable measure, has recourse to a wretched sale of honors and dignities. lie encourages neither the inspirations of patriotism, nor generous acts of devotion, but he panders to a puerile and contemptible vanity ; as 166 THE INSURRECTION IN CHINA. •^ if an empire had ever been saved by money, at such a crisis. The list is as follows : — " The Emperor having charged the Comptroller of the Imperial Household, the Ministers of the Cabinet, the Members of the Council, and the Board of Revenue, to consider the means for raising money to support the war against the rebels, these high functionaries have drawn up the following project of law, which received the sanc- tion of the vermilion pencil. " 1. The princes, the nobles, and the high functiona- ries, both civil and military, are called upon to contrib- ute, each according to his means. " 2. The academicians of the Imperial family will be authorized to purchase government situations. " 3. The academicians and the censors are at liberty to buy the ofl&ces of judges, treasurers, and intendants of provinces. " 4, Every titulary holder of an ofl&ce can, in consider- ation of a certain sum, be exempted from completing the time which he would regularly be bound to devote to the duties of the situation. " 5. The district intendants and the prefects can, in consideration of a sum of money, be exempted from the regular obligation of returning to Pekin, when their term of office has expired. " 6. The cabinet secretaries can, in consideration of a sum of money, be exempted from the five years of ser- vice regularly required before they can obtain promo- tion. PLAN FOR RAISING MOXEr. 167 '• 7. All functionaries in the capital, who have passed the examination of the first degree, and are waiting for appointments, can obtain them by purchase. " 8. All functionaries can purchase honorary titles for a relation, during absence caused by sickness, mourning, or otherwise. " 9. A son can purchase for his father a rank superior to his own. This was not allowed under the old regula- tions. " 10. Functionaries who have been dismissed can re- cover their rank by purchase. "11. Functionaries who have retired can recover their rank by purchase. '• 12. Functionaries can purchase titles for their rela- tions. " 13. All those who have the degrees of Kiu-jen, Kouang-souen, and Kien-souen,* can purchase their ad- mission into the royal college of Pekin. " 14. The peacock's feather can be obtained by pur- chase. " 15. All the mandarins of the first or second rank, who have been degraded, can recover the ball by pur- chase. " IG. All public functionaries condemned to exile or other punishment, can obtain a dispensation for money. " 17. Every functionary transported to I-Li for any crime, can obtain a dispensation for money. *• 18. The Government will consider the pecuniary rc- * Academical d^ees. — J. 0. 168 THE INSURRECTION IN CHINA. wards given to the troops by private individuals as so many loans to itself, and loans may also be effected by commercial paper. '•19. The money deposited in the Nei-ou-fou is to be sent to the army as a reserve fund. '' The Government will issue paper-money, as in the times of the troubles caused by the barbarians (the English), on the banks of the Tche-Kiang. "21. Three months will be allowed for collecting the arrears of taxes. " 22. Offices of exchange will be established on ac- count of the Government. "23. Public tenders will be received for the farming of the gold and silver mines in the Je-Hol, in the prov- inces, in Eastern Turkistan, and in the I-Li." «' Pekin Gazette, 12tli Nov. 1852." In this absurd document the English are still styled " barbarians :" the offensive appellation is applied by the sublime Emperor to a nation from whom his agents will soon have to beg aid and protection. This reveals to us the true sentiments of the present representative of the dynasty of the Tsings. Towards the end of February, some merchants who arrived at Chang-Hai from Sou-Tcheou-Fou affirmed that the rebels had sailed down the Yang-Tze-Kiang, and had taken Ou-Tchang-Fou, the capital of the Hou-Pe. This city contains more than 400,000 inhabitants. It is built on the right bank of the Yang-Tze-Kiang, near the A CHINESE PROSPECT. 169 mouth of the Han, one of the tributaries of the " Son of the Ocean."* On the left bank of the Han, opposite to Ou-Tchaug, rises the city of Han- Yang, with immense suburbs on the right bank. The windings of the gigantic river water the plain ; in the centre of which are situated three large cities. The declivities are planted with willows and bam- boos. At intervals, in the midst of green clumps, are seen light scaflfoldings, upon which whole families are perched. These are the aerial residences of the fisher- men. More fortunate than their fraternity of the sea shore, these fresh-water fishermen gain their livelihood almost without toil. They cast into the river a net stretched on a wooden frame with a long handle, by which they are enabled to guide it : they draw it in, with the aid of a capstan, several times a day full of fish. About a league to the north of Ou-Tchang, rises a small eminence which commands a view of the windings of the two vast rivers, and of the three commercial cities. One of our friends, an intrepid traveller, who had the opportunity of admiring this scene, has communicat- ed his impressions in these terms : — " I was never weary of contemplating the course of the two rivers, which seem to twine about the three large cities like azure ribbons. The Yang-Tze-Kiang is really au inland sea, upon which porpoises dis- port themselves as on the surface of the ocean, * This is the interpretation of Yang-Tze, the termination Kiang signifyiDg river.— J. 0. 8 1*70 THE INSURRECTION IN CHINA. and which bears the largest vessels on its rnpid stream. The Han, although not so large as the river into which it flows, is nevertheless a noble stream, with brawling waves like the Durance, where great commotion also prevails. The Chinese vessels are certainly the noisiest in the world. Every moment gongs are struck and petards are fired. Only imagine the terrible uproar produced by a combination of 5,000, or 6.000 junks ! Across the almost boundless plain, the clang of metal and the explosion of powder would reach my ear like the con- fused hum of an enormous bee-hive. " On reading these words : the ' combination of 5,000 or 6.000 junks,' you doubtless smile with incredulity. It is generally admitted that Chinese travellers, when they estimate the riches and population of this country, always count by thousands, like the vendors of nails; however, I really think that I am below the truth. • I yesterday saw at anchor, before Ou-Tchang, more than a thousand barks, loaded with salt. To this port is brought all the produce of China, and all the manufactured ar- ticles sent to the Celestial Empire from Manchester, Liverpool, and the United States. "The point of junction where the Han flows into tho ' Son of the Sea' is called by the natives Han Keou or the mouth of Han, and the Chinese consider this the most commercial city of the empire. Han-Keou is situ- ated 250 leagues from the sea, but the river is navigable throughout for the largest vessels. On reaching the point of junction, the junks which have hitherto travelled A CHINESE PROfiPECT. iTl together, divide themselves into two parties, one of which stops at Ou-Tchang, while the other goes up the Han. These vessels vary in aspect, according to their trade ; and if my nautical education were more complete, I would describe every variety of the heavy, old-fashioned craft, with masts bedecked with ribbon and flags, loaded with the celebrated teas of Moning, much in request among Europeans, — with the woods of the Kiang-Si, — with the porcelains of Yao-Tchang-Fou, — with the cloths, the cotton goods, the cutlery, and even the smuggled opium of the 'barbarians:' for wherever a large trade is carried on, there is sure to be a good number of smug- glers. " The aspect of Ou-Tchang, Han- Yang, and Han-Keou, surrounded by waters, which make the wealth of the em- pire circulate into its very centre, is really most imposing. Pagodas, nine stories high, rise amid the houses, and the floating forest of masts presents a triple rampart of pikes decked with yellow, red, and blue flags. '• The imagination of a European can easily realize the cities with their curved roofs ; the barks perpetually crossing each other, and decorated like our vessels on gala days ; the sailors and the populace with plaited hair, and broad bamboo hats : in short, all the minor details of this scene, which is at once comic and picturesque. But what the home-bred sons of our country can not realize is the enormous plain, watered by rivers as fruit- ful as the Nile, and covered with trees and houses ; and the three twin cities, larger than Marsoilles and Lyons, 172 THE INSURRECTION IN CHINA. and only separated by a river, which the strongest row- ers can only cross after many hours of hard pulling." This description, which sets forth in a lively manner the impression made upon a traveller by the sight of a strange country, will show the reader that the taking of Ou-Tchang by the rebels was a most important event. To the details already given we should add the fact, that near this city in the Kiang-Si, on the borders of the lake Po-Yang, which communicates with the Yang-Tze-Kiang, there is one of tbe best defended strongholds called Kieou- Kiang. If it were really true that the insurgents oc- cupied Ou-Tchang, they would lose no time in taking possession of the military city ; whence they could pro- ceed to Nankin without impediment. However, the re- ports relative to Ou-Tchang had as yet nothing positive or official about them, and the Chinese, English, and American merchants refused to give credence to state- ments which, if true, would seriously affect the interests of commerce. CHAPTER XIII. Decree respecting the taking of Ou-Tchang— Siu poisoned— Punishment of the Europeans by the Chinese. "When the news of the taking of Ou-Tchang-Fou, the capital of the Hou-Pe, was first spread about the empire, the mandarins, and even the Europeans, declared that the intelligence was false. Soon, however, a proclamation by the Emperor put a sad end to their incredulity. Hien- foung announced to his people the recent victory of his enemies, and explained it after his own fashion. This document is a melancholy proof of the young Emperor's ignorance, and shows plainly enough that his own mili- tary knowledge is not superior to that of his generals. This curious specimen of the " Son of Heaven's" strategic science is as follows : — '' This day (29th January 1853), a despatch arrived from the Commissioner Siu, announcing that the rebels have occupied the provincial city of Ou-Tchang (capital of the Hou-Pe). We cannot express the whole measure of our indignation. General Hiang-young fought with the rebels to the east of the city, and was victorious ; but 174 THE INSURRECTION IN CHINA. as the western side of the city is on a level with the lake, and the gate Ouang-Tchang and others were open, the rebels took advantage of this circumstance, and by means of a subterraneous mine, which blew up on the fourth of this moon (Jan. 12), they dispersed the garrison, and took possession of the town. " In a preceding report Siu stated that Ou-Tchang was in fit condition to sustain a siege ; and now, after an interval of a few days, he declares to us that Ou-Tchang has been taken by the rebels. Is he not aware that in war there is a great diflFerence between things that can be put off, and things that require immediate action ? His report is like that of a mere dreamer. Siu loitered on the road between Tchang-Cha and the Hou-Pe. The Commander-in-Chief, Hiang-young, although he arrived in time to gain a victory, could not at once attack the strong position of the rebels and put them completely to rout. He also is slow in action, and not less culpable than his colleague. The moment for the extirpation of the rebels has arrived. If we put to death Commissioner Siu and General Hiang-young we should only extricate them from their difficulty ; therefore, while we deprive Siu of the dignity of Governor-General of the two Kouangs, and of the peacock's feather with two eyes, we allow him to retain his offices as High Commissioner and Pro visionary Governor of the Kouangs. General Hian- young is degraded, but he will be allowed to fulfil his duties, till he has given signs of improvement. " The provincial city of Ou-Tchang is the residence of IMPERIAL DECREE. l75 the Governor and other grand mandarins. With what promptitude has it been taken by the rebels, and how deeply do we feel for the calamities it endures ! '• We regret that we have not employed fitting persons, and that our people have not been delivered from this wicked horde. The troubles of the South deprive us of sleep at night, and of all desire to eat. We have al- ready appointed the' Governors-General of the two Kouangs and Ki-chan to be High Commissioners, and each of these will head a powerful army to exterminate the rebels. The Governor of the Chen-Si and the KaQ< Sou, and the Governor-General of the Se-Tchouan, have received orders to unite their forces, and proceed to ex- terminate the rebels in the Hou-Kouang. We order them to act in perfect harmony, to prevent the rebels from ravaging the land, and to restore peace to the country. We hope that their operations will be speedy, an^ that they will spare no trouble. " As for the authorities of the provincial city of Oa- Tchang, we command Siu to submit to us a true report of all that concerns them. — Obey this." The Official Gazette also contains a decree by which the young Emperor summoned to his standard the troops of the '• Kiriu" and of " Love." These soldiers belong to the nomadic tribes who live in tents, and whose exist- ence is a sort of perpetual march. Like armies on a campaign, they carry all necessary articles about with them, pitch their tents as occasion serves, and raise their camp ou the slightest hint from their chiefs. Their man- 176 THE IXSUKRECTION IN CHINA. ners have been described in a very interesting work by MM. Hue and Grabet ; and as every one has read the Voy- age au Thibet^ we abstain from giving even a rapid sketch of the aspect of the wandering tribes visited by the two travellers. After appealing to the ruler of his most intrepid sub- jects, the young Emperor terminated his proclamation with this frightful picture of the evils already caused by the rebellion. '• Since the army first commenced its operations, whole years have passed. The afflicted districts of the Kouang- Si are not relieved, and the Hou-Nan has been reduced to ashes. Lately the spirit of rebellion has burst forth in fresh places ; and disorder prevails in Ou-Tchang and Han- Yang. The districts through which the insurrec- tion has passed have been trampled under foot ; and al- though the capitals of Kouei-Lin and Tchang-Cha have been preserved, the sufferings of those of my people who have been driven from their homes are beyond all descrip- tion." On receiving these documents, the authorities of the Kiang-Nan and the Kiang-Si were panic stricken. Every town was put in readiness for a siege, the houses adjoin- ing the ramparts were pulled down, and a vigorous de- fence was prepared. At the same time all the troops yet at disposal in the North and South of the empire, were ordered to march upon Nankin, and levies en masse were made in all the cities of importance. Circumstances of this kind serve to show the scantiness of the military re- MORALITY OF CHINESE SAILORS. 1*7 Y sources at the disposal of China. At Chang-Hai, for in- stance, one of the posts open to the Europeans, the man- darin commanding the troops could not collect together more than one hundred regular soldiers and one hundred volunteers. Nevertheless the town contains more than 200,000 inhabitants ; and has, besides, a large floating population, entirely composed of the sailors of the Fo- Kien, Cochin-China, and the Kouang-Toung : a set of vagabonds ready for anything. Probably these rascals expect to take part in the campaign under more favorable circumstances. To give an idea of the morality of the maritine popula- tion of Chang-Hai, we will cite a fact of which we were eye-witnesses. The Ou-Soung, a noble river, flows be- neath the walls of the city, which are almost coacealed beneath a forest of masts. One day we were in an Eu- ropean boat, winding our way through the multitude of vessels, and admiring the commercial activity of the port; when we suddenly saw a large piece of wood fall from a bark which, with the aid of a favorable breeze, was going rapidly down the stream. Another bark immediately put oflF from the shore and darted like an arrow upon the waif, while the crew of the first bark furled their sail, and rowed with all their force to pick up their floating property. The marauders were, however, too quick, and secured the wood before the current had brought it within reach of its lawful owners. A conflict now ensued, in which right did not get the better of might, so negotia- tions commenced, and the article in dispute was at last 8» lis THE INSURRECTION IN CHINA. restored on the payment of a certain sum. When we ex- pressed our indignation at this act of piracy committed in broad daylight, our attention was called to a number of barks on both banks of the Ou-Soung, similar to the one which had effected the capture ; and an Englishman said to us : " Those are the sailors of the Fo-Kien, who are on the look out all day long, carefully watching every vessel great and small, and calculating how they can carry off part of the cargo. This is a lucrative trade ; and taking one year with another, the rascals get a handsome liveli- hood without running any risk." " But why do not the Chinese give chase to these pi- rates 1 A few fast boats and a hundred soldiers would be quite suflScient." " That would make matters still worse," was the re- ply : *' the soldiers would certainly be in collusion with the thieves. Peaceable folks would be doubly pillaged." Nothing could be more true. The Chinese, who set little value on the profession of arms, pay military ser- vice very ill, and the persons who take up the profession, and who are nearly all born in the central provinces, are generally desperadoes, who have no other alternative than that, of putting on the red coat, or attacking passen- gers on the highways, that is to say, on the rivers and canals. The Chinese who come in contact with Euro- peans are so well aware of their military inferiority, that the inhabitants of Chang-Hai, that is to say, the wealth- iest, have raised Frank corps, to guard their persons and h DESTRUCTION OF PIRATES. 179 property. Moreover, considerinle presumption, and of that pride which is with them an CHANGE OF TONE TOWARDS EUROPEANS. 187 organic disease, they have attempted, by the use of am- blgious phrases, to impose upon the bulk of the people, SO as to make them believe that if the nations of the "West at their desire marched against the insurgents, it would be a mere act of vassalage. CHAPTEE XIY. The five kings — Organization of the insurgent army — A word about Nankin. We have not yet given any details respecting the chiefs of the insurrection, and the organization of the rebel army. The Chinese documents which previously came under our inspection contained no precise informa- tion on the subject ; but now the rebels have reached the richest provinces of the empire, namely the Kiang-Nau and the Kiang-Si, information pours upon us in abun- dance. We shall not repeat here what we have already said respecting Tien-te, on the strength of popular rumor. Fame first enlightened us as to this personage ; and though her voice is generally deceitful, her information perfectly accords with that which we have since received. We are now. therefore, going to make the acquaintance of the General in chief and his four predatory colleagues. Houng-sieou-tsiuen, who takes the title of Tai-ping-wang, or " King grand pacificator," is a man of tall stature, with a face bronzed by the sun, and of a bold, confident as- pect. He is about forty years old ; his beard and his THE FIVE FEUDATORY KINGS. 189 hair are already gray ; and he is said to be endowed with great courage. Although his accent betrays a Can- ton origin, no one knows his real name, or in what dis- trict he was born. Hiang-tsiou-tsing, or Toung-wang, that is to say, the '• King of the East" is a man of five-and-thirty. He is short and pitted with the small-pox, and his scanty mous- tache stands bristling on his upper lip. Hiang-tsiou- tsing speaks with remarkable facility, and is very acces- sible to all his subordinates. No one knows from what country he comes ; it is only known that he is married to the eldest sister of Tai-ping-wang. Siao-tcha-kouei, or Si-wang, " King of the West," is the Achilles of this pleiad of kings. In every engage- ment he shows himself regardless of personal safety, always fighting in the foremost ranks, and directing his troops with a precision which gives evidence of a superior knowledge. His figure is graceful, his countenance is animated, and there is nothing of the Mongol type in his oblong face, except the distension of the nostrils and the obliquity of the eyes; he does not wear moustaches. This man, who is one of the most gifted of the party, is not more than thirty years of age. They say he is married to the youngest sister of the '• King-pacificator." Foung-hien-san, or Nan-wang, that is, " King of the South," is a man of letters, of the province of Canton, He has gone through several public examinations, and has gained degrees. He is thirty-two years old, and is said to be much beloved by his fellow students, who con- 190 THE INSURRECTION IN CHINA. sider him endowed with great talents. He does not wear the moustache, and his features still have something youthful in their character. Even amid the agitated life of a camp he lives as much in retirement as possible, to pursue his literary studies. Wei-tching, or Pe-wang, the " King of the North," is the Ajax of the insurrectionary army. He is very tall, and has the dark complexion of a Malay, so that his black moustache forms but a slight contrast to his brawn skin. He is only twenty-five years of age. His physical force and his intrepidity have given him a high position among the insurgents, and it is said that he is a native of the Kiang-Si. Such are the five kings, whose united armies now act in concert. They are all young; and have all resolved to sell their lives dearly in case of defeat. A large num- ber of functionaries and officers surround these sovereign chiefs. We shall only mention here the two prime min- isters, who are assuredly destined to play an important part, if the insurgents gain their end. The prime min- ister, Foung-je-tchang, is thirty-seven years of age. In person he is short and thin, while his mind is subtle and fertile in resources. It is known that he was born in the province of Canton. Tche-Ta-Kai, the second minister, is extremely ugly. He is very thin ; his complexion is the color of soot, and his long neck supports a bony face, with a head rising to a point. He is a man of letters ; and it is said that he is the author of most of the proclamations lately pub- REVOLUTIONARY PROCLAMATION. 191 lislied — a circumstance which might lead to the supposi- tion that he is a Chang-ti — perhaps a member of Gutz- laflPs union. After the ministers, come the high officials of the army. It will be seen at a glance, that the kings have not been lavish of titles or decorations. They are soldiers in active service, and do not yet think of array- ing themselves in empty names. The dignitaries are divided into three classes, the title of* excellency " being bestowed upon all. The dignitaries of the first class wear yellow scarfs, and their hair, which is never touched with the scissors, is hidden under a silk handkerchief Those of the second order wear red or green scarfs, and the piece of stufi" round their head is of the same color. There is, besides, a body of propagan- dists, who wear these articles red and black. These go about the towns preaching the holy war, circulating in- surrectionary tracts, and receiving the oaths of the initi- ated. The oath is thus worded, •' May those who are not heartily united with us be swept away by cannon, hewn to pieces by the sword, or hurled into the depths of the ocean." The proclamation by which they invite the people to revolt is probably the work of the Prime Minister. It is couched in these terms : — " Heaven especially favors virtue, and all men are nat- urally endowed with a certain talent. In the remotest times a suitable exterior was highly esteemed, and the greatest importance was attached to music and ceremonial forms. But these rats of the desert who have crept into 192 THE IKSURRECTION IN CHINA. our palaces, and taken possession of our houses have not followed the rules of Yao and Chun* in the Government of the empire, but have forced human beings to put on the appearance of animals deprived of human reason ! Those who study the works of Confucius and Mencius rarely attain official dignities by their examinations, while those who bring forward pecuniary arguments get the highest posts. I among the rest, have kept my name concealed to the present moment, imitating the philoso- pher Tchouang-tze, who resided at Po-Hai, the patriot Lieou-chang who lived in retirement at Han-Houa, and the sage Heou-yeou, who remained hidden from Yao, concealing himself at Ko-Chan. My ancestors were sub- jects of the Mings ; and during the 200 years which have elapsed since their fall, they have had nothing to do with the Tartar dynasty. I myself, not wishing to re- ceive any appointment granted by the Mantchous, have led a life of privacy until, seeing how you were oppressed by this tyrannical Government ; remarking how rapacious functionaries and magistrates grind you down in defiance of every principle of right and humanity; observing moreover that you, the people, are shut out from mutual affection, and the practice of virtue, inasmuch as great and small are all involved in a perpetual contest for gain ; reflecting, lastly, that the black-haired race has no one on whom it can rely to escape from the oppression under * These are the last two of the rery ancient if not mythical per- sonages, called the five sovereigns, and they are generally held up as patterns of virtue. — J. O. r REVOLUTIONARY PROCLAMATION. 193 which it groans — for all these causes, I say. I have brought my brave warriors into the field, and furbished my sword and spear, and now uniting our efforts in the defence of right, we have unfurled the standard of virtue with the determination that we will not eat our break- fasts until we have overthrown the Tartar dynasty. " We adore with respect the Supreme Lord, imploring him to extend his protection to the people, and on aH our projects. All the movements of our army have but one end, that of the destruction of tyrants, after the example of Tchiog-tang and Ou-wang.* " You Tartars, who have neither wise councillors, nor profound politicians, nor courageous generals, nor good fc^ soldiers, you have bound the nobles and the aged men to enrol their neighbors, and have forced the brave villagers to arm for your defence. In the time of the ancients a standing army was employed to protect the people, while you, on the contrary, force the people to become soldiers. •' You often complain that you do not get enough, and yet when our troops make the slightest advance you leave the people unprotected, and are the first to take to your heels. Know then that we have made up our minds to march to the East, and that when we please we can raise * The overthrowerB of the Shang dynasty in the person of the tyrant Chew- Yang. The third or Chew dynasty was founded by Ou-Wang. The earliest dynasty, that of Hea, was founded by Yu, •oroamed the Great, of whom ull sorts of miracles are narrated. Tbese incidents form the subject of one of the classical books of OoDfucius. — J. O. 9 194 THE INSURRECTION IN CHINA. the wind that will waft us to the Eastern shore. We possess all that intelligence and courage that Heaven in- spires, and how is it that you Tartars do not understand that it is time to scrape together your scattered bones, and light up slices of bacon (sic) to give signals of your terror ? Why do you not imitate Yu and Kouei, who settled their differences amicably ? If you are so blind as not to see the precursory signs of the new empire, we have only to give a hint to our troops, and they will rush with one accord to the summit of our hopes, cutting through every obstacle that may be raised in their path. When you find neither security in your citadel lined with iron, nor repose in your palace inlaid with pearls, of what avail will be your useless repentance ?" The author of this proclamation is a revolutionist of the modern school ; but he is at the same time a follower of the preux chevaliers^ swearing that he will not eat on a table-cloth, that is to say, take his breakfast, till he has overthrown the tyrants. However, amid all these chiv- alric eccentricities, the spirit of Christianity is always discernible ; it is a worshipper of the Supreme Being speaks. The military organization of the insurgents reminds one of the Roman centuries and decuries. The lowest ofi&cer is a sergeant, who has twenty-five men under his orders. Four sergeants or a hundred men are command- ed by a lieutenant. A company is composed of four hundred men, and four lieutenants under a captain. A regiment comprises four companies, and a general has p SUPREMACY OF TlilN-Tfi. 195 the charge of four regiments, each of which has a colonel.* In this army there is an administrative corps and a special corps, answering to our artillery and engineers. The officers are distinguished by the color of the scarf, and their head-dress. The mass of the troops do not wear a uniform, so that the rebels are only recognized by their long hair, and the tunic simply crossed over the chest. The organization of the whole body is perfect. Above all these soldiers, officers, high dignitaries, min- isters, and kings, is the supreme chief, the Emperor, Tien-te. It is said that when Tien-te came to Keou- Teou-Chan in the Hou-Nan, all the feudatory kings, with the " King Pacificator " at their head, received him kneeling. On this occasion he held open court, and there were banquets in the Homeric style. More than a hun- dred oxen were killed, hundreds of pigs were roasted, and during three whole days festival followed festival in the districts recently conquered. After these solemnities, ♦ This division does not exactly correspond with the regulations of the array of the Tae-pmg dynaety, as extracted by Dr. Medhurst from a pamphlet furnished by Sir George Bonham. According to the pamphlet, the army is divided as follows : — Over every 5 men is placed a corporal, the lowest officer ; 2 sergeants are placed over every five corporals or 25 men ; these carry a flag 2i feet broad A centurioh presides over every 4 sergeants, or 104 men, and carries a flag 3 feet broad. Next senior is the leader of a co- hort, of whom there is 1 to every 626 men ; his flag is 8 J feet broad. Above him is the commander of a legion, who commands 6 oohorta or 2,626 men ; his flag is 4 feet broad. A brigadier- general commands 6 legions, consisting of 18,125 men ; his flag is 4i feet broad..— J. O. 196 THE INSURRECTION IN CHINA. Tien-te returned with his intimate councillor into that impenetrable retreat, in which, when the crisis arrives, the destinies of the empire will receive their solution. Religious hymns, attributed to the Pretender, were distributed throughout the army. These sacred songs, which were intended to kindle the enthusiasm of the sol- diers, contained some Christian phrases and some images which were entirely Pagan. The editors of an English journal states that they are in possession of a collection of these poems, remarking also that the last empress of the Ming dynasty was a Christian ; that she was bap- tized by the name of Helen, and that for a long time she corresponded with the Pope. In the midst of this great movement there is no end of pamphlets and apocryphal documents. In the names of the four Kings — of the East, West, South and North, a species of homily is circulated which is redolent of ultra-methodism. It appears impossible to us that four kings laying their heads together — even four kings of China — could have produced anything so turgid and tire- some. However, as one of our leading journals has in- serted some fragments of this document, we think we are bound to insert it entire.* " Yang, king of the East, and general-in-chief, and Siao, king of the West, and also general-in-chief, of the dynasty Tai-ping, re-established in the Celestial Empire by the grace of God, jointly publish this proclamation to * Vide Supplementary Chapter. — J. 0. INSURRECTIONARY HOMILY. 197 show that they have received orders from Heaven to ex- terminate the wicked, and save tlie people. " According to the Old Testament, the supreme Lord, our heavenly Father, created in the space of six days, heaven and earth, mountains and seas, men and things. The supreme Lord is a spirifUal, invisible, omnipotent Father, knowing everything and everywhere present. There is not under heaven any nation which does not know his power. " On referring to the reminiscences of past times we find that since the creation of the world the supreme Lord has often manifested his displeasure. How is it then that you people of the earth are ignorant of him still ? " On the first occasion the supreme Lord displayed his wrath by causing a great rain to fall forty days and forty nights, which caused a universal deluge. " On a second occasion the supreme Lord manifested his displeasure, and brought Israel out of Egypt. " On a third occasion he displayed his tremendous majesty when the Saviour of the world, the Lord Jesus, became incarnate in the land of Judea, and suffered for the redemption of the human race. And of late he again showed his wrath, when in the year tingyeou (1837) he sent a celestial messenger whom he appointed to slay the infernal bands. Moreover, he has sent the celestial king to take the reins of empire into his own hands and save the people. From the year meoudien (1848) to that of sin-hai (1851) the supreme Lord has been moved by the 198 THE INSURRECTION IN CHINA. misfortunes of the people who were entangled in the snares of the Evil One. In the third moon of last year the great Emperor appeared, and in the ninth moon Jesus the Saviour of the world manifested himself by innumerable acts of power, and by the massacre of in- numerable numbers of the ungodly in many pitched bat- tles. How then can these children of hell resist the majesty of Heaven ? " How, we add, could the wrath of the supreme Lord be otherwise than kindled against men who M^orship cor- rupt spirits, who give themselves up to unclean actions, and thus deliberately violate the commandments of Heaven ? Why do ye not wake, all ye inhabitants of the earth ? Why do ye not rejoice to be born in a time when you are permitted to witness the glory of the Most High! " Since you fall into an epoch like this, where you will have the surpassing peace of heavenly days, it is time for you to awake and be stirring. Those who fulfil the will of Heaven shall be preserved, but those who disobey shall be torn in pieces. " At this moment the diobolical Tartar, Hien-foung, originally a Mantchou slave, is the sworn enemy of the Chinese race. More than this, he leads our brethren to adopt the habits of demons, to adore evil, to disobey the true spirit, and thus to rebel against the Most High. Therefore Heaven will not sufier him any more, and men will not fail in their resolution to destroy him. Alas ! body of valiant men as ye are, ye appear not to know INSURRECTIONARY HOMILY. 199 that every tree has its roots, every brook its source. You seem as though you wish to reverse the order of things, for while running after the least advantage you so turn about that you serve your own enemies, and be- ing ensnared with the wiles of the Evil One, you un- gratefully rebel against your rightfnl Lord. You seem to forget that you are the virtuous students of the Chi- nese empire, and the honorable subjects of the celestial dynasty, and thus you easily stray in the path of perdi- tion without having pity on yourselves. " And yet among you courageous men there are many who belong to the Society of the Triad, and have made the compact of blood that they will unite their strength and their talents for the extermination of the Tartar dy- nasty. After so solemn an engagement can there be men who would shrink from the common enemy of us all? " There must now be in the provinces a great number of resolute men, renowned men of letters, and valiant he- roes. We, therefore, call upon you to unfurl your stand- ard, to proclaim aloud that you will no longer live under the same heaven as the Tartars, but seek to gain honor in the service of the new sovereign. This is the ardent wish of us who are his generals. " Our army, desirous to act upon those feelings of kindness, through which the Most High is pleased to spare the life of man, and to receive us with a kiss of compassion, have shown clemency on our march, and have treated all with mercy. Our generals and our 200 THE INSURRECTION IN CHINA. troops observe the greatest fidelity with respect to the rewards due to the country. These intentions are known to you all. You ought to know that since Heaven has brought before you the true sovereign to govern the peo- ple, it is your duty to aid in establishing his dominion. Although our diabolical enemies may be counted by mil- lions, and their crafty plans by thousands, they cannot resist the decrees of Heaven. " To kill without warning is contrary to our feelings ; and to remain in a state of inaction without attempting to save the people would be contrary to humanity. ( Hence, we publish this proclamation, urging you, peo- ple ! to repent in all haste, and to awaken with energy. Adore the True Spirit, and reject impure spirits ; be men for once and cease to be imps of the devil, if you wish for length of days upon earth, and happiness in heav- en. If you persist in your stupid obstinacy, the day of destruction will arrive, as well for the precious stones as the pebbles, and then you will vainly gnaw every finger in despair, but it will then be too late to repent." The following is another proclammation which the rebels distributed about Hou-Kouang. This work, which is a true political sermon, has all the good and bad qualities of its class, as well as that particular stamp which distinguishes the elaborate productions of the Ce- lestial Empire. " Kouo, the great general-in-Chief of the forces, now in possession of the territory, in the province of the Hou-Pe, publishes this proclamation : — A "political sermon." 201 " When we reflect upon the origin and fall of empires, we see that when a power loses the affection of the peo- ple, the time of its dissolution is at hand ; and when we endeavor to account for the favor of the wrath of Heaven, we see that every power endowed with virtue, is gifted with a constant increase. During the last two hundred years, the Mantchou dynasty of the Tsiiigs has been dis- tributing official dignities in the most irregular manner, taking no account of the complaints of the nation. But the Emperor, Tien-te, by one single outbreak of his wrath, has restored peace to the people. Attacking the oppressor with a bold front, and silently investigating those doctrines which cause dynasties to flourish, or to fall, he has levied an army for the defence of that which is just and right. He has taken pity on you devoted students and virtuous inhabitants of the Hou-Kouang, giving free vent to his most kindly feelings, and he has begun the massacre of greedy functionaries and corrupt magistrates, not setting any limits to the work of carnage. You, now, students and people, who have resolved to make common cause with the Emperor Tien-te, do not let anything shake you in your determination. Those among you who are possessed of fortune, ought to contrib- ute according to your means, to the support of the troops, and those who are poor, ought to select the strongest and youngest among them, to increase the ranks of our army. Whoever can make a civil or mili- tary mandarin prisoner, shall receive ten thousand pieces of money as a reward, and whoever shall bring the head 9* 202 THE INSURRECTION IN CHINA. of a mandarin shall receive three thousand pieces. Lest any one should have the audacity to disobey our orders, we declare we are resolved to deliver up to pillage all contumacious towns. The object of this proclamation is to prevent all from having occasion for regret, when re- pentence is too late. " The first year of Tai-ping, of the dynasty of the late Mings, the sixth day of the third moon (23rd April 1852)." As the pieces of money promised by Kouo to the man- darin-hunters, are only sapeques^ we see that the price set on the head of a high functionary, is very low. A red ball,* in good healthy condition, is valued by the rebels at fifty francs, and the head of a blue ball is only valued at three pieces of one hundred sous. We may easily see that it is more profitable to chase wolves on the Alps and in the Ardennes, than to chase mandarins in China. After taking possession of the capital of the Hou-Pd and the larger towns connected with it, the rebels went down the Yang-Tze-Kiang, and successively occupied Kieou-Kiang, Gan-King, and Ou-Hou. On receiving in- telligence of these events, the Governor-Greneral of Kiang- Nan proceeded to Nankin at the head of all the troops he * These remarks will be best elucidated by stating the degrees of rank signified by the balls on the caps of the mandarins. The ranks are nine in number, and the order of colors beginning with the highest is as follows: — 1. Plain Red. 2. Flowered Red. 3. Transparent Blue. 4. Opaque Blue. 5. Uncolored Glass. 6. 'White Glass. 7. Plain Gilt. 8. Gilt, with engraved flowers. — J. 0. NANKIN. 203 could collect together, and ordered all available forces to concentrate themselves on the threatened capital. Along the Yang-Tie-Kiang, the functionaries and rich traders were panic-struck; the mandarins prepared for the de- fence of the towns, and the cautious merchants of Sou- Tcheon and Tchen-Kiang, little heeding the defence of their country, fled as fast as they could, taking their wealth with them. In fact, there was a general sauve- quijjetU. In the meanwhile, money and food became scarce ; the price of gold reached an enormous height, and the price of rice was trebled. The rebels, turning the panic to their own advantage, seized all the merchant ships on the river ; and thus, with a formidable fleet and an army of 50,000 men, the five kings appeared before Nankin. This city, which contains more than 500,000 inhab- itants, was in the time of the Mings — that ancient dy- nasty which Tien-te professes to represent and wishes to restore — the capital of all China. The space enclosed within its walls is at least three times greater than that of Paris, but large cultivated spots are found in the midst of its streets, and grass grows upon the quays lately bordered by a triple row of vessels. Nankin is situated on an immense plain, intersected by canals as numerous as those which traverse the human body. In the midst of fertile fields, innumerable rivulets aad streams of navigable water are perpetually crossing each other. The banks are planted with willows and bamboos, with straight stalks aad dark foliage. It is on 204 THE INSURRECTION IN CHINA. the plains of the province of Nankin that that yellowish cotton is grown, which, when woven, is exported in such enormous quantities. Here also is reaped the greater part of the rice which is consumed throughout the em- pire. The Kiang-Nan, or province of Nankin, is the richest jewel in the crown of the " Son of Heaven." Nothing in Europe can give an idea of the fruitfulness of this province — neither the plains of Beauce nor the plains of Lombardy, nor even that richest of lands, Flan- ders. In the Kiang-Nan the fields are covered with crops twice a year, and produce fruit and vegetables without cessation. On the borders of the arable land the most delicious vegetables in the world are produced. The pe-tsa'i, a cabbage which is between a lettuce and the cabus^ bitter mustard, water-melons, potatoes, and the hundred species of haricots produced in the Celestial Empire. We have been fortunate enough to sit under the shadow of the orchards which border the Ou-Soung, one of the numerous veins which fertilize the province of the Kiang-Nan : we have plucked with our hands those pulpy jujubes which travellers often take for grapes; pomegranates with transparent grains ; monstrous peaches, by the side of which the finest kinds of Montreuil would appear like wild fruit, and dyospyros as large as toma- atos. We have seen scarlet pheasants and their brethren with mother-o'-pearl plumage running freely about the furrowS; This province maintains 28,000,000 inhabitants : ten NANKIN. 205 times as many as Belgium, ten times as many as Hol- land, and rather more than the whole of France. Never- theless, our worthy countrymen, who fancy that our na- tion is the most rich and powerful, also imagine that their country is the most populous in the universe. Nankin is built in the water. It is a city like Rotter- dam, surrounded by fertile marshes and waters abound- ing in fish. Towards the south the river suddenly widens, and forms a kind of lake scattered over with in- numerable islets. Here, under clumps of trees, are hid- den the villas of the mandarins. In these mysterious retreats they conceal from the envious glances of the vul- gar their aviaries stocked with pale birds, reared in the cages of Sou-Tcheou-Fou, that city of delights of which a Chinese proverb says, '• In the other world there is a paradise ; in this there is Sou-Tcheou-Fou." These poetical women, these Aspasias of the East, compose charming verses in their own naif and impas- sioned language ; but the jealousy of their masters only allows them to sing their compositions on these echoless banks. On the indolent waters of the lake, as well as on the more rapid waters of the river, sail the most elegant vessels in the world. Thousands of junks bear to the extremities of the Empire all the produce and manufac- tures of the country. We have already said that Nankin has declined from its ancient splendor. The ramparts of the old city form 80 vast a circuit that from the summit of the hills the eye cannot distinguish the ruined walls. The modem 206 THE INSURRECTION IN CHINA. city, which nevertheless contains 600,000 souls, looks like a mere village compared to the immense city whose boundary walls are alone left standing. In the centre of the modern city stands that tower of nine stories, which is almost as familiar to the citizen of Paris as the yellowish web out of which he makes his summer pantaloons. The pagoda of nine stories is an old monument of the time of the Mings. We shall give a description of it in the course of this narrative. It is before the walls of Nankin that the five united kings are now encamped. Troy is thus defended by a formidable garrison. But old Priam is dead and Hector is at Pekin ! CHAPTEE XY. Proclamation of the Empress— Disgrace of Siu. While the Imperial armies were everywhere defeated — while symptoms of rebellion were manifest in the cen- tral provinces, and Kiang-Nan was invaded, the Emperor Hien-foung astonished the world by a great political act. He seated by his side, a young lovely woman, and called upon her to share the weight of his power. It seemed as though he wished to check the approaching storm by the enchantments of beauty. This was the only act of progress performed by Hien-foung since the commence- ment of his reign. Hitherto, like other barbarian kings, he has employed no auxiliaries but cunning and force ; but now he obtains the support of a young, graceful crea- ture, in whose heart sentiments of mercy may be sup- posed to dwell. This action of Hien-foung is the more re- markable, inasmuch as it is not calculated to flatter vulgar prejudice. The corrupt people of the East, accustomed to look upon women as inferior beings, would hardly like to see the Imperial sceptre in fair hands. The brain of a Chinese of the lower orders is incapable of understand- 208 THE INSURRECTION IN CHINA. ing that a lady of high extraction might perhaps modify a weak and violent mind by her gentle influence, and thus avert impending calamities. The Emperor thought it his duty to announce his de- termination to his subjects by a special manifesto, and the Official Gazette of Pekin, the Kin-Sin-Pao, the Mo- niteur of the eighteen provinces, heralded the Imperial edict by a " leader" on the subject. We give both these remarkable documents, and first the article from the Chinese journal : — '-'- Marriages and births are events that belong to pri- vate life, and the Emperor is not bound to communicate them to his subjects. The people has no occasion to re- joice because his Majesty is pleased to introduce a woman of surpassing beauty into his sanctuary. The same thing may be said of the birth of a child ; for since his Majesty has the right of appointing his successor, so that he can not only select the one among his children whom he con- siders most worthy to reign, but even a man of merit who is no relation to him whatever, the nation can take no interest in the birth of a prince, who perhaps will not be his father's successor. But the case is altered when the Son of Heaven resolves, after the example of some of his glorious ancestors, to give the woman he has mar- ried a place by his throne, and to elevate her to the rank of a reigning empress. He, therefore, proclaims this happy event to the world, that the world may know who is the virtuous woman whom he has deemed worthy to share his throne. For this reason his Majesty has com- A PEKIN " LEADER." 209 muDicated his will to the nation. The people would have been made aware of this event long ago, but before de- claring it, the Son of Heaven was obliged to wait till the first period of mourning for his illustrious father had ex- pired. On the morrow of the 7th of the first moon, the Board of Rites will officially register in the annals of the Empire, and announce by placards of yellow paper, and in the Mantchou language, his Majesty's proclamation, that no person throughout the country, whether in the towns or in the villages, shall be ignorant of the event." This article was followed by the Imperial manifesto. This document we have translated with the greatest care, and have afterwards collated our work with the transla- tions of the same document made by the Europeans re- sident in China, especially by an historian of the insur- rection who has preceded us — we mean Dr. Macgowan, member of the Missionary Medical Society, a zealous and erudite man, who enjoys a high reputation in China, par- ticularly in Ning-Po, where he has resided for several years : — " The Emperor, by the will of Heaven, and the per- petual revolution of the world, says : " Even as in nature we see the earth obey the laws of the heavenly bodies, to whom the earth itself is neverthe- less of essential importance, so do we learn from the Ca- nonical Books, that good Emperors have availed them- selves of the assistance of exemplary Empresses. For example, the excellent Ngo-tai, wife of the renowned Em- peror Chun, and the worthy consort of the great Yu, per- 210 THE INSURRECTION IN CHINA. fectlj fuUfilled all their domestic duties, and, moreover, set examples which were highly edifying to the whole empire. " Absorbed day and night by the vast occupations be- longing to the inheritance with which Heaven has en- trusted me, through the medium of my pious ancestors, I have need of an assistant actuated by the same spirit as myself. Niou-lou-kou is a lady of honorable extraction, whose excellent disposition is highly esteemed within the precincts of the palace, where the natural goodness of her heart, and her exemplary character, is shown by the scrupulous exactness with which she performs her domestic duties. Following the examples of antiquity, she does not shrink from washing fine or even coarse linen with her own hands. Frugal and amiable, kind and gentle, she deserves to enjoy every kind of happiness. We therefore desire that she be clad in the Imperial costume, and be at the head of the ladies of the six pavilions. In conformity with ancient usage, I shall respectfully com- municate this event to Heaven, to earth, to the manes of my ancestors, and to the tutelary spirits of the territory and of the harvests, on the seventh of the first moon — the day on which she will be seated by us on the Imperial throne. Then, also, it will be ofl&cially registered in the archives of the empire, that the virtuous and worthy lady Niou-lou-kou, is constituted Empress. From that date she will reside in the palace of the Nenuphars, and will aid us in our administration in the perfumed precincts of her apartments. HOMAGE TO THE EMPRESS. 211 " May she be as happily fruitful as she is rich in virtue. " On this joyous occasion, it is our wish that the follow- ing favors be granted." (Here follows a long list of favors, granted chiefly to ladies, and remissions of the punishments incurred by of- ficial crimes.) The new Empress having been solemnly proclaimed, the members of the Imperial family, the ministers, and the high dignitaries of the empire, offered at the feet of their young sovereign the expression of their respectful devotion. In China, the men cannot be received by the women, and hence the following ceremonial forms were observed. The whole assembly proceeded to the throne- room, four of the principal functionaries bearing a canopy of yellow brocade, under which was placed a small bound book. When the visitors came to the Imperial seat, they all fell on their knees, as if Hien-foung was present, and smote their foreheads three times against the ground. The chief of the eunuchs then introduced the Emperor, who was no sooner seated than the President of the Board of Rites took the book from under the canopy, and, ac- companied by two assessors, advanced to the foot of the throne. The three dignitaries then fell on their knees again, and the President of the Board of Rites read with a sonorous voice the compliment which the academy of Han-Lin had composed in honor of the Empress. After which they retired, their duties to their young mistress being now duly performed. 212 THE INSURRECTION IN CHINA. In the afternoon, the princessess of the blood royal, the princes, the wives of the ministers, and of the high dignitaries, repeated the same ceremony in the presence of the Empress herself The Empress was seated on her throne, and the ladies knelt before her, striking their foreheads only once against the ground. After this, the grand mistress of the palace presented to her the com- plimentary address which had been read in the morning to the Emperor, written on a large sheet of paper adorn- ed with beautiful paintings. On the same day, the new Empress published an edict, in which she declared that she granted special favors to all the old women in the empire. This custom has existed in China from time immemorial. Youth and beauty, loaded with honor and power, bestow alms upon poor and laborious age. The donation consists of a few measures of rice and some pieces of stuff ; and distributed over the whole of China, represents more than 1.000,000 taels, charged upon the Imperial purse. We should add, that it is only women of more than seventy years of age, who participate in the largess. The proclamation of the Empress is a charming epi- sode in the Chinese Iliad. We unwillingly quit the sub- ject to return to the narrative of executions, disgraces, battles, and Imperial edicts. Our friend Siu was now hurled from the summit of his greatness. When the news reached Canton, a friend of the Viceroy secretly gave warning to his lawful wife, so that the prudent lady had time to put all the most FRESH PRECAUTIONS AGAINST THE REBELS. 213 valuable effects in a place of safety. Therefore, when, on the following day, the agents of the Grovernment pro- ceeded to the sequestration of all his property, fixed and movable, they found the palace stripped and the coffers nearly empty. The disappointed agents at once opened the Viceroy's harem, and set at liberty those trembling doves who were cooing through the ebony and ivory bars of their aviary. As for Siu, some affirmed that, after another defeat, he had committed suicide ; others that he had been beheaded, which would have justified the omen that attended his departure from Canton ; others, again, who perhaps knew him better, whispered that he had gone over to the rebels. We shall not stop to in- quire which of these suppositions is the true one ; we only hope, for our own part, out of gratitude for the amusement that the Viceroy has afforded us, that the last report may be confirmed. In that case, his head would, at any rate, be least in danger. The Tao tai of Chang- Ilaj, more European in his views than the rest of the Chinese, purchased some American vessels to arm them against the rebels, and was supplied with cannon by the merchants of Macao. The Emperor, too, hearing that the insurgents had taken possession of every junk they had met, issued a decree, the substance of which we may express as follows : — Art. 1. Whoever takes the fleet of the rebels shall re- tain it as his own property ; all the wealth with which it is loaded shall belong to him, except the powder and the arms. 214 THE INSURRECTION IN CHINA. Art. 2. Whoever burns the fleet of the rebels shall be liberally rewarded. Art. 3. Every individual who has slain one or two chiefs with long hair, will have deserved well of his country. This decree was followed by another official document, in which the Emperor recommended the offering up of prayers to the goddess Kouan-in, that she might grant a favorable wind to the boats laden with grain, which the southern provinces send every year as a tribute to the « Son of Heaven." From the seat of war no certain intelligence was re- ceived. A single letter from the environs of Nankin, affirmed that a conspiracy had burst forth in that city, and that the conspirators, caught in the fact of incendiar- ism, had been slaughtered to a man. The same letter mentioned a battle fought with Tai-ping, in which the Imperialists, after being beaten at first, were at last vic- tors. A Tartar general, named Tchang-king-se, having arrived at the head of 4,000 fresh troops, completely changed the face of affairs, the 4.000 Tartars killing 9,000 rebels: that is, two and a quarter each. This battle in two acts lasted four and twenty hours, adds the narrator ; they fought without eating or drinking — a fact which, by the way, appears somewhat unlikely to any one who knows the hearty appetite of the children of the Flowery Land. But such are the extravagant re- ports which the mandarins spread abroad after every disaster. CHINESE VERACITY. 215 A defeat of the Imperialists is immediately followed by a bulletin announcing a complete victory. The Tao- tai goes even further than his colleagues. In a special proclamation, he promises a victory at an appointed day and hour ; and it is only a wonder, that this brave " blue ball " did not prepare a bulletin, with the report of the action in advance. We may add that the incidents we have just narrated as belonging to the fight with the general Tchang-king- se, have no ofl&cial character, and that we have only nar- rated them, that we may be guilty of no omissions, and to show how much uncertainty prevails as to the real state of things, and how little confidence is to be placed in reports in which the Government has an interest in diffusing. An ordinary Chinese lies often, very often ; a mandarin lies always. Two facts were ascertained be- yond the reach of a doubt, namely, that the insurgents were before Nankin, and that danger had become so pressing, that the agents of the Chinese Government placed near the scene of events, had been forced, in spite of their antipathy to the Europeans, to apply to them for assistance in the end. CHAPTEll XVL Taking of Nankin— Imperial edicts— Insurrectionary proclamations — Atiitude of tiie Europeans — Progress of tlie insurrection. Nankin is in the power of the insurgents ! The victo- rious army of the Pretender has entered the ancient cap- ital of the empire, and there is now an emperor in each of the two rival cities, Nankin and Pekin ! We do not yet know the details of these events, but we can at once foresee their importance. One of the persons best ac- quainted with China, Sir John Davis, thus appreciates the result of such a movement : — " To an European fleet, this city would be one of the most vulnerable parts of the empire, as the canal opens into the great river, a little below the city, towards the sea. To blockade at once the mouth of the canal and of the Yang-tze-King could scarcely fail to distress the empire ; especially Pekin, which is fed by supplies from the southern provinces."* These lines, written some twenty years ago, were to * The passage is from the very instructive work, *' The Chi- nese," published by Sir J. T. Davis in 1886. IMPORTANCE OF NANKIN. 2l7 some extent prophetic. When the glorious countrymen of Sir John Davis stationed themselves before Nankin, and were thus masters of the mouth of the canal, the mandarins humbly made submission, and sued for peace ; they clearly saw that the soldiers of her Britannic Maj- esty had secured the keys of China, and that they could easily starve the Emperor in his own palace. It must be owned, however, that a Chinese army is jnuch less formidable to native soldiers than an European one, and that under present circumstances they have to deal with enemies whom they can fight with equal arms. Moreover, the insurgents have now not only the Imperial tigers to dread ; but they have a still more implacable foe in the atmosphere which they breathe. Our Euro- pean arms triumph over everything, even the delights of Capua; but these hordes, picked up at haphazard on a march more than 300 leagues in length, cannot feel the same sentiments of duty. These men, recruited among the inflammable populations of the Kouang-Toung, the Kouang-Si, and the Hou-Kouang, and joined by thou- sands of semi-barbarous Mio-Tze, excited by privations and trained to cupidity, will not be able to struggle against the seducing dangers that encompass them. The severe discipline which the united kings have imposed upon their troops, has triumphed over the cunning of Siu and the valor of Ou-lan-tai ; but it will, perhaps, prove impotent against the delights of the Kiang-Nan. We have tried to give an idea of that fruitful soil ; we liave briefly described that rich country, where there is 10 218 THE INSURRECTION IN CHINA. 110 exception to universal cultivation and production. No exception, we say ; for even the rivulets which disperse the vivifying waters through the fields are not unproductive spaces. The soil beneath the waters is cultivated, and the current rocks the large leaves of the nelumbium — of which both the root and the fruit are eatable — or shakes the slender stalks of the cyperus esculentus, or the trappa bico7-ms, both of which produce excellent food. We have now to become acquainted with Nankin, the rival of Sou- Tcheou-Fou — Nankin, the city of learning and pleasure. According to the estimation of a Chinese, nothing is beautiful, nothing is good, nothing is graceful, elegant, or tasteful, but what comes from Nankin or from Sou- Tcheou-Fou. Being essentially a people of routine^ we French have only one city which gives the tone and sets the fashion ; the Chinese have two. The " fashionables " of the Celestial Empire are divided into schools, one of which belongs to Nankin, the other to Sou-Tcheou-Fou, and we know not which of the two rivals is triumphant. As for Pekin, the city of the Government, it has no voice whatever in matters of taste and pleasure, but merely enjoys a monopoly oi ennui. Nankin is the residence of the literati^ the men of science, the dancers, the painters, the antiquaries, the jugglers, the physicians, the poet^, and the courtezans of celebrity. In this charming city are held schools of science, art, and — pleasure ; for here pleasure itself is at once an art and a science. Malte Brun asserts that in this learned city there are even an Institut and an academy of medicine. None but a geog- FASHIONABLE LIFE AT NANKIN. 219 raplier could spread such a calumny ; at Nankin there is neither an academy nor academicians. The idle rich of every part of the empire go alternately to Sou-Tcheou-Fou and Nankin. In these two cities they pass their days in the ateliers of painters, or the closets of savants, who, like us, are possessed with a mania for gossiping ; go to applaud the actors of renown, and wind up the evening in the company of poets and courtezans. The Kiang Nan is to a certain extent the Italy of China, where the great business of life is love and poetry. Parents bring up their daughters to profit by their charms. Sometimes they sell them to rich mandarins, sometimes they turn them loose into the world, with their pretty faces and their talents, through which they become nearly the gayest women in the em- pire, always followed by a troop of lovers with full purses. The women of Nankin are not only the handsomest, but also the most elegant women in China. At Canton, the mandarin Pan-se-tchen had two doves of Nankin in his harem. They were about seventeen years of age, of slight and graceful figures, like that of a young girl of thirteen ; their features were childishly del- icate, and they resembled those dolls which the artists of our journeaux de modes give as specimens of French ladies. Their long, black, silken eyelashes, which seemed drawn towards the temples, almost concealed their small sparkling black eyes, while their narrow mouth was like a line drawn with carmine. One had her feet compressed, the other wore hers in their natural state ; and beautiful 220 THE IKSURRECTION IN CHINA. they were : with such feet as those one ought to walk without shoes, or put on slippers of glass ! These young girls wore round their heads a narrow band of black sat- in, adorned with pearls, garnets, and emeralds. They were crowned with flowers of lan-hoa, which emitted a most penetrating odor ; and their hair, which was com- pletely surrounded with this fragrant garland, terminated in a top-knot. Their faces were as white as milk : in China ladies paint whitCy and these were so completely white-washed that they positively resembled the fantastic figures which cover those screens and fans in which ap- pear a swarm of young flying girls— the voluptuous vis- ions of the artists of the Kingdom of Flowers. The girls had been very carefully educated. They made verses, which they sang, and accompanied themselves on the kin^ a sort of primitive lyre with eight silken strings, which vibrate softly on a long sounding board of ebony inlaid with ivory. This is the piano of the Celestial Empire ; a modest instrument, differing widely from that noisy machine which is often so overpowering in our sa- loons at the touch of the most delicate fingers. Such were the young Nankin girls whom we saw, and those travellers who have had the privilege of penetrating the Elysium of China give descriptions which accord with ours. All the canals of the artistic city are covered with elegant boats, steered by females, and in the centre of these is a pavilion securely closed. This is the habita- tion of young girls similar to those we have just described. All the furniture of these floating boudoirs is made of IXSURGKNTS AT KIANG-NAN. 221 wood, black and polished as marble, inlaid with silver or ivory. Porcelain seats and cane couches are distributed about the superb cabin. The Chinese have a decided taste for aquatic amusements, and never feel their en- joyment complete unless they are afloat. Hence these luxurious boats are inhabited day and night by persons who eat, drink, smoke, and sleep in them. For people of inferior opulence accommodation of less magnificence is provided ; but no one is really poor in this soil, which is always productive — under that glorious sky which is all radiant with light — or along those canals which flow beneath the shade of the bamboo, and are perfumed by the olea fragrans. Hitherto the insurgents have made numerous recruits on their route ; now they have reached the wealthy Ki- ang-Nan, they will gain adherents, but no more accom- plices. Revolutionary attempts, whether for good or evil, have this unfortunate privilege, that they attract all kinds of desperate characters who expect that a change will bring some improvement to their condition ; while on the other hand, in those favored countries where comfort is generally diff'used, an insurrectionary army seldom gains many followers. Hence the rebels, though they probably command the sympathy of the masses, must henceforth only reckon on the eflfective force of their troops, and will have to combat with energy not only the Pekin sol- diers who are sent against them, but also the enervating influence of the focus which they have reached. We shall now pass in review the events which have 222 THE INSURRECTION IN CHINA. taken place during the last months of the present year. The first document which we read in the Moniteur of Pekin is an imperial decree relative to the death of Siao- tchao-kouei, who took the title of Si-wang, o-r King of the West. According to the report of one of the gene- rals, the rebel chief had been killed by the explosion of a cannon, and the Emperor ordered that his corps should undergo a retrospective punishment. In the same decree the magnanimous sovereign informs his subjects that sev- eral unfortunate prisoners have had their hearts torn out alive, as ofi'erings to the manes of the warriors who died fighting in defence of the Imperial power. We give this decree entire, remarking that there is about it a tone of barbarity which is not likely to enlist the sympathies of civilized countries in favor of the despot of Pekin. Such decrees can only be dictated by the ravings of impotent rage :— " It seems, according to the report of Tchang-leang-ki, that the rebel Siao-tchao-kouei has been killed by an ex- plosion. This man, considered one of the most eminent and audacious among the rebels, had taken the title of King of the West. When, some time ago, Lo-ou and some others were made prisoners, they said that the rebel in question had been killed by the explosion of a cannon at Tchang-Cha, and that his body was buried at Lao-Loung-Tan. On this information his body was dug up, and its identity being established, it was cut into pieces to serve for an example. Lo-ou and his compan- ions, to the number of six, had their hearts torn out, still SANGUINARY DECREE. 223 palpitating, and these were offered to the manes of the officers and the soldiers who died in the battle. '■ The rebels Houng-sieou-tsuen and others, who have carried disorder into the provinces of the Kouang-Si and the Hou-Kouang, are filling up the measure of their guilt. Besides the aforesaid Siao-tchao-kouei, one Wei- tching. another famous chief of the insurgents, has come to a premature end at Tching-Tcheou, through the agen- cy of invisible beings. Another, named Che-ta-kai was killed by our soldiers in his flight to Ho-Se ; and, ac- cording to the testimony of the rebels, Houng-yun-chan has vanished, without any one knowing whither he has gone. None are left now but Houng-sieou-tsuen, Yang- sieou-tsing, and a few others, who trouble the province of the Hou-Pe. Those who are forced to follow them are mere flocks of birds in the train of a few conspira- tors. " The chief officers of the army, and the governors of provinces, are hereby enjoined to publish proclamations in order to engage the troops, the villagers, the magis- trates, the nobles, and the people, to combine their efforts for the extermination of this impure race. As for those who have been forced against their will to follow the rebels, it is decreed that if they seize some of these male- factors, and bring them to our camp, they shall be not only pardoned, but liberally rewarded. At the present moment the grand army is assembled togetlier like a mass of clouds collected from all parts for the destruc- tion of the rebels. These miserable wretches have filled 224 THE IXSURRECTION IN CHINA. up the measure of their wickedness ; they are hated alike by gods and men, and cannot long escape the punishment they deserve. Respect this." This document is followed by another, redolent of re- trospective humanity. Young Hien-foung, in his letters of pardon, declares that the officers who fled before the enemy at the battle of Yo-TcheoUj having died of a mor- tal sickness, he pardons their crime ! But there are other documents betraying the uneasiness with which the omnipotent Emperor is now visited. He distributes throughout the empire prayers addressed to Heaven ; and these acts of contrition plainly show the anguish of the Court of Pekin. It is in the following terms that Hien-foung implores the Supreme Being : — " Filled with dread and apprehension, I humbly en- treat Heaven to pardon my oflfences, and to spare my un- happy people. May all the officers of the court and the provinces awaken the better feelings of their hearts, and devise the best means of averting from the people the calamities by which they are now afflicted. - The students and the people of every locality should also unite their efforts to check the enemy and speedily destroy these monstrous rebels. They will thus enjoy endless peace and prosperity under the benignant protection of Heaven, while we and our officers shall be equally animated with feelings of respect and gratitude. We desire that the Board of Rites and the high authorities of each province shall engrave this decree and publish it on yellow paper, INCITEMKNT TO ASSASSINATION. 225 that our intentions may be known throughout the world." This public confession — this official " met culpcL " — is not sufficient to solace the heart of the monarch ; he de- clares to all his subjects that he will pass a night at the altar of Heaven. But, as if he doubted the protection of the gods he invokes, he avails himself of this occasion to preach treachery, and advise murder in the interest of his throne : — " On the seventh of the second moon (March 21st), I, the Emperor, shall pass the night at the altar of Heaven, and shall pray with fervor for the peace of my subjects, who, from the commencement of the rebellion to the present time, tave endured heavy calamities in the prov- inces of Kouang-Si, Hou-Nan, and Hou-Pe. I am also in deep affliction on account of the thousands of people who perished in the city of Ou-Tchang ; and I most bit- terly reproach my officers, who, instead of preventing these calamities by efficient measures, took flight as soon as the rebels made their appearance. " In the time of the Emperor Kia-king there was a re- bellion in the Hou-Kouang, which lasted many years ; but the people did not flee: the courageous villagers united and defended themselves. Would it not be bet- ter now to give money to the brave villagers, to prevail upon them to assemble in arms, than to take away what they have already got ? '• Those who follow the rebels do not act from their own free will. If they return to us, we must receive JO* 226 THE INSURRECTION IN CHINA. them well, for they are my* subjects. All the millions that have been lavished, — have they not been expended to save my people ? Wait till my troops have surround- ed and destroyed the rebels ; and then assuredly, you will have tranquillity. If any of those who follow the rebels, kills their chief, he shall not only be pardoned but liberally rewarded. " I have frequently reproached myself, and I have prayed to Heaven to pardon my sins, to save my people, and not to let them suffer any more on my account. May all future calamities fall upon my head alone." Hien-foung, however, understands the danger of his position. He feels that what is most hated in him is his Tartar origin, and he makes some attempt to obtain par- don for this fault. Scarcely do the soldiers of " Kirin" and of "Love " set foot on the Chinese territory, than he addresses them with severity, recommending them to ob- serve the strictest discipline, to be moderate in their de- mands, to respect property, and to treat as brothers the inhabitants of the provinces through which they have to pass. However, the antipathies of race are stronger than Imperial proclamations ; and hence the Imperial troops take no heed of their master's recommendations. The official Gazette of Pekin severely blames the General Foung-chen, commander of the troops of Kirin, who has behaved in China as though it were a conquered country. He levied contributions on his route ; made extraordi- * This transition from the plural to the singular is not unfre- quent in the Imperial documents. — J. 0. PERILOUS POSITION OF THE EMPEROR. 227 nary demands for horses, carriages, and provisions ; and — unlucky symptom ! — delayed his march for several days, on the plea of sudden indisposition. The Empe- ror, by degrading this ofl&cer, appeals anew to concord and good feeling ; but this fresh exhortation will be no more eflScacious than the last. The troops of " Kirin" and of '' Love" form a portion of those soldiers of the eight banners who once inspired tb« Chinese with so much terror. These regiments "were at that time valiant hordes led by intrepid chiefs, as sober and as much inured to fatigue as the camels of their vast deserts. It is to be feared that they are now enervated by the effeminate habits of China. In the orders given to those select corps, we read with sur- prise that, after every day's march, two days of rest are allowed. Can it be that at this urgent moment, when perhaps the destinies of the Tartar dynasty may depend on a forced march, it is necessary to economize the strength of the soldiers ? Hien-foung is exposed to two dangers equally formidable, — the hatred of the Chinese nation, and abandonment by his natural defenders, if these should feci dissatisfied. There is one thing which the Emperor does not econo- mize at all, — that is the blood of his generals. The un- fortunate Siu has been beheaded ; he has been punished for not being- a man of genius : for not having been able, with cowardly soldiers — the dregs of the garrisons — to form, at a moment's notice, troops equal in valor to those who took the Smala or copquered the Punjaub. The 228 THE IXSURRECTION IX OIIIXA. unlucky omen of Canton proved to be a providential warning. We ought never to laugh at those poor ani- mals which are shut up in a tiger's cage, for sooner or later the terrible beast kills his companion, — often with- out anger, and because the natural instinct to kill has been awakened within him. Sai-chang-ha has also been condemned to death; only his misery is prolonged for several months, the Emperor having ordered that the execution shall be deferred till after the autumn assizes. This order proceeds from a very ancient custom. All executions in China take place in the autumn months, ex- cept those on account of political crimes ; for in such cases all seasons are alike. An elaborate philosophical discussion, not altogether foreign to our subject, would be required to explain the motive of this Chinese ar- rangement. Thus, in the last extremity, the acts of the Emperor may be reduced to these heads : — prayers and supplica- tions addressed to old deities, deaf and powerless ; con- demnations, executions, and constant appeals to the basest passions — to treachery and murder. While Hien-foung is thus perpetually losing ground, slipping back into the ruts of the past, and giving way to fury and dejection by turns, the insurgents pursue their determined course with that calmness and perseverance which are the surest signs of strength. They publish new proclamations, in which they depict the hateful ra- pacity of the mandarins, the sufferings of the people, and the imbecility of the young monarch, a captive in the PROCLAMATIOX OF THE INSURGENTS. 229 midst of eunuchs, women, and courtiers. In one of these compositions, which are full of spirit and enthusiasm, they make an appeal to old patriotic sentiments, and urge their fellow-countrymen to throw of the foreign yoke, and restore the national dynasty. This manifesto is followed by another of still greater importance. The rebels endea- vor to inspire the different interests with confidence, and to repudiate all connection with those plunderers who in every revolution seem to start from the earth, that they may fish in troubled waters, under the shelter of a cock- ade or a flag. This document is too important, and con- tains too much valuable information as to the real char- acter of the insurrection, to be withheld from our read- ers: — " Lieou, the chief who founds the dynasty, and tran- quillizes remote districts, having been specially charged to promulgate peace in the Kiang-Nan, publishes the fol- lowing proclamation : — ''An Imperial order having charged Greueral Yang and myself to console the people and to punish the guilty, we find that our cause spreads in every direction with the utmost rapidity, and with irresistible power. But while we have beheaded greedy magistrates and corrupt officers, we have done no harm to honest people. It is neverthe- less to be regretted that before the arrival of our troops, the smugglersof salt, and the malefactors of every district, took advantage of the occasion to commit acts of plunder and violation. Our General-in-Chief has already sent an especial messenger to look out for these robbers, to seize 230 THE INSURRECTION IN CHINA. them and behead more than a thousand of them, in order to give example to the rest. " Having learned that a great number of these ma- rauders are still dispersed about the country in the Kiang-Nan, and that they plunder the citizens who retired with their property into the farms and villages situated at a distance from the towns, we have, consequently, dis- patched a large number of disciplined troops, that they may inquire at every place where our army is expected, whether any depredations are committed there, and like- wise ascertain the names of all individuals guilty of such crimes. When the chief town of the district is taken, the accuracy of these reports will be tested, and if the crimes are proved, the inhabitants of the guilty villages will be utterly exterminated, without distinction of age or sex. The feelings of clemency with which I, the Com- missioner, am penetrated, will not allow me to put any one to death without due warning. For this reason, I publish this proclamation beforehand, wishing that every one may duly regulate his actions, and resist the prompt- ings of his cupidity, unless he would be exterminated like the inhabitants of the two villages to the west and the north of Ou-Hou. As for you, inhabitants of the towns, you ought' not to leave your towns in disorder, so as to run the risk of being plundered. When our army ar- rives, you have only to write on your doors the word ' Obedient,' and if any one of our soldiers causes you an- noyance, he shall be immediately beheaded, as an example to the others. DISCIPLINE IN THE INSURGENT CAMP. 231 " Issued in the second moon of the fourth year of Tien-te. Human actions resemble each other in every country ; and in spite of the distance which separates us from Chi- na, several of our readers will smile at finding in the above proclamation some striking points of coincidence with certain acts of our revolutionary episodes. The protection specially promised to all who will write •' Obe- dient" on their gates, and the anticipatory sentence of death passed beforehand against robbers, forcibly recall to our minds an epoch too recent for its memory to be effaced. However, the peculiarity of the document is the proof it affords of the inexorable discipline which reigns in the camp of the insurgents ; for, in the records of the Chinese army, the repression of certain excesses is a_ybiijg unknown. The commanding oflGicer says to the soldier, " Tremble and obey," and he does, in effect, tremble and obey ; but only on condition that his vices and depredations shall be winked at. A Chinese army on a campaign treats friends and enemies with most perfect impartiality, plundering all alike. If the repression of the depredations of the Chinese army is to date from the era of the feudatory kings and the Emperor Tien-te, they will have deserved well of their country by this act alone. But this is not the only reform the Pretender hopes to accomplish ; while he bides his time to effect radical changes, he comes forward aa the restorer of the ancient good faith and administra- tive probity — as the inexorable judge of corrupt and cor- 232 THE INSURRECTION IN CHINA. rupting mandarins. To a certain extent, he gives guar- antees of administrative probity already. When a district is occupied by the insurgent army, those who supply the troops are paid with debentures, which will be duly honored by Tien-te, when he has taken the public treas- ury. Moreover the revolutionary chiefs have paid par- ticular attention to the dangers to which weak and de- fenceless creatures are exposed. They no sooner arrive at a town than they erect house* of refuge for young fe- males, and write over the door this very positive notice : " This place is sacred to young girls ; whoever has the audacity to cross the threshold with any evil purpose will be beheaded." However, in our eyes, these are not the most significant portions of the insurrection. Of late the agents of Tien- te have circulated a document to which we especially direct the attention of our readers : — " The object of this proclamation is to call upon you all to expel the Mantchous at once, wherever they are found, and to await the establishment of our court at Nankin, where those who pass their examinations with credit will receive degrees proportionate to their merit. Let the barbarians of other countries remain at a dis- tance for awhile, until, after the due submission of the empire, we publish a proclamation respecting commerce. As for the stupid priests of Buddha, and the jugglers of Tao-se, they must all be put down, and their temples and monasteries must be demolished, as well as those of all other corrupt sects. REFORMS INTENDED BY THE REBELS. 233 " Let every one tremble and obey !" Every phase of this remarkable document has a poli- tical value, the import of which we must define. First, these intelligent rebels would have it known that they are not brutal destroyers ; they set forth the elements of their new organization, and they announce that, to re- cruit their administrative force, they will open public examinations, at which every one shall be classed accord- ing to his merits. In the second sentence, they advise the Europeans to adopt the principle of non-intervention, and to keep apart from a contest in which they have no interest at stake. Lastly, they address the " stupid priests of Buddha," the "jugglers of Tao-se," and the other " corrupt sects," to inform them that their temples will be demolished, and their religion suppressed. Who, then, is the author of this curious proclamation? Is he a disciple of Confucius, or a member of the Chinese Union of GutzlafiF. It is impossible just now to obtain any certain information on this point, and we must re- main in a state of uncertainty as to what is meant by " other corrupt sects." All that we can ascertain is that the insurgents, with regard to certain points, are sure to keep their word ; and unless we are greatly mistaken, one of the classic " wonders " which we were taught to admire on hearsay in the days of oar childhood, is falling beneath the ham* mer of the iconoclasts. The Buddhist temples of China suffer in their turn from an eruption of the barbarians ; the rationalistic sans culottes of the Celestial Empire lay 234 THE INSURRECTION IN CHINA. their hands on the works of art which a poetic and fertile superstition raised from the earth. These glorious mon- uments, and among them the porcelain tower of Nankin, are already tottering on a base undermined by rigid re- formers. We might say that all nations throughout the world undertake to confirm this melancholy truth, that the victories of ideas are purchased by the heaviest sacri- fices — by the destruction of the most remarkable chefs d'cEUvre of the human intellect. Man knows only one method of fighting against the past, namely, by over- throwing those harmless stones that have been raised by the inspiration of the idea against which he contends. As the threats of the insurgents are likely to become matters of fact, let us cast a glance at the pagoda of Nankin — that relic of the past, whose elegant fabric will probably soon scatter its fragments over the ground. This beautiful monument has been described to us in these terms by one who has seen it with his own eyes, and touched it with his own hands : — " The tower of Nankin is the magnificent complement of the pagoda Pao-Ngan-Se. It is of an octagonal form, and not less than seventy metres* in height. At a dis- tance it appears entirely white, but on approaching it we can discern the variety of colors and gilding with which it is covered, A large pedestal of rough hewn marble is the base of the monument, round which it forms a broad landing-place, which is reached by some ten steps. The * A metre is equal to an English yard. PORCELAIN TOWER OF NANKIN. 235 large hall, which serves as the ground floor to the tem- ple, is about a dozen or fiften metres in depth, and about eight metres in height. Above this hall rise successively nine floors, each seven metres high, and separated from each other by a series of roofs or cornices, which project to the extent of a metre, and form those angles curved upwards, which characterize Chinese architecture. An incommodious staircase inside the edifice leads to its summit, and on every floor is a room of less diameter than that below it. The bulk of the monument is of common brick, and its thickness is four metres at the base, and two and a half at the summit. The outside of the walls is covered over with plates of common white porcelain, joined perfectly together. In the lower floors the porcelian is merely adorned by a few stamped orna- ments, of no great depth ; but in the upper floors are seen a number of niches, in which are placed statuettes and idols, apparently gilded. In the middle of the hall on each floor is an altar, dedicated to Buddha. The spire which surmounts the tower is ten metres high. It is composed of a strong stem, round which a broad spiral piece of iron is twisted, and terminates in a large ball, which is said to be of solid gold. The height and pecu- liar brightness of this tower cause Nankin to be recog- nized at a great distance ; and it has served as a beacon *o the first English and French ships-of-war that ascend- 1 the Yang-Tze-Kiang." When we reflect that the men who thus loudly and de- liberately proclaim their intention to attack this noble 236 THE INSURRECTION IN CHINA. work — to overthrow a monument which is famed through- out the whole world, and which generations admire by instinct — are not barbarians, reason is astounded at an- omalies presented by the human mind. Indeed, not only are the destroyers not barbarians, but there are savants among them who pride themselves on their reputation as men of taste. When, as conquerors, the rebels entered this city of Nankin, which they have probably unpoetized by the destruction of its " wonder," they wished to prove themselves worthy to inhabit the Athens of the " Flow- ery Land," and they posted on the walls of this city of art and letters a proclamation in verse to dissipate the fears of the inhabitants. This pompous production would be ridiculous enough in France, but in China it proves that the insurgents are not without tact and taste. Those who aspire to reign by their literary accomplish- ments, and to establish a court in the most learned city of the empire, are bound to prove that they themselves are learned, and can appreciate the delicacies of lan- guage and the refinements of art. Ye people, this announcement is to set your minds at rest, And hinder you from fleeing to the East and to the West. The hearths and altars of the Mings — that dynasty subHme — Have been usurped by Mantchou hordes until the present time. But now we hurl the Tartars down, and raise the Chinese throne, The greedy crew of magistrates shall perish every one. Our deeds are surely virtuous, when Heaven we obey, So do not, O ye people, to vain alarms give way. Since first our mighty force began to penetrate the land, Upon the honest citizen we ne'er have laid a hand. The ashes of our ancestors ai'e in your neighborhood, REPORTS OP CRUELTY. 237 And urged by their example we protect the just and good. Against the robbers of the place all due precautions take, And do not waste your courage for the vile oppressor's sake. At Houang-Tcheou and at Han-Yang many valiant warriors fell. Because the hardy peasants for their tyrants fought too well. But though a hundred millions should oppose us in our course, As dust by wind is scattered, we shall dissipate their force. When the Kiang-Nan and the Chang-Toung shall at last submissive be, You shall all enjoy the blessings of a long tranquillity. To these few words of warning you will now attention pay, Nor be by disobedience nor by terror led astray. We do not know any of the details connected with the taking of Nankin. The only ascertained fact is, the oc- cupation of the city. At Chang-Hai, however, some dark rumors have been spread. It is said that the in- surgents assembled together four hundred Tartar women in a public building, on the pretence of marrying them to some Chinese, and then roasted them alive by setting the building on fire. It is also affirmed that the Mantchou officials have been subjected to the most dreadful tor- tures. We doubt the truth of these reports, and think they are only calumnies invented by the mandarins, in the hope of awaking in the hearts of foreigners feelings unfavorable to the insurgents. The Imperial functionaries now remain isolated in the midst of the people ; they feel that they have lost all hold on the sympathies of the nation, and they seek to prolong their existence by means of European interven- tion. For this purpose the Tao-Tai of Chang-Hai has invented and ciroolated this proclamation ; which, it is 238 THE INSURRECTION IN CHINA. affirmed, was posted against the walls of Sou-Tcheou- Fou. " Lo, commander of the land and sea forces, and the' . . . . . I general charged with the pacification of the Eastern dis- tricts and the subjugation of the Mantchous, and Hou- ang, commissary-general and member of the council of war, publish together this proclamation : — "On the 22nd of this moon (21st March), our Em- peror established the seat of his government at Nankin, having exterminated the Mantchou robbers, without leaving so much as a dog or a fowl. The Chinese of- ficers, Lou-kien-yng (Governor of the city) and his ad- herents, having made their submission, our Emperor has not done any injury to a single individual of the people. In a few days our grand army will be at Sou-Tcheou, Soung-Kiang, Tchang-Tcheou, and Tchen-Kiang. The inhabitants of these districts should be aware that our superior officers, who are deeply versed in astrology, have ascertained that the Great Bear is now in its apo- gee over Kiang-Nan, and that the star Venus is at the altitude of Soung-Kiang The ignoble foreigners of Chang-Hai are not worthy to be regarded as men ; and it is difficult to affirm that there will be no fighting even at Chang-Hai. The inhabitants of Tchang-Tcheou and of TchaugKiang have nothing to fear; but the honest folks of Sou-Tcheou and Soung-Kiang (the districts in which Chang-Hai is situated) will retire a few hundred li into the country, if they desire to be safe. The sub- jects of the preceding dynasty are the children of the TREACHERY OF THE MANDARINS. 289 new Emperor ; we. therefore, ought to give them timely warning to take care of themselves. When our Emperor has definitely established his government, we shall pub- lish a special proclamation to recall the people to their homes, and to urge them to resume their usual occupa- tions, as well as their studies for the literary examina- tions. Let every one impress these orders on his mind. " Published in the fourth year of Tien-te, on the 24th of the third moon (2nd April)." The foreign residents, who have long been acquainted with Chinese duplicity, perceived at once that this pro- duction was a forgery, and the treacherous act did not lure them into any imprudent manifestations. The Chinese, however, are consummate masters in the Punio war of lying and slander. They spread a second net for the barbarians ; and this time obtained at least the ap- pearance of success. The mandarins are convinced that, if the Christiana remain calm spectators of the combat, the Tartar dynasty will fall. They have, therefore, long sought to compro- mise the foreigners in the eyes of the insurgents ; and now, with the aid of commercial cupidity, they have par- tially obtained their end. We have already said that Tao-Tai of Chang- Hai had enrolled under the yellow flag some lorchas of Macao, and had purchased a vessel of an American firm. This vessel is an old receiving- ship, called the Science, and belongs to the firm of Rus- sell, who have not sold but let it to the Tartar agent, at the monstrous rate of 50,000 piasters per month. When 240 THE INSURRECTION IN CHINA. this old vessel sailed up the Yang-Tze-Kiang toward Nan- ; kin, the emissaries of the Tao-Tai gave the rebels to un- derstand that the foreign residents were lending their as- sistance to the Imperial authorities. There was, at once, a great commotion in the insurgent camp ; menaces were uttered against the foreigners, and the insurgents swore they would be revenged for this abandonment of a neutral policy — the only policy suitable to foreigners. Unfortunately, an unlucky coincidence increased the fear of the insurrectionary army ; and, to a certain extent, justified its exasperation. Mr. Marshall, the American plenipotentiary, prompted by an inopportune curiosity, took it into his head to sail up the river in the Susque- hanna steamer. The rebels, perceiving the long streaks of smoke issuing from the funnel of the American steamer, fell into a violent rage ; they seized, it is said, the Gov- ernor of Nankin, whom they had spared hitherto, behead- ed him, set his head on a bamboo, and planted this hor- rible trophy on the ramparts of the city, as a bloody de- fiance to the barbarians. This crime was the only result of the unlucky expedi- tion of Colonel Marshall, who returned to Chang-Hai, saying, that he had been obliged to turn back on account of the Susquehanna drawing too much water. The for- eign residents, on receiving this intelligence, dreaded the consequences of the expedition of the Science ; but it was ascertained that this unfortunate vessel had run aground off Tchen-Kiang-Fou, and had been abandoned by the crew. BOLD UNDERTAKING OF MR. MEADOWS. 241 Under these difficult circumstances, a man of great courage and resolution offered to proceed to the camp of the insurgents, and ask the chiefs how they were disposed towards the Christian nations. Mr. Meadows, the inter- preter of the English consulate, set off alone on the 9th of April ; intending either to go to Sou-Tcheou-Fou, or by way of the Imperial canal to visit the generals of Tien-te at Nankin. This act of devotion on the part of Mr.' Meadows is one of the most interesting episodes of the insurrection. Hereafter, we shall certainly have an account of his interview with the insurgents ; but while we are awaiting the result of his courageous undertaking, we may state that there is not a man worthy of the name, who ought not to offer up prayers for the safety of the brave English interpreter. In the meanwhile great uneasiness is felt at Chang- Hai. These complications plunge the foreign residents inte a state of the most cruel difficulty ; but far from being cast down, the heroes of this industrial community unite together for the common safety, and mith that tact which is the characteristic of men of superior race, they dextrously avail themselves of every circumstance to se- cure the future safety of their little colony. For this put- pose they surround their factories with a wall of defence, around which they dig a deep moat, and mark out a line of fortification ; thus shielding the territory of the Chris- tian nations from all danger of a sudden attack. Cer- tainly, a noble spectacle is presented to the world by this little group of merchants, who isolated amid a crowd of 11 242 THE INSURRECTION IN CHINA. enemies, rely only upon their own energy to defend them- selves. Although all interest is now chiefly centred in the eastern extremity of the empire, we receive letters from Canton, Macao, and Hong-Kong, which are full of curious details. Our correspondents are unanimous in blaming the imprudent conduct of the American plenipotentiary, the speculation of the firm of Russell, and even the ex- pedition of the Portuguese mercenaries. They think that these individual acts will be productive of harm to foreigners ; and that Tien-te will be revenged on all the residents for the faults and impolitic cupidity of a few. Moreover, our correspondents, who but a few months ago described the insurrectionary movement as a mere act of bravado of no importance, have suddenly changed their opinion. Tien-te is now, in their eyes, the chief of a national revolution, which nothing can restrain. The Kouang-Si, which was supposed to have been freed from the rebels, has once more fallen into their power: and in the Kouang-Toung, the department of Kouei-Tcheou, and the city of Lei-Tcheou-Fou, opposite Hai-Nan, are occupied by their troops. While these things are going on at the gates of Canton, the populatiou of this large city loudly proclaims its sympathy with the new dynasty ; and prays with all its might for the over- throw of the Mantchous. These sentiments are so pop- ular in this province, that the magistrate of Ho-Ping- Hein, and a colonel of the Imperial troops, have been assassinated by the people, because they attempted to op- POPULARITY OF THE INSURRECTION. 243 pose the departure of a convoy with ammunition for the insurgents. In all the great cities hatred against the Tartars is openly displayed under the very eyes of the mandarins. The young men of fashion join the opposition by cutting oflF the tail, and adopting the costume of the time of the Mings. In fact, the revolutionary impetus is so strong, that even those of our friends who are least favorable to the insurgent cause, begin to regard the overthrow of the throne of Hien-foung as an established fact. CHAPTEE XYII. state of parties in China — Is Tien-te the legitimate descendant of the Mings ?- Prophetic rebuses. The preceding pages were written when the Hong Kong journals of the 22d of April reached us. One of the Anglo-Chinese papers states, that on the departure of the schooner lonia^ from Chang-Hai", on the 12th of April, there was a current report in that city that the Imperial troops had driven the insurgents out of Nankin. Notwithstanding the authority of the journal which con- tains this intelligence, we do not believe it is correct. The reasons for our disbelief are these : the number of the paper which contains the details of the defeat of Tien-te's generals, also tells us that the Tao-Tai of Chang-Hai has published a proclamation to inspire the people of his district with fresh courage. In this ojQacial document he said that General Kouan-young was at Tan- Yang, and that he expected, on the 12th of April, to fall upon the rebels, and make short work with them. On the other hand, according to the letters received from the camp of the united kings, it was asserted that RUMOR OF A DEFEAT OF THE REBELS. 246 the Tartar troops had invested the new conquest of the insurgents, and that a general action was to take place on the above date. The correspondent of the China Mail^ while furnishing us with this intelligence, explains a Chi- nese custom which does infinite honor to the chivalrous feeling of this people, but of which we did not suppose it capable. A general action does not often take place in China, excepting a rencontre has been agreed upon by the belligerent parties. Now, if the attack on Nankin took place on the 12th of April, the result of the battle could not possibly have been known on the same day at Chang-Ha'i, which is eighty leagues distant from that celebrated city. In China, electric telegraphs are not as yet known, and even carrier pigeons are not employed in the Imperial service. It is just possible that the battle may have taken place before the day in question, but even in that case we do not believe that the victory of the Imperialists has been BO complete as is asserted. The affairs of the Pretender are now in such a prosperous way, that the success of his cause has nothing to fear from the loss of a battle. It would require a series of unprecedented reverses to ruin his hopes. The insurrectionary army comprises two elements, which cannot be annihilated by the mere turn of a die ; one is the personal character of the soldiers ; the other is the spirit by which it is animated. The Tartar soldiers cannot destroy the former at a blow ; while the spirit and intelligence of the rebels make them superior to the 246 THE INSURRECTION IN CHINA. principles upon which the power of Hien-foung is based. Tien-te has recruited his partisans among the most in- trepid and turbulent population of the empire, and a con- siderable number of the officers in command are from Canton. These formed a portion, for the most part, of the intrepid and undisciplined bands which, during the opium war signalized themselves by their hatred against the " barbarians," and who once dared, almost unarmed, to attack the English soldiers in front ; rushing upon a battalion with such fury, that they forced it to form it- self into a square, and even then they precipitated them- selves on this living wall, bristling with steel, determined, if possible, to break it. But at this moment a miracle took place like those which were seen by the Homeric heroes ; a thick cloud enveloped the two armies, and the combatants, thus become invisible, ceased to destroy each other. On the following day, when the storm had passed over, the Chinese proceeded en masse towards the point which the English had occupied the evening before ; but the latter had changed their position during the night. The guerillas, therefore, finding no enemy to fight, re- mained in the full conviction that their valor had fright- ened away the English ; and, since that time they have incessantly celebrated this great feat of arms in the lan- guage of the gods, and also of the barracks. However, the chiefs have picked up some notions of the European art of war, and are perfectly capable of re- sisting, not only the best troops of the empire, but also the Tartar troops. Nor is this the only advantage on THE TRIAD SOCIETY. 247 the side of Tien-te's soldiers. Not only is their military education superior to that of the tigers^ but they have also been prepared by a gradual and somewhat traditional in- itiation, for the work they are now performing. To make ourselves understood, we must revert to the secret societies of China ; and as in such cases we prefer rely- ing on a competent authority, we borrow from the former Governor of Hong Kong, Sir John Davis, what he has written on the subject : — * '• The fraternities which are most dreaded by the Government of China, are those secret associations, un- der various names, which combine for purposes either re- ligious or political, or perhaps both together. Of the first description, the sect of the ' Water-lily ' (a sacred plant), and that of the ' Incense-burners,' are both de- nounced in the seventh section of the Shing-yu ; and with them is confounded the Roman Catholic worship, under the same prohibition. The present weak state of the Government renders it particularly jealous of all secret societies, as well as cruel and unrelenting in punishing their leaders. But the chief object of its dread and per- secution is the Triad Society, of which some description was given in 1823, by Dr. Milne. The name seems to imply that when Heaven, Earth, and Man, combine to favor them, they shall succeed in subverting the Tartar dynasty. " In October, 1828, a paper, of which the following is ♦ " The Caiinese," vol il p. 14.— J. O. 248 THE INSURRECTIOX IN CHINA. an exact translation, was found in the Protestant burial- ground at Macao, by a gentleman in the company's ser- vice, who, understanding the meaning of it, sent the pro- duction immediately to the mandarin of the district, with whom he happened to be acquainted, and who entreated that the matter might not be made public, as he should be severely punished for the mere discovery of such a seditious paper within his district : — " * Vast was the central nation — ^flourishing the heavenly dy- nasty, A thousand regions sent tribute — ten thousand nations did homage, But the Tartars obtained it by fraud, and this grudge can now be assuaged. Enlist soldiers, procure horses— display aloft the flowery stand- ard; Raise troops and seize weapons — let us exterminate the Maa- tchou race.' " Dr. Milne's account of the Triad Society^ whose na- ture and objects he took some pains to investigate, is so curious as to deserve particular notice. The name of this association means ' The society of the Three united,' that is of Heaven, Earth, and Man ; which, according to the imperfect notions and expressions of Chinese philoso^ phy, imply the three departments of nature. There is a well-known Chinese cyclopaedia, arranged under these three heads. In the reign of Kia-king, about the com mencement of the present century, the Triad Society, under another name, spread itself rapidly through the provinces, and had nearly succeeded in overturning the t THE TRIAD SOCIETY. 249 Government. In 1803 its machinations were frustrated, and the principal leaders seized and put to death ; the official reports stating to the Emperor that ' not a single member of this rebellious fraternity was left alive.' But the fact was otherwise, for they still existed, and with a view to secresy, adopted the name which they at present bear. " The objects of the association appear at first to have been allied to something like Freemasonry, and to have aimed simply at mutual aid and assistance ; but, as the numbers increased, their views degenerated from the laudable ends of reciprocal benefit to violence and rob- bery, the overthrow of government, and the acquisition of political power by the expulsion of the Tartar dynasty. In foreign countries, as at Batavia, Singapore, and Ma- lacca, the real or pretended branches of the association exist, and their objects are mutual defence, as well as plunder and other dishonesty. They engage to defend each other from the attacks of police-officers, and to as- sist members of their society in escaping from justice. If any one feels himself injured, the others take part in his quarrel, and help him to revenge himself. Still, the professed design is merely benevolent, as appears from their motto, which is a distich, with this meaning : •"The blessings mutually share, The woe reciprocally bear.' " The management of the combination is vested in three persons, who arc denominated ko, elder brethreoj 11* 260 THE INSURRECTION IN CHINA. in the same manner that Freemasons style each other ' brother.' Of their internal discipline Dr. Milne could obtain little information. The society's regulations are said to be written for greater security on cloth, which in any emergency may be thrown into a well or otherwise concealed for a time. '• The ceremony of initiation is said to take place at night. The oath of secresy is taken before an idol, and a sum of money given to support the general expense. There is likewise a ceremony called ' Kouo-Kiao,' ' pass- ing the bridge,' which bridge is formed of swords, either laid between two tables, or else set upon the hilts, and meeting at the points in the form of an arch. The per- sons who receive the oath take it under the bridge, and the yeko^ or chief brother, reads the articles of the oath, to each of which an affirmative response is given by the new member ; after which he cuts off the head of a cock, which is the usual form of a Chinese oath, intimating, ' Thus perish all who divulge the secret.' Some of the marks by which they make themselves known to each other consist of mystical numbers, of which the chief is the number three. Certain motions of the fingers consti- tute a class of signs. To discover if one of the fraternity is in company, a brother will take up a tea-cup, by its cover, in a particular way with three fingers, and this will be answered by a corresponding sign. They have a com- mon seal,* consisting of a pentagonal figure, in which * This is curiously rendered by MM. Gallery and Yvan, — " Us ont un dieu" inese) troops who attempted to defend it, and, pro- ceeding to the southern quarter, entered the inner city there situated, which in the time of the Mings was, and now is again, called the Imperial City, but which under the Ta-tsing dynasty has been occupied by the hereditary garrison of Tartar bannermen and their families.' " The strength of the paid portion of this force is stated in the ' Imperial army regulations' at 5,106 men, but it is known that, including volunteers or expectants belonging* to the families of the bannermen, the number of able- bodied men was fully 7,000 or 8,000 ; and that the total number, of all ages and both sexes, could not have been less than from 20,000 to 30,000. It was expected that these Mantchous would fight desperately in self-defence. They were well armed and trained, and they well knew that the ' Heavenly Prince' had openly declared that the first duty of his mission was the utter extermination not only of themselves, but also of their women and children ; yet they did not strike a single blow in self-defence — they threw themselves on their faces, and imploring mercy in the most abject terms, submitted to be butchered like 60 many sheep. Only 100 escaped out of a population 296 THE INSURRECTION IN CHINA. of more than 20,000 ; the rest, men, women, and children, were put to the sword. " On the 31st of March, early in the morning, the in- surgent fleet of river-craft sent down from Nankin ap- proached Chin-kiang. Only the Macao lorchas despatched up the river by the Shanghai intendant attempted resist- ance, the rest of the Imperial fleet flying in dismay at the sight of the enormous number of vessels moving against them. The lorchas were also soon forced to re- treat, and were pursued as far as Silver Island. From this the insurgents returned to Chin-kiang, which they occupied unresisted, the garrison, among them 400 North- ern Mantchous, having fled without firing a shot. The families of the resident Tartars, warned by the fate of their compatriots at Nankin, all evacuated the place to the number of 20,000 ; only a few hundreds were caught and slain in the surrounding villages. On the following day, the 1st of April, the insurgents occupied Kwa-chow and the large city of Yang-chow on the northern bank of the Yang-tze, in like manner, without resistance. A long battery of three miles of guns that lined the river bank fell into their hands. Not one had been discharged against them. " The son of the Taoutie at Shanghai is at Canton or- ganizing a fleet of armed fishing boats, with which to pro- ceed to the Yang-tse-kiang to attempt the recovery of Chin-kiang-foo and the possession of the grand canal. A considerable force of Imperialist troops is collecting be- tween Shanghai and Nankin, and some have been dressed and equipped like our sepoys, in order to impress the in- surgents with the belief that the English are supporting the Mantchous." POSTSCRIPT. 897 The North China Herald gives the following account of the state of affairs in the Northern capital : — " The exhausted state of the Imperialist military chest is fully confirmed by the edicts and memorials of the PeJcin Gazettes^ and by private letters from Pekin. A memorial of one of the boards states that upwards of 20,000.000 of taels of silver have been expended in these military operations ; and we know that before they com- menced the State funds had not recovered from the drain caused by the English indemnity. The Central Govern- ment has now been compelled to pay in notes, which, as they represent nothing but the emptiness of the Imperial Treasury, have no value in the market. In consequence of their issue, about 100 of the private banking establish- ments, whose notes (for sums as low as 100 cash) form the circulating medium in Pekin, closed in a single day, causing immediate embarrassment and distress among the lower classes, whose position had already become straitened from the high price of grain. '• Our readers are aware that the population of Pekin (comprising a paid stationary garrison of about 100,000 Mantchous and their families) are mainly dependent on the supplies sent annually from the fertile low lands on both sides of the Yang-tse ; as far as the Yellow River on the North, and the Bay of Hangchow on the South. These supplies used to be despatched by the Grand Canal in the months of March, April, and May, being in each case the contributions from the crops of the preceding year. During the last two or three years a portion has been sent by sea, and last year a thousand junks cleared seaward from the port of Shang-Hai. This year none has been sent by canal, and the whole supply furnished by the above-mentioned region was that contained in some 13» 298 THE INSURRECTION IN CHINA. 200 vessels, which left this port about a month ago, form- ing probably not one fifteenth of what will be required. " We have noticed above the extreme pressure for money at Pekin. It appears, from the Gazettes^ to be driving the Government to perfectly suicidal measures. The properties of the former minister, Sae-shang-ah, and of the Imperial Commissioner Seu-kwang-tsin, have been confiscated — their sons, mandarins in Pekin, previously degraded and thrown into prison to prevent their ab- stracting any portion. As both of these ofl&cers had been brought prisoners to Pekin, and the former had been al- ready tried and condemned to death for inefl&ciency, these proceedings had in them nothing unusual. But the same fate has befallen the property and family of Luh-keen- yiug, who fell at his post in Nankin. The death of an officer at his post, by the hand of the enemy, has hitherto been held to obliterate all faults. The rule has been to confer posthumous honors on the deceased, and rewards on his family. Now unsuccessful devotion has been visited in the same manner as early and flp^rant derelic- tion of duty. Besides the above transpcdon, heavy loans have been exacted from some wealtliy families, those of Muh-chang-ah, Keying, and other former ministers, amounting to a partial confiscation of their property. The Times correspondent at Hong Kong, writes on the 7th July :— " The main body of the insurgents still remain at Nan- kin, Chin-kiang-foo, and on the northern banks of the Yang-tse-Kiang. They had taken Tai-piang-foo, a city of great strength to the westward of Nankin. No move- ment had been made northward, or in the direction of Soochow and Shanghai. The Imperial foreign fleet had returned to Woosung. POSTSCRIPT. 299 '• Mr. Taylor, the American missionary, had returned to Shanghai from visiting the insurgent General Loo at Chin-kiang-foo, who forwarded him on to Nankin on his expressing a wish to go there. The tents of the Impe- rial troops were distinctly seen from the walls of that city. " From all communication hitherto held with the in- surgents they seem friendly to foreigners." " The following is a letter addressed by General Loo to foreigners, and given to Mr. Taylor : — " ' Loo, the Fifth Arranger of the Forces attached to the palace of the celestial dynasty of Tai-ping who re- ceived the command of Heaven to rule the empire, com- municates the following information to all his English brethren : — On the first day of the fifth moon (June the 5th) a brother belonging to your honorable nation, named Charles Taylor, brought hither a number of books, which have been received in order. Seeing that the above-named individual is a fellow-worshipper of God (Shang-te), he is, therefore, acknowledged as a brother ; the books, likewise, which he has brought agree substan- tially with our own, so that it appears we follow one and the same road. Formerly, however, when a ship belong- ing to your honorable nation came hither (the Hermes), she was followed by a fleet of impish vessels belonging to the false Tartars : now, also, when a boat from your hon- orable nation comes among us, the impish vessels of the Tartars again follow in its wake. Considering that your honorable jiation is celebrated for its truth and fidelity, we, your younger brothers, do not harbor any suspicions. At present both Heaven and men favor our design, and this is just the time for setting up the Chinese and abolishing the Tartar rule. We suppose that you, gentle- 800 TUB INSURRECTION IN CHINA. men, are well acquainted with the signs of the times, so that we need not enlarge on that subject ; but, while we, on our parts, do not prohibit commercial intercourse, we merely observe that since the two parties are now engaged in warfare, the going to and fro is accompanied with incon- venience ; and judging from the present aspect of aflfairs, we should deem it better to wait a few months until we have thoroughly destroyed the Tartars, when, perhaps, the subjects of your honorable nation could go and come without being involved in the tricks of these false Tar- tars. Would it not in your estimation also be preferable ? We take advantage of the opportunity to send you this communication for your intelligent inspection, and hope that every blessing may attend you. We also send a number of our own books, which please to circulate among you." " Our dates from Foo-chow-foo reach to the 24th ult. The city of Yan-ping-foo, not far distant, had been be- sieged and was supposed to have fallen, and all communica- tion with the interior was stopped by the rebels. Great commotion exists at Foo-chow-foo, which seemed ready for an outbreak ; but the Tartar garrison were deter- mined to make a stand on the approach of the rebel force. The inhabitants continued to move from the city with their property. A timely supply of rice from For- mosa had relieved the distress. " Our advices from Amoy are to the 2d inst. The Imperialists still held Chang-chow and Tang-wa, where there had been constant fighting, with much slaughter. The insurgents held Amoy, and continued to extort money from the native merchants. Trade was entirely stopped. "At Canton good order is still maintained by the POSTSCRIPT. 301 vigilance and stringent measures of the authorities. Re- cent accounts from the interior mention that a large rebel force had moved into Kiang-tsi, and were pushing their way fast to the south. This would cause interrup- tion to transit from the tea districts, if confirmed." HISTORICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL WORKS, PUBLISHED BY HARPER 202 Main Library LOAN PERIOD 1 HOME USE 2 3 4 5 6 ALL BOOKS MAY BE RECALLED AFTER 7 DAYS 1 -month loans may be renewed by calling 642-3405 6-month loans may be recharged by bringing books to Circulation Desk Renewals and recharges may be made 4 days prior to due date DUE AS STAMPED BELOW KBiPlB-NIG 6 ttC CIK. MAR 8 '? 497»- M AYl V 199 RECMOFFin MftV23'91 RfciCeiVE > BY MAY ^P 199! CI8CUUTIOM DEPT. DEC 16 19^2 r ^ Xk^ AUrODi JUN 1 6 1995 - - UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, BERKELEY FORM NO. DD6, 40m, 3/78 BERKELEY, CA 94720 ®s ^/^j/3 •?^\riv H • •*• UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA UBRARY