REVISED AND ILLUSTRATED, 19 id \ I ^ \\ ^ -yt- 1.<34/' ( # / THE AMERICAN STANDARD OF PERFECTION ILLUSTRATED A COMPLETE DESCRIPTION OF ALL RECOGNIZED VARIETIES OF FOWLS AS REVISED BY THE AMERICAN POULTRY ASSOCIATION AT ITS THIRTY-FOURTH ANNUAL MEETING AT NIAGARA FALLS NEW YORK, NINETEEN HUNDRED NINE, AND AT ITS THIRTY-FIFTH ANNUAL MEETING AT ST. LOUIS MISSOURI, NINETEEN HUNDRED TEN PRINTED AND PUBLISHED BY THE AMERICAN POULTRY ASSOCIATION 1910 TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: The public is expressly forbidden, on penalty of the law, to reproduce, duplicate, copy, seek to imitate or to make any other improper use of any of the illustrations contained in this book, all of which are the exclusive property of The American Poultry As- sociation, and protected by copyright in the United States, England and Canada. Permission to make quotations from the text of this book is granted, provided such quotations are disconnected, few in number, and are used solely for the dissemination of knowledge; but these quotations must not be used to an extent nor in a manner that will injure the sale of this work, nor may they be used for ad- vertising purposes, as in circulars, catalogues, etc. Notice is hereby given that any infringement of the copyright on the con- tents of this book will result in immediate prosecution. THE AMERICAN POULTRY ASSOCIATION. Copyright, 1910, by THE AMERICAN POULTRY ASSOCIATION ALL RIGHTS RESERVED INTRODUCTION. THE AMERICAN POULTRY ASSOCIATION was organized at a meeting held in the city of Buffalo, New York, February 15, 1873. The attendance was composed principally of delegates from state and county associations, prominent breeders and fanciers from different parts of the United States and Canada, and other interested persons. The object was to formulate and adopt a standard of excellence to be used exclusively by associa- tions in awarding prizes on exhibition poultry. A constitution and by-laws were adopted, and a complete standard was made for all the then-recognized varieties of domestic and ornamental fowls. Mr. W. H. Churchman, of Wilmington, Delaware, was the first president, and Mr. J. M. Wade, of Philadelphia, Pennsyl- vania, the first secretary. Provision was made for annual meet- ings, at which changes could be made in the adopted standard, and matters of national importance concerning the poultry interest might be considered and acted on. Nearly every large city and poultry center of importance has been visited in turn by these annual meetings. The work of standard making was so well done in the beginning that but few changes, and those of minor importance, have been found necessary. New breeds and varieties have been added; but the policy has been, and is, to admit only such as have become well established, and that clearly are entitled to the distinctive term, " standard-bred. " The first edition of the STANDARD was printed and issued to the public in February, 1874. It has been followed by others containing such changes and additions as have been made from time to time by authority of The American Poultry Association. THE AMERICAN STANDARD OF PERFECTION, as now given to the 3 4 AMERICAN POULTRY ASSOCIATION poultry world, contains all changes in and additions to the con- stitution and by-laws, and the text of the STANDARD, as authorized to the present time. The first illustrated revision was begun by the appointment of an Editorial Committee at Chicago, Janu- ary, 1901, and the appointment of a Committee on Illustrated Standard, at Buffalo, in October, 1901. At Cleveland, Decem- ber, 1902, these two committees were merged and the number of members increased to fifteen. Several weeks were devoted to the work of carefully revising the description of every variety. The proposed changes and additions were fully considered, and there was much discussion in the poultry press. Prominent fanciers and breeders, representatives of specialty clubs and foremost poultry artists were called to the assistance of the Com- mittee on Revision. The committee's completed report was presented at the twenty-eighth annual meeting of The American Poultry Association, held at Rochester, New York, February 2, 1904. After four days of earnest consideration, resulting in further amendment, it was adopted by unanimous vote, and ordered published in book form as herewith presented. The descriptions and illustrations now published in this latest revised edition of THE AMERICAN STANDARD or PERFECTION are those agreed upon by the high authorities consulted, as cor- rect representations of ideal specimens. In the conception and formation of these ideals, the artistic in form and color, and the possibilities of nature, were the guides, while beauty and utility are the results sought to be obtained. With this brief foreword of explanation, the present edition is offered to the public, in the interests of poultry culture. INTRODUCTION TO THE 1910 REVISION. THE constitution of The American Poultry Association provides that "A. general revision of THE AMERICAN STANDARD OF PERFECTION shall take place once in five years and not oftener" (Article X, Section 1, Constitution). In pursuance of such purpose the Association at its thirty-third annual meeting at Niagara Falls, New York, August 11, 1908, by resolution appointed a committee, to be known as the Revision Committee for 1910. The committee was empowered to revise and change such of the text and illustra- tions contained in the STANDARD of 1905 as it wished to recom- mend in the form of a report. A general invitation was extended through the poultry press by the president of The American Poultry Association to every fancier, who had bought a copy of the STANDARD OF PER- FECTION, to offer criticisms and suggestions. The secretary- treasurer mailed to all members of the Association, including life, annual, associate, club and society members, letters asking each member to offer criticisms and suggestions as to both the text and illustration of the then present STANDARD OF PERFECTION for incorporation in the new revision of the STANDARD. A vast amount of useful and helpful material was in this way furnished the committee, which at a meeting in Chicago, Illinois, April 6-21, 1909, and at Niagara Falls, August 9-10, 1909, carefully con- sidered every proposed change, omission and addition. The decisions arrived at were embodied in a report to the Association at its thirty-fourth annual meeting, August 10-12, at Niagara Falls, New York. All members had been given notice by mail ninety days before the meeting, of the proposed changes. The report of the committee was taken up in detail by the Association and, after amendment and correction, was adopted as herein pub- 5 6 AMERICAN POULTRY ASSOCIATION lished. The illustrations were presented to the thirty-fifth annual meeting of the Association at St. Louis, Missouri, August 15-20, 1910. After alterations, under the direction of special committees of experts, were made, the illustrations were approved by vote of the Association. As the constitution and by-laws of The American Poultry Association are liable to be amended and changed at each meet- ing and the general revision of the STANDARD cannot be made oftener than once in five years, the Association has deemed it wise that the constitution and by-laws shall not be printed in the STANDARD, except the article providing for the adoption of new breeds and the article providing for American Poultry Show rules. These two articles will be found herein. TO THE POULTRY ASSOCIATIONS OF AMERICA. RECOGNIZING your loyalty to The American Poultry Asso- ciation, and believing that a few general rules will be bene- ficial in conducting poultry exhibitions at which THE AMERICAN STANDARD OF PERFECTION is advertised to govern the placing of the awards, we submit the following, with the request that the same importance be attached to them as to other parts of the STANDARD : Poultry associations at whose exhibitions THE AMERICAN STANDARD OF PERFECTION is used, are requested to give preference to judges who are members of The American Poultry Associa- tion. Judges who are members of this organization are accredited thereby, to the extent of being in good standing, and it is reason- able to conclude that they will apply properly the law of the Association as contained in its STANDARD. Judges employed by you should be required to follow and apply the STANDARD literally, carefully considering each section of every specimen, according to the scale of points provided for the several breeds. No section is to be ignored. Each section is regarded as important by The American Poultry Association, and should a judge pass a specimen without considering all points, the exhibitor shall be allowed the privilege of protesting the deci- sion, and such protest is to be entertained and properly disposed of by the local association. Protests are to be entertained by local associations only in cases of apparent dishonesty, ignorance or carelessness on the part of the judge. In scoring the specimens in dispute, the judge, together with the president and secretary of the local association (or representatives appointed by the management of the local association), shall constitute a committee of three, and the major- 7 8 AMERICAN POULTRY ASSOCIATION iiy decision of this committee shall be final. Score cards made out by the judge in deciding protested awards are to be retained by the local association. When protests are entertained, where the judging has been done by score card, the specimens under dispute shall be re- scored by the judge, he to act as a member of the committee of three, as provided, the re-scoring to be done in the presence of the other two members of the committee on protests. Protests are not to be entertained except when made in writ- ing, and the person making same shall deposit with the secretary of the local association the sum of five dollars, this money to be returned to the person making the protest if his protest be sus- tained; if protest be not sustained, the deposit becomes the property of the local association. A uniform style of score card is recommended, with a view to having all associations use the same scale of points, and thus assist in making the work of the judges more accurate and uni- form. The form of score card printed in this book is used and recommended by a large majority of the leading judges. It is not copyrighted, and local associations are requested to use it, each card to bear these words : " OFFICIAL SCORE CARD OF THE AMERICAN POULTRY ASSOCIATION." Special consideration is to be given the matter of STANDARD weights and proper size at score-card shows and at comparison shows, respectively. Each specimen at all score-card shows shall be correctly weighed, regardless of circumstances. The practice of allowing a few ounces is expressly forbidden, inas- much as it works great injustice. It has a harmful influence on the judge, the exhibitor, the local association and the industry at large, and many times deprives prudent and worthy fanciers of prizes rightfully due them. Any exhibitor found guilty of faking, or of showing borrowed birds, shall be debarred from competition and shall forfeit any prize or prizes that may have been awarded him. STANDARD OF PERFECTION 9 It is respectfully recommended that local associations, specialty clubs, and other organizations, advertise in their premium lists and otherwise that their exhibitions will be conducted under the rules of The American Poultry Association, and that the in- structions to judges, general disqualifications, and other provi- sions and requirements of THE AMERICAN STANDARD OF PERFEC- TION shall govern. Fraternally, THE AMERICAN POULTRY ASSOCIATION. CONTENTS A PAGE Admission of new breeds 328 American class 36 ANCONAS, shape 160 Color 161 ANDALUSIANS, Blue, shape 157 Color 158 Asiatic class 104 B BANTAMS, Bearded White Polish 276 Black-Breasted Red Malay, shape and color 248 Black Cochin, illustrated 266, 267 Black Japanese 271 Black-Tailed Japanese 270 Black-Tailed Japanese, illustrated 272, 273 Booted White, shape 261 Booted White, color 262 Brahma, shape and color 263 Buff Cochin, illustrated 264, 265 Buff-Laced Polish 276 Cochin, shape and color 268 Game, shape and color 231 Golden Sebright 253 Japanese, shape 269 Non-Bearded Polish varieties 277 Ornamental 250 Polish, shape ; 274 Rose-Comb, shape 257 Rose-Comb, Black 260 Rose-Comb Black, illustrated 258, 259 Rose-Comb, White 260 Sebright, shape 252 Silver Sebright 256 Silver Sebright, illustrated 354, 255 White Japanese 271 10 STANDARD OF PERFECTION 11 PAGE BBAHMAS, shape 105 Light 107 Light, illustrated 108, 109 Dark 110 Dark, illustrated 112, 113 BUCKEYES, shape 100 Color 101 Illustrated 102, 103 c CLASS, American 36 Asiatic 104 Ducks 295 English 163 French 205 Games and Game Bantams 215 Geese 315 Hamburgs 192 Mediterranean , 131 Miscellaneous 278 Orientals 232 Ornamental Bantams 249 Polish 180 Turkeys 285 COCHINS, shape 115 Black 125 Buff 118 Buff, illustrated 120, 121 Partridge 119 Partridge, illustrated 122, 123 White 125 Comparison system, in applying the 31 Constitution 328 Contents 10 CORNISH 233 Dark 235 Dark, illustrated 236, 237 White 238 White-laced, Red 239 White-laced, Red, illustrated 240, 241 CREVECOEURS, shape 211 Color 212 Cutting for defects 33 12 AMERICAN POULTRY ASSOCIATION D PAGE Description of breeds 36 Diagram of fowl 17 Disqualifications, general 32 DOMINIQUES, shape 92 Dominiques, illustrated ... 93a, 936 Color 93 DORKINGS, shape 164 Colored 167 Silver Gray 166 Silver Gray, illustrated 168, 169 White 165 Duck class 295 DUCKS, Aylesbury, shape and color 297 Black East India, shape and color 307 Blue Swedish, shape 314 Blue Swedish, color 314 Call, shape 305 Cayuga, shape and color 304 Colored Muscovy 309 Crested White, shape 307 Crested White, color 308 Gray Call 305 Indian Runner, shape and color 310, 311 Indian Runner, illustrated 312, 313 Muscovy, shape 309 Pekin, shape 297 Pekin, color 297 Pekin, illustrated 298, 299 Rouen, shape 300 Rouen, color 301 Rouen, illustrated 302, 303 White Call 306 White Muscovy 310 E English class 163 F French class 205 Frizzles 284 G Game and Game Bantam class 215 Game Bantams 231 STANDARD OF PERFECTION 13 PAGE GAMES 216 Shape 216 Birchen 226 Black 230 Black-Breasted Red 218 Black-Breasted Red, Illustrated 220, 221 Brown Red 219 Golden Duckwing 222 Red Pyle 227 Red Pyle, illustrated 228, 229 Silver Duckwing 223 Silver Duckwing, illustrated 224, 225 White 230 Geese class 315 GEESE, African, shape and color 321 Brown Chinese, color 322 Chinese, shape 322 Egyptian, shape and color 326 Embden, shape and color 320 Toulouse, shape and color 317 Toulouse, illustrated 318, 319 White Chinese, color 323 White Chinese, illustrated 324, 325 Wild or Canadian, shape f nd color 323 General disqualifications 32 Glossary of technical terms 18 H Hamburgs class 192 HAMBURGS, shape 193 Black 204 Golden Penciled 197 Golden Penciled illustrated 200, 201 Golden Spangle* i 194 Silver Penciled 203 Silver Spangled 196 Silver Spangle/1, illustrated 198, 199 White 204 HOUDANS, shape , 206 Color 207 Illustrated.. ..208. 209 14 AMERICAN POULTRY ASSOCIATION I PAGE Instructions to judges 29 Introduction 3 J JAVAS, shape 88 Black 89 Black, illustrated 90, 91 Mottled . ^ 92 Judges, instructions to 29 L LA FLECHE, shape 213 Color 214 LANGSHANS, shape 126 Black 130 Black, illustrated 128, 129 White 130 LEGHORNS, shape 132 Black 143 Brown 134 Brown, illustrated 136, 137 Buff 142 Buff, illustrated 144, 145 Silver 146 White 134 White, Single-Comb, illustrated 138, 139 White, Rose-Comb, illustrated 140, 141 M MALAYS, Black-Breasted Red 245 Shape 245 Color 247 Mediterranean class 131 MINORCAS, shape 148 Black 152 Black, illustrated 150, 151 White 152 Miscellaneous class 278 N Nomenclature 17 New Breeds, admission of 328 15 PAGE Official score card 28 Oriental class 232 Ornamental Bantam class 249 ORPINGTONS, shape 174 Buff 176 Buff, illustrated 178, 179 Black 177 White. . 177 PLYMOUTH ROCKS, shape 38 Barred 39 Barred, illustrated 40, 41 Buff 43 Buff, illustrated 46, 47 Columbian 56 Columbian, illustrated 58, 59 Partridge 52 Partridge, illustrated 54, 55 Silver Penciled 48 Silver Penciled, illustrated .>0, 51 White 42 White, illustrated 44, 45 Polish class 180 POLISH, shape 181 Bearded Golden 183 Bearded Silver 186 Bearded Silver, illustrated 188, 189 Bearded White 187 Buff Laced 190 Non-Bearded varieties 191 White-Crested Black 182 White-Crested Black, illustrated 184, 185 R REDCAPS, shape 171 Color 172 RHODE ISLAND REDS, shape 94 Color 96 Illustrated 98. 99 16 AMERICAN POULTRY ASSOCIATION S PAGE Score card, official 28 Show-Rules 329 SILKIES, shape 279 Color 281 SPANISH, White-Faced Black, shape 153 Color 156 Illustrated 154, 155 SULTANS, shape 282 Color 283 SUMATRAS, Black, shape 243 Color 244 T To the Poultry Associations of America 7 Turkey class 285 TURKEYS, shape 286 Black 292 Bourbon Red 294 Bronze 287 Bronze, illustrated 288, 289 Buff 293 Narragansett 290 Slate 293 White Holland 292 W WYANDOTTES, shape 61 Black 70 Buff 71 Buff, illustrated 74, 75 Columbian 84 Columbian, illustrated 86, 87 Golden 66 Golden, illustrated 68, 69 Partridge 76 Partridge, illustrated 78, 79 Silver 62 Silver, illustrated 64, 65 Silver Penciled 80 Silver Penciled, illustrated 82, 83 White 70 White, illustrated 72, 73 Beak. 1 Comb. -2 Face. 3 Wattles. 4 Ear-lobe. 5 Hackle. 6 Breast. 7 Back. 8 Saddle. NOMENCLATURE DIAGRAM OF FOWL 9 Saddle feathers. 10 Sickles. 11 Lesser sickles. 12 Tail-coverts. 13, 13 Main tail feathers. 14 Wing-bow. 15 Wing-coverts, forming wing-bar. 16 Secondaries, wing-bay. 17 Primaries, or flight feathers. 17 18 Flight-coverts. 19 Fluff. 20 Body. 21 Thigh. 22, 22 Knee-joints. 23, 23 Shanks. 24 Spur. 25, 25 Toes, or claws. GLOSSARY OF TECHNICAL TERMS. jW^l^l^g^W 5^ \\\i.-v,,. . -; BARRING : Bars or stripes extending across a feather at right angles to its length, or nearly so. (See Figs. 1, 2 and 3.) BEARD: In chickens, a group of feathers pendent from the throat, as in Houdans and Polish. In turkeys, a tuft of coarse, bristly hairs, four to six inches long, projecting from upper part of breast of mature males. BEAN: A hard, bean-shaped protuberance growing at tip of the upper mandible of a water fowl. (See Fig. 4.) BEAK: The projecting mouth parts of chickens and tur- keys, consisting of upper and lower mandibles. BILL: The projecting mouth parts of water fowl, con- sisting of upper and lower mandibles. (See Fig. 4.) BLADE: The rear part of a single comb, back of the last well-defined point, usually extending beyond the crown of the head . (See Fig. 5.) BRASSINESS : Having the color of brass ; yellowish. BREED: A race of fowls, the mem- bers of which maintain distinctive shape characteristics that they possess in common. Breed is a broader term than variety. Breed includes varieties, as, for example, the Barred, White and Buff va- rieties of the Plymouth Rock breed. BROOD: All the young birds hatched or cared for at one time by one mother, or in one brooder. CAPE: The short feathers on the back, underneath the hackle, shaped like a cape. CARRIAGE: The attitude, bearing or style of a bird. CARUNCLES: Small fleshy protuberances, as on the head of a turkey. CARUNCULATED : Having caruncles. CAVERNOUS: Applied to the hollow protruding nostrils of the crested breeds. CHICKS: The young of the domestic hen, properly * applied until the sex can be distinguished; sometimes used to designate specimens less than one year old. 18 Fig. 1. Barred Feather, Fe- male (ideal). Fig. 2. Barred Hackle Feather, Male (ideal). STANDARD OF PERFECTION 19 CHICKENS: Specifically, the young of the domestic hen prior to the de- velopment of adult plumage; used as a general term to designate all domestic fowls, except turkeys, ducks, geese, pea -fowl and guinea-fowl. COCK: A male fowl one year old and over. COCKEREL: A male fowl less than one year old. COMB : The fleshy protuberance growing on the top of a fowl's head. The standard varieties of combs are: Single, rose, pea, v-shaped and strawberry, all others being modifications of these. (See diagram of fowl; also Figs. 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10.) CONDITION: The state of a fowl as regards health, cleanli- ness and order of plumage. COVERTS: See tail, flight and wing-coverts. CREAMINESS: Having the color of cream; light yellow. CREST: A crown or tuft of feathers on the head of a fowl. (See Fig. 9.) CROP: The receptacle in which a fowl's food is accum- ulated before it passes into the gizzard. CUSHION: The mass of feathers at rear of back of a fowl, partly covering the tail; well-developed in Cochin females. Pencmn^Pandlel DAW: The pinkish-yellow color found in eyes of the Form (ideal). Oriental and some other varieties of Games. DEWLAP : A pendulous skin developed under the throat. DISQUALIFICATION: A deformity or serious defect that renders a fowl un- worthy to win a prize. DISQUALIFIED: Applied to a fowl that is unworthy to win a prize. DOWN: The first hairy covering of chicks; also the tiny tufts of hair-like growth that sometimes are found on the shanks, toes or feet of fowls. (Note: If quill and web are discernible to the eye, it is a feather.) DRAKE: A male of the duck family. DUBBING : Cutting off the comb, wattles and ear-lobes, so as to leave the head smooth. DUCK: A female of the duck family, as dis- tinguished from the drake, or male. DUCKLING : The young of the duck family, in the downy stage of plumage prior to the development of feathers. DUCK-FOOTED: The hind toe carried forward. (See Fig. 11.) EAR-LOBES: The folds of bare skin just below the ears, sometimes called "deaf-ears." Ear-lobes vary in color in different breeds, being red, Fig. 4. Head of a Duck (ideal): A, Bill Bean. B, 20 AMERICAN POULTRY ASSOCIATION 2 Fig. 5. A type of Single Comb (ideal) : 1, Base; 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, Points; 3, Blade. For other types see Plymouth Rocks, Minorcas, Javas, etc. Fig. 7. Pea Comb, Profile (ideal). Fig. 9. Sultan Head, Male (ideal): 1, 1, V-Shaped Comb; 2, Crest; 3, 3, Muffs; 4, Beard. Fig. 6. A type of Rose Comb (ideal): 1, Base; 2, Rounded Points; 3, Spike. See Diagram of Fowl, page 15, for Ideal Wyandotte Comb. Fig. 8. Pea Comb, Quartering View (ideal). Fig. 10. Strawberry Comb (ideal). 21 Fig 11.. Duck-Footed (a defect). white, purple, crearu, etc.; they also vary greatly in size. (See dia- gram of fowl.) FACE: The bare skin on the head of a fowl around and below the eyes. (See diagram of fowl.) FAKING: Removing, or attempting to remove, foreign color in face or ear- lobes when it is a disqualification; removing one or more side sprigs, or trimming a comb in any manner, except the dubbing of Games; arti- ficial coloring of any feather; splicing feathers; injury to plumage of any fowl entered by another exhibitor; plugging up holes on legs of smooth-legged varieties where feathers or stubs disqualify; staining of legs; in fact, any self-evident attempt on the part of an exhibitor to deceive the judge and thus obtain an unfair advan- tage in competition. FEATHER: A growth formed of a dis- cernible quill and a vane (called web) upon each side of it. (Note: If the quill is not discern- ible to the eye, it is down.) FLIGHTS: The primary feathers of the wing, used in flying, but folded up out of sight, or nearly so, when the fowl is at rest. FLIGHT-COVERTS: The short, moderately-stiff feathers located at the base of the wing primaries, or flight feathers, and partly covering their quills. FLUFF: The soft feathers about thighs and posterior part of a fowl ; also the soft, downy under-part of a feather. (See diagram of fowl ; also Fig. 19.) FROSTING: A marginal edging or tracing of color on feathers of laced, spangled and penciled varieties. (See Fig. 13.) FURNISHED: Applicable to a cockerel with fully-developed comb, hackle, saddle, tail, etc. GILLS: A term that is applied to the wattles. (See "Wattles.") GiPSY COLOR: Dark purple, ap- proaching black. HACKLE: The neck plumage of either sex, formed of the hackle feathers. (See diagram of fowl.) HACKLE FEATHERS: The long, narrow feathers growing on the neck of a fowl, either sex. (See Figs. 2 and 14.) HANGERS: A term sometimes applied to the lesser sickles and tail-coverts. (See diagram of fowl.) HEN-FEATHERED: A male bird that Fig. 12. Laced Feather (ideal). Fig. ia Froeting (a defect). 24 AMERICAN POULTRY ASSOCIATION resembles a hen, owing to the absence of sickles, pointed hackle feathers, etc., is said to be "hen-feathered." HOCK: See "Knee- Joint." (Also diagram of fowl.) JAW: The base of the upper and lower man- dibles. KNEE-JOINT: The joint between the thigh and shank. . KNOCK-KNEED: A deformity in which the legs come too near together at the knee-joints and are bent outward, laterally, below the knees. LACED, LACING: A feather edged or bordered with a band of color differing from the body color of feather. (See Fig. 12.) LEAF COMB: A combination of two small single combs, having serrated, leaf-liKe edges; the original Houdan comb, now replaced in America by the v-shaped comb. (See Fig. 9.) LEG: Includes thigh and shank. LEG FEATHERS: Feathers grow- ing on the outer side of the shank, as in Asiatics. (See Fig. 28.) LOPPED COMB: A comb falling over to one side. To disqualify (see "General Disqualifications"), in a single comb, some portion must fall below the horizontal plane where the comb begins to lop; in the rose or pea comb varieties it must lop over (a defect )- far enough to come in contact with one side of the fowl's head. (See Figs. 15 and 27.) LESSER SICKLES: (See "Sickles.") MEALY: Having the appearance of being sprinkled with meal. Applied to buff varieties where the ground color is stippled with a lighter color. (See "Stip- ple"; also Fig. 16.) MOSSY: Irregular, dark penciling appearing in centers of laced feathers and destroying the desirable con- trast of color. (See Fig. 17.) MOTTLED: Plumage marked on the surface with spots of different colors or shades of color. MUFFS I The cluster of feathers covering the sides of the Fig. 14. Striped Feather (ideal). -_ Lopped Rose Comb STANDARD OF PERFECTION Fig. 17. Mossy (a defect). face below the eyes, extending from the beard to the ear-lobes and found only on bearded varieties. (See Fig. 9.) OBTUSE ANGLE: An angle greater than a right-angle, i.e., one containing more than 90 degrees. PARTI-COLORED : Feathers or fowls having two or more colors. PEA COMB: A triple comb, of medium length, resem- bling three straight, single combs placed parallel with one another, and joined at base and rear, each having short but distinctly-divided serrations, the serrations of the two outer rows being lower and smaller than those of the middle row, and those of each row being larger and somewhat thicker midway of the comb than at front and rear. (See Figs. 7 and 8.) PEN: A male and four females. ^PENCILING: Small markings or stripes on a feather. They may run straight across, as in the penciled Hamburgs, in which case they frequently are called bars, or may follow the out- line of a feather, taking a crescentic form, as in the Dark Brahmas, Partridge Cochins, etc. (See Figs. 3 and 18.) PEPPERED, PEPPERING: Sprinkled with gray or black. (See "Mealy.") PLUMAGE: The feathers of a fowl. POULT: The young of the domestic turkey, properly applied until the sex can be distinguished, when they become cockerels and pullets. POULTRY : Domestic fowls reared for exhibition, for the table, or for their eggs or feathers. PRIMARIES: The flight feathers of the wing, hidden, or nearly so, when the wing is closed. PROFILE: A direct side view of a fowl, applied both to live specimens and to illustrations. ' PULLET: A female fowl less than one year old. QUILL: The hollow, horny, basal part or stem of a feather. (See "Shaft"; also Fig. 19.) 4 ROSE COMB: A low, thick, solid comb, the upper surface 5 fc of which should be covered with small, rounded J points. This comb terminates in a well-developed g,^ spike, which may turn ipward, as in Hamburgs, be YIK. 19. fig. 18. Penciling. Crescentic Form (ideal). AMERICAN POULTRY ASSOCIATION Pig. 20. One Form of Shafting (a defect). nearly level, as in the Rose-Comb Leghorns, or turn downward, as in the Wyandottes. (See Figs. 6 and 15; also diagram of fowl, page lo, for ideal Wyandotte comb.) .ROOSTER: A term commonly applied to a cockerel or cock, but not used by fanciers. SADDLE: The rear part of the back of a male bird, extending to the tail and covered by the saddle feathers. (See diagram of fowl.) SADDLE FEATHERS : The feathers growing out of the saddle. (See diagram of fowl.) SADDLE HACKLES: The long, narrow, pointed feathers growing from a male bird's saddle and drooping at the sides. SCALY LEGS: A fowl's legs having an incrustation or deposit upon and beneath the scales. SECONDARIES : The long quill feathers that grow on the second joint or fore-arm of a fowl's wing, vis- ible when the wing is folded. With the prima- ries, they constitute the main feathers of the wing. (See diagram of fowl.) SOLID COLOR, SELF-COLOR: A uniform color, unmixed with any other. SERRATED : Notched along the edge like a saw. SERRATION: One of the projections of a serrate formation, as a serrated comb. SHAFT: The stem of a feather, especially the part filled with pith which bears the barbs. (See Figs. 19 and 20.) SHAFTING : The shaft of the plume portion of the feather being lighter or darker in color than the web of the feather. (See Fig. 20.) SHANK: The lower, scaly part of a fowl's leg, ex- clusive of the foot and toes. SICKLES: The long, curved feathers of a male bird's tail, properly applied to the top pair only, but sometimes used in referring to the prominent tail-coverts^ which also are called lesser sickles. (See diagram of fowl.) SIDE SPRIGS: Extraneous, well-defined \ y growths on the side of a comb. (See Fig. 21.) SINGLE COMB: A comb consisting of a single, thin, fleshy, serrated forma- tion, rising from the beak and ex- tending backward over the crown of the head, and, in males, beyond Slipped Wing and feted Feather (defects). ^ head. (See Fig. 5.) Fig. 21. One Form of Side Sprijrs (a defect). Is n '.- H STANDARD OF PERFECTION 25 Fig. 23. Spangled Feather (ideal). SLIPPED WING: A wing of a fowl not closely folded and held up in proper position; a defect resulting from injury, or from weakness of muscles of wing. (See Fig. 22.) SPANGLE: A clearly-defined marking of distinctive color, located at the end of a spangled feather. (See Fig. 23.) SPANGLED: Plumage made up of spangled feathers. SPLASHED FEATHER: A feather with colors scattered and irregularly intermixed. (See Fig. 24.) SPUR: A horn-like protuberance, growing from the inner side of the shank of a fowl ; may be knob-like or pointed, according to the age of the fowl and the sex. (See diagram of fowl.) SQUIRREL TAIL: A fowl's tail, any portion of which pro- jects forward toward the neck, beyond a perpen- dicular line drawn from the junc- ture of tail and back. (See Fig. 25.) STAG: A term used for a young male, chiefly employed by game fanciers. "STATION: Ideal pose, embodying stand- ard style and symmetry, notably height and reach, as applied to Games. STIPPLE: Verb: To execute in stipple, i.e., draw, paint or engrave by means of dots instead of lines. Noun: The effect obtained in color work by the use of dots instead of lines or strokes. (See Fig. 26.) ' STRAIN : A family of any variety of fowls bred in line by Fig. 24 descent by one fancier, or a successor, during a num- Splashed P "Veather her of years, that has acquired individual characteris- (a defect). tj cs w hich distinguish it more or less from other strains or specimens of the same variety. STRAWBERRY COMB: Approaching in shape the outline and surface of a strawberry. (See Fig. 10.) SURFACE COLOR: The visible color of the plumage when a fowl is at rest. (See "Under-Color.") SYMMETRY: Perfection of proportion; the harmony of all the parts or sections of a fowl, viewed as a whole, with regard to the standard type of the breed it represents. TAIL-COVERTS: The curved feathers in front of and at the sides of the tail, Squirre defect). 26 AMERICAN POULTRY ASSOCIATION Fig. 26. Stippled Feather (ideal). usually of same color as the tail, but sometimes laced or penciled. (See diagram of fowl.) TAIL FEATHERS, MAIN: The straight and stiff feathers of the tail that are contained inside the sickles and tail-coverts; the top pair are sometimes slightly curved, but generally are straight. (See diagram of fowl.) THIGHS: That part of the legs above the shanks. (See diagram of fowl.) THUMB MARK: A disfiguring depression which some- times appears in the side of a single comb. (See Fig. 27.) TOE-FEATHERING: The feathers on the toes of a fowl. (See Fig. 28.) TOPKNOT: A word wrongly used as meaning crest; no longer employed by fanciers. TRIO: One male and two females. TWISTED COMB: An irregularly- shaped comb, falling or curving from side to side, being dis- torted from the normal, perpendicular position. (See Fig 29.) TWISTED FEATHER: Feather with quill or shaft twisted. (See Fig. 22.) TYPICAL: Expressing a characteristic, in color or form, representative of a breed or variety for example, typical shape, meaning the form Thumb Mark,' Wrinkled Ear- ,. u j l obe - Wrinkled Wattles and peculiar to a breed. Wattles of Unequal Length UNDER-COLOR : The color of the downy portion of ( defects )- the plumage, not visible when the plumage of a fowl is in its natural position. (See Fig. 19.) VARIETY: A subdivision of a breed (see definition of breed) used to distinguish fowls having the standard shape of the breed to which they belong, but differing in color of plumage, shape of comb, etc., from other groups of the same breed. The general difference between the terms "breed" and "variety" is well ^brought out in the statement, popular among fanciers, "Shape - makes the breed; color the variety.' 1 Fig. 27. . Showing Lopped Single Comb, Fig. 28. Cochin Leg and Toe Featherin B,B, Lower Thigh; C,C, Shan! A, Upper Thigh; D,D, Toe. - Fig. 29. Form of Twisted Single Comb (;i defect). VULTURE-HOCK (VULTURE-FEATHERED) : Tlie stiff quill feathers growing on the thighs, extending backward, straight beyond the knee-joint or "hock"; to disqualify, they must be without a sufficient quantity of fluffy feathers to relieve the stiff appearance and fill up the sharp angles, viewed in profile. (See Fig. 30.) V-SHAPED COMB: A comb formed of two well-de- fined, horn-like sections. (See Fig. 9.) WATTLE? The pendent growths at the sides and base of the beak. WEB: Web of Feather: The flat or plumed portion F^j^ \ of a feather, made up of a series of barbs on either side of the shaft. Web of Feet: The flat skin between the toes. Web of Wings: The tri- angular skir attaching the wing to the body, One visible when wing is extended. " WING-BAR: The stripe or bar of color extending across the middle of the wing, formed by the color or mark- ing of the wing-coverts. (See dia- gram of fowl.) " WING-BAY: The triangular section of the wing, below the wing-bar, formed by the exposed portion of the secondaries when the wing is folded. (See diagram of fowl.) ^WiNG-Bow: The upper or shoulder part of the wing. (See diagram of fowl.) WING-POINTS: The ends of the prima- ries; erroneously called "wing- butts." W^ING-COVERTS : The small, close feath- ers clothing the bend of the wing and covering the roots of the second- ary quills. (See diagram of fowl.) WING-FRONTS: The front edge of the wing at the shoulder. This section of the wing is sometimes called wing-butts. The term wing-fronts is recommended, thus avoiding con- fusion. WRY TAIL: Tail of a fowl turned to one side, permanently so. (See Fig. 31.) Showjng wr (a defect). Fig. 30. Vulture-Hock (a defect in Cochins; Standard in Sultans). (Name of Association here) (Date, month, days and year show is held, here) OFFICIAL SCORE CARD OF THE AMERICAN POULTRY ASSOCIATION Exhibitor Variety Sex Entry No .Band No Weight Shape Color Remarks Symmetry Weight or Size Condition Comb Head Beak Eyes Wattles and Ear-Lobes. Neck Wings Back Tail Breast Body and Fluff Legs and Toes f Crest and Beard * Shortness of Feather... Total Cuts.... .Score. t Applies to crested breeds. * Applies to Games and Game Bantams. , Judge ., Secretary INSTRUCTIONS TO JUDGES. MERIT: The merit of specimens shall be determined by a careful examination of all the points in the "Scale of Points," beginning with Symmetry and continuing through the list s deducting from the full value of each section of a perfect bird, for such defects as are found in each specimen. WEIGHT: (a) All specimens shall be judged according to their stand- ard weights; provided, however, that the disqualifying weights for chicks and poults shall not apply until December 1st of each year, (b) In all breeds of fowl having weight clauses, except Bantams, deduct two points per pound for amount lacking from standard weights, and in that pro- portion for any fractional part of a pound, using one-fourth pound as the minimum, the specimen to have the benefit of any fraction less than one- fourth pound, (c) In all varieties of Bantams, deduct one-half point per ounce for any excess over standard weights, (d) In all varieties of turkeys and geese, and in all varieties of ducks except those prized for their smallness, having weight clauses, deduct three points per pound for amount lacking from standard weights, and in that proportion for any fractional part of a pound, using one-fourth pound as a minimum, the specimen to have the benefit of any fraction less than one-fourth pound. (e) In all varieties of fowls, except Bantams, also in all varieties of tur- keys and geese, and all varieties of ducks except those prized for their smallness, when adult specimens are equal in score and are above or below stand- ard weight, the one nearest standard weight shall be awarded the prize, except when one specimen is cut for weight and the other is not, the specimen that is standard weight or above shall be awarded the prize. (/) All chicks or immature specimens except Ban- tams and those varieties of ducks prized for their smallness having an equal score, when cut for lack of weight, the one of less weight shall be awarded the prize, but when each of such specimens are of standard weight, the heaviest one shall win. (cj) In all varieties of Bantams, and those varieties of ducks prized for their smallness, other things being 29 is. 32. Diagram showing Degrees from Horizontal. 30 AMERICAN POULTRY ASSOCIATION equal, the smallest bird shall win. (CAUTION The weight clause must not be understood to mean that a small, but over-fat bird is within the spirit of the meaning of the Standard; the size must be proportionate to the weight, preserving the ideal shape and type of the standard bird.) RE-WEIGHING: The judge may, at his option, demand the re- weighing of the specimens in competition, in all cases where standard weights apply. SIZE: Size shall be determined by comparison of the specimens. In all varieties (except Call and East Indian Ducks) having a section termed "Size," and not being subject to weight clauses, the largest bird, other things being equal, shall win; in Call and East Indian Ducks this rule is reversed and the smallest specimen shall win. SCORES ENTITLING SPECIMENS TO PRIZES: To receive a first prize the specimen must score 90 or more points, except cocks in all parti-colored varieties, which may be awarded first prizes, provided they score 88 points or better. For each receding prize drop one point. A pen to V win a first prize, must score 180 points or ^ better, unless it contains a cock of a parti- jjg^g ^ colored variety, in which case 178 points or better may win first prize, but first prize shall not be given on a pen if the male in pen scores less than 88 points. No prize shall be awarded an exhibition pen if any bird in the pen scores less than 85 points. 33. SWEEPSTAKE PRIZES: In competition for sweepstake prizes when solid-colored specimens compete with parti-colored specimens, white specimens shall be handicapped two points each, black specimens one and one-half points each, and buff specimens one point each, and, after such reduction the specimen then having the highest score, or the specimens having the highest average or combined score, shall be awarded the prize. Bantams, water-fowl or turkeys are not eligible to compete for sweepstake prizes. OLD AND YOUNG BIRDS: All other points being equal, where prizes are offered on old and young fowls competing together, the former shall be awarded the prizes. FAKING: Faking of any description shall debar from competition specimens so treated; also every other bird entered by the exhibitor show- ing the faked specimen or specimens. (See Glossary for what is meant in this connection by faking.) CREAMINESS AND BRASSINESS: In white varieties, except where the color of plumage is specified as creamy white, the presence of brassiness on surface, or creaminess of quills or under-color, is a serious defect and is to be punished accordingly. Tail carried at Angle of 45 Degrees. STANDARD OF PERFECTION 31 SCORE OF EXHIBITION PEN: In ascertaining the score of an exhibi- tion pen, add the scores of the females together and divide the sum by the number of females in the pen; to the quotient thus obtained, add the score of the male, and this sum shall be the score of the exhibition pen. DATED SCORE CARDS: All score cards made out by judges applying the Standard are to be dated by the judge with ink, in- delible pencil, or by stamp, on the date the specimens are judged. FAULTY SCORE CARDS: It shall be con- sidered irregular for a judge to sign a score card unless weight is considered, in all breeds and varieties having standard weights, regardless of season. TIES: In case of ties between two or more specimens that cannot be broken by any of the previous rules, the specimen receiving the smallest total sum of cuts for shape shall be awarded the prize. In case of ties in exhibition pens, should either pen contain one or more adult specimens, that pen shall be awarded the prize. In case of all pens containing all young, or all adult specimens, the prize shall be awarded to the pen containing the highest scoring male. Fig. 34. Tail cnrried at Angle of 50 Degrees. IN APPLYING THE COMPARISON SYSTEM. TYPICAL SHAPE: In awarding prizes by comparison, judges must consider carefully each and every section of the specimen, and not allow color alone to influence their decisions. The vital importance of typical shape is to be borne constantly in mind, at the same time giving due con- sideration to color in all sections, including under-color. HANDLING: All specimens in competition must be handled and ex- amined by the judge, except those that show decided inferiority as seen in the coops. VALUATION: In awarding prizes under this system, ever} 7 section of each specimen must be given full consideration, valuing it, both in shape and color, as provided by the Standard "Scale of Points" for the breed. No judge, in applying the Standard by this system, shall give any one sec- tion undue prominence in arriving at his decision. DISQUALIFYING WEIGHTS: Specimens falling below disqualifying weights after December 1 st of each year must be debarred from competi- tion, except Bantams, which, when exceeding disqualifying weights, shall suffer a like penalty. 32 AMERICAN POULTRY ASSOCIATION STANDARD SIZE: In determining size, the judge shall decide by com- paring the specimens in competition, with due regard to weight in all breeds and varieties where weight is required by the Standard. When a bird fails to attain to, or in case it exceeds, the size proportionate with the type or shape, it must be discounted quite severely. It is desirable that the judge recognize and reward those specimens that come nearest to the ideal, in shape, size and weight, still giving the important and vital matter of correct plumage full credit. BANTAM TYPE: While smallness of size is desirable in all Bantams, no specimen shall be entitled to win over a larger bird simply because of its small size; it must conform to the type and symmetry demanded for the breed it represents. GAME TYPE: In judging Games, Game Bantams, Cornish and Su- matras, it is imperative that shape be considered of greatest importance. Specimens lacking in this essential breed-characteristic shall not be awarded first honors, even if there be no competition. COLOR DEFECTS: A few very small, grayish specks in white fowls shall not debar a specimen that otherwise is superior in color from winning over one less typical in shape and sound in color; provided, however, that the grayish specks do not appear prominently in the primary, secondary, or main tail feathers. The natural white bird shall not be handicapped by the apparently bleached one, and, other things being equal, the natural white bird shall win. SCALY LEG: A fowl whose legs and toes are so deformed by what is called "Scaly Leg" as to hide or appear to have destroyed the color, shall not be awarded a first prize. Note: Under the comparison system judges must deduct the full valuation of the cuts in all sections, where a specified cut is made under the head of "Cutting for Defects." GENERAL DISQUALIFICATIONS. Note: In applying the Standard of Perfection, if judges find any of the defects described below, they shall disqualify the specimen and state on the proper card or blank the nature of the disqualification. In the Asiatic breeds, except Lang- shans, and in Cochin Bantams and Booted White Bantams, shanks not feathered down the outer sides; outer toes not feathered to the last joint. In Langshans, shanks not feathered down the outer sides: feathers not growing beyond the middle joint of the outer toes. p. 35 In Silkies and Sultans, shanks not Five-Toed Foot (ideal). feathered down the outer sides. STANDARD OF PERFECTION 33 In all breeds required to have unfeathered shanks, any feather or feathers, stubs or down on shanks, feet or toes; or unmistakable indications of feathers having been plucked from same. A wing showing clipped flights or secondaries, or both, except in water-fowl, shall disqualify the specimen and debar it from competition. Lopped combs, except in Mediterranean and Dorking females; rose combs falling over to one side, or so large as to obstruct the sight; combs foreign to the breed; split or fish-tail comb (see illustration); decidedly wry tails; crooked backs; side sprig or sprigs on all single-comb varieties; plucked hocks; deformed beaks; absence of spike in all rose-comb varie- ties, except Silkies, Malays and Malay Bantams; decidedly squirrel tail in all breeds, except Japanese Bantams. In four-toed breeds, more or less than four toes on either foot. In five-toed breeds, more or less than five toes on either foot. Legs and toes of color foreign to breed. Entire absence of main tail fea'hers. Positive white in the face of Mediterranean cockerels and pullets, except White-faced Black Spanish. Absence of crest or beard in any variety described as crested or bearded, or any appearance of crest or beard in any variety where not called for. Absence of knob or dewlap in African Geese. Absence of knob in Chinese Geese. Web feet in all breeds of chickens. Birds unworthy of a score. In any breed having weight clauses, except Asiatics or Bantams, a specimen falling more than two pounds below Standard weight; any specimen belonging to the Asiatic classes falling more than three pounds below Standard weight; any Bantam weighing more than four ounces over- weight. Black in the bean or bill of Pekin and Aylesbury drakes. In varieties where positive white in ear-lobes is a disqualification, judges shall disqualify for unmistakable evidence of an attempt to re- move the defect. Faking in any manner shall disqualify the specimen. The comb on a specimen which merely turns over a trifle from the natural upright position is not to disqualify. Under all disqualifying clauses the specimen shall have the benefit of the doubt. CUTTING FOR DEFECTS. Judges, in applying the score card, are to discount for the more com- mon defects, as follows : Points Too many or too few points on comb, each \ Thumb mark on comb, not less than 1 34 AMERICAN POULTRY ASSOCIATION Points Rear of comb turning around to 1 Coarse texture of comb J to 1 Roughness, irregularity, hollow center, over-size and ill-shape in comb of rose-comb varieties, each defect i to 2 Coarse texture of wattles to 1 For missing feather or part of feather in primaries or secondaries, where foreign color disqualifies 1 to 3 Where feather is broken, but not detached, in primaries or sec- ondaries, where foreign color disqualifies \ For broken or missing feather or feathers in primaries or second- aries of buff or parti-colored varieties, where foreign color does not disqualify \ Absence of sickles, where foreign color disqualifies, for each sickle \\ Absence of sickles, where foreign color does not disqualify, for each sickle 1 Absence of one or more main tail feathers, in varieties subject to color disqualifications, each 1 Absence of one or more main tail feathers, where not a disquali- fication, each \ For twisted feather or feathers, in wing or tail of any variety. . . 1 to 2 Feathered middle toes in Langshans \ to \\ Brassiness in all varieties, in each section where found 1 to 2 Creaminess of plumage or quill in white varieties, except where specified creamy white, in each section where found \ to 1 \ Purple barring in plumage of all varieties, in each section where found \ to 2 Frosty edging in any laced section of laced or spangled varieties, in each section where found \ to 1^ Irregular, indistinct, crescentic or too heavy lacing in laced varie- ties, in each section where found \ to \\ Irregular barring in Barred Plymouth Rocks, in each section where found \ to 1^ Light colored shafting in buff varieties, in each section where found | to \\ Gray specks in any part of plumage of white varieties, in each sec- tion where found i to 2 Mealiness in plumage of buff varieties, in each section where found \ to Ij Mossy-centered feathers in laced varieties, in each section where found i to 2j Irregular or deficient penciling in penciled varieties, in each sec- tion where found \ to If Black or white in buff varieties, in each section where found, cut from \ point to the color limit in the section. STANDARD OF PERFECTION 35 Points Slate under-color in buff varieties and Rhode Island Reds, in each section where found ^ to 2 Color of eyes not as described for the different varieties ^ to 1 \ If eye shows permanent injury, but retains its form \ to 1 If eye is destroyed, leaving only the socket 1 J Ear-lobes of Wyandottes showing any positive enamel white \ to 2 Any positive white in the ear-lobes of any variety of Cochins \ Positive white covering one-third or more of the surface of ear- lobes of any variety of Cochins 1 to 2 Red markings directly above the eyes of White-Faced Black Spanish \ to 1 J For positive white in face of cocks of Mediterranean class, except in White-Faced Black Spanish \ to 2^- Pinched or "Gamy" tails in Leghorn females J to 1^ If tail in any variety shows not to exceed three-fourths develop- ment 1 If tail in any variety shows not to exceed one-half development. ... 2 If tail in any variety shows not to exceed one-fourth development. . 3 For black in bean of white ducks (females), except in White Mus- covys 1 For black in bill of white ducks (females), except White Muscovys, other than black in bean 1 to li Down between the toes of all clean-shanked varieties \ to 2 Crooked keel or breast bone \ to 2 For each bare toe in Brahmas 1 Crooked toes, each \ to 1 In Barred Plymouth Rocks for black feather or feathers, in each section where found. \ to \\ PLYMOUTH ROCKS. DESCRIPTION OF BREEDS. CLASS I. Breeds AMERICAN. Varieties Barred White Buff Silver Penciled Partridge Columbian Silver Golden White WYANDOTTES. . . I Buff Black Partridge Silver Penciled Columbian JAVAS . (Black J / Mottled DOMINIQUES '. Rose Comb RHODE ISLAND REDS. . . j Single Comb ( Rose Comb BUCKEYES Pea Comb SCALE OF POINTS FOR THE AMERICAN CLASS. Symmetry 4 Weight 4 Condition 4 Comb 8 Head Shape 2, Color 2 i 4 Beak Shape 2, Color 2 4 Eyes Shape 2, Color 2 4 Wattles and Ear-lobes Shape 2, Color 3 5 Neck Shape 3, Color 5 8 Wings Shape 4, Color 5 9 Back Shape 6, Color 5 11 Tail Shape 5, Color 5 10 Breast Shape 6, Color 5 11 Body and Fluff Shape 5, Color3 8 Legs and Toes Shape 3, Color3 _. 6 36 100 PLYMOUTH ROCKS. The Plymouth Rocks for many years have continued as America's most popular fowl. They belong to those classed as "general purpose fowls," breeds that have proven value as market-poultry and as layers. The pioneer variety was the Barred Plymouth Rock, which was first ex- hibited in March, 1869, at Worcester, Mass. In size the Plymouth Rock is intermediate between the Asiatic and Mediterranean breeds. The most typical and useful specimens are those which are bred nearest to Standard weights. They mature rapidly and have much merit to com- mend them to those growing poultry for market, as well as those desiring good egg production, as they are producers of large, brown eggs in goodly numbers. To one who is familiar with the extremes in fowls as regards length of the various sections, the Plymouth Rock will be recognized as medium, or rather long and rather deep in all sections. The six varieties the Barred, White, Buff, Silver Penciled, Partridge and Columbian are identical, except in color. The color of the Barred variety is exceed- ingly difficult to describe; in fact, the true and exact shades can be learned only by observation. The colors should be modified black and white in all sections, the bars narrow, regular and running parallel across the feathers, the over-lapping of the feathers producing a bluish tinge when viewed under certain light-reflections. The perfect colored Barred Ply- mouth Rock should show the same shade of color in all sections and be barred to the skin. The White variety of this breed is clear white, as the name indicates. It should be free from brassiness, creaminess and straw color in all sections of the plumage. The combination of clear white plumage, with bright red comb, wattles, ear-lobes, face and eyes, and yellow legs and beak, is both desirable and obtainable. The shade of color in the plumage of the Buff variety is a rich golden buff. What are termed cinnamon and lemon buff are the two extremes that should be avoided. A harmonious blending of buff in all sections is most desirable, i.e., the same shade of color should prevail throughout the specimen. The contrast of black and white in males, and finely penciled steel-gray in females will attract many to the Silver Penciled variety. STANDARD WEIGHTS. Cock 9lbs. Hen 7j Ibs. Cockerel 8 Ibs. Pullet 6 Ibs. 37 38 AMERICAN POULTRY ASSOCIATION SHAPE OF MALE. HEAD: Moderately large, broad, medium in length. BEAK: Stout, comparatively short, regularly curved. EYES: Full, prominent. COMB: Single, rather small in proportion to size of specimen, set firmly on the head, straight and upright, evenly serrated, having five well- defined points, those in front and at rear a trifle smaller than the other three, giving the comb a semi-oval appearance when viewed from the side; fine in texture; blade not conforming too closely to head. WATTLES AND EAR-LOBES: Wattles, moderately long, free from ser- rations, nicely rounded at the lower edges, equal in length, fine in texture, free from folds or wrinkles. Ear-lobes, oblong, smooth, hanging about half the length of wattles. NECK: Rather long, slightly arched, having abundant hackle flow- ing well over shoulders. WINGS: Of medium size, well folded; wing-fronts well covered by the breast feathers and wing-points well covered by the saddle feathers. BACK: Rather long, broad its entire length, flat at shoulders, nearly horizontal from neck to saddle, where there is a slight concave sweep to tail; saddle feathers, rather long, abundant, filling well in front of tail. TAIL: Of medium length, moderately well spread, carried at an angle of forty-five degrees from the horizontal, forming no apparent angle with the back; sickles, well curved, covering tops of main tail feathers, conforming to the general shape of the tail ; lesser sickles and tail-coverts of medium length, nicely curved and sufficiently abundant to almost hide the stiff feathers of the tail when viewed from front or side. BREAST: Broad, moderately deep, well rounded. BODY AND FLUFF: Body, rather long, broad, deep, full; keel-bone, rather long, straight, extending well forward, connecting with breast so as to make no break in outline. Fluff, moderately full. LEGS AND TOES: Thighs, large, of medium length, well covered with soft feathers. Shanks, of medium length, smooth, straight, stout, set well apart. Toes, straight, of medium length, well spread. Shanks and toes free from feathers, stubs or down. SHAPE OF FEMALE. HEAD: Moderately large, broad, medium in length. BEAK: Comparatively short, regularly curved. EYES: Full, prominent. COMB: Single, small, proportional to the size of the specimen, set firmly on the head, straight and upright, evenly serrated, having five well- defined points, those in front and at rear being somewhat smaller and shorter than the other three. STANDARD OF PERFECTION 39 WATTLES AND EAR-LOBES: Wattles, small, well rounded, equal in length, fine in texture. Ear-lobes, oblong in shape, smooth. NECK: Medium in length, nicely curved and tapering to head, where it is comparatively small; hackle, moderately full, flowing well over the shoulders with no apparent break at juncture of neck and back. WINGS: Of medium size, well folded; wing-fronts, well covered by the breast feathers. BACK: Rather long, broad its entire length, flat at shoulders, rising with a slightly concave incline to tail. TAIL: Of medium length, fairly well spread, carried at an angle of thirty-five degrees from the horizontal, forming no apparent angle with the back; tail-coverts, well developed. BREAST: Broad, moderately deep, well rounded. BODY AND FLUFF: Body, rather long, moderately deep, full; keel bone, rather long, straight from front to rear and extending well forward, connected with the breast so 'as to make no break in outline. Fluff, full, of medium length. LEGS AND TOES: Thighs, of medium size and length, well covered with soft feathers. Shanks, of medium length, set well apart, stout and smooth. Toes, of medium size and length, straight, well spread. Shanks and toes free from feathers, stubs or down. BARRED PLYMOUTH ROCKS. Disqualifications. Positive white in ear-lobes; red in any part of plumage; two or more solid black primaries, secondaries or main tail feathers; shanks other than yellow, with due allowances for fading with age, dark spots not to disqualify. (See general disqualifications.) COLOR OF MALE AND FEMALE. BEAK: Yellow. EYES: Reddish-bay. COMB, FACE, WATTLES AND EAR-LOBES: Bright red. SHANKS AND TOES: Yellow; red showing at outside of shanks back of scales, not a defect in males. PLUMAGE: Grayish- white, each feather crossed by regular, narrow, parallel, sharply-defined, dark bars that stop short of positive black; free from shafting, brownish tinge or metallic sheen; the light and dark bars to be of equal width and to extend throughout the length of the feathers in all sections of the fowl, each feather on females ending with a narrow, dark tip, the combination of overlapping feathers giving the plumage a bluish appearance. 40 AMERICAN POULTRY ASSOCIATION BARRED PLYMOUTH ROCK MALE STANDARD OF PERFECTION 41 BARRED PLYMOUTH ROCK FEMALE 42 AMERICAN POULTRY ASSOCIATION WHITE PLYMOUTH ROCKS. Disqualifications. Positive white in ear-lobes; red, buff or positive black in any part of plumage; shanks other than yellow. (See general disqualifications.) COLOR OF MALE AND FEMALE. BEAK: Yellow. EYES: Reddish-bay. COMB, FACE, WATTLES AND EAR-LOBES: Bright red. SHANKS AND TOES: Rich yellow; red showing at outside of shanks back of scales, not a defect in males. PLUMAGE: Web, fluff and quills of feathers, in all sections, pure white. STANDARD OF PERFECTION 43 BUFF PLYMOUTH ROCKS. D isqualifications. Positive white in ear-lobes; shanks other than yellow. (See general disqualifications.) COLOR OF MALE. BEAK: Rich yellow. EYES: Reddish-bay. COMB, FACE, WATTLES AND EAR-LOBES: Bright red. SHANKS AND TOES: Rich yellow; red showing at outside of shanks, back of scales, not a defect. PLUMAGE: Surface throughout an even shade of rich, golden buff, free from shafting or mealy appearance, the head, neck, hackle, back, wing-bows and saddle richly glossed; under-color, a lighter shade, free from foreign color. Different shades of buff in two or more sections is a serious defect. A harmonious blending of buff in all sections is most desirable. COLOR OF FEMALE. BEAK: Rich yellow. EYES: Reddish- bay. COMB, FACE. WATTLES AND EAR-LOBES: Bright red. SHANKS AND TOES: Rich yellow. PLUMAGE: Surface throughout an even shade of rich, golden buff, free from shafting or mealy appearance, the head and neck plumage showing a luster of the same shade as the rest of the plumage; under- color, a lighter shade, free from foreign color. Different shades of buff in two or more sections is a serious defect. A harmonious blending of buff in all sections is most desirable. 44 AMERICAN POULTRY ASSOCIATION- PLYMOUTH ROCK MALE STANDARD OF PERFECTION 45 WHITE PLYMOUTH ROCK FEMALE 46 AMERICAN POULTRY ASSOCIATION BUFF PLYMOUTH ROCK MALE STANDARD OF PERFECTION 47 BUFF PLYMOUTH ROCK FEMALE 48 AMERICAN POULTRY ASSOCIATION SILVER PENCILED PLYMOUTH ROCKS. i Disqualifications. Positive white in ear-lobes; shanks and toes other than yellow or dusky yellow. COLOR OF MALE. HEAD : Plumage, silvery white. BEAK: Yellow, or dusky yellow. EYES: Reddish-bay. COMB, FACE, WATTLES AND EAR-LOBES: Bright red. NECK: Silvery white, with a lustrous, greenish-black stripe extend- ing down each feather, and running nearly parallel with edges of feather, and tapering to a point near its extremity; under-color, slate or bluish- white. WINGS: Wing-bows, silvery white; primaries, black, excepting a narrow edging of white on lower edge of lower web; secondaries, black, except lower half of lower web, which should be white, except near end of feathers, at which point the white terminates abruptly leaving the end of the feathers black; wing-coverts, lustrous greenish-black, forming a well-defined bar of this color across wing when folded. BACK: Silvery white, free from brown; saddle, silvery white, with a black stripe in each feather, same as hackle; under-color, slate or bluish- white. TAIL: Black; sickles, lustrous greenish-black; coverts, lustrous green- ish-black, edged with white. BREAST: Black; under-color, slate or bluish- white. BODY AND FLUFF: Body, black; under-color, slate or bluish- white. Fluff, black, slightly tinged with gray. LEGS AND TOES: Thighs, black. Shanks and toes, yellow, or dusky yellow; red showing at outer sides of shanks back of scales, not a defect. COLOR OF FEMALE. HEAD: Plumage, silvery gray. BEAK: Yellow, or dusky yellow. EYES: Reddish-bay. COMB, FACE, WATTLES AND EAR-LOBES: Bright red. NECK: Silvery white, with broad black stripe running nearly parallel with edges and extending down middle of each feather, tapering to a point near its extremity and free from white shaft; under-color, slate. WINGS: Primaries, black, with narrow edge of steel-gray penciling on lower web; secondaries, upper web black, lower web gray, with distinct dark penciling extending around outer edge of feather; shoulder and wing- STANDARD OF PERFECTION 49 coverts, steel-gray, with distinct dark penciling, outlines of which conform to shape of feather; under-color, slate. BACK: Steel-gray, with distinct dark penciling, outlines of which con- form to shape of feather; feathers free from white shaft; under-color, slate. TAIL: Black, except the two top feathers which are penciled on upper edge; coverts, gray, with distinct dark penciling, outlines of which con- form to shape of feather. BREAST: Steel-gray, with distinct dark penciling, outlines of which conform to shape of feather, the penciling reaching well up on throat; under-color, slate. BODY AND FLUFF: Body, steel-gray, with distinct dark penciling, outlines of which conform to shape of feather, the penciling reaching well down on thighs. Fluff, steel-gray, tinged with lighter shade; under- color, slate. LEGS AND TOES. Thighs, gray, with distinct penciling. Shanks and toes, yellow or dusky yellow. Note: Each feather in hock, breast, body and wing-bows to have two or more distinct pencilings. 50 AMERICAN POULTRY ASSOCIATION SILVER PENCILED PLYMOUTH ROCK MALE STANDARD OF PERFECTION 51 SILVER PENCILED PLYMOUTH ROCK FEMALE 52 AMERICAN POULTRY ASSOCIATION PARTRIDGE PLYMOUTH ROCKS. Disqualifications. Positive white in ear-lobes; positive white extending into tail feathers of cockerel; shanks other than yellow or dusky yellow. (See general disqualifications.) COLOR OF MALE. HEAD: Plumage, bright red. BEAK: Dark horn, shading to yellow at point. EYES: Reddish-bay. COMB, FACE, WATTLES AND EAR-LOBES: Bright red. NECK: Bright red, with a lustrous greenish-black stripe running nearly parallel with edges and extending through each feather, tapering to a point near its extremity; under-color, slate. WINGS: Wing- bows, dark red; fronts, black; primaries, black, lower edges of web, reddish-bay; secondaries, black, outside web reddish-bay terminating with greenish-black at end of each feather; coverts, lustrous greenish-black, forming well-defined bar of this color across wing when folded. N BACK: Dark red; saddle, bright red, with lustrous greenish-black stripe down the middle of each feather, same as in hackle; under-color, slate. TAIL: Black; sickles and coverts, lustrous greenish-black, edged with bright red. -BREAST: Lustrous black; under-color, slate. BODY AND FLUFF: Body, black. Fluff, black; under-color, slate. LEGS AND TOES: Thighs, black, under-color, slate Shank plum- age, black or brownish-black. Shanks and toes, yellow or dusky yellow. Toe plumage, black or brownish-black. COLOR OF FEMALE. HEAD: Plumage, mahogany brown. BEAK: Dark horn, shading into yellow at point. EYES: Reddish-bay. COMB, FACE, WATTLES AND EAR-LOBES: Bright red. NECK- Bright red, with a lustrous black stripe extending down the middle of each feather, running nearly parallel with edge of feather and tapering to a point near its extremity. WINGS: Wing-bows, mahogany brown, penciled with black; pri maries, black, with edging of mahogany brown on outer web; second- aries, inner web black, outer web mahogany brown penciled with black, penciling conforming to shape of feather. STANDARD OF PERFECTION 53 BACK: Mahogany brown, distinctly penciled with black, the out- lines of penciling conforming to shape of feather; under-color, slate. TAIL: Black, the two top feathers black, penciled with mahogany brown on upper edge; coverts, mahogany brown, penciled with black. BREAST: Mahogany brown, distinctly penciled with black, the pen- ciling being of same character as that of back and extending to throat; under-color, slate. BODY AND FLUFF: Body, mahogany brown, penciled with black. Fluff, mahogany brow r n; under-color, slate. LEGS AND TOES: Thigh, shank and toe plumage, mahogany brown, penciled with black. Shanks and feet, yellow or dusky yellow. 54 AMERICAN POULTRY ASSOCIATION STANDARD OF PERFECTION 55 PARTRIDGE PLYMOUTH ROCK FEMALE 56 AMERICAN POULTRY ASSOCIATION COLUMBIAN PLYMOUTH ROCKS. Disqualifications. Positive white in ear-lobes; shanks other than yellow. (See general disqualifications.) COLOR OF MALE. HEAD: Plumage, white. BEAK: Yellow, with dark stripe down upper mandible. EYES: Bay, or reddish-bay. COMB, FACE, WATTLES AND EAR-LOBES: Bright red. NECK: Plumage, other than hackle, white; hackle, web white, with solid, lustrous greenish-black stripe extending from fluff down middle of each feather, running nearly parallel with edges of feather and tapering to a point near its extremity. Under-color, white, bluish-white or slate. WINGS: Wing- bows, white, except fronts which may be partly black; primaries, black, with white edging on lower edge of lower web; second- aries, lower portion of lower web white, sufficient to secure a white wing- bay, the white extending around ends of feathers and lacing upper por- tion of upper web, this color growing wider in the shorter secondaries, the five next to the body being white on surface when wing is folded; remainder of each secondary, black. BACK: Surface color, white; cape, black and white; saddle, white, with occasional feathers striped with black; under-color, either white, bluish-white or slate. TAIL: Black, the curling feathers underneath, white, or black and white; sickles and coverts, lustrous greenish-black; lesser coverts, lustrous greenish-black, edged with white. BREAST: Surface and under-color, white; under-color at juncture with body, white, bluish white or slate. BODY AND FLUFF: Body, white, except under wings where it may be white, bluish- white or slate; under-color, white or bluish- white. Fluff, white; under-color, white or bluish-white. LEGS AND TOES: Thighs, surface color, white; under-color, white or bluish- white. Shanks and toes, yellow; red showing at outer sides back of scales not a defect. COLOR OF FEMALE. HEAD: Plumage, white. BEAK: Yellow, or yellow with dark stripe down the upper mandible. EYES: Bay, or reddish-bay. COMB, FACE, WATTLES AND EAR-LOBES: Bright red. NECK: Hackle, beginning at juncture of head with neck, web, white, STANDARD OF PERFECTION 57 with a solid, wide, lustrous greenish-black stripe, extending down middle of each feather, running nearly parallel with edges of feather and tapering to a point near its extremity. WINGS: Wing- bows, white; primaries, black, with white edging on lower edge of lower web; secondaries, lower portion of lower web, white, sufficient to secure a white wing-bay, the white extending around the ends and lacing upper portion of upper web, this color growing wider in the shorter secondaries, the five next to the body being white on the surface when wing is folded; remainder of each secondary, black. BACK: Surface, white, occasional black ticking not a serious defect; cape, white, or black and white; under-color, white, bluish-white or slate. TAIL: Black, except the two top feathers which are edged with white; tail-coverts, black, edged with white. BREAST: Surface and under-color, white; under-color, at juncture with body, white or bluish-white. BODY AND FLUFF: Body, white, except under wings, where it may be white or bluish-white; under-color, white or bluish- white. Fluff, white. LEGS AND TOKS: Thighs, white; under-color, white or bluish-white. Shanks and toes, yellow. 58 AMERICAN POULTRY ASSOCIATION STANDARD OF PERFECTION 59 COLUMBIAN PLYMOUTH ROCK FEMALE WYANDOTTES. The Wyandottes* are of American origin and were known in their early history by several names each section of the country where they were found seeming to have a name that was given by the breeder who first introduced them. They were known as Sebrights, Mooneys, Ameri- can Sebrights and a number of names which their peculiar markings would indicate. The name Wyandotte was not applied until they were admitted to the Standard in 1883. It was thought by some that this name would injure their popularity, but by eliminating all former names it seems to have done much to make them the more popular. Just what breeds entered into the first Silver Wyandottes it is impossible to say. That Dark Brahmas and Silver Spangled Hamburgs were two of them, has been proven, as a cross of these two gives a breed that resembles them, but fails in shape and partly in color, showing that some other an unknown cross was added. They have, since their admission to the Standard, been one of the most popular middle-weight breeds. The wide range of color found in the eight varieties allows every admirer to indulge his fancy. Each variety has points of color difficult to obtain, and when obtained, places a high valuation on the specimen. No one variety can claim a higher fancy or commercial value than the other, as all are popular, and all are much sought for. Whichever variety one may choose, he will find interesting color problems to solve. In the Whites, it will be how to secure fine white plumage and escape creami- ness and brassiness; in the Blacks, how to obtain greenish, glossy black, without the purple barring; in the Silvers, how to obtain silvery hackles and saddles free from brassiness, large, oval white centers free from mossiness, and breast lacing free from white edging; in the Goldens, how to get the correct shade of golden bay, which in this variety supplants the white of the Silvers; in the Buffs, how to secure an even shade of rich, golden buff, and have the same shade of color prevail through the speci- men, and to avoid the out-cropping of black and white; in the Partridge and Silver Penciled varieties, how to obtain the rich foundation color with distinct, clean-cut lacing in neck and back of males, with the fine double penciling in females; in the Columbians, how to keep the surface of neck, back and wing-bows of males free from brassiness, and secure distinct lac- ing of neck, with black tails, laced coverts and black wing-flights, and the beautiful laced neck and tail-coverts of females, with black wing-flights. *Note: Fred A. Houdlette, who suggested the name Wyandotte, says the name was given in honor of a coasting vessel bearing the name Wyandotte, which belonged to his father. 60 STANDARD OF PERFECTION 61 In shape, Wyandottes have a type peculiarly their own. It is em- phatically a bird of curves. Fanciers should strive to maintain its short, broad back and deep, round body. These characteristics exceed in value all color considerations and are found in the typical Wyandotte at all ages, whether alive or dressed. Its curved, close-fitting comb adds to the sym- metry of the bird. STANDARD WEIGHTS. Cock 8J Ibs. Hen 6* Ibs. Cockerel 7 Ibs. Pullet o| Ibs. SHAPE OF MALE. HEAD: Short, round, broad. BEAK: Short, well curved. EYES: Large, oval. COMB: Rose, low, firm on head; top, oval and surface covered with small, rounded points, tapering to a well-defined point at rear; the entire comb curving to conform to shape of skull. WATTLES AND EAR-LOBES: Wattles, moderately long, nicely rounded at lower edges, equal in length, fine in texture, free from folds or wrinkles. Ear-lobes, oblong, well-defined, hanging about half the length of wattles, smooth. NECK: Short, well arched; hackle, abundant, flowing well over shoulders. WINGS: Small, not carried too close to body; sides well rounded. BACK: Short, broad, flat at shoulders; saddle, broad, full, rising with concave sweep to tail; saddle feathers, abundant. TAIL: Short, well spread at base, carried at an angle of fifty degrees from the horizontal (see illustration); sickles, moderately long, curving gracefully and closely over tail; coverts, abundant, filling out well in front, almost hiding the stiff feathers. BREAST: Broad, deep, round. BODY AND FLUFF: Body, short, deep, round, with low-set keel. Fluff, full-feathered, well rounded. LEGS AND TOES: Thighs, short, stout, showing outline of shape when viewed sideways, well covered with soft feathers; shanks, short, stout, set well apart, w r ell rounded. Toes, straight. Shanks and toes free from feathers, stubs and down. SHAPE OF FEMALE. HEAD: Short, round; crown, broad. BEAK: Short, well curved. EYES: Large, oval. COMB: Rose, similar to that of male, but much smaller. 62 AMERICAN POULTRY ASSOCIATION WATTLES AND EAR-LOBES: Wattles, fine in texture, well rounded. Ear-lobes, oblong in shape, well defined, smooth. NECK: Short, well arched; hackle, abundant. WINGS: Small, well rounded, well folded; wing-fronts, well covered by breast feathers. BACK: Short, broad, flat at shoulders, rising in a concave sweep to a broad, slightly- rounded cushion, which extends well on to main tail; plumage, abundant. TAIL: Short, well spread at base, carried at an angle of forty degrees from the horizontal. (See illustration.) Coverts, abundant. BREAST: Broad, deep, round. BODY AND FLUFF: Body, short, deep, round, with low-set keel. Fluff, full-feathered, well rounded. LEGS AND TOES: Thighs, short, stout, well spread, showing outline of shape when viewed sideways, well covered with soft feathers; shanks, short, set well apart, stout, well rounded. Toes, straight. Shanks and toes free from feathers, stubs and down. SILVER WYANDOTTES. Disqualifications. Ear-lobes more than one-quarter positive enamel white; shanks other than yellow. (See general disqualifications.) COLOR OF MALE. HEAD: Plumage, silvery white, each feather having a black stripe, tapering to a fine point near its extremity. BEAK: Dark horn, shading to yellow at point. EYES: Bay, or reddish- bay. COMB, FACE, WATTLES AND EAR-LOBES : Bright red. NECK: Silvery white, a clear, black stripe through each feather, tapering to a point near its extremity; shafts. of feathers, white; under- color, slate. WINGS: Primaries, black, lower edge white; secondaries, black, lower half of outer web white, with a narrow black edging wider at the tip, wing-coverts, upper web black, lower web white, with a narrow black stripe along the edge that widens as it approaches the tip, forming a double bar of laced feathers across wing; wing-bows, silvery white; under-color, slate. BACK: Silvery white; saddle, silvery white, a black stripe through each feather, tapering to a point near its extremity, having a tapering, diamond-shaped center of white: under-color, slate. TAIL: Black; sickles and greater coverts, lustrous greenish- black; STANDARD OF PERFECTION 63 lesser coverts, black, with diamond-shaped white centers, feathers laced with white. BREAST: Web of each feather, white, laced with a narrow, lustrous greenish-black, sharply defined lacing, to conform to edge of feather; under-color, slate. BODY AND FLUFF: Body, web of each feather, white, laced with a narrow, lustrous greenish-black, sharply defined lacing, to conform to edge of feather; under-color, slate. Fluff, slate, powdered with gray; under-color, slate. LEGS AND TOES: Thighs, web of each feather, white, laced with a narrow, lustrous greenish-black, sharply defined lacing, to conform to edge of feather; under-color, slate. Shanks and toes, yellow; red showing at outer sides, back of scales, not a defect. Shanks, free from feathers, stubs and down. COLOR OF FEMALE. HEAD: Plumage, silvery gray. BEAK: Dark horn, shading to yellow at point. EYES: Bay, or reddish-bay. COMB, FACE, WATTLES AND EAR-LOBES: Bright red. NECK: Silvery white, with a black stripe through each feather, tapering to a point near its extremity; shafts of feathers, white; under- color, slate. WINGS: Primaries, black, the lower edge, white; secondaries, black, lower half of outer web white, with a narrow black edging, wider at the tip; shoulders and wing-coverts, white, each feather laced with a narrow, lustrous greenish-black, sharply defined lacing, to conform to the edge of the feather; wing-bows, white, each feather laced with a narrow, lustrous greenish-black, sharply defined lacing, to conform to edge of the feather; under-color, slate. BACK: Web of each feather, white, laced with a narrow, lustrous greenish-black, sharply defined lacing, to conform to edge of feather; under-color, slate. TAIL: Black; the upper sides of the two top feathers edged with white; greater coverts, black; lesser coverts, black with white centers. BREAST: White, each feather laced with a narrow, lustrous greenish- black, sharply defined lacing, to conform to edge of feather; under-color, slate. BODY AND FLUFF: Body, web of each feather, white, laced with a narrow, lustrous greenish-black, sharply defined lacing, to conform to edge of feather; under-color, slate. Fluff, slate, powdered with gray; under-color, slate. LEGS AND TOES: Thighs, web of each feather, white, laced with a narrow, lustrous greenish-black, sharply defined lacing, to conform to edge of feather; under-color, slate. Shanks and toes, yellow. 64 AMERICAN POULTRY ASSOCIATION SILVER WYANDOTTE MALE STANDARD OF PERFECTION 65 SILVER WYANDOTTE FEMALE 66 AMERICAN POULTRY ASSOCIATION GOLDEN WYANDOTTES. Disqualifications. Ear-lobes more than one-quarter positive enamel white; shanks other than yellow or dusky yellow. (See general disqualifications.) COLOR OF MALE. HEAD: Plumage, golden bay, each feather having a black stripe, tapering to a fine point near its extremity. BEAK: Dark horn, shading to yellow at point. EYES : Bay, or reddish-bay. COMB, FACE, WATTLES AND EAR-LOBES: Bright red. NECK: Golden bay, with a clear black stripe through each feather, tapering to a point near its extremity; shafts of feathers, golden bay; under-color, slate. WINGS: Primaries, black, lower edge golden bay: secondaries, black, lower half of outer web golden bay, with a narrow black edging, wider at tip; wing-coverts, upper web black, lower web golden bay, with a nar- row black stripe along the edge that widens as it approaches the tip, forming a double bar of laced feathers across wing; wing-bows, golden bay; under-color, slate. BACK: Golden bay; saddle, golden bay with a black stripe through each feather, tapering to a point near its extremity, having a diamond- shaped center of golden bay; under-color, slate, tinged with golden bay. TAIL: Black; sickles and greater coverts, lustrous greenish-black; lesser coverts, black, with diamond-shaped golden bay centers, feathers laced with golden bay. BREAST: Web of each feather, golden bay, laced with a narrow, lustrous greenish-black, sharply defined lacing, to conform to edge of feather; under-color, slate, tinged with golden bay. BODY AND FLUFF: Body, web of each feather, golden bay, laced with a narrow, lustrous greenish-black, sharply defined lacing, to conform to edge of feather; under-color, dark slate, tinged with golden bay. Fluff, slate, tinged with golden bay; under-color, slate. LEGS AND TOES: Thighs, web of each feather, golden bay, laced with a narrow, lustrous greenish-black, sharply defined lacing, to conform to edge of feather; under-color, slate, tinged with golden bay. Shanks and toes, yellow, or dusky yellow; red showing at outer sides, back of scales, not. a defect. COLOR OF FEMALE. HEAD: Plumage, golden bay. BEAK: Dark horn, shading to yellow at point. STANDARD OF PERFECTION 67 EYES: Bay, or reddish- bay. COMB, FACE, WATTLES AND EAR-LOBES: Bright red. NECK: Golden bay, with a black stripe through the center, each feather tapering to a point near its extremity; shaft of feathers, golden bay; under-color, slate. WINGS: Primaries, black, the lower edge golden bay; secondaries, black, lower half of outer web golden bay, with a narrow black edging wider at the tip; shoulders and wing-coverts, lustrous black, Avith oval- shaped, golden bay centers; lacing heavier over wing- bows; under-color, slate, tinged with golden bay. BACK: Web of each feather, golden-bay, laced with a narrow, lus- trous greenish-black, sharply defined lacing, to conform to edge of feather; under-color, slate, tinged with golden bay. TAIL: Black; the upper sides of the two top feathers edged with golden bay. Greater coverts, black; lesser coverts, black, with golden bay centers. BREAST: Golden bay, each feather laced with a narrow, lustrous greenish-black, sharply denned lacing, to conform to edge of feather; under-color, slate. BODY AND FLUFF: Body, web of each feather, golden bay, laced with a narrow, lustrous greenish-black, sharply denned lacing, to conform to edge of feather; under-color, slate, tinged with golden bay. Fluff,, slate, tinged with golden bay. LEGS AND TOES: Thighs, web of each feather, golden bay, laced with a narrow, lustrous greenish-black, sharply denned lacing, to conform to edge of feather; under-color, slate, tinged with golden bay. Legs and toes, yellow or dusky yellow. 68 AMERICAN POULTRY ASSOCIATION GOLDEN WYANDOTTE MALE STANDARD OF PERFECTION GOLDEN WYANDOTTE FEMALE 70 AMERICAN POULTRY ASSOCIATION WHITE WYANDOTTES. Disqualifications. Ear-lobes more than one-quarter positive enamel white; red, buff or positive black in any part of plumage; shanks other than yellow. (See general disqualifications.) COLOR OF MALE AND FEMALE. BEAK: Yellow. EYES: Bay, or reddish-bay. COMB, FACE, WATTLES AND EAR-LOBES: Bright red. SHANKS AND TOES: Rich yellow; red showing at outer sides, back of scales, not a defect in males. PLUMAGE: Web, fluff and quills of feathers in all sections, pure white. BLACK WYANDOTTES. Disqualifications. Ear-lobes more than one-quarter positive enamel white; red in any part of plumage or white in any feather extending more than one-half inch; shanks other than black, shading into yellow or willow; bottoms of feet other than yellow. (See general disqualifications.) COLOR OF MALE AND FEMALE. BEAK: Black, shaded with yellow. EYES: Black, or dark brown. COMB, FACE, WATTLES AND EAR-LOBES: Bright red. SHANKS AND TOES: Black, shading into yellow or willow. BOTTOMS OF FEET: Yellow. PLUMAGE: Surface, lustrous greenish-black throughout; under- color, black. STANDARD OF PERFECTION 71 BUFF WYAXDOTTES. Disqualifications. Ear-lobes more than one-quarter positive enamel white; shanks other than yellow. (See general disqualifications.) COLOR OF MALE. BEAK: Rich yellow. EYES: Bay, or reddish-bay. COMB, FACE, WATTLES AND EAR-LOBES: Bright red. SHANKS AND TOES: Rich yellow; red showing at outer sides, back of scales, not a defect. PLUMAGE: Surface throughout an even shade of rich, golden buff, free from shafting or mealy appearance, the head, neck, hackle, back, wing-bows and saddle richly glossed; under-color, a lighter shade, free from foreign color. Different shades of buff in two or more sections is a serious defect. A harmonious blending of buff in all sections is most desirable. COLOR OF FEMALE. BEAK: Rich yellow. EYES: Bay, or reddish-bay. COMB, FACE, WATTLES AND EAK-LOBES: Bright red. SHANKS AND TOES : Rich yellow. PLUMAGE: Surface throughout an even shade of rich, golden buff, free from shafting or mealy appearance, the head and neck plumage showing luster of the same shade as the rest of the plumage; under-color a lighter shade, free from foreign color. . Different shades of buff in two or more sections is a serious defect. A harmonious blending of buff in all sections is most desirable. 72 AMERICAN POULTRY ASSOCIATION WHITE WYANDOTTE MALE STANDARD OF PERFECTION 73 WHITE WYANDOTTE FEMALE 74 AMERICAN POULTRY ASSOCIATION BUFF WYANDOTTE MALE STAXDARD OF PERFKCTTOX 75 BUFF WYANDOTTE FEMALE 76 AMERICAN POULTRY ASSOCIATION PARTRIDGE WYANDOTTES. Disqualifications. Ear-lobes more than one-quarter positive enamel white; shanks other than yellow or dusky yellow. (See general disqualifications.) COLOR OF MALE. HEAD : Plumage, bright red. BEAK: Dark horn, shading to yellow at point. EYES: Bay, or reddish- bay. COMB, FACE, WATTLES AND EAR-LOBES: Bright red. NECK: Bright red, with a lustrous greenish-black stripe running nearly parallel with edges and extending through each feather, tapering to a point near its extremity; under-color, slate. WINGS: Primaries, black, lower edges reddish-bay; secondaries, black, outside web, reddish-bay, terminating with greenish-black at end of each feather; coverts, lustrous greenish-black, forming a well defined bar of this color across wing, when folded; wing- bows, dark red; fronts, black. BACK: Dark red; saddle, bright red, with a lustrous greenish-black stripe down the middle of each feather, same as in hackle; under-color, slate. TAIL: Black; sickles and coverts, lustrous greenish-black; lesser coverts, lustrous greenish-black, edged with bright red. BREAST: Lustrous black; under-color, slate. BODY AND FLUFF: Body and fluff, black, marked with reddish- brown, reddish-brown not to predominate; under-color, slate. LEGS AND TOES: Thighs, black; shanks and toes, yellow; red showing at outer sides, back of scales, not a defect. COLOR OF FEMALE. HEAD: Plumage, mahogany brown. BEAK: Dark brown, shading to yellow at point. EYES: Bay, or reddish-bay. COMB, FACE, WATTLES AND EAR-LOBES: Bright red. NECK: Reddish- bay, center portion of feathers black penciled with mahogany brown extending down middle of each feather, running nearly parallel with edges of feather and tapering to a point near its extremity. WINGS: Primaries, black, with edging of mahogany brown on outer web; secondaries, inner web, black; outer web, mahogany brown, penciled with black; coverts, mahogany brown, penciled with black, penciling con- forming to shape of feather; wing-bows, mahogany brown, penciled with black. STANDARD OF PERFECTION 77 BACK: Mahogany brown, distinctly penciled with black, the outlines of penciling conforming to shape of feathers; under-color, slate. TAIL: Black, the two top feathers, black, penciled with mahogany brown; coverts, mahogany brown, penciled with black. BREAST: Mahogany brown, distinctly penciled with black, the pen- ciling being of the same character as that of back and extending to throat ; under-color, slate. BODY AND FLUFF: Body, mahogany brown, penciled with black; fluff, mahogany brown; under-coloi% slate. LEGS AND TOES: Thighs, mahogany brown, penciled with black; shanks and toes, yellow, or dusky yellow. Nate: Each feather in back, breast, body and wing-bows to have two or more distinct pencilings and to be free from shafting. 78 AMERICAN POULTRY ASSOCIATION PARTRIDGE WYANDOTTE MALE STANDARD OF PERFECTION 79 PARTRIDGE WYANDOTTE FEMALE 80 AMERICAN POULTRY ASSOCIATION SILVER PENCILED WYANDOTTES. Disqualifications. Ear-lobes more than one-quarter positive enamel white; shanks other than yellow, or dusky yellow. (See general disqualifications.) COLOR OF MALE. HEAD: Plumage, silvery white. BEAK: Yellow, or dusky yellow. EYES : Bay, or reddish-bay. COMB, FACE, WATTLES AND EAR-LOBES: Bright red. NECK: Silvery white, with a lustrous greenish- black stripe extending down each feather, running nearly parallel with edges of feather and taper- ing to a point near its extremity; under-color, slate or bluish- white. WINGS: Primaries, black, excepting a narrow edging of white on lower edge of web; secondaries, black except lower half of lower web which should be white, except near end of feather, at which point the white ter- minates abruptly, leaving end of feather black; coverts, lustrous greenish- black, forming a well defined bar of this color across wing when folded; bows, silvery white. BACK: Silvery white, free from brown; saddle, silvery white, with a black stripe in each feather same as hackle; under-color, slate. TAIL: Black; sickles and coverts, lustrous greenish-black; lesser coverts, lustrous greenish-black, edged with white. BREAST: Black; under-color, slate, or bluish- white. BODY AND FLUFF: Body, black; under-color, slate, or bluish-white. Fluff, black, slightly tinged with gray. LEGS AND TOES: Thighs, black; shanks and toes, yellow, or dusky yellow; red showing at outer sides, back of scales, not a defect. COLOR OF FEMALE. HEAD: Plumage, silvery gray. BEAK: Yellow, or dusky yellow. EYES : Bay, or reddish-bay. COMB, FACE, WATTLES AND EAR-LOBES: Bright red. NECK: Silvery white, with broad black stripe running nearly parallel with edges and extending down middle of each feather, tapering to a point near its extremity and free from white shaft; under-color, slate. WINGS: Primaries, black, with narrow edging of gray penciling on lower web; secondaries, upper web, black; lower web, steel-gray, with distinct dark penciling extending around outer end of feather; shoulder and wing coverts, steel-gray, with distinct dark penciling, outlines of which conform to shape of feather; under-color, slate. STANDARD OF PERFECTION 81 BACK: Steel-gray, with distinct dark penciling, outlines of which conform to shape of feathers; feathers free from white shafts; under-color, slate. TAIL: Black, except the two top feathers, which are penciled on upper edge; coverts, steel-gray with distinct dark penciling, outlines of which conform to shape of feather. BREAST: Steel-gray, with distinct dark penciling, outlines of which conform to shape of feather, the penciling reaching well up on throat; under-color, slate. BODY AND FLUFF: Body, steel-gray, with distinct dark penciling, outlines of which conform to shape of feather, the penciling reaching well down on thighs. Fluff, gray, tinged with lighter shade; under-color, slate. LEGS AND TOES: Thighs, steel-gray, with distinct penciling; shanks and toes, yellow, or dusky yellow. Note: Each feather in back, breast, body and wing-bows to have two or more distinct pencilings. AMERICAN POULTRY ASSOCIATION SILVER PENCILED WYANDOTTE MALE STANDARD OF PERFECTION 83 SILVER PENCILED WYANDOTTE FEMALE 84 AMERICAN POULTRY ASSOCIATION COLUMBIAN WYANDOTTES. Disqualifications. Ear-lobes more than one-quarter positive enamel white; shanks other than yellow. COLOR OF MALE. HEAD: Plumage, white. BEAK: Yellow, with dark stripe down upper mandible. EYES: Bay, or reddish- bay. COMB, FACE, WATTLES AND EAR-LOBES: Bright red. NECK: Plumage, other than hackle, white; hackle, web white, with solid, lustrous greenish-black stripe extending from fluff down middle of each feather, running nearly parallel with edges of feather and tapering to a point near its extremity. Under-color, white, bluish-white or slate. WINGS: Wing-bows, white, except fronts which may be partly black: primaries, black, with white edging on lower edge of lower web; second- aries, lower portion of lower web white, sufficient to secure a white wing- bay, the white extending around ends of feathers and lacing upper portion of upper web, this color growing wider in the shorter secondaries, the five next to the body being white on surface when wing is folded; remainder of each secondary, black. BACK: Surface color, white; cape, black and white; saddle, white, with occasional feathers striped with black; under-color, either white, bluish-white or slate. TAIL: Black, the curling feathers underneath, white, or black and white; sickles and coverts, lustrous greenish-black; lesser coverts, lustrous greenish-black, edged with white. BREAST: Surface and under-color, white; under-color at juncture with body, white, bluish-white or slate. BODY AND FLUFF: Body, white, except under wings where it may be white, bluish- white or slate; under-color, white, or bluish- white. Fluff, white; under-color, white, or bluish- white. LEGS AND TOES: Thighs, surface color, white; under-color, white or bluish- white. Shanks and toes, yellow; red showing at outer sides, back of scales, not a defect. COLOR OF FEMALE. HEAD: Plumage, white. BEAK: Yellow, or yellow with dark stripe down the upper mandible. EYES : Bay, or reddish-bay. COMB, FACE, WATTLES AND EAR-LOBES: Bright red. NECK: Hackle, beginning at juncture of head with neck, web, white, with a solid, wide, lustrous greenish-black stripe extending down middle STANDARD OF PERFECTION 85 of each feather, running nearly parallel with edges of feather and tapering to a point near its extremity. WINGS: Wing- bows, white; primaries, black, with white edging on lower edge of lower web; secondaries, lower portion of lower web, white, sufficient to secure a white wing-bay, the white extending around the ends and lacing upper portion of upper web, this color growing wider in the shorter secondaries, the five next to the body being white on the surface when wing is folded; remainder of each secondary, black. BACK: Surface, white, occasional black ticking not a serious defect: cape, white, or black and white; under-color white, bluish- white or slate. TAIL: Black, except the two top feathers which are edged with white: tail-coverts, black edged with white. BREAST: Surface and under-color, white; under-color, at juncture with body, white or bluish-white. BODY \ND FLUFF: Body, white, except under wings where it may be white or bluish- white; under-color, white or bluish- white. Fluff, white. LEGS AND TOES: Thighs, white; under-color, white, or bluish- white; shanks and toes, yellow. AMERICAN POULTRY ASSOCIATION COLUMBIAN WYANDOTTE MALE S r l\ I -V7). 1 RD OF PERFEC TION 87 COLUMBIAN WYANDOTTE FEMALE JAVAS. This breed presents the extreme length of body found in the Ameri- can class. The back and keel are long, which feature, together with the breadth of back, depth of body, the full, well-rounded breast and smooth posterior, gives the breed a type peculiarly its own. The neck and tail of both male and female are medium in length. The thighs are large and well-meated. Shanks are of medium size, standing well apart. The color of the face, comb and wattles of the black variety is described as gipsy (see glossary). The comb of both varieties is rather high at rear, the serrations being nearly on a line. The color of plumage of the black variety is a rich, lustrous black, with greenish sheen. Purple barring is a serious defect. The color of plumage of the mottled variety is black and white throughout. These colors should be sharply divided, each dis- tinct in itself, the black predominating. The skin of both varieties is yellow, STANDARD WEIGHTS. Cock 9j Ibs. Hen 7j Ibs. Cockerel 8 Ibs. Pullet 6 Ibs. SHAPE OF MALE. HEAD : Of medium length and breadth. BEAK: Stout, well curved. EYES: Large, full. COMB: Single, rather small, straight and upright, firm on head, lower in front; evenly serrated, having five well-defined points; fine in texture; blade free from serrations. WATTLES AND EAR-LOBES: Wattles, of medium length, well rounded at ends, smooth; fine in texture. Ear-lobes, small, oblong. NECK: Of medium length, arched; hackle, abundant. WINGS: Rather large, well folded. BACK: Long, broad, with slight decline to a concave sweep near tail; saddle feathers, abundant. TAIL: Rather long, moderately full and expanded, carried at an angle of forty-five degrees from the horizontal; sickles, long and grace- fully curved; main tail feathers, long. BREAST: Long, deep, full. 88 STANDARD OF PERFECTION 89 BODY AND FLUFF: Body, long, broad, deep. Fluff, moderate in quantity, even on surface. LEGS AND TOES: Thighs, of medium length, large, strong, well covered with close-fitting feathers; shanks, of medium length, stout in bone. Toes, of medium length, straight, strong, well spread. Shanks and toes free from feathers, stubs and down. SHAPE OF FEMALE. HEAD: Of medium size. BEAK: Strong, well curved. EYES: Of medium size, oval, full. COMB: Single, small, straight and upright, lower in front; evenly serrated, having five well-defined points; fine in texture. WATTLES AND EAR-LOBES: Wattles, of medium size, well rounded, smooth; fine in texture. Ear-lobes, small. NECK: Of medium length, slightly arched. WINGS: Rather large, well folded. BACK: Long, full near tail-coverts. TAIL: Rather long, full, slightly expanded. BREAST: Broad, deep, full. BODY AND FLUFF: Body, long, broad, deep. Fluff, moderate in quantity, even on surface LEGS AND TOES: Thighs, of medium length, large, strong, well covered with close-fitting feathers; shanks, of medium length, stout in bone. Toes, of medium length, straight, strong, well spread. Shanks and toes free from feathers, stubs and down. BLACK JAVAS. D isq uai ificat ions. Positive white in ear-lobes; foreign color in any part of plumage: skin, or o^ttoms of feet, other than yellow. (See general disqualifica- tions.) COLOR OF MALE AND FEMALE. BEAK: Black. EYES: Black, or dark brown. ^CoMB, FACE, WATTLES AND EAR-LOBES: Red, or gipsy color. SHANKS AND TOES: Shanks, black, or nearly black with a tendency toward willow; black preferred. Toes, same color as shanks, except under parts which must be yellow; bottoms of feet, yellow. PLUMAGE: Rich, lustrous black with greenish sheen, free from purple barring. 90 'AMERICAN POULTRY ASSOCIATION BLACK JAVA MALE STANDARD OF PERFECTION 91 BLACK JAVA FEMALE 92 AMERICAN POULTRY ASSOCIATION MOTTLED JAVAS. Disqualifications. Positive white in ear-lobes; red or brassy color in any part of plumage; skin, or bottoms of feet, other than yellow. (See general disqualifications.) COLOR OF MALE AND FEMALE. BEAK: Horn, or horn and yellow. EYES: Reddish-bay. COMB, FACE, WATTLES AND EAR-LOBES: Red. SHANKS AND TOES: Broken leaden-blue and yellow. PLUMAGE: Mottled black and white throughout, black predominating. DOMINIQUES. Disqualifications Permanent white in ear-lobes; any feather or feathers, or portion of a feather, of any color foreign to the breed, excepting solid black and black and white feathers. (See general disqualifications.) STANDARD WEIGHTS. Cock 71bs. Hen 5 Ibs. Cockerel 6 Ibs. Pullet 4 Ibs. SHAPE OF MALE. HEAD: Of medium size, carried well up. BEAK: Short, stout, regularly curved. EYES: Large, clear. ^COMB: Rose, not so large as to overhang the eyes or beak; firm and straight on head, square in front, uniform on sides, free from hollow in center, terminating in a spike at rear, the point of which turns slightly upward; top covered with small points. WATTLES AND EAR-LOBES: Wattles, broad, full, pendent. Ear- lobes, oblong, of medium size. NECK: Of medium length, well arched, tapering; hackle, abundant. WINGS: Rather large, well folded; wing-bows and points, well cov- ered by breast and saddle feathers. BACK: Of medium length, broad, rising with concave sweep to tail. TAIL: Long, full, slightly expanded; sickles, long, well curved. BREAST: Broad, round and carried well up. STANDARD OF PERFECTION 93 BODY AND FLUFF: Body, broad, full, compact. Fluff, moderately full. LEGS AND TOES: Thighs, of medium length, large, strong, well covered with soft feathers; shanks, fine in bone. Toes, of medium length, straight, well spread. Shanks and toes free from feathers, stubs and down. SHAPE OF FEMALE. HEAD: Small. BEAK: Short, stout, regularly curved. EYES: Large, oval. ^COMB: Rose, similar to that of male, but much smaller. WATTLES AND EAR-LOBES: Wattles, rather small and well rounded. Ear-lobes, of medium size, oblong. NECK: Short, slightly arched, tapering. WINGS: Rather large, well folded. BACK: Of medium length, broad, slightly concave. TAIL: Full, rather long, slightly expanded, carried at an angle of forty-five degrees from the horizontal. BREAST: Round, full. BODY AND FLUFF: Body, broad, full, compact. Fluff, moderately full. LEGS AND TOES: Thighs, of medium length, large, strong, well cov- ered with soft feathers; shanks, fine in bone. Toes, of medium length, straight, well spread. Shanks and toes free from feathers, stubs and down. COLOR OF MALE AND FEMALE. BEAK: Yellow. EYES: Reddish-bay. COMB, FACE, WATTLES AND EAR-LOBES: Bright red. SHANKS AND TOES: Ydlow. - PLUMAGE: Slate, feathers in all sections of the fowl, crossed through- out their entire length, by regular, parallel, sharply defined, dark and light bars that stop short of positive black and positive white, tip of each feather dark, free from shafting, brownish tinge, or metallic sheen; under-color, slate; excellence to be determined by distinct contrasts, and evenness and clearness of barring. The male may be one or two shades lighter than the female. 93o AMERICAN POULTRY ASSOCIATION DOMINIQUE MALE STANDARD OF PERFECTION 93ft DOMINIQUE FEMALE RHODE ISLAND REDS. (Single and Rose Comb.) The Rhode Island Reds are an American production now generally- regarded at poultry exhibitions as being a new breed, though they have been bred in large numbers for practical purposes in Rhode Island during many years, taking their name from that State. They are believed to have originated from crosses of the Asiatics, Mediterraneans and Games. Their chief characteristics are: red color, oblong shape, compact form and smooth surface plumage. D isqualifications. Ear-lobes more than one-half positive white; one or more entirely white feathers showing in the outer plumage; shanks and feet other than yellow or reddish-horn. (See general disqualifications.) STANDARD WEIGHTS. Cock 8J Ibs. Hen 6 Ibs. Cockerel ?j Ibs. Pullet 5 Ibs. SHAPE OF MALE. HEAD: Medium size, carried horizontally and slightly forward. BEAK: Medium length, slightly curved. EYES: Large, oval, prominent. COMB : Single, medium in size, set firmly upon head, perfectly straight and upright, with five, even and well-defined points, those in front and rear smaller than those in the center; of considerable breadth where it joins to the head; blade smooth, not conforming too closely to shape of head, free from serrations. COMB: Rose, low, firm on head; top, oval in shape, and surface cov- ered with small points terminating in a small spike at the rear. The comb to conform to the general curve of the head. WATTLES AND EAR-LOBES: Wattles, of medium size, equal in length, regularly curved, free from folds and wrinkles. Ear-lobes, oblong, well defined, smooth, proportionate in size to other head adjuncts. NECK: Medium length; hackle, abundant, flowing over the shoulders, not too loosely feathered. WINGS: Of good size, well folded, carried horizontally. 94 STANDARD OF PERFECTION 9.5 BACK: Broad, long, carried horizontally, with slight concave sweep to tail; saddle feathers, of medium length, abundant. TAIL: Of medium length, well spread, carried at an angle of forty degrees from the horizontal, thus increasing the apparent length of the fowl; sickles, of medium length, extending slightly beyond main tail feathers; lesser sickles and tail-coverts, of medium length, large, well covered with soft feathers. BREAST: Deep, full, well rounded. BODY AND FLUFF: Body, broad, deep, long; keel-bone, long, straight, extending well forward, giving body an oblong appearance; feathers carried close to body. Fluff, moderately full. SHANKS AND TOES: Shanks, of medium length, well rounded, smooth, set well apart. Toes, of medium length, straight, strong, well spread. Shanks and toes free from feathers, stubs and down. SHAPE OF FEMALE. HEAD : Medium size, carried horizontally and slightly forward. BEAK: Medium length, slightly curved. EYES: Large, oval. COMB: Single, medium in size, set firmly upon head, perfectly straight and upright, with five, even and well defined points, those in front and rear smaller than those in center. COMB: Rose, low, firm on head, much smaller than that of the male, and, in proportion to its length, narrower; covered with small points and terminating in a small, short spike at the rear. WATTLES AND EAR-LOBES: Wattles, of medium size, equal in length, regularly curved. Ear-lobes, oblong, well defined, smooth, proportionate in size to other head adjuncts. NECK: Of medium length; hackle, moderately full. WINGS: Rather large, well folded; fronts, well covered by breast feathers; flights, carried nearly horizontal. BACK: Broad, long, carried horizontally. TAIL: Rather short, moderately spread, carried at an angle of thirty- five degrees from the horizontal. BREAST: Deep, full, well rounded. BODY AND FLUFF: Body, broad, deep, long; keel-bone, long, straight, extending well forward, giving body an oblong appearance; feathers car- ried close to body. Fluff, moderately full. LEGS AND TOES: Thighs, of medium length, well covered with soft feathers; shanks, of medium length, well rounded, smooth. Toes, of med- ium length, straight, strong, well spread. Shanks and toes free from feathers, stubs and down. 96 AMERICAN POULTRY ASSOCIATION COLOR OF MALE. BEAK: Reddish-horn. EYES: Red. COMB, FACE, WATTLES AND EAR-LOBES : Bright red. NECK: Rich, brilliant red; under-color, red. WINGS: Wing- bows, brilliant red; primaries, upper web red, lower web black with narrow edging of red, only sufficient to prevent the black from showing on surface when wings are folded in natural position; primary-coverts, black; secondaries, lower web red, the red extending around the ends of the feathers, the remainder of each feather, black; the five feathers next to the body being red on the surface so that the wing, folded in natural position, shall show one harmonious red color; wing- coverts, red. BACK: Rich, brilliant red; under-color, red. TAIL: Main tail and sickle feathers, black or greenish-black; tail coverts, mainly black, but may become red as they approach the saddle. BREAST: Rich red; under-color, red. BODY AND FLUFF: Rich red; under-color, red. SHANKS AND TOES: Rich yellow, or reddish-horn color. A line of red pigment down sides of shanks extending to tip of toes is desirable. PLUMAGE: General surface, rich, brilliant red except where black is specified, free from shafting or mealy appearance; depth of red color is slightly accentuated on wing-bows and back, but the less contrast between these sections and the hackle and breast, the better. A harmonious blend- ing of all sections is desired. The bird should be so brilliant in luster as to have a glossed appearance. The under-color should be red. COLOR OF FEMALE. BEAK: Reddish-horn. EYES: Red. COMB, FACE, WATTLES AND EAR-LOBES: Bright red. NECK: Surface color red, with slight ticking at end of feathers on lower hackle; under-color, red. WINGS: Wing-bows red; primaries, upper web red, lower web black with narrow edging of red, only sufficient to prevent the black from show- ing on surface when wings are folded in natural position; primary coverts, black; secondaries, lower web red, the red extending around the ends of the feathers; the remainder of each feather, black; the five feathers next to the body, red on the surface, so that the wing, folded in natural position, shall show one harmonious red color; wing-coverts, red. BACK: Rich red; under-color, red. TAIL: Black, except the two top feathers which may be edged with red. STANDARD OF PERFECTION 97 BREAST: Rich red; under-color, red. BODY AND FLUFF: Red; under-color, red. SHANKS AND TOES: Rich yellow, or reddish-horn color; a line of red pigment down sides of shanks, extending to tip of toes is desirable. PLUMAGE: General surface color, rich, even red, except where black is specified, free from shafting or mealy appearance; under-color, red. 98 AMERICAN POULTRY ASSOCIATION RHODE ISLAND RED MALE STANDARD OF PERFECTION 99 RHODE ISLAND RED FEMALE BUCKEYES. Disqualifications. Ear-lobes more than one-fourth enamel white; entirely white feathers. (See general disqualifications.) STANDARD WEIGHTS. Cock 9 Ibs. Hen 6 Ibs. Cockerel 8 Ibs. Pullet 5 Ibs. SHAPE OF MALE. HEAD : Of medium size, carried well up. BEAK: Short, stout, regularly curved. EYES: Of medium size, full, bright, with bold expression. COMB: Pea, medium, firm, set closely on head. WATTLES AND EAR-LOBES: Wattles, medium size, of equal length, moderately rounded. Ear-lobes, of medium size. NECK: Of medium length, well arched, tapering nicely; hackle, abundant, flowing well over shoulders. WINGS: Of medium size, well folded; wing-bows and wing-points, well covered by breast and saddle feathers, respectively. BACK: Broad at shoulders, rather long, rising with slight concave sweep to tail; saddle feathers, abundant. TAIL: Of medium length and size, carried moderately upright; sickles and coverts, of medium length, nicely curved, sufficiently abundant to cover well the stiff feathers. BREAST: Broad, deep, well rounded, carried somewhat elevated above the horizontal. BODY AND FLUFF: Body, rather long, broad, deep, full, heavy for size of bird; keel-bone, long, straight, extending well forward. Fluff, moderately full. LEGS AND TOES: Thighs, of medium length, large, well covered with soft feathers; shanks, of medium length, stout, smooth, set well apart. Toes, of medium length, straight, strong, well spread. Shanks and toes free from feathers, stubs and down. / SHAPE OF FEMALE. HEAD : Of medium size, carried well up. BEAK: Short, stout, regularly curved. 100 STANDARD OF PERFECTION 101 EYES: Of medium size, full, bright. COMB: Pea, small, set closely on head. WATTLES AND EAR-LOBES: Wattles, of equal length, moderately rounded. Ear-lobes, of medium size. NECK: Of medium length, well curved; hackle, moderately full. WINGS: Of medium size, well folded. BACK: Broad, rather long, rising very slightly to tail. TAIL: Of medium length, fairly well spread, carried moderately upright. BREAST: Broad, deep, well rounded, carried somewhat elevated above the horizontal. BODY AND FLUFF: Body, long, broad, deep, full, heavy for size of bird; keel-bone, long, straight, extending well forward. Fluff, moderately full. LEGS AND TOES: Thighs, of medium length and size, well covered with soft feathers; shanks, of medium length, stout, smooth, set well apart. Toes, of medium length and si/e, straight, well spread. Shanks and toes free from feathers, stubs and down. COLOR OF MALE. BEAK: Yellow, shaded with reddish-horn. EYES: Reddish-bay. COMB, FACE, WATTLES AND EAR-LOBES: Bright red. SHANKS AND TOES: Yellow, red back of scales not a defect. ^PLUMAGE: General surface, mahogany bay, slightly accentuated on wing-bows; under-color, salmon, or slate and salmon. The unexposed flight feathers and main tail feathers may contain black: sickles and cov- erts should be shaded bay and black, thus avoiding a sharp contrast be- tween body and tail. Shaft of feathers, bay entire length. COLOR OF FEMALE. BEAK: Yellow. EYES: Reddish- bay. COMB, FACE, WATTLES AND EAR-LOBES : Bright red. SHANKS AND TOES : Yellow. PLUMAGE: General surface, mahogany bay. The unexposed flight feathers and main tail feathers may contain black; under-color, salmon, or slate and salmon. 102 AMERICAN POULTRY ASSOCIATION BUCKEYE MALE STANDARD OF PERFECTION 10.'} BUCKEYE FEMALE CLASS II. ASIATIC. Breeds Varieties BRAHMAS J Light (Dark ( Buff COCHINS.. ) Partridge } White ( Black LANGSHANS. . . 5 Black I White SCALE OF POINTS FOR ASIATIC CLASS. Symmetry 4 Weight 6 Condition 4 Comb 8 Head Shape 3, Color 3 G Eyes Shape 2, Color 2 4 Wattles and Ear-Lobes Shape 2, Color 3 5 Neck Shape 4, Color 5 9 Wings Shape 4, Color 4 8 Back Shape 6, Color 5 11 Tail Shape 4, Color5 9 Breast Shape 5, Color 5 10 BodyandFluff ShapeS, Color3 8 Legs and Toes Shape 5, Color 3 8 100 104 BRAHMAS. The Brahma male should have that strength and grace of carriage which naturally belongs to a well-proportioned fowl of its size and finish. The head, when well furnished, lends style and character to the bird's commanding appearance. The body should be large, well rounded and free from any tendency to excessive fluff. The Standard does not provide for apparent cushion in Brahmas, either male or female. The Brahma male should be of a distinctive type quite unlike the Cochin in form and feather, being more compactly and firmly put together. The solidity of form and compactness of plumage unite, in the standard Brahma male, to produce a finely-proportioned fowl of large size and active nature. Comb, color and markings should be well defined, embodying the true Brahma characteristics. The Brahma female has the fine, graceful lines that properly belong to her as the mate of the stately and powerful male of this breed. She lacks rotundity of form as compared with the full-feathered Cochin, her body being more compact and closely feathered. The proper sweep of back from saddle to tail is formed largely by the distinctively Brahma spread of tail, which continues and finishes the back line, and fills out the side lines to proper form, within the true contour of Brahma shape. SHAPE OF MALE. HEAD: Of medium length, broad; crown projecting well over eyes. BEAK: Stout, well curved. EYES: Large, deep set. ^~ COMB: Pea, small, firm and even on head, lower and narrower in front and at rear than at center: each row evenly serrated; points in front and at rear smaller than those of center. WATTLES AND EAR-LOBES: Wattles, of medium size, well rounded. Ear-lobes, large, the lower edges on a level with, or slightly below, edges of wattles. NECK: Moderately long, well arched: hackle, abundant, flowing over shoulders and meeting under throat, dividing at lower ends of wattles and flowing full at sides. WINGS: Small, carried rather high, with lower line nearly horizontal; sides, well rounded; primaries, closely folded under secondaries. BACK: Broad, rather long, flat across shoulders carrying its width well back to tail, rising with slightly concave incline from shoulders to 105 106 AMERICAN POULTRY ASSOCIATION middle of saddle, where it takes a more pronounced concave sweep well up on tail; saddle, abundant, flowing full over sides, filling well in front of tail and covering wing-points. TAIL: Rather large, full, well spread, carried high enough to continue concave sweep of back, filled underneath with curling feathers; sickles, short, spreading laterally; coverts, plentiful, but not so long as to cover the entire length of lower main tail feathers. BREAST: Broad, deep, well rounded. BODY AND FLUFF: Body, rather long, deep, well rounded at sides. Fluff, abundant, smooth in surface, giving specimen a broad but compact appearance. LEGS AND TOES: Legs, straight, set well apart; thighs, stout, well covered with soft feathers, nicely rounded, free from vulture-like feather- ing; shanks, large, stout in bone, of sufficient length to properly balance specimen, well covered on outer sides with feathers. Toes, straight, stout; outer and middle toes, well feathered. SHAPE OF FEMALE. HEAD: Of medium length, broad; crown projecting well over eyes. BEAK: Stout, well curved. EYES: Large, deep set. COMB: Pea, low, firm and even on head; well serrated, the middle row higher and more distinctly serrated than the other two. WATTLES AND EAR-LOBES: Wattles, small. Ear-lobes, large. NECK: Of moderate length, slightly arched; rather full under throat, hens having dewlap between wattles. WINGS: Small, carried rather high, with lower line nearly horizontal; sides, well rounded; fronts, covered by breast feathers; primaries, closely folded under secondaries. BACK: Broad, rather long, flat across shoulders with moderate incline to tail, carrying the width well back to tail. TAIL: Medium length, well spread at base, resembling an inverted "V" with wide angle when viewed from rear, carried high enough to con- tinue the sweep of back; tail-coverts, two rows, covering a greater part of both sides of main tail. BREAST: Broad, deep, well rounded. BODY AND FLUFF: Body, long, deep, well rounded at sides. Fluff, abundant, smooth in surface, giving specimen a broad but compact appear- ance. LEGS AND TOES: Legs, straight, set well apart; thighs, stout, well covered with soft feathers; shanks, of medium length, stout in bone, well feathered on outer sides. Toes, straight, stout; outer and middle toes, well feathered. STANDARD OF PERFECTION 107 LIGHT BRAHMAS. Disqualifications. Solid black feathers in back; positive black spots prevalent in web of feathers of back, except slight dark or black stripes in saddle of males near tail, or in cape of either sex; vulture-like hocks; shanks any color other than yellow or reddish-yellow; cocks not weighing nine pounds; hens not weighing seven and one-half pounds; cockerels not weighing seven and one-half pounds; pullets not weighing six pounds. (See general disquali- fications.) STANDARD WEIGHTS. Cock 12 Ibs. Hen 9| Ibs. Cockerel 10 Ibs. Pullet 8 Ibs. COLOR OF MALE. HEAD: Plumage, white. BEAK: Yellow, with dark stripe down upper mandible. EYES: Reddish-bay. COMB, FACE, WATTLES AND EAR-LOBES: Bright red. NECK: Plumage, other than hackle, white; hackle, web white with solid, lustrous greenish-black stripe extending from fluff down middle of each feather, running nearly parallel with edge of feather and tapering to a point near its extremity; under-color, white, bluish-white or slate. WINGS: Bows, white, except fronts, which may be partly black; primaries, black with white edging on lower edge of lower web; second- aries, lower portion of lower web white, sufficient to secure a white wing- bay, the white extending around ends of feathers and lacing upper portion of upper web, this color growing wider in the shorter secondaries, the five next to the body being white on surface when wing is folded; remainder of each secondary, black. BACK: Surface color, white; cape, black and white; saddle, white; under-color, either white, bluish-white or slate. TAIL: Black; the curling feathers underneath, white or black and white; sickles and coverts, lustrous greenish-black; lesser coverts, lustrous greenish-black, edged with white. BREAST: Surface and under-color, white; under-color, at juncture with body, white, bluish-white or slate. BODY AND FLUFF: Body, white, except under wings, where it may be white, bluish-white or slate; under-color, white or bluish-white. Fluff, white; under-color, white or bluish-white. LEGS AND TOES: Thighs, surface color, white; under-color, white or bluish- white; shank feathers, white; outer toe feathering, white and black; if black, laced with white; shanks and toes, yellow. AMERICAN POULTRY ASSOCIATION BRAHMA MALE STANDARD OF PERFECTION 10!) LIGHT BRAHMA FEMALE 110 AMERICAN POULTRY ASSOCIATION COLOR OF FEMALE. HEAD: Plumage, white. BEAK: Yellow, with dark stripe down the upper mandible. EYES: Reddish-bay. COMB, FACE, WATTLES AND EAR-LOBES: Bright red. NECK: Hackle, beginning at juncture of head with neck, web, white, with a solid, wide, lustrous greenish-black stripe extending down middle of each feather, running nearly parallel with edge of feather and tapering to a point near its extremity. WINGS: Bows, white; primaries, black with white edging on lower edge of lower web; secondaries, lower portion of lower web white, suffi- cient to secure a white wing-bay, the white extending around the ends and lacing upper portion of upper web, this color growing wider in the shorter secondaries, the five next to the body being white on surface when wing is folded; remainder of each secondary, black. BACK: White; cape, white or black and white; under-color, white or bluish-white. TAIL: Black, except the two top feathers which are edged with white; tail-coverts, black edged with white. BREAST: Surface and under-color, white; under-color, at juncture with body, white or bluish-white. BODY AND FLUFF: Body, white, except under wings, where it may be white or bluish- white; under-color, white or bluish- white. Fluff, white. LEGS AND TOES: Thighs, white; under-color, white or bluish- white; shank feathers, white; outer toe feathers, white and black; if black, laced with white; shanks and toes, yellow. DARK BRAHMAS. Disqualifications. Vulture-like hocks; cocks not weighing nine pounds; hens not weigh- ing seven pounds; cockerels not weighing seven and one-half pounds; pullets not weighing five and one-half pounds. (See general disquali- fications.) STANDARD WEIGHTS. Cock 11 Ibs. Hen 8 Ibs- Cockerel 9 Ibs. Pullet 7 Ibs. COLOR OF MALE. HEAD : Plumage, silvery white. BEAK: Dark horn shading to yellow at point. STANDARD OF PERFECTION HI EYES: Reddish- bay. COMB, FACE, WATTLES AND EAR-LOBES: Bright red. NECK: Hackle, silvery white, with a lustrous greenish-black stripe extending down middle of each feather, running nearly parallel with edge of feather, tapering to a point near its extremity; shafts free from white; under-color, slate. WINGS: Bows, silvery white; primaries, black, except a narrow edging of white on lower edge of lower web; secondaries, black, except lower half of lower web which should be white except near end of feather, at which point the white terminates abruptly, leaving end of feather black; wing- coverts, glossy greenish-black, forming a well-defined bar of this color across wing when folded. BACK: Silvery white, free from brown; saddle, silvery white, with a black stripe in each feather, same as hackle; under-color, slate. TAIL: Black; sickles and coverts, lustrous greenish- black; lesser coverts, lustrous greenish-black, edged with white. BREAST: Black; under-color, slate. BODY AND FLUFF: Body, black; under-color, slate. Fluff, black, slightly tinged with gray; under-color, slate. LEGS AND TOES: Thighs, black; shank feathers, black or black mixed with white, black preferred; shanks and toes, yellow. Toe feathers, black. COLOR OF FEMALE. HEAD : Plumage, silvery gray. BEAK: Dark horn, shading to yellow at point. EYES: Reddish-bay. COMB, FACE, \\ ATTLES AND EAR-LOBES : Bright red. NECK: Silvery white, with broad black stripe running nearly parallel with edges of and extending down middle of each feather, tapering to a point near its extremity and free from white shaft; under-color, slate. WINGS: Primaries, black, with narrow edge of gray penciling on lower web; secondaries, upper web black, lower web gray, with distinct dark penciling extending around outer end of feathers; shoulder and wing- coverts, gray, with distinct dark penciling, outlines of which conform to shape of feathers; under-color, slate. BACK: Gray, with distinct dark penciling, outlines of which conform to shape of feather; feathers free from white shafts; under-color, slate. TAIL: Black, except the two top feathers which are penciled on upper edge; coverts, gray, with distinct dark penciling, outlines of which conform to shape of feathers. BREAST: Gray, with distinct dark penciling, outlines of which con- form to shape of feather, the penciling reaching well up on throat; under- color, slate. 112 AMERICAN POULTRY ASSOCIATION DARK BBAMHA MALE STANDARD OF PERFECTION 113 DARK BRAHMA FEMALE 114 AMERICAN POULTRY ASSOCIATION BODY AND FLUFF: Body, gray, with distinct dark penciling reaching well down on thighs. Fluff, gray, tinged with lighter shade; under-color, slate. LEGS AND TOES: Thighs, gray, with distinct penciling; shanks and toe feathers, same shade of gray; toe feathers, penciled. Shanks and toes, yellow or dusky yellow. Note: Each feather in back, breast, body and wing-bows to have two or more distinct pencilings. COCHINS. The Cochin male should be a very deep-bodied, massive, vigorous bird, possessing a dignified carriage, but showing a tendency to lean for- ward. The keel should be low and the saddle, or cushion, well up. The outline of every section should be well rounded and free from flat or con- cave surfaces. The extraordinary profusion of long, loose plumage, and the great abundance of downy fibre in the under fluff, produce a large, bulky appearance, conveying the idea of even greater weight than exists in reality. Hard or close-fitting plumage is a very serious defect. The Cochin female should correspond, in a feminine way, with the male, but shoud be shorter and rounder, possessing a more plump appear- ance. The back of the Cochin female seems shorter than it really is, owing to the difference in the character of the neck and cushion plumage. The cushion is more pronounced than in the male, being very large and full, rising from the base of the hackle, or from the cape, and very nearly covering the tail. The abdomen is more fully developed than that of the male Cochin. Head, comb, wattles and ear-lobes are much smaller than in the male, and are of the finest texture. STANDARD WEIGHTS. Cock 11 Ibs. Hen 9| Ibs. Cockerel 9 Ibs. Pullet 7 Ibs. SHAPE OF MALE. HEAD: Rather short, broad, deep, prominent over eyes; juncture with neck, well defined. BEAK: Short, stout at base, curving to point. EYES: Medium, large, mild in expression. * COMB: Single, of medium size, set firmly on head : stout at base, up- right, straight from front to rear, low in front, carefully rounded toward rear; serrations, moderately deep, dividing comb into five regular points, the middle one the highest; free from wrinkles or side sprigs; fine in texture. FACE: Of fine texture. WATTLES AND EAR-LOBES: Wattles, rather long, well rounded at lower edges, thin and fine in texture. Ear-lobes, well defined, hanging about two-thirds as low as wattles: smooth. NECK: Short, full, well proportioned, beautifully arched from rear 115 116 AMERICAN POULTRY ASSOCIATION of head to back; hackle, very long and abundant, flowing well over shoul- ders and cape. WINGS: Carried well up, small and completely folded- fronts, em- bedded in plumage of breast; tips, nicely tucked under saddle plumage; wing-bows, smooth and exceedingly well rounded; loose or hanging flights very objectionable. BACK: Apparently short, very broad, well rounded. SHOULDERS: Very broad; flat across under hackle. SADDLE OR CUSHION: Rising from back at base of hackle or cape, very broad and round; plumage very profuse and long; saddle feathers, flowing over tips of wings and mingling with fluff and under-plumage of tail. TAIL: Main tail, short, well spread at base, filled underneath with profusion of soft feathers and enveloped by coverts and lesser sickles, showing as little stiff feathers as possible; saddle and tail to have soft, round, bulky appearance. BREAST: Carried forward, very full, well rounded, of great breadth and depth. BODY AND FLUFF: Body, moderately long, broad, deep, well rounded from point of breast to abdomen; abdomen, well let down between the legs, broad and well rounded from breast bone to tail, depending more for fullness on length of feathers than on muscular development. Fluff, full, soft, abundant. LEGS: Very strong, large, straight, set well apart. Thighs, of moderate length; the more long, soft, outstanding plumage, extending well down the shanks and covering knee or hock joints, the better, having the appearance of two great globes of feathers concealing the legs from view. Hocks, covered with flexible feathers, curving inward about the joints; free from vulture-like feathering. Shanks, short, stout in bone; plumage, long, beginning just below hocks and covering front and outer sides of shanks, from which it should be outstanding, the upper part growing out from under thigh plumage and continuing into foot feathering. There should be no marked break in the outlines between the plumage of these sections; they should merge naturally into each other and blend together. TOES: Straight, stout, well spread; middle and outer toes, completely feathered to ends. SHAPE OF FEMALE. HEAD : Neat looking, fairly full in skull ; fashioned after that of male, except finer in form. BEAK: Short, stout at base, curving to point. EYES: Of medium size, mild in expression. COMB: Single, small, straight and upright, nicely rounded to conform STANDARD OF PERFECTION 117 to shape of head; divided into five points; free from side sprigs and other imperfections; fine in texture. FACE : Of fine texture. WATTLES AND EAR-LOBES: Wattles, small, nicely rounded; fine in texture. Ear-lobes, oblong, fairly well defined; fine in texture. NECK: Short, nicely arched; hackle, very full, flowing well over shoulders and cape. WINGS: Small, completely folded; fronts, embedded in plumage ot breast; tips, concealed between cushion and thigh plumage; wing- bows, smooth and exceedingly well rounded; loose or hanging flights very ob- jectionable. BACK: Apparently short, very broad, well rounded. SHOULDERS: Broad; flat across under hackle. CUSHION: Rising very full from back at base of hackle or cape, very large and round; plumage, profuse, flowing over tips of wings, well into thigh fluff and almost covering tail feathers. TAIL: Short, broad at base, carried rather low; well filled underneath with profusion of soft feathers and nearly enveloped by tail-coverts, which help to form the cushion. BREAST: Carried low in front, full, well rounded, of great breadth and depth. BODY AND FLUFF: Body, of medium length, broad, deep, full and well rounded from point of breast to abdomen; abdomen, well let down between legs, full and round from breast bone to tail, with great length and fullness of feather. Fluff, full, soft, profuse. LEGS: Moderately large, straight, strong, set well apart; thighs, of medium length, with great profusion of long, soft, outstanding fluff plum- age, completely hiding hocks or knee-joints, and covering shanks almost to feet; hocks should be covered with a profusion of soft, flexible feathers, curving inward about knee-joints; free from vulture-like feathers. Shanks, short, stout in bone, covered profusely with long plumage. TOES: Straight, well spread; middle and outer toes completely feathered to ends. 118 AMERICAN POULTRY ASSOCIATION BUFF COCHINS. Disqualifications. Vulture-like hocks; plucked hocks; shanks other than yellow in color; bare middle toes; cocks not weighing nine pounds; hens not weighing seven pounds; cockerels not weighing seven pounds; pullets not weighing five pounds. (See general disqualifications.) COLOR OF MALE. BEAK: Rich yellow. EYES: Reddish-bay. COMB, FACE, WATTLES AND EAR-LOBES: Bright red. SHANKS AND TOES : Rich yellow. PLUMAGE: Surface throughout, an even shade of rich, golden buff, free from shafting or mealy appearance; the head, neck, hackle, back, wing-bows and saddle richly glossed; under-color, a lighter shade, free from foreign color. Different shades of buff in two or more sections is a serious defect. A harmonious blending of buff in all sections is most desirable. COLOR OF FEMALE. BEAK : Rich yellow. EYES: Reddish-bay. COMB, FACE, WATTLES AND EAR-LOBES: Bright red. SHANKS AND TOES: Rich yellow. PLUMAGE: Surface throughout an even shade of rich, golden buff, free from shafting or mealy appearance; the head and neck plumage show- ing luster of the same shade as the rest of the plumage; under-color, a lighter shade, free from foreign color. Different shades of buff in two or more sections is a serious defect. A harmonious blending of buff in all sections is most desirable. STANDARD OF PERFECTION 119 PARTRIDGE COCHINS. D isqualifications. Positive white extending into web of tail feathers of cockerel; vulture- like hocks; plucked hocks, shanks other than yellow or dusky yellow, bare middle toes. (See general disqualifications.) COLOR OF MALE. HEAD: Plumage, bright red. BEAK: Dark horn, shading to yellow at point. EYES: Reddish-bay. COMB, FACE, WATTLES AND EAR-LOBES: Bright red. NECK: Bright red, with a lustrous greenish- black stripe running nearly parallel with edges and extending through each feather, tapering to a point near its extremity; under-color, slate. WINGS: Wing-bows, dark red; fronts, black; primaries, black, lower edges of web reddish- bay; secondaries, black, outside web reddish-bay terminating with greenish-black at end of each feather; coverts, lustrous greenish-black, forming well-defined bar of this color across wing when folded. " BACK: Dark red; saddle, bright red, with a lustrous greenish-black stripe down the middle of each feather, same as in hackle; under-color, slate. TAIL: Black; sickles and coverts, lustrous greenish-black, edged with bright red. - BREAST: Lustrous black; under-color, slate. BODY AND FLUFF: Body, black. Fluff, black; under-color, slate. LEGS AND TOES: Thighs, black; under-color, slate. Shank plumage, black or brownish-black. Shanks and toes, yellow or dusky yellow. Toe plumage, black or brownish-black. COLOR OF FEMALE. HEAD: Plumage, mahogany brown. BEAK: Dark horn, shading into yellow at point. EYES: Reddish-bay. COMB, FACE, WATTLES AND EAR-LOBES : Bright red. NECK: Bright red with a lustrous black stripe extending down the middle of each feather, running nearly parallel with edge of feather and tapering to a point near its extremity. WINGS: Wing-bows, mahogany brown, penciled with black; pri- maries, black, with edging of mahogany brown on outer web: secondaries, inner web black, outer web mahogany brown, penciled with black, pen- ciling conforming to shape of feather. 120 AMERICAN POULTRY ASSOCIATION BUFF COCHIN MALE STANDARD OF PERFECTION BUFF COCHIN FEMALE 122 AMERICAN POULTRY ASSOCIATION PARTRIDGE COCHIN MALE STANDARD OF PERFECTION 123 PARTRIDGE COCHIN FEMALE 124 AMERICAN POULTRY ASSOCIATION BACK: Mahogany brown, distinctly penciled with black, the out- lines of penciling conforming to shape of feather; under-color, slate. TAIL: Black, the two top feathers black penciled with mahogany brown on upper edge; coverts, mahogany brown penciled with black. BREAST: Mahogany brown, distinctly penciled with black, the pen- ciling being of same character as that of back and extending to throat; under-color, slate. BODY AND FLUFF: Body, mahogany brown, penciled with black. Fluff, mahogany brown; under-color, slate. LEGS AND TOES: Thigh, shank and toe plumage, mahogany brown penciled with black. Shanks and toes, yellow or dusky yellow. STANDARD OF PERFECTION 125 WHITE COCHINS. Disqualifications. Feathers other than white in any part of plumage: \ulture-like hocks; plucked hocks; shanks other than yellow; bare middle toes. (See general disqualifications.) COLOR OF MALE AND FEMALE. BEAK: Yellow. EYES: Reddish-bay. COMB, FACE, WATTLES AND EAR-LOBES: Bright red. LEGS AND TOES: Rich yellow. PLUMAGE: Web, fluff and quills of feathers in all sections pure white. BLACK COCHINS. Disqualifications. Feathers other than black in any part of plumage, except in foot or toe-feathering of standard size specimens, and in under-color of neck of bantam males; vulture-like hocks: plucked hocks; shanks other than black or yellow, or black gradually shading into yellow: bare middle toes; bot- toms of feet other than yellow. (See general disqualifications.) COLOR OF MALE AND FEMALE. BEAK: Black, shaded with yellow. EYES: Black or dark brown. COMB, FACE, WATTLES AND EAR-LOBES: Bright red. LEGS AND TOES: Black or yellow; black gradually shading into yellow preferred. Bottoms of feet, yellow. PLUMAGE: Surface, lustrous greenish black throughout, under color, black. LANGSHANS. The general characteristics of Langshans are: Great proportionate depth of keel, with round contour of breast; fineness of bone for size of fowl; smooth white skin and pinkish- white flesh. The male develops great length of tail feathers, the sickles not uncommonly attaining a length of sixteen or seventeen inches. Its large, well-spread tail, carried erect, with abundant, close-lying saddle feathers, full-hackled neck and upright carriage, gives the effect of a short back. The surface of plumage through- out is close and smooth, being very brilliant with greenish reflections in the black, and silvery white in the white variety. The body, in both sexes of both varieties, should be evenly balanced on firm, straight legs with very little backward bend at the knee-joints. The legs are sinewy, the toes long and slender, free from coarseness, and the middle toes should be devoid of feathers. Height of the Langshan should be gained by depth of body and erectness of carriage, not from what may well be described as stiltiness of legs. Close-standing knee- joints, narrowness of body and the presence of foreign color are highly objectionable. STANDARD WEIGHTS. Cock 9lbs. Hen 7* Ibs. Cockerel 8 Ibs. Pullet 6^ Ibs, SHAPE OF MALE. HEAD : Of good size, rather broad. BEAK: Stout at base, well curved. EYES: Moderately large, round. COMB : Single, rather large, straight, upright ; evenly serrated, having five points, blade free from serrations; not conforming closely to neck; fine in texture. WATTLES AND EAR-LOBES: Wattles, of moderate length, well rounded. Ear-lobes, oblong, well developed. NECK: Of good length, well arched; hackle, abundant, flowing well over shoulders. WINGS: Of medium size, well folded, carried close to body. BACK: Short, broad, flat at shoulders, rising from middle of back in a decidedly sharp concave sweep to tail ; saddle feathers, abundant, flow- ing well over sides. 126 STAXDARD OF PERFECTION 127 TAIL: Large, full, well spread at base, carried at an angle of seventy degrees from the horizontal; sickles, long, extending decidedly beyond the tail; coverts, long -the longer the better. BREAST: Broad, round, deep. BODY AND FLUFF: Body, broad and deep in front of thighs. Fluff, fairly developed, but not so abundant as to hide profile of hocks. LEGS AND TOES: Thighs, strong, well covered with soft feathers; shanks, rather long, stout in bone, straight, set well apart, feathered down the outer sides. Toes, long, straight, slender; outer toes, feathered to the end; middle toes, free from feathers. SHAPE OF FEMALE. HEAD: Smaller and narrower than that of male. BEAK: Stout at base, well curved. EYES: Moderately large, round. COMB: Single, smaller than that of male, straight and upright: evenly serrated, having five points; fine in texture. WATTLES AND EAR-LOBES: Wattles, fairly developed, well rounded; fine in texture. Ear-lobes, fairly developed, oblong; fine in texture. NECK: Of good length, with full hackle. WINGS: Of good size, well folded, carried close to body. BACK: Of medium length, broad, flat at shoulders, rising from middle of back in a sharp concave sweep ending well up on tail. TAIL: Well spread at base, carried at an angle of sixty-five degrees from the horizontal; carried well above and beyond the cushion and fur- nished with long coverts. BREAST: Broad, round, deep. BODY AND FLUFF: Body, short, broad, deep, well balanced. Fluff, well developed. LEGS AND TOES: Thighs, strong, well covered with soft feathers; shanks, of good length, small-boned, set well apart, feathered down outer sides. Toes, long, straight, slender; outer toes, feathered to ends; middle toes, free from feathers. 128 AMERICAN POULTRY ASSOCIATION BLACK LANGSHAN MALE STANDARD OF PERFECTION 129 BLACK LANGSHAN FEMALE 130 AMERICAN POULTRY ASSOCIATION BLACK LANGSHANS. Disqualifications. Comb other than single; one- half inch or more of white in any part of the plumage, except in foot or toe-feathering; yellow skin; bottoms of feet yellow in any part. (See general disqualifications.) COLOR OF MALE AND FEMALE. BEAK % Dark horn, shading to pinkish tint near lower edge. EYES: Black or dark brown. COMB, FACE, WATTLES AND EAR-LOBES: Bright red. SKIN ON BODY: Pinkish- white. LEGS AND TOES: Bluish-black, showing pink between scales. Web and bottoms of feet, pinkish-white. PLUMAGE: Surface, lustrous greenish- black; under-color, black. WHITE LANGSHANS. D ^qualifications. Comb other than single; feathers other than white in any part of plumage; yellow skin; bottoms of feet yellow in any part. (See general disqualifications.) COLOR OF MALE AND FEMALE. BEAK: Light slate-blue, shading to pinkish- white. EYES: Dark brown. COMB, FACE, WATTLES AND EAR-LOBES: Bright red. LEGS AND TOES: Slaty-blue, showing pink between scales. PLUMAGE: Web, fluff and quills of feathers in all sections pure white. LEGHORNS - CLASS III. MEDITERRANEAN. Breeds Varieties Single-Comb Brown Rose-Comb Brown Single-Comb White Rose-Comb White Single-Comb Buff Rose- Comb Buff Single-Comb Black L Silver [Single-Comb Black MINORCAS \ Rose-Comb Black [ Single-Comb White SPANISH White-Faced Black BLUE ANDALUSIANS ANCONAS SCALE OF POINTS. Symmetry 4 Size 4 Condition 4 Comb 10 Head Shape 2, Color 4 6 Eyes Shape 2, Color 2 4 Beak Shape 2, Color 2 4 Wattles and Ear-Lobes Shape 4, Color 6 10 Neck Shape 3, Color 4 7 Wings Shape 4, Color 4 8 Back Shape 5, Color 4 9 Tail Shape 6, Color 4 10 Breast Shape 5, Color 4 9 Body and Fluff Shape 3, Color 2 Legs and Toes Shape 3, Color 3 6 Too 131 LEGHORNS. The Leghorn breed of fowls originated in Italy. It comprises a group characterized by rather small sizes, yellow legs, white ear-lobes and great activity and sprightliness. All varieties of Leghorns are hardy and prolific. The males are very alert and strikingly erect in carriage; the females are non-sitters, few of them showing a tendency to broodiness, being especially valuable, therefore, as egg producers. The most typical and useful specimens are those approaching nearest to standard require- ments in size and shape. Leghorns, being essentially a breed of com- paratively small size, of great alertness and of graceful curves, should l^e bred strictly on these lines. The eight varieties of Leghorns the Single-Comb Brown, Rose- Comb Brown, Single-Comb White, Rose-Comb White, Single-Comb Buff, Rose-Comb Buff, Single-Comb Black and Single-Comb Silver are iden- tical, except in color. The Single-Comb and Rose-Comb varieties are identical both in shape and color, combs excepted. Decidedly short backs, short shanks and low-set bodies are objectionable in the Leghorns. The wide range of plumage in the seven varieties of this breed enables all admirers of the Leghorn to indulge their fancy. Each variety has its points of beauty in plumage, some of which are exceedingly difficult to produce, thus presenting interesting problems for fanciers to master. SHAPE OF MALE. HEAD: Moderate in length, fairly deep. BEAK: Not too long, nicely curved. EYES: Medium size and nearly round. COMB, SINGLE: Medium size, straight and upright, firm and even on head, having five distinct points, deeply serrated and extending well over back of the head with no tendency to follow shape of neck; smooth, free from twists, folds and excrescences. COMB, ROSE: Square in front, firm and even on head, tapering evenly from front to rear and terminating in a well -developed spike which extends horizontally well back of head; flat and covered with small, rounded points. FACE: Smooth, fine in texture, round. WATTLES AND EAR-LOBES: Wattles, long, thin, well rounded; smooth in texture; free from folds or wrinkles. Ear-lobes, a broadened almond- shape, smooth, of moderate size, fitting closely to head. 132 STANDARD OF PERFECTION 133 NECK: Long, nicely arched; hackle abundant, flowing well over the shoulders. WINGS: Large, well folded. BACK: Of moderate length, somewhat rounded at shoulders, slightly sloping downward from shoulders to center of back, then rising in a grad- ually increasing concave sweep to tail. TAIL: Large, Avell spread; main tail feathers carried at an angle of forty-five degrees from the horizontal; sickles, long, well curved; coverts, abundant. BREAST: Well rounded; carried well forward. BODY AND FLUFF: Body, of moderate length and fairly deep; straight from front to rear. Fluff, short. LEGS AND TOES: Thighs and shanks, moderately long and slender. SHAPE OF FEMALE. HEAD: Moderate in length and fairly deep, well rounded. BEAK: .Not too long, nicely curved. EYES: Medium in size and nearly round. COMB, SINGLE: Medium in size, deeply serrated, having five distinct points, the front portion of comb and first point to stand erect and the remainder of comb drooping gradually to one side; fine in texture, free from folds or wrinkles. COMB, ROSE: Small, square in front, firm and even on head, taper- ing evenly from front to rear and terminating in a well developed spike, which extends horizontally back of head; flat and covered with very small, rounded points. FACE: Smooth, fine in texture, nearly round. WATTLES AND EAR-LOBES: Wattles, of moderate size, thin, well rounded. Ear-lobes, oval in shape, smooth, thin, free from folds or wrinkles, fitting closely to the head. NECK: Long, slender and gracefully arched. WINGS: Large, well folded. BACK: Of moderate length, somewhat rounded, with a slight slope downward from shoulders to center of back, and then rising in a concave incline to the tail. TAIL: Long, full, well spread, carried at an angle of forty degrees from the horizontal. BREAST: Well rounded, carried well forward. BODY AND FLUFF: Body, moderately long, fairly deep, straight from front to rear. Fluff, rather short, more developed than in male. LEGS AND TOES: Thighs and shanks moderately long, slender. Toes straight. 134 AMERICAN POULTRY ASSOCIATION WHITE LEGHORNS. (Single and Rose Comb.) Disqualifications. Red covering more than one-half the surface of ear-lobes in cockerels and pullets; feathers other than white in any part of plumage; shanks other than yellow. (See general disqualifications.) COLOR OF MALE AND FEMALE. BEAK: Yellow. EYES: Reddish-bay. COMB, FACE AND WATTLES : Bright red. EAR-LOBES: White. SHANKS AND TOES: Rich yellow, red showing on outside back of scales, not a defect in males. PLUMAGE: Web, fluff and quills of feathers in all sections pure white. BROWN LEGHORNS. (Single and Rose Comb.) Disqualifications. Red covering more than one-half of surface of ear-lobes in cock- erels and pullets; white in any part of plumage, except in under-color of hackle and saddle of both sexes, any age, also except one inch or less at base of sickles and one-half inch or less at base of primaries of cock birds (white showing in the foregoing excepted sections is to be cut one and one- half points in each section where found); shanks other than yellow. (See general disqualifications.) COLOR OF MALE. HEAD: Plumage, dark red. BEAK: Horn. EYES: Reddish-bay. COMB, FACE AND WATTLES: Bright red. EAR-LOBES: White or creamy white. NECK: Rich, brilliant red, with a lustrous greenish-black stripe running nearly parallel with edges of and extending through each feather and tapering to a point near its extremity. WINGS: Bows, rich, brilliant red; wing-fronts, black; primaries, black, lower web edged with brown; secondaries, black, edge of lower web a rich brown of sufficient width to secure a wing-bay of same color; STANDARD OF PERFECTION 13,3 coverts, lustrous greenish-black, forming a well-defined wing-bar when wing is folded. BACK AND SADDLE: Back, rich, brilliant red; saddle feathers, rich, brilliant red with a lustrous greenish-black stripe running through the middle of each feather, same as in hackle. TAIL: Black; sickles and coverts, lustrous greenish-black. BREAST: Lustrous black. BODY AND FLUFF: Black. LEGS AND TOES: Thighs, black; shanks, yellow. Toes, yellow or dusky yellow. UNDER-COLOR: Dark slate. COLOR OF FEMALE. HEAD: Plumage, golden yellow, tinged with dark brown. BEAK: Horn. COAIB, FACE AND WATTLES: Bright red. EAR-LOBES: White or creamy-white. NECK: Golden yellow, with broad, black stripe extending down middle of each feather and tapering to a point near its extremity. WINGS: Bows, same color as described for back; primaries, slaty- brown, the outer web slightly edged with brown; secondaries, brown, the outer web finely stippled with lighter brown; coverts, same color as de- scribed for back. BACK: Web of feathers, on surface, light brown, finely stippled with a darker brown, the lighter shade predominating. More importance is attached to fineness, sharp definition of stippling, evenness of color and freedom from shafting than to the particular shade of color, but it is im- portant that the effect produced be that of a soft, even brown that is not suggestive of gray, as one extreme to be avoided or of red, as the other; the parts of the feathers not exposed, to be brown shading into slate in fluff. TAIL: Dull black, except the two highest main tail feathers which are stippled with lighter brown; coverts, same as for back. BREAST: Rich salmon, shading off lighter under the body; free from shafting. BODY AND FLUFF: Body, light brown stippled a darker brown, free from shafting. Fluff, slate, plentifully tinged with brown. LEGS AND TOES: Thighs, slate, plentifully tinged with brown; shanks, yellow. Toes, yellow or dusky yellow. 136 AMERICAN POULTRY ASSOCIATION SINGLE-COMB BROWN LEGHORN MALE STANDARD OF PERFECTION 137 ,_'-.- : , - ^^s^Tiv - :/-Z*i SINGLE-COMB BROWN LEGHORN FEMALE 138 AMERICAN POULTRY ASSOCIA TION SINGLE-COMB WHITE LEGHORN MALE STANDARD OF PERFECTION SINGLE-COMB WHITE LEGHORN FEMALE 140 AMERICAN POULTRY ASSOCIATION ROSE-COMB WHITE LEGHORN MALE STANDARD OF PERFECTION 141 HOSE-COMB WHITE LEGHORN FEMALE 142 AMERICAN POULTRY ASSOCIATION BUFF LEGHORNS. (Single and Rose Comb.) Disqualifications. Red covering more than one-half the surface of ear-lobes in cockerels and pullets; shanks other than yellow. (See general disqualifications.) COLOR OF MALE. BEAK: Rich yellow. EYES: Reddish- bay. COMB, FACE AND WATTLES: Bright red. EAR-LOBES: White or creamy white. LEGS AND TOES : Rich yellow, red showing at outside, back of scales, not a defect. PLUMAGE : Surface throughout an even shade of rich, golden buff, free from shafting or mealy appearance; the head, neck, hackle, back, wing- bow and saddle richly glossed; under-color, a lighter shade, free from foreign color. Different shades of buff in two or more sections is a serious defect. A harmonious blending of buff in all sections is most desirable. COLOR OF FEMALE. BEAK: Rich yellow. EYES: Reddish-bay. COMB, FACE AND WATTLES: Bright red. EAR-LOBES: White or creamy white. LEGS AND TOES: Rich yellow. PLUMAGE: Surface throughout an even shade of rich, golden buff, free from shafting or mealy appearance; the head and neck plumage show- ing a luster of the same shade as the rest of the plumage; under-color, lighter shade, free from foreign color. Different shades of buff in two or more sections is a serious defect. A harmonious blending of buff in all sections is most desirable. STANDARD OF PERFECTION 143 BLACK LEGHORNS. Disqualifications. Red covering more than one-half the surface of ear-lobes in cockerels and pullets; feathers other than black in any part of plumage; shanks other than yellow or yellowish-black. (See general disqualifications.) COLOR OF MALE AND FEMALE. BEAK: Yellow, or yellowish-black. EYES: Reddish-bay. COMB, FACE AND WATTLES: Bright red. EAR-LOBES: White. LEGS AND TOES: Yellow, or yellowish-black. PLUMAGE: Surface, lustrous greenish- black; under-color, black. 144 AMERICAN POULTRY ASSOCIATION SINGLE-COMB BUFF LEGHORN MALE STANDARD OF PERFECTION 145 SINGLE-COMB BUFF LEGHORN FEMALE 146 AMERICAN POULTRY ASSOCIATION SILVER LEGHORNS. Disqualifications. Red covering more than one-half the surface of ear-lobes in cockerels and pullets; red in any part of the plumage; shanks other than yellow. (See general disqualifications.) COLOR OF MALE. HEAD: Plumage, silvery white. BEAK: Yellow. EYES: Red. COMB, FACE AND WATTLES: Bright red. EAR-LOBES: White. NECK: Plumage, other than hackle, rich, glossy black; hackle, silvery white with narrow black stripe extending down middle of each lower hackle feather, terminating near extremity of feather. WINGS: Shoulders, black; wing-fronts, black; wing-bows, silvery white; wing-coverts, black, forming a distinct bar across the wing; pri- maries, black, except the lower feathers, the outer edges of which should be silvery white; secondaries, part of outer web of feathers in wing-bay, white, remainder of feathers black. BACK: Silvery white. CAPE: Black. SADDLE FEATHERS: Silvery white. TAIL: Black; sickles, lustrous black; upper coverts, lustrous black; lower coverts, silvery white. BREAST: Black. BODY AND FLUFF: Black. LEGS AND TOES: Thighs, black; shanks, yellow. Toes, yellow. UNDER-COLOR: Gray. COLOR OF FEMALE. HEAD: Plumage, silvery gray. BEAK: Yellow. EYES: Red. COMB, FACE AND WATTLES : Bright red. EAR-LOBES: White. NECK: Plumage, other than hackle, light salmon; hackle, silvery gray, with narrow black stripe extending down middle of each feather, terminat- ing near extremity of feather. WINGS: Bows, light gray, free from dark marks or bars; primaries and secondaries, upper web, gray, lower web, slaty-gray; coverts, light gray, free from dark marks or red. STANDARD OF PERFECTION 147 BACK: Light gray, free from dark marks or bars. TAIL: Black, except the two upper feathers, which are light gray: coverts, gray. BREAST: Light salmon, shading to gray toward sides. BODY AND FLUFF: Body, light ashy-gray, free from dark marks or bars. Fluff, light ashy-gray. LEGS AND TOES: Thighs, light gray; shanks and toes, yellow. UNDER-COLOR: Gray. MINORCAS. Minorcas are the largest of the Mediterranean class. Formerly they were called Red-Faced Black Spanish. They are distinguished by long bodies, very large combs, long, full wattles, large, white ear-lobes, dark- colored legs and pinkish-white or flesh-colored skin. The Minorca head is carried rather high; the back is long and sloping; the tail is spread some- what and only moderately elevated, being carried at an angle of forty degrees from the horizontal. Their legs are firm, muscular and set squarely under the long, powerful-looking bodies. At the shoulders the back has the appearance of being rather flat. The lines of breast and body are well rounded, and the general bearing of the birds, male and female, is graceful, and commanding for their size. The Minorca plum- age is compact, smooth on surface, fitting closely to the body in all sections. The beetle-green, brilliant black surface color of the Black variety should be free from purple, and the plumage of the White variety should be free from foreign color. STANDARD WEIGHTS. Single Comb Black. Cock 9 Ibs. Hen 7$ Ibs. Cockerel 7j Ibs. Pullet 6j Ibs. Single Comb White and Rose Comb Black. Cock 8 Ibs. Hen (>J Ibs. Cockerel 6 Ibs. Pullet 5\ Ibs. SHAPE OF MALE. HEAD : Moderately long, wide, deep. BEAK: Of good length, stout, well curved. EYES: Large, oval. COMB, SINGLE : Moderately large, straight and upright, firm and even on head; smooth; deeply and evenly serrated, having six regular and dis- tinct points, the middle points the longest and same in length as width of blade; front not to extend beyond point half way between nostrils and point of beak, but extending well over back of head, with a tendency to follow shape of neck. COMB, ROSE: Moderately large, square in front, firm and even on head, tapering evenly from front to rear, terminating in a well-developed spike which extends well back of head and inclines slightly below the horizontal; top, flat, and covered with small, rounded points. 148 STANDARD OF PERFECTION 149 FACE: Full and smooth. WATTLES AND EAR-LOBES: Wattles, long, large, thin, free from folds and wrinkles, smooth and fine in texture. Ear-lobes, large, almond- shaped, smooth, thin, free from folds and wrinkles, fitting closely to head. NECK: Rather long, arched; hackle, abundant, flowing well over shoulders. WINGS: Large, well folded. BACK: Long, flat at shoulders, broad and rounded at sides, sloping decidedly downward to tail; saddle feathers, long. TAIL: Large and full, main tail feathers carried at an angle of forty degrees from the horizontal; sickles, large, long, well curved; coverts, abundant. BREAST: Deep, well rounded and prominent. BODY AND FLUFF: Body, long, broad, deep, straight from front to rear. Fluff, rather short. LEGS AND TOES: Thighs, of medium length, stout; shanks long, straight and strong, set well apart. Toes, straight. SHAPE OF FEMALE. HEAD : Moderately long, wide, deep. BEAK: Of good length, stout, well curved. EYES: Large, oval. COMB, SINGLE: Moderately large, forming one loop over beak, then drooping down opposite side of head; deeply and evenly serrated, with six regular and distinct points. COMB, ROSE: Moderately large, square in front, firm and even on head, tapering evenly from front to rear, terminating in a well-developed spike, which extends back of head and inclines slightly below the hori- zontal; top, flat, and covered with small, rounded points. FACE: Full and smooth. WATTLES AND EAR-LOBES: Wattles, long, large, thin, free from folds and wrinkles, smooth, and fine in texture. Ear-lobes, large, almond- shaped, smooth, thin, free from folds and wrinkles, fitting closely to head. NECK: Rather long, slightly arched. WINGS: Large, well folded. BACK: Long, flat at shoulders, broad, and rounded at sides; sloping decidedly downward to tail. TAIL: Long, full, and carried at an angle of forty degrees from the horizontal. BREAST: Deep, well rounded, prominent. BODY AND FLUFF: Body, long, broad, deep, straight from front to rear. Fluff, rather short. LEGS AND TOES: Thighs, of medium length, stout; shanks, long, straight and strong, set well apart. Toes, straight. 150 AMERICAN POULTRY ASSOCIATION SINGLE-COMB BLACK MINORCA MALE STANDARD OF PERFECTION 151 SINGLE-COMB BLACK MINORCA FEMALE 152 AMERICAN POULTRY ASSOCIATION BLACK MINORCAS. Disqualifications. Red in ear-lobes covering one-third or more of surface; red in any part of the plumage; pure white in any part of plumage extending more than one-half an inch, or two or more feathers tipped or edged with positive white; shanks other than dark slate or nearly black, except the natural fading from age. (See general disqualifications.) COLOR OF MALE AND FEMALE. BEAK: Black. EYES: Dark brown. COMB, FACE AND WATTLES : Bright red. EAR-LOBES: White. LEGS AND TOES : Black or dark slate. PLUMAGE: Surface, lustrous greenish-black throughout. Under- color, black or dark slate. WHITE MINORCAS. Disqualifications. Red in ear-lobes, covering one-third or more of the surface; feathers other than white in any part of plumage; shanks other than white or pinkish-white. (See general disqualifications.) COLOR OF MALE AND FEMALE. BEAK: Pinkish- white. EYES: Reddish-bay. COMB, FACE AND WATTLES: Bright red EAR-LOBES: White. SHANKS AND TOES: Pinkish- white. PLUMAGE: Web, fluff and quills of feathers in all sections, pure white. WHITE-FACED BLACK SPANISH. The White-Faced Black Spanish probably represent the oldest pure-bred fowl in the Mediterranean class. The development of the long, pendulous white face, free from wrinkles, has been the aim of fanciers of this valuable and attractive breed. In general appearance the Black Spanish are graceful and stylish. They lay an extra large, handsome, white-shelled egg. The rich, glossy, black plumage, the rather large, five- pointed comb and the long, pendulous white face give this early claimant to popular favor a distinct individuality among standard-bred fowl. Disqualifications. Decided red in the face, except directly above the eyes: face so puffy as to obstruct the sight; foreign color in any part of plumage; shanks other than blue or dark leaden-blue, except the natural fading from age. (See general disqualifications.) STANDARD WEIGHTS. Cock 8 Ibs. Hen 6J Ibs. Cockerel 6j Ibs. Pullet 5.J Ibs. SHAPE OF MALE. HEAD: Long, broad, deep. BEAK: Rather long, stout. EYES: Large, oval. COMB: Single, of medium size, straight and upright, firm and even on head, rising from the base of beak and extending in an arched form beyond back of head; deeply and evenly serrated, having five points; very fine in texture. FACE: Long, deep, smooth, free from wrinkles, rising well over eyes in an arched form and not obstructing sight, extending toward back of head and to base of beak, covering the cheeks and joining the wattles and ear-lobes; the greater the extent of surface the better. WATTLES AND EAR-LOBES: Wattles, smooth, very long, thin, ribbon- like. Ear-lobes, very large, free from folds and wrinkles, meeting in front, extending well backward on each side of neck, hanging very low and regularly rounded on lower edges; very smooth. NECK: Long, well arched; hackle, abundant, flowing well over shoulders. WINGS: Large, well folded. BACK; Long, broad and straight, sloping downward to saddle, which rises in a short concave sweep to tail. 153 154 AMERICAN POULTRY ASSOCIATION WHITE-FACED BLACK SPANISH MALE STANDARD OF PERFECTION 155 WHITE-FACED BLACK SPANISH FEMALE 156 AMERICAN POULTRY ASSOCIATION TAIL: Large and full; main tail feathers carried at an angle of forty- five degrees from the horizontal; sickles, large, long and well curved; coverts, abundant. BREAST: Deep, well rounded. BODY AND FLUFF: Body, long, moderately wide, straight from front to rear. Fluff, short. LEGS AND TOES: Thighs, moderate size, long; shanks, long. Toes, straight. SHAPE OF FEMALE. HEAD: Long, broad, deep. BEAK: Rather long, stout. EYES: Large, oval. COMB: Single, moderately large, deeply serrated, having five points, drooping to one side; very fine in texture. FACE: Long, deep, smooth, free from wrinkles, rising well over eyes in arched form and not obstructing sight, extending toward back of head and to base of beak, covering the cheeks and joining wattles and ear- lobes; the greater the extent of surface the better. WATTLES AND EAR-LOBES: Wattles, smooth, very long, thin, ribbon- like. Ear-lobes, very large, free from folds and wrinkles, meeting in front, extending well backward on each side of neck, hanging very low and regularly rounded on lower edges, very smooth. NECK: Long, well arched. WINGS: Large, well folded. BACK: Long, broad and straight, sloping downward to middle of back, which rises in a short concave sweep to tail. TAIL: Large, carried at an angle of forty-five degrees from the hori- zontal; the two top main tail-feathers slightly curved, especially in pullets. BREAST: Deep, Avell rounded. BODY AND FLUFF: Body, long, moderately wide, straight from front to rear. Fluff, short. LEGS AND TOES: Thighs, moderately long; shanks, long. Toes, straight. COLOR OF MALE AND FEMALE. BEAK: Black. EYES: Dark brown. COMB: Bright red. FACE: Pure white. WATTLES AND EAR-LOBES: Wattles, males, bright red, except inside of upper part, which is white; females, bright red. Ear-lobes, pure white. LEGS AND TOES: Dark leaden-blue, or black. PLUMAGE: Surface, lustrous greenish-black, throughout; under- color, dark slate. BLUE ANDALUSIANS. The Andalusian has the distinction, unique among domestic fowl, of wearing the national colors red, white and blue its face and eyes being red, its ear-lobes white and its plumage blue. The origin of this breed is not clearly established, but it seems to have been well known in Great Britain as early as the eighteenth century, though its introduction into the United States and Canada is of more recent date. Judging by its name, it probably came from Andalusia, a province in southern Spain. Whether the White and Black Minorcas are off-shoots from the Anda- lusians, or whether the Andalusians originated from a blending of White and Black Minorcas, coming originally from Spain, is a mooted question, but it is noticeable that anatomically the Andalusians and Minorcas are quite similar. The typical Andalusian of the Standard must be pre-eminently a symmetrical, graceful, compact fowl, of medium size, without coarseness of structure or clumsiness of carriage. The dark lacing of the plumage should stand out clearly and sharply. It should not merge into, nor blend with the ground-color of the feather. The desired contrast is pronounced and well defined. If the ground-color is quite dark, the contrast cannot be as sharp as when the ground-color of the feather is of the "clear, even, medium" shade required by the Standard. Andalusians that approach closely to Standard requirements are peculiarly attractive, in fact are beautiful examples of the art of poultry culture. Disqualifications. Red in ear-lobes covering one-half or more of the surface; red or posi- tive white in color of plumage; shanks other than blue or slaty-blue, except the natural fading from age. (See general disqualifications.) STANDARD WEIGHTS. Cock Ibs. Hen 5 Ibs. Cockerel 5 Ibs. Pullet 4 Ibs, SHAPE OF MALE. HEAD: Moderately long and deep. BEAK : Moderate length. EYES: Large, oval. 157 158 AMERICAN POULTRY ASSOCIATION COMB, SINGLE: Rather large, straight and upright, firm and even on head; evenly serrated, having five points. FACE: Full and smooth. WATTLES AND EAR-LOBES: Wattles, long, thin, smooth. Ear-lobes, almond shape. NECK: Rather long, arched, with hackle flowing well over shoulders. WINGS: Large, well folded. BACK: Of moderate length, sloping downward to saddle which rises with a short, concave sweep to tail ; saddle feathers, long. TAIL: Large, full; main tail feathers carried at an angle of forty-five degrees from the horizontal. Sickles, large, even, well curved; coverts, abundant. BREAST: Broad, deep and well rounded. BODY AND FLUFF: Body, deep, well rounded, straight from front to rear. Fluff, short. LEGS AND TOES: Thighs, of moderate size, long; shanks, long. Toes, straight. SHAPE OF FEMALE. HEAD: Moderately long, deep. BEAK: Moderate length. EYES: Large, oval. COMB, SINGLE : Rather large, rising slightly in front, drooping to one side; evenly serrated, having five distinct points. FACE: Full, smooth. WATTLES AND EAR-LOBES: Wattles, moderately long, thin, well rounded. Ear-lobes, almond-shaped. NECK: Long, arched. WINGS: Large, well folded. BACK: Of moderate length, descending toward tail; saddle rising with slight concave sweep to tail. TAIL: Long, carried at an angle of forty-five degrees from the hori- zontal, fairly well spread. BREAST: Broad, deep and well rounded. BODY AND FLUFF: Body, deep, well rounded, straight from front to rear. Fluff, short. LEGS AND TOES: Thighs, slender, rather long; shanks, long, slender. Toes, straight. COLOR OF MALE. HEAD : Plumage, dark slaty-blue. BEAK: Horn. EYES: Reddish-bay. COMB, FACE AND WATTLES: Bright red. EAR-LOBES: White. STANDARD OF PERFECTION 159 NECK: Lustrous bluish-black. WINGS: Wing-bows, lustrous bluish-black; primaries, a clear, even, medium shade of slaty-blue; secondaries, inner web a clear, even shade of slaty-blue, outer web slaty-blue, each feather having a well-defined lacing of a darker shade; wing-coverts, a clear, even, medium shade of slaty-blue, having a well-defined lacing of a darker shade. BACK: Lustrous bluish-black. TAIL: Sickles, lustrous bluish-black; tail-coverts, lustrous bluish- black; main tail feathers, a clear, even slaty-blue, with a well-defined lacing of bluish-black. BREAST: A clear, even, medium shade of slaty-blue, each feather having a well-defined lacing of a darker shade. BODY AND FLUFF: Body, a clear, even, medium shade of slaty-blue, each feather having a well defined lacing of a darker shade. Fluff, slaty- blue. LEGS AND TOES: Thighs, a clear, even shade of slaty-blue; shanks and toes, leaden-blue. COLOR OF FEMALE. HEAD: Plumage, slaty-blue. BEAK: Horn. EYES: Reddish-bay. COMB, FACE AND WATTLES: Bright red. EAR-LOBES: White. NECK: Slaty-blue, laced with a darker shade. WINGS: Primaries, a clear, even, medium shade of slaty-blue; re- mainder of the wing an even shade of slaty-blue, darker than that of pri- maries; feathers in all sections, except primaries, laced with a darker shade. BACK: Slaty-blue, each feather having a well-defined lacing of a darker shade. TAIL: Slaty-blue, laced with a darker shade. BREAST: Slaty-blue, each feather having a well-defined lacing of a darker shade. BODY AND FLUFF: Body, slaty-blue, each feather having a well- defined lacing of a darker shade. Fluff, slaty-blue. LEGS AND TOES: Thigha, slaty-blue; shanks and toes, leaden-blue. ANCONAS. Disqualifications. Red in ear-lobes covering more than one- half of surface; red in any part of plumage; shanks other than yellow or yellow mottled with black. (See general disqualifications.) SHAPE OF MALE. HEAD: Moderate in length, fairly deep. BEAK: Not too long, nicely curved. EYES: Medium size and nearly round. COMB: Single, medium size, straight and upright, firm and even on head; having five distinct points, deeply serrated and extending well over back of head with no tendency to follow shape of neck; smooth, free from twists, folds and excrescences. FACE: Smooth, fine in texture, nearly round. WATTLES AND EAR-LOBES: Wattles, long, thin, well rounded, smooth in texture, free from folds or wrinkles. Ear-lobes, a broadened almond- shape, of moderate size, smooth, fitting closely to head. NECK: Long, nicely arched; hackle, abundant, flowing well over shoulders. WINGS: Large, well folded. BACK: Of moderate length, somewhat rounded at shoulders, slightly sloping downward from shoulders to center of back, then rising in a grad- ually increasing concave sweep to tail. TAIL: Large, well spread; main tail feathers carried at an angle of forty-five degrees from the horizontal: sickles, long, well curved; coverts, abundant. BREAST: Well rounded, carried well forward. BODY AND FLUFF: Body, of moderate length, fairly deep, straight from front to rear. Fluff, short. LEGS AND TOES: Thighs and shanks moderately long and slender. SHAPE OF FEMALE. HEAD: Moderate in length, fairly deep. BEAK: Not too long, nicely curved. EYES: Medium in size and nearly round. 160 STANDARD OF PERFECTION 1G1 COMB: Single, medium in size, deeply serrated, having five distinct points, the front portion of comb and first point to stand erect, the re- mainder of comb drooping gradually to one side; fine in texture, free from folds or wrinkles. FACE: Smooth, fine in texture, well rounded. WATTLES AND EAR-LOBES: Wattles, of moderate size, thin, well rounded. Ear-lobes, oval in shape, smooth, thin, free from folds or wrinkles, fitting closely to the head. NECK: Long, slender and gracefully arched. WINGS: Large and well folded. BACK: Of moderate length, somewhat rounded, with a slight slope downward from shoulders to center of back, and then rising in a concave incline to tail. TAIL: Long, full, and well spread, carried at an angle of forty degrees from the horizontal. BREAST: Well rounded, carried well forward. BODY AND FLUFF: Body, moderately long, fairly deep, straight from front to rear. Fluff, rather short, more developed than in male. LEGS AND TOES: Thighs and shanks, moderately long, slender. Toes, straight, COLOR OF MALE. HEAD: Plumage, black. BEAK: Yellow, upper mandible shaded with black. EYES: Reddish-bay. COMB, FACE AND WATTLES: Bright red. ^EAR-LOBES: White. NECK: Lustrous greenish-black; about one feather in five tipped with white. WINGS: Bows, lustrous greenish-black, one feather in five tipped with white; primaries, black, edged with white; secondaries, black, ending with a white tip; coverts, lustrous greenish-black, many ending in a white spangle. -^BACK: Lustrous greenish-black; saddle, lustrous greenish-black, about one feather in five tipped with white. TAIL: Main tail feathers black, many tipped with white; sickles and coverts, lustrous greenish-black, ending with white tips. BREAST: Lustrous black, about one feather in five tipped with a white spangle. BODY AND FLUFF: Body, lustrous black, about one feather in five tipped with a white spangle. Fluff, black, slightly tinged with white. LEGS AND TOES: Thighs, black somewhat tipped with white; under- color, black or slate. Shanks and toes, yellow or yellow mottled with black. 162 AMERICAN POULTRY ASSOCIATION COLOR OF FEMALE. HEAD: Plumage, black. BEAK: Yellow, upper mandible shaded with black. COMB, FACE AND WATTLES: Bright red. EAR-LOBES: White. NECK: Lustrous black, about one feather in five tipped with white. WINGS: Bows, lustrous black, one feather in five ending in a white spangle; primaries, black edged with white; secondaries, black, ending with white tips; coverts, lustrous black, about one feather in five ending with a white spangle. - BACK: Lustrous black, about one feather in five ending with a white spangle. TAIL,: Black, many feathers ending with a white tip; coverts, black, about one feather in five ending in a white spangle. -BREAST: Lustrous black, about one feather in five ending with a white spangle. BODY AND FLUFF: Body, black, about one feather in five ending in a white spangle. Fluff, black, slightly tinged with white. LEGS AND TOES: Thighs, black, somewhat tipped with white. Shanks and toes, yellow or yellow mottled with black. CLASS IV. ENGLISH. Breeds Varieties ( White DORKINGS 100 GAMES. The Game has a style or carriage peculiar to itself, which is generally described by the word "Station." A high-stationed bird is most desirable. Shortness and closeness of feathering are of great importance, as loose- feathered birds invariably fail in shape of neck. If the neck feathers are too long and soft, the slimness and length of the neck are destroyed. The comb and wattles of the cock should be dubbed, in order to have the head and lower jaw smooth and free from ridges. Exceptionally large birds are undesirable, as overgrowth tends to coarseness at the expense of form and style of carriage, which are essential to superior quality in Games. Disqualifications. Cocks not dubbed; artificial coloring, trimming or plucking of foul feathers. Games are not to be disqualified for side sprigs. (See general disqualifications.) SHAPE OF MALE. HEAD: Long, lean and bony. BEAK: Long, tapering, slightly curved. EYES: Large, full, with keen expression. COMB: Cock, neatly and smoothly dubbed; cockerel, if undubbed, single, small, straight, thin, erect, evenly serrated. FACE: Lean, thin, with fine skin. WATTLES AND EAR-LOBES: Cock, neatly and smoothly dubbed; cockerel, if undubbed, small, thin, round, smooth. NECK: Long, very slightly arched, carried erect, tapering neatly and gradually from body to head, thin and clean-cut at throat, giving a distinct outline to head; hackle, short, close. WINGS: Large, powerful, the fronts standing out from body at shoulders, the feathers folded closely together, the points not extending beyond body; carried without drooping, but not carried over the back. BACK: Flat, rather short, straight on top from hackle to tail, broad at shoulders, narrowing and sloping to stern. TAIL: Rather short, compact, closely folded, carried at slight eleva- tion; sickle feathers, narrow, short, tapering; tail-coverts, narrow, fine, short. BREAST: Broad, rounded at sides. 216 STANDARD OF PERFECTION 217 BODY AND STERN: Body, fine and close on under part; not deep. Stern, well tucked up underneath. LEGS AND TOES: Thighs, long, muscular, standing out from body, but slightly sloping to hocks. Shanks, long, smooth, bony, standing well apart. Toes, long, straight, well spread. Shanks below hocks, and toes, free from feathers and down. PLUMAGE: Short, close. STATION: Erect. SIZE: Exceptionally large birds are undesirable. Note: Cockerels shown after Nov. 1st should be dubbed. SHAPE OF FEMALE. HEAD: Long, lean and bony. BEAK: Long, tapering, slightly curved. EYES: Large, full, with keen expression. COMB: Single, small, straight, thin, erect, evenly serrated. FACE: Lean, thin, with fine skin. WATTLES AND EAR-LOBES: Wattles, small, thin, round. Ear-lobes, small. NECK: Long, very slightly arched, carried erect, tapering neatly and gradually from body to head, thin and clean-cut at throat, giving a distinct outline to head; hackle, short, close. WINGS: Large, powerful, the fronts standing out from body at shoulders, the feathers folded closely together, the points not extending beyond body; carried without drooping, but not carried over the back. BACK: Flat, rather short, straight on top from hackle to tail, broad at shoulders, narrowing and sloping to stern. TAIL: Rather short, compact, closely folded, carried at slight eleva- tion. BREAST: Broad, round at sides. BODY AND STERN: Body, fine and close on under part; not deep. Stern, well tucked up underneath. LEGS AND TOES: Thighs, long, muscular, standing out from body, but slightly sloping to hocks. Shanks, long, smooth, bony, standing well apart. Toes, long, straight, well spread. Shanks below hocks, and toes, free from feathers and down. PLUMAGE: Short, close. STATION: Erect. SIZE: Exceptionally large birds are undesirable. 218 AMERICAN POULTRY ASSOCIATION BLACK-BREASTED RED GAMES. COLOR OF MALE. HEAD: Plumage, light orange. BEAK: Horn. EYES: Red. COMB, FACE, WATTLES AND EAR-LOBES : Red. NECK: Hackle, light golden. WINGS: Shoulders, black; wing-fronts, black; wing-bows, red; wing- coverts, lustrous black, forming a distinct bar across wing; primaries, black, except lower feather, the outer web of which should be bay; secondaries, part of outer web forming wing-bay, bay, remainder of feathers, black. ^BACK: Bright red; saddle, light golden. TAIL: Black; sickle feathers and tail-coverts, lustrous black. ^BREAST: Black. BODY AND STERN : Black. LEGS AND TOES: Thighs, black. Shanks and toes, willow-green. COLOR OF FEMALE. HEAD: Plumage, gold. BEAK: Horn. EYES: Red. COMB, FACE, WATTLES AND EAR-LOBES: Red. NECK: Hackle, light golden with black stripe through middle of each feather terminating in a point near extremity of feather. WINGS : Shoulders, wing-fronts, wing- bows, wing-coverts and second- aries, grayish-brown, stippled with golden brown; primaries, black. BACK: Grayish-brown, stippled with golden brown. TAIL: Black, except the two top feathers which, with the coverts, should be brown. BREAST: Light salmon, shading off to ashy-brown toward thighs. BODY AND STERN: Ashy-brown. LEGS AND TOES: Thighs, ashy-brown. Shanks and toes, willow- green. STANDARD OF PERFECTION 219 BROWN RED GAMES. COLOR OF MALE. HEAD: Plumage, orange. BEAK: Black. EYES: Black. COMB, FACE, WATTLES AND EAR-LOBES: Dark purple. NECK: Hackle, lemon, with a _iarro\v, dark stripe through middle of each feather, terminating in a point near extremity of feather. WINGS: Shoulders, black; wing-fronts, black; wing- bows, lemon; wing-coverts, lustrous black; primaries and secondaries, black. BACK: Lemon; saddle, lemon, with a narrow, dark stripe through middle of each feather, terminating in a point near extremity of feather. TAIL: Black; sickle feathers and tail-coverts, lustrous black. BREAST: Black, the feathers laced with lemon. BODY AND STERN : Black. LEGS AND TOES: Thighs, black. Shanks and toes, black. COLOR OF FEMALE. HEAD: Plumage, lemon. BEAK: Black. EYES: Black. COMB, FACE, WATTLES AND EAR-LOBES: Dark purple. NECK: Hackle, lemon with a narrow, dark stripe through middle of each feather terminating in a point near extremity of feather. WINGS: Black. BACK: Black. TAIL: Black. BREAST: Black, each feather laced with lemon. BODY AND STERN: Black. LEGS AND TOES: Thighs, black. Shanks and toes, black. 220 AMERICAN POULTRY ASSOCIATION BLACK-BREASTED RED GAME MALE STANDARD OF PERFECTION 221 BLACK-BREASTED RED GAME FEMALE 222 AMERICAN POULTRY ASSOCIATION GOLDEN DUCKWING GAMES. COLOR OF MALE. HEAD: Plumage, creamy white. BEAK: Horn. EYES: Red. COMB, FACE, WATTLES AND EAR-LOBES: Red. NECK: Hackle, creamy white, free from striping. WINGS: Shoulders, black; wing-fronts, black; wing-bows, golden; greater and lesser wing-coverts, blue-black, forming a distinct bar across wing; primaries, black, except lower feathers, outer web of which should be creamy white; secondaries, part of outer web forming wing-bay, creamy white, remainder of feathers, black. BACK: Golden; saddle, light golden, free from black striping. TAIL: Black; sickle feathers and tail-coverts, lustrous blue-black; lesser tail-coverts, light golden. BREAST: Black. BODY AND STERN: Black. LEGS AND TOES: Thighs, black. Shanks and toes, willow. COLOR OF FEMALE. HEAD: Plumage, silvery gray. BEAK: Horn. EYES: Red. COMB, FACE, WATTLES AND EAR-LOBES: Red. NECK: Hackle, silvery gray, with narrow, dark stripe through middle of each feather terminating in a point near extremity of feather. WINGS: Shoulders, wing-fronts, wing-bows, wing-coverts and second- aries, gray, stippled with dark gray; primaries, dark brown. BACK: Gray, stippled with darker gray. TAIL: Black, except the two top feathers, which should be gray, stippled with darker gray. BREAST: Rich salmon. BODY AND STERN: Ashy-gray. LEGS AND TOES: Thighs, ashy-gray. Shanks and toes, willow. STANDARD OF PERFECTION 223 SILVER DUCKWING GAMES. COLOR OF MALE. HEAD: Plumage, white. BEAK: Horn. EYES: Red. COMB, FACE, WATTLES AND EAR-LOBES: Red. NECK: Hackle, white, free from black stripes. WINGS: Shoulders, black; wing-coverts, blue-black; wing-fronts, black; wing-bows, white, forming distinct bar across wing; primaries, black, except lower feathers, outer web of which should be white; second- aries, part of outer web forming wing-bay, white, remainder of feathers, black. "BACK: White; saddle, white, free from black stripes. TAIL: Black; sickle feathers and tail-coverts, lustrous blue-black; lesser tail-coverts, white. -BREAST: Black. BODY AND STERN: Black. LEGS AND TOES: Thighs, black. Shanks and toes, willow. COLOR OF FEMALE. HEAD: Plumage, silvery gray. BEAK: Horn. EYES: Red. COMB, FACE, WATTLES AND EAR-LOBES: Red. NECK: Hackle, silvery gray, with narrow, black stripe through middle of each feather terminating in a point near extremity of feather. WINGS: Shoulders, wing-fronts, wing- bows, wing-coverts and second- aries, light gray, finely stippled with darker gray; primaries, black BACK: Light gray, finely stippled with darker gray. TAIL: Black, except the two top feathers, which should be light gray, stippled with darker gray. BREAST: Light salmon. BODY AND STERN: Ashy-gray. LEGS AND TOES; Thighs, ashy-gray. Shanks and toes, willow. 224 AMERICAN POULTRY ASSOCIATION SILVER DUCKWING GAME MALE STANDARD OF PERFECTION SILVER DUCKWING GAME FEMALE 226 AMERICAN POULTRY ASSOCIATION BIRCHEN GAMES. COLOR OF MALE. HEAD: Plumage, white. BEAK: Black. EYES: Black. * COMB, FACE, WATTLES AND EAR-LOBES: Dark purple. NECK: Hackle, white, with narrow, dark stripe through middle of each feather terminating in a point near extremity of feather. WINGS: Shoulders, black; wing-fronts, black; wing-bows, white; wing-coverts, glossy black; primaries and secondaries, black. BACK: White; saddle, white, with narrow, black stripe through middle of each feather. TAIL: Black; sickle feathers and tail-coverts, lustrous black. BREAST: Ground color, black, the feathers laced with white. BODY AND STERN: Black. LEGS AND TOES: Thighs, black. Shanks and toes, black. COLOR OF FEMALE. HEAD: Plumage, white. BEAK: Black. EYES: Black. COMB, FACE, WATTLES AND EAR-LOBES: Dark purple. NECK: Hackle, white, with narrow, dark stripe through middle of each feather terminating in a point near extremity of feather. WINGS: Black. BACK: Black. TAIL: Black. BREAST: Black, feathers laced with white. BODY AND STERN: Black. LEGS AND TOES: Thighs, black. Shanks and toes, black. STANDARD OF PERFECTION 227 RED PYLE GAMES. COLOR OF MALE. HEAD: Plumage, bright orange. BEAK: Yellow. EYES: Red. COMB, FACE, WATTLES AND EAR-LOBES: Red. NECK: Hackle, light orange. WINGS: Shoulders, white; wing-fronts, white; wing- bows, red; wing- coverts, white, forming distinct bar across wing; primaries, white, except lower feathers, outer web of which is bay; secondaries, part of outer web forming wing-bay, red, remainder of feathers, white. ^BACK: Red; saddle, light orange. TAIL: Sickle and tail-coverts, white. BREAST: White. BODY AND STERX: White. LEGS AND TOES: Thighs, white. Shanks and toes, yellow. COLOR OF FEMALE. HEAD : Plumage, golden. BEAK: Yellow. EYES: Red. COMB, FACE, WATTLES AND EAR-LOBES: Red. NECK: Hackle, white, the feathers edged with gold. WINGS: White. BACK: White. TAIL: White. BREAST: Salmon. BODY AND STERN: White. LEGS AND TOES: Thighs, white. Shanks and toes, yellow. 228 AMERICAN POULTRY ASSOCIATION RED PYLE GAME MALE STANDARD OF PERFECTION 229 RED PYLE GAME FEMALE 230 AMERICAN POULTRY ASSOCIATION WHITE GAMES. COLOR OF MALE AND FEMALE. BEAK: Yellow. EYES: Red. COMB, FACE, WATTLES AND EAR-LOBES : Red. LEGS AND TOES: Yellow. PLUMAGE : Web, fluff and quills of feathers in all sections, pure white. BLACK GAMES.. COLOR OF MALE AND FEMALE. BEAK: Black. EYES: Brown. COMB, FACE, WATTLES AND EAR-LOBES: Deep red. LEGS AND TOES: Black. PLUMAGE: Surface, lustrous greenish-black throughout; under- color, black. GAME BANTAMS. Disqualifications. Cocks, not dubbed; artificial coloring, trimming or plucking of foul feathers; cocks weighing over 28 ounces; hens weighing over 26 ounces: cockerels weighing over 26 ounces; pullets weighing over 24 ounces. Game Bantams are not to be disqualified for side sprigs. (See general disqualifications.) STANDARD WEIGHTS. Cock 22 oz. Hen 20 oz. Cockerel 20 oz. Pullet 18 oz. SHAPE AND COLOR OF MALE AND FEMALE. The shape and color of Game Bantams shall be the same as of the corresponding varieties of Games. 231 CLASS IX. ORIENTALS. Breeds Varieties f Dark CORNISH J. White ( White-Laced Red SUMATRAS Black MALAYS Black-Breasted Red MALAY BANTAMS Black-Breasted Red SCALE OF POINTS. Station 8 Weight 4 Condition 4 Comb 6 Head Shape 3, Color 1 4 Beak Shape 1, Color 1 2 Eyes Shape 2, Color 2 4 Ear-Lobes Shape 1, Color 1 2 Wattles Shape 1 Neck Shape 4, Color 3 7 Wings Shape 4, Color 4 8 Back Shape 6, Color 4 10 Tail Shape 4, Color 4 8 Breast Shape 6, Color 4 10 Body and Stern Shape 6, Color 3 9 LegsandToes Shape 6, Color 3 9 Shortness of Feathers 4 100 232 CORNISH FOWLS. The Cornish Fowl originated in Cornwall, England, some years prior to 1846. They were produced by crossing a Lord Derby Black-Breasted Red Game with a Red Aseel imported from India. Later on the blood of the Sumatra Game was introduced. The parental blood is apparent in the Cornish of the present day. From the Aseel they derive the short, thick legs, large thighs, deep and broad breast, great width of back at shoulders, comparatively short neck and projecting brows; from the Lord Derby Game, the red color of plumage and the tendency of the breed to- ward red eyes; from the Sumatra Game, the great luster of plumage, es- pecially in the tail. They are sturdy in appearance, and the thighs are stout and muscular. The breast bone is well set in, causing a lack of full- ness of breast, which is, however, very broad and rounded at the sides. The carriage is upright, the shoulders being carried high and the stern low. The body between thighs should be very wide. The White variety is identical with the Dark Cornish, except that the plumage should be pure white. STANDARD WEIGHTS. Cock 9 Ibs. Hen 7 Ibs. Cockerel 8 Ibs. Pullet 6 Ibs. SHAPE OF MALE. HEAD: Short, deep and broad, the crown projecting over the eyes, indicating great vigor and strong constitution. BEAK: Short and stout, well curved. EYES: Full, with bold and fearless expression, not sunken, in the sense of being close together. COMB AND FACE: Comb, pea, small, firmly and closely set upon head. Dubbed males deduct the full value of the comb. Face, rather coarse in texture. WATTLES AND EAR-LOBES: Wattles, small, even, smooth in texture. Ear-lobes, small, smooth in texture. NECK: Medium in length, slightly arched; throat, full, dotted with small feathers. WINGS: Short and muscular, closely folded; wing-fronts standing out prominently from body at shoulders; wing-points, slightly rounded at ex- 233 234 AMERICAN POULTRY ASSOCIATION treme ends when folded, closely tucked at ends and held on a line with lower tail-coverts. BACK: Medium in length, top line of back slightly convex, sloping downward from base of neck to tail, and slightly sloping from each side of back bone, well filled in at base of neck; hip-bones very wide apart; very broad across the shoulders, carrying its width well back to a line with the thighs, showing good width between wings and then narrowing to tail. TAIL: Short and closely folded, carried slightly drooping. BREAST: Broad and deep, well rounded at sides, projecting beyond wing-fronts when specimen is standing erect. BODY AND STERN: Body, well rounded at sides; keel, long and straight. Stern, well tucked up. LEGS AND TOES: Thighs, of medium length, round, muscular, set well apart; shanks, short and stout in bone. Toes, long, strong and straight, well spread. Shanks below hocks, and toes, free from feathers and down. PLUMAGE: Short, narrow and close. STATION AND CARRIAGE: Station, low; carriage, erect, upright, indicating great vigor. SHAPE OF FEMALE. HEAD: Short, deep and broad, the crown projecting over the eyes, indicating great vigor and strong constitution. BEAK: Well curved. EYES: Full, with bold and fearless expression, not sunken in the sense of being close together. COMB AND FACE : Comb, pea, small, and closely set upon head. Face, rather coarse in texture. WATTLES AND EAR-LOBES: Wattles, small, even; smooth in texture. Ear-lobes, small, smooth in texture. NECK: Medium in length, slightly arched; throat, full, dotted with small feathers. WINGS: Short and muscular, closely folded; wing-fronts, standing out prominently from body at shoulders; wing-points, slightly rounded at ex- treme ends when folded, closely tucked at ends and held on a line with lower tail-coverts. BACK: Medium in length; top line of back slightly convex, sloping downward from base of neck to tail, and slightly sloping from each side of back bone; well filled in at base of neck, hip-bones very wide apart; very broad across the shoulders, carrying its width well back to a line with the thighs showing good width between wings and then narrowing to tail. TAIL: Short and closely folded, carried slightly drooping. BREAST: Broad and deep, well rounded at sides, projecting beyond wing-fronts when specimen is standing erect. STANDARD OF PERFECTION 235 BODY AND STERN: Body, well rounded at sides; keel, long and straight. Stern, well tucked up. LEGS AND TOES: Thighs, of medium length, round, muscular, set well apart; shanks, short and stout. Toes, long, strong and straight, well spread. Shanks, below hocks, and toes, free from feathers and down. PLUMAGE: Short, narrow and close. BODY IN HAND: Firm, compact, muscular. STATION AND CARRIAGE: Station, low; carriage, erect, upright, in- dicating great vigor. DARK CORNISH. Disq ualification s. Combs other than pea or irregular pea; solid whi e, blue or black shanks. (See general disqualifications.) COLOR OF MALE. HEAD: Greenish-black. BEAK: Yellow. EYES: Yellow, approaching pearl. COMB, FACE, WATTLES AND EAR-LOBES: Bright red. NECK: Hackle, lustrous greenish-black; shafts, red; plumage, other than hackle, lustrous greenish-black, shafts, red. WINGS: Wing-fronts, greenish- black; wing- bows, lustrous greenish- black and dark red intermixed, the black greatly predominating; coverts, forming wing-bars, lustrous greenish- black; primaries, black, except a narrow edging of bay on outer web; secondaries, upper web black, lower web one-third black next to shaft, the remainder bay. BACK: Lustrous greenish-black and dark red intermixed, the black greatly predominating; saddle feathers, like back in color, but with a somewhat larger proportion of dark red. TAIL: Black; sickles and coverts, lustrous greenish- black. BREAST: Lustrous greenish-black. BODY AND STERN: Black. LEGS AND TOES: Thighs, black; shanks and toes, yellow. UNDER-COLOR: Dark slate. COLOR OF FEMALE. HEAD: Plumage, greenish-black. BEAK: Yellow. EYES: Yellow, approaching pearl. 236 AMERICAN POULTRY ASSOCIATION DARK CORNISH MALE STANDARD OF PERFECTION 237 DARK CORNISH FEMALE 238 AMERICAN POULTRY ASSOCIATION COMB, FACE, WATTLES AND EAR-LOBES: Bright red. NECK: Hackle, lustrous black, with bay shaft to each feather; plum- age, other than hackle, bay, approaching mahogany, each feather having two pencilings of lustrous black, the pencilings following contour of web of feathers. WINGS: Primaries, black, except a narrow edging of irregularly penciled bay upon outer part of web; secondaries, upper web black, lower web black next to shaft of feather, with a broad margin of irregularly pen- ciled bay; wing- bows and coverts, bay, approaching mahogany, each feather having two pencilings of lustrous black, the pencilings following contour of web of feather. BACK: Bay, approaching mahogany. TAIL: Main feathers, black, except the two upper feathers which are irregularly penciled with bay; coverts, bay, approaching mahogany, each feather having two pencilings of lustrous black, the pencilings follow- ing contour of web of feather. BREAST: Bay, approaching mahogany, each feather having two pen- cilings of lustrous black, the pencilings following contour of web of feather. BODY AND STERN: Body, bay, approaching mahogany, each feather having two pencilings of lustrous black, the pencilings following contour of web of feather. Stern, black, or black tinged with bay. LEGS AND TOES: Thighs, black, more or less penciled with bay, shanks and toes, yellow. WHITE CORNISH. Disqualifications. Combs other than pea or irregular pea; red, buff or positive black in any part of plumage; solid green or white shanks. (See general disquali- fications.) COLOR OF MALE AND FEMALE. BEAK: Yellow. EYES: Yellow, approaching pearl. COMB, FACE, WATTLES AND EAR-LOBES: Bright red. SHANKS AND TOES: Yellow. PLUMAGE: Web, fluff and quills of feathers in all sections, pure white. STANDARD OF PERFECTION 239 WHITE-LACED RED CORNISH. STANDARD WEIGHTS. Cock 8 Ibs. Hen 6 Ibs. Cockerel 7 Ibs. Pullet 5 Ibs. D isq notifications. Combs other than pea or irregular pea; solid white, blue or black shanks. (See general disqualifications.) COLOR OF MALE. HEAD: Rich, bright red, each feather tipped with white. BEAK: Bright yellow. EYES: Yellow, or approaching pearl. COMB, FACE, WATTLES AND EAR-LOBES : Bright red. NECK: Bright, rich red, each feather laced with silvery white; under- color, snow white. WINGS: Wing-fronts, wing-bows and shoulders, bright, rich red, each feather regularly and accurately laced with a narrow lacing of silvery white; coverts, bright, rich red, forming wing- bars, accurately laced with white: primaries, bright, rich red, ending with white and well up on lower edge; secondaries, bright, rich red, with well-defined, accurate lacings of white; flight-coverts, red, laced with white; under-color, snow white. BACK: Bright, rich red, each feather ending with silvery white ap- proaching the letter "V" in shape; saddle feathers prominent, each feather laced with silvery white, the texture of the feather giving a ray appearance; under-color, snow white. TAIL: White, with shaft and extreme center, red; sickles and coverts, white, with red shaft and center. BREAST: Bright, rich red, each feather laced with a narrow lacing of white, regular and accurate, following shape of web to fluff; under- color, snow white. BODY AND FLUFF: Bright, rich red, each feather regularly and ac- curately laced with a narrow lacing of white, throughout; under-color, . snow white. LEGS AND TOES: Thighs, bright, rich red, each feather accurately laced with white; under-color white; shanks and toes, a strong, bright yellow. COLOR OF FEMALE. HEAD: Bright, rich red, each feather laced with white. BEAK: Bright yellow. EYES: Yellow, or approaching pearl. 240 AMERICAN POULTRY ASSOCIATION WHITE-LACED RED CORNISH MALE STANDARD OF PERFECTION 241 WHITE-LACED RED CORNISH FEMALE 242 AMERICAN POULTRY ASSOCIATION COMB, FACE, WATTLES AND EAR-LOBES: Bright red. NECK: Bright, rich red, each feather accurately laced with white; under-color, snow white. WINGS: Bright, rich red, with wing-bows, wing-fronts, shoulders and wing-bars accurately laced with a narrow lacing of white; primaries, bright, rich red ending with white and well up on lower edge; secondaries, bright, rich red, with well-defined, accurate lacings of white; under-color, snow white. BACK: Bright, rich red throughout, with each feather from cape to tail, regularly and accurately laced, with a narrow white lacing conforming perfectly to shape of feather and free from mossings or barrings; under- color, snow white. TAIL: Red, each feather laced with white, the white being wider at extremity of feather. BREAST: Bright, rich red, with each feather regularly and accurately laced with a narrow lacing of white conforming perfectly to shape of feather, free from mossings or barrings; under-color, snow white. BODY AND FLUFF: Bright, rich red, each feather accurately laced with white; under-color, snow white. LEGS AND TOES: Thighs, red, each feather accurately laced with white; under-color, snow white; shanks and toes, a bright, strong yellow. BLACK SUMATRAS. Disqualifications. Combs other than pea; white ear-lobes; feathers other than black in any part of plumage. (See general disqualifications.) SCALE OF POINTS. Symmetry 10 Condition 10 Comb Shape 3, Color 3 6 Head and Beak Shape 2, Color 2 4 Eyes Shape 2, Color 2 4 Ear-Lobes and Wattles 2 Neck Shape 4, Color 4 8 Wings Shape 4, Color 4 8 Back Shape 4, Color 4 8 Tail Shape 7, Color 5 12 Breast Shape 4, Color 4 8 Body and Stern Shape 4, Color 4 8 Legs and Toes Shape 4, Color 4 8 Length of Feathers 4 100 SHAPE OF MALE. HEAD: Short and round. BEAK: Of medium length, strong, well curved. EYES: Large and bold. ^COMB: Pea, small. WATTLES AND EAR-LOBES: Very small. NECK: Rather long, well arched; hackle, long, flowing. WINGS: Long, large, carried with fronts slightly raised; points of feathers folded closely together, not drooping and not carried over the back. BACK: Of medium length, broad at shoulders, slightly narrowing to tail, with very long, flowing saddle feathers. TAIL: Long, drooping, carried at an angle of thirty degrees above the horizontal, with abundance of feathers and coverts which should be long and flowing. BREAST: Broad, full. BODY AND STERN: Body, firm, muscular, tapering to tail. Stern, compact. 243 244 AMERICAN POULTRY ASSOCIATION LEGS AND TOES: Thighs, of medium length, large, strong; shanks, rather short, standing well apart. Toes, long, straight, and well spread. Shanks below hocks, and toes, free from feathers and down. SHAPE OF FEMALE. HEAD: Short and round. BEAK: Of medium length, strong, well curved. EYES: Large and bold. COMB: Pea, small. WATTLES AND EAR-LOBES: Very small. NECK: Rather long; hackle, long. WINGS: Long, large; points not drooping and not carried over the back. BACK: Of medium length, broad at shoulders, slightly narrowing to tail. TAIL: Long, large, drooping, carried at an angle of thirty degrees above the horizontal. BREAST: Broad, round, full. BODY AND STERN: Body, firm, muscular, tapering to tail. Stern, compact. LEGS AND TOES: Thighs, of medium length, large, strong; shanks, rather short, standing well apart. Toes, well spread. Shanks below hocks, and toes, free from feathers and down. COLOR OF MALE AND FEMALE. BEAK: Dark olive or leaden-black. EYES: Dark brown. COMB AND FACE: Purple. WATTLES AND EAR-LOBES: Dark red. LEGS AND TOES: Dark olive or leaden-black. *- PLUMAGE: Very lustrous greenish-black throughout. BLACK-BREASTED RED MALAYS. Disqualifications. Single or lopped combs; shanks or feet other than yellow in color; duck feet. (See general disqualifications.) STANDARD WEIGHTS. Cock 9 Ibs. Hen 7 Ibs. Cockerel 7 Ibs. Pullet 5 Ibs. STANDARD HEIGHTS. Cock 26 in. Hen 18 in. Cockerel 18 in. Pullet 1.5 in. SCALE OF POINTS. Station 10 Weight and Height 12 Condition 8 Head, Beak and Eyes - Shape 5, Color G 11 Comb 6 Wattles and Ear-Lobes 4 Neck - Shape 3, Color 3 6 Wings Shape 4, Color 4 8 Back Shape 2, Color 3 5 Tail Shape3, Color3 6 Breast Shape 3, Color 3 6 Body and Stern Shape 2, Color 2 4 Thighs and Shanks Shape 3, Color 3 (> Feet 2 Hardness of Feather Condition 3, Hardness 3 6 100 SHAPE OF MALE. HEAD : Broad, long, crown heavy and projecting over the eyes, giving a fierce, cruel expression. BEAK: Thick, short, strong. EYES: Large, clear. 245 246 AMERICAN POULTRY ASSOCIATION COMB: Rather small, resembling a strawberry or knob in front; set well forward. If males are dubbed, deduct six points. WATTLES AND EAR-LOBES: Very small. NECK: Long, nearly straight and upright; hackle, short, scanty. WINGS: Of medium length, large, strong, bony, very prominent at shoulders, carried compactly against sides; wing- points resting under saddle feathers, without drooping or being carried over back. BACK: Long, slanting, rather convex in outline, tapering to tail, large and broad at shoulders; saddle, narrow, drooping; saddle feathers, short, scanty. TAIL: Of medium length, drooping, well folded together; sickle feathers curved, but not long. BREAST: Broad, full; breast-bone, deep, prominent. BODY AND STERN: Body, firm, muscular, broad at intersection of shoulders, tapering toward tail. Stern, well tucked up. THIGHS AND SHANKS: Thighs, long, hard, round, set well apart. Shanks, long. FEET: Flat, broad; toes, well apart, long, straight. Shanks and toes free from feathers and down. HARDNESS OF FEATHER : Feathers, short, lying close, hard, firm and strong. SHAPE OF FEMALE. HEAD: Broad, long, crown heavy and projecting over the eyes, giving a fierce, cruel expression. BEAK: Thick, short, strong; face and throat bare of feathers. EYES: Large, clear. COMB: Rather small, resembling a strawberry or knob in front; set well forward. WATTLES AND EAR-LOBES: Very small. NECK: Long, nearly straight and upright; hackle, short. WINGS: Of medium length, large, strong, bony, very prominent at shoulders, carried compactly against sides; wing-points resting under saddle feathers, without drooping or being carried over back. BACK: Long, slanting, rather convex in outline, tapering to tail, large and broad at shoulders. TAIL: Of medium length, carried slightly drooping, well folded. BREAST: Broad, full; breast-bone, deep, prominent. BODY AND STERN: Body, firm, muscular, broad at intersection of shoulders, tapering toward tail. Stern, well tucked up. THIGHS AND SHANKS: Thighs, long, hard, round, set well apart. Shanks, long, bony, strong, standing evenly apart; scales smooth. FEET: Flat, broad; toes, well apart, long, straight. Shanks and toes free from feathers and down. STANDARD OF PERFECTION 247 HARDNESS OF FEATHER: Feathers short, lying close, hard, firm, strong. COLOR OF MALE. HEAD: Plumage, red or maroon. BEAK: Yellow, or yellow striped with horn. EYES: Pearl, yellow or daw. COMB, FACE, WATTLES AND EAR-LOBES: Rich red or purplish. NECK: Plumage, other than hackle, black; hackle, dark red, shading into reddish-maroon. WINGS: Wing-fronts, black; wing- bows, a rich, glossy, dark red; coverts, glossy greenish-black, forming a wide bar across the wings; pri- maries, black, outer edge rich bay; secondaries, part of outer web forming wing-bay, rich bay, the remainder of feathers black. BACK: Rich, glossy, dark red or maroon; saddle feathers, rich, dark red. TAIL: Black; sickle feathers and tail coverts, ricli, glossy greenish- black. BREAST: Glossy black. BODY AND STERN: Black. THIGHS AND SHANKS: Thighs, black. Shanks and feet, yellow. UNDER-COLOR: Slate, tinged with brown. COLOR OF FEAL\LE. HEAD: Plumage, dark brown. BEAK: Yellow, or yellow and horn. EYES: Pearl, yellow or daw. COMB, FACE, WATTLES AND EAR-LOBES: Rich red or purplish. NECK: Plumage, other than hackle, cinnamon-brown; hackle, dark brown, or brown striped with black. WINGS: Wing-fronts, wing-bows, coverts and secondaries, brown; primaries, very dark brown. BACK: Dark or cinnamon-brown, not infrequently penciled. TAIL: Very dark brown or black. BREAST: Cinnamon-brown, not infrequently penciled. BODY AND STERN: Brown. THIGHS AND SHANKS: Thighs, brown. Shanks and feet, yellow. UNDER-COLOR: Slate, tinged with brown. BLACK-BREASTED RED MALAY BANTAMS. Disqualifications. Same as for large Malays; also, cocks weighing over 30 ounces, hens over 28 ounces, cockerels over 28 ounces, pullets over 26 ounces. STANDARD WEIGHTS. Cock 26 oz. Hen 24 oz. Cockerel 24 oz. Pullet 22 oz. SHAPE AND COLOR OF MALE AND FEMALE. The general shape and color of Black-Breasted Red Malay Bantams shall be the same as those of the standard-size Malays. ilK CLASS X. ORNAMENTAL BANTAMS. Breeds Varieties SEBRIGHTS ( Golden ( Silver ROSE-COMB ( White ( Black BOOTED White BRAHMA ( Light (Dark / Buff r ) Partridge IN S White ( Black ( Black Tailed JAPANESE ^ White ( Black C Bearded W^iite POLISH -< BufF Laced ( Non-Bearded 249 ORNAMENTAL BANTAMS. Ornamental Bantams are bred chiefly for pleasure and fancy, but they possess many useful qualities as well, being, as a rule, good layers ^ and valuable as sitters; in fact, Cochin Bantam hens are used to hatch the eggs of Pheasants and other fowls under domestication. Among ornamental bantams the Cochin and Brahma Bantams are miniatures of the large Cochins and Brahmas in shape and color; the Black and White Rose-Combs are counterparts of the graceful and stylish Hamburgs, carrying, however, wings and tails somewhat larger in proportion to the body. They are the embodiment of grace, style and sprightliness. Sebright Bantams, were originated in England by the late Sir John . Sebright and were the result of thirty years of painstaking care in mating and breeding. They are, perhaps, the greatest achievement of the fancier's art in producing birds of both sexes that are marvels of diminu- tive size and laced feathers in all sections. The feathers in both male and female are laced exactly alike. The low carriage of wings and well- spread tail give to these beautiful birds a most distinctive and striking ap- pearance. The Japanese Bantams are one of the curiosities of the Bantam class. The disproportionately large comb, face, wings and tail (of the male), and remarkable shortness of legs are the chief characteristics. The tail is distinguished by the long, sword-shaped sickles, that are carried forward and upright to an unusual degree. Polish Bantams should be the same in shape, style and plumage as the large varieties of Polish. The White Booted are distinct from the White Cochin Bantams in the possession of an abundance of stiff feathers, pronounced vulture-hocks, and an upright and sprightly carriage. 250 STANDARD OF PERFECTION 251 SCALE OF POINTS FOR SEBRIGHT AND ROSE-COMB BANTAMS. Symmetry 4 Weight 4 Condition 4 Comb 8 Head Shape 2, Color 2 4 Beak Shape 2. Color 2 4 Eye Shape 2, Color 2 4 Wattlesand Ear-Lobes Shape 4, Color 4 8 Neck Shape 3, Color4 7 Wings Shape o, Color 5 10 Back Shape 4, Color 4 8 Tail Shape 6, ColorG 12 Breast Shape 5, Color 4 9 Body and Fluff Shape 4, Color 4 8 Legs and Toes Shape 3, Color 3 100 SCALE OF POINTS FOR BOOTED WHITE, BRAHMA, ALL COCHIN AND JAPANESE BANTAMS. Symmetry 8 Weight .". , 6 Condition 6 Comb 8 Head Shape 3, Color 3 6 W T attles and Ear-Lobes (> Neck Shape 4, Color 6 10 Wings Shape 4, Color 4 8 Back Shape 4, Color 4 8 Tail Shape 4, Color 4 8 Breast Shape 5, Color 5 10 Body and Fluff Shape 5, Color 3 8 Legs and Toes 100 SEBRIGHT BANTAMS. Disqualifications. Combs other than rose; absence of spike; cocks or cockerels having hackle feathers extending over shoulders or sickle feathers extending more than an inch and a half beyond tail proper; shanks other than slaty-blue in color; cocks weighing over 30 ounces; hens weighing over 26 ounces; cockerels weighing over 26 ounces; pullets weighing over 24 ounces. (See general disqualifications.) STANDARD WEIGHTS. Cock 26 oz. Hen 22 oz. Cockerel 22 oz. Pullet 20 oz. SHAPE OF MALE. HEAD: Large, round in front and carried well back. BEAK: Short, slightly curved. EYES: Large, round. COMB: Rose, square in front, firm and even on head, terminating at rear in a spike which inclines upward very slightly; top covered with small points. WATTLES AND EAR-LOBES: Wattles, broad, well rounded. Ear- lobes, flat. NECK: Tapering, well arched, carried very far back; hen-feathered, free from true hackle feathers. WINGS: Large, carried low, but not so low as to conceal hocks. BACK : Very short, free from saddle hangers. TAIL: Full, well expanded, carried at an angle of seventy degrees from the horizontal, very high, free from sickles; feathers, broadest toward the ends, the two ripper, which may be slightly curved, not extending more than an inch and a half beyond others; coverts, straight, round at ends and lying close to sides of tail. BREAST: Full, round, carried prominently forward. BODY AND FLUFF: Body, compact, deep, short. Fluff, short. LEGS AND TOES: Thighs, very short and stout; shanks, short, rather slender. Toes, straight. Shanks below hock, and toes, free from feath- ers and down. 252 STANDARD OF PERFECTION 253 SHAPE OF FEMALE. HEAD: Broad and well rounded. BEAK: Short, slightly curved. EYES: Large, round. COMB : Rose, similar to that of male, but very small. WATTLES AND EAR-LOBES: Wattles, small, well rounded. Ear- lobes, flat, small. NECK: Tapering, upright. WINGS: Large, carried low, but not so low as to conceal hocks. BACK: Short, tapering to tail. TAIL: Full, well expanded, carried at an angle of seventy degrees from the horizontal. BREAST: Full, round, carried prominently forward. BODY AND FLUFF: Body, compact, deep, short. Fluff, short. LEGS AND TOES: Thighs, very short, stout; shanks, short, rather slender. Toes, straight. Shanks below hocks, and toes, free from feath- ers and down. GOLDEN SEBRIGHT BANTAMS. COLOR OF MALE. BEAK: Dark horn. EYES: Brown. COMB AND FACE: Reddish-purple. WATTLES AND EAR-LOBES: Wattles, bright red. Ear-lobes, reddish- purple. SHANKS AND TOES: Slaty-blue. PLUMAGE: Surface throughout, golden yellow, each feather evenly and distinctly laced all around with a narrow edging of lustrous black. Under-color, slate. COLOR OF FEMALE. BEAK: Dark horn. EYES: Brown. COMB AND FACE: Reddish-purple. WATTLES AND EAR-LOBES: Wattles, bright red. Ear-lobes, reddish- purple. SHANKS AND TOES: Slaty-blue. PLUMAGE: Surface throughout, golden yellow, each feather evenly and distinctly laced all around with a narrow edging of lustrous black. Under-color, slate. 254 AMERICAN POULTRY ASSOCIATION SILVER SEBRIGHT BANTAM MALE STANDARD OF PERFECTION 255 SILVER SEBRIGHT BANTAM FEMALE 256 AMERICAN POULTRY ASSOCIATION SILVER SEBRIGHT BANTAMS. COLOR OF MALE. BEAK: Dark horn. EYES: Brown. COMB AND FACE: Reddish-purple. WATTLES AND EAR-LOBES: Wattles, bright red. Ear-lobes, reddish- purple. SHANKS AND TOES: Slaty-blue. PLUMAGE: Surface throughout, silvery white, each feather evenly and distinctly laced all around with a narrow edging of lustrous black. Under- color, slate. COLOR OF FEMALE. BEAK: Dark horn. EYES: Brown. COMB AND FACE: Reddish-purple. WATTLES AND EAR-LOBES: Wattles, bright red. Ear-lobes, reddish- purple. SHANKS AND TOES: Slaty-blue. PLUMAGE: Surface throughout, silvery white, each feather evenly and distinctly laced all around with a narrow edging of lustrous black. Under-color, slate. ROSE-COMB BANTAMS. Disqualifications. Combs other than rose; absence of spike; cocks weighing over 28 ounces; hens weighing over 24 ounces; cockerels weighing over 24 ounces; pullets weighing over 22 ounces. (See general disqualifications.) STANDARD WEIGHTS. Cock 26 oz. Hen 22 oz. Cockerel 22 oz. Pullet 20 oz. SHAPE OF MALE. HEAD: Small, round, carried well backward over the body. BEAK: Short, slightly curved. EYES: Full. COMB: Rose, square in front, firm and even on head, terminating at rear in spike which inclines upward very slightly; top covered with small points. WATTLES AND EAR-LOBES: Wattles, broad, thin, well rounded. Ear-lobes, prominent, flat, round, smooth, even, fitting closely to head. NECK: Tapering, carried back so as to bring head toward tail; hackle, full, long, descending well over shoulders. WINGS: Large, points carried low, but not to conceal hocks; second- aries, slightly expanded. BACK: Very short, tapering to tail; saddle feathers, abundant, long. TAIL,: Full, well expanded, carried at an angle of forty degrees from the horizontal; sickles, long, well curved; coverts, abundant. BREAST: Full, round, carried prominently forward. BODY AND FLUFF: Body, plump, tapering toward tail. Fluff, short. LEGS AND TOES: Thighs, short; shanks, short, smooth, tapering. Toes, straight. Shanks and toes free from feathers and down. SHAPE OF FEMALE. HEAD: Small, round. BEAK: Short, slightly curved. EYES: Full. COMB: Rose, similar to that of male, but smaller. 257 258 AMERICAN POULTRY ASSOCIATION ROSE-COMB BLACK BANTAM MALE STANDARD OF PERFECTION 259 ROSE-COMB BLACK BANTAM FEMALE 200 WATTLES AND EAR-LOBES: Wattles, small, thin, well rounded. Ear- lobes, prominent, flat, round, smooth, even, fitting closely to head. NECK: Short, tapering, carried well back. WINGS: Large, points carried low, but not to conceal hocks. BACK: Short, tapering to tail. TAIL: Full, well expanded. Carried at an angle of forty degrees from the horizontal. BREAST: Full, round, carried prominently forward. BODY AND FLUFF: Body, compact, tapering toward tail. Fluff, short. LEGS AND TOES: Thighs, short; shanks, smooth, short, tapering. Toes, straight. Shanks and toes free from feathers and down. KOSE-COMB WHITE BANTAMS. Disqualifications. Feathers other than white in any part of plumage; shanks other than white. (See general disqualifications.) COLOR OF MALE AND FEMALE. BEAK: White. EYES: Reddish-bay. COMB AND FACE: Bright red. WATTLES AND EAR-LOBES: Wattles, bright red. Ear-lobes, white. SHANKS AND TOES: White, with pinkish tinge on back of shanks and between scales. PLUMAGE: Web, fluff and quills of feathers in all sections, pure white. ROSE-COMB BLACK BANTAMS. Disqualifications. Pure white in any part of plumage, extending over half an inch, or two or more feathers tipped or edged with positive white. Shanks other than black or very dark leaden-blue. (See general disqualifications.) COLOR OF MALE AND FEMALE. BEAK: Black. EYES: Brown. COMB AND FACE: Bright red. WATTLES AND EAR-LOBES: Wattles, bright red. Ear-lobes, white. SHANKS AND TOES: Black. PLUMAGE: Surface, lustrous greenish-black throughout. BOOTED WHITE BANTAMS. Disqualifications. Feathers other than white in any part of plumage; absence of vulture- hocks; shanks not feathered down the outer sides, shanks other than white; outer toes not feathered; cocks weighing over 28 ounces; hens weighing over 24 ounces; cockerels weighing over 24 ounces; pullets weighing over 22 ounces. (See general disqualifications.) STANDARD WEIGHTS. Cock 26 oz. Hen 22 oz. Cockerel 22 oz. Pullet 20 oz. SHAPE OF MALE. HEAD: Small, round, carried well back. BEAK: Short, slightly curved. EYES: Full. COMB, WATTLES AND EAR-LOBES: Comb, single, of medium size, firm and straight on head, evenly serrated. Wattles, broad, thin, well rounded. Ear-lobes, flat. NECK: Tapering, curved well back, with full, long hackle, descend- ing well over shoulders. WINGS: Large, points carried a little low. BACK: Short; saddle feathers, abundant, long. TAIL: Full, well expanded, very upright; sickles, long, well curved; coverts, abundant, long. BREAST: Full, round. BODY AND FLUFF: Body, rather short and compact. Fluff, mod- erately full. LE&S AND TOES : Thighs, long, well furnished with long, stiff feathers or vulture-hocks which almost touch the ground; shanks, long, heavily feathered on the outer sides. Toes, straight, outer toes heavily feathered to their extremities. SHAPE OF FEMALE. HEAD: Small, round. BEAK: Short, slightly curved. EYES: Full. 261 262 AMERICAN POULTRY ASSOCIATION COMB: Single, small, firm and straight on head, evenly serrated. WATTLES AND EAR-LOBES: Wattles, small, well rounded. Ear- lobes, flat. NECK: Of medium length, tapering, carried well back. WINGS: Large, points carried a little low. BACK: Short. TAIL: Full, well expanded, rather upright. BREAST: Full, round. BODY AND FLUFF: Body, rather short and compact. Fluff, moder- ately full. LEGS AND TOES: Thighs, long, well furnished with long, stiff feathers or vulture-hocks; shanks, long, heavily feathered on outer sides. Toes, straight, outer toes heavily feathered to their extremities.- COLOR OF MALE AND FEMALE. BEAK: White. EYES: Reddish-bay. COMB, FACE, WATTLES AND EAR-LOBES: Bright red. SHANKS AND TOES: White. PLUMAGE: Pure white. BRAHMA BANTAMS. (Liykt and Dark.) Brahma Bantams, male and female, should conform in miniature fashion to the general outlines of the larger Brahmas. Stiff hock plumage is very objectionable. Disqualifications. Disqualifications for Brahma Bantams shall be the same as for larger Brahmas of the corresponding variety. STANDARD WEIGHTS. Cock 30 oz. Hen 26 oz. Cockerel 20 oz. Pullet 24 oz. DISQUALIFYING WEIGHTS. Cock 34 oz. Hen 30 oz. Cockerel 30 oz. Pullet 28 oz. SHAPE AND COLOR, MALE AND FEMALE. The general shape and color of Brahma Bantams shall conform to the description of the corresponding variety of the larger Brahmas. 264 AMERICAN POULTRY ASSOCIATION BUFF COCHIN BANTAM MALE STANDARD OF PERFECTION 265 BUFF COCHIN BANTAM FEMALE 266 AMERICAN POULTRY ASSOCIATION BLACK COCHIN BANTAM MALE STANDARD OF PERFECTION 267 BLACK COCHIN BANTAM FEMALE COCHIN BANTAMS. The Cochin Bantam male should conform in miniature fashion to the general outlines of the larger Cochin. He should be broad, deep, plump, and well rounded, of bold and forward carriage, short in legs, head carried not much higher than tail. Plumage, long, loose and abundant, the more fluff plumage the better; stiff hock plumage is objectionable. The Cochin Bantam female should conform, in a feminine way, with the male. In general outlines she should be rather short, neat and well rounded, very profuse of feathering and short in leg. Stiff hock plumage is objectionable. Disqualifications. The disqualifications for all Cochin Bantams shall be the same as for larger Cochins of the corresponding variety, except as to hock plumage. STANDARD WEIGHTS. Cock 30 oz. Hen 2(> oz. Cockerel 26 oz. Pullet 24 oz. DISQUALIFYING WEIGHTS. Cock 34 oz. Hen 30 oz. Cockerel 30 oz. Pullet 28 oz. SHAPE AND COLOR, MALE AND FEMALE. The general shape and color of all Cochin Bantams shall conform to the description of the corresponding variety of the larger Cochins. 268 JAPANESE BANTAMS. STANDARD WEIGHTS. Cock 26 oz. Hen 22 oz. Cockerel 22 oz. Pullet 20 oz. SHAPE OF MALE. HEAD : Rather large and broad. BEAK : Very strong, well curved. EYES: Large. COMB: Single, large, firm and straight on head; evenly serrated, having five distinct points. WATTLES AND EAR-LOBES: Wattles, large, pendent. Ear-lobes, large, smooth. NECK: Rather short, curving prominently backward, with abundant, hackle flowing well over shoulders. WINGS: Large, long, points decidedly drooping. BACK: Very short; saddle feathers, abundant. TAIL: Very large, somewhat expanded, carried in so erect a position as to almost come in contact with back of head; sickles, long, very upright, very slightly curved. BREAST: Very full, round, carried prominently forward. BODY AND FLUFF: Body, rather short, deep and compact. Fluff, short. LEGS AND TOES: Thighs, of medium size, short; shanks, very short, smooth. Toes, straight. Shanks and toes free from feathers and down. SHAPE OF FEMALE. HEAD : Rather large and broad. BEAK: Strong, well curved. EYES: Large. COMB: Single, large, firm and straight on head; evenly serrated, hav- ing five distinct points. WATTLES AND EAR-LOBES: Wattles, of medium size, well rounded. Ear-lobes of medium size, smooth. NECK: Short, well curved. WINGS: Large, long, points decidedly drooping. BACK: Short. 269 270 AMERICAN POULTRY ASSOCIATION TAIL: Large, carried fairly upright. BREAST: Full, round, prominent. BODY AND FLUFF: Body, rather short, deep and compact. Fluff, short. LEGS AND TOES: Thighs, of medium size, short; shanks, very short, smooth. Toes, straight. Shanks and toes free from feathers and down. BLACK-TAILED JAPANESE BANTAMS. D isq notifications. Combs other than single; shanks other than yellow; cocks weighing over 30 ounces; hens weighing over 26 ounces; cockerels weighing over 26 ounces; pullets weighing over 24 ounces. (See general disqualifications.) COLOR OF MALE. HEAD: White. BEAK: Yellow. EYES: Reddish-bay. COMB, FACE, WATTLES AND EAR-LOBES: Bright red. NECK: White. WINGS: Primaries, dark slate or black, edged with white; secondaries, dark slate or black, with wide edging of white on upper web, lower web white; coverts, white. The wing, when folded, shows white only. BACK: White; saddle feathers, white. TAIL: Black; sickles and coverts, black, edged with white. BREAST: White. BODY AND FLUFF: White. LEGS AND TOES: Thighs, white; shanks and toes, yellow. COLOR OF FEMALE. HEAD: White. BEAK: Yeilow. EYES: Reddish-bay. COMB, FACE, WATTLES AND EAR-LOBES: Bright red. NECK: White. WINGS: Primaries, dark slate or black, edged with white; secondaries, dark slate or black with wide edging of white on upper web, lower web white; coverts, white. The wing when folded shows white only. BACK: White. TAIL: Black; coverts, white. Two top feathers edged with white. BREAST: White. BODY AND FLUFF: White. LEGS AND TOES: Thighs, white; shanks and toes, yellow. STANDARD OF PERFECTION 271 WHITE JAPANESE BANTAMS. D isqualifications. Combs other than single; feathers other than white in any part of plumage; shanks other than yellow; cocks weighing over 30 ounces; hens weighing over 26 ounces; cockerels weighing over 26 ounces; pullets weigh- ing over 24 ounces. (See general disqualifications.) COLOR OF MALE AND FEMALE. BEAK: Yellow. EYES: Reddish- bay. COMB, FACE, WATTLES AND EAR-LOBES: Bright red. SHANKS AND TOES: Yellow. PLUMAGE: Pure white. BLACK JAPANESE BANTAMS. Disqualifications. Combs other than single; pure white in any part of plumage extending over half an inch, or two or more feathers tipped or edged with positive white; shanks other than yellow or yellowish-black; cocks weighing over 30 ounces; hens weighing over 26 ounces; cockerels weighing over 26 ounces; pullets weighing over 24 ounces. (See general disqualifications.) COLOR OF MALE AND FEMALE. BEAK: Yellow, or yellow shaded with black. EYES: Brown. COMB, FACE, WATTLES AND EAR-LOBES: Bright red. SHANKS AND TOES: Yellow, or yellow shaded with black. PLUMAGE: Surface, lustrous greenish-black throughout. 272 AMERICAN POULTRY ASSOCIATION BLACK-TAILED JAPANESE BANTAM MALE STANDARD OF PERFECTION 273 BLACK-TAILED JAPANESE BANTAM FEMALE POLISH BANTAMS. SCALE OF POINTS. Symmetry 4 Size 4 Condition 4 Comb 2 Head Shape 3, Color 3 6 Crest Shape 12, Color 8 20 Wattles and Ear-Lobes 4, Beard 4 8 Neck Shape 3, Color 3 6 Wings Shape 4, Color 4 8 Back Shape 4, Color 4 8 Tail Shape 5, Color 5 10 Breast - Shape 4, Color 4 8 Body and Fluff Shape 3, Color 3 6 Legs and Toes Shape 3, Color 3 6 100 STANDARD WEIGHTS. Cock 26 oz. Hen 22 oz. Cockerel 22 oz. Pullet 20 oz. SHAPE OF MALE. HEAD: Large, with a considerable protuberance on top of skull. BEAK: Rather long. NOSTRILS: Large, with crown elevated above ordinary curve of beak. EYES: Large, full. COMB AND CREST: Comb, V-shaped, having two prongs of small size the smaller the better retreating into crest; natural absence of same not to be considered a defect. Crest, very large, thick, flowing, well fitted on crown of head, rising well in front so as not to obstruct the sight, and falling over on both sides and at rear in a regular, even mass, com- posed of feathers similar in shape and texture to those of hackle. BEARD: In bearded varieties, thick, full, extending back to crest. WATTLES AND EAR-LOBES: Wattles, thin, pendulous, well rounded on lower edges. Ear-lobes, small, even in surface, almond-shaped. NECK: Of medium length, slightly arched, with abundant hackle flowing well over shoulders. 274 STANDARD OF PERFECTION 27 r, WINGS: Large, well folded. BACK: Straight, wide across the shoulders, tapering to tail; saddle feathers, abundant. TAIL: Large, well expanded, carried at an angle of forty-five degrees from the horizontal; sickles and coverts, well curved, abundant. BREAST: Round, deep, full, prominent. BODY AND FLUFF: Body, full, comparatively wide at shoulders, tapering from front to rear. Fluff, rather short. LEGS AND TOES: Thighs, of medium length and size; shanks, of medium length. Toes, straight. Shanks and toes free from feathers and down. SHAPE OF FEMALE. HEAD : Similar to that of the male, but smaller. BEAK: Rather long. NOSTRILS: Large, with crown elevated above ordinary curve of beak. EYES: Large, full, bright. COMB AND CREST: Comb, V-shaped, having two prongs of small size the smaller the better retreating into crest, natural absence of same not to be considered a defect. Crest, very large, round, even on head. BEARD: In bearded varieties, thick, full, extending back to crest. WATTLES AND EAR-LOBES: Wattles, thin, small, well rounded on lower edges. Ear-lobes, small, even in surface, rounded on lower edges. NECK: Of medium length, tapering, with hackle flowing well over shoulders. WINGS: Large, well folded. BACK: Straight, broadest at shoulders, tapering to tail. TAIL: Large, broad, well expanded, carried at an angle of forty-five degrees from the horizontal. BREAST: Round, full, prominent. BODY AND FLUFF: Body, full, widest at shoulders, tapering from front to rear. Fluff, rather short. LEGS AND TOES: Thighs, of medium length and size; shanks, of medium length. Toes, straight. Shanks and toes free from feathers and down. 276 AMERICAN POULTRY ASSOCIATION BEARDED WHITE POLISH BANTAMS. Disqualifications. Combs other than V-shaped; shanks other than blue or slaty-blue, except the natural fading from age; cocks weighing over 30 ounces; hens weighing over 26 ounces; cockerels weighing over 26 ounces; pullets weigh- ing over 24 ounces. (See general disqualifications.) COLOR OF MALE AND FEMALE. BEAK: Slaty-blue. EYES: Reddish-bay. COMB AND FACE: Bright red. WATTLES AND EAR-LOBES: Wattles, red. Ear-lobes, bluish-white. SHANKS AND TOES: Blue, or slaty-blue. PLUMAGE: Web, fluff and quills of feathers in all sections, pure white. BUFF LACED POLISH BANTAMS. Disqualifications. Shanks other than blue or slaty-blue, except the natural fading from age. (See general disqualifications.) COLOR OF MALE. BEAK: Slaty-blue. EYES: Reddish-bay. COMB AND FACE: Bright red. WATTLES AND EAR-LOBES: Wattles, bright red. Ear-lobes, white. CREST: Rich buff, laced with pale buff. BEARD: Rich buff, laced with pale buff. HEAD: Rich buff, ticked with pale buff. NECK: Rich buff, each feather laced with pale buff. WINGS: Wing-bows, rich buff, laced with pale buff. Primaries, buff, the outer end having an edging of pale buff. Secondaries, rich buff, with a well-defined pale buff lacing. Coverts, rich buff, each feather laced with pale buff, widest at ends, forming two well-defined wing-bars. BACK : Rich buff, the end of each feather laced with pale buff. Saddle rich buff, each feather laced with pale buff. TAIL: Buff. Sickles and coverts, buff, each feather laced with pale buff. BREAST: Rich buff, each feather laced with pale buff. BODY AND FLUFF: Body, rich buff, each feather laced with pale buff. Fluff, light buff. STANDARD OF PERFECTION 277 LEGS AND TOES: Thighs, buff, laced with pale buff. Shanks and toes, slaty-blue. COLOR OF FEMALE. BEAK: Slaty-blue. EYES: Reddish-bay. COMB AND FACE: Bright red. WATTLES AXD EAR-LOBES: Wattles, bright red. Ear-lobes, white. CREST: Buff, laced with pale buff. BEARD: Buff, each feather laced with pale buff. NECK : Buff, each feather laced with pale buff. WINGS: Bows, buff, laced with pale buff. Primaries, buff. Sec- ondaries, buff, with a well-defined lacing of pale buff. Coverts, buff, laced with pale buff, the pale buff growing wider at extremity, forming two well-defined wing-bars. BACK: Buff, each feather laced with pale buff. TAIL: Buff, each feather laced with pale buff, the pale buff being wider at outer end of feather. BREAST: Buff, each feather laced with pale buff. BODY AND FLUFF: Body, buff, each feather laced with pale buff. Fluff, light buff. LEGS AND TOES: Thighs, buff, each feather laced with pale buff. Shanks and toes, slaty-blue. NON-BEARDED POLISH BANTAMS. The same as the bearded varieties in every respect, including disquali- fications, shape and color, except that they have no beard. (See general disqualifications.) CLASS XI. MISCELLANEOUS. Breeds T7 - ... Varieties SILKIES. ..... Axru-4. White SULTANS. .... \xruv. White DRIZZLES A x-i i Any Color 278 SILKIES. Silkies derive their name from the peculiar formation of the plumage, their feathers being webless and of a silky texture. This peculiarity lends attractiveness to the breed, as it is possessed by no other Standard fowl. Their general appearance, short, feathered legs, broad backs and profuse plumage, are suggestive of the Cochin. The length of the webless feathers is a particularly desirable feature. The contrast formed by the white plumage and purple face is noticeable on account of its singularity; in fact, the appearance of these birds presents, throughout, a series of contra- dictions to the generally-accepted laws which govern Standard-bred fowls. Disqualification .s>. Absence of crest or of fifth toe: feathers not truly silky; shanks not feathered down outer sides; vulture-hocks. (See general disqualifications.) SCALE OF POINTS. Symmetry, 4 Size 4 Condition 4 Head and Beak Shape 3, Color 5 8 Eye Shape 1, Color 2 3 Comb and Crest Comb 5. Crest 10 15 Wattles and Ear- Lobes 6 Neck Shape 4, Color 4 , , 8 Wings Shape 3, Color 3 6 Back Shape 4, Color 4 8 Tail Shape 4, Color 4 8 Breast Shape 3, Color 3 6 Body and Fluff Shape 3, Color 3 6 Legs and Toes , 8 Texture of Plumage 6 loo SHAPE OF MALE. HEAD: Short, round. BEAK: Short, stout. EYES: Large. COMB AND CREST: Comb, nearly round, cushion covered with small 279 ' 280 AMERICAN POULTRY ASSOCIATION corrugations set prominently and firmly on the head; crest, soft and full, as upright as comb will permit, falling gracefully backward. WATTLES AND EAR-LOBES: Wattles, of medium length; concave from without inward, nearly semi-circular. Ear-lobes, oval. NECK: Short, with very full hackle flowing well over shoulders. WINGS: Small, carried low, the primaries and secondaries have a ragged, fringe-like appearance and the ends are fairly covered by the saddle hangers. BACK: Broad, short; saddle, rising gradually from about the middle of back toward tail. TAIL: Small, main feathers having a ragged, fringe-like appear- ance. BREAST: Full. BODY AND FLUFF: Body, broad, squarely formed. Fluff, full and abundant. LEGS AND TOES: Thighs, short, well furnished with silky fluff; shanks, short, feathered on outer sides with silky plumage. Toes, five on each foot, the outer toes feathered. SIZE: Cock should not weigh more than three pounds. SHAPE OF FEMALE. HEAD: Small, short, round. BEAK: Short, stout. EYES: Large. COMB AND CREST: Comb, similar to that of male, but very small. Crest, small, globular, erect. WATTLES AND EAR-LOBES: Wattles, small. Ear-lobes, small and round. NECK: Short, with abundant hackle. WINGS: Small, carried low; the primaries and secondaries have a ragged and fringe-like appearance and the ends are fairly covered by the saddle hangers. BACK: Broad and short, rising in a concave sweep from middle back to a rounded cushion which extends to tail. TAIL: Small, almost concealed by cushion and fluff; main tail feathers have a ragged, fringe-like appearance. BREAST: Full. BODY AND FLUFF: Body, broad, compact. Fluff, full, abundant. LEGS AND TOES: Thighs, short, well furnished with silky fluff; shanks, short, feathered on outer sides with silky plumage. Toes, five on each foot, the outer toes feathered. PLUMAGE: Soft, silky, webless. SIZE: Hens should not weigh more than two pounds. STANDARD OF PERFECTION 281 COLOR OF MALE AND FEMALE. BEAK: Blue. EYES: Black. COMB AND FACE: Purple. WATTLES AND EAR-LOBES: Wattles, purple. Ear-lobes, turquoise blue. SHANKS AND TOES: Leaden-blue. PLUMAGE: White. SULTANS. They have, for their most attractive characteristics, the novel features of a full crest, muff and beard, with vulture-hocks and profuse shank and toe feathering. These peculiarities should be most prominent in their form and outlines. Disqualifications. Beak other than white or pale flesh color; large, red face; absence of beard; absence of vulture-hocks; shanks not feathered down outer sides. (See general disqualifications.) SCALE OF POINTS. Symmetry 4 Size 4 Condition 4 Head Shape 3, Color 3 6 Comb and Crest Comb, 4, Crest 12 16 Wattles and Ear-Lobes 4, Beard 8 12 Neck Shape 4, Color 4 8 Wings Shape 3, Color3 6 Back Shape 4, Color 4 8 Tail Shape 4, Color 4 8 Breast Shape 3, Color 3 6 Body and Fluff Shape 3, Color 3 6 Legs and Toes 12 100 SHAPE OF MALE. HEAD: Medium size. BEAK: Short, well curved. NOSTRILS: Large. EYES: Oval. COMB AND CREST: Comb, very small, having two spikes V-shaped. Crest, large, globular and compact. BEARD: Very full, joining whiskers and extending to crest. WATTLES AND EAR-LOBES: Wattles, small, round. Ear-lobes, small, round, concealed by crest and whiskers. NECK: Short, arched, carried well back. STANDARD OF PERFECTION 283 WINGS: Rather large, carried low. BACK: Rather long and straight. TAIL: Large, full, abundantly furnished with sickles and coverts. BREAST: Deep and prominent. BODY AND FLUFF: Body, very square, deep, compact, carried low. LEGS AND TOES: Thighs, very short, well feathered, with long, full vulture-hocks; shanks, short, heavily feathered down outer sides. Toes, five upon each foot, straight, the middle and outer toes well feathered. SIZE: Cocks should \veigh five pounds. SHAPE OF FEMALE. HEAD: Medium size. BEAK: Short, well curved. NOSTRILS: Large. EYES: Oval. COMB AND CREST: Comb, very small, having two spikes, V-shaped. Crest, large, globular and compact. BEARD: Very full, joining whiskers and extending to crest. WATTLES AND EAR-LOBES: Wattles, small, round. Ear-lobes, small, round, concealed by crest and whiskers. NECK: Short, arched, carried well back. WINGS: Large, carried low. BACK: Long and straight. TAIL: Large, well expanded, rather erect. BREAST: Deep and prominent. BODY AND FLUFF: Body, very square, compact, carried low. LEGS AND TOES: Thighs, very short, well feathered, with long, full vulture-hocks; shanks, short, heavily feathered down outer sides. Toes, five upon each foot, straight, outer and middle toes well feathered. SIZE: Hens should weigh four pounds. COLOR OF MALE AND FEMALE. BEAK: Slaty-blue. EYES: Reddish- bay. COMB AND FACE: Comb, bright red. Face, bright red, but covered by whiskers and almost invisible. WATTLES AND EAR-LOBES: Bright red. SHANKS AND TOES: Slaty-blue. PLUMAGE: Web, quill and fluff of feathers in all sections, pure white. FRIZZLES. Disqualifications. Combs other than single; not matching in combs, in color of legs or in color of plumage when shown in paiiv:, trio,'? or pens; wry tails; more than four toes. (See general disqualifications.) NO SCALE OF POINTS. MALE AND FEMALE. The feathers show a tendency to curve backward or upward at the ends, this curving at the ends being most noticeable in the hackle and saddle feathers, but the more all of the feathers are curved the better. Feathers curving upward on neck and back of head, after the style of the hood in hooded pigeons, to be encouraged. COLOR: Solid; black, white, red and bay admissible, provided the birds match when shown in pairs, trios and pens. COMB: Single. 284 TURKEYS. . CLASS XII. TURKEYS. Varieties Bronze Narragansett White Black Buff Slate Bourbon SCALE OF POINTS. Symmetry 4 Weight 15 Condition 4 Head a Throat Wattle 5 Neck Shape 3, Color 3 6 Wings Shape 4, Color 8 12 Back Shape 4, Color 6 10 Tail Shape 4, Color 8 12 Breast Shape 6, Color 5 11 Body and Fluff Shape 6, Color 5 11 Legs and Toes Shape 3, Color 2 5 loo 285 TURKEYS. The turkey male should be large in frame and deep in body, with a broad, round, full breast that varies in prominence according to the variety and gives the fowl a stately and majestic appearance. The head should be of good size, and the eyes possess an alert and bold expression. The legs and shanks must be large, straight, and well set. The outlines of all sections should be in perfect harmony. The turkey female should be large in frame and deep in body, with a broad, round, full breast, being similar in all sections to the male, except finer in structure. She, too, is stately in appearance. The head should be of good size, with a bright, watchful eye; the legs and shanks large, straight and well set, the outlines of each section conforming to those of the male, except in size. SHAPE OF MALE AND FEMALE. HEAD: Long, broad, carunculated. BEAK: Strong, curved, well set in head. EYES: Bright, clear. THROAT WATTLE: Heavily carunculated. NECK: Long, curving backward toward tail. BEARD: Long, bristly, prominent. WINGS: Large, powerful, smoothly folded, carried well up on sides. BACK: Broad, somewhat curving, rising from neck and descending in graceful curve to tail. TAIL: Rather long. BREAST: Broad, deep, full, well rounded. BODY: Long, deep through the middle, finely rounded. LEGS AND TOES: Thighs, long, stout; shanks, large, long, strong. Toes, straight, strong. 28(5 STANDARD OF PERFECTION 287 BRONZE TURKEYS. Disqualifications. White feathers In any part of plumage; wings showing one or more primary or secondary feathers clear black or brown, or absence of white or gray bars more than one- half the length of primaries; color of back, tail or tail-coverts clear black, brown or gray; crooked back; decidedly wry tail; adult cocks weighing less than 30 pounds; yearling cocks weighing less than 25 pounds; cockerels weighing less than 18 pounds; hens weighing less than 14 pounds; pullets weighing less than 10 pounds. (See general disqualifications.) Note. The following defects should be cut severely. Absence of one or more pirmary or secondary wing feathers. Absence of one or more center main tail feathers; white or gray bars showing on main tail feathers beyond coverts; absence of black bands on one or more of the large main tail coverts; decidedly wry wings; decidedly crooked breast bone. STANDARD WEIGHTS. Adult Cock 36 Ibs. Cockerel 25 lb. Yearling Cock 33 Ibs. Hen 20 Ibs. Pullet IGlbs. When two specimens are both over Standard weight and equal in all other points, the one nearest Standard, weight shall win. COLOR OF MALE. HEAD: Rich red, changeable to bluish- white. BEAK: Light horn at tip, dark at base. EYES: Dark brown. THROAT WATTLE: Rich red, changeable to bluish- white. NECK: Light, rich, brilliant bronze. BEARD: Black. WINGS: Bows, light, rich, brilliant bronze ending in a narrow band of black; primaries, each feather evenly and distinctly barred straight across with parallel bars of black and white throughout the length of feather; secondaries, dull black, evenly and regularly barred across with parallel bars of white, the more distinct the better, the color changing to a bronze brown as the middle of back is approached, and the white bars become less distinct, an edging of brown in secondaries being very objec- tionable; coverts, a beautiful, rich bronze, forming a beautiful, broad, bronze band across wings when folded, feathers terminate in a wide black band forming a glossy, ribbon-like mark which separates them from pri- maries and secondaries. Flight coverts, barred similar to primaries.