- -. . e -- CHRISTINE MLSSOX AS SHE API-EARED WHEN SINGING "THE SWANEE RIVKR. OLD FOLKS AT HOME WAY DOWN UPON DE SWANEE RIBBER" nnti (Ecmtpaseti BY STEPHEN COLLINS FOSTER ILLUSTRATED BOSTON TICKNOR AND COMPANY 211 Fremont Street 1889 Copyright, 1851, 11Y FlRTII, I OND, & CO.; 1879, IIY MRS. S. C. FOSTER AND MKS. MARION FOSTER WELCH; 1887, BY TlCKNOR AND Co.Ml ANY. All rights reserved. Used by permission of OLIVER DITSON & Co., owners of the Copyright. (Hntocrsttj) }3rrss: JOHN WILSON AND SON, CAMBRIDGE. ^lustrations BY CHARLES COPELAND. Drawn, engraved, and printed under the supervision of A. V. S. ANTHONY. OLD FOLKS AT HOME. WAY down upon de Swanee ribber, Far, far away, Dere s wha my heart is turning ebber, Dere s wha de old folks stay. All up and down de whole creation Sadly I roam, Still longing for de old plantation, And for de old folks at home. CHORUS. All de world am sad and dreary, Ebry where I roam ; Oh, darkeys, how my heart grows weary, Far from de old folks at home ! All round de little farm I wander d When I was young ; Den many happy days I squander d, Many de songs I sung. When I was playing wid my brudder, Happy was I ; Oh, take me to my kind old mudder ! Dere let me live and die. CHORUS. One little hut among de bushes, One dat I love, Still sadly to my mem ry rushes, No matter where I rove. When will I see de bees a-humming All round de comb ? When will I hear de banjo tumming, Down in my good old home ? CHORUS. - , \ i< m eld / / x ^^ : %^^ W SIB*, V 1 T.. > J rtr F** S. i 1 i ttle fwi ^ 1 *,/ ; i 1 r fe ? mm OLD FOLKS AT HOME. Way cl own up - on do Swa - nee t^b- her, v Far, far r All up and down de whole creTT "vi ,- t^/n^iM^ ; ? >fe?^-\ roam,-., ^f^\ v^kij* ^f ^^^^-^^^t "^5^^ wp, (! " .\; -i^" . _~*_ cr ^^^^^&r~yij ..: ,, . Still long-ing for de old plan - ta - tion, Aijid -Jbf de old folks at home. All / de world V. am sad and drea - .rSj , Eb - rj where I roam, Oh! darkey^ h<?w.. niy heart grows wea - ry, Far from de old folks at home. / / A < ^~ COPYRIGHT, 1851, by FIRTH, POND, & Co.; 1879, by Mrs. s. C. FOSTER and Mrs. MARION FOSTER WELCH 1887, by TlCKNOR AND COMPANY. yY// rights reserved. University of California SOUTHERN REGIONAL LIBRARY FACILITY 405 Hilgard Avenue, Los Angeles, CA 90024-1388 Return this material to the library from which it was borrowed. "-NN. LOAM i NOV03897 S9**3*&3M ;^;<^& REC-D MUS LIB " & v^BSBKSj^ AUG 2 1997 . w - irw - * ~ &^- . i %ir^*:> <*p * V-A^ iC /**** *JA . ..A */j: ^^0Bw Syi-rS^ ^i^tp^ 2"?l