^r-r^, LIBRARY OHK' -in 09 CAl ORKtA SAt :>iedO <- ^ tl. S3 I, O ''A ,^^ — P» I'i'^ ^ i'NV- -s^l "?• — ?■ THE UN O-Ml I . 1:. ■:. 'II /k -W I 1 1>- - tllptt©, ^ 0>ll 'Jflal L.IOKAKT UNtviRsnst CALIF SAN ^!^ ")t A DIE lOT ^ ' B THE NITED STATE S LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY, IS THE OITT OF BTEW YORK, sei, t^ea, S63 bisoadway. ORaANIZED 18GO. JAMES BUELL, ASSETS, SURPLUS, President. $4,827,176.52 $820,000.00 j^yery approved /brrn of Policy issued on most favorable lerms. ALL ENDOWMENT POLICIES AND APPROVED CLAIMS MATUBINQ IN 1877 ^"' •>« DISCOUNTED -^ ^« ON BRSSENTATION. HENRY W. BALDWIN, Supt. Middle Department. Pkfice: Prkxel ^uilding, cor ^all and ^road ^ts. NEW YORK. Popular Fifty Cent Books. The best selling and most attractive in the market. 1. SOLOMON ISAACS. By B. L. Farjeon, author of " Gfif," etc. 2. TOM'S AVIFE; and How He Managed Her. By a Married Bachelor. 3. THAT HORRID GIRI<. Author of "Margaret's Engagement." 4. THAT AWFUIi BOY. By the author of "That Bridget ofOuks." 5. THAT COMIC PRIMER. By Frank Bellew, 6. "WHY WIFE AND I Quarreled. Author of " Betsey and I are Out." 7. THAT BRIDGET OF OURS. By the author of "That Awful Bov." 8. THAT CHARMING EVENING. Author "That Comic Primer." 9. ME 5 July and August. A Lady's Summer in the Country. 10. HE AND I. By the author of "Annals of a Baby." 11. ANNAIiS OF A BABY. By Sarah Bridges Stebbins. 12. OUR ARTIST IN CUBA. Together with many new Caricatures of Travel in Spain, Algiers and Peru. By Geo. W. Carleton. All published uniform with this volume, price 50 cents m paper covers and $1.00 beautifully bound in clotk. Copies sent by mail, postage free, on receipt of price, by G. \Y. CARLETON & CO., Pnbllsbers, Madison Sqttare, New York. This Allegory illustrates the Mission of this little book ; Minerva scatteri)ig grains of knowledge to her callow brood. Moral. — If a-ou begin to cram your ducklings early enough, they will grow up to be great geese. 2 G.W. CARLETON & CO., PUBLISHERS. LONDON : S. LOW & CO. MDCCCLXXVII. POrWJPm?? '877, BY j^^w ypj^]^- GiQI M.Y PUBLISHEI^, G. ^Y. CARLETON : To you, my esteemed friend, I dedicate this little book, which, in part, owes its style and character to your efforts, "We have toiled over its pages hand in hand, till it has assumed its present complete form. Whatever in this book is untrue, or uncertain, or incomplete, belongs to you ; whatever is true, or noble, or helpful is mine. Your friend, Fkank Bellew. New York, November, 1877. -^. BTthT.^ ^^ A LAD. A lad \rith a grmt. Can the lad shoot the grim I IVo, but the gTiii can shoot the lad, if he is not careful. B BOY. Has this boy a new toy hoe? Yes, this boy lias a iie^v toy lioe. Can the boy use liis new toy lioe ? Oh yes, the boy can use his ne\^' toy hoe. ^^^Mi^^^i^-^A c COVE Here is a nice cove. Is there a boat ill the cove? Oil yes, there is a boat in the cove, and there is a cove in the boat* u DOG. A tree, and a man, and a clogr. The tree grives uiiibrag^eou^ protection to the man; the man owns the ilogr, and the dog guards the man. The do^ l!!» a noble animal. 10 E See, the boy has an ess* Can the boy suck the eg^g? Oh no, the boy can not suck the e§r§r— it is a bad ess* 11 FLY. The fly has a large eye. See the lly oil the ^vall. Is yoiir eye as hig as that of the lly I Oil no, hut I will try to make my eye as hijir i^^ that of the lly. 12 £>EL,LEW G GIRL. Are you a §rirl I Oh no, I aibi a boy. Are you a ^ood boy Z Yes, I am a good boy. Why are you a good boy? Cos I ^vould get licked if I was a bad boy. 13 JJ HANKER. Tills iiiau has shot a croiv. Can the iiiait eat the crow? Oh yes, the iiiau can eat the <*!*<> \v, hut he does not hanker after hliii. 14 I See, the bird on the stream. Is the bird an Ibex? Oh no, it is a Drake. Is tlie drake laying? Oli no, the drake is not layings, but the Fox is laying: to eatch the drake. 15 JUG. ^ee, the man has a Jtigr of rum. Do you not; think the man should take his rum^ strai^lit home and not take it straig^ht, liere. 16 Here is a ^oat and a laf^H and a kid, l8 the Icid the youn§^ of the g^oatl Oh no, the Icid is the youngs of Wil- liam Brou^n. 17 L LASS. Here is a nice lass. Slie can jiiiup and run and liop— liop, liop, And if tlie nice lass does not loolc out slie ^vill fall np- on her nose, nose, nose. 18 See this fine cow in the road. Poor old co\i ,, Does the coir lay fresh e§:gs? Oh no, but she gives fresh milk. 19 ^^ NIGHT. It i8 nlg^ht and there i^ a cat and a kit. Do you hear the cat and the kit? Oli yejsi, I liear tlie cat and tlie kit. Tlic cat is the daiu of the kit. 20 o OFF. Behold the equestrian! Is he on a char§rer ? Oh no, he is not on a char§rer he is off a discharg^er. 21 p PIG. 8ee, the pigr liai^ a loiigr SRout. What doe{^ the pis do \i^ith his lon^ snout ? The pig^ grunts through his long' snout and pokes it in tlie niuiL Q QUAIL. Bo\r, wow, woiv! Here is a do^ and a bird. Is tlie biril a quail? ]Vo lie is not a quail, but he makes the dogr quail. 23 R RUM. Here are tivo ineii. They drink rum. I(^ it rigrht to drink rum i Oli no, it iii^ ivrong to drink rum. Where do men ^o who drink rum? Tliey go to the Bar-Room. 24 § SWELL. See the sea! Do you hear the roar of the sea? Oh yes, I hear the roar of the sea, and see the heavy sivell on the shore. 25 T TWO. Thi^ man has t^^o nice boot^i. Should the man go to bed in his t^vo nice boots ? Oh no, the man shonid not go to bed in liis t^vo nice boots. 26 IC — U EWE- Here are some ewe lambs. Do ewe lamibs play cards? Oh no, they do not play cards, but they grambol on the §rreen. 27 '\' VERILY. Verily, my son, here is a fine largre fisli. Do you tliinlc lie is a trout? ]Vo, I think he must be a ^melt, for I smelt him. 28 ^^^ WHERE. Where are the fi§rs and the nutN and the pluni^ and the cakes ? Did this hoy eat the fi§rs and the nuts and the plums and the cakes I Oh yes, the hoy did eat the fll^s and the nuts and the plums and the cakes ! 29 3^ XCEL. Here is a line boy ulio wants to excel in his class. Does he knoiv his lessons? No, he does not, but he is g^oing: over them. 30 Y YEAR. See the pig and the do§r. The pi§r cries week ! weelc ! ireelc. Should the pigr cry week! ireek? Oh no, he should not cry week! week, for he is taken by the ear (year). 31 Is this a Zebra? No, it is the oriiithorliyncliiis parailoxus. He is by the stream. Is the orsiithorhynchiis paradoxus a species of duck-billed platy- pus ? Oh yes, the oruitho- rhynchus paradoxus is a spe- cies of duck-billed platypus. 32 Here is Isabella perusingr a Tolume. 8he loves to peruse, while her imbeeile compan- ions waste their time in boisterous amusements. 8he will §rrow^ up a wise ivoman if she does not die of cerebro- spinal meningritis. 33 t A rj^-;. ^, ^' y. Thi^ bad man has been partaking; of that tortuous stimulant kno^vn as '' crooked ivhisky/' Is it not reprehen- sible to partake of such potent alcoliolic bevera§;es ? 34 Seel John lia^ broug^ht Jane a nice purp. How pleasant to look over the fence and see John and Jane play with the purp ! 35 Behold the wi^e ^tate^man ! He rejoiceth that he 8tole the puhlic fiiiids, for he hath ea^e and oriental luxury. Would you remain in squalid honesty ^vhen by stealing: you may become ricli and joyful I 36 Thi^ boy has fallen into a pit in a vacant lot. Is it not a pitiful lot ? Poor boy I Would you tell his Ma? IVo, I i¥oul(l not be a peaeh- pit. 37 Mental Thistles. Why does an Ass Prefer thistles to grass ? Is a puzzle to many no doubt ; But the answer comes swift, as a Hash from the skies, And if it's not witty it is not unwise : — The brute turns away with contempt from the grass, For the plain simple reason ^Ijecause he's an ass. Wliy does not the fool prefer virtue to vice ? When one is so vile the other so nice. The answer we find, by the veiy same rule. The iool prefers vice, just because he's a fool. 38 Here is an as^« Can an a^s fly ? Oh no, an a^s can not fly, but a grood many have tried— in a balloon. 39 A Place for Everything and Every- thing in its Place. "Order is heaven's first law," — this being the case, the boy in the opposite picture is perfectly justified in kicking the pig out of the house. Perhaps he is kicking him a little higher than is absolutely necessary, but still 'tis better to kick a pig high, than to break the first law of heaven. What a pity is it that all such animals cannot be kicked out of their wrong places into their right places ! for, of course every created thing has a right place, somewhere. A great states- man once said, "dirt is only matter in the wrong place." Alas ! wdiat a pity there are not always nice boys like the one in our cartoon with big feet and the rectus femoris well developed, to eject people from their wrong places ! 40 That i^ ri^ht. Kick the pigr out of the hou^e. The pi^ should he in the sty or in the mud* He must not live in the house* 41 Rural Scene. See, tliere Is an Agriculturist. He reclines against the ligneous handle of one of nature's sun-shades. There is bucolic youth seated on a prostrate column, he has a hoe, it is a nice hoe. There is an equestrian animal and a bovine animal. There is a swine, and a canine and a feline. Tb^^ ^anine is a good canine ; he says bow — wow — wow, but he will not hurt the feline. The feline catches rats and mice and birds and hooks the butter off the breakfast- table. There is a hen and a duck and a bird on the fence. The hen lays eggs and incubates. The duck is a rara avis on the tables of the poor but Adolphus shall have some for dinner one day. It is not w^'ong for a bird to be on the fence. There is a church ; Adolphus should go to church every Sunday for there he will acquire ecclesiastical, ethical and religious knowledge which will make Adolphus a good and wise boy. We have forgotten the goat. There is a goat. The goat is a ruminant animal which eats brown paper and says " Ba-a-a-h ! '' 42 Why is this sin§riilar old man standing: here? He lias some cnrrency in his hand. He bori'o^ved it from that^ other old man— but he did not ask his permission. He belong^s to that relig^ious seet called kleiitomaniaes. 41 1878 The Publishers, on receipt of price, will send any book on this Catalogue by TnaW./iosiaf^t/rce All books in this list [unless otherwise specified] are handsomely bound in cloth board binding, with gilt backs suitable for libraries. Mary J. Holmes' ^Vorks. 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The annual statement, submitted last January, and accepted by the State Commissioner of Insurance as correct, shows the assets to be $4,654,274, and the surplus, as already stated, to be over $800,000, or more than twenty per cent, of all the liabilities. The United States Life Insurance Co. is known in Life Insur- ance circles as one of the most carefully handled institutions in the city. So well has it been managed that its business has increased rather than retrograded during the past yiar, as bad as it has been for all kinds of business. And its losses have been less this year than in any of the five preceding. Its officers are among the best known and most highly esteemed citizens of New York. James Bdell, Esi]., the Presi- dent, is the President of the Importers and Traders' Bank, a man whose name is a synonym for integrity and skill in finance, and its stockholders are men equally well known in l>usiness circles, and hold an equal share of public esteem. Ox'SA'Z^iz^ecS. X8SO. 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