UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA AT LOS ANGELES THE GIFT OF MAY TREAT MORRISON IN MEMORY OF ALEXANDER F MORRISON 7- 3 V ^' ^ TrT 'Yè ^1 ;^,..*} ■ ; ^^f^*. THE ABBE DANIEL FROM THE FRENCH ANDRE THEURIET BY HELEN r>. DOLE ^ NEW YORK: 46 East 14T11 Stkeei- THOALAS V. CROWELL & COMPANY BOSTON': khi in kciiask Street Copyright, 1894, Bv T. Y. CROWELL & CO. ' ''' '.* Vc «'c c INTRODUCnON. •*The Abbé Daniel" is one of those liter- ary gems which the French excel in produc- ing. Simple in plot, chaste in style, dainty in humor, its beauty consists chiefly in its artis- tic counterpoise of the characters : the abbé himself, with his affectionate, unselfish nature, unworldly, sweet-tempered, easily crushed; his namesake growing up from an impetuous youtli into a gallant soldier, hearty, frank, likeable ; the rtowerlike Denise fading away and leaving a still brighter flower as a con- solation for her husband and the abbj who had loved her; Beauvais, the rough, hearty proprietor, so genial under the outside bark, so wise and generous ! These are the four chief actors, and how perfectly they balance and contrast with one another ! Tiie story is a sort of pastoral, though free from all insipidity, seasoned as it is with wholesome French spico. it is sentimental, 429066 iv Introduction. but free from mawkishiiess. It is pure as crystal, and yet it does not flaunt this purity with a hypocritical grimace. It is often said that France has no word for /io7}ie because the French do not know what home means. " The Abbe' Daniel " shows how false such a charge is. It takes us into that beautiful home life which the French themselves perhaps avoid displaying to inquisitive eyes, but which is really the secret of the true stability of France. We here see a French home, and we finish the perusal of the book with a new respect for the French farmer and the French girl, the French soldier and the French priest. N. H. Dc THE ABBÉ DANIEL CHAlMia< I. Ski'Ti:mi!p:r io, 1S3-. Dav before yesterday I was twent}' \'ears old, and I left the seminary, never to return. My heart is full of jo\', and a sweet fever of excitement has taken r 1 The 4bbe Daniel. po^se^sian - of