I^PUBLicv^ ;^ / OXBURY BraNCx rl^ T A L C^ I T J WTI'll Nol' 1. Digitized by tine Internet Arciiive in 2007 witii funding from IVIicrosoft Corporation littp://www.arcliive.org/details/bookscatalogueofOObostricli UKIVKIISITY OF ALIFORNIA. ^ CATALOGUE OF BOOKS IN Mt l0xbufg Pt^attdt pik^rg Boston Public Library, ^ INCLUDING THE COLLECTION OF THE FELLOWES ATHENJIUM, TOGETHER WITH NOTES FOR READERS UNDER SUBJECT-REFERENCES. SECOND EDITION, AUGUST, 1876, } i o BOSTON : ISSUED BY THE LIBRARY. ROCKWELL AND CHURCHILL, CITY PRINTERS. 1876. NOTE The first edition, 1,000 copies, of tHis Catalogue, 140 pages, was issued October, 1873, when the collection contained about 5,000 volumes, over 1,000 of the more costly of which belonged to the Fellowes Athenaeum. The present edition, 2,000 copies, shows about 11,000 volumes, and of this number about 3,600 volumes are the property of the Fellowes Athenaeum. ^Cf; tm~ I'. tHT DD E 3D I T I O 3M *** Friends of the Public Library will confer a favor, if they will kindly communicate to the Superintendent the correction of any error they may discover in this List, or the authorship of any works treated as anonymous, or the name of any person entered only under initials or under a pseudonymn. *** The entries below are usually of sufficient length for comparison of editions ; but in cases of juvenile and popular books, the titles are often only given at such length as may be necessary for finding purposes. Shelf. No. A., A. A. All for greed.. 311.24 — LoTO the avenger 312.2 Abaddox, the spirit of destruction: poem. Fair- field, S. L. New York, 1830. 8° 1623.4 Abandoned. [Fiction.] Verne, J 733.11 Abauzit, Firmin. Essays. {In Sparks, J. Collec- tion of essays and tracts in theology) 1918.9.1 Abb6 Tigrane, The. Fabre, F 715.19 Abbot, Ezra. Bibliography of the doctrine of a future life. See Alger, William Rounseville . . 5831.3 Abbot, The. Scott, -SjV W. Boston 523.10 — Same. Leipzig 324.10 Abbotsford. Irving, W. London, 1853. 16° 715.5 Abbott, Edwin Abbott. A Shakespearian grammar. An attempt to illustrate some of the diflferencea between Elizabethan and modern English. New edition. London, 1872. xxiv, 511 pp. 16^^... 5617.7 — and Seeley, John Robert. English lessons for English people. London, 1871. xxiv, 292 pp. Sm. 8°.. f 1535.1 Abbott, Jacob. The August stories. August and Elvie 923.1 Granville valley 923.4 Hunter and Tom 923.2 The schooner Mary Ann 923.3 — [Franconia stories.] Agnes *. 914.10 Beechnut 914.14 Caroline , 914.7 Ellen Linn 914.13 Malleville 914.15 Mary Bell 914.16 Mary Erskine 914.8 Rodolphus 914.9 Stuyvesant 914.12 Wallace 914.11 — Harper's story books 936.1 CorUents. — Vol. I. Bruno ; Willie and the mortgage ; The strait gate. II. Little Louvre; Prank; Emma. III. Vir- ginia; Timbooand Joliba; Timboo and Fanny. IV. Har- Eer establishment: Franklin; The studio. V. Story of ancient istorv; Story of English history; Story of American history. VI. John True; Elfred; The museum. VII. The engineer; Rambles among the Alps; Tliree Kold dollars. VIII. The Gibraltar gallery; The alcove; Dialogues. IX. The great elm; Aunt Margaret; Vernon. X. Carl and Jocko; Lap- stone; Orkney. XI. Judge Justin; Minigo; Jasper. XII. Congo; Viola and Arno; Little Paul. — History of Alexander the great 915.3 — History of Alfred of England 914.34 — History of Charles i of England 914.26 — History of Charles ii of England 914.28 Shelf. No. Abbott, Jacob, continued. — History of Cleopatra, queen of Egypt 915.11 — History of Cyrus the great 916.8 — History of Elizabeth 915.10 — History of Genghis Khan 914.36 — History of Hannibal the Carthaginian 914.22 — History of Julius Caesar 914.23 i— History of Margaret of Anjou 914.29 — History of Mary queen of Soots 915.7 — History of Nero 914.27 — History of Peter the great, emperor of Russia. . . 915.4 — History of Pyrrhus 915.12 — History of Richard i of England 915.13 — History of Richard ii of England 915.6 — History of Richard iii of England 915.5 — History of William the conqueror 914.24 — Marco Paul's voyages and travels. [Marco Paul at the] Springfield armory 914.i [Marco Paul in] Boston 914.5 [Marco Paul in] New York 914.6 [Marco Paul in the forests of] Maine 914.3 — [Marco Paul in] Vermont 914.2 [Marco Paul on the] Erie canal 914.1 — The Rollo series. RoUo at play 917.6 Rollo at school 917.11 Rollo at work 917.3 Rollo learning to read 917.15 Rollo learning to talk 917.8 Rollo's correspondence 917.5 Rollo's experiments 917.12 Rollo's museum 917.4 Rollo's philosophy. Air 917.14 Fire 917.10 Sky 917.9 Water 917.13 Rollo's travels 917.7 Rollo's vacation 917.2 — The Rollo story books. The apple gathering. . . . 917.28 Blueberrying 917.27 Causey building 917.26 The freshet 917.34 Georgie 917.35 The halo round the moon 917.29 Labor lost 917.31 Rollo in the woods 917.30 Rollo's garden 917.32 The steeple trap 917.33 Trouble on the mountain 917.37 The two wheelbarrows 917.36 A!BP0,TT ACTORS Shelf. No. Abbott, Jacob, continued. — Rollo's tour in Europe. Rollo in Geneva 917.18 Rollo in Holland.. 917.21 Rollo in London 917. '20 Rollo in Naples 917.24 Rollo in Paris 917.22 Rollo in Rome 915.14 Rollo in Scotland 917.19 Rollo in Switzerland 917.23 Rollo on the Atlantic 917.16 Rollo on the Rhine 917.17 — Science for the young. Heat 912.5 Light 912.4 Water and land 912.3 — Stories of Rainbow and Lucky. [Handle] 914.21 [Rainbow's journey] 914.19 [Selling Lucky] 914.20 [The three pines] ; 914.17 [Up the river] 914.18 — A summer in Scotland. With engravings. New York, 1848. 331pp. 12° 425.11 — The way to do good. Boston, 1836. 348 pp. 12°. 5836.4 Abbott, John Stevens Cabot. American pioneers and patriots. The adventures of the chevalier de La Sallo and his companions, in their explo- rations of the new world, two hundred years ago. Illustrated. New York [1875]. 384 pp'. 12°. 1014.13 Captain William Kidd, and others of the pirates who ravaged America two hundred years ago. Illustrated. New York, 1874. 373+ pp. 12°. 1014.11 Christopher Carson. Familiarly known as Kit Carson. With illustrations. New York, 1873. 342-^- pp. Portrait. 12° 1014.8 — - Daniel Boone the pioneer of Kentucky. Illus- trated. New York, 1872. 331 pp. ^ 12° 1014.4 David Crockett: his life and adventures. II- ' lustrated. New York, 1874. 350--{- pp. 12°. .1014.10 Ferdinand de Soto, the discoverer of the Missis- sippi. Illustrated. New York, 1873. 351 pp. Portrait. 12° 923.34 George Washington; or, life in America one hundred years ago. Illustrated. New York [1875]. 360 pp. 12° 1014.16 Life and adventures of rear-admiral John Paul Jones, commonly called Paul Jones. Illustrated. New York [1874]. 359 pp. Portrait. 12°. .. 1014.12 Life of Christopher Columbus. Illustrated. New York [1875]. 345 pp. Portrait. 12°. .. 1014.15 Miles Standish, the puritan captain. Illus- trated. New York, 1872. 3724- pp. Map. 12°. 1014.6 Peter Stuyvesant, the last Dutch governor of New Amsterdam. Illustrated. New York, 1873. 362-}- pp. Portrait. 12° 1014.14 — The French revolution of 1789 as viewed in the light of republican institutions. With engrav- ings. New York, 1859. 439 [435] pp. 8°... 821.2 — History of Frederick ii, the great. With illustra- tions. New York, 1871. 584 pp. Portrait. Maps. 8° 1021.3 — History of Henry iv, king of France and Navarre. 915.2 — History of Hernando Cortez 915.1 — History of Hortense, queen of Holland 914.32 — History of Joseph Bonaparte, king of Naples and of Italy 914.33 — History of Josephine 914.30 — History of King Philip, of the Wampanoags. In- cluding the early history of the settlers of New England 914.31 — History of Madame Roland 915.9 — History of Maine, from the earliest discovery to the present time. Illustrated. Boston, 1875. 656 pp. Portrait. 8° 813.16 — History of Maria Antoinette 914.25 — History of Napoleon Bonaparte. With maps and illustrations. New York, 1870. 2 v. Portraits. 8° 1021.1 — History of Napoleon in, emperor of the French. Including a narrative of the most important events in Europe since the fall of Napoleon i. With illustrations. Boston, 1870. 690 pp. Por- trait. 8° , 1021.2 Shelf. No. Abbott, John Stevens Cabot, continued. — Italy, and the war for Italian independence. In- cluding a biographical sketch of Pius ix. Bos- ton, 1871. 138 pp. Illustrated. Map. Por- traits. 12° 824.15 — The monarchies of continental Europe. The em- pire of Austria,. New York, 1859. 520 pp. Portrait. 12- 825.1 — Romance of Spanish history. With illustrations. New York, 1869. 462 pp. 12° 824.3 Abbott, Lyman. A dictionary of religious knowl- edge. With maps and illustrations. Edited by L. Abbott, assisted by T. J. Conant. New York, 1875. xv, 1074 pp. 8° 6320.2 Abbott, Rosa. See Parker, Rosa Abbott. Abdel Kader, Life of. Churchill, C. H. London, 1867. Sm. 8^ 6934.4 A'Beckett, Gilbert Abbott. The comic history of England. With 20 coloured etchings, and two hundred woodcuts. London, N. D. xviii, 804 pp. 8° 823.6 Abel, C. D. Elementary principles of machinery. 2d edition. London, 1868. xvi, 189-}- pp. 12°. C428.2 Abercrombie, John. Inquiries concerning the in^ tellectual powers, and the investigation of truth. New York, 1857. 376 pp. 12° 1529.4 Aberdeen, Earl of. See Gordon, George Hamilton. Abington, Mass., Historical sketch of. Hobart, A. Boston, 1839. 8° •. 812.1 Abode, The, of snow. [Himalayas.] Wilson, A. New York, 1875. Sm. 8° ......6933.10 About, Edmond (Francois Valentin). Handbook of social economy ; or, the worker's ABC. Trans- lated from the last French edition. New York, 1873. xx,284pp. 12° 1528.9 — L'homme a I'oreille cassee. 3e edition. Paris, 1862. 277-4- pp. 16° 2016.7 — The man with a broken ear. Translated from the French by H. Holt 517.20 — Le progres. 3e edition. Paris, 1865. 440-j-pp. 18° 5536.3 — Le roi des montagnes. 6e edition. Paris, 1803. 301-}- pp. 18° 5536.13 Note. — Brigandage in Greece. Abu Becr Mohammed Ibn ZACARivi Ar-razi (com- monly called Rhazes). Treatise on small-pox and measles. Translated from the Arabic by W. A.Greenhill. London, 1848. vii, 212 pp. 8°. 6013.10 Abyssinia, The Nile tributaries of. Baker, Sir S. W. London, 1871. Sm. 8° 425.3 — Same. With supplement. Hartford, 1871. 8°. 5932.1 See also Africa, Magdala, Nile. Academy, The. A weekly review of literature, sci- ence, and art. Vol. 5-8. London, 1874, 75. 4 V. 4° 6721.1 Accessible field sports. Gilmore, P. London, 1869. Sm. 8° 1514.10 Achilles fillias. Sue, M. J. Pest, 1852. 16°.... 2027.4 Acoustics. Lees, W. Elements of. New York [Glasgow], 1873. 16° 1717.10 — Radau, R. Wonders of. New York, 1870. 16°.1714.11 — Smith, T. R. Acoustics in relation to architec- ture and building. London, N. d. 12° 1715.1 Across America and Asia. Pumpelly, R. New York, 1871. 8° 5916.2 Across the continent. Bowles, S. Springfield, 1868. 16° 417.6 Acton, William. The functions and disorders of the reproductive organs in childhood, youth, adult age, and advanced life considered in their phys- iological, social, and moral relations. Philadel- phia, 1865. 269 pp. 8° 6022.6 Actors and acting. Lewes, G. H. On actors and the art of acting. Leipzig, 1875. Sq. 16° 1638.1 — Same. London, 1875. Sm. 8° 5428.20 — Mathews, L. E. Anecdotes of actors. London, 1844. 8° 5623.7 — Russell, W. C. Representative actors. London [187-]. Sm. 8° 5427.4 See alto English ttage. ADAM ADAMS Shelf. No. Adam, William. The law and custom of slavery in British India, in a series of letters to Thomas Fowell Buxton. Boston, 1840. 279 pp. 12".. 1915.4 Adam Bede. Lewes, M 310.25 Adams, Andrew Leith. Field and forest rambles, with notes and observations on the natural his- tory of eastern Canada. London, 1873. xvi, 333 pp. Illustrated. Map. 8° 6613.11 Adams, Charles Francis, joint author. Life of John Adams. (See Adams, John Quincy 5026.1 — Remarks upon [his] memorial address on the late •W.H.Seward. Welles, G. New York, 1874. 12^.5027.10 Adams, Charles Francis, jr. A chapter of Erie. Boston, 1869. iv, 152 pp. 12° 1916.1 Adams, F. Colburn. The story of a trooper. With much of interest concerning the campaign on the peninsula, not before written. New York, 1865. 616-l-pp. 12^ 816.10 Adams, Francis Ottiwell. History of Japan from the earliest period to the present time. Vol. i. To 1864. London, 1874. Folded map. 8°. ..6911.6 Adams, Hannah. An abridgement of the history of New-England. Boston, 1805. iv, 185 pp. 12°. 818.7 — Dictionary of all religions and religious denomi- nations, ancient and modern. 4th edition. Boston, 1817. 376-U pp. 8° 5812.3 — History of the Jews from the destruction of Je- rusalem to the 19th century. Boston, 1812. 2 V. in L 12° 828.12 — A view of religions^ Collected from the best authors, ancient and modern. 3d edition. Bos- ton, 1801. 504 pp. 8° 1530.4 and 5814.7 Adams, Henry G. _ Beautiful shells; their nature, structure, and uses; with directions for collect- ing, cleaning, and arranging them, and descrip- tions of the most remarkable species. Illus- trated. London, 1871. 156+ pp. 16° 6636.1 Adams, John. Adams, J. Q. and C. F. Life of. Philadelphia, 1871. 2 v. 12° 5026.1 — Parker, T. Historic Americans. Boston, 1871. Sm. 8° 5025.4 — Selection of patriotic addresses to the president. With his answers. Boston, 1798. 12° 1917.4 Note. — Admirable material exists in the Diary, Autobiog- raphy, and tlie other writings and correspondence [see Bates Hall catalogues] for a study of his character. A life was be- gun by John Quincy Adams and continued to 1770, and com- pleted by Charles Francis Adams, and since published separate from his works, as above. See the accounts iu Ban- croft [vol. viii, ch. 6(), for his character], Hildreth (who takes iu his presidency), and other geneial historians. Eulo- gies on his death may be found in the first volume of Web- ster's and Everett's Orationsi. Theodore Parker's Historic Americans gives a sharp, incisive characterization. Lives of his contemporaries, like living's 'Washington [1211.2, etc.] and Parton's Jefferson [1215.1], throw nuioh side-light on his career. See also the North American review, vols. 85 and 113. Adams, John Quincy. Letters on the masonic insti- tution. Boston, 1847. 284-|- pp. 8° 5822.2 — Memoirs, comprising portions of his diary from 1795 to 1848. Edited by Charles Francis Adams. Vol. i-ix. Philadelphia, 1874-76. 9 V. Portraits. 8° 5021.10 — and Charles Francis. Life of John Adams. Re- vised and corrected. Philadelphia, 1871. 2 v. 12° 5026.1 Ko(e.— The principal life is that by C. F. Adams, which is too voluminous to be popular, and is not yet finished. Among the eulogies at his death, note Everett's Orations [1921.1.2]. See W. Everett's paper in the Atlantic, Aug., 1875. An accoftint of his administration will be found in Mildreth's United States [.5011.118]; in Benton's "Thirty years' view" [812.2]; and Paitou's Jackson [1212.1]. Adams, Nehemiah. A south -side view of slavery; or, three months at the South, in 1854. Boston, 1854. 214-4- pp. 16° 817.8 — Memorial volume to commemorate the 25th anni- versary of [his] installation. See Boston, Mass. Essex Street church and society 1914. 10 Adams, Samuel, Life of. Wells, W. V. Boston, 1865. 3 V. 8° 5021.7 Xote. — Wells's Life is extensive and authoritative, based chiefly on what is left of the patriot's papers, now in the pos- session of Bancroft, whose later volumes display his charac- ter in a manner that party feelinoj had earlier obscured or perverted. See also the histories of New England, Massachu- setts, and Boston. Shelf. No. Adams, Thomas. See Page, H. A. Noble workers. London, 1875. Sm. 8° 5936.3 Adams, William. Sacred allegories. [With a me- moir of the author.] Leipzig, 1864. 282-^ pp. Illustrated. Sq. 16° 311.23 Adams, William Henry Davenport. Animal life throughout the globe. An illustrated book of natural history. London, 1876. 704 pp. Sm. 8°. 1523.25 — The buried cities of Campania; or, Pompeii and Herculaneum. Boston, 1870. 282 pp. Illus- trated. 16° 437.5 — The monsters of the deep: and curiosities of ocean life. A book of anecdotes, traditions, and legends. London, 1875. 325 pp. Illustrated. Sm. 8°. . 6617.1 Noie. — "T\\e present volume is founded on M. Armand Landrin's ' Les monstres maiins.' To the particulars accunm- lated by M. Landrin, the translator lias added numerous facts and details gathered in the course of his own reading." — l^re/ace. — The queen of the Adriatic; or, Venice past and present. Boston, 1869. 376-i- pp. Illustrated. 16° 227.4 Adams, William T. (Oliver Optic.) [Army and navy series.] Brave old salt 924.3 Fighting Joe 924.6 The sailor boy 924.4 The soldier boy. A story of the great rebellion. 924.5 The Yankee middy 924.1 The young lieutenant 924.2 — [Boat club series.] All aboard 924.17 The boat club 924.15 Little by little 924.18 Now or never 924.13 Poor and proud 924. 16 Try again 924.14 — The Great Western series. Going West 938.9 — In doors and out 714.37 — Lake shore series. Bear and forbear 925.18 Brake up 925.17 Lightning express 925. 19 On time 925.15 Switch off 925.20 Through by daylight 925.16 — Our standard-bearer; or, the life of General Ulys- ses S. Grant. Illustrated. Boston, 1868. 348 pp. 16° 916.14 — The Riverdale books. The birthday party 918,8 Careless Kate 918.4 The Christmas gift 918.12 Dolly and 1 918.13 The Do-somethings 939.2 The gold thimble 918.11 The little merchant 918.9 The picnic party 9 18.6 Proud and lazy 918.10 Robinson Crusoe, jr 918.7 Uncle Ben .-. 918.5 The young voyagers 918.3 — Starry flag series. Breaking away 924.24 Down the river 924.21 Freaks of fortune 924.22 Make or break 924.20 Seek and find 924.19 The starry flag 924.23 — Upward and onward series. Bivouac and battle. . 924.10 Cringle and cross-tree 924.11 Desk and debit 924.7 Field and forest 924.8 Plane and plank 924.12 Sea and shore 924.9 — Wbodville series. Haste and waste 925.2 Hope and have 925.6 In school and out 925.1 Rich and humble 925.5 Watch and wait 925.3 Work and win 925.4 — Yacht club series. The coming wave 923.19 The Dorcas club 924.26 Little Bobtail 923.18 Money-maker 923. 17 Ocean-born; or, the cruise of the clubs 923.20 The yacht club 923.16 ADAMS AFRICA Adams, William T., continued. — Young America abroad. Cross and crescent; or, Young America in Turkey and Greece, iioston, 1874. 347 pp. Illustrated. W 925.11 — - Dikes and ditches; or, Young America in Hol- land and Belgium. Boston, 1873. 346 pp. Il- lustrated. IG^ 925.9 -^ Down the Rhine; or, Young America in Ger- many. [Title-page missing.] Boston, 1873. 341pp. Illustrated. 16° 916.16 — - Northern lands; or. Young America in Russia and Prussia. Boston, 1872. 360 pp. 16^^.... 925.7 — - Outward bound; or, Y'^oung America afloat. Boston, 1873. 336 pp. Illustrated. 16" 925.13 Palace and cottage; or, Young America in France and Switzerland. Boston, 1873. 348 pp. Illustrated. 16^^ 925.10 Red cross; or. Young America in England and Wales. Boston, 1871. 336 pp. Illustrated. 16°. 91 .18 — - Shamrock and thistle; or. Young America in Ireland and Scotland. Boston, 1871. 343 pp. Illustrated. 16° 916.17 Sunny shores; or. Young America in Italy and Austria. Boston, 1875. 409 pp. Illus- trated. 16° 925.12 Up the Baltic; or. Young America in Nor- way, Sweden, and Denmark. Boston, 1873. 368 pp. Illustrated. 16° 925.8 — editor. Our boys and girls album 911.1 Mote. — Vol. 9 of Our boys and girls, with a special title- page. — and OTHERS. The great bonanza. Illustrated narrative of adventure and discovery in gold mining, silver mining, among the raftsmen in the oil regions, whaling, hunting, fishing, and fight- ing. With illustrations. Boston, 1876. 261pp. 8°. 910.3 AdAms-Reilly, a., joint author. Life and letters of J. D. Forbes. See Shairp, John Campbell 5332.4 Adams family. Thayer, E. Family memorial. Hingham, 1835. 8° 611.2 Addison, Joseph, Biography of. Spalding, J. (In Macaulay, T. B., lord, and others. New biog- raphies of illustrious men) 5428.4 See also Spectator, The. Adela Cathcart. MacDonald, G 725.23 Adele. Kavanagh, J 319.1 Adeler, Max, pseud. See Clark, Charles Heber. Adirondacks. Headley, J. T. The Adirondack. New York, 1875. 12° 816.8 — Murray, W. H. H. Adventures in the wilderness; or, camp-life in the. Boston, 1869. 12° 414.13 Adlard, George. Amye Robsart and the earl of Lcycester. History of Kenilworth castle; with memoirs and correspondence of Sir Robert Dud- ley, son of the earl of Leycester. London, 1870. xi, 244-4- pp. Illustrated. Portrait. 8° 5423.5 Adler, George J. Dictionary of the German and English languages. New York, 1873. xvi, 522 pp. 8° *R.R., D.3.8 — A progressive German reader. New York, 1852. xii, 308 pp. 12° 2025.2 Admiral Levacher.Der. Sue, M. J. Pest, 1852. 16°. 2027.7 Adulteration. Food: its adulterations, and the methods for their detection. Hassell, A. H. London, 1876. Sm. 8° 6035.8 Adventures in the land of the Behemoth. Verne, J. Boston, 1874. 8° 713.3 Adventures, The, of a brownie. Craik, D. (M.) . . 927.23 Adventures of a young naturalist. Biart, L 912.9 Adventures of Caleb Williams. Godwin, W. Bos- ton 521.22 — Same. New York. 2v 536.5 Adventures, The, of Captain Blake. Maxwell, W. H 518.8 Adventures of Dick Onslow among the red skins. Kingston, W. H. G 935.26 Adventures, The, of Johnny Ironsides. Girardin,J. 1114.1 Adventures, The, of Mr. Verdant Green. Bradley, E. 715.1 Adventures, The, of Peregrine Pickle. Smollett, T. (G.) 315.17 Shelf-. No. Adventures, The, of Philip. Thackeray, W. M. Leipzig 335.5 — Same. (In his Works.) London 513.1.6 — Same. New York 1820.2 Adventures, The, of Roderick Random. Smollett, T. (G.) Leipzig 315.16 — Same. London 513.13 Adventures on the great hunting grounds of the world. Meunier,V.(A.) New York, 1872. 16°. 1714.7 Advertising, History of. Sampson, H. London, 1874. Sm. 8° 6136.12 Advocate's, The, wedding-day. Crowe, C. (In Johnson, (E.) R. Little classics) 529.4.8 Aerial world. The. Hartwig, G. London, 1874. 8°. 6832.3 — Same. New York, 1875. 8° 1520.5 Aeronautics. Pettigrew, J. B. Dissertation on. New York, 1874. 12° 6436.14 — Wise, J. Through the air: a narrative of forty years experience as an aeronaut. Philadelphia, 1873. 8° 1520.3 See also Balloon ascents. ^SCHYLUS. [Opera] ex novissima recensione Fred- erici A. Paley. Accessit verborum quae prae- cipue notanda sunt et nominum index. New York, 1860. viii, 272 pp. [Harper's Greek and Latin texts.] 16° 6118.12 — Tragedies. Literally translated. With notes, and an introduction, by T. A. Buckley. London, 187L XX, 234 pp. Portrait. Sm. 8° 6115.14 Contents. — Prometheus chained ; The seven against Thebes; The Persians; Agamemnon; The choephori; The furies; The suppliants. — ^schylus [outlined and explained]. Copleston, R. S. Edinburgh, 1870. 16° 6115.8 ^SOPUS. Fables. With a life of the author. Illus- trated. New York, 1872. xiii, 311 pp. 16°.. 6118.8 Esthetics, The science of. Day, H. N. New Ha- ven, 1872. 12° 6226.4 Afloat and ashore. Cooper, J. F 525.15 Africa. Baker, (SzV S. W. Ismailia. A narrative of the expedition to Central Africa for the suppres- sion of the slave trade. New York, 1875. 8°. 5933.5 — Baldwin, W. C. African hunting from Natal to the Zambesi, from 1852 to 1860. New York, 1863. 12° 224.2 — Boyle, F. To the Cape for diamonds. A story of digging experiences in South Africa. London, 1873. Sm. 8° 5934.6 — Burton, R. F. Two trips to Gorilla land and the cataracts of the Congo. London, 1876. 2 v. 8°. 5933. 12 — Cuiuming, R. G. The lion hunter of South Africa. Five years' adventures in the far inte- rior. London, 1870. Sm. 8° 5934.11 — Du Chaillu, P. B. Explorations and adventures in equatorial Africa. New York, 1861. 8° 423.4 Wild life under the equator. NewwYork, 1872. 12° 933.3 — Kingston, W. H. G. The wilds of. London, 1872. Sm. 8° 921.2 — Livingstone, D. Last journals in Central Africa, from 1865 to his death. New York, 1875. 8°. 421.10 and 5921.3 Livingstone and his African explorations. New York, 1872. 12° 5915.2 Missionary travels and researches in South Africa; including a sketch of sixteen years' residence in the interior of. New York, 18o8. 8° 422.9 Perilous adventures and discoveries in the inte- rior of, together with the success and important results of the Herald-Stanley expedition, as fur- nished by H. M. Stanley. Philadelphia [cop. 1872]. 16° 5915.5 — Marryat, F. The mission: or, scenes in. [Fic- tion] 337.13 — Morse, J., and Parish, E. New gazetteer of the Eastern continent. Charlestown, 1802. 8° 432.4 — Murray, H. Historical account of discoveries and travels in. Edinburgh, 1818. 8° 423.3 — Reade, (W.) W. The African sketch book. Lon- don, 1873. 2 V. 8° 5925.4 AFRICA AINSWORTH Shelf. No. Africa, continued. — Schweinfurth, G. The heart of. London, 1874. 2 V. 8° 5911.12 — Stanley, H. M. How I found 'Livingstone: travels, adventures and discoveries in Central Africa. New York, 1872. 8" 422.24 and 5931.5 — Taylor, (J.) B, Journey to Central Africa. New York, 1857. 12^^ 425.8 The lake regions of Central Africa. New York, 1873. 12" 224.9 Travels in South Africa. New York, 1872. Sm. 8° 224.1 — Verne, J. Five weeks in a balloon ; or, journeys and discoveries in. [Burlesque.] New York, 1869. 8° 735.26 Meridiana: the adventures of three English- men and three Russians in South Africa. [Fic- tion.] London, 1873. Sm. 4° 713.1 See al/>o Abyssinia, Algeria, Apingi, Ashantee, Behemoth, Carthage, Dahoiny, Egypt, Gorilla country, Nile, Nubia, Sahara, Zulu land. Note. — For a synopsis of the literature of African explora- tion, see p. 9 of the Lower Hall Catalogue of history, etc., with the supplemental note in the Bulletin, vol. II, p. 2C4. Baker's Ismailia chronicles one of the most important ex- peditions of our day. Tlie books by Livingstone are among tlie most significant. Schweinfurth was a German naturalist, ■who made noteworthy investigations, and his narrative is epitomized in Harper's monthly. May, 1874, and in connec- tiou with Ismailia in the Edinburgh review, 1875. Cumming was simply a sportsman. Du Cliaillu's testimony, thougli suspected of sensationalism, has not been successfully called in question. Bayard Taylor's books are popular narratives. Verne's are a coiiipound of burlesque and fiction. W. W. Reade has also a paper on the heroes of Central Africa in the Atlantic monthly, vol. 19. Stanley writes on the great African explorers in Scribner's monthly. May, 187.3. For the natives in their ethnological relations, see Wood's Uncivilized races [6G10.2; 6610.3]. Apricaine, L'. Meyerbeer, Gt. (In Ditson, 0., and CO. Standard opera librettos) 6233.3.4 After dark. Collins, (W.) W 326.11 AFTERlife. Sewell,E.M 314.18 Aftkr years. Bradley, W. 1 913.12 Aftermath. [Poems.] Longfellow, H. W. Boston, 1873. 16^ 1615.23 Against the stream. Charles, E. Leipzig. 2 v. . . 329.12 — Same. New York 737. 17 Against the world. Hadermann, J. E, 628.3 Agassiz, Elizabeth Cary, joint author. Journey in Brazil. See Agassiz, Louis (John Rudolphe). . 422.8 Agassiz, Louis (John Rudolphe). Geological sketches. Boston, 1871. iv, 314 pp. Illus- trated. 16° 1525.13 — Methods of study in natural history. Boston, 18T3. viii, 319 pp. Illustrated. 12° 1525.11 — Agassiz and spiritualism. Putnam, A. Boston [1874]. 16° 1538.12 — and Elizabeth Cary. Journey in Brazil. Boston, 1868. xi.x, 540 pp. Illustrated. 8° 422.8 Agatha's husband. Craik, D. (M.) 323.19 Age of chivalry. Bulfinch, T. Boston, 1871. 12°. 824.1 Age of fable. [Mythology.] Bulfinch, T. Bos- ton, 1871. 12° 1523.3 Agincourt. [Historical fiction.] James, G. P. R. . . 327.12 Agnes. Abbott, J 914.10 Agnes. Oliphant, M. (0. W.) 328.5 Agnes Grey. Bronte, A 321.24 AGNhs Hopetoun's schools and holidays. Oliphant, M. (0. W.) 936.27 Agnes of Sorrento. [Savonarola, etc.] Stowe, H. (E.) B 527.16 Agricola, Cnaeus Julius, Life of. Tacitus, C. C. Philadelphia, 1849. Sm. 12° 6118.6 Agricultural chemistry, Nash, J. H. The pro- gressive farmer: a scientific treatise on. New York, 18.)6. Sm. 8° 1524.10 — Stoeckhardt, J. A. Chemical field lectures. New York, 1854. 12° 1525.29 Agriculture. Andrews, G. H. Rudimentary trea- tise on agricultural engineering. London, 1852. 3 v. in 1. 12° 1715.15 — Buel, J. The farmer's companion. Boston, 1839. 12° 1527.13 — Burn, R. S. Outlines of modern farming. Lon- don, 1865, 71, 72. 5 V. 12° 6417.1 Shelf. No. Agriculture, continued. — Colman, H. European agriculture and rural economy. Boston, 1849. 2 v. 8° 1521.7 — Greeley, H. What I know of farming. New York, 1871. 12° 1515.16 — Lavergne, L. (G. L. G.) de. L'agriculture et la population. Paris, 1865. 18° 5827.1 — Morris, E. Farming for boys. Boston, 1872. Sm. 4° 932.1 — Norton, J. P. Elements of scientific agriculture. New York, 1855. 12° 1524.17 — Waring, G. E., jr. Elements of. New York, 1854. 12° 1527. 19 See also America, Botany, Cattle, Flowers, Fruit, Garden- ing, Insects, Landscape gardening. United States, Vege- tation. Aguilar, Grace. The days of Bruce; a story from Scottish history. 2 v 533.19 — Home influence 313.1 — Home scenes and heart studies 533.18 — The mother's recompense; a sequel to Home in- fluence 313.2 — The vale of cedars. [Fifteenth century, in Spain]. 533.17 — Woman's friendship 533.16 — The women of Israel. New York, 1872. 2 v. Illustrated. 12° 1226.19 Ahn, (Johann) Franz. New practical and easy method of learning the Italian language. 1st and 2d course. London, 1861. iv, 198 pp. 12° 2037.1 Ahnen, Die. Freytag, G. Leipzig, 1874. 2 v. 16°. 5733.3 AiDE, Hamilton. Carr of Carrlyon 328.25 — In that state of life 328.24 — TheMarstons 328.26 — Mr. and Mrs. Faulconbridge 720.14 — Morals and mysteries 328.27 — A nine-days' wonder. Boston 720.27 — Same. Leipzig 331.15 — Penruddocke 329.2 — Rita: an autobiography 311.19 Aids to reflection. Coleridge, S. T. London, 1867. 16° 5818.11 AiKiN, John. Geographical delineations, or a com- pendious view of the natural and political state of all parts of the globe. Corrected and en- larged. Philadelphia, 1807. 416-f- pp. 1 plate. 8° 232.1 — Calendar of nature. See Howitt, Mary 1934.12 AiKiN, Lucy. Memoirs of the court of Elizabeth, queen of England. From the last edition. New York, 1870. 532 pp. 16° 5415.4 — Correspondence. iSee Channing, William Ellery. 5616.9 AiLEEN Ferrers. Morley, S 710.30 AiMWELL, Walter, pseud. See Simonds, Walter. AiMWELL stories. See Simonds, Walter. AiNSLiE, Herbert. Higher law. A romance 737.25 — The pilgrim and the shrine; or, passages from [bis] life and correspondence. London, 1871. 467-1- pp. 8° 6626.8 Ainsworth, William Harrison. Boscobel; or, the royal oak. [Charles I's time] 339.10 — Cardinal Pole: or, the days of Philip and Mary. An historical romance 322.19 — The constable de Bourbon. [Francis i, of France], 322.21 — The constable of the tower. An historical ro- mance 322.8 — The flitch of bacon: or, the custom of Dunmow . 322.25 — The goldsmith's wife. A tale 330. 1 1 — The good old times. [Rebellion, 1746.] 2 v.. .. 329.11 — Hilary St. Ives 322.24 — John Law, the projector. [Queen Anne's time].. 322.14 — The Lancashire witches 339.2 — The Lord mayor of London, [George ii's time]. . 322.17 — Merry England: or, nobles and serfs. [Fiction]. 319.18 — Mervyn Clitheroe 322.22 — Mervyn Clitheroe'a Leben und Abenteuer. Deutsch von E. Steinmann. Pest, 1859. 4 v. in 1. 16° 2026.2 — The miser's daughter. [George ii's time] 721.22 — Myddleton Pomfret 322.16 — Old court 322.26 AINSWORTH 6 ALGER Shelf. No. AiNSWORTH, William Harrison, continued. — Old Saint Paul's: a tale of the plague and the fire. [London, 1664-6C] 712.6 — Ovingdean grange. A tale of the South Downs. 322.13 — Preston fight; or, the insurrection of 1715. A tale 331.16 — Rookwood. A romance 712.9 — Saint James's; or, the court of Queen Anne 322.18 — The South-sea bubble. A tale of the year 1720. 322.20 — The Spanish match: or, Charles Stuart at Madrid. 322.23 — The spendthrift 322.15 — The star-chamber. [James I's time] 322.9 — Talbot Harland. A tale of the days of Charles ii. 322.10 — Tower hill. [Henry viii's time] 322.12 — Windsor castle. [Henry viii's time] 322.11 Airs of Palestine. A poem. Pierpont, J. Balti- more, 1816. ^8° 1611.3 AissE, Charlotte Elisabeth. Lettres. See Daydie, Blaise Marie, chevalier 5527.13 Alabama claims. Argument of the United States at Geneva, June 15, 1872. Paris, 1872. 560+ pp. 8^^ 5010.10 — The case of the United States, to be laid before the tribunal of arbitration, to be convened at Geneva. Washington, 1872. 204 pp. 8° 5010.6 — Correspondence concerning claims against Great Britain. See United States. Department of state 6911.1 — The counter case of Great Britain as laid before the tribunal of arbitration, convened aji Geneva. Washington, 1872. 1105 pp. 8° 5011.9 — Same. 3 v. 8° 5011.2 — The treaty of Washington. Gushing, C. New York, 1873. Sm. 8^^ 816.1 Alaska. Dall, W. H. Alaska and its resources. Boston, 1870. L. 8° 5031.1 — Whymper, F. Travels and adventures in. New York, 1869. 8" 5035.1 Albert [Francis Albert Augustus Charles Eman- uel], prince consort. Principal speeches and addresses. With an introduction, giving some outlines of his character. Leipzig, 1866. viii, 246 pp. Portrait. Sq. 16° 1928.1 — Martin, T. Life of the prince consort. Vol. i. New York, 1875. 12° 1022.3 — Victoria, A., queen of England. The early years of. New York, 1867. 12° 1224.13 — Same. New York, 1868. 12° 1022.5 Albertsen, Frank, pseud. The four-footed lovers. 910.4 Contents.— Bossy and Bonny; Squirrel mischief; Bunn's adventures ; Squirrel wuoing. Alboize du Pujol, l^douard, 7omf author. Histoire de la Bastille. .See Arxould, Auguste 2010.1 Alcestis. [Leisure hour series] 518.23 Alchemy, The, of happiness. Ghazzali, A. H. M. B. M. A. Albany, 1873. 8° 1531.9 Alcohol. Carpenter, W. B. Use and abuse of al- coholic liquors. Boston, 1861. 12° 6036.9 — Forbes, Sir J. Physiological eflfects of alcoholic drinks. Boston, 1848. 12° 1527.15 Alcott, Amos Bronson. Concord days. Boston, 1872. 276-{- pp. 12° ...5217.1 — Record of Mr. Alcott's school, exemplifying the principles and methods of moral culture. Pea- body, E. P. Boston, 1874. 16° 1937.3 Alcott, Louisa May. Aunt Jo's scrap-bag. 3v 926.15 Contentx. — Vol. I. My boys, etc. II. Shawl-straps. III. Cupid and Chow-chow, etc. — Eight cousins; or, the aunt-hill 1117.1 — Hospital sketches, and Camp and fireside stories. . 926.13 — Little men 926.14 — Little women 926.12 — Moods 517.3 — Morning-glories, and other stories 926. 10 — An old-fiishioned girl ; 926.9 — Three proverb stories 935.20 Contents. — Kitty's class-day ; Annt Kipp; Psyche's art. — Work 918.28 Alcove, The. Abbott, J. Harper's story books . . . 936.1.8 Shelf. No. Alden., Henry M., joint author. Harper's pictorial history of the great rebellion. *See Guernsey, Alfred H *R.R. Desk Alden, Joseph. The science of government in con- nection with American institutions. New York [co;>. 1866]. 295 pp. 12^^ 6336.1 Alden family. Thayer, E. Family memorial. Hing- ham, 1835. 8° 611.2 Aldine, The, a typographic art journal. Vol. 6-8. New York, 1873-75. 3 v. F° 6520.1 Aldine edition of British poets. Namely: — — Chaucer, G. Poetical works. London [1872]. 6 V. Sm. 8° 5628.1 Aldrich, Thomas Bailey. Marjorie Daw and other people 735.27 — Prudence Palfrey 738.13 — Story of a bad boy. [Fiction] 923.23 Alec Forbes of Howglen. MacDonald, G. Leipzig. 328.3 — Same. New York 720.26 Alessandro Stradella. Polko, E 731.31 "Alex," pseud. As it should be. Philadelphia, 1874. 274 pp. 16° 1736.5 Jfote. — An essay on the condition of women. — As she would have it. Philadelphia, 1873. 105 pp. 16° 1736.6 If^ote. — An essay on woman's rights. Alexander I, pope. See Hippolytus, St. Alexander, Mrs. ■ — . Leisure hour series. Her dearest foe ; 517.21 Ralph Wilton's weird 518.26 Which shall it be? 732.12 The wooing o't 518.18 Alexander the great. History of. Abbott, J -915.3 Alexandre le grand: tragedie. Racine, J. de. Theatre complet. Paris, 1870. 12° 5537.3 Alexandria, Tyre and. "•Tarbox, I. N. Boston [cop. 1865]. 16° 426.5 Alexandrian, The: a republication of valuable literary and scientific works. Vol. ii. New York, 1835. 8° 1910.4 Coj«eji<». — Vol. II. Foster, J.: Essays, in a series of letters. 1.33 pp. — Maenish, R. : Pliilosophy of sleep; Anatomy of drunkenness. Ofipp.— Stael-Holstein, A. L. G. Necker, harnnne de: Influence of literature upon society; Prefixed life of the author; Reflections on suicide. Il2-f- pp. — Mason, J. i Treatise on self-knowledge. Added life of the author. 4I-f pp. Alexis the runaway. Parker, B. A 933.14 Alford, Fanny, editor. Life, journals and letters of Henry Alford. Edited by his widow. 2d edition. London, 1873. vii, 551-|- pp. Illustrated. Portrait. 8° 5421.1 Alford, Henry. Alford, F. Life, journals and letters of. London, 1873. 8° 542L1 — Page, H. A. Noble workers. London, 1875. Sm. 8° 5936.3 Alfred the great. Abbott, J. History of 914.34 — Hughes, T. Life of. Boston, 1871. -12° 1025.7 — Pauli, R. Life of. Appended Alfred's Anglo- Saxon version of Orosius. London, 1857. Sm. 8° 5427.5 See also Note under England, Saxon period. Alfred; an epic poem. Cottle, J. Newburyport, 1814. 24° 5619.1 Alger, Horatio, jr. Brave and bold series. Brave and bold 933.4 Jack's ward 1117.2 — Campaign series. Charlie Codman's cruise 934.28 Frank's campaign 925.14 Paul Prescott's charge 924.25 — Helen Ford 1115.5 — Luck and pluck series. Bound to rise 935.29 Herbert Carter's legacy 1115.10 Luck and pluck 935.7 Risen from the ranks 935.32 Sink or swim ^ 935.8 Strive and succeed 935.28 Strong and steady 935.9 Try and trust 928.3 — Ragged Dick series. Ben, the luggage boy 934.11 Fame and fortune 93.4.12 ALGER ^ N i V K U . AMERICA iJALlFi,,,,, Allibone, Samuel Austin. Critical dictionary of English literature and Britisli and American authors. Philadelphia, 1871. 3 v. 8'' . .*R.R., A.3.6 Allworth abbey. Southworth, E. D. E. N 727.5 Almanack de Gotha. Annuaire diplomatique et statistique pour I'annee 1863. lOOe annee. Gotha [1862]. Portraits. 1, 984-f pp. 24°.. 2019.4 Almanacs. American almanac and repository of useful knowledge. Vol. 1-32. Boston, 1830- 61. 32 V. 12^ 1728.1 — The banker's almanac and register. New York, 1854-56,59-61,65-75. 17 v. 8° 6820.1 — Boston almanac, 1838, 40-42, 44-72. Boston [1838-72]. 33 V. 16° 5017.6 — Hone, W. Every day book. London [1871]. 2 V. L. 8° 5621.6 — Nast, T. Illustrated almanac for 1873. New York, 1872. 8° 1816.2 Alone. Terhune, M. V 724.3 Alps. Abbott, J. Rambles among the 926.1.7 — Baedeker, C. Handbook for travellers in the Eastern Alps. Coblenz, 1871. 16° 5718.2 — Ball, J. Alpine guides. Pennine Alps, includ- ing Mont Blanc and Monte Rosa. London, 1873. 16° 5926.6 Peaks, passes and glaciers. A series of excur- sions by members of the Alpine club. London, ' 1860. Sra. 8° 5717.1 — Murray, J. Knapsack guide for travellers in the Eastern Alps. London, 1867. 16° 5527.8 — Tyndall, J. Hours of exercise in the. New York, 1873. 12° 223.1 — Whymper, E. Scramble amongst the, 1860-69. Philadelphia, 1873. 8° 5932.3 See also Switzerland. Alps, The, of Arabia. Maughan, W. C. London, 1873. 8° 5932.10 Alroy. Disraeli, B 3^4.22 Altar, The, at home. Miles, H. A. Boston, 1865. 16° 6327.8 — Same. Boston, 1859. 16° 6327.19 Alton Locke. Kingsley, C 326.18 Alton sermons, The. Hare, A. W. London, 1874. Sm. 8° 6325.18 Alwyn's first wife. Graik, D. (M.) 323.27 Amants magnifique, Les: comedie-ballet. Moliere, J. B. P. (Euvres. Paris, 1869. 12° 5537.2.3 Amateur drama series. See Baker, George Mel- ville. Amateur dramas. Baker, G. M. Boston, 1873. 16° 1636.22 Amateur's, The, rose book. Hibbard, S. London, 1874. Sm. 8° 6625.3 Amateurs and actors : a farce. Peake, R. B. New York, N. D. 12° 1635.5 Amator Virtutis, pseud., compiler. The youth's companion; or a safe guide to eminence. An- dover, 1820. 159-{- pp. Sm. 12° 1919.1 Contents. — Sermon on Christian map^nanimity, and an ad- dress to his senior class, by Dr. Witherspoon ; Oration on the death of Dr. Dwight, by Dr. Spring; Analysis and index. Amazon, The. Dingelstedt, F. (F. F.) 626.4 Amazon, river. Bates, H. W. The naturalist on the river Amazons. London, 1873. Sm. 8° . . . 5935.2 — Kingston, W. H. G. On the banks of the. Lon- don, 1872. Sm. 8° 92L6 — Orton, J. The Andes and the. New York, 1871. 16° 5933.13 See alto Brazil. Amber gods. The. Spofford, H. E 538.3 Ambrose Gwinett: a melo-drama. Jerrold, D. (W.) New York, N. D. 12° 1635.4 Amenities of literature. Disraeli, L New York, 1871. 2v. Sin. 8° 1533.13 America. Abbott, J. S. C. The adventures of the chevalier de La Salle and his companions, in their explorations of the new world, two hun- dred years ago. New York [1875]. 12° 1014.13 — Baldwin, J. D. Ancient America. New York, 1872. 12° 5027.6 Shelf. No. Alger, Horatio, jr. Ragged Dick series, continued. Mark, the match-boy '. 934.16 Ragged Dick 934.13 Rough and ready 934. 15 Ruf us and Rose 934.14 — Tattered Tom series. Julius; or the street boy out West 934.32 Paul, the peddler 934.10 Phil, the fiddler 934.30 Slow and sure 934.31 Tattered Tom 934.9 • The young outlaw 933.12 — and Cheney, 0. Augusta. Seeking his fortune, and other dialogues. Boston [1875]. 270 pp. 16°. 1518.11 Alger, William Rounseville. Critical history of the doctrine of a future life. And a complete bib- liography of the subject, by Ezra Abbot. New York, 1871. x, 914 [912]+ pp. 8° 5831.3 — The friendships of women. Boston, 1872. xvi, 416 pp. 16° 1535.20 — The solitudes of nature and of man. Boston, 1871. 412 [408] pp. 16 1535.22 Algeria. Gaskell, G. Algeria as it is. London, 1875. Sm. 8° 5935.4 — Gerard, (C) J. (B.) Lion hunting and sporting life in. London, 1857. 16° 427.4 — Herbert, Lady M. E. A search after sunshine; or, Algeria in 1871. London, 1872. 8° 5911.2 Alhambra, The. Irving, W. London, 1853. 16°.. 715.7 — Sarne. Philadelphia, 1872. Sm. 8° 1815.15 iVoie. — A semi-fictitious chronicle of its history. Alhambra, The, and the Kremlin. [Travels.] Prime, S. L New York [1873]. 8° 5914.6 Alice. Bulwer-Lytton, E. (G. E.) L 336.10 Alice Brand. Riddle, A. G 713.6 Alice Franklin. Howitt, M 937.6 Alice Lorraine. Blackmore, R. D. Leipzig 331.10 — Same. New York 711.35 Alice's adventures in Wonderland. Dodgson, C. L. 912.20 Alicia Warlock. Collins, (W.) W , 711.33 Alison, Sir Archibald. History of Europe, 1789- 1815. New York, 1871. 4 v. 8° 5913.6 1815-52. New York, 1868, 70, 71. 4 v. 8°. 5913.5 — Miscellaneous essays. New York, 1871. .390 pp. Portrait. 8° 1531.7 All aboard. Adams, W. T 924.17 All for greed. A., A. A 311.24 All for love. Dupuy, E. A 716.7 All the year round. Conducted by Charles Dick- ens. New series. Vol, 0. London, 1871. 8°. 1334.1 Allegories, Sacred. Adams, W. Leipzig, 1864. Sq. 16° 311.23 Allen, C. Bruce. Cottage building. With notes and additions by J. Weale. 6th edition, with illus- trations. London, 1870. viii, 133 pp. 12°. .. 1715.28 Allen, David Oliver. India, ancient and modern. 2d edition. Boston, 1856. xii, 618 pp. 8°... 5921.1 Allen, Ethan, Life of. Sparks, J. (In Sparks, J. Library of American biography) 6028.1.1 Allen, John Fisk. Practical treatise on the culture and treatment of the grape vine. 3d edition. New York, 1856. 330 pp. Illustrated. 12°.. 6425.4 Allen, Joseph. Battles of the British navy. New edition. London, 1868. 2 v. Sm. 8° 5417.5 Allen, Joseph Henry. Manual of devotions for families and Sunday schools. Boston, 1852. xi, 163 pp. 12° 6818.8 Allen, Myron 0. History of Wenham, from 1639 to 1860. Boston, 1860. 220-^- pp. 12° 816.4 Allen, Rowland Hussey. The New-England trage- dies in prose. Boston, 1869. 156 pp. 12°... 817.4 Contents. — The coming of the quake rs; The witchcraft delusion. Xoie. — This is written in elucidation of Longfellow's " New-England tragedies." Allen, S.M. Fibrilia: a substitute for cotton. With illustrations. Boston, 'l861. x, 182 pp. 12°. 6435.1 Allen, William. American biographical and histor- ical dictionary. 2d edition. Boston, 1832. Tiii,800pp. 8° *R.R., D.3.2 AMERICA 8 AMERICAN Shelf. No. Amebica, continued. — Bishop, N. H. The Pampas and Andes. A thou- sand miles' walk across South America. Boston, 1872. 16° 934.1 — Browne, D. J. The trees of. New York, 1846. L.8" C621.1 — Bryant, W. C. Letters of a traveller; or, notes of things seen in. New York, 1870. 12° 5915.9 — Butler, W. F. The wild North land: the story of a winter journey, with dogs, across northern North America. London, 1874. 8° 5032.3 — Franchere, G. Narrative of a voyage to the northwest coast of, 1811-14. New York, 1854. 12^^ 414.10 — Gasparin, A. (fi.), comte de. America before Eu- rope. New York, 1862. 12° 414.2 — Greenhow, R. The history of Oregon and Cali- fornia and the other territories on the north- west coast of North America. Boston, 1845. 8°. 810.2 — Hall, B. Travels in North America, in 1827, 28. Philadelphia, 1829. 2 v. 12° 417,14 — Helps, Sir A. The Spanish conquest in. New York, 1856. 4 v. 12° 816.6 — Humboldt, (F. H.) A. Personal narrative of travels to the equinoctial regions of. London, 1872. 3 V. Sm. 8° 5036.4 — Kingston, W. H. G. The Western world. Pic- turesque sketches of nature and natural history in North and South America. London, 1874. 8°. 434.1 — Leland, C. G., editor. Fusang, or the discovery of America by Chinese Buddhist priests in the 5th century. London, 1875. 8° 5925.6 — Macgillivray, W. Travels and researches of A. von Humboldt in the equinoctial regions of. New York, 1855. 18° 438.1 — Map of the United States, the British provinces, Mexico, the West Indies and Central America, with a part of New Granada and Venezuela. New York, 1849. Size, 2 ft. 4 in. X 3 ft. 3 in. 5032.4 — Marcoy, P. Travels in South America from the Pacific to the Atlantic ocean. London, 1875. 2 V. L. 8° 5030.5 — Michaud, A. Flora Boreali-Americana. Paris, 1803. 2y. 8° 6624.2 — Mitchell, S. L. Observations on the geology of North America. New York, 1818. 8° 6633.1 — Orton, J. The Andes and the Amazon ; or, across the continent of South America. New York, 1871. 16° 5933.13 — Paez, R. Travels and adventures in South and Central America. New York, 1868. 12° 427.8 — Parkman, F., jr. The Jesuits in North America in the 17th century. Boston, 1872. 12° 6015.5.2 — Pumpelly, R. Across America and Asia. New York, 1871. 8° 6916.2 — Robertson, W. History of. London, 1840. 8°. 5610.1 — Rogers, H. D., and Johnston, A. K. Atlas. London, 1857. F° 5030.1 — Scheie do Vere, M. Romance of American his- tory. New York, 1872. 12° 5016.1 — Snowden, R. History of North and South America, from its discovery to the death of Washington. Philadelphia, 1818. 2v.ini. 12°. 818.8 — - Stephens, J. L. Incidents of travel in Central America. New York, 1856. 2 v. 8° 422.5 — Stevenson, D. Sketch of civil engineering in. London, 1859. 12° 6428.3 — Tuckerman, H. T. America and her commenta- tors. New York, 1864. 8° 5033.5 5eea?»o the various divisions under their several names, as Brazil, Canada, Mexico, Peru, United States, etc. Note.— A synopsis of the literature of the history of Ameri- ca will be found in tlie Lower Hall Catalogue for history, etc., p. 12; and for all matters relating to the early history and antiquities of the Pacific slope, Mexico, Central America, and Peru, Bancroft's " Native Races " [5920.4] will afford the Jatest summary, with ample references for verification, luckcrman s '* America and her commentators " surveys the successive European observers from the earliest visitors. For Pre-Columbian America, see the note in Bulletin no. 157. Ihe subject of the mound builders is popularly examined in Baldwin, who also pictures the old civilizations of Mexico and Peru, but careful statements on this point will be found in the introdiietion to Prescott'a Mexico [rK>I4.2] and Peru [.014.;i]. Brintou's "Myths of tlio New World ■*' covers the Shelf. No. America, continued. religious views and mythological beliefs of these earlier in- habitants. For the Spanish conquest, the work of theEng- lish historian Robertson is a well sustained narrative; but the American reader will naturally prefer the later researches of Prescott, in the works already referred to; while Ilelps's Spanish conquest covers much the same ground, and aims to show in connection how slavery took its rise. Bancroft's first volume of his " United States ''' [5012..J] traces the beginnings of the colonizations that grew into the American republic; but Parkman's series of books [.WlS.fi] best traces the progress of the struggle of England and France for the possession of North America. American academy of arts and sciences, Boston. Memoir of Sir Benjamin Thompson, count Rum- ford. By G. E. Ellis. Philadelphia [1871]. xvi, 680 pp. Portraits, illustrations, and fac- simile, 8° 5022.3 American agriculturist. The. Vol. 31, 32. New York, 1872, 73. 2v.ini. 4° 1432.3 American almanac and repository of useful knoul- edge. Vol. 1-32. Boston, 1830-61. 12° 1728.1 American and foreign Sabbath union. Permanent Sabbath documents. Boston, 1851. 12° 1536.17 American annual cyclopaedia and register of impor- tant events. 1861-72. New York. 1872. 12 v. Illustrated. Portraits. 8° *R.R., C.3.1 American baron, The. De Mille, J 511.19 American board of commissioners for foreign mis- sions. Anderson, R. History of the missions in India. Boston, 1874. 8° 5812.4 History of the missions to the Oriental thurches. Boston, 1872. 8° 5812.1 History of the Sandwich Islands mission. Bos- ton, 1870. 8° 5812.15 American colleges and the American public. Por- ter, N. New Haven, 1870. 12° 1934.7 American colonization society. Memorial of the semi-centennial anniversary, at Washington, January 15, 1867. With documents concerning Liberia. Washington, 1867. 191-[- pp. 8° .. 5222.3 American educational annual. The. A cyclopedia, or reference book for all matters pertaining to education. Vol. i. New York, 1875. 8° 1932.3 American family. An, in Germany. Browne, J. R. New York, 1871. 12° 424.18 American family. An, in Paris, With illustrations. New York, 1870. xii, 319 pp. 16° 911.4 American game in its seasons. Herbert, H. W. New York, 1873. 12° 1516.14 American girl. An, abroad. Trafton, A. Boston, 1873. W 736.12 American homes series. Namely: — — Eggleston, E. The schoolmaster's stories 921.13 — Hall, T. 0, Her mother's Fancy :... 921.14 American Hoyle, The. Dick, W. B. New York [cop. 1864], 12° 1516.1 Note. — Rules for games of cards, etc. American liberties and American slavery. Tread- well, S. B. New York, 1838. 12° 817.10 American literature. See United States. American naturalist. The, an illustrated magazine of natural history. Vol. 4, 7-9. Salem, 1871- 75. 4 V. 8° 6523.1 American note-books. Passages from the. Haw- thorne, N. Boston, 1872. 2v.ini. 12° 1813.6 American notes. [Travels.] Dickens, C. (J, H.) Leipzig, 1842. Sq. 16° 418.2 — Same. Boston, 1874. 16° 1824.10 — Same. Philadelphia, N. D. 8° 732.37 American pioneers and patriots. See Abbott, John Stevens Cabot. American protestant magazine, The. Vol. 1-4. New York [1845-48]. 4 v. 8° 1336.2 American publisher's circular and literary gazette. Vol. 1-4. Philadelphia, 1863-65. 4 v. in 2. 8°. 1422.4 American religion. Weiss, J. Boston, 1871. 12°. 1537.5 American revolution. See United States. American social science association. Free lending libraries. A paper read before the association, at New York, May 22, 1874. By William W. Greenough. Cambridge, 1874. 10 pp. 8° 1932,2 American temperance society. Permanent temper- ance documents, Boston, 1835, 12° . 5834.2 AMERICANISMS 9 ANDREWS Slielf. No. Americanisms. Pickering, J. A vocabulary, or collection of words and phrases peculiar to the United States. Boston, 1816. 8- 6121.1 — Scheie de Vere, M. Americanisms; the English of the New World. New Yorls, 1872. 12^^ G12L1 See also Note under English language. Ames, Azel, jr. Sex in industry: a plea for the working-girl. Boston, 1875. 158 pp. 16"^ 1937.5 Ames, Fisher. Works. Prefixed, notices on his life and character [by J. T. Kirkland]. Boston, 1809. xxxi, 519-j-PP- Portrait. 8" 1530.5 Ames, Mary Clemmer. Eirene; or, a woman's right. 711.17 — His two wives 724.25 — A memorial of Alice and Phoebe Gary, with some of their later poems. Portraits. ,New York, 1873. xii, 351 pp. Sm. 8" 1014.5 — Ten years in Washington. Life and scenes in the national capital, as a woman sees them. Illus- trations. Portrait. Hartford, 1875. 587 pp. 8° 612.8 Ammonium, Physiological action of. Amory, R. {In Massachusetts medical society. Publications).. 6021.4 Among my books. [Essays.] Lowell, J. R. Bos- ton. 1873, 76. 2 V. 16^ 1934.8 Among the brigands, De Mille, J 932.44 Among the pines. [North Carolina.] Gilmore, J. R. New York, 18G2. 12-^ 91G.3 Amouy, Robert. Physiological action of bromide of potassium and ammonium. {In Massachusetts medical society. Publications) 6021.4 Amos, Sheldon. International scientific series. The science of law. New York, 1874. xx, 417 pp. Folded sheet. -12^ 6316.3 Amour, L', medecin: coraedie-ballet. Molidre, J. B. P. (Euvres. Paris, 1869. 12° 5537.2.2 Amouroux, Jules. The practical draughtman's book of industrial design, etc. See Johnson, William 6620.2 Ampere, Jean Jacques (Antoine). See Merimee, P. Portraits hisioriques et litteraires. Paris, 1874. 12" 5527.14 Amphitruo. Plautus, T. M. Philadolphias [cop. 1842]. Sm. 12" 6118.4 Amphitryon: comedie. Moliere, J. B. P. (Euvres. Paris, 1869. 12" 5537.2.2 Amusements. See Recreative arts. Anabasis, The. Xenophon. London, 1872. Sm. 8°. 6115. 12 Anacreon. Odes. See Moore, Thomas. Poetical works 1614.9.1 Analectic magazine. The, containing selections from foreign reviews and magazines. Vol. 1-4. Philadelphia, 1813, 14. 4 v. 8" 1336.1 Analysis of ornament. Wornum, R. N. London, 1873. 8° 6211.9 Anatomy. Cutter, C. Anatomy and physiology. Boston, 1847. 12" 6037.3 — Edwards, H. W. Outlines of. Boston, 1841. 8^.6021.15 — Huxley, T. H. Manual of the anatomy of verte- brated animals. New York, 1872. 12° 1523.12 — Jackson, J. B. S. Anatomical museum of the Boston society for medical improvement. Bos- ton, 1847. 8" 6022.3 — Koelliker, A. Manual of human microscopical anatomy. Philadelphia, 1854. 8" 6032.3 See also Bones. Ancient city. The. Fustel de Coulanges, W. D. Boston, 1874. 16" 5923.6 Kote. — A study of the religion, laws, etc., of Greece and Rome. Ancient classics for English readers. See Collins, William Lucas, editor. Ancient harmony revived, being a selection of choice music for divine worship, taken from old and approved authors. 5th edition. Boston, 1857. 280 pp. Oblong 8" 1518.7 Ancient lyre, The. Zeuner, C. Boston, 1840. Ob- long 8° .^ 1518.5 Ancient states and empires. Lord, J. New Y'ork, 1869. 8" 815.8 2 Shelf. No. Anderdon, William Henry. Antoine de Bonneval: a tale of Paris, in the days of St. Vincent de Paul. 716.17 Andersen, Hans Christian. The improvisatore. [A tale of Italian life.] Translated from the Danish by Mary lluvvitt 714.25 — 0. T. A Danish romance 524.14 — Only a fiddler. A Danish romance 524.13 — Pictures of travel in Sweden, among the Ilartz mountains, and in Switzerland, with a visit at Charles Dickens's house. Author's edition. New York, 1871. vi, 293 pp. Sm. 8" 426.17 — A poet's bazaar. Pictures of travel in Germany, Italy, Greece, and the Orient. Author's edition. New York, 1871. v, 343 pp. Sm. 8° ..426.18 — In Spain and a visit to Portugal. Author's edi- tion. New York, 1870. vii, 288 pp. Sm. 8".. 426.16 — Stories and tales 923.25 — The story of my life 1225.18 — The two baronesses 524.15 — Wonder stories told for children 923.24 Anderson, James. Memorable women of the puri- tan times. London, 1872. 2 v. Sm. 8° 5427.6 Contents. -Vo]. I. Mary Tracy, wife of H. Vere, baron of Tilbuiy ; Brilliana Conway, wife of Sir Robert Harley ; Mar- fiaret Tindall, wite of John Winthrop; Anne Dudley, wife of Simon Bradstreet; Anne Marbury, wife of William Hutchin- son; Mary Dver; Anne Vere. wife of Thomas, tiiird lord Fairfax, aiid'her daugiiter Marv, dncliess of Buckingliam; Elizabeth Steward, mother of Oliver Cromwell; Elizabeth Buurchier, wife of Oliver Cromwell; Mary Love; Bridget Cromwell, Elizabeth Cromwell, daughterCs] of Oliver Crom- well. II. Marv Cromwell, Frances Cromwell, danghtei[s] of Oliver CiOMiwell; Lucv Apsley, wife of coloml Hutchinson; Katharine Bovie, wife of Arthur Jones, viscount Kanclagh; Margaret ChaVlton. wife of Richard Baxter; Elizabeih, wife of John Bunvan; Agnes Beaumont; Katharine Matthews, wife of Philip Henry; R.ichel Wriothesley, wife of lord William Russell; Alice Beconsaw, wife of lord John Lisle; Elizabeth Gaunt; Hannah Hewling, wife of major Ricnard Cromwell; Bridget I reton, wife of Thomas Bendish. Anderson, Robart Patrick. Victories and defeats. An attempt to explain the causes which have led to them. London, 1873. xii, 353 pp. 8". 5922.10 Anderson, Rufus. Foreign missions: their relations and claims. 3d edition, revised. New York, 1869. xiv, 373 pp. 8" 5812.16 — History of the missions of the American board of commissioners for foreign missions in India. Boston, 1874. xvi, 443 pp. Maps. 8" 6812.4 — History of the Sandwich Islands mission. Boston, 1870. xxiv, 408 pp. Portrait. Map. 8" 5812.15 — Republication of the Gospel in Bible lands. His- tory of the missions of the American board of commissioners for foreign missions to the Ori- ental churches. Boston, 1872. 2 v. Portrait. Map. 8° :••••.•• ^812.1 Anderson, William. The London commercial dic- tionary, and sea-port gazetteer. [With appen- dix.] New edition. London, 1826. viii, 848, 44-fpp. Plate. 8° 6434.4 Andes, The, and the Amazon. Orton, J. New York, 187L 16 5933.13 ANDRfc, Major John, Life and career of. Sargent, W. Boston, 1861. Sm. 8° 5426.9 Note. — The best special life of Andre; but illustrative mat- ter will be found in general histories of the United States, like Bancroft; the lives of Washington, and in Lossing's Pictorial field-book of the revolution. Andre del Sarto: drame. Musset, (L. C.) A. de. Comedies et proverbes. Paris, 1867. 12° 5534.4.1 Andreas Hofer. [Fiction.] Mundt, C. (M.) 531.37 Andree de Taverney. Dumas, A. (D.) 510.9 Andrew, Jane. The seven little sisters who live on the round ball that floats in the air 928.5 Andrews, C. C. Hints to company oflScers on their military duties. New York, 1863. 68 pp. 24°. 6927.7 — Minnesota and Dacotah, in 1856. Washington, 1857. 215 pp. 12° 415.3 Andrews, Ethan Allen. First lessons in Latin; or, an introduction to Andrews and Stoddard's Latin grammar. 8th edition. Boston, 1846. 216 pp. Sm.l2° 1039.4 — edttor. A copious and critical Latin-English lexi- con, founded on the larger Latin-German lexicon of William Freund: with additions and correc- tions. New York, 1872. xxv, 1663 pp. 8°. *R.R., D.3.5 ANDREWS 10 ANTIQUITIES Shelf. No. Andrews, G. H. Rudimentary treatise on agricul- tural engineering. With illustrations. London, 1852. 3 V. in 1. 12" 1715.15 Andrews, J. N. Sermons on the Sabbath and law. 2d edition. Battle Creek, 1870. Irregularly paged. 16^ 6328.2 Andkomaque : tragedie. Racine, J. de. Theatre complet. Paris, 1870. 12° 5537.3 Anecdotes. Baring-Gould, S. Yorkshire oddities, incidents and strange events. Loudon, 1875. 2 V. Sm.8" 5616.17 — Boyd, M. Social gleanings. London, 1875. Sm. 8° 5613.7 — Byerley, T., and Robertson, J. C. The Percy [and] American anecdotes. New York, 1858. 2v.ini. 8° 1231.3 — Forney, J. W. Anecdotes of public men. New York, 1873. 12° 1015.2 — Mathews, L. E. Anecdotes of actors. London, 1844. 8" 5623.7 — Newcomb, H. Anecdotes for boys. Boston, 1869. 12° 918.21 Anecdotes for girls. Boston, 1870. 12° 918.18 Angel, Henry. Practical plane and solid geometry. New York [Glasgow], 1873. 182 pp. 16° .... 1717.4 Angel, The, in the house. [Poem.] Patmore, C. (K. D.) Boston, 1856. 2 v. 16° 1612.10 Angel-voices; or, words of counsel for overcoming the world. After the mode of Richter's "Best hours." Boston [cop. 1846]. 96 pp. 16° 5818.12 Angelina Gushington's thoughts on men and things. Gushington, A. New York, 1872. 12° 1916.4 Angelique Jacqueline Marie Angelique de Sainte Madeleine Arnauld d'Andilly, abbess of Port Royal, called Mere. Martin, F. Ange- lique Arnauld, abbess of Port Royal. London, 1873. Sm. 8° 5937.11 Anglo-American colonization. The first records of. Thornton, J. W. Boston, 1859. 8° 612.5 Anicetus, pseud. See Clark, William Adolphus. Animal and vegetable parasites of the human body. Kuechenmelster, F. London, 1857. 8° 6021.17 Animal locomotion. Pettigrew, J. B. New York, 1874. 12° 6436.14 Animal mechanics, Principles of. Haughton, S. London, 1873. 8° .^ 6613.4 Animal mechanism. Marey, E. J. New York, 1874. 12° 6436.11 Animals. Adams, W. H. D. Animal life through- out the globe. London, 1876. Sm. 8° 1523.25 — Hamerton, P. G. Chapters on. Boston [Lon- don], 1874. 16° 6614.9 — Haney, J. Art of training animals. New York [cop. 1869]. 12° 1713.3 — Helps, Sir A. Some talks about animals and their masters. London, 1873. Sm. 8^ 6617.5 — Kirby, W. Power, wisdom and goodness of God, as manifested in the creation of animals, and in their history, habits and instincts. Phila- delphia, 1836. 8° 6613.8 — Menault, E. The intelligence of. New York, 1872. 16° 1714.5 — Wolf, J. The life and habits of wild animals. London, 1874. 4° 6610.6 See also Dairy cows, Natural history, Zoology. Anjou, France. The life and times of Margaret of Anjou. With memoirs of the houses of Anjou. Hookham, M. A. London, 1872. 8° 5522.10 Anna Bolena. Donizetti, G. (In Ditson, 0., and CO. Standard opera librettos) 6233.3.2 Annals of a fortress. Viollet-le-Duc, E. E. Bos- ton, 1876. 8° 6223.4 NUe. — A popular history of military engineering. Annals of a quiet neighbourhood. MacDonald, G.. 328.1 Annals of the English stage. Doran, J. W. New York, 1865. 2 v. L. 12° 1532.2 Annals of the parish. [Scottish life.] Gait, J.... 515.11 Annapoplis, Maryland. Ridgeley, D. Annals of. Baltimore, 1841. 12° 817.15 — Taylor, 0. M. History of. Baltimore, 1872. 8°. 813.9 Shelf. No. Annapolis, Maryland, continued. — Naval academy. See United States. Depart- ment of the navy 816.9 Anne Boleyn, or Bullen. Dixon, W. H. History of two queens. Leipzig, 1873, 74. 6 v. in 4. Sq. 16° 1238.21 — Same. London, 1873-74. 4 v. 8° 5414.3 See also Anna Bolena. Anne Hereford. Wood, E. P 333.8 Anne Judge, spinster. Robinson, F. W 731.21 Anne of Geierstein. Scott, Sir W. Boston 533.1 — Same. Leipzig 324.1 Annuaire des deux mondes. Histoire generate des divers etats. 1862-67. Paris, 1864-68. 3v. 8°. 5316.1 Annual of scientific discovery: or, year-book of facts in science and art, 1850-59. Edited by D. A. Wells and G. Bliss, jr. Boston, 1850-59. 10 v. Portraits. 12° 1524.6 Annus Domini: a prayer for each day of the year. Rossetti, C. G. Oxford, 1874. Sq. 16° 5819.15 Another chapter of Erie. Crough, G. New York, 1869. 12° 1916.2 Anselm, St., archbishop of Canterbury. Church, R. W. Saint Anselm. [London] 1870. Sm. 8°. .. 5937.3 Answers to prayer; or, Dorothea Trudel. An account of the wonderful healing of sick persons in answer to special prayer, at Mannedorf, Switzerland. Boston, N. D. 198 pp. 12° 1026.3 Antarctic regions. Summer in the. Tomlinson, C. London [1872]. Sm. 8° 5915.3 Ante-Nicene Christian library: translation of the writings of the Fathers down to A. D. 325. Edited by A. Roberts and J. Donaldson. Edin- burgh, 1867-72. 24 V. 8°. Namely: — — Arnobius Afer. The seven books of Adversus gentes 6322.4.19 — Bible. Apocryphal New Testament. Gospels, etc. 6322.4.16 — Clemens, T.F. Writings Vol. 4, 12 of 6322.4 — Clementine homilies. The 6322.4.17 — Cyprianus, T. C, and others. Writings. Vol. 8, 13 of 6322.4 — Donaldson, J., editor. The apostolical constitu- tions 6322.4.17 — Gregorius Thaumaturgus, and others. Works. .6322.4.20 — Hippolytus, St. Writings Vol. 6, 9 of 6322.4 — Irenajus, St. Writings Vol. 5, 9 of 6322.4 — Justinus Martyr, and Athenagoras. Writings. 6322.4.2 — Lactantius, L. C. F. Works Vol. 21, 22 of 6322.4 — Liturgies and other documents 6322.4.24 — Methodius, bishop of Tyre, and others. Writings. 6322.4.14 — Origines. Writings Vol. 10, 23 of 6322.4 — Syriac documents attributed to the first three centuries 6322.4.20 — Tatianus, and others. Writings 6322.4.3 — Tertullianus, Q. S. F. Writings. Vol. 11, 15, 18 of 6322.4 The five books against Marcion 6322.4.7 — Testaments, The, of the twelve patriarchs, and Fragments of the second and third centuries. .6322.4.22 — The writings of the apostolic fathers 6322.4.1 Antefix papers. See Massachusetts art teachers' association. Boston, 1875. 8° 6212.3 Anterius, pope. See Hippolytus, St. Anteros. [Fiction.] Lawrence, G. A 315.25 Anthony, Henry Bowen. Memorial addresses, on several occasions; delivered in the senate of the United States. Providence, 1875. Engraved title-page. 52 pp. Portraits. 8° 5221.1 Anthracite fires. An inquiry into [their] influence upon health. Derby, G. Boston, 1868. 12°.. 1526.15 Anthropology, Manual of. Bray, C. London, 1871. Sm. 8° 6616.7 Antiquary, The. Scott, 5tr W. Boston 523.17 — Same. Leipzig 324.4 Antiquities. Chambers, R. The book of days. A miscellany of popular antiquities. London, n. d. 2 V. 8° ♦R.R., A. 3.7 — Mueller, F. M. Chips from a German workshop. New York, 1872. Sm. 8° 5616.1.3 PvSITY ANTIQUITIES 11 ARCnaiTECTUBK. J. r V_/ A 1^ Jf A Shelf. No. Antiquities, continued. — Smith, \V. Dictionary of Greek and Roman an- tiquities. London, 1872. 8" *R.R., E.3.5 See also Archxology. Note. — See also the histories of countries, like America, etc. Anti-slavery and reform papers. Thoreau, H. D. Boston, 1872. 12° 225.2 Anti-slavery examiner. No. 10. American sla- very as it is: testimony of a thousand witnesses. New York, 1839. 8^ 812.10 Antoine de Bonne val. Anderdon, W. H 716.17 Antonia. Dudevant, A. L. A. D 526.23 Antonina; or, the fall of Rome. Collins, (W.) W. 326.4 Antoninus, Marcus Aurelius. Thoughts. Trans- lated by G. Long. 2d edition. Revised and corrected. London, 1869. 210-|- pp. Sm. 8". 6115.16 — See Farrab, F. W. Seekers after God. Lon- don, 1875. Sm. 8° 5937.7 Antony Brade. Lowell, R. T. S 714.5 Antony Waymouth. Kingston, W. H. G 935.27 Antwerp, The siege of. Schiller, (J.) F. (C.) von. New York, 1847. 12'^ 826.5 — Same. New York, 1872. Sm. 8° 827.26 Apache country, Adventures in the. Browne, J. R. New York, 1671. 12" 415.13 Apelles and his contemporaries. Greenough, H. Boston, 1860. 342 pp. Sm. 8° 536.10 Apes, Man and. Mivart, St. G. New York, 1874. 16° 6617.6 Apingi country. My Apingi kingdom. [Africa.] Du Chaillu, P. B. New York, 1872. 12° 933.2 Apocalypse, The, revealed. Swedenborg, E. New York, 1873. 2 v. 8° 6323.3 Apocryphal New Testament. See Ante-Nicene Christian library 6322.15.16 Apostles, The. Renan, (J.) E. London, 1869. 8°. 5812.8 Apostles of mediaeval Europe. Maclear, G. F. [London, 1869.] Sm. 8° 5937.5 Apostolical constitutions. Donaldson, J. Edin- burgh, 1870. 8° 6322.16 Apperley, Charles James. Life of John Mytton. With his hunting, racing, shooting, driving, and extravagant exploits. By Nimrod [pseuc?.]. New edition. With a memoir of Nimrod. Lon- don [1871]. xi, 235 pp. Sm. 8° 5427.2 Applk gathering. The. Abbott, J 917.28 Appledore cook book. The. Parloa, M. Boston [1873]. 8° 6426.2 Appleton, Daniel, and co. Dictionary of machines, mechanics, engine-work, and engineering. Il- lustrated. New edition, with appendix. New York, 1869. 2 v. Portraits. L. 8° *R.R., D.3.3 — Hand-book of American travel. Northern and eastern tour. With maps. Revised for 1872, with appendix. New York, 1872. viii, 292 pp. 12^ 425.17 Southern tour. iSee Jones, Charles H 413.5 — Journal of literature, science, and art. Vol. 9- 13. New York, 1873-75. 5 v. 4° 1332.1 — Juvenile annual. For 1-871. With illustrations. New York, 1871. 382-f- pp. 12° 933.8 Appleton, Nathan. Introduction of the power loom, and origin of Lowell. Lowell, 1858. 36 pp. 8° 6434.3 Appleton, Thomas Gold. A sheaf of papers. By T. G. A. Boston, 1875. 362 pp. 12° 1537.23 Arabella Stuart. James, G. P. R 327.13 Arabesques. [Fiction.] Greenough, S. D 1516.12 Arabia. 'Ilam-en-nas. Historical tales and anec- dotes of the time of the early Khallfahs. Lon- don, 1873. Sm. 8° 5927.6 — Jessup, H. H. The women of the Arabs. New York [1873]. 16" 5910.6 — Maughan, W. C. The Alps of Arabia. Travels in Egypt, Sinai, Arabia and the Holy Land. London, 1873. 8° 5932.10 — Palmer, E. H. The desert of the Exodus. New York, 1872. Sm. 8° 222.2 — Palgrave, W. G. A year's journey through cen- tral and eastern Arabia. London, 1871. Sm. 8°. 5916.7 Shelf. No. Arabia, continued. — Robinson, E., and Smith, E. Biblical researches in Arabia Petraea. Boston, 1841. 8° 5810.5 — Taylor, (J.) B. Travels in. New York, 1872. 12°. 224.6 A'o. Boston, 1861. 16° 926.21 See also iht note on Music in the Bulletin for Jan., J8r(j, p. 34. Bache, Alexander Dallas. Report on education in Europe, to the trustees of the Girard college for orphans. Philadelphia, 1839. xiii, 666-4- nn. S'^ T.... 5834.3 Bachelder, John B. Illustrated tourist's guide of the United States. Popular resorts, and how to reach them. Including Gettysburg. Boston, 1873. viii, 148-[- pp. Sm. 8° 413.10 Bachelor, The, of the Albany. Savage, M. W 535.19 Bachelor's, A, revery. Mitchell, D. G. (/n John- son, (E.) R. Little classics) 529.4.4 Backlog studies. Warner, CD 928. 1 Backwoodsjian, The. Wraxall, Sir (F. C.) L 735.39 Bacon, Albert M. Manual of gesture. Chicago, 1873. 260-l-pp. 12° 1736.2 Bacon, George Blagden. Illustrated library of travel, exploration, and adventure. Siaui, as it was and is. New York, 1873. viii, 347 pp. Illustrated. 1 map. 12° 224.10 Bacon, Francis, lord. Essays, with annotations by R. Whately, and notes and a glossarial index by F. F. Heard. Boston, 1873. xlix, 641 [639] PP- 8° 5615.2 — Dixon, W. H. Personal history of. Leipzig 186L Sq. 16° '......!. 1238.17 — Remusat, C. (F. M.), comte de. Bacon, sa vie, son temps, sa philosophic, et de son influence jusqu'k nos jours. Paris, 1858. 18° 2016.9 r,;^'^*;,'~^^9^'"<'^^''Po'^''»'t^C^'^'5''.fi.3]: Maeaulav's Essays [1918.4]; and tlic histories of England covering Queen Eliza- beth s reign. Bacon, Leonard. The genesis of the New England churches. With illustrations. New York, 1874. 485 pp. 8° 5812.13 iV^iXe. — Dr. Bacon, using well-known authorities, and mak- ing no effort at new research, aims to sliow how the idea of voluntary churches — as distinct from a national church — Shelf. No. Bacon, Leonard, continued. began in England, and was developed in the churches of New England, pointing out the diiitinctioii between the puritans (wlio sought to retorni within liie church, and wlio guided the Massachusetts cohjny under Endicott) and the separatists, who gathered the church at Scrooby, were exiled to Holland, and came to Plymouth, and there founded the system of voluntaiy churches. The record is brouglit down to lti29. Baddeck, and that sort of thing. [Nova Scotia.] Warner, C. D. Boston, 1874. 16^^ 418.8 Badeau, Adam. Military history of Ulysses S. Grant. Vol. I. New York, 1868. xiii, 683-|- pp. Portrait. Maps. 8^^ 5021.8 Note. — No more published. Baden, Frances Henshaw. The Christmas guest. See SouTHwORTH, Emma Dorothy Eliza Nevitte. 522.9 Baden-Powell, George Smyth. See Powell, George Smyth Baden. Baden-Powell, Warington. See Powell, Waring- ton Baden. Baedeker, Carl. Belgium and Holland. Hand- book for travellers. With maps and plans. 2d edition, revised. Coblenz, 1871. xxviii, 328 pp. 16° 5728.5 — Italy. Handbook for travellers. With maps and plans. 2d edition, revised. Coblenz, 1870, 72. 2 V. 16° 5528.2 Contents.— YiA.l. Northern Italy and Corsica. II. Cen- tral Italy and Home. — Paris and Northern France. Handbook for travellers. With maps and plans. 3d edition, revised and augmented. Coblenz, 1872. xxxii, 320 pp. 16° 5527.7 — The Rhine and Northern Germany. Handbook for travellers. With maps and plans. 4th edi- tion, revised and augmented. Coblenz, 1870. xxii, 444 pp. 16^ 5718.3 — Southern Germany and Austria, including the Eastern Alps. Handbook for travellers. With maps and plans. 2d edition, revised. Coblenz, 1871. xxii, 380 pp. 16° 5718.2 — Switzerland, and the adjacent portions of Italy, Savoy, and the Tyrol. Handbook for travellers. With maps, plans, and panoramas. 5th edition, revised. Coblenz, 1872. xliv, 418 pp. 16°... 5718.4 — Traveller's manual of conversation in English, French, German, Italian. With vocabulary, * short questions, etc. 20th edition. Coblenz, 1870. i.v, 33l4-pp. 12° 6127.1 Bagehot, Walter. Lombard street: a description of the [English] money market. New York, 1873. viii, 359 pp. 12° 5435.8 — Physics and politics. London, 1872. 224-f- pp. Sm. 8° 1526.25 — Same. New York, 1873. 224-4- pp. 12° 6436.2 Baile, J. Wonders of electricity. Translated from the French. Edited, with additions, by John W. Armstrong. With illustrations. New York, 1872. viii, 3354- pp. [Illustrated library of wonders.] 12° 1714.30 Bailey, James M. Life in Danbury. Boston, 1873. 303 pp. Illustrated. 16° 638.1 Bailey, Rufus William. The scholar's companion; containing exercises in the -orthography, deriva- tion, and classification of English words. New edition. Philadelphia, 1844. 299 pp. 12°. . .1933.10 Bailey, Samuel. Essays on the pursuit of truth, on the progress of knowledge, and on the funda- mental principle of all evidence and expectation. Philadelphia, 1831. 233 pp. 12° 5837.1 — See RiBOT, T. English psychology. New York, 1874. 8° 5835.5 Bailey, Samuel W., compiler. Homage of eminent persons to the Book. New York, 1870. 128 pp. IG" 5819.14 Baily, William L. Our own birds. A familiar nat- ural history of the birds of the United States. Revised and edited by E. D. Cope. Philadel- phia, 1869. 265 pp. Illustrated. 12° 913.25 Bain, Alexander. Critical remarks on [the] intel- lectual character, writings and speeches [of George Grote]. ^ee Grote, George 5633.2 BAIN 17 X^ ,-=^z^._^^— — " — «lielf. No. Baker's, A, dozen. Original Lumorous dialogues. Baker, a. M. Boston, 1874. 16° 1517.6 Baldwin, John Denison. Ancient America. Witli illustrations. New York, 1872. 299 pp. 12°. 5027.5 — Pro-historic nations. New York, 1872. 414 pp. 12° 824.7 Baldwin, Thomas, joint author. Lippincott'a pro- nouncing gazetteer. See Thomas, Joseph. *R.R., B.3.2 Baldwin, William Charles. African hunting from Natal to the Zambesi, from 1852 to 18G0. With illustrations. New York, 1863. 397 pp. Map. Portrait. 12° 224.2 Balpe, Michael William. Bohemian girl; Rose of Castile. (In Ditson, 0., and co. Standard opera librettos) 6233.3.3 Ball, Benjamin West. Elfin land: and other poems. Boston, 1851. 150-}- pp. 12° 1616.12 Ball, John. Alpine guides. Pennine Alps, includ- ing Mont Blanc and Monto Rosa. London, 1873. 181-378 pp. 4 maps. 16° 5936.6 — editor. Peaks, passes and glaciers. A series of excursions by members of the Alpine club. 5th edition. London, 1860. xiii, 328-|- Pp. Maps. Sm. 8° 5717.1 Ballads. Baker, G. M. Ballads of beauty. Bos- ton, 1875. Sm. 4° 1623.5 — Lockhart, J. G. Ancient Spanish ballads. Bos- ton, 1861. 16° 1616.5 — MacCarthy, D. F. Book of Irish ballads. New York,1873. 16° 5626.3 — Murray, J. C. Ballads ^and songs of Scotland. London, 1874. 8° 5626.5 See also Note under English literature. Ballantyne, Robert Michael. Black ivory; a tale of adventure among the slavers of East Africa. . 538.9 — The coral island 934.18 — Deep down. A tale of the Cornish mines 935.10 — The dog Crusoe. A tale of the Western prairies. 935.30 — The dog Crusoe and his master 935.31 — Erling the bold. A tale of the Norse sea-kings. 935.11 — Fighting the flames. [London fire brigade] 935.12 — The floating light of Goodwin sands 935.16 -^ Freaks on the fells 923.9 — Gasooyne the sandal-wood trader 923.11 The gorilla hunters 913.26 — The lifeboat 934.17 -=^ Man on the ocean. A book about boats and ships.1715.30 — Martin Rattler; or, a boy's adventures in the forests of Brazil 923.10 -^ The Norseman in the West; or, America before Columbus 914.37 — The pirate city. An Algerine tale 927.30 — Rivers of ice. A tale illustrative of Alpine ad- venture and glacier action 931.11 — Shifting winds 926.33 — Silver lake ,... 935.14 — Tales of adventure; or, wild work in strange places 933.25 Contents. —Away in the wilderness; The piorfers; HuDtins the lions ; Up in the clouds. -T- Tales of adventure on the coast 1115.4 Contents. — The story of tlie rock ; Wrecked but not ruined ; Saved by the lifeboat; Chasing the sun. — ^ Ungava: a tale of Esquimaux-land 923.12 — The wild man of the West. A tale of the Rocky mountains 926.32 Balloon ascents. Glaisher, J., Flammarion, C, Fonvielle, W. de, and Tissandier, G. Travels in the air. Philadelphia [London], 1871. 8°.... 5911.1 — Marion, F. Wonderful balloon ascents. Now York, 1871. 16° 1714.18 See also Aeronautics. Ballou, Hosea, Life of. Whittemore, T. Boston, 1854. 2v. 12° 6026.6 Ballou, Maturin Murray History of Cuba; or, notes of a traveller in the tropics. Illustrated. Boston, 1854. 230 pp. 12° — Treasury of thought. Forming an encyclopaedia of quotations from ancient and modern authors. Boston, 1873. xii, 579 pp. 8° *R.R. Shelf. No. Bain, Alexander, continued. — Mind and body. The theories of their relation. New York, 1873. 196-f- pp. Illustrated. [In- \ ternationai scientific series.] 12° 6035.2 — See RiBOT, T. English psychology. New York, 1874. 8° 5835.5 Baiud, Spencer Fullerton, Brewer, Thomas Mayo, and RiDGWAv, R. History of North American birds. Vol. i, ii. Illustrated. Boston, 1874. 2 V. L. 8° 6611.1 Contents. — Vol. I, II. Land birds. With Wag- Baireuth, Bavaria. Art life and theories drawings of the Bayreuth opera house, ner, (W.) R. New York, 1875. 12° Bajazet: tragedie. Racine, J. de. Theatre com- plet. Paris, 1870. 12° Baker, George Melville. Amateur drama series. The exhibition drama. Illustrated. Boston, 1875. 248pp. 12° — Amateur dramas. Boston, 1873. 252 pp. Illus- trated. 16° — A baker's dozen. Original humorous dialogues. Boston, 1874. 137 pp. 16° — The drawing-room stage: original dramas, come- dies, farces [etc.] for amateur theatricals and school exhibitions. Illustrated. Boston, 1873. 274 pp. 16° — The maidenhood series. Running to waste — The mimic stage. Boston, 1871. 290 pp. Il- lustrated. 12° — - editor. Ballads of beauty. With illustrations. Boston, 1875. 3-166 pp. Sm. 4° The reading club and handy speaker. Selec- tions in prose and poetry, for readings and reci- tations. Boston, 1875, 76. 3 v. 16° Baker, Harriet Newell (Woods). (Mrs. Madeline Leslie.) Cora and the doctor — I'll try — The Leslie stories. Never give up The secret of success Up the ladder Worth and wealth — Little Agnes — Play and study — The two homes Baker, James L. Men and things; or, short essays on various subjects, including free trade. Bos- ton, 1858. 287 pp, 12° Baker, Sir Samuel AVhite. The Albert N'yanza great basin of the Nile, and explorations of the Nile sources. With map and illustrations. New edition. London, 1872. xxvii, 499 pp, Sm. 8° — Ismailia. A narrative of the expedition to Cen- tral Africa for the suppression of the slave trade. Organized by Ismail, khedive of Egypt. With maps, portraits, and illustrations. New York, 1875. 542pp. 8° — The Nile tributaries of Abyssinia, and the sword hunters of the Hamran Arabs. 4th edition, with illustrations and maps. London, 1871. xix, 413 pp. Sm. 8° — Same. With a supplement. By W. L. Gage. Illustrated. Hartford, 1871. xx, 624-}- pp. Maps. 8° — The rifle and the hound in Ceylon. With illus- trations. Philadelphia, 1871. 305 pp. 16°... Baker, Sarah. Christian eflfort. New York, 1850. 271pp. 16° Baker, Thomas. Elements of practical mechanism and machine tools. With remarks on tools and machinery by James Nasmyth. With illustra- tions. 4th edition. London, 1871. xii, 240 pp. 1 folded plate. 12° — Mathematical theory of the steam engine. New edition, revised. London, 1870. vi, 118 pp. Illustrated. 12° Baker, William Munford. Carter Quarterman — Mose Evans — The new Timothy 3 6234.3 5537.3 1635.6 1635.22 1517.6 1516.9 927.28 1635.23 1623.5 1538.13 524.7 934.6 926.5 926.6 926.8 926.7 934.5 935.6 926.4 5216.4 5936.4 5933.5 425,3 5932.1 1515.2 5819.6 1716.14 1716.1 530.17 726.23 535.1 825.9 E.2.4 BALLOU'S 18 BARRY Shelf. No. Ballou's monthly magazine. Vol. 36-40. Boston [1872-74]. 5 V. Illustrated. 8^ 1433.2 Ballstow, New York, An analysis of the mineral waters of. Steel, J. U. Saratoga Springs, 1838. 12« 817.14 Baltic sea. Canoe travelling: log of a cruise on the Baltic. Powell, W. B. London, 1871, Sra. 8°. 5934.8 Balzac, Uonore de. See Stephen, L. Hours in a library. New York, 1874. 12^ 6136.9 Bancboft, Aaron. Essay on the life of George Wash- ington. Worcester, 1807. vii, 552 pp. Por- trait. 8^ 5024.2 Barcroft, George. History of the colonization of the United States. Abridged by the author. Boston, 1841. Illustrated. Map. IG^* 5016.11 — History of the United States, from the discovery of the continent. 24th edition. Boston, 1872- 74. 10 V. Portraits. Maps. 8° 5012.3 General index. [Boston, 1875.] 595-741 pp. 8^ 811.16 See Pkescott, W. U. Biographical and criti- cal essays 1537.8 and 5237.5 — Same. Vol. i, ir. Kevised edition. Boston, 1876. 2 T- [Centenary edition.] 8° 815.4 — Memorial address on the life and character of Abraham Lincoln.' Washington, 1866. 69 pp. 8" 1212.8 Bancroft, Hubert Howe. The native races of the Pacific states of North America. New York, 1874-76. Maps. Illustrations. 5 v. 8° 5920.4 Cted by Perry in liis Political economy and by Amasa Walltcr in his Science of wealth. Bastile. liistoire de la Bastille. Arnonld, A., AI- boize du Pujol, 6., and Maquet, A. Paris, 1845,51,53. 8v. 8° 2010.1 Batchelder, Samuel. Introduction and early prog- ress of the cotton manufacture in the United States. Boston, 1863. iv, 108 pp. 16° 6435.4 Bates, Mrs. D. B. Incidents on land and water, or four years on the Pacific coast. 4th edition. Boston, 1858. 336 pp. Illustrated. 12" 235.1 Shelf. No. Bates, Henry Walter. The naturalist on the river Amazons. 3d edition. With illustrations. London, 1873. x, 394 pp. Sm. 8° 5935.2 Bates, Joseph. Autobiography. And a brief ac- count of the great advent movement of 1840-44. Battle Creek, 1868. 306 pp. Portrait. 16°.. 1218.2 Bates, Joshua, Memorial of. See liosron, Masa. .. 5031.4 Bates, William, D.D. Essay on divine meditation. See IjUrder, George. Village sermons 6327.7.4 Bates, Prof. William, editor. Gallery of illustrious literary characters (1830-38). Drawn by D. Maclise. Accompanied by notices chiefly by W. Maginn. London [1873]. 239-|- pp. 4°.. 6632.2 Batkins, Jefferson Scattering, pseud. See Jones, Joseph S. Battle of Dorking, The. Chesney, G. New York, 1871. 12° 5617.2 No/e. — An irnajiinary conflict following a supposed Inva- sion of England by thu Ucrniaus. Battle, The, of life. Dickens, C. (J. H.) 338.6 Battle of the books. The. Swift, J. Worlft. Lon- don, 1856. 8° 5611.2.1 Battle-pieces and aspects of the war. 1861-66. [Poems.] Melville, H. New York, 1866. 12°. 1624.3 Battle summer, A. [Fiction.] Terhune, M. V.. . . 727.31 Battles of the British navy. Allen, J. London, 1868. 2 V. Sm. 8° 5417.5 Battles of the world. The fifteen decisive. Creasy, .SVE. S. New York, 1872. 12° 824.6 Bauer, Karoline. (Cart Detlef.) At Capri. A story of Italian life. By Clara Bauer. Trans- lated from the German by MS. [International series] 714.19 — Dead to the world; or, sin and atonement. From the German. Translated by MS 716.15 — Valentine, the countess; or, between father and son. Translated from the German by MS 723.4 Bauer, Louis. Lectures on orthopaedic surgery. 2d edition, revised, with illustrations. New York, 18U8. 336 [332] pp. 8° 6022.13 Bauerman, H. Treatise on the metallurgy of iron. 3d edition, revised. Illustrated. London, 1872. xii, 455 pp. 12" 1716.42 Bavarian highlands. The. Schmid, II., and Stiller, C. London, 1874. 8° 6720.1 Baxter, Richard. A call to the unconverted. New York, 1831. V, 144 pp. Sm. 12° 6818.15 Bay state democrat. The. August 24— Nov. 9, 1838. Boston, 1838. 4° 6730.38 Bayer, Carl Robert. The struggle for existence. A romance. After the German of Robert Byr [pseud.}. By Auber Forestier [pseud, of A. A. Woodward] 728.7 Bayle-Mouillard, Elizabeth. (Elizabeth Celnart.) Manuel des dames, ou I'art de I'elegance. 2o edition, revue, corrigee, et ornee do figures. Paris, 1833. 262-f- pp. 24°. [Manuel Roret]. 6229.1 — Nouveau manuel d'economie domestique. 3o edition. Ornee de figures. Paris, 1837. 266-|- pp. 24°. [Manuel Roret] 6429.6 Bayley, Jonathan. Great truths on great subjects. Six lectures. London, 1874. 216 pp. Sm. 8°. 6328.17 Bayne, Peter. The days of Jezebel, an historical drama. Boston, 1872. 240 pp. 12° 1636.4 — Essays in biography and criticism. Boston, 1857. 2 V. 12° 1226.15 — Life and letters of Hugh Miller. Boston, 1871. 2 V. Portraits. 12° 1225.16 Baynes, Robert II., editor. Lyra Anglicana. Hymns and sacred songs. Leipzig, 1868. xvi, 297 pp. Sq. 16° 1613.8 Bay-path, The. Holland, J. G 636.3 JVrts. — Fiction, early history of Massachusetts. Bazar book. The, of health. Tomes, R. New York, 1873. 16° 1538.6 Bazar book. The, of the household. Tomes, R. New York, 1875. 16° 1518.9 Beach, Charles A. Pitzmaroon; or, the magic hammer 912.12 Beale, Anne. Simplioity and fascination 536.4 BEALE 20 BELKNAP Shelf. No. Beale, Lionel Smith. Bioplasm: an introduction to the study of physiology |and medicine. With illustrations. London, 1872. xvi, 345 pp. 16°. 6037.2 — Disease germs; their supposed nature. Coloured illustrations. London, 1870. 82-}- pp. Sm. 8°. 6036.2 — How to work with the microscope. 4th edition. [With] illustrations. London, 18C8. xix, 383 pp. 8^ 6822.1 — On life and vital action in health and disease. London, 1875. llO-f- pp. Sm. 8'^ 6036.14 Bear and forbear, Adams, W. T 925.18 Beaten paths. Thompson, E. W. Boston, 1874. 16°. 437.6 Beatrice. Kavanagh, J 323.8 Beatrice: or, the unknown relatives. Sinclair, C. . 714.29 Beatrice Cenci. [Fiction.] Guerrazzi, F. D 716.5 Beauchamp. James, G. p. R 327.1 Beauchampe. Sirams, W. G 725.18 Beaumont, Averil. Thornicroft's model 319.26 Beaumont, Francis, and Fletcher, John. Works. With an introduction by G. Darley. New edi- tion. London, 1872. 2 v. Portraits. 8° 5621.2 Beautiful fiend,' A. Southworth, E. D. E. N 726.19 Beautiful, The, Miss Barrington. Parr, H 315.28 Beautifying country homes. Weidenmann, J. New York [co;j. 1870]. 4° 6220.1 Beauty and the beast. Willis, N. P. (In Johnson, (E.) 11. Little classics) 529.4.4 Beauvoir, Ludovic, comte de. Pekin, Jeddb', and San Francisco. Conclusion of a voyage round the Avorld. Translated from the French by A. and H. Stephenson. With engravings. Lon- don, 1872. X, 291-1- pp. 16° 5935.11 Bebi^e, or two little wooden shoes. Rame, L. de la.. 913.30 Beck, John Brolhead. Lectures on materia medica and therapeutics. Prepared for the press by C. R. Gilman. New York, 1851. 581 pp. L. 12°. 6022.18 Becker, Bernard H. Scientific London. London, 1874. viii,340pp. Sm. 8°. 5616.16 Becker, Carl Ferdinand. Lehrbuch des deutschen Stiles. Herausgegeben von T. Becker. Frank- furt am Main, 1850. viii, 336 pp. 8° 5735.7 Becket, Thomas i. See Thomas a Becket. Beckford, William, Vathek. [Eastern romance.] New York, 1809. viii, 189-f- pp. Portrait. Sq. 16° 518,3 Beckmann, John. History of inventions, discoveries, and origins. Translated by W. Johnston. 4th edition, revised and enlarged by W. F. and J. W. Griffith. London, 1846. 2 v. Portraits. 16°. 1526.7 and 6425.1 Beckoning series. The. See Cobden, Paul, pseud. Beckwith, John Charles. General Beckwith. Meille, J. P. London, 1873. 16° 5338.1 Becq de Fouquieres, L. Aspasie de Milet. Paris, 1872. viii, 366-[- pp. 18° 6116.1 Bed-time stories. Moulton, L. C 927.24 Bede, Cuthbert, pseud. See Bradley, Edward. Bede's charity. Smith, H 737.34 Beechcroft. Yonge, C. M 736.4 Beecher, Catharine Esther. Housekeeper and healthkeeper. New York, 1873. 482 pp. Il- lustrated. 12° 1725.1 — Letters to the people on health and happiness. New York, 1855. 192, 29-f- pp. 16° 1918.11 — Physiology and calisthenics. New York, 1858. 193, 58 pp. 16° 6038.2 — Treatise on domestic economy. Revised edition, with additions and engravings. New York, 1858. 369-j-pp. 12° 1524.8 — and Stowe, Harriet (Elizabeth) Beecher. The new housekeeper's manual: embracing a new revised edition of The American woman's home, with The handy cook-book, by C. E. Beecher. Illustrated. New York, 1873. xvii, 591 [581]-l-pp. 8° 1723.8 Beecher, Edward. The conflict of ages; or, the moral relations of God and man. 5th edition. Boston, 1854. xii, 552 pp. 12° 1524,21 Beecher, Eunice W. Motherly talks with young housekeepers. New York, 1873. xx, 492 pp. Portrait. 12° 1516.13 Shelf. No. Beecher, Henry Ward. Lectures to young men. New edition, with additional lectures. New York, 1873. xvii, 280 pp. 12° 1914.6 — Life of Jesus, the Christ. New York, 1871. xii, 6 10 pp. Map and illustrations. 8° 1021.4 — Life thoughts, gathered from [his] extemporane- ous discourses by one of his congregation. Bos- ton, 1858. xviii, 299 pp. 12^ 5815.9 — Same. New York, 1871. xviii, 299 pp. 12°.. 1533. 11 — Norwood. [Fiction.] 40th edition. New York, 1868. xi, 549 pp. 12° 524.5 — Plain and pleasant talk about fruits, flowers and farming. New York, 1859. 420 pp. 12° 1514.22 — Star papers; or, experiences of art and nature. New York, 1855. 359 pp. 12° ' 1924.2 — Same. New edition, with additional articles. New ITork, 1873. 447-|- pp. 12° 1924.4 — A summer parish: Sabbath discourses and service of prayer, at the '*' Twin mountain house," White mountains, 1874. New Y'ork, 1875. vi, 231 pp. Portrait. 8° 6325.8 — l^ale lectures on preaching. New York, 1872. xii, 263 pp. 12° 1914.7 — See Parton, J. Famous Americans of recent times. Boston, 1871. 8° 1214.14 Beecher, Lyman. Autobiography, correspondence, etc. Edited by C. Beecher. With illustrations. New York, 1871. 2 v. Portrait. 12° 1214.13 — Views in theology. 2d edition. Cincinnati, 1836. 240 pp. 12° 6328.20 Beechnut, Abbott, J 914.14 Beechy, Henry William, Memoir of Joshua Rey- nolds; with remarks on his professional charac- ter, illustrative of his principles and practice. See Reynolds, Sir Joshua, Literary works 6215.8 Bees. The cottage bee keeper. New York, 1854. Sm. 8° 1524.15 — The honey bee. London, 1852. 16° 6619.3 — Pettigrew, A. The handy book of bees, Edin- burgh, 1875. Sm. 8° 6619.4 — Weeks, J. M. A manual: or, an easy method of managing bees. New York, 1855, 12° 1524.14 Beethoven, Ludwig van. Fidelio, (In Ditson, 0., and CO. Standard opera librettos) 6233.3.3 — Letters, (1790-1826,) Translated by Lady Wallace. With portrait and fac-simile. Bos- ton [1866?]. 2v.ini. 16° 1026,1 — Barnard, C, F., jr. Bach and Beethoven. Bos- ton, 1871. 16° 926.21 — Elterlein, E. von. Beethoven's pianoforte sonatas explained. London, 1875. Sm. 8° 6237.4 — Haweis, H. R. Music and morals. New York, 1872. 12° 1513.16 ^'ole. — See Note in Bulletin no. 30, p. 35. Beeton, S. 0., editor. Great book of poetry: selec- tion[s]. London [1871]. Unpaged. 8° 5631.1 Beggar girl. The, of the Pont des arts. HaufF, W. 312.21 Behemoth, Adventures in the land of the. Verne, J. Boston, 1874. Sm. 4° 713.3 Behind the counter. Hacklaender, F. W 311.11 Belcher, Lady Diana. The mutineers of the Bounty and their descendants in Pitcairn and Norfolk islands. With map and illustrations. London, 1870. x, 420-{- pp. Sm. 8° 1224,4 — Same. New Y'ork, 1871, 377 pp, 12° 435.2 Belden, Lemuel Whittelsey. Account of Jane C, Rider, the Springfield somnambulist. Spring- field, 1834, 134 pp. 12° 1928.4 Belgium. Adams, W. T. Dikes and ditches; or, Young America in, Boston, 1873. 16° 925.9 — Baedeker, C, Handbook for travellers, Cob- lenz, 1871. 16° 5728,5 — Kampen, N, G, van. History and topography of. London, N, D, 8° 5931,19 — Murray, J, Handbook for travellers on the con- tinent: being a guide to, London, 1871. 12°. 5915.1 Belknap, Jeremy. The foresters, an American tale: being a sequel to the history of John Bull the clothier. In a series of letters to a friend. 2d edition, revised and enlarged. Boston, 1796. 240pp. 16° 529.9 BELKNAP 21 BESSIE'S Shelf. No. Belknap, Jeremy, continued. — Life. With selections from his correspondence and other writings. Collected and arranged by his grand-daughter. New York, 1847. 2534- pp. Portrait. IQ'^ 6027.4 Bell, Acton, pseud. See Bront^, Anne. Bell, Benjamin. A system of surgery. Illustrated. 7th edition, corrected and enlarged. Edin- burgh, 1801. 7 V. 12° 6023.6 Bell, Sir Charles. Expression: its anatomy and philosophy. With notes and illustrations. New and enlarged edition. New York, 1873. 200-|- pp. 12" 1527. 10 — The hand, its mechanism and vital endowments, as evincing design. New edition. Philadelphia, 1835. 213 pp. Illustrated. 12" 6036.6 — Letters, selected from his correspondence with his brother, George Joseph Bell. London, 1870. xiii, 434-4- pp. Illustrated. Portrait. Sm. 8°. 5433.9 Bell, Currer, pseud. See Bronte, Charlotte. Bell, Ellis, pseud. See Bronte, Emily (Jane). Bell, Henry Glassford. Life of Mary queen of Scots. New York, 1855. 2 v. Portrait. U° 1228.1 Bell, Luther V. [Boylston prize dissertation.] See Holmes, Oliver Wendell 6023.17 Bell-tower, The. Melville, H. (In Johnson, (E.) R. Little classics) 529.4.3 Bellah. Feuillet, 714.12 Bellamy, Mrs. E. W. The little Joanna. By Kam- ba Thorpe lpseud.'\ 721.21 Bellamy, Joseph. Works. With a memoir of his life and character. Boston, 1850. 2 v. 8"^ .. .5813.12 Belle Brittan on a. tour, at Newport, and here and there. Fuller, H. New York, 1858. 12°.... 413.7 Belle Helene, La. Offenbach, J. (In Ditson, 0., and CO. Standard opera librettos) 6233.3.5 Belle, The, of the family. Grey, Mrs 521.26 Belle Powers' locket. Mathews, J. H 1117.16 Bellehood and bondage. Stephens, A. S. (W.) ... 734.11 BELLES-lettres, Lectures on. Blair, II. Brooklyn, 1807. 2 V. 8° 1533.16 Bellew, Frank. The art of amusing. A collection of games, tricks, puzzles, and charades. With illustrations. London, n. d. 299 pp. Sm. 8°. 1518.10 Bellini, Vincenzio. Norma; II pirata; La son- nambula. (Ditson, 0., and co. Standard opera librettos) 6233.3.4 — I puritani. (Ditson, 0., and co. Standard opera librettos) 6233.3.3 Bellows, Albert J. The philosophy of eating. 7th edition. New York, 1872. 426 pp. 16° 1523.4 Bellows, Henry Whitney. The old world in its new face. Impressions of Europe in 1867, 68. New York, 1870. 2 v. 12° 423.6 Bells, Rudimentary treatise on. Denison, E. B. London, 1868. 12° 1716.12 Belton estate, The. Trollope, A 334.16 Bement, C. N. The rabbit fancier. New York, 1855. 101 pp. Illustrated. 12° 1524.3 Bemis, George. Report of the case of John W. Web- ster, indicted for the murder of George Park- man. [With] appendix. Boston, 1850. xii, 628 pp. 1 plate. 8° 1530.1 Ben, the luggage boy. Alger, H.j^r 934.11 Ben Brace. [Sea novel.] Chamier, F 521.24 Ben Burton. Kingston, W. H. G 1118.3 Bench and bar. [Anecdotes.] Bigelow, L. J. New York, 1871. 8° 1532.1 Benedicite; illustrations of the power, wisdom, and goodness of God, as manifested in his works. Child, G. C. New York, 1872. 16° 6615.4 Benedict, Frank Lee. John Worthington's name. 731.30 — Miss Dorothy's charge 731.9 — Miss Van Kortland 710.5 — Mr. Vaughan's heir 721.4 — Mv daughter Elinor 710.4 — St. Simon's niece 720.39 Benedictus, St., of Monte-Cassino. The mission of St. Benedict; The Benedictine schools. New- man, J. II. Historical sketches. London, 1873. Sm. 8° 5925.5.3 Shelf. No. Benger, Elizabeth Ogilvy. Life of Mary queen of Scots, with anecdotes of the court of Henry n during her residence in France. From the 2d London edition. Philadelphia, 1852. 2 v. Portrait. Fac-simile. 12° 1224.11 Benjamin, Park, editor. Wrinkles and recipes, compiled from, the Scientific American. A col- lection of practical suggestions, processes and directions for the mechanic, the engineer, the farmer, and the housekeeper. Illustrated. New York [1875]. 252 pp. 16° 1717.12 Bennet, James Henry. Winter and spring on the shores of the Mediterranean: or, the Genoese Rivieras, Italy, Spain, Corfu, Greece [etc.] as winter climates. 5th edition. London, 1875. Maps. Illustrations, xvi, 655 pp. Sm. 8°. .. 436.3 Bennett, James Gordon. See Parton, J. Famous Americans of recent times. Boston, 1871. 8^.1214.14 Bennett, Joseph. Billiards. With illustrations. Edited by Cavendish [pseud, for Henry Jones]. London, 1873. viii, 483 pp. 8° 6413.1 Benson, George. Essay on the belief of things above reason. (In Sparks, J. Collection of essays and tracts in theology) 1918.9.4 Benton, J. G. Instruction in ordnance and gun- nery. 2d edition. Now York, 1862. 550 pp. Illustrated. 8° 6924.1 Benton, Thomas Hart. Thirty years' view; or, a history of the American government, 1820-50. New York, 1854, 56. 2 v. Portrait. 1 plate. 8°. 812.2 B^ranger, Pierre Jean de. Chansons. Precedees d'une notice sur I'auteur et d'un essai sur ses poesies par P. F. Tissot. Paris, 1829. 4 v. Portrait. Illustrated. 16° 5538.1 Berber, The. Mayo, W. S 532.13 Berenice: tragedie. Racine, J. de. Theatre com- plet. Paris, 1870. 12° 5537.3 Berger, "Ei., pseud. See Sheppard, Elizabeth Sara. Berkeley men. The, pseud. See Lester, Charles Edwards. Berlin and Sans-souci. [Historical fiction.] Mundt, C. (M.) 53115 Berlin und seine Umgebungen im neunzehnten Jahrhundert. Eino Sammlung in Stahl gesto- chener Ansichten von Mauch, Gartner, Bier- mann und Hintze, nebst topographisch-histori- schen Erliiuterungen von S. H. Spiker. [No. 1- 19.] Berlin, 1833. 122-}- pp. 74 plates. 4°. 5910.4 Bernard, St., Life and times of. Morison, J. C. London, 1868. Sm. 8° 5525.9 Bernard, Frederic. Wonderful escapes. Revised from the French and original chapters added by R. Whiteing. With plates. New York, 1871. vi, 308 pp. 16° 1714.20 Bernardin de Saint-Pierre, Jacques Henri. See Saint-Pierre, .Jacques Henri Bernardin de. Bernice, the farmer's daughter. Kelly, C. E 928.20 Bertha's engagement. Stephens, A. S. (W.) 522.17 Berthoud, Henry. Stories of bird life: a book of facts and anecdotes. • With illustrations. Lon- don, 1875. 320 pp. Sm. 8° 6617.9 Bertram family. The. Charles, E 723.29 Bertrams, The. Trollnpe, A 334.14 Besant, Walter. The French humourists from the 12th to the 19th century. London, 1873. vi, 447-4- pp. 8° 5532.2 — and Palmer, E. H. Jerusalem, the city of Herod and Saladin. London, 1871. viii, 492 pp. 1 plate. Sm. 8° 5924.3 Bessemer process in the United States. By L. Smith. See Gruener, L. (E.) New York, 1872. 8° 6631.4 Bessie among the mountains. Mathews, J. H 1117.23 Bessie and her friends. Mathews, J. H 1 1 17.22 Bessie at school. Mathews, J. H 1117.24 Bessie at the sea-side. Mathews, J. H 1 117.20 Bessie in the city. Mathews, J. H 1117.21 Bessie on her travels. Mathews, J. H 11 17.25 Bessie Brown. Denison, M. A 928.16 Bessie Fairfax, The vicissitudes of. Parr, H 726.26 Bessie's trials at boarding-school. Perry, N 1115.18 BESST 22 BIBLE Shelf. No. Bessy Rane. Wood, E. P 333.2 Best of husbands, Tho. P.ayn, J. Leipzig 319.27 — Same. New York 73L35 Best reading, The. Putnam, G. P. New York, 1872. 12° *R.R., F.3.5 Note. — A classified list of books on various subjects, Mhlch are easily procurable. Topics arranged alpliabetically. Betrothal, The. [Poem.] Patmore, C. (K. D.). 1612.10.1 Betrothed, The. Haott, Sir W 523.19 Better self, The: essays for home-life. Friswell, J. H. Philadelphia [ 1875]. IG" 1536.21 Bettekton, Thomas. History of the English stage. Revised with additional notes, by C. L. Coles. Boston, 1814. 148,60 pp. S"^ 813.3 Bettine. Musset, (L. C.) A. de. Comedies et proverbes. Paris, 1867. 12° 5534.4.2 Betty's bright idea. Stowe, H. (E.) B 715.24 Beulah. Wilson, A.J 737.32 Bewick, William. Life and letters. Edited by T. Landseer. London, 1871. 2 v. Portrait. Sm. 8°. 5423.8 Beyle, (Marie) Henri, called Stendhal. *SVe Mrri- m^e, p. Portraits historiques et litteraires. Paris, 1874. 12" 5527.14 Beze, Theodore, yom? au/Aor. Les pseaumes de Da- vid. (See Marot, Clement 5819.12 Biart, Lucien. Adventures of a young naturalist. Edited and adapted by P. Gillmore. With illus- trations. New York, 1872. 12° 912.9 Bible. The Holy Bible. London, 1871. Unpaged. 8° *R.R., B.2.3 — Commentary on the Holy Scriptures. By J. P. Lange [and others]. Translated from the Ger- man, and edited, with additions, by P. Schaff [and others]. New York, 1873, 74. 15 v. 8°. *R.R., B.2.1 — Abbott, L. A dictionary of religious knowledge. New York, 1875. 8° 6320.2 — Arnold, M. Literature and dogma. An essay towards a better apprehension of tho Bible. London, 1873. Sra. 8° 5815.6 — Bailey, S. W. Homage of eminent persons to the Book. New York, 1870. 16° 5819.14 — Baring-Gould, S. Legends of the patriarchs and prophets, and other Old Testament characters. Now York, 1872. Sm. 8° 5814.5 — Bissell, E. C. The historic origin of the Bible. New York [1873]. Sm. 8° 1536.14 — Borrow, G. The Bible in Spain. New York, 1869. 8° 5931.13 — Clark, R. W. New serial question books on the heroes of the Bible. 4th series. Boston [cop. 1864]. 16° 5819.17 — Conway, M. D. The sacred anthology. Lon- don, 1874. 8° 5813.14 — Cruden, A. Complete concordance to the Holy Scriptures. New York, 1872. L. 8° *R.R., A.2.1 — Doctrines of Scripture. Boston, 1857. 16° 5819.3 — GilSllan, G. The bards of the Bible. New York, 1869. 12^ 1523.8 — Jacox, F. Bible music. Boston, 1872. 16°... 6234.2 — Jowett, B. On the interpretation of Scripture. (In Essays and reviews) 1538.3 — Same. (In Hedge, F. H. Recent inquiries in theology) 1526.24 and 5814.15 — Kitto, J. Popular cyclopaedia of biblical litera- ture. Boston, 1871. L. 8° *R.R., A.2.2 — - MacClintock, J., and Strong, J. Cyclopaedia of biblical, theological, and ecclesiastical literature. New York, 1871-73. 5 v. 8° *R.R., A.2.3 — Mayo, A. D., and Vickers, T. The Bible in the public schools. New York, 1870. 24° 5819.2 — Miner, A. A. Bible exercises. Boston, 1863. 12^ 1538.10 —• Observations on the Bible. Boston, 1842. 12°.. 5818. 20 — Palfrey, J. G. Academical lectures on tho Jewish Scriptures. Vol. i. Boston, 1838. 8° 5811.8 — Palmer, E. II. The desert of the Exodus. New York, 1872. Sm. 8° 222.2 — Putnam, A. Bible marvel workers. Boston, 1873. 16° 1636.18 and 5815.25 Sliclf. No. Bible, continued. — Scripture lessons; being a selection from the Old and New Testaments, for the use of schools. Boston, 1823. 12° 1537.16 — Smith, W. Dictionary of the Bible. New York, 1872. 4v. 8° *R.R., B.2.2 — Walden, T. Our English Bible and its ancestors. Philadelphia [cop. 1871]. 16° 5818.13 — Pentateuch, Lectures on the. Colenso, J. W. London, 1873. 8° 6811.5 — Genesis. Davies, T. A. Genesis disclo.sed: prov- ing the error that all men have descended from Adam and Eve [etc.]. New York, 1874. 12°. 6327.11 Smith, G. The Chaldean account of Genesis. New York [London], 1876. 8° 6320.4 — Psalms. Les pseaumes de David. Marot, C, and Beze, T. [No title-page.] 16° 5819.12 — Daniel, Complete and truthful exposition of the visions of. Snow, S. S. New York, 1863. 12°. 1524.9 — New Testament. The New Testament. [French and English.] London, 1840. Unpaged. 12°. 6328.9 The New Testament: the authorized English version; with introduction, and various readings from the three most celebrated manuscripts of the original Greek text. By C. Tischendorf. Tauchnitz edition. Leipzig, 1869. xvi, 414-|- pp. Sq. 16° 1528.2 The revision of the English version of the New Testament. Lightfoot, J. B., Trench, R. C, Ellicott, C. J., and Schaflf, P. [Various publi- cations.] New York, 1873. 8° 5814.11 A translation of the New Testament. [With notes.] By Gilbert Wakefield. From the 2d London edition. Cambridge, 1820. xii, 450, 163 pp. 8° 6810.4 An exposition of the historical writings of the New Testament. Kenrick, T. Boston, 1828. 3 V. 8° 6324.2 Gospels. Comprehensive commentary; contain- ing the text, and nearly all that is valuable in Henry, Scott, and Doddridge. Edited by W. Jenks. [Vol. IV.] Matthew — John, Brattle- boro', 1834. Portraits, engravings, maps, and wood-cuts. L. 8° 6320.3 Formby, H. The life, passion, death, and resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ. Being an abridged harmony of the four gospels in the words of the sacred text. London [1874]. Sq. 16° 6328.22 Furness, W. H. Remarks on the four gos- pels. Philadelphia, 1836. 12° 5815.14 Same. Revised with additions. Philadel- phia, 1838. L. 8° 5811.7 Liverinore, A. A. The four gospels, with a commentary. Vol. 2, Mark, Luke, and John. New edition. Boston, 1858. 12° 1534.6 Acts. Notes. By A. Barnes. 20th edition. New York, 1860. 356 pp. Map. 12° 6327.1 Romans. Critical and exegetical commentary on the New Testament. Part iv. Romans. Meyer,H. A. W. Edinburgh, 1873. 8° 5810.2 Epistles of St. Paul, A paraphrase and notes on the. Locke, J. Cambridge, 1832. 8° 6322.1 Ephesians, Philippians, and Colossians. Notes. By A. Barnes. New York, 1845. 331pp. Il- lustrated. 12° 6327.22 Thessalonians, Timothy, Titus, and Philemon. Notes. By A. Barnes. New York, 1845. 355 pp. 12° 6327.20 Hebrews. Notes. By A. Barnes. New York, 1843. 335 pp. 12° 6327.21 Revelation. Gumming, J. Lectures on the book of. 1st series. Philadelphia, 1854. 12°. 6326.2 Snow, S. S. Complete and truthful exposition of. New York, 1863. 12° 1524.9 Swedenborg, E. The Apocalypse revealed. New York, 1873. 2 v. 8° .-...6323.3 — Apocryphal New Testament. Apocryphal Gospels, Acts, and Revelations. Translated by Alexan- der Walker. Edinburgh, 1870. xxiv, 547 pp. [Ante-Nicene Christian library.] 8° 6322.4.16 BIBLIOGRAPHICA 23 BIRD-KEEPING Shelf. No. BiBLiOGRAPHicA genealogica Americana. Durrie, D. S. Albany, 18G8. 8° 5022.8 BiBLioGRAPHV. Dibdin, T. F. Bibliomania; or, book-madness. London, 1876. 8° G131.3 — Hazard, W. P. The library; or, some hints about what books to read, and how to buy them. Philadelphia [co;j. 1870]. 12^ 1537.1 — Jacox, F. Aspects of authorship: or, book marks and book makers. London, 1872. 16" 6136.6 — Putnam, G. P. The best reading. With a classi- • fied bibliography for easy reference. New York, 1875. 12" 6136.10 Kote. — See the Handbook for readers published by the Li- biaiy. BiBLiOTHECA sacra, and theological eclectic. Vol. 30,31. Andover, 1873, 74. 2 v. 8" 6736.1 BiCHAT, (Marie Francois) Xavier. Physiological researches upon life and death. Translated by T. Watkins. Philadelphia, 1809. xx, 300 pp. 8° 6023.10 BiCKERSTETH, Edward Henry. The rock of ages. AVith an introduction by F. D. Huntington. Boston, 1860. 214 pp. 12" 1524.7 BiCKMORE, Albert Smith. Travels in the East In- dian archipelago. With maps and illustrations. London, 1868. 555 pp. 8° 422.7 — Same. New York, 18li9. 8° < 5932.4 BiCKNELL, A. J., editor. Wooden and brick build- ings with details, containing 160 plates. Also, descriptive letterpress, specifications [etc.]. New York,. 1875. 2 v. F" 6220.7 Big brother. The. Eggleston, G. C 714.35 BiGELovv, Henry Jacob. Manual of orthopedic sur- gery. A dissertation which obtained the Boyl- ston prize for 1844. Boston, 1845. viii, 211-|- pp. Plates. 8" 6011.10 BiGELow, Jacob. Brief expositions of rational medicine: prefixed. The paradise of doctors, a fable. Boston, 1868. 69-^- pp. 12" 6037.1 — Modern inquiries: classical, professional, and miscellaneous. [Essays.] Boston, 1870, xi, 379 pp. Sm. 8" 5216.1 — Remarks on classical and utilitarian studies. Bos- ton, 1867. 67 pp. 16° 1526.18 — The useful arts, considered in connexion with the applications of science. With engravings. New York, 1851. 2 V. Folded plates. 12" 1514.1 BiGELOW, L. J. Bench and bar. With portraits and illustrations. New York, 1871. 532 pp. 8=. 1532.1 BiGLOW papers, The. Lowell, J. R. Boston, 1872, 73. 2v. 16" 5227.1 A'o'e. — Satires on politics, etc., in the Yankee dialect, with notes, etc. BiLLARD, Charles Michel. Treatise on the diseases of infants. With appendix by J. Stewart. New York, 1839. viii, 620 pp. 8" 6022.10 Billiards. Bennett, J. London, 1873. 8" 6413.1 Billings, Josh, pseud. See Shaw, Henry W. Billings family. Thayer, E. Family memorial. Hingham, 1835. 8" 611.2 Billy Grimes' favorite. Nowell, H. P. H 936.26 BiNNEY, C. J. F. History and genealogy of the Prentice or Prentiss family. Boston, 1852. iv, 272pp. 8" 612.2 BiOGRAPHiA literaria. Coleridge, S. T. Philadel- phia, N. D. 8" 1611.5 Biography. Allen, W. American biographical dictionary. Boston, 1832. 8° *R.R., D.3.2 — Allibone, S. A. Critical dictionary of English literature and British and American authors. Philadelphia, 1871. 3 v. 8" *R.R., A.3.6 — Bayne, P. Essays in biography. Boston, 1857. 12" 1226.15 — Cates, W. L. R. Dictionary of general biography. London, 1875. 8° *R.R., E.2.11 — De Quincey, T. Biographical essays. Boston, 187U. 12" 1825.6 — Drake, F. S. Dictionary of American biography. Boston, 1872. 8" *R.R., E.3.1 — Edgar, J. G. Footprints of famous men. New York, 1872, 16"., 913.13 Shelf. No. Biography, continued. — Emerson, R. W. Represeptative men. Boston, 1875. 12° 1916.6 — Field, M. B. Memories of many men, and of some women. Boston, 1874. 12° 1036.1 — Godwin, P. Cyclopaedia of biography. New York, 1872. 12" *R.R., F.3.4 — Hall, S. C. Book of memories of great men and women of the age, from personal acquaintance. London, 1871. 4" 123L1 — Harvard memorial biographies. Cambridge, 1867. 2v. 8° 5025.12 — Hole, C. Brief biographical dictionary. New York, 1866. 16° *R.R., F.3.9 — Home, R. H. A new spirit of the age. New York, 1844. 18° 1038.1 — Irving, W. Biographies and miscellanies. Phila- delphia, 1871. Sm. 8" 1815.4 — Jordan, W. Men I have known. London, 1866. Sm. 8" 5423.11 — Johnson, (E.) R. Little classics. Authors. Boston, 1875. Sq. 16° 529.4.16 — Knight, C. Biography; or, third division of " The English cyclopaedia." London, 1866-68. 6 v. 4" *R.R., F.2. 1 • — Lamartine, A. (M. L.) de. Memoirs of cele- brated characters. New York, 1854. 3 v. 12°. 1025. 10 — Macaulay, T. B., Rogers, H., Martin, T., and others. New biographies of illustrious men. Boston, 1857. 12" 5428.4 — MacCarthy, J. Modern leaders. New York, 1872. 8" 5930.2 — Martin, F. Handbook of contemporary biog- raphy. London, 1870. 16" *R.R., F.3.7 — Mueller, F. M. Chips from a German workshop. New York, 1872. Sm. 8° 5616.L3 — Page, H. A. Noble workers. London, 1875. Sm. 8° 5936.3 — Phillips, L. B. Dictionary of biographical refer- ence. London, 187L 8" *R.R., E.3.2 — Prescott, W. H. Biographical and critical essays. London, 1856. 16° 1537.8 Biographical and critical miscellanies. Phila- delphia, 1875. 12" 5237.3 — Smiles, S. Brief biographies. Boston, 1873. 16°. 1024.13 — Smith, W. Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography. London, 1870. 3 v. 8° .. . .♦R.R., E.3.3 — Thomas, J. Universal pronouncing dictionary of biography. Philadelphia,1871. 2 v. 8".*R.R., A.3.5 — Thomson, K. and J. C. The queens of society. New York, 1861. 12" 1216.17 The wits and beaux of society. New York, 1861. 12" 1216.18 — Vapereau, G. Dictionnaire universel des con- temporains. Paris, 1870, 73. L. 8" ....*R.R., E.2.10 See also America, Architects, Artists, Bible, Christ, Engi- neers, Enjjland, Europe. -France, Germany, Great Britain, Greece, lleroes, Indians. Inventors, Ireland, Italy, Jews, Knights, Military biography. Missions, New England, New York, Novelists, Painters, Philosophers, Poets, Popes, Konian catholic cliurch, Rome, Sculptors, Statesmen, Women, United States. jvwe. _ For universal biography the most convenient refer- ence book is Thonias, who gives authorities for further inves- tigation. For Americans only, Drake's is the best. For English and American writers, use AUiboue in the first insiunce. Biology. Spencer, H. Principles of. New York, 1868,73. 2 V. 12° 6635.2 — Stevenson, S. H. Boys and girls in. New York, 1875. 12° 1527.17 BioN. Idylls. 5'ec Theocritus 6115.17 Bioplasm. Beale, L. S. London, 1872. 16° 6037.2 Bird, Harriet, Recollections of. Taber, S. W. Boston, 1857. Sm. 12° 5819.20 Bird, Joseph. Protection against firei and the best means of putting out fires in cities, towns, and villages. New York, 1873. iv, 278 pp. Sm. 8". 1726.1 Bird, Robert Montgomery. Nick of the woods .... 536.4 Bird, The, and the bell, with other poems. Cranch, C. P. Boston, 1875. 12" 1617.15 Bird-keeping. A practical guide for the manage- ment of cage birds. Illustrated. London, [1868]. iv,156pp. 16° 6618.1 BIRDS 24 BLAIR Shelf. No. Birds. Baily, W. L. Our own birds. Philadelphia, 1869. 12° 913.25 — Berthoud, II. Stories of bird life. London, 1875. Sm. 8° 6617.9 — Burroughs, J. Wake-robin. New York, 1871. 16". 1525.12 — Elliott, A. A chapter on feathered pets. Lon- don, 1872. 10° 916.19 — Figuier, (G.) L. Reptiles and birds. London [1869]. 8° 1521.3 — Flagg, W. The birds and seasons of New Eng- land. Boston, 1875. 8° 6614.11 — Holden, C. F. Holden's book on. New York, 1873. 12° 1519.6 — Michelet, J. The bird. London, 1870. 8° 6612.5 — lluskin, J. Loves meinie. Lectures on Greek and English birds. New York, 1873. 12° .... 0236.20 — Samuels, E. A. The birds of New England and adjacent states. Boston, 1872. 8° 6612.4 — Synopsis of the birds of the United States. New York, 1828. 8° 6614.1 See also Canary bird. Note. — See note in Bulletin, vol. ir, p. 232. Birds of a feather. Bradley, M 936.30 BiRKS, Thomas Rawson. First principles of moral science. London, 1873. vii, 320 pp. Sm. 8°.. 5836.2 Birth and education. Schwartz, M. S 531.6 Birthday party. The. Adams, W. T 918.8 BiUTHjfARK. The. Hawthorne, N. (In Johnson, (E.) R. Little classics) 529.4.8 Bishop, Nathaniel H. The Pampas and Andes. A thousand miles' walk across South America. With an introduction by E. A. Samuels. 3d edi- tion. Illustrated. Boston, 1872. 310-j-pp. 10°. 934.1 BiSMARCK-ScHOKNHAUSEN, Otto (Eduard Leopold), Prinz von, Life of. Hesekiel, J. G. L. Lon- don, 1870. 8° 1221.8 — Same. New York, 1870. 8° 1021.5 BissELL, Edwin Cone. The historic origin of the Bible. With an introduction by 11. D. Hitchcock. New York [1873]. xxiii, 432 pp. Sm. 8° 1536.14 Bits of talk about home matters. Hunt, H. (M.) Boston, 1873. Sq. 16° 1939.2 BiTSoftravel. Hunt,H. (M.) Boston, 1872, Sq. 16°. 428.10 Bitter-sweet. A poem. Holland, J. G. New York, 1872. 12° 1615.18 — Same. (In his Garnered sheaves.) New York, 1873. Sq. 16° 1617.2 BivorAc, The; or, stories of the peninsular war. Maxwell, W. H 518.6 Bivouac and battle. Adams, W. T 924.10 Bjornsox, Bjornstjerne. Arne: a sketch of Norwe- gian country life. Translated by A. Plesner and S. Rugeley-Powers 735. 25 — The happy boy: a tale of Norwegian peasant life. Translated by H. R. G 735. 25 Black, Adam and Charles. General atlas of the world. American edition. Edinburgh, 1871. F°. *R.R.Desk — Picturesque tourist of Ireland. Illustrated by a map of Ireland, charts and plans. Edinburgh, 1855. vii, 310 pp. Wood-cuts. Sm. 8° 229.2 Black, Charles Christopher. Essay on L. da Vinci's scientific and literary works. See Heaton, Mary M 6211.5 — Michael Angelo Buonarroti. Sculptor, painter, architect. The story of his life and labours. London, 1875. xiv, 262-], pp. Portrait. Photographs. 8° 6211.7 Black, William. A daughter of Heth 311.26 — Kilmeny 319.16 — Love or marriage? 720.18 — The maid of Killeena and other stories. Leipzig. 330.12 Cmaents. — The: maid of Killeena; Queen Tita's wager- A fight for a wife ; The true legend of a billiard club ; A sequel to that. ^ — Same. New York 711.9 Contents. — The maid of Killeena; Queen Tita's wager: A light for a wife; The true legend of a billiard club ; A sequel to that i The man who was like Shakspeare. — The marriage of Moira Fergus 720.38 — The monarch of Mincing-Lane 720. 13 Shelf. No. Black, William, continued. — A princess of Thule. Leipzig 328.28 — Same. New York 732.10 — In silk "attire 330.24 — The strange adventures of a phaeton 3 19.6 — Three feathers. Leipzig 331.9 — Same. New York 720.2 Black baronet. The. Carleton, W 524.1 Black diamonds gatnered in the darkey homes of the South. Pollard, E. A. New York, 1859. 12°. 1915.8 Black dwarf. The. Scott, .Sir W. Boston 523.15 — Same. Leipzig 324.11 Black forest village stories. Auerbach, B 926.27 Black hills, Dakota, Report of a reconnaissance of the. ii'ee United States. Department of war . . 630.1 Black ivory; a tale of adventure among the slavers of East Africa. Ballantyne, R. M 538.9 Black panther, The. Wraxall, Sir (F. C.) L 931.10 Black sea. Travels on the. Cunynghame, Sir A. T. London, 1872. 8° 5931.8 Black sheep. Yates, E 318.22 Black tulip. The. Dumas, A. (D.) 510.7 Blackburn, Henry. The Harz mountains: a tour in the toy country. With illustrations. Lon- don, 1873. 184pp. Sm. 4° 5733.3 — Normandy picturesque. With illustrations. 1st American from 2d London edition. Boston, 1873. 291pp. Map. Sq. 16° 5528.3 — The Pyrenees: a description of summer life at French watering places. With illustrations by G. Dore, and a map. London, 1867. xvi, 326 pp. 8° 5522.3 Blackburne, Francis. Confessions of faith. (In Sparks, J. Collection of essays and tracts in theology) 19 18.9. 1 — Same. Also Selection from Benjamin Hoadly's works. Boston, 1823. [No title-page.] 169- 344 pp. 12° 6327.11 Blackie, John Stuart. Biography of Homer. (In Macaulay, T. B., lord, and others. New biog- raphies of illustrious men) 5428,4 — Horae Hellenicae: essays and discussions on some important points of Greek philology and an- tiquity. London, 1874, xii, 394 pp. 8° 6113.4 — On self-culture. 3d edition. Edinburgh, 1874. 9 1 pp. 16° 5838.5 Blackmore, Richard Doddridge. Alice Lorraine. A tale of the South downs. Leipzig 33 1. 10 — Same. Now York 711,35 — Lorna Doone 710,16 — The maid of Sker 711.20 Blackstone, Sir AVilliara. Commentaries on the laws of England. With notes, and a life of the author, by G. Sharswood. Philadelphia, 1872. 2 V. Portrait. 8° 6311.1 Blackwell, Antoinette Brown. The sexes through- out nature. New York, 1875. 240 pp. 12^.. 5837.5 Blackwood, Frederick Temple, lord Dufferin. Let- ters from high latitudes; voyage to Iceland, Jan Mayen, and Spitzbergen, in 1856. Boston, 1859. 406 pp. 12° 225.3 Blade-o -grass. Farjeon, B. L 521.7 Blagden, George Washington. Pastor's memorial. Twenty-fifth anniversary of [his] installation. See Boston, Mass. Old South church and so- ciety 5817,3 Blagden, Isa. The woman I loved, and the woman who loved me: a Tuscan wedding 339.5 Blaine, Delabere Pritchett. An encyclopasdia of rural sports. New edition, revised and corrected. Illustrated. London, 1870. xiii, 1246 pp. 8°. 6412,2 Blair, David, A grammar of natural and experi- mental philosophy. With engravings. 20th edition from the 12th London edition. Hart- ford, 1824. 214 pp. 12° 1538.22 Blair, Hugh. An abridgment of lectures on rhet-. toric. Revised and corrected. Windsor, 1809. 291pp, 12° , 1918,6 — Lectures on rhetoric and belles lettres. 4th American edition. Brooklyn, 1807, 2 v, 8° . 1912,2 — Sermons. 8th edition, Loudon, 1783. 2 v. 8°. 5814.1 BLAKE 25 BONWICK Shelf. No. Blake, iarfy — . Euth Maxwell 731.4 Blake, E. Vale, editor. Arctic experiences: contain- ing Capt. G. E. Tyson's wonderful drift on the ice-floe, a history of the Polaris expedition, the cruise of the Tigress, and rescue of the Polaris survivors. Added a general Arctic chronology. New York, 1874. 48U pp. Illustrated. Por- traits. 8° 5911.15 Blake, John Lauris. Conversations on natural philosophy. Illustrated. Boston, 1837. 276 pp. ri° 1526.30 Blake, Lillie Dcvereux. Fettered for life 734.23 Blake, Louisa. Poems. Boston, 1832. vii, 138 pp. 12^ 5218.3 Blake, Sophia Jex. A visit to some American schools and colleges. Londoil, 1867. xii, 250 pp. Sin. 8° 1736.7 Blake, William, Life of. Gilchrist, A. London, 1863. 2 V. S'^ , 6213.9 Blanc, (Auguste Alexander Philippe) Charles. Grammar of painting and engraving. Trans- lated from the French by Kate Newell Doggett. With the original illustrations. New York, 1874. XX, 330 pp. 1 colored plate. L. 8^^ 6212.2 Blanc, (Jean Joseph) Louis. History of ten years [in France], 1830-40. London, 1844, 45. 2 v. 8°. 5517.4 Blanche Seymour. By the author of " Erma's engagement" 732.1 Bland, "William. Experimental essays on the prin- ciples of construction in arches, piers, buttresses, etc. With illustrations. 3d* edition. London, 1867. vi, 138 pp. 12" 1716.6 — Forms of ships and boats. With illustrations. 5th editioq, revised. London, 1868. viii, 97-4- pp. 12'^ 1715.10 Bleak house. Dickens, C. (J. II.) Boston. 2 v... 1824.11 — Same. Leipzig. 4 v. in 2 338.19 Bleeding. Sfe Epilepsy. Blessington, Countess of. See Gardiner, Margaret. Blind people: their works and ways. Johns, B. G. London, 1867. Sm. 8*^ 5428.7 Blithedale romance. The. Hawthorne, N. Boston, 187L 16° 1813.8 — Same. Boston, 1873. 16° 1813.11 Nole. — Supposed to picture the Brook farm experiment. Blockade, The, of Phalsburg. [Fiction.] Erck- mann, t.., and Chatrian, A. London, 1870. 16°. 715.12 — .Same. New York, 1871. 12° 913.21 Blockade runners. The. Verne, J 713.4 Bloodhetting, Researches on the effects of. Louis, P. C. A. Boston, 1836. 8° 6014.4 Bloomfield. Robert. Rural tales, ballads, and songs. 2d edition. London, 1802. ix, 119-|- pp. Illustrated. Portrait. 16° 1628.3 Blossoming, The, of an aloe. Hoey, JVfn?. C 711.15 Blot, Pierre. Hand-book of practical cookery. New York, 1873. 478 pp. Illustrated. 12°.. 1515.5 Blowpipe, A system of instruction in the practical use of the. Plympton, G. W. New York, 1868. 12° 6436.3 Blue ribbon. The. Tabor, E 732.19 Bluebeard's ghost. Thackeray, W. M. {In John- son, (E.) R. Little classics) 529.4.9 Bluebeard's keys. Thackeray, A. I. Leipzig.... 330.20 — Same. New York 720.11 Blueberrying. Abbott, J 917.27 Blunderer, The: a comedy. Moliere, J. B. P. Dramatic works. Edinburgh, 1875. 8° 6530.3.1 Boarding-school days. Gordon, C 915.22 Boardman, William E. The higher Christian life. Boston, 1858. 330-|- pp. 12° 1536.10 and 6325.10 Boat club. Adams, W. T 924.15 Boat club series. See Adams, William T. Boat life in Egypt and Nubia. Prime, W. C. New York, 1858. 12° 424.6 Boats. Ballantyne, R. M. Man on the ocean. A book about boats and ships 1715.30 — Kingston, W. H. G. The boy's own book of boats, with instructions how to make sailing models 1718.1 1 Shelf. No. Bobbin boy. The. N. P. Banks. Thayer, W. M. Boston, 1860. 16° 916.8 BoCHer, Fedinand, editor. College series of French plays. Boston, 1867. 12° 2015.2 CoMentt.— 'Lcs petits oisoaux; Mile, de la SeisHere; Le Roman d'un jeune hoinine pauvre ; Les doigts de fee. Bodily strength and skill. Wonders of. Depping, G. New York, 1872. 16° 1714.12 Body and mind. Maudsley, H. London, 1873. S"" 6036. 15 Bogart, William H. Daniel Boone, and the hunters of Kentucky. Illustrated. Boston, 1874 \^cop. 1854]. 464 pp. 12° 5025.9 Bogen, F. W. The German in America. [German and English.] 2d edition. Boston, 1851. 177 pp. 12° 1939.3 Bohemian girl. Balfe, M. W, {In Ditson, 0., and CO. Standard opera librettos) 6233.3.3 Boieldieu, Francois Andre. La dame blanche. {In Ditson, 0., and co. Standard opera libret- tos) 6233.3.5 Boitard, Pierre. Nouveau manuel du cordier. Paris, 1839. 294-f-. pp. 24°. [Manuel Roret]. 6429.8 Bokhara, Asia, Narrative of a mission to. Wolff, J. New York, 1845. 8° 821.4 BoLEYN, Anne. See Anne Boleyn. BoMBAUGH, Charles C. The literature of kissing, gleaned from history, poetry, fiction and anec- dote. Philadelphia, 1876. 382 pp. 12° 5924.5 Bonaparte, .Jerome. Lettres et documents inedits 1837 k 1848. See Thiers, Louis Adolphe 5515.2 Bonaparte, Joseph. See Joseph Bohaparte. Bonaparte, Louis Napoleon. See Napoleon III. Bonaparte, Napoleon. See Napol^ion I. Bonaparte family. The Napoleon dynasty. A his- tory of the Bonaparte family. Lester, C. E. New York, 1873. 12° 825.17 Bonaparte-Patterson marriage in 1803, The. Saffell, W. T. R. Philadelphia, 1873. Sm. 8°. 825.4 Bond, John James. Handy-book of rules and tables for verifying dates with the Christian era; giv- ing an account of the chief eras, and systems used by various nations; with easy methods for determining the corresponding dates; with regnal years of English sovereigns, 1066-1874. London, 1875. xlii, 465 pp. Sm. 8° 5627.2 Bond, Robert. Handbook of the telegraph. 3d edition, revised and enlarged, with illustrations. London, 1870. 114-f-pp. Folded plates. 12°. 1715.4 Boner, Charles. Memoirs and letters. With letters of Mary Russell Mitford to him during ten years. Edited by R. M. Kettle. London, 1871. 2 V. Sm. 8° 5426.2 Bones. Dupuytren, G., baron. Injuries and dis- eases of. London, 1847. 8° 6013.7 — Wagner, A. Process of repair after resection and extirpation of. London, 1859. 8° 6023.1 BoNiFACius, (Winifrid), St., archbishop of Mentz. S. Boniface and the conversion of Germany. Hope, iVfrs. — . London, 1872. 16° 5735.6 Bonner, John. Child's history of Greece. With illustrations. New York, 1871. 2 v. 16° 926.2 — Child's history of Rome. New York, 1870. 2 v. Illustrated. 16° 926.1 — Child's history of the United States. With en- gravings. New York, 1870. 3 v. 16° 926.3 Bonnet, Charles. Philosophical and critical inqui- ries concerning Christianity. Translated by J. L. Boissier. Philadelphia, 1803. 304 pp. Por- trait. 16° 1918. 10 Bonneville, Captain, Adventures of. Irving, W. London, 1854. 12° 826.3 — Same. Philadelphia, 1871. Sm. 8° 1815.14 Bonnie Scotland. Lippincott, S. J. Boston, 1872. 16° 933.29 Bonstettin, Charles Victor de. The man of the North, and the man of the South; or the influ- ence of climate. Translated from the French. New York, 1864. 200 pp. 12° 1938.2 Bonwick, James. Mike Howe, the bushranger of Van Dieman's land 725.28 BOOK 26 BOSTON Shelf. No. Book, A, about boys. Moncrieff, A. R. H. Boston, 1861). 16-^ 926.34 Book, A, about doctors. Jeafifreson, J. C. Leipzig, 1870. '2v.ini. Sq. IG'^ 1238.16 Book about dominies. MoncriefiF, A. R. II. Boston, 1869. 16" 1535.9 Book-keeping. Marsh, C. C. Theory and prac- tise of bank book-keeping. New York, 1864. L. 4° 1720.1 — Tremery, F. Nouveau manuel complet du teneur de livres. Paris, N. D. 24" C819.1 Book, The, of adventure and peril. Bruce, C. Lon- don, 1875. Sm. 8" 426.23 Book, The, of days. Chambers, R. London, N. n. 2 V. 8° *R.R., A.3.7 Book, A, of golden deeds. Yonge, C. M. London, 1870. 16" 1939.1 Book of memories. Hall, S. C. London, 1871. 4". 1231.1 Book, The, of snobs. Thackeray, AV. M. (/n his Miscellanies) 335.13.1 — Same. (In his Works) 513.1.9 Book, The, of the seasons. Ilowitt, W. Philadel- phia, 1831. 12° 1838.3 Books and reading. Porter, N. Books and read- ing; or, what books shall I read and how shall I read them? New York, 1873. Sm. 8" 6134.1 — Putnam, G. P. The best reading. Hints on the selection of books. New York, 1875. 12° 6136,10 — Van Khyn, G. A. F. "What and how to read. New York, 1875. 12° 6136.11 Booksellers. History of booksellers, the old and the new. Curwen, H. London [1873]. 12°.. 5426.16 See also Note in Bulletin, Vol. II, p. 234. Boone, Daniel. Abbott, J. S. C. Daniel Boone the pioneer of Kentucky. New Y'ork, 1872. 12°. . 1014.4 — Bogart, "W. H. Daniel Boone, and the hunters of Kentucky. Boston, 1874 [ccp. 1854]. 16°. 5025.9 BoRBST^DT, A., and Dwyer, F. The Franco-Ger- man war to the catastrophe of Sedan and the fall of Strassburg, With strategical maps, tabu- lar views of marches, plans of battles [etc.]. London, 1873. viii, 701 pp. 8° 5713.2 Border and Bastille. Lawrence, G. A 315.26 Border beagles. Simms, W. G 716.27 Border lines of knowledge in some provinces of medical science. Holmes, 0. W. Boston, 1862. 12° 1522.14 Border reminiscences. Marcy, R. B 413.3 Borderland, The, of science. Proctor, R. A. Lon- don, 1873. 8° 6814.3 Bores, The: a comedy. Moliere, J. B. P. Dra- matic works. Edinburgh, 1875. 8° 5530.3.2 Borgia, Lucrezia, duchess of Ferrora. Gilbert, W. Lucrezia Borgia. A biography. London, 1869. 2v. Sm. 8" 5526.7 — Gregorovius, F. Lucrezia Borgia. Stuttgart, 1874. 8° 5733.6 Borrow, George. The Bible in Spain. 13th edi- tion. New York, 1869. 232 pp. 8° 5931.13 — Lavengro; the scholar — the gipsy — the priest. New York, 1857. 198 pp. 8° 511.4 — Romany Rye; a sequel to "Lavengro." New York, 1867. 141pp. 8° 511.21 — Wild Wales: its people, language, and scenery. 3d edition. London, 1872. viii, 347 pp. Sm. 8°. 5438.6 — The Zincali; or, an account of the gypsies of Spain. New York, 1869. 148 pp. 8" 5931.13 Boscoeel: or, the royal oak. [Historical fiction.] Ainsworth, W. H 339.10 Bosscet, Jacques Benigne. Bossuet and his con- temporaries. Farrar, II. S. London, 1874. Sm. 8° 55 26.14 Bo&Toy, Mass. Auditor. Annual report of the receipts and expenditiires of the city of Boston and the county of Suffolk, 1867-75. Boston, 1868-75. 6 V. 8=* , 6923.1 — Board of health. The sanitary condition of Bos- ton. Report of a medical commission appointeji to investigate the sanitary condition of the city. Boston, 1875. 199 pp. Charts. 8° 6913.6 Shelf. No. Boston, Mass., continued. — Celebration of the centennial anniversary of the battle of Bunker hill [prepared by James M. Bugbee]. With an appendix containing a sur- vey of the literature of the battle, its antecedents and results [by Justin Winsor]. Boston, 1875. Illustrated. 174 pp. L. 8^ 810.10 — History of the introduction of pure water into Boston, with a description of its Cochituato water works. Compiled by [N. J. Bradlee]. Illustrated. Boston, 1868. xxi, 299-f- pp. 8°. C10.2 and 5010.18 — Inaugural address of S. C. Cobb, mayor, Jan. 5, 1874. Boston, 1874. 34 pp. 8^ 6923.11 — Same. Jan. 4, 1875. Boston, 1875. 30 pp. 8°. 6923. 13 — Memorial of Abraham Lincoln. Boston, 1865. 153 pp. L. 8" 5020.4 — Memorial of Daniel Webster. Boston, 1853. viii, 270 pp. Portrait. 1 plate. 8° 1011.4 — Memorial of Edward Everett. Boston, 1865. 315 pp. Portraits. L. 8° 810.9 — Memorial of Joshua Bates. Boston, 1865. 58 pp. Portrait. 1 plate. L. 8° 5031.1 — Memorial of Samuel F. B. Morse. [Boston] 1872. 103-1- pp. 8° 1211.5 and 5023.3 — Memorial of the inauguration of the statue of Franklin. Boston, 1857. 412 pp. 1 plate. 8°. 1211.6 — Municipal register for 1873. Boston, lb73. 278 pp. 8° 1210.1 — Ordinances of the city and acts of the legislature of Massachusetts on municipal subjects passed 1873. Boston, 1874. 251-334 pp. L. 8^ 810.4 — Proceedings, April 17, 1865, on occasion of the death of Abraham Lincoln. Boston, 1865. 35 pp. 8° 5020.6 — Primary schools. Annals of the primary school committee, 1818-55. Compiled by J. M. Wight- man. Boston, 1860. 8° 5010.3 — Public library. Bulletins. Vol. I, ii. No. 1 to 35. Oct., 1867, to Oct., 1875. [Appended to vol. I, The Tosti engravings. Portraits.] Bos- ton, 1871, 75. 2 V. L. 8^ *R.R., D.2.5 Catalogue. Boston, 1854. iv, 180 pp. 8^.*R.R., D.2.8 A chronological index to historical fiction; in- cluding prose fiction, plays and poems. 2d and enlarged edition. Boston, 1875. iv, 32 pp. L. 8°. *Desk Historical fiction. Novels, plays, poems. [Boston, 1871.] 9 pp. L. 8^' *K.R., D.2.4 Index to the catalogue of books in the Bates Hall. Boston, 1861. vii, 902-|- pp. L. 8°. .*R.R., D.2.2 First supplement. Boston, 1866. iv, 718, 21-1- pp. L. 8° *R.R., D.2.3 Index to the catalogue of [books] in the Lower Hall. Boston, 1858. iv, 204 pp. L. 8°. *R.R., D.2.1 Lower Hall. Catalogue of books in the classes of history, biography, and travel, with notes for readers under subject-references. 2d, or consoli- dated edition. Boston, 1873. 304 pp. L. 8°.*R.R., D.2.16 Class list for English prose fiction, including translations and juvenile fiction [and some juvenile works not fiction]. 5th edition. [Bos- ton, 1871.] 76 pp. L. 8° *R.R., D.2.4 Class list for poetry, the drama, rhetoric, elocution, collections, periodicals, and miscelia- neousworks. [Boston, 1870.] 128 pp. L. 8°. *R.R., D.2.4 Class list for works in the arts and sciences. 2d edition. [Boston, 1871.] 71-|- pp. L. 8°. *R.R., D.2.4 Finding list for French, German, and Ital- ian books. [Boston, 1867.] 45 pp. L. 8°.*R.R., D.2.4 Foreign languages. Books arranged by authors, titles, and subjects. 2d edition. [Bos- ton, 1876.] 68 pp. L. 8° *R.R., D.2.20 Miscellaneous documents. Boston, 1851-72. Sm. 8" *R.R., D.2.14 Nineteenth annual report of the trustees. Boston, 1871. 77 pp. 8° *R.R., D.2.9 Peiiodicals currently received; and Works of reference in the Reading Room and at the Desk in pates Hall. [Boston, 1870.] 31pp. L. 8°. ♦R.R., D.2.4 bosto:n- 27 BOSTON Shelf. No. BoSTOV, 3fass. Public library, continued. Points to be consid6rcd in cataloguing, revis- ing, and proof-reading. [Boston, 1870.] 8 pp. L. 8° *K.R., D.2.4 Presentation of a bust and portrait of Joshua Bates, by his daughter, Mrs. Elizabeth van do Wejer. Boston, 18C6. It) pp. L. 8° *R.R., D.2.4 The Prince library. A catalogue of the bot^ks and manuscripts [of] T. Prince, bequeathed to the Old South church, and now deposited in the Public library. Boston, 1870. xvi, 159-f- pp. L. 8° *R.R., D.2.6 Proceedings at the dedication of the building. Boston, 1858. 194 pp. Illustrated. 8'-. 6012.8 and *R.R., D.2.11 Second — nineteenth annual report of the trus- tees. Boston, 18. -2-71. 8" *R.R., D.2.15 The Tosti engravings. [Complete.] Boston, 1873. L. 8° *R.R., D.2.17 Portraits. [Boston, 1871,] 24 pp. L. 8'^. *R.R., D.2.4 and 7 Twentieth annual report of the trustees. Bos- ton, 1872. 8'^ *R.R., D.2.10 East Boston branch. List of books, arranged by authors, titles, and subjects. [Boston, 1871.] 92 pp. 8° *R.K., D.2.4 Roxbury branch. [Documents relating to the establishment of the Roxbury branch and its union with the Fellowes Athenaeum. Boston, 1872, 73.] 8^ 5010.17 and *R.R., D.2.18 — - South Boston branch. List of books, arranged by authors, titles, and subjects. [Boston, 1872.] 72 pp. 8° *R.R., D.2.4 Proceedings at [its] dedication. May 16, 1872. [Boston, 1872.] 22 pp. 8^ *R.R., D.2.13 N<^e. — The best material for the history of the Boston pub- lie library is in tlie series of annual reports, with the Proceed- ings at the dedication of the Cential building. A chanter in the life of George Ticknor [lOlL'.o 2; 5023.10.2. eh. 15] throws liisht upon the history of its formation, and an article in l^cribner's monthly [1438.1.3] epitomizes its history and its methods. — The railroad jubilee. Account of the celebration commemorative of the opening of railroad com- munication between Boston and Canada, Sept. 17-19,1851. Boston, 1852. 288+ pp. Map. 8°. 811.5 and 6923.3 — Reception and entertainment of the Chinese em- bassy. Boston, 1868. 77 pp. 8° 831.2 — Report by the commission appointed to investi- gate the subject of the annexation of certain neighboring cities and towns to the city of Bos- ton. [Boston, 1873.] 131pp. Map. 8- 5010.19 — Report of the commissioners appointed to investi- gate the cause and management of the great fire. Boston, 1873. xxiv, 662 pp. 8° 813.6 — School committee. Annual report, 1857-64, 66-74. Boston, 1858-74. Illustrated. 17 v. L. 8". . .6924.10 Report on drawing. Boston, 1874. 20 pp. 41 plates. 8^ 6213.11 Same. Boston, 1875. 50 pp. 40 plates. 8". 1511.9 — Superintendent of public schools. Twenty-ninth semi-annual report. Boston, 1874. 236-{-pp. 8^^. 6924.6 — Abbott, J. Marco Paul in Boston 914.5 — Description of the Boston water works. Boston, 1848. Sm. 12° 819.3 — Drake, S. A. Old landmarks and historic per- sonages of. Boston, 1873. 12° 5035.3 — Drake, S. G. History and antiquities of, 1630- 1770. Boston, 1856. L. 8° 5010.11 -— Frothingham, R. History of the siege of. Bos- ton, 1851. 8^ 812.6 — Hales, J. G. Survey of Boston and its vicinity. Boston, 1821. 12° 424.21 — Hamilton, .1. W. Memorial of Jesse Lee and the old elm. Boston, 1875. 12" 617.2 — Kidder, F. History of the Boston massacre, MarchS, 1870. Albany, 1870. 8° 5011.4 — Lander, S. AV. Spectacles for young eyes 922.20 — Lawrence, W. R. History of the Boston dispen- sary. Bo8fcon> 1859. 8".i....*4;» ....6032.1 Shelf. No. BoSTOX, Mass., continued. — Loring, J. S. The hundred Boston orators, from 1770 to 1852. Boston, 1853. 8° 5022.9 yote. — Accounts of those who have publicly delivered ora- tions ; with an ii-.troduction. chiefly on the Boston massacre. — Martin, J. G. Twenty-one years in the Boston stock market. Boston, 1856. 8° 1711.1 — Nason, E. Sir Charles Henry Frankland, baronet: or Boston in the colonial times. Albany, 1865. 8^ 5013.15 — Quincy, J. Municipal history of. Boston, 1852. 8° 5011.5 — Savage, E. H. Chronological history of the Bos- ton watch and police, 1861-65; with recollec- tions of a Boston police oflBcer. Boston, 1865. 12°, 5010.7 Police records and recollections; or, Boston by daylight and gaslight for two hundred and forty years. Boston, 1873. 8° ...5013.8 — Shurtleff, N. B. Topographical and historical description of. Boston, 1871. 8° 5010.1 — Warren, J. C. The great tree on the common. Boston, 1855. 8° 411.1 — Wheildon, W. W. Siege and evacuation of. Bos- ton, 1876. 8° 811.19 — Whiting, W. Destruction of Boston harbor. Speech against an application for leave to fill up flats in Mystic river. Boston, 1851. 8° 6923.2 See also Bunker hill, Charleslown, Copp's hill burial ground, Roxbury. Note. — See the Lower Hall Catalogue of history, etc., p. 32, for a survey of the literature of the history of Boston. Drake's History is the most elaborate, but it conies down only to 1770. Frothingliani's Life of Joseph Warren [1010.6] and his "Siege of Boston" [812.()] will continue the story into the beginning of the revolutionary period; and a full account of the authorities for the interval ]761-7t> will be found in the Bulletin for July, 1875. j/ossing's Pictorial tield-book of tiie revolution [810.17] has interest for this period, subse- quent to which, the reader will best depend upon the histories of Massachusetts, like Barry's [812.5]. Quincy's Municipal hisiory of Bost<), reviewed in Atlantic monthly, March, 18(58; ill Saturday review, or Livinjr age, no. 1242. See also preliminary papers on the Amazonian resion in the Atlantic monthly, Alarch and July, 18C!i. Ilartt's book is a special treatise on the geology and physical geography as observed by that expedition. Another exploration was conducted in 1867, under the aus- pices of the Smithsonian institution, and Prof. Orton has furnished an accoimt of their do, his excellent Naturalist . Boston, 1876. 8° 5933.11 BROCK 31 BROWNE Shelf. No. Brock, Mrs. Carey. Sunday echoes in weekday hours. A tale illustrative of the church cate- chism. London, 18-G8. viii, 413 pp. Sm. 8".. 911.2 Brock, Sallie A. Kenneth, my king. A novel.... 735.15 Brock, William. Biographical sketch of Sir He ry Havelock. Leipzig, 1858. xii, 282 pp. Map. Sq. IG^ 1237.3 Brodie, Sir Benjamin Collins. Autobiography. 2d edition. London, 1805. 187+ pp. 1G° 5428.3 — Observations on the diseases of the joints. With alterations and additions. From the 4th London edition. Boston, 1842. 343 pp. S° G023.16 Brodribb, William Jackson, joi7it author. Pliny's letters. -See Church, Alfred 6116.12 Broken chains. Werner, E 732.36 Brokem lights: an inquiry into the present condition and future prospects of religious faith. Cobbo, F. P. Boston, 18G4. 16° 1526.8 Brokkn to harness. Yates, E 318.19 Bromide of potassium. Physiological action of. Amory, H. (In Massachusetts medical society. Publications) 6021.4 Bronchitis. Green, H. Treatise on. New York, 1846. L. 8" 6021.2 — Slade, D. D. Bronchitis and its consequences. (In Massachusetts medical society. Publica- tions) 6021.4 Bronti!;, Anne. (Acton Bell.) Agnes Grey. See BuoNTK, Emily (Jane) 321.24 — The tenant of Wildfell hall .' 738.9 Bront6, Charlotte. (Currer Bell.) Jane Eyre. Leipzig 321.23 — Same. New York-. 735.29 — The professor : 321.20 — Shirley. Leipzig 321.22 — Same. Londoa 728.8 — Villette 32K21 — Life of. Gaskell, E. C. Leipzig, 1857. 2 v. in 1. Sq. 16° 1238.11 — Same. New York, 1857. 2 v. 12^ 1225.29 — Same. London, 1871. 16° 1225.9 Bronte, Emily (Jane). (Ellis Bell.) Wuthering heights. And Agnes Grey. By Acton Bell ... 321.24 Note— For an account of the Bronte novels, besides Mrs. Gaskell's Life, see Peter Bayne's Essays [1226.15.:i]. Brooke, Stopford Augustus. Christ in modern life. Sermons. New York, 1872. viii, 408 pp. Sm. 8° 5814.9 — Freedom in the church of England. Sermons suggested by the Voysey judgment. 2d edition. London, 1871. vi, 109+ pp. 16° 5816.9 — Life and letters of Frederick W. Robertson. Boston, 1865. 2 v. Portrait. 12° 1225.7 — Sermons preached in St. James's chapel, York street, London. Boston, 1869. viii, 323 pp. Sm. 8° 5815.4 Brookes, The, of Bridiemere. Melville, G. J. W. 321.19 Brookline, Mass. Proceedings at the dedication of the town hall, Feb. 22, 1873. Brookline, 1873. 64 pp. L. 8° 5011.12 Brookline, Jamaica Plain, and West Roxbury di- rectory for 1873-74. Boston, 1873. 174-|- pp. Map. 8° *K.R., E.2.9 Brooks, Charles. Family prayer book, and private manual: added forms for religious societies and schools. With a collection of hymns. New edition. Boston, 1853. 268 [366] pp. 12° .. .5815.18 — History of Medford, Mass., 1630-1855. Boston, 1855. viii, 576 pp. Illustrated. Portrait. 8°. 5013. 16 Brooks, (Charles) Shirley. Aspen court 638.7 — The silver cord 3 10.6 — Sooner or later 3 10.5 Brooks, Frederick. Sermons. Boston, 1876. v, 299 pp. Portrait. 16° 6325.16 Brooks, James. A seven months' run, up, and down, and around the world. New York, 1872. xiv, 375 pp. Map. Sm. 8° 423.12 Brooks, Maria Gowen. Z6phiel; or, the bride of seven. [Poem.] Boston, 1833. viii, 261 pp. 16° 1618.3 Shelf. No. Brooksville, Maine, History of. AVheeler, G. A. Bangor, 1875. 8' 813.2 Brougham, Henry, lord. Works. Edinburgh, 1872. 11 V. 2 plates. Portrait. Fac-similo. 16°.. . 5614.4 Contents. — Xol. I. Lives of pliilosopliers of the time of George III. .II. Men of letters of tue time of George HI. 111-v. Statesmen of the time of George in and iv. VI. Natural theology; Dialogues on instinct; Observations on the structure of the cells of bees; Fossil osteology. VIL Dissertations and addresses — rhetorical and litcrarv. VIII. Dissertations — historical and political. IX, X. Speeches. XI. Ihe British constitution. — Life and times, written by himself. New York, 1871,72. 3 V. Facsimile. 12° 5425.2 Brougham, John. A basket of chips. New York, 1855. 408 pp. Wood-cut. 12° 1522.13 — The great tragic revival: [a drama]. New York, N. D. 10 pp. 12° 1635.5 — The musard ball: an extravaganza. New York, N.D. 12pp. 12« 1G35.5 — Neptune's defeat: [a comedy]. New York, n. d. 24pp. 12° 1635.5 — Shakespeare's dream: an historic pageant. New York, N. D. 7 pp. 12° 1635.5 — Take care of little Charley: a farce. New York, N.D. 14 pp. 12° 1635.5 Brought to the front. Kellogg, E 938.10 Broughton, Rhoda. Cometh up as a flower. An autobiography 311.30 — Nancy. Leipzig. 2v 329.14 — Same. New York 725.34 — Not wisely, but too well 3 10.2 — Red as a rose is she 310.1 — Tales for Christmas eve 319.8 Brown, Charles Brockden. Prescott, W. H. Bio- graphical and critical essays. London, 1856. 16° 1537.8 — Same. Philadelphia, 1875. 12° 5237.3 — Sparks, J. Library of American biography 5028.1.1 Note. — See Allibone and the paper on early American novelists in the Atlantic monthly, April, 187(5. Brown, Henry T. Five hundred and seven mechan- ical movements, including many never before published, and several which have only recently come into use. New York, 1871. 122 pp. Hlustrated. Sm. 4° 1525.16 Brown, John. The Northern courts; containing memoirs of the sovereigns of Sweden and Den- mark, since 1766. London, 1818. 2 v. Por- trait. 8° 6713.1 Brown, John, M. D. Horae subsecivae. Rab and his friends and other papers. Leipzig, 1862. vii,340-f pp. Sq.l6° 311.29 — Marjorie Fleming. Boston, 1864. 47 pp. 12°. 916.32 — Same. (/« Johnson, (E.) R. Little classics). .529.4.10 — Rab and his friends. (/« Johnson, (E.) R. Little classics) 529.4.4 — Spare hours. Boston, 1873. 2 v. Portrait and illustrations. Sm. 8° 537.5 Note. — " Spare hours " contains nearly the same matter as " Ilorae subsecivae." Brown, Richard. Domestic architecture. 63 plates. London [1842]. xii, 342 pp. Portrait. 4°..- 6220.3 Brown, Samuel Oilman. Life of Rufus Choate. 2d edition. Boston, 1870. xvi, 468 pp. Portrait. Sm. 8° 5025.1 Brown, Thomas. On the credibility of miracles. (In Noyes, G. R. Collection of theological essays) 6325.12 Brown, William Wells. The rising son; or the ante- cedents and advancement of the colored race. Boston, 1874. 55 2-[- pp.. Portrait. 8° 814.6 Brown-Si^quard, Charles Edouard. Lectures on the physiology and pathology of the central ner- vous system. Philadelphia, 18G0. xii, 276 pp. 8° 6022.U Browne, Charles Farrar. The genial showman. Reminiscences of Artemus Ward, llingston, E. P. New York, 1870. 8° ...1211.9 Browne, Daniel Jay. The trees of America, native and foreign. Illustrated. New York, 1846. xii, 620 pp. L. 8° 6621.1 BROWITE 32 BUECHNER Shelf. No. Browne, John Ross. Adventures in tho Apache country: a tour through Arizona and Sonora, with notes on the silver regions of Nevada. Illustrated. New York, 1871. 535 pp. 12°.. 415.13 — An American family in Germany. Illustrated. New York, 1871. 381pp. 12° 424.18 — Crusoe's island: a ramble in the footsteps of Alexander Selkirk. With sketches of adventure in California and Washoe. New York, 1872. 436 pp. Map and illustrations. 12° 415.12 — The land of Thor. Illustrated. New York, 1870. 642pp. 12° 424.17 — Report on the mineral resources of the states and territories west of the Rocky mountains. See United States. Department of the treasury ... 6631.6 Browne, Sir Thomas. Religio medici and other papers. Boston, 1872. xviii, 440 pp. Portrait. 16^ 5617.16 Browning, Elizabeth Barrett. Poems. From the last London edition, corrected by the author. New York, 1862. 4 v. 16° 1612.4 Conienis. — Vol. I. A drama'of exile; The"seraphlm ; Pro- metheus bound, from the Greek of ^schylus; Lament lor Adonis, from tlie Greek of Bion: Vision ut poets; The poet's vow; The romaunt of iMargret; Isobel's cliild; The romaunt of tlie page; The lay of the brown rosary; Romance of the Ganges; Khyme of the duchess May; Miscellaneous. II. Miscellaneous; Sormets; Casa Guida windows. III. Aurora Leigh; Miscellaneous. IV. Memorial, by T. Tilton ; Last poems; Translations. Aurora Leigh. Sq. 16° A selection from [her] poetry. tion. Leipzig, 1872. 318 pp. [Poem.] Leipzig, 1872. 334 pp. 1614.15 Copyright edi- Sq. 16° 1613.21 Note. — Sec Stedman's Victorian poets [1837.1]: Smiles's Brief biographies [1024.13]: Bayne's Essays [122(i.l5.1]; Chorlcy's Keniiniscences in the Bric-a-brac series [ 1828.2] ; Kate Field's paper on English authors in Florence, in the Atlantic monthly, Dec, 18(34; Allibone's Dictionary, etc. Browning, Robert. Poetical works. With por- trait. Leipzig, 1872. 2 v. in 1. Sq. 16° 1613.13 Contents. — A soul's tragedy ; Luria; Christmas-eve and Easter-day ; Men and women ; In a balcony ; Dramatis per- sona; ; Dramatic romances. — Fifine at the fair, and other poems. Boston, 1872. 280-1- pp. 16° 1615.22 — Red cotton night-cap country; or, turf and towers. [Poems.] Boston,1873. 220 pp. 12*= 1617.4 A'o^e.— See Smiles's Brief biographies [1024.13]; Stedman's Victorian poets [18J7.1]; Allibone's Dictionary, etc. Brownlow, William Gannaway. Sketches of the rise, progress, and decline of secession. Phila- delphia, 1862. 458 pp. Portrait. 12° 815.3 Brownlows. Oliphant, M. (0. W.) 531.27 Bruce, Charles, editor. The book of adventure and peril : a record of heroism and endurance on seaandland. Illustrated. London, 1875. vii, 600 pp. Sm. 8° 426.23 Bruce, James, earl of Elgin. Narrative of [his] mission to China and Japan. Oliphant, L. New York, 1860. 8° 421.2 Bruce, James, Scottish traveller. Travels. See Eng- lish explorers. London, 1875. Sm. 8° 5927.9 Bruhns, Carl, editor. Life of Alexander von Hum- boldt. Compiled by J. Lowenberg, R. Ave- Lallemant, and A. Dove. Translated from the German by J. and C. Lassell. With portrait[s]. London, 1873. 2 v. 8° 5723.1 Bruin: the grand bear hunt. Reid, M 937.22 Brun, Friederike (Sophie Christiana). Romisches Leben. Leipzig, 1833. 2 v. 2 plates. 16°.. 2027.2 Brunel, Isambard. Life of Isambard Kingdom Brunei, civil engineer. London, 1870. xxviii, 668 pp. Portrait. 8° 1221.7 and 5422.7 Brunel, Isambard Kingdom, Life of. Brunei, I. London, 1870. 8° 1221.7 and 5422.7 Bruno. Abbott, J. Harper's story books 936.1.1 Brush, George Jarvis, joint author. A system of mineralogy. See Dana, James Dwight 6630.2 Bruyere, Jean de la. Les caractdies [de Theo- phraste, avec les moeurs de ce siecle]. Paris, 1816. 3v. Portraik. 12° 5537.7 Shelf. No. Bryant, William Cullen. Letters from the East. New York, 1869. 256 pp. Illustrated. 12°.. 424.9 — Letters of a traveller; or, notes of things seen in Europe and America. New York, lb70. 442 pp. Portrait. 12° 5915.9 — Orations and addresses. New York, 1873. 393-|- pp. Portrait. 12° 1926.1 — Poems. New York, 1871. 363 pp. Sm. 12°. .. 1616.1 — editor. Picturesque America; or, the land we live in. New York loop. 1872, 73]. 2 v. 4° 5030.9 — translator. The Iliad of Homer. Translated into English blank verse. See Homerus 6111.3 The Odyssey of Homer. Translated into English blank verse. *See Homerus 6111.1 Bryce, James. The holy Roman empire. 4th edi- tion. London, 1873. xxvii, 479 pp. Sm. 8°. .5814.19 Bubbles from the Brunnen of Nassau. Head, Sir F. B. London, 1866. 12° 425.2 Buccaneer, The. Hall, A. M 727.22 Buchan, William. Domestic medicine. Boston, 1809. 629-f pp. 8° 6034.2 Buchanan, Claudius, Life and writings of. Pear- son, U. Boston, 1818. 12° 1227.8 Buchanan, James. Mr. Buchanan's administration on the eve of the rebellion. New York, 1866. 296 pp. 8° 813.8 Buchanan, Robert. The land of Lome, including the cruise of the " Tern " to the outer Hebrides. London, 1871. 2 v. 12° 424.11 — Life and adventures of John James Audubon, the naturalist. From materials supplied by his widow. 3d edition. London, 1869. viii, 366 pp. Portraits. 8° 6023.7 — Master-spirits. London, 1873. 349-f- pp. 8°.. 6134.2 Buchheim, Charles A. Deutsche Lyrik. With notes and a literary introduction. London, 1875. XX, 415 pp. Portrait. Sm. 8° 2028.7 BiJCHNER, (Friedrich Carl Christian) Ludwig. See Buechner, (Friedrich Carl Christian) Ludwig. Buckingham, Joseph Tinker. Annals of the Massa- chusetts charitable mechanic association. 432 pp. Boston, 1853. 8° 6914.1 — Specimens of newspaper literature: with personal memoirs, anecdotes, and reminiscences. Bos- ton, 1850. 2 V. Portraits. 12° 1913.1 BucKLAND, Frank. Log-book of a fisherman and zoologist. Illustrated. London, 1875. xiv, 407-4- PP- 8° 6614.12 Buckle, Henry Thomas. Essays. With a biographi- cal sketch of the author. New York, 1869. 209 pp. 1*2° 1915.3 — Miscellaneous and posthumous worksT Edited with a biographical notice by H. Taylor. Lon- don, 1872. 3 V. 8° 5633.1 Contents. — Vol. I. Miscellaneous works published during the author's lifetime. II, III. Common-place books. — History of civilization in England. New edition. London, 1872. 3 v. 16° 5417.1 BucKMiNSTER, Joscph, Mcmoirs of. Lee, E. B. Boston, 1849. 12° 5025.10 — Same. 2d edition. Boston, 1851. 12° 1213.2 BucKMiNSTER, Joseph Stevens. Sermons. Boston, 1829. 338 pp. 8° 6322.3 — Works ; with memoirs of his life [by S. C. Thacher]. Boston, 1839. 2 v. 12°. 5814.16 and 6325.13 — Memoirs of. Lee, E. B. Boston, 1849. 12°. . .5025.10 — Same. 2d edition. Boston, 1851. 12° 1213.2 Buddhism. Eitel, E. J. Buddhism: its historical, theoretical and popular aspects. London, 1873. 8° 6613.5 — Mueller, (F.) M. Lectures on the science of religion; with a paper on Buddhist nihilism, and a translation of the Dhammapada or " Path of virtue." New York, 1872. Sm. 8° 5616.2 Note. — Sec also Clarke's "Ten great religions" [1523.2], and liistories of India in general. BuECHNER, (Friedrich Carl Christian) Ludwig. Man in the past, present and future. From the Ger- man, by W. S. Dallas. London, 1872. xv, 363 pp. 8° 6613.3 BUEL 33 BUNGENKR Shelf. No. BuEL, Jesse. The farmer's companion. Boston, 1839. 303 pp. 12° 1527.13 Buffalo land. Webb, W. E. Cincinnati, 1872. 8°. 5032.2 Buffets. Doe, C. H. Boston, 1875. 8° 721.9 BuGBEE, James M. Account of the battle of Bunker hill. See Holmes, 0. W., and others. Memo- rial. Bunker hill 810.8 — Celebration of the centennial anniversary of Bunker hill. See BoSTOi'torical outline of the contro- versy respecting the text of the three heavenly witnesses. (/« Sparks, J. Collection of essays and tracts in theology) 1918.9.2 BuTLEK. Francos (Anne). See Kemble, Frances (Anne). BUTLER 36 CALIFORNIA Shelf. No. Butler, Frederick. Complete history of the United States to 1820. Hartford, 1821. 3 v. Por- traits. 8° 812.9 — Sketches of universal history. 3d edition. Hart- ford, 1821. 407 pp. Illustrated. 12° 817.9 Butler, Joseph, Biography of. Rogers, H. (In Macaulay, T. B., lord, and others. New biogra- phies of illustrious men) 6428.4 Butler, Samuel. Poetical works. Boston, 1873. 2 V. Portrait. [The British poets.] 16^^ 5628.6 Butler, W. F. The wild north land: being the Story of a winter journey, with dogs, across North America. With illustrations and route map. London, 1874. x,358-f-pp. Portrait. 8°. 5032.3 Butler, William. The land of the Veda; together with the incidents of the great Sepoy rebellion. With a map, 42 illustrations, tables of Christian missions, and a glossary of Indian terms. New York, 1872. 550 pp. 8" 5931.1 Butler, William Allen. Mrs. Limber's raffle; or, a church fair and its victims 718.5 Butterfly hunters. The. Conant, H. S 933.1 Buttresses, Experimental essays on the principles of construction in. Bland, W. London, 1867. 12°. 1716.6 By and by. Maitland, E 737.22 By still waters. Mayo, I. F 724.8 Byerley, Thomas, and Robertson, James Craigie. (Sholto and Reuben Percy.) The Percy anec- dotes. Revised edition. Added, American an- ecdotes. Illustrated with portraits. New York, 1858. 2v.ini. 8° 1231.3 Byr, Robert, pseud. See Bayer, Carl Robert. Byrne, Oliver. Spons' dictionary of engineering, civil, mechanical, military, and naval; with technical terms in French, German, Italian, and Spanish. London, 1869-71. 6 v. L. 8°. .*R.R., E.2.1 Byron, George Gordon Noel, lord. Works. 2d edi- tion. AVith portrait. Leipzig, 1866. 5 v. Sq. 16° 1614.12 Contents. — yo\. I. Don Juan. II. Childe Harold's pil- priniage; The giaour; The corsair; Lara; The siege of Cor- inth; Parisiiia; The prisoner of Cliillon; Mazeppa; Beppo. III. The bride of Abydos ; The island; Hours of idleness; English bards and Scotch reviewers ; The age of bronze; Hints from Horace; The curse of Minerva; The waltz; The lament cfTasso; Ode on "Venice; The propheev of Dante; Ode to Napoleon Buonaparte; Monody on the death of R. B. Sheri- dan; The dream; The vision of judgment; The Morgante Maggiore of Pulci ; Francesca of Rimini ; Tlie blues. IV. Hebrew melodies; Domestic pieces ; Occasional pieces ; Man- fred; Cain; The deformed transformed; Heaven and earth. V. Marino Faliero ; The two Foscari ; Sardauapalus ; Werner ; A fragment; Parliamentary speeches. — English bards and Scotch reviewers; a satire. Added, An ode to Bonaparte. Boston, 1814. 72pp. 12° 1619.2 — The giaour, a fragment of a Turkish tale. Phil- adelphia, 1813. 53 pp. 12° 1619.1 — Letters and journals: with notices of his life. By Thomas Moore. New York, 1868. 2 v. 8°... 5631.4 — Lord Byron. A biography. Elze, C. (F.) London, 1872. Sm. 8° 5423.3 Note. — Moore's Life is the chief authoritative one, and it gave rise to Alacaulay's essay [1918.4]. Recollections by George Ticknor and Edward Everett are given inAllibone. His English home is described in Irving's Newstead abbey [715.5]; in the Atlantic montlily, bv Mrs. Waterslon, Feb., 1864; and m Harper's monthly, vol.21 See recollections by Leigh Hunt, in Harpers monthly, vol. 1: also see vol. 3; and by J. H. Siddons, in vol. 26. In Allibone and in Poole's Index will be found references to contemporarv criticism, for which Bee also Jettrey's essays [5610.8]; Whipple's Essays [1936.2.1]; and Kingsley s New miscellanies [153:3.8]. There is a French estimate in Taine's English literature [5613.1.2]. The life by Elze is a German view, based on latest information. See illustrative matter in H. C. Robinson's Diary [5425.3]; in George Ticknor's Life [1012.5; 5023.10]; and in the lives of his contemporaries Shelley, Southey, Moore, Wordsworth, Irving, etc. By-ways of Europe. Taylpr, (J.) B. New York, 1872. Sm. 8° 224.4 Cabin, The, on the prairie. Pearson, C. H 937.18 Cabot, Sebastian, Life of. Hayward, C. (In Sparks, J. Library of American biography) . .5028.1.9 CiESAR, Caius Julius. Commentaries on the Gallic and civil wars. Literallv translated. London, 1872. iv, 572 pp. Portrait. Sm. 8° 6115.5 — The commentaries of Caesar [outlined and ex- plained]. Trollope, A. Edinburgh, 1870. 16° 6116 5 Shelf. No. C.«;SAR, Caius Julius, continued. — Quae extant. Interpretatione et notis illustravit Johannes Godvinus. Novi Eboraci, 1820. v, 421pp. 8° 6114.1 — Abbott, J. History of 914.23 — Napoleon iii. History of. New York, 1866. 2 V. 8° 552L1 Note. — The life by the late emperor of the French, though presenting new information, particularly of the ancient topog- raphy of Gaul, is considered rather a laudation and exposi- tion of Ctesarium than a wholly trustworthy life of the Roman conqueror. It ends with the passage of the Rubicon. Abbott's account is a popular one. See also Plutarch's Lives [5932.5]. On the question of the blame of Caesar or Brutus, see Seelcy's Roman imperialism [5616.3]. See Rome, wofe.and particularly Mommsen's History of Rome [.WlO.l], and Meri- vale's History of the Romans [.5515.3, vol. 1 and 2]. C^SARS,The. DeQuincey, T. Boston, 1873. 12°. 1825.10 Caged lion. The. Yonge, CM 318.12 Cagnoni, Antonio. Don Bucefalo. (In Ditson, 0., and CO. Standard opera librettos) 6233.3.1 Caius, a presbyter of Rome. See Hippolytus, St. Calderon de la Barca, Frances Erskine. Life in Mexico, reviewed. Prescott, W. H. Biograph- ical and critical essays. London, 1856. 16°... 1537.8 — Same. Philadelphia, 1875. 12° 5237.3 Calderon, the courtier. A tale. Bulwer-Lytton, E. (G. E.) L 5618.5 Caldkrwood secret. The. Johnson, V. W 721.6 Caldor, M. T. Social charades, and parlor operas. Boston, 1873. 1G9 [167] pp. 16- 1516.10 Caldwell, Charles. Discourse on the genius and character of Horace Holley. With appendix. Boston, 1828. viii, 294 pp. Portrait. 8° 1530.3 Caleb Krinkle. Coflfin, C. C 733.1 Caleb W^illiams, Adventures of. Godwin, W. Bos- ton 521.22 — Same. New York. 2v 536.5 Calhoun, John Caldwell. (See Parton, J. Famous Americans of recent times. Boston, 1871. 8°. 1214.14 Caliban: the missing link. Wilson, D. London, 1873. 8° 1533.15 California. Geological survey. [By] J, D. Whit- ney. The Yosemite guide-book. With maps. [Cambridge], 1871. 133 pp. 16° 5039.1 — Browne, J. R. Crusoe's island. With sketches of adventure in. New York, 1872. 12° 415.12 — Burton, R. F. The city of the saints, and across the Rocky mountains to. New York, 1862. 8°. 412.2 — Colton, W. Three years in. New York, 1851. 12°. 414.16 — Cronise, T. F. The natural wealth of. San Fran- cisco, 1868. L. 8° 5031.5 — Dunbar, E. E. The romance of the age; or, the discovery of gold in. New York, 1867. 12°... 815.9 — Fremont, J. C. Exploring expedition to. Au- burn, 1854. 12° 414.14 — Greenhow, R. History of. Boston, 1845. 8°.. 810.2 — Howland, E. With the Count de Beauvoir in. (/ra Many lands and many people) 431.3 — Lippincott, S. J. New life in new lands: notes of travel. New York, 1873. 12° 214.1 — Marcy, R. B. The prairie traveler, A handbook for overland expeditions. New York, 1859. 16°. 417.7 — Mitchell, S. A. Map, etc., of. Philadelphia, 1846. Sm. 12° 418.7 — Marryat, F. Narrative of the travels and adven- tures of Monsieur Viollet in. [Fiction] 337.7 — NordhofiF, C. California: for health, pleasure, and residence. New York, 1873. 4° 5031.2 Northern California, Oregon, and the Sandwich Islands. New York, 1874. 8° 432.5 — Patterson, L. B. Twelve years in the mines of. Cambridge, 1862. 12° 417.3 — Soule, F., Gihon, J. H., and Nisbet, J. Annals of San Francisco; containing a summary of the history of. New York, 1855. 8° 810.3 — Taylor, (J.) B. Eldorado; or, adventures in the path of empire. New York, 1864. 12° 425.6 — Wise, H. A. Los Gringos; or, an inside view of. New York, 1849. 12° 435.4 yote. — For the early history, see Greenhow, 1844, and Sould's Annals of San Francisco. See also Dana's Two years before the mast [918.1 ; 50.!7.1]. For resources, see Cronise, etc. ; articles on wine-making in Atlantic monthly, May, 1861, and Harper's monthly, vul. 29, CALIFORNIA 37 CARDINAL California, continued. and the State geological survey [see Bates Hall catalogues], out of which grew King's Mountaineering in tlie Sierra Nevada [4ia.l]. , ,. , . , xt , For description, the most popular book is, perhaps, Nord- hotf's; see also Harper's montlilv, vol.44; but see also chap- ters ill Whyniper's Alaska [.lOSo.!]; Ludlow's Heart of the continent [413.4] ; Carleton's New way [4;«.]]; Prime's Round the world [23a.l]; Kevere's Keel and saddle [5914.3]; and papers in Harper's monthly, vol. 11; vol. 'M (on gold); vol. 21 (J. T. Headlev, Overland to California) ; vols. 23, 24 and 27 ; vols. 37 and 38 (J. Ross Browne) ; and vol. 45. For the period of the gold discovery, see Fremont's report as epitomized in Uphara's Life of Fremont [1214.tj]. and General Sherman's experiences, 184G-57, iu his Memoirs [1212.3.1; 6024.5.1]. For the aboriginal period, see the summarized knowledge of Bancroft's Native races of the Pacific states [5920.4]. Calisthenics, Physiology and. Beocher, C. E. New York, 1858. 16° 6038.2 Calixtus, or Callistus, ;jope. See Hippolytus, St. Calkins, Marshall. Trichina spiralis in Springfield. (In Massachusetts medical society. Publica- tions) 6021.4 Calkins, N. A. Primary object lessons for a grad- uated course of development. With lessons for the proper training of the faculties of children. 4th edition. New York, 1862. 362+ pp. Illustrated. 12° 1535.4 Call, A, to the unconverted. Baxter, R. New Yosk, 1831. Sm. 12° 5818.15 Called to account. Cudlip, A 317.15 Callista. [Historical fiction.] Newman, J. H. .. . 319.9 Caloric. Metcalfe, S. L. Philadelphia, 1869. 2 v. 8° 5832.1 Calverly, C. S. Leisure hour series. Fly leaves. [Poems.] New York, 1872. vi, 233 pp. 16°. 1617.3 Calvert, George Henry. Goethe: his life and works. Boston, 1872. 276 pp. 16° 1027.2 Calvin, or Cauvin, Jean. Dyer, T. H. Life of. London, 1850. 8° 5812.12 — Guizot, F. (P. G.) Great Christians of France. [London, 1869.] Sm. 8° 5937.6 Cambodia, Asia. The land of the white elephant. Vincent, ¥.,jr. New York, 1874. 8° 5923.7 Cambridge, England. Oxford and Cambridge: their colleges, memories, and associations. Arnold, F. London [1874]. Sm. 4° 5433.2 — University. Five years in an English university. Bristed, C. A. New York, 1873. 12° 5835.1 Cambridge, 3Iass., Poetic localities of. Stillman, W.J. Boston, 1876. Sm. 4° 523L1 See also Harvard college. Camden, William. See Lawrence, E. Lives of the British historians. New York, 1855. 12°. . . . 1224.7.1 Cameos from English history. Yonge, C. M. Lon- don, 1869. 2 V. 16° 826.12 Cameron, Charles A. The chemistry of food in relation to the breeding and feeding of live stock. London, 1868. viii, 253+ pp. 1 plate. 16°.. 6437.1 Cameron pride, The. Holmes, M. J 534.9 Camille: or, the fate of a coquette. Dumas, A., the 733.15 AlcoVt* lVmV .* .' .*." .* .* .' .* .* .* 926.13 Camp-fires of the revolution. Watson, H. C. New York, 1869. 8° 811.4 Campaign series. See Alger, Horatio, ^r. Campaigns, The, of Napoleon Buonaparte, from the siege of Toulon to his death. [Also] an account of the French revolution. Compiled from dis- tinguished authors. By an American. With engravings. Boston, 1840. 422, x pp. 8°... 825.7 Campbell, George. The philosophy of rhetoric. New edition, with the author's last additions and cor- rections. New York, 1868. 435 pp. 12° 1533.5 Campbell, George Douglas, duke of Argyll. lona. London, 1870. 141+ PP- Illustrated. Sm. 8°. 427.9 — Primeval man. London, 1869. ix, 200 pp. Folded plate. 16° 5916.6 — The reign of law. 2d American from the 5th London edition. New York [1869]. xxvii, 462 pp. 16° 1525.15 Campbell, Hugh. Nervous exhaustion and the diseases induced by it. With observations on the origin and nature of nervous force. Lon- don, 1873. viii, 195 pp. Sm. 8° 6036.8 younger Camp and fireside stories. Shelf. No. Campbell, John, lord. Lives of the lord chancellors and keepers of the great seal of England, from the earliest times till the reign of George iv. 5th edition. London, 1868. 10 v. Sm. 8° 5427.9 Campbell, John. Negro-mania: being an examina- tion of the falsely assumed equality of the various races of men. Philadelphia, 1851. 549 pp. 12° 6614.7 Campbell, Thomas. Life and letters. Edited by W. Beattie. 2d edition. London, 1850. 3 v. Portraits. Fac-simile. Sm. 8° 5622.3 — Poetical works. New edition, with illustrations. Boston, 1873. viii, 260 pp. 16° 1615.12 — Personal recollections of. Stoddard, R. H. Bric- k-brac series 1828.0 — Review of [his] " Lectures on Greek poetry." See Reviews, etc 1536.23 CAMPING-O0T, The, series. See Stevens, Charles Asbury. Can wrong be right ? Hall, A. M 311.8 Can you forgive her ? Trollope, A 330.7 Canada. Adams, A. L. Field and forest rambles, with notes and observations on the natural his- tory of eastern Canada. London, 1873. 8°... 6613. 11 — Medley, J. G. An autumn tour in the United States and Canada. London, 1873. Sm. 8° . . . 5036.6 — Moodie, S. (S.) Life in the clearings versus the bush. New York [1853]. 12° 414.8 Roughing it in the bush; or, life in. New York, 1852. 2 v. 12° 414.12 Same. 2v.ini 414.9 — Parkman, F., jr. The old regime in. Boston, 1874. 12° 5015.5.4 — Thoreau, H. D. A Yankee in. Boston, 1872. 12° 225.2 Canary bird fancier. The. By a fancier. With directions for the care of native and exotic song- sters. 8th American edition. New York, 1846. 72pp. 12° 1519.5 Cancelled will, The. Dupuy, E. A 522.16 Candle, Chemical history of a. Faraday, M. New York, 1861. 16°...' 1717.1 Candlish, Robert Smith. Sermons. With a bio- graphical preface. New York, 1874. xxiii, 315 pp. 16° 6326.23 Canning, George. See Bulwer, Sir H. L. (E.) Historical characters. Leipzig, 1868. Sq. 16°. 1238.14 Canoe, The, and the saddle. Winthrop, S. Boston, 1873. 12° 537.19 Canoe travelling. Powell, W. B. London, 1871. Sm. 8° f 5934.8 Canwright, D. M. History of the doctrine of the immortality of the soul. Battle Creek, 1871. 184 pp. 12° 6328.11 Cape Cod. [Descriptive essays.] Thoreau, H. D. Boston, 1873. 16° 215.2 Cape Cod and all along shore. Nordhoff, C. New York, 1868. 12° 536.27 Cape op Good Hope. Last letters from Egypt. Added letters from the Cape. Gordon, L. A., lady Duff. London, 1875. Sm. 8° 436.5 Capen, Nahum. History of democracy: or, political progress, historically illustrated, from the earli- est to the latest periods. With portraits. Vol. i. Hartford, 1874. 8° 6332.3 Capen family. Thayer, E. Family memorial. Hingham, 1835. 8° 611.2 Caprice, Un. Musset, (L. C.) A. de. Comedies et proverbes. Paris, 1867. 12° 5534.4.2 Caprices, Les, de Marianne. Musset, (L. C.) A. de. Comedies et proverbes. Paris, 1867. 12°. 5534.4.1 Captain Brand of the " Centipede." Wise, H. A.. . 720.6 Captain Horace. Clarke, R. S 927. 1 Captain Jack. MacKnight, C 923.5 Captain's, The, not a-miss: a farce. Wilks, T. E. Now York, N.D. 12° 1635.5 Captain's, The, story. Davis, R. H. (In Johnson, (E.) R. Little classics) 529.4.2 Cardelli, — , pseud. See Duval, Henri. Cardinal Pole: or, the days of Philip and Mary. An historical romance. Ainsworth, W. H 322.19 CARDS 38 CASEY Shelf. No. Cards. Frickell, G. One thousaDd tricks with cards. New York [co;j. 18G9]. 12^ 1515.15 — Parlor tricks with cards. New York Icop. 1863]. 16" 1516.23 Caee, Henry, compiler, English liberties, or the free-born subject's inheritance. With additions, by W. N. 5th edition. Boston, 1721. 288-|- pp. 12" 828.4 Careless Kate. Adams, W. T 918.4 Carev, Annie. Threads of knowledge, drawn from a cambric handkerchief; a Brussels carpet; a print dress; a kid glove; a sheet of paper. Lon- don [1872]. 16G-f.pp. Illustrated. Sq. 16". 6438.1 Carky, Rosa Nouchette. Wooed and married 733.17 Carey's library of choice literature. The literary chronicle. Part 1, 2. Philadelphia, 1836. 2 v. in 1. 8" 6730.42 Caricature and grotesque in literature and art. History of. Wright, T. London [1864]. Sm. 4°. 6923.4 Caricature history of the Georges. Wright, T. London [1867]. Sm. 8" 5415.5 Carion, Carl Stellwag von. Treatise on the diseases of the eye. Translated from the 3d German edition and edited by C. E. Hackley and D. B. St. J. Roosa. With appendix. Illustrated. 2d American edition. New York, 1868. xiv, 774 pp. 8" 6022.12 Carl and Jocko. Abbott, J. Harper's story books. 936.1.10 Carl<5n, Emilia Flygare. Ivar. Erom the original Swedish, by A. L. Krause 521.16 — "Lavinia;" or, one year. From the original Swedish, by A. L. Krause and E. Perce 533.9 Carleton, Will. Farm ballads. - Illustrated. New York, 1873. 108 pp. 8" 1621.1 — Farm legends. [Poems.] Illustrated. New York, 1876. 131 pp. 8" 1621.3 Carleton, William. The black baronet 524.1 — The evil eye 524.2 — Neal Malone. {In Johnson, (E.) R. Little classics) 529.4.5 — Parra Sastha; or, the history of Paddy Go-easy and his wife Nancy 518.4 — Redmond, count O'Hanlon, the Irish rapparee. [Also] Barney Brady's goose 518.5 — Selection from. See Half hours with Irish authors. New York, 1873. 12° 737.9 — Traits and stories of the Irish peasantry. New edition. With the author's latest corrections, an introduction, and explanatory notes 524.17 — Willy Reilly, and his dear Coleen bawn 624.3 Note. — A popular novelist of Irish life and manners. " Garlkto^" pseud. See Coffin, Charles Carleton. Carlisle, Earl of. See Howard, George William Frederick. Carlos, Don. Schiller, (J. C.) F. von. Werko. Stuttgart, 1865. 8" 5734.1.3 Carlyle, Thomas. Critical and miscellaneous essays. New edition. New York, 1876. Portrait. 568 pp. [Modern British essayists.] 8" 5610.7 — The early kings of Norway: also An essay on the portraits of John Knox. New York, 1875. 257 pp. Portraits. 12" 627.3 — The French revolution: a history. Leipzig, 1851. 3 v. in 1. Sq. 16" 838.10 — Same. London, 1871. 3v.ini. Sq. 16° 827.1 — Heroes, hero-worship and the heroic in history. London, 1872. 235-}- pp. Sq. 16" 1535.19 — History of Friedrich ii of Prussia, called Frederick the great. Leipzig, 1858-65. 13 v. in 7. Sq. 16° 1237.1 — Latter-day pamphlets. [1850.] New York, 1872. 2994- pp. Sq. 16" 1535.18 — Life of Friedrich Schiller: comprehending an ex- amination of his works. Leipzig, 1869. 344 pp. Sq. 16" 1238.19 — Oliver Cromwell's letters and speeches. Leipzig, 1861. 4v.in2. Sq. 16" 1238.1 — Sartor resartus. London [1831]. 228-}- pp. Portrait. Sm. 8° 5838.6 Carmen's inheritance. Fisher, F. C 520.4 Shelf. No. Carmosine. Musset, (L. C.) A. de. Comedies et proverbes. Paris, 1867. 12" 5534.2 Carne, Louis de. Travels in Indo-China and the Chinese empire. From the French. With a notice of the author by Count de Came. Lon- don, 1872. xxi, 365 pp. Map. Illustrations. 8" 593L9 Carnegie, James, earl of Southesk. Saskatchewan and the Rocky mountains. A diary and narra- tive of travel, sport, and adventure, during a journey through the Hudson's bay company's ter- ritories, in 1859 and I860. With maps and il- lustrations. Edinburgh, 1875. xxx, 448 pp. 8" 5931.16 yote. — Contains, in an appendix, remarks on several of Shakespeare's plays, etc. Carnival of Venice. Petrella, E. (In Ditson, 0., and CO. Standard opera librettos) 6233.3.6 Caroline. Abbott, J 914.7 Caroll, Martha. How Marjory helped 915.23 Carpathian mountains. Try Cracow and the Car- pathians. Hutchinson, A. H. New York [Lon- don, 1872]. Sm. 8" 5936.2 Carpenter, Francis B. The inner life of Abraham Lincoln. Six months at the White house. New York, 1870. 359 pp. 16" 1216.9 Carpenter, William Benjamin. Epidemic delusions. (In Estes, D. Half-hour recreations in popular science) 6813.7 — The microscope and its revelations. 4th edition. Illustrated. London, 1868. xxviii, 796 pp. 16" 6827.1 — Principles of human physiology. New American from the last London edition. With illustrations. Edited, with additions, by F. G. Smith, Phila- delphia, 1868. 902 pp. 8° 6012.6 — Unconscious action of the brain. (In Estes, D. Half-hour recreations in popular science) 6813.7 — Use and abuse of alcoholic liquors, in health and disease. Boston, 1861. xxviii, 264 pp. 12" 6036.9 — Zoology. New edition, thoroughly revised, by W.S.Dallas. London, 1857. 2 v. 16° 6616.1 Carpentry. The boy joiner. Davidson, E. A. London [1874]. 4" 1512.3 Carr of Carrlyon. Aide, H 328.25 Carroll, Lems, pseud. See Dodgson, Charles Lut- widge. Carruthers, Robert. Abbotsford notanda. See Chambers, Robert 5425.9 Carry's confession. Robinson, F. W 731.18 CARSO.N, Christopher. Familiarly known as Kit Carson. Abbott, J. S. C. New Y'ork, 1874. 12" 1014.8 Carter, Robert. A summer cruise on the coast of New England. Boston Icop. 1864]. viii, 261 pp 12" 415.15 Carter Quarterman. [Fiction.] Baker, W. M. ... 530.17 Carthage. Davis, N. Carthage and her remains. London, 1861. 8" 422.1 — Rollin, C. Ancient history of the Carthaginians. VoL 1-4, 6-8. Boston, 1807. 7 v. 8° 5913.1 Note. — Davis's explorations were bepun in 1856, under the auspices of the British government, and he is thouglit to con- found Punic with Roman remains. There is a popular account of the ruins in Harper's monthly, vol. 22. All histories of the ancient world, of Rome, and of Han- nibal cover the history of Carthage in good part; but see par- ticularly Philip Smith's Ancient history [5916.14] ; Momm- sen's History of Rome [.'5516.1.2] for a comparison of Rome and Carthage: and Grote's History of Greece [5926.1.3, ch. Cary, Alice, A memorial of. Ames, M. C. New York, 1873. Sm. 8" 1014.5 Cary, Phoebe, A memorial of. Ames, M. C. New York, 1873. Sm. 8" 1014.5 Cary, Thomas Greaves. Memoir of Thomas Handa- syd Perkins; containing extracts from his diaries and letters. With an appendix. Boston, 1856. 3044- pp. Portrait. 8" 5021.12 Casey, Silas. Infantry tactics. New York, 1862. 3 v. Illustrated. Folded plates. Sm. 12" 1529.1 CASmiE 39 CERVANTES-SAAVEDRA Shelf. No. Casimib Maremma. Helps, Sir A. Boston, 1870. 16" 618.12 Caspian sea, Travels on the. Cunyngbame, iSir A. T. London, 1872. 8° 5931.8 Cassal, Charles, and Karcher, Theodore, editors. The graduated course of translation from Eng- glish into French. Part i. The junior course. With a vocabulary of idioms and difficulties. London, 1875. xii, 140 pp. Sm. 8" 5534.7 Cassell's technical manuals. Namely: — — Davidson, E. A. Linear drawing and ortho- graphic and isometrical projection 6218.2 Cassell's History of the United States. Oilier, E. London [1875]. L. 8° 810.11 Cast adrift. Arthur, T. S 921.8 Cast away in the cold. [Arctic story.] Hayes, I. L Boston, 1872. Sm. 4" 933.7 Castaway. Yates, E 318.24 Castaways, The. Keid, M 937.23 Castelar, Emilio. Old Rome and new Italy. (Recuerdos de Italia.) Translated by Mrs. A. Arnold. New York, 1873. 301pp. 12° 824.11 Castilian days. Hay, J. Boston, 1871. 12° 227.2 Castine, Maine, History of. Wheeler, G. A. Ban- gor, 1875. 8° 813.2 Castle Avon. Marsh-Caldwell, A 313.26 Castle Daly. Keary, A. Leipzig 321.25 — Same. Philadelphia 714.36 Castle Dangerous. Scott, /Sir W 533.5 Castle of Ehrenstein. James, G. P. R 327.3 Castle Richmond. Trollopo, A 334.8 Castlemon, Harry, pseud. See Fosdick, Charles A. Castles in the air. Gore, C. G. P 311.1 Catarrh. .See Autumnal catarrh. Cates, William L. R. Dictionary of general biog- raphy. 2d edition, with a supplement. London, 1875. 1297, 161pp. 8° *R.R., E.2.11 — joint author. Encyclopagdia of chronology. See Woodward, Bernard Bolingbroke *R.R., E.3.7 Catharine, of Aragon. Dixon, W. H. History of two queens. Leipzig, 1873, 74. 6v . in 4. Sq. 16° 1238.21 — Same. London, 1873,74. 4 v. 8° 5414.3 Cathay and the way thither. Yule, H. London, 1866. 8° 5923. 10 Catherine, St., of Sienna. Die Wunder der Katha- rina von Siena. Hagen, (E.) A. Kunstler- Geschichten. Leipzig, 1840. 12° 2026.1.2 Catherine. Thackeray, W. M. Leipzig 335.8 — Same. (In his V/orks.) London 513.1.11 Catholic, The. Derby, E. H. Boston, 1856. 12°. 1524.22 Catholic world. The. A monthly magazine of gen- eral literature and science. Vol. 16-21. New York, 1873-75. 6 v. 8^ 6715.1 Catlin, Jacob. A compendium of the system of divine truth. 3d edition. Boston, 1851. viii, 302 pp. 12° 5817.9 Catskill fairies. The. Johnson, V. W 910.2 Cattle. Dadd, G. H. The nature and treatment of the diseases of. Boston, 1859. 12° 1522.15 — Quincy, J. Essays on the soiling of. Boston, 1859. 8° 6614.4 — Report of the commissioner of agriculture on the diseases of. See United States. Department of agriculture 6610. 1 See also Ayrshire cattle, Chemistry, Food. Caucasus. Cunyngbame, Sir A. T. Travels in the Eastern Caucasus. London, 1872. 8° 6931.8 — Mounsey, A. H. Journey through the. London, 1872. 8° 693L7 Causeries avec mes eleves. Sauveur, L. Boston, 1874. 16° 2016.6 Causeries du lundi. Sainto-Beuve, C. A. Paris [1873]. 15 v. 12° 6538.4 Causey building. Abbott, J 917.26 Cay Ai.cASEhi.K, G. B., joint author. The early Flem- ish painters. (See Crowe, J. A 6215.3 — History of painting in Italy. See Crowe, J. A. 6213.2 — History of painting in North Italy. See Crowe, J. A 6213.1 Shelf. No. Cavalier, The, dismounted. Whitmore, W. H. Salem, 1864. 8° 5014.6 Catallo, Tiberius. Essay on the theory and prac- tice of medical electricity. London, 1781. 124 pp. Folded plate. 8° 6014.3 Cave, Marie Elisabeth. The Cave method for learn- ing to draw from memory. Translated from the 4th Paris edition. New York, 1871. 134 pp. 12° 1516.6 Cavendish, Sir William, earl of Ogle and duke of Newcastle. The cavalier and his lady. Selec- tions from the works of the first duke and duchess of Newcastle. Edited with an introduc- tory essay by E. Jenkins. London, 1872. 287-|- pp. 16° 6638.1 Cavendish, pseud. See Jones, Henry. Cavbs. Cave hunting, researches on the evidences of caves respecting the early inhabitants of Eu- rope. Dawkins, W. B. London, 1874. 8°... 6632.5 Caxton, Laura, pseud. See Comins, Lizzie B. Caxtoniana: a series of essays on life, literature, and manners. Bulwer-Lytton, E. (G. E.) L. Leipzig, 1864. 2v.ini. Sq. 16° 1918.2 Caxtons, The. Bulwer-Lytton, E. (G. E.) L 336.16 Cayuga lake, N. Y., Scenery of the head waters of the. Spencer, S. Ithaca, 1866, 16° 417.4 Cazeau, Paulin. Theoretical and practical treatise on midwifery. 4th American from the 6th French edition by W. R. Bullock. With illus- trations. Philadelphia, 1866. 987 pp. 8° 6012.23 Cazin, Achille. Phenomena and laws of heat. Trans- lated and edited by E. Rich. New York, 1872. xi, 265-1- pp. Illustrated. 16° 1714.6 Cecil Castlemaine's gage. Rame, L. de la 331.5 Cecil Dreeme. Winthrop, T 736.7 Cecil's tryst. Payn, J 310.10 Celebrated characters. Memoirs of. Lamartine, A. (M. L.)de. New York, 1854. 3 v. 12° 1025.10 Cellarius, pseud. Drawing-room dances. New York, 1858. 105 pp. Illustrated. 16° 1514.4 Cellini, Benvenuto. Memoirs, written by himself: containing a variety of information respecting the arts, and the history of the 16th century. Translated by T. Roscoe. London, 1871. viii, 504 pp. Portrait. Sm. 8° 1225.17 Celnart, Elizabeth, josewrf. »See Bayle-Mouillabd, Elizabeth. Cements, Rudimentary treatise on. Burnell, G. R. London, 1872. 12° 1716.11 Census of the United States. See United States. Department of the interior. Centennials. Celebration of the centennial anni- versary of the battle of Bunker hill. See Bos- ton, Mass 810.10 — Frothinghara, R. The centennial: battle of Bunker hill. Boston, 1875. 16° 618.3 — Hale, E. E. One hundred years ago. Boston, 1875. 8° / 811.15 — Wheildon, W. W. Siege and evacuation of Bos- ton and Charlestown. Boston, 1876. 8° 811.19 Century club. New York city. Twelfth night at the Century club, Jan. 6, 1858. New York, 1858. 93pp. 4° 817.1 Ceramic art. See Pottery. Cerebro-spinal meningitis in Massachusetts, Re- port on. Parks, L. (In Massachusetts medical society. Publications) 6021.4 Cerise. Melville, G. J. W 32L10 Cervantks-Saavedra, Miguel de. History of Don Quixote of La Mancha. From the Spanish by Motteux. With notes; and an essay on the life and writings of Cervantes, by J. G. Lock- hart. Boston, 1870. 4 v. 16° 5927.4 — Merimee, P. Portraits historiques et litteraires. Paris, 1874. 18° 5527.14 — Prescott, W. H. Biographical and critical essays. London, 1856. 16° 1537.8 Biographical and critical miscellanies. Phila- delphia, 1875. 12° 5237.3 yote. — See also Ticknor's History of Spanish literature [5922.2]. CESARINE 40 CHARETTE Shelf. No. Cesarine Dietrich. Dudevant, A. L. A. D 511.15 Cevlon, The rifle and the hound in. Baker, Sir S. W. Philadelphia, 1871. 16" 1515.2 Chadbourne, Paul Ansel. Lo.well lectures: 1871. Instinct: its oflice in the animal kingdom, and its relation to the higher powers in man. New York, 1872. 307 pp. Sm. 8° 6617.4 Chadwick, William. Life and times of Daniel De Foe. London, 1859. viii, 464 pp. Portrait. 8°. 5422.6 Chainbearer, The. Cooper, J. P 525.18 Chaldean account of Genesis. Smith, G. New York [London], 1876. 8" 6320.4 CflALLiCE, A. E. Illustrious women of Prance. 1790-1873. With illustrations. London, 1873. xii, 352-4- pp. 7 portraits. Sm. 8° 6525.7 Contents. — Madame Tallien; Empress Josephine; Queen Hortense; Caroline Bonaparte; Duchesse d'Angoul^me; Duchesse de Berry; Queen Marie Am61ie; Duchesse d'Or- 16ans J Empress Eug6nie ; Princess Mathilde. Challis, p. My wife's husband: a farce. New York, N. D. 33 pp. 12° 1635.3 Chalmers, Thomas. Works. Hartford, 1822. 3 v. 12° 6328.12 Contents. — Vol. I. Evidences; Discourses. II. Sermons. III. Discourses; Occasional sermons. — The power, wisdom, and goodness of God, as manifested in the adaptation of external nature to the moral and intellectual constitution of man. New edition. Philadelphia, 1835. 308 pp. 12° 6618.2 — Selection of discourses on the Christian revela- tion viewed in connexion with modern astrono- my. And occasional sermons. Hartford, 1818. 322 pp. 16° 5819.17 Chambers, Robert, Edinburgh bookseller and author, b. 1802, d. 1870. The book of days. A miscel- lany of popular antiquities. London, n. d. 2 v. Illustrated. 8° *R.R., A.3.7 — Cyclopaedia of English literature. Philadelphia, 1872. 2 V. Illustrated. Portraits. 8°. .*R.R., C.2.3 — Life and works of Robert Burns. New York, 1852,54. 4 V. Sm. 8° 1225.4 — Life of Sir Walter Scott. With Abbotsford notanda by R, Carruthers. Edited by W. Cham- bers. Edinburgh, 1871. 196+ pp. 16° 5425.9 — The songs of Scotland prior to Burns. With the tunes. Edinburgh [1873]. 462 pp. Illus- trated. Sq. 16° 5637.1 — Vestiges of the natural history of creation. 4th edition. New York, 1846. vi, 353 pp. 12°.. 15 15. 17 — Chambers, W. Memoir of. New York, 1872. Sm. 8° 1225.15 — Page, H. A. Noble workers. London, 1875. Sm. 8° 593 6.3 Chambers, Robert. Index to heirs-at-law, next to kin, legatees, missing friends, encumbrancers, and creditors or their representatives in chancery suits, who have been advertised during the last 150 years. 3d edition, revised by E. Preston. London, 1872. 411+ pp. 8° 5415.3 Chambers, William-. Memoir of Robert Chambers, with autobiographic reminiscences of W. Cham- bers. New York, 1872. 313 pp. Sm. 8° 1225.15 — and Robert. Chambers's encyclopaedia. A dic- tionary of universal knowledge for the people. Illustrated with maps and engravings. London, 1868. 10 V. L. 8° *R.R., D.3.1 Information for the people. Philadelphia, n. d. Illustrated. 2 v. 8° *R.R., C.2.4 Chamier, P. Ben Brace 521.24 Chance, A, for himself. Trowbridge, J. T 925.27 Chance acquaintance, A. Howells, W. D ff29.1 Chance child, A. Mayo, I. P. {In Johnson, (B.) R. Little classics) 529.4.9 Chandelier, Le. Musset, (L. C.) A. de. Comedies etproverbes. Paris, 1867. 12° 5534.4.2 Chandos. Rame, L. de la 327.21 Chaney, George Leonard. P. Grant and co. ; or, partnerships. A story for the boys who " mean business " 928.15 Changed brides, The. Southworth, E. D. E. N. ... 727.4 Shelf. No. Changing base. Everett, W 935.2 Channel islands. A farmer's vacation. Waring, G. E.,jr. Boston, 1876. 8° 5933.11 Channing, Edward Tyrrel. Life of William Ellery. (In Sparks, J. Library of American biog- raphy) 5028.1.6 Channing, Walter. A physician's vacation; or, a summer in Europe. Boston, 1856. iv, 564 pp. 12° 422.21 Channing, William Ellery, B.D. Works. 8th edi- tion, with an introduction. Boston, 1848. 6 v. 12° 1525.1 Contents. — Yo\. I. Introductory remarks; Character and writinf^s of Milton ; Life of Napoleon Bonaparte ; Character and writinfjs of Fenelon ; Moral argument against Calvinism ; National literature; Associations; Tlie union; Education. II. Slavery; The abolitionists; Annexation of Texas to the United States; Letter on Catholicism; The creeds; Address on teint)erance; Address on self-culture. Ill, IV. Discourses; Evidences of Christianity. V. Remarks on the slavery question; Lecture on war; Lec- tures on the elevation of the laboring classes; Death of Dr. Follen, a discourse; Charges at the ordinations of C. Barnard and F. T. Gray, R. C. Waterston, and J. S. Dwight; Miscel- lanies; Appendix. VI. EmHncipation, 1840; Discourse on J. Tuckerman; Ad- dress on the present age ; The church ; Duty of the free states ; Address on the anniversary of emancipation in the British West Indies. — Address on temperance. Boston, 1837. 119 pp. 12° 5834.6 — Discourses, reviews, and miscellanies. Boston, 1834. ix, 603 pp. 8° 1910.2 — Slavery. Boston, 1835. 167 pp. 16° 818.5 — Memoir of. Channing, W. H. Boston, 1868. 3 V. 12° 1214.12 — and AiKiN, Lucy. Correspondence, from 1826 to 1842. Edited by Anna Letitia Le Breton. Bos- ton, 1874. xx,426pp. 12° 6616.9 Note. — See note in Lower Hall Catalogue for history, etc., p. 50. Channing, William Ellery, of Concord. Thoreau; the poet-naturalist. AVith memorial verses. Bos- ton, 1873. xii, 357 pp. 12° 1227.7 and 5027.8 Channing, William Henry. Memoir of William Ellery Channing, with extracts from his corre- spondence and manuscripts. 9th edition. Bos- ton, 1868. 3 V. Portraits. 12° 1214.12 — joint editor. See OssoLi, Margaret Puller, marchesad'. Memoirs 1215.4 Channings, The. Wood, E. P 333.1 Chapin, Edwin Hubbell. The crown of thorns. A token for the sorrowing. Boston, 1860. 256 pp. 16° 1526.7 Chaplains and clergy of the revolution. Headley, J. T. New York, 1864. 12° 1014.1 Chaplet of pearls, The. Yonge, C. M. Leipzig... 318.4 — Same. New York 531.20 Chappaqua, N. Y. The story of a summer [at Hor- ace Greeley's home] ; or, journal leaves from Chappaqua. Cleveland, C. New York, 1874. Sq. 16° 539.8 Chappell, William. The history of music. (Art and science.) Vol. i. Prom the earliest records to the fall of the Roman empire. With expla- nations of ancient systems of music, musical in- struments, and of the true physiological basis for the science of music, whether ancient or modern. London [1874]. Ixxxix, 403+ pp. Illustrated. 8° 6232.5 Chapter, A, of Erie. Adams, C. P., jr. Boston, 1869. 12°. 1916.1 Character. Bruyere, J. de la. Les caracteres [de Theophraste, aveo les moeurs de ce siecle], Paris, 1816. 3 v. 12° .....6637.7 — Pernald, W. M. Pirst causes of. Boston, 1865. 12° 5837.3 — Jameson, A. (M.) Sketches of. Boston, 1866. 16° 5618.3 — Smiles, S. Character. New York, 1872. 12°.. 1935.41 — Whipple, E. P. Character and characteristic men. Boston, 1871. 12° 1936.3 Charades, Social. Caldor, M. T. Boston, 1873. 16° 1516.10 Charette: a tale "of lovers' sorrows and their tangled sin" T.... 714.30 CHARICLES 41 CHEMISTRY Shelf. No. Charicles: a dramatic poem. Quinoy, J. P. Bos- ton, 1856. 16^^ 1615.17 Charity: comedy. Gilbert, W. S. Original plays. New York, 1876. 12° 1634.1 Charlemagne. Bulfinch, T. Legends of. Boston, 1871. Sm. 8° 824.2 — James, G. P. R. History of. New York, 1860. Sm. 12° 5528.9 Charlemont. Simms, W. G 725.19 Charles I, of England, History of. Abbott, J 914.26 Charles II, of Ewjland, History of. Abbott, J.. . . 914.28 Charles V, of Germany. Robertson, W. History of the reign of. London, 1840. 8° 5610.1 — Same. With life after his abdication, by W. H. Prescott. London, 1857. 2 v. 16° 1226.9 — Stirling, W. Cloister life of. Boston, 1853. 12°. 1223.6 N(^e. — Prescott's continviation of Robertson is based on material gatbered by himself, in the use of which he was fore- stalled by Stirling. Prescott, in his edition of Robertson, vol. 3, p. 327, and'liis Philip il, end of book 1 [1222.1], reviews the autliorities on his later years. See Motley's Rise of the Dutch republic (822.2]; Doran's Monarchs retired from busi- ness [1:^23.1]; the histories of tlie Reformation, and the notes under Spain and Germany. See also Harper's monthly, vol. 14. Compare also Froude's History of England [826.8], and Guizot's History of France [.5510.2]. Charles the. bold, duke of Burgundy, Life of. Kirk, J. r. Philadelphia, 1864. 3 v. 8° 551L1 See also France, note. ' Charles Edward Stuart, prince, the young pretender. Letters. See Stanhope, Philip Henry, bth earl Stanhope. The " forty -five" 5418.7 Charles, Elizabeth. Against the stream. The story of a heroic age in England. [Napoleonic period.] Leipzig 329.12 — Same. New York 737.17 — The Bertram family 723.29 — Chronicles of the Schonberg-Cotta family 321.3 Note. — Lutlier and the reformation. — Conquering and to conquer.' [Early Christians]. 723.8 — The cottage by the cathedral, and other parables. . 321.2 — Diary of Mrs. Kitty Tre vy lyan 321.4 Note. — 'Whiteficld and the "Wesleys. — The Draytons and the Davenents 321.1 Note. — Period of the English commonwealth. — The early dawn; or, sketches of Christian life in England in the olden time. With introduction byH. B.Smith. New York, 1864. 397 pp. 12°. 725.40 — On both sides of the sea 321.7 Note. — Sequel to The Draytons and the Davenents, — The victory of the vanquished 321.6 — AVinifred Bertram 321.5 Charlies Auchester. Sheppard, E. S 532.1 Charles O'Malley. Lever, C. (J.) Leipzig 332.1 — Same. London 516.13 Charlestown, Mass. Catalogue [and supplement] of the public library. Charlestown, 1862, 72. 2 v. in 1. 8° 6132.4 — Siege and evacuation of Boston and Charlestown. Wheildon, W. W. Boston, 1876. 8°.... 811.19 See also Boston, Mass. Charley and Eva Roberts' home in the West. Thurston, L. M 1117.9 Charley Laurel. Kingston, W. H. G 933.24 Charley Roberts series. See Thurston, Louise M. Charlie Bell. Kellogg, E 922.14 Charlie Codman's cruise. Alger, H.,yr 934.28 Charlotte Augusta, princess of Wales, Memoir of. Weigall, R., lady. London, 1874. Sm. 8° .... 5427.7 Charms and counter-charms. Macintosh, M. J 726.32 Chaste as ice, pure as snow. Despard, Mrs. M. C. 714.3 Chateaubriand, Francois Rene, vjcorn^ede. ffiuvres completes. Nouvello edition; precedee d'une etude litteraire sur Chateaubriand, par M. Sainte-Beuve. Vignettes et gravees. Paris, N. D. 12v. Portraits. 8° 5532.3 Contents. — Vol. l.t.tiide sur Chateaubriand; Essaisurles r6volution3 ancieniies et modc^rnes. II. G^uie du christian^ isme. HI. Atala; U-iie; Le dernier Abencerage; Leg Natchez; Poesies. IV. L"s niartyis. V. Jtiiieiaire d.vParis a Jerusalem. VI. Voya;>:o8 en Ani6rique, en Italic, eii Mont- Bianc: Melanges litteraires, VII. Melainres politi()ues; Pol6mique. VUl. Poleuiiciue (flu.); Opinioiis et discoura Shelf. No. Chateaubriand, Francois Rene, vicomtede, continued. politiques; Fragments divers. IX. fitudes historiques. X. Histoire de France; Les quatre Stuarts ; Vie de Ranee. XI. Le parujiis perdu; Essai sur la litterature aiiv York, 1871-76. 4 v. Sm. 8° 5616.1 CHIVALRY 43 CHRISTIANITY Shelf. No. Chivalry, Age of. [Charlemagne period.] Bul- finch, T. Boston, 1871. 12" 824.1 Choate, Rufus, Life of. Brown, S. G. Boston, 1870. Sm. 8° 6025.1 Choice, The, of a dwelling. Wheeler, G. London, 1872. Sm. 8° 6226.2 Choice receipts. Woodman, M. S. Boston, 1875. 12° ■. 6427.2 Choisy. Story, J. P 521.20 Chopin, Frederick. Haweis, H. R. Music and morals. New York, 1872. 12° 1513.16 — Liszt, F. Life of. Boston, n. d. 16° 1227.2 Chopin, Jean Marie. Danemark. See Evries, Jean Baptiste Benoit 5911.11 Chops the dwarf. Dickens, C. (J. H.) {In John- son, (E.) R. Little classics) 529.4.2 Chorley, Henry Fothergill. Modern German music. London [1854]. xvi, 418+ pp. Sm. 8° ...... 6235.2 — Personal reminiscences. {In Stoddard, R. H. Bric-k-brac series) 1828.2 — Recent art and society as described in [his] auto- biography and memoirs. Compiled from the edition of Henry G. Hewitt by C. H. Jones. New York, 1874. x, 317 pp. 12° 5616.14 Choules, John Overton. The cruise of the steam yacht North Star; a narrative of the excursion of Mr. Vanderbilt's party to England, Russia, Denmark, France, Spain, Italy, Malta, Turkey, Madeira, etc. Boston, 1854. 353 pp. Illits- trated. Portraits. 12° 425.10 Chouquet, Gustave. First lessons in learning French. 7th edition. New York, 1849. 128 pp. Sq. 16° 2018.3 Chris and Otho. Smith, J. P 727.26 Christ. Beecher, H. W. Life of Jesus, the Christ. New York, 1871. 8° 1021.4 — Brooke, S. A. Christ in modern life. New York, 1872. Sm. 8° 5814.9 — Cohen, J. The deicides. Analysis of the life of Jesus. Baltimore, 1873. 12° 5817.13 — Farrar, F. W. The life of Christ. New York [1874]. 2 V. 8° 5810.3 — Formby, H. The life, passion, death, and resur- rection of our Lord Jesus Christ. London [1874]. Sq. 16° 6328.22 — Fox, W. J. Christ and Christiajiity. Sermons on the mission, character, and doctrine, of Jesus of Nazareth. Boston, 1833. 2 v. 12° 5815.12 — Furness, W. H. History of Jesus. Boston, 1850. 12° 5815.15 Jesus and his biographers. Philadelphia, 1838. 8° 5811.7 Thoughts on Jesus of Nazareth. Boston, 1859. 12° 5816.18 — Hudson, C.F. Christ our life. Boston, 1860. 12°. 6326.1 — Miller, W. Evidence from Scripture and history of the second coming of Christ, about 1843. Boston, 1842. 12° ; 5818. 11 — Newcome, W. Observations on our Lord's conduct as a divine instructor. Charlestown, 1810. 8°. 5813.1 — Parker, J. Ecce Deus: essays on the life and doctrine of Jesus Christ. Boston, 1867. 12°... 1526.4 — Renan, (J.) E. Life of Jesus. New York, 1865. 12° 1525.2 — Scenes in the life of Jesus. Boston, 1858. 16°. 918.2 — Sears, E. H. The fourth gospel the heart of Christ. Boston, 1872. Sm. 8° 6326.9 — Seeley, J. R. Ecce Homo: a survey of the life and work of Jesus Christ. Boston, 1866. 12°. 1526.5 — Thomas k Kempis. Imitation of Christ. London, N. D. 16° 5819.1 — Same. New York [1851]. 12° 1536.16 — Uhlhorn, G. The modern representations of the life of Jesus. Boston, 1868. 16° 6328.7 — Ware, H., jr. Discourses on the life and charac- ter of Jesus Christ. Boston, 1825. Sm. 8°.... 5814.2 Note. — The modern reaction from the orthodox views be- gan with Strauss, who maintained what is called the " mythi- cal theory," pronouncing miracles impossible, and the gospels a collection of fabulous accounts of Jesus, not deliberate fic- tions, but founded principally on traditions and popular notions concerning the expected Messiah. See " Apostolic age " and " Tubingen school " in McClintock and Strong's Shelf. No. Christ, continued. Cyclopaedia. The lead in refutation was taken by Neander, whose life is a grouping by events historically similar. At a later day, Renan, placing more reliance than Strauss on the historic proofs, gave rise to what is called the " legendary by- ' pothesis," and has been chiefly combated by Pressens6. Prof. Seeley's " Ecce Homo " presents a striking view of Christ as the great inspirer of " the enthusiasm of humanity," tlie sub- ject of " Christ as the creator of modern theology and reli- gion " being reserved for another volume, not yet published. The object of " Ecce Deus," by Dr. Joseph Parker, is to supplement, and in part to controvert, the views presented in " Ecce Homo." The views of Dr. Furness, while he admits the essential authenticity of the gospels, are peculiarly natu- ralistic, and somewhat in sympathy with Dr. Schenkel'g. Beecher's Life, which is not yet completed, is evangelical with broad sympathies. Farrars Life is evangelical, non- controversial, and embodies recent researches. See also Milman's History of Christianity [5817.1.1]. The catalogues of the Bates Hall must be searched for several of the indica- tive lives named above. See the Note in the Lower Hall Cata- logue for history, etc., p. 53. Christendom and the drink curse. Burns, D. Lon- don, 1875, 8° 1912.9 Christian art. Tyrwhitt, R. St. J. The art teach- ing of the primitive church. London [1875]. Sm. 8° 6234.6 Christian art and symbolism. London, 1872. 16° 1514.14 and 6235.1 Christian believing and living. Huntington, F. D. Boston, 1860. 12° 6325.11 Christian character, On the formation of the. Ware, H.,yr. Cambridge, 1831. 12° 5819.13 Christian days and thoughts. Peabody, B. Bos- ton, 1858. 16° 6328.13 Christian disciple. Vol. 1-4; new series, v. 1, 2. Boston, 1813-20. 6 v. 8° 6324.3 Christian doctrine. Lectures on. Peabody, A. P. Boston, 1844. 12° 5815.20 Christian effort. Baker, S. New York, 1850. 16°. 5819.6 Christian examiner and theological review. Vol. 36-41. Boston, 1844-46. 6 v. in 3. 8° 6324.4 Christian layman. The. Parsons, B. Mobile, 1840. 12° , 5815.16 Christian life. Bartol, C. A. Discourses on the Christian spirit and life. Boston, 1850. 12°. 5815.19 and 6325.14 — Boardman, W. E. The higher Christian life. Boston, 1858. 12° 1536.10 and 6325.10 — Fernald, W. M. The true Christian life and how to attain it. Boston, 1874. 16° 6327.14 Christian monitor. The. Vol. 1-10. Boston, 1806- 11. lOv. 12° 1327.1 Christian morality. Fox, W.J. Boston, 1833. 16°.5815.13 Christian nurture. Views of. Bushnell, H. Hart- ford, 1847. 12° 5817.8 Christian views. Parsons, B. Boston, 1848. 12°. 1524. 16 Christian year. The. Thoughts in verse for the Sundays and holidays throughout the year. Keble, J. New York, 1873. 12° 1616.6 Christian's mistake. Craik, D. (M.) 323.23 Christianity. Bonnet, C. Philosophical and criti- cal inquiries concerning Christianity. Phila- delphia, 1803. 16° 1918.10 — Chalmers, T. Selection of discourses on the Christian revelation viewed in connexion with modern astronomy. Hartford, 1818. 16° 5819.17 — Christianity and scepticism. See Boston lec- tures. Boston, 1872. 16° 5816.4 Cocker, B. F. Christianity and Greek philoso- phy. New York, 1872. Sm. 8° 5814.6 — Eaton, J. R. T. The permanence of. London, 1873. 8° 6324.1 — Fisher, G. P. Essays on the supernatural origin of. New York, 1866. 8° 6324.6 — Jaeger, A. Mind and heart in religion; or, Judaism and Christianity. New York, 1873. Sq. 16° 6326.22 — Kavanagh,J. Women of. New York, 1860. 12°. 1225.6 — Milman, H. H. History of. London, 1867. 3 v. 16" 5817.1 — Peabody, A. P. Christianity and science. New York, 1874. 12° 6326.17 — Pressense, E. de. The early years of. New York, 1871. 12° 5816.2 Heresy and Christian doctrine. London, 1873. so ,,,, ; 5813.8 CHRISTIANITY 44 CIVIL Shelf. No. Christianity, continued. — Priestley, J. Views of Christian truth, piety, and morality, selected from [his] writings. Cam- bridge, 1834. Sm. 8" 6326.6 — Pullen, II. W. Modern Christianity, a civilized heathenism. Boston, 1875. 12"..... 6325.6 — Ptussell, J., earl. Essays on the history of the Christian religion. London, 1873. 16" 6328.8 — Watson, R. An apology for Christianity. Provi- dence, 1794. Sm. 8" 1925.2 See also Christ, Church, Ecclesiastical history, Evidences, Missions, Theology. JVo^e. — See Note in the Lower Hall Catalogue for history, etc., p. rtii. Clarke's Ten great religions [1523.2] compares Christianity with other creeds. Gibbon's Koman empire [824.9] necessarily covers the rise and formation of the Christian church, but he is accused of hostility. Christie Johnstone. Reade, C. Boston 527.3 — Same. Leipzig 339.23 Christie Redfern's troubles 717.10 Christie's faith. Robinson, F. W ,716.8 Christina North. Archer, E. M 711.18 Christmas books. Dickens, C. (J. H.) 1824.3 Christmas books. Thackeray, W. M. Works ....513.1.12 Christmas carol, A. Dickens, C. (J. H.) 338.10 — Same. (In Johnson, (E.) R. Little classics). . . 529.4.5 Christmas gift. The. Adams, W. T 918.12 Christmas guest. The. Southworth, E. D. E. N., and Baden, F. H 522.9 Christmas locket, The. A holiday number of Old and new 1426.2 Christmas stories. Dickens, C. (J. IL), and others. 338.3 Christopher North, pseud. See Wilson, John. Christophers, S. W. Homes of old English writers. London [1874]. Illustrated. vii, 284 pp. Sm. 8° 5428.16 Mote. — Sketches of Hugh Latimer, John Donne, George Hakewill, John Hackett, Thomas Fuller, John Horn, John Howe, John Flavel. — Hymn-writers and their hymns. London [1866]. xii, 378 pp. 16° 6626.2 Christds victor. Boston, 1855. 28 pp. Sq. 16° ..1612.13 Chronicles of Carlingford. Oliphant, M. (0. W.) . 521.40 Chronicles of the Canongate. Scott, Sir W 523.19 Chronicles of Wolfert's Roost. Irving, W. Leip- zig, 1855. Sq. 16° 311.14 Chronology. Bond, J. J. Handy-book of rules and tables for verifying dates with the Christian era. London, 1875. Sm. 8° 5627.2 — Woodward, B. B., and Cates, W. L. R. Encyclo- pgedia of. London, 1872. 8° *R.R., E.3.7 Chrysostomus, Joannes, (Sf. Newman, J. H. Histori- cal sketches. London, 1873. Sm. 8° 5925.5.3 — Stephens, W. R. W. Life and times of, Lon- don, 1872. 8° 5813.6 Church, Alfred, and Brodribb, William Jackson. Pliny's letters [outlined and explained]. Edin- burgh, 1872. 170-1- pp. 16°. [Ancient classics for English readers] 6116.12 Church, Florence, formerly Miss Marryat. The confessions of Gerald Estcourt 337.18 — Fighting the air 331.17 — For ever and ever 337.17 — Her lord and master 337.21 — Life and letters of Captain Marryat. Leipzig, 1872. 327 pp. Sq. 16° 1228.5 — Same. London, 1872. 2 v. Sm. 8° 5025.6 — Love's conflict 337.16 — A lucky disappointment 718.6 — Mad Dumaresq. 2 v 329.19 — Nelly Brooke 337.14 — No intentions 310.28 — Open! Sesame! 720.35 — Pfctronel , 337.15 — The prey of the gods 337.20 — Veronique 337.19 — A star and a heart. To which is added An utter impossibility 334.7 — Woman against woman 710.21 Church, Richard William. Saint Anselm. [London] 1870. xii, 303 pp. Wood-cut. [Sunday library.] Sm. 8° ' 5937.3 Shelf. No. Church architecture. Stones of the temple ; or, les- sons from the fabric and furniture of the church. Field, W. New York, 1873. Sm. 8° ......... 6815.7 Church music. Boston musical education society's collection of church music. Edited by B. F. Baker and I. B. Woodbury. Boston, 1845. Oblong 8° 1518.4 — Zeuner, C. The ancient lyre, a collection of church music. Boston, 1840. Oblong 8° 1518.5 Churchill, Charles Henry. Life of Abdel Kader, ex-sultan of the Arabs of Algeria; written from his own dictation, and compiled from other authentic sources. London, 1867. xiv, 331-f- pp. Sm. 8°.- 5934.4 Churchill, Fleetwood. The diseases of females. New edition, revised. With the notes of R. M. Huston. Philadelphia. 1850. 632 [624] pp. 8°. 6012.4 — Essays on the puerperal fever and other diseases peculiar to women. Selected from the writings of British authors previous to the close of the eighteenth century. London, 1849. viii, 552 pp. 8° 5013.13 — Theory and practice of midwifery. With notes and additions, by D. F. Condie. With illustra- tions. Philadelphia, 1855. xviii, 510 [478] pp. 8° ; 6022.17 Churchill, John, duke of Marlborough, Life of. Coxe, W. London, 1847. 3 v. Sm. 8° 5426.10 Chynoweth, W. Harris. The fall of Maximilian, late emperor of Mexico. 2d edition. London, 1872. xviii, 277+ pp. 1 plate. Map. 8°.. 5013.2 Cicero, Marcus Tullius. Life and letters. London, 1875. Engraved title-page, xix, 829-}- pp. Portrait. 8° 6111.5 Contents. — Life, by C Middleton ;. Letters to his friends, translated by W. Meinoth; Letters to Atticus, translated by W. Heberden. — De oflBciis libri tres. Ex editionibus Oliveti et Ernesti. Accedunt not£e Anglicae. Cura C. K. Dillaway. Philadelphia, 1850. 283 pp. Sm. 12° 6118.2 — La republique. Traduite d'apres le texte de- couvert par M. Mai, aveo un discours prelimi- naire et des supplements historiques par [A. F.] Villemain. Nouvelle edition. Paris, 1864. xcii, ■ 403 pp. 12°....- 5537.16 — Tusculanarum quaestionum libri quinque. Ex editionibus Oliveti et Ernesti. Accedunt notse Anglicae. Cura C. K. Dillaway. Philadelphia, 1849. 2 v. Sm. 12° 6II8.3 — Collins, W. L. Cicero [outlined and explained]. Edinburgh, 1871. 16° 6116.10 — Forsyth, W. Life of. London, 1869. 8° 5932.8 — Middleton, C. Life of. London, 1837. 8°.... 5521.2 — Newman, J. H. Historical sketches. London, 1872. Sm. 8° 5925.5 Cinderella. Rossini, G. {In Ditson, 0., and co. Standard opera librettos) 6233.3.3 Cinq-Mars ou une conjuration sous Louis xiii. Vigny, A. (V.), comte de. Paris, 1873. 18°. . .5536.19 Cinq -Mars: or a conspiracy under Louis xiii. Vigny, A. (V.), comte de. London, 1860. Sm. 8° 537.21 Cipher: a romance. Austin, J. G 711.7 Circuit rider, The. Eggleston, E 726.20 Circumstantial evidence, Famous cases of. Phillips, S. M. Boston, 1873. 8° 6313.2 Citoyenne Jacqueline. Keddie, Miss — . London, 1865. 16° 736.14 City, The: its sins and sorrows. Guthrie, T. New York, 1873. 12° 6327.16 City, The, of God. Augustinus, A., St., bishop of Hippo. Edinburgh, 1872. 2 v. 8° 5811.11 City, The, of the saints. [Mormonism.] Burton, R. F. New York, 1862. 8° 412.2 City road chapel, London, and its associations. Ste- venson, G. J. London [1872]. 8° 5414.1 Civil engineering. Law, H. Civil engineering. London, 1869. 4 v. in 2. 12° 1716.37 — Stevenson, D. Sketch of civil engineering in North America. London, 1859. 12° 6428.3 CIVIL 45 CLEVEL Shelf. No. Civil or Roman law. Haclley, J. Introduction .to Roman law. New York, 1874. Sm. S'^ C316.2 — Justinianus i, emperor. The Institutes of Jus- tinian. 5th edition. London, 1874. 8° 6314.1 Civilization. Baldwin, J. D. Pre-historic nations. New York, 1872. 12° 824.7 — Guizot, F. (P. G.) History of, from the fall of the Roman empire to the French revolution. 4 v. in 2. 12° 5924.8 — Lubbock, 5z> J, The origin of. New York, 1871. 12° 1527.1 — Meadows, T. T. The Chinese and their rebellions. Added, an essay on. London, 1856. 8° 5921.13 — Tylor, E. B. Researches into the early history of mankind and the development of. London, 1870. 8" 5912.8 — Wilson, D. Prehistoric man. Researches into the crigin of civilisation in the old and new world. London, 1876. 2 v. 8° 6613.13 Note. — See Note in the Lower Hall Catalogue for history, etc., p. 55. Clandestine marriage, The. Dupuy, E. A 522.7 Clare, John, Life and remains of. Cherry, J. L. London, 1873. Sm. 8° 5625.1 Clarendon, Earl of. See Hyde, Edward. Clarissa [Harlowe]. Richardson, S. Leipzig. 4 v. in 2 316.21 — Sayne. New York 518.27 Clark, Charles Heber. Out of the hurly-burly; or, life in an odd corner. By Max Adeler [pseud.}. 723.5 Clark, Daniel Kinnear. An elementary treatise on steam and the steam-engine, stationary and portable. With illustrations. London, 1875. xvi, 344 pp. [Weale's rudimentary series.] 12°. 6428.7 Clark, Henry Alden, joint compiler. The Harvard book. 5'ee Vaille, Frederic Ozni 5230.1 Clark, Rufus Wheelwright. New serial question books on the heroes of the Bible. 4th series. For adults. Boston [cop. 1864]. 106 pp. 16°. 5819.17 Clark, Thomas March. John Whopper the news- boy 926.2 Clark, William Adolphus. Hard knocks; or. Who is first? A satire. By Amcetns [pa eud.}. Bos- ton, 1872. 118 pp. Illustrated. 16° 5216.5 Clarke, Charles and Mary Cowden. " Many happy returns of the day! " A birth-day book. New edition. With engravings. London [1859]. viii, 355 pp. 16° 912.8 Clarke, Edward Hammond. The building of a brain. Boston, 1874. 153 pp. 16° 5837.4 — Sex in education. Boston, 1874. 181 pp. 16°. 1937.2 and 5838.1 A reply to. See Howe, Julia Ward 1937.4 Clarke, James Freeman. Common-sense in religion. Boston, 1874. 443 pp. 12° 5817.7 — The hour which cometh and now is: sermons. Boston, 1864. vi, 348 pp. 10° 6326.3 — Ten great religions: an essay in comparative theology. Boston, 1872. x, 528pp. 1 plate. 8°. 1523.2 — joint editor. See OssoLi, Margaret Fuller, mar- chesad'. Memoirs 1215.4 — and Lilian. Exotics: attempts to domesticate them. [Poems.] By J. F. C. and L. C. Bos- ton, 1875. 141pp. Sq. 16° 1627.3 Clarke, John. Sermons. Boston, 1799. 501-4- pp. Portrait. 8° 5814.3 Clarke, Marcus. His natural life. A novel 721.24 Clarke, Mary Cowden. The complete concordance to Shakspere. New and revised edition. Bos- ton [London], 1873. vii, 860+ pp. 8° 5611.5 — The iron cousin 725.39 — A rambling story 718.1 Clarke, Rebecca Sophia. (Sophie May.) The doc- tor's daughter 934. 19 — Dotty Dimple stories. Dotty Dimple at her grandmother's 927.10 Dotty Dimple at home 927.12 Dotty Dimple at play 927.13 Dotty Dimple at school 927.15 Dotty Dimple out West 927.11 Dotty Dimple's Flyaway 927.14 IslVKliSlTY OF <^Lii'\)ii>:i A. Clarke, Rebecca Sophia, continued^ — Little Prudy series. Captain Horace 927.1 Cousin (jrace 927.3 Dotty Dimple 927.2 Fairy book 927.4 Little Prudy 927.6 Sister Susy 927.5 — Little Prudy's Flyaway series. Aunt Madge's story. 927.8 Little folks astray 927.9 Little grandfather 939.3 Miss Thistledown 927.26 Prudy keeping house 927.7 — The maidenhood series. The Asbury twins 1115.17 Our Helen 933.10 Clarke, Richard H. Lives of the deceased bishops of the catholic church in the United States. With appendix and an analytical index. New York, 1872. 2 v. Portraits. 8° 5811. 1 Classical and scientific studies, and the great schools of England : a lecture. Atkinson, W. P. Cambridge, 1865. 8° 1912.3 Classical and utilitarian studies, Remarks on. Bigelow, J. Boston, 1867. 16° 1526.18 Classical learning, The claims of, examined and refuted. Rum ford, pseud. Boston, 1824. 8°. 5834,7 Claudia. Douglas, A. M 535.7 Claverings, The. Trollope, A 334.1 Clay, Henry. See Parton, J. Famous Americans of recent times. Boston, 1871. 8° 1214.14 Clayton, Ellen Creathorne. Queens of song: being memoirs of some of the most celebrated female vocalists. Added a chronological list of all the operas that have been performed in Europe. With portraits. London, 1863. 2 v. 8° 1221.4 Clayton, Robert. Speech before the Irish house of lords on subscription to articles and creeds. (In Sparks, J. Collection of essays and tracts in theology) 1918.9.6 Clemency Franklyn. Keary, A 727.33 Clemens, Samuel Langhorne. (Mark Twain.) The innocents abroad. [Humorous travels.] With illustrations. Hartford, 1872. 651pp. 8° . . . 421.6 — Mark Twain's (burlesque) autobiography and first romance. New York {cop. 1871]. 47 pp. 12° 535.20 — Mark Twain's sketches, new and old. Hartford, 1875. 320 pp. Illustrated. Sm. 4° 712.8 — Roughing it. Illustrated. Hartford, 1872. 591-l-pp. 8° .■ 212.2 — and Warner, Charles Dudley. The gilded age. Illustrated. Hartford, 1874. 574+ pp. 8°.. 712.1 Clemens, Titus Flavins, of Alexandria. Writings. Translated by William Wilson. Edinburgh, 1867, 69. 2 V. [Ante-Nicene Christian libra- ry.] 8° VoL4, 12 of 6322.4 Clement, Clara Erskine. Handbook of legendary and mythological art. With illustrations. 4th edition. New York, 1872. x, 510 pp. Sm. 8°. 1513.15 — Painters, sculptors, architects, engravers, and their works. With illustrations and monograms. 2d edition. New York, 1874. xii, 661 pp. 16°. 1513.17 Clementine homilies. The. Edinburgh, 1870. 340+ pp. [Ante-Nicene Christian library.] 8°. . .6322.4.17 iVo^e.— Books 1--5, are translated by Thomas Smith; books 6-12, by Peter Peterson ; and books 13-:.'0, by James Donald- son. Cleopatra, History of. Abbott, J 915.11 Clergyman's, The, wife. Ritchie, A. C 723.30 Clerk, Alice M., translator. Historical tales and anecdotes of the time of the early Khallfahs. See 'Il1m-en-nas 5927.6 Clerk's magazine. New; containing all the most useful forms, which occur in business transac- tions between man and man. By a member of the Massachusetts bar. Boston, 1832. 327 pp. 12° 1727.1 CLEVEhall. Sewell, E. M 532.6 Cleveland, Cecelia. Story of a summer [at Horace Greeley's home]; or, journal leaves from Chap- paqua. New York, 1874. 274 pp. Illustrated. Sq. 16° 1019.2 CLEVELAND 46 COLENSO Shelf. No. Cleveland, Charles. Ninetieth birthday gathering. Pease, G. Boston, 1862. 16° 1016.1 Cleveland, Charles Dexter. A compendium of English literature, chronologically arranged. Philadelphia Icop. 1848]. 77G pp. 12" 1534.7 Cleveland, Henry Russell. Life of Henry Hudson. (In Sparks, J. Library of American biogra- phy) 5028.1.10 Clever woman. The, of the family. Yonge, C. M. 318.9 Cliff-climbers, The. Reid, M 923.31 Clifford, Frank S. A romance of perfume lands, or, the search for Capt. Jacob Cole. With facts about perfumes and articles used in the toilet. (Illustrated.) Boston, 1875. iv, 295 pp. 16°. 733.13 Climate, The man of the North, and the man of the South; or the influence of. Bonstetten, C. V. de. New York, 1864. 12° 1938.2 Climbing plants. The movements and habits of. Darwin, C. (R.) London, 1875. Sm. 8° 6625.4 Climbing the rope. Nowell, H. P. H 936.21 Clinton. Simonds, W 932.29 Clique, The, of gold. Gaboriau, B 710.7 Clive, Caroline. Paul FerroU 310.7 — Why Paul FerroU killed his wife 3 10.8 — Year after year 310.9 Clive, Robert, 1st lord Clive, Life of. Gleig, G. R. London, 1848. Sm. 8" 5428.8 Clock, The, struck three. Watson, S 6325.17 Clockmaker, The. Haliburton, T. C 535.12 Clocks, Rudimentary treatise on. Denison, E. B. London, 1868. 12° 1716.12 Clodd, Edward. The childhood of religions: em- bracing a simple account of the birth and growth of myths and legends. London, 1875. viii, 288 pp. Sm. 8° 6328.21 Cloister, The, and the hearth. Reade, C 316.24 Cloud, The, on the heart. Roe, A. S 723.31 Cloud-pictures. Underwood, F. H 537.18 Clubs. Fairfield, F. G. The clubs of New York. New York, 1873. 12° 5036.1 — Timbs, J. Clubs and club life in London. Lon- don [1872]. Sm. 8° 5417.3 Coal. Hunt, R. Coal as a reservoir of power. (In Estes, D. Half-hour recreations in popular sci- ence) 6813.7 — Williams C. W. Treatise on the combustion of. London, 1858. 12° 1715.19 Coal-miners, Lawrence's adventures among the. Trowbridge, J. T 932.20 Cobb, Samuel C. Inaugural addresses. See Boston, Mass 6923.11,13 Cobb, Sophia Dickinson. Hillsboro' farms 716.9 Cobbe, Frances Power. Broken lights: an inquiry into the present condition and future prospects of religious faith. Boston, 1864. 242 pp. 16°. 1526.8 Cobbett, Richard Stuteley. Memorials of Twicken- ham : parochial and topographical. London, 1872. xvi, 428 pp. 8° 5424.1 Cobbett, William. The American gardener. New York, 1852. 230 pp. Illustrated. 12° 1528.6 — See BuLWER, H. L. (E.) Historical characters. Leipzig, 1868. Sq. 16° 1238.14 CoBDEN, Paul, pseud. The beckoning series. Going on a mission 1115.1 Good luck 926.35 Take a peep 934,35 The turning wheel 1115,2 Who will win ? 934.36 CoBDEN, Richard. Russia and the Eastern question. Boston, 1854. 156 pp. 12° 827.3 CoBDEN club, London. Essays, 2d series, 1871-2. 2d edition. London, 1872. vii, 556 pp. 8°... 5822.1 — Free trade and free enterprise. Report of the proceedings at the dinner, June 28, 1873. Speech of D. A. Wells. With preface by Sir Louis Mallett, and list of members. London, 1873. 132 pp. 16° 5828.6 — Free trade and the European treaties of com- merce; being report of proceedings at the din- ner, July 17, 1875. With an introduction, etc. London, 1875. 175 pp. 16° 6828.8 Shelf. No. CoBDEN club, London, continued. — Report of the proceedings at the dinner, July 11, 1874. With the report of the committee, and a list of members. London, 1874. 112 pp. 16°. 5828.7 — Second report of the commissioners appointed to revise the laws for the assessment and collection of taxes in New York, 1872. Reprinted by per- mission. London [1872]. 107-|-- pp. 16°.... 5828.5 CoCHiN-CuiNA. The land of the white elephant. Vincent, F., jr. New York, 1874. 8° 5923.7 Cochrane, Thomas. Home mission work: its duties, difiBculties, and encouragements. With prefa- tory note by William Hanna. Edinburgh, 1873. 95 pp. 16° 5819.16 CocKBURN, Henry Thomas, lord. [Works.] Edin- burgh, 1872. 2 V, Portraits. Plate. Sm. 8°. 5635.2 GoiUents. — Vol. I. Life of Francis Jeffrey. II. Memorials of his time. — Journal: being a continuation of memorials of his time, 1831-54. Edinburgh, 1874. 2 v. 8°. 5623.4 Cocker, B. F. Christianity and Greek philosophy. New York, 1872. 531pp. Sm. 8° 5814.4 CoCKTON,Henry. George Julian 717.7 — Life and adventures of Valentine Vox the ven- triloquist 712.2 — Stanley Thorn 717.4 — Sylvester Sound; the somnambulist 521.41 CoDMAN, John, D. D. Sermons, with addresses. Boston, 1834. 436-j:-pp. Portrait. 8° 5813.9 CoDMAN, John. Ten months in Brazil: with notes ou the Paraguayan war. 2d edition. New York, 1672. 218 pp. Illustrated. 16° 5916.4 Codrington, Sir Edward. Memoir of [his] life. With selections from his correspondence. Edited by his daughter, Lady Bourchier. With por- traits and illustrations. London, 1873. 2 v. 8°. 5332.2 Coffee: its history, cultivation, and uses. Hewitt, R.,yr. New York, 1872. 12° 6626.1 Coffin, Charles Carleton. (" Carleton.") Caleb Krinkle. A story of American life 733.1 — Following the flag. From August, 1861, to No- vember, 1862, with the army of the Potomac. Boston, 1865. vi, 336-|- pp. Illustrated. 12°. 913.17 — Four years of fighting, from the battle of Bull Run to the fall of Richmond. Boston, 1866. XV, 558 pp. Portrait. 8° 813.7 — My days and nights on the battle-field. Boston, 1872. viii,3l2pp. Illustrated. 12° 913.18 — Our new way round the world. Illustrated. Bos- ton [cop. 1869]. xviii, 524 pp. Maps. 8° 433.1 — The seat of empire. Boston, 1870. viii, 232 pp. Illustrated. 12° 425.15 — Winning his way 929.8 Coffin, Robert Barry. My married life at Hillside. 726.29 — Out of town. A rural episode. By Barry Gray ipseud.] 724.29 CoGAN, Thomas. Letters to Wilberforce on total depravity, (//i Sparks, J. Collection of essays and tracts in theology) 1918.9.3 Cohen, Joseph. The deicides. Analysis of the life of Jesus, and of the several phases of the Chris- tian church in their relation to Judaism. Trans- lated by Anna Maria Goldsmid. Baltimore, 1873. vii, xliv, 2834- pp. 12° 5817.13 CoLBURN, Zerah. Memoir. Written by himself. With his peculiar methods of calculation. Springfield, 1833. 104 pp. Portrait. 16°.... 1218.1 Cold heart. The. HaufiF, W 312.21 Cole, John William. Life and theatrical times of Charles Kean. Including a summary of the English stage for the last fifty years, and a de- tailed account of the management of the Prin- cess's theatre, from 1850 to 1859. London, 1859. 2 V. Sm. 8° 5426.3 Cole, Miriam. See Harris, Miriam. Coleman, Lyman. Genealogy of the Lyman family of Great Britain and America. Albany, 1872. 633-U pp. 1 plate. Chart. 8° 1211.4 Colenso, John William. Lectures on the Penta- teuch and the Moabite stone. 2d edition. Lon- don, 1873. viii, 436-t- pp. 1 plate. 8° 5811.5 COLERIDGE 47 COLORADO Shelf. No. Coleridge, Sir John Taylor. Memoir of John Keble. 2d edition, with corrections and addi- tions. New York, 1869. 2 v. 1 plate. Por- trait. 16° 5426.4 Coleridge, Samuel Taylor. Works, prose and verse. Philadelphia, N. D. xvi, 546 pp. Portrait. 8*=. 1611.5 Con<« wis. — Juvenile poems; Sibylline leaves; Rime of the ancient mariner; Cliristabel; Miscellaneous poems; Remorse; Zapolya; The Piccolomini, translated from Schiller; Death of Wallenstein, translated from Schiller; The fall of Robes- pierre; Miscellaneous poems; Biographia literaria; The friend. — Poems. Edited by D. and S. Coleridge. With a biographical memoir by F. Freiligrath. Leip- zig, 1860. xlv, 344-1- pp. Sq. 16° 1613.20 Contents. — tJlemoh; Poems written in youth; Poems writ- ten in early manhood, and middle life; Rime of the ancient mariner; Christabel; Sibylline leaves; Poems written iu later life. — Aids to reflection. Edited by D. Coleridge. 12th edition. London, 1867. xx, 352 pp. 16° 5818.11 — Specimens of [his] table talk. New edition. London, 1870. xxxii [xxx], 351 pp. 16° .... 5617.1 iVofe. — Coleridge's own "Biographia literaria," though called " Biographical sketches of his literary life and opin- ions," is chiefly a series of essays upon views held by him at dilferent times. See also chapters in De Quiucey's " L.iterary reminiscences " [1226.1]. For further biographical detail, see S. C. Hall, in Atlantic monthly, Feb.. 186.i; De Quincey's paper on Coleridge and opium-eating [1825.1.2]; and Day's Opium habit [1525.17]. Also Talfourd's Lamb [1813.5; 5615.1]; Hunt's Autobiography [1225.20]; Carlyle's Sterling; Wordsworth's Memoirs; and the preface to his Table talk. For critical estimates, see Talfourd [1931.1]; "Wilson's Hour's talk [1531.7]; Bayne's Essays [1226.15.2] ; Shairp's ■ Studies [1535.14]; M. D. donway, in Harper's monthly, vols. 14 and 39. For his. theological opinions, see references in McClintock and Strong's Cyclopaedia. As a philosophical critic, see Whipple's Essays [1936.2.1]. Coleridge, Sara. Memoir and letters. Edited by her daughter. 3d edition. London, 1873. 2 v. 8°. 5424.8 Colfax, Schuyler, Sketch of. Richardson, A. D. A personal history of U. S. Grant. Hartford, 1868. 8° 1210.2 College, The, the market, and the court. Dall, C. H. (W.) Boston, 1867. 8° 1733.1 Collegians, The. Griffin, G 517.7 Collins, Charles Allston. A cruise upon wheels: the chronicle of some autumn wanderings among the deserted post-roads of France. Leipzig, 1874. 2v.ini. Sq. 16° 428.6 Collins, Clifton Wilbraham. Plato [outlined and explained]. Philadelphia, 1874. 197-|- pp. 16". [Ancient classics for English readers] .... 6116.20 — Sophocles [outlined and explained]. Edinburgh, 1871. 181-[- pp. 16°. [Ancient classics for English readers] 6116.11 Collins, J. H. The first book of mineralogy. New York [Glasgow], 1873. 160 pp. Illustrated. 16° 1717.8 Collins, Mortimer. Sweet and twenty 331.21 Collins, Robert. Practical treatise on midwifery. Boston, 1841. 320 pp. 8° 6023.15 Collins, T. Wharton. Humanics. New York, 1860. 358-1- pp. Folded sheet. 8° 1734.2 Collins, William Lucas. Aristophanes [outlined and explained]. Edinburgh, 1872. 172-|- pp. 16°. [Ancient classics for English readers] 6116.14 — Cicero [outlined and explained]. Edinburgh, 1871. 197-4- PP- 16°. [Ancient classics for English readers] 6116.10 — Homer. The Iliad [outlined and explained]. Edinburgh, 1871. viii, 148-[- pp. 16°. [Ancient classics for English readers] 6116.2 The Odyssey [outlined and explained], Edin- burgh, 1870. i36-j- pp. 16". [Ancient classics for English readers] 6116.3 — Lucian [outlined and explained]. Edinburgh, 1872. 180-4- PP' 16°. [Ancient classics for English readers] 6116.19 — Plautus and Terence [outlined and explained]. Edinburgh, 1873. 155-|- pp. 16". [Ancient classics for English readers] 6116.17 — Virgil [outlined and explained]. Edinburgh, 1870. 190-1- pp. 16°. [Ancient classics for English readers] 6116.6 Shelf. No. Collins, William Lucas, continued. — editor. Ancient classics [outlined and explained] for English readers. Edinburgh, 1870-74. 20 V. 16". Namely: — Church, A., and Brodribb, W. J. Pliny's let- ters 6116.12 Collins, C. W. Plato 6116.20 Sophocles 6116.11 Collins, W. L. Aristophanes 6116.14 Cicero 6116.10 Homer. The Iliad 6116.2 The Odyssey 6116.3 Lucian 6116.19 Plautus and Terence 61 16. 17 Virgil 6116.6 Copleston, R. S. ^schylus 6116.8 Davies, J. Hesiod, and Theognis 6116.16 Donne, W. B. Euripides 6116.13 Tacitus 6116.18 Grant, (Sir A. Xenophon 6116.9 Martin, T. Horace 6116.7 Neaves, C, lord Neaves. The Greek anthology. 6116.21 Swayne, G. C. Herodotus 6116.4 — - Trollope, A. The commentaries of Ceesar.... 6116.5 Walford, E. Juvenal 6116.15 Collins, (William) Wilkie. After dark 326.11 — Alicia Warlock, (a mystery,) and other stories.. 711.33 — Antonina; or, the fall of Rome. [Fifth century]. 326.4 — Armadale 326.5 — Basil 326.7 — The dead alive 717.3 — The dead secret 724.20 — The frozen deep, Boston 726.30 — The frozen deep; and other stories. Readings and writings in America. Leipzig 319.25 Contents. — The frozen deep ; The dream-woman ; John Jago's ghost ; or, the dead alive. — Hide and seek 326.1 — The law and the lady. Leipzig 330.17 — Same. New York 733.2 — Mad Monkton; and other tales 511.25 — Man and wife 326.2 — Miss or Mrs? 326.9 — The moonstone 326.10 — The new Magdalen. Leipzig 339.18 — Same. New York 731.2 — No name 326.3 — A plot in private life and other tales 326.8 — Poor Miss Finch 32G.G — The queen of hearts 524.8 — The queen's revenge; and other stories 511.2 — Sights a-foot 511.24 — The woman in white 326.12 — joint author. No thoroughfare. See Dickens, Charles (John Hufifam) 338.17 and 730.1 JVrte. — Wilkie Collins's books are the best modern repre- sentatives of the novel of plot, which is often mysterious. His " Woman in white " is accounted his best, and it is a story of Italian refugees in England. " The Moonstone " turns on the theft of an enormous diamond, which was the eye of an eastern idol. "The law and the lady" concerns "women's rights under the English law. "Hide and seek" pictures recent artist life in England. " The new Magdalen " is a story of nursing in the Franco-Prussian war. " Armadale " is an English social mystery, turning on the similarity of two men. "The dead alive " is a short judicial mystery founded on the Boorn murder case. CoLLYER, Robert. Nature and life : sermons. 10th edition. Boston, 1872. 313-|- pp. 12° 1537.4 CoLMAN, Henry. European agriculture and rural economy. 2d edition, with additions. Boston, 1849. 2 V. Illustrated. 8° 1521.7 — European life and manners. Boston, 1849. 2 v. 12° 423.1 CoLONNA, Vittoria, marchesa di Pescara. Her life and poems. Roscoe, Mrs. H. London, 1868. Sm.8° 5525.11 Color-guard, The: a corporal's notes of military service in the nineteenth army corps. Hosmer, J. K. Boston, 1864. 12° '. 826.1 Colorado. See Lippincott, S. J. New life in new lands: notes of travel. Now York, 1873. 12". 214.1 COLORADO 48 CONJUGIAL Shelf. No. Colorado river. Exploration of the Colorado river of the West. See Smithsonian institution, Washinyton, D. C 230.1 CoLTON, Calvin. Thoughts on the religious state of the country; with reasons for preferring episco- pacy. New York, 183G. 208 pp. 1'^ 6326.13 CoiiTON, Charles Caleb. Lacon; or many things in few words: addressed to those who think. Re- vised edition, with a life of the author. New York, 1860. xvi, 504 pp. 12° 1533.12 CoLTON, Gr. Woolworth. General atlas, containing 180 maps and plans. [With] letter-press de- scriptions, by R. S. Fisher. New York, 1873. Unpaged. F° • *R.R.Desk CoLTON, Walter. Ship and shore, in Madeira, Lis- bon, and the Mediterranean. Revised by H. T. Cheever. New York, 1856. 313 pp. 1 plate. 12^ 425.16 — Three years in California. With illustrations. New York, 185L 456 pp. Map. Portraits. 12°. 414.16 Columbus, Christopher. Abbott, J. S. C. Life of. New York [1875]. 12^^ 1014.15 — Irving, W. Life and voyages of. London, 1850. 2 V. 12^^ 1226.7 — Same. Added those of his companions. Phila- delphia, 1871. 3 V. Sm. 8° 1815.2 Note. — Irvine's is the best single life ; but his career is nec- essarily covered in Preseott's Ferdinand and Isabella [5922. 5J and in Help's Spanish conquest of America [81(3.0]. See note in Bulletin no. 33, p. 340. Combe, Andrew. The physiology of digestion con- sidered with relation to the principles of die- tetics. Boston, 1836. xvii, 328-f- pp. 12". . .6036.10 — The principles of physiology applied to the pre- servation of health, and to the improvement of physical and mental education. With woodcuts. New York, 1855. 39(J-|- pp. 16° 1718.2 Combe, George. The constitution of man, considered in relation to external objects. Illustrated. 20th edition, revised and enlarged. New York, 1872. XX, 436 pp. Portrait. 12° 1525.10 — Moral philosophy. New York, 1844. xii, 25- 372 pp. Sm. 12° 1529.5 Comedy of terrors, A. De Mille, J 531.22 Cometh up as a flower. Broughton, R 311.30 Comfort, George F. A German course. New York, 1870. viii, 498 pp. 12° 1933.7 — A German reader. New York, 1871. xvi, 432 pp. 12° 1933.4 Comfort for small incomes. Warren, E. Boston, 1866. 12° 1533.16 Comic metamorphoses. Valentine, W. New York [cop. 1856]. 12° 1516.18 Comin' thro' the rye. A novel 730.2 Coming race. The. [Fiction.] Bulwer-Lytton, E. (G. E.) L. Leipzig .- 329.8 — Same. New York 5617.13 Coming wave. The. Adams, W. T 923.19 CoMiNS, Lizzie B. (Laura Caxton.) The Hartwell farm 912.14 — Marion Berkley: a story for girls ^. 912.15 Comme on fait son lit on se couche. Souvestre, E. Theatre de la jeunesse. Paris, 1860. 12° 5536.15 • Commerce. Anderson, W. The London commercial dictionary, and sea-port gazetteer. London, 1826. 8° 6434.4 — Cobden club, ionrfon. Free trade and the Euro- pean treaties of. London, 1875. Sm. 8° 5418.13 — Yeats, J. Growth and vicissitudes of, from b. c. 1500 to A. D. 1789. Loudon, 1872. 16°.. 6437.3 Manual'of recent and existing commerce from 1789 to 1872. London, 1872. 16° 6437.2 Common-place book. [Extracts.] Southey, R. London, 1850. 4 v. 8° ...5624.1 Common school journal. Edited by H. Mann. Vol. 1-6,8-11. Boston, 1839-49. 10 v. 8° 1335.1 Common sense. Newby, C. J 314.10 Common-sense in religion. Clarke, J. F. Boston, 1874. 12° 5817.7 Common sense in the household. [Receipts, etc.] Terhune, M. V. New York, lb71. 12° 1533.6 Shelf. No. Common sense in the hoasehold series. See Terhune, Mary Virginia. Communistic societies. The, of the United States. NordhofiF, C. New York, 1875. 8^ 5821.2 Companions of my solitude. Helps, Sir A. Boston, 1870. 16° 1914.3 Comparative anatomy and physiology. The cranial affinities of man and the ape. Virchow, R. {In Estes, D. llalf-hour recreations in popular science) 6813.7 Compensation. Brewster, A. M. II 716.34 Complete historical, chronological, and geographical American atlas. Philadelphia, 1822. Unpaged. 63 maps. F° 5030.8 Compromise, On. Morley, J. London, 1874. 8°.. 5823.4 Comtesse, La, d'Escarbagnas: comedie. Moliere, J. B. P. ffiuvres. Paris, 1869. 12° 5537.4.3 CoMYN, L. N. Atherstone priory 728.3 — Elena. An Italian tale 727.30 Con Cregan, Confessions of. Lever, C. (J.) Leipzig. 332.24 — Same. London 5 16.8 CoNANT, Caleb A. Grandmother's scrap-book 916.12 CoxXANT, Helen S. The butterfly hunters 933.1 CoNANT, Thomas Jefferson, asuistant editor. A dic- tionary of religious knowledge. See Abbott, Lyman 6320.2 CoNCHOLOGY. A conchological manual. Sowerby, G. B. London, 1852. 8° .6632.4 See also Mollusca, Shells. Concord, Mass. Corinthian lodge of ancient, free and accepted masons. By-laws, charter [etc.]. Added an historical sketch of masonry. By L. A. Surette. Concord, 1859. 191 pp. Por- traits. 12° 817.13 — History of the battle of. Frothingham, R. Bos- ton, 185 L 8° '.... 812.6 Note. — For the fight in 1775, see Bulletin no. 34, p. 384. Concord days. Alcott, A. B. Boston, 1872. 12°.. 5217.1 Concord river, Mass., A week on the. Thoreau, H. D. Boston, 1868. 12° 215.1 Concrete works, Foundations and. Dobson, E. Lon- don, 1867. 12° 1716.27 CoNDE, Louis II, de Bourbon, prince of. Life of. Stanhope, P. H., 5th earl Stanhope. London, 1861. Sm. 8° 5527.10 CoNDE, Princes of, History of the. Aumale, H. (E. P.L.)d'Orleans, rf«cd'. London, 1872. 2 v. 8^. 5522.0 Condensed novels. Harte, (F.) B. Boston, 187L 16°. 524.22 Note. — Burlesque imitations of famous novelists. Confectioner. Manuel du confiseur. Duval, H. Paris, 1851. 24° 6429.7 Confession; or, the blind heart. Simms, W. G.. . . 716.25 Confessions of an English opium-eater. De Quincey, T. Boston, 1872. 16° 1825. ^ Confessions of Con Cregan. Lever, C. (J.) Leipzig. 332.24 — Same. London 516.8 Confessions of Gerald Estcourt. Church, F 337.18 Confidential disclosures. Laraartine, A. (M. L.) de. New York, 1849. 12° 5536.10 Conflict of ages. The. [Eternal punishment.] Beecher, E. Boston, 1854. 12° 152t.21 Confucius (or Kong-Fu-Tse), and Mencius. The Chinese classics: a translation by James Legge. New York, 1870. 2v.ini. 8° 5923 2 Congo. Abbott, J. Harper's story books 936.1.12 Congo river. Two trips to Gorilla land and the cataracts of the Congo. Burton, R. F. Lon- don, 1876. 2 V. 8° 5933.12 Congregational history, 1200-1700. Waddingtor, J. London, 1869, 74. 2 v. 8° 5810.1 Congregational quarterly. Vol. 15-17. Boston, 1873-75. 3 V. 8° 6716.1 Congressional globe. See United States. Miscel- laneous Case G5 Congreve, William. Dramatic works. See Wy- CHERLEY, William 5011. (5 Coningsby. [English political life.] Disraeli, B.. . 324.23 CoNJUGiAL love. Swedeuborg, E. New York, 1871. 8° 6323 4 CONNECTICUT 49 COOPER Shelf. No. Connecticut, Genealogical notes of. Goodwin, N. Hartford, 1856. 8" 5011.8 CoNQUKRiNG and to conquer. Charles, E 723.8 Conquest and self-conquest. Macintosh, M. J 718.4 Conquest, The, of the sea. Siebe, H. London [1874]. Sin. 8'^ 6418.4 Conscience, Hendrik or Henri. The demon of gold. 717.6 — Scenes de la vie flamande. Traduction de L. Wocquier. Premiere serie. Nouvelle edition. Paris, 1864. 302 pp. 18^ 5536.12 Contents. — Ce que peut soufFrir une mere; Le conserit; Le geiitilliomine pauvre. Conscript, The ^ a story of the French war of 1813. Erckmann, E., and Chatrian, A 913.22 Considerations on some recent social theories. Boston, 1853. 158+ pp. 16° 5827.3 Consolation in affliction. Greenwood, E. W. P. Sermons of consolation. Boston, 1644. Sm. 8^^.5817.10 — MacdufiF, J. R. Wells of Baca; or, solaces of the Christian mourner. Boston, 1854. 16"... 5819.9 — Parkman, F., and others. An offering of sympa- thy to parents bereaved of their children and to others under affliction. Boston, 1830. 12"^. 1538.4 and 5819.19 Consolations in travel. Davy, Sir H. Boston, 1870. 16° 5617.5 Constable, Archibald. Personal reminiscences. {In Stoddard, R. H. Bric-a-brac series) 1828.10 — Archibald Constable and his literary correspond- ents. Constable, T. Edinburgh, 1873. 3 v. 8°. 5424.10 Mote. — Constable was an Edinburgh publisher, and these boiiks show liis relations witli eminent writers, the tliird volume ot tiie latter being given to Sir Walter Scott wlioUy. Constable, Thomas. Archibald Constable and his literary correspondents. A memorial. Edin- burgh, 1873. 3 V. Portrait. 8° 5424.10 Constable de Bourbon, The. Ainsworth, W. H. . .. 322.21 Constable of the tower. The. Ainsworth, W. H. .. 322.8 Constance Sherwood. FuUerton, Lady G 325.21 CoNSTANTiN, Leopold Auguste. See Hesse, Leopold Auguste Constantin. Constantinople. Gautier, T. Constantinople. New York, 1875. 12° 824.12 — Holland, F. W. Constantinople. (.In Many lands and many people) 431.3 Constitution of man, The, considered in relation to external objects. Combe, G. New York, 1872. 12° 1525.10 Constitution, The, of Massachusetts, and the United States; the declaralSon of independence, with Washington's farewell address. Northamp- ton, 1806. Ill) pp. 12° 618.1 Constitutions, The, of the sixteen states which com- pose the confederated republic of America. Pre- fixed, the declaration of independence; articles of Confederation; the definitive treaty of peace with Great Britain; and the constitution of the United States. Boston, 1797. 300 pp. 12°... 818.3 Consuelo. Dudevant, a. L. a. D. Paris 2018.2 — Same. Philadelphia 535.2 Consumption, Pulmonary. Fitch, S. S. New York, 1847. 12° 6027.1 CoNTARiNi Fleming. Disraeli, B 324.18 Contemporary review, The. Vol. 22-26. London, 1873-75. 5 V. 8° .6511.1 Contraband. Melville, G. J. W 321.18 Conundrums and riddles. Book of. Howard, C. J. New York [ 1869]. 16° 15 18.3 Convict, The. James, G. P. R 327.8 Conway, J. D. Complete poems : or, hours of re- creation. Lawrence, 1875. 200 pp. 16° 1625.15 Conway, Moncure Daniel. The earthward pilgrim- age. London, 1870. 406 [402] pp. Sm. 8°. . .6326.18 — editor. The sacred anthology: a book of ethnical scriptures. London, 1874. viii, 479 pp. 8°. .5813.14 Conyngham, D. p. The Irish brigade and its cam- paigns. Boston, 1869. 599 pp. 12° 824.4 — Sarstield; or, the last great struggle for Ireland. Boston, 1871. ix, 224 pp. Portrait. Sq. 16". 828.7 Cook, Capt. James: his life, voyages, and discoveries. ■ Kingston, W. H. G. [London, 1871.] Sq. 16°. 215.3 7 Shelf. No. Cooke, John Esten. Doctor Vandyke. [Virginia life about 1750] 510.2 — Henry St. John, gentleman. A tale of 1774-75. [Virginia life] 524.6 — Her majesty the queen. A novel 737.15 Note.— Time of Charles I of England and Henrietta of France. — Leather stocking and silk. [Valley of Virginia about 1800] 524.16 — Life of Gen. Robert E. Lee. With illustrations, portraits, and maps. New York, 1871. vi, 577 pp. 8° 5022.2 — Pretty Mrs. Gaston, and other stories 736.29 — Stonewall Jackson: a military biography. With portrait and maps. New York, 1866. 470 pp. Sm. 8° 1214.11 Cooke, Josiah Parsons, yr. International scientific series. The new chemistry. New York, 1874. 326 pp. Illustrated. 12-^ 6436.15 — Principles of chemical philosophy. 3d edition. Boston, 1874. viii, 576. xii-}- pp. 8° 6435.5 Cooke, M. C. A fern book for everybody. Con- taining all the British ferns. With the foreign species suitable for a fernery. London [1867]. 124-|-pp. Illustrated. 16° ,...6619.1 — International scientific series. Fungi: their na- ture and uses. Edited by M. J. Berkeley. New York, 1875. xii, 2J9 pp. Illustrated. 12°. . .6436.13 Cookery. Blot, P. Hand-book of practical cookery. New York, 1873. 12° 1515.5 — Kitchiuer, W. The cook's oracle. Boston, 1822. 12° 1516.20 — Miller, E. S. In the kitchen. Boston, 1875. Sm. 4° 1532.8 — Parloa, M. The Appledore cook book. Boston [1873]. 8° 6426.2 — Terhune, M. V. Breakfast, luncheon and tea. New York, 1875. 12° 1533.2 Common sense in the household : a manual of practical housewifery. New York, 1871. 12°. 1533.6 See also Receipts. CooLEY, Arnold James. Cyclopaedia of practical receipts and collateral information in the arts, manufactures, professions, and trades. 5th edi- tion, revised and partly rewritten by R. V. Tu- son. London, 1872. xii, 1201-]- pp. 8° 6423.1 — Hand-book of perfumes, cosmetics and other toi- let articles. Philadelphia, 1873. 804 [418] pp. Sm. 8° 15 14. 13 — The toilet in ancient and modern times. Phila- delphia, 1873. viii, 388 pp. Sm. 8° 1514.12 CooLiDGE, George A. Brochure of Bunker hill. [With heliotype views.] Boston, 1875. 32 pp. Oblong 16° 819.6 CooLiDGE, Susan, pseud. See Woolsey, Sarah Chauncey. CooMASsiE, Guinea. Coomassie and Magdala. Stan- ley, H. M. New York, 1874. 8° 5931.14 Cooper, Sir Astley (Paston). Treatise on disloca- tions and fractures of the joints. New editio-i. Edited by B. P. Cooper. Boston, 1844. xliii, 499 pp. Illustrations. Portrait. 8° 6021.3 Cooper, Elizabeth. Life of Thomas Wentworth, earl of Strafford. London, 1874. 2 v. 8° 53]3.5 Cooper, James Fenimore. Afloat and ashore. [Sea story] 525.15 — The bravo. [Venice] 525.30 — The chainbearer 525.18 Note. — Revolutionary period. — The crater. [Volcanic Pacific island] 525.1 — The headsman 525.25 Note. — Switzerland and Italy — time of Calvin. — The Heidenmauer 525.31 Note. — Scene in the Vosges mountains in the middle ages. — History of the navy of the United States, [1607] to 1853. New York, 1853. With portraits and maps. 3v.ini. 8° 813.4 Continued to 1860. New York, 1866. 3 v. in L Portrait. 8° 813.5 COOPER 50 COTTAGE Shelf. No. Cooper, James Fenimore, continued. — Home as found 525.20 — Homeward bound 525.27 Note. — These two novels made the author offensive to some of his countrymen, by his satire on the American character. — The Jack o' Lantern 310.12 Note. — Same as Wing-and-wing. — Jack Tier. [Sea adventures, West Indies] 525.8 — [Leather stocking tales.] The deerslayer 525.7 The last of the Mohicans 525.10 The pathfinder 525.5 The pioneers 525.28 — - The prairie 525.22 Note. — The Leather stocking tales trace the history of Natty IBunippo, a backwoodsman, and associate of the Indi- an?, during the last century, and covering, particularly in The last of the Mohicans, the period of the old French war. — Lionel Lincoln 525.9 Note. — Bunker hill and Boston in 177S. — Mercedes of Castile 525.14 Note. — Spain and Columbus. — Miles Wallingford 525.17 Note.— Sea story, sequel to Afloat and ashore. — The Monikins. [Satire on American politics], . . 525.21 — The oak-openings. [Michigan early days] 525.19 — The pilot 625.29 Note. — Paul Jones figures. ^ — Precaution 525.32 Note. — A society novel, and Cooper's earliest. — The Red Rover 525.24 Note. — Old French war — Newport and slavers. — The redskins 525.2 Note. — Anti-rent troubles in New York state. — Satanstoe 525.6 AWe. — Westchester county. New York, middle of the last century. — The sea lions 525.11 Note.— Sealers in the Southern ocean. — The spy. Leipzig 310.11 — Same. New York 525.26 Note. — The revolutionary period on the Hudson. Wash- ington figures, 1780. — Stories of the prairie, and other adventures of the border 515.13 — Stories of the sea 515.12 — Stories of the woods 515.14 Note. — These three collections of " Stories " are selections from his novels. — The travelling bachelor; or, notions of the Amer- icans 536.7 — The two admirals. Leipzig 310.13 — Same. New York 625.16 A^o8]; in the Duke of Argyle s Reign of law [152i5.15, ch. v, in opposition]; in Spencer's "Principles of biologv" [6625.2]; in Burrs "Doctrine of evolution" [1527.11.2]; beside the works ot Hodge and Schmidt above named. See the following articles in periodicals, — Contemp9rary review, by Sir Alexander Grant, vol. 17; Popular science monthly, 1873 and 1874 (bv Asa Gray) ; Atlantic monthly, July, 1860, Oct., 1860, Oct., 1866, July, 1868; North American review, Ai)ril, 1870; Harper's monthly. Dec, 1867; Scribner's monthly, vol. 6; Old and new (against), vol. 8. , See the literature of the subject considered in Van Rhyn s "What and how to read" [6136.11], under the heads of Ui- ology, Evolution, Species, and Zoology. DASA 56 DEARBORN Shelf. No. Dasa Kuaiara Charitra. See Dandi, Sri. Dates. Bond, J. J. Handy-book of rules and tables for verifying dates with the Christian era. London, 1875. Sin. 8^ 5627.2 — Haydn, J. Dictionary of. New York, 1870. 8^ *R.ll., E.3.8 Daughter, The, of an empress. Mundt, C. (M.) .. 531.3 Daughter, A, of Bohemia, i'isher, F. C 732.23 Daughter, A, of Heth. Black, W 311.26 Daughter's, The, own book; or, practical hints from a father to his daughter. Boston, 1833. 240 pp. 1 plate. 16^ 1538.21 Daunt, \N. J. O'N. Ireland and her agitators. New edition, revised. Dublin, 1867. xiv, 312 [310] pp. 12° 5417.4 Daurignac, J. M. S., pseud. See Orliac, Mme. J. M. S. Davault's mills. A novel. Jones, C. H 722.4 Davenport, John. Narrative. See Darnell, Elias 819.6 Davenport Dunn. Lever, C. (J.) Leipzig 332.4 — Same. London 516.7 David Copperfield. Dickens, C. (J. H.). Boston. 2 v. 1824.7 — Same. Leipzig 338.14 David Elginbrod. MacDonald, G 328.2 David Swan: a fantasy. (/« Johnson, (E.) R. Lit- tle classics) 529.4.4 Davidson, Ellis A. The boy joiner and model maker. With illustrations. London [1874]. 211pp. 4° 1512.3 •^— Cassell's technical manuals. [Linear drawing and projection. London, 1868-75.] 2 v. in 1. Illustrated. Sm. S'^ 6218.2 Contents. — Linear drawing ; Orthographic and isometrical projection. Davidson, Lucretia Maria, Memoir of. Sedgwick, C. M. (In Sparks, J. Library of American biography) 5028.1.7 Davidson, Margaret Miller, Biography and poetical remains of. Irving, \V. Philadelphia, 1841. 12" 1217.2 Da vies, Charles Maurice. Unorthodox London: or phases of religious life in the metropolis. Lon- don, 1873. viii, 448 pp. 8^^ 5811.4 Davies, G. Christopher. Kambles and adventures of our school field-club. With illustrations. Lon- don, 1875. X, 284-f-pp. Sm. 8^ ;. 1115.15 Davies, James. Hesiod, and Theognis [outlined and explained]. Edinburgh, 1873. vii, 166-}- pp. 16*^. [Ancient classics for English readers]. 6116.16 Davies, Theodore. Losing to win 714.8 Davies, Thomas A. Genesis disclosed: proving the error that all men have descended from Adam and Eve [etc.]. New York, 1874. 222 pp. 12- 6327.12 Davillier, (Jean) Charles, baron. L'Espagne. Illustree par G. Dore. Paris, 1874. 79i)-|- pp. L. 4° 5910.5 Davis, Caroline E., formerly Miss Kelly. Daisy Deane 928.21 — Matty Frost. A story for girls Iil8.1 Davis, Eliza B. Edith; or, the light of home 733.3 Davis, Jetferson, Life of. Pollard, E. A. Phila- delphia [cop. 1869]. 8° 5013.3 Davis, Nathan. Carthage and her remains: being an account of the excavations and researches on the site of the Phoenician metropolis in Africa, and other adjacent places. London, 1801. xvi, 631pp. Illustrated. Maps. 8'^ 422.1 Davis, Rebecca Harding. The captain's story. (In Johnson, (E.) R. Little classics) 529.4.2 — A faded leaf of history. (In Johnson, (E.) R. Little classics) 529.4.10 — John Andross 737.33 — Kitty's choice. A story of Berry town 73 1. 10 — Margret Howth 715.20 Davis, Mrs. Stephen M. Life and times of Sir Philip Sidney. Boston, 1859. 281-f- pp. Por- trait. Plate. Fac-simile. 16° 1225.11 — Same. New edition. New York, 1875. 286-f- pp. Portrait. Plate. Fac-simile. 16" 5337.4 Shelf. No. Davis, William M. Nimrod of the sea 726.28 Daw, Sir Humphry. Consolations in travel. With illustrations. Boston, 1870. iv, 2J7 pp. 16"^. 5617.5 — Salmonia; or, days of fly fishing. With illustra- tions. Boston, 1870. xvi, 30o pp. 16° 1515.4 — Forbes, J. D. Biography of. (In Macaulay, T. B., lord, and others. New biographies of illus- trious men) • • • • 5428.4 — Mayhew, H. The wonders of science; or, young Humphry Davy. New York, 1870. 16° 936.34 Dawes, Rufus. Geraldine, Athenia of Damascus, and miscellaneous poems. New York, 1839. 343 pp. Portrait. 12° 5217.4 Dawkins, William Boyd. Cave hunting, researches on the evidence of caves respecting the early in- habitants of Europe. Illustrated. London, 1874. xxiv, 455 pp. 8= 6632,5 Dawson, Henry B. The sons of liberty in New York. A paper read before the New York his- torical society. [New York] 1859. 118 pp. 8°. 811.12 Dawson, John William. The story of the earth and man. New York, 1873. xiii, 403-f- pp. Illus- trated. 12° 1523.22 Day, B. H. American ready reckoner. New York [co;>. 1866]. 192 pp. 16° 1938.1 Day, Henry, joint author. Art recreations. See Urbino, Lavinia Buoncore 1515.9 Day, Henry Noble. The science of aesthetics. New Haven, 1872. :^vii, 434 pp. Illustrated. 12°. 6226.4 Day, Horace. The opium habit, with suggestions as to the remedy. New York, 1868. 335 pp. 12° 1525. 17 Day, Thomas. History of Sandford and Merton. Corrected and revised by C. Hartley. New edi- tion. London [1850]. vii, 462 pp. Illustrated. 16° 935.4 Day after the fair: a burletta. Somerset, G. A. New York, n. d. 12° 1635^ Day, The, after the holidays. Moncrieff, A. R. H. . 1115.8 Day, a, by the fire. Hunt, (J. H.) L. Boston, 1870. 12° 5618.4 Day's, A, ride. Lever, C. (J.) Leipzig 332.8 — Same. London 616.4 Daybreak in Spain. Wylie, J. A. London [1870]. Sm. 8° 227. 1 Daydie, Blaise Maria, chevalier. Correspondance inedite, faisant suite aux lettres de Mademoi- selle Aisse. Public sur les manuscrits auto- graphes originaux, avec introduction et notes par Honore Bonhomme. Paris, 1874. 335-|- pp. 18° 5527.13 Days, The, of Bruce. [Scottish historical fiction.] Aguilar, G. 2v 533.19 Days, The, of Jezebel. Bayne, P. Boston, 1872. 12° 1636.4 AWe. — Poetical drama, —Elijah the prophet, etc. Days, The, of my life. An autobiography. Oli- phant, M. (0. W.). New York, 1868. 12° ... 512.7 Days of yore. Keddie, Miss —. London, 1868. 16°. 736.17 De oflBeiis libri tres. Cicero, M. T. Philadelphia, 1850. Sm. 12° 6118.2 Deacons. Murray, W. H. H. Boston, 1875. Sq. 12° 724.26 Dead alive. The. Collins, (W.) W 717.3 Dead lake. The. Heyse, P. (J. L.) 311.9 Dead men's shoes. Hadormann, J. R 533. 15 Dead-sea fruit. Braddon, M. E 325.11 Dead secret, The. Collins, (W,) W 724.20 Dead sin. The. Mayo, I. F 524.18 Dead to the world. Bauer, K 716.15 Dealings with the dead. Sargent, L. M. Boston, 1856. 2v. 12° 1816.1 Dealings with the fairies. MacDonald, G 939.1 Dean's, The, daughter. Gore, C. G. F 3 11.5 Deane, William Reed. A genealogical memoir of the Leonard family. Boston, 1851. 23-4- pp. 8° 612.4 Dear Lady Disdain. MacCarthy, J 721.23 Dearborn, Henry Alexander Scammel, Address on the life and character of. Putnam, G. Roxbury, 185L 8° 1932.1 DEARBORN 57 DENIS Shelf. No. Dearborjj, Nathaniel S. Guide through Mount Auburn, with engravings, [and] a plan of the cemetery. 11th edition. Boston, 1857. 55 pp. 12° 413.8 Death and life. Ware, M. G. (C.) Boston, 1864. 12° 1526.10 Debatable land. The, between this world and the next. [Spiritualism.] Owen, R. D. New York, 1872. 12° 1526.28 Debenham's vow. Edwards, A. B 312.12 Debit and credit. [Novel.] Freytag, G 533.8 Dkborah's diary. Manning, A 738.4 Decaisne, Joseph, and Naudin, Charles Victor. Handbook of hardy trees, shrubs, and herba- ceous plants. (See Hemslev, W. B 6624.1 Decomposition, The dependence of life on. Freke, H. Dublin, 1871. 8° 1528.12 Decorative arts. Dresser, C. Principles of deco- rative design. London [1873]. 4° 6210.8 — Eastlake, Sir C. L. Hints on household taste in furniture, upholstery, and other (ietails. Bos- ton, 1872. Sm.8°.... 6212.1 De Cressy. By the author of " Still waters" 3 10. 16 Dedham, Mass. Burgess, E. Dedham pulpit. Bos- ton, 1840. 8° 5813.11 — Worthington, E. History of. Boston, 1827. 8°. 811.18 Deep down. A tale of the Cornish mines. Ballan- tyne, R. M 935.10 Deep waters. Drury, A. H 720.9 Deerbrook. Martineau, H 737.21 Deerings, The, of Medbury. Townsend, V. F 711.24 Deerslayer, The. Cooper, J. F 625.7 De Foe, Daniel. Robi«son Crusoe. Leipzig, 1845. 495-1- pp. Sq. 16° 310.14 — Same. . With illustrations. New York, 1874. 356+ pp. 16° 733.9 — Same. Edited after the original editions. With a biographical introduction by H. Kingsley. London, 1868. xxxi, 607 pp. Sq. 16° 916.13 — Chadwick, W. Life and times of. London. 1859. . 8° '. 5422.6 — Lee, W. Daniel De Foe: his life and newly dis- covered writings. London, 1869. 3 v. 8° . . . 5422.5 — Stephen, L. De Foe's novels. (Zn ^'s Hours in a library) 6136.9 Note. — Chadwick's book is discursively written. Lee made some recently discovered writings the occasion of a new biog- raphy in 1869. Of the briefer memoirs, Forster's Life [in his Biographical essays, — also Edinburgli review, Oct., 1845] is thorough enough for most readers. De Forest, John William. The Lauson tragedy. {In Johnson, (E. ) R. Little classics) 529.4.3 — Miss Ravenel's conversion from secession to loyalty 535.5 — Overland 53L24 — Playing the mischief 720.29 — The Wetherell affair 732.8 Degerando, Joseph Marie, baron. See Gerando, Joseph Marie, baron de. Deicides, The. Cohen, J. Baltimore, 1873. 12°.. 5817.13 Deism. Short method with deists. Leslie, C. An- dover, 1823. 12° 5819.4 De Kroyft, S. Helen. Little Jakey. {In John- son. (E.) R. Little classics) 529.4.10 — A place* in thy memory. New York, 1851. 191 pp. Plate. Portrait. 12° 5218.7 Delacour, Alfred (Charlemagne Lartigue), joint author. Les petits oiseaux: comedie. See Labiche, Eugi^ne (Marin) 2015.2 Delafield, Richard. Report on the art of war in Europe in 1854-56. See United States. De' partment of war 5910.3 Delamotte, Philip H. A progressive drawing book for beginners. 2d edition. London, 1874. x, 122+ pp. Illustrated. Sm. 8° 6217.10 Delano, Amasa. Narrative of voyages and travels, in the northern and southern hemispheres: com- prising three voyages round the world; with a voyage in the Pacific ocean and oriental islands. Boston, 1817. 598+ pp. Map [imperfect]. Portraits. 8° 432.6 8 Shelf. No. Delesdernier, Emily Piorpont. Fannie St. John. A romantic incident of the American revolution. . New York, 1874. 63+ pp. Sq. 16° 5216.7 N<^e. — " My main purpose has been to make known the rare goodness of heart of my grandfather Gustavus Fellowes [brother of Caleb Fellowes, founder of the Fellowes Atho- niBum]." — Pre/ace. De LiEFDE, J. B. Galama: or, the beggars. (The founders of the Dutch republic.) New York [1873.] 166pp. 8° 620.3 Note. — Originally published in England in 18(i9, under the title of The beggars (Les gueux). Delusions, Epidemic. Carpenter, W. B. (In Estea, D. Half-hour recreations in popular science) . . 6813.7 De Mille, James. The American baron. With illustrations 511.19 — The babes in the wood. A story of the Italian revolution of 1848 710.22 — [The " B. 0. W. C." series.] The " B. 0. W. C." [i. e. Brethren of the White Cross] 935.18 The boys of Grand Pre school 932.43 Fire in the woods 934.20 Lost in the fog 934.21 Picked up adrift 9 14.39 The treasure of the seas 928.6 — A comedy of terrors 531.22 — Cord and creese 521.14 — The cryptogram 521.15 — The Dodge club 511.22 — The lady of the ice 621.1 — The lily and the cross. A tale of Acadia 724.12 — The living link 710.2 — An open question 520.1 — The young Dodge club [series]. Among the brigands 932.44 The seven hills {i. e. Rome] 914.41 Democracy. Capen, N. History of. Vol. i. Hart- ford, 1874. 8" 6332.3 — Tocqueville, A. (C. H. C.) de. Democracy in America. Boston, 1873. 2 v. Sm. 8° 5015.1 Demon, The, of gold. Conscience, H 717.6 De Morgan, C. From matter to spirit. The result of ten years' experience in spirit manifestations. Intended as a guide to enquirers. With a preface byA.B. London, 1863. xlv, 388+pp. Sm. 8°.6325.19 Demosthenes. The Olynthiac and other public ora- tions. Translated, with notes, by C. R. Kennedy. London, 1871. 312 pp. Sm. 8° .6115.19 — Orations against Leptines, Midias, Androtion, and Aristocrates. Translated, with notes, by C. R. Kennedy. London, 1856. 407+ pp. Sm. 8°. 6115,9 — Orations against Macartatus, Leochares, Steph- anus I, Stephanus ii, Euergus and Mnesibulus, Olympiodorus, Timotheus, Polycles, Callippus, Nicostratus, Conon, Callicles, Dionysodorus, Eubulides, Theocrines, Neaera, and for the naval crown; the funeral oration; the erotic oration, or paneg3'ric upon Epicrates; exordia; the epistles. Translated by C. R. Kennedy. Lon- don, 1863. 401+ pp. Sm.8° 6115.11 — Orations against Tiraocrates, Aristogiton, Apho- bus, Onetor, Zonothemis, Apaturius, Phorraio, Lacritus, Pantaenetus, Nausimachus, Boeotus, Spudias, Phainippus, and for Phormio. Trans- lated, with notes and appendices, by C. R. Ken- nedy. London, 1872. 420 pp. Sm. 8° 6115.10 — Orations on the crown, and on the embassy. Translated, with notes, by C. R. Kennedy. London, 1872. 401+ pp. Sm. 8° .,...6115.18 Dempsey, G. Drysdale. Rudimentary treatise on the locomotive engine. With illustrative diagrams. 3d edition. London, 1866. 152+pp. 12°..., 1716.7 — Rudimentary treatise [on] tubular and other iron girder bridges. 3d edition. With engravings. Loudon, 1865. viii, 136 pp. 12'-^ 1716.17 Dene hollow. Wood, E. P 333.16 Denis, (Jean) Ferdinand. Portugal. Paris, 1846. 439+ pp. 32 plates. 8°. [L'Univers] 5911.10 — and Chauvin, Victor. The true Robinson Crusoes. Stories of adventure. Abridged from the French, by C. Russell 938.8 DENIS 58 DEVIL Shelf. No. Denis Donne. Cudlip, A 317.14 Dknis Duval. Thackeray, W. M. Leipzig 335.1 — Same, (/n Aw Works.) London 513.1.11 Denise. By the author of " Mademoiselle Mori ". . 310.17 Denison, Edmund Beckett. Astronomy without mathematics. From the 4th London edition. Edited with corrections and notes by P. E. Chase. New York, 1871. 357 pp. Illustrated. 12° 6817.1 — Rudimentary treatise on clocks, watches, and bells. With illustrations. 5th edition. With appendix, and index. London, 1868. 424-1- pp. Folded plate. 12° 1716.12 Denison, Eliza Freeman. Autumn leaves. [Juve- nile.] By Christie Crust [^jseurf.] 938.12 Denison, Mary Andrews. Bessie Brown, the sol- dier's daughter 928.16 — The Denison series. A noble sister 1117.27 — Opposite the jail 926.20 — Orphan Anne 928.18 — Out of prison 1118.4 — Ruth Margerie: a romance of the revolt of 1689. 539.9 Denman, Thomas, lord, Memoir of. Arnould, Sir J. London, 1873. 2 v. 8° 6332.1 Denmark. Adams, W. T. Up the Baltic; or. Young America in. Boston, 1873. 16" 925.8 — Brown, J. The Northern courts; containing memoirs of the sovereigns of, since 1766. Lon- don, 1818. 2v. 8'-^ 5713.1 — Murray, J. Handbook for. London, 1871. 12°. 5716.3 — Philojuvenis, pseud. Edda; or, the tales of a grandmother. History of Denmark to 1448. London, 1875. L. 8° 5712.2 — Taylor, (J.) B. Northern travel: summer and winter pictures of. New York, 1858. 12° 426.3 Denon, (Dominique) Vivant, baron. Travels in upper and lower Egypt, during the campaigns of Bonaparte in that country. Translated from the French. Prefixed, an historical account of the invasion of Egypt by the French. By Arthur Aikin. With engravings. New York, 1803. 2v. Map. Folded plates. 8° 222.3 D£piT araoureux, Le: comedie. Moliere, J. B. P. (Euvres. Paris, 1869. 12° 5537.2.1 Depping, Guillaume. Wonders of bodily strength and skill. Translated by C. Russell. With illustrations. New York, 1872. 338 pp. 16°. 1714.12 Depths of the sea, The. Thomson, C. W. London, 1873. 8° 6632.3 De QuiNCEY, Thomas. Autobiographic sketches. Boston, 1869. 383 pp. 16° 1825.7 — The avenger; and other papers. Boston, 1859. 327 pp. 12° 715.10 — Biographical essays. Boston, 1870. 286 pp. 12°. 1825.6 — The Caesars. Boston, 1873. 288 pp. 12° 1825.10 — The confessions of an English opium-eater, and Suspiria de profundis. Boston, 1872. 288 pp. Portrait. 16° 1825.5 — Essays on the poets, and other English writers. Boston, 1871. 298 pp. 16° 1825.4 — Flight of a Tartar tribe. (/» Johnson, (E.) R. Little classics) 529.4.1 — Historical and critical essays. Boston, 1866. 2v. 12° 1825.3 — Literary reminiscences. Boston, 1851. 2 v. 12°. 1226.1 — Memorials, and other papers. Boston, 1868. 2 v. 12° •• 1825.8 — Miscellaneous essays. Boston, 1872. 288 [284] PP- 12° 1825.2 — Murder, considered as one of the fine arts. {In Johnson, (E.) R. Little classics) 529.4.2 — Narrative and miscellaneous papers. Boston. 187L 2v. 12° : 1825.1 — The vision of sudden death. {In Johnson, (E.) R. Little classics) 529.4.3 — See Stephen, L. Hours in a library. London, 18T4. 16° : 6136.9 A'rte. — De Quincey's own writings are largely illustrative of his own lite, particularly his Confessions of an opium-eater- gee also Day's Opium habit [1525.17]; Literary reminis- cences; Autobiographic sketches; Memorials, etc. See Har- P.**,^.! monthly, vol. 1; also see vol. 2; and reierences in AUibone. Shelf. Ho. Derby, Elias Haskett. The catholic. Letters ad- dressed by a jurist to a young kinsman propos- ing to join the church of Rome. Boston, 1856. xii, 293 pp. 12° 1524.22 Derby, George. An inquiry into the influence of anthracite fires upon health; with remarks upon artificial moisture, and the best modes of warm- ing houses. 2d edition, enlarged. Boston, 1868. 76 pp. 12° 1526.15 — Lessons of the war to the medical profession. {In Massachusetts medical society. Publications). 6021.4 — and OTHERS. Papers from the Second annual re- port of the Massachusetts board of health. Bos- ton, 1871. Map. 8° 6023.18 Contents. — Tlie causes of typhoid fever in Massachusetts, Health of towns. Trichina disease in Massachusetts, by G. Derby; Health of minors employed in manufactories of cot- ton, woollen, silk, flax, and jute, Mortality of Boston in 1870, bv- G. Derby and F. W. Draper; Air, and its impurities, by G. Derby and others. Derby, George Horatio. Phoenixiana; or, sketches and burlesques by John Phoenix. 12th edition. New York, 1861). 274 pp. 1 plate. 12° 635.14 Derrick, Francis, pseud. See Notley, Mrs. — . Descent of man, The. Darwin, C. (R.) New York, 1872. 2v. 12° 1523.5 See also Darwinism, note. Description of the Boston water works. With maps and illustrations, Boston, 1848. 46 pp. Sm. 12° 819.3 Desert home. The. Reid, M 937.21 Desert, The, of the Exodus. Palmer, E. H. New York, 1872. Sm. 8° 222.2 Deserted ship, The. Cupples, G 915.19 Deserted village. The. [Poem.] Goldsmith, 0. Works. Leipzig, 1842. Sq. 16° 3 12.23 — Same. London, 1854. 8°....' 5612. LI Deserted wife. The. Southworth, E. D. E. N 527.10 Desk and debit. Adams, W. T 924.7 Desmarres, Louis Auguste. Traite theorique et pratique des maladies des yeux. Aveo 78 fig- ures. Paris, 1847. viii, 904 pp. 8° 6021.16 Despard, Mrs. M. C. Chaste as ice, pure as snow. 714.3 Desperate remedies. Hardy, T 518.22 Despotism in America. Hildreth, R. Boston, 1840. 12° 816.2 Dessert book, The: a complete manual from the best authorities. With original recipes. By a Boston lady. Boston, 1872. 202 pp. 12° .... 6426.1 Destiny. Ferrier, S. B 518.20 Destiny, The, of man. Erwin, W. New York, 1872. 12° 5817.4 Dethroned heiress. The. Dupuy, E. A 735.33 Detlef, Carl, pseud. See Bauer, Karoline. Deutsch, Emanuel (Oscar Menahem). Literary remains. With a memoir. New York, 1874. XX, 465 pp. 8° 5733.7 Co7itentK. — Memoir; The Talmud; Islam; Semitic palaeo- graphy; Semitic culture; Egypt, ancient and modern; Her- mes Trismegistus; Judseo-Arabic metaphysics; liCS apotres; Five letters on the oecumenical council: Apostolicse sedis; The Roman passion drama; On Semitic languages; On the Targums; On the Samaritan Pentateuch; The book of Jasher; Early Arabic poetry; Arabic poetry in Spain and Sicily. — Islam. See Smith, R. B. Mohammed and Mo- hammedanism 5816.23 Deutsche Pioniere. Spielhagen, F. Berlin, 1871. 16° 5735.10 Deutsche Rundschau. Vol. 1-4. Berlin, 1874, 75. 4 V. 8° 1422.5 Note.— A. literary and political review upon the model of the " Revue des deux mondes." Deutsches Leben in Lieb' und Treue. Bremen [1873]. 187-4- pp. With illuminated plates. L.4° 7 5730.4 Note.— A collection of German poetry by various authors. Deutsches Leben in Liedern. 2te Auflage. Bre- men [1873]. 291-4- pp. With illuminated plates. L. 4° 5730.5 Devereux. Bulwer-Lytton, E. (G. E.) L 336.3 Devil, The. Where are my horns ? Lepper, A. H. Boston, 1873. 16° 6326.8 DB VOE 59 DICKENS Shelf. No. De Voe, Thomas F. The market assistant, contain- ing a brief description of every article of human food sold in the public markets. New York, 18G7. 455 pp. Illustrated. Sm. 8° 1513.14 Devotion. Allen, J. H. Manual of devotions for families and Sunday schools. Boston, 1852. 12°. 5818.8 — Johnson, E. Exercises for private devotion. Boston, 1845. 16° 5819.7 Devbient, (Philipp) Eduard. My recollections of Felix Mendelssohn-Bartholdy, and his letters to me. From the German by N. Macfarren. London, 1869. vii, 307 pp. Portrait. 8^ 5727.2 Dewev, Mary E., editor. Life and letters of Cath- erine M. Sedgwick. See Sedgwick, Catherine Maria 1224.12 Dewey, Orville. Discourses on human nature, hu- man life, and the nature of religion. New York, 1847. 3 v. 12" , 5237.2 — Discourses on various subjects. New York, 1835. 299 pp. 12° 5815.26 De Witt, Henriette Guizot. See Witt, Henriette de. De Witt, Pauline Guizot. See Witt, Pauline de. Dexter Smith's musical, literary, dramatic and art paper. Vol. 3-6. Boston, 1873, 74. 4 v. in 2. 4°. 1331.1 Diabetes mellitus. Brigham, C. B. Boston, 1868. 8°. 6023.20 Dialogues. Abbott, J. Dialogues 936.1.8 — Alger, H.,yr., and Cheney, 0. A. Seeking his fortune, and other dialogues. Boston [1875]. 16°. 1518.11 — Baker, G. M. A baker's dozen. Original hu- morous dialogues. Boston, 1874. 16° 1517.6 Diamond cut diamond. Trollope, T. A 725.36 Diamonds and precious stones. Emanuel, H. New York [London], 1873. Sm. 8° 6635.3 Diana Carew. Forrester, ilfr^. — 722.8 Diana of Meridor. Damas, A. (D.) 510.14 Diane. [Fiction.] Macquoid, K. S 337.4 Diary and notes of Horace Templeton. Lever, C. (J.) 332.9 Diary in Turkish and Greek waters. Howard, G. W.F., earl of Carlisle. Boston, 1855. 12° 825.5 Diary of a late physician. Passages from the. [Fic- tion.] Warren, S 317.3 Diary of a poor young lady. Nathusius, M 314.12 DiARYof an ennuyee. [Fiction.] Jameson, A. (M.). 427.3 Diary of an idle woman in Italy. Elliot, F. Leip- zig, 1872. 2v.ini. Sq. 16° 228.3 Diary of Mrs. Kitty Trevylyan. [Fiction.] Charles, E 321.4 Diaz, Abby Morton. A domestic problem. Work and culture in the household. Boston, 1875. 120 pp. 12° 1537.24 — Lucy Maria 916.29 — The schoolmaster's trunk, containing papers on home-life in Tweenit 714.4 — A story-book for the children 1 115.9 — William Henry and his friends 935.19 — The William Henry letters 935.1 DiBDEN, Thomas. The lady of the lake: a melo- dramatic romance. From Sir W. Scott. New York, N. D. 24 pp. 12° 1635.4 DiBDiN, Thomas Frognall. Bibliomania; or, book- madness; a bibliograiihical romance. Illus- trated. New and improved edition, added pre- liminary observations, and a supplement includ- ing a key to the assumed characters in the drama. London, 1876. xviii, 618, xxxiv pp. Portraits. Photographs. Fac-similes. Wood- cuts. 8° 6131.3 Note. — Almost a fac-simile reprint of Bohn's edition of 1812. Dick, William Brisbane. The American Hoyle; or, gentleman's hand-book of games. By " Trumps" [pseud.}. Illustrated. 9th edition. New York [cop. 1864]. 516-4-pp. 12° 1516.1 — Frost, Sarah Annie, and Taylor, William. What shall we do to-night ? or social amuse- ments for evening parties. By Leger D. Mayne [pseud.]. New York [1873]. 366 pp. Illus- trated. 12° 1516.19 Dick Duncan. Wise, D 933.33 Dick Travers abroad. See Samuels, Adelaide F. Shelf. No. Dickens, Charles (John Hufifam). Works. Library edition. Boston, 1871-74. With illustrations. 29 V. 16°. Namely: — I, II. Pickwick papers. [Debtor's prisons, etc.] 1824.1 Ill, IV. Nicholas Nickleby. [Yorkshire boarding schools and provincial theatres] 1824.2 V, VI. Martin Chuzzlewit. [American life]. 1824.3 VII. The old curiosity shop. Vol. i 1824.4.1 VIII. The old curiosity shop. Vol. ii. Re- printed pieces 1824.4.2 IX. Barnaby Rudge. [Lord Gordon riots, 1780.] Vol. I 1824.5.1 X. Barnaby Rudge. Vol. ii. Hard times. [English operative life] 1824.5.2 XI. Sketches 1824.6 XII. Oliver Twist. [Workhouse abuses and London low-life] 1824.7 XIII, XIV. Dombey and son 1824.8 XV, XVI. David CopperSeld. [Supposed to have some reference to Dickens's own early life]. 1824.9 XVII. Pictures from Italy; American notes. [Travels] 1824. 10 XVIII, XIX. Bleak house. [Delays in the Courts of chancery, etc.] 1824.11 XX, XXI. Little Dorrit. [Circumlocution office, etc.] 1824.12 XXn. Christmas books 1824.13 XXIII. A tale of two cities. [Paris and Lon- don in the time of the French revolution, 1780] 1824.14 XXIV. Great expectations 1824.15 XXV, XXVI. Our mutual friend 1824. 16 XXVII. The uncommercial traveller, etc. ...1824.17 XXVIII. The mystery of Edwin Drood, and other stories 1824.18 XXIX. A child's history of England: also a Holiday romance, and other pieces .- 1824.19 — American notes. [Travels.] Leipzig, 1842. viii, 310 pp. Sq. 16° 418.2 — Same. Philadelphia, N. D. 93 pp. 8° 732.37 — The battle of life; and The haunted man 338.6 — Bleak house. 4 v. in 2 338.19 — A child's dream of a star. (In Johnson, (E.) R. Little classics) 529.4.10 — A child's history of England. Boston, 1854. 2 v. 16° 928.13 ContenA*. —Vol. I. From ancient times, to the reign of Henry v. II. Henrj' vi to Victoria. — Chops, the dwarf. (In Johnson, (E.) R. Little classics) 529.4.2 — A Christmas carol. (In Johnson, (E ) R. Little classics) 529.4.5 — A Christmas carol in prose; The chimes; The cricket on the hearth 338.10 — Cyclopedia of [his] best thoughts. Compiled by F. G. De Fontaine. New York, 1873. 564 pp. L. 8° 1930.1 — David Copperfield 338. 14 — Dombey and son 338. 12 — Great expectations 338.15 — Hard times 338.7 — Hunted down; The uncommercial traveller 338.21 — Little Dorrit. 4 v, in 2 338.16 — Martin Chuzzlewit 338.11 — Master's Humphrey's clock 330.3 — The mystery of Edwin Drood 338.5 — Same. [Added, Part second. By the spirit-pen of C. Dickens, through a medium, Thomas P. James] 732.21 — Nicholas Nickleby 338.4 — Oliver Twist 338.8 — Our mutual friend. Leipzig. 4 v. in 2 338.13 — Same. New York. 2v 731.27 — Pickwick papers 338.1 — Pictures from Italy. Leipzig, 1846. 263+ PP- Sq. 16- 338.18 — The signal-man. (In Johnson, (E.) R. Little classics) 529.4.8 — Sketches 338.22 — A tale of two cities 338.20 u{ y DICKENS 60 DITSON Shelf. No. Dickens, Charles (John Huflfam), continued. — Fields, J. T. Yesterdays with authors. Boston, 1875 [cop. 1871]. 12° 6136.13 — Forster, J. Life of. Leipzig, 1872. 4 v. in 2. Sq. 16° 1238.4 — Jerrold, (W.) B. The best of all good company. A day with Charles Bickens. Boston, 1873. 16°. 1215.3 — Pierce, Gr. A. The Dickons dictionary. Boston, 1872. 12° *R.R., F.3.3 — Stoddard, R. H. Anecdote biography of. New York, 1874. Sq. 16° 1828.3 Jfote. — The life by Forster is the latest and most authorita- tive, tlie writer having; been Mr. IMckens's life-long fiiend and his literary executor. Field's Yesterdays witli authors, also in Atlantic monthly, vol. 2(5, consists chiifly of personal reminiscences and of letters. See the estimates in Taine's English literature [5613.1]; in Poe's literati [1934.2.3]; and by B. Jerrold [1215.3]. See references in Allibone, Thomas, and in the Index to Harper's montiily. His secretary's account of Dickens's visit to America in 1842 is given in the Atlantic monthly, vol. 2(5. See also Ilar- Eer'smonthly, vol. 12; Bayne's Essays [1220.15.1]; Wliipple's uccess and its conditions il93(i.4]. Literature and life [1936.6], and Lectures; Chorley's autobiography, etc. [5616.4]; Mad- den's I.iady Blessington [1223.2J; Macready's Kcminiscences [■'5623.6], etc. The Dickens dictionary is a key to the charac- ters in his novels. — and Collins, (William) Wilkie. No thorough- fare. Boston 730.1 — Same. Leipzig 338. 17 — and OTHERS. Christmas stories 338.3 Contents. — The haunted house; A message from the sea; Tom Tiddler's ground. A'ote. — Neither of the above are thought to have been writ- ten by Dickens. prescriptions; Mugby junc- Doctor Marigold' tion ' \ .' ".'..". 338.9 Somebody's luggage; Mrs. Lirriper's lodgings; Mrs. Lirriper's legacy 338.2 Dickinson, Anna Elizabeth. What answer? 515.8 Dickson, Walter. Japan: being a sketch of the his- tory, government and officers of the etnpire. Edinburgh, 1869. vi, 489 pp. 1 plate. 8°... 5931.2 Dictionary, A, of religious knowledge. Abbott, L. New York, 1875. 8° 6320.2 DiCTiONNAiRE des sciences medicales. [Redige par Chaumetou et Merat. Appendices et tables.] Paris, 1812-22. 60 v. Plates. 8° 6026.1 DiDAY, P. Treatise on syphilis in new-born children and infants at the breast. Translated by G. Whitley. London, 1859. xii, 272 pp. 8°.... 6023.3 Diet, Lectures on. Willich, A. F. M. Boston, 1800. 2 V. 12° 6015.1 Dietetics, The, of the soul. Feuchtersleben, E., Freiherr von. New York, 1854. 12° 1527.18 DiGBY Grand. Melville, G. J. W 321.14 DiGBY Heathcote. Kingston, W. H. G 929.7 Digestion. Combe, A. The physiology of digestion considered with relation to the principles of dietetics. Boston, 1836. 12° 6036.10 — Fordyce, G. Treatise on the digestion of food. London, 1791. 12° 6034.1 — Leared, A. The causes and treatment of imperfect digestion. London, 1875. Sm. 8° 6036.17 — Lewis, D. Our digestion. Philadelphia, 1872. 12°. 1522.4 Mace, J. History of a mouthful of bread. New York, 1872. 12° 1527.7 — Prout, W. The function of digestion considered with reference to natural theology. London, 1855. Sm. 8° 6436.10 — Scudamore, C. Treatise on the nature and cure of gout and rheumatism, including general con- siderations on morbid states of the digestive organs. Philadelphia, 1819. 8° 6023.14 — Sweetser, W. Treatise on. Boston, 1837. 16°. 1525.5 Dikes and ditches; or. Young America in Holland and Belgium. Adams, W.T. Boston, 1873. 16°. 925.9 DlLKE, Charles Wentworth. Greater Britain: a rec- ord of travel in English-speaking countries, during 18G6 and 1867. With maps and illustra- tions. New York, 1869. 561pp. 12°. 423.13 and 5935.7 DiLLAWAY, Charles Knapp. History of the grammar school, or, "The free schoole of 1645 in Rox- burie." With biographical sketches. Roxbury, 1860. 202 [204] pp. Fac-simile. 12° 5016.10 Shelf. No. Dinglestedt, Franz (Ferdinand Friedrich). The amazon. Translated by J. M. Hart 526.4 Dining, The art of. London, 1853. 16° 6428.6 " Dinks," />6eMrf. The sportsman's vade mecum. See Herbert, Henry William 1522.3 DiNORAH. Meyerbeer, G. (In Ditson, 0., and co. Standard opera librettos) 6233.3.4 DiONYSiUS, of Alexandria, St. See Gregouius Thaumaturgus, or Neo-Casariensis, St. Diphtheria, Memoirs on. From the writings of Bretonneau, and others. Semple, R. H. Lon- don, 1859. 8° 6023.5 Discarded daughter. The. Southworth, E. D. E. N. 727.3 Discarded wife, The. Dupuy, E. A 522.12 Discoveries. Beckmann, J. History of. London, 1846. 2 V. 16° 1526.7 and 6425.1 — Routledge, R. Discoveries and inventions of the 19th century. London, 1876. Sm. 8° 6425.8 Disease germl. Beale, L. S. London, 1870. Sm. 8°. 6036.2 Dislocations and fractures of the joints. Treatise on. Cooper, Sir A. (P.) Boston, 1844. 8° 6021.3 Disowned, The. Bulwer-Lytton, E. (G. E.) L 336.11 Disraeli, Benjamin. Alroy 324.22 — Coningsby 324.23 — Contarini Fleming 324.18 — Henrietta Temple 324.25 — Lothair. Leipzig 324.19 — Same. New York 721.3 — The rise of Iskander. {In Johnson, (E.) R. Little classics) 529.4.6 — Sybil 324.24 — Venetia...... 324.20 — Vivian Grey 324,21 — The young duke 72L18 iVo^e. — These novels mostly depict fashionable and political life during the author's early public career, himself and his opponents appearing in "Vivian Grey;" Croker and others in " Coningsby; " while Byi on and others figure in " Venetia." His " Lothair," however, is a picture cf the catholic reaction of later times. Disraeli, Isaac. Amenities of literature, consisting of sketches and^characters of English literature. New edition, edited by B. Disraeli. New York, 1871. 2 V. 16° 1533.13 — Curiosities of literature. With a. view of the life and writings of the author, by B. Disraeli. From the 14th corrected London edition. New York, 1872. 4 v. Portrait. 16° 5626.6 — The literary character; or the history of men of genius. Literary miscellanies: and an inquiry into the character of James i. Edited by B. Disraeli. New York, 1868. 592 pp. Portrait. 16° 1533.14 —- Quarrels of authors. New York, 1814. 2 v. 12°. 1537.17 — Romances. New York, 1803. Irregularly paged. 1 plate. 12° 1918.8 Distinguished persons in Russian society. From the German by F. E. Bunnett. London, 1873. vi, 307-1- pp. Sm. 8° 5924.4 Disturnell, J., compiler. United States register, or blue book for 1862. New York [1861]. 94-|- pp. 12° 6927.3 DiTSON, Oliver, and co. Standard opera librettos. With English and Italian words. Boston, N. D. 6 V. Sm. 4° 6233.3 Contents. — 'Vo\. L Thomas, (C.) A.: Mignon; Herold, L. J. F. : Zampa; Mercadante, S. : II giuramento; Pacini, G. : Sattb; Kicci, F. and L. : Crispino e la comare; Ronger, F., called Herve : Fleur-de-the ; Weber, C. M. F. E. von : Der Freyschiitz ; Cagnoni, A. : Don Bucefalo ; Halevy, J. F. F. fi. : The Jewess; Gounod, C. : Faust, Romeo and Juliet. IL Donizetti, G. : Anna Bolena, Don Pasquale. L'elisire d'amore, La t'avorita. La fllle du regiment, Linda di Chamounix, Lucia di Lanimermoor, Lucrezia Borgia, Maria di Rohan, I martiri ; Mozart, J. C. W. A.: Marriage of Figaro, Don Giovanni, II flauto magico. III. Rossini, G. : Semiramide. Otello, II bar- biere di Siviglia, William Tell, La gazza ladra, Cinderella; Aul)er, D. F. F. : Fra diavolo, INiasanielld; Balfe, M. W. : Bohemian girl. Rose of Castile; Beethoven, L. van : Fidelio; Bellini, V.: I puritani. IV. Bellini. V.: Norma, La sou- nambula, II pirata; Meyerbeer, G. : l^e prophete, L'etoile du nord, Robert le diablc, L'Africaine, Les Huguenots, Dinorah. V. Oft'enbach, J. : Barbe-bleue, " Orpheus," Genevieve de Brabant, La perichole. Grand duchess of Gerolstein, La belle lielene; Boieldieu. F. A.: La dame blanche; Flotow, F. F. A. von : Martha ; Wallace, W. V. : Maritaiia. VI. Verdi, G. : Don Carlos, Rigoletto, II trovatore, Sicilian vespers, I Lom- bardi, La traviata, Luisa Miller, Ernani, The masked ball ; Petrella, E. : lone. Carnival of Venice. DIVINE 61 ij UNIVERSITY ' Shelf. No. Divine comedy, The. Dante Alighieri. Leipzig, 1867. 3v.ini. Sq. 10° 1614.4 — Same. Boston, 1871. 8° 6534.1 Divine government, Illustrations of. Smith, T. S. Boston, 1831. 12° 5814.13 Divine love and wisdom. Swedenborg, B. New York, 1872. 8° 6323.9 Divine providence. Swedenborg, E. New York, 1873. 8° 6323.10 Divine tragedy, The. [Drama on life of Christ.] Longfellow, II. W. Leipzig, 1872. Sq. 16° ... 1614.3 Diving. The conquest of the sea. A book about divers and diving. Siebe, H. London [1874]. Sm. 8° 6418.4 Dix, John Homer. Treatise upon the nature and treatment of morbid sensibility of the retina, or weakness of sight. Boston, 1849. vi, 146-1- pp. 12° 6015.7 Dixon, William Ilepworth. Biography of John Howard. (In Macaulay, T. B., lord, and others. New biographies of illustrious men) 5428.4 — Free Russia. [Emancipation of serfs.] New York, 1870. 369 pp. Sm. 8° _ 422.22 — Her majesty's tower. [Historical associations.] Leipzig, 1869. 4 v. in 2. Sq. 16° 838.4 — History of two queens. Catharine of Aragon. Anne Boleyn. Leipzig, 1873, 74. 6 v. in 4. Sq. 16° 1238.21 — Same. London, 1873, 74. 4 v. 8° 5414.3 — The Holy Land. Leipzig, 1865. 2 v. in 1. Sq. 16° 428.1 — New America. [Beyond the Mississippi.] Leip- zig, 1867. 2v. in-1. Sq. 16° 418.1 — Personal history of Lord ]3acon. Leipzig, 1861. xiv, 422 pp. Sq. 16° .....1238.17 — Spiritual wives. [Socialisms, etc.] Leipzig, 1868. 2v. inL Sq. 16° 1538.2 — The Switzers. London, 1872. x, 364 pp. 8°.. 5931.3 — White conquest. Leipzig, 1876. 2 v. in 1. Sq. 16° 439.4 Note. — Sketches of travel in the United States in 1875. DoBELL, Horace. Tuberculosis: its nature, cause, and treatment. With notes on pancreatic juice. 2d edition. [London] 1866. xii, 84 pp. 16°. 6015.4 DoBSON, Edward. Foundations and concrete works. New edition, revised by G. Dodd. Illustrated. London, 1867. iv, 120+ pp. 12° 1716.'27 — Rudiments of masonry and stonecutting. Illus- trated. 6th edition. With an appendix on the causes of decay and the preservation of stone. London, 1870. viii, 146-}- pp. Folded plates. 12° 1716.24 — Rudiments of the art of building. With illustra- tions. 8th edition. London, 1871. xvi, 168 pp. 12° 1716.26 — Treatise on the manufacture of bricks and tiles. Revised by C. Tomlinson, 4th edition, with ad- ditions by R. Mallet. With illustrations. Lon- don, 1868. xiv, 276 pp. 12° 1716.25 Doctor, The. Southey, R. New York, 1860. 2 v. in 1. 12° 1534.10 — Same. New York, 1872. 2 v. in 1. 12° 5617.9 Note. — A learned but somewhat fantastic conglomeration of excerpts, etc. DocTOK Antonio. [Italian life.] Ruffini, G 316.17 Dr. Howell's family. Goodwin, Mrs. H. B 734.13 Doctor Marigold's prescriptions. Dickens, C. (J. H.), and others 338.9 Doctor Ox. Verne, J 529.2 Doctor Thorne. Trollope, A 334.5 Doctor Vandyke. Cooke, J. E 510.2 Dr. Wainwright's patient. Yates, E 318.20 Doctor's, The, daughter. Clarke, R. S 934. 19 Doctor's, The, dilemma. Smith, H 530.6 Doctor's, The, wife. Braddon, M. E. 325.3 Doctors, A book about. Jeaffreson, J. C. Leipzig, 1870. 2v.ini. Sq. 16° 1238.16 Doctrines of Scripture. Boston, 1857. 108 pp. 16° 5819.3 Shelf. No. DoD, — . The laboring classes bf^ England. TJy'an Englishman. Also, A voice from the factories, a poem. Boston, 1847. 168 pp. 12° 6418.1 Dodd family, The, abroad. Lever, C. (J.) Leip- zig 332.22 — Satne. London 516.18 Doddridge, Philip. The rise and progress of re- ligion in the soul. Exeter, 1794. 390-|- pp. i'-i'' 6327.9 DoDGK, Mary Abigail. (Gail Hamilton.) Country living and country thinking. Boston, 1863. vi, 461pp. 16° 716.8 — Gala-days. Boston, 1863. 436-|- pp. 16° 517.1 — Little folk life. New York, 1873. 219 pp. 16° 927,21 — Sermons to the clergy. Boston, 1876. 3-425 pp. 12° 1926.4 — Twelve miles from a lemon. New York, 1874. 320 pp. 12° 1536.19 — Woman's wrongs: a counter-irritant. Boston, 1868. 212 pp. 16° 1535.10 Dodge, Mary E. A few friends and how they amused themselves. Philadelphia, 1869. 182 pp. 12°. 626.10 Dodge, Nathaniel Shatswell. Stories of a grand- father about American history. Boston, 1874. 176 pp. Illustrated. Sq. 16° 913.29 Dodge club, The. De Mille, J 511.22 DoDGSON, Charles Lutwidge. (Lewis Carroll.) Alice's adventures in Wonderland 912.20 — Through the looking-glass, and what Alice found there 912.21 DoDS, John Bovee. Spirit manifestations examined and explained. Judge Edmonds refuted. New York [cop. 1854]. 252 pp. 12° .1926.2 Doe, Charles H. Buffets. [Originally published in " The Boston courier."] Boston, 1875. 143 pp. 8° 721.9 DoELLiNGER, Johanu Joseph Ignaz von. Fables re- specting the popes of the middle ages. Trans- lated, with introduction and appendices by A. Plummer. London, 1871. Ixiv, 302 pp. 8°.. 5813.5 — Same. With [his] Essay on the prophetic spirit and the prophecies of the Christian era, trans- lated by H. B. Smith. New York, 1872. xxiv, 463-1- pp. 12° 5816.10 — The first age of Christianity and the church. Translated by H. N. Oxenham. 2d edition. London, 1867. xxiv, 439 pp. 8° ...5813.4 — Lectures on the reunion of the churches. Trans- lated with preface by H. N. Oxenham. New York, 1872. xliv, 165 pp. 16° 5816.6 Doesticks, Q. K. Philander, pseud. See Thomson, Mortimer. Dog, a, of Flanders. Rame, L. de la. (In John- son, (E.) R. Little classics) 529.4.10 Dog Crusoe, The. Ballantyne, R. M 935.30 Dog Crusoe, The, and his master, Ballantyne, R.M 935.31 Dogs. Herbert, II. W. The dog. New York [cop. 1857]. L. 12° 1522.3 — Walsh, J. H. The dog. London, 1872. 8°.... 6614.3 DoiGTS, Les, de fee: comedie. Scribe, (A.)E.,and Legouve, (G. J. B.) E, (W.) Boston, 1867. 12^' 2015,2 Doing and dreaming, [Fiction,] Mayo, I, F 714,22 Doing his best, Trowbridge, J, T 916,27 Doings of the Bodley family, Sc udder, II. E 910.1 Dollars and cents. Warner, A. B 736.9 Dollinger, Johann Joseph Ignaz von. See Doel- LiNGER, Johann Joseph Ignaz von. Dolly and L Adams, W. T 918.13 Dolomites, Untrodden peaks and unfrequented val- leys: a midsummer ramble in the. Edwards, A. B. Leipzig, 1873. Sq. 16° 329.21 DoLORKS. Forrester, iWrjf. — 724.30 DoMBEY and son. Dickens, C, (J. II,) Boston. 2 V 1824,6 — Same. Leipzig 338,12 Domestic architecture. The habitations of man in all ages. Viollet-le-Duc, E, B. Boston, 1876. 8° 6223.5 DOMESTIC 62 DOWN Shelf. No. Domestic arts. Home arts for old and young. Smith, C.L. Boston, 1873. 12° 1517.3 Domestic economy. Barker, M. A., lady. Houses and housekeeping. London, 1876. Sm. 8° . . . . 6428.8 — Bayle-Moullard, E. Nouveau manuel d'economie domestique. Paris, 1837. 24° 6429.6 — Beecher, C. E. Housekeeper and healthkeoper. New York, 1873. 12° 1725.1 Treatise on. New York, 1858. 12° 1524.8 and Stowe, H. (E.) B. The new housekeeper's manual. New York, 1873. 8° 1723.8 — Beecher, E. W. Motherly talks with young housekeepers. New York, 1873. 12° 1515.13 — Dessert book, The. By a Boston lady. Boston, 1872. 12° 6426.1 — De Voe, T. F. The market assistant. New York, 1867. Sm. 8° 1513.14 — Diaz, A. M. A domestic problem. Work and culture in the household. Boston, 1875. 12°. .1537.24 — Draper, L. C, and Croffut, W. A. A helping hand for town and country. Cincinnati, 1870. 8° 511.4 and 6422.1 — Jeaffreson, J. C. A book about the table. Lon- don, 1875. 2 V. 8° 6432.3 — Terhune, M. V. Breakfast, luncheon and tea. New York, 1875. 12° 1533.2 Common sense in the household: a manual of practical housewifery. New York, 1871. 12°. 1533.6 — Tomes, 11. The bazar book of the household. New York, 1875. 16° 1518.9 — Warren, E. Comfort for small incomes. Boston, 1866. 12° 1533.16 How I managed my house on £200 a year. Boston, 1866. 12° 1533.1 See also Cookery, Receipts. Domestic stories. Craik, D. (M.) 323.13 Domesticated trout. How to breed and grow them. Stone, L. Boston, 1872. 16° 6616.3 Dominies, Book about. Moncrieflf, A. R. H. Boston, 1869. 16° 1535.9 Don Bucefalo. Cagnoni, A. {In Ditson, 0., and CO. Standard opera librettos) 6233.3.1 Don Carlos. Schiller, (J. C.) F. von. Werke. Stuttgart, 1865. 8° 5734.1.3 Don Carlos. Verdi, G. {In Ditson, 0., and co. Standard opera librettos) 6233.3.6 Don Garcie de Navarre: comedie. Moliere, J. B. P. (Euvres. Paris, 1869. 12° 5537.2.1 Don Garcie of Navarre: a comedy. Moliere, J. B. P. Dramatic works. Edinburgh, 1875. 8°.. 5530.3.1 Don Giovanni. Mozart, J. C. W. A. {In Ditson, 0., and CO. Standard opera librettos) 6233.3.2 Don Juan. Byron, G. G. N., lord. Works. Leip- zig, 1866. Sq. 16° 1614.13.1 Don Juan; or, the feast with the statue: a comedy. Moliere, J. B. P. Dramatic works. Edin- burgh, 1876. 8° 5530.3.3 Don Juan, ou le festin de Pierre: comedie. Moliere, J. B. P. (Euvres. Paris, 1869. 12° 5537.2.2 Don Pasquale. Donizetti, G. {In Ditson, 0., and CO. Standard opera librettos) 6233.3.2 Don Quixote, History of. Cervantes-Saavedra, M. de. Boston, 1870. 4 v. 16° 5927.4 Donald Deane, and his cross. Bradley, W. 1 913.9 Donaldson, .James, editor. The apostolical constitu- tions. With notes. Edinburgh, 1870. 280 pp. [ pyjfA Clementine homilies. Ante-Nicene Chris- tian library.] 8° 6322.4.17 Donaldson, John William. History of the litera- ture of ancient Greece. See Mueller, Carl Otfried 6113.3 Donizetti, Gsetano. Anna Bolena; Don Pasquale; L'elisire d'amore; Lafavorita; La fille du regi- ment; Linda di Chamounix; Lucia di Lammer- moor; Lucrezia Borgia; Maria di Rohan; I martiri. {In Ditson, 0., and co. Standard opera librettos) 6233.3.2 Donne, John. Christophers, S. W. Homes of old English writers. London [1874]. Sm. 8° 5428.16 — Walton, L Life of. London, 1866. 16° 5428.2 Shelf. No. Donne, William Bodham. Euripides [outlined and explained]. Edinburgh, 1872. vi, 204-j- pp. 16°. [Ancient classics for English readers] .... 6116.13 — Tacitus [outlined and explained]. Philadelphia, 1873. vi, 194-|- pp. 16°. [Ancient classics for English readers] 6116.18 Dora. Kavanagh, J 323.4 Dora Deane. Holmes, M. J 534.3 Dora's motto. Mathews, J. H 1117.17 DoRAN, John Wilberforce. Habita and men, with remnants of record touching the makers of both. New York, 1865. 402 pp. 12° 1532.3 — Knights and their days. New York, 1864. 479 pp. Sm. 8° 822.4 — A lady of the last century (Mrs. Elizabeth Mon- tagu): illustrated in her unpublished letters; collected and arranged with a biographical sketch, and a chapter on blue stockings. 2d edition. London, 1873. xvi, 372 pp. 8^ 5422.11 — Monarchs retired from business. New York, 1865. 2 V. 12° 1223.1 — Table traits with something on them. New York, 1865. 489pp. L. 12° 1532.4 — " Their majesties' servants." Annals of the Eng- lish stage, from Thomas Betterton to Edmund Kean. New York, 1865. 2 v. L. 12° 1532.2 Dorcas club. The. Adams, W. T 924.26 Dorchester, Mass., in 1630, 1776, and 1855. Ever- ett, E. Boston, 1855. 158-f- pp. 8° 5012.6 DoRE, (Paul) Gustavo. The Dore gallery: contain- ing 250 engravings from the Dore Bible, Milton, Dante, etc. With memoir of Dore, critical essay, and descriptive letterpress, by Edmund Oilier. London [1871]. xxiv, 180 [178] pp. L. 4°... 6210.11 Dorothy. By the author of " Still waters " 3 10. 15 Dorothy Fox. Parr, L 3 14. 13 Dorr, Julia C. R. Expiation 737.30 Do-somethings, The. Adams, W. T 939.2 Dotty Dimple. Clarke, R. S 927.2 Dotty Dimple at her grandmother's. Clarke, R. S. . 927.10 Dotty Dimple at home. Clarke, R. S 927.12 Dotty Dimple at play. Clarke, R. S 927. 13 Dotty Dimple at school. Clarke, R. S 927.15 Dotty Dimple out West. Clarke, R. S 927.11 Dotty Dimple's Flyaway. Clarke, R. S 927.14 DouAi, Adolf. The Kindergarten. With plates. New York, 1871, 136-|- pp. 12° 1933.11 Double house, The. Craik, D. (M.) 330.22 Double play. Everett, W 935.3 Double story, A. MacDonald, G 539.8 Double wedding, A. Warfield, C. A 723.18 Doubly false. Stephens, A. S. (W.) .. ; 726.13 Douglas, Amanda M. Claudia 535.7 — Drifted asunder 715.25 — Home nook 725.32 — In trust 535.6 — Kathie's stories. In the ranks 934.25 Kathie'saunt Ruth 934.24 Kathie's harvest days 934.23 Kathie's soldiers 934.22 Kathie's summer at Cedarwood 934.26 Kathie's three wishes 934.27 — Lucia : her problem 533. 13 — Maidenhood series. Seven daughters 913.32 — The old woman who lived in a shoe 933.9 — Santa Claus land 928. 12 — Stephen Dane 533. 14 — Sydnie Adriance 726. 16 — With fate against him 735.31 Douglas, John Christie. A manual of telegraph construction: the mechanical elements of elec- tric telegraph engineering. With diagrams. London, 1875. xxiii, 421 pp. Sm. 8° 6826.5 D'ouTRE mort. Prescott, H. E. {In Johnson, (E.) R. Little classics) 529.4.2 Dove, Heinrich Wilhelm. The circulation of the waters on the surface of the earth. {In Estes, D. Half-hour recreations in popular science). . 6813.7 Dove, The, in the eagle's nest. Yonge, CM 318.17 Down in Tennessee. Gilmore, J. R. New York, 1864. 12° 716.19 DOWN 63 DBAWDTOH'ORi Shelf. No. Down the Rhine; or, Young America in Germany. Adams, W. T. Boston, 1873. 16" 916.16 Down the river. Adams, W. T 924.21 Downing, Andrew Jackson. Architecture of country houses. With illustrations. New York, 1866. X, 484-1- pp. 8" 1511.2 — Cottage residences; or a series of designs for rural cottages and cottage villas, and their gar- dens and grounds. Adapted to North America. Part I. Illustrated. 2d edition. New York, 1844. 187 pp. 8° 1511.7 — Same. New edition. Revised by H. W. Sar- gent and C. Downing. Illustrated. Edited by G. E. Harney. New York, 1873. xvi, 261 pp. Sm. 4^ 6221.3 — Treatise on the theory and practice of landscape gardening, adapted to North America. 2d edi- tion, enlarged, revised, and newly illustrated. New York, 1844. 497-j- pp. 8° 1511.8 — Same. 8th edition. With a supplement. By H. W. Sargent. New York Icop. 1859]. 567 pp. Portrait. 8" 1511.3 Downing, Charles. Selected fruits : including their culture, propagation, and management in the garden and orchard. Illustrated. New York, 1871. x,679pp. 16° 6625.1 Doyle, John Andrew. History of the United States. With maps illustrative of the acquisi- tion of territory and the increase of population, by Francis A. Walker. New York, 1876. xix, 404-j- pp. [Freeman, E. A., editor. Histori- cal course for schools.] 16° 618.4 Drainage. The practical land drainer. Munn, B. New York, 1855. 12° 1524.23 Drake, Benjamin. Tales and sketches from the Queen city. Cincinnati, 1838. 180 pp. 12°.. 5218.6 Drake, Charles F. Tyrwhitt, joint author. Unex- plored Syria. See Burton, Richard Francis. . . 5933.3 Drake, Sir Francis, Life, voyages, and exploits of. Barrow, Sir J. London, 1861. Sm. 8° 5428.5 Drake, Francis Samuel. Dictionary of American biography, including men of the time. Boston, 1872. viii, 1019-f pp. 8° *R.R.,E.3.1 Drake, Samuel Adams. General Israel Putnam, the commander at Bunker hill. Boston, 1875. 24 pp. 8° 1011.8 — Historic fields and mansions of Middlesex [county, Massachusetts]. Illustrated. Boston, 1874. xiv, 442 pp. Fac-simile map. 8° 814.4 — Nooks and corners of the New England coast. With illustrations. New York, 1875. 459 pp. Sq. 8° 411.4 — Old landmarks and historic personages of Bos- ton. Illustrated. Boston, 1873. xvii, 484 pp. 12° 5035.3 — editor. Bunker hill: the story told in letters from the battle field by British officers engaged. With an introduction and sketch of the battle. Boston, 1875. 76 pp. Heliotype. 8° 811.13 Drake, Samuel Gardner. History and antiquities of Boston, 1630-1770. Also, an introductory history of the discovery and settlement of New England. Boston, 1856. x, 840 pp. Illustrated. Folded plates. Portraits. L. 8° 5010.11 Dramas. Baker, G. M. Amateur dramas. Boston, 1873. 16° : 1635.22 The drawing-room stage: original dramas, etc. Boston, 1873. 16° 1516.9 The exhibition drama. Boston, 1875. 12°. . . 1635.6 The social stage : original dramas, etc. Boston, 1875 Icop. 1870]. 16° 1635.7 — Gilbert, W. S. Original plays. New York, 1876. 12° 1634.1 See also Stage. Dramas, Collection of. 3 v. New York, n. d. 12°. Namely: — — The Corsican brothers, from the romance of Du- mas, by E. Grange and X. de Montepin; The children in the wood, by T. Morton; Winning a husband, by Macfarren ; Day after the fair, by '^ Dramas, Collection of, continued. G. A. Somerset; Make your wills, by E. May- hew and G. Smith ; The rendezi-ous, by R. Ay- ton; My wife's husband, by F. Challis; Monsieur Tonson, by W. T. Moncrieff; The illustrious stranger, by F. Kenney 1635.3 — Young New York, by E. G. P. Wilkins; Victims, by T. Taylor; Romance after marriage, by F. B. Goodrich and F. L. Warden; The brigand, by J. R. Planche; The poor of New York; Ambrose Gwinett, by D. Jerrold; Raymond and Agnes, by M. G. Lewis; The gambler's fate, by H. M. Milner; The young scamp, by E. Stirling; The stage-struck Yankee, by 0. E. Durivage; Box and Cox, by J. M. Morton; The lady of the lake, from Sir W. Scott, by T. Dibden 1635.4 — The musard ball, by J. Brougham; The great tragic revival, by J. Brougham; High, low, Jack, and the game, by J. K. Planche and C. Dance; A gentleman from Ireland, by F. O'Bri- en; Tom and Jerry, by W. T. Moncrieff; The village lawyer; The captain's not a-miss, by T. E. Wilks; Amateurs and actors, by R. B. Peake; Promotion, by J. R. Planche ; A fascinating in- dividual, by H. Danvers; Mrs. Caudle's curtain lecture [dramatized from D. Jerrold] by E. Stir- ling; Shakespeare's dream, by J. Brougham; Neptune's defeat, by J. Brougham; The lady of the bed-chamber; Take care of little Charlie, by J. Brougham; The Irish widow, by D. Garrick. Dramatic art and literature. Lectures on. Schlegel, A. W. London. 1871. 16° Read. H. F. Boston, 1848. 8°. 1635.5 6136.2 1631.1 Dramatic poems Draper, Frank W. Papers from the Second annual report of the Massachusetts board of health. See Derby, George 6023.18 Draper, John C, editor. Year-book of nature and popular science for 1872. New York, 1873. v, 3334- pp. 12° 1525.21 Draper, John William. History of the American civil war. New York, 1868, 70. 3 v. Maps. 8°. 811.6 — History of the intellectual development of Europe. New York, 1872. 5th edition, xii, 631-[-pp. 8° 592L2 — International scientific series. History of the conflict between science and religion. New York, 1875. xxii, 373 pp. 12° 5826.4 Draper, Lyman C, and Croffut, W. A. A help- ing hand for town and country. Introduction by H. Greeley. Illustrations. Cincinnati, 1870. 821 pp. 8° 1511.4 and 6422.1 Drapier's, The, letters. Swift, J. Works. Lon- don, 1856. 8° 561L2.2 Drawing. Barry, C. A. How to draw. Boston, 1871. 12° 1516.5 — Burn, R. S. Self-aid cyclopaedia. London, n. d. 8° 6223.2 — Cave, M. E. The Cave method for learning to draw from memory. New York, 1871. 12° 1516.6 — Davidson, E. A. Linear drawing and projection. London [1868]. Sm. 8° 6218.2 — Delamotte, P. H. A progressive drawing book. London, 1874. Sm. 8° 6217.10 — Foster, V. Drawing copy books. London, n. d. 4 v. Oblong 8° 6217.6 — Johnson, W. The practical draughtsman's book of industrial science. Philadelphia, 1873. 4°. 6620.2 — Minifie, W. A text book of geometrical drawing for the use of mechanics and schools. Now York, 1873. L. 8° 6420.3 — Pyne, G. Perspective for beginners. London, 1870. 12° 1716.29 — Ruskin, J. Elements of. New York, 1872. 12°. 6236.11 — Smith, W. Teachers' manual of free-hand draw- ing and designing, and guide to self-instruction. Boston, 1873. L. 8° 6210.6 — Same. Boston, 1875. 8° 6210.12 — Turner, M. The young ladies' assistant in. Cin- cinnati, 1833. 16° 1517.4 See ako Sketching. DRAWING-ROOM 64 DUMAS Shelf. No. Drawing-room dances. Cellarius, pseud. New York, 1858. 16°.. 1514.4 Drawing-room stage, The. Baker, G. M. Boston, 1873. 16" : 1516.9 Drayton, Daniel. Personal memoir. Including a narrative of the voyage and capture of the schooner Pearl. Boston, 1853. 122 pp. Por- trait. 12^^ 1216.4 Draytons, The, and the Davenants. Charles, E... 321.1 Dream children. [Imaginative stories for children.] Scudder, H. E 938.1 Dream life. Mitchell, D. G. New York, 1872. 12" 1934.10 Dream-woman, The. Collins, (W.) W 319.25 Dreams, Beadle's dime book of. Beadle, E. F. New York [cop. 1863]. 12" 1518.14 Dreamthorp. Smith, A. {In Johnson, (E.) R. Little classics) 529.4.4 Dred. Stowe, H. (E.) B 314.23 Note. — This novel of slavery was known later as " Nina Gordon." Dress-reform. Woolson, A. G. Boston, 1874. 16°. 1537.19 Dresser, Christopher. Principles of decorative de- sign. London [1873]. vi, 167-}- pp. Illus- trated. 4" 6210.8 Drifted asunder. Douglas, A. M 715.25 Driven to sea. Cupples, A. J 923.8 Driver, John. Letters from Madeira. With an appendix. 2d edition. London, 1838. xi, 85, xxx-l- pp. 16" 427.1 Droysen, Johann Gustav. Friedrich i. Konig von Preussen. Leipzig, 1867. vi, 434 pp. 8- 5733.3 Droz, Gustavo. Around a spring. From the French by M. S 511.23 — Leisure hour series. Babolain. From the French byM. S 518.15 Drugs. Manuel des falsifications des drogues sim- ples et composees. Pedroni, P. M. Paris, 1848. 24" 6439.6 Drummer boy. The. Trowbridge, J. T 931.4 Drummond, Robert Blackley. Erasmus, his life and character as shown in his correspondence and works. With portrait. London, 1873. 2 v. Sm. 8" 5726.2 Drunkenness, Anatomy of. Macnish, R. (In The Alexandrian) 1910.4.2 Drury, Anna Harriet. Deep waters 720.9 Dryden, John. Critical and miscellaneous prose works, with notes and illustrations; ah account of the life and writings of the author, and a col- lection of his letters. By E. Malone. London, 1800. 4 V. Sm. 8" 5613.4 — See Lowell, J, R. Among my books. Boston, 1873. 16" 1934.8.1 Drysoale, John (James), and Hayward, John Williams. Health and comfort in house build- ing. London, 1872. vii, 114 pp. Plates. 8". 6223.3 Dublin, N. H., History of. Leonard, L. W. Bos- ton, 1855. 8° 5011.3 Dublin review. New series. Vol. 20-25. London, 1873-75. 6 V. 8" 6517.1 Dublin university magazine. Vol. 81-86. Dublin, 1873-75. 6 V. 8" 6537.1 Du BoiSGOBEY, Fortune. The golden tress. Trans- lated from the French 532.14 Du Chaillu, Paul Belloni. Explorations and adven- tures in equatorial Africa. With illustrations. New York, 1861. 528 [526] pp. 8° 423.4 — Lost in the jungle. With engravings. New York, 1872. 260 pp. 12° 933.6 — 'My Apingi kingdom: with life in the great Sa- hara, and sketches of the chase of the ostrich, hyena, etc. [With] engravings. New York, 1872. 254 pp. 12" 933.2 — Stories of the gorilla country. With illustrations. New York, 1870. 292 pp. 12° 933.5 •^ Wild life under the equator. With engravings. New York, 1872. 231pp. 12° 933.3 Jfote. — These books all relate to the author's African ex- periences. Shelf. No. Duchess de la Valli^re, The. Bulwer-Lytton, E. (G. E.) L. Dramatic wor"ks. Leipzig, 1860. Sq. 16" -. 1614.5 DuDEVANT, Amantine Lucile AuroreDupin. (George Sand). Antonio. Translated by V. Vaughan. [Added The novels of George Sand, by M. J. M. Sweat; and George Sand, by J. McCarthy] 526.23 — Cesarine Dietrich. Translated by E. Stanwood. 511.15 — Consuelo. Nouvelle edition. Paris, 1869. 3 v. in 1. 12" 2018.2 — Sajne. Translated by F. Robinson 535.2 — The countess of Rudolstadt. From the French by F. Robinson 726.18 — Fanchon the cricket 536.2 — Handsome Lawrence. Translated by C. Owen... 511.17 — Indiana. With a life of Madame Dudevant; and translated by G. W. Richards 535.3 — Les maitres mosaistes. Nouvelle edition. Paris, 1864. vii, 238-1- pp. 18" 2016.5 — The marquis de Villemer. Translated by R. Keeler 511.18 — Mauprat. Translated by V. Vaughan 526.22 — The miller of Angibault. Translated by M. E. Dewey 526.5 — Monsieur Sylvestre. Translated byF. G. Shaw. 526.3 — My sister Jeannie. From the French by S. R. Crocker 717.5 — Recollections. (In Stoddard, R. H. Brio-Jl-brao series) 1828.1 — A rolling stone. Translated by C. Owen 511.16 — The snow man. Translated by V. Vaughan 526.6 Dudley, Robert, earl of Leicester, Amye Robsart and. Adlard, G. London, 1870. 8" 5423.5 Dudley, Sir Robert, son of the preceding, Memoirs and correspondence of. Adlard, G. London, 1870. 8" 5423.5 Dudley" observatory, Albany, N. Y. Reply to the " Statement of the trustees." Gould, B. A., jr. Albany, 1859. 8° 1912.4 Duenna, The. Sheridan, R. B. Dramatic works. London, 1848. 16° 1635.2 — Sa7ne. Leipzig, 1869. Sq. 16° 1614.11 — Same. London, 1875. Sm. 8" 5026.9 DuERER, Albrecht. Heaton, M. M. Life of. Lon- don, 1870. 8" 6210.5 — Schefer, L. The artist's married life. New York, 1871. 16° 1027.3 — Scott, W. B. Albert Durer: his life and works. London, 1869. 8° 6213.10 Note. — There are two recent English lives by Heaton and by W. B. Scott. Schefer's " Artist's married lite," under the guise of fiction, is a well-known portrayal of Diirer's domes- tic life, and the English translation lias a brief memoir by R. C. Waterston. Prime's "I go a-flshing " [6413.3] defends Diirer's wife. Also see Harper's monthly, vol. 40. See Kurz [5730.2] and other histories of German literature ; Kugler's Handbook of German painting and other references under Painting; and Jackson's [6211.10] and other histories of en- f raving. For Durer's associations with Nuremberg, see Mrs. ameson's sketches. See further in Ru.skin's Modern painters [623(5.18.5] ; Tyrwhitt's Christian art [1514.14 ; 6235.1] ; Keddie's or Miss Tytler's Old masters [ 1516.21 ; 6216.3]. Also the article " Old books in New York" in Harper's monthly, vol. 44. DuFEU, A. Decouverte de I'age et de la veritable destination des quatre pyramides de Gizeh, principaleraent de la grande pyramide. Paris, 1873. Ixviii, 324-1- pp. 8° 5932.11 DuFFERiN, Lord. See Blackwood, Frederick Tem- ple. DuFiEP, Nicholas Gouin. Nature displayed in her mode of teaching language to man. Adapted to the French. [Containing also, Le lecteur francais. Premiere partie.] 6th edition. Vol. i. New York, 1825. 2v.ini. 8° 2012.2 Du Grail de la Villette, Charles Bernard, .called Charles de Bernard. L'ecueil. Nouvelle edi- tion. Paris, 1864. 322-f pp. 12°.... 2016.10 DuHAMEL DU MoNCEAu, Henri Louis. Traite des arbres fruitiers. Paris, 1768. 2 v. Illustrated. F" 6620. 1 Duke, The, and the cousin. Grey, Mrs 530.5 Duke, The, of Monmouth. [Historical fiction.] Griffin, G 517.8 Dumas, Alexandre, the younger. Camille; or, the fate of a coquette 733.15 DUMAS 65 EARTHLY Shelf. No. Dumas, Alexandre (Davy). The black tulip. [Scene at the Hague, 1672] 510.7 — The Corsican brothers 511.32 — The count of Monte-Cristo. [The Hundred days, Marseilles, 1815] 511.30 — Diana of Meridor; or, the lady of Monsoreau. .. 610.14 — Edmond Dantes. Sequel to The count of Monke- Cristo. [Causesof the revolution of 1848] 511.29 — The iron hand 510. 10 — The forty-five guardsmen. [Time of Henry iil, sixteenth century] 510.6 ■■ — The Garibaldians in Sicily. Translated by E. Routledge. London, 1861. 186-|- pp. 16°... 828.1 — Madame de Chamblay 510.8 — [Memoirs of a physician series.] Memoirs of a physician. [France, 1770-74; death of the king]. 511.11 The queen's necklace. [Court life in France, 1784, etc.] 511.6 Six years later. [Bastile, 1789, etc.] Trans- lated by T. Williams 511.14 The countess of Charny. [Champ de Mars, French revolution] 511.7 Andree de Taverney 5 10.9 Note. — French revolution, July, 1791, to death of the king, Jan. 2, 1793. The chevalier 732.16 — [The three guardsmen series.] The three guards- men 511.10 fjote. — Sometimes called The three musketeers ; scene, 1625-28, siege of La Rochelle. Twenty years after. [Mazarin, 1645, etc.] .. . 511.31 Bragelonne; the son of Athos. [Revolution in England, 1688, etc.] 511.8 The iron mask 511.9 Note. — Louis XIV and the prisoner in the iron mask. Louise la Valliere 511.12 Note. — Historical tale ; La Valliere died, 1710 ; may be com- pared with Bulwer's drama of same name. — The twin lieutenants; or, the soldier's bride 511.26 — Life and adventures of. Fitzgerald, P. London, 1873. 2 V. 8° 5522.5 Du Mesnil-Marigny, Jules. Histoire de I'economie politique des anciens peuples de I'lnde, de l';fi"-ypte, de la Judee et de la Grece. Paris, 187°2. 2 V. 8° 5823.2 Dunbar, Edward E. The romance of the age; or, the discovery of gold in California. New York, 1867. 134 pp. 1 plate. Portrait. • 12° 815.9 DuNGLisoN, Robley. A dictionary of medical sci- ence. New edition, revised by R. J. Dunglison. Philadelphia, 1874. 1131+ pp. 8° 6021.13 DuNLAvr, John. The manifesto, or a declaration of the doctrine and practice of the church of Christ. New York, 1847. viii, 486 pp. 8° 5813.3 DuNLOP, John. History of fiction. 2d London edition. Philadelphia, 1842. 2 v. Sm. 8° ... 6136.3 DUPANLOUP, Felix Antoine Philippe. The child. Translated by Kate Anderson. Boston, 1875. 294 pp. 12° 1915.10 DuPLESSis, Georges Gratet. The wonders of en- graving. New York, 1871. 338 pp. Illus- trated. 16° 1714.16 DUPPA, Richard, and Quatremere de Qcincv, An- toine Chrysostome. Lives and works of Michael Angelo and Raphael. Illustrated. London, 1870. 474-l-pp. 16° 6217.3 DupuY, Eliza A. All for love 716.7 — The cancelled will 522.16 — The clandestine marriage 522.7 — The dethroned heiress 735.33 — The discarded wife • 522.12 — The hidden sin. Sequel to " The dethroned heiress " 735.38 — Michael Rudolph. " The bravest of the brave." 522.20 — The mysterious guest 522,5 — A now way to win a fortune 522.19 — Who shall be victor? A sequel to "The can- celled will" 522.15 — Why did he marry her ? 622.14 9 Shelf. No. Dupuytren, Guillaume, baron. Injuries and dis- eases of bones. Translated and edited by F. Le Gros Clark. London, 1847. xx, 459 pp. 8°.. 6013.7 — Lesions of the vascular system, diseases of the rectum, and other surgical complaints. Trans- lated and edited by F. Le Gros Clark. London, 1854. 8° 6013.17 DiJRER, Albert. See Duerer, Albrecht. DuRivAGB, 0. E. The stage-struck Yankee: a farce. NewYork, N. D. 16 pp. 12° 1635.4 DuRNTON abbey. Trollope, T. A 711.16 Durrie, Daniel Steele. Bibliographica genealogica Americana: an alphabetical index to American genealogies and pedigrees. Albany, 1868. xii, 296 [292] pp. 8° 5022.8 Du SoMMERARD, Alexandre. See Merimee, P. Por- traits historiques et litteraires. Paris, 1874. 12° 5527. 14 Dutch republic, The rise of the. Motley, J. L. New York, 1856. 3 v. 8° 822.2 Duval, Henri, and others. (Cardelli.) Manuel du liraonadier du glacier, du chocolatier et du con- fiseur. Ornee de figures. Paris, 1851. vi, 516 pp. 24°. [Manuel Roret] 6429.7 DuYCKiNCK, Evert Augustus and George Long. Cy- clopaedia of American literature: embracing per- sonal and critical notices of authors^ and selec- tions from their writings, from the earliest period to the present day ; with portraits, autographs, and other illustrations. Edited by M. Laird Simons. Philadelphia, 1875. 2 v. 4°. .*R..R.,D.3.11 Dwelling-houses. Eassie, W. Healthy houses. A handbook of the history, defects, and remedies of drainage, ventilation, warming, and kindred subjects. New York, 1872. 12°.. . . 1525.6 and 6215.2 — Wheeler, G. The choice of a dwelling. A prac- tical handbook of useful information on all points connected with hiring, buying, or build- ing a house. London, 1872. Sm. 8^ 6226.2 Dyer, Thomas Henry. Life of John Calvin. With portrait. London, 1850. xii, 560 pp. 8° 5812.12 — Pompeii. Its history, buildings, and antiquities. Illustrated. Map, and plan of the forum. 3d edition. London, 1871. xvi, 579 pp. 8° 5513.1 Dynevor terrace. Yonge, C. M 318.11 Dyspepsy forestalled and resisted. Hitchcock, E. Amherst, 1831. 12° 6036.7 See aJso Digestion. Ear, Treatise on the diseases of the. Troeltsoh, A. von. New York, 1869. 8° 6022.11 Earl's, The, daughter. Sewell, E. M 738. 10 Earl's, The, promise. Riddell, J. H 329.6 Earlom, Richard. See Gelee, Claude. Early choice. The. Tweedie, W. Iv. London, 1856. 16° 916.7 Early dawn. The; or, sketches of Christian life in England in the olden time. New York, 1864. 12*^ 725.40 Early piety; or, recollections of Harriet Bird. Taber, S. W. Boston, 1857. Sm. 12° 5819.20 Earnest words on true success in life. Palmer, R. New York, 1873. 8° 6136.7 Earth. Cuvier, G. L. C. F. D. Essay on the the- ory of the. New York, 1818. 8° ...6633.1 Dawson, J. W, The story of the earth and man. NewYork, 1873. 12° 1523.22 Figuier, (G.) L. Earth and sea. London, 1870. go , 6631.3 — Guvot. A. The earth and man. Boston, 1872. 1 2 u 1523.15 — Marsh, *G. P. The earth as modified by human action. New York, 1874. 8° 683L2 — Reclus, (J. J.) E. The earth. NewYork, 1872. 30 ' ^ , 6632.1 See also Geography, Geology. EABTHLYparadise, The: apoem. Morris, W. Bos- ton, 187 L 3v. Sm.8° J625.3 A^o. His I^etters are popular. The advanced student can find in the Central Library Lepsius's splendid results in his " Chronologic " ; in his " Dcnk- maler"; and in his " K6nigsbiich; " and can also consult the Bates Hall catalogues for the Important results of the expedi- tion authorized by Napoleon [see Lanfrey's Napoleon K22 1.1, ch. x], and for the works of the Cliampollioiis, Leibnitz. Bel- zoni, Heeren, and others; and the recent works on the great Eyramid by John Taylor, who aims to establish a connection otween the dimensions and a universal system of meusures; and of Piozzi Smyth, who throws light on the ancient Egyptian learning, etc.. taking views against Bunsen on the chronol- ogy; and indulging in some fanciful theories. For popular accounts of the pyramids, see chapters in many of the above books, and also in Warburton's " Crescent and cross" [317.8], etc. The general subject ct Egyptian art will be found treated In comprehensive treatises on the history of architecture, paint- ing, sculpture, etc. (vvhich see); in Winckelmann [0211.1]; and in Wornum's "Epochs of painting" [(i213..3]. On the modern Egyptians, Lane is the best authority ; and for other editions of some of the above travels and descrip- tions, and for many others, see the Bates Hall catalogues. Wilkinson recommends Ladj^ Dutf Gordon's Letters. For other modern descriptions, etc., see in addition, chap- ters in such general travels in the East as Warburton's [317.8] ; Bryant's Letters [424.9] ; Bellows's " The old world in its new face " [423.(!]. Baker's •' Ismailia " is an account of an expe- dition sent with the protection of the khedive to suppress the slave trade on the upper Nile. Emanuel Deutsch's " Literary remains " [5733.7] has an essay on Ancient and modern Egj'pt. See authorities cited in Smith's Bible dictionary, edition of Hackett and Abbot; also in the full account in McCliiitock and Strong. See the note in the Lower Hall Catalogue of history, etc., p. 79. Egyptian princess, An. Ebers, G 310.20 Eight cousins. Alcott, L. M 1117.1 Eighth commandment. The. Reade, C 716.6 EiLOART, Mrs. C. J. The love that lived 711.12 Eirene; or, a woman's right. Ames, M. C 711.17 EiTEL, Ernest J. Buddhism: its historical, theo- retical and popular aspects^ 2d edition. Lon- don, 1873. 122-4-pp. 8° 5613.5 Ekkehard. Scheffel, J. V 315.1) Ekkoes from Kentucky, by Petroleum V. Nasby. Locke, D. R. Boston, 1868. 12° 536.13 Elam, Charles. A physician's problems. [Essays.] Boston, 1869. vi, 400 pp. 12° 425.6 Eldorado; or, adventures in the path of empire. Taylor, (J.) B. New York, 1864. 12° 425.6 Note. — This book has no connection with the search for El Dorado undertaken by the early Spanish explorers iu South America; but pertains to California, etc. Eleanor's victory. Braddon, M. E 325.12 Eleanor's visit. Mathews, J. H 1117.13 Electric telegraph. See Telegraph. Electricity. Baile, J. Wonders of. New York, 1872. 12° 1714.30 — Farrar, J. Elements of. Cambridge, 1826. 8°. 6433.1 — Garratt, A. C. Electro-physiology and electro- therapeutics; showing the best methods for the medical uses of. Boston, 1860. 8° 6011.1 — Harris, Sir W. S. General principles of animal and voltaic electricity. London, 1869. 12° .. .1715.29 Rudimentary electricity. London, 1872. 12°. 1716.20 — Jenkin, F. Electricity and magnetism. Lon- don, 1873. Sm. 8° 6438.4 — Tyndall, J. Light and electricity. New York, 1873. 12° 1523.20 See also Electro-magnetism, Electro-metallurgy, Galvinism, Magnetism, Medical electricity. Telegraph. Electro-magnetism, Elements of. Farrar, J. Cam- bridge, 1826. 8° 6433.1 Electro-metallurgy. Valicourt, E. de. Manuel de dorure et d'argenture par la methode electro- chimique, et par simple immersion. Paris, 1845. 24° 6429.10 — Watt, A. Electro-metallurgy. London, 1871. 12° 1715.18 Elena. Comyn, L. N 727.30 Elfin land. Ball, B. W. Boston, 1851. 12° 1616.12 Elfred. Abbott, . J. Harper's story books 936.1.6 El FuREiDis. Cummins, M. S 332.29 Elgin, Earl of. See Bruce, James. Eli Perkins (at large). Landon, M. D. New York, 1875. 12° 1536.25 ELIA 69 EMERY Shelf. No. Elia, Essays of. Lamb, C. New York, 1835. L. 8°. 1911,4 — Same. (In his Works.) New York, 1872. 12°. 1813.5 and 5615.1.2 Elia and Eliana, Essays of. Lamb, G. Leipzig, 1869. Sq. 16° 1918.3 Note. — The Eliana are essays by Lamb recovered of late from the magazines in wliich they were originally printed. Elias, The voice of. Snow, S. S. New York, 1863. 12° 1524.9 Eliot, Charles "William, and Stoker, Francis Hum- phreys. A compendious manual of qualitative chemical analysis. Revised by W. R. Nichols. 2d revised edition. New York, 1873. vi, 126, li pp. 12° 6436.4 — A manual of inorganic chemistry, arranged to facilitate the experimental demonstration of the facts and principles of the science. With ap- pendix. New York, 1875 [cop. 1866]. xvi, 605, Ixiii pp. Illustrated. 8° 6435.6 Eliot, George, pseud. See Lewes, Marian. Eliot, John, Life of. Francis, C. (In Sparks, J. Library of American biography) 5028, 1.5 Eliot, Samuel Atkins. Sketch of the history of Harvard college, and of its present state. Bos- ton, 1848. xiii, 190-1- pp. Folded plan. 16°. 818.4 Eliot, William Greenleaf. Lectures to young wom- en. 3d edition. Boston, 1854. 196 pp. 16°.. 1917.5 Elisire d'amore. Donizetti, G, {In Ditson, 0., and CO. Standard opera librettos) 6233.3.2 Elizabeth, of England. Abbott, J. History of... 915.10 — Aikin, L. Memoirs of the court of. New York, 1870. 16° 5415.4 — Raumer, F. (L. G.) Von. Die Koniginnen Elisa- beth und Maria Stuart. Leipzig, 1836. 12°.. 2026.3 Note. — See Lower Hall Catalogue of history, etc. Elizabeth; or, the exiles of Siberia. Cottin, S. R. New York, 1867. 32° 539.2 Ella. Simonds, W 932.39 Ellen Clinton. [Fiction.] W., H 532.18 Ellen Linn. Abbott, J 914.13 Ellen Middleton. Fullerton, Xac/^/ G 325.17 Ellenborough, First earl. See Law, Edward. Ellery, William, Life of. Channing, E. T. (In Sparks, J. Library of American biography). .5028.1.6 Ellice, Edward. See M^rimee, P. Portraits his- toriques et litteraires. Paris, 1874. 12° 5527.14 Ellicott, Charles John. The revision of the Eng- lish version of the New Testament. See Light- foot, Joseph Baber 5814.11 Elliot, Frances, Diary of an idle woman in Italy. Leipzig, 1872. 2 v, in 1, Sq. 16° 228.3 — The Italians. [Fiction.] Leipzig 330.16 — Same. New York 716.20 — Old court life in France. Leipzig, 1873. 2 v. in 1. Sq. 16° 329.4 — Romance of old court-life in France. With illus- trations. New York, 1874. 254-[- pp. L. 8°. 6510.1 Elliot, Sir Gilbert, 1st earl of Minto. Life and let- ters from 1751 to 1806. Edited by the countess of Minto. London, 1874, 3 v. 8° 5625.3 Elliott, Alfred, Out-of-doors: a handbook of games for the playground. London, 1872. 225 pp. Illustrated. 12° 1517.8 — Within-doors: a book of games and pastimes for the drawing-room. With a chapter on feathered pets. London, 1872. 205 pp. Illustrated, 16°. 916.19 Elliott, J. W. National nursery rhymes and nur- sery songs. Set to original music. With illus- trations. London, 1872. llO-f-pp. L. 8° ... 1510.1 Ellis, Daniel. Thrilling adventures of the great union guide of east Tennessee during the south- ern rebellion. By himself. With illustrations. New York, 1867. 430 pp. Portrait. 12°.... 816.7 Ellis, George Edward. History of the battle of Bunker's [Breed's] hill, on June 17, 1775, from authentic sources in print and manuscript. With a map of the battle-ground. Boston, 1875. 69 pp. 8° 811.1 — Memoir of Sir Benjamin Thompson, count Rum- ford. See American academy of arts and sci- ences 5022.3 Shelf. No. Ellis, Grace Atkinson. Memoir of Anna Lsetitia Barbauld, with many of her letters. Boston, 1874. 2v. Portrait. 12° 5426.15 Ellis, John Eimeo. Life of William Ellis, mission- ary to the South seas and to Madagascar. With an estimate of his character and work by H. A lion. With portrait. London, 1873 xxiv 310 pp. 8° !5422.1'' Ellis, Sarah (Stickney). The wives of England. New York, 1843. 268 [264] pp. 12° 1935 6 Ellis, William, Life of. Ellis, J. E. London, 1873. ^ S •• 5422.12 ±iL-MEDiNAH, Personal narrative of a pilgrimage to. Burton, R. F. Boston, 1858. 12° 423,14 — Same. Leipzig, 1874. 3v.ini. Sq. 16° 428.5 Elm island stories. See Kellogg, Elijah. Elocution. Baker, G. M., editor. The reading club and handy speaker. Boston, 1875, 76. 3 v. 12" 1538.13 — Monroe, L. B., editor. Public and parlor readings. Humorous. Boston, 1874. 12° 1515.18 Miscellaneous. Boston, 1875. 12° 1515.14 — Sargent, E. The standard speaker. Philadel- phia, 1873. 8° 1933.12 Elsie Dinsmore. Finley, M 926.16 Elsie Venner. Holmes, 0. W. Boston, 1872. 2 v. in 1. Sm. 8° 526.20 Elsie's girlhood. Finley, M 926. 18 Elsie's Santa Glaus. Mathews, J. H 1117.5 Elsie's womanhood. Finley, M 1117.3 Elster's folly. Wood, E, P 333.18 Elterlein, Ernst von. Beethoven's pianoforte sona- tas explained. Translated from the German by Emily Hill. With a preface by E, Pauer. Lon- don, 1875. 120 pp. Sm,8° 6237.4 Elze, Carl (Friedrich). Essays on Shakespeare. Translated with the author's sanction by L. Dora Schmitz. London, 1874. 379-f- pp, 8°. 5623.5 — Lord Byron. A biography. Translated, and edited with notes. Portrait and fac-simile. London, 1872. xxii, 516 pp, 8° 5423.3 Emanuel, Harry. Diamonds and precious stones: their history, value, and distinguishing charac- teristics. With tests for their identification. 2d edition. New York [London], 1873. xxii, 266 pp. Illustrated, Sm. 8° 6636.3 Emerald, The. Sargent, E, Boston, 1866, 12°.. 715.14 :^meric-David, Toussaint Bernard, See Santi, or Sanzio, Rafaello (Raphael), da Urbino. A se- ries of studies. Boston, 1875. L. 4° 6210.10 Emerson, George Barrell. A report on the trees and shrubs growing naturally in the forests of Massachusetts. 2d edition. Boston, 1875. 2 v. Plates. 8° 6621.2 Emerson, Ralph Waldo. Prose works. New and revised edition. Boston, 1873. 2 v. 12° 1934.6 Contents.— Yo\. I. Miscellanies; Essays. II. Representa- tive men; Englisli traits; Conduct of life. — English traits. [Characteristics of the English people.] Boston, 1856. 312 pp. 12° 425.4 — Letters and social aims. Boston, 1876. 314-U pp. 12° 1817.1 — May day and other pieces. [Poems.] Boston, 1874, iv, 205 pp. 16° 1616.15 — Nature. Boston, 1836. 95 pp. 12° 5218,5 — Poems. Boston, 1872. 251 pp. Portrait. 16°.1616.11 — Representative men: seven lectures. Boston, 1875. 285 pp. 12° 1916.6 Content*. — Uses of great men ; Plato; Swedenborg; Mon- taigne; Shakespeare; Napoleon; Goethe. — Society and solitude. Boston, 1875. 300-}- pp. 16° 1537.21 — editor. Parnassus. [Poems by various authors.] Boston, 1875. xlii, 534 pp. 8° 5214.5 — joint editor. See OSSOLI, Margaret Fuller, mar- chesad'. Memoirs 1215.4 Emerson's magazine and Putnam's monthly. See Putnam's magazine 5127.1 Emery, Eliza B. Queens 931.3 EMERY 70 ENGLAND Shelf. No. Emery, Mining and manufacture of. See Welling- ton mills, London 1711.4 Emigrant's story, The, and other poems. Trow- bridge, J. T. Boston, 1875. 12° 1615.25 Emile, ou de I'education. Rousseau, J. J. La Haye, 1762. 4 v. 8° 5535.6 Emilia Galotti: a tragedy. Lessing, G. E. Leip- zig, 1868. Sq. 16^ 1613.6 Emilia Wyndham. Marsh-Caldwell, A. 2 v 330.23 Emlyn, Thomas. Humble inquiry into the Scripture account of Jesus Christ. (In Sparks, J. Col- lection of essays and tracts in theology) 1918.9.4 Emma. Abbott, J. Harper's story books 936.1.2 Emma. Austen, J 524.12 Emmons, Richard. The Fredoniad: or, independence preserved. An epick poem on the late war of 1812. Boston, 1827. 4 v. 12°. 1611.1 Emmons, William. The battle of Bunker hill. An historic poem in four cantos. 6th edition. Bos- ton, 1856. 144 pp. Portrait. 12° 1615.11 Emotions. The expression of the emotions in man and animals. Darwin, C. (R.) New York, 1873. Sm. 8° 6615.2 Emperor's, The, picture. Haufif, W 312.21 Empress Josephine, The. [Historical fiction.] Mundt, C. (M.) 531.11 Enamelling, Art of. Gessert, M. A. London, 1857. 12° 1715.5 j^NAULT, Louis. Histoire d'une femme. Paris, 1872. 472+ pp. 16° 5536.6 — The woman of honor; or, false friendships in so- ciety. Translated from the French, by Rebecca L. Tutt. Philadelphia [1875]. 19-205 pp. 8°. 721.1 Encouragemens, Les, de la jeunesse. Bouilly, J. N. Paris[1830]. 2 v. 12° 5537.6 Encyclopedias. See Cyclopedias. End of the world, The. A love story. Eggleston, E. 736.18 Energy, The conservation of. Stewart, B. New York, 1874. 12° 6436.7 Engineer, The. Abbott, J. Harper's story books. 936.1.7 Engineering. Andrews, G. H. Rudimentary trea- tise on agricultural engineering. London, 1852. 3 V. in 1. 12° 1715.15 — Appleton, D., and co. Dictionary of. New York, 1869. 2 V. 8° *R.R., D.3.3 — Burnell, G. R. Rudiments of hydraulic engi- neering. London, 1868. 12° 1716.10 — Byrne, 0. Spons' dictionary of. London, 1869. 6 V. L. 8° *R.R., 3.2.1 — Haswell, C. H. Engineers' and mechanics' pock- et-book. New York, 1873. 12° 6428.1 — Maxton, J. The workman's manual of engineer- ing drawing. London, 1871. 12° 1716.28 — Shelley, C. P. B. Workshop appliances. New York [London], 1873. Sm. 8° 6427.1 See also Civil engineering, Drawing, Kailroads, Steam-en- gine, Telegraph engineering. Engineers, Lives of the. Smiles, S. London, 1861. 2v. 8° 5421.4 England. Abbott, J. Story of English history. 936.1.5 — A'Beckett, G. A. The comic history of. Lon- don, n. d. 8° 823.6 — Adams, W. T. Red cross; or. Young America in. Boston, 1871. 16°.... 916.18 — Aikin, L. Memoirs of the court of Elizabeth. New York, 1870. 16° 5415.4 — Blackstone, Sir W. Commentaries on the laws of. Philadelphia, 1872. 2 v. 8° 6311.1 — Buckle, H. T. History of civilization in. Lon- don, 1872. 3 V. 16° 5417.1 — Burke, B. Essay towards an abridgement of the English history. [A. d. 43-1215.] Boston, 1826. 8° 5634.1.5 — (Same. Boston, 1871. Sm. 8° 5635.1.7 — Burnet, G., bishop. History of his own time: from the restoration of Charles ii to the treaty of peace at Utrecht, in the reign of Queen Anne. London, 1857. 8° 5410.4 — Burritt, E. A walk from London to Land's end and back, with notes by the way. London, 1868. Sq. 16° 5438.4 Shelf. No. England, continued. — Campbell, J., lord. Lives of the lord chancellors and keepers of the great seal of, till the reign of George iv. London, 1868. 10 v. Sm. 8°.. 5427.9 — Care, H. English liberties, or the free-born sub- ject's inheritance. Boston, 1721. 12° 828.4 — Coppee, H. English literature, considered as an interpreter of English history. Philadelphia, 1873. Sm. 8° 5614.6 — Daniel, G. Merrie England in olden time. Lon- don [1841]. Sm. 8° 5617.14 — Dickens, C. (J. H.) A child's history of. Boston, 1854. 2 V. 16° 928.13 — Same. Boston, 1871. 16° 1824.19 — Dod, — . The laboring classes of. Boston, 1847. 12° 5418.1 — Edgar, J. G. The wars of the roses; or, stories of the struggle of York and Lancaster. [A. d. 1421-86; for youths.] New York, 1859. 16°. 913.15 — Ellis, S. (S.) The wives of. New York, 1843. 12° 1935.6 — Fox, C. J. History of the early part of the reign of James ii. Philadelphia, 1808. 8° 823.1 — Freeman, E. A. The growth of the English con- stitution. Leipzig, 1872. Sq. 16° 838.2 History of the Norman conquest in. Oxford, 1869. 4 v. 8° 5014.4 Old English history. London, 1873. Sm. 8°.. 5418.11 — Froissart, Sir J. Chronicles of. London, 1868. 2v. L. 8° 5920.2 — Froude, J. A. History of, from the fall of Wol- sey to the death of Elizabeth. New York, 1873. 12v. Sm. 8° 826.9 — Galibert, L., and Pelle, C. Angleterre. Paris, 1844. 8° 5911.7 — Hack, M.* Stories from English history. Lon- don, 1872. 16° 5418.2 — Hallam, H. Constitutional history of, from the accession of Henry vii to the death of George II. New York, 1872. 3 v. Sm. 8° 5416.1 — Hamerton, P. G. A painter's camp in. Boston, 1871. 16° 426.19 — Hawthorne, N. Our old home: a series of Eng- lish sketches. Boston, 1876 {cop. 1863]. Sq. 16°. 5439.1 Passages from his English note-books. Boston, 1871. 2v.ini. 12° 1813.4 — Same. Leipzig, 1871. 2v.ini. Sq. 16° 428.3 — Hope, Mrs. — . Conversion of the Franks and the English. London, 1872. 16° 5735.5 — Hume, 1). History of, from the invasion of Ju- lius Caesar to the revolution in 1688. Boston, 1868. 6v. 8° 5413.2 — Hyde, E., earl of Clarendon. History of the re- bellion and civil wars in. Boston, 1827. 6 v. 8° 5412.4 — Jesse, J. H. Memoirs of the pretenders. Lon- don, 1860. Sm. 8° 6426.14 — Jewitt, L., and Hall, S. C. The stately homes of. London, 1874. 4° 5434.2 — Knight, C. History of. [Popular.] London [1862]. 8v. 8° 5413.1 — Lingard, J. History of, from the first invasion by the Romans to 1688. London, 1855. 10 v. Sm. 8° .• 5417.8 — Lippincott, S. J. Merrie England. Boston, 1868. 16° 922.26 — Macaulay, T. B., lord. History of, from the ac- cession of James ii. Leipzig, 1849-61. 10 y. in 5. Sq. 16° 838.1 — Martineau, H. History of the peace: being a history of, from 1816 to 1854. Boston, 1865. 4 V. Sm. 8° 5416.2 — May, Sir T. E. Constitutional history of, 1760- 1860. London, 1871. 3 v. 16° ...5415.2 — Miller, H. First impressions of England and its people. Boston, 1853. 12° 425.13 — Molesworth, W. N. History of, from 1830. London, 1871. 3 v. 8° 5413.3 — Same. 2d edition. London, 1874. 3 v. Sm. 8°. 5415.1 — Neele, H. The romance of history. London, N.D. 16° 827.27 ENGLAND 71 ENGLISH Shelf. No. England, continued. — Paris, L. P. d'Orleans, comte de. Les associa- tions ouvrieres en Angleterre. Paris, 1869. 12". 5827.2 — Pattison, M, Tendencies of religious thought in, 1688-1750. {In Essays and reviews) 1538.3 — Same. (In Hedge, F. H. Recent inquiries in theology) 1526.24 and 5814.15 — Philip, G., and son. Philip's atlas of the coun- ties of, reduced from the ordnance survey. By E. Weller. London, 1875. F° *R.R.Desk — Pike,L.O. History of crime in. London, 1873. 8°. 5412.2 — Rae, W. F. Wilkes, Sheridan, Fox: the opposi- tion under George iii. Nevr York, 1874. Sm. 8"^. 5415.8 — Smiles, S. The Huguenots: their settlements, churches, and industries in. New York, 1868. Sm. 8° 5514.1 — Smith, G. Three English statesmen [Pym, Crom- well, Pitt]: lectures on the political history of. New York, 1867. 12° 5425.1 — Smith, P. V. History of English institutions. Philadelphia, 1874. 16° 5418.5 — Stanhope, P. H., earl, formerly lord Mahon, " The forty-five." Being the narrative of the [Scottish] insurrection of 1745. London, 1869. Sm. 8° 5418.7 History of, comprising the reign of Queen Anne, until the peace of Utrecht, 1701-13. London, 1872. 2 v. Sm. 8° 5418.3 History of, from the peace of Utrecht to the peace of Versailles. [1713-83.] Leipzig, 1853. 7 v. in 4. Sq. 16° 838.3 — Taine, H. A. Notes on. New York, 1874. 8". 5435.7 — Thierry, (J. N.) A.^ History of the conquest of England by the Normans. London, 1869. 2 v. Sm. 8° 5417.2 — Timbs, J. Abbeys, castles, and ancient halls of. London [1870]. 3 v. 16° 5438.1 — Wallace, Mrs. B. D. A woman's experiences in. New York, 1872. 12° 423.11 — Walpole, H. Anecdotes of painting in. London, 1871. 16° 6215.7 — Warburton, W. P. Edward iii. London, 1875. Sm. 8° 628.6 — Willis, N. P. Pencillings by the way. New York, 1844. L. 8° 430.2 — Wordsworth, C. Social life at the English uni- versities in the 18th century. Cambridge, 1874. Sm. 8° 5835.7 — Wraxall, Sir N. AV. Historical memoirs of my own time. Philadelphia, 1836, 37. 2 v. 8°.. 5812.7 — Wright, T. Caricature history of the Georges. London [1867]. Sm. 8° 5415.5 The homes of other days. A history of domes- tic manners and sentiments in. London, 1871. L. 8° 5410. 1 — Yonge, C. M. Cameos from English history. London, 1869. 2 v. 16° 826.12 See also Great Britain, London, Selborne, "Waterloo. Note. — Catalogue notes on English history have been pre- pared separately, and can be seen at this library. England, Church of. Arnold, F. Our bishops and deans. London, 1875. 2 v. 8° 5810.6 — Arnold, M. Essay on puritanism and the. Lon- don, 1870. Sm. 8° 5815.24 — Brooke, S. A. Freedom in the. London, 1871. 16° 5816.9 — Curteis, G. H. Dissent, in its relation to the. London, 1873. 16° 5816.11 England's antiphon. MacDonald, G. [London, 1868.] Sm. 8° 5937.8 English, The, at the north pole. Verne, J. Lon- don, 1875. Sm. 8° 724.27 English, The, in Ireland in the 18th century. Froude, J. A. London, 1872, 74. 3 v. 8°.... 5414.5 English cyclopaedia. Knight, C .»R.R., F.2.1 English explorers, The; comprising details of the more famous travels of Mandeville, Bruce, Park and Livingstone. With a chapter on Arc- tic explorations. Map and portraits. London, 1875. 639 pp. Sm. 8° 5927.9 English family Robinson, The. Reid, M 937.21 Shelf. No. English governess. The, at the Siamese court. Leo- nowens, A. H. Boston, 1873. Sm. 8° 222.1 English language. Abbott, E. A. A Shakespearian grammar. An attempt to illustrate some of the differences between Elizabethan and modern English. London, 1872. 16° 5617.7 — Ash, J. New and complete dictionary of the. London, 1775, 2 v. 8° *R.R., F.3.12 — Bailey, R. W. The scholar's companion; con- taining exercises in the orthography, derivation, and classification of English words. Philadel- phia, 1844. 12° 1933.10 — Crabb, G. English synonymes explained in al- phabetical order. Boston, 1819. 8° 6122.1 — Craik, G. L. Manual of the history of the. Leipzig, 1874. Sq. 16° 1738.1 — Gould, E. S. Good English; or, popular errors in language. New York, 1870. ^16° 1736.1 — Hotten, J. C. The slang dictionary, etymologi- cal, historical, and anecdotal. London, 1874. Sm. 8° 6126.6 — Marsh, G. P. Lectures on the. New York, 1872. Sm. 8° '. 6123.2 Origin and history of the. New York, 1871. Sm. 8°... 6123.1 — Millhouse, J. New English-Italian and Italian- English dictionary. London, 1874. 2 v. Sm. 8° *R.R., F.3.11 — Sargent, E. The standard fourth reader. Boston, 186L 12° 1735.4 — Scheie de Vere, M. Americanisms; the English of the New World. New York, 1872. 12^.... 6124.1 Studies in English; or, glimpses of the inner life of our language. New York, 1868. Sm. 8°. 1533.4 — Soule, R. Dictionary of English synonymes. Boston, 1871. 16° *R.R., F.3.2 — Spalding, W. Outline of the origin and growth of the. Edinburgh, 1873. Sm. 8° 6127.2 — Spiers, A., and Surenne, G. French and English [and English and French] pronouncing diction- ary. New York, 1872. 8" *R.R., D.3.2 — Stearns, E. J. A practical guide to English pro- nunciation. Boston, 1857. 12° ..1737.2 — Tauchnitz, (C.) B., baron von. Five centuries of the. Leipzig, 1860. Sq. 16° 1918.1 — Trench, R. C. English, past and present. New York, 187L 12° 1735.3 On the study of words. New York [1851]. 12° 1735.2 — Webster, N. American dictionary of the. Spring- field, 1873. 4° *R.R., A.3.1 — Same. Counting-house edition. New York, 1872. Sm. 4° ♦R.R., A.2.5 — Wedgwood, H. A dictionary of English ety- mology. London, 1872. 8° 6121.2 — White, R. G. Words and their uses, past and present. New York, 1870. Sm. 8° 1735.5 — Same. New York, 1872. Sm. 8° 1735.1 — Whitney, W. D. Language and the study of language. New York, 1872. Sm. 8° 6126.3 — Wilson, J. Treatise on English punctuation. Boston, 1850. 12° 1736.4 — Worcester, J. E. Dictionary of the. Boston, 1873. 4° *R.R., A.3.2 — Zachos, J. C. Phonic primer and reader. Boston, 1864. 12° 1736.3 Note. — Craik's history treats the subject only incidentally in connection with the history of the literature. Spalding's is a convenient outline. Prof Had ley has an excellent, concise, and comprehensive account prefixed to the unabridged edi- tion of Webster's dictionary, and there is a historical sketch of English dictionaries prefixed to Worcester's quarto dic- tioiiaiy. The Quarterly review, 187."i, has a paper on modern English dictionaries. There is a paper on the origin of the language in Disraeli's "Amenities of literature" [laaW]- Marsh's " Lectures on tlie English language " and his " Ori- gin and history of the English language" are fitted for the general reader. . . , , A large class of works (not all of which are very highly esteemed bv linguistic scholars), which are represented by Wean Trench's "English, past and present," have of late years been published. For accounts of the English langvaije in America, see Scheie de Veres" Anjericanisnis;" lecture .'JO in Marsh's Lectures; Lowell's preface to the " Biglow papers " [5:^27.1]; chapter .'id of Grant White's" Words and their uses.' ,„,„^,„^. ,- Craik's " English of Shakespeare," edited hj Kolfe [.jfiji.l], and Abbott's Shakespearian grammar [501/. 7] concern an ENGLISH 72 ENGLISH Shelf. No. English language, continued. important epoch in the development of the languaKe. The Enjilish of Milton's day is examined in vol. 1 of Masson's Milton [5422.2]. On tliis subject of words, see Whipple's Essav [19.'?6.2]; F. D. Maurice, in "The friendship of boolis " [(>13'J.8]; and a review of Dean AUord's book, " The Queen's English, " can be found in W. I). Whitney's " Oriental and linguistic studies" [6126.2]. Hotten's is the beBt gathering of its class. English lessons for English people. Abbott, E. A., and Seeley, J. 11. London, 1871. Sm. 8^ 1535.1 English literature. Arnold, T. Chaucer to Words- worth. A short history of, from the earliest times to the present day. London [1873]. 16^. 5628.2 — Bascom, J. Philosophy of. New York, 1874. 318-f pp. 12^ 5216.8 — Brougham, H., lord. Men of letters of the time of George in. Edinburgh, 1872. 16^ 5614.4.2 — Byron, G. G. N., lord. English bards and Scotch reviewers. Boston, 1814. 12'^ 1619.2 No(e. — A satire in verse on his critics. — Chambers, R. Cyclopaadia of. Philadelphia, 1872. 2 V. 8° *R.R., C.2.3 — Christophers, S, W. Homes of old English writ- ers. London [1874]. Sm. 8" 5428.16 — Cleveland, C. D. A compendium of, chronolog- ically arranged. Philadelphia ^cop. 1848]. 12^^. 1534.7 — Coppee, II. English literature, considered as an interpreter of English history. Philadelphia, 1873. Sm. 8° 5614.6 — Craik, G. L. Manual of. Leipzig, 1874. 2 v. in 1. Sq. 16° 1738.1 — Dibdin, T. F. Bibliomania; or, book-madness. London, 1876. 8° 6131.3 Jfote. — Accounts of rare books. — Disraeli, I. Amenities of literature, consisting of sketches and characters of. New York, 1871. 2 V. Sm. 8° 1533.13 — Hazlitt, W. Lectures on the English poets. London, 1819. 8° 5610.6 Lectures on the English poets [and comic writers]. London, 1870. 2 v. in 1. Sm. 8"... 5616.5 — Johnson, S. Lives of the English poets. Leip- zig, 1858. 2v.ini. Sq. 16" 1238.20 — Kavanagh, J. English women of letters. Leip- zig, 18G2. Sq. 16" 1238.2 — MacDonald, G. England's antiphon. [London, 1808.] Sm. 8" 5937.8 — Morley, H. English writers. Vol. i, ii, part 1. London, 1867. 2 v. in 3. 8'^ 5622.1 — Piilgrave, F. T. The golden treasury of songs and lyrical poems in the English language. London, 1874. Sm. 8° 1627.4 — Parton, J. The humorous poetry of the English language, from Chaucer to Saxe. [A collection of such.] Boston, 1872. L. 12° 1612.31 — Russell, \V. C. The book of authors. London [1871]. Sm. 8° 5638.2 — Spalding, W. History of. Edinburgh, 1875. Sm. 8" 6127.2 — Spencer, J. A. A course of English reading. New York, 1873. Sm. 8° 1537.13 — Taine, H. A. History of. New York, 1872. 2v. 8° 5613.1 — Snmp.. Abridged. New York, 1872. Sm. 8° . . 5614.7 — Tauchnitz, (C.) B., baron von. Five centuries of. [Specimens.] Leipzig, 1860. Sq. 16° 1918.1 — Thackeray, VV. M. The English humourists of the eighteenth century. Leipzig, 1853. Sq. 16°... 1238.8 — Trench, R. C. A household book of English poetry. London, 1870. Sq. 16° 5616.4 — Underwood, F. H. Hand-book of. British authors. Boston, 1875. Sm. 8° 5613.6 — Van Rhyn, G. A. F. What and how to read; containing a list of the best books published in England during the past five years. New York, Ifi''-^. 12° 6136.11 — Villemain, A. F. Tableau de la litterature au moyen kga en Angleterre. Paris, 1871. 2 v. yi-^ 5537.11 Shelf. No. English literature, continued. — Ward, A. W. A history of English dramatic literature. London, 1875. 8° 5624.3 — Whipple, E. P. The literature of the age of Elizabeth. Boston, 1871. 12° 1936.5 — Whitelaw, A. The republic of letters, a selection, in poetry and prose, from the works of the most eminent writers, with many original pieces. Vol. 2-4. Glasgow, 1833. 3 v. 16° 5618.6 — Yonge, C. D. Three centuries of. New York, 1872. 12° 1536.1 JVo^e. — An elaborate general histoij of English literature has not been written in English ; but Taine, in pursuance of a theory of climatic and ethnological influences, has written a brilliant '• History of English literature " [5613.1], which may not, however, always command assent from English readers. It has been abridged in English by Fiske [5614.7]. Morley's " English writers " is a work to be referred to. Craik's studies in this field have been of importance. His first work, "Sketches of the history of literature and learning," was the basis of his contributions to the chapters on the literature in the " Pictorial history of England," and was again enlarged into his " Com- pendious history," which may rank as the best native general history of the literature since tlie Norman conquest, and it is accompanied by specimens. Chambers's " Cyclopaedia of English literature " is a very good selection of extracts, with sufficient commentary for the ordinary reader, but is very meagre for recent times. Underwood's is of similar charac- ter but less extensive. F. I). Maurice, in his " Friendship of books" [613(i.8], aptly characterizes the chief English writers down to Cowper. Of the briefer compendious manuals. — Spalding is compact ; T.Arnold is judicious; C. D. Yonge's "Three centuries of English literature" gives extracts from the principal writers of each age, but is considered inexact; and Tauchnitz s " Five centuries" is a series of selections from eight principal writers from Wyclift'e to Gray. The introduction to Allibone gives a summary of the earliest literature with a tabular state- ment of the writers from the 6th to the 19th century. Jeffrey briefly summarizes, in his review of Ford in his " Essays " [5610.8], the changes in the history of the literature. Southey's Cowper [5H27.4] sketches the English poets from Chaucer down. Eandor's •' Conversation on Southey and Porson " pertains to the poets. An account of the poets laureate can be found in Disraeli's " Curiosities of literature " [5tJ26.6]. and in the Atlantic monthly, 1858. For the period covered, 15th, l6tli and 17th centuries, the chapters on English literature in Hallam's " Introduction to the literature of Europe" [1531.2] will be found characteris- tically just and comprehensive; and Warton's " History of English poetry," for its period, 1 100-1600, is learned, but not engaging, while a recent editor, W. C. Hazlitt, has much im- proved it. Wliipplti's "Literature of the age of Elizabeth" IS the work of an acute critic and popular writer. Masson, in his Milton [5422 2], surveys the field duiing the time preceding the Commonwealth. For the Queen Anne period, see particularly the last chap-' ter of Stanhope's History [5418.3], and the lives of Swift, Addison, Steele, etc. For the first half of this century, see chapters in Alison's Europe, 1815-52 [5913.6]. There are many biographies neces- sary to the full understanding of the literature of tills century in connection with its literary society, like those of Scott, Byron. Leigh Hunt, Southey, Thomas Moore, Miss .Mitford, Crabhe Robinson. Chorley, Hood, Landor, Lamb, Dickens, etc. See also Broughams "Men of letters of tJie reign of George III " [5014.4 2]. There are monojrraphs on the novelists, like Scott [5914.2] and Forsyth [613().l]; on the historians, like J.,awrence [1224.7]; on the comic writers, like Hazlitt, etc. George MacDonald's "England's antiphon" is a popular sketch of the religious poetry, wiih specimens. For old songs and ballads, see the essay to Percy's "Reli lues" [1(>13.12], and Scott's introduction to his " Border minstrelsy." Johnson's Lives must always remain a noteworthy book, though given to the recording of some poets, now wholly for- gotten ; and the reader must always make allowance for his prejudices regarding Milton and Gray. Stedman's "Victorian poets "[1837 1] is a marked charac- terization of the poetic representatives of our day. See also Coppee's " English literature considered as an in- terpreter of English history," and the chapters on literature in Emerson's " English traits" [425.4]. The sketches in Knight's "Popular history of England" [5413.1] are only sufficient to illu.^trate the condition of the people; but in the appendix to vol. V there is a chronological table of writers. For the English literature of America, see United States, literature, note. For accounts of individual writers, both Eng- lish and American, the most convenient first researches can always be made in -Allibone's " Dictionary of authors; " the accounts of those occurring in the alphabet before the letter O are, however, brought down no later than abimt 1858. For the history of the drama, so far as it may have been treated independent of its connection with the geneial litera- ture of England, the fullest narrative down to the death of Queen Anne is by Ward. For the history of newspapers, see the note in the Bulletin for Oct., 1875, p. 427. The growth and progress of magazine literature is touched upon in Curwen's "History of booksellers" [5426.16]. English orphans. The. Holmes, M. .J 534.4 English portraits. Sainte-Beuve, C. A. New York, 1875. 16° 1025.3 E.VGLiSH radical leaders. Hinton, R. J. New York, 1875. 16° * 628.8 English stage. Betterton, T. History of the. Bos- ton. 1814. 8° 813.3 — Cole, J. W. Summary of the English stage for the last fifty years London, 1859. 2 v. Sm. 8°. 5426.3 EN^GLISH 73 ESSAYIST Shelf. No. English stage, continued. — Doran, J. W. " Their majesties' servants." An- nals of the English stage, from Thomas Better- ton to Edmund Kean. New York, 1865. 2 v. L. 12° 1532.2 — Fitzgerald, P. The romance of the. London, 1874. 2v. 8° 5622.4 — Genest, J. Some account of the English stage, from the restoration in 1660 to 1830. Bath, 1832. lOv. 8^ 66!22.2 Ifote. — Dr. Doran's book is much the best comprehensive history of the English stage, being recent and entertaining. Genest is a voknninous record down to 18.'10 of the presenta- tions of tlie various seasons ontlie metropolitan and provincial stages, with little interest, however, to the general reader. In Percy's " Reliques " [1013.12] will be found an essay on the ori- gin of the stage; and a paper on the tirst traj^edy and the tirst comedy is given in Disraeli's " Amenities of literature " [1.533.13]. Warton's "History of English poetry" also covers the earlier period. In connection with the lives of Shakespeare by his principal editors there are usual histories of the stage pre- ceding and during his time, as in Knight, White, Iludson, * etc. See also the biographies of Shakespeare, Betterton, Qtiin, Colley Gibber, Garrick, Macklin, Foote, Siddons, Kemble, Kean, Young, Cooke, Mathews, — which in tliis order consti- tute of themselves a consecutive history of the stage to nearly our time. Much of interest apropos of the stage can be found for their respective periods in the lives of Dryden, Pope, Addi- son, Steele, Sheridan, Byron, Scott, Planche, Dickens, etc. Charles Rcade's ''Peg Wolfington " [31(5.23; 327.3] is a brilliant novelette on this famous actress of the early part of the last century. English traits. Emerson, R. W. Boston, 1856. 12°. 425.4 English travelers and Italian brigands. Moens, W. J. C. New York, 1866. 12^^ 423.16 English universities, Social life at the. Words- worth, C. Cambridge, 1874. Sm. 8^^ 5835.7 Englishwoman's domestic magazine. Vol. 15-17. London [1873, 74]. 3 v. 4° 6532.1 Engravers, and their works. Clement, C. E. New York, 1874. 16° 1513.17 Engraving. Blanc, (A. A. P.) C. Grammar of. New York, 1874. 4^^ 6212.2 — Duplessis, G. G. The wonders of. New York, 1871. 16" 1714.16 — Perrot, A. M. Manuel du graveur. Paris, 1844. 24° 6439.4 See also Note in Bulletin, vol. ir, p. 267. Enigmas of life. Greg, W. R. Boston, 1873. 16°. 1534.2 and 6136.5 Enoch Arden. Tennyson, A. Boston, 1864. 12°.. 1612.8 — Same. (In his Poetical works.) Leipzig, 1860. Sq. 16° 1614.10.5 Entail, The. Gait, J 515.9 Entomology. See Insects. Eoline. Hentz, C. L. Philadelphia [cop. 1869]. 12°. 534.14 Eothen. Kinglake, a. W. Leipzig, 1846. Sq. 16°. 228.1 Note. — Travels in the East. Epictetus. See Farbar, F. W. Seekers after God. London, 1875. Sm. 8° 5937.7 Epicurean, The. [A romance.] Moore, T. Poeti- cal works. Leipzig, 1842. Sq. 16° 1614.9.5 Epidemic delusions. Carpenter, W. B. (In Estes, D. Half-hour recreations in popular science) 6813.7 Epidemics of the middle ages. Hecker, J. F. C. London, 1846. 8° 6013.4 Epilepsy. Kussmaul, A., and Tenner, A. Nature and origin of epileptiform convulsions caused by profuse bleeding. London, 1859. 8° 6023.1 ■ — Schroeder van der Kolk, J. L. C. Proximate cause and rational treatment of. London, 1859. 8°. 6023.2 Episcopacy. Chauncy, C. A oompleat view of. Boston, 1771. 8° 1922.2 — Cotton, C. Thoughts on the religious state of the country, with reasons for preferring epis- copacy. New York, 1836. 12° 6326.13 Epitaphs. Bridgman, T. Epitaphs from Copp's hill burial ground, Boston. Boston, 1851. 12°. 5016.5 Inscriptions on the gravestones of Northampton, and other towns in the valley of the Connecticut. Northampton, 1850. 12° 5016.6 — Northend, C. A book of. New York, 1873. 12°. 1535.2 Epochs of history. See Morris, Edward E., editor. Erasmus, Desiderius. Drummond, R. B. Erasmus, his life and character as shown in his correspond- ence and works. London, 1873. 2 v. Sm. 8°. . 5726.2 10 Shelf. No. Erasmus, Desiderius, continued. — Pennington, A. R. Life and character of. Lon- don, 1875. 8° 5726.3 — Seebohm, P. The Oxford reformers. London, 1869. 8° 581L12 Note. — See Note in Bulletin, vol. n, p. 338. Erckmann, ifimile, and Chatrian, Alexandre. The blockade of Phalsburg. [Historical novel.] From the French. With illustrations. London, 1870. 272+ pp. 16° 715.12 — Same. New York, 1871. 308-|- pp. Portraits and illustrations. 12° 913.21 — Brigadier Frederick. A novel. \_Atso, The dean's watch, and The invisible eye.] New York, 1875. 90-4- pp. I'ortraits. 8° 72L13 — The conscript : a story of the French war of 1813. From the 20th Paris edition. With illus- trations. New York, 1872. 330 pp. 16° 913.22 — Histoire du plebiscite. Paris, 1872. 341+ pp. 18° 5516.4 — Histoire d'un paysan. lre-4e partie. Paris, 1873. 4v. 18° 5536.U Contents. -Vol.1. 1789. U. 1792. lU. 1793. IV. 1794- 1815. — The invasion of France in 1814. [Historical fiction.] From the French. With a memoir of the authors. New York, 1871. 369 pp. Illus- trated. 12° 913.23 — Madame Therese; or, the volunteers of '92. Translated from the 13th edition. With illus- trations. New York, 1869. 289+ pp. 12° . . 524.4 — A man of the people. A tale of 1848. From the French. London, 1871. 2 v. 16° 736.23 — The outbreak of the great French revolution. Related by a peasant of Lorraine. Translated by Mrs. C. Hoey. London, 187 L 3 v. 16°.. 825.2 — The story of the plebiscite. From the French. With illustrations. London, 1872. 323+ pp. 16°. 524.25 — Waterloo. [Historical fiction.] From the French. With illustrations. New York, 1872. 368 pp. 12° 913.24 Eric, or little by little. A tale of Roslyn school. Farrar, F. W. Edinburgh, 1875. Sm. 8° 938.11 Erichsen, John. The science and art of surgery. Edited by J. H. Brinton. Illustrated. Phila- delphia, 1854. 908 [892] pp. 8° 6022.15 Erie canal, Marco Paul on the. Abbott, J 914.1 Erie railway. Adams, C. F., jr. A chapter of Erie. Boston, 1869. 12° 1916.1 — Crough, G. Another chapter of Erie. New York, 1869. 12° .* 1916.2 Erling the bold. Ballantyne, R. M 935.11 Erma's engagement. By the author of " Blanche Seymour " 731.21 Ernani. Verdi, G. (In Ditson, 0., and co. Stand- ard opera librettos) 6233.3.6 Ernest Carroll, or artist-life in Italy. Greenough, H. Boston, 1858. 344 pp. 16° 737.28 Ernest Linwood. Hentz, C. L 636.12 Ernest Maltravers. Bulwer-Lytton, E. (G. E.) L. 336.18 Ernst, Herzog von Schwaben. Uhland, J. L. Gedichte uud Dramen. Stuttgart, 1863. 16°. .5738.1.3 Ersilia. [Fiction.] Pojnter, Miss — . Leipzig.. 331.25 — Same. New York 517.23 Erskine, Thomas. Remarks on the internal evi- dence for the truth of revealed religion. And [Charles] Leslie's Short method with deists. Andover, 1823. 156,64 pp. 12° 5819.4 Erskine, Mrs. Thomas. Leisure hour series. Wyn- cote 518.2 Erwin, William. The destiny of man. New York, 1872. 312pp. 12° 5817.4 Espousals, The. [Poem.] Patmore, C. (K. D.) Boston, 1856. 16° 1612.10.2 Essay on criticism. [Poem.] Pope, A. Works. Leipzig, 1848. Sq. 16° 1613.10 — Same. London, 1871. 8° 5612.2.2 Essay on man. [Poem.] Pope, A. Works. Leip- zig, 1848. Sq.l6° 1613.10 — Same. London, 1871. 8° 5612.2.2 Essayist, The. VoL ii. Boston, 1830. 4° 6730.39 ",/■->■«'• i:s^AY9 74 EUROPE Shelf. No. Essays of Elia. Lamb, C. Works. New York, 1872. 12° 1813.5.2 and 5615.1.2 Essays of Elia and Eliana. Lamb, C. Leipzig, 1869. Sq. 16'^ 1918.3 Essays and reviews. Leipzig, 1862. 3744- pp. Sq.l6« : 1538.3 Contents.— Temple, F. : The education of the world; Wil- hams, K. ; Bunsou's Biblical researches; Powell, B. : The etudy of the evidences of Christianity ; Wilson, II. B. ; The national church ; Goodwin, C. W. : On the Mosaic cosmogo- ny; Pattison,M.: Religious thought in England, 1(;8»-1760; Jowett, B. : On the interpretation of Scripture; Note on Bun- Ben's Biblical researches. — Same. See Hedge, F. H. Recent inquiries in theology 1526. 24 and 5814.15 Estelle. Edwards, a 714.11 EsTELLE Russell 312.18 Estes, Dana, editor. Half-hour recreations in popu- lar science. Ist series. Boston [1874]. xvi, 478 pp. Illustrated. 8° 6813.7 Contents. — Strange discoveries respecting the aurora, by R. A. Proctor; Recent solar researches, by R. A. Proctor; The cranial affinities of man and the ape, by R. Virchow; Spec- trum analysis explained, and its uses to science illustrated, by Schellen. Roscoe, and Huggins; Spectrum analysis discov- eries, by Schellen, Young, Roscoe, Lockyer, Huggins, and others; Nebulas, comets, meteoric showers, by H. Schellen and others; Corals and coral islands, by J. D. Dana; Uncon- scious action of the brain, by W. B. Carpenter; Epidemic delusions, by "W. B. Carpenter; Scientific miscellany; Ge- ology of the stars, by A. "W'inchell; On yeast, by T. H. Hux- ley ; Relations between matter and force, by J. ll. Tice; The stone age, past and present, by E. B. Tylor ; Theory of ner- Tous ether, by Dr. Richardson ; Toads in the hole ; Origin of metalliferous deposits, by T. S. Hunt; Rotundity of the earth; The phenomena of sleep, by Dr. Richardson ; Animal life at great depths in the sea; Russian metallurgical works; Coal as a reservoir of power, by R. Hunt; Hot springs in New Zealand, by H. Meade; Atoms, by Prof. Cliflord; The circu- lation ol the waters on the surface of the earth, by H. W. Dove; Wiiat is actinism ? Esther: tragedie. Racine, J. de. The&tre complet. Paris, 1870. 12" 5537.3 Esther Hill's secret. Craik, G. M 322.5 Etching and etchers. Hamerton, P. G. Boston, ^ 1876. 8° 6233.1 Ethan Brand. Hawthorne, N. (In Johnson, (E.) R. Little classics) 529.4.1 Ethelyn's mistake. Holmes, M. J 534.5 Etherization. Rice, N. P. Trials of a public benefactor as illustrated in the discovery of. New York, 1859. 12° 6826.1 — Warren, J. C. Etherization. Boston, 1848. 12°. 6036!3 Ethics and moral philosophy. Combe, G. Moral philosophy. New York, 1844. Sm. 12° 1529.5 — Follen, C. (T. C.) Lectures on moral philosophy. Boston, 1842. 12^ .5735.4,3 — Kant, I. The metaphysics of ethics. Edin- burgh, 1871. Sm. 8° 5836.3 — Maurice, (J.) F. D. Social morality. London, 1869. 8° [ 5833.5 — Paine, M. Physiology of the soul and instinct* as distinguished from materialism. New York. 1872. 8° : 5831.1 — Paley, W. Principles of moral philosophy. Boston, 1830. 2 v. Sm. 12° 1538.6 — Parkhurst, J. L. Elements of moral philosophy. Boston, 1832. 12° . . 1537.14 — Ware, J. Hints to young men, on the true rela- tion of the sexes. Boston, 1850. 16° 1528.1 — Wayland, F. Elements of moral science. Boston! 1836. 12° : 6826.7 — Same. Abridged. Boston, 1850. Sm. 12° 1528.7 Ethics of the dust. The. Ten lectures to little housewives on the elements of crystallisation. Ruskin, J. New York, 1866. 12^^ 6236.4 Ethiopia, Discoveries in. Lepsius, (0.) R. Lonl don, 1873. 8^ ,5931.12 Ethnology. Types of mankind; or, ethnological researches. Nott, J. C, and Gliddon, G. R Philadelphia, 1854. 8° 6610.7 See also Man, Races. Etoile du nord. Meyerbeer, G. (In Ditson, 0., and CO. Standard opera librettos) 6233.3 4 Etourdi, L': comedie. Moliere, J. B. P. (Euvres Paris, 1869. 12° *5537.2.1 Etrubia. Etruscan researches. Taylor, I. Lon- don, 1874. 8° 6124 2 Shelf. No. Eugene Aram. Bulwer-Lytton, E. (G. E.) L 336.9 Euripides. Tragedies. Literally translated, with critical and explanatory notes, by T. A. Buck- ley. London, 1871. 2 v. Portrait. Sm. 8°.. 6115.3 Content*.— \o\. I. Hecuba; Orestes; Fhocnissae; Medea; Hippolytus; Alcestis; Bacchie; Ileraclida:: Iphigeniain Au- lide; Iphigenia in Tauris. II. Hercules furens; Tlie Troades; Ion; Andromache; Suppliants; Helen; Electra; Cyclops; Rhesus. — Donne, W. B. Euripides [outlined and ex- plained]. Edinburgh, 1872. Sm. 8° 6116.13 — Schiller, (J. C.) von. Scenen aus den Phoni- zierinnen 5734.1.7 Europe. Alison, Sir A. History of, 1789-1815. New York, 187 L 4 v. 8° 5913.6 1815-52. New York, 1868, 70, 71. 4 v. 8°. 5913.5 — Arnold, H. P. European mosaic. [Travels.] Boston, 1864. 10° 435. 1 — Atkinson, J. B. An art tour to northern capitals of. London, 1873. 8° 6213.4 — Bache, A. D. Report on education in. Philadel- phia, 1839. 8° 5834.3 — Bartol, C. A. Pictures of, framed in ideas. Bos- ton, 1855. 12° 214.2 — Bellows, H. W. The old world in its new face. Impressions of, in 1867, 68. New York, 1870. 2v. 12° 423.6 — Bryant, W. C. Letters of a traveller; or, notes of things seen in. New York, 1870. 12° 5915.9 — Channing, W. A physician's vacation; or, a summer in. Boston, 1856. 12° 422.21 — Col man, H. European agriculture and rural economy. Boston, 1849. 2 v. 8° 1521.7 European life and manners. Boston, 1849. 2 y. 12° 423.1 — Darley, F. 0. C. Sketches abroad with pen and pencil. New York, 18^9. Sm. 4° 433.2 — Delafield, R. Report on the art of war in Eu- rope in 1854-56. iSee United States 5910.3 — Draper, J. W. History of the intellectual devel- opment of. New York, 1872. 8° 5921.2 — Fetridge, W. P. Harper's hand-book for travellers in. New York, 1872. 12° 6935.1 — Flint, 11. The philosophy of history in. Vol. i. Edinburgh, 1874. 8^ 5921.7 ■ — Gramont, A. A. A., due de. Passe et present, etude d'histoire contemporaine. Paris, 1875. 16° 5534.6 — Hallam, H. Introduction to the literature of Europe in the 15th, 16th, and 17th centuries. New York, 1854. 2 v. 8° ^ ..1531.2 View of the state of Europe during the middle ages. New York, 1872. 3 v. Sm. 8° 5916.1 — Howe, J. W. From the oak to the olive. [Trav- els.] Boston, 1868. 16° 437.2 — James, B..,jr. Transatlantic sketches. Boston, 1875. 12° 436.4 — Kirkland, C. M. Holidays abroad; or, Europe from the West. New York, 1873. 2 v. in 1. 12° 427.6 — Lecky, W. E. H. History of European morals from Augustus to Charlemagne. New York, 1873. 2v. 8°.. 5914.1 History of the rise and progress of rationalism in. New York, 1872. 2 v. 8° 6933.5 — Lippincott, S. J. Haps and mishaps of a tour in. Boston, 1854. 12° 424.4 — Longfellow, H. W. The poets and poetry of. Philadelphia, 1871. L. 8° 5922.1 — Macgregor, J. A thousand miles in the Rob Roy canoe on rivers and lakes of. Boston, 1871. 16° 428.11 — Morse, J., and Parish, E. New gazetteer of the Eastern continent. Charlestown, 1802. 8° 432.4 — Prime, S. I. The Alhambra and the Kremlin. [Spain and Russia.] New York [1873]. 8°. .. 5914.6 — Russell, W. History of modern Europe. Lon- don, 1850. 4 V. 8° .^ 5913.3 — Sachel guide for the vacation tourist in. New York, 1872. 16° 427.2 — Sewell, E. M., and Yonge, C. M. European his- tory. London, 1872, 73. 2 v. Sm. 8° 5927.7 EUROPE 75 UNIVERSITY OF | BvKNlA. Shelf. No. Europe, continued. — Simonde de Sismondi, J. C. L. Historical view of the literature of the south of. London, 1872. 2r. Sm. 8° 5927.10 — Stephen, L. The playground of. [Switzerland.] London, 1871. 16*^ 5935.8 — Sweetser, M. F. Europe for $2 a day. Boston, 1875. Sq. 16° 428.8 — Taylor, (J.) B. By-ways of. New York, 1872. Sm. 8° 224.4 Views a-foot; or, Europe seen with knapsack and staff. New York, 1856. 12° 425.22 — Thomes, W. H. The gold hunters in. Boston, 1873. Sm. 8° 735.4 — Viardot, L. Wonders of European art. New York,1871. 16° 1714.1 — Wallace, Mrs. E. D. A woman's experiences in. New York, 1872. 12° 423.11 — Ward, R. Foundation and history of the law of nations in. Dublin, 1795. 8° 6315.2 — Ware, W. Sketches of European capitals. [Lon- don, Naples, Rome, etc.] Boston, 1851. 12°. 236.1 See also the various divisions under their several heads. Note. — Evidences of prehistoric man in Europe are traced in Dawkins's " Cave hunting " [6632.5], but see further in tiie note in Bulletin, vol. II, p. 298. For Europe during tlie period of the Roman sway, histories of Rome, Gaul, etc., must be consulted. Tlie best introduction to the general history of modern Eu- rope is Gibbon's "Decline and fall of the Roman empire" [824.9], which may be followed by Hallam on the Middle ages [5916.1]. an able work, written in an enlightened spirit. The accounts which make up the history by the Misses Sewell and Yonge cover tiie interval from the 11th to the 13th century. For the 14th century, Froissart [5920.2] fills an im- portant gap. Guizot, in the lltli lecture of his " History of civi- lization " [5924.8], mak»s it tiie marking line between the mid- dle ages and the modern time. Kirk's " Charles the bold " [5511.1] embraces mucii of the 15th century. For the period of the Reformation, a central study is Robertson's " Charles tlie fifth " [12i6.9], wherein his " Progress of society " from the fall of the Roman empire is an able review. See also under " Re- formation," '• Luther," etc. Fisher's " Reformation " [5813.7, appendix 2] gives a list of authorities on the general iiistory of this period. Motley's histories porae in here, and there is a paper in tlie Quarterly review, 1874, on his tendency to put the Netherlands for all Europe. Schillei's clear and brilliant monograph on the "Thity years' war" [826.2] will partly bridge tlie gap before the French revolution finally embraced all Europe. Alison's History is voluminous, but if his ultra conservative views are understood, it ott'ers the best English account; and he did not add to his reputation by his continua- tion of the record to 1852. "Writers like Buckle speak scorn- fully of Alison. Russell's '* Modern Europe " is a concise review, written in the form ai letters, addressed by a nobleman to his son. of the period beginning with the decline of the Roman empire and closing originally in 1763; but it has been continued to 1837. Castelar's papers on "The republican movement in Europe in late years will be found in Harper's magsizine, vols. 45-50. The " Epochs of history " series of condensed monographs on salient points of European history promises to be when finished a valuable aid to popular study. Smyth's •• Lectures on modem history " [5012.10; 5925.7] is a useful guide. Literary history. The beginnings of European literature are traced in Gui- zot's History of "civilization" [5924.8] and in Milnian's ♦ " Latin Christianity " [5817.11]. There is notliing better for the period it covers than Hal- lam's excellent criticism and condensed narrative [1531.2], Longfellow, who was assisted by Prof. Felton and others, gives a brief sketch of the different literatures, followed by ac- counts of the poets belonging to each, with citations. The strength of Sismondi's book is in its account of Italian litera- ture, his account of the Spanish literature being superseded by Ticknor's book [5922.2]. Interestmg accounts of literary society in Europe in tliis century are Ibund in such books as the lives of Irving, Prescott, and Ticknor. See also the literatures of dittereut coimtries. Travels. Beside the travels named above, see Andersen's " Poet's ba- zaar »" [42(5.18] ; Clemens's " Innocents abroad " [421.6] ; Keel- er's* Vagabond adventures "[1216.3]; Longfellow's '• Outre- mer" [1838.4.1]; Mrs. Stowe's "Sunny memories" [426.6]; and Miss Trafton's " American girl abroad ' [736.12]. European life, legend, and landscape. By an artist. Philadelphia, 1859. 154 pp. 1 plate. 12°... 424.2 Eustace diamonds, The. Trollopo, A 720.33 EuTAw. [Historical fiction.] Simms, W. G 716.29 EuTHANAsy. Mountford, W. Boston, 1874. 16°. 6836.7 Eva. Bulwer-Lytton, E. (G. E.) L 336.15 Evangeline. Longfellow, H. W. Poetical works. Leipzig, 1856. Sq. 16° 1614.1 — Same, (/n Ai> Poems.) B(jston, 1858. 2 v. 16°. 1612.1.2 Note. — This poem, the most successful in the language in hexameters, is based on the forced removal of the French set- tlers in Nova Scotia, by order of the British government in 175.5. which was carried out by General Winslow, of Massa- chusetts. See Whittier's notice [1937.1.2]. ^ Evans, Augusta J. See Wilson, Augusta J. Evans, Frederick W. Shakers. Compendium of the origin, history, principles, and doctrines of the United society of believers in Christ's second appearing. With biographies of Ann Lee [and others]. New York, 1859. 189 pp. 12° 5818.19 Evans, Marian. See Lewes, Marian. Evans, Warren F. The mental-cure, illustrating the influence of the mind on the body, both in health and disease, and the psychological method of treatment. 2d edition. Boston [cop. 1869]. 364 pp. 12° 1525.8 EvANSON, R. T., and Maunsell, Henry. Practical treatise on the management and diseases of chil- dren. From the 5th Dublin edition. Boston, 1848. 430 [428] pp. 8° 6012.11 Evelina. Arblay, F. d' 311.28 Evelyn, John. Diary and correspondence. Edited from the original Mss. at Wotten by W. Bray. New edition. London, 1862. 4 v. Portraits. Sm. 8° 5426.7 Evelyn Marston. Marsh-Caldwell, A 313.27 Everett, Alexander Hill. Life of Joseph Warren. {In Sparks, J. Library of American biogra- phy) 5028,L10 Everett, Edward. Dorchester in 1630, 1776, and 1855. An oration. Boston, 1855. 158-[- pp. 8° 5012.6 — Life of George Washington. New York, 1860. 348 pp. Portrait. 12° 1214.7 — Life of John Stark. {In Sparks, J. Library of American biography) 5028.1.1 — Orations and speeches. 8th edition. Boston, 1870. 4v. Portrait. 8° 1921.1 — Memorial of. See Boston, Mass 810.9 Everett, William. Changing base 935.2 — Double play 935.3 Evergreens, Hedges and. Warder, J. A. New York, 1858. 12° 6626.3 Evers, Henry. Steam and the locomotive engine. New York [Glasgow], 1873. 160 pp. Illus- trated. 16° 1717.3 — Steam and the steam engine: land and marine. New York [Glasgow], 1873. 160 pp. Illus- trated. 16° 1717.5 Every boy's annual. Routledge, E 930.1 Every boy's book: a complete encyclopaedia of sports and amusements With illustrations. New edi- tion. London, 1863. 630-4- pp. 1*^" 91^.4 Every boy's book. Routledge, E 6414.2 Every horse owner's cyclopedia. McClure, R. Philadelphia, 1872. 8° 6613.1 Every Saturday. New series. Vol. 1-4. Boston, 1873,74. 4v. 4° 1313.1 Evidences of a revelation. Erskine, T. Remarks on the internal evidence for the truth of revealed religion. Andover, 1823. 12° 5819.4 — Hopkins, M. Lectures on the evidences of Chris- tianity. Boston, 1846. 8° 1921.3 — Same. Boston, 1861. 12° 1532.7 — Paley, W. View of the evidences of Christian- ity. Hallowell, 1826. 12° 5816.8 — Powell, B. The study of the evidences of Chris- tianity. (/« Essays and reviews) 1538.3 — Same. (In Hedge, F. H. Recent inquiries in theology) 1526.24 and 5814.15 — Supernatural religion. 3d edition. London, 1874. 2 V. 8° 581 ' 14 Evil eye. The. Carleton, W 5 .2 Evolution. Burr, E. F. Doctrine of. Boston, 1873. Sm. 8° 1527.1 2 — Fiske, J. Outlines of cosmic philosophy, based on the doctrine of. Boston, 1875. 2 v. 8° . . . 5824 — Haeckell, E. H. History of creation; or the development of the earth and its inhabitants by the action of natural causes. A popular expo- sition of the doctrine of. New York, 1876. 2 V. 12° 6615.5 — Henslow, G. The theory of evolution of living things, and the application of the principles of evolution to religion. London, 1873. Sm. 8° .5814.1 EVOLUTION 76 FALL Shelf. No. Evolution, continued. — Winchell, A. The doctrine of. New York, 1874. 12° 6836.3 See also Note under Darwinism. EwALD, Alexander Charles. Life and times of Algernon Sydney, 1622-83. London, 1873. 2 V. Portrait. Folded sheet. 8" 5422.10 EwALD, (Georg) Heinrich (August). History of Israel. From the German by J. E. Carpenter. Edited by R. Martineau. Vol. 1, 2, 2d edition. London, 1869-74. b v. 8° 5813.15 EwBANK, Thomas. A descriptive and historical ac- count of hydraulic and other machines for rais- ing water, ancient and modern ; with observations on the mechanic arts [and] the steam engine. Illustrated. 16th edition. With additional mat- ter. New York, 1876 [cop. 1863]. viii, 612 pp. 8° 6422.7 EwiNG, Juliana Horatia. A flat iron for a farthing; or, some passages in the life of an only son. With illustrations. 3d edition. London, 1875. xi, 290-j-pp. Sm. 8^^ 1117.30 — Six to sixteen. A story for girls 1117.10 Excursions. Thoreau, H. D. Boston, 1866. 16". 417.9 Exhibition drama, The. Baker, G. M. Boston, 1875. 12° 1635.6 Exiles of Florida, The. Giddings, J. R. Columbus, 1858. 16" 825.8 Exotics. [Poems, translations.] Clarke, J. F. and L. Boston, 1875. Sq. 16° 1627.3 Expanse of heaven. The. Proctor, R. A. London, 1873. Sm. 8° 6815.1 Experience, The, of life. Sewell, E. M 319.23 Experiences of a diplomatist. Ward, J. London, 1872. 8° 6714.6 Experimental essays. Tomlinson, C. London, 1863. 12" 1716.31 Expiated. By the author of "Behind the veil". .. 339.8 Expiation. Dorr, J. C. R 737.30 Explosions of steam boilers. Robinson, J. R. Boston, 1870. 12" 1713.4 Expression. Bell, »S'iV C. Expression : its anatomy and philosophy. New York, 1873. 12" 1527.10 — Darwin, C. (R.) The expression of the emotions in man and animals. New York, 1873. Sm. 8". 6615.2 Extra globe. The. Vol. 6, 7. Washington, 1840, 41. 2 V. 4° 6730.40 A'ote. — No. 18 of vol. 7 is missing. Eye, Carion, C. S. von. Treatise on the diseases of the. New York, 1868. 8" 6022.12 — Desmarres, L. A. Traite theorique et pratique des maladies des yeux. Paris, 1847. 8" 6021.16 — Dix, J. H. Treatise upon the nature and morbid sensibility of the retina, or weakness of sight. Boston, 1849. 12" 6015.7 — Mackenzie, W. Practical treatise on the diseases of the. Boston, 1833. 8" 6011.2 — Williams, H. W. A practical guide to the study of the diseases of the. Boston, 1862. 8" 6015.5 Eyries, Jean Baptiste Benoit. Danemark. Con- tinue par M. Chopin. Paris, 1846. 415-}- pp. 24 plates. [L'Univers.] 8" 5911.11 Eyster, Nellie. Sunny hour stories. Child life of Tom and Mary 938.5 Chincapin Charlie 938.4 On the wing 938.3 Tom Harding and his friends 938.2 F. Grant and co.; or, partnerships. Chaney, G. L. 928.15 Faber, Frederick William. Spiritual conferences. 10th edition. Baltimore, N. d. 17-476 pp. 12". 6327.17 Fabian, pope. See Hippolytus, St. Fabiola. [Fiction. Church of the catacombs.] Wiseman, N. (P. S.) New York, 1872. Sm. 8°. 736.19 Fable, A, for critics. Lowell, J. R. [New York], 1848. 12" 1622.2 JVbte. — a poetical satire on literary contemporaries. Fables, ^sopus. Fables. Now York, 1872. 16°. 6118.8 — La Fontaine, J. de. Fables. Paris, 1868. 2 v. 16° 5538.2 Shelf. No. Fables in song. Bulwer-Lytton, (E.) R. Boston, 1874. 16° 1617.8 — Same. Leipzig, 1874. Sq. 16° 1614.16 Fables respecting the popes of the middle ages. Doellinger, J. J. I. von. London, 1871. 8° .. 5813.5 Fabre, Ferdinand. The abbe Tigrane. Candidate for the papal chair. [Fiction.] Translated by L. W.Bacon 715.19 Facheux, Les: comedie. Moliere, J. B. P. (Euvres. Paris, 1869. 12" 6537.2.1 Facts and fancies for school-day reading. Sedgwick, C. M. New York, 1873. Sq. 16° 929.6 Faded, A, leaf of history. Davis, R. H. (In John- son, (E.) R. Little classics) 529.4.10 Faerie queene. The. Spenser, E. Poetical works. Boston, 1871. 16" Vol. 1-4 of 5628.4 Faggot, A, of French sticks. [Descriptions of French life, etc.] Head, Sir F. B. London, 1855. 2 V. 12" 5526.11 Fair France. Craik, D. (M.) New York, 1871. 12°. 424.20 — Same. Leipzig, 1872. Sq. 16" 323.14 Fair god. The; or, the last of the 'tzins. [Fiction. Aztec history.] Wallace, L. Boston, 1873. 12°. 737.16 and 5014.10 Fair Harvard: a story of American college life. Washburn, W. T 633.12 Fair maid, The, of Perth. Scott, Sir W. Boston. 533.2 — Same. Leipzig 324.14 Fair play. Southworth, E. D. E. N 737.6 Fair puritan. The. Herbert, H. W 716.1 Fair Saxon, A. MacCarthy, J 734.8 Fair women. Forrester, Jfrs. — 710.24 Fairchild, Joy Hamlet. Remarkable incidents in [his] life. Compiled by himself. With por- trait. Boston, 1857. xix, 464 pp. 12" 1014.9 Faire gospeller. Passages in the life of the. Man- ning, A. New York, 1867. 12° .....517.19 Fairfield, Francis Gerry. The clubs of New York. New York, 1873. 349 pp. 12° 5036.1 Fairfield, Sumner Lincoln. Abaddon, the spirit of destruction; and other poems. New York, 1830. 157-f. pp. 8° 1623.4 Fairholt, Frederick William. Homes, works, and shrines of English artists. Added Rambles in Rome. Illustrated. London, 1873. x, 182 pp. Sm. 4° 6213.6 — Rambles of an arehseologist among old books and old places: being papers on art. Illustrated. London, 1871. 259 pp. Sm. 4° 6232.3 — Tobacco: its history and associations. Including an account of the plant and its manufacture; with its modes of use in all ages and countries. With 100 illustrations. London, 1876. vi,332-|- pp. Sm. 8" 6425.6 Fairies of our garden. Watson, E. H 931.6^ Fairy-finder, The. Lover, S. {In Johnson, (E.) R. Little classics) 529.4.12 Fairy fingers. Ritchie, A. C 723.19 Fairy tales. Arabian nights' entertainments 928.14 — Clarke, R. S. Fairy book 927.4 — Hugessen, E. H. K. Queer folk 916.30 — Johnson, V. W. The Catskill fairies 910.2 — Kingsley, C^ The heroes; or, Greek fairy tales. 935.25 — Laboulaye, E. (R. L.) Fairy tales of all nations. 921.6 — Mace, J. Home fairy tales 933.13 — Maguire, J. F. Young prince Marigold, and other fairy stories 928.11 — Milles et une nuits. Paris, 1842. 2 v. Sm. 8". 5537.6 Faith. Blackburne, F. Confessions of. Boston, 1823. 12" 6327.11 — Same. (In Sparks, J. Collection of essays and tracts in theology) 1918.9.1 — Murphy, S. J. The scientific bases of. London, 1873. 8° 5812.5 — Newman, F. W. Phases of. London, 1853. 12°. 1526.29 Faith Gartney's girlhood. Whitney, A. D. T 735.9 Faith Unwin's ordeal. Craik, G. M 322.3 Faithful, Emily. A reed shaken with the wind .... 737.12 Falkner Lyle. Lemon, M 312.9 Fall, The, of the house of Usher. Poe, E. A. (In Johnson, (E.) R. Little classics) 529.4.2 FALLEN 77 FELTON Shelf. No. Fallen pride. Southworth, E. D. E. N 727.1 Falloux, Frederic Alfred Pierre, vicomte de, editor. Life and letters of Madame Swetchine. Trans- lated by H. W. Preston. Boston, 1868. xv, 369 pp. 16° 1226.2 False heir. The. James, G. P. R • 327.2 Falstaff, Revised text of. Lemon, M. See Hat- ton, Joseph 5425.7 Fame and fortune. Alger, H.,_;V 934.12 Familiar quotations. Bartlett, J. 6th edition. Boston, 1874. 12^^ *R.R., F.3.8 — Same. 7th edition. Boston, 1875. 12° .*R.R., F.3.10 Note.— The best collection of the kind. It differs from or- dinary collections of tjuotations, in that it contains only those which have currency lu writing or conversation. Family, A, in love. Craik, D. (M.) 330.22 Family doom. The. Southworth, E. D. B. N 734.25 Family nurse, The. Child, L.M. Boston, 1837. 16". 1525.31 Famines. The history of the great Irish famine of 1847, with notices of earlier Irish famines. O'Rourke, J. Dublin, 1875. Sm. 8" 5418.12 Fanciion the cricket. Dudevant, A. L. A. D 536.2 Fancy work, Ladies'. Jones, Mrs. C. S., and Wil- liams, H. T. New York, 1876. 8°.. 1512.6 Fannie St. John. [Biography.] Delesdernier, E. P. New York, 1874. Sq. 16<^ 5216.7 Fanny's birthday gift. Mathews, J. H 1115.11 Fantasio. Musset, (L. C.) A. de. Comedies et proverbes. Paris, 1867, 12° 5534.4.1 Far above rubies. Riddell, J. H 3 16.3 Far from the madding crowd. Hardy, T 518.24 Faraday, Michael. Lectures on the chemical his- tory of a candle: added a lecture on platinum. With illustrations.' New York, 1861. 223 pp. 16° 1717.1 — Lectures on the various forces of matter, and their relations to each other. Edited by W. Crookes. With illustrations. New York, 1868. 198 pp. 16° 1528.8 — Gladstone, J. H. Michael Faraday. New York, 1872. 16° 5428.1 — Jones, (H.) B. Life and letters of. Philadel- phia, 1870. 2v. 8° : 5423.4 — Tyndall, J. Faraday as a discoverer. New York, 1868. 12° 1224.14 — Same. New York, 1873. 12° 1523.21 Farjeon, B. L. At the sign of the silver flagon.... 711.3 — Blade-o'-grass 521.7 — Bread-and-cheese and kisses 531.26 — Golden grain 732.7 — An island pearl 530.11 — Jessie Trim 710.33 — Grif 521.8 — Joshua Marvel 521.9 , — The king of no-land 710.27 — Love's victory 711.26 Farley, Stephen. Discourses and essays on theo- logical and speculative topics. Boston, 1851. iv, 400-f pp. 12° 5815.23 Farm ballads. Carleton,W. New York, 1873. 8°. 1621.1 Farm legends. [Poems.] Carle ton, W. New York, 1876. 8° 162L3 Farmer, John, and Moore, Jacob Bailey, editors. Collections, historical and miscellaneous; and monthly literary journal. Vol. 3. Concord [N. H.], 1824. 388, 88-4- pp. 8° 1912.5 — Collections, topographical, historical and bio- graphical, relating principally to New-Hamp- shire. Vol. 1, 2. Concord, 1822, 23. 2 v. 8°. 612.1 Farmer's, A, vacation. [Travels in the Channel islands.] Waring, G. E.,yr. Boston, 1876. 8°. 5933. 11 Farming. See Agriculture. Farquhar, George. Dramatic works. See Wy- cherley, William 5611.6 Farquhakson, Martha,, pseud. jSccFinley, Martha. Farragut, David Glascoe. Farragut and our naval commanders. 11 eadley, J. T. New York, 1867. 8° 5012.4 Farrar, Adam Storey. Critical history of free thought in reference to the Christian religion. New York, 1863. xlvi, 487 pp. 12° 1522.2 Shelf. No. Farrar, Eliza Ware. Recollections of seventy years. Boston, 1866. viii, 331 pp. 12° 1225.2 Farrar, Frederic William. Chapters on language. London, 1873. xx, 276 pp. Sm. 8° 6127.3 — Eric, or little by little. A tale of Roslyn school. 15th edition. Edinburgh, 1875. xiv, 393 pp. Illustrated. Sm. 8° 938.11 — The life of Christ. New York [1874]. 2 v. Illustrated. 8° 5810.3 — Seekers after God. New edition. London, 1875. xiii, 336-[- pp. Illustrated. [Sunday library.] Sm. 8° 5937.7 Contents. — Seneca; Epictetus; Marcus Aurelius. Farrar, John. Elementary treatise on astronomy. Cambridge, 1827. vii,320pp. Folded plate. 8°. 6433.2 — Elements of electricity, magnetism, and electro- magnetism. Cambridge, 1826. vii, 395 pp. 8°. 6433.1 Farrar, Timothy. Report of the case of the trus- tees of Dartmouth college against W. H. Wood- ward. Portsmouth, N. H. Icop. 1819]. 406+ pp. 8° 6314.2 Farrer, Henrietta Louisa. Bossuet and his contem- poraries. London, 1874. xvi, 601 pp. Sm. 8°. 5526.14 — The fathers of the church. 2d edition. Lon- don, 1875. 3 V. Sm. 8° 6328.25 Contents. — Vol. I. The church militant; Clement of Rome; Ignatius; Polycarp; Justin; Irenaeus; Tertullian ; Clement of Alexandria; Origen. II. Cyprian; Gregory Thaumatur- gus; Dionysius; Athanasius; Basil the great; Gregory Nazianzen. III. Chrysostom; Jerome; Ambrose; Augus- tine; Cyril; Ephrem. Fascinating individual. A: a farce. Danvers, H. New York, n. d. 12° 1635.5 Fashion: a comedy. Ritchie, A. C. Boston, 1855. 12° 1635.1 Fashion and famine. Stephens, A. S. (W.) 726.5 Fast friends. Trowbridge, J. T 921. 10 Fast life. A, on the modern highway. Taylor, J. New York, 1874. 12° 735.35 Fatal marriage. The. Southworth, E. D. B. N. ... 727.21 Fated to be free. Ingelow, J. Boston 717.8 — Same. Leipzig 331.19 Father and daughter. Bremer, F 524.26 Father Brighthopes. Trowbridge, J. T 929.2 Father Tom and the pope. Ferguson, S. (In Johnson, (E.) R. Little classics) , . . . .529.4.9 Fathers, The, of the church. Farrer, H. L. Lon- don, 1875. 3 V. Sm. 8°., 6328.25 Faust. [Dramatic poem.] Goethe, J. W. von. Leipzig, 1867. Sq. 16° 1613.21 — Same. Boston, 1871, 73. 2 v. 4° 5730.1 Faust. Gounod, C. (/n Ditson, 0., and co. Stan- dard opera librettos) 6233.3.1 Favorita, La. Donizetti, G. (In Ditson, 0., and CO. Standard opera librettos) 6233.3.2 Fawcett, Henry. Speeches on some current [Eng- lish] political questions. London, 1873. vi, 278 pp. 8° ..5822.11 Fawcett, Millicent Garrett. Tales in political economy. London, 1874. 104-f- pp. Sm. 8° . 5827.4 Fayoum, Lo. Lernoir, P. Paris, 1872. 18° 5935.10 Fayrer, Joseph. The royal tiger- of Bengal, his life and death. London, 1875. 99-|- pp. Sm. 8°. 6935.9 Feathers from a moulting muse. [Poems.] Sargent, H.J. Boston, 1854. 16° 1615.4 Federal government, History of. Freeman, E. A. VoL L London, 1863. 8° 592L11 Felicia. Edwards, M. de B 331.14 Felix Holt. Lewes, M 310.24 Fellowes, Gustavus. See Delesdernier, B. P. Fannie St. John. N(fw York, 1874. Sq. 16°. . . 5216.7 Felt, Joseph Barlow. Annals of Salem. 2d edi- tion. Salem, 1845, 49. 2 v. Illustrated. Por- trait. Sm. 8° 5016.7 — Ecclesiastical historv of New England. Boston, 1855. 2v. 8°...' 5811.2 — Memorials of William Smith Shaw. Boston, 1852. 346-4- pp. 12'' 5027.7 Felton, Cornelius Conway. Life of William Eaton. (In Sparks, J. Library of American biography). 5028.1.9 — editor. A memorial of J. S. Popkin. See Pop- kin, John Snelling 6326.4 FEMMES 78 FIGHTING Shelf. No. FfHHKS savantes, Les: comedie. Moliere, J. B. P. (Euvres. Paris, 1869. 12^^ 5537.2.3 Fknelon, Francois (de Salignac de La Mothe). Adventures of Telemachus. Translated by Dr. Hawkesworth. With a life of Fenelon by Lamartine; an essay on his genius and charac- ter by Villemain; critical and bibliographical notices, etc. Edited by 0. W. Wight. New York, 1872. 559 pp. 12° 1534.8 — A ventures de Telemaque. Suivies du recueil des fables. Paris, 1853. 538+ pp. Portrait. 12°. 2016.6 — Same. Paris, 1873. 538-[- pp. Portrait. 12". 5526.10 — Selections from [his] writings. With an ap- pendix containing a memoir. Boston, 1829. 283+ pp. 12^ 1916.5 Fenn, George Manville. The treasure hunters 710.28 — editor. The world of wit and humour. London [1872]. XV, 480 pp. Illustrated. L. 8° 5212.4 Fenton's quest. Braddun, M. B 325.14 Ferdinand and Isabella, History of the reign of, Prescott, W. H. Philadelphia, 1873. 3 v. 8°. 5922.5 Ferguson, James. The story of the peasant-boy philosopher. Mayhew, H. New York, 1870. 16" 937.15 Ferguson, Samuel Father Tom and the pope, (in Johnson, (B.) R. Little classics) 629.4.9 Fergusson, James. History of architecture in all countries, from the earliest times to the present day. 2d edition. London, 1874. Illustrated. 2v. 8° 6222.3 — History of the modern styles of architecture. 2d edition. With engravings. London, 1873. xix, 5h4 pp. 8° 6212.3 — The Persian palace of Mashita. (In Tristram, H. B. The land of Moab) 5933.4 Fermented liquors. Feuchtwanger, L. New York, 1858. 12° 6826.2 Fern, Fanny, pseud. See Parton, Sara Payson. Fern book, A, for everybody. Cooke, M. C. London [1867]. 16° 6619.1 Fernald, Woodbury M. A new age for the New church. Boston, 1860. 85+ pp. 8° 1530.6 — The true Christian life and how to attain it. Essays. Boston, 1874. iv, 309+ pp. Por- trait. 16° 6327. 14 — A view at the foundations: or, first causes of character. Boston, 1865. 210 pp. 12° 5837.3 Ferrier, Susan Edmonston. Destiny 518.20 — The inheritance 518.19 — Marriage 521.21 Fessenden, Thomas Green. The American kitchen gardener; containing directions for the culture of vegetables. Also, garden fruits. New York, 1855. 120 pp. 12° 1524.11 Fetridge, William Pembroke. Harper's hand-book for travellers in Europe and the East. With maps and plans of cities. New York, 1872. 763+ pp. 12° 6935.1 — Bise and fall of the Paris commune in 1871. Illustrated with map and portraits. New York, 1871. 516pp. 12° 824.8 Fettered for life. Blake. L. D 734.23 Feuchtersleben, Ernst, Freiherr von. The dietetics of the soul. From the 7th edition. New York, 1854. 12° 1527.18 — Principles of medical psychology. From the German by H. E. Lloyd. Revised and edited by B. G. Babington. London, 1847. xx, 392 pp. 8° 6013.8 Feuchtwanger, Lewis. Fermented liquors: a trea- tise on brewing, distilling, rectifying, and manu- facturing of sugars, wines, spirits, and all known liquors. With wood-cuts. New York, 1858. 215 pp. 12° 6826.2 Feudge, Fannie R. A tour in the China seas, (in Many lands and many people) 431.3 Feuillet, Octave. Led astray; or, " La petite com- tesse." The sphinx; or, "Julia de Trecoeur." "Beliah." Translated by 0. Vibeur 714.12 — A marriage in high life. From the French. By Celia Logan. [International series] 722.2 Shelf. No. Feuillet, Octave, continued. — Le roman d'un jeune homme pauvro: comedie. With English notes. By F. Bocher. Boston, 1867. 100 pp. 12° 2015.2 Fever. Smith, S. Treatise on. Boston, 1831. 8°. 6011.9 — Tweedie, A. Clinical illustrations of. Boston, 1831. 8° 6011.9 Few friends. A, and how they amused themselves. [Games, etc.] Dodge, M. E. Philadelphia, 1869. 12° 526.10 Feydeau, Ernest (Aim'e). L'Allemagne en 1871. Paris, 1872. 274+ pp. 18° 5726.1 — Consolation. Paris, 1872. 205+ pp. Portrait. 18° 5536.3 Fibrilia: a substitute for cotton. Allen, S. M. Boston, 1861. 12° 6435.1 FiCHTE, Johann Gottlieb. New exposition of the science of knowledge. Translated from the German by A. E. Kroeger. St. Louis, 1869. iv, 182+pp. 8° 1932.4 — Popular works. With a memoir by W. Smith. London, 1873. 564+ pp. 8° 5723.4 Contents. — The nature of the scholar; The vocation of man ; The doctrine of religion. Fiction. Dunlop, J. History of. Philadelphia, 1842. 2 v. Sm. 8° .....6136.3 — Wheeler, W. A. Dictionary of the noted names of. Boston, 1872. 16° *R.R., F.3.6 See also Novels, Poetry, and the sections on fiction under the different literatures. FiDELio. Beethoven, L. van. (In Ditson, 0., and CO. Standard opera librettos) 6233.3.3 Field, George. Grammar of colouring, applicable to house painting, decorative architecture, and the arts. With illustrations. New edition, with additions. London, n. d. viii, 180 pp. 12° .. 1715.3 Field, Kate. Hap-hazard. Boston, 1873. 253 pp. Sq. 16° 439.1 — Ten days in Spain. Illustrated. Boston, 1875. 277 pp. Sq. 16° 428.7 Field, Henrietta M., wife of Rev. Henry M. Field. Home sketches in France, and other papers. With some notices of her life and character. New York, 1875. 256 pp. Portrait. 12° 837.1 Field, Maunsell Bradhurst. Memories of many men and of some women: being personal recollec- tions. New York, 1874. 339 pp. 12° 1036.1 Field, Walter. Stories of the temple; or, lessons from the fabric and furniture of the church. London, 1873. 318+ pp. Illustrated. Sm. 8°. 6815.7 Field and forest. Adams, W. T 924.8 Field and forest rambles. Adams, A. L. London, 1873. 8° 6613.11 Field of ice. The. Verne, J. London, 1875. 8°. 733.5 Fielding, Henry. Works. With memoir. By T. Roscoe. New edition, illustrated by G. Cruik- shank. London, 1856. xxviii, 1116 pp. Por- trait. 8° 561L7 — History of Tom Jones, a foundling. Leipzig, 1844. 2v.ini. Sq. 16° 312.20 See also Allibone, Chambers's Cyclopsedia, Forsytli's Novelists [6136.1], and other works on English literature of the last century. Fields, James Thomas. Yesterdays with authors. 11th edition. Boston, 1875 [cop. 1871]. 352+ pp. 12° 6136.13 Contents. — Thackeray; Hawthorne; Dickens; "Words- worth; Miss Mitford. FiFiNE at the fair. [Poem.] Browning, R. Boston, 1872. 16° 1615.22 Fifteen decisive battles of the world, The. Creasy, SirE.S. New York, 1872. 12° 824.6 Fifteen years. Robinson, T. A. L. von J. [Ta/ri.] New York, 1871. 12° 714.27 Fight, A, for a wife. Black, W. Leipzig 330. 12 — Same. New York 711.9 Fighting Joe. Adams, W. T 924.6 Fighting the air. Church, F 331.17 Fighting the flames. [London fire brigade.] Bal- lantyne, R. M 935.12 UNIY FIQUIER 79 FITZGERALD ;\,/ 11 \jrs.xH Shelf, No. FiGUiER, (Guillaume) Louis. Earth and sea. Trans- lated, edited, and enlarged by W. H. D. Adams. Illustrated. London, 1870. 715 pp. 8° 6631.3 — The human race. Illustrated. New York, 1872. xvi, 548 pp. 8° 6613.2 — The insect world; being a popular account of the orders of insects. Revised and corrected by E. W. Janson. With illustrations. London, 1869. 519-l-pp. 8° 162L8 — Same. New edition, revised by P. M. Duncan. With illustrations. London [1872]. 5384- pp. Sm. 8° 6615.1 — Mammalia. Their various orders and habits popularly illustrated by typical species. With engravings. London, 1870. xi, 606 pp. 8°.. 1521.2 — The ocean world : being a description of the sea, and its living inhabitants. Illustrated. Lon- don, 1869. xii, 615 pp. 8° 1521.5 — Primitive man. Revised translation. Illustrated. London, 1870. xix, 348 pp. 8"^ 5912.3 — Reptiles and birds. Edited by P. Gillmore. With illustrations. London [1869]. xiii, 648-4- pp. 8" 1521.3 — The to-morrow of death ; or, the future life ac- cording to science. Translated by S. R. Crocker. Boston, 1872. viii, 395 pp. Illustrated. 12^. 5816.3 — The vegetable world; being a history of plants, with their botanical descriptions and peculiar properties. New edition. Illustrated. London, 1868. viii, 576 pp. 8° 152L6 — The world before the deluge. The geological portion revised and much new matter added, by H. W. Bristow. With illustrations. London [1866]. viii, 449 pp. 8° 152L1 and 6617.2 Note. — Figuier's books are in low repute with scientists; but their somewhat imaginative details render them attractive to the popular sense. File no. 113. Gaboriau, ]S 710.40 FiLLE, La, du regiment. Donizetti, G. (In Ditson, 0., and CO. Standard opera librettos) 6233.3.2 Fine arts. Eastlake, Sir C. L. Contributions to the literature of the. London, 1870. 8"^ 6232.1 — Hamerton, P. G. Etching and etchers. Boston, 1876. 8^ 62^3.1 — Jameson, A. (M.) Legends of the monastic orders, as represented in the. Boston, 1866. 16". 1517.7 — Keddie, Miss — . Modern painters and their paintings. Boston, 1874. 1(5" 6216.4 — Lossing, B. J. Outline history of the. New York, 1857. 12° 1517.1 — Reynolds, Sir J. Discourses. London, 1842. 4°. 6230.1 — Ruskin, J. Frondes agrestes. Readings in ' modern painters.' Orpington, Kent., 1875. Sm. 8° 6236.21 — Torrey, J. A theory of fine art. New York, 1874. 16° 6237.1 — Tyrwhitt, R. St. J. A handbook of pictorial art. Oxford, 1875. 8° 6213.12 — Wyatt, M. D. Fine art. A sketch of its history, theory, practice, and application to industry. London, 1870. 8° 6232.2 — Collections of engravings, photographs, etc. Dore, (P.) G. The Dore gallery. London [1871]. L. 4" 6220.6 Gelee, C. Liber veritatis. London, 1872. 3 v. F" 6220.6 See also Architecture, Music, Painting, Sculpture. Fine feathers do not make fine birds. Neily, K. J. 936.28 Finland, Handbook for. Murray, J. London, 1868. 12° 5917.5 FiNLEY, Martha. {Martha Farquharson .) An old- fashioned boy 926.24 — Elsie Dinsmore 926.16 — Elsie's girlhood 926.18 — Elsie's womanhood: a sequel to "Elsie's girl- hood" 1117.3 — - Holidays at Roselands 926.17 — Our Fred; or, seminary life at Thurston. Sequel to An " Old-fashioned boy" 926.19 — AVanted — a pedigree 736.27 Shelf. No. FioR d'Aliza. Lamartine, A. (M. L.) de. New York, 1868. 16" 517.14 Fire. Bird, J. Protection against fire. New York, 1873. Sm. 8° 1726.1- — Tobey, E. S. The Boston hydraulic protection against fire. Boston, 1873. 12«' 1712.1 Fire in the woods. De Mille, J 934.20 Fires and fire departments. Bugbee, J. M. Boston, 1873. 8° 1711.2 Fires, fire engines, and fire brigades. Young, C. F. T. London, 1866. 8° 152L10 Fireside science. [Every day phenomena.] Nich- ols, J. R. New York, 1872. Sm. 8° 1525.9 Fireside saints. Jerrold,D. (W.) Boston, 1873. 16°. 728.6 Fireside travels. [Essays, etc., on places.] Low- ell, J. R. Boston, 1864. 12° 426.4 First fam'lies<>f the Sierras. [Fiction.] Miller, C. H. 717.12 Fish and fishing. Davy, Sir H. Salmonia; or, days of fly fishing. Boston, 1870. 16° 1515.4 — Hallock, C. The fishing tourist: angler's guide and reference book. New York, 1873. 16° ... 1515.12 — Herbert, H. W. Fish and fishing of the United States and British provinces. New York, 1866. L. 12° 1612.1 — Holdsworth, E. W. H. Deep-sea fishing and fishing boats. London, 1874. 8° 5932.13 — Norris, T. The American angler's book. Phila- delphia, 1865. 8° 1511.5 — Prime, W. C. I go a-fishing. New York, 1873. Sm. 8° 6413.3 — Scott, G. C. Fishing in American waters. New York, 1875. 539 pp. 8° 6412.4 — Walton, I., and Cotton, C. The complete angler. London, 1861. Sm. 8° 6416.2 iSee also Salmon, Trout. Fisher, Frances C. (Christian Reid.) Carmen's in- heritance 520.4 — A daughter of Bohemia 732.23 — Ebb-tide and other stories 711.28 — Hearts and hands. A story 711.8 — Mabel Lee. A novel 71 1.29 — Morton house 711.30 — Nina's atonement, and other stories 732.3 — A question of honor. A novel 713.8 — Valerie Ay Imer. A novel... 711.31 Fisher, George Park. Essays on the supernatural origin of Christianity, with special reference to the theories of Renan, Strauss, and the Tiibin- gen school. New York, 1866. xii, 586 pp. 8°. 6324.6 — The reformation. New York, 1873. xxxiv, 620 pp. 8° 5813.7 Fisher, Theodore Willis. Plain talk about insanity. With remarks on hospitals and asylums, and the medico-legal aspect of insanity. Boston, 1872. 97 pp. Illustrated. 8° 6033.1 Fisher boys, The, of Pleasant cove. Kellogg, E. .. 922.31 FiSKE, John. Myths and myth-makers: old tales and superstitions interpreted by comparative mythology. Boston, 1873. vi, 251-f- pp. 16°. 5924.1 — Outlines of cosmic philosophy, based on the doc- trine of evolution, with criticisms on the posi- tive philosophy. Boston, 1875. 2 v. 8° 5824.2 — The unseen world, and other essays. Boston, 1876. 349+pp. 12° 5836.1 Fitch, Samuel Sheldon. Six lectures on the uses of the lungs; and [on] pulmonary consumption [etc.]. With illustrations. New York, 1847. 324pp. 12° 6027.1 FiTTON, James. Sketches of the establishment of the church in New England. Boston, 1872. 346 pp. 1 plate. Portraits. Sm. 8° 5816.6 Note. — An account of the establishment, and the subse- quent history, of tlie Roman catholic church in New England. Fitzgerald, Percy. Charles Lamb; his friends, his haunts, and his books. 2d edition. London, 1866. vii, 229 pp. Portraits. Sq. 16° 5425.8 — The Kembles, including the lives of Mrs. Siddons, and her brother J. P. Kemble. London [1871]. 2 V. Sm. 8° 5425.22 — Life and adventures of Alexander Dumas. Lon- don, 1873. 2 V. Portrait. 8° 5522.6 FITZGERALD 80 FLORENCE Shelf. No. Fitzgerald, Percy, continued. — Lifo of David Garrick. London, 1868. 2 v. Portraits. 8" 5422.8 — Life of Laurence Sterno. With illustrations. London, 1864. 2 v. Portrait. 1 folded sheet. Sm. 8° 1224.1 — The romance of the English stage. London, 1874. 2v. 8° 6622.4 FiTZQERALD, R. A. Wickets in the "West; or, the twelve in America. London, 1873. ix, 335 pp. Illustrated. Sm. 8^^ 5036.6 FiTZMAURiCE, Bdmond (George), lord. Life of Wil- liam, earl of Shelburne, afterwards first mar- quess of Lansdowne. With extracts from his papers and correspondence. Vol. i. London, 1875. 8° 5333.4 Contents.— Yol.l. 1737-66. FiTZMAURiCE, William Petty, earl of Shelburne, 1st marquis of Lansdowne, Life of. Fitzmaurice, E. (G.), lord. Vol. I. London, 1875. 8° 5333.4 FiTZWiLLiAM, William Wentworth, viscount Milton, and Cheadle, Walter Butler. The North-west passage by land. Narrative of an expedition from the Atlantic to the Pacific, through British territory, by one of the northern passes in the Rooky mountains. 6th edition. London, 1866. xxiii, 400-4- pp. Illustrations. Map. 8° 5931.15 FiVAS, V. de. New grammar of French grammars: comprising the substance of all the most ap- proved French grammars extant. New York, 1868. 290 pp. 12° 2016.3 Five centuries of the English language and litera- ture. Tauchnitz, (C.) B., baron von. Leipzig, 1860. Sq. 16° 1918.1 Five, The, great monarchies of the ancient Eastern world. Rawlinson, G. London, 1871. 3 v. 8°. 5922.3 Five hundred majority; or, the days of Tammany. Niles, W. New York, 1872. 8° 52L12 Five— minute chats with young women. Lewis, D. New York, 1874. 12" 1522.9 Five old friends. Thackeray, A. I. Leipzig 331.7 — Same. (In her Works.) London 512.1.3 Five weeks in a balloon. [Burlesque on African travel.] Verne, J. New York, 1869. 8°.... 735.26 Flag, The, of distress: a tale of the South sea. Reid, M 921.18 Flagg, Wilson. The birds and seasons of New Eng- land. With illustrations. Boston, 1875. vi, 457-4- pp. 8° 6614.11 — The woods and by-ways of New England. With illustrations. Boston, 1872. xviii, 442 pp. Sm. 8" 5035.2 Flammarion, Camille. The atmosphere. From the French. Edited by J. Glaisher. With chromo- lithographs and woodcuts. London, 1873. xix, 505 pp. L. 8° 6832.2 — Stories of infinity. From the French by S. R. Crocker. Boston, 1873. 287 pp. 16° 6837.1 Contents. — Lumen ; History of a comet; In infinity. — The wonders of the heavens. From the French by Mrs. N. Lockyer. AVith illustrations. New York, 187L iv, 289 pp. 16° 1714.13 — joint author. Travels in the air. See Glaisher, James 6911.1 Flanders. Conscience, H. Scenes de la vie fla- mande. Premiere serie. Paris, 1864. 18° .. .6536.12 — Stephens, F. G. Flemish and French pictures. London, 1875. 4° 6211.8 Flat iron. A, for a farthing. [Fiction.] Ewing, J. H. 1117.30 Flauto magico, II. Mozart, J. C. W. A. {In Dit- son, 0., and co. Standard opera librettos) 6233.3.2 Flavel, John. See Christophers, S. W. Homes of old English writers. London [1874]. Sm. 8^.5428.16 Flaxman, John. Lectures on sculpture. With an introductory lecture and two addresses on the death of Thomas Banks and of Antonio Canova, and an address on the death of Flaxman by Sir Richard Westmsicott. With 53 plates. New edition. London, 1865. xv, 308 pp. Portrait. Sm. 8° 6215.5 Shelf. No. Fleming, G. Practical horseshoeing. With illus- trations. New York, 1872. 108 pp. 12° 1515.11 Fleming, May Agnes. The dark secret; or, the mystery of Fontelle hall 720.3 — Guy Earlscourt's wife 522.6 — A mad marriage 724.31 — Norine's revenge, and Sir Noel's heir 723.22 — One night's mystery 733.37 — A terrible secret 724.10 — A wonderful woman 737.19 Fletcher, Eliza Dawson. Autobiography, with let- ters and other family memorials. Edited by the survivor of her family [Lady Mary Richardson]. Boston, 1876. viii, 376 pp. Portraits. 16°.. 1022.6 Fletcher, James Cooley, and Kidder, Daniel Parish. Brazil and the Brazilians. Illustrated. 8th edition. Revised and enlarged. Boston, 1868. xii, 640 pp. Portrait. Maps. 8° 411.5 Fletcher, John. Works. See Beaumont, Francis. London, 1872. 2 v. 8° 6621.2 Fleur-de-th^ . Ronger, F. (/» Ditson, 0., and co. Standard opera librettos) 6233.3.1 Fleurange. Craven, P 518.17 Flight of a Tartar tribe. De Quincey, T. (In John- son, (E.) R. Little classics) 529.4.1 Flint, Austin. Practical treatise on the diagnosis, pathology, and treatment of diseases of the heart. Philadelphia, 1859. 473 pp. 1 plate. 8° 6022.4 — Treatise on the principles and practice of medi- cine. Philadelphia, 1866. 867 pp. 8° 6021.1 Flint, Austin, jr. Experimental researches into a new excretory function of the liver. [No title- page. From the American journal of the medical sciences for Oct., 1862.] 61 pp. 8"^ 6023.19 — The physiology of man. New York, 1873. 4 v. 8° 6011.4 Contents.— Yol.l. Introduction; The blood; Circulation; Respiration. II. Alimentation; Digestion; Absorption; Lymph and chyle. III. Secretion; Excretion; Ductless glands; Nutrition; Animal heat; Movements ; Voice and speech. IV. Nervous system. — Recherches experimentales sur une nouvelle fonc- tiondufoie. Paris, 1868. 122 pp. 8° 6023.19 Flint, Robert. The philosophy of history in Eu- rope. Vol.1. Edinburgh, 1874. 8° 5921.7 Flint chips. [Pre-historic archaeology.] Stevens, E. T. London, 1870. 8° 5913.7 Flirt, The. Grey, Mrs 521.32 Flitch, The, of bacon. Ainsworth, W. H 322.25 Floating city, A. Verne, J. New York, 1874. 8°. 713.4 Floating light. The, of Goodwin sands. Ballantyne, R. M 935.16 Flood, Henry. See Lecky, W. E. H. Leaders of public opinion in Ireland. New York, 1872. 12° 1025.9 Flora's interpreter, and fortuna flora. Hale, S. J. Boston [cop. 1843]. 12° 1625.10 Floral decorations for the dwelling house. Has- sard, A. London, 1875. Sm. 8° 6625.5 Florence, Italy. Machiavelli, N. History of. London, 1871. Sm. 8° 5516.8 — Napier, H. E. Florentine history. London, 1846, 47. 6v. 16° 5516.2 — Trollope, T. A. History of the commonwealth of. London, 1865. 4 v. 8°.. 6512.3 JVb^e. — Napier's "Florentine history," coming down to 1824, is the best modern English narrative of her history ; but see also the general histories of Italy ; and for the period of the Commonwealth, TroUope's " History." The Florence of the past is described in the lives of her principal citizens, like Dante, Michel-Angelo, Galileo, etc. ; see also Everett's oration on "The uses of astronomy" [1921.1.3]; and of a more recent day in the letters of Gray, of Shelley, and in Leigh Hunt's "Autobiography" [122-5.20]. Murray's " Handbook " [5527.4] will map out the descrip- tion of the modern city ; but beside Taine, the general travels in Italy, of Hillard [426.8]: of Hawthorne, in his "French and Italian note books" [1839.3]; of Dickens [*«.18], etc., will attbrd illustrative matter. See also Harper's monthly, vol. 8, by Jarves; Jameson's "Diary of an ennuyfie " [427.3], etc. Also Motley's articles on her historical and other asso- ciations in Atlantic monthly, Nov. and Dec, 1857. For the literary associations of Florence, see De Stael's "Corinne" [527.17]; Rogers's " Italy " ; Bvron's " Childe Harold" [1614.1.3.2] and "Prophecy of Dante" [1C14.13.3]; and George Eliots " Romola" [310 25]. There is an article in the Atlantic monthly, Dec, 1864. on English authors in Florence; see also lives of Landor, Mrs. Browning, etc. FLORIAN 81 FORESTER Shelf. No. Fjlorian, Jean Pierre Claris de, Guillaume Tell, ou la Suisse libre. Boston, 1849. 92 pp. Sm. 12°. 2019.2 — Numa Pompilius, second roi de Rome. Paris, 1812. 332 pp. Illustrated. Sm. 12° 2019.1 Florida. Giddings, J. R. The exiles of. Colum- bus, 1858. 1G-' 825.8 — Irving, T. The conquest of. London, 1850. 16°. 826.3 — Townshend, F. F. Wild life in. London, 1875. 8° 5932.14 FiiORXTS, Lucius Annseus. [Works.] See Sallus- Tius Cbispus, Caius. London, 1872. Sm. 8° 6117.7 Flotow, Friedrich Ferdinand Adolf von. Martha. (In Ditson, 0., and co. Standard opera libret- tos) 6233.3.5 Flower, The, of the family. Prentiss, E.. .^ 728.10 Flower people. The. Mann, M 931.8 Flowers. Eeecher, H. W. Plain and pleasant talk about fruits, flowers and farming. New York, 1859. 12° 1514.22 — Hassard, A. Floral decorations for the dwelling . house. London, 1875. Sm. 8° 6625.5 — Rand, E. S.,jr. Flowers for the parlor and gar- den. Boston, 1870. 12° 1515.6 • Popular flowers, and how to cultivate them. Boston, 1873. Sm. 4° 1516.17 — Robinson, W. Hardy flowers. Descriptions and dii-ections for their arrangement, culture, etc. London, 1872. Sq. 16° 6626.2 — Williams, H. T. Window gardening. Devoted specially to the culture of flowers and orna- mental plants, for in door and parlor decoration. New York, 1876. 8° 1512.5 See also Gardening. ^ Flower, fruit and thorn pieces. Richter, J. P. F. (Jean Paul.) Leipzig, 1871. 2 v. in 1. Sq. 16° 316.8 Floyd, Cornelia. Mice at play. A story for the whole family. By Neil Forest [pseud.] 1117.11 Fly leaves. [Society verses.] Calverly, C. S 1617.3 Foggy night. The, at Offord. Wood, E. P 333.13 Folle-Farine. Rame, L. de la 327.22 FoLLEN, Charles (Theodore Christian). Works, with a memoir of his life. Boston, 1842. 5 v. Por- trait. 12° 5735.4 CoMents. — Yol. I. Life. 11. Sermons. III. Lectures on moral philosophy; Fragment of a work on psychology. IV. Schiller's life and dramas. V. Miscellaneous. Following the flag. From August, 1861, to Novem- ber, 1862, with the array of the Potomac. Coffin, C. C. Boston, 1865. 12° 913.17 Folly as it flies; hit at. Parton, S. P. New York, 1872. 12° 524.19 FoNBLANQUE, Albany, jV. A tangled skein 720.8 Fontaine, James. Memoirs of a Huguenot family: translated and compiled from [his] autobiogra- phy, and family manuscripts, comprising an original journal of travels in Virginia, New York, etc., in 1715 and 1716. By Ann Maury. With an appendix. New York, 1872. 512 pp. 12° 5525.3 FoNTENELLE, Julia de. Manuel du bijoutier, du joaillier, de I'orfevre, du graveur sur metaux et du changeur. Paris, 1832. 2 v. 24°.- [Manuel Roret] 6219.2 — Nouveau manuel complet de physique amusante. Nouvelle edition, revue, corrigee et ornee de planches. Par F. Malepeyre. Paris, 1850. x, 430 pp. 24°. [Manuel Roret] 6439.5 Fonvielle, Wilfrid de. Thunder and lightning. Translated from the French, and edited by T. L. Phipson. Illustrated. New York, 1872. 285 [283] pp. 16° 1714.22 — joint author. Travels in the air. See Glaisher, James 5911.1 Food. Cameron, C. A. The chemistry of food in relation to the breeding and feeding of live stock. London, 1868. 16° 6437.1 — Hassall, A. H. Food: its adulterations, and the methods for their detection.- London, 1876. Sm. 8° 6035.8 11 Shelf. No. Food, continued. — Smith, E. Foods. New York, 1873. 12° 6436.6 — Thomson, R. D. Experimental researches on the food of animals. New York, 1856. 12° 1524.13 See also Eating. Foote, Andrew Hull, Life of. Hoppin, J. M. New York, 1874. 8° 1012.3 Footfalls on the boundary of another world. [Spir- itualistic] Owen, R. D. Philadelphia, 1872. 12° 1533.7 FooT-PRiNTS of the Creator. [Geology.] Miller, H. Boston, 1859. 12° 1526.16 Footprints of famous men. Edgar, J. G. New York, 1872. 16° 9l3.13 For a woman's sake. Phillips, W 721.5 and 731.6 For better or worse. Croly, J. C. Boston, 1875. 16°. 1537.22 For ever and ever. Church, F 337.17 For love and life. Oliphant, M. (0. W.) Leipzig. 328.30 — .Same. New York 731.36 For richer, for poorer. Parr, H 315.29 For the king's dues. Macdonell, A 532.12 FoRAYERS, The. Simms, W. G 716.26 Forbes, Archibald. Soldiering and scribbling. A series of sketches. Leipzig, 1872. 286 pp. Sq. 16° 319.7 Forbes, James David. Biography of Sir Humphry Davy. (In Macaulay, T. B., lord, and others. New biographies of illustrious men) 5428.4 — Page, H. A. Noble workers. London, 1875. Sm. 8° 5936.3 — Shairp, J. C, Tait, P. G., and Adams-Reilly, A. Life and letters of. London, 1873. 8° 5332.4 Forbes, Sir John. A physician's holiday; or, a month in Switzerland in the summer of 1848. With a map and illustrations. London, 1849. xii, 520 pp. 12° 226.2 — Physiological effects of alcoholic drinks. See Massachusetts temperance society 1527.15 Forbes, Robert B. Shipwreck by lightning. Papers relative to Harris's lightning conductors. Bos- ton, 1853. ix,86-{-pp. 8° 1711.3 — Voyage of the Jamestown on her errand of mercy [to Ireland]. Boston, 1847. ix, 27 [21], cliv pp. 1 plate. 8° 421.4 Force. Faraday, M. Lectures on the various forces of matter, and their relations to each other. New York, 1868. 16° 1528.8 — Grove, W. R., and others. The correlation and conservation of forces. New York, 1873. 12°. 1524.22 — Guillemin, A. The forces of nature. London, 1872. L. 8° 1520.1 — Tice, J. H. The relations between matter and force. (In Estes, D. Half-hour recreations in popular science) 6813.7 Forced marriage. The: a comedy. Moliere, J. B. P. Dramatic works. Edinburgh, 1875. 8° 5530.3.2 Ford, John. Dramatic works. See Massinger, Philip. London, 1869. 8° 561L9 Ford, Richard. Handbook for Spain. 4th edition. With maps and plans. London, 1869. 2 v. 16°. 5917.1 Fordyce, George. Treatise on the digestion of food. 2d edition. London, 1791. x, 204-|- pp. 12°. 6034.1 Foregone conclusion, A. Howells, W. D 724.23 Foreign reminiscences. Vassal-Fox, H. R., 3rf lord Holland. London, 1851. Sm. 8° 5435.6 Foreigner, The, in far Cathay. [China.] Med- hurst, W. H. New York, 1873, 12° 424.19 Forensic oratory. Hortensius: an historical essay on the office and duties of an advocate. For- syth, W. London, 1874, 8° 6314.3 Forest, Neil, pseud. See Floyd, Cornelia. Forest days. James, G, P. R 327.14 Forest exiles. The. Reid, M 937.20 Forest glen series. See Kellogg, Elijah. Forest Hills cemetery, Boston. Its establishment, progress, scenery, monuments, etc. With illus- trations, Roxbury, 1855. iv, 237+ pp. 12°. 5016.12 FoR^^r voices. Putlitz, G. (H. (x,) zu. Albany, 1866. 16° 1538.23 Forester, Frank, pseud. See Herbert, Henry Wil- liam. FORESTERS 82 FOWNES Shelf. No. Foresters, The, an American tale. Belknap, J. Boston, 1796. 16° 529.9 Forgiven at last. Hadermann, J. R 528.10 Forlorn hope, The. Yates, E 318.23 FoRMBY, Henry, editor. The pictorial Bible and church-history stories. Part iv, and vol. ii. The life, passion, death, and resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ. Being an abridged harmony of the four gospels in the words of the sacred text. With engravings on wood. London [1874]. viii, 1824- pp. Sq. 16° 6328.22 Formosa, China. The straits of Malacca, Indo- China, and China. Thomson, J. New York, 1875. 8° 6921.4 Forney, John Weiss. Anecdotes of public men. New York, 1873. 444 pp. 12° 1015.2 Forrest, George. Handbook of gymnastics. Lon- don, 1864. 64 pp. Illustrated. 16° 1519.3 — Handbook of swimming and skating. London, 1863. 61pp. Illustrated. 16° 1519.1 Forrester, Mrs, — . Diana Carew 722.8 — Dolores 724.30 — Fair women 710.24 — From Olympus to Hades 710.23 Forrester, Francis, pseud. See Wise, Daniel. FoRS clavigera. [Essays.] Ruskin, J. New York, 1871,72. 2v. 12° 6236.10 FoRSTER, John. Life and times of Oliver Goldsmith. Leipzig, 1873. 2 v. Sq. 16° 1028.2 — Same. 5th edition: illustrated. 2 v. London, 187L 8° 1022.1 — Life of Charles Dickens. Leipzig, 1872, 73. 4 v. in 2. Portraits. Sq. 16° 1238.4 — Life of Jonathan Swift. Vol. i. New York, 1876. Portrait. Fac-similes. 8° 5333.6 Contents. -Vol. I. 1667-1711. — Walter Savage Lander. A biography. Boston, 1869. V, 691+ pp. Portrait. 1 plate. 8°.. 5423.1 Forsyth, Joseph. Remarks on antiquities, arts, and letters, during an excursion in Italy, in the years 1802 and 1803. From the 2d London edi- tion. Boston, 1818. 443 pp. 8° 421.3 Forsyth, William. Hortensius: an historical essay on the office and duties of an advocate. 2d edi- tion. With illustrations. London, 1874. xviii, 412+pp. 8° 6314.3 — Life of Marcus Tullius Cicero. 3d edition. With illustrations. London, 1869. xiv, 557-4- PP* Portrait. 8° 5932.8 — The novels and novelists of the eighteenth cen- tury, in illustration of the manners and morals of the age. London, 1871. viii, 347 pp. Sm. 8°. 6136.1 Fortification. Annals of a fortress. Viollet-le-Duc, E. E. Boston, 1876. 8° * 6223.4 Fortnightly review. New series. Vol. 13-16. London, 1873, 74. 4 v. 8° 6713.1 Fortune seeker, The. Southworth, E. D. E. N 727.6 Fortunes, The, of Glencore. Lever, C. (J.) Leipzig. 332.12 — Same. London 5 1 6. 15 Fortunes, The, of Nigel. Scott, Sir W. Boston . . 523.2 — Same. Leipzig 324.12 « Forty-five, The." Stanhope, P. H., earl, Lon- don, 1869. Sm. 8° 5418.7 Forty-five guardsmen. The. Dumas, A. (D.) 610.6 Forty-seven Ronins, The. Mitford, A. B. (In Johnson, (E.) R. Little classics) 529.4.11 FosDiCK, Charles A. (Harry Castlemon.) Go-ahead series. Go-ahead 934.7 No moss i 934.8 Tom Newcombe 923.7 — The gun-boat series. Frank before Vicksburg. . . 925.26 Frank in the woods 925.24 Frank on a gun-boat 925.25 Frank on the lower Mississippi 925.22 Frank on the prairie 925. 23 Frank the young naturalist 925.21 — The Rocky mountain series. Frank among the ranoheros 913.2 Frank at Don Carlos' rancho 913.1 Frank in the mountains 913.3 Shelf. No. FoSDiCK, Charles A., continued. — The sportsman's club afloat 913.34 — The sportsman's club series. The sportsman's club among the trappers 913.36 The sportsman's club in the saddle 913.36 Foss, Edward. Memories of Westminster hall. A collection of incidents and historical sketches, relating to Westminster hall, its famous judges and lawyers and its great trials, with an his- torical introduction. New York, 1874. 2 v. Illustrated. Fac-simile. 8° 6421.2 Foster, James. The death of Christ, considered as a sacrifice. (In Noyes, G. R. Collection of theological essays) 6325.12 — Essays. (In Sparks, J. Collection of essays and tracts in theology) 1918.9.5 Foster, John. Critical essays contributed to the Eclectic review. Edited by G. E. Ryland. London, 1871. 2 v. Sm. 8° 6614.3 — Essay on the evils of popular ignorance: and a discourse on the communication of Christianity to the people of Hindoostan. New edition, re- vised and enlarged. London, 1865. xx, 394-f- ppp. 16° 6614.2 — Essay on the importance of considering the sub- ject of religion. 2d American edition. Boston, 1828. 172pp. 12° ..1916.8 — Essays, in a series of letters. London, 1870. xvi, 342 pp. 16°. 6614.1 Contents. — On a man's writing memoirs of himself ; On de- cision of character; On the application of the epithet roman- tic; Causes by which evangelical religion has been rendered unacceptable to persons of cultivated taste. — Same. (In The Alexandrian) 1910.4.2 Contents. — On a man's writing memoirs of himself; On de- cision of character; On the application of the epitliet roman- tic ; Causes by which evangelical religion has been rendered unacceptable to persons of cultivated taste ; On popular igno- rance. — Life and correspondence. Edited by J. E. Ry- land. London, 1861. Portrait. 2 v. 16° 5426.6 — The philosophy of popular ignorance. Revised. Boston, 1841. 318-f- pp- 12° 1539.3 Foster, Vere. Drawing copy book[s]. London, N. D. 4v. Obi. 8° 6217.6 Fothergill, Jessie. Healey. A romance 721.11 FoTHERGiLL, John Milner. The maintenance of health. A medical work for lay readers. New York, 1875. 366-[- pp. 8° 6035.7 FouDRAS, Theodore Louis Auguste, marquis de. Arme Therese! Uebersetzt von G. F. W. Rodiger. Pest, 1852. 2v.ini. 16° 2027.6 Foul play. Reade, C, and Boucicault, D. (L.) Boston, 1874. 12° 724.18 Found dead. Payn, J 312.19 Foundations and concrete works. Dobson, E. Lon- don, 1867. 12° 1716.27 FouQUlS, Friedrich (Heinrich Carl), Freiherrde. See La Motte Fouqu^. FouQUEAu DE PussY, J. J. Le grand-p^re et ses quatre petits-fils. Livre de lecture, k I'usage des ecoles. Carefully prepared for American schools, and furnished with notes, by F. S. Wil- liams. Boston, 1854. xii, 420 pp. 12° 2014.3 Four-fifteen express. The. Edwards, A. B. (In Johnson, (E.) R. Little classics) 529.4.8 Four-footed lovers. The. Albertsen, F., pseud 910.4 Four years of fighting, from the battle of Bull Run to the fall of Richmond. Coffin, C. C. Boston, 1866. 8° 813.7 Four years in the saddle. [Confederate raider.] Gilmor, H. New York, 1866. 12° 817.17 FouRBERiES, Les, de Scapin: com6die. Moliere, J. B. P. (Euvres. Paris, 1869. 12° 5537.2.3 Fowler, William Chauncey. Memorials of the Chaunceys, including President Chauncy, his ancestors and descendants. Boston, 1858, vii, 304 pp. Portrait. Folded sheet. 8° 610.3 FowNES, George. Rudimentary chemistry. With an appendix on the application of chemistry to agriculture. New edition. London, 1872. vi, 116+ pp. 12° 1715.25 POX 83 FRANCE Shelf. No. Fox, Charles. Portrait of George Washington, from an original drawing, as he appeared while re- viewing the continental army on Boston com- mon, in 1776; a history of the portrait, and documentary evidence in proof of the correctness of the likeness. Boston, 1851. Portrait. 37 pp. L.8° 1010.1 Fox, Charles James. History of the early part of the reign of James ii; with an introductory chapter. Added, an appendix. Philadelphia, 1808. xxxii, 201, cci pp. 8° 823.1 — Lawrence, E. Lives of the British historians. New York, 1855. 12° 1224.7.2 — Rae, W. F. Wilkes, Sheridan, Fox: the opposi- tion under George iii. New York, 1874. 16^.. 5415.8 — Russell, J., earl. Life and times of. London, 1866. 3 V. Sm. 8«' 5337.1 Fox, Cornelius B. Ozone and antozone, their his- tory and nature. When, where, why, how is ozone observed in the atmosphere ? Illustrated. London, 1873. xvi, 329 pp. 8° 6433.8 Fox, Henry Richard (Vassal), 3d lord Holland. See Vassal-Fox, Henry Richard, 3^ lord Holland. Fox, Gustavus Vasa, Narrative of the mission to Russia, in 1866, of. Loubat, J. F. New York, 1873. 8"" 5911.3 Fox, William Johnson. Christ and Christianity. Sermons on the mission, character, and doctrine, of Jesus of Nazareth. Boston, 1833. 2 v. 12°. 5815.12 — Christian morality. Sermons. Boston, 1833. 391pp. 12° 5815.13 Fox-hunting. Stevens, C. A 927.25 Fra diavolo. Auber, D. F. E. (In Ditson, 0., and CO. Standard opera librettos) 6233.3.3 Fractures of the joints, Treatise on. Cooper, Sir A. (P.) Boston, 1844. 8° 6021.3 Framingham, Mass., History of. Barry, W. Bos- ton, 1847. 8" 5011.6 Framly parsonage. Trollope, A 334.12 France. Exhibition of industry and art. Commis- sion imperiale sur I'exposition universelle de 1867. Qiuvres d'art. Groupe i. Classes 1-5. Pari3[1867]. 240-[- pp. 18° 1737.5 Biography. — Aumale, H. (E. P. L.) d'Orleans, due d'. History of the princes de Conde in the xvith and xviith centuries. London, 1872. 2 v. 8° 5522.9 — Bush, (A.) F. Memoirs of the queens of. Phila- delphia, 1854. 2 V. 12° 1224.10 — Challice, A. E. Illustrious women of. 1790- 1873. London, 1873. Sm. 8° 6525.7 — Kavanagh, J. French women of letters: bio- graphical sketches. Leipzig, 1862. Sq. 16°.,. 1238.3 — The men of the third republic; or, the present leaders of France. Philadelphia, 1873. Sm. 8°. 5517.1 — Sainte-Beuve, C. A. Portraits of celebrated women. Boston, 1868. 16° 1226.5 Portraits contemporains. Paris, 1870. 5 v. 12°. 5538.7 Portraits de femmes. Paris, 1870. 12° 5538.17 Geography, description, travel, etc. — Adams, W. T. Palace and cottage; or, Young America in. Boston, 1873. 16° 925.10 — Baedeker, C. Handbook for travellers [in] Northern France. Coblenz, 1872. 16° 5527.7 — Collins, C. A. A cruise upon wheels: the chronicle of some autumn wanderings among the deserted post-roads of. Leipzig, 1874. 2v.ini. Sq. 16°. 428.6 — Craik, D. (M.) Fair France. Impressions of a traveller. New York, 187 L 12° 424.20 — Same. Leipzig, 1872. Sq. 16° 323.14 — Field, H. M. Home sketches in. New York, 1875. 12° 837.1 — Gautier, H. Les curiosites de I'exposition uni- verselle de 1867. Paris, 1867. 18° 1518.13 — Head, Sir F. B. A faggot of French sticks; con- taining a series of descriptive sketches of the principal public institutions of Paris, and of the system of instruction of the French army. Lon- don, 1855. 2v. 12° ^.5526.11 Shelf. No. France. Geography, description, travel, etc., continued. — Hamerton, P. G. A painter's camp in. Boston, 1871. 16° 426.19 Round my house; notes of rural life in France in peace and war. Boston, 1876. 16° 5527.16 — Hawthorne, N. Passages from [his] French note- books. Boston, 1876. 2 v. 16° 1839.3 — Hezecques, C. A. F. F., comte d', baron de Mailly. Recollections of a page at the court of Louis XVI. London, 1873. 8° 5524.4 — Rhodes, A. The French at home. New York [1875]. Sq. 16° 5528.8 — Stephens, F. G. Flemish and French pictures. London, 1875. 4° 6211.8 — Taine, H. A. Notes on. New York, 1875. 12°. 5533.2 — Wallace, Mrs. E. D. A woman's experiences in. New York, 1872. 12° 423.11 — Willis, N. P. Pencillings by the way. New York, 1844. L. 8° 430.2 History, etc. — Adams, C. K. Democracy and monarchy in France from the inception of the great revolu- tion to the overthrow of the second empire. New York, 1875. 12° 5515.4 — Blanc, (J. J.) L. History of ten years, 1830- 40. London, 1844, 45. 2 v. 8° 5514.7 — Bouillet, A. L'armee d'Henry v. Les bourgeois- gen tilshommes de 1871. Paris, 1872. 18° .... 5526.1 — Crowe, E. E. History of. New York, 1840. 3 v. 12° 828 2 — Elliot, F. Old court life in. Leipzig, 1873. 2v.inL Sq.lOo 329.4 Romance of old court-life in. New York, 1874. L. 8° 5510.1 — Erckmann, fi., and Chatrian, A. Histoire d'un paysan. lre-4e partie. [Fiction.] Paris, 1873. 4v. 18° 5536.14 The invasion of France in 1814. [Fiction.] New York, 1871. 12° 913.23 — Froissart, Sir J. Chronicles of. London, 1868. 2v. L. 8° 5920.2 — Gairdner, J. The houses of Lancaster and York, with the conquest and loss of. London, 1874. Sq. 16° 628.4 — Guizot, F. (P. G.) L'histoire de France, depuis les temps les plus recules jusqu'en 1789. Paris, 1873-75. 4 V. L. 8° 5530.2 History of, from the earliest times to 1789. London, 1872. 3 v. 8° 6510.2 — Gurney, J. H. Chapters from French history. London, 1870. 16° 5517.2 — Hooper, G. Waterloo: the downfall of the first Napoleon: a history of the campaign of 1815. London, 1862. 8° 6511.2 — Hope, Mi^. — . Conversion of the Franks and the English. London, 1872. 16° 5735.5 — Jervis, H. W. History of. From the earliest times to the establishment of the second empire in 1852. New York, 1872 [1862]. 12° 824.13 — Jervis, W. H. The Galilean church. A history of the church of, from the concordat of Bologna, 1516, to the revolution. London, 1872. 2 v. 8°. 1531.8 — Jouy, V. J. E. de. L'hermite de la chaussee- d'Antin, ou, observations sur les moeurs et les usages francais au commencement du xix^ siecle. Paris, 1815-18. 5 v. 12° 5518.2 L'hermite en province, ou observations sur lea moeurs et les usages francais au commencement du xixe sidcle. Paris, 1818. 3 v. 12° 5518.4 — Lamartine, A. (M. L.) de. History of the resto- ration of monarchy in. London, 1865. 4 v. Sm. 8° 5517.5 — Michelet, J. History of. New York, 1869. 2 v. 8°. 811.7 — Moreau, H. La politique francaise en Amerique, 1861-64. Paris, 1864. 8° 83L1 — Parkman, F., jr. Pioneers of France in the New World. Boston, 1872. 12° 5015.5.1 — Ritchie, L. The romance of history. London, N. D. 16° 828.11 — Segur, P. P., comte de. Histoire et memoires. Paris, 1873. 7 v. 8° 5513.4 FRANCE 84 FRANCE Shelf. No. France. History, etc., continued, — Stephen, Sir J. Lectures on the history of. London, 1857. 2 v. 8"^ 5514.8 — Thierry, (J. N.) A. The formation and progress of the tiers etat, or third estate in France. London, 1859. 2v.ini. Sm. 8" 5517.9 — Whitehurst, F. M. Court and social life in France under Napoleon III. London, 1873. 2 v, 8°.. 5514.4 Revolution of 1789, etc. — Abbott, J. S. C. The French revolution of 1789 as viewed in the light of republican institutions. New York, 1859. 8" 821.2 — Burke, E. Reflections on the revolution in. Boston, 1826. 8'^ 5634.1.3 — Same, Boston, 1871. Sm. 8" 5635.1.3 — Carlyle, T. The French revolution: a history. Leipzig, 1851. 3v.ini. Sq. 16«> 838.10 — Same. London, 1871. 3 v. in 1. Sq. 16° 827.1 — Erckmann, E., and Chatrian, A. The outbreak of the great French revolution. [Fiction,] London, 1871. 3 v. 16° 825.2 — Hericault, C. d'. Thermidor, Paris en 1794. Paris, 1872. 12° 5516.3 — Lamartine, A. (M. L.) de. Histoire des Giron- dins. Paris, 1848. 8 v. 8° 2011.1 History of the Girondists. New York, 1868. 3 V. 12° 827.25 — Michel et, J. Historical view of the French revo- lution. London, 1864. Sm. 8° 5517.3 The women of the French revolution. Phila- delphia, 1855. 12° 1226.3 — Mignet, F. A. (M.) History of the French revo- lution, 1789-1814. London, 1868. Sm. 8°.. .. 55 17.4 — Morris, W. O'C. The French revolution and first empire. New York [1875]. Sq. 16° 628.5 — Smyth, W. Lectures on the history of the French revolution. London, 1860. 2 v. Sm. 8° 5517.10 Shelf. No. France. Revolution of 1789, etc., continued. — Somerville, W. C. Letters from Paris on the causes and consequences of the French revolu- tion. Baltimore, 1822. 8° 5512.1 — Sybel, H. (C. L.) von. History of the French revolution. London, 1867, 69. 4 v. 8° 5514.2 — Thiers, (L.) A. History of the French revolu- tion. New York, 1874. 4 v. in 2. 8° 6511.3 — iocqueville, A. (C. H. C.) de. On the state of society in France before the revolution of 1789, and on the causes which led to that event. Lon- don, 1873. 8° 5514.9 Revolution of 1848. — Lamartine, A. (M. L.) de. History of the French revolution of 1848, London, 1870. Sm. 8° . . . 827.24 Franco-German war, 1870, 71. — Borbstsedt, A., and Dwyer, F. The Franco-Ger- man war to the catastrophe at Sedan and the fall of Strassburg. London, 1873. 8° 5713.2 — Corvin, 0. In France with the Germans. Lon- don, 1872. ,2 V. Sm. 8° 5715.2 — Erckmann, E., and Chatrian, A. Histoire du plebiscite. [Fiction.] Paris, 1872. 18° 5516.4 — Hazen, W. B. The school and the army in Ger- many and France, with a diary of siege life at Versailles. New York, 1872. 8° 5714.5 — Hugo, V. (M.), vicomte. Actes et paroles, 1870- 72. Paris, 1872. 18° 5536.5 — Niemann, A. The French campaign, 1870-71. London, 1872. 8° 5515.1 — Sheppard, N. Shut up in Paris. Leipzig, 1871. Sq. 16° 315.13 — Wartensleben, H. (L. W. C. A. F.), Graf von. Operations of the south army in January and February, 1871. London, 1872. Sm. 8° 5514.3 See aJso Bastile, Girondists, Paris, Peninsula war, Pyrenees, Waterloo. NOTE o i>r w:eij^n c:ei. General and comprehensive works. The latest history, and for the general reader perhaps the best, because less extensive, though still elaborate, is Martin's, for the period previous to the first revolution, digesting as it does the labors of Sismondi, Guizot, Thierry, and Barante. It has, however, been only in part translated into English, and upon it is based " The students France," above named, a brief compendious account. Crowe's, covering 1465-179.5 [828.2], is a concise popular account. Sir James Stephen's Lectures [5514.8] are of high repute, and De Tocqueville saj's of them that they show a " clear comprehension of our ideas, laws and habits." The chapters on French history in Smyth's " Lectures on modern history " [5012.10; 5925.7] are of importance to the general reader seek- ing to know the character of the books to be read. E. A. Freeman's essay on " The Franks and the Gauls " [5913.4] is a rapid survey of French history from the earliest times to our day. The ingenious, brilliant, poetic Michelet, though without method and regularity in his eloquent narrative, by combining graphic descriptions with a tone of philosophy, and by praises of liberty and virtue, and as the adversary of the Jesuits, has always been popular in France. See Flint, " Philosophy of history" [5921.7], on Michelet and the democratic school of historians. Catholic writers, like Bishop Dupanloup, regret his impiety, and think he degenerates into pamphleteering. There is an English translation of the iirst section of his history, covering the interval to A. i). 1483 [811.7] ; but the reader can find the entire sequence in French in the Bates Hall. Michelet is reviewed in J. S. Mill's Dissertations [5824.4] and in Alisons Essays [1531.7]. From political grounds the opposite to Michelet's, Capeflgue reviews French history in a voluminous series of works, which are in some respects anomalous and eccentric. lie is a staunch royaliit, a defender of the papacy, believes the reformation an impious innovation, but he has great research, is brilliant and imaginative in style, and, where not influenced by political views, impartial. He constantly takes issue with Guizot, Thierry, Michelet, Thiers, and Mignet. The series in French is in Bates Hall, but they have not been translated into English. The rise of the modern schools of French historians, which add a purpose beyond mere narrative, and have sought illustrations beyond battles and the life of courts, is largely due to Augustin Thierry's " Letters on the history of France ; " and he illustrated his idea in his monograph on the history of the middle class (tiers etat) [5517.9]. The highest repute acquired by a French historian probably belongs to Guizot, for his " History of civilization from the fall of the Roman empire to the revolution " [5924.8]. With a dignified style, he is able in analysis, in generalization, takes great range, is impartial, and of protestant views. Gui- zot is examined in Flint [5921.7] ; in Alison's Essays [1531.7], etc. A history of France, which Guizot originally prepared for youths, and which he lived only to bring down to 1789 [5510.2, etc.], may be considered the best of the general histories for popular use. By periods, — Ancient Gaul. Besides Ctesar's " Commentaries " [6116.5], see Merivale's " Roman empire " [5515.3, vol. 1. ch. 5] ; the " History of Caesar " by Napoleon ut [.')521.1] ; and other general works on the Roman empire. The summary in Guizot's France [5510,2] is the most accessible narrative in English. Merovingian period, A. D. 428-752. The picturesque and animated work of Augustin Thierry, written with the modern appreciation of the value of antiquarian lore, is of the highest importance. See also Montalembert's " Monks of the West " [5514.5], Chapter 38th of Gibbon [824.9] is given to the founding of the French monarchy. The important battles of Chalons, A. r>. 451, and Tours, A.D. 732, are described in Creasy's " Decisive battles " [824.6]. Hallam's " Middle ages " [5916.1] begins A. D. 486. Guizot's France [5510.2] aflfords a summary . Carlovingian period. A, D. 752-987. Guizot's 19th lecture of his " History of civilization " [5924.8], concerns the transition from the Merovingian period; lecture 20th is given to Char- lemagne, and the 24th to the dismemberment of his empire. Palgrave's Normandy begins with the death of Charlemagne, goes to Charles the simple in vol. 1, and to William the conqueror in vol. 3. Hallam's " Middle ages " [5916.1] covers this period; and Guizot's France [5510.2] may^be consulted for a summary. . On Charlemagne, beside the above authorities, see the history of him by G. P..R. James [5528.9] ; Milman's " Latin Christianity " [5817.11.2]; Gibbon's Rome [824.9, chap. 49]; and Bulfinch's " Legends of Charlemagne" [824.2]. 85 The Capets, A. D. 987-1328. See the 8th chapter of Guizot's " History of civilization " [5924.8] for an excellent account of the crusades. Guizot considers the civilization in France to begin in thi.s period. Michelet [811.7] and Hallam's " Middle ages " [6916,1] should be consulted. For fiction read James's " Philip Augustus " [722.7]; £.£. Hales "In His name" [732.28] for the Waldenses; and Miss Yonge's " Richard the fearless " [927.20]. House of Valois, A.D. 1328-1589. Follow first the general histories like Guizot's History [5510.2] and his " Plistory of civilization " [5924.8]; and Hallam's " Middle ages " [5916.1] . Of the prominent characters of this period Louis IX, or Saint Louis, is portrayed in Guizot's " Great Christians of France" [5937.6]. English history mates with French history in the invasion under Edward III and the Black prince; and of the battle of Cressy, A.D. 1346, there is an account in Creasy's " Decisive battles " [824 6], as also of the later conflict, A.D. 1356, at Poictiers. There is a life of the Black prince by James; an account of Edward Ill's reign by Longman, and illustrative matter can be found in Strickland's " Queens of England" [5416.4.2], in Froissart [5920.2], and in Miss Yonge's " Cameos " [826.12]. Under Du Gueselin the French succeeded in driving the English from the country, A. D. Io70, etc., and the accounts in the general histories may be supplemented by Dumas's " Knight of Mauleon." For the Peasants' revolt in 1358, see James's " Jacquerie" [722.5]. Of Henry v's victory at Agincourt, A. D. 1415, the English as well as French histories must be consulted, and illustrative fiction will be found in James's " Agincourt " [327.12] and in Miss Yonges " Lances of Lynwood " [737.8]. Shakespeare's plays of Henry v and Henry VI come in collaterally, and carry the progress of events along the English occupancy, and by the episode of Joan of Arc, for whom see the note under Dare, Jeanne. Within this period also falls James's " Agnes Sorel " [730. G]. The conquest and loss of France to the English crown is followed in Gairduer's " Lanca.ster and York " [628.4]. The reign of Louis ^/extended 1461-8;^, and in this time the modern kingdom was consolidated. Michelet is translated [811.7] for this period, and thereisasummary in Guizot's last history [5510.2]; and for Louis's relations to the church history, see Milnian's "Latin Christianity " [5817.11], and the references in McClintock and Strong's Cyclopa;dia. Also see Gurney's " Chapters from French history " [5517.2] ; and illustrative fiction can be found in Scott's " Quentin Durward" [324.2; 523.4]; and in "V^ictor Hugo's " Hunchback of Notre-Dame" [511.27; 2016.2]. Contemporary with Louis was Charles the hold, duke of Burgundy, and his relations to the history of Louis's reign is traced in Kirk's " Life of Charles the bold "[5511.1]. Charles figures in Scott's " Anne of Geierstein" [324.1; 533.1]; in Charles Reade's " Cloister and hearth " [316.24] ; in Scott's "Quentin Durwaid "[324.2; 523.4]; and in James's " Mary of Burgundy " [722.11]. See also Herz's drama of " King Rene's daughter " [Kilo.Li] for Provence at this time. The old chronicler Froissart [5920.2] covers the early part, 1326-140O, of this Valois period. The summary on Louis All's reign in Guizot's France [5510.2] will suffice the general reader before passing on to the period of Francis /, whose life and court are described by Pardee [1223.11]; a summary of whose reign will be found in Guizot [5510.2], and whose relations to general European politics can be studied in Robertson's " Charles V " [1226.9]. The famous Field of the cloth of gold is depicted in James's "Damley" [327.16]; and Ainsworth's " Constable de Bourbon " [322.21] falls within his time. The historical narratives concerning the following reigns of this house may be illustrated by James's "Henry of Guise" [722.12], and Yonge's «' Chaplet of pearls" [318.4] for Henry ll's reign, 1547-.59. Dumas's "Margaret of Valois" answers for Charles XIl's period, 1560-74. Within this period falls the massacre of St. Bartholomew, A. D. 1572, upon which there is a special monograph by White, a chapter in Elliot's " Old court life" [329.4], an account in Motley's " Dutch republic " [8:^2.2], and an " apology " in Disraeli's " Curiosities of literature " [5626.6]. There is much variance between protestant and catholic historians on this event, and Lingard in his " History of England" [5417.8], and others on the catholic side, hold views that need to be weighed •while reading their opponents. All histories of the reformation and of the Huguenots necessarily cover this and other events of this contentious period. For Henry Ill's reign, 1574-89, the histories may be paralleled with the novelists, Aiusworth in his "Crichton" [722.13] ; James in his "Henry ot Guise " [722.12]; and Dumas in his "Chicot" [718.8] and " Forty-five guardsmen" [510.6]. The manners of the ICth century are depicted in James's " Leonora d'Orco " [730.5] and " Corse de Leon " [5526.7] ; in Manning's " Madame Palissy," and in Dumas's " Countess of Charny " [511.7]. Buckle, in his 8th chapter [54171], traces the changes in French intellect from this time to the age of Louis XIV. The Bourbons, A. D. 1589-1793. Henry TV, the founder of the line, ruled from 1589 to 1610; and a full note on the literature pertaining to him and his reign will be found in the Bulletin for July, 1875, p. 369. There is a regular biography by James [5525.12]. His connection with Netherlandish history is covered in Motley's " United Netherlands " [5912.1] and in his " John of Barneveld " [5713.3]. See also Gurney's " Chapters from French history " [5517.2]. The wars of the League array historians by their protestant or catholic sympathies. Guizot, both in his " History of civilization " [5924.8] and in his " History " [5510.2], must be read as a protestant, though of broad sympathies. See also the Due d'Aumale's "Lives of the Condes" [5522.9]; Thierry's "History of the tiers 6tat " [5517.9]; Smiles's " Huguenots " [5514.1] ; White's " Saint Bartholomew ; " and Elliot's " Old court life " [329.4]. Illustrative fiction can be found in James's " Henry of Guise " [722.12] ; his " Gowrie " [730.8] ; his " Rose d'Albret " [730.7] ; Ainswoith's " Crichton " [722.13] ; and for poetic treatment, in Macaulay's ".Ballad of Ivry " [1614.17]. Louis XIII, — 1610-4.3. — The most accessible full account is the section of Martin's History which has been translated into English. Buckle's 8th chapter in his Civilization [5417.1] gives a clear outline of the progress of events. The first chapter of James's " Reign of Louis xiv " [5526.5] summarizes this period, and note^the chief references for fuller study. James's novel of " Richelieu " gives some of the dramatic aspects of the time, and their rendering in this novel can be compared with Bulwer's delineation in his play of " Richelieu " [1614.5], and De Vigny's working up of the same period in his excellent novel " Cinq-Mars " [5.37.21]. See also Dumas's " Three guardsmen " [511.10], where the siege of La Rochelle is particularly described. Louis XIV, — 1643-1715. — See the note in the Catalogue of history, etc., of the Lower Hall, p. 171, and p. 97 for references for closer study than the Branch library admits of. Martin's "Age of Louis xiv" is temperate in character and the fullest of the monographs. The English reader will find a good survey in chapters of Russell's Europe [5913.3] ; and in James's " Life and times of Louis Xiv " [5526.5] all that will ordinarily be needed. For his military success, see Due d'Aumale's " Lives of the Condes " [5522.9]. Voltaire neglected to give due prominence to the literary influences of this age; but the English reader will find this influence amply set forth by Hallam [1531.2], and popularly by Astie. See also the lives of Pascal, Corneille, Racine, Moliere, Boileau, La Fontaine, Fenelon, etc. Bungener's " Preacher and the king " [716.4] has a slight thread of fiction, but it is in effect a treatise on Bourdaloue and the other sacred orators of the court. See also Farrer's " Bossuet and his contemporaries" [5526.14]. Buckle [5417.1, chap. 11] contends that the literary reputation of this reign was in spite of the king, not because of him. Of the court and private life of the king, Miss Pardee's book [1233.11] is the best for the English reader. There are estimates of Louis in Buckle's 11th chapter [5417.1] and in Guizot's 14th lecture of his " History of civilization " [5924.8]. See also J. C. Morrison, in the Fortnightly review, 1874. For the religious aspects of the reign, and tlie results of the Revocation of the Edict of Nantes, see Smiles's "Huguenots" [5514.1]; and for illustrative fiction, James's " Huguenots " [722.10] and Mrs. Manning's " Jacques Bonneval " [738.6]. The catholic historians need, however, to be closely compared with the protestant. Dumas has a series of novels covering this period, — " The three guardsmen " [511.10] ; " Twenty years after " [511.31] for Mazarin, etc. ; " Bragelonne " [511.8], for Louis' connection with the revolution in England ; " The iron mask " [511.9] ; and " Louise la Valliere " [511.12], which may be compared with Bulwer's play of the same name [1614.5]. Louis XV,— 1715-74. The Count de Tocqueville, in 1846, complained of the paucity of historical treatises upon this reign, which he thought of so much interest as covering the great change of manners and ideas that led to the French revolution, which change the reader will also find portrayed in the early part of Carlyle's " French revolution" [827.1]. Buckle's 12th chapter [5417.1] is on the preparation for the revolution. The fullest treatment will be found in Martin's " De- cline of tlie monarchy." An article by De Tocqueville on "France before the revolution" is given in his "Memoirs." Carlyle's "French revolution" [827.1] has a chapter on Louis XV's last days. Illustrative fiction will be found in Dumas' "Memoirs of a physician" [511.11]; in James's " Ancient regime"' [722.14]; in White-Melville's "Cerise" [321.10] ; in Ainsworth's " John Law " [322.14], for the financial Mississippi bubble ; and Bungener's " Priest and the Huguenot " [627.4]. See Germany, Seven years' war, for France's relatipn to European history. 86 Louis XVI, — mi-Sd. The histories of the French revolution necessarily begin with going over the causes of the revolution as developed in this reign. The chapter in Sybel [5514.2] is valuable. Carlyle enumerates them in a characteristic way [838.10]. The most recent showing of the smouldering fires of the coming revolution is in Taine's " Ancient r6gime." The economic conditions as portrayed in Young's Travels, one of the best authorities, are well summarized in Alison's Europe [5913.6.1]. Buckle [5417.1] is erudite and suggestive. Sec also Morley's " Rousseau " [5523.3] and his " Voltaire " [5523.2] ; and Marmontel's Memoirs. See further in tlie note under Louis XVI in the Lower Hall Catalogue of history, etc. Bancroft's view of Louis and his cabinet, in relation to the American revolution, is taken in his " United States " [6012.3.7, ch. 7, and 8, eh. 61]. Dumas has a series of novels illustrating this period, — "Memoirs of a physician" [511.11]; "The queen's necklace" [511.6, — see also Carlyle's Essays on " The diamond necklace," and "Count Cagliostro "] ; "Six years later" (taking of the Bastile, etc.) [511.14]; "Countess of Charny" [511.7]; *' Andr6e de Taverney ' [510.U], to the deatli of Louis xvi ; and " The conspirators " [718.7]. For manners, see George Sand's "Mauprat" [526.22]. The French revolution, A. D. 1789-99. Alison [5913.6] prefixes a list of authorities, and in his preface characterizes the contemporary records and journals. President White, of Cornell, adds a bibliographj' with characterizations to Morris's condensed history of the revolution [628.5]. Among the histories of considerable extent, the latest of them, that of Sybel [5514.2], which covers 1789-95, and extends the survey over all Europe, is on some grounds the best yet written, though somewhat heavy. It enjoys great reputation in Germany, elucidates particularly the German policy of that period, and the author was allowed access to the French, Prussian, and Neapolitan archives, and uses material never before brought forward. Among the French histories, that by Thiers [.5511.3] is a complete, highly-finished, voluminous plea in defence of the revolution, which later he would hardly have made, but which is in great favor with the liberals. In the early chapters, however, he is thought to be given to a loose pamphleteering spirit. Miguet (like Thiers, of the fatalist school) believes in the inevitable evil of the revolution, and his book [5517.4] has been very successful. He is rapid and concise in survey, selects few but apposite details, and characterizes with precision. He also has since somewhat modified his views. Michelet's " Historical view " has been translated into English [5517.3], but it is considered somewhat one-sided. Bailly's " Mernoires " and Madame De Stael's work on the revolution, are the occasion of Jeffrey's enunciation of the average views of the English people of that day, in his Essays [5610.8]. Of the English histories, Carlyle's is the most famous, but its unquestioned ability is much marred to many by its strained melodramatic effects and jerky succession of pictures. In his essay he enumerates the chief authorities in vogue forty years ago, for an understanding of this period. Alison takes the aristocratic view [5913.6] ; and Scott's toryism was clear in his " Life of Napoleon " [1221.5]. Burke and Mackintosh took respectively the conservative and liberal side at the time. Smyth's Lectures [5517.10] are in good repute. See also Brougham's Statesmen [5614.4.3]. The politics and philosophy of the French revolution make a chapter in C. K. Adams's " Democracy and monarchy in France " [5515.4]. The consti- tution of 1790-91 is discussed in Sybel [5514.2], and in Burke's " Reflections " [56,34.L3; 5635.1.3]. Of episodical monographs, Lamartine's on the Girtmdists [827.25] is probably of most repute, though he is accused of inaccuracy and copies the ancients in assigning imaginary speeches to the actors ; and he surprised the public by his democratic sympathies and laudatory view. On the ifeiyn 0/ terror, 1792-94, see Alison's Essay [1531.7]; Bulwer's [336.5.1]; Macaulay's Essays on Barere and Mirabeau [1238.13]; and Carlyle's Essay on Mirabeau. Mignet and Thiers may be considered the principal writers on the side of the revolution. See also Lamartine's Girondists [827.25]. The defeat of the Pruseians at Valniy, 1792, forms one of Creasy's " Decisive battles" [824.6]. On La Vendue, see Fosteriana, and Jeffrey's Essays [5610.8]. On the 4«se»i&Jy, see Thiers ; Mackintosh's Essays ; and Sybel [5514.2] on its Communistic tendencies ; Burke's " Reflections " is a commentary on their action. For illustrative fiction, see Bulwer's " Zanoni " [336.6]; Dickens's "Two cities" [338.20; 1824.14]; Victor Hugo's " Ninety-three " [734.18] ; Baring- Gould's "Gabrielle Andre" [710.39]; Dumas's "Love and liberty;" Schwartz's "Birth and education" [531.6]; C. Tucker's "Lady of Provence;" Muehlbach's " Marie Antoinette " [531.32] ; Keddie's " Citoyenne Jacqueline " [736.14] ; Erckmann-Chatrian's " Madame ThSrese " [524.4] ; and " On the edge of the storm " [315.19]. Napoleonic period, A. D. 1799-1814. The consulate extended from 1799 to 1804, when the empire began. The principal English writers are the tory Scott [1221.5] and the aristocratic Alison [5913.5; 5913.6]. Thiers, for his " Consulate and empire," holds the very highest rank, and is of great popularity. His views are modified from those in his " History of the revolution ; " but he is accused of concealing the emperor's bad traits. Bishop Dupanloup thinks that, in the close of the last volume, he has hit what will be the abiding estimate of Napoleon. Since the publication of Napoleon's " Correspondance " [see account in Parton's " Topics of the times," 1935.3], Lanfrey [5522.1] has begun the publication of a life of Napoleon, which is written so ably and with such new developments, that it has taken high rank, and may be considered as representing the reaction from Thiers. Lanfrey is reviewed in A. Hayward's Essays [5833.3.3]. Abbott's Napoleon [1021.1] is a popular and highly eulogistic account. Of the military histories, Jomini holds the highest rank ; though for a special monograph, Col. Napier's " History of the war in the peninsula " [5920.1] is unsurpassed. Tlie military history of this period is told critically and concisely in Hamley's " Operations of war." See a full note on the Waterloo cam- paign in the Bulletin for Oct., 1875. The best summary of all is perhaps in Hooper's " Waterloo " [5511.2]. For Napoleon's sojourn at Elba, see Lamartine's " History of the restoration " [5517.5] ; Madam Michelet's " Childhood ; " and Harper's monthly, vol. 43. See some personal recollections of the " Hundred days " in Paris, in the Atlantic monthly, April and May, 1858; and a chapter in vol. 3 of the Memoirt of John Quincy Adams [5021.10]. Estimates of the character of Napoleon will be found in Carlyle's " Heroes and hero-worship " [1535.19] ; in Channing's Works [1525.2.1], who is de- precatory; in Emerson's "Representative men" [1916.6; 1934.6.2], who views him as a man of the world; in Bayne's "Essays" [1226.15]; and in Broug- ham's " Statesmen of the time of George III " [5614.4.5]. Lamartine, in the first volume of his " History of the restoration " [5517.5], makes an eloquent imprecation against Napoleon. Some traits of his pri- vate life can be gleaned from Alison's review of the memoirs of the Duchess D'Abrantes. The Napoleonic period is illustrated largely in fiction, — Dumas's " Conscript;" Julia Kavanagh's "Madeleine;" Lever's "Tom Burke of Ours" [332.10 ; 516.19 ; 5627.3] and " Charles O'Malley " [332.1 ; 510.13] for the peninsular war ; Chamier's " Ben Brace " [521.24] for the sea conflicts ; Miss Yonge's " Kenneth " for the retreat from Moscow ; Erckmann-Chatrian's "Conscript of 1813 " [913.22], "Blockade of Phalsburg" [715.12; 913.21], and "Invasion of France in 1814 " [913.23]. The Waterloo campaign and the Hundred days offer themselves as topics to Dumas, incidentally, in his " Count of Monte- Cristo " [511.30] ; to Hugo, in his " Les miserables " [710.19] ; to Lever, in his " Charles O'Malley " [332.1 ; 516.13] ; to Thackeray, in his " Vanity fair " [335.7 ; 1820.1] ; to Erckmann-Chatrian, in their " Waterloo " [913.24] ; and Byron's third canto of his " Childe Harold " [1614.12.2], and Scott's " Field of Water- loo," commemorate the defeat of Napoleon. Several of the Muehlbach novels cover the events of this period, but they must be read with caution. Restdration of the Bourbons. Lamartine [5517.5] is the most accessible authority in English. Everett, in his " Mount Vernon papers," gives a sketch of the court in 1818. See Harper's monthly, vol. 43. There is an account of the modern constitutions of France in Lippincott's magazine. May and August, 1875. Revolution of 1830. Louis Blanc [5514.7] covers the following decade. Guizot's Memoirs form a necessary commentary, though rather egotistical, and given to special pleading ; but they throw little light on the secret history of the period. See Alison's " Essay on the revolution of 1830" and the last chapter of Brougham's Autobiography [5425.2]. See personal memoirs of the Orleans family in Harper's monthly, vol. 10. Revolution of 1848. Lamartine and Guizot were both observers of the events. See also C. K. Adams's " Democracy and monarchy in France " [5515.4], and B. Jerrold's " Life of Napoleon in " [5522.3]. The causes of the revolution are delineated in Dumas's novel of " Edmond Dantes " [511.29]. See also Erckmann-Chatrian's " Man of the people [736.23]. 87 Louis Napoleon's period. The late emperor has a popular champion in Abbott, and a favorable view is taken by R. B. Kimball, in the Galaxy, April, 1873. See also McCarthy's " Modem leaders " [5930.2], and Everett's " Mount Veinon papers." Kinglake in his " Invasion of the Crimea " [5924.9] takes an unfavorable view. See also C. K. Adams's "Democracy and monarchy in France " [5515.4] ; B. Jerrold's " Life of Napoleon ui " [5522.3] ; and "Whitehurst on the " Court and social life" [5617.5]. See Murray's " Member for Paris " [316.7], and Erckmann-Chatrian's " Story of the plebiscite " [524.25] for fiction. The Franco- German war, the Commune, etc. Few publications on this period have yet acquired standing ; but a large number of contemporary contributions to the history can be found in the Bates Ball. See Mazzini, in the Contemporary review, vol. 17. An epitome of events in the Franco-German war is given in Blackwood's magazine, 1875, or no. 1647 of Living age; and its events have been illus- trated in Bulwer's "Parisians" [329 21; 734.16; 5533.1]; in De Mille's " Comedy of errors " [631.22]; in Henry Kingsley's "Valentin" [339.9]; and in Schucking's " Powder and gold" [538.3]. Ecclesiastical history. For the Reformation period, see the summary in Fisher [5813.7, chapter 8, with a list of books, p. 579]. On the history of the protestant exiles and Hu- guenots, there is Smiles's most recent account. Guizot's " History of civilization " affords much guidance in studying the relations of the church and state throughout. See the epitomized " Church history of France," with references in McClintock and Strong's Cyclopaedia under •' France." Shelf. No. France, continued. Language. — Boyer, A. Le dictionnaire royal, fran^ois-anglois, et anglois-francois. London, 1816. 2 v. in 1. 4° *R.R., D.3.9 — Brachet, A. Dictionnaire etymologique de la langue fran9aise. Paris [1868]. 12° 5537.4 — Cassal, C, and Karcher, T., editors. The gradu- ated course of translation from English into French. Part i. The junior course. London, 1875. Sm. 8° 5534.7 — Cherpilloud, J. Book of versions; or, guide to French translation. Philadelphia, 1829. 12°..6538;3 — Chouquet, G. First lessons in learning French. New York, 1849. Sq. 16" 2018.3 — Dufief, N. G. Nature displayed in her mode of teaching language to man. Adapted to the French. New York, 1825. 8° 2012.2 — Fivas, V. de. New grammar of French gram- mars: comprising the substance of all the most approved French grammars extant. New York, 1868. 12° 2016.3 — Ladreyt, E. M.- Conversational French reader. Boston, 1864. 16° 2015.1 — Magill, E. H. A French grammar. Boston, 1867. 12° 2014.2 Introductory French reader. Boston, 1868. 12°. 2014.1 — Pinney, N., and Arnoult, jfe. French grammar. New York, 1861. 12° 2013.1 — Prendergast, T. The mastery series. New York, 1868. 12° 1933.2 — Sauveur, L. Causeries avec mea eldves. Bos- ton, 1874. Sm. 8° 2015.5 — Smith, L., Hamilton, H., and Legros, E. The international English and French dictionary. London, 1873. 2 v. 8° *R.R., D.3.14 — Spiers, A., and Surenne, G. French and English [and English and French] pronouncing diction- ary. New York, 1872. 8° *R.R., D.3.12 — Williams, F. S. English into French. New York [cop. I860]. Sm. 8° 2015.6 Literature. — Besant, W. The French humourists from the 12th to the 19th century. London, 1873. 8°. 5532.2 — Louandre, C. (L.) Chefs d'oeuvres des contours fran^ais. Paris, 1874. 2 v. 18° 5534.3 — Sainte-Beuve, C. A. Tableau historique et critique de la poesie fran^aise et du theatre fran^ais au xvie siecle. Paris, 1869. 12° 5538.15 — Soleinne, — do. Bibliothdque dramatique. T. i. Paris, 1843. 8° 6532.1 — Villemain, A. F. Cours de litterature fran^aise. Tableau de la litterature au moyen ^ge en Franco. Paris, 1871. 2 v. 8° 5537.11 Tableau de la litterature au xvine sidcle. Paris, 1873. 4 v. 12° 5537.10 Souvenirs contemporains d'histoire et de litte- rature. Paris, 1874. 2 v. 18° 5537.18 Shelf. No. France. Literature, continued. — Vinet, A. (R.) History of French literature in the 18th century. Edinburgh, 1854. 8° 6132.3 Note. — A brief general survey of French literature will be found in Longfellow's " Poets and poetry of Europe " [5922.1] ; and much illustrative of the course of the literary history of France will appear from Buckle's " History of civilization in England " [5417.1], and Guizot's " History of civiliza- tion " [5924.8]. For the humorists, Besant is tlie best source. Hallani [1531.2] covers the 15th, Kith, and 17th centuries. The titles above explain the scope of their respective authors. Particularly for Louis Xiv's time, see Martin's " Age of Louis XIV;" Guizot's " History of France" [5510.2.4], and for the drama of that period, see Macmillan's magazine, April, 1875: and the lives of Moliere, Racine. Corneille, etc. For the last century, see Carlvle's essay on Diderot, and the lives of Voltaire [1221.2; 5523.4] and Rousseau [5523.3] by Morley. There is a paper on French fiction in Lippincott's magazine, Feb., 1874 ; and others on the history of the French news- paper press in A. Hayward's Essays [5833.3.2], and Corn- hill magazine, 1873-74. Frances Hildyard. Wood, E. P 720.16 Francesco, St., d'Assisi. {Giovanni Francesco Ber- nardone.) St. Francis of Assisi. Oliphant, M. (0. W.) [London, 1871.] Sm. 8° 5937.10 Franchere, Gabriel. Narrative of a voyage to the northwest coast of America, 1811-14, or the first American settlement on the Pacific. Translated and edited by J. V. Huntington. New York, 1854. 376 pp. Illustrated. 12° 414.10 Francillon, Robert Edward. Zelda's fortune 731.28 Francis, St. See Francesco, St., d'Assisi. Francis, Convers. Historical sketch of Watertown, Mass. Cambridge, 1830. 151 pp. 12° 5014.5 — Life of John Eliot. (/» Sparks, J. Library of American biography) 5028.1.5 Franco-German war, 1870, 71. See France, Fran- co-German war. Franconia stories. See Abbott, Jacob. Frank. Edgeworth, M. Early lessons 939.6.1 Frank among the rancheros. Fosdick, C. A 913.2 Frank at Don Carlos' rancho. Fosdick, C. A 913.1 Frank before Vicksburg. Fosdick, C. A 925.26 Frank in the mountains. Fosdick, C. A 913.3 Frank in the woods. Fosdick, C. A 925.24 Frank on a gun-boat. Fosdick, C. A 925.25 Frank on the lower Mississippi. Fosdick, C. A 925.22 Frank on the prairie. Fosdick, C. A 925.23 Frank the young naturalist. Fosdick, C. A 925.21 Frank Fairlegh. Smedley, F. E 315.11 Frank Warrington. Harris, M 724.11 Frank Wildman's adventures on land and water. Gerstaecker, F 932.42 Frank's campaign. Alger, H.,jr 925.14 Frankland, Sir Charles Henry. Sir Charles Henry Frankland: or, Boston in the colonial times. Nason, E. Albany, 1865. 8° 5013.15 Franklin, Benjamin. Autobiography. Edited, with notes and an introduction, by J. Bigelow. Phil- adelphia, 1872. 409 pp. Portrait. 12° 1013.3 — Life, written by himself. Now first edited from original manuscripts and from his printed corre- spondence and other writings, by John Bigelow. Philadelphia, 1874. 3 v. Portrait. 8° 5025.13 — Same. Philadelphia, 1875. 3 v. Portrait. 12°. 1213.3 FRANKLIN 88 FREUND Shelf. No. Franklin, Benjamin, continued. — Abbott, J. Franklin 936.1.4 — Mayhew, H. Young Benjamin Franklin. London [I860]. Sm. 8° 916.2 — Memorial of the inauguration of the statue of. [With R. C. Winthrop's oration.] See Boston, Mass 1211.6 — Parker, T. Historio Americans. Boston, 1871. Sm. 8° 5025.4 — Parton, J. Life and times of. New York, 1864. 2 V. 12° 1212.2 — Sainte-Beuve, C. A. English portraits. New York,1875. 16" 1025.3 JVo«e.— Franklin's Autobioptraphy comes down only to 1758, and was originally printed from a somewhat imperfect copy of his manuscript. The autobiography in this form has been repeatedly printed, in t)ie most authoritative form with Sparks's continuation, prefixed to his edition of Franklin's Works, to be found in the Bates Hall. Mr. Bigelow a few years since discovered the original manuscript, which cor- rected some parts of the usual copies, and added a few sen- tences at the end, and in his edition [101S.3] has added the letters of authentication, preserved with the original draft. The Life [1213.3; 502,5.13], called "written by himself," is a joinery of extracts from his autobiography, his letters, and whatever else of his writings capable of being worked in. Parton's is the most extensive regular life. See also Abbott, on his public life, in Harper's monthly, vol. 4; Brougham's "Statesmen of the time of George m" [5614.4.6]; Everett's oration on his youth [1921.1.2]; Foster's f' Critical essays " [5614.3.2], etc. Franklin, Sir John. Hall, C F. Arctic researches and life among the Esquimaux: being the nar- rative of an expedition in search of, 1860-62. New York, 1865. 8" 422.4 — Kane, E. K. Arctic explorations: the second Grinnell expedition in search of, 1853-65. Philadelphia, 1856. 2 v. 8" "422.2 — Same. Hartford, 1871. 8° 5912.4 — MacClintock, Sir F. L. The voyage of the " Fox" in the Arctic seas. Narrative of the discovery of the fate of. Boston, 1860. 8° 424.7 — Richardson, Sir J. Biography of. (In Macau- lay, T. B., lord, and others. New biographies of illustrious men) 5428.4 — Sargent, E. Arctic adventure by sea and land, from the earliest date to the last expedition in search of. Boston, 1857. 12° 426.10 See also Note under Arctic regions. Fraser-Tytler, Christina C. See Tytler, Chris- tina C. Eraser. Eraser's magazine. Vol. 7-12. London, 1873-75. 6 V. 8° 6718.1 Fraserian papers, The. Maginn, W. New York, 1857. Sm. 8° 1935.5 Freaks of fortune. Adams, W. T 924.22 Freaks on the fells. Ballantyne, R. M 923.9 Fred, and Maria, and me. Prentiss, E 717.2 Fred Markham in Russia. Kingston, W. H. G 936.20 Frederic I, king of Prussia. Friedrich i, Konig von Preussen. Droysen, J. G. Leipzig, 1867. 8°. 5733.3 Frederic II, the great, king of Prussia. Abbott, J. S. C. History of. New York, 1871. 8° 1021.3 — Carlyle, T. History of. Leipzig, 1858-65. 13 v. in 7. Sq. 16° 1237.1 Note.— The most elaborate English biography is Carlyle's, but it is voluminous, and is reviewed by J. R. Lowell in North American review, April, 1866. Abbott's is the best Bumniary for the general reader, and its chapters originally appeared in Harper's monthlv, vol. 40. Maeaulay's sketch f 1238.13] is rapid and brilliant. See also Brougham's sketch m his " Statesmen " [.5614.4.3]. There is a side view of the king in Kurd von Sehlozer s " Cliasot," reviewed in Max Miiller's " Chips " [5616.1.3]. Stahr's " Lessing " [1022.7] and the lives of Voltaire, and the literary histories of Germany for the last century, may be consulted for his literary char- acter and associations. Sec also papers in Harper's monthly, vols. 18 and 25. Histories of Prussia, Germany, and the Seven years' war all necessarily cover the career of Frederic. Several "of the Muehlbach novels concern Frederic the great, like •' Frederick the gr^at and his family " [510.4], and " His court " [531.16]; " Berlin and Sans-souei [531.15], etc., but they must not be trusted without the corrective influences of the regular histories. Frederick the great and his court. [Fiction.] Mundt,C.(M.) 531.16 Frederick the great and his family. [Fiction.] Mundt, C. (M.) 510.4 Shelf. No. Fredoniad, The: or, independence preserved. An epick poem on the late war of 1812. Emmons, R. Boston, 1827. 4 v. 12° 161L1 Free lending libraries. Qreenough, W. W. See American social science association 1932.2 Free masonry. Letters on the masonic institution. Adams, J. Q. Boston, 1847. 8° 5822.2 Free Russia. [Travels, etc.] Dixon, W. H. New York, 1870. Sm. 8^ 422.22 Free trade. Free trade and the European treaties of commerce. See Cobden club, London 5418.13 — Phillips, W. Propositions concerning protection and free trade. Boston, 1850. 12° 6435.2 Free, yet forging their own chains. [Fiction.] Cornwall, CM 722.16 Freeman, Edward Augustus. Comparative politics. The unity of history. Lectures. London, 1873. vii, 522-}- pp. 8° 5822.10 — Freeman's historical course for schools. Outlines of history. Adapted for American schools. New York, 1873. ix, 366 pp. 16° 828.8 — The growth of the English constitution. Leipzig, 1872. 287 pp. Sq. 16° 838.2 — Historical essays. London, 1872, 73. 2 v. 8°,.. 5913.4 — History of federal government, from the founda- tion of the Achaian league to the disruption of the United States. Vol. i. London, 1875. 8°. 5921.11 CmUents. — Vol.1. General introduction; History of the Greek federations. — History of the Norman conquest in England. Oxford, 1869. 4 v. 8° 5014.4 — Old-English history. With maps. 3d edition. London, 1873. xxxiii, 371-j- pp. Sm. 8° . ...5418.11 — Select historical essays. Leipzig, 1873. 334 pp. Sq. 16° 828.9 — editor. Historical course for schools. Namely: — Doyle, J. A. History of the United States. New York, 1876. 16° 618.4 Freeman, E. A. Outlines of history. New York, 1873. 16° 828.8 Freeman, Samuel. The probate directory. Being the laws of the commonwealth of Massachusetts respecting the estates of testators, intestates, and wards. 2d edition. Boston, 1803. xi, 228 pp. 12° 6317.2 Freethinking. Farrar, A. S. Critical history of free thought in reference to the Christian re- ligion. New York, 1863. 12° 1522.2 — Stephen, L. Essays on freethinking and plain- speaking. London, 1873. Sm. 8° 5838.3 Freiligrath, Ferdinand. Poems from the German. Edited by his daughter. 2d edition, enlarged. xviii, 260 pp. Sq. 16° : 1613.17 Freke, Henry. The dependence of life on decompo- sition. Dublin, 1871. 55 pp. Folded sheet. 8°. 1528.12 Fremont, Jessie Benton. The story of the guard: a chronicle of the [civil] war. Boston, 1863. 233-l-pp. 16° 815.5 Fremont, John Charles. The exploring expedition to the Rocky mountains, Oregon and California. Auburn, 1854. 456 pp. Portrait. 12° 414.14 — Life of. Upham, C. W. Boston, 1856. 12°.... 1214.6 French family. Thayer, E. Family memorial. Hingham, 1835. 8° 611.2 French home life. London, 1873. 349-|- pp. 8°. 5523.4 French plays. College series of. Bocher, F. Bos- ton, 1867. 12° 2015.2 Frere, John Hookham. Works. With memoir by W. E. and B. Frere. London, 1872. 2 v. Por- traits. 8° 5422.4 Contents. — Vol.1. Memoir; Contributions to The micro- cosm ; Miscellanies (178.5-92) ; Contributions to The anti- jacobin; Miscellanies. II. Translations from Aristophanes; Theognis restitutus; Translations from "The poem of the Cid;" Miscellaneous translations. Freshet, The. Abbott, J 917.34 Fret cutting. Manual of. Seaton, Sir T. London, 1875. Sm. 8° 6425.7 Fret-sawing. Sawyer, G. A. Boston, 1875. Sm. 4°. 1515.19 Freund, Wilhelm. Latin-English lexicon. See Andrews, Ethan Allen *R.R., D.3.5 FREY 89 FULLER Shelf. No. Frey, Joseph Samuel Christian Frederick. Judah and Israel : or, the restoration and conversion of the Jews and the ten tribes. 3d edition. Pre- fixed the author's narrative and portrait. New York, 1840. 310 pp. 12° 6327.2 Freyschutz, Der. AV^eber, C. M. F. E. von. {In Ditson, 0., and co. Standard opera librettos) . . 6233.3.1 Frevtag, Gustav. Die Ahnen. Vol.1, 4teAuflage; Vol. 2, 3te Auflago. Leipzig, 1873, 74. 2 v. 16° 5733.5 Conterus. —Yo\.l. Iiigo und Ingraban. II. Das Nest der Zaunkouige. — Debit and credit. Translated by L. C. C. With preface by C, C. J. Bunsen 533.8 — Leisure hour series. Ingraban. 2d novel of a series entitled Our forefathers. From the Ger- man by Mrs. Malcolm 538.6 — The lost manuscript. Translated by Mrs. Mal- colm 521.4 — Soil und Haben. 19te Auflage. Leipzig, 1874. 2 V. Sq. 16" 6738.3 — Die verlorene Handschrift. 7te Auflage. Leip- zig, 1873. 505 pp. 8° 5733.4 Frickell, G. Magic no mystery: conjuring tricks with cards, balls, and dice; magic writing, per- forming animals, etc. Edited by W. H. Cremer. With illustrations. London, 1876. 333 pp. Sm. 8° 1515.20 — The magician's own book, or the whole art of con- juring. Illustrated. New York [cop. 1857]. xi, 362 pp. Sm. 8° 1514.18 — Same. New York, 1870. xi, 162 pp. 12° 1514.23 • — The secret out; or, one thousand tricks with cards, and other recreations. New York {cop. 1869]. Illustrated. 398 pp. 12° 1515.15 — The sociable; or, 1001 home amusements. Illus- trated. New York \_cop. 1858]. 375 pp. 12°. 1514.6 Friedrich. For names of sovereigns, see Frederic. Friend, The. [Essays.] Coleridge, S. T. Works. Philadelphia, n. d. 8° 1611.5 Friends in council. [Conversational discussions] Helps, Sir A. New York [cojo. 1861]. 2 v. 12° ^ 1914.2 — Same, Leipzig, 1873. 2 v. in 1. Sq. 16° 1538.14 Friendship, The, of books. [Essays.] Maurice, (J.) F. D. London, 1874. Sm. 8° 6136.8 Friendships, The, of women. Alger, W. R. Bos- ton, 1872. 16° 1635.20 Frisi, Paul. Treatise on rivers and torrents. Added, an essay on navigable canals. Translated by J. Garstin. New edition, corrected. London, N. D. xxiv, 226 pp. Maps. 12° 1715.20 Friswbll, James Hain. The better self: essays for home-life. Philadelphia [1875]. xii, 300 pp. 16° 1536.21 Froissart, Sir John. Chronicles of England, France, Spain, and adjoining countries, from the latter part of the reign of Edward ii to the coronation of Henry iv. Translated from the French, with variations and additions from many mss. By Thomas Johnes. Prefixed, a life of the author, an essay on his works, and a criticism on his history. London, 1868. 2 v. Illustrated. L. 8°. 5920.2 — See Merim^e, P. Portraits historiques et lit- teraires. Paris, 1874. 12° 5527.14 From everglade to canon with the 2d dragoons (2d U. S. cavalry). Rodenbough, T. T. New York, 1875. 8° : 5032.6 From fourteen to fourscore. Jewett, Mrs. S. W 714.26 From jest to earnest. Roe, E. P 723.20 From my youth up. Terhune, M. V 724.22 From Olympus to Hades. Forrester, Mrs. — 710.23 From the earth to the moon. Verne, J. New York, 1874. 8° 734.15 From the oak to the olive. [Travels.] Howe, J. W. Boston, 1868. 16° 437.2 Fromberg, Emanuel Otto. Rudimentary essay on the art of painting on glass. From the German. 3d edition. London, 1857. 116-}- pp. 12°. . .1716.23 Frondes agrestes. Ruskin, J. Orpington, Kent., 1875. Sm. 8° 6236.21 12 Shelf. No. Frontier series. Namely : — — Barrows, W. The general; or, twelve nights in the hunters' camp 934.2 — Pearson, C. H. The cabin on the prairie . . .\ . . . 937.18 The young pioneers of the North-west 937.17 Frost, Sarah Annie. The book of tableaux and shadow pantomimes. New York [cop. 1869], 180pp. 12° 1518.1 Frothingham, Nathaniel Langdon. The crossed swords. See Holmes, 0. W., and others. Memorial. Bunker hill 810.8 — Sermons, in the order of a twelvemonth. Boston, 1852. vi,363pp. 12° 1525.7 Frothingham, Octavius Brooks. The religion of humanity. New York, 1873. 338 pp. 12°... 1537.6 — Theodore Parker: a biography. Boston, 1874. viii, 588 pp. Portrait. 12° 5025.11 Frothingham, Richard. The centennial: battle of Bunker hill. With a view of Charlestown in 1775, Page's plan of the action, Romans' exact view of the battle, and other illustrations. Bos- ton, 1875. 136-4- pp. 16° 618.3 Note. — Drawn mostly from the History of the siege of Boston. — History of the siege of Boston, and of the battles of Lexington, Concord, and Bunker hill. Also, an account of Bunker hill monument. With illustrative documents. 2d edition. Boston, 1851. ix, 420 pp. 8° 812.6 — Life and times of Joseph Warren. Boston, 1865. xix, 558 pp. Portrait. 8° 1010.6 — The rise of the republic of the United States. Boston, 1872. xxii, 640 pp. 8° 5010.5 — A tribute to Thomas Starr King. Boston, 1865. 247 pp. 16° 1537.10 Note. — For the position of Frothingham 's books among the histories of the revolutionary period, see the note on Centen- nial reading in the Bulletin for July, 1875, or the Bibliography [810.10]. ^ *^ -^ Froude, James Anthony. The English in Ireland in the eighteenth century. New York, 1872, 74. '3 V. 8° 6414.6 — History of England from the fall of Wolsey to the death of Elizabeth. New York, 1873. 12 V. Sm. 8° 826.9 — Short studies on great subjects. New York, 1872, 73. 2 V. Sm. 8° 1914.5 JVoie. — Froude as a historian is graphic and readable; but his opinions are often dogniaticallj' given, and his cliauipion- ship of Henry VIII, and defamation of the Queen of Scots, have drawn out adversaries, who criticise him severely. Hia views on Ireland and its connection with English history are not satisfactory to Irish critics. Frozen deep. The. Collins, (W.) W. Boston 726.30 — Same. Leipzig 319.25 Fruits. Barry, P. Fruit garden. New York [cop. 1872]. 12° .- 6625.2 — Beecher, H. W. Plain and pleasant talk about fruits, flowers and farming. New York, 1859. 12° 1514.22 — Downing, C. Selected fruits: including their culture, propagation, and management in the garden and orchard. New York, 1871. 16°... 6625.1 — Duhamel du Monceau, H. L. Traite des arbres fruitiers. Paris, 1768. 2 v. F° 6620.1 — Thomson, D. Handy book of fruit culture under glass. Edinburgh, 1873. Sm. 8° 6625.6 See also Grape culture. Fudge family. The, in Paris. Moore, T. Poetical works. Leipzig, 1842. Sq. 16° 1614.9.4 Fudges, The, in England. Moore, T. Poetical works. Leipzig, 1842. Sq. 16° 1614.9.5 Fuel. Percy, J. Metallurgy: the art of extracting metals from their ores. Introduction, refractory materials, and fuel. London, 1875. 8° 6631.10 — Prideaux, T. S. Economy of. London, n. d. 12°. 1715.13 Fuller, Hiram. Belle Brittan on a tour, at New- port, and here and there. New York, 1858. 359pp. 12° 413.7 Fuller, Martha. Righted at last 521.10 Fuller, Thomas. See Christophers, S. W. Homes of old English writers. London [1874]. Sm. 8°. 5428.16 FULLERTON 90 GARDINER Shelf. No. Fdllerton, Lady Georgiana. Constance Sherwood. 325.21 — Ellen Middleton 325.17 — Grantloy manor 325.19 — Lady -bird 3 25.20 — Mrs. Gerald's niece 325.15 — A stormy life 325.16 — Too strange not to be true 325.18 A'o(e. — Lady Fulleiton -was converted to catholiciRin in 1852, and her stories published since that time have more or less relation to iier faitli. •' Ellen Middleton" is a domestic story of earlier production. " Grantley manor " bears on the war of creeds. Fulton, Robert, Life of. Ronwick, J. {In Sparks, J. Library of American biography) ... i ....5028.1.10 Fungi: their nature and uses. Cooke, M. C. New York, 1875. 12" 6436.13 Fur country, The. Verne, J. Boston, 1874. 8°.. 713.2 Furnaces, Reverberatory. Prideaux, T. S. Lon- don, N. D. 12° 1715.13 FuRNESS, William Henry. History of Jesus. Bos- ton, 1850. 291pp. 12° 5815.15 — Jesus and his biographers. Philadelphia, 1838. viii, 450-1- pp. L. 8° 5811.7 — Remarks on the four gospels. Philadelphia, 1836. 340pp. 12° 5815.14 — Thoughts on Jesus of Nazareth. Boston, 1859. 311pp. 12° 5816.18 Furnished apartments. Y., H. A. New York, [cop. 1870]. 16° 1636.1 Furniture. Eastlake, Sir C. L. Hints .on house- hold taste in. Boston, 1872. Sm. 8° 6212.1 — Pollen, J. H. Ancient and modern furniture. [London, 1875.] 8° 6214.5 FusANG, or the discovery of America by Chinese Buddhist priests in the fifth century. Leiand, C. G. London, 1875. 8° 5925.6 FusTEL DE CouLANGES, Muna Deuis. The ancient city: a study on the religion, laws, and institu- tions of Greece and Rome. From the latest French edition by Willard Small. Boston, 1874. 529 pp. Sm. 8° 5923.6 Future, The: a political essay. Throop, M. H. New York, 1864. 12° 1914.9 Future life. Alger, W. R. Critical history of the doctrineofa. New York, 1871. 8° 583L3 — Erwin, W. The destiny of man. New York, 1872. 12° 5817.4 — Figuier, (G.) L. The to-morrow of death; or, the future life according to science. Boston, 1872. 12° 5816.3 — Goodwin, T. A. The mode of man's immortality: or, the when, where, and how, of jthe. New York, 1874. 12° ...' 6326,11 — ■ Smith, W. The state of the dead and the destiny of the wicked. Battle Creek, 1873. 16° 6327.6 Gaboriau, ^mile. The clique of gold. From the French 710.7 — File no. 113. From the French 710.40 — Other people's money. From the French 711.4 — The widow Lerouge. Translated by F. Williams and G. A. 0. Ernst 530.7 — Within an inch of his life. From the French . . . 732.35 Gabriel, a story of the Jews in Prague. From the Gorman by A. Milman. Leipzig, 1869. 2674- pp. Sq. 16° 313.19 Gabrielle Andre. An historical novel. [French revolution.] Baring-Gould, S 710.39 Gage, William Leonard. Life of Carl Ritter. New York, 1867. viii, 242-f- pp. Sm. 8° 1024.8 Gail Hamilton, pseud. See Dodge, Mary Abigail. Gain, The, of a loss. Yonge, CM 318.15 Gairdner, James. The houses of Lancaster and York; with the conquest and loss of France. With 5 maps. London, 1874. xiii, 252 pp. [Morris, E. E., editor. Epochs of history.] 16°. 628.4 Gala-days. Dodge, M. A. Boston, 1863. 16°... 517.1 Galama; or, the beggars. De Liefde, J. B. New York [1873]. 8° 520.3 Galaxy, The. Vol. 1, 2, 5-12, 14-20. New York, 1866-75. 17 V. 8° 1428.1 Shelf. No. Galibert, L6on, and Pelle, Clement. Angleterre, Ecosse et Irlande. Paris, 1844. T. 4. 574-}- pp. 69 plates. Map.s. [L'Univers.] 8° 6911.7 Galilei, Galileo. The private life of Galileo. Lon- don, 1870. xi, 307 pp. Portrait. Folded plate. 16° : 5525.2 Gallican church. (See France. History, etc. Galt, John. Annals of the parish, and The Ayr- shire legatees. With memoir of the author 515.11 — The entail 615.9 — Haddad-Ben-Ahab the traveller. {In Johnson, (E.) R. Little classics) 529.4.9 — The provost, and other tales 520.24 — Sir Andrew Wylie of that ilk 515.10 Note. — Gait's novels pertain mostly to middle-class Scotch life. Galton, Francis. The art of travel. 4th edition, enlarged. With woodcuts. London, 1867. vi, 360 pp. 16° 5918.1 Galvanism, Rudimentary treatise on. Harris, Sir W. S. London, 1869. 12° 1715.29 Gambler's, The, fate: a drama. Milner, H. M. NewYork,N.D. 12° 1635.4 Games. Dick, W. B. The American Hoyle. New York Icop. 1864]. 12° 1516.1 — Elliott, A. Out-of-doors: a handbook of games for the playground. London, 1872. 12° 1517.8 Within-doors: a book of games and pastimes for the drawing-room. London, 1872. 16°.... 1517.9 — Smith, C. L. Home games for old and young. Boston, 1873. 12° 1517.2 See also Cards, Whist. Gangooly, Joguth Chunder. Life and religion of the Hindoos. With a sketch of my life and ex- perience. Boston, 1860. xxx, 306 pp. Plate. 12° 1025.13 and 5937.2 Gannett, Ezra Stiles. A memoir. Gannett, W. C. Boston, 1875. 8° 5025.14 Gannett, William Channing. Ezra Stiles Gannett. Unitarian minister in Boston, 1824-1871. A memoir. Boston, 1875. xv, 9-572 pp. Por- trait. Illustrated. 8° 5025.14 Garbett, Edward Lacy. Rudimentary treatise on the principles of design in architecture. 3d edi- tion. London, 1867. viii, 247 pp. Illustrated. 12° 1715.24 Gardening. Brill, F. Farm-gardening and seed- growing. New York [cop. 1872]. 12° 6226.6 — Cobbett, W. The American gardener. New York, 1852. 12° 1528.6 — Fessenden, T. G. The American kitchen gar- dener. New York, 1855. 12° 1524.11 — Henderson, P. Gardening for profit. New York [cop. 1867]. 12° 1514.17 — Hole, S. R. The six of spades: a book about the garden and the gardener. Edinburgh, 1872. Sm. 4° : 6226.5 — Karr, (J. B.) A. A tour round my garden. Lon- don [1874]. 4° 6626.4 — Loudon, J. W. Gardening for ladies. New York, 1847. 12° 6626.9 — Rand, E. S., jr. The window gardener. Boston, 1872. 16° 6626.5 — Roe, E. P. Play and profit in my garden. New York Icop. 1873]. Sm. 8° 1516.13 — Warner, A. B. Gardening by myself. New York, 1872. 12° 6627.2 Miss Tiller's vegetable garden and the money she made by it. New York [cop. 1873]. 12° . . 1518.2 See also Agriculture, Evergreens, Flowers, Fruits, Hedges, Landscape gardening, Vegetation. Gardiner, Margaret, /ormerZy Miss Power, countess of Blessington. Country quarters 319.2 — Marmaduke Herbert 310.3 — Memoirs of a femme de chambre 310.4 — Meredith 330.25 — Strathern 330.26 — Madden, R. R. Literary life and correspondence of. New York, 1855. 2 v. 12° 1223.2 GARDINER 91 GEIKIE Shelf. No. Gardiner, Margaret, continued. — Stoddard, R. H. Personal recollections of. New York, 1875. Sq. 16° 1828.9 Note. — Lady Blessington's tales are societv-novels of inferior merit; but as a Icad'ir of society lierself, she forms a promi- nent figure in accounts of the social and literary life of the first half of this century. See Hall's " Book of memories " [1231.1]; Chorley's Memoirs [5(;iC.14]; and Willis's "Pencil- lings oy the way" [4;50.2]. See also the paper on Lady Blessington and Count D'Orsay in Harper's monthly, vol. 10. Gardiner, Samuel Rawson. The thirty years' war. 1618-48. London, 1874. xxv, 233 pp. Folded map. [Morris, E. E., editor. Epochs of his- tory.] 16° 628.2 Gardner, Celia E. Rich Medway's two loves 714.24 — Stolen waters. [Poem.] New York, 1875. 326 pp. 12° 1625.12 — Tested 714.7 Gardner, Eugene C. Homes and how to make them. Illustrated. Boston, 1874. 314 pp. Sq. 16° 1518.6 — Illustrated homes: a series of papers describing real houses and real people. With illustrations. Boston, 1875. 287 pp. Sq. 16° 6227.3 Gardner, Franklin B. How to paint. For the use of the tradesman, mechanic, farmer [etc.]. New York, 1872. 127 pp. 16° 6429.1 Gardner, John. Longevity: the means of prolong- ing life after middle age. 3d edition, revised and enlarged. Boston, 1875. 191pp. 12°... 6037.4 Gareth and Lynette. [Poem.] Tennyson, A. Bos- ton, 1872. 16° 5617.6 Same, (/ri Ai> Poetical works.) Leipzig, 1872. Sq. 16° 1614.10.7 Garibaldi, Giuseppe. The rule of the monk; or, Rome in the nineteenth century. [Fiction.] New York, 1870. 105 pp. 8° 521.18 Garibaldians, The, in Sicily. Dumas, A. (D.) London, 1861. 16° 828.1 Garland of poetry. The. Kirkland, C. M. New York, 1872. 2v.ini. 12° 921.1 Garnered sheaves. Holland, J. G. New York, 1873. Sq. 16° 1617.2 Garnier, Pierre. Dictionnaire annuel des progr^s des sciences et institutiones medicales. Precede d'une introduction par A. Latour. Troisieme annee, 1866. Paris, 1867. xviii, 523-|- pp. 12° 6016.1 Garratt, Alfred C. Electro-psychology and electro- therapeutics; showing the best methods for the medical uses of electricity. Boston, 1860. 708-l-pp. 8° 6011.1 — Medical electricity. 3d edition, revised and il- lustrated. Philadelphia, 1866. 1103 pp. 8° . 6012.2 Garrett, Edward, pseud. See Mayo, Isabella Fivy. Garrick, David. The Irish widow: a farce. New York, n. D. 24 pp. 12° 1635.5 — Life of. Fitzgerald, P. London, 1868. 2 v. 8°. 5422.8 Note. — The life by Fitzgerald is extended and entertaining, and though carelessly put together, it embodies much new material, and is the best, as well as the latest, and is epito- mized in Harper's monthly, vol. 37. A chapter in Forster's "Life of Goldsmith" [1022.1] first made public much matter concerning Garrick's early career. A sufficient account for the general reader is in Doran's " Their majesties' servants " [1532.2]. Garrison, William Lloyd. Sonnets and other poems. Boston, 1843. 96 pp. 12° 1617.6 Garstangs, The, of Garstang grange. Trollope, T. A 334.21 Gartenlatjbe, Die. 1873. Leipzig, 1873. Illus- trated. L. 4° 1330.2 Gas. Hughes, S. Treatise on gas works. London, 1871. 12° 6438.2 — Magnier, M. D. Manuel de Teolairago au gaz. Paris, 1849. 24° 6439.7 Gas-consumer's guide, The: a hand-book of instruc- tion on the proper management and economical use of gas. With a full description of gas- metres, etc. Boston, 1871. 148 [140] pp. 16°. 6438.3 Gascoyne the sandal-wood trader, Ballantyne, R. M. 923.11 Gaskell, Elizabeth Cleghorn. Cousin Phillis and other tales 328.18 Contents. — Cousin Phillis; Six weeks at Heppenheim; Cuiious, if true; Right at last; The Manchester marriage. Shelf. No. Gaskell, Elizabeth Cleghorn, continued. — Cranford 328.21 — A dark night's work 328.22 — Lizzie Leigh ; and other tales 328.17 — Life of Charlotte Bronte. Leipzig, 1857. 2 v. in 1. Sq. 16° 1238.11 — Same. New York, 1857. 2 v. 1 plate. Por- trait, 12" 1225.29 — Same. London, 1871. viii, 441 pp. 16° 1225.9 — Lois the witch and other tales 328.14 Contents. — Lois the witch ; Thegrey woman ; The doom of the Griffiths ; The half-brothers ; The crooked branch. — Mary Barton 328.23 — The moorland cottage 526.13 — My lady Ludlow 521.17 — North and South. Leipzig, 1855. 428-}- pp. Sq. 16° 328.16 — Right at last, and other tales 736.26 — Ruth 328.15 — Sylvia's lovers 328.20 — Wives and daughters 328.19 Note. — Mrs. Gaskell's novels are examined in the Cornhill magazine, 1874, or no. 1555 of Living age. Gaskell, George. Algeria as it is. London, 1875. xxviii, 327 pp. Sm. 8° 6935.4 Gasparin, Agenor (^^tienne), cumte de. America before Europe. Translated by M. L. Booth. 3d edition. New York, 1862. xi, 419 pp. 12° . . 414.2 — The uprising of a great people: the United States in 1861. Abridged from the French. With appendices. London, 1861. vi, 82 pp. Sm. 8° 817.5 Gassendi, Pierre Gassend, Biography of. Rogers, H. (/n Macaulay, T. B., lord, and others. New biographies of illustrious men) 5428.4 Gastronomy. A book about the table. Jeaffreson, J. C. London, 1875. 2 v. 8° 6432.3 Gates ajar. The. Phelps, E. S 537.9 Gatling guns. Report of the board of officers on Gatling guns of large calibre for flank defence. See United States. Department of war. Ord- nance department. Washington, 1874. 4° 6910.7 Gautier, Hippolyte. Les curiosites de I'exposition universelle de 1867. Avec 6 plans. Paris, 1867. 186-f-pp. 16° 1518.13 Gautier, Theophile. Constantinople. From the French, by R. H. Gould. American edition re- vised. New York, 1875. 363-|- pp. 12° 824.12 — Jean et Jeannette. Paris, 1863. 319-|- pp. 18°. 5536.2 — A winter in Russia. From the French, by M. M. Ripley. New York, 1874. 348-}- pp. 12°. 824.5 and 5915.10 — joint author. The cross of Berny. See Girardin, Delphine Gay de 725.30 Gavin, Antonio. The great red dragon; or the master-key to popery. Boston, 1854. 408 pp. 1 plate. 12° 1226.21 Gay cottage. Bradley, W. 1 918.29 Gaylord, Glance, j9se7/c?. See Bradley, Warren Ives. Gayworthys, The. Whitney, A. D. T 735.8 Gazetteers. Morse, J., and Parish, E. New gazetteer of the Eastern continent. Charles- town, 1802. 8° 432.4 — Thomas, J., and Baldwin, T. Lippincott's pro- nouncing gazetteer. Philadelphia, 1873. 8°. *R.R., B.3.2 Gazza, La, ladra. Rossini, G. (In Ditson, 0,, and CO. Standard opera librettos) 6233.3.3 GEBELTeir. Tudor, W 532.4 Geier-Wally. [Fiction.] Hillern, W. von 521.33 Geikie, Archibald. Life of Sir Roderick I. Murchi- son. Based on his journals and letters. With notices of his scientific contemporaries and a sketch of the rise and growth of palaeozoic ge- ology in Britain. Illustrated with portraits and woodcuts. London, 1875. 2 v. 8° 5333,3 Geikie, James, The great ice age, and its relations to the antiquity of man, London, 1874. xxiii, 575 pp. Illustrated. Maps. 8° 6633.2 jVo]18.Us. — Political rock; Economic rock; Religious rock; Appendix: Tlie mistake of honest democrats; Unionist re- strictions on labour; Three men and three eras ; United States in recent years. Note. —In the view of the author the three especial dangers hanging over the future of England are: "The political su- premacy of the lower classes; The approaching industrial decline of England; The divorce of the intelligence of the country from its religion." Gregorius Thaumaturgus, or Neo-CoBsariensis, St., and others. The works of Gregory Thauma- turgus, Dionysius of Alexandria, and Archelaus. Translated by S. D. F. Salmond. Edinburgh, 1871. vi, 429 pp. [Ante-Nicene Christian library.] 8° 6322.4 Gregorius VII, pope (Hildebrand), Life of. Ville- main, A. F. London, 1874. 2 v. 8° 5522.6 Gregorovius, Ferdinand. Geschichte der Stadt Rom im Mittelalter. Vom v. bis zum xvi. Jahr- hundert. 2te durchgearbeitete Auflage. Stutt- gart, 1869-74. 8 v. 8° 5513.6 GREGOROVIUS 101 GUiLj.:yM:fN Shelf. No. Gregorovius, Ferdinand, continued. — Lucrezia Borgia. Nach Urkunden und Corre- spondenzen ihrer eigenen Zeit. [Also Anhang der Documente.] Band r. Stuttgart, 1874. 329, 140+ pp. Plate. 8^^ 5733.6 Grenville, George Nugent Temple, lord Nugent. Memorials of John Hampden, his party and his times. 4th edition, with a memoir of the writer and a general index. Portraits. London, 1860. Ixxv, 420 pp. Sm. 8° 5426.12 Greville, Charles Cavendish Fulke. The Greville memoirs. A journal of the reigns of George iv and William ly. Edited by H. Reeve. 3d edi- tion. London, 1875. 3 v. 8° 5414.6 — Same, (/n Stoddard, R. H. Bric-k-brac series). 1828.5 Grey, Mrs. The belle of the family 521.26 — Cousin Harry 534.22 — The duke and the cousin 530.5 — The flirt 521.32 — The gipsy's daughter 521.27 — Good society 521.28 — Hyacinthe 521.29 — Lena Cameron 521.30 — Lion-hearted 521.39 — The little beauty 534.23 — The little wife 521.31 — The manoeuvring mother 521.38 — Mary Seaham 521.25 — The old dower house 530.3 — Passion and principle 530.4 — Sybil Lennard 530.2 — The young prima donna 521.34 Gridiron, The. Lover, S. (In Johnson, (E.) R. Little classics) . .\ 529.4.9 Grier, William. The mechanic's calculator; compre- hending principles, rules, and tables in the vari- ous departments of mathematics and mechanics. From the 5th Glasgow edition. Philadelphia, 1842. 308 pp. Plates. 12° 1713.5 Grif. Farjeon, B. L 521.8 Griffin, Gerald. The collegians 517.7 — The duke of Monmouth 5 17.8 — The invasion 517.9 — Mr. Tibbot O'Leary, the curious. (In Johnson, (E.) R. Little classics) 529.4.5 — The rivals, and Tracy's ambition 517.10 — The swans of Lir. (In Johnson, (E.) R. Little classics) 529.4.1 — Tales of the jury room 517.11 — Selections from. See Half hours with Irish authors. New York, 1873. 12° 737.9 No(e. — Most of GriflSn's novels are illustrative of Irish life and character. Griffith Gaunt. Reade, C 527.1 Grimm, Herman. Life of Michael Angelo. Trans- lated with the author's sanction by F. E. Bun- nett. Boston, 1872. 2 v. Portrait. Sm. 8°.. 1022.2 Grindon, Leopold H. Phenomena of plant life. Bos- ton, 1866. 93 pp. 12° 1523.13 Gringo, Harry, pseud. See Wise, Henry Augustus. Grinnell expedition, Second, in search of Sir John Franklin. Kane, E. K. Philadelphia, 1856. 2 V. . 8° 422.2 ^ Same. Hartford, 1871. 8° 5912.4 See also Arctic regions. Griswold, Rufus Wilmot. The female poets of America. With additions by R. H. Stoddard. Revised, enlarged, and continued to the present time. With portraits. New York, 1874. 486+ pp. L. 8° 52H.2 — The poets and poetry of America. With additions by R. H. Stoddard. Revised and enlarged. With portraits. New York, 1873. 666+ pp. L. 8°. 5212.3 Grohman, W. a. Baillie. Tyrol and the Tyrolese: the people and the land, in their social, sporting, and mountaineering aspects. London, 1876. xvi, 278 pp. Illustrated. Sm. 8° 5916.12 Gross, Samuel D., editor. Lives of eminent Ameri- can physicians and surgeons of the 19th century. Philadelphia, 1861. 836pp. Portrait. 8°... 6021.6 Shelf. No. Grote, George. Aristotle. Edited by A. Bain and G.C.Robertson. London, 1872. 2 v. 8°.... 6112.1 — History of Greece. New edition. With portrait and plans. London, 1869. 12 v. 16° 5926.1 — Minor works. With critical remarks on his intel- lectual character, writings, and speeches, by A. Bain. London, 1873. ix, [170] 364 pp. Por- trait. 8° 5633.2 — Plato and other companions of Sokrates. 2d edi- tion. London, 1867. 3 v. 8° 6113.2 — Personal history of. Grote, H. London, 1873. 8°. 5333.1 Grote, Harriet. Personal history of George Grote. 2d edition. London, 1873. xx, 336 pp. Por- trait. Fac-simile. 8° 5333.1 Grotesque. History of caricature and grotesque in literature and art. Wright, T. London [1864]. Sm. 8° 6923.4 Grove, William Robert, and others. The correla- tion and conservation of forces: a series of expo- sitions. With an introduction and brief bio- graphical notices. By E. L. Youmans. New York, 1873. xliii, 438 pp. 12° 1524.26 Grueber, Herbert A. Roman medallions in the British museum. Edited by R. S. Poole. Lon- don, 1874. 154 pp. 66 plates. 8° 613L2 Gruen, Anastasius, pseud. See Auersperg, Anton Alexander, Graf von. Gruener, Louis (Emmanuel). The manufacture of steel. Translated from the French by L. Smith. With an appendix on the Bessemer process in the United States, by the translator. Illus- trated. New York, 1872. 196 pp. 8° 6631.4 Grund, Francis J. The Americans in their moral, social, and political relations. Boston, 1837. 423 pp. 12° 1534.1 — Elements of chemistry, with practical exercises, illustrated by engravings. Boston, 1838. xii, 384 pp. 12° 1717.11 Guardian angel. The. [A novel.] Holmes, 0. W. Boston, 1872. 16° 526.21 Guernsey, Alfred H., and Alden, Henry M. Har- per's pictorial history of the great rebellion. New York [co;j. 1866]. 2 v. F° *R.R., Desk Guernsey, Clara F. Scrub Hollow Sunday school. 913.33 Guerrazzi, Francesco Domenico. Beatrice Cenci. [Fiction.] Translated by L. Monti. New York, 1858. 2v.ini. Portrait. Sm. 8° 716.5 — Isabella Orsini. Translated by L. Monti. New York, 1859. 330 pp. Portrait. 12° 336.9 — Manfred; or, the battle of Benevento. Trans- lated by L. Monti. New York, 1875. 447 pp. 12° 723.17 Guesses at truth. [Discussions, apothegms, etc.] Hare, A. W. and J. C. London, 1871. 16° . . . 1936.1 GuHL, Ernst, and Koner, Wilhelm. The life of the Greeks and Romans, described from antique monuments. Translated from the 3d German edition by F. Hueffer. With 543 woodcuts. New York [London], 1875. ix, 620+ pp. 8°. 5921.9 Guide through the galleries of paintings of the Im- perial museum of the Louvre. Paris, 1857. viii, 732 pp. 12° 5527.2 Guide to needlework, embroidery and Berlin work. [With] 167 illustrations. Boston [1876]. 7-125 pp. 12°.......... 1515.1 Guild, Anne Eliza, joint compiler. Hymns of the ages. See Whitmarsh, Caroline Snowden 1615.5 Guild, Curtis. Over the ocean; or, sights and scenes in foreign lands. Boston, 1873. viii, 558 pp. Sm. 8° 426.20 Guillemin, Amedee. The forces of nature. Trans- lated by Mrs. N. Lockyer; edited, with addi- tions and notes, by J. N. Lockyer. Illustrated. London, 1872. xxxix, 679 pp. L. 8° 1520.1 — The sun. From the French by A. L. Phipson. With illustrations. New York, 1871. 297+ pp. 12° 1714.10 — Wonders of the moon. Translated by Miss M. G. Mead. Edited, with additions, by Maria Mitchell. Illustrated. New York, 1873. 241 pp. [Illustrated library of wonders.] 12° 1714.29 MurmXiO^^iKE 102 HALE Shelf. No, Guillotine, History of the. Croker, J. W. Lon- don, 1853. 16° 5528.6 Guilt and innocence. Schwartz, M. S 531.5 Guinea. See Coomassie. Guise, Henri de Lorraine, due de. See M^rimee, P. Portraits historiques et litteraires. Paris, 1874. 12° 5527.14 GuizoT, Mile. See Witt, Henriette de. GuizoT, Mile. See Witt, Pauline de. Guizot, ]&lisabeth Charlotte Pauline de Meulan. Tales in French. For young persons. 2d edi- tion. Boston, 1835. 163 pp. 12° 2018.1 Guizot, Francois (Pierre Guillaume). Faith and science. (In Noyes, G. R. Collection of theo- logical essays) 6325.12 — Great Christians of France: Saint Louis and Cal- vin. [London, 1869.] vi, 362-|- pp. Illus- trated. [Sunday library.] Sm. 8° 5937.6 — L'histoire de France, depuis les temps les plus recules jusqu'en 1789. Illustre. Paris, 1873- 76. 5 V. L. 8° 5530.2 Contents. — Yo\. I. La Gaule-Charles le Bel, 1328. II. Philippe VI de Valois-Louis XII, 1328-1515. III. Francois I- Henri IV, 1515-1010. IV. Louis Xlll-Louis XIV, 1610-1715. v. Louis xv-Louis XVI, 1715-89. — History of civilization from the fall of the Roman empire to the French revolution. Trans- lated by William Hazlitt. New York, 1876. 4 V. in 2. 12^ 5924.8 — History of France from the earliest times to 1789. Translated by Robert Black. London, 1872. 3 V. Illustrated. S'^ 5510.2 Gulliver's travels. Swift, J. Leipzig 315.8 — Sayne. {In his \NQxks.) London 5611.2.1 Gun, rod, and saddle. Personal experiences. Gil- more, P. London, 1869. Sm. 8° 1514.11 Gun-boat series, The. iSeeFosDiCK, Charles A. Gunnak: a tale of Norse life. Boyesen, H. H 529.3 Gunnery, Instruction in. Benton, J. G. New York, 1862. 8° 6924.1 Gurnet, John Hampden. Chapters from French history. New edition. London, 1870. xiv, 432 pp. 16° 5517.2 GuRNEY, Mary. Mrs. Gurnej^'s apology. In justi- fication of Mrs. 's friendship. Philadel- phia, 1860. 51-|- pp. 8° 1910.3 Gushington, Angelina, pseud. Thoughts on men and things. New York, 1872. 270 pp. 12°.. 1916.4 GusTAVUS I, Vasa, king of Sweden. History of. With extracts from his correspondence. Lon- don, 1852. XV, 312 pp. Portrait. 8° 5723.3 — Gustavus Vasa; or, king and peasant. Nieritz, (C.) G. Philadelphia, 1872. 16° 537.15 Gustavus II, Adolphus, king of Sweden. Gustavus Adolphus in Germany. Trench, R. C. London, 1872. Sm.8° 5717.2 See also Germany, note on Thirty years' war. Guthrie, Thomas. Autobiography. And memoir by his sons D. K. Guthrie and J. C. Guthrie. New York, 1874, 75. 2 v. 8° 5424.12 — The city: its sins .and sorrows. Sermons from Lukexix, 41. And Ragged schools. New York, 1873. 215,264pp. 12° 6327.16 GuTZKow, Carl (Ferdinand). Through night to light. From the German by Mrs. Faber. Leip- zig, 1870. 312-4-pp. Sq. 16° 312.22 GuTZLAFF, Charles. Journal of two voyages along the coast of China, 1831, 32. New York, 1833. xi, 332 pp. 12° 426.13 Guy Carlton. Wise, D 932.34 Guy Deverell. Le Fanu, J. S 314.4 Guy Earlscourt's wife. Fleming, M. A 522.6 Guy Livingstone. Lawrence, G. A 315.22 Guy Mannering. Scott, SirW. Boston 523.16 — Same. Leipzig 324.13 Guy Rivers. Simms, W. G. 716.28 GuYOT, Arnold. The earth and man: lectures on com- parative physical geography, in its relation to the history of mankind. From the French by C. C. Felton. Boston, 1872. 334 pp. Maps. 12°. 1523.15 Gwendoline's harvest. Payn, J 312.24 Shelf. No. Gymnastics. Forrest, G. Handbook of. London, 1864. W 1519.3 — Howard, J. H. Gymnasts and gymnastics. Lon- don, 1873. Sm. 8° 6414.6 Gypsies. Borrow, G. The Zincali; or, an account of the gypsies of Spain. New York, 1869. 8°. 5931.13 — Leland, C. G. The English gypsies and their language. Now York, 1873. Sm. 8° 5438.5 Gypsy Breynton. Phelps, E. S 916.21 Gypsy's cousin Joy. Phelps, E. S 916.22 Gypsy's sowing and reaping. Phelps, E. S 916.20 Gypsy's year at the golden crescent. Phelps, E. S. 916.23 H— family, The. Bremer, F 511.5 Habberton, John, editor. Select British essays. Namely: — — The spectator. (Selected papers.) By Addison and Steele. New York, 1876. Sq. 16° 1919.3 Habitations, The, of man in all ages. Viollet-le- Duc, E. E. Boston, 1876. 8° 6223.5 Habits and men. [Sketches, anecdotes, etc.] Doran, J. W. New York, 1865. 12° 1532.3 Hack, Maria. Stories from English history during the middle ages. Revised by D. M. Smith. London, 1872. 264-|- pp. Illustrated. 16°.. 5418.2 Hackett, John. See Christophers, S. W. Homes of old English writers. London [1874]. Sm. 8°. 5428.16 Hacklaender, Friedrich Wilhelm. Behind the counter. From the German by Mary Howitt. Leipzig, 1868. 367-|- pp. Sq. 16° 311.11 Hactenus. Tupper, M. F. Boston, 1848. 16° 1617.5 Haddad-Ben-Ahab the traveller. Gait, J. (In Johnson, (E.) R. Little classics) 529.4.9 Hadermann, Jeanette R. Against the world 528.3 — Dead men's shoes 533. 15 — Forgiven at last 528.10 Hadley, James. Essays, philological and critical. New York, 1873. vi, 424-|- pp. 8°. 5214.3 — Introduction to Roman law. New York, 1874. 332-4- pp. 16° 6316.2 Haeckel, Ernst Heinrich. History of creation: or the development of the earth and its inhabitants by the action of natural causes. A popular ex- position of the doctrine of evolution. From the German. New York, 1876. 2 v. Illus- trated. Folded map. 12° 6615.5 Haendel, Georg Friedrich. See Handel, Georg Friedrich. Hagarene. Lawrence, G. A. Leipzig 319.29 — Same. New York 711.2 Hagen, (Ernst) August, editor. Kiinstler-Ge- schichten. Leipzig, 1833, 40. 4 v. in 3. 12°. 2026.1 Contents. — \o\. [I.] 1,2. Die Chronik seiner Vaterstadt vom Lorenz Ghiberti. [II.] 3. Die Wunder der Kathrina vou Siena. [III.] 4. Leonhard da Vinci in Mailand. Hahnemann, Samuel (Christian Friedrich). Orga- non of the art of healing. 5th American; trans- - lated from the 5th German edition, by C. Wes- selhoeft. New York, 1876. 244-4- pp. 8° .. .6022.19 Hair, Treatise on the. Perry, B. C. New Bedford, 1859. 12° 1525.4 Hakewell, George. See Christophers, S. W. Homes of old English writers. London [1874]. Sm. 8° 5428.16 Hakluyt society. Publications. Namely: — — Yule, H., editor. Cathay and the way thither; being a collection of medieval notices of China. London, 1866. 2 v. 8° 5923.10 Hale, Edward Everett. (Col. Frederic Ingham.) The children of the public. (In Johnson, (E.) R. Little classics) 529.4.12 — The good time coming; or, our new crusade • 529.7 Note. — A re-issue of " Our new crusade" (published in 1874), with change of title. — His level best, and other stories 738.2 — How to do it 526.17 — If, yes, and perhaps 526.19 — In His name. A story of the Waldenses, seven hundred years ago. 3d edition. Boston, 1874. 87-f.pp. 8° 732.28 — The Ingham papers 526. 16 HALE 103 HALLAM Shelf. No. Hale, Edward Everett, continued. — Kansas and Nebraska. With map. Boston, 1854. 256 pp. 12° 415.2 — The man without a country. {In Johnson, (E.) R. Little classics) 529.4.1 — One hundred years ago. How the [revolution- ary] war began. A series of sketches from original authorities. Boston, 1875. 40 pp. 8^.811.15 — Our new crusade. A temperance story 529.5 — The skeleton in the closet. {In Johnson, (E.) R. Little classics) 529.4.5 — A summer vacation. Four sermons. Boston, 1874. 73 pp. 12" 6328.6 Con/e?!