781 087 Anthr. . i 1 iiiTiiiii III 1 1 ■11 iiiiiiiiiiii B 3 3bb DHS 1 EARLY MIGRATIONS. Japanese Wrecks STKANDED AND PICKED UP ADRIFT IN THE NOETH PACIFIC OCEAN, ETHNOLOGICALLY CONSIDERED. )J7 ? CHARLES WOLCOTTi BROOKS. U "^^oH 't SAN FRANCISCO, CALIFORNIA: Re-printed from the Proceedings of the California Academy of Sciences. 1876. OUTLINE MAP OF THE NORTH PACIFIC OCEAN, Showing the Distribution of Disabled Japanese Junks by Winds and Currents; also Direction of the Kuro Shiwo, or Japanese Warm Stream, as corrected by the Observations and Investigations of Professor George Davidson, U. S. C. S. CALIFORNIA ACADEMY OF SCIENCES. + OAPANESE: WRECKS. o Showing the Distribution of Disi as corpecl CALIFORNIA ACADEMY OF SCIENCES. JAPANESE WRECKS, STRANDED AND PICKED UP ADRIFT IN THE NORTH PACIFIC OCEAN, ETHNOLOGICALLY CONSIDERED, AS Fian-iish.in.g Evidence of a constant infusion, of ?Japan.ese lilood among the (Joast 1'ribes of Northwestern Indians. CHARLES WOLCOTT BROOKS, Member of the California Academy of Sciences; Ex-Consul of Japan for California and Attach^ of the Japanese Embassy to fifteen Treaty Powers, 1871-72-73. Read before the California Academy of Sciences, at their Meeting, March 1st, 1875. SAN FRANCISCO, CALIFORNIA: Printed by the Academy. 187C. ANTHROPOLOGY Lr-^-- m INTRODUCTION. an™rop LIBRARY As nature is a mechanism whose parts are intimately associated, so all vork has its co-laborers. I am indebted to many kind friends for their co-oper- ation and assistance in verifying the particulars of individual cases. The collection, as a whole, is entirely my own, and has been progressing since March, 1853, when at sea off the coast of Japan I first fell in with the water- logged wreck of a junk. In issuing this reprint of a paper published in the Proceedings of the Cali- fornia Academy of Sciences, no one can be more aware than myself, of how much is left undone; but I must in frankness say, that thus far the collection of exact particulars has involved a voluminous correspondence, and been in- dustriously prosecuted, in spite of great difficulties, (often of distance); and had 1 awaited to obtain perfect completeness, this publication would have been indefinitely postponed. By calling attention to material already in hand, I hope other cases may be b'ought to light, and thus a chain of evidence become established, which shall point to hidden laws, underlying the ethnological as well as physical conditions here presented. With each step in the progress of these investigations, I have been deeply impressed how largely this list is capable of being increased, by studious and systematic search through all the ancient literature, relating to countries whose shores are washed by the North Pacific Ocean. In the aim to exercise especial care, where partial discrepancies were found to exist, the version which, after diligent examination, appears to me most reliable, has been adopted. Keports of Japanese wrecks not here enum- erated, or any well authenticated corrections to this list, will, if addressed to Chakles Wolcott Brooks, care of Japanese Consulate, San Francisco, Cali- fornia, be thankfully received, and posted in the official record book, access- ible to all for future reference. Among those whose kind co-operation I take pleasure in acknowledging, are: Their Excellencies the Ministers of Foreign Affairs of Japan; His Excel- lency Kats Ava, H. I. J. M. Minister of Marine; His Excellency Hirobumi Ito, H. I. J. M. Minister of Public Works: Nakahama Manjiro; Fukuzawa Ukitchy, now one of the most advanced literary men of Japan; Yoshinari Hatakeyama, A, M., one of their ripest scholars, and head of the Imperial College at Tokio; and especially to my former colleague and present suc- cessor, Samro Takaki, to whom I am largely indebted for many valuable translations and researches into official records; to Professor George David- son, United States Coast Survey, for reliable information regarding the phys- ical features of the Kuro Shi wo; and to members of the Academy for their kind appreciation of the importance of the work undertaken. C. W. B. San Francisco, Oct. 1, 1876. REPORT OF JAPANESE VESSELS WRECKED IN THE NORTH PACIFIC OCEAN FKOM THE EARLIEST RECORDS TO THE PRESENT TIME. Every junk found adrift or stranded on the coast of North America, or on the Hawaiian or adjacent islands, has on examination proved to be Japanese, and no single instance of any Chinese vessel has ever been reported, nor is any believed to have existed. This may be explained by the existence of theKuro Shi wo, literally " black stream," a gulf stream of warm water, which sweeps northeasterly past Japan toward the Kurile and Aleutian Islands, thence curving around and passing south along the coast of Alaska, Oregon and California. This stream, it is fouad, has swept these junks toward America at an average rate of fully ten miles a day. There also exists an ocean stream of cold water, emerging from the Arctic Ocean, which sets south close in along the eastern coast of Asia. This fully accounts for the absence of Chinese junks on the Pacific, as vessels disabled off their coast would naturally drift southward. A noticeable feature is the large number of disasters on the coast of Japan in the month of January, during which season the strong northeast monsoons blow the wrecks directly off shore into the Kuro Shi wo. The climate of Japan is temperate, with the exception of the extreme north- ern provinces, where intense cold prevails and where snow is abundant; and the extreme southern provinces, whose climate is very warm. About the year 1639 the Japanese Government ordered all junks to be built with open sterns, and large square rudders, unfit for ocean navigation, hoping 8 JAPANESE WRECKS IN THE thereby to keep their jDeojDle isolated within their own islands. Once forced from the coast by stress of weather, these rudders are soon washed away, when the vessels naturally fall off into the trough of the sea, and roll their masts out. The number, of which no record exists, which have thus suffered during the past nineteen centuries niust be very large, probably many thousand vessels. Among Japanese mariners, the fear of being thus blown off their coast, has been an ever-threatening danger; and the memory of such time-honored accidents, is a common feature in the traditions of every seaport settlement along the eastern coast of Japan. By the Government Census, taken in 187-i, the total population of Japan was 33,300,675 souls, and there were 22,670 registered sailing vessels of Jap- anese style, (junks) of from 8 to 383 tons, engaged in the coasting trade. The crews of ordinary trading junks average from eight to twelve men each. In the sixteenth year of the reign of the Emperor Suizin, B. C. 81, merchant ships and ships of war are first spoken of as built in Jaj)an. Under the Shogoon lyemitsu, about 1639, edicts commanded the destruction of all boats built upon any foreign model, and forbade the building of vessels of any size or shape superior to that of the present junk. By the imperial decree of 1637, Japanese who had left their country and been abroad, were not allowed to return, death being the penalty for traveling abroad, studying foreign languages, introducing foreign customs, or believing in Christianity. The Empire of Japan is situated in the northwestern part of the Pacific Ocean, and is composed of four large islands and of a great number of smaller ones. It faces to the northwest the Kingdom of Corea, and is separated from it by the Japan sea. To the northeast the archipelago of Chijima (Kurile Islands) extends towards Kamsehatka. At the southwest the Liu Kiu Islands are situated opposite the Island of Formosa. Its whole length, extending from one end to the other of the empire, meas- ures more than 500 Bis (about 1225 English miles), and its breadth varies from 20 to 60 Bis (about 73% to 146 English miles.) Its total area is 23,740 Square Bis. The sources of information at command have been exceptionally good. During seventeen j^ears, in which I represented the Government of Japan at this port, it has been my pleasure to devote much critical attention to the subject of Japanese wrecks, picked up adrift in the North Pacific Ocean and stranded upon the northwest coast of America and its various outlying islands, and those of the chain extending from Hawaii towards Niphon. Besides keeping a detailed record of all wrecks reported during this period, I have also collected and verified many cases of earlier reports, which although still extant, were likely to be overlooked. In at least 37 of the cases quoted, I have either seen the saved, or received a personal account from those who were themselves witnesses, Hawaiian and Japanese traditions I have myself gathered in those countries. In March, 1860, I took an Indian boy on board the Japanese steam corvette Kanrin-maru, where a comparison of Coast-Indian and pure Japanese words was made at my request, by Fukuzawa Ukitchy, then Admiral's Secretary; NORTH PACIFIC OCEAN. 9 the result of which I prepared for the press, and it was at that time published in the Evening Bulletin, suggesting further linguistic investigation. The following examples submitted for consideration to the Academy, fairly illustrate the subject in its various phases; — 1. In Mr. Hubert H. Bancroft's unparalleled collection of ancient books and valuable manuscripts relating to the early history of the native races of the Pacific States, mention is made of several Japanese vessels reported in some of the Spanish-American ports on the Pacific. In 1617 a Japanese junk belonging to Magome, was at Acapulco. In 1613, June 10th, the British ship Clove, Capt. John Saris, arrived at Nagasaki, having on board one Japanese, picked up from the island of Bantam. 2. "In 1685," w^e read, " the Portuguese tried for the last time to re-es- tablish their trade by sending back a number of shipwrecked Japanese, picked up adrift, to their own country. The Japanese did liot molest them, but strictly prohibited their re-appearance on the Coast of Japan." 3. In 1694, a Japanese junk from Osaka was driven by adverse winds and weather and stranded on the coast of Kamschatka, at the mouth of the river Opala, on the south of Bolschaia Keka. The only survivor was after- wards taken to Moscow. Muller, in his " Voyages from Asia to America," published in 1761, re- marks that when in 1696 the Eussians reported the above, they said: "we have learned of several other instances of Japanese wrecks previously strand- ed on the coast of Kamschatka." 4. In 1710, a Japanese junk was stranded on the coast of Kamschatka, in Kaligirian bay, north of Awatscha. Ten i)ersons landed safely, of which four were killed and six taken captive in an encounter with Kamschadels. Subse- quently four of the captives fell into Russian hands, and one named Sanima, was sent in 1714 to St. Petersburg. 5. On the 8th of July, 1729, a Japanese junk called the Waka-shiina of Satsuma, in distress, after having been driven about at sea for six months, was finally stranded on the coast of Kamschatka, south of Awatscha bay, and 17 of her crew were saved. She was loaded with cotton and silk stuffs, rice and paper; the two latter articles shipped by Matsudaira Osumi-no-kami, (Prince of Satsuma) were government property. A petty Russian officer named Schtinnikovv, desiring to plunder the cargo, had fifteen of the survivors shot; for which crime he was subsequently con- demned and hung. The two remaining, an old merchant named Sosa and a young pilot Gonsa, were sent to Irkutz in 1721, and thence via Tobolsk, they reached St. Petersburg in 1732, where one died in 1736, the other in 1739. 6. In 1782 a Japanese junk was wrecked upon the Aleutian Islands, from which the survivors were taken in one of the Russian-American Com- pany's vessels to the town of Ochotsk, and thence to the inland city of Ir- kutsk. In 1792, the Governor-General of Siberia ordered the transport Cath- erine, then at Ochotsk, to return these men to their native country. The Russian vessel, after wintering in a harbor at the north end of Yeso, pro- ceeded to the port of Hakodate, where the Japanese officials politely but 10 JAPANESE WRECKS IN THE firmly refused to allow their countrymea to land. They were subsequently returned to Siberia. 7. Among items of history mentioned in Japanese records, I find that in October, 1804, a Russian frigate commanded by Capt. Krusenstern, conveying Count Eesanoff, as Ambassador of the Czar, brought back to Nagasaki five Japanese seamen, being. part of a crew of fifteen rescued from a stranded junk; the other ten preferred to remain in Siberia. 8. In 1805, a Japanese junk was wrecked on the coast of Alaska, near Sitka; the seamen were quartered on Japonski Island, whence they were taken by the Russians, and finally landed on the Coast of Yeso in 1806, 9. In 1812, Capt. Ricord, commanding the Russian sloop-of-war Diana, took seven Japanese, six of whom were seamen recently shipwrecked in a junk on the coast of Kamschatka, in the hope of exchanging them for seven captive Russians, confined in Japan. Being unable to land, they were returned to Kamschatka, reaching there October 12th. The Diana made a second attempt, and finally succeeded August 16th, 1813, in landing these Japanese at Kunashie Bay, the 20th Kurile, and eff'ected the liberty of the Russian Capt. Golownin and his associates. 10. In 1813, the Brig Forrester, Captain John Jennings, when in latitude 49^ N,, longitude 1283W., rescued the captain and two seaman from a dis- masted junk, timber laden, when 18 months from Yeso, bound to Niphon. Thirty-five men were on board, of whom thirtj^-two died of hunger. They were delivered to the Russians, who undertook to return them to Japan. 11. Captain Alexander Adams, formerly pilot at Honolulu, relates that March 24, 1815, in latitude 320 45' N., longitude 1260 57' W., when sailing master of brig Forrester, Captain Piggott, and cruising ofi" Santa Barbara, Cal- ifornia, he sighted at sunrise a Japanese junk drifting at the mercy of the winds and waves. Her rudder aud masts were gone. Although blowing a gale, he boarded the junk, and found fourteen dead bodies in the hold, the captain, carpenter, and one seaman alone surviving; took them on board, where by careful nursing they were well in a few days. They were on a V03'- age from Osaka to Yedo, and were 17 months out, having been dismasted in consequence of losing their rudder. 12. In 1820, a junk was cast upon Point Adams, the southern shore of the mouth of Columbia river. The vessel, which was laden with wax, went to pieces, and the crew, many in number, landed safely. 13. A junk was wrecked on Queen Charlotte's Island, in 1831. 14. December 23, 1832, at mid-day, a junk in distress cast anchor near the harbor of Waialua, on the shores of Oahu. She was from a southern port of Japan, bound to Yedo with a cargo of fish; lost her rudder and was dismasted in a gale, since which she had drifted for eleven months. Five out of her crew of nine had died. December 30th, she started for Honolulu, but was stranded on a reef off Barber's Point on the evening of January 1, 1833. The four survivors were taken to Honolulu, where, after remaining eigh- teen months, they were forwarded to Kamschatka, whence they hoped to work their way south through the northern islands of the group into their own country. This junk was about 80 tons burden. According to the tra- NORTH PACIFIC OCEAN. 11 ditions of the islands, several such junks had been wrecked upon Hawaii, before the islands were discovered by Captain Cook. 15, 16. In 1833, a Japanese junk was wrecked on the coast of Washington Territory, in the immediate vicinity of Cape Flattery. Many of her crew had perished, and several dead bodies were found headed up in firkins, in customary Japanese style, ready for burial. Out of 17 persons, the only survivors, two men and a boy, were rescued from the Indians, by the Hudson Bay Company's vessel Lama, Captain McNeal, who took them to England, touching at Honolulu on their way. Thence they proceeded to Canton, where they arrived in 1836, and stopped with Karl Gutzlaff, who learned their language, and intended accompanying them to Japan. In 1837, they left Macao in the American brig Morrison, dispatched by Clarence A. King for Yedo bay, to bear them home. Being fired upon, July 27, and prevented from landing, she sailed for Kagosima, where, being equally unsuccessful, she finally returned with the men to Macao. The Morrison, on whom Samuel W. Williams and Dr. Peter Parker were passengers, also had on board four other Japanese seamen, rescued from a disabled Japanese junk, which had drifted a long time at sea, until finally stranded on the eastern shore of the Philippine Islands, whence the survivors were forwarded to Macao, to be re- turned to Japan. 17. In 1839, a wrecked junk was boarded by Captain Cathcart of the American whale ship James Loper, drifting in latitude 30^ N., longitude 174° W., or about half way between Japan and the Hawaiian Islands. 18. In the Polynesian, October 17, 1840. published at Honolulu, I find: " The Japanese who took passage in the Harlequin remained at Kamschatka under the protection of the Governor awaiting an opportunity of returning to their native country." Note. — In 1834, the brig Harlequin conveyed to Petropaulski from Hon- olulu 18 Japanese taken from wrecks, who had remained 18 months at Hon- olulu. They were finally returned to Japan by Eussian officials. In 1840, Mr. Nathaniel Savory, a native of Massachusetts, residing at Port Lloyd, Bonin Islands, reports a Japanese junk of about 40 tons, laden with dried fish, entered that harbor in distress, having been driven from her course along the coast of Japan through stress of weather, with her jorovisions ex- hausted. They repaired the damage to the junk during that winter, and she sailed in the spring for Japan. Had these islands been uninhabited, this case would have added another to the list of wrecks. 19. In 1841, a fishing junk from the southeast part of Niphon was wrecked on an uninhabited island, where the three survivors remained six months, until taken off by Captain Whitfield, master of the American whale ship John Howland, and brought to Honolulu, where Denzo and Goemon remained, while Nakahama Manjiro went to the United States, and was educated by Captain Whitfield. After being there several years he returned to Honolulu where he found his former companions, and embarked January, 1851, on the Sarah Boyd, Captain Whitmore, bound for Shanghai, taking with them a whale-boat called the Adventure, with a fall rig and outfit. When off the Grand Liu-Kiu, the three Japanese effected a landing and the ship proceeded without stopping. Hence they finally reached Kiushiu and Nagasaki, in the 12 JAPANESE WRECKS IN THE junk which bears the annual tribute money from Liu-Kiu to Japan. Man- jiro afterwards translated Bowditch's Navigator into Japanese, and visited San Francisco as sailing-master of the Japanese steam corvette Kanrin-mara, which arrived there March 17th, 1860. 20. In 1815, the United States Frigate St. Louis took from Mexico to Ning- po, in China, three shipwreck Japanese, being survivors of the crew of a junk which had drifted from the coast of Japan, entirely' across the Pacific Ocean, and finally stranded on the coast of Mexico, where they remained two years. The Chinese authorities were willing to receive these men and return them to their native country by their annual junk, which sails from Cheefoo to Naga- saki; but the Japanese objected to their landing, owing to the law of 1637. In 184:5, the JajJanese authorities informed Sir Edward Belcher, command- ing H.B.S. Samarang, that they would not receive returned Japanese from abroad, but "had sent a junk-full back to the Emperor of Chiua," to whose country they had gone to obtain return passages by the annual junk permitted from Cheefoo to Nagasaki. The above leads to the inference that the Saniarang may have had shipw^recked Japanese seamen on board. 21. In 1845, April 1st, Captain Mercator Cooper, of Sag Harbor, when in the American whale ship Manhattan, rescued eleven shipwrecked Japanese mariners from St. Peters, a small island lying a few degrees southeast of Nip- hon, and took them to Yedo Bay, where they were received undt;r exception. Captain Cooper is also reported to have fallen in with a sinking junk, from which he rescued as many more Japanese seamen. [See Dr. C. F. Winslow's account in Friend of Februarj^ 2d, 1846.] 22. In 1847, a French whaleship while cruising off Stapleton Island, sighted a fire-signal on the shore, and sent a boat to the relief of five Japanese sailors, who were in a helpless plight; the only survivors of a crew, whose dis- abled junk lay stranded on the beach of a small bay. Later, about 1853, a party of officers from the U. S. steam frigate Susquehanna landed and sur- veyed this wreck, which they then described as " still partly kept together by large nails of coiaper, and portions of sheets of metal. Her planks, fastened together at the edge, were but little rubbed or decayed." 23. In 1847, April 21st, the Bremen ship Otahelte, Captain Weitung, when in lat. 35^ N., long. 156^ E., fell in with a Japanese junk in distress, which had lost her rudder and had been driven off the coast of Japan in a gale No- vember, 1846, and had drifted five months. Took off the crew, consisting of nine men, also six tons of wax. She was about 80 tons burden and chiefly lad- en with paper belonging to Osaka, and bound north. Captain Weitung kept them on board four weeks, and May 19th, 1847, put them on board a junk in the Straits of Matsmai. [See Polynesian, October 17, 1847, and Friend, Dec- ember 2, 1847.] 24. In 1848, Captain Cox of New London, Conn., picked up fifteen of twenty Japanese seamen from a disabled junk in lat. 40° N., long. 170^ W., and kept them on board six months during a cruise in the Ochotsk sea, and finally landed them at Lahaina, where they remained six or eight months. 25. In 1850, during the autumn, S. Sentharo, Toro and J. Heco — the lat- ter then aged 13 years — left Osaka in a junk for Yedo. After discharging and reloading they started to return via Woragawa. After leaving the latter NORTH PACIFIC OCEAN. 13 place their rudder was disabled and they lost their mast and drifted out to sea. riTty days later the wreck was fallen in with by the American bark Auk- l(i)id, Captain Jennings, who took off and brought the crew of 17 persons to San Francisco, in February, 1851. They were quartered on board the U. S. revenue cutter, and cared for by order of the Collector of the Port. Our citi- zens generally took much interest in them. The Japanese were subsequently embarked on the U. S. sloop *S'^. Mary's and conveyed to Hongkong, where 15 were transferred to the U. S. steamer Susquehanna to await the arrival of Commodore Perry and his expedition. Heco and the second mate, Toro, re- turned to San Francisco on the bark Sarah Hooper, reaching there in the autumn of 1852. Sentharo returned with Kev. Mr. Goble, from San Fran- cisco to Japan, and also Toro returned in the American bark MelUa to Hako- date from San Francisco, via Honolulu, April 19, 1859. Toro was for a while clerk with Wells, Fargo & Co., and Joseph Heco, clerk with Macondray & Co. Heco was subsequently appointed for duty on the United States Surveying Schooner Fennimore Cooper, about 1858-59, and left her at Honolulu, on account of sickness, but finally returned to Yedo, on the United States steamer Mississippi. [See Evening Bulletin, June, 1862.] 26. In 1850, April 22d, in lat. 450 N. long. 155° E., the American whale ship Henry Kneeland, Clark, master, fell in with a Japanese junk having 13 persons on board. The vessel left Yedo for Kuno, but lost her rudder and was dismasted; then drifted to sea, and had been at the mercy of the winds and currents for sixty-six days, during forty of which they had subsisted on fish and snow water. The Captain and two seamen came to Honolulu on the H. K.; two of the crew were transferred to the Marengo; six were taken to Petropaulski and taken charge of by the Kussian authorities, and two came to Honolulu by the Nimrod. [See Friend, October 15, 1850; also Friend, November], 1850.] Note. — In 1851, by Japanese records I find that five Japanese seamen from Honolulu via China arrived at Nagasaki — probably the above. 27. In 1851, a Japanese junk was cast away upon Atka Island, and only three of the crew survived. 28. In 1852, April 15th, in lat. 31o N., long. 150O E., about 300 miles N. N. E. of Guam, Captain "West, in the American whaleship Isaac Howland, fell in with a .small Japanese junk in ballast. The four men on board had but a little oil to sustain life, and were much emaciated. Their tiller was lashed, and the vessel having been forty-nine days out of their reckoning, the crew had given themselves up to die. Two of these men Captain West took to the Atlantic States, and two were transferred to an American whaler about to cruise in the vicinity of the Japanese Islands. 29. In March, 1853, the American ship John Gilpin, Captain Doane, passed a water-logged wreck of a junk, her deck awash with the water, in lat. 18° — ' N., long. 1453 — ' E., just beyond Pagan and Origan Islands. Large numbers of fish were around the wreck. There were no survivors on board. She had every appearance of having been a very long time in the water. 30. In 1853, Captain C. M. Scammon discovered the wreck of a Japanese junk, on the southwest or largest of the San Bonito grouj) of Islands, off 14 JAPANESE WRECKS IN THE Lower California, in lat. 28CN., long. 1160 W., and near Cedros Island. [See Alta, April 22, I860.] Her planks were fastened together on the edges with spikes or bolts of a flat shape, with all of the head on one side. The seams were not quite straight, although the workmanship otherwise was good. That portion of the ^^*reckin sight, was principally the bottom of the vessel, and gave evidence of having been a long time on shore. [Extract from Captain Scammon's log.] 31. In 1854, August 14th, just after Commodore Perry's departure, the American ship Lady Pierce, Captain Burrows, arrived at Simoda from San Francisco via Honolulu June 2, 1854. She returned Diyonoske to Japan, who was the sole survivor of a crew of fifteen men, and was picked off from a drifting junk near the Hawaiian Islands, after being seven months helpless at sea. He had resided some time in San Francisco. 32. In 1855, Captain Brooks, in American brig Leverett, which arrived her from Ayai), Siberia. November 29th, picked up an abandoned junk in lat. 420 N., long. 170^ W., about 900 miles from the American Coast. 33. In 1856, the American bark Messenger Bird, Captain Homer, reported a disabled junk at Guam, Ladrone Islands. 34. In 1856, Captain Jno. C. Lawton, in the brig Prince de Joinville, while getting guano at Cedros and adjacent islands, reported a Japanese wreck, seen near Magdalena Bay. 35. In 1858, the U.S. surveying schooner Fennlmore Cooper, Lieut. John M. Brooke, U.S.N, commanding, sailed from Honolulu for a cruise along the chain of islands extending thence towards Japan. He had on board a Japan- ese seaman named Marsa-Kitchi, whom he landed at Kanagawa. The junk from which this man was taken, was disabled at sea while engaged in the coasting trade, and her crew were forced to put her before the wind, heading to the eastward, a direction in which they were forced against their will. To drevent drifting too rapidly, they lowered their anchor in the open sea to act as a drag, paying out their full length of cable, and thus allowed it to remain until it finally parted. 36. Ina858, May 19th, the British ship Caribean, when in lat. 43- 40' N., long. 171^ E., about 1,600 miles from the coast of Japan, fell in with a dis- masted junk, which had carried away her rudder, and had been about five months floating helplessly at sea. The captain, mate and ten seamen were rescued and brought to San Francisco, where they arrived June 7, 1858. They were cared for by Captain Winchester, who took them in the Carihean to Vancouver Island, whence he was bound for China, but having met a Brit- ish war vessel off Japan, the rescued men were transferred to her, and thus lauded at a Japanese port. The junk was loaded with barley and rice, and barnacles two feet long were reported found upon the wreck. The British Government presented £400 to Captain Winchester as a reward and in reimbursement of his necessary outlays. 37. In 1859, the bark ^1 RB 17-50m-3,'70 (N5381sl0)4188-A-32 General Library University of California Berkeley RETURN TO the circulation desk of ar University of California Library or to the NORTHERN REGIONAL LIBRARY FACILITY BIdg. 400, Richmond Field Station University of California Richmond, CA 94804-4698 ALL BOOKS MAY BE RECALLED AFTER 7 DA • 2-month loans may be renewed by ca (510)642-6753 • 1-year loans may be recharged by brii books to NRLF • Renewals and recharges may be mad days prior to due date, DUE AS STAMPED BELOW AN 8 20r 12.000(11/95) h