% \ ^ ^ UC-NRLF r 71 .niiiiiiilliHIllI B 3 flifl SMO P -J /I JOHN SALTER MARINER BY WIII.IAM ril'.lUTS SALTKR MCMBRII OV TMK PX'I'KHKCt.L rAMILV ASMJCIMION, TIIK Si THK SOKS or THB KKVOLVTION, AND THE NAVAL ORUBK nr rtir unitid statrs Ctrtum volo f^t^ fiiuni rni I. Ah Kir II i a JOHN UK. II LANDS 16 Norih Klevcnth St. M CM. C^7/ Edition Limited to T'wo Hundred Copies DORNAN, PRINTER PHILADELPHIA ILLUSTRATIONS PEPPERRELL House Fro>Hisf>wce LIEUT.-GEN. Sir WII.I.IAM PEPPERRELL hMme. ?o Hon. John frost, commandinp H.B.M. Frigate £ia-jr J " 36 Mary Pepperrell-Frost-Colman-Prescott " js M'^lJirjfm .101 1\ SALTKli. MAKlNKi;, Tin: Lomlon (irtiphir s;iy-; : " Tlio wirliest n-conl of llio Siiltors ( 'oiiipaiiy U a thnil ilat<'«l tho sc'vcnti'i'iitli year i)f Kiclinnl II. (13!>4), ^rantinj; Hwn.HO to the ('Dinpany <>f Saltors to Im' a ijuiM or fraternity in Imnor of 'tin- I^wly of our I^>nl Jesus Christ in the Chiireh of All Saints, oommoniy callwl AllhaUows, Broad Street.' " AI>out half a eentnry hit«'r Thomas Heaiitnond, an eminent eiti/en, h'ft the t>«)ni|iany their first hall, and ap|>ointeerty to the D'liijions ImmIv exflii>ivrlv ; hnt it was any were identical.' "On the fi-tti^t of the patron s:iint the l>roth«r> and BWten* of the <-onipany met, and, aftir varions religions •erviiv*, high nuuw, pntconHionM, etc., dinelu'rilTs ()f X(ti- wieh. In 1G05 John Salter was mayor of Norwich. In 1GG3 tlie charter wa.s renewed hy CharU's II., and John Salter wiws one of the twenty-four aldfrinen who were a|)pointpd. He tiled Xoveinher 20, lljGO, a^cd seventy- seven years, and was luiried in the f'hureh of St. An«lrew. Hridijet, wife of Mathew Salter, died ])r<<'inl)er M, 1G7(), aj;iKl forty-two years. She was internd in the Church of St. Ethelre«l, and from her tonil) is copied the following (juaint epitaj)!) : " Tho tlead yet dear Tho dead yet dear to me Dead is her body Dear her momorie." It is dttiihtless from some of the foregoing persons that theSjiIters in this coimtry are descended. If Mrs. Bridget was, as is positively jisserted, the mother of twenty-two children, it was no wonder that some of them wanted to leave. In Kn;;land at tlic present time the name, though not common, is still considerahly met with in certain Im-alitics, esjM'cially in the vicinity of Norfolk. In .Vmeriai there are stn'enil ilintinct fannlie> of the name, wlwne arrival dates hack to the latter part of the seventeenth century. The ilejHMMiclantsof .lojm Salter, who settled at Odiorne'H Point, N. If., and Kichard Salter, the «'arly settler in Monmouth County, New Jers<«y, have Ihimi tin- most prominent iti |H>i(it of nmnhers, as well jis the most con- spicuous in HK'ial anain(' ti» each of her four chililnii — Marv, John, Sarah, and l>avid. David Salter, in his will, April 11. li'.tl'.t, made his widow, Sarah Salter, sole legatee, I iit no trace of John Salter can he fonnd in the English records, and it is (juite possihle that with the money received hy the will dateer cent, of the population died and emigration was .«;topjM>d. \\ ar-danci> were regularh" held cverv si-ason, hut kiss- ing and ki.s.sing gjimes were nnkniwii and unheard of in New IIamp>hire until Martin I'ring, in June, 1.'{, jwiiled ten miles up the Piscatatjua in tlu' ship Speedwell, fifty tons, and hark Discoverer, twentv-six tons, carry- ing forty-tiiree meu. He did not see anv Indian girls, if his log-|>k can be trn.xtcd, l»ut Samuel de ( hamjtlain luiuled July 15, 1605, at Odiorne's Point, the Plymouth K'M^k of New Hampshire, and f«>und sjivagcs of all kinds. They drew for him a map of the adjacent e(»asts. After Champhiin <-ame Captain .lohn Smith, in IHI 4, who ehri.Hteiied the n»uiitry '* New Kngland," rcferre(> the name of .John Salter appears for L]'!-"). John Frost reeeived f25 ansin^ njind and niemory do make and ordain this tn l>e iny last Will and Testament. I reeonunend my soul into the hands of Go«l hopini: for salivation and happiness in and throngh themcrey of Jesiis Christ and niv ImmIv I commit to the earth to he hnrird in a de<'ent manner l»y my executor hereafter named. And touching my wi»rldly estate I ^ive jh'inise and tlisposc thereof in mannner followinj; I will and order that my just dehts and funenil <'har^e8 Ih" paid in convenient time after my deeeu.>*e hy my Kx- wiitor I jfive nnti> my Ii«lov««l \\ ife Amy the sum of Twenty- five |M>uiu).4. I also give her one <*<)W, ami all the swine 12 JOHN SALTER, MARINER. I shall have at the time of my death and all the provisions that shall be in my house at that time. Also all my beds and bedding and household furniture, all the aforesaid to be at her own disposal. I also give her the interest of all the money I shall leave, debts and funeral charges being paid during the time she shall continue my widow. I also give her the use and improvement of the new end of my dwelling house during the time aforesaid and I will and order that the principal sum aforesaid be equally divided among ray children upon the death of my wife, or upon her marrying again which shall first happen. I give and devise unto my son Richard and my son Titus the sum of five shillings each. I give unto my grandson John Randall ten pounds. I given unto my daughters Mary Mace, Elizabeth Ruby, Charity Leach, Margery Hall, Martha Sanborn, and Sarah Sloper the sum of five shillings each. I will and order that my two acres of Salt Marsh at Little harbor so called, lying near salt marsh of James Clarkson Esq and also my two oxen be sold by my Exec. as soon as may be after my decease and that out of the money that shall be raised thereby ten pounds be paid unto my grandson John Salter, a son of my son Alex. Salter deceased and to whom I give ten pounds, and three pounds fifteen shillings unto Mary Salter and three pounds fifteen shillings unto Lucy Salter daughter of my son Alex. Salter deceased to whom I give three pounds fifteen shillings each. I give and demise that tract of land at Rye where I now live containing about thirty acres which I bought of one Joseph Morrell with the buildings thereon unto my grandson Alex. Salter son of my son Alex Salter de- ceased and unto his heirs and assigns forever if he shall JOHN SALTKK, M A K 1 N K K . lo arrive unto the a^e of twinty-one years, but if he shall not arrivi' at that a^e, I give ami devise the same unto my grautlson .Inhii SaltiT hefore mentioned and nnte my hist will and testametjt. In testimony whereof I have hereunto set my haml and seal the day and year first alM)ve written .lollN Sai/fku \Vitne«s«?s AlJNKi; ( ol.K JolI.N .J<)NF>* John .J« ).>!■>* Jit. Matiikw LivKiiMoiir. If John SalliT, f)f Kyo, gent., u<'rc a«lvani-e«l in years in 1752, when his S4>n Richard was forty-thret*, he mu^t have 14 JOHN SALTER, MARINER. been born as early as 1672, at Odiorne's Point. There should be some record in Exeter to show what year he bought the farm of thirty acres left to his grandson, Alexander Salter, eight years old (named after his father), in Rye, where he died November 14, 1801, aged fifty- seven. In the North Church records there is a baptism of John, son of John and Martha Salter, October 4, 1730. Martha had probably died before the will was made. A daughter had died, as a grandson, John Randall, receives ten pounds. Nine children are remembered in the will. Amy was the second wife, and probably young, as she was to have the use of the mansion until she married again. Ebenezer Sanborn, born July 25, 1712, married in June, 1740, Martha, named after the first wife. Titus Salter, the executor, did good service in the Revolution. In 1765 a petition for a light-house at Odiorne's Point was signed by Titus Salter, Richard Salter, and John Salter, and they were requested to re- port on the estimated cost. Four days after the fight at Bunker Hill, June 21, 1775, the schooner Ann, owned by Titus Salter, was seized by H. B. M. ship Scar- borough, but on October 2d Captain Titus Salter retali- ated and seized the ship Prince George, bound to Boston with 1892 barrels of flour for General Gage's army. The farmers made good soldiers, but it was left to the priva- teers and the few armed boats in the na\'y to supply the hungry soldiers with food and clothing intercepted en route to Boston. General Washington was very much pleased with Titus Salter for his capture of flour, even if it were fifty miles away from camp, and wrote William Whipple to send him 1200 barrels. The name of William Whipple appears JOHN S A I, r i: K , M A K I N 1 i: . I o on tlio (tiilv tllc of linston papers nf tlii> pciiiul in the LtMJox Lilmiry. •lamiary .">, 177<>, C'apfain Titiis Salter was instructed to enlist ninety men for tlie garrison of Fort Washington, ami also to order every one «)n the Isles of Shoals to leave. The ('oMHuittie of Safety in I'xt'ter, .Inly 8, 177!>, ap- |)ointiHl Titus Salter captain of the arnieil sliij) llninjxhn iti the PtMiohscot expedition. In 17S;}, at the end of the war, the thaid0, ronewetl the contract with Alexander Hamilton, Secretary of the Treasury, to erect and maintain a light-house at the entrance to I'ortsmonth hari)or. Titus Salter was horn in Oitoher, 172'J. He died Sep- temher 2n, 17J»S. He marrietl Kli/aheth IJiekfonl, July 11, 1745. •Mexander Salter, referred to, was on (he niii.»ter-roll of Captain Fnineis Locke's comjtanv, .lulv 'J, 171<), at Fort M illiamand Mary. His son, Alexander, was mnstereie volunteers, com- mandetl by Colonel .John I^ngdon in the expeviii<'<\" < >iir <;nintliin>tlu'r was then fiftifii years old. Haniiai) W'ciitworth at «li(Tt'ront times luul all these dates engraved on the hottoin of her lari;e silver waiter for the henelit of Kli/.al>eth's t;ninilchildreii : C'liii I'KiN oi- liuiiAUit Sai.tki: AM) Klizakkth Odiornk. Eliz;iln'th licini .liiK It IT-l'Jdifd 177'J Marrifd Kichard Mill< Hit (lauiihtor Anne niiirried Moses Copp. .John Itoiii 173") died an infant Mrhilahle Uorn 17;>S Marri.-.l I>ra«'l Tilthits and had 3 ehiidreil And .lohn Monlton and iiad J ihildren .K)hn and Nahhy. John l)..rn Nov 14 1740 Titus His Hon Titus married Ahij^ail Krost. His jjrand.Hoii .lohn Lake .^alter niurriod four times. William not married Captain of the hri;; NN'illiani in 17»)8 liii-hard Married Kli/alieth Avres and Kli/;iheth Tuesihdl. Harriet C Salter s:iid that when she was a jj;irl she went with her mother to the fnneral of the first wife, who was Jifty-fonr and I'ncle Riehard ahont sixty. After the services her mother told Betsy Tuesdull, then ahont fifty, she wotdd make a pxxl wife for Unide liichanl, and in tlie eours«> of a yi*ar they were married. In th»' North l)nnk'in|^-j^n)und are the stones to tiie memory of lHi/.;ilMth, wife of Captain Uichard Salter, diel)its refers to his many voyages before this dat<> as a master of vessels. John Salter writes Lane, Son tV Fraser that he sailo, 1775, from Newhuryport in the ship Cri.tin, iMMind to Antigua, and two days later he was fired upon l)V II. 1>. M. ship Live/t/ and taken t<» Boston. " My whip lies with her airgo in lur yet and what will he done with it 1 cannot write at present. I am kept here, and not permitted to go home nor proceed on my voyage: I have not heanl from Col Hoyr more than a dozen other islands of various sizes, addiiiir much to the beauty of the water landstajM^ as vi«'\v«Ml from various points. As seen from the Auburn Cemetery, the most pronunent is Salter's Island, a hand- some swell of land, on which is a house sitting very pleasantly in the basin on the east, near Fnune's Point, where the Newcastle bridge eonnivts with Portsmouth. It was for manv vears the n^sidenci' of ( 'aptain John Salter, niarin»T, uhi.di'-d in isl I. nt the .ti/e t.f -.•\.-.niv years. " Captain Salter was engjigeil in furuign i-ommeree before the Revolution. He onw left this |)ort for Kngland on a vej»rtel in which was a large number of Imxes of 8{)anish 20 JOHN SALTER, MARINER. dollars. Encountering a storm about Christmas time, he was driven on the rocks at the mouth of the Kennebec River. His vessel was gotten off somewhat damaged, and he went into a neighboring harbor, where he was compelled to remain until March. During all this time he was unable to send a communication to or receive a word from Portsmouth, and no notice of the disaster was received there until the vessel arrived at London. At that time there was no communication along the coast except such as was made by vessels. One event in the early life of Captain Salter, although not of much importance, shows his calculating cast when a boy. A stranger of some show and bluster one day called at Frame's Point, and, desirous of visiting New Castle, asked the boy to row him down. Nothing was said about pay, and so the young ferryman, to test his liberality, landed him on Goat Island on the way. The man supposing, as the boy wished he should, that he had reached New Castle, jumped on shore. Bowing to the lad, he said, as he ascended the beach, '' I shall pay you when we meet in town some day." The boat was put off speedily. The stranger looking around soon discovered himself the sole inhabitant of the little island, and called, ''Young man, come back!" The cautious boatman, however, with a " Perhaps we shall meet in town some day," left him, a Robinson Crusoe on his Juan Fernandez. In June, 1787, John Salter and Richard S. Tibbits signed a petition to the General Court complaining of the duties on imports. On December 10, 1799, John Salter signed another petition to incorporate St. John's Lodge in Portsmouth. Captain Salter built the house in Wash- ington Street, Portsmouth, where he lived many years. In the Cotton burying-ground are monuments to the JOHN S A L T K R , MAUI N I : R . 21 memory of .lolm Sultt-r, :ii;('«l scvcnty-tlireo Vf;irs, and Jaiu" Saltrr, aLrrpari'ntly had a lovor in the ( 'niitiiimtal Army in tlu' siege of Bt>ston, in 1775, and ki'j>t one letter fnmi him in the family Rii)l('. Jane was eighteen, and her sister Dorothy sixteen. Samnel Haven was expeetetl to forwjinl letters from Clarissa to Lysiinder. As we hear no inoreai>out I'hiladel})hia militia armed with toma- hawks, we fear that Lysander must have been killed in the Revolution. .lane Frost did not seem disposed to marrv at tlii- [icriod of the war. She certainly had no interest in dohn Salter, who was livini; on his farm at Salter's Island, close to her home in Xcw Castle. John Salter lost his wife in 177<>, anst be<"ame the third wife of .lolm Salter, and Don>thy married James .lewelt. New Castle wa.s the s<'ene of the tirst important ajigres- sive armetl action of the Revolutionary patriots. liefore Paul Revere — the ori;;inal Roii^h Rider — made his famous ride to L^'xin^ton and ( 'on<-ord, he had taken a much loup-r our, if not so celebrated. Dei-cinber 13, 1771, he nnle express from lloston to Portsmouth, di'j«|»;itchert and car- ried off one liundrtnl barrels of gunpowder. Most of it waa u.h;ht sixteen <>:innon. Ly.santler writes, July 2«>th, when Gage was in com- 22 JOHN SALTER MARINER. mand in Boston and expecting the flour that Titus Salter seized in the Prince George (the "base wretches" were probably the officers in the New Castle fort) : To Miss Jenny Frost In Newcastle My last was committed to the care of a worthy Clergy- man and I hope got safe to hand but not a word from Clarissa yet ! Why may not Lysander be gratified with intelligence how and where she and the lovely Lucinda (her sister D) have spent these last 2 months. Can they be taken up so much with their last winters acquaintance, their minds so much engrossed with the Company and Conversation of their new friends as to forget and neglect their former ones ? However amiable these Gentlemen may be in their private Character Heaven forbid any Daughter of America should treat them with even com- mon civility so long as their professed design of being here is the unnatural unrighteous and disgraceful Business they are now upon ; but if you are yet at your own Home you will say your situation is peculiarly difficult, that there must be a free Complaisance even to such base Wretches. I acknowledge it my lovely friends and can say no more ; the Ladies I know will raise many scruples about writing to the Gentlemen but can there be any im- propriety in an epistolary Correspondence with One who has been as it were of your own family and whom you have so long honour'd with your acquaintance but perhaps the most material Objection will be the unsteadiness of my Abode ; by way of reply would say I generally leave word at the place I leave where I expect to make my next Stage and I doubt not but any letter so directed to me would find me. A letter left with Mr. Saml Haven I should hope to receive. I perceive that the Curiosity of JUIIN SAl/lKK, MARINKR. 23 many Ladies hius s<) far oven'omr the timitlity s«» natiinil to your Si'X as to iiultur thorn to visit tlu' Army, Imt tilings art' in sncli a confiisM state as to afford hardly any Acconuu(Klations. We have nothing; very special, iuit I will j^ive yon the princi|Mil news. One Company of riflemen consisting of 107 who left I'cnnsylvania the 1st ins arrived yesterday. \\'hat I ohserved p«'cidiar in them I shall just mention viz their fnx-k with a kind of ('ape, their Indian Sto<'kinpj ii.sinj; a Tomahawk and not a IJayonet anil their ritle gun. We iiad a Regular come in who desertcersons in the Almshouse. .{Oof them so bad as not to be able to be mov'd, that (iage wants to be rid of them and will furnish water carriage for their removal. Application Iuls been made with success for the Salem Hospital and I suj)pii.-e after obtaining the a|)probation of the (len. Court they will be transported there. Have ju-it been to Corporal Frost's Tent and found him retail- ing a little of the goinl creauture to chear the spirits of liis fellow soldiers. He had just receiv'd a Letter from his Sinter Nabby and told me they were all well ; d(K>s the txlucation of the Youth still go on ".' what is become of my 8ue*"eHsor ? is the plan of my former agreeable re.si- denee entirely fon. Wee on th«' {Kinule before day and some Nights to lie on their arms but wc have iiad no alarm. 24 JOHN SALTER, MARINER, Children of Captain John Salter, Mariner. John, born January 20, 1779 ; died February 25, 1781 (infant). Joseph March, born April 18, 1781 ; died October, 1837. Married Sarah Frost March 3, 1806. His son Joseph was in the Navy, and died in Columbus, Miss. Dorothy, born August 29, 1782 ; died in 1853. Mar- ried John Frost October 30, 1826. Elizabeth, born June 22, 1784 ; died October 24, 1808 (buried in Cotton burying-ground). Married W. H. Wilkins. William, born January 23, 1787 ; died September 25, 1849 (buried in Cotton burying-ground). Married Mary Ewen. They had five children : William, Mary, Ben- jamin, Frances, and Charles. John, born July 5, 1788 ; died January 10, 1858. Married Sarah Tibbits. Maria Jane, born June 20, 1790. Married Samuel Cushman, member of Congress from New Hampshire. Sarah Ann, born February 6, 1 794 ; died, unmarried, in Portsmouth, October 18, 1876. Benjamin Salter, born April 6, 1792, in Washington Street, Portsmouth. He attended the academy opened by Ilev\ Timothy Aldeu, Jr., in 1806, and at an exhibi- tion, September 23, 1807, he gave a Greek oration. Harriet C. Tibbits appears on the programme as Leonora in '' The Little Needle-woman," and as the Shop-girl Nancy in " Mrs. Dumford, the Milliner." On the same programme are the names of Hall J. Tibbits, Sarah Tib- bits, Dorothy Salter, and the three sisters, Elizabeth, Maria Jane, and Sarah Ann. Benjamin Salter went to J O n S S A L T K K , M A K 1 N K K . 2') Exctor Aauleiny, i^niduattHl at Howdoin Coliegt' iu IHI 1, anil tnivt'lK'tl in Eiiropo in 1X15. Hr rotiinu'd al)()iit Cliristinas with a lot of toys lie had bought on s|M'<-nhi- tion. I'ht' followinLT vcar he went into business with his hrotht'i* William in FavcttcvilK-, X. ('. The lirni was oui' of the tirst in the eountrv to ship eotton to Europe. For awhile he was President of the United Slates Branch Hank at Fayctteville. Iveturning to New York in 182o, his name appears as one of the founders of tiie Chureh of the Messiah. He was married August 23, 1821, by Hev. Nathan I'arker, to Harriet Chase Tibbits, and went in a chaise on a bridal tour to Exeter. liater in the season he starleil for l-'ayetteville, and was a month driving there. Mails wer«' slow in those days, and on one (x'casioii a ship arrived in the night bringing him information that cotton had risen. 'J'he next morning he rushed f)Ut before break- fast and bought all the cotton in town. P.rnjamin Salter r S, IHoS. Harriet Tibbits S;ilter tlied in New York November 1, 1872. (Jeorge Salter dietl in Washington, August 15, 181)5. They were all biirit d in the I'ortsmouth ( 'emctcrw Cim.DRF.N OK nK.N.IAMI.S SaLTKU AM> HaKKIKT TimuTs Saltki:. Mary, married by Kev. Orville Hewey. P. 1>., < >ctober 29, 18 lo, t.. Uichnnl (J. Porter. Jane, niarrieil by liev. Samuel ()sgoo.I>.. Ni.vtin- l>er 22, 185 1, to Samuel W. Thomas. (Jeoi^e, married by Rev. Samuel <)sgd, 1>. !>.. .lan- uary 14, 1H5H, to Mar)- E. Ke<'ler. Caroline, nmrrit^l to Mareelo M. I)elgado. Ajirii 22, 1861. 26 JOHN SALTER, MARINER. William, married by Rev. Henry AV. Bellows, D.D., May 18, 1872, to Georgianua Harrison. Harriet, married by Rev. O. B Frothingham, Feb- ruary 26, 1875, to J. Freeman Howard. Albert, married June 21, 1877, by Bishop Niles, of New Hampshire, to Frances Philbrook. Three children died in infancy : William and Frances, each fourteen months old, buried in Cotton Cemetery, and Harriet, fourteen days old, buried in the Hudson Street Cemetery, New York. Grandchildren of Benjamin Salter and Harriet Chase Tibbits, Frank Porter, married Emma Hobart and Ida Stow. Harry Porter, married Virginia Raney. Edward Porter, married Josie Wakefield. Elizabeth Porter, married George Ruge. William Porter, married Effie Walker. Richard Porter. Rodman Porter, died January 18, 1881. Frank Thomas, married Estelle Claremont. Robert Thomas, married Mary Fletcher and Louise Shaw. Agnes Thomas, married Wilmot Townsend. Wesley Bray Salter, ^ Jasper Colton Salter, V children of George Salter. Mabel C. Salter, j Huldah Jenness Salter, daughter of Albert Salter. May Florence Salter, daughter of William T. Salter, died July 13, 1886. P K P P K R R K L L . 27 CJkka r(;i;AM'< iiii.DiiKN ok Bkn-Jamin Sai.iki: am> IlAUIJItrr ClIASK TlBHITW. CliiKirfii of Frank I'ori* r : IMimmd Hol)art, Frances luHlinai), aixl Marietta. (liiKlrtn of Harry I'ortt-r : Harriet Fraiurs, Mary Tibhits, Virjjinia IvJiiioy, Ilichanl, f^lizahotli Lamar, and (iillHTt lUxlmaii. CliiMreii of Fdwanl I'orttr : Ftliel, KtluanI JJaniard, .lo-sephine, and lOlcanor Wakefield. C'|jildrein)f Klizaheth Porter linire : Ilernian, Karncst, h^lwiii Weed, and ( >liv»'. Children of William Porter : Mary, Richard, Walker, an<'ila. Children of Aj^nes Thomas Townsend : Snsana Bell and Janet Salter. ( hildren of Knhert 'riiorna> : N'ir-^Mnia Fletcher, Kuhy Lonise, and Ruth. PKPPl.RKl.LL. Kverett Pe|)|x;rell Wheeler sjjys : "Colonel Pe|)|)errell, a nativoof Devonshire, P'n^land, \v:lh left an orphan at an early aj;e, withont resources of aov kind except his own indomitahle eounij^e. lie came frvm Kn^^land dnrin^ the rt?i^;n of William an«l Mary, and was apprentice*! to the (*:iptain of a ti-^hin^ schoon(>r ciu|)Ioye«l on the coast of Newfoniulland. When he finishnl \\\» term of service he t4M>k tip his alM»de on the I»le« of Shoals, at that time inhaliited liy tishermen, who souj^ht them» lonely isles for security from the Indiana, and who found in their adventurous trade the means of 28 JOHN SALTER, MARINER. earning a livelihood, and in one instance at least the means of acquiring the beginnings of a fortune. ''The Colonel had three sisters probably with him at the Shoals, which had a population at one time of six hun- dred, supported an able minister, and sent two delegates to the General Court of Massachusetts. ''After the Colonel married and settled at Kittery, about 1680, a garrison house was erected and maintained at the Point, to which families might resort when threatened by sudden assaults from Indians, and as early as 1700 a fort was erected which went by his name. Colonel Church, in 1704, had orders to send his sick and wounded to Pep- perrell's Fort. In 1714 the province of Massachusetts made Kittery Point a port of entry, and erected a fort, with six guns. Pepperrell had command of this fort, also a company of militia, and rose to the rank of Lieu- tenant-Colonel." Maegery Bray. Kittery obtained a charter in 1647, and about 1660 John Bray, ship-builder from Plymouth, County of Devon, England, arrived at the Piscataqua, bringing with him his wife, Joanna, and his daughter, Margery, a year old. King Philip's war broke out in 1675, and on the re- turn of peace John Bray was able to extend his business upon a large and lucrative scale. Ship-building, which he followed during a long life, was an early and an ex- tensive branch of industry on the Piscataqua. It was rendered particularly profitable by the policy of the home government which favored ship-building more than any other trade, insomuch that the ship carpenters on the Col. William Pepperrell r K r V K K K K L L . 29 Tliaiiu's compIaiiuHl in 1721 that tlu'ir Imsiiu'ss was hurt ttiitl thfir \V(»rkiiK'ii eini^rattil, cansnl hy th<> Imilditii; nf so many vessels in New Knphuul. Marijery haerreirs letters to his cjiptains are written in a gixxl haml : • PaseatiUjua 1 day May 1 7 !"_' John \'cimard you hceing now master of ye sloupe Mirnim now riding in ve harhor of I*as<'ata»iua hy Otxl's grace hound to Antego my t)nler is for you to imhrace ye first fare wind ( Jod shall s«'n«l and siiile dereetly for Ant«'go and heing thare arrive*! my onler is ft)r you to adres your selfe to Mr Anthony Mountert) and to him deleavre my letters and giMxls." " ( 'ojiey of this 1 reed which hy (nni's assistance I iutend to follow." Sign«* much regretted. As she lived a life of faith and constant obedience to the Crospol, so she died with great inward peace and conifort, and the most <'heerfid n^ignation to the will of (Jod," Colonel IVpperrell held the otlice of Justice of the Peace from 1690 to 172o. In 171") he and Charles Frost were appointed .Tiidges of the Court of Common Phais. Augu.st lounds. His two sons, .Andrew and William, carried on the !umlH>r business, lus ap|>ears by the h'tter of Major-Genenil Hnidstn'ct. tJovernor of Newfound- land, who dii>il ill Nfw ^'nrk in 177t. 32 JOHN SALTER, MARINER. St John May 29, 1748 Dear Sir This is the first oppertunity which has offerd this spring for New England wch I embrace with great pleasure ; first to assure you of my sincere regards as also to let you see I hold my good friend always in remem- brance. The two letters you wrote me from Louisburg last fall 1 rec'd and fully answered in a few days after wch no doubt you have rec'd. As to publick news shall not troble you with any as what we have hear is of no shorter time than the beginning of April which no doubt you must have had. We look for the ffleet in every day from England. On the 24 inst brocke out a fire in this Town which has consumed to the value of twenty thousand pounds sterling and had not the wind favor'd us greatly the whole town must have been Burnt Down ; if Brother Andrew has any Lumber Vessels he cannot send them here in a better time than this for their is not any in the Harbor and is greatly wanted. I am at work watching the motion of the ffrench on the North part of this Island where they carry on a fishery I am not without hopes of ouer having a trick at them this summer if they come their. I suppose now you will be quite easey with regard to the affairs of your regiment as you are so greatly better' d in your Liut.-Colo. I hope you have had a plesent winter and that your Lady Pepperrell and family have injoyd perfect health. My wife has been as bad as any person could be for this two months past but thank God she is recovering and joins with me in our sincer com- plements to you and your Lady and family. I am with the greatest sincerity and regard sir your Most Obedtand most humble Servt Jno Bradstreet. The Honble Sir Willm Pepperrell Bart. Mir. Rr;i. Pernerrell FROST 33 NKIH) LAS FHOST. Ni I'rost was horn al»oiit loSo, in Tiverton, Devonsliiiv, Kiii;lan»l, and wlu-n forty-Hvo years old marrie«l Hertlia Cailwalla, ai^ed twenty years. They arrivtd at Litth' Ilarhor in Jnne, HJ.'>1, and l!IIiot, .Maine, in KJ.'^tJ. Xichohis I'nist was a fanner, t'sttcnied a triistwt»rthy, ju<>, l(i;51, n-- et'ived the hoinestratl and live hnmln-d acres of land. The howling of wolves aronnd his father's cahin was ins evcnlnjj entertainment, and from the neighhoring hill- top hi- niornini; vision eonld survey the cnrlini; smoke arisinj; from the numerous Imlian viilaj^eson the trihntary stream of the Piseatacjna. The savaije yell and war- whoop awakened no fearful throhhings in liis youthful iieart, hut rather s<^rved to enkindle a zeal for (hiring and lieroie achi<'vements. He early evinced a fondness for military exereisM-ttM, he was chosen to represent it at the (Jenerui (.'oiirt in 1058, when he was twenty-six years of age. He hehl the oftioo five years, and in \(WJ he was smmande ^iveii and the house was surrounded l»v sjiva;x«'^i who were tinally driven off. .lohu escjiped wond<'rfullv, as the record says, returning; from church, at the age of six- teen years, when his father was killed. When he wa.s twenty-one years of a^e he fell in love with the heantifid dauii;hter t>f ( 'olonel I'epperrell. He was married hy the Kev. Joseph Hammond, Septemher 4, 1702, t») Mary on her seventeenth hirthday, and they had seventeen chil- dren. John Frost «ommanded H. I'». .M. friirate Efhrord in 17n!». He afterward pursued the profe.s,si((n of a mer- chant iu New Castle, wIktc he soon ros<' to eminenee, h«'lil a hiu'h rank, Iwcame wealthy, was tnneh »listin^nishey onier of (teorjje 11.. the sjime year as .lotham < >dioruc. .Vt a criuncil held in l'ort.>^mouth .July lo, 1717, Cap- tain John Frost, in command of the ship lionettti I'inck, complaineij of a pinite called Ar (irauil^ two hnndnHl and tifty tons htirden, earryinj; twenty jruns and one hundre«■ marricil in thirtv days from this date." riie news of the eaptun- of Litiiislmr;; had rrathe«l IV>ston two days before, and a irtMicrai illumination took place. Mary Pepperrell Frost had heen a witlow thir- teen years, and was now sixty years ohl, twelve years younger than Parson Coleman. They were married by ilev. Joseph Sewall, I>. 1>.. Au^'ust FJ, 174'). Dr. C'olman, the first pastor of the IJnittle Street ( hnreh was »tne of the most distiuijuished ministers in New Fnj;- land. In hi:;h iiitelUn'tual ridtivation he had hut few etjuals. To nature as well as to culture he was indelit«Kl for a most graceful antl winnini; manner and pleasing address, which constituted one of his most distinguishing a<-complishmcnts. Horn in l>ost»>n ()ctol)er 19, l(j7;t, graduated at llarvanl at nineteen, he spent four years in ]»ndon, where he was ordaineil August 4, 1609, and at once returned to Boston and coinmcnci'uial times, when they (x-eupietl a nuich higiuT |MHi- tion in j»olitieal life than they do nr»w. His colleague says : " The music of hi>< voi<-e, the pmpriety of \uh accent, and the decency of his gestures showeil him one 38 JOHN" SALTER, MARINER. of the most graceful speakers of the age. He composed with great rapidity aud elegance, and his pre-eminent talents in this respect were in constant requisition to draft letters and addresses from the churches to the General Court, the King and his ministers." He married in 1700, when he was twenty-seven years old, Jane Clark, aged thirty-one years. Later he married Sarah. Sarali had her trunks filled with spoons, and must have been the most fascinating woman in Boston. Her charms of person or purse were such that she was irresistible. Born September 15, 1672, Sarah married at twenty-three William Harris, treasurer of the Brattle Street Church, a rich and influential merchant. After his death, in 1721, Sarah married the Hon. and Rev. John Leverett, Presi- dent of Harvard, a widower. After the death of the President, the Hon. John Clarke appeared, and he was united to Sarah, then forty-three, by Parson Colman. John died, .and Sarah, though a year older than the parson, captured him. Sarah died April 24, 1744, aged seventy-one. Parson Colman lived only two years after his third marriage, dying August 29, 1747, aged seventy- four. On October 6, 1748, his widow married, for the third time. Judge Benjamin Prescott, and became step- mother to her son William, and her relatives for years after talked about the chests of silver-plate from the parsonage, contributed at so many weddings, that all went to Danvers never to return. Lieutenant-Geueral Pepperrell, who died July 6, 1759, visited his sister at her home on his return from Boston in the spring of 1759. Our grandmother died April 18, 1766, aged eighty. Mary Pepperroll-Froit-Colman-Prescott FKOST. 39 ('lIll.DHKN OF .loIlN I'lioyr AND MaUV I 'r.l'i'KIIUI.M . Mar^tTV, hin'ii I'cltniars' I, 17th, tlaii^htiT of lu'v. Iicnjatiiiu IVcscott, wlm married his niotluT < )ct(>l)t'r 0, 17 is. dolm, l)oni May TJ, 1701* ; married Sarah ( Icrri-^li. Charles, horn Atiirn-t 27, 1710 ; married doaniia daek- soii and Sarah daeksoii. Mary, Ixirii Aiimist 10, 1711 ; dieil in iiifani-y. Sandi, horn I'\'hrnarv 1, 171.". ; mairied K'.v. .IkImi lUnnt, of Now Castle. Miirv, horn J'\'hriiarv hi, 1711 ; dit ; not married. (ieor^e, horn .Vpril 2il, 1720; married an IjiL'lish woman, and second wife Widow Smith, of I)nrlKun. Samuel, horn Ani:iist 1!>, 1721 ; died in infaney. IJenjanun, horn .May 15, 172"> ; died in infaney. .lane, horn .May 1'), 1725; marrit-d Andrew W'atkins. Miriam, horn < )etoher S, 1722; married Klliot Frost and .Mexander Kaitt. Marv, horn didv 2, 172(J ; die«l in infaney. I)orothv, horn .Vu^ust 21, 1727 ; marrinl ( aptain ClifTt.rd, of Salenj. (Note. — Three infants named .Mary died.) Jolin Alhee says liev. .luhn I'dunt married into a notahle family, whose name has heen hoiionihl y a.HritKMate*l with New Castle from ahoiit 17()0. .Mai.\ cliililrt'ii Itoni in l\iion Lawronre canif to tliis ronntrv with his fatlur in 163o, and die. Hi' nuirrinl, ()ctol)or 25, |t!'il. Lydia, ninetifn wars old, dan^ditrr of Saniiicl NN'ri^hl, onr of the first sottU-rs in the ('(>nntfti«-ut X'allev, at Sprin^tield, and the M ri^ht sort of a wife fi)r colonial days, when every man tk his pun tochiirrh and sat at the foot of the i>ew rcaily to nish to the do(»r when the <;uards j>osted outside iiave the alarm. I\lder Krewster could preach and pray, luit never hesitiited a moment when it liei-.ime neeess;iry to po on Indian c5im|Kiii:ns and tiirht I he sava;^os. It was only a ixty-foiir, Decemher 17, ]C,UU. Her father had l»ecn kilhtl liy the Indians at Northfield in 1«>7"». and tui ( )etolM'r 'M, KITS, Lydia married John Nort«m. < )n •lanuary 7, HJHS, she married Jolui I*;iml», and on March I, 1692, it was (Ici^rj^ Colton's op|M)rtunity, and he hud rdi>is for sevf'U years, until Fehruary l'-\, \*VM\ and then for ten months Lyrtl, wImti' slu* dictl, .luly \'>, 1S1:», apnl eij^lily- iiinr. ClIlIKKEN OK .losKl'll Fi;nv|- .\m> M A1:< J A ItKT OjLTON. Mariran't, Itoni l)icfinl)('r S, 1717 ; Au-A in ISO'). Marrietl John NN'oiitworth and .lolm W'aldntii. .Iost>j>li, horn May :{. 174;> ; died in l.s;J<>. .M:mi.d Sarah Siini)st)n. (iconic, l)orn NovcniluT -\, 17')0; dii'd in 1808. Married Al)iirail I ''ell. Marv. Ixtrii .lamiarv '_'!», 17",:! ; died in ISl'.t. Married Strpinn Clia-f. Miriam, hnrii I'fliniarv 11, 17.")") ; dii-d in 17.")»). .lane, Iidiii Mali li 17, 17.')7 ; died in 18;',7. Marriid .Iol>n Saitt-r. I>iin»tliv, horn |-\hrnarv 1^7, 17")'.» ; diid in 1838. Married dames Jewett. Saniiiel, horn . January '2~ , 17 two years old when her father died, was the last survivor of a lar^ family. She and Ahipiil Frost lived toijcther many yt ars in the I*leas:int Street House, (»p|Misite the hill. ll arr.iiij^'-d wnu Ai^':,.i.>. Not havinfr a navy ' ' !:_: -^l to buy our sailors back. It <• irt aLM>ut a million • 1 liar- to do it, and an annual tribute of twenty -two t]i<»ur»a.nd dollars to Algiers. Then O--, — and by a majority of two ordered th< twenty other gunUiats. Our naval war with Kranoe la-t.-l from Mav 2«, 1798, to Februarv .;, 1801. TIJJBITS. LlElTE-VANT RlCHAHD SaLTEr' TiBBITS, U. S. XaVV. Israel Tlbbits caune from Ix>ndon to Portsmouth, and married, in 1759, Mehitable Salter, then twenty-one year>» old. - '■ 1 in tlu . . ..._ ,,...- Tween South and New Castle Streets. >I liad three Sarah, ■ May 1' . ... ; ll:r ..; . . died in 1771, an hin. us an appre«ti«*. The liattle of l^exingtOD was 46 JOHN SALTER, MARINER. fought in 1775, and on September 6th Captain Salter and his nephew sailed away from Newburyport in the ship Crisis, and were captured. Tibbits then made a successful cruise in a privateer. Later he was captured in the Aurora, June 14, 1780, and committed to Old Mill Prison, Plymouth. July 10, 1781, after a year in prison, he writes for money : " I am as yet a minor'and an apprentice to my worthy kinsman and uncle, Mr. John Salter, mariner, and many years master of different vessels from and belonging to Mr. George Boyd, merchant, late of Portsmouth. Many were consigned to your house, the latter particularly named the Fidelity, and was sold after having discharged her cargo in London, from whence, in consequence, my uncle and self returned home as passengers. " In order to acquire a due experience, sufficient to qualify me in the business of my profession, that of a mariner, by and with the advice and consent of my kinsman and tutor, I left home in a letter-of-marque brig called the Aurora, under the command of Mr. Samuel Gerrish, which vessel was captured on her way to the West India Islands by one of H. B. M. frigates bound home, in consequence of which it hath been my ill fortune to be brought to this place. Previous to my leaving home the voyage before this, in which I was captured, my uncle was pleased to make provision for my relief in case of capture, in his having furnished me with a bill upon your house, which, having no occasion for, I re- turned him on my arrival at home after a safe and pros- perous voyage. My coming with Captain Gerrish only admitted of a small delay." Tibbits while in prison kept a log-book filled with problems in geometry and navigation, also copies of his TIM HITS. 17 li'tt< rs. August 5, ITcSl, lu' writi's Sanili r>iix«'ll, near S»'h(>t)l-lu»iiso Ltuu', RatflifT lligliway, LitiKlun, for tin* adtlrrssof CJi'Drm.' Ilavd, late mcrrliaiit of I'ort-'iiittutli, l»iit iiow liviiii: ill London. Alllioiigli l»iit niiu'tt'cn, lit* sivs : " Dear .Miss liii.voll : Tlw ainMciil friciilii|» that has snhsi.stetl ht'twei'ii yon and myself has indneed ine to take the liberty to address a few lines to y(»n, as yonr'father's Christian natui' has eseaped my memory, to a«i|naint you ami your father of my being at j)resent eonlined in this plaee. There is no prospet't at pro.scnt of being relea.seect of redemption than the day I was brought here ; my distrens incnases with my time in captivity, for when first imprisoneits, who was my tut(»r in Mill Prison, was going as one of the mates, anh cr»iis«'rs at this time kept a sharp lookout among the \\ e.^t India Islands for the Yankees, and as we went out of the bav we dis4'lf behind a |>oint of land. She a|)|K'aretI to Ih' in rather n careless situation iintil we had got so far from the liarlxir 4 50 JOHN SALTER, MARINER. that she could intercept our retreat. She then began to make sail and gave us chase. We had a fresh breeze and were running almost before the wind ; the masts and spars of each vessel would about bear all we could crowd upon them. It was an eventful period with us, for we saw that she was determined to come up with us, and we had every reason to believe she was an enemy, and that she had too many guns for us. I presume there never was a fairer chase. I do not now record the distance from Guadaloupe to Montserrat, but be it more or less she chased us from one island even into the harbor of the other. The chase continued from 8 or 9 in the morning until 3 or 4 p.m. '' Our pursuer was the brig Bee, mounting sixteen guns, and reputed a very fast sailer. She was within a mile of us when the chase began, and after having chased us several hours a heavy squall in which she was obliged to douse a considerable number of her sails, brought her within forty rods, yet she did not fire a gun. We had as many hands — eighteen — as was necessary to work our vessel, and I question whether there was ever a vessel worked in a more masterly manner. The same squall which struck the Bee in turn struck us also, but we having had opportunity to observe its weight and effect upon the privateer were better prepared for it. We being in complete readiness, every man having a perfect knowl- edge of his business, we took in our studding-sails, clewed up our top-gallant sails and let run our topsails, jib, and staysails, and immediately commenced setting them again. Tiie Scorpion now left the Bee as fast as the Bee had gained on the Scorpion in the time of the squall. The Bee, notwithstanding, hurriedly continued even into the harbor of Montserrat. The Bee kept French colors flying TIBUITS. ol iluriiii^ the wiiolo oliasi', luit I am not ctMtaiii \\Ii«tlnr we sliowt'tl any o)l(»rs. Wt- ran as mar tlic slntiv as we (Ian <1, and let p> an anchor. Slu" caino within a hnntlrctl yanis of ns, hove shiji, anil haih-d n-;. ^\'hile laving umh'ronr stern, hroadsiile to, she had oj»j)ortnnitv to have done us eonsiderahle injjiry by rakin;; us ; hut her roni- mander had the luunanity and jjonerosity to refrain from injuriui; us exeept to fri^^hten us, and more speeially the Freneh j>ih»t and his boat's erew, who by this time had p)t on board and seein;; the lUe hiyini: broadside to us, her port- up and iruus out, were in expectation of receiving a broadside, Siune of them juujpcd l)ch)\v ann acoompli.Hhcil her object. Our Captain Tibbits and three others continu(Hl on board the Srarpinn, which was after- wanl cast away, l)ut I Indieve no lives were lost. Thir- teen of us wen? put on bosird the Amphion, and two weeks later we arriveard the ship Lydin, comnuuuhtl by ray old friend 52 JOHN SALTER, MARINER. Captain R. S. Tibbits, bound to North Carolina, then to Lisbon. '^ Nothing nncommon occurred until we made the land on the coast of Portugal. We stood along the coast under easy sail ; it being toward night we did not wish to ap- proach very near the land. The weather was very pleasant and the wind light. " The Algerines at this time were committing depre- dations on our commerce. It was but little before this that Captain O'Brien had been taken, who, with his crew, were in slavery among them a number of years. We were in some fear of them and kept a bright lookout. I had gone below at 12 o'clock and turned in, but was not yet asleep. I thought I heard the distant sound of a human voice ; the captain was on deck and busy in talk- ing. I heard the sound again, and began to feel alarmed, and was turning out, but discovered that they heard the sound on deck and were listening and looking out. The sound neared us fast. All hands were immediately on deck. There was now no question but the sound was from an Algerine galley, which was by this time within fifty yards of us. She hailed in several different lan- guages, and Captain Tibbits having the helm, there being plenty of work for every one else, gave them indirect answers. Never were people more alarmed than we were now. Never did a crew make sail quicker ; we set our top-gallant sails, hauling our wind a little, and got out our studding-sails, etc., and by this time our pursuer was within twenty yards of us. She feigned herself in distress, and designed thereby to decoy us. She had laid under the land without having any sail set, and by that means could not be discovered by us before night ; while at the same time she could very plainly discover us, and, having TIHHITS. 53 discovered how we were standing, shaped her coni'se to athwart our fore f«iot, as the siiih)r woiihl sjiy, Imt she heiui; to ht'ward was ohlip'd to th-peiid ii|h>ii her oars. She Imd desi^ueil no douht to have hoanh-d ii>, Imt when she sjiw that we were liki'ly to shoot hy her eiuh-avored to deeoy us. Slie did not show a rai; of sail until she had eoni|)lcte!y ^'ained onr wake, and then l)ci,'an a chase with a full press of sail, lint our ship heini; an e.\«'ellent .Siiiler we soon he^^an to leave her, and thus hy the nu'rey of Gtxl we escaped capture and slavery. She i)on ant! had to j;(» to St. I'l)es for the remainder, and were with a nnmhcr of other vessels convoyed off the coast hy a Portuguese frijiate," The Lydin arrived safely in America with liercarj^ of sjilt, and Sherhuriu', who had heen tau^iit to write in Plymouth Prison hy Tihhits, opened a s<1um)1 for hoys on the Saco Kiver, fifty-tivo niih's from Portsmouth, in •laiuiary, 17S»;. Hr says in his Memoirs: " Had I had n<»t heen drawn or rarrie*! throuijh the distrcKsin^ scenes whit, of the Kevolu- tionary Army, was calletl to the chair. In SoptendxT, '54 fOB% S^LTZe, JLJLZISZ^, .%» one ftHmlf«d aertr k>>v > M^wadk^ ia K , ^ tf» the Xew Haatpe^iier a»KK Ij'jf '» re»t tfesw is A9iiis*ie(t, 17WK I» A ■ _■ ,-- -.,—-" IT, ... --, f _ . ->.- rt moAs >? 9nKVB» oc nKfyrp»iatt>r>«. ■ ' ' '■•'* jprocfci M ig^ Sfcw- ':r, awl all tktr in AfyriJ, ! _-.. . : -jnwtjh TicaiflM aa^ Pr ' X«Nr BrvagBviek; aa^ aM(db«r iteualb»Mir Cf> K«« V ' ; -' I tiwk aa offMirtrautr t» vint the ^ > '^ 'jffHgKile t» wUdb fe wti lj Isr tia-. . /«rwy. I yaHi0«d «» with a load 9i humhsr, wihodb «a» es- dbaa^«d f«ir |Madb«o«»«ri'?*^- Ir, J-t't **i*!-t -JBrfrWp ia .faeiC>»=-^ T5«T 'ibWt'!: TIBBIT9. fth Tibhit* (lieil in 1^21); Captain Shm-kforrl wan taken down with t}i«' f»'%'«'r aii'I ■ ■ At I'ort At • the raptain went - lenire of tl«> nmn» was one of tin- first offufT>s *f\w\v*\ for the new navy of the Unite*! States. He had Ix^n ' * ' il*rr>ad,ar * - i . . .1 .,?a all hi» life, and wan I a ver\ <>T. Me ent«r»d tlw? ?»»*rvioe l^ecember 5, 17IJM, during the war with France. .I-.liii Alif.i-. who waM then I*r»-te him fonr ilayn later : ** The Pn-i'I'tit of the I'nitr"*! Stat^-^ hy .ind with th<- advice and wnin^nt of the S*;nate, has a{){>ointed you a I,^ •- -. Kit in the Navy of the UniterJ .States. You will ini re|jair on Ikkih! the ^hip PortMm/iuih, cornrnande*! by Daniel .MeNVill." The PoHnnotUh, twenty-f - ■ -, built in I*ortj*mouth, carrie«l .1 r-rew of two hui 1 twenty men. I^ieut«'nant Til»l»it- di»ii in ' ' '' 'i, In r)i f IMJI. Ilr inarri'-d Sarah Fro- 7, 17m7. uncle, John Salter, marrierl her stater, Jane Froat, No- v.tM»»*>r 1, 1783. Sarah Fro-t Tibbif*, ^ho » Inn- 11, 17»i*i, liver! for many yi-an* in I'lea»ui I'orti^moiith, where she die*! January 4, 18.*>2. (in ti sheet of pa|ier that had been s<>nt to R. 8. 1 tli-n- !- ■«ipief »li.stin^uished i)eople, viz.. Cardinal McCli>skey, (tenenil John A. Dix, Admiral Sy Ivanus W. Ginlon, Genenil Kufus Saxton, Thurlow Weed, Cyrus W. Field, Stewart Brown, Mos<'s Taylor, aiieth Tibbit.s marrie»l, May 27, 18.'J7, her cousin, John L , son of Titus Salter. She had four children : John, Kllen, Abi«;ail, and William. She died Oetol)er lo, 1S71. John L. Salter, born May 21, ISO*;, in Portsmouth, dieer 2, 1892. He married his >e««>nd wife, Mary Jane Hall, ( )ctober 7, 187'>. She dieil February *», 1S77. Captain Salter then marriet, and now livj's in I^wrenceville, Illinois. He marrietl Mary Ellen Ilolcomb, July 2, 1807. She dietl October 23, 58 JOHN SALTER, MARINER. 1891. On April 23, 1893, he married Lilian Mary Thompson. W. T. Salter has had ten children : John Henry, married Rose Robinson. Florence May, married Fred. Cook. Elizabeth Tibbits, married Warren B. Kilgore. Sarah Adeline, married John B. Stout. Clara Lonise, Mary Frances, William Rymond, Stanley Wal- lace, George Everett, Georgie Ellen. 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