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Flamborough Head, which lies about eighteen miles southward of Scarborough, and four and a half miles northward of Burlington, is one of the most remarkable promontories on the eastern coast. It projects about five miles into the sea, from a line drawn between Burlington Quay and Filey ; and its southern side forms the northern boundary of BurUngton Bay. The cliffs, which are of limestone rock, are from three hundred to four hundred feet high, and their crumbling sides form the haunt and the breeding place of innumerable flocks of sea-birds : among which are cormorants, puffins, razor-bills, and guillemots, with gulls and terns of several species. Guillemots, which are here extremely numerous, are known to the seamen of Shields and Newcastle by the name of " J"lamborough-head pilots," as their presence in considerable numbers is almost a certain indication of the ship being "off the Head." Great numbers of those feathered denizens of the cliff are killed every year by '' parties of pleasure," from Burlington, Scarborough, and other places, who \'isit the " Head " for the sake of indulging in the heartless sport, which requires neither skill nor courage, of killing birds by wholesale. At the foot of the cliff, w^hich to the north-west is much indented, there are several caverns and large insulated masses of rock. The largest of those caverns, called Kobert Lyth's Hole, has two openings, the one communicating with the land and the other exposed to the sea. The roof, though low at the landward entrance, is in some places fifty feet high ; and the view, looking through the rocky vault towards the sea, is extremely grand. Flamborough Head, which is a most important land-mark for vessels navigating the eastern coast, lies in 54° 8' nonh lautude ; longitude 2' 30" west. A revolving light is displayed from the lighthouse from sunset to sunrise, and presents, first the appearance of two lights on the same tower, and next a brilliant red light Each of those lights appears at intervals of two minutes ; and after gradually attaining their greatest lustre, tliey in the same manner decline and become eclipsed. FLAMBOEOUGH HEAD. Betweeri Flamborougli Head and Burlington Quay, is situated Burlington Bay- a secure roadstead in north-east gales ; and, during tlie prevalence of such winds, it is not unusual for three hundred ships to be riding there at the same time, sheltered from the violence of the wind and sea by the lofty promontory. On the south-east, the Bay is partially sheltered from the violence of the sea by the Smithwick Sands, which run nearly in a line with the coast, from Burlington Quay to Flamborough Head. At each extremity of those sands there is a channel leading into the Bay ; that towards the Head is called the North Sea ; and the other, towards Burling- ton, the South Sea. Though the Smithwick Sands effectually break the violence of the sea at low water, yet at high water, when they are covered to a considerable depth, the protection wliich they afford, in gales of wind from the south-eastward, is not to be depended on. Vessels, therefore, leave the Bay as soon as the wind changes to east or south-east, as it no longer affords them sufficient security ; the protection of the Smithwick Sands not being equivalent to the risk of the lee- shore, to which they would be exposed in a gale from the south-east. Were the harbour of Burlington, which is situated to the westward of the Bay, enlarged and deepened, its importance, as a place of refuge for vessels compelled to leave the Bay from the wind changing to the eastward, would be very greatly increased. Could it be so enlarged as to admit one himdred vessels, of from 200 to 300 tons each, it would, with the Bay, afford a place of refuge in all storms from north-east to south- east, which are generally the most destructive on the eufetera coaat. t3 SCARBOROUGH. In this view of Scarborougb, by Harding, which is taken from the southward, the most conspicuous object is the Lighthouse on the Old Pier, or, as it is some- times called, Vincent's Pier, from the name of the engineer, by whom the outer portion was erected about the year 1750. Beyond tue pier are seen the masts of vessels lying in the harbour; to the left are the houses, which are built near the shore between West Sand-gate and Bland's Cliff; and on the height are the barracks, with the ruins of the old castle, a little further distant, to the left. Though the name of Scarborough appears to be of Saxon origin, yet as the place is not mentioned in any author who wrote before the Conquest, nor in the Domesday-book, we cannot reasonably suppose it to have been of much importance, either during the Saxon period, or at the time when the Conqueror's survey was made. The castle of Scarborough was built about 1163, by William le Gros, Eari of Albemarle and Holdemess ; and from that period the authentic history of the town commences. The castle is situated to the north-eastward of the town, and is built on the isthmus of a peninsula, which comprises an area of about sixteen acres, and is bounded on the north, east, and south by inaccessible cliflFs, whose summits are about 300 feet above the level of the sea. The western boundary, overlooking the town, is also formed by an elevated rock; ana the only means of a})proacli to the castle is by a steep path near the edge of the cliff forming the north side of the isthmus. On passing through a gateway, and over a draw-bridge, we arrive at the castle, which, jjrevious to the introduction of cannon must have been almost impregnable. The keep or principal tower is ninety- seven feet high, and though greatly dilapidated, is yet a striking object, more especially when viewed from the sea, at about two miles' distance from the north cliff. There is no river at Scarborough ; and the harbour, which is formed by the piers, is only accessible towards high water. It is high water at Scarborouo-h at forty-five minutes past three o'clock at the full and change of the moon ; and at spring tides there is about twenty-two feet water at the end of the pier. At niwlii a light is shown from the lighthouse as long as there is twelve feet water at the entrance to the harbour ; and during the same period a flag is hoisted by day. SCARDOROUGH. Aliout 1G20 the sanative virtues of the Spa-well were discovered liy Mrs. Anne Farrow, who "sometimes walked along the shore, and observing the stones over which the water passed to have received a russet colour, and finding it to have an acid taste different from the common springs, and to receive a purple tincture from galls, thought it probably might have a medical property." The lady having tried the water herself, and persuaded others to do the same, it was in a short time pronounced an all-heal, and the people of the place took it as their usual physic. Before 1670 these waters had become celebrated, and many persons resorted to Scarborough for the sake of drinking them. Medical men, however, disagreed both as to their composition and eiFects ; and the opinions of Or. Witty, a resident jihysician, who recommended them in every case, were con- troverted by Mr. Sim[)son and Dr. George Tonstall. The latter says of the S])a- water, " The essence is fit for the cup of a prince ; the cupiit morlvum, which is sand and clay, is fit for nothing but the bricklayer's trowel. Hence it doth follow that those who are weak in their digestive faculties, and strong in their distributive, may find good by drinking this water; but those who arc weak in both will expe- rience the contrary. From the following anecdote related by the doctor, we may infer that the spa-drinkers of that period were accustomed to indulge in rather copious draughts. " Mr. Westro came to us at Scarborough only to visit his friends, and the two or three days he drank the waters {riot above two quarts at a time), did so far put him out of tune, that he made his complaint to me he could neither eat nor sleep ; and it took me a week's time before I could reduce him to the state of health which he had before he meddled with the waters." He would have been a person of strong constitution indeed not to have been " put out of tune " by such drenching ; and it is no small proof of Dr. Tonstall's skill that he should have been able to restore Mr. Weetro the blessings oi" sound sleep and a good appetite in so short a time as a week. From the double advantage which Scarborough presents to visitors, of drinking the waters and enjoying the benefit of sea bathing, it is much frequented durinc; the summer season; and a more affreenbie place ia not to be found on the coast betwixt the Humber and tho Tyne. WHITBT. This engraving of Whitby, from a drawing by Harding, presents a view of the entrance to the harbour, as seen from the northward. Towards the middle of the plate is seen the end of the east pier; on the top of the cliff are the ruins of the abbey and the parish church ; while, farther to the right, part of the town is perceived. Whitby is in the North Eiding of Yorkshire, and lies about 246 miles north of London, 22 north-north-west of Scarborough, and 47 north-east of York. It is chiefly built on the sloping banks of the river Esk, by which it is divided into two parts ; that on the west side being the most populous. The opposite parts of the town are connected by means of a bridge, the middle of which is moveable for the purpose of allowing ships to pass through. In the old bridge, which has been puUed down, the opening in the middle was upon the principle of a draw- bridge, in which the roadway is raised and lowered by means of beams and chains. At hi