QE 74 AE43 I87T DOCUMENTS OEPT. UC-NRLF B H 555 7MS DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR. CATALOGUE OF THE PUBLICATIONS OF THE frxxx S. GEOLOGICAL AND GEOGRAPHICAL SURVEY OF THE TERRITORIES. .. v. HAYDEN, GEOLOGIST- DEPARTMENT M-CHARGE. NOV 1.9 1957 LIBRARY SECOND EDITION. (REVISED TO DECEMBER 31, 1876.) WASHINGTON: GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE, IS/;. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR. CATALOGUE OF THE PUBLICATIONS OF THE S. GEOLOGICAL AND GEOGRAPHICAL SURVEY OF THE TERRITORIES. F. V. HAYDEN, GEOLOGIST-IN-CHARGE. SECOND EDITION. (REVISED TO DECEMBER 31, 1876.) WASHINGTON: GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE, IS//. k 1217 DOCUMENTS DEPT. OFFICE U. S. GEOLOGICAL AND GEOGRAPHICAL SURVEY OF THE TERRITORIES, Washington, December 3 r , 1876. The present catalogue is intended to give an enumeration of all the publications of the United States Geological and Geographical Survey of the Territories issued to the present time. In order fur- ther to convey an adequate idea of the work done, the captions of the several parts of each volume are also given under the general titles of the voTumes. The titles are interrupted by vertical bars ( | ), to exhibit the adjustment of the typography on the respective title- pages. The Geologist-in-charge is desirous of securing, by exchange, the publications of foreign countries on geology, palaeontology, and natu- ral history generally, to aid in the formation of a library of reference, for the use of the Survey of which he has charge. He avails himself of this opportunity again to ask those persons or societies that may receive the publications of the Survey to recip- rocate, by sending to him such of their own publications as they may feel disposed, and he believes that he can assure them an ample return, either in books or specimens, or both. The reports of surveys, with maps, charts, and sections, transac- tions of societies, or the publications of individuals engaged in sci- entific studies, are much desired as works of reference. Individuals or societies who may look favorably upon the above proposition can send all packages, through the Smithsonian Institu- tion, to the address of Dr. F. V. HAYDEN, U. S. Geologist, Washing ton, D. C. A careful record will be kept of the addresses of all the correspond- ents of the Survey. Societies, libraries, or persons engaged in active scientific investigation desiring to receive the publications of the Sur- vey will confer a favor by communicating their wishes. A few of the publications enumerated in this catalogue are either rare or entirely out of print. Some will doubtless be reprinted. If societies or correspondents who desire to complete their series of the publications of the Survey will indicate to the Geologist-in-charge the missing volumes, they will be sent without delay. 3 218 CONTENTS. Page. I. Chronological enumeration of publications 7 II. Annual reports of progress 9 III. Miscellaneous publications ^ 17 IV. Bulletins 19 V. Final report of Nebraska 23 VI. Monographs . 24 VII. Unclassified publications 28 VIII. Maps 31 IX. Works in process of publication 33 X. Maps in process of publication 34 XL Works in preparation 35 XII. Index of contributors to publications 37 I. CHRONOLOGICAL ENUMERATION OF PUBLICA- TIONS. [For complete titles, refer to the pages as numbered below.] Page. I. 1867. First Annual Report (Nebraska) [out of print, see X] . . 9 II. 1868. Second Annual Report (Wyoming) [out of print, see X] 9 III. 1869. Third Annual Report (Colorado and New Mexico) [out of print, see X] 9 IV. 1871. Final Report en Nebraska and Adjacent Territory 23 V. 1871. Fourth Annual Report (Wyoming and Contiguous Terri- tory) 10 VI. 1872. Lists of Elevations and Distances in the United States west of the Mississippi River. Collated and arranged by Prof. C. Thomas 28 VII. 1872. Fifth Annual Report (Montana and adjacent territory).. n VIII. 1872. Supplement to Fifth Annual Report. Report on fossil flora. By Leo Lesquereux 12 IX. 1872. Profiles, Sketches, &c. By Henry Elliott 28 X. 1873. First, Second, and Third Annual Reports. (Reprint of Reports for 1867, 1868, and 1869) 10 XL 1873. Sixth Annual Report. (Portions of Montana, Idaho, Wyoming, and Utah) 12 XII. 1873. Contributions to the Extinct Vertebrate Fauna of the Western Territories. By Joseph Leidy 24 XIII. 1873. Synopsis of the Acrididae of North America. By Cyrus Thomas, Ph. D 25 XIV. 1873. Miscellaneous Publications No. I. Lists of Elevations. By Henry Gannett 17 XV. 1873. Miscellaneous Publications No. 2. Meteorological Ob- servations. By Henry Gannett 17 XVI. 1874. Bulletin No. i 19 XVII. 1874. Bulletin No. 2 19 XVIII. 1874. Miscellaneous Publications No. 3. Birds of the North- west. By Elliott Coues 17 XIX. 1874. Miscellaneous Publications No. 4. Synopsis of the Flora ofColorado. By Thomas C. Porter and John M. Coulter. 18 XX. 1874. Miscellaneous Publications No. 5. Descriptive Cata- logue of Photographs. By W. H. Jackson 18 XXI. 1874. Miscellaneous Publications No. 6. Meteorological Ob- servations. By George B. Chittenden 18 XXII. 1874. The Cretaceous Flora. By Leo Lesquereux 26 7 8 Chronological Enumeration of Publications. Page. XXIII. 1874. Seventh Annual Report (Colorado) 14 XXIV. 1874. Catalogue of Publications 29 XXV. 1 875. Cretaceous Vertebrata. By E. D. Cope 24 XXVI. 1875. Miscellaneous Publications No. i. Third edition 17 XXVII. 1875. Miscellaneous Publications No. 5. Second edition. (Illustrated) 18 XXVIII. 1875. Bulletin No. I, second series 19 XXIX. 1875. Bulletin No. 2, second series 20 XXX. 1875. Bulletin No. 3, second series 20 XXXI. 1875. Bulletin No. 4, second series 20 XXXII. 1875. Bulletin No. 5, second series 20 XXXIII. 1876. Bulletin No. 6, second series 21 XXXIV. 1876. Bulletin, Volume II, No. 1 21 XXXV. 1876. Bulletin, Volume II, No. 2 ... 21 XXXVI. 1876. Bulletin, Volume II, No. 3 21 XXXVII. 1876. Bulletin, Volume II, No. 4 22 XXXVIII. 1876. Eighth Annual Report (Colorado and adjacent terri- tory) 15 XXXIX. 1876. Monograph of theGeometrid Moths. By A. S. Packard. 27 XL. 1876. Invertebrate Paleontology. By F. B. Meek 26 XLI. 1877. Catalogue of Publications. Second edition 29 II. ANNUAL REPORTS OF PROGRESS. I. EXPLORATIONS OF 1867. (First Annual Report.) [First Annual Report of the United States Geological Survey of the Territories, embracing Nebraska. By F. V. Hayden, U. S. Geolo- gist. Conducted under the authority of the Commissioner of the General Land-Office, 1867.] < Report of the Commissioner of Gen- eral Land-Office, for the year 1867. Washington, 1867. pp. 128 181, where it appears in the form of a letter dated " Nebraska City,, July i, 1867", without any other heading. II. EXPLORATIONS OF 1868. (Second Annual Report.) [Second Annual Report of the United States Geological Survey of the Territories, embracing Wyoming. By F. V. Hayden, U. S. Geologist. Conducted under the authority of the Commissioner oftheGeneral Land-Office, 1868.] S- Geological and Geographical Survey of the territories. 29 IV. Catalogue | of | the Publications | of the | United States Geological Survey | of | the Territories. | F. V. Hayden, | Geologist-in- charge. | | Washington: | Government Printing Office. | 1874.. [8vo, 20 pp.] CONTENTS. I. Chronological Enumeration of Publications, p. 5. II. Annual Reports of Progress, pp. 6-10. III. Miscellaneous Publications, p. n. IV. Bulletins. V. Final Report on Nebraska, p. 13. VI. Monographs [2. e. 4to series of "Reports".] p. 14. VII. Minor Unclassified Publications, p. 15. VIII. Maps. p. 16. IX. Works in Process of Publication, pp. 17-18. X. Index of Contributors, pp. 19-20. V. Catalogue | of the | Photographs | of the | U. S. Geological and Geographical Survey | of the | Territories. | | By W. H. Jack- son, Photographer. | | Washington: | Government Printing Office. | 1875. [i8mo, pp. 1-51.] NOTE. This is a.Jifth catalogue of photographs. The first three were informal pub- lications, of which no account has been taken. The fourth is Misc. Pub. No. 5 (see p. 18) antea. The sixth is Misc. Pub. No. 5, "second edition" (see p. 18) anted. VI. Catalogue | of | the Publications | of the | United States. Geological Survey | of | the Territories. | F. V. Hayden, | Geologist-in- charge. | Second edition. | (Revised to December 31, 1876.) | | Washington: 'I Government Printing Office. | 1877. [8vo,pp. 38.} CONTEXTS. I. Chronological Enumeration of Publications, p. 7. II. Annual Reports of Progress, p. 9. III. Miscellaneous Publications, p. 17. IV. Bulletins, p. 19. V. Final Report on Nebraska, p. 23. VI. Monographs, p. 24. VII. Unclassified Publications, p. 28. VIII. Maps. p. 31. IX. ,Works in Process of Publication, p. 33. X. Maps in Process of Publication, p. 34. XI. Works in Preparation, p. 35. XII. Index of Contributors to Publications, p. 37. 30 Catalogue of the Publications of the VII. Department of the Interior, | U. S. Geological and Geographical Survey of the Territories. | F^ V. Hayden, U. S. Geologist-in- charge. | | The j Grotto Geyser | of the | Yellowstone Na- tional Park. | With | a descriptive note and map, and an illustra- tion by the Albert-type Process. | [. d., n. p. Washington: Government Printing Office. 1876. Oblong folio, i p. 1., 2 11. of text, i Albert-type, i map.] NOTE. The edition consisted of 210 copies. CONTENTS. (See foregoing collation.) VIII. MAPS. PREPARED BY THE UNITED STATES GEOLOGICAL SURVEY OF THE TERRITORIES. 1871. 1. Yellowstone Lake. 2. Lower Geyser Basin of Firehole River. 3. Upper Geyser Basin of Firehole River. 4. Yellowstone National Park. 5. Parts of Idaho, Montana, and Wyoming Territories. Prelim- inary map for field-use. 1872. 6. Map of the Lower Geyser Basin on Firehole River, resurveyed by Bechler in 1872, and engraved on stone (scale, 8 miles to i inch). 7. Map of Upper Geyser Basin of Firehole River. 8. Map of Lake Henry and the Sources of the West Fork of Snake River. 9. Map of Shoshone Geyser Basin and Lake. 10. Map of the Sources of Snake River (reduced from the final map). u. Montana and Wyoming Territories, embracing most of the country about the sources of the Madison, Gallatin, and Yellowstone Rivers, in contour-lines. (Final map on a scale of 5 miles to i inch.) 12. Map of the Sources of Snake River and its Tributaries. (Final map, scale 5 miles to i inch.) 13. Field-map of Colorado based on the United States land-survey for use during the season of 1873. 14. Geological Map of Montana and Wyoming Territories, &c. (same as No. n, with geological colors). 15. Geological map of the Sources of Snake River, &c. (same as No. 12, with geological colors). 3 1 32 Catalogue of the Publications of the '873- 1 6. Preliminary Map of Central Colorado, showing the region surveyed in 1873. 17. Sketch showing the Primary and Secondary Triangulation of 1873- 1 8. Map showing the Railroad and Canal Lines used in the Determi- nation of Elevations, by J. T. Gardner. 1874. 19. Preliminary Map of the San Juan Country. 20. Geological Map of the Elk Mountains, Colorado. 21. Geological Map of Colorado Springs and Vicinity. 22. Preliminary Map of the Eastern Base of the Rocky Mountains, in Colorado, from the Arkansas River to the Wyoming Line. 23. Map of the Moraines of the Upper Arkansas Valley in Col- orado. 24. Preliminary Map of Central Colorado (in hachures) showing; the areas surveyed in 1873 and 1874. 1875- 25. Preliminary Map of Southwestern Colorado and parts of ad- jacent Territories, showing localities of ancient ruins. IX. WORKS IN PROCESS OF PUBLICATION. I. Monographs of North American Rodentia. By Dr. Elliott Coues, U. S. A., and Prof. J. A. Allen. [410, plates.] NOTE. Will constitute Vol. XI. of the quarto series of " Reports ". CONTENTS. Monograph I. Muridae. By Dr. Elliott Coues, U. S. A. Monograph II. Leporidae. By Prof. J. A. Allen. Monograph III. Hystricidae. By Prof. J. A. Allen. Monograph IV. Lagomyidae. By Prof. J. A. Allen. Monograph V. Castoroididae. By Prof. J. A. Allen. Monograph VI. Castoridae. By Prof. J. A. Allen. Monograph VII. Zapodidae. By Dr. Elliott Coues, U. S. A. Monograph VIII. Saccomyidae. By Dr. Elliott Coues, U. S. A. Monograph IX. Haplodontidae. By Dr. Elliott Coues, U. S. A. Monograph X. Geomyidse. By Dr. Elliott Coues, U. S. A. Monograph XI. Sciuridae. By Prof. J. A. Allen. II. Miscellaneous Publications No. 7. Ethnography and Philology of the Hidatsa Indians. By Dr. W. Matthews, U. S. A. [8vo.] CONTENTS. Part I. Ethnography. Part II. Philology. III. Miscellaneous Publications No. 8. History of North American Mus- telidse. By Dr. Elliott Coues, U. S. A. [8vo.] CONTENTS. Chapter I. General considerations. Chapters II-VI. Mustelinae. Chapters VII-VIII. Mephitinse. Chapter IX. Melinae. Chapter X. Lutrinae. Chapter XI. Enydrinae. IV. Miscellaneous Publications No. 9. A Historical and Biographical Catalogue of Photographs of the Indians of North America, includ- ing seventy-five tribes. By W. H. Jackson. [8vo.] 3 33 X MAPS IN PROCESS OF PUBLICATION. I. Drainage Map of Colorado. Scale 12 miles to i inch. Streams printed in blue, and roads, peaks, and all names in black. (This map is to be one of the series making up the Atlas.) II. Contour Map of Colorado in six sheets (ea. 34)^ x 21^ inches). Scale 4 miles to i inch; contours 200 feet apart. III. Geological Map of Colorado in six sheets. Scale 4 miles to i inch. (Same as II, with geological colors.) 34 XLWORKS IN PREPARATION. I. ANNUAL REPORTS. Ninth Annual Report, work of 1875 in Colorado. Tenth Annual Report, work of 1876 in Colorado. II BULLETINS. Volume III. NOTE. Various articles are already in hand for the third vol. of the Bulletin for 1877. III. MONOGRAPHS. Volume III Vertebrate Palaeontology of the Eocene Formations of the West. By E. D. Cope. Volume IV. Vertebrate Palaeontology of the Miocene Formations . of the West. By E. D. Cope. Volume VII. The Fossil Flora of the Lignitic Tertiary Formation of the Western Territories. By Leo Lesquereux. Volume VIII. Parts I., II. Contributions to the Geology of Mon- tana, Wyoming, and portions of adjacent Territories, with wood- cuts, sections, five maps, and over seventy Albert-type illustrations. Part III Contributions to the Cretaceous and Tertiary Flora of the Western Territories, with twenty-six plates. Volume XII. Contributions to the Ethnography and Philology of the Indian Tribes of the Valley of the Missouri River and its Trib- utaries. Volume XIII. [On the Fossil Insects of North America, (title unde- termined.)] By S. H. Scudder. 35 XII. INDEX OF CONTRIBUTORS TO PUBLICATIONS. Page. Ainslie (George) 22 Allen (J. A.) 22,33 Aughey (Samuel) 16 Bannister (Henry M.) 13 Barber (E.A.) 21 Beaman (J. W.) 11,12 Bessels (Emil) 21 Binney (William G.) 15 Bradley (Frank H.) 13 Brandegee (T. S.) 22 Carpenter (W. L.) 14 Chittenden (George B.) 18 Conrad (T. A.) 14 Cope (Edward D.) ri, 12, 13, 14, 19,25,35 Coulter (John M.) 13, 18 Coues (Elliott) 17, 19,20, 21,33 Edwards (W. H.) 12,14 Elliott ( Henry W.).... 28 Elliott (R. S.) ii Endlich (F. M.) 14,16,20 Gannett (Henry) 13, 15, 16, 17, 22 Gardner (James T.) !5 } I9 Gill (Theodore) 20 Hagen (Hermann A.) 13, 14 Hayden (F. V.) 9, 10, u, 13, 14, 15, 20, 21,23, 28, 30 Hering (Rudolph) 13 Hodge (James T.) 10 Holmes (William H.) 15,21 Horn (George H.) 11,12, 13 Ingersoll (Ernest) 16, 20 Jackson (William H.) 16, 20, 21 Ladd(S. B.) ... 15,16 Langford (N. P.) 13 Leidy (Joseph) 11,12, 13,24 Lesquereux (Leo) 11, 12, 13, 14, 16, 18,19,20,26,35 Marvine(A. R.) 14,15 Matthews (G. W.) 33 Meek(F. B.) 10, 12, 13,20, 21,22, 23, 26 Merriam (Charles H.). , 13 37 38 Index of Contributors to Publications. Mudge (B. F.) .................... ............................. ... 22 Newberry (J. S.) .................................................. II Ostensacken (C. R.) ....... .......... . .............................. 14 Packard (A. S., jr.) .................. . ...................... 13, 14, 15,20,21 Parry (C. C.) ...................................................... H Peale(A.C.) ..... ............................................... 13,14,16 Peck (Charles H.) ................................................. 18 Porter (Thomas C.) ................................................ II, 18 Rhoda (Franklin) ..................................... . ............. 16,20 Ridgway (Robert) .................................................. 20,21 Roberts (S. R.) ................................................... . n Scudder (S. H.) ............................................... 20,22,23,35 Silliman (B.) ...................................................... 15: Smith (S. I.) ...................................................... 15 Stevenson (James) ........................................... ...... it St. John (O.) ................. . .................................... 22 Stuart (Granville) - ................................................. 13 Thomas (Cyrus) ..................................... 10, II, 12, 13, 19,25, 2& Uhler (Philip R.) ................................................ 11,12,20 Ulke (Henry) ...................................................... 14 Verrill(A. E.) ..................................................... 15 Willey (Henry W.) ................................................. 18 Williams (S. G.)-- ...................................... . .......... 20 Wilson (A. D.) .................................................... 16,20 RETURN TO the circulation desk of any University of California Library or to the NORTHERN REGIONAL LIBRARY FACILITY Bldg. 400, Richmond Field Station University of California Richmond, CA 94804-4698 ALL BOOKS MAY BE RECALLED AFTER 7 DAYS 2-month loans may be renewed by calling (510)642-6753 1 -year loans may be recharged by bringing books to NRLF Renewals and recharges may be made 4 days prior to due date. DUE AS STAMPED BELOW JAN Z 3 nt 8 12,000(11/95) Nu. uu/. oom. T5HKMIL ELEY $