9 ^ 5 2 ARY 5 8 CILITY 6 IJ; -ii^ } LIBRARY OF CONGRESS SELECT LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO EMPLOYERS LIABILITY ^^ COMPILED UNDER THE DIRECTION OF APPLETON PRENTISS CLARK GRIFFIN CHIEF BIBLIOGRAPHER ^ WASHINGTON GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE 1906 ''WfW f^pF^r^: d ^J !l H SOUTHERN BRANCH mmSlJY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY, ' •i-OS ANGELES. CALJF. LIBRARY OF CONGRESS SELECT LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO EMPLOYERS LIABILITY COMPILED UNDER THE DIRECTION OF APPLETON PRENTISS CLARK GRIFFIN CHIEF BIBLIOGRAPHER WASHINGTON GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE 1906 112M3 1 L. C. card, 6-35013 c 1^0 G PREFATORY NOTE A leg-islative measure relating to Employers liability being under consideration in Congress, this List has been prepared showing some of the material in the Library upon the subject. It is restricted to writings treating of the measures for compensation to workingmen for injuries caused by accident in their work wherein the emplo3'er is held personally responsible. It does not take account of compulsory insurance for workingmen unless the principle of personal liability of employers is embodied in the legislation. The field of working-men's insurance will be covered by a list to be published within the near future. A. P. C. Griffin Chief Bibliographer Herbert Putnam Lihrarian of Congress Washington, D. (7., May 23, 1906 SELECT LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO E]VII>LOYERS IlIA^IJILITY GENERAL Bodiker, T[onio Wilhelm Laurenz Karl Maria]. Die ITnfall-Gesetzge- bung- dCv europjii.schen Staaten. Leipzig: Dnncker cfe Humhlot^ 188Jf. «?', 17^2 jjp. 8^. {Staats- und sociahoissenscharftliche J^orschungen. Bd. 5. Hft. 2>- ^'"^ Louis, Paul. L'ouvrier devant Tetat; histoire coniparee des lois du travail dans les deux mondes. Paris: F. Alcan^ lOOI/. (^), iv, If-SO pp. 8^. {B ibliotheque cP histoire contemj>oraine. ) "Les accidents du travail", pji. o44-o78. NcTV Jersey. EmploA'ers' liability for personal injuries to their emplo3'es. {In New Jersey. Bureau of statistics of labor and industries. Elev- enth annual report, 1888, pp. 75-242. Trenton, X. J., 1889. 8°.) Gives the Employers' liability act, 1880 (En^dand) and the laws in force in Austria, Belgium, France, (Germany, Holland, Italy, Spain, and Switzerland in 1884. New York (iS'^ai^t^). Bureau of kJjor statisticx. Industrial accidents and emplo3'ers' responsibility for their compensation. (7»i t<.St. J'dul, J/i/ui.: Went puhllshiiuj c>ir(j^ l\i.\: W. S. lir/j/^ state pri)ite/\ lOiU. 196pp. 8. The liability of employers to their employes. ( /// Pennsylvania. Annual report of the Secretary of internal affairs. Part J II. Industrial statistics, vol. 19, 1891, pj). A1-A17.3. Har- risl)nror. Bulletin no. 1, Nov., 1895, pp. 95-107.) Employer and emplo^^ee under the common law. Washingtooi., J). C, 1901. IS pp. S^. {IT. S. Department of labor. Monographs on social economics.^ 3. ) "Reprinted from the Bulletin of the Department of lal)or, no. 1." Oppenheinier, Mary S. Employers' lial)ility. {In The Charities review, vol. 6, June, 1897, pp. 326-:i31.) Reno, Conrad. A treatise on the law of employers' liability acts. Boston and Neto York: Houghton^ Miffljin and company ^ 1896. ,'»^^>, Ji^S pp. 8°. A treatise on the law of the employers' liabilit}' acts of New Yoi-k. aMas.sachusetts, Indiana, Alabama, Colorado, and Eno-laud. 2d ed. Indianapolis: The Powen- Merrill comjMny, 1903. hi, 623 p)>. 8^. United States. Congress. House. Committee on the j\idiciary . Lia- bility of common carriers . . . Arofument of H. R. Fuller, legislative representative of tlie Brotherhood of railroad trainmen, before the House Committee on the judiciary, r(>lative to II. li. 7041, March 9, 1904. [^Washington.: Government 2)rinting office, 190Ii..\ 552>J>' 8^. ■'9th Congress, 1st session. House report no. 2335, Liability of employers. Report from I lie Committee on the judi- ciary. March 1."), 190t). S pp. 8^. Industrial commission. Report on labor legislation, including recommendations as to general legislation, and digests of EMPLOYERS LIABILITY: UNITED STATES 11 the laws of the states and territories relating to labor gen- erally, to convict labor, and to mine labor, Washingt<^7i : Government printing oJ)ice^ 1900. 8^. (Vblmne V of the Commis.non\'^ reporti^.) "As to the dutien and liabilities of the employer to the employee," pp. 76-87. Report on transportation, including- review of evi- dence, topical digest of evidence, and testimony so far as taken May 1, IDOO. WasJiinyton: Government printing ojjice^ 1900. 8^. {Volume IV of the Commissio^v's rejjorts.) Review of evidence on Employers' liability, pp. 29-30; Digest of evidence on Liability of railways for injuries to employees, pp. 152-157; For testimony on Employers' liabiUty, see Index of tes- timony, page 798. Repoi"ts on labor organizations, labor disputes, and arbitration, and on railway labor. WasJiingfon: Government printing ojjice^ 1901. 8°. {Vohmie XVII of the Coinmissiovh reports.) " Employer's liability: Common-law and statutory liability of cor- porations for injuries to their employees; the fellow-servant prin- ciple in legislation and court decisions," pp. 895-902; "Court decisions on Employers' liability in railroad cases, 1895-1900," pp. 970-1122; "Employers' liability laws," pp. 1123-1135. Vance, William R. Liability for the unauthorized torts of agents. {In Michigan law review, vol. 4, Jan., 1906, pp. 198-214.) Virginia. Bureau of labor and industrial statistics. Third annual report, 1900. Richmond: J. II. (JBannon, 1900. 8°. "Liability of employers," pp. 179-206. Warner, Roger S. Employers' liability as an industrial problem. {In Green bag, vol. 18, Apr. 1906, pp. 185-192.) Weber, Adna F. Employers' liability and accident insurance. {In Commons, John R. «/., Trade unionism and labor problems, pp. 546-573. Boston, 1905. 8°. ) "From the Political science quarterly, vol. 17, 1902, pp. 256-283." Employers' liability and accident insurance. {In Political science quarterly, vol. 17, June, 1902, pp. 256-283.) Labor (general). ( Jn Whitten, Robert H., ed. Review of legislation 1904. 8°. New York state library. Bulletin of legislation, 25.) Employers liabdity, (|6. Published annually since 1901. 12 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS Whittelsey, Sunili Scovill. Massachusetts hi))or legislation; an his- torical and critical stud}', with an introduction by A. T. Iladloy. [ /■% iladeJphia : American academy of2)olitical c5 social science^ 1900.] 157 pp. TaUe. 8-. i American academy of political and social science. Annals. Sup- plement, Jan., 1901. Bibliography: pp. 145-157. The Employers' liability, pp. 28-31; 89-95; 134-135. Whitten, Robert H., ed. Comparative summary and index of legis- hition, 1904. Albany: New York state education department., 1905. 8°. {Ne^v York state library. Bulletin of legislation., 2Ji,.) Employers' liability, no. 2125. Published annually since 1891. Digest of Governors messages, 1905, including related topics in the President's message. Albany: Neiv York state education department.^ 1906. 8^. {NeK' York state lihrary. Bulletin of legislation., 27.) Employers' liability, nos. 1762, 2125-2126. Published annually since 1902. Willoughby, ^^'illiam Franklin. Accidents to labor as regulated by law in the United States. {In United States. Department of labor. Bulletin, vol. 6, no. 32, I)p. 1-28. Washington, 1901. 8°.) Workingnien's insurance. Neio York., BosUm: T. Y. Orowell & company, \1898\. (^), a?M, S86 pp. 12°. {Library of economics and pjolitics., ed. by R. T. Ely, no. U.) "Bibliographical note": pp. 379-386. "Employers' liability in the United States", pp. 327-329. GREAT BRITAIN Baylee, J. T^^rrell. The ^Vorrkmen'.s compensation act: what it is and what it might be. {In The Westminster review, vol. 157, Jan., 1002, pp. 68-72.) Beven, Thomas. The law of emploj^ers liability and workmen's com- pensation. 3d ed. London: Waterlow hro-. cf? Layton^ limited^ 1902 h't\ (^), 570^ Iviii pjp. 8^. Crane, R. Newton. Personal injury actions and workmen's compen- sation in Enjrland. {In Green bag, vol. IS, Apr., 1906, pp. 216-219.) Employers' rui))ility and workmen's compensation. The evolution of social legislation by which workmen are insured against all accidents: responsil)ilities of emploj'ers and the need for careful insurance. {In Magazine of commerce, vol. 8, March, 1906, pp. 199-205.) The English workmen's compensation act. (60 and 01 Victoria, chap- ter 37. 6 August 1897.) {In Quarterly journal of economics, vol. 12, Oct., 1897, pp. 110-118.) Franklin, C. H. Workmen's compensation. {In The Federation of insurance institutes of Great Britain and Ire- land. Journal, 1901, pp. 371-393. London. 1902. 8°.) G-reat Britain. Foi'eigii office. Commercial. No. 21 (1886). Reports by Her Majesty's representatives abroad on the laws regu- lating the liabilitv of employers in foreign countries. Vre- sented to both Houses of Parliament, b}' command of Her Majesty. June, 1886. 94pp. F^. {Great Britain. Par- liament. Sessional pa per-'t^ ISS6\ vol. 67.) Report on the state of the laws in France, Germany, Austria, Italy, Belgium, Netherlands, Switzerland, Sweden and Norway, and the United States. 13 14 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS Great Britain. Jlome ojfice. Copy of the Worknien's compensation m-ts, 1897 and 1900, showing the amendments proposed to be made 1>\ the \Vorkmen's compensation bill as brought from the Lords. Ordered by the House of Commons, to be printed. 1 .lune 1905. 21pp. 8°. {Great Britain. Par- liariient. fSessional j?apers., 1905. 188.) W'orkineir.s compensation. Statistics of proceedings under the Workmen's compensation acts, 1897 and 1900, and the Employers' liability act, 1880, dui'ing the year 1908. Presented to ttoth Houses of Parliament by com- mand of His Majesty. 1904. 41pp. F^. {Great Brit- ain. Parliament. Sensional pajjers., IQOJ^.. Cd. ^269.) I'iiiiiniiient. Workmen's compensation. Copy ''of the Workmen's compensation bill, showing the eti'ect on exist- ing acts. Ordered, by the House of Commons, to be printed, 29 :\Iarch 1906. 31 pp. F°. {Great Britain. Parliament. Sessional pa/pers^ 1900. 98.) Green, C. II. Employers' liability and the workmen's compensation act, 1897. {In The Federation of insurance institutes of Great Britain and Ire- land. Journal, 1900, pp. 443-461. London, 1901. 8°.) Ho-well, George. Labour legislation, kibour movements and labour leaders. London: T. Fisher TJnwln., 1905. 3 rols. 1'2^. 'Employers' liability: compensation for injuries," vol. 2, pp. 422- ■ioJ,. Kerr, William Dunton. Workmen's compensation for industrial accidents. {Ill Wisconsin. Bureau of labor and industrial statistics. P^leventh biennial report, 1903-1904, pp. 409-539. Madison, 1904. 8°.) "Employers' liability in England and tlie United States," pp. 409- 429; "The operation of employers' liability laws," pp. 430-443. Londonderry, Theresa. The ' Conservative ' compensation(workmeirs) bill of 1897. {In The Nineteenth century, vol. 42, Sept., 1897, pp. 349-352.) Lo-w. A. Maurice. The P>ritish workmen's compensation act and its operation. {In United States. Department of labor. Bulletin no. 32, Jan. 1901, i)p. 103-132.) EMPLOYERS LIABILITY: GREAT HHITAIN 15 Monnier, A. L'assiirance contre les accidents clu travail en Angle- terre. {In Reviu' (I'rconiiiiiic iinliti(|no, vol. lit, Juno, 1!I05, pp. 522-555.) Nash, Vauohan, The Employers' liability bill. {In Tlie Fortiii^^htly review, ii. h. vol. 55, Fcli., 1894, pp. 244-254.) Parry, Edward Al)bott. The Workmen's compensation act; what it was to be and what it is. {In The Fortnightly review, n. h. vol. (IS, .Inly, 19(10, pp. 67-73.) Provand, A. D. EmploA'ers' lial)ilitv. {In The Nineteenth century, vol. 34, Nov., 1893, pp. 698-720.) Emplo3'ers' lial)ility. (/« The Contemporary review, vol. (id, .July, 1S94, pp. 137-152.) Ruegg, Alfred Henry. Changes in the law of P^nt^land affecting labour. {In A Century of law reform, pp. 241-279. London, 1901. 12°.) "Employers' liability for accidents", pp. 268-277. The laws regulating- the relation of employer and workman in England. A course of six lectures delivered at the request of the Council of legal education during Michael- mas term, 1004. London: ir. CUnves and so7is^ limited .,1905. viii., lOO^yj). 12^. "Employers' liability act, 1880", pp. 134-145; "Liability of em- ployer for acts of workman", pp. 158-163. Spyers, T. Gr. The labour question; an epitome of the evidence and the report of the Ro3'al commission on labour. London: S. Sonnenschein cfe co.; New York: C. Scribnet^'^s sons.,' 189 Jf.. 'viii., 2If8 pp. 12'-^. {Social science series. 75.) "Employers' liability", pp. 85-100. Strong, "William R. The growth of accident and employers' liability insurance in Great Britain. {In International congress of actuaries. Proceedings of the fourth . . . congress, vol. 1, pp. 682-689. New York, 1904. 4°.) Sym, John David. The workmen's compensation act. {In The Juridical review, vol. 9, Oct., 1897, pp. 415-427.) United States. Industrial commission. Report on the condition of foreign legislation upon matters affecting general labor. Washington: Government printing ofice., 1901. 8'^. {Volume XVI of the Conrmission^s report.) "As to the duties and liabilities of the employer to the employee: Great Britain", pp. 67-75. 16 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS Willoughby, \\'illiaiii Franklin. Workini^ineu's insurance. ^'tir yoil^Bodon: T.Y. Crutcdl d; company ^[IS'JS]. {2),xii, 386 pp. 12°. {Library of economics and politics, ed. hy li. /'. TsVy, no. IJf..) "Bibliojrraphical note" : pp. 379-386. "Employers' lial)ility in Knjrland", i)i>. 2(14-276. Wilson, Mona. iMnployers' lia])ility and workmen's compensation. (/«The Westminster review, vol. 140, Feb., 1SU8, p]). 194-203.) Wolff, licary W. 'Die Workmen's compensation act. [In The Economic review, vol. 7, Oct., 1897, pp. 433-449.) FRANCE Beaumont, A. Extension de la loi sur les accidents du travail aux entreprises couinieiviales. {In Revue internationale du commerce, de I'industrie et de la banque, vol. 6, Dec. 31, 1904, pp. 795-801; vol. 7, March 31, 1905, pp. 261-266; June 30, 1905, pp. 397-406. Paris, 1904-1905. 8°.) Bellom, Maurice. Die Arbeiter-lTnfallversicherung- in Frankreich, {In Zeitschrift fiir die gesamte Versicherungs-wissenschaft, vol. 4, pp. 359-368. Berlin, 1904. 8°.) De la responsabilito en matiere d'accidents du travail: com- mentaire de la loi du 9 avril 1898 et des lois et decrets subsequents. 2. ed. Entierement refondu et mise au cou- rant des travaux les plus recents de la legislation et de la jurisprudence. Paris: A. Rousseau^ 190"2. viii, 1007, {]) 2^P- ^^^ Conner, B. H. Employers' liability in France. {In Green bag, vol. 18, Apr. 1906, pp. 225-227.) Courcelle, Louis [Pierre Alcibiade Pourcelle] called. Traite de legis- lation ouvriere. Contrats de travail. Bureaux de place- ment, contestations et conflits entre patrons et ouvriers: coalitions, g-reves, conciliation et arlntrage. Travail dans rindustrie. Accidents du travail. Conseils des prud'hom- mes et du travail. Associations ouvrieres, professionnelles, cooperatives. Societes de secours mutuels. Recompenses et retraites ouvrieres, etc, Avec une preface de M. Paul Beauregard. Paris: V. Giard <& E. Briere, 1902. [I^), Hi, xv, 58 J^ pp. 5^. " Modifications aux loia des 9 avril 1898 et du 30 juin 1899 sur les accidents du travail ": pp. [i]-xv. Dormand, Marcel. De I'attribution de Findemnite dans la loi du 9 avril 1898 relative aux accidents du travail lorsque la victime est morte des suites de Taccident. These pour le doctorat. TouIousp: Lnprimerie Lagarde et Sehille, 190.'). 122 j^P- 8^- ( Universite de Toulouse — Facidfe de droit.) 17 18 LIHRAKY OF CONGRESS Etienne, [Keiu'J. Coiirs de letrislation des mines. Saint htlenne: Societe de Vimprimet'ie TheoUer. J. Thomas et f'% 190J^. J^S7^ {!) p}). Folded diagraim. 8^. {J^cole des mines de Saint- Jit leniie.) "AccklentH dn travail ", i>i). 307-316. France. Accidonts du travail. Rapport an Prc'sidcMit d(» lu Kc'pu- bli([uc fran(;aise sur Tapplication j4-enerale du la loi du 9 avril 1898, relative aux accidents du travail, .sur la situation des societes d'assurances admises si pratiquer les assurances r('i»'ios par ladito loi (;t sur le fonctionnenient du fonds de garantie. 27 fev. 1905. {In Congres international des accidents du travail et des assurances sociales. Bulletin du Comite permanent, vol. Ifi, .Tan. -Mar., 1905, pjj. lo4-229. Paris, 1905. 8°.) Direction de V assurance et de la jprevoyance sociales. Recueil do documents sur les accidents du travail, reunis ])ar le Ministere du conmierce (Direction de Tassurance et de la prevojance sociales). Paris[etc.] : Berger-Levrault c§ c»% 1902-1905. 17 vols. 8^. " Repertoire Inbliographique sur la legislation relative aux accidents du travail. Par A. Daguin": no. 15. Accidents du travail. Jurisprudence, t. 1-2 (mars 1900-mai 1900). Paris: Livprimerienationale.) 1900. 2 vols, in 1. 8^. {Ifinis- tere du commerce^ de Vindastrie, des postes et des telegraphes. Division de V assurance et de la prevoyance sociales.) Accidents du travail. Lois, reglements et circulaires (15 juin 1900). Paris: hnprim.erie nationale., 1900. (^), 188 pp. 8^. {Ministere da commerce.^ de V industrie., des postes et des tele- (jraglies. Division de V assurance et de la prevoyance sociales, ) Cover-title. Laiv.^, statutes., etc. La code du travail annote d'apres la jurisprudence et les circulaires ministerielles. Recueil nicthodiquc de la l(%islation et de la juiisprudence reglant la situation des ti'availlours et de leurs employeurs, par Louis Andre, Lonis (jruil)ourg. Paris: F. Pichon et Durand-Auzias., 1905. 12^. "Accidents du travail," pp. 311-100. EMPLOYERS LIABILITY: FRANCE 19 Masse, Daniel. Legislation du travail et lois ouvriores; classification, commentaire, jurisprudonco, legislation comparee, projets et propositions de lois. Paris^ Ncmcij: licrger-Levi'anlt et &%100Ii. xii^dHJi.])}^. incl. tables. I" aided taUex. 8^. "Accidents da travail. Reparation civiU'," pp. 439-591. Olivreau, K. Assurances contre les accidents. Resume des opera- tions de Texercice 1904. (JnLe Moniteur des assurances, vol . 37, Sept. 15, 1905, pp. 517-526. Paris, 1905. 8°.) Pagot, E. Assurances contre les accidents. La loi de 1905 sur les accidents. {In Le Moniteur des assurances, vol. 37, Nov. 15, 1905, pp. 626-630. Paris, 1905. 8°.) Raynaud, B. Les modifications apportees par la loi du 31 mars 1905 relatives aux accidents du travail des ouvriers etrangers. {In Journal du droit international prive, vol. 32, 1905, pp. 899-902.) Sachet, Adrien. Traite theorique et pratique de la legislation sur les accidents du travail. ... i. ed. augm. d'un supplement qui contient le conuiientaire de la loi du 31 mars 1905 ainsi que le dernier etat de la doctrine et de la jurisprudence. Paris: Societe da Recueil J. B. Sirey -e.s. La loi beige de reparation des accidents du tra- vail consideree au point de vue de son application, {In Revue ^conomique Internationale, vol. 2, Aug., 1904, pp. 621- 656; vol. 3, Sept., 1904, ]>p. 91-156.) Demeur, Maurice. Rdparatic^i et assurance des accidents du travail. Traite theoriijue et pratique de la loi du 2-1 decembre 1903 sur la reparation des dommages resultant des accidents du travail. T. 1. Tamines: 0. Duculot-RouUn^ 1905. xi, 606 pp. 8°. Leval, G. de. The Belgian law of 1903. {In Green bag, vol. 18, Apr. 1906, ])}). 220-222.) "Translated by William C. Gray." Vermeersch, A[rthur]. Manuel social, la legislation et les oeuvres en Helgique, avec une preface de M. Gerard Cooreman. Nouv. ed., entierenient refondue. Louvain: A. Cfystpruyst; [etc., etc.^ 190.1/. {2).,xxxix., 1009 pp. "La loi sur les accidents du travail," pp. 907-928. "Wodon, Louis. La question des accidents du travail devant le Parle- ment Beige. {In Congrcs international des accidents du travail et des assurances sociales. Bulletin du comite permanent, vol. 14, Aug.-Oct., 1903, pp. 402-447. Paris, 1903. 8°.) 20 ITALY Boone, Ileniy Burnhani. Woikincirs compensation in Italy, (/n Green bag, vol. 18, Apr. U)0«, pp. 223-224.) Italy. Loi du 21J juin l!Mi;> nioditiant la loi du 17 mars 18W.S sur lus accidents du travail. {In Annuaire p. 2i»9-;il4. Bruxelles, 1904. 8°.) Texte do la loi ooditicc sur los accidents du travail, appruuvc par decret royal du 31 Janvier 1004. (7(1 Annuaire de la legislation du travail, vol. 8, 1904, ]>\>. ;^75-399. Bruxelles, 1905. 8°.) Reglement du lo mars 1904 pour I'execution tie la loi (Texte codifie) du 31 Janvier 1904 sur les accidents du travail. {In Annuaire de la legislation du travail, vol. 8, 1904, i>p. 400-458. Bruxelles, 1905. 8°.) King, Bolton, and Thomas Okey. Italv to-da\'. London: James JSfisbet i& eo., 1901. xii^-iOo jip. 8°. Poor law and charity, pp. 215-232, incluiliiinuj nn Aio^hinde., Heft. 6.) Zanardelli, . Projet de loi poi-tant modirications ii la loi du IT mars 1898, n" 90, relative aux accidents du travail. {In Congre.s international des accident.s du travail et des assurances sociales. Bulletin du comitt; permanent, vol. 12, pp. .365-407. Paris, 1901. 8°.) Consists of exposition of tlu- law by Zanardi'lli, with the text of the law of 1898 and of the propo-sed law in parallel columns. 21 RUSSIA Fuster, Kdouard. Kussie. Note sur hi noinclle loi concernunt la rospon.sabilite des patrons en cas d'accidents dii travail. {In Congres international des accidents du travail et des assurances sociales. Bulletin du eomit^ permanent, vol. 14, May-July, 1903, pp. 294-295. PariH, 1903. 8°.) Olivreau, Edniond. L'assurance accidents en Kiis.sic (Exercice 1903). {In Le Moniteur des assurances, vol. 37, Feb. 15, 1905, ])p. 71-72. Paris, 1905. 8°.) RubinoTv, I. iNI. The new Russian workingnien's compensation act. ( 1)1 United States. Department of commerce and labor. Bulletin, no. 58, May, 1905, pp. 955-959. ) Russia. Lcnm^ t/». 6'°. Loi russe du 2/15 juin 1903 sur les accidents du travail (dans les entreprises industrielles, metallurt^iques et mi- niri-es). Ti'aduction et expose analj'tique de la loi par Charles Salomon et Leon Le})lanc. Paris: Chamhre de commerce russe., 1901}.. oJi^pp. S^. Loi du 2 juin 1903 sur les accidents du travail. ( hi Congres international des accidents du travail et des assurances sociales. Bulletin ducoinite jjormanent, vol. 14, Nov.-Dec, 1903, pp. 525-570. Paris, 1903. 8°.) Schroeter, Jakoli. Zur russischen FaV)riksclnitzg'esetzg'ebung und ihrer Geschichte. Darmstadt: J I. Uhde^ 190 j^. ISJ^. pp- ^'^• " Litteraturverzeichnis": ))p. 177-180. " Die Hatti)flicht der I'nternehmer bei Ungliicksfiillen und die Anfiinge der Arbeiterversichcrung", i)p. 145-151. 22 SPAIN Bellom, Maurice. Assurance contre le.s accidents: Plspagne. {In his Les lois d' assurance ouvriere :\ lY-tranger, vol. 2, jit. 2, pp. 959-968. Paris, 189(5. 8°.) Delearde, Espagno. Decrets et rr't^lonients pris en cxc'cution dc laloiduSOjaiivit'i- I'.toosur lesacc-idnits du tijixiiil. Analyse et traduction. {In Congrt'H inti'inatitmal dofj acciiU-nts roohain nunu'ro." Spain. Loi sur les acfddents du travail du 3<> Janvier !!•()( ». {In Congn-'s international den accident.s du travail et de.s a.«surance.s sociales. Bulletin du comit6 permanent, vol. 11, 1900, pp. 4-9. Paris, 1900. 8°.) Zacher, Georg. Die Arbeiterversicherung in Spaidcn. JSerlm, 1901. Vedag der ArheUer-Yersoiujunij, A Troschel. 63 p2?. 8^. [Die Arhelter- Yerdcherung im Audande., JLft 15.) 23 THE NETHERLANDS L' Assurance ouvriere libre eu HolUinde. {In La Rc'forme sociale, 10. annee, 2. si'r., vol. 10, July-Der., 1890, pp. 672-676. ) Bellom, ]\I:nn-ice. Assurance contre les accidents: Pays-Bas. (/;/ /(/.f Les lois d'as.'^urance onvriC're a I'l'trantrer, vol. 2, j>t. 2, jip. 1163-1104. Palis, 1896. 8°.) Byleveld, C. M. A. Etat actuel du projet de loi sur Tas.surance obli- j^atoive contre les accidents du ti-avail. {In Congres international des accidents du travail et des assurances sociales. Bulletin du comitt'' permanent, vol. 11, pp. 35—18. Paris, 1900. 8°.) Falkenburg, Philijjj). Arbeiterversicheriuio- in den Niederlanden. (/// Handworterbuch der Staatswissenschaften. 2. giinz. umgearb. Aufl., Bd. 1, pp. 686-694. Jena, 1898. 4°.) Netherlands. Projet de loi hollandais sur Tassurance officielle des ouvriers contre les consequences pecuniaires des accidents dans certaines industries. Traduction par Maurice Bellom. {In Congres international des accidents du travail et des assurances sociales. Bulletin du comite permanent, vol. 11, pj). 301-331. Paris, 1900. 8°.) A brief exposition l)y Maurice Bellom, page 300. Accidents du travail. Loi du S decenibre 1902 conceruaut I'execution de Tart. T") dc la loi du 2 Janvier 1901. {In Congres international du travail et des assurances sociales. Bulletin du comity permanent, vol. 15, IMay-June, 1904, ]ip. 145-174. I'aris, 1904. 8°.) The Workmen's compensation act of Holland. {In United States. Department f)f lal)or, Bulletin no. 34, May, 1901. pp. 490-493.) Zacher, Georo-. Die Arbeiterversicherung in den Niederlanden. Berlin^ 1901. Verlag de?' Arbeiter-Versorgung.^ A. TroscJiel. Ill 2>p- '^'^ • {Die Arheitei'- Versicherung im Atislande, lie ft 13.) 24 BRITISH COLONIES Irvine, R[ol)ertJ F[nincis], andO. T. .). Alpers. T\\v i.r(>/). 8°. {The nineteenth century series yvol. .r?V].) Pt. I, to 1870, is by Irvine; i)t. ii, 1S70-189S, l.y Alpers. "Compensation for accidents", pp. 338-.'?41. Ne-w Zealand. Department of labour. The hilK)iir l:nvs of New ZeAhmd. Compik^d by direction of the lion, the minister of labour. 3d ed. Wellington: J. Mavl;ay, 1002. ,n, 1^28 pp. 8"-. "Accidents compensation act, 1901", pp. 1-2; "The Workers' com- pensation for accidents act, 1900", pj). 412-421. Parsons, Frank. The story of New Zealand; a history- of New Zea- land from the earliest tinies to the present, witii special reference to the political, industrial and social development of the island commonwealth; includin*:- the industrial evolu- tion dating from 1870, the political revolution of 1890, the causes and consequences, and the general movement of events throughout the four periods of New Zealand historv. Ed. ... byC. F. Taylor. Philadelphia: C. F. Tayhn-, 1901^. .rxii, (2), 836 pp. incl. front. IllHstrations. Mapx. 8-. {Kpiity sirits.) Bibliography: p. 804-812. "Tiie compensation act. Kmployers' lialiilily," pp. 47S-481. Reeves, William l\'nilter. State ('Xi)eriments in Australia vSc New Zealand. London: G. Richards., 1902. 2 vols. Folded ma jjs. Folded tahlt'S. 8-. Employers' liability, pp. 212-215. Tregear, Edward. Progress in New Zealand. (In The Independent, vol. 52, July 19, 1900, pp. 1716-1719.) On the Employers' liability act. 25 O » i SOUTHEF^N BRANCH, JJNIVERSITY .. CALIFORNIA, LIBRARY, ILOS ANGELES, CALIF. 7164 [LlUSem 1906 — B-rS-i- Library lOf Congress. Ldvi- sion of biblio- grapliy - Select list of works relat- ing to employers Z This hook is DUE on the last ^H_af<» sfamnpri below Kllllllll AA 000 495 258" ^J^/""' ''">' K %^ 'Or ^^i:-> 'A^ X: .'^t-: ,.e/,, j : ■■''*'. ■•'■ ^^. -n-y \ ./,./ :::S ■' U