"^/ilJONVSOl^ "^ ,^WE•ÜNIVER% ^ n'lMirtl I in# ^TilJONVSOl^ "^ '/JdJ/NSr*!! j^^^ lOSAVCElfj- 'QUilivj-jv) OFCAllFOfi'x n ''^.i/OJIlVJJO^ ^«f/OJIWDJO'f^ '^.!/0JnV3JO>' ■3S. so s -< ^J ? n. % &' >- c: C£ ■ss. •< oe < ca :o ■— ^ 5-1 wJ .j^OFCAlIFOi?^ ^.OFCAIIFOI?^ ^/5a3AiNa-3WV^ ^öAavjiaiii^^ >öAavaan-# < <^lUBRARYQc. 3 i < /-^ ^ ^^lllBRARYöA^ ^i«0JllV3-3O^ "^«i/OJnVDJO"^ ,5MEÜNIVERy/A ^^l-llBRARYö/r .«N^llIBRARYac ^riUDNVSOl^"^ ■^/Sil3AIN[13W^^ '^«i/OJIlVD 30^ '^.!/OJIlV3-30'^ fifi GEMS OF German Lyrics CONSISTING OF SELECTIONS FROM RUECKERT, LENAU, CHAMISSO, FREILIGRATH AND OTHERS. m^, BY HENRY D. WIREMAN, PHILADELPHIA : CLAXTON, REMSEN & HAFFELFINGER, 1869. Entered according to Act of Congress; in the year 1869, by HENRY D. WIR EM AN, n the Clerk's Office of the District Court for the Eastern District of Penna. MEICHEL £ PLDMLY, Printers, Third and Race. PREFACE. An ardent admirer of Poetry, it was not until I became familiar with the authors of " Refuge," "The Dying Flower," "The Echo/' "The Dead Soldier" and some others, that I fully realized the beauties of the Lyric Muse. For truth to Nature, pathos and simplicity of style, appealing as they do to the finest feelings of the human heart, there are, in my estimation, no sweeter poems than Lenau's "Refuge" and " Gaze Into The Stream " The more deeply I entered into this sacred realm of thought, the more deeply it impressed me, and the greater became my enthusiasm, until at length I found myself worshiping at its shrine. Many were the poems that greeted me, some so congenial to my day dreams and fancies, that I could not resist the PRErACE. temptation of rendering tlieni into English; select- ing tliem for tlie sentiments embodied, the musical purity of the versification, or for their applicability to some incident in the history of my life; not then with a view to publication, but merely for my own amusement and gratification Many of these poems are therefore dear friends. I need but recur to them, to have the memories of the past, with which they are inseparably connected, rise vividly before me ; even like the repetition of a melody, once heard allied with some incident of moment in our lives, all the associations connected with its first rendition are revived, and we revel in the memories thereof. Who, that has wandered alone in a foreign land, where the scenes, the people and their customs were new, and even the human voice itself was dead, has not, when hearing a melody he often heard his mother sing, thought of her, and longed to be at home again, if but for a moment, to peep in at the " Home Circle," to see what the loved ones 1 PREFACE. vii might be doing? Cannot he better appreciate Cha- misso's "Homesickness" and Siebel's "^Home," than one who has never wandered from the shelter of his father's roof? Finding however that I had gradually accumulated quite a number of translations, and seeing so large a field open for a book of this kind, I concluded, though with great diffidence, from my youth and in- experience, to submit my humble effort to the public. I have been careful to include only those Poets who were but little known to persons on this side of the Atlantic, unacquainted with the Grerman; those that have not been, as far as I have been able to ascer- tain, with but few exceptions, already translated. Having strayed from the beaten path, and gathered flowers where few are wont to ramble, the lyrics of those master minds, Schiller and Goethe, and of favorites like Heine and Geibel, have been omitted. If my interpretations, have rendered these authors in a clear and intelligible form, presenting the pic- ture as the Author painted it, still retaining a pure PREFACE. versification, I am well satisfied; and I may use with slight variation, the words of Coleridge: "I expect neither profit nor fame from my writings; and I consider myself amply repaid witliout either. The study of the German Poets haa been to me 'its own exceed- ing great reward ' ; it has soothed my afflictions ; it has multiplied and refined my enjoyments ; it has endeared solitude ; and it has given me the habit of wishing to dis- cover the Good and the Beautiful in all that meets and surrounds me." THE AUTHOR. Philadelphia, June, 1869. nljalt. ©citt. 3uffwä)t ßcttttit 2 D füfje 5?futter JRürfrrt 4 Der tobte ©olbat «cttit 14 Watcntbau Uf)(ttitti 20 Tit cdite S;(uäne ^. ftmifr 24 3Der 2:0b beg giibrerei JvrfHißratfj 26 (Ser)nfud)t fliitrfcrt 36 i:a^ mo «. G-. ^Prul; 44 Tk 2((penrofe J?. Some 50 ®en>if|"e 2Bcrte M. .|öttrtmnnn 54 SUUn I tv. xaDu b^ «^eimmcft C^^ljamiffo 64 .^crbftfummcr C^riift 74 Sonncnblide Xrößcr 78 3uf(u($t I'fUttU 80 :?cr ?tebe Dauer Jvi'fHiörntl) 82 SBaIbj]cfpräcl) (vidjCUtJorff 00 2Im genfter Ztnvm 04 Daö Sobtent^cmbdicn iSoumifelii 102 CONTENTS. Refuge LENAU 3 Oh, Mother Dear RUECKERT 5 The Maiden And The I ^ g WEGENER 11 Butterfly j The Dead Soldier SETDL 15 May-Dew UHLAND >,.. 21 The Real Tear ..J. KERNER 25 The Leader's Death FREILIGRATH 21 Longing RUECKERT 37 The Echo R. E. PRÜTZ 45 The Alpine-Rose,.... F. LOEWE 51 Certain Words M. HARTMANN 55 Thou Art The Purest-. ^ ^^^^ ^3 One Of All / Home-Sickness CHAMISSO 65 Autumnal-Sorrow ERNST 75 Sun-Glances TRIGGER 79 Refuge LENAU 81 Love's Duration FREILIGRATH 83 Forest-Talk EICHENDORFF 91 At The Window STURM 95 The Little Death Gown BAUERNFELD 103 Snftatt. MMttt 160 (Seite. 9?ac^ttgaa unb 9lpfe Saffct 104 Sinjl e-.^frrttiiti 112 «).VrIcnftfc^cr JRoquctte ICO ^.Vimula Vieris SeiiQU 122 Xer fxd$ 3. @. gifrJjcr 130 iMid in ben etrom Scunu ••■132 5(n ben (2Dnneni'd)etn 9Jcintd 136 Ta$ ftinb .Cicfikt 140 i:ie dioic etoac 144 Tie 3;^räne Srttitfr=9)Jnujrcl) 148 Tit Sennin ßcnnu 154 2tn ben SBinb Scnau 158 SBenn bu \vill\t tm ) 5^Jcn[d)cn6erjcn | 3:ie fterbenbe ^Plurnc JRiidrrt 162 SBunfc^ I'cnttu 172 Seßrabe beinc lobten Cf. «icdcl 182 5J?eitt.§erä, id) »ill bid) fragen .^ttltn 184 S* '"'"^bu"^e?''""'''^""} •••^ffttt'»«'' 1^8 3}?utter^crj Xräßcr 192 DerSBanbrcr gc^t aücinc 2ß. ÜJiMcr... 198 grüt)Iing63viijje tffunu 202 Tai mni 3toUcrfot^ 204 5?ebet ficuoit 208 ®anbcrung im Ocbirge: ycuau Erinnerung 210 Slufbru^ 212 Tie 2erd)e 214 Der Sic^walb 216 Tix ^irte 218 (Sinfamfcit 220 CONTENTS. PAGE. Nightingale And Rose SALLET 105 Once E. FERRAND 113 The Pearl-Fisher ROQUETTE 121 Primula-Veris LENAU 123 The Price J. G. FISCHER 131 Gaze Into The Stream LENAU 133 To The Sunbeam REINICK 137 The Child HEBBEL 141 The Rose STOLLE 145 The Tear DRJEXLER-MANFRED....149 The Alpine Shepherdess LENAU 155 To The Wind LENAU 159 %tJrReS^ } "ECKERT lel The Dying Flower RUECKERT 163 Wish LENAU l73 Thy Dead, Oh, Bury Them....C. SIEBEL 183 Love HALM 185 I Fain Would Make A I BRENTANO 189 Nosegay Sweet / Mother-Heart TRJEGER 193 The AVanderer Goes Alone W. MUELLER 199 Spring's Greetings LENAU .203 The Child STOLTERFOTH 205 The Fog LENAU 209 Wandering Among The "1 LENAU Mountains: / ^ Remembrance 211 Departure 213 The Lark 215 The Forest Of Oaks 21T 77ie Shepherd. 219 Solitude 221 xiv 3 n :^ a 1 1 . ©eite. Die Seme • 224 Dag ©ejvitter 228 Der ®(i)laf 232 Der 2Uenb 236 2enj ScilttU 238 äDanbcrlicb 3. .«micr 240 dUdbiid (S. ^i>ö\i\ii 246 Die Drei §fuan 248 ^dmati, C^ . SicM 252 SebcwcM e^fjaunffo 258 Der Äran!e im ©arten öciittu 262 ^eimfebr SiiißO •••264 Der S5>cg jum ^Virabiefe 3>. ÜL S>oöI 268 a;rocfnc Slumcn ...20. 9J!itUcr 288 ©rkitcrutiij burd) 3;f)ränett ...«|ilttn.... 294 9?a^ Salmn %. SöUQcr 296 3ln bell Srütnitiij SqtttU 300 ginft unb 3ct3t Scuait 304 aBol^Ujeute nod) unb morgen®. Snrfj 310 gpru^ .3. ©itroüi 318 9Md)t(ii1)er Itcteriiang ber ) «unfm ^'^O ^}H>lcn ki Ärafau j •••+^in«fn--- ^-^ <£^rud) ....Ujiöcunmtt 332 53;ciner «OTuttcr .f>. 5(ttmcr« 334 9JJeitt unb Dein .^. @. ?fi|r^cr 344 Dag ©rfennen 3. 91. Soßt 346 Deg SDalbeö Ätnb 9L »htnii 350 SBenn bu nod) eine | «^s«»« •^'{r Der 9leP)abel 3. mo)(n 360 CONTENTS. PAGE. The Distance 225 The Storm 229 Sleep 233 Evening 237 Spring , LENAU 239 Wandering J. KEENER 241 Retrospection C. HOEPPL 247 The Three LENAU 249 Home C. SIEBEL 253 Farewell CHAMISSO 259 ThG Invalid In The Garden.. ..LENAU 263 Return-Home ;..LINGG 265 The Way To Paradise J. N. VOGL 269 "Withered Flowers W. MUELLER 289 Consolation Through Tears. ...SPITTA 295 The Lapse Of Years A. BCETTGER 297 To Spring LENAU 301 Once And Now LENAU 305 To-Day Yet And To.Morrow..S. DACH 311 Proverb J. BUROW 319 Crossing Of The Poles ") At Cracow Under PLATEN 321 ' Cover Of Night j Proverb ANONYMOUS 333 To My Mother H. ALLMEUS 335 Mine And Thine J. G. FISCHER 345 The Recognition J. N. VOGL 347 The Forest Child R. MUND 351 If Thou Dost Stiin TR.-EGER 357 Possess A Home ) The Deer-Skull J. MOSEN 3G1 rme§ 5ßilb im 2ßalbe§grimbc, ^^® ®d)(äc]t bie 3ac\,h bir eine 3ßunbe, glücf)te[t bii äur tteffteit ©telle, 5In be§ 3öalb§ gefjeimfte OucEe, ®aj3 fie bir mit frifc^er ^iiljk ßinbentD beine 3öiinbe fpüle. 9J?cn[d;, bii fliel) mit beinem ©cfjiner^ 5ln bie Ijcimatfjlidjfte Gteße, 5lu beg Jrofteg reinfte Ouede, glückte an ha^ Wliitkiijcv^. ■Doc^ bie 9)fütter fterben balb j §at man bir begraben beine, glnd)te in hm ticfften 3Ba(b 9Jiit bem innnben ^d) — nnb meine ! GEMS OF GERMAN LYRICS. REFUGE. t ARMLESS deer in forest around. When thou dost receive a wound, Flee'st thou to the deepest nook, To the wood's most secret brook ; That the waters cool and fresh Soothe thy torn and quiv'ring flesh. Man, if thou afflicted be, To the home-like, dearest nook. Consolation's clearest brook. To the mother heart Oh, flee ! Mothers all, alas ! must die ; Oh, if thine hath gone to sleep, To the deepest forest fly With the wounded deer, and weep ! GEMS OF GERMAN LYRICS. M) f ann iiidit fpinnen, Srf) !ann nic^t fi^en Sm Stubdjen innen, 3m engen §au§ ; @§ ftocft ba§ 9^at)d)en, ßö rei^t ^a^ gabdjen, D [ii^e ^Ihitter, 3d) nui^ I)inauä. „'5)er gridjling giicfet §ell burd) bie (2d)eiben ; SScr fann nun [ifeen, S>cr fnnn nun bleiben Hub flei^iij fein ? £) laj mid) 9e()en, Unb In^ mic^ fcljen, rb id) !ann fliegen SBie 5>L)geIein. GEMS OF GERMAN LYRICS. OH, MOTHEE DEAE! tH, mother dear, I cannot spin, I cannot sit This room within, My narrow home; The wheel doth quake. The thread doth break, Oh, mother dear, Do let me roam ! *' Spring brightly looks Through yonder pane ; Who now can sit. Who can remain And busy be ? Oh, let me go, Run to and fro. Then will I bring A smile for thee ! GEMS OF GERMAN LYRICS. „£) Iaj3 mid) fel)en, D la J mid) laiifdjen, 3Bo ßüftlcin treten, 3Bo S3äd)[eiit rau|d)cn, 2ßo 53liimleiii bliUjii. l^aJ3 fie mid) pfliicfcn, Hub fd)ön mir fc^müdcn S)ie braunen ßoden 55lit buntem @rün. „Unb fommen tnaben Sn tüilben Raufen, ©0 mill ic^ traben, @o miH id) laufen, 9lid)tftiüeftel)n; 3öia l)inter §eden SKid) Ijier üerfteden, S3i§ fie mit ßdrmen SSorüber ge^n. GEMS OF GERMAN LYRICS. " Oh, let me fly, Oh, let me go Where zephyrs sigh. Where streamlets flow Thro' fragrant bow'rs. Let me entwine The em'rald vine. And wreathe my brow With fairest flow'rs. " If boys approach In boist'rous glee, Then will I run, Then will I flee, I will not stay ; Will quickly hide, And then abide. Till they with shouts Have passed away! GEMS OF GERMAN LYRICS. „SSnnflt aber 33Iumen ©in fvoinmer ^nabe, S)ie ic^ jum ^van^c Suft nöt[)ig IjaW : 2ßa§ foQ ic^ tl)m\ ? 2)arf ic^ iro^l nicfenb, Sljin freunblid^ blicfent), fü^e 9J?iitter, Bur Seit' i[)m ru^n ? " Sriebrid) SRiirfctt GEMS OF GERMAN LYRICS. *'But should a youth Bring choicest spray, Which I just need For garland gay; Oh, wilt thou chide, K with sweet smile, A little while, I, mother dear, Best by his side?" FRIEDRICH RUKCKERT. 10 GEMS OF GERMAN LYRICS. J)a$ 'g^Iäödjeu unö 5er ^djmclterfinö. .^^^uftmanbelnb [cfjritt ein 5!}?äbd)cn ^^ 3n fiU;lem SSalbeÖgrunt), llnb al§ fie bort fid) biirfte, Bum Strauß fic^ 53Iiimen pflücfte, i)a fam ein bunter galter Unb fü^te i[;ren 9)hinb. „^Ner^eif)' mir," fprad) ber galter, ,,^tx]dif mir mein i^erge^n, 3c^ moüte ^onig nippen Unb l)aik beine Sippen, Dein rot^eg, rotlje^ 5D'?ünbd)en, gür ^ofen angefe^n." GEMS OF GERMAN LYRICS. 11 THE MAIDEN AND THE BUTTERFLY. (Äo sraily thro' the woods ^^ A sprightly maiden trips, And as she stoops to pick, For a nosegay, flowers quick, A passing butterfly Doth kiss h.er rosy lips. The butterfly exclaims : "Forgive me, maiden fair, I honey wished to sip ; And Oh, I thought that lip, That ruddy lip of thine, A rose a blooming there ! " 12 GEMS OF GERMAN LYRICS. ®a \[nad) 3U iljm ha^ Tlähdjcn : „gfiu biennial, fleineg ^m(\, SßiH ic^ bir gem öergeben ; ^06) werfe bir baneben : Wiii)t blühen biefe Sdofen gür jeben (Sdjmetterling." W. <& . SBeoenct GEMS OF GERMAN LYRICS. 13 " This once, thou little thing," Thus doth the maid reply — " Thou art forgiven ; though I fain would have thee know, These roses do not bloom. For every butterfly ! " K. E. ■WEGENER. 14 GEMS or GERMAN LYRICS. per tobU ^ofbaf. (j^^iif ferner freniber 5(ue ^^ Sa liegt ein tobter (Solbat, ©in untje^iitjlter, uergeffner, SSie brat) er c^efiintpft and) l)at ©g reiten üiel ©enerale 5!}?it tonnen an i^ni uorbei ; Senft feiner, ha^, ber ha lieget, 5lnd) luertl; eine§ ^renjteing fei. ®§ ift urn mand)en ©efad'nen 3>ie[ grag' unb Samnter bort, ^od} für ben armen ©olbaten ©ibt'S mebcr ^^(jräne nod) 3Sort. GEMS OF GERMAN LYRICS, 15 THE DEAD SOLDIER. ^m N a distant field a soldier * Lies bleeding where he fell, Unseen and ay, forgotten. Although he fought so well. Gen'rals bedecked with honors Ride by where he doth rest; None think of his deserving To wear them on his breast. For many of the fallen, Here bitter tears are shed. But of this poor, dead soldier, E'en not a word is said. 16 GEMS OF GERMAN LYRICS. ®od; ferne, wo ei* ^it §an[e, ®a [i^t, beim 5lbenbrot[), ©in 5Sater uoß bani^eu ^Ujuung Unb fagt : „©cmi^ er ift tobt ! " ©a [i^t eine meinenbe ^Jiutter, Unb fc^lud^aet laut : „©ott^elf! ®r l)at firfj anqemelbet : Sie Uljr blieb fte^n urn (llf ! " S)a ftarrt ein b[affe§ 9}?äbdjen ^in.iuö in'§ ®ämmerHrf)t: „Unb ift er bal^in unb geftorben, 5)^einem ^er^en ftirbt er nidjt ! " GEMS OF GERMAN LYRICS. 17 At home a father sitteth, West glows the evening red, And, filled with strange forebodings, Exclaims : " My boy is dead ! " There sits a mother weeping. Who moans : " Help, Thou in rieav'ii I saw his apparition, The clock stopped at elev'n ! " A maiden pale, at twilight, From reverie doth start: " Though far away, and dying, He lives within my heart!" X- 18 GEMS OF GERMAN LYRICS. S)rei 5liigcnpaare fdjicfen, ©0 [jci[3 ein §er,3 iiuv faun, giiu ben armen tobten (Solbaten Stjre STjvänen ^um §inimc( (jinan. Unh ber §immcl nimmt bie 2:[jränen 3n einem 5öülfdjen anf, Unb im(\t cö ^nu fevnen Slue §inübci" im rafdjen 2anf ; Unb Qie^t aug ber 3öolfe bie 2()räne 5htf0 §anpt beS 5:obten al^^ 5:(]an, 2)ai3 er nnbemeint nidjt (iege 5luf ferner frember 5lu'. 3 . Ö . e e i ^ I , GEMS OF GERMAN LYRICS. 19 Three pairs of eyes now offer, With warmth of hearts that love, For one who fought so bravely, Their tears, to Heaven above. And Heaven these tears doth gather up in a cloud, which flies To where the poor, dead soldier On the field of battle lies. As dew, these tears it poureth Upon his brow, that lie He might unwept for, never, Where ho. unknown did die. J. O. SEIDL. 20 GEMS OF GERMAN LYRICS. (Q^uf ben Wsalb iiiit) auf bie SÖiefe, ^3^ Wit bem erften 9)?ori]engraii, Si'äuft ein Oiicfl noni ^nirabiefe, Öeifcr. frifrfjcr 5)taicntfjau ; 5Öa^^ bell 93?ai jiim §eiligt()ume 3eber fiif^eu ^JSoune fdjafft, 8d)mcl3 bcr 53Iätter, ©(an^ ber ^linue, 3ßiirs' nub ©lift, ift feine traft. Söcnn bcu Jfjaii bie 93?iifd)cl trinfet, 3ßirb ill ilju ein ^^ser[eiiftraiiJ3 ; 5Beiiii er in beii (Eidjbaum fiiifet, 5ßerbeii §niiii]bieiieii b'rauö ; ^eiin ber 5>ot]e[ auf bem Dieife tauiu bamit ben @d)nabe( nc^t, ßernct er bie (jede 3öeife, ®ie htn ernften ^^aih ergotjt. GEMS OF GERMAN LYRICS. 21 MAY-DEW. j^\N the mead and mossy mountain, T At the peej) of morning gray, Drips from Paradise a fountain. Soft and fresh, the dew of May; That which May, a sacred power, Gives to every heart's deUght : Leaves' enamel, glow of flower, Sweetest fragrance, is its might. When a shell its droplets drinketh, Grows therein a pearl bouquet ; When it in the oak tree sinketh. Honey-bees see light of day; When the birdling scarcely wetteth With it on the branch its bill, It that wondrous song begetteth, Which the wood with joy doth fill. i 22 GEMS OF GERMAN LYRICS. 9)Zit bem %\)an bci* 50?atcnglocfeii Sßäfdit bic SiuKjfrau il)r ©efldjt, S5abet fie bie golb'ucn ßoifen Uiib fie ßKin^t üoii §immel§lirf)t ; ^clbft ein 5liu]e, rotlj gcmeinet, Qaht fid) mit btn S^ropfcu (]cni, Si3 iljin freiinblidj nicbcrfdjeinet, jTIjaugctranft, ber 5}iori]enfterii. Sinf benii and) auf mid) fjernicbeu, S3alfaiii bii für jebcii ©djiuer^ ! 9ic(j' and) mil' bic 5lii(]cn[iber, S^uänf'e miu mein biivftciib §ei*,3 ! ®ib miu 5ii(]eiib, (Saugc^momie, §imm(ifd)ci' ©cbilbe Bdjan, Stärfc miu ben W<£ 311U ©onne, Öeifcu, fuifdjcu 9}iou(]entf;aii ! C' u C) ID i 9 U h I a II b GEMS OF GERMAN LYRICS. 23 Lilies fair the maid caresses, Laves her face in dew-drops bright, When she bathes her golden tresses, She doth glow from Heav'nly light. Gladly bathes an eye that weepeth In these drops, in Heaven born, Till so friendly on it peepeth, Dew-bedrenched, the star of morn. Sink on me a mortal dreary, Balsam thou for every smart ! Moisten thou my eyelids weary, Quench, Oh thou my thirsting heart I Give me youth and songs of pleasure, Heav'nly pictures let me view ! Turn my gaze to Heaven's treasure, Soft and fresh. Oh morning dew ! LUDWIG UHLAND. 24 GEMS OF (JERMAN LYRICS. pie cd^U "gliraue. [ c^,iß edjte 2:[jräne bleibt im 5liu]e ftiHe ^ ftctjii, Sie fällt Jill* ©übe uidjt, fein 5lnbre§ barf fie feljn, Mein 5(iibrec> fpridjt uon ilju in 93tit(eib nic^t nod) ©pott, Sa^ fie c^eiüeinet luaib, treiJ3 ©ineö nur unb ©Ott. t? u f t i » u S Ä e r M e c . ^Q>^ .^^s©. S^4J. GEMS OP GERMAN LYRICS, 25 THE EEAL TEAR. (^TiLL in the eye remains the tear, that's pure and real, It falleth not to earth, doth not itself re- veal. No word of it in pity or in jest is said, One only knows, and God, that it was ever shed. JUSTINUS KEKNER. 26 GEMS OF GERMAN LYRICS. per %ob 5e6 3iüf)rer6. /^i*0^ou ben Segcdi tro|;ft ber 9icbct, 5luf ben 53ud)teii ^ictjt ber 5)uft. Biinbct bic Öateni' am 5L)ia[te ! ©rail ba§ 5öaffcu, grau bie 2iift. S^obteiituettcr ! — jiefjt bie §üte ! 9Jiit bcu tiubern fontmt iinb graii'n ! ^ckt ! bcmi in ber Kajüte ©o(It il)r einen lobten fdjau'n!" Hub bie bcuti'djcn 5lcferölente @d)rciteu bcni au§ 33o[ton nad;, treten mit gefenfteni §aupte 3n ha§> niebre ©djipgemadj : Sie nadj einer nenen -geimatfj gerne [tenern über'ö 5)teer, ©efju im Sobtenljcmb ben ^^llten, Ser [ie fiiljrte big Ijieijer ; GEMS OF GERMAN LYRICS. 27 THE LEADBU'S DEATH. ^^ROM the sails the fog is dripping, X* Mist is gath'ring on the bay, At the mast go, light the lanterns I Gray's the air, the water's gray. Doff your hats ! — of death the weather Tells, bring women, children, shed Tears and pray ! for in the cabin Lies one numbered with the dead ! " Deep in thought the German farmers Pace the vessel's deck, and Oh ! Sadly weeping now, they enter Still the little room below : They who steer across the Ocean, Seeking new homes far away. See now in his grave-clothes lying, Him who led them till this day; 28 GEMS OF GERMAN LYRICS. ®er aii§ lcicl)ten ^^annenbrettcni Bimmerte bcii §ütten!af)u, Scr oom ^}tecfar fie 511111 UHjciiie %nic\, lunii 9i(jciu 511111 O^eaii ; S^cr, ciii ©ueie, [id) fdjiDcreii -sjerjciul ßo^rij? uom ererbten ©riiiib ; T^er ba [ai]te : ,, ,'ii(\^t \uv$ ^idjcii ! i?af3t mvS fdjlielien einen 33itiib ! ' " ®cr ha fprad) : , ,,5^rerf)t anf nad) 5lbeiib ! 5tbenbiiiärU^ \]M)t ^Diorgenrotl) ! Sorten la^t un§ §ütten bancii, 5Ö0 bie greiljeit Ijält tai^ iiotij ! S)ort fa^t unfern (Sdjiueif? iin§ fiien, 3Bo fein tobtei^ Morn er liegt ! Dort laf3t nn§ bie @djolIe luenben, 3Ö0 bie ©arben [jolt, luer |.Hlüi]t ! GEMS OF GER3IAN LYRICS. 29 Him who built the hut-like vessel From the slender boards of pine, Bearing them to Rhine from Neckar, To the Ocean from the Rhine. Him, who gray with age, with throbbing Heart renounced his fatherland; Him who said : " Oh, let us wander. Let us form a solemn band ! " Him who spoke : "Our course is westward, There the morning red doth glow. Let us build our huts, where Justice Weighs alike for high and low ! Where no rotten seed it layeth. There, Oh, there, let's sow our sweat ! There too let us plow the earth, where He who sows, the fruit doth get! 30 ;EMS of GERMAN LYRICS. hoffet unfern §eri) nn§ trac^en 3n bie Söälbcr tief [jincin ! ßaffct mid) in ben Saüannen (Suren $atriard)en [ein ! 2a^t nn§ (eben, inic bie §irten 3n bem niten Jeftament ! llnfreS 5Öe(]eö gcnerfän[e Sei h(i^ ßirfjt, ha§> cw\c\ brennt ! ©iefeö ßicfjteö 6d)cin Dertrau' id), (Seine ^yüfjrung fiiljrt nn§ redjt ! @c(iß in bcn (Snfcin fdjan' idj (Sin crftanbcneS ©efdjledjt! <8ic— ad), biefen ©(iebcrn gönnte Tiod) bie §cimatr; lüoljl ein @rab ! lim ber .^tinber miflen Qreif id) §offeub nodj j^n @nrt unb ^Btab, GEMS (IF CERMAN LYRICS. 31 Let our humble hearths us carry In the forest deep and free, Let me through the western prairies, Patriarch and Leader be ! Like the shepherds in the Bible Let us live, ay, do as they ! Let our fiery pillar be, the Light that brightly burns for aye ! For I trust this light's reflection, It will lead us to the place, Where from out our childrens' children May spring up a happy race 1 For these aching limbs, my country Would me suTcly grant a grave. For the children's sake, I full of Hope, the weary journey brave ! 32 GEMS OF GERMAN LYRICS. 5litf bannn, iiub folßt aiiä ®o[en S)cr 'i>oraiK3et3aiu]uen (Spur ! — '" 5Id), cr fdjaucte, i](eid) 9](0lc'n, r^aiiaaii uoii ferne nur. 5hif bem 53iecr ift er i]e[torbeu, (Er unb [cine 2Bün|d)e rufjii ; ^cr ©rfüflung unb ber Jdufdjuntj 3ft er gleid) entfjoben nun ! 9iat(j(üi^ bie uerlaff'ne c\: bie (Srbe giinfäit] 3af;re taui] iiepfliuit. 5er^jn(ln^ ?»r?ilinrath GEMS OF GERMAX LYRICS. 35 " From the sails the fog is dripping, Mist is gath'ring on the bay ! Gently let the ropes go, — give him To his watery grave — and pray ! " Shrieking harshly fly the seagulls, Billows foam, fast flow the tears ; In the sea now resteth he, who Plowed the earth for fifty years. FEKDIXANO FBEILIGRATH. 36 GEMS OF GERMAN LYRICS. i^^nm biirci) bie Öüflc iinrbcdib treibt bcf ^C^ Sdjnce, Hub lauten gii^trittg buvc^ bie gluu ber groft tS'iu[)ei* i]e(jt auf ber @piei]clba(ju uoii (iic> ; T)auu ift Co fdjöu, cjefdiüt^t uor $\>intcrftunu Hub uiiueulrieben lum beu (jolbeu @(ut() 2)e§ eiijeneu §eerb§, p fituni [till baljeim. 9 biii'ft' icfj [ilicu je^t bei Ser batjeim, !Sie nidjt ^u neibeu En-audjt hm reinen Sdjnec,, 5)ie mit ber [oun'i^en Int^eu fanfter ©lutf) ©elbft gunfen lueiB ^n fo^en anö beni groft ! 53efd)iuörcn follte fie in mir ^cn Stnrm, Unb tljauen follte meines ^ufene (ik\ GEMS OP GERMAN LYRICS. LONGING. Äl-Ähen throudi the air f^torm-beaten Tf whirls the snow, And through the fields, with heavy foot- steps, tramps The frost upon the mirror path of ice ; How cozy then, well sheltered from the storms Of Winter, and never driven from tlie hearth Away, contented, still to sit at home. Oh, could I only sit with her at home, Who needs ^ot envy e'en the purest snow, Who with the sunnyrays of herbrighteyes. Sparks even can entice from out the snow ! She should conjure in me the raging storm, And thaw the ice concealed within my l^'cast. 38 GEMS OF GERMAN LYRICS. ßrft iiiiifi am 33Ii(f be§ gni()Iiiu]c§ bn§ Gic> ®e§ Winter? fdjiuel^cn, unb wad) ^tovbeii l)ciin, 5^er[djeiidjt uoin ßcn^ljaudj, ^icfjit bcu laute ©türm ; ßiy id) barf jictju bortljiu, wo id) ben Sdjuee ®er §aub mill fiiffeu, ben, lucil SDiuterfroft 3^11 nidjt erfdjuf, nidjt tobtet Sommerghitf;. S)ie 8efjn[ud;t brennt in mir mie (Sommer» Ohit's 5lui3e[jrcnb innerlid), mie miirbcS Gi§, 93tcin §er3, inmitten üon be^^ SSinterS groft ; Unb raftloe [täuben bie ®ebanfen fjeim ^lad) ifjrem 3iel, fid) freu^enb mie ber Sdjuec, Sen flod:enb burdjeinanber treibt ber ©turm. GEMS OF GERMAN LYRICS. 39 Ay, at the glimpse of Spring, must melt the ice Of Winter first, and to its home far North, Tempered by balmy airs, must flee the storm, Ere I can go, where I of that white hand Could kiss the snow, which, since the Winter's frost Ne'er made it, Summer's heat can never kill. My longings burn in me like Summer's heat, Within consuming like decaying ice My heart, amid the frost of Winter drear ; My restless thoughts do ever homeward fly Towards their goal, e'en like the drifted snow. When chased in all directions by the wind. 40 GEMS OF GERMAN LYRICS. £) "i^a^ mid) fa^enb jii \\)v kiiQ' ein Sturm, 'Damit ßcftiflet mürbe meine ©lutt) ! llnb bürft' id) algeinglörfdjeu and) uon vSdinee 9lur, ober al^ ein 9Kibe(d)en uon (Bif> ®ai^ ®ad) berüf;ren, mo (Sie ift baf;eim ; md)t füljten mollt' id; ha be§ Söinter^froft. 5ßer fiU)(et, mo ber grüfjlinc] atl)met, groft V 5öeu [d)rcrfet, mo bie ßiebe [onnet, ©turni ? 3öer fennet Uni^emad), luo Sie baljeim, Sie, bie mir ,^u()aud)t [anfte l'ebenöcjlntl) So fern [)er, über mand) @efilb üon (i^'i^ llnb mand)(S^ebiri],bebecft Don rauhem Sdjnee? (JEMS OF GERMAN LYRICS, 41 Would but a storm catch me and take me off To her, that stilled might be the fervor of My heart ! Oh, could I only touch as Hake The snow, or as a little crystal clear Of ice, the roof where she doth sit at home ! I never more would feel the Winter's frost. Who feels, where Spring doth breathe, the nipping frost ? Whom scares, where love doth dwell, the raging storm ? Who knoweth discomfort, where she is near ? She, who doth breathe to me the breath of life, From distance far, o'er many a field of ice, And many a rugged mount bedecked with snow. 42 GEMS OF GERMAN LYRICS. 50iit33liitljenl*d)nee fdjiuiirft fid) bcrfafjle groft, ®a5ßi§'iuiubÖid)tfnftaninib2öofjnaut8tiinii, 2Bo id; üoQ ©liitl; 511 Sir undj bcnfe [;cim. 5 r i e 6 t i cl; 3{ ü d e 1 1 GEMS OF GERMAN LYRICS. 43 With snowy blossoms even the hoary frost Attires itself, the ice to crystal turns, The storm is lulled to sweetest sounds, when full Of love I think myself with thee at home. FEIEDRICH RUECIKERT. -%^=^'^ 44 GEMS OF GERMAN LYRICS. fr^'i^^ ii'vt ein 5!}?ätjb(cin i]an,^ ciMw 5(iif öbem ^^sfabc biirrf) beii -s^^.iiii. ©§ f[at]t iiiib luciiit bie 5leiu^Icin votl) : @eiiie ^)3?ntter, |ai]eu [ie, ift tobt. Hub jainmcnib ruft e§ biircf) ben 51^alb, 3)a^ laut bag ©rf)o mieberfjallt : „5ßobi[tbu, mntkv? [ai^e miu ! " Hub fjord) ! ha^ ddjo tönet : ()ier ! ®a§ 50^ä(]b(ein laufdjt, if)ni mirb [o baiu]', Sikif? nid)t, luoljer bie Stiuuiie flaut] ; @d)aut iu \)a^ 'lljal, fd)aut lu bie $01)', giiljrt auf, luie eiu i]c[d)eud)te§ fUtl), Hub läuft burc^ 3)oru uub ^Bufd) uub ©ruub, S)a§ Mcib jerrci^t, ber ?^uf? ift luuub : GEMS OF GERMAN LYRICS, 45 THE ECHO. 4 MAIDEN all alone doth roain, T 4^ Qjj ^ rugged path afar from home, She weeps e'en till her eyes grow red, Alas ! they say her mother is dead. Thus through the woods she sadly cries, And the echo to the sound replies : '" Where art thou ? tell me, mother dear ! " And hark ! the echo answers — " here ! " The maid doth list, knows not wherefrom The voice, that gives her fear doth come ; She looks above, she looks below, And, starting like a frightened doe. She runs through thicket, bush and thorn; Her feet are sore, her dress is torn. 46 GEMS or GERMAN LYRICS. @ie aber jainmcft burd) h^n Sßalb, ®a|3 laut baa Gdjo luiebcutjadt : „500 bift bii, Wutter? [ac^e miu!" lliib luicber tönt hd^^ ßdjo : Ijier ! Bit fam an cinee «Seeö Dkiib, @cfdjmii(ft mit 53(nnien aUevljanb, 9)?it ^ofen unb mit D^oemarin, Wit S^uauenncibcu bidjt unb (]rün. S)cm linbe bäud)t bie ghitlj fo blau, 5l[ö ob'§ in'S 9J?uttcrauge fc^au'; 2)ic JSctlc raujdjt fo fanft, [o mcidj, ®cm SSicgcuIicb ber ^Jiuttcr (]Ieid) : ,,500 bift hu, ?Oiutter ? fa^e miu ! " Unb a\\^ ben ©affern tönt cf^: I)icr ! GEMS OF GERMAN LYRICS. Still through the woods she sadly cries, And the echo to the sound replies : " Where art thou ? tell me, mother dear ! " Again the echo answers — "here ! " She came to banks of lake so blue, Bedecked with flowers of every hue; The rose and lily here are seen, And weeping willows thick and green. So blue the stream, she thought, amazed, Into her mother's eyes she gazed; The wavelets ripple soft along, E'en like her mother's cradle song: "Where art thou? tell me, mother dear!" From out the depths a voice cries — "here!" 48 GEMS OF GERMAN LYRICS. ®a ]d)\v\Ut nor Ungebulb ifjr ^er,^, Hub Ijeitcru ^lutie^^, o^iic (Sdjiucr,?,, 9tafdj ill bie gluti) [tiir^t fie Ijiuein : „^)hiu (jab' id) bidj, (ieb ^J^üttcdcin ! " 3i l> c r t (i' f II a r b »|* r ii t ) i^r:^=^ GEMS OF GERMAN LYRICS. 49 Impatience swells her throbbing heart. She feels no more affliction's smart ; But leaps into the lake so clear: " I HAVE THEE NOW, Oh, MOTHER DEAR ! EGBERT EDUARD PRDTZ. ßit - - &3 50 GEMS OP GERMAN LYRICS. J)ie 'glfpeurofe. od) auf bem 33en3, iin braunen 9}loofc, 5>on (£i8 iimglän^t unii [jalb uerfdjueit, S3liifjt fti(I cnipor bic ^llpenrofc : ©in fii^ ©cbidjt bcv ©infanifcit. ®er (aucn ginil)(in(]§lüftc gädjclu I'ü^t iljre jungen 33Iätteu nidjt; ©ie ftel;t trie ein üerloren ßäd;c[n 3m ftaiTcn gelfcnangefidjt. ■Die falten ®letfd)eriuänbe fteigen 5lnt()ürmenb nuidjticj (Bind für Stiic!, Unb unbenierft im em'ijen ©djiDeigen 25äd;ft fie mie ein uei-fdjmiegeu ©lücf. GEMS OF GERMAN LYRICS. 51 THE ALPINE-ECSE. g|>N moss, on mountain high, doth glow ■^ The Alpine-Rose, in its retreat Of ice, well nigh concealed by snow : Of solitude a poem sweet. Spring's balmy zephyrs, mid the frost, Ne'er kiss its leaves; in awful space It blooms, e'en like a joy that's lost, Upon the mountain's rugged face. The glaciers stern, 'mong blast and chill. Majestic, grand to Heaven loom. Unnoticed in eternal still. It like some Mlent joy doth bloom. 52 GEMS OF GERMAN LYRICS. D felig ber, bem luoljlgcborgcii, Sm oft burc^frofteten ©emütl), §odj über alien ©rbenforgeu (So eine [ü^e 33Inme bliUjt! Seobor Si5roc GEMS OP GERMAN LYRICS. 53 Thrice happy he, in whom there glows, Concealed in heart, deep frosted oft. High over all the earthly woes, Just such a fiow'ret, pure and soft. FEODOR LOKWE. 54: GEMS OF GERMAN LYRICS. /^^ 2Sorte gibt'^, bie nie ücrijaüen, Sie fiub tuie (Steindjcu, bie (^cfancu 3n einen 33rnnnen fdjiinir,^ nnb tief, llnb bie uon tant' jn ^ante fpringen Unb ftetd uon neuem aufwärts Hingen, 5ßenn [tteinbai* längft \l)v ■Ion entfd)lief. G§ finb bie 3ßorte, bie fid) fenfen 3n nnfer^ ^erjenS tiefen 'Bä]ad)t : 5[u§ ber 35ergeffen^eiten Tiad)t Hingt etüig neu ifjr ^üujebenfen. GEMS OF GERMAN LYRICS. 55 CERTAIN 170'Rm. her're certain words that ring for aye, Like stones, dropt from our hands, are they, Into a well so dark and deep, And which from side to side do bound. Sending upward anew the sound. That one had thought long gone to sleep. They are the words that sink into Our heart's most secret, deep recess : Out of the dark forgetfulness The thouQ-ht of them rinnfs ever new. 56 GEMS OF GERMAN LYRICS. Sdj fclji'te (jctiii wad) laugen Saljrcu ; S)c§ 2ebeu§ 5öud}t hatt' id) erfal)ren, ©cfoftct ami) be§ £cben§ gueube : Diit meiner Sutjenb ja^tt' idj bcibe. '5)ic 5}intteu fjicit micf) lani] umfangen, Unb aU t)k ei?fte £u[t tjeftiflt, (Sprach fie mit 2;öuen, traung=mi[b : O @ott, mie bla^ finb beine SSangen ! D (Sott, mie bla^ finb beine SBaugcu ! G§ gliicft mil* nirfjt, au§ meinem §eqen Sie 9}hittermorte auejumer^en, £}b 3aF)re b'niber [jingegangen. GEMS OF GERMAN LYKICS. 57 Years had elapsed — home I returned, Life's weight, how heavy, I had learned, Had tasted all its sweets — forsooth The price was high, it cost me youth. My mother pressed me to her heart, As if she feared again to part, Then spoke in tones caressing, mild : " Oh God, how pale thy cheeks, my child !' " Oh God, how pale thy cheeks, my child !' My mother's words will from my heart Ay, never, nevermore depart, — Those words so sad and yet so mild. 58 GEMS OF GERMAN LYRICS. £)b mm in grcube, ob in Seibe, !S)er Sßangeii grüljling nou mir [djeibc 2)ie SSorte fiiib mein treu Geleite. 3d) [jure [tetö an meiner Seite 3n 2;önen traurigen unb bantjen : ©Ott, luie bla^ finb beine ^Saugen ! Unb fiiy id) ^lad)i'$ allein unb fc^aue ^Jtit falt'ger «Stirne, büftrer 35raue Jief ju be§ 53ecfjeri^ golb'nem ©runbe, 3[t mir, (ih$ ob au§ treuem 53iunbe §erau§ bie r^lagemorte fangen : £) ©Ott, lüie bla^ [inb beinc 3Bangen ! GEMS OF GERMAN LYRICS. 59 If from mj cheeks do now in gladness The roses fade, or if in sadness, These words remain my faithful guide. I'm ever hearing at my side In tones so mournful, quiet, mild : " Oh God, how pale thy cheeks, my child !" Gaze in the wine-glass I at night, With ruffled brow and tear-dimmed sight. When all is still and no one near, Methinks from lips so true I hear, Ringing upward, that plaint so mild : "Oh God, how pale thy cheeks, my child !" 60 GEMS OF GERMAN LYRICS. günüa[)r, id) ijtaubc, lucun id) licijc Giiift auf bcu [d)iiiar,3en iobtcniuiec]e, 2Ö0 mid) feiii 3}kn[d)enlaiit mag ftöueu — 3d) mcrbe noc^ hk ftiden, bangen Hub iHH'tüui'fiSOüncn 5öoi*te (jörcn : £) ©Ott, mie bla^ finb beinc 3Bangen ! iDi c i t i f) a i t m a n ii . *V^%^Jyrg(2) GEMS OF GERMAN LYRICS. 61 When 'tis decreed that I must die, Upon the shrouded bier do lie, Where human sounds disturb no more — I know I'll hear those plaintive, mild, Reproachful words, ay, as of yore : " Oh God, how pale thy cheeks, my child !" MORITZ HARTMANN. 62 GEMS OF GERMAN LYRICS. 3)u bifi bk f;errfi(l)(!e Don ^ClTcn. -w5 ,11 bift bie l;errlid;fte imii Men, ©0 [ouber galfdj, fo [djöiruiib rein, ©in ©tern, uom §iuiiiiel frifdj ijefallen, Gr foniite felbft uidjt fdjöner fein. Sil bift ein ftiUci^, licbuei*!ftirtc§ ©emütfj, lion Äinbegfiiiii befccit, Hub bn§ 35eit)iiftfein bcineä Sßertljcö ' 3)ie cinj'ßc ^^mjeub, bie bir fefjlt. 5 c I i r ?> ,1 I) 11 . GEMS OF GERMAN LYRICS, 63 THOU ART THE PUREST 01^'E OF ALL. tHOU art the purest one of all, So gentle, kind, from falseness free. Were from the Iledv'ns a star to fall, More beautiful it could not be ! Thou'rt like an angel sent to earth On mission kind, that mission — love; •Didst thou but know thy priceless worth, Wouldst then be, e'en as they above ! FELIX UAHN. 64 GEMS OF GERMAN LYRICS. (:^ laft mid) fd)(a[cn! o ruft mid) 3u bie ©cgernuaut nirfjt ^iiinuf ! Ü}ii^i}ünnt iljr bent fraiifen 50uibd)eii Sen Sraum, ben 5(Ipf)orn, — :J)aö ift bcr §irtenfnnb ! GEMS OF GERMAN LY3ICS. 69 j And proudly lift my mountains Their peaks bedecked with snow To the blue of Heaven looming, In the morning light they glow. They're frowning o'er the forest, That girds the glaciers cold, Into our lovely valley, And greet me as of old. The torrent of the Giesbach From the rocky ridge doth fall ; The Alpine horn resoundetfc The shepherd's wonted call. 70 OEMS OF OERMAN LYRICS. 5lu§ imfcrm §aufe tret' ic^, ®em jtcrlic^ (]efÜ9ten, f)erfür ; ®ie ©Item Ijaben'g t^ebauet*), Sie Flamen ftelju über ber Zljiiv] Unb unter ben 5^amen fteljet '5)er ©prudj : ©ott fegne bn§ §au6 Hub fegne,, bit frommen ©emütlje^ Sarin geljn ein unb quo. 3d) bin Ijinan^gegnniien — 2öefj' mir, ba^ id) e§ tljat ! 3d) bin nun eine 3öaife, Sie feine §eimatb Ijat. *) CTifctUliifi „genauen," irc(cf)c !?c£(nrt id) tic Sd)ivciicr unt Mc, tvflrfie ^lc GüMici', tciincn, in teil Ii';it niifiiiin'liiicn l'ittc. GEMS OF GERMAN LYRICS. 71 And before our dear old cottage I am standing as of yore; My parents once did build it, Their names are over the door. And under their names is written : " God bless this house for aye, And bless all honest people That pass this threshold may." From its shelter once I wandered ; Through the world 'tis cold to roam : I am now a weary orphan, Without dear friends or home. 72 GEMS OF GERMAN LYRICS. D la^t mid) frfjlafcii, o ruft mid) 3n bie ©cgcumart nidjt ^iiriirf ! 5L)?i^tjümit iiicfjt bcm fmnfcn *:)J?äbd)Cii Sen S^vaum, ben ©djattcn imii ©liicf ?i b e I b c 1 1 u n S [) a ni i f f o ^:7^§ ^ÄT-^ GEMS OP GERMAN LYRICS. 73 Call me not back to the present, Oh, let me sleep and dream, Take not from the broken-hearted, Of joy the only gleam ! ADELBERT VON CHAMISSO. oS ^t^T W"-^ "*«'?' I 6^ 71: GEMS OF GERMAN LYRICS, ^xrüllfuimmcr. ,^^^^«. ie Blumen ucrgef)cn, 2)er (Sommer ift [)in, Sic Blätter üenücljeii, S)a§ trübt mir bcii 3iun. (Ein ülöelcin, ha^ bradjt' id) 3m @ommer in'e §au§. ©Ö ^lUt ja, [o badjf id;, Sen 3Binter mol;[ au§. $)ie 55ößlein fangen, ©§ Iauid)te ber §atn ; Sie D^eljtein, fie fprangen 3m 5)tDnbenfdjein. Ser ^Iftmlcin fo nic( [)ier Srbtfiljten im Sbal, 5>on aHcn gefiel mir Sa§ ü]öc>Iein ^nmal. GEMS OF GERMAX LYRICS. 75 AUTUMNAL-SORROW. «??HE flowers are dead, T* Sweet Summer took flight, The leaflets turn red, And I mourn at the sisrht. Last Summer I brought A rose in my room. 'Twill keep, so I thought, Through Winter's dark gloom. The birdlings did sing Through the listening vale ; The deer too did spring In the moonlight pale. Many flow'rs all around I saw blooming so fair : But not one, that I found, With my rose could compare. GEMS OF GERMAN LYRICS. Ser §crbft ift (jcfommen, ®er 8tiinn bmuft Ijeran, S)ie ßiift ift uer(][oiniucii, ®er Sßinter begann. @crn inodt' idj iiidjt fingen Um Stürme unb ©djnec, lönnt'ö 3ftÖ6lein üertragen ®ag eifige 3öef;. £), fdjon' mir hk Barte, ®a§ liebliche tinb ! 2)ie ©idje, hk \)avk, llmbranfe, bn 3Sinb ! 33Iü[)/ nioSlcm, o[)n' 53angen, 55on 2kh^ oemQdjt, 33i§ Söinter bergangen, Unb ^Quii mieber ladjt. ruft. GEMS OF GERMAN LYRICS. 77 Then Autumn so dreur With its storms did begin ; All joys disappear, And Winter sets in. Complain I would ne'er Of storms, or of snow. If my rose could but bear The icy woe. — Oh, spare the sweet child, Wind, thee I invoke ! Canst howl 'round the wild, The sturdy oak ! Love watcheth thee, rose ; Canst bloom without fear, Spite of storms and of snows, Until May doth appear. 78 GEMS OP GERMAN LYRICS. ^ouneußfidle. J^ Icine 33hime im engen $tfjal, ^-^^ ^\d) and) fanb ber Sonne Stral;!, 5li-nie§ §er3 in ber franfen 33rn[t, ®ii* and) mavb ber £icbe ßnft. llnb bie 33(nme 'ba^ ^öpfcöen Ijing, 9116 bie ©onne tueiter ging, llnb ha^ §er5, e§ brad) ent^mei, 5(l§ bag fnrjc ©liicf uorbei ! 3t I b c I- 1 2 t (i g c c . GEMS OF GERMAN LYRICS. 79 SUN-GLANCES. |& ITTLE flower in valley green, *^ Thee, too, found the sun's bright sheen, — u I — V I — i^ I — Thou, poor heart in aching breast, — U j — w I — «^ I — Too didst feel of love the zest. But the flower soon hung its head. When the sunlight onward sped, And the heart did break in two. When away love's pleasures flew. ALBERT TRAEGER. 80 GEMS OP GERMAN LYRICS. SufTucf)!. c^J^fjiit man .f inbcru lunS jii 2(iht, ^^--^ glieljii 5111- 5)?utter fie mil Sdjucifcii, Sid) in ifjvcni galtenfleibe ^o\: bent Oniilci* jn oerftccfcn. 2Beid)e §erjcn bleiben ^linbeu 5((I ilju £^eben, nnb e§ fafle 3fjnen and) biu^ £^)o§ (]e(inber, ?([§ 'bcw C^cr^cn Hon ^Dietade. 3ai]t fie Uni]liicf, wie ^nnt g^^'clj^r 3'lieljn fie bani] unb immer bänc^cr, 33i§ fie fjiiiterm fieidjentudje 2\d) uerberi]cn ifjrer.i 1)räni]er. GEMS OF GERMAN LYRICS. 81 EEFUGE. ®,^^pHE]sr we children tease and worry. Tliey from us attempt to hide. Frightened to the mother hurry, Finding refuge at her side. Gentle hearts are children ever, Little griefs they sorely feel ; They can bear their burdens never Like those hardened hearts of steel. Hunted down by ills tormenting, Frightened more and more they fleet, Till they hide from unrelenting Foes, beneath the winding sheet. GEMS OP GERMAN LYRICS. per Jikk paucr. lieb', fo lang' bu lieben fannft ! D lieb', ]o lang' bn lieben niagft ! Sie Stunbe fommt, bie ©tunbe fonimt, 200 bn an ©rdbern fteljft nnb flagft! Unb forge, ha^ bein ^erje glnljt Unb Siebe l;egt nnb Ciebc tragt, (So lang' iljm nod) ein anbcr -^erj Sn fiiebe marm entgegen[d)tägt ! Unb mer bir feine 33rnft erfdjlie^t, £) tl)n' itjni, wa^ bn fannft, ^n ßieb' ! Unb nuidj' il;m jcbe @tnnbe frolj, Unb mady il;m feine Stnnbe trnb ! GEMS OF GERMAN LYRICS. 83 LOVE'S DURATION. ip\ H love as lonoj as thou canst love ! T Love ill til J heart forever keep! The hour will come, the hour will come, When at the grave thou'lt kneel and weep. See that thy heart doth warmly glow With love, and let it no one rob, So long another loving heart In unison with thine doth throb. Whoever doth confide in thee. With roses strew life's rugged way ! For him make happy every hour, Let no dark cloud between you stay ! 84 GEMS OF GERMAN LYRICS. llnb fjütc beine Bunge mol;!, 33alb ift ein böfeS Söort gefaßt ! £) (?>ott, e§ mar nid)t bü§ gemeint, — ®er 5lnbre aber ge^t unb !(agt. D lieb', 10 lang' bn Heben fannft ! C lieb', fo lang' bn lieben magft ! S)ie Stunbe !ommt, bie «Stnnbe f ontntt, 5ßo bn an Arabern fteljft nnb flagft ! ®ann fnieft bn nieber an ber ©rnft, Unb birgft bie fingen, trüb' nnb naü, — Sie fclj'n ben 5lnbern nimmermeljr — Sn'8 lange, fcncljte ,^ird)ljO|\^gra§. GEMS OF GERMAN LYRICS. 85 Guard well thy tongue, Oh, guard it well ! 'Tis uttered soon, a word that pains — " My God, I meant no harm ! " But he Is hurt and grievously complains. Oh love as long as thou canst love ! Love in thy heart forever keep ! The hour will come, the hour will come. When at the grave thou'lt kneel and weep. And on the grave thou'lt kneel so sad, Wilt hide thy tearful eyes (alas ! Those eyes will see him nevermore.) Wilt hide them in the churchyard grass. 86 GEMS OP GERMAN LYRICS. Unb ftu-idjft: D fdjaii' nuf mid) Ijcrab, ®er Ijicu an beinem ®rabe lüeiut ! 5>en]ib, baji id) gefriinft bid) fjab' ! D ©Ott, e§ mar md)t boo gemeint ! ßu aber fielet nub Ijört bid) nid)t, tommt iiid)t, ba^ bii iljii fro^ umfmigft 5)ei- 9)hiiib, bcr oft bid) Üi^te, fpridjt Üiic iriebcr : id) uergab bir längft ! ©c tl)at'§, uergab bir lange fdjon, S)od; mand)e l;ei|c Sljräne fiel Um bid) nnb um bein l)crbe§ 5öort — ®odj ftiH — er rntjt, er ift am 3icl ! GEMS OF GERMAN LYRICS, 87 I With trembling lips thou'lt cry : " Look down On me, remorse my soul doth fill ! Forgive that I have pained thee so ! Oh God, I meant no harm, no ill ! " He'll see and hear thee nevermore, Thy arms canst not around him throw; The mouth that kissed thee speaks no more: "Oh, I forgave thee lo7ig ago!" He did forgive thee long ago, Though many a secret tear he shed For thee, caused by that cank'ring word, But hush — he slumbers with the dead. 88. GEMS OP GERMAN LYRICS. £) licb', [o IniuV bu licbcii faniift ! ItcO', fo lang' bu lieben ma(]ft ! Sie (gtunbe fomiiit, bie Stiinbe fommt, 3Ö0 bu an ©rtibevn fte[)ft unb !(agft ! 5ei-i5iiiariii SteiligtatI) ??; ^ -§r J "Ma ^^.^51^:^^' ^'^ GEMS OF GERMAX LYRICS, 89 Oh love as long as thou canst love ! Love in thy heart forever keep ! The hour will come, the hour will come, When at the grave thou'lt kneel and weep. FERDINAND FREILIGRATH. ^.r ^'■V- W^i 90 GEMS OF GERMAN LYRICS. (^^'^ ift fc^on fpät, c§ inirb [rfjoii fait ^^ 3ßaö reitft bit einfam burrfj beii 2öalD ? S)er 3Balb ift laut], bu bift allein, S)u fcfjoue 33raut ! 3dj fi'tljr' bidj Ijeim ! „(Bro^ ift bcr 9)(änncr 5;ni(] inib öift, 35or 8d)mcr5 mein §01*3 gebrodjcii ift, 3ßol)l irrt bag SSalbfjoru l;cr luib fjin, £) fliefj ! bu mei^t nidjt, luer id) bin." So rcid) nefdjmiicft ift d\o^ nnb Söeib, So munberfdjon bcr jun(]e ßeib, Set^t !cnn' id) bid)— ©ott ftefj mir bei! Su bift bie §eje ßoreki. GEMS OF GERMAN LYRICS. 01 i POUEST-TALK. ^T is so late, it cold hath grown, * Why through the woods dost ride alone So late at night, on such a ride. I'll lead thee home, my pretty bride ! " Men's artful ways are many, pain My heart hath broken, torn in twain ; The forest horn sounds far and near. Away ! thou'lt know me but to fear." The steed is decked so wondrous fine, The rider looks so fair, divine ; — Protect me God ! I know thee now, The witch, Oh, Lorelei art thou ! 92 GEMS OF GERMAN LYRICS. „5)u fennft mic^ ujol;!,— Don ^'oljcm ©tein (Sdjaiit ftill mein o nnf rcidj(]cfdjmiuftcm ^Bdimcnlircte (Sine bnft\]e 9io[e fidj crfdjloffen. GEMS OF GERMAN LYRICS. 95 AT THE WINDOW. j^ T the window in the cool of evening o'fe\», I I I ^ Sits the mother with her pretty — — \j daughter, Lo, there passe th by a youthful wand'rer, Throwing stealthy glances at the window, And his eye another eye there meeteth. And his burning cheeks do glow like pur- ple, And some wonder seems to hem his step. To her mother quickly speaks the daugh- ter: " Oh, how close 'tis in the room, dear mother ! " And she speedeth to the nearest window. Where, upon a flow'r-stand richly gar- nished. Just a fragrant rosebud had expanded. 96 GEMS OP GERMAN LYRICS. Hub fie Öffnet mit ©eräiifd; ha^ gciifter, 53eiigt fidj lucit IjiimuS unb ruft erfdjrocfeu : ,,Wiitter(cin, ad) luirft bii mil* nidjt ^iiruen, 93ieiue Dxofc, mciiic fdjöne Üvofc, Sie bu mir am ^lameuStagc fdjeufteft Hub bie (jeiif fo (icbüd) fid) erfdjloffen, '^^ab' id) llui]efdjidte abi^ebrodjeu. SÖäre [ie nur nidjt [jinadgcfaHen, 53[üljtc fie mir iaui]e nod) im ©Infe. 5llicr fiel) ! bort Ijat fie fdjou ein grember Gilii] Don ber (StraJ3e nufijefjoben Hub mit if)r ben SSanberfjut gefdimüdt." Hub fie fiif5t bie §aub ber 9)iutter fdjmeidjclub Hub e§ rufjt ber DJhttter 5tuije felii] GEMS OF GERMAN LYRICS. 97 And with noise she openeth wide the window, Leaneth out, and starting back exclaim- eth: "Wilt thou not be angry with me, mother ? For my rose, my rose so fondly treasured, Given me by thee upon my birth-day. Which to-day its lovely folds had opened, Broke I from its branch, so awkward. If it only had not fallen downward, In a vase for days I might have kept it. But behold — a passing stranger yonder, From the street alas! hath quickly picked it, And his hat it gaily now adorneth." And her mother tenderly she kisseth. And her mother's eye enchanted resteth 98 GEMS OP GERMAN LYRICS. 5lut belli fdjöncii linb unb trofteiib fpriiijt fie : ,,'BoUt' id) inegen einer 9io[e zürnen? 9)iai] bcr SSaiiberer fid) itireu freuen, ®er üieüeidjt, hex lieben §eimatf; benfenb, 3n ber üiofe, bie ein mi[be§ 9]uibd)en SSibei* Sßillen i^m Ijinabgefenbet, Ginen @vuf3 fieljt, hen fein tljenre^ ßiebdjen 9iad) itjin auöijefaubt in ferne ßanbe. 2öie ! nod) imuKTr c3(ü[jen beine 3öani]en ? Unb nun Sljränen gar nodj in bein ^lnQt ? ßi, fo trofte bidj bodj nur, mein .^inbdjen ! 9Jlorgen fc^enf id) bir ein aubre§ DKiCHijen, 55icl nodj falj id) bei beiii ©lirtuer ftefjn." Unb bie %od)kv bircjt if;r meiu:nb 5liit(ilj GEMS OP GERMAN LYRICS. 9 J On her pretty child, and she consoleth : " Should a little rose cause me to anger ? May it be a source of pleasure to the Wand'rer, who perchance of sweet homo thinking, In the rose, which by a thoughtless maiden Wayward, 'gainst intention hath been thrown him. Doth a greeting see from his beloved, Sent him to a far and distant country. What, still on thy cheeks that heightened color ? Even tears into thy eyes are creeping ? Be consoled my pet, my darling daughter, I will buy another rose thee shortly, Many saw I at the florist's grow ! " And the maiden hides her face ^et weep- inir. 100 GEMS OF GERMAN LYRICS. 5lu hiv 5)hitter liebeüoUem ^ufeii, Unb bie 50?uttev fann e§ nidjt betjrctfeu, 2)a^ iljr lüilbeö, aii§i]elaffne§ 9)?äbd}cn (Sine§ alnjefnicften 9iüöl'ein§ luideii @ar fo [till uub traurig ift. 3 u I i u S © t 11 r m GEMS OP GERMAN LYRICS. 101 On her mother's kind and loving breast. Sore perplexed and greatly puzzled is the Mother, that her cheerful daughter, for a Little broken rose's sake, should ever Be so serious, mournful, still. JULIUS STÜEM. -^^^? -©7^^ ^ 102 GEMS OP GERMAN LYRICS. j^ iavh hiv$ r^iiiblcin. ^^ M), bic 91hittcr @Q^ am %aQ unb luciute, lueintc, @a|3 gur ^lad^t unb lueinte. 2^a evfdjciiit iia§ Äiiibiciu tuicber, Six bcin 2^obtenljemb, fo blaJ3 ; ©agt 3ur 5)iutter : „öeg' bid) nieber! (Sielj, mein §einbd)cii SSivb uou bciucn Itcbeii 2;[)räueii @nr fo iia^, lliib id) fawn nidjt fdjlafen, 93hittei* !" Unb ba0 ^inb Ucrfdjminbct luicbcr, Hub bie 9)tnttei* lucint nidjt nieljr. 6: b u n r b y c n 25 a u c r n f c [ b GEMS OF GERMAN LYRICS. 103 THE LITTLE DEATH GCV7N. ^fexNEAD the child is. T"^ Oh ! its mother Sits all day and weepeth, weepeth, Sits at night and weepeth. Sadly in its little gown, Now the child again appears ; Tells its mother : " Lie thee down, See, my gown Is so wet now, from thy bitter, Loving tears ; And I cannot sleep, dear mother ! " And again it disappears, But its mother weeps no more. EDUARD VON BAUERNFELD. 104 GEMS OF GERMAN LYRICS. 'gladifipir mib '^lok. 1j i c 91 a d) 1 1 3 a H . ang mit iininbcrfiit3em (Sc^aH ■ ' 5nfo cinjt bie 9tad)tißan : „5ß{e fo I)olb imb iininbcrfdiön, 9ft o[e, bift bii anjiifcfju ! 53lü[)enb, ©[filjcnb, 2)rifte f].n*üf)cnb. S>e[j ! id) mu^ be§ ^u|'en§ ^rang «Strömen au§ in fliidjt'gem Mang, Scu mit Sanc^e^allgemalt 5ßonnig fid; in ßüften micgt, 5lber balb ßcia üerljaHt Unb ncvflicgt. GEMS OF GERMAN LYRICS. 105 NIGHTINGALE AND EOSE. The Nightingale. mfiA-'^G with sweetness in the vale, * Thus the pretty Nighthigale : — "Oh, so fair and wondrous sweet Art thou, Rose, in thy retreat ! Blowing, Glowing, Fragrance throwing. I, in what my heart abounds. Must pour out in fleeting sounds. Which are borne with mighty sway On the wings of zephyrs light ; Soon are they Far away In their flight. 106 GEMS or GERMAN LYRICS. 5ldj ! iua§ ]iM)tic^ ftctö ücrfdjallt, tonnt' \dß faffcn in ©cftalt ! Sann cntfdjnninben nidjt int ^xi tlänge, bie ber 33rnft cnlfpranflcn ; Sßürben prangen (Sdjon, luie bn, ^Iü[;enb, ©lüljcnb, 2)üfte ffirüljenb, eine Diof an £icbe§ (Biatt, 3ebev 2'on ein 9^ofenbIatt ! S^ofe, banim lieb' idj bid) 3nnii]lid)!" GEMS OF GERMAN LYRICS. 107 Oil, that I, what will not stay, Only could in form array ! Never then should cease, as now, Sounds which swell this heart of mine : They should shine Bright, as thou, Blowing, Glowing, Fragrance throwing. Every note a leaf or spray, Every song a rose of May ! Therefore, Rose, I love but thee Heartily!" 108 GEMS OP GERMAN LYRICS. T)it Dtofe. 9lofc gab mit buft'gem 3BeIj'n Öeife flitftemb 511 uerftel/n : ,,M) ! luie fingft bii, 9lad)tii]an, Ttit ]o mimberljolbciu ©djall ! Snnig, 9)Zinnig, @ü^ iinb finnig. 3Ba§ baa ^erj mir fcfjiücUt mit 9)iad)t, 2ßa§ midj ^olb erglüljen mac^t, 2tht im !Duft mit 5t(Igeii)alt, 5)er in i^iiften monnig metjt, 5lbei- balb £ei§ entmaUt llnb üergeljt. GEMS or GERMAN LYRICS. 109 The Rose. Rose then, wafting fragrance pure, Softly whispered, shy, demure : — ''Oh, how sweetly, Nightingale, Singest thou o'er hill and dale ! Clearly, Dearly, Sweet, sincerely. That which fills me with delight, That which makes me glow so bright, Gently through the zephyr sighs, Fades away, 'Twill not stay, Soon it dies. 110 GEMS OF GERMAN LYRICS. M) ! iua§ oljuc Älaiu] cntiuaUt, lliicrfaiiiit, ueri]effen balb, 35a§ mit Wuidjt bic 33nift bitrcfj^icijt— ^ioiint' irfj'ö laut uiib frcubiij finijcu, Söüi'b' c§ !üni]cu, 9Sic beiii 2ieb, Smug, 9)?inn{g, (2ü(3 iiub [iuiiit]. S)üftc — 9iadjtt(]a(Ii^cfanf5, Scbcu 5ltl)cinjiii] ciii .^llmuj ! ^'ladjtiijafl, id) liebe bid) 3niii(]Üdj ! " 5 t i c ^ I- i it) Don Galtet. GEMS OF GERMAN LYRICS. Ill What is born without a tone, ooon forgotten, hardly known, What my heart to please is fain : — Could I loud and clear it sing. It should ring Like thy strain. Clearly, Dearly, Sweet, sincerely. Fragrance — song of Nightingale Warbling over hill and dale ! Nightingale, I love but thee Heartily!" FRIEDRICH TON SALLET. 112 GEMS OF GERMAN LYRICS. /^J5®ir ftanben üor einem ©rabe, ^-^^ llmiueljt Ü011 gticberbiift ; ©till mit ben ©uäfef : bc6 '§iigcl^ (Spielte bie 5lbeubliift. S)a fprad) fie bang' nnb Icife : „3Benn üon ber 3Belt id) fdjicb, Unb !aum mein ^Ingebenfcn ^od) lebt in beinem Sieb ; SBenn bu anf meiter @rbe 5SerIaffen iinb cinfam bift, llnb nnr im irnnm ber ^iädjte 9}icin ®ei[t bidj lci[e füJ3t: GEMS OF GERMAN LYRICS. 113 ONCE. .^v T a grave we stood; sweet fragrance ^ filled The silent woodland ground, And softly playied the evening air, with The grasses of the mound. With trembling lip she whispered then : " Should I from thee e'er part, Doth scarce a thought of me more live Yet in thy songful heart ; " If in the cold, wide world thou art Forsaken, treated ill, And only in thy dreams at night My soul doth kiss thee still ; 114 GEMS OF GERMAN LYRICS. ©ami fomm 311 meinem ©rabe, 5>oit glicber luib 9(li)fen umlaubt, Hub iieic]' auf hk M)kn ©viifer -Da§ [jeiJ3e, miibe §aupt. (Sin StrciuMKii bnftiger 33(umen ^ringft bu aU fonft mil* mit ; W\d) mccft an§ tiefem (2rf;(ummer 2)ein lieber befannter (Scf)ritt. 2)ann mifl id) mit bit* fliiftern ©0 lieimlid) nnb ueutraut, 5öie baumle, mo aiiv innig 3n'§ Slu(]' nnS norf) gefrfjant. GEMS OF GERMAN LYRICS. 115 " Then to my grave do quickly come, O'er-run with vine and rose, And on the cool, refreshing grass. Thy weary head repose. "^A nosegay sweet, as thou wert wont. Oh, bring with thee, my own ! From slumber then will waken me Thy step, the dear, well-known. "And I will whisper gently, soft. Confidingly with thee. As thrilled with love we often did, Ere Death did summon me. 116 GEMS OF GERMAN LYRICS. Hub iner uorubenjefjct, !5)cr benft : e§ ift ber 3Sinb, S)er biird) bie ^(ütf;eii bc§ §licbeu§ §in|äufclt lci§ iiub linb. Unb mie bit lebft, ba6 tleinfte ' 33eric^tcn foUft bii mir, Unb ic^ lüiH bir er^äljlen, 2öa§ icö geträumt Hon bir. 5ßcnn bann ber 5Ibenb gcfommen Unb ©tern on ©tern ermadjt, ®ann immfdjeu mir un6 Icifc Unb (jeimlid) : gute ^ad)t GEMS OF GERMAN LYRICS. 117 "And whosoever passeth by Will think: ^t is I trow, The wind that rustles through the leaves So sweetly and so low.' " What thou hast done, Oh, tell it all ! Though trifling it may seem. And I will gladly let thee know What I of thee did dream. "When evening throws her mantle 'round. And stars the Heaven light. Then we will bid each other still And lovingly, good night. 118 GEMS OF GERMAN LYRICS. S)u ge()ft getröftet wad) §aiife Sm 5lbciibbäiuinci-[d)ein, llnb iiiitcu meinen 33lnnien ©d)Iaf ftill id) iDieber ein." © b u a r b 5 e t t a n B GEMS OF GERMAN LYRICS. 119 " Thou goest home, of pain relieved, The stars thy path illume, And I again then fall asleep Beneath my flowery tomb." EDUARD FERRAND. 120 GEMS OP GERMAN LYRICS. ;:-*i u liebet 5liu]e, luidft bid) taiidjen ^^ 3it incine§ ^l\ny$ cjeljeiiufte 2^iefc, 3u [päfjcn, mo iii blaucu (Briiubeu 35crbon3eu eine ^^ede fdjliefe ? ©II liebe§ ^luge, taurfje niebcr, Unb in bie flare ^licfe bringe, Unb Iäd)(c, lüenn id) bir bein 33ilbni^ 5110 fdjönfte ^^er[c lüiebcrbringe ! D t to Si C[ n t tt < fesHS^cäftä, GEMS OF GERMAN LYRICS. 121 THE PEAEL-FISHER. 5ILT dive, thou lovely eye, wilt dive Into my eye's most bidden deep, To spy where in this deepness blue. Secreted well, a pearl doth sleep ? Oh, do dive down, thou lovely eye, And penetrate the deepness clear, And smile, if it thy image doth Reflect, as pearl most fine, most dear. OTTO KOQÜETTE. 122 GEMS OF GERMAN LYRICS. I. ^^^ieblidjc 53Iume, ^^S) 33i[t bu fo \vül) fc^on SSiebergefomuien ? ©ci mir gcgrü^et, ^viiuiila üerig ! ßeifer benn alle S3lumcn ber SSiefe §aft bu gei'c^Iummect, Sieblii^e 53Iiime, primula ueuiS ! 5)ir nur nerneljmbar ßocfte ha^ erfte ©anftc ©efliifter SSecfenben griiljlingg, primula üeri§ ! GEMS OF GERMA-V LYRICS, 123 PEIMULA-VEHIS. _ (The Primrose.) — w « | « I. f& ovELY flower, T"^ Art thou so early Once more among us ? Fondly I greet thee, Primula Veris ! Lighter than all the Meadow's fair flowers, Gently didst slumber. Lovely flower, Primula Veris ! Only perceived by Thee, the first gentle Whisp'rings of wak'ning Spring, did entice thee. Primula Yeris ! '24 GEMS OF GERMAN LYRICS. W\v and) im ^erjcn 53Iüfjte üor Seiten, (Sd)öncr benn-alle 33Iiimcu ber ßicbc, *$uimula üeri§ ! II. ßieblid;e 33hime, primula üeri§ ! §oIbc, bid) neun' icfj S3lume bea ®lauben§. ©liiubic^ bem erften Sßinfc bc0 §immcfö (£i[ft bii entge(]en, Oeffiicft bie ^nift itjm. GEMS OF GERMAN LYRICS. 125 Once in my heart so Sweetly was blooming, Brighter than all the Flowers of Cupid, Primula Veris ! II. Lovely flower, Primula Veris, Flower of Faith, I Wondering call thee Heaven's first glance thou, Trusting with fervor, Speedest to meet, e'en Open'st thy breast to't. 126 GEMS OF GERMAN LYRICS. gi-iifjriiu] ift foiiimen. WoQm ifjii grüfte, Srfibciibe 5^cbel Sßiebeu uerl;ülleu ; 33(iime, bii glaitbft ei^, ®aJ3 ber erfeljiitc ©üttlirfje griUj[iiu3 (Enblid) gefoimnen, Oeffneft bie 33riift if;m; 5lber e§ brtntjcu ßaiiernbc grüfte 2;5btlicfj in§ §cr^ bir. GEMS OF GERMAN LYRICS. 127 Spring now appeareth, Although the nipping Frosts, and the dreary Fogs may revail it Flower, thou believest. That the long wished for Heavenly Spring, hath Made its appearance. Open st thy breast to't; "Wounded thy heart is, Frosts that are painful, Fatal, have 2:)ierced it. 128 GEMS OF GERMAN LYRICS. 5)iac3 c§ Demiclfcn ! ©ing bod) ber 33liime ©laubige @eele Üiimmer uelorcu ! ,^Xg) GEMS OF GERMAN LYRICS. 129 Tlioagh it may wither, Still the bright flower's Spirit so faithful, Never can perish. (5i'"j 130 GEMS OF GERMAN LYRICS. per '3^reb. 5j^§ ift hin 5ol;er 33erß fo Ijocfj, <2o tief fein tiefet Zljal, (Ei^ bi-iii(]t Ijinauf ein 555nelein, |)mab ein (SounenftraljI. Hub lüärft bii felbft bie ^serl' im 9)ieei: lliib iinirft ba§ 5lbcnt)t]oIb, (So fjod) uiib tief f;dtt idj bciu -sjer^, .^oftliarcS ^iiib, getjolt. 3 . C) . 5- ! f cl) c t GEMS OF GERMAN LYRICS. 131 THE PRICE. ^fenERE is no mount however high. i No vale however deep, But that to it a bird can fly, On it the sun can peep. And wert thou e'en the evening sky, In sea the pearl so fair, Thy heart I should have won thus high, Thus low, no matter where. J. G. FISCHER. 132 GEMS OF GERMAN LYRICS, §311 dl in 5en ^Irom. ^^ aljft bit ein ©liicf uoviibcrgcrjn, ^~>^ 2)a§ nie fidj luicberfiubel, 3|T§ (]ut ill einen ©troiu jn fefjii, 2Ö0 5llle§ inoßt nnb fdjiuinbet. D, ftarre nnr Ijinein, Ijinciit, '5)n irirft eiS leidjter iniffcn, 2öa§ biU; imb foH'Ö bein 2iebfte§ fein, 5>om ^er^eu marb geviffen. 33ücf' nnuermanbt [jinab jnm gln^, Sie beinc Sljräueii fadcii, llnb [icf; bnrdj ifjven inannen ®nJ3 ®ie glnt [jinnntenraHen. GEMS OP GERMAN LYRICS. 133 GASE INTO THE STREAM * (^Aw'sT thou a joy fade like a dream, *^ Not to return, alas ? 'Tis well to gaze into a stream, Where all doth swell and pass. Oh stare into the waters, stare ! What from thy heart was wrest. The loss thereof canst better bear. Though thou didst love it best. Gaze in the stream, turn not thy head 'Till tear doth fall on tear, And through this torrent warmly shed. The flood watch disappear. * This lay, than which there exists none imbued with deeper poetical foellDg, was conceived Sept. 15th, 1844, on the river Danube; it was written Sept. 25th, 1844, but a few days previous to the author's sad and fatal malady. 134 GEMS OF GERMAN LYRICS. §inti-äiimciib luirb 5>erf5ef|cnljcit ®e§ 'Sjer^cnö Sßuitbc [djlie^eu ; Sic @cc[c [icljt mit iljrcm ßeib 'Bid) felbft lioi-iiberfliejjen. S c n a II . GEMS OF GERMAN LYRICS. 135 Oblivion, as thou dream'st, will close Thy heart's deep wound, and ay, Thy soul will see, with all its woes, Itself a passing by ! 136 GEMS OF GERMAN LYBICS. "gin kn ^ouneufdjcin. /^m (Souiicnfdjeiu ! o Soniicufd)eiu ! SSic fdjciiift bu mir iiü^ §crj Ijiucin ! Söccfft brinucu laiiteu l^icbceluft, 5)a^ luiu fo encjc tt)irb bie 33ruft ! llnb cmje luirb mir @tiib' iiiib '§au§, Hub mie irfj lauf juiu ^\)ox Ijiuau^, S)a loifft 'i)u gar iu'S frifdje ©run S)ie aHerfdjoufteu 2)iäbd)cu l;iu ! D Souueufdjciu ! bu glauOcft \vo\)l, 2)a|3 idj mic bu c§ madieu foil, S)er jcbe fdjmud'e S3luuic fi'ij^t, 5)ic cbcu uur fidj bir cv|'d;neJ3t? GEMS OF GERMAN LYRICS. 137 TO THE SUNBEAM. ip^H, sunbeam, merry sunbeam thou ! WW * How in my heart thou shinest now ! Dost wake therein love's brightest dreams, So that my heart too narrow seems ! My room and house so narrow grow, And when outside the gate'-' I go, Enticest thou to meadows green, Behold ! the fairest maidens e'en. Dost think no doubt, Oh, sunbeam bright ! To act like thee for me 'twere right : Thou kissest all the flowers free, That dare to ope their folds to thee. *WaIled towns have gates on different sides, that communicato with the upeu country. 138 GEMS OP GERMAN LYRICS. §aft borfj [o lang' bie 5ßc[t eublicft, Hub luei^t, ba^ fic^'g für mid) iiidjt fdjicft ; 3\5aö iiiadjft bii mil* beim foldje ^^cin ? £) ©ouncnfdjcin ! o ©omicni'djeiii ! 9< l> c 1 1 9i c i n i c! GEMS OF GERMAN LYRICS. 139 Upon the world hast gazed so long, And knowest well for me 'twere wrong ;, Oh, wherefore then, dost pain me now, Oh, merry, merry sunbeam thou ! ROBERT REINICE. 140 GEMS OF GERMAN LYRICS. pa6 Ji ^3^^ic 9)hittcr lag int 2^obtcnfd)rcin, ^^^ Bum legten Wal ije|'d)miicft ; 2)a fpiclt ha^ fleine .iUiib Ijcreiii, S)a§ ftaiincnb fie cublicft. ®ie S3hiiiieuh-oii' ini blonben '^^aa\: ©cfädt bcm Äinbleiu ]d)v, ®ie ^uiciibhuncn, bunt unb !(ar, Bum (Strauß geiuciljt, iiodj mefju. Hub fanft iinb fc^meidjelnb ruft e§ au§ ®ii liebe 9)iutter, gib Wiv eiuc ^lum' an^^ bciuem Strauß, 3d) [)ah' bidj audj fo licb ! GEMS OF GERMAN LYRICS. 141 THE CHILD. Äv\ N death's cold bier the mother lay ^ In garments pure and white, Her little child comes full of play And wonders at the sight. Those roses in her golden hair, The child, with joy do fill ; On bosom cold, the flowers fair, Do please it, ay, more still. It calls in tones caressing, mild, " Mother, dear mother, pray, A flower give thy darling child. But one, from thy bouquet ! " 142 GEMS OF GERMAN LYRICS. Unb aU bie 9)hittcr e§ iiidjt tfjut. ®a benft ha^^ tinb für fief; : ©ie fdjtäft, bocf) lucnn fie auggeniljt, (So tljiit fic\^ fidjei'lid). 8d)Ieid)t fort, fo leif e§ iinmev faun, Hub fdjliej^t bie S^fjüve fadjt, Hub [aiifdjt noil Beit 511 Beit baraii, £)b 9)iuttci- nod) nidjt iinidjt. GEMS OF GERMAN LYRICS. 143 But since no sound the silence breaks, It thinks and whispers low : " Dear mother sleeps, when she awakes. She'll give it me, I know ! " On tiptoe then it quits the bier, Her slumber not to break, And comes from time to time, to hear If mother's not awake. FRIEDRICH HEBBEL. Qy ^^ g ^C:' ^^vS^.-^ ^fe^d- 144 GEMS OF GERMAN LYRICS. ^ ?ie %oft ^^ aU bie 5^a(i)tii]all gecnbet 3m ßinbeitbaum \l)v fdjoiifteo Sieb, ©a ift ill [)etri3cr 5}ior(]cuftunbc 5)ie rotlje 9iofe aufßcblül^t llnb trunfcii Don bent 9}?or(^cngoIbe, ®a§ burrf) bic grünen Dianfen fällt, ©rii^t [ie mit [rfjauernbcm ©ruütfjcn Bum elften Mal bie ©otteöiuelt. S)a gittert in bent ßolbnen 5lnt]e 3öoljl eine $erfe fitbevrein : ߧ foU bei* ®anf ber fcfjonen 33lunte %üv ifjven §intmel§fd)5pfer fein. GEMS OF GERMAN LYRICS. 145 THE HOSE. ^ ND when the nightingale had finished, ^^ In the Unden tree its sweetest lay, Then at the holy hour of morning. The red rose woke to light of day. And by the rays of morn elated. That creep through twigs and leaflets green. It shyly greets, with many blushes, The world of God for first time seen. Now in its golden eye doth tremble A pearl so silver-like and clear ; It is the praise the flower ofiers Up to the Lord, in higher sphere. 146 GEMS OF GERMAN LYRICS. Hub alle Baiiber ^n DoHenbeu, SSarb i[;r auf rofge (Stirn gefüllt 5)a§ Ijotbe, rei^enbe ©e&eimni^ : 2)at3 fie nidjt luei^, luie [djöii fie ift. SerbiiianB Stolle, GEMS OF GERMAX LYRICS. Wi And to complete this charming wonder, Lo, Nature on its brow doth kiss The sweet and all enchanting secret, Of knowing not how sweet it is. FERDINAND STOLLE. 148 GEMS OF GERMAN LYRICS, am SBinter, mo bic SBelt ringSljcr -^ i[;rem %o\>, S)er 2Binter ift üertriebeii ! Sd; rieb mein 5[iige feuerrot^, S)ie Sljräue ift geblieben. > ^^ergebenS mirb anf 33aum unb glur 8ein ®olb ber grril;ling fticf en, Sdj foH bie bliiljenbe 9iatur Sn S^bi'Äncn nur erblicfcn. GEMS OF GERMAN LYRICS. 149 THE TEAE. tN Winter deep, when faded, sere And cold the world had grown. There crept into my eye a tear. So still and unbeknown : The world again to life returns. And gone are Winter's pains ; I rub my eye, e'en till it burns, Alas! the tear remains. For naught will Spring the field and tree With gorgeous lustre clad, For blooming Nature I dare see Alone through tears so sad. 150 GEMS OF GERMAN LYRICS. 3m 3ßinter (\ah c§ bofe 3eit, 5)a biicfjt' id) oft fo trübe ®er feligeu 5[5er(]an(]enf)eit, ©0 uoO Don ©liuf itiib fiicbc. S)anu bad)t' id), iiia§ id) all' geftrcbt Hub iinig mir aW mijjlinujcn, Uiib mie id) einig i]lut[;belebt, ^od) nie ein 3icl errungen. Sdj bad)te, mie e§ fdmterjt iinb brennt, ®ie§ emig leere ©treben : 9)?cin 2)cnfen mar ein 9}?onument 5luf ein üerfeljlteS Seben. GEMS OF GER;MAN LYRICS. 151 Oh, Winter with its pains did blast All hopes, then thought I of The dear old times, the happy past, So full of joy and love. I thought of all I strove to do, How little did attain ; And how when failing, strove anew. But all alas ! in vain. I thought how fruitless strivings smart And burn— — a monument My thinking was, to an aching heart. To my poor life mis-spent. 152 GEMS OP GERMAN LYRICS. 9J?ein gül;len tvav \o ob' unb leer, Unb aM ©lud entmirfien ; ©a ift bie ■lljräne trüb' unb fdjiüec 3n'0 5lugc mir gefdjlic^en. Satl Serb: ^tafUvManM. GEMS OF GERMAN LYRICS. 153 My thoughts became so sad and drear And all my joys had flown : Then crept into my eye the tear, So still and unbeknown. 0. F. DBAEXLEB-MANFBED. 154 GEMS OF GERMAN LYRICS. pic ^cnnin. /^ d)5ne (Sennin, nod) einmal ^^ 8ini]e beinen Bluf in'§ %\)al S)a^ bie frotje gelfenfpracfjc Seinem I;ellen Stnf evmad)e. §orcfj, 5)uibcfxen, mie bein Sang Sn bie 33ruft ben 33ergen brang, 3Bie bein 3Bort bie gelfenfeelen greubig fort unb fort er^^afjlen ! mer einft, mie 5llleS flieljt, (Sc^eibeft bn mit bcincm öicb, SSenn bid) 5icbc fortbemogen, £)ber bid; ber S^ob entzogen. GEMS OF GERMAN LYRICS. 155 THE ALEINE SHEPHERDESS. ak?fcAiDEN, sing thy sweet refrain ^ ^^ In the valley once again, That the mountains' language dear Wake upon thy call so clear. List, Oh maiden, how thy song Thro' the mountains' breast doth throng How they one another tell, Pleased, the words they love so well o? But alas ! as all will die. With thy song thou too wilt fly ; When away by Love persuaded, Or thy heart by Death invaded. 156 GEMS OP GERMAN LYRICS. Unb uerlaffen tücrben fte^n, S^raurig ftumm Ijeriiberfclju ©ort bic grauen gelfenjiniien Unb auf beine Sieber [innen. '^6)g^^ GEMS OF GERMAN LYRICS, 157 And forsaken then will stand, Gazing silent in the land, Yonder snow-capped peaks, and long Sadly for thy merry song. Od 158 OEMS OF GERMAN LYRICS. (^d) maiibre fort iii'§ feme ßanb ; ^^ dlod) einmal bliift' idj urn, bemegt, llnb faf), luie fie ben 93iunb geve^t, Unb trie geirinfet if;re §anb. 3öol)I rief fie noc^ ein frennblicf) Söort 5)iir nadj anf meinen trüben (Banc], 2)od) l;ürt' idj nidjt ben liebften ^Uani], SSeil ifjn ber 3Sinb getragen fort. 5)a^ id) mein ©liicf uerlaffen muj3, 5)n raufjer, falter SSinbeStjand;, Sff§ nidjt genng, ha^ bn mir andj Gntreijieft iljren legten @rnJ3 ? GEMS OF GERMAN LYRICS. 159 TO THE WIND. 4» WANDER forth in foreign land ; * Once more I turned, with heavy heart, And saw yet that her hps did part, And that she waved her hly hand. No doubt she sent some greeting kind To me, upon my journey drear ; The lovely sound I could not hear. For it was stifled by the wind. That I must leave my Love so true. Is it not sad. Oh, not enough. Thou cruel wind, so cold and rough, That yet must rob her last adieu? ÜENÄU. 160 GEMS OF GERMAN LYRICS. ^^^eun bu millft im ^J^eufdjculjerjen ^^ 5tIIe (Saiten rü[;rcu an, Stimme bu ben ^on ber ©c^mer^en, 9Iid;t ben Hang ber greuben an. 9}fand;er ift mofjl, ber erfal;ren ^at auf ©rben feine ßuft ; deiner, ber nic^t ftid bemaljren ^ivh ein 2Bel) in feiner ^ruft. 5 r i c b t i if) M ii (J c r ; ^Sr^t3 GEMS OF GERMAN LYRICS. 161 WOULD YOU HEAH A HEART'S EEFRAm? &!/?^0ULD you hear a heart's refrain, II When its strings are all in play? Touch the chords of bitter pain, Never those of pleasure, pray. Many happy ones are there, Who on earth no pleasures know ; None, who've carried meekly ne'er, In their breast some silent woe. FRIEDRICH RÜECKERT, 162 GEMS OF GERMAN LYRICS. J)ie (icrßenöe 53fumc. (fS\offe! bii ertcbft e^^ nod), ^^:zJ^ 'V)a^ bei* griUjIing lulcbeufefjrt. §offen tide 33äiime bod), 5)ic beg §evb[te§ 2öinb uerljeert, §o[fen mit bcr ftiden traft 3(jrev ,tiio[pcii iinuterlaiig, 53i§ [ic^ miebeu reqt bcr (Saft, Hub ein neue§ ©run cntfpraui]. ,,5(ii), id) bin !ein ftarfer 33anm, S)er ein ©ommertanfenb lebt, "^Jad) uerträumteni Sßintertranni ^^lene ßen^i^ebidjte mebt ! 5ld), id) bin bie 33(nnie nnr, ®ie hc^ Wak^ tn^ g^cwcdt llnb uon ber nid)t bleibt bie (Spur, 3öie ba§ mei^e @rab fie hcdi ! " — GEMS OF GERMAN LYRICS. 163 THE LYING iFLOWEE. ff%/WpE, for thou wilt live to see i 4, Spring again return so fair ! Hopeth not ay, every tree, Chilled though by autumnal air? Through the Winter bleak and hoar, Hope its buds, and have no fears, 'Till the sap doth rise once more And a verdure fresh appeals. " I'm no sturdy tree that lasts Thousand Summers, the forest's king, Dreams 'mid Winter's chilling blasts. Wakes to weave new songs of Spring : I'm the little flower bright, Brought to light by kiss of May, Once beneath my grave so white, I, alas ! must sleep for aye. 164 GEMS OF GERMAN LYRICS. 2ßenn bii beim bie 53hime bift, £) be|djeibene§ ©einiitfj, 2r5fte bid), befdjieben ift (2amen 5lüem, ma§ ba bliUjt. ßa^ ben Sturm beS ^Eobe^ boc^ ©einen ßebeneftanb uerftreu'u. 5lu§ bem Staube niirft bu nod) §unbei-tmal bid) felbft ernenn - „Sa, e^ mcrben nad) mir bliilj'n 5lnbrc, bie mir dljulid) [inb ; ßiüitj ift ha^ Qanje Sriin, 9?ur bay Gin^Ie inelft 9e[d)iinub. 5lbcr, [inb fie, mae id) mar, S3iu idj fclbcr eB uidjt mcljr ; Setjt nur bin id) c\a\v^ unb gar, 9iii^t juuor unb nidjt nad)fjer. GEMS OF GERMAN LYRICS. 165 Art the ilow'ret, thou, indeed, Modest being, then do know, Be consoled, — there is decreed Seed for all that e'er doth grow. Scattered let thy lifes dust be By the storms of death, be told From that dust renewed thou'lt see Soon thyself an hundred fold. " True 'tis, after me will glow Others like me, frail and shy ; Verdure doth forever grow, But the single leaf must die. Though they be what / was, tliou Knowest / am it no more ; I am living only now. Not hereaft and not before ! 166 GEMS OF GERMAN LYRICS. „3ßettn einft fie hcv ©onuc W\d Sßärnit, bei- jeljt nod) mid) burd)flamnit, l^iiibcvt ba§ iiid)t mein ®cfd)id, 2)a§ mid) mui ^ur 9lac^t uccbammt. (Sonne, ja bn dni^elft fd)on S^nen in bic gernen ^n ; 3ßarnm nod) mit froft'gem §of)n mk an§ 5öol!en läd)elft bn ? „3Sel)' mir, baJ3 id) bir uertrant, 5IB mid) mad) 9e!ii|3t bcin 3tral)[ ; S)a^ in'g 5lnc3' id) bir t]eid)ant, SBisi e§ mir ba§ ßcbcn fta()l ! ®iefe§ 2eben§ armen 9ile[t Seinem 93?it(eib jn cntjiel)n, ed)nc^en mill id) franffjaft feft Mid) in niidj, nnb bir cntflic[)n ! GEMS OF GERMAN LYRICS. 167 " When the sun doth shine so bright, Warming them as it doth me, I'll be doomed to endless night By the curse of destiny. In advance thou even now. Sun, dost greet them warm and soft : Why with frosty sneers dost thou Smile on me from clouds aloft ? "And I trusted thee on high. When to life kissed by thy ray. Gazed alas ! into thy eye. Till it stole my life away ! For my life's poor moments last^ I'll no mercy have from thee, In myself I'll close me fast And thy kiss forever flee. 168 GEMS OP GERMAN LYRICS. ,,Dü(ij bii fd)mcl3eft meineS ®viinm6 Starved (Si§ in 3;l)räncii auf ; 9?imm mein flicljenb öebeii, iiimm'g, (lrt)ii]e, 5u bir Ijiimiif ! So, bii fonneft noc^ hzn ©ram 5lii§ ber «Seele mir juleljt ; 5lIIe§, ma§ oou bir mir fam, 8terbeiib bauf icfj bir e§ je^t : „5(fler ßüfte DJiorcjcn^ug, ®em ii^ [ommerlaitg c\thchi, 5l(Icr ©djmetterliiige glut], 2)ic urn uiidj im ^^au^ gei'djiucbt ; ^^lu(]eu, bic uiein ©lau^ erfrifdjt, ^erjeu, hit mein ®uft erfreut ; SBie au§ S)uft uub ©lanj (]euiifdjt S)u mid) fdjufft, bir bauf idj'ö Ijeuf. GEMS CP GERMAN LYRICS. 169 " But the rigid ice of ire Meltest thou to tears, behold ! Take my life, 'twill soon expire, Up, eternal, to thy fold ! Thou wilt sun my grief, until From my soul it taketh leave, What I owe unto thy will, For it all, my thanks receive ! " For the morning zephyrs light, That did me all Summer kiss, For the lepidopter's flight, Hov'ring round me full of bliss ; For the eyes that I did charm, For the hearts I did rejoice — Dying I do thank thee warm. And in praise do lift my voice ! 170 GEMS OF GERMAN LYRICS. „ßine Sicrbe bciner Söelt, SSenu ai\d) eine fleine nur, Siekft bu niicfj blü[;n im gelb, 9Bie bie Stern' auf Ijofj'rcr glur. ©inen Obern {)nud)' id; uodj, Hub cr fofi fein (Seufzer fein ; (Einen ^licf jum §innuel Ijoc^, Hub jur fdjönen 5öelt ^ineiu. „(gm'cjcä gtammenljerj bcr 3öelt, fia^ Uert^limmen niidj an bir ! §immel, f|.iaun' bein F3(auc^> Belt, 9)iein ucrgrünteS finfet Ijicu. 'f)ei(, gri'djlini], beinern @d)ein ! 9Jtorgen(uft, §eil bcincm 5öefjn ! £)^ne Kummer fdjlaf idj ein, Df;ne Hoffnung, auf,^uftef)n." 5- r i e t i i rf) Df ii cf c r t . GEMS OF GERMAN LYRICS. 171 "Of thy world a gem, although But a little modest one, Thou didst brightly let me glow Like the stars on high, Oh Sun ! Dying now without a sigh, Death, dread death, resigned I meet ; But one glance to Heaven high. And one on the earth so sweet. " Earth's eternal heart so true. Heart of fire, to thee I fly ! Heaven span thy tent so blue, Here my withered self doth die ! Hail thy waf tings, morning air ! Hail sweet Spring, thy gorgeous ray ! I, sans sorrow, griaf or care. Fall asleep, though 'tis for aye ! " FRIEDRICH RÜSCKERT. 172 GEMS OF g£rma:>j lyrics. 'Ort möcfjt' id) reifen 9^eit, meit in bie @ec, £) meine (SeÜebte, mit bir aflein ! 5)ie ©ränger unb ßanfdier Unb falten Störer, @ie I)ie(r nn§ [erne 2)er aniHenbe 5lbgrnnb, S)a§ brotjenbe 9)icer, SSir mären fo fid)er Unb felig allein, llnb fame ber @tnrm, 3d) mürbe bid) \)(\\kn 5ln meiner ^riift. 9Bcnn bonnernbe 5£H"»i]eu GEMS OF GERMAN LYRICS. 173 WISH. t STAIN would I travel i Far over the sea, Thou, my beloved. With thee alone ! Intruders and list'ners. And cold disturbers. Would keep far distant The surging abyss, The threatening sea. So safe we should be And happy alone. Were storms to come, I'd clasp thee firmly And close to my breast. Were billows to thunder 174 GEMS OF GERMAN LYRICS. Bum §immel fcljliiijcu, 9)leiu tninfeneö §er^ ; lliib meine ßicbe, 5)ie emigc, ftarfc, (Sie müröe fvoljlocfeub S)id) Ijalten im Sturm. ®u iinirbeft j^itternb DJiir blicfeu iu'§ ^luije, Hub iinivbeft erblicfeu, 3i>a§ uimmer fdjcitert 3u aOcu (Stürmen, Hub miirbeft liidjeln Hub nidjt meljr ,;,ittern. GEMS OF GERMAN LYRICS. 175 And leap up to Heaven, Still higher would leap then My joyful heart ; And my love so faithful, So true, eternal, Would exultantly hold thee While raged the storm. Affrighted, tremhling Thou wouldst gaze in my eye, and Thou wouldst behold there, What wrecketh never In storms severest. And thou wouldst smile then, And nevermore tremble. 176 GEMS OF GERMAN LYRICS. (gicfj, null enniibct ®er tobcnbe 5(iifuii[)r, 3u ©djiummer [infen S)ie Söeüen luib 3ßinbe, llnb über hm 5öa|fem Sft tiefe etille. ®a rii()ft bii finnenb 5ln meiner S5ru[t. (2o tiefe (StiHe : 5}?eiii laufdjeiibeg ^erj '§5rt 5lnttt)ort podien Sein [aiifd;enbe§ 'Sjerj. 2öir finb allein, S'odj flüfterft bn (eife, GEMS OF GERMAN LYRICS. 177 Behold ! — Now tires The roaring commotion, The waves and the winds are Falling to slumber, And over the waters Tranquility reigns. Thou restest thoughtful Upon my breast. So deep the stillness, My listening heart Hears answer throbbing TJiy listening heart. Though we are alone. The thoughtful Ocean 178 GEMS OF GERMAN LYRICS. Urn iiidjt ^u ftoren ®a§ finncnbe 9)?eer. 9hir fanft er^iittern S)ie ßippen bir, ®ie fdjiueHcubeu 53[ätter ^cr ffiBcu 9io)e ; 3d) fange bein 5ßort, S)en fliiujenben S)uft 2)ei* jii^eu Uiofc, Sm Dften Ijcbt fic^ S)er flare ^Otonb, Uub ©Ott bebecfet ^en §iinmel mit ©ternen, Utib ic^ bebecfe, GEMS OF GERMAN LYRICS. 179 Not to disturb, thou Dost whisper gently, And softly quiver Only thy lips, — The undulating Leaves of the rose; I drink in thy words, The ringing fragrance Of the lovely rose. In the East now riseth The moon so clear, And God doth cover With stars the Heaven, And I do cover, 180 GEMS OF GERMAN LYRICS. @elig roie er, S)ein lieber 5lntli^, S)en fdjöuern §immel, Wit feurigen Püffen. e n a u GEMS OF GERMAN LYRICS. 181 Happy like Him, Thy face so lovely, The sweeter Heaven, With fiery kisses. 182 GEMS OF GERMAN LYRICS. ^ ^^^egmbe beine S^obten ■^ 2icf ill bciii §ci'3 [jineiii ; ©0 merben fie bciii ßeben ßebenb'ge S^obte fein. @o mevben fie im ^ev^en ^it{^ luieber auferfteljn, 5ll§ gute, lidjte (Engel W\i bir bnvc^'g ßeben gefjn. 35c9rab' bcin eigen %^t\\ Sn 5lnbrer ^er^ l^inein ; @o lüirft bu, nnb bift bn ein ■lobter, ©in emig ßebenber fein. Sact ©iebel GEMS OF GERMAN LYRICS. 183 THY DEAD, OH, BUEY THEM. MpHY dead, Oh, bury them *^ Deep in thy heart, ay deep ; For then, though dead, they'll live 'Till thou dost fall asleep ! Yea, in thy heart they'll rise Again like angels pure. And through the rugged path Of life will lead thee sure. Thy own life bury too In other's hearts, T pray ! Then thou wilt live, though called From earth by death, for aye. CABL SIEBEL. 184 GEMS OF GERMAN LYRICS. ^itlcin J>era, id) }M bid) fragen. ^ein §er^, ic^ mitt bid) fragen, SßaiS ift benn ßiebc, facj' ? „SiDci Seelen nnb ein ©ebanfe, Bmei ^cv^^zn unb ein Sdjdii] ! " Unb fpridj, iDoljei' fommt i^icde ? „©ie fommt nnb fie ift ha I " Unb fprid^, mie fdjiuinbet ßiebe ? „®ie ivaf^ nidjt, ber'ö ö^Hl)^^!) ! " Unb ma§ ift reine fiiebe ? „ -Die itjuei* felbft nertji^t ! " Unb mann ift Öieb' am tiefften ? „SSenn fie am ftiRften ift ! " GEMS OF GERMAN LYRICS. 185 LOVE. f'^^^&Y heart, what meaneth love, * So speak, can'st tell me aught ? " Two hearts that beat as one, Two souls, a single thought ! " And speak, whence cometh love ? "It cometh and is here." How disappeareth love ? '•' It cannot disappear." And what is yure love ? " That Which se7/forgetteth." When Is love the deepest, pray ? " When 'tis most silent, ihenr 186 GEMS OF GERMAN LYRICS. Unb mann ift i^ieb' ant rcidjftcn ? ,,®a§ ift fie, tnenn fie QihtV lint) fpuidj, mie rebet ßiebe ? „©ie rebet nirf^t, fie liebt ! " 5 t i c b r i d) -f) a I in GEMS OF GERMAN LYRICS. 187 And when is love most rich? " When it doth give." Doth e'er Love speak, my truthful heart ? " It loves, it speaketh ne'er." FRIEDRICH HALM. 188 GEMS OF GERMAN LYRICS. §d) iDoirt' ein ^txänfikxn binkn. ^^^ tt^ollf ein ©träu^Iciix binben, ^^ ®a tarn bie biiufle ^lad)t, ^eiii 33lümlein mar 511 finben, ©onft I;ätt' id) bir'6 gebradjt. S)a floffeu Don htn SSangen Wix %'{)väncn in ben ^(ce, ©in 53lümlcin anfgegangcn Sc^ nun im ©arten fei/. S)a§ moüte ic^ bir breiten SSoIjl in bem bunflen ^lee, ®orf) fing' e§ an ^n fpred)en : „5ld), t^ue mir nic^t mel^ ! GEMS OF GERMAN LYRICS. 189 I FAIN WOULD MAKE A NOSEGAY SWEET. m FAIN would make a nosegay sweet, ^ But night spread over me ; Nowhere a flower my eye would meet, Else I had brought it thee. And down my cheeks did trickle tears Into the grass, — and Oh ! A flower now so bright appears, Where nothing then did grow. I thought to pluck the flow'ret, dear. There in the grassy plot. But list, it speaketh, struck by fear : '^ I pray thee hurt me not. 190 GEMS OF GERMAN LYRICS. @ei freunblid) in bcm ^erjeu, 33etrarf)f bein eigen öeib, Hub laffe mid) in ©djmerjen Ütidjt [terben üor bei* 3eit ! " Unb fjätt'g nidjt fo gefprodjen, 3m ©arten gang allein, (So ptt' idj bir'S tjebrodjen, ^^lun aber barf\^ nidjt fein. 3)iein ^Bdjai} ift ausgeblieben, Sdj bin fo gang allein, 3m Sieben moljut 53eti'übeu, Hub faun nidjt anber§ fein. Siemens Ö t c n t n ii o GEMS OP GERMAN LYRICS. 191 " Oh, in thy heart, pray, friendly be. Of thy own sorrow think ; Before my time, do not let me Tn death so painful sink/' Had it not thus appealed so sad, So lovely and so fair, I'd brought it thee, how glad, how glad ; But now I would not dare. He comes not, he\ love so well, To dry the tears for me : In love doth grief and sorrow dwell. And thus 'twill ever be. CLEMENS BRENTANO. 192 GEMS OF GERMAN LYRICS. ^^d) [jure tmuern cud) iiub Hagcn, ^^ ®a^ Mi bte 5öelt iiub licbetccr, Hub iiiitleibguoll mii^ id) end) ]\:a(\cn : ^abt \l)v beim feine SOiuttei- melji'? §abt iljr bit 9)hittei' fcfjou uerc^effen, ®a§ treue ^erj, b'ran i[)r gerul)t, ®cn ©djooji, b'uiu ifju fo iDcirfj ö'^WK^^^ Bo fidjer, line in @otte§ §ut ? S)ie 9)? utter feljt mit filmen Sdjaueru, 5)ic auf beni 5(rni itjr ^iubleiu träi]t : 8ü lauge uiirb bie Siebe baueru, (So lauQ' eiu 3}hitter(jer3 uodj fdjliigt ! GEMS OF GERMAN LYRICS. 193 motheh-heaet. ®|) HEAR thee grieve so bitterly ^ That cold the world and loveless too ; And I must ask in sympathy, Hast thou no more a mother true ? Forgotten hast the mother thine, The heart on which wert wont to lie. The lap on which didst warm recline, Safe under God's all-seeing eye ? Contented rests the mother's eye, While clasping close her babe so sweet; Earth's loftiest love can never die So long a mother's heart doth beat ! 194 GEMS OF GERMAN LYRICS. D Wnikvl)cv^, bu 33oru bcr 9JtiIbe, 2)ii (]otti]eiuei[)tcr, IjcH'cjer £)vt, §a^t and) bic 2öelt, bie raulje, milbe, Sil bir lucilt ftiH bie ßiebc fort ! ©u lebft nur in ht§> ^iitbeS ßebcn, (Sonuft bidj in feiner greuben ©lanj, @ein ßciben mir niadjt bidj erbeben, Hub beiner fclbft Hergibt bn ßanj. ©equiilt, öcinartet unb ^erftod;en, Sicbft bn im Ijerbften ©djiner^e nod), 5>om ^inbe freüelnb felbft gcbrodjcn, 3m 33red)en fec^neft bn e§ bodj ! GEMS OF GERMAN LYRICS. 195 Oh ! mother-heart, thou holy source Of love, thou consecrated spot, Hates e'en the world, the rough, the coarse, Thy quiet love is shaken not. Thou livest for thy child alone, Thou baskest in his pleasures sheen ; His suflf'rings only dost bemoan, And thou thyself forgettest e'en. Should he neglect thee, or forsake, Though deep the wound, wouldst love not less; Were trifling he thy heart to break. Him even then wouldst fondly bless. 196 GEMS OP GERMAN LYRICS. S'rum, ^dlt euc^ ©ram iiiib ßeib iiiufangen, Seib eigner ©djiilb \l)v end) beiimj^t, @o leljnt hk t^räiicnfeudjteu 2Öangen 5ln eurer Waiikv treue ^ruft. Hub ift bie 50hitter aid) flefdjiebeu, 3öeint ifjr afleiu in finftrer 9?ad;t, D glaubt : i[;r §er^ lie^ fie l)ieuiebeu, ßö [jdlt bei itjrem ^iube madjt ! ?XtD5tt Stngcr. GEMS OF GERMAN LYRICS. 197 If sorrow thee as victim seeks, Though thou hast played the baser part, Go, place thy pale and tearful cheeks Upon thy mother's loving heart. Although thy mother dead may be, If in the stilly night thou weep, Believe, her heart brings her to thee. It o'er her boy a watch doth keep ! ALBERT TRAEGER. 198 GEMS OF GERMAN LYRICS, J)er g^anbrer 0}i affeine. /i^^cr Wax ift auf bem SSec^e, ^ ©er 93iai ift nou he\: 2:I)iir : Sm ©arten auf ber 2öiefe, Sf)r ^[iiiulein, fommt fjerfiir ! ®a [jab' i^ ben ©tab genommen, ©a f;ab' id) ba^^ 33ünbel gefrfjuürt, 3ie()' melter nub immer meiter, Söoljin bie Strafe mid; fiUjrt. Hub über mir giefjcn bie 55lh]cI, Sie jiefjen in luftigen Sicifj'u ; ©ie jiuitfdjern nub triflcni nub pten, 51I§ ging'S in ben §iuimel fjinein. GEMS OF GERMAN LYRICS. 199 THE WANDEHER GOES ALONE. 4wOTr May is on the road, If T T Yes, May, sweet May is here ; In the garden, in the field, Ye flowers, all appear. I grasp my trusty staff And strap my bundle tight. And through the town I stride, With heart and footstep light. And o'er my head the birds In merry flocks do fly ; ^yarbling and trilling, they Do soar to Heaven high. 200 GEMS OP GERMAN LYRICS. ®er 3Sanbrer geljt alleine, @e[jt fdjiycigenb feinen @ang ; ®a§ 33ünbel mill ifjn briirfen, S)er 2ßeg mirb iljni jn lang. 3a, aienn mir alljnfamnien (go jögen in'§ öanb Ijinein ! Unb menn and) ha^ nirf)t märe, ^önnt' (Sine nnr mit mir fein ! !lü i I () c I III *t)J ii 1 1 e r GEMS OF GERMAN LYRICS, 201 The wand'rer goes alone, He chants no merry song, The bundle presses him, The way it is so long. Ah, could together we All wander through the land ! Were this not, could but slie With me walk hand in hand ! WILHELM MUELLER. c^ ^l^ <>i^ '^z (^ß) 202 GEMS OF GERMAN LYRICS. (j^^ad) langem groft, line tneljt bie '^(iS Öuft [o linb ! ®a brinijt giuiljüeildjen mir ein bcttelnb ^inb. (£§ ift betrübt, baj5 fo ben erften ®ru^ 2)ei^ grü[jlin(]§ mir ba§ Glenb brini^en mnf3. Unb bod) ber fdjonen Sage liebee ^fanb 3ft mir nod) mertljer aii§> be§ Ungliicfa §anb. (2o bringt bem ^ladjgefdjledjte nnfer Öeib S)ie grii[jUngöc3rü^e einer beffern Beit. GEMS OF GERMAN LYRICS. 203 SPHING'S GREETINGS. ^fenE zephyrs after lengthy frost, ^ how mild ! Lo, violets fresh brings me a begging child. 'Tis sad, that thus Spring's greetings first should be Presented me by hand of poverty, And yet, the pledge of happy days the more I prize, since offered by afiliction sore. Thus to posterity our ills do bring, Foreboding better times, the hope of Spring. 204 GEMS OF GERMAN LYRICS, J)a0 Mnb. ^Sdj fcf)aii' bicf) an mcl)mütl;ig ^^ ®u blonbgelocfte^S ,tinb, Uiib fü[;l e§ tief, tüte felig 3BoIjl beitie Altern finb. SSag tft ba§ ®olb bev Sieicfjcn, 2ön§ attf ber ©tirtt eitt trait,^, ^htb ! gegen beine ßoc! en Unb beiner fingen ©latt^ ? Unb n)a§> finb ade (Stitntnen, 55ereint jn Olnfjtn nnb $rei§, @egen bein |Tt^e§ ßaHen Unb tneine S^^räne I;ei^ ? 1 GEMS OF GERMAN LYRICS. 205 THE CHILD. ÄWEET child with golden ringlets, *^ Through tears I gaze on thee, And deeply feel how happy Thy parents ought to be. What were the wealth of Croesus, The laurel wreath, my child. To thy soft waving ringlets, Thy glances tender, mild ? And what were all the voices United to praise the great. To thy sweet, artless prattling. And these my tears of Fate ? 206 GEMS OF GERMAN LYRICS. £) ^1iib ! mil' fagt bein ßallen : §aft Sieb' iinb ßenj ocufäumt, Unb Ijaft bein ßebeii eiiifam 3n ßiebcrn ^hingeträumt. b e If) e i b 5 f e i i n u o n <5 t o 1 1 c t f c t f) (3^ fo)^ P Ol Vy.c'/ es GEMS OF GERMAN LYRICS. 207 My child, thy lispings tell me, Neglecting Love and May, Lonesome thou hast been dreaming Thy life in songs away. ADELHEID BAR0NB8S VOJT STOLTERFOTH. -^^=^-^^^^ 208 GEMS OP GERMAN LYRICS. /^^ u triibci- 9ieDel, Iji'ioeft mir ^^ 5)aÖ lijal mit feinem gluj3, 3)en 33cn3 mit feinem Söalbreuici* Unb jeben ©onnengrnf. 5^imm fort in beine grane '^adjt 'Die @rbe lueit nnb breit ! 9timm fort, iua§ mid) fo trauritj madjt, 5lnd; bie ^ergangenljeit ! P 11 a u }9 0Ö ®0 GEMS OF GERMAN LYRICS. 209 THE FOG. tHOU dreary fog, for me dost vail The forest and the stream, The mountain and the lovely vale, And every sunny beam. Take then, Oh ! take into thy night. The wide, wide world, I pray ; What makes me sad, shut from my sight, Take all the past away ! öö 210 GEMS OF GERMAN LYRICS. (c§ §imme(§ frol;e§ 5lntntj brannte ©cfion Don bc§5^age§ evftcm ^\\% Unb bnrd)"ba§ 5)?orgenfternlein fanbte S)ie Diac^t mir il;ren ©djeibegru^ : !Da griff id) nadj bem 2Banbcrftabe, ©prad) meinem Sßirtfje : ,,@ott ucrgelt ©ie 9iiufjc[tatt, bie milbe Qabc ! " Bluj Inftii] meitcr in bie 3BcIt. GEMS OF GERMAN LYRICS. 213 DEPARTURE. ]^fe|HE face of Heaven glowed so X bright Kissed by the breaking morn, and through The little morning star, the night Did send to me its last adieu ; Then I in hand my staff did take, My host I thanked for all he'd done My stay a pleasant one to make. And light of heart, I journeyed on. 214 GEMS OF GERMAN LYRICS. !t) i e S e r d) e . ro[) fiimmtc und) ber [fi^eii 33eiite ®ic 33iene [jin am SBiefenftec] ; S)ie ßerd)e aii§ ben ßüfteii [treitte Wk \l)u ßicbec auf ben SSeg. GEMS or GERMAN LYRICS, 215 THE LAEK. ÄO gaily hummed the busy bee For its sweet prize the mead along ; The lark from Heaven's canopy Did strew my path with merry song. 216 GEMS OF GERMAN LYRICS. 3D er Gtd)trtalt>. ^d) trat in einen l)eilig bi'iftern ^^ (vid)iiia(b, ba Ijört' ic^ leif nnb lint) ©in Sädjiein unter Blumen flüftcrn, 2öie ha^ ®ebet uon einem ^inb ; llnb niid) erc^riff ein fü^eS ©ranen, (Sei raufdjf ber SSolb ge[)eimniJ3üon, 51121 niödjt' er mir ma§ anuertraucn, ®ag nod) mein ^er^ nid)t miiTen foH ; 5n§ mödjt' er Ijeimlid) mir entbecfen, 2ßQ§ ©otteg ßicbe [innt unb luiH : ®od) fdjien er plö^lid) ^u erfd)rccfen 5>or ®otte§ 9ui(j'— nnb mürbe [tili. OEMS OP GERMAN LYRICS. 217 THE FOREST OF OAKS. /AN FOREST dark of sacred oak I entered, where soft and mild 'Neath flowers fair, a brooklet spoke — 'Twas like the prayer of a child. With strange delight awe thrilled my heart, The forest rang mysteriously, As if it something would impart That ought not yet be told to me. As if the secret 'twould reveal. What God's great love doth plan and will. But suddenly it seemed to feel His presence near — and all was still. 218 GEMS OF GERMAN LYRICS. 2)er ^irtc. d)on 50g üom ^iS^alt) id) ferne mieber 5luf einer [teilen ^llpenitianb ; ©oc^ blicft ic^ oft gu i[;m l)innieber, S3i6 inir fein lejiter SBipfel fdjmanb. ®a irrten ^ül;' am SSiefenljange ; Ser §irte unterm ^ieferbad) ^\nc\ (tin bei ifjrcm ©locfenflange 2)em 33ilbe feineö 2iebd)en§ nad). GEMS OF GERMAN LYRICS. 219 THE SHEPHERD. &f ROM the forest I did farther go, ^ On alpine rocks of dizzy height ; But often at the trees below I gazed, till all were lost to sight. The herds upon the mead I saw ; The shepherd, by the music of Their bells, beneath his cot of straw, Mused o'er the image of his Love. 220 GEMS OF GERMAN LYRICS. ß in f a nifeit. d)on feiy \ii) §irt' itnb §ccrbe nimmer, ©in Öüftcfjen nur ift mein ©eleit ; ®er ftei[e ^^fab mirb fteiler immer, (S§ miidjft bie milbe (Sinfamfeit. ■Dort ftür,5t an§ bnnfler gclfenpforte S)er Qnell mit einem bancjcn Gcf)rei, ©nteilt bem granenüoUen Orte, §inab jum frennblidj grünen Wal 5>erfdjmnnben ift ha§> Ie|te Seben, §ier i]riint fein 331att, fein 5>ocjel rnft, llnb felbft ber $fab fc^eint Ijicr jn beben, (2o 3H)i[djen 20anb nnb 3^übci^fluft. GEMS OF GERMAN LYRICS. 221 SOLITUDE. I^gow shepherd, herds — I see them ^^ never, My only guide's a zephyr kind j The path so steep, grows steeper ever, 'Mid solitude myself I find. From sombre rocks a streamlet clear. With timid cry, doth quickly bound. It flees the spot, so sterile, drear, Down where sweet May adorns the ground. No sign of life around is seen, No leaflet greens,* no birdling calls, To quake doth seem the pathway e'en, 'Tween Death's abyss and towering walls. *Greened all the joar.— tui^Moox. GEMS OF GERMAN LYRICS. ,^0111111, ®ottc§[äiigner, ©ott 511 fiiljlen ; Sein greücl tüiit) auf biefem Staub 5)eu iobcSabgruub tiefer lüüljlen, 5)ir fteilec tl)iirmen biefe 3Saub ! — GEMS OF GERMAN LYRICS. 223 Come, disbeliever, feel God's power ! While struck with awe thou hold'st thy breath ; Before thy eyes these walls will tower Still higher on the brink of Death ! :24 GEMS OF GERMAN LYRICS. Die gerne. /^^ e§ ^ei-geg ©ipfel ivav erfcfjiDiingen, ® ©er troj^ig in bie 2;iefe fdjaut ; 9iatur, ÜOU bcinem Sdeij burc^briin(]eu, 3Sie fd;liig mein §cr§ fo frei fo laut ! 33elja(]lid) [trecfte bort ha^ ßaiib fiii) Sit Sbnen nii§, meit, euMoS iDeit, W\t Jlji'inncii, 3BaIb imb gliir, unb luaiib [id) 5)er Ströme 3ier iim'§ bunte tieib ; §iec ftieg ^^ plütjUc^ nub entfd) (offen Giupor, ftet§ fiifjner (jimuiclau, 93tit Gig unb Sdjuee ha^ §aupt umgoffcn, 5.Hn-trat bcu Söolfcn iljre S3al;n. GEMS OP GERMAN LYRICS. Z30 THE DISTANCE. ^JfijHE peak was gained, 'twas hard ^ to climb, Downward it frowned defiantly ; Thrilled Nature with thy charms sublime, My heart did throb so loud and free ! An endless plain did meet my view, With steeples, forests, pretty farms^ Its dress of variegated hue Was trimmed with many a river's charms. Here loomed it upward in a trice, Up, up to Heaven's starlit vault. Its brow, bedecked with snow and ice, E'en bade the flying clouds to halt. 226 GEMS OF GERMAN LYRICS. 35alb [jiiig mein 5liige freubctrunfen §ier an htn gelfen, fdjroff iinb luilb ; 33a(b luau bic ©eele ftifl uerfunfcn ©ort in ber gerne 9uit(j|elbilb. Sie bnnfle gerne fanbte leife Sie ©cljnfndjt, iljre @d)ii)e[ter, mir, lliib rafdj ucrfoIt]t' id) meine DIcife Sen 33er(3 fjinab, §n iljr, jn itjr : SSic mandien Banbcr mat] e§ (]cben, Sen bie 91atnr and) bort erfann ; 3öie mandjer 33icbre mat] bort leben, Sem id; bie §anb nod) briiifen !ann ! GEMS OF GERMAN LYRICS. 227 Spellbound I viewed the mountain's crest, Its rugged sides, its aspect wild, Abstracted then my eye would rest, Upon the distant picture mild. The sombre distance still did send To me its kindred, longing sweet, And down the slope I then did wend My way, its mysteries to meet. There may be many a magic sj^ell By Nature wrought in yonder land ; There many an honest man may dwell, Whom I could give my heart and hand. 228 GEMS OF GERMAN LYRICS. (Ä^od) immer lai] ein tiefet Sdjmeitjcn ^©^ mmy^ auf ben §ü[yn; bod; plo^Iidj fiifjr Ser SSinb mm auf jum mitbeu 9ieii]cu, ®ie faufcnbe ©emitterfpur. 5lm §immel eilt mit bumpfcm Älauße §erauf bei* fiuftre SBotfenjui] : (2o nimmt bcu 3orn im Ijeij^cn Grange 2)en näd)t(id;cn ©ebanfeuflug. Seu §immel bonncrt feinen '^aiicv ; Stuf feiner bunfeln (Stirne tjlüFjt 2)er ^(itj Ijerüor, bic Bornesaber, ®ie (Sdjrecfen auf bie ßrbe fprüfjt. GEMS OF GERMAN LYRICS. 229 THE STORM. jss^ N om'nous silence still doth reign Upon the heights, when suddenly The wind doth blow a hurricane, — Foretelling that a storm is nigh. Upward the clouds advance in force, With sounds so dull and black as night ; Thus anger in its fiery course Doth take thought's melancholy flight. Heav'n's thunder roareth, crash on crash ; Upon its threat'ning brow doth glow Dread anger's vein, the lightning's flash, And terror spreads on earth below. 230 GEMS OF GERMAN LYRICS. S)er Siegelt ftiir^t in lauten ©üffcn ; Wilt 33äumen, bic ber Sturm jevbrad), ßrbrauft ber ©trom ^u meinen gii^eu ;- ®o(f) f^meigt ber Conner aUßemad). ®er Sturm lii^t [eine glügel finfen, S)er D^egen faiifelt milbe 9iuf; ; S)a fat; id; frot; ein §üttlein minfen Unb eilte feiner ^Nforte ^u. GEMS OP GERMAN LYRICS. 231 In torrents loud the rain doth gush, And at my feet the stream, with trees Uprooted by the storm, doth rush ; — The thunder dieth by degrees. The storm, aweary, sinks to sleep, And mild repose besj^eaks the rain- I see a cot thro' foliage peep. And speed its shelter to obtain. 232 GEMS OF GERMAN LYRICS. T:tx © d) I a f . 3 Sill @rci§ trat löcfjclnb mir entgegen, ^■^^^ ^ot mir bie §aub gcbanfeiiüoll, llnb Ijob fie bann empor 511111 ©etjen, S)er fanft Dom §immc( nieberquoQ ; Unb idj eiiipfanb eö tief im -fersen, S)aj3 Born Der S)oniier (Sottet nid)t j 5)a^ aii§ ber Söefte Icidjten Sdjer^eii Söic au§ ©eiintterii ßiebe fpridjt. Hub einen 2abebed)er trau! id), Unb fdjlidj, moljin bic dhil) und) rief, §inan§ jnr 8d)enne ; mübc fan! id; §icr in bc^^ §enc§ ®nft — nnb fdjtief. GEMS OF GERMAN LYRICS. 233 SLEEP. ,^^ GRAY haired man here met my eye ; He smiled, gave me his hand, and — lo! Then for a blessing raised it high, That softly from above did flow. I deeply felt it in my breast. That not God's wrath doth thunder tell, That in the zephyrs of the west, Like in the tempests Love doth dwell. A cooling cup I gladly drank, In search of rest then eager stepped Out to the barn, and weary sank Upon the fragrant hay and — slept. 234 GEMS OF GERMAN LYRICS, S5>a§ mic^ erfreut auf meinen 3Segeu, "Daö träumt' id) nun im ©djlafe m\d) ; Unb traümenb fjört' icb, luie ber Stegeu Sauft uieberträufelt' auf ha^ ^ad), ©ü§ träumt e§ fid) in einer ©c^eune, SSenn brauf ber biegen Icife üopft ; 0(]c( torf) i\d)t, Unb fingt in ber gerne (Sin ^einmtljlid) ßieb. ie prei. ^^^^.^-ei Sicitcr, wad) iievlorner a^ 33[nt jn rafd), gn reidj. ®ie Sfleiter reiten bidjt cjefeUt, Unb einer fid) am anbern Ijalt GEMS OF GERMAN LYRICS. 249 THE THESE. ^ftfHREE riders after sore defeat T From battle-field 'so still retreat! From ghastly wounds doth course their blood, The horses feel Life's ebbing flood. The blood drips, drips from man and horse, Takes dust and froth down in its course. The horses pace so very slow, Else would the gore too quickly flow. The horsemen sway from side to side, And not to fall, do closely ride. 259 GEMS OF GERMAN LYRICS. ©ie fclju fi^ trauriii in'§ ©efidjt, Hub einer um ben anbcru fpridji: „5)lir bliiljt baljciin bie fdjönftc 5)Mib, ©nun t[jut mein frfiljer S'ob mic leib," „§ab' §an§ nnb §ot nnb grünen 3BaIb, Unb ftcrben fjier mu^ idj fo balb ! " „Sen 33Iid Ijab' id; in ©otte^ ©elt, ©onft nidjt§, hod) [d)iücr mir\^ (Sterben fällt" Unb lauernb anf ben 2:obe§ritt 3iel;n burd) bie ßuft brei @eier mit. ©ie t[;ei[en freifcbenb nnter fic^ : „Sen fpeifeft bn, hen bu, ben idf)." 5, c n a 11 GEMS OP GERMAN LYRICS. 251 Sad they at one another gaze, What most he feels thus each one says : *' At home a maid for me doth sigh, Therefore I dread so soon to die ! " " Have garden, house and greenwood dear. And doomed to die so soon I'm here!" "In God's wide world the view have I, Naught more, yet 'tis so hard to die ! " The ride of death three birds of prey Do watch and follow all the way. Thus they divide and harshly cry : " Him eatest thou, him thou, him I ! " 252 GEMS OF GERMAN LYRICS. /^^nb \d) liebe fie bod) ! ^^^ Suiiipf imh trübe 5^annte ii^ oft 5)ie ©locfen ber §eimat^, 2)oc^ Ijeut' Hingen fie über ba^ ü}leer ©0 inefjmiitf)felii^, @o munberbarlid), ©a^ fclbft mein Iad;enbe^ ^erj S[)r @d)0 mirb. 3Bie ein 53i(b ber 3auberin, ■Der 2)i(i;terfreunbin 9)?or(]ana, (Srblitf' id; fern am -gorijonte 2öe[jmüt[;i(^ irinfenb S)ie ©arten nnb 9Siefen, GEMS OF GERMAN LYRICS. 253 HOME. /.v ND I love it still ! Dull and mournful Often I called The bells of mj home ; but To day over the Ocean thej sound So sadly blissful, So strange and doleful, That even my laughing heart Their echo becomes. Like a picture of the sorceress, The poet's friend Morgana, I see afar on the horizon, Beckoning sadly, The gardens and meadows, 254 GEMS OF GERMAN LYRICS. ®a§ fdjiüarjbefdiieferte §au§ 5i)tit ben (]rüuen genftern, Unb am genfter gum ©arten 5luf ifjren ^nieen 9iluljet ein ^\id) — (2ie lieft in bent ^ndje. 3d) fef)' eä (]enan, ©a ift ba§ ^nd), " S)a§ einft bcni (Soljne 9}?it -Itjränen fie fd)en!te, Hub ha^ bev ©ofjn, 51(6 er fortöinij, SSerga^. GEMS OF GERMAN LYRICS. 255 The old black slated house "With its windows green, and At the garden side window, I see my mother. Upon her knees, there, Resteth a book, She readeth therein. I plainly can see It is the same book She once presented. With tears, to her son. And which her son, When he left her, Forgot. 256 GEMS OF GERMAN LYRICS. @ie lieft bie 3Borte, S)ie eit]enf;iinbi(] 5Iit§ luannem ^crjcii ,,311 [tctem ©ebcnfeu" @ie eingefdjricbeii — 3c^ glaub', eine 2;tjräue gällt l)eij3 auf t)k 33ibiL — SSeljuiütbii] über ha§> 9)keu klingen bie ©locfen ber §eimatl). S a r ( (Zitbet . (S^S^f^fe^^^^^^G^ GEMS OF GERMAN LYRICS. 257 She reads the words, that She with her own hands, With overflowing heart, " for constant remembrance," Therein did inscribe. A tear methinketh. Falls hot on the Bible. Woefully over the sea Sound the bells of sweet home. CARL SIEBEL. 258 GEMS OF GERMAN LYRICS. )er füllte fragen : iine'§ c\i\d)a\) ? ß:§ geljt and) 5lnbeuu eben fo. Sd) freute mic^, al§ id) bid) falj, 3)ii warft, al§ hi mid) faljft, aud) frol;. ®er erfte ©riij, ben id) bir bot, 9J?ad)t' un§ auf einmal beibe rcid) ; ®u mnrbeft, al§ id) fam, fo roll;, ®u iDurbeft, al§ ic^ (\mi^, fo blcid). 5iun !am id) and) Jag au§, 2ag ein, (26 ging un§ beiben bnrd; ben (Sinn ; 33ci Sdegen unb bei (Sonnenfd)ein 8d)iüanb balb ber (Sommer unS bal)in. GEMS OF GERMAN LYRICS. 259 FAREWELL. isfsmRO should inquire : " How was it, It happens oft to others too : I gazed on you, Love shed his ray, You gazed on me and lived anew. The first " good morrow " that I said. Struck chords of love, this both did know, For when I came, you turned so red. And turned so pale, when I did go. And soon I came day after day ; Ours was indeed a happy lot ; 'Mid sunshine, rain, soon passed away Sweet Summer, rose, forget me not. 260 GEMS OF GERMAN LYRICS. 2ßir l)aim\ un§ bie -^awh ßebrücft, Um m6)t^ ßelac^t, um nic^tö (^eiucint, ©cquiilt einanber imb beijlucft, Unb ^aben'^ reblid) aiidj gemeint. Sann tarn ber 'g>erbft, ht\: Sßiuter gar, ^ie (Sdjiralbe 30g, nad) altem 53raiid), Unb: lieben? — lieben immerbar? ߧ mürbe falt, e§ fror nn§ and). 3d) merbc gelj'n in'§ frembe ßanb, 5)u fagft mir l)öflid) : ßebe rooljl ! Sd) fü|3C Ijöflid; bir bie §anb, Unb nun ift alle§ mie e§ [oQ. 2( b c l b c t t von S- () a III i f f . GEMS OF GERMAN LYRICS. 261 We did what e'er dictated Love : We cared for naught, we shed no tear, Our love like that of turtle dove I thought, it seemed so pure, sincere.* Leaves fell, soon snow was at our door, To warmer climes the swallows flew. And love ? what, love forevermore ? It grew so cold, we felt it too. I leave now for a foreign land, You coldly say, " farewell," to me, Politely I do kiss thy hand, — And all things are as they should be. ADELBERT VON CHAMISSO. * This stanza is paraphrastical. 262 GEMS OF GERMAN LYRICS. J)er jUranfie im Warfen. (^^06) eine Ülacfjtii^all, fo fpdt ? ^'^ ®d)ou fiub bie 33lüt^eu längft uerire^t, ®er (Sommer reift bie gelber fdjon, Unb nod) ein grül^Ung^ton ? £) Öenj, marb e§ bir offenbar, 3)a^ ic^ noc^ fterbe biefe§ Saljr ? Unb riefeft au§ ber gerne bu 9loc^ einen ®rn^ mir ^n ? — GEMS OF GERMAN LYRICS. 263 THE INVALID IN THE GARDEN. A NIGHTINGALE SO late vet ? Oh ! ** The blossoms fell, ay, long ago, Now ripe the fields from summerheat, And still a song of Spring so sweet ? Ah, Spring, was it revealed that I Must part from all this year, must die ? And from afar, didst kindly send To me a greeting yet, dear friend ? 264 GEMS or GERMAN LYRICS. j5eimfief)r. ^^n meine §eimatfj !aiu id; mieber, ^^ @g mar bie alte 'J>eimat[j noc^, ©iefelbe ßuft, biefelben ßicber, Unb 5llle§ mar ein 5lnbrc§ bod). 3)ie SSelle raufdjte mie üor Seiten, 5lui Sßalbmeg ftuant] mie fonft ha^ '^dj, 5[>on fern erflang ein 5lbenblänten, 2)ie 33er9e t3län3ten au§ bem ©ee. 5)od) uor bem §an§, mo un§ üor Saferen ®ie 5[Wutter ftet6 empfing, bort falj 3d) frembe 5?Zenfd)en fremb^ebaljren ; S^ie melj, mie mel; mir ba gefc^al; ! GEMS OP GERMAN LYRICS. 265 EETURN-HOME. ^Iäome I returned, had wandered loner, **^ 'Twas still the home that I had left; The same sweet air, the merry song, And yet it was of all bereft ! The wavelets rippled as of yore, Across the sward did bound the stag, The bells were chiming as before. The lake reflected mount and crag. But at the house where years ago Mother received me kindly oft, Strangers were walking to and fro ; I raised my hands to Him aloft ! ■ 266 GEMS OF GERMAN LYRICS. Wxx mar, alS rief c§ ou§ ben Söogeu gliel;, fliefj, unb o[)ne 3Bieber!c[;r ! Sie bu geliebt, finb fortgejot^en, @ie fef)ven niiniuer, niimnermel;r. Hermann C i n g 9 GEMS OF GERMAN LYRICS. 267 Methought a voice in the wavelets near Cried: " Fly, Oh fly, and leave this shore ! Those whom you loved, have gone from here. Return they'll never, never more ! " EEBMANN LINGO. 268 GEMS or GERMAN LYRICS. per g^eö sum "^axabkft a§ lüiH ha^ ^inb nur luicbcr 5lm ©pittel uoc bent i[;or, 2öa§ poc^t c§ bocf) nur immer Unb lüimmert fo bauor ? ,ßd) fud)e meine ?Ohitter, 5ldj, (aft 5u iljr mic^ ein ! @ie trugen uor gmei 9)lonben 3u eud) fie ja Ijinein." ,,^n armeg, arme§ 9J?äbc^en, S)u bauerft mid) moljl [ef)r, 5)odj beine 50lutter finbeft S)u nun unb nimmermel;r. GEMS OF GERMAN LYRICS. 269 THE WAY TO PAEADISE. ^f^/Jf^HAT wilt again thou, maiden, ^ ^ Here at the hospital door ? Why art forever tapping And wailing, speak, wherefore ? " I'm here to seek my mother ; Oh, let me enter, pray ! Here two months since they brought her, Full w^ell I know the day ! " " Poor child, Oh ! I do deeply Thy bitter lot deplore ; Thou'lt find thy own dear mother, Here never, nevermore. 270 GEMS OF GERMAN LYRICS. 2)ie liegt feit fieben S^aijen S3ereit§ im füljlen ©runb." (So [pi-id)t ber alte Pförtner Hub frf)lie^t t)a^ S^ljor gur ©tuiib'. SBo^l ftcljt ba nor bem ©pittcl 5)a§ ^'inb unb meint uub flagt, ©eirn nimmer l;at'§ uerftanben, 3Ba§ Sener il;m gefagt. ^ann [cl)lcicf)t eö [till unb trauerub Buviicf, luoljer e§ fani, Bur 5llten, hk e§ pfleget, ater[;aug fo meit. GEMS OF GERMAN LYRICS. 281 Still wanders ever farther, So helpless and alone. From constant walking weary, The motherless unknown. Her tresses too are matted, Her cheeks have lost their hue, Her tattered gown is dripping, So wet from rain and dew. Thus fourteen days have vanished. For time doth linger not, Since forth the child did wander From her paternal cot. 282 GEMS OF GERMAN LYRICS. Uiib immer me^c entfrfjtüinbet Sem 5lcrmften 9}hitl) uiib ^raft, ^aiim fawn ]\d)§> fort mctjr fdjleppeu 5luf feiner ^ilgerfdjaft. 5)od) fieiy, ba rngt ein ^lofter Bum Sßolfen^elt [jinauf, 3ni 5!}iorgenfrfjimmer flimmert 5)er S^ljurme golbner ^nauf. S)aljin fdjlcppt firfj bie ^(cine, Sort fudjt fie 9latl; nub 3:roft, @d)on Ie[)nt fie miib' am 2^[)ore Ilnb podjt, burdjbebt Don groft. GEMS OF GERMAN LYRICS. 283 She's now well nigh exhausted, Is filled with blank despair, The cross hath been too heavy For the little one to bear. Behold jon nunn'ry tow'ring On high to the planets' home ; In the morning light doth glitter The lofty, gilded dome. Oh, thither she doth stagger, There comfort she doth seek, Against the door she leaneth And tappeth, numbed and weak. 284 GEMS OP GERMAN LYRICS. 3Bo§l tritt tia eine 5^onne §erau§ gum 2;l;or gefdjmiub : „2öaä [uc^ft bu, fo ucrlaffen, Sei un§, bu armeö f inb ? "— "3cJ fuc^e meine 9Jlutter, 5)ie mic^ gum ßeib üerlie^, llnb fann ben SSec; nid)t finben 3ii il^r in'ä $arabiel" — „3)u arme, arme 3Baife ! " @o feufgt bie ©ottesbraut, Hub fiiljrt l^inein bie kleine, 5)ie fragenb gu i[;r fd;aut. GEMS OP GERMAN LYRICS, 285 Thus summoned by the maiden, A nun doth soon appear : " What wilt thou, so forsaken. With us my little dear ? " "In Paradise my mother, 'Tis she whom long I've sought. But of the way to find it No one can tell me aught." " Poor waif, so true and loving ! " The bride of Heaven sighs, And leads within the maiden, Who stares with wond'ring eyes. 286 GEMS OF GERMAN LYRICS. S)oc(j ad), line ha mir rüttelt'^ mt (Ein^ ha^ tiub fo milb ! §111 fiiit'B, 511111 ■lob cuumttet, ©in ftevbeiib ©ngelebilb. 2öol;( eilen au' bie ©djiueftern 3>on [;a|Ti]ei* ^oug' Ijerbei, ©efdjaftig, fromm i[;in bringenb 5[)?andj' frftft'ge ^Ir^enei. Unb jcbe bräni]t mit 3ßeinen Bid) jn bem ^linblein fit^ ; S)odj fdjon l)at hic^ gcfnnben S)en 3ßeg jnm ^arabieg. 3 f) a II 11 9i . » 9 I GEMS OF GERMAN LYRICS. 287 Alas ! how now doth tremble The little girl of care ; She sinks, to death exhausted, A dying angel fair. Now all the sisters hasten To the little one's relief, Bring spirits to restore her. And try to soothe her grief. And they with deep emotion Press 'round the child and pray ; But she hath found, thank Heaven ! To Paradise the way. JOHANN N. VOGL. 288 GEMS OF GERMAN LYRICS. )^r ^liimleiii alle, ®ie fie mir o^ah, @ud) foU mail legen ma mir in'6 ©rab. 3öie fetjt il;r alle Wild) an fo mel), 5ll§ ob il)r m^d, SKie mir gef^^^^fv ^ S()r 33(iimlein alle, 5öie melf, luie hla^ Sljr iMftmlein aHe, Sßonon fo iia)3 ? GEMS OF GERMAN LYRICS. 289 WITHERED FLOWERS. 4^H, flow'rets all T That she me gave, Ye shall with me Lie in my grave ! Ye look at me So sad and true, As if my woes Full well ye knew ! Ye flow'rets all. How withered, sere ! Whence then so wet. My flow'rets dear ? 290 GEMS OP GERiMAN LYRICS. 9ld) 2;[jränen madden 9iid)t maiengrfm, 93iad;cii tobte ßiebe 9ii(J)t iDieber blü^n. Unb 2en§ mirb fommen, Unb Söinter mirb ge^n, Unb 33Iümlein mcrben 3m ®rafe fte^n, Hub 33(üinleiii liegen 3n meinem @rab, ®ie ^Sliimlein aKe, 5)ie [ie mir gab. GEMS OF GERMAN LYRICS. 291 Oh ! tears will make No green of May, Nor make dead love See light of day. Soon Spring will come, And Winter pass, And flow'rets bright Will stud the grass. And flow'rets will Lie in my grave, These flow'rets all That she me gave. 292 GEMS OF GERMAN LYRICS. Unb luenn [ie manbelt 5lm §ügcl iiorbei, Unb bcuft im ^erjeit : S)eu iiieiiit' e§ treu ! S)ann, 33(rnulein. nf(c §erau§, l^erau§ ! 5)eu 5!)?ai ift fomineii, S)er Pointer ift auL 2B i Id c t III in; utter GEMS OP GERMAN LYRICS. 293 Should she the mound Be passing near, Think in her heart : He was sincere — Then flow'rets all Burst forth and bloom ! Sweet May hath come, Gone Winter's gloom. WILHELM MUELLER. 294 GEMS OF GERMAN. LYRICS. /^^ie 5BoI!en jieljn Ijeriiber ® (So bid)t gebraucht unb grau, Unb trüber, immer trüber SSirb rings be§ §immelS 33lau. Hub bu, mie ift entflogen ®ir alle §eiter!eit, ^ie Seele überwogen 35on unnennbarem ßeib ! S)ie SSolfen ftrömen nieber, 3Bie blau ber §immel fdjcint ! 3öie beiter bift bu mieber ! §a[t \)n üieüeidjt gemeint ? GEMS OP GERMAN LYRICS. 295 CONSOLATION THROUGH TEARS. fei^ARK clouds are hurrying fast ; " The Heaven blue and bright Is quickly overcast — And day is turned to night. From thee all joy and jest Have taken wings and flown ; Within thy soul doth rest Some silent grief unknown. The clouds pour down in rain, The Heaven blue appears, How merry thou'rt again : Hast thou been shedding tears ? C. J. PHILIP SPITTA. 296 GEMS OF GERMAN LYRICS. 'glacfj §af)ren. ^r^p^i^ 5Qlutier lelint am fdiattiaeu Sbor, Sljr bloiibe^ iodjterdjen fniete bauor, Srad) Slofeu fid) unb 3>cr()i^meinnid)t, Unb !ü|3t fie mit ladjenbem 5tngefic^t : „(Ei ! 5)hitter, bin ic^ fo gro^ mie hn, '^awn trag' id) bic StUeö im §)aufe ju, S)ann [;eQ' idj unb pfleg' id) bid) licb nnb fein, 3Bie bie 9flofen unb bie 5.ki\qiJ3nid)tmein." GEMS OF GERMAN LYRICS. 291 THE LAPSE OF YEARS. dn the doorway stands the mother mild, Before her kneels her darling child. Plucks roses red, entwined with green And kisses her with laughing mien : " When I like thee have grown so tall, Ask what thou wilt, I'll bring it all. Will nurse and tend thee well and fine. As now the rose and fragile vine ! " 298 GEMS OF GERMAN LYRICS. II. Hub SaFjre fdjmanben, — am fd;attic]en J^or Stagt l)bl)tv unb üoHer bei* gliebcr empor ! ©ill DJMgblein umfaßt be§ ©eliebtcn 5lrm, ߧ fd;Iagen i^re ^erjen fo treu unb marm ; ^od) trie fie fic^ fügten auf 2ßani]' unb 9J?unb, Steinte ha§> Wäh6)tn au§ ^erjenggruub ; ®enn bie fte moHf pflec^en fo lieb unb fein, Sag ftiH unter 9lof unb 5]ergi^nidjtmein. ?CbüIf Ojöttgcr. GEMS OF GERMAN LYRICS. 299 II. Years have elapsed, — around the door The vines cling closer than of yore ; A maid leans on her lover's arm, Their hearts are beating true and warm. As he imprints upon her brow A burning kiss, she weeps ; for now She whom she wished to tend so fine, Lies cold 'neath rose and ivy vine, ADOLF BCETTGEU. 300 GEMS OF GERMAN LYRICS. /^j<^oc^ immer, grütjUng, bift bu md;t ^^ ©efommeu in mein l\)d[, 2ßo ic^ bein liebet ^Ingefic^t Segrü^t ha^ le^temal. 9?od) fte^'n bie 53änme burr unb baar Urn beinen 2ßeg [;erum Unb [trecfen, eine Bettlerfdjnar, Tia6) bir bie 5lrme ftumm. grfifjblumen iimtjnten h\6) fdjon ^ier, groft bringt fie nm ifjr ©Iiicf, ©ie fel;nten ficb l)eran§ narf) bir, Unb fonnen nic^t guriicE. GEMS OF GERMAN LYRICS. 301 TO SPRING. ^y|HOU art not come yet, Spring so sweet, *^ Into my valley, Oh, Where I thy presence mild did greet, With songs a year ago ! Along thy path the trees still stand, Po bare and cheerless, see ! They stretch their arms, a begging band. In silent prayer to thee. The early flowers thought wert here, Frost turned their joy to pain : They longed to be where thou wert near, — Cannot return again. 302 GEMS OF GERMAN LYRICS. 5)ie @d)it)albe fliet^t beftiiqt umFjer, Hub ruft nac^ bir üoll ©rant, S3ereiit fd^on, t>a^ fie iiber'g 3}leer 3u frü§ ^erüberfam. C en a u GEMS OF GERMAN LYRICS. 303 The swallow flies like lost, in pain It calleth after thee, Regretting that it came again Too soon across the sea. '^■ T'^Z j '^ J04: GEMS OP GERMAN LYRICS. ^^ödjte lüieber in bie ©cgenb, ^^ „5Ö0 ic^ einft fo felig wax, ,,200 id) lebte, mo idj träumte „^Jleinei* Sugenb fdjönfteö Saljr ! " 5ll|o feljiit' ic^ in ber gerne ^ad) ber ^eimatl) midj juriicf, Sßäljnenb, in ber alten ©egenb ginbe \\d) ha^ alte ©liirf. ®nblid; marb mir nun befdjieben, SSieberMjr in'§ traute Sfjnl; Sod) e§ ift bem §eintge!cljrten 5tidjt ju 9}iutl; mie bajumal. GEMS OF GERMAN LYRICS. 305 ONCE AND NOW. if^0XJLT) I once more see the country, * Where I only knew of joy, Where I dwelt and where I dreamt, a Wayward, thoughtless, merry boy ! " Thus my heart in foreign country Longed for home, 'mong strangers cold, Thinking in my native land, that I would find the joys of old. And at last it was decreed, that I should see my home again, But alas ! my heart's rejoicings Sadly are alloyed with pain. 306 GEMS OF GERMAN LYRICS. 3Bie man grüJ3et alte greuube, ®rii^' id; mandjeu lieben Drt ; S)od) im ^»er^en luirb fo fdjiucr mir, ^enit mein ßiebfteö ift ja fort. Smmer fd)leidjt fic^ nod) bcr '^'^ah Ijin 2)urdj ha§> bunfle 3Balbreuier ; ®oc^ er fü^rt bie mnikt 5lbenb§ 9iimmermeljr entgegen mir. ^Jiütgen beine ©rn^e raufc^en 5>om ©eftein, bn tranter ^ad) ; Sod) ber greunb ift mir oerloren, S)er in bein ©emnrmel fprad). GEMS OF GERMAN LYRICS. 507 As we greet old friends, I greet with Warmth the haunts of old so dear, But my heart is well nigh breaking, For my Love hath gone from here. Through the sombre forest traileth Still the pathway as of yore, But to me at eve it leadeth Mother, never, nevermore. Though thy greetings rustle mildly. Lovely brook, from stone to stone. Still the friend that in thy murm'rings Spoke once, is forever gone. 308 GEMS OF GERMAN LYRICS. ^aum, mo finb hk ^a^iig^aUtn, 2)ie \)kx fangen einft fo fii^ ? llnb H)o, SBiefe, beine tinmen, S)ie mic ülofa finnenb lüicö ? — 33Uimen fort nnb 5'ladjti9aIIen, Unb ha^ gute 5JMbcljen and) ! ^SJleine Sntgenb fort mit i()nen ; 5lIIe§ mie ein grüljlinggtjaud) ! S c n 11 , GEMS OP GERMAN LYRICS, 309 Tree, where are the nightingales, that Sang so sweetly and so low. And where, meadow, are the flowers. Rose to me was wont to show ? Nightingales and flowers vanished. And the maiden goodly, fair, And my youthful dreams of pleasure. Like a breath of vernal air. ^. 310 GEMS OF GERMAN LYRICS. 'g5of?f [)eiife nodi iinb morgen— S23o'§ frf^neict rotfic Siofcn, l?a rcgnct'S JlirdMcii ^'l•cin. (^5®oIjl I;eute nod) imb morgen '^^^ ®a bleibe ic^ ht\ bir, SBenn aber fommt ber hxxik %a% (So \\\\\^ id) fort Don bier." ,3ann fommft bu aber luieber, ^er^allerliebfter mein, llnb bridjft bie rotfjen Dlofen llnbtrinfft ben !iU)len2Bein?" „5Senn'^ fd;neiet rot^e S^lofen, 3öenn'§ regnet fiUjlen 3Bein ; ©0 lang' foOft bu nod) [)arren, ^erjaHerliebfte mein ! " GEMS OF GERMAN LYRICS. 311 TO-DAY YET AND TO-MOEEOW.* Where it doth anow red roses, There it doth rain warm tears ! ppo-DAT yet and to-morrow, * My Love, with thee I'll stay, But when the third day eometh, I must from here away." " When wilt return again to Me, best beloved mine. And pluck the fairest roses. And drink the cooling wine ? " " When roses red it snoweth, And raineth cooling wine ; So long thou'lt have to tarry. Oh, best beloved mine ! " * The author of this peculiar popular song (S3oIt*lleb) was born in the year 1605. 312 GEMS OF GERMAN LYRICS. ®iiu3 fie in'g 5?ater^ ©drtelein, ßegt uicbcr fid), fdjlief ein ; S)a träumet i^r ein 3;räumelein, Sßie'ä regnet füljlen Sßeim Unb q(§ fie ba ermad)te, S)a mar c§ -lauter nid^tS, 5)a blühten mol;l bie Üiofcn Unb blühten über fie. ein '§aug ttjät fie fic^ bauen 35on lauter grünem f lee, tljixt aii^ lim §immel frf)auen, 3Bof;l nacf; bem Slofenfdjuee. GEMS OF GERMAN LYRICS. 313 Into her father's garden She went, hiy down and fell Asleep, and dreamed 'twas raining Cool wine by magic spell. When she awoke, she saw it Was but an idle dream ; True, roses red were blooming, And all around did gleam. She built a house of grasses. And velvet moss so soft, And for the snow of roses Looked up to Heaven oft. 314 GEMS OF GERMAN LYRICS. ma g^dh %adß tljät fie'g becfen, Wiit gelbcu £i(ie rein, S)a^ fie fid) fonnf üerftecfen, 3Beim'^ i*et]uet fiUjlen 2öein. Unb aU ha^ §au§ cjebauet mar, S^rau! fie ben §errt30tt§=3öein ; ©in ^^ofenfrtin^lein in ber §anb, ©erlief fie barinnen ein. S)er Änabe feljrt jiirfirfc, @ef)t in hm ©arten ein, ■i^räßt einen ^ranj uon Slofen '. Unb einen S3ed)er 2ßein. GEMS OF GERMAN LYRICS. 315 With yellow wax she covered Its roof, and lilies fine, That she might have a shelter When it did rain cool wine. And when it was completed, God's sacred wine she drank ; And in her hands a rosary. Calmly in sleep she sank. The youth returns ; behold, to The garden he hath sped, Wine in a goblet carries. And a wreath of roses red. 316 GEMS OP GERMAN LYRICS. §at mit bem gu|3 geflogen 3öof;l an ha^ 'gi'u^elcin, (gr fiel, t)a fdjneit' c§ 9lofeu, ®a regnet'a fiiljleu SSein. © i m on Sad) ( S33 u n ^ c r J) o t n . ) GEMS OF GERMAN LYRICS. 317 His foot in contact comes with A little mound — and Oh ! He falls — now cooling wine it Eains, and roses red dotn snow ! SIMON DACH ("WÜNDERHOEN.) 318 GEMS OF GERMAN LYRICS. ,^ ^ ^cr nidjt gelitten, \)ai nur ^alb gelebt ; 2ßer nidjt gefel)lt, Ijat lüo^l and) nirf)t geftrebt ; SSer nie gemeint, l)at Ijalb anc^ nur geladjt ; 5Ber nie gejmeifelt, [)at luoljl faum gebadet ! 3 u I i e iB u r 111 . GEMS OF GERMAN LYRICS. 319 PHOVERB. tHO never knew misfortune, lived but half; "Who never wept, ne'er heartily did laugh ; Who never failed, could scarce have striv'n and wrought ; Who never doubted, hardly could have thought. JOLIE BUROW. ^(^^'^^^^^^^ 320 GEMS OP GERMAN LYRICS. 'gißdjtfidjcr "glcBeröauö hex "^okn ki ^xakan. ie fiüfte iDcFj'ii fo frfjaurig, 5Bii* ^ieljii hal)in [o traurig ^lü6) iuu]emiffem 3iel ! Maiun Ieud;teu un^ tie ©terne ; ©iiropa ficfjt Don g-ernc ®a§ gro^e S^rauerfpiel. Uiiö lucnbcnb oft ^uriicfc 33etreten tüir bie 33riiife, Sie un§ uoii ^okn trennt. 23ei trübem gacfelbranbe ©rii^t iui§ ha^ ^^olt am (Straube, S)a§ unfre Seibeu fcuut. GEMS OF GERMAN LYRICS. 321 CEOSSING OF THE POLES AT CEACOW UNDER COVER OP NIGHT.* ^^HE breezes sadly sigh and wail, * We march along with cheeks so pale, Impelled by unrelenting Fate. There lights our way no friendly star Of hope ; Europe sees from afar The tragedy so mournful, great. Oft looking back to gaze on friends, We cross the bridge, our hearts it rends. That us from glorious Poland parts. By torchlight dim, they greet our band And weep, the people on the strand, Who know the wrongs that break our hearts. * This is a paraphrase. 322 GEMS OP GERMAN LYRICS. 5Serfnu|t, bcfie(]t, ücrmtljen — (2inb iiii|re beftcn 3;l)aten, SBie S^räiimc leei* luib [jot;l, Unb laffeu feine (Spuren ; (So iieljmt, geliebte gluren, 5)a§ leljte ßebeiüotjl ! QM emig n^oljl, o SSriiber ! ©in §aufe ßeben§ntüber 2;rifft überall ein @rab. 9cid)t ini§ liont iob ju retten, 9lein, nur ju flieljn bie Letten, ©rfircifen mir hen Btab. GEMS OF GERMAN LYRICS, 323 Defeated, sold, and ay, betrayed; Our noblest deeds, the schemes well layed, Like idle, empty dreams, dispel. Leaving behind no single trace. Farewell then, thou beloved place, Where we as freemen dwelt, farewell ! Farewell dear brothers, left behind ! Weary of life, we hope to find A quiet grave in foreign land. To free ourselves from death and pain ? No, 'twas to flee dread slavery's chain. That made us take the staff in hand ! 324 GEMS OF GERMAN LYRICS. SSir äietjii lum SSeib iinb ^inbevn, ^eumüi^eii iiidjt gii Ijiiiberu 5)e§ 53atevlanb§ 9iuiiu @d)oii ledjjt nad) uuferm ^lute ®ic Petersburger toite, 2)ie gud)tel Don Berlin. (Sin t^ränenfofeS SSefen 5Barb un§ gum |)erru erlefen, 55erfteiut uub ungebeugt 9hi§ niöberi[d)em ©tamme •Irägt feine Stirn bie (Sdjramme, 'J^ie fein @efd)led)t begeutjt. GEMS OF GERMAX ■ LYRICS. 325 From children, wife and friends we part, Our country's waste with throbbing heart We see, yet cannot stay the flood. The dreadful knout of barbarous Russia, The whip laid on by heartless Prussia, Cry loud for blood, for Polish blood. A wretch, a cold and tearless thing, Was forced upon us as our king, With heart of stone, to horrors weaned, Descended from a murd'rous line. He on his forehead bears the sisfu That tells mankind — he is a fiend. 326 GEMS OF GERMAN LYRICS. ®ie mir jeboc^ ermarben, ®ec!' uii§, 9(luljm, bie ^larben, 9Had)' luifre Xiamen flar. ®ii nmdjft ben Gc^mer^ gefeMcr, ®cnu unfrei 5?oIfc6 Öeljter Sft c]rö|3er aU bcr ß^jar. Un§ bleibt nuu ein 5!>ennäd)tni|3 : ®eg ebten ^ampf§ ®ebäd)tui^, ®cr ^soleii lieu üerbaub, ®e§ [angen ^riecjS ^efdjmerbe Uiib eine §ant) üoH ®rbe 5Iii§ iinfenn 55aterlanb. GEMS OF GERMAN LYRICS. 327 Thou whom we justly won, Oh, Fame, To all the world display our name, And cover thou the bleeding scar. Then all our wounds do cease to ache, For from our midst the humblest take. And he is greater than the Czar. We have one gift for all that's done : The thought of battles fought and won. That were to forge our National band ; The memory of our bloody toil, And a hand full of that sacred soil From Poland dear, our fatherland. 328 GEMS OF GERMAN LYRICS. £) felig jene, roeldje S3erau|rf)t uoiii 3^obe§fcld)e, ©efimfeii finb iui (Streit, Hub iljr, isoUjijnienö Sötjue, 5)ie au§ bcm ^Ingftgefto^ne 2)ie feuchte (Snift befreit ! Sie brani]en auf ben 9(ioffen, 5^011 geinbeit feft iimfdjloffen, Bum 5!5eid;felufer üor, 5ln fremben ©tranb ju fd)iffen ; 2)a fd)it)oII ÜOU Sdjmerj ergriffen S^r gro^ ®emüt(; empor. GEMS or GERMAN LYRICS. 329 Oh ! fortunate and happy they, On whom his fingers Death did lay, Wliilst fighting hard for Hberty. And ye, Volhynia's sons so brave, Whom from this moment's trial, the grave So damp and cool, set quickly free ! Surrounded by their bitter foe, They pressed ahead with silent woe To the Vistula's banks, there to embark, To leave their home forevermore ; Then swelled their hearts, with anguish sore. And to the promptings all did hark. 330 GEMS OF GERMAN LYRICS. ®ie foiinten'!§ nidjt crtrac^en, Ser §)eiinat^ abjufagcn, 2)ic jebeit Siimfd) uiufdjlo^ 5)a ftiirlUeu fid) Me ©uteii §inunter in bie glutljen mit 2Baffen unb iiiit ^o^. ® Daterlaub'fdjc SScden, 5)ie Kiiu^ft uom 33liite fdjineHen, 9lel)mt end) bcr 2^obten an ! S^r biirft ha§> 9)?eer erreichen, ©0 mdljt bie freien Seidjen 3nm freien S^.^ean ! ?riigii|l (Svaf oon %Matcn. GEMS OF GERMAN LYRICS. 331 Tliej wavered, for they could not bear Themselves from home, sweet home to tear, Where centered then their every thought. And so with arms and horse they throw Themselves into the stream below, — Since lost the cause for which they fought. Eeceive then, Oh ! ye friendly waves, Though red with blood, these martyred braves. And float them on from place to place. Till, when ye reach the open sea, Ye may the corpses of the free Give to the Ocean's free embrace. AUGUST COUNT VON PLATEN. 332 GEMS or GERMAN LYRICS. ie greimbfcfjaft mljvt emig, ^, ®ie Siebe ücrgefjt : ^'ruiii lutifjle bie greimbfdjaft, ®ie emig befteljt. ^ 2)ie Siebe bringt 9lo[en, 5)ie greunbfcfjaft bvini]t ^iil)', ®'rum iüä[;le [ie beibe ; — 2öie glücflid; bift bii ! Ungenannt )E*B^> /^'^@)S: GEMS OF GERMAN LYRICS. 333 phoverb. |fe^RiENDSHip is lasting, ^ Love passeth away. Therefore choose friendship, That ever doth stay. Love bringeth roses, Friendship brings rest, Both having chosen, Indeed thou art blest. ANONYMOUS. 334 GEMS OF GERMAN LYRICS. t infam nub ftid ®d)reit ic^ bal)i:i Sm fuciiibeu ßanb. S)ie §eimat[; fern, ^ie traute 'f>eimatl), 5)ie Sugenb üorbci, 5)ie gliicffclige 3n(]enb, llnb mein 2iebftc§, mein 2(jcucrftc§ 5Uin im (Brab, 5lud; bu— Waiitn ! (StiH ift bcin -^erj, S)a§ fo lange gefdjlagen gnir mid) allein 3n Seib nub ßnft, GEMS OF GERMAN LYRICS. 335 TO MY MOTHER. ONELT and still I roam about In foreign lands. Sweet home far away, My beloved home, The bright days of my youth Forevermore gone, And my dearest, best loved, all In the grave. Thou too, Oh, mother ! Still is thy heart That so long did beat fondly For me alone. In grief and joy, — 33G GEMS OP GERMAN LYRICS. ®aö treue, ha^ Ijeilige ®efd)loi'fen beiu 5lug', ®a§ fo inandje ©tunbe ©eiDadjt luib gemeint Um midj allein. Unb e6 mobert bie §anb, 5)ie liebe §anb, S)ie fo oft mid) gcftreidjelt 3n feliger Beit ; §er3, 5lug' unb §anb Unb qH' beine ßiebe,, §aft 5lUe§ genommen 9)?it l)inein Sn'S bunfle, in'g fdjaurige ®i-ab— ^3:ihitter ! GEMS OF GERMAN LYRICS. 337 The true, the holy Motherheart. Closed is thy eye, That many an hour Did watch and weep For me alone. And thy hand is mouldering. The lovely hand. That so often caressed me In happy days. Heart, eyes and hand, And all thy love Hast taken with thee Down into The dark and fearful Grave, — Oh, mother ! 338 GEMS OF GERMAN LYRICS. Hub c§ im mein md 5luf t>a§> mei§c ßinnen, S)a§ fiiljl iiiib liiib S)en öeib mir umljiiflt. 5luö §eiiiiat[)0ei*bc ©rünte Ijcrüor, 2)idjt Ijinter beö ©artend (Sü^biiftenber §ecfe Söiidjg iiiib blüfjte S)er blaue ßeiii ; Sm (S(tevnl)aiife Sßai'b er bereitet Unb fdjimmerte (jen Unb [eibeumeidj 5l(§ buldjiijer Üiocfen. 3m 3ßof)iu]cmac^, GEMS OF GERMAN LYRICS. 339 And my gaze doth fall Upon the white linen That cool and soft Encircles my body. On that field at home, So green and fresh, Close back of the garden's Sweet fragrant copse, Did bloom and grow The flax so blue ; In my parents' house It was prepared : It glimmered so bright. So silky, and fine. On the bushy rock. In the cozy apartment, 340 OEMS OP GERMAN LYRICS. ^ci traulid)ci- ßampe 8a^eft unb [pamift bu, Snbc|3 id) bir uoda^ 5lua 2)eutfd)lanb§ 2)irf)tcm ; Hub jebcv gaben, / ®urd) beine ginc^er 3ft er geglitten, 'Die lieben gin'ger §aben gett)eil;t ifjn, 2)ie oft mir bie glü^enbe Sßange geftreidjclt Unb felig gernljt 5luf be§ frofjlidjen tnaben 53Ionbem ©elocf. Unb taufcnb Söünfi^e, gromnie, l;ei(ige GEMS OF GERMAN LYRICS, 341 By the lamp's mild reflection, I can see thee sitting And quietly spinning, While I read aloud From Germany's Poets ; And every thread did Glide through thy fingers. Thou fondest of mothers ! And was consecrated By those lovely fingers, That softly caressed So often my cheeks, And happy did rest On the flaxen ringlets Of the merry boy. And thousand wishes, 342 GEMS OF GERMAN LYRICS. ©egcn^iüünfrfjc Spannft bii mit F^inein, 9)ktter—93Z utter.— 3c^ fiifjte, id) fiUjl' e§, 5hi§ be§ ©eiuebeS 5>er|"d)Iunt3enen %ähm (Strömet bein Segen 9)?ir iu'§ üereiufamte S^rauernbe ^erj. — Hub troftuoll [jeimifc^ SSirb mir 511 mnii), m^ ob bu fctbft 9)(it ben tljeitreu 5lrineti Siebenb luib fdjii^eub iStiH mid) iimfingft, 3)?iitter — 93hitter i 5> c r III a n n ?[ ( 1 m c r J GEMS OF GERMAN LYRICS. 343 Saered and holy, Wishes of bbssing, Didst spin in with it, Mother, — mother ! I feel it, I feel it, Out of the texture's Fine woven threads Floweth thy blessing Into my lonely heart ; And I feel a consoling And home-like influence, As if thou, Oh, mother ! Protecting and loving, With thy dearest arms, didst Silently embrace me, — Mother, — mother ! HERMANN ALLMERS. 344 GEMS OF GERMAN LYRICS. Q§ 93?ägbleiii fprad) : „£ieb tnabe vQ^ mem, 9lim fag' mir, ma§ ift mein imb bein ? " ®er ^nabe fpraci : „ßicb 5}?äbd)eu mein, ©ein fdjöneö 5lnge hiV^ ift bein, llnb brein jn fdjanen, ba§ ift mein ; ©ein rotljer filier 9}hinb ift bein, S)idj branf ju f üffen, ba§ ift mein ; S^lun i\)u mir anf bie 5lrme bein, ©rin liegen ha^ ift bein nnb mein." 3 c f) a n n 6 . 5 i f d; e r . Sisfo^^ GEMS OF GERMAN LYRICS. 345 MINE AND THINE. pMj'HE maiden said : " Beloved mine, * Do tell me, what is mine and thine ? " The youth replied : " Sweet maiden mine, Thy lovely eye, though that is thine, Therein to gaze, ah, that is mine ; Thy mouth so red and sweet is thine, Thereon to kiss thee, that is mine ; Now open wide those arms of thine. Therein to lie, is thine and mine." JOHANN at> 9J?ütterlein Ijer; „®ott grüf ®ud) ! " fo fpridjt er, nnb fonft 91ic^t§ meljr. :5)od) fieiy-ba§ 9}?ütterlein fdjludjjet Dor Öuft : „5!)?eiu ^Soljn ! " unb finft an be§ 55ur|d)en 33ruft. 2ßic fefjr and; bie ©onne fein 5lntli(^ iier= brannt, ®a§ 53hitteran(]' l;at i^n boc^ gleid) erfannt. 5 f) a n it 9i . 93 g t . GEMS OF GERMAN LYRICS. 349 But even his Love doth vacantly gaze : Too much he is bronzed by the sun's burning rays. And farther he walks, now so sad and meek, A tear trickling down his sunburnt cheek. Now his mother totters from yon church door; "God greet thee!" he speaketh, and nothing more. But look, the mother is sobbing for joy : " My son ! " and falls on the breast of her boy. Though the sun did bronze him so as to disguise — His mother did him at once recognize. JOHANN N. VOGL, I i 350 GEMS OP GERMAN LYRICS. (®)n 2Balbe§ 9lac^t bin id) geboren, ^^ Sn 3Sa[bc§ I^uufei ftanb mein §an§, ®a lebt' id) einfam, luie uevloren, Unb fef)nte nimnier mid) l)eran6. S)er erfte -Ion, ber mir erflnnc^en, max Söalbea gUiftern leif unb linb ; ®er 3Salb })ai mir ein Sieb tjefuntjen, 2ßie eine 5)iutter itjrem linb. Unb biefem 3: on, fo langfam leife, Sljm lanfdjte ernft be§ ^inbe§ Oljr, ©djon flang iljm au§ ber büft'ren SSeife ®er fü^e Snljatt traulid) üor GEMS OP GERMAN LYRICS. 351 THE FOEEST CHILD. <&N forest niorht there was I born, * In woodland darkness stood my cot, I lived recluse, as if forlorn. Yet never craved a different lot. The sound that first my heart did thrill Crept through the foliage soft and mild ; The forest sang an air so still, E'en like a mother to her child. I heard the song so strange and new, A cradled child with wonder rude, Till all its sweetest meanings grew From out the darkness of its mood. 352 GEMS OF GERMAN LYRICS. 5116 id) (jefe^t aii§ meinem §aiife Bum erften 5DZal ben jungen gu^, ©rflantj burd) gliiftevn unb ©ebraufe giir mid; be§ 3öalbe§ trauter ®ru^. llnb id) ueftanb be6 3öalbe§ 5ßürte, ©r fprad) : fei mir gegrüßt, mein ^inb ! ®egriiJ3t am l)eiUi3 ftummen £)rte ! (So !Iang'§ ju mir im 5lbenbn)inb. Unb meiter fprad) er : jebeni ^inbe Biemt ein ©efdjen! uon 3>ater§ §anb, ©0 aiäf)Ie, aia§ ^nm 5lngebinbe ©ein junget §erj am fd)5nften fanb. GEMS CF GERMAN LYRICS, 353 And when at last from home I stirred, A happy child, the world to see, Go where I would, I ever heard The welcome song of the forest tree. The forest's words I understood : " Innocent child, thouVt welcome here , Welcome unto this holy wood, In evening calm, in morning clear! ' And more it said : •' As every child Longs for a gift from father hand, So choose ought in this woodland wild To take with thee from land to land ! " 354 GEMS OF GERMAN LYRICS. M) aber \pxad) ; fo ki)f mid) fitujen 3Bie ha^, \va§> rauüijeub hid) huvd)wd)t 3^on bem bie Serge madjtig flingen, SSag fanft uoin 33auiu ^u 35ainne ijeljt 3öa§ ffiB mtö lebem 5>ot]cI fdjancnb @o ftarf eri^reift bie 9J?enfdjenbriift, Hub iiia§ bie Ouelle, lueiter luadenb, ©r^iiljtt, fid) felber iinbeiini^t. So fpradj id), uiib m niter 2ßeife S)ea SSalbea 5öipfel rauldjtcu hub, llnb eä ertönte flüfternb leife : ®ir fei'§ (]ciiiä[jrt, mein Iiebe§ ^inb ! 3t c i ti li I ^ W u II ^ GEMS OF GERMAN LYRICS. I answered thus : "Teach me to sino; Like that which gently breathes through thee, When all the hills are murmuring. And music swells from tree to tree ; Which from the wildbird in the sun, Thrills with the sweet content it gives, And the streamlet, as it floweth on, Relates, unconscious that it lives." Thus I did speak, — as it chances oft, The old tree tops then rustled mild, Wafting to me a whisper soft : "'Tis granted thee, thou lovely child!" KEIXHOLD MUXD. 556 GEMS OF GERMAN LYRICS. g^cmi 5u nod) eine J>eimaif? r;a(i. ^^I^enii bit nod) eine §eimatf; Ijaft, ^-^ (2o nimm hen 9taii^^en uub ben (Stecfen, Unb luanb're, luanb're oljne ^aft, 33i§ bu erreid)t ben t^euren glecfeu. Unb [trecfen nur jmei 5lrme fid) Sn fi*eub'()er ©eljnfurfjt bir entließen, gliej^t eine 3^^räne nur um hid), ©pridjt bir ein eiu^'ßcr 9)?unb ben «Sechen, Ob bu ein ^Settler, bu bift rcic^, £)b frau! bcin -f^cr^, bcin Mnii) beflommen, ©ejunben mirft bu allfotjleirf), §Ln-ft bu hiV^ fiii3e 2öort : 2ßi(Ifommcn ! GEMS OF GERMAN LYRICS. 357 IP THOU DOST STILL POSSESS A HOME. tF thou dost still possess a home, Take up thy staff, Oh, linger not, And roam, care not for rest, but roam. Till thou hast reached the treasured spot. If but two arms extended be To thee in friendly longing near. Oh ! doth one tear but flow for thee, A blessing speak one mouth sincere : Wert thou a beggar, thou hadst wealth. Wert sick at heart, thy spirit wound : At once thou wilt regain thy health, Hearst, " Welcome home " that sweetest sound. 358 GEMS or GERMAN LYRICS. Unb ift uermefjt auc^ jcbe Bpnv, 3cigt nic^t§ fid; beiiicm 33licf, bent naffen, 5ll§ grim bcraft cm §ru]el nur 55on 5inem, maS bu einft üerlaffen : D, nirgcnb meint eä [ic^ fo gut, 3öie weit bid) bcinc gii§e tragen, 511a ha, IDO ftiH ein -sjer^e ruFjt, ®a§ etnften^ marm für bid) gcfd)lagen. Jllbctt Stager GEMS OP GERMAN LYRICS. 359 Although no traces may be found, Nothing may meet thy swimming eye, But green o'er-run a little mound, Of all thou once didst bid, "good bye ; " Oh ! nowhere canst thou weep so well, Wherever carry thee thy feet. As where in death a heart doth dwell, That once for thee did warmly beat. ALBERT TRjEGER. 3G0 GEMS OF GERMAN LYRICS. per %d}f(^äbd, 'ß-, (r^. ^ infant lac] tdj im 5öalbe 3m tiefen (2d)ntten "^o^, 5ll§ emeg 9le[je§ Sdjabel 3m 9)Joo§ ic^ liegen fa^. •Dag gartefte @ef)örne @tieg bleid) nnb mei§ empor ; ^er ©pljen l;ielt'g umfponnen, 3ßud)§ iibeuaH l;erüor- ®§ brad;en gro^e 33lnmen %w% biefem fleinen §an6, llnb an§ ben 5lugen[;ü[;len ©aiyn frennblii^ fie fjevaug. GEMS OF GERMAN LYRICS 3G1 THE DEER-SKULL. «bjS^HiLE lyins; in the forest, W * ^ In shade and soUtude, I in the moss beside me A curious deer-skull viewed. So pale and white its antlers Rose up before my view, Around them twined the ivy, Forth everywhere it grew. Out of this little dwelling Large flowers did thickly creep, From out the eyeless sockets So friendly they did peep. 362 GEMS OP GERMAN LYRICS. ©0 i'd)ieiicn au§ bent ©cfjiibel Bwti blaue 5lugeit flax ; ^id)t tüu^t' iä), ob er lebenb, £)b irirflid) tobt er war. 3d) \\)vad) : it)irb ^obt gum ßeben, 2)a6 ßeben fo jum 2:ob ? ©eib i§r fo euc^ üerfdjiuiftert, 2öa§ l)at e§ bann für Ü^otlj ! Db nun, mann ic^ geftorben, 3m l^eüen Sut^enbgrün 5luf meinem S^obtenfdjäbcl 9lod) meine ßieber hlülfn ? 3 u ( i u 6 iBJ f e n GEMS OF GERMAN LYRICS. 363 Thus from the skull, a pair of Blue eyes their lustre shed ; I knew not if 'twas living, Or if 'twas really dead. I spoke : turns Death to Life thus, And Life to Death ? so near If ye are both related — Why need we have a fear ? Have I from life departed In early Spring, Oh ! will Upon my skull, I wonder. My Songs bloom brightly still ? JULIUS MOSEN. \tt^tu\niBQ ber Suiter. » » ®eit«. 9(ümcr§, ficrmnnit mmm gWutter 334 SBoucrnfflb, (^Jurnrti uon Dae 2;obten^cmbc^en 102 9?ad) Sauren 296 SBrcntano, ^(cmcnS Sä) njoüt' ein ©trdu^tein btnbcn 188 ®^3ruc^ 318 ^Ijnmiifo, 5tiicIBcrt Uoit ^eimwe^ 64 Mewotl 258 Sat^, Siinott SDo^l I)eute noc^ unb moraen 310 ©u btfl tie t)mticftfle »on 5lücn 62 2:r8yIfr«S!)JonfrctJ, G^orl ^fr^'M^nti 3:ie 3:Hne 148 SBalbgcfprdd) 90 ^erbjlfummcr 74 (364) LIST OF AUTHORS PAGE. ALLMERS, HERMANN To My Mother 335 BAUERNFELD, EDUARD Von The Little Death Gown 103 BCETTGER, ADOLF The Lapse Of Years 237 BRENTANO, CLEMENS I Fain Would Make A Nosegay Sweet.... 189 BUROW, JULIE Proverb 319 CHAMISSO, ADELBERT Von Home-Sickness 65 Farewell 259 DACH, SIMON To-Day Yet And To-Morrow 311 DAHN, FELIX Thou Art The Purest One Of All G3 DR.EXLER-MANFRED, CARL FERDINAND The Tear 1^9 EICHENDORFF, JOSEPH BARON Von Forest-Talk 91 ERNST, Autumnal-Sorrow '^ (365 ) >66 S5ev5eid)uip tcr l:id)ter. ©cite. ©injl 112 gifd^cr, Solnim ©corjj 2:er fxeii 130 Wein unb ©ein 3-14 grcilißrat^, gcröinanli 2)er2;obbe6 gü^rerg 26 2:)er Siebe Dauer 82 Söfttingöttuffii.) SWcin ^erj, ici) jvill bid) fraflen 184 |»ortmonn, aWorll? ®ca>i|Te aBorte 54 Tai ^inb 140 ^öp^i, (v^rifHttU StüdMtd 240 tmtcr, ^ufHnug a:ie ecfcte S^räne. 24 a«anbcrlicb 240 ßcuttit, 5Ufülau§ (9UcmDi($ ^Ölcr mn Shc^lntau.) 3uPuc^t , 2 3uf(ud)t 80 9.VtmuIa»»ens. 122 23itd in ben «Strom 132 !£ie (Sennin 154 ^In ben 2Binb 158 SBunfc^ 172 gviU^ünö^grü^e 202 «Webel 208 LIST OF AUTHORS. 3G7 PAGE. FERRAND, EDUARD (e. schulz.) Once 113 FISCHER, JOHAXN ,G. Tbe Price , 131 Mine And Thine... 345 FREILIGRATH, FERDINAND The Leader's Death 27 LoA'e s Duration 83 HALM,. FRIEDRICH (e. r. j. baron von muench- BELLINGHAüSEN.) Love .. 185 HARTMANN. MORITZ Certain "Words .,.. 55 HEBBEL, FRIEDRICH, The Child , 141 HOEPPL, CHRISTIAN Retrospection 247 KERNER, JUSTINUS The Real Tear 25 Wandering 241 LENATJ, NIKOLAUS (niembsch edler von STREHLENAÜ ) Refuge , ,, 3 Refuge 81 Primula- Veris 123 Gaze ]nto The Stream ... 133 The Alpine Shepherdess 155 To The Wind 159 Wish 173 Spring's Greetings 203 The Fog 209 3G8 T^crjeidjni^ ber !rid}tcr. ficnan, 5Rifo(au§ etite. SBanbcrunci im ©cbirgt t Erinnerung 210 Slurbru^ 212 Die £erd)e 214 £)er (Sidjmaib 216 T)tr ^trte 218 ©infamfett 220 3)ie gerne 224 2)ag ©erciiter 228 Der ©c^Uf 2 2 2)er 2lbenb 23G 2enj 238 3)tc Drei... 248 •5)crÄran!e im ©arten 202 2ln tjcn grueling 300 ®inft unb Se^t 304 fiiitöB, •^crmoim J^eimfe^r 2G4 fiööic, Sfoöor T>ie 5I()3enrofe 50 9JJofnt, ^lüM Tix 3icKd)äbet 3G0 miiUtv, mifitlm Der SBanbrcr ge|)t aöcine 198 Jrcdne Blumen 288 mmin, KcinliolU Dcö SBatbeg Ätnb 350 qjltttejt, 5tußiift Ohnf üoit 5?äd)tlidjer Uef«ergang bcr fokn | ^oq bei Ärafau J 5prulj, IRokrt Cfbunrb Dae ß;il)o 44 Sicitttrf, JRokrt Stn bcn ©onnenfc^ein 136 LIST OP AUTHORS. 369 LENAÜ, NIKOLAUS page. Wandering Among the Mountains : Remembrance 211 Departure 213 The Lark 215 TheForest 0/ Oaks 217 The Shepherd 219 Solitude 221 The Distance 225 The Storm 229 Sleep 233 Evening 237 Spring 239 The Three.. 249 The Invalid In The Garden 263 To Spring 301 Once And Now 305 LINGG, HERMANN Return-Home 265 LOEWE, FEODOR The Alpine-Rose 51 MOSEN, JULIUS The Deer-Skull 361 MUELLER, WILHELM The Wanderer Goes Alone.. 199 Withered Flowers 289 MUND, REINHOLD TheForest Child 351 PLATEN, AUGUST COUiNT Von Crossing Of The Poles At Cracow ) „91 Under Cover Of Night / PRUTZ, ROBERT EDUARD The Echo 45 REINICK, ROBERT To The Sunbeam 137 370 iUracic^nijg tier X)id)ter. ©eite. Dioqiifttc, Ctto ^crknfifc^er 120 JKiidcrt, Srtcbrti^ D fü^e gJiuttcr 4 ®e:^nfuc^t 3G 2Benn bu ttidft im 5}?cnf($enl)eräen 160 3:ie jtcrbenbe Volume 1G2 Sollet, g^f^r««^ *"•« «Jfac^tii^aü unb JRofe 104 Sciiil, ^o^ttnn (Mnöriel i:er tobte ©olbat 14 Sicficl, Cforl Segrabe betne Siebten l''^'^ ^cimatb 252 S^itt«, (fori 5o^o«w ^'1- (Erweiterung burc^ Ibranen 294 StoKc, ^criiinnulJ Tit ?Rpfe 144 Stoltcrfot^, 9(t>c(I)citi ^ff"" "on Ta€ Äirib 204 Sturm, Julius 3tm gcni^cr 94 l:rööer, "Mlbcrt ©onncnblide 78 ^«uttcrbcrj 192 SBenn bu no($ eine Jpcimat^ bafl 356 U^lonb, Subiutg 5}?aient^au 20 ffioßl, ^o^ttttu 9lc|)omjif ©er 2Beg jum ^.''arabiefe 268 Tai ©rfennen 346 SBcgcncr, Sl^tuflul^^ Cf . Dai ?D?äb(^en unb ber ©(^metterling.... 10 LIST OF AUTHORS. 371 PAGE. ROQTJETTE, OTTO The Pearl-Fisher 121 RUECKERT, FRIEDRICH Oh, Mother Dear 5 Longing 37 Would You Hear A Heart's Refrain ItU The Dying Flower 163 SALLET, FRIEDRICH Von Nightingale And Rose 105 SEIDL, JOHANN GABRIEL The Dead Soldier 15 SIEBEL, CARL Thy Dead, Oh, Bury Them 183 Home 253 SPITTA, CARL JOHANN P. Consolation Through Tears 295 STOLLE, FERDINAND The Rose 145 STOLTERFOTH, ADELHEID BARONESS Von The Child 205 STURM, JULIUS At The Window 95 TRÄGER, ALBERT Sun-Glances T9 Mother-Heart 193 If Thou Dost Still Possess A Home 357 UHLAND, LUDWIG May-Dew 21 VOGL, JOHANN NEPOMUK The Way to Paradise 2(i9 The Recognition 347 WEGENER, RHINGULPH E. Tha Maiden And The Butterfly 11 -I'vli LAAii I VHA'. ,Mm\ms//,. UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY Los Angeles This book is DUE on the last date stamped below. NO PHONE a MAR 09 1986 RENEWALS VIV/JIIT«/ J> ^OFCAIIFO% ^.OFCA11FO% ^WEUNIVERSy^ ^lOSANCFlfj-^ ^TilJDNVSOl^ "^/sajMNnawv^ 3 1158 00888 1582 AA 000 733 236 J^_^^ i^iinii I l//^. tu es < m SO hoiim-i^"^ '^ii/ojnvjjo^ A\^EUNIVERSyA ^lOSANCElfX^ ^.OFCAIIFOI?^ ^OF-CALIFOff^ - __ 5 %OJI1V3JO^ ^^OJIWDJO"^ %130KVS01^ ^lOSANCnfX^ ■^/^aaAiNajuv^ ^.OFCAIIFOP^ ^OFCAllF0ff>i^ ^Abvaan-^^ "^öAavaan^^ aWeuniver% "^JJliONVSOl^ ^lOSANCElfj^ %a3AINn-3WV ^^WEUNIVER% ^vVOSANCEl% -5^HIBRARYÖA, ^HIBRARYQ/- '^TiiaoNVsoi^ "^/saaAiNHivw^ '^ÄOJiivDJO't^ ^ÄOdllVJJO-^