fflll OG ASS LIST UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA AT LOS ANGELES PUBLISHED PREFACE. The history of the undertaking A. L. A. Catalog is set forth in the editorial preface which follows. The first edition was, it will be noticed, issued by the Bureau of Education, and by direct action of Congress. Since 1893, however, the Library of Congress, promoted into the position of a national library for the United States, has come to be the logical agent of the government for such an under- taking presumed to be in the interest of American libraries as a whole. It agreed to publish and distribute thin revised edition. As appears from the editor's preface, however, its cooperation has actually gone further than this: it printed also and distributed the pre- liminary trial lists, and it prepared the material which forms the Dictionary section of the Catulo;/. This it has also reproduced with fuller entries OH cards: so that a complete card catalog of the entire 8,000 volumes may be procured from it, at nominal cost, under its system of card distribution. It did not, however, take direct part in the selection of the books. Distribution. A single copy of the Catalog complete, in cloth, will be sent free of charge to every library in the United States, and to foreign libraries on the exchange list of the Library of Congress, or making specific request. Other copies, either of the complete work or of either part, in cloth or paper, may be had by addressing The Superintendent of Documents, Washington, D. C., and forwarding the price below stated (a nominal charge, to prevent waste) : Complete (parts 1 and 2). Price: Cloth 50 cents, paper 25 cents. Part 1 or part 2 separately. Price: Cloth 25 cents, paper 15 cents. It would have been difficult if not impossible to print the Catalog in the short time remaining for publication before the A. L. A. conference at St. Louis without the energetic efforts of the various members of the Library of Congress staff especially, if any may be particularly mentioned of Miss Irene Gibson, Mr. F. Neumann and Mr. W. D. Johnston, who have devoted to it much outside time; or without the prompt and efficient cooperation of the chief of the Catalog division and of his assistants, who not merely prepared but, under the direction of Miss E. A. Runner, proof miColumbia university Studies in history, economics, and public la u Columbia univ. systematic ser Systematic series edited by University faculty of political science in Columbia college Concise knowl. lib Concise knowledge library Contemp. men of letters ser Contemporary men of letters series Contemp. sci. ser Contemporary science series Contemp. thought ser Contemporary thought series Croall lect Croall lectures Deems lect Charles F. Deems lectureship of philosophy Delights of hist Delights of history Descr. geog. from original sources Descriptive geographies from original sources Devout class Devout classics Domestic sci. man Domestic science manuals Dublin univ. press ser Dublin university press series E. B. S. S Emmanuel Baptist church Sunday school library, Albany. Catalogue. 1901 Eclec. educ. ser Eclectic educational series Eclec. school readings Eclectic school readings Econ. tracts Economic tracts Elec. ser "Electrician" series El'em. electro-tech, ser Elementary electro-technical series Ely lect .- Ely lectures on the evidences of Christianity Eng. & for. philos. lib English & foreign philosophical library Eng. Cath. lib see Lib. of spiritual works for Eng. Cath. Eng. citizen The English citizen, his rights & responsibilities Eng. class English classics Engin. rec. ser Engineering record series Engin. times lib Engineering times library 24 A. L. A. CATALOG Epochs of Amer. hist Epochs of American history Epochs of anc. hist Epochs of ancient history Epochs of hist Epochs of history Epochs of mod. hist Epochs of modern history Ethno-geog. readers Ethno-geographic readers Expansion of the repub. ser Expansion of the republic series Exper. sci. ser Experimental science series for beginners Famous nov. of the sea Famous novels of the sea Famous women of the Fr. court Famous women of the French court Finsbury tech. man Finsbury technical manuals For. class '. Foreign classics for English readers For. statesmen Foreign statesmen Ford lect Ford lectures delivered in the University of Oxford Gifford lect .. Gifford lectures delivered before the University of Aberdeen Golden treas. ser Golden treasury series Grant Allen's hist, guides Grant Allen's historical guides Great educators Great educators Great Fr. writers Great French writers Great masters Great masters in painting & sculpture Griffin's naut. ser Griffin's nautical series Griffin's sci. text-bks Griffin's scientific text-books Guides for sci. teaching Guides for science teaching Half guinea internat. lib Half guinea international library Handbks. for clergy Handbooks for the clergy Handbks. for pract. workers in church"! TT ,, , . . ... ^Handbooks for practical workers in church & philanthropy Handbks. for students Handbooks for students & general readers Handbks. of archaeol.'& antiq Handbooks of archaeology & antiquities Handbks. of art educ nee Illus. handbks. of art hist. Handbks. on hist, of religions Handbooks on the history of religions Handy vol. class , Handy volume classics Handybks. for handicrafts Handybooks for handicrafts Harper's class, lib Harper's classical library Harper's class, ser Harper's classical series for schools & colleges Harper's half-hr. ser Harper' s half-hour series Harper's little nov Harper's little novels Harper's quar Harper's quarterly Harper's sci. mem Harper's scientific memoirs Harper's young peop. ser Harper's young peoples ser. Harv. hist, stud Harvard historical studies Harv. univ. Mus. of com p. zool. mem. Harvard university. Museum of comparative zoology. Memoirs Heath's home & school class Heath's home & school classics Heath's mod. lang. ser Heath's modern language series Heath's ped. lib Heath's pedagogical library Hist. ser. for Bible students Historical series for Bible students Hist, towns Historic towns Home & school ser Home & school series for young folks Humboldt lib. of sci Humboldt library of science Illus. biog. of great artists Illustrated biographies of the great artists Illus. handbks. of art hist Illustrated handbooks of art history of all ages Imp. athletic lib Imperial athletic library Ingersoll lect Ingersoll lectures on immortality Internat. educ. ser International education series Internat. handbks. to N. T International handbooks to the New Testament Internat. mod. lang. ser International modern language series SERIES ABBREVIATIONS 25 Internat. sci. per International scientific series Internat. theol. lib International theological library Johns Hopkins univ. Stud, in hist. &1 Johns Hopkins university. Studies in historical & political pol. sci J science Knick. ed Knickerbocker edition Knick. lit. ser Knickerbocker literature series Knick. ser Knickerbocker series Ladies home journal pract. lib ... Ladies home journal practical librar_ Lake class, ser . .' Lake classical series Lat.-Amer. repub Latin- American republics Leisure hour ser Leisure hour series Levering lect. Johns Hopkins univ . . . Levering lectures, Johns Hopkins university Lib. of contemp. sci Library of contemporary science Lib. of econ Library of economics Lib. of econ. & pol Library of economics & politics Lib. of Eng. class Library of English classics Lib. of famous bks Library of famous books by famous authors Lib. of lit. hist Library of literary history Lib. of philos Library of philosophy Lib. of pop. knovvl Library of popular knowledge Lib. of spiritual works Library of spiritual works for English Catholics Lib. of stand, biog. Library of standard biographies Lib. of val. information Library of valuable information Lippincott's educ. ser Lippincott's educational series Lippincott's ser. of sel. nov Lippincott's series of select novels Lit. of the world Literatures of the world Lit. prim Literature primers Little masterpieces of sci Little masterpieces of science Longmans' pract. elem. sci. ser Longmans' practical elementary science series Lowell inst. lect Lowell institute lectures Lyman Beecher lect .' Lyman Beecher lectures on preaching Macmillan's man Macmillan's manuals for students Macmillan' s pocket Amer. & Eng. class. Macmillan's pocket American & English classics Man. for students Manuals for students Man. of elem. sci Manuals of elementary science Mansfield college lect Mansfield college lectures Masters of contemp. mus Masters of contemporary music Masters of med Masters of medicine Mil. nov Military novels Mod. Eng. writers Modern English writers Mod. man. of commerce Modern manuals of commerce Mod. reader's Bible Modern reader's Bible. Prophecy series Mod. reader's Bible. Children's ser. . Modern reader's Bible. Children's series Mod. sci. ser Modern science series Morley's univ. lib Morley's universal library Murray's home & school lib Murray's home & school library - Music in 19th cent Music in the XIX century X. T. handbks New Testament handbooks N. Y. state lib. bibliog. bul New York state library bibliography bulletins Nat. drawing bks National drawing books Nat. stud, in Amer. letters National studies in American letters Navy in the civ. war Navy in the civil war 19th cent, ser Nineteenth century series Nov. of adventure Novels of adventure Our Europ. neighbours Our European neighbours 26 A. L. A. CATALOG Outing lib Outing library of sport Pa. univ. Pub. Ser. inpol. econ. & pub. \PennsylvaniaUniversity Publications Series in political economy law / and public law Parl. nov Parliamentary novels. Periods of Europ. hist Periods of European history Periods of Europ. lit Periods of European literature Personal prob. ser Personal problem series Petite bibliotheque lit Petite bibliotheque litteraire Phillips-Loomis math, ser Phillips-Loomis mathematical series Philos. at home ser Philosophy at home series Philos. class, for Eng. readers Philosophical classics for English readers Phot, bookshelf Photography bookshelf Phot, prim Photographic primers Picadilly nov Picadilly novels Pop. lib. of art Popular library of art Pract. handbks Practical handbooks Pract. mech. ser Practical mechanic series Prime ministers Prime ministers of Queen Victoria Progressive sci. ser Progressive science series Pub. men of to-day Public men of to-day Putnam's lib. of stand, lit Putnam's library of standard literature Putnam's pop. man Putnam's popular manuals Ques. of the day Questions of the day Rede lect Rede lectures. Religion of sci. lib Religion of science library Riverside biog. ser Riverside biographical series Riverside class Riverside classics Riverside lit. ser Riverside literature series Riverside sci. ser Riverside science series Romance of sci Romance of science Rural sci. ser Rural science series St Nicholas bks St Nicholas books School bulletin pub see School room class. School room class School bulletin publications. School room classics Sci. Amer. ser Scientific American series Sci. for everybody Science for everybody Sci. prim Science primers Sci. ser Science series Scovill phot, ser Scovill photographic series Scribner's ser Scribner's series of school reading Seeley's 18th cent. biog. ser Seeley's eighteenth century biographical series Short hist, of the lit. of the world Short histories of the literatures of the world SLver ser. of Eng. & Amer. class Silver series of English & American classics Silver ser. of mod. lang. text-bks Silver series of modern language text-books Social Eng. ser Social England series Social sci. lib , . . Social science library Social sci. ser Social science series Source-readers in Amer. hist Source-readers in American history Stand, educ. ser Standard educational series Stand, teachers' lib Standard teachers' library . Stanford's compend. of geog Stanford's compendium of geography & travel Stony hurst, philos. ser Stonyhurst philosophical series Story of explor Story of exploration Stud, in econ. & pol. sci Studies in economic & political science Stud, in hist., econ. & pub. law see Columbia university. SERIES ABBREVIATIONS 27 Systematic ser (see Columbia Univ. systematic ser. ) Tarr & McMurry's geog Tarr and McMurry's geographies Teachers' prof, lib Teachers' professional library Tech. handbks Technological handbooks Temple autobiog Temple autobiographies Temple biog Temple biographies Temple class. _ Temple classics Temple prim Temple primers Text-bks of orn. design Text-books of ornamental design Text-bks of sci Text-books of science Theol. trans, lib Theological translation library Thimm, Franz & co's ser. of Euron.l-,, xlhimm, Franz & co's series of Kuropean grammars grammars J Triibner's col. of simplified grammars. Triibner's collection of simplified grammars Twentieth cent, text-bks Twentieth century text-books U. S. Bur. of educ. Cir. of inf U. S. Bureau of education. Circular of information Univ. exten. man University extension manuals Univ. exten. ser University extension series Univ. man University manuals Univ. of Penn see Pa. univ. Univ. ser University series Univ. tutorial ser University tutorial series Van Nostrand sci. ser Van Nostrand science series Victoria & Albert mus. sci. hand-bks. Victoria & Albert museum science hand-books W. Mass .-. . Western Massachusetts library club. Annotated lists Weale's sci. & tech. ser Weale's scientific & technical series 'Whewell lect WheweH lectures. 1887 Whittaker's lib Whittaker's library of arts, science & industries Yale bicent. pub Yale bicentennial publications Young folks' hist Young folks' histories Young folks' lib. for school & home.),.,. TIT u t -i eWorld its people World & its people see) Young heroes of our navy Young heroes of our navy Youths' companion ser. Geog. readers . Youths' companion series (Geographical readers) AUTHORITIES FOR Credit for source has been given whether quotation is verbatim or condensed, exept in case of composite notes In references to periodicals or sets, volume and page are separated by a colon; e. g. 15: 308 means v. 15, p. 308 Acad Academy Adams , C: K. Adams. Manual of historical literature Amer. cath. q American catholic quarterly Amer. hist, r American historical review Amer. j. archaeol American journal of archaeology Amer. j. philol American journal of philology Amer. j. psychol American journal of psychology Amer. j. sci American journal of science Amer. j. soc. spi American journal of social science Amer. j. sociol American journal of sociology Amer. law r American law review Amer. mach American machinist Amer. natural ,. American naturalist And. r Andover review Annals Amer. acad. pol. sci American academy of political & social science. Annals Anthrop. j Anthropological journal Archit. r Architectural review Archit. rec Architectural record Art j Art journal Ath Athenaeum Atlan Atlantic monthly (B) following other authority Quoted from Buffalo open shelf catalog B. & I Bowker & lies. Reader's guide in economic, social & political science. 1891 Bagehot Walter Bagehot Bailey L. H. Bailey, Cornell university, College of agriculture Baker Baker, E. A. Descriptive guide to the best fiction. 1903 Bay J. Christian Bay, Library of Congress Bib. eac Bibliotheca sacra Bigelow Robert P. Bigelow, Mass, institute of technology Birrell Augustine Birrell Bk buyer Book buyer B'kman Bookman Blackw Blackwood's Edinburgh magazine Bolton H: Carrington Bolton Bost. adv Boston advertiser Boat, jour Boston journal Bost. trans Boston transcript Bost. trav Boston traveller Bowdoin Bowdoin college library. Bibliographical contributions Brett W: H. Brett, Cleveland public library Bristol G:P. Bristol, Cornell university Brooks R. C. Brooks, Cornell university (28) AUTHORITIES FOR NOTES 29 Buffalo Buffalo public library (with few exception* notes are taken from open shelf catalog) Burris W. P. Burris, prin. Albany teachers training school Canad. m Canadian magazine Cath. world Catholic world Cent Century magazine Cent. eye. of names Century cyclopedia of names Chamb. eye. Eng. lit Chambers's cyclopaedia of English literature Char Charities Char, r Charities review- Chic, trib Chicago tribune Cleveland Cleveland public library Comstock G. C. Comstock, University of Wisconsin Contemp Contemporary review Cornu & B Cornu & Beer. List of French fiction. 1898 Cossa Cossa, Luigi. Guide to the study of political economy. 1880 Graver Harrison W. Graver, Carnegie library, Pittsburg Pa. Crocker '. F. B. Crocker, Columbia university Cross W. L. Cross, Development of the English novel Cycl. of Amer. hort Cyclopedia of American horticulture Diet, of nat. biog. Dictionary of national biography Dodge Dodge, C. W. List of 10 of the best books on biology for high school reference. 1897. Drexel Drexel institute. Eeference lists E. ass'n of physics teachers Eastern association of physics teachers Econ. j Economic journal Econ. r Economic review Ed. sel Editor for selection ( Mrs H. L. Elmendorf) Edin. r Edinburgh review Educ. r Educational review Elec. engin Electrical engineering Elec. world Electrical world Eng. hist, r English historical review Engin. m Engineering magazine Engin. n Engineering news Evanston Graded & annotated list of 500 books in school libraries of Evanston free public library Felt Ephraim Porter Felt, N. Y. state entomologist Fetter F. A. Fetter, Cornell university Folklore j Folklore journal Fortn Fortnightly review Gayley & Scott Gay ley & Scott. Introduction to methods & materials of literary criticism. 1899 Geog. j Geographical journal Gill A. Capen Gill, Cornell university Gilman D. C. Gilman, Carnegie institution, Washington, D. C. Griffin A. P. C. Griffin, Library of Congress Hale Philip Hale, musical critic, Boston journal Hardy Hardy, G. E. Five hundred books for the young. 1892 Harper's m Harper's monthly magazine Harv. grad. m Harvard graduate magazine Helena Helena (Mont. ) public library bulletin Henderson ^ C: R. Henderson, University of Chicago Hobson J : A. Hobson Internat. j. ethics International journal of ethics 30 A. L. A. CATALOG J. Amer. folk-lore Journal of American folklore J. biblical lit Journal of biblical literature J. Frank, inst Journal of the Franklin institute J. geol Journal of geology J. of educ. ( Eng. ) Journal of Education, London J. pol. econ Journal of political economy Jackson G: A. Jackson, Theological library, Boston Jew. q. r Jewish quarterly review Johnston W. Dawson Johnston, Library of Congress Jour, of educ. ( Eng. ) Journal of education ( English ) Kinderg. m Kindergarten magazine Knowl Knowledge Kroeger Kroeger, A. B. Guide to the study of reference books L. A. H Literature of American history ed. by J. N. Lamed. 1902 L. & I Leypoldt & lies. List of books for girls and women & their clubs. 1895 Lib. of world's best lit Library of the world's best literature ed. by C: D. Warner. 1896-97 Lippinc Lippincott's magazine Lit. world Literary world Li v. age Living age London lit. world London literary world Marot Helen Marot. Handbook of labor literature. 1899 Mass Massachusetts library club Matthews Brander Matthews, Columbia university N. Y _ New York state library X. Y. trib Xew York tribune Nat. nurseryman National nurseryman New Eng. m New England magazine New internal, eye New international cyclopaedia New world New world Nichols E: Leamington Nichols, Cornell university No. Amer North American review Norton Mrs Alice Peloubet Norton, University of Chicago Olcott F. J. Olcott, Carnegie library, Pittsburg Osterhout Osterhout ( Wilkesbarre, Pa.) free library bulletin Outl Outlook Pedagog. sem Pedagogical seminary Philos. r Philosophical review Pittsburg Carnegie library, Pittsburg Pol. sci. q Political science quarterly Pop. astron Popular astronomy Pop. sci. mo Popular science monthly Powers H. H. Powers. Outlines for the study of art Pratt Pratt institute monthly Providence Providence public library monthly bulletin Psychol. r Psychological review Pub. opin : Public opinion Pub. wkly Publishers' weekly Q. j. econ Quarterly journal of economics Quar Quarterly review R. of r American review of reviews Rice W: N. Rice, Wesleyan university Richardson C. F. Richardson. American literature Ricker N. C. Ricker, University of Illinois AUTHORITIES FOR NOTES 31 st Louis St Louis public library. Magazine Saintsbury G: E: B. Saintsbury Sargent Sargent. Reading for the young Sargent 2 Sargent. Reading for the young, sup. Sat. r Saturday review Sci. Amer Scientific American Scott C: P. G. Scott, lexicographer, J. B. Lippincott & Co. Philadelphia Scribner Charles Scribner's Sons. Catalogues Spec Spectator Springfield Springfield (Mass. ) city library. Books on architecture St & K Sturgis & Krehbiel. Annotated bibliography of fine art. 1897 Starr Frederick Starr, University of Chicago Stuntz S. C. Stuntz, Library of Congress Unit American Unitarian association. Catalog of books for Sunday- school & other libraries; annual lists Unit, r Unitarian review Van Nostrand Van Nostrand' s monthly record of scientific literature Ware W : R. Ware, Columbia university Weber A. F. Weber, X. Y. state department of labor Wells P. P. Wells, Yale university library Westm Westminster review White W. F. White, Newpaltz (N. Y.) normal school Wis Wisconsin free library commission Young C: A: Young, Princeton university A. L. A i . American library association abr abridged adv advance annot annotated Ap April apx appendix aufl auflage ausg ausgabe bibl bibliotheca biog biography, -ic, -al bk book cl cloth cm centimeters col collection, collected comp compiled, compiler crit critical D December ea each ed edited, edition, editor F February fr franc, francs, from gt great hist history, -ical hrsg - herausgegeben illus illustrated, illustrations introd introduction, -ory Ja January Je June Jl July lit literary, literature m mark mem memoir Mr March My May n net N November n. d no date no number nou v nouveau, nouvelle O October o. p out of print obi oblong pa paper pop popular pseud pseudonym pt part pub published, publisher rev revised, revijion S September sq square subs subscription sup supplement, -ary tr translated, translator trans translation v, vol volume wkly weekly yrly yearly /(sign) sign of separation between shillings and pence COLON ABBREVIATIONS FOR FORENAMES TTsed only in class list where initials would otherwise be given A: Augustus B: Benjamin C: Charles D: David E: Edward F: Frederic, Frederick G : George H: Henry I: Isaac J: John K: Karl L: Lewis M: Mark N: Nicholas O: Otto P: Peter R: Richard S : Samuel T: Thomas U: Ulrich V: Victor W: William A. . Anna B.. Beatrice C.. Charlotte D.. Delia E.. Elizabeth F.. Fanny G.. Grace H.. Helen I.. Isabella J.. Jane K.. Kate L.. Louisa M.. Mary N.. O.. Nancy Olivia P.. Pauline R.. Rebecca S.. Sarah T.. Theresa U.. Ursula V.. Victoria W.. Wilhelmina Z.. Zenobia SYMBOLS DESIGNATING CHARACTER OF BOOKS P .popular treatment B readable. Used only for books unusually attractive in style Bf reference book S scholarly; by a recognized authority Y for young readers; in many cases applied to books equally suitable for adults 32 Decimal Classification 241104 3 (33) THE DECIMAL CLASSIFICATION EXPLANATION The arrangement chosen for the class list of this catalog, as meeting the convenience of the largest number of users, is the Decimal classification. By this system the field of knowledge is divided into 9 main classes and these are numbered by the digits, 1 to 9. Cyclopedias, periodicals, etc. so general in character as to belong to no one of these classes are marked nought, and form a tenth class. Each class is similarly separated into 9 divisions, general works belonging to no division having nought in place of the division number. Divisions are similarly divided into 9 sections and the process is epeated as often as necessary. Thus 512 means Class 5 (Natural Science), Division 1 (Mathematics), oection 2 (Algebra), and every Algebra is numbered 512. Subjects are arranged in simple numeric order, all class numbers being decimals. Thus 512 Algebra precedes 513 Geometry and follows 511 Arithmetic. Summaries. The first summary shows the 10 Classes into which all topics are divided. The second summary shows the 9 Divisions of each of the 10 Classes, and is useful as a birdseye view of the whole scheme on a single page. Then follow 10 pages, one for each class, showing the 9 Sections into which each of the 9 divisions of each class is divided. Index. In the index, subjects are arranged in one simple alphabet, with the class number of each referring to its exact place in the preceding class list. This in^ex includes also synonyms or alternative names for topics and other entries likely to help a reader find readily the subject sought. SYNOPSIS FIRST SUMMARY : CLASSES General works 5 Natural science 1 Philosophy 6 Useful arts 2 Religion 7 Fine arts 3 Sociology 8 Literature 4 Philology 9 History (35) 36 A. L. A. CATALOG GLASS LIST SECOND SUMMARY DIVISIONS 000 General works 010 Bibliography 020 Library economy 030 General cyclopedias 040 General collections 050 General periodicals 060 General societies 070 Newspapers 080 Special libraries. Polygraphy 090 Book rarities 100 Philosophy 110 Metaphysics 120 Special metaphysical topics 130 Mind and body 140 Philosophical systems 150 Mental faculties. Psychology 160 Logic. Dialectics 170 Ethics 180 Ancient philosophers 1 90 Modern philosophers 200 Religion 210 Natural theology 220 Bible 230 Doctrinal. Dogmatics. Theology 240 Devotional. Practical 250 Homiletic. Pastoral. Parochial 260 Church. Institutions. Work 270 Religious history 280 Christian churches and sects 290 Ethnic. Non-Christian 300 Sociology 310 Statistics 320 Political science 330 Political economy 340 Law 350 Administration 360 Associations and institutions 370 Education 380 Commerce. Communication 390 Customs. Costumes. Folklore 400 Philology 410 Comparative 420 English 430 German 440 French 450 Italian 460 Spanish 470 Latin 480 Greek 490 Minor languages 500 Natural science 510 Mathematics 520 Astronomy 530 Physics 540 Chemistry 550 Geology 560 Paleontology 570 Biology 580 Botany 590 Zoology 600 Useful arts 610 Medicine 620 Engineering 630 Agriculture 640 Domestic economy 650 Communication. Commerce 660 Chemical technology 670 Manufactures 680 Mechanic trades 690 Building 700 Fine arts 710 Landscape gardening 720 Architecture 730 Sculpture 740 Drawing. Decoration. Design 750 Painting 760 Engraving 770 Photography 780 Music 790 Amusements 800 Literature 810 American 820 English 830 German 840 French 850 Italian 860 Spanish 870 Latin 880 Greek 890 Minor languages 900 History 910 Geography and travels 920 Biography 930 Ancient history 940 Europe Asia 950 d 960 g 970^ 980 S 990 Africa North America South America Oceanica and polar regions DECIMAL CLASSIFICATION 37 THIRD SUMMARY SECTIONS Greneral Limited to none of the nine classes 000 001 002 003 004 005 006 007 008 009 010 on 012 013 014 015 016 017 018 019 020 021 022 023 024 025 026 027 028 029 030 031 032 033 034 035 036 037 038 039 040 041 042 043 044 045 046 047 048 049 Left blank for local history or biog- raphy, etc. where some special col- lection is making which is to be kept in a case by itself, out of its regular place in the classification. Bibliography General bibliographies Of individuals special classes of authors forms, pseudonyms, etc. countries subjects Classed catalogs Author " Dictionary ' ' Library economy Scope and founding Buildings Government and service Regulations for readers Administration. Departments Libraries on special subjects General, libraries. Reports, etc. Reading 1 and aids Literary methods. Labor savers General cyclopedias American English German French Italian Spanish Slavic Scandinavian Minor languages Gfeneral collected essays American English German French Italian Spanish Slavic Scandinavian Miner languages 050 051 052 053 054 055 056 057 058 059 060 061 062 063 064 065 066 067 068 ' 069 070 071 072 073 074 075 076 077 078 079 080 081 082 083 084 085 086 087 088 089 090 091 092 093 094 095 096 097 098 099 G-eneral periodicals American English German French Italian Spanish Slavic Scandinavian Minor languages Greneral societies A merican English German French Italian Spanish Slavic Scandinavian Minor languages Newspapers. Journalism American English German French Italian Spanish Slavic Scandinavian Minor languages Special libraries. Polygraphy Left blank to be used (if preferred to prefixing an initial) for general, collections of books, which by terms of gift or for other cause must be kept together. Book rarities Manuscripts. Autographs Block books Early printed. Incunabula Rare printing. Privately printed Rare binding Rare illustrations or materials Ownership. Bookplates Prohibited. Lost. Imaginary Other rarities. Curiosa 208935 38 A. L. A. CATALOG CLASS LIST THIRD SUMMARY SECTIONS ^Philosophy 100 Philosophy 150 101 Utility 151 102 Compends 152 103 Dictionaries 153 104 Essays 154 105 Periodicals 155 106 Societies 156 107 Study and teaching 157 108 Polygraph y. Maxims 158 109 History 159 110 Metaphysics 160 111 Ontology 161 112 Methodology 162 113 Cosmology 163 114 Space 164 115 Time 165 116 Motion 166 117 Matter 167 118 Force 168 119 Quantity. Number 169 120 Metaphysical topics 170 121 Knowledge: origin, limits 171 122 'Causation. Cause and effect 172 123 Liberty and necessity 173 124 Teleology. Final causes 174 125 Infinite and finite 175 . 126 Consciousness. Personality 176 127 Unconsciousness. Automata 177 128 The soul 178 129 Origin of the individual soul 179 130 Mind and body 180 131 Mental physiology and hygiene 181 132 Mental derangements 182 133 Delusions. Witchcraft. Magic 183 134 Mesmerism. Clairvoyance 184 135 Sleep. Dreams. Somnambulism 185 136 Mental characteristics 186 137 Temperaments 187 138 Physiognomy 188 139 Phrenology. Mental photographs 189 140 Philosophic systems 190 141 Idealism. Transcendentalism 191 142 Critical philosophy 192 143 Intuitionalism 193 144 Empiricism . 194 145 Sensationalism 195 146 Materialism. Positivism 196 147 Pantheism. Monism 197 148 Eclecticism 198 149 Other philosophic systems 199 Mental faculties Intellect Sense perceptions Understanding Memory Imagination Reason. Intuitive faculty Sensibility. Emotions Instincts. Appetites Will Logic. Dialectics Inductive Deductive Assent Symbolic. Algebraic Sources of error. Fallacies Syllogism. Enthymeme Hypotheses Argument and persuasion Analogy. Correspondence Ethics Theories of ethics State ethics Family ethics Professional and business ethics Ethics of amusements Sexual ethics Social ethics Temperance Other ethical topics Ancient philosophers Oriental Early Greek Sophistic and Socratic Platonic Aristotelian Pyrrhonist. New Platonist Epicurean Stoic Early Christian and medieval Modern philosophers American British German French Italian Spanish Slavic Scandinavian Other modern DECIMAL CLASSIFICATION 39 THIRD SUMMARY SECTIONS Religion Theological schools 200 Religion 201 Philosophy. Theories 202 Compends 203 Dictionaries 204 Essays 205 Periodicals 206 Societies 207 Education. 208 Polygraphy 209 History of theology 210 Natural theology 211 Deism and atheism 212 Pantheism. Theosophy 213 Creation. Evolution 214 Providence. Theodicy. Fatalism 215 Religion and science 216 Evil. Depravity 217 Prayer 218 Future life. Immortality 219 Analogies. Correspondences 220 Bible 221 Old Testament 222 Historical books 223 Poetic 224 Prophetic " 225 New Testament 226 Gospels and Acts 227 Epistles 228 Apocalypse 229 Apocrypha 230 Doctrinal. Dogmatics 231 God. Unity. Trinity 232 Christ. Christology 233 Man. The fall. Sin 234 Salvation. Soteriology 235 Angels. Devils. Satan 236 Eschatology. Death. Judgment 237 Future state 238 Creeds. Catechisms 239 Apologetics. Evidences 240 Devotional. Practical 241 Didactic 242 Meditative 243 Hortatory 244 Miscellany. Fiction 245 Hymnology. Religious poetry 246 Ecclesiology. Symbolism 247 Sacred furniture, vessels, etc. 248 Personal religion. Asceticism 249 Family devotions 250 Homiletic. Pastoral. Parochial 251 Homiletics. Preaching 252 Sermons 253 Pastoral visitations. Evangelistic 254 Clerical support. Celibacy 255 Brotherhoods. Sisterhoods 256 Societies for parish work. Gilds 257 Parochial schools, libraries, etc. 258 Parish care of sick, fallen, etc. 259 Other ministrations and work 260 Church. Institutions. Work 261 Church 262 Ecclesiastical polity 263 Sabbath. Lord's day. Sunday 264 Public wdrship. Ritual 265 Sacraments. Ordinances 266 Missions. Home and foreign 267 Associations. Y. M. C. A. etc. 268 Sunday schools 269 Revivals. Retreats 270 Religious history 271 Monastic orders 272 Persecutions 273 Heresies 274 Europe 275 Asia 276 Africa 277 North America 278 South America 279 Oceanica 280 Christian churches & sects 281 Primitive and oriental 282 Roman catholic 283 Anglican and American P. E. 284 Continental protestant 285 Presbyterian. Congregational 286 Baptist 287 Methodist 288 Unitarian 289 Minor Christian sects 290 Ethnic. Non-Christian 291 Comparative & general mythology 292 Greek and Roman 293 Teutonic and northern 294 Brahmanism. Buddhism 295 Parseeism 296 Judaism 297 Mohammedanism 298 Mormonism 299 Minor non-Christian religions 40 A. L. A. CATALOG CLASS LIST THIRD HUMMARY SKCTIONS Sociology 300 Sociology 350 301 Philosophy. Theories 351 302 Compends 352 303 Dictionaries 353 304 Essays 354 305 Periodicals 355 306 Societies 356 307 Education 357 308 Polygraphy 358 309 History of sociology 359 310 Statistics 360 311 Theory. Methods 361 312 Population 362 313 Special topics 363 314 Europe 364 315 Asia 365 316 Africa 366 317 North America 367 318 South America 368 319 Oceanica 369 320 Political science 370 321 Form of state 371 322 Church and state 372 323 Internal or domestic relations 373 324 Suffrage 374 325 Colonies and immigration 375 326 Slavery 376 327 Foreign relations 377 328 Legislative bodies and annals 378 329 Political parties 379 330 Political economy ' 380 331 Capital. Labor. Wages 381 332 Banks. Money. Credit. Interest 382 333 Land. Ownership. Rights and rent 383 334 Cooperation 384 335 Socialism and communism 385 336 Finance. Public funds. Taxation 386 337 Protection arid free trade 387 338 Production. Manufacture. Prices 388 339 Pauperism 389 340 Law 390 341 International law 391 342 Constitutional law and history 392 343 Criminal law 393 344 Martial law 394 345 U. S. statutes and cases 395 346 British statutes and cases. 396 347 Treatises: American and British 397 348 Canon law 398 349 Foreign law. Roman 399 Administration. Army Administration of central gov't Local government. City. Town United States and state Foreign states Army. Military science Infantry Cavalry Artillery Navy. Naval science Associations. Institutions Charitable Hospitals. Asylums Political Reformatory Prisons. Discipline Secret societies Social clubs Insurance Other Education Teachers, methods, and discipline Elementary. Kindergarten Intermediate Self-education and culture Curriculum Education of women Religious, ethical and secular Colleges and universities Public schools. State education Commerce. Communication Domestic trade Foreign trade. Consular reports Postoffice Telegraph. Cable. Telephone Railroad and express Canal and highway transportation River and ocean transportation City transit Weights and measures. Metrology Customs. Popular life Costume and care of person Birth, home and sex customs Treatment of dead Public and social customs Etiquet Woman's position and treatment Gipsies. Nomads. Outcast races Folklore. Proverbs, etc. Customs of war DECIMAL CLASSIFICATION 41 THIRD SUMMARY SECTIONS IPliilology 400 Philology 450 Italian 401 Philosophy 451 Orthography 402 Compends 452 Etymology 403 Dictionaries 453 Dictionaries 404 Essays 454 Synonyms 405 Periodicals 455 Grammar 406 Societies 456 Prosody 407 Study and teaching 457 Dialects 408 Polygraphy. Universal language 458 School texts 409 History of language 459 Rumansh. and Wallachian 410 Comparative 460 Spanish 411 Orthography. Alphabets 461 Orthography 412 Etymology 462 Etymology 413 Dictionaries 463 Dictionaries 414 Phonology 464 Synonyms 415 Grammar 465 Grammar 416 Prosody 466 Prosody 417 Inscriptions 467 Dialects 418 Texts 468 School texts 419 Hieroglyphics 469 Portuguese 420 English 470 Latin 421 Orthography 471 Orthography 422 Etymology 472 Etymology 423 Dictionaries 473 Dictionaries 424 Synonyms 474 Synonyms 425 Grammar 475 Grammar 426 Prosody 476 Prosody 427 Dialects '477 Dialects 428 School texts 478 School texts 429 Anglo-Saxon 479 Minor Italic 430 German 480 Greek 431 Orthography 481 Orthography 432 Etymology 482 Etymology 433 Dictionaries 483 Dictionaries 434 Synonyms 484 Synonyms 435 Grammar 485 Grammar 436 Prosody 486 Prosody 437 Dialects 487 Dialects 438 School texts 488 School texts 439 Minor Teutonic 489 Minor Hellenic 440 French 490 Minor languages 441 Orthography 491 Minor Indo-European 442 Etymology 492 Semitic 443 Dictionaries 493 Hamitic 444 Synonyms 494 Scythian. Turanian 445 Grammar 495 Eastern Asiatic 446 Prosody 496 African 447 Dialects 497 North American 448 School texts 498 South American 449 Provengal 499 Malay-Polynesian and other 42 A. L. A. CATALOG CLASS LIST THIRD SUMMARY SECTIONS Natural Science 500 Natural science 550 501 Philosophy 551 502 Compends 552 503 Dictionaries 553 504 Essays 554 505 Periodicals 555 506 Societies 556 507 Education. Museums 557 508 Polygraphy 558 509 History 559 510 Mathematics 560 511 Arithmetic 561 512 Algebra 562 513 Geometry. Conic sections 563 514 Trigonometry 564 515 Descriptive geometry 565 516 Analytic geometry. Quaternions 566 517 Calculus 567 518 568 519 Probabilities 569 520 Astronomy 570 521 Theoretic 571 522 Practical and spherical 572 523 Descriptive 573 524 Maps and observations 574 525 Earth 575 526 Geodesy 576 527 Navigation 577 528 Ephemerides 578 529 Chronology 579 530 Physics 580 531 Mechanics 581 532 Liquids. Hydraulics 582 533 Gases. Pneumatics 583 534 Sound. Acoustics 584 535 Light. Optics 585 536 Heat 586 537 Electricity 587 538 Magnetism 588 539 Molecular physics 589 540 Chemistry 590 541 Theoretic 591 542 Practical and experimental 592 543 Analysis 593 544 Qualitative 594 545 Quantitative 595 546 Inorganic 596 547 Organic 597 548 Crystallography 598 549 Mineralogy 599 G-eology Physical and dynamic geology Lithology. Petrography Economic geology Europe Asia Africa North America South America Oceanica. Polar regions Paleontology Plants Invertebrates Protozoa. Radiates Mollusks Articulates Vertebrates Fishes. Batrachia Reptiles. Birds Mammals Biology. Ethnology Prehistoric archeology Ethnology. Anthropology Natural history of man Homologies Evolution. Species Origin and beginnings of life Properties of living matter Microscopy Collectors manuals- 1 Botany Physiologic and structural Phanerogamia Dicotyledonae Monocotyledonae Gymnospermae Crytogamia Pteridophyta Bryophyta Thallophyta Zoology Physiologic zoology Invertebrates Protozoa. Radiates Mollusks Articulates Vertebrates Fishes. Batrachia Reptiles. Birds Mammals DECIMAL CLASSIFICATION 43 THIRD SUMMARY SECTIONS Useful 600 Useful arts 650 601 Philosophy 651 602 Compends 652 603 Dictionaries 653 604 Essays 654 605 Periodicals 655 606 Societies. Fairs. Exhibitions 656 607 Education. Schools of technology 657 608 Patents. Inventions 658 609 History of useful arts 659 610 Medicine 660 611 Anatomy 661 612 Physiology 662 613 Hygiene. Gymnastics. Training 663 614 Public health 664 615 Materia medica. Therapeutics 665 616 Pathology. Diseases. Treatment 666 617 Surgery. Dentistry 667 618 Diseases of women and children 668 619 Comparative medicine. Veterinary 669 620 Engineering 670 621 Mechanical 671 622 Mining 672 623 Military. Naval . 673 624 Bridge and roof 674 625 Eoad and railroad 675 626 Canal 676 627 River and harbor 677 628 Sanitary. Waterworks 678 629 Other branches 679 630 Agriculture 680 631 Soil. Fertilizers. Drainage 681 632 Pests. Hindrances. Blights. Insects 682 633 Grains. Grasses. Fibers. Tea, etc. 683 634 Fruits. Orchards. Vineyards 684 635 Kitchen garden 685 636 Domestic animals 686 637 Dairy. Milk. Butter. Cheese 687 638 Bees. Silkworms 688 639 Fishing. Trapping 689 640 Domestic economy 690 641 Cookery. Gastronomy 691 642 Confectionery. Ices 692 643 Food. Dining. Carving 693 644 Fuel. Lights 694 645 Furniture. Carpets. Upholstery 695 646 Clothing. Toilet. Cosmetics 696 647 Servants: training, duties, wages 697 648 Laundry 69*8 649 Nursery. Children. Sickroom 699 Communication. Commerce Office equipment and methods Writing. Materials. Typewriters Abbreviations. Shorthand Telegraph. Cables. Signals Printing. Publishing. Copyright Transportation. Railroading, etc. Bookkeeping. Accounts Business manuals. Methods. Tables Advertising and other topics Chemical technology Chemicals Pyrotechnics. Explosives Beverages: wines, liquors, ales, etc. Foods: sugar, starch, etc. Lights: gas, oil, candles, etc. Ceramics: glass, clay, cement, etc. Bleaching. Dyeing. Inks. Paints Other organic chemical industries Metallurgy. Assaying Manufactures Articles made of metals Of iron and steel; stoves, cutlery Of brass and bronze; bells, etc. Lumber and articles made of wood Leather " " leather Paper paper Cotton, wool, silk, linen, etc. Rubber and articles made of rubber Celluloid and other Mechanic trades Watch and instrument making Blacksmithing. Horseshoeing Lock and gun making Carriage and cabinet making Saddlery and shoemaking. Trunks Bookbinding Clothesmaking. Hats Other trades Building Materials. Processes. Preservatives Plans and specifications Masonry. Plastering, etc. Carpentry. Stairbuilding Roofing. Slating and tiling Plumbing. Gas and steam fitting Heating and ventilation Painting. Glazing. Paperhanging Car and ship building 44 A. L. A. CATALOG CLASS LIST THIRD SUMMARY SECTIONS Fine 700 701 702 703 704 705 706 707 708 709 710 711 712 713 714 715 716 717 718 719 720 721 722 723 724 725 726 727 728 729 730 731 732 733 734 735 736 737 738 739. 740 741 742 743 744 745 746 747 748 749 Fine arts Philosophy. Esthetics Compends Dictionaries Periodicals Societies Education. Study Art galleries History of art Landscape gardening Public parks Private grounds. Lawns Walks. Drives Water. Fountains. Lakes Trees. Hedges. Shrubs Plants. Flowers. Conservatories Arbors. Seats. Outlooks Monuments. Mausoleums Cemeteries Architecture Architectural construction Ancient and oriental Medieval. Gothic Modern Public buildings Ecclesiastic and religious Educational and scientific Residences Design and decoration Sculpture Materials and methods . Ancient Greek and Roman Medieval Modern Carving. Seals. Dies. Gems Numismatics. Coins. Medals Pottery. Porcelain Bronzes. Bric-a-brac Drawing. Decoration Freehand. Crayon Perspective Art anatomy. Life school Mathematical drawing Ornamental design. Carpet, etc. Art needlework Interior decoration Stained and iridescent glass Artistic furniture 750 Painting 751 Materials and methods 752 Color 753 Epic. Mythic. Idealistic 754 Genre. Still life 755 Religious. Ecclesiastic 756 Historical. Battles, etc. 757 Portrait 758 Landscape. Marine 759 Various schools 760 Engraving 761 Wood 762 Copper. Steel 763 Lithography 764 Chromolithography 765 Line. Stipple 766 Mezzotint. Aquatint 767 Etching. Dry point 768 Banknote. Machine 769 Collections of engravings 770 Photography 771 Photographic chemistry 772 Silver processes, etc. 773 Gelatine and pigment processes 774 " and printer's ink. Albertype 775 Photolithography, etc. 776 Photozincography, etc. 777 Photo-engraving. Photo-electros 778 Special applications 779 Collections of photographs 780 Music 781 Theory 782 Dramatic 783 Sacred 784 Vocal 785 Orchestral 786 Piano and organ 787 Stringed instruments 788 Wind " 789 Percussion and mechanical 790 Amusements 791 Public entertainment 792 Theater. Opera 793 Indoor amusements 794 Games of skill. Chess 795 Games of chance. Cards 796 Outdoor sports 797 Boating and ball 798 Horsemanship. Racing 799 Fishing. Hunting. Shooting DECIMAL CLASSIFICATION 45 THIRD SUMMARY SECTIONS Literature 300 Literature 801 Philosophy 802 Compends 803 Dictionaries 804 Essays 805 Periodicals 806 Societies 807 Study and teaching 808 Rhetoric. Treatises 809 History 810 American literature 811 Poetry 812 Drama 813 Fiction 814 Essays 815 Oratory 816 Letters 817 Satire. Humor 818 Miscellany 819 820 English literature 821 Poetry 822 Drama 823 Fiction 824 Essays 825 Oratory 826 Letters 827 Satire. Humor 828 Miscellany 829 Anglo-Saxon literature 830 German literature 831 Poetry 832 Drama 833 Fiction 834 Essays 835 Oratory 836 Letters 837 Satire. Humor 838 Miscellany 839 Minor Teutonic literatures 340 French literature 841 Poetry 842 Drama 843 Fiction 844 Essays 845 Oratory 846 Letters 847 Satire. Humor 848 Miscellany 849 Provencal literature 850 Italian literature 851 Poetry 852 Drama 853 Fiction 854 Essays 855 Oratory 856 Letters 857 Satire. Humor 858 Miscellany 859 Rumansh and "Wallachian 860 Spanish literature 861 Poetry 862 Drama 863 Fiction 864 Essays 865 Oratory 866 Letters 867 Satire. Humor 868 Miscellany 869 Portuguese literature 870 Latin literature 871 Poetry 872 Dramatic 873 Epic 874 Lyric 875 Oratory 876 Letters 877 Satire. Humor 878 Miscellany 879 Minor Italic literatures 880 Greek literature 881 Poetry 882 Dramatic 883 Epic 884 Lyric 885 Oratory 886 Letters 887 Satire. Humor 888 Miscellany 889 Minor Hellenic literatures 890 Minor languages 891 Minor Indo-European 892 Semitic 893 Hamitic 894 Scythian. Turanian 895 Eastern Asiatic 896 African 897 North American 898 South American 899 Malay-Polynesian and other 46 A. L. A. CATALOG CLASS LIST THIRD SUMMARY SECTIONS History 900 History 901 Philosophy 902 Compends. Chronologies 903 Dictionaries 904 Essays 905 Periodicals 906 Societies 907 Study and teaching 908 Polygraphy 909 Universal histories 910 Geography and travels 911 Historical 912 Maps 913 Antiquities 914 Europe 915 Asia 916 Africa 917 North America 918 South America 919 Oceanica. Polar regions 920 Biography 921 Of philosophy . 922 " theology 923 " sociology 924 " philology 925 " science 926 " useful arts 927 " fine arts 928 " literature 929 Genealogy. Heraldry 930 Ancient history 931 China 932 Egypt 933 Judea 934 India 935 Medo-Persia ' 936 Kelts 937 Rome. Italy 938 Greece 939 Minor countries 940 Europe 941 Scotland. Ireland 942 England. Wales 943 Germany. Austria 944 France 945 Italy 946 Spain. Portugal 947 Russia 948 Norway. Sweden. Denmark 949 Minor countries 950 Asia 951 China 952 Japan 953 Arabia 954 India 955 Persia 956 Turkey in Asia 957 Siberia 958 Afghanistan. Turkistan. Baluchistan 959 Farther India 960 Africa 961 North Africa 962 Egypt. Nubia 963 Abyssinia 964 Morocco 965 Algeria 966 North Central Africa 967 South Central Africa 968 South Africa 969 Madagascar. Mauritius 970 North America 971 British America 972 Mexico. Central America 973 United States 974 North Atlantic states 975 South Atlantic states 976 South Central or Gulf states 977 North Central or Lake states 978 Western or Mountain states 979 Pacific states 980 South America 981 Brazil 982 Argentina. Patagonia 983 Chile 984 Bolivia 985 Peru 986 Colombia. Ecuador 987 Venezuela 988 Guiana 989 Paraguay. Uruguay 990 Oceanica. Polar regions 991 Malaysia 992 Sunda 993 Australasia 994 Australia 995 New Guinea 996 Polynesia 997 Isolated islands 998 Arctic regions 999 Antarctic regions Class List (47) SYMBOLS AOT) ABBREVIATIONS P popular treatment E readable. Used only for books unusually attractive in style Kf reference book S scholarly; by a recognized authority Y for young readers; in many cases applied to books equally suitable for adults All other abbreviations and symbols used in the Class List are explained 4p the introductory pages of this book (pp. 13-33). (48) OOO GENERAX. WORKS O1O Bibliography Lang, Andrew. The library. 2d ed. 1892. 20cm Macmillan $1:50 Rather slight bibliographic essays with pleasant literary flavor and touches of humor. W. J. Loftie contributed the material on MSS and early printed books and Austin Dobson the chapter on modern English illustrated books. Ed. sel. O14 Of special forms Frey, A. B. Sobriquets and nicknames. 20cm Honghton $2 Rf Alphabetic dictionary of fictitious names applied to real persons in stories and poems; of personal epithets; nicknames of literary men; historical characters, etc, with index of true names. X. Y. O15 Of special countries Certain catalogs prepared by bookdealers are very helpful to librarians as containing informa- tion not concisely given elsewhere. Such cata- logs are distributed free to book buyers. A list of desirable ones may be had by applying to the office of the Publishing board of the American library association. Ed. sel. Annual American catalogue cumulated 1900-1903. 1904. 26cm Pub. wkly. $4 11 Rf A record by author, title, subject and series, of books published in the U. S. 1900-1903. Convenient because entries for all four years are united in one alphabet, but libraries with small funds may easily use the "Annual summary" number of the Publishers' weekly for each year instead. Ed. sel. English catalogue of books. Latest vol. 25$cm Pub. wkly., pap $1.50 Rf Yearly list of current English publications, in dic- tionary form. Before 1902 Reference catalogue will answer needs of small library. X. Y. Publishers' trade list annual. Latest vol. 26 Jem Pub. wkly. Rf Catalogs of American publishers bound together, nlphabeted by names of firms. Issued annually in Au- gust. Separate index volume for 1902 giving in one alphabet authors, titles and subjects for all books in the Annual. Each entry gives publisher and price. Sup. index 1903-4, $2.50; combined index 1902-4, adv. subs. $6; volume of catalogs without index, $2 n N. Y. Publishers' weekly; American book-trade jour- nal. Latest vol. 24Jcm Pub. wkly. subs. $3 Rf Alphabetic list of books of week, with descriptive notes; publishers' announcements, book trade comment, etc. Monthly and quarterly cumulated lists, annual summary, education and other special numbers increase its value for libraries. N. Y. Reference catalogue of current literature. 2 v. 1902. 22cm Pub. wkly. $5n Rf Serves same purpose for English books as Pub- Ushers' trade IM annual for American. Index by authors, titles and subjects referring to page of publishers' cata- logs, at beginning of 1st volume. X. Y. United States catalog; books in print 1902; ed. by M. E. Potter. 2d ed. 1903. 26cm Wilson $15 Rf Entries under author, subject and title, in one alpha- bet, with particulars of binding, price, date and pub- lisher. Covers much the same ground as indexes of Publishers' trade list annual, but includes some additional minor publishers. Ed. sel. See also Public documents list. O16 Of special subjects Kroeger, A. B. Guide to the study and use of reference books. 1902. 25cm ( A. L. A. annot. lists) A. L. A. pub. board $1.25 n Rf For librarians, teachers and students. Gives author, full title, size, illustrations, publisher, price, brief descrip- tive note. Author and subject index, list of 100 reference books for smaller library. X.Y. Leypoldt, A. H. , & lies, George, ed. List of books for girls and women and their clubs. 1895. 26cm (A. L. A. annot. lists) A..L. A. pub. board $1 Rf About 2,100 titles in chief branches of literature, classed under 26 main headings; each group selected and annotated by a specialist. Publishers and prices; very full index. List is general and equally useful for boys and men. N. Y. New York. State library. Class list of a $500 library recommended for schools. 1901. 25cm (N. Y. state lib. bibliog. bul. 30) L T niv. of state of X. Y. 15c Rf Includes reference books and books for teachers. The few notes mainly on editions, which are selected to 2411- (49) 010 50 A. L. A. CATALOG CLASS LIST meet school needs. Titles for 9200 and 8300 library also indicated. Gives Abridged decimal classification numbers. X. Y. New York. State library. A selection from the best books, with notes. 23cm (N. Y. state lib. bibliog. bul. ) Univ. of state of N. Y. lOc Rf Issued each July. About 250 books of preceding calendar year, chosen with reference to needs of small libraries. Descriptive and bibliographic notes. Decimal classification and Library of Congress numbers for printed cards given. X. Y. Providence. Public library. Alphabetical cat- alogue of the editions in the Standard library. 1901? 25cm Rf Titles of books in the " Standard library " room at the Providence public library. Aims to present best edi- tions as to text, edition, size, paper, printing and bind- ing of 100 carefully selected authors. N. Y. 016.2 Religion D'Ooge, B: L. Helps to the study of classical mythology. 1899. 18cm Wahr 45c Rf References to books and magazines, subdivided under art, religion and literature. Contains list of books indexed, table of contents, and full index. Pittsburg. 016.3 Sociology Bowker, B: B., & lies, George, ed. Reader's guide in economic, social and political science. 1891. 19cm (Econ. tracts) Soc. for pol. educ. $1 Rf Class list with concise notes indicating scope and relative value. Suggestions for reading, citation of au- thorities, bibliographic helps, etc., introduce each sub- ject. X. Y. Brooks, B. C. Bibliography of municipal prob- lems and city conditions. 2d ed. 1901. 25cm Ef Reform club $1.50 Marot. Helen, comp. Handbook of labor litera- ture. 1899. 20cm Philadelphia free lib. of econ. & pol. sci. $1 Rf Classed and annotated list of more important books and pamphlets in English. Articles in periodicals not included. Xotes descriptive rather than critical. Lists of labor song books and labor and general sociologic periodicals, publishers' addresses, author index. X. Y. Monroe, W. S. Bibliography of education. 1897. 18 Jem (Internat. educ. ser. ) Appleton $2 Rf Class list of 3,200 titles with author index. Many short notes. O16.7 Fine arts Sturgis, Bussell, & Krehbiel, H: E: comp. Annotated bibliography of fine art; ed. by George lies. 1897. 26cm (A. L. A. annot. lists) A. L. A. pub. board $1 Rf Descriptive, critical and comparative notes on 1,000 works on painting, sculpture, architecture, decorative arts, illustration [by Russell Sturgis] and music [by H:E; Krehbiel] Classed, with author and subject index. X. Y. O16.8 Literature Baker, E. A. A descriptive guide to the best fiction, British and American, including trans- lations from foreign languages; containing about 4,500 references. 1903. 20Jcm Macmillan $2.50 n ,/ Rf Xote under each title gives theme and occasionally characterization, and list of editions. Best or repre- sentative works are starred. In Historical appendix all books illustrating history or social life of a country are entered briefly under 1) country, 2) period, 3) date. Full subject index and author-title index increase reference value. X. Y. Cornu, Mme Sophie, & Beer, William. List of 'French fiction, annotated. 1898. 12Jcm (A. L. A. annot. lists) A. L. A. pub. board lOc Rf Includes 186 titles, chosen from 70 representative au- thors with regard to soundness of sentiment as well as excellence of style. Gives author, title, publisher, price and descriptive note. X. Y. Hodgkins, L. M. Guide to the study of nine- teenth century authors. 1898. 19cm Heath 60c Rf Indicates books and articles of value in studying 26 prominent English and American authors. Kroeger. "Welsh, A. H. English masterpiece course. 1887. 20cm Silver 75c n Rf Lists of references to books and magazine articles on principal English and American writers from Chaucer to Tennyson. Pittsburg. Winchester, C. T. Five short courses of reading in English literature. Rev. ed. 1900. 16cm Ginn 40c Rf Represents nature and progress of English literature from beginning of Elizabethan period to present. Each course followed by list of additional reading. Pref. O16.9 History Adams, C: K. Manual of historical literature. 3d ed. 1903. 21cm Harper $2.50 Rf List of the most important histories in English, ,/ French, and German, with related biography, philosophic ' inquiry, etc. States scope and authority, characterizes style, and points out special value or defects. Offers sug- gestions for reading. X. Y. Boston. Public library. Finding list of gene- alogies and town and local histories containing family records. 1900. 25cm Trustees 25c Charming-, Edward, & Hart, A. B. Guide to the study of American history. 1897. 19cm Ginn $2 ^ Rf Contains hints on reading and teaching history, selected bibliography of American history , and well- arranged series of topics on colonial and United States history. L. A. H. Gardiner, S: B. , & Mullinger, J: B. Introduc- tion to the study of English history. 4th ed. ,/ 1903. 20cm Paul 7/6 n Contents: pt. 1, Introduction to English history, by S:R. Gardiner; pt. 2, Authorities, by J: B. Mullinger. GENERAL WORKS BIBLIOGRAPHY 51 Getchell, M. S. Study of mediaeval history by the library method for high schools. 1897. 19cm Ginn 55c Rf References to historical literature relating to middle ages, arranged by periods. Pittsburg. Gordy, W. F., & Twitchell, W. I. Path- finder in American history. 1893. 19Jcm Lee $1.20 n Rf Handbook for teachers, containing topical outlines, lists of readings mainly from secondary sources, and sug- gestions as to methods of teaching. Style and treatment adapted to needs of elementary classes. L. A. H. Literature of American history; a bibliograph- ical guide in which the scope, character, and comparative worth of books in selected lists are set forth in brief notes by critics of authority; ed. for the American library association by J. N. Larned. 1902. 25cm (A. L. A. annot. lists) A. L. A. pub. board $6 n Rf 4,145 titles, closely classified under six main heads. Appendix: Books suggested for a good school library, for a town library, for a good working library, by Ed- ward Channing, p. 463-71. Supplement for 1900 and 1901, ed. by P. P. Wells. 1902. 25cm (A. L. A. annot. lists) A. L. A. pub. board $1 n Rf Nearly 200 entries in one alphabet. Notes generally condensed from reputable reviews, signed where practi. cable. Future supplements will be issued also on cards. N. Y. Hill, H. B. Hints to teachers and students on the choice of geographical books for reference and reading. 1897. 19cm Longmans $1.25 Rf Prepared by request of Geographical society. Gives lists of selected books, grouped by countries, with pub- lishers, prices, and many descriptive notes. N. Y. "Winsor, Justin. Reader's handbook of the American revolution, 1761-1783. 1899. 18cm Houghton $1.25 Beginning with first discontent with British rule, indi cates where the best information on each point is to be gathered. Adams. O17 Clased catalog Pittsburg. Carnegie library. Monthly bul- letin. 23cm yrly 25c Rf Salem. Public library. Bulletin. 25Jcm yrly 25c Rf The Carnegie and Salem bulletins are included because of their good, up-to-date lists on special subjects. The Pittsburg bulletin furnishes notes to most of the month's added books. Ed. sel. O19 Dictionary catalogs Peabody institute. Second catalogue, including additions since 1882. Part 1-7, A-R. 1896-1904. 27 Jem Deutsch co. $4.50 ea Rf Of great value, specially fotanalytic subject entries, if library can afford.it. Ed. sel. O2O Library economy Dana, J: C. Library primer. 3d. ed. 1903. 19Jcm Lib. bur. $1 Manual for small libraries. Advice on preliminary work, trustees, librarian, building, tools, book selection, buying, care, classification, cataloging, charging, the read- ing room, reference books, reference work, etc. N. Y. Library journal. Latest vol. 25 Jem Pub. wkly. yrly $5 Monthly. Official organ of American library association. Index to v. 1-22, Publishers' weekly office, $2.50. Minnesota. State library commission, ed. Handbook of library organization, comp. by the library commissions of Minnesota, lo-wa and Wisconsin. 1902. 22Jcm Minnesota State lib. commission, Minneapolis 25c Plummer, M. . W. Hints to small libraries. 3d ed. 1902. 21cm Lane 50c n Chapters discussing routine best followed in starting a small library, giving such details as inexperienced libra- rians need. Suggestions as to simple an,d economical methods. N. Y. Public libraries. Latest vol. 25cm Lib. bur. yrly $1 Monthly, except August and September. Spofford, A. B-. A book for all readers. 2d ed. 1900. 20cm Putnam $2 On choice, acquisition, binding and arrangement of f books, with suggestions on memory training, making . information available, library administration, rare books, etc. Primarily for librarians but of interest to all book ' lovers. N. Y. O25 Adminitration American library association. List of subject headings for use in dictionary catalogs. 2d ed. with an appendix containing hints on subject cataloging and schemes for sub-heads under countries and other subjects. 1901. 24 Jem Bf A. L. A. pub. board $2 Cutter, C: A. Expansive classification. Part 1, The first six classifications. 1891-93. 25Jcm Lib. bur. $5 Rf A library using this system need not buy the Decimal. 017 52 A. L. A. CATALOG CLASS LIST V Dewey, Melvil. Abridged decimal classification and relativ index for libraries, clippings, notes, etc. 1894. 25|cm Lib. bur. $1.50 Rf Also in Library notes, v. 4, no. 13-14, Jan.-Ap. 1895. For small and slowly growing libraries. The abbrevi- ated numbers can be changed to full class numbers with- out other alteration than adding extra figures. A library using this system need not buy the Expan- sive. Decimal classification and relativ index for libraries, clippings, notes, etc. 6th ed. 1899. 25cm Rf 1 Ab. bur. $5 Simplified Library school rules; card cat- alog, accession, book numbers, shelf list, capitals, punctuation, abbreviations, library handwriting. 1898. 25cm Ef Lib. bur. $1.50 Hasse. A. B. United States government publi- cations; a handbook for the cataloged. Part 1-2. 1902-03. 25icm Lib. bur. pt. 1, $1; pt. 2, $2 Rf Contents: pt. 1. The government at large, the Con- stitution, statutes, treaties; pt. 2. The legislative body. Briefly explains character and principles governing treatment of each type of publication for dictionary cat- alog, and gives sample cards. Two parts, on the execu- tive body and on the judiciary, government institutions, government serials, are to follow. N. Y. See also Public documents list O27 General libraries Foote, E.. L.. The librarian of the Sunday school. 1897. 17cm Eaton 35c Practical manual on organization, care of books, cata- loging, charging system, repairs, reports, with chapter on the library's province and purpose, by M. T. Wheeler. X. Y. See also Public documents list O2 Reading and aids Buffalo. Public library. Class room libraries for public schools. 1902. 24Jcm 31c Ef Arranged alphabetically by authors under grades 1-9; gives publisher and price; alphabetic subject index refers to articles as well as books; author and title index also a suggested list for school reference libraries. N. Y.; Counsel upon the reading of books. 1900. 19cm Houghton $1.50 Contents: Preface on reading and books, by H. Van Dyke; History, by H. M. Stephens; Memoirs and biogra- phies, by A. Repplier; Sociology, economics and politics, by A. T. Hadley; The study of fiction, by B. Matthews; Poetry, by B. Perry; Essay and criticism, by H. W. Mabie. Koopman, H. L. The mastery of books: hints on reading and the use of libraries. 1896. 19cm Amer. bk. co. 90c Discusses selection, methods, memory, note taking, periodicals, reference books, etc. Gives classified list of valuable books, and annotated list of books on reading. N. Y. Lamed, J. N. A talk about books. 1897. 18jcm Buffalo, Author 50c An address to high school students. Moore, A. C. List of books recommended for a children's library; comp. for Iowa library com- mission. 1903. 23Jcm lOc Rf Adds practical suggestions on choice and purchase of children's books. N. Y. Moulton, B: O. ed. Four years of novel read- ing: an account of an experiment in popularizing the study of fiction. 1895. 19cm Heath 50c Contents: The study of fiction, by R. G. Moulton; Backworth classical novel-reading union; Four years' work done by the Union; Why is Charles Dickens a more famous novelist than Charles Reade? The character of Clara Middleton; The ideal of asceticism; Character devel- opment in "Romola." O3O (weneral cyclopedias It will hardly be necessary for a small library to buy all four general cyclopedias namexl. All are generally trustworthy, but before buying more than two it will be wise to add in German either Brockhaus' Konvermtions-Lexikon, 16v. or Meyer's Konversations-Lexikon,l~\'.&iid in French Nouveau Larmuse illustrc, 7v. Ed. sel. O31 V in I-M a n Appleton's annual cyclopaedia and register of important events of the year. Latest vol. 26cm Appleton subs. $5 Rf Gives summary of year's events in politics, statis- tics, commerce, finance, science, agriculture, literature, art, biography, and necrology. Text of important bills before Congress given in full. Pratt. Century cyclopedia of names; ed. by B: E. Smith. 1899. 31 Jem Century $10 subs. Rf Includes names in geography, biography, mythol- ogy, history, ethnology, art, fiction, forming a supplemen- tary volume to Century dictionary. Fullest in biography and geography. Pronunciation and derivation of names given. Kroeger. Champlin, J: D. Young folks' cyclopaedia of common things. 2d ed. 1893. 21icm Holt $2.50 Rf Y An attempt to bring cyclopedic knowledge within the range of a child's intellect. Articles very brief and simple. Index. Kroeger. Young folks' cyclopaedia of persons and places. 3ded. 1900. 21cm Holt $2.50 Rf Y Supplements Young folks' cydopxdia of common things with biographic and geographic information. Kroeger. GENERAL WORKS CYCLOPEDIAS. PERIODICALS 53 Encyclopedia Americana; editor-in-chief: F: C. Beach, v. 1-13, A-Rud. 1903-04. 27cm Americana co. subs. $6 ea International year-book; a compendium of the world's progress during the year. Latest vol. 25}cm Dodd $3 Rf Similar in scope to Appleton's annual cyclopaedia, but entries are under more specific topics. To supple- ment cyclopedias. Kroeger. \J New international encyclopaedia. 17v. 1902-04. 26cm Ef Dodd $5 ea V Universal cyclopaedia and atlas; newly rev. by Rossiter Johnson. 12 v.' 1903. 28Jcm Appleton $6 ea Specially strong in science, engineering, discoveries, inventions, and biography. Contains sketches of living persons. Maps numerous and good. Pratt. Known also as Johnson's cyclopedia. O32 English ,// Chambers's encyclopaedia; a dictionary of uni- versal knowledge. 10 v. 1901. 27cm Lippincott subs. $25 Rf Of English origin, but contains articles on Ameri- can subjects written by specialists in U. S. Bibliographic references. Kroeger. Hazell's annual, a cyclopaedic record of men and topics of the day. . Latest vol. 19cm Hazel 1 3/6 Rf Compiled largely for British reference and dealing mainly with English, colonial and foreign affairs, though discussing general questions. L. & I. O4O General collected American library association. Publishing 1 board. The "A. L. A." index by W: J. Fletcher. 2d ed. enl. and brought down to Jan. 1, 1900. 1901. 27icm A. L. A. pub. board $10 Rf Refers under subject to essays, papers, monographs, and parts of books, including some reports and publica- tions of boards dealing with sociologic affairs. Includes only books in English. Kroeger. O5O General periodicals, maga- zines Annual literary index, 1900-03; ed. by W: I. Fletcher and R. R. Bowker. 5v. 1901-04. 27Jcm Pub. wkly. $3.50 Rf Indexes about 137 English and American periodic- als under subjects, with a separate author index. In- eludes annual index to parts of books, essays, etc., thus supplementing A. L. A. index to general literature; also a necrology, index to important dates, and list of special bibliographies. Kroeger. Poole's index to periodical literature. Abridged ed. covering 37 periodicals, 1815-99. 1901. 26 Jem Houghton $12 Rf The full set of Poole's index, comprising 5v. ($52 n) covering the full period 1815-1901 should be bought when libraries can afford it, especially if near large libraries owning many sets of magazines to which patrons may have access. Ed. gel. Readers' guide to periodical literature. Latest vol. 25}cm Wilson yrly $6 R Monthly. Consolidation of the Reader's guide to periodical litera- ture (v. 1 Jan. 1901) & Cumulative index to a selected list of periodicals (v.l Jan. 1896) Indexes 62 periodicals, a few of little value, nearly all general. Includes reviews, poetry and portraits. N. Y. Complete sets of such magazines as Atlantic monthly, Century, Harper's monthly, American monthly review of reviews, and Scribncr's magazine are, with Poole's index as a key, very valuable as reference material and may be had of special dealers. Ed. sel. American monthly review of reviews. 25cm Rev. of rev. yrly $2.50 Atlantic monthly. 24cm Houghton yrly $4 i Index to v. 61-66, 1888-1901, Houghton $2 n Century; illustrated monthly magazine. 25cm Century yrly $4 Critic; an illustrated monthly review. 25cm Putnam yrly $3 Dial; a semi-monthly journal of literary criticism, discussion and information. 27cm Dial yrly $2 Harper's monthly magazine. 25cm Harper yrly $4 Index to v. 1-85, 1850-92, Harper 15 Living age. 24jcm Living age yrly $6 Weekly. McClure's magazine. 25cm McClure yrly $1 Monthly. North American review. 24cm N. Amer. r. yrly $5 Monthly. Outlook. 24jcm Outlook yrly $3 Weekly. 027 54 A. L. A. CATALOG CLASS LIST St Nicholas: an illustrated magazine for young folks. 25xl9cm Century yrly $3 Y Monthly. A full set of St Nicholas very valuable in children's room. Index covering first 27 volumes, Cumulative index co. $1 n N. Y. Scribner's magazine. 24Jcm Scribner yrly $3 Monthly. World's work. 26cm Doubleday yrly $3 Monthly. Youth's companion: an illustrated weekly for young people. 42cm Y P. Mason yrly $1.75 O52 English periodicals \ Athenaeum. 30cm Ath. office yrly 13/ Weekly. Contemporary review. 25cm Marshall 2/6 a number Monthly. O7O (weneral newspapers. Journalism Dana, C: A. Art of newspaper making. 1895. 18$cm Appleton $1 Contents: The modern American newspaper; The pro- fession of journalism; The making of a newspaper man. Shuman, E. L. Practical journalism. 1903. 19Jcm Appleton $1.25 n Relates mainly to practical details to be learned only in newspaper office. Full of valuable hints and sugges- tions. Nation, 77: 306 O71 American The Nation; a weekly journal. SOJcm Nation yrly $3 O72 English Spectator. 34Jcm Weekly. Spectator 1 6/ , 1OO PHILOSOPHY 4 It is doubtful whether a small library can afford to buy in its original equipment some of the great classics that are not often called for. In order to include more of the worthy and attractive lesser books, the works of certain great philosophers have been omitted from the classified lists, but good editions may be had, as follows: J 192 Bacon, Francis, Works. Riverside ed. 15 v. Houghton $33.75 or Popular ed. 2 v. Houghton $5 192 Berkeley, George. Works. 3 v. Macmillan $4.50 n 194 Comte, Augruste. Positive philosophy. 3 v. Macmillan $4.50 n 1/194 Descartes, Rene'. The method, meditations, etc. Scribner $2.60 n 193 Fichte. J. G. Popular works. 2 v. Scribner $8.40 1O9 Hegel, G. "W. F. History of philosophy. 3 v. Scribner $13.50 n S 110 Kant, Immanuel. Prolegomena; ed. by G. P. Carus. 1902. Open court pub. co. 75c 192 Locke, John. Philosophical works. 2 v. Macmillan $2 11 192 Mill, J: S. Examination of Sir William Hamilton's philosophy. Longmans $5.50 193 Schopenhauer, Arthur. Essays. 7 v. Scribner $6.30 (^193 World as will and idea. 3 v. Scribner $15 n / 193 Spinoza, Benedictus de. Chief works. 2 v. Macmillan $3 n 1O2 Outlines Hibben, J: G. Problems of philosophy; an in- troduction. 1898. 19cm Scribner $1 n An unusually successful attempt to meet wants of beginners. David Irons in Philos. r. 8:86 Hyde, W: De W. Practical idealism. 1897. 19cm Macmillan $1.50 Contents: The world of sense-perception; The world of association; The world of science; The world of art; The world of persons; The world of institutions; The world of morality; The world of religion. Addressed to men of affairs. Illustrates connection between philosophy and practical matters of human life. Philos. r. 7:665 (B) Kiilpe, Oswald. Introduction to philosophy; a handbook for students of psychology, logic, ethics, aesthetics and general philosophy, tr. by W. B. Pillsbury and E. B. Titchener. 1901. 19 Jem Macmillan $1.60 n Systematic and historical. N. Wilde in Educ. r. 15:194. Stuckenberg, J: H: W. Introduction to the study of philosophy. 1902. 22cm Armstrong $1.50 n Admirable presentation within comprehension of aver- age reader. Brett. 1O4 Essays Howison, G: H. Limits of evolution, and other essays illustrating the metaphysical theory of personal idealism. 1901. 20cm Macmillan $1.60 n Contents: Limits of evolution; Modern science and pantheism; Later German philosophy: The art-principle as represented in poetry; Right relation of reason to religion ; Human immortality: its positive argument; The harmony of determinism and freedom. James, William. Will to believe, and other essays in popular ^philosophy. 1897. 20cm Longmans $2 R 8 Contents: The will to believe; Islife worth living? The sentiment of rationality; Reflex action and theism; The dilemma of determinism; Moral philosophy and the moral life; Great men and theirenvironment: Importance of individuals; On some Hegelisms: What psychical research has accomplished. Popular in no sense that can make it of less service to the specialist. Nation, 65:33. Royee, Josiah. Studies of good and evil: a series of essays upon problems of philosophy and life. 1898. 19Jcm Appleton $1.50 Contents: The problem of Job; Case of John Bunyan; Tennyson and pessimism; Knowledge of good an&evil; Natural law, ethics, and evolution; Implications of self- consciousness; Some observations on the anomalies of self-consciousness; Self-consciousness, social conscious- ness and nature; Originality and consciousness; Meister Eckhart; An episode of early California life, the squatter riot of 1850 in Sacramento; Jean Marie Guyau. Sturt, H: C. ed. Personal idealism; philosoph- ical essays by eight members of the University of Oxford. 1902. 23cm Macmillan $3.25 n ' Contents: Error, by G. F. Stout; Axioms as postulates, by F. C. S. Schiller; The problem of freedom in its rela- tion to psychology, by W. R. B. Gibson; The limits of evo- lution, by G. E. Underhill; Origin and validity in ethics, by R. R. Marett; Art and personality, by H. Sturt; The future of ethics, effort or abstention? by F. W. Bussell; Personality, human and divine, by H. Rashdall. Directed against naturalism and absolutism. A. K. Rogers in Philos. r. 12: 577 (55) 052 56 A. L. A. CATALOG CLASS LIST 1O9 History Rogers, A. K. Student's history of philosophy. 1901. 20cm Macmillan $2 n A short bibliography appended to each section. Helpful to college classes of not very advanced stand- ing, as also to general readers. Dial, 32: 206. Weber, Alfred. History of philosophy; tr. by Frank Thilly. 1896. 21cm Scribner $2.50 n Sources, p. 6-16. Bibliography, p. 605-11. European philosophy. Windelband, Wilhelm. History of philosophy; tr. by J. H. Tufts. 2d ed. 1901. 24cm Macmillan $4 n Connected account of development of those philo- sophic concepts most significant for modern thought. G. 8. Fullerton in Philos. r. 9: 194. HO Metaphysics Haldane, B: B. Pathway to reality. 1903. 22Jcm (Gifford lect. 1902-3) Murray 10/6 n . Contents: Meaning of reality; Criticism of categories. Extremely brilliant exposition of Hegelianism. H. Rashdall in Mind, n. . 12: 527. Ladd, G: T. Theory of reality; an essay in meta- physical system upon the basis of human cogni- tive experience. 1899. 23cm Scribner $4 Its knowledge broad and accurate, its psychology well digested, its method the ^analysis of experience, its gen- eral standpoint theism. 'Philos. r. 8: 627 (B) Paulsen, Friedrich. Introduction to philoso- phy. 2d Amer. ed. tr. by Frank Thilly. 1898. 22cm . Holt $3 n Shows clearly and convincingly untenability of mate- rialism as an ultimate view of the real. John Watson in Philos. r. 2: 207. Ill Ontology Royce, Josiah. World and the individual. 2 v. 1900-01. 21cm (Gifford lect. 1899-1900) Macmillan ser. 1, $3 n; ser. 2, $2.25 n Ser. 1, The four historical conceptions of being, aims so to define being as to arrive at some conception of what is meant by the reality of God, and of the world and the human individual in relation to God. Ser. 2, Nature, man and the moral order, develops the general theory of being by applying it to particular problems of human experi- ence. J: Dewey in Philox. r. 9: 311; 11: 392. 113-119 Cosmology Fiske, John. Outlines of cosmic philosophy, based on the doctrine of evolution. 4 v. 1903. 2Hcm Houghton $8 By no means a mere reproduction of Spencer's philoso- phy, but an independent exposition of evolutionism showing originality, specially in regard to social evolu- tion and the relation of religion and science. L. & I. Spencer, Herbert. First principles. 1899. 20Jcm / Appleton $2 v General principles underlying his system of synthetic philosophy. 12O Other Metaphysical Topics 124 Teleology. Final causes Janet, P. A. R. Final causes; tr. by William Af- fleck. 2ded. 1883. 22cm Scribner $2.50 126 Personality Shaler, N. S. The individual; a study of life and death. 1900. 194cm Appleton $1.50 v Study, from scientific standpoint, of relations and pos- sibilities of personality, with consideration of meaning of death. N. Y. 12 The soul James, William. Human immortality; two supposed objections to the doctrine. 1898. 18cm Houghton $1 Simple, clear, candid. 13O Mind and body Jastrow, Joseph. Fact and fable in psychology. 1900. 21cm Houghton $2 / Reprint of magazine essays. Discusses problems of psychic research, mental telegraphy, spiritualism, hyp- notism, the psychology of deception, dreams of the blind, etc. N. Y. 131 Mental physiology Bain, Alexander. Mind and body; the theories of their relation. 1897. 19Jcm (Internat. sci. ser.) P Appleton $1.50 Carpenter, W: B: Principles of mental physi- ology. 1900. 20cm Appleton $3 Ladd, G: T. Elements of physiological psychol- ogy. 1900. 23cm Scribner $4.50 n Plain statement of the facts of much of the field of experimental psychology. Likely to be long indispensa- ble to students unfamiliar with German. C. S. Pierce in Amer. j. psychol. (B) Warner, Francis. Nervous system of the child. 1900. 19i.cm Macmillan $1 n Addressed to parents, physicians, and mainly to teach- ers. Clear, comprehensive, scientific: the result of long study as teacher and physician. X. Y. PHILOSOPHY METAPHYSICS. PSYCHOLOGY 57 1 32 Derangements Maudsley, Henry. Responsibility in mental disease. 1895. 19jkm (Internat. sci. ser. ) Appleton $1.50 P Gives clearly results of investigations into nature of insanity and its presumed criminal' manifestations. Acad. (B) 134 Hypnotism / Moll, Albert. Hypnotism. 5th ed. rev. 1902. 19cm (Contemp. sci. ser.) Scribner $1.50 Bibliography, p. 419-22. Podmore, Frank. Apparitions and thought- transference; an examination of the evidence for telepathy. 1896. 19cm (Contemp. sci. ser.) Scribner $1.50 135 leep Bigelow. John. Mystery of sleep. 2d ed. 1903. 19 Jem Harper $1.50 R General treatise. 13 Physiognomy Darwin, C: R. Expression of the emotions in man and animals. 1899. 20Jcm Appleton $3.50 A study, undertaken because of its bearing on evolu- tion, made through very minute and extensive observa- tions of animals and of civilized and savage man. Buffalo. 14O Philosophic systems 141 Transcendentalism. Idealism / Frothingham, O. B. Transcendentalism in New England. 1903. 20$cm Amer. unit, ass' n $1 15O Psychology Baldwin, J. M. Mental development in the child and the race; methods and processes. 2d ed. 1903. 21Jcm Macmillan $1.75 n Of interest no less to biologist than to psychologist. Full of original and suggestive material. Amer. nat. Social and ethical interpretations in men- tal development; a study in social psychology. 3d ed. 1902. 22cm Macmillan $2.60 n Crowned with gold medal of Danish Royal academy. A continuation of studies begun in Mental develop, ment in the child and the race, but independent of it. The relation of the individual to social development and the extent to which one throws light on the other. DialCB) See also 573 for his Development and evolution. Story of the mind. 1898. ISJcm (Lib. of useful stories) Appleton 40c Bibliography, p. 233-36. Authoritative; not too deep or technical for an ordi- nary reader to understand and enjoy. N. Y. Bosanquet, Bernard. Psychology of the moral self. 1897. 19Jcm Macmillan $1.25 n In 10 short, luminous lectures it applies results of the best psychology of today to the problems of ethical sci- ence. W. Caldwell in Phtios. r. 7: 213. Calkins, M.. W. Introduction to psychology. 1901. 20cm Macmillan $2 n Bibliography, p. 492-503. For beginners. Chamberlain, A. F. The child; a study in the evolution of man. 1900. 19cm (Contemp. sci. ser.) Scribner $1.50 Bibliography, p. 465-95. One of the best summaries of child study. A fund of information and sources, valuable in the class room and readable for all interested in the knowledge of the child. Psychol. r. 8:642 (B) Compayre, Gabriel. Intellectual and moral de- velopment of the child; tr. by M. E. Wilson. 2v. 1896-1902. 18cm (Internat. educ. ser.) Appleton $1.50 ea Contents: pt. 1, Perception, emotion, memory, imagina- tion and consciousness: pt. 2, Development of the child in later infancy. Careful and thorough, yet sympathetic summary of in- fant psychology. Dial (B) Groos, Karl. The play of man; tr. by E.. L. Baldwin. 1901. 19Jcm Appleton $1.50 n Scientific treatise on sport and pastime. Closing pages devoted to relation of play to pedagogics. Science, 1901. James, William. Principles of psychology. 2v. 1890. 22cm (Amer. sci. ser. Adv. ) Holt $4.80 R S Partly reprinted from Mind, Journal of speculative philosophy, Popular science monthly and Scribner's mag- azine. Brilliant and suggestive. Author not an experi- mental psychologist. As a whole for advanced students, but chapters on ' Habit ' and ' Memory ' can be enjoyed by every reader. L. & T. Kiilpe. Oswald. Outlines of psychology, based upon the results of experimental investigation; tr.by E:B.Titchener. 2d ed. 1901. 24cm Macmillan $2.60 n Ladd,G:T. Primer of psychology. 1894. 19cm Scribner $1 n From standpoint of descriptive psychology. Accurate, brief and crisp. E. W. Scripture in Pedagog. sem. (B) Psychology, descriptive and explanatory. 1894. 23cm Scribner $4.50 Lange, Karl. Apperception; a monograph on psychology and pedagogy; ed. by Charles De Garmo. 1903. ISJcm (Heath's ped. lib.) Heath $1 For parents as well as teachers. 109 58 A. L. A. CATALOG CLASS LIST . Leibniz, Q. W. New essays concerning human understanding; tr. by A. G. Langley. 1896. 20cm Macmillan $3.25 A translation of v. 5 of Gerhardt's Die philosophischen schrtften von G. W. Leibniz, consisting of an introduction by Gerhardt, several short pieces on Locke's .Essay and the New essays on human understanding; and an appendix containing other short pieces of Leibnitz bearing on sub- jects /discussed or referred to in the New essays. Trans- lator's pref. Malier, Michael. Psychology: empirical and ra- tional. 4th ed. 1900. 19Jcm (Stonyhurst philos. ser.) Longmans $1.75 Certainly every Catholic student of psychology- should have this. Amer. cath. q. 26: 204 Mind. 1902. 15 Jem ( Little masterpieces of sci.) Doubleday 50c n Contents: Part played [by infancy in the evolution of man, by J: Fiske; New study of children, by J. Sully; Twins, by F. Galton; Sight in savages, by W. H. Hud- son; Mechanism in thought and morals, by O. W. Holmes; Memory, by H. Maudsley; Common sense, by W. B. Carpenter; A liberal education, by T. H. Huxley; Science and culture, by T. H. Huxley. Morgan, C. L. Introduction to comparative psy- chology. 1894. 19cm (Contemp. sci. 'ser.) Scribner $1.50 Relation of the psychology of man to that of the higher animals. Exposition full, clear and fair. E. B. Titchener in Dial (B) Miinsterberg, Hugo. Psychology and life. 1899. 21cm Houghton $2 Contents: Psychology and life; Psychology and physiol- ogy; Psychology and education; Psychology and art; Psychology and history; Psychology and mysticism. Reprinted from the Atlantic monthly, Psycholoffical review and Educational review. Chief aim is separation of conceptions of psychology from conceptions of our real life. Pref. Remarkably clear and vigorous. J. E. Creighton in Philos. r. (B) Preyer, William. Mental development in the child; tr. by H. W. Brown. 1893. ISJcm (Internat. educ. ser.) Appleton $1 Mainly concerned with early stages of speech. Buffalo. Mind of the child; tr. by H. W. Brown. 2v. 1888-89. 18Jcm (Internat. educ. ser.) Appleton $3 Contents: pt. 1, The senses and the will; pt. 2, Devel- opment of the intellect. Takes us over first 3 years of life, noting all the chief movements of development. James Sully in Mind, 7: 416 (B) Romanes, G: J: Mental evolution in man. 1902. 22cm Appleton $3 The third in perhaps the greatest continuous and sys- tematic psychologic labor ever proposed (1, Animal intel- ligence; 2, Mental evolution in animals) No student of psychology can afford to dispense with this rich, learned and elaborate contribution to his subject. Nation, 48: 491 (B) B-oyce, Josiah. Outlines of psychology; an ele- mentary treatise, with some practical applica- tions. 1903. 20cm (Teachers' prof. lib. ) Macmillan $1 n The most systematic exposition of his psychology. J. H. Muirhead in Mind n. s. 12: 547. Shinn, M. W. Biography of a baby. 1900. 19 Jem Houghton $1.50 f R Psychologic study of the first year of a child's life. Spencer, Herbert. Principles of psychology. 2 v. 1903, '02. 20Jcm Appleton $4 / Its significance lies in emphasizing the impossibility of explaining individual consciousness by the experience of the individual himself. We must go back to the experi- ence of the race. Harald Hoffding (B) Stout, G: F: Groundwork of psychology. 1903. 21cm Hinds $1.25* Manual of psychology. 1899. 17 Jem (Univ. tutorial ser.) Hinds $1.50 From genetic point of view, designed to draw the student into real psychologic problems. Educ. r. 21: 254. Sully, James. Studies of childhood. 1903. 22Jcm Longmans 12/6 R Contents: Age of imagination; Dawn of reason; Products of child-thought; The little linguist; Subject to fear; Raw material of morality; Under law; Child as artist; The young draughtsman; Extracts from a father's diary; George Sand's childhood; Bibliography (p. 515-18) From birth to 6th year; f aluable. Teacher's handbook of psychology, on the basis of Outlines of psychology. 4th ed. 1897. 19Jcm Appleton $2 References at end of each chapter. Succinct and luminous view of best scientific doctrine with regard to the senses, perception, higher intellectual powers, emotions and volition. Mind (B) Wundt, "W. M. Lectures on human and animal psychology; tr. by J. E. Creighton and E. B. Titchener. 1896. 23cm Macmillan $2.60 n R Covers chief problems of mental science. Accurate. Joseph Jastrow in Dial, 20: 74 (B) Outlines of psychology; tr. by C:H. Judd. 2d rev. Eng. ed. 1902. 22cm Stechert $2 n Gives a classification of different theories of psychology. 151 Intellect Hobhouse, It. T. Mind in evolution. 1901. 23cm Macmillan $3.25 n A good, honest and straightforward work, full of care- ful analysis and well-digested synthesis. It will repay reading and rereading. C. L. Morgan in Mind, 12: 103. PHILOSOPHY LOGIC. ETHICS 59 Locke. John. Essay concerning human under- standing, annotated by A. C. Fraser. 2 v. 1894. 23cm Clarendon $8 n Editions and interpretations of Locke's Essay; v. 1, pref. p. 11-15. A chief factor in the development of modern philosophy during the last two centuries. A. C. Fraser. 1 52 Sense. Sense perception Mach, Ernst. Contributions to the analysis of the sensations; tr. by C. M. Williams. 1897. 20cm Open court pub. co $1.25 n A wonderfully original little book. Like everything he writes, a work of genius. William James. 16O Logic Bosanquet, Bernard. Essentials of logic, 10 lectures on judgment and inference. 1895. 19icm Macmillan $1 n Creighton, J. E. Introductory logic. 1898. 19icm Macmillan $1.10 n References at end of each chapter. Questions and ex- ercises, p. 348-87. Better arrangement of materials, truer perspective, clearer statement than in most latter-day text-books. J. A. MacVannel in Educ. r. 17: 490, 500-501. Jevons, W: S. Logic. 15^cm (Sci. prim.) Amer. bk. co. 35c n Clear, and adapted to the inexperienced. N. Y. Principles of science; a treatise on logic and scientific method. 1900. 19Jcm Macmillan $2.75 n J: S. System of logic, ratiocinative and inductive; a connected view of the principles of evidence and the methods of scientific investi- 'gation. 8th ed. 1900. 24cm Harper $2.50 Marked a new epoch in literature of logic. A science of the method of quest after experimental truth or prob- abilitv. David Masson (B) 161 Inductive Hibben, J: G. Inductive logic. 1896. 18 Jem Scribner $1.50 Minto, William. Logic, inductive and deduct- ive. 1901. 18cm (Univ. ser.) Scribner $1.25 n 16 Argument Sidg-wick, Alfred. Process of argument; a con- tribution to logic. 1893. 19Jcm Black 5/ 17O Ethics Many standard works, because seldom used in a popular library, have been omitted in favor of lesser books of high character and more general appeal. Good editions of some standards which should perhaps be earliest added as the library grows are as follows: 171 Alexander, Samuel. Moral order and progress. 3ded. 1899. Paul 14/ 170 Aristotle. Nichomachean ethics; tr. by J. E. C. Well- don. 1897. Macmillan 82 n 171 Calderwood, Henry. Handbook of moral philosophy. 1902. Macmillan 81.50 n 170 Green, T. H. Prolegomena to ethics. 4th ed. 1899. Oxford univ. $1.90 171 Janet, Paul. Theory of morals. 1883. Scribner 82.50 171 Muirhead, J. H. Elements of ethics. (Univ. exten. man.) Scribner 81 n 170 Paulsen, Friedrich. System of ethics. 1899. Scribner $3 n 171 Stephen, Sir Leslie. Science of ethics. 1882. Smith, Elder 16/ 17O Social rights and duties. 2 v. 1896. Macmillan 83 Bowker, B: B. Arts of life. 1900. ISJcm Houghton $1.25 On attainment of highest results in character, culture and human relations through everyday life and enlight- ened use of education, business, politics and religion. N.Y. Bryant, Mrs Sophie ( Willock) Short studies in character. 1894. 19cm (Ethical lib.) Macmillan $1.50 Bushnell, Horace. Moral uses of dark things. Centenary ed. 1903. 20cm Scribner $1.25 n Its value consists not in its philosophic but in its prac- tical character. Nation, 1869. Everett, C: C. Ethics for young people. 1891. 19cm Ginn 50c What he appeals to in young people is their own self- respect and their contempt for what is coarse, selfish and wrong. J. G. Schurman in Pfiilos. r. 1:199 (B) Garrison, W. P. Parables for school and home. 1897. 19cm Longmans $1.25 Y Short chapters for school reading, each intended to interest children in some person, place or event. N. Y. Oilman, N. P. , & Jackson, E: P. Conduct as a fine art: la\vs of daily conduct, by N. P. Oil- man; character building, by E: P. Jackson. 1891. 20cm Houghton $1.50 To aid public school teachers in giving moral instruc- tion apart from religious doctrine. Hilty, Earl. Happiness; essays on the meaning of life; tr. by F. G. Peabody. 1903. 19cm Macmillan $1.25 n 151 60 A. L. A. CATALOG CLASS LIST Hyde, W: De W. The cardinal virtues. 1902. 18 Jem Y E Crowell 28c n Lecky, W: E: H. History of European morals, from Augustus to Charlemagne. 3d ed. 2 v. 1903. 18 Jem S E Appleton $3 Map of life; conduct and character. 1901. 19 Jem Longmans $2 "A calm survey of life," based on utilitarian theory and appealing to reason and common sense. Notable for breadth of view and sober judgment. N. Y. Mccunn, John. The making of character; some educational aspects of ethics. 1900. 19Jcm (Camb. ser. for schools) Macmillan $1.25 n Central idea is "that all growth and training must seek to develop a self-poised, self-governing being." S: T. Dutton (B) Mackenzie, J: S. Manual of ethics. 4th ed. 1901. 17Jcm (Univ. tutorial ser. ) Hinds $1.50 Thorough and independent discussion. Fresh and orig- inal. Jour, ofeduc. (Eng.)' Palmer, G: H. Field of ethics. 1901. 19Jcm (W: Belden Noble lect. 1899) Hough ton $1.10 n B, In respect of teaching power an excellent and wholesome essay. J. D. Logan in Phtios. r. (B) Nature of goodness. 1903. 19Jcm Hough ton $1.10 n Contents: Double aspect of goodness; Misconceptions of goodness; Self-consciousness; Self-direction; Self-devel- opment; Self-sacrifice; Nature and spirit; The three stages of goodness. The Field of ethics marked out the place which ethics occupies among the sciences. In this book the first problem of ethics is examined. Pref. Seelye, J. H. Duty; a book for schools. 1891. 19cm Ginn 30c Y A simple, beautiful and even fascinating exposition of the cardinal principles and rules of morality. Style swift, graphic and transparent. Philos. r. (B) Sidgwick, Henry. Outlines of the history of ethics for English readers. 4th ed. 1896. 18Jcm (Macmillan's man. ) Macmillan $1.25 n Based on his article in Encyclopaedia Britlanica. Interesting account of development of successive lines of thought, not treating the writers as isolated thinkers but exhibiting them as representatives of living ideas which grew in their hands. Spec. 59:1279. Strong, Sydney. Talks to boys and girls. 1902. 19cm Revell 50c n Y Kite talks; Random talks; The life I ought to live. Title. Wagner, Charles. Youth; tr. by Ernest Red- wood. 1903. 18 Jem Dodd $1.25 Y Discusses influences affecting young people to-day. Clear analysis of good and evil forces; enthusiastic belief in humanity. N. Y. 171 Theories Evans, E: P. Evolutional ethics and animal psy- chology. 1898. 19 Jem Appleton $1.75 Bibliography, p. 359-67. Story of the development of the relations between man and the animal world. Dial, 24:329 (B) Harris, George. Moral evolution. 1896. 20cm Houghton $2 Purpose is to establish the harmony of personal and social morality with the facts of evolution. Pref. Huxley, T: H: Evolution and ethics, and other essays. 1902. 1 9cm Appleton $1.25 Contents: Evolution and ethics; Prolegomena; Evo- * lution and ethics; Science and morals; Capital, the mother of labour; Social diseases and worse remedies; Struggle for existence in human society; Letters to the Times on the ' Darkest England' scheme; Legal opinions; Articles of war of the Salvation army. Martineau, James. Types of ethical theory. 3d ed. 1898. 20cm ( Clarendon press ser. ) Clarendon $2.60 n V V. 1, a critical exposition of certain leading thinkers, chiefly Plato, Spinoza and Comte, who belong to Euro- pean but not to English thought, v. 2, his o\vn system; and a discussion of the leading English modes of ethical thought. Henry Sidgwick. Mill, J: S. Utilitarianism. 1901. 22 Jem Longmans $1 v It remains, after all deductions and corrections are made, far the most ample and rational text-book of the principle of greatest happiness as the foundation of ethics. Frederic Harrison (B) Morley, John. On compromise. 1874. 22 cm Macmillan $1.50 Contents: Of the possible utility of error; Intellectual responsibility and the political spirit; Religious conform- ity; The realisation of opinion. Schurman, J. G. Ethical import of Darwinism. 1887. 19cm Scribner $1.50 Object is to distinguish between science and specula- tion in the application of Darwinism to morals. Pref. Sidgwick, Henry. Methods of ethics. 6th ed. 1901. 22Jcm Macmillan $4 n Broad in treatment and free from dogmatism. Burris. Few books to a like degree constrain us to clear and exact thinking; few like this give us a habit of prudence and caution in our ethical reasoning. G. von Gizycki in Internat.j. ethics (B) Smyth, Newman. Christian ethics. 1892. 21 cm (Internat. theol. lib. ) Scribner $2.50 n PHILOSOPHY ETHICS 61 Spencer, Herbert. Principles of ethics. 2 v. 1892-93. 20Jcm Appleton $4 Evolutionary. Clear and masterly in style and treat- ment. Burris. 172 Political ethics Brewer, D. J. American citizenship. 1902. 19 cm (Yale lect. on responsibilities of citizen- ship) Scribner T5c 11 Contents: Obligations of citizenship; The maintenance of a good character a primary obligation of every citizen; Service a responsibility of citizenship; Obligation of obe- dience; The duty of striving to better the life of the nation. Potter, H: C. bp. Citizen in his relation to the industrial situation. 1902. 20cm (Yale lect. on responsibilities of citizenship) Scribner $1 n 173 Family ethics Cox, J/r* M. M. Home thoughts. 2 v. 1901-2. 20cm Barnes $1.20 ea n Essays. Reprinted from yew York Evening Post. Oilman, Mrs Charlotte (Perkins) Stetson. Concerning children. 1900. 19cm Small $1.25 Wholesomely disturbing book that deserves to be read for its own sake. Dial, 30:49 (B) The home; its work and influence. 1903. 19cm McClure $1.50 n Full of thought and of new and striking suggestions. Tells what the average woman has ar\d ought not to keep, what she is and ought not to be. Lit. world, 35:7. Wiggin, Mrs K: D. Children's rights; a book of nursery logic. 1892. 18cm Hough ton $1 R On the management and education of little chil dren; talks on children's reading, plays, the kindergarten, etc. X. Y. 174 Business ethics Strong, Josiah. 1901. ISJcm The times and young men. Baker & T. 75c n Attemptsto point out the unchangeable laws of life un- derlying the revolution in social, commercial, industrial and religious ideas. N. Y. 177 Social ethics. Advice to young women Bell, Mr* F. E. E. (Olliffe) Minor moralist; some essays on the art of everyday conduct, by Mrs Hugh Bell. 1903. 20cm Longmans $1.60 n Treats manners from ethical standpoint, penetrates to the spirit of courtesy, gives the philosophy of etiquette. Outl. 74:138. Black, Hugh. Friendship; with an introd. note by W. R. Xicoll. 1903. 22cm Revell $1.50 n Hersey, H. E. To girls. 1902. 17icm Ginn $1 Contents: About education; About social relations; About personal conduct. For girls over 14. The lighter phases of Ijfe are touched upon, as well as the great questions of all ages. Notably free from cant. Dull (B) 17 Temperance Fanshawe, E. L. Liquor legislation in the United States and Canada: report of a non-partisan in- quiry on the spot into the laws and their opera- tion. 1893. 19cm Cassell $1 Keren, John. Economic aspects of the liquor problem; an investigation made for the Com- mittee of fifty, under direction of H. W. Farnam. 1899. 19cm Houghton $1.50 Bibliography, p. 313-22. Rowntree, Joseph, &Sherwell, Arthur. Tem- perance problem and social reform. 9th ed. 1901. 20cm Truslove $2 n Considers temperance legislation in its relation to the general social problem; the causes that create intemper- ance and possible counteracting influences, with a resume of present conditions. Pittsburg. Wines, F: H. , & Keren, John, ed. Liquor problem in its legislative aspects. 2d ed. 1898. 19icm. Houghton Work of a sub-committee of the Committee of 50 to in- vestigate the liquor problem. 2d ed. contains new chapter on Operation of New York (Raines) liquor tax law, and brings down to date obser- vations on South Carolina dispensary system, Massachu- setts and Pennsylvania liquor legislation. Pittsburg. See also Public documents list 179 Other ethical topics "Wagner, Charles. Courage. 1903. 18 Jem Dodd $1.25 In discussing his main theme, he treats clearly and interestingly of the foundation virtues, obedience, sim- plicity, the inward watch, heroic education, manly honor, etc. Critic (B) Willoughby, W. W. Social justice; a critical essay. 1900. 22icm Macmillan $3 n 18O Ancient philosophers Windelband, Wilhelm. History of ancient philosophy; tr. by H. E. Cushman. 1899. 21cm Scribner $2.50 n Thoughtful, fresh and interesting presentation of rich, suggestive important material. Philof. r. 9: 194 (B) 1898. / $1.25 / 171 62 A. L. A. CATALOG CLASS LIST Pater, Walter. Plato and Platonism; lectures. 21cm Macmillan $1.75n R Sets forth literary, esthetic and political features. Students of philosophy and Greek literature who already know their Plato will find a deal of delight in the book and no little enlightenment. Philos. r. (B) 1 Stoic Aurelius Antoninus, Marcus. Thoughts; tr. by George Long. Rev. ed. 1887. 18cm (Bohn's class, lib. ) Macmillan $1 n Mr Long's version being what it is, an Englishman who reads to live, and does not live to read, may hence- forth let the Greek original repose upon its shelf. Mat- thew Arnold (B) Other editions of same translation are: Little 81; in Handy vol. Cambridge classics, 75c; Putnam 50c (World's classics) Macmillan publishes another good translation, by G. H. Kendall, Marcus Aurelius Antoninus to himself. 2d ed. 1898, 81.75; in Golden treasury series 81. Epictetus. Discourses; with the Encheiridion and fragments; tr. by George Long. 1885. 19cm (Bohn's class, lib.) Macmillan $1.50n 19O Modern philosophers Adamson, Robert. Development of modern philosophy, with other lectures and essays. 2v. 1903. 23cm Blackwood 18/ n Contents: v. 1, Memorial introduction; Bibliography; Development of modern philosophy; Descartes and intel- lectualism; English empiricism; Philosophy of Kant; Post-Kantian idealism; Suggestions towards a theory of knowledge based on the Kantian, v. 2, Inaugural ad- dress in the University of Glasgow; Giordano Bruno; Psychology and epistemology; Kant's view of psychology; Philosophy and the social problem; Basis of morality; Regeneration of Germany; Principles of psychology. Its most distinctive value is systematic unity and con- tinuity of exposition. G. F. Stout in Mind, n. s. 12: 265. H0ffding, Harald. History of modern philoso- phy; a sketch of the history of philosophy from the close of the renaissance to our own day, tr. by B. E. Meyer. 2 v. 1900. 23}cm S B Macmillan $7.50 Royce, Josiah. Spirit of modern philosophy. 1892. 21 Jem Houghton $2.50 , S R Historical account of the most prominent philo- sophic thinkers and their problems. Pt. 2, the author's own confession of philosophic faith. J. E. Creighton in Philos. r. 1: 322. Watson, John. Outline of philosophy, with notes, historical and critical. 2d ed. 1898. 20cm Macmillan $2.25 n First published 1895 under title Comte. Mitt and Spencer. An exposition of idealistic philosophy with a criticism of opposing schools. J. G. Schurman in Philos. r. 4: 318 (B) 192 British Macpherson, H. C. Spencer and Spencerism. \f 1900. 20cm Doubleday $1.25 n R Decidedly best single book yet written in exposition of Herbert Spencer's philosophy. Too sympathetic to be fairly critical. Educ. r. 21: 316. 193 German Duff, R. A. Spinoza's political and ethical philosophy. 1903. 24cm Macmillan $3.50 n Able and suggestive. J. E. Creighton in Philos. r. 12: 561. Kant, Immanuel. Critique of pure reason, in commemoration of the centenary of its first pub- y lication; tr. by F. M. Miiller. 1896. 21cm Macmillan $3 n Kant, Immanuel. Kritik of judgment; tr. by J. H. Bernard. 1892. 23cm Macmillan $3.50 n V As an original thinker the only modern philosopher who can be put beside Plato and Aristotle. Josiah Royce. Paulsen, Friedrich. Immanuel Kant, his life ,/ and doctrine; tr. by J. E. Creighton and Albert Lefevre. 1902. 22cm Scribner $2.50 n 2OO RELIGION The aim has been to make such a selection of religious books as will, for the most part, be eagerly used by almost any American commu- nity; but not to make even a small representa- tive theological library. It will not satisfy any specialist. It will not satisfy any institution or community having a dominant religious bent. Local conditions should, probably, under such circumstances modify the selection. Avowedly controversial books are intentionally omitted. 20 1 Philosophy of religion Abbott, Lyman. Evolution of Christianity. 2d ed. 1893. 18cm (Lowell inst. lect.) Houghton $1.25 For intelligent laymen, on the philosophy of Chris- tianity. G. A. Gordon in And. r. 18: 188 (B) Caird, Edward. Evolution of religion. 3d ed. 2 v. 1899. 21cm (Gifford lect. 1890-92) Macmillan $4 n On principles underlying author's view of religion and its history and on development of Jewish and Christian religions. Pittsburg. Caird, John. Introduction to the philosophy of religion. New ed. 1901. 21cm (Croall lect. 1878-79) Macmillan $1.50 n James, William. Varieties of religious expe- rience; a study in human nature. 1902. 23cm (Gifford lect. 1901-2) Longmans $3.20 n Psychologic study of personal religion in widely differ- ent manifestations. N. Y. Martineau, James. Seat of authority in religion. 2d ed. 1890. 22fcm Longmans $4.50 Contents: Authority implied in religion; Authority arti- ficially misplaced; Divine authority intermixed with human things; Severance of undivine elements from Christendom; The divine in the human. In the response of the human soul to the personality of Jesus, as to all spiritual excellence higher than its own, author finds the seat of authority. Nation, 50: 491. Study of religion, its sources and contents. 2v. 1888. 20cm Clarendon $4.50 A presentation in the largest and freest manner of the argument for theism, and chiefly the argument from design. C. C. Everett in Unit. r. (B) 2O3 Dictionaries. Cyclopedias Jackson, S: M. ed. Concise dictionary of re-' ligious knowledge and gazetteer. 3d ed. 1898. 26cm Ef Maynard $4 2O4 Essays Brooks, Phillips. Essays and addresses, reli- gious, literary, and social; ed. by J: C. Brooks. 1894. 21cm Button $1.20 n Burroughs, John. Light of day. 1900. 19Jcm Houghton $1.25 Gardner, Alice. Conflict of duties, and other essays. 1903. 21cm Unwin 7/6 Contents: The conflict of duties; Religious needs of the intellectual life; Moral ideal of the intellectual life; Sectarianism; Wear and tear; Symbolism in religion; Professor Seeley as a moral and religious teacher; Re- ligious instruction in schools: how far should it be denominational? Hatred and charity; Theological read- . ing for non-theological readers; Truthfulness; Religion and good taste; Grounds of religious liberty; Confession and spiritual direction; Christianity as a historical re- ligion; Man's responsibility for his beliefs; Moral teach- ing of history; Early Christian mysticism. Mabie, H. W. Life of the spirit. 1899. 17|cm Dodd $1.25 Essays relating religion to modern life. N. Y. McKeiizie, Alexander. of the world. 1898. lect. ) Divine force in the life 20 Jem (Lowell inst. Houghton $1.50 Mellone, S. H. Leaders of religious thought in the nineteenth century. 1902. 19cm Blackwood 6,' n S Contents: Light on the way; John Henry Newman; Newman's Grammar of assent; James Martineau; What is religious experience? Forms of agnosticism and posi- tivism; The agnosticism of Herbert Spencer; Robert Browning. Theme of book the idea of God. Analyzes views of five thinkers, theorists widely divergent in intention, in many respects antagonistic, and shows that in each is somewhere the idea of a god and the necessity of his existence. Acad. 62: 215. (63) 184 64 A. L. A. CATALOG CLASS LIST Parker, Theodore. Views of religion. 5th ed. 1900. 21 Jem Amer. unit, ass'n $1 n Romanes, G: J: Thoughts on religion. 3d ed. 1897. 20cm (Religion of sci. lib.) Open court pub. co. $1.25 Contents: pt. 1, The influence of ncience upon religion; pt. 2, Notes for a work on a candid examination of religion. Shows tendency from unbelief to belief in Christian revelation. Pittsburg. Van Dyke, Henry. Gospel for an age of doubt. / 6th ed. 1902. 20cm Maumillan $1.25 Ranks high among modern contributions to philosophy of religion. Outl. 54: 1146 (B) "Watson, John. Mind of the Master. 1896. 19Jcm Dodd $1.50 Sermons emphasizing the words of Jesus as the sub- stance of Christianity. 2O8 Collected works Channing, W: E. Works. New ed. 1903. 21$cm Amer. unit, ass'n $1 n Wesley, John. Selections from the writings of Wesley; comp. by Herbert Welch. 1901. 19cm Eaton $1.25 21O Vat nra I theology / Drummond, Henry. Natural law in the spirit- ual world. 19cm Pott $1 Fiske, John. Through nature to God. 1899. 18cm 'Houghton $1 Contents: The mystery of evil; The cosmic roots of love and self-sacrifice; The everlasting reality of religion. An argument for theism from evolutionary standpoint. X. Y. Smyth, Newman. Through science to faith. 1902. 21cm ( Lowell inst. lect. 1900-1) Scribner $1.50 n 21 1 Deism Bowne, B. P. Theism. 1902. 22cm (Deems lect.) Amer. bk. co. $1.75 Fiske, John. Idea of God as affected by mod- ern knowledge. 18cm Houghton $1 Its value is the impression that it intentionally makes that theism is necessary to any comprehensive view of evolution. G: Harris in And. r. 5:99 (B) Liecky, "W: E : H. History of theriseand influence of the spirit of rationalism in Europe. Rev. ed. 2 v. 1903. 20Jcm Appleton $4 Schurman, J. G. Agnosticism and religion. 1896. 17Jcm Scribner $1 Contents: Pt. 1, Huxley and scientific agnosticism; pt. 2, Philosophical agnosticism; pt. 3, Spiritual religion, its evolution and essence. Clear and pertinent to present day intellectual and spiritual needs. Outl. (B) 213 Evolution Zahm, J: A. Evolution and dogma. 1896. 20cm McBride $2 Lucid; vigorous. Cath. world. 214 Providence. Theodicy Bruce, A. B. Moral order of the world in, an- cient and modern thought. 1899. 21cm (Gif- ford lect. 1898. 2dser.) Scribner $2 First 5 lectures deal with Buddha, Zoroaster, the Greek tragedians, and the Stoics; the next 3 with Hebrew and Christian Scriptures, while the closing chapters bring us to Browning as the exponent of modern optimism, and finally to modern dualism. JVew world. Providential order of the world. 1897. 20 Jem (Gifford lect, 1897) Scribner $2 Maintains sturdily the presence of God in the develop- ment of society; approaches whole question from poiut of view of the thinking of to-day. Biblical world, 12:144 (B) 215 Religion and science Huxley, T: H: Science and Christian tradition. v\ 1902. 19cm (Collected essays, v. 5) Appleton $1.25 Contents: Prologue (Controverted questions); Scientific and pr,eudo-scientific realism; Scienceandpseudo-science; An episcopal trilogy; The value of witness to the mirac- ulous; Possibilities and impossibilities; Agnosticism; Agnosticism: a rejoinder; Agnosticism and Christianity: The keepers of the herd of swine; Illustrations of Mr Gladstone's controversial methods. Science and Hebrew tradition. 1901. 19cm (Collected essays, v. 4) .A Appleton $1.25 Contents: On the method of Zadig; The rise and prog- ress of palaeontology; Lectures on evolution; The inter- preters of Genesis and the interpreters of nature; Mr Gladstone and Genesis; The lights of the church and the light of science; Hasisadra's adventure; The evolution of theology: an anthropological study. Shaler, N. S. Interpretation of nature. 1893. y/ 18cm Houghton $1.25 Points toward ultimate harmony between religion and science. N. Y. 21 Immortality Fiske, John. Destiny of man. 9th ed. 1886. 17 Jem Houghton $1 ;X It may reassure those who can not deny many of the conclusions of evolution, yet who fear its effects on re- ligious beliefs. G: Harris in And. r. 3:84 (B) Life everlasting. 1901. 18cm (Inger- soll lect. 1900) Houghton $1 n - Infers from man's past development the probability of his continued life. N. Y. , Gordon, G: A. Immortality and the new the- odicy. 18 Jem (Ingersoll lect. 1896) Houghton $1 RELIGION NATURAL THEOLOGY. BIBLE 65 Royce, Josiah. Conception of immortality. 1900. 18 Jem (Ingersoll lect. 1899) Houghton $1 Savage, M. J. Life beyond death. 1899. 21cm Putnam $1.50 Review of world's beliefs, consideration of present con- ditions of thought and feeling leading to question whether it can be demonstrated as a fact. Some hints as to per- sonal experiences and opinions appended. Title. 220 Bible Brigg-s, C: A: General introduction to the study of Holy Scripture. 1899. 23cm Scribner $3 n Farrar, F: W: The Bible, its meaning and supre- macy. 1897. 20|cm Longmans $2 Foster, Charles. Story of the Bible, from Gen- esis to Revelation. 1901? 21 Jem Baker & T. $1 Y Simple continuous narrative of the Scriptures. Sunderland, J. T: The Bible: its origin, growth, and character, and its place among the sacred books of the world. 1893. 20cm Putnam $1.50 List of books for Biblical study and reading, p. 267-87. 22O.1 Inspiration Gladden, Washington. Who wrote the Bible? 1891. 18cm Houghton $1.25 P R Gives compactly principal facts on which scholars now generally agree concerning the literary history of the Bible. N. Y. 22O.2 Concordances Cruden, Alexander. Concordance to the Holy Scriptures, on the basis of Cruden; ed. by John Eadie, with introd. by David King. 1867? 23cm Amer. tract soc. $1 Rf No library needs both this and Strong. Cruden is well known and excellent and may possibly serve for some time instead of the larger work. Ed. sel. Helps to the study of the Bible. 1903? ISJcm Oxford univ. $1.50 Including introductions to the several books, the his- tory and antiquities of the Jews, the results of modern discoveries and the natural history of Palestine, with co- pious tables, concordance, and indices and a new series of maps. Title. Every word of the text of common English version with comparative concordance of authorized and revised versions. Brief dictionaries of Hebrew and Greek words of the original, with references to English words. Title. Strong, James. Exhaustive concordance of the Bible. 1894. 31 x 23cm Rf Eaton $6 22O.3 Dictionaries Hastings, James, ed. Dictionary of the Bible. 4 v. 1898-1902. 28cm Scribner subs. $6 ea Rf PS Contents: v. 1, A-Feasts; v. 2, Feign-Kinsman; v. 3. Kir-Pleiades; v. 4, Pleroma-Zuzim. 22O.4 Original texts and early versions. Kenyon, F: O: Our Bible and the ancient man- uscripts; a history of the text and its transla- tions. 4th ed. 1903. 21cm Nelson $2 22O.5 Versions of tbe Bible. Bible. Holy Bible; translated from the Latin Vulgate; Old Testament published at Douay, A. D. 1609, and New Testament published at Rheims, A. D. 1582. 1899? 20Jcm Murphy $1.25 Holy Bible; Old and New Testaments; being the version set forth A. D. 1611 compared with the most ancient authorities and revised A. D. 1881-1885; newly ed. by the American revision committee, A. D. 1901. 1901. 23cm Nelson $1.50-$9 The final form for Americans of the great revision of the English Bible. By far, and in every respect, the best English translation of the Bible in existence, both for scholars and for people. Biblical world, 18:268 (B) Holy Bible: Old and New Testaments; with the former translations compared and re- vised; appointed to be read in churches. 23 Jem Oxford univ. $1.25-$7 Rf Includes Apocrypha 232 p. Holy Bible: Old and New Testaments; revised version 1881-1885, with revised marginal references. 1898. 21cm Oxford univ. $l-$6 Includes Apocrypha. Bible stories; ed. by R: G. Moulton. 2v. 1899. 14Jcm (Mod. reader's Bible Chil- dren's ser.) Macmillan 50c ea Contents: v. 1, Old Testament; v. 2, New Testament. The stories are in the language of Scripture, altered only by omissions. Revised version is used with frequent substitution of margin for text. Intended as ground plan of Bible history. Pref. Bible. Selections. Bible for children; with in- trod. by H: C. Potter. 1902. 26cm Century $3 Y Abridged and arranged by Mrs J. B. Gilder from King James version, disregarding verse divisions and using a new system of chapters. Francis Brown in pref. Good for children's reading-room, using Modern reader's Bible stories for circulation. Ed. sel. 2411- 208 66 A. L. A. CATALOG CLASS LIST 22O.8 Special topics Bible as literature, by R: G. Moulton, J: P. Peters, A. B. Bruce, and others; with introd. by Lyman Abbott. 1896. 19cm Crowell $1.50 Moulton, R: G. Literary study of the Bible; an account of the leading forms of literature repre- sented in the sacred writings. 1899. 21 Jem Heath $2 Distinguishes epic, lyric, dramatic essay and other lit- erary forms found in the Bible. N. Y. Short introduction to the literature of the Bible. 1901. 17cm Heath $1 S P Not an abridgment of his Literary study of the Bible. N. Y. 22O.9 Geography and history MacCoun, Townsend. The Holy Land in geog- raphy and in history. 2 v. 1897. 18cm Revell $2 Contents: v. 1, Geography; v. 2, History. Sold separately v. 1, $1; v. 2, $1.25. No other work of the same cost presents so much infor- mation in usable shape. Specially valuable for Bible classes and students of biblical history. Biblical world, 10:393. 221 Old Tetament Abbott, Lyman. Life and literature of the an- cient Hebrews. 1901. 20cm Houghton $2 Aims to show that results of modern criticism enhance value of Bible as an instrument for cultivation of spirit- ual faith. N. Y. Beale, Mrs H. S. B. Stories from the Old Testa- ment, for children. 1899. 22cm Y Stone $1.50 Brooke, S. A. Old Testament and modern life. 1896. 19cm Dodd $1.50 20 sermons preached 1883-94. Driver, S: B,. Introduction to the literature of the Old Testament. 10th ed. 1900. 21cm (Internat. theol. lib.) Scribner $2.50 n Bibliography, pref. p. 22; references at beginning of chapters. Gladden, Washington. Seven puzzling Bible books; a supplement to "Who wrote the Bible?" 1897. 18cm Houghton $1.25 P Contents: Judges; Esther; Job; Ecclesiastes; The Song of songs; Daniel; Jonah. Guerber, H. A. Story of the chosen people. 1896. 19cm (Eclec. school readings) Y Amer. bk. co. 60c McCurdy, J. F: History, prophecy and the monuments. 3 v. 1894-1901. 22Jcm Macmillan $3 ea n Contents: v. 1 (1894) To the downfall of Samaria; v. 2 (1896) To the fall of Nineveh; v. 3 (1901) To the end of the Babylonian exile. McFadyen, J: E. Old Testament criticism and the Christian church. 1903. 21 Jem Scribner $1.50 n 8 Judicial. A book about criticism, not a critical book about the Bible. Outt. 74:431. Shows that criticism in no way imperils faith, but rather helps to bridge gulf between faith and reason. N. Y. Sayce, A. H: "Higher criticism" and the ver- dict of the monuments. 1894. 20Jcm Soc. for promot. Christian knowl. 7/6 Scripture records tested by comparison with all known Egyptian monuments, tablets and letters. Smith, H: P. Old Testament history. 1903. 21cm (Internat, theol. lib.) Scribner $2.50 n Terry, M. S. Moses and the prophets; an essay toward a statement of some of the positions of modern biblical criticism. 1901. 19cm Eaton $1 Admirable statement of results of recent biblical criti- cism. Jackson. 222 Old Testament: historical books Robinson, C: S. Pharaohs of the bondage and the Exodus. 1887. 19Jcm Century $1 223 Old Testament: poetic books Bible. O. T. Job. Book of Job, with notes, in- trod. and apx. by A. B. Davidson. 1899. 17cm (Camb. Bible) Macmillan $1.25 n Maclaren, Alexander. The Psalms. 3 v. 1894-98. 20cm. (Expositor's Bible) Armstrong $1.50 ea Contents: v. 1, Psalms 1-38; v. 2, Psalms 39-89; v. 3, Psalms, 90-150. 224 Old Testament: prophetic books Bible. 0. T. Isaiah. Isaiah; ed. with introd. and notes by R: G. Moulton. 1903. 14icm (Mod. reader's Bible) Macmillan 50c Selected as typical of this interesting series and as, per- haps, most interesting in itself. The object of the series is to present the books of the Bible in the literary form appropriate to each. Text is that of revised version, text or margins. The series is 21 volumes at 810. Ed. sel. 0. T. Ezekiel. Book of the prophet Eze- kiel, with notes and introd. by A. B. Davidson. 1896. 17cm (Camb. Bible) Macmillan $1.25n O. T. Daniel. Book of Daniel, with introd. and notes by S. R. Driver. 1901. 17cm (Camb. Bible) Macmillan 75cn Sanders, F. K., & Kent, C: F. Messages of the earlier prophets. 1898. 17cm (Messages of Bible 1) Scribner $1.25 n Arranges in order of time, analyzes and paraphrases prophecies of Amos, Hosea, Isaiah, Micah, Nahum, Zeph- aniah, Jeremiah, Habakkuk. Ed. sel. RELIGION BIBLE 67 Sanders, F. K., & Kent, C: F. Messages of the later prophets. 1899. 17cm (Messages of Bible 2) Scribner $1.25 n Books of reference, p. 375-77. Arranges in order of time, analyzes and paraphrases prophecies of Ezekiel, Obadiah, Jeremiah, Isaiah, Hag- gai, Zeohariah, Nehemiah, Ezra, Joel, Jonah. Ed. sel. Smith, G: A. Book of Isaiah. 2 v. 1900. 20 Jem '(Expositor's Bible) Armstrong $1.50 ea Contents: v. 1, Isaiah, 1-39. v. 2,.Isaiah, 40-66, with a sketch of the history of Israel from Isaiah to the exile. Book of the twelve prophets, commonly called the Minor. 2 v. 1898-99. 20icm (Ex- positor's Bible) Armstrong $1.50ea Contents: v. 1, Amos, Hosea and Micah, with introd. and a sketch of prophecy in early Israel, v. 2, Zephaniah, Nahum, Habakkuk, Obadiah, Haggai, Zechariah, 1-8, Malachi, Joel, Zechariah, 9-14, and Jonah, with hist, and crit. introductions. 225 New Testament Cary, G: L. Synoptic gospels, with a chapter on the text-criticism of the New Testament. 1900. 21cm (Internal, handbks. to N. T. 1) Putnam $2 Bibliography, pref. p. 17-18. Cone, Orello. Epistles to the Hebrews, Colos- sians, Ephesians and Philemon, the pastoral epistles, the epistles of James, Peter and Jude, with a sketch of the history of the canon of the New Testament. 1901. 21cm (Internal, handbks. to N. T. 3) Putnam $2 Drummond, James. Epistles of Paul, the apos- tle. 1903. 21cm (Internat. handbks. to N.T. 2) Putnam $2 Stevens, G: B. Theology of the New Testament. 1899. 21cm (Internat. theol. lib.) Scribner $2.50 n Bibliography, p. 593-96. Sets forth systematically the doctrinal contents of the N. T. according to its natural divisions and gives brief explanations of the mode of treating certain portions with respect to important critical differences. Pref. St Paul Abbott, Lyman. Life and letters of Paul the apostle. 1898. 20Jcm Houghton $1.50 Farrar, F:W. Life and work of St Paul. 1902. 21cm Button $2 Ramsay, W: M. St Paul the traveller and the Roman citizen. 3d ed. 1898. 23Jcm Putnam $3 Practically a commentary on Acts, so far as that book exhibits the career of St Paul, the development of Chris- tianity, and the extension of the Christian religion in the Roman empire. Pittsburg. Stalker, James. Life of St Paul. New ed. 1892. 19Jcm Revell 60c 226 Gospels Robinson, J. A. Study of the gospels. 1902. 18cm (Handbks. for clergy) Longmans 90c 227 Epistles Sabatier, Auguste. Apostle Paul; a sketch of the development of his doctrine; tr. by A. M. Hellier, ed. with essay on the pastoral epistles by G: G. Findlay. 5th ed. 1903. 20Jcm Pott $2 Stevens, G: B. Messages of Paul arranged in historical order, analyzed, and rendered in para- phrase. 1900. 17cm (Messages of Bible, 11) Scribner $1.25 n Reproduces, with some revision, the author's Epistles of Paul in modern English pifblished in 1898. 23O Theology Alden, H: M. God in his world: an interpreta- tion. 1890. 19icm Harper $1.25 Allen, A. V. G. Continuity of Christian thought: a study of modern theology in the light of its history. 1900. 20|cm (Bohlen . lect. 1883) Houghton $2 Bradford, A. H. Age of faith. 1900. 20cm Houghton $1.50 Interprets theories about God, man and the universe in light of God's fatherhood. N. Y. Clarke, J. F. Common-sense in religion: essays, 1901. 20|cm Houghton $2 Clarke, W: N. Outline of Christian theology. 1898. 21cm Scribner $2.50 n So sweet is its spirit, so catholic its intellectual temper that it will be read with interest and much sympathy by serious men and women of all schools. P. S. Moxom in Newworkl, 8:592 (B) Fairbairn, A. M. Place of Christ in modern theology. 10th ed. 1902. 23cm Scribner $2.50 A system of theology in outline. Contains a rapid and extended review of history of Christian doctrine, a sum- mary of principal results of biblical theology, and a dog- matic reconstruction, after a new method, of main Chris- tian doctrines. Bib. sac. 49 : 726 (B) Fisher, G: P. History of Christian doctrine. 1896. 21cm (Internat. theol. lib.) Scribner $2.50 n Gladden, Washington. How much is left of the old doctrines? 1899. 18cm P Houghton $1.25 221 68 A. L. A. CATALOG CLASS LIST Gordon, Q: A. Ultimate conceptions of faith. 1903. 20cm (Lyman Beecher lect. 1902) Houghton $1.30 n Hyde, W: De W. God's education of man. 1899. 18 Jem Hough ton $1.25 Shows the radical changes taking place in theologic conceptions, and restates in modern terms the vital points of orthodox Christianity. N. Y. King, H: C. Reconstruction in theology. 1901. 20cm Macmillan $1.50 Positive, constructive, conservative in a liberal and progressive sense, stimulating and strengthening. Lit. world. Mulford, Elisha. Republic of God. 1897. 22cm Houghton $2 Stevens, G: B. Teaching of Jesus. 1901. 19cm (N. T. handbks) Macmillan 75c n How Christ's conception of the Kingdom of God dif" fered from that of the Jews. Biblical world, 19 : 229 ( B) Swedenborg, Emannel. Compendium of the theological writings, by S. M. Warren. 3d ed. 1888. 23cm New church b'd of pub. $1.50 Bibliography, pref. p. 79-86. Van Dyke, Henry. Gospel for a world of sin; a companion volume to "The gospel for an age of doubt." 1899. 20cm Macmillan $1.25 231 God Hinton, James. Mystery of pain. 1892. ISJcrn Appleton 50c Wise, suggestive, large-minded. Fortn. 5: 510 (B) 232 hri*tolog;y Brooks, Phillips. Influence of Jesus. 1902. 20cm (Bohlen lect. 1879) Dutton $1.20 n His final answer to the question, how to meet the doubt, the weakness, the skepticism of the time. A. V. G. Allen (B) Didon, Henri. Jesus Christ our Saviour's per- son, mission, and spirit; from the French; ed. by Bernard O'Reilly. 2v. 1891. 23cm Appleton $5 Gordon, G: A. Christ of to-day. 1895. 20cm Houghton $1.50 E Easay in modern theology. Characterized by deep reverence and a truly catholic spirit. G. B. Stevens in New world, 5: 152 (B) Hughes, Thomas. Manliness of Christ. 18cm Houghton 50c Undertakes to show that character of Christ comprised all elements of true manliness not only as exhibited in charity, meekness and purity, but in patience, fortitude and courage. Harper, 61: 313 (B) Life of ChrlHt Andrews, S: J. Life of our Lord upon the earth considered in its historical, chronological and geographical relations. New ed. 1891. 22cm Scribner $2.50 Edersheim, Alfred. Life and times of Jesus the Messiah. 8th ed. 2 v. 1904. 23Jcm Longmans $2 Farrar, F: W: Life of Christ. 1894? 20cm Dutton $1.50 Geikie, J: C. Life and words of Christ. 1902. 24cm Appleton $1 Expository lectures or sermons on the Gospels. Ath. '77,2:299. Renan, Ernest. Life of Jesus; tr. rev. from the 23d ed. 1899. 21Jcm Little $2.50 v Considers Jesus only an extraordinary man, the highest moral reformer the world has ever known. Pittsburg. Rhees, Rush. Life of Jesus of Nazareth. 1900. 19cm (Hist. ser. for Bible students) Scribner $1.25 n A study rather than a story; a companion to the gospels which seeks to answer some of the questions raised by a sympathetic consideration of those narratives. Pref. Seeley, Sir J: R. Ecce Homo: a survey of the life and work of Jesus Christ. 1903. 17icm Little $1 Stalker, James. Life of Jesus Christ. Rev. ed. 1897. 20cm Revell 60c Short biography giving main events in sequence. 234 Salvation Gordon, G: A. Xew epoch for faith. 1901. 20cm Houghton $1.50 About one half of this volume Lowell institute lectures. Interprets spiritual meanings of 19th century, and main- tains that religion has been lifted above old dogmas to a stronger and purer faith. X. Y. Robbins, W. L. Essay toward faith. 1901. 18cm Longmans $1 236 Eschatology Alden, H: M. Study of death. 1895. 19Jcm Harper $1.50 Meditation on immortality; not an argument but a clear deep emotion. Critic. 239 Evidences of < h rit ianil > Arnold, Matthew. God and the Bible; a review of objections to " Literature and dogma." 1901. 18*cm Macmillan $1.50 v Addressed to men of free and active minds, who though they may be profoundly dissatisfied with the received theology, are yet interested in religion and more or less acquainted with the Bible. Pref. RELIGION THEOLOGY 69 Arnold, Matthew. Literature and dogma; an / essay towards a better apprehension of the Bible. 1902* ISJcm Macmillan $1.50 Here, then, is the problem: to find for the Bible a basis in something which can be verified instead of in some- thing which has to be assumed. Pref. Balfour, A. J. Foundations of belief. 8th ed. 1902. 19$cm Longmans $2 A lofty, disinterested and forcible attempt to contribute something to the solution of the eternal riddle, to dis- cover and support the truth in matters most vital to the happiness of man as a thinking being, to his beliefs, and, therefore, to his action and his endurance. Spec. 87: 992 (B) Barrows, J: H: Christianity the world-religion. 1897. 20cm (Barrows lect. 1896-97) McClurg 75c P Seven lucid lectures delivered in Calcutta. Admits freely the good in ethnic religions. N. Y. Bushnell, Horace. Nature and the supernatu- ral as together constituting the one system of God. Centenary ed. 1903. 20Jcm Scribner $1.25 n Butler, Joseph, bp. of Durham. Analogy of religion, natural and revealed, to the consti- tution and course of nature; with a life of the author, the whole ed. by Joseph Cummings. 1903. 19cm Eaton 75c Harnack, Adolf. What is Christianity? tr. by T. B. Saunders. 2d ed. 1901. 21cm Putnam $1.75 n Will appeal strongly to those who seek a fresh interpre- tation of the vital and significant in Christianity. N. Y. Pascal, Blaise. Thoughts, letters and opus- cules; tr. from the French by O. W. Wight. 1887. 19 Jem Houston $2.25 This translation was first published in 1859. lo Devotional. Practical Browne, Sir Thomas. Religio medici, Letter to a friend, &c. and Christian morals; ed. by W. A. Greenhill. 1901. 16Jcm (Golden treas. ser.) Macmillan $1 Coe, O: A. Religion of a mature mind. 1902. 20cm Revell $1.35 n Practical discussions of personal religion and difficul ties that beset Christian living. Pittsburg. Drummond, Henry. Essays and addresses. 1904. 19cm Pott $1 Contents: The programme of Christianity; The greatest thing in the world; Pax vobiscum; The changed life; The city without a church; Books for boys; Baxter's sec- ond innings. Fenelon, Francois de Salignac de La Mothe-. Spiritual letters: to men; tr. by H. L. S. Lear. 1903. 15cm Longmans $1 Spiritual letters: to women; tr. by H. L. S. Lear. 1902. 15cm Longmans $1 241 Didactic Bushnell, Horace. Christian nurture. Cen- tenary ed. 1903. 20icm Scribner $1.25 n A part published in 1847, but in present form first ap- peared in 1860. Taylor, Jeremy. Holy living and dying. 1897. ISJcm. (Bonn's stand, lib.) Macmillan $1 n With prayers; containing the whole duty of a Christian, and the parts of devotion fitted to all occasions, and fur- nished for all necessities. Title. Theologia germanica; ed. by Dr Pfeiffer, tr. by Susanna Winkworth; \vith pref. by Charles Kingsley. 1901. 16Jcm (Golden treas. ser.) Macmillan $1 242 Meditative Augustine, St Confessions, 10 books; tr. by W. H. Hutchings. 1898. 15cm (Lib. of spiritual works) Longmans $1 Coleridge, S: T. Aids to reflection and the Con- fessions of an inquiring spirit. 1893. 19cm (Bohn's stand, lib.) Macmillan $1 n Imitatio Christi. Of the Imitation of Christ four books, by Thomas a Kempis, with introd. by F: W. Farrar. 1891. 15cm Button 75c For more than four centuries the chief manual of devo- tion for Christian lands. William Maccall in Contemp. 3: 72 (B) 243 Hortatory. Evangelistic Trumbull, H: C. Individual work for individu- als; a record of personal experiences and convic- tions. 1901. 17Jcm Internat. com. Y. M. C. A. 75c 244 Miscellany Brown, A. F. Book of saints and friendly leasts. 1900. 19cm Houghton $1.25 Y Legends of the lesser saints and the animals asso- ciated with them retold as simple folk tales. N. Y. Canton, William. W. V.'sgolden legend. 1898. 20cm Dodd $1.50 Ouerber, H. A. Legends of the Virgin and Christ, with special reference to literature and art. 1896. 19cm Dodd $1.50 231 70 A. L. A. CATALOG CLASS LIST Prentiss, Mrs Elizabeth (Payson) Stepping heavenward [with] sketch by her husband of the book and its author. New ed. 1900. 19icm Pennypacker $1.25 245 Religious poetry Duffield, S: A: W. English hymns: their au- thors and hjstory. 2d ed. 1886. 22cm Funk $3 Julian, John, ed. Dictionary of hymnology. 1891. 24cm Scribner $10 Rf Origin and history of Christian hymns of all ages and nations; biographic and critical notices of authors and translators; historical articles on national and denominational hymnody, breviaries, missals, primers, psalters, sequences, etc. Title. Keble, John. Christian year: thoughts in verse for the Sundays and Holy-days throughout the year. 1891. 15cm (Devout class, ) Button 75c S chaff, Philip, & Oilman, Arthur, ed. Library of religious poetry. 26cm Funk $6 25O Homiletic. Pastoral Gibbons, James, card. Ambassador of Christ. 1896. 19cm Murphy $1 Gladden, Washington. Christian pastor and the working church. 1898. 21cm (Internat. theol. lib. ) Scribner $2.50 n Restates theory of pastoral office, with discussion of various forms of church work and life. N. Y. 251 Preaching Beecher, H: W. Yale lectures on preaching. Ser. 1-3. 1902. 19cm (Lyman Beecher lect, 1872-74.) Pilgrim press $1.50 n Brooks, Phillips. Lectures on preaching. 1902. 19 Jem (Lyman Beecher lect. 1877) Dutton $1.20 n 252 Sermons Beecher, H: W. Plymouth pulpit sermons. 4 v. 21cm Pilgrim press $1 ea n Preached Dec. 15, 1872-Aug. 29, 1875. Brooks, Phillips. Sermons. 9 v. 1901-04. Dutton $1.20 ea n CONTENTS: v.l, Sermons, v. 2, Candle of the Lord, v.3, Sermons preached in English churches, v. 4, Twenty sermons, v. 5, Light of the world, v. 6, Sermons, v. 7, Sermons for the principal festivals and fasts of the church year. v. 8, New starts in life. v. 9, Law of growth. The real secret of their power lies less in any character- istics of style than in the fine sympathy and tender love which run through them and kindle response in every heart. Harper, 58: 150 (B) Caird, John. University sermons, preached be- fore the University of Glasgow, 1873-1898. 2d ed. 1899. 21cm Macmillan $2.25 Kingsley, Charles. Good news of God; ser- mons. 1898. 19Jcm Macmillan $1.25 Munger, T. T. Freedom of faith. 1883. ISJcm Houghton $1.50 17 sermons, preceded by an essay on "The new theol- ogy." Lamps and paths. 2d ed. 1885. 18cm Houghton $1 Y Sermons for children's Sunday in June. Ed. sel. Newman, J: H: card. Parochial and plain ser- mons. 8 v. 1900-01. 18cm Longmans $1.25 ea Preached between 1825 and 1843. Peabody, F. G. Afternoons in the college chapel : short addresses to young men on personal reli- gion. 1898.- 18cm Houghton $1.25 Supplements his Mornings in the college chapel. Robertson, F: W: Sermons preached at Bright- on. New ed. 1904. 20cm Dutton $2 Savage, M. J. Religion for to-day. 1900. 20cm G: H. Ellis $1 Some sermons preached in Church of the Messiah, New York City, 1897. Pref . As a whole, full of constructive faith and strong poetic and religious feeling. Buffalo. Stanley, A. P. Sermons for children, includ- ing the Beatitudes and The faithful servant; preached in Westminster abbey. 1900. 16Jcm Y Scribner $1 Van Dyke, Henry. Sermons to young men; a new and enl. ed. of "Straight sermons." 1898. 18 Jem Scribner $1.25 Appeal with directness and force to heroic side of Chris- tian service more than to safe side of salvation. Clean of cant, manly. And. r. 19; 507 (B) 26O Church: institution Allen, A. V. G. Christian institutions. 1897. 21cm (Internat. theol. lib.) Scribner $2.50 n The work was begun as a course of Lowell lectures. Clarke, W: N. What shall we think of Christi- anity? 1899. 19Jcm Scribner $1 Contents: The Christian people; The Christian doctrine; The Christian power. Levering lectures, Johns Hopkins university, 1899. Mead, G: W. Modern methods in church work; the gospel renaissance. 1897. 19cm Dodd $1.50 Practical manual, treating of institutional churches and their various activities. N. Y. RELIGION CHURCH: INSTITUTION 71 261 Church influence Brace, C: U. Gesta Christi; or, A history of humane progress under Christianity. 4th ed. 1884. 22cm Armstrong $1.50 Ely, B: T. Social law of service. 1896. 19cm Eaton 90c Application of Bible teachings to relations of social classes. Pittsburg. Gibbons, James, card. Our Christian heritage. 1889. 19jcm Murphy $1 n Gladden, Washington. Applied Christianity: moral aspects of social questions. 18cm Houghton $1.25 / Social salvation. 1902. 18cm (Lyman Beecher lect. 1902) Houghton $1 n Contents: Religion and the social question; Care of the poor; The state and the unemployed; Our brothers in bonds; Social vices; Public education; Redemption of the city; References and suggestions. 263 Sunday ./ Earle, Mrs Alice (Morse) Sabbath in puritan New England. 1891. 19cm f Scribner $1.25 Good history, based on solid fact and told with much humor. Acad. 264 Ritual Proctor, Francis. New history of the Book of common prayer, with a rationale of its offices, on the basis of the former work by Francis Proctor; rev. by W. H. Frere. 1902. 19icm Macmillan $3 n 266 Migion Bliss, E. M. ed. Encyclopaedia of missions. 2 v. 1891. 25 Jem Funk $12 Rf Bibliography of foreign missions to close of 1890, 1: 575-661. Includes also gazetteer of mission stations, biographic sketches of missionaries, list of Bible versions, maps' and statistical tables. Pittsburg. Clarke, "W: N. Study of Christian missions. 1900. 19cm Scribner $1.25 Dennis, J. S. Christian missions and social progress, v. 1-2. 1897-99. 23cm Revell $2.50 ea V. 3 in preparation. Bibliographies appended to lectures. Hodgkins, L. M. Via Christi; an introduction to the study of missions. 1901. 18cm Macmillan 50c n Bibliography, p. 239-44 Brief outline to end of 18th century. Pittsburg. 268 Sunday schools Burton, E. De W. , & Mathews, Shailer. Prin- ciples and ideals for the Sunday school; an essay in religious pedagogy. 1903. 20cm Chic. univ. $1 n Mead, G: W. Modern methods in Sunday-school work; the new evangelism. 1903. 20cm Dodd $1.50 n Principles of religious education; with introd. by H: C. Potter. 1901. 19 Jem (Christian knowledge lect.) Longmans $1.25 Contents: Religious instruction and its relation to edu- cation, by N: M. Butler; Educational work of the Chris- tian church, by W: C. Doane; Religious instruction in England, France, Germany and the United States, by C: De Ganno; The content of religious instruction, by G. Hodges; The Sunday school and its course of study, by P. narrower; Preparation of the Sunday school teacher, by W. L. Hervey; The religious content of the child mind, by G. S. Hall; Use of biography in religious in- struction, by F. M. McMurry; Use of geography in reli- gious instruction, by C. F. Kent; Study of the Bible as literature, by R: G. Moulton. 27O Religions history- Allen,* J. H: Christian history in its three great periods. 3 v. 1894-1901. 17Jcm Little $1.25 ea n V. 1, First period: Early Christianity; v. 2, Second pe- riod: The middle age; v. 3, Third period: Modern phases. Connected essays on the great men, the great move- ments, the great ideas of Christianity. Lit. world. 15 : 43 (B) Alzog, Johann. Manual of universal church history; tr. with additions by F. J. Pabischand T: S. Byrne. 3 v. 1874-78. 24cm R. Clarke $10 References at beginning of chapters and sections. ' Most important Roman catholic authority on general history of the church. Adams. Cheetham, Samuel. History of the Christian church during the first six centuries. 1898. 19cm Macmillan $3 Fisher, G: P. Beginnings of Christianity, with a view of the state of the Roman world at the birth of Christ. 1901. 20icm Scribner $2.50 Founded on Lowell institute lectures, 1876. Pref. Most distinctive features are its views of Jewish, Greek and Roman religions and its comparisons between them. Style clear and refreshing. Adams. History of the Christian church. 1903. 22cm Scribner $3.50 List of popes from Gregory I to Leo xm, p. 666-69; notes on the literature of church history, p. 671-97. Condensed yet interesting review, by a man of wide scholarship, candor and tolerant spirit. Buffalo. 245 72 A. L. A. CATALOG CLASS LIST Fisher, G: P. The reformation. Newed. 1903. 21cm Scribner $2.50 Bibliography, p. 567-91. Interweaves account of religious affairs with such secu- lar and political events as had an important influence in shaping the great movement. Adams. Fouard, Constant, abbe. Saint Paul and his mis- sions; tr. by G: F. X. Griffith. 1894. 19cm Longmans $2 McGiffert, A. C. History of Christianity in the apostolic age. 1897. 21cm (Internal, theol. lib.) Scribner $2.50 n Interpretive rather than argumentative. Pittsburg. I Ramsay, W: M. Church in the Roman empire before A. D. 170. 1893. 23Jcm (Mansfield col- lege lect. 1892) Putnam $3 TThlhorn, Gerhard. Conflict of Christianity with heathenism; tr. by E. C. Smyth and C. J. H. Ropes. 1879. 21cm Scribner $2.50 Vincent, M. B. Age of Hildebrand. 1896. 19Jcm (Ten epochs of church hist.) Scribner $2 n Bibliography, pref. p. 15-22. Walker, Williston. The reformation. 1900. 19Jcm (Ten epochs of church hist.) . Scribner $2 n Treats with relative fulness initial and formative stages and work of preeminent leaders. Sketches cursorily political struggles. Pref. 271 Monastic orders Herkless, John. Francis and Dominic and the mendicant orders. 1901. 19cm (World's epoch makers) Scribner $1.25 Bibliography, p. 227-30. Pascal, Blaise. Provincial letters: a new tr. with introd. and notes by Thomas M'Crie, pre- ceded by a life of Pascal, a critical essay, and a biog. notice; ed. by O. W. Wight. 1887. 19cm Hough ton $2.25 274.2 Religious history. England Gasquet, F. A. Eve of the reformation ; studies in the religious life and thought of the English people in the period preceding the rejection of the Roman jurisdiction by Henry VIII. New ed. 1900. 20cm Putnam $2.75 Interesting study, from Romanist viewpoint. N. Y. Hall, T: C. Social meaning of modern religious movements in England. 1900. 19cm (Ely lect. 1899) Scribner $1.50 Bibliography, p. 281-83. Innes, A. D. Cranmer and the reformation in England. 1900. 19cm (World's epoch makers) Scribner $1.25 277.3 United States Bacon, L. W. History of American Christianity. 1897. 21cm (Amer. church hist, ser. v. 13) Scribner $2 n Carroll, H: K. Religious forces of the United States, enumerated, classified and described on the basis of the government census of 1890. 1893. 21cm (Amer. church hist. ser. v. 1) Scribner $2 n 28O Christian churches and sects Arnold, Matthew. St Paul and protestantism, J\ with an essay on puritanism and the Church of England, and Last essays on church and religion. 1902. 18Jcm Macmillan $1.50 281 Primitive and oriental entireties Newman, J: H: card. Church of the fathers. 1900. 19 Jem Lane $1.25 / Beginning with Greece and Asia Minor, and then in succession, Syria, Egypt-, Africa, Spain and Gaul. Introd. Stanley, A. P. Lectures on the history of the / Eastern church, with introd. on the study of ecclesiastical history. New ed. 1900. 19Jcm Scribner $2 Bibliography, p. 77-79. 22 Roman Catholic- eliureli. Addis, W: E., & Arnold, Thomas. Catholic dictionary. 4th ed. 1884. 25Jcm Catholic pub. soc. $5 Rf Some account of doctrine, discipline, rites, cere- monies, councils, and religious orders of Roman Catholic church. Title. Catholic church. Pope Leo xm. Great encyc- lical letters of Pope Leo xm; with pref. by J: J.Wynne. 1903. 21cm Benziger $2 n Ireland, John. Church and modern society; lectures and addresses. 1903. 20cm McBride $1.50 Characteristic letters expressing Leo's sentiments on the chief questions of a time which is really an epoch in the history of men. Pref. Milman, H: H. History of Latin Christianity: incl. that of the popes to the pontificate of Nic- olas v. 8v. in 4. 1903. 19cm. Armstrong $12 Impartial. Account of establishment and growth of monastic institutions and orders specially excellent. Pittsburg. 6' Gorman, Thomas. History of the Roman Catholic church in the United States. 1895. 21cm (Amer. church hist. ser. v. 9) Scribner $2 n RELIGION CHRISTIAN CHURCHES AND SECTS 73 Ranke, Leopold von. History of the popes, their church and state, and especially of their conflicts with protestantism in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries; tr. by E. Foster. 3 v. 1896. 19cm (Bonn's stand, lib.) Macmillan ' $3 n Bibliography, pref. p. 11-18. Portrays interior policy of the church, and of the course that led to reaction against the reformation. Adams. Van Dyke, Paul. Age of the renascence; an out- line sketch of the history of the papacy (1377- 1527) ; with introd. by Henry Van Dyke. 1897. 19icm (Ten epochs of church hist.) Scribner $2 n 2:j Protestant Episcopal church Carpenter, W: B. Itp.ofRipon. Popular history of the Church of England, from the earliest times to the present day. 1902. 20cm Dutton $2.50 Tiffany, C: C. History of the Protestant Episco- pal church in the United States. 1895. 21cm (Amer. church hist. ser. v. 7) Scribner $2 n Bibliography, pref. p. 16-24. 284 Protestantism Baird, H: M. History of the rise of the Hugue- nots of France. 2 v. . 1879. 23cm Scribner $5 Continued in his Huguenots and Henry of Navarre, and concluded in his Huguenots and the revocation of the Edict of Nantes. Jacobs, H: E. History of the Evangelical Luth- eran church in the United States. 1893. 21cm (Amer. church hist. ser. v. 4) Scribner $2 n Bibliography, pref. p. 9-16. 28J> J*resbyterian, Reformed, Congregational Alexander, Gross. History of the Methodist Episcopal church, South. 1894. 21cm (Amer. church hist. ser. v. 11) Scribner $2 n Bibliography, pref. p. 10. Contains also History of United Presbyterian church, by J. B. Scouller; of Cumberland Presbyterian church, by R. V. Foster; of Southern Presbyterian church, by T: C. Johnson. Corwin, E: T. History of the Reformed church, Dutch. 1895. 21cm (Amer. church hist. ser. v. 8) Scribner $2 n Bibliography, pref. p. 12-16. Contains also History of German Reformed church, by J. H: Dubbs; History of Moravian church, by J. T. Ham- ilton. Thompson, R. E. History of the Presbyterian churches in the United States. 1895. 21cm (Amer. church hist. ser. v. 6) Scribner $2 n Bibliography, pref. p. 11-31. Walker, Williston. History of the Congrega- tional churches in the United States. 1894. 21cm (Amer. church hist. ser. v. 3) Scribner $2 n Bibliography, pref. p. 9-13. 28fi Baptist Newman, A. H: History of the Baptist churches in the United States. 1894. 21cm (Amer. church hist. ser. v. 2) Scribner $2 n Bibliography, pref. p. 11-15. 287 Methodist Buckley, J. M.' History of Methodists in the United States. 1896. 21cm (Amer. church hist. ser. v. 5) Scribner $2 n Bibliography, pref. p. 11-15. 288 Unitarian Allen, J. H: Historical sketch of the Unitarian movement since the reformation. 1894. 21cm (Amer. church hist. ser. v. 10) Scribner $2 n Contains also History of Universalism, by Richard Eddy. 289 Minor Christian sects' Tyler, B: B. History of the Disciples of Christ. 1894. 21cm (Amer. church hist. ser. v. 12) Scribner $2 n Bibliography, pref. p. 10. Contains also History of the Society of Friends, by A. C. and R. H. Thomas; of the United Brethren, by Daniel Berger; of the Evangelical association, by S: P. Spreng; Bibliography of American church history, by S: M. Jack- son. 29O Non-Christian religion* Barrows, J: H: Christian conquest* of Asia; studies and personal observations of oriental religions. 1899. 19cm (Morse lect. 1898) Scribner $1.50 Reviews Judaism, Mohammedanism, Hinduism, Bud- dhism, Confucianism. Brinton, D. O. Religions of primitive peoples. 1897. 20Jcm (Amer. lect. on hist, of religions, ser. 2, 1896-97) Putnam $1.50 Clarke, J. P. Ten great religions. 2 v. 1899. 20icm Houghton $2 ea Contents: pt. 1, An essay in comparative theology; pt.2, A comparison of all religions. His design is by comparing them with one another and with Christianity to bring clearly to view both their dis- tinctive traits and their characteristic weaknesses. Nation, 13 : 109 .(B) . 271 74 A. L. A. CATALOG CLASS LIST Menzies, Allan. History of religion; a sketch of primitive religious beliefs and practices, and of the origin and character of the great systems. 1903. 18cm (Univ. ser.) Scribner $1.50 n Bibliographic lists at end of most of the chapters. Religious systems of the world; a contribution to the study of comparative religion; addresses at South Place institute. Rev. ed. 1903. 22 Jem (Half guinea internat. lib.) Dutton $2.50 n Many of the contributors are distinguished in their special fields, and all are representative writers on their several subjects. Outl. 71 : 516 (B) Tylor, E: B. Primitive culture; researches into the development of mythology, philosophy, religion, language, art and custom. 4th ed. rev. 2 v. 1903. 22Jcm Holt $7 291 Comparative and general my- thology Cox, Sir G: W: Mythology of the Aryan nations. New ed. 1903. 22Jcm Paul 10/6 Adopts in the main the theories first promulgated by Max Miiller, and shows that epics of Aryan nations are simply different versions of same story. Adams. Fiske, John. Myths and myth-makers; old tales and superstitions interpreted by compara- tive mythology. 1900. 20cm Houghton $2 Gayley, C: M. ed. Classic myths in English literature; based chiefly on Bulfinch's "Age of fable." 1893. 19cm Ginn $1.50 P Best mythologic manual in English [1894] Educ. r. 7 : 394 (B) Murray, A. S. Manual of mythology; Greek and Roman, Norse and Old German, Hindoo and Egyptian; with notes, by W: H. Klapp. 1898. .20cm Altemus $1.25 292 Greek and. Roman mythology Baldwin, James . Story of the golden age, illus. by Howard Pyle. 1902. 19 Jem (Heroes of olden time) Scribner $1.50 Y Legends about causes of Trojan war, told consecu- tively and ending where Homer begins. N. Y. Bulfinch, Thomas. Age of fable; or, Beauties of mythology; rev. edition, ed. by J. L. Scott. 1898. 21Jcm McKay $1.25 He took the thread of the narratives in Ovid, Virgil and Homer, and held to their text'in a simple English translation wherever he could. E: E. Hale (B) Guerber, H. A. Myths of Greece and Rome, narrated with special reference to literature and art. 1893. 19cm Amer. bk. co. $1.50 Hawthorne, Nathaniel. Tanglewood tales for girls and boys; being a second Wonder book; illus. by G: W. Edwards. 1887. 26 Jem Houghton $2.50 Y The library should have at least one copy of the edi- tion Illustrated by G: W. Edwards, Houghton $2.50, to attract children to plainer editions, Houghton (Little classic ed.) $1, and Riverside school library, 70c. Ed.sel. Wonder book for girls and boys; with 60 designs by Walter Crane. 1902. 23Jcm. Houghton $3 Y The library should have at least one copy of the edi- tion illustrated by Walter Crane, Houghton $3, to attract children to plainer editions, Houghton $1.25, and, in Riverside school library, with Tanglewood tales, 70c. Ed. sel. Kingsley, Charles. The heroes; or, Greek fairy tales for my children; illus. by author. 1902. 19cm Macmillan $1 Y Contents: Perseus; Argonauts; Theseus. Lowell, D. O. S. Jason's quest. Newed. 1904. 17cm Y Lee $1 Ruskin. John. Queen of the air; being a study of the Greek myths of cloud and storm; with introd. by C: E. Norton. Brantwood ed. 1893. 19 Jem Longmans $1.50 n Contents: Athena Chalinitis (Athena in the heavens): Athena Keramitis (Athena in the earth); Athena Ergane (Athena in the heart) Studies them in both their natural origin and deeper significance. W: E. A. Axon. 293 Teutonic and northern mythology Anderson, B. B. Norse mythology; or, The religion of our forefathers, containing all the myths of the Eddas, systematized and inter- preted; with introd. vocabulary and index. 7th ed. 1901. 20Jcm Scott, F. $2.50 Brown, A. F. In the days of giants. 1902. 19cm Houghton $1.10 n Y Stories from Norse mythology. N. Y. Foster, M. H., & Cummings, M. H. Asgard stories; tales from Norse mythology. 1901. 19cm Silver 36c n Y Simple language, for smaller children than Brown or Mabie. Ed. sel. Guerber, H. A. Myths of northern lands, nar- rated with special reference to literature and art. 1895. 19cm Amer. bk. co. $1.50 Mabie, H. W. Norse stories retold from the Eddas; with illus. by George Wright. 1901. 21cm Dodd $1.80 n Y Plain edition, 1900, 81.25. RELIGION NON-CHRISTIAN RELIGIONS 75 294 Brahmanism. Buddhism Davids, T: W: B. Buddhism: its history and literature. 1896. 21cm (Amer. lect. on hist, of religions, ser. 1, 1894-95) Putnam $1.50 Plain intelligible exposition. Lit. world 27:188 (B) Hopkins, E: W. Religions of India. 1895. 21cm (Handbks. on hist, of religions, v. 1) Ginn $2 Bibliography, p. 573-95. 296 Judaism I/ Abrahams, Israel. Jewish life in the middle ages. 1896. 21cm Macmillan $1.75 Day, Edward. Social life of the Hebrews. 1901. 19Jcm (Semitic ser.) Scribner $1.25 n Hosmer, J. K. ' The Jews, ancient, mediaeval i/ and modern. 1901. 20cm (Story of nations) Putnam $1.50 First published 1886 as The story of the Jews. Bright, interesting and full of picturesque and stirring incident. London lit. world. Joseph., Morris. Judaism as creed and life. 1903. 21cm Macmillan $1.60 n Hebrew authorities, pref. p. 19-20. ^/ Kent, C: F. History of the Jewish people dur- ing the Babylonian, Persian and Greek periods. 1899. 19cm (Hist. ser. for Bible students, v. 3) Scribner $1.25 n Books of reference, p. 360-61. Lazarus, Moritz. Ethics of Judaism, tr. by Henrietta Szold, in 4 pt. Pt. 1-2. 1900-01. 19 Jem Jewish pub. soc. of Amer. $1.25 ea Contents: pt. 1, Foundation of Jewish ethics, pt. 2, Sanc- tiflcation of life the aim of morality. Mielziner, Moses. Introduction to the Talmud. 2ded. 1903. 21cm Funk $2 n Historical and literary introduction, legal hermeneu- tics, Talmudic terminology and methodology, outlines of Talmudic ethics. Apx: Key to abbreviations used in the Talmud and its commentaries. Rosenau, William. Jewish ceremonial institu- tions and customs. 1903. 19Jcm Friedenwald co. $1.50 Usage and significance in synagogue services, home customs, feasts, fasts, circumcision, marriage, divorce, ritualistic slaughtering, etc. Photographs of utensils, ceremonial robes, etc. N. Y. Stanley, A. P. Lectures on the history of the Jewish church. New ed. 3 v. 1901-2. 19Jcm Scribner $2 ea Contents: v. 1, Abraham to Samuel, v. 2, Samuel to captivity, v. 3, Captivity to Christian era. 297 Mohammedanism Koran. El-kor'dn; or, The Koran: tr. with notes and index, by J. M. Rodwell. 2d ed. 1876. 21 Jem. Quaritch 12/ Smith, H: P. Bible and Islam; or, The influ- ence of the Old and New Testaments on the re- ligion of Mohammed. 1897. 19Jcm (Ely lect. 1897) Scribner $1.50 29 Mormonism Linn, W: A. St6ry of the Mormons to 1901. 1902. 23Jcm Macmillan $4 n Secular, stating facts and avoiding as far as possible moral deductions. Based mainly on original Mormon publications. Most complete history of Mormons yet written. [1902] Ath. 299 Minor nonchristian religions Brinton, D. G. Myths of the New world, a treatise on the symbolism and mythology of the red race of America. 3d ed. 1896. 20cm McKay $2 So far as it goes, and with reserves as to meaning of several prominent myths and beliefs, it must for some time retain its position as chief exponent of the mythology of American aborigines. Folklore, 8:59 (B) Griffis, W: E. Religions of Japan to the era of Meiji. 1895. 19cm (Morse lect. 1894) Scribner $2 Discusses native or Shinto worship, Confucianism, the various forms of Buddhism, and effect of introduction and expulsion of Christianity in 17th century. Book news. Jastrow, Morris. Religion of Babylonia and Assyria. 1898. 21 Jem (Handbks. on hist, of religions, v. 2) Ginn $3 Bibliography, p. 707-38. Legge, James. Religions of China; Confucian- ism and Tdoism described and compared w r ith Christianity: 1881. 19Jcm Scribner $1.50 Renouf, SirY: lie P. Lectures on the origin and growth of religion as illustrated by the religion of ancient Egypt. 1880. 22cm (Hibbert lect. 1879) Scribner $1.50 291 3OO SOCIOLOGY 3O1 Philosophy. Theories Bagehot, Walter. Physics and politics; or, Thoughts on the application of the principles of "natural selection" and "inheritance" to polit- ical society. 1902. 19$cm (Internat. sci. ser. ) Appleton $1.50 Chapman, J: J. Practical agitation. 1900. j 19icm Scribner $1.25 Essays urging value of individual action made effective by character in securing better political and social condi- tions. N. Y. Giddings, F. H: Principles of sociology; an anal- ysis of the phenomena of association and of so- cial organization. 3d ed. 1896. 22cm Macmillan $3 n S Contents: Elements of social theory; Elements and structure of society; Historical evolution of society; Social process, law and cause. Bibliography, p. 423-12. Henderson, C: R. Social elements, institutions, character, progress. 1898. 20cm / Scribner $1.50 n P Deals with economic betterment, misery and crime, religion and the church, power of education, etc. N. Y. Hobson, J: A. The social problem; life and / work. 1901. 23cm Pott f 2 n Socialistic, thought provoking. Fetter. Kelly, Edmond. Evolution and effort, and their relation to religion and politics. 2d ed. 1898. 19cm Appleton $1.25 K Main purpose to advocate the moral and imperative character of a citizen's duty to the state. Pref. Kidd, Benjamin. Social evolution. New ed. 1898. 19cm Macmillan $1.50 Believes laws determining progress primarily religious rather than intellectual. Discusses probable develop- ment during 20th century. N. Y. Lie Bon, Gustave. The crowd; a study of the popular mind. 1903. 20cm ^ Macmillan $1.50 n Translation of I'sycholoyie (lea Joules, 1895. An analy- sis of psychologic phenomena displayed by men acting in the mass. Clear statement of important problems. Semi-popular. N. Y. JCackenzie, J: S. Introduction to social philos- ophy. 2d ed. rev. 1895. 20cm Macmillan $1.75 n Object to define, broadly and generally, scope and limits of application of philosophic principles to social questions. Author. Boss, E: A. Social control; a survey of the foun- dations of order. 1901. 19cm (Cit. lib. of econ., pol. & sociol.) Macmillan $1.25 n Partial list of authorities, p. 443-48. Pt. 1, Grounds of control: sympathy, sociability, justice; pt. 2, Means of control: public opinion, law, belief, social suggestion (including education and custom), social religion, personal ideals, ceremony, art, etc. pt. 3, Sys- tem of control. Spencer, Herbert. Principles of sociology. 3 v. in 4. 1880-97. 20Jcm Appleton $6 Contents: v. 1, Data of sociology; Inductions of soci- s ology; Domestic relations, v. 2, Ceremonial institutions; Political institutions, v. 3, Ecclesiastical institutions; Professional institutions; Industrial institutions. An attempt to arrange facts in such order that they may be made to divulge social and sociologic principles. A. W. Small in Amer.j. sociol. 2 : 742 (B) Social statics, abridged and revised; with The man versus the state. 1892. 20Jcm Appleton $2 Stuckenberg, J: H: W. Sociology, the science of human society. 2 v. 1903. 22cm Putnam $4.50 n S Contents: v. 1, Definition; Relation of sociology to the special social sciences; Nature of society; Social evolu- tion, v. 2, Three great eras of social evolution; Sociolog- ical ethics. Tarde, Gabriel. Laws of imitation; tr. by E. C. Parsons with introd. by F. H. Giddings. 1903. 22 Jem Holt $3 n S Study of social structure based on fundamental thesis that 'society is imitation' and 'began on the day when one man first copied another.' N. Y. Social laws; an outline of sociology; tr. by H. C. Warren. 1899. 17Jcm Macmillan $1.25 Author's own resume- and unification of his three prin- cipal works on general sociology: Lea lots de rimitotion, L' opposition universelle, and La logique eociale. Excel- lent translation. N. Y. (77) 300 78 A. L. A. CATALOG CLASS LIST Veblen, T. B. Theory of the leisure class; an economic study in the evolution of institutions. V 1899. 20cm Macmillan $2 Too strong to be thrust aside. An academic, subtle and . acute phrasing of what the working men are saying in every shop and Sunday trades council. Dial, 28: 438. Ward, L. F. Psychic factors of civilization. 1893. 23Jcm Ginn $2 An analogy between mind and the social organism. Bums. Pure sociology ; a treatise on the origin and spontaneous development of society. 1903. 23cm Macmillan $4 n R Lucid and forcible; with great range and command of information. J. pol. econ. 11: 655. 3O2 Compends. Outlines Fairbanks, Arthur. Introduction to sociology. 3d ed. 1901. 19 Jem Scribner $1.50 n R Bibliography, p. 295-307. Giddings, F. H: Elements of sociology; a text- book for colleges and schools. 1898. 20Jcm Macmillan $1.10 n Good 1 introduction to his more comprehensive works. Wisconsin. Small, A. W., & Vincent, G: E. Introduction to the study of society. 1894. 19cm Amer. bk. co. $1.80 Traces through everyday facts and experiences the development of social institutions and conditions. N. Y. Ward, L. F. Outlines of sociology. 1898. 19cm Macmillan $2 12 papers, primarily philosophic, dealing with sociology in its general features and with its relation to other sciences. N. Y. Wright, C. D. Outline of practical sociology; with special reference to American conditions. 5th ed. 1902. 20cm (Amer. citizen ser. ) Longmans $2 Bibliography, pref. p. 10-17. Valuable information on population, social and politi- cal organizations, immigration, urban and rural condi- tions, questions of family, education, labor, wealth and poverty, crime, temperance, etc. N. Y. 3O3 Cyclopedias Bliss, W: D. P. ed. Encyclopedia of social reform; including political economy, political science, sociology and statistics. 1897. 26cm Funk $7.50 n Rf Brief and clear statement of nearly every important reform movement of our age. C. R. Henderson in Dial. By specialists and containing brief bibliographies. Kroeger. 3O4 Essays, addresses Abbott, Lyman. Christianity and social prob- lems. 1896. ISJcm Houghton $1.25 / Its value lies in its wide range of suggestions, its ear- nest spirit of humanity. C. R. Henderson in Amer. j. social. 2:610 (B) - Rights of man; a study in twentieth cen- tury problems. 1901. 20Jcm (Lowell inst. lect. 1901) Houghton $1.30 n / Contents: Conflict of the centuries; Growth of democracy; Political rights: Industrial rights; Educa- tional rights; Religious rights; American democracy; American domestic problems; American foreign prob- lems; Perils of democracy; Safeguards; Goal of democ- racy. Bibliography, pref. p. 9-11. Addams, Jane. Democracy and social ethics. 1902. 19 Jem (Cit. lib. of econ. pol. & sociol.) y Macmillan $1.25 n R Contents: Charitable effort; Filial relations; House- hold adjustment; Industrial amelioration; Educational methods; Political reform. Bosanquet, Mrs H. D. The standard of life, and other studies. 1898. 20cm Macmillan $1.50 / Contents: Standard of life; Burden of small debts; Klassenkampf ; Lines of industrial conflict; Psychology of social progreas Education of women; Industrial training of women; Little drudges and troublesome boys; An apology for " false statements; " 100 years ago; 2,000 years ago. Carnegie, Andrew. Gospel of wealth, and other timely essays. 1900. 21 Jem Century $2 Wealth, poverty, trusts, relations of capital and labor, colonial possessions, imperialism, democracy in England, etc. N. Y. Chapman, J: J. Causes and consequences. 1898. 20cm Scribner $1.25 , Contents: Politics; Society: Education; Froebel; De- mocracy; Government. Commons, J: R. Social reform and the church. 1894. 17cm Crowell 75 c Gladden, Washington. Social facts and forces: the factory, the labor union, the corporation, the railway, the city, the church. 1897. 19icm Putnam $1.25 Attempts to seize only salient points and emphasizes tendencies affecting conduct and character. N. Y. Godkin, E. L. Problems of modern democracy; political and economic essays. 1896. 21cm Scribner $2 Serious, strong and judicial. Amer.j. sociol. 2: 743 (B) SOCIOLOGY STATISTICS 79 Hart, A. B. Practical essays on American gov- J ernment. 1893. 19cm Longmans $1.50 PS On presidential elections, exercise of suffrage, civil service reform, American cities, public land policy, the Chilian controversy, etc. N. Y. Some strictly historical, while all are the results of in- vestigation. L. A. H. Henderson, C: B,. Social spirit in America. / 1901. 20cm Scott, F. $1.50 P Bibliography, p. 331-39. Unqualifiedly recommended for a first book introduc- tory to the study and literature of social phenomena and practical progress. Graham Taylor in Arner. j. social. 3:406 (B) Hodges, George. Faith and social service. 1896. 19 Jem ( Lowell inst.lect.) Whittaker $1.25 Contents: New forces; Indifference; Doubt; Poverty; Labor; Moral reform; The city; The divided church. Morison, G: S. The new epoch as developed by the manufacture of power. 1903. 18cm Houghton 75c n K Points out the astonishing changes wrought in busi- ness, capital, government, civil engineering, education, through increasing development, and application of power. N. Y. / Roosevelt, Theodore. American ideals, and other essays, social and political. '1897. 18Jcm Putnam $1.50 On manly virtues and practical politics, state legisla- tion, civil service reform, administering the New York police force, Monroe doctrine, etc. N. Y. The strenuous life; essays and addresses. 1901. 20cm Century $1.50 Much healthy idealism tempered by common sense. He stands for sound education of mind and body, for moderation, for the virtues of private life in politics, and for a genuine national spirit. Spec. 86: 55 (B) / Smith, Goldwin. Essays on questions of the day. 2ded. 1894. 21cm Macmillan $2.25 Contents: Social and industrial revolution; Utopian visions; Dis-establishment; Political crisis in England; The empire; Woman suffrage; Jewish question; Irish question; Prohibition in Canada and the United States; Oneida community and American socialism. 3O5 Periodicals Statesman's year-book; statistical and historical annual of the states of the world. Latest vol. 18cm Macmillan $3 n Bf Edited by J. S. Keltie. Statistical and descriptive information revised every year. It has a high reputation for accuracy and is the most important of the year-books. Arrangement: British empire; Foreign countries, alpha- betic. References at end of each country to other books. Index. Kroeger. 3O7 Study & teaching Spencer, Herbert. Study of sociology. 1903. 19Jem (Internat. sci. ser. ) Appleton $1.50 Explains scope of the science, its utility and method, and gives some of its more important general principles. L.&I. 3OS Collected works Burke, Edmund. Select works; ed. with introd. and notes by E. J. Payne. 3v. 1892-98. 17Jcm (Eng. class.) Clarendon v. 1, $1.10; v. 2-3, $1.25 ea Contents: v. 1, Thoughts on the present discontents; The two speeches on America, v. 2, Reflections on the revolution in France, v. 3, Four letters on the proposals for peace with the regicide Directory of France. Lincoln, Abraham. Complete works: speeches, letters, state papers, miscellaneous; ed. by J: G. (/ Nicolay and John Hay. 2 v. 1902. 23Jcm ^^ Century $10 Arrangement chronologic; the mechanical presents tion, perfection itself. Indispensable to all students of our later political history. L. A. H. Letters and addresses. 1903. 18cm (Unitbks.) Bell 46c List of unit books, p. 391-99. 3O9 History of social science Kropotkin, P. A. prince. Mutual aid a factor of evolution. 1902. 25cm McClure $2.50 n \/ Articles first published in Nineteenth century. Maintains that mutual aid rather than contest is the important factor in progressive evolution of men and animals. Sociologic rather than biologic. N. Y. 31O Statistics Gt. Brit. Board of trade. Statistical abstract ^ for the principal and other foreign countries. Latest vol. 24Jcm Eyre & S. 1/6 Statistical abstract for the several colonial and other possessions of the United Kingdom. Latest vol. 24Jcm Eyre & S. 1/9 ** Smith, Richmond Mayo-. Science of statistics. 2 v. 1895-99. 22Jcm Macmillan $3 ea n *! Contents: pt. 1, Statistics and sociology, pt. 2, Statistics and economics. 314 Europe Gt. Brit. Board of trade. Statistical abstract for the United Kingdom. Latest vol. 24 Jem Eyre & S. 1/2 Wnitaker, Joseph. Almanack. Latest vol. ' 19 Jem J. Whitaker 2/6 n / - Rf Most valuable on British empire: tables of sover- eigns, the royal household, orders of knighthood, mem- bers of Parliament, government officers, army and navy lists, religious, educational, social, commercial and finan- cial statistics, etc. N. Y. 302 80 A. L. A. CATALOG CLASS LIST J 317 America World almanac and encyclopedia. Latest vol. 19cm. Press pub. co. 25c V Rf Invaluable for recent statistics, election returns, laws and other political information. Specially good for United States but includes foreign material also. Accu- rate; new edition every year. Ed. sel. See also Public documents list. 32O Political science / Dunning, W: A. History of political theories, ancient and mediaeval. 1902. 22cm Macmillan $2.50 n R Down to and including Machiavelli. Biblio- graphies. Hadley, A. T. Education of the American citi- zen. 1901. 21cm Scribner $1.50 n Addresses on our standards of political morality, gov- ernment by public opinion, formation and control of trusts, higher education and political welfare, examina- tions, etc. N. Y. Liecky, W: E: H. Democracy and liberty. Xew ed. 2 v. 1899. 19cm Longmans $5 Special chapter devoted to adverse criticism of social- ism, and criticisms of socialistic tendencies throughout the work. Marot. Maccunn, John. Ethics of citizenship. 3d ed. 1896. 19cm Macmillan $1 n Simple and extremely .lucid outline of a sane theory of democratic politics. Pol. gci. q. 10: 162 (B) Montesquieu, C: L. de Secondat, baron de la Brede et de. Spirit of laws, with D'Alembert's analysis; tr. by Thomas Nugent; new ed. rev. by J. V. Prichard. 2 v. 1902. 19cm (Bonn's stand, lib. ) Macmillan $1 ea n Principal subject, the relation of laws to circumstances of country in which they exist. E. J. Lowell, Ere of French revolution, p. 141. Mulford, Elisha. The nation: the foundations of civil order and political life in the United States. 1898. 22cm Houghton $2.50 S A theory of the state from standpoint of the Hege- lian philosophy and the Christian religion. Learned, able, and valuable. P. Schaff. Nordhoff, Charles. Politics for young Ameri- cans. Rev. ed. 1899. 19cm Amer. bk. co. 75c Treats, in form of letters from father to son, such topics as suffrage, taxes, money, duties of citizenship, etc. L. A. H. Pollock, Sir Frederick. Introduction to the history of the science of politics. 1900. 19cm Macmillan 75c R From Plato and Aristotle to J. S. Mill and Herbert Spencer. . Ritchie, D: O: Natural rights. 1895. 23Jcm (Lib. of philos.) Macmillan $2.75 n Perhaps best criticism in English on the doctrine that there are in political and social ethics specific rules of conduct admitting of definite statement and universally valid. Pol. sci. q. 17: 320 (B) Seeley, Sir J: B.. Introduction to political science; two series of lectures. 1901. 18 Jem (Eversley ser.) Macmillan $1.50 ^ Ser. 1, General; ser. 2, Growth of modern democracy and the English constitution. Essential characteristics of state life have been seized on whereby different politics may be distinguished, not only as to their governmental organization but as to principles and motives. Pol. sci. q. 11: 550 (B) Sidgwick, Henry. Elements of politics. 2d ed. ^ rev. 1897. 23cm Macmillan $4 n Profound, exhaustive and systematic examination of whole field. Nation, 53: 512. Willoughby, W. "W. Examination of the na- / ture of the state; a study in political philosophy. 1903. 22$cm Macmillan $3 n * -- Political theories of the ancient world. / 1903. 21cm Longmans $2 n Contents: Oriental and Greek political theories; Roman political theories. Woolsey, T. D. Political science; or, The state theoretically and practically considered. 2 v. I/ 1893. 23cm Scribner $5 Systematic treatise. Gives much information about history of political institutions. B. & I. 321 Form of state Fiske, John. American political ideas viewed from the standpoint of universal history. 1885. 19cm Harper $1.50 P Contents: The town meeting; The federal union; "Manifest destiny." Suggestive and strongly American. L. A. H. y Qodkin, E. ti. Unforeseen tendencies of democ- racy. 1898. 20Jcm Houghton $2 f Essays, abounding in apt illustration, on equality, nominating system, decline of legislatures, peculiarities of American municipal government, Australian democ- racy, etc. N. Y. Machiavelli, Niccolb. The prince; tr. by N. H. / Thomson. 2d ed. 1897. 17}cm Clarendon $1.10 Till the code by which states regulate their mutual re- lations shall be at least as just as that which civilized individuals respect, Machiavelli's' Prince can not lose its interest or significance. VV. R. Thayer in Internal, j. ethics, 2:486. Maine, Sir H: J. S. Lectures on the early his- i/ tory of institutions (a sequel to "Ancient law" ) 1888. 23cm Holt $3.50 SOCIOLOGY POLITICAL SCIENCE 81 >/ Maine, Sir H: J. S. Popular government; four essays. 1886. 23cm Holt $2.75 Contents: Prospects of popular government; Nature of democracy; Age of progress; Constitution of the United States. Mill, J: S. Considerations on representative government, n. d. 21cm Holt $2 People will differ as to his conclusions, but certainly whoever wishes to judge of any matter within its scope should first see what is there said on it. Alex. Bain. Oberholtzer, E. P. Referendum in America; with chapters on the history of the initiative and other phases of popular government in the United States. 1900. 21cm Scribner $2 323 Internal relation* Hadley, A. T. Relations between freedom and responsibility in the evolution of democratic government. 1903. 20cm (Yale lect. on re- sponsibilities of citizenship) Scribner $1 n Contents: Democracy in theory and in practice; Basis of civil liberty; Freedom as a religious conception; Free- dom as a legal institution; Freedom as a foundation of ethics; Limits of individual freedom; Outlook for the future. Object, to show what the ethical basis of democracy is, how it has arisen, and what happens if we try to ignore it. Pref. Mill, J: S. On liberty [and] The subjection of women. 1898. 21cm Holt $2 The 'simple principle' on which Liberty expends so deep a passion and so much logic is that self-protection is the sole end for .which society is warranted in interfering with individual liberty of action. Frederic Harrison (B) 324 Suffrage Commons, J: R. Proportional representation 1896. 19Jcm (Lib. of econ. & pol.) Crowell $1.75 Historical significance of the movement. Gives de- tailed application of the reform to American politics, specially to city government. Pittsburg. Dalling-er . F: W: Nominations forelective office v/ in the United States. 1897. 23cm ^Harv. hist. stud.) Longmans $1.50 n Bibliography, p. 221-24. Brief history of caucus and nominating convention in U. S. description of present nominating system; reme- dies for existing evils. L. A. H. Jacobi, 3/rsMary (Putnam) "Common sense" applied to woman suffrage. 1894. 19Jcm (Ques. of the day) Putnam $1 Plea to the Constitutional convention of New York, 1894, for the political equality of women. Johnson, Mr* Helen (Kendrick) Woman and the republic; a survey of the woman-suffrage / movement in the United States. 1897. 19Jcm Appleton $1.50 Asserts in 12 well written and outspoken chapters that woman suffrage is not in accord with true democratic principle. Amer. j. social. 3: 406 (B) Stanwood, Edward. 1898. 21cm History of the presidency. Houghton $2.50 Enlarged and entirely rewritten edition of History of presidential election*, 1896. Account of nominating con- ventions, relative strength of candidates, text of plat- forms, striking incidents of campaigns and tabulated results of elections. Impartial and accurate. L. A. H. 325 Colonies and immigration Dilke, Sir C: W. Problems of Greater Britain. 4th ed. rev. 1890. 21cm Macmillan $4 n Contents: North America; Australasia; South Africa: India; Crown colonies of the present and of the future; Colonial problems; Future relations between the mother- country and the remainder of the empire; Imperial defence. Du Bois, W: E: B. Souls of black folk; essays and sketches. 1903. 21 Jem McClurg $1.20 n Profoundly interesting and affecting; remarkable as a piece of literature apart from its inner significance. Xa- tion, 76: 481. Egerton, H. E: Origin and growth of the Eng- lish colonies and of their system of government; an introd. to C. P. Lucas's Historical geog- raphy of the British colonies. 1903. 19cm Clarendon 2/6 R S Outlines history, dealing with influences of reli- gious dissent, the mercantile system, labor and other colo- nial problems. Bibliographic references. N. Y. Greswell, W: H: P. Growth and administra- tion of the British colonies, 1837-1897. 1898. 19 Jem (Victorian era ser.) Blackie 2/6 By a specialist in colonial history; describes factors in colonial development, societies, inventions, economic development, political relations with France, Germany, etc. and constitutional growth in American, Australian and African colonies. Johnston. Kidd, Benjamin. ISJcm Control of the tropics. 1898. Macmillan 75c Lewis, Sir G: C. Essay on the government of dependencies, ed. with introd. by C. P. Lucas. 1891. 22 Jem Clarendon $3.50 Introduction sketches principal political and social changes since the Essay was written in 1841. Pittsburg. 241104 6 317 82 A. L. A. CATALOG CLASS LIST J J Morris, H: C. History of colonization to the present day. 2 v. 1900. 21cm Macmillan $4 Bibliography, 2: 325-65. Comprehensive survey based on secondary authorities. Nation, 72: 237. Reiiisch, P. S: Colonial government. 1902. 19Jcm (Cit. lib. of econ., pol. & sociol.) Macmillan $1.25 n " References " at end of each chapter. Covers colonial government in general, though British colonies receive principal attention. Considers motives and methods of colonial expansion and general forms of colonial government, and outlines administrative organ- ization and legislative methods. Nation, 1902. Smith, Richmond Mayo- Emigration and im- migration; a study in social science. 1898. 19cm Scribner $1.50 Bibliography, p. 303-8. Most important and judicial investigation yet made [1901] of history and effects (political, economic and social ) of immigration to U. S. Bibliography. L. A. H. Washington, B. T. Future of the American negro. 1899. 19cm Small $1.50 Urges Discussion of immediate practical problems, industrial education. N. Y. See also Public documents list. 326 Slavery Du Bois, W: E: B. Suppression of the African slave-trade to the United States of America, 1638-1870. 1896: 23cm ( Harv. hist, stud., v. 1) Longmans $1.50 n Bibliography, p. 299-325. Laborious and careful compilation of provincial, state and federal enactments. Judicial. L. A. H. Smith, W: H: Political history of slavery to the close of the reconstruction period in America. 2 v. 1903. 23cm Putnam $4.50 n Enlarges on development through political action. N. Y. Spears, J: B,. American slave-trade; an account of its origin, growth and suppression. 1900. 21icm Scribner $2.50 327 Foreign relations Foster, J: W. American diplomacy in the Ori- ent. 1903. 22Jcm Houghton $3 n E Supplement and companion to his Century of Ameri- can diplomacy. Reviews history of relations with China, Japan, Korea, Hawaii, Samoa, with chapter on Spanish war results. Text of treaties and protocols in appendix. N. Y. Foster, J: W. Century of American diplomacy; brief review of the foreign relations of the y United States, 1777-1876. 1901. 22 Jem Houghton $3.50 Chapter on Monroe doctrine covers Venezuela dispute. Written from wide experience and careful use of sources. N. Y. Mahan, A. T. Interest of America in sea power, / present and future. 1898. 20cm Little $2 Eight essays reprinted from magazines. Strong plea for naval defenses in the interests of peace. N. T. Reinsch, P. S: World politics at the end of the nineteenth century; as influenced by the ori- ental situation. 1900. 19cm (Cit. lib. of econ., pol. & sociol. ) Macmillan $1.25 n With special reference to China. Dispassionate discus- sion of colonization and imperialism, drawn mainly from European illustrations, but considering questions for United States. Bibliographies and map. N. T. 328 Legislative bodies and annals Bailey, E. A. Among the law-makers, by Ed- mund Alton. 1886. 20 Jem Scribner $1.50 Nearly all first printed in St Nicholas. Good inside view of workings of Congress. Describes famous men and stirring events from a Senate page's point of view. N. Y. Gushing', L. S. Manual of parliamentary prac- tice; rules of proceeding and debate in deliber- ative assemblies; new ed. with notes by A. S. Bolles, including the Declaration of independ- ence and the Constitution of the United States. 1901. 15cm Coates 50c Standard. Follett, M. . P. The speaker of the House of rep- resentatives; with introd. by A. B. Hart. 1902. 19Jcm Longmans $1.75 Admirable historical examination of speakership, its duties and responsibilities. English and colonial prece- dents only briefly touched, but whole course of develop- ment under the Constitution minutely traced. L. A. H. McConachie, L. G. Congressional committees: a study of the origin and development of our national and local legislative methods. 1898. 19 Jem ( Lib. of econ. & pol. ) Crowell $1.75 B,obert, J. T: Robert's primer of parliamentary law for schools, colleges, clubs, fraternities, etc. , , 1900. 16icm Doubleday 75c I Excellent manual for schools, clubs, fraternities, etc. Simple, clear; in form of lessons, with question reviews. Pittsburg. Shattuck, Mrs Harriette (Robinson) Wo- man's manual of parliamentary law, with prac- tical illustrations especially adapted to women's organizations, llth ed. rev. 1897. 15cm Lee 75c SOCIOLOGY POLITICAL SCIENCE 83 "Wilson, Woodrow. Congressional government: a study in American polities. 12th ed. 1896. 18cm Houghton $1.25 Directed particularly to system of government by com- mittee, describing workings of that system in detail. Careful and thorough. L. A. H. See also Public documents list. 329 Political parties. Party conven- tions Johnston, Alexander. History of American politics; rev. by W: M. Sloane, continued by W. M. Daniels. 1902. 16cm (Handbks. for students) Holt 80c Of high value either as textbook, reference manual or guide for private study. L. A. H. Macy, Jesse. Political parties in the United States, 1846-1861. 1900. 19cm (Cit. lib. of econ., pol. & sociol.) Macmillan $1.25 n Bibliography, p. 319-26. Dominant feature is practical assumption of desirability of two great national parties and perniciousness of all attempts to secure political ends through new party or- ganizations. Nntion, 71:445. Woodburn, J. A. American politics; political parties and party problems in the United States. 1903. 22cm Putnam $2 n Lucid explanation of workings of party machinery and strong statement of the moral evils now debasing our political life. Outl. 73: 887. 33O Economics Ashley, W: J. Introduction to English eco- nomic history and theory. 2d ed. 2v. 1892-93. 19cm Putnam $4.50 To end of middle ages. Valuable bibliographies. Bagehot, Walter. Economic studies; ed. by R: H. Hutton. New ed. 1895. 18 Jem Longmans $1.25 Contents: Postulates of English political economy; Preliminaries of political economy; Adam Smith and our modern economy; Malthus; Ricardo; Growth of capital: Cost of production. Bastiat, Freddric. Essays on political economy; English translation rev. with notes by D: A. Wells. 1893. 19Jcm Putnam $1.25 Selection from and adaptation of his essays and Har- monies economiques, 1850 B. & I. The laws of an abstruse science have never been made more clear or expressed more forcibly. Nation. Bonar, James. Philosophy and political econ- omy in some of their historical relations. 1893. 23Jcm (Lib. of philos.) Macmillan $2.75 n Bowker, B,: B,. Economics for the people. 5th ed. rev. 1902. 17Jcm Harper 75c P B, Reading list, p. 271-73. Gives small space to definitions and abstract doctrines. Albert Shaw in Dial, 7:39 (B) Brooks, J: G. Social unrest; studies in labor and socialist movements. 1903. 20 Jem Macmillan $1.50 n B A particularly genial and intimate study by a can- did friend of all parties in the industrial world. Sidney Ball in Econ.j. 13:221. Bullock, C: J. Introduction to the study of eco- nomics. Rev. ed. 1900. 20cm Silver $1.28 n Bibliography, p. 553-71. Cairnes, J: E. Some leading principles of po- litical economy newly expounded. 1874. 22cm Harper $2.50 Contents: Value; Labor and capital; International trade. Specially valuable on wages and for some points in in- ternational trade; contributes to a re-analysis of cost and of supply and demand. N. Y. Carey, H: C: Manual of social science; being a condensation of [his] "Principles of social sci- ence," by Kate McKean. 1879. 19 Jem Baird $2 Carnegie, Andrew. 25cm Empire of business. 1902. Doubleday subs. $3 . P 17 essays and addresses on essentials to business suc- cess, trusts, the tariff, railroads, iron and steel trade, com- parative cost of living in Great Britain and United State's, etc. N. Y. Chalmers, Thomas. Christian and civic econ- omy of large towns; abr. and with introd. by C: R.Henderson. 1900. 20cm Scribner $1.25 n Social welfare of the laboring classes: obstacles to that welfare; means of promoting it. Henderson. Cheyney, E: P. Introduction to the industrial and social history of England. 1901. 20 Jem / Macmillan $1.40 n Presents material most likely to interest average stu- dents. Bibliographies. Pol. sci. q. 18:175. Clark, J: B. Philosophy of wealth: economic principles newly formulated. 1894. 19cm Ginn $1 S Recognizes influence of moral forces. B. & I. Cossa, Liuigi. Introduction to the study of po- litical economy; rev. by the author and tr. by Louis Dyer. 1893. 19Jcm Macmillan $2.60 n Revised edition of Guide to the study of political econ- omy, with many important additions. Survey of the lit- erature of political economy, theoretic and historical, with full bibliographic references. N. Y. 84 A. L. A. CATALOG CLASS LIST \1 J Cunningham, William. Growth of English in- dustry and commerce. 3 v. 1896-1903. 23cm Macmillan v. 1, $4 n; v. 2-3, $7.50 n Contents: v. 1, Early and middle ages. v. 2-3, Modern times. Bibliographies, 1: 651-73; 3: 943-98. Progress of agriculture, manufactures, trade, economic opinion, shipping, colonies, poor relief and finance; ex- cellent and stimulating. N. Y. Modern civilization in some of its eco- nomic aspects. 1896. 18cm (Social ques. of to-day) Scribner $1 n & McArthur, E. A. Outlines of English industrial history. 1902. 19cm (Camb. hist, ser. ) P Macmillan $1.50 11 Devine, E: T: Economics. 1898. 18cm Macmillan $1 n School textbook, adapted also to general reader. Its particular merit is its modernness. Pol. sci. q. 14:331 (B) Ely, B,: T. Outlines of economics. 1901. 19cm (Cit. lib. of econ., pol. & sociol.) Macmillan $1.25 n P Bibliography, p. 413-26. Clear style and skilful use of illustration. Pol. sci. q. 9:313 (B) Fawcett, Henry. Manual of political economy. 7th ed. 1888. 19icm Macmillan $2.60 n Brief and simple statement of Mill's doctrine. Chapter on state socialism and land nationalization, with addi- tions on the precious metals, slavery, cooperation, local taxation, etc. B. & I. George, Henry. Our land and land policy; speeches, lectures, and miscellaneous writings. 1902. 21cm Doubleday $2.50 Initial essay discusses chiefly grants of public lands in California to railway corporations. Single tax essays fol- low. Critic, 38:472. 21cm $2.50 Maintains that land is not wealth; that Malthusianism is infatuated pessimism; that wages are paid out of cur- rent product; that rent tends to absorb all profit and should be confiscated as an unearned increment. Dial. Ghent, W: J. Our benevolent feudalism. 1902. 19cm Macmillan $1.25 n Contents: Utopias and other forecasts; Combination and coalescence: Our magnates; Our farmers and wage- earners; Our makers of law; Our interpreters of law; Our moulders of opinion; General social changes; Transition and fulfilment. Examination of present day tendencies in American industrial and political life, pointing out essentials of a feudalism differing from that of time of Edward I, yet based on the same status of lord, agent, and underling. Pittsburg. Science of political economy. 1898. Doubleday Gibbins, H: de B. Industry in England: hietor- ical outlines. 1897. 23cm Scribner $2.50 n Written in spirit of Green, Rogers, Cunningham and Ashley. Common daily life of the people brought before us as in a drama, and shown to have surpassing interest. Henderson in Dial, 23: 48 (B) Gide, Charles. Principles of political economy; 2d Amer. ed. tr. and adapted to Amer. students, by C. W: A. Veditz. 1904. 21cm Heath $2 Vigor, lucidity and general attractiveness of style re- tained in translation. Arrests and holds reader's atten- tion. L. L. Price in Econ.j. 2:117. Gladden, Washington. The tools and the man ; property and industry under the Christian law. 1893. 18cm Houghton $1.25 Applies moral tests. Sustains some socialistic ideas but condemns advanced manifestations. N. Y. Hadley, A. T. Economics; an account of the relations between private property and public welfare. 1899. 23cm Putnam $2.50 n Short bibliography at the beginning of each chapter. On unconventional lines. So far as possible he begins with practical problems of the day, and makes their study a means of developing and explaining scientific theories. Sat. r. Hobson, J: A. Economics of distribution. 1900. 19 Jem (Cit. lib. of econ., pol. & sociol.) Macmillan $1.25 n Accepts 'marginal' utility hypothesis, but proves conclu- sively that there is a fund of surplus profits as well as rents which might be confiscated without injustice. Nation, 71: 372. Ingram, J: K. History of political economy; v pref. by E. J. James. 1888. 21cm Macmillan $1.50 n Bibliographical note, pref. p. 14-15. Reprinted, with additions, from 9th ed. of Encyclopaedia Britannica. , ' Marshall, Alfred, ed. v. 1. -1898. Principles of economics. 4th 23cm Macmillan $4 n 8 No more published (Jan. 1904) General survey, followed by treatment of questions of demand and supply, land, labor and capital, distribu- tion and exchange. Of high value. N. Y. Mill, J: S. Principles of political economy ; abr. / with notes, and a sketch of the history of politi- cal economy, by J. L. Laughlin. 1898. 22cm Appleton $3.50 Apx. 1, Brief bibliography of U. S. tariffs; of bimetal- lism; of American shipping, p. 631-36. Apx. 2, Exami- nation questions, p. 637-58. No writer before Mill had ever surveyed political econ- omy as a whole with anything like equal ability; no one had shown with the same fulness the relation which dif- ferent parts of the science bore to each other; still less had any one so well explained the relation of this science to other sciences and to knowledge in general. Bagehot (B) SOCIOLOGY ECONOMICS 85 Nicholson, J. 8. 1903. 21cm Elements of political economy. Macmillan $2.25 n Based on his Principles of political economy (3 v.) but omits most historical matter. States leading principles so far as possible without introducing controversial mat- ter, but indicates points still in dispute. Bibliographies. N. Y. - Principles of political economy. 3v. 1897- 1901. 23cm Macmillan v. 1, $3 n; v. 2, $2.25 n; v. 3, $3 n What clear arrangement, perspicuous thinking and di- rect expression can do to render economic argument in- telligible is accomplished in this book. L. L. Price in Econ.j. 12:51 (B) / Palgrave, R. H. I. ed. Dictionary of political economy. 3 v. 1894-99. 23cm Macmillan $6.50 ean Rf Brief articles on philosophy, history and present conditions; biographic sketches, definitions of terms, bib- liographic notes, etc. Articles signed by initials of well known economists representing various schools and in- terests. N. Y. Patten, S. N. Theory of prosperity. 1902. 21cm Macmillan $1.25 n Study of economics in view of present conditions, with consideration of principles of social well-being rather than of ordinary principles of wealth getting. Pittsburg. Perry, A. L. Political economy. 22d ed. 1895. 21cm Scribner $2.50 General review with special reference to United States. Cleveland. Pierson, N". Or. Principles of economics; tr. by A. A. Wotzel. v. 1. 1902. 23cm Macmillan $3.25 n 8 Contents: Value in exchange; Money. Value consists in its fuller and critical statement of old theories in light of what has been said by economists of present generation. Author formerly Dutch premier. , Sat. r. / Ricardo, David. Principles of political economy and taxation; ed. by E. C. K. Gonner. 1891. 19cm (Bonn's econ. lib.) Macmillan $1.50 n Bibliography of Ricardo, p. 439-46. His fame rests on the theory of rent, already expounded by Anderson, West and Malthus, but with less profun- dity and fulness. Cossa. / Ruskin. John. Munera pulveris: six essays on the elements of political economy, with an introd. by C: E. Norton. Brant wood ed. 1891. 19Jcm Longmans $1.50 n Contents: Definitions; Storekeeping; Coinkeeping; Commerce; Government; Mastership. A discussion of the principles of the government of the poor by the rich. Marot. Ruskin, John. Unto this last; four essays on the first principles of political economy. 1901. 15Jcm Crowell 35c The substance of his theory of political economy: the most powerful popular presentment of his critical as dis- tinct from his constructive theory. Hobson. Seager, H:R. Introduction to economics. 1904. / 22cm Holt $2 n Bibliographic note at end of chapter 3, and references for collateral reading appended to most chapters. Sidgwick, Henry. Principles of political econ- / omy. 3ded. 1901. 23cm Macmillan $4.50 n Smart, William. Studies in economics. 1895. 21cm Macmillan $2.75 n Smith, Adam. An inquiry into the nature and / causes of the wealth of nations; reprinted from 6th ed. with introd. by E. B. Bax. 2 v. 1901. 19cm (Bohn's stand, lib.) Macmillan $2 n A rough outline of sensible thoughts; not always con- sistent with themselves and rarely stated with much pre- cision. A great mental effort in its day, now altogether superseded and surpassed. The beginning of a new science. Bagehot (B) Spahr, C: B. Essay on the present distribution of wealth in the United States. 1896. 19$cm (Lib. of econ. &pol.) Crowell $1.50 Advocates progressive income tax. X. Y. Sumner, W: G. What social classes owe to each ,, other. 1883. 17cm Harper 60c Maintains that classes owe each other simply justice; a trenchant argument for individualism. N. Y. Toynbee, Arnold. Lectures on the industrial revolution of the 18th century in England; / popular addresses, notes and other fragments; with short memoir, by B. Jowett. 5th ed. 1896. 23cm Longmans $3.50 Review of introduction of machinery and result of increased dependence of labor on capital. Walker, F. A. First lessons in political economy. 1893. 19om (Amer. sci. ser. Elem.) Holt $1 No mere digest of the larger books, but a fresh presen- tation of the subject. Dial (B) - Political economy. 3d ed. rev. 1888. / 22cm (Amer. sci. ser. Adv.) Holt $2 Specially valuable on questions of land and wages. N.Y. Wells, D: A. Practical economics; essays re- specting certain of the recent economic expe- riences of the United States. 1894. 23icm Putnam $1.50 Reprinted from Atlantic, Princeton review, Ration, and N. Y. worM, 1872-84. 330 86 A. L. A. CATALOG CLASS LIST Wells, D: A. Recent economic changes, and /their effect on the production and distribution of wealth and the well-being of society. 1898. 20cm Appleton $2 Graphic recital of effects of modern invention and en- terprise; traces present tendencies in trade and finance to their origin, and suggests probable future course. A storehouse of admirably digested fact. B. & I. Wright, C. D. Industrial evolution of the United ^ States. 1897. 20cm (Chaut. lit. & sci. cir. ) Scribner $1.25 n Concisely sketches development of mechanical indus- tries, growth of factory system, labor movement and in- fluence of machinery. N. Y. 331 Capital. Labor and wages n American academy of political and social science. Social legislation and social activity; addresses at the 6th annual meeting. 1902. 25cm McClure $1.50 n Addresses on social effects of transportation; industrial conciliation and arbitration; the housing problem; child labor; factory legislation and inspection; juvenile courts. N. Y. Barnett, S: A:, & Mrs Henrietta. Practicable socialism; essays on social reform. 2d ed. rev. 1894. 19Jcm Longmans $1.50 Crowded with practical suggestions of ways in which philanthropists can study, help and humanize the life of the poor. Spec. 61: 1776 (B) Betts, L. W. The leaven in a great city. 1902. 19Jcm Dodd $1.50 n Contents: At the bottom; Development of social centers; The homes under one roof; Slow-dawning consciousness; Working-girls' clubs; A social experiment; Within the walls of home; Financial relations in families; Home standards; Where lies the responsibility? Shows how the standard of living is continually rising in New York through the efforts of the crowded popula- tion of frugal and industrious poor. R. off. f. Booth, William. In darkest England, and the way out. 1890. 22cm Funk $1 With chart inblack and white, $1; on heavier paper with colored chart, $1.50. Description of 'the submerged tenth' in London by founder of Salvation army, and his program for their relief and redemption. Buffalo. 1 Brassey, Thomas Brassey, 1st baron. Papers and addresses: work and wages; ed. by J. Pot- ter. 1894. 21cm Longmans $1.75 Contains much information about the wage receiving class and an employer's experience in dealing with it; treats also of. rights of wage receivers. B. & I. / BUcher, Karl. Industrial evolution; tr. by S. M. Wickett. 1901. 22cm Holt $2.50 n ' Bibliography, pref. p. 6. Stimulating volume for beginner in industrial history. Nation, 73:266. Calkins, Raymond. Substitutes for the saloon; investigation made for the Committee of fifty. 1901. 19Jcm Houghton $1.30 n 8 Bibliography, p. 389-91. Recognizes saloon's value as social center and discusses people's clubs, mission, settlement and Y. M. C. A. work, lunch rooms, coffee houses, indoor and outdoor amuse- ments, etc. N. Y. Campbell, Mrs Helen. Woman wage-earners: their past, their present and their future; with introd. by R: T. Ely. 1893. 19cm Little $1 Bibliography of woman's labor and of the woman ques- tion, p. 294. Clark, J: B. The distribution of wealth ; a theory of wages, interest and profits. 1899. 22cm Macmillan $3 n Coit, Stanton. Neighbourhood guilds; an in- strument of social reform. 2ded. 1892. 19 Jem Scribner $1 Dawson, W: H. Social Switzerland; studies of present-day social movements and legislation. 1897. 20cm Scribner $2.40 n Supplements exhaustive analysis of official reports by personal visits to many institutions dealt with. Affords, occasional insight into personal character and peculiari- ties of the Swiss worker. Literature, 1:107. . Gilman, N: P. A dividend to labor; a study of employers' welfare institutions. 1899. 20cm Houghton $1.75 Bibliography, p. 389-92. Both European and American enterprises for benefit of employees, with discuasion of principles. Pt. 3 supple- ments his earlier Profit sharing, with results of last decade of 19th century. N. Y. Profit sharing between employer and em- ployee; a study in the evolution of the wages system. 1896. 20cm Houghton $1.75 Bibliography, p. 446-48. Standard for both students and profit sharing employ- ers. Pol. sci. q. 4: 338 (B) Henderson, C: B,. Social settlements. 1898. 17cm (Handbks for pract. workers in church & philan. ) Lentilhon & co. 60c n Gives compact account of British and American settle- ments, discusses theory and sets forth methods and re- sults. N. Y. Hobson, J: A. Problem of the unemployed, an enquiry and an economic policy. 1896. 18Jcm (Social ques. of to-day) Scribner $1 n Suggests that workers who come under his wide defini- ' tion might in many cases have alternative trades to fall back on. Spec. 77: 455. Problems of poverty; an inquiry into the industrial condition of the poor. 4th ed. 1899. 18 Jem (Social ques. of to-day) Scribner $1 n List of authorities, p. 228-32. Sweating system outlined; causes and remedies stated. Marot. SOCIOLOGY ECONOMICS 87 Howell, George. Labour legislation, labour movements and labour leaders. 1902. 22cm Button $3.50 First hand account of labor movement in England in 2d half of 19th century. Weber. Trade unionism new and old. 2d ed. 1894. 18 Jem (Social ques. of to-day) Scribner $1 n Written after Conflicts of capital and labor with special reference to 'the new trade unionism.' Marot. Hull-House maps and papers: a presentation of nationalities and wages in a congested district of Chicago. 1895. 22cm (Lib. of econ. & pol.) Crowell $2.50 Papers by residents of Hull-House (Chicago social settle- ment) on the sweating system, wage-earning children, cloakmakers, Hebrew, Italian and Bohemian colonies, public charities, etc. N. Y. Jevons, W: S. The state in relation to labour; ed. by Michael Cababe. 3d ed. 1894. 19Jcm (Eng. citizen) Macmillan $1 Principles of industrial legislation; necessary state in- terference; law of industrial conspiracy and trade unions. Marot. Xiee, Joseph. Constructive and preventive phi- lanthropy; with introd. by J. A. Riis. 1902. 18cm (Amer. philan. of 19tb cent.) Macmillan $1 n Considers libraries, savings and loan associations, build- ing laws, protection of homes, home industries, vacation schools, playgrounds, baths, clubs, industrial training, medical inspection, etc. Bibliographic notes. N. Y. Xevasseur, Emile. The American workman; Amer. tr. by T: S. Adarns, ed. by Theodore Marburg. 1900. 24cm (Johns Hopkins univ. stud, in hist. & pol. sci. ) Johns Hopkins $3 Edited with abundant notes, extending sources of in- formation and bringing statistics to date. Nation, 72: 176. Lloyd, H: D. A country without strikes; a visit v to the compulsory arbitration court of New Zea- land. 1900. 19cm Doubleday $1 n Describes briefly origin, details and results of the sys- tem. N. Y. Marx, Karl. Capital: a critical analysis of cap- italist production; tr. by Samuel Moore and Edward Aveling; ed. by Frederick Engels. 1890? 23cm (Humboldt lib.) Humboldt pub. co. $1.75 Works and authors quoted, p. 495-506. Expounds the theory of surplus value. B. & I. This ' ' Bible of socialism " has aroused and directed rev- olutionary and socialistic thought during the last quar- ter of a century. Brooks, Social unrest, p. 263-64. / Mitchell, John. Organized labor, its problems, purposes and ideals, and the present and future of American wage earners. 1903. 23Jcm Amer. bk. & Bible h. $1.75 n National conference on industrial concilia- tion. Industrial conciliation; report of the proceedings of the conference, held under the auspices of the National civic federation, New York, Dec. 16-17, 1901. 1902. 20cm (Ques. of the day) Putnam $1.25 n Another issue of the same year (not in this series) appeared under title National conferenre on industrial conciliation. Includes also papers of Chicago conference, Dec. 17-18, 1900. Speakers include Oscar L. Strauss, Charles M. Schwab, Frank P. Sargent, Samuel Gompers, John Mitchell, Carroll D. Wright, Archbishop Ireland, James Duncan, Martin Fox and many others. N. Y. Nicholson, J. S. Strikes and social problems. 1896. 19cm Macmillan $1.25 Twelve papers on old age pensions, political economy and journalism, slavery in Zanzibar, etc. Deals mainly with labor questions. N. Y. Bae, John. Eight hours for work. 1894. 20cm Macmillan $1.25 Based on English statistics. Claims that no real advan- tage is gained by longer hours. Marot. Richmond, M.. E. Friendly visiting among the poor. 1899. 17cm Macmillan $1 Bibliographies. Tells how to become acquainted with the poor, how to make the best of a sorry situation, how to spend and save, how to preserve health. Directions are clearly stated and the spirit of the book tends to earnest and effective action. Henderson in Amer.j. social. 5: 126 (B) Riis, J. A. Battle with the slum. 1902. 21 Jem Macmillan $2 n P R Sequel to How the other half liven. First published in the Century magazine. Much enlarged, illustrated edition of his Ten years' war (1900) An intimately personal account of the conditions which prevailed in the tenement house districts, and of what has been done, and against what odds, to purge the city. J. pol. econ. 11: 335. Children of the poor. 1902. 20cm Scribner $1.25n P R Supplements his How the other half lives. Bases statements on close observation of life in New York slums and interprets facts with unfailing sympathy. Dial, 14: 151 (B) How the other half lives; studies among the tenements of New York. 1903. 19cm Scribner $1.25 n P R Written while Associated press reporter at police headquarters. B. & I. Rogers, J. E. T. Six centuries of work and wages; the history of English labour. 1884. 23cm Putnam $3 Best historical treatment of wages in England, based on his History of agriculture and prices in England. Marot. 331 ; 88 A. L. A. CATALOG CLASS LIST Rowntree, B. 8. Poverty, a study of town life. 2d ed. 1902. 23cm Macmillan $3.50 n S A study of the poor in York, Eng. Schulze-Gaevernitz, Gerhart von. Social peace; a study of the trade union movement in England; tr. by C. M. Wicksteed and ed. by Graham Wallas. 1893. 19cm (Social sci. ser. ) Scribner $1.25 Reviews industrial condition in early 19th century, methods and temper of labor organizations and move- ment toward social unity as studied 1889-90. Pittsburg. Shuey, E. L. Factory people and their employ- ers. 1900. 17 Jem ( Handbks for pract. workers in church & philan. ) Lentilhon & co. 75c n Narration of various methods devised by enlightened employers for improving conditions of work within the factory and conditions of existence without. Nation, 72: 403. Smart, William. Distribution of income. 1899. 21cm Macmillan $1.60 n Really contemplates whole science of political economy. Defends existing system of distribution. Nation, 71: 100. Spahr, C: B. America's working people. 2d ed. 1900. 19cm Longmans $1.25 P R Reprinted from Outlook, with corrections. 'Based on personal study of conditions in New England and southern factory towns, Pennsylvania coal mines, Homestead iron mills, Chicago trades unions, farming districts of Minnesota and Dakota, and among negroes and Mormons. N. Y. . Taussig, F. W: AVages and capital; an exami- nation of the wages fund doctrine. 1896. 19cm Appleton $1.50 Thorough, accurate and impartial. Nation, 63: 374 (B) Walker, F. A. The wages question; a treatise on wages and the wages class. 1891. 20scm Holt $2 Opposed to classical school and wages fund theory; dis- criminates real from nominal wages; shows importance of organizer of industry; takes account of sentiment as affecting economic forces. N. Y. Webb, Sidney, & Cox, Harold. ,The eight hours day. 1891. 19cm W.Scott 2/ Arguments for anu against. Shows that past reductions in hours have been beneficial to both capital and labor, also that legislation is only efficient way of securing such limitation. Chapter on practical proposals specially val- uable. N. Y. Webb, Sidney & Mrs Beatrice (Potter) In- dustrial democracy. New ed. 1902. 22cm Longmans $4 n Contents: Trade union structures; Trade union function; Trade union theory. Bibliography, p. 879-900. Problems of modern industry. New ed. 1902. 22cm Longmans $2 Woods, R. A. ed. Americans in process; a set- tlement study by residents and associates of the " t South End house, Boston. 1902. 19Jcm Houghton $1.50 n R Social, political and religious conditions among foreigners in north and west ends of Boston. Supple- ments The city wilderness. N. Y. Maps showing distribution of nationalities, industrial character of the population, etc. ed. The city wilderness; a settlement study, by residents and associates of the South End house, Boston. 1898. 19cm Houghton $1.50 Exhaustive study of south end of Boston and of the physical, racial, social, economic, criminal and political conditions of its inhabitants. N. Y. Wright, C. D. Some ethical phases of the labor question. 1902. 19cm Amer. unit, ass'n. $1 n ]/ R Contents: Religion in relation to sociology; Relation of political economy to the labor question; The factory as an element in civilization; Ethics of prison labor. Wyckoff, W. A: Day with a tramp, and other / days. 1901. 19cm Scribner $1 n P R Contents: A day with a tramp; With Iowa farmers; A section-hand on the Union Pacific railway; A burro- puncher; Incidents of the slums. Based on author's experiences while making sociologic investigations as a day laborer. N. Y. The workers: an experiment in reality. V 2 v. 1897-98. 19cm Scribner v. 1, $1.25; v. 2, $1.50 PR v. 1, The East. Two months' voluntary experi- ence of a college-bred investigator, working as builder's helper, summer hotel porter, farmhand, in a Pennsyl- vania logging camp, and while tramping between places, v. 2, The West. Further experiences as a day laborer in Chicago and in working his way westward to Pacific coast. N. Y. See aim Public documents list. 332 & Webb, Mrs Beatrice (Potter) His- tory of trade unionism. New ed. 1902. 22cm Longmans $2.60 n Bibliography by R. A. Peddie, p. 499-543. Recital of chief events in external and internal history of trade unionism without much of deeper problems as to its justification, spirit and policy. Pol. sci. q. 10: 145 (B) Avebury, John Lubbock, 1st baron. Short his- tory of coins and currency. 1902. 17 Jem (Murray's home & school lib. ) Dutton 60c n P Deals with origin of money and with British coinage. Well selected. Admirable illustrations. Pt. 2 treats of weights of coins with remarks on banknotes and banking. Pol. sci. q. 18: 558. SOCIOLOGY ECONOMICS v / / Bagehot, Walter. Lombard street; a descrip- tion of the money market. 1902. 19Jcm Scribner $1.25 R Descriptions of mechanism of English credit institu- tions, with able discussions of many points of theory. B. &I. Brough, William. Natural law of money. 1896. 20cm Putnam $1 Shows that tendency to substitute credit in place of material substances is the distinctive mark of progress in the art of effecting exchange. Nation, 69: 414 (B) Bullock, C: J. Essays on the monetary history of the United States. 1900. 19 Jem (Cit. lib. of econ., pol. & sociol. ) Macmillan $1.25 n Contents: Three centuries of cheap money in the United States; Paper currency of North Carolina; Paper currency of New Hampshire. Bibliography, p. 275-88. General thesis: Inflationist movement always due to scarcity of capital in sparsely settled regions. D. R. Dewey in Amer. hist. r. 6: 579. Burton, T. E. Financial crises and periods of industrial and commercial depression. 1902. 19Jcm Appleton $1.40 n R Bibliography by Hugh Williams, p. 347-77. Defines terms, discusses indications, accompanying con- ditions, causes and preventives; brief history of crises and depressions in United States. Diagrams, index. N. Y. Clare, George. The A B C of the foreign ex- changes; a practical guide. 3d ed. 1901. 19Jcm Macmillan $1.25 Cleveland, F: A. Funds and their uses. Rev. ed. 1903. 20cm (Appletons' bus. ser.) Appleton $1.25 n P What funds are, how obtained and how operated through U. S. treasury, savings and commercial banks, building associations, brokerage, trust and insurance companies. Facsimiles of business paper. N. Y. Conant, C: A. History of modern banks of issue; with account of the economic crises of the pres- ent century. 1902. 22Jcm Putnam $3 List of authorities, p. 677-81. Darwin, Leonard. Bimetallism. 1897. 20cm Appleton $2.50 Mainly a balancing of arguments. No one book will give an intelligent reader a -better grasp of the contro- versy. Annal Amer. acad. pol. sci. 12: 273. Dunbar, C: F. Chapters on the theory and his- tory of banking. 2d ed. 1901. 19 Jem Putnam $1.25 Succinct account of fundamental character of banking operations, nature of credit and its practical manifesta- tion in the chief forms, checks and banknotes. Pol. sci. q. 6: 571 (B) Greene, T: L. Corporation finance; a study of the principles and methods of the management of the finances of corporations in the United States. 3d ed. 1904. 20cm Putnam $1.25 Hamilton, J. H: Savings and savings institu- tions. 1902. 19Jcm Macmillan $2.25 n R Partial list of authorities, p. 429-32. No one else has been so successful in obtaining useful information on this subject within the limits proposed, Char. 9: 347. Hepburn, A. B. History of coinage and cur- rency in the United States. 1903. 21 Jem Macmillan $2 n Bibliography, p. 435-99. 1776-1860, coinage system, paper currency; 1861-90, L'. S. legal tender notes, silver question, national banking sys- tem; 1891-1902, silver contest of 1896, reform act of 1900. General review, bibliography. U. 8. laws and other documents in appendix. Jevons, W: S. Money and the mechanism of exchange. 1875. 19 Jem (Internat. sci. ser.) Appleton $1.75 P Elementary. Contains descriptions of clearinghouse and check bank. Excellent for laying a basis of sound doctrines. B. SVr William. The wheat problem; based on presidential address to the British as- SOC IOLOGY ECONOMICS 93 sociation, 1898, rev. with chapters on the fu- ture wheat supply of the United States by C. W. Davis and John Hyde. 1900. 20cm (Ques. of the day) Putnam $1.25 Three very suggestive lines of thought: (1) possibility of increasing supply of nitrogen available for wheat crops by general utilization of sewage; (2) practicability of at- taining the same end by electrically fixing free nitrogen of the air; (3) increasing arable lands by irrigation. Kntjin. n. 43:280. Edgar, W: C. Story of a grain of wheat. 1903. 19Jcm Appleton $1 P History and present status of wheat, including its place in vegetable world, use in ancient and modern times, development of wheat growing industry, flour milling and relation of tariff and transportation to wheat and flour trade. Enffin. n. v. 49, June 18 lit. sup. p. 68. / Ely, B: T. Monopolies and trusts. 1900. 19Jcm (Cit. lib. of econ., pol. & sociol. ) Macmillan $1.25 n S Pt. 7 of his Disstributum of wealth. Full of information, moderate and impartial. Pol. sci. q. 15:547 (B) Halle, E. It. von. Trusts; or, Industrial combi- nations and coalitions in the United States. 1899. 19cm Macmillan $1.25 Sketches forms, objects and effects of organization, corporation law and public opinion in United States. Appendixes give specimen contracts, national and state legislation, lists of combinations, bibliography, etc. N. Y. / Hobson, J: A. Evolution of modern capitalism : a study of machine production. 1894. 19cm (Contemp. sci. ser.) Scribner $1.50 Discussion of effects of machinery on labor, industrial depressions, women's work, wages and evolution of the trust. Buffalo. , Jenks. J. W. Trust problem. Rev. ed. 1903. 18cm McClure $1 n P 8 Bibliographic note, p. 317-18. Brief compendium of industrial conditions as affecting combinations. By expert agent of U. S. industrial com- mission. N. Y. Kropotkin, P. A. prince. Fields, factories and workshops; or, Industry combined with agri- culture and brain work with manual work. 1901. 19 Jem Putnam 90c n lie Rossignol, J. E: Monopolies past and pres- ent; an introductory study. 1901. 19Jcm (Lib. of econ. & pol.) Crowell $1.25 P Bibliography, p. 2. / Lloyd, H: D. Wealth against commonwealth. 1894. 22cm Harper $2.50 Pop. ed. $1 A study of trusts, particularly of the Standard oil com- pany. Macrosty, H: W: Trusts and the state, a sketch of competition. 1901. 194cm (Fabian ser.) Button $1.50 n Maintains that state should guide tendency toward monopoly so that it will terminate in the passing of industry into public ownership. Author. Meade, E: S. Trust finance; a study of the gene- sis, organization, and management of industrial combinations. 1903. 20cm (Appletona 1 bus. ser.) Appleton $1.25 n S Dispassionate. Extended examination of United States steel i-orpora- tion-of particular interest. .7. pol. econ. r2:l">6. Montague, G. H. The rise and progress of the Standard oil company. 1903. 19cm Harper $1 n S First published as 2 articles in the Quarterly journal of economics, Feb. 1902 and Feb. 1903. Pref. Studymade while author was Ricardo scholar in econom- ics at Harvard, 1900-1. Remarkably free from bias. Annul* Amer. acad.pol. sci. 22:513. See also Public documents list. 339 Consumption. Pauperism Booth, Charles. Pauperism, a picture; and The endowment of old age, an argument. 1892. 19 Jem Macmillan $1.25 Advocates pensions to all persons over 65 and would meet cost by taxation on imported articles. Marot. Bosanquet. Mrs Helen (Dendy) Strength of the people; a study in social economics. 1902. 23cm Macmillan $2.75 n A fairminded statement of all the issues involved in selecting a policy for relief of the distressed. C. E. Collet in Econ.j. 13:84. Willard, J. F. Tramping with tramps; studies and sketches of vagabond life, by Josiah Flynt. ,/ 1899. 19Jcm Century $1.50 P B. Outcome f 10 years actual experience as a tramp. N. Y. His gift for vagabondage is like another man's gift for music. Belongs to class of books that are light reading for indolent readers, and also recognized authorities to students. Nation, 69:321 (B) :; 10 L.aw Baldwin, S. E. Modern political institutions. 1898. 21cm Little $2 n Thirteen chapters, each dealing with an institution of vital importance, which, though sometimes considered chiefly historically, is always revealed in its present place and perspective. Outl. 60: 541 (B) Bouvier, John. Bouvier's law dictionary; new ed. rev. by Francis Rawle. 2 v. 1897. 25 Jem B,f Boston bk. co. $12 n I/ I/ 337 94 A. L. A. CATALOG CLASS LIST Bryce, James. Studies in history and jurispru- dence. 1901. 22cni Clarendon $3.50 Lectures on constitutions of various English speaking countries nnd comparison of Roman and English legal development. N. Y. Holland, T: E. Elements of jurisprudence. 9th ed. 1900. 23cm Clarendon $2.60 Maine, Sir H: S. Ancient law, its connection with the early history of society and its rela- tion to modern ideas. 3d Amer. ed. n. d. 22 Jem Holt $3.50 He has taken the best historians of Roman law, united and vivified, extended and illustrated their conclusions in his own comprehensive way, and made obscure things luminous. Woodrow Wilson in Allan. 82 : 367 (B) Dissertations on early law and custom. 1886. 23cm Holt $3.50 t\ Contents: Sacred laws of the Hindus; Religion and law; Ancestor worship; Ancestor worship and inherit- ance; Royal succession and the Salic law; The king in his relation to early civil justice; Theories of primitive society; East European house communities; Decay of feudal property in France and England; Classifications of property; Classifications of legal rules; Index. Markby, Sir William. Elements of law consid- ered with reference to principles of general jurisprudence. 5th ed. 1896. 22cm Clarendon $3 341 International law Davis, C. K. Treatise on international law, in- cluding American diplomacy; introd. by H: C. Lodge; annot. and rev. by P: J. Healy. 1901. 20cm " Keefe-Davidson $3.50 Taylor, Hannis. Treatise on international public law. 1901. 24cm Callaghan $6.50 n List of authorities, pref. p. 47-61. Woolsey, T. D. Introduction to the study of international law; 6th ed. rev. by T. S. Wool- sey. 1901. 21cm Scribner $2.50 Selection of works and documents on international law, p. 405-22. See also Public documents list. 342 < 'on( i I ui ional law and history Andrews, I. W. Manual of the constitution of 1 the United States, rev. by Homer Morris. 1900. 19cm (Eclec. educ. ser.) Amer. bk. co. $1 Anson, Sir W: R. Law and custom of the con- stitution. 2d-3d e Addresses before educational institutions setting forth the ideal of a university and its relation to modern life. Optimistic. N. Y. Newman, J : H : card. Idea of a university denned and illustrated. 1902. ISJcm Longmans $1.25 These discourses powerfully enforce the true purpose of liberal education, that it is a pursuit of knowledge for the sake of knowledge and not for the value of any of its fruits or applications, however important. R. H. Hutton (B) Smith., Goldwin. Oxford and her colleges. 1894. 13Jcm Macmillan 6/ Local guide-book, university history and educational essay all in one. N: M. Butler in Educ. r., 7: 500 (B) 379 Public schools Eliot, C : W : More money for the public schools. / 1903. 18cm Doubleday $1 n Sums up results of public education, its benefits and shortcomings. Suggests definite constructive measures for improvement. Urges much greater expenditures. N.Y. See also Public documents list. 38O Commerce; communication Clow, F: R. Introduction to the study of com- merce. 1901. 20cm Silver $1.25 n List of books, pref. p. 23-26. Treats economic principles as illustrated in commercial life. Wis. SOCIOLOGY COMMERCE ; COMMUNICATION 103 Farrer, T: H: Farrer, 1st baron. The state in its relation to trade, with supplementary chapter by Sir Robert Giffen. 1902. 19 Jem (Eng. citizen) Macmillan $1 In the main discourages state interference. Ath. Stickney, Albert. State control of trade and commerce by national or state authority. 1897. 23 Jem Baker, V. & co. $2.25 Contends that decision that combination of individuals to raise prices is either an act injurious to trade or com- merce or an act in restraint of trade is incorrect from a purely legal point of view. F. J. Goodnow in Pol. sci. q. 12: 707. ^ Webster, W: C. General history of commerce. 1903. 19Jcm Ginn $1.40 Aims to give pictures of commercial growth and decay of separate nations, and an understanding of the forces, industrial, racial and climatic, which have contributed to steady expansion of world's trade. Pref. Good illustrations and maps. "Willson, Beckles. Story of rapid transit. 1903. 19Jcm Appleton $1 n Contents- Beginnings of rapid transit, the mail-coach; First railways; Steam navigation; Development of the railway; Telegraph, wireless telegraphy; Aerial naviga- tion, homing pigeons; Ocean telegraphy, the telephone, pneumatic tubes, postal systems; Bicycle, motor cycles; Motor carriages; Street railways. See also Public documents list. 32 Foreign trade Bryce, George. Remarkable history of the Hudson's Bay company, including that of the French traders of north western Canada and of the North-west, XY, and Astor fur com- panies. 1900. 21 Jem Scribner $4 Authorities and references, p. 481-86. Covers last 80 years since the amalgamation of all the fur interests of British N. -A. Expands just at the point where Willson grows concise. Nation, 71:136. Willson, Beckles. The Great company (1667- 1871) being a history of the honourable com- pany of merchants-adventurers trading Snto Hudson's bay. 2 v. 1900. 20Jcm Dodd $5 Full account of the company's commercial and politi- cal activities; with introduction by its present governor and drawings by Arthur Homing; of great value to student of Canadian and commercial history. Johnston. See also Public documents list. 35 Railroad and express Dixon, F. H. State railroad control, with a his- tory of its development in Iowa. 1896. 19Jcm (Lib. of econ. & pol. ) Crowell $1.75 Treats of that part of railway transportation conducted within the territorial limits of single states. Buffalo. Hadley, A. T. Railroad transportation, its his- K tory and its laws. 1903. 19 Jem Putnam $1.50 Thorough exhaustive discussion. R. Mayo-Smith in Pol. sci. q. 1:141. Johnson, E. R: American railway transporta- ^/ tion. 1903. 20cm (Appletons' bus. ser.) Appleton $1.50 Describes existing system, discussing questions of own- ership, management, monopoly and competition, rates, fares, relations with state, etc. Bibliographic references. N. Y. Meyer, B. H: Railway legislation in the United i/ States. 1903. 19cm (Cit. lib. of econ., pol. & sociol.) Macmillan $1.25 n Contents: Progress of railway legislation; Past and future of Interstate commerce commission. Newcomb, H. T. Railway economics. 1898. 19Jcm Railway world pub. co. $1 Condensed and comprehensive discussion of a number of features of railway transportation, viewed in the light of economic principles. Engin. n. 41:48. Pratt, E. A. American railways. 1903. 20cm Macmillan $1.25 n See also Public documents list. 36 Canal and highway transporta- tion Jeans, J. S. Waterways and water transport in different countries; with a description of the Panama, Suez, Manchester, Nicaraguan, and other canals. 1890. 22cm Spon $5.50 37 River, lake and oecaii transpor- tation Abbot, W. J: American merchant ships and sailors. 1902. 21cm Dodd $2 n R Y American shipping from colonial days to present, including coastwise, oversea, river, lake and fishing craft. Accurate. Wells. Bates, W: W. American navigation; the politi- cal history of its rise and ruin and the proper means for its encouragement. 1902. 22Jcm Houghton $3.50 n S Deals almost exclusively with foreign trade and policies of reciprocity, subsidies, etc. N. Y. Blackmore, Edward. British mercantile ma- rine: a short historical review, including the rise and progress of British shipping and com- merce, the education of the meVchant officer, and duty and discipline in the merchant service. 1897. 19cm (Griffin's naut. ser.) Lippincott $1.50 375 104 A. L. A. CATALOG CLASS LIST Marvin, W. L. American merchant marine; its history and romance, 1620-1902. 1902. 21Jcm Scribner $2 n Specially full on the earlier history. Author at his best in treating of privateering, whale fishing and deep sea fisheries. Wells. See also Public documents list. 389 Weights and measures Clarke, F. W. comp. Weights, measures and money, of all nations. 1875. 19cm Appleton $1 .50 Woolhouse, W. S. B. Measures, weights and \l moneys of all nations, and an analysis of the Christian, Hebrew and Mahometan calendars. 7th ed. rev. 1890. 17Jcm (Weale's sci. & tech. ser. ) Van Nostrand 80c 39O Customs 391 Costume / Earle, Mrs Alice (Morse) Two centuries of costume in America, 1620-1820. 2 v. 1903. 21cm Macmillan $5 n Evans, M. M. (Iiathbury) lady. Chapters on Greek dress. 1893. 23cm Macmillan $2 Of general value for analysis of the most simple and beautiful costume known to us; also as a key to that important part of sculpture and painting called drapery, which is founded on Greek examples. L. & I. Fairholt, F: W: Costume in England; 4th ed. J rev. by H. A. Dillon. 2 v. 1896. 19cm (Bohn's art. lib.) Macmillan $1.50 ea n V. 1, History to end of 18th century, v. 2, Glossary giv- ing meaning and history of various parts of the costume Drexel. Holt, Ardern. Fancy dresses described; or, What to wear at fancy balls. 6th ed. 1896. 21cm Scribner $3 n Colored plates. - Gentlemen's fancy dress: how to choose it. 4th ed. 1898. 19Jcm Scribner $1.25 n d Planche, J. R. History of British costume, to close of eighteenth century. 3d ed. 1900. 19cm (Bohn's lib.) Macmillan $1.50 n 392 Birth, home and sex customs , Starcke, C. N. Primitive family in its origin and development. 1889. 19cm (Internat. sci. ser.) Appleton $1.75 S List of books referred to, p. 301-10. 394 Public and social customs Brand, John. Observations on the popular an- tiquities of Great Britain; rev. and enl. by Sir Henry Ellis. 3 v. 1900-02. 19cm (Bohn's antiq. lib.) Macrnillan $1.50ean In many respects the most valuable work on English customs, and a mine to all students of folklore. L. & I. Cornish, F. W. Chivalry. 1901. 18Jcm (So- / cial Eng. ser. ) Macmillan $1.75 The field (chivalry in general) has been conscientiously covered. Chapters on the education of the knight, the tournaments, the crusades, and heraldry. Literature of chivalry analysed. Arner. hist. r. 395 Etiquette Kingsland. Mrs Florence. Etiquette for all occasions, by Mrs Burton Kingsland. 1901. 20cm Doubleday $1.50n Sherwood, Mrs M. . E. . (Wilson) Manners and social usages; by Mrs John Sherwood. Rev. , ed. 1903. 19 Jem Harper $1.25 ' How the house shall be ordered; how company shall be received; how to visit and be visited; how to do it all kindly, attractively, becomingly, in proportion to means at command, is set forth very clearly. Nation, 39: 59 (B) 396 Wontan' poition and treatment Bayles, G: J. Woman and the law. 1901. 19 Jem Century $1.40 n P Clear and concise. Candee, Mrs H. C. How women may earn a living. 1900. 18cm Macmillan $1 Outlines a variety of occupations requiring little time for preparation and gives briefly the requirements, attrac- tions, discouragements and probable remuneration of each. Suggestive and sensible. N. Y. Collet, C. E.. Educated working women; es- says on the economic position of women work- ers in the middle classes. 1902. ISJcm P. S. King 2/n Full of suggestion, tersely and forcibly written, with . touches of humor and happy quotations. M. P. Marshall in Econ. j. 12: 257. Oilman, Mrs Charlotte (Perkins) Stetson. Women and economics; a study of the eco- j? nomic relation between men and women as a , factor in social evolution. 2d ed. 1899. 20cm Small $1.50 Will be widely read and discussed as the cleverest, fairest, most forcible presentation of the views of the rapidly increasing group who look with favor on exten- sion of industrial employment of women. Pol. sci. q. 14: 712 (B) Higginson, T: W. Women and the alphabet; a series of essays. 1900. 19 Jem Hough ton $2 39 Folklore, proverbs, etc. AsbjOrnsen, P: C. Fairy tales from the far North; tr. by H. L. Brsekstad. 1897. 22 Jem Y Armstrong $2 SOCIOLOGY CUSTOMS 105 Baldwin, James. Fairy stories and fables retold. 1895. 19cm (Eclec. school readings) Y Amer. bk. co. 35c Story of Roland. 1888. 19cm (Heroes of olden time) Scribner $1.50 Y Continuous narrative made up of legends from all sources. Buffalo. Story of Siegfried. 1904. 19Jcm (He- roes of olden time) Scribner $1.50 Y Modern version sometimes following the Eddas, some- times the Nibelungen lay, and sometimes differing from both. Buffalo. Wonder-book of horses. 1903. 19 Jem Y Century 75c Bay, J. C. comp. Danish fairy and folk tales; a collection of popular stories and fairy tales. 1899. 19cm Y Harper $1.50 Bergen, Mrs Fanny (Dickerson) comp. Current superstitions: collected from the oral tradition of English speaking folk, with notes, and an introd. by W:W. Newell. 1896. 25cm (Amer. folk-lore soc. mem. ) Houghton $3.50 n \J Bulfinch, Thomas. The age of chivalry; or, Legends of King Arthur, "King Arthur and his knights," "The Mabinogeon," " The crusades, " "Robin Hood," etc. ed. by E. E. Hale. 1884. 21cm De Wolfe $1.50 Chamberlain, A. F. The child and childhood in folk-thought (The child in primitive culture) . 1896. 22cm Macmillan $3 n Bibliography, p. 405-34. Christy, Robert. Proverbs, maxims and phrases of all ages. 1898. 20Jcm (Pop. ed.) Ef Putnam $3.50 Church, A. J: Heroes of chivalry and romance. 2d ed. 1900. 20cm Macmillan $1.75 Y Contents: Story of Beowulf; King Arthur and the Round table; Treasure of the Nibelungs. - Stories of Charlemagne and the twelve peers of France, from the old romances. 1902. 20Jcm Y Macmillan $1.75 Couch, A. T: Q,uiller- Fairytales far and near. 1895. 19jcm Y Stokes $1 \ Curtin, Jeremiah. Hero-tales of Ireland. 1894. 20cra Little $2 Tales from the mouths of a deeply imaginative, intelli- gent and ignorant peasantry, the majority distinguished by good faith, a charming fancy and vivid realism. Ath. '91, 1:435 (B) Gushing, F. H. Ztifii folk tales. 1901. 23 Jem Putnam $3.50 n Author lived among Zufii Indians of New Mexico, 1879-8.5, learned their language and traditions, was initi- ated into their esoteric priesthood and elected their war chief, gaining an unusual insight into the inner life and customs of un Indian tribe. Pittsburg. Deming, T. O. Children of the wild. 1902. 26cm Stokes $1 n Y Indian folklore stories, with color plates and illus- trations in black-and-white by E. \V. Deming. Little brothers of the West. 26cm 1902. Y Stokes $1 n Dyer, T: F. T. Folk-lore of plants. 1889. 19Jcm Appleton $1.50 Brief summary, with illustrations chiefly from Euro- pean sources. L. & I. Forbes, C. B. Elizabeth's charm-string. 1903. 19 Jem Little $1.20 n Y Legends of saints, places, pictures, etc. associated with the collection of charms. X. Y. Gould, Sabine Baring- Curious myths of the middle ages. 1901. 19Jcm Longmans $1.25 CONTENTS: Wandering Jew; PresterJohn; The divining rod; Seven sleepers of Ephesus; William Tell; The dog Gellert; Tailed men; Antichrist and Pope Joan; The man in the moon; Mountain of Venus; St George; Legend of the cross; Schamir; Melusina; The Fortunate Isles; Knight of the swan. Greene, F. N. Legends of King Arthur and his court. 1901. 19 Jem Ginn 60c Y Simple prose version, following Tennyson closely. Introduction on feudalism and chivalry. Illustrations by E: H. Garrett X Y. Grimm, J. L. K., & W. K. Fairy tales of the brothers Grimm ; tr. by Mrs Edgar Lucas. 1902. 20xl6cm Y Lippincott $2.50 Grimm's fairy tales, ed. by S.. E. Wiltse. 2 v. 1894-96. 18cm (Class, for children) Ginn 70c Y For very little children. Ed. sel. Household stories; tr. by Lucy Crane; pictures by Walter Crane. 1899. 18 Jem Y Macmillan $1.50 Grinnell, G: B. Blackfoot lodge tales; the story of a prairie people. 1892. 21cm Scribner $1.75 Thirty stories of love and war, ancient customs and natural phenomena. Also an account of ancient Black- foot history, their daily life and customs and a brief state- ment of their condition today. L. A. H. Guerber, H. A. Legends of the middle ages. 1896. 19cm Amer. bk. co. $1.50 Y Relates legends in easy narrative, bringing out in- fluence on literature and art by quotations and pictures. N. Y. 106 A. L. A. CATALOG CLASS LIST Harris, J. C. Uncle Remus and his friends; old plantation stories, songs and ballads, with sketches of negro character. 1892. 20cm Houghton $1.50 Y Negro folklore gathered firsthand. The'Creetur' tales and the manner of their telling are uniquely funny. L. &I. Uncle Remus, his songs and his sayings; new ed. with illus. by A. B. Frost. 1903. 19 Jem Appleton $2 Y Contents: Legends of the old plantation; Planta- tion proverbs; His songs; A story of the war; His sayings- Headland, I: T. tr. Chinese Mother Goose rhymes. 1900. 23Jcm Revell $1.25 Y Opens a great bright window into the joyousness of theChinese home; belongs to those really informing books which teach us the true life of a people. Xation, 71:392. Higginson, T: W. Tales of the enchanted islands of. the Atlantic. 1898. 19Jcm Macmillan $1.50 Y Legends of Atlantis, the island of perpetual youth, Lancelot's isle, the isle of demons, etc. N. Y. Holbrook, Florence. Book of nature myths. 1902. 19cm Houghton 65c n Y School ed. 45c n. Jacobs, Joseph, comp. Celtic fairy tales. 1892. 21Jcm Putnam, pop. ed. $1.25 Y Notes and references, p. 237-67. English fairy tales. 3d ed. rev. 1902. 21 Jem Putnam, pop. ed. $1.25 Y The three sillies; Mr. Vinegar; Teeny-tiny; The three bears; Jack the giant-killer; CWUe Rowland; Johnny- cake; Henny-penny, etc. Indian fairy tales. 1892. 21Jcm Putnam, pop. ed. $1.25 Y Drawn from the Jatakas or birth stories of Buddha i the fables of Bidpai and other Sanskrit folk tales. Pittsburg. More Celtic fairy tales. 1902. 21 Jem Y Putnam, pop. ed. $1.25 More English fairy tales. 1894. 21 Jem Putnam, pop. ed. $1.25 Y Notes and references, p. 215-433. Judd, M..C. ed. Wigwam stories told by North American Indians; illus. by Angel de Cora (Hinook Mahiwi Kilinaka) 1901. 19cm Y Ginn 75c Keightley, Thomas. Fairy mythology, illus- trative of the romance and superstition of various countries. 1900. ISJcm (Bohn's antiq. lib.) Macmillan $1.50 n Lang, Andrew. Custom and myth. 1885. 19 Jem Harper $1.25 A complete study of several very important folk tales, which makes the book serve as an admirable stepping- stone. Folklore j. 2: 393 (B) Lang, Andrew, ed. Blue fairy book. 1901. 18Jcm Y Longmans $2 Book of romance. 1902. 19cm Longmans $1.60 n Y Tales of King Arthur, Roland, Robin Hood, Grettir the Strong, etc., told, except one, by Mrs Lang. Illustra- tions in black-and-white and color, by J.L. Ford. N. Y. Nursery rhyme book ; illus. by L. L. Brooke. 1898. 20J x 15Jcm Y VVarne $2 Red fairy book. 1901. ISJcm Y Longmans $2 Less familiar fairy tales from Norse, French and Ger- man sources. Includes Princess Mayblossom, Graciosa and Percinet, Six sillies, Little golden hood, and Fanner Weatherbeard. Pittsburg. liummis, C: F. Man who married the moon, y and other Pueblo Indian folk -stories. 1894. 19Jcm Y Century $1.50 Mabinogion. Knightly legends of Wales; or, The boy's Mabinogion, being the earliest Welsh tales of King Arthur; ed. for boys by Sidney Lanier. 1903. 20Jcm (Boy's lib. of legend & chiv. ) Y Scribner $2 McMurry, Mrs L. B. Classic stories for the little ones, adapted from Andersen, Grimm and others. 1894. 17cm Y Public school pub. co. 40c n Malory, 8ir Thomas. Boy's King Arthur; being Sir Thomas Malory's history of King Arthur; ed. for boys by Sidney Lanier. 1903. 20Jcm (Boy's lib. of legend & chiv.) Y Scribner $2 King Arthur and his noble knights; stories from Sir Thomas Malory's Morte d' Arthur, by Mary Macleod. 1902. 19cm (Home lib.) Y Burt $1 Le morte Darthur; text of Caxton, ed. with an introd. by Sir Edward Strachey. 1901. V 20cm Macmillan $1.75 Y The Arthurian cycle is the best embodiment of chiv- alry, of romance, of gallantry. We have it in its best form, for the compilation of Sir Thomas Malory is wrought into a mold of pure English, hardly second to the English of tbe Bible. Frederic Harrison (B) Mother Goose. Book of nursery rhymes: melo- dies arranged in the order of attractiveness and interest by Charles Welsh. 1901. 19cm (Heath's home & school class.) Y Heath 30c n SOCIOLOGY CUSTOMS 107 Mother Goose. Mother Goose's melodies; or, Songs for the nursery, ed. by W: A. Wheeler, n. d. 24cm Y Houghton $1.50 Perrault, Charles. Tales of Mother Goose; a new tr. by Charles Welsh. 1902. 18 Jem (Heath's , home & school class. ) Y Heath 20c n Pyle, Howard. Story of King Arthur and his knights. 1903. 24cm Scribner $2.50 n T From Malory and other sources, many incidents being altered in this version for children. Author's illus- trations. Reprinted from St Nicholas. N. Y. Pyle, Katharine. Where the wind blows; being ten fairy-tales from ten nations re-told. 1902. 27icm Harper $2.50 n Y Contents: Wanderings of Vicram Maharajah; Urash- ima; Magic mirror; Red swan; The fisherman and the genii; Thorat Jotunheim; GuleeshnaGussDhu; Vasilissa the Fair; Marriage of Sir Gawain; Perseus. Scudder, H. E. Book of legends told over again. 1899. 17icm Y Houghton 50c Fables and folk stories. 1890. 18cm (Riverside lit. ser.) Y Houghton 40c n Scudder, H. E. comp. Children's book; a col- lection of the best and most famous stories and poems in the English language, n. d. 26cm Y Houghton $2.50 Skinner, C: M. Myths and legends beyond our borders. 1899. 18jcm Lippincott $1.50 Contents: Canada; Mexico. Myths and legends of our own land. 2 v. 1896. 18Jcm Lippincott $3 Collection of nearly 300 myths, traditions and curious stories very briefly told. Grouped geographically. Nation, 63: 412. Thorpe, Benjamin, ed. Yule-tide stories; Scan- dinavian and North German popular tales and traditions. 1892. 18cm (Bohn'santiq. lib. ) Macmillan $1.50 n Winnington, Laura. Outlook fairy book. 1903. 25cm Macmillan $1.20 n Y About 30 fairy tales, ballads and songs gathered from England, Scotland, Ireland, Germany, France, Spain. Yeats, W: B. ed. Irish fairy and folk tales. 1893? 19cm Scribner $1.50 Equally delightful to the bibliophile, the anthropolo- gist (if given to banshees) and the child. Sat. r. 73: 551. Zitkala-Sa. Old Indian legends, retold. 1901. 19cm Ginn 50c Y Short fairy tales taken from the lips of Dakota Indians and simply and naturally told. N. Y. 398 4OO PHILOLOGY 4O4 Essays Whitney, W: D. Oriental and linguistic studies. 2 v. 1873-74. 19cm Scribner $2.50 ea Contents: ser. l, The Veda; The Avesta; Science of language, ser. 2, East and West; Religion and mythol- ogy; Orthography and phonology; Hindu astronomy. 4O7 Study and teaching; Breul, K: H. Teaching of modern foreign lan- guages in our secondary schools. Rev. ed. 1899. 19cm Macmillan 60c n Bibliographic appendix, p. 59-64. Reference library of a school teacher of German, p. 65-84. Sweet, Henry. Practical study of languages. 1900. 20cm Holt $1.50 n R Bibliography, p. 279-80. Of much interest and value to teachers, though not primarily pedagogic: still more valuable to scientific students and writers. Nation, 70: 267. 4O9 History Lefevre, Andre. Race and language. 1894. 19cm (Internal, sci. ser. ) Appleton $1.50 Contents: Evolution of language; Geographical distri- bution of languages and races; The Indo-European or- ganism. In full sympathy with modern scientific research. Adapted to educated persons who are not advanced students of philology. Pub. wkly. Strong, H. A: & others. Introduction to the study of the history of language. 1891 . 23cm Longmans $3.50 Sweet, Henry. History of language. 1900. ]~2rm (Temple prim. ) Macmillan 40c n Bibliography, p. 153-54. Interesting to laymen and specialists alike. Shows in- dependent study and a bold originality. Nation, 70: 460. Whitney, W: D. Life and growth of language: an outline of linguistic science. 1902. 19Jcm (.Internat. nci. ser.) Appleton $1.50 Written in 1875; authoritative and clear. L. & I. 41O Comparative philology Giles, Peter. Short manual of comparative phi- lology. 2ded. rev. 1901. 18$cm (Macmillan's man.) Macmillan $3.25 n S Clear and concise; judicious selection of views and illustrative eximples. Ath. '02, 1: 428. Mttller, F. M. Science of language. 2 v. 1891. 19cm Scribner $6 Whitney, W: D. Language and the study of language; lectures on principles of linguistic sci- ence. 6th ed. 1901. 19Jcm Scribner $2.50 Clodd, Edward. Story of the alphabet. 1900. ^/ 15 Jem (Lib. of useful stories) Appleton 35c n Taylor, Isaac. History of the alphabet. New ed. 2 v. 1899. 23cm Scribner $5 Contents: 1, Semitic alphabets; 2, Aryan alphabets. 419 Hieroglyphics Hoffman, W. J. Beginnings of writings; with introd. by Frederick Starr. 1895. 19Jcm (An- thropol. ser.) Appleton $1.75 42O English language Carpenter, G: R., & others. Teaching 01 Eng- lish in the elementary and the secondary school. 1903. 20;jcm (Amer. teachers' ser.) Longmans $1.50 Bibliographies. Chubb, Percival. Teaching of English in the elementary and the secondary school. 1902. 20cm (Teachers' prof, lib.) Macmillan $1 n K Based on fundamental principle of unity and con- tinuity in English course from kindergarten through high school. Dial, 1903. Hinsdale, B. A. Teaching the language-arts; speech, reading, composition. 1896. 18cm (Internat. educ. ser.) Appleton $1 Bibliography, p. 203-5. Based on wide knowledge of conditions in American education. Central idea is importance of part played by imitation in child's mental growth. Dial, 21: 1%. Jespersen, J. O. H. Progress in language; with special reference to English. 1894. 19cm Macmillan $1.90 n Boldly attacks some fundamental problems of linguis- tics, with ability, freedom and originality. A. H. Keane in Acad. 22 Dec. 1894. Lounsbury, T: R. History of the English Ian- / guage. Rev. ed. 1894. 18Jcm Holt $1.12 Filled with safe and accurate information about history of English forms, inflections and anomalies, expressed in pointed and accurate English. Critic, 26: 742 (B) 109 400 110 A. L. A. CATALOG CLASS LIST l Marsh, G: P. Origin and history of the English language and of the early literature it embodies. Rev. ed. 1898. 23cm Scribner $3.50 Based on Lowell institute lectures, 1860-1861. Bibliography, pref. p. 7-15. Matthews, James B. Parts of speech. 1901. 19 Jem Scribner $1.25 n R Contents: Stock that speaks the language; Future of the language; English language in the United States; The language in Great Britain; Americanisms once more; New wordsand old; Naturalization of foreign words; Function of slang; Questions of usage; An inquiry as to rime; On the poetry of place-names; As to "American spelling;" Simplification of English spelling; Americanism, an at- tempt at a definition. Thesis: That a language grows and is not made. Of greatest value to teachers of secondary English who have not systematically studied historical English grammar. IHal, 32: 53. Tucker, G. M. Our common speech. 1895. 18cm Dodd $1.25 n R Six essays on changes in meaning of words, compara- tive merits of English dictionaries, American-English, etc. N. Y. White, B: G. Every -day English: sequel to Words and their uses. 1880. 19Jcm P R Houghton $2 421 Orthography, orthoepy, etc. Bigelow, M. T. Punctuation, and other typo- graphical matters. New ed. 1902. 16cm Lee 50c \ Lounsbury, T: B. Standard of pronunciation in English. 1904. 20cm Harper $1.50 n Phyfe, W: H: P. Five thousand words often misspelled. 1894. 16Jcm Putnam 75c Rf Includes directions for spelling and for syllabifica- tion, notes on words of variable orthography, an apx. of rules and list of amended spellings recommended by the English philological society and the American philolog- ical association. Critic (B) Ten thousand words often mispronounced ; A handbook of difficulties in English pronuncia- tion. 1903. 17cm Rf Putnam $1 Sweet, Henry. History of English sounds from the earliest period, with full word-lists. 1888. 22 Jem Clarendon $3.50 See also Public documents list. 422 Etymology Greenough, J. B., & Kittredge, G: L. Words and their ways in English speech. 1901. 20Jcm Macmillan $1.10 n R S Discussion of derivations, foreign influences, metamorphosed words, slang, fashions in language, etc. by Harvard professors of English and Latin. N. Y. Kluge, Friedrich, & Lutz, Frederick. Eng- lish etymology; an introd. to the history of the English language. 1898. ISJcm Heath 60c n Skeat, W. W: Concise etymological dictionary of the English language. New ed. 1901. 20 Jem (Clarendon press ser. ) Clarendon $1.25. Important standard. Scott. Etymological dictionary of the English language. 3d ed. 1898. 27x21 Jem Clarendon 44/ Rf Books referred to, pref. p. 25-30. Purpose to furnish materials for scientific study of Eng- lish etymology. Ost'erhout. Principles of English etymology. 2 v. 1892, '91. 20cm (Clarendon press ser. ) Clarendon v. 1, $2.25; v. 2, $2.60 List of books consulted, v. 1, pref. p. 9-12. Contents: ser. 1, Native element, ser. 2, Foreigm ele- ment. Explains pronunciation of words when they were taken into English, or became known as English, and then sets forth principal subsequent phonetic changes. Gives his- tory of growth of modern English spelling, and a discus- sion of its present condition. Nation, 1891. Trench, B: C. abp. of Dublin. On the study of words; rev. by A. L. May hew with words by T: D. Suple"e. 1889. 19cm Armstrong $1 Also in Unit books, H. W. Bell. pap. 26c, cl. 56c. 423 Dictionaries Century dictionary. 6 v. 1904. 33Jcm / Bf Century subs. $60 Standard dictionary of the English language; y new ed. rev. also Abridged cyclopedia with atlas. 2 v. 1903. 32cm Bf Funk $10 Webster, Noah. Webster's international die- / tionary of the English language; rev. under l supervision of Noah Porter; added sup. of 25,000 words and phrases, W. T. Harris, editor in chief. 1900. 31cm Bf Merriam $10; with index $10.75 424 Synonyms Fernald, J. C. English synonyms and antonyms. */ 1896. 20cm (Stand, educ. ser.) Funk $1.50 Rf Books of reference, pref. p. 12. Questions and examples, p. 377-508. Compares or contrasts synonymous words, explains their differences of meaning or usage and shows in what connection one or the other may be more fitly used. Pref. PHILOLOGY ENGLISH LANGUAGE 111 Roget, P: M: Thesaurus of English words and V phrases, enl. with full index, by J: L: Roget. New ed. pref. 1879. 20cm. Crowell $2 Kf Dictionary of synonyms arranged topically. Index refers to each word in its various meanings and relations. A larger work which libraries will find valuable for reference is F. A. March's Thesaurus dictionary of the English language, 1902, Hist. pub. co. $15. New edition in preparation. Ed. sel. 425 Grammar Henry, Victor. Short comparative grammar of English and German, traced back to their com- mon origin and contrasted with the classical lan- guages. 1894. 19J cm Macmillan $1.90 n Bibliographic note, pref. p. 26-28. Kimball, L. G. Structure of the English sentence. 1900. 19cm Amer. bk. co. 75c Morris, Richard. Historical outlines of English accidence, chapters on the history and develop- ment of the language, and on word-formation; rev. by L. Kellner and Henry Bradley. 1903. 18cm Macmillan $1.40 n Good compend, trustworthy in detail. Scott. Sweet, Henry. New English grammar, logical and historical. 2 v. 1900-03. 19 Jem (Claren- don press ser. )' Clarendon v. 1, $2.60; v. 2, 90c Short historical English grammar. 1892. 18cm (Clarendon press ser.) Clarendon $1.10 Abridgment of historical portions of his New English grammar. Whitney, W: D. Essentials of English gram- mar. 1903. 19cm Ginn 75c 426 Prosody Alden, R. M. ed. English verse; specimens illustrating its principles and history. 1903. 17cm (Eng. readings) Holt $1.25 Useful for forms, with illustrations. Corson, Hiram. Primer of English verse, chiefly in its aesthetic and organic character. 1892. 19cm Ginn $1 Laiiier, Sidney. Science of English verse. 1901. 20Jcm Scribner $2 Characteristic feature is application of principles and notation of music to English verse. Nation, 1880. 428 Errors of speech. Composition Compton, A. G: Some common errors of speech. 1898. 19Jcm Putnam 75c 8 Deals not only with grammatical questions but also with good and bad use of metaphor. Critic, 3: 401. Mother tongue, book 1-3. 3 v. 1900-02. 19cm Ginn v. 1, 45c; v. 2, 60c; v. 3, $1 Contents: bk. 1, Leasons in speaking.readingand writing English, by 8. L. Arnold and G. L. Kittredge. bk. 2, Ele- mentary English grammar, by G. L. Kittredge and 8. L. Arnold, bk. 3, Elements of English composition, by J. H. Gardiner, G. L. Kittredge and S. L. Arnold. Scott, F. N., & Denney, J. V. Elementary English composition. 1900. 18Jcm Allyn 80c White, R: G. Words and their uses, past and / present. 33d ed. rev. 1899. 20cm P K Houghton $2 429 Anglo-Saxon Bright, J. W. ed. Anglo-Saxon reader; with notes, glossary, chapter on versification and out- line of Anglo-Saxon grammar. 3d ed. rev. 1894. 18cm Holt $1.50 Cook, A. S. First book in Old English; gram- mar, reader, notes and vocabulary. 2d ed. rev. 1900. 19cm Ginn $1.50 March, F. A. Comparative grammar of the Anglo-Saxon language. 1899. 23cm Amer. bk. co. $1.80 Sievers, Eduard. Old English grammar; tr. and ed. by A. S. Cook. 3d ed. 1903. 19cm Ginn $1.50 Sweet, Henry. Student's dictionary of Anglo- Saxon. 1897. 18cm Clarendon $1.75 Rf S Extremely condensed; well printed. Nation, 65: 115. 431 Orthography. Orthoepy Grandgent, C: H. German and English sounds. 1892. 19cm (Internat. mod. lang. ser.) Ginn 50c Hempl, George. German orthography and phonology, pt. 1. 1897. 19cm Ginn $2 Shows how to pronounce a proper name or a word of foreign origin, or on what syllable or word to place the stress. Nation. Vietor, Wilhelm. German pronunciation: prac- tice and theory. 3d ed. 1903. 19cm Reisland 2 in 433 Dictionaries Schmidt, Immanuel, & Tanger, Gustav, eds. . Fliigel-Schmidt-Tanger; a dictionary of the Eng- lish and German languages for home and schools. 5th ed. 2 v. 1901. 28Jcm Lemcke $5.20 n Rf Another scholarly dictionary of moderate cost is Muret-Sanders' German and English dictionary, House and school edition, 2 v. Langenscheidt 13 m. Ed sel. 421 112 A. L. A. CATALOG CLASS LIST 435 Grammars Brandt, H. C. G. Grammar of the German I guage. 6th ed. 1894. 19cm Allyn $1.25 "Whitney, W: D. Compendious German gram- mar. 6th ed. rev. 1888. 19cm Holt $1.30 439 Minor Teutonic Ahn, Franz. New practical grammar of the Dutch language. 7th ed. 1894. 19cm Grant 3/6 Calisch. I: M: New complete dictionary of the English and Dutch languages; 2d ed. rev. by N. S. Calisch. 2 v. pref. 1890-92. 24cm Rf Steiger $10.25 liarsen, A. Hi. Dictionary of the Dano-Norwe- gian and English languages; [ed. by Johannes Magnussen] 3d. ed. 1897. 20cm Steiger $3.70 May, Alfred. Practical grammar of the Swedish language. 6th ed. rev. 1893. IJJcm Steiger $1.85 Oman, V: E. Svensk-engelsk hand-ordbok. 1897. 20cm Ef Steiger $8 Olson, J. E. Norwegian grammar and reader. 1898. 20cm Scott, F. $1.50 441 Orthography. Orthoepy Michaelis. Hermann, & Passy, Paul. Dic- tionnaire phone tique de la langue francaise; avec pref. de Gaston Paris" 1897. 20 Jem Meyer 4.80m Rf Indicates exact pronunciation of French words Valuable to English students of French. Scott. 443 Dictionaries Hatzfeld, Adolphe, & Darmesteter, Arsene. Dictionnaire general de la langue francaise. 2 v. 1895-1900. 27cm Delagrave pap.fr. 30 Rf Marks pronunciation, gives etymology, and distin- guishes various meanings. Scott. Smith, Leon & others. International English and French dictionary. New ed. 2 v. 1896. 26 Jem Jenkins $6.50 Rf v. 2 has title Dictionnaire international franqais- anglais par H. Hamilton & E. Legros. 445 Grammars Darmesteter, Arsene. Historical French gram- mar; ed. by Ernest Muret and Leopold Sudre; authorized Eng. ed. by Alphonse Hartog. 1899. 19cm Macmillan $2.75 n Grandgent, C: H. Essentials of French gram- mar. 1900. 18Jcm (Heath's mod. lang. ser.) Heath $1 n 448 Grammar and composition Bevier, Louis, jr. French grammar; with exer- cises by Thomas Logie. 1896. 19cm Holt $1 Poole, "W: M. , & Becker, Michael, Commer- cial French; in two parts. 2 v. 1903. 19cm Dutton $1.50 Whitney, W: D. Practical French grammar. 1886. 19cm Holt 90c 450 Italian 453 Dictionaries F.dgren, A. H. - ularies. 2 v. 1902. 19cm Appleton $2 n Elaborate work. Related vocabularies, as on banking and allied subjects. Full vocabulary at end. Type ex- cellent. N. Y. Edgren, A: H. Brief Spanish grammar with historical introductions and exercises. 1899. ISjcm ( Heath' s mod. lang. ser. ) Heath 80c n Knapp,"W: I. Grammar of the modern Spanish language. 2d ed. rev. 1902. 19cm Ginn $1.50 PHILOLOGY TEUTONIC. ROMANCE 113 469 Portuguese Elwes, Alfred. Grammar of the Portuguese language, with exercises. 6th ed. 1903. 18cm C. Lockwood 1/6 Michaelis, Hermann. Novo diccionario da lingua portugueza e ingleza; reformado sobre um manuscrito de Julius Cornet. 2 v. 1893. 22cm Brockhaus 15m ea Rf Added t.-p. in English Sew dictionary of the Por- tuguese and English languages. 47O Latin 473 Dictionaries Andrews, E. A. ed. Harper's Latin diction- ary; rev. by C. T. Lewis and Charles Short. 1891. 26Jcm Amer. bk. co. $6 Rf Bibliography, pref. p. 12-13. Probably the best known and most generally satisfac- tory. No English-Latin part. Pratt. 475 Grammars Allen, J. H: Allen and Greenough's new Latin grammar; ed. by J. B. Greenough, G. L. Kit- tredge, A. A. Howard, B: L. D'Ooge. 1903. 19Jcm Ginn $1.20 Harkness, Albert. Complete Latin grammar. 1898. 19icm Amer. bk. co. $1.25 Lane, G. M. Latin grammar for schools and colleges. Rev. ed. 1903. 21cm Amer. bk. co. $1.50 Completed and ed. by Morris H. Morgan. 48O Greek 1*1 Alphabet Thompson, Sir E: M. Latin palaeography . sci. ser. ) Handbook of Greek and 1893. 19 Jem (Internat. Appleton $2 Bibliography, p. 327-33. History of Greek and Latin alphabets, materials used to receive writing, writing instruments, forms of books, ab- breviations; extended history of development of Greek and Latin writing, with facsimiles. DM, 15: 119. 483 Dictionaries Liddell, H: G:, & Scott, Robert. Greek-Eng- lish lexicon. 7th ed. rev. 1883. 29Jcm Ef Amer. bk. co. $10 485 Grammars Gildersleeve, B. L. Syntax of classical Greek from Homer to Demosthenes. 1900. 22Jcm Amer. bk. co. $1.50 Goodwin, W: W. Greek grammar. 1892. 19cm Ginn $1.50 Henry, Victor. Short comparative grammar of Greek and Latin; authorized translation by R. T. Elliott. 1892. 19Jcm Macmillan $1.90 n Bibliography, pref. p. 19-30. 489 modern Greek Kontopoulos, Nikolaos. Greek-English lexi- con. 3d-4th ed. rev. 2.v. 1892-1900. 23Jcm Nutt 1 10/; Steiger $9 Rf V. 1, Greek-English, v. 2, English-Greek. Vincent, Sir Edgar, & Dickson, T. G. Hand- book to modern Greek. 2d ed. rev. 1904. 19cm Macmillan $1.60 n List of authorities, pref. p. 7. Appendix by Prof. R. C. Jebb on Relation of modern to classic Greek. 490 Minor languages 491 minor Indo-European Russian Aleksandrov, A. Complete English-Russian dic- tionary by A. Alexandrow. 2d-3d ed. rev. 2 v. 1897-99. 27cm Lemcke $14 Rf V. 1, English-Russian, v. 2, Russian-English. Motti, Pietro. Russian conversation-grammar. 2d ed. rev. 1901. 20cm Brentano $1.85 Polish Chodzko, A. B. Complete dictionary, English and Polish and Polish and English. 1890. 24jcm Ef Steiger $4 Morfill, W: R: Simplified grammar of the Polish language. 1884. 19cm Trubner 3/6 241104 8 435 5OO SCIENCE 5OO General Andrews, Mrs Jane. Stories Mother Nature told her children. 1893. 17$cm (Class, for home and school) Ginn 50c Y Science stories; introduction to outdoor work. Hardy. 5O2 Compends. Outlines Holden, E: S. The sciences. 1903. 19cm Ginn 50c Y A reading book for children on astronomy, physics, heat, light, sound, electricity, magnetism, chemistry, physiography, meteorology. Title. Huxley, T: H: Introductory science primer. 16cm n. d. (Sci. prim.) Amer. bk. co. 35c Elementary principles of natural science in general, mineral bodies, living bodies, and, briefly, mental phe- nomena. N. Y. 5O4 Essays Avebury, John Lubbock, 1st baron. Beauties of nature and the wonders of the world we live in. 1892. 19cm Macmillan $1.50 Many fine descriptions of natural scenery from various sources. Introduction a calendar of the special charms of each month. Pop. sci. mo. 42: 850. Scientific lectures. 2ded. 1890. 22cm Macmillan $2.50 Contents: On flowers and insects; On plants and in- sects; On the habits of ants; Introduction to study of prehistoric archaeology; Address to Wiltshire archaeologi- cal and natural history society; Inaugural address to Institute of bankers. Brown, E. . V. Stories of woods and fields. 1902. 19cm Globe school bk. co. 50c Y Descriptions of outdoor objects to be seen in city gar- dens and parks as well as in woods and fields, arranged in order of seasons, illustrated with extracts of real poetry and a few delicately colored plates. Ed. sel. Burroughs, John. Birds and bees and other studies in nature; with biog. sketch and por- trait. 1896. 18cm (Riverside school lib. ) Y Houghton 60c n Tried and approved by children, to whom his way of investing birds, beasts and insects with human motives is always pleasing. Pittsburg. Fisher, Mrs A. B. (Buckley) Fairy-land oi science. 1899. 18Jcm Appleton $1.50 Y Explanation of facts about sunbeams, air, water and ice, sound, life of a primrose, bees in a hive and bees and flowers. Ed. sel. Through magic glasses and other lectures; sequel to Fairyland of science. 1903. 19cm Appleton $1.50 Y Describes telescope, spectroscope, microscope and camera and their revelations concerning sun, stars, and minute plants and animals. N. Y. Gibson, W: H. Sharp eyes; a rambler's calen- dar of fifty-two weeks among insects, birds and flowers. 1892. 24cm Harper $2.50 Y Published first in Harper's young people. Simply written and exquisitely illustrated by the author. L. & I. Helmholtz, H. L. F. von. Popular lectures on scientific subjects; tr. by E. Atkinson with introd. by Tyndall and an autobiog. of author. 2 v. 1900. 20cm Appleton v. 1, $2; v. 2, $1.50 Contents: v. 1, On the relation of natural science to science in general; On Goethe's scientific researches; On the physiological causes of harmony in music; Ice and glaciers; On the interaction of the natural forces; Recent progress of the theory of vision; On Jie conservation of force; On the aim and progress of physical science, v. 2, Gustav Magnus, in memoriam; On the origin and signifi- cance of geometrical axioms; On the relation of optics to painting; On the origin of the planetary system; On thought in medicine; On academic freedom in German universities; Hermann von Helmholtz, an autobiograph- ical sketch. Huxley, T: H: Collected essays. Huxley's essays are among our very best specimens of one variety of literature. Few controversialists ever hit so hard or so straight and avoided so rigidly the tempta- tion to stray into irrelevant issues. Huxley's style has in the highest degree the merit due to never thinking of the styleatall, butsimply of the clearest utterance of thought. Sir Leslie Stephen in Allan. 92: 762. These essays are scattered by subject through the cata- logue under their exact titles. Kelvin, William Thomson, 1st baron. Popular lectures and addresses. 3 v. 1891-94. 18Jcm (Nature ser. ) Macmillan $2 ea Contents: v. 1, Constitution of matter, v. 2, Geology and general physics, v. 3, Navigational affairs. 115 500 116 A. L. A. CATALOG CLASS LIST Mach, Ernst.' Popular scientific lectures; tr. by T: J. McCormack. 2d ed. rev. 1897. 20 cm Open court pub. co. $1.50 n P 8 Contents: Forms of liquids; Fibres of Corti; On the causes of harmony; Velocity of light; Why has man two eyes? On symmetry; On the fundamental concepts of electrostatics; On the principle of the conservation of energy; On the economical nature of physical inquiry; On transformation and adaptation in scientific thought: On the principle of comparison in physics; On the part played by accident in invention and discovery: On sensa- tions of orientation: On instruction in the classics and the mathematico-physical sciences; Appendixes: 1, A contri- bution to the history of acoustics; 2, Remarks on the theory of spatial vision. Miall, L: C. Round the year; short nature studies. 1902. 18cm Macmillan $1.30 Y On snow-flakes, midwinter insects, the family cat, e moon, duckweed, catkins, buds, Tennyson as a natu- ralist, etc. N. Y. Miller, J/raM..F. (Rogers) Brook book. 1902. 22cm Doubleday $1.35 n T Follows brook's course, describing animal and vege- able life near it throughout year. Specially beautiful photographs and excellent drawings. Author lecturer on nature study at Cornell. N. Y. Tyndall, John. Fragments of science; essays, addresses and reviews. 2 v. 1900. 20cm Appleton $4 R Thirty-eight papers, including the Belfast address. V. 1, Relates to laws and phenomena of matter; v. 2, Deals with mind as well as matter. Pop. sci. mo. 42: 273. New fragments. 1892. 20cm Longmans $2 Contents: The Sabbath; Goethe's " Farbenlehre " ; Atoms, molecules and ether waves; Count Rumford; Louis Pasteur, his life and labours; The rainbow and its congeners; Address delivered at the Birkbeck institution on October 22, 1884; Thomas Young; Life in the Alps; About common water; Personal recollections of Thomas Carlyle; On unveiling the statue of Thomas Carlyle; On the origin, propagation and prevention of phthisis; Old Alpine jottings; A morning on Alp Lusgen [in verse] Wallace, A. B. Studies scientific and social. 2 v. 1900. 20cm Macmillan. $5 Mainly reprints of articles contributed to reviews and periodicals from 1866 to 1899. Contents: v. 1, Earth studies; Descriptive zoology; Plant distribution; Animal distribution; Theory of evolution; Anthropology; Special problems, v. 2, Educational; Po- litical; The land problem; Ethical; Sociological. 5O7 Study and teaching of science Bailey, L. H. Nature-study idea. 1903. 22cm Doubleday $1 n Has to do with purpose, spirit and methods; does not outline courses or give specific directions. N. Y. Harris, W: T. How to teach natural science in public schools. 2d ed. 1895. 17cm (School room class. ) Bardeen 50c Hodge, C. F. Nature study and life. 1902. 19cm Ginn $1.50 Studies of animal and plant life, involving elementary practice in gardening, domestication of wild creatures, forestry, etc. Valuable to parent and public as well as teacher. Well illustrated. N. Y. Howe, E: G. Advanced elementary science; part 2 of Systematic science teaching. 1900. 18 Jem (Internat. educ. ser.) Appleton $1.50 Systematic science teaching: manual of 'iductive elementary work. 1894. ISJcm (Internat. educ. ser.) Appleton $1.50 Jackman, W. S: Nature study for the common schools. 1891. 19cm Holt $1.20 Useful suggestions to natural science teachers in lower schools; not graded and does not afford a definite pro- gram. Educ. r. 1: 504. See also Public documents list. 5O Collections. Scientific travel Darwin, Charles. Journal of researches during the voyage round the world of H. M. S. "Beagle." New ed. 1901. 20cm Murray 2/6 n The greatest book of travels yet produced, and one of the most charming. Time has done little to invalidate its observations. Forever interesting as the unrecognized herald of the doctrine of evolution. Nation. What Mr Darwin saw in his voyage round the world in the ship "Beagle." 1880. 23cm Harper $3 Y Adapted. Four divisions: animal, man, geography and nature, as he saw them in different countries. Illus- trations many and excellent. Pittsburg. Moseley, H: N. Notes by a naturalist: observa- tions during the voyage of H. M. S. " Challenger ' ' round the world in 1872-1876; rev. ed. with brief mem. of the author. 1892. 20cm Murray 9/ R Record of the consecutive, rapid observations of a trained naturalist on nearly all the representative insular ' faunas and floras of the three great oceans. Includes list of all books and papers resulting from Challenger expe- dition. Nation, 28: 271. 5O9 History of Science Fisher, Mrs A. B. (Buckley) A short history of natural science and of the progress of discovery from the time of the Greeks to the present day. Rev. ed. 1902. 20Jcm Appleton $2 Y Traces main discoveries in science from Greeks to present, with an account of the men who made them. Sargent, 2. Williams, H: S. Story of nineteenth-century science. 1900. 21cm P 8 Harper $2.50 SCIENCE MATHEMATICS 117 51O Mathematics Ball, W. W: R. Mathematical recreations and problems of past and present times. 3d ed. 1896. 19Jcm Macmillan !;2.25n Contents: pt. 1, Mathematical recreations: 1, Some arithmetical questions; 2, Some geometrical questions; 3, Some mechanical questions; 4, Some miscellaneous questions; 5, Magic squares; 6, Unicursal problems; 7, Uni- cursal problems continued, pt. 2, Mathematical problems and speculations: 8, Three geometrical problems; 9, As- trology; 10, Hyper-space; 11, Time and its measurement; 12, Matter and ether theories. Cajori, Florian. History of elementary mathe- matics, with hints on methods of teaching. 1896. 21cm Macmillan $1.50 n Treats of numbers and number systems, arithmetic, algebra and geometry from earliest to modern times. Lit. ivorld 28: 272. History of mathematics. 1901. 20cm Macmillan $3.50 n Books of reference, pref. p. 9-14. In general, remarkable for accuracy; in part devoted to recent development of the science; without rival in any language. G: B. Halsted in Educ. r. 8: 91. Clifford, W: K. Common sense of the exact sciences. 1885. 20cm (Internat. sci. ser.) Appleton $1.50 After Clifford's death the work was entrusted to R. C. Rowe, and finally completed by K. Pearson. Merriman, Mansfield, & Woodward, R. S. ed. Higher mathematics; a text-book for classical and engineering colleges. 1896. 23cm Wiley $5 Bibliography, p. 568-70. Contents: Solution of equations; Determinants; Pro- jective geometry; Hyperbolic functions; Harmonic func- tions; Functions oTa complex variable; Differential equa- tions; Grassmann's space analysis; Vector analysis and quaternions; Probability and theory of errors; History of modern mathematics. Schubert, H. C. H. Mathematical essays and recreations; tr. by T: J. McCormack. 1898. 24 Jem Open court pub. co. 75c Contents: Notion and definition of number; Monism in arithmetic; On the nature of mathematical knowledge; Magic square; Fourth dimension; Squaringof the circle. Intelligible and interesting even to those with little more than elementary knowledge. White. Smith, D: E. Teaching of elementary mathe- matics. 1900. 20cm (Teachers' prof, lib.) Macmillan $1 n Directs reader to many books well worth his examina- tion. Nation, 70: 230. 511 Arithmetic Beman, W. W., & Smith, D. E. Higher arith- metic. 1897. 19cni Ginn 80c Speer, W: W. Advanced arithmetic. 1899. 19cm Ginn 50c Elementary arithmetic. 1897. 19cm Ginn 45c '- Primary arithmetic; first year, for the use of teachers. 1896. 19cm Ginn 35c A method built on ratio. Every mass, every dimen- sion, every weight is treated in relation to other masses, dimensions and weights, first in actual objects, then mentally visualized from objects out of sight. World's work, Ja. '04. 512 Algebra Beman, "W. W. , & Smith, D. E. Elements of algebra. 1900. 19cm Ginn $1.12 Table of biographies of prominent mathematicians, p. 423-26. Taylor, J. M. College algebra. 1889. 17Jcm Allyn $1.50 Wentworth, G: A. College algebra. Rev. ed. 1902. 19cm Ginn $1.50 513 Geometry Campbell, W: T. Observational geometry; with introd. by A. W.Phillips. 1899. 21cm (Phil- lips-Loomis math. ser. ) Amer. bk. co. 80c Connects simpler truths of geometry with things chil- dren often see in mechanic arts, fine arts and nature. White Casey, John. Treatise on the analytical geom- etry of the point, line, circle, and conic sections. 2d ed. rev. 1893. 19jcm (Dublin univ. press ser.) Longmans $3.50 n Phillips, A. W. , & Fisher, Irving. Elements of geometry. 2 v. 1897-98. 21cm (Phillips- Loomis math, ser.) Amer. bk. co. $1.75 Todhunter, Isaac. Elements of Euclid; the first six books and portions of the 1 1th and 12th, with notes and exercises. 1903. 15c,ni Macmillan 90c n 514 Trigonometry Murray, D. A. Plane and spherical trigonome- try. 1902. 21cm Longmans $1.25 Lambert, P. A. Analytic geometry, for tech- nical schools and colleges. 1897. 19Jcrn Macmillan $1.50 n 517 < :ii- n lii- Barker, A. H. 1902. 19cm Graphical calculus. 2d ed. Longmans $1.50 507 118 A. L. A. CATALOG CLASS LIST Gibson, O: A. Elementary treatise on the cal- culus, with illustrations from geometry, mechan- ics and physics. 1901. 19cm Macmillan $1.90 n Practical in best sense of word. Ath. '02. 2:259. Perry, John. Calculus for engineers. 1897. 19cm. Lane $2.50 Aims to make calculus methods available for use of students already having considerable knowledge of prac- tical physics and mechanics. In lecture style. F. N. Cole in Science, 30:103. 52O Astronomy Berry, Arthur. Short history of astronomy. 1898. ISJcm (Univ. exten. man.) Scribner $1.50 n P Authorities and books for students, p. 411-16. Clerke, A. M. . Popular history of astronomy, during the nineteenth century. 4th ed. rev. 1902. 23cm Macmillan $4 n P S With rare judgment she orders fact and theory in due proportions, pointing out their accordances, discrep- ancies and contradictions. Never dull or ambiguous. Knmal. 26: 12. : & others. Astronomy. 1898. 20Jcm (Con- cise knowl. lib. ) Appleton $2 Contents: History, by A. M. Clerke; Geometrical astron- omy and astronomical instruments, by A. Fowler; Solar system, by A. M. Clerke; The sidereal heavens, by J. E. Gore. Thorough, trustworthy and complete. Knowl. 21 : 111. Comstock, G: C. Text-book of astronomy. 1901. 20cm (Twentieth cent, text-bks.) Appleton $1.30 n P S Protractor in pocket. Popular literature of astronomy, p. 384-86. Strong points are, plain direct statement of principles and latest known facts, many illustrations and apt and original way of popularizing elements of astronomy with- out appreciable loss to science or fact. Pop. astron. 9: 288 (B) Jacoby, Harold. Practical talks by an astron- omer. 1902. 19cm Scribner $1 n P R Contents: Navigation at sea; The Pleiades: The pole-star; Nebulae; Temporary stars; Galileo; The planet of 1898; How to make a sun-dial; Photography in astron- omy; Time standards of the world; Motions of the earth's pole; Saturn'srings; Theheliometer; Occultations; Mount- ing great telescopes; The astronomer's pole; The moon hoax; Sun's destination. Newcomb, Simon. Popular astronomy. 1892? 20cm Amer. bk. co. $1.30 Bibliography, p. 555-61. On the whole the best resume 1 for general readers. Young. Young, C: A: Manual of astronomy. 1902. 21cm Ginn $2.25 Excellent text-book, clear, full, yet not redundant. Of eminent practical value to working astronomer. Knowl. 25:281. 522 Practical and spheric * Campbell, W: W. Elements of practical astron- omy. 2d ed. rev. 1899. 23cm Macmillan $2 n Maunder, E: W. Royal observatory, Greenwich; its history and work. 1900. 20Jcm Religious tract soc. 5/ P R Many illustrations from old prints and original photographs. Nation, 72: 116. 523 Descriptive astronomy Ball, Sir "R. S. The earth's beginning. 1902. 19cm Appleton $1.80 n Popular exposition of Laplace's Nebular hypothesis; Royal institution juvenile lectures, 1899-1900. N. Y. Star-land; being talks with young people about the wonders of the heavens. Rev. ed. 1899. 19cm Ginn $1 T A masterpiece of astronomic writing for young people, fascinating to older heads. H. A. Howe in Pop. astron. 9: 169 (B) Story of the heavens. Rev. ed. 1900. 24cm Cassell $3.50 P R Excellent and taking resume of descriptive astron- omy. Last chapter gives a good elementary account of tidal evolution. Young. Howe, H. A. Elements of descriptive astron- omy. 1897. 23cm Silver $1.36 n List of reference books, p. 320-26. On the new astronomy. Reasonable and without prej- udice. Knowl. 21: 233. Langley, S: P. The new astronomy. 1900. 24cm Houghton $3 P Delightful description of the secrets wrested from the sky by aid of the spectroscope, the sensitive plate, and other modern physical appliances. H. A. Howe in Pap. astron. 9: 171 (B) Lockyer, Sir J. N. Inorganic evolution as studied by spectrum analysis. 1900. 23$cm Macmillan $1.75 Contents: Basis of the inquiry; Application of the in- quiry to the sun and stars; Dissociation hypothesis; Ob- jections to the dissociation hypothesis; Inorganic evolu- tion. Lowell, Per cival. Solar system; lectures at the Mass, institute of technology, 1902. 1903. 19$cm Houghton $1.25 n Contents: Our solar system; Mercury; Mars; Saturn and its system; Jupiter and his comets; Cosmogony; Elements of the solar system. Maunder, E: W. Astronomy without a tele- scope. 1903. 22Jjcm Knowledge 5/ n Reprinted from Knowledge. Useful and trustworthy guide. Clear description of the constellations, with ad- juncts, diagrams and maps. Ath. '03, 1: 308. SCIENCE ASTRONOMY 119 Nasmyth, J. H., & Carpenter, James. The moon, considered as a planet, a world, and a satellite 4th ed. 1903. 21cm Pott $2 Xewcomb, Simon. Astronomy for everybody. 1902. 20 Jem (Sci. for everybody) p 8 McClure $2 n The stars; a study of the universe. 1901. 21 Jem (Sci. ser.) Putnam $2 n P Presupposes such a knowledge of astronomy as may be gained from elementary text-books. R. ofr. 25: 122. Porter, J. G. Stars in song and legend. 1901. 19cm Y Ginn 50c Serviss, G. P. Astronomy with an opera-glass. 1888. 23cm Appleton $1.50 R Y Enlarged from articles in Popular science monthly, 1887-88. Shows most captivatingly what may be learned by studying the heavens with an opera-glass magnifying 3.6 diameters. Involves no knowledge of mathematics. L. &I. Pleasures of the telescope. 1901. 23cm Appleton $1.50 R P Enlarged from articles in the Popular science monthly. Describes chief objects in the sky which may be stud- ied by means of a small telescope. H. A. Howe in Pop. astron. 9: 286 (B) The skies and the earth. 1902. 15 Jem (Little masterpieces of sci. ) Doubleday 50c n Contents: What we learn from the sun, by R. A. Proc- tor; Problems of astronomy, by S. Newcomb; The astro- nomical outlook, by C. A. Young; Photography of the skies, by G. lies; Uniformity in geological change, by Sir C. Lyell; Rivers and valleys, by N. S. Shaler; The sea and its work, by T. H. Huxley; Earthquakes and volcanoes, by T. H. Huxley. Todd, Mrs Mabel (Loomis) Total eclipses of the sun; rev. ed. with introd. by D. P. Todd. 1900. 18cm Little $1 P Abundant references to authority and useful books are of special value. Pop. astron. 1: 432 (B) Wallace, A. B. Man's place in the universe; a study of the results of scientific research in re- lation to the unity or plurality of worlds. 1903. 23Jcm McClure $2.50 n Aims to prove that earthly man is the only living and thinking being in whole universe. Pub. wkly. Webb, T: W: Celestial objects for common tele- scopes. 2 v. 1898-99. 19cm Longmans $1.75 ea V. 1, ed. 7; v. 2, ed. 6. Rev. and enl. by Rev. T. E. Espin. Has probably made more astronomic observers than any other book. Knowl. 17: 86. Young, C: A: The sun. Rev. ed. 1895. 19Jcm (Internat. sci. ser.) Appleton $2 Young, C: A: Text-book of general astronomy. Rev. ed. 1898. 23 Jem Ginn $2.75 Wide range of information. Explanations lucid, pre- suppose a knowledge of elementary algebra, geometry and trigonometry. Knowl. 13: 12. 524 maps. Atlases Ball, Sir B. S. Atlas of astronomy. 1892. 21 J x 19cm Appleton $4 P Companion to his Starland. 72 plates explanatory of sun, moon, major planets and fixed stars. Schurig, Richard. Tabulae caelestes. 1886. 31cm E. Gaebler 3 m Himmels atlas. Maps of all stars in both hemispheres visible to the naked eye. Title. 525 Earth Ball, Sir B. S. Time and tide, a romance of the moon. 4th ed. 1899. 17Jcm (Romance of sci.) Gorham 75c R Based on lectures on the theory of tidal evolution, delivered before the London institution. Simple exposition of Darwin's tidal theory of genesis of moon. Comstock. Darwin, G: H. Tides and kindred phenomena in the solar system. 1898. 21cm. (Lowell in- stitute lect. ) i t Hough ton $2 P R Authorities at end of each chapter. 526 Geodesy and surveying Gore, J. H. Geodesy. 1891. 18cm (Riverside sci. ser.) Hough ton $1.25 P R Sketch of chief attempts to measure shape and size of the earth. H. A. Howe in Pop. astron. 9: 171 (B) Johnson, J: B. Theory and practice of survey- ing. 16th ed. 1904. 21cm Wiley $4 Merriman, Mansfield, & Brooks, J: P. Hand- book for surveyors. 3rd ed. 1903. 17cm Wiley $2 Both textbook and field reference book. Contains com- pactly and systematically principles and methods of sur- veying. Special attention to testing instruments and their comparison. Science, 25 : 526. 527 Navigation Henderson, W: J. Elements of navigation. 1895t 15 x 9cm 'Harper $1 P Explanation of standard methods of finding posi- tion of a ship at sea and course to be steered; for begin- ners. Title. 529 Clironology Boyle, M. P. Calendar stories. 1900. 19 Jem Flanagan 30c n Y Stories of the meaning of the names of the months and of the davs of the week. Ed. sel. 520 120 A. L. A. CATALOGCLASS LIST 53O Physics Three works in English on natural philosophy occupy quite a unique position: Maxwell's Elec- tricity and magnetism (2 v. Oxford press $8), Kelvin and Tail's Natural philosophy (2 v. Mac- millan $8.50) and Rayleigh's Theory of sound (2 v. Macmillan $8) For in every branch of physics which has so far progressed as to be treated by the methods of the mathematician we continually make use of the results and in- vestigations contained in these books. Science progress (B) Because technical and costly these great books have been omitted from the main lists. They are mentioned in order that libraries which have special technical needs may not overlook them. Ed. sel. Rttntgen rays (Undecided as to classification) Barker, G: F: tr. Rontgen rays. 1899. 21cm (Harper's sci. mem. ) Amer. bk. co. 60c Bibliography, p. 74. Contents: A new kind of rays, by W. C. Rontgen; Fur- ther observations on the properties of the X-rays, by W. C. Rontgen; On the nature of the Rontgen rays, by Sir G. G. Stokes; A theory of the connection between cathode and Rontgen rays, by J. J. Thomson. 53O Oeneral works Ames, J. S. Theory *f physics.' 1897. 21cm Amer. bk. co. $1.60 Cajori, Florian. History of physics in its ele- mentary branches, including the evolution of physical laboratories. 1899. 21cm Macmillan $1.60 n Carhart, H: S., & Chute, H. N. Physics for high school students. 1902. 19$cm Allyn $1.25 Well arranged, with many short paragraphs and sug- gestive headings; statements clearly and carefully worded. Science, 39: 271. Daniell, Alfred. Text-book of the principles of physics. 3ded. 1894. 23 Jem Macmillan $4n Connected account of leading principles of modern physical science. Demands only elementary mathemat- ics. Knowl. 19: 16. Fleming', J: A. Waves and ripples in water, air and aether. 1902. 19cm Gorham $1.50 n P Six lectures to juvenile audiences at the Royal insti- tution. Deals with principles on which wireless telegraphy is based, electron theory of electricity, relations between light and electricity, earthquake waves, the phonograph, etc. Ganot, Adolphe. Elementary treatise on phys- ics, experimental and applied; tr. by E. Atkin- son. 16th ed. 1902. 21 Jem Longmans $2.50 Perhaps no other general text-book has played so im- portant a part in the education of students in this branch of science. Amer. j. sci. 145: 436 (B) Hopkins, G: M. Experimental science: ele- mentary, practical and experimental physics. 23d ed. 2 v. 1902. 23cm Munn $5 Y Experimental demonstration, with specific direc- tions for construction of many pieces of electric and other apparatus. Buffalo. Hyndman, H. H: F. Radiation; an elementary treatise on electromagnetic radiation and on Rontgen and cathode rays; with pref. by S. P. Thompson. 1898. 19cm B Macmillan $1.60 n Lommel, E. C. J. von. Experimental physics; tr. by G. W. Myers. 1899. 23cm Lippincott $3.75 n Subject clearly intelligible with surprisingly little mathematics. Nation, 73: 172. Nichols, E: L., & Franklin, W: S. Elements of physics; a college text-book. 3 v. 1903-04. 22$cm Macmillan v. 1 & 3, $1.50 n ea; v. 2, $1.90 n Contents: v. 1, Mechanics and heat; 3d ed. rewritten with additions, 1904. v. 2, Electricity and magnetism, new ed. entirely rewritten, 1904. v. 3, Light and sound; . new ed. rewritten, 1903. Rather a digest than a treatise. Amer.j. sci. 154: 73 (B) Poynting, J: H:, & Thompson, J. J. Text- book of physics, v. 2-3. 1900-02. 23Jcm Lippincott v. 2, $2.75; v. 3, $3.25 No more published. v. 2, Sound (2d ed. 1900) assumes acquaintance with principles; v. 3, Properties of matter, deals with weight, mass, gravitation, and those properties relating chiefly to change of form, such as elasticity, fluid viscosity, surface tension, diffusion and solution. Watson, William. Text-book of physics. 1899. 20Jcm Longmans $3.50 Satisfactory reference work for general reader because, of completeness, accuracy and simplicity. Nichols. Wrapson, J. P., & Gee, W. W. H. Mathe- matical and physical tables. 1898. 22cm Macmillan $2.25 n Useful tables and more important formulae and con- stants required in teaching mathematics and physics; of special value also to student of chemical physics. Pref. 531 Mechanics Holman, S. W. Matter, energy, force and work. 1898. 19Jcm Macmillan $2.50 n Besides an excellent review of current theories of the nature of matter, energy, force, etc. includes much that is new and original, a few proposed additions to the nomenclature of science, and many extremely suggestive discussions. Science, 32: 24. Lodge, Sir O. J. Elementary mechanics, includ- ing hydrostatics and pneumatics; new ed. rev. by author and Alfred Lodge; answers rev. by C:S. Lodge. 1896. 18cm VanNostrand $1.50 SCIENCE PHYSICS 121 Mach, Ernst. Science of mechanics; tr. by T: J. McCorraack. 2d ed. 1902. 20cm Open court pub. co. $2 n A philosophic and inspiring account of the principles of mechanics in relation to their development, mechanics being treated as one of the physical sciences. Knowl. 25: 207. Maxwell, J. C. Matter and motion. 2d Amer. ed. 1892. 15Jcm (Van Nostrand sci. ser. ) Van Nostrand 50c Treats of fundamental principles of physics; clear, con- cise and stripped of all the cobwebs of formalism. Van Nostrand, 7: 6. Perry, John. Applied mechanics; a treatise for students who have time to work experimental, numerical and graphical exercises. 1901. 19cm Van Nostrand $2.50 n Author well known English physicist and engineer. Slate, Frederick. Principles of mechanics; an elementary exposition for students. Pt. 1. 1900. 19cm Macmillan $1.90 n Stewart, Balfour. Conservation of energy. 1900. 19Jcm (Internat. sci. ser. ) Appleton $1.50 In simple language, with abundant and familiar illus- trations. Buffalo. 532 Hydraulics Merriman, Mansfield. Treatise on hydraulics. 8th ed. 1903. 23$cm Wiley $4 Lucid exposition of fundamentals of hydrostatics and dynamics for technical students, but thorough and simple treatment makes it a handy reference book for practising engineers. Engin. n. 21: 268. 533 Gases. Pneumatics Hardin, W. L. Rise and development of the liquefaction of gases. 1899. 19cm Macmillan $1.50 Written in popular science style, with references to original literature. Pref. Travers, M. W. Experimental study of gases. 1901. 23Jcm Macmillan $3.25 n Confined to descriptions of methods applicable in research, and of investigations which involve new princi- ples or lead to important results. Nation, 75: 266. 534 Sound Helmholtz, H. L. F. von. On the sensations of tone as a physiological basis for the theory of music; tr. by A. J. Ellis. 3d ed. 1895. 26 Jem Longmans $9.50 Mayer, A. M. Sound: a series of simple, enter- taining and inexpensive experiments in the phenomena of sound. 1902. 19cm (Exper. sci. ser.) Appleton $1 Tyndall, John. Sound. 3d ed. 1903. 20cm Appleton $2 R 8 Authorized edition. Thorough yet simple; illustrated by descriptions of many experiments, some exceedingly striking and fas- cinating. E. ass^n physics teachers (B) Zahm, J: A. Sound and music. 1892. 23cm McClurg $2 Principles of acoustics and a brief exposition of physical basis of musical harmony. Drexel. 535 Light. Optics Bell, Louis. Art of illumination. 1902. 23Jcm McGraw $2.50 On effectiveness of lighting. Chapters on physics of light; materials of illumination; problems in lighting dwellings, large interiors and exterior spaces; iHumina- tion of the future. Engin. n. 49, 16 Ap. lit. sup. p. 46. Hastings, C: S. Light; a consideration of the more familiar phenomena of optics. 1901. 23cm ( Yale bicent. pub. ) Scribner $2 n Describes and explains optical phenomena observable without accessories of physical laboratories; extensive chapter on atmospheric optics. Pref. Lummer, Otto. Contributions to photographic optics; tr. by S. P. Thompson. 1900. 23cm Macmillan $1.90 n 8 Three articles by Lummer, published in the Zeit- achriftfiir imtrumentenkunde in 1897, form the basis of the present work. Chapter 12, Some recent British objectives; chapter 13 Tele-photographic lenses; and appendix, Seidel's theory of the five aberrations, added by translator. Complete and concise treatment of theory of modern photographic objective. Invaluable to opticians, being practically the only work on subject. Science, 36: 505. Michelson, A. A. Light waves and their uses. 1903. 23cm (Chicago univ. Decen. pub.) Chicago univ. $2 n Lowell institute lectures 1899. Result of 20 years' investigation ; language as free from technicality as possi- ble. Pub. wkly. 1 Ag. '03. Parker, E: J. The lantern; a treatise on the magic lantern and stereopticon. 1901. 18cm Caygill 60c Preston, Thomas. Theory of light. 2d ed. 1895. 22Jcm Macmillan $5 n Standard. Additions to 2d ed. increase its value. Knowl. 18:159. Hood, O. N: Students' text-book of color; or, Modern chromatics, with applications to art and industry. 1899. 19Jcm (Jnternat. sci. ser. ) Appleton $1.30 R 8 Best book on color in English for use of artists. E. R. Smith. 530 122 A. L. A. CATALOG CLASS LIST Tait, P: G. Light. 1884. 19cm Macmillan $2 n Elementary, clear; specially suited for private reading to supplement classroom instruction. Amer.j. sci. 128: 311 (B) Thompson, S. P. Light, visibly and invisible. 1897. 19cm Macmillan $1.50 P E Royal institution lectures, 1896. Well illustrated. No mathematics except in appendixes. Ed. sel. Tyndall, John. Six lectures on light delivered in America in 1872-1873. 3d ed. 1901. 20Jcm Appleton $1.50 "Wright, Lewis. Light; a course of experimen- tal optics, chiefly with the lantern. New ed. 1894. 19Jcm Macmillan $2 Aims to give clear grasp, through actual experiments of the* physical realities underlying phenomena of light and color. Pref. 536 Heat Maxwell, J. C. Theory of heat, with correc- tions and additions (1891) by Lord Rayleigh. 1902. 18cm (Text-bks. of sci.) Longmans $1.50 S A classic. No other book presents the deeper veri- ties of this science to the general reader so successfully. Nichols. Tait, P: G. Heat. 1884. ISJcm Macmillan $2 n Specially for non-technical students desiring an accu- rate knowledge of important facts and theories of mod- ern physical science. Amer.j. sci. 127: 488 (B) Tyndall, John. Heat as a mode of motion. 6th ed. 1902. 20|cm B S Appleton $2.50 537 Electricity Benjamin, Park. History of electricity. 1898. 22Jcm Wiley $3 Revised edition of his Intellectual rise in electricity. Widely scattered facts in history of electricity and mag- netism from earliest recorded observations to Franklin's time. N. Y. Bonney, G. E. Induction coils, a practical man- ual for amateur coil makers; 2d ed. rev. and enl. by chapter on coils for radiography. 1901. 18cm (Whittaker'slib.) Macmillan $1 Every part of coil minutely described, methods and materials required in insulating and winding fully con- sidered. Elec. r. 31: 180 (B) Bubier, E: T. Experimental electricity, by Ed- ward Trevert. Rev. ed. 1902. 17Jcm Bubier $1 Directions for easy experiments and simple apparatus. N. Y. Child, C: T. How and why of electricity; a book of information for non-technical readers. 1902. 19Jcin Elec. rev. pub. co. $1 P E Tells how it is generated, handed, controlled, measured and set to work, and explains how familiar electric apparatus operates. Pref. Houston, E. J. Dictionary of electrical word., terms and phrases. 4th ed. 1898. 25cm McGraw (990 p. ) $7; pocket ed. (945 p. ) $2.50 Ef Gives concise definition and a brief statement of principles involved in the definition, frequently illus- trated by cuts. Elaborate cross references. Science, 14: 287. lies, George. Flame, electricity and the cam- era; man's progress from the first kindling of fire to the wireless telegraph and the photogra- phy of color. 1900. 23cm P B ' Doubleday $2 n Invention and discovery. 1902. 15 Jem (Little masterpieces of sci. ) Doubleday 50c n Contents: Lightning identified with electricity, by B: Franklin; Preparing the way for the electric dynamo and motor, by M. Faraday; Invention of the electric tele- graph, by J. Henry; First Atlantic cables, by G: lies; In- vention of the telephone, by A. G. Bell; Photographing the unseen, by H. J. W. Dam; Wireless telegraph, by G: lies; Electricity, what its mastery means: with a review and a prospect, by G: lies; Heat and motion identified, by Count (B. Thompson) Rumford: The "Rocket" loco- motive and its victory, by G: Stephcnson. Jackson, D. C., & J: P. Elementary book on electricity and magnetism and their applications; a text-book and a manual for artisans, appren- tices and home readers. 1902. 19Jcm Macmillan $1.40 n Kempe, H. R. Handbook of electrical testing. 6th ed. 1900. 22cm Spon $6 Standard. Lodge, Sir O. J. Lightning conductors and light- ning guards. 1892. 19 Jem (Specialists' ser. ) Macmillan $4 On protection of buildings, telegraph instruments, sub- marine cables, and of electric installations generally from damage by atmospheric discharges. Title. Meadowcroft, W: H: A B C of electricity. 1889. 18cni Excelsior 50c Y Outlines principles of electric science in simple lan- guage, and explains their application in telegraph, tele- phone, electric light and motive power. Pittsburg. Mendenhall, T: C. Century of electricity. 1890. 18cm (Riverside sci. ser.) Houghton $1.25 P E Sketches growth of the science and its principal applications. N. Y. Munby, A. E: A course of simple experiments in magnetism and electricity. 1903. 18cm Macmillan 40c n Careful instructions for 85 experiments, with useful hints for construction of apparatus. Just enough guid- SCIENCE PHYSICS. CHEMISTRY 123 ance to insure performing experiments intelligently. Nature, 67: 316. Munro, John. Story of electricity. 1902. 19 Jem (Lib. of val. information) Appleton 35c n P List of books, p. 179-80. Textbook style. Contains more recent material than Mendenhall. Wis. St John, T: M. How two boys made their own electrical apparatus. 1898. 19 Jem StJohn $1 Y Explicit details and instructions about great variety of apparatus. Materials required are all within compass of very moderate pocket money. Elec. engin. (B) Sloane, T: O'C. Electric toy making for ama- teurs; including batteries, magnets, motors, bells, etc. 15th ed. 1903. 18Jcm Henley $1 Y Designed to bring within reach of young and old the manufacture of genuine and useful electrical appli- ances. Much plain practical information. Publishers. Thompson, S. P. Elementary lessons in elec- tricity and magnetism. Rev. ed. 1902. 19cm Macmillan $1.40 n Thomson. J. J: Elements of the mathematical theory of electricity and magnetism. 2d ed. 1897. 20cm Macmillan $2.60 n Compresses an immense amount of accurate quantitative information into small compass. Mathematical calcula- tions compact; contains diagrams showing distribution of lines of force of various kinds. Ath. '96, 1: 479. Trowbridge, John. What is electricity? 1896. 19Jcm (Internat. sci. ser.) Appleton $1.50 P Traces electricity back to energy of the sun, thus explaining its relation to light and heat. Discusses con- . servation and transformation of energy with reference to electric phenomena. E. ass'n physics teachers (B) 53 Magnetism Houston, E. J., & Kennelly, A. E. Magnet- ism. 1896. 17Jcm (Elem. electro-tech, ser.) McGraw $1 Illustrates and describes elementary experiments and discusses theory. Elec. world, 27: 379. Jackson, D. C., & J: P. Text-book on electro- magnetism and the construction of dynamos. 2 v. 1893-96. 19Jcm Macmillan v. 1, $2.25 n; v. 2, $3.50 n V. 2 has title: Alternating currents and alternating current machinery; being v. 2 of the Text-book on electro-magnetism. While intended for college text-book, valuable to elec- tric engineer for important points in dynamo design. Elec. world, 23: 224. 539 molecular physics Tait, P: G-. Properties of matter. 4th ed. 1899. 19cm Black 7/6; Macmillan $2.25 n Excellent for general readers. Nichols. 54O Chemistry Cohn, Ijassar (called Lassar-Cohn) Chemistry in daily life; popular lectures, tr. by M. M. P. Muir. 2ded. 1899. ISJcm Lippincott $1.50 n It Cooking, wine, digestion, spirits, and foods gener- ally, clearly discussed; also most important points in manufacture and use of paper, glass, iron, steel, soap, etc. Spec. 78: 62. Introduction to modern scientific chem- istry; popular lectures tr. by M. M. P. Muir. 1901. 19cm VanNostrand $2 Intended primarily for university extension students and general readers. Muir, M. M. P. Story of alchemy and the be- ginnings of chemistry. 1903. 15Jcm (Lib. of useful stories) Appleton 35c n A philosophic examination of the pseudo-science, its true significance and aims, by a competent scholar. H. C. Bolton in Science, 40: 307. Phenix, Q-: P. First lessons in chemistry. 1894. 15cm (Guides for sci. teaching) Heath pap. 20c "Watts, Henry. Dictionary of chemistry, rev. by M. M. P. Muir and H. F. Morley. New ed. 4v. 1898-1901. 23Jcm Longmans $50 Rf S Deals mainly with purely scientific side. Kroeger. 541 Theoretic chemistry Faraday, Michael. Six lectures on the chemical history of a candle; added a lecture on plati- num; ed. by William Crookes. 1903. 17 Jem Harper 75c Y Royal institution Christmas lectures 1860. In no work on chemistry have the phenomena of com- bustion, the nature of the atmosphere and the chemistry of coal-gas been more clearly stated. Bolton (B) Jones, H. C. tr. Modern theory of solution; memoirs by Pfeffer, van 't Hoff, Arrhenius, and Raoult. 1899. 20 Jem (Harper's sci. mem.) Amer. bk. cb. $1 Bibliography, p. 129-32. Muir, M. M. P. A treatise on the principles of chemistry. 2d ed. 1889. 23cm Macmillan $4 n For advanced students. L. & I. "Walker, James. Introduction to physical chemistry. 3d ed. 1903. 22Jcm Macmillan $3 n Specially suited for brief undergraduate courses on theoretic chemistry. Principles clearly stated and con- cretely illustrated. Treatment descriptive, not mathe- matical. A. A. Noyes in Science, 11:904. 536 124 A. L A. CATALOG CLASS LIST 544 Qualitative analysis Fresemus, K: B. Manual of qualitative chem- ical analysis; tr. by H. L. Wells; rev. fr. 16th Ger. ed. 1897. 23 Jem Wiley $5 Perkin, F: M. Qualitative chemical analysis, organic and inorganic. 1901. 22cm Longmans $1.40 Practical side much more developed than theoretic. Author head of chemistry department of borough Poly- technic institution, London. Ath. '01, 2: 161." 545 Quantitative analysis Fresenius, K: B. Quantitative chemical analy- sis; tr. of 6th Ger. ed. by A. I. Cohn. 2 v. 1904. 23 Jem Wiley $12.50 Remsen, Ira. Inorganic chemistry. 5th ed. 1898. 22cm (Amer. sci. ser. Adv.) Holt $2.80 Cohen, J. B. Practical organic chemistry for ad- vanced students. 1900. 17 \ cm Macmillan 80c n Specially useful in private laboratories, and might well be means for converting a dabbler into a chemist. Ath. '01, 1: 534. Remsen, Ira. Introduction to the study of the compounds of carbon; or, Organic chemistry. 4th revision. 1903. 19cm Heath $1.20 n Without a rival for beginners. Bolton. 548 Crystallography Moses, A. J. Characters of crystals. 1899. 24cm Van Nostrand $2 n Geometric character of crystals; optical crystallography; general physical characters, such as effects of heat, mag- netism, electricity, etc. Well illustrated by crystal draw- ings and cuts of instruments. A. S. Eakle in Science, 33: 54. 549 Mineralogy Clapp, H: L. Thirty-six observation lessons on common minerals. 1903. 16 Jem (Guides for sci. teaching) Heath pap. 30c Books of reference, p. 12. Dana, E: S. Minerals, and how to study them. 1895. 19Jcm Wiley $1.50 Elementary. Forms of crystals and kinds of structure, physical characters, chemical characters, and use of blowpipe, descriptions of species. Chapter on determina- tion of minerals. Many illustrations. Knowl. 19: 159. Dana, E: S. Text-book of mineralogy, with an extended treatise on crystallography and physical mineralogy. New ed. 1898. 23Jcm Wiley |4 Literature, p. 2-4. Entirely rewritten and enlarged. Nearly half devoted to crystallography and physical mineralogy. About 1,000 excellent cuts. List of selected references at end of each subject. Science, 8: 879. Kelley, J. G. Boy mineral collectors. 1899. 21cm Lippincott $1.50 Y S Technical terms avoided; contains much on the history of metals and precious stones. Buffalo. Moses, A. J., & Parsons, C: L. Elements of mineralogy, crystallography and blowpipe analy- sis from a practical standpoint. New ed. 1900. 24cm Van Nostrand $2 n Bichards, Mrs E. H. (Swallow) First lessons in minerals. 1882. 17cm (Guides for sci. teaching) Heath pap. lOc P Begins with observation of qualities of familiar ele- ments, as gold, iron, carbon, etc. and leads to their com- bination in well-known compounds, as iron ; rust, salt, marble, etc. Sargent. Buskin, John. The ethics of the dust; ten lectures to little housewives on the elements of crystallization, with introd. by C: E. Norton. Brantwood ed. 1894. 19Jcm Longmans $1.50 n Contents: The valley of diamonds; The pyramid build- ers; The crystal life; Crystal orders; Crystal virtues; Crys- tal quarrels; Home virtues; Crystal caprice; Crystal sor- rows; The crystal rest. 55O Geology Brigham, A. P. Text-book of geology. 1901. 20cm (Twentieth cent, text-bks. ) Appleton $1.40 n Clear, accurate, concise, well illustrated from actual examples. Knowl. 25: 112. Crosby, W: O. Common minerals and rocks. 1903. 15cm (Guides for sci. teaching) Heath pap. 40c General sfteteh of forces now at work in formation of rock and rock structures, composition, and other charac- teristics of rocks. Sargent. Dana, J. D. Manual of geology. 4th ed. 1895. 23Jcm Amer. bk. co. $5 S Nearly 1,600 illustrations. The most recent (1895) and extensive treatise on North American geology, and on historical geology in general. Indispensable to student who would be up to date in historical geology of United States and Canada. Simple and clear in arrangement and terminology. L. & I. Geikie, Sir Archibald. Class-book of geology. 2ded. 1890. 19cm Macmillan $1.10n SCIECE GEOLOGY 125 Geikie, Sir Archibald. Text-book of geology. 4th ed. 2 v. 1903. 23Jcm Macmillan $7.50 n Works of reference, p. 6-12. Needed as complement to Dana's much more detailed treatment. Presents broader view of geology as a whole; excels in descriptions of rocks, giving more attention to physical and obvious characteristics; terminology less simple and less American. L. & I. I*e Conte, Joseph. Elements of geology; rev. by H. L. Fairchild. 5th ed. 1903. 23cm Appleton $4 Excellent general work for student of moderate devel- opment. Its strength is its clear treatment of dynamic and structural geology, unencumbered by great detail. Luminous illustrations. L. & I. Lyell, Sir Charles. Student's Lyell ; a manual of elementary geology, ed. by J: W. Judd. Rev. ed. 1896. 20cm (Student's ser.) Amer. bk. co. $2.25 Scott, W: B. Introduction to geology. 1897. 20cm Macmillan $1.90 n Text-book dealing principally with American geology, dynamic, structural, physiographic, and historical. Avoids dogmatic statements about matters still in doubt. Seeley, H. G. Story of the earth in past ages. 1895. 15 Jem (Lib. of useful stories) p s Appleton 40c Shaler, N. S. First book in geology. 1884. 19cm Heath 60c n P Excellent introduction to geology, chiefly dynamic. L. &I. Tarr, B. S. Elementary geology. 1897. 20cm Macmillan $1.40 n R Y Clear and direct method of treatment and good illustrations. Providence. Zittel, K: A. ritter von. History of geology and palaeontology to the end of the nineteenth cen- tury; tr. by M. M. Ogilvie-Gordon. 1901. 19cm (Contemp. sci. ser.) Scribner $1.50 Traces development of cosmic, physiographic, dynamic and stratigraphic geology, petrography and paleontology. Opinions of investigators are given, and their value and bearing on advancement of the science discussed. Science, 38: 661. 551 Physical and dynamic geology Archibald, Douglas. Story of the earth's at- mosphere. 1897. lojcm (Lib. of useful stories) Appleton 40c R Simple account of atmospheric activity and meteor- ology. Wis. Bonney, T: G: Ice-work, present and past. 1903. 19cm (Internat. sci. ser.) Appleton $1.50 Bonney, T: G: Volcanoes; their structure and significance. 1899. 21 Jem (Sci. ser.) P 8 Putnam $2 Dana, J. D. Characteristics of volcanoes. 1890. 25cm Dodd $5 The immediate outcome of a visit to the Hawaiian islands (1887) but based on lifelong studies. Oilman (B) Corals and coral islands. 3d ed. 1890. 24cm Dodd $5 All phases of the subject: structure, physiology and taxonomy, mode of formation of reefs and islands, geo- logic inferences suggested, fantastic beauty, etc. W: N. Rice in Amer. natural (B) Geological story briefly told. 1903. 19cm Amer. bk. co. $1.15 Simple in its language and full in its illustrations. Amer. j. sci. 109: 471 (B) Revised text-book of geology; 5th ed. ed. by W: N. Rice. 1897. 20cm Amer. bk. co. $1.40 In general faithfully reproduces author's well known opinions, but introduces enough of modern views to make it a most acceptable addition to elementary text-books. W. B. Clark in Science, 32: 147. Darwin, C: B. Structure and distribution of coral reefs. 3d ed. 1901. 20 Jem Appleton $2 Original development of the commonly accepted theory of atolls and barrier reefs. Rice. Dodge, B: E. Reader in physical geography, for beginners. 1902. 19Jcm Longmans 70c n Y Happy in interpreting principles of land sculpture in the most homely similes. Compels beginner to relate new knowledge to what is already known. Science, 36: 907. Ferrel, William. Popular treatise on the winds: monsoons, cyclones, tornadoes, waterspouts, hail-storms, etc. 1889. 24cm Wiley $4 8 Contains contributions of greatest value to science. Rice. Geikie, James. Earth sculpture; or, The origin of land-forms. 1902. 22cm (Progressive sci. ser.) . Putnam $2 Deals with processes involved in development of topog- raphy and results effected. R. D. Salisbury in J. geol. 7: 512 (B) Great ice age and its relation to the antiq- uity of man. 3d ed. 1894. 23cm Appleton $7.50 Bibliographic footnotes. List of authors referred to, p. 833-38. Parts of most interest outside geologic circles are those dealing with recurrence of glacial epochs, cause of gla- cial period, and existence of man during glacial period. R. D. Salisbury in Dial, 19: 246. 544 126 A. L. A. CATALOG CLASS LIST Gilbert, G. K. , &Brigham, A. P. Introduction to physical geography. 1902. 20cm (Twen- tieth cent, text-bks.) Appleton $1.25 n Authors conceive geography asa comprehensive knowl- edge of the earth, and this book as a first book of science. They attract attention to features seen in any walk across country, and correlate these with striking phe- nomena of high mountain regions, volcanoes, etc. Abun- dant photographic illustrations. G. A. J. Cole in Nature, 67: 147. Harrington, M: W. About the weather. 1899. ISJcm ( A ppletons' home reading bks.) Appleton 65c n T Explains production and peculiarities of winds, clouds, rain, snow, thunderstorms, cyclones, the methods and usefulness of weather bureau, etc. Helpful illustra- tions. N. Y. Huxley, T: H: Physiography; an introduction to the study of nature. 1900. 19cm Appleton $2.50 Aims to show connection between local and universal natural phenomena. Thames valley chosen as starting point. Begins with physical conformation, passes to springs, rain and dew, snow and ice, evaporation, atmos- phere, etc. and ends with earth's figure, mapmaking, earth's movements and the sun. Nation, 27: 135. Hyatt, Alpheus. About pebbles. 1903. 15cm (Guides for sci. teaching) Heath pap. lOc What may be taught from a few common stones. Sar- gent. Marr, J: E: Scientific study of scenery. 1900. 19cm New Amsterdam $1.50 R S Acceptable to students of geology and geography and to intelligent tourists. Ath. 1900, 1: 210. Mill, H. R. Realm of nature; an outline of physiography. 1902. ISJcm (Univ. exten. man.) Scribner $1.50 n R S Books of reference at end of each chapter. Condensed account of earth's structure, physical phe- nomena and their relations to its life. Maps. E.R.Shaw. Milne, John. Earthquakes and other earth movements. 4th ed. 1898. 19 Jem (Internat. sci. ser. ) Appleton $1.75 P Principal books, papers, periodicals referred to, p. 365-70. Brings together what is known about the nature, causes and effects of earth movements. Nation. Russell, I. C. Glaciers of North America. 1897. 23 Jem * Ginn $1.75 P S Describes beginnings, development, effects and decay of glaciers, and the situation and condition of those existing on this continent. N. Y. Lakes of North America. 1895. 23Jcm Ginn $1.50 P S Outcome of original study and wide experience in exploration and observation. Nation, 62: 243. Russell, I. C. Rivers of North America. 1902. 21 Jem (Sci. ser.) Putnam $2 P S Issued also under title River development, 1902. On evolution of rivers, and their past and present effects on the earth's contours. Excellent illustrations. N. Y. Volcanoes of North America. 1897. 23Jcm Macmillan $4 P S Largely result of direct observation; compiled part refers to sources. Picturesque chapter on ' Life his- tory of a volcano. ' Knowl. 20: 280. Shaler, N". S. Aspects of the earth. 1889. 24cm Scribner $2.50 P Enlarged from articles in Scribner's magazine. Earth movements, volcanoes, caves and cave life, rivers, valleys, atmospheric movements, American forests, origin and nature of soils. N. Y. Outlines of the earth's history. 1898. 20 Jem Appleton $1.75 P R S Graphic essays discussing earth's relation to stel- lar system, effects of atmosphere, glaciers, underground water, soil formation, rock building, etc. N. Y. Sea and land; features of coasts and oceans. 1894. 23cm Scribner $2.50 P Describes deep sea life, structure of sea bottoms, beaches, harbors and icebergs, noting effects on man's life. Authoritative and clear. N. Y. Tarr, R. S. Economic geology of the United States, with briefer mention of foreign mineral products. 1894. 22Jcm Macmillan $3.50 Literature of economic geology, p. 457-65: authors and works referred to, p. 467-70. Common rock and vein forming minerals and ores, rocks of the earth's crust, physical geography and geology of the United States, origin of ore deposits and mining terms and methods. . Metalliferous deposits in detail. Amer. natural. (B) New physical geography. 1904. 19cm Macmillan Tyndall, John. Glaciers of the Alps; a nar- rative of excursions and ascents. New ed. 1896. 20cm Longmans $2.50 Wright, G: F: Ice age in North America, and its bearings upon the antiquity of man. 4th ed. 1896. 23cm Appleton $5 Bibliography, pref. p. 7-25. Appendix on Probable cause of glaciation, by Warren Upham. General account of glacial action and its effects, specially in northeastern United States. Does not recog- nize complexity of glacial period. L. A. H. Man and the glacial period. 1892. 19 Jem (Internat. sci. ser.) Appleton $1.75 R S Appendix on Tertiary man by H: W. Haynes. SCIENCE GEOLOGY 127 552 Litliology Kemp, J. F. Handbook of rocks, for use with- out the microscope. 2d ed. 1900. 24Jcm Van Nostrand $1.50 Arranged to meet special needs of ordinary field work, mining or engineering. Excellent glossary of rock names and lithologic terms. Frank D. Adams in Science, 4: 764. Merrill, G: P. Treatise on rocks, rock- weather- ing and soils. 1897. 22cm Macmillan $4 n Reviews fully and concisely agents of rock-weathering. Contains logical presentation of leading facts in lithology. Nation, 65: 192. 553 Economic geology Kemp, J. F. Ore deposits of the United States and Canada. 3d ed. 1900. 23Jcm Engin. & min. j. $5 Condensed. Extended bibliography refers to original sources and fuller accounts. Geologic descriptions mi- nute and illustrated by maps, cross sections and photo- graphs. Engin. n. 43: 294. Martin, E: A. Story of a piece of coal. 1896. 15Jcm (Lib. of useful stories) Appleton 35c n Brief record of vegetable and mineral history, discov- ery, early use, mining, products: illuminating oils, coal tar colors, etc. N. Y. Merrill, G: P. Stones for building and decora- tion. 3ded. 1903. 23Jcm Wiley $5 Bibliography, p. 528-30. Well planned, well executed and exceptionally com- plete. Author's position and experience give ample guaranty of accuracy. Science, 30: 392. See also Public documents list. 554 Geology of Europe Avebury, John Lubbock, 1st baron. Scenery of England. 1902. 23cm Macmillan $2.50 n Works referred to, p. 507-21. Describes the scenery by explaining the forces and causes that have made it what it is. Nation, 74: 369. Scenery of Switzerland. 1896. 19cm Macmillan $1.50 List of works and memoirs referred to, p. 367-71. Compact and accurate account of Swiss physiography. Science, 4: 163. Geikie, Sir Archibald. Scenery of Scotland viewed in connection with its physical geology. 3d ed. 1901. 21cm Macmillan $3.25 n For students and travelers. Contains itinerary of routes to geologic features most interesting in their rela- tion to scenery. Pittsburg. 56O Paleontology Lucas, F: A: Animals before man in North America. 1902. 19 Jem Appleton $1.25 n Books and specimens, p. 282-85. Relates in greater part to vertebrates, with something about their forms, kindred affinities, migrations, locali- ties of discovery, etc. Nation, 76: 78. Williams, H: S. Geological biology: an intro- duction to the geological history of organisms. 1895. 22cm Holt $2.80 Aims to show what fossil shells tell of natural selection and other forms of evolution. Lectures originally de- livered at Cornell. Nation, 63: 54. Zittel, K: A. ritter von. Text- book of paleon- tology ; tr. and ed. by C : R. Eastman. 2 v. 1900- 02. 24cm Macmillan v. 1, $6 n; v. 2, $3 n German original complete in 5 volumes; English trans- lation incomplete. Epitome of whole fossil record from dawn of life to ad- vent of man. Richly illustrated from rare selections. Nation, 76: 130. 561 Plants Dawson, Sir J: W: Geological history of plants. 1888. 19 Jem ( Internat. sci. ser. ) Appleton $1.75 Clear, authoritative digest of the relations of plant life to the various geologic epochs. For both general reader and advanced student. L. & I. Scott, D. H: Studies in fossil botany. 1900. 21cm Macmillan $2.75 n In 14 lectures, results of great significance for botanists. Evidence and conclusions not too detailed and admira- bly clear. Nation, 71: 444. 566 Vertebrates Lucas, F: A: Animals of the past. 1901. 21cm (Sci. for everybody) McClure $2 n R Y Independent talks on extinct birds, reptiles and mammals. Accurate, interesting, well illustrated. N. Y. Seeley, H. G. Dragons of the air, an account of extinct flying reptiles. 1901. 19cm Appleton $1.50 P 8 Bibliography, p. 231-32. Summarizes about all that is known of pterodactyls. Science, 38: 67. 57O Biology Conn, H. W: Story of the living machine; a review of the conclusions of modern biology. 1899. 15 Jem (Lib. of useful stories) Appleton 35c n Hujdey, T: H: Discourses biological and geo- logical. 1897. 19cm (Collected essays, v. 8) Appleton $1.25 Contents: On a piece of chalk; Problems of the deep sea; On some of the results of the expedition of H. M. S. "Challenger," Yeast, On the formation of coal; On the border territory between the animal and the vegetable kingdoms; A lobster: or, The study of zoology; Biogenesis and abiogenesis; Geological contemporaneity and per- sistent types of life; Geological reform; Palaeontology and the doctrine of evolution. 551 128 A. L. A. CATALOG CLASS LIST Morley, M. W. Song of life. 1902. 19Jcm McClurg $1.25 R Y Story of the origin and growth of the embryo and its subsequent development in plants, fishes, frogs, birds and mammals. Nation, 54: 136 (B) Parker, T: J. Lessons in elementary biology. 1900. ISJcm (Man. for students) Macmillan $2.60 n Deals mainly with structure and activities of cells as basis of all physiologic functions. Dodge. Sedgwick, W: T., & Wilson, E. B. Introduc- tion to general biology. 2d ed. 1895. 22cm (Amer. sci. ser.) Holt $1.75 n Interesting discussion of structure and habits of the earthworm and the fern, and their relations to their environment. Dodge. Spencer, Herbert. Principles of biology. Kev. ed. 2 v. 1898-1900. ' 20cm (His Synthetic philospphy) Appleton $4 What strikes one most forcibly is the extraordinary range and grasp of its author, the piercing keenness of his eye for essentials, his fertility in invention and the bold sweep of his logical method. C. L. Morgan (B) 571 Prehistoric archeology Avebury, John Lubbock, 1st baron. Pre-his- toric times, as illustrated by ancient remains and the manners and customs of modern savages. 6th ed. 1900. 22cm Appleton $5 Balfour, Henry. Evolution of decorative art; an essay upon its origin and development. 1893. 19Jcm Rivington 4/6 Bibliography, p. 129-31. Account of very primitive forms of ornament, both pre- historic and among savages of onr own time. Sturgis. Clodd, Edward. Childhood of the world. 1884. 23 Jem (Humboldt lib. of sci.) Humboldt pub. co. 15c P R Simple account of man in early times. Describes his material progress, first tools, dwellings, etc. and ex- plains his advance from lower to higher stages of reli- gious belief. Pittsburg. Story of "primitive" man. 1895. 15 Jem (Lib. of useful stories) Appleton 35c n f R Selected list of books, p. 185-86. Useful stepping stone; creates interest and develops a desire for further information. Nature, 52: 173 (B) Grosse, Ernst. Beginnings of art. 1897. 19Jcm (Anthropol. ser.) Appleton $1.75 Tr. fr. the German. Contribution to ethnology rather than to art criticism or history. Contends that only scientific method of in- vestigating origin of art is to examine art of present prim- itive peoples. Nation, 65: 14. Mason, O. T. Woman's share in primitive cul- ture. 1894. 19 Jem (Anthropol. ser.) Appleton $1.75 P Shows that industrial arts originated with and owed their early development chiefly to woman and points out her large contributions to social growth. N. Y. Nadaillac, J. F. A. du Pouget, marquis de. Manners and monuments of prehistoric peoples; tr. by Nancy Bell (N. D'Anvers) 1892. 22cm Putnam $3 Life of man during the stone age, specially in Europe. Science, 20: 291. Starr, Frederick. Some first steps in human progress. 1901. 19cm (Chaut. lit. & sci. cir.) Chautauqua press 75c Books for reference, p. 255-56. Comprehensive summary of views held by most modern inquirers respecting the primitive condition of the earliest men and the steps by which they raised themselves to higher levels. Critic, 28: 18. 572 Ethnology. Anthropology Brinton, D. G. The American race: a linguistic classification and ethnographic description of the native tribes of North and South America. 1901. 20Jcm McKay $2 Races and peoples; lectures on the science of ethnography. 1901. 19Jcm McKay $1.50 R Concise and general. Deniker, Joseph. Races of man: an outline of anthropology and ethnography. 1900. 19cm (Contemp. sci. ser.) Scribner $1.50 Tr. fr. the French. Best compendium in English (1901) W. Z. Ripley in Amer. hist. r. 6: 110 (B) Hutchinson, H: N. & others. Living races of mankind; a popular illustrated account ot cus- toms, habits, pursuits, feasts and ceremonies. 1901. 28cm Hutchinson 14/; Appleton $5 n Geographic; not ethnologic or philologic. Its great distinction is its remarkable collection of photographic illustrations. Spec. Mr '01: 394. Keane,A:H: Ethnology. 2ded. 1896. 20Jcm (Camb. geog. ser.) Macmillan $2.60 n 'Ethnology' in its ancient sense, nearly synonymous with 'anthropology.' Pt. 1, Fundamental ethnical prob- lems; pt. 2, Primary ethnical groups. D. G. Brinton m Science, 26: 449. Man, past and present. 1899. 20Jcm (Camb. geog. ser.) Macmillan $3 n Deals in greater detail and more systematically with primary divisions of mankind than his Ethnology, which it supplements. Knowl. 22: 229. SCIENCE BIOLOGY. ANTHROPOLOGY 129 Quatrefages de Breau, Armand. Human species. 2d ed. 1881. 19cm (Internal, sci. eer. ) Appleton $2 Tr. fr. the French. Extremely conservative: a little old but highly useful. Starr. Hatzel, Friedrich. History of mankind; tr. by A. J. Butler, introd. by E. B. Tylor. 3 v. 1896-98. 25cm Macmillan $4 ea Comprehensive, rich in material, abundant and excel- lent illustrations. Outl. 55: 260. Hipley, W: Z. Races of Europe; a sociological study. 1899. 23cm (Lowell inst. lect.) Appleton $6 Supplementary bibliography published separately by Boston public library. Special list of authorities on acclimatization, p. 589-90. Attempts to co-ordinate and interpret ethnologic ob- servations made by scholars in all parts of Europe. Makes accessible a vast amount. of scattered material. Many type portraits, graphic charts and maps. N. Y. Sergi, Giuseppe. Mediterranean race: a study of the origin of European peoples. 1901. 19cm (Contemp. sci. ser. ) Scribner $1.50 By one of the most industrious, original, and fearless of European ethnologists. Nation, 73: 19. Taylor, Isaac. Origin of the Aryans; an account of the prehistoric ethnology and civilization of Europe. 2d ed. 1902. 19cm (Contemp. sci. ser. ) Scribner $1.50 P Best general presentation of the new views. Starr. 573 Natural history of man Drxnnmond, Henry. Lowell lectures on the as- cent of man. 1894. 20cm Pott $1 B, Maintains that the altruistic principle is co-eval with the struggle for life. Holds essential consistency of evolution with Christianity. N. Y. Haddon, A. C. 'Study of man. 1898. 21Jcm (Sci. ser.) Putnam $2 P Mainly somatology and folklore. Discusses princi- pal measurements in anthropometry, Bertillon's methods, skull indices, color scale in hair and eyes, and form of nose. Latter half of book devoted to games and toys. D. G. Brinton in Science, 31: 82. Huxley, T: H: Man's place in nature. 1902. 19cm (Collected essays, v. 7) Appleton $1.25 The first three essays were published in January 1863, under the title of Man's place in nature. Contents: 1, On the natural history of the man-like apes; 2, On the relations of man to the lower animals; 3, On some fossil remains of man; 4, On methods and results of ethnology; 5, On some fixed points in British ethnology; 6, On the Aryan question. Clear; interesting even to general readers, though sub- ject and treatment technical. Starr. Shaler, N. S. Nature and man in America. 1891 . 19cm Scribner $1.50 P Shows how the physical development of the earth (climate, land and sea contours, etc.) has affected organic life and influenced man physically, socially and morally. N. Y. 575 Evolution Bailey, L. H. Survival of the unlike; a collection of evolution essays suggested by the study of domestic plants. 1896. 19cm Macmillan $2 Baldwin, J. M: Development and evolution. 1902. 22cm Macmillan $2.60 n From psychologist's point of view, largely devoted to careful elaboration of theory of orthoplasy or organic selection. See also 150 for his Mental development in the child and the race and his Social and ethical interpretations in mental development. Clodd, Edward. Primer of evolution. 1895. 16Jcm Longmans 75c P B, Abridgment of his Story of creation, a condensed statement, and" a good general view of the theory of evo- lution. L. & I. Conn, H. W: Evolution of to-day. 1886. 21cm Putnam $1.75 Method of evolution. 1900. 20cm Putnam $2 Review of present attitude of science toward question of laws and forces which have brought about origin of species. Title. Darwin, Charles. Descent of man and selection in relation to sex. New ed. 1901. 20 Jem Murray 2/6 n; Appleton $3 Exposition of theory that man is descended from ape- like animals, with arguments and evidences in its favor. L. &I. On the origin of species by means of natu- ral selection; or, The preservation of favored races in the struggle for life. New ed. fr. 6th Eng.ed. 1881. 20cm Appleton $2 No other work of this century has had such power in changing the current of thought. It was not speculation as to what might be, but a volume of evidence as to what actually is. D: S. Jordan in Dial, 3: 2 (B) Variation of animals and plants under domestication. 2 v. 1900. 20cm A ppleton $5 Qalton, Francis. Natural inheritance. 1889. 23cm Macmillan $2 Memoirs by the author bearing on heredity, p. 218-19. Gray, Asa. Darwiniana: essays and reviews pertaining to Darwinism. 1876. 20$cm Appleton $2 Specially valuable essays on relation of evolution to natural theology. Rice. 2411- 571 130 A. L. A. CATALOG CLASS LIST Hutton, F: W. Darwinism and Lamarckism, old and new; 4 lectures. 1899. ISJcm Putnam $1 R Well balanced, logical presentation of Darwin's views in light of current criticism. C. A. Koford in Dial, 28: 281. Huxley, T: H: Darwiniana. 1896. 19cm (Col- lected essays, v. 2) Appleton $1.25 Contents: Darwinian hypothesis; Origin of species; Criticisms on The origin of species; Genealogy of animals; Mr Darwin's critics; Evolution in biology; Coming of age of The origin of species; Charles Darwin: The Darwin memorial; Obituary; Six lectures to working men on our knowledge of the causes of the phenomena of organic nature. Jordan, D: S. Footnotes to evolution; a series of popular addresses on the evolution of life. 1898. 19Jcm Appleton $1.75 I*e Conte, Joseph. Evolution and its relation to religious thought. 1888. 19Jcm Appleton $1.50 Among the best books both as pure science and natural theology. Rice. Marshall, A. M. Lectures on the Darwinian theory; ed. by C. F. Marshall. 1900. 22 Jem Macmillan $2.25 Delivered in connection with Victoria university ex- tension lectures. Excellent statement of development of evolution theory. Knowl. 17: 280. Morgan, T:H. Evolution and adaptation. 1903. 23cm Macmillan $3 n Written in support and defense of the 'mutation theory.' Dial, 36: 196. Naturalist as interpreter and seer. 1902. 15 Jem (Little masterpieces of sci. ) Doubleday 50c n Contents: The origin of species in summary, by C: Dar- win; How The origin of species came to be written, by C: Darwin; Descent of man: the argument in brief, by C: Darwin; Mimicry and other protective resemblances among animals, by A. R. Wallace; Evolution of the horse, by T: H: Huxley; Fighting pests with insect allies, by L. O. Howard; Strange story of the flowers: a chapter in modern botany, by G: lies. Osborn, H: F. From the Greeks to Darwin; an outline of the development of the evolution idea. 1894. 22cm. (Columbia univ. biol. ser.) Macmillan $2 n Based upon lectures delivered at Princeton and Colum- bia universities. Pref . Shows that evolution theory has reached its present completeness as result of a slow growth during past 24 centuries; clear, candid and catholic statement of its origin and early history. A. S. Packard in Science, 24: 21. Romanes, G: J: Darwin and after Darwin. 3v. 1892-97. 20cm Open court pub. co. $4 n P Contents: v. 1, Darwinian theory. A-. 2, Post-Darwin- ian questions, Heredity and utility, v. 3, Post- Darwinian questions, Isolation and physiological selection. Vbls. 2 and 3 ed. by C. L. Morgan. Probably best general work on organic evolution. Bigelow. Semper, Karl. Natural conditions of existence as they affect animal life. 1881. 19 Jem (In- ternat. sci. ser.) (Lowell inst. lect.) Appleton $2 Wallace, A. B. Darwinism. 1889. 19Jcm Macmillan $2.25 R Exposition of theory of natural selection, bringing subject down to 1889. Objections to Darwinism discussed. L. &I. Natural selection and tropical nature; essays on descriptive and theoretical biology. New ed. 1891. 20Jcm Macmillan $2 576 Origin and beginning of life Hertwig, Oskar. The cell; outlines of general anatomy and physiology; tr. by M. Campbell . and ed. by H: J. Campbell. 1895. 22cm Macmillan $3 n Bibliography at end of each chapter. Author greatest living authority on the cell: not only an original investigator of worldwide reputation, but a clear and exact writer. Sat. r. 81: 82. Verworn, Max. General physiology; an outline of the science of life, tr. & ed. by F: S. Lee. 1899. 23cm . Macmillan $4 n Bibliography, p. 589-99. Chiefly concerned with the cell. Comprehensive treat- ment of composition and elementary activities of proto- plasm. Stimulating and suggestive. D. T. MacDougal in Science, 32: 650. Wilson, E. B. The cell in development and inheritance. 2d ed. 1900. 23cm (Columbia univ. biol. ser. ) Macmillan $3.50 n Clear and complete treatment, well illustrated with full bibliography. Deserves to rank as a classic. Bigelow. 57 microscopy Carpenter, W: B: The microscope and its rev- elations; 8th ed. by W. H.' Dallinger. 1901. 23cm Blakiston $8 Cross, M. I. Modern microscopy; a handbook for beginners and students. 3d ed. 1903. 22cm Keener $1.50 n The microscope and instructions for its use, by M. I. Cross; Microscopic objects, how prepared and mounted, by M. 3. Cole; Microtomes, their choice and use. Absolutely trustworthy guide. Knowl. 26: 87. 579 Collectors manuals Browne, Montagu. Practical taxidermy: a manual of instruction to the amateur in collect- ing, preserving and setting up natural history specimens of all kinds; added a chapter upon the pictorial arrangement of museums. 2d ed. 1884? 19cm Scribner $3 SCIENCE BIOLOGY. BOTANY 131 Hornaday, W: Taxidermy and zoological collecting. 8th ed. 1902. 22cm Scribner $2.50 n Bibliography, p. 351-57. Complete handbook for amateur taxidermist, collector, osteologist, museum builder, sportsman and traveler, with chapters on collecting and preserving insects by W. J. Holland. Title. 58O Botany Bailey, W: W. Botanizing; a guide to field- collecting and herbarium work. 1899. ITJcm Preston 75c Bibliography, p. 132-41. Aims to attract amateurs to study of .plants in forests- fields and waters. Contains wise advice as to gardens, museums and the herbaria. Nation, 70: 19. Ganong, W:F. Teaching botanist. 1899. 19crn Macmillan $1.10 n Theory and practical methods of botanical teaching; outlines of useful exercises and topics, materials and experiments. Educ. r. 21: 384. Gray, Asa. Field, forest and garden botany. Rev. ed. n. d. 21cm Amer. bk. co. $1.44 Rev. byL.H. Bailey. Concise descriptions of the more common native plants, and of the large number of species cultivated for use or ornament. Its greatest value is as a guide to cultivated species. Science, 24: 527. Percival, John. Agricultural botany, theoreti- cal and practical. 2d ed. 1902. 20cm Holt $2.50 Sachs, Julius von. History of botany (1530- 1860) tr. by H: E. F. Garnsey; rev. by I: B. Balfour. 1890. 19 Jena Clarendon $2.50 8 Philosophic and trustworthy. Adapted to general reader and advanced student. L. & I. Wright, Mrs Mabel (Osgood) Flowers and ferns in their haunts. 1901. 20cm Macmillan $2.50 n Personal observations set in slight story, and made at- tractive by fullpage photographic illustrations and inset drawings. N. Y. 581 Physiologic and tructural botany Allen, Grant. Story of the plants. 1895. 15 Jem (Lib. of useful stories) Appleton 35c n Arthur, J. C:, & Macdoug-al, D. T. Living plants and their properties. 1898. 20cm E S Baker & T. $1.25 Bailey, L. H. First lessons with plants; an abridgement of "Lessons with plants." 1898. 18Jcm Macmillan 40c n Beal, W: J. Seed dispersal. 1898. 19cm Ginn 35c Interesting account of devices whereby continuance of vegetable life is assured. Ed. sel. Candolle, A. L. P. de. Origin of cultivated plants. 1902. 19 Jem ( Internat. sci. ser. ) Appleton $2 Thoroughness, patience, sound judgment, affluence of knowledge and felicity of exposition characterize it. Asa Gray in Science, 1: 12 (B) Coulter, J: M. Plants. 1900. 20cm (Twen- tieth cent, text-bks. ) Appleton $1.80 n Plant relations devoted to study of natural history or ecology of plants. It is independent of Plant structures, which deals chiefly with morphology, including a gen- eral review of the large systematic groups. Accurate, fresh and original. Knowl. 25: 205. Darwin, Charles. Insectivorous plants; 2d ed. rev. by Francis Darwin. 1893. 19Jcm Appleton $2 Directs our attention to behavior of the highest plants alone. Shows that some of them execute movements for their own advantage and that some capture and digest living prey. Asa Gray in Nation (B) Movements and habits of climbing plants. 1891. 19Jcm Appleton $1.25 Power of movement in plants. 1881. 20Jcm Appleton $2 Gaye, Selina. Great world's farm; some account of nature's crops and how they are grown. 1900. 20cm Macmillan $1 n P Accurate account of mode of formation of habitable part of the earth's surface and specially of the part played by organisms in producing changes in their surroundings. Dodge. Gibson, "W: H. Blossom hosts and insect guests; ed. by E. E. Davie. 1901. 20cm Newson 80c How the heath family, the bluets, the figworts, the orchids and similar wild flowers welcome the bee, the fly, the wasp, the moth and other faithful insects. Title. Goodale, G: L. Concerning a few common plants. 2d ed. 1903. 16 Jem ( Guides for sci. teaching) Heath 20c Macdougal, D. T. Practical text-book of plant physiology. 1901. 22cm S Longmans $3 Morley, M. W. Little wanderers. 1899. 19cm Ginn 30c Y About plahts and how they travel to new fields by flying, floating, clinging, tumbling and shooting seeds. Excellent illustrations. N. Y. Seed-babies. 1896. 19cm Ginn 25c 576 132 A. L. A. CATALOG CLASS LIST Parsons, Mrs F. T. (Smith.) Dana. Plants and their children, by Mrs W: S. Dana. 1896. 19cm Amer. bk. co. 65c Y Easy entertaining lessons or reading on fruits and seeds, roots and stems, buds, leaves and flowers. Pitts- burg. Peirce, G: J. Text-book of plant physiology. 1903. 22 Jem Holt $2 Full of original suggestions, and differing quite markedly from oldtime works devoted to plant physi- ology, C. E. Bessey in Science, 41: 53. K,usby, H: H., & Jelliffe, S. E. Morphology and histology of plants. 1899. 23Jcm Authors, New York $3 Replaces their Essentials ofpharmacognosy. Aside from study of pharmacognosy and other applications of botany, chiefly a guide to determination of plants. Elementary. Pref. "Ward, H. M. Disease in plants. 1901. 19cm ( Nature ser.) Macmillan $1.60 n Useful summary of present state of vegetable physi- ology and of knowledge as to biology of the soil. Ath. 1901. 581.9 Geographic Britton, N. L. Manual of the flora of the north- ern states and Canada. 1901. 20cm Holt $2.25 In Rocky Mountain region substitute Coulter's Manual of Rocky Mountain botany. & Brown, Addison. Illustrated flora of the northern U. S., Canada and the British possessions. 3 v. 1896-98. 28cm Scribner $9 special 11 P 8 Besides accurate description, gives authentic por- trait of every North American species. A complete cyclo- pedia of American systematic botany. W. W. Bailey. Chapman, A. W. Flora of the southern United States. 3ded. 1897. 21icm Amer. bk.co. $4 Containing an abridged description of the flowering plants and ferns of Tennessee, North and South Carolina, Georgia, Florida, Alabama and Mississippi. Title. Coulter, J: M. Manual of the botany (Phseno- gamia and Pteridophyta) of the Rocky Moun- tain region, . from New Mexico to the British boundary. 1885. 21cm Amer. bk. co. $1.62 Replaces Gray's Manual and Britton's Manual in Rocky Mountain region. Gray, Asa. Manual of the botany of the north- ern United States, including the district east of the Mississippi and north of North Carolina and Tennessee; 6th ed. rev. by Sereno Watson and J.M. Coulter. 1890. 21cm Amer. bk.co. $1.62 Substitute Coulter's Manual of Rocky Mountain botany in Rocky Mountain region. Huntingdon, A. O. Studies of trees in winter; a description of the deciduous trees of north- eastern America. 1902. 21cm Caldwell $2.50 n P Handbook for identification and study. Describes about 100 species, with 79 excellent illustrations of spread- ing tree, bark and buds; a few in color. Introduction by Charles Sargent. N. Y. Keeler, H. L. Our native trees and how to identify them. 1900. 20Jcm Scribner $2 n 8 Y Well written, well illustrated, well printed. Bits of the best from poets and prose writers relieve the mo- notony of description and the folklore of a number of trees is well if briefly told. Amer. natural. 34: 986 (B) Small, J: K. Flora of the southeastern United States. 1903. 25cm Author, New York $3.60 New masterpiece of southern botany. Describes 6,364 species, mainly plants east of one hundredth meridian. Admirable keys. F. V. Coville in Science, 41: 627. Weed, C. M. Ten New England blossoms and their insect visitors. 1895. 19Jcm Houghton $1.25 P R Admirably clear and interesting description of methods of fertilization. Beautiful illustrations. N. Y. 582 Phanerogamia Doubleday, Mrs N. B. (De Graff) Nature's garden; an aid to knowledge of our wild flowers and their insect visitors; by Neltje Blanchan. 1900. 26Jxl9$cm Doubleday $3 special n P Excellent reference book. Groups by color, and as fragrant, unpleasantly scented, conspicuous in .fruit. Points out relations with insects. Good photographic illustrations, many in color. N. Y. Going, Maud. Field, forest and wayside flow- ers. 1899. 20cm Baker & T. $1.50 P Studies of flowers, ferns, grasses and sedges consid- ered in succession from spring to winter. N. Y. Mathews, F. S. Field book of American wild flowers. 1902. 18x10 Jem Putnam $1.75 n P One page gives descriptions, the opposite page pic- tures the plants described [about 800 species] occasionally with colors. JXal (B) Parsons, Mrs F. T. (Smith) Dana. According to season; talks about the flowers in the order of their appearance in the woods and fields. New ed. 1902. 20cm Scribner $1.75 n Y Describes wild flowers in order of blooming, with information about their haunts and habits. N. Y. How to know the wild flowers. New ed. 1900. 20Jcm Scribner $2 n P Y Describes briefly more than 400 varieties common east of Chicago, grouping them by color. N. Y. SCIENCE BOTANY 133 Rogers, J. E. Among green trees. 1902. 28cm Mumford $3 On life history, flight of seeds, how trees breathe, feed, reproduce, die, etc. tree cultivation, 80 pages on identi- fication of varieties. Well illustrated. N. Y. 53 Dicotyledonae Wallace, Alexander. Heather in lore, lyric and lay. 1903. 19cm De La Mare $1.50 "Ward, H. M. The oak: a popular introduction to forest-botany. 1892. 18 Jem ( Mod. sci. ser. ) Appleton $1 Traces life history beginning with structure of acorn and passing through the structure and physiology of root, stem, leaf and blossom to acorn again. Nation. 584 monocotyledons Knobel, Edward. Grasses, sedges and rushes of the northern U. S. and easy method of iden- tification. 1899. 21Jcm Knight $1 n 587 Pteridopliyta Parsons, Mrs F. T. (Smith) Dana. How to know the ferns. 1899. 20 Jem Scribner $1.50 n P Excellent guide. Gives scientific name and de- scription followed by informal description, reminiscence and quotation. Well illustrated and indexed. N. Y. "Waters, C. E. Ferns; a manual for the north- eastern states. 1903. 25Jcm Holt $3 n P Authoritative; with over 200 illustrations, chapter on fern photography, and new scheme of identification based on stem structure. For home rather than field use. X. Y. 5S8 Bryophyta Grout, A. J. Mosses with a hand-lens; a non- technical handbook. 1900. 21 Jem Author, Brooklyn $1.10 V Describes 100 of the more common and easily recog- nized varieties of northeastern United States. Clear text drawings and illustrated glossary. N. Y. 589 Thallophyta Atkinson, Q: F. Studies of American fungi; mushrooms, edible, poisonous, etc. 2d ed. 1901. 24cm Holt $3 n General chapters on character and development, classi- fied detailed descriptions, chapters on preservation and selection for table use and cultivation. Recipes by Mrs Rorer, and chapter on chemistry and toxicology by J. F. Clark. Authoritative, clear, fully illustrated by photo- graphs, generally life size. N. Y. Conn, H. W: Story of germ life. 1902.- 15 Jem (Lib. of useful stories) Appleton 35c n P Clear account of these low forms of life and their wower of helping and harming mankind. Knowl. (B) Underwood, L. M. Moulds, mildews and mush- rooms. 1899. 19Jcm Holt $1.50 Brief bibliographies. 59O Zoology Davenport, C: B., & Davenport, .Vrs G. A. (Grotty) Introduction to zoology; a guide to the study of animals, for secondary schools. 1900. ISJcm Macmillan $1.10 n Y Bibliography, p. 369-82. Deals with common animals, their habits, home, life histories, and their systematic, economic and ecologic relations. A modern natural history full of spirit and charm. M. A. Bigelow in Science, 12: 442. Du Chaillu, P. B. World of the great forest; how animals, birds, reptiles, insects talk, think, work and live. 1900. 20Jcm Y Scribner $2 Gibson, W: H. My studio neighbors. 1898. 23cm Harper $2.50 R Contents: A familiar guest; Cuckoos and the out- witted cow-bird; Doorstep neighbors; A queer little family on the bittersweet; Welcomes of the flowers; A honey-dew picnic: A few native orchids and their insect sponsors; The milkweed. Jordan, D: S. ed. True tales of birds and beasts. 1902. 19Jcm (Heath's home & school class.) Heath 40c n Y Animal stories ' true and also good for children to read,' by Thoreau, Irving, Joaquin Miller and others. Excellent print and illustration. N. Y. Long, "W: J. Secrets of the woods. 1901. 19cm (Wood folk ser.) Y Ginn 50c Ways of wood folk. 1899. 19cm (Wood folk ser. ) Y Ginn 50c Wilderness ways. 1900. 19cm (Wood folk ser. ) Y Ginn 45c Wood folk at school. 1903. 19cm (Wood folk ser.) Ginn 50c Y Personal observations of animals and birds. Believes training by wild mothers more important than instinct. Thinks animal life on the whole more joyous'than tragic. See opposing paper by John Burroughs, Atlantic, 91:29- and reply by Mr Long, North American review, 176: 688. N.Y. Long's books have been the subject of hot discussion. They are very interesting. If they suggest to children to> watch such animals as they can and find out for them- selves whether the animals do or do not do all these wonderful things, they may be most wholesome. Ed. sel. Parker, T: J., & Has well, W: A. Text-book of zoology. 2 v. 1897. 23cm Macmillan $9 n Guide to modern zoologic literature, 2: 651-55. Written with a clearness, accuracy and method that bespeak the practised teacher; nearly 1,200 illustrations. Science, 30: 537. 582 134 A. L. A. CATALOG CLASS LIST Roberts, C: Gr: D. Kindred of the wild; a book of animal life, illus. by C: L. Bull. 1902. 21cm Page $2 R Y Stories of wild animals studied in New Bruns- wick forests. Introductory essay on the "animal story." N. Y. Sharp, D. L. A watcher in the woods. 1903. 19Jcm Century 84c Y Contents: Birds' winter beds; Some snug winter beds; Mus'rattin'; Feathered neighbors; From river-ooze to tree-top; Rabbit roads; Second crops; In the October moon. * Best chapters from Wild life near home, for school use. Attractive literature as well as interesting and accurate natural history. Moral influence strong without any sacrifice of fact or fancy. M. A. Bigelow. Wild life near home. 1901. 21 Jem Century $2 n Smith. Eugene. Home aquarium and how to care for it; a guide to its fishes, other animals, and plants, with illustrations. 1902. 19Jcm Button $1.20 n Y Illustrated handbook giving information about suit- able plants, fish and other animals, arrangement, hy- giene, food, collecting, etc. N. Y. 591 Physiological zoology Arnold, Mrs Augusta (Foote) Sea-beach at ebb-tide. 1901. 21cm Century $2.40 n P Handbook for identification of seaweeds and lower animal life, with advice on collecting. Full and excel- lent illustrations. N. Y. Avebury, John iLubbock, 1st baron. On the senses, instincts and intelligence of animals, with special reference to insects. 2d ed. 1899. 18 Jem (Internat. sci. ser.) Appleton $1.75 List of the principal memoirs, etc. referred to, pref. p. 21-29. Animal psychology, anatomic description of sense organs of lower animals and discussion of their probable mode of functioning. Science, 12: 261. Beard, J. C. Curious homes and their tenants. 1897. 18 Jem (Appletons 1 home reading bks.) Y Appleton 65c n About crabs, spiders, moles, bees, ants, kangaroos, kin- kajous, human cliff dwellers, Eskimos, etc. and their habitations. Admirable drawings. N. Y. Bostock, F. C: Training of wild animals; ed. by Ellen Velvin. 1903. 19cm Century $1 n Account of traits of animals in captivity and hazardous lives of trainers. Author a great trainer. Pittsburg. Groos, Karl. The play of animals; tr. by E.. L. Baldwin, with pref. & apx. by J. M: Baldwin. 1898. 19 Jem Appleton $1.75 A contribution to philosophic biology, animal psychol- ogy, genetic study of art, and to psychology of childhood. A protest against the surplus energy theory of play. W. S. Monroe in Educ. r. 17: 493. Hertwig, Richard. General principles of zool- ogy; tr. by G: W. Field. 2d ed. 1897. 22cm Holt $1.60 Clothes with flesh the skeleton of systematic zoology; written with genius that holds attention and inspires. Clear and compact. D. S. Kellicott in Science, 4: 729. Hickson, S. J: Story of life in the seas. 1898. 18cm (Lib. of useful stories) Appleton 35c n Compact, clear, interesting. N. Y. Houssay, Frederic. Industries of animals. 1893. 19cm (Contemp. sci. ser.) Scribner $1.50 Methods of hunting, fishing, warfare, defense, social economy and architecture of smaller animals, birds and insects. N. Y. Hudson, W: H: Naturalist in La Plata. 1892. 21 Jem B S Appleton $4 Huxley, T: H: Manual of the anatomy of in- vertebrated animals. 1901. 20cm Appleton $2.50 Ingersoll, Ernest. Wild life of orchard and field. 1902. 19 Jem Harper $1.40 n Y Habits of birds and small mammals. Illustrations from excellent photographs. Interesting chapter on gen- eral effect of advent of civilization on North American birds. Nation, 74: 367. Jordan, D: S. & others. Animals; a text book of zoology. 1902. 20cm (Twentieth cent, text- bks.) Appleton $1.80 n Each part has also special t.-p. and has been issued sep- arately. Contents: pt. 1, Animal life, a first book of zoology, by D: S. Jordan and V. L. Kellogg, pt. 2, Animal forms, a sec- ond book of zoology, by D: S. Jordan and Harold Heath. Morgan, C. It. Animal behaviour. 1900. 21cm Scribner $4.20 n Author cautious, frank; a competent psychologist and a trained observer. Interesting summaries of recent studies of animal habits. Acad. 60: 27, 28. Habit and instinct. 1896. 23cm Lane $5 Possesses balance and caution, and leaves impression that the writer even in theoretic parts of his subject can be trusted. Nation, 64: 362. Morley, Jff. W. Life and love. 1895. 19Jcm McClurg $1.25 Traces with delicacy phenomena of reproduction from lowest forms of life up to mammals, with chapters on maturity, variability and inheritance, and similar topics. Lit. world 27: 190. Poulton, E: B. Colours of animals, their mean- ing and use. 1890. 19 Jem (Internat. sci. ser. ) Appleton $1.75 R S Treats mainly of origin of colors in insects, specially in moths and butterflies. Many observations original, others taken from recent works of reliable investigators. Science, 16: 286. SCIENCE ZOOLOGY 135 Romanes, G: J: Animal intelligence. 1883. 19 Jem ( Internal, sci. ser. ) Appleton $1.75 P Originally planned as introductory part of his Men- tal evolution. Admirable digest of all yet known about mental powers of animals. Grant Allen in Acad. (B) Mental evolution in animals; with essay on instinct by Charles Darwin. 1884. 20icm Appleton $3 Full of interesting illustrations of various phases of mind, and original suggestions of great ingenuity. Nation, 38:470-71. Vernon, H. M. Variation in animals and plants. 1903. 20 Jem Holt $1.75 n S Principles and results of biometric investigations brought together and their significance to organic evolu- tion discussed. Knou-l. 26: 186. White, Gilbert. Natural history and antiquities ofSelborne. 1900. 23cm (Lib. of Eng. class.) Macmillan 50c Though the scene is laid beneath the soft skies of south- ern England it will delight the dweller in prairie states who has never crossed the sea. Garden & forest (B) Wiedersheim, R. E. E. Structure of man an index to his past history; tr. by H. and M. Bernard. 1895. 23cm Macmillan $2.60 n To be compared with Huxley's Man's place in nature: does not replace it or cover same ground. Starr. 593 Protozoans. Radiates Agassiz, Mrs E.. C. (Cary) First lesson in natural history. New ed. 1899. 15cm (Guides for sci. teaching) Heath pap. 25c Hyatt, Alpheus. Commercial and other sponges. 1897. 15Jcm (Guides for sci. teaching) Heath pap. 20c Common hydroids, corals and echino- derms. 1897. 16cm (Guides for sci. teaching) Heath pap. 30c 594 Iflollusks Hyatt, Alpheus. Oyster, clam and other con> ii mil mollusks. 1894. 15cm (Guides for sci. teaching) Heath pap. 30c 595 Articulates Comstock, J: H: Insect life. 1901. 21cm Appleton $1.75 n Y Guide to a knowledge of insects through study of insects themselves. Clear, scientific, admirably illus- trated. Directions for collecting and preserving speci- mens. N. Y. & Mrs Anna (Botsford) Manual for the study of insects. 5th ed. 1904. 24J cm Comstock pub. co. $3.75 P Systematic account; has technical keys. Felt. Darwin, C: R. Formation of vegetable mould, through the action of worms. 1890. 20Jcm Appleton $1.50 Shows how one of the greatest geologic problems was solved by experiments so simple and easy that a child can repeat them. Dodge. Eliot, I. M. . & Soule, C. G. Caterpillars and their moths. 1902. 21cm Century $2 n Clear directions for rearing and study, with life histories of. 43 species. Specially valuable in presenting results of 20 years' experience. Photographs. N. Y. Emerton, J. H: Common spiders of the United States. 1902. 20Jcm Ginn $1.50 n French, G: H. Butterflies of the eastern United States. Rev. ed. 1900. 19Jcm Lippincott $2 Gibson, W: H. Eye spy. 1897. 23cm Harper $2.50 Y On beetles, grasshoppers, snakes, cocoons, mush- rooms, tendrils, barberries, etc. Primarily intended to induce young people to observe nature. Author's illus- trations. X. Y. Holland, W: J. Butterfly book. 1898. 26 Jem Doubleday $3 n P S Limited to North American butterflies. Describes 550 species, showing over 500 in natural colors. Bibliogr raptfy, p. 69-74. N. Y. Moth book. 1903. 26cm Doubleday $4 n Bibliography, p. 27-38. Chapters on life history and anatomy, capture, prepa- ration and preservation of specimens, classification, and books about the moths of North America are followed by descriptions of over 50 families. Much sound informa- tion accompanies accounts of many injurious species. Fortyveight colored plates illustrate over 1,500 species. L. O. Howard in Science, 42: 188. Howard, L. O. Insect book. 1901. 26cm Doubleday $3 n P Bibliography, p. 406-16. Brief account by entomologist of United States depart- ment of agriculture, of bees, wasps, ants, grasshoppers, flies and other North American insects, exclusive of butterflies, moths and beetles, with life histories, tables and bibliographies. Illustrated in black and white and colors. N. Y. Mosquitoes; how they live; how they carry disease; how they are classified; how they may be destroyed. 1901. 21cm P McClure $1.50 n Huxley, T: H: The crayfish: an introduction to the study of zoology. 3d ed. 1881. 19cm (Internat. sci. ser.) Appleton $1.75 Bibliography, p. 357-61. Hyatt, Alpheus. Worms and crustacea. 1900. 15cm (Guides for sci. teaching) Heath pap. 30c - & Arms, J. M. Insecta. 1898. 16cm (Guides for sci. teaching) Heath $1.25 591 136 A. L. A. CATALOG CLASS LIST McCook, H: C. Tenants of an old farm; leaves from the note-book of a naturalist. Kev. ed. 1902. 19cin Jacobs $1.20 n Y Studies oi common insects, specially ants and spi- ders; information exact. X. Y. Maeterlinck, Maurice. Life of the bee; tr. by Alfred Sutro. 1901. 19in Dodd $1.40 n Bibliography, p. 423-27. Various phases of the life cycle of the honey bee are used as pegs on which to hang a series of interesting essays on instinct, development, evolution and similar topics. Accurate but not technical. Nation (B) Morley, M. W. The bee people. 1899. 19crn McClurg $1.25 E Y All about bees: queen bee, workers and drones. Tells about their 12,603 eyes, the way they get honey from deep flowers, the way they comb their hair and feed the baby bees. N. Y. Honey-makers. 1899. 20cm McClurg $1.25 Historical and legendary rather than scientific. Much folklore. Felt. ' Insect folk. 1903. 19cm Ginn 45c 596 Vertebrate* Hornaday, W: T. 1904. 25cm R Y In very simple language; all long or technical words explained in glossary. Much of its information will be new to most people not fairly well acquainted with entomology. Nature, 68: 595. Wasps and their ways. 1900. 20cm Dodd $1.50 P Evolutionary; many observations on life history- Felt. Noel, Maurice. Buz; or, The life and adventures of a honey bee. 1898. 18cm B, Y Holt $1 Scudder, S: H. Brief guide to the commoner butterflies of the northern United States and Canada. 1893. 19Jcm Holt $1.50 Some works on American butterflies, p. 27-32. Classifies about 100 common species, giving life histo- ries, analytic keys, suggestions for reading, and directions for field and cabinet. Dial, 15: 120. Butterflies, 1889, Holt $1.50; Everyday butterflies, 1900, Houghton $2; Frail children of the air, 1895, Houghton $1.50; Life of a butterfly, 1893, Holt $1, are Scudder's more popular books on his specialty and are all authoritative and charmin/. Ed. sel. Weed, C. M. Life histories of American insects. 1897. 19cm P 8 Macmillan $1.50 n Nature biographies. 1901. 22cm Doubleday $1.50 n P S Life stories of everyday butterflies, moths, grass- hoppers, flies, with" chapters on use of camera in study. 150 photographic illustrations. N. Y. comp. Insect world; a reading book of entomology. 1899. 18 Jem (Appletons' home reading bks. ) YES Appleton 60c n American natural history. Scribner $3.50 n Aims to enable reader to become personally acquainted with each animal and to make clear its place in the great system of nature. Pref. Jordan, D: S. Manual of the vertebrate animals of the northern United States. 8th ed. 1899. 20Jcm McClurg $2 597 Fishes. Pisces Goode, G: B. American fishes; a popular treat- ise upon the game and food fishes of North America, with especial reference to habits and methods of capture; rev. by Theodore Gill. 1903. 24cm Estes $3.50 n Summary of observations and reports of experts in ichthyology as well as fisheries and economics. Contains information not generally accessible. Pub. u-kly. Jordan, D: S., & Evermann, B. W. American food and game fishes. 1902. 26cm Doubleday $4 n P B, Species found north of equator, with keys for iden- tification, life histories and methods of capture. Colored illustrations. N. Y. 59 Reptiles. Birds Bailey, Mrs F. A: (Merriam) Birds of village and field; a bird book for beginners. 1898. 19cm Houghton $2 P Descriptions, color key, tables of migration, of winter birds, of aids to observation, bibliography, etc. Illustra- tions by E. Thompson-Seton, L: A. Fuertes and J: L. Ridgway. N. Y. Handbook of birds of the western United States. 1902. 19Jcm Houghton $3.50 n Books of reference, pref. p. 83-88. Comprehensive manual complementing Chapman's Handbook of birds of eastern North America. Excellent keys and descriptions of form, appearance, nest, habits, and landscape setting. Thirty-three plates by Fuertes and over 600 cuts in text. N. Y. Bateman, G. C. The vivarium. 1902. 19cm (Pract. handbks. ) Scribner $3 A practical guide to the construction, arrangement and management of vivaria, containing full information as to all reptiles suitable as pets, how and where to obtain them and how to keep them in health. Title. Chapman, F. M. Bird-life; a guide to the study of our common birds. 1903. 21cm Appleton $2 n For amateurs. Offers information rather than enter- tainment, but is less comprehensive and less like a scien- tific manual in form than his Handbook of birds of eastern North America. Exact, clear, excellent illustra- tions. N. Y. SCIENCE ZOOLOGY 137 Chapman, F. M. Bird studies with a camera. 1900. 19 Jem Appleton $1.75 R Describes outfit and methods, with photographic reproductions. Graphic account of personal experiences. Combines scientific exactness with sympathetic touch of bird Igver. N. Y. Color key to North American birds. 1903. 23cm Doubleday $2.50 n Systematic list of birds, with sketches showing charac- teristics and colors. Intended for identification in the field. Pittsburg. Handbook of birds of eastern North America, with keys to the species and descrip- tions of their plumages, nests, and eggs. 6th ed. 1903. 19Jcm Appleton $3 Principal works referred to, p. 415-18. Exhaustive manual of the 500 species. Useful to stu- dent with bird in hand, as well as to bird lover who wishes to ' name the birds without a gun.' L. & I. So free from technicalities as to be intelligible to a 14 year old boy, and so convenient and full of original information as to be indispensable to a working ornitholo- gist. Description of each species followed by geographic range, time of presence at different places, descriptions of nest and eggs, and brief popular account of habits. C. H. Merriam in Science, 24:437. Coues, Elliott. Key to North American birds. 5th ed. 2 v. 1903. 26cm Estes $10 special n P Standard key to all the birds of North America. Valuable for reference. Two hundred illustrations, partly in colors. L. & I. Doubleday, Mrs N. B. (De Graff) Bird neigh- bors. 1903. 26cm Doubleday $2 Excellent description of appearance and habits of 150 common birds, arranged in color groups. Latin and Eng- lish names; 51 colored photographs of stuffed birds, taken from periodical Birds. N. Y. Birds that hunt and are hunted. 1899. 26}cm Doubleday $2 Similar to Bird neighbors. Describes 170 birds of prey, game birds and waterfowls. Forty-eight colored photo- graphs. N. Y. How to attract the birds, and other talks about bird neighbours. 1902. 22cm Doubleday $1.35 n Y On habits, nest building, coloration , economic value, with suggestions for attracting by calls, providing food plants, water, nesting places, etc. Beautifully illustrated. Suggestive and interesting to bird lovers who are not yet bird students. N. Y. Dugmore, A. B,. Bird homes. 1900. 26cm Doubleday $2 n Nests, eggs and breeding habits of land birds breeding in eastern United States, with hints on rearing and pho- tographing young birds. Title. Excellent photographs, sometimes colored. N. Y. Eckstorm, Mrs Fannie (Hardy) Bird book. 1901. 19cm Heath 60c n R Y Differs from most bird books in attempting to teach intelligent observation of habits, structure, etc. rather than identification of species. Adapted to school year. Contains excellent short annotated book list. N. Y. Elliot, D. Or. Gallinaceous game birds of North America. 1897. 21cm Harper $2.50 Formal systematic treatise on quail, grouse, ptarmigan and turkeys. Specially well written biographies, followed by sufficient technical descriptions. Nation, 65: 441. North American shore birds. 1895. 21cm F. P. Harper $2.50 Detailed, non-technical descriptions of snipes, sand- pipers, plovers and their allies, helpful illustrations and carefully prepared keys and analytic tables. Condensed, well written and thoroughly trustworthy biographies. Nation, 61: 435. Wild fowl of the U. S. and British posses- sions; or, The swan, geese, ducks and mergan- sers of North America. 1898. 21cm F. P. Harper $2.50 Job, H. K. Among the water- fowl; observation, adventure, photography. 1902. 22cm Doubleday $1.35 n P Narrative account of the water-fowl found in north- ern and middle states and lower Canada, east of the Rocky Mountains, illustrated by photographs from nature. Title. Keyser, L. S. Birds of the Rockies. 1902. 22Jcm McClurg $2.50 n Field notes of his rambles, with check list of Colorado birds. * Miller, Mrs Harriet (Mann) First book of birds; by Olive Thorne Miller. 1899. 20cm Houghton $1 Y R Talks about their homes, clothes, schooling, food, how they behave and how to study them. Black and white and colored illustrations. N. Y. Second book of birds: bird families; by Olive Thorne Miller. 1901. 20cm Houghton $1 n Y Attractive to beginners and useful to advanced stu- dents because of careful personal observations recorded. Admirable colored plates by L. A. Fuertes, and black and white illustrations. N. Y. Nuttall, Thomas. Popular handbook of the birds of the U. S. and Canada; rev. and annot. by'Montague Chamberlain. 1903. 22cm Little $3 Contents: Land birds; Game and watsr birds. Describes more than 200 species, with much breadth of knowledge and nicety of detail. Colored plates of 110 species. Dial, 34: 364. 138 A. L. A. CATALOG CLASS LIST Scott, W: E. D. Bird studies. 1898. 26cm Putnam $5 P Brief, cleat descriptions of land birds of eastern North America from Florida to Greenland. Grouped by localities; e. g. about the house, in the woods, etc. Admi- rable photographic reproductions of birds and nests. N. Y. Torrey, Bradford. Everyday birds; elementary studies. 1901. 19Jcm Houghton $1 Short talks on the kinglet, chickadee, tanager, song sparrow, humming bird, night hawk, chimney swift, etc. Twelve colored plates after Auduton. Without confus- ing technical details. Clear and precise. Critic. Weed, C. M. , & Dearborn, Ned. Birds in their relations to man; a manual of economic orni- thology for the U. S. and Canada. 1903. 21 Jem Lippincott $2.50 n Partial bibliography, p. 326-73. Outgrowth of twenty years study and experience. First hand knowledge of birds and their habits, and of plants and insects as related to them. Pub. wkly. Wright, Mrs Mabel (Osgood) Birdcraft. 1897. 20cm Macmillan $2.50 n P Eighty full-page plates by L. A. Fuertes. Treats of 200 of most common species, and identification is made simple by a color key. L. & I. - & Coues, Elliott. Citizen bird; scenes from bird-life in plain English for beginners. 1897. 19cm Macmillan $1.50 n Y Good descriptions of our common birds, the birds being made to tell of their own life. Ill illustrations by L. A. Fuertes. Specially for children. Lowell. 599 >lamm:il Burroughs, John. Squirrels and other fur- bearers. 1900. 20cm Houghton $1 Y Habits of chipmunk, woodchuck, hare, muskrat, skunk, fox, weasel, mink, raccoon, porcupine, opossum, wild mice. Fifteen colored illustrations after Audubon. N.Y. Ingersoll, Ernest. Wild neighbors; out-door studies in the United States. 1897. 19cm Macmillan $1.50 Y Mainly a skilful compilation from Thoreau, Bur- roughs, Abbott and others, yet records many of the au- thor's own observations and conclusions. Dial, 43: 402. Miller, Mrs Harriet (Mann) Four-handed folk; by Olive Thorne Miller. 1896. 18cm Houghton $1.25 Y Describes characteristics and manners of certain monkeys, lemurs, marmosets, chimpanzees and ocelots of the writer's acquaintance. N. Y. Porter, J. H. Wild beasts. 1903. 21cm Scribner $2 Y Study of character and habits of elephant, lion, leopard, panther, jaguar, tiger, puma, wolf and grizzly bear. Title. Seton, E. T. Lives of the hunted. 1901. 20cm Scribner $1.75 n P Y Krag the Kootenay ram, Johnny Bear, Tito the coyote, Randy the sparrow, Chink the pup, the kangaroo rat, the mother teal and the chickadee. Illustrated with over 200 drawings. N. Y. Wild animals I have known. 1900. 20cm Scribner $2 Y Interesting adventures and field experiences. Gives an insight into habits and daily lives of some animals. Not intended as a scientific treatise on mammals. Sci- ence, 32: 26. Stone, Witmer, & Cram, W: E. American ani- mals; a popular guide to the mammals of North America north of Mexico, with intimate biogra- phies of the more familiar species. 1902. 26cm Doubleday $3 n P Profuse illustration. Key to genera, bibliography and index. N.Y. Wright, Mrs Mabel (Osgood) Four-footed Americans and their kin; ed. by F. M. Chap- man, illus. by Ernest Seton Thompson. 1898. 19Jcm Y Macmillan $1.50 n 600 USEFUL 6O2 Compcnds. Outlines Spon, Edward & F. N. Spons' mechanics' own book. 1885. 2Hcm Spon $2.50 P S Complete guide to all ordinary mechanical opera- tions. Useful to amateurs, professional workmen and general readers. 6O3 Dictionaries. Cyclopedias Hopkins, A. A. ed. Scientific American cyclo- pedia of receipts, notes and queries. 1901. 23cm Munn $5 Rf Over 15,000 selected receipts, representing nearly every branch of useful arts. Knight, E: H: Knight's new mechanical dic- tionary. 1884. 27Jcm Houghton subs. $9 Kf References to technical journals 187&-80. Illus- trated. Title. Spon, Edward & F. N. Spons' encyclopaedia of the industrial arts, manufactures and com- mercial products. 5 v. 1879-82. 26jcm Spon $27 Rf Treats fully such subjects as acids, bleaching, cot- ton manufactures, dye-stuffs, floor-cloth, etc. An Eng- lish work, alphabetic. Kroeger. Tech.nologisch.es worterbuch, deutsch-englisch- franzosisch; hrsg. vonE. Rohrig, C. Dill und E. von Hoyer. 3 v. 1887-91. ' 25cm Bergman n 42 m Rf Contents: v. 1, Deutsch-englisch-franzosisch, 4. verb. aufl. v. 2, English-German-French, 4th ed. rev. v. 3, Francais-allemand-anglais, 3. 6d. rev. 6O4 Essays Chase, A. , & Clow, E. Stories of industry. 2 v. 1891? 19cm Y Educ. pub. ,co. 60c ea Cochrane, Robert, comp. Romance of industry and invention. 1896. 18Jcm Lippincott $1.25 Ranges from Wedgwood ware to modern developments of bicycle and horseless carriage. Dial, 21: 390. Moffett, Cleveland. Careers of danger and daring. 1901. 21cm Century $1.80 n; cheaper ed. $1.50 Y Dangers to which steeple climber, diver, balloonist, pilot, bridge builder, fireman, wild beast tamer, aerial acrobat, dynamite worker and locomotive engineer are exposed. N. Y. 6O5 Periodicals Scientific American; an illus. journal of art, science and mechanics. Latest vol. 41cm Munn $3 yrly Weekly. supplement. Latest vol. 41cm Munn $5 yrly Weekly. Scientific American and Supplement together 87 yearly. 6O Patents. Inventions Baker, B. S. Boy's book of inventions. 1899. 21cm McClure $2 Y Graphic, concise, untechnical descriptions of sub- marine boats, liquid air, wireless telegraphy, automobiles, X-ray photography, tailless kites, the phonograph, the modern sky scraper, flying machines. Excellent illustra- tions. Boys' second book of inventions. 1903. 21cm McClure $2 Y Contents: The earthquake measurer; Electrical fur- naces; Harnessing the sun; The inventor and the food problem; Marconi and his great achievements; Light- house builders; The newest electric light. With his Boy's book of invention, a record of great mate- rial achievements of our age. Pub. wkly. Hale, E: E. Stories of invention. 1904. 17cm Little $1 Y Accounts of Archimedes, Friar Bacon, Cellini, Pal- issy, Franklin, Fulton, Bessemer and others. N. Y. Hutchinson, W. B., & Criswell, J. A. E. Patents and how to make money out of them. 1899. 19 Jem Van Nostrand $1.25 Patents generally; Patent office practice, trademarks and foreign patents; What and how to invent and various ways of exploiting or making money out of inventions. Appendix: forms of assignments, licenses, etc. and for organization and incorporation of stock companies. Elec. world, 34:100. Knight, G: H. Patent-office manual; apx. of copyright decisions, etc. 1893. 24Jcm Little $5 n Purpose to facilitate labors of inventors and attorneys in the United States patent office by a convenient sum- mary of the more important rulings governing its pro- ceedings. Pref. (139) 599 140 A. L. A. CATALOG CLASS LIST Mowry, W: A: & A. M. American inventions and inventors. 1900. 19cm (America's great men) Silver 65c n Y Considers in a simple direct way important topics connected with growth arid development of our country, grouping them under headings heat, light, food, clothing and letters. Buffalo. Williams, Archibald. Romance of modern in- vention. 1903. 20cm Lippincott $1.50 n R Y Untechnical eccountsof Nile dam, Panama canal, Tower bridge, Brooklyn bridge, Trans-Siberian railway, Niagara Falls power company, Bermuda floating dock and other types of modern civil engineering. N. Y See also Public documents list 6O9 History of useful arts in general Byrn, E: W. Progress of invention in the nine- teenth century. 1900. 25cm Munn $3 P Attempts enumeration, with some description, of inventions and developments practically applied. De- rived from Patent office records; of much value in spite of omissions. Well illustrated. N. Y. 61O Medicine Gould, G: M. Student's medical dictionary, llth ed. 1900. 21 Jem Blakiston $2.50 Health and healing. 1902. 15 Jem (Little mas- terpieces of sci. ) Doubleday 50c Contents: Escape from pain: the history of a discovery, by J. Paget; Jenner and Pasteur, by J. R. Bennett; Pas- teur and his work, by P. Geddes and J. A. Thomson; Tuberculosis and its prevention, by T. M. Prudden; Malaria and mosquitoes, by G. M. Sternberg; Art of pro- longing life, by R. Roose; Natural life and death: rules of health, by B. W. Richardson; Care of the eyes, by B. P. Colton; Progress of medicine in the 19th century, by J. S. Billings. Holmes, O. W. Medical essays, 1842-82. Riv- erside ed. 1893. 20cm Houghton $1.50 Mitchell, S. W. Doctor and patient. 4th ed. 1904. 19Jcm Lippincott $1.50 Contents: The physician; Convalescence; Pain and the opium habit; Moral management of sick or invalid children; Nervousness and its influence on character; Outdoor and camp-life for women. Park, Roswell. Epitome of the history of medi- cine. 2ded. 1899. 24Jcm Davis $2 n Nursing Hampton, I. A. Nursing; its principles and practice. Rev. ed. 1898. 20cm Koeckert $2 n In compact form, for hospital and private use, from author's experience as superintendent of nurses, and principal of the training school for nurses, Johns Hopkins hospital. Ed. sel. Shaw, Mrs C.S. (Weeks) Text-book of nurs- ing, for the use of training schools, families and private students. 3d ed. 1902. 19Jcm Appleton $1.75 Grew out of a familiar consciousness of needs and diffi- culties of nursing, with the experience of the working teacher, and has thus acquired excellent method and clearness and directness of style. E. L. Youmansinlntrod. (B) Stoney, E. M. A. Practical points in nursing, for nurses in private practice. 3d ed. 1903. 21cm Saunders $1.75 n Shows thorough medical and surgical knowledge. Sug- gests helps for good nursing where not all hospital appli- ances can be had. Lit. world, 27: 368. 611 Anatomy Gerrish, F: H: ed. Text-book of anatomy by American authors. 2d ed. 1902. 27cm Lea $6.50 n Illustrated with 1003 engravings in black and colors. Gray, Henry. Anatomy, descriptive and surgi- cal; ed. by T. P. Pick and Robert Howden. Rev. Amer. ed. 1901. 26Jcm Lea $5.50 n; col. illus. $6.25 n 612 Physiology Allen, 3frsMary (Wood) Marvels of our bodily dwelling. 1896. 19cm Wood-Allen $1 R Y Introduction to physiology and hygiene; written in an allegoric narrative style. Fully illustrated. L. & I. Bowditch, H: P. Hints for teachers of physi- ology. 1897. 15 Jem (Guides for sci. teaching) Heath 20c Attempts to show how a teacher may supplement text- book instruction by means of simple observations and experiments on living bodies or on organic material- Science, 13: 388. Browne, Lennox, & Behnke. Emil. Voice, song and speech; a practical guide for singers and speakers. New ed. 22Jcm Putnam $2 n Excellent practical manual from the combined view of the vocal surgeon and voice trainer. Drexel. Foster, Sir Michael. Text-book of physiology, rev. and- abr. from the author's text-book of physiology in five volumes; with apx. on the chemical basis of the animal body, by A. S. Lea. 6th Amer. ed. 1896. 23$cm Macmillan $5 n S Abridgment effected by omitting all histologic mat- ter and all discussions of a too theoretic nature; shows wide knowledge, fine sympathy, gift of style and delicate sense of balance. W. T. Porter in Science (B) Huxley, T: H: Lessons in elementary physiol- ogy; ed. by F: S. Lee. 1900. 19Jcm" Macmillan $1.10 n Capital introduction to formal study of physiology by one of the greatest scientists of our time. L. & I. USEFUL ARTS MEDICINE 141 Martin, H: N. The human body; an account of its structure and activities and the conditions of its healthy working. 8th ed. 1904. 22cm (Amer. sci. ser. Adv.) Holt $2.50 Standard college text- book In human anatomy and physiology. Ed. sel. Peabody, J. E: Studies in physiology, anatomy and hygiene. 1903. 194cm Macmillan $1.10 n 613 Personal hygiene Baker, M. N. Potable water and methods of detecting impurities. 1899. 15cm (Van Nos- trand sci. ser. ) Van Nostrand 50c Object to present clearly and briefly essential qualities of potable water, how it may be obtained, and signifi- cance of chemical, bacterial and microscopic tests. Dis- cusses value of pure water, relations between water and disease and typhoid fever records as index of purity or impurity of public water supplies. Engin. n. 42: 278. Bergey, D: H. Principles of hygiene. -1901. 24cm Saunders $3 n Accurate; useful to medical students, physicians and health officers; also to architects in giving sanitary re quirements for buildings. N. Y. .Billings, J: S. ed. Physiological aspects of the liquor problem ; investigations made by and un- der direction of sub-committee 'of the Commit- tee of fifty to investigate the liquor proble'm. 2 v. 1903. 23cm Hough ton $4.50 n Holds that use of alcohol impairs mental work, lessens physical power, does not protect against cold and fatigue, and diminishes resistance to infectious diseases; con- demns and exposes fallacy of some misdirected efforts to promote temperance. N. Y. Crandall, F. M. How to keep well. 1903. 20 Jem Doubleday $1.50 n Aims to give definite rules and principles for avoidance of disease. Handy guide to keeping well, and treatment of such simple ailments as do not require a doctor's care. Pub. u-kly. Gerhard. "W: P. Guide to sanitary house- inspection; or, Hints and helps regarding the choice of a healthful home in city or country. 3ded. 1902. 19cm Wiley $1 Hotter, J. Ii., & Firth, R. H. Practical do mestic hygiene. New ed. 1902. 19cm (Long- mans' pract. elem. sci. ser. ) Longmans 90c Elementary human anatomy and physiology; Elemen- tary hygiene; Domestic economy. & Horrocks, W. H. Theory and practice of hygiene (Notter and Firth) 2d ed. 1900. 24cm Blakiston $7 n S Original work by J. L. Notter and R. H. Firth, pub- lished 1896. Comprehensive, founded on E. A. Parke's Manual of practical hygiene. Parkes, L. C. , & Kenwood, Henry. Hygiene and public health. 2d ed. 1902. 19cm Blakiston $3 n Aims to cover the whole field of sanitary science, and gives such elementary information on every topic as will enable the reader to refer with advantage to the larger textbooks. Science, 14: 301. Pyle, W. TJ. ed. Manual of personal hygiene. 1900. 21cm Saunders $1.50 n 8 R Full of good sense and useful information about the various powers and faculties of the body, their use and incident ailments. Spec. 86: 394. Richards, Mrs E. H. (Swallow), & Talbot, Marion, ed. Home sanitation; a manual for housekeepers. Rev. ed. 1904. 17crn Whitcomb 25c Books of reference, p. 77-80. Still well. J. S. Human hair, its care and pres- ervation. 1900. 18cm Maple pub. co. $1.25 Object to present in easily intelligible form facts con- cerning human hair, particularly those pertaining to cause, prevention and cure of conditions and diseases which result in injury and total loss. Pref. Food Chapin, H: D. Theory and practice of infant feeding. 1902. 23 Jem Wood $2.25 Bibliography, p. 317-20. Hutchison, Robert. Food and the principles of dietetics. 1903. 23cm Wood $3 n S Compilation and study of modern knowledge of chemical constituents of foods and of their relation to production of energy. Information on meat juices, jellies, and extracts particularly valuable. iSa<. r. 1901. Pequignot, Mrs M.. A. (Boland) Handbook of invalid cooking. Rev. ed. 1900. 19Jcm Century $2 Literature, p. 313-14. For professional and unprofessional nurses. Explana- tory lessons on food properties and values, recipes, menus, with chapters on serving, feeding of children and district nursing. N. Y. Richards, Mrs E. H. (Swallow) Food ma- terials and their adulterations. New ed. 1898. 17Jcm Home science $1 Bibliography, p. 176-79. Important to housekeepers. On water, tea, coffee, dairy products, sugar, tinned goods, spices, etc. perishable foods and principles of diet. N. Y. & Woodman, A. Q. Air, water and food from a sanitary standpoint. 1900. 23Jcm Wiley $2 Elementary, with descriptions of laboratory methods for analyzing air, water and food. Tables of relative food values. Bibliography. Engin. n. 45: 32. 609 142 A. L. A. CATALOG CLASS LIST Thompson, Sir Henry. Diet in relation to age and activity. 4th ed. 1903. 18cm AVarne $1 Well deserves its established popularity. Instructions for attaining comfortable longevity, adapted to all intelli- gent people, and the more acceptable from their felici- tous style. Nation, 74: 289. Winthrop, A. W. Diet in illness and conva- lescence. 1899. 20 Jem Harper $1.50 Large variety of recipes for beverages and foods, and much practical information of miscellaneous nature. Chapter devoted to diets suitable for various specified diseases. Lit. world, 30: 125. Yeo, I: B. Food in health and disease. 8th ed. 1901. 19cm Keener $2.50 n Nutritive values, digestion and assimilation, cooking, dietaries, animal and vegetable food, food in special dis- eases, etc. Comprehensive and practical. N. Y. 613.7 Hygiene <>i recreation and sleep Bancroft, J. H. School gymnastics. Rev. ed. 2 v. 1900-03. 19cm Heath v. 1, $1.50; v. 2, $1.75 Contents: v. 1, Free hand, rev. ed. v. 2, With light apparatus. Systems used in Brooklyn and Waterbury, Ct. public schools. Distinctly good. Detailed courses for boys and girls covering first 8 school years. Educ. r. 21: 396. Photographic illustrations. Benson, E: F:, & Miles, E. H. Daily training. 1902. 19cm (Imp. athletic lib.) Dutton $1.50 n Concerning exercise, diet, stimulants, water, heat, sleep, rest, etc. under ordinary conditions. Manly and practical. Authors agree on broad principles, differing in personal practices. N. Y. Blaikie, William. How to get strong and how to stay so. Rev. ed. 1902. 19cm Harper $1 n Author is justifiably loyal to the exercise of walking, laying great stress on carriage, and to home gymnastics. In these respects the book is stimulating and offers a real guidance. Nation, 67: 370 (B) Call, A. P. Power through repose. New ed. 1900. 17 Jem Little $1 The gospel of relaxation, as one may call it, is preached in this admirable little volume, which ought to be in the hands of every teacher and student in America of either sex. William James, Talks to teachers (B) Faries, Randolph. Practical training for ath- let'cs, health and pleasure. 2d edi 1899. 19jcm (Outing lib.) Outing $1 American manual approved by D. A. Sargent. Nissen, Hartvig. Rational home gymnastics, with health-points on walking and bicycling and the use of water and massage. Rev. ed. 1903. 18cm Bacon $1 614 Public health Abbott, A. C. Hygiene of transmissible dis- eases; their causation, modes of dissemination and methods of prevention. 2d ed. 1901. 24cm Saunders $2.50 n B Places before unprofessional readers compactly and intelligibly much widely scattered matter. J. Y. Bergen in Educ. r. 20: 194. Harrington, Charles. Manual of practical hy- giene for students, physicians and medical offi- cers. 2d ed. 1902. 24cm Lea $4.25 n Complete, authoritative, practical and modern. Chap- ter on hygiene of occupation. Science, 37: 730. Prepared by specialists for practical aid of communi- ties and individuals. Points to a final triumph over the pcourge of consumption through persistent, intelligent effort. N. Y. New York charity organization society. Handbook on the prevention of tuberculosis. 1903. 24cm Charity org. soc. $1 Sedgwick, W: T. Principles of sanitary science and the public health. 1902. 22cm Macmillan $3 n S With special reference to causes and prevention of infectious diseases. Not too technical for intelligent readers. N. Y. Sternberg, G: M. Infection and immunity. 1903. 21cm (ScLser.) Putnam $1.75 n S *Pt. 1, General discussion of causes of infection, use of disinfectants, and immunity; pt. 2 treats specially of origin, death rate and method of prevention of infectious diseases. For non-medical readers. Sykes J: F: J. Public health problems. 1892. 19cm (Contemp. sci. ser.) Scribner $1.50 Tyndall, John. Essays on the floating-matter of the air, in relation to putrefaction and infection. 1902. 20 Jem Appleton $1.50 See also Public documents list. 614.3 Adulterations Blyth, A. W. & M. W. Foods: their composi- tion and analysis; with introd. on the history of adulteration. 5th ed. 1903. 23cm Van Nostrand $7.50 8 As a manual of the composition and examination of human food it has a leading position. Exact reference to every authority and a series of bibliographies make easy confirmation of quotation and further study. Legal relations are to English law, but they suggest ways of right doing. Nation (B) 614.8 Protection of bnman life from acci- dents, casualties, etc. Doty, A. H. Manual of instruction in the prin- ciples of prompt aid to the injured. 4th ed. 1902. 18cm Appleton $1.50 n Practical, useful, up to date. Ed. sel. USEFUL ARTS MEDICINE 143 Dulles, C: W. Accidents and emergencies. 5th ed. 1899. 19icm Blakiston $1 First published in 1880 under title What to do first in accidents or poisoning. For household use. Includes chapters on electricity, accidents and poisonous flowers, and some excellent pages on domestic emergencies. Lit. world, 28: 379. Hardy, W: J: Lighthouses; their history and romance. 1895. 20cm Revell $1.25 Y Notable lighthouses and lightships of English coast, with brief history of use of lifesaving signals in England. X. Y. Hill, C: T. Fighting a fire. 1897. 19icm Century $1.50 T Account of the organization, methods, dangers and heroism of the New York fire department. Unit. Appeared in St Nicholas, July 1896-Oct. 1897. Pittsburg. 615 Therapeutics. Cures Hudson, T. J. Law of mental medicine; the correlation of the facts of psychology and his- tology in their relation to mental therapeutics. 2ded. 1903. 19cm McClurg $1.20 n Object primarily to assist in placing mental therapeu- tics on a firmly scientific basis, and incidentally to place within reach of the humblest intellect the most effective methods of healing by mental processes. Pub. wkly. 616 Pathology. Diseases. Treatment Frankland, Mrs Q. . C. (Toynbee) Bacteria in daily life. 1903. 19cm Longmans $1.75 n P B Treated in a general rather than a detailed man- ner. Author assumes only as much knowledge as the average educated man may safely be considered to possess. Ath. '03, 2: 97. Gardiner, C: F. Care of the consumptive; with chapter on Colorado as a resort for invalids. 1900. 18cm Putnam $1.25 Bibliography, p. 168-72. Aims to give clear, practical rules governing use of fresh air, sunlight, food, rest and exercise. Not intended to supplant medical advice. N. Y. Mitchell, S. W. Fat and blood; an essay on treatment of certain forms of neurasthenia and hysteria; 8th ed. with additions by J: K. Mitch- ell. 1902. 19cm Lippincott $1.50 Muir, Robert, & Ritchie, James. Manual of bacteriology; Amer. ed. rev. by N. M. Harris. 1903. 23cm Macmillan $3.75 n Bibliography, p. 534-52. Clear and well developed exposition. Includes re- markable discoveries of Reed and his colleagues about yellow fever. Much larger and more complete than the excellent first edition (1897) Nation, 76: 331. 617 Surgery Howe, J. W. Emergencies; etiology, pathology and treatment of accidents, diseases and cases of poisoning which demand prompt action. 4th ed. 1884. 23cm S Appleton $2.50 61 Obstetrics Davis, E: P. Mother and child. 2d ed. 1902. 19Jcm Lippincott $1.50 n Not intended to take the place of the family physician, but to help him in care of his patients by placing at their disposal information which physicians commonly give to their patients. Introd. 619 Veterinary medicine Mayo, N. S. Care of animals. 1903. 18cm ( Rural sci. ser.) Macmillan $1.25 n P Takes up surgery, medicine and obstetrics in relation to farm animals and admirably translates the technical into the simple and intelligible. Contains directions con- cerning general care and quarters of farm animals, care of pets and the judging, handling and shoeing of horses. Nation, 78: 130. See also Public documents list. 62O Engineering Burr, W: H. Ancient and modern engineering and the Isthmian canal. 1902. 23 Jem Wiley $3.50 n Expansion of 6 Cooper union lectures. Concise, accurate accounts of Nicaragua and Panama canals. Written with good judgment and full knowledge of latest thought and research. Engin. n. v. 49, Jan. 15, sup. p. 8. Carpenter, B,. C. Experimental engineering and manual for testing. 5th ed. 1903. 23cm Wiley $6 S Standard methods for testing materials, engines and machinery. Aim not to teach how to generalize safely from experiments, but rather how to make the ex- periments themselves. Much of the information is found elsewhere only in scattered papers and articles. Engin. n. 28: 202. Cochrane, C: H: Wonders of modern mechan- ism. 3ded. 1900. 20cm Lippincott $1.50n P The trolley, electric light, 30-story building, horse- less carriage, kinetoscope, and other marvels. Clear, forcible English. Providence. Haswell, C: H. Mechanics' and engineers' pocket-book of tables, rules and formulas per- taining to mechanics, mathematics and physics. 69th ed. 1903. 16cm Harper $4 Rf Including areas, squares, cubes, roots, logarithms, hydraulics, hydrodynamics, steam and steam engine, naval architecture, masonry, steam vessels, mills, limes, mortars, cements, etc. Full index. X. Y. Johnson, J: B. Engineering contracts and speci- fications. 3d ed. 1902. 23cm Engin. n. $3 S Contains synopsis of law of contracts and complete list of descriptive and technical clauses of various kinds 144 A. L. A. CATALOG CLASS LIST of engineering specifications, for students, engineers and contractors; specifications complete and carefully worded. Elec. world, 32: 634. Johnson, J: B. Materials of construction. 2d ed. 1898. 23Jcm Wiley $6 8 Main results of foreign investigators. Indicates where details of any particular line of work may be found. N. Y. Lane, Mrs M. A. L. ed. Triumphs of science. 1903. 18cm (Youths' companion ser.) Y Ginn 30c Merriman, Mansfield. Strength of materials; text-book for manual training schools. 1897. 19icm Wiley $1 Patton, W: M. Treatise on civil engineering. 2ded. 1903. 24cm Wiley $7.50 8 Bibliography, pref. p. 18. Aims to present essential and fundamental principles and a selection of practice without attempting exhaustive treatment. Engin. n. 34: 79. Thurston, R. H: Materials of engineering. 3 v. 1899-1903. 23Jcm Wiley $8 Contents: pt. 1, Non-metallic materials of engineering: stone, timber, fuel, lubricants, etc. 5th ed. rev. 1899. pt. 2, Iron and steel. 9th ed. rev. 1903. pt. 3, Brasses, bronzes, and other alloys, and their constituent metals. 4th ed. rev. 1900. Trautwine, J: C. Civil engineer's pocket-book; rev. by J : C. Trautwine jr. and J : C. Trautwine 3d. 18th ed. 1902. 17Jcm . Wiley $5 Ef Bibliography, p. 1008-23. Perhaps the most consulted reference work for civil and mechanical engineer. Tables trustworthy and of great intrinsic value. Sci. Amer. 88: 165. TTnwin, W: C. The testing of materials of con- struction; a text-book for the engineering labo- ratory and a collection of the results of experi- ment. 2d ed. 1899. 22cm Longmans $6 n 621 Mechanical engineering Archbutt, Leonard, & Deeley, R. M. Lubri- cation and lubricants; a treatise on the theory and practice of lubrication, and on the nature, properties and testing of lubricants.. 1900. '22icm Lippincott $5.50 n Barber, T: "W. Engineer's sketch-book of me- chanical movements, devices, appliances, con- trivances and details employed in the design and construction of machinery. 4th ed. 1902. 22cm Spon $4 Text consists of diagrams, with descriptive notes on opposite pages. Repair and maintenance of machinery; a handbook of practical notes and memoranda. 1895. 22Jcm Spon $3.50 Barr, J: H: Kinematics of machinery; a brief treatise on constrained motions of machine ele- ments. 1899. 23Jcm Wiley $2.50 Elucidates and supplements Unwin's Machine design. Craver. Barr, W: M. Pumping machinery; a practical hand-book relating to the construction and management of steam and power pumping ma- chines. 1893. 24cm Lippincott $5 Details plainly described and well illustrated; with caution and advice evidently derived from practical knowledge. Engin. n. 29: 326. Blaine, B,. G. Hydraulic machinery, with an introd. to hydraulics. 1897. 22cm (Finsbury tech. man.) Spon $5 Theoretic and practical data under each head, with full illustrations of late applications. Engin. n. 38: 128. Bodmer, G. R. Hydraulic motors and turbines. 3d.ed. 1902. 19 Jem (Specialists' ser.) Van Nostrand $5 Gives theory and practice of turbine construction, de- scribes various systems in use and typical installations. Requires considerable knowledge of mathematics. Pitts- burg. Brown & Sharpe manufacturing co. Proii- dence, R. J. Practical treatise on gearing. 7th ed. 1902. 23cm Brown $1 Compton, A. G:, & *De Groodt, J. H. Advanced metal-work: pt. 1, The speed -lathe. 1898. 19cm Wiley $1.50 A practical instruction book in hand-turning in wood and to a lesser extent in brass. Amer. much. 22 : 290 (B) Durand, W: F: Practical marine engineering. 1901. 23cm Marine engin. $5 Authoritative and cyclopedic; subject reduced to Its simplest and most exact terms. R. H. Thurston in Sci- ence. Frizell, J. P. Water power; an outline of the development and application of the energy of flowing water. 3d ed. 1903. 23cm Wiley $5 Comprehensive and up-to-date; in no sense elementary. New practice plainly set forth and illustrated by exam- ples from existing power plants. Engin. n. 45 : 79. Goodman, John. Mechanics applied to engi- neering. 1899. 19cm Longmans $2 n Much condensed, but clear and logical. Engin. n. 42 : 312. Hiscox, G. D. Compressed air; its production, uses and applications. 1901. 25cm Henley $5 Compilation of all sorts of information from books, papers and trade catalogs presented in a semi-popular, semi-technical manner. Engin. n. 48 : 30. USEFUL ARTS ENGINEERING 145 Homer, J. G. Principles of fitting; by a fore- man pattern maker. 1893. 18cm Macmillan $1.50 Directs attention to cardinal matters at basis of the trade. Pref. Hut ton, F: R. Gas-engine; a treatise on the internal-combustion engine using gas, gasoline, kerosene or other hydrocarbon as source of energy. 1903. 23Jcm Wiley $5 Bibliography, p. 467-69. Describes American types. Craver. Kent, William. Mechanical engineer's pocket- book; a reference-book of rules, tables, data and formulae. 6th ed. 1903. 17Jcm Wiley $5 Rf Aims to cover mechanical engineering as thoroughly as Trau twine covers civil engineering. Notable feature is quotation of authority on which rules, tables, formulas, etc. are based. Engin. n. 33 : 328. Iiineham, W. J. Text-book of mechanical engineering. 5th ed. 1902. 21cm Lippincott $4.50 n Pt. 1, Workshop practice, contains general operations: pattern making, molding, forging, machine tools, fitting and erecting, etc. pt. 2, Theory and examples: strength of materials and structures, energy and transmission of power, heat and heat engines, hydraulics and hydraulic machines. 732 drawings in text, 18 folding plates. Good index. ^.'95,2:495. Low, D: A., & Bevis, A. W: Manual of machine drawing and design. Rev. ed. 1902. 22cm Longmans 75c n Text concise and plain, illustrated by dimensioned shop drawings. Adapted for students but also full of practical workshop hints and suggestions. Engin. n. 29:463 (B) Roberts, E. W. Gas-engine handbook. 4th ed. 1903. ISJcm Gas engine $1.50 Details of principle of internal combustion engines, va- rious types, fuels and heating values, operations and care of gas and gasolene engines, internal combustion engines, building and designing of gas engine. Requires knowl- edge of simple equations in algebra. Elec, world, 35 : 799. On marine motors and motor launches. 1901. 16cm (Rudder on ser. ) Rudder $1 Devoted exclusively to gasolene motor. Pittsburg. Robinson, S. W. Principles of mechanism. 1903. 23Jcm '. Wiley $3 Aims to treat whole subject of mechanism so systemat- ically and comprehensively that by its aid any machine may be analyzed into its elementary combinations, and the character of their motions determined. Pref. Robinson, William. Gas and petroleum en- gines. 2d ed. 2 v. 1902. 22 Jem (Finsbury tech. man.) Spon $8.50 Aims to aid students and engineers in studying engines and principles that underlie and control their action. Traces evolution of internal combustion engine. Chief types of motors shown by many illustrations. Pref. Rose, Joshua. Complete practical machinist. 19th ed. 1903. 20Jcm Baird $2.50 Lathe work, vise work, drills and drilling, taps and dies, hardening and tempering, the making and use of tools, tool grinding, marking out work, machine tools, etc. Title. Smith, A. W: Materials of machines. 1902. 19cm Wiley $1 Short discussion with, particular attention to physical and mechanical properties of iron and copper and their alloys. Inten'ded to aid in selecting materials for various parts of machines. Pittsburg. Tayler, A. J. Wallis- Refrigeration, cold stor- age and ice-making. 1902. 23cm Van Nostrand $4.50 n Elaboration of Refrigerating and ice-making machinery. Appendix: Useful tables and memoranda; Bibliography of refrigeration. Traces mechanical development of different refrigerat- ing processes and describes machinery and appliances employed in modern and improved practice. Copiously illustrated. Engin. n. v. 48, 18 Dec. lit. sup. p. 4. TJnwin, W: C. Elements of machine design. Rev. ed. 2 v. 1901. 18cm (Text-bks. of sci. ) Longmans v. 1, $2.25; v. 2, $2 Admirable and unique. Fairly complete account of methods of proportioning parts of machinery, specially of steam engine. Science, 16: 10 (B) Usher, J: T. Modern machinist. 5th ed. 1904. 20cm Henley $2.50 Compendium of shop methods, showing a variety of special tools and appliances. Ed. sel. Van Dervoort, W: H. Modern machine shop tools, their construction, operation and manipu- lation, including both hand and machine tools. 1903. 24cm Henley $4 Describes minutely and illustrates 673 tools and methods. N. Y. Wilson, H. S. Practical tool-maker and de- signer: a treatise upon the designing of tools and fixtures for machine tools and metal work- ing machinery. 1898. 23Jcm Baird ' $2.50 Wood, De Volson. Turbines, theoretical and practical. 2d ed. 1896. 24cm Wiley $2.50 Seeks to simplify solution of turbine problems by de- ducing from wheels of commercial proportions certain numeric results. Engin. n. 33: 232. 621.1 Steam engineering Forney, M. N. Catechism of the locomotive. 2d ed. 1890. 21 Jem Van Nostrand $3.50 'Based on Georg Kosak's Katechismits der locomotive. Clear, simple description of construction and working of the locomotive engine. On many railroads the stand- ard for examination of firemen for promotion. Van Nostrand, 19: 25. 2411- 621 146 A. L. A. CATALOG CLASS LIST Kent, William. Steam-boiler economy. 1901. 23Jcm Wiley $4 Eminently practical and useful. Set. Amer. 85: 44 (B) Neilson, R. M. Steam turbine. 2d ed. 1903. 23 Jem Longmans $3.60 Includes short history of development, sketches theory and describes in detail the De Laval, Ratoau and Parsons types. Chapter on propulsion of ships b> turbines. Pitts- burg. Peabody, C. H. , & Miller, E: F. Steam-boilers. 1897. 24cm Wiley $4 S Authors professors in Mass, institute of technology. Illustrations excellent. Engin. n. 37: 272. Reagan, H. C. Locomotives: simple, compound, and electric. 4th ed. 1902. 19cm Wiley $2.50 Ed. 1-3 issued under title Locomotive mechanism and engineering. Deals largely with handling and emergency repairing. Engin. n. 36: 304 (B) Reeve, S. A. Thermodynamics of heat-engines. 1903. 19 Jem Macmillan $2.60 n Contents: Theory; Application of theory to practice. Appended: The steam-table, comp. from various sources by S. A. Reeve, 1903, 42 p. of tables, 35c n. Ripper, William. Steam-engine theory and practice; with 438 illustrations. 1899. 22 Jem Longmans $2.50 Sequel to author's elementary book Steam. Pref. Most useful portions to American engineers are those which give the applications of thermodynamic analysis to actual engine conditions. Amer. mach. 23: 97 (B) Spangler, H: W. & others. Elements of steam engineering. 1903. 23Jcm Wiley $3 Intended to bring before beginner examples of various forms of apparatus used in modern steam power plants, to explain simply and briefly construction, use and reasons for using these various parts or machines, and to give him a working vocabulary. Pref. Thurston, R. H: History of the growth of the steam-engine. 4th ed. 1897. 19Jcm (Internat. sci. ser.) Appleton $2.50 Manual of steam-boilers. 7th ed. 1901. 23Jcm Wiley $5 S Exhibits fully progress of boiler in construction and adaptability for various purposes. Chapter on operation and care of boilers clear, concise and worthy of close at- tention. Van Nostrand, 16: 35. Manual of the steam engine. 5th ed. 2 v. 1900-02. 23 Jem Wiley pt. 1, $6; pt. 2, $7.50 Contents: Structure and theory; Design, construction and operation. For educated, practical engineers and advanced tech- nical students. Combines long established thermody- namic theory of the heat engine with wastes in practical use, or losses of heat and energy, and thus establishes complete theory of the machine, its operation and effi- ciency. Engih. n. 26: 212. 621.3 Electric engineering Atkinson, A. A. Electrical and magnetic cal- culations. 2d ed. 1903. 19cm Van Nostrand $1.50 n Covers the definite theory of electricity and magnetism and enforces each phase with admirably clear and prac- tical computation. Numerous problems illustrating text fully worked out; judiciously selected problems for solu- tion. Exhaustive index. Elec. world 40: 142. Bell, Louis. Electric power transmission. 3d ed. 1901. 24cm McGraw $3 B. Amis to set forth as simply as possible present prac- tice. For business man rather than student; treatment eminently practical. Engin. n. 37: 192. Value appreciably increased by addition of short chap- ter on recent achievements in high-voltage transmission. Engin. n. 43: 63. Power distribution for electric railroads. 3d ed. 1900. 24cm Street railway pub. co. $2.50 Important problems connected with design of system of conductors for electric railways fully considered in light of existing conditions and satisfactory solutions reached. Elec. world, 29: 296. Crocker, F. B. Electric lighting. 2 v. 1896- 1901. 24cm Van Nostrand $3 ea Contents: v. 1, Generating plant, v. 2, Distributing sys- tem and lamps. Practical exposition of the art for engineers, students and others interested in installation or operation of elec- tric plants. Title. & Wheeler, S. S. Practical management of dynamos and motors. 5th ed. 1903. 19Jcm Van Nostrand $1 Originally published in Electrical engineer, Sep. 1891- May 1892. Practical treatise for engineers and an excellent hand- book. Gives careful directions for examining and testing generators, also for localization and remedy of troubles in all kinds of dynamos and motors. E. ass'n. of phy. teachers (B) Cushing, H. C. jr. Standard wiring for electric light and power, as adopted by the fire under- writers of the United States; containing national electrical code explained and illustrated. 1903. 17 Jem Author, New York $1 Foster, H. A. Electrical engineer's pocket-book. 2ded. 1902. 17Jcm Van Nostrand $5 Author practising engineer of reputation. Compend of useful facts for daily use of electrician and electric engi- neer. Engin. n. 46: 469. Hanchett, G: T. Modern electric railway motors; a discussion of current practice in electric rail- way motor construction, maintenance and re- pair. 1900. 23cm Street railway pub. co. $2 Contains table of principal dimensions of all types of street railway motors now in general use, American and foreign. Elec. world, 35: 878. USEFUL ARTS ENGINEERING 147 Herrick, A. B. Practical electric railway hand- book. 1901. 17cm Street railway pub. co. $3 Construction, testing and operating of electric railway- systems, according to best American practice. Avoids mathematics as much as possible, and illustrates by cuts and diagrams appliances and methods proposed. Engin. n. 46: 437. Houston, E. J., & Kennelly, A. E. Alternat- ing electric currents. 3d ed. 1902. 17Jcm (Elem. electro-tech, ser. ) McGraw $1 Fundamental principles necessary to correct under- standing of subject developed in simplest language and without any mathematics except arithmetic. Practical applications described in terms as free as possible from technicalities. Elec. world, 26: 653. - Electric arc lighting. 2ded. 1902. 17cm (Elem. electro-tech, ser. ) McGraw $1 Mechanism of different types of lamps shown, giving good idea of present practice. Elec. world, 28: 341. Electric heating. 1895. 17^cm (Elem. electro-tech, ser.) McGraw $1 Covers subject very thoroughly, though not a general treatise. Chapters on elementary principles, heating of bare conductors, covered conductors, fuse wires, electric heaters, electric cooking, electric welding, electric fur- naces, miscellaneous applications. Elec. world, 27: 321. Electric incandescent lighting. 2d ed. 1902. 17cm (Elem. electro-tech, ser.) McGraw $1 Brief history of early art of electric lighting, descrip- tion of arc light generators, lamp mechanism, and vari- ous processes in manufacture of carbon electrodes. St. Louis. The electric motor and the trans- mission of power. 1896. 17 Jem (Elem. elec- tro-tech, ser.) McGraw $1 Electric street railways. 1896. 17cm (Elem. electro-tech, ser. ) McGraw $1 Sketch of history, brief statement of elementary prin- ciples, descriptions of parts of an electric railway system, and chapters on storage battery, traction and electric locomotives. Non-technical. Elec. world, 28: 764. Kapp, Qisbert. Transformers for single and multiphase currents; a treatise on their theory, construction, and use; with 133 illustrations. 1896. 19Jcm (Specialists' ser.) Macmillan $1.75 Perrine, F: A. C. Conductors for electrical dis- tribution; their materials and manufacture, the calculation of circuits, pole-line construction, underground working, and other uses. 1903. 24cm Van Xostrand $3.50 n Gives in authoritative and systematic form the benefit of extensive experience. For student and practising en- gineer. Engin. n. v. 49, 16 Ap. lit. sup. p. 42-43. Poole, C. P. Electric wiring. 1900. 17cm Power $1 Assumes merely familiarity with Ohm's law. For prac- tical wiremen and electric engineers. Elec. world, 35: 447. Rosenberg, E. Electrical engineering; tr. by W. W. H. Gee and Carl Kinzbrunner. 1903. 23cm Wiley $1.50 n Practical [non-mathematicall* Explains construction of machines and how construction affects running; how speed, voltage, load, torque, etc. vary; what troubles arise from reversed connections; how a machine will be- have under special conditions, etc. Engin. n. lit. sup. 50:15. Sheldon, Samuel, & Mason, Hobart. Dynamo electric machinery;. its construction, design and operation. 2 v. 1901-02. 20cm Van Nostrand $2.50 ea n v. 1, Direct current machines, 2d ed. v. 2, has title Alter- nating-current machines. Shepardson, G: D. Electrical catechism; an introductory treatise on electricity and its uses. 1901. 26cm Amer. elec. co. $2 Non- technical. Sloane, T: O'C. How to become a successful electrician. 12thed. 1903. 18|cm Henley $1 Containing studies to be followed, methods of work, field of operation, professional ethics, etc. Title. Thompson, S. P. Design of dynamos. 1903. 23cm S Spon $3.50 622 mining engineering Foster, C. Le N. Text-book of ore and stone mining; 4th ed. by L. H. Cooke. 1901. 22cm Lippincott $10 n Greene, Homer. Coal and the coal mines. 1889. 17cm (Riverside lib. for young people) R Y Houghton 75c Shinn, C. H. Story of the mine. 1896. 19Jcm (Story of West ser. ) Appleton $1.50 Mining conditions as illustrated by history of Comstock lode, with side chapters on mine litigation, speculation, mechanical problems, etc. Picturesque and authorita- tive. N. Y. 623 Hilitary and naval engineering Fyfe, H. C. Submarine warfare, past, present and future; with introd. by Admiral Tremantle, and chapter on the probable future of submarine boat construction by Sir E: J. Reed. 2d ed. 1903. 22cm Dutton $3 n P Short bibliography, p. 331-32. Sociologic and metaphysical sides discussed with ani- mation. Reviews American invention and enterprise. Much technical data and admirably illustrated. Elec. world, 40: 426. 621 148 A. L. A. CATALOG CLASS LIST 624 Bridges and roofs Baker, I. O. Treatise on masonry construction. 9th ed. 1899. 23ipm Wiley $5 Most valuable and complete treatise on masonry in any language. Engin. n. 42: 211. Howe, M. A. Design of simple roof-trusses in wood and steel; with an introd. to the elements of graphic statics. ' 1902. 23Jcm Wiley $2 Useful to those without special training in structural engineering. Includes tables giving the properties of standard steel shapes. Craver. Johnson, J: B. & others. Theory and practice of modern framed structures; for schools, and for engineers in professional practice. 8th ed. 1904. 28 x 22cm Wiley $10 Maginnis, O. B. Roof framing made easy. 2d ed. 1903. 21cm Industrial pub. co. $1.50 Reprint of articles in Carpentry and building and the Carpenter. Gives simple, practical method for laying out and framing timber roofs of various forms. Concise; illustra- tions profuse and clear. Engin. n. 41: 111 (ed. 1) 625 Railroad and road engineering Baker, I. O. Treatise on roads and pavements. 1903. 23Jcm Wiley $5 Discussion of principles from engineer's point of view. Considers economics and location of country roads, con- struction and maintenance of earth roads, hard surface roads and pavements. Pittsburg. Homans, J. E:, Self-propelled vehicles. 1902. 23cm Audel $5 Practical treatise on theory, construction, operation, care and management of all forms of automobiles. Title. Shaler, N. S. American highways. 1896. 19cm Century $1.50 P List of important works on highway construction, p. 292-93. Road materials, methods of construction and adminis- tration, machinery, cost, effects of climate and topog- raphy, importance of specific training and education in highway engineering, etc. N. Y. Spalding, F: P. Text-book on roads and pave- ments. 2ded. 1902. 19cm Wiley $2 Tillson, G: W: Street pavements and paving materials. 1900. 23Jcm Wiley $4 Comprehensive, authoritative review of best current practice. Illustrations. Engin. n. 45: 32. Tratman, E: E. B.. Railway track and track work; 2d ed. with sup. chapters on "Signals and interlocking" and "Street railway track." 1901. 22 Jem Engin. n. $3 General principles with numerous details of material, appliances and work, and methods of practice, with drawings. Various subjects treated critically and descrip- tively. Pref. Warman, Cy. Story of the railroad. 1898. 19Jcm (Story of west ser.) Appleton $1.50 Picture of the life of the man who built the trans-con- tinental lines across the plains and mountains. Also, a history, in brief, of the five principal companies whose roads have crossed the continent. Lit. world (B) Webb, W. L. Railroad construction: theory and practice; a text-book for the use of students in colleges and technical schools. 2d ed. 1903. 17cm Wiley $5 Railway work from surveys to track construction. Engin. n. 45: 7. Wellington, A. M. Economic theory of the location of railways; an analysis of the con- ditions controlling the laying out of railways to effect the most judicious expenditure of capital. Rev. ed. 1887. 21Jcm Wiley $5 626 Canal engineering Head, Elwood. Irrigation institutions. 1903. 19cm (Cit. lib. of econ. pol. & sociol.) Macmillan $1.25 n Discussion of the economic and legal questions created by growth of irrigated agriculture in West. Title. 627 River, harbor and general hydraulic engineering Harcourt, L. F. V. Harbours and docks. 2 v. 1885. 23cm (Clarendon press ser. ) Clarendon $6.50 Their physical features, history, construction, equip- ment and maintenance, with statistics as to their com- mercial development. Title. Rivers and canals. 2d ed. 2 v. 1896. 23cm Clarendon $8 Contents: v. 1, Rivers, v. 2, Canals. The flow, control and improvement of rivers and the design, construction and development of canals both for navigation and irrigation, with statistics of the traffic on inland waterways. .Title. Thomas, B: F.,&Watt, D: A. Improvement of rivers. 1903. 30cm Wiley $6 n Principal works consulted, pref. p. 5-6. Treatise on the methods employed for improving streams for open navigation, and for navigation by means of locks and dams. Title. Treats also of improvement for flood protection. Authors have had charge of some of most important recent slack water navigation improvements. Engin. n. v. 49, 14 May, lit. sup. p. 59. Wegmann, Edward. Design and construction of dams; including masonry, earth, rock-fill, and timber structures, also the principal types of movable dams. 4th ed. 1899. 30J x 24Jcm Wiley " $5 USEFUL ARTS ENGINEERING 149 628 Sanitary engineering Baker, M. JH. Municipal engineering and sani- tation. 1902. 19 Jem (Cit. lib. of econ. pol. &sociol.) Macmillan $1.25 n Practical, authoritative discussion of problems of transportation, communication, water, lighting, slaughter houses, sewage, street cleaning, smoke, noise, etc. public policy and finance. N. Y. Author's wide practical experience furnishes many tan- gible examples. Brooks. Billings, J: 8. Ventilation and heating. 1893. 24cm McGraw $6 S For architects, engineers and non-professional in- quirers. Comprehensive discussion of principles and practical applied science. N. Y. Folwell, A. P. Sewerage; the designing, con- struction and maintenance of sewerage systems. 5th ed. 1904. 23Jcm Wiley $3 Gerhard, W: P. House-drainage and sanitary plumbing. 10th ed. 1902. 15cm ( Van Nos- trand sci. ser.) Van Nostrand 50c Iteprinted from Van Nostrand' g magazine. Sanitary engineering. 1898. 19cm Author, New York $1.25 Reprint of Franklin institute address, 1895. Indicates broad, general principles. Semi-popular. Engin. n. . 39: 248. Goodell, John. Water- works for small cities and towns. 1899. 23cm (Engin. rec. ser.) McGraw $2 Refers to successful methods; not technical, of service to trustees as well as executive officers. Ed. sel. Goodrich, W. F. Economic disposal of towns' refuse. 1901. 22cm (Engin. times lib.) Wiley $3.50 More than a description of practice: discusses princi- ples and criticizes. Strong bias in favor ol cremation. Engin. n. 46: 198. Hill, J: W. Purification of public water sup- plies. 1898. 23icm Van Nostrand $3 Sums up case against impure water and the remedy. Discusses quality of water supplies and relation to ty- phoid fever; sedimentation, sterilization and nitration; description of American and foreign filter plants. Engin. n. 39: 296. Mason, W: P. Water-supply. 3d ed. 1902. 23Jcm WHey $4 Omits chapters on chemical and bacteriologic exami- nation, now published separately. Engin. n. 48: 52. Merriman, Mansfield. Elements of sanitary engineering. 2d ed. 1899. 23icm Wiley $2 Adapted for college use. List of topics for further in- vestigation at end of each chapter. Engin. n. 40: 424. Hafter, G: W., & Baker, M. N. Sewage dis- posal in the United States. 1894. 26Jcm Van Nostrand $6 Kideal, Samuel. Sewage and the bacterial puri- fication of sewage. 2d ed. 1901. 23 Jem Wiley $3.50 Best on subject. Burgess. First comprehensive and satisfactory work on sewage purification since such bacterial methods as septic tank and rapid filter beds. Judicial rather than pa rtizan. En- gin, n. 45: 33. Waring-, G: E. How to drain a house. 2d ed. 1895. 17Jcm Van Nostrand $1.25 Practical expert information for individual house- holder. N. Y. Modern methods of sewage disposal for towns, public institutions and isolated houses. 1894. 19icm Van Nostrand $2 Expert, practical discussion of general problems and methods, sewage irrigation, filtration, chemical treat- ment, needs of hotels, country houses, etc. N. Y. Sanitary condition of city and country dwelling houses. 2d ed. 1898. 15 Jem ( Van Nostrand sci. ser.) Van Nostrand 50c Papers on country and city houses, and correspondence regarding them in American architect. States some essen- tials of house sanitation. Engin. n. 41: 372. 63O Agriculture Brooks, W: P. Agriculture. 3v. 1901. 22cm King $2.75 Contents: v. 1, Soils, formation, physical and chemical characteristics and methods of improvement, including tillage, drainage and irrigation, v. 2, Manures, fertilizers and farm crops, including green manuring and crop rota- tion, v. 3, Animal husbandry, including breeds of live stock, general principles of breeding, feeding animals; discussion of ensilage, dairy management on farm and poultry farming. Burkett, C: W: 9, Ancient art; 10, Modern sculpture; Address on death of Thomas Banks; On death of Canova. Marquand, Allan, & Frothingham, A. L. Text-book of the history of sculpture, n. d. 20cm (College hist, of art) Longmans $1.50 S Bibliography, pref. p. 15. References at beginning of each chapter. Devoted to European sculpture. A really invaluable help. Illustrated by 113 halftone prints. St. & K. Buskin, John. Aratra Pentelici; 7 lectures on the elements of sculpture, given before the Univ. of Oxford, 1870; with introd. by C: E. Norton. Brantwood ed. 1892. 19Jcm Longmans $2.40 n Much also relating to the artistic aspect of numismatics. 732 Ancient Collignon, Maxime. Manual of mythology in relation to Greek art; tr. and enl. by J. E. Har- rison. Rev. ed. 1899. 19cm Lippincott $2 n Bibliography, pref. p. 15-16. Mitchell, Mrslt. M. (Wright) History of an- cient sculpture. 1883. 28cm & atlas 37 x 34cm Dodd $7.50 Excellent manual for general use. 300 illustrations. St. & K. 733 Greek and Roman Gardner, E. A. Handbook of Greek sculpture. 1897. 20Jcm (Handbks. of archseol. & antiq. ) Macmillan $2.50 n Select bibliography, pref. p. 17-20. Best account in English. Nation (B) 735 Modern Taft, Lorado. History of American sculpture. 1903. 26cm (Hist, of Amer. art) Macmillan $6 n General bibliography, p. 539-42. Illustrated. Fairly comprehensive and accurate. Greater part of book necessarily deals with men still living. Shows crit- ical discrimination in dealing with work of earlier sculptors. Nation, 77: 487. 736 Carving Jackson, F. G. Wood-carving as an aid to the study of elementary art. 1902. 24cm Chapman 3/ Sound and sensible book for beginners, both as regards technical instruction and the patterns. Spec. 90: 748. Leland, C: G. Manual of wood carving; rev. by J: J. Holtzapffel. 1891. 22 x 17 Jem Scribner $1.75 Careful instruction regarding use of tools, keeping them in order and general suggestions regarding their selec- tion. Each variety of work is described. Pub.opin. 11:138 (B) 723 168 A. L. A. CATALOG CLASS LIST 738 Pottery* Porcelain Elliott, C: W. Pottery and porcelain, from early times to 1876. 1878. 25cm Appleton $5 With 165 illustrations, and the more important marks and monograms. Title. Moore, Mrs N. H. Old china book, including Staffordshire, Wedgwood, lustre, and other English pottery and porcelain. 1903. 21cm Stokes $2 n Works consulted, p. 284. Shows plainly what is valuable and why; tells history of manufacture and gives marks. Many specimens minutely described. Well illustrated. Pittsburg. 739 Bronzes. Brasses. Brieabrae Erskine, F. J. Bent iron work. 1900. 18Jcm Scribner 40c Practical manual of instruction for amateurs in the art and craft of making and ornamenting light articles in imitation of the beautiful medieval and Italian wrought iron work. Title. Leland, C: G. Elementary metal work. 2d ed. 1900. 22cm Macmillan $1.50 Y Explanation of the processes of cold metal work, chiefly as applied to decorative or industrial art, and specially with a view to their being taught in elementary and preparatory schools. Pref. 74O Drawing. Decoration. Design Hamerton, P. G. Graphic arts. 1902. 18cm Little $1.50 Treatise on the varieties of drawing, painting and en- graving, in comparison with each other and with nature. Title. 741 Freehand. Crayon. Sketching from nature Adelborg-, Ottilia. Clean Peter and the chil- dren of Grubbylea; tr. by Ada Wallas. 1901. 20 J x 28 Jem Longmans $1.25 Y Tells in rhyme and with many comic pictures how Peter washed the children of Grubbylea. Pub. wkly. Caldecott, Randolph. Hey diddle diddle pic- ture book. n. d. 20J x 24cm Warne $1.25 Y Containing: Where are you going, my pretty maid? Hey diddle diddle and Baby Bunting; A frog he would a-wooing go; The fox jumps over the parson's gate. Exhibited in beautiful engravings, many printed in colors. Drawn by R. C. Engraved and printed by E. Evans. Title. Panjandrum picture book. n. d. 20 x 24cm Warne $1.25 Y Containing: Come lasses and lads; Hide a cockhorse to Banbury Cross, and A farmer went trotting upon his grey mare; Mrs Mary Blaize; The great Panjandrum himself. Exhibited in engravings, many in colors. Drawn by R. C. Engraved and printed by E. Evans. Title. Caldecott, Randolph. Picture book. n. d. 23x21cm Warne $1.25 ea Y Contents: v. 1, Diverting history of John Gilpin; House that Jack built: Babes in the wood; Elegy on the death of a mad dog. v. 2, Three jovial huntsmen; Sing a song for sixpence; The Queen of hearts; The farmer's boy. Exhibited in engravings, many in colors. Drawn by R. C. Engraved and printed by E. Evans. Title. Cross, A. K. Free-hand drawing; a manual for teachers and students. 1895. 21cm (Nat. drawing bks. ) Ginn 80c Francis, J. G. Book of cheerful cats and other animated animals. 1903. 17 x 23Jcm Century $1 Y Nonsense verse and funny pictures from St Nicholas. Sargent, 2. Maginnis, C: D. Pen drawing. 1899. 19 Jem Bates $1 Clear, comprehensive; excellent manual for beginners. Describes style of best illustrators. Helpful illustrations. N. Y. Ruskin, John. Elements of drawing; in three letters to beginners; with illustrations by the author. Brantwood ed. 1902. 19cm Longmans $1.50 n Bibliographic note, p. 5. Collation of the editions, p. 355-57. Thompson, L. S. Manual of drawing, to pre- pare students for the regents' examination. 1902. 25cm Heath $1.12 n At head of title: Thompson's educational and industrial system of drawing. Viollet-le-Duc, E. E. Learning to draw; or, The story of a young designer; tr. by Virginia Champlin. 1881. 20cm Putnam $2 Y The right way of studying art practically is consid- ered, and much suggestive advice given. L. & I. Illustrated by the author. Walker, "William. Handbook of drawing. 1899. 19^cm Y Scribner $1.75 742 Perspective Brush, Mrs Christine (Chaplin) One summer's lessons in practical perspective. 1890. 18cm Little 75c Y For beginner's use in connection with object draw- ing. Sargent. Longfellow, W: P. P. Applied perspective, for architects and painters. 1901 . 28cm Houghton $3 n Miller, L. W: Essentials of perspective; illus. by the author. 1887. 19 x 26cm Scribner $1.50 FINE ARTS DRAWING: DECORATION 169 Ware, W: B. Modern perspective; a treatise upon the principles and practice of plane and cylindrical perspective. Rev. ed. 1900. 19Jcm and atlas of plates. Macmillan $4 n 8 Enlarged from articles in American architect and building news. Assumes a thorough preparation in mathematics. Most authoritative work on linear perspective in Eng- lish. Nation, 74: 57. 744 Mathematical and scientific drawing Bartlett, F. W. Mechanical drawing. Abridged ed. 1903. 23cm Wiley $1.50 n Written for use of cadets at U. S. naval academy. Title. Fox, William, & Thomas, C: W. Practical course in mechanical drawing. 1899. 20|cm VanNostrand $1.25 Simple and practical, text clear without mathematics. Engin. n. (B) 745 Ornamental design. Woven fab- rics. Carpets. Wall papers, etc. Brown, F. C. Letters and lettering. 1902. 22cm Bates $2 Illustrated by examples of Roman, Gothic and Italic styles. Useful hints on tools, materials and methods. Engin. n. v. 49, 19 Feb. lit. sup. p. 11. Crane, Walter. Bases of design. 2d ed. 1902. 19 Jem Macmillan $2.25 Influences affecting design, utility, material, climate, symbolism, etc. in architecture, mural decoration, tex- tile fabrics, bookmaking, etc. N. Y. Line and form. 1902. 19cm Macmillan $2.25 Full of practical knowledge. Profusely illustrated with sketches by author and reproductions from works of art. Nation, 71: 447. Of the decorative illustration of books old and new. 2d ed. 1901. 20cm ( Ex-libris ser.) Macmillan $2 n Examples and historical and critical value of the text make it an indispensable handbook. Dial (B) Day, L : F. Alphabets old and new ; over 150 com- plete alphabets, 30 series of numerals, and nu- merous facsim. of ancient dates, etc. with introd. on art in the alphabet. 1899. 19cm (Text- bks. of orn. design) Scribner $1.50 Shows development of letter forms and the shape they took at different periods, and suggests endless variations. Nature in ornament. 3d ed. 1902. 19cm Scribner $4.50 An inquiry into the natural element in ornamental de- sign and a survey of the ornamental treatment of natural forms. With numerous illustrations of design and treat- ment in ornament, old and new. Title. Day, L: F. Pattern design; a book for students, treating in a practical way of the anatomy, plan- ning and evolution of repeated ornament. 1903. 23cm Scribner $2 n Suspersedes his Anatomy of pattern. Fully illustrated N. Y. Jackson, F. Or. Theory and practice of design. Newed. 1903. 22$cm Scribner $2.50 Advanced text-book on decorative art; being a sequel to author's Lessons on decorative design with 700 illustra- tions. Title. Jones, Owen. Grammar of ornament. 1865. 34Jcm Scribner $18 n With contributions by J. B. Waring, J. O. Westwood and M. D. Wyatt. Superb colored plates reproducing decorative designs selected as examples of the historic styles of ornament. Springfield. Mumford, J: K. Oriental rugs. 3d ed. 1902. 28 Jem Scribner $7.50 n Authoritative information on history, materials, weav- ing, dyes and dyers, with accurate descriptions and dis- tinguishing details. Rich and valuable illustrations, 16 in color. N. Y. Pennell, Joseph. Illustration of books; notes for a course of lectures at the Slade school, Uni- versity college. 1896. 19Jcm Century $1 Practical, compact instructions to pen draftsmen who wish to work for reproduction, by an enthusiast for the art of which he treats. St. & K. Petrie, W: M. F. Egyptian decorative art; lec- tures at the Royal institution. 1895. 20cm Methuen 3/6 Authoritative. Wilson, V. T. Free-hand lettering; a treatise on plain lettering for engineering schools and col- leges. 1903. 23Jcm Wiley $1 746 Art needlework. Fancy work Day, L: F., & Buckle, Mary. Art in needle- work. 1900. 19Jcm (Textbks. of orn. design) Scribner $2.50 Practical handbook on embroidery, describing many stitches and designs. Admirable illustrations, many showing back as well as face of work. K. Y. Jackson, Emily. History of hand-made lace. 1900. 25cm Seribner $ 7.50 n Bibliography, p. 98-105. Dictionary of lace, p. 107-206. Dealing with origin of lace, growth of great lace cen- ters, mode of manufacture, methods of distinguishing and the care of various kinds of lace. Supplementary information by Ernesto Jesurum. Title. 74 Stained and iridescent glass Day, L: F. Windows; a book about stained and painted glass. 1897. 23Jcm Scribner $10.50 Rather a history than a theoretic treatise on principle*. " Nation (B) 738 170 A. L. A. CATALOG CLASS LIST 749 Artistic furniture Morse, F. C. Furniture of the olden time. 1902. 21cm Macmillan $3 n American, 17th to early 19th century. 300 illustrations from existing examples. Excellent medium sized refer- ence book. N. Y. Turck, Eliza. Practical handbook to marquet- erie, wood-staining and kindred arts. 1901. Scribner pap. 40c 75O Painting Champlin, J: D. ed. Cyclopedia of painters and paintings; crit. ed. C: C. Perkins. 4 v. 1887. 30cm Scribner $20 S Bibliography, v. 1, pref. p. 19-36. Authoritative. Powers. Sketch of artist, with list of his works and bibiliographic notes, often with portrait and an occasional reproduction in outline of important paintings. Brief descriptions of celebrated paintings. Kroeger. Iia Farge, John. Considerations on painting. 1895. 19cm Macmillan $1.25 n E Authoritative. Lectures in Metropolitan museum, New York, 1893. Ruskin, John. Modern painters, vol. 2. "Of ideas of beauty " and " Of the imaginative fac- ulty" re-arranged and rev. by author; with introd. by C: E. Norton. Brantwood ed. 2 v. 1903. 19Jcm Longmans $3 n Author's most important and safest writing on art. Nowhere else are the moralist's and the nature lover's view of fine art so well expressed as in the 3d and 4th volumes . St. & K. Van Dyke, J: C: Text-book of the history of painting. 1894. 19 Jem (College hist, of art) Longmans $1.50 General bibliography, pref. p. 15. List of books recom- mended at head of each chapter. To later 19th century. Enumerates principal extant works of artists mentioned and tells where they may be found. Pittsburg. Woltmann, A. F: G. A., & WOrmann, Karl. History of painting. 2 v. 1894. 25cm Dodd $7.50 V. 1, ed. by Sidney Colvin; v. 2, tr. by Clara Bell. Condensed from German original. Many illustrations of well chosen subjects and useful for reference. St. & K.. 752 Color Chevroul, M. E. Principles of harmony and contrast of colours, and their applications to the arts; tr. by Charles Martel. 3d ed. 1899. 18icm (Bohn's sci. lib.) Macmillan $1.50 n 755 Religious. Ecclesiastic Bell, Mrs N. B. E. (Meugens) Lives and leg- ends of the evangelists, apostles, and other early saints. 1901. 22 Jem (Saints in Christian art) Macmillan $4.50 Hurll, E. M. Life of Our Lord in art; with some account of the artistic treatment of the life of St John the Baptist. 1898. 21cm Houghton $3 Authorities consulted, pref. p. 19-22. Published as v. 6 of Mrs Jameson's Writings on art. Jameson, Mrs A.. B. (Murphy) Legends of ' the Madonna; ed. with additional notes by E. M. Hurll. 1896. 21cm (Writings on art of A. Jameson) Houghton $3 Authorities, pref. p. 19-23. Abundantly illustrated with sicns from ancient and modern art. Title. Legends of the monastic orders; ed. with additional notes by E. M. Hurll. 1901. 21cm (Writings on art of A. Jameson) Houghton $3 Authorities, pref. p. 22-26. Interpretation of works of art in churches and galle- ries. Sargent. Sacred and legendary art; ed. with ad- ditional notes by E. M. Hurll. 2 v. 1896. 21cm (Writings on art of A. Jameson) Houghton $3 Authorities referred to, pref. p. 22-26. Abundantly illustrated with designs from ancient and modern art. Title. Excellent for reference in recognizing a sacred person- age by his attributes as given in a picture, and as to the proper way of representing each personage. No better book readily accessible. St. & K. 759 Various schools of painting; Ady, Mrs Julia (Cartwright) Painters of Flor- ~ ence from the 13th to the 16th century. 1901. 19 Jem Dutton $2.50 Bibliography, pref. p. 10-11. Sketches, mainly biographic, from Giotto to Michelan- gelo, with 17 excellent representative reproductions. N.Y. Bate, P. H. English Pre-Raphaelite painters, their associates and successors. 2d ed. 1901. 20 Jem (British art. ser.) Macmillan $3 P Account of rise, progress and results of the move- ment. Makes no pretence to elaborate research or to . subtlety of criticism. Atk. '02, 1: 631. Berenson, Bernhard. Central Italian painters - of the renaissance. 1897. 19Jcm Putnam $1 Florentine painters of the renaissance. 1896. 19Jcm Putnam $1 FINE ARTS PAINTING. ENGRAVING. PHOTOGRAPHY 171 Uerenson, Bernhard. Study and criticism of Italian art, 2dser. 1902. 23cm Macmillan $3.50 n Seven essays aiming to establish a scientific method of studying history of art, by which works of art may be rightly attributed independently of documents. Pitts- burg. Venetian painters of the renaissance. 1894. 19$crn Putnam $1 [His works on renaissance painters] show ingenuity subtlety of reasoning and wide range and thoroughness of knowledge which make him a person to be reckoned with in all future criticism. Index to works of principal painters most valuable. Ration, 65: 462. Urownell, "W: C. French art, classic and con- temporary, painting and sculpture. New ed. 1901. 26cm Scribner $3.75.n Though devoted to criticism of recent art, general prin- ciples governing all fine art are clearly expressed. No better criticism to be found. St. & K. IFromentin, Eugene. Old masters of Belgium and T Toiland; tr. by M.. C. Robbing. 1882. 21 x 17cm Houghton $3 Admirable book, full of soundest criticism. St. & K. Hamerton, P. G. Contemporary French paint- ers. 1901. 18Jcm Little $1.50 n Broadminded and elevated manner, keensighted and eclectic. R. ofr. (B) King, Pauline. American mural painting. 1902. 24cm m Noyes $3 Studies of work of La Farge, Hunt, F. D. Millet, Abbey. Sargent, Puvis de Chavannes, Shirlaw, Blashfield, Cox and others, as shown at Columbian exposition, Boston public library, Library of Congress, Capitol at Albany, Appellate courts building in New York, etc. Fully illus- strated. N. Y. Xugler, F. T. Handbook of painting: German, Flemish, and Dutch schools; re-modelled by Prof. Waagen, rev. by J. A. Crowe. 3d ed. 2 v. 1898. 21cm Little $8 Italian schools of painting, based on the Handbook of Kugler; 6th ed. by A. H: Layard. 2v. 1902. 21icm Little $12 Covers entire field to 19th century. Trustworthy. Stands midway between cyclopedias and works of exhaustive criticism. Powers. Monkhouse, W: C. British contemporary artists. 1899. 28cm Scribner $5 Contents: George Frederick Watts; Sir John Everett Millais; Baron Leighton, of Stretton; Sir Edward Burne- Jones; William Quiller Orchardson; Sir Lawrence Alma- Tadema; Sir Edward J. Poynter. TOO Engraving .Buskin, John. Ariadne florentina; six lectures on wood and metal engraving. Brantwood ed. 1890. 19Jcm Longmans $2.40 n Six lectures at University of Oxford, dealing with rela- tion of engraving to other arts in Florence, to the tech- nics of wood and metal engraving, and to design as repre- sented by Durer, Holbein and Botticelli. N. Y. Singer, H. "W. , & Strang, William. Etching, engraving and the other methods of printing pictures. 1897. 22 x 17Jcm Paul 15/ n Wedmore, Frederick. Fine prints. 1897. 21cm (Collector ser.) Longmans $2.25 n Bibliography, p. 245-49. 761 Wood "Woodberry, G: E: History of wood-engraving. 1883. 23cm Harper $3.50 PR List of principal works useful to students, p. 21 1-15. 767 Etching Hamerton, P. G. Etching and etchers, with etchings by the author. 7th ed. 1902. 24jcm Little $5 n Extremely valuable as at once a treatise on the practice of the art and a history ">f its development from 15th century. St. & K 77O Photography Abney, Sir W: de "W. Instantaneous photog- raphy. 1895. 18 Jem (Photog. prim.) Low I/ Instruction in photography. 10th ed. 1900. 19cm Low 6/ n; Lippincott $2 n Treatise on photography. 10th ed. 1901. 18cm (Text-bks. of sci. ) Longmans $1.75 Authoritative. Adams, W. I. L. Amateur photography; a practical guide for the beginner. 6th ed. 1903. 20Jcm Baker & T. $1.25 Baldwin, T. 8. Picture making for pleasure and profit. 1903. 20cm Drake $1.25 Illustrated handbook on modern praotices of photog- raphy in all its branches, for amateur and professional. Title. Black, Alexander. Photography indoors and out. 6th ed. 1898. 18 Jem Houghton $1.25 8 P Books for reference, p. 238-39. Also in Riverside lib. for young people at 75c. Excellent manual, giving primary principles and prac- tical directions for amateurs. N. Y. Brothers, Alfred. Photography. 2d ed. 1899. 23Jcm Lippincott $5.50 n Its history, processes, apparatus and materials; com- prising working details of all the more important meth- ods; with plates by many of the processes described and illustrations in the text. Title. Brown, G: E: ed. Finishing the negative. 1901. 22Jcm Tennant $1.25 n P Handbook of all the processes between fixing and printing: with a special chapter on films. Title. 749 172 A. L. A CATALOG CLASS LIST Burton, W: K., & Pi-ingle, Andrew. Proc- esses of pure photography. 1889. 23 Jem (Sco- villphotog. ser.) Scovill $2.50 Caffin, C: H: Photography as a fine art; the achievements and possibilities of photographic art in America. 1901. 26cm Doubleday $3 n P R Republished from Everybody's magazine and Cam- era notes. Emerson, P: H: Naturalistic photography. 3d ed. 1899. 23 Jem (Scovill photog. ser.) Scovill $3.50 Marion and co. Practical guide to photography. 6th ed. 1898. ISJcm Marion 2/6 Photo-miniature, a monthly magazine of photo- graphic information; ed. by J: A. Tennant. 1899-date. 20J-21cm Tennant yrly $2.50 A photographic magazine beginning with April, 1899, published monthly as a monograph on some topic or process. The numbers are more useful separately bound and classified. Ed. sel. Robinson, H: P. Picture-making by photogra- phy. 5th ed. 1902. 19cm Hazell 2/6 n Story, A. T: Story of photography. 1898. 15 Jem (Lib. of useful stories) Appleton 35c n Not instruction for beginners, but a manual of infor- mation on optical, chemical and historical developments of photography. N. Y. Epitome of gradual development of photography from 1727. Just enough of physics and optics to give reader a good idea of basic principles of photography. Science, 8: 959. Taylor, C: M. Why my photographs are bad. 1902. 21cm Jacobs $1 n Calls attention to some common mistakes of beginners, illustrating each. Pittsburg. Todd, F: D. Amateur portraiture at home. 1899. 19Jcm Photo-beacon co. 50c Vogel, Ernst. Practical pocket-book of photog- raphy; tr. and ed. by E. C. Conrad and E. M. Cobham. 1903. 16Jcm Macmillan $1 Wilson, E: Ii. Wilson's photographies. 1881. 22 x 17 J cm Tennant $4 Authorities quoted, pref. p. 11-12. A series of lessons, with notes, on all needful processes. Title. Woodbury, "W. E. Encyclopaedic dictionary of photography. 1898. 31cm . Scovill $5 771 materials. Photographic chem- istry Beck, Conrad, & Andrews, Herbert. Photo- graphic lenses; simple treatise. 2d ed. 1903. 19Jcin Tennant $1 Bolas, Thomas, & Brown, G: E. The lens; a practical guide to the choice, use and testing of photographic objectives. 1902. 22Jcm Tennant $1.25 n. Good elementary treatise. Not mathematical. Pitts- burg. Cole, R. S. Treatise on photographic optics. 1899. 19cm Van Nostrand $2.50 Cooper, F: W. & others. Photographic apparatus, making and adapting; ed. by G: E. Brown. 1902. 21 Jem Tennant $1 n Reprinted with additions from articles in the Photoyram by F. E. Cooper, D. VV. Gawn and others. 180 diagrams and working sketches. Title. Dallmeyer, T: R. Telephotography. 1899. 25Jcm Longmans $4 Bibliography, p. 147-48. , Elementary treatise on construction and application of telephotographic lens. Title. Harrison, W: J. Chemistry of photography. 1892. 23Jcm (Scovill photog. ser.) Scovill $3 Historical rather than practical. Ed. sel. Townsend, C: F. Chemistry for photographers. 3d ed. 1902. 18Jcm Dawbarn If 772 Silver and dryplate processes Abney, Sir W: de W. , & Clark, Lyonel. Plat- inotype: its preparation and manipulation. 2d Amer. ed. 1898. 18 Jem (Scovill photog. ser.) Low 2/6 Maclean. Hector. Popular photographic print- ing processes. 1898. 19cm Scribner $1 Practical guide to printing with gelatino-chloride, ar- tigue, platinotype, carbon, bromide, collodio-chloride, bichromated gum, and other sensitized papers. Title. 773 Gelatin and pigment processes Sawyer, J. R. "A B C" guide to the making of autotype prints in permanent pigments. 5th ed. 1899. 18 x 14cm Anthony $1.25 777 Photo-engraving and photo-elec- tro typing Jenkins, Harry. Manual of photo-engraving, containing practical instructions for producing photo-engraved plates in relief-line and half- tone; with chapters on the theory and practice of half-tone color work, by F: E. Ives and S. H. Horgan. 2d od. 1902. 20cm Inland pr. co. $2 Practical guide. Methods given are those in actual commercial use. Photo-miniature. FINE ARTS PHOTOGRAPHY. Music 173 77 Special applications Dugmore, A. 3,. Nature and the camera. 1902. 2Ucm Doubleday $1.35 n Advice on choice of apparatus, dark room, printing, etc. with detailed directions for photographing live birds, animals, flowers, trees, fungi. Many photographs. N. Y. Elmendorf, D. L. Lantern slides: how to make and color them. 1900. 20cm Anthony $1 Walmsley, W: H : A B C of photo-micrography. 1902. 18Jcm Tennant $1.25 Clear, simple, accurate instruction as to equipment, methods of photographing, developing, printing and lantern-slide making. Pittsburg. 780 Music Apthorp, W: F. Musicians and music-lovers and other essays. 1894. 19cm Scribner $1.50 Contents: Musicians and music-lovers; Johann Sebas- tian Bach; Additional accompaniments to Bach's and Handel's scores; Giacomo Meyerbeer; Jacques Offenbach; Two modern classicists, Robert Franz and Otto Dresel; John Sullivan D wight; Some thoughts on musical criti- cism; Music and science. Bellaigue, Camilla. Musical studies and silhou- ettes; tr. by Ellen Orr. 1900. 19cm Dodd $1.50 Contents: Sociology in music; Realism and idealism in music; Beethoven, and his nine symphonies; Italian mu- sic and the last two operas of Verdi; Three symbolic operas; Italian sources of the Orpheus oi Gluck; Exotic in music; Silhouettes of musicians. El son, L: C: National music of America and its sources. 1900. 17jjcm (Music lovers' ser.) Page $1.50 Traces progress of musical interests and origin of popu- lar songs. Illustrated with portraits and musical nota- tion. N. Y. Fay, Amy. Music-study in Germany; ed. by Mrs Fay Peirce. 16th ed. 1896. 19Jcm Macmillan $1.25 Letters written 1869-75 while studying under Taussig, Kullak, Liszt and Deppe; entertaining and suggestive. N. Y. Finck, H: T. Chopin and other musical essays. 1889. 19cm Scribner $1.50 Cgntents: Chopin; How composers work; Schumann; Music and morals; Italian and German vocal styles; German opera in New York. Grey, Robin, ed. Studies in music, by various authors; reprinted from "The musician." 1901. 23cm Scribner $2.50 n Grove, Sir George, ed. Dictionary of music and musicians; with apx. ed. by J. A. F. Maitland, 1 and index by Mrs Edmond Wodehouse. 4 v. & index. 1900. 22cm Macmillan $25 Rf Covers whole field of music from 1450 to 1889. Eng- lish music and musicians given special attention. Signed articles by prominent writers. Kroeger. Henderson, W: J. What is good music? 1898. ISJcm Scribner $1 n Chapters on form, instruments, how to listen, etc. For average music lovers. N. Y. Hughes, Rupert. Contemporary American composers. 1900. 17icm (Music lovers' ser.) Page $1.50 Partly reprinted from Godey's magazine, Century maga- zine, and Criterion. Foreword. Biographic and critical notices of living composers, about whom information is not easily obtained. Por- traits and facsimiles. N. Y. - ed. Musical guide. 2 v. 1903. 23cm McClure $6 n Rf Pronouncing and defining dictionary of terms, in- struments, etc. pronouncing biographic dictionary, stories of operas, biographic and critical essays by authorities in England and America, charts, etc. Pub. wkly. Huneker, J. G. Mezzotints in modern music. 1899. 19 Jem Scribner $1.50 R Reflects chiefly author's experience in studio and concert hall. Includes chapters on Brahms, Tchaikovsky, Richard Strauss, and Nietzsche, Chopin, Liszt and Wag- ner, and an elaborate disquisition on eludes for the piano- forte. Nation, 68 : 338. Krehbiel, H: E: How to listen to music. 1896. ISJcm Scribner $1.25 n To help lovers of music without technical training to some understanding of musical forms, aims, and means of expression. N. Y. Lavignac, Albert. Music and musicians; 4th ed. by H. E. Krehbiel. 1903. 20cm Holt $1.75 n R Aims to be practically a condensed cyclopedia of every branch of music. Includes discussions on the voice, orchestral instruments, orchestration, music of ancient nations, modern composers, with brief sketches of more important ones. Appendix by H. E. Krehbiel on lead- ing American composers. 94 illustrations and 510 ex- amples in musical type. Nation, 68 : 402. Musical education; tr. by Esther Single- ton. 1903. 21cm (Appletons' imis. ser.) Appleton $1.75 n Practical questions answered from experience of pro- fessors of harmony in the Paris Conservatoire. Char- acterizes briefly leading conservatories of Europe and America. N. Y. Riemann, Hugo. Catechism of musical aesthet- ics; tr. by H. Bewerunge. n. d. 18cm Scribner $1 n Singularly lucid statement of some of the most ab- struse matters. Sat. r. 80: 183. Encyclopaedic dictionary of music; tr. by J. S. Shedlock; rev. to 1897. 1899. 23cm Scribner $6 n Rf By a distinguished German professor, musical ed- itor of Meyer's Konversatwns-Lexikon. Accurate, compre- 771 174 A. L. A. CATALOG CLASS LIST hensive and of high artistic as well as historic value. Of later date than the more voluminous and expensive Grove. Ed. sel. Bitter, F. Ii. Music in America. New ed. 1890. 20Jcm ' Scribner $2 "Musical examples," p. 508-13. History Elson, L: C: History of American music. 1904. 26cm (Hist, of Amer. art) Macmillan $5 n General bibliography, p. 367-68. Henderson, W: J. 1898. 19cm How music developed. Stokes $1.25 n Critical and explanatory. A vast amount of informa- tion presented in a lucid and direct style. Nation, 68: 228. Story of music. 1889. Longmans Contents: Making the elements of music; Birth of art- melody and secular music; Handel and Bach; Instru- ments and instrumental forms; Great instrumental writ- ers; First operatic reformation; From Mozart to Verdi; Wagner and the opera of our future. Not a conventional history, but pleasantly written and suggestive essays on some of the phases through which music has passed. St. & K. Hunt, H: G: B. Concise history of music from commencement of Christian era to present time. 16th ed. 1902. 17cm Bell 3/6 Designed for schools. Includes a chronologic and bio- graphic record; tables of musicians and musical events; a summary tracing growth of the art. Excellent book for systematic study, but also helpful for quick reference. L. &I. Maitland, J: A. F. English music in the 19th century. 1902. 18 Jem (Music in 19th cent.) Button $1.75 n Parry, Sir C: H. H. Evolution of the art of music. 3d ed. 1901. 19cm (Internat. sci. ser.) Appleton $1.75 New edition4>f his Art of music, which the Nation said it would unhesitatingly select if asked to name a single book that every student of music ought to read and re-read for its facts and opinions. Schumann, B. A. Music and musicians; essays and criticisms; tr. ed. and annot. by F.. R. Rit- ter. 2 v. 1877. 20$cm Scribner $6 n 7 2 Dramatic mufc Annesley, Charles. Standard opera glass, with prelude by James Huneker. 1899. 19cm Scribner $1.50 Includes 123 operas. The story of the opera is the main thing, though a few biographic and critical remarks are prefixed. Nation, 64: 72. Apthorp, W-: F. The opera, past and present. 1901. 19cm (Music lover' s lib.) Scribner $1.25 n R Shows exceptional taste and judgment in eliminat- ing unessential facts, while important ones are presented in excellent perspective. Nation. Barber, G.. E. Wagner opera stories. 1901. 19cm Public school pub. co. 50e Y Contents: The Rhinegold; Die Walkiire; or, The story of Brunhilde; Siegfried; Die Gotterdamzaerung; Parsifal. They interpret the music to the childish heart as I have seldom seen it interpreted. What was too complex is left out, what was sweet and true is re-woven with dainti- ness. Elizabeth Harrison. Frost, "W: H: Wagner story book; fire-light tales. 1894. 19cm Scribner $1.50 Y Dramas of Wagner from Tannhauser to Parsifal in. form of narratives to a child; enriched with original designs and made to subserve new purposes. St. & K. Krehbiel, H: E: Studies in the Wagnerian drama. 1891. 19cm Harper $1.25- Lahee, H: C: Grand opera in America. 1902. 18cm (Music lovers' ser. ) Page $1.50- Gathers in brief compass scattered information con- cerning singers, conductors and managers, prominent in history of opera in America. Pittsburg. Ijavignac, Albert. Music dramas of Richard Wagner; tr. by Esther Singleton. 1898. 20$cm Dodd $2.50 Practical guide to Bayreuth and an invaluable hand- book for those wishing guidance to intelligent enjoyment of Wagner's operas. Sketches dramas, analyzes music, giving leitmotive, diagrams showing their recurrence, orchestration, Bayreuth casts, etc. N. Y. Newman, Ernest. Study of Wagner. 1899. 23cm. Putnam $3.75 Synthetic table of Wagner's life and works and synchro- nous events, pref. p. 13-20. Appreciative, sane, discriminative. Hale. TJpton, G: P. Standard cantatas: their stories, their music, and their composers. 1888. 18cm McClurg $1.50 Standard light operas, their plots and their music. 1902. 18cm McClurg $1.20 n Less is said about the music than about the plots, which are clearly and briefly told. Ed. sel. 73 Sacred music Mees, Arthur* Choirs and choral music. 1901. 19cm (Music lover's lib.) Scribner $1.25 n History of choral music, critical study of composers, chapters on amateur choral culture in Germany, Eng- land and America, and the chorus and conductor. N. Y. Patterson, A. W. Story of oratorio. 1902. 19cm (Music story ser. ) Scribner $1.25 n. One of the best and most practical chapters on choral organizations and the future of oratorio. Appendixes. FINE ARTS Music. AMUSEMENTS 175 give list . A principal composers and their works and rec- ord of first performances of important oratorios. Ath. '03, 2: 70. Upton, G: P. Standard oratorios: their stories, their music, and their composers. 1887. 18cm McClurg $1.50 74 Vocal music Aikiii, W: A. The voice, its physiology and cultivation. 1900. 19}cm Macmillan $1 Crane, Walter. The baby's bouquet, n. d. 18} x 19cm Warne $1.50 T A fresh bunch of old rhymes and tunes arranged and decorated by Walter Crane. Cut and printed in colors - by Edmund Evans. Title. Companion to Baby's opera. Publishers. The baby's opera, n. d. 18} x 19}cm Warne $1.50 Y A book of old rhymes, with new dresses; by Walter Crane; engraved and printed in colors by Edmund Evans. The music by the earliest masters. Title. Pan-pipes. 2d ed. n. d. 23 x 32cm Warne $2 Y A book of old songs, newly arranged and with ac- companiments by Theo. Marzials; set to pictures by Walter Crane. Engraved and printed in colors by Ed- mund Evans. Title. Finck, H: T.. Songs and song writers. 1900. 19cm (Music lover's lib. ) Scribner $1.25 n History, appreciations and depreciations; with biblio- graphic footnotes for students. N. Y. Forsythe, Clarence. Old songs for young America. 1901. 26 x 30}cm Doubleday $2 n Y Thirty songs, including such familiar ones as Baby Bunting, Bobby Shafto, Yankee Doodle, London bridge, Scotland's burning, Three blind mice, etc. Ward, Mrs Iiydia (Avery) Coonley. Singing verses for children. 1897. 21} x 28} cm Macmillan $2 Y Words by Mrs Ward; pictures by A. K.Tyler, music by Eleanor Smith, J. L. Gaynor, F: W. Root, F. E. Atkin- son, jr. Title. 75 Orchestral music Elson, Arthur. Orchestral instruments and their use. 1903. 20cm (Music lovers' ser. ) Page $1.60 n Giving a description of each instrument now employed by civilized nations and an explanation of its value and functions in the modern orchestra. Title. Goepp, P. H: Symphonies and their meaning. 2 v. 1898-1902. 19} x 20cm Lippincott $2 n ea Untechnical, but for persons with some knowledge of music. Takes up in detail certain symphonies by Haydn, Mozart, Beethoven, Schubert, Schumann, Mendelssohn and Brahms. N. Y. Grove, Sir George. Beethoven and his nine symphonies. 1903. 20cm Novello $2.40 P Analyses from program books of the Crystal palace concerts appended with notes and interesting historical data touching the composition of the works and their early performances. Most suggestive and interesting commentaries of their kind ever written. St. & K. Henderson, W: J. Orchestra and orchestral music. 1899. 19cm (Music lover's lib.) Scribner $1.25 n P An attempt to give to music lovers such facts about the modern orchestra as will help them in assuming an intelligent attitude toward the contemporaneous instru- mental body and its performance. Pref . Upton, G: P. Standard symphonies, their his- tory, their music, and their composers. 1889. 18cm McClurg $1.50 76 Piano and organ Bie, Oskar. History of the pianoforte and piano- forte players; tr. and rev. by E. E. Kellett and E. W. Naylor. 1899. 24cm Dutton $6 The careful completeness and elaboration of the work and the author's evident enthusiasm for his subject com- bine to make it a valuable addition to the literature of the pianoforte. Spec. 83: 790. Lahee, H: C: The organ and its masters. 1903. 20cm (Music lovers' ser. ) Page $2 A short account of the most celebrated organists, Avith a brief sketch of the development of organ construction, organ music and organ playing. Title. Perry, E : B. Descriptive analyses of piano works, for the use of teachers, players and music clubs. 1902. 20}cm Presser $1.50 77 Stringed instruments Hart, George. The violin: its famous makers and their imitators. Pop. ed. 1887. 20cm R Scribner $3 79O Amusements Beard, D. C. New ideas for American boys; the Jack of all trades. 1900. 20cm Scribner $2 Y Directions for treetop and underground club houses, fish ponds, work shops, toboggan slides, trapping and taming animals, indoor entertainments with chalk and scissors, circuses, Christmas doings, etc. N. Y. AVhat to do and how to do it; the Ameri- can boy's handy book. New ed. 1903. 20cm Scribner $2 Y Directions for making kites, boats, aquariums, pup- pet shows and all sorts of games and toys. Classed under the seasons. N. Y. 782 176 A. L. A. CATALOG CLASS LIST Beard, Lina & A. B. How to amuse yourself and others; the American girl's handy book. 1901. 20cm Scribner $2 Y Directions for games, entertainments, holiday cele- brations, needlework, decorations, drawing, painting, modeling, gymnastics, candy making, etc. Classed under the seasons. N. Y. New ideas for work and play ; what a girl can make and do. 1902. 20cm Scribner $1.60 n T Work with hammer and saw, Easter and Christmas possibilities, valentines, picture collections, basket weav- ing, rugs, tableaux, gardens, outdoor observation, basket ball, cheap devices for entertainment, etc. Valuable illustrated handbook. Companion to American girl's Jiandy book. N. Y. Champlin, J: D., & Bostwick, A. E. Young folks' cyclopaedia of games and sports. 2d ed. 1899. 21cm Holt $2.50 Rf For boys and girls. Written from American stand- point with illustrations and historical information. L. & I. Games book for boys and girls. 1897. 23Jxl8 Jem Button $2 Y Old and new pastimes, with original illustrations. Title. Contents: Indoor games; tricks and puzzles; outdoor games; occupations; collections; home pets. Pittsburg. Kelley, L. E.. Three hundred things a bright girl can do. 1903. 21 Jem Estes $1.20 n Y Instruction in bead, worsted and thread work, join- ery, wood carving, pyrography, basketry, rug making, clay modeling, paper flowers, athletics, taxidermy, bee keeping, suggestions for entertainments, girls' clubs, etc. Dial, 35: 477. Lucas, E: V. & Elizabeth. What shall we do now? 1904. 21cm Stokes $2.15 n Y A book of suggestions for children's games and em- ployments. Title. I irections for house and outdoor games, care of pets, candymaking, gardening, etc. Useful hints for mothers, as well as for children of all ages. Unit. 791 Public entertainment Hopkins, A. A. ed. Magic; stage illusions and scientific diversions including trick photography. 1897. 24cm Munn $2.50 Bibliography with notes by H: R. Evans, p. 53&-50. Explains conjurors' tricks, modern stage effects, auto- mata, magic mirrors, photographic diversions, etc. and outlines history of magic. N. Y. 792 Tneater. Pantomime. Opera. Clapp , H : A. Reminiscences of a dramatic critic. 1902. 21cm Houghton $1.75n B, Opinions of a qualified observer on prominent actors of the last 30 years. N. Y. Fyles, Franklin. The theatre and its people. 1900. 19cm Doubleday $1.25 f Explanation of business, mechanical and artistic methods, relations of actors and playwrights to manage- ment, etc. By N. Y. Sun dramatic critic. N. Y. Haigh, A. E. Attic theatre. 2d ed. 1898. 23cm Clarendon $3 Description of the stage and theatre of the Athenians and of the dramatic performances at Athens. Title. Hastings, Charles. The theatre; its develop- ment in France and England, and a history of its Greek and Latin origins; tr. by F. A. Wei by. 1902. 22cm Lippincott $3 n Bibliography, p. 342-46. Hubert, P. G. jr. The stage as a career; a sketch of the actor's life: its requiiements, hardships and rewards. 1900. 19cm Putnam $1 Ballard, H. H. Open sesame. 1896. 15 Jem Knight $1 Answers to charades in Bellamy's Century of charades. Bellamy, William. Century of charades. 15cm Houghton $1 For answers see H. H. Ballard's Open sesame, One hundred bright and entertaining charades, not for acting. Incomparably the best collection extant. L. & I. Foster, B.. F: Foster's complete Hoyle; an en- cyclopedia of indoor games. 1897. 19cm Stokes $2 Frazer, Mrs Lilly (Grove) - pers' food, etc. Title. Holder, C: F: Big game fishes of the United States. 1903. 21cm (Amer. sportsman's lib.) Macmillan $2 n Author a most experienced angler, and from his rich store he enlivens his account with many an entertaining tale. Affords excellent fishing by proxy. Good colored plates of fishes in action. DM, 35:128. McCarthy, Eugene. Familiar fish, their habits and capture; a practical book on fresh- water game fish, with an introd. by D: S. Jordan. 1900. 19 Jem Appleton $1.50 Practical book on fresh-water game fish. Describes varieties, gives details about rods and tackle, hints as to methods, outfits, camp life, etc. N. Y. Roosevelt, Theodore. Wilderness hunter, an account of the big game of the United States and its chase with horse, hound and rifle. 1900. 17cm (Sagamore ser.) Putnam 50c Continued in his Hunting the yrisly. In 1893 the two parts were published as one volume under title The wil- derness hunter. ct- others. Deer family, by Theodore Roose- velt, T. S. Van Dyke, D. G. Elliot and A. J. Stone; illus. by Carl Rungi us and others. 1902. 21cm (Amer. sportsman's lib.) Macmillan $2 n Entire contents bear evidence that they have been writ- ten by men who have a loving and educated interest in their subjects. Nation, 74: 493. & Grinnell, G: B. ed. American big- game hunting; the book of the Boone and Crockett club. 1901. 21 Jem (Boone & Crockett club) Forest & stream $2.50 14 contributions (with appendixes) by various authors. Literature, p. 319-25. Articles by members of the Boone and Crockett club ranging from bear and buffalo hunting to photography of game, covering widely separated times, places and species of game. Preface by the editors perhaps the most pleasing. Nation, 57: 399. Walton, Izaak, & Cotton, Charles. The com- pleat angler; ed. by Richard Le Gallienne, illus. byE. H. New. 1904. 19icm (Crown lib.) Lane $1.25 The charm of the book is not so much in the matter, or even in the manner, as the unconscious picture of the writer's own disposition. Chambers' eye. Eng. lit.-l: 613. It breathes the very spirit of innocence, purity and simplicity of heart. Charles Lamb. . 8OO LITERATURE O1 Philosophy. Literary esthetics " Gayley, C: M., & Scott, F. N. Introduction to the methods and materials of literary criti- cism; the bases in aesthetics and poetics. 1899. 19cm Ginn $1.25 References interspersed. For library and students invaluable book of reference. Bibliography prepared by specialists. Suggestive, well planned, well executed and thorough. Nation, 69: 488. ^ Saintsbury, G: E: B. History of criticism and literary taste in Europe from the earliest texts to the present day; in 3 v. v. 1-2. 1900. 23cm Dodd v. 1-2, $3.50 n ea From early Greek criticism through Aristotle, the Byzan- tine, Latin and early medieval critics to Dante, Chaucer, Froissart, Petrarch, Boccaccio, Gavin Douglas. N. Y. y Winchester, C. T: Some principles of literary criticism. 1899. 18Jcm Macmillan $1.50 Attempts to define the qualities found in all writing deserving to be called literature and to lay down some principles of sound critical judgment. N. Y. O3 Dictionaries y Brewer, E. C. Dictionary of phrase and fable. Rev. ed. 1902. 20cm Lippincott $1.50 Rf Derivation, source or origin of common phrases, al- lusions and words that have a special meaning. Kroeger. Reader's handbook of famous names in fiction, allusions, references, proverbs, plots, stories, and poems. Rev. ed. 1904. 20Jcm Ef Lippincott $3.50 Champlin, J: D. Young folks' cyclopaedia of literature and art. 1901. 21cm Holt $2.50 RfY Concise accounts of masterpieces of literature and art, including music, painting, architecture and sculpture. Kroeger. O4 Essays ^ Bates, Arlo. Talks on the study of literature. 1897. 20cm Houghton $1.50 In essay style, full of well sorted talk, criticism, anec- dotes and advice. Nation, 65: 419 (B) . Brandes, G: M. C. Eminent authors of the nineteenth century: literary portraits; tr. by R. B. Anderson. 1886. 20cm Crowell $2 Contents: Paul Heyse; Hans Christian Andersen; John Stuart Mill; Ernest Renan; Gustave Flaubert; Frederik Paludan-Muller; Bjornstjerne Bjornson; Henrik Jbsen. Dowden, Edward. Studies in literature, 1789- 1877. 2ded. 1882. 21cm Paul 6/ Contents: French revolution and literature; Transcen- dental movement and literature; Scientific movement and literature; Prose works of Wordsworth; Walter Sav- age Landor; Tennyson and Browning; George Eliot; Lamennais; Edgar Quinet; On some French writers of verse, 1830-77; Poetry of Victor Hugo; Poetry of democ- racy, Walt Whitman. It is as a critic on poetry, in a volume full of suggestion and guidance, that we find him at his best, fipec, 74: 822 (B) Matthews, Brander. Aspects of fiction, and ' other ventures in criticism. 3d ed. 1902. 19 Jem Scribner $1.25 n Contents: American literature; Two studies of the South; The penalty of humor; On pleasing the taste of the public; On certain parallelisms between the ancient drama and the modern; Importance of the folk-theatre; Two French dramatic critics: Francisque Sarcey, Jules LemaHre; Two Scotsmen of letters: Andrew Lang, Rob- ert Louis Steven>on; Aspects of fiction: The gift of story-telling, Cervantes, Zola, Kipling & co., The prose tales of Francois Coppe'e, The short stories of Ludovic Hal6vy, Charles Dudley Warner as a writer of fiction. Trent, W: P. Authority of criticism, and other ; essays. 1899. 20cm Scribner $1.50 Contents: Authority of criticism; Apropos of Shelley; Literature and morals; Nature of literature; On translat- ing Horace; The Byron revival; Teaching the spirit of literature; Mr Howells and romanticism; Tennyson and Musset once more. Discusses some questions leading toward a science of criticism; shows breadth of scholarship and clearness of vision. N. Y. Corson, Hiram. Aims of literary study. 1895. 13cm (Miniature ser.) Macmillan 75c To get at the being of a great author, to come into rela- tionship with his absolute personality, is the highest re- sult of the study of his works. Author (B) O Rhetoric. Treatises. Collections Alden, B. M. Art of debate. 1900. 19cm Holt $1 Highly useful. Discussion is lucid, and illustrative material is of the most happy sort. Dial, 29: 237 (B) Bartlett, John, comp. Familiar quotations. 9th ed. 1902. 22Jcm Little $3 Rf Collection of passages, phrases and proverbs, both poetical and prose, giving sources in ancient and modern (179) 797 180 A. L. A. CATALOG CLASS LIST literature; chronologic arrangement. Index of authors and of most important words of quotations. Kroeger. Bates, Arlo. Talks on writing English. .2 v. 1896-1901 . 20cm Houghton v. 1, $1.50; v. 2, $1.30 n E Sensible and helpful. Buffalo. Buckley, J. M. Extemporaneous oratory for professional and amateur speakers. 1898. 20cm Eaton $1.50 Expert's understanding of the art; comprehensive and practical, effectively detailed, and sensible. Lit. world, 30:292. Genung, J: F. Practical elements of rhetoric, with illustrative examples. 1900. 19cm Ciinn $1.25 Index of principal quotations, p. 485-88. Strong points are method, clearness and copious use of illustrations. Lit. world, 18 (B) v G-ummere, F. B. Handbook of poetics. 1885. 19cm . Ginn $1 Careful outline adapted to beginners, introducing problems not only of the older but of the more modern, specially the German, criticism. Gayley & Scott. v Harbottle, T: B. comp. Dictionary of quotations (classical) 1897. 21cm Macmillan $2.50 Ef Best dictionary of Latin and Greek quotations. Translations given and an English index. Kroeger. & Dalbiac, P. H. comp. Dictionary of quotations (French and Italian) 1901. 20cm Kf Macmillan $2.50 Hoyt, J. K. comp. Cyclopedia of practical quo- tations, English, Latin, and modern foreign lan- guages. Rev. ed. 1896. 25cm Funk $5 Ef First ed. 1881, by J. K. Hoyt and A.. L. Ward. Arranged under subjects, giving exact authority as fully as possible. Full index to quotations from English authors and the English translation of foreign quotations; also an index to Latin and modern foreign quotations. Kroeger. Jones, H. P. comp. New dictionary of foreign phrases and classical quotations. Rev. ed. 1902. 21cm Lip-pincott $3 Ef Latin, Greek, French, German, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese. List of authors quoted. Kroeger. Knowles, F: L. ed. Treasury of humorous po- etry; a compilation of witty, facetious, and satir- ical verse selected from the writings of British and American poets. 1902. 19cm Estes $1.20 n Judiciously chosen. Aims to give only extracts amusing to modern readers. More than 100 authors represented. Dial, 33: 338. Legouve, G. J. B. E. W. Reading as a fine art; tr. from 9th ed. by A. L. Alger. 1886. 17cm Penn 50c He teaches by example (he is famed in France as an admirable reader) and by examples; his pages are filled with pertinent anecdotes. Nation (B) Lewes, G: H: Principles of success in literature; ed. with introd. and notes by F. N. Scott. 1891. 19cm Allyn 50c Admirable discussion of fundamentals of literature. Gayley & Scott (B) Library of the world's best literature, ancient and modern; C: D. Warner, editor; H. W. Ma- bie, Lucia Gilbert Runkle, G: H. Warner, asso- ciate editors. 31 v. 1902. 24Jcm (Teachers' ed. ) Internat. soc. subs. Ef Contents: v. 1-27, A-Z. v. 28, Songs, hymns and lyrics, v. 29, Biographical dictionary, v. 30, Synopses of noted books; General index, v. 31, Guide to systematic readings. Authoritative, introductory sketches, biographic and critical, of authors quoted. Selections well chosen and readable. Longfellow, H: W. ed. Poets and poetry of Europe; with introductions and biographical notices. Rev. ed. 1896. 25cm Houghton $5 Grouped by language and arranged chronologically. Meiklejohn. J: M. D. Art of writing English; a manual for students, with chapters on para- phrasing, essay- writing, precis-writing, punctua- tion, and other matters. 1900. 19Jcm Appleton $1.50 Meredith, George. An essay on comedy, and the uses of the comic spirit. 2ded. 1898. 20cm Constable 6, First published in New quarterly magazine for April 1877. Of value from its subject matter and its author's place in English literature. Bowdoin. Perry, Bliss. Study of prose fiction. 1903. I/ 20cm Houghton $1.25 n Bibliography, p. 364-71. Deals with novelist's materials and his use of them, plot, background, realism, romanticism, the short story, etc. Suggestions for study in appendix. N. Y. Raleigh, W. A. Style. 3ded. 1898. 20cm E. Arnold 5/ Brilliantly written, novel and suggestive treatment. Gayley & Scott (B) Riddle, George, ed. Modern reader and speaker. 1900. 20cm Stone $1.50 I have had in view, specially in the orations, the union of that which seems modern in the works of old, well- tried authors, with the literature of today. The selec- tions are adapted to the modern natural method of speak- ing. Pref. Schlegel, A. W. von. Lectures on dramatic art and literature; tr. by John Black; 2d ed. by A. J. W. Morrison. 1902. 19cm (Bohn's stand, lib.) Macmillan $1 n Scott, F. N., & Denney, J. V. Composition- rhetoric, for use in secondary schools. 1897. 19cm Allyn $1 n LITERATURE RHETORIC : COLLECTIONS 181 , Spencer, Herbert. Philosophy of style; with an essay on style by T. H. Wright; ed. with introd. and notes, by F. N. Scott. 2d ed. 1895. 19 Jem Allyn 45c n Most important. Attempts to explain the effect of both prose and poetry on the principle that that language is most forcible which best economizes the mental energies and mental sensibilities. Gayley & Scott (B) Stedman, E. C. Nature and elements of poetry. 1892. 20cm Houghton $1.50 He furnishes not petty measures but great principles. It will do much, attentively studied, to deepen one's sense of that connection between poetry and life which is the finest result of literary criticism. H. E. Scudder (B) Wendell, Barrett. English composition; eight lectures given at the Lowell institute. 1901. 19cm Scribner $1.50 Westlake, J. W. How to write letters; a man- ual of correspondence. 1801. 17 Jem Sower 84c n Probably the best manual for the inexpert letter-writer. Buffalo. Wood, K. B. comp. 1896. 20cm Simonde de Sismondi, J. C: L. Historical view of the literature of the south of Europe; tr. with notes and a life of the author, by Thomas Roscoe. 4th ed. 2 v. 1895. 18Jcm (Bohn's stand, lib.) Macmillan $2 n Quotations for occasions. Centurv $1.50 Rf Book of bright, apt quotations to add spice to lunches, after-dinner toasts, etc. Osterhout. Woodbridge, Elisabeth. The drama, its laws and its technique. 1898. ISJcm Allyn 80c n Bibliographies, p. 175-78. Founded on Freytag's Technique of tlte drama and better adapted to modern American use. Good, short bibliog- raphy. Ed. sel. 8O9 Hitory of literature Botta, Mrs A. C.. (Lynch) Handbook of uni- versal literature. Rev. ed. 1902. 20cm Houghton $2 n Birdseye view of world literatures; indicates most im- portant works, and the distinguishing characteristics of many authors. Publisher. Brandes, G-: M. C. Main currents in nineteenth century literature; in 6 v. v. 1-3. 1901-03. 23cm Macmillan v. 1, $2.25 n; v.'2-3, $2.75 nea P S Contents: v. 1, The emigrant literature, v. 2, Ro- mantic school in Germany ( 1873) v. 3, Reaction i n France (1874) Shows multifarious learning, catholicity and geni- ality. Nation, 73: 72. Elton, Oliver. The Augustan ages. 1899. 19jcm ( Periods of Europ. lit. ) Scr ibner $1.50 n R A clear survey of classicism Jn European literature, which naturally resolves itself into a r<5sum6 of French and English literature in latter half of 17th and .first quarter of 18th centuries. Buffalo. Matthews, Brander. Development of the drama. 1903. 19icm Scribner '$1.25 n Rather a study of dramatic construction than of the drama as literature. Pittsburg. Bronson, W. C. Short history of American literature. 1900. 17icm Heath 80c n Harris, A. B. American authors for young folks. 1887. 18cm Lothrop $1 Y Contents: Irving; Cooper; Prescott; Emerson; Haw- thorne; Harriet Beecher Stowe; Alice and Phosbe Gary; Bayard Taylor; Thoreauand other "out-of-door" writers; Parkman; George William Curtis; Donald Grant Mitchell; "H. H." and others; Lowell. Sketches of 14 leading American writers, designed to awaken desire to read their works. N. Y. Higg-inson, T: W., & Boynton, H: W. Read- er's history of American literature. 1903. 20cm Houghton $1.25 n Based on Lowell institute lectures, 1903. Lists for study and reading, p. 311-16. Concentrates attention on leading figures, ignoring minor names and details. Brief, but complete and con- secutive. Pittsburg. Howells, W: D. Literary friends and acquaint- ance; a personal retrospect of American author- ship. 1900. 21 Jem Harper $2.50 Contents: My first visit to New England; First impres- sions of literary New York; Roundabout to Boston; Lit- erary Boston as I knew it; Oliver Wendell Holmes; The white Mr Longfellow; Studies of Lowell; Cambridge neighbors. Mitchell, D. G. American lands and letters. 2 v. 1897-99. 21 Jem Scribner $2.50 ea Contents: v. 1, The Mayflower to Rip Van Winkle, v. 2, Leatherstocking toPoe's " Raven." Graceful and kindly biographic sketches, including much personal reminiscence. Admirable illustrations and typography. N. Y. Pancoast, H: S. Introduction to American lit- erature. 1898. 17Jcm Holt $1 Bibliographies interspersed. From colonial period to present. Best brief manual of the subject. Nation. Richardson, C: F. American literature, 1607- 1885. 1887-89. 23cm Putnam $3.50 Useful large manual. Broad, sensible and scholarly. Nation, 44: 172 (B) Trent, W: P. History of American literature, 1607-1865. 1903. 20cm (Lit. of the world) Appleton $1.40 n Bibliography, p. 681-93. Excellent outline packed with historical facts, critical evaluations, names and titles, deftly combined and in- terestingly discussed. N. Y. 809 182 A. L. A. CATALOG CLASS LIST Trent, W: P., & Wells, B: W. ed. Colonial nrose and poetry. 3v. 1903. 16cm (Handy vol. class. ) Crowell 75c ea Attempts to present such passages from colonial authors as reveal most of literary art, of individual genius, and of national mind in process of differentiation. Pref. Tyler, M. C. History of American literature during the colonial time. Rev. ed.' 1890. 23cm Putnam $3 Thorough, exhaustive chronicle of American literary annals, down to the revolution. L. & I. Literary history of the American revolu- tion, 1763-1783. 1897. 23cm Putnam $3 Fully represents both whigsand tories. Follows his His- tory of American literature d^lring the colonial time. N. Y. Wendell, Barrett. Literary history of America. 1900. 23cm (Lib. of lit. hist.) Scribner $3 Authorities, p. 533-55. Not a complete history; vivacious though rather sketchy essays. Comment on individual authors fresh and pene- trating. W. C. Bronson in Amer. hist. r. 6: 807. Woodberry, G: E: America in literature. 1903. 20cm Harper $1.50 n Originally appeared in Harper's magazine July 1902-Oet. 1903 and Harper's weekly. Contents: The beginnings; The Knickerbocker era; The literary age of Boston; The South; The West; The achievement; Results and conditions. 11 American poetry Aldrich, T: B. Poems. 1890. 20 Jem ( House- hold ed.) Houghton $1.50 His predilection is for the picturesque; for romance combined with simplicity, purity and tenderness of feel- ing, touched by fancy and occasional lights of humor. Lib. oj world's best lit. Brown, A. F. Pocketful of posies; ill us. by F. Y. Cory. 1902. 19cm Houghton $1.50 n Y Poetic, humorous and fantastic. N. Y. Bryant, W: C. Poetical works; Roslyn ed. with chronologies of Bryant's life and poems, and a bibliography of his writings by H: C. Sturges, and a memoir of his life by R: H: Stoddard. 1903. 21 Jem Appleton $2 Pride, honor, country throbbed through all his strain. J. R. Lowell. Bunner, H: C. Poems. 1896. 18cm Scribner $1.75 Contents: Airs from Arcady; Rowen; Ballads of the town and later lyrics. Burton, Richard. Lyrics of brotherhood. 1899. 17 Jem Lothrop $1 Carman, Bliss. Low tide on Grand Pr; a book of lyrics. 1894. 18cm Small $1.25 Gary, Alice & Phoebe. Poetical works. 1882. 20icm (Household ed. ) Houghton $1.50 Crandall, C: H: ed. Representative sonnets by American poets, with an essay on the sonnet, its nature and history, including many notable sonnets of other literature*. 1890. 20Jcm Houghton $1.50 Dickinson, Emily. Poems; 1st ser., 10th ed. 1892. 17 Jem Little $1.25 Dodge, Mrs Mary ( Mapes > Rhymes and jingles. 1903. 19cm Y Scribner $1.50 When life is young. 1894. 19 Jem Century $1.25 Y Many originally appeared in St Nicholas. Dunbar, P. L. Lyrics of lowly life; with introd. * by W: D. Howells. 1896. 16cm Dodd $1.25 Eggleston, G: C. ed. American war ballads v and lyrics. 1889? 16 Jem Putnam $1.50 A collection of the songs and ballads of the colonial wars, the revolution, the war of 1812-15, the war with Mexico, and the civil war. Title. Emerson, B. W. Poems. 1904. 20 Jem ( Cen- tenary ed.) Houghton $1.75 In his Complete works in class 814; v. 9. Field, Eugene. ' A little book of western verse. 1895. 18cm Scribner $1.25 Love-songs of childhood. 1894. 16Jcm Y Scribner $1 With trumpet and drum. 1903. 17cm Scribner $1 Y Child poetry collected from others of the author's volumes celebrating the "big tin trumpet and little red drum." Ed. sel. Gilder, B: W. Five books of song. 4th ed. \^ 1900. 19 Jem Century $1.50 Includes The new day; The celestial passion; Lyrics; Two worlds; The great remembrance. Harte, Bret. Poetical works. 1902. 20Jcm (Household ed.) Ho'ughton $1.50 Hay, John. Poems. 1899. 18Jcm Houghton $1.25 Contents: Pike county ballads; Wanderlieder; New and old; Translations. Holbrook, Florence. Hiawatha primer. 1898. 20cm Y Houghton 75c Holland, J. G. Complete poetical writings. 1900. 21cm Scribner $3.50 Bittersweet, Katrina, etc. formerly issued in separate volumes. Ed. sel. Holmes, O. W. Complete poetical works. 1895 21 Jem (Camb. ed. of the poets) Houghton $2 The Riverside ed. of the Poetical works in 3 v. is uniform with the Prose works [class o!7] and is desirable, but the single volume will do at first. Ed. sel. LITERATURE AMERICAN POETRY 183 Hovey, Richard. Along the trail; a book of lyrics. 3d ed. 1903. 17Jcm Small $1.50 Jackson, Mrs H.. M. (Fiske) Hunt. Poems. 1902. 19cm Little $1.50 / Knowles, F: L. ed. Golden treasury of Ameri- can songs and lyrics. 1898. 17$cm Page $1.25 147 poems by 61 writers from Freneau to Lloyd Mifflin. Roughly chronologic arrangement. N. Y. Lanier, Sidney. Poems; ed. by his wife, with a memorial by W: H. Ward. New ed. 1891. 19|cm Scribner $2 Larcom, Lucy. Poetical works. 20 Jem (House- hold ed. ) Hough ton $1.50 Biographic sketch, pref. p. 3-G. Lawton, W: C. The New England poets. 1898. 17cm Macmillan 75c Biographic and critical studies of Emerson, Hawthorne, Longfellow, Whittier, Lowell, Holmes. N. Y. Brings a cosmopolitan culture to the consideration of American themes. He applies the eternal standards to -American poets. Matthews. Learned, Walter, ed. Treasury of American verse. 1897. 19cm Stokes $1.25 Excellent collection which preserves many good things not always found in similar books. Grouped by subject and sentiment. N. Y. Longfellow, H: W. Complete poetical works. 1893. 21$cm (Camb. ed. of the poets) Houghton $2 The complete Poetical works, Riverside edition, 6 v. 89, is most desirable also. Ed. sel. Lowell, J. B. Complete poetical works. 1896. 21cm (Camb. ed. of the poets) Houghton $2 The Poems, Riverside ed. 4 v. 86, is very desirable also. \ Ed. sel. Markham, Edwin. The man with the hoe, and other poems. 1899. 19cm McClure $1 Title poem, inspired by Millet's famous- painting, a plea for oppressed humanity. N. Y. Matthews, Brander, ed. Poems of American patriotism. 1882. 19cm Scribner $1.50 ^ Mifflin, Lloyd. At the gates of song: sonnets. 1897. 21cm Betes $1.50 , Moody, W:V. Poems. 1901. 19cm Houghton $1.25 Morrison, J/rsM.. J. (Whitney) ed. Songs and rhymes for the little ones. Newed. 1896. 20cm Y Page $1 Peabody, J. P. Singing leaves; a book of songs and spells. 1903. 14xllcm Houghton $1 n Poe, E. A. Complete poetical works; ed. by J: H. Ingram. 19cm (Home lib.) Burt $1 Sooner or later the 10 v. edition of his works published . by Stone should be bought. Ed. sel. His poems convey no moral, they echo no call to duty, they celebrate beauty only, beauty immaterial and eva- nescent; they are their own excuse for being. Brander Matthews. Band, T. H. ed. Treasury of Canadian verse, V with brief biographical notes. 1900. 20cm Dutton $2 Biley, J. W. Poems and prose sketches. Home- stead ed. 12 v. 1897-1902. 19Jcm Scribner subs. $18 Contents: v. 1, Neghborly poems and dialect sketches, v. 2, Sketches in prose; Jamesy; A Christmas story and others, v. 3, Afterwhiles. v. 4, Pipes o' Pan at Zekesbury. v. 5, Rhymes of childhood, v. 6, The flying islands of the night, v. 7, Green fields and running brooks, v. 8, Poems here at home. v. 9, Armazindy. v. 10, A child-world. v. 11, Rubaiyat of Doc Sifers and Home-folks, v. 12, Book of joyous children. The Homestead edition can be had only in sets. Libra- ries may wish to begin with a few volumes only and they may be had separately as follows: v. 1-7, 9 and part 2 of v. 11, Bobbs-Merrill Co. $1.25 each; v. 8 and part 1 of v. 11, Century Co. $1.50 each; v. 12, Scribner, 81.20. Ed. sel. Roberts, C: G: D. Poems. 1901. 19Jcm Page $1.50 Scollard, Clinton, ed. Ballads of American bravery. 1900. 19cm (Silver ser. of Eng. & Amer. class.) Y Silver 50cn Sherman, F. D. Little-folk lyrics. 1897. 20cm Y Houghton $1.50 Sill, E: B. Poems. 1887. 17cm Houghton $1 Stedman, E. C. Poetical works. 1901. 20Jcm ( Household ed.) Houghton $1.50 Poets of America, n. d. 20cm Houghton $2.25 Contents: Early and recent conditions; Growth of the American schools; Bryant; Whittier; Emerson; Longfel- low; Poe; Holmes; Lowell; Whitman; Bayard Taylor; The outlook. He has honesty, versatile sympathy, exact knowledge, and withal is a poet. Its critical delineations are clear- cut, its matter is solid, its style strong, incisive, sugges- tive. H. N. Powers in Dial. ed. American anthology, 1787-1900; selec- tions illustrating the editor's critical review of American poetry in the 19th century, n. d. 21Jcm Houghton $3 Grouped chronologically. Attempts to represent best work, not to select the imperishable. Followed by com- pact biographic notices, alphabetically arranged, of poets represented. Indexes of first lines, titles and poets. N. Y. 1 Stoddard, B: H: Poems. Complete ed. 1880. 21cm Scribner $4 Story, W: W. Poems. 2 v. 1886. 17cm Houghton $2.50 Contents: v. 1, Parchments and portraits, v. 2, Mono- logs and lyrics. 811 184 A. L. A. CATALOG CLASS LIST Tabb, J: B. Child verse; poems grave and gay. 1899. 20 x 16Jcm Y Small $1 Poems. 10th ed. 1903. 14 x llcm Small $1 , / Taylor, Bayard. Poetical works of Bayard Tay- lor. 1903. 20 Jem ( Household ed. ) Houghton $1.50 Thaxter, C. L. Poems. 1902. 19Jcm Houghton $1.50 Thomas, E. M. In sunshine land; illus. by Katharine Pyle. 1895. 20cm Y Houghton $1.50 In the young world. 1896. 20Jcm Y Houghton $1.50 Lyrics and sonnets. 1887. ISJcm Houghton $1.25 Thompson, Slason, comp. The humbler poets; a collection of newspaper and periodical verse, 1870 to 1885. 9th ed. 1899. 21cm McClurg $1.50 Van Dyke, Henry. The builders, and other poems. 1897. 19cm Scribner $1 The Builders written for Princeton sesquicentennial celebration. Whitman, Walt. Leaves of grass. 1903. 19Jcm Small $1 Including Sands at seventy, Good-bye my fancy, Old age echoes, and A backward glance o'er travel'd roads. Title. Selections from [his] prose and poetry; ed. with an introd. by O. L. Triggs. 1898. 21cm Small $1.25 Selected bibliography, p. 251-57. Whittier, J: G. Complete poetical works. 1895. 21 Jem (Camb. ed. of the poets) Houghton $2 His Poetical works, Riverside edition, 4 v. 86, also desir- able. Ed. sel. Preeminently the singer of the anti-slavery crusade, the most representative of New England poets, and the poet of religious sympathy and hope and trust. J: W. Chad- wick. . Woodberry, G: E: Poems. 1903. ISJcm Macmillan $1.50 n Includes earlier volumes, My country. Wild Eden., Players' elegy, North Shore watch, odes and sonnets, with some hitherto unpublished verse. N. Y. 12 American drama Howells, W: D. The mouse-trap, and other farces. 1889. 19cm. Harper $1 Contents; The garroters; Five o'clock tea; The mouse- trap; A likely story. Howells, W: D. The sleeping-car, and other farces. 1892. 19Jcm Houghton $1 Contents: The parlor-car; The sleeping-car: The regis- ter; The elevator. 13 American fiction Abbot, A. B. A frigate's namesake. 1901 = 19cm Century $1 n Y Story of a little girl named for battleship Essex. For readers of 12 and over. Unit. . Abbott, Jacob. The Franconia stories. 10 v. in 5. 17 Jem Harper $5 Y Contents: v. 1, Malleville; Wallace, v.2, Mary Ers- kine; Mary Bell. v. 3, Beechnut; Rodolphus. v. 4, Ellen Linn; Stuyvesant. v. 5, Caroline; Agnes. Stories of Rainbow and Lucky. 5 v. 1887-88. 17cm Harper 75c ea Y Contents: Handie; Rainbow's journey; Three pines; Selling Lucky; Up the river. Alcott, L. . M. Aunt Jo's scrap-bag. 6 v. 1900-01. 17 Jem Little $1 ea Y Contents: v.l, My boys, etc. v. 2, Shawl-straps, v.3, Cupid and Chow-chow, etc. v. 4, My girls, etc. v. 5, Jim- my's cruise in the pinafore, etc. v. 6, An old-fashioned Thanksgiving, etc. Sequel, Rose in bloom, same publishers and price, is perhaps rather advanced for 14 years. Ed. sel- Eight cousins; or, The aunt-hill. 1903. 17Jcm Y Little $1.50 Hospital sketches and camp and fireside stories. 1892. 18cm Little $1.50 Based on experiences in 1862-63 as a hospital nurse in Washington. Almost a literal reproduction of letters to her family. N. Y. Jack and Jill: a village story. 1902. 17 Jem Little $1.50 Y Story of the busy and happy days of a boy and girl recovering from results of an accident. N. Y. Jo's boys, and how they turned out; sequel to "Little men." 1903. 17 Jem Little $1.50 Y Illus. ed. 1903, Little 92. Ed. sel. Little men; life at Plumfield with Jo's boys. 1901. 20cm Little $1.50 Y Edition illus. by R.B. Birch 1901, Little 92. Ed. sel. About the boys in Aunt Jo and Mr Baer's school: fol- lows Little women. Little women; or, Meg, Jo, Beth, and Amy. 1901. 17Jcm Little $1.50 Y Illus. ed. 1902, Little $2, desirable. Ed. sel. Following the growth of 4 wholesome girls to woman- hood. Baker. An old-fashioned girl; illus. by J. W. Smith. 1902. 19cm Little $1.50 Y Illus. ed., Little 92. Ed. sel. City life of a winning and sensible little country girl. N.Y. LITERATURE AMERICAN FICTION Alcott, L.. M. Spinning-wheel stories. 1902. 17cm Little $1 Y Stories read to a party of children during the Christ- inas holidays. N. Y. Under the lilacs. 1901. 17cm Little $1.50 Y Story of a stray circus boy who found friends for him- self and his remarkable dog at a country house. N. Y. Work. 1900. 17|cm Little $1.50 1896. loxllicm Harper $1 Life of a New England girl of superior birth, who goes out to earn her living, and shows energy and adherence to the right. Baker. Alden, W: L. The moral pirates. 1904. 18cm (Harper's young peop. ser.) Harper 60c Y Exciting adventures of 4 New York boys on the Hudson in a row boat. Sargent. Aldrich, T: B. Marjorie Daw, and other people. 1901. 20cm Houghton $1.50 Contents: Marjorie Daw; A Rivermouth romance; Quite so; A young desperado; Miss Mehetabel's son; A struggle for life; Mademoiselle Olympe Zabriski; Pere Antoine's date-palm. Artful stories, wit characterising not only the style but the manipulation of plot. Every tale is logically worked out, complete in itself, and usually ends in a surprise. Baker. Prudence Palfrey. 1902. 20cm Houghtoii $1.50 A nearly impossible plot, worked out with wit and plausibility. Baker. The Queen of Sheba. 1877. 18cm Houghton $1.50 Novelette connected with Marjorie Daw by character of Flemming. Compact of humor and sensation. Scenes, a New Hampshire village and Switzerland. Baker. A sea turn, and other matters. 1902. 19cm Houghton $1.25 Contents: A sea turn; His Grace the Duke; Shaw's folly; An untold story; The case of Thomas Phipps; The white feather. The Stillwater tragedy. 1880. 19Jcm Houghton $1.50 Various aspects of life in a manufacturing village, the passions and calamities of a strike, realistically depicted. Baker. Story of a bad boy. 47th ed. 1897. 20Jcm Houghton $1.25 Y Other good editions are illustrated ed. Houghton S'2, and Riverside school library ed. 70c. Ed. sel. Story of a mischievous but truly good, natural New England boy. Puritanism is characterized. N. Y. Two bites at a cherry, with other tales. 1894. 18cm Houghton $1.25 Contents: Two bites at a cherry; " For bravery on the Weld of battle," The Chevalier de Resseguier; Goliath; My cousin the colonel; A Christmas fantasy, with a moral; Her dying words. Allen, J. L. Aftermath. (Harper's little nov. ) Follows Kentucky cardinal. Meditations and fanciful disquisitions on life. Domi- nant motive the conflict between love of nature and the humaner love of wife and home. Baker. The choir invisible. 1898. 17Jem Macmillan $1.50 Story of Kentucky in years following war of independ- ence; very delicate in analysis of feeling, and in the sug- gestive and poetical use of landscape. Baker. Flute and violin, and other Kentucky tales and romances. Biographical ed. 1899. 19cm Harper $1.50 Contents: Flute and violin; King Solomon of Kentucky; Two gentlemen of Kentucky; The white cowl; Sister I)o- lorosa; Posthumous fame. Stories of Blue-grass region of Kentucky, and of its hardy agricultural folk. Mostly pathetic in motive. Baker. A Kentucky cardinal. 1898. 15xll$cm (Harper's little nov. ) Harper $1 Followed by Aftermath. Extremely delicate study of personality and motive, penetrated with a tender love of nature. Perhaps of most interest for its descriptions of Kentucky. Baker. 1 Reign of law; a tale of the Kentucky hemp fields. 1900. 18cm Macmillan $1.50 Andrews, Jane. Seven little sisters who live on the round ball that floats in the air. 1893. 18cm (Class, for home school) (iinn 50c Gives a vivid impression of the shape of the earth, of the distribution of nations over it and of the essential brotherhood of man. T: W. Higginson. Ten boys who lived on the road from long ago to now. 1886. 18cm Lee $1 Y A good birdseye view of progress of civilization, in- terestingly told for boys and girls. Pittsburg. Aspinwall, ,1/r.x Alicia. Short stories for short people; illus. by M. L. Dan forth. 2*1 Jem Button $1.50 Y Bits of pure imagination, having that impossibility in which children delight, that fresh vigor which carries attention along, and that suggestion which even children vaguely feel o( deeper meanings. T: W. Higginson. Austin, Mrs Jane (Goodwin) Betty Alden: the first-born daughter of the Pilgrims. 1891. ISJcm Houghton $1.25 Sequel to Standifh of Standish. David Alden's daughter, and other stories of colonial times. 18cm Houghton $1.25 12 stories, each representing some noteworthy character or epoch of colonial times. I>. & I. 812 186 A. L. A. CATALOG CLASS LIST Austin, Mrs Jane (Goodwin) Dr Le Baron and his daughters; a story of the Old Colony. 1901. 18cm Houghton $1.25 The doctor is son of the Nameless nobleman. Deals with later phases of social life, embodying many traditions and legends. A nameless nobleman. 1881. 17Jcm ( Round-robin ser. ) Houghton $1.25 Standish of Standish, a story of the Pil- grims, n. d. 19cm Houghton $1.25 Tale of the pilgrims of Plymouth colony in 17th century. Baker. Baby days; a new selection of songs, stories and pictures for very little folks; with introd. by editor of St Nicholas. 300 illustrations. 1903. 24$cm Century $1.50 Y Embraces about 40 pages of the earlier edition; the rest made up of new favorites from recent numbers of St Nicholas. Pub. wJcly. Bacheller, I. A. Eben Holden; a tale of the north country. 1903. 21cm Lothrop $1.50 Novel of life in the Adirondacks 50 years ago, the inter- est centering in Eben Holden, a faithful old servant. Graphic pictures of nature and of life in woods and fields. Baker. Bangs, J: K. House- boat on the Styx. 1896. 17 Jem Harper $1.25 Shakespeare, Mozart, Dr Johnson, Delilah, Lucretia Borgia, Barnum, Artemus Ward and Phidias are among the dramatis personx of these absurdities. Baker. Barbour, B. H: Behind the line; a story of college life and football. 1902. 20cm Appleton $1.20 n Y In a small New England college. N. Y. Captain of the crew. 1901. 20cm Appleton $1.20 n Y School athletics and character building. Follows For the honor of the school. N. Y. For the honor of the school; a story of school life and interscholastic sport. 1900. 20cm Y Appleton $1.50 The half-back; a story of school, football and golf. 1899. 19Jcm Appleton $1.50 Y Tale of a preparatory school and of freshman year at Harvard. Closes with account of a Yale-Harvard foot- ball game. Pittsburg. Weatherby's inning; a story of college life and baseball. 1903. 20Jcm AppJeton $1.25 n Y A young man's struggle against untoward circum- stances in a small New England college. N. Y. Barnes, James. Drake and his yeomen; a true accounting of the character and adventures of Sir Francis Drake. 1899. 20|cm Macmillan $2 Barnes, James. For king or country; a story of the American revolution. 1896. 19cm Harper $1.50 Y Interesting and instructive story of twin brothers brought up in a Tory family in New Jersey; one remains a loyalist; the other becomes an ardent patriot. For boys over 13. Unit. A loyal traitor; a story of the war of 1812. 1897. 19cm Harper $1.50 Y Full of adventure; interesting to boys of 12 and upward. Unit. Midshipman Farragut. 1902. 20cm (Young heroes of our navy) Appleton $1 Y Story of two years of Admiral Farragut's boy life on Commodore Porter's ship during war of 1812. N. Y. Barnum, MrsF.. C. (Baylor) Juan and Juanita. 1888. 22cm Houghton $1.50 Y Mexico and Texas form background of story, which sketches the Indian graphically. Baker. Barr, Mrs A. E. (Huddleston) Bow of orange ribbon. 1893. 20Jcm Dodd $1.25 Story of New York in 1756, with a romance between a Dutch maiden and one of King George's officers. Pic- turesque, natural and amusing. L. & I. Friend Olivia. 1898. 19cm Dodd $1.25 Historical study of Quaker life in early days of Crom- well, full of sympathy with puritans and severity toward cavaliers. Cromwell among the dramatis personse. Baker. Jan Vedder's wife. 1885. 17Jcm Dodd $1.25 Story of the Shetland isles and the primitive inhabit- ants, descendants of the Norsemen, with sketches of their homely yet picturesque life. Baker. Maid of Maiden lane; sequel to "The bow of orange ribbon." 1900. 19cm Dodd $1.50 Death of Franklin, large influx of French refugees, and division of opinion regarding English rights in the lost colonies, enter into the story. New York city, 1791. Baker. Remember the Alamo. 1898. 19cm Dodd $1.25 Tale of the revolt of the Americans in Texas against Mexican rule. Davy Crockett, Sum Houston and Santa Anna figure prominently. L. & I. Baskett, J. N. As the light led. 1900. 17 Jem Macmillan $1.50 Country love story of northern Missouri, when political issues of that region were seriously affected by disputes of Immersionists and Paedobaptists. Baker. Bellamy, Edward. Looking backward, 2000- 1887; with introd. by Sylvester Baxter. Me- morial ed. 1898. 19Jcm Houghton $1 Picture of a socialist state in 2000 and retrospective view of the industrial life of the 19th centurv. Marot. LITERATURE AMERICAN FICTION 187 Bennett, John. Barnaby Lee. 1902. 19Jcm Century $1.50 T Boy's adventures with pirates and in New Amster- dam at period of English capture, 1664. Local color care- fully studied. Among characters are Peter Stuyvesant and Governor Calvert of Maryland. N. Y. Master Skylark; illus. by R. B. Birch. 1898. 19Jcm Century $1.50 Y Master Skylark, a Stratford boy in Shakespeare's time, who, falling on hard places in London, seeks the aid of his fellowtownsman. Dial. Boyesen, H. H. Gunnar; a tale of Norse life. 10th ed. 1903. ISJcm Scribner $1.25 A Norse romance following a boy's growing life and love. N. Y. Modern vikings; stories of life and sport in the Norseland. 1887. 19cm Scribner $1.25 T Contents: Tharald's otter; Between sea and sky; Mikkel; The famine among the gnomes; How Bernt went whaling; The cooper and the wolves; Magnie's dangerous ride; Thorwald and the star-children; Big Hans and little Hans; A new winter sport; The Skerry of shrieks; Fiddle-John's family. Collection of Norwegian folk- tales and stories of modern adventure. Hardy. Norseland tales. 1894. 19cm (Norseland ser.) Scribner $1.25 Y Contents: Zuleika; The sunless world; Life for life; The adventures of a "dig;" A runaway's Thanksgiving; A born chieftain; The feud of the wildhaymen; The little chap; The sun's sisters; Little Alvilda. Adventures of Norway boys at home and abroad. Sar- gent 2. Brady, C. T. For the freedom of the sea. 1899. 19cm Scribner $1.50 War of 1812. Vivid account of fight between Constitu- tion and Guerriere. N. Y. Briscoe, M. S. Jimty, and others; illus. by W. T. Smedley and A. B. Frost. 1898. 19cm Harper $1.50 Contents: Jimty; The price of peace; An echo; The Christmasmummers; Concealed weapons; Annie Tousey's littlegame; Princess I-would-I-wot-not; Itisthecustom; Salt of the earth; A goose-chase; An entomological woo- ing; The quarter loaf. Brooks, E. S. A boy of the first empire. 1895. 19cm Century $1.50 Y Hero is in the personal service of Napoleon, and the domestic side of the emperor's character is pleasantly shown. Originally published in St Nicholas. Unit. In Leisler's times: an historical story of Knickerbocker New York. 1886. 19Jcm Y Lothrop $1.50 - & Alden, John. The long walls. 1896. 20cm Putnam $1.50 Y An American boy's adventures in digging out re- muins of a buried city in Greece. N. Y. Illustrations excellent; local color, and even Greek quotations accurate. Gives very correct impressions in regard to localities. Nation. Brooks, Noah. The boy emigrants; illus. by Thomas Moran and W. L. Sheppard. 1903. 19$cm Scribner $1.25 Y Adventures of some boys who started from Illinois to cross the plains shortly after the breaking out of the "gold fever" in California. Hardy. Boys of Fairport. 1898. 19cm Scribner $1.25 Y Originally published as The Fairport nine. Will ap- peal to any boy with a wholesome love of athletics. N. Y. Tales of the Maine coast. 1894. 17icm Scribner $1 Contents: Pansy Pegg; The apparition of Jo Murch; The hereditary barn; The phantom sailor; The honor of a family; The waif of Nautilus Island; A century ago. Setting of the tales mainly in and around the ancient town of Castine, Me. Brown, A. F. The lonesomest doll. 1901. 19cm Houghton 85c n Y The rescue of a doll confined in the treasure house because too splendid for her little mother to play with. Brown, Alice. King's End. 1901. 19cm Houghton $1.50 Originally published in Lippincott's magazine under title April showers. Quiet story of life in a New England mountain village, full of insight into rustic character. Baker. Meadow-grass. 1899. 18cm Houghton $1.50 Contents: Number five; Farmer Eli's vacation; After all; Told in the poorhouse; Heman's ma; Heartsease; Mis' Wadleigh's guest; A righteous bargain; Joint owners in Spain; At Sudleigh fair; Bankrupt; Nancy Boyd's last sermon; Strollers in Tiverton. Short tales of New England village life, characterised by a joyous, outdoor spirit and a keen delight in the open air. Baker. Tiverton tales. 1899. 19icm Houghton $1.50 Contents: Dooryards; A March wind; The mortuary chest; Horn-o'-the-moon; A stolen festival; A last assem- bling; The way of peace: The experience of Hannah Prime; Honey and myrrh; A second marriage; The flat- iron lot; The end of all living. Stories and character sketches of New England country folk. N. Y. Brown, H. D. Little Miss Phoebe Gay. 1895. 19Jcm Houghton $1 Y Story of daily adventures of a little New England girllO years old. N. Y. Brush, Mrs Christine (Chaplin) The colonel's opera cloak. 1904. 19cm Little $1.50 The happy go lucky life of a southern family in a north- ern town. N. Y. 813 188 A. L. A. CATALOG CLASS LIST Bunner, H: C. Love in old cloathes, and other stories; illus. by W. T. Smedley, Orson Lowell and Andr6 Castaigne. 1896. 19Jcm Scribner $1.50 Contents: Love in old cloathes; A letter and a para- graph: "As one having authority;" Crazy wife's ship; French for a fortnight; The red silk handkerchief; Our aromatic uncle. The midge. 1902. ISJcm Scribner $1 Story of the French quarter in New York. L. & I. More "Short sixes." 1894. 19Jcm Keppler $1 Contents: The cumbersome horse; Mr Vincent Egg and the wage of sin; The ghoollah; Cutwater of Seneca; Mr Wick's aunt; What Mrs Fortescue did; The man with the pink pants; The third figure in the cotillion; Saman- tha Boom-de-ay; My dear Mrs Billington. "Short sixes;" stories to be read while the candle burns. 1891. 19cm Keppler $1 Contents: The tenor; Col. Brereton's aunty; A round- up; The two churches of Quawket; The love letters of Smith; Zenobia's infidelity; The nine cent-girls; The nice people: Mr Copernicus and the proletariat; Hector; A sisterly scheme; Zozo; An old, old story. Clever, humorous tales in which the artist keeps turn- ing up the unexpected. Critic, 17: 333. Story of a New York house; illus. by A. B. Frost. 1887. 19cm Scribner $1.25 Study of typical local and family history-^quiet, un- eventful American realism. Baker. Zadoc Pine, and other stories. 1891. 18Jcm Scribner $1 Contents: The Zadoc Pine labor union; Natural selec- tion; Casperl; A second-hand story; Mrs Tom's spree; Squire Five-Fathom. Burnett, Mr* Frances (Hodgson) Haworth's. 1879.' 19cm Scribner $1.25 Tragic story of the lowly domestic life of the Lan- cashire work people. Baker. In connection with the De Willoughby claim. 1899. 19 Jem Scribner $1.50 Country life in Tennessee about time of civil war (1861). Baker. Little Lord Fauntleroy. 1897. 19cm Scribner $1.25 Y An engaging boy born in America in poverty is the grandson and heir of an English earl. While the story is neither original nor probable the circumstances are prettily told. Ed. sel. Louisiana. 1880. 19cm Scribner $1.25 Portrait of a simple and beautiful type of southern girlhood. Scenes of life in the mountain region of North Carolina. Baker. That lass o' Lowrie's. 1902. 19cm Scribner $1.25 Story of the author's native Lancashire. Loving and thoroughly realistic portraiture of the humble life of the working classes. Baker. Burnett, Mrs Frances (Hodgson) Through < me administration. 1901. 19cm Scribner $1.50 A poignant drama enacted amidst the brilliant social life and political corruption of Washington. Baker. Burnham. Mrs C. L. (Root) Dr Latimer; a story of Casco Bay. 1893. 18cm Hough ton $1.25 Next door. 18Jcm Houghton $1.25 Delineation of life 50 years ago in a sequestered New England farmstead. Baker. The wise woman. 1895. 18cm Houghton $1.L'5 Bynner, E. L. Agnes Surriage. n. d. 18Jcm Houghton $1.25 Love romance of colonial times, based on story of Sir Charles Henry Frankland. Baker. Cable, O: W. Bonaventure. 1888. 18Jcm Scribner $1.50 Idyllic love story, with humor in the character sketches of the Acadians exiled in Louisiana. Abounds in natural description. Baker. Dr Sevier. 1902. 20cm Scribner $1.50 Story of the struggle of a young married pair in New Orleans before the war. The old Creole town, streets, houses and people very completely delineated. Baker. The Grandissimes; a story of creole life. 1880. 19cm Scribner $1.50 Romance of New Orleans and its Creole inhabitants a century ago. Baker. John March, southerner. 1894. 19cm Scribner $1.50 Story of reconstruction in the South. The rapid career of various financial companies, intrigues, quarrels, fights, and final collapse make a vigorous story. Baker. Old creole days. 1890. 17cm Scribner $1.5Q Contents: Madame Delphine; Cafe des exiles: Belles demoiselles plantation; Posson Jone; Jean-ah Pouquelin; Tite Poulette; 'Sieur George; Madame Delicieuse. Canavan, M. J. Ben Comee; a tale of Rogers's rangers, 1758-59. 1899. 20cm Macmillan $1.50 Y Vivid picture of wholesome boy life in Lexington. Has historic value. Pittsburg. Carryl, C: E: Davy and the goblin; or, What followed reading Alice's adventures in Wonder- land; illus. by E. B.Bensell. 1896? 22cm Houghton $1.50 Y Fantastic adventures of a little boy who wouldn't believe in fairies and goblins. N. Y. Catherwood, Mrs Mary (Hartwell) Romance ofDollard. 1889. 20cm Century $1.25 Dollard was "the man of courageous heart" who saved New France from the Iroquois in 1660. Buffalo. LITERATURE AMERICAN FICTION 189 Catherwood, Mrs Mary (Hartwell) Story of Tonty. 6th ed. 1901. 20cm McClurg $1.25 Romantic adventure of the one-armed lieutenant who shared the hardships and triumphs of La Salle's discov- i-ries. Srrib. m. Chambers, B. W: Cardigan. 1901. 19 Jem Harper $1.50 Revolutionary romance of love and adventure. Hero nephew of Sir William Johnson. Scenes, Mohawk valley, Pittsburg and Lexington. N. Y. A king and a few dukes; a romance. 1896. 19cm Putnam $1.25 Maids of paradise. 1903. 19Jcm Harper $1.50 n Romance of love and adventure during Franco- Prussian war. Paradise is a Breton village and the hero an Amer- ican employed by the imperial military police. N. Y. The red republic. 1895. 20cm Putnam $1.25 Minute study of the Paris commune of 1871, including capture of the guns on Montmartre and murder of Arch- bishop Darboy. Dial, 20: 337. Chase, Mrs Jessie (Anderson) Mayken; a child's story of the Netherlands in the sixteenth century. 1902. 20Jcm McClurg $1.20 n Y Adventures at court and during siege of Leyden of little daughter of William of Orange. Main characters historical. N. Y. Chesnutt, C: W. The conjure woman. 1899. 18 Jem Hough ton $1.25 Contents: The goophered grapevine; Po' Sandy; Mars Jeems's nightmare; The conjurer's revenge; Sis' Becky's pickaninny; The gray wolfs ha'nt; Hot-foot Hannibal. Sketches of southern negro life. Baker. Chopin, Mrs Kate (O'Flaherty) Bayou folk. 1894. 18cm Houghton $1.25 Stories and characterizations of descendants of Acadian exiles in Louisiana. Baker. Churchill, Winston. The crisis, illus. by H. C. Christy. 1901. 20cm Macmillan $1.50 Scene chiefly St Louis, just before and during civil war, and the fierce political movements of the time are personified in a representative set of characters, includ- ing Lincoln, Grant and Sherman. An honest and pains- taking attempt to disclose the causes of the struggle. Baker. Richard Carvel. 1899. 19cm Macmillan $1.50 Autobiography dealing with period of American revo- lution. Scene, Maryland; contains also a graphic and detailed picture of Georgian London. Baker. Clemens, S: L. Personal recollections of Joan of Arc; by the Sieur Louis de Conte (her page and secretary); freely translated out of the ancient French from the original ms. by J. F. Alden. 1896. 19Jcm Harper $2.50 A prose epic which seizes the undying charm of Joan's character. Storyputinto the mouth of an actual fifteenth century knight. Nation, 63: 52. Clements, S: L,. The prince and the pauper, by Mark Twain. 1903. 20Jcm Harper $1.75 Y Through a misadventure the boy, afterwards Ed- ward VI of England, changes place with a street waif. N. Y. Coffin, C: C. Daughters of the revolution and their times, 1769-1776. 1895. 20cm Houghton $1.50 Y Story of outbreak of the revolution. Describes state of public feeling, Boston massacre, tea party, battle of Lexington, etc. N. Y. Connor, Ralph, pseud. Black Rock; a tale of theSelkirks. 1900. 18jcm Revell $1.25 The man from Glengarry; a tale of the Ottawa. 1901. 20cm Revell $1.50 Appeared in the Outlook, v. 68-69, July 6-Nov. 30, 1901. Frontier life in forests of northwestern Canada. N. Y. - The sky pilot; a tale of the foothills. 1901. 18 Jem Revell $1.25 Scene: frontier village in foothills of the Rockies. Sketches of cowboy life and character, and of the moun- tains and the prairies. N. Y. Cooke, Mrs Hose (Terry) Happy Dodd; or, "She hath done what she could." n. d. 18cm Houghton $1.25 Somebody's neighbors, n. d. 18cm Houghton $1.25 Contents: Eben Jackson; Miss Lucinda; Dely's cow; Squire Paine's conversion; Miss Beulah's bonnet; Cal Culver and the devil; Amandar; Polly Mariner, tailoress; Uncle Josh; Poll Jenning's hair; Freedom Wheeler's con- troversy with Providence; Mrs Flint's married experi- ence. Stories of New England country life. N. Y. The sphinx's children, and other people's. n. d. 18cm Houghton $1.25 Contents: The sphinx's children; The deacon's week; A black silk; Jericho Jim; Lost on a railway; Doctor Park- er's Patty; Doom and Dan; Some account of Thomas Tucker; The forger's bride; Too late; My Thanksgiving; How she found out; Ann Potter's lesson; Aceldama Sparks; Sallathiel Bump's stocking; Sally Parson's duty; A hard lesson; 'Liab's first Christmas. Steadfast: the story of a saint and a sinner. 1889. 19 Jem Houghton $1.25 Life and trials of a young minister in Connecticut val- ley in early 18th century. Baker. Coolidge, Susan, pseud. The barberry bush, and eight other stories about girls for girls. 1893. 18cm Little $1.25 Y Contents: The barberry bush; The lady in white satin; Angels unawares; In the cathedral; The engineer's story; A quiet girl; What the pudding brought; A chance word; Nika. 813 190 A. L. A. CATALOG CLASS LIST Coolidg-e, Susan, pseud. Clover. 1888. 18cm (Katy did ser. 4) Y Little $1.25 In the High Valley; being the fifth and last volume of the Katy did series. 1904. 19cm Y Little $1.25 Little country girl. 1903. 19cm Little $1.25 Y A Connecticut girl's summer at Newport. Contains excellent advice about social etiquette. N. Y. What Katy did. 1900. mem (Katy did ser. 1) Y LiUi $1.25 What Katy did at school. 19ul. 19cm (Katy did ser. 2) Y Little $1.25 What Katy did next. 1886. 17$cin (Katy did ser. 3) Y Little $1.25 Cooper, J. F. Afloat and ashore, a sea tale. Mohawk ed. 1896. 19cm Putnam $1.25 Sequel, Miles Wallingford. Sketches of the earliest years of the country as an inde- pendent nation. Houghton. The crater; or, Vulcan's peak. Mohawk ed. 1896. 21icm Putnam $1.25 Scene, an unknown volcanic island in the Pacific 'ocean. Adventures of two castaways described. Hough- ton. The deerslayer, a tale. 1900. 19cm Macmillan $1.25 Opening story of the series, called from the pioneer hero, the " Leatherstocking tales." Succeeded by The last of the' Mohicans; The pathfinder; The pioneers; The prairie. Full of adventure and descriptions of forest life and scenery. Buffalo. Last of the Mohicans. 1900. 19cm Macmillan $1.25 Second of "Leatherstocking tales." Story of adven- ture among northern New York Indians during French and Indian war. N. Y. Miles Wallingford. Mohawk ed. 1896. 21Jcm Putnam $1.25 Sequel to Afloat and ashore. Published in England as Lucy Hardinge. The pathfinder; or, The inland sea. 1900. 19cm Macmillan $1.25 Third of "Leatherstocking tales." Scenes on and about Lake Ontario. N. Y. The pilot, a tale of the sea. Mohawk ed. 22cm Putnam $1.25 The daring exploits of Paul Jones in English waters, about 1778, furnish the theme. Chief creation Long Tom Coffin. Baker. Cooper, J. F. The pioneers; or, The sources of the Susquehanna. 1901. 19cm Macmillan $1.25 Fourth of "Leatherstocking tales." Story of pioneer life on the banks of Lake Otsego. Pittsburg. - The prairie. 1900. 19cm Macmillan $1.25' Fifth of "Leatherstocking tales." Covers the adven- tures and death of the "Deerslayer" and completes the- series. Hardy. Ked Rover. Mohawk ed. 1896. 22cm Putnam $1.25 Tale of adventure on the deep, with racy characteriza- tion and lively episodes. Baker. The spy, a tale of the neutral ground. Mohawk ed. 1896. 21icm Putnam $1.25- The hero, the spy, is employed by Gen. Washington in service involving great personal hazard and little glory. Buffalo. Water-witch; or, The skimmer of the seas. Mohawk ed. 1896. 21Jcm Putnam $1.25 Story of the Dutch occupation of New York. E. S. Brooks. Wing-and-wing; or, Le Feu-follet. Mo- hawk ed. 1896. 19$cm Putnam $1.25 Founded on adventures of Raoul Ivard, commander of a celebrated French privateer, 1798-99. Sargent. Cox, Palmer. The brownies: their book. 1887. 25x21Jcm Century $1.50 Y The series of 6 volumes is the delight of little chil- dren. There is little story and the pictures exhibit the adventures and antics of the brownies. In their present form they do not wear well. Ed. sel. Craddock, C: E. pseud. In the "Stranger peo- ple's" country. 1891. 19cm Harper $1.50 Story of the Tennessee mountains. Baker. In the Tennessee mountains. 10th ed. 1885. 18 Jem Houghton $1.25 Eight studies of dwellers in the Great Smoky mountains; reproducing dialect, and depicting scenery and aspects of mountain weather. Baker. Prophet of the Great Smoky mountains. 1885, 18cm Houghton $1.25 Story of Tennessee mountains. The story of old Fort London. 1899. 19cm Macmillan $1.50 Story of frontier life, and the struggles between the English and Cherokee Indians in 1759-60. Unit. Where the battle was fought. 1884. 19cm Houghton $1.25 Young mountaineers; illus. by Malcolm Fraser. 1898. 19Jcm Houghton $1.50 Y Contents: The mystery of Old Daddy's window; 'Way down in Poor Valley; A mountain storm; Borrow- ing a hammer; Conscripts' Hollow; A warning; Among LITERATURE AMERICAN FICTION 191 the cliffs; In the "chinking;" On a higher level; Christ- mas day on Old Wiridy mountain. Stories of boy life and adventure in the Tennessee moun- tains. N. Y. Crawford, F. M. Cecilia. 1902. 20cm Macmillan $1.50 Relations of a modern Roman heroine and hero, each strangely conscious of a former life in pagan days. N. Y. Children of the king; a tale of southern Italy. 1893. 19|cm Macmillan $1.50 This is the surname of a race of Calabrian peasants, of whom the last representative, a heroic, primitive charac- ter, is drawn in strong relief against a cultured but worth- less aristocrat. Baker. A cigarette-maker's romance and Khaled. 1901. 20cm Macmillan $1.50 The first, a romantic and touching little drama of two days in Munich, with a small group of foreign charac- ters. Baker. Corleone. 2 v. 1896. 18cm Macmillan $1.50 Fourth of Saracinesca stories. Sicilian episode in the story of the Saracinesca, where they are brought into contact with the Corleone, "the worst blood in Italy," and with the Mafia. Baker. Doctor Claudius, a true story. 1901. 20cm Macmillan $1.50 Love story, with an Admirable Crichton as hero. Time that of Lytton's viceroyalty and the second Afghan war. Baker. Don Orsino. 1892. 19cm Macmillan $1.50 Third in Saracinesca series. The corruption of public life is disclosed, and the ob- scure forces that agitate the financial world are the sub- ject of special study. Baker. Marzio's crucifix. 1887. 19|cm Macmillan $1. Realistic portraiture of lower and middle class Italian life. Chiefly a study of a single personality, a born artist, true descendant of Cellini and the renaissance. Baker. Mr Isaacs. 1882. 19cm Macmillan $1.50 A story of Indian life; the central character being an esoteric Buddhist. Baker. Paul Patoff. 1893. 19cm Macmillan $1.50 Life of modern Constantinople painted in vivacious scenes at beginning of story. Chief characters, two brothers, one of whom disappears mysteriously, and a bewildering tangle of sensational events result. Baker. Pietro Ghisleri. 1892. 19cm Macmillan $1.50 An adaptation of romance to manners and usages of modern society in Rome. -Baker. A Roman singeri 1893. 19cm Macmillan $1.50 Career of a fortunate Italian peasant boy, who became a great tenor. Highly romantic tale of love and other adventures. Baker. Crawford, F. M. Sant' Ilario. 1897. 19icm Macmillan 1.50 Second in Saracinesca series. Saracinesca. 1902. 20cm Macmillan $1.50 First of Saracinesca series, followed by Sant' Ilario, Don Orsino, Corleone, Taquisara. They afford a panorama of Roman society from 1865 to present time, in the form of annals of a princely house. National types and modes of thought are reproduced with extreme fidelity, and the political, social and financial history of Rome related with ample knowledge by one who has familiarized himself with all classes of Italians. Baker. Taquisara. 2 v. 1895. 18cm Macmillan $1.50 Fifth in Saracinesca series. The heroine is a young girl, last of a wealthy and princely house, a strong unconventional nature, with high ideals of duty and a will to realize them. Baker. Via crucis. 1899. 19cm Macmillan $1.50 Romance of the days of Stephen and the second cru- sade. Eleanor of Aquitaine is prominent. Baker. Cummins, M. S. The lamplighter. New ed. 1902. 20cm Houghton $1.50 Curtis, G: W: Prue and I. 1899. 19cm Harper $2 Popular ed. 50c also Unit books; H. W. Bell. pap.lGc, cl. 46c. A quiet humour and reverent faith in goodness and charity give these fables and reminiscences a charm and grace like that of Lamb's more personal essays. Baker. Cutting, M. . S. Little stories of married life. 1902. 19cm McClure $1.25 Contents: Their second marriage; A good dinner; The strength of ten; In the reign of Quintilia; The happiest time; In the. married quarters; Mrs Atwood's outer raiment; Fairy gold; A matrimonial episode; Not a sad story; Wings. Daskam, J. D. The imp and the angel. 1901. 20icm Scribner $1.10 n Other stories: The imp and the drum; The imp and the author; The imp's matinee; The imp's Christmas dinner: The imp disposes; The prodigal imp. The madness of Philip, and other tales of childhood. 1902. 20cm McClure $1.50 Contents: The madness of Philip; A study in piracy; Bobbert's merry Christmas; The heart of a child; Ardelia in Arcady; Edgar the choir boy uncelestial; The little god and Dicky. Davis, B: H. Gallegher, and other stories. 1891. 19cm Scribner $1 Contents; Gallegher; A walk up the avenue; My dis- reputable friend, Mr Raegen; The other woman; The trailer for room no. 8; "There were ninety and nine;" The cynical Miss Catherwaight; Van Bibber and the swan-boats; Van Bibber's burglar; Van Bibber as best man. 813 192 A. L. A. CATALOG CLASS LIST Davis, B: H. Hanson's folly. 1902. 20cm Scribner $1.50 Contents: Hanson's folly; The bar sinister; A derelict; La lettre d'ampur; In the fog. - Soldiers of fortune. Playgoers' ed. 1902. 20Jcm Scribner $1.50 A South American revolution is a main episode. Baker. Stories for boys. 1891. 19cm Scribner $1 Y Contents: The repo t rter who made himself king; Midsummer pirates; Richard Carr's baby; The great Tri- club tennis tournament; The jump at Corey's slip; The Van Bibber baseball club; The story of a jockey. Van Bibber and others. 1903. 19cm Harper $1 Contents: Her first appearance; Van Bibber's man- servant; The hungry man was fed; Van Bibber at the races; An experiment in economy; Mr Travers's first hunt; Love me, love my dog; Eleanore Cuyler; A recruit at Christmas; A patron of art; Andy M'Gee's chorus girl: A Leander of the East River; How Hefty Burke got even; Outside the prison; An unfinished story. Davis, W: S. A friend of Csesar. 1900. 20cm Macmillan $1.50 Tale of the fall of the Roman republic from pagan point of view.; 50-47 B. C, Baker. Deland, E. D. Oakleigh. 1896. 19cm Harper $1.25 Y Unaffected story, with sentiment, but no sentimen- tality, for girls just entering the novelreading period. Pittsburg. Deland, Mrs Margaret. Dr Lavendar's people. 1903. 19 Jem Harper $1.50 Contents: The apotheosis of the Reverend Mr Spangler; The note; The grasshopper and the ant; Amelia; "An exceeding high mountain;" At the stuffed-animal house. Dr Lavendar appeared in Old Chester tales. Mr Tommy Dove, and other stories. 1893. 18cm Houghton $1 Contents: Mr Tommy Dove; The face on the wall; Elizabeth; At whose door? A fourth-class appointment. Old Chester tales; illus. by Howard Pyle. 1899. '19cm Harper $1.50 Contents: The promises of Dorothea; Good for the soul; Miss Maria; The child's mother; Justice and the judge; Where the laborers are few; Sally; The unexpectedness of Mr Horace Shields. Good for the soul and Where the labourers are few stand out among these chronicles of the old country town that forms the little world in which most of Mrs Deland's characters move. Baker. Sidney. 18cm Houghton $1.25 Deming, Philander. Adirondack stories. 1902. 15cm Houghton 75c Contents: Lost; Lida Ann; John's trial; Joe Baldwin; Willie; Benjamin Jacques; Ike's wife; An Adirondack neighborhood. Quiet, realistic stories picturing life in the wild Adiron- dack region of northern New York. Baker. Devereux, Mary. From kingdom to colony. 1904. 19cm Little 75c Scene laid in queer, loyal old Marblehead in revolution- ary days. Lit. world, 31: 74. Diaz, Mrs Abby (Morton) Polly Cologne. 1881. 18cm Lothrop $1 Y How a precious rag doll was lost and found. N. Y. Dix, B. M. Hugh Gwyeth; a Roundhead cav- alier. 1899. 19icm Macmillan $1.50 Y Time of Charles I. Hero, a stripling brought up by a Roundhead grand- father, fights in the king's army and finds his unknown father. N. Y. ' A little captive lad. 1902. 20cm Macmillan $1.50 Y Cavalier's child, adopted by his Roundhead half brother. Very well studied and written. Perhaps over somber for children, though ending happily; N. Y. The making of Christopher Ferringham. 1901. 20cm. Macmillan $1.50 A love story, opening in 1652 in Massachusetts, with some careful pictures of the times, e. g, Quaker perse- cutions. Soldier Rigdale; how he sailed in the " Mayflower" and how he served Miles Standish. 1899. 20cm Macmillan $1.50 Y About a boy who came over in the Mayflower, how- Miles Standish befriended him and what he saw among the Indians. Nt Y. Dodge, Mrs Mary (Mapes) Donald and Doro- thy. 1901. 20cm Century $1.50 Y Entertaining everyday doings of a merry boy and girl about whom an interesting mystery lingers. N. Y. Hans Brinker; or, The silver skates; a story of life in Holland. New Amsterdam ed. 1896. 20cm. Scribner $1.50 Y Skating journey of 4 boys from Amsterdam to the Hague. N. Y. The land of pluck; stories and sketches for young folk. 1894. 20cm Century $1.50 Y First part, an interesting account of Holland and its people. Second part, stories. Unit. Dougall, Lily. Beggars all. 1903. 19cm Longmans $1 Preaches love for one s neighbor as the sole philosophy of human life. Leading characters are a little family of American ladies, in utter distress through disease and poverty. Baker. Du Chaillu, Paul. Ivar the viking; a romantic history based upon authentic facts of the third and fourth centuries. 1893. 19cm Scribner $1.50 Y Romantic adventures of a Norse boy 1,500 years ago; careful historic and archeologic details. N. Y. LITERATURE AMERICAN FICTION 193 Dunbar, P. L. Strength of Gideon, and other stories; illus. by E. W. Kemble. 1900. ISJcm Dodd $1.25 Contents: Strength of Gideon; Mammy Peggy's pride; Viney's free papers; The fruitful sleeping of the Rev. Elisha Edwards; Theingrate; The case of "Ca'line;" The finish of Patsy Barnes; One man's fortunes; Jim's proba- tion; Uncle Simon's Sundays out; Mr Cornelius Johnson, office-seeker; An old-time Christmas; A mess of pottage; The trustfulness of Polly; The tragedy at Three forks; The finding of Zach; Johnsonham, junior; The faith cure man; A council of state; Silas Jackson. . Among sketches of southern life, these have not been outdone in truth, delicacy and the art of happy omission. Nation, 70: 461. Duncan, Norman. The way of the sea. 1903. 20cm McClure $1.50 Contents: The chase of the tide; The strength of men; The raging of the sea; The breath of the North; Con- cerning Billy Luff and Master Goodchild; The love of the maid; The healer from Far- A way Cove; In the fear of the Lord; A beat t' harbour; The fruits of toil. Fresh, realistic stories of the comedies and tragedies of fishermen along the Newfoundland coast. Pittsburg. Eggleston, Edward. The Graysons. 1888. 20cm Century $1.50 Detailed picture of the turbulent life of the pioneers; scene Illinois, and Abraham Lincoln is introduced. Baker. Hoosier school-boy. 1890. 19cm Scribner $1 Y Specially arranged by the author for use as a school reader, with definitions and occasional notes and ques- tions. Title. Picture of life and manners in Indiana about 1850. N. Y. Hoosier school-master. Rev. ed. 1893. 19icm Judd $1.25 Picture of the lawless and homely pioneer life of mid- century Indiana, by a man who was an itinerant preacher in the West, and knew that life intimately. Baker. Eggleston, G; C. The big brother. 1875. 20cm (Big brother ser. ) Putnam $1.25 T Sequel Captain Sam. Story of Indian fighting during the war of 1812. Hardy. Camp venture. 1901. 19cm Lothrop $1.50 T Boy's adventures in Virginia mountain logging camp. Moonshiners and discoveries of mineral wealth furnish excitement, and useful information is given. N. Y. - Captain Sam; or, The boy scouts of 1814. 1876. 20cm (Big brother ser.) Putnam $1.25 Y Sequel to Ttie big brother; followed by The signal boys. Sam, leader of a company of boys, does admirable serv- ice for General Jackson. Boston trav. A Carolina cavalier; a romance of the American revolution. 1901. 19cm Lothrop $1.50 Struggles of partizan troops in 1779-80. The interest lies more in events than characters. N. Y. , Q: C. Last of the flatboate; a story of the Mississippi and its interesting family of rivers. 1900. 19Jcm Lothrop $1.50 Y Four boys' trip down Ohio and Mississippi to New Orleans during great flood. N. Y. Signal boys; or, Captain Sam's company. 1878. 20cm (Big brother ser.) Putnam $1.25 Y Sequel to Captain Sam. Story of war of 1812. Southern soldier stories. 1898. 19cm Macmillan $1.50 Short stories of the confederate camp, written from ex- perience and free from bitterness. Baker. Wreck of the Red Bird. 1903. 20cm (Knick. ser.) Putnam $1.25 Y Adventures of 3 boys on an island 3ff the Carolina coast. N. V. Elliott, S.. B. The Durket sperret. 1898. 19icm Holt $1.25 Story of Tennessee mountains; scene near Sewanee university. N. Y. Jerry. 1891. 19cm Holt $1.25 Story of a mining town; strong and dealing with the sterner side of life. N. Y. Fernald, C. B. The cat and the cherub, and other stories. 1896. 19cm Century $1.25 Contents: The cat and the cherub; The cruel thousand years; The gentleman in the barrel; The man who lost his head; The pot of frightful doom; Chan Tow, the highrob; A little liberal; The tragedy of the comedy: Enter the Earl of Tyne; The spirit in the pipe; The par- lous wholeness of Ephraim. Six of the stories deal with the Chinese and are written with a sympathetic insight into Chinese character. N. Y. Field, Eugene. A little book of profitable tales. Cameo ed. 1895. 17cm Scribner $1.25 Contents: The first Christmas tree; The symbol and the saint; The coming of the prince; The mouse and the moonbeam; The divell's Chrystmass; The mountain and the sea; The robin and the violet; The oaktree and the ivy; Margaret: a pearl; Springtime; Rodolph and his king; The Hampshire hills; Ezra's Thanksgivin' out West; Ludwig and Eloise; FIdo's little friend; The old man; Bill, the lokil editor; Little yaller baby; The cyclc- peedy; Dock Stebbins; The fairies of Pesth. Simple dialect sketches, fables, allegories, fairy tales and pictures of home life which take their color and meaning from the author's love for children. First five, Christmas stories. Pittsburg. Finn, F. J. That football game: and what came of it. 1897. 19$cm Y Benziger 85c Foote, Mrs Mary (Hallock) Cceur d'Alene. 1894. 18cm Houghton $1.25 Rocky mountain love story describing the Cceur d'Alene mine riots of 1892. N.Y. 2411- 813 194 A. L. A. CATALOG CLASS LIST Foote, J/rx Mary (Hallock) John Bodewin's testimony. 1886. 19cm Houghton $1.25 Story of mining interests and civil engineering in west- ern Arkansas. N. Y. The Led-Horse claim. 1883. 17Jcm Houghton $1.25 A California Romeo and Juliet, with a happy ending. Feud between two mining superintendents; the wild and perilous life of the region gives a specific character to the story. Baker. Ford, P. li. The Honorable Peter Stirling. 1894. 20cm Holt $1.50 Study of New York municipal politics with an accom- panying love story. N. Y. Janice Meredith. 1899. 22 Jem Dodd $1.50 Romance of the war of independence. The battles and other historical incidents, and the celebrities, e. g. Washington, Major Andr6 and the English generals, pre- sented with accuracy. Baker. Foulke,E..E. Braided straws. 1898. 19Jxl6cm. Y Silver 40c n Twilight stories. 1895. 19 x 15Jcm Y Silver 36c n Fox, John, jr. Crittenden; a Kentucky story of love and war. 1900. 19Jcm Scribner $1.25 Emphasizes that happiest incident of the Cuban war the welding together of confederate and federal feeling by the common upholding of the American flag. Nation. Little shepherd of Kingdom Come. 1903. 20cm Scribner $1.50 Pictures sympathetically boy life among the Kentucky mountaineers: life at a blue grass college before the war; class feeling between the mountaineer and the "funiner;" the way in which Kentucky was rent asun- der by the civil war; and the romantic glory of Morgan's men. Pub. wkly. Frederic, Harold. In the valley; illus. by How- ard Pyle. 1890. 19 Jem Scribner $1.25 Life among the Dutch of the Mohawk valley, the battle of Oriskany, etc. (1757-80) Baker. French, Allen. The junior cup. 1902. 20cm Y Century $1.20 n Boys athletic contests at a summer camp and in school, making for courage, respect for authority and moral mas- tery. N. Y. Sir Marrok; a tale of the days of King Arthur. 1902. 19cm (St Nicholas bks.) Century $1 n Y Warfare of good against evil in tale of knightly valor and sorcery overcome. N. Y. Fuller, Anna. A literary courtship under the auspices of Pike's Peak. 1893. 15 Jem Putnam $1.25 One of the pilgrims; a bank story. 1898. 19cm Putnam $1.25 New England love story told with delicate humor. N. Y. Fuller, Anna. Pratt portraits; sketches in a New England suburb. 1892. 18Jcm Putnam $1.50 Contents: Aunt Betsy's photographs; Harriet; A domes- tic crisis; Ben's wife; A Yankee Quixote; A New England quack; A New England conscience; The schoolmarm; A valentine; Old lady Pratt; Mary Anne: Well matched; Uncle Bobby. A Venetian June. 1896. lojcin Putnam $1.25 Garland, Hamlin. Captain of the Gray-horse troop. 1902. 19Jcm Harper. $1.50 Love and adventure on an Indian reservation. Hero, a cavalry officer, who succeeds a corrupt agent. N. Y. Hesper. 1903. 19Jcm Harper $1.50 Vivid picture of a mining camp. N. Y. Main-travelled roads; new ed., with ad- ditional stories. 1899. 19Jcm Macmillan $1.50 Contents: A branch road; Up the coolly; Among the corn rows; Return of a private; Under the lion's paw; The creamery man; A day's pleasure; Mrs Ripley's trip; Uncle Ethan Ripley. Stories of the Mississippi valley. Earnestly realistic pictures of the hard-worked farmer. Baker. Gladden, "Washington. Santa Claus on a lark, and other Christmas stories. 1890. 23Jcm Century $1.25 Y Contents: Santa Claus on a lark; A Christmas din- ner with the man in the moon; Tom Noble's Christmas; Strange adventures of a wood-sled; An angel in an ulster; Mr Haliburton Todd's surprise party; Emil's Christmas gift; Santa Claus in the pulpit. Glasgow, Ellen. The battle-ground. 1902. 20cm Doubleday $1.50 Virginia love story of civil war period, from southern standpoint but without bitterness. N. Y. The deliverance. 1904. 20cm Doubleday $1.50 Romance of a large Virginia tobacco plantation in last quarter of 19th century. N. Y. The voice of the people. 1900. 2Gcm Doubleday $1.50 Virginia social and political conditions during period following reconstruction. Fortunes of a man of sturdy honesty who rises to high political position. N. Y. Goodwin, Mrs Maud (Wilder) Head of a hun- dred in the colony of Virginia, 1622. 1900. 20cm Little $1.50 Story of settlement of Jamestown. White aprons; a romance of Bacon's re- bellion, Virginia, 1676. 1901. 20cm Little $1.50 Goss, W. Li. Jack Alden; a story of adventures in the Virginia campaigns, '61-'65. 1895. 19cm Crowell $1.50 Y Story of civil war; patriotic, just to South, and not sensational. Unit. LITERATURE AMERICAN FICTION 195 Goss. W. I*. Jed; a boy's adventures in the army of '61-' 65. 1889. 18cm Crowell $1.50 Y A story of battle and prison, of peril and escape. Title. Grant, Robert. The bachelor's Christmas, and other stories. 1895. 19cm Scribner $1.50 Contents: The bachelor's Christmas; An eye for an eye; In fly-time; Richard and Robin; The Matrimonial tontine benefit association; By hook or crook. Stories of Boston fashionable life. Mass. Jack Hall; or, The school days of an American boy. 1903. 19cm Scribner $1.25 Y Boston boy's doings at home and at boarding school; describes baseball and boating contests. N. Y. Jack in the bush; or, A summer on a salmon river. 1893. 19cm Scribner $1.25 Y Holiday of .6 boys in the far northwestern corner of the province of Quebec. Sargent. Greene, Mrs S.. P. (McLean) Cape Cod folks. 1881. 19icm De Wolfe $1.25 Vesty of the Basins. Illus. ed. 1892. 19cm Harper $1.25 $2 Story of the coast of Maine. L. & I. Grinnell, G: B. Jack among the Indians; or, A boy's summer on the buffalo plains; illus. by E. W. Deming. 1900. 19cm Stokes $1.25 Y Continues Jack, the young ranchman. Information about Indians authoritative and boy's adventures stir- ring. N. Y. Jack, the young ranchman; or, A boy's adventures in the Rockies. 1899. 19cm Stokes $1.25 Y A New York boy's six month* on a western ranch, where he learns to ride and shoot, collects Indian relics, I etc. N. Y. Grover, E. O. The sunbonnet babies' primer. 1902. 20cm Rand, McNally 75c Y Delightful primer forchildren just beginning to read. Colored illustrations by B. L. Corbett suggesting Kate Greenaway style. N. Y. Hale, E: E. In His name, and Christmas stories. 1899. 20cm (Library ed.) little $1.50 Story of the Waldenses at end of 12th century. Con- tains also: Christmas waits in Boston; They saw a great light; Daily bread; Hands off; Cromwell's statue. N. Y. The man without a country, and other stories. 1898. 20cm ( Library ed.) Little $1.50 Contents: Author's note to The man without a country; The man without a country; My double; The rag-man and the rag-woman; His level best; Round the world in a hack; Did he take the prince to ride? The children of the public; The skeleton in the closet; The modern Psyche; The happy island. Title story is a fictitious memoir of an American officer who said he wished never to hear of the United States again, and for punishment had his wish fulfilled. Baker. Hale, E: E. Philip Nolan's friends; a story of the change of western empire. 1899. 20cm ( Library ed.) Little $1.50 Founded on troubles incident to transfer of Louisiana - to United States. Sargent. Ten times one is ten, and other stories. 1899. 20cm (Library ed.) Little $1.50 Y Contents: Ten times one is ten; Neither scrip nor money; Stand and wait; Hepzibah's turkeys; Our new crusade. The origin of the Lend-a-Hand and Harry Wadsworth clubs, the precursors of the King's daughters and Y. P. S. C. E. Hale, L. P. Peterkin papers. 1891? 22cm Houghton $1.50 Y Twenty-two absurdly funny stories of the unsuc- cessful efforts of the Peterkin family to become wise. Hardy. Hardy, A. S. But yet a woman. 1883. 18cm Houghton $1.25 Study of the inner springs of human nature in the light of high ideals of conduct; scene, an old French town. Baker. Passe Rose. 1890. 18$cm Houghton $1.25 Poetical romance of the Franks and Saxons of Charle- magne's times. Passe Rose is a lovely Provencal waif. Baker. The wind of destiny, n. d. 18cm Houghton $1.25 Story of subtle psychologic quality, its scenery and characters partly French and partly American. Lib. of world's best lit. 17: 6926. Harland, Henry. The cardinal's snuff-box. 1903. 20cm Lane $1.50 Story of love in an Italian villa. The charm lies in its artistic quality and in the brightness of the repartee. N. Y. Comedies and errors. 1898. 19cm Lane $1.50 Contents: The confidante; Merely players; The friend of man; Tirala-tirala; The invisible prince; P'tit-Bleu; The house of Eulalie; The queen's pleasure; Cousin Rosalys; Flower o' the clove; Rooms; Rosemary for re- membrance. Miscellaneous stories, gay or sad, delineating the ordi- nary people of his own bourgeois world. Scenes in stu. dios and in petty courts. : Gray roses. 1895. l?icm (Keynotes ser. ) Lane $1.25 Contents: The Bohemian girl; Mercedes; A broken looking-glass; The reward of virtue; A reincarnation; Flower o' the quince; When I am king; A responsibility; Castles near Spain. The lady paramount. 1902. 20cm Lane $1.50 Love comedy, alternating between England and Italy. Modern in setting but romantic in spirit. N. Y. 813 196 A. L. A. CATALOG CLASS LIST Harland, Henry. 20cm My friend Prospero. McClure 1904. $1.50 Romance of an Austrian princess and an English noble- man and a naive child. Scene an old Italian villa. N. Y. Harris, J. C. Balaam and his master, and other sketches and stories. 1891. 18cm Houghton $1.25 Contents: Balaam and his master; A conscript's Christ- mas; Ananias; Where's Duncan? Mom Bi; The old Bas- com place. The melancholy and pathetic-side of the negro charac- ter predominates in these stories, which, however, pre- sent a great variety of types. Baker. Chronicles of Aunt Minervy Ann. 1899. 21cm Scribner $1.50 A typical colored auntie's doings, with rich discourse on the affairs of her former master's family. N. Y. Little Mr Thimblefinger and his queer country; what the children saw and heard there; illus. by Oliver Herford. 1894. 21icm Houghton $2 Y Fantastic tale interweaving negro animal stories and other Georgia folklore with modern inventions. N. Y. Mr Rabbit at home; sequel to Little Mr Thimbleflnger and his queer country; illus. by Oliver Herford. 1895. 21cm Houghton $2 Y Animal stories told to children . Harte, Bret. Colonel Star bottle's client, and some other people. 1892. IS^cni Houghton $1.50 Contents: Col. Starbottle's client; The postmistress of Laurel Run; A night at "Hays;" Johnson's "old wom- an;" The new assistant at Pine Clearing school; In a pio- neer restaurant; A treasure of the galleon; Out of a pio- neer's trunk; The ghosts of Stukeley castle. Eight stories of the south and west and one of England. N. Y. Condensed novels. 2v. 1899-1902. 18cm Houghton $1.25 Short parodies on the writings of Cooper, Charlotte Bronte, Marryat, Dickens, Reade, Dumas, Michelet, Vic- tor Hugo and others. N. Y. Gabriel Conroy; Bohemian papers; Stories of and for the young. 2v. 19$cm (Riverside ed.) Houghton $1.50 ea Scene, California during the forties and fifties. Vivid pictures of life at a mining camp. Lib. of world's best lit. 41:259. Luck of Roaring Camp, and other tales, with Condensed novels, Spanish and American legends, and earlier papers; introd. by the author. 1902. 19$cm (Riverside ed.) Houghton $1.50 A new genre of short story. The "Luck" is a babe whose coming among the miners in the Californian set- tlement makes their lives better and more humane. Baker. Harte, Bret. Mrs Skaggs's husbands, and other sketches. 1900. 18cm Houghton $1.25 Contents: Mrs Skaggs's husbands; How Santa Claus came to Simpson's Bar; Princess Bob and her friends; The Iliad of Sandy Bar; Mr Thompson's prodigal; Ro- mance of Madrono Hollow; Poet of Sierra Flat: The Christmas gift that came to Rupert; Urban sketches; Legends and talcs. Hawthorne, Nathaniel. Doctor Grimshawe's secret; ed. with pref. and notes by Julian Hawthorne. 1883. 20cm (Riverside ed.) Houghton $2 The Dolliver romance, Fanshawe, and Septimius Felton, with an apx. cont. The ances- tral footstep. 1884. 20cm ( Riverside ed. ) Houghton $2 Posthumous and unfinished romances, mostly dealing with psychologic and ethical themes. Baker. House of the seven gables, The snow image, and other Twice-told tales. 1898. 20cm ( Riverside ed.) Houghton $2 Chiefly imaginative portraiture of the last generations of a decaying family, a series of quaint, fanciful and grotesque figures, rich in eccentricity and the subtler essences of character. Baker. The marble faun; or, The romance of Monte Beni. 1888. 20cm (Riverside ed.) Houghton $2 Also in Unit books; H. W. Bell. pap. 42c, cl. 72c. Scene laid in Rome. The development of a soul through the knowledge of good and evil. Art and nature in Italy, the architecture, paintings and sculpture (especially American sculpture) of Rome, and Catholic ceremonial are the subject of exhaustive passages of description. Baker. Published in England under title Transformation. Mosses from an old manse. 1898? 20cm ( Riverside ed. ) Houghton $2 Unlike any other stories ever written anywhere else by anybody else. Strangely interesting, novel, varied and ingenious, full of fancy, and often with a hidden alle- gory. Brander Matthews. The scarlet letter and The Blithedale romance. 1898. 20cm (Riverside ed. ) Houghton $2 Scarlet letter: A strong story of the workings of con- science embodied in a romance of puritan Boston. Blithdale romance: Largely idealised reminiscences of the " Transcendental picnic," the communistic settle- ment at Brook Farm. In the main, a light and joyous tale. Margaret Fuller said to be the original of Zenobia, and Hawthorne of Coverdale. Baker. Tales, sketches, and other papers; with a biographical sketch by G: P. Lathrop. 1883. 20cm (Riverside ed.) Houghton $2 Includes tales of early period, Biographical stories and sketches, Life of Franklin Pierce and Lathrop's sketch of Hawthorne. LITERATURE AMERICAN FICTION 197 Hawthorne, Nathaniel. Twice-told tales. 1898? 20cm ( Riverside ed. ) Houghton $2 Imaginative renderings of traditions from pre-Revolu- tionary times, several involving supernatural incident. The ethical purport is more or less transparent throughout. Then there are compact pictures of New England life, and contemplative sketches, full of his calm, earnest philosophy. Baker. Henry, Arthur. A princess of Arcady. 1900. 20 Jem Doubleday $1.50 Dreamy and idyllic story portraying a number of un- worldly and beautiful characters who are very much out of their element in the midst of modern civilisation. Baker. Higginson, T: W. Studies in romance. 1900. 19Jcm Houghton $2 Contents: Malbone: an Oldport romance; The monarch of dreams; Oldport days. Holland, J. G. Arthur Bonnicastle, an Ameri- can novel. 1901. 17 Jem Scribner $1.25 The bay-path. 1902. 17Jcm Scribner $1.25 Story of the early settlers in the Connecticut valley, aiming at quiet portraiture of life and character rather than romance. Baker. Miss Gilbert's career; an American story. 1901. 17 Jem Scribner $1.25 Study of contemporary life in a factory village, exhibit- ing with keen perception and lively humor the virtues and foibles of Yankee character. Baker. Sevenoaks, a story of today. 1903. 17 Jem Scribner $1.25 Holmes, O. ]W. Elsie Venner. 1892. 20cm (Riverside ed.) Houghton $1.50 Depicts a human nature developing itself in conflict with characteristics impressed on it during the prenatal period. Pref. Guardian angel. 1893. 20cm ( River- side ed.) Houghton $1.50 Psychologic study of inherited aptitudes and tenden- cies, particularly of a girl in whose blood a taint of In- dian savagery is at war with her higher nature. Baker. A mortal antipathy. 1892. 20cm ( Riv- erside ed.) Houghton $1.50 Hopkins, W: J: The sandman: his farm sto- ries; with illus. by A. C. Williamson. 1903. 20 Jem Page $1.20 n Y For young children. Notable for simplicity and skilful recognition of child's love of details. N. Y. Hornibrook, Isabel. Camp and trail ; a story of the Maine woods. 1897. 19Jcm Lothrop $1.50 Y Story of hunting trip of 2 English boys and an American collegian in the Maine woods. N. Y. Hotchkiss, C. C. The strength of the weak. 1902. 19Jcm Appleton $1.50 Story of the French and Indian war. Pittsburg. Hough, Emerson. The Mississippi bubble. 1902. 19cm Merrill $1.50 Deals with the fortunes of John Law, the financier and projector of commercial schemes. Pittsburg. Howard, B. W. Aunt Serena, n. d. 18em Houghton $1.25 Guenn; a wave on the Breton coast. 1884. 20cm Houghton $1.50 Pathetic picture of the hopeless love of a Breton peasant maiden for a painter. Richardson. One summer. 1900. 17cm Houghton $1.25 Love story brightly told. Scene, a New England vil- lage. N. Y. Howe, E. W. Story of a country town. 1889. 18cm Houghton $1.25 Howells, W: D. April hopes. 1888. 19cm Harper $1.50 The April time of courtship: the quarrels, reconcilia- tions, and vicissitudes of comedy and tragedy that checker the loves of two young people. Baker. A chance acquaintance. 1901. 19 Jena Houghton $1.50 A highly educated gentleman from Boston attaches himself to a party of tourists from the West, and wins the heart of a romantic and unsophisticated girl. Their mutual attraction and incompatibility are subtly exhib- ited. Baker. A foregone conclusion. 1902. 19Jcm Houghton $1.50 An international novel, the canals and palaces of Venice being the scene of the love drama. Baker. A hazard of new fortunes. 2 v. 1890. 19cm Harper $2 Mr and Mrs March come to New York, where he is to conduct a magazine: their experiences in search of family apartments are a main episode. Baker. Indian summer, n. d. 19Jcm Houghton $1.50 A love drama, of which the persons are Americans in Florence; worked out entirely by means of conversation. Baker. Lady of the Aroostook. 1879. 19 Jem Houghton $1.50 A young New England girl's voyage in a sailing vessel from Boston to Trieste and its outcome. N. Y. Letters home. 1903. 19cm Harper $1.50 A group of people from Boston and inland towns of Iowa and New York spend three months, 1901-2, in New York City and their "letters home" tell an ingenious story. Excellent descriptions of up to date New York. P6. -ickly. The minister's charge; or, The appren- ticeship of Lemuel Barker. 1887. 19 Jem Houghton $1.50 813 198 A. L. A. CATALOG CLASS LIST Howells, W: D. A modern instance. 26th ed. n. d. 19Jcm Houghton $1.50 Called his representative novel; faithful, though purely external, delineation of the whole life of a village in Maine. Baker. Rise of Silas Lapham. 1885. 19cm Houghton $1.50 History of an ignorant and coarse-grained, but manly character, who is first brought into humorous contrast with the refined society of the city, and then is shown making head against commercial disasters, which chasten without weakening his character. Baker. Their silver wedding journey. 1900. 19cm Harper $1.50 Sequel to Their wedding journey. The middle-aged Marches sail to Europe and wander through Germany. Baker. Their wedding journey, with an addi- tional chapter on Niagara revisited. 1899. 19Jcm Houghton $1.50 Experiences, impressions and talk of a pair of Boston- ians on their honeymoon. Few incidents, much moral- izing and humor, and a good deal of word painting of New York, Niagara, etc. Baker. Howliston, M.. H. Cat-tails and other tales. 1899. 19Jcm Flanagan 40c Y Attractive nature stories. Pittsburg. Hughes, Rupert. The dozen from Lakerim. 1899. 19Jcm Y Century $1.50 The Lakerim athletic club. 1898. 19Jcm Century $1.50 Y Club comprises 12 sturdy boys, who learn football, polo, golf, and many other sports. Pittsburg. Ingersoll, Ernest. The ice queen. 1885. 16Jx 13 Jem Harper 60c Y Adventures of 4 young people who attempt a jour- ney over the ice on Lake Erie. N. Y. Jackson, Mrs H. . M. (Fiske) Hunt. Cat stories. 1898. 19cm Little $2 Y Contents: Letters from a cat; Mammy Tittleback and her family; The hunter cats of Connorloa. Nelly's silver mine; a story of Colorado life, by H. H. n. d. 17Jcm Little $1.50 Y Story of the life of a New England family who moved to Colorado and how a little girl found a silver mine. N. Y. Ramona. 1903. 19cm Little $1.50 Indian romance of southern California; strong plea for justice to the Indian. N. Y. James, Henry. The American, n. d. 19Jcm Houghton $2 A self-made American goes to Europe to enjoy his "pile," and becomes engaged to a French widow of no- ble family. The pride and meanness of the old nobility are sharply contrasted with the American's pluck and good nature. Baker. James, Henry. The better sort. 1903. 20cm Scribner $1.50 Contents: Broken wings; The Beldonald Holbein; The two faces; The tone of time; The special type; MrsMed- wln; Flickerbridge; The story in it; The beast in the jungle; The birthplace; The papers. . The Bostonians. 1886. 19Jcm Mai-mil Ian $1.25 Very faithful and delicately humorous pictures of the life and scenery of Eastern Massachusetts. Richardson. Daisy Miller. 1901. 21cm Harper $1.25 A social tragedy turning on the experience of an American girl traveling in Europe, who gets into risky situations through innocence and high spirits. Ed. sel. An international episode. 1902. 21cm Harper $1.25 A social comedy turning on the problem whether an English nobleman is to marry a beautiful American girl. Baker. Portrait of a lady. 18th ed. 1897. 19 Jem Houghton $2 Story of an Albany girl's life in Europe; elaborate character study. N. Y. Roderick Hudson. Rev.ed. 1882. 19Jcm Houghton $2 Roderick is a rteume in little of the strength and weak- ness of genius, an example of the artistic temperament. He is a young American sculptor taken to Italy by one of Mr James's rich virtuosi. Baker. Jamison, Mrs C. V. (Dakin) Toinette's Philip. 1894. 21 J x 18 Jem Century $1.50 Y A romantic story of New Orleans life. Baker. Janvier, T: A. The Aztec treasure-house; a romance of contemporaneous antiquity. 1893. 19cm ( Harper' squar.) Harper $1.50 Y Tale of search after and finding of a great treasure, hidden among the Mexican mountains. Buffalo. In the Sargasso sea. 1898. 19cm Harper $1.25 The passing of Thomas; In the St Peter's set; At the Grand hotel du Paradis; The fish of Monsieur Quissard; Le bon oncle d'Am^rique; five stories. 1900. 19cm Harper $1.25 Jewett, S: O. Betty Leicester; a story for girls. 1890. 16cm Houghton $1.25 Y Young girl's summer in a New England country town after a life of travel abroad. N. Y. Betty Leicester's Christmas. 1899. 20cm Houghton $1 Y Sequel to Betty Leicester. A 15-year-old New England girl, living with her father in London, spends a delightful Christmas at Danesly Castle. First published in St Nicholas. N. Y. LITERATURE AMERICAN FICTION 199 Jewett, S: O. A country doctor, n. d. 18cm Houghton $1.25 Simple story of quiet and beautiful life in rural New England. Baker. Country of the pointed firs. n. d. 18cm Houghton $1.25 Studies of life and character in a Maine seacoast vil- lage. N. Y. Deephaven. 1900. 15 Jem Houghton $1.25 Two young girls' summer in an old New England sea- port. Old friends and new. 1879. 15Jcm Houghton $1.25 Contents: A lost lover; A sorrowful guest; A late sup- per; Mr Bruce; Miss Sydney's flowers; Lady Ferry; A bit of shore life. The queen'stwin, and other stories. 1899. 18cm Houghton $1.25 Contents: The queen's twin; A Dunnet shepherdess; Where's Nora? Bold words at the bridge; Martha's lady; The coon dog; Aunt Cynthy Dallett; The night before Thanksgiving. Stories of rural life among the homely farmer and fisher folk of New England, with two bright, lively Irish sketches. N. Y. Johnson, Rossiter. Phaeton Rogers; a novel of boy life. 1881. 19cm Y Scribner $1.50 Johnston, Mary. Audrey. 1902. 20Jcm Houghton $1.50 Virginia romance; historical setting, early 18th century. N. Y. Prisoners of hope; a tale of colonial Vir- ginia. 1898. 20cm Houghton $1.50 Published in England under title The old dominion. To have and to hold. 1900. 19Jcm Houghton $1.50 Published in England under title By order of the com- pany. Virginia romance of reign of James I. Baker. Johnston, R: M. Old times in middle Georgia. 1897. 19cm Macmillan $1.50 Contents: Mr Eben Bull's investment: Mr Cummin's relinquishment; Mr Pate's only infirmity; Shadowy foes; Their cousin Lethy; Old lady Lazehberry; Our witch; Weasles on a debauch; Ephe; A case of spite; Mr Pea nearly nonplussed; Lost; Mutual schoolmasters; Miss Clisby's romance; Ishmael. Juvenile round table: stories by the foremost catholic writers. 1901. 20Jcm Benziger $1 Y Twenty stories by as many writers. Kaler, J. O. Mr Stubbs's brother; a sequel to "Toby Tyler." 1903. 18cm Y Harper 60c Kaler, J. O. Toby Tyler; or, Ten weeks with a circus; by James Otis. 1881. 16 J x 13 Jem Y Harper 60c King, Charles. Between the lines. 1889. 19cm Harper $1.25 Story of the civil war; excellent description of battle of Gettysburg. N. Y. Cadet days. 1903. 19cm Y Harper $1.25 Describes West Point customs and ideals in a spirited story for boys. N. Y. Captain Blake. 1902. 19cm Lippincott $1.25 Sequel to Marion' g Jaith. The colonel's daughter; or, Winning his spurs. 1892. 19cm Lippincott $1.25 Followed by Marion's faith. Light novel, sketching life at a southwestern army post. N. Y. Marion's faith. 1893. 18cm Lippincott $1.25 Sequel to The colonel' s daughter. King, G.. E.. Tales of a time and place. 1892. 19cm Harper $1.25 Contents: Bayou 1'Ombre; Bonne Maman; Madrilene; The Christmas story of a little church. Stories of Louisiana Creoles, marked by a strong and delicate touch. Nation. Lee, Mr sJS... C. (Jenkins) In the cheering-up business. 1891. 18cm Houghton $1.25 A Quaker girl of Nantucket. n. d. 18cm Houghton $1.25 London, Jack. The call of the wild. 1903. 20cm Macmillan $1.50 Story of wild life in the Klondike. The hero, a mag- nificent dog, finally obeys " the call of the wild " and re- lapses into savagery, because his last and best friend was killed by the Indians. Pub. lekly. Son of the wolf; tales of the far North. 1900. 20cm Houghton $1.50 Contents: The white silence; The son of the wolf; The men of Forty-Mile; In a far country; To the man on trail; The priestly prerogative; The wisdom of the trail: The wife of a king; An Odyssey of the North. Grim, powerful stories of white men in Alaska. N. Y. Long, J: L. Madame Butterfly; Purple eyes; A gentleman of Japan and a lady; Kito; Glory. 1898. 17 Jem Century $1.25 Rather sad tales of Americans [in Japan] who loved and rode that is to say, sailed away. Host, trans. Longfellow, H: W. Hyperion, a romance. Rev. ed. n. d. 18cm Houghton 50c The musings, love-making and dreams of a young poet, a pilgrim in Germany and Switzerland. Bake/. 813 200 A. L. A. CATALOG CLASS LIST Longfellow, H: W. Kavanagh, and pther pieces, n. d. 18cm Hough ton $1.50 Contents: Kavanagh; Driftwood: Ancient French ro- mances; Frithiof s saga; Twice-told tales; The great me- tropolis; Anglo-Saxon literature; Paris in the 17th cen- tury; Table-talk. Lynde, Francis. The helpers. 1901. 20cm Houghton $1.50 Scenes, Denver and mining regions. N. Y. Major, Charles. When knighthood was in flower; by Edwin Caskoden. 1899. 19cm Merrill $1.50 The romantic love story of Mary Tudor, sister of Henry VIII. N. Y. Martin, Mrs George (Madden) Emmy Lou: her book and heart. 1902. 19cm McClure $1.50 Appeared in McClure's magazine, v. 17-19, 1901-2. School days of a bewildered and very real little girl. Incidentally satirizes some school methods and manners. N. Y. Matthews, Brander. Vignettes of Manhattan. 1894. 19cm Harper $1.50 Contents: In the little church down the street; The twenty-ninth of February; At a private view; Spring in a side street; A Decoration-day revery; In search of local color; Before the break of day; A midsummer midnight; A vista in Central Park; The speech of the evening; A Thanksgiving-day dinner: In the midst of life. & others. With my friends; tales told in partnership; with an introd. essay on The art and mystery of collaboration. 1891. 19cm Longmans $1 Contents: The documents in the case, with H. C. Bun- ner; Seven conversations of Dear Jones and Baby Van Rensselaer, with H. C. Bunner; Edged tools: a tale in two chapters, with W. H. Pollock; Mated by magic: a story with a postscript, with W. H. Pollock; One story is good till another is told, with G: H. Jessop; Three wishes, with F. Anstey. Merwin, Samuel. The whip hand; a tale of the pine country. 1903. 20cm Doubleday $1.50 Stirring story of the hero's fight in Michigan pine lands against a lumber trust. N. Y. & Webster, H: K. Calumet "K." 1901. 17cm Macmillan ,$1.50 Calumet " K " is a 2,000,000-bushel grain elevator, which Charlie Bannon has to build against time. How he suc- ceeds in doing so is the story. Baker. Mitchell, J: A. Amos Judd. 1901. 19cm Scribner 75c The heir of an Indian rajah is educated in New Eng- land. Clash of heredity and environment make an un- usual tale. Ed. sel. Mitchell, S. W. Ad ventures of Francois, found- ling, thief, juggler and fencing master, during the French revolution. 1898. 19cm Century $1.50 Mitchell, S. W. Characteristics. 1892. 19cm Century $1.25 Selections from table talk of an intimate coterie of highly cultivated men and women. Baker. Hugh Wynne, free Quaker. 2 v. 1897. 19cm Century $1.50 Autobiographic story of the revolution. Introduces Washington, Andre 1 , Dr Rush and others. Excellent in portrayal of times and character. First published in Cen- tury. N. Y. When all the woods are green. 1894. 20cm Century $1.50 A camping out summer spent by cultured people in the Canadian forests. Capital descriptions of salmon fishing, bear hunting, etc. Pub. ivkly. Munroe, Kirk. Campmates; a story of the plains. 1903. 19cm Harper $1.25 Y Two boys accompany an engineering expedition across the continent. N. Y. Canoemates; a story of the Florida Reef and Everglades. 1903. 19cm Harper $1.25 Y Adventures of 2 boys who take their canoes through the Florida waters and learn many interesting things. Unit. Dorymates; a tale of the fishing banks. 1903. 19cm Harper $1.25 Y Captain of a Gloucester fishing schooner, finding a baby floating in a barrel, adopts it. The child has thrill- ing adventures, and finds its true parent* at last. Sargent. The flamingo feather. 1887. 16Jxl4cm Harper 60c Y French boy's adventures among Florida Indians in 16th century. Pittsburg. Raftmates. 1903. 19cm Harper $1.25 Y Chase after a runaway raft on the Mississippi and adventures with counterfeiters and river boats. F. J. Olcott. AVakulla; a story of adventure in Florida. 1903. Y Harper 60c Norris, Frank. The octopus; a story of Cali- fornia. 1901. 19$cm Doubleday $1.50 Deals with the war between the wheat grower and the railroad trust. Author. - The pit; a story of Chicago. 1903. 20 Jem Doubleday $1.50 The fictitious narrative of a "deal" in the Chicago wheat pit. Author. Norton, C: L. Jack Benson's log; or, Afloat with the flag in '61. 1895. 19cm (Fighting for the flag ser. ) Wilde ^1 .25 Y Sequel A medal of honor man. Boy's life in the navy during the early civil war. X. Y. - A medal of honor man; or, Cruising among blockade runners. 1896. 19cm (Fighting for the flag ser. ) Y Wilde $1.25 LITERATURE AMERICAN FICTION 201 Page, T: N. Among the camps; or, Young peo- ples stories of the war. 1902. 21 Jem Scribner $1.50 Y Contents: A captured Santa Claus; Kittykin, and the part she played in the war; " Nancy Pansy;" ".lack and Jake" Elsket, and other stories. 1891. 18 Jem Scribner $1 Contents: Elsket; "George Washington's" last duel; P'laski's tunament; -"Run to seed;" "A soldier of the empire." In ole Virginia; illus. by W. T. Smedley, B. W. Clinedinst, C. S. Reinhart, A. B. Frost, Howard Pyle and A. Castaigne. 1896. 20cm Scribner $1.25 Contents: Murse Chan; " Unc' Edinburg;" Meh Lady; Ole 'Stracted; No Haid Pawn; Polly. Old gentleman of the black stock; illus. by H. C. Christy. 1901. 18Jcm Scribner $1.50 Finely etched portrayal of a southern gentleman of the old school. Critic, 31: 321. Red Rock; a chronicle of reconstruction. 1898. 19cm Scribner $1.50 Story of the civil war and of reconstruction, centering in the history of the Red Rock Plantation and its vicissi- tudes of ownership. Two little Confederates. 1888. 21cm Scribner $1.50 Y Adventures with confederates and unionists of 2 small boys left on a Virginia plantation during the war. X. Y. Parker, Sir Gilbert. An adventurer of the North ; being a continuation of the histories of "Pierre and his people" and the latest existing records of Pretty Pierre. 1898. 18cm Macmillan $1.25 Contents: Across the jumping sandhills; A lovely bully; The filibuster; Gift of the simple king; Malachi; The lake of the Great Slave; The Red Patrol; The going of the white swan; At Bamber's Boom; The Bridge House; The epaulettes; The finding of Fingall. The battle of the strong; a romance of two kingdoms. 1898. 19cm Houghton $1.50 Opens with buttle of Jersey and is continued into the great war between England and France at close of 18th century. Scene chiefly Jersey, sometimes Brittany. Baker. Donovan Pasha and some people of Egypt. 1902. 19Jcm Appleton $1.50 15 dramatic stories of Egyptian life and character. Pub. Pierre and his people; tales of the far north. 1898. 17cm Macmillan $1.25 Stories of love and adventure, chiefly from the Hudson Bay territory; a presentment of native character and life. Baker. Parker, Sir Gilbert. Right of way. 1901. 19cm Harper $1.50 A poignant romance of the life of a brilliant Montreal barrister who wanders, temporarily crazed by dipsomania and an accident, into a French Canadian village. Ed. sel. A Romany of- the snows. 1898. 17 Jem Macmillan $1.25 Contents: Three commandments in the vulgar tongue; Little Babiche; At Point o' Bugles; The spoil of the puma: The trail of the sun dogs: The pilot of Belle Amour; The cruise of the "Ninety-three;" A Romany of the snows; The plunderer. Stories continuing Pierre and his people, preceding the Adventurer of the yortfi. Seats of the mighty. 1898. 19cm Appleton $1.50 Historical romance, culminating in battle of Quebec. Baker. When Valmond came to Pontiac; the story of a lost Napoleon. 1898. 17Jcm Macmillan $1.25 The romance of the coming of a supposed son of Napoleon into the life of a French Canadian village. Ed. sel. Perry, Nora. Hope Benham; a story for girls, illus. by F. T. Merrill. 1903. 19cm Y Little $1.50 Phelps, E.. S. Doctor Zay. 1882. 18cm Houghton $1.25 Story of a woman physician in an obscure New England village. L. & I. Fourteen to one. 1891. 18cm Houghton $1.25 Contents: Fourteen to one; The bell of St Basil's; Shut in; Jack, the fisherman; The madonna of the tubs; A brave deed; The sacrifice of Antigone; Sweet home; Too late; The Reverend Malachi Matthew; His relict; Mary Elizabeth; Annie Laurie; The law and the gospel. Gates ajar. 1896. 18cm Houghton $1.50 Imaginative glimpses into the celestial paradise, where she imagines the interests and occupations of terrestrial existence will be carried on. Baker. ' A singular life. 1895. 18cm Houghton $1.25 Poe, E. A. Tales, with introd. by H. W. Mabie. 1901. 20cm (Century class.) Century $1.25 n Contents: The gold-bug; A descent into the Maelstrom; MS found in a bottle; The murders in the Rue Morgue; The mystery of Marie RogGt; The purloined letter; The fall of the house of Usher; William Wilson; The man of the crowd; The black cat; The telltale heart; The assig- nation; The masque of the red death; The cask of amon- tillado; The pit and the pendulum. Exhibit his power chiefly in that dim region which stretches from the very utmost limits of the probable into the weird confines of superstition and unreality. J. R. Lowell. 813 202 A. L. A. CATALOG CLASS LIST Poulsson, Emilie. Child stories and rhymes, for the little people of nursery and kindergarten; illus. by L. J. Bridgman. 1898. 24cm Y Lothrop $1.25 Through the farmyard gate; rhymes and stories for little children at home and in kinder- garten; illus. by L. J. Bridgman. 1896. 24xl9Jcm Y Lothrop $1.25 Pratt, Mrs Ella (Farman) The play lady; a story for other girls. 1900. 19Jcni (Sunshine lib.) Crowell 50c Y A young girl supports herself by taking charge of all the little children of a village in her own home each morning. She cares for them and amuses them in bright interesting ways. Ed. sel. Pyle, Howard. The garden behind the moon; a real story of the moon angel. 1895. 21Jcm Scribner $2 Y Illus. by author. Sometimes disapproved, partly because many difficult words are used, partly because of the little "moon calf" hero. The story, woven about the fancy that the real life of the little " moon calf" is not lived in his dull body but in a fairy world of training and conquest, is too beautiful to be entirely omitted from the list. Ed. sel. Men of iron. 1904. 22cm Harper $2 Y A boy's story of the time of Henry IV, of England, who, with the men of his court, are the " men of iron " Otto of the silver hand. 1903. 23cm Scribner $2 Y Spirited story of the robber barons and the feudal strongholds of medieval Germany. Mr Pyle tells a story well and illustrates it even better. Hardy. Pepper and salt; or, Seasoning for young folk. 1886. 29cm Y Harper $1.50 Some merry adventures of Robin Hood, of great renown in Nottinghamshire. 1902. 19cm ( Scribner' s per. ) Scribner 60o Y Illus. by author. A 83 edition is also issued by Scribner. A continuous narrative of the episodes of the life of the famous outlaw gathered from the older sources. Ed. sel. Story of Jack Ballister's fortunes. 1895. 21 Jem Century $2 Y Exciting narrative of adventures by land and sea. The hero has many narrow escapes, but lives to return to England and enjoy his rightful inheritance. Cleveland. Twilight land. 1895. 22cm Y Harper $2.50 Wonder clock ; or, Four and twenty mar- vellous tales, being one for each hour of the day; illus. by Howard Pyle, verses by Katha- rine Pyle. 1904. 25Jcrn Y Harper $2 Pyle, Katharine. The counterpane fairy. 1898. 19 Jem Dutton $1.25 Y Illus. by author. Ralph, Julian. Alone in China, and other stories. 1897. 19cm Harper $2 Contents: House-boating in China; Alone in China; Plumblossom Beebe's adventures; The story of Miss Pi; The "boss" of Ling-foo; Little Fairy's constancy; The love-letters of Superfine Gold. , Book of travel in form of stories and sketches. Notably good illustrations. N. Y. Rayner, Emma. Free to serve. 1897. 20cm Small $1.50 Colonial New York in early 18th century. Romantic adventures of a well-born English girl as a bond servant. N.Y. Remington, Frederic. Crooked trails; illus. by Frederic Eemington. 1898. 23cm Harper $2 Men with the bark on; illus. by the au- thor. 1900. 19cm Harper $1.25 Vigorous sketches of rough life in Cuba and on the western frontier. Lit. world, 32: 55. Rice, Mrs A. C. (Hegan) Lovey Mary. 1903. 18cm Century $1 Appeared in Century, v. 65, Dec. 1902-Mar. 1903. Mrs Wiggs' cheery philosophy still pervades the Cab- bage Patch, where Lovey Mary, the tender hearted orphan heroine, and Tommy, her 3-year-old prot6ge\ find a home. N.Y. Mrs Wiggs of the cabbage patch. 1903. 19cm Century $1 A bright, cheery story, showing the good in human na- ture in the midst of dire poverty. W. Mass. Richards, Mrs I*. E.. (Howe) Captain January. 1902. 19 Jem (Capt. January ser.) Estes 50c Y Edition illus. by F. T. Merrill 75c and 81.25. Story of an old lighthouse keeper and a little girl res- cued by him from the sea. N. Y. Five minute stories. 1895. 20cm Estes $1.25 Y Short stories about little children and animals; also some amusing nonsense rhymes. Unit. The golden windows; a book of fables for young and old. 1904. 20cm Little $1.50 Joyous story of Toto. 1885. 19cm Little $1 Y About a little boy who had passed much time in the woods, with animal playfellows. N. Y. More five minute stories. 1903. 20Jcm Estes $1 n Y Companion to Five minute stories; stories for very small children. Pub. wkly. Queen Hildegarde; a story for girls. 1889. 17Jcm Estes $1.25 Y The wholesome experience of a young New York girl during a summer on a farm. Ed. sel. LITERATURE AMERICAN FICTION '203 Richards, J/rs L. E.. (Howe) Quicksilver Sue. 1899. 19cm Century $1 Y Summer's experiences of several country children and a badly brought up city girl. N. Y. Three Margarets. 1897. 17Jcm Estes $1.25 T Three cousins, one from the East, one from a ranch in the West, and one from a Cuban plantation, come together for a summer visit to an uncle whom they have never seen. Dial, 23: 401. Riis, J. A. Children of the tenements. 1903. 20 cm Macmillan $1.50 In an earlier collection under title Out of Mulberry street. Pref. Roberts, C: G: D. The forge in the forest; be- ing the narrative of the Acadian ranger, Jean de Mer, seigneur de Briart. n. d. 19Jcm Page $1.50 Heart of the ancient wood. 1900. 19cm Page $1.50 Intimate and affectionate description of life in the for- ests of northern United States. Baker. A sister to Evangeline. New ed. 1900. 19 Jem Page $1.50 Story of the expulsion of the Acadians. Baker. Robertson, Harrison. Red blood and blue. 1900. 19 Jem Scribner $1.50 Robertson, Morgan. Masters of men; a ro- mance of the new navy. 1901. 19Jcm Doubleday $1.50 Rohlfs, Mrs A.. K. (Green) The Leaven- worth case, a lawyer's story. 1901. 18cm Putnam $1.25 Round table of the representative American Catholic novelists; with portraits, biog. sketches and bibliography. 1897. 19Jcm Benziger $1.50 Rowland, H: C. Sea scamps; three adventurers of the East. 1903. 20cm McClure $1.50 Contents: Back tracks; In the China Sea; Jordan Knapp, trader; Off Luzon; The treasure box; At the break of the monsoon; In the whale-boat; At the last of the ebb. An adventurous voyage in the China Sea. Pub. wkly. Runkle, Bertha. The helmet of Navarre. 1901. 20cm Century $1.50 Romance of cape and sword, with a young adherent of Henry of Navarre for hero; scene Paris, at moment when the Huguenot king entered the city at the cost of a mass. Baker. St Nicholas Christmas book. 1899. ,24 Jem Y Century $1.50 Saunders, Marshall. Beautiful Joe; with introd. by Hezekiah Butterworth. 1894. 18 Jem Amer. Baptist 60c Y This story speaks for the dog as Black Beauty does for the horse; teaches kindness to animals. For children between 9 and 14. Unit. Scudder, H. E. Bodleys telling stories. 1878. 21xl8cm Houghton $1.50 Y About historic men and events. Sargent. Doings of the Bodley family in town and country. 1903. 21Jxl8cm Houghton $1.50 Y Stories, poems and anecdotes woven into a story. Pittsburg. Several more Bodley books exist which may be added in libraries where these prove successful. Ed. sel. Seawell, M. E. Decatur and Somers. 1894. 20cm (Young heroes of our navy) Appleton $1 Y Story of the Tripolitan war, describing the burning of the Philadelphia and the explosion of the Intrepid. N. Y. History of the Lady Betty Stair. 1897. 18cm Scribner $1.25 Story of a young girl who fled from France during the revolution to court of the French exiles in Holyrood palace, Edinburgh. E. B. S. S. Little Jarvis. 1890. 20cm (Young he- roes of our navy) Appleton $1 Y Story of a boy midshipman in the United States navy in 1800, and his loss of life through obedience to orders. Unit. Midshipman Paulding. 1891. 20cm (Young heroes of our navy) Appleton $1 Y True story of the war of 1812. Hero becomes an offi- cer in the navy and takes part in the battle of Lake Cham- plain. Sargent. Paul Jones. 1893. 20cm (Young heroes of our navy) Appleton $1 Y Story biography full of his adventures in British waters during the revolution. Based on good authori- ties and in fictitious parts consistent with his recorded life and deeds. N. Y. A Virginia cavalier. 1903. 19cm Harper $1.50 Story' of Washington's boyhood, with sketches of old Virginia life. Unit. Seton, Ernest Thompson. Biography of a grizzly. 1903. 20cm Century $1.50 Y Illus. by author. Author writes as if he himself had been first a little, forlorn, soft ball of a baby bear and afterwards an embit- tered monster, prowling for food. Literature. Two little savages. 1903. 21cm Doubleday $1.75 n Y Adventures of 2 boys who lived as Indians. Teaches practical lessons about camping, trapping, uses of plants, etc. Author's illustrations. N. Y. 204 A. L. A. CATALOG CLASS LIST Sewell, Anna. Black Beauty. 1902. 20Jcm Page $1.25 Y Best book published to cultivate a spirit of kindness for horses. Pittsburg. Skinner, Mrs Henrietta (Dana) Espfritu Santo. 1899. 19cm Harper $1.25 An unusual study of love and life among opera singers and artists. The spiritual power of Catholicism is pic- tured. Ed. sel. Slosson, Mrs Annie (Trumbull) Dumb fox- glove, and other stories. 1898. 19cm Harper $1.25 Contents: Dumb foxglove; Apple Jonathan; Anna Malann; Davy's Christmas; Clavis; A transient; Aunt Liefy. Seven dreamers. 1891. 19cm Harper $1.25 Contents: How Faith came and went; Botany Bay; Aunt Randy; Fishin' Jimmy; Butterneggs; Deacon Pheby's selflsh.natur; A speakin' ghost. An account in rich dialect of various eccentrics, or people with a touch of mania. In the six tales that fol- low, a series of rustic visionaries are portrayed, in such a way as to show the psychic value of these phases of men- tal history. Baker. Smith, A. C. The monk and the dancer. 1900. 20cm. Scribner $1.50 Contents: The monk and the dancer; Trot, trot to mar- ket; The peach; The senior reader; Some old families; The eye of the harem. The expression of a well comprehended art, at once strong and delicate. Nation, 71: 156. Smith, F. H. Caleb West, master diver. 1900. 19Jcm Houghton $1.50 Characters and action center about the building of a lighthouse on the Connecticut coast. N. Y. Colonel Carter of Cartersville, illus. by E. W. Kemble and the author. 1892. 18Jcm Houghton $1.25 Describes with humorous and loving touch, an unre- constructed Virginia gentleman and the friends he endeared himself to. Nation. Fortunes of Oliver Horn. 1902. 19Jcm Scribner $1.50 Study of southern society at outbreak of civil war and of art student's life in New York about 1860. N. Y. Tom Grogan. 1900. 19 Jem Houghton $1.50 Tom Grogan is an Irish woman and a contractor. Her troubles-with her workmen and her method of averting a strike described from capitalist's point of view. Mass. Smith, Gertrude. Arabella and Araminta stories, with 15 illustrative designs by Ethel Reed and explanatory notes by the author. 5th ed. 1902. 23cm Small $1 Y Two later books, in much the same manner, Tlie boo boo book (Estes 75c) and Roggie and Reggie stories (Harper $1.50) may be added if the first is liked. Ed. sel. Smith, Mr* M. . P. ( Wells ) Four on a farm. 190 1 . 19cm Little $1.20 n Y Summer doings of 4 New York children OB a New Hampshire farm. N. Y. Jolly good times; or, Child-life on a farm : by P. Thorne. 1902. 19cm Y Little $1.25 Jolly good times at Hackmatack. 1903. 17 Jem Little $1.25 Y Entertaining story of life in an inland village of Massachusetts about 1830. N. Y. Jolly good times at school; also, sonic times not quite so jolly. 1903. 19cm Little $1.25 Y Four more books in the " Jolly good stories" series exist and may be safely added if desired. Ed. sel. Smith, N. A. Three little Marys. 1902. 19Jcm Houghton 85c n Y Scotch Mairi, English Molly and Irish Maureen Bawn are the heroines of three pretty stories. N. Y. Spearman, F. H. Daughter of a magnate. 1903. 20cm Scribner $1.50 The magnate is the president of a great western railroad who takes his family to the Rocky mountains where some marvelous feats of engineering are being done. Pub. wkly. Held for orders, being stories of railroad life. 1902. 19Jcm McClure $1.50 Vigorous, full of adventure and heroism in emergency. X. Y. The nerve of Foley, and other railroad stories. 1900. 18 Jem Harper $1.25 Contents: The nerve of Foley; Second seventy-seven; The kid engineer; The sky-scraper; Soda-water Sal; The McWilliams special; Million-dollar freight-train; Bucks; Sankey's double header; Siclone Clark. Ten vigorous stories of excitements, dangers and hero- isms of railway life. N. Y. Spears, J: R. The port of missing ships, and other stories of the sea. 1897. 16icm Macmillan $1.25 Contents: The port of missing ships; Skipper of the Nancy O; Story of a second mate. Stimson, F. J. King Noanett; a story of Devon settlers in old Virginia and Massachusetts Bay. 1897. 19Jcm Scribner $1.50 Romance of pioneer life and adventure. Critic. Mrs Knollys, and other stories. 1897. 20cm Scribner $1.50 Contents: Mrs Knollys; The three achievements of Eileen; Our consul at Carlsruhe; A first love-letter; In a garret; A daughter of Spain (Los Caraquefios) ; Dynevor. Stockton F. B: Adventures of Captain Horn. 1901. 19cm Scribner $1.50 Story of adventures met with in a quest for a treasure of the Incafc. Much of the interest depends on the char- acter drawing. Baker. LITERATURE AMERICAN FICTION 205 Stockton, F. R: Captain Chap; or, the Roll- ing stones. 1897. 20cin Lippincott $1 Y Rollicking story of 3 boys accidentally carried out to sea, and picked up and landed on south coast of Florida, where they have numerous adventures. N. Y. The casting away of Mrs Leeks and Mrs Aleshine. 1898. 19Jcm Century $1.50 A comedy of incongruous and improbable Crusoe adven- tures of two most excellent New England women, related with unvarying gravity, in a matter-of-fact manner that is very diverting. N. Y. Includes The J>u$antes. A chosen few. 1903. 16Jcrn (Cameo ed.) Scribner $1.25 Contemn: A tale of negative gravity; Asaph; "His wife's ^deceased sister;" The lady, or the tiger? The remarkable wreck of the "Thomas Hyke: " Old Pipes and the dryad; The transferred ghost; "The philosophy of relative existences;" A piece of red calico. Fanciful tales; ed. with notes for schools by J. E.. Langworthy; with introd. by M.. E. Bnrt. 1904. 19cm ( Scribner' s ser.) Scribner 50c n T Contents: Old Pipes and the dryad; Bee-man of Orn; Clocks of Rondaine; The griflin and the minor canon; Christmas truants. The floating prince, and other fairy tales. 1881. 21xl8cm Scribner $1.50 T Most of the stories appeared in St Nicholas and Har- per's ymmg people. House of Martha. 1891. 18cm Scribner $1.25 A jolly fellowship. 1880. I9jcm Scribner $1.50 Y Good times of 2 boys and a girl in Florida. Evanston. The lady, or the tiger? and other stories. 1884. 17 Jem " Scribner $1.25 Contents: The lady, or the tiger? The transferred ghost The spectral mortgage; Our archery club; That same old 'coon; His wife's deceased sister; Our story; Mr Tolman; On the training of parents; Our firescreen; A piece of red calico; Every man his own letter-writer. : Mrs Cliff's yacht. 1896. 18jcm Scribner $1.50 Deals with the fate of that portion of the treasure which fell to the Peruvian government and to Mrs Cliff, who appeared first in The adventures of Captain Horn. Rudder Grange, illus. by A. B. Frost. 1885. 18cm Scribner $2 Hnmerous experiences of a young married pair, who begin honsekeeping in a derelict barge, and retain the name of Rudder Grange when they move to a more stable dwelling. The drollery arises from unstrained and ordinary situations. Baker. Story of Viteau. 1884. 19Jcm Scribner $1.50 Y How 2 boys, sons of a count, lived in the days of knighthood. N. Y. Stockton, F. B: A story-teller's pack. 1897. 19 Jem Scribner $1.50 Contents: A few words to begin with; The magic egg; The staying power of Sir Rohan; The widow's cruise: Love before breakfast; The bishop's ghost and the printer's baby; Captain Eli's best ear; As one woman to another; My well and what came out of it; Stephen Skarridge's Christmas; My unwilling neighbor. Ting-a-ling. 1882. 18cm Scribner $1 Y Fanciful and humorous tales, dealing with things magical, as well as with dwarfs and giants. Hardy. The watchmaker's wife, and other stories. 1893 19cm Scribner $1.25 Contents: The watchmaker's wife; Asaph; My terminal moraine; The philosophy of relative existences; The knife that killed Po Hancy; The Christmas shadrach; The Reverend Ezekiel Crump. Stoddard, W: O. DabKinzer; a story of a grow- ing boy. 1881. 18Jcm Scribner $1 Y Story of a growing boy's outdoor life on shores of Long Island. Hardy. Little Smoke, a tale of the Sioux. 1891. 20Jcm Appleton $1.50 Y Exciting and instructive tale of Sioux Indian life in and around the Black Hills, illustrated with many curious pictures of Indian weapons. Hardy. On the old frontier; or, The last raid of thelroquois. 1893. 20cm Appleton $1.50 Y Adventures in western New York during last Iro- quois raid. N. Y. The quartet. 1881. 18Jcm Scribner $1 Y Academy and college life of Dab Kinzer and his friends. Wis. The red mustang, a story of the Mexican border. 1890. 16 Jem (Harper's young peop. ser.) T Harper 60c The talking leaves. 1903. 17 Jem Harper 60c Y Interesting story of a white child's life among the Indians, and how she escaped. N. Y. Two Arrows; a story of red and white. 1886. 16Jcm (Harper's young peop. ser. ) Harper 60c Y Story of an Indian lad in the far West. Sargent. Stories by American authors. 10 v. 1884-85. 17cm Scribner 75cea A collection of short stories contributed to periodicals, or included in publications not easily accessible. Pub- lishers' note. Stories of Italy. 1894. 13cm (Stories from Scribner) Scribner 75c Contents: Espero Gorgoni, gondolier, by F. H. Smith; The anatomist of the heart, by T. R. Sullivan; The song of the comforter, by J. J. A'Becket; The house on the hilltop, by Grace E. Channing. 81 S 206 A. L. A. CATALOG CLASS LIST Stories of New York. 1894. 13cm (Stories from Scribner) Scribner 75c Contents: From four to six, a comedietta, by Annie Eliot; The commonest possible story, by B. Perry; The end of the beginning, by G. A. Hibbard; A puritan ingenue, by J. S. Wood; Mrs Manstey's view, by Edith Whartou. Stories of the army. 1894. 13cm (Stories from Scribner) Scribner 75c Contents: Memories, by B. Matthews; A charge for France, by J. Heard, jr; Sergeant Gore, by L. Armstrong; The tale of a goblin horse, by C. C. Nott. Stories of the railway. 1893. 13cm (Stories from Scribner) Scribner 75c Contents: As the sparks fly upward, by G. A. Hibbard; How I sent my aunt to Baltimore, by C. S. Davison; Run to seed, by T: N. Page; Flandroe's Mogul, by A. C. Gordon. Stories of the sea. 1893. 13cm (Stories from Scribner) Scribner 75c Contents: The port of missing ships, by J. R. Spears; The fate of the Georgiana, by Maria Blunt; Captain Black, by C. E. Carryl; The last slave ship, by G. Howe. Stories of the South. 1894. 13cm (Stories from Scribner) Scribner 75c Contents: No Haid Pawn, by T: N. Page; How the Derby was won, by H. Robertson; Aunt Fountain's pris- oner, by J. C. Harris; Tirar y Soult, by Mrs R. H. Davis. Stowe, Mrs H. E.. (Beecher) Little Pussy Willow; also, The minister's watermelons. 1899. 19 x 15Jcm Houghton $1.25 Y Happy, useful life of a country girl who received from a fairy the gift of seeing the bright side of every- thing. Sargent. My wife and I; or, Harry Henderson's history. 1899. 19cm (Riverside ed.) Houghton $1.50 Followed by We and our neighbors. Oldtown folks. 1897. 19icm Houghton $1.50 Portrays a Massachusetts town a century or more ago. N. Y. Uncle Tom's cabin; with introd. by the author, n. d. 20Jcm. Houghton $1.50 Bibliographic account of Uncle Tom's cabin, pref. p. 63-S2. A story of plantation life before the civil war. One of the most famous of ' timely ' books. It was not half true, it was written with passion and prejudice and it accomplished what all the cool, judicial statements in the world would have failed in. L. & I. We and our neighbors; or, The records of an unfashionable street. 1901. 19Jcm (River- side ed.) Houghton $1.50 Sequel to My wife and I. Stuart, J/nsRuth (McEnery) In Simpkinsville; character tales. 1897. 19cm Harper $1.25 Contents: An Arkansas prophet; Weeds; The unlived life of little Mary Ellen; The dividing-fence; The middle hall; Miss Jemima's valentine; A slender romance. Moriah's mourning and other half-hour sketches. 1898. 19cm Harper $1.25 Contents: Moriah's mourning; An optical dilemma; The second Mrs Slimm; Apollo Belvedere, a Christmas episode of the plantation; Nearest of kin; (On the planta- tion); The deacon's medicine; Two gentlemen of leisure; The Rev Jordan White's three glances; Lady, a mono- logue of the cow-pen; A pulpit orator; An Easter symbol, a monologue of the plantation; Christmas at the Trimbles; A minor chord. 13 short stories, mainly of the southern negro. N. Y. Story of Babette, a little Creole girl. 1894. 19cm Harper $1.50 Y Story of a little Creole stolen from her New Orleans home and growing up among strangers. N. Y. Tarkington, Booth. The gentleman from Indi- ana. 1899. 20Acm Doubleday $1.50 Main interest, the contest between White Caps and a young newspaper man who tries to purify politics. N. Y. Monsieur Beaucaire. 1900. 20cm McClure $1.25 A little drama of intrigue, laid in Bath during the Beau Nash regime in middle of the 18th century. Baker. Taylor, Bayard. Boys of other countries. New ed. 1901. 20cm Putnam $1.25 Y Contents: The little post-boy; The pasha's son; Jon > of Iceland; The two herd-boys; The young serf; Studies of animal nature. Stories of boys in Sweden, Egypt, Iceland, Germany and Russia, full of information about the customs and pecu- liarities of the countries. Pittsburg. Hannah Thurstoa,: a story of American , life. Household ed. 1903. 19cm Putnam $1.50 - The story of Kennett. Cedarcroft ed. 1903. 19cm Putnam $1.50 Y Story of country life in a Pennsylvania town at end of last century. L. & L Thanet, Octave, pseud. Knitters in the sun. 1887. ISicrn Houghton $1.25 Contents: The ogre of Ha Ha Bay; The bishop's vaga- bond; Mrs Finley's Elizabethan chair; Father Quin- nailon's convert; A communist's wife; Schopenhauer on Lake Pepin; " Ma' Bowlin';" Half a curse; Whitson Harp, regulator. Short stories exhibiting people of strongly marked character in the stress of moral conflict. Baker. The missionary sheriff. 1897. 19cm Harper $1.25 Contents: The missionary sheriff; The cabinet organ; His duty; The hypnotist; The next room; Defeat of Amos Wickliff. Six stories of a certain ' ' plain man who tried to do his duty" N.Y. LITERATURE AMERICAN FICTION 207 Thanet, Octave, pseud. Otto the knight, and other trans-Mississippi stories. 1891. 18cm Houghton $1.25 Contents: Otto the knight; The conjured kitchen; The first mayor; Sist' Chaney's black silk; The loaf of peace; The day o'f the cyclone; Trusty, no. 49; The plumb idiot; The governor's prerogative; The mortgage on Jeffy. Stories of a western town. 1893. 19cm Scribner $1.25 Contents: The besetment of Kurt Lieders; The face of failure; Tommy and Thomas; Mother Emeritus; An as- sisted providence; Harry Lossing. Sketches of workaday life in Iowa, showing the trials Of business, the injustices caused by competition, etc. Baker. We all. 1891. 20cm Appleton $1.50 Y Story of a Chicago boy's winter with his Arkansas cousins. N. Y. Thompson. D. P. Green Mountain boys. n. d. 19cm Burt $1 Romance of the settlement of Vermont, embodying hero tales of Vermont, and stirring episodes like the cap- ture of Ticonderoga. Baker. Thompson. Maurice. Alice of old Vincennes; illus. by F. C. Yohn. 1900. 19cm Merrill $1.50 Story of events during the revolution centering in an old French town in Indiana. Ed. sel. Tomlinson, E. T. Boys of old Monmouth; a story of Washington's campaign in New Jersey in 1778. 1898. 20cm Houghton $1.50 Y The series of "Revolutionary stories," of which this 1 is the earliest, includes four more books: (2) Jersey boy in the revolution; (3) In the hands of the redcoats; (4) Under colonial colors; (5) A lieutenant under Washington. Ed. sel. Search for Andrew Field; a story of the times of 1812. 1894. 19|cm (War of 1812 ser.) Lee $1.25 Y The series on the war of 1812, of which this is the first, includes five more books: (2) Boy soldiers; (3) Boy officers; (4) Tecumseh's young braves; (5) Guarding the bor- der; (6) Boys with Old Hickory. Ed. sel. Tourge*e, A. W. A fool's errand, by one of the fools. 1902. 20cm Fords $1.50 Pt. 2, "The invisible empire," p. 386-521. Experience of a federal officer who went south after the ' war and lived there fifteen years. A picture of the " car- pet-bagger" period; the Ku Klux Klan is incidentally described. L. & I. Trowbridge, J: T. Cudjo's cave. 1892. 19cm Lee $1.50 Jack Hazard and his fortunes. 1899. 19$cm (Jack Hazard ser.) Coates $1.25 Y The series is carried on by four books, as follows: (2) Chance for himself; (3) Doing his best; (4) Fast friends; (5) Young surveyor. The books are somewhat old fashioned and are more popular in some parts of the country than others. Ed. sel. Trowbridge, J: T. Neighbor Jackwood; rev. ed. with a chapter of autobiography. 1899. 19cm Lee $1.50 Sketches of home life and of homely character in rural New England. Baker. True, J: P. The iron star and what it saw on its journey through the ages from myth to history; illus. by L. C. True. 1902. 19Jcm Little $1.50 Y Short history of primitive civilization told in the adventures of a meteor which fell to earth in the cave dwellers' age and is now a precious relic in Plymouth, Mass. N. Y. Morgan's men; containing adventures of Stuart Schuyler, captain of cavalry during the revolution. 1901. 19cm Little $1.50 Y Sequel to Scouting for Washington; continued in On guard! A young cavalry captain's adventures with Generals Greene and Morgan, Colonel Tarleton and Lord Corn \val- lis, in Carolina, 1780. N. Y. On guard! Against Tory and Tarleton; containing adventures of Stuart Schuyler, major of cavalry during the revolution. 1902. 18cm Little $1.20n Y Major Stuart Schuyler's adventures during Greene's retreat through the Carolinas. N. Y. Scouting for Washington; a story of the days of Sumter and Tarleton. 1900. 19cm Little $1.50 Y Boy's adventures as American spy about New York and with British in South Carolina. N. Y. Vaile, Mrs C.. M. (WMte) The M. M. C.; a story of the great Rockies. 1898. 19cm Wilde $1 Y Story of mining life in Colorado, and a boy's faithful work. For readers over 12. Unit. The Orcutt girls; or, One term at the acad- emy. 1896. 20cm Wilde $1.50 Y Story of the struggles of 2 sisters to gain an educa- tion. For girls of 14. Unit. SueOrcutt; asequel to "The Orcuttgirls." 1897. 20cm Wilde $1.50 Y School and college life of a girl who is ambitious to write for publication. Unit. Wheat and huckleberries; or, Dr North- more' s daughters. 1899. 20cm Wilde $1.50 Y Story of 2 western girls who visit their grandfather in New England during a summer. N. Y. Van Dyke, H: J. The blue flower. 1902. 20cm Scribner $1.50 Contents: The blue flower [from the German of Novalis] ; The source; The mill; Spy rock; Wood-mngie; The other wise man; A handful of clay; The lost word; The first Christmas-tree. 813 208 A. L. A. CATALOG CLASS LIST Van Dyke, H: J. The ruling passion; tales of nature and human nature. 1901. 20cua Scribner $1.50 Contents: A lover of music; The reward of virtue; A brave heart; The gentle life; A friend of justice; The white blot; A year of nobility; The keeper of the light. Dramatic French-Canadian and Adirondack sketches. Wallace, Lewis. Ben-Hur; a tale of the Christ. 1901. 19cm Harper $1.50 Romance of oriental life in the first century. Baker. The fair god; or, The last of the 'Tzins. 1901. 20cm Houghton $1.50 An archeologic reconstruction of Mexican life at time of conquest. Baker. The prince of India. 2 v. 1893. 17 Jem Harper $2.50 Hero takes the character of the Wandering Jew. Gives a florid picture of the Byzantine empire in the 15th century. L. & I. Waltz, Mrs Elizabeth (Cherry) Pa Gladden; the story of a common man. 1903. 20cm Century $1.50 Stories of country life in middle west, deriving unity from the personality of a childless, large hearted and sin- cerely religious elderly farmer. N. Y. Ward, H. D. Captain of the Kittiewink. 1892. 18cm Little $1.25 Y Two boys' voyage in search of health along the New England coast in an old fishing boat. Sargent. Warman, Cy. The express messenger and other tales of the rail. 1897. 17Jcm Scribner $1.25 Contents: The express messenger; The locomotive that lost herself; A wild night at Wood River; Wakalona; A locomotive as a war chariot; A ghost train illusion; Story of engine 107; Catching a runaway engine; A railway mail clerk; The mysterious message; Scraptomania. Snow on the headlight; a story of the great Burlington strike. 1899. 19Jcm . Appleton $1.25 Warner, C:D. The golden house. 1895. 19 Jem Harper $2 Story of New York life, continuing the fortunes of characters in A little journey in the world. N. Y. A little journey in the world. Biograph- ical ed. 1899. 19Jcm Harper $1.50 A picture of New York society. Baker. That fortune. 1899. 19Jcm Harper $1.50 A picture of New York life, particularly in the finan- cial world. Baker. Sequel to The golden house. Their pilgrimage; illus. by C. S. Reinhart. 1887. 19Jcm Harper $2 The love plot a mere thread; minute and sometimes satirical descriptions of southern watering-places. Baker. Warner, Susan. The wide, wide world, n. d. 19Jcm (Home lib.) Burt $1 Pictures of past life and manners in New England. Baker. Waterloo, Stanley. Story of Ab; a tale of the time of the cave man. 3d ed. 1897. 19Jcm Doubleday $1.50 Webster, H: K. Roger Drake, captain of in- dustry. 1902. 20cm Macmillan $1.50 Story of mining ventures, rivalry in love and business and formation of great copper combine. N. Y. Webster, Jean. When Patty went to college. 1903. 20cm Century $1.50 College pranks, told by a Vassar graduate of 1900. Wells, Carolyn. Patty Fail-field. 1901. 20cm Dodd $1.10 Y Fourteen-year-old Patty makes the acquaintance of 4 aunts and their families. Westcott, E: N. David Harum; a story of American life. 1898. 19cfn Appleton $1.50 David Harum is a shrewd country banker in central New York, sharp at a bargain, kind-hearted, with an unfailing flow of dry humor. N. Y. Wharton, Mrs Edith. The greater inclination. 1899. 20cm Scribner $1.50 Contents: The muse's tragedy; A journey; The pelican: Souls belated; A coward; The twilight of the god; A cup of cold water; The portrait. Stories dealing with various phases of modern social life. Cynical and sad, but not devoid of humor. Baker. = Sanctuary. 1903. 21 Jem Scribner $1.50 Deals with a question of heredity. Pub. wUy. Appeared in Scribner's magazine, v. 34. Aug.-Nov. 1903. The valley of decision. 2v. 1902. 20cm Scribner $1.50 As a study of Italian society on the verge of the French revolution, deeply interesting; as a study of tempera- ment, sympathetic and judicial. Sat. r. White, E. O. Ednah and her brothers. 1900. 19Jcm Houghton $1 Y Everyday doings of 4 children who flit between city and country with their artist parents. N. Y. A little girl of long ago. 1896. 19Jcm Honghton $1 Y Story of child life in the Boston of colonial times Evanston. When Molly was six. 1894. 19 Jem Houghton $1 Y Twelve realistic studies of red letter days in a child's life, one for each month. Pittsburg. Winterborough. 1892. 18cm Houghton $1.25 LITERATURE AMERICAN FICTION 209 White, S. E: The blazed trail. 1902. 20cm McClure $1.50 Pt. 2 appeared in McClure's magazine, Dec. 1901, Jan.- Feb. 1902, under title The forest runner. A young lumberman's stri^gle with a powerful and unscrupulous firm. Realistic descriptions of life in Mich- igan logging camp. N. Y. The magic forest; a modern fairy story. 1903. 20cm Macmillan $1.50 Y Modern fairy story about a little boy who spent a whole summer with a tribe of Canadian Indians. Pub. wkly. Whitney, Mrs A. D. (Train) Faith Gartney's girlhood. 1893? 18cm Houghton $1.25 T New England story, tracing the life and growth from girlhood to womanhood of Faith Gartney and con- taining something of the thought and life that lie be- tween 14 and 20. Publishers. The Gayworthys; a story of threads and thrums. 1893. 18cm Houghton $1.25 Y Girl's story of New England village people a gener- ation or more ago. Full of shrewd observations and kindly humor. N. Y. Hitherto; a story of yesterdays. 1897. 18cm Houghton $1.25 Y Home life in a New England country place some fifty years ago. Baker. The other girls. 1901. 18cm Houghton $1.25 Y Fourth volume of ' Real folks ser.' Follows Real folks. Real folks. 1899. 18cm Houghton $1.25 Y Third volume of ' Real folks ser.' Follows We girls. Two orphan sisters, adopted one by a city aunt, the other by an aunt in the country, and how they fared. N. Y. A summer in Leslie Goldthwaite's life. 1894. 18cm Houghton $1.25 Y Story of a young girl's season in the White Moun- tains. Evanston. Followed by We girls; Real folks; Other girls. We girls; a home story. 1898. 18cm Houghton $1.25 Y Second volume of ' Real folks ser.' Follows Summer in Leslie Goldthwaite's life. Pleasant story of home and social life of 3 New England girls with cultivated tastes and limited income. N. Y. Wig-gin, Mrs~K.. D. (Smith) The Birds' Christ- mas Carol. 1889. 19cm Houghton 50c Y A story of mixed pathos and fun; the pathos in the life of an invalid girl; the fun in the amusing perform- ances of a large family of small poor children whom she befriends. Ed. sel. Wiggin, Mrs K. . D. ( Smith ) A cathedral court- ship, and Penelope's English experiences. 1893. 18cm Houghton $1 Humorous, appreciative narrative of travel in Eng- land. Pittsburg. Penelope's Irish experiences. 1901. 18cm Houghton $1.25 Sequel to Penelope' s progress. Travel in Ireland bound by thread of love story. N. Y. Penelope's progress. 1898. 18cm Houghton $1.25 Sequel to Penelope's English experiences. Edinburgh and its neighborhood as seen by the three heroines of Penelope's English experiences. N. Y. Polly Oliver's problem; a story for girls. 1893. 18cm Houghton $1 Y Lively story of a bright girl's solution of the ques- tion of self-support. N. Y. Eebecca of Sunnybrook farm. 1903. 19cm Houghton $1.25 Y An original, attractive child is adopted out of a large, poor, happy go lucky household by 2 maiden aunts. The child's natural capers and the elder aunt's dismays and disapproval are told to a pleasant ending. Ed. sel. Story of Patsy. 1889. 19cm Houghton 60 c Sketch from life, droll and humorous, sympathetic with the weak and unfortunate; the hero is a cripple. Far from unpleasant as a picture of slum life. Baker. A summer in a canon; a California story. 1889. 20cm Houghton $1.25 Y The holiday of a party of bright young people of both sexes camping out in southern California. Baker. Timothy's quest; illus. by Oliver Her- ford. 1895. 20cm Houghton $1 Wilkins, M. . E. A humble romance, and other stories. 1887. 17Jcm Harper $1.25 Realistic sketches of homely, penurious life in a Massa- chusetts village. Baker. Jerome, a poor man. 1897. 17cm Harper $1.50 New England village life. Study of character as developed in a boy struggling to make his way in the world. N. Y. The Love of Parson Lord and other stories. 1900. 17Jcm Harper $1.25 Contents: The Love of Parson Lord; The tree of knowledge; Catherine Can; The three old sisters and the old beau: One good time. A New England nun, and other stories. 1891. 17 Jem Harper $1.25 24 stories of New England country life. N. Y. The portion of labor. 1901. 19 Jem 1 Harper $1.50 Story dominated by questions of capital and labor, of a girl's development in a New England factory town. N. Y. 241104 14 813 210 A. L. A. CATALOG CLASS LIST Williams, J. L. The stolen story, and other newspaper stories. 1899. 18cm Scribner $1.25 Contents: The stolen story; The new reporter; Mrs H. Harrison Wells's shoes; The great secretary of state inter- view: The city editor's conscience; The cub reporter and the king of Spain; The old reporter. Wilmington, Laura, ed. Outlook story book for little people. 1902. 25cm Macmillan $1 Y Collection of short stories and verses by many writers, reprinted from Outlook. Clear type and interest- ing pictures. N. Y. Winthrop, Theodore. John Brent, n. d. 19cm (Ajaxser.) Dodd 75c Wister, Owen. Lin McLean. 1903. 20cm Harper $1.50 Short stories forming a continuous narrative, a cowboy being the central figure. X. Y. Red men and iwhite; illus. by Frederic Remington. 1896. 19cm Harper $1.50 Adventures on the Indian frontier, a mixture of inven- tion and actual experience. Gen. Crook 'is a portrait. Baker. The Virginian; a horseman of the plains. 1902. 20cm Macmillan $1.50 Capital study of the best type of western cowboy, in- trepid, level headed, rough living but right hearted and deserving a good woman's love. N. Y. Woolson, C. F. Anne; illus. by C. S. Reinhart. 1882. 17 Jem Harper $1.25 Scenes at Mackinac and about Ne\v York. N. Y. The front yard, and other Italian stories. 1895. 17Jcm Harper $1.25 Contents: The front yard; Neptune's shore; A pink villa; The street of the Hyacinth; A Christmas party; In Venice. Zollinger, Gulielma (pseud.) Widow O'Cal- laghan's boys. 1898. 18Jcm McClurg $1.25 Y Account of how one woman brought up her boys and promoted them for good behavior. Wis. 14 American esayg Aldrich, T: B. Ponkapog papers. 1903. 18J x 12cm Houghton $1 n Contents: Leaves from a note book. Asides: Tom Folio; Fleabody and other queer names; A note on " L'Aiglon; " Plot and character; The cruelty of science; Leigh Hunt and Barry Cornwall; Decoration day; Writers and talk- ers; On early rising; Un pofite manque 1 ; The male costume of the period; On a certain affectation; Wishmakers' Town; Historical novels; Poor Yorick; The autograph hunter. Robert Herrick. Burroughs, John. Birds and poets, with other papers. 1891. 17 Jem Houghton $1.25 Contents: Birds and poets; Touches of nature; A bird medley; April; Spring poems; Our rural divinity; Before genius; Before beauty; Emerson; The flight of the eagle. Burroughs, John. Fresh fields. 1891. 17 Jem Houghton $1.25 Contents: Nature in England; English woods, a con- trast; In Carlyle's country; A hunt for the nightingale; English and American song birds; Impressions of some English birds; In Wordsworth's country: A glance at British wild flowers; British fertility: A Sunday in Cheyne Row; At sea. In-door studies. 1889. 17 Jem Houghton $1.25 Literary criticism, including papers on Thoreau, Gil- bert White, Matthew Arnold, Emerson, Carlyle, true realism, etc. N. Y. Literary values and other papers. 1902. 17Jcm Houghton $1.10 n Magazine essays discussing style, criticism, art in literature, Gilbert White, Thoreau, Emerson, nature in literature, the secret of happiness, etc. N. Y. Locusts and wild honey. 1891. 17 Jem Houghton $1.25 Contents: The pastoral bees: Sharp eyes; Strawberries; Is it going to rain? Speckled trout; Buds and birds; Abed of boughs; Birds' -nesting; The halcyon in Canada. Pepacton. 1891. 17Jcm Houghton $1.25 Contents: Pepacton; A summer voyage; Spring; An idyl of the honeybee; Nature and the poets; Notes by the way; Footpaths; A bunch of herbs; Winter pictures. Riverby. 1895. 17Jcm Houghton $1.25 Eighteen essays on wild flowers, birds, Kentucky blue grass, Mammoth cave, the southern Catskills, sportsmen, the chipmunk, etc. N. Y. Signs and seasons. 1891. 17 Jem Houghton $1.25 Contents: A sharp lookout; A spray of pine; Hard fare; The tragedies of the nests; A snowstorm; A taste of Maine birch; Winter neighbors; A salt breeze: A spring relish; A river view; Bird enemies; Phases of farm life; Roof- tree. Wake-robin. 1893. 17 Jem Houghton $1.25 Contents: The return of the birds; In the hemlocks; Adirondac; Birds' -nests; Spring at the capital; Birch browsings; The bluebird; The invitation. Winter sunshine. 1891. 17Jcm Houghton $1.25 Contents: Winter sunshine; Exhilarations of the road; The snow-walkers; The fox; A March chronicle; Autumn tides; The apple; An October abroad. Chapman, J: J. Emerson, and other essays. 1898. 20cm Scribner $1.25 Contents: Emerson; Whitman; A study of Romeo; Mi- chael Angelo's sonnets; The fourth canto of the Inferno; Browning; Stevenson. Crothers, S: M. The gentle reader. 1903. 19cm Houghton $1.25 n Contents: The gentle reader; The enjoyment of poetry; The mission of humor; Cases of conscience concerning witchcrafts; The honorable points of ignorance; That his- tory should be readable; Evolution of the gentleman; LITERATURE AMERICAN ESSAYS 211 The hinterland of science; The gentle reader's friends among the clergy; Quixotism; Intimate knowledge and delight. Most reprinted from Atlantic monthly, v. 81-92, May, 1898-Oct., 1903. Pittsburg. Curtis, G: W: From the easy chair. 3 v. 1892-94. 15Jcm Harper $1 ea Selections from the Easy chair papers in Harper's maga- zine. N. Y. Literary and social essays. 1895. 21cm Harper $2.50 Contents: Emerson; Hawthorne; Works of Hawthorne; Rachel; Thackeray in America; Sir Philip Sidney; Long- fellow; Holmes; Washington Irving. Eliot, C: W: American contributions to civili- zation, and other essays and addresses. 1897. 21 Jem Century $2 19 essays and addresses, mainly social and political, by president of Harvard university. N. Y. Emerson, R. W. Complete works. 12 v. 1883-93. 19 Jem Houghton $1.75 ea Contents: v. 1, Nature, addresses and lectures, v. 2, Essays: 1st series, v. 3, Essays: 2d series, v. 4, Represen- tative men. v. 5, English traits, v. 6, The conduct of life, v. 7, Society and solitude, v. 8, Letters and social aims, v. 9, Poems, v. 10, Lectures and biographical studies, v. 11, Miscellaneous, v. 12, Natural history of intellect and other papers, with a general index. Fiske, John. Century of science, and other es- says. 1899. 20Jcm Houghton $2 Contents: Century of science; Doctrine of evolution: its scope and purport; E: L. Youmans; Part played by in- fancy in the evolution of man; Origins of liberal thought in America; Sir Harry Vane; The arbitration treaty; Francis Parkman; E: A: Freeman; Cambridge as village and city; A harvest of Irish folk-lore; Guessing at half and multiplying by two; Forty years of Bacon-Shakes- peare folly; Some cranks and their crotchets. Excursions of an evolutionist, n. d. 20Jcin Houghton $2 Contents: Europe before the arrival of man; Arrival of man in Europe; Our Aryan forefathers; What we learn from old Aryan words; Was there a primeval mother- tongue? Sociology and hero-worship; Heroes of industry; Causes of persecution; Origins of protestantism; The true lesson of protestantism; Evolution and religion; The meaning of infancy; A universe of mind-stuff; In memo- riam: Charles Darwin. Godkin, E. L. Reflections and comments, 1865- 95. 1895. 21cm Scribner $2 Articles published in Nation during last thirty years. Grant, Robert. Search light letters. 1899. 20cm Scribner $1.50 Contents: To a young man or woman in search of the ideal; To a modern woman with social ambitions; To a young man wishing to be an American; To a political optimist. Higginson, T: W. Outdoor studies; Poems. 1900. 19Jcm (Riversideed.) Houghton $2 Higginson, T: W. Studies in history and let- ters. 1900. 19Jcm (Riversideed.) Houghton $2 Holmes, O. W. Pages from an old volume of life; essays, 1857-1881. 4th ed. 1884. 19Jcm (Riversideed.) Houghton $1.50 Howells, W: D. Literature and life. 1902. 21 Jem Harper $2.25 n Short studies in gently humorous vein, of various . human relations, summer pleasures, the short story, editors and contributors, Bernhardt's Hamlet, etc. N .Y. My literary passions. 1895. 19cm Harper $1.50 Retrospect concerning books which have waked and strengthened his love for literature. Nation, 61: 156. Lodge, H: C. Historical and political essays. 1892. 20cm Houghton $1.25 Contents: W: H. Seward; James Madison; Gouverneur Morris; Why patronage in office is un-American; Distribu- tion of ability in the United States; Parliamentary ob- struction in the United States; Parliamentary minorities; Party allegiance. Lowell, J. R. Writings, in prose. 7 v. 1899. 20Jcm (Riversideed.) Houghton $1.50ea Contents: v. 1-4, Literary essays, v. 5, Political essays, v. 6, Literary and political essays, v. 7, Latest literary essays and addresses. Mabie, H. W. Books and culture. 1896. 17Jcm Dodd $1 On the charm and teachings of literature. Illustrations drawn mainly from Homer, Shakespeare, Dante and Gothe. Literature, 3: 466. Essays on work and culture. 1898. 18cm Dodd $1.25 On right conditions of work, ultimate tests, value of relaxation, of concentration, special training, imagina- tion, etc. N. Y. My study fire. 2 v. 1899. 21 Jem Dodd $1.25 ea Pleasant collection of indoor reveries and firelight pic- tures, with a few notes on books and authors. Nation. Martin, E: 8. Windfalls of observation, gath- ered for the edification of the young and the solace of others. 9th ed. 1901. 18Jcm Scribner $1.25 Brief conversational essays on climate, courtship, wills and heirs, the travel habit, Christmas sentiments, etc. N.Y. Mullany, P. F. Essays miscellaneous, by Brother Azarias. 1896. 20cm McBride $1.50 Contents: Literature, its nature and influence; Religion in education; Sonnets and plays of Shakespeare; Culture of the spiritual sense; Our Catholic school system; What is the outlook for our colleges? Church and state. 814 212 A. L. A. CATALOG CLASS LIST Potter, H: C. bp. The scholar and the state, and other orations and addresses. 1898. 21 Jem Century $2 Contents: The scholar and the state; Character in states- manship; The scholar in American life; Scholarship and service; Heroisms of the unknown; Relations of science to modern life; Rural re-enforcement of cities; Christian- ity and the criminal; A phase of social science; Nobility in business; Ministry of music; The gospel for wealth; The Christian and the state; Higher uses of an. exposition; A hundred American years; The lifegiving word; Signifi- cance of the American cathedral. Repplier, Agnes. Essays in miniature. 1895. 18Jcm Houghton $1.25 Bright, brief essays on literary subjects. N. Y. Points of view. 1891. 18Jcm Houghton $1.25 Contents: A plea for humor; English love-songs; Books that have hindered me; Literary shibboleths; Fiction in the pulpit; Pleasure: a heresy; Esoteric economy; Scan- derbeg; English railway fiction. A plea for cheerfulness in literature and simplicity in criticism. N. Y. Varia. 1897. ISJcm Houghton $1.25 Contents: The eternal feminine; The deathless diary; Guides, a protest; Little pharisees in fiction; The fete de Gayant; Cakes and ale; Old wine and new; The royal road of fiction; From the reader's standpoint. Sill, E: B. Prose of E: R. Sill; with an introd. comprising some familiar letters. 1900. 17 Jem Houghton $1.25 Originally appeared in Contributor's club of Atlantic monthly. Cover a wide range of topics, are full of quaint and original conceptions and sparkle with witty sayings. N.Y. Sp aiding, J: L. bp. Opportunity, and other es- says and addresses. 1900. 18cm McClurg $1 Contents: Opportunity; Woman and the higher educa- tion; The university: a nursery of the higher life; The university and the teacher; Goethe as educator; The pa- triot; Empire or republic. Author Roman Catholic bishop of Peoria since 1877. Socialism and labor. 1902. 18cm McClurg 80c n Contents: Socialism and labor; Basis of popular gov- ernment; Are we in danger of revolution? Charity and justice; Woman and the Christian religion; Emotion and truth; Education and patriotism; Assassination and an- archy; Church and country; Labor and capital; Work and leisure; The mystery of pain; An orator and lover of jus- tice [John Peter Altgeld] ; St Bede. Torrey, Bradford. Birds in the bush. 8th ed. 1895. 18 Jem Houghton $1.25 Chiefly studies of birds in rambles in various parts of New England. They are among the best literature about birds. L. &L Van Dyke, Henry. Fisherman's luck and some other uncertain things. 1899. 20cm Scribuer $2 Reflections on fishing and outdoor fires, meadows and mountains, landscapes and lovers. N. Y. Little rivers; a book of essays in profit- able idleness. 1903. 20cm Scribner $1.50 Contents: Little rivers; A leaf of spearmint; Amper- sand; A handful of heather; The Restigouche from a horse-yacht; Alpenrosenandgoat's-milk; Au large; Trout- fishing in the Traun; At the sign of the balsam bough; A song after sundown. Series of angling sketches on a more serious background, worked into a combination simple and charming, full of the spirit of pastoral and woodland scenes. Treats of the various rivers visited and fished by the author. Nation (B) Van Dyke, J: C: Nature for its own sake; first studies in natural appearances. 1898. 18Jcm Scribner $1.50 Points out the beauty of light, the sky, rain, snow, the sea, streams, mountains, etc. N. Y. Warner, C: D. As we go. 1894. 15cm Harper $1 Brief papers from Harper's magazine, mainly about various phases of human intercourse; graceful, humor- ous and incisive. N. Y. Fashions in literature, and other literary and social essays and addresses. 1902. 20cm Dodd $1.20 n Contents: Fashions in literature; The American news- paper; Certain diversities of American life; The Pilgrim, and the American of today; Nathan Hale; Some causes of the prevailing discontent; Education of the negro; The indeterminate sentence; The life-saving and life-prolon- ing art; Literary copyright; The pursuit of happiness; Truthfulne!; Literature and the stage; "H. H." in southern California. Relation of literature to life. 1897. 19 Jem Harper $1.50 Contents: The relation of literature to life; Simplicity; " Equality; " What is your culture to me? Modern fiction; Thoughts suggested by Mr Froude's "Progress;" Eng- land; The English volunteers during the late invasion; The novel and the common school; A night in the garden of the Tuileries. Reflective essays on worth of literature in conduct of life, etc. Gayley & Scott (B) Whipple, E. P. Character and characteristic men. 1894. 20cm Houghton $1.50 Contents: Character; Eccentric character; Intellectual character; Heroic character; The American mind; The English mind; Thackeray; Hawthorne; Edward Everett; Thomas Starr King; Agassiz; Washington and the princi- ples of the revolution. Wilson, Woodrow. Mere literature, and other essays. 1896. 19Jcm Houghton $1.50 Contents: Mere literature; The author himself; On an author's choice of company; A literary politician [Walter Bagehot] ; The interpreter of English liberty [Edmund LITERATURE AMERICAN ORATORY. HUMOR 213 Burke] ; The truth of the matter; A calendar of great Americans; The course of American history. Opening essay a spirited plea for the study and appre- ciation of literature as literary art. Gayley & Scott (B) Woodberry, G:E: Heart of man. 1899. 18cm Macmillan $1.50 Contents: Taormina; A new defence of poetry; Democ- racy; The ride. Four papers, loosely connected by unity of purpose: To interpret history, literature, democracy and religion, by the touchstone of modern idealism. Hare. grad. m. (B) 815 American oratory Curtis, G: W: Orations and addresses; ed. by C: E. Norton. 3 v. 1894. 23cm Harper $10.50 Contents: v. 1, On the principles and character of American institutions, and the duties of American citi- zens, 1856-1891. v. 2, Addresses and reports on the reform of the civil service of the United States, v. 3, Historical and memorial addresses. On patriotism, educated men in politics, slavery, woman suffrage, the puritan spirit, higher education, the English speaking race, etc. N. Y. Admirably illustrates wide range of his interests, strength and soberness of his convictions, his keen sense of political honor, and his hopeful public spirit. L. A. H. Johnston, Alexander, ed. American orations: studies in American political history, with in- troductions; re-edited with hist, and textual notes by J. A. Woodburn. 4 v. 1901-4. 18cm Putnam $5 Selected rather with a view to historical value than for oratorical excellence. The introductions are admirably clear and effective. Xation (B) Watterson, Henry. The compromises of life, and other lectures and addresses. 1903. 20cm Fox $1.50 n In his own way, and choosing his own illustrations, he preaches the gospel that the life is more than meat and the body than raiment. Best and most authoritative chapters deal with conditions in the South and with journalism. Dial, 36: 51. Webster, Daniel. Speeches and orations; with an essay on Webster as a master of English style, by E. P. Whipple. 1902. 24cm Little $3 SI 7 American satire and humor Clemens, S: L. Adventures of Huckleberry Finn (Tom Sawyer's comrade) by Mark Twain. New ed. 1896. 19cm Harper $1.75 An epic of boyhood; his adventures in a raft voyage down the Mississippi bring out his shrewdness, his humor and his struggling conscience. Faithful in the rendering of southern dialects. Baker. Clemens, S: L. Adventures of Tom Sawyer, by Mark Twain. 1903. 20cm Harper $1.75 Based on reminiscences of author's boyhood in Missouri; very full picture of life in the Southwest. Full of inci- dent and fun. Baker. Innocents abroad; or, The new Pilgrim's progress, by Mark Twain. 1903. 20Jcm Harper $2 Account of travels in the Mediterranean and the adja- cent countries. The party of Innocents adopt the r61e of impervious philistines, with no reverence for works of art and antiquity. To some extent a satire on the Amer- ican globe-trotter. Baker. Life on the Mississippi, by Mark Twain. 1903. 20 Jem Harper $1.75 In the main a veracious record of bygone phases of life, observed by author when pilot on a Mississippi steamer. Characteristics of the people, effects of slavery, family feuds, lawlessness, lynching, etc. are all noted down with the zeal of a reformer. Baker. Pudd'nhead Wilson; and Those extraor- dinary twins, by Mark Twain. 1903. 20$cm Harper $1.75 Serious delineation of life half a century ago in a little Missouri town, with character sketches of some vanished types. Baker. Roughing it, by Mark Twain. 1903. 20icm Harper $2 A tramp abroad, by Mark Twain. 1903. 20icm Harper $2 Facetious narrative of author's travels over the globe, full of broad jokes, hilarious incidents and mock serious criticism, stamped by the same philistinism that charac- terized the Innocents and by a serious insight that looks below the surface. Baker. Curtis, G: W: Potiphar papers. 1900. 19cm Harper $1.50 Dunne, F. P: Mr Dooley in peace and in war. 1899. 18cm Small $1.25 Mr Dooley, a typical Irish- American, talks in humorous brogue on topics of the hour. His satire is acute, good- humored and entertaining. N. Y. Mr Dooley in the hearts of his country- men. 1899. 18cm, Small $1.25 Genial satire, with a hearty laugh on every page, as well as merited rebuke of many iniquities in the English- speaking world. Dial, 27: 370. Holmes, O. W. Autocrat of the breakfast-table. 1892. 20cm (Riversideed.) Houghton $1.50 Full of alert wisdom, droll humor and shrewd obser- vation of life. The scraps of poetry are among his finest verse. Baker. Over the teacups. 1896. 20cm (River- side ed.) Houghton $1.50 The peculiar note of these talks is the confidence with which the author speaks of his past to the army of friends whom his kind wit and wise heart have gained. Lit. world. 815 214 A. L. A. CATALOG CLASS LIST Holmes, O. W. Poet at the breakfast-table. 1893. 20cm (Riversideed.) Houghton $1.50 Professor at the breakfast-table; with The story of Iris. 1898. 20cm (Riversideed.) Houghton $1.50 Irving, Washington. Bracebridge hall. 2 v. 1897. 18cm (Knick. ed.) Putnam $1.25 ea Sympathetic picture of pleasant phases of English country life; recalls the similar sketches of Addison in Sir Roger de Coverley papers. Baker. Knickerbocker's History of New York. 2 v. 1897. 18cm (Knick. ed. ) Putnam $1.25 ea Comic history in which fact and droll fiction are in- extricably mingled. Introduces a good deal of kindly satire of the old Dutch inhabitants of Manhattan Island. Baker. Reviews and miscellanies. 1897. 18cm (Knick. ed.) Putnam $1.25 Contents: Reviews and miscellanies; Stories and le- gends. Salmagundi. 2 v. 1897. 18cm (Knick. ed. ) Putnam $1.25 ea By William Irving, J. K. Paulding and Washington Irving. A serious miscellany of essays and sketches, including Addisonian memoirs of the Cockloft family, and satirical letters from a Turkish exile in New York, after the model of Goldsmith and Montesquieu. Baker. Sketch-book. 2v. 1897. 18cm (Knick. ed.) Putnam $1.25 ea The best example of his powers, mild, cheerful, fanci- ful, thoughtful, humorous; "Rip Van Winkle" and "Sleepy Hollow " are among the finest pieces of fiction to be found in any literature. A: H. Welsh, Development of English literature and language. Tales of a traveller. 2 v. 1897. 18cm (Knick. ed.) Putnam $1.25 ea Knowles, F: L. ed. The poetry of American wit and humor; selected by R. L. Paget. 1899. 17cm (Cap and gown ser.) Page $1.25 Mason, E: T. ed. Humorous masterpieces from American literature. 3 v.' 1886-88. 16cm Putnam $3.75 Well chosen and representative. N. Y. Warner, C: D. Backlog studies. 1900. 18cm Houghton $1.25 Being a boy. 1897. 19Jcm Houghton $1.25 Y Reminiscences and reflections on actual boyhood lovingly remembered. My summer in a garden. 1898. 17cm Houghton $1.50 An attempt to tell the truth about one of the most fas- cinating occupations in the world. C: D. Warner. 81 American miscellany Alcott, A. B. Concord days. 1872. 18cm Little $1.50 Flint, M. B. A garden of simples. 1900. 20cm Scribner $1.50 Legendary and therapeutic lore of plants and flowers furnishes matter for a series of entertaining sketches and essays. Pub. wkly. Garden of a commuter's wife, recorded by the gardener. 1901. 20cm Macmillan $1.50 A year's record of the fashioning and blooming of a country garden near New York. Outdoor delights are matched by charming domesticity within. N. Y. Mitchell, D. G. Reveries of a bachelor; or, A book of the heart, by Ik Marvel. Rev. ed. 1892. ISJcm Scribner $1.25 Love idyls in form of day dreams "over a wood fire, by a city grate, over his cigar." Ed. sel. Thoreau, H: D: Autumn. 1893. 20cm (Riv- erside ed.) Houghton $1.50 Extracts from the daily journal of Thoreau who "had atched nature like a detective who is to go on the stand." J. R. Lowell. Early spring in Massachusetts. 1896. 20cm (Riversideed.) Excursions. 1895. Houghton $1.50 20cm (Riverside ed.) Houghton $1.50 Miscellanies; with a biographical sketch by R. W. Emerson, and a general index to the writings. 1893. 20cm (Riversideed.) Houghton $1.50 Summer. 1893. 20cm (Riverside ed. ) Houghton $1.50 Walden; or, Life in the woods. 1897. 20cm (Riversideed.) Houghton $1.50 Describes his attempt to solve the problem of simple living by building and occupying a small house in the woods. Keen observations rfn animals, plants and birds. L. &I. Contains the sum and essence of his ideal and ethical philosophy; written in his most powerful and incisive style. H. S. Salt. Winter. 1893. 20cm (Riverside ed. ) Houghton $1.50 82O English literature Blaisdell, E. A. & M.. F. Child life readers. 5 v. 1899-1902. 19xl5cm Macmillan Y Contents: v. 1, Child life, 25c n. v. 2, Child life in tale and fable, 35c n. v. 3, Child life in many lands, 36c n. v. 4. Child life in literature, 40c n. v. 5, Child life fifth reader, 45c 11. LITERATURE ENGLISH LITERATURE 215 Brink, Bernhard ten. History of English lit- erature; tr. fr. the German. 2 v. in 3. 1883-96. 20Jcm Holt $2 ea 8 Title varies: v. 1, Early English literature (to Wiclif) tr. by H. M. Kennedy, v. 2, pt. 1, History- of English lit- erature (Wyclif, Chaucer, earliest drama, renaissance) tr. by W. C. Robinson, v. 2, pt. 2, History of English litera- ture (from the 14th century to death of Surrey) ed. by Dr A. Brandl, tr. by L. D. Schmitz. The work of a master long familiar with his materials and free and bold in his treatment. William Minto in Acad. 24: 173 (B 1 ! ^ Brooke, S. A: English literature, from the be- ginning to the Norman conquest. 1898. 19icm Macmillan $1.50 n Bibliography, p. 325-34. Brownell, W: C. Victorian prose masters. 1901. 21cm Scribner $1.50 n Critical studies of Thackeray, Carlyle, George Eliot, Matthew Arnold, Ruskin, George Meredith. N. Y. Chambers, Robert. Chambers' s cyclopaedia of English literature; new ed. by David Patrick. 3 v. 1902-4. 27Jcm Lippincott $15 n E Critical and biographic account of English and American authors and characteristic selections from their works. Thoroughly revised by well-known writers, and brought to date. Kroeger. Dawson, W: J. Literary leaders of modern England; selected chapters from "The makers of modern poetry ' ' and ' ' The makers of modern prose." 1902. 19cm (Chaut. lit. & sci. cir.) Chautauqua press $1 Bibliography at end of each chapter. Essays on Wordsworth, Tennyson, Browning, Carlyle and Ruskin, with selections from their works. ^Gosse, E. W: History of eighteenth century literature (1660-1780) 1898. 19cm Macmillan $1 n Bibliography, p. 401-4. r Harrison, Frederic. Studies in early Victorian literature. 1895. 20Jcm Lane $1.50 Contents: Characteristics of Victorian literature; Car- lyle: Macaulay: Benjamin Disraeli; Thackeray; Dickens; Charlotte Bronte; Charles Kingsley; Trollope; George Eliot. Hawthorne readers. 6 v. 1901-4. 19cm Globe school bk. co. Contents: Primer: Story friends, by S. L. Blaisdell, Isa- bella Austin and M.. L. Oilman, 24c n. First reader: Little- folk tales, by M.. L. Oilman, Isabella Austin and S. L. Blaisdell, 24c n. Second reader: Story land, by M.. F. Hall and M.. L. Oilman, 36c n. Third reader: From many lands, by Florence Holbrook and M.. F. Hall, 48c n. Fourth reader: Nature and life, by A. W. Sterling,. Florence Holbrook and E: E. Hale, jr., 56c n. Fifth reader: Literature, by E: E. Hale, jr. and A. W. Sterling, 60cn. Hutton, R: H. Literary essays. 1892. 18cm Macmillan $1.50 Contents: Goethe and his influence; Genius of Words- worth; Shelley and his poetry; Browning; Poetry of the Old Testament; Arthur Hugh Clough; Poetry of Matthew Arnold: Tennyson; Nathaniel Hawthorne. Johnson, Rossiter, ed. Little classics. 18 v. 1900. 17cm Houghton $1 ea Contents: v. 1, Exile, v. 2, Intellect, v. 3, Tragedy, v. 4, Life. v. 5, Laughter, v. 6, Love. v. 7, Romance, v. 8, Mystery, v. 9, Comedy, v. 10, Childhood, v. 11, Heroism, v. 12, Fortune, v. 13, Poems narrative, v. 14, Poems lyrical, v. 15, Minor poems, v. 16, Nature, v. 17, Humanity, v. 18, Authors; biographical sketches of the authors represented in the series, with a general index. Jusserand, J. A. A. J. Literary history of the English people; from the origins to the renais- sance, v. 1. 1895. 23cm Putnam $3.50 n Swift running recital of origin and development of Eng- lish letters down to pre-Elizabethan dramatists. Book neivs. Minto, William. Manual of English prose litera- ture, biographical and critical, designed mainly to show characteristics of style. 1901. 19cm Ginn $1.50 Serviceable as supplement to treatise on rhetoric. 7vd- tion, 32: 430 (B) Mitchell, D. G. English lands, letters and kings. v. 1-4. 1889-97. 19cm Scribner $1.50 ea R Contents: v. 1, From Celt to Tudor, v. 2, From Eliza- beth to Anne. v. 3, Queen Anne and the Georges, v. 4, The later Georges to Victoria, v. 5, Victorian age (in press) Giyes much touching personal traits and habits of English writers. Nation, 61: 352. Moody, W: V., & Lovett, R. M. History of English literature. 1902. 20Jcm . Scribner $1.25 n B, Reading guide, p. 385-411. Suited to students and readers who have graduated from their Stopford Brooke's Primer. Dial, 33:96 (B) Morley, Henry. English writers. 11 v. 1887- 95. 19icm Cassell $1.50 ea Contents: v. 1, Origins to Beowulf, v. 2, Caedmon to the conquest, v. 3, Conquest to Chaucer, v. 4-5, 14th century, v. 6, Chaucer to Caxton. v. 7, Caxton to Coverdale. v. 8, Surrey to Spenser, v. 9, Spenser and his time. v. 10-11, Shakespeare and his time. Vol. 11 completed after Morley's death by W. H. Griffin Bibliography, 11; 335-460. Pancoast, H: S. Introduction to English litera- ture. Rev. ed. 1896. 17cm Holt $1.25 Based on his Representative English literature. Each chapter includes one or more bibliographies. Saintsbury, G: E : B. History of nineteenth cen- tury literature (1780-1895) 1896. 19Jcm Macmillan $1.50 A handbook of clear general statements, orderly ar- rangement, little prejudice, much knowledge, and gen- 818 216 A. L. A. CATALOG CLASS LIST erally sound acceptance of average sensible opinion on most subjects. Ath. 1896, 2: 790. Saintsbury, G: E: B. Short history of English literature. 1898. 19Jcm Macmillan $1.50 n R From Anglo-Saxon period to present decade (1891- 1900) Critical rather than historical. N. Y. Scudder, V. D. Social ideals in English letters. 1898. 20cm Houghton $1.75 Study of literature as affected by and as influencing social philosophy and conditions from Langland to pres- ent day writers. N. Y. Stephen, Sir Leslie. Hours in a library. New ed. 3v. 1899. 19Jcm Putnam $4.50 Contents: v. 1, De Foe's novels; Richardson's novels; Pope as a moralist; Walter Scott; Nathaniel Hawthorne; Balzac's novels; De Quincey; Thomas Browne; Jonathan Edwards; Horace Walpole. v. 2, Dr Johnson's writings; Crabbe; William Hazlitt; Disraeli's novels; Massinger; Fielding's novels; Cowper and Rousseau; The first Edin- burgh reviewers; Wordsworth's ethics; Landor's Imagi- nary conversations; Macaulay. v. 3, Charlotte Bronte; Charles Kingsley; Godwin and Shelley; Gray and his school; Sterne; Country books; George Eliot; Autobiog- raphy; Carlyle's ethics; The State trials; Coleridge. Taine, H. A. History of English literature; tr. byH. VanLaun. 2v. 1900. 20Jcm Holt $5 What makes the book unique is its thoroughgoing at- tempt to explain a whole literature in terms of national character, inherited culture and environment. L. E. Gates (B) Woodberry, G: E: Makers of literature. 1900. 18Jcm Macmillan $1.50 Enlarged from his Studies in letters and life, first pub- lished in Atlantic monthly and Nation, 1878-1900. Essays on Shelley, Landor, Browning, Byron, Arnold, Coleridge, Lowell, Whittier and others. Title. 21 English poetry Arnold, Sir Edwin. Poetical works. 2v. 1889. 19Jcm Little $4 Arnold, Matthew. Poetical works. 1903. 19Jcm Macmillan $1.75 Austin, Alfred. English lyrics, ed. by William Watson. 4th ed. 1896. ISJcm Macmillan $1.25 Brooke, S. A: ed. Treasury of Irish poetry in the English tongue; ed. by S. A: Brooke and T. W. Rolleston. 1900. 20 Jem (Globe ed. ) Macmillan $1.75 Aims o be systematic record of best poems by 19th century Irish authors, not a select list of poems of intrin- sic value. Biographic notes and short critical notices by well known critics. Browning, Mrs Elizabeth. (Barrett) Com- plete poetical works. 1900. 21 Jem (Camb. ed. of the poets) Houghton $2 Has biographic sketch by Harriet Waters Preston, notes, double indexes and portraits. An inspired singer, if there ever was one all fire and air, her song and soul alike devoted to liberty, aspiration and ethereal love. E. C. Stedman. Bryant, W: C. ed. New library of poetry and song; with his review of poets and poetry from the time of Chaucer. Rev. ed. 1903. 24cm Baker & T. $5 Popular poems and poetic extracts, classified as poems of infancy and youth, friendship, love, home, religion, nature, peace and war, the sea, adventure, humor, etc. Indexes of titles, first lines and poetical quotations. Many facsimiles. N. Y. Burns, Robert. Complete poetical works. 1897. 21 Jem (Camb. ed. of the poets) Houghton $2 Includes W. E. Henley's essay Robert Burns, life, genius, achievement. Selected poems, with an introd. by Andrew Lang, Scrib- ner 82, is also desirable. Ed. sel. Burroughs, John, ed. Songs of nature. 1901. 20cm McClure $1.50 English and American selections representing com- piler's preferences. Accurate observation as well as poetic expression is his test of fitness. N. Y. Byron, G: G. N. Byron, 6th baron. Poetry of Byron; chosen and arranged by Matthew Ar- nold. 1901. 16 Jem (Golden treas. ser.) Macmillan $1 The Cambridge ed. Houghton, $2, is announced, and the Library ed. Crowell, $1.50, is also good. Ed. sel. Campbell, Thomas. Poetical works; ed. by W. A. Hill; with sketch of his life by William Allingham. 1900. 18cm (Aldine ed.) Macmillan 75c n Chaucer, Geoffrey. Student's Chaucer; com- plete edition by W. W. Skeat. 1895. 21cm Clarendon $1.25 Short introd. dealing with Chaucer's life, character, writings and editions, grammar and meter; a careful, scholarly text of all Chaucer's ascertained works, and an admirable glossarial index. Ath. Child, F. J. ed. English and Scottish popular ballads; ed. by H.. C. Sargent and G: L. Kitt- redge. 1904. 21Jcm (Camb. ed. of the poete) Houghton $3 One selected version of nearly every ballad in Prof. Child's edition in 5 volumes, with general introduction and brief introduction to each ballad. Ed. sel. Clough, A. H. Poems. 1903. 19Jcm Macmillan $2 Coleridge, S: T. Poetical works; ed. with biog. introd. by J.D.Campbell. 1903. 19Jcm (Globe ed.) Macmillan $1.75 Printed authorities, pref . p. 6. Couch, A. T: Quiller-, ed. Oxford book of Eng- lish verse, 1250-1900. 1901. 19Jcm Clarendon $1.90 LITERATURE ENGLISH POETRY 217 Courthope, W: J: History of English poetry. 4v. 1895-1903. 23cm Macmillan $3.25 n ea Cowper, William. Poetical works; ed. with notes and biog. introd. by William Benham. 1902. 19jcm (Globe ed.) Macmillan $1.75 Dana, C: A. ed. Household book of poetry. Rev. ed. 1903. 23xl9Jcm Appleton $5 Classified collection of finest minor poems quoted entire. Class and author indexes. N. Y. De Vere, A. T: Selections from the poems of De Vere; ed. by G: E: Woodberry. 1894. 18cm Macmillan $1.25 "Dobson, Austin. Collected poems. 2 v. 1895? 17Jcm Dodd $2.50 Dryden, John. Poetical works; ed. with a memoir, rev. text, and notes, by W. D. Christie. 1897. 21cm (Globe ed.) Macmillan $1.75 Eliot, George, pseud. Complete poems; biog. introd. by Esther Wood. Personal ed. 1901. 20cm Doubleday $1.50 Goldsmith, Oliver. Poems, plays, and essays; with introd. essay by H: T. Tuckerman and memoir by John Aiken. 1884. 20Jcm Crowell $1.50 Gray, Thomas. Poetical works, English and Latin; ed. with introd., life, notes and a bibliog- raphy by John Bradshaw. 1903. 18cm (Al- dine ed. ) Macmillan 75c n Greenaway, Kate. Marigold garden, n. d. 27 Jem Warne $1.50 Y With original pictures and rhymes. Printed in colors by E. Evans. Pittsburg. Under the window; pictures and rhymes for children, engraved and printed by Edmund Evans, n. d. 24cm Warne $1.50 Y Since Stothard, no one has given us such a clear- eyed, softfaced, happyhearted childhood. Added to this, the old world costume in which Miss Greenaway clothes her characters lends an arch piquancy. Andrew Lang. Hazlitt, William. Lectures on the English poets and on the English comic writers; ed. by W: C. Hazlitt. 1903. 19cm (Bohn's stand, lib.) Macmillan $1 n On poetry in general, with 7 lectures on individual poets from Chaucer to Southey and Coleridge; originally given in 1818. N. Y. Hemans. J/r.f F. D. (Browne) Poetical works; with memoir, explanatory notes, etc. n. d. 20cm ( Library ed.) Crowell $1 Henley, W: E. Lyra heroica; a book of verse for boys. 1891. 17 Jem Scribner $1.25 Y Collection of stirring English and American ballads from Shakespeare to Kipling. N. Y Henley, W: E. Poems. 6th ed. 1904. 21cm Scribner $1.75 Herbert, George. Poems; added selections from his prose, and Walton's Life; with prefa- tory notice by Ernest Rhys. 1885. 15cm (Can- terbury poets) W. Scott I/ Herrick, Robert. Poems, a selection from Hes- perides and Noble numbers; with introd. by T: B. Aldrich. 1900. 20cm (Century class.) Century $1.25 n None of the English lyric poets has shown a more per- fect sense of words and of their musical efficiency, none has united so exquisitely a classic sense of form to that impulsive tunefulness which we have come to consider as essentially English. Ernest Rhys. Ingelow, Jean. Poems. 1896. 19Jcm Little $1.50 Keats, John. Complete poetical works and let- ters. 1899. 21 Jem (Camb. ed. of the poets) Houghton $2 Globe edition, Macmillan, $1.75, also good. Ed. sel. Kingsley, Charles. Poems. 1902. 19jcm Macmillan 75c Kipling, Rudyard. Departmental ditties and Ballads and Barrack-room ballads. 1899. 20 Jem Doubleday $1.50 The five nations; [poems] 1903. 21cm Doubleday $1.40 n The seven seas. 1896. 19Jcm Appleton $1.50 Lang, Andrew. 18cm Ballades and verses vain. 1902. Scribner $1.50 Langland, William. Vision of William con- cerning Piers the Plowman, according to version rev. and enl. by author about A. D. 1377; ed. byW. W. Skeat. 8th ed. 1900. 17Jcm (Clar- endon press ser. ) Clarendon $1.10 Locker-Lampson, Frederick. London lyrics. 1893. 16cm Stokes $1 Lucas, E: V. comp. Book of verses for chil- dren. 1897. 19Jcm Holt $2 Y About 200 selections, from Robert Browning's Pippa's song to Edward Lear's nonsense rhymes. Illustrated. N. Y. Macaulay, T: B. Macaulay, 1st baron. Lays of ancient Rome. (In his Works, class 824, v. 8) Macpherson, James. Poems of Ossian, with introd. historical and critical, by George Eyre- Todd. 1888. 14Jcm (Canterbury poets) W. Scotc I/ Meredith, George. Poems. 1903. 19Jcm Scribner $1.50 o 821 218 A. L. A. CATALOG CLASS LIST ^ Meynell, Mrs A. C. (Thompson) ed. Flower of the mind; a choice among the best poems. 1897. 19icm Mansfield $1-25 n "^ Milton, John. Complete poetical works. 1899. 21icm (Camb. ed. of the poets) Houghton $2 Life of Milton, by W. V. Moody, pref. p. 9-34. Introduction to the prose and poetical works; comprising all the autobiographic pas- sages, the more explicit presentations of his ideas of true liberty; Comus, Lycidas, and Samson Agonistes; with notes by Hiram Corson. 1899. 19Jcm Macmillan $1.25 n Aim to encourage students in such study of Milton as shall bring them into vivifying spiritual contact with loftiest of English poets. Has two main sections: Milton's autobiography; passages which set forth idea of liberty. Dial, 28: 204. ~ Moore, Thomas. Complete poetical works, col- lected by himself, with explanatory notes and biog. introd. 1895. 20cm (Stand, lib. ed.) Crowell $1 Moore's poems are full of color, while their melody is almost faultless. His verse is sensuous and sweet. Thomas Archer. X Morris, "William. Defence of Guenevere, and . other poems. 1903. 17Jcm Longmans $2 Earthly paradise. New ed. 1896. 22cm Longmans $2.50 Reclothes the choicest and most famous legends of Asia and Europe with the delicate fabric of its verse. E. C. Stedman. Life and death of Jason; a poem. 1902. 19 Jem Longmans $1.50 Story of Sigurd the Volsung and the fall of the Niblungs.- 1904. 21cm Longmans $2 In his own judgment it stood apart from the rest of his poetry because the subject was the story which he counted first in the world, and because he was convinced that he had treated this story with fidelity and largeness of man- ner. J. W. Mackail. Palgrave, F. T. ed. Children's treasury of lyri- cal poetry; selected and arranged with notes. 1898. 16cm (Golden treas. ser.) Y Macmillan $1 The golden treasury; selected from the best songs and lyrical poems in the English language and arranged with notes. 1st ser. Kev. ed. 1903. 16cm (Golden treas. ser. ) Macmillan $1 Edited with the advice and collaboration of Tennyson, and the anthology after 40 years still holds its popularity and influence. Ed. sel. Percy, Thomas, comp. Reliques of ancient Eng- lish poetry, consisting of old heroic ballads, songs, and other pieces of our earlier poets, with some of later date; ed. by J. V. Prichard. 2 v. 1900. 19cm (Bohn's stand, lib.) Macmillan $2 n Made an epoch in history of English literature. It pro- moted with lasting effect the revival of interest in our older poetry. Diet, of not. biog. Phillips, Stephen. Poems. 13th ed. 1902. ^ 19cm Lane $1.25 n Pope, Alexander. Complete poetical works. ' 1902. 21cm (Camb. ed. of the poets) Houghton $2 s* Procter, A. A. Complete poetical works, with ' an introd. by Charles Dickens. 1903. 16cm ( Cabinet ed.) Houghton $1 Raleigh, W. A. Wordsworth. 1903. 20cm Arnold $2 More exclusively critical than Myers, less biographic. Nation. Bepplier, Agnes, ed. Book of famous verse. 1892. 23cm Houghton 75c Y Well chosen for children, and embracing martial strains, tales of brave deeds and romance, somber ballads and joyous lyrics; mainly 19th century verse. N. Y. Bossetti, C. G. Poems. Author's ed. 1899. ' 19cm Little $1.75 Bossetti, D. G. Complete poetical works; ed. "*" with preface and notes by W: M. Eossetti. 1903. 19cm Little $1.75 Illustrated edition by E. L. Cary, 2 v. Putnam 1903, 86.50, desirable. Ed. sel. Buskin, John. Poems, now first collected and ed. with notes by W. G. Collingwood. Brant- wood ed. 2v. 1891. 19cm. Longmans $3 n Schelling, F. E. ed. Book of Elizabethan lyrics. 1903. 19cm (Ath. press ser. ) Ginn 75c Arranged nearly chronologically. Introduction on gen- eral nature of Elizabethan lyric, briefly treating sources of the selections, questions of text and authorship. Pub- lishers.' Book of seventeenth century lyrics. 1899. 19cm (Ath. press ser. ) Ginn 75c In all respects, selection, editorship, commentary and annotation very near perfection. Nation, 69: 433. Scott, >SVr Walter. Complete poetical works. ' 1900. 21 Jem (Camb. ed. of the poets) Houghton $2 Biographic sketch, pref. p. 11-23. Other good editions are the Globe, Macmillan $1.75, and ed. rev. by W. J. Rolfe, Houghton 83.50. It is convenient to have also editions of the "The lady of the lake," "The lay of the last minstrel," and " Marmion," e. g. the Stu- dents' ser. ed. W. J. Rolfe, Houghton, 75c each. Ed. sel. Scudder, V. D. Life of the spirit in the modern English poets. 1901. 20cm Houghton $1.75 Study of poetry as influenced by and interpreting modern democratic, scientific and religious ideals. N. Y. LITERATURE ENGLISH POETRY 219 Shairp, J: C. Aspects of poetry. 1891. 18cm Houghton $1.50 With respect to the poetry of nature, no more sug- gestive a critic. E. C. Stedman /B) Shelley, P. B. Complete poetical works. 1901. 21 Jem (Camb. ed. of the poets) Houghton $2 Ed. by G: E: Woodberry. Globe edition, Macmillan 81.75, also good. Ed. sel. Shute, K. H. ed. The land of song; selected by K. H. Shute, ed. by Larkin Dunton. 3 v. 1898-99. 19cm Silver v. 1, 36c n; v. 2, 48c n; v. 3, 54c n Y Contents: bk. 1, For primary grades; bk. 2, For lower grammar grades; bk. 3, For upper grammar grades. Sidney, Sir Philip. Lyric poems; ed. by Ernest Rhys. n. d. 15Jcm (Lyric poets) Macmillan $1 Southey, Robert. Poems; chosen and arranged by Edward Dowden. 1895. 16Jcm (Golden treas. ser. ) Macmillan $1 Spenser, Edmund. Works; ed. by R. Morris; with a memoir by J: W. Hales. 1899. 20cm (Globe ed.) Macmillan $1.75 Stedman, E. C. ed. Victorian anthology, 1837- 1895. 1895. 21Jcm Houghton $2.50 A truthful exhibit of the course of song during 60 years, as shown by the poets of Great Britain in the best of their shorter productions. Designed to supplement his Victo- rian poets by choice and typical examples of thie work discussed. Pref. Victorian poets; rev. and extended to the fiftieth year of the period under review. 1903. 20 Jem Houghton $2.25 Interpretative in a very real sense of the period it sur- veys, and likely for that reason to possess permanent im- portance. H. W. Mabie in B'kman, 3: 424 (B) Stevenson, R. Li: Child's garden of verses; illus. by Charles Robinson. 1900. 19 Jem Y Scribner $1.50 Poems and ballads. 1896. 18cm Scribner $1.50 Contents: A child's garden of verses; Underwoods; Ballads. Swinburne, A. C: Selections from the latest English edition; ed. by R: H: Stoddard. 1884. 20Jcm Crowell $1 Contains Atalanta, Erechtheus, Chastelard, Bothwell, Mary Stuart, Poems and ballads and Sonnets. Thacher, J/r* L. W. comp. The listening child; a selection from English verse, for the youngest readers and hearers. 1899. 20cm Macmillan $1.25 The introd. 'A short talk to children about poetry ', is clear and attractive and the selections are of a very high order. The whole book is, as its title signifies, adapted to be read to children rather than by them. Ed. sel. Vaughan, Henry. Silex scintillans, etc. sacred poems and pious ejaculations; with mem. by H. F. Lyte. 1897. 18cm (Aldineed.) Macmillan 50c Ward, T: H. ed. The English poets. Students' ed. 4v. 1894-1903. 19Jcm Macmillan $1 ea n Contents: v. 1, Chaucer to Donne, v. 2, Ben Jonson to Dryden. v. 3, Addison to Blake, v. 4, Wordsworth to Ten- nyson. v. 1 and 3 published 1903; v. 2, 1902; v. 4, new ed., 1894. Invaluable collection, with prefatory critical notices by scholars and writers, and a general introduction by Matthew Arnold. L. &. I. Watson, William. Selected poems. 1903. 18cm Lane $1.25 n Author's own selection. N. Y. Whittier, J: G. ed. Child life; a collection of poems. 1872. 19Jcm Houghton $2 Y Poems for and about children. Pittsburg. Songs of three centuries. 1890. 20Jcm (Household ed. ) Houghton $1.50 Gathers up the best of the old ballads and short, time- approved poems; draws largely from contemporary writ- ers and the waifs and estrays of unknown authors. In- cludes careful selection of hymns. Pref. Wiggin, Mrs X.. D. (Smith), & Smith, N. A. ed. Golden numbers; a book of verse for youth. 1902. 20cm McClure $2.50 n Y Comprehensive, classified selection from standard poets, with attractive introduction. Author and title indexes. N. Y. The posy ring; a book of verse for children. 1903. 20cm McClure $1.25 n Y Companion volume to Golden numbers, for younger children. Yeats, W: B. ed. Book of Irish verse; selected from modern writers, with introd. and notes. Rev. ed. 1900. 20cm Methuen 3/6 Robert Browning Browning, Robert. Complete poetic and dra- matic works. 1895. 21 Jem (Camb. ed. of the poets) Houghton $3 Contains biographic sketch, bibliographic head notes, and appendix with notes and Browning's suppressed es- say on Shelley. Except for the convenience of the 1 vol. form, the Globe ed. 2 v. (Macmillan, $1.75 ea.) is perhaps better, and Camberwell ed. (12 v. Crowell, 75c ea.) edited with notes In each volume and indexes in v. 12 is desirable. Ed. sel. The boys' Browning; poems of action and incident, comp. from the works of Robert Browning. 1899. 19cm Estes 50c Y Another tollection, containing also a selection of poems by Mrs Browning, published by Smith, Elder, called The Brownings for the young, is good and somewhat more extensive, but is for a little older children. Ed. sel. 821 220 A L. A. CATALOG CLASS LIST Browning guides, etc. Berdoe, Edward. Browning cyclopaedia; a guide to study, with copious explanatory notes and references on all difficult passages, n. d. 20cm Macmillan $3.50 Alphabetic entries ranging from brief definitions to 60 pages on The ring and the book. Gives selected list of Browning literature and chronologic list of works, pref. p. 11-18. N. Y. Brooke, S. A: Poetry of Robert Browning. 1902. 20Jcm Crowell $1.50 n Critical essays on his attitude toward nature, human life, art, womanhood, love and other passions, with analy- sis of greater poems. Chapter comparing Tennyson and Browning. N. Y. Cooke, G: W. Guide-book to the poetic and dramatic works of Robert Browning. 1891. 20cm Houghton $2 The best things said of Browning, pref. p. 9-14. Alphabetic arrangement of titles, characters, allusions and well known quotations, with fairly full information. Now incorporated in introduction and notes of 1899 Riv- erside edition. N. Y. Corson, Hiram. Introduction to the study of Robert Browning's poetry. 1903. 18cm Heath $1 List of criticisms of Browning's works, p. 361-67. Literary insight and poetic sympathy mark the book. It leads distinctively to a perception of the poet's skill as an artist. A useful and friendly guide. Poet-lore. (B) Orr, Mrs Alexandra (Ueighton) Handbook to the works of Robert Browning. 6th ed. 1902. 18cm Macmillan $1.75 'Jhronologic bibliography, p. 365-93; alphabetic list of Browning's works, p. 395-409. Had the benefit of the poet's close revision and was ac- cepted by him as the official introduction to the study of his writings. Edmund Gosse (B) Tennyson Tennyson, Alfred Tennyson, 1st baron. Poetic and dramatic works. 1898. 21|cm (Camb. ed. of the poets) Houghton $2 Biographic sketch, by W. J. Rolfe, pref. p. 11-17. The Globe ed. Macmillan $1.75 n is also good. The Life and complete works, 10 v. Macmillan $20, is very de- sirable, the poems covering 6 v. and the biography 4 v. in more attractive form than the ordinary 2 v. edition. Ed. sel. Brooke, S. A: Tennyson, his art and relation to modern life. 1903. 20cm Putnam $2 A coarse of popular lectures; says interesting things, some of them new, about Tennyson's art, and in particu- lar about his artistic use of nature. Xation, 58: 470 (B) Emphatically most critical and complete study of Ten- nyson ever written. Lacks finish, but for discriminating analysis and sympathetic insight could scarcely be equaled. Critic, 24: 328. Van Dyke, Henry, ed. 1898. 19Jcm Poetry of Tennyson. 10th Scribner $2 Chronology and bibliography, p. 353-87. i Appreciative, judicious and interesting study of Ten- nyson's mind, art and methods. N. Y. Wordsworth Wordsworth, William. Complete poetical works; with introd. by John Morley. 1903. 20cm ( Globe ed.) Macmillan f 1.75 Bibliography, with list of biographies and best critical articles on his writings; comp. by J. R. Tutin, p. 897-912. Selected poems, ed. by Matthew Arnold, Macmillan, $1, and Library ed. Crowell, $1, are also good. Ed. sel. 22 English drama Beaumont, Francis, & Fletcher, John. Best plays; ed. with introd. and notes by J. St L. Strachey. 2 v. n. d. 19cm (Mermaid ser. ) Scribner $2 n Contents: v. 1, Maid's tragedy; Philaster; The wild- goose chase; Thierry and Theodoret; Knight of the burn- ing pestle, v. 2, Shirley's address; King and no king; Bonduca; Spanish curate; Faithful shepherdess; Valen- tinian. Congreve, William. William Congreve; ed. by A. C: Ewald. 1903. 18Jcm (Mermaid ser.) Scribner $1 n Contents: William Congreve by T: B. Macaulay; The old bachelor; The double-dealer; Love for love; The way of the world; The mourning bride. Gayley, C: M. ed. Representative English come- dies: v. 1, From the beginnings to Shakespeare. 1903. 20cm Macmillan $1.50 n Designed to illustrate development of comedy by selec- tion of carefully edited texts with notes, introductions and essays. Selection successfully representative. Ath. '03, 2: 150. Gilbert, W: S. Original plays. 3 ser. 1902-04. 17cm Scribner $1.25 ea Contents: 1, The wicked, world; Pygmalion and Galatea; Charity; The princess; The palace of truth; Trial by jury; lolanthe. 2, Broken hearts; Engaged; Sweethearts; Dan'l Druce, blacksmith; Gretchen; Tom Cobb, or, Fortune's toy; The sorcerer; H. M. S. Pinafore, or, The lass that loved a sailor; The pirates of Penzance, or, The slave of duty. 3, Comedy and tragedy; Foggerty's fairy; Rosencrantz and Guildenstern; Patience, or, Bunthorne's bride; Princess Ida, or, Castle Adamant; The mikado, or, The town of Titipu; Ruddigore, or, The witch's curse; The yeomen of the guard, or, The merryman and his maid; The gondoliers, or, The king of Barataria; The mounte- banks; Utopia, limited, or, The flowers of progress. Grey, Henry. Plots of some of the most famous old English plays, with index of the principal characters. New ed. 1900. 19cm Sonnenschein 2/6 LITERATURE ENGLISH DRAMA 221 Jonson, Ben. Ben Jonson; ed. by Brinsley Nicholson, with introd. by C. H. Herford. 3 v. 1893-95. 18 Jem (Mermaid ser.) Scribner $1 n ea Works ed. by Gifford and Cunningham, 3 v. Scribner $3.75, good where complete collection is wanted. Ed. sel. Lamb, Charles, ed. Specimens of English dramatic poets who lived about the time of Shakspeare; with notes, including extracts from the Garrick plays. 1890. 19cm (Bohn's stand, lib ) Macmillan $1 n Lytton, E: G: E. L. Bulwer-Lytton, 1st baron. Dramas and poems, n. d. 20cm Little $1 Contents: The lady of Lyons, or, Love and pride; Richelieu, or, The conspiracy; Poems; Money. Marlowe, Christopher. Christopher Marlowe; ed. by Havelock Ellis, with introd. by J: A. Symonds. 1903. 18 Jem (Mermaid ser.) Scribner $1 n Contents: Christopher Marlowe, by H. Ellis; Tambur- laine the Great; Tragical history of Dr Faustus; Jew of Malta; Edward the Second. Phillips, Stephen. Paolo and Francesca; a trag- edy in four acts. 4th ed. 1900. ISJcm Lane $1.25 n Sheridan, R: B. B. Dramatic works. 1898. 19cm (Bohn's stand, lib.) Macmillan $1 n Life of Sheridan, by G: G. Sigmond, p. 1-206. Symonds, J: A. Shakspere's predecessors in the English drama. New ed. 1900. 20Jcm Scribner $2 Thayer, W : B,. ed. The best Elizabethan plays. 1890. 19cm Ginn $1.25 Contents: The Jew of Malta, by Marlowe; The alchem- ist, by Jonson; Philaster, or, Love lies a-bleeding, by Beaumont and Fletcher; The two noble kinsmen, by Fletcher and Shakespeare; The Duchess of Main, by Webster. Bibliography, p. 20. Ward, A. W: History of English dramatic lit- erature to the death of Queen Anne. Rev. ed. 3 v. 1899. 22 Jem Macmillan $9 n Shakespeare Probably not many small libraries will buy, at first, all the editions of Shakespeare named, but sooner or later the need will be felt of such editions to answer different demands. Ed. sel. Shakespeare, William. New variorum edition; ed. by H. H. Furness. v. 1-13. 1877-1903. 25cm Lippincott $4 ea Contents: v. 1, Romeo and Juliet, v. 2, Macbeth, v. 3-4, Hamlet, v. 5, King Lear. v. 6, Othello, v. 7, Merchant of Venice, v. 8, As you like it.' v. 9, The tempest, v. 10, A midsommer nights dreame. v. 11, The winter's tale. v. 12, Much adoe about nothing, v. 13, Twelfe night, or, What you will. Because of its undoubted value in all serious study of Shakespeare and because the cost bars its purchase bj many students, libraries should possess this edition when it is possible to afford it. It is ia the possession of such books that the library best fulfils its co-operative function. Each volume may be bought separately. Ed. sel. Shakespeare, William. [Complete works; ed. with notes by W: J. Rolfe] 40 v. n. d. 16 Jem Amer. bk. co. 56c ea Circulating libraries find great need for a good edition of single plays, with notes, and experience approves this edition recently reprinted. Ed. sel. Works. Victoria ed. 3v. 1901-03. 20cm Macmillan $1.75 ea Contents: v. 1, Comedies, v. 2, Histories, v. 3, Tragedies. A good, useful, scholarly edition, probably next in value to the Cambridge for library use and may be sub- stituted where the cost of the Cambridge is prohibitive. Ed. sel. Text from Globe Shakespeare, ed. by W: G: Clark and W: A. Wright. Glossary entirely new. Works, ed. by W: A. Wright. 9 v. 1894- 95. 23 Jem (Cambridge Shakespeare) Macmillan $27 V. 1, 3d ed. v. 2-9, 2d ed. Contents: v. 1, The tempest; Two gentlemen of Verona; Merry wives of Windsor; Measure for measure; Comedy of errors, v. 2, Much ado about nothing; Love's labour's lost; A midsummer-night's dream; Merchant of Venice; As you like it. v. 3, The taming of the shrew; All's well that ends well; Twelfth night, or, What you will; The winter's tale. v. 4, King John; King Richard 2; King Henry 4, pts. 1-2; King Henry 5. v. 5, King Henry 6, pts. 1-3; King Richard 3; King Henry 8. v. 6, Troilus and Cressida; Coriolanus; Titus Andronicus; Romeo and Juliet, v. 7, Timon of Athens; Julius Caesar; Macbeth; Hamlet, v. 8, King Lear; Othello; Antony and Cleo- patra; Cymbeline. v. 9, Pericles; Venus and Adonis; Rape of Lucrece; Sonnets; A lover's complaint; The pas- sionate pilgrim; The phoenix and turtle; Reprints: Merry wives of Windsor; The chronicle historic of Henry the Fift; The first part of the contention; The true tragedie; Romeo and Juliet; Hamlet. A wholly satisfactory edition for library use, type clear and unworn, text scholarly. Ed. sel. Works; ed. by W: G: Clark and W: A. Wright. 1891. 18Jcm (Globe ed.) Macmillan $1.75 Libraries need at least one good single- volume ed. The references of Bartlett's Concordance are to this Globe ed. The Oxford ed., ed. by W. J. Craig (Oxford univ. press $1.60) is scholarly, and the Lyceum ed. (Pott $1.50) on thin but fairly opaque paper, type unworn, is useful. Ed. sel. Shakespearlana Bartlett, John. New and complete concordance ; or, Verbal index to words, phrases and passages in the dramatic works of Shakespeare, with a sup- plementary concordance to the poems. 1894. 28J x 22cm Kf Macmillan $7.50 n 822 222 A. L. A. CATALOG CLASS LIST Brandes, G. M. C. William Shakespeare; a criti- cal study. New ed. 1902. 22Jcm Macmillan $2.60 n Tr. by William Archer, Mary Morison and Diana White. Considers the plays -in chronologic order. Makes his- torical arid social conditions vivid. N. Y. Burns, J. J. Story of English kings, according to Shakespeare. 1900. 18Jcm Y Appleton $1 Coleridge, S: T. Lectures and notes on Shak- spere and other English poets; now first col- lected by T. Ashe. 1902. 18'cm (Bohn's stand, lib. ) Macmillan $1 n Corson, Hiram. Introduction to the study of Shakespeare. 1889. 19cm Heath $1 n Study of the plays as plays. Interpretations which bring into prominence the dramatic action with moral interests involved. Spec. (B) Couch, A. T: Quiller- Historical tales from Shakespeare. 1900. 19Jcm Scribner $1.50 Y Contents: Coriolanus; Julius Csesar; King John; King Richard II; King Henry IV; King Henry V; King Henry VI; King Richard III. Dowden, Edward. Introduction to Shakespeare. 1900. 19Jcm Scribner 75c n Elaboration of the general introduption to the ' Henry Irving Shakespeare.' Shakspere. n. d. 16cm (Lit. prim.) Amer. bk. co. 35c Sound and helpful throughout; a great boon to Shake- speare students. F. J. Furnival in Acad. 12: 313 (B) Hudson, H: N. Shakespeare: his life, art and characters; with an historical sketch of the origin and growth of the drama in England. 2 v. 1872. 19 Jem Ginn $4 Lamb, Charles & Mary. Tales from Shake- speare. 1894. 18cm Houghton $1 Y Designed for nursery and schoolroom, these tales have taken their place as an English classic. They have never been superseded, nor are they ever likely to be. Alfred Ainger. Lee, S. L. Life of William Shakespeare. 1898. 20cm Macmillan $1.75 n Based on article in Dictionary of national biography. Already a classic of Shakespearian scholarship. Equally remarkable for learning and for sobriety. Authoritative. Nation. Mabie, H. W. William Shakespeare; poet, dra- matist and man. 1900. 23Jcm Macmillan $2 n P He writes easily and gracefully and is not too severe or too concise. Nation. Moulton, B.: G. Shakespeare as a dramatic art- ist; a popular illustration of the principles of scientific criticism. 1885. ISJcm Clarendon $1.90 Bolfe, W: J. Shakespeare the boy, with sketches of the home and school life, the games and sports, the manners, customs and folk-lore of the time. 1896. 19cm Harper $1.25 Helpful to a better understanding of many allusions in Shakespeare's works. Unit. Warner, B. E. English history in Shakespeare's plays. 1894. 19cm Longmans $1.75 The 10 historical plays covering 300 years discussed from historical point of view, with chronologic tables connect- ing them. N. Y. times. 23 English fiction History, criticism, etc. Cross, W. L. Development of the English novel. 1899. ISJcm Macmillan $1.50 Bibliographic notes, p. 300-14. Howells, W:D. Heroines of fiction. 2v. 1901. 21 Jem Harper $3.75 n Practically the whole field of English fiction from Rich- ardson to our own day. ' What gives it dignity and value are frequent glimpses afforded of bygone manners and morals, the atmospheric way in which the evolution of society is pictured in standard novels. Dial (B) Raleigh, "W. A. The English- novel. Popular ed. 1903. 18 Jem (Univ. man.) Scribner $1.25 n R Origins of the English novel; Elizabethan romances, chiefly their style; development of novel in England to advent of Scott, its expansion in France and influences exerted across the channel. Excellent. Brander Mat- thews in Educ. r. 9: 481. \Vorks of fiction Aguilar, Grace. The days of Bruce. New ed. 1903. 19Jcm Appleton $1 Tale of Scottish war of independence (Edward II) writ- ten in heroic style. Baker. Home influence; a tale for mothers and daughters. New ed. 1904. 19Jcm Appleton $1 Sequel The mother's recompense. The mother's recompense. 1891. 19cm Appleton $1 Aikin, John, & Barbauld, Mrs A.. L. (Aikin) Evenings at home: tales and stories for the in- struction and amusement of young persons, n. d. ISJcm Y AVarne 75c Ainsworth, W: H. Tower of London. Newed. 1903. 18cm Appleton $1.50 Founded on edition published by Richard Bentley in 1840. 40 plates and 58 woodcuts by George Cruikshank. The tragic story of Lady Jane Grey's hopeless conspir- acy and execution. Baker. LITERATURE ENGLISH FICTION 223 Ainsworth, W: H. Windsor castle. New ed. 1903. 18cm Appleton $1.50 Illus. by George Cruikshank and Tony Johannot. The Earl of Surrey and Fair Geraldine, Herne the Hunter, Cardinal Wolsey, Henry VIII, Anne Boleyn and Jane Seymour are the personages in this romance. Baker. Anstey, F. pseud. Vice versa; or, A lesson to fathers. 7th ed. 1903. 19cm Appleton $1.25 Ludicrous, blending the modern conte with a motive from the Arabian nights. The droll situation is effected by change of personality between a schoolboy and his staid old father. Baker. Arblay, Mine Frances (Burney) d'. Evelina; or, The history of a young lady's entrance into the world; ed. by R. B. Johnson. 2 v. 1903. ITJcm Macmillan $2 Lively sketches of the surface things of London, its streets, people and pleasures, life in theater and ballroom, at Marlebone Gardens, the Pantheon, etc. and of the smart people of society, the eccentrics, the conceited and vulgar. Baker. Austen, Jane. Emma; illus. by Hugh Thom- son, with introd. by Austin Dobson. 1896. 20cm Macmillan $1.50 Heroine, a pretty, wilful girl of sterling character, whose feminine rage for matchmaking and capacity for making mistakes, get herself and her friends into scrapes. Baker. Mansfield park; illus. by Hugh Thomson, with introd. by Austin Dobson. 1897. 20cm Macmillan $1.50 Brings into natural comparison the several ranks of the upper middle class, by the device of three sisters marry- ing differently. Social comedy with little admixture of pathos. Baker. -. Northanger abbey and Persuasion; illus. by Hugh Thomson and introd. by Austin Dob- son. 1897. 20cm Macmillan $1.50 Two stories of English middle class society in early 19th century, depicting the life she knew. The satire re- strained, the comedy all-pervasive. Baker. Pride and prejudice; illus. by C: E. Brock, with introd. by Austin Dobson. 1897. 20cm Macmillan $1.50 English social life in early 19th century. Old-fashioned in form but modern in spirit. A haughty lover and a high-spirited heroine provide the inner interest of the drama. Numerous minor characters furnish types of social faults, which are self-displayed rather than satir- ized, and make spontaneous comedy. Baker. Sense and sensibility; illus. by Hugh Thomson, with introd. by Austin Dobson. 1897. 20cm Macmillan $1.50 Study of character and manners in miniature style. Satire directed against mere commonplace foolishness rather than vice or eccentricity. Baker. Barlow, Jane. Irish idylls. 1897. 21cm Dodd $2 Stories of a bogland hamlet, rich in queer traits of human nature and Irish humor, pathos and fancy. X. Y. Kerrigan's quality. 1894. 19cm Dodd $1.25 Sketches of the comedy and suffering of the poorest peasantry connected by a slight plot. Baker. Barr, Robert. A prince of good fellows; illus. by E. J. Sullivan. 1902. 20cm McClure $1.50 Short stories, Haroun al Raschid-like adventures of James V of Scotland. Ed. sel. Tekla; a romance of love and war. 1898. 19cm Stokes $1.25 Romance of adventure in medieval Germany. Scene, Rhine borders; time, probably 13th century. Baker. Barrie, J. M. Auld licht idylls. 1897. 17cm (Cameo ed.) Scribner $1.25 Slightly connected character sketches and anecdotes of gossips, village worthies, and humble domestic life in a Presbyterian community in the small market-town of "Thrums" or Kirriemuir. Ranges from scenes of deep pathos to broad comedy. Baker. The little minister. 1898. 19cm (Lib. of famous bks. ) Caldwell $1.50 Love affairs of a Presbyterian minister and a beautiful and sprightly "Egyptian." Sketches of character and of Scottish manners and religious sentiments very humorous. Baker. - Sentimental Tommy. 1896. 19Jcm Scribner $1.50 Follows the fortunes of a highly imaginative and 'mas- terful but human and lovable boy, and gives an inimit- able picture of the child world in the homely Scotch village of Thrums. N. Y. Tommy and Grizel. 1900. 194cm Scribner $1.50 Later life of Sentimental Tommy. A relentless analy- sis of the artistic temperament. X. Y. When a man's single; a tale of literary life. n. d. 19cm (Home lib.) Burt $1 Straggles of a dour, self-educated Scot, who goes to London and wins fortune as a leader writer, with his court- ship of a girl of higher social station. Comic sketches of life in a newspaper office, and of the author's native Thrums. Baker. A window in Thrums. 1897. 17cm (Cameo ed.) Scribner $1.25 Sequel to the Idylls; studies of life and character among Scottish weavers. Full of humor and insight. X. Y. Teaconsfield, Benjamin Disraeli, 1st earl of. Endymion. 1900. 18Jcm Longmans 60c Full of double meanings and of aphorisms expressing the writer's political philosophy. Scenes run from 1830 to 1840. Louis Napoleon (Napoleon III) as Prince Florestan, is conspicuous. N. Y. 823 224 A. L. A. CATALOG CLASS LIST Beaconsfield, Benjamin Disraeli, 1st earl of. Lothair. New ed. 1877. 18cm Longmans 60c A dazzling picture of the highest society of England. Lothair, heir to immense possessions, is object of con- spiracy to make him a Roman convert, and of protestant intrigues. The late Marquis of Bute has been pointed out as original of Lothair; Mazzini and Garibaldi appear in the Italian episodes. Baker. Vivian Grey. 1901. ISJcm Longmans 60c The youth of a dandy and adventurer, who makes him- self the favorite of a marquis and engineers a new party. Largely autobiographic, or rather self-reflective. Full of persiflage and fantastic ideas; conclusion sheer burlesque. Baker. Bedford, Jessie. The harp of life, by Elizabeth Godfrey. 1900. 19Jcm Holt $1.50 Events in life of the first violin in an English orchestra. Johnston. Benson, E: F: Luck of the Vails. 1901. 19cm Appleton $1.50 An ingenious melodrama. The villain interesting as a study of the criminal temperament. Baker. Besant, Sir Walter. All sorts and conditions of men; an impossible story. 1902. 19 Jem Harper $1.25 This sincere and enthusiastic story of London east end conditions suggested the famous People's palace. N. Y. Armorel of Lyonesse; a romance of to- day. 1900. 19 Jem Harper $1.25 Scene, Scilly Islands; good guide. Ed. sel. Beyond the dreams of avarice. 1895. 19 Jem Harper $1.50 Studies influence of sudden inheritance of wealth on a young man's nature. N. Y. Children of Gibeon. 1898? 19Jcm Harper $1.25 Poverty, social reform and influence of caste are princi- pal themes. Hoxton is the scene; and the life of the poor, with the various agencies for amelioration, are realistically described. Baker. For faith and freedom. 1889. 19Jcm Harper $1.25 A story of puritans in James II' s reign, dealing with Monmouth's rebellion and the life of the exiles in the plantations of Barbados. One of his most animated pic- tures of bygone times. Baker. & Bice, James. Chaplain of the Fleet. New ed. 1894. 17Jcm Chatto 2/6 Story of the famous jail in George Ill's reign, full of an- tiquarian lore about the streets, houses, theaters and the society of the times. Baker. Besant, Sir Walter, & Bice, James. The monks of Thelema. New ed. 1892. 17 Jem Chatto 2/6 Pleasantly satirical of the modern literary coterie, with its exclusive claims to the possession of the higher cul- ture. Baker. Black, William. A daughter of Heth. 1903. 19Jcm (Library ed.) Harper $1.25 Hero, a dare-devil but manlyT>oy, son of a Presbyterian minister; heroine, his cousin, a half French girl, whose sunny and refined character contrasts and clashes with the rigid puritanism of the northern village. Baker. The four MacNicols, and An adventure in Thule. 1900. 17Jcm Harper 60c Y Story of 4 orphan boys who make their own living in the Hebrides, with adventures on sea and coast. Hardy. In silk attire. 1900. 19 Jem (Library ed.) Harper $1.25 Judith Shakespeare; her love affairs and other adventures; illus. by E. A. Abbey. 1884. 19cm Harper $1.25 Faithful study of manners and customs in England 300 years ago; a daughter of Shakespeare, the heroine. Sargent. Kilmeny. 1901. 19Jcm (Library ed.) Harper $1.25 Macleod of Dare. 1903. 19 Jem (Library ed.) Harper $1.25 Tragic story, in which shallow and garish fashionable life is brought into contact with the simplicity of High- land society. Full of poetic descriptions of scenery. Baker,. A princess of Thule. 1877. 19cm Harper $1.25 Scenes, Isle of Skye and London. The wonderful colors and changes of sea and sky and mountain inspire many descriptive pages. Baker. - Shandon bells. 1899. 19cm (Library ed.) Harper $1.25 Irish story; a fascinating heroine and a clever and sentimental hero, whose entry into literary life in London is graphically described. Baker. Strange adventures of a phaeton. 1901? 19 Jem ( Library ed.) Harper $1.25 Coaching tour from London to Edinburgh through the loveliest scenery of England. Plenty of bright and sentimental dialogue, with light character sketching. Baker. Three feathers. 1901? 19Jcm (Library ed. ) Harper $1.25 Blackmore, B,: D. Alice Lorraine, n. d. 19 Jem Burt $1 Romance of period of Napoleonic wars; full of startling incident and adventure. Baker. Regarded by author as his best novel. L. & I. LITERATURE ENGLISH FICTION 225 Blackmore, B: D. Lorna Doone; a romance of Exmoor, with special introd. by author. 1900. 20Jcm Harper $1 Tale of the savage deeds of the outlaw Doones and of honest John Ridd, yeoman of the downs, whose chance encounter with Lorna makes him a soldier and a knight. N. Y. Perlycross. 1894. 19cm Harper $1.75 Scenes of rural life in eastern Devon just before the 1832 reform bill, portraits of village worthies and much descriptive work. Flings satire at modern cant about education. Baker. Borrow, G: H: Lavengro; new ed. containing some suppressed episodes; ms. variorum, vocab- ulary and notes. 1903. 20Jcm Putnam $2 Sorrow's early autobiography, with a veil of mystery purposely thrown over it. Describes his wanderings over the three kingdoms, checkered with strange adventures, his literary struggles in London, vagrancy with the gyp- sies, etc. Baker. The Komany rye; new ed. with notes, etc. 1900. 20Jcm Putnam $2 Bibliography of editor's sources, p. 393-403. Goes on with the story (Lavengro) exactly as if there had been no" breaking off. Baker. Bronte, Charlotte. Jane Eyre, with introd. by Mrs Humphry Ward. Haworth ed. 1899. 21 Jem Harper $1.75 Life history of a woman of strong and original charac- ter, whose plain face was an innovation among heroines, just as her love for an ugly and elderly hero shows a recoil from conventional romance. Largely autobio- graphic, not so much in incident as in the strong and passionate expression of personal feeling, of revolt from social conventions and of questioning of narrow religious dogmas. Baker. The professor; and Poems by Charlotte, Emily, and Anne Bronte, and the Rev. Patrick Bronte, etc. with introd. by Mrs Humphry Ward. Haworth ed. 1900. 21 Jem Harper $1.75 Materials of this story used afterwards in VUleUc. Baker. Shirley, with introd. by Mrs Humphry Ward. Haworth ed. 1899. 21Jcm Harper $1.75 Time of riots occasioned by Orders in Council restrict- ing continental trade during French war (Geo. in) Baker. Villette; with introd. by Mrs Humphry Ward. Haworth ed. 1900. 21Jcm Harper $1.75 Founded on Miss Bronte's experience as a teacher in a school in Brussels. The original ending of Villette was so painful to the public that a paragraph was added in sub- sequent editions which suggests a mitigation of tragedy. L. &I. Bronte, Emily. Wuthering Heights, and Agnes Grey by Anne Bronte (Acton Bell) with introd. by Mrs Humphry Ward. Haworth ed. 1903. 21 Jem Harper $1.75 A weird story of hate and revenge, laid amid the som- ber dales and fells.of moorland Yorkshire. Baker. Brown, John. Rab and his friends and other dogs and men. 1900. 17cm Hough ton $1 Also in class 824 in his S, are hours, v. 1. A tenderly beautiful Scotch story of a rare woman and a noble dog. Pittsburg. Browne, Frances. Granny's wonderful chair and its tales of fairy times. 1900. 20cm Y Dutton $1.50 Bunyan, John. The pilgrim's progress from this world to that which is to come, delivered under the similitude of a dream. Puritan ed. 1903. 21Jcm Revell $1.50 n 31 illustrations in puritan costume, by Harold Copping. Title. Its form is almost epic; its dramatic dialogue, its clear types of character, its vivid descriptions, have given an equal but a different pleasure to children and men, to the villager and the scholar. Stopford A. Brooke. Caine, Hall. The deemster. 1897. 19Jcm Appleton $1.50 An essay in the prose epic as conceived by Victor Hugo, rather than a novel. Scene, the Isle of Man, 1775. Baker. The Manxman. 13th ed. 1896. 19cm Appleton $1.50 Elaborate picture of peculiar social conditions in Isle of Man. N. Y. Carey, B. N. Nellie's memories. 19Jcm (Home lib.) Burt $1 Experiences and troubles of a girl of sterling character, who takes the place of her dead mother in a family of brothers and sisters. Baker. Uncle Max. 1902. 19Jcm Macmillan $1 Carleton, William. Traits and stories of the Irish peasantry; ed. by D. J. O'Donoghue. 4 v. 1896. 20cm Macmillan $6 Intimate and sympathetic presentation of the life of the peasants, their quick temper and variable nature, now inoody, now gay, capable of the deepest feeling, of fiercely vindictive passions and crimes. These stories record the author's actual experiences; their realism is almost over- faithful in detail.'yet by no means free from caricature. Baker. Carroll, Lewis, pseud. Alice's adventures in Wonderland; illus. by John Tenniel. 1904. 19cm Macmillan $1 Y Through the looking-glass; and what Alice found there [sequel] 1871. A new genre of fairy tale which draws on modern science and all sorts of modern ideas for its materials, and finds its most characteristic expression in droll irrelevance and the fantastic distortion of familiar things. Though ' written for children, the wit, the fanciful humor, and the subtlety of many of its comic undermeanings, can be appreciated fully only by educated adults. Baker. 2411- 823 226 A. L. A. CATALOG CLASS LIST Carroll, Lewis, pseud. Through the looking-glass and what Alice found there; illus. by John Ten- niel. 1902. 19cm Macmillan $1 Y The two may be bought in one Volume if preferred (Macmillan 81.26) Ed. sel. Castle, Mrs Agnes ( Sweetman ) & Egerton. The pride of Jennico; being a memoir of Captain Basil Jennico. 1900. 18cm Macmillan $1.50 Fantastic 18th century tale of an Englishman's love for a German princess. N. Y. Charles, 3/r.s Elizabeth (Bundle) Chronicles of the Schpnberg-Cotta family, n. d. 19cm Burt $1 n Domestic story of Luther and the reformation. N. Y. Church, A. J: Chantry priest of Barnet; a tale of the two roses. 1884? 19cm (Ajax ser. ) Dodd 75c Lords of the world; with 12 illus. by Ralph Peacock. 1897. 19cm Scribner 1.50 Y Story of fall of Carthage and Corinth, with much historical information. Unit. Three Greek children; a story of home in old time; with illustrations after Flaxman and the antique. 1903. 20cm (Knick. ser. ) Y Putnam $1.25 Clifford, Mrs Lucy (Lane) Aunt Anne. 1892. 19cm Harper $1.25 A most pathetic figure. Baker. Collins, Wilkie. Armadale. 1902. 20cm (Li- brary ed.) Harper $1.25 A tragic tale, with copious display of incident and char- acter and a free use of coincidence; the mainspring, a crime whose effects come to a head in the second genera- tion. Attempts to deal imaginatively with physical and moral results of heredity. Coquets with supernatural matters. Baker. The law and the lady. 1875. 20cm Harper $1.25 Man and wife. 1873? 20cm Harper $1.25 Plot turns on complications arising from lax Scotch marriage laws. L. & I. The moonstone. 1873. '20$cm Harper $1.25 It keeps curiosity on the alert until the key of the mys- tery is given. Baker. No name 1873. 20Jcm Harper $1.25 Less of a puzzle-plot than the Woman in white, pre- ferring to foreshadow events. The disadvantage of ille- gitimate birth forms the leading motive. Baker. The woman in white. 1873. 20Jcm Harper $1.25 Designed to enlist the reader's ingenuity in discover-' ing the identity of a puppet heroine and the real object of a villainous conspiracy. Baker. Conrad, Joseph. Lord Jim. 1900. 20Jcm Doubleday $1.50 A psychologic study of unusual power, with descrip- tions of tropical seas and civilization of Eastern islands. N. Y. Typhoon. 1902. 19cm Putnam $1 Describes a great storm 'and its effects on a handful of white men aboard a British-built, Siamese-owned steamer in the China seas. Ath. '03, 1 : 658. Youth. 1902. 19Jcm McClure $1.50 Three grim tales of sea and land entitled Youth, Heart of darknegs, The end of the tether. N. Y. Cotes, Mrs 8.. J. (Duncan) An American girl in London. 1903. 19Jcm Appleton $1.50 Pilgrimage through typical English scenes of a humor- ous girl, who constantly compares British conventionality with American freedom. Baker. Couch, A. T: Quiller- The blue pavilions, by Q. 1898. 18cm Scribner $1.25 Romance of William Ill's reign. Scenes: Harwich and Holland, chiefly in 1691; a crowded episode in a young man's life. King James, King William and the future duke of Marlborough appear. Baker. The delectable duchy ; stories, studies and sketches by Q. 1898. 18cm Scribner $1.25 Contents: Prologue; The spinster's maying; Daphnis; When the sap rose; The paupers; Cuckoo Valley railway; The conspiracy aboard the "Midas;" Legends of St Piran; In the train; Woon Gate; From a cottage in Gan- tick; The drawn blind; A golden wedding; School friends; Parents and children; Two monuments; Egg- stealing; Seven-an'-six; The regent's wager; Love of Naomi; The prince of Abyssinia's post-bag. Cornish episodes of wide diversity, poetic, comic and gruesome, keenly observed and swiftly sketched. N. Y. Hetty Wesley. 1903. 20cm Macmillan $1.50 True story of Hetty Wesley, the beautiful, brilliant and unhappy sister of John and Charles Wesley, worked into a historical novel. The contrast of character between John and Charles Wesley is presented with great care. Pub. wklij. The splendid spur; being memoirs of the adventures of Mr John Marvel, written by him- self, ed. in modern English by Q. 1898. 18cm Scribner $1.25 Royalist romance" of the great civil war, particularly strong on the history of the campaign in Cornwall and the west of England generally (1642-43) Baker. Craik, Mrs D. M. (Mulock) Adventures of a brownie. 1903. 17 Jem Y Harper 60c Agatha's husband 1902. 19cm Harper 90c A brave lady. 1899. 19$cm Harper 90c Christian's mistake. 1901. 19icm Harper 90c LITERATURE ENGLISH FICTION 227 Craik, Mrs D. M. (Mulock) John Halifax, gen- tleman. 1877. 19Jcm Harper 90c Y Quiet story of an Englishman's daily life, common- jlace in event but made fine by character; early 19th century. N. Y. A life for a life. 1903. 19 Jem Harper 90c A problem novel, dealing with the nemesis of a repented crime, and assailing capital punishment. Baker. The little lame prince; with introd. by Mrs E.. S. (Phelps) Ward. 2pts. 1901. 19cm (Heath's home & school class. ) Y Heath 30c n My mother and I. 1904. 19cm. Harper 90c A noble life. 1866. 18cm Harper 90c Story of a Scotch earl whose self-forgetful spirit trium- phed over unusual physical disabilities. N. Y. The Ogilvies. . 1902. 19Jcm Harper 90c A passionate story of first love; told with plenty of sentiment, and containing some scenes of pathos. Baker. Crockett, S: K-. The lilac sunbonnet. 1894. 19Jcm Appleton $1.50 An idyllic Galloway love story', sweet, fresh and whole- some. Sat. r. Men of the moss-hags. 1895. 19cm Macmillan $1.50 Tales and episodes of the persecuted covenanters under the scourge of Claverhouse, latter half of 17th century, the obverse of that painted by Scott in Old Mortality. Baker. The raiders; being some passages in the life of John Faa, lord and earl of Little Egypt. 1894. 19cm Macmillan $1.50 Stirring tale of border warfare and gipsy life. Scene, Galloway in early 18th century. N. Y. The stickit minister and some common men; with a prefatory poem by R. L: Stevenson. 1902. 19Jcm Macmillan $1.50 24 short stories (many in Scotch dialect) mainly about ministers, skilfully setting forth ordinary character and simple situations-. N. Y. Defoe, Daniel. Robinson Crusoe. 1900. 22cm Dodd $1.50 Founded on the actual experiences of Alexander Sel- kirk. A minutely circumstantial account of the ship- wreck, the escape to the isle, and the methodical industry wherewith the solitary makes himself a comfortable home. Baker. There are many editions for children, some of which are undesirable. It is well to have one copy at least of the edition illustrated by Rhead brothers, Harper, SI. 50, or of that illustrated in color, Macmillan, 1903, 1.25, and for hard wear, the Riverside school library edition, Houghton, 60c, or Home and school classics, edited by E. E. Hale, Heath, 60c. Ed. sel. De la Ramee, Louise. Bimbi: stories for chil- dren; illus. by E. H. Garrett. 1892. 21Jcm . Lippincott $1.50 Y Contents: The Niirnberg stove; The ambitious rose- tree; Moufflou; Lampblack; The child of Urbino; In the apple-country; Findelkind; Meleagris Gallopavo; The little earl. Her Dog of Flanders is in class 820, v. 10 (Childhood) of Little classics, ed. by Rossiter Johnson. Dickens, Charles. Adventures of Oliver Twist. 1897. ISJcm Macmillan $1 This and the following, except Great expectations, Hard times, Mystery of Edwin Drood, Tale of two cities, and the Uncommercial traveler, ed. by Charles Dickens the younger, with biographic and bibliographic notes, and mostly reprinted from first editions, with the illustrations. Melodramatic story, relating the fortunes of a poor boy, nurtured in a workhouse, whose natural goodness and innocence carry him through poverty and temptation to a happy lot. An unvarnished picture of the criminal classes. Baker. Barnaby Rudge. 1892. 19cm Macmillan $1 Historical, giving lurid account of the mad orgies and incendiarism of the "No popery " riots of 1780, and intro- ducing Lord George Gordon. Baker. Bleak house. 1895. 19cm Macmillan $1 A plot novel having two principal threads, one the story of a proud lady's expiation of a sin committed in youth, the other a satirical history of a huge and inter- minable lawsuit. Baker. Christmas books. 1892. 19cm Macmillan $1 Contents: Christmas carol; Chimes; Cricket on the hearth; Battle of life; The haunted man and the ghost's bargain. Dombey and son. 1892. 19cm Macmillan $1 The moral purpose is to anatomize pride, and exhibit its strength and its weakness. Almost apart from the main story, the pathetic episode of little Paul Dombey's invalid life and death monopolizes interest to a certain point. Tragic chapters lightened by a throng of humor- ous characters. Baker. - Great expectations; with introd. and notes by Andrew Lang. Gadshill ed. 1898. 20em Scribner $1.50 Hard times, Hunted down, Holiday ro- mance and George Silverman's explanation; with introd. by Andrew Lang. Gadshill ed. 1898. 21cm Scribner $1.50 Inspired by Carlyle's philosophical radicalism, a pro- test against the tyranny of utilitarianism, statistics and political economy divorced from human kindness. A hideous manufacturing town created by the two apostles of fact, Gradgrind and Bounderby, is the scene. Baker. 823 228 A. L. A. CATALOG CLASS LIST Dickens, Charles. Life and adventures of Mar- tin Chuzzlewit. 1899. 19Jcm Macmillan $1 Mingled comedy, caricature, farce, melodrama and tragedy; shifting from England to America and back again. Pecksniff, Mark Tapley, Betsy Prig, and Sarah Gamp have become household names. Baker. Life and adventures of Nicholas Nickleby. 1898. 18 Jem Macmillan $1 This story fixed public attention on the abuses preva- lent in English private schools. N. Y. Little Dorrit. 1895. 19cm Macmillan $1 Satire on the civil service, represented by the Circum- locution office. Also a picture of prison life, the father of Little Dorrit being also the Father of the Marshalsea. Baker. Mystery of Edwin Drood, and Master Humphrey's clock; with introd. by Andrew Lang. Gadshilled. 1899. 21cm Scribner $1.50 An unfinished novel, based on a murder and enacted amid the picturesque closes and ecclesiastical buildings of old Rochester Cloisterham, with scenes in an opium den in Shadwell. Baker. The old curiosity shop and Master Hum- phrey's clock. 1892. 19Jcm Macmillan $1 The etherealized and pathetic Little Nell is chief actor; the comic scenes peopled by such creations as Dick Swiveller and the Marchioness, Mr Toots and Tommy Traddles, and the grotesque episodes of Quilp and his doings. Baker. Our mutual friend. 1895. 19Jcm Macmillan $1 Personal history and experience of David Copperfield the younger. 1904. 19Jcin Macmillan $1 Founded to a large extent on the story of his own early struggles, and on other cherished memories. Baker. Posthumous papers of the Pickwick club. 1897. 19cm Macmillan $1 Inimitable for broad British fun. Mr Pickwick and his valet, Sam Weller, number among the immortals. The whole book expresses exuberant youth, force and a mind abandoned to the comic view. L. & I. Sketches by Boz. 1892. 19cm Macmillan $1 Random sketches and episodes drawn from life in London among the poor and the lower middle classes; many are caricatures, nearly all are humorous or farcical. Baker. Tale of two cities; with introd. and notes by Andrew Lang. Gadshill ed. 1898. 20Jcm Scribner $1.50 The most dramatic of all Dickens' books. Story of the French revolution, presenting a vivid description of the horrors of mob rule and the reign of terror. Hardy. The uncommercial traveler; with introd. and notes by Andrew Lang. Gadshill ed. 1898. 21cm Scribner $1.50 Doyle, Sir A. C. Adventures of Sherlock Holmes. 1902. 19Jcm Harper $1.50 Sequel, memoirs of Sherlock Holmes. Series of detective stories that form the life history of the amateur thief- taker who first appeared in A study in scarlet. He is a man of superhuman powers of observation, inductive sagacity and combination, whose exploits are usually accompanied by gruesome and thrilling incidents. Facile princeps among detective stories. Baker. Memoirs of Sherlock Holmes. Eev. ed. 1902. 19cm Harper $1.50 Micah Clarke, his statement as made to his three grandchildren, Joseph, Gervas and Reuben, during the hard winter of 1734. 1894. 19cm Harper $1.75 The Monmouth rising in reign of James II, culminat- ing in tragic rout at Sedgemoor (1685) N. Y. The refugees; a tale of two continents. 1893. 19cm Harper $1.75 Huguenot romance in reign of Louis XIV. Scenes in France and America. Thrilling adventures with Indians and elements. N. Y. The sign of the four, A scandal in Bohe- mia, and other stories. 1900? 20cm (Home lib.) Burt $1 Contents: The sign of the four; A scandal in Bohemia; A case of identity; My friend, the murderer; The ring of Thoth; The surgeon of Gaster Fell; John Huxford's hiatus. Sherlock Holmes a character. A study in scarlet. 19 Jem ( Home lib. ) Burt $1 Sensational story in two parts: adventures in Utah t among Mormons; history of a mysterious double murder in London, traced by Sherlock Holmes, who first appears here. N. Y. The White company. 1895. 18Jcm Harper $1.75 Episode of the 100 years war with France the exploits of a company of English bowmen in France and in Cas- tile under the Duke of Lancaster. Du Guesclin, Chandos and other paladins appear. Baker. Drummond, Henry. The monkey that would not kill ; illus. by Louis Wain. 1898. ISJcm Dodd $1 Y Contents: The monkey that would not kill; Gum. Du Maurier, George. Peter Ibbetson. 1892. 19cm Harper $1.50 Melancholy, dreamy; the leading motive being the supernatural gift that enables the hero to meet his lost love in dreamland. The more realistic parts are reminis- cences of a happy childhood spent at Passy. Illustrated by the author. Baker. - Trilby. 1894. 19cm Harper $1.75 Illustrated by the author. A discursive novel, founded mainly on reminiscences of Bohemian life and characters in Paris, with which is entwined a story of hypnotic influence over a beautiful girl, the heroine of a pathetic love idyll. Baker. LITERATURE ENGLISH FICTION 229 Edgeworth, Maria. Castle Rackrent and The absentee. 1895. 19Jcm Macmillan $1.50 This and the following illus. by Chris. Hammond and with introd. by Anne Thackeray Ritchie. Picture of the varieties of recklessness and misconduct which in the course of a generation or two ruined or crippled most of the landlords of Ireland. Johnston. Helen. 1896. 20cm Macmillan $1.50 Aim to show what social troubles arise from addiction to fibs and " white lies." Baker. Ormond. 1895. 19Jcm Macmillan $1.50 The most vivid of her Irish stories next to Castle Rack- rent. Saintsbury. The parent's assistant; or, Stories for chil- dren. 1897. 20cm Macmillan 80c Y Simple tales, with moral lessons, adapting her father's maxims to the understanding of children. The best known are Simple Susan, The purple jar, and Lazy Laurence. Baker. tt- others. Waste not, want not, and other stories; ed. with introd. and notes by M. V. O'Shea; with 32 illus. by W. P. Bodwell. 1904. 20cm (Heath's home & school class. ) Heath 20c n Y Contents: Waste not, want not, by Maria Edgeworth ; The discontented pendulum, by Jane Taylor; Order and disorder, by Mrs Barbauld; The philosopher's scales, by Jane Taylor. Edwards, A. A. B. Barbara's history. New ed. 1897. 18J x lOJcm Hurst & B. 2/6 Character and inner life of a girl, her courtship and ro- mantic marriage; melodramatic plot based on a mystery. Baker. Eliot, George, pseud. AdamBede. Personal ed. 1901. 20cm Doubleday $1.50 This and the following, with biographic introd. by Esther Wood. English country life a century ago. The narrative goes deep into the mysteries of human nature, and is an em- bodiment of her earnest philosophy of conduct and retri- bution. The famous humorist and maker of sayings, Mrs Poyser, and the visionary and fervent preacher, Dinah Morris, are studies of actual people. Baker. Daniel Deronda. Personal ed. 2v. 1901. 20cm Doubleday $1.50 Chief actors a gay and accomplished girl and her Bus- band, a selfish despot, whose character exemplifies the blighting influences of modern purely materialistic civil- ization. Baker. Felix Holt, the radical. Personal ed. 1901. 20cm Doubleday $1.50 A striking picture of the working of new political ideas among the English masses. N. Y. Middlemarch, a story of provincial life. Personal ed. 2 v. 1901. 20cm Doubleday $1.50 The diversified characters, social groups and complex - life of a provincial town, delineated with intense realism without plot, yet unified, by the conception of moral causation, into a tragic drama of deserted ideals and failure. Baker. Eliot, George, pseud. The mill on the Floss. Personal ed. 1901. 20cm Doubleday $1.50 Deeply significant tragedy of the inner life, laid amidst the quaint folk and old-fashioned surroundings of a vil- lage and a provincial town. Baker. Romola. Personal ed. 2v. 1901. 20cm Doubleday $1.50 Romola: a stern drama of temptation, crime and inex- orable retribution, in the Florence of Lorenzo de Medici, Savonarola and the early apostles of the renaissance [1492-1509] Baker. V. 2 contains Silas Marner, an idyl of country life a century ago. Sin and its tragedy, innocence with its powers for good, are the themes. Baker. Scenes of clerical life. Personal ed. 1901. 20cm Doubleday $1.50 Contents: The sad fortunes of the Reverend Amos Barton; Mr GilfiPs love story; Janet's repentance; Life of George Eliot. Ewing, Mrs J. H. (Gatty) Jackanapes; with introd. by W. P. Trent. 1903. 19 Jem Y Heath 20c n - Jan of the windmill; a story of the plains. 1904. 17Jcm Little 50c Y Story of a gallant boy's self-devotion. The best known of her many stories. Baker. Lob Lie-by-the-fire, The Brownies, and other tales; with illus. by George Cruikshank. 1892. 17cm Little 50c Y Contents: Lob Lie-by-the-fire, or, The luck of Ling- borough; Timothy's shoes; Old Father Christmas; Benjy in Beastland; The peace-egg; The Brownies; Land of lost toys; Three Christmas-trees; An idyl of the wood; Christ- mas crackers; Amelia and the dwarfs. Adventures and pranks of a " North Countrie" brownie. Pittsburg. - Mary's meadow. 1900. 19cm Little 50c Y Story of the outdoor game of earthly paradise de- vised by a family of children. The letters give advice to little gardeners. N. Y. Six to sixteen; a story for girls; illus. by Helen Paterson. 1904. 17cm Little 50c Y Story of an English soldier's daughter born in India and brought to England. N. Y. Story of a short life. 19Jcm Little 50c Fielding, Henry. History of Tom Jones, a foundling. 4 v. 1902. 15 Jem (The Temple Fielding) Macmillan $4 A more elaborate and comprehensive work than Amelia, a "comic epic" as it has been called. Baker. Fothergill, Jessie. The first violin. 1894? ISJcm Burt $1 Pictures of German musical life, hero leader of an or- chestra in Diisseldorf. A story of incident as well as of character. Baker. 823 230 A. L. A. CATALOG CLASS LIST Fothergill, Jessie. Probation. 19cm Fenno 75c Story of the Lancashire cotton famine of 1863. Baker. Fowler, E. T. Concerning Isabel Carnaby. 1900. 19icm Appleton $1 Manners and the humors of a Methodist household contrasted with the smart frivolity of London society. Bright dialogue and comic epigrams are distinguishing features. Baker. - The Farringdons. 1900. 19cm Appleton $1.50 The humors of Methodist society again brought into piquant juxtaposition with the fashionable world; story a framework for sketches and caricatures of people and manners. Their small talk bubbles over with smartness and epigram. Baker. Gaskell, Mrs E.. C. (Stevenson) Cranford; with pref. by Anne Thackeray Ritchie and illus. by Hugh Thomson. 1903. 19cm Macmillan $1.50 Miniature painting of a little old-fashioned country town, inhabited mostly by elderly spinsters and widows living in genteel poverty. Humorous descriptions of bygone etiquette, teadrinkings, formal parties and gossip. Baker. Mary Barton and other tales. New ed. 1902. 18cm Scribner $1.40 Contents: Mary Barton; Cousin Phillis; My French master; The old nurse's story; Bessy's troubles at home; Christmas storms and sunshine. An intensely tragic story of factory workers in Man- chester during the very hard times preceding the enact- ment of free-trade laws in England. N. Y. Goldsmith, Oliver. Vicar of Wakefield, with pref. by Austin Dobson and illus. by Hugh Thomson. 1900. 19cm Macmillan $1.50 No figure in our literature is at once so simple and so impressive, so ideal and so human as the Vicar, and the acquaintance of the Primrose family once made, they and their misfortunes become a dear and imperishable mem- ory. The purity of style is equal to that of the concep- tion. L. & I. Grahame, Kenneth. Dream days. 1902. 21cm Lane $2.50 n Continues his Golden age, describing the child's world from the child's point of view with uncommon charm and truth. N. Y. - The golden age. 1900. 20cm Lane $2.50 Stories of child life for lovers of children, told with ten- der humor and sympathy by a man who has not forgotten how he felt when he was a child. Full of delightful "pre- tendings," happy adventures and the quaint philosophy of childhood. N. Y. Grant, Charles. Stories of Naples and the Ca- morra; with introd. mem. of the author by J. B. Capper. 1896. 19Jcm Macmillan $1.75 Contents: Peppiniello; Gabriele; Don Antonio; Dome- nico. Author one of the few Englishmen who have known the Neapolitans well. A mine of information as to daily life, religion and etiquette of lower classes in Naples 20 years ago. Npec. Grey, Maxwell, pseud. Silence of Dean Mait- land. 1894. 18cm (Appletons* town and country lib.) Appleton $1 Story of concealed sin and lifelong expiation. N. Y. Haggard, H: R. Cleopatra; being an account of the fall and vengeance of Harmachis, the royal Egyptian, as set forth by his own hand. 1900. 19cm Longmans $1.25 Lurid picture of ancient Egypt. Baker. King Solomon's mines. 1901. 17icm Longmans 75c Highly colored romance of adventure in the wilds of central Africa in quest of King Solomon's Ophir; full of sensational fights, blood-curdling perils and extraordi- nary escapes, with interludes of buffoonery. Baker. Hardy, Thomas. Far from the madding crowd. 1895. 20cm Harper $1.50 Every character is of the lower class in England. But you have to turn back to Shakespeare for any tale of peas- ants and clowns and shepherds to compare with the con- versations in this novel, so racy are they of the soil, and yet so touched with the finest art. C: D. Warner. The mayor of Casterbridge; a story of a man of character. 1895. 20Jcm Harper $1.50 Virtually the history of one man, an impetuous, domi- neering personality. Life in a small provincial town, with lavish description of the place and its rural sur- roundings. Baker. A pair of blue eyes. 1895. 20cm Harper $1.50 A love story of two friends and a Cornish girl, ending in poignant tragedy. Scene, a little village on the Cor- nish coast. Baker. The return of the native. 1895. 20cm Harper $1.50 Expresses finely his love of the dark and sinister in nature and his feeling of the nothingness of human life in the presence of the everlasting heath. Cross. Under the greenwood tree; a rural paint- ing of the Dutch school. 1896. 20cm Harper $1.50 Practically the first of the Wessex novels. An idyll of village life, in which the members of a carrier's family, % the parish choir and various oddities, figure as a sort of comic chorus to the main action, the loves of a rustic boy and girl. Baker. Harraden, Beatrice. Katharine Frensham. 1903. 19 Jem Dodd $1.50 Scene largely in Norway and Sweden. Scandinavian songs and music given in text. Pub. wkly. Ships that pass in the night. 1900. 20Jcm Dodd $1.50 Scene, an alpine health resort. Leading motive the re- generation of the heroine's character by sights of human pathos. Baker. LITERATURE ENGLISH FICTION 231 Henty, G: A. Under Drake's flag; a tale of the Spanish main; illus. by Gordon Browne. 1883? 19Jcm Scribner $1.50 Y The purchase of ' Henty books ' is a question of pol- icy. Except for the great nudftjer of them they are not harmful, as the boy heroes are honest, brave and obedient, if impossible. It is worth something to suggest to some boys that there is History and heroism outside of America. Henty's stories on American themes are not true to life. The 12 stories named are all on foreign subjects and make a fair representation if any are desired. Bonnie Prince Charlie; By England's aid; Cat of Bu- bastes; Dash for Khartoum; Held fast for England; In freedom's cause; Lion of St Mark's; Lion of the North; One of the 28th; St George for England; With Clive in India. Except Dash for Khartoum and Held fast for Eng- land may also be had in Burt $1 edition. Ed. sel. Hewlett, Maurice. 19cm The forest lovers. 1899. Macmillan $1.50 A landmark in the renaissance of pure romance in the style of Malory. Baker. In style alone an extraordinary achievement. In the interpretation of nature there are passages in this book that I have never seen surpassed in prose fiction. James Lane Allen. Life and death of Richard Yea-and-Nay. 1900. 20cm Macmillan $1.50 Boldly imaginative study of life and character of Rich- ard Cceur-de-Lion. While departing from strict accuracy in record of events, the story resuscitates the manners and emotions of the age of tournaments and crusades. Baker. Hope, Anthony, pseud. 19cm Dolly dialogues. Holt 1903. $1.50 Witty chat between a society lady and her admirer; characters lightly sketched and connected in a slight tale. Baker. The heart of Princess Osra. 1896. 19cm Stokes $1.50 Nine romantic and fantastic tales relating the marvel- ous effects of the beauty of a Princess of Zenda. N. Y. Indiscretion of the duchess. 1894. 16x 9cm Holt 75c A novelette, combining tragedy and comedy in smalj compass; characters French. Baker. Phroso. 19cm Stokes $1.50 Adventures of an English nobleman on a Greek island: sensational fighting, murdering and lovemaking in rapid succession. Baker. The prisoner of Zenda; being the history of three months in the life of an English gentle- man; illus. by C: D. Gibson. 1898. 19cm Holt $1.50 Sequel, Rupert of Hentzau. Two memoirs of the career of Rudolf Rassendyll and his extraordinary adventures in an imaginary kingdom in Austrian Tyrol. A thoroughgoing romance of cape and sword in a 19th century environment. Baker. Hope, Anthony, pseud. Rupert of Hentzau: from the memoirs of Fritz von Tarlenheim. 1898. 19cm Holt $1.50 Tristram of Blent. An episode in the story of an ancient house. 1901. 20cm McClure $1.50 English society novel. Plot turns on validity of hero's claim to title and estate. Many humorous situations. N. Y. Hornung, E. W: Irralie's bushranger; a story of Australian ad venture. 1896. 16Jcm (Ivory ser. ) Scribner 75c Australian love and adventure. Adlion,62: 459. Hughes, Thomas. Tom Brown at Oxford; illus. byS. P. Hall. 1889. 19Jcm Macmillan $1.50 Sequel to Tom Brown's school days. Tom Brown's college life; an ideal picture of the young Englishman, athlete, scholar, gentleman. Baker. Tom Brown's school-days, by an old boy; illus. by E. J. Sullivan. 1902. 19cm Macmillan $1.50 Published also under title School days at Rugby. Y Tom's early days in the country and his life and ad- ventures at Rugby under Dr Arnold. A lively record of fights and friendships, bird-nesting and poaching, foot- ball, races and various escapades, all related with spirit and gusto. Baker. The library should own at least one copy of Cranford edition, Macmillan, $1.50. Riverside school library edi- tion, Houghton, 60 cents, is good and wears well. Ed. sel. Ingelow, Jean. Mopsa the fairy. 1901. 19cm Y Little $1.25 Off the Skelligs. 1872. 18cm Little $1 Sympathetic and delicate portraiture of highly sensi- tive natures. Baker. Three fairy tales; ed. by C: F. Dole, illus. by A. J. Ripley. 1901. 20cm (Heath's home & school class. ) Heath 20c n Y Contents: The Ouphe of the wood; The fairy who judged her neighbors; The prince's dream. Jacobs, W: W. Light freights. 1901. 19icm Dodd $1.50 Contents: An odd freak; A question of habit; Hard labour; A garden plot; Private clothes. The bully of the Cavendish; The resurrection of Mr Wiggett. A marked man; To have and to hold; Brevet ranks; Twin spirits; Sam's boy; A will and a way. Jerry Bundler, The peace- maker; False colours. Many cargoes. 1903. 19Jcm Stokes $1.50 Contents: A change of treatment; A love passage; The captain's exploit; Contraband of war; A black affair. The skipper of the 'Osprey;' In borrowed plumes; The boat- swain's watch; Low water; In mid-Atlantic; After the inquest, In Limehouse reach; An elaborate elopement; The cook of the 'Gannet;' A benefit perfomance; A case of desertion; Outsailed; Mated; The rival beauties, Mrs Bunker's chaperon; A harbour of refuge. 232 A. L. A. CATALOG CLASS LIST James, G: P. R. Richelieu; a tale of France. Fontainebleau ed. 2 v. 1895. 18Jcm Putnam $2.50 History of Cinq-Mars and his fatal conspiracy supplies the main action. Baker. Johnson, Samuel. Rasselas, prince of Abyssinia. NewAmer. ed. 1901. 18Jcm (Laurel crowned tales) McClurg $1 Not so much a narrative as a set of moral dialogues on the vicissitudes of human life. Sir Walter Scott. Keary, A.. M. Castle Daly. 20cm Coates 75c Irish life at the time of the famine and the Smith O' Brien insurrection. Baker. King'sley, Charles. Alton Locke, tailor and poet; an autobiography; new ed. with pref. mem. by Thomas Hughes. 1878. 19Jcm Macmillan $1.25 Exposes evils of 'sweating' in realistic pictures of London poor, and enters indignantly into the broader question of the condition of England at time of Chartist agitation. Baker. Hereward, the last of the English. New ed. 1883. 20cm Macmillan $1.25 Historical romance dealing with the Saxon hero's ex- ploits and famous stand against the Conqueror in the Fens. Baker. Hypatia; or, New foes with an old face. 1902. 19cm Macmillan $1 Hellenic Egypt in 5th century, when Christianity and paganism were at war; Goths, Romans, Greeks and a crowd of minor races come on the stage. Baker. Two years ago. 1890. 19cm Macmillan $1.25 Story revolves round the life of a rationalist, and, be- side the personal interests, opens up many problems of conduct and religion. Descriptive passages dealing with scenery of Devon and North Wales. Baker. The water-babies; a fairy tale for a land- baby; new ed. with 100 illus. by Linley Sam- bourne. 1901. 19cm Macmillan $1 Y A poor little chimney sweep is carried off by a good fairy, and being equipped with gills is introduced to the marvels of the world of waters. Snatches of poetry and pithy little fables alternate with gay burlesque and re- strained satire. Baker. Westward ho! or, The voyages and ad- ventures of Sir Amyas Leigh, knight, of Bur- rough, in the county of Devon, in the reign of .her most glorious majesty, Queen Elizabeth. 1882. 19 Jem Macmillan $1.25 One of the noblest, gentlest, most romantic and most manly of sea stories and tales of adventure. Based on achievements of sailors of the days of Drake and Ralegh and Grenville, on the Spanish main. E. S. Brooks. Kingsley, Charles. Yeast; a problem. 1893. 19cm Macmillan $1.25 A fierce social pamphlet rather than a novel, giving ex- pression to the discontent seething in rural England of early 19th century. t also opens up problems of faith and scepticism. Baker. Kingsley, Henry. Austin Eliot. 1903. 17cm Scribner $1 Boyhood at Eton, reading parties in Wales, excursions in Scotland, a calamitous duel which makes an object lesson illustrating the writer's indictment of duelling, prison experiences, etc. Baket. The Hillyars and the Burtons; a story of two families. New ed. 1899. 19Jcm Longmans $1.25 Sketches of character and scenes in Australian colonies. Baker. Ravenshoe; illus. by R. C. Woodville. 1903. 19 Jem Longmans $1.25 A family romance; incidents often rise to a thrilling height of tragic suspense. Descriptive passages, dealing with scenery on west coast of England, with music, inte- riors, etc.; marvelously vivid and imaginative. Baker. Recollections of Geoff ry Hamlyn; with mem. of Kingsley by Clement Shorter. 1899. 19Jcm Longmans $1.25 Family annals. Good story of Australian life, contain- ing some of the best descriptions ever written of the col- ony's early days. L. & I. Kipling, Budyard. "Captains courageous," a story of the Grand Banks. 1897. 19Jcm Century $1.50 Y Fishing schooner life on the Newfoundland banks as seen by a boy washed overboard from an Atlantic liner. N. Y. The day's work. 1898. 20Jcm Doubleday $1.50 Contents: The bridge-builders; A walking delegate; The ship that found herself; The tomb of his ancestors; The devil and the deep sea; William the Conqueror; .007; The Maltese cat; Bread upon the waters: An error in the fourth dimension; My Sunday at home; The Brushwood boy. - The jungle book. 1903. 20cm Century $1.50 Y Followed by the Second jungle book. Two collections of fables of man and beast in India. The one human creature portrayed is Mowgli, the foster I i i hi of the wolves, and the friend and comrade of all the jungle folk. Baker. Just so stories for little children, illus. by the author. 1902. 24 Jem Doubleday $1.20 n Y Surprising tales of the origins of things familiar told with repetitions dear to childhood. Kirn. 1901. 20crn Doubleday $1.50 Kim is a street arab from Lahore; an alert, precocious little vagabond, whose relations to the British secret LITERATURE ENGLISH FICTION 233 service and journeys through India as the disciple of an old Lama bring before the reader a rich panorama of the multifarious life of the country. Baker. Kipling-, Budyard. Life's stories of mine own people. handicap; being 1899. 19Jcm Doubleday $1.50 Stories of the famous 'soldiers three' and tales of the English in Hindustan. Baker. - The light that failed. 1899. 19cm Doubleday $1.50 Narrative of Bohemian life; intensely realistic. Like the short stories, full of the lust of life and joy of action. Shady people, travel pictures, battle scenes in the Sudan, etc. abound. Baker. Many inventions. 1893. 19cm Appleton $1.50 Contents: The disturber of traffic; A conference of the powers; My lord the elephant; One view of the question; 'The finest story in the world;' His private honor; A matter of fact; The lost legion; In the rukh; 'Bruggle- smith; ' ' Love-o'- women; ' The record of Badalia Herods- foot; Judson and the empire; The children of the zodiac; Envoy. Mainly stories of life in India. Plain tales from the hills. Rev. ed. 1899. 19 Jem Doubleday $1.50 40 stories and sketches of Anglo-Indian life and man- ners, and of the natives, of Tommy Atkins and others in India. Baker. The second jungle book; decorated by J: L. Kipling. ,1895. 19 Jem Century $1.50 Y See note under his Jungle book. Soldier stories. 1899. 19cm Doubleday $1.50 Contents: With the main guard; The drums of the Fore andaft; Theman who was; The courting of Dinah Shadd; The incarnation of Krishna Mulvaney; The taking of Lungtungpen; The madness of Private Ortheris. Lever, C: J. Charles O'Malley, the Irish dra- goon. 2 v. 19Q3. 20Jcm (Mil. nov.) Little $3 This and the following, except Maurice Tiernay, illus. by Phiz. Story of the Peninsular war (1808-14); a medley of bois- terous fun, humorous character, lovemaking, and martial adventure, many being good stories redressed. Baker. Harry Lorrequer. 20cm Little $1 Sketches and stories of garrison life, full of high spirits and jocularity, very Irish, very unreal. Ah inimitable example of that once flourishing book, the rollicking novel. Baker. Jack Hinton, the guardsman. 1902. 20cm Little $1 Diverting farrago of lovemaking, adventure, and rol- licking humor. Full of portraits, e. g., Curran, and peo- ple nearly as well known in their own day. Baker. Lever, C: J. Maurice Tiernay, the soldier of fortune. 1901. 20Jcm (Nov. of adventure) Little $1.50 Story of the Napoleonic campaigns, the French attempt on Ireland, etc. Baker. Tom Burke of "Ours" 2 v. 1901. 20Jcm (Mil. nov.) Little $1.50 Story of Irish soldiers on service abroad, the Peninsular chapters founded largely on Napier's history of the war. Napoleon's portrait is carefully drawn. Baker. Lover, Samuel. Handy Andy. 1901. 20cm Little $1 Hero a simple-minded, awkward-handed young native engaged as gentleman's servant, whose mistakes and mis- adventures are very funny. Baker. Rory O'More. 1901. 20cm Little $1 Lug-ard, F. L. (Shaw) lady. Castle Blair; a story of youthful days. 1903. 19cm Little $1 Y Adventures of 5 children sent from India to live with an uncle in Ireland. Sargent. Lyall, Edna, pseud. Donovan: a modern Eng- lishman. 1902. 18Jcm Appleton $1 With its sequel, We two, an Englishman's religious development through agnosticism to a practical Christi- anity. N. Y. In the golden days. 1900. ISJcm Appleton $1 Story of the Rye-House plot times, 1682. Chiefly concerned with the home life of Algernon Syd- ney at Knowle Park, in 'good King Charles' golden days' (about 1682) Baker. We two. 1902. 18jcm Appleton $1 Lytton, E: G: E. L. Bulwer-Lytton, 1st baron. TheCaxtons; family picture. 2v. 1892. 19cm ( Library ed.) Little $1.25 ea A novel of manners in form of family memoirs by the hero. Philanthropic and philosophic didacticism pervades it. The scenes of high society and of political life are the most important. Baker. Eugene Aram. 1893. 19cm (Library ed.) Little $1.25 Based on actual occurrences. An unusually successful study in fiction of a complex psychologic case. Lib. of world's best lit. 45: 378. Harold, the last of the Saxon kings. 2 v. 1896. 19cm (Library ed.) Little $1.25 ea The tragic history of Harold'sfall; elaborate descriptions of battles of Stamford Bridge and Hastings and of English life in the eleventh century; accurate historically. Baker. Last days of Pompeii. 1893. 20cm Little $1.25 Reconstruction of the luxurious Roman society of first century of Christian era, founded on careful study of Latin literature and of Pompeian antiquities, and on observation of modern manners and character. Baker. 823 234 A. L. A. CATALOG CLASS LIST Lytton, E: G: E. L. Bulwer-liytton, 1st baron. The last of the barons. 2 v. 1893. 19cm ( Library ed.) Little $1.25 ea Tragic narrative, aiming at characteristic effects of Greek drama, the subject being Warwick the King-maker and his strife with Edward IV. The battle of Barnet (1471) represented at length. Baker. "My novel," by Pisistratus Caxton; or, Varieties in English life. 4 v. 1892. 19cm ( Library ed.) Little $1.25 ea A sort of continuation of The Caxtons. The amuse- ments, the pleasures, and the passions of the idle mem- bers of English society, thrown on a very broad canvas. Baker. Kienzi, the last of the Roman tribunes. 2 v. in 1. 1893. 20cm Little $1 More than a romance, a study of an important period of Italian history and a striking picture of the Roman populace of the 14th century. Pittsburg. A strange story; added, The haunted and the haunters. 2v. 1896. 19cm (Library ed.) Little $1.25 ea One of the most fascinating embodiments in fiction of the occult philosophy. Lib. of world's best lit. 45: 549. What will he do with it? by Pisistratus Caxton. 3v. 1892. 19cm (Library ed.) Little $1.25 ea Zanoni. 1893. 19cm (Library ed.) Little $1.25 A Gothic story of the Rosicrucians and the secret of attaining eternal youth. Contains bloodcurdling scenes. Baker. Macdonald, George. Alec Forbes of Howglen. 19Jcm McKay $1.25 Story of some inhabitants of an obscure village in the north of Scotland. Alec's boyhood, his university life in Glasgow, his temptation and its consequences are main theme. Baker. Annals of a quiet neighbourhood. 19Jcm McKay $1.25 Story of inner life of a Scotch parish as revealed to its rector. N. Y. At the back of the north wind; illus. by Arthur Hughes. 1882. 18 Jem Y Dutton $1.50 - David Elginbrod. 19cin McKay $1.25 Story of humble life, centering in two saintly personal- ities, a dignified and pious Scottish peasant and his daughter. A vein of mysticism runs through the story. Baker. Donal Grant. 19 Jem (Home lib. ) Burt $1 n A story of mystery and sensation. Donal is another of these men of lowly life who influence their neighbors for good, a noble, unselfish being, who wears religion as a familiar everyday garment. Baker. Macdonald, George. The light princess, and other fairy tales; illus. by Maud Humphrey. 1893. 21 Jem Putnam $1.75 Y Contents: The light princess; The giant's heart; The shadows; Cross purposes; The golden key; the car- asoyn; Little Daylight. Seven modern fairy tales. N. Y. Malcolm. 19Jcm McKay $1.25 Sequel, Marquis of lassie. Two novels forming the life history of a boy, heir to an earldom, who, stolen in in- fancy, became the adopted son of a Highland piper, and was brought up to be a fisherman. Baker. The Marquis of Lossie. 19Jcm McKay $1.25 The princess and Curdie; illus. by James Allen. 1883. 19Jcm Y LHpincott $1 The princess and the goblin. 19Jcm Y Lippincott $1 Robert Falconer. 19 Jem McKay $1.25 Scotch story portraying a boy's moral and spiritual development in spite of severe repression. N. Y. St George and St Michael, n. d. 19Jcm McKay $1.25 Romance of the civil war in England (1645-1648) The seaboard parish; a sequel to Annals of a quiet neighborhood. 19Jcm McKay $1.25 History of a long holiday spent by a clergyman and his family on the Cornish coast (Bude) Interest centers in the clergyman's talks and conversations, which voice author's beliefs concerning things in heaven and on earth. Baker. - SirGibbie. 19Jcm McKay $1.25 Whether as the poor dumb waif in Glasgow, whose heart is full of love for all men, or as Sir Gibbie the social reformer, the hero is a beautiful and interesting char- acter. Baker. . - Thomas Wingfold, curate. 1876. ISJcm McKay $1.25 Traces the conversion of a clergyman from mere profes- sional lip service to a hearty and genuine faith in God. Interwoven is the story of a youth who accidentally kills a heartless girl. Baker. Macleod, Fiona. The washer of the ford, legendary moralities and barbaric tales. 1896. 18cm Stone $1.25 Old Celtic legends, left very much in the form in which they were told the author. Concerned with time when Christianity was struggling with Druidism. Baker. McManus, L. The silk of the kine. 1896. 19cm Harper $1 Scene, Ireland, time of Cromwell's scourge. LITERATURE ENGLISH FICTION 235 Manning-, Anne. Maiden and married life of Mary Powell, afterwards Mistress Milton. 17cm Dodd $1 Family life of the poet Milton. Related with fulness of detail and written in close imitation of the old prose. Baker. Marryat, Capt. Frederick. Jacob Faithful. 1895. 19Jcm Macmillan $1.50 Hero tells his own story; his life at a charity school, apprenticeship to a Thames waterman and life on the river till he is impressed and sees service in a frigate. Crammed with humorous incident. Baker, Japhet in search of a father. 1895. 19cm Macmillan $1.50 Exceptional among Marryat' s stories as no* dealing with the sea; a picaresque story pure and simple, show- ing the author's usual characteristics of broad fun and humorous idiosyncrasy. Baker. The king's own. 1896. 20cm Macmillan $1.50 In opening chapters a very full narrative of the mutiny at the Nore (1797), followed by adventures of a daring smuggler, who impresses the young hero into his crew. Contains the famous story of an English captain who de- liberately loses his frigate on a lee shore in order to wreck a French line-of-battle ship. Baker. Mr Midshipman Easy, by Captain Mar- ryat. 1902. 20cm Macmillan $1.50 Martiiieau, Harriet. The playfellow; contain- ing The Crofton boys; Feats on the fiord; The settlers at home; The peasant and the prince; new ed. with 171 illus. and 8 plates in colours from designs by A. W. Cooper. 1895. 22cm Routledge 5/; Button $2 Includes: Settlers at home; Peasant and prince; Feats on the fiord; Crofton boys. Mason, A. E: W. The courtship of Morrice Buckler. 1903. 19Jcm Macmillan $1.50 A semi-historical romance after the style of Dumas. Opens tragically with a story of Monmouth's rebellion (1685) and passes, with episodes of exciting and unex- pected incident, from England to the Tyrol. Baker. The four feathers. 1902. 19icm Macmillan $1.50 Painful story, worked out with power and beauty, of the restoration of a brave man who, in morbid fear of showing cowardice, becomes a coward in eyes of friends. N. Y. Meredith, George. Adventures of Harry Rich- mond. Rev. ed. 1897. 20cm Scribner $1.50 The story is kaleidoscopic, changing from country to town, from England to Germany; the personages equally multifarious. Exceedingly rich in imaginative descrip- tions of country and town, of sea nnd forest, both in Eng- land and Germany. Baker. Meredith, George. Beauchamp's career. Rev. ed. 1897. 19Jcm Scribner $1.50 Beauchamp is a modern Gracchus, an impetuous and disinterested champion of the oppressed; and his history entails a broad view of the politics of mid-century Eng- land in the light of Carlyle's teaching. Interwoven is a psychologic study of love exemplified in the hero, who is successively enamored of three women. Baker. Diana of the Crossways. Rev. ed. 1897. 19cm Scribner $1.50 Story of a woman of genius, suggested in the main lines of her character by the Hon. Caroline Norton, though _ the famous episode of the selling of the secret is not authentic. The dialogue is unusually witty and coruscat- ing. Baker. The egoist; a comedy in narrative. Rev. ed. 1897. 20cm Scribner $1.50 A psychologic comedy, mercilessly laying bare the soul of a spoiled child of fortune, outwardly a pattern of con- venticTnal virtue, inwardly a thrall to selfishness; tragic in its exposure of the secret egoism that is in all men. Baker. Ordeal of Richard Feverel; a history of a father and son. Rev. ed. 1897. 20cm Scribner $1.50 His philosopher father's abstract system of education proves too rigid and unsympathetic. Profoundly tragic, bringing unutterable woe to father and son as the ulti- mate fruit of blindness and error. Baker. Rhoda Fleming. Rev. ed. 1897. 19cm Scribner $1.50 Heroine daughter of a yeoman, the hero a farmer. Rustic scenes provide a good deal of humor, but the main action is serious, with scenes of heartfelt tragedy. Baker. Sandra Belloni, originally Emilia in Eng- land. Rev. ed. 1897. 19^cm Scribner $1.50 Sequel, Vittoria. Two novels, comprising the life story of a noble Italian woman of genius. Deals with the com- edy of English society and the domestic life of a parvenu family; then with the Italian insurrection of 1848. Baker. Vittoria. Rev. ed. 1897. 20cm Scribner $1.50 Merriman, H: S., pseud. Barlasch of the guard; illus. by the Kinneys. 1903. 20cm McClure $1.50 Historical romance. Scene laid in Dantzic and in Rus- sia at time of Napoleon's invasion and retreat. Pittsburg. The sowers. 1899. ISJcm Harper $1.50 Story of Russian political intrigue, showing the degra- dation of the Russian peasants. Mass. The vultures. 1902. 19cm Harper $1.50 Love and political intrigue in Warsaw immediately before assassination of Alexander II. N. Y. Molesworth, Mrs M.. L.. (Stewart) 'Car- rots': just a little boy; illus. by Walter Crane. ISJcm T Burt 75c 823 236 A. L. A. CATALOG CLASS LIST Molesworth, 3/rsM..Ii.. (Stewart) Thecuckoo clock; illus. by Walter Crane. 18cm Biirt 75c Y Fairy story. Little Miss Peggy; with pictures by Wal- ter Crane. 18}cm Y Burt 75c Moore, F. F. The Jessamy bride. 1898. 19Jcm Stone $1.50 Oliver Goldsmith is the hero, and Dr Johnson, Sir Joshua Reynolds, and David Garrick appear as charac- ters in a natural and charming story. Ed. sel. Morris, William. News from nowhere; or, An epoch of rest, being some chapters from a Uto- pian romance. Author's ed. 1901. ISJcm Longmans 60c A socialist artist's vision of Utopia, painting in rich hues the dress, furniture, and all the accompaniments of everyday life, as they might be, were commercialism de- stroyed and the love of art universal. Baker. The roots of the mountains: wherein is told somewhat of the lives of the men of Burg- dale, their friends, their neighbors, their foe- men and their fellows in arms. 1893. 19Jcm Longmans $2.50 The story of the Glittering Plain, which has also been called the Land of living men or the Acre of the undying. New ed. 1898. 19cm Longmans $2 A medieval romance. It tells of the search for immor- tality, for the land of life. Pittsburg. The Sundering Flood. 1898. 20icm Longmans $2.25 A delight in sensuous beauty, and a wild luxuriant im- agination, are the salient traits. Baker. The water of the Wondrous Isles. 1897. 20 Jem Longmans $2.50 In this narrative of Birdalone's marvelous adventures the only sense appealed to is the sense for beauty; beauty of woods and fields and water, of the human body and the good, loving human heart. Nation, 66: 136. The well at the world's end. 2 v. 1896. 23cm Longmans $7.50 A story, or prose poem, introducing wondrous inci- dents, beautiful landscapes, and the atmosphere of fairyland; told in a simple and direct narrative style in imitation of the medieval. Baker. Newman, J: H: card. Callista; a tale of the third century. 1901. 19cm Longmans $1.25 Religious story of a martyr in Africa in third century, and a study of demoniac possession. Strong local color; passages descriptive of the ravages of the locusts. Baker. Loss and gain; the story of a con vert. 1903. Longmans $1.25 More of a Platonic dialogue than a novel, subject being the Roman supremacy and the defects of Anglicanism; the hero, a projection of Newman's own personality at once shy and bold, simple and profound, occasionally satirical. Baker. Oliphant, Mrs M. O. (Wilson) A beleaguered city; a story of the seen and the unseen. 1900. 19icm Macmillan $1.75 How the souls of the just came back to the French town of Semur, and put the quick to flight. Brings the unseen world irfto contact with the living and commonplace by such realistic touches and character drawing as Defoe used. Baker. Stories of the seen and the unseen. 1900. 18icm Little $1.25 Contents: A little pilgrim; The little pilgrim: further experiences; Old Lady Mary; The open door, and The portrait. Ollivant, Alfred. Bob, son of Battle. 1898. 19 cm Doubleday $1.25 Scotch story in which interest centers around a breed of famous shepherd dogs, of which Bob is the last and greatest. Pittsburg. Published in England under title Owd Bob. Pater, Walter. Gaston de Latour; an unfinished romance, prepared for the press by C: L. Shad- well. 1896. 18cm Macmillan $1.50 n Philosophic romance, tracing development of a refined and cultivated mind that finds ultimate satisfaction in the things of the spirit. Period that of French wars of religion in the 16th century; massacre of St Bartholomew (1572) an incident. Baker. Marius the Epicurean, his sensations and ideas. 1902. 19cm Macmillan $2.25 History, of the mental and moral growth of a Roman thinker, a contemporary of Marcus Aurelius. Consists chiefly of meditations, philosophic disquisitions, and re- views of the great schools of thinkers. Baker. Paterson, A. H: Cromwell's own; a story of the great civil war. 1899. 19 Jem Harper $1.50 Cromwell's home life and the opposing religious views of the time portrayed in telling his ward's love story. N. Y. Phillpotts, Eden. Children of the mist. 1899. 20cm Putnam $1.50 Story of the land of Lorna Doone in later times. Note- worthy character drawing and descriptions of nature. N. Y. Porter, Jane. Scottish chiefs. 2.v. 1899. 18cm McClurg $1.50 Romantic tale of which Wallace, the highly idealized champion of Bruce's fortunes, is hero; 13th and 14th centuries. N. Y. Prichard, K.. O'B. Hesketh-&H. V. Hesketh- Karadac, count of Gersay. 1901. 19cm Stokes $1.50 Issued also under title Daughters of dreamt. Scene laid in Channel islands about time of Norman conquest. Sat. r. 91: 809. LITERATURE ENGLISH FICTION 237 Raymond, Walter. Tryphena in love. 1895. 18cm (Iris ser. ) Macmillan 75c Hero a deformed boy to whom love revealed artistic talent. A prose love idyl. L. & I. Reade, Charles. The cloister and the hearth; a tale of the middle ages; library ed. with introd. by Sir Walter Besant. 1903. 20cm Scribner $1.25 Based on exhaustive study of medieval history and ' literature; a vivid reconstruction of the whole life of the time. Hero said to be the father of Erasmus, and his story to be true in the main. Filled from beginning to end with rapid adventure, with brilliant and diversified scenes of life. Baker. Foul play. 1902. 19 Jem Scribner $1.25 Griffith Gaunt; or, Jealousy. 1896. 20cm Scribner $1.25 A tragic romance; the theme jealousy and the ruin it brings on innocent people. Baker. Hard cash, a matter of fact romance. 1903. 20cm Scribner $1.25 Sequel to Love me little, love me long. The genial David and Lucy reappear, middle-aged. The hard cash is his hard-earned fortune, fallen into the clutches of a swindler. Realistic descriptions of an asylum, which evoked rabid hostility. Baker. It is never to late to mend; a matter of fact romance. 1893. 19Jcm Scribner $1.25 Has two main subjects: the prison system, which is in- dicted for its culture of vice; and greed for gold, as ex- emplified in the Australian adventures of two gold-dig- gers. Baker. Love me little, love me long. New ed. 1893. 19 Jem (Piccadilly nov.) Scribner $1.25 Love idyl with some nautical adventure; chief char- acters, the simple, chivalrous sailor David Dodd, brave man and passionate lover, and Lucy Fountain, a gracious and tender woman of higher social rank. Baker. Put yourself in his place. 1902. 19Jcm (Library ed.) Scribner $1.25 A novel condemning underhand methods of trades unions, and pleading for sympathy in place of hostility between capital and labor. Baker. Ritchie, Mrs A. I.. (Thackeray) Story of Eliza- beth. 1867. 19Jcm Smith, Elder 6/ Novelette aiming at realistic portraiture of character; sober in tint, restrained in feeling. Baker. Round table of the representative Irish and Eng- lish Catholic novelists, at which is served a feast of excellent stories; with portraits, biog. sketches, and bibliography. 1897. 19Jem Benziger $1.50 Ruffini, G. D. Doctor Antonio; a tale of Italy. 19cm Dillingham $1.50 Love story of an Italian patriot and the daughter of an exclusive English baronet. Baker. Rusk in, John. The king of the Golden River; or, The black brothers, a legend of Stiria; ed. with introd. and notes by M. V. O'Shea; illus. by Sears Gallagher. 1900. 19cm (Heath's home & school class. ) Y Heath 20c Russell, W: C. Marooned; a sea tale. 19 Jem Rand, McNally $1 Hero and heroine en route to Brazil are left on an un- inhabited isle by mutinous crew; situation treated with perfect propriety; realistic descriptions of nautical affairs and the aspects of sea and sky. Baker. - A sailor's sweetheart. 1897. 19 Jem New Amsterdam $1.25 Wreck of the "Grosvenor." 1899. 19cm (Famous nov. of the sea) Scribner $1.25 An exciting account of a mutiny and its consequences. May be taken as the type of a numerous series by the author, which mingle realistic pictures of life on ship- board and of the storms and beauty of the ocean, with romantic adventures. Baker. Sartoris, Mrs Adelaide (Kemble) A week in a French country-house; illus. by Lord Leigh ton. 1902. 20cm Macmillan $1.50 n Schreiner, Olive. Dreams. 1891. 18cm Little 60c Fanciful tales which hide deep truths. N. Y. Story of an African farm, by Ralph Iron. 1900. 17 Jem Little 60c Very unconventional; the plaintive utterance of a lonely soul puzzled by the riddle of the universe. Out- spoken in its criticisms of life and aspirations toward a new order. Baker. Scott, Michael. The cruise of the Midge; illus. by Frank Brangwyn. 2 v. 1894. 18cm Lippincott $2 Sailor life; slave-catching on African coast; visits to the Cape; cruising in West Indies a varied narrative of pleasures and dangers, flirtations and duels, with death always in the background. Baker. Tom Cringle's log; with introd. by Mow- bray Morris. 1895. 19Jcm Macmillan $1.50 Life and adventures of a midshipman during the great world-struggle of 1813. Baker. Scott, Sir Walter. The Waverley novels. Dry- burgh ed. 1892-94. 25 v. 21 Jem Macmillan $1.25 ea or $30 set Titles with, volume number and notes. The abbot, v. 11. Mary Queen of Scots at Lochleven: battle of Lang- side, 1568. Sequel to Monastery. Osterhout. Anne of Geierstein. v. 23. Union of Swiss with Louis XI against Charles the Bold, 1474-77. Osterhout. 823 238 A. L. A. CATALOG CLASS LIST The antiquary, v. 3. Life and manners on east coast of Scotland about 1795. Main theme, a dreadful mystery overshadow- ing the life of a worthy gentleman. Baker. The betrothed, v. 19. . This and The talisman compose the series of Tales of the crusaders. Time, reign of Henry II (1187) Baker. The black dwarf, v. 5. Jacobite conspiracy before rebellion of 1715 Scene, the Scottish Lowlands and the Borders in 1708. Baker. The bride of Lammermoor. .v. 8. The most tragic of Scott's romances, basis of Doni- zetti's opera Lucia di Lammermoor. Scene, East Lo- thian; date, 1695. Baker. Castle Dangerous, v. 25. Deals with fortunes of castle of the Black Douglas during struggle between Edward I and Robert Bruce for the Scottish crown. Period, 1306. Baker. Count Robert of Paris, v. 24. Story of the brawls that ensued when the paladins of the first crusade sojourned in Constantinople (1098) Baker. Death of the Laird's Jock. v. 20. The fair maid of Perth, v. 22. Stormy picture of Scotland in reign of Robert III. Baker. The fortunes of Nigel, v. 14. Life in London and at court in early days of James I, with full portraits of the King, Prince Charles, Buckingham, Jingling Geordie, founder of Heriot's Hospital, and other historical personages. Period, 1604. Baker. Guy Mannering. v. 2. The fortunes and misfortunes of an abducted heir, whose life, a wise woman predicts, will be attended by three periods of great danger. Most important scenes in Galloway. Dandie Dinmont, Dominie Sampson, Meg Merrilies, Dick Hatteraick, and Coun- sellor Pleydell are mostly sketches from life, and .ire among Scott's most memorable personages. About 1750-70. Baker. Ihe heart of Midlothian, v. 7. Opens with Porteous riots in Edinburgh (1736) but mainly concerned with the misfortunes of a peasant girl, Erne Deans. Baker. The Highland widow, v. 19. Story of a mother, hating the English, who causes her son to exceed his furlough. Scene, near the wild river Awe; time, 1775. Baker. Ivanhoe. v. 9. Richard I, Templars, 1194. Many-colored picture of medieval England. Brings together some of most romantic names of middle ages, Co3ur de Lion, Robin Hood, Friar Tuck, Allan-a-Dale, Isaac of York, and Prince John. Pe- riod, about 1194, and Yorkshire and Leicestershire the principal scenes. Baker. Kenilworth. v. 12. Tragic story of Amy Robsart, wife of Queen Eliza- beth's favorite, the earl of Leicester. Period, 1575; Oxfordshire and Warwickshire are the principal scenes. Baker. Legend of Montrose. v. 5. Brief romance, dealing with operations of royalists under Montrose in Highlands in 1645-46. Baker. The monastery, v. 10. Romance of border country in unsettled period fol- lowing Scottish defeat at Pinkie. Time, 1550. Baker. , Scene is Melrose. Shows .antagonism between catholics and protestants; introduces fairy influence, and the affected style of speech made use of by Lyly in his Euphues. Sargent. My Aunt Margaret's mirror, v. 20. Old Mortality, v. 6. Scotch Covenanters, 1679-90. Murder of Arch- bishop Sharpe (1679) an incident. Peveril of the Peak. v. 15. Historical basis, the bogus plot of the papists, re- vealed by Titus Gates. Peak of Derbyshire, Isle of Man and London are the scenes. Charles II, a char- acter. Period, 1678. Baker. The pirate, v. 13. Romance of the Orkney and Shetland isles centu- ries ago. Baker. Quentin Durward. v. 16. Rich and varied picture of the age when feudalism and chivalry were about to pass away. Louis XI, Charles the Bold, the rebellious Flemings, with the outlaw De la Marck, the Wild Boar of Ardennes, are the chief contending parties. Period, 1468. Baker. Redgauntlet. v. 18. Scene, Cumberland and the Scottish district on Solway Firth; date, 1763. Personal romance is in- terwoven with an abortive Jacobite plot, the most impressive scene of which is the young Pretender's farewell to Britain. Baker. Rob Roy. v. 4. Old Pretender's rebellion. Scene, Northumber- land, Glasgow, and the Highlands about Loch Lo- mond; time, 1715. Diana Vernon one of most cap- tivating of all Scott's heroines. Baker. St Ronan's well. y. 17. Characters and manners and small talk of a rural watering-place, Inverleithen on the Tweed. The landlady, Meg Dods, has been described as one of the very best low comedy characters in whole range of fiction. Baker. The surgeon's daughter, v. 25. Melodramatic story. Scenes, Fifeshire and India, time of George III. Baker. The talisman, v. 20. Vigorous romance of 3d crusade; scene, Palestine (1191) Characters include Coeur de Lion and Sala- din. Baker. The tapestried chamber, v. 20. LITERATURE ENGLISH FICTION 239 The two drovers, v. 20. Founded on actual occurrences. A simple and pathetic tragedy. Baker. Waverley. v. 1. Turns on rising of clans for Prince Charlie in 1745, their victories, and defeat at Culloden. L. & I. Woodstock, v. 21. Story of expedition sent by parliament to destroy the palace of Woodstock, and the coming of Charles, afterward Charles II, to England, 1652. Sargent. Sheehan, P. A. Luke Delmege. 1901. 20cm Longmans $1.50 The story of a young Irish peasant priest. Pittsburg. My new curate; a story from the stray leaves of an old diary. 1902. 20cm Marlier $1.50 Reprinted from the American ecclesiastical review. Faithful study of life in a sequestered seaside village, from point of view of an old parish priest. Baker. Shelley, Mrs M. . W. (Godwin) Frankenstein; or, The modern Prometheus. 1891. IS^cm Button 75c A monster created on pseudo-scientific principles, and endowed with life. The best of three tales of mystery and horror written in friendly competition by Shelley, Byron, and Mrs Shelley. Baker. Sheppard, E.. S. Charles Auchester; withintrod. and notes by G: P. Upton. 2 v. 1891. 18cm McClurg $1.50 Musical romance, with Mendelssohn as hero. Counterparts; or, The cross of love; with introd. and notes by G: P. Upton. 2 v. 1893. ISJcm McClurg $1.50 Musical romance. Shortliouse, J. H: John Inglesant. 8th ed. 1900. 19cm Macmillan $1 Philosophic romance; hero a servant of Charles I, who afterward acts as go-between to Anglican and Romanist ecclesiastical parties. Manners, thought, and religious feeling of the period in England and Italy reproduced with studious accuracy and deep sympathy. Baker. Somerville, E. A.. CE., & Martin, Violet. All on the Irish shore; Irish sketches; by E. (E. Somerville. 1903. 20cm Longmans $1.50 n Contents: The tinker's dog; Fannie Fitz's gamble; The Connemara mare; A grand filly; A nineteenth-century miracle; High teaatMcKeown's; The bagman's pony; An Irish problem; The Dane's breechin'; "Matchbox;" "As I was going to Bandon fair." Series of amusing and faithful sketches of Ireland as she is. Nation. Steel, Mrs F. A. (Webster) The hosts of the Lord. 1900. 19cm Macmillan $1.50 Located principally in an old dynastic city of India, and dealing seriously with great problem of "the mutual assimilation of East and West without injury to either." Baker. Steel, Mrs F. A. (Webster) On the face of the waters; a tale of the mutiny. 1897. 19cm Macmillan $1.50 Elaborate historical story of the Indian mutiny; min- utely accurate, fiction never interfering with fact. Full of terrible scenes. Careful studies of various native types, and portraits of English officers and civilians. Baker. The potter's thumb. 1894. 19cm Harper $1.50 Anglo-Indian society and native life. Native charac- ters are drawn with intimate knowledge. Baker. Sterne, Laurence. Life and opinions of Tris- tram Shandy, gentleman, and A sentimental journey through France and Italy. 2 v. 1900. 23cm (Lib. of Eng. class. ) Macmillan $3 V. 2 contains A sentimental journey; A political romance, a fragment in the manner of Rabelais; Memoirs of the life and family of Laurence Sterne. A strange medley of burlesque and mere random droll- ery, satirical sporting with human virtues and foibles, philosphic and moral disquisitions, with little or no unity or plot. Baker. A vehicle for his sentimental or ludicrous moralizing on absurdities, elusive humor and pathos of human life and character. The traveler a reflection of Sterne him- self. Baker. Stevenson, R. L: The black arrow; a tale of the two roses. 1888. 19icm Scribner $1.25 Stirring adventure during wars of the Roses in time of Henry VI. The most satisfactory edition of Steveneon is the Thistle edition, which, including the letters and the life by Graham Balfour, is published by Scribner in 26 v. at $2 or $2.50 each. Perhaps few libraries will feel able to begin with this edition, which can only be had in sets. Ed. sel. David Balfour; being memoirs of his ad- ventures at home and abroad. 1902. 19Jcm Scribner $1.50 Sequel to Kidnapped. Carries hero of Kidnapped over into Holland and France. Pittsburg. Kidnapped; being memoirs of the adven- tures of David Balfour in the year 1751 written by himself. 1904. 19icm Scribner $1.50 Action chiefly in Scotland shortly after rising in sup- port of Prince Charlie in 1745. L. & I. The Master of Ballantrae; a winter's tale. 1904. 19cm Scribner $1.50 Tragic annals of a noble Scottish family involved in the Jacobite troubles after 1745, recounted by a faithful steward, who is a typical Stevenson creation, an example of moral courage united with physical cowardice. Baker. The merry men, and other tales and fa- bles. Strange case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde. 1903. 19Jcm Scribner $1.25 Other tales are: Will o' the mill; Thrawn Janet; Mark- heim; Treasure of a Franchard; Olalla. 823 240 A. L. A. CATALOG CLASS LIST Stevenson, R. L: New Arabian nights. 1903. 19icm Scribner $1.25 Adventures of a modern Haroun-al-Rashid in London, and other fantastic stories, all more or less sensational, but in a semi-burlesque and ironical way. Includes the Suicide club and the Hajah's diamond. Baker. Prince Otto; a romance. 1902. 19$cm Scribner $1 A psychologic drama, enacted in an imaginary Ger- man principality. Description of nature a considerable element. Baker. St Ives. 1897. 19Jcm Scribner $1.50 Adventures of a French prisoner in Scotland and Eng- land during Napoleonic wars. Johnston. Posthumous romance, finished by Q. (Quiller-Couch) Treasure Island; new ed. with original illustrations by Wai Paget. 1902. 19Jcm Scribner $1.25 Y Story of piracy and of concealed treasure; charac- ters nearly all of a sinister kind. Scenery forms striking contrast to savagery of the action. Time, middle of 18th century. Baker. Weir of Hermiston; an unfinished ro- mance. 1896. 18cm Scribner $1.50 Fragment of a tragedy, of which the vital motive is antipathy between father and son. The father a study of the hanging judge, Lord Braxfield. Posthumously published. Baker. Stories by English authors. 10 v. 1896. 17cm Scribner 75c ea Tautphceus, Jemima (Montgomery) freifrau von. Initials; a story of modern life. 2 v. 1892. 18cm Putnam $2.50 Depicts realistically everyday life in Bavaria, personal interest centering in a young Englishman and his love for a beautiful German girl. Baker. Thackeray, W: M. The rose and the ring; or, The history of Prince Giglio and Prince Bulbo. 1901. 19cm Estes 50c Y A fireside pantomime for great and small children. Title. Edition by E: E. Hale (Home & school class.) Heath 25c, also good. Ed. sel. Works; with biog. introductions by his daughter, Anne Ritchie. Biographical ed. 13 v. 1898-99. 21 Jem Harper $1.75 ea or $22 set Contents: 1, Vanity fair. 2, History of Pendennis. 3, Memoirs of Mr Charles J. Yellowplush; The history of Samuel Titmarsh and the great Hoggarty diamond; Cox's diary, etc. 4, Memoirs of Barry Lyndon, esq. written by himself; The Fitz-Boodle papers; Catherine, a story; Men's wives, etc. 5, Sketch books; Sultan Stork. 6, Contributions to "Punch," etc. 7, History of Henry Esmond, esq.; English humourists of the eighteenth cen- tury; The four Georges and Charity and humour. 8, The Newcomes. 9, Christmas books of Mr M. A. Titmarsh, etc. 10, The Virginians. 11, Adventures of Philip, to which is prefixed A shabby genteel story. 12, Denis Duval; The wolves and the lamb; Lovel the widower; Roundabout papers. 13, Ballads, critical reviews, tales, various essays, letters, sketches, etc. with a life of the author by Leslie Stephen and a bibliography. Because of the biographic introductions it seems neces- sary to have this edition and to keep it together, as the volumes divide awkwardly. It contains Thackeray's own illustrations. If duplicates of the separate volumes are desired the Macmillan edition, $1 each, is recom- mended. Ed. sel. Annotated titles with volume numbers Adventures of Philip; prefixed A shabby genteel story, v. 11. Discursive, containing several fine scenes and a beautiful character in the "Little Sister," the womanly and loving friend of the hero. Baker. Christmas books of Mr M. A. Titmarsh. v. 9. Contents: Introduction; Flore et Zephyr; Mrs Perkins's ball; Our street; Dr Birch and his young friends; Rebecca and Rowena; The Kickleburys on the Rhine; The rose and the ring. Farces and extravagances. Baker. History of Henry Esmond, esq. written by himself; The English humourists of the eighteenth century; The four Georges; and Charity and humour, v. 7. Esmond (sequel, The Virginians) autobiographic story of a Cavalier and Jacobite in time of Queen Anne. Introduces Marlborough, Addison, Steele and other well known people. N. Y. History of Pendennis. v. 2. Aims at presenting the young man of the time, without flattery and without extenuation, as Field- ing had presented Tom Jones. Satiric; humorous exposure of many shams and vanities. Baker. Memoirs of Barry Lyndon, esq. written by himself; The Fitz-Boodle papers; Cath- erine: a story of men's wives, etc. v. 4. Catherine, characterized by author as a narrative of 'unmixed rascality, performed by persons who never deviate into good feeling.' Directed against such romances as Lytton's Eugene Aram, Ains- worth's Jack Sheppard and Dickens' s Oliver Twist. First appeared in Eraser's magazine, 1839-40. Baker. The Newcomes. v. 8. Contains hardly any distinct thread of story. Col. Newcome is one of the most beautiful and pathetic creations in English literature. Baker. Vanity fair. v. 1. A picture of society embracing a vast variety of characters and interests, the object being to depict mankind with all its faults and meannesses, without idealization or romance. Mingled tragedy, pas- sion, and comedy. Period, second decade of 19th century. An epoch-making work in the history of English realism. Baker. Becky Sharp, the Crawleys, Major Dobbin, Amelia and the wonderful picture of the battle of Waterloo are immortal. The Virginians, v. 10. Follows Henry Esmond. Virginia and London, 1756-80; introduces George Washington, Dr John- son, Fielding ttad Richardson, etc. N. Y. LITERATURE ENGLISH FICTION 241 Trollope, Anthony. Barchester towers. 2 v. 1904. 18cm ( Chronicles of Barsetshire) Dodd $1.25 ea - Can you forgive her? 3 v. 1903. 18cm (Parl. nov. 2) Dodd $1.25ea She breaks an engagement because she is infected with modern ideas as to the duties and importance of women and craves excitement. A study of half-realized motives and minor causes of conduct. Plantagenet Palliser, of the Phineas novels, a character. Baker. Doctor Thome. 2 v. 1903. 18cm (Chronicles of Barsetshire) Dodd $1.25 ea The duke's children. 3 v. 1903. 18cm (Parl. nov. 6) Dodd $1.25 ea Belongs to series in which duke of Omnium and Phi- neas Finn and his wife appear; concerned with fortunes of the duke's eldest son and daughter, Lord Silverbridge and Lady Mary. Pittsburg. The Eustace diamonds. 2v. 1903. 18cm (Parl. nov. 1) Dodd $1.25 ea Unscrupulous lying of Lady Eustace darkens the mys- tery of the diamonds and brings about many unexpected and amusing turns in the story. Baker. Framley parsonage. 2 v. 1903. 18cm (Chronicles of Barsetshire) Dodd $1.25 ea Last chronicle of Barset. 3 v. 1903. 18cm (Chronicles of Barsetshire) Dodd $1.25 ea Dominant situation one of intense anguish. The eccle- siastical society of Tlie warden and its successors, Mr Harding, Mrs Proudie and the rest, make their last ap- pearance here. Baker. Phineas Finn, the Irish member. 3 v. 1893. 18cm (Parl. nov. 3) Dodd $1.25 ea Sequel, Phineas redux. In this pair of novels purpose is to trace ' the changes in men and women which would naturally be produced by the lapse of years.' Politics occupy considerable space. Baker. Phineas redux. 3v. 1893. 18cm (Parl. nov. 4) Dodd $1.25ea The prime minister. 3 v. 1893. 18cm (Parl. nov. 5) Dodd $1.25 ea The small house at Allington. 3 v. 1904. 18cm (Chronicles of Barsetshire) Dodd $1.25 ea The warden. 1903. 18cm (Chronicles of Barsetshire) Dodd $1.25 Watford, Mrs L. B. (Colquhoun) The haby's grandmother. 1901. 19cm Longmans $1 Domestic story; mainly a familiar portraiture of a dozen characters, grouped round one beautiful woman. Baker. Mr Smith, a part of his life. 1902. 19cm Longmans $1 Comedy of village social intercourse, plot set in motion by advent of a wealthy stranger whom the vulgar genteel are in doubt whether or not to receive. Baker. Ward, Mrs M.. A. (Arnold) Eleanor. 1900. 19 Jem Harper $1.50 Political and social life of modern Italy is studied ex- haustively, but main affair is a drama of passion. Baker. Helbeck of Bannisdale. 2v. 1898. 18cm Macmillan $1.50 A tale of character and of passion, complicated by prob- lems of thought. Scenery of dales and fells between the Lake mountains and the sea plays an influential part. Barrow iron foundries described. Baker. Lady Rose's daughter. 1903. 19 Jem Harper $1.50 Appeared in Harper's magazine, v. 104-6 May 1902-Ap. 1903. Story of high class English life, based on the letters of Mile de Lespinasse. N. Y. Marcella. 2 v. 1894. 18cm Macmillan $1 The growth of a beautiful and fascinating girl out of her crude notions of socialism into a deeper perception of the moral and spiritual complexities of existing society. Lit. world. Dramatic scenes illustrate the game laws, agrarian dis- tress, struggles of slum- workers in London, etc.; also scenes of life in parliament and in society. Baker. Later history of Marcella in Sir George Tressady. Robert Elsmere. 1888. 19 Jem Macmillan $1.25 Struggle between faith and agnosticism set forth in the life and love of a clergyman, who leaves the church. Psychologic analysis very minute; criticism of Christianity inspired by older German theorists. Baker. Sir George Tressady. 2 v. 1896. 18cm Macmillan $2 Strong study of character development in the heat of English politics and social reforms. N. Y. Warren, Samuel. Ten thousand a year. 3 v. 1894. 19cm Little $3.75 A highly colored sensational story, with elaborate plot, which places a weak and vulgar London draper's assist- ant in possession of a great estate. A satire on English legal forms and persons in first half of 19th century. Baker. Some libraries may prefer the abridgment by C. T. Brady called Tittlebat Titmouse, Funk 1903, 81.50. Ed. sel. Watson, John. Beside the bonnie brier bush, by Ian Maclaren. 1895. 19Jcm Dodd $1.25 Sketches and stories of a Scotch village, with realistic delineation of details of manners and idiosyncrasies. Baker. The days of auld lang syne, by Ian Mac- laren. 1895. 19Jcm Dodd $1.25 Contents: A triumph of democracy; For conscience sake; A manifest judgment; Drumsheugh's love story; Past redemption; Good news from a far country; Jamie; A servant lass; Milton's conversion; Our lang name. Further studies of the Scotch neighborhood described in Beside the bonnie brier bush, showing equal humor, pathos and insight. N. Y. 241104 16 823 242 A. L. A. CATALOG CLASS LIST Watts-Dunton, Theodore. Aylwin. 1898. 19 Jem Dodd $1.50 A background of Welsh mountains peopled with wan- dering gipsies, a heroine overhung by a tragic fate and a general atmosphere of mysticism, with several noted Pre- raphaelites introduced under a thin disguise. N. Y. "Wells, H. G. The invisible man; a grotesque romance. 1897. 19cm Harper $1 When the sleeper wakes. 1899. ISJcrn Harper $1.50 London, A. D. 2100. A picture of topsy-turvy institu- tions and humanity metamorphosed, socially and mor- ally, and more especially of the mechanical wonders of the future. Extremely pessimistic view of mankind in the coming centuries. Baker. Weyman, S. J: From the memoirs of a min- ister of France. 1895. 19cm Longmans $1.25 Sequel to A gentleman of Prance. Imaginary episodes in the life of the Due de Sully. A gentleman of France; being the me- moirs of Gaston de Bonne, sieur de Marsac. 1895. 19cm Longmans $1.25 Hero a Huguenot Breton, one of Cond6's veterans. Baker. . Romance of time of Henry of Navarre. Stirring adven- ture and excellent historical setting. N. Y. House of the wolf. New ed. 1894. 19Jcm Longmans $1.25 France in the reign of Charles IX. Massacre of St Bar- tholomew included in the drama. L. & I. My Lady Rotha. 1899. 19cm Longmans $1.25 Opens in Thuringia during the thirty years' war. Descriptions of strife and adventure that portray the hideous devastation and demoralization of Germany overrun by mercenaries and thieves. Baker. Red cockade. 1896. 19cm Harper $1.50 Adventures during the French revolution, related by an aristocrat in sympathy with the people. Scene, Cahors and Nimes. Baker. Story of Francis Cludde. 1898. 19cm Longmans $1.25 Romance, in Dumas style, of times of Bloody Mary (1553-58) A sturdy young protestant, slow-tongued but quick to act, tired of persecution, goes forth to win fame by a career of adventure. Baker. Under the red robe. 1894. 19Jcm Longmans $1.25 Episode of Richelieu's time. Well knit, romantic with- out feebleness, stiring without bombast, sweet and clean. Nation. Whitaker, Evelyn. Miss Toosey's mission, and Laddie. 1898. 16 Jem Little 50c Whiteing, Richard. No. 5 John street. 1899. 20cm Century $1.50 Story of a cultured man's experimental residence in London slums, showing startling contrast between life of rich and poor. It has humor, strong feeling, vivid de- scriptions and good character drawing. Portrays things as they are, without theory of remedies. N. Y. Williamson, C: N. & Mrs A. M. (Livingston) The lightning conductor. 1903. 19cm Holt $1.50 Automobile travel sketch, threaded about a plot of love- making. Tour through French chateaux country to Bor- deaux, skirting the Pyrenees, through the Riviera and Italy to Sicily. N. Y. , Yeats, S. K. Levett- The honour of Savclli. 1895. ISJcm Appleton $1 Romance of intrigue and action in the Italy of the Borgias, Machiavelli, etc. Baker. Yonge, C.. M.. The caged lion. 1901. 19Jcm Macmillan $1.25 Story of James I of Scotland. The chaplet of pearls. 1903. 19Jcm Macmillan $1.25 Romance of French history, 1572. St Bartholomew massacre. The daisy chain; or, Aspirations; a fam- ily chronicle. 1904. 19 Jem Macmillan $1.25 Sequel, The trial. The dove in the eagle's nest. 1901. 19Jcm Macmillan $1.25 Story of robber barons of Germany in the 15th century- Sargent. Heartsease; or, The brother's wife. 1902. 19 Jem Macmillan $1.25 This and Heir of Redclyffe illus. by Kate Greenaway. Heir of Redclyffe. 1891. 19Jcm Macmillan $1.25 Idealized picture of virtuous character and virtuous domestic life, manifestly inspired by Tractarian views. Baker. : Lances of Lynwood. 1902. 19Jcm Macmillan $1.25 Y Story of the reign of Edward III (1327-77) and of the Black Prince. Ed. sel. The little duke, Richard the Fearless. 1903. 19Jcm Macmillan $1.25 Y Tale of the little son of William the Conqueror. Middle of 10th century. Ed. sel. Pillars of the house; or, Under Wode, under Rode. 2 v. 1901. 19 Jem Macmillan $2.50 The prince and the page; a story of the last crusade. 1866. 16cm Macmillan $1.25 Y In reign of Henry III, 121&-72. Baker. LITERATURE ENGLISH ESSAYS 243 Yonge, C.. M.. The trial; more links of The daisy chain. 1902. 19$cm Macmillan $1.25 Unknown to history. 1901. 19cm Macmillan $1.25 Y Touching story of Mary Queen of Scotland's cap- tivity, the Babington plot, her trial and execution (1586) Baker. Zangwill, Israel. Children of the Ghetto; a study of a peculiar people. 1895. 19Jcm Macmillan $1.50 Scenes in life of London Jews, poor and rich, connected by a thread of narrative; copious in detail and in traits of character; gives ideas and ways of thinking, as well as ceremonial and external features. Baker. Dreamers of the Ghetto. 1898. 18cm Harper $1.50 Conversations with and imaginative memoirs of his- toric representatives of the Jewish race, particularly of such as rebelled against the narrow limits of orthodox Judaism: e. g. Acosta, Spinoza, Heine, and Ferdinand Lassalle. Baker. The master. 1895. 19cm Harper $1.75 A circumstantial biography of a Nova Scotian lad, by nature an artist, who makes his way through almost in- superable difficulties to success, but finds self-conquest the hardest struggle. Baker. 24 English essays Addison, Joseph. Selections from papers con- tributed to the Spectator; ed. with introd. and notes by Thomas Arnold. 1900. 17cm (Clar- endon press ser. ) Clarendon $1.10 Arnold, Matthew. Culture and anarchy; and Friendship's garland, being the conversations, letters and opinions of the late Arminius, baron von Thunder-ten-Tronckh. 1902. 18cm Macmillan $1.50 Essays in criticism. 2 v. 1902. 18 Jem (Eversley ser.) Macmillan $3 Contents: ser. 1, Function of criticism at the present time; Literary influence of academies; Maurice de Gu4- rin; Eugenie deGu6rin; Heinrich Heine; Pagan and me- diaeval religious sentiment; A Persian passion play; Jou- bert: Spinoza and the Bible; Marcus Aurelius. ser. 2, Study of poetry; Milton; Thomas Gray; John Keats; Wordsworth; Byron; Shelley; Count Leo Tolstof; Amiel. Perhaps the most important utterance on criticism in modern times. Gayley & Scott (B) \/ Avebury, John Lubbock, Ixt baron. Pleasures of life. 1903. ISJcm Macmillan $1.25 Contents: Duty of happiness; Happiness of duty; Song of books; Choice of books; Blessing of friends; Value of time; Pleasures of travel; Pleasures of home; Science; Education. Bacon, Francis, viscount St Albanx. Essays, and Wisdom of the ancients; with a biog. notice by A. Spiers, pref. by B. Montagu, and notes by different writers. 17Jcm Little $1 Each essay, shrewdly discriminative, contains a suc- cession of wise thoughts exactly worded. Henry Morley. Birrell, Augustine. Essays about men, women and books. 1894. 17$cm Scribner $1 Contents: Dean Swift; Lord Bolingbroke; Sterne; Dr Johnson; Richard Cumberland; Alexander Knox and Thomas De Quincey; Hannah More; Marie Bashkirtseff; Sir John Vanbrugh; John Gay; Roger North's autobiog- raplfy; Books old and new; Bookbinding; Poets laureate; Parliamentary candidates; The bona-flde traveller; Hours in a library; Americanisms and Briticisms; Authors and critics. Essays and addresses. 1901. 18cm Scribner $1 Contents: John Wesley; What, then, did happen at the reformation? Christian evidences; The ideal university; Bagehot; Froude; Robert Browning; Is it possible to tell a good book from a bad one? House of commons; Peel. Obiter dicta. 2 v. 1904, '02. 17cm . Scribner $2 Contents: ser. 1, Carlyle; On the alleged obscurity of Mr Browning's poetry; Truth-hunting; Actors; A rogue's memoirs; The via media; Falstaff. ser. 2, Milton; Pope; Johnson; Burke; The muse of history; Charles Lamb; Emerson; The office of literature; Worn-out types; Cam- bridge and the poets; Bookbuying. The work which established his reputation as a critic and humorist. Bright, facile, urbane essays. Sat. r. Res judicatse: papers and essays. 1892. 17cm Scribner $1 Contents: Samuel Richardson; Edward Gibbon; Wil- liam Cowper; George Borrow; Cardinal Newman; Mat- thew Arnold; William Hazlitt; The letters of Charles Lamb; Authors in court; Nationality: The reformation; Sainte-Beuve. Brown, John. Spare hours. 3 v. 1883. 18Jcm Houghton $3 Contents: ser. 1, Rab and his friends, and other papers, ser. 2, John Leech, Marjorie Fleming, and other papers, ser. 3, Locke and Sydenham, and other papers. Carlyle, Thomas. Critical and miscellaneous essays. Centenary ed. 5 v. 1900-01. 21cm Scribner $1.25 ea Ed. with introd. by H: D. Traill. V. 5 includes the Early kings of Norway (also published separately) Latter-day pamphlets. Centenary ed. 1901. 21cm Scribner $1.25 Contents: The present time; Model prisons; Downing street; The new Downing street; Stump-orator; Parlia- ments; Hudson's statue; Jesuitism. Ed. with an introd. by H: D. Traill. On heroes, hero-worship, and the heroic in history. Centenary ed. 1901. 21cm Scribner $1.25 Ed. with introd. by H: D. Traill. The simplest and most easily legible of his works. The French revolution and Hero-worship display a mastery of 824 244 A. L. A. CATALOG CLASS LIST our language as splendid as anything in our prose litera- ture. Frederic Harrison. Carlyle, Thomas. Past and present. Cente- nary ed. 1899. 21cm , Scribner $1.25 Ed. with introd. by H: D. Traill. Vehement arraignment of political and religious ideas prevailing 60 years ago in England, with a trenchant in- dictment of quacks, charlatans and the gospel of mam- mon. L. & I. Sartor resartus; the life and opinions of Herr Teufelsdrockh. Centenary ed. 1897. 21cm Scribner $1.25 Ed. with introd. by H: D. Traill. The most original, the most characteristic, the deepest, and most lyrical of his productions. Frederic Harrison. Professedly a review of a German treatise on dress, but really a vent for its author's own speculations. De Quincey, Thomas. Beauties selected from [his] writings. 1900. 20cm Houghton $1.50 The best passages of De Quincey have never been sur- passed for sustained splendor of language, exquisite bal- ance and modulation and rhythmic charm. W. J. Daw- son (B) A good edition of his complete works is the Masson ed. 14 v. Macmillan 812.50. Ed. sel. Dobson, Austin. Eighteentk century vignettes. 3ser. 1896. 19Jcin Dodd $1.25 ea. Small tapestries on which the scenes and the people of old London are pictured with a clearness that often evades a larger handiwork. Allan. (B) : Miscellanies. 2 ser. 1898-1901. 17cm Dodd v. 1, $1.25; v. 2, $1 n Ser. 1, 8 papers, chiefly on themes drawn from life and letters of 18th century, discursive, written from intimate and accurate knowledge, ser. 2, occasional verses and inscriptions, some of which have appeared in earliest collections. N. Y. ed. Eighteenth century essays, selected and annotated by Austin Dobson. 1895. 17cm Paul 6/; Scribner $2 34 essays by Addison, Steele, Goldsmith, Mackenzie, Chesterfield and others. Froude, J. A. Short studies on great subjects. 4v. 1900-01. 20cm Scribner $1.50 ea Harrison, Frederic. Choice of books, and other literary pieces. 1886. 18Jcm Macmillan 75c His advice is to read only authors of first rank in every department and every language. Interesting. Spec. (B) Hazlitt, William. Essays; selected and ed. by Frank Carr. 1889. 18cm (Camelot ser.) W. Scott I/ Hunt, Leigh.. Essays; ed. by Arthur Symons with illus. by H. M. Brock. 1903. 19cm Dutton $1 n Jefferies, Richard. Field and hedgerow; the 1900. 19 Jem Longmans $1.25 Jefferies, Richard. The open air. New ed. 1901. 17Jcm Scribner $2.25 Johnson, Samuel. Essays selected fr. the Ram- bler, 1750-52, the Adventurer, 1753, and the Idler, 1758-60; with biog. introd. and notes by S.J.Reid. 18cm (Camelot ser.) W. Scott 1/6 Lamb, Charles. Life, letters and writings; ed. by Percy Fitzgerald. Temple ed. 6 v. 1895. 18cm Lippincott $6 Contents: v. 1, Sketch of the life of Charles Lamb, by Sir T: N. Talfourd; Correspondence, v. 2, Correspond- ence, v. 3, Correspondence; Essays of Ella. v. 4, Essays of Elia; Miscellaneous essays; Letters; Rosamund Gray, v. 5, Tales from Shakspeare; Stories contributed to "Mrs Leicester's school;" Dramatic works; Sketches, etc. v. 6, Sketches, etc. ; Reviews; Poems; Translations. Temple edition by William Macdonald, 12 v. Dutton, $16 n, and an edition edited by E. V. Lucas, 7 v. Putnam $2.25 n ea. also good. Ed. sel. Lang, Andrew. Essays in little. 1899. 19cm Scribner $1 Contents: Alexandre Dumas; Mr Stevenson's works; Thomas Haynes Bayly; Theodore de Banville; Homer and the study of Greek; The last fashionable novel; Thackeray; Dickens; Adventures of buccaneers; The sagas; Charles Kingsley; Charles Lever; The poems of Sir Walter Scott; John Bunyan; Letter to a young jour- nalist; Mr Kipling's stories. Letters to dead authors; with etched por- trait by S. J. Ferris and four additional letters. 1893. 17cm (Cameo ed.) Scribner $1.25 One of the minor masterpieces of literature, the keenest and cleverest volume of playful criticism since the Fable for critics. Brander Matthews (B) Macaulay, T: B. Macaulay, 1st baron. Works complete; ed. by his sister, Lady Trevelyan. Edinburgh ed. 8 v. 1897. 23cm Longmans $15 Contents: v. 1-4, History of England, v. 5-6, Critical and historical essays, v. 7, Essays, biographies, etc. v. 8, Speeches aad poems. Rolfe ed. of Lays of ancient Rome Amer. bk. co. 56c, is also desirable on account of its excellent notes. Maurice, F: D. The friendship of books, and other lectures; ed. by T. Hughes. 1893. 19 Jem Macmillan $1.25 Contents: On the friendship of books; On words; On books; On the use and abuse of newspapers; On Christian civilization; Ancient history; English history; Spenser's Faery queene; Milton; Milton considered as a school- master; Edmund Burke; Acquisition and illumination; On critics. 4th ed. 1889; reissued, 1893. Meynell, Mrs A. C. (Thompson) The children. 1896. 17Jcm Lane $1.25 The combination of absolute truth with a fine selecting judgment mates her book the beginning, in its own way, of a little epoch in the story of the child in literature Sat. r. 83: 701. LITERATURE ENGLISH ESSAYS 245 Meynell, Mrs A. C. (Thompson) The spirit of place, and other essays. 2d ed. IT^cm Lane $1.25 They have dignity, sincerity, occasional humor and delicate fantasy. But their central charm is in the fresh- ness, the individuality of their outlook on life. Acad. (B) Morley, John. Critical miscellanies. 3 v. 1886-88. ISJcm Macmillan $1.50 ea Contents: v. 1, Robespierre; Carlyle; Byron; Macaulay; Emerson, v. 2, Vauvenargues; Turgot; Condorcet; Joseph de Maistre. v. 3, On popular culture; Death of Mr Mill; Mr Mill's Autobiography; Life of George Eliot; Pattison's memoirs; Harriet Martineau; W. R. Greg, a sketch; France in the eighteenth century; Expansion of England; Au- guste Comte. Enlarged from articles in Fortnightly review. Studies in literature. 1891. 18cm Macmillan 1.50 Contents: Wordsworth; Aphorisms; Maine on popular government; A few words on French models; On the study of literature; Victor Hugo's Ninety-three; On The ring and the book; Memorials of a man of letters [Macvey Napier] Reprinted from Nineteenth century and Fortnightly review. Myers, F: "W: H: Science and a future life; with other essays. 1893. 18 Jem Macmillan $1.50 Contents: Science and a future life; Charles Darwin and agnosticism; The disenchantment of France; Tennyson as prophet; Modern poets and cosmic law; Leopold, duke of Albany; In memoriam. Reprinted from Nineteenth century and Fortnightly review. Object, to maintain claim of spiritual element in man as against materialistic and agnostic habits of thought. All well worth study, very able criticism, ethical as well as literary. Spec. 74: 89. Pater, Walter. Appreciations: with an essay on style. 1889. 21cm Macmillan $1.75 n Contents: Style; Wordsworth; Coleridge; Charles Lamb; Sir Thomas Browne; "Love's labours lost;" "Measure for measure;" Shakspere's English kings; ^Esthetic poetry; Dante Gabriel Rossetti. An unusually catholic critic; he takes genuine and cor- dial delight in the qualities of the men he writes of. A predominant sense of beauty in form, of charm in the spirit, of truth in the matter characterizes his work. G: E: Woodberry (B) Essays from "The Guardian." 1901. 24cm Macmillan $3 n Contents: English literature; AmiePs "Journal in- time;" Browning; "Robert Elsmere;" Their majesties' servants; Wordsworth; Mr Gosse's poems; Ferdinand Fabre; The "Contes" of M. Augustin Filon. Contains most interesting portion of his literary jour- nalism. Alh. Greek studies; prepared for the press by C: L. Shadwell. 1895. 18cm Macmillan $1.75n Essays, dealing with Greek mythology, poetry, sculp- ture and architecture. They show him at his best as a writer. He was first and last an esthetic critic of a high order. Spec. (B) Pater, Walter. Miscellaneous studies, prepared for the press by C: L. Shadwell. 1895. 18cm Macmillan $1.75 n Bibliography, p. 6-12. Essays on literature, Italian painting, French architec- ture, and a group of " imaginary portraits." There are many pages of his peculiar, inimitable charm. Acad. (B) The renaissance; studies in art and po- etry. 1903. 18|cm Macmillan $2 n Contents: Two early French stories; Pico della Miran- dola; Sandro Botticelli; Luca della Robbia; The poetry of Michelangelo; Leonardo da Vinci; The school of Giorgione; Joachim du Bellay; Winckelmann. One of the most suggestive writers of the philosophic school. Of literary rather than scientific merit. Powers. Buskin, John. Crown of wild olive; four lec- tures on industry and war, with introd. byC: E. Norton. Brantwood ed. 1893. 19Jcm Longmans $1.50 n Contents: Work; Traffic; War; The future of England; Appendix: Notes on the economies of the kings of. Prussia. "Traffic" a trenchant attack on the fundamental irre-- ligion and immorality of modern society; "Work" devel- oping more distinctly and with less of compromise, the, implied socialism of Unto this last. 3. W. Mackail. Sesame and lilies; with introd. by C: E. Norton. Brantwood ed. 1891. 19$cm Longmans $1.50 n Contents: Of kings' treasures; Of queens' gardens. Three lectures on books and their uses, the education and influences of women, and the mystery of life and its arts. Time and tide by Weare and Tyne; with. introd. by C: E. Norton. Brantwood ed. 1891.. 19 Jem Longmans $1.50 n Twenty-five letters to a workingman of Sunderland on ! the laws of work. Title. Attempt to continue author's work in social ethics by' drawing the outlines of a constructive policy toward the ennobling of labor and the humanization of riches. J. W. Mackail. Smith, Sydney. (World's class. ) Wit and wisdom. 14cm Putnam 50c Spencer, Herbert. Facts and comments. 1902. 19$cm Appleton $1.20 n Chips from the author's workshop. Subjects frequently broad and of present interest. Few men can write more forcibly or reason more clearly. Nation, 75: 58. Stevenson, B. L: Across the plains, with other memories and essays. 1903. 19cm Scribner $1.25 Contents: Across the plains; The old Pacific capital [Monterey] ; Fontainebleau; Epilogue to "An inland voy- age;" Random memories; Random memories continued; The lantern-bearers; A chapter on dreams; Beggars; Letter to a young gentleman; Pulvis et umbra; A Christ- mas sermon. 824 246 A. L. A. CATALOG CLASS LIST Stevenson, R. L: Familiar studies of men and books. 1902. 19Jcm Scribner $1.25 Contents: Victor Hugo's romances; Some aspects o* Robert Burns; Walt Whitman; Henry David Thoreau, his character and opinions; Yoshida-Torajiro; Francois Villon, student, poet and housebreaker; Charles of Or- leans; Samuel Pepys; John Knox and women. Men whom I loved; or, when I did not love the men, my love was greater to their books. Author. Memories and portraits. 1902 19cm Scribner $1.25 Contents: The foreigner at home; Some college memo- ries; Old mortality; A college magazine; An old Scotch gardener; Pastoral; The manse; Memoirs of an islet; Thomas Stevenson; Talk and talkers; The character of dcgs; " A penny plain and twopence coloured; " A gossip on a novel of Dumas's; A gossip on romance; A humble remonstrance. Yirginibus puerisque, and other papers. 1904. 19Jcm Scribner $1.25 Contents: Virginibus puerisque; Crabbed age and youth; An apology for idlers; Ordered south; ^Es triplex; El Dorado; The English admirals; Some portraits by Raeburn; Child's play; Walking tours; Pan's pipes; A plea for gas lamps. 25 English oratory Adams, C : K. ed. Representative British orations; with introductions and explanatory notes, with sup. volume by John Alden. 4 v. 1900. 18 Jem Putnam $1.25 ea Contents: v. 1, Sir John Eliot; John Pym; Lord Chatham; Lord Mansfield; Edmund Burke, v. 2, William Pitt; Charles James Fox; Sir James Mackintosh; LordErskine. v. 3, George Canning; Lord Macaulay; Richard Cobden; John Bright; Lord Beaconsfleld; William Ewart Glad- stone, v. 4, Daniel O'Connell; Lord Palmerston; Robert Lowe, viscount Sherbrooke; Joseph Chamberlain; Lord Rosebery. 26 English letters Chesterfield, P. D. Stanhope, 4th earl of. Letters to his son; selected by Charles Sayle. 17icm (Scott lib.) W.Scott 1/6 The result of the large worldly experience of an acute and cultivated nobleman. Henry Reed. Montagu, Lady Mary (Pierrepont) Wortley. Select passages from her letters, ed. by A. R. Ropes. 1892. 20 Jem (Seeley's 18th cent. Wog. ser.) Scribner $2.50 Her rank as the best letter writer of her sex in English Is undisputed. George Saintsbury. 27 English satire and humor Hood, Thomas. Poems; ed. by Alfred Ainger. 2 v. 1897. ISJcm Macmillan $3 Contents: v. 1, Memoir; Serious poems, v. 2, Poems of wit and humour. Whether we look on him as a master of frolic, or a mas- ter of pathos, his place is high among English poets. R: Garaett (B) Jerome, J. K. Three men in a boat (to say noth- ing of the dog) 1889. 19cm (Home lib.) Burt $1 n Comic history of a picnic up the Thames, a medley of buffoonery and droll musings on familiar things. Baker. Junius, pseud. Letters of Junius; Woodfall's ed. rev. by John Wade. 2 v. 1902. ISJcrn (Bohn's stand, lib.) Macmillan $1 n ea A series of letters directed against the British ministry. Sir William Draper, the duke of Grafton and others. The letters appeared in the London public advertiser, in 1772. Their authorship has been attributed to Edmund Burke, Earl Temple and others, but they probably were written by Sir Philip Francis. Cent. eye. of names. Lear, Edward. Nonsense books; with all the original illustrations. 1891. 19cm Little $2 Y Surely the most beneficent and innocent of all chil- dren's nonsense books yet produced. Inimitable and re- freshing, and perfect in rhythm. John Ruskin. Swift, Jonathan. Gulliver's travels; ed. with introd. and notes by T: M. Balliet. 1900. 19cm (Heath's home & school class.) Heath 30c n Y Master Lemuel's voyage to Lilliput and Brobding- nag, the two most interesting incidents of the Dean of St Patrick's great satiric sketch. Hardy. Prose writings; chosen and arranged by Walter Lewin. 1886. 18cm W. Scott . 1/6 There is something great and fearful in bis irony, for it Is not always used for effect or designedly to depreciate. There seems often to be a sympathy in it for the thing he satirizes. Thomas Carlyle. Thackeray, W: M. Ballads. (In his Works, class 823, v. 13) Book of snobs. (In his Works, class 823, v.6) Contributions to Punch. (In his Works, class 823, v. 6) Memoirs of C: J. Yellowplush. (In his Works, class 823, v. 3) Roundabout papers. (In his Works, class 823, v. 12) Wells, Carolyn, ed. Nonsense anthology. 1903. 18cm Scribner $1.25 n Edward Lear, of course, Gilbert and Lewis Car 1'. prominent, but hosts of others sit up worthily with these kings. Nation. 2 English miscellany Arnim, M. . A. (Beauchamp) grafin von. Eliza- beth and her German garden. 1900. 21cm Macmillan $2.50 A cultured, humorous woman's record of quiet German country life, her adventures among bulbs and seeds, the sayings of her babies, etc. N. Y. The solitary summer. 1901. 21cm Macmillan $1.50 Farther experiences of Elizabeth. LITERATURE ENGLISH MISCELLANY 247 Austin, Alfred. The garden that I love. 1894. 21cm Macmillan $2.50 Study of an oldfashioned English garden, where some- what shadowy human personages occasionally wander and discourse. N. Y. Burton, Robert. Anatomy of melancholy. New ed. 1898. 22Jcm Scribner $2.75 Result of many years of humorous study of men and books, abounding in quotations from authors of all ages and countries. Cent. eye. of names. Coleridge, S: T. Biographia literaria; or, Bio- graphical sketches of my literary life and opin- ions, and two lay sermons: 1, The statesman's manual; 2, Blessed are ye that sow beside all waters. 1898. 19cm (Bonn's stand, lib.) Macmillan $1 n Jefferies, Richard. An English village. 1903. 20cm Little $2 New ed. of Wild life in a southern county, with 25 pictures of nature and rural life, made in Wiltshire by Clifton Johnson, and introd. by Hamilton W. Mabie. Title. Landor. W. S. Selections from the writings of Landor; ed. by Sidney Colvin. 1902. 16cm (Golden treas. ser.) Macmillan $1 Selection made with taste and judgment, so as fairly to represent the whole body of Landor's work. Nation, 35: 247 (B) Lucas, E: V. comp. The open road; a little book for wayfarers. 1901. 16cm Holt $1.50 Just a garland of poetry and prose fitted to urge folk into the open air. Pref. Norton, C: E. ed. Heart of oak books. Rev. ed. 7 v. 1902-03. 19$cm Heath $3 n Contents: bk.l, Rhymes, jingles and fables, bk.2, Fables and nursery tales, bk. 3, Fairy tales, ballads and poems, bk. 4, Fairy stories and classic tales of adventure, bks. 5-7, Masterpieces of literature. Separately, v. 1, 25c n; v. 2, 35c n; v. 3, 40c n; v. 4, 45c n; v. 5, 50c n; v. 6, 55c n; v. 7, 60c n. Adapted to the progressive needs of childhood and youth, chosen from the masterpieces of English literature. Pref. Russell, G: W: E. Collections and recollections, by one who has kept a diary. 1898. 2lcm Harper $2.50 Reminiscences of the Victorian era, reprinted from the Manchester guardian, from diary and commonplace books; contains entertaining anecdotes about notable people, parliament, the cabinet, and social changes. Johnston. 829 Anglo-Saxon literature Beowulf. Beowulf; tr. out of the Old English by C. B. Tinker. 1902. 17Jcm Newson 80c Brooke, S. A: History of early English litera- ture: being the history of English poetry from its beginning to the accession of King Alfred. 1892. 20Jcm Macmillan $2.50 R Enjoyable, leisurely r6sumi> of all that is known of our earliest poets and their works. Spec. Cook, A. S. ed. Select translations from old English poetry; ed. by A. S. Cook and C. B. Tinker. 1902. 19cm Ginn $1 Bibliography, p. 172-73. Cynewulf. The Christ of Cynewulf ; a poem in three parts, The advent, The ascension, and The last judgment; tr. into English prose by C: H. Whitman. 1900. 19cm Ginn 45c Perhaps the most genuinely poetic of all the early min- strels after Caedmon. Grant Allen. 83O German literature Francke, Kuno. Glimpses of modern German culture. 1898. 18cm Dodd $1.25 May serve to open the way to many who are unaware how wonderfully rich is Germany today in books, pic- tures, music and political ideas. Dial, 26: 161 (B) - History of German literature as deter- /^-- mined by social forces; 4th ed. enl. of the author's Social forces in German literature. 1901. 22cm Holt $2.50 Indispensable supplement to Scherer. Rich in well weighed condensed judgments of writers and in discrim- inating yet enthusiastic appreciations of their master- pieces. Style clear, crisp and unobtrusive. Dial (B) Robertson, J: Q: History of German literature. 1902. 21cm Putnam $3.50 n Considers German literature in its relation to other European literatures. Nation, 76: 237. Scherer, Wilhelm. History of German litera- ^ ture; tr. fr. the 3d Ger. ed. by Mrs F. C. Cony- beare, ed. by F. M. Miiller. 2 v. 1893. 20Jcm Scribner $3.50 Bibliography, 2; 353-416. No student of German literature can dispense with it. F. Spielhagen (B) Wells, B: W. Modern German literature. 2d ed. 1901. 19cm Little $1.50 Addressed to college students and attempts to tell what a well educated man wants to know. Greater part de- voted to Leasing, Goethe and Schiller. Dial, 20: 118 31 German poetry Goethe, J. W. von. Poems; tr. in the original metres by E. A. Bowring. Rev. ed. 1891. 19cm (Bohn's stand, lib. ) Macmillan $1 n Heine, Heinrich. Gesammelte werke; hrsg. von Gustav Karpeles. 2.aufl. 9v. 1893.' 20cm G. Grote 31.50 m - Poems and ballads, done into Eng. verse by Sir Theodore Martin. 3d ed. 1894. 17Jcm Blackwood 5/ ^ 825 248 A. L. A. CATALOG CLASS LIST Knortz, Karl, ed. Representative German poems, ballad and lyrical; original texts with English versions by various translators. 1885. 22cm Holt $2.50 Nibelungenlied. The Nibelungenlied; the fall of the Nibelungers, otherwise the Book of Kriem- hild; tr. by W: N. Lettsom. 4th ed. 1903. 20cm Scribner $1.75 n Schiller, J. C. F. Poems; tr. byE. A. Bowring. 1902. 19cm (Bohn's stand, lib.) Macmillan $1 n 832 Oerman drama Goethe, J. W. von. Werke; hrsg. von Ludwig Geiger. Neue ausg. 1883. 10 v. 18cm G. Grote 30 m Dramatic works; tr. fr. the German by Sir Walter Scott, E. A. Bowring, Anna Swan- wick and others. 1892. 18Jcm (Bohn's stand, lib. ) Macmillan $1 n Contents: The wayward lover; The fellow-culprits; Goetz von Berlichingen; Clavigo; Egmont; Torquato Tasso; Iphigenia in Tauris. Faust, a tragedy; tr. in the original metres by Bayard Taylor. 2 v. 1898. 20cm Houghton. $2.50 Lessing, G. E. Samtliche schriften; hrsg. von Karl Lachmann. 1886. 23cm Goschen 4.50 m ea 16 volumes already issued (July 1904); a 17th vol. will probably complete the set. Bd. 12- published in Leipzig. Dramatic works; ed. by Ernest Bell; with short memoir by Helen Zimmern. 2 v. 1891. 18jcm (Bohn's stand, lib.) Macmillan $1 n ea Contents: v. 1, Tragedies, v. 2, Comedies. Schiller, J. C. F. Werke; mit lebensbeschrei- bung, einleitungen und anmerkungen, hrsg. von Robert Boxberger. 5. aufl. 6 v. 1897. 19cm G. Grote 12 m Works: early dramas and romances: The robbers, Fiesco, Love and intrigue, Demetrius, The ghost-seer, and The sport of destiny, tr. from the German. 1901. 19cm (Bohn's stand, lib. ) Macmillan $1 n Dramas: Don Carlos, Mary Stuart, The Maid of Orleans, The bride of Messina, tr. by R. D. Boylan, Joseph Mellish, Anna Swanwick and A. Lodge. 1901. 19cm (Bohn's stand, lib. ) Macmillan $1 n Dramatic works: Wallenstein and Wil- 33 Oerman fiction Auerbach, Berthold. On the heights; tr. by S. A. Stern. 2 v. 1899. 17cm (Leisure hour ser.) Holt $2 Auf der hohe. Story of court and village life, much psychologic analysis and comment on life and conduct. Baker. Villa on the Rhine; author's ed. with portrait, and biog. sketch by Bayard Taylor. 2v. 1869. 17Jcm Holt $2 Carlyle, Thomas, tr. German romance; transla- tions from the German, with biog. and crit. notices. Centenary ed. 2 v. 1901, 1898. 21cm Scribner $1.25 ea Contents: v. 1, Editor's introduction; Carlyle's pref- ace; Musseus: Dumb lore, Libussa, Melechsala; Fouqu6: Aslauga's knight; Tieck: The fair-haired Eckbert, The trusty Eckbert, The Runenberg, The elves, The goblet, v. 2, Hoffman: The golden pot; Richter: Army-chaplain Schmelzle's journey to Flaetz, Life of Quintus Fixlein; Summary. Ed. with introd., by H: D. Traill. Ebers, G. M. Cleopatra; tr. by M.. J. Safford. 2v. 1894. 17|cm Appleton $1.50 Carefully studied portrait of the Egyptian queen in a story crowded with detail, yet showing dramatic power and vigor. N. Y. An Egyptian princess; tr. by Eleanor Grove. 2 v. 1901. 16Jcm. Appleton $1.50 Introduces some historic personages, such as Cambyses, Amasis or Sappho, and weaves fact and fiction together, not refraining from an occasional anachronism. Opens in Hellas, passes into Persia, and finally into Egypt. Baker. helm Tell; tr. by S. T. Coleridge, J. Churchill and Theodore Martin. 1903. 19cm (Bohn's stand, lib.) Macmillan $1 n Homo sum; tr. by Clara Bell. 1900. 16 Jem Appleton 75c Story of the anchorites of the 8th century, who sought to escape from the world and from themselves at the foot of Sinai. Baker. Uarda, a romance of ancient Egypt; tr. by Clara Bell. 2 v. 1901. 16 Jem Appleton $1.50 Romance of ancient Egypt during the sojourn of the Israelites in Goshen, dealing with the family of the Pharaoh. Learned details about manners and habits of life, religious rites and superstitions, and the various currents of thought, rationalistic and reactionary, are worked in. N. Y. Goethe, J. W. von. Wilhelm Meister's appren- ticeship and travels. Centenary ed. 2 v. 1901. 21cm Scribner $1.25 ea. Tr. by Carlyle and ed. with introd. by H: D. Traill. Traces whole life of a man from boyhood to maturity, recounting his youthful dreams and aspirations, his love, his first contact with the world and the loss of his illu- sions. Baker. LITERATURE GERMAN LITERATURE 241) John, Eugenie. Gold Elsie; from the German of E. Marlitt, by Mrs A. L. Wister. 1896. 19cm Lippincott 75c The little moorland princess; fr. the Ger- man of E. Marlitt, by Mrs A. L. Wister. 1900. 19cm Lippincott 75c Somewhat sensational story of a German heiress ob- scurely brought up and suddenly thrown among new found relatives in the social world. N. Y. The old Mam'selle's secret; after the German of E. Marlitt, by Mrs A. L. Wister. 1896. 19cm Lippincott 75c Romance of a motherless German girl, brought up in an unkindly, puritanic family and aided to culture and happiness by the mysterious ' Old Mam'selle.' N. Y. The second wife; a romance fr. the Ger- man of E. Marlitt, by Mrs A .L. Wister. 1902. 19 Jem Lippincott 75c La Motte Fouque", F. H. K: baron de. Undine, and other tales; tr. by F. E. Bunnett. 1901 ? 19 Jem (Home lib.) Burt $1 Contents: Undine; The two captains; Aslauga's knight; Sintram and his companions. Undine, the story of a water fairy ' One of the best specimens of pure romance in literature.' Hardy. Raspe, R. E. Surprising adventures of Baron Munchausen; with introd. by Thomas Sec- combe. 1895. 22cm Scribner $2 Tales from the travels of Baron Mun- chausen; ed. with introductions and notes by E: E. Hale, with 34 illus. after Gustave Dor6. 1900. 19cm (Heath's home & school class. ) Heath 20c n T Series of amusing and absurdly impossible feats and adventures. Baker. Rosegger, P: K. The forest schoolmaster; tr. by F. E. Skinner. 1901. 20cm Putnam $1.50 Exceptionally beautiful story of the quiet work by a schoolmaster in raising the life of a forest community in Austria. Vivid picturing of local customs. N. Y. Round table of the representative German Cath- olic novelists. 1902. 20Jcm Benziger $1.50 With portraits, biographic sketches, and bibliography. Title. Scheffel, J. V: von. Ekkehard, a tale of the tenth century; tr. by Sofie Delffs. 2 v. 1872. 16 Jem Tauchnitz 1.60m ea Biography of a 10th century poet, and a vivid picture of medieval life in court and convent. Baker. Spyri, Johanna. Heidi: a story for girls; tr. by H. A. Melcon; illus. by J. W. Davis. 1901. 19Jcm Burt $1 T Story of a little Swiss girl who lives with her blind .grandfather in an Alpine hut. Sargent. Spyri, Johanna. Rico and Wiseli; tr. by Louise Brooks. 1885. 18Jcm De Wolfe $1.50 Y Contents: Rico and Stineli, and how Rico found a home; How Wiseli was provided for. Sudermann, Hermann. Dame Care; tr. by Bertha Overbeck. 1902. 18cm Harper $1 A story of a boy who, born in a time of misfortune, was attended throughout life by Dame Care, but always bore himself manfully and with generous feeling for others. Baker. Wyss, J. D. von. Swiss family Robinson. 1899. 23J x 18cm Dutton $2.50 Y It is worth while to have at least one copy of the illustrated edition, Dutton $2.50. Other editions for hard wear are: ( Readable books) Little $1; (Home library) Burt $1 n; edition by Stickney, Ginn 45c. Ed. sel. 38 German miscellany Luther, Martin. Table talk; tr. and ed. by Wil- I/ liam Hazlitt, with a memoir by Alexander Chalmers. 1902. 18Jcm (Bohn's stand, lib.) Macmillan $1 n Schlegel, K: W. F. von. ^Esthetic and miscel- \/ laneous works; tr. by E. J. Millington. 1889. 18Jcm (Bohn's stand, lib. ) Macmillan $1 n Contents: Letters on Christian art; An essay on Gothic architecture; Remarks on the romance-poetry of the mid- dle ages and on Shakespeare; On the limits of the beau- tiful; On the language and wisdom of the Indians. 839 Minor Teutonic literature (except fiction) Boyesen, H. H. Essays on Scandinavian litera- ' ture. 1895. 18Jcm Scribner $1.50 Contents: Bjornstjerne Bjornson; Alexander Kielland; Jonas Lie; Hans Christian Andersen; Contemporary Dan- ish literature; Georg Brandes; Esaias Tegner. No attempt at connected exposition, but studies of some separate phases. Clear and convincing. Nation, 60: 486. Gosse, E. W: Northern studies. 1890. 17Jcm \^ (Scott lib. ) W. Scott 1/6 Contents: Introduction by Ernest Rhys; Norwegian poetry since 1814; Henrik Ibsen; The Lofoden islands; Runeberg; The Danish national theatre; Four Danish poets (Grundtvig, Bodtcher, Andersen, Paludan-Muller); Appendix, Text of the poems translated. The soundest work in the language on modern Scandi- navian literature. Ath. 1890 (B) Ibsen, Henrik. Prose dramas; authorized Eng. ed. by William Archer, v. 1-2. 1890. 19Jcm Scribner $1.25 ea Contents: v. 1, Biographical introduction; League of youth; Pillars of society; A doll's house, v. 2, Ghosts; An enemy of the people; The wild duck. Tegne*r, Esaias. Fridthjof's saga; a Norse romance; tr. by T: A. E. Holcomb and M. A. L. Holcomb. 1877. 19Jcm Scott, F. $1.25- Glossary, p. 207-13. S32 250 A. L. A. CATALOG CLASS LIST s "Winkel Horn, Frederik. History of the liter- ature of the Scandinavian North; rev. by the author and tr. by R. B. Anderson. 1884. 22cm Scott, F. $3 With bibliography of the important books in the Eng- lish language relating to Scandinavian countries [p. 413- 507] by Thorvald Solberg. Title. Fiction Andersen, H. C. Fairy tales; tr. by Mrs E. Lucas and illus. by Thomas, Chas. and William Robinson. 1903. 20cm Button $2.50 Y There are many editions and several translations. Libraries will find it profitable to the children to own for use in the library at least one or two copies of the beauti- ful editions; e. g. Fairy tales, translated by Mrs Lucas, illustrated by the Robinsons, Dutton (J. M. Dent) $2.50; fairy tales, introduction by E: E. Hale, Lane $2; or even Fairy tales translated by Braekstad, illustrated by Teg- ner, Century $5. Of the cheaper editions for ordinary use, Stories and tales and Wonder stories, Houghton 81 each, and for the little children, Fairy tales, edited by Stickney, 2 v. Ginn 40c ea, are good. Ed. sel. The improvisatore; tr. by Mary Howitt. Author's ed. 20cm Houghton $1 A kind of disguised autobiography. Pictures of old Italy before the revolution are full of strong imaginative life and poetic color. Baker. Bj^rnson, Bj0rnstjerne. Arne and The fisher lassie; tr. with introd. by Walter Low. 1894. 19cm (Bohn's novelists' lib. ) Macmillan $1 Ante, primitive, unsophisticated people, and simple ways of life and thought, portrayed in a transparent style, with much of the poetic atmosphere and glamour of the North. Baker. A happy boy; tr. by Mrs W. Archer. 1896. 17 Jem Macmillan $1.25 ' Simple record of a peasant boy's growth, love, ambi- tion and final success, and a faithful delineation of country life in Norway. Baker. Bremer, Fredrika. The neighbours: a story of every-day life; tr. by Mary Howitt. 4th ed. 1892. 19cm (Bohn's stand; lib.) Macmillan $1 n Contents: The neighbours; Hopes: The twins; Tralinnan. The neighbours; sentimental tale of domestic life in Sweden in early part of 19th century, told in a series of letters. Baker. The president's daughters; including Nina; tr, by Mary Howitt. 1901. 19cm (Bohn's stand, lib. ) Macmillan $1 n Maartens, Maarten, pseud. God's fool ; a koop- stad story. 1892. 19Jcm Appleton $1.50 Study of a strong young man whose intellect is that of a child, wno has lost 3 senses by an accident in childhood, and who finds himself shut away from his fellow creatures when he desires ardently to help them with his wealth. Has a decided ethical bearing. Baker. Maartens, Maarten, pseud. The greater glory; a story of high life. 1894. 19^cm Appleton $1.50 Dutch story, arraigning infamy in high places and con- trasting worldly power with the greater glory of pure mo- tives, great thoughts and unselfishness. N. Y. My Lady Nobody. 1895. 19cm Harper $1.75 A crowd of characters are gathered round a decayed Dutch baronial family; they represent the old aristocracy, the moneyed bourgeois, the lower middle class, and, with harsh satire, the lower classes in the country. Baker. Beuter, Fritz. An old story of my farming days (Ut mine stromtid) fr. the Ger. by M. W. Mac- do wall. 3 v. 1878. 16 Jem Tauehnitz 1.60 m ea; Low 2/ea Nothing could be more true to life than this straight- forward story of Mecklenburg farmers, of their quiet, simple lives, relieved by homely fun and homely pathos. Lib. of world's best lit. 31: 12197. 84O French literature Bmnetiere, M. F. .Essays in French literature; V a. selection tr. by D. N. Smith, with pref. by the author specially written for this authorized English translation. 1898. 19cm Scribner $2 Accurate translation. Gives sound general impression of critic's literary position, attitude and work. Nation. 67: 78. Manual of the history of French iitera- ^ ture; authorized tr. by Ralph Derechef. 1898. 21cm Crowell $2 An unsympathetic critic; a gifted historian. He has given us no more than the vast essential lines, a sketch, rather than a picture; within its limits it is near perfec- tion. No student of French can dispense with the pre- cise, intelligent aid of the bibliographic notes. Spec. (B) Dowden, Edward. History of French literature. 1897. 20cm (Lit. of the world) Appleton $1.50 Bibliography, p. 429-36. A history for loversof literature rather than for students, it gives a clear, sympathetic view of the spirit of French writers. Ath. (B) James, Henry. French poets and novelists. ' 1893. 18cm Macmillan $1.50 Contents: Alfred de Mussel; Theophile Gautier: Charles Baudelaire; Honore de Balzac; Balzac's letters; George Sand; Charles de Bernard and Gustave Flaubert; Ivan Turg6nieff; The two Amperes: Madame de Sabran; M6ri- me'e's letters; The Theatre francais. 2d ed. 1884, reprinted 1893. Acute, full of good sense, free from affectation and caprice. Allan. (B) Pellissier, Georges. Literary movement in France during the nineteenth century; author- LITERATURE FRENCH LITERATURE 251 ized Eng. version by A. G. Brinton, with gen- eral introduction. 1897. 22Jcm Putnam $3.50 Bibliography, p. 481-88. The best means available for gaining an insight into the nature and relations of the principal currents of modern French literature. Nation. Saintsbury, 6: E: B. Short history of French literature, from the earliest texts to the close of the nineteenth century. 6th ed. 1901. 20cm Clarendon $2.60 Excellent. Matter treated at first hand throughout. A work of art in its union of brevity and completeness. Ath. (B) Vincent, L. H: The French academy. 1901. 18cm (Brief stud, in French soc.) Houghton $1 Contents: Thegoldenage; Richelieu and the Academy; Chapelain, the observer of ancient customs; Vaugelas and the Dictionary: A group of academicians. Hotel de Rambouillet and the Pre"cieuses. 1900. 18cm (Brief stud, in French soc.) Houghton $1 Contents: H6tel de Rambouillet, its mistress and its guests; D'Urfe, Malherbe and Balzac: Voiture and Mon- tausier; Mademoiselle de Scudery and her ' Saturdays; ' The Prcieuses. Wells, B: W. Modern French literature. 1896. 19cm Little $1.50 Admirable handbook. Rapid survey to 19th century and detailed study from Madame de Stael. Knowledge wide and accurate, instinct for good literary workman- ship sound, and judgments deserving of respect. Dial, 22:60. 41 French poetry f Carrington, Henry, ed. Anthology of French poetry 10th to 19th centuries. 1900. 19 Jem Frowde 2/6 Translator is thoroughly familiar with his material and the deft poetical touch of his versions often remarkable. Almost every French lyrist of importance represented by one or more examples. Dial, 30: 82. Hugo, Victor, comte. Poems [tr.] by Sir George Young. 1901. 20cm Macmillan $2.25 n Specimens from almost the whole range of Hugo's po- etic work. Acad. 62: 334. Goes far toward supplying a really good representative collection; translations scholarly and sympathetic. Ath. '02, 1: 80. La Fontaine, Jean de. Fables of La Fontaine; tr. by Elizur Wright; new ed. with notes by J. W. M. Gibbs. 1896. 19cm (Bohn's stand, lib.) Macmillan $1 n Musset, Alfred de. (Euvres. 10 v. 1876. le^cm (Petite bibliotheque lit. ) Lemerre 60 fr Contents: v. 1-2, Poesies, v. 3-6, Comedies et proverbes. V. 6, La confession d'un enfant du siecle. v. 7, Nouvelles. v. 8 Contes et nouvelles. v. 9, Melanges de litt^rature et de critique, v. 10, CEuvres posthumes 42 French drama Hugo, Victor, comte. Dramatic works; tr. by F: L. Slous and Mrs Newton Crosland. 1887. 19cm (Bohn's stand, lib. ) Macmillan' $1 n Contents: Hernani; The king's diversion; Ruy Bias. Maeterlinck, Maurice. Plays; tr. by Richard Hovey. 2 v. 1894-96. 18cm (Green tree lib.) Stone $1.25ea Contents: ser. 1, Princess Maleine; The intruder; The blind; The seven princesses, ser. 2, Alladine and Palo- mides; Pelleas and Melisande; Home; The death of Tin- tagiles. Moliere, J. B. P. CEuvres completes. Nouv. e"d. 2 v. 18cm Gamier 6 fr Dramatic works of Moliere, tr. into English prose; with short introd. and notes by C: H. Wall. 3 v. 1897-1900. 19cm (Bohn's stand, lib. ) Macmillan, $1 n ea Racine, J. B. Theatre complet; pr6c6d d'une notice par M. Auger. ISJcm Firmin-Didot 2 fr Dramatic works; metrical English version by R. B. Boswell. 2 v. 1889-90. 19cm (Bohn's stand, lib. ) Macmillan $1 n ea Contents: v. 1 , Biographical notice; The Thebaid; Alex- ander the Great; Andromache; The litigants; Britan- nicus; Berenice, v. 2, Bajazet; Mithridates; Iphigenia; Phaedra; Esther; Athaliah. 43 Ficliori Aulnoy, M. C. (Jumelle de Berneville) La Mothe, comtesse d'. Fairy tales, tr. by J. R. Planch^; illus. by Gordon Browne and L. F. Emmet. 22 x 17Jcni T McKay $1.25 Balzac, Honore de. TheChouans (LesChouans) , 1896. 20cm (Comedie humaine) Macmillan $1.50 This and the following have preface by George Saints- bury, and all but The lily of the valley are tr. by Ellen Mar- riage. . The book that first made a name for Balzac. Deals with the royalist struggle in Brittany in 1799, is full of historical and local color, and adds strong personal inter- est to the national issues involved. Baker. Cousin Pons (Le cousin Pons) 1897. 20cm (Comedie humaine) Macmillan $1.50 Deals with the lower social world of the minor theaters, lodging-house keepers, curiosity shops, poor artists and bohemians in general. Pons is a virtuoso, who, in spite of poverty, has collected a treasury of beautiful things, which Balzac describes with the gusto of a connoisseur. Baker. 840 252 A. L. A. CATALOG CLASS LIST Balzac, Honor6 de. Eugenie Grandet. 1901. 20cm Macmillan $1.50 Eugenie a character of rare beauty, innocent, gentle, faithful and long-suffering. Wrongs and slights to her innocent love only bring out the fortitude and strength of her soul. Baker. The lily of the valley (Le lys dans la val- lee) tr. by James Waring. 1897. 20cm Macmillan $1.50 The struggle between love and duty of a pure woman, married to a bad husband, and tempted by her love for a young and amiable man. Baker. OldGoriot(LepereGoriot) 1901. 20cm Macmillan $1.50 In Goriot is exhibited the extravagance of paternal sacrifice; the modern King Lear, impoverishing himself to give his daughters dowries; and when they are reduced to straits by their depravity, stripping himself to save them. Baker. Rise and fall of Cesar Biroteau (Grandeur et decadence de Cesar Birotteau) 1896. 20cm Macmillan $1.50 Careerof a perfumer who speculated heavily, was robbed by his associates, and became a bankrupt. Characters are nearly all wholesome. Baker. The wild ass's skin (La peau de chagrin) 1903. 20cm Macmillan $1.50 An imaginative allegory of a miraculous piece of sha- green that gives the owner certain powers of self-gratifi- cation, but is also the measure of his life. One of Bal- zac's highest flights of pure imagination, and one of his gravest commentaries on human life. Baker. Bourget, Paul. Domestic dramas (Drames de famille)tr. by William Marchant. 1900. 19cm Scribner $1.50 Contents: The dav of reckoning; Other people's lux- ury; Children's hearts. Studies in the psychology of modern life. The day of reckoning, the story of two parents who appropriate trust money in order to give their only son a suitable educa- tion. Baker. Daudet, Alphonse. Jack; tr. by Laura Ensor. 2v. 1896. 19cin Macmillan $2 Series of emotional pictures rather than a regularly constructed novel, connected by the figure of a hapless boy, whose career is a course of misery relieved only by death. Baker. Letters from my mill, f etc. tr. by K. P. Wormeley. 1900. 19cm Little $1.50 17 tales or descriptive essays written in his ruined mill on the Rhone, in the heart of Provence. Delicate ren- derings of Provencal things, interpreting the brightness and gayety of the native temperament with affectionate sympathy, and satirizing its foibles with humor. Baker. Tartarin of Tarascon, traveller, "Turk," and lion-hunter. 2d ed. 1902. 19cm Macmillan $1 Sequel, Tartarin on the Alps. An extravaganza, satirizing in a genial manner Dau- det's compatriots. Tartarin meets with a series of adven- tures as absurd as those of Don Quixote. Baker. Daudet, Alphonse. Tartarin on the Alps; tr. by Henry Frith. 1896. 19cm Macmillan $1 Daudet's mock hero undertakes the conquest of the Alps, being encouraged by the belief that the notorious dangers are merely inventions to enhance the credit of the successful climber. Good-humored satire is directed at mountaineering enthusiasts. Baker. Dumas, Alexandra. Le chevalier de Maieon- Eouge. 1894. 20cm (library ed.) Little $1.25 Last of the "Marie Antoinette romances," the first be- ing Memoirs of a physician. Deals with murder of the dauphin and execution of the queen. Count of Monte-Cristo. Rev. ed. 2 v. 1901. 21cm Crowell $2 Most famous of the author's romances. Edmond Dantes, the sailor of Marseilles, who acquires a colossal treasure, and becomes Count of Monte Cristo, is a world-renowned hero of fiction. Rapid and audacious narrative of action and adventure. Baker. La dame de Monsoreau. 2 v. 1893. 20cm (library ed.) Little $1.25 ea Sequel, The forty-five. Second of the " Valois romances," the first being Mar- guerite de Valois. Has also title Chicot the jester. Date is 1578, in reign of Henri III, the contending factions being represented by a host of historical personages, including the king, the Guises, and the Huguenots, with Henri of Navarre at their head. N. Y. The forty-five. 2 v. 1893. 19cm (li- Little $1.25 ea brary ed. ) Third and last of the " Valois romances." A medley, containing many scenes of romance and tragedy; the "Forty-Five," Henri Ill's famous body- guard, play hardly so important a part as that of Chicot. Period, 1585. Baker. Marguerite de Valois. 2 v. 1899. 20cm (library ed.) Little $1.26 ea First of the "Valois romances," followed by Dame de Monsoreau and Forty-five. Trilogy that forms a history of period 1572-85, when Charles IX and Henri III were kings and Catherine de Medicis was reigning. Her antagonism to Henri of Na- varre is the motive that recurs throughout. The chief event is the massacre of St Bartholomew. Baker. Memoirs of a physician. 3 v. 1901. 19cm ( library ed.) Little $1.25 ea First of the " Marie Antoinette romances," followed by Queen' s necklace, Ange Pitou, Comtesse de Charny, Chevalier de Maison-Rouge. They comprise a full account of the court life and main events of French history 1770-93; the period of the reigns of Pompadour and Du Barry. The physician is the fa- mous quack Balsamo, otherwise Count Cagliostro. Baker. The queen's necklace. 2 v. 1893. 20cm (library ed.) Little $1.25 ea Second of the " Marie Antoinette romances." Time, 1784-85, the beginning of the ill-fated reign of Louis XVI. Account of affair of the diamond necklace accords with facts, though Balsamo's connection with it is taken for granted. Baker. LITERATURE FRENCH FICTION 253 Dumas, Alexandra. The three musketeers. 2v. 1893. 20cm (library ed.) Little $1.25 ea Has also title, The three guardsmen. First of the "D'Ar- tagnan romances," followed by Twenty years after and Vicomte de Bragclonne. Cycle of 3 romances, of which the exploits of 4 heroes from youth to age are the principal subjects, while a magnificent panorama is presented of contemporary his- tory (1626-71) Political intrigue, court life, duelling and fighting form the substance of the chronicle. Baker. Twenty years after. 2 v. 1893. 20cm (library ed.) Little $1.25 ea Second of the "D'Artagnan romances." Period that of Anne of Austria's regency, the insurrec- tion of the Fronde, and the execution of Charles I of England (1649) Both France and England are the scenes. Baker. Vicomte de Bragelonne; or, Ten years later. 6 v. 1901. 19cm ( library ed.) Little $1.25 ea Formerly three separate stories: Bragelonne, son of Athos; Iron mask; Louise de la VaUikre. Period, 1660-71 ; that of Mazarin's ministry and the early days of the Grand Monarque. Madame de Montespan, Fouquet, Colbert and the Man in the Iron Mask appear among the characters. Baker. Erckmann, Emile, & Chatrian, Alexandre. Blockade of Phalsburg; an episode of the end of the empire. 1898. 19cm Scribner $1.25 Subject, the invasion of France by the Allies. Hero, an old Jew, who lays in a supply of wine with a view to profiting by the scarcity during the siege. Full of human interest, and much play of comic eccentricity among the trade bands, while the Jew's moralizing* on war are full of humor. Baker. Friend Fritz; a tale of the banks of the Lauter. 1899. 19cm Scribner $1.25 Story of Alsatian village life, with little incident and much portraiture of rural life and character. Baker. Madame TheVese; or, The volun- teers of '92. 1898. 19cm Scribner $1.25 Scene, a quiet hamlet near Strasburg in 1792; the hero a country doctor. Madame Therese is a vivandiere whom the doctor rescues from among the wounded in a skir- mish. The republic in its fervor of liberty delineated through the simple understandings of the peasants, in their talks and domestic anxieties. Baker. Pension, Francois de Salignac de la Mothe- Ad ventures of Telemachus; tr. by Dr Hawkes- worth, with a life of Fenelon by Lamartine, an essay by Villemain, crit. and bibliographical notices, etc. ed. by O. W. Wight. 1887. 19Jcm Houghton $2.25 Romance based on the Odyssey, relating the adventures of the son of Ulysses in his quest for his father; written as a lesson in virtue, piety, and political wisdom, but taken as a satire on the court of Louis XIV; a masterpiece of classic French prose. Baker. Gautier, Th.e"ophile. Captain Fracasse; tr. by E. M. Beam. 1897. 19cm Page $1.25 A reconstruction of life and manners in time of Louis XIII (1610-43) representing dress, customs and castles of the nobility, the streets of Poitiers, Paris and other cities. Baker. HaleVy, Ludovic. The Abbe" Constantin. 1902. 19Jcm Dodd $1.25 Hugo, Victor, comte. The man who laughs (L'homme qui rit) tr. by I. F. Hapgood. 2 v. 1888. 20cm Crbwell $3 Published also under title By order of the king. A fantastic and partly burlesque picture of English life and institutions in the Stuart period; a satire on princes, lords, and bishops, and on popular servility Baker. Les raise 1 rabies; tr. by I. F. Hapgood. 2 v. 1887. 20 Jem Crowell $2.50 Aims at exhibiting the fabric of civilization in all its details, and at showing the cruelty of its pressure on the poor, the outcast, and the criminal. Baker. Rather the chaos of a prose epic than a novel; the hero is a high-souled outcast of society; everything presses into the pages; they are turn by turn historical, narra- tive, descriptive, philosophic, humanitarian, lyrical, dramatic, at times realistic. Edward Dowden. Ninety-three; tr. by H.. B. Dole. 2 v. 1888. 20Jcm Crowell $3 Theater of action the forests of La Vendee in the French revolution and the characters drawn are shadowy and ideal, royalists and republicans engaged in a war of giants. Baker. Notre Dame de Paris; tr. by I. F. Hap- good. 2 v. 1888. 20Jcm Crowell $3 Published also under title The hunchback of Notre Dame. A grandiose romance, the first in which Hugo tried to combine the romance of the Waverley novels with the epic. Resuscitates medieval Paris, its Gothic architecture and its peoples; with much of the fulness that character- izes Balzac's Scenes of Parisian life. Baker. The toilers of the sea; tr. by I. F. Hap- good. 1888. 20Jcm Crowell 75c A prose poem of the sea, representing the eternal strug- gle between man's will and the elemental powers of nature. The scenery of Jersey and the neighboring seas, the life of the mariner, the flora and fauna of the ocean and its isles, the infinite aspects of the ocean in storm and calm, are depicted with eloquence and superabundance of detail. Baker. Lesage, A. B. Adventures of Gil Bias of San- tillane; tr. by Tobias Smollett; new ed. rev. with 24 line engravings after Smirke and 10 etchings by Cruikshank. 1891. 19cm Macmillan $1.75 n The form of this famous example of the picaresque romance and the characters and incidents were borrowed from Spain. A representation of all sides of life and all classes of people, in a series of scenes, incident to the hero's adventures as he rises by successive stages from the condition of a valet to that of confidant of the prime minister of Spain. Baker. 843 254 A. L A. CATALOG CLASS LIST XiOti, Pierre, pseud. An Iceland fisherman; tr. by A. F. de Koven. 1899. 18cm (Laurel crowned tales) McClurg $1 Story of the utmost simplicity, the loves of a Breton girl and a Breton sailor, a fisherman in the stormy seas of Iceland. Baker. ]/ Margueritte, Paul & Victor. The disaster; tr. by Frederic Lees. 1898. 19Jcm Appleton $1.50 Hardly to be called a novel. Deals with the disastrous campaign on the northeast frontier, particularly with the operations round Metz; minutely and exactly true in detail: the prolonged agony of the beleaguered army vividly depicted. Baker. Maupassant, Guy de. The odd number; tr. by Jonathan Sturges; introd. by Henry James. 1889. 17Jcm Harper $1 Contents: Happiness; A coward; The wolf; The neck- lace; The piece of string; La Mere Sauvage; Moonlight; The confession; On the journey; The beggar; A ghost; Little soldier; The wreck. Title story a faithful transcript of life and manners in a Norman village, disclosing thought and emotion viv- idly, and showing characteristically how big issues hang on trifling events. Maupassant surpassed himself in por- traying his countryman, the Norman peasant. Baker. V Me"rimee, Prosper. Carmen; tr. and illus. by E. H. Garrett, with mem. of the author by L. I. Guiney. 1896. 19cm Little $2 Story of a gipsy heroine, well known from Bizet's opera founded on it. The tale pure romance, the method real- istic; a masterpiece. The cities and scenery of Spain add to its picturesque qualities. Baker. Oh.net, Georges. The ironmaster; or, Love and pride. 1890. 19Jcm Rand, McNally $1 Le mailre de forges. Portrays the wealthy bourgeois classes and the fringes of the aristocratic society with which they are in more or less intimate contact, and lays emphasis on the solid virtues of the former. Baker. Round table of the representative French Catholic novelists. 1899. 19Jcm Benziger $1.50 With portraits, biographic sketches, and bibliography. Title. i/ Saint-Pierre, J. H. B. de. Paul and Virginia; illus. by Augustus Hoppin. 17Jcm (Riverside class. ) Houghton 75c An idyl of primitive natures. Scene the Isle de France (i. e. Mauritius) Utopian sentimentalism is the inspira- tion, and inhabitants of Happy Valley .are models of hu- man perfection. Baker. Saintine, X. B. Picciola; tr. fr. a new ed. rev. by the author; illus. by Leopold Flameng. 1872. 17cm ( Riverside class. ) Houghton $1 Touching episode of a prisoner's life, whose only joy was a small flower in his prison yard. Cornu & B. Sand, George, pseud. Consuelo; a romance of Venice, n. d. 19cm Burt $1 The heroine a child of the streets, yet a girl of noble heart, chaste instincts, and great artistic powers. Her career borders on the marvelous. Myste.ies, fantastic journeys, imprisonments, abduction, escapes, follow each other with startling rapidity; the book closes with an allegorical vision of humanitarian theosophy. Baker. Sand, George, pseud. The devil's pool; tr. by J. M. and Ellery Sedgwick. 1901. 18 Jem Little $1.20 The first, simplest, and freshest of the Berrichon idyls, a series of quiet, harmonious pictures of nature and of country life. Baker. Fadette (La petite Fadette) tr. by J. M. Sedgwick. 1899 18J Little $1.20 Pastoral of country life in Berri, portraying the nature of the peasant, the friendships of children, the growth of love in a young girl's heart, and the transforming influ- ence on her character. Baker. ' Francois the waif; tr. by J. M. Sedgwick. 1894. 18 Jem Richmond $1.25 Third of Berrichon idyls, staged as a pastoral comedy in 1849. Baker. The master mosaic- workers; tr. by C.. C. Johnston. 1895. 18 Jem Little $1.25 Picture of 16th century Venetian life in the palmy days of the republic, the interest centering in the two master mosaicists and their work. Baker. Mauprat. 1899. 20cm Little $1.50 Story of provincial aristocracy in latter half of 18th cen- tury. A refined girl married to a boorish cousin, sets herself the task of civilizing him. Baker. - The snow man. 1898. 19cm Little $1.50 Romance of Swedish life in 18th century, with descrip- tive passages of sport, hunting and winter scenery. Baker. Schultz, Jeanne. Story of Colette (La neuvaine de Colette) 1890. 18 Jem Appleton $1.50 Bright picture of human nature and country life in France. Hardy. Souvestre, Emile. An attic philosopher in Paris; or, A peep at the world from a garret, being the journal of a happy man. 1901. ISJcm Appleton 60c Un philosophe sous lea toils. Reminiscences and medi- tations of a humble Parisian philosopher, who prefers poverty and contentment to money and anxiety, lowly friends to wealthy kinsfolk, and finds his happiness in doing little acts of kindness. Baker. Stael-Holstein, A. L. G. (Necker) baronne de. V Corinne; or, Italy; tr. by Emily Baldwin and Pauline Driver. 1902. ISJcm (Bohn's nov. lib. ) Macmillan $1 n A kind of idealized autobiography and picturesque tour couched in the form of a novel; a revelation to French- men of the beauty and charm of Italy. Baker. Sue, Eugene. The wandering Jew. 19Jcm Burt $1.25 Romance characterized by a mixture of realism and sensation, powerful in its command of terror. The theme is semi-supernatural. Baker. LITERATURE FRENCH. ITALIAN 255 Verne, Jules. From the earth to the moon and around the moon. 19crn Burt $1 An adventurous party in America have a monster gun cast, and are shot to the moon. Baker. Hector Servadac. 1903. 21cm Scribner $2 Michael Strogoff , or, The courier of the czar. 19cm Burt $1 Traversing the vast extent of Siberia, hero encounters every conceivable kind of peril, but executes his mission. Baker. The mysterious island. 19cm (Home lib. ) Burt $1 Contents: pt. 1, Dropped from the clouds, pt. 2, The abandoned, pt. 3, The secret of the island. Stories of adventure, with perils by sea, pirates, and wild beasts. Baker. The tour of the world in eighty days. 19cm (Home lib.) Burt $1 An English gentleman undertakes to carry out this project for a wager, but in addition to physical difficul- ties his enemy puts every sort of impediment iincl danger in his way, so that from beginning to end he runs the gantlet of incessant peril, though successful at finish. Baker. Twenty thousand leagues under the sea. 19cm (Home lib. ) Burt $1 Story of Captain Nemo and his ingenious electric sub- marine boat. Much scientific information is worked into this, as in all of Verne's stories. Sequel, The mysterious island. Hardy. 844 French essays Maeterlinck, Maurice. The treasure of the hum- ble; tr. by Alfred Sutro; with introd. by A. B. Walkley. 1897. 20cm Dodd $1.75 Contents: Silence; The awakening of the soul; The pre- destined; Mystic morality; On women; The tragical in daily life; The star; The invisible goodness; The deeper life; The inner beauty. He but expresses in rhythmic, vibrant language the ancient command to obey the divinity within, and to put it into correspondence with the infinite. Acad. 61: 465 (B) Wisdom and destiny; tr. by Alfred Sutro. 19 Jem Dodd $1.75 1898. An attempt to reconcile the outward happenings of life over which man has no control (destiny), with that free, spontaneous and inward life which finds its expression in wisdom. Outt. (B) Montaigne, M. E. de. Essais; avec des notes de tous les commentateurs. Ed. rev. 2 v. 18Jcm Firmin-Didot 2 fr ea "Wagner, Charles. The simple life, tr. by M.. L. Hendee; with introd. and biog. sketch by Grace King. 13th ed. 1903. 18cm McClure" $1.25 Essay in practical idealism. Protests against complex- ities of modern lifeand pleads forsimple thoughts, speech, wants, pleasures. Author a French pastor. N. Y. Essays: selected and ed. with a prefatory note, by Percival Chubb; Florio's translation. 17icm (Scott lib.) W.Scott 7/6 Gras, Felix. Beds of the Midi; tr. fr. the Pro- ven^al by C. A. Janvier; intiod. by T: A. Janvier. 6th ed. 1899. 17icm ' Appleton $1.5a Sequel, Ttie terror. The terror; a romance of the French revo- lution, tr. by C. A. Janvier. 1899. 17cm Appleton $1.50 Romances of French revolution. The long chronicle is epic in style, rambling, abounding in incident, and full of patriotic fervor and sympathy with the republic. Baker. Rowbotham, J: F: The troubadours and courts of love. 1895. 19cm (Social Eng. ser.) Macmillan $1.75 List of authorities, p. 315-17. Interesting account of origin and growth of trouba- dours' music and critical appreciation of poetry. Spec. 75: 180. 85O Italian literature Garnett, Richard. History of Italian literature. 1898. 19cm (Lit. of the world) Appleton $1.50 8 P Bibliographic note, p. 419-24. Symonds, J: A. Renaissance in Italy: Italian literature. 2 v. 1888. 21cm Holt $4 Pt. 4 of his Renaissance in Italy. 51 Italian poetry Greene, G: A. Italian lyrists of to-day; transla- tions fr. contemporary Italian poetry -with biog. notices. 1893. 19cm Lane $1.50 Howells, W: D. Modern Italian poets; 'essays and versions; with portraits. 1887. 20cm Harper $2 Bibliography, p. 370. Contents: Arcadian shepherds; Parini; Alfieri; Monti; Foscolo; Manzoni; Pellico; Grossi; Carrer; Berchet; Nic- colini; Leopardi; Giusti; Ball' Ongaro; Prati; Aleardi; Carcano; Fusinato; Mercantini. Kuhns, L. O. Great poets of Italy. 1903. 21 Jem Hough ton $2 n E Contents: Origins of Italian literature; Dante, his life and minor works; The Divine comedy; Petrarch and Boccaccio; The renaissance; Ariosto; Tasso; The period of decadence an:l the revival; The nineteenth century. Poets are so treated that the work forms a tolerably consecutive history of Italian poetry. Copious extracts given in translations almost invariably good. Excellent portraits. Nation, 77: 485. S43 256 A. L. A. CATALOG CLASS LIST Petrarca, Francesco. The sonnets, Triumphs, and other poems; tr. into English verse by various hands; with a life of the poet by Thomas Campbell. 1901. 19cm (Bohn's illus. lib.) Macrnillan $1.50 n Tasso, Torquato. Jerusalem delivered, a poem; tr. by Edward Fairfax, ed. by Henry Morley. 1890. 20cm Routledge 2/6 Dante Dante, Alighieri. Tutte le opere; nuovamente rivedute nel testo dal Dr E. Moore. 2d ed. 1897. 19 Jem Clarendon $2.25 - Divine comedy; tr. by H: W. Longfellow. 1895. 21cm Houghton $2.50 The 3 v. ed. of this translation, $4.50, desirable. Ed. sel. -- Divine comedy; tr. by C: E.Norton. Rev. ed. 3v. 1902. 20cm Houghton $4.50 Contents: v. 1, Hell. v. 2, Purgatory, v. 3, Paradise. The ideal translator. Now Dante lives in English, and it may well turn out that this translation shall stand as the chief literary product in America during the past 20 years. Allan. 1902 (B) --- Hell. 1892. 20cm Macmillan $2.50 This and the two following, ed. and tr. by A. J: Butler with text, English prose translation and copious notes on the same page. Glossary, p. 421-35. Paradise. 1885. 20cm Macmillan $2.50 Glossary, p. 429-36. Purgatory. 1880. 20cm Macmillan $2.50 Glossary, p. 433-58. New life; tr. by C: E. Norton. 3d ed. 1895. 19Jcm Houghton $1.25 Contents: The New life; Essays: On the New life, The Convito and the Vita nuova, On the structure of the Vita nuova; Notes. Dante: criticism, etc. Church, B,: W: Dante, and other essays. 1888. 18 Jem ' Macmillan $1.50 Contents: Dante; William Wordsworth; ' Sordello '. Dinsmore, C: A. ed. Aids to the study of Dante. 1903. 21cm Houghton $1.50 n Bibliography, p. 429-30. Contributions by various scholars on the following topics: The times of Dante, Sources of our knowledge of Dante, Dante's personal appearance, The Vita nuova, Minor works, The Divina commedia, Interpretations. Well considered selection of such documentary and critical matter as the beginner will find most' useful. Dial. Ozanam, A. F. Dante and Catholic philosophy in the thirteenth century; tr. byL. D. Pychowska. 1897. 18cm Cathedral lib. ass'n $1.50 Previously appeared in the Seminary, New York, 1893-94. Protagonist of romantic neo-Catholicism; broad and deep scholarship. Every serious student of the poet must keep Ozanam constantly in his hands. Nation, 18: 398. Rossetti, D. Q. tr. Dante and his circle, with the Italian poets preceding him (1100-1200- 1300) a collection of lyrics, tr. in the original metres; new ed. with pref. by W: M. Rossetti. 1900. 19 Jem Scribner $2.40 n First published in 1861, with title The early Italian poets. Bibliography, pref. p. 16. Contents: Dante's Vita nuova, etc. Poets of Dante's circle; Poets chiefly before Dante. 53 Italian fiction Amicis, Edmondo de. Heart; a school-boy's journal; tr. by I. F. Hapgood. 1901. 17Jcm Crowell 75c Y Charming picture of schoolboy life in Italy. Helena. Manzoni, Alessandro. I promessi sposi: The y betrothed. 1901. ISJcm (Bohn's nov. lib.) Macmillan $1.50 n Greatest of Italian romances. Milan and the shores of Lake Como are the scenes, at time of Spanish domination in 17th century. Full of insight into human nature, and of sympathy with the poor and lowly; descriptive passages show a poet's love of beauty. Baker. 86O Spanish literature Kelly, J. F. History of Spanish literature. 1898. 19Jcm (Lit. of the world) Appleton $1.50 8 Bibliographic note, p. 399-412. Corrects and supplements Ticknor's large history, with latest discoveries and newest editions. Spec. 81: 564. Ticknor, George. History of Spanish literature. 6th Amer. ed. rev. 3 v. in 6. 1891. 22cm Houghton $10 Still the exhaustive and authoritative work on the sub- ject. W: C. Lawton in Dial, 1902 (B) 61 Spanish poetry Ford, J. D. M. Spanish anthology; a collection of lyrics from the thirteenth century to present, with introd. and notes. 1901. 19cm (Silver ser. of mod. lang. text-bks.) Silver $1.25 n Lockhart, J: O. tr. Ancient Spanish ballads, his- [/ torical and romantic; with notes. 1890. 13 Jem Holt $1.25 63 Spanish fiction Cervantes Saavedra, Miguel de. Adventures of Don Quixote of La Mancha; illus. by W. H. Robinson. 1902. 20cm Dutton $2.50 A satire on the romances of chivalry. The story is of a gentleman demented by such reading, who goes forth accoutred as a knight, and, imagining that every object he sees is worthy of knightly service, performs ludicrous exploits. The mere purpose of the book gives little idea of its vast range, its humor and pathos, grotesque comedy and pure romance, all harmoniously combined. Baker. LITERATURE ITALIAN. SPANISH. LATIN 257 Isaacs, Jorge. Maria; tr. by Rollo Ogden ; introd. by T: A. Janvier. 1890. 18cm Harper $1 A novel by a South American author, revealing the inner domestic life of his people with sympathy and knowledge. Baker. Perez Galdos, Benito. Dona Perfecta; tr. by M.. J.Serrano; introd. by W:D. Howells. 1896. 18cm Harper $1 Deals with the struggle between the old and the new regime, particularly with regard to religious difficulties; a study of actual influences and feelings. Baker. 87O Latin literature Cruttwell, C: T: History of Roman literature: from the earliest period to the death of Marcus Aurelius. 1877. 20cm Scribner $2.50 List of editions recommended, p. 487-89. Admirable picture of the literature in its essence and in its relation to the language and events. Written with rare candor of judgment and with great clearness and freshness. Nation (B) Gudeman, Alfred. Latin literature of the em- pire; selected and ed. with rev. texts and brief introductions. 2v. 1898-99. 19cm Amer. bk. co. $1.80 ea Contents: v. 1, Prose; Velleius-Boethius. v. 2, Poetry. Characteristic and well discriminated selections from Roman writers of consequence, extending from the elder Seneca through four centuries. Editor thoroughly ac- quainted with literature of period. Dial, 25:351. Mackail, J: W: Latin literature. 1895. (Univ. ser.) Scribner $1.25 n R Excellent piece of literary criticism. Acad. 48: 404. Hamate, C. T. comp. Beautiful thoughts from Latin authors, with English translations. 1895. 20cm Routledge 3/6; Button $1.50 Teuffel, W. S. History of Roman literature; rev. by Ludwig Schwabe; tr. fr. 5th German ed. by G:C. W. Warr. 2 v. 1891-92. 23cm Macmillan $4.50 n Contents: v. 1, The republican period, v. 2, The im- perial period. 71 Latin poetry in general Church, A. J: Ovid. 1897. 17Jcm (Anc. class.) Blackwood I/ Lucretius Cams, Titus. De rerum natura libri sex; with notes and a translation by H. A. J. Munro. 4th ed. rev. 3 v. 1898-1900. 22 Jem Macmillan v. 1-2, $4.50 n; v. 3, $1.50 n Contents: 1, Text. 2, Explanatory notes. 3, Translation. Reprinted from the 4th rev. ed. 1886, ed. by J. D. Duff. The literal translation by Watson in the Bohn library, Bell 5' (Macmillan 81. 50 n) may be substituted by libraries which do not need the text, or the volume of the Ancient classics for English readers, Blackwood I/ is perhaps even better for popular use. Ed. sel. Sellar, W: Y. Roman poets of the Augustan age: Horace and the elegiac poets; with mem. of the author by Andrew Lang. 2d ed. 1899. 20cm Clarendon $1.90 Roman poets of the Republic. 3d ed. 1889. 20cm Clarendon $2.50 Tyrrell, B. Y. Latin poetry. 1895. 20cm Houghton $1.50 Percy Turnbull lectures in Johns Hopkins university, 1893. 7:1 Latin epic poetry Sellar, W: Y. Roman poets of the Augustan age: Virgil. 3d ed. 1897. 20cm (Clarendon press) Clarendon $2.25 Virgilius Maro, Publius. Works of Virgil; tr. into English prose, with an essay on the English translators of Virgil, by John Conington; ed. by J. A. Symonds. 1900. 21cm McKay $1.25 ^Eneids of Virgil; done into English verse by William Morris. 1900. 21cm Longmans $2 Stories from Virgil, by A. J. Church; with illus. fr. Pinelli's designs. 19cm Dodd 75c Y Episodes of the JEneid told in simple narrative form. Ed. sel. 74 Latin lyric poetry Catullus, C. V. Poems; tr. with introd. and notes, by Theodore Martin. 2d ed. 1875. 19Jcm Blackwood 7/6 Horatius Flaccus, Quintus. Opera omnia: works with commentary by E. C. Wickham. 2v. 1891-96. 23cm Clarendon $3 ea Contents: v. 1, Odes, Carmen saeculare, and epodes. v. 2, Satires, epistles, and De arte poetica. Works; tr. into English verse, with a life and notes by Theodore Martin. New ed. 2 v. 1888. 20cm Scribner $8.40 n Odes; tr. by W: E. Gladstone. 1901. 21cm Scribner $1.50 Dignified and forcible translations. Spec. 73: 697. 75 Latin oratory Cicero, M. T. Orations literally tr. by C. D. Yonge. 4v. 1894-1903. 18cm (Bohn's class, lib.) Macmillan $1 n ea Quintilianus, M. F. Institutes of oratory; or, Education of an orator; in 12 books; tr. with notes, by J: S. Watson. 2 v. 1903. 19cm (Bohn's class, lib.) Macmillan $1.50 n ea 241104- -i: 853 258 A. L. A. CATALOG CLASS LIST 76 Latin letters Cicero, M. T. Cicero in his letters; ed. with notes by R. Y. Tyrrell. 1901. 17cm Macmillah $1.10 Letters, selected and edited by J. H. Muirhead, Long- mans, $1.75, also a good edition. Ed. sel. Plinius Csecilius Secundus, C. Letters of the younger Pliny, literally tr. by J: D. Lewis. 1879. 22cm Paul 5/ Edition translated by William Melmotb, Macmillan, $1.50, also good. Ed. sel. 77 Latin satire and humor Juvenalis, D. J. Satires of Juvenal, Persius, Sulpicia, and Lucilius; literally tr. into English prose, by Lewis Evans. 1901. 18Jcm (Bohn's class, lib.) Macmillan $1 n 7 Latin miscellany Caesar, C. J. Commentaries on the Gallic and civil wars: with sup. books attributed to Hirtius; including the Alexandrian, African and Spanish wars; literally translated, with notes and index. 19Jcm (Harper's class lib. ) Amer. bk. co. 75c Translated by W. A. McDevitte and W. S. Bohn. Iiivius, Titus. History of Rome; literally tr. with notes and illus. 2 v. 19cm (Harper's class, lib. ) Amer. bk. co. 75c ea Punic war, tr. by Church and Brodribb, Macmillan, $2, may be preferred by some libraries. Ed. sel. Stories from Livy, by A. J. Church. 1883. 19cm Y Dodd 75c Suetonius Tranquillus, C. Lives of the twelve Caesars; to which are added his lives of the grammarians, rhetoricians and poets; tr. of Alexander Thomson, rev. by T. Forester. 1901. ISJcrn (Bohn's class, lib.) Macmillan $1.50n Tacitus, Cornelius. Agricola and Germania, with rev. text, English notes, and maps; by A. J: Church and W: J. Brodribb. New ed. 1885. 17cm Macmillan 90c n Annals; tr. into English, with notes and maps, by A. J: Church and W: J. Brodribb. 2d ed. 1877. 19Jcm Macmillan $2 n History; tr. into English with notes and a map, by A. J: Church and W: J. Brodribb. New ed. 1894. 19Jcm Macmillan $1.60 n Life of Tacitus, pref. p. 9-16. 79 Medieval and modern Latin literature Gesta Romaiiorum: tr. fr. the Latin by Charles Swan; rev. by Wynnard Hooper. Rev. ed. 1904. 19cm ( Bohn's antiq. lib.) Macmillan $1.50 Collection of old Latin stories, many of eastern origin, all more or less transformed by the medieval imagination and usually endowed with a Christian moral. Stories of the Virgin, beast fables, miracles, germs of Shakespeare's plots and La Fontaine's stories, are among the multifari- ous contents. Baker. 88O Greek literature Butcher, S: H: Some aspects of the Greek genius. 2d ed. 1893. 19Jcm Macmillan $2.50 Contents: What we owe to Greece; Greek idea of the state; Sophocles; Melancholy of the Greeks; The written and the spoken word; Unity of learning; Dawn of roman- ticism in Greek poetry. Capps, Edward. From Homer to Theocritus; a manual of Greek literature. 1901. 20cm Scribner $1.50 n Bibliographic appendix, p. 457-64. Fowler, H. N. History of ancient Greek litera- ture. 1902. 19 Jem (Twentieth cent, text- bks.) Appleton $1.40 n Bibliography, p. 462-79. From Homeric poems to Chrysostom and Eusebius 501 pages. A handbook of reference rather than a readable history of literature; safe, careful and trustworthy. Na- tion. Jebb, Sir R: C. Greek literature. 16cm (Lit. prim.) Amer. bk. co. 35c Nothing compares with it. Bristol. Law-ton, W: C. Introduction to classical Greek literature. 1903. 20 Jem Scribner $1.20 n Short bibliographies at end of chapters. Mah.aflEy, J: P. History of classical Greek litera- ture. 2 v. in 4. 1895. 19Jcm Macmillan $4.50 n R Contents: v. 1, pt. 1, Poets, epic and lyric, with an appendix on Homer by Prof. Sayce. v. 1, pt. 2, Dramatic poets, v. 2, pt. 1, Prose writers, from Herodotus to Plato, v. 2, pt. 2, Prose writers, from Isocrates to Aristotle. Masterpieces of Greek literature: Homer, Tyr- taeus, Archilochus, Callistratus, Alcaeus, Sap- pho, Anacreon, Pindar, JSschylus, Sophocles, Euripides, Aristophanes, Herodotus, Thucy- dides, Xenophon, Plato, Theocritus, Lucian; with biog. sketches and notes; supervising editor, J: H: Wright. 1902. 20cm Houghton $1 n Selection, biographic and other notes by MissC. H. Sey- mour. Introd. Selections well made; notes clearly written and suf- ficient for general reader, to whom it is heartily com- mended. Scholarly and suggestive introduction by Prof. J. H. Wright. Nation, 75: 508. LITERATURE GREEK POETRY 259 Murray, Gilbert. History of ancient Greek literature. 1897. 19cm (Lit. of the world) Appleton $1.50 A powerful and original study. Nation, 65: 76. Series of brilliant studies of Greek writers, with little attempt to elucidate the historical continuity of Greek literature or the interdependence of one writer on another. Acad. 51:373. Ramage, C. T. comp. Beautiful thoughts from Greek authors, with English translations. 1895. 20 Jem Routledge 3/6; Dutton $1.50 Symonds, J: A. Renaissance in Italy: the re- vival of learning. 1888. 21cm Holt $2 Forms pt. 2 of his Renaissance in Italy. 81 Greek poetry in general Appleton, W: H. ed. Greek poets in English verse, by various translators. 1893. 19cm Houghton $1.50 Contents: Homer; Homeric hymns; Hesiod; Early lyric and elegiac; Pindar; ^Eschylus; Sophocles; Euripides; Aristophanes; Theocritus; Bion; Moschus; Apollonius Rhodius; Musseus; The anthology; Proclus. A survey of Greek poetry in the best forms it has taken in the work of Englishwriting poets. Publishers. Jebb, Sir R: C. Growth and influence of classical Greek poetry; lectures 1892. 1893. 20cm Houghton $1.50 R No other general survey in English presents so clearly the value of Greek poetry in the history of litera- ture. Popular in demanding no previous knowledge of the subject; but scholarly inasmuch as no sentence is written at random, without due warrant in the researches of a lifetime. Nation, 58: 161. Neaves, Charles Neaves, lord, ed. Greek an- thology. 1874. 17cm (Anc. class.) Blackwood I/; Lippincott 50c Symonds, J: A. Studies of the Greek poets. 3d ed. 2 v. 1902. 21cin Macmillan $6 n 82 Greek dramatic poetry JEschylus. Tragedies and fragments; tr. by E. H. Plumptre; with notes and rhymed choral odes. 2 v. 1901. 17cm Isbister 2/6 n ea Contents: v. 1, Chronological outline of the life of .Eschylus; The Persians; The seven who fought against Thebes; Prometheus bound; The suppliants, v. 2, Aga- memnon; The libation-pourers; Eumenides; Fragments: Rhymed choruses from Agamemnon, The libation-pour- ers, Eumenides. Oresteia of ^Eschylus; tr. and explained by G: C. W. Warr. 1900. 19$cm (Athenian drama) Longmans $2 Aristophanes. Comedies; a new and literal translation fr. rev. text of Dindorf, with notes and extracts from the best metrical versions, by W:J. Hickie. 2v. 1902. 19cm (Bohn'sclase. lib.) Macmillan $1.50 n ea Contents: v. 1, The Acharnians, Knights, Clouds, Wasps, Peace and Birds, v. 2, Lysistrata, The Thesmophoriazusse, Frogs, Ecclesiazusse and Plutus. Barnett, L. D. Greek drama. 1900. 15Jcm ^ (Temple prim. ) Macmillan 40c n Nowhere else so many minute facts on this subject in so small compass: origins and literary history of tragedy and comedy, structure and development of Greek theater, also about a dozen well-chosen plans and illustrations. Nation, 70: 477. Campbell, Lewis. Guide to Greek tragedy for English readers. 1891. 19Jcm Putnam $1.50 Church, A. J: Stories from the Greek trage- dians; with illus. from designs by Flaxman and others. 1879. 19cm Dodd 75c Y The Seven against Thebes, Antigone, Iphigenia in Aulis are some of the tragedies here told in prose. Hardy. Euripides. Euripides; tr. into English rhym- ing verse by Gilbert Murray. 1902. 19Jcnt (Athenian drama) Longmans $2* Contents: Introductory essay; Hippolytus; The Bac- chae; Notes on the Hippolytus; Notes on the Bacchae;. The Frogsof Aristophanes; Commentary on the frogs; Apx on the lost plays. This translation of ' Hippolytus ' and ' Bacchae ' have a beauty and force unequaled in any other version _ Nation (B) Three dramas; by W: C. Lawton. 1889". 20icm Houghton $1.50 Contents: On the origin and spirit of Attic tragedy; The Alkestis; The Medea; The Hippolytos; Epilogue. Translation, interspersed with critical commentaries. Haig-h, A. E. The tragic drama of the Greeks. 1896. 23cm Clarendon $3 Moulton, R: Or. Ancient classical drama; a study in literary evolution, intended for readers in English and in the original. 2ded. 1898. 20cm Clarendon $2.25 Sophocles. Plays and fragments with critical notes, commentary, and translation in English prose, by R. C. Jebb. 7 v. 1892-1900, 23cm Macmillan $3.25 n ea Contents: pt. 1, (Edipus Tyrannus. pt. 2, CEdipus Colo- neus. pt. 3, Antigone, pt. 4, Philoctetes. pt. 5, Trachiniae. pt. 6, Electra. pt. 7, Ajax. The unrivaled text and translation does for Sophocles what Jowett did for Plato. If expense is too great, the Greek text may be had in the edition of L. Campbell and E. Abbott, Clarendon press, 2 v. 82.CO, a translation in prose by Coleridge in the Bohn library, Macmillan, $1.50 n or in 7 v. 30c n ea, and in verse by R. Whitelaw, Longmans 8/6. Ed. ael. 876 260 A. L. A. CATALOG CLASS LIST Sophocles. Antigone; tr. with introd. and notes by G: H. Palmer. 1899. 19icm Houghton 75c Not only spirit but letter of original most wonderfully preserved. Introductory sketch of story and observa- tions on character and province of Greek chorus. Critic, 35: 850. 3 Crreek epic poetry Church, A. J. Stories of the Old world. 1884. 18cm (Class, for children) Ginn 75c Y Contents: Story of the Argo; Story of Thebes; Story of Troy; Adventures of Ulysses; Adventures of yEneas. Homerus. Homeric hymns; a new prose trans- lation, and essays, literary and mythological, by Andrew Lang. 1899. 19Jcm Longmans $2 The Iliad; ed. with apparatus criticus, prolegomena, notes and appendices, by Walter Leaf. 2ded. 2 v. 1900-02. 23cm Macmillan $4 n ea The Iliad; tr. into English blank verse by W: C. Bryant. Roslyn ed. 1898? 21cm Houghton $2.50 Smooth, dignified, rather slow blank verse. Despite some little embroidery of Homer's plainest passages, this rendering is a very faithful one. W: C. Lawton (B) Iliad; tr. by George Chapman, with an introd. by Henry Morley. ISJcm Routledge I/; Button 35c n Story of the Iliad, by A. J: Church; with illus. after Flaxman. 1902. 19cm Macmillan $1 Y Not a translation, but a simple dignified rendering of the narrative. Evanston. The Iliad, done into English prose by Andrew Lang, Walter Leaf and Ernest Myers. Rev. ed. 1903. 19cm Macmillan 80c n Bks. 1-9, \V. Leaf, bks. 10-16, A.Lang, bks. 17-24, E. Myers. In prose at any rate the thing hardly admits of being done better. The style is of lucid purity and simplicity throughout. Acad. (B) Boy's Iliad, by W. C. Perry; with illus. by JacombHood. 1902. 19cm Macmillan $1.25 Y Well told story in simple, flowing language, which retains the Homeric ring and flavor. Narrative of the incidents which precede and follow the story of the Iliad a commendable feature. Nation, 76: 192. " Pope''s translation will be found p. 261-535 of his Com- plete poetical works (class 821) Cambridge ed. This will perhaps answer at first; later the library should cer- tainly have a separate edition which may be had in many forms. A reasonably good one is Crowell's Library ed. Ed. sel. The Odyssey, bks. 1-12; text and English version in rhythmic prose by G: H. Palmer. 1895. 22cm Houghton $2.50 n The real merits of this translation' are its transparent diction, its directness, its combination of fidelity with idiom, of dignity with ease and its eminent readable-no s Nation (B) Homerus. The Odyssey; tr. into English blank verse by W: C. Bryant. Roslyn ed. 1899. 20cm Houghton $2.50 Odyssey; done into Engjish prose by 8. H. Butcher and A. Lang. 1900. 20cm Macmillan 80c n The most stirring episodes of the original are given in the Butcher and Lang prose translation and the connect- ing story is told in a simple attractive way. Ed. sel. Story of the Odyssey, by A. J. Church. 1891. 19cm " Macmillan $1 Y Not a translation, but a simple, dignified rendering of the narrative. Evanston. The boy's Odyssey, by W. C. Perry. 1902. 19cm Macmillan $1.25 Y Pope's translation will be found p. 535-649 of his Complete poetical works (class 821) Cambridge ed. This will perhaps answer at first; later the library should cer- tainly have a separate edition which may be had in many forms. A reasonably good one is Crowell's Library ed. Ed. sel. Homer: guides, etc. Clerke, A. M.. Familiar studies in Homer. 1892. 20cm Longmans $1.75 An attractive and accurate account of a great deal of Homeric archeology. Walter Leaf. Jebb, SirJl: C. Homer: an introduction to the Iliad and the Odyssey. 6th ed. 1898. 19cm Ginn $1.12 As a preparation for study of Homer nothing can be bet- ter. Walter Leaf. Keller, A. G. Homeric society; a sociological study of the Iliad and Odyssey. 1902. 19 Jem Longmans $1.20 References, p. 315-16. A thorough piece of work. An elaborate and technical analysis of the evidence afforded by the poems as to the society of the Homeric age. His analysis is keen and penetrating and his generalizations often full of pith and insight. Nation, 75: 312. Lang, Andrew. Homer and the epic. 1893. 19$cm Longmans $2.50 Ardent and vigorous defense of the practical unity of the Homeric poems. N. Y. Lawton, W: C. Successors of Homer. 1898. 19cm Macmillan $1.50 Contents: The epic cycle; Works and days; Hesiodic theogony, Shield of Heracles, etc. ; The Homeric hymns; Homeric hymn to Apollo, Homeric hymn to Demeter; Hexameter in the hands of the philosophers; Epilogue. LITERATURE GREEK POETRY 261 i Leaf, Walter. Companion to the Iliad, for English readers. 1892. 19cm Macmillan $1.60 n Strictly a companion to some translation of the Iliad and not readable separately. It is adapted to, and was writ- ten to accompany, the Lang, Leaf and Myers prose ver- sion. Ed. sel. 84 Greek lyric poetry Pindarus. Extant odes; tr. into English, with an introd. and notes, by Ernest Myers. 1904. 19$cm Macmillan $1.50 n The Olympian and Pythian odes; with introd. essay, notes and indexes, by B. L. Gil- dersleeve. 1885. 19cm (Harper's class, ser.) Amer. bk. co $1.50 Sappho. Memoir, text, selected renderings, and a literal translation by H: T. Wharton. 4th ed. - 1898. 17icm Lane 6/ n Bibliography, p. 199-217. First adequate English translation; gives of each poem and fragment several versions. No scholar could demand a more delightful edition. Lit. world, 26: 327. Theocritus. Idylls; ed. with introd. and notes by R. J. Cholrneley. 1901. 20cm Bell 7/6 Theocritus, Bion and Moschus, rendered into English prose, with an introd. essay, by A. Lang. 1901. 16cm (Golden treas. ser.) Macmillan $1 885 Greek oratory Demosthenes. Orations; tr. with notes by C: R. Kennedy. 5 v. 1900-03. 18$cm (Bohn's class, lib. ) Macmillan $1 n ea Htpl TOV 6rE(f>avov, On the crown; ed. by W: W. Goodwin. 1904. 19 Jem Macmillan $3.75 n Jebb, Sir B: C. Attic orators from Antiphon to Isseos. 2 v. 1876. 23cm Macmillan $5 888 Greek miscellany JEsopus. Fables of ^Esop; selected, told anew, and their history traced by Joseph Jacobs; done into pictures by Richard Heighway. 1902. 19cm Y Macmillan $1.50 Thebaby'sown^Esop. 1887. 18xl9cm Warne $1.50 Y The fables condensed in rhyme, with portable morals pictorially pointed by Walter Crane. Engraved and printed in colors by Edmund Evans. Title. Aristotle. Politics; tr. with introd. marginal analysis, essays, notes and indices by B. Jowett. 2 v. 1885. 24cm Clarendon $5.25 Aristotle. Psychology; a treatise on the princi- ple of life; tr. with introd. and notes, by W: A. Hammond. 1902. 23cm - Macmillan $3 n Bibliography, p. 331-34. Theory of poetry and fine art, with a crit- ical text and translation of the Poetics; by S. H. Butcher. 3d ed. 1902. 23cm Macmillan $4 n 8 List of the chief editions and translations of the Poet- ics, and of other writings relating to this treatise. Pref. p. 35-37. The best critical edition for English readers. Gayley & Scott (B) Frazer, J. Q: Pausanias, and other Greek sketches. 1900. 18Jcm Macmillan $1.50 A good account of Pausanias and his work, with vivid sketches of some geographic and historic features of ancient Greece. His account of Pericles is full of interest. Westm. (B) Qrote, George. Plato, and the other companions of Sokrates. New ed. 4 v. 1888. 20cm Murray 1 Herodotus. Stories of the East from Herodotus; by A. J: Church; with illus. fr. ancient fres- coes and sculptures. 19cm Y Dodd 75c Wonder stories from Herodotus; retold by G. H. Boden and W. B. D' Almeida, and decorated with pictures by H. G. Fell. 1900. 21 J x 16cm Y Harper $2.50 Jowett, Benjamin. Select passages from the in- troductions to Plato, ed. by Lewis Campbell. 1902. ISJcm Oxford univ. 85c Nettleship, B: L. Lectures on the Republic of Plato; ed. by G. R. Benson. 1901. 21cm Macmillan $2.75 n Plato. Dialogues, tr. into English, with analyses and introd. by B. Jowett. 3d ed. rev. with mar- ginal analysesand an index of subjects and proper names. 5 v. 23Jcm Oxford univ. $20 Contents: v. 1, Charmides; Lysis; Laches; Protagoras; Euthydemus; Cratylus; Phaedrus; Ion; Symposium, v. 2, Meno; Euthyphro; Apology; Ciito; Phaedo; Gorgias; Lesser Hippias; Alcibiades I; Menexenus; Alcibiades II; Eryxias. v. 3, Republic; Timaeus; Critias. v. 4, Parmem- des; Theaetetus; Sophist; Statesman; Philebus. v. 5, Laws; Index to the writings of Plato. Republic, tr. into English, with an anal- ysis and notes by D: J. Vaughan and J: L. Davies. 3d ed. 1866. 16cm Macmillan $1 Though it has something of the nature both of poetry and preaching, it is primarily a book of philosophy about the human life and the human soul, or human nature, and the real question in it is how to live best Nettle- ship. (B) 883' 262 A. L. A. CATALOG CLASS LIST Plato. Trial and death of Socrates; being the Euthyphron, Apology, Crito, and Phsedo of Plato; tr. into English by F. J. Church. 2d ed. 1903. 16cm ( Golden treas.ser.) Macmillan $1 Plutarchus. Miscellanies and essays; comprising all his works collected under the title of "Morals;" tr. by several hands; rev. by W: W. Goodwin; with introd. by R. W. Emerson. 6th ed. 5v. 1898. 23cm Little $10 Plutarch's Lives; dough's translation; abr. and annot. for schools by Edwin Ginn; with historical introductions by W. F. Allen. 1902. 18cm Ginn 45c Y Life of Plutarch, Themistocles, Pericles, Alexander, Coriolanus, Fabius, Sertorius, Caesar. Plutarch's Lives, the translation called Dryden's; corrected fr. the Greek and rev. by A.H.Clough. 5v. 1902. 21 Jem Little $7.50 50 brief biographies of heroes and leaders, mainly Greek and Roman, from mythic times to beginning of Chris- tian era. N. Y. Themistocles and Aristides; tr. with introd. and notes by Bernadotte Perrin. 1901. 22Jcm (Plutarch's Greek lives) Scribner $2.50 n Theophrastus. Characters; tr. with introd. by C: E. Bennett and W: A. Hammond. 1902. 17Jcni Longmans 90c n Thucydides. Thucydides translated into Eng- lish; with introd. marginal analysis, notes, and indices. by B. Jowett. 2 v. 1881. 23 Jem Clarendon $3.75 Xenophon. Works, tr. by H. G. Dakyns. 3 v. in 4. 1890-97. 19 Jem Macmillan v. 1, Anabasis, Hellenica, $2.50 n v. 2, Hellenica, Politics, 82.50 n v. 3, pt. 1, Memorabilia, Symposium, Hiero. $2.50 n pt. 2, Horsemanship, $1.25. n v. 4, Cyropaedia, preparing. S9 Medieval and modern Greek literature Abbott, G: F: ed. Songs of modern Greece, with introd. translations, and notes. 1900. 17xl3Jcm Camb. univ. 5/ n Admirably selected examples of modern Greek folk song. Translations remarkably accurate and sympa- thetic, mainly in prose. Dial, 30: 106. 89O Literature of minor lan- 91 gnages Minor Indo-European Macdonell, A. A. History of Sanskrit literature. 1900. 20cm (Lit. of the world) Appleton $1.50 Admirable treatment of literature proper, as well as of religious and philosophic thought. Spec. Oman, J: C. The great Indian epics; the stories V of the Ramayana and the Mahabharata; with notes, appendices and illus. 1899. 18Jcm (Bonn's stand, lib. ) Macmillan $1 n Author professor of natural science in government col- lege at Lahore. Summary of two great national epics, combining nar- rative and commentary in a form both useful and enter- taining. Critic, 25: 167. Keltic Arnold, Matthew. On the study of Celtic lit- erature, and On translating Homer. 1902. 18Jcm Macmillan $1.50 Cuchulain. Cuchulainof Muirthemne: the story of the men of the Red Branch of Ulster; arranged and put into English by Lady Gregory; with pref. by W. B. Yeats. 1902. 20 Jem Scribner $2 Old Irish tales, unique and full of varied interest Mine of primitive custom and belief. Their literary merits have been made the prominent feature in these renderings. Nature, 66: 489. Hyde, Douglas. Literary history of Ireland from earliest times to the present day. 1901. 23cm (Lib. of lit. hist. ) Scribner $4 Literary history of Irish Ireland would be a more cor- rect title. Pref. Exceptionally valuable and important. Clear account of whole literature produced in Irish Gaelic and a reason- able estimate of value. Spec. 82: 719. Mabinogion. The Mabinogion; tr. from the Red book of Hergest by Lady Charlotte Guest. 2 v. 1902. 17cm (Welsh lib.) Unwin 2/ ea Contents: v. 1, Lady of the fountain; Peredur the son of Evrawc; Dream of Rhonabwy. v. 2, Geraint the son of Erbin; Kilhwch and Olwen; Dream of Maxen Wledig. Persian Firdausi. The Shah Nameh of the Persian poet I Firdausi; tr. and abridged in prose and verse, . by James Atkinson; ed. by J. A. Atkinson. 1886? 19 Jem (Chandos class. ) Warne $1 One of the six great epics of the world, standing with the Iliad and Odyssey of the Greeks, the Mahabharata and the Ramayana of India, and the Nibelungenlied of Germany. Osterhout. Omar Khayyam. Rubaiyat; in English verse, by Edward Fitzgerald. 1902. 19cm Hough ton $1.50 Text of 4th ed. followed by that of the first; with notes and a biographic preface. Title. Russian Waliszewski, Kazimierz. History of Russian literature. 1900. 19Jcm (Lit. of the world.) Appleton $1.50 Bibliography, p. 441-46. Historical treatment; some biography. Nation, 70: 345. LITERATURE MINOR LANGUAGES 263 Wiener, Leo, ed. Anthology of Russian litera- ture from the earliest period to the present time. 2 v. 1902-03. 23$cm Putnam $3 n ea Russian fiction Tolstoi, L. N. graf. Anna Karenina. 1889. 19cm Crowell $1.25 Domestic and social life of the Russian people pre- sented with wealth of detail and intensity of emotion. Matthew Arnold calls it ' Less a work of art than a piece of life.' Main action profoundly tragic. Baker. Count Tolstoi's gospel stories, tr. by N. H. Dole. 1890. 19cm Crowell $1.25 Contents: If you neglect the fire, you don't put it out; Where love is, there God is also; A candle; The two pilgrims; Text for wood-cuts; The three mendicants; Popular legends; The godson; The long exile; What men live by. Nearly the same collection published with title Ivan llyitch and other stories. War and peace; fr. the Russian by N. H. Dole. 4v. 1889. 20Jcm Crowell $3 Before Tilsit (1805-07) ; The invasion (1807-12); Vie French at Moscow and Epilogue (1812-20). A panorama of Rus- sian affairs, public and private, during the war with Na- poleon, in the guise of a family chronicle. The battle pieces, Austerlitz, Friedland, Borodino, are not merely his- torical studies, but clear reproductions of the perceptions and emotions of a combatant. Baker. Turgenev, I. S. Fathers and children; tr. by Constance Garnett. 1901. 17cm Macmillan $1.25 Brings the old and the new generations of Russian life into strong contrast, and while presenting the character and social condition of the serf-owning classes with per- fect sympathy, shows that they have outlived their age. Baker. A house of gentlefolk; tr. by Constance Garnett. 1894. 18cm Macmillan $1.25 Introduction by Stepniak (Sergiet Mikhailovich Krav- chinskil, 1853-1895, not Mikhail Dragomanov) Story of two lovers separated by Fate. Baker. Smoke; tr. by Constance Garnett. 1901. 17icm Macmillan $1.25 Vivacious picture. of social life among Russians living at Baden, full of satire, and animus against the Slavophil party. On the passionate intrigue of a young man and a married woman in love with each other Turgenev con- centrates his most refined art. Baker. A sportsman's sketches; tr. by Constance Garnett. 2 v. 1895. 18cm Macmillan $2.50 Contents: v. 1, Hor and Kalinitch; Yennolai and the miller's wife; Raspberry Spring; The district doctor; My neighbour Radilov; The peasant proprietor Ovsyanikov; Lgov; Byezhin prairie; Kassyan of Fair Springs; The agent; The counting-house; Biryuk; Two country gentle- men; Lebedyan. v. 2, Tatyana Borissovna and her nephew; Death; The singers; Piotr Petrovitoh Karataev: The tryst; The hamlet of the Shtchigri district; Tchertop- Hanovand Nedopyuskin: The end of Tchertop-Hanov; A living relic; The rattling of wheels; Epilogue: The forest and the steppe. Stories and studies of Russian life and character, strung on the thread of a wanderer's adventures. They portray the serf and serfdom; bringing out touchingly the simple loyalty, affection and immeasurable endurance of the Russian poor. Many descriptive passages of scenery cf central Russia. Baker. Turgenev, I. S. Virgin soil; tr. by Constance Garnett. 2 v. 1896. 18cm Macmillan $2.50 Like Smoke, written In exile, a reply to Dostoyevski's Leg Possedes, which was itself called out by the nihilist doctrines incorporated in Fathers and children. Both Turgenev and Dostoyevski deal with the same theme, the subterranean world of political agitation and conspiracy which was threatening the peace of Russia. -Embittered by feeling and deeply pessimistic. The conspirators are invested with generous qualities, while the official classes are painted in dark colors. Baker. Polish Action Sienkiewicz, Henry k. The deluge: an histor- ical novel of Poland, Sweden, and Russia; tr. by Jeremiah Curtin. (Popular ed.) 2 v. 1898. 20cm Little $3 Sequel to With fire and sword. Pan Michael : an historical novel of Poland, the Ukraine, and Turkey; tr. by Jeremiah Cur- tin. (Popular ed.) 1898. 20cm Little $1.50 Sequel to The deluge. "Quo vadis:" a narrative of the time of Nero; tr. by Jeremiah Curtin. (Popular ed.) 1897. 19cm Little $1.50 Largely inspired by neo-Christianism. Broad picture of Roman life in all its light and shade, splendors and hor- rors, bringing into salient contrast the licentiousness of paganism and the spiritual beauty of Christianity. Scenes of court life and of Christian worship, the burning of Rome, and the massacres in the amphitheater, are woven Into a rapid narrative. Baker. With fire and sword : an historical novel of Poland and Russia; tr. by Jeremiah Curtin. (Popular ed.) 1898. 20cm Little $1.50 Sequels, The deluge and Pan Michael. Together contain the romance of the history of Poland 1647-1751. The impression left by this work is that of a succession of scenes of battle, carnage, devastation, lust and fiery heroism. But there are quieter scenes of village life, the domestic life of the gentry, etc. Baker. 892 Semitic literature Arabian nights. The Arabian nights enter- tainments; selected and ed. by Andrew Lang. 1902. 19cm Longmans $2 Y There are many editions, none altogether satisfactory ; that edited by E: E. Hale, Ginn 45c is good as far as it goes; that inEclectic school readings edited by M. Clarke, American book co. 60c supplements it. Stories from the Arabian nights (Riverside school library) Houghton 60c SS<) 264 A. L. A. CATALOG CLASS LIST n, contains many of the more famous stories; that in Home reading books edited by Adam Singleton, Apple- ton, 65c n contains 4 stories only. These are all cleanly edited. Ed. sel. Arabian nights. The thousand and one nights; or, Arabian nights' entertainments; tr. by E: W: Lane, with an introd. by Joseph Jacobs, and illus. by Frank Brangwyn. 6 v, 1896. 18cm Lippincott $6 The most famous product of Arabian literature: a col- lection of entertaining tales of unknown origin: Aladdin, Sinbad the Sailor, AH Baba and the forty thieves, etc. Baker. 894 Hungarian literature Jdkai, M<5r. Black diamonds; tr. by F.. A. Ge- rard. 1896. 18cm Harper $1.50 Story of love and picturesque incident; life among the wild miners of Bondavar and social and commercial life in Buda-Pesth. The translation is largely abridged. Baker. Mikszath, Kalman. St Peter's umbrella; tr. by B. W. Worswick, with introd. by R. N. Bain. 1901. 19Jcm Harper $1.50 Racy sketches of Slovak and Magyar peasantry and townsfolk in an out of the way corner of Hungary, united by a whimsical story about an umbrella. Baker. 895 Eastern Asiatic. Chinese Aston, "W: O: History of Japanese literature. 1899. 19cm (Lit. of the world) Appleton $1.50 Bibliographic note, p. 400-2. List of dictionaries, grammars and other works of refer- ence, p. 403. Worthy of highest praise for accuracy, insight, absolute honesty and trustworthiness. Incidentally of vast value as history of Japanese morals. Nation, 69: 72. Giles, H. A. History of Chinese literature. 1901. 19cm (Lit. of the world) Appleton $1.50 Bibliographic note, p. 441-2. Sets before western reader results of 30 centuries of writing. Well done; due proportion of comment, criti- cism and translation. Nation, 73: 136. 900 HISTORY 9O1 Philosophy. History of civiliza- tion >/ 1/ Adams, G: B. Civilization during the middle ages, especially in relation to modern civiliza- tion. 1894. 21cm Scribner $2.50 i/ 1/ Avebury, John Lubbock, 1st baron. Origin of civilisation and the primitive condition of man. Mental and social condition of savages. 5th ed. 1898. 23cm Appleton $5 List of principal works quoted, pref. p. 19-23. i/VUuckle, H: T: History of civilization in Eng- land. From 2d London ed. 2 v. 1897. 21cm Appleton $4 Bibliography, v. 1, pref. p. 17-30; v. 2, pref. p. 21-30. O Cunning-ham, William. Essay on western civ- ilization in its economic aspects. 2 v. 1898- 1900. 19 Jem (Camb. hist, ser.) Macmillan $1.25 n ea Contents: v. 1, Ancient times, v. 2, Mediaeval and modern times. Aims to trace the working out of the economic destinies of the chief ancient civilizations. Brief, but clear and systematic. Nation, 66: 424. \/v Eggleston, Edward. Transit of civilization from England to America in the seventeenth century. 1901. 21Jcm Appleton $1.50 Social history, assuming acquaintance with main facts. Six chapters on mental outfit of colonists, prevailing medical notions, language and literature, moral and religious ideas, education, land and labor. N. Y. " V Hegel, G. W. F. Lectures on the philosophy of history; tr. by J. Sibree. 1902. 19cm (Bohn's lib.) Macmillan $1.50 1/Kidd, Benjamin. Principles of western civiliza- tion. 1902. 23cm Macmillan $2 n Root idea is principle of " projected efficiency," accord- ing to which the type of social structure destined to sur- vive is that which sacrifices the present to the future. Pittsburg. Lecky, W: E: H. 1892. 20cm Political value of history. E. Arnold 2/6 Patten, S. N. Development of English thought;; a study in the economic interpretation of history. 1899. 23cm Macmillan $3. An attempt to prove the economic theory of history by- illustrations drawn from English history. Suggestive and: stimulating. N. Y. Seligman, E. B. A. Economic interpretation of history. 1902. 20cm Macmillan $1.50 n First appeared in v. 16-17 of Political science quarterly. His interpretation of the economic life is liberal and comprehensive. Most instructive and interesting. Spec. 89: 644. Tylor, E: B. Anthropology; an introduction to. the study of man and civilization. 1904. 19Jcm (Internat. sci. ser.) Appleton $2' Select bibliography, p. 441^2. Much the best introductory work. Prehistoric man described xnd his first steps toward civilization traced. Language and writing as gradually mastered sketched and the arts of life and sciences outlined from their be- ginnings. L. & I. /Morgan, L: H: Ancient society. 1877. 23cm Holt $4 Researches in the lines of human progress from savagery, through barbarism to civilization. Title. Researches into the early history of man- kind and the development of civilization. 1878. 23cm Holt $3.50 9O2 Compends. Outlines Heilprin, Louis. Historical reference book; rev. to 1899; 6th ed.'with sup. 1902. 20cm (Concise knowl. lib. ) Appleton $3 Rf Chronologic table of universal history; a chronologic dictionary of universal history; a biographic dictionary with geographic notes; for students, teachers and read- ers. Title. Ploetz, Karl. Epitome of ancient, mediaeval, and modern history; tr. with additions by W: H. Tillinghast. 9th ed. 1898? 20cm Houghton $a Rf Perhaps most valuable of all the small reference books [1889] Adams. 9O3 Dictionaries, etc. Brewer, E. C. comp. Historic note-book, with an apx of battles. 1891. 19cm Lippincott $3.50> Rf Explains briefly allusions to historical events, trea- ties, customs, etc. A popular handbook. Kroeger. (265) 894 266 A. L. A. CATALOG CLASS LIST Harper's book of facts; com p. by J. H. Willsey; ed. by C. T. Lewis. 1895. 27$cm Harper subs. $8 Rf Similar to Haydn's Dictionary of dates, but giving much more fully events in western hemisphere. Pratt. Haydn, J. T. Haydn's dictionary of dates and universal information relating to all ages and nations; 23d ed. containing the history of the world to the end of 1903. 1904. 24 Jem Putnam $6 Rf Alphabetic list of events, places, etc., with a brief account. Special attention to British empire. Kroeger. Lamed, J. N. ed. History for ready reference, from the best historians, biographers, and specialists; their own words in a complete sys- tem of history. Rev. ed. 6 v. 1901. 28cm Nichols $30 Rf Extensive cyclopedia. A unique, convenient and valuable reference .book for general readers. Its docu- ments and comprehensiveness make it extremely useful to students E. C. Richardson. 9O4 Essays, lectures, etc. Baldwin, James. Fifty famous stories retold. 1896. 19cm (Eclec. school readings) Y Amer. bk. co. 35c Creasy, Sir E: S. Fifteen decisive battles of the world, from Marathon to Waterloo. New ed. 1903. 19cm B Harper $1 Harrison, Frederic. George Washington and other American addresses. 1901. 21cm Macmillan $1.75 n Contents: George Washington and the republican ideal; Abraham Lincoln; Millenary of King Alfred; Writings of King Alfred; Dutch republic; Recent biographies of Cromwell; Republicanism end democracy; Personal reminiscences; Municipal government; Nineteenth cen- tury. Show accurate knowledge and keen understanding of American history and institutions. The papers on Wash- ington and Lincoln are patriotic literature of the best type. Pol. id. q. (B) Meaning of history, and other historical pieces. 1894. 21cm Macmillan $1.75 R Clear, sound and penetrating. The chapter on ' Some great books of history ' is as helpful as his essay on ' The choice of books.' Ed. sel. Lang-, Andrew, ed. Red true story book; illus. by H: J. Ford. 1895. 18cm Longmans $2 Y Stories from many centuries of history. Author himself gives an interesting life of Joan of Arc. Unit. True story book; illus. by L. Bogle, Lu- cien Davis, H. J. Ford [etc.] 1900. 18 Jem Longmans $2 T Collection of remarkable adventures, escapes, ex- plorations and expeditions by master storytellers. Pitts- burg. Rawson, E: K. Twenty famous naval battles; Salamis to Santiago. 2 v. 1899. 22cm Crowell $4 R Contents: v. 1, Salamis, Actium, Lepanto, Grave- lines, The ' Revenge,' Dungeness, La Hougue, ' Bon homme Richard' and ' Serapis,' The Nile, ' Foudroyant' and 'Guillaume Tell,' Trafalgar, v. 2, 'Constitution' and ' Guerriere,' Lake Erie, ' Monitor ' and 'Merrimac,' 'Kearsarge' and 'Alabama,' Mobile bay, Lissa, Anga- mos, Manila bay, Santiago. Aims simply to tell the story of these sea fights accu- rately and vividly and to impress certain fundamental and eternal laws of strategy and tactics. Amer. hist. r. (B) Schouler, James. Historical briefs; with a biog- raphy. 1896. 22cm Dodd $2 Chips from his workshop. Has its chief interest and value through the paper on Francis Parkman and the group dealing with subjects bearing directly on the his- torian and his task. Allan. 79: 566. 9O5 Periodicals Annual register, a review of public events for the year. Latest vol. 23cm Longmans $6 Rf Contents: English history, foreign and colonial his- tory, chronicle of events, retrospect of literature, science, and art, obituary. Index in each volume. The first issue was for the year 1758. 9O7 Education, methods of teaching, writing, etc. Adams, H. B. Methods of historical study. 1884. 24cm (Johns Hopkins univ. Stud, in hist. & pol. sci. ) Johns Hopkins 50c Chiefly devoted to an account of methods at Johns Hop- kins university. Full of practical suggestions to teachers of history and advanced students. L. & I. American historical association. Study of his- tory in schools. 1899. 19Jcm Macmillan 50c n Report of committee of seven: Andrew C. McLaughlin, Herbert B. Adams, George L. Fox, Albert Bushnell Hart, Charles H. Haskins, Lucy M. Salmon, H.Morse Stephens. Title. Recommends and describes fully a four years' course of four periods each. List of valuable books and maps. L. A. H. Bourne, H: E. Teaching of history and civics in the elementary and the secondary school. 1902. 20$cm (Amer. teachers' ser. ) Longmans $1.50 Bibliography at head of chapters. Chief merit is abundant reference to and quotation from predecessors, thus making this book the most convenient present digest of the best thought and practice. Educ. r. 26:75. Essays on the teaching of history. 1901. 19fcm Macmillan 75c n By 9 graduates of Oxford and Cambridge. Abounds with useful suggestions. Nation, 74: 210. , V/ HISTORY ESSAYS. STUDY 267 Hinsdale, B. A. How to study and teach his- tory. 1894. ISJcm (Internat. educ. ser. ) i Appleton $1.50 Begins with an examination of the nature of history, interweaves theories of writing and teaching it, and con- cludes with a practical example of proper methods drawn from the history of the United States. Nation. Langlois, C: V., & Seignobos, Charles. Intro- duction to the study of history; tr. by G. G. Berry, with pref. by F. Y. Powell. 1898. 20cm Holt $2.25 n Not an introduction to history, but to the work of the professed historian. Represents methods now in use in the Paris Sorbonne. N. Y. 9O9 Universal and general modern histories Colby, F. M. Outlines of general history. 1900. 19cm Amer. bk. co. $1.50 List of books for reading and reference, pref. p. 1-16. Compact, well considered, well written, style clear, not dry; profusely illustrated. Nation, 69: 336. Duruy, Victor. General history of the world; tr. thoroughly rev. with introd. and summary of contemporaneous history (1848-1898), by E. A. Grosvenor. 1898. 20cm Crowell $2 Fisher, G: P. Outlines of universal history. Rev. ed. 1904. 21cm Amer. bk. co. $2.40 Bibliographies. Accurate, carefully arranged, well proportioned. sel. Ed. Helmolt, H. F. ed. History of the world; a survey of man's record. 1902. 28cm In 8 v. v. 1-4*, 7 Dodd $6 ea Contents: v. 1, Prehistory; America and the Pacific Ocean, v. 2, Eastern Asia and Oceania, the Indian Ocean. v. 3, West Asia and Africa, v. 4, The Mediterranean countries, v. 7, Western Europe, pt. 1. Translation of monumental co-operative work by over 30 German scholars. Treats of developmentof mankind, embracing geographic and "anthropologic as well as his- torical facts. Introduction by James Bryceon object and value of history. Plates and maps. N. Y. Such general and scholarly works as this and the Cam- bridge modern history seem specially desirable for the smaller libraries, though expensive, as they cover au- thoritatively the history of countries and periods that could be treated separately only through many volumes much more expensive and bulky in the aggregate. Ed. sel. Kirkpatrick, F: A. ed. Lectures on the history of the nineteenth century. 1902. 19cm Macmillan $1.50 n Delivered at the Cambridge university extension sum- mer meeting 1902, by natives of principal European countries on recent development in their respective countries. Nation, 77: 57. The 19th century; a review of progress during the past 100 years in the chief departments of human activity. 1901. 22cm Putnam $2 Papers by specialists on law and government, national development, sociology, literature, art, education, theo- retic and applied science, transportation and military science. N. Y. The progress of the century. 1901. 21cm Harper $2.50 Papers by specialists on evolution, chemistry, archeol- ogy, astronomy, philosophy, medicine, surgery, elec- tricity, physics, war, naval ships, literature, engineering, religion. N. Y. Sears, E. H. Outline of political growth in the nineteenth century. 1900. 21cm Macmillan $3 n Bibliography, p. 575-97. Supplements Miiller's Political history of recent times. Ed. sel. Practically holds the field alone for events of past twenty years [1900] Nation, 71: 120. 91O Geography and travel Adams, C. C. Text-book of commercial geogra- phy. 1901. 20cm ( Twentieth cent, text-bks.") Appleton $1.30 n General geographic conditions, followed by commerce of the several countries, nearly a third of the. book de- voted to United States. Pol. sci. q. (B) Amicis, Edmondo de. On blue water; tr. by J. B. Brown. 1897. 22cm Putnam $2.25 Voyage from Genoa to Buenos Ayres. Chiefly a study of human nature in cabin and steerage. N. Y. Barrows, J: H: A world-pilgrimage; ed. by M.. E. Barrows. 1897. 21cm McClurg $1 Letters written during a journey round the world. Much about comparatively unfamiliar places and people. Critic, 32: 359. Beazley, C : R. The dawn of modern geography ; with reproductions of the principal maps of the time. 2 v. 1897-1901. 23cm Murray 18/ ea; Scribner $7.20 n ea 8 Deals with state of geographic knowledge during the six centuries from conversion of Constantino to migrations of the Northmen. Four parts: account of the pilgrimage literature, of commercial and missionary travel, of the contemporary theory, and of early Arabic and Chinese geography. Nation-, 65: 172. Brassey, Annie (Allnutt) baroness. Around the world in the yacht 'Sunbeam.' 1880. 22cm Holt $2 P From England, via Madeira, Cape de Verde, Rio Janeiro, Straits of Magellan, Chile, South Sea and Sand- wich islands, Japan, China, Ceylon and Mediterranean. N. Y. 904 268 A. L. A. CATALOG CLASS LIST Bullen, F. T: Cruise of the Cachalot round the world after sperm whales. 1899. 19Jcm Appleton $1.50 English sailor's cruise in a New Bedford whaler. Spirited, graphic picture of methods, dangers and de- lights. N. Y. Log of a sea-waif. 1899. 19cm Appleton $1.50 Tells of his first adventures on the deep, which he be- gan when less than 12 years old. A story full of interest and one that every youngster longing to run away from home and go to sea should read. Lit. world. (B) Chisholm, G: G. Handbook of commercial geography. 4th ed. 1903. 22Jcm Longmans $4.80 S Extensively revised and rewritten. Adds an intellectual interest to the study of the geo- graphic facts relating to commerce without any sacrifice of accuracy. Acad. 36: 249. Clemens, S: L. Following the equator; a jour- ney around the world, by Mark Twain. 1903 20Jcm Harper $2 Unusually able and picturesque. His good sense is dominant. Acad. (B) Dana, B,: H: Two years before the mast. New ed. 1895. 20cm ( Riverside lit. ser. ) Houghton 60c n Remarkably vivid and practical record. Leads all others' as the book best descriptive of the life of the American sailor, and has, deservedly, become a sea clas- sic. E. S. Brooks. Dunton, Larkin, ed. First lessons. 18.89. 19Jcm (World & its people) Y Silver 36c n , -Glimpses of the world. 1889. 19Jcm (World & its people) Y Silver 36c n , George, H. B. tory. 1901. Relations of geography and his : 20cm Clarendon $1.10 First section discusses general nature of geographic in- fluences, then deals with frontiers, towns, nomenclature, fallacies of the map, sea power in peace and war, and geography in war. Second section treats of European Jacobs, Joseph. Story of geographical dis- covery. 1902. 19 Jem (Lib. of val. informa- tion) Appleton 35c n P K From earliest times to Nansen. Compact hand- book with supplementary tables and many maps. N. \. Johnson, W: H: The world's discoverers; the story of bold voyages by brave navigators. 1900. 20 Jem Little $1.50 Books of reference, following pref. p. 20. Enterprises and experiences of Marco Polo. Columbus. Vasco da Gama, Magellan, Verrazano, Frobisher, Davis, Drake and Hudson, and recent arctic adventurers. Lit. world,' m yi: 12. Kellogg, Mrs E. M.. (Crosby) Australia and the islands of the sea; ed. by Larkin Dunton. 1897. 19cm (World & its people) Silver 68c n Y Includes all important islands and groups of islands, except British isles and Japan. Pittsburg. King, C: F. Methods and aids in geography, for the use of teachers and normal schools. 1895. 19Jcm Lee $1.20 n Short bibliography at beginning of each chapter. Result of twenty years' experience in the schoolroom. Kingston, W: H: G. , & Frith, Henry. Notable voyagers from Columbus to Nansen; new ed. by Edward Latham. 1904. 21 Jem Routledge 5/; Dutton $2 Knox, T: "W. Boy travellers in the Levant. 1895. 23xl7cm Harper $2 Y Adventures of 2 youths in a journey through Mo- rocco, Algeria, Tunis, Greece and Turkey, with visits to the islands of Rhodes and Cyprus and the site of ancient Troy. Title. Liippincott's gazetteer of the world; originally ed. by Joseph Thomas; rev. ed. with conspec- tus of 12th census of United States, and a sup- plement. 1904. 27cm Lippincott $8 n Rf Comprehensive, American. Description and infor- mation of places, with pronunciation and various spell- ings of names. Kroeger. Longmans' gazetteer of the world (Longmans $6.40) is authoritative on spelling and pronunciation and is less / costly. Ed. sel. America. Nation, 73: 96. Howells, W: D. ed. gcvygio^n j 11 rc*x. k^/^viiv* DWMWU vivctuo w* AJLii.\_*pctiii . / "ill fv/\ countries in detail, with supplementary chapter on V Mlll > H - Bl - ed - International geography; by 70 authors. 2ded. 1900. 22cm Appleton $3.50 Standard geographic books of reference, pref. p. 12-13. Readable account of character of all countries as regards land and people, in language neither technical nor child- ish. Each country treated by an experienced traveler, a resident or a native. H. R. Mill in Introd. 1890. Library of universal ad- venture by sea and land. 1888. 25cm Harper $5.75 Includes original narratives of personal prowess and peril in all waters of the globe, from year 79 to 1888. Title. \j Parker, F. W. How to study geography. Ingersoll, Ernest. 25cm Book of the ocean. Century 1903. $1.50 Y Describes ocean currents, early voyages, naval battles, ships, rigging, polar regions, sea animals, etc. Based on his Old ocean, but considerably enlarged and better illustrated. N. Y. ISJcm (Internat. educ. ser.) Appleton $1.50 Books and maps, p. 359-76. First attempt of a leading educationist to solve the question and to give geography its proper place in the course of study. Though not a geographer himself, he has a true conception of ultimate aim of geography. Science, 12: 114. HISTORY GEOGRAPHY AND TRAVEL 269 Bedway, J. "W. New basis of geography; a 911 Historical geography manual for the preparation of the teacher. I/ _, , ^ , , ... . Freeman, E: A: Historical geography of Eu- 1901. 20cm (Teachers' prof, lib.) * ! ' ,, ... rope; 3d edition ed. by J. B. Bury. 1903. 23cm Macmillan $1 n Books of reference, p. 227-29. Aims to set forth relations between human activities and physical environment and so to give a broad funda- mental and rational view of the content of geography and its educational value. Sensible, practical, attract- ive; by a man thoroughly versed in both the science of (^ B,eich Emil education and geography. Educ. r. 24: 84. , . Shaw, E: B: Big people and little people of other lands. 1900. 19cm ( Eclec. school read- ings) Y Amer. bk. co. 30c Slocum, Joshua. Around the world in the sloop Spray. 1903. 19cm Scribner 50c n Y Abridged edition for use of schools of Sailing alone around the world. Longmans text, $4 n ; atlas, $2 n Labberton, B. H. Historical atlas, 3800 B. c. to 1900 A. D. 16th ed. 1901. 25cm Silver $1.25 n Rf Useful, up to date small atlas. Kroeger. New student's atlas of English 27cm Macmillan $3.25 n 912 Haps. Atlases Sailing alone around the world. 1900. 21 Jem Century $2 Actual experiences during cruise around the world in the Spray with a crew pf one, 1895-98. N. Y. Starr, Frederick. Strange peoples. 1901. ISJcm (Ethno-geog. readers) Heath 40c n Y List of books regarding strange peoples, p. 185-86. Stevenson, B. L: Amateur emigrant; from the Clyde to Sandy Hook. 1902. 17cm Scribner $1.25 Journey across the Atlantic as a second cabin passen- ger. Full of sanity and wholesome views of life. Dial. Stockton, F. B: Buccaneers and pirates of our coasts. 1898. 19cm Macmillan $1.50 Y Sketches portraying redoubtable heroes, chiefly of the West Indies and the Spanish main. Veritable history presented in a picturesque and striking way. Lit. loorld. Tarr, B. S., & McMurry, F. M. Europe and other continents, with review of North America. 1901. 19cm (Tarr & McMurry 's geog.) Macmillan 75c n Y See note under their Home geography following. Home geography, and the earth as.a whole. 1900. 19cm (Tarr&McMurry'sgeog. ) Macmillan 60c n Y Textbook treating geography broadly. Structure of soil and physical features, influence of physical facts on colonization and industries. Children are shown how to investigate and demonstrate statements for themselves. Fully illustrated and valuable as children's reference book in general library. N. Y. 18cm (Youths' compan- Ginn 25c The wide world. 1902. ion ser. ) Y Brief, comprehensive survey of child life in Japan, Egypt, Holland, France, Switzerland, Sweden, South America and Alaska. Pub. ickly. See also Public documents list. The question of atlases is a difficult one for all libraries. German and English maps are more scholarly and more beautiful than American, but for American use an Ameri- can atlas is necessary. Rand, McNally & Co.'s new Imperial atlas of the world, $2.50, is good. Ed. sel. Y Cram's standard American railway system atlas of the world. 1904. 47x37cm Cram $12.50 Rf Showing all the railway systems in colors; accom- panied by a complete and simple index of the United States. Title. Johnston, W. & A. "K.firm, publisliers. Victoria regina atlas; political, physical and astronom- ical. 2d ed. 1902. 32x25Jcm Kf Johnston 1 I/ Stieler, Adolf. Hand atlas iiber alle theile der erde und iiber das weltgebiiude. 1896. 38Jcm Lemcke $21.65 Rf New edition beingpublished, 1903, unbound, Perthes 30m, Lemcke, adv. subs. $11 n; mailing price, $12.50 n. Probably the most scholarly and up to date atlas. Andree's Allgemeiner handatlas, ed. t, Velhagen 1899, is also very good. The Times atlas, The Times, 1900, '25/ is an Englished form of it with alphabetic index. Ed. sel. 913 Antiquities 913.3 Antiquities or ancient countries Hogarth, D: G: ed. Authority and archaeology, sacred and profane; essays on the relation of monuments to biblical and classical literature. 1899. 23cm Scribner $5 Contents: pt. 1, Hebrew authority, by S. R. Driver, pt. 2, Classical authority: Egypt and Assyria, by F. L. Grif- fith; Prehistoric Greece, by D. G. Hogarth; Historic Greece, by E. A. Gardner; The Roman world, by F. Hav- erfield. pt. 3, Christian authority, by A. C. Headlam. Attempts to show exactly what benefits have been derived from archeology. The various essays, by different writers, are independent. Editor states briefly general principles underlying study of archeology. Spec. 83: 188. 913.32 Egypt Edwards, A. A. B. Pharaohs, fellahs and explorers. 1891. 23 Jem Harper $2.50 P Contains, with large additions, substance of lectures on ancient Egypt delivered in the United States in 1889. N.Y. 911 270 A. L. A. CATALOG, CLASS LIST V Erman, Adolf. Life in ancient Egypt; tr. by Sayce, A. H: Babylonians and Assyrians. 1899. H. M. Tirard. 1894. 25cm 19Jcui (Semitic ser.) Scribner $1.25 n S Macmillan $6 Based on an elaborate examination of the contract tab- lets and letters and gives a most vivid view of all the V Maspero, Q. C. C: The dawn of civilization, phases, public and private, of Babylonian and Assyrian Egypt and Chaldsea; ed. by A. H. Sayce; tr. life. Nation, 69: 410. by M. L. McClure. 3d ed. 1897. 27Jcm 913.37 Home, Italy Appleton $7.50 / VBecker, w : A. Gallus; or, Roman scenes of the V. 1 of the author's Histoire ancienne des peuple de time of Augustus; with notes and excursuses r Sy three quarters devoted to Egypt. St. & K. illustrative of the manners and customs of the J Romans; tr. by Frederick Metcalfe. New ed.. Life in ancient Egypt and Assyria. Au- / 1898. 19cm Longmans $1.25 thorizeded. 1892. 19Jcm Appleton $1.50 / Boissier> Ga8 t O n. Rome and Pompeii; arch*- Daily life of the people in time of Rameses II, 14th cen- ological rambles; tr. by D. H. Fisher. 1896. tury B. C. and of Assurbanipal, 7th century B. C. N. Y. 21cm Putnam $2 50 Manual of Egyptian archaeology and guide Attractive book to a beginner in classical archeology. to the study of antiquities in Egypt; tr. by A. B. Answers just the questions which would be put by an Edwards. 5th ed. 1902. 19cm J intelligent companion. Sot. r. 82: 270. Grevel 10/6 Dyer, T: H: Pompeii, its history, buildings, and antiquities. Rev. ed. 1898. 19cm (Bonn's Bibliography to supplementary chapter, p 367-68. ^ } Macmillan $2.25 n It would be difficult to point to any work of its scope and character better calculated to give lasting delight to An account of the destruction of the city, with a full all classes of readers. A. B. Edwards. , description of the remains, and of the recent excavations, / and also an itinerary for visitors. Title. 913.33 .1,1,1,-,, Inge, W: B. Society in Rome under the Caesars. yo j -TO-IT A v e iu r< i 1888. 18icm Scribner $1.25 Sanday, William. Sacred sites of the Gospels, / with illustrations, maps and plans; with the as- J sistanceof Paul Waterhouse. 1903. 23cm Jonnston, H. W. Private life of the Romans. Clarendon $4.50 1903 ' 20cm (Lake class, ser.) Bibliography, p. 90-104. ScOtt ' F ' $L50 " Seeks to find what is really Greco-Roman, Jewish and Reference books, p. 17-20. References at head of early Christian, under the Turkish, Saracen and Byzan- chapters. tine remains. A\h. Very well adapted as a handbook, also a good r6sum6 to which lecturers can send classes for information on Stanley, A. P. Sinai and Palestine, in connec- the broader outlines. Clearly written and well arranged, tion with their history. New ed. 1903. 22cm Nation, 76: 362. Armstrong $2.50 /Lanciani, B. A. Ancient Rome in the light of recent discoveries. 1888. 24cm 913.35 Xedo-Persia, Houghton $6 Hilprecht, H. V. ed. Explorations in Bible Comprehensive descriptionof results of modern arche- lands during the 19th century. 1903. 24cm Holman $3 n . 12: 263. Contents: Resurrection of Assyria and Babylonia, by y Ruins and excavations of ancient Rome. H. V. Hilprecht; Researches in Palestine, by J. Benzinger; 1897. 20Jcm Houghton $4 Excavations in Egypt, by G. Steindorff; Explorations in Arabia, by F. Hommel; So-called Hittites and their in- Covers the whole field and includes the most recent scriotions bv P Jensen results of Roman topographic investigation. Enormous / mass of material arranged and presented with simplicity First published statement of the interesting and im- / portant discoveries of the University of Pennsylvania / and 8kllL J- * Wheeler in Somce, 30: 245. expedition, 1893-96 and 1898-1900. Nation, 77: 137. * Mau, August. Pompeii, its life and art; tr. by Peters, J: P. Nippur; or, Explorations and ad- R W ' Kelse ^ Rev " ed " 19 2 ' 22cm . ventures on the Euphrates. 2v. 1897. 22icm Macmillan $2.50 n Putnam $5 / K S Bibli< ra P hic appendix, p. 513-50. _ _ .. . , . . ,\/]JCiddleton, J: H: Remains of ancient Rome. RS Describes beginning of a series of explorations of , --. great significance, not yet completed. Records specific 2 v> discoveries of enduring value. Francis Brown in Amer. B A revised and greatly enlarged version of the former hiit. r. (B) books entitled Ancient Home. HISTORY GEOGRAPHY AND TRAVEL (ANTIQUITIES) 271 Account of ruins and other remains of ancient Roman world contained in the city and its neighborhood; in- cludes full description of ancient materials and processes / of building. L. & I. ' Pellisson, Maurice. Roman life in Pliny's time; tr. by Maud Wilkinson. 1901. 20Jcm . Jacobs $1 n I/Thomas, iSmile. Roman life under the Caesars. 1899. 19 Jem Putnam $1.75 Capital handbook, general in treatment. Dial, 28: 117. 913.38 Greece v Becker, W. A. Charicles; or, Illustrations of the prfvate life of the ancient Greeks; tr. by Frederick Metcalfe. 1899. 19Jcm x Longmans $1.25 Bliimner, Hugo. Home life of the ancient Greeks; tr. by Alice Zimmern. Rev. ed. 1895. 19Jem Cassell $2 Bibliography, p. 533-36. Detailed description of social conditions, dress, educa- tion, worship, sports, occupations, etc. Illustrations greatly increase value. N. Y. Dickinson, G. L. Greek view of life. 2d ed. 1898. ISJcm (Univ.exten. ser. ) Scribner $1 n List of translations used : pref . p. 9-10. Lucid in presentation, fresh and penetrating in its criticisms. Spec. 77: 819. ^Gardner, E. A. Ancient Athens. 1902. 23Jcm Macmillan $5 n Archeologic details and theories clearly stated for cul- tivated readers without special training. A uthor formerly director of British school at Athens. Maps and about 200 illustrations. N. Y. /Gardner, Percy, & Jevons, F. B. Manual of Greek antiquities. 2d ed. 1897. 20cm Scribner $4 n List of works on Greek antiquities, p. 713-18. Introduction, in a single volume, to Greek antiquities, social, religious and political. In most cases the manners and customs described are traced back to their origins. / Nation. 62: 312. /Gulil, E. K., & Koner, W: D: The life of the Greeks and Romans described from antique monuments; tr. fr. the 3d Ger. ed. by F. Hueffer. New ed. 1889. 21cm Appleton $2.50 Describes industrial and fine arts, religion, laws and customs. Powers. ulick, C: B. Life of the ancient Greeks, with special reference to Athens. 1902. 20cm (Twentieth cent, text-bks.) Appleton $1.40 n Bibliography, p. 310-20. Describes land and city, dwelling houses, furniture, articles of food, clothing, childhood, school training, social life, various callings, travel and hospitality, domes- tic religion, old age, burial, etc. N. Y. Harper's dictionary of classical literature and an- K tiquities; ed. by H. T. Peck. 1897. 26 Jem Amer. bk. co. $6 Rf Covers biography, geography, history, literature and mythology as well as archeology. The authoritative classical dictionary in English is Smith's Dictionary vf Greek and Roman antiquities, 3d ed. 1890, 2 v. (Little $14 n) It does not, however, cover biography and myth- ology or geography, as separate works are devoted to these subjects. Cornish's Concise dictionary of Greek and Roman antiquities (Holt $4) Rich's Dictionary of Roman and Greek antiquities (Longman's 82.50) and Seyffert's Dictionary of classical antiquities (Macmillan 82.25 n) are all scholarly and inexpensive and any one of them suf- ficient, possibly, for many libraries. Mahaffy, J: P. Greek life and thought, from jX the age of Alexander to the Roman conquest. 1887. 19cm Macmillan $3.50 Sequel to Social life in Greece from Homer to Menandtr. Schuehhardt, Carl. Schliemann's excavations; I/ an archaeological and historical study; tr. by Eugenie Sellers; with apx on the recent discov- eries at Hissarlik by Dr Schliemann and Dr Dorpfeld, and introd. by Walter Leaf. 1891. 23Jcm Macmillan $4 Compact and intelligible account of Dr Schliemann's excavations at the supposed site of Troy, atTiryns and at Mycenae, as well as at some less important sites. Not Dr Schliemann's theories alone, but matured opinions of many scholars are utilized. St. & K. If there is special interest in archeology, the library may well buy the 3 works by Dr Schliemann (Ilias, Har- per 87.50; Mycenae, Scribner 87.50; Troja, Harper 85) which have been omitted because of their expense and because of little probable use. Ed. sel. Smith, Sir William, ed. Dictionary of Greek and "^ Roman geography. 2 v. 1878. 24Jcm Little $12 n Rf With Harper's dictionary of classical literature, it may be wise to defer buying this work. Authoritative. Ed. sel. Tsountas, Chrestos, & Manatt, J. I. The My re n. -i :! 1 1 age; with introd. by Dr Dorpfeld. 1897. 24cm Houghton $6 Study of the monuments and culture of pre-Homeric Greece. Of interest to general reader and archeologist. N.Y. s 913.39 Minor countries Boissier, Gaston. Roman Africa; archaeological *" walks in Algeria and Tunis. 1899. 19Jcm B Putnam $1.75 Smith, G: A. Historical geography of the Holy i/ Land, especially in relation to the history of Israel and of the early church. 9th ed. 1902. 22Jcm Armstrong $4.50 Appendix 4, Bibliography of Eastern Palestine, p. 665-7. Almost indispensable to Bible students. Written in the light of latest iirrlieologic discoveries and the results of recent biblical criticism. More than a mere textbook of geography. Nation, 60: 409. 913 272 A. L. A. CATALOG CLASS LIST Du Chaillu, P. B. The viking age. 2 v. 1889. 22icm Scribner $7.50 913.4 Antiquities of modern Europe O Chisholm, G: G. Europe. 2 v. 1899-1902. 24cm (Stanford's compend. of geog. ) Lippincott $5.50 ea n Contents: v. 1, The countries of the mainland (exclud- ing the northwest) v. 2, The northwest. Enlarged from a one vol. work issued in 1885 under same title, by F. W. Rudler and G: C. Chisholm. Coe, F. E. Modern Europe; ed. by Larkin Dun- ton. 1892. 19cm (World & its people) Silver 60c n Y Partial contents: Where the shamrock grows; Land of Hans Christian Andersen; Land of the wooden shoe; What the Danube sees: The treasure house, of Europe; Free from the Turkish yoke; The land of the czar. Heine, Heinrich. Travel-pictures, including the tour in the Harz, Norderney, and Book of ideas, together with The romantic school ; tr. by Francis Storr. 1901. 19cm (Bonn's stand, lib.) Macmillan $1 n Early history, manners and customs of the ancestors of the English speaking nations. Title. Windle, B. C. A. Life in early Britain; being an account of the early inhabitants of this island and the memorials which they have left behind them. 1897. 194cm Putnam $1.25 n P List of books, p. 228-29. Excellent introduction to Nation. pre-Nonnan archeology. M 913.5 Antiquities of modern Asia 913.54 India Davids, T: W: B,. Buddhist India. 1903. 20cm (Story of nations) Putnam $1.35 n Good guide to understanding of social condition of ancient India. Nation. 913.7 Antiquities of North America Nadaillac, J. F. A. du Pouget, marquis de. Pre-historic America; tr. by N. d'Anvers, ed. by W. H. Dall. 1884. 25cin Putnam $3 Much valuable material from many excellent sources, . but a considerable body of unauthoritative matter also * included; to be read therefore discriminatingly. L. A. H. Short, J: T: North Americans of antiquity; their oriein, migrations and type of civilization considered. 1880. 23cm Harper $3 A comparative study indicating much careful research. L.A. H. James, Henry. Portraits of places. 19cm Houghton $1.50 Treats of three countries, England, France and Italy. Mr James is a quiet, rational and shrewd observer, whose delicate appreciation notices many things that would es- cape most people. P. G. Hamerton in Acad. (B) Transatlantic sketches. 914 Travels in Europe Aldrich, T: B. ISJcrn From Ponkapog to Pesth. Houghton 1883. $1.50 European travel sketches, touching foreign funerals, beggars, Pope Pius IX, Naples, Tangier, etc. Allen, Grant. The European tour. 1902. 18$cm Dodd $1.25 Stimulating and suggestive. Ed. sel. Brooks, Noah. The Mediterranean trip; a short guide to the principal points on the shores of the western Mediterranean and the Levant. 1895. 16Jcm Scribner $1.25n Not only a guide, but a valuable condensation of his- tory. Chic, inter-ooean. Carpenter, F. G: Carpenter's geographical reader; Europe. 1902. 19cm Amer. bk. co. 70c Y Aims to give a plain and simple description of the countries of Europe as they are today. Pub. wkly. 1903. 19cm Houghton $2 ' Contents: Chester; Lichfleld and Warwick; North Devon; Wells and Salisbury; Swiss notes; From Cham- b6ry to Milan; From Venice to Strasburg; The Parisian stage; A Roman holiday; Roman rides; Roman neighbor- hoods; The after-season in Rome; From a Roman note- book; A chain of cities; The St Gothard; Siena; Autumn in Florence; Florentine notes; Tuscan cities; Ravenna; The Spliigen; Homburg reformed; Darmstadt; In Hol- land; In Belgium. He is the last man we should consult for statistics, but his sketches give the very marrow of sensitive impres- sion. Nation (B) Knox, T : W. Boy travellers in northern Europe. 1892.. 23 Jem Harper $2 Y Visits to Holland, Prussia, Denmark and Norway. N. Y. Boy travellers in southern Europe. 1894. 23cm Harper $2 Y Adventures of 2 youths in a journey through Italy, southern France and Spain, with visits to Gibraltar, Sicily and Malta. Title. Longfellow, H: W. Outre-mer, a pilgrimage beyond the sea. 4th ed. 1850. 18^cm Houghton $1.50 Contents: France; Spain; Italy. Filled both with the learning of the great scholar of many literatures and with the romance of the poet. Pub- lishers. HISTORY GEOGRAPHY AND TRAVEL (EUROPE) 273 Loomis, L. C: Index guide to travel and art- study in Europe. 1890. 17cm Scribner $3 Pt. 1, scenery, arts, history, legend and myth; pt. 2, cata- log of the noted works of art in the principal galleries of central Europe; pt. 3, routes, embracing the principal through lines of travel. A compend of geographic, historical and artistic infor- .^mation for Americans. Title. Macmillan co. Guide to the western Mediter- ranean. 1901. 17Jcm (Macmillan's guides) Macmillan 9/n; $3 n /_ Meriwether, Lee. A tramp trip; how to see Europe on fifty cents a day. 1887. 19Jcm Harper $1.25 On foot from Gibraltar to the Bosporus; sightseeing and observation of conditions of labor. N. Y. 1902. 18cm Under sunny skies. 1902. 18cm (Youths' com- panion ser. ) Ginn 25c Y Sketches from writings of well known authors de- scriptive of outward aspects of life in Spain, Italy, Greece, Turkey and Africa. Pub. ttkly. 'Warner, C: D. A roundabout journey. 20Jcm Houghton $1.50 Round the western coast of the Mediterranean, visiting France, Sicily, Malta, Morocco, Spain; also an account of Wagner's opera at Bayreuth. Sargent. Saunterings. 1900. 15cm Houghton $1 Record of travel in England, France, Belgium, Hol- land, Switzerland, Bavaria and Italy. Title. 914.1 Scotland Geddie, 19Jcm John. t Hunnewell, J. F. r> Johnson, Clifton. 19Jcm Northern Europe. 1902. 18cm (Youths' com- panion ser. ) Ginn 25c Y Descriptions and stories which portray interesting aspects of Faroe islands, life in Norway, scenes in Hol- land and Belgium, studies of French life, life in Alps, and a journey down the Moselle. Pub. u'kly. OPartsch, J. F. M. Central Europe. 1903. 23cm (Appletons' world ser.) Appleton $2 n Note on authorities at end of chapters. Ed. by H. J. Mackinder; tr. by Clementina Black, cur- tailed by E. A. Reeves. Comprises Bulgaria, Roumania, Servia, Montenegro, Austria-Hungary, with its annexes of Bosnia and Herze- govina, Germany, Switzerland, the Grand Duchy of Lux- emburg, the Netherlands and Belgium. Ed. sel. Bussell, B. H. Edge of the Orient. 1896. 20Jcm Scribner $2 Sketch of travels in Dalmatia, Montenegro, Turkey and Egypt. Chapter on Montenegro perhaps the most interesting. Photographic illustrations made with judg- . ment. Nation, 64: 224. V Satchel guide for the vacation tourist in Europe; by W. J". Rolfe. Latest ed. 1904. 16cm Houghton $1.50 n Rev. annually. A compact itinerary of the British isles, Belgium and Holland, Germany and the Rhine, Switzerland, France, Austria and Italy. Title. 'Stockton, F. B: Personally conducted; illus. ~ by Joseph Pennell, Alfred Parsons and others. Young, Arthur. 1889. 21 Jem Scribner $2 Y Talks about curious and interesting sights in Europe. Sargent. Mr. Stockton's descriptions have just enough history to quicken the intelligence and not overtask the memory. The best chapters are possibly those on English life and scenery. Nation (B) Taylor, Bayard. Views a-foot; or, Europe seen with knapsack and staff; with pref. by N. P. Willis. 1902. 19Jcm. (Home lib.) Burt $1 Two years' travel on foot through Germany, Italy and France, spending $500 earned on the road. Sargent. Romantic Edinburgh. Button 1900. $2.50 R Historical and descriptive. Not a guide for use on the street, but for quiet reminis- cence and suggestion before and after. Xation. Lands of Scott. 1899. 20cm Houghton $2.50 The land of heather. 1903. Macmillan $2 n I/Si Stevenson, B. L: Edinburgh; picturesque notes. People's ed. 1903. 18 Jem Scribner $1.40 n Tells of the "lands" and "closes" of the old town and the grim legends connected with them; describes the new town and the suburban villa quarters. Critic, 30: 76. 914.15 Ireland. S Black, Adam & Charles. Black's guide to Ire- land; rev. by E. D. Jordan. 23d ed. 1900. 17cm Black 5/ Craik, J/rvs D. M. (Mulock) An unknown coun- try. 1887. 23cm Harper $2.50 Description of northern Ireland. Johnson, Clifton. Isle of the shamrock. 1901. 19Jcm Macmillan $2 n E, Traveler's studies in Ireland, mainly among peas- ants of hill country. Many photographic illustrations and drawings. N. Y. Arthur Young's Tour in Ire- land (1776-1779) ed. by A. W. Button, with a bibliography by J: P. Anderson. 2 v. 1892. 19cm ( Bohn's stand, lib. ) Macmillan $1 n ea 9 14-. 16 I'later, Ireland Gywnn, S. L. Highways and byways in Done- gal and Antrim. 1899. 20Jcm (Highways & byways.) Macmillan $2 Scenery, people, history and legends graphically pre- sented by an enthusiastic lover of this corner of north- western Ireland. Illustrated. N. Y. 241104- -18 914 274 A. L. A. CATALOG CLASS LIST 14.2 England >/ Escott, T: H. S. England: its people, polity, ^Ashton, John. Social life in the reign of Queen and pursuits. 2 v. 1879? 22Jcm Holt $4 Anne, taken from original sources; with 84 v " 2> illus. fr. contemporary prints. 2 v. 1882. 23cm ^ Harrison, William. Elizabethan England; ed. Scribner $1.25 by Lothrop Withington, with introd. by F. J. Baedeker, Karl. Great Britain; handbook for Furnivall. 1902. 17Jcm (Scott lib.) travellers. 5th ed. 1901. 16cm w - Scott 1 / 6 Scribner $3 n Republication of Harrison's Description of Britaint, Bibliography, pref. p. 31-32. originally issued as part of Holinshed's Chronicles of Eng- t y '' land, Scotland and Ireland. * Barnard, F. P. ed. Companion to English his- One of most often quoted and trugted authoritleg on tory (middle ages) 1902. 20cm condition of England in Elizabeth's and Shakespeare's Clarendon $2.90 days. F. J. Furnivall. Contents: Ecclesiastical architecture; Domestic archi- Hawthorne, Nathaniel. Our old home, and tecture; Military architecture, and art of war; Costume, English note-books. 2 v. 1891. 20cm (River- military and civil; Heraldry; Shipping; Town life; Coun- g j,j e ^ \ Houghton $2 ea try life; Monasticism; Trade and commerce; Learning and education; Art; Glossary; Index. English travel sketches, written during his residence as Short bibliography at end of each article. J American consul at Liverpool, 1853-57. X. Y. ^Bedford, Jessie. Home life under the Stuarts, Holmes > O. W. Our hundred days in Europe. 1603-1 649, by Elizabeth Godfrey. 1903. 22Jcm 189L 20cm (Riverside ed.) Houghton $1.50 Button $3.50 n Hoppin, J. M. Old England: its scenery, art, Attempts to gather from letters, diaries or chance refer- and people. 18cm Houghton $1.75 euce in contemporary writings some notion of ordinary Johnson, Clifton. Among English hedgerows' l^oV" 6 '* with introd. by H. W. Mabie. 1899. 19icm Macmillan $2.25 Bradley, A. G. Highways and byways in the nius. by author. Lake district; illus. by Joseph Pennell. 1901. Homely cottage life reproduced with absolute accuracy. 20 Jem ( High ways & by ways) Macmillan $2 J KaUan, r,9: 493. Castle, church, village, all call up legend or more recent Jusserand, J. A. A. J. English wayfaring life story, and each takes color from author's ready under- in the middle ages (14th century) tr. by L. T. standing of time and place. Dial, 31: 440. Smith. 1891. 19Jcm Putnam $3 n \ Brown, Alice. By oak and thorn; a record of Contents: English roads; Lay wayfarers; Religious way- English days. 1896. ISJcm Houghton $1.25 farers - Travel notes in Warwickshire, the lands of Arthur, the Krout, M.. H. A looker on in London. 1899. Bronte country, the haunts of the Doones, latter-day Cran- 19Jcm Dodd $1.50 ford, etc. N. Y. Hmnte descriptions of processes, ceremonies and inci- N Davis, B,: H. Our English cousins. 1894. 19cm dental circumstances. Chapters on clubs and schools for Harner $1 25 women specially valuable. Bk. buyer (B) Entertaining chapters on the Derby, Ascot and Henley Mackinder, H. J: Britain and the British seas, races, a general election, Oxford undergraduate life and 1902. 21 Jem (Appleton's world ser. ) London aspects. N. Y. Appleton $2 n Dodd, Mrs A.. B. (Blake) Cathedral days; Not only are the features of the land and sea described, illus. from sketches and photographs by E. E. but their ori in is traced from earliest geologic period. Deane. New ed. 1899. 20cm Little $1.50 / *'* A six weeks' driving tour through cathedral towns of * ^^wnsley , H. D. Life and nature at the English southern England, with descriptions of towns, architec- lakes. 2d ed. 1902. 19 Jem Macmillan $2 tural attractions, etc. Sargent. A thorough and intimate personal acquaintance with his subject everywhere visible. Deals rather with simple (/ Einstein, Lewis. Italian renaissance m Eng- everyday life of the humble folk living than with the land. 1902. ISJcm (Columbia univ. stud, in illustrious dead. Dial (B) comp. lit.) Macmillan $1.50 n . Literary associations of the English lakes. S Bibliography: 1, Manuscript sources; 2, Printed 2 V. 1901. 20cm Macmillan $4 sources; 3, Works of reference, p. 391-109. Contents: v. 1, Cumberland, Keswick, knd Southey's Monograph on English renaissance during 15th and country; v.2, Westmoreland, Windermere and the haunts 16th centuries, describing Italian influence on English o f Wordsworth. scholarship, court life, political ideas and poetry, Italian Touches not so much on scenes and their historic inter- churchmen, artists and travelers in England, English est as on the lives of men of letters who have spent a day travels in Italy, and Anglo-Italian commerce. Johnston. or a month or a year there. Dial, 31: 441. HISTORY GEOGRAPHY AND TRAVEL (GREAT BRITAIN) 275 Scudder, H. E. The English Bodley family. 21 Jem Y Houghton $1.50 J Smith, Goldwin. A trip to England. 1895. 14 Cm Macmillan 75c Sums up admirably just what an intelligent reader would like to know as to characteristics of English land- scape and history. Critic. \ Taine, H. A. Notes on England; tr. with introd. chapter, by W. F. Rae. 3d ed. 1872. 19cm Holt $2.50 Warner, C: D. The people for whom Shake- speare wrote. 1897. 18cm Harper $1.25 Old contemporary materials, describing temper and manners of Tudor and Stuart age, recast in a concise and lively form. Nation, 65: 230. White, B: G. England without and within. 20cm Houghton $2 Informal, matter of course, untouristlike chronicles. Dial (B) I/Winter, William. Gray days and gold in Eng- land and Scotland. Rev. ed. 1896. 19cm Macmillan 75c Contents: Classic shrines of England; Haunted glens and houses; Old York; Haunts of Moore; Beautiful city of Bath; Land of Wordsworth; Shakespeare relics at Wor- cester; Byron and Hucknall-Torkard church; Historic works of Warwickshire; Shakespeare's town; Up and down the Avon; Rambles in Arden; The Stratford foun- tain; Bosworth field; Home of Dr Johnson; From London to Edinburgh; Into the Highlands; Highland beauties; Heart of Scotland; Sir Walter Scott; Elegiac memorials in Edinburgh; Scottish pictures; Imperial ruins; Land of Marmion. Companion to Shakespeare's England. Many of the sketches originally printed in New York tribune. Pref. Record of sentimental journeyings, 1888-90. Lit. world. - Shakespeare's England. Rev. ed. 1893. 19cm Macmillan 75c 22 essays commemorating visits in 1877 and 1882; repub- lication, with slight alterations, of his Trip to England and English rambles. 914.21 London ^Baedeker, Karl. London and its environs; hand- book for travellers. 13th ed. 1902. 16cm Scribner $1.80 h Appended, Index of streets and plans of London. ^Besant, Sir Walter. London. 1892. 21 Jem Harper $3 R Vivid, detached pictures of the life of London from Roman days to those of George II. Critic, 22: 345. - South London. 1898. 22cm Stokes $3 Successive pictures of changing historical and social conditions. Admirably illustrated. N. Y. Besant, Sir Walter. Westminster; with 130 illus. by William Patten and others. 1895. 21Jcm Stokes $3 These papers originally appeared in Pall Mall magazine. Historical, biographic, ecclesiastical, and architectural information, with admirable illustrations. N. Y. Hare, A: J: C. Walks in London. 2 v. 1878. 19cm Macmillan $3 Hutton, Laurence. Literary landmarks of Lon- don. 8th ed. 1892. 19cm Harper $1.75 Invaluable to those who seek to find the spots associated with memories of great writers. Nation (B) 914.29 Wales t/ Borrow, G: H: Wild Wales: its people, lan- guage, and scenery. 1901. 20cm Scribner $1 Bradley, A. G. Highways and byways in North Wales; illus. by Joseph Pennell and Hugh Thomson. 1898. 20Jcm (Highways & by- ways. ) Macmillan $2 For its artistic accuracy, its gentle humor and charrn- ing style deserves to rank with the best books of Welsh travel. Ath. (B) I/ Highways and byways in South Wales. 1903. 20Jcm ( Highways & by ways. ) Macmillan $2 To the vivid descriptions of the text are added illus- trations remarkable for their suggestions of mass and color value and for their expression of light. Allan. * 914.3 Germany and Austria ^Baedeker, Karl. Northern Germany, as far as the Bavarian and Austrian frontiers; handbook for travellers. 14th ed. 1904. 16cm Scribner $2.40 n Rhine from Rotterdam to Constance; handbook for travellers. 15th ed. 1903. 16cm Scribner $2.10n Southern Germany; handbook for travel- lers. 9th ed. 1902. 16cm Scribner $1.80 n Baker, B. S. Seen in Germany. 1901. 21cm McClure $2 n P Study of kaiser, soldier, workingman, Jena lens factories, shipbuilding, a typical scientific institution, student life, Prof. Haeckel, etc. Illustrated. N. Y. ^Dawson, W: H. German life in town and coun- try. 1901. 19cm (Our Europ. neighbours) Putnam $1.20 n Discusses institutions, habits, problems and ideals with unusual accuracy, clearness, friendliness and moderation. Nation. 914 276 A. L. A. CATALOG CLASS LIST Millet, F. D. The Danube from the Black for- est to the Black sea. 1893. 21cm Harper $2.50 Illustrated account of canoe trip down the Danube, with bright comments on places, scenery and types of people. H. R. Mill in Geog.j. (B) Schierbrand, Wolf von. Germany; the weld- ing of a world power. 1902. 23Jcm Doubleday $2.40 n P Chapters on social, political and commercial affairs, German colonies, the kaiser's personality, etc. N. Y. "Whitman, Sidney. Imperial Germany; a criti- cal study of fact and character. 1901. 19cm (Chaut. lit. & sci. cir. ) Chautauqua press 75c ' Questions for review and bibliography at end of each chapter. 914,31 Prussia and Northern Germany Baedeker, Karl. Berlin and its environs; hand- book for travellers. 1903. 16cm Scribner 90c n Steevens, G: W. Glimpses of three nations; ed. by Vernon Blackburn, with pref. by Christina Steevens. 1900. 19cm Dodd $1.50 Contents: London; Paris of today; Berlin. < 914.36 Austria Baedeker, Karl. Austria, including Hungary, Transylvania, Dalmatia and Bosnia; handbook for travellers. 9th ed. 1900. 16cm Scribner $2.40 n Eastern Alps, including the Bavarian Highlands, Tyrol, Salzburg, Upper and Lower* Austria, Styria, Carinthia and Carniola; hand- book for travellers. 10th ed. 1903. 16cm Scribner $3 n Edwards, A. A. B. Midsummer ramble in the Dolomites. 2d ed. 1889. 24cm Routledge 7/6 The classic book of travels in this region. Nation (B) ' Lansdale, M. H. 1902. 21cm Vienna and the Viennese. Coates $2.40 n o Based on Victor Tissot's book, but brought to date. Describes people, customs, life, historical associations. 25 photogravures of buildings and monuments. N. Y. Palmer, F. H. E. Austro-Hungarian life in town and country. 1903. 19cm (Our Europ. neigh- bours) Putnam $1.20 n Sensible, pleasantly written and generally safe guide. Best chapters on nationalities, and political and official life. Nation, 77: 504. / 914.38 Poland Brandes, G: M. C. Poland; a study of the land, people and literature. 1903. 22Jcm Macmillan $3 n K A most eloquent apologia for this unfortunate people. Large part, a survey of Polish literature. Ath. '03, 1: 526. 914.39 Hungary Browning, H. E A girl's wanderings in Hun- gary. 1896. 20cm Longmans $1.25 Record of the experiences and impressions of an un- conventional young person possessed of some insight and a keen sense of humor. Nation, 64: 422. Gerard, Mine Emily. The land beyond the for- est; facts, figures, and fancies from Transylva- nia. 2 v. 1888. 21cm Blackwood 1 5/ Sympathetic and vivid. Octave Thanet in Dial (B) 914.4 France Baedeker, Karl. Northern France, from Bel- gium and the English Channel to the Loire, ex- cluding Paris and its environs; handbook for travellers. 3d ed. 1899. 16cm Scribner $2.10 n Southern France, including Corsica; handbook for travellers. 4th ed. 1902. 16cm f Scribner $2.70 n Brownell, W: C. French traits; an essay in comparative criticism. 1889. 18cm Scribner $1.50 Contents: The social instinct; Morality; Intelligence; Sense and sentiment; Manners; Women; The art instinct; - Provincial spirit; Democracy; New York after Paris. True sympathy with and admiration for the French discernible throughout. Nation (B) Dearmer, Percy. Highways and byways in Nor- mandy; illus. by Joseph Pennell. 1900. 20cm (Highways & byways) Macmillan $2 Capital descriptive and historical guide. Dodd, Mrs A.. B. (Blake) Falaise, the town of the .Conqueror. 1900. 20cm Little $2 Enthusiastic, vivacious description, with excellent pho- tographic illustrations. Dial, 30: 76. Gould, Sabine Baring-. In troubadour- land; a ramble in Provence and Languedoc. 1891. 23cm W. H. Allen 12/6 Hamerton, P. G. French and English, a com- parison. 1891. ISJcm Little $1.50 Based on a series of 7 articles in Atlantic monthly, 1886-87. Hare, A: J: C. North-eastern France. 1890. 19 Jem Macmillan $2.50 North-western France (Normandy and Brittany) 1904. 18cm Macmillan $2.50 South-eastern France. 1890. 19cm Macmillan $2.50 A: J: C. 19cm / James, Henry. HISTORY GEOGRAPHY AND TRAVEL (FRANCE) 277 Whymper, Edward. Chamonix and the range of Mont Blanc; a guide. 8th ed. 1903. 19cm Scribner $1.20 n South-western France. 1890. Macmillan $2.50 A little tour in France; illus. bv Joseph Pennell 1900. 20cm TT ui. ico One could hardly have a more charming picture book of France. He knows the French, their history, their mind and their customs considerably better than most travelers do. Spec. (B) Janvier, T: A. An embassy to Provence. 1893. 19icm Centurv $1 25 Pleasantly whimsical record of a sentimental journey, mainly by carriage, from Marseilles to Avignon. Dlal(R) v Johnson, Clifton. Along French by ways. 1900. 19Jcm Macmillan $2.25 Describes peasant life and landscape of rural France. , Admirable photographic illustrations by author. N. Y.I/ ^ Lamed, W. C. Churches and castles of me- diseval France. 1895. 21cm Scribner $1.50 / Lenthe"ric, C: P. M. The Riviera, ancient and modern; tr. by Charles West. 1895. 21cni Putnam $2 Shows marked power in description and unusual liter- ary judgment. Dial (B) O Lynch, Hannah. French life in town and country. 1901. ISJcm (Our Europ. neigh- bours ) Putnam $L2 Social diversions and distinctions, education, the ... , .. army, national institutions, home life, peasant and arti- '. . san, the press, etc. Illustrations from modern French .... . T .. painters of life. N. Y. History of Mt Blanc, concise descriptions of ascents and excursions, list of guides, alphabetic tables of peaks and their bights, &c. Illustrated with portraits, bits of scenery, plans and excellent map. Acad. 50: 239. / Wood, C: W: In the valley of the Rhone. 2d ed. 1900. 23cm Macmillan $4 B, Nearly as good as making the trip one's self; 88 artis- ** c drawings enrich the enthusiastic account of the tour. Dial, 29: 16. Woolson, C. F. Mentone, Cairo and Corfu. 1896. 19cm Harper $1.75 Three graceful and informing travel sketches, the first havln e a thread of *^- N - Y ' Y oung, Arthur. Travels in France by Arthur Young during the years 1787, 1788, 1789; with introd. biog. sketch, and notes by M. Betham- Edwards. 3d ed. 1890. 18cm (Bohn's stand, lib.) Macmillan $1 n Bibliography of author's works, pref. p. 51-53. Best contemporaneous account of landholding classes. replete with valuable economic object lessons. B. & I. Qrant parig ^ 17cm (Grant Allen's hist, guides) Wessels $1.25 n These guides aim " to supply the tourist with such his- toncal and antiquarian information as will enable him to understand the architecture, sculpture, painting and . .. minor arts of the towns he visits. N. Y. Molloy,J. L. Our autumn holiday on French o Baedeker?Karl> Par is and environs, with routes illus. by Lmley Sambourne. 1874. rvers; 23cm Bradbury 7/6 Stevenson, B. L: An inland voyage. 1903. / 19 i cm Scribner $1.25 An account of a canoe trip from Antwerp in Belgium Travels with a donkey in the Cevennes. 1903 19icm Scribner $1 from London to Paris; handbook for travellers. 16cm g cribner fl g() n Account of trip in mountains of southern France. N. Y. Taine, H. A. Journeys through France, being impressions of the provinces. 1897. 20Jcm Holt $2.50 Charming to read for their unaffectedness, their grace, their brevity. They are also true. B'kmati (B) Tour through the Pyrenees; tr. by J. S. Fiske. 1875. 24$cm Holt $2.50 Davigj B: H . About Paris; illua by C: D . Gil> SQn 1895 18 cm Harper $1.25 Con tents: Streets of Paris; Show-places of Paris, night; Paris in mourning; The Grand . prix and other prizes; Americans in Paris. Fresh, spirited work. A wide-awake traveler with a keen eye for the salient and the bizarre. Dial (B) De Forest, Katharine. Paris as it is; an -inti- ^ ^^ of itg people) ^ home ,. f &nd itg p l ace s of interest. 1900. 19cm Doubleday $1.25 n Author has lived long in Paris and her interpretation is interesting and her account of many phases of Parisian i ife unusually accurate. Nation (B) ft w Hamerton, P. G. Paris in old and present times; Rustic life in France; tr. with e8p ecial reference to changes in its archi- tecture and topography. 1900. 21cm ES Little $3 Theuriet, C. A. A. by H.. B. Dole, illus. by Leon Lhermitte. 1896. 20cm Crowell $2.50 At once the description and the threnody of French t once e escrpon an e renoy o renc ^ farm life, the rustic epic of a passing race of toilers of the Hare > A: J: C " field. Dial (B) . Da y s near Pans ' 1888 ' 19cm Macmillan $2.50 914 278 A. L. A. CATALOG CLASS LIST Hare, A: J: C. Walks in Paris. 1888. 19cm McKay $1.25 Text identical with his Paris, except that citations from French authors have been translated into English. Martin, B: E. & C. M. Stones of Paris in his- tory and letters. 2 v. 1899. 20cm Scribner $4 Follows the fragments remaining of walls of Philip Augustus, bringing to light half recalled, half forgotten relics of the past Literary feeling and charm through- out. Dial (B) V Taine, H. A. Notes on Paris; tr. with notes by J: A. Stevens. 1888. 20Jcm Holt $2.50 914.5 Italy Baedeker, Karl. Italy; handbook for travellers. 3 v. 1903-04. 16cm Scribner v. 1, $2.40 n; v. 2, $2.25 n; v. 3, $1.80 n Contents: pt. 1, Northern Italy, including Leghorn, Florence, Ravenna and routes through Switzerland and Austria; 12th remodelled ed. pt. 2, Central Italy and Rome; 14th rev. ed. pt. 3, Southern Italy and Sicily, with excursions to the Lipari Islands, Malta, Sardinia, Tunis, and Corfu; 14th rev. ed. Index of streets and plans of Rome, v. 2, 18 p. at end. V Bazin, Rene. Italians of to-day; tr. by William Marchant. 1897. 19cm Holt $1.25 Travel notes by a French observer who shows unusual sympathy, judgment in choice of subjects and freedom from prejudice. N. Y. v Carmichael, Montgomery. In Tuscany; Tuscan towns, Tuscan types and the Tuscan tongue. 3ded. 1902. 21cm Button $2 n R Product of long residence and appreciation. Maps and illustrations. N. Y. Cities and districts described are, in the main, those not touched by most tourists. Geog.j. (B) Freeman, E: A: Studies of travel : Italy. 1893. 16cm Putnam 75c S Random memoranda of associations called up in a very erudite mind by the sight of this or that ancient town. Nation, 58: 72. Has to do mostly with spots rarely visited by tourist, but of great historical or archseologic interest, such as Veil, Ostia, Norba and Segni. Dial, 16: 23. *^ Gautier, Theophile. Journeys in Italy; tr. by B. B. Vermilye. 1902. 21 Jem Brentano $3n Hare, A: J: C. Cities of central Italy. 2 v. 1904. 18cm Macmillan $3.50 Contents: v. 1, Florence, Siena, and other towns of Tuscany and Umbria. v. 2, In the Emilia and Marche, and some towns in Umbria and the Campagna of Rome. Cities of southern Italy and Sicily. 19cm Macmillan $2.50 Hawthorne, Nathaniel. Passages from the French and Italian note-books. 1899. 20cm (Riverside ed.) Houghton $2 Howells, W: D. Italian journeys. New ed. 1901. 20 Jem Houghton $1.50 Ed. illus. by Joseph Pennell, $3. Shows same fine perception, exquisite humor, freshm-~- of feeling, refinement and delicacy of treatment as Vene- tianlife. Harper' sm. (B) Tuscan cities, illus. fr. drawings and etch- ^ ings by Joseph Pennell and others. 1886. 23xl7Jcm Houghton $3.50 Florence, Siena, Pisa, Lucca, Pistoja, Prato, Fiesole. King, Bolton, & Okey, Thomas. Italy to-day. S 1901. 23cm Scribner $3 n Appendix, List of principal books, p. 353-57. Careful exposition of economic, political and social consequences brought about by new order of things. Nation, 72: 478. Norton, C: E. Notes of travel and study in Italy, r 1887. ISJcm Houghton $1.25 Of unique value because of its delicate appreciation of the value of fine art. Contains account of the building of Orvieto cathedral in the 14th century. St. & K. Paton, W:A. Picturesque Sicily. 1898. 21 Jem Harper $2.50 R Account of scenery, antiquities and modern life. Principal cities and places of antiquarian interest de- scribed. Dial, 24: 187. Pennell, Joseph, & Mrs Elizabeth (Robins') * Two pilgrims' progress; from fair Florence to the eternal city of Rome; with pen drawings by Joseph Pennell. New ed. 1899. 20crn Little $1.50 Most harmonious; text and illustrations belong essen- tially to one another and go to form a finished piece of art. Acad. (B) Robertson, Alexander. Through the Dolo- mites from Venice to Toblach. 1896. ISJcm Scribner $3 n Study of the history, architecture, art and life of a re- gion whose natural beauties are rivaled by the romance of its history. Nation, 64: 91 (B) Scott, William. Rock villages of the Riviera. 1898. 20Jcm Macmillan $2.50 Account of a number of villages in the mountain val- leys back of Bordighera. Illustrated with reproductions of author's sketches. Nation, 68: 476. Symonds, J: A. Sketches and studies in Italy * and Greece. New ed. 3 v. 1900. 20Jcm Scribner $2 n es Ed. by H. F. Brown. Includes Sketches in Italy and Greece, Sketches and studies in Italy, and Italian byways, the essays arranged in topo- graphic order. Ed. sel. Genuine literature exemplifying his wealth of learning, his justness of perception, his beauty of style. Dial (B) Taine, H. A. Italy: Florence and Venice. 4th v ed. 20Jcm Holt $2.50 Translation by J. Durand of v. 2 of Voyage en Italic. HISTORY GEOGRAPHY AND TRAVEL (ITALY) 279 Taine, H. A. Italy: Rome and Naples. 4th ed. 1889. 20 Jem Holt $2.50 Translation by J. Durand of v. 1 of Voyage en Italie. O Villari, Iruigi. Italian life in town and country. 1902. 18 Jem (Our Europ. neighbours) Putnam $1.20 n P Bibliography, pref. p. 5-6. Describes social, economic and political conditions, home life, state of religion, education, literature, art, etc. Supplements King and Okey's Italy to-day. Illustrated. N. Y. * Vuillier, Gaston. The forgotten isles: impres- sions of travel in the Balearic Isles, Corsica and Sardinia; tr. by Frederic Breton. 1897. 24Jcm Appleton $4.50 Many beautiful illustrations by author. His freshness of outlook, keen observation and ready sympathy give him wide range of interest. Acad. Williams, E. B. Hill towns of Italy. 1903. 21 Jem Houghton $3 n R An introduction to rather inaccessible, rarely visited, but most interesting places. Pittsburg. ^Williamson, G: C: Cities of northern Italy. 1901. 17cm (Grant Allen's hist, guides) Wessels $1.25 n Author's artistic knowledge and disposition are mani- fest. Powers. Florence 1900. 17cm (Grant Wessels $1.25 n "'"Allen, Grant. Florence. Allen's hist, guides) See note on his Paris, 914.4. Hutton, Laurence. Literary landmarks of Flor- ence. 1897. 19cm Harper $1 Dante, Savonarola, Galileo, Landor and the Brownings are the principal figures. Dial (B) Jtome /Crawford, F. M. Ave Roma immortalis. Rev. ed. 1902. 20Jcm Macmillan $3 n Topographic rather than chronologic history. A delight to those already instructed, less suited to readers little acquainted with Roman traditions. 28 photogravures. N. Y. Hare, A: J: C. Days near Rome. 2v. 1875. 18Jcm Macmillan $3.50 New edition in preparation. - Walks in Rome; 16th ed. rev. by St Clair Baddeley. 2 v. 1903. 16Jcm G: Allen 10/6; Macmillan $2.75 "'story, W: W. Roba di Roma. 8th ed. 2 v. 1887. 18cm Houghton $2.50 Allen, Grant. Venice. 1902. 17Jcm (Grant Allen's hist, guides) Wessels $1.25 n See note on his Paris, 914.4. Howells, W: D. Venetian life. 19th ed. 1895. 19Jcm Houghton $1.50 A true, vivid and almost a complete picture of Venetian life. Pall Mall gazette. Hutton, Laurence. Literary landmarks of Venice. 1896. 19cm Harper '$1 Based on article in Harper's magazine, July 1896. Chief aim to supplement Venetian guidebooks by sup- plying information of English and American men of let- ters who have visited or lived in Venice, but does not neglect the great Italians. Dial, 21: 197. Smith, F. H. Gondola days. 1897. 19cm Houghton $1.50 Text from Venice of to-day. Illustrated by the author. Yriarte, C: E\ Venice: its history, art, indus- tries and modern life; tr. by F. J. Sitwell. 1896. 21cm Coates $3 One of the most delightful and most solidly instructive books of anything like its scope yet written on Venice. Dial, 21:387. 914.6 Spain Amicis, Edmondo de. Spain and the Spaniards; tr. fr. 10th Italian ed. by S. R. Yarnall. 2 v. 1895. 20Jcm Putnam $2 R A succession of clever word pictures describing a tour through Spain during reign of King Amadeus, 1871-73. N. Y. Baedeker, Karl. Spain and Portugal; hand- book for travellers. 2d ed. 1901. 16cm Scribner $4.80 n Bibliography, pref. p. 39. Bates, K. L. Spanish highways and byways. 1900. 19 Jem Macmillan $2.25 Its strength lies in a rare insight into Spanish character, and a power of rendering that insight jn exact and telling words. Nation (B) Borrow, G: H: The Bible in Spain; or, The journeys, adventures, and imprisonments of an Englishman in an attempt to circulate the Scriptures in the peninsula; new ed. with notes and a glossary, by U. R. Burke. 2 v. 1896. 19 Jem Murray 12/ A thrilling narrative of travel and adventure in Spain as it was in 1835. H. R. Mill (B) Hale, E: E. Seven Spanish cities, and the way to them. 1899. 18cm Little $1.25 Describes places made famous by the Song of Roland: Madrid, Cordova, Toledo, etc. Sargent. Hare, A: J: C. Wanderings in Spam. 1873. ]9cm Macmillan $2 Harris, Mrs Miriam (Coles) A corner of Spain. 1898. 18cm Houghton $1.25 R Describes life in Malaga, the Seville fairs and bull fights. N. Y. 914 280 A. L. A. CATALOG CLASS LIST Hay, John. Castilian days. Rev. ed. 1899. 18 Jem Houghton $1.25 R Studies of Spanish manners, character and politics, written in 1871; sets admirably before us the men and tendencies which have gone to the making of Spain and the Spaniard today. Lucid, forcible style, pleasant humor. Sat. r. (B) Higgin, Louis. Spanish life in town and coun- try; with chapters on Portuguese life in town and country, by E. E. Street. 1902. 19cm (Our Europ. neighbours) Putnam $1.20n R Light, rather disconnected essays on conditions of modern Spain. Author has had many-sided opportunities. Nation, 74: 483. Hugo, Victor, comle. The Alps and Pyrenees; tr. by John Manson. 1898. 19Jcm Button $2 Letters of travel written in 1839. A portrayal of foreign countries and strange scenes in the light oi a strong indi- viduality. N. Y. Irving, Washington. TheAlhambra. 2v. 1897. 18cm (Knick. ed.) Putnam $1.25 ea Abounds in delightful legends, all so touched with the author's airy humor that our credulity is never overtaxed; we imbibe all the romantic interest of the place without losing our hold on reality. C. D. Warner. Jaccaci, A. F. On the trail of Don Quixote. 1896. 21 Jem Scribner $2.50 Beautifully illustrated by Vierge. La Mancha, a prov- ince little frequented by tourists, preserves many char- acteristics of Cervantes's time. N. Y. 914.7 Russia Beveridge, A. J. The Russian advance. 1903. 21 Jem Harper $2.50 n Attitude markedly pro-Russian. A picture of the empire and of itf people unsurpassed in serious lite -ature . for accuracy and comprehension Dial Bigelow, Poultney. The borderland of czar and kaiser. 1895. 19cm Harper $2 R Two chapters on German soil, six on Russia origin- ally appeared in Harper s monthly. Delightful pictures by Frederick Remington furnish at least half its value to the book. Nation, 60. 18. Brandes, G. M. C. Impressions of Russia; tr. by S: C. Eastman. 1889. 19cm Crowell $1.25 Important. Displays great oreadth ot view and calm- nessot judgment. Ration (B) Du Chaillu, P. B. Land of the long night. 1899. 20Jcm Scribner $2 Y Record of a winter journey from southern Sweden through Lappmark, Finland, and Finmark to Nordkyn, the extreme end ol the European mainland. Many ex- cellent illustrations. Nation, 69: 493. Gerrare, Wirt. Greater Russia. 1903. 23cm Macmillan $3 n R On Siberia, Manchuria and the position of Russia on the Pacific. Ath. '03, 1: 425. Hapgood, I. F. Russian rambles. 1895. 20cm Houghton $1.50 Certain surface aspects of Russian life pleasantly and truthfully treated. Dial (B) Knox, T: W. Boy travellers in the Russian empire. 1887. 23 x 17cm Harper $2- Y Adventures of two youths in a journey in European and Asiatic Russia, with accountsof a tour across Siberia. Title. Kravchinskil, S. M. Russian peasantry; their agrarian condition, social life and religion,, by Stepniak. 1888. 17Jcm Harper $1.25 Leroy-Beaulieu, Anatole. Empire of the tsars and the Russians; tr. fr. 3d French ed. with annot. by Z. A. Ragozin. 3 v. 1893-96. 23 Jem Putnam $3 ea Contents: pt. 1, The country and its inhabitants, pt. 2, Institutions, pt. 3, Religion. Norman, Henry. All the Russias; travels and studies in contemporary European Russia, Fin- land, Siberia, the Caucasus, and Central Asia. 1902. 24cm Scribner. $4 n Aspects of contemporary Russia with special reference to industrial and commercial development and relations with Great Britain. Generally favorable estimate of Rus- sia. N Y. Palmer, F. H. E. Russian life in town and country. 1901. ISJcm (Our Europ. neigh- bours) Putnam $1.20 n Social and home life, agricultural, educational and re- ligious conditions, the peasantry, the Jews, the army, working classes in cities, etc. Illustrations and glossary. N. Y. Stadling, J. J., & Reason, Will. In the land of Tolstoi; experiences of famine and misrule in Russia. 24Jcm Whittaker $2 Valuable and interesting. Mr Stadling assisted Tolstoi in relief work in 1892 and had an opportunity of coming into intimate relations with Russian peasant life. Dial (B) Wallace, Sir D. M. Russia. 1877. 22cm Holt $2 The best general account in the English language [1897J H. R. Mill (B) Whishaw, F: J. Out of doors in Tsarland. 1893. 20cm Longmans $2 Hunting and fishing adventures and entertaining sketches of Russian life, without mention of politics, nihilism or exile. N. Y. Finland De Windt, Harry. Finland as it is. 1901. 21cm Dutton $3 n HISTORY GEOGRAPHY AND TRAVEL (RUSSIA) 281 Frederiksen, N. C. Finland; its public and pri- vate economy. 1902. 21cm Longmans $2 Authorities consulted, pref. p. 10-11. Government and business occupations of the people rather than private and social life. Serious study in fairly popular form. N. Y. Tweedie, ^frs E. B. (Harley) Through Fin- land in carts. 1897. 21 Jem Macmillan $3 R Sketch of a pleasant summer trip, with much interest- ing information about the products, education and gen- eral statistics of Finland, taken from the best available sources. Nation, 66: 289. 914.8 Norway, Sweden and Denmark Baedeker, Earl. Norway, Sweden, and Den- mark ;* handbook for travellers. 8th ed. 1903. 16cm Scribner $2.40 n Appended, Sketch of Norwegian and Swedish grammar, with vocabulary and list of phrases, 40 p. /"D-a. Chaillu, P. B. Land of the midnight sun; summer and winter journeys through Sweden, Norway, Lapland and northern Finland. 2 v. 1882. 23cm Harper $5 Fine descriptions of scenery and physical characteris- tics of the country and accurate and sympathetic account of manners and customs of peasantry. Nation (B) 914.81 Norway Spender, A. E. Two winters in Norway, includ- ing an expedition to the Lapps. 1902. 23cm Longmans $4 Mainly Norway as a land of sport. Gives very attrac- tive, if superficial, impression. Acad. 62: 88. 914.89 Denmark & BrOchner, Jessie. Danish life in town and coun- try. 1903. 19cm (Our Europ. neighbours) Putnam $1.20 n Characterization of people sympathetic without being unduly laudatory. Choice of subjects excellent in illus- trations, which are a valuable feature. Nation, 76: 496. 914.9 iTIlnor countries of Europe 914.91 Iceland Bisiker, William. Across Iceland; with illus. and maps, and an apx. by A. W. Hill on the plants collected. 1902. 23cm Longmans $4 R Author led a party of tourists across the island in 1900. Many excellent photographs. Ath. '03, 1: 46. 914.92 NetJierlands ^Aniicis, Edmondo de. Holland and its people; tr. by Caroline Tilton. 1893. 20cm P B, Putnam $2 y Griffis, W: E. The American in Holland; sen- timental rambles. 1899. 20cm Houghton $1.50 Traces the abundant historical associations of interest to Americans. N. Y. Hare, A: J: C. Sketches in Holland and Scandi- ^ navia. 1885. 194cm Macmillan $1 Hough, P. M. pseud. Dutch life in town and O country. 1901. 19cm (Our Europ. neigh- bours) Putnam $1.20 n Presents situation in art, letters, learning, politics, as well as round of common life. No other book gives so clear a picture of actual life in the Netherlands of 1901. Nation. . Meldrum, D: S. Holland and the Hollanders. * 1898. 21cm Dodd $2 Not only gives a picturesque and comprehensive ac- count of the tourist's area, and of the east and north of Holland, but explains in detail the methods of the "fight with the waters" of the government and of the educa- tional system. A volume of solid worth written with much animation. New world (B) 914.93 Jtelffium Allen, Grant. Cities of Belgium. 1897. 17cm 9 (Grant Allen's hist, guides) Richards 3/6 n; Wessels $1.25 n Baedeker, Karl. Belgium and Holland, includ- O ing the grand-duchy of Luxembourg; handbook for travellers. 13th ed. 1901. 16cm Scribner $1.80 11 914.94 Switzerland Baedeker, Karl. Switzerland and the adjacent ^ portions of Italy, Savoy, and Tyrol; handbook for travellers. 20th ed. 1903. 16cm Scribner $2.40 n Story, A. T. Swiss life in town and country. 1902. 19cm (Our Europ. neighbours) Putnam $1.20 Symonds, J: A. & Margaret. Our life in the ^ Swiss highlands. 1892. 20Jcm Macmillan $2.50 We do not know a single compact book on the same subject in which Swiss character in all its variety finds so sympathetic and yet thorough treatment. Nation (B) Tyndall, John. Hours of exercise in the Alps. ^ Rev. ed. 1899. 19cm Appleton $2 Mainly narratives of quiet walks and dangerous ascents, often thrilling, and full of scientific information popu- larly presented. N. Y. Whymper, Edward. Scrambles amongst the Alps in the years 1860-69. 5th ed. 1900. 22Jcrn Murray 15/ n; Scribner $5 n Notes of holiday ascents, chiefly of the Matterhorn- Sargent. 914.95 Greece. Horton, George. In Argolis. 1902. 19cm McClurg $1.75 n A summer's primitive housekeeping and study of local life in Paros, near Athens. Interesting observation of superstitions and pagan survivals in Christian garb. N. Y. 282 A. L. A. CATALOG CLASS LIST i Horton, George. Modern Athens. 1901. 21 Jem Scribner $1.25 n Entertaining, picturesque description of the streets and shops, caf6s and parks, people and theaters. Well illus- trated. Published first in Scribner' s magazine, v. 29, Ja.-F. 1901. Pittsburg. Jebb, Sir R: C. Modern Greece; two lectures delivered before the Philosophical institution of Edinburgh, with papers on "The progress of Greece ' ' and ' ' Byron in Greece. ' ' 1901 . 18 Jem Macmillan $1.75 A general view in four essays of the Greek kingdom and the Greek question, historically, politically and socially. Nation, 74: 173. Mahaffy, J: P. Rambles and studies in Greece. 1900. 20Jcm Coates $3 K By a famous professor of Greek. Includes chapters on Mycenae and on Greek music and painting. The rambles are delightful; to the studies scholars demur. L. &I. Seeks to bring the living features of Greece home to the student, by connecting them with facts of older history. Much also about modern Greek politics and character of modern population. \ Murray, John. Handbook for travellers in Greece. 7th ed. 1900. 17Jcm Murray 20/ Vocabulary of colloquial words and phrases, modern Greek, 31 p. in pocket at end. Includes Ionian Islands,* continental Greece, Pelopon- nesus, islands of the Aegean, Thessaly, Albania, and Macedonia; and a detailed description of Athens. Title. 914.96 Turkey in Europe Beaman, A. G: Hulme- Twenty years in the near East. 1898. 23Jcm Methuen 2/6; New Amsterdam $3.75 P R Scenery, conditions of life and political situation in Egypt, Syria, Russia and the Balkan peninsula. Outl. , (Eng) (B) I Curtis, W: E. The Turk and his lost provinces: Greece, Bulgaria, Servia, Bosnia. 1903. 23cm Revell $2 n ' Davey, B: P. B. The sultan and his subjects. 2v. 1897. 23cm Button $7.50 P R List of principal authorities consulted, v. 1, pref. p. 11-14. ' Macmillan co. Guide to the eastern Mediterra- nean. 1901. 17 Jem ( Macmillan' s guides) Macmillan $3 n i Constantinople Amicis, Edmondo de. Constantinople; tr. by Caroline Tilton. Stamboul ed. 1896. 22cm Putnam $2.25 * Crawford, F. M. Constantinople; illus. by E. L. Weeks. 1895. 22cm E P Scribner $1.50 D wight, H : O. Constantinople and its problems. 1901. 20Jcm Revell $1.25 Author, a broadminded missionary leader, writes on Constantinople's peoples, customs, religion, education and progress. Nation. Mttller, Mrs G. A. (Grenfell) Letters from Con- stantinople. 1897. 20cm Longmans $1.75 No account of Constantinople more worthy of public acceptation than these amusing letters. Daily telegraph. 914.97 Servia Vivian, Herbert. Servia; the poor man's para- dise. 1897. 23cm Longmans $4 Authorities, pref. p. 15-17. No other book on Servia in the English language to be compared with it. R. ofr. 914.99 Islands of Greek archipelago . Tozer, H:F. Islands of the Aegean. 1890. 19Jcm Clarendon $2.25 915 Aia Allen, T: G. jr., & Sachtleben, W: L. Across / Asia on a bicycle; the journey of two American students from Constantinople to Peking. 1894. 20cm Century $1.50 Records the most novel and adventurous part of the trip, which covered more than 15,000 miles. R. of r. Carpenter, F. G: Carpenter's geographical read- er; Asia. 1897. 19cm Amer. bk. co. 60c Y Simple description of people and countries as they are today. Not intended as complete geography, but for reading supplementary to study of geography. Pref. Hedin, S. A. Through Asia; tr. by J. T. Bealby. |/ 2v. 1899. 24cm Harper $10 Interesting account by a trained geographer of his ad- ventures during one of the great journeys of this century. Bowdoin. Herbertson, Mrs F. L. D. (Richardson) Asia; ed. by A. J. Herbertson. 1903. 18cm (Descr. geog. from original sources) -Macmillan 80c n Bibliography, p. 283-94. A useful reading book, showing that it is possible and expedient to teach geography by a carefully chosen series of extracts from standard works of travel. Acad. 63: 268. Keane, A: H: Asia. 2v. 1896. 20cm (Stan- ford's compend. of geog. ) Lippincott $5.50nea Contents: v. 1, Northern and eastern Asia; v. 2, Southern and western Asia. Kipling, Rudyard. From sea to sea; letters of travel. 2 v. 1899. 19Jcm Doiibleday $2 Special correspondence and occasional articles written for the Civil and military gazette and the Pioneer, 1887-89. Miller, Mrs Harriet (Mann) Little people of Asia, by Oliver Thorne Miller, pseud. 1883. 22 x 18cm Y Duttou $2.50 HISTORY GEOGRAPHY AND TRAVEL (ASIA) 283 Norman, Henry. Peoples and politics of the Far East. 1900. 214cm Scribner $4 Travels and studies in the British, French, Spanish and Portuguese colonies, Siberia, China, Japan, Korea, Siam and Malaya. Title. Light thrown on comparative colonial administration; weakness of French system and strength of British. R. ofr. Polo, Marco. Story of Marco Polo. 1899. 19cm Century $1.50 Y Plan excellent and well carried out. Extracts from Yule's Book of Sir Marco Polo accompanied and woven to- gether by a pleasantly written narrative. Nature (B) Smith, M.. C. Life in Asia. 1897. 19Jcm ( World & its people) Silver 60c n Y Partial contents: Traveling in India; Sepoy mutiny; Some curious customs; Old cities of Japan; The Hermit kingdom; The great Siberian railway; Land of the lion and sun; Lands of the Bible. Toward the rising sun. 19C2. 18cm (Youths' companion ser. geog. readers) Ginn 25c Y Descriptions by well known authors of life in India, China, Japan, Korea and islands of eastern seas; designed as reader for either home or school. Pub. wkly. - 015.1 < hiii a Ball, J. D. Things Chinese. 4th ed. 1904. 22cm Scribner $5 Modeled on Prof. B. H. Chamberlain's Things Japanese. For general reader or intending tourist who needs a guide through the literature of China this handy work of ref- erence is without a peer. Nation. Bishop, I.. L. (Bird) The Yangtze valley and beyond. 2 v. 1900. 22$cm Putnam $6 Journeys in China, 1896-97. Packed with geographic, commercial, political and religious in formation and well provided with maps, illustrations and appendixes. Dial. Chang Chin-tung. China's only hope; tr. by S: I. Woodbridge; introd. by Griffith John. 1900. 19 Jem Revell $1.25 A patriotic viceroy's earnest plea for reform, widely read and influential in China. Most interesting in able diagnosis of China's condition, and reflection of broad- minded Chinaman's view of western civilization. N. Y. Colquhoun, A. B,. China in transformation. 1898. 22cm Harper $3 P R List of books consulted, p. 386-88. Admirable rsum6 of history and economic, geographic and social questions. Sounds warning to England against Russian aggression. N. Y. Overland to China. 1900. 22cm Harper $3 Describes new conditions in Siberia, along Russian transcontinental railway in China. Urges English- Amer- ican concert against Russian aggression. N. Y. Curzon, G: N. Curzon, 1st baron. Problems of the Far East: Japan; Korea; China. 4th ed. 1896. 22cm Longmans $2.50 Description of political institutions rather than of ex- ternal environment or social customs. Cleveland. Fielde, A. M. A corner of Cathay; studies from life among the Chinese. 1894. 19cm Macmillan $3 Authoritative account of the daily life, customs, beliefs and superstitions of the Chinese. Illustrations by Chinese artists. N. Y. Headland, I: T. Chinese boy and girl. 1901. 23cm Revell $1 n T Nursery rhymes, finger plays, toys, games, magic blocks, juggling, folk tales and daily life of Chinese children. Collected by professor in Pekin university. Entertaining and of sociologic value. N. Y. Hedin, S. A. Central Asia and Tibet towards the holy city of Lassa. 2 v. 1903. 24cm Scribner $10.50 n R Tr. by J. T. Bealby. Bears impress throughout of strict scientific adherence to fact, and is told with fascinating grace and charm. Geog. j. Krout, M. . H. Two girls in China. 1903. 19cm (Eclec. school readings) Y Amer. bk. co. 45c Lee, Yan Phou. When I was a boy in China. 1903. ISJcm Lothrop 60c Y Description of home life in China by a Chinaman. Pittsburg. Little, Mrs A. E. N. (Bswicke) Intimate China; the Chinese as I have seen them. 1899. 25cm Lippincott $2 R Information from long experience of the home life of the Chinese. Nation (B) Martin, W: A. P. A cycle of Cathay; or, China, south and north; with personal reminiscences. 1896. 21cm Revell $2 Comments on diplomatic history; but of special im- portance for insight into manners, modes of thought, prejudices and potentialities. Acad. 50: 594. Morse, E: S. Glimpses of China and Chinese homes.' 1902. 21cm Little $1.50 n Buildings, furnishings, household and public methods of life described, with clear drawings, by a trained observer. Originally published in American architect. N. Y. Parker, E: H. John Chinaman and a few others. 1901. 21cm Murray 8/ n Vivid pictures of Chinese character drawn from the writer's personal experience during his long period of consular service. Geog.j. (B) Parsons, W: B. An American engineer in China. 1900. 20cm McClure $1.50 Based on a journey across Hunan for railway survey in 1898-99. Offers a clear insight into the factors of the Chinese problem. Oeog.j. (B) 915 284 A. L. A. CATALOG CLASS LIST Rockhill, W: W. The land of the lamas. 1891. 24cm Century $3.50 P R Journey through China, Mongolia and Thibet: valuable contribution to the literature of science and exploration. Nation. Scidmore, E. R. China, the long-lived empire. 1900. 21cm Century $2.50 P R Travel sketches, with observations on character- istics, customs, political and sociologic conditions, etc. Based on 7 visits to China. X. Y. Smith, A. H. Chinese characteristics. Rev. ed. 1900. 2Ucm Revell $2 Long residence among the people, with command of their language, has enabled author to see the Chinese as they are. While pitilessly telling the truth, there is noth- ing cynical. Nation. Village life in China; a study in sociology. 1899. 21cm Revell $2 Describes in detail, from intimate knowledge, the peculiar social life and institutions. Shrewd, hopeful, Christian, interesting. Well illustrated. X. Y. Williams, S: W. Middle Kingdom; a survey of the geography, government, literature, social life, arts and history of the Chinese empire and its inhabitants. Rev. ed. 2 v. 1899. 24cm Scribner $9 8 R Exhaustive. By late professor of Chinese lan- guage in Yale; historical value of work strongly empha- sized by research of later years, N. Y. times. Bishop, I.. 3j. (Bird) Korea and her neighbors. 1898. 21cm Revell $2 Best book on Korea [1897] Observations before, during and after China-Japanese war. Particularly full on polit- ical and industrial aspects. Excellent maps. N. Y. Liowell, Percival. Choson, the land of the morning calm; a sketch of Korea. 1886. 26cm Houghton $5 Characteristics of China, Japan and Korea, with philo- sophic views and personal recollections. Publishers. Tibet. Nichols, F. H: Through hidden Shensi. 1902. 22icm Scribner $3.50 n Account of a journey in autumn of 1901, from Pekin to Sian, through heart of the Boxers' country and across two oldest provinces of China. Story of untraveled roads, over which few white men have ventured. Pitts- burg. Rijnhart, Mrs S. C. With the Tibetans in tent and temple; narrative of four years' residence on the Tibetan border, and of a journey into the far interior. 1904. 20cm Revell $1.50 An altogether exceptional book in missionary litera- ture. She has seen and suffered much and tells of it simply and effectively. Nation. Sarachchandra Dasa. Journey to Lhasa and central Tibet; ed. by W. W. Rockhill. 1902. 22cm Dutton $3.50 n May fairly be quoted as the best and most accurate authority on southern Tibet and its capital that has appeared of late years [1902] Geog. j. 915.2 Japan Ayrton, Mrs M. C. Child-life in Japan and Japanese child stories; ed. with introd. and notes by W. E.Griffis. 1901. 19cm (Heath's home & school class. ) Heath 20c n Y Stories and sketches with illustrations by Japanese artists. Unusual and charming. Pittsburg. Bacon, A. M. Japanese girls and women. Rev. ed. 1902. 18cm Houghton $1.25 Edition illustrated by Keishu Takenouchi. $4. Education, marriage and divorce, motherhood, court life, women in the palace and hut, and as laborers and servants in country and city. Clear, full and trust- worthy. Lit. icorld. A Japanese interior. 1893. 18cm Houghton $1.25 R Daily experiences of an openminded American girl who taught in the school for peeresses in Tokio; trust- worthy. N. Y. Bishop, Mrs I.. L. (Bird) Unbeaten tracks in Japan; an account of travels on horseback in the interior. 2v.ini. 1880. 19Jcm Putnam $2.50 Brownell, C. L. The heart of Japan; glimpses of life and nature far from the travellers' track in the land of the rising sun. 190.3. 19cm McClure $1.50 n The author, who, during his five years' sojourn, always lived like the natives, has endeavored, with success, to represent to his readers the inner spirit of native life. Geog.j. Chamberlain, B. H. Things Japanese; for trav- ellers and others. 4th ed. 1902. 22cm Scribner $4 n Next to Murray's guide no other book so indispensable to tourists. Nation. (B) Clement, E. W. Handbook of modern Japan. 1903. 19Jcm McClurg $1.40 n Bibliographies at end of chapters. Well digested mass of knowledge concerning country and people. Liberally illustrated, with map, appendix of statistics and tables, index, bibliographies. Treats with remarkable clearness the more modern phases of constitutional imperialism, local self-government, etc. Nation. Didsy, Arthur. The new Far East, 3ded. 1900. 21cm Putnam $3.50 Intimate point of view of a Japanese with strong Brit- ish proclivities. N. Y. times. HISTORY GEOGRAPHY AND TRAVEL (ASIA) 285 Finck, H: T. Lotos-time in Japan. 1895. 21cm Scribner $1.75 P R Aims to display the principal points in which Japanese civilization excels our own. X. Y. Fraser, Mrs Hugh. Letters from Japan. 2 v. 1899. 24cm Macmillan $7.50 R P Written from 1889-94 by wife of British envoy. Unusual opportunities and insight, discriminating enthu- siasm and charming style make it of high value. N. Y. Gulick, S. L. Evolution of the Japanese, social and psychic. 1903. 23cm Revell $2 n Study of Japanese race characteristics, social, mental and moral, and of the possibilities of western influence. N. Y. Hearn, Lafcadio. Glimpses of unfamiliar Japan. 2 v. 1894. 21cm Hough ton $4 R Descriptions of travel, wonderful accounts of famous temples and neighborhoods, charming stories of personal experience; succeeds in photographing, as it were, the Japanese soul. Nation. Kokoro: hints and echoes of Japanese in- ner life. 1896. 18 Jem Houghton $1.25 Sympathetic and artistic portrayal of emotional life as seen in Japanese patriotism, religiousness, romantic love, etc. N.Y. Knox, T: W. Boy travellers in the Far East; adventures of two youths in a journey to Japan and China. 1880. 23 x 17cm Y Harper $2 La Farge, John. 1897. 23Jcm Primarily an account of a brief residence in Japan, mainly in Tokio and in the holy mountain of Nikko. The man who writes it is evidently a painter, and also a man of profound insight. Russell Sturgis in Bk. buyer (B) Murray, John, publisher. Handbook for trav- ellers in Japan, including the whole empire from Yezo to Formosa, by B. H. Chamberlain and W. B. Mason. 7th ed. 1903. 18Jcm Murray 20/ Parsons, Alfred. Notes in Japan. 1896. 21 Jem Harper $3 An artist's sketching tour, exquisitely portrayed in illustration and agreeably supplemented with text. N. Y. 915.3 Arabia Zwemer, S: M. Arabia: the cradle of Islam; introd. by J. S. Dennis. 1900. 21 Jem Revell $2 Arabian bibliography, p. 414-26. General account of Arabia from missionary viewpoint, compiled from travels of well known writers and his own experiences. Authoritative description of country, its people, life, industries, trade and history. Spec. 85: 493. An artist's letters from Japan. Century $4 915.4 India Crooke, William. The north-western provinces of India, their history, ethnology and adminis- tration. 1897. 23cm Methuen 10/6 Essay on all more important political and social ques- tions directly or indirectly affecting past and- present ad- ministration of whole of India: Hindu and Muhamma- dan, religions, institution of caste, land tenure, fiscal matters, rajpiit migrations, etc. Acad. 52: 320. Hornaday, W: T. Two years in the jungle; the experiences of a hunter and naturalist in India, Ceylon, the Malay peninsula and Borneo. 7th ed. 1901. 22 Jem Scribner $2.50 Trip was made to collect specimens for U. S. national museum. Pittsburg. Knight, E: F: Where three empires meet. New ed. 1897. 19cm Longmans $1.25 Narrative of travel in Kashmir, western Tibet, Gilgit and adjoining countries. Title. Knox, T: W. Boy travellers in the Far East. pt. 3. 1902. 23Jcm Harper $2 Y Adventures of two youths in a journey to Ceylon and India, with descriptions of Borneo, the Philippine Islands and Burmah. Title. Murray, John. Handbook for travellers in India, Burma and Ceylon. 4th ed. 1901. 17Jcm Murray 20 Includes Bengal, Bombay and Madras, the Punjab, northwest provinces, Rajputana, central provinces, Mysore, etc. the native states, Assam and Kashmere. Title. Ramabai Sarasvati, pundita. High-caste Hindu woman. New ed. 1901. 19 Jem Revell 75c Scidmore, E. R. Winter India. 1903. 21Jcm Century $2 n Steevens, G: W. In India. 1899. 19Jcm Dodd $1.50 Vivid impressionist sketch of India, political, social and industrial. Dial. Strachey, Sir John. India; its administration & progress. 3d ed. 1903. 23cm Macmillan 10/ n 915.5 Persia Bishop, Mrs I.. I. (Bird) Journeys in Persia and Kurdistan. 2 v. 1891. 21cm Murray 1/4/6 Vivid picture of the people and their life as observed during months of caravan travel. N. Y. Sykes, E. C. Through Persia on a side-saddle; new ed. 1898. 23cm Lippincott $2 n Deals with the daily life and conditions; the pen pic- tures are so clear and sharply defined that they acquire a permanent value. Bk. buyer (B) 915 286 A. L. A. CATALOG CLASS LIST Sykes, P. M. Ten thousand miles in Persia; or, Eight years in Iran. 1902. 24cm Scribner $6 n The outcome of intelligent and continuous explorations with a scientific aim. Mainly geographic. Qeog. j. 915.6 TurKey In Asia. O Hogarth, D: G: The nearer East. 1902. 22Jcm (Appletons' world ser. ) Appleton $2 RS Includes the Balkan belts; the Asian descent (Asia Minor); the central upland (Armenia and Persia); south- western plains; Egypt. Authoritative. Geography in a new form, written by a man of well known literary capacity. Geog. j. Khalil Khalid. Diary of a Turk. 1903. 20cm Macmillan $1.75 From standpoint of an enlightened Turk, far more in- structive than books on Turkey usually are. Ath. Kinglake, A. W: Eothen; with introd. by James Bryce. 1900. 20cm (Century class.) Century $1.25 n Journey made about 1835. Rather a delightful record of personal impressions than of outward facts. Leslie Stephen. Knox, T: W. Boy travellers in the Far East; pt. 4, adventures of two youths in a journey to Egypt and the Holy land. 1883. 23 x 17cm Y Harper $2 Percy, H: A. G: Percy, earl. Notes from a diary in Asiatic Turkey, by Lord Warkworth. 1898. 24Jcm E. Arnold 21/ n Record of a considerable journey covering what are, perhaps, the worst governed provinces of Turkey. Illus- trations of value. Ath. '99,1: 7. Ramsay, W: M. Impressions of Turkey during twelve years' wanderings. 1897. 21cm Putnam $1.75 On the whole the best work on the eastern question [1897] Nation. Warner, C: D. In the Levant. 20Jcm Houghton $2 Continues the narrative of 3fy winter on the Kile, de- scribing the coast of Turkey from Palestine to Greece. Buffalo. Palestine O Baedeker, Karl. Palestine and Syria; handbook for travellers. 2d ed. 1894. 16cm Scribner $3.60 n Bibliography, pref. p. 99-120. Written by Dr Albert Socin and revised frc"i the recent journeys of Dr Immanuel Benzinger. Ed. sel. Geikie, J: C. Holy Land and the Bible; a book of Scripture illustrations gathered in Palestine. 2v. 1887. 23cm Pott .$5 Hutton, Laurence. Literary landmarks of Jeru- salem. 1895. 19cm Harper 75c Oliphant, Laurence. Haifa; or, Life in modern Palestine; ed. byC:A. Dana. 1887. 20Jcm Harper $1.75 Originally published as letters in New York Sun, 1882-85. Thomson, W: M. The land and the book; or, Biblical illustrations drawn from the manners and customs, the scenes and scenery, of the Holy Land. 3 v. 1880-86. 23cm Harper $7.50 Another work with same title was published by the au- thor in 1859. Combines in an eminent degree a lively sense for the striking and picturesque in nature with great familiarity with the Bible. Nation. 915.7 Siberia Burnaby, F: G. A ride to Khiva. 1885, 19cm Burt $1 Capital account of Russian central Asia before construc- tion of Trans-Caspian railway. H. R. Mill. (B) Howard, B: D. Prisoners of Russia; a personal study of convict life in Sakhalin and Siberia; with pref. by O. O. Howard. 1902. i9Jcm Appleton $1.40 n Prison administration and social effects of convict system in remotest Siberian settlements. Personal study by a well equipped observer, N. Y. Kennan, George. Siberia and the exile system. V( 2 v. 1891. 23 Jem Century $6 Specific and formidable arraignment of the Russian penal system; first published in the Century and here revised and completed with index, authorities, etc. N. Y. Tent-life in Siberia. 1903. 18cm Putnam $1.25 Story of the effort of the Western Union to build a line of telegraph up the west coast of America and down the east coast of Asia. Sir Roderick Murchison calls it first of modern books of travel. Nation (B) Shoemaker, M. M. The great Siberian railway from St Petersburg to Pekin. 1903. 20Jcm Putnam $2 n Guidebook with some general information added. Nation, 76: 318. Simpson, J. Y. Side-lights on S ; beria. 1898. 21 Jem Black wood 16/ Some account of the great Siberian railroad, the prisons and exile system. Title. Wright, G: F: 23 Jem Asiatic Russia. 2 v. 1902. McClure $7.50 n Bibliography, p. 633-37. A detailed account of the physical geography, a con- cise but very interesting narrative of the Russian con- quest, a suggestive description of various types of colonists and a thoughtful discussion of social, economic and po- litical conditions. Spec. 90: 705. HISTORY GEOGRAPHY AND TRAVEL (AFRICA) 287 915.9 Farther India Hall, H. F. Soul of a people. 4th ed. 1903. 21cm Macmillan $3 Treats of the Burmese people. Contents: Living beliefs; He who found the light; Way to the great peace;, War; Government; Crime and punish- ment; Happiness; The monkhood; Prayer; Festivals; Women; Divorce; Manners; 'Noblesse oblige;' All life is one; Death, the deliverer; The potter's wheel; The forest of time. Buddhism as a working creed among the Burmese, giv- ing only those features actually embodied in lives and vital belief of the people. Acad. 54: 215. Knox, T: W. Boy travellers in the Far East. pt. 2. 1881. 23 x 17cm Harper $2 Y Adventures of two youths in a journey to Siam and Java, with descriptions of Cochin-China, Cambodia, Sumatra and the Malay Archipelago. Title. Nisbet, John. Burma under British rule arid before. 2 v. 1901. 23cm Constable 32/ n Valuable for reference on details of Burmese govern- ment, law, custom, superstition, trade, handicraft, etc. Spec. 88: 256. Smyth, H. W. Five years in Siam, from 1891 to 1896. 2 v. 1898. 21cm Scribner $5 List of authorities, v. 2, p. 323-24. The most important contribution yet made to our knowledge of Siam and the Siamese [1898] Literature (B) Young, Ernest. The kingdom of the yellow robe. 1898. 24cm Constable 6/ R Social and religious life in Siam. Minute details about daily habits with some account of political and industrial reforms. Nation, 71: 373. 916 Africa Badlam, A. B. Views in Africa; ed. by Larkin Dunton. 1895. 19cm (World & its people) Silver 72c n Y Partial contents: Oases of the desert; Deserts of South Africa; People of the Congo river basin; 'The land of the moon;' Diamond fields; Views of the Boers; Ostrich farming at Cape Colony; Ants of Africa; Educa- tion in Cairo. Herbertson, Mrs F. L. D. (Richardson > Af- rica; ed. by A. J. Herbertson. 1902. 18cm (Descr. geog. from original sources) Macmillan 70c n Bibliography, p. 247-60. Jenks, Tudor. Boy's book of explorations. 1900. 21cm Doubleday $2 Y True stories of heroes of travel and exploration in Africa, Asia and Australia. Mainly modern. Maps and illustrations. Keane, A: H: Africa. 2 v. 1895. 20cm (Stanford's compend. of geog.) Lippincott $5.50 n ea Contents: v. 1, North Africa; v. 2, South Africa. Stanley, Sir H: M. & otlwrs. Africa, its parti- tion and its future. 1898. 18icm Dodd $1.25 Aims to present actual standing of the various European nations inAfrica and their chief ambitions. Of value for main facts which have transformed the map of Africa in our generation. Lit. world, 29: 458. Vincent, Frank. Actual Africa. 1895. 23cni Appleton $5 P R Recountsa tourof coaststates, with extensive trips into interior. Describes people, life and environment, government, scenery, mines, commercial and industrial conditions, etc. N. Y. 916.1 -Soi-ili Africa Davis, R: H. Rulers of the Mediterranean. 1894. 19cm Harper $1.25 Travel sketches of Gibraltar, Tangiers, Cairo, Athens and Constantinople, with chapter on the English in Egypt. N. Y. Field, H: M. The Barbary coast. 1893. 21cm Scribjier $2 Travel sketches of Gibraltar, Morocco, Algiers, Tunis, Sahara, with notes on history and social and religious life. N. Y. Vivian, Herbert. Tunisia and the modern Bar- bary pirates. 1899. 22 Jem Longmans $4 Describes manners and customs of people, trade, agri- culture, education, superstitions and folk lore. Nation, 69:359. 916.2 Egypt Bacon, Mrs Lee. Our houseboat on the Nile. 1901. 21cm Houghton $1.75 n Leisurely pilgrimage in a dahabiyeh from first to sec- ond cataract. Illustrations from Mr Bacon's water colors. N.Y. Baedeker, Karl. Egypt; handbook for travel- O lers. 5th ed. 1902. 16cm Scribner $4.50 In this edition the two volumes devoted to Lower and Upper Egypt have been compressed into one. Ed. sel. Ball, E. A. R. City of the caliphs; a popular study of Cairo and its environs and the Nile and its antiquities. 1897. 21cm Estes $3 Edwards, A. A. B. A thousand miles up the Nile. 1899. 23cm Routledge 7/6; Button $2.50 First published in 1877. R Excellent companion and guidebook. Parts relat- ing to ancient history and interpretation of inscriptions authoritative. Gordon, Lucie (Austin) lady Duff- Letters from Egypt; rev. ed. 1902. 21cm McClure $2.50 n Describes Egypt of the sixties. Biographic memoir by her daughter, Mrs Janet Ross, and introduction by George Meredith. Nation, 75: 351. 916 288 A. L. A. CATALOG CLASS LIST Johnston, Sir H. H. Nile quest; a record of the exploration of the Nile and its basin. 1903. 20cm (Story of explor.) Stokes $1.35 n Bibliography, p. 322-27. Characterized by breadth of outlook which helps reader to grasp not a mere succession of facts, but their relation to general currents of world history. Geog. j. Lane, E: W: Account of the manners and cus- toms of the modern Egyptians; written in Egypt during the years 1833-1835; with biog. notice of the author. 1902. 19cm Ward 2/ First edition, 1836. No such handbook as this for the study of a country and people of alien race and religion. St & K Cairo fifty years ago; ed. by Stanley Lane- Poole. 1896. 19Jcm Scribner $2.40 n Traces history from 641 A. D. to his own time; describes situation and size of older capitals of Egypt, streets and quarters, bazaars and citadel, mosques both inside and outside the city, and of old Cairo, etc. Ath. '97, 1: 147. Neufeld, Charles. Prisoner of the khaleefa; twelve years' captivity at Omdurman. 3d ed. 1899. 23cm Putnam $4 Appeared in Wide world magazine, June, 1899 to March, 1900, under title In the khalifa's clutches. Author captured by dervishes while on a trading expe- dition to Sudan. Nation, 1899. Penfield, F: C. Present-day Egypt. Rev. ed. 1903. 21 Jem Century $2.50 P Author United States consul-general 1893-97; life in Cairo and Alexandria, story of the Suez canal, of Great Britain's- position in Egypt, of the work on the great Assuan dam, etc. Pub. wkly. Pollard, Joseph. The land of the monuments; notes of Egyptian travel. 2d ed. 1898. 21cm P Whittaker $2 Steevens, Q: W. Egypt in 1898. 1898. 20cm Dodd $1.50 P R Deals with English rule and influence; describes a Nile trip and visit to Coptic monastery of St Mark, etc. Dial, 25: 226. Traill, H: D. From Cairo to the Soudan fron- tier. 1896. 20cm Lane $1.50 First published serially in the Daily telegraph. Series of detached sketches of scenes and incidents of two recent visits to Egypt. Varied in character, humor- ous, historical, imaginative and descriptive. Nation, 63: 87. "Warner, C: D. My winter on the Nile. 1899. 20cm P K Houghton $2 916.3 Abyssinia Bent, J. T. The sacred city of the Ethiopians. 1893. 23cm Longmans $5 A record of travel and research in Abyssinia in 1893; with a chapter by H. D. Miiller on the Inscriptions from Yeha and Aksum, and an appendix, On the morpholog- ical character of the Abyssinians, by J. G. Garson. Title. Vivian, Herbert. Abyssinia; through the Lion- land to the court of the Lion of Judah. 1901. 22cm Longmans $4 Journalistic account of a scamper from Aden to the capital and back. Ath. '01, 1: 657. 916.4 Morocco Meakin, Budgett. Land of the Moors. 1901. 22Jcm Macmillan $5 Hanno's Per/plus, rev. from a translation by Thomas Falconer, p. 453-56. Liksly to remain the standard authority. Its informa- tion has been made as complete as possible, both by per- sonal travel and a study of all existing literature on the subject (1901) Geog.j.(B) The Moors; a comprehensive description. 1902. 22Jcm Macmillan $5 n Detailed description of social and religious conditions and customs. 132 illustrations. N. Y. Loti, Pierre, pseud. Into Morocco; tr. by E. P. Robins, illus. by Benj. Constant and Aim6 Ma- rot. 1892. 20cm (Rialtoser.) Rand, McNally $1 Description of the embassy from France to Fez in 1889. Full of action and color and on the whole conveys a cor- rect impression of the artistic aspect of life in Morocco. Budgett Meakin (B) Rae, Edward. Country of the Moors; a journey from Tripoli in Barbary to the city of Kairwan. 1877. 20cm Murray 12/ 916.6 North Central Africa Alldridge, T: J. The Sherbro and its hinterland. 1901. 23cm Macmillan 15/ Comprehensive and authoritative description of south- ern Sierra Leone, by author qualified by 10 years' resi~ dence and careful observation. Ed. sel. Dubois, Felix. Timbuctoo the mysterious; tr by Diana White. 1896. 23cm Longmans $3.50 Describes journey from Paris to the Niger; gives ac- count of Niger valley and its towns: the Lon^-hoi empire; and as complete an account as possible of Timbuktu And its history to the French conquest. Geog. j. Kingsley , M. . H. West African studies. 2d ed. with additional chapters. 1901. 21cm Macmillan $2.25 P R By enthusiast for West Africa. Descriptions of people and scenery; various phases of fetish and state of commerce. Strong denunciation of Crown Colony system of government and its working in West Africa. Ath. '99, 1: 172. Robinson, C : H : Nigeria, our latest protectorate. 1900. 19cm Marshall 5/ E Not a political study, but rather study of the Hausa people. HISTORY GEOGRAPHY AND TRAVEL (AFRICA) 289 Schweinfurth, G. A. The heart of Africa; three years' travels and adventures in the unexplored regions of Central Africa, 1868 to 1871; tr. by Ellen E.Frewer. 2v. 1873. 22cm Low 3/6ea 916.7 South Central Africa Baker, Sir S: W. The Albert N'yanza, great basin of the Nile, and explorations of the Nile sources. 1898. 20cm Macmillan $1.75 Chanler, W: A. Through jungle and desert; travels in eastern Africa. 1896. 25cm Macmillan $5 P Account of travel in unexplored territory and ad- ventures with wild men and beasts. Maps of scientific value. Dial, 21: 19. Drummond, Henry. Tropical Africa. 10th ed. 1903. 19cm Scribner $1 Du Chaillu, P. B Country of the dwarfs. 1889. 19cm Y Harper $1 In African forest and jungle. 1903. 20 Jem Scribner $1.50 n P B. Adventures of a European naturalist in the darker parts of the Dark continent. Dial, 35: 477. Stories of the gorilla country; narrated for young people. 1895. 19cm Harper $1.25 Y Adventures among wild men and beasts on west coast of Africa. N. Y. Elliot, G: F. S. Naturalist in Mid-Africa; being an account of a journey to the Mountains of the Moon and Tanganyika. 1896. 23cm Innes 16/ S Full of material for botanist, zoologist and geologist. Geographic observations, also information as to places suitable for colonization and most desirable routes. Ath. '96, 1: 131. Johnston, Sir H. H. British Central Africa. 2ded. 1898. 25icm Lane $10 Comprehensive information about the land, its appear- ance, resources, fauna and flora, inhabitants, their lan- guage and history from point of view of scientists, histo- rian and artist. Nation, 66: 155. Kingsley, M. . H. Travels in West Africa, Congo Francais, Corisco and Cameroons. 1897. 22icm Macmillan $2 R P Account of plucky journeys by observant ethnolo- gist. Bowdoin. Knox, T : W. Boy travellers on the Congo. 1888. 23^cm Harper $2 Y Condensed from Stanley's Tlirough the dark continent. O Livingstone, David. I^ast journals of David Livingstone, in Central Africa, from 1865 to his death; continued by a narrative of his last mo- ments and sufferings, obtained from his faithful servants Chuma and Susi, by Horace Waller. 2v. 1874. 22cm Murray 15/; Harper $5 Livingstone, David & Charles. Narrative of an expedition to the Zambesi and its tributaries; and of the discovery of the lakes Shirwa and Nyassa; 1858-1864. 1893. 24cm Harper $5 Stanley, Sir H: M. How I found Livingstone. 1902. 22cm Scribner $3.50 E Adventure and discovery in central Africa. Title. In darkest Africa; or, The quest, rescue, and retreat of Emin, governor of Equatoria. 2 v. 1890. 22Jcm Scribner subs. $7.50 The story of Stanley's last journey in Africa in 1889, through the Congo State to the Nile, and thence to the coast. H. R. Mill. Through the dark continent. 2 v. 1878. 22icm Harper $7.50 Perhaps the most stirring book of African travel ever written. It details the discovery and first navigation of the Congo river system in 1878. H. R. Mill (B) t 916.8 South Africa Barnard, Lad;/ Anne (Lindsay) South Africa a century ago; ed. with a memoir and brief notes, by W. H. Wilkins. 1901. 21cm Dodd $2.50 n Letters written from Cape of Good Hope (1797-1801) by wife of Secretary of colony, \vhen British flag was first hoisted over Cape Town. Ath. 01, 1: 491. Bent, J. T. Ruined cities of Mashonaland. 1892. 23cm Longmans $1.25 A record of excavation and exploration in 1891; with a chapter on the orientation and mensuration of the tem- ples, by R. M. W. Swan. Title. Bryce, James. Impressions of South Africa. O 3ded. 1900. 21Jcm Century $3.50 The most satisfactory and authoritative account of physical features, climate, conditions, history and race problems. Partly published in Century. Clear style. Valuable maps. N. Y. Hillegas, H. C. Oom Paul's people. 1899. 19cm Appleton $1.50 An American' s personal impressions. Sketches history, political situation, government, people, leaders. Strongly favors Boers. N. Y. Martin, Mrs Annie. Home life on an ostrich farm. 1891. 19cm Appleton $1.25 PR A perfect book of its kind. Description of a South African home bv a writer of keen observing powers and great love of nature. Nation. Bankin, Reginald. A subaltern's letters to his O wife. 2d ed. 1902. 20cm Longmans $1.25 R Largely descriptive of natural and social conditions. Reflections interesting, criticism of military affairs acute and suggestive. N. Y. Ranks among the best Boer war books. Literature. 2411- 290 A. L. A. CATALOG CLASS LIST Younghusband, F. E: South Africa of to-day. 1899. 19Jcin Macmillan $2 R Letters to London Times during period of Jameson raid. N. Y. 916.9 .Madagascar Keller., Konrad. Madagascar, Mauritius and the other East-African islands. 1901. 24 Jem Sonnenschein 7/6 Tr. by H. A. Nesbitt. Principal authorities consulted, p. 239. Best summary down to 1898. Geog. j. 917 America Carpenter, F. G: Carpenter's geographical reader; North America. 1898. 19cm Amer. bk. co. 60c Y Published also under title, Travels through North America with the children. 1898. Coe, F. E. Our American neighbors; ed. byLar- kinDunton. 1891. 19cm (World & its people) Silver 60c n Y Interesting description of Canada, Mexico, Central and South America. Pittsburg. Explorers. 1902. loicm (Little masterpieces of sci. ) Doubleday 50c Herbertson, M^rs F. L. D. (Richardson) North America, ed. by A. J. Herbertson. 1901. 18cm (Descr. geog. from original sources) Macmillan 75c n Bibliography, p. 237-45. Shaler, N. S. Story of our continent; a reader in the geography and geology of North Amer- ica, for schools. 1892. 19cm Ginn $1 Y May well attract mature readers, and bring to their attention the correlation of many topics too generally considered apart. L. A. H. Strange lands near home. 1902. 18cm (Youths' companion ser. geog. readers) Ginn 25c Y Extracts from papers in the Youth' s companion, some by well-known writers. All relate to western hemis- phere. Ration, 75: 421. Tarr, R. S. , & McMurry, F. M. North America; with an especially full treatment of the United States and its dependencies. 1900. 19cm (Tarr and McMurry geog.) Macmillan 75c n Y See note under their Home geography, 910. 917.1 Canada. British America Baedeker, Karl. Dominion of Canada, with i Newfoundland, and an excursion to Alaska; handbook for travellers. 2d ed. 1900. 16cm Scribner $1.50 n Dawson, S: E: Canada and Newfoundland. 1897. 20cm (Stanford's compend. of geog.) Scribner $5.50 n Well proportioned, trustworthy and useful handbook. Literature, 2: 256. Garland, Hamlin. The trail of the goldseekers; a record of travel in prose and verse. 1899. 19$cm Macmillan $1.50 The trail is viewed from the standpoint of the man seeking the association of strange types and the freshness of untried experiences. Literature (B) Greenough, W: P. Canadian folk-life and folk- V lore. 1897. 22cm Richmond $1.50 A compound of anecdote, of observation and of shrewd or amusing reflection. Object to depict the French Cana- dian as he lives and occupies himself in modern days. Nation, 67: 338. Morley , M. W. Down north and up along. 1900. 20cm Dodd $1.50 Fresh and exhilerating account of summer jaunt in Nova Scotia and Cape Breton Island. Dial (B) Ralph, Julian. On Canada's frontier. 1892. * 23cm Harper $2.50 Illus. by Frederic Remington. Sketches of history, sport and adventure and of the In- dians, missionaries, fur traders and newer settlers of western Canada. Title. Warner, C: D. Baddeck, and that sort of thing. 1874. 15cm Houghton $1 An excursion to Cape Breton. Sargent. White, S. E: The forest. 1903. 22cm Outlook $1.50 n Canadian country north of Lake Superior, at every season, from standpoint of hunter, fisherman, of lovers by moonlight, of collectors of leaves and blossoms, of the woodman, etc. Pub. u'kly. Whitney, Caspar. On snow-shoes to the barren grounds. 1896. 23cm Harper $3.50 2,800 miles after musk oxen and wood bison. Title. Wilcox, W. D. The Rockies of Canada; rev. ^ and enl. ed. of Camping in the Canadian Rock- ies, with illus. fr. original photographs by the author. 1900. 25cm Putnam $4 n 917.2 Mexico Knox, T: W. Boy travellers in Mexico; adven- tures of two youths in a journey to northern and central Mexico, Campeachey and Yucatan. 1890. 23 x 17cm Harper $2 Y Social and political history, resources, manner* and customs, in story form. N. Y. Lummis, C: F. The awakening of a nation: r Mexico of to-dav- 1898. 21cm Harper $2.50 Enthusiastic view of modern Mexico and its recent political, material and intellectual progress written from intimate acquaintance. Partly published in Harper's magazine. N. Y. HISTORY GEOGRAPHY AND TRAVEL (AMERICA) 291 Romero, Matias. Mexico and the United States. 1898. 25Jcm Putnam $4.50 Cyclopedic volume on Mexico, treating of ethnologic, natural and political history, resources, sociologic con- ditions, religion and education, public works, financial and commercial statistics, etc. the silver standard and / the Pan-American conference. N. Y. Schwatka, Frederick. In the land of cave and cliff dwellers. New ed. 1899. 19Jcm Educ. pub. co. $1.25 Y Account of two expeditions, in 1889 and 1890, during which Lieut. Schwatka studied the Tarahumari Indians in the northern Mexican Sierra Madre. Buffalo. x' Smith, F. H. White umbrella in Mexico; illus. by the author. 1889. ISJcm Houghton $1.50 The grace of these artistic travels lies in freedom from fixed plan and grasping of instantaneous impressions. CHffe Wright, Mrs Marie (Robinson) Picturesque Mexico. 1897. 32 x 26cm Lippincott subs. $7.50 Description of country as seen by two enthusiastic women, traveling under official guidance, with every facility for seeing it at its best. L. A. H. 917.28 Central America Pike, W. M. Through the subarctic forest; a record of a canoe journey from Fort Wrangel to the Pelly lakes, and down the Yukon river to the Behring sea. 1896. 23cm E. Arnold 16/ 'A rough description of what happened in a long jour- ney through a good game country.' The general reader will find a great deal of valuable information in this really charming book. C'anad. m. (B) Thompson, A. B. Gold-seeking on the Dalton trail. 1902. 21cm Little $1.50 Y Two boys' summer in Alaska. Full of genuine adventure, information and interest. N. Y. ' ' 9 IK South America Alcock, Frederick. Trade and travel in South America. 1903. 22cm Philip 12/6 Extremely valuable book for merchant, ordinary trav- eler and reader. Geog. j. Carpenter, F. G: Carpenter's geographical' reader; South America. 1899. 19cm Amer. bk. co. 60c Y City and village life, mining, sheep-raising, coffee- growing industries and the wonders of tropic flora and fauna. Pittsburg. South America, social, industrial and political; a -25,000 mile journey in search of information. 1900. 26cm Saalfield $3 Vast amount of information concerning ways of living in southern hemisphere. Profusion of process illustra- tions gives almost a panorama of South American life. Nation, 71: 428. Child, Theodore. Spanish-American republics. 1891. 28cm Harper $3.50 E Travel in 1890-91 in Chili, Peru, Argentina, Para- guay, Uruguay, across Andes and along southern coasts. Observes social and economic conditions as well as nature. X. Y. Curtis, W: E. Capitals of Spanish America. 1888. 23cm P E Harper $3.50 Ford, I: N. Tropical America. 1893. 21cm Scribner $2 Briefly sketches chief characteristics of the countries. Valuable contribution to contemporary history by a man of the world who sees what passes round him and notes it down in direct and forcible language. Spec. 70: 831.' Fountain, Paul. Great mountains and forests of South America. 1902. 23cm Longmans $4 P R Sequel to the Great deserts and forests of Korth America. Introd. Word pictures of natural scenes and bird and animal life in Andes and great forest of Brazil. Ed. sel. Herbertson, 3/rs F.. L.. D. (Richardson) Central and South America, with the West Indies; ed. by A. J. Herbertson. 1902. 18cm (Descr. geog. from original sources) Macmillan 70c n Bibliography, p. 228-34. Keane, A: H: Central and South America; ed. by Sir Clements Markham. 2 v. 1901. 20cm (Stanford's compend. of geog. ) Lippincott $5.50 n ea Title of v. 2, Central America and West Indies. Gives latest discoveries in geography, archeology, natural history and anthropology and recent political changes. Acad. 60: 532. Knox, T: W. Boy travellers in South America. 1886. 23x1 7cm Harper $2 Y Adventures of two youths through Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia, Brazil, Paraguay, Argentina and Chile. Title. HISTORY GEOGRAPHY AND TRAVEL (SOUTH AMERICA) 297 V Markwick, W: F. , & Smith, W: A. The South American republics. 1901. 19cm (World & its people) Y Silver 60c n Vincent, Frank. Around and about South America. 5th ed. 1895. 23cm Appleton $5 R i? Narrative of 20 months' circumnavigation of South America. Lit. world. 918.1 Brazil Agassiz, Louis & Mrs E.. Cabot (Cary) Journey in Brazil. 1895. 20Jcm Houghton $2.50 A fascinating account of nature and man in South Brazil and on the Amazon in 1865 and 1866. H. R. Mill (B) v Santa- Anna Nery, F. J. de. Land of the Ama- zons; tr. by George Humphery. 1901. 22cm Dutton $4 n The most notable contribution to the literature of the Amazon published in recent years [1901] Nation, 73: 280. 918.2 Argentina. Patagonia Conway, Sir W: M. Aconcagua and Tierra del Fuego; a book of climbing, travel and explora- tion. 1902. 22cm Cassell 12/6 n Interesting and well illustrated. Ed. sel. 1 Prichard, H. V. Hesketh- Through the heart of Patagonia; illus. by J: G. Millais. 1902. 27Jcm Appleton $5.50 n Sympathetic researches of an observant and intelligent traveler, agreeably written. Oeog.j. 918.3 Cblle V Smith, W: A. Temperate Chile; a progressive Spain. 1899. 23cm Macmillan $3.50 . 918.4 Bolivia Conway, Sir W: M. Bolivian Andes; a record of climbing and exploration in the Cordillera Real in the years 1898 and 1900. 1901. 22cm Harper $3 u Bibliography, p. 398-400. 918.6 Colombia -/ Scruggs, "W: L. Colombian and Venezuelan republics, with notes on other parts of Central and South America. 1901. 21cm Little $1.75 R Written after 25 years' residence. Ed. sel. Whymper, Edward. Travels amongst the great Andes of the equator. 1892. 24cm Scribner $2.50 A most valuable record of travel. The number of plates and illustrations make it also of special value as a scien- tific record. Includes extensive investigations on moun- tain sickness. Science, 19: 177. See also Public documents list. 918.7 Venezuela Curtis, W: E. Venezuela; a land where it's always summer. 1896. 19cm E P Harper $1.25 Perez Triana, S. Down the Orinoco in a canoe, with introd. by R. B. C. Graham. 1902. 20cm P Crowell $1.25 918.9 Paraguay. Uruguay Bourgade la Dardye, E. de. Paraguay: the land and the people, natural wealth and com- mercial capabilities. Ed. by E. G. Ravenstein. 1892. 20cm Philip 7/6 Crawford, Robert. South American sketches, f 1898. 20cm Longmans $2 V 919 Oceanica and polar regions Banks, M. B. Heroes of the South seas. 1896. 19cm Amer. tract soc. $1.25 Becke, Louis. Wild life in southern seas. 1898. 21cm New Amsterdam $1.50 Colquhoun . A. R. Mastery of the Pacific. 1902. 23$cm Macmillan $4 n P B, Surveys history, present conditions, and probabil- ities of ultimate control by each of the leading nations. Based on wide observation. Maps and illustrations. N.Y. Guillemard, F. H: H. Malaysia and the Pacific archipelagoes. 1894. 20cm (Stanford's com- pend. of geog. ) Lippincott $5.50 n Ed. and greatly extended from A. R. Wallace's Austral- asia. Title. Herbertson, Mrs F.. L.. D. (Richardson) Australia and Oceania; ed. by A. J. Herbertson. 1903. 18cm (Descr. geog. from original sources) Macmillan 70c Bibliography, p. 208-16. Kiiox, T: W. Boy travellers in Australasia. 1889. 23x1 7cm Harper $2 T Adventures of two youths in a journey to the Sand- wich, Marquesas, Society, Samoan and Feejee islands. Title. Shoemaker, M. M. Islands of the southern seas. 1898. 21cm Putnam $2.25 Passing notes by a sympathetic and observant traveler . of a journey in Hawaii, Australasia and Java. Ath. (B) 919.1 Malaysia Wallace, A. R. Malay archipelago; a narrative of travel, with studies of man and nature. 1898. 20cm Macmillan $2 A model work of scientific travel. It was revised by the author in 1890 and references to recent travelers added. The journeys took place in 1854 and 1862. H. R. Mill (B) I/ V V 918 298 A. L. A. CATALOGCLASS LIST Philippine* Worcester, D. C. Philippine islands and their people. 1898. 24cm Macmillan $2.50 Record of personal observation and experience, with a hhort summary of the more important facts in the history of the archipelago. Title. V Younghushand, G: J: Philippines and round about. 1899. 23cm Macmillan $2.50 The impressions of a widely traveled, wide-awake and straightforward Englishman. Dial (B) See also Public documents list. 919.2 Sunda: Sumatra, Java Scidmore, E. B. Java, the garden of the East. 1897. 19Jcm Century $1.50 919.3 Australasia Lloyd, H: D. Newest England, notes of a dem- ocratic traveller in New Zealand, with some Australian comparisons. 1903. 2l2cm Doubleday $2.50 Describes from personal study New Zealand's experi- ments in social improvement, the public trustee, state insurance, railways and telegraphs, revised tav and land tenure systems, compulsory arbitration, ol.l r.ge pensions, etc. Optimistic and suggestive. N. Y. Maning, F: E: Old New Zealand, a tale of the good old times. 1900. 20cm Macmillan 6/ The war in the north originally issued separately. Old New Zealand first published at London in 1863. History of the war in the north against the chief Heke, in the year 1845, told by an old chief of the Ngapuhi tribe: by a pakeha Maori; with introd. by the late earl of Pembroke and Montgomery. Title. Paton, Mrs Margaret (Whitecross) Letters and sketches from the New Hebrides; ed. by Jas. Paton. 4th ed. 1896. 21cm Armstrong $1.75 919.4 Australia v Taunton, Henry. Australind; wanderings in Western Australia and the Malay East. 1903. 21 Jem Longmans $4 R P Reminiscences covering the seventies and eighties, first of bush life, later of pearl fishery. Ath. '04, 1: 11. V Wallace, A. B. Australia and New Zealand. 1893. 20cm (Stanford's compend. of geog. ) Lippincott $5.50 n Whitmarsh, H. P. The world's rough hand; toil and adventure at the antipodes. 1898. 20cm Century $1.25 919.5 New Guinea \/ Macgregor, Sir William. British New Guinea: country and people. 1897. 22cm Murray 4/ V Webster, Herbert Cayley- Through New Guinea and the cannibal countries. 1898. 24cm Stokes $5 ,V 919.6 Polynesia Cumming, C. F. Gordon- At home in Fiji. 2d ed. 1886. 20Jcm Armstrong $1.25 Melville, Herman. Typee; life in the South seas, ed. with introd. by W. P. Trent. 1902. 20cm (Heath's home & school class.) Heath 45c n Romantic and descriptive tales of life and adventure among the Pacific isles, mixtures of personal experiences of residence among the cannibals of the Marquesas islands and of fiction. Vivid pictures of nautical life, of fights with savages, escapes and scenery. Baker. Stevenson, B. L: In the South seas. 1896. 19Jcm Scribner $1.50 Account of experiences and observations in the Mar- quesas, Paumotus, and Gilbert islands, 1888, 1889. Title. Stoddard, C: W. South-sea idyls. 1892. ISJcm Scribner $1.50 17 tales of various islands in the Pacific. Whitney, Caspar. Hawaiian America. 1899. * 21cm Harper $2.50 Something of its history, resources and prospects. Title. 919.8 Arctic regions Greely, A. W. Three years of Arctic service; \ an account of the Lady Franklin Bay expedi- tion of 1881-84 and the attainment of the far- thest north. 1894. 22cm Scribner $5 Jackson, F: G: A thousand days in the Arctic; with pref. by Admiral Sir F. L. McClintock. 1899. 23cm Harper $6 Account of exploration of Franz Josef land. Illus- trated. Ed. sel. Melville, G: W. In the Lena delta; ed. by Mel- ville Philips. 1885. 22cm Houghton $2.50 Narrative of search for Lt.-Com. De Long of the Jean- nette and of the Greely relief expedition; maps. N. Y. Nansen, Fridtjof. Farthest north. Popular ed. 1898. 22cm Harper $4 Record of a voyage of exploration of the ship ' ' Fram " 1893-96, and of a 15 months' sleigh journey by Dr Nan- sen and 'Lieut. Johansen; with an appendix by Otto Sverdrup. Title. This unrivaled book of arctic travel is totally unlike all others, both in forethought in the plan of the expedition and complete success in carrying it out. H. R. Mill (B) Peary, Mrs Josephine (Diebitsch) Children of the Arctic, by the Snow baby and her mother. 1903. 26 x 20cm Stokes $1.20 n Y Story of a year spent with icebergs and great ice fields, glaciers, polar bears, and Eskimo children by the 'Snow baby' when 4 years old. Profusely illustrated from photographs taken by Commander and Mrs Peary. N. Y. v HISTORY GEOGRAPHY AND TRAVEL (AUSTRALASIA) 299 V Peary, Mrs Josephine (Diebitsch) My Arctic journal. 1893. 21cm Contemporary pub. co. $2 R P A year among ice fields and Eskimos, with an ac- count of the great white journey across Greenland. Title. The Snow baby ; a true story with true pic- tures. 1901. 26 x 20cm Stokes $1.30 n Y True story of the little American Marie Peary, born in Greenland. Many pictures. N. Y. Peary, R. E: Northward over the "great ice"; a narrative of life and work along the shores and upon the interior ice-cap of northern Greenland in the years 1886 and 1891-1897. 2 v. 1898. 23cm Stokes $5 n Schwatka, Frederick. Children of the cold. Newed. 1902. 20cm Educ. pub. co. $1.25 Y Description of the habits, homes andplaysof Eskimo children by one who lived among them for two years. Wis. 919.9 Antarctic regions Cook, F: A. Through the first Antarctic night, 1898-1899. New ed. 1900. 23Jcm Doubleday $2 n Narrative of voyage of the "Belgica" among newly discovered lauds and over an unknown sea about the South pole. Title. 92O Biography Collective Appletons' cyclopaedia of American biography, ed. by J. G. Wilson and John Fiske. Rev. ed. ]/ 6 v. 1900. 26cm Appleton $30 Rf v. 1-5 each have supplement; v. 6, an A-Z supple- ment and subject index to the 6 v. Over 20,000 short biographies, chiefly of U. S. citizens. Other parts of both Americas are represented and resi- dents of foreign birth included. L. A. H. Bolton, Mrs Sarah (Knowles) Famous leaders among men. 1894. 19cm Crowell $1.50 Y Contents: Napoleon Bonaparte; Horatio Nelson: John Bunyan'; Thomas Arnold; Wendell Phillips; Henry Ward Beecher; Charles Kingsley; W: T. Sherman; C: H. Spurgeon; Phillips Brooks. Lives of poor boys who became famous. 1885. 18Jcm Crowell $1.50 Y Inspiring examples of boys who achieved success in spite of obstacles. Scribner. Brooks, E. S. Historic Americans. 1899. 20cm Crowell $1.50 Y in each case author seizes a pivotal event to illus- trate ' the chief characteristic or impulse that led each man along the way of patriotism/ N. Y. Bryce, James. Studies in contemporary biog- v raphy. 1903. 23cm Macmillan $3 n Beaconsfield, Dean Stanley, Anthony Trollope, J: R: Green, Parnell, Gladstone, E. L. Godkin, E: A: Freeman, Cardinal Manning, Lord Acton and 10 other character estimates. N. Y. Dictionary of national biography; ed. by Leslie Stephen and Sidney Lee. 66 v. 1885-1901. 24cm Macmillan $5 n ea Rf v. 4-21 ed. by Leslie Stephen; v. 22-26, by Leslie Stephen and Sidney Lee; v. 27-63 and Supplement, 3 v. by Sidney Lee. Index and epitome; ed. by Sidney Lee. 1903. 24Jcm Macmillan $6.25 n Rf Summary of Dictionary, every person entered there receiving here about one-fourteenth of original space. 30,378 articles, 3,474 cross references. Specially valuable to libraries unable to buy complete work, for authorita- tive sketches and characterizations of distinguished Englishmen. N. Y. Eggleston, Edward. Stories of great Americans for little Americans. 1895. 19cm (Eclec. school readings) Y Amer. bk. co 40c Hale, E: E. Boys' heroes. 1885. 18cm Lothrop $1 Y Contents: Hector; Horatius Codes; Alexander the Great; Hannibal; King Arthur; Richard the Lion Hearted; Bayard; Robinson Crusoe; Israel Putnam; Lafayette; Napoleon the First; Ralph Allestree. Harrison, Frederic, ed. New calendar of great men. 1892. 20crn Macmillan $2.25 n Biographies of the 558 worthies of all ages and nations in the positivist calendar of Auguste Comte. Title. Higginson, T: W. Contemporaries. 1900. 19cm , Houghton $2 Contents: R.W.Emerson; A.B.Alcott; Theodore Parker; J: G. Whittier; Walt Whitman; Sidney Lanier; An evening ^/ with Mrs Hawthorne; Lydia Maria Child; Helen Jackson ("H. H."); John Holmes; Thaddeus William Harris; A visit to John Brown's household in 1859; W: L. Garrison; Wendell Phillips; Charles Sumner; Dr Howe's anti- slavery career; U. S. Grant; The eccentricities of re- formers; The road to England. McCarthy, Justin. Portraits of the sixties. 1903. 22Jcm Harper $2 n Dickens, Thackeray, Carlyle, Tennyson, Cardinal New- man, and other notable people, drawn from personal ac- quaintance. N. Y. Martinengo-Cesaresco, E. L. H. (Carring- ton) contessa. Italian characters in the epoch of unification. New ed. 1901. 23cm I/ Scribner $2.50 n Contents: Sigismondo Castromediano; BettinoRicasoli; Luigi Settembrini, Giuseppe Martinengo; Daniele Manin; The Poerios; Constance d'Azeglio; Goffredo Mameli; Ugo Bassi; Nino Bixio; The Cairolis. Morgan, H: J. ed. Canadian men and women of the time: a handbook of Canadian biography. 1898. 19cm Ef Briggs $3 920 300 A. L. A. CATALOG CLASS LIST Mowry, W: A: & A. M. American heroes and heroism. 1903. 19icm (America's great men) Silver 60c n Y Soldiers, sailors, firemen, policemen, pioneer set- tlers,- explorers, missionaries, reformers, and men and women unknown to fame who have shown rare courage in their quiet lives. Pub. wkly. Oliphant, Mrs M. O. (Wilson) Makers of Florence; Dante, Giotto, Savonarola, and their city; illus. by Prof. Delamotte. 1897. 19cm Macmillan $2.50 Studies of Dante, Arnolfo, Giotto, Ghiberti, Donatello, Brunelleschi, Agnolo, Fra Angelico, Antonino, Savon- arola, Fra Bartolomineo, Michael Angelo. X. Y. Parton, James. Captains of industry. 2 v. 1884- 91. 18cm Houghton $1.25 ea Y Short studies of over 70 men, presenting chief points of interest in each man's career. X. Y. Price, Ii. L. Wandering heroes. 1902. 19icm (Stories of heroes) Silver 50c n Y Abraham; Joseph; Moses; Prince Siddartha; Cyrus; Khan of the silver crown (Tewfik); Clovis; Attila; Saga of the land of grapes; Godwin and Knut. Quincy, Josiah. Figures of the past from the leaves of old journals. 1883. 18$cm Little $1.50 Political and social reminiscence 1820-45. Includes ac- counts of John Adams in old age, visits of Lafayette and Jackson to Boston, life in Washington in 1826, Harvard in 1820. X. Y. Sichel, E. H. Women and men of the French renaissance. 1902. 23cm Lippincott $3.50 n V Bibliographies, p. 13-15. Personal life of some early 16th century characters, touching only incidentally political or military events. Pittsburg. Smith. Sir William. Classical dictionary of Greek and Roman biography, mythology and geography; rev. and in part rewritten by G. E. Marindin. 1894. 23cm Kf Appleton $6 Sparks, Jared, ed. American biography. 12 v. 1902. 19cm Harper subs. $12.50 Contents: v. 1, Jonathan Edwards, v. 2, William Eaton, \J v. 3, Benedict Arnold, v. 4, Capt. John Smith, v. 5, John Stark; William Pinkney. v. 6, Anthony Wayne; Henry Hudson; Pere Marquette. v. 7, Charles Brockden Brown; Lucretia Maria Davidson; Sebastian Cabot, v. 8, Israel Putnam; Baron Steuben. v. 9, Ethan Allen; William El- lery. v.10, Sir William Phips; Joseph Warren, v. 11, Cot- ton Mather; Richard Montgomery, v. 12, David Ritten- house; Robert Fulton. Biographic essays still of great interest. L. A. H. Thayer, W: K. Throne-makers. 1899. 19cm. Houghton $1.50 Studies of four 'throne-makers'Bismarck, Xapoleon in, Kossuth, Garibaldi and of Carlyle, Tintoret, Bruno and Bryant. X. Y. Thomas, Joseph. Universal pronouncing dic- tionary of biography and mythology; 3d ed. and brought up to 1901. 2 v. 1901. 27Jcm Lippincott subs. $15 Kf Gives pronounciation of names, sketches of lives and bibliographic references. Appendix of leading Eng- lish Christian names, with equivalents in European lan- guages. Kroeger. Who's who. Latest vol. 18cm Macmillan $1.50 n R Compact annual biographic dictionary of prominent living English men and women. Includes a few Ameri- cans. X. Y. Who's who in America; established 1899 by A. N. Marquis, ed. by J: W. Leonard. Latest vol. 20cm Marquis $3.50 n Rf Compact biographic dictionary of prominent men and women now living in the United States, with some Canadians. Frequently revised. N. Y. Yong-e, C. . M. . Book of golden deeds of all times and all lands. 1881. 16 Jem (Golden treas. ser.) Macmillan $1 Y Stirring accounts of courageous deeds performed in fulfilment of duty. Based on careful study of authorities and with but little fictitious development. Latest event 1864. X. Y. Individual Blowitz, H. G. S. A. O. de Memoirs. 1903. 23cm Doubleday $3 n Xaive recital of experiences of a great journalist, closely related with prominent continental persons and events since Franco-Prussian war. Practical suggestions- to in- terviewers of special interest. N. Y. BRIDGMAX. Elliott, Mrs Maud (Howe ) , & Hall, Mrs F. M. (Howe) Laura Bridgman; Dr Howe's famous pupil and what he taught her; illus. by John Elliott. 1903. 20Jcm Little $1.50 n Bibliography of Laura Bridgman and the blind-deaf mutes of her time, p. 383-84. Drawn from Dr Howe's written notes and the journal and letters of the blind, deaf and dumb girl. N. Y. GREELEY. Linn, W: A. Horace Greeley. 1903. 19Jcm (Appletons' hist, lives ser. ) Appleton $1 n Sketch of founder of the Tribune, showing his attitude toward successive national events during his editorship. N. Y. Keller, Helen. Story of my life; with her let- ters (1887-1901) and a supplementary account of her education, including passages from the reports and letters of her teacher, A. M. Sulli- van. 1903. 21cm Doubleday $1.50 n Letters and experiences of this well known girl, blind and deaf from infancy. The most sincere testimony to the inherent value of her narrative is that the reader is often more engrossed V I/ / v HISTORY BIOGRAPHY 301 by the sentiment and vigor of what is said than by the peculiar condition of the writer. Dial, 34: 273. Stillman, W: J. Autobiography of a journalist. 2 v. 1901. 22cm Houghton $6 His personal friendships with Emerson, Lowell, Agassiz, Rossetti and others, and wide acquaintance with art, archeology and European affairs of last half century lend high interest. Appeared in abridged form in Atlantic, \. 85, 1900. N! Y. 92O.7 Biography of women Collective Bolton, Sarah (Knowles) Famous leaders among women. 1895. 19cm Crowell $1.50 Y Contents: Madame de Maintenon; Catharine it of Russia; Madame Le Brun; Dolly Madison: Catherine Booth, Lucy Stone; Lady Henry Somerset; Julia Ward Howe; Queen Victoria. Lives of girls who became famous. 1886. 19cm Crowell $1.50 Y Contents: Harriet BeecherStowe; Helen Hunt Jack- son; Lucretia Mott; Mary A. Livermore; Margaret Fuller Ossoli: Maria Mitchell; Louisa M. Alcott; Mary Lyon; Harriet G. Hosmer; Madame de Stael; Rosa Bonheur; Elizabeth Barrett Browning; "George Eliot"; Elizabeth Fry; Elizabeth Thompson Butler; Florence Nightingale; Lady Brassey; Baroness Burdett-Coutts; Jean Ingelow. / Sainte-Beuve, C: A. Portraits of celebrated women; tr. by H. W. Preston. 1895. IT^cm Little $1.50 Contents: Madame de S<5 vigne 1 ; Madame de La Fayette; Madame de Souza; Madame Roland; Madame de Stael; Madame de Duras; Madame de Remusat; Madame de Krudener; Madame Guizot. Individual DELANY. Fasten, George, pseud, comp. Mrs Delany (Mary Granville) a memoir, 1700-1788. 1900. 21cm Dutton $3 Fox, Caroline. Memories of old friends; extracts from the journals and letters of Caroline Fox, of Penjerrick, Cornwall, from 1835 to 1871; ed. by H. N. Pytn. 1882. 20cm Lippincott $1.50 Charming pictures of notable Englishmen: Mill, Carlylc, Hartley Coleridge, John Sterling and others. Ed. sel. J Lespinasse, J. J. E\ de. Letters, with notes on her life and character by d'Alembert, Marmon- tel, de Guibert, etc. and an introd. by C.-A. Sainte-Beuve; tr. by K. P. Wormeley. 1902. 23cm Hardy subs. $6 Best French letters of century. Saintsbury. SCHUYLER. Humphreys, M.. G. Catherine Schuyler. 1897. 18cm (Women of colonial & revolutionary times) Scribner $1.25 Catherine Van Rensselaer, wife of Gen. Philip Schuyler. Describes Dutch colonial life and society of revolutionary period in Albany. N. Y. Smith, Mrs Elizabeth (Grant) Memoirs cf a Highland lady; the autobiography of Elizabeth Grant of Rothiemurchus, afterwards Mrs Smith of'Baltiboys, 1797-1830, ed. by Lady Strachey. 1898. 22 Jem Longmans $3.50 Waddington, Mme M.. A. (King) Letters of a diplomat's wife, 1883-1900. 1903. 22cm Scribner $2.50 n The American born wife of the French ambassador at Moscow and London gives vivid impressions of historic personages and scenes in informal family letters. Illus- trated. N. Y. Winslow, A.. G. Diary; ed. by Alice Morse , Earle. 1894. 20cm Houghton $1.25 Y Journal of a little Boston school girl, supplemented by editor's notes. Entertaining picture of domestic life in Boston a century ago. N. Y. "Wister, Sarah. Sally Wister's journal, a true / narrative; being a quaker maiden's account of her experiences with officers of the continental army, 1777-1778; ed. by A. C. Myers. 1902. 20cm Ferris $2 Of some value as a historical document, but more inter- esting as a picture of genuine girlhood. N. Y. WOLLSTONECRAFT. Clough, Mrs Emma (Raus- chenbusch) Study of Mary Wollstonecraft and the rights of woman. 1898. 22cm Longmans $2.50 921 Philosophy Collective Farrar, F: W: Seekers after God. 1902. 20cm Macmillan $1 Contents: Seneca; Epictetus; Marcus Aurelius. Individual ABELARD. McCabe, Joseph. Peter Aboard. 1901. 21cm Putnam $2 n \ Concerned less with the tragic romance with which Abelard's name is principally associated than with the career of the philosopher, theologian, and ascetic. Acad. 1901. , BACON. Nichol, John. Francis Bacon, his life and philosophy. 2 v. 1888-89. 17*cm (Philos. class, for Eng. readers) Lippincott 50c n ea Contents: pt. 1, Bacon's life. pt. 2, Bacon's philosophy. Chronologic list of Bacon's chief works, 2; 255-57. BRUNO. Mclntyre, J. L. Giordano Bruno. 1903. 23cm Macmillan $3.25 n Biographies and general works on Bruno, pref. p. 13-14; Works and essays on Bruno's philosophy, pref. p. 15-16. COUSIN. Simon, Jules. Victor Cousin; tr. by M. B. Anderson and E: P. Anderson. 1888. ISJcm (Great Fr. writers) McClurg $1 302 A. L. A. CATALOG CLASS LIST DESCARTES. Mahaffy, J: P. Descartes. 1896. 17icm (Philos. class, for Eng. readers) Lippincott 50c n DIDEROT. Morley, John. Diderot and the ency- clopaedists. 2 v. 1897. 18Jcm Macmillan $3 HEGEL. Caird, Edward. Hegel. 1899. 17Jcm (Philos. class, for Eng. readers) Blackwood I/; Lippincott 50c n McCosh, James. Life; a record chiefly autobio- graphical, ed. by W: M. Sloane. 1896. 22Jcm Scribner $2.50 n Bibliography, p. 269-82. MILL. Courtney, W: L. Life of John Stuart Mill. 1889. 21Jcm (Great writers) Scribner $1 Bibliography, 12pref. p. Mill, J: S. Autobiography. 21cm Holt $2 Rousseau, J. J. Confessions. 4 v. 1901. 18cm Lippincott $4 George Eliot said it was worth learning the French lan- guage to read these. Johnston. SCHOPENHAUER. Wallace, "William. Life of Arthur Schopenhauer. 1890. 22cm (Great writers) Scribner $1 Bibliography, 10 pref. p. Clear account of life, with some notice of his philoso- phy. Certain peculiarities in life and character make it read like a mixture of tragedy and comedy. Science, 16: 285. 922 Religion Collective Farrar, F: W: Lives of the fathers; sketches of church history in biography. 2 v. 1889. 23cm Macmillan $5 Mann, H. K. Lives of the popes in the early middle ages. v. 1, pt. 1. 1902. 22Jcm Herder $3 n Popes under the Lombard rule, St Gregory the Great to Leo III, 590-795. Rogers, Arthur. Men and movements in the English church. 1898. 19cm Longmans $1.50 Contents: Need of a revival; J: H: Newman; Dr Pusey; John Keble; Arnold of Rugby; Robertson of Brighton; Archbishop Tail; Dean Stanley; Samuel Wilberforce; F: D. Maurice; Charles Kingsley; Lightfoot and Church. Bibliography, p. 371-75. Tulloch, John. Luther and other leaders of the reformation. 3d ed. 1883. 19Jcm Blackwood 3/6 Contents: Luther; Calvin; Latimer; Knox. Individual BEECHER. Abbott, Lyman. Henry Ward Beecher. 1903. 20cm Houghton $1.75 n Bibliography, pref. p. 17-38. Portrays the great preacher from long acquaintance, as a man, as pastor, as reformer and as patriot. N. Y. BEZA. Baird, H: M. Theodore Beza, thecoun- . seller of the French reformation, 1519-1605. 1899. 20cm (Heroes of reformation) Putnam $1.50 Bibliography, pref. p. 17-21. BOOTH. Booth-Tucker, F: St G: de L. Life of Catherine Booth, the mother of the Salvation army. 2 v. 1892. 22 Jem Re veil $3.50 BOSSUET. Lear, Mrs H. L.. (Farrer) Bossuet and his contemporaries. Newed. 1880. 17Jcm (Christian biog. ) Longmans $1.25 Greatest of all the sacred orators of modern times. Saintsbury. BROOKS. Allen, A. V. G. Life and letters of Phillips Brooks. 3 v. 1901. 23 Jem Dutton $8 n Written by an intimate acquaintance who discerns the nature of Brooks' genius and reveals without labored analysis his real personality. N. Y. Lawrence, William, bp. Phillips Brooks; a study. 1903. ISJcm Houghton 50c n Address delivered at Trinity church on the tenth anni- versary of Bishop Brooks' death. BUSHNELL. Munger, T. T. Horace Bushnell, preacher and theologian. 1899. 20cm Houghton $2 Published writings, pref. p. 11-14. Less a biography than a critical, though .sympathetic, examination of his theologic position and teachings. Lit. world. CATHARINE OF SIENA. Pierson, A. T. Catharine of Siena, an ancient lay preacher. 1898. 16Jcm Funk 50c CHANNING. Chadwick, J: W. William Ellery Channing. 1903. 20cm Houghton $1.75 n Clarke, J. F. Autobiography, diary and corre- spondence, ed. by E: E. Hale. 1891. 20 Jem Houghton $1.50 Autobiography brings story down to 1840, after which the diary and letters carry it on. Dr Hale has supplied missing links and written a chapter on the character of the man. N. Y. DRUMMOND. Smith, G: A. Life of Henry Drum- mond. 6th ed. 1902. 20 Jem McClure $3 Authoritative life. Based on letters, journals and un- published addresses. N. Y. HISTORY BIOGRAPHY (RELIGION) 303 I/ EDWARDS. Allen, A. V. G. Jonathan Edwards. 1889. 18cm (Amer. religious leaders) Houghton $1.25 Bibliography, p. 391-93. Brings out the distinctive features of his career as a parish minister, a revival preacher and a philosophic theologian. A T . Y. observer. ERASMUS. Capey, E. F. H. Erasmus. 1903. 17 Jem Button $1 Bibliography, p. 196-220. Froude, J. A. Life and letters of Eras- mus; lectures delivered at Oxford 1 893-4. 1894. 21$cm ' Scribner $2.50 FENELON. Sanders, E. K. Fenelon, his friends and his enemies, 1G51-1715. 1901. 23Jcm Longmans $4 Fox, George. Journal; abr. by P. L. Parker with introd. by W. R. Nicoll. 1903. 19cm Isbister 3/6 n Fox's Journal is for the 17th century what Wesley's Journal is for the 18th and Newman's Apologia for the 19th. Johnston. Hodgkin, Thomas. George Fox. 1896. 19 Jem (Leaders of religion) Houghton $1 FRANCIS OF ASSISI. Le Monnier, Leon, abbe. History of S. Francis of Assisi; tr. by a Fran- ciscan tertiary, with pref. by Cardinal Vaughan. 1894. 23cm Paul 16/ Best life in English from Roman Catholic standpoint. Cath. univ. of Amer. Sabatier, Paul. Life of St Francis of Assisi; tr. by L. S. Houghton. 1894. 21 Jem Scribner $2.50 Conscientious study of sources and sympathetic narra- tion, giving an impression of the real man, consistent with himself and his surroundings. N. Y. Hale, E: E. A New England boyhood. 1893. 19Jcm Little $1.50 Y Autobiography describing a boy's life in Boston from 1826-35 and at Harvard for 4 following years. An excellent picture of Boston and vicinity at that time. N. y. HECKER. Sedgwick, H: D. Father Hecker. 1900. 14Jcm ( Beacon biog. ) Small 75c n Bibliography, p. 153-57. Excellent sketch of founderof Paulist fathers, who went into the Roman church through Brook Farm and New England transcendentalism. N. Y. HUGHES. Brann, H: A. Most Reverend John Hughes, first archbishop of New York. 1892. 18cm (Makers of Amer. ) Benziger 75c n KNOX. Brown, P: H. John Knox. 2 v. 1895. 23cm Macmillan $7.50 LEO XIII. O'Reilly, Eernard. Life of Leo xin from an authentic memoir furnished by his or- der. 2v. 1903. 23Jcm Winston $6 Written with approbation and under partial supervision of Leo xni. Loyola, Ignacio de, St Autobiography of St Ignatius; ed. by J. F. X. O'Conor. 1900. ISJcm Benziger $1.25 n LUTHEU. Jacobs, H: E. Martin Luther, the hero of the reformation, 1483-1546. 1898. 20cm (Heroes of reformation) Putnam $1.50 KOstlin, Julius. Life of Luther. 1903. 21cm Scribner $2.50 MANNING. Hutton, A. W. Cardinal Manning. 1892. 19Jcm Houghton $1 MARQUETTE. Thwaites, R. G. Father Mar- quette. 1902. 19Jcm (Appletons' life hist.) Appleton $1 n Y P Author thoroughly familiar with facts concerning Jesuit hero's services as missionary and explorer of the Mississippi. N. Y. MARTINEAU. Drummond, James. Life and let- ters of James Martineau, and a survey of his philosophical work by C. B. Upton. 2 v. 1902. 23Jcm . Dodd $8 n MATHER. Wendell, Barrett. Cotton Mather, the puritan priest. 1891. 18cm (Makers of Amer.) Dodd $1 Chiefly told through journals. N. Y MELANCHTHON. Richard, J. W: Philip Me- lanchthon, the protestant preceptor of Germany, . 1497-1560. 1898. 20cm (Heroes of reforma- tion) Putnam $1.50 MOHAMMED. Irving, Washington. Mahomet and his successors. 3v. 1902. 21cm (Knick. ed.) Putnam $1.50ea Johnstone, P. De L. H: Muhammad and his power. 1901. 19cm (World's epoch makers) Scribner $1.25 MOODY. Moody, W: R. Life of Dwight L. Moody, by his son. 1900. 25cm Revell $2.50 Authoritative but not final. N. Y. MULLANY. Smith, J: T. Brother Azarias; the life story of an American monk. 1897. 20Jcm Young $1.50 n Gives valuable insight into life of Catholic church in this country. Otttl. Newman, J: H: card. Apologia pro vita sua, be- ing a history of his religious opinions. New ed. 1897. 19cm Longmans $1.25 PAINE. Sedgwick, Ellery. Thomas Paine. 1899. 14 Jem (Beacon biog.) Small 75c n Bibliography, p. 149-50. I/ I/ 304 A. L. A. CATALOG CLASS LIST J PARKER. Chadwick, J: W. Theodore Parker, preacher and reformer. 1900. 20cm Houghton $2 Bibliography, pref. p. 11-20. Well proportioned outline in which the scholar, teacher, minister, heretic, theologian and antislavery leader lives before us. N. Y. PEXX. Fisher, S. G: The true William Penn. 2ded. 1900. 21cm (Trueser.) Lippincott $2 Faithful presentation of his life and strangely con- trasted circumstances in England and America. N. Y. PUSEY. Trench, M. M. F.. Story of Dr Pusey's life. 1900. 21cm Longmans $2.50 Rainsford, W: S. A preacher's story of his work. 1904. 19jcm Macmillan $1.25 n Reported as literally as possible from Dr Rainsford's own words in describing his work in his New York parish and his preceding training. N. Y. Hobertson, F: W: Life, letters, lectures and ad- dresses. 1903. 20Jcm Harper $2 Contents: Life and letters, ed. by S. A. Brooke; Exposi- tory lectures on St Paul's Epistles to the Corinthians; Lectures and addresses on literary and social topics. Jerome Savonarola. Marlier $1 n SAVONAROLA. O'Neil, J. "L: 1898. 19cm Bibliography, p. 222-32. Snort summary strongly supporting Savonarola's ortho- doxy and opposing those who consider him a rebel against the pope's authority. Approved by author's ecclesiastical superiors. Pittsburg. Villari, Pasquale. Life and times of Girolamo Savonarola; tr. by Linda Villari. 1899. 21 Jem Scribner $2.50 STANLEY. Prothero, B. E. Life and correspond, ence of Arthur Penrhyn Stanley; with the co- operation of G. G. Bradley. 2 v. 1894. 24cm Scribner $8 First 7 chapters based on the work of Dean Bradley. SWEDENBORG. Worcester, Benjamin. Life and mission of Emanuel Swedenborg. 5th ed. 1901. I9Jcm Little $2 Writings of Swedenborg, p. 444-52. Biographies of Swe- denborg. p. 454-56. THERESA OF AVILA. Oilman, Mrs M.. B,.. (Fos- ter) Saint Theresa of Avila. 1889. 17cm (Famous women) Little $1 VERBECK. Griffis, W: E. Verbeck of Japan; a citizen of no country. 1900. 20Jcm Revell $1.50 Dutch by birth, American by later education and influ- ences, deeply studious of Japanese literature, this earnest missionary exercised strong influence on Japanese insti- tutions and thought. X. Y. VINCENT DE PACL. Bougaud, Emile. History of St Vincent de Paul, founder of the Congrega- tion of the mission ( Vincentians) and of the Sisters of charity; tr. fr. 2d French ed. by Joseph Brady; with introd. by the cardinal archbishop of Westminster. 2 v. 1899. 23cm Longmans $6 "Wesley, John. Heart of John Wesley's Jour- nal; with introd. by H. P. Hughes, and an ap- preciation by Augustine Birrell, ed. by P. L. Parker. Wesley bi-centenary ed. 1903. 21 Jem Re veil $1.50 n P Condensation of the Journal, hitherto published in 4 volumes. Whipple, H: B: bp. Lights and shadows of a long episcopate; reminiscences and recollections of the bishop of Minnesota. 1902. 23cm Macmillan $2.50 n WHITEFIELD. Gledstone, J. P. George White- field. 2ded. 1901. 21cm Arner. tract soc: $1.25 WICLIF. Sergeant, Lewis. John Wyclif. 1893. 20cm (Heroes of nations) Putnam $1.50 Picture of John Wyclif as an Oxford schoolman, and of the schoolmen in general as pioneers of the reformation of religion and the revival of learning. Pref. WILLIAMS. Straus, O. S. Roger Williams, the pioneer of religious liberty. 1894. 20cm Century $1.25 Based on contemporaneous documents and calmly ju- dicial in spirit, yet showing unconcealed admiration for the hero. N. Y. WISEMAN. Ward, W. P. Life and times of Car- dinal Wiseman. 2 v. 1900. 19cm Longmans $4 WOLSEY. Cavendish, George. Life of Cardinal Wolsey; to which is added Thomas Church- yard's Tragedy of Wolsey; with introd. by Henry Morley. 1885. 18em (Morley's univ. lib.) Dutton 35c n Brooks, E. S. Historic boys; their endeavors, their achievements and their times. 1903. 20cm (Knick. ser.) Putnam $1.25 Y Contents: Marcus of Rome; Brian of Munster: Olaf of Norway; William of Normandy; Baldwin of Jerusalem; Frederick of Hohenstaufen; Harry of Monmouth; Gio- vanni of Florence: Ixtlil' of Tezcuco; Louis of Bourbon; Charles of Sweden; Van Rensselaerof Rensselaerswyck. , / / Creighton, Mandell, bp. of London. Cardinal Wolsey. 1888. 18cm (Twelve Eng. statesmen) Macmillan 75c 923 Sociology HISTORY BIOGRAPHY (SOCIOLOGY) 305 Brooks, E. S. Historic girls; stories of girls who O FREDERICK II THE GREAT, of Prussia. Carlyle, have influenced the history of their times. Thomas. History of Friedrich n of Prussia, 1904. 20cm (Knick. ser.) Putnam $1.25 called Frederick the Great. Centenary ed. 8 v. Y Contents: Zenobia of Palmyra; Helena of Britain; 1900. 21cm Scribner $1.25 ea Pulcheria of Constantinople; Clotilda of Burgundy; Woo Ed. with introd. by H: D. Traill. of Hwang- Ho; Edith of Scotland; Jacqueline of Holland; Founded on exhaustive study and careful observation. Catarina of Venice; Theresa of Avila; Elizabeth of Tudor; One of the most remarkab i e books in the English Ian- Christina of Sweden; Ma-ta-oka of Pow-ha-tan. guage. Adams. CHIEF RULERS O GusTAVus AooLPHUs. Fletcher, C: B. L. Gus- .^^ tavus Adolphus and the struggle of Protestant- 3 ALEXANDER. Wheeler, B: I. Alexander the . , . , , ,, . , ,,.. , . ism for existence. 1890. 20cm (Heroes of Great; the merging of the East and West in . . , nations) Putnam $l.oO universal history. 1900. 19 Jem (Heroes of , . x T. , a>-, -n Shows the part Sweden played in the reformation and natl ns ) Putnam $Lo0 the 30 years' war. Sargent 2. Story of Alexander's aims and achievements with con- r\TT r . r f -^ TIT--M j. -n -n siderable detail and admirable clearness. Nation. HENRY IV o/ Franc*. Wrilert, P. F. Henry of See also Hogarth's Philip and Alexander of Macedon Navarre and the Huguenots m France. 1893. under PHILIP. , 19Jcm (Heroes of nations) Putnam $1.50 O AUGUSTUS. Firth, J: B: Augustus Caesar and \/ISABELLA D'ESTE. Ady, Mrs Julia ( Cartwright) the organisation of the empire of Rome. 1903. Isabella d'Este, marchioness of Mantua, 1474- 20cm (Heroes of nations) Putnam $1.35 n 1539; a study of the renaissance. 2 v. 1903. \f BEATRICE D'ESTE. Ady , Mrs Julia ( Cartwright ) 23cm Dutton $7.50. n Beatrice d'Este, duchess of Milan, 1475-1497; a List of chief authorities on life and times of Isabella study of the" renaissance. 3d ed. 1903. 21 Jem d'Este, v. l, pref. P . 12-16. T^ , a. n Gives a wide view of the history of the time. Spec- Dutton $6 . . Bibliography, pref. i>. 9-11. ^ CAESAR. Fowler, W: W. Julius Caesar, and the O JULIAN, Emperor of Rome. Gardner, Alice, foundation of the Roman imperial system. Julian, philosopher and emperor, and the last 1892. 19Jcm (Heroes of nations) struggle of paganism against Christianity. 1895. Putnam $1.50 19Jcm (Heroes of nations) Putnam $1.50 Embodies results of recent investigations and preserves pLoujg jx o f France. Joinville, Jean, sire de. an excellent perspective in estimating Caesar's character . , , ,,.. , , T and influence. N. Y. Samt Louis ' Kin S of Fr ance; tr. by James Hut- __ , T . .-, ton. 1901. 15 Jem Scribner $1 Froude, J. A. Caesar; a sketch. 1879. lq \ M- j A i A t -\/i j 100-7^- Cromwell, Oliver. Philip and Alexander ot Macedon. 189 /. 22Jcm Scribner $2.50 PHILIP II, AUGUSTUS, of France. Hutton, W: H. Philip Augustus. 1896. 19cm (For. states- men) Macmillan 75c PHILIP II of Spain. Hume, M. A. S. Philip n of Spain. 1897. 19cm (For. statesmen) Macmillan 75c List of some of the printed authorities, p. 265-67. ROBERT I of Scotland. Maxwell, Sir H. E. Robert the Bruce and the struggle for Scottish independence. 1897. 19Jcm (Heroes of na- tions) Putnam $1.50 SALADIN. Poole, Stanley Lane- Saladin, and V the fall of the kingdom of Jerusalem. 1898. 20cm (Heroes o.f nations) Putnam $1.50 Principal authorities, pref. p. 15. WILLIAM I, prince of Orange. Putnam, Ruth. friends and enemies and from official docu- ments. 2 v. 1895. 20 Jem Putnam $3.75 Bibliography, 2: 459-62. Collective Oliphant, Mrs M. O. (Wilson) Historical char- acters of the reign of Queen Anne. 1894. 27cm Century $6 Contents: The Princess Anne; The queen and the duch- ess; The author of "Gulliver;" The author of "Robinson Crusoe;" Addison, the humorist. Strickland, Agnes. Lives of the queens of England, from the Norman conquest. 6 v. 1893-99. ISJcm (Bohn's hist, lib.) Macmillan $1.50nea v. 1, rev. ed. From Matilda of Flanders to the wives of Henry vm. Sargent. Individual ALFRED THE GREAT. Besant, Sir Walter. Story of King Alfred. 1901. ISJcm (Lib. of useful stories) Ap t pleton 35c n P Best brief history of career of Alfred the Great and position of England in 9th century. Ath. Plummer, Charles. Life and times of Alfred the Great. 1902. 20cm (Ford lect.) Clarendon $1.75 R S Appendix: Sermon on the death of Queen Victoria. Bibliography, pref. p. 10-11. Tells everything known about Alfred, with abundant references to previous discussions of debatable matters and acute comments on all points of controversy. Nation, 75: 160. Letters and speeches; with elucidations [by Carlyle; ed. with introd. by H:D. Traill] 4v. 1899-1900. 21cm (Works of Thomas Carlyle, Centenary ed. ) Scribner $1.25 ea Firth, C: H. Oliver Cromwell and the rule of the puritans in England. 1900. 19Jcm (Heroes of nations) Putnam $1.50 Expansion of article in Dictionary of national biography. He has explained more clearly than any of his prede- cessors the true relations between Cromwell and his parliaments. Nation. _ Gardiner, S:R. 19Jcm Morley, John. Oliver Cromwell. 1901. Longmans $1.50 n Oliver Cromwell. 1900. Century $3.50 21Jcm Interest less in narrative .of Cromwell's career than in commentary on its critical phases and on political prob- lems. Spec. William the Silent, prince of Orange; story of O EDWARD I. Jenks, Edward. 'Edward Plantag- his life from his own letters, from those of his enet (Edward i) the English Justinian; or, HISTORY BIOGRAPHY (CHIEF RULERS) 307 The making of the common law. 1902. 20cm (Heroes of nations) Putnam $1.35 n List of authorities, p. 349-51. Essay on English history in the 13th century by an / authority on medieval law. Johnston. \/ELIZABETH. Creighton, Mandell, bp. of London. Queen Elizabeth. New ed. 1899. 19cm Longmans $1.50 C>HENRY V. Kingsford, C: L. Henry v the typical mediaeval hero. 1901. 20cm (Heroes of nations) Putnam $1.35 n Principal authorities, pref. p. 29-31. Based on chronicles and documents of contemporary date, emphasizing the king's heroic qualities and his achievements as champion of unity. Pittsburg. Expansion of article in Dictionary of national biography. Johnston. O HENRY VII. Gairdner, James. Henry the Seventh. 1889. 18cm (Twelve Eng. states- men) Macmillan 75c I/JOHN. Norgate, Kate. John Lackland. 1902. 23cm Macmillan $2.75 n Follows Green's defense of John's ability. Not a white- washing; but refutes common notion of his incapacity, sloth and cowardice. Acad. A scholarly statement of the political events of the time. Johnston. V "IICHARD III. Gairdner, James. History of the life and reign of Richard the Third, to which is added the story of Perkin Warbeck; from original documents. Rev. ed. 1898. 19cm Macmillan $2.25 n y VICTORIA. Lee, Sidney. Queen Victoria. 1902. 22cm Macmillan $3 Likely to remain for a long time the standard author- ity. Nation. Expansion of article in Dictionary ofnationalbiofjraphy. WILLIAM, THE CONQUEROR. Freeman, E: A: William the Conqueror. 1894. 19cm (Twelve Eng. statesmen) Macmillan 75c United States Collective. Baldwin, James. Four great Americans . Wash- ington, Franklin, Webster, Lincoln. 1897. Y Amer. bk. co. 50c Wilson, J. G. ed. Presidents of the United States 1789-1902, by John Fiske, Carl Schurz, R. C. Winthrop, G: T. Curtis, George Bancroft, John Hay and others. 1902. 22cm Appleton $3.50 Biographic sketches, many being revisions of articles in Appletons" Cyclopxdia of biography. Set of portraits and letters by several presidents. L. A. H. Individual. Adams, John & Abigail. Familiar letters of John Adams and his wife Abigail Adams, during the revolution, with memoir of Mrs Adams. 1876. 19cm Houghton $2 Takes its place by the side of the most valuable docu- ments of our revolutionary history. Nation. - Morse, J: T. jr. John Adams. 1900. 18cm (Amer. statesmen) Houghton $1.25 Graphic portraiture and excellent study of our politics in days of Adams, of fortunes of federal party and attitude of its two hostile forces, represented by Adams and Ham- ilton. Hartford courant. ADAMS, J: Q. Morse, J: T. jr. John Quincy Adams. 18cm (Amer. statesmen) Houghton $1.25 Trustworthy in details; chief merit in its comprehension of essential character of Adams and its sympathetic inter- pretation of the man and his work. L. A. H. GRANT. Brooks, E. S. True story of U. S. Grant. 1897. 24cm (Children's lives of great men) Y Lothrop $1.50 Church, W: C. Ulysses S. Grant and the period of national preservation and reconstruc- tion. 1897. 20cm (Heroes of nations) Putnam $1.50 Relates simple facts without comment, but conveys a highly favorable impression. Gives due consideration to his civil career. N. Y. Grant, U. S. Personal memoirs. 2d ed. 2 v. 1895. 23cm Century $5 Grant's grandly simple record of his own life is a true classic. Theodore Roosevelt. Covers his life to close of civil war. L. A. H. Wister, Owen. Ulysses S. Grant. 1900. 14^cm (Beacon biog. ) Small 75c n Bibliography, p. 141-45. Strong in its contrasts. Full chronology a most attrac- tive and valuable feature. Amer. hist. r. 6: 823. JACKSON. Parton, James. General Jackson. 1893. 19cm (Great commanders) Appleton $1.50 n P Professedly deals with his military life as its prin- cipal topic but outline of his political career is distinct. Nation, 56: 427. Sumner, W: G. Andrew Jackson as a public man. 1882. 18cm (Amer. statesmen) Houghton $1.25 Books referred to, p. 387-92. Able, critical treatment of political and financial his- tory, 1824-40. L. A. H. JEFFERSON. Merwin, H: C. Thomas Jefferson, 1901. 17Jcm (Riverside biog. ser.) Houghton 75c 923 308 A. L. A. CATALOG CLASS LIST JEFFERSON. Morse, J: T./r. Thomas Jefferson. 1883. 18cm (Amer. statesmen) Houghton $1.25 Based on Randall's Life and Jefferson's Works. Over two thirds of book devoted to Jefferson's official career after 1790, his relations to Washington, Hamilton, Ran- dolph, Burr, to the Louisiana purchase, and to the em- bargo, receiving particular attention. L. A. H. LINCOLN. Brooks, E. S. True story of Abraham Lincoln. 1896. 24cm (Children's lives of great men) Lothrop $1.50 Entertaining and simple narrative for younger children. N. Y. - Brooks, Noah. Abraham Lincoln, and the downfall of American slavery. New ed. 1894. 19 Jem (Heroes of nations) Putnam $1.50 Y R Specially full on legends of Lincoln's early life in all its picturesqueness. Partly reminiscent. L. A. H. Coffin, C: C. Abraham Lincoln. 1893. 23cm Harper $2 Y R By a personal acquaintance. Fully illustrated. N. Y. Morse, J: T. jr. Abraham Lincoln. 2 v. 1893. 18cm (Amer. statesmen) Houghton $2.50 Best brief life of Lincoln. Condensed but clear. Very careful of facts, and inviting confidence. L. A. H. Nicolay, J: G: Short life of Abraham Lincoln, condensed from Nicolay and Hay's Abraham Lincoln. 1902. 21$cm Century $2.40 n So well done that no one ignorant of its relation to the larger book would suspect it of being an abridgment. Nation, 1902. & Hay, John. Abraham Lincoln. 10 v. 1890. 23Jcm Century $20 Putnam, M. L. Children's life of Abra- ham Lincoln. 1892. 18Jcm McClurg $1.25 Y Good feature is its brief expositions here and there of forms of government; best feature the copious extracts from Lincoln's speeches and addresses. Nation, 55: 357. Schurz, Carl. Abraham Lincoln. 1891. 18$cm Houghton $1 Originally published in Atlantic monthly as a review of Abraham Lincoln, a history, by Nicolay and Hay. Perhaps best sketch of character and achievements of the great president. N. Y. Tarbell, I. M. Life of Abraham Lin- coln; drawn from original sources, and contain- ing many speeches, letters and telegrams hitherto unpublished. 2v. 1900. 23Jcm Doubleday $5 P One of the best of the anecdotal lives; based on orig- inal search for new material pertaining to early life and presidential career. L. A. H. Madison, Mrs Dorothy (Payne) Memoirs and letters of Dolly Madison, ed. by her grand-niece. 1886. 18cm Houghton $1.25 Sprightly and entertaining, giving valuable accounts of important historical events. Short narrative statements by editor connect letters and explain allusions. L. A. H. MADISON, JAMES. Gay, S. H. James Madison. 1884. 18cm (Amer. statesmen) Houghton $1.25 Study of the statesman and of the political movements in which hg,took part; critical and generous. Nation. From federalist standpoint; specially full on origin of federal convention. L. A. H. VAN BUREN. Shepard, E: M. Martin Van Buren. Rev. ed. 1900. 18cm (Amer. states- men) Houghton $1.25 Places him on high plane of statesmanship, as real suc- cessor of Jefferson and his associates. Gives a new inter- pretation to both national and New York state politics of 1820-50. Chapter on crisis of 1837 of permanent general interest. L. A. H. WASHINGTON, GEORGE. Brooks, E. S. True story of George Washington. 1895. 24cm (Children's lives of great men) Y Lothrop $1.50 Ford, P. 1i. The true George Washing- ton. 10th ed. 1903. 21cm (Trueser.) Lippincott $2 Aims to make Washington "a man rather than a his- torical figure." L. A. H. Hapgood, Norman. George Washing- ton. 1901. 20cm Macmillan $1.75 n Deals mainly with Washington's life before his presi- dency, the years after 1789 being but briefly surveyed. L. A. H. Irving, Washington. Life of George Washington. 8 v. 21cm (Knick. ed. ) Putnam $1.25 ea Such charming, faithful, truthful pictures of the great hero as should carry knowledge of him, of the battles he .fought, of his large, self-denying, unswerving patriotism, of the purity of his life, into every household. D. G. Mitchell. Lodge, H: C. George Washington. 2 v. 1889. 18cm (Amer. statesmen) Houghton $1.25 ea P Written from abundant knowledge, embodies excel- lent judgment and temper, and a strong desire to be accurate. L. A. H. Scudder, H. E. George Washington. 1889. 17Jcm (Riverside lib. for young people) Houghton 60c n Y One of best of lives of Washington for young readers, and among the best of one volume lives of Washington for readers of any age. L. A. H. Seelye, Mrs Elizabeth (Eggleston) Story of Washington; with over 100 illus. by V HISTORY BIOGRAPHY (STATESMEN) 309 Allegra Eggleston, ed. with introd. by Edward " Oman, Charles. Seven Roman statesmen of Eggleston. 1893. 19icm (Delights of hist. ) the later republic: The Gracchi, Sulla, Crassus, Appleton $1.75 Cato, Pompey, Caesar. 1902. 20cm Y Gives careful attention to military and administra- Longmans $1.60 tive acts, but emphasizes personality. N. Y. Makes a trite subject not only interesting, but often new, by his insight, lively style and independence of his WASHINGTON, GEORGE. Wilson, Woodrow. judgments. Ath. George Washington; illus. by Howard Pyle. individual 1903. 19Jcm Harper $3 V BARNEVELDT. Motley, J: L. Life and death of While not ignoring the "everyday" characterof Wash- j ohn of B arneveld, advocate of Holland; with ington's services, lays less emphasis on this phase than . , , - a view of the pnmarv causes and movements of Ford does. L. A. H. the thirty years' war. 2 v. 1902. 23cm WASHINGTON, MARY. Pryor, 3/rs S. A. (Rice) Harper $4 The mother of Washington and her times. ,/_. ' ,, . -; _ A v Bismarck-SchOnhausen, O. E: L. furst von. 1903. 21cm Macmillan $2.50 n ' J Bismarck s letters to his wife from the seat of Authorities, pref. p. 15-16. ^ ls7Q _ n . tr by Armin Harder) wit .h introd. STATESMEN, ETC. by Walter Littlefield. 1903. 20cm Appleton $1 n Full of details relating chiefly to personal comforts, and Imbert de Saint- Amand, A. L. baron. Women tellin g much of his two sons who ** active P* 1 * in the of the Valois court; tr. by E.. G. Martin. 1893. 19*cm (Famous women of the Fr. court) Headlam, J. W. Bismarck and the Scribner $125 foundation of the German empire. 1899.' 19$cm (Heroes of nations) Putnam $1.50 Sketches of Marguerite of Angouleme, Catherine de Medici, Diane de Poitiers, Marie Stuart, Elizabeth of Best general survey of public hfe and character. Tells France, Jeanne d'Albret, Elizabeth of Austria, Louise de little of Personal affairs. N. Y. Vaudemont. N. Y. & CAVOUR. Martinengo-Cesaresco, E. L. H. This and the following entries on the Versailles court ( Carrington) contessa. Cavour. 1898. 20cm are examples of a long series of very popular French his- , sta tesmen^ Macmillan 75c toric studies by the same author. They have no historic value but are said to be fairly accurate and are extremely Chief authorities, p. 221-22. readable. Ed. sel. Might be used as a syllabus by any one wishing to master this most fascinating period; but it differs from Women of Versailles: the court of Louis other syllabi in being full of sparkle and interest. W. R. xiv; tr. by E,. G. Martin. 1893. 19icm (Fa- Thayer in Amer. hist. r. 14: 725. moua women of the Fr. court) Scribner $1.25 CHARLES EDWARD, THE YOUNG PRETENDER. Terry, Women of Versailles: the court of Louis C: S ' The Young Pretender. 1903. ITJcm xv; tr. by E.. G. Martin. 1893. 19icm (Fa- Blbliographic note , p . 204 _<, mous women of the Fr. court) Scribner $1.25^^ Beesly , A: H: Life of Danton. 1899. Women of Versailles: last years of Louis 23cm Longmans $2 xv; tr. by E.. G. Martin. 1893. 19cm (Fa- Deutsch, Leo. Sixteen years in Siberia; some mous women of the Fr. court) Scribner $1.25 experiences of a Russian revolutionist; tr. by !/ Lecky, W: E: H. Leaders of public opinion in Helen Chisholm. 1903. 23cm Button $4 n Ireland. New ed. 2 v. 1903. 23cm Includes particulars concerning many persons men- Lonemans $4 n tioned in Kennan's Siberia and the exile system. Pitts- burar. Contents: v. 1 Henry Flood; Henry Grattan. v. 2, V Jo inville, F. F. P. L. M. d'Orleans, prince de. Daniel O Connell. This edition lacks the sketch of Swift, but contains Memoirs (Vieux souvenirs) tr. by Lady Mary those of Henry Flood, Henry Grattan, and Daniel O'Oon- Loyd, with many illustrations from original nell, with fresh material from manuscript sources and drawings by the author. 1895. 21cm an introduction. Essay oh 6'Connell (v. 2) a masterly . T\T n rr,;iio to or; e- -r i ji-ij A i i IVldCIlillldll 3p^. ^O account of political history of Ireland during first half / , of 19th century. Johnston. ^ Kropotkin, P. A. prince. Memoirs of a revolu- ., _ _ , . tionist. 1899. 20cm Hough ton $2 v Macdowall, H. C. Henry of Guise; and other .. 100Q 01 -. .,, o TK R Published in Atlantic monthly Sep. 1898-Sep. 1899 portraits. 1898. 21cm Macmillan $2.75 n under litie The autobiography of a rMionist. Contents: Henry of Guise, Agrippa d'Aubigno, Gather- Graphic details of Russian conditions and of an event- ine of Navarre. ful life. N. Y. 923 310 A. L. A. CATALOG CLASS LIST LAFAYETTE. Brooks, E. S. True story of La- fayette; illus. by V. A. Searles. 1899. 24cm (Children's lives of great men) Y Lothrop $1.50 /' MACHIAVELLI. Villari, Pasquale. Life and times of Niccold Machiavelli; tr. by Linda Vil- lari. 1898. 21 Jem ( Popular ed.) Scribner $2.50 i MARAT. Bax, E. B. Jean-Paul Marat, the peo- ple's friend. 2d ed. 1901. 20cm Small $2.50 TALLEYRAND. Blennerhassett, C. . J.( von Ley- den) lady. Talleyrand; tr. by Frederick Clarke. 2 v. 1894. 21cm Murray 24/ List of works consulted by author, v. 1, pref. p. 21-31. Tells with skill the remarkable story of the varied for- tunes of this "last historical figure of the 18th century." Cleveland. England Collective McCarthy, Justin. 1903. 21cm British political portraits. Macmillan $1.50 n MAZARIN. Hassall, Arthur. Mazarin. 1903. 19cm (For. statesmen) Macmillan 75c MAZZINI. King, Bolton. Mazzini. 1902. 20cm (Temple biog.) Dutton $1.50 n Some unpublished letters and papers, by Mazzini, p. 343-67; bibliography of Mazzini' s writings, p. 367-73. F. MIRABEAU. Willert, P. F. Mirabeau. 1898. 19m (For. statesmen) Macmillan 75c O'CoNNELL. Dunlop, BrObert. Daniel O'Con- nell and the revival of national life in Ireland. 1900. 20cm (Heroes of nations) O Putnam $1.50 Expansion of article in Dictionary of national biography; contains an account of O'Connell's public career, relation to Catholic association 1823-25, Thomas Drummond, re- peal agitation, etc. from sympathetic point of view. Johnston. PARNELL. O'Brien, B,: B. Life of Charles Stewart Parnell, 1846-1891. 2v. 1899. 20cm Harper $2.50 v. 1, 2d ed. 1899. Mainly political biography, with rather meager per- sonal details. By a political associate. N. Y. Richelieu and the 1900. 20cm (He- Putnam $1.50 Contents: Balfour; Lord Salisbury; Lord Rosebery; Chamberlain; Labouchere; JohnMorley; Lord Aberdeen; John Burns; Sir Michael Hicks-Beach; John E. Red- mond; Sir William Harcofcrt; James Bryce; Sir Henry Campbell-Bannerman. Individual V BEACONSFIELD. Meynell, Wilfrid. Benjamin Disraeli. 1903. 22cm Appleton $3n Not a consecutive account or judicial estimate of his career, but a melange of anecdote, extracts from writings and conversations, etc. by an ardent admirer. N. Y. BROOKE. ' St John, Sir S. B. Rajah Brooke; the Englishman as ruler of an eastern state. 1899. 20cm (Builders of greater Britain) Longmans $1.50 Short biography of Sir James Brooke, rajah of Sarawak, Borneo, 1842-63. Contains an account of Brooke's at- tempt to regenerate the Malays, of relations with Chinese and with pirates, illustrating British policy in southeast- ern Asia. Johnston. BURKE. Morley, John. (Eng. men of letters) Burke. 1887. 17cm Harper 75 c RICHELIEU. Perkins, J. B. growth of French power, roes of nations) ROBESPIERRE. Belloc, Hilaire. Robespierre. 1901. 2lcm Scribner $2 n Attention throughout concentrated on Robespierre, but the background vividly pictured. Acad. 1902. ROLAND. Tarbell, I. M. Madame Roland. 1896. 19Jcm Scribner $1.50 Bibliography, p. 313-19. Shows good judgment and a fair spirit, without dispo- sition to eulogy. Contributes some new material. N. Y. Saint-Simon, Louis de B,ouvroy, due de. Memoirs on the reign of Louis XIV and the regency; tr. by Bayle St John, with pref-. by J. B. " Perkins. Regency ed. 4 v. 1901. 19cm Pott $6 No writer of memoirs has ever approached him in vivid- ness, originality and irregular power. Saintsbury. A different work from author's Edmund Burke, 1867. Narrative of Burke's career as statesman, author, orator and as a figure in society. L. A. H. CANNING. Marriott, J: A. B.. George Canning and his times; a political study. 1903. 20cm Murray 5/ n Appendix, Canning and the Quarterly review, p. 145-46. CLIVE. Wilson, Sir C: W: Lord Clive. 1890. 19cm (Eng. men of action) Macmillan 75 c COBDEN.. Morley, John. Life of Richard Cob- den. 10th ed. 1903. 20cm Unwin 2/6 n Bibliography, p. 957-62. Tells skilfully Cobden's share in economic and political movements in England since the reform act. Atlan. Fox. Trevelyan, Sir G: O. Early history of Charles James Fox. 1904. 22crn Harper $2.50 Best picture ever drawn of the transition from old to new methods of statesmanship. Adams. HISTORY BIOGRAPHY (STATESMEN) 311 O GLADSTONE. Bryce, James. William Ewart ^ PITT, WILLIAM. Rosebery, A. P. Primrose, Gladstone, his characteristics as man and states- 5th earl of. Pitt. 1892. 18 Jem (Twelve man. 1898. 18cm Century $1 Eng. statesmen) Macmillan 75c Thoroughly satisfactory monograph, portraying the C*R ALEGH Hume, M. A. S. Sir Walter Ralegh; man, author statesman and orator, by a personal friend The g^.^ dominion of the west 189g 2Qcm and political ally. N.\. ( Builders of greater Britain. ) Longmans $1.50 Morley, John. Life of William Ewart p g pregents , ts hero ag founder of EngHgh co , onial Gladstone. 3 v. 1903. 23cm system and reveals Spanish influence in its execution. Macmillan $10.50 n N. Y. A masterpiece of historical writing, of which the inter- Towle, G: M. Ralegh; his exploits and est is absorbing, the authority indisputable, and the skill voyages. 1902. 19cm (Amer. boys' ser. ) consummate. Sat. r. Leg ^j Paul, H. W. Life of William Ewart Y His young manhood in the brilliant court of Eliza- Gladstone. 1901. 21cm Smith, Elder 7/6 beth ' : ' is coura ^ e on the battlefield, and the energy with which he pushed his attempts at discovery and coloniza- S Expansion of article in Dictionary of national biog- iioUi clearly brought out. Pittsburg. raphy by a f)uily news leader writer; based on Gladstone's _ published utterances. Johnston. RUSSELL. Reid, S. J. Lord John Russell. A 1895. 19cm (Prime ministers) Harper $1 O HASTINGS. Lyall, Sir A. C. Warren Hastings. 101 ,-r, ^fo,,*.-^ \ Temple, Dorothy (Osborne) lady. Love letters 1902. 19cm (Eng. men of action) -HTMV V i*co K A i v, T- Macmill'an 75c to Sir Wllham Temple, 1652-54; ed. by E: A. First edition 18S9. Parry. 1901. 20cm Dodd $1.25 Calm and judicial, in spirit of recent school of historical Reveals a-singularly noble and attractive personality, criticism. Dial. Dia[< 1889- > LAWRENCE. Temple, Sir Richard. Lord Law- ^VANE. Hosmer, J. K. Life of young Sir Henry rence. 1889. 19cm (Eng. men of action) Vane; with a consideration of the English com- Macmillan 75c monwealth as a forecast of America. 1888. Lord Lawrence was governor of the Punjab during the 23cm Houghton $4 mutiny and viceroy of India 1865-69. Author was for a' Thorough and critical. Author sympathizes strongly time his secretary. Johnston. with Vane's political and religious views, but is not un- ^ MORE. Hutton, W: H. Sir Thomas More. 1895. duly partial; uses original as well as secondary sources. 20cm L - A " H> S Methuen S/^WALPOLE. Morley, John. Walpole. 1889. -PALMERSTON. Sanders, L. C: Life of Viscount 19 * cm (Twelve Eng. statesmen) Palmerston. 1888. 19cm (Statesmen ser.) Lippincott 75c WARWICK. Oman, C: W: C. Warwick, the kingmaker. 1891. 18Jcm (Eng. men of - Pepys, Samuel. Diary and correspondence; action) Macmillan 75c with a life and notes by Richard lord Brav- Vigorous and coherent study of the man and the forces brooke. 4 v. 1889-97. 19cm (Bohn's hist. that shaped England in the 15th century. Lit. world. lib. ) Macmillan $6 n TJnited States Perpetually the most amusing of gossips, and, of all who have gossiped about themselves, the only one who Collective tells the truth. Andrew Lang. Most valuable document extant for the understanding Burton, A. H. Four American patriots: Patrick of the times. Richard Garnett. Henry, Andrew Jackson, Alexander Hamilton, Bridge, ,V,Y "Frederick. Samuel Pepys. U1 - VSSeS S \ Gmnt - 1898 ' 19cm [f UF great 1903. 19}cni Scribner $1.50 n Amer ' **> Amer. bk. co. 50c Contents: A musical enthusiast; Some musical contem- Trent W: P ' Southern statesmen of the old poraries; More musical contemporaries; Pepys as vocal- regime; Washington, Jefferson, Randolph, Cal- ist and singing-master; Pepys on instruments, church houn, Stephens, Toombs and Jefferson Davis music, etc. Pepys as theorist and composer. 1897 jgj^ (Lib. of econ. & pol. ) ^ PITT, WILLIAM, 1st earl of Chatham. Green, W. D. Crowell $2 WilKam Pitt, earl of Chatham, and the growth * Political biographies of Washingion, Jefferson, Ran- and division of the British empire, 1708-1778. J ol h ' Ca 1901. 20cm (Heroes of nations) Putnam $1.50 By a sftutherner but free from bias or sectional partizan- Good compendious biography of the public career of ship. L. A. H. Chatham, from manuscript and other sources. Johnston. See also Public documents list. 923 312 A. L. A. CATALOGCLASS LIST Individual ADAMS, C: F. Adams, C: F. jr. Charles Francis Adams, by his son. 1900. 18cm ( Amer. states- men) Hough ton $1.25 Tells little of personal traits. Narration of services while minister to England sheds valuable light on rela- tions between England and America during civil war. N. Y. ADAMS, SAMUEL. Hosmer, J. K. Samuel Adams. 1899. 18cm (Amer. statesmen) Houghton $1.25 Interesting and appreciative, setting forth fairly the man, his work and his times. Nation. Furnishes substantially a compact history of occasions and manner of opening of revolutionary war. G: E. Ellis. BENTON. Roosevelt, Theodore. Thomas Hart Benton. 1903. 18cm (Amer. statesmen) Houghton $1.25 Author understands Benton and sympathizes with him; points out his merits and demerits as a statesman. Writ- ten mostly from secondary sources. L. A. H. Bout well, G: S. Reminiscences of sixty years in public affairs. 2 v. 1902. 23cm McClure $5 n Interesting recollections of a long political career. Valuable for terse characterizations of public men. Wells. BCRR. Parton, James. Life and times of Aaron Burr; enl. ed. with numerous appendices, con- taining new and interesting information. 2 v. 1892. 22cm Houghton $5 P Adds something of real value to our knowledge of Burr and shows clearly that he had been unjustly judged in many particulars. L. A. H. CALHOUN. Hoist, H. E. von. John C. Calhoun. 18cm (Amer. statesmen) Houghton $1.25 Deals chiefly with public relations; valuable as history of the slavery question rather than as personal biography. N.Y. CLAY. Schurz, Carl. Life of Henry Clay. 2 v. 18cm (Amer. statesmen) Houghton $2.50 Shows full recognition of significance of movements of popular feeling which so frequently upset the balance of politicians. Personality of Clay constantly brought to the front. L. A. H. DOUGLAS. Brown, W: G. Stephen Arnold Douglas. 1902. 17 Jem (Riverside biog. ser. ) Houghton 65c n Discriminating sketch of Lincoln's rival, faithfully pre- senting his part in compromises of 1860, Kansas-Nebraska legislation, disruption of democratic party in 1860, and creation of a. war party of northern democrats after seces- sion. Wells. FRANKLIN. Brooks, E. S. True story of Benja- min Franklin; illus. by V. A. Seartes. 1898. 24cm (Children's lives of great men) Y Lothrop $1.50 Franklin, Benjamin. Autobiography and sketch of Franklin's life from the point where the au- tobiography ends; drawn chiefly from his let- ters; with notes and a chronological historical table. 1896. 18cm ( Riverside lit, ser. ) Y Houghton 75c Life of Benjamin Franklin, written by himself; now first edited from original manu- scripts and from his printed correspondence and other writings, by John Bigelow. 4th ed. 3 v. 1902. 20cm Lippincott $4.50 Not only one of the most widely read and readable books in our language, but has had the distinction of enriching the literature of nearly every other. John Bigelow. Morse, J: T. jr. Benjamin Franklin. 1889. 18cm (Amer. statesmen) Houghton $1.25 Ranks high among minor biographies of Franklin L. A. H. GALLATIN. Stevens, J: A. Albert Gallatin. 18cm (Amer. statesmen) Houghton $1.25 A political history 1790-1816. Chapter 6, devoted to Gal- latin's administration of the treasury, a useful monograph on financial history of the period. L. A. H. HAMILTON. Lodge, H:C. Alexander Hamilton. 18cm (Amer. statesmen) Houghton $1.25 Brings into strong relief the salient features of Hamil- ton's character and work. Few books so well adapted to kindle an intelligent interest in American history. L. A. H. HENRY. Tyler, M. C. Patrick Henry. 18cm (Amer. statesmen) Houghton $1.25 E May be fairly said to reconstruct the life of Patrick Henry, and to vindicate his memory from the unappreci- ative and injurious estimate which has been placed on it. Nation. Hoar, G: F. Autobiography of seventy years. 2v. 1903. 25cm Scribner $7.50 n Virtually a political history of his time. Author long prominent in Massachusetts public life and U. S. senator since 1877. N. Y. HOUSTON. Williams, A. M. Sam Houston and the war of independence in Texas. 1893. 21crn Houghton $2 Bibliography, p. 397^00. Based on study of Texan archives, extensive knowledge of existing works on the subject, and personal acquaint- ance with Texans who knew Houston. L. A. H. HUTCHINSON. Hosmer, J. K. Life of Thomas Hutchineon. 1896. 23cm Houghton $4 Contains extracts from Hutchinson's unpublished cor- respondence. Value of book enhanced by author's frank recognition of the large element of truth and justice at basis of loyalist argument. L. A. H. HISTORY BIOGRAPHY (STATESMEN) 313 JOHNSON. Griffis, "W: E. Sir William Johnson and the Six nations. 1891. 18cm (Makers of Amer.) Dodd $1 Practically Indian history of Mohawk valley. Dwells longest on earlier and less generally known portion of Johnson's life and gives but cursory review of later and more active years. L. A. H. MONROE. Oilman, D. C. James Monroe in his relations to the public service during half a cen- tury, 1776 to 1826. 1883. 18cm ( Amer. states- men) Houghton $1.25 Short, simple account of the most important events in Monroe's life. Thorough bibliography of Monroe and the Monroe doctrine [p. 253-80] materially adds to value. L. A. H. MORRIS, GOUVERNEUR. Roosevelt, Theodore. Gouverneur Morris. 1899. 18cm (Amer. statesmen) Houghton $1.25 Outline sketch, vivid enough to make the man compre- hensible and to offer a lively view of his habits, tenden- cies, deeds and thoughts. Some new material and many anecdotes. A T . 1'. tfib. MORRIS, ROBERT. Sumner, W: G. Robert Mor- ris. 1892. 18cm ( Makers of Amer. ) Dodd $1 SE\VARD. Bancroft, Frederic. Life of William H. Seward. 2 v. 1900. 21cm Harper $5 Original authorities used, including Seward and Bige- low manuscripts. Volume 2 a positive addition to our historical knowledge of its period. Nation, 70: 323. Sherman, John. See under heading "Military and naval," SHERMAN, W: T. SHERMAN, ROGER. Boutell. L: H: Life of Roger Sherman. 1896. 20 Jem McClurg $2 Prepared from materials collected by Senator Hoar. Includes all extant private letters and a careful study of Sherman's activity in the federal convention. L. A. H. STANTON. Gorham, G: C. Life and public serv- ices of Edwin M. Stanton. 2 v. 1899. 24cm Houghton $6 STUYVESAXT. Tuckerman, Bayard. Peter Stuy- vesant, director-general for the West India com- pany in New Netherland. 1893. 18cm ( Mak- ers of Amer. ) Dodd $1 Sr.MNER. Storey, Moorfield. Charles Sumner. 1900. 20cm (Amer. statesmen) Houghton $1.25 Summary of public career and influence. N. Y. TILDEN. Bigelow, John. Life of Samuel J. Tilden. 2 v. 1895. 23cm Harper $6 WERSTER. Lodge, H: C. Daniel Webster. 1892. 18cm (Amer. statesmen) Houghton $h25 Appreciative study by a well informed scholar. Points out faults as well as merits. L. A. H. WEBSTER. McMaster, J: B. Daniel Webster. 1902. 21$cm . Century $2 n After boyhood limited to events of public life, narrated without critical estimate. N. Y. Winthrop, John & Mr* Margaret (Tyndal) Some old Puritan love-letters; John and Marga- ret Winthrop, 1618-1638; ed. by J. H. Twichell. 1894. 23cm Dodd $2 Quaint and unstudied correspondence, giving a close view of the domestic life of the period. Dial. Winthrop, B. C: Life and letters of John Winthrop. 2 v. 1864-67. 23cm Little $7 n A chief authority. First volume one of the choicest examples of puritan biography, containing extracts from Winthrop' s early diaries and correspondence and mate- rial of greatest importance about settlement of Massachu- setts. Second volume closely follows Winthrop's Journal, but includes important state papers. L. A. H. WISE. Wise, B. H. Life of Henry A. Wise of Virginia, 1806-1876, by his grandson. 1899. 23cm Macmillan $3 Largely an index to history of Virginia during very important period. L. A. H. ECONOMISTS GEORGE. George, Henry, jr. Life of Henry George, by his son. 1900. 20cm Doubleday $1.50 n LIBBER. Harley, L:B. Francis Lieber; his life and political philosophy. 1899. 23cm Macmillan $1.75 n Bibliography, p. 199-207. SMITH. Haldane, B: B. Life of Adam Smith. 1887. 21cm (Great writers) Scribner $1 Bibliography, 10 pref. p. TURGOT. Say, Leon. Turgot; tr. by M. B. An- derson. 1888. 18cm (Great Fr. writers) McClurg $1 LAWYERS, JUDGES CHASE. Hart, A. B. Salmon Portland Chase. 1899. 18cm (Amer. statesmen) Houghton $1.25 lu 3 historic episodes; the western political anti-slavery movement, the financial measures of the civil war, and the process of judicial reconstruction. W: D. Foulke in A nier. hist. r. 5: 583. DANA. Adams, C: F. jr. Richard Henry Dana. 2 v. 1890. 20Jcm Houghton $4 JAY. Pellew, George. John Jay. 1890. 18cm (Amer. statesmen) Houghton $1.25 Abounds in excerpts from Jay's correspondence, and gives unusually clear picture of revolutionary period and 2 succeeding decades. L. A. H. 314 A. L. A. CATALOG CLASS LIST Kent, William. Memoirs and letters, by his Du GUESCLIN. Stoddard, E. V. Bertra.id Du great-grandson. 1898. 20Jcm Little $2.50 Guesclin, constable of France; his life and times. R A fine old type of American dignity, patriotism and 1897. 21cm Putnam $1.25 intellectual power; a great lawyer and a charming per sonality. jf. y. trib. HANNIBAL. Morris, W: O'C. Hannibal, soldier, statesman, patriot; and the crisis of the struggle between Carthage and Rome. 1897. 19cm , (Heroes of nations) Putnam $1.50 * JOAN OF ARC. Lowell, F. C. Joan of Arc. 1896. 21cm Houghton $2 NORTH. North, Roger. Lives of the Right Hon. Francis North, baron Guilford; the Hon. Sir Dudley North; and the Hon. and Rev. Dr John North, together with the autobiography of the MARSHALL. Thayer, J. B. John Marshall. 1901. 17cni ( Riverside biog. ser. ) Houghton 75c Brief, giving clear picture of Marshall's personal traits and criticisms of his constitutional doctrines. Wells. Distinctly the best thing in the English language on the life and career of the Maid of Orleans. H. Morse Stephens. Based on latest French authorities. X. Y. author; ed. by Augustus Jessopp. 3 v. 1890. 19cm ( Bohn's stand, lib. ) Macmillan $lnea Sastrow, Bartholomaus. Social Germany in Luther's time; being the memoirs of Bartholo- mew Sastrow; tr. by A. D. Vandam, with introd. by H. A. L. Fisher. 1902. 20cm Dutton $2.50 n Represents the citizen side of German life in the 16th century, as those of Gotz von Berlichingen and Schartlin represent the aristocratic and military. Ath. '03, 2:346. SEWALL. Chamberlain, N. H: Samuel Sewall and the world he lived in. 1897. 20cm De Wolfe $2 Summary of Sewall's diary and admirable picture of puritan life. Bowdoin. MILITARY AND NAVAL Collective Frothingham, J. P. Sea fighters from Drake to Farragut. 1902. 19Jcm Scribner $1.20 n Y Stirring events in the naval careers of Drake, Tromp, De Ruyter, Tourville, Suffren, Paul Jones, Nelson and Farragut. N. Y. Individual Oliphant, J/rs M. O. (Wilson) Jeanne d'Arc. 1896. 19Jcm (Heroes of nations) Putnam $1.50 From standpoint of enthusiastic admirer; not so schol- arly as the life by Lowell but more interesting to most readers. N. Y. Moltke, H. K. B. graf von. Moltke: his life and character, sketched in journals, letters, memoirs, a novel, and autobiographical notes; tr. by Mary Henns. 1892. 23cm Harper $3 England Collectfbe Fitchett, W: H: Nelson sketches of famous seamen. and his captains: 1902. 19 Jem Scribner $1.50 Contents: Nelson, a character study; The men of Nel- son's school; Sir Edward Berry; Captain Edward Riou; Sir Henry Blackwood; Sir Thomas Troubridge; Sir Ben- jamin Hallowell (Carew); Sir Alexander Ball; Sir James Saumarez; Sir William Parker; Sir Edward Pellew (Lord Exmouth); Sir Thomas Foley; Sir Thomas Masterman Hardy. \ BAYARD. Walford, Edith. Story of the Cheva- lier Bayard, from the French of the Loyal ser- vant, M. de Berville and others; with notes and introd. by the editor. 7th ed. 15cm (Bayard ser. ) Low 1/6 "The Loyal servant" was possibly Jacques Jeoffre of Millieu. C) CID. Clarke, H: B. The Cid Campeador and Wilkinson, Spenser, ed. From Cromwell to Wellington: twelve soldiers; with introd. by Field-marshal Lord Roberts. 1899. 22cm Lippincott $3.50 Contents: Cromwell; Marlborough; Peterborough; Wolfe; Clive; Coote; Heathfield; Abercromby; Lake; Baird; Moore; Wellington. ANDRE. See Lossing's The two spies, under United States, HALE. the waning of the crescent in the west; illus. frony, GORDON. Butler, Sir W: F. Charles George drawings by Don Santiago Arcos. 1897. 19cm (Heroes of nations) Putnam $1.50 List of principal authorities consulted, pref . p. 13-14. DREYFUS. Steevens, G:W. Tragedy of Dreyfus. 1899. 19cm Harper $1.25 Press correspondent's account of trial at Rennes and at- tendant interests. N. Y. Gordon. 1891. 19cm ( Eng. men of action ) Macmillan 75c HAVELOCK. Forbes, Archibald. Havelock. 1897. 19 Jem (Eng. men of action) Macmillan 75c Shows Havelock the soldier as men of action saw and knew him. Dial. HISTORY BIOGRAPHY (MILITARY AND NAVAL) 315 i/ HUTCHINSON. Hutchinson, Mrs Lucy (Apsley) Memoirs of the life of Colonel Hutchinson, gov- ernor of Nottingham castle and town; by his widow Lucy. 1902. 19cm (Bohn's stand, lib.) Macmillan $1 Ed. from original ms. by Julius Hutchinson; the Life of Mrs Hutchinson written by herself, prefixed; also an ac- count of the siege of Lathom House, defended by the Countess of Derby against Sir Thomas Fairfax. Title. As a picture of puritan family life and the character of a puritan gentleman, it is unique. Account of civil war in Nottinghamshire full and accurate. C. H. Firth. \/.MARLBOROUGH. Wolseley, G. J. Wolseley, 1st viscount. Life of John Churchill, duke of Marl- borough, to the accession of Queen Anne. 2 v. 1894. 23cm Longmans $10 i NELSON. Manan, A. T. Life of Nelson, the em- bodiment of the sea power of Great Britain. 2d ed. 1899. 22cm Little $3 Treats with full competence the three aspects involved: personal, professional and political. Nation. Authoritative. Makes Nelson describe himself as far as possible, and tell the story of his own inner life as well as of his external actions. See also Fitchett's Nelson and his captains under "England: Collective." V HUPERT. Scott, Eva. Rupert, prince Palatine. 2ded. 1900. 22cm Putnam $3 Contains a vindication of the character and career of Rupert, with much relating to civil war and navy during middle of 17th century. Johnston. WELLINGTON. Hooper, George. Wellington. 1890. 19cm ( Eng. men of action ) Macmillan 75c Casts aside the non-essential and seizes on the salient points of his character and career. A th. G WOLFE. Bradley, A. G. Wolfe. 1895. 20cm (Eng. men of action) Macmillan 75c Wolseley, G. J. Wolseley, 1st viscount. Story of a soldier's life. 2 v. 1903. 23cm Scribner $8 n Collective Beebe, M. B. Four American naval heroes: Paul Jones, Oliver II. Perry, Admiral Farragut, Admiral Dewev. 1899. 19cm (Four great *Amer. Her.) Y Amer. bk. co. 50c Seawell, M. E. Twelve naval captains; a record of certain Americans who made themselves immortal. 1897. 19cm Scribner $1.25 Y Paul Jones, Richard Dale, Commodore Truxtun, Bainbridge, Preble, Decatur, Somers, Isaac Hull, Stewart, Perry, McDqnough. and Lawrence. Individual BAINBRIDGE. Barnes, James. Commodore Bainbridge; illus. by George Gibbs and others. 1897. 20cm (Young heroes of our navy) Appleton $1 Y Story biography of a hero of the Algerian war and the war of 1812. Relates much exciting adventure and follows facts closely. N. Y. CUSTER. Custer, Mrs E. B. "Boots and sad- dles;" or, Life in Dakota with General Custer. 1902. 19 Jem Harper $1.50 Entertaining account of an army woman's daily life in Dakota. N. Y. Following the guidon. 1890. 19 Jem Harper $1.50 Continuation of Boots and saddles. Reminiscences of army life on the frontier; scene in Kansas when it was considered the far west. Embodies details of Gen. Custer' s campaigns. Sargent. Tenting on the plains; or, General Custer in Kansas and Texas. 1895. 19|cm Harper $1.50 Memories of military life during the two years immedi- ately following Lee's surrender. Nation, 46: 455. DECATUR. Brady, C. T. Stephen Decatur. 1900. 14 Jem (Beacon biog.) Small 75c Bibliography, p. 138-42. An excellent memoir, by a hero worshiper, who regards with indignation all criticisms on his idol. Nation, 70: 497. Evans, B. D. A sailor's log; recollections of forty years of naval life. 1901. 21 Jem Appleton $2 As a sea yarn entitled to rank high for humor, wealth of anecdote, and variety of scene. Nation. FARRAGUT. Mahan, A. T. Admiral Farragut. 1901.' 19 Jem (Great commanders) Appleton $1.25 A valuable critical history of Farragut's operations. Nation, GREENE. Greene, F. V. General Greene. 1893. 19 Jem (Great commanders) Appleton $1.50 n Study of military operations of revolution and Greene's public relations. Valuable to students and interesting to general reader. N. Y. HALE. Lossing, B. J: The fcvo spies: Nathan Hale and John Andre" [and] Anna Seward's Monody on Major Andre. 1886. 21 Jem Appleton $2 Based on Stuart's Hale and Sargeant's Andre. Makes a strong presentation of Andre's courage. Merit of book lies in author's illustrations from nature. L. A. H. HANCOCK. Walker, F. A. General Hancock. 1895. 19 Jem (Great commanders) Appleton $1.50 n Vivid and effective. J. D. Cox in Nation, 60: 188. 316 A. L. A. CATALOG CLASS LIST JACKSON. Jackson, J/i-s M.. A.. (Morrison) Life and letters of General Thomas J. Jackson (Stonewall Jackson) by his wife, with introd. by H:M. Field. 1892. 21cm . Harper $2 Portrays less the fighter and strategist than the man of strong and beautiful character. Lit. world. JOHNSTON, J. E. Hughes, R.W: Cieneral John- ston. 1893. 19Jcm (Great commanders) Appleton $1.50 One of the greatest confederate commanders. Tone fair and advocacy in controversial part good tempered. J. D. Cox in Nation, 57: 475. JOJSES. Buell, A: C. Paul Jones. 2 v. '1900. 20cm Scribner $3 Exhaustive, based largely on fresh research and written with enthusiastic admiration of his hero. N. Y. KNOX. Brooks, Noah. Henry Knox, a soldier of the revolution. 1900. 20Jcm (Amer. men of energy) . Putnam $1.50 LEE. Trent, W: P. Robert E. Lee. 1899. 14jcm (Beacon biog. ) Small 75c Bibliography, p. 132-35. White, H: A. Robert E. Lee and the Southern confederacy, 1807-1870. 1902. l:-iem (Heroes of nations) Putnam $1.50 MCCLELLAN. Michie, P: S. General McClellan. 1901. 19Jcm (Great commanders^) Appleton $1.50 n Thoroughly just and kind to McClellan, yet impartial and searching in its treatment of military questions. Nation, 73: 323. MEADE. Pennypacker, I: B. General Meade. 1901. 19 Jem (Great commanders) Appleton $1.50 11 PERRY, M. C. Griffis, W: E. Matthew Calbraith Perry. 1887. 20Jcm Houghton $2 PERRY, O. H. Barnes, James. The hero of Erie (Oliver Hazard Perry) 1898. 20 cm (Young heroes of our navy) Appleton $1 Y Dwellg specially on the story of the battle on Lake Erie. Facts slightly embroidered with imaginary con- versations. N. Y. PORTER. Soley, J. B. Admiral Porter. 1903. 19 Jem (Great commanders) Appleton $1.50 n Based on official documents and correspondence, but writer availed himself when practicable of published narratives of participants in the civil war. Pref. PUTNAM. Livingston, W: F. Israel Putnam. 1901. 20cm (Amer. men of energy) Putnam $1.35 n Bibliography, pref. p. 11-18. He has had access to some original sources of informa- tion and presents a lively, full length portrait of the bluff and energeticmaior-general. Ath. Schofield, J: M. Forty-six years in the army. 1897. 23Jcm Century $3 Notes and comments on events he had part in rather than connected biography. Throws light on some im- portant points. N. Y. SCHUYLER. Tuckennan, Bayard. Life of Gen- eral Philip Schuyler. 1903. 21 Jem Dodd $1.60 n Memoir' based on Gen. Schuyler's papers and letter books, on Gates papers belonging to N. Y. historical so- ciety, archives of state department in Washington, and other collections of original historical matter. Pub. u-kly. SCOTT. Barnes, James. The giant of three wars; a life of General Winfield Scott; illus. by G. H. Grant. 1903. 19 Jem Y Appleton $1 n Wright, M. J. General Scott. 1894. 19 Jem (Great commanders) Appleton $1.50 n SHERIDAN. Davies, H: E. General Sheridan. 1895. 19 Jem (Great commanders) Appleton $1.50 n By an appreciative admirer who served under Sheridan. Accurate in war history. X. Y. Sheridan, P. H: Personal memoirs; new ed. with an account of his life from 1871 to his death in 1888, by M. V. Sheridan. 2 v. 1902. 22Jcm . Appleton $6 Later account by his younger brother materially en- hances value of book. Nation, 74: 268. SHERMAN. Force, M. F. General Sherman. 1899. 19Jcm (Great commanders) , Appleton $1.50 n Latter part by Gen. J. D. Cox. Both authors write from intimate knowledge of facts and hero. X. Y. Sherman, W. T. Memoirs. 2d ed. 2 v. 1886. 22Jcin Appleton $6 Admirably clear and direct. Free use of his letters, orders and reports gives great interest and value. Closes with great review in Washington, but concluding chapter on military lessons of the war full of knowledge, wisdom and sound sense. Allan. 36: 245. - & Sherman, John. The Sher- man letters; correspondence between General and Senator Sherman from 1837 to 1891, ed. by R. S. Thorndike. 1894. 23cm Scribner $2 Aside from their personal interest, they throw much light on public measures and events of the first impor- tance. R. ofr. THOMAS. Coppee, Henry. General Thomas. 1893. 19 Jem (Great commanders) Appleton $1.50 n WAYNE. Stille, C: J. Major-general Anthony Wayne and the Pennsylvania line in the Conti- tinental army. 1893. 23cm Lippincott $3 fi From sources. Shows Gen. Wayne as not merely a dashing leader but an able general. L. A. H. HISTORY BIOGRAPHY (EDUCATORS) 317 PHILANTHROPISTS BROWN. Sanborn, F. B: Life and letters of John Brown; ed. by F. B. Sanborn. 2d ed. 1891. 19Jcm Little $2 n Most elaborate life and fullest collection of letters and papers. Editor, an actor in some of the earlier scenes, a hero worshiper. L. A. H. COOPER. Raymond, B..W. Peter Cooper. 1901. 17Jcm (Riverside biog. ser.) Houghton 75c Outlines of a life of singular simplicity and earnestness of purpose to enlarge opportunities of workingmen. N.Y. Douglass, Frederick. Life and times, by him- self; with introd. by G. L. Ruffin. Rev. ed. 1892. 20Jcm De Wolfe $2.50 Highly interesting and instructive narrative. The ac- count of slavery as it appeared to a slave is invaluable. L. A. H. GARRISON. Garrison, W. P. & F. J. William Lloyd Garrison, 1805-1879; by his children. 4 v. 1894. 23 Jem Houghton $8 Possibly too expensive for many libraries, but as the authoritative life must be mentioned. Ed. sel. Full biography written with the reverential admiration of children rather than from point of view of a dispassion- ate and critical historian; also virtually a history of the nntislavery struggle. Eng. Mat. r. 1:185. Smith, Goldwin. The moral crusader, William Lloyd Garrison. 1892. 20Jcm Funk $1 Biographic essay containing pith of the story of Garri- son'slifetoldbyhischildren. A re'sume', put with the clearness and power of one of our first masters of English, of the career of one of our purest and strongest men. L. A. H. PATTISON. Lonsdale, Margaret. Sister Dora; from the 6th Eng. ed. 1901. 17Jcm Little $1.25 PHILLIPS. Martyn, Carlos. Wendell Phillips: the agitator. 1890. 19cm (Amer. reformers) Funk $1.50 Appendix contains three of the orator's masterpieces, never before published in .book form: The lost arts; Dan- iel O' Cnnnett; The scholar in a republic. Title. Riis, J. A. The making of an American. 1901. 22cm Macmillan $2 n Autobiography of the reporter, philanthropist and re- former. N. Y. SHAFTESBURY. Hodder, Edwin. Seventh Earl of Shaftesbury, as social reformer. 1898. 19 Jem Revell $1 EDUCATORS Collective Dwight, Timothy. Memories of Yale life and men, 1845-1899. 1903. 21 Jem Dodd $2.50 n No living Yale man has been for so long so closely associated with the university and few men in this coun- try have had wider acquaintanceNvith men of affairs and of letters. Pub. wkly. Winship, A. E: Great American educators, with chapters on American education. 1900. 19cm (Four great Amer. ser. ) Y Amer. bk. co. 50c Individual ARNOLD. Fitch, Sir J. G. Thomas and Matthew Arnold and their influence on English educa- tion. 1897. 18 Jem (Great educators) Scribner $1 n - Stanley, A. P. Life and correspondence of Thomas Arnold. 1903. 21 Jem Scribner $2.50 1st ed. 1844. List of works, 2: 394-95. COMENIUS. Monroe, W. S. Cornenius, and the beginnings of educational reform. 1900. ISJcm (Great educators) Scribner $1 n Select bibliography, p. 175-80. FROBEL. Bowen, H. C. Froebel and education by self-activity. 1893. 19cm (Great educa- tors) Scribner $1 Brief life, with detailed statement of Frobel's principles and methods of training. N. Y. Marenholtz-Bulow, B. M. ftaronmvon. Reminiscences of Friedrich Froebel; tr. by Mrs Horace Mann; with a sketch of the life of Fried- rich Froebel by Emily Shirreff. 1877. 17 Jem Lee $1.20 Graphic account of last years of Frobel's life; written by the gifted woman through whom he first obtained recognition by the leading educators of Germany. L. & I. JOWETT. Abbott, Evelyn, & Campbell, Lewis. Life and letters of Benjamin Jowett. 3d ed. 2 v. 1897. 23cm Button $10 From some 50 volumes of Jowett's notes of conversa- tions and of his own thoughts and letters. Contains much of unique value for history of English national life and thought since 1836. Johnston. MANN. Hinsdale, B. A. Horace Mann and the common school revival in the United States. 1898. 19cm (Great educators) Scribner $1 n Bibliography, p. 311-19. Resum6 of prior history of elementary education in America and summary of results of Mann's work. N. Y. PORTER. Merriam, G: S. ed. Noah Porter; a memorial by friends. 1893. 21cm Scribner $2 Bibliography, p. 291-300. Family life, course of thought, theories, literary work, teaching, vacations, etc. of the Yale president. X. Y. Quick, B,. H. Life and remains of the Rev. R. H. Quick; ed. by F. Storr. 1899. 20cm Macmillan $1.50 n Describes life and character and presents from his com- monplace books material illustrative of history of teach- ing and educational theory during last 30 years [1899] Johnston. 318 A. L. A. CATALOG CLASS LIST Washington, B. T. Up from slavery; an auto- biography. 1901. 20cm Doubleday $1.50 BUSINESS 'i I \ HARRIS. Griffis, W: E. Townsend Harris, first American envoy in Japan. 1895. 21cm Houghton $2 Stoddard, "W: O. Men of business. 1893. 21cm (Men of achievement) Scribner $1.50 Y Contents: J: J. Astor; Cornelius Vanderbilt; C: L: Tiffany; John Roach; L. P. Morton; E. D. Morgan; C. W. Field; C. M. Depew; A. T. Stewart; P. D. Armour; H. B. Claflin; M. O. Roberts; G: M. Pullman; Peter Cooper; Marshall Field; Leland Stanford. Character sketches of eminently successful men, each emphasizing some dominant trait. Materials obtained from original sources. N. Y. EXPLORERS, TRAVELERS Collective Bolton, Mrs Sarah (Knowles) Famous voyagers and explorers. 1893. 19cm Crowell $1.50 T Sketches of noted travelers, from Marco Polo to Lieutenant Peary. Unit. Greely, A. W. Explorers and travellers. 1902. 19cm (Men of achievement) Scribner $1.50 Mainly American exploration; sketches Joliet, Le Moyne, , Carver, Gray, Lewis, Clark, Pike, Wilkes, Fre- mont, Kane, Hayes, Hall, De Long, Du Chaillu and Stan- ley. X. Y. Perry, F. M., & Beebe, Katherine. Four American pioneers: Daniel Boone, George Rog- ers Clark, David Crockett, Kit Carson. 1900. 19cm (Four great Amer. ser. ) Y Amer. bk. co. 50c Individual BOONE. Abbott, J: S. C. Daniel Boone. 1898. 19cm Y Dodd $1 Thwaites, B. G. Daniel Boone. 1902. 19cm (Appletons' life hist. ) Appleton $1 n Defines Boone's place among western pioneers in light of manuscripts in Wisconsin historical society library. Nation, 1902. CABOT. Beazley, C: B. John and Sebastian Cabot; the discovery of North America. 1898. 20cm (Builders of greater Britain) Longmans $1.50 Most useful and readable volume on the Cabots for general reader. Largely filled with original documents interpreted with much care, conservatism and common sense. L. A. H. CARSON. Abbott, J: S. C. Christopher Carson, known as Kit Carson. 1901. 19cm Dodd 75c Y Vivid picture of adventurous life of the trapper. N. Y. CHAMPLAIN. Sedgwick, H: D. Samuel de Champlain. 1902. 17 Jem (Riverside biog. ser. ) Houghton 65c n Y B. Champlain's life and surroundings in France dwelt on at unusual length and nobility of his character well presented. Wells. COLUMBUS. Adams, C: K. Christopher Colum- bus. 1892. 18cm (Makers of Amer.) Dodd $1 Compact, interesting, somewhat severely critical. Critic. Brief; impartial. Discriminates clearly between the ascertained, the probable and the legendary. L. A. H. Brooks, E. S. True story of Christopher Columbus. 1892. 24Jcm (Children's lives of great men) Lothrop $1.50 Y His conception of the character and mission of Columbus is largely outlined, but firmly and most care- fully executed, and is one of the noblest in literature. C: D. Warner. Irving, Washington. Life and voy- ages of Christopher Columbus, to which are added those of his companions. 5 v. n. d. 21cm (Knick. ed.) Putnam $1.25 ea Markham, ,% C. B. Life of Christopher Columbus. 1902. 19Jcm (World's great ex- plorers & explorations) Philip 4/6 Best brief account of discovery of America. Edward Channing. - Seelye, Mrs Elizabeth (Eggleston) Story of Columbus; illus. by Allegra Eggleston; ed. with introd. by Edward Eggleston. 1892. 19Jcm (Delights of hist. ) Appleton $1.75 Y Brief. Dwells with considerable detail on his voy- ages and discoveries and gives results of scholarly re- searches in simple, attractive form. N. Y. COOK. Besant, Sir Walter. Captain Cook. 1890. 19 Jem (Eng. men of action) Macmillan 75c Vivid, picturesque. Critic. . CORTES. Helps, Sir Arthur. Life of Hernando Cortes. 2v. 1871. 16cm' Macmillan $2 n HENRY, PRINCE OF PORTUGAL. Beazley, C: B. Prince Henry the Navigator. 1895. 19Jcm (Heroes of nations) Putnam $1.50 An account not only of the stirring events that charac- terized Prince Henry's time, but of the centuries of prep- aration preceding. R. ofr. LIVINGSTONE. Blaikie, W: G. Personal life of David Livingstone, chiefly from his unpublished journals and correspondence. 1881. 23Jcm Harper $1.50 V MAGELLAN. Guillemard, F. H:H. Life of Fer- dinand Magellan, and the first circumnavigation HISTORY BIOGRAPHY (SCIENCE) 319 of the globe, 1480-1521. 1890. 19Jcm (World's great explorers & explorations) Dodd $1.25 Tells with spirit the heroic adventures of the first cir- cumnavigator of the globe. N. V. Based on a critical study of all the-sources accessible, printed and unprinted. L. A. H. MAGELLAN. Towle, G-: M. Magellan; or, The first voyage round the world. 1902. 19cm (Amer. boys' ser. ) Y Lee $1 PIZARRO. Towle, G: M. Pizarro: his ad ventures and conquests. 1902. 19cm (Amer. boys' ser. ) Lee $1 Y Picturesque narrative of exploits of the Spanish hero of the 16th century. N. Y. 924 Philology BEVTLEY. Jebb, Sir~R: C. Bentley. 1887. 18cm (Eng. men of letters) Harper 75c 925 Science Collective Ball, Sir R. S. Great astronomers. 1901. 205cm Lippincott $1.50 n Contents: Ptolemy; Copernicus; Tycho Brahe; Galileo; Kepler; Isaac Newton; Flamsteed; 'Halley; Bradley; William Herschel; Laplace; Brinkley; John Herschel; The Earl of Rosse; Airy; Hamilton; Le Verrier; Adams. Wright, H. C. Children's stories of the great scientists. 1888. 19cm Scribner $1.25 Y Describes life and work of 17 of the most energetic and successful workers in -natural science. Aims to bring out lessons taught by their lives, rather than results of each one's labor. Science, 12: 225. Youmans, W: J. Pioneers of science in America. 1896. 22cm Appleton $4 50 biographic sketches of early American scientists with descriptions of their work. Revised and enlarged from articles in Popular science monthly. Science, 4: 956. Individual AGASSIZ. Agassiz, Mrs E.. C. (Gary) Louis Agassiz; his life and correspondence. 1893. 20cm Houghton $2.50 Early life in Switzerland, friendships with Cuvier, Hum- boldt and other distinguished scientists; scientific work, particularly in geology and ichthyology, and work at Harvard, including founding of Agassiz museum. Pitts- burg. - Marcou, Jules. Life, letters, and works of Louis Agassiz. 2 v. 1895. 20cm Macmillan $4 AUDUBON. Au dub on, Mrs Lucy (Bake well) Life of John James Audubon the naturalist; with introd. by J. G. Wilson. 1902. 20cm (Amer. men of energy) Putnam $1.50 BRAKE. Dreyer, J: L: E. Tycho Brahe, a pic- ture of scientific life and work in the sixteenth century. 1890. 23cm Black 126 Bibliographic summary, p. 392-96. Detailed account of his scientific achievements and minute description of instruments he employed. Science, 17: 40. DALTOX. Roscoe, Sir H: E. John Dalton and the rise of modern chemistry. 1901. 19cm (Century sci. ser.) Macmillan $1.25 Portrays manner and methods of work of originator of atomic theory of chemistry. Contains an elaborate study of color blindness. Cleveland. DANA. Oilman, D. C. Life of James Dwight Dana. 1899. 2Hcm Harper $2.50 Bibliography, p. 385-94. Includes many interesting letters to and from the dis- tinguished geologist. N. Y. Darwin, C: B. Life and letters, including an autobiographical chapter, ed. by his son, Francis Darwin. 2 v. 1888. 20icm Appleton $4.50 At once a biography, an autobiography, and the history of a great idea. The man and his work are so presented as never to be dissociated. .Spec. Poulton, E: B. Charles Darwin and the theory of natural selection. 1896. 19cm (Century sci. ser. ) Macmillan $1.25 One of the minor classics of evolution literature; clearly written, compact and handy for reference. By a sincere and orthodox Darwinian. A. S. Packard in Science, 31: 752. DAVY. Thorpe, T: E: Humphry Davy, poet and philosopher. 1901. 19cm (Century sci. ser.) Series title also at head of t.-p. Macmillan $1.25/ DICK. Smiles, Samuel. Robert Dick, baker, of Thurso, geologist and botanist. 19 Jem Murray 12/ Life of a poor baker, and what he did for science. Sargent. Life and achievements for science of a poor baker. N. Y. EDWARD. Smiles, Samuel. Life of a Scotch naturalist, Thomas Edward; illus. by George Reid. 5th ed. 1877. 20i.cm Harper $1.50 FARADAY. Thompson, S. P. Michael Faraday, his life and work. 1901. 19cm (Century sci. ser.) Macmillan $1.25 GALILEO. Fahie, J. J. Galileo, his life and work. 1903. 22cm Pott $5 Bibliography, p. 423-33; List of principal works con- sulted, p. 435-46. Best biography of the great Florentine. Acad. 65:382. 924 320 A. L. A. CATALOG CLASS LIST HERSCHEL. Clerke, A. M. . The Herschels and modern astronomy. 1901. 19cm (Century sci. ser. ) Macmillan $1.25 Not family annals, but a series of pictures presenting in vivid colors the individuality of brother, sister and son. Science, 26: 327. , Huxley, T: H: Life and letters, by his son, Leonard Huxley. 2 v. 1900. 22cm Appleton $5 List of essays, books and scientific memoirs, by T: H: Huxley, 2: 480-98. Mainly letters. No estimate of value of work, but in- spiring revelation of moral force, tenderness and devotion to truth. A biography that brings the man before us, robust and lifelike on every page. John Fiske. LAMARCK. Packard, A. S. Lamarck, the founder of evolution; his life and work, with translations of his writings on organic evolution. 1901. 21cm Longmans $2.40 n Bibliography, p. 425-45. The full exposition in English of Lamarck's view on evoJution constitutes its chief value. Also presents his views on the evolution of man, his thoughts on morals and the relation of science to religion, and a brief sum- mary of the views of the more important neo-Lamarck- ians. Amer. j. sci. Tie Conte, Joseph. Autobiography; ed. by W. D. Armes. 1903. 19cm Appleton $1.25 n LIEBIG. Shenstone, W: A. Justus von Liebig, his life and work (1803-1873) 1901. 19cm (Century sci. ser.) Macmillan $1.25 MAXWELL. Glazebrook, R: T. James Clerk Maxwell and modern physics. 1901. 19cm (Century sci. ser.) Macmillan $1.25 Miller, Hugh. Autobiography: My schools and schoolmasters; or, The story of my education, n. d. 19cm Hurst 30c Mitchell, Maria. Life, letters, and journals, comp. by P. M. Kendall. 1896. 21cm Lee $2 Newcomb, Simon. Reminiscences of an astron- omer. 1903. 22cm Houghton $2.50 n Contributes much that is valuable to history of astro- nomic progress during his lifetime. Pittsburg. PASTEUR. Frankland, P. F., & Mrs G.. C. (Toynbee) Pasteur. 1898. 19cm (Century sci. ser.) Macmillan $1.25 Romanes, G: J: Life and letters; ed. by his wife. 2d ed. 1896. 22cm Longmans $2 YOUMANS. Fiske, John. Edward Livingston Youmans, interpreter of science for the people. 1894. 20Jcm Appleton $2 List of writings, p. 690-91. Appreciative biographic sketch with selections from Youmans' publications and his correspondence with Spencer, Huxley, Tyndall, etc. N. Y. 926 Useful arts Collective Hubert, P. G. jr. Inventors. . 1896. 21cm (Men of achievement) Scribner $1.50 Contents: Benjamin Franklin; Robert Fulton; Eli Whitney; Ellas Howe; S: F. B. Morse; Charles Goodyear; John Ericsson; C. H. McCormick; T: A. Edison; A. Q. Bell; American inventors, past and presenl. Disappointments and triumphs, daily life and personal character, with something concerning their inventions. Sargent, 2. Smiles, Samuel. Industrial biography: iron workers and tool makers. Newed. 1876. 19cm Murray 3/6 Continuation of his Lives of the engineers. Lives of the engineers. 5 v. 1874-99. 19cm Scribner $12.50 Content*: v. 1, Early engineering; Vermuyden; Myd- delton; Perry; James Brindley. v. 2, Harbours, light- houses, bridges; Smeaton and Rennie. v. 3, History of roads; Metcalfe; Telford. v. 4, The steam engine; Boul- ton and Watt. v. 5, The locomotive; George and Robert Stephenson. Individual EADS. How, Louis. James B. Eads. 1900. 17cm (Riverside biog. ser. ) Houghton 75o EDISON. Dickson, W: K. L. & Antonia. Life and inventions of Thomas Alva Edison. 1894. 27cm Crowell $4.50 FULTOX. Thurston, R. H: Robert Fulton. 1891. 18cm (Makers of Amer.) Dodd $1 HARVEY. Power, D'Arcy. William Harvey. 1898. 19icm (Masters of med.) Longmans $1.25 Authorities, p. 267-70. LESSEPS. Smith, G: B. Life and enterprises of Ferdinand de Lesseps. 2d ed. 1895. 19cm W. H. Allen 7/6 MORSE. Trowbridge, John. Samuel Finley Breese Morse. 1901. 14cm (Beacon biog.) Small 75c n Bibliography, p. 132-34. Nasmyth, J. H. James Nasmyth, engineer; an autobiography, ed. by Samuel Smiles. Rev. ed. 1884. 19cm Harper $1.50 The happiest life, in the most natural and simple ele" ments of happiness that one can find. Phillips Brooks. Samuels, Samuel. From the forecastle to the cabin. 1887. 19cm Harper $1.50 Experiences of author who ran away from home and shipped as cabin boy; points out dangers that beset a sea- faring life. Sargent. Siemens, Werner. Personal recollections; tr. by W. C. Coupland. 1893. 23Jcm Appleton $5 HISTORY BIOGRAPHY (ARTS) 321 SIMPSON. Gordon, H:L. Sir James Young Simp- son and chloroform (1811-1870) 1897. 19Jcm (Masters of med.) Longmans $1.25 927 Fine arts ArtiatM Collective Caffin, C: H: American masters of painting; being brief appreciations of some American painters, illustrated with examples of their work. 1902. 23 x 17 Jem Doubleday $3 n Reprinted from the New York Sun. Contents: Inness; La Farge; Whistler; Sargent; Win- slow Homer; Abbey; George Fuller; Homer Martin; Brush; Wyant; Tryon; Horatio Walker; Gilbert Stuart. Dallin, C. M. Sketches of great painters, for young people, with many illustrations from the great masters. 1902. 19Jcm Silver 90c n Y Sketches personality of about 20 painters from Giotto to Turner, including stories of some of tlreir paint- ings-And list of important works. N. Y. James, B. N. Painters and their works: a dic- tionary of great artists who are not now alive, giving their names, lives, and the prices paid for their works at auctions. 3 v. 1896-97. 19cm Scribner $6 ea Jameson, Mrs A.. B. (Murphy) Memoirs of the early Italian painters; rev. by E. M. Hurll. 1899. 21cm Houghton $3 From Cimabue to Paul Veronese. Sargent. La Farge, John. Great masters. 1903. 26Jcm McClure $5 n Contents: Michelangelo; Raphael: Rembrandt; Rubens; Velasquez; Diirer; Hokfisai. Masters in art ; a series of illustrated monographs, Issued monthly, v. 1-date. 1900-date. 27Jcm Bates $1.50ayr; 15c a no. Each number devoted to a single artist, with repro- ductions of 10 masterpieces, portrait of artist, short bio- graphic sketch, some criticism, descriptive list of paint- ings, and bibliography of books and magazine articles dealing with his works. Pittsburg. Mauclair, Camille. . French impressionists (1860-1900) tr. by P. G. Konody. 1903. 15 Jem (Pop. lib. of art) Dutton 75c n Discusses theory of impressionism, with critical esti- mates of work of Manet, Degas, Claude Monet, Renoir and briefer mention of many other impressionists and . neo-impressionists. 50 half tones. N. Y. Shedd, Mrs J. A. (Clark) Famous painters and paintings; 4th ed. rev. illus. with designs after works by Raphael, Correggio, Titian and other masters. 1900. 20Jcm Houghton $2 P Catalogue of important paintings and their location, p. 309-34. Discussion of the merits and peculiarities of these men and the circumstances of their times. St. & K. Shedd, Mrs J. A. (Clark) Famous sculptors and sculpture. Rev. ed. 1896. 20Jcm Houghton $2 Companion volume to Painters and paintings. St. & K. Smith, C: S. Barbizon days. 1902. 21 Jem Wessels $2 n R Chapters on life and work of Millet, Corot, Rousseau and Barye, compiled from various sources, with personal reminiscence of village and neighboring forest of Fon- tainebleau. Illustrations. Nation, 76: 209. Vasari, Giorgio. Lives of seventy of the most eminent painters, sculptors and architects; ed. and annot. in the light of recent discoveries by E. H. and E. W. Blashfield and A. A. Hopkins. 4 v. 1901. 21cm Scribner $8 Translated by Mrs Jonathan Foster. Bibliography, 4: 333-87. The groundwork of our knowledge of the great Italian artists of 15th and 16th centuries. Full of anecdote, and picturesque narrative, and brilliant pictures of life in Italy during the epoch. St. & K. Waters, Mrs Clara (Erskine) Clement. Paint- ers, sculptors, architects, engravers, and their works. 1901. 19Jcm Houghton $3 & Hutton, Laurence. Artists of the nineteenth century and their works. 3d ed. 1885. 20cm Houghton $3 More than 2,000 brief biographies, followed by critical quotations. Aims to present artists of prominence, rather than to include all those of the century. Kroeger. Individual ANGELICO, called FRA. Phillimore, C. M.. Fra Angelico. 1880. 19 Jem (Illus. biog. of great artists) Scribner $1.25 P Bibliographies interspersed. Really an account of early Italian renaissance artists, including Masaccio, Filippo Lippi, Gozzoli, oil painting in Florence, etc. Pittsburg. BOTTICELLI. Steinmann, Ernst. Botticelli; tr. by Campbell Dodgson. 1901. 26cm (Mono- graphs on artists) Lemcke $1.50 List of pictures by Botticelli discussed in text, p. 113-14; Bibliography, p. 114-15. Cellini, Benvenuto. Life, newly tr. by J: A. Symonds. 5th ed. 1903. 21 Jem Scribner $2.50 Not valuable as a guide to the immediate intelligent knowledge of fine art, but gives a truthful picture of times of violence and individual independence of law and authority. St. & K. COROT. Holme, Charles, ed. Corot and Millet; with critical essays by Gustave Geffroy and Arsene Alexandra. 1903. 30cm Lane $2 Special winter 1902-3 number of the Studio. Fully illustrated with black and white ahd colored re- productions of their paintings, many full page. N. Y. 241104- -21 926 322 A. L. A. CATALOG CLASS LIST CORREGGIO. Brinton, Selwyn. Correggio. 1900. 20Jcm (Great masters) Macmillan $1.75 Bibliography, pref. p. 9-11; Catalogue of Correggio's works, p. 123-44. DONATELLO. Meyer, A. G. Donatello; tr. by P. G. Konody; with 140 illustrations from pic- tures, etchings and drawings. 1904. 26cm (Monographs on artists) Lemcke $1.50 DURER. Knackfuss, Hermann. Diirer; tr. by Campbell Dodgson. 1900. 26cm (Monographs on artists) Lemcke $1.50 DYCK. Knackfuss, Hermann. Van Dyck; tr. by Campbell Dodgson. 1899. 26cm (Mono- graphs on artists) Lemcke $1.50 ELIOT. Eliot, C: W: Charles Eliot, landscape architect, a lover of nature and of his kind, who trained himself for a new profession, practised it happily and through it wrought much good. 1902. 23cm Houghton $3.50 n GAINSBOROUGH. Gower, Lord B. C: S. Thomas Gainsborough. 1903. 20cm ( British art. ser. ) Macmillan $3 GIOTTO. Perkins, F. M. Giotto. 1902. 20Jcm (Great masters) Macmillan $1.75 Bibliography, pref. p. 11; Catalog of works, p. 145. HOGARTH. Dobson, Austin. Hogarth. 1880. 19$cm (Illus. biog. of great artists) Scribner $1.25 Bibliography, pref. p. 11; List of engravings by and af- ter Hogarth, p. 113-20; Principal paintings by Hogarth, arranged chronologically, p. 121-23. William Hogarth. 1891. 24 Jem Lippincott $4.50 Amplification of a smaller book published in the Great artists series. Pref. Bibliography, p. 199-237; Catalog of prints by, or after, Hogarth, p. 239-326; Catalog of paintings by, or attributed to, Hogarth, p. 327-52. A most sympathetic and just analysis of the merits of a great painter who lived in an inartistic time. St. & K. HOLBEIN. Knackfuss, Hermann. Holbein; tr. by Campbell Dodgson; with 151 illustrations from pictures, drawings and woodcuts. 1899. 26cm (Monographs on artists) Lemcke $1.50 JONES, BURNE- Bell, Malcolm. Sir Edward Burne- Jones; a record and review. 4th ed. 1901. 20cm Macmillan $3 Chronologic catalog of finished pictures, p. 129-31; List of unfinished pictures sold at Christie's, July 16, 18, 3898, p. 132-33; List of cartoons for stained glass windows, p. 134-39. LANDSEER. Stephens, F: G: Sir Edwin Land- seer. 3ded. 1880. 19cm (Illus. biog. of great artists) Scribner $1.25 LIPPI. Strutt, E: C. Fra Filippo Lippi. 1901. 23Jcm Macmillan $5- Bibliography, pref. p. 19-20; Catalog of works of Fra Filippo Lippi, p. 193-98. While paying sufficient attention to the artistic side of his career, gives particular prominence to the human. Pittsburg. MICHAEL ANGELO. Holroyd, Charles. Michael Angelo Buonarroti; with translations of the life of the master by his scholar, Ascanio Condivi, and three dialogues from the Portuguese by Francisco d'Ollanda. 1903. 20cm Scribner $2 n Works of Michael Angelo, p. 329-31. Symonds, J: A. Life of Michelangelo Buonarroti. 2d ed. 2 v. 1893. 23cm Scribner $4 Books referred to, v. 1, pref. p. 23-25. Based on studies in archives of the Buonarroti family at Florence. Portrait and 50 reproductions of the works of the master. Title. MILLAIS. Baldry, A. L. Sir John Everett ^ Millais, his art and influence. 1899. 20cm Macmillan $3 Chronologic list of his paintings, p. 113-17. Outlines his history and influence as an artist, with little personal biography. Nearly 100 illustrations. N.Y. MILLET. Ady, Mrs Julia (Cartwright) Jean [/ Francois Millet, his life and letters. 2d ed. 1902. 24cm Macmillan $3.50 Combines information from books of Sensier and Pie- dagniel and much information from articles in the Amer- ican magazines, with a number of Millet's letters. St. & K. See also Holme's Corot and Millet, under COROT. PERUGINO. Williamson, G: C: Pietro Vannucci, called Perugino. 1900. 20icm (Great mas- ters) Macmillan $1.75 Bibliography, pref. p. 13-15; Catalog of works of Peru- gino, p. 121-54; Chronologic list of pictures, p. 155-56. RAPHAEL. Knackfuss, Hermann. Raphael; tr. by Campbell Dodgson; with 128 illustrations from pictures and drawings. 1899. 26cm (Monographs on artists) Lemcke $1.50 Strachey, Henry. Raphael. 1900. 20jjcm (Great masters) Macmillan -$1.75 Catalog of Raphael's works arranged according to gal- leries, p. 117-38; Chronologic list of works, p. 139-43. REMBRANDT. Knackfuss, Hermann. Rem- brandt; tr. by Campbell Dodgson. 1899. 26cm (Monographs on artists) Lemcke $1.50 Summary of biographic facts and information about pictures. 159 illustrations. N. Y. REYNOLDS. Phillips, Claude. Sir Joshua Rey- nolds. 189i. 20Jcm Scribner $2.50 HISTORY BIOGRAPHY (FINE ARTS) 323 ROMNEY. Maxwell, Sir H. E. George Romney ; illus. with 20 plates. 1902. 19cm (Makers of Brit, art) Scribner $1.25 n Catalog of Romney's works, p. 169-94; Engravings after Romney, published 1770-1830, p. 195-222; List of principal works relating to Romney, p. 228-29. RUBENS. Kiiackfuss, Hermann. Rubens; tr. by L. M. Richter; with 122 illustrations from pictures and drawings. 1904. 26cm (Mono- graphs on artists) Lemcke $1.50 Sartain, John. Reminiscences of a very old man, 1808-1897. 1899. 23cm Appleton $2.50 Distinguished engraver, English by birth but resident in Philadelphia after 1830, tells much of artists and lit- erary men whom he knew. N. Y. SARTO. Guinness, H. Andrea del Sarto. 1899. 20cm (Great masters) Macmillan $1.75 Bibliography pref. p. 15-16; Catalog of del Sarto's works and of certain attributed works, arranged according to galleries, p. 65-100. STORY. James, Henry. William Wetmore Story and his friends, from letters, diaries and recollections. 2 v. 1903. 20$cm Houghton $6 n Of much literary interest not only from the subject but its handling. Includes letters of Browning, Lowell, Story and Charles Sumner, and glimpses of many other authors and notable people. N. Y. TINTORETTO. Osier, W: B. Tintoretto. 1879. 19cm (Illus. biog. of great artists) Scribner $1.25 List of paintings by Tintoretto, p. 91-96; Bibliography, p. 103. Enthusiastic and admiring. St. & K. TITIAN. Crowe, Sir J. A. , & Cavalcaselle, G. B. Titian: his life and times; with some account of his family. 2 v. 1877. 22cm Scribner $8.40 n Devoted mainly to his paintings, great ingenuity being shown in ascertaining the historical sequence of undated works. Changes in his style followed up with great thor- oughness. St. & K. TURNER. Monkhouse, W: C. Turner. 19cm (Illus. biog. of great artists) Scribner $1.25 i/ VELASQUEZ. Stevenson, B,. A. M. Velasquez. 1899. 20crn (Great masters) Macmillan $1.75 Bibliography, pref. p. 13-15; Catalog of the works of Velasquez and of certain works attributed to the artist, arranged according to the galleries in which they are con- tained, p. 127-58. Discusses principles of the art of Velasquez and his influence on modern painting. N. Y. VINCI. Rosenberg, Adolf. Leonardo da Vinci ; tr. by J. Lohse; with 128 illustrations from pic- tures and drawings. 1903. 26cm (Monographs on artists) Lemcke $1.50 Literature, p. 152. r WATTS. Macmillan, Hugh. Life-work of George Frederick Watts; with reproductions from photo- graphs by Hollyer of six of the artist's pictures and other illustrations. 1903. 20cm (Temple biog.) Button $1.50 Bibliography, p. 295-%. WHISTLER. Eddy, A. J. Recollections and im- pressions of James A. McNeil 1 Whistler. 1903. 23 x 15cm Lippincott $2 n Collection of anecdotes and miscellaneous data by an extravagant admirer. 12 excellent plates. K. Y. WILKIE. Gower, Lord B. C : S. Sir David Wil- \/ kie. 1902. 20 Jem (Great masters) Macmillan $1.75 Chronologic list of Wilkie's works, p. 89-100; Catalog of works of Wilkie arranged according to the galleries in which they are contained, p. 101-28 ; Pictures which can- not at present be traced, p. 129-30. Musicians Collective Dole, N. H. Famous composers. 2 v. 1902. (/ 20|cm Crowell $3 Contents : v. 1, Palestrina ; Purcell ; Bach ; Handel ; Gluck ; Haydn ; Mozart ; Beethoven ; Rossini ; Weber. v. 2, Schubert ; Spohr ; Meyerbeer ; Mendelssohn ; Schu- mann ; Chopin ; Glinka ; Berlioz ; Liszt : Wagner. Hadow, "W: H: Studies in modern music. 4th ed. 2 v. 1898-1902. 21cm Macmillan $2.25 ea Contents: v. 1, Berlioz; Schumann: Wagner, v. 2, Chopin ; Dvorak ; Brahms. Chiefly critical biography. L. & I. Hervey, Arthur. Masters of French music. 1894. 20cm (Masters of contemp. mus. ) Scribner $1.75 Contents: Ambroise Thomas; Gounod; Saint-Saens; Massenet; Ernest Reyer; Alfred Bruneau; Some other French composers. Principal works composed by Ambroise Thomas, Gou- nod, Saint-Saens, Massenet, Reyer and Bruneau, p. 279-90. Lah.ee, H: C: Famous pianists of to-day and yesterday. 1901. 18cm (Music lovers' ser.) Page $1.50 Famous singers of to-day and yesterday. 1898. 17cm (Music lovers' ser.) Page $1.50 Chronologic table of famous singers, p. 325-32. Famous violinists of to-day and yesterday. 1899. 17ctn ( Music lovers' ser. ) Page $1.50 Maitland, J: A. F. Masters of German music. 1894. 20cm (Masters of contemp. mus. ) Scribner $1.75 Contents: Brahms; Bruch; Goldmark; Rheinberger; Kirchner; Reinecke; Bargiel, Joachim. Clara Schumann; Herzogenberg; Hofmann; Bruckner; Draeseke; Nicod6; Richard Strauss; Sommer; Cyrill Kistler. 927 324 A. L. A. CATALOG -CLASS LIST Mason, D. G. From Grieg to Brahms; studies of some modern composers and their art. 1902. 21Jcm Macmillan $1.25 n Contents: The appreciation of music; Grieg; Dvorak; Saint-Saens; Franck; Tschai'kowsky; Brahms; The mean- ing of music. Streatfeild, B: A. Masters of Italian music. 1895. 20cm (Masters of contemp. mus.) Scribner $1.75- Sketches of Verdi, Boito, Mascagni, Puccini, Leon- cavallo, and a final chapter devoted to Bazzini, Sgambati, Faccio and Mancinelli. St. & K. "Willeby, Charles. Masters of English music. 1896. 20cm (Masters of contemp. mus.) Scribner $1.75 Contents: Arthur Seymour Sullivan; Alexander Camp- bell Mackenzie: Frederic Hymen Cowen; Charles Hubert Hastings Parry; Charles Villiers Stanford. Individual BACH. Poole, B. L. Sebastian Bach. 1882. 19cm (Great musicians) Scribner $1 A vast amount of information well brought out and well stated. St. & K. BEETHOVEN. Rudall, H. A. Beethoven. New ed. 1903. 19cm (Great musicians) Scribner $1 Catalog of Beethoven's printed works, p. 153-65. Berlioz, Hector. Life as written in his letters and memoirs; tr. with an introd. by K. F. Boult. 1903. 19Jcm (Temple autobiog.) Button $1.25 n BRAHMS. Dietrich, A. H.. & "Widmann, J. V. Eecollections of Johannes Brahms; tr. by D. E. Hecht. 1899. 21 Jem Scribner $2 Translation of Erinnerungen an Johannes Brahms, by A. H. Dietrich, and Johannes Brahms in erinnerungen, by J. V. Widmann. CHOPIN. Karasowski, Maurycy. Frederic Chopin; his life, letters, and works; tr. by Emily Hill. 2 v. 1879. 20 Jem Scribner $5 n List of Chopin's works, following p. 373. GOUNOD. Bovet, M. A. de. Charles Gounod; his life and his works. 1891. 23cm Low 10/6 GROVE. Graves, C: It. Life and letters of Sir George Grove. 1903. 23cm Macmillan $4n Portrays a man distinguished for attainments in such diverse subjects as biblical research, geography, belles lettres, and perhaps most widely known as musical critic and biographer. N. Y. HANDEL. Marshall, F. A. Handel. 19cm (Great musicians) Scribner $1 HAYDN. Townsend, P. D. Joseph Haydn. 1884. 19cm (Great musicians) Scribner $1 An unadorned narrative of facts without attempts at analysis or criticism. St. & K. LESCHETIZKY. Potocka, Angele, comtfstse. Theo- dore Leschetizky; tr. by G. 8. Lincoln. 1903. 21 cm * Century $2 n Story of the remarkable career of this famous teacher of the piano, who for over a half century has been prom- inent in the social and musical life of Russia, Austria, Hungary and Poland. Pub.wkly. LISZT. Nohl, Ludwig. Life of Liszt; tr. by G: P. Upton. 5th ed. 1897. 18 Jem (Biog. of musicians) McClurg 75c Mason, "William. Memories of a musical life. / / 1901. 21cm Century $2 n Written from fifty years' close association with musical affairs in this country and abroad. N. Y. MENDELSSOHN. Hensel, Sebastian. The Men- y delssohn family (1729-1847), from letters and journals; 2d ed. tr. by Carl Klingemann and an American collaborator, with a notice by George Grove. 3 v. 1882. 22cm Harper $5 R Letters are largely those of Felix Mendelssohn and his sister Fanny, Frau Hensel. - Bockstro,W:S. Mendelssohn. 3d ed. 1890. 19cm (Great musicians) Scribner $1 Complete catalog of Mendelssohn's works, p. 141-47. MOZART. Nohl, Iiudwig. Life of Mozart; tr. by J: J. Lalor. 1880. 19cm (Biog. of musicians) McClurg 75c PURCELL. Cummings, W: H. Purcell. 1881. 19Jcm (Great musicians) Scribner $1 Trustworthy and necessary for correction of errors in the early histories. St. & K. ROSSINI. Edwards, H: S. Rossini and his school. 3d ed. 1895. 19cm (Great musi- cians) Scribner $1 B Donizetti and Verdi briefly discussed in concluding chapters; includes list of Rossini's published works [p. 113-14] St. & K. RUBINSTEIN. M' Arthur, Alexander. Anton Rubinstein. 1889. 19Jcm Scribner $1.25 List of Rubinstein's works, p. 129-38. SCHUBERT. Frost, H: F: Schubert. 19cm (Great musicians) Scribner $1 Chronologic table of Schubert's works, p. 108-28. SCHUMANN. Maitland, J: A. F. Schumann. 19cm (Great musicians) Scribner $1 Chronologic table of Robert Schumann's life and works, p. 137-46. SULLIVAN. Lawrence, Arthur. Sir Arthur Sullivan; life story, letters, and reminiscences; with critique by B. W. Findon and bibliography by Wilfrid Bendall. 1900. 23cm Stone $3.50 Authorized biography by a journalist acquaintance. Johnston. HISTORY BIOGRAPHY (FINE ARTS) 325 TCHAIKOVSKY. Newmarch, Rosa. Tchaikov- sky; his life and works, with extracts from his writings, and the diary of his tour abroad in 1888. 1900. 20cm Lane $1.50 List of works, p. 226-32. VERDI. Pougin, Arthur. Verdi: an anecdotic history of his life, and works; tr. by J. E. Matthew. 1887. 21cm Scribner $2 WAGNER. Henderson, W: J. Richard Wagner, his life and his dramas. 1901. 19Jcm Putnam $1.60 n Contains analytic account of music dramas, with themes, sources of plots, etc. N. Y. Hueffer, Francis. Richard Wagner. 1881. 19 Jem (Great musicians) Scribner $1 Author a recognized English authority. Contains list of Wagner's published works [p. 108-12] St. & K. WEBER. Benedict, Sir Julius. Weber. 5th ed. 1899. 19cm (Great musicians) Scribner $1 Author a pupil of Weber. Descriptive catalog of Weber's compositions [p. 134-76] St..& K. Actors Collective V Strang, L: C. Famous actors of the day in America. 2v. 1900-02. 17 Jem (Stage lovers' ser.) Page $1.50 ea \/ . Famous actresses of the day in America. 2v. 1899-1902. 17cm (Stage lovers' ser.) Page $1.50 ea Individual V BOOTH. Winter, William. Life and art of Ed- win Booth. Rev. ed. 1894. 13Jcm Macrnillan 75c Appreciative biography, somewhat lacking in details but valuable for its studies of the actor's chief imperson- ations. N. Y. GARRICK. Knight, Joseph. David Garrick. 1894. 23cm Paul 10/6 n * Jefferson, Joseph. Autobiography. 1890. 23cm Century $4 y/ Kemble, F.. A. Further records, 1848-1883; a series of letters. 1891. 20Jcm Holt $2 Continuation of Record* of a girlhood and Records of later life. / Records of a girlhood. 1879. 20cm Holt $2 Stamped with the impress of a strong, remarkable, vari- ous nature. Nation. j/ Records of later life. 1882. 20icm Holt $2 92 Literature Collective Adams, O. F. Dictionary of American authors. 4th ed. 1901. 21cm Houghton $3.50 R Greatly enlarged edition of his Handbook of Ameri- can authors. Gives 6,000 names with dates, titles of books and exceedingly compact biographic and critical notes. N. Y. Allibone, S: A. Critical dictionary of English literature and British and American authors, living and deceased, from the earliest accounts to the latter half of the nineteenth century, and supplement by J: F. Kirk. 5v. 1891-96. 27cm Lippincott $17.50 Ef Biographies and criticisms. Appended lists of edi- tions of each author's works. Classified subject index. Cody, Sherwin. Four American poets; William Cullen Bryant, Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, John Greenleaf Whittier, Oliver Wendell Holmes. 1899. 19cm ( Four great Amer. ser. ) Y Amer. bk. co. 50c Four famous American writers: Washing- ton Irving, Edgar Allan Poe, James Russell Lowell, Bayard Taylor. 1899. 19cm (Four great Amer. ser.) Y Amer. bk. co. 50c Doumic, Rene. Contemporary French novelists; tr. by M.. D. Frost. 1899. 21cm Crowell $2 Contents: Octave Feuillet; Edmond and Jules deGon- court; Emile Zola; Alphonse Daudet; Paul Bourget; Guy de Maupassant; Pierre Loti: Edouard Rod; J. H. Rosny; Paul Hervieu; J. K. Huysmans; Rene Bazin. Fields, J. T: Yesterdays with authors; illus.with photogravure portraits and autograph letters. 1900. 22Jcm Houghton $2 The Boston publisher's personal reminiscences of Thackeray, Hawthorne, Dickens, Wordsworth, Miss Mitford, and Barry Cornwall. N. Y. Fisher, Mary. Group of French critics. 1897. 17Jcm McClurg $1 Contents: Edmond Scherer; Ernest Bersot; Saint-Marc Girardin; Ximenes Doudan; Gustave Planche. Johnson, Samuel. Six chief lives from John- son's "Lives of the poets," with Macaulay's " Life of Johnson" ; ed. with a preface and notes, by Matthew Arnold. 1892. 19cm Macmillan $1.25 n Contents: Life of Johnson; Milton: Dryden: Swift; Addison; Pope; Gray. Mitchell, D. O. About old story-tellers: of how and when they lived, and what stories they told. 1878. 19cm Scribner $1.25 Y Chapters about the first printers, the Arabian nights, Goldsmith, Swift, St Pierre, the Grimm brothers, Scott, Defoe, Bunyan and other famous storytellers. Pittsburg. i/ 927 326 A. L. A. CATALOG CLASS LIST Stephen, Sir Leslie. Studies of a biographer. 4 v. 1898-1902. 20Jcm Putnam $2 ea Contents: v. 1, National biography; The evolution of editors; John Byrom; Johnsoniana; Gibbon's autobiogra- phy; Arthur Young; Wordsworth's youth, v. 2, The story of Scott's ruin; The importation of German; Matthew Arnold; Jowett's life;' Oliver Wendell Holmes; Life of Tennyson; Pascal. v.3,TheBrowningletters; John Donne; John Ruskin; William Godwin's novels; Walter Bagehot; Thomas Henry Huxley; Jam es Anthony Froude; In praise of walking, v. 4, Shakespeare as a man; Southey's letters; New lights on Milton; Emerson- Anthony Trollope; Robert Louis Stevenson; The cosmopolitan spirit in literature. Vedder, H: C. American writers of to-day. 1894. 20cm' Silver $1.50 n Contents: E. C. Stedman; Francis Parkman; W: D. Howells; Henry James; C: D. Warner; T: B. Aldrich; Mark Twain; F. M. Crawford; F.. H. Burnett; Charles Egbert Craddock; E.. S. Phelps; A. D. T. Whitney; Bret Harte; E: E. Hale; Edward Eggleston; G: W. Cable; R: H: Stoddard; F. R: Stockton; Joaquin Miller. Individual ADDISON. Courthope, "W: J: Addison. 1894. 19 Jem (Eng. men of letters) Harper 75c ALCOTT. Cheney, Mrs E. D. (Idttlehale) ed. Louisa May Alcott; her life, letters, and jour- nals. 1900. 17|cm Little $1.50 Home life of the author of Little women, her experiences as an army nurse, struggles as an author, etc. N. Y. Amiel, H. F. Amiel's Journal; the Journal in- time of Henri-Frederic Amiel, tr. with introd. and notes by Mrs Humphry Ward. 2 v. 1393. 13Jcm Macmillan $1.50 ANDERSEN. Bain, R. N. Hans Christian Ander- sen. 1895. 23cm Dodd $3.50 Arblay, Mme Frances (Burney) d'. Diary and letters; ed. by Charlotte Barrett. 4 v. 1893. 22cm Macmillan $10 Dobson, Austin. Fanny Burney (Ma- dame d' Arblay) 1903. 19icm (Eng. men of letters) Macmillan 75c n Arnold, Matthew. Letters 1848-1888; collected and arranged by G: W. E. Russell. 2 v. 1895. 18 Jem Macmillan $2.25 No formal life can approach these charming volumes as an intimate disclosure of personal qualities. Dial. See also Fitch's Thomas and Matthew Arnold, under 923 Educators, ARNOLD. . Saintsbury, G:E:B. Matthew Arnold. 1899. 19Jcm Dodd $1.25 AUSTEN. Smith, Goldwin. Life of Jane Austen. 1890. 21Jcm (Great writers) Scribner $1 Bibliography, 5 pref. p. First chapter sketches her life; other chapters analyze her novels. Ath. Balzac, Honore* de. Letters to Madame Hauska, born Countess Rzewuska, afterwards Madame HonorS de Balzac, 1833-1846; tr. by K. P. Wormeley. 1900. 20cm (Centenary ed. ) Little $1.50 Wedmore, Frederick. Life of Honor6 de Balzac. 1890. 22crn (Great writers) Scribner . $1 Bibliography, 15 pref. p. BARRIE. Barrie, J. M. Margaret Ogilvy, by her son. 1896. 18cm Scribner $1.25 Reveals an individual character, shrewd, mirthful, pious and intensely human. Pittsburg. Besant, Sir Walter. Autobiography, with a prefatory note by S. S. Sprigge. 1902. 22Jcm Dodd $2.40 n Not thrilling, not great in any way, but full of the in- terest that went with his personality. Critic, 1902. BRONTE. Birrell, Augustine. Life of Charlotte Bronte. 1887. 21Jcm (Great writers) Scribner $1 Bibliography, 7 pref. p. Gaskell, Mrs'E.. C. (Stevenson) Life of Charlotte Bronte; with introd. and notes by C. K. Shorter. Haworth ed. 1900. 21Jcm Harper $1.75 Best edition of the standard biography. Johnston. . Mackay, A. M. The Brontes; fact and \/ fiction. 1897. 20cm Dodd $1.50 Valuable for able exposition of fiction claiming to be truth, and for light thrown on life and writings of the author of Jane Eyre. Nation, 65: 363. Browning, Mrs Elizabeth (Barrett) Letters; V ed. with biog. additions, by F: G. Kenyon. New ed. 2 v. in 1. 1899. 20cm Macmillan $2.50 Abounding in glimpses of persons, of judgments of men and book,s, political ardors and personal relations. Ed. sel. Browning, Robert, & Barrett, E. . B. Letters of Robert Browning and E.. B. Barrett, 1845-1846. 2v. 1899. 21 Jem Harper $5 A remarkable revelation of beautiful character. The sense that so intimate a set of letters should not be laid bare to the public has been gradually overcome by the perception of their singular charm. Leslie Stephen. - Chesterton, G. K. Robert Browning. 1903. 19 Jem (Eng. men of letters) Macmillan 75c n - Orr, Mrs Alexandra (Leighton) Life and letters of Robert Browning. 1900. 20cm Houghton $2 Authorized by the poet's family. Critic. HISTORY BIOGRAPHY (LITERATURE) 327 BROWNING, ROBERT. Sharp, William. Life of Robert Browning. 1890. 21|cm (Great writers) Scribner $1 Bibliography, 22 pref. p. BRYANT. Bigelow, John. William Cullen Bry- ant. 1890. 18cm (Amer. men of letters) Houghton $1.25 BUNYAN. Brown, John. John Bunyan: his life, times and work; illus. by Whymper. 3d* ed. 1888. 23cm Houghton $2.50 Chronologic list of Bunyan'8 works, p. 483-88. Burnett, Mrs Frances (Hodgson) The one I know the best of all; a memory of the mind of a child; illus. by R. B. Birch. 1893. 19cm Scribner $2 Y Relates author's childish impressions; valuable as a record of development of an imaginative child's mind. N. Y. BURNS. Blackie, J: S. Life of Robert Burns. 1888. 17Jcm (Great writers) Scribner $1 Bibliography, 41 pref. p. Lockhart, J: G. Life of Robert Burns. Rev. ed. with new annotations and appendices by W: S. Douglas. 1892. 19cm (Bonn's stand, lib.) Macmillan $1 Memoir of Lockhart, pref. p. 7-12. BYRON. Nichol, John. Byron. 1880. 19Jcm (Eng. men of letters) Harper 75c Competent and sympathetic life which, however, does not spare the poet's weaknesses. L. & I. Carlyle, Mrs J. B. (Welsh) Letters and memo- rials: prepared for publication by Thomas Car- lyle; ed. by J. A. Froude. 2 v. 1883. 21Jcin Scribner $2.50 They take up the story of her life where it was left in Froude' s Thomas Carlyle; a hintory of the first forty years of MS life. Ath. Carlyle, Thomas. Reminiscences; ed. by J. A. Froude. 1881. 20Jcm Scribner $1.50 & Emerson, R. W. Correspondence, 1834-1872. 2 v. 1884? 20cm ( Library ed.) Houghton $4 A nearly complete record of their friendship. Its spe- cial charm lies in its being human rather than literary. G: E. Woodberry in Allan. 51: 560. Froude, J. A. Thomas Carlyle; a his- tory of the first forty years of his life, 1795-1835. 1882. 19Jcm Scribner $2.50 Thomas Carlyle; a history of his life in London, 1834-1881. 2 v. 1884. 23cm Scribner $2.50 Garnett, Richard. Life of Thomas CARROLL. Collingwood, S. D. Life and letters of Lewis Carroll (Rev. C. L. Dodgson) 1899. 20 Jem Century $2.50 Bibliography, p. 431-43. Makes no attempt at analysis or criticism, but describes fully and simply his life and literary work, making large use of his letters. N. Y. CERVANTES. Watts, H: E: Life of Miguel de Cervantes. 1891. 22cm (Great writers) Scribner $1 Bibliography, 23 pref. p. CHAUCER. Ward, A. W: Chaucer. 1880. 19Jcm (Eng. men of letters) Harper 75c CICERO. Boissier, Gaston. Cicero and his friends; tr. by A. D: Jones. 1897. 20cm Putnam $1.75 Study of Roman society through Cicero's letters. Of value to student of history and sociology and interesting to general reader. N. Y. Carlyle. 1887. 21 Jem (Great writers) Scribner $1 Bibliography, 28 pref. p. Church, A. J: Roman life in the days of Cicero. 1883. 19cm Dodd 75c Y Sketches of men and manners grouped about the central figure of Cicero; facts largely drawn from Cicero's letters and speeches. Sargent. Davidson, J. L. S. Cicero and the fall of the Roman republic. 1903. 19 Jem (Heroes of nations) Putnam $1.50 Sets forth from Cicero's writings a terse account of the disastrous but not inglorious failure of the last free state of the ancient world. Pub. wkly. COLERIDGE. Campbell, J. D. Samuel Taylor Coleridge. 1894. 23cm Macmillan $3 Coleridge, S: T. Letters; ed. by E. H. Coleridge. 2v. 1895. 22Jcm Houghton $6 COOPER. Lounsbury, T: B. James Fenimore Cooper. 1883. 18cm (Amer. men of letters) Houghton $1.25 Partial bibliography of Cooper's writings, p. 290-99. Admirable study of Cooper's work in light of his life and character. N. Y. CORNEILLE. Vincent, L. H: Corneille. 1901. 18 x llcm (Brief stud, in French soc. } Houghton $1 Bibliographic note, p. 193-98. Cowper, William. Letters; ed. with introd. by W.Benham. 1893. 16Jcm ( Golden treas. ser.) Macmillan $1 - Smith, Goldwin. Cowper. 1880. 19 Jem (Eng. men of letters) Harper 75c The man, the poet, his work, and his age, portrayed by a scholarly hand. L. <& I. CRABBE. Ainger, Alfred. Crabbe. 1903. 19Jcm (Eng. men of letters) Macmillan 75c n 928 328 A. L. A. CATALOG CLASS LIST CURTIS. Gary, Edward. George William Cur- tis. 1894. 18cm (Amer. men of letters) Houghton $1.25 Straightforward and satisfactory biography by one who knew Curtis well. L. A. H. DANTE. Butler, A. J: Dante, his times and his work. 2ded. 1901. 19Jcm Macmillan $1.50 Contents: The thirteenth century; Guelfs and Ghibe- lines; Dante's early days; Florentine affairs till Dante's exile; Dante's exile; The "Commedia;" The minor works. DEFOE. Minto, William. Daniel Defoe. 1879. 19Jcm (Eng. men of letters) Harper 75c DE QUINCEY. Masson, David. De Quincey. 1902. 19cm (Eng. men of letters) Macmillan 40c Dickens, Charles. Collection of letters, 1833- 1870. 1890. 18cm ' Scribner $1.25 Freshly and spontaneously written in clear and strong and unaffected English. Ath. Dickens, Mary. My father as I recall him. 1896. 20Jcm Dutton $1.25 Informal portrayal of the great novelist's lovable quali- ties and cheerful personality in his own home. N. Y. - Forster, John. Forster's life of Dickens, abr. and rev. by George Gissing. 1903. 22Jcm McClure $2 n Kitton. F: G: Charles Dickens, his life, writings, and personality. 1902. 21cm Jack 5/ n Compendious biography by the most eminent living Dickens scholar, using letters unknown to John Forster. Johnston. DRYDEN. Saintsbury, G: E:B. Dryden. 1887. 18cm (Eng. men of letters) Harper 75c DUMAS. Davidson, A. F. Alexandra Dumas (pere) hi^ life and works. 1902. '23cm Lippincott $3.75 n Appendixes: Bibliography; French authorities on Alex- andre Dumas. Edgeworth, Maria. Life and letters, ed. by A: J. C. Hare. 2 v. 1895. 21cm Houghton $4 Valuable for their light on an honest, generous, high- minded character, and as a record of her times and of many prominent persons. N. Y. sun. EGGLESTON, EDWARD. Eggleston, G: C. First of the Hoosiers. 1903. 19Jcm Biddle $1.20 n Informal biography, including many reminiscences of characteristic features of Hoosier life. N. Y. Eliot, George. George Eliot's life as related in her letters and journals, arranged and ed. by her husband, J. W. Cross. 3 v. 1885. 19Jcm Harper $2.25 Personal records of her life from her 19th year till three days before her death. Introductory and closing pages by editor. Title. ELIOT, GEORGE. Stephen, 8ir Leslie. George Eliot. 1902. 19Jcrn (Eng. men of letters) Macmillan 75c n Keenly alive to her defects, his tribute to her intellec- tual power of observation and to the richness of her emotional nature is ample enough to satisfy all reason- able admirers. Ath. 1902. EMERSON. Cabot, Waldo Emerson. J. E. Memoir of Ralph V 2 v. 1887. 20cm Houghton $3.50 Chronologic list of lectures and addresses, p. 710-803. Authorized biography. Nation. Emerson, R. W. , & Grimm, Herman. Correspondence; ed. by F: W: Holls. 1903. 17Jcm Houghton $1 n Reprinted, with the exception of the original German letters, from Atlantic monthly, April, 1903. Life of Ralph Waldo (Great writers) Scribner $1 Garnett, Richard. Emerson. 1888. 21Jcm Bibliography, 12 pref. p. Holmes, O. W. Ralph Waldo Emer- son and John Lothrop Motley; two memoirs. 1898. 20cm (Riversideed.) Houghton $1.50 Espinasse, Francis. Literary recollections and sketches. 1893. 21 Jem Hodder 22 f Evelyn, John. Diary and correspondence; ed. from original mss at Wotton by William Bray. New ed. 4 v. 1902. 18 Jem (Bonn's hist, lib.) Macmillan $1.50 n ea Less interesting than Pepys', but covers much more ex- tensive period (1641-1705) and faithfully reflects the feel- ings of a loyal, pious, sensible Englishman at various im- portant crises of public affairs. Richard Garnett. FIELDING. Dobson, Austin. Fielding. 1894. 19Jcm (Eng. men of letters) Dodd $1.25 FIELDS. Fields, Mrs Annie (Adams) ed. James T. Fields; biographical notes and personal sketches, with unpublished fragments and trib- utes from men and women of letters. 1881. 22cm Houghton $2 FREEMAN. Stephens, W: R: W. Life and letters of Edward A. Freeman. 2 v. 1895. 21cm Macmillan $7 Mainly a record of his industry and the growth of his opinions. Pref. Gibbon, Edward. Memoirs, with various obser- / vations and excursions, by himself; ed. by G: B. Hill. 1900. 19 Jem (Putnam's lib.' of stard. lit.) Putnam $1.75 Morison, J. A: C. Gibbon. 1879. 19 Jem (Eng. men of letters) Harper 75c : HISTORY BIOGRAPHY (LITERATURE) 329 GOETHE. Boyesen, H. H. Goethe and Schiller: their lives and works. 1879. 19cm Scribner $2 R Facts and opinions concerning Goethe and Schiller, and a discursive commentary on Faust. Nation. Eckermann, J: P: Conversations of Goethe with Eckermann and Soret; tr. by John Oxenford. Rev. ed. 1892. 19cm (Bonn's stand, lib.) Macmillan $1 Goethe, J: W. von. Autobiography; truth and poetry: from my own life; tr. by John Oxenford. Rev. ed. 2 v. 1891. 19cm (Bohn's stand, lib.-) Macmillan $2 Grimm, H. F: Life and times of Goethe; tr. by S.. H. Adams. 1880. 21 Jem Little $2.50 GOLDSMITH. Dobson, Austin. Life of Oliver Goldsmith. 1888. 21 Jem Bibliography, 23 pref. p. Forster, John. (Great writers) Scribner $1 smith. 1903. 17 Jem Life of Oliver Gold- (Lib. of stand, biog.) Hutchinson I/ n and newly edited with notes by Roger Abridged Ingpen. Irving, Washington. Oliver Gold- smith. 2 v. 1897 21cm (Knick. ed.) Putnam $1.25 ea One of the best biographies in the whole range of Eng- lish literature; just, full, brilliant. C: F. Richardson. GRAY. Gosse, E. W: (Eng. men of letters) Gray, Thomas. Gray. 1887. 17Jcm Harper 75c Letters including the correspondence of Gray and Mason, ed. by D. C. Tovey. v. 1. 1900. 18 Jem (Bohn's stand, lib. ) Macmillan $1 n V. 2 in preparation. Green, J: B: Letters; ed. by Leslie Stephen. 1901. 22Jcm Macmillan $4 n Works of J. R. Green, p. 497-503. Alive with the sparkling spirits of the writer, or, when serious, with a sense of strong and penetrating earnest- ness! Nation . HAMERTON. Hamerton,- Mrs Eugenie (Gind- riez) Philip Gilbert Hamerton; an autobiog- raphy, 1834-1858, and a memoir by his wife, 1858-1894. 1896. 22Jcm Little $3 HAWTHORNE. Hawthorne, Julian. Hawthorne and his circle. 1903. 21 Jem Harper $2.25 n Within the circle were Robert Browning, Hiram Pow- ers, William Story, Channing, Maria Mitchell, Edwin P. Whipple, and many more. Pub. wkly. HAWTHORNE. Hawthorne, Julian. Nathaniel Hawthorne and his wife. 2 v. 1885. 20cm Houghton $4 The standard life, by his son; called by Richardson the best biography written in America. Johnston. Lathrop, 3/r* Rose (Hawthorne) Mem- ories of Hawthorne. 1897. 20 Jem Houghton $2 Largely composed of original letters of Hawthorne and his wife. Providence. Woodberry, G: E: Nathaniel Haw- thorne. 1902. 18cm (Amer. men of letters) Houghton $1.10 n Most valuable as an appreciative criticism of his writ- ings. Pittsburg. HAZLITT. Birrell, Augustine. William Haz- litt. 1902. 19 Jem ( Eng. men of letters) Macmillan 75c n Gives a fair notion of Hazlitt's literary quality, through many illustrative extracts, amounting altogether to about a third of the volume. Dial. See also Hazlitt's Lamb and Hazlitt, under LAMB. HEINE. Sharp, William. Life of Heinrich Heine. 1888. 21 Jem (Great writers) Scribner $1 Bibliography, 17 pref. p. Higginson, T: W. Cheerful yesterdays. 1900. 19Jcm Houghton $2 Originally contributed to Atlantic monthly. Contents: A Cambridge boyhood; A child of the college; The period of the newness; The rearing of a reformer; Fugitive slave epoch; Birth of a literature; Kansas and John Brown; Civil war; Literary London 20 years ago; Literary Paris 20 years ago; On the outskirts of public life; Epilogue. Personal reminiscences; history in its social setting. Natton. Reprinted from Atlantic monthly, with slight additions. HOLMES. Morse, J: T. jr. Life and letters of Oliver Wendell Holmes. 2 v. 1897. 20cm Houghton $4 Such letters as no one else could have written, full of wit, humor and intimate revelations. B'kman. HUGO. Marzials, F. T: Life of Victor Hugo. 1888. 2ljcm (Great writers) Scribner $1 Bibliography, 29 pref. p. Hunt, Leigh. Autobiography. 2 v. 1903. 23Jcm Button $7 Bibliography, 2: 273-99; list of portraits of Hunt, 2: 270-72. With reminiscenses of friends and contemporaries, and with Thornton Hunt's introduction and postscript, newly ed. by Roger Ingpen. Title. Placed by Carlyle next to Boswell. Johnston. : Moiikhouse, W: C. Life of Leigh Hunt. 1893. 18cm (Great writers) Scribner $1 Bibliography, 15 pref. p. 928 330 A. L. A. CATALOG CLASS LIST Hutton, Laurence. A boy I knew, four dogs, and some more dogs. 8th ed. 1900. 21cm Harper $1.25 Y Founded on papers originally published in St Nicho- las. Firstappeared under title A boy I knew andfour dogs. True account of his own boy life in New York and of the doings of his pet dogs. N. Y. IBSEN. Jaeger, H. B. Henrik Ibsen, a critical biography; fr. the Norwegian by W: M. Payne. 2d ed. with sup. chapter by the translator. 1901. 20cm McClurg $1.50 n IRVING. Boynton, H: W. Washington Irving. 1901. 17Jcm (Riverside biog. ser.) Hough ton 65c n Irving, P: M. Life and letters of Wash- ington Irving, by his nephew. Rev. ed. 3 v. 1892-95. 16Jcm (People's ed.) Putnam $2.25 The standard, complete life. Johnston. Warner, C: D. Washington Irving. 1881. 18cm (Amer. men of letters) Houghton $1.25 Contains discriminating characterization of his works. Host. jour. JEFFERIES. Besant, Sir Walter. Eulogy of Rich- ard Jefferies. 2d ed. 1889. 19 Jem Chatto 6/ List of Jefferies' works, p. 366-67; list of papers still unpublished, p. 368-69. JOHNSON. Boswell, James. Life of Johnson, including BoswelPs Journal of a tour to the Hebrides, and Johnson's diary of A journey into North Wales; ed. by G: B. Hill. 6 v. 1891. 23cm Harper $12 Bibliography, v. 6; pref. p. 7-19. Contents: v. 1-4, Life; v. 5 Tour to the Hebrides, 1773, and Journey into North Wales, 1774; v. 6, Addenda, index, Dicta philosophi, &c. jOne of the best books in the world. Many of the great- est men that have ever lived have written biography; Bos- well was one of the smallest men that ever lived, and he has beaten them all. T: B. Macaulay. The edition edited by Mowbray Morris, published by Crowell in 2 v. is also scholarly and is compact and inexpensive. Less formidable in appearance, too, for inexperienced readers. Ed. sel. Stephen, Sir Leslie. Samuel Johnson. 1878. 19Jcm (Eng. men of letters) Harper 75c KEATS. Colvin, Sidney. Keate. 1887. 19cm (Eng. men of letters) Macmillan 40c . Authorities, pref. p. 7-9. KINGLAKE. Tuckwell, William. A. W. King- lake; a biographical and literary study. 1902. 19 Jem Macmillan $1.75 KINGSLEY. Kingsley, Mrs F. E. (Grenfell) Charles Kingsley: his letters and memories of his life, ed. by his wife. 2 v. 1901. 19 Jem Macmillan $1.75 KINGSLEY. Stubfcs, C: W: Charles Kingsley and the Christian social movement. 1899. 19 Jem (Victorian era ser. ) Stone $1.25 LAMB. Ainger, Alfred. Lamb. 1894. 19Jcm (Eng. men of letters) Harper 75c - Hazlitt, W: C. ed. Lamb and Hazlitt; further letters and records hitherto unpublished. 1899. 20cm 'Dodd $1.25 - Lamb, Charles. Letters, newly arranged, with additions, ed. with introd. and notes, by Alfred Ainger. 2 v. 1888. 19Jcm Armstrong $3 They defy classification and escape analysis. Humor and fancy run through them all, but it is Lamb's humor and Lamb's fancy. Nothing occurs in them but the un- expected. Herbert Paul. LANDOR. Colvin, Sidney. Landor. 1881. 19 Jem (Eng. men of letters) Harper 75c Lanier, Sidney. Letters, selected from his cor- respondence, 1866-1881. 1899. 20Jcm Scribner $2 Edited by H: W. Lanier, with the assistance of his mother, Mrs Sidney Lanier. LAKCOM. Addison, D. D. Lucy Larcom: life, letters, and diary. 1894. ISJcm Houghton $1.25 - Larcom, Lucy. A New England girlhood, outlined from memory. 1889. 17cm (Riverside lib. for young people, no. 6) Houghton 75c New England poet's recollections of her childhood in a sea coast village and her young womanhood in a Lowell factory. Interesting contribution to New England social history. N. Y. Leland, C: G. Memoirs. 1893. 20 Jem Appleton $2 Records to 1870 a life of unusual variety of event. Candid and rich in reminiscence and humor. Leland widely known as ' Hans Breitmann.' N. Y. LESSING. Sime, James. Lessing. 2 v. 1877. 21cm (Eng. and for. philos. lib.) Scribner $4.50 LONGFELLOW. Higginson, T: W. Henry Wads- worth Longfellow. 1902. 18 Jem (Amer, men of letters) Houghton $1.10 n Bibliography, p. 303-16. Rich in personal recollections and knowledge of Long- fellow's Cambridge environment. N. Y. - Longfellow, Samuel, ed. Life of Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, with extracts from his journals and correspondence. 3v. 1891. 19Jcm Houghton $6 Bibliography, 3: 427-41. . Loti, Pierre, pseud. Story of a child; tr. by C. F. Smith. 1901. 20cm Birchard $1.25 HISTORY BIOGRAPHY (LITERATURE) 331 ir LOWELL. Hale, E: E. James Russell Lowell and his friends. 1899. 23cm Houghton $3 Genial personal reminiscences, admirably supplement- ing more formal biography. Valuable picture of literary conditions in New England from Lowell's youth. Illus. N. Y. Lowell, J. K-. Letters; ed. by C: E. Norton. 2 v. 1894. 23cm Harper $8 1827-91; full of characteristic humor and insight and contributing much to an understanding of the man. N. Y. Scudder, H. E. James Russell Lowell. 2 v. 1901. 20cm Houghton $3.50 n Writings of Lowell, 2: 421-45. Authorized biography, complementing Lowell's Letters. N. Y. MACAULAY. Trevelyan, Sir G: O: Life and let- ters of Lord Macaulay. 1876. 21cm (Harper's pop. ed.) Harper $1.75 Also published in 2 v. 85. One of the best biographies in the language. Leslie Stephen. McCarthy, Justin. Reminiscences. 2 v. 1899. 21cm Harper $4.50 Pen pictures of most of the famous men and women of the Victorian era, by a shrewd observer, a generous critic and an adept in literary portraiture. N. Y. Martineau, Harriet. Autobiography; ed. byM. W. Chapman. 2 v. 1877. 22Jcm Houghton $4 V. 2 includes (p. 131-596) Memorials of Harriet Mar- tineau, by M. W. Chapman. Among the innumerable pictures of London literary so- ciety Miss Martineau's series of portraits will stand un- rivaled. T:"W. Higginson. MILTON. Masson, David. Life of John Milton, narrated in connection with the political, ecclesi- astical, and literary history of his time. 7 v. 1859-94. 23cm Macmillan v. 1-3, 6, $6 ea; v. 4-5, $10; v. 7, $4.50. Has been called the most valuable work both on the literary and religious history of the period. Johnston. Pattison, Mark. Milton. 1880. 19Jcm (Eng. men of letters) Harper 75c Able monograph, invaluable to students of Milton and his times. L. & I. MONTAIGNE. Lowndes, M. . E. Michel de Mon- taigne; a biographical study. 1898. 20cm Macmillan $1 n There is complete avoidance of eulogy and of the com mon biographic idealizing. Nation, 67: 97. MONTESQUIEU. Sorel, Albert. Montesquieu; tr. by M. B. Anderson and E: P. Anderson. 1888. ISJcm (Great Fr. writers) McClurg 75c MORRIS. Gary, E.. L. William Morris, poet, craftsman, socialist. 1902. 25cm Putnam $3.50 n Bibliography, p. 269-90. MORRIS. Mackail, J: W: Life of William Mor- ris. 2 v. 1899. 23Jcm Longmaps $7.50 n Authorized biography by a friend; describes fully his character and career, with much relative to history of Preraphaelitism, ritualism, the democratic federation, and the socialist league. Johnston. MOTLEY. Holmes, O. W. John Lothrop Mot- ley. 1898. 18 Jem Houghton $1.50 - Motley, J: L. Correspondence; ed. by i/ G: W: Curtis. 2 v. 1889. 26 Jem Harper $7 Embraces his life in Russia, Holland, England and Austria, and his intimate friendship with Bismarck. Pittsburg. See also Holmes' Emerson and Motley, under EMERSON. Oliphant, Mrs M. O. (Wilson) Autobiography and letters, arranged and ed. by Mrs Harry Cog- hill. 1899. 23cm Dodd $3.50 Authorized biography. Contains autobiography to 1892 and the letters 1850-97, with a list of Mrs Oliphant's published works, including her contributions to Black- wood's. Johnston. OSSOLI. Higginson, T: W. Margaret Fuller Ossoli. 1884. 18cm (Amer. men of letters) Houghton $1.25 Bibliographic appendix, 315-18. OZANAM. O'Meara, Kathleen. Frederic Oza- nam, professor at the Sorbonne; with pref. by Cardinal Manning. 19cm Christian press ass'n $1 Palgrave, F. T. Journals and memories of hia life, by G. F. Palgrave. 1899. 23cm Longmans $3.50 PARKMAN. Farnham, C: H. Life of Francis Parkman. 1901. 21 Jem (Frontenac ed. ) Little $2 Bibliography, p. 359-64. Portrays an unusual and inspiring personality. N. Y. PASCAL. Clark, William. Pascal and the Port Royalists. 1902. 19cm (World's epoch makers) Scribner $1.25 Describes his scientific work, his relations to the Jan- senists and Port Royal, the Augustinian controversy, the Provincial letters and the Thoughts. Johnston. PATER. Greenslet, Ferris. Walter Pater. 1903. 18Jcm (Contemp. men of letters ser.) McClure 75c n Chronology, p. 153-63. PETRARCH. Robinson, J. H., & Bolfe, H: W. Petrarch, the first modern scholar and man of letters. 1898. 21cm Putnam $2 A selection from his correspondence with Boccaccio and other friends, designed to illustrate the beginnings of the renaissance; tr. fr. the original Latin, with historical introductions and notes. Title. 928 332 A. L. A. CATALOG CLASS LIST RABELAIS. Besant, Sir "Walter. 17 Jem (For. class.) Mrs L. 1894. POE. "Woodberry, G: E: Edgar Allan Poe. 1885. 18cm (Amer. men of letters) Houghton $1.25 POPE. Stephen, Sir Leslie. Alexander Pope. 1880. 19cm (Eng. men of letters) Harper 75c Admirable monograph, by a great critic. L. & I. PRESCOTT. Ticknor, George. Life of William Hickling Prescott. 1864. 25Jcm Lippincott $1 Rabelais. 1879. Lippincott $1 Richards, Mrs L. E.. (Howe) When I was your age. 1894. 19 Jem Estes $1.25 Y Memories of author's childhood and of her parents, Mrs Julia Ward and Dr Samuel Gridley Howe. N. Y. RICHARDSON. Dobson, Austin. Samuel Rich- ardson. 1902. 19Jcm (Eng. men of letters) Macmillan 75c n Richardson was the pioneer of a new movement; the first certificated practitioner of. sentiment; the English Columbus of the analytical novel of ordinary life. Austin Dobson. Ritchie, Mrs A. I. . (Thackeray) Chapters from some memoirs. 1894. 21cm Harper $2 Retrospect of author's girlhood, comprising recollec- tionsof Thackeray, Jasmin, Chopin, Count D'Orsay, Char- lotte Brontu, Dickens, Leech, the Kembles and others. N. Y. ROSSETTI. Gary, E.. L. The Rossettis: Dante Gabriel and Christina. 1900. 25cm Putnam $2.50 More important writings of D. G. Rossetti, p. 277-81; Christina Rossetti's poems, p. 282-87; chronologic list of paintings and drawings by D. G. Rossetti, p. 288-301. RUSKIN. Collingwood, W: G. Life of John Ruskin. 2d ed. 1900. 20cm Houghton $2 n Bibliography, p. 409-21. Life and work of John Ruskin, 2 v. 1893, rewritten on somewhat different lines. Adds new biographic detail and letters hitherto unpublished. Pub. ivkly. Harrison, Frederic. John Ruskin. 1902. 19cm (Eng. men of letters) Macmillan 75c n S Author a friend of Ruskin's since 1860. Shows his predominance in the esthetic study of nature and art, as an influence rather than as an authority. Johnston. - Hobson, J: A. John Ruskin, social re- former. 1898. 19cm Estes $1.50 SAND. Caro, E. M. George Sand; tr. by M. B. Anderson. 1888. 18Jcm (Great Fr. writers) McClurg $1 SCHILLER. Carlyle, Thomas. Life of Friedrich Schiller; comprehending an examination of his works. (Centenary ed. ) 1901. 21cm Scribner $1.25 Ed. with an introd. by H: D. Traill. Goethe's Introduction to German translation of this life of Schiller, with reprints of German title-pages, p. 329-35. See also Boyesen's Goethe and Schiller, under GOETHE. Thomas, Calvin. Friedrich Schiller. 1901. Life and works of Holt $3.25 n SCOTT. Lockhart, J: G. Life of Sir Walter Scott; abridged and newly ed.. with notes, etc. by J. M. Sloan. 1904. 17cm (Lib. of stand, biog. ) Hutchinson & co. $1 n Abridgment of Lockhart's Memoirs. Memoirs of the life of Sir Walter Scott; ed. by S. M. Francis. (Camb. ed.) 5 v. 1902. 21Jcm Houghton $10 Biographic sketch of Lockhart, 1; pref. p. 13-36. The most important biography of the reign of Queen Victoria. Shorter. Scott, Sir Walter, bart. Familiar let- ters; [ed. by David Douglas] 2v. 1894. 22Jcm Houghton $6 Journal, from the original manu- script at Abbotsford. 1891. 21cm (Popular ed.) Harper $2.50 Nov. 1825-Apr. 1832. The letters and journal deepen the reader's love and respect for the man who penned them. L. & I. SEVIGNE. Boissier, Gaston. Madame de Se 1 - vign6; tr. by M. B. Anderson. 1888. 18cm (Great Fr. writers) McClurg $1 Sevigne, Marie de (Rabuttn-Chantal) marquise de. Letters to her daughter and friends; ed. by Mrs Hale. Rev.ed. 1900. 19cm Little $1.50 No writer of letters has ever approached her in unstud- ied grace, in fulness of interest, and in power of attracting the reader to the personality of the writer. Saintsbury. SHELLEY. Dowden, Edward. Life of Percy Bysshe Shelley. 2 v. 1886. 23cm Scribner $5 n SHERIDAN. Rae, W: F. Sheridan; with introd. by Sheridan's great-grandson the Marquess of Dufferinand Ava. 2v. 1896. 23cm Holt $7 SIDNEY. Bourne, H: B: F. Sir Philip Sidney: type of English chivalry in the Elizabethan age. 1891. 20cm (Heroes of nations) Putnam $1.50 I/ HISTORY BIOGRAPHY (LITERATURE) 333 Table-talk of Shirley. Scribner 3d Skelton, Sir John. ed. 1895. 20Jcm Reminiscences of and letters from Froude, Thackeray, Disraeli, Browning, Rossetti, Kingsley, Baynes, Huxley, Tyndall and others. Title. SOUTHEY. Dowden, Edward. Southey. 1902. 19 Jem (Eng. men of letters) Harper 75c SPENSER. Church, B: W: Spenser. 1894. 19icm (Eng. men of letters) Harper 75c STAEL-HOLSTEIN. Sorel, Albert. Madame de Stael; tr. by F.. H. Gardiner. 1891. 18cm (Great Fr. writers) McClurg $1 STERLING. Carlyle, Thomas. Life of John Sterling. Centenary ed. 1900. 21cm Scribner $1.25 Study of spiritual history. Contains the famous por- trait of Coleridge seated 'on the brow of Highgate hill.' Saintsbury includes it in an essay on 7 great biographies. N. Y. Ed. with introd. by H: D. Traill. Sterling, John, & Emerson, B. W. Correspondence; with a sketch of Sterling's life by E: W. Emerson. 1897. 18cm $1 STERNE. Traill, H: D. (Eng. men of letters) STEVENSON. Balfour, Graham. Louis Stevenson. 2 v. 1901. Houghton Sterne. . 1894. Harper 75c Life of Robert Scribner $4 n Chronologic list of writings of Stevenson, 2: 248-61. Authorized biography by his cousin and intimate, largely compiled from Stevenson's own records. Supple- ments the more valuable and inspiring Letters, edited by Colvin. N. Y. Cornford, L. C. 1900. 19Jcm Robert Louis Steven- Dodd $1.25 A study of finished achievement, and of his personality and temperament. Pref. Stevenson, B. L: Letters to his family and friends, selected and ed. with n9tes and introd. by Sidney Colvin. 2 v. 1901. 21 Jem Scribner $5 n They reflect as a mirror the mood of the moment, the passing whim, the fleeting humor of this mutable, kindly spirit. Dial. Beyond the biographic interest, beyond the beauty of many descriptions, the queer humor, the grave and gay wisdom and the acute criticism, there is this that you see the very heart of the man. Spec. Vailima letters, being correspond- ence addressed to Sidney Colvin, November, 1890-October, 1894; [ed. by Sidney Colvin] 2v. 1895. 17icm Scribner $2.25 Stoddard, B: H: Recollections, personal and literary; ed. by Ripley Hitchcock; with introd. byE.C.Stedman. 1903. 20cm Barnes $1.50 n Reminiscences of literary life and prominent literary men and women in a period of over 50 years. Pub. wkly. STOWE. Fields, Mrs Annie (Adams) ed. Life and letters of Harriet Beecher Stowe. 1897. 19Jcm Houghton $2 Account of her early life as she told it to her son; facts of her later history mainly from very frank and detailed letters to her friends. Pittsburg. SWIFT. Collins, J: C. Jonathan Swift; a bio- graphical and critical study. New ed. 1902. 20cm Chatto 3/6 TAYLOR. Smyth, A. H: Bayard Taylor. 1896. 18cm (Amer. men of letters ) Houghton $1.25 Bibliography, p. 299-307. TENNYSON. Gary, E.. L. Tennyson; his homes, his friends and his work. 1902. 23cm Putnam $2.50 Outline biography, with many quoted critical estimates, including a hitherto unnoted review of The princess by Lowell. Illustrated. N. Y. Lang, Andrew. Alfred Tennyson. 1901. 20cm (Mod. Eng. writers) Dodd $1 n Based on the authorized life of Tennyson by his son. Of value as the narrative of a judicial historian and as the appreciation of an eminent critic and thoroughgoing Tennysonian. Johnston. - Tennyson, H. T. 2d baron. Alfred lord Tennyson; a memoir, by his son. 2 v. 1898. 23cm Macmillan $10 n The edition of Tennyson called The life and complete works, 10 v. Macmillan $20, contains this biography as the first 4 volumes in very desirable form. Ed. sel. A record so full as perhaps has never been given to the world, of the growth and progress of the mind of a great imaginative artist. Edmund Gosse. THACKERAY. Crowe, Eyre. Thackeray's haunts and homes; illus. from sketches by the author. 1897. 19Jcm Scribner $1.50 n Merivale, H. C:, & Marzials, F. T. Life of W. M. Thackeray. 1891. 17cm (Great writers) Scribner $1 Chs. 1-6 and 12 are by Merivale; chs. 7-11, by Marzials. Bibliography, 23 pref. p. Thaxter, Mrs Celia (Laighton) Letters; ed. by her friends A. F. and R. L. 1895. 19Jcm Houghton $1.50 Written from 1856-94. Pleasant picture of a quiet, sea- island life, full of generous activities and individual flavors. N. Y. THOREAU. Channing, W: E.' Thoreau, the poet-naturalist, with memorial verses; new edi- tion ed. by F. B. Sanborn. 1902. 22cm Goodspeed $2 n l/ 928 334 A. L. A. CATALOG CLASS LIST , THOREAU. Thoreau, H: D: Familiar letters; ed. with introd. and notes by F. B. Sanborn. 1896? 20cm (Riverside ed.) Houghton $1.50 THRALE. Seeley, L. B. Mrs Thrale, afterwards Mrs Piozzi; a sketch of her life, and passages from her diaries, letters and other writings. 1891. 20crn Scribner $2.50 Ticknor, George. Life, letters and journals. 12th ed. 2 v. 20cm Houghton $4 Full of anecdotes and narratives of conversation, of descriptions of remarkable men and women, and of unusual personal experience. Nation. TOLSTOI. Sergieenko, P. A. How Count L. N. Tolstoy lives and works; tr. by I. F. Hapgood. 1899. 21cm Crowell $1.25 Trollope, Anthony. An autobiography. 1883. 19cm Harper $1.25 Trowbridge, J: T. My own story, with recol- lections of noted persons. 1903. 21cm. Houghton $2.50 n Reminiscences of long literary career and of acquaint- ance with many distinguished people, mainly New Englanders. Written in his 76th year. N. Y. Turgenev, I. S. Tourgueneff and his French circle; ed. by E. Halperine-Kaminsky ; tr. by E. M. Arnold. 1898. 19cm Holt $2.25 Letters written by Turgenev to Flaubert, Zola, and other friends in France. VOLTAIRE. Morley, John. Voltaire. Macmillan 1903. $1.50 J WALPOLE. Dobson, Austin. Horace Walpole, a memoir, w r ith apx. of books printed at the Strawberry Hill press. 2d ed. 1893. 21cm Dodd $1.25 - Walpole, Horace, 4th earl of Orford. Hor- ace Walpole and his world: select passages from his letters, ed. by L. B. Seeley. 1884. 19cm Scribner $1.25 Ward, Mrs E.. S. (Phelps) Chapters from a life. 1896. 19cm Houghton $1.50 Record of life at Andover, Boston and Gloucester, strongly colored by author's personality. Many notes on interesting people. N. Y. WHITMAN. Burroughs, John. Whitman; a study. 1896. 17 Jem Houghton $1.25 Enthusiastic appreciation. N. Y. WHITTIER. Carpenter, G: B>. John Greenleaf WMttier. 1903. 18cm (Amer. men of letters) Houghton $1.10 n List of Whittier's writings, p. 304-7. Contributes some new material and emphasizes politi- cal and reformatory aspects of his life more than literary. N. Y. WHITTIER. Higginson, T: W. John Greenleaf Whittier. 1902. 19*cm (Eng. men of letters) Macmillan 75c n By a friend of 40 years standing. Though 'brief, less than 200 pages, presents a wellrounded picture of the man, poet, politician and reformer. N. Y. Pickard, S: T: Life and letters of John Greenleaf Whittier. 2 v. 1894. 20cm Houghton $4 Bibliography, p. 787-90. The standard biography. Johnston. Wordsworth, Dorothy. Journals; ed. by Wil- liam Knight, 2 v. 1897. ISJcm Macmillan $1.50 ea WORDSWORTH, WILLIAM. Myers, F: W: H: Wordsworth. 1881. 19cm (Eng. men of let- ters) Harper 75c Young, Arthur. Autobiography, with selec- tions from his correspondence; ed. by M. Be- tham- Edwards. 1898. 21 Jem Scribner S4.80 Abridged autobiography of the eminent English agri- culturist and political writer. Of value for history of political thought during last years of 18th century. John- ston. 929 Genealogy and heraldry Bardsley, C: W. Dictionary of English and Welsh surnames, with special American in- stances. 1901. 22 x 19cm Oxford $7 List of references and key to abbreviations, pref. p. 13-16. Brings a mass of material within convenient reach; his discussion of it in the main trustworthy. Nation, 74: 19. Durrie, D. S. Index to American genealogies; and to genealogical material contained in all works such as town histories, county histories, local histories, historical society publications, biographies, historical periodicals, and kindred works, alphabetically arranged. 5th ed. 1900. 26cm Munsell $5 Alphabetic list containing nearly 50,000 references to county and town histories, collections of public and pri- vately printed genealogies, centennial anniversary cele- brations, biographies and other works. Habben, F. H. London street names; their origin, signification and historic value. 1896. 20cm Lippincott $2 vSTonge, C.. M. . History of Christian names. Rev. ed. 1884. 19 Jem Macmillan $2.50 929.$ Heraldry Holden, E: S. Primer of heraldry for Ameri- cans. 1898. 18cm Century $1 999.8 Coats of arms. Crests Eve, G: W. Decorative heraldry; a practical handbook of its artistic treatment. 1897. 19icm ( Ex-libris ser.) Macmillan $3.50 n ^HISTORY ANCIENT 335 Scottish clans and their tartans, with notes. 6th ed. 13$cm Scribner $1 Very brief historical summary of clans, giving badges, war cries and music, with double-page colored reproduc- tions of tartans. N. Y. 929.9 Flags Holden, E: S. Our country's flag and the flags of foreign countries. 1898. 18jcm (Appletons' home reading bks. ) Appleton 80c n Y Gives history of American flag, describes foreign flags, explaining symbolism, weather signals, uses of flags at sea, salutes, signaling, etc. X. Y. v Hulme, F: E: Flags of the world: their history, blazonry, and associations. 1897. 20cm Warne $2 Royal standards, army colors, naval flags, army signal- ing and signaling at sea, also arms of the European coun- tries, separate provinces, cities, etc. Providence. Smith, Nicholas. Our nation's flag in history and incident. 1903. 19cm Young chuVchman $1 n Gives story of the many banners used in the early part of the American revolution, and of the first Stars and stripes. 93O Ancient history Botsford, G: W. Ancient history for beginners. 1902. 21cm Macmillan $1.50 n Complies with action of American historical associa- tion, encouraging schools to give a year to ancient his- tory, 'with special reference to Greek and Roman his- tory, but including also a short introductory study of the more ancient nations.' Copious use of maps and illustra- tions. Nation, 75: 401. V Maspero, G. C. C: Passing of the empires, 850 B. c. to 330 B. c. Ed. by A. H. Sayce, tr. by M. L. McClure. 1900. 27Jcm Appleton $7.50 V. 3 of author's Histoire ancienne des peuples de V Orient. Valuable work of reference. 400 illustrations from the most varied sources. Nation, 70: 380. 932 Egypt * Brugsch, H: K. History of Egypt under the Pharaohs; tr. and ed. by Philip Smith. 2d ed. 2v. 1881. 22icin Scribner $5 Derived entirely from the monuments. Contains also discourse by the author on the exodus of the Israelites. Title. Mahafly, J: P. Empire of the Ptolemies. 1895. 19 Jem Macmillan $3.50 He has pieced out his mosaic with great special learn- ing and pains and has added many new touches to the picture. Nation, 64: 33. Maspero, G. C. C: The struggle of the nations, Egypt, Syria and Assyria; ed. by A. H. Sayce, tr. by M. L. McClure. 1897. 28$cm Appleton $7.50 V. 2 of author's Histoire ancienne des peuples de F Orient. In a sense a continuation of the Dawn of civilization, taking up the history of Egypt at the 14th dynasty. St. & K. Petrie, W: M. F. ed. History of Egypt. In 6 v. v. 1-2, 4-6. 1898. 20cm Scribner $2.25 ea Bibliographies interspersed. ./ Contents: v. 1, From the earliest times to the 16th dy- nasty, by W: M. F. Petrie. v. 2, During the 17th and 18th dynasties, by W: M. F. Petrie. v. 4, Under the Ptolemaic dynasty, by J. P. Mahaffy. v. 5, Under Roman rule, by J. G. Milne, v. 6, In the middle ages, by Stanley Lanc- Poole. 933 Judea Josephus, Flavius. AVorks, with a life written by himself; tr. by William AVhiston. New standard ed. 4 v. in 3. 1902. 21cm Armstrong $3.75 Kent, C: F. History of the Hebrew people. 2v. 1896-97. 19Jcm Scribner $1.25 n ea Contents: v. 1, From the settlement in Canaan to the division of the kingdom, v. 2, From the division of the kingdom to the fall of Jerusalem in 586 B. C. Useful brief history from point of view of recent scholar- ship. Bowdoin. Kittel, B-udolf. History of the Hebrews. 2 v. 1895-96. 22cm (Theol. transl. lib.) Scribner $8.40 n V. 1 tr. by J. Taylor; v. 2, by H. W. Hogg and E. B. Speirs. Presents for first time opportunity of studying in Eng- lish a history of Israel based on most approved results of higher criticism and written by a learned, devout and candid scholar. Dial, 20: 72. Mathews, Shailer. History of New Testament times in Palestine, 175 B. c.-70 A. D. 1899. I/ 19cm (N. T. handbks.) Macmillan 75c n Biggs, J. S. History of the Jewish people dur- ^ ing the Maccabean and Roman periods (includ- ing New Testament times) 1900. 19cm (Hist. ser. for Bible students) Scribner $1.25 n Schurer, Emil. History of the Jewish people in the time of Jesus Christ; 2d ed. rev. of a "Manual of the history of New Testament times." 5 v. 1897-98. 23cm Scribner $8 n Division 1, tr. by J. Macpherson; division 2, by S.Taylor and P. Christie. Bibliographies interspersed. 935 Medo-Persia Goodspeed, G: S. History of the Babylonians ^ and Assyrians. 1902. 19cm (Hist. ser. for Bible students) Scribner $1.25 n P Selected bibliography, p. 385-92. Compact and fairly comprehensive. Pittsburg. 336 A. L. A. CATALOG CLASS LIST Paton, L: B. Early history of Syria and Pales- tine. 1901. 19Jcm (Semitic ser. ) Scribner $1.25 n P Bibliography, pref. p. 20-36. Story of western Semitic peoples to establishment of Persian empire. Critic, 1901. Rawlinson, George. The five great monarchies of the ancient eastern world; or, The history, geography and antiquities of Chaldsea, Assyria, Babylon, Media and Persia; collected and il- lustrated from ancient and modern sources. 3 v. 21cm Dodd $3.75 Seventh great oriental monarchy ; or, The geography, history and antiquities of the Sas- sanian or new Persian empire; collected and illustrated from ancient and modern sources. 21cm Dodd $1.25 O - Story of Parthia. 1893. 20cm (Story of nations) Putnam $1.50 Shows no common skill in combining information and tells the tale with vigor and spirit. Acad. Rogers, R. W: History of Babylonia and As- syria. 2 v. 1900. 23Jcm Eaton $5 P Literature and bibliography, 2; 383-87. ' Based on smaller work by same author. 937 Rome. Italy Botsford, G: W. History of Rome for high schools and academies. 1901. 20cm Macmillan $1.10 n Of high merit as regards accurate scholarship and attractiveness. A wide knowledge of original authorities everywhere apparent. Illustrations numerous and in- telligently selected. Nation, 72: 459. Bury, J: B. The student's Roman empire; a history of the Roman empire from its founda- tion to the death of Marcus Aurelius (27 B. c.- 180 A. D.) 19cm (Student's ser.) Amer. bk. co. $1.50 Dill, Samuel. Roman society in the last century of the Western empire. 2d ed. 1899. 20Jcm Macmillan $2 n Gibbon, Edward. History of the decline and fall of the Roman empire. 7 v. 1900-04. 19cm (Bohn's stand, lib.) Macmillan $1 n ea At once scrupulously faithful in its facts, consummate in literary art and comprehensive in analysis of forces affecting society over a very long and crowded epoch. Frederic Harrison (B) Merivale, Charles. History of the Romans under * the empire. New ed. 8 v. 1890. 19cm Longmans $10 Mommsen, Theodor. History of Rome; tr. by W: P. Dickson. Newed. 5 v. 1903. 21cm Scribner $10 Mommsen, Theodor. Provinces of the Roman empire, from Caesar to Diocletian; tr. by W: P. Dickson. 2 v. 1887. 21 Jem Scribner $6 Pelham, H: F. Outlines of Roman history. , 1903. 20cm Putnam $1.75 Bibliography, pref. p. 7-10. Revised from article in Encyclopedia. Britannica. Smith, R. B. Rome and Carthage, the Punic Q wars. 1901. 16cm ( Epochs of anc. hist. ) Longmans $1 Excellent abridgment of author's larger work; centers interest of Punic wars in Carthage. N. Y. Taylor, T: M. Constitutional and political his- tory of Rome, from the earliest times to the reign of Domitian. 1899. 19cm New Amsterdam $2.50 938 Oreece Abbott, Evelyn. History of Greece. 5 v. V 1895-1901. 22cm Putnam $2.25 ea Contents: pfc 1, From the earliest times to the Ionian revolt; pt. 2, From the Ionian revolt to the thirty years' peace, 500-445 B. c.; pt. 3, From the thirty years' peace to the fall of the thirty at Athens, 445-403 B. c. Originally planned to comprise 4 v. Authors quoted or consulted, 1: 550-53. Careful, accurate. Ed. sel. Pericles and the golden age of Athens. < 1897. 20cm ( Heroes of nations) Putnam $1.50 Written out of full knowledge and systematically arranged. Allan. Botsford, G: W. History of the Orient and Greece, for high schools and academies. 1901. 20cm Macmillan $1.10n Bibliography, p. 363-66. Bury, J: B. History of Greece to the death of Alexander the Great. 1902. 23cm Macmillan $1.90 n Notes and references, p. 851-83. Butler, H. C. Story of Athens. 1902. 21cm j/ Century $2.40 n Bibliography, p. 522. Life and art from earliest times to present, mainly as recorded in ancient literature and monuments. Maps, valuable line drawings and photographs. Author Prince- ton lecturer on architecture. N. Y. Church, A. J: Pictures from Greek life and story. 1894. 19 Jem Putnam $1.25 Solon, Themistocles, Pericles and Alcibiades; stories of Thermopylae, battles of Salamis and Marathon, great plague of Athens, trial and death of Socrates, etc. Sar- . gent, ( Cox, SVr G: W: Athenian empire. 1876. ISJcm Q (Epochs of anc. hist. ) Longmans $1 From rebuilding of walls of Athens after Persian inva- sions to surrender of the city at end of Peloponnesian war. N. Y. HISTORY EUROPE 337 Curteis, A. M. Rise of the Macedonian empire. 3ded. 1882. 15cm (Epochs of anc. hist.) Longmans $1 Lucid but concise summary of one of the most momen- tous military expeditions which the world has ever known. >Y!/. r. (B) \/ Curtius, Ernst. History of Greece; tr. by A. W: Ward; rev. after the last German ed. by W. A. Packard. 5v. 1870-74. 20cm Scribner $10 \j> Holm, Adolf. History of Greece from its com- mencement to the close of the independence of the Greek nation; tr. by Frederick Clarke. 4 v. 1898-1900. 21cm Macmillan $2.50 n ea Alike indispensable to the specialist and attractive to the general reader. Educ. r. 9: 95 (B) / Mahaffy, J: P. Survey of Greek civilization. 1896. 20cm Macmillan $1 n 939 Elinor countries Church, A. J:, & Oilman, Arthur. Story of Carthage. 1886. 20cm (Story of nations) Putnam $1.50 Accurate and interesting. Ration. ' J Rawlinson, George. Phoenicia. 1898. 20cm (Story of nations) Putnam $1.50 94O Europe Adams. G: B. European history;' an outline of its development. 1899. 20Jcm Macmillan $1.40 n Alison, Sir Archibald. Era of Napoleon; Europe from the French revolution, 1785 to the fall of Napoleon, 1815; abr. by E: S. Gould. 1895. 23cm Barnes $1.20 n Original ed. published 1833-42 in 10 v. with title History of Europe. ^Andrews, C: M. Historical development of modern Europe, from the congress of Vienna to the present time. 2 v. 1899. 23cm Putnam $2.50 ea S v. 1, 2d ed. Not so much a history as a careful essay on the results of research conducted by competent authorities in prin- cipal European countries. Nation, 64: 230. O Archer, T: A., & Kingsford, C: L. The cru- ttides; the story of the Latin kingdom of Jeru- salem. 1900. 20cm (Story of nations) K Putnam $1.50 Barry, W: F. Papal monarchy from St Gregory the Great to Boniface vm (590-1303) 1902. 20cm (Story of nations) Putnam $1.35 n Shows importance of papacy as central, supreme ac- knowledged guardian of faith, learning, law and civili- zation, in bridging gap between ancient and modern civilization. N. Y. Bemont, Charles, & Monod, G. J. J. Medieval Europe from 395 to 1270; tr. by Mary Sloan, with notes and revisions by G: B. Adams. 1902. 19cm Holt $1.60 'Sources' and ' Literature ' at beginning of each chap- ter. Specially noteworthy for simplicity of treatment and for the fulness with which it treats topics not usually taken up in detail, notably the medieval church. R. ofr. Bryce, James. Holy Roman empire. 1896. v 19cm Macmillan $1 n Luminous sketch of central political institutions of mid- dle ages. Chamb. eye. Eng. lit. Cambridge modern history; planned by the late ]/ Lord Acton; ed. by A. W. Ward, G. W. Pro- thero, Stanley Leathes. v. 1-2, 7. 1902-03. 25cm Macmillan $4 n ea Contents: v. 1, The renaissance, v. 2, The reformation, v. 7, The United States. From 15th century in series of monographs by special- ists in related order but from various standpoints. Bibli- ographies. N. Y. Church, B,: W: Beginning of the middle ages. C Newed. 1882. 15 Jem ( Epochs of mod. hist. ) Longmans $1 One of best brief accounts of events from fall of Rome to breakup of Carlovingian empire. Adams. Cobden, Richard. Political writings, with pref- ace by Lord Welby, introductions by Louis Mal- let and W: C. Bryant; notes by F. W. Chesson and a bibliography. 4th ed. 2 v. 1903. 21cm Unwin 7/ Bibliography of Richard Cobden, p. 705-10. Duruy, Victor. History of modern times, from the fall of Constantinople to the French revolu- tion; tr. and rev. with notes by E. A. Grosve- nor. 1894. 19cm Holt $1.60 Covers the general history of European states from fall of Constantinople to French revolution. Valuable com- pend by one of foremost French historians of our day. L. &I. History of the middle ages; tr. from the ^ 12th ed. by E. H. and M. D. Whitney, with notes and revisions by G: B. Adams. 1891. 19cm Holt $1.60 Probably the best single volume on general history and character of middle ages. Adams. Emerton, Ephraim. Introduction to the study */ of the middle ages (375-814) 1888. 19cm Ginn $1.12 Bibliography, pref. p. 18. Perhaps best short history of middle ages in any lan- guage. Critic. Mediaeval Europe (814-1300) 1894. * 19cm Ginn $1.50 R S Bibliographic introduction, pref. p. 15-25. Read- ing list at beginning of each chapter. Covers period from death of Charlemagne (814) to close of 14th century. L. & I. 2411- 937 338 A. L. A. CATALOG CLASS LIST Fisher, H. A. L. The medieval empire. 2 v. 1898. 23cm Macmillan $7 n Written with special reference to political and consti- tutional features. Providence. Froissart, Jean. Boy's Froissart; ed. with introd. by Sidney Lanier, illus. by Alfred Kappes. 1879. 21cm Scribner $2 Y Sir John Froissart's Chronicles of adventure, battle, and custom in England, France, Spain, etc. Title. Chronicles of Froissart, tr. by John Bour- chier, Lord Berners; ed. and reduced into one volume by G. C. Macaulay. 1899. 20cm (Globe ed). Macmillan $1.25 Stories from Froissart, by Henry New- bolt, 1899. 19cm Macmillan $1.50 Y Selection of stirring fights or adventures, from Lord Berners' translation, with some modernizing of words and phrases. Xation, 69: 391. Fyffe, C: A. History of modern Europe, 1792- 1878. 1896. 20cm (Pop. ed) Holt $2.75 Most important work in English on general European history from outbreak of French revolution (1792) to congress of Berlin (1878) L. & I. Gray, G: Z. The children's crusade. 1898. 19cm Houghton $1.50 Chronicles, etc. consulted and quoted, pref. p. 13-15. Well studied, valuable account. Pittsburg. Guggenberger, Anthony. General history of the Christian era; for catholic colleges and read- ing circles, and for self-instruction. 3 v. 1899- 1901. 23cm Herder $1.50 ea Contents: v. 1, The papacy and the empire, v. 2, The protestant revolution, v. 3, The social revolution. Guizot, F. P. G. History of civilization, from the fall of the Roman empire to the French revolution ;tr. by William Hazlitt. 3v. 1901-02. 19cm ( Boh n's stand. lib.) Macmillan $lnea Lectures delivered 182&-30, at the Old Sorbonne. In spite of its 65 years, in spite of recent additions to all that we know of the* origin of "the feudal world, of medieval law and custom, of medieval sovereignty, still remains the most valuable short conspectus of the medi- eval system for general readers. [1894] Frederic Har- rison. Hallam, Henry. View of the state of Europe during the middle ages. 2 v. 1893. 21 cm Scribner $4.80 n Without attempting a philosophy of history, in the more modern sense, he takes broad and sensible views of facts. Diet. not. biog. Hassall, Arthur. The balance of power, 1715- 1789. 2ded. 1898. 19cm ( Periods of Europ. hist.) Macmillan $1.60 n B, Very satisfactory treatment of grand political move- ments of period. Embodies results of latest investi- gations. B'kman. Hassall, Arthur. Handbook of European his- tory, 476-1871, chronologically arranged. 1898. 20cm Macmillan $2.25 n Mainly a synchronologic table of European history from fall of western Roman empire to close of Franco-German war. Also summaries, genealogies and listsof sovereigns.* Nation, 66: 291. Johnson, A. H: Europe in the sixteenth cen- tury, 1494-1598. 2d ed. 1898. 19cm (Pe- riods of Europ. hist. ) Macmillan $1.75 n Normans in Europe. 1877. 15crn (Epochs of mod. hist.) Longmans $1 From Scandinavian exodus in 9th century to 1154. Sketches Norman invasionsof France, Italy, Spain, Sicily and Russia, but treats most fully of English conquest and influences. N. Y. Judson, H. P. Europe in the nineteenth cen- tury. 1898. 20cm (Chaut. lit. & sci. cir.) Scribner $1.25 n Bibliography, p. 337-40. Graphic review of great events of last 100 years and of social, political and intellectual development in which the events have been incidents. K. ofr. Lavisse, Ernest. General view of the political history of Europe; tr. by Charles Gross. 1891. 19cm Longmans $1.25 Lilly, W: S: Renaissance types. 1901. 22icm Longmans $3.50 Contents: Genesis of the renaissance; Michael Angelo, the artist: Erasmus, the man of letters: Reuchlin, the savant; Luther, the revolutionist: More, the saint: Results, of the renaissance. Lodge, Richard. Close of the middle ages, 1273-1494. 1901. 19cm (Periods of Europ. hist.) Macmillan $1.75n Student's Modern Europe; a history of modern Europe, from the capture of Constan- tinople by the Turks to the treaty of Berlin, 1878. 1886. 20cm (Student's ser.) Harper $1.50 Morris, E:E. Early Hanoverians. 1899. ISJcm (Epochs of mod. hist. ) Longmans $1 English and contemporary European history from ac- cession of George i to treaty of Aix-la-Chapelle in 1748. N. Y. Miiller, Wilhelm. Political history of recent times, 1816-1875, with special reference to Germany; rev. ed. tr. with an apx. covering the period 1876-1881. 1882. 20icm Amer. bk. co. $2 Oman, C: W: C. Dark ages, 476-918. 1901. ' 19cm (Periods of Europ. hist.) Macmfllan $1.75 n Concise, comprehensive, well proportioned, authorita- tive. First of series of 8 periods to be treated by different writers bringing history to date. N. Y. HISTORY EUROPE (GREAT BRITAIN) 339 Phillips, W. A. Modern Europe, 1815-1899. 1901. 19 Jem (Periods of Europ. hist.) Macmillan $1.60 n R Bibliographic note, pref. p. 9-12. Connected history of Europe from battle of Waterloo to outbreak of Boer war. Acnd. 1901. Robinson, J. H. Introduction to the history of western Europe. 1903. 19Jcm Ginn $1.60 Selection, emphasis and effective presentation the key- notes. Author has not scrupled to omit, nor spared pains to illuminate. Unqualifiedly recommended to beginners. Nation, 76: 502. O Rose, J: H. Revolutionary and Napoleonic era, 1789-1815. 1898. 19cin (Camb. hist, ser.) Macmillan $1.25 n List of authorities, p. 373-78. Special value comes from author's interest in economic side of Struggle between Napoleon and England. Excel- lent maps. Nation, 60: 59. / Schiller, J. C. F. von. History of the thirty years' war; tr. by A. J. W. Morrison. 1901. 19cm (Bonn's stand, lib. ) Macmillan $ln Seebohm, Frederic. Era of the Protestant rev- olution; 2d ed. with notes on books in English relating to the reformation, by G: P. Fisher. 1903. 17Jcm ( Epochs of hist. ) Scribner $1 P Limited to 16th century. L. the earliest times to the present day. New il- lustrated ed. In 6 V. V. 1-4. 1901-03. 26cm Putnam $5 n ea Sold only in sets. Authorities at end of each chapter. Series of short excellent treatises by eminent special- ists on the various phases of social life: trade and agri- Ga i rdne r culture, art and architecture, language and literature, public health, morals, manners, development of juris- prudence, church, army, navy, science, education, relig- ion. Dial, 18:15. Trevelyan, G:M. England in the age of Wycliffe. 3d ed. 1900. 23cm Longmans $4 pictures civilization of the day: political, social, re- ligious. Of interest to student and general reader. 942.O4 Lancaster and York 942 Ol Analo-Saxon Conybeare, J: W: E: Roman Britain. / r Conybeare, J: W: E: Roman Britain. 1903. 17cm (Early Britain) Soc. for promot. Christian knowl. 3/6 Authorities, pref. p. 7-9. Freeman, E: A: Old English history for chil- dren. 1869. 17Jcm Macmillan $1.50 Y From landing of Caesar to coronation of William" the Conqueror. Written for author's own children. Simple, clear and accurate. L. & I. s tS Ramsay, of Bamff, Sir 3 . "B.: The foundations of England; or, Twelve centuries of British history (B. c. 55-A. D. 1154) 2 v. 1898. 23cm Macmillan $7.50 Authorities, i; 540-53 ^ James. Houses of Lancaster and ,, , .,, ., . _. York - wlth the conquest and loss of France. 1900. 16cm (Epochs of mod. hist. ) Longmans $1 Compact history of England during turbulent century between death of Edward in and accession of Henry vn. Adams. Ramsay, of Bamff, Sir J. H: Lancaster and York; a century of English history (A. D. 1399- 1485) 2 v. 1892. 23cm Clarendon $10 Fullest account of period of wars of the roses. James Gairdner. " 9<*2.O8 Tudor 'fcorbett, J. S. Drake and the Tudor navy, with ,. , , ,, . , , , ... a history or the rise or England as a maritime power New e d. 2 v. 1899. 20cm Longmans $5 An almost monumental work: the high water mark of all investigations since Barrow wrote. Ath. '98, 1 : 529. > - Successors of Drake. 1900. 23cm Longmans $6 Good reference book, by a specialist. Particularly full for military history. Johnston. ^., Naval history of England from 1589 to 1603: continuation Rhys, John. Celtic Britain. Rev. ed. 1884. O f his Drote and 1 Pru88la and nortllerii e rmany History Tuttle, Herbert. 1884-96. 20 Jem / " of Prussia. 4 v. Houghton $8.25 Contents: v. 1, To accession of Frederic the Great, 1134- 1740. v. 2-4, Under Frederic the Great, 1740-1757. Biographic sketch of Herbert Tuttle, by H. B. Adams, v - 4, pref. p. 11-43; bibliography of writings of H. Tuttle, v. 4, pref. p. 45-46. Work uncompleted at author's death. w}th extrftordinary skin and snre , critical eye, Prof. Tuttle sifts the fearful mass of material and shapes it in a clear and luminous manner. Deutsche revue. 943.6 Austria Bri M j. F . Joseph n . 1897 . 19icm (Foi , statesmen) Macmillan 75c Continuation of his Mana Thereto. - Maria Theresa. 1897. 19cm (For. statesmen) Macmillan 75c Excellent summary of European history in last half of ntury. Bowdoin. ^i *Coxe, William. History of the house of Austria. 4 v. 1893-95. 19cm (Bonn's stand, lib.) Macmillan $4 n Contents: v. 1-3, From the foundation of the monarch v , ,_, , , , , ' by Rhodolph of Hapsburgh to the death of Leopold the Second, 1218 to 1792. v.4, From the accession of Francis r to the revolution of 1848; in continuation of the history o written b >" Archdea cn Coxe, by W. K. Kelly. Whitman, Sidney, & Mcllraith, J: B. Austria. 1899. 20cm (Story of nations) Putnam $1.50 943 344 A. L. A. CATALOG CLASS LIST 943.7 Bohemia ^ Ltitzow, Franz, graf von. Bohemia. 1896. 23cm Scribner $3 S H. Well balanced. No important circumstance or phase in Bohemian history omitted. Ath.- '96, 2: 379. I/ Story of Prague; illus. by Nelly Erichsen. 1902. 17icm (Mediaeval towns) Macmillan $1.50 Authorities, p. 203-4. Historical guide. Excellent illustrations and map. Painstaking and informing. Acad. 943. S Poland O Morfill, W: B: Story of Poland. 1893. 20cm (Story of nations) Putnam $1.50 Accurate, well balanced outline, with brief statement 8 of social conditions and chapter on Polish literature. N. Y. O Vambery, Armin, & Heilprin, Louis. Story of Hungary. 1886. 20cm (Story of nations) Putnam $1.50 Ends with adoption of new constitution of Austro- Hungary in 1868. N. Y. 944 France y Adams, G: B. Growth of the French nation. 1896. 20cm MacmiWan $1.25n Condensed, skilful, graphic. No English history of France of same size can compare with it for accuracy or interest. Eng. hist. r. y Eire, Edmond. Diary of a citizen of Paris during "the terror;" tr. and ed. by.John de Villiers. 2v. 1896. 23cm Dodd $7.50 Possesses all the interest of romance and all the value of real history, not a single fact being advanced without authority. Providence. Bonner, John. Child's history of France. 1893. 19cm Harper $2 Y Does not overlook the delight of young people in romance, incident and local color. Good as introduction. Pittsburg. Q Carlyle, Thomas. The French revolution. 3 v. 1896. 21cm (Centenary ed.) Scribner $1.25 ea Ed. with introd. by H: D. Traill. Not to be " read for information." But considered as a 'prose epic,' a moving panorama, drawn with astonish- ing force and perception of the tremendous tragi-comedy involved, it is unequaled in English literature. Leslie Stephen. * Cook, T. A. Old Touraine; the life and history of the famous chateaux of France. 2 v. 1900. 20icm Pott $5 Cook, T. A. Story of Rouen; illus. by H.. M. O James and J.. E. Cook. 1899. 17Jcm (Me- diaeval towns) Macmillan *~2 Authorities, p. 400-2. Admirable sketch, alive with an attractive enthusiasm. Traces origin of every prominent building down to 19th century. Xatton, 6% 78 Coubertin, Pierre de, baron. Evolution of Franre under the third republic; tr. by I. F. Hapgood. Authorized ed. with special preface and additions and introd. by Albert Shaw. 1897. 22cm Crowell $3 Political history from Sept. 4, 1871, to death of President Carnot, with chapters on the church, education, the army and social matters. N. Y. Creighton. Louise (von Glehn) A first history of France. New ed. 1901. 17Jcm Longmans $1.25 Y Clear and simple, without being childish, and re- markably correct as to facts. Acad. Davis, H: W: C. Charlemagne (Charles the Great) the hero of two nations. 1900. 19 Jem (Heroes of nations) Putnam $1.50 Duruy, Victor. History of France; abr. and tr. S fr. the 17th French ed. by Mrs M. Carey; with introd. notice and a continuation to 1896 by J. F. Jameson. 2 v. 1896. 20cm Crowell $2.50 Author an imperialist and Roman Catholic; individual views always given with moderation. Adams. Gardiner, Mrs B. M. (Cordery) The French revolution 1789-1795. 1902. 16cm (Epochs of mod. hist.) Longmans $1 Reliable handbook. L. & I. Grant, A. J. French monarchy (1483-1789) O 2v. 1900. 19icm (Camb. hist, ser.) Macmillan $2.25 n P R Bibliographic note, 2: 306-5. Clear and pertinent summary. Ed. sel. Guizot, F. P. G. History of France fr. the S earliest times to 1848. 8 v. 1872-83. 25cm Low A 4f 8 P Earliest times to 1789, 5 v. 1872-76, tr. by Robert Black; 1789-1844 3 v. (v. 6-8) 1880-83, ed. by Mme de Witt. Full delineations ol character and graphic description of eventsf N. Y. Outlines of the history of France from the earliest times to the outbreak of the revolution. 1879. 22cm Estes $2.50 Abridged by Gustave Masson from Robert Black's translation of Guizot's popular History of France. Hassall, Arthur. The French people. 1901. S 19 Jem (Great people's ser.) Appleton $1.50 n Bibliography, p. 379-86. Covers whole field of French history. Half the volume HISTORY EUROPE (FRANCE) 345 devoted to period from beginning of French revolution to close of 19th century. Pittsburg. O Headlam, Cecil. Story of Chartres; illus. by Herbert Railton. 1902. 17cm (Mediaeval towns) Macmillan $2 v Hoist, H. E. von. The French revolution tested by Mirabeau's career; twelve lectures on the history of the French revolution, delivered at the Lowell institute. 2 v. 1894. 20cm Callaghan $3.50 / Hopkins, Tighe. The man in the iron mask. 1901. 20 Jem Marshals authenticated facts about the mysterious prisoner of Louis XIV, and also relates the fables cluster- ing about him. N. Y. Hugo, Victor, comte. History of a crime (Depo- sition of a witness) tr. by Huntington Smith. 2 v. 1888. 20icm Crowell $1.50 The coup d'etat of 18-51. Kirk, J: F. History of Charles the Bold, duke of Burgundy.. 3 v.. 1864-68. 22cm Lippincott $6 , >/ Kitchin,G:W: History of France. 2ded. 3v. 1881-85. 20cm (Clarendon press ser.) Closes with 1792. Lacombe, Paul. The growth of a people, a short study in French history; translation of " Petite histoire du peuple francais," by L: A. Stimson. 1883. 17in Holt 80c K Elementary view from earliest times, chiefly tracing growth of evils which the revolution eradicated, and showi velopm O Lebon, Andre. Modern France, 1898. 20cm (Story of nations) R Putnam $1.50 J Lowell, E: J. Eve of the French revolution. 1900. 20Jcm Houghton $2 A penetrating and comprehensive view of the ante- revolutionary situation. IM. world. / Mackinnon, James. Growth and decline of the French monarchy. 1902. 23icm Mathews, Shatter. French revolution- a sketch 19Q1 19Jcm Longmans $1.25 chronologic summary, p. 287-89. in less than 300 pages causes and course clearly traced in light of most recent and authoritative investigations. / Michelet, Jules. Historical view of the French revolution from its earliest indications to the flight of the king in 1791; tr. by C. Cocks. 19 <>2. 18$cm (Bohn's stand, lib.) Macmillan $1 n Scribner $2 "iiignet, F. A. A. History of the French revo- lution, 1789 to 1814. 1902. 19cm (Bohn's stand lib ) Macmillan $1 n Morris, Charles. Historical tales: French. 1893 - 18 * cm Lippincott $1 Y From 4th century to Napoleon's downfall. Sargent,2. erkins, J.B. France under Louis xv. 2 v. 1897 20 j cm Honghton $4 g 1723 _ 74 ^- - r ranee under Mazarin, with a review of the administration of Richelieu. 2 v. 1886. 23cm Putnam $4 1610-60, with review of Richelieu's administration ; easy and forcible in style. N. Y. France under the regency, with a review the administration of Louis xiv. 1892. Houghton $2 of 20 * cm 1661-1723, including review of administration of Louis xiv; defends king and duke of Orleans. N. Y. ng how necessary was that upheaval to perfect de- / ment of the nation. L. & I. "Hopes, J: C. Campaign of \V aterloo; a military histor y- 1892 - 93 ' 23 * cm Scribner $2.50 and atlas of 12 double ma P 8 ' 39 * cm ^ n Works relating to campaign, pref. p. 33-42. He has taken infinite pains to marshal all the evidence and weigh all the argument. Conclusions may be fairly accepted as reasonable. Nation, 56: 183. 1789-1895. Scott, &r Walter. Tales from French history. Rev ' ed> 2 v ' m l ' 19 * cm Longmans $7.50 ^Sergeant, Lewis. The Franks, from their origin Short bibliography at end of each chapter. as a confederacy to the establishment of the /MacLehose, 8. H. Last days of the French kingdom of France and the German empire. monarchy. 1901. 20cm Macmillan $2.25 1898. 20cm (Story of nations) Putnam $1.50 Clear narrative of events preceding revolution with (/l O ane, W: M. French revolution and religious details of court life and sketches of prominent persons. reform 19Q1 21 ^ m Scribner $2 n /Unusually interesting illustrations. N. Y, Mahan, A. T. Influence of sea power upon the French revolution and empire, 1793-1812. 10th ed. 2v. 1898. 23cm Little $6 Chiefly a splendid and philosophic sketch of the naval and military history. Portions of it rank beside the most profound historical work of the century. Ath. '93, 1: 177. 8 R ase ^, on lc ? u before Union , theological semi- nary, 1900. Contends that questions of church and reli- ^ were main causes of revo iution. N. Y. Stephens, H: M. . . T lution. In 6 V. History of the French revo- . 1Q no V. I-/. Scribner $2.50 ea 944 346 A. L. A. CATALOG CLASS LIST l/ Taine, H. A. The ancient regime; tr. by John Durand. Rev. ed. 1896. 20Jcm (Origins of contemporary France, v. 1) Holt $2.50 A revelation of society in its different phases during the 100 years before the revolution. Adams. /- The French revolution; tr. by John Du- rand. 3 v. 1878-85. 20Jcm (Origins of con- temporary France, v. 2-4) Holt $7.50 /- The modern regime; tr. by John Durand. 2v. 1890-94. 20cm (Origins of contemporary France, v. 5-6) Holt $5 Object to account for condition of modern France by analyzing ideas and institutions of the revolution and empire. A storehouse of information, authentic and in- valuable. Nation. 58: 274. Tliiers, L: A. History of the French revolution; 1-11 -r-i i i 01 i i tr. with notes and illus. by Frederick Shoberl. 4v. 1897. 22Jcm Appleton $8 I/ Washburne, E. B: Recollections of a minister to France, 1869-1877. 2 v. 1887. 24 Jem Scribner $5 / Wiel, Hon. Alethea. Romance of the house of Savoy, 1003-1519. 2 v. 1899. 21cm Putnam $4 P Chronicles of no other great house in Europe more packed with striking or strange incidents. Worthy of a place with Mrs Oliphant's Makers of Florence and Venice. Nation, 67: 416. /^Browning, Oscar. Age of the condottieri; a short history of mediaeval Italy from 1409-1530. 1895 - 20cm Methuen 5/ I/Crawford, F. M. Rulers of the South; Sicily, Calabria, Malta; with 100 original drawings by Henry Brokman. 2 v. 1900. 20Jcm From legendary times through 13th century. Supple- mentary chapter on Mafia. N. Y. Duffy, Bella. Tuscan republics (Florence, Siena, Pisa and Lucca) with Genoa. 1893. 20cm (Story of nations) & Freeman, E: A: Story of Sicily: Phoenician, Greek and Roman. 1892. 20cm (Story of na- tions) . Putnam $1.50 History to 9th century after Christ. Well condensed result of indefatigable research. Nation. O Gordon, L. D. Story of Assisi; illus. by Nelly Erichsen and M. H.. James. 1900. 17Jcm (Medieval towns) Macmillan $1.50 Admirable guide to the town, works of Giotto, castle and church. Ath. '01, 1: 172. Hodgkin, Thomas. Italy and her invaders. 8 v. in 9. 1885-99. 22Jcm Clarendon $36.50 V. 1-2, 2d ed. Authorities at head of each chapter. f The . flrat * ttem * to ; SUm U , p for *f * sh ?* r sults f modern research into civil socia and political charac- tenstics of early German and Asiatic invaders. Adams. Hunt> wmiam> Higt of Ital ^ b . A Freeman . 17cm (Freeman's hist, course) , H It 80 "Martinengo-Cesaresco, E. L. H. (Carrington) contessa. Liberation of Italy, 1815-1870. 1895. 2 lcm Scribner $1.75 P Spirited history, by a witness of many events de- scribed. Of genuine value. X. Y. ... Orsi . Pietro. Modern Italy, 1748-1898; tr. by M.. A. Vialls. 1900. 20cm (Story of nations) ' i> * mi CA -L utnam i.ou compact outline of events by ardent believer in des- tiny of united Italy. Chapter on art and literature. OSimonde de Sismondi, J. C: L. History of the Italian republics; being a view of the origin, progress, and fall of Italian freedom. 1901. m Longmans $1 d Stillman, W: J. The union of Italy, 1815-1895. 1898. 19 Jem (Camb. hist, ser.) ' Bibliography, p. 395-405. Useful, orderly and reliable account of rise and char- acter of present kingdom. Bowdoin. t/Symonds, J: A. Renaissance in Italy: The age . of the despots. 1881. 22 Jem Holt $2 Forms pt. 1 of author's Renaissance in Italy. - ghort higtory of the renaissance in Italy 1894. 19cm Holt $1.75 Abridged with author's permission by Alfred Pearson. ,/Thayer, W: B. Dawn of Italian independence: Italy from the congress of Vienna, 1814, to the fall of Venice, 1849. 2 v. 1893. 20Jcm Hough ton $4 o wiel? Hon . Alethea. Story of Verona; illus. by Ne li y Eric hsen and H.. M. James. 1902. 17Jcm (Mediaeval towns) Macmillan $2 First half devoted to history of city including literature and art; second part in nature of guide book describing Verona of to-day. Pittsburg. Florence Gardner, E. G. Story of Florence; illus. by Nelly Erichsen . 1900 . i 7 Jcm (Medieval towns) Macmillan $1.75 p Historical guide> bringine out influence of famous citizens, literature and art. Admirable photogravures and drawings; map. N. Y. HISTORY EUROPE (ITALY. SPAIN) i, Pasquale. Two first centuries of Flor- entine history; the republic and parties at the time of Dante; tr. by Linda Villari. 1901. 21icm Scribner $3.75 / * , / v / / . I ^l / Gregorovius, Ferdinand. History of the city of Rome in the middle ages; tr. from the 4th German ed. by Annie Hamilton. 8 v. in 13. 1 8941 90** 20cm Macmillan v. 1-3, $2 n ea; v. 4-8, $6 n e In matter and manner ranks as one of greatest histori- cal studies of the century. ^et^ internal, eye. Oliphant, Jto M. O. (Wilson Makers of modern Rome;. in four books; illus. by H: P. Riviere and Joseph Pennell. 1895. 19Jcm Macmillan $3 P 1, Honourable women not a few; 2, The popes who made the papacy; 3, Lo popolo: and the tribune of the people; 4, The popes who made the city. Title. History of Christian Rome from 4th to 16th century, grouped around the lives of various remarkable person- ages. Ath. '96, 1: 801. Brown, H. R. F. Venice; an historical sketch . , , ul . OJ i -ion- oo of the republic. 2d ed. 189o. 23cm Putnam $4.50 n Bibliography, pref. p. 16-20. Clear account of how Venice organized her government at home and extended her powers abroad. Nation,^: 176. , ,.,.,/, IT - uv -A -4. Hazlitt, W: C. Venetian republic; its rise, its growth, and its fall, 421-1797. 2 v. 1900. 24cm Macmillan $12 _ Tr TUT /\ /TTT-I \ mu f Oliphant, -V/-X M. O. (Wilson) The makers of Venice; doges, conquerors, painters and men of letters; illus. by R. R. Holmes. 1898. 19cm Macmillan $2.50 Wiel, Hon. Alethea. Venice. 1894. 20cm (Story of nations) Putnam $1.50 From 421 to 1866. Crowded with detail, yet bringing out clearly client characteristics. N.Y. 946 Spain Bonner, John. Child's history of Spain. 1894. 19cm Harper $2 YR 500 B. C.-1890 A. D. Simple and well constructed, with picturesque incidents and dramatic aspects thrown into strong relief. Outl. . _. ,, . , t a c iu i- * Burke, TJ. B. History of Spam from the earliest , ., i ^ \. , , n_*u i- times to the death of Ferdinand the Catholic; , ... ,,.,. , 1-4 2d ed. with additional notes and mtrod. bv M. A. S. Hume. 2 v. 1900. 20cm _ $ Coppee, Henry. History of the conquest of Spain by the Arab-Moors; with a sketch of the civilization which they achieved, and imparted to Europe. 2 v. 1881. 20cm Little $5 Hume, M. A. S. Modern Spain, 1788-1898. 1900. 20cm (Story of nations) Putnam $1.50 Rp Author exceptionally equipped by long residence, Though chiefly political it does not neglect economics. literature and art. E. G. Bourne in Amrr. hist. r. 7: 151. ~ ' . Spain its greatness and decay (1479-1788) th introd. by Edward Armstrong. 1898. 20cm Macmillan $1 50 His strong sympathy with the Spanish does not blind him to their raci)ll and political shortcomings. Cation. ^ - The g igh le their Qri j tj . and influence. 1901. 19cm (Great people's ser>) Appleton $1.50 n Bibliography, P . 517-24. Traces evolution of Spanish people and institutions in light of their peculiar circumstances and racial tenden- cies. For students and general readers. N. Y. Irving, Washington. Chronicle of the conquest of Granada, from the mss of Fray Antonio Aga- pida. 2 v. 1897. 18cm (Knick. ed.) Putnam $1 9" A study of history which conveys not only the pathos but the humor of one of the most splendid and impres- sive situations in the experience of the race. W. D. Ho wells in My literary nngnions. - Spanish papers, ed. by P: M. Irving. 1897. 18cm (Knick. ed.) Putnam $1.25 ft _, ^y*ch, Hannah. Toledo; illustrated by H.. M. James. 1898. 17icm (Mediaeval towns) Macmillan $1.50 Morris > Charles. Historical tales; Spanish. 1899. 18cm Lippincott $1 . Y S f tories of kings knights, discoverers, battles and / sieges from 600 to the Cuban war. N. Y. ./_ . /Na P ier > ' S "' W: F - P - History of the war m the peninsula and in the south of France, 1807 to 1814 6y 20 j cm Warne ^ ,/_ __ VOman, C: W: C. History of the peninsular war. n 10 rvo r.o 0^1 " v " l ~*' 1902-03. 22cm Clarendon $4.75ea For the most part, accurate in details and fair. Ath. '02, 2: 609. Valuable supplement to Napier, correcting him at many points. N. Y. Op oo le, Stanley Lane-, & Oilman, Arthur. Story of the Moors in Spain. 1886 20cm (gt of natioM) Putnam $1.50 / /Prescott, W: H. History of the reign of Ferdi- nand and Isabella the Catholic, rev. ed. with author s latest corrections and additions, ed. by J: F. Kirk. 3 v. 1873. 19 Jem Lippincott $3 His works so admirably combine substantial truth with literary spirit that they are more useful than many which are respected as more authoritative. Barrett Wendell. / - History of the reign of Philip the Second, king of Spain; ed. by J: F. Kirk. 3 v. 1902. 19cm Lippincott $3 348 A. L. A. CATALOG CLASS LIST Robertson, William. History of the reign of the emperor Charles the Fifth; with an account of the emperor's life after his abdication by W: H. Prescott. 3 v. 1902. 19 Jem Lippincott $3 Ed. byJ:F. Kirk. O Watts, H: E: The Christian recovery of Spain, being the story of Spain from the Moorish con- quest to the fall of Granada (711-1492 A. D.) 1894. 20cm (Story of nations) Putnam $1.50 Yonge, C.. M.. Story of the Christians and Moors of Spain. 1903. 16 Jem (Golden treas. ser. ) Macmillan $1 946.9 Portugal O Stephens, H: M. Story of Portugal. 1891. 20cm (Story of nations) Putnam $1.50 947 Rusia Clarke, Sir G: S. Russia's sea-power, past and present; or, The rise of the Russian navy. 1898. 20cm Scribner $2.40 Contains brief view of relations between Great Britain and Russia. Dole, N. H. Young folks' history of Russia. Rev. ed. 1903. 19Jcm Y Saalfield $1 V Krausse, A. S. Russia in Asia; a record and a study, 1558-1899. 1899. 23cm Holt $4 Bibliography, p. 389-93. Comprehensive yet concise; conclusions, the result of investigation among more than 200 authorities. Includes all important treaties and conventions in force respecting Asiatic frontiers of Russia. Dial, 228: 248. Morfill, W: B: History of Russia from the birth of Peter the Great to Nicholas u; 12 maps and plans. 1902. 19cm Pott $1.70 n R Concise. Ed. sel. - Story of Russia. 1890. 20cm (Story of nations) Putnam $1.50 Systematic and judicious. N. Y. Morris, Charles. Historical tales: Russian. 1898. 18Jcm Lippincott $1 Y Stirring and romantic true stories of Russia from 9th century. N. Y. J Rambaud, A. N: Expansion of Russia: prob- lems of the East and problems of the Far East, with an essay on the Russian people, by J. Novi- cow. 2ded. 1904. 19cm (Con temp, thought ser.) Scott-Thaw $1 n J History of Russia from the earliest times to 1877; tr. byL. B. Lang, with additional chap- ters covering the period from 1877-1904 by G. M. Adam. 2 v. 1904. 19cm Burt $2.50 , F. H: B. Expansion of Russia, 1815- 1900. 1903. 19 Jem (Camb. hist ser.) Macmillan $1.50 n Bibliography, p. 347-58. Political history, no better summary. Ed. sel. 94 Norway, Sweden and Denmark Keary, C: F. Vikings in western Christendom, / A. D. 789 to A. D. 888. 1891. 20cm Putnam $2.50 Rather a sketch of the Carling empire down to 888, to- gether with a discussion of the religious ideas of the age, than a history of the wicking wars. Eng. hist. r. 7: 136. Otte, E. C. Scandinavian history. 1874. 17Jcm / Macmillan $1.25 n The best general history in English of Denmark, Nor- way and Sweden. Maps and genealogic tables. L. & I. Sweden Voltaire, F. M. A. de. History of Charles xn; v ed. by O. W. Wight. 1887. 19Jcm Houghton $2.25 Contains a life of Voltaire by Lord Brougham and crit- ical notices by Lord Macaulay and Thomas Carlyle. Title. One of the most delightful of Voltaire's books. John Morley. 949.2 Netherlands Blok, P. J. History of the people of the Nether- * lands. In 5 v. v. 1-3. 1898-1900. 23Jcm Putnam $2.50 ea Contents: pt. 1, From the earliest times to beginning of 15th century, pt. 2, From beginning of 35th century to 1559. pt. 3, War with Spain. Pt. 1, tr. by O. A. Bierstadt and Ruth Putnam; pt. 2-3, by Ruth Putnam. Admirable study, not merely in Netherlandish history but in life of medieval Europe. Appendix contains de- tailed account of authorities for early Dutch and Flemish history. Nation, 68: 281. Griffis, W: E. Brave little Holland and what she taught us. 1894. 18 Jem Houghton $1.25 Y Chief aim is to show influence on colonial, revolu- tionary and constitutional founders of American order and liberty. Pittsburg. Young people's history of Holland. 1903. 19Jcm Houghton $1.50 n Y From prehistoric times to marriage of Queen Wil- helmina; nearly half given to history before 16th century. N. Y. Motley, J: !L. History of the United Nether- y/ lands, from the death of William the Silent to the twelve years' truce, 1609. 4 v. 1895. 24cm Harper 8 Study of a short period, 1584-1609. when the history of the Dutch state was closely connected with that of both England and France. The author had access to Dutch sources before unused and the history is clear. Interesting and trustworthy, but not judicial. Ed. sel. HISTORY EUROPE (RUSSIA) 349 /Motley, J: L. Rise of the Dutch republic. 3v. 1883. 22 Jem Harper $6 Vivid portrayal of Holland's struggle for freedom under . William of Orange in 16th century. N. Y. Rogers, J. E. T. Story of Holland. 1889. 20cm (Story of nations) Putnam $1.50 Outlines history from earliest times to 1813, describing struggle for civil and religious liberty, commercial enter- , prise and internal developments. N. Y. / Schiller, J. C. F. von. Revolt of the United Netherlands; with the Trial of counts Egmont and Horn, and the Siege of Antwerp; to which is added, The disturbances in France preceding the reign of Henry iv; tr. by A. J. W. Morrison, L. D. Schmitz. 1897. 19cm (Bohn's stand, lib. ) Macmillan $1 n 949. 3 Belgium O Smith,, Ernest Gilliat- Story of Bruges; illus. by Edith Calvert and Herbert Railton. 1901. 17$cm (Mediaeval towns) Macmillan $2 949.4 Switzerland Colton, J. M. Annals of Switzerland. 1897. 20cm Barnes $1.25 Clear and simple; interesting illustrations. N. Y. O Hug, Mr* Lina, & Stead, Richard. Switzerland. 1890. 20crn (Story of nations) Putnam $1.50 949.5 Byzantine empire and modern Oreeee y Harrison, Frederic. Byzantine history in the early middle ages. 1900. 22$cm (Rede lect. ) Macmillan 80c Bibliographies in the notes, p. 43-63. Impressive and eloquent summary of significance of Byzantine history; specially devoted to early middle ages. Ath. '00, 2: 81. O Oman, C: W: C. Story of the Byzantine empire. 1892. 20cm (Story of nations) R Putnam $1.50 V Pears, Edwin. Destruction of the Greek em- pire and the story of the capture of Constanti- nople by the Turks; with maps and illustrations. 1903. 23cm Longmans $7 Preface contains bibliographic notes. Excellent monograph. Represents an original and thorough examination of all contemporary accounts known to exist. First book in English which covers the ground with great detail. Nation, 77: 173. V Phillips, "W. A. War of Greek independence, 1821 to 1833. 1897. 19Jcm Scribner $1.50 Impartial, adequate and readable. Author has drawn from the best sources. Nation, 65: 523. Sergeant, Lewis. Greece in the nineteenth cen- \S tury; a record of Hellenic emancipation and progress: 1821-1897. 1897. 23cm New Amsterdam $4 Steevens, G: "W. With the conquering Turk; \ confessions of a bashibazouk. 1897. 19Jcm Dodd $2 P E Authentic information touching the qualities of the Turkish soldier and the organization of the Turkish army. Nation, 66: 390. 949.6 Turkey in Europe Hutton, "W: H. Constantinople; the story of ^ the old capital of the empire; illus. by Sydney Cooper. 1900. 17 Jem (Mediaeval towns) Macmillan $1.50 Compact history, archeology and description for trav- elers. Map and attractive illustrations. N. Y. Poole, Stanley Lane- Story of Turkey. 1888. O 20cm (Story of nations) Putnam $1.50 Prom 1250-1880; chapters on Ottoman literature and administration. N. Y. 949.7 Servia. Bulgaria. Montenegro Miller, "William. The Balkans; Roumania, O Bulgaria, Servia and Montenegro. 1896. 20cm (Story of nations) Putnam $1.50 Ancient and modern history, closely packed with de- tails, yet clear and interesting. N. Y. 950 Asia Mahan, A. T. The problem of Asia and its O effect upon international policies. 1900. 20cm Little $2 Contents: The problem of Asia; Effect of Asiatic con- ditions upon world policies; Merits of the Transvaal dis- pute. Mainly an argument for concerted action between the United States, Great Britain and Germany on the lines of their common interests in Asia. Literature. 951 China Boulger, D. C: de K. Short history of China; new ed. with additional chapter continuing the history from 1890 to date. 1900. 23 Jem Gibbings 7/6 Special prominence given to modern history of China; a chapter on " How China is governed/' N, Y. Douglas, B. K. China. 1901. 20cm (Story of nations) Putnam $1.50 Griffis, W: E. Corea, the hermit nation. 6th ed. 1897. 22Jcm Scribner $2.50 Bibliography, pref . p. 19-25; additional chapter on Corea In 1897. 947 350 A. L. A. CATALOG CLASS LIST Krausse, A. S. The Far East; its history and its question. 1900. 22cm Button $6 Includes chronology and copies of the more important treaties and conventions bearing on the Chinese situa- tion. Nation, 71: 465. \J Loti, Pierre, pseud. Last days of Pekin; tr. by M. L. Jones; illus. from photographs and draw- ings by J. B. Jones. 1902. 20cm Little $1.75 n Valuable as a contribution to current history by an ob- server possessing sympathy, imagination and knowledge. X. Y. Martin, W: A. P. Lore of Cathay; or, The in- tellect of China. 1901. 23cm Revell $2.50 n Mirrors Chinese intellectual life. Pref. Parker, E: H. China, her history, diplomacy, and commerce. 1901. 21cm Button $2.50 n Author has read and digested the voluminous Chinese records and gives in very condensed form the result of many years' research and experience. Probably no book yet written [1901] holds the balance so justly be- tween the Chinese and their critics. Maps. Nation, 73: 229. Smith, A. H. China in convulsion. 2 v. 1901. 23cm Revell $5 n Study of causes of Boxer uprising and account of siege written from personal experience. Author 29 years a missionary to China. Maps and illustrations. X. Y. Thomson, H. C. China and the powers; a nar- rative of the outbreak of 1900; with 30 illustra- tions and two maps. 1902. 23cm Longmans $4 Based mostly on his letters to English papers. Describes investment and bombardment of foreign settlements at Tientsin and assault and capture of the Tientsin native city. Pub. ukly. 952 Japan Griffis, "W: E. The mikado's empire; 10th ed. with 6 sup. chapters, including history to begin- ning of 1903. 2 v. 1903. 21cm Harper $4 Morris, Charles. Historical tales: Japan and China. 1898. 18cm Y Lippincott $1 Murray, David. Story of Japan. 1894. 20cm (Story of nations) Putnam $1.50 Chiefly on earlier times, but outlining history to 1890; well constructed. N. Y. 954 India D Frazer, R. W. British India. 1897. 20cm (Story of nations) Putnam $1.50 Hunter, Sir W: W. Brief history of the Indian peoples. 23d ed. 1903. 19Jcm Clarendon 90c References with each chapter except last. Revised and brought down to the Durbar coronation, 1903, by W. H. Button. Events of recent years largely de- scribed by extracts from public officials' writings and speeches. X. Y. Indian empire: its peoples, history, and products. 3d ed. 1893. 23cm Scribner $11.20 n Lyall, Sir A. C. Rise of the British dominion in v^ India. 1893. 18icm (Univ. exten. man.) Scribner $1.50 rt Malleson, G: B. Indian mutiny of 1857. 8th ^ ed. 1901. 21cm Scribner $1.75 Poole, Stanley Lane- Mediaeval India under Mohammedan rule, 712-1764. 1903. 20cm (Story of nations) Putnam $1.35 n Invasions of India and the empires raised there by Muslim conquerors. Spec. Ragozin, Mme Z. A. Story of Vedic India as ^ embodied principally in the Rig-Veda. 1895. 20crn (Story of nations) Putnam $1.50 Principal works read or consulted, p. 441-44. Roberts, F: S. Roberts, 1st earl Forty-one years in India; from subaltern to commander-in-chief. 2v. 1898. 23cm Longmans $12 v. 1, 1852-63; v. 2, 1863-93. A most intimate view of the more important military operations, with conclusions on the political causes and consequences of such momentous events as the Sepoy mutiny and the second Afghan war, with documents. Johnston. 957 Siberia Vladimir, pseud. Russia on the Pacific, and the Siberian railway. 1899. 23cm" Scribner $5 History of Russia's advance in Asia. Takes extremely generous view of her moral attitude, and holds that England has more to learn than to fear from her. X. Y. 95 Afghanistan. Turkestan. Balu- eliistan Forbes, Archibald. The Afghan wars, 1839-12 and 1878-80. 1892. 20cm (Events of our own time) Scribner $1.75 Main facts, skillfully condensed, of Anglo-Indian strug- gle for control of Afghanistan; graphic sketch of the siege of Cabul. Skrine, F. H. B. , & Ross, E: D. Heart of Asia; a history of Russian Turkestan and the Central Asian khanates from the earliest times. 1899. 21cm Lippincott $3.50 E 8 Sums up past history and present conditions with admirable clearness. Nation, 70: 167. HISTORY ASIA. AFRICA 351 96O Africa Johnston, >'// H. H. History of the colonization of Africa by alien races. 1899. 19icm (Camb. hist. ser. ) Macmillan $1.50 n Bibliography, p. 300-2. Careful review of European and Asiatic attempts at colonization. Throws light on present South African conditions. Useful maps. N. Y. Keltie, J: S. The partition of Africa. 2d ed. 1895. 21cm Scribner $6.40 Bibliography, p. 522-30. Describes recent division of Africa by European powers. Special reference to Germany and England. Use f ul historical introduction. N. Y. 961 Xortli Africa Poole, Stanley Lane- corsairs. 1890. 20cm Story of the Barbary (Story of nations) Putnam $1.50 962 Egypt Churchill, W. L. S. The river war; ed. by F. Rhodes. Rev. ed. 1902. 23cm Longmans $4 History of the war between British and Soudanese, 1896-99. A detailed and animated record with lists of contemporary narratives and government publications consulted. Johnston. Dicey, Edward. 23cm Story of the khedivate. 1902. Scribner $4 n Poole, Stanley Lane- Story of Cairo. 1902. 17cm (Mediaeval towns) Macmillan $2 As an authority on the art, architecture and history of medieval Egypt, he has no English-speaking rival. Na- tion. Steevens, G: W. With Kitchener to Khartum. 1898. 19icm- Dock! $1.50 War correspondent's spirited and graphic account of England's Egyptian campaign, 1897-98. N. Y. Traill, H: D. England, Egypt, and the Sudan. 1900. 23cm . Button $5 B Modern Egyptian affairs from rebellion of Arabi Pasha to reconquered and pacified Sudan. Nation, 71: 492. 964 iflorocco Meakiii, Budgett. The Moorish empire; a his- torical epitome. 1899. 22icm Macmillan $5 Bibliographies, p. 449-60. Most complete history yet written [1902] of the internal development of the Moorish empire and its relations with the outside world. Geog. j. 966 North Central Africa Kingsley, M.. H. Story of West Africa. 1899. ISxlO^cm ( Story of the empire) Marshall 1/6 697 South Central Africa Hinde, S. L. Fall of the Congo Arabs. 1897. 23cm Whittaker $2.50 Narrative by an eye witness. Nation, 65 : 112. 96S South Africa Churchill, "W. L. S. London to Ladysmith via Pretoria. 1900. 19cm Longmans $1.50 More than mere battle pictures. The writer sees with a statesman's eyes rather than those of a soldier or mere word painter. Spec. De Wet, C. B. Three years' war. 1902. 23cm Scribner $2.50 n Translated from the Dutch. Boer-British struggle 1899-1902. Weight of story derived chiefly from character and achievements of author. Nation, 1903. Doyle, Sir A. C. The great Boer war. Rev. ed. 1902. 23Jcm McClure $2.50 n R Account of events and their bearings on one another, vivid pictures of battles, and discussion of causes and probable outcome. Judicial. Nation. Ralph, Julian. An American with Lord Roberts. 1901. 18icm Stokes $1.50 Continuation of author's Towards Pretoria. Theal, G: M. South Africa (The Cape Colony, Natal, Orange Free State, South African Repub- lic, Rhodesia and all other territories south of the Zambesi) 5th ed. 1900. 20cm (Story of na- tions) Putnam $1.50 History of the countries south of the Zambesi from earliest settlements to outbreak of Boer war. X. Y. 97O North America 97O.1 Indians Brooks, E. S. Story of the American Indian; his origin, development, decline and destiny. 1887. 22J x 17Jcm Lothrop $1.50 Best 100 books on the American Indian, p. 301-8. Drake, F. S: Indian history for young folks. 1885. 23cm Harper $3 Y Covers the ground quite fully, clearly and as accu- rately as the writings of the best early authorities permit. Numerous illustrations. L. A. H. Grinnell, G: B. Story of the Indian. 1895. 19Jcm (Story of West ser.) Appleton $1.50 Y Recollections of manners and customs, religion, etc. of certain tribes. N. Y. Starr, Frederick. American Indians. 1899. ISJcm (Ethno-geog. readers) Heath 45c n Y Dwellings, dress, money, sign language, hunting, fishing, dances, war customs, religion, the various tribes, etc. N. Y. 952 352 A. L. A. CATALOG CLASS LIST &7O.2 Lives of Indian* Eastman, C: A. Indian boyhood ; illus. byE. L. Blumenschein. 1902. 21 Jem McClure $1.60 n Y Author a Sioux. Describes his own boyish training, playmates, games, hunting, forest adventures, the bear dance, feasts, story-telling, etc. N. Y. 970.3 Special tribes James, G: W. Indians of the Painted desert region ; Hopis, Navahoes, Wallapais, Havasu- pais. 1903. 21icm Little $2 n Bibliography, p. 265-68. Result of personal adventures and experiences in many journeys. The many illustrations portray the country, and special! y the appearance of the Indians. The " Pai n t ed desert" consists of parts of Colorado, Utah, Nevada, New Mexico and Arizona. Outl. 1903. Lumholtz. K. S. Unknown Mexico ; a record of five years' exploration among, the tribes of the western Sierra Madre ; in the Tierra Caliente of Tepic and Jalisco ; and among the Tarascos of Michoacan. 2v. 1902. 25cm Scribner $12 n Bibliography, v. 1, pref. p. 15-16. Study of the few races of primitive man yet unmodified by their civilized neighbors. Profusely illustrated. Pub. u'kly. tt7O.fi Government relation & treatment Jackson, Mrs H. . M. (Fiske) Hunt. A cen- tury of dishonor; a sketch of the United States government's dealings with some of the Indian tribes. New ed. 1885. 19cm Little $1.50 Preface by H. B. Whipple, bp. of Minnesota; introduc- tion by J. H. Seelye. Shows in series of sketches based on treaties and official reports our treatment of the various tribes. Only one side of case presented, but it is the side little known. L. A. H. . 97O.6 Special subject* Deming, T. O. Little Indian folk. 1899. 21 x 29cm Stokes $1.25 Y With numerous full-page color-plates and illustra- tions in black and white by E. \V. Deming, and with new stories by T. O. Deming. Title. Little red people. 1899. 21 x 29cm Stokes $1.25 Y With numerous full-page color-plates and illustra- tions in black and white by E. \V. Deming, and with new stories by T. O. Deming. Title. James, G: W. Indian basketry; with 360 illus- trations. 2d ed. 1902. 24cm Malkan $2 Bibliography, p. 232-33. 971 Canada Bourinot, % J: G: Canada under British rule, 1760-1900. 1900. 19Jcm (Camb. hist, ser.) Macmillan $1.50 n Bibliographic note, p. 327-30. A "short history' satisfactory for the periods treated. L.A. H. Bourinot, Sir J: G: Story of Canada. 1896. 19Jcm (Story of nations) Putnam $1.50 P From John Cabot's first voyage to 1891. Temper fair statements of fact careful, and style ordinarily clear and correct. Illustrations good. L. A. H. For Canadian libraries and for American libraries that can afford it Kingsford's History of Canada, 10 v. 1888-98, Paul 15/ ea. is authoritative and important. Ed. sel. Parker, Sir Gilbert, & Bryan, C. G. Old Que- bec, the fortress of New France. 1903. 23cm Macmillan $3.75n P Consecutive history, based on Parkman and others, making no claims to originality. N. Y. Parkman, Francis. Count Frontenac and New France under Louis XIV. 1903. 21 Jem (New lib. ed. ) Little $2 R Pt. 5 of his France and England in North America. The Jesuits in North America in the seven- teenth century. 1902. 21 Jem (New lib. ed.) Little $2 K Pt. 2 of his France and England in North America Ac- count of the courage and sacrifice of Jesuit missionaries in efforts to Christianize the Indians. Opening chapter a truthful picture of savage life and manners. N. Y. The old regime in Canada. 1902. 2Hcm (New lib. ed.) Little $2 R pt. 4 of his France and England in North America. Shows by what methods the monarchic administration of France reached out for colonies in the new world; what it achieved and why it failed. N. Y. B,oberts, C: G: D. History of Canada. 1897. 21 Jem Page $2 n P Compact, well proportioned and of high literary quality. N. Y. Smith, Goldwin. Canada and the Canadian question. 1891. 21cm Macmillan $2 R Result of 20 years' observation and study. Presents a candid and frequently severe criticism of Canadian political history. L. & I. 972 Mexico. Central America Helps, Sir Arthur. Spanish conquest in America, and its relation to the history of slavery and to the government of colonies; new edition with introd. maps and notes by M. Oppenheim. 4 v. 1900. 20cm Lane $1.50 ea Standard. A study of the causes and results. Author's underlying intention was to make a contribution to his- tory of slavery. L. A. H. Ober, F: A. Young folks' history of Mexico. 1883. ISJcm ( Young folks' hist. ) Saalfield $1 Y To 1895. Also published under title Popular history ' of Mexico. HISTORY-AMERICA Prescott, W: H. History of the conquest of Mexico; ed. by J:F. Kirk. 3 v. 1901. 19cm (Bohn'slib.) Macmillan $3 n R A masterpiece of clear, well arranged historical nar- ration, based on careful and diligent study of all available sources of information. But Prescott, perhaps unwit- tingly, was a devoted hero worshiper. L. A. H. 973.9 West Indies Davis, B: H. Cuba in war time; illus. by Frederic Remington. 1897. 19cm Harper $1.25 Heilprin, Angelo. Mont Pel4e and the tragedy of Martinique; a study of the great catastrophes of 1902, with observations and experiences in the field; illus. with photographs. 1903. 25cm Lippincott $3 n Accurate and permanent record by a trained geologist, who writes from the closest personal observation. Sat. r. 96:237. Ober, F: A. The storied West Indies. 1900. 18icm (Appletons' home reading bks.) Y Appleton 75c Pepper, C: M. To-morrow in Cuba. 1899. 21cm Harper $2 Bibliography, p. 350-55. Reviews Cuban struggle for autonomy from 1878 and describes civil institutions and social, industrial and religious conditions and tendencies. Easily first of vari- ous American essays on the subject. Nation. Bodway, James. The West Indies and the Spanish Main. 1896. 20cm Putnam $1.75 History of the land surrounding the Caribbean sea. Condensed summary of standard works. N. Y. 973 United State and Territories 1 Adams, C: F. jr. Lee at Appomattox, and other papers. 1902. 20cm Houghton $1.50 n S Contents: Lee at Appomattox; The treaty of Wash- ington: before and after; The British "change of heart;" An undeveloped function; A plea for military history. Adams, C: K., & Trent, W: P. History of the United States. 1903. 19cm (Allyn& Bacon's ser. of school hist.) Allyn $1.50 Unusually just representation of opposing views, result- ing from joint authorship by fair-minded men of different sections.- X. Y. ^ Bancroft, George. History of the United States of America, from the discovery of the continent; author's last revision. 6 v. 1883-85. 23cm Appleton $15 Closes with 1789. Language and tone have been to an extent chastened, errors of statement or emphasis corrected, a better pro- portion given to the whole than in earlier edition. Pt. 2, the history of the revolution, is by far the most important and valuable. Invaluable as statement of American side 61 questions. L. A. H. Bicknell, Edward. Territorial acquisitions of the United States; an historical review. 1899. 16Jcm Small 50c Brief historical review of facts, without discussing prin- ciples, from accretion of Northwest territory to annexation of Hawaii. N. Y. Brady, C. T. American fights and fighters. 1900. 21cm McClure $1.50 Y Spirited descriptions of incidents during revolution, Indian, French and Tripolitan wars and warof 1812. N. Y. Border fights and fighters; stories of the pioneers between the Alleghenies and the Missis- sippi and in the Texan republic. 1902. 21cm McClure $1.30 n Y Events in which John Sevier, Daniel Boone, Henry Bouquet, George Rogers Clark, Sam Houston, David Crock- ett, Andrew Jackson, William Henry Harrison and others participated. N. Y. Bryant, W: C., d* others. Scribner's popular history of the United States. 5 v. 1896. 26cm Scribner subs. $20 n Now known as Scribner's History of the United States. Ed. sel. Bryjint wrote only introduction; work by S. H. Gay and Noah Brooks. Based largely on research and generally readable. Profusely illustrated. L. A. H. Channing, Edward. First lessons in United States history. 1903. 'l9cm Y Macmillan 60c n Students' history of the United States. Newed. 1898. 20cm Macmillan $1.40 n Decidedly the best one volume American history yet published. Intended for senior class in high schools and academies. Displays judicial and impartial spirit toward all controverted questions. A. A. Freeman in Amer. hist. r. 3:544. - United States of America, 1765-1865. 1896. 19Jcm (Camb. hist, ser.) Macmillan $1.50 n Bibliographic note, p. 336-41. Accurate, well balanced and readable, written in schol- arly, catholic spirit; an acceptable outline. L. A. H. Coffin, C: C. Building the nation. 1902. 23cm Harper $2 Y P Relation of events 1783-1860, to show expansion of territory, spread of civilization, changes in social life, and the fruits of art and invention. Reproductions and fac- similes of old pictures and documents. L. A. H. Eggleston, Edward. First book in American history. 1899. 19cm Amer. bk. co. 60c Y Exceptionally good introductory book for children from 7 to 9. Dwells on important periods as represented in lives of great men. L. A. H. Household history of the United States and its people. 1901. 23cm Appleton $2.50 Y Compact, clear, interesting and well verified. Critic. 2411- 971 354 A. L. A. CATALOG CLASS LIST Eggleston, Edward. Stories of American life and adventure. 1895. 19cm (Eclec. school readings) Amer. bk. co. 50c T Stories of Indian life, frontier peril and escape, dar- ing Revolutionary feats, dangerous whaling voyages. Sketches of olden-time homes, schools, dress and man- ners. Pittsburg. Fiske, John. Essays, historical and literary. 2 v. 1902. 23cm Macmillan $4 n R Lectures, magazine and cyclopedia articles, etc. col- lected since author's death, v. 1, Governor Hutchinson, Charles Le.e, Alexander Hamilton, Jefferson, Madison, Jackson, Harrison, Tyler, Webster, v. 2, Fall of New France, evolution and the present age, Milton, Huxley, Spencer, Tyndall, Koshchei the deathless, etc. N. Y. History of the United States for schools; with topical analysis, suggestive questions, and directions for teachers, by F. A. Hill. 1899. 19Jcm Houghton $1 n Y From earliest times to 1894. Excellent outline for schools, with brief suggestions for collateral reading and questions. N. Y. Gibbs, G: F. Pike and cutlass. 1900. 20cm Lippincott $1.50 Y Stories of naval exploits of Paul Jones, Decatur, Hul 1 , Gushing, Somers, Farragut and others. Ed. sel. Gordy, J: P. Political history of the United States, with special reference to the growth of political parties. 2d ed. In 4 v. v. 1-2. 1903. 19 Jem Holt $1.75 n ea v. 1 was first published by Ohio pub. co. in 1895 under title History of political parties in the United States. A second edition of v. 1 was published by Holt in 1900, fol- lowed by a second volume in 1902 with the present title. v. 3 and v. 4 are announced as in preparation, v. 2 ends with election of Jackson. Ed. sel. Gordy, W. F. American leaders and heroes; a preliminary text-book in United States history. 1901. 19Jcm Y Scribner 60c n History of the United States, for schools. New ed. 1899. 21cm Scribner $1 n Y Much space given to social and economic history. Excellent maps, summaries and full chronologic tables. L. A. H. Griffis, W: E. The romance of conquest; the story of American expansion through arms and diplomacy; illus. by F. T. Merrill. 1899. 20 Jem Wilde $1.50 Hale, E: E. Memories of a hundred years. 2 v. 1902. 21cm Macmillan $5 n R Republished from Outlook. Reminiscences at first and second hand of notr.ble men and great movements throughout the 19th century, freely mingled with the author's opinions and saturated in every page with his personality. Wells. Hart, A. B. Formation of the union, 1750-1829. J/ 8th ed. 1897. 17cm (Epochs of Amer. hist.) Longmans $1.25 Admirably constructed and well provided with maps and classified list of books. Confined mainly to political history. Treatment scientific and devoid of partisan bias, and in choice and presentation of rubject-matter abreast of best scholarship. L. A. H. Handbook of the history, diplomacy and government of the United States, for class use. 1903. 21Jcm Harvard $2 ed. American history told by contempo- raries. 4v. 1897-1901. 20cm Macmiilan $8 Contents: v. 1, Era of colonization, 1492-1689. v. 2, Building of the republic, 1689-1783. v. 3, National expan- sion, 1783-1845. v. 4, Welding of the nation, 1845-1900. Aims to furnish a collection of sources for study. Chiefly extracts from diaries and contemporary narra- tives. L. A. H. Source-book of American history; ed. for schools and readers. 1903. 19Jcm Macmillan 60c n Selections judiciously made, edited and annotated; helpful introductory chapters for teachers. Dial, 27: 80. & Chapman, A. B. ed. How our grand- fathers lived. 1902. 19 Jem (Source-readers in Amer. hist.) Macmillan 60c n Y Selections from various contemporary writings illus- trating American life, chiefly during first half of 19th century. Pittsburg. & Hazard, B. E. ed. Colonial children. 1902. 19 Jem (Source-readers in Amer. hist.) Macmillan 40c n Y A free handling, modernizing, abstracting of con- temporary narratives. Illustrations well chosen. Xation, 75: 421. Higginson, T: W. Young folks' history of the United States. 1903. 19cm Longmans $1 Y R Books for consultation, p. 349-54. Will arouse an interest in the reading of other histories. There has been no sacrifice of scholarship. L. A. H. Hildreth, Richard. History of the United States of America. Rev. ed. 6 v. 1880. 22Jcm Harper $12 Closes with 1821. Hill, F: S. Twenty-six historic ships; with introd. by Rear- Admiral G: E. Belknap. 1903. 23 Jem Putnam $3.?0 n Interesting stories of famous, ships. Specially valuable for account of naval actions in the civil war. Wells. Irving, Washington. Washington and his country. 1887. 18cm (Class, for children) Ginn 60c Y Abridged from Irving's Life of Washington, for schools, with introd. and continuation, giving a brief out- line of United States history from discf very of America to end of the civil war, by John Fiske. Title. HISTORY AMERICA (UNITED STATES) 355 Johnston, Alexander. History of the United States for schools; 4th ed. rev. and continued by VV. M. Daniels and William Macdonald. 1902. 19Jcm Holt 91 Y Still among the best. Shows profound sense for really vital events, and is the work of a scientific histo- rian. L. A. H. The United States, its history and consti- tution. 1902. 18icm Scribner $1 Bibliography, p. 273-76. Treats periods of exploration and colonization with unusual brevity and gives proper attention to social and economic facts. Presents clearly causes and effects. Written from sources: accurate, fair, excellent judgment and clear, direct style. L. A. H. Lamed, J. N. History of the United States for secondary schools. 1903. 19Jcm Houghton $1.40 n List of works referred to, pref. p. 13-30. Lodge, H: C., & Roosevelt, Theodore. Hero tales from American history. 1895. 19Jcm Century $1.50 Y Series of narrative sketches of dramatic scenes of American history. Scenes generally those of war, and heroes martial rather than industrial. L. A. H. ^/Macdonald, William, ed. Select documents illustrative of the history of the United States, 1776-1861. 1898. 20cm Macmillan $2.25 n Y Relate mainly to constitutional development, for- eign relations and banking. Useful compilation for col- lege classes. L. A. H. McLaughlin, A. C. History of the American nation. 1899. 20cm (Twentieth cent, text- bks.) Appleton $1.40 n Many current misapprehensions and prejudices quietly- corrected. Generous tribute paid the honesty and hero- ism of the South, and the contradictory phases Of recon- struction set forth with admirable lucidity and fairness. W. M. West in Amer. hist. r. 5: 351. I/ Maclay, E. S. History of the United States navy from 1775 to 1901. New ed. 3 v. 1901. 22Jcm Appleton $9 n On t.-p. of vols. 1-2: With technical revision by Lieu- tenant Roy Campbell Smith, u. 8. N. Standard history of naval affairs 1775-1894. N. Y. Morris, Charles. Historical tales: American. 1893. 18 Jem Lippincott $1 Y Interesting narratives of discovery, adventure and patriotism, Indian warfare, events of revolution, civil war, etc. N. Y. Mowry, W: A: Territorial growth of the United States. 1902. 20 Jem Silver $1.50 Brief account of the successive acquisitions of territory by the United States, written from secondary sources. Confined to actual negotiations and outward events lead- ing to such acquisitions, without reference to the under- lying causes. Convenient handbook for ready reference. Wells, Old South leaflets. [General ser.] 6 v. 1896- 1902. 18J-20Jcm Old South $1.50 ea Comprises 125 nos. issued separately. Parkman, Francis. Historic handbook of the northern tour. 1899. 20Jcm Little $1.50 Narratives of the most significant events and incidents associated with Lake George and Lake Champlain, Niag- ara, Montreal and Quebec from Parkman's works, with some explanatory passages added. Lit. world (B) Schouler, James. Eighty years of union, being a short history of the United States, 1783-1865. 1903. 21Jcm Dodd $1.75 n Selection of representative passages from his History of the United States, giving a history of the general develop- ment of parties, public measures and public opinions pre- ceding the civil war. Pub. wkly. McMaster, J: B. History of the people of the United otates, from the revolution to the civil war. In 7 v. v. 1-5. 1883-1900. 22Jcm Appleton $2.50 ea Unequaled within its field, but gives at best only a par- tial view of course and significance of American history. L. A. H. With the fathers; studies in the history of the United States. 1896. 19}cm Appleton $1.50 13 essays previously published in magazines or news- papers on Monroe doctrine, third term tradition, the Know-nothings, currency question, Franklin in France, etc. N. Y. . History of the United States of America, " under the constitution. Rev. ed. 6 v. 1894-99. 21Jcm Dodd $13.50 Undoubtedly the best balanced and most serviceable large work dealing with whole constitutional period to 1865. Distinctly a narrative history; not a political dis- quisition. Closely packed with facts. L. A. H. Semple, E. C. American history and its geo- r graphic conditions. 1903. 22Jcm Houghton $3 n Bibliography, p. 463-66. Study of the dominant influences of geographic condi- tions on successive events of American history and on the great factors of progress, railroads, immigration, dis- tribution of cities, etc. 11 maps. N. Y. Smith, Qoldwin. The United States; an outline of political history, 1492-1871. 1893. 21cm Macmillan $2 A brilliantly written sketch, well proportioned and marvelously condensed. While critical, distinctly sym- pathetic. L. A. H. Sparks, E. E. Expansion of the American peo- ple, social and territorial. 1900. 20cm Scott, F. $2 Seeks to show how the United States has grown in ter- ritory and in' the diversity, range and content of its material and social interests. Xation. 973 356 A. L. A. CATALOG CLASS LIST Tappan, E. M. Our country's story. 1902. 19icm Houghton 65c n Y Elementary. Style has unusual life and appeal to child's interest. Well illustrated. N. Y. Wilson, Woodrow. Division and reunion, 1829- 1889. 1893. 17cm (Epochs of Amer. hist.) Longmans $1.25 Suggestions for readers and teachers, pref. p. 9-12. Bibliographic references at head of each chapter. Its literary quality raises it above the ordinary 'text- book, and makes it at once the best and most readable general history of these 60 years. L. A. H. N/ History of the American people. 5 v. 1902. 22cm Harper $17.50 n P Contents: v. 1, The swarming of the English, v. 2, Colonies and nations, v. 3, The founding of the govern- ment, v. 4, Critical changes and civil war. v. 5, Reunion and nationalization. From first settlement to present. Based on secondary authorities. Valuable for broad outlines, general ac- curacy and lucidity of generalizations and interpretation of events. Wells. N Winsor, Justin, ed. Narrative and critical his- tory of America. 8 v. 1884-89. 32cm Houghton subs. $44 S Critical essays by different writers covering Ameri- can history in detail to adoption of constitution and briefly to about 1850. Most valuable parts are critical essays on sources and Mr Winsor's notes. Rich in fac-similes of maps, historical illustrations and portraits. L. A. H. See also Public documents list. r 973.1 Discovery ^ Dawson, S: E: Voyages of the Cabots, latest phases of the controversy. 1897. 25cm Author, Ottawa, Canada $1.25 The best discussion of the problem of Cabot's landfall in 1497. L. A. H. * De Costa, B: F. Pre-Columbian discovery of America. 3d ed. 1901. 25cm Munsell $5 Icelandic sagas relating to pre-Columbian discovery of America by the Northmen, translated, with needful ex- planations in regard to persons and places. Nation, 8: 53. ,/ Fiske, John. Discovery of America, with some account of ancient America and the Spanish conquest. 2 v. 1899. 20cm Houghton $4 R Characterized by thorough scholarship, well bal- anced judgment and literary charm. Distinctive feature is application of theory of evolution to explain features of primitive culture in America. L. A. H. Griffis, W: E. Romance of discovery; illus. by F. T. Merrill. 1897. 20cm Wilde $1.50 Tells of the earliest voyages to America, and of the explorations of Coronado, Drake, Hudson, Champlain, La Salle and others, touching briefly on more modern pioneers. Johnson, W: H: Pioneer Spaniards in North America. 1903. 21cm Little $1.20 n Y Books of reference, pref. p. 9. Sketches of the principal Spanish discoveries in the first half of the 16th century in North, America, followed by a glance at the reconquest of New Mexico and a short essay on pre-Columbian culture in Mexico. Nation, 77:473. Bang, G.. E.. De Soto and his men in the land * of Florida; illus. by George Gibbs. 1898. 20cm Macmillan $1.50 B, Combines material from original sources in contin- uous narrative with much literary skill. N. Y. Lowery, "Woodbury. Spanish settlements with- " in the present limits of the United States, 1513- 1561. 1901. 23cm B S Putnam $2.50 n Immmis, C: F. Spanish pioneers. 1893. * 18Jcm McClurg $1 Y Contents: The broad story; Specimen pioneers; The greatest conquest [Peru] Claims that achievements of early Spanish discoverers in New World have been undervalued and misrepre- sented, and briefly recounts them. N. Y. Parkman, Francis. Pioneers of France in the ^ New World. 1903. 21icm (New lib. ed.) Little $2 R Huguenots in Florida, and Champlain and his as- sociates; ends with 1635. Pt. 1 of his France and England in North America. N. Y. Winsor, Justin. Cartier to Frontenac. 1894. 23cm Houghton $4 S Geographic discovery in interior of North America in its historical relations, 1534-1700. Title. 973.2 Colonial Baldwin, James. Discovery of the old North- west and its settlement by the French. 1901. 19cm (Eclec. school readings) Y Amer. bk. co. 60 c Brady, C. T. Colonial fights and fighters. 1901. ^ 21cm McClure $1.20 n Y Contests and adventures of De Soto, Morgan and his buccaneers, Frontenac, Oglethorpe, Pepperrell, Brad, dock, Montcalm and Wolfe, etc. N. Y. Coffin, C: C. Old times in the colonies. 1881. 23 x 17cm Harper $2 Y Sketches colonial life from discovery and settlement to 1760. N. Y. Drake, S: A. Border wars of New England, commonly called King" William's and Queen ' Anne's wars. 1897. 19 Jem Scribner $1.50 P Y Original contribution to history of in!er-colonial wars. L. A. H. Making of Virginia and the middle colo- ^ nies, 1578-1701. 1893. 19Jcm Scribner $1.50 Y Outline of early history of Virginia, Maryland, New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania and Delaware, chapter on Iroquois league. N. Y. HISTORY AMERICA (UNITED STATES) 357 ' Eggleston, Edward. The beginners of a nation. 1896. 21Jcm Appleton $1.50 E History of source and rise of earliest English settle- ments in America with special reference to life and char- acter of the people. Title. / Fisher, G: P. The colonial era. 1892. 19cm (Amer. hist, ser.) Scribner $1 n R Bibliographic note, p. 325-35. Compact, suggestive; neither predominantly political nor theologic. Recognizes the contributions to our na- tional life of other colonies than those east of the Hudson. Nation. v Fiske, John. New France and New England. 1902. 20Jcm Houghton $1.65 n R Fills gap in his American history series from discov- ery to 1789. Treats Canadian development, Salem witch- craft, Norridgewock and Louisburg, the French and Indian war. N. Y. ' Parkman, Francis. A half-century of conflict. 2v. 1903. 21 Jem (New lib. ed.) Little $4 R Popular ed. $3. Fills gap between Count Frontenac and Montealm and Wolfe. Chief episodes, the fights along the border settle- ments of Maine during Queen Anne's war, sack of Deer- field, story of Acadia and siege of Louisburg. Pt. 6 of his France and England in North America. N. Y. La Salle and the discovery of the great West. 1903. 21Jcm (New lib. ed.) Little $2 R Describes exploration of Mississippi and Great Lakes, and adventures of Joliet, Marquette and Father Henne- pin, grouping all these events about La Salle. Pt. 3 of his France and England in North America. N. Y. - Old Virginia and her neighbours. 2 v. 1897. 20Jcm Houghton $4 R Virginia, Maryland, Carolina and Georgia from first settlements to 1753. Comes between his Discovery of America and Beginnings of New England. N. Y. Griffis, W: E. Romance of American coloniza- tion; how the foundation stones of our history were laid; iFlus. by F. T. Merrill. 1898. 20 Jem Wilde $1.50 Guerber, H. A. Story of the thirteen colonies. 1898. 19cm. (Eclec. school readings) Amer. bk. co. 65c Y From voyages of Northmen to end of revolutionary war. Intended as a historical reader. Pittsburg. Higginson, T: "W. Young folks' book of Amer- ican explorers. 1898. 19cm Longmans $1.20 Y First issued in 1877 under title Book of American ex- plorers. Extracts from narratives of explorers of American coast from legends of Northmen to establishment of Virginia and Massachusetts colonies. Sargent. S Lodge, H: C. Short history of the English col- onies in America. 1881. 22cm Harper $3 Social conditions at time of stamp act congress, 1765, well described. N. Y. Macdonald, William, ed. Select charters and other documents illustrative of American his- tory, 1606-1775. 1899. 20Jcm Macmillan $2 n 80 documents in all, selected with good judgment. Nation, 69 : 429. " Parkman, Francis. Conspiracy of Pontiac and the Indian war after the conquest of Canada. 2v. 1903. 21 Jem (New lib. ed.) Little $4 R Popular ed. $3. Shows relation of Pontiac's conspiracy to develop- ment of Anglo-Saxon power on this continent and gives a picture of forest life and Indian character. N. Y. Montealm and Wolfe. 2 v. 1903. 21 Jem (New lib. ed.) Little $4 R Story of downfall of France in America, culminat- ing in battle on Heights of Abraham. Perhaps of greater general interest and more typical of whole series than any other volume. Pt. 7 of his France and England in North America. N. Y. Thwaites, R. G. The colonies, 1492-1750. 10th ed. 1897. 17cm ( Epochs of Amer. hist. ) Longmans $1.25 Suggestions for readers and teachers, pref. p. 9-13. Bib- liographic references at head of each chapter. Style clear; the most important facts of period correctly stated. Much information in limited space. Impartial. L. A. H. 073.3 Revolution and confederation Brooks, E. S. The Century book of the American revolution; with introd. by C. M. Depew. 1897. 24J x 19cm Century $1.50 Y Story of a young people's pilgrimage to revolution- ary battlefields. Many illustrations. N. Y. Carrington, H: B. Battles of the American revolution, 1775-1781. 1888. 26cm Barnes $5 Covers only military side. Based on careful study of leading sources. Admirable book in conception and exe- cution. Good plans. L. A. H. Coffin, C: C. The boys of '76. 1876. 23cui Harper $2 Y Story of battles of revolution. N. Y. " Fiske, John. American revolution. 2 v. 1899. 20cm Houghton $4 R The best history that we possess of the war, looked at both from a political and a military point of view. J. A. Doyle in Eng. hist. r. (B) Critical period of American history, 1783- 1789. 1899. 20Jcm Houghton $2 R State of country at close of revolution, development of states and westward expansion, imperfect working and gradual breakdown of articles of confederation, and for- mation and adoption of constitution. L. A. H. Compact, straightforward and trustworthy study of the seven years of constitution making. Critic. 973 358 A. E. A. CATALOG CLASS LIST Fiske, John. War of independence, with maps, index and a biographical sketch. 1894. 18cm (Riverside lit. ser. ) Houghton 75c Y Collateral reading, p. 195-96. More a study of causes and effects than an account of battles. Good supplement to school text-books. Pitts- burg. Hart, A. B. , & Hill, Mabel, ed. Camps and firesides of the revolution. 1902. 19cm (Source-readers in Amer. hist.) Y Macmillaii 50c n Lecky, W: E: H. American revolution, 1763- 1783. 1898. 18cm Appleton $1.25 Chapters and passages relating to America from his History of England in the 18th century; arranged and ed- ited with historical and bibliographic notes by J. A. Woodburn. Title. Lodge, H: C. Story of the revolution. 1903. 23Jcm Scribner $3 A story of fighting rather than of causes, principles and results. First published in Scribner' s magazine. N. Y. Lossing, B. J. Pictorial field-book of the revo- lution. 2 v. 1860. 26Jcm Harper $7 R Result of a personal examination of the scenes de- scribed. Illustrations from actual sketches. Principal drawback is arrangement according to the author's jour- neys and not according to sequence of events. Stimulat- ing and useful. L. A. H. ^ Maclay , E. S. History of American privateers. 1899. 22$cm Appleton $3 n Proves that our privateers had even more to do with establishment of our sea power in both our wars with the mother country than the vessels of the regular navy. Amer. hist. r. (B) Sloaue, W: M. The French war and the revolu- tion. 1893. 19cm (Amer. hist, ser.) Scribner $1 n Bibliography, p. 393-96. 1756-83. State of French and English colonies at out- break of last French and Indian war; causes of the revolution, and connection between the revolution and changing American political ideas, well brought out. L. A. H. Smith. J. H. Arnold's march from Cambridge to Quebec. 1903. 21 Jem Putnam $2 n . Authorities, pref. p. 13-19. Results of a careful and exhaustive study of the external facts. Arnold's journal here printed for first time. Nation, 77: 195. -\ Trevelyan, Sir Or: O: American revolution. 2 pts. in 3 v. 1899-1903. 21icm Longmans $7.50 n R Pt. 1, 2ded. Written by an Englishman whose sympathies are with the colonies. Valuable for its treatment of underlying principles of the struggle and for its characterization of society and people. N. Y. Van Tyne, C. H. The loyalists in the American revolution. 1902. 20cm Macmillan $2 n Study of formation and course of loyalist party, based on a restricted selection of available sources. Valuable as a general narrative. Wells. 973.4 Constitutional period Adams, Henry. History of the United States of America. 9 v. 1891-98. 19cm Scribner $18 The most valuable history of this important period, re- markable alike for its research, its penetrating analysis of character and political tendencies, and for its flood of light on every phase of foreign relations. L. A. H. Hosmer, J. K. History of the Louisiana pur- chase. 1902. 19cm ( Expansion of the repub. ser.) Appleton $1.25 n S Based chiefly on contemporary French sources but designed for general reader. Prior history, events induc- ing sale, negotiations leading thereto, formal transfer of sovereignty, and summary of its subsequent history con- cisely and clearly set forth. Wells. Howard, J. Q,. History of the Louisiana pur- chase. 1902. 24cm Callaghan $1.50 n Brief, comprehensive account of region on right bank of Mississippi from its first exploration to acquisition by United States, with supplementary information to 1900. Based on well known sources and secondary authorities. Wells. Walker, F. A. Making of the nation, 1783- 1817. 1895. 19cm (Amer. hist, ser.) Scribner $1 n Bibliography, p. 293-98. Characteristics are skill in presenting essential facts and the healthy balance of its inferences and judgment*. L. A. H. 973.5 War of 1812, etc. Burgess, J: W: Middle period, 1817-1858. 1897. 19cm (Amer. hist, ser.) Scribner ' $1 n Bibliography, p. 497-502. Struggle between national and state rights theories. Written from sources; not unbiased though both sides usually stated fairly and moderately. Stimulating. L. A. H. Johnson, Rossiter. History of the war of 1812-' 15 between the United States and Great Britain. 1882. 19cm {Minor wars of the U. S. ) Dodd $1.25 Description of land and naval battles, with chapters on causes of war and the Hartford convention. L. A. H. Lossing, B. J: Pictorial field-book of the war of 1812. 1896. 26cm Harper $3.50 Notwithstanding their 'popular' and pictorial char- acter the jjreat value of Mr Lcssing's books is well known to students. For topographic details he is invaluable and he gives attention to a multitude of side points, that throw much light on the main subject. J. R. Soley. HISTORY AMERICA (UNITED STATES) 359 \ B.oosevelt, Theodore. Naval war of 1812; or, The kistory of the United States navy during the last war with Great Britain; appended an acjoant of the battle of New Orleans. 1903. 23 Jem (Stand, lib. ed.) Putnam $2.50 Authorities referred to, pref. p. 31-33. Also in Sagamore ser. 2 v. 50c ea. FroEt good, often original sources. Impartial, reliable and scientific without being dry. L. A. H. l Rhodes, J. F. History of the United States from the compromise of 1850. v. 1-4. 1893. 23cm Macmillan $2.50 n ea Contents: v. 1, 1860-54. v. 2, 1864-60. v. 3, 1860-62. v. 4, 1862-64. Author's fairness of mind, poise of judgment, historic sympathy and thoroughness of research place him in front rank of American historians. L. A. H. 973.7 War of secession 5 Ammen. Daniel. Atlantic coast. Subscription ed. 1885. 20Jcm (Navy in the civ. war, v. 2) Scribner $1 Naval operations from Cape Hatteras to Cape Florida; union and confederate reports of same occurrences are joined throughout to support or check each other. The work indicates laborious research and straightforward hcnesty. Tone fair and manly. Nation, 37: 121. Battles and leaders of the civil war; being for the most part contributions by union and confed- erate officers; ed. by R. U. Johnson and C. C. Buel. 4v. 1887-88. 28Jem Century $15 n The war papers originally published in the Century magazine, arranged toTsake a consecutive history, care- fully edited and thoroughly indexed, forming extremely interesting and valuable history of the war. Nation, 46:30. Benton, C: E. As seen from the ranks. 1902. 19 Jem Putnam $1.25 n T A sober narrative of personal experience in the 150th N. Y. volunteers from 1862 to close of war, describ- ing without exaggeration a soldier's life in camp, on the march, in battle, in hospital. Wells. S Burgess, J: W: The civil war and the constitu- tion, 1859-1865. 2 v. 1901. 19cm (Amer. hist. ser. ) Scribner $1 n ea R His analysis of the characters of Lincoln, Douglas and Jefferson Davis has never been equaled. Critic, 41: 9 (B) Champlin, J: D. Young folk's history of the war for the union. 1881. 21cm Holt $2.50 Y Confederate flags and war songs, p. 561-74. Short, well written and entertaining history, very fair and impartial in tone, and aiming rather at incident and graphic narrative than at political and strategic analysis. Nation, 33: 419. Cist, H: M. Army of the Cumberland. 1882. * 19cm (Campaign of the civ. war) Scribner $1 Operations to end of Chattanooga campaign. N. Y. Coffin, C: C. Drum-beat of the nation; the first period of the war of the rebellion, from its out- break to the close of 1862. 1888. 23cm Harper $2 Y Entertaining anecdotes and graphic touches bring near to us thoughts and feelings of those stirring times. Nation, 45: 442. Freedom triumphant; the fourth period of the war of the rebellion, from September 1864, to its close. 1891. 23cm Harper $2 Y Treats of Sheridan in the Shenandoah; Sherman's march to the sea and through the Carolinas; struggle of the army of the Potomac round Petersburg and Richmond, etc. Sargent. Marching to victory; the second period of the war of the rebellion, including the year 1863. 1902. 23cm Harper $2 Y Spirited descriptions of the great battles, specially those of which the author was an eye witness. Gives clear conception of the magnitude of the contest, and at the same time inspires a true pride in the men, both North and South, who fought it. Nation, 47: 461. Redeeming the republic; the third period of the war of the rebellion, in the year 1864. 1890. 23cm Harper $2 Y Shows clearly the bravery and self-sacrifice which characterized multitudes on both sides. Nation, 49: 416. Cox, J. D. Atlanta. 1882. 19cm (Campaigns *" of the civ. war, v. 9) Scribner $1 Clear, straightforward and detailed account of Sher- man's campaign. Nation. The march to the sea; Franklin and Nashville. 1882. 19cm (Campaigns of the civ. war, v. 10) Scribner $1 Clear, concise narrative of Gen. Thomas' defense of Tennessee against Hood, and of Gen. Sherman's famous march and subsequent campaign in the Carolinas. Nation. Military reminiscences of the civil war. * 2 v. 1900. 23cm Scribner $6 n Possessed of an attractive literary style, he brought to these Reminixcenccs the philosophic imagination which raises them above a bare chronicle of events. Nation. Curry, J. Ij. M. Civil history of the govern- ^ ment of the Confederate states, with some per- sonal reminiscences. 1901. 20cm Johnson $1.25 P Defends secession and outlines political history of Confederacy. Chapter on confederate constitution. Lucid, candid, without bitterness or regret. N. Y. 973 360 A. L. A. CATALOG CLASS LIST Dana, C: A. Recollections of the civil war; with the leaders at Washington and in the field in the sixties. 1902. 21cm Appleton $2 R Partly published in 3IcClure's magazine. Perspicu- ous descriptions of several great campaigns; numerous character sketches; many passages of a high order of literary merit. F. W. Moore in Amer. hist. r. 4: 568. Dodge, T. A. Bird's-eye view of our civil war. Rev. ed. 1897. 20cm (Student's ed.) Houghton $1 n Tone elevated and fair, conception of military opera- tions comprehensive and criticisms on them judicious. Nation, 37: 258. New maps from government surveys and charts. Pref . Doubleday, Abner. Chancellorsville and Get- tysburg. 1885. 19cm (Campaigns of the civ. war) Scribner $1 Interesting though not unbiased record. N. Y. > Famous adventures and prison escapes of the civil war. 1893. 21cm Century $1.50 Y Contents: War diary of a Union woman in the South; The locomotive chase in Georgia; Mosby's ' Parti- zan rangers;' A romance of Morgan's rough-riders; Colonel Rose's tunnel at Libby prison; A hard road to travel out of Dixie; Escape of General Breckenridge. Fiske, John. Mississippi valley in the civil war. 1900. 20cm Houghton $2 R Outline of military events which brought about overthrow of Southern confederacy by turning its left flank. Author. Force, M. F. From Fort Henry to Corinth. 1885. 19cm (Campaigns of the civ. war) Scribner $1 Carefully prepared and uncontroversial. Nation. Forsyth, G: A. Thrilling days in army life; illus. by R. F. Zogbaum. 1900. 19icm Harper $1.50 P Personal experiences during 'Sheridan's ride,' at Appomattox, during a frontier fight, and in an Apache raid. N. Y. Gordon, J: B. Reminiscences of the civil war. 1903. 22cm Scribner $3 n R Recollections covering entire war, in form of history, anecdote and critical comment. States the issues involved fairly and temperately and estimates at their true worth characteristics displayed by confederate leaders. Dial, 35:302. Greene, F. V. The Mississippi. 1882. 19cm (Campaigns of the civ. war, v. 8) Scribner $1 Carefully prepared history of operations for control of the river from May 1861, till capture of Vicksburg, July 1863. N. Y. Hart, A. B., & Stevens, Elizabeth, ed. Ro- mance of the civil war. 1903. 19cm (Source- readers in Amer. hist. ) Y Macmillan 60c n Higginson, T: W. Army life in a black regi- ment; new ed. with notes and sup. 'chapter. 1900. 19Jcm Houghton $2 Without extravagance or exaggeration. Allan. 24: 644. v Humphreys, A. A. Virginia campaign of '64 and '65; the army of the Potomac and the army of the James. 1883. 19cm (Campaigns of the civ. war, v. 12) Scribner $1 Describes movements of armies under Grant and Lee clearly, concisely and fairly. N. Y. Kieffer, H: M. Recollections of a drummer-boy. 6th ed. 1889. 22 x 16cm Houghton $1.50 Y Does not deal at all with strategy, and in description of battles presents mostly the scenes at the rear. Nation, 37: 423. Livermore, T: L. Numbers and losses in the civil war in America, 1861-65. 2d ed. 1901. 24cm Houghton $1 n Presents subject in clear and simple language, and in a soldierly and most impartial manner. Of intrinsic value. Amer. hist. r. 6: 598. v Longstreet, James. From Manassas to Appo- mattox; memoirs of the civil war in America. 2ded. 1903. 23Jcm Lippincott $3 A work without which the literature of the war would be incomplete. His methods of action and of thought, his canons of military judgment, his influence on officers and men, are all worthy of careful study. J. D. Cox in Nation, 62: 146. Mahan, A. T. The Gulf and inland waters. 1883. 19cm (Navy in the civ. war, v. 3) Scribner $1 Important naval service of the civil war, principally at Mobile and on the Mississippi and its tributaries. N. Y. , Matthews, Franklin. Our navy in time of war (1861-1898) 1899. 18cm (Appletons' home reading bks. ) Appleton 75c n Y Concise and interesting. Devoted mainly to com- bats of civil war. L. A. H. * Nicolay, J: G: The outbreak of rebellion. 1881. 19cm (Campaigns of the civ. war, v. 1) Scribner $1 Narrates only those events which are worth remember- ing; his style never dull, often brilliant, always clear and concise; he speaks directly and to the point. Nation, 33: 398. ' Palfrey, F. W. Antietam and Fredericksburg. 1882. 19cm (Campaigns of the civ. war, v. 5) Scribner $1 Conscientious study of all data available, good judg- ment in digesting and reconciling them, clear and straightforward expression of well founded opinions. Of great interest. Nation, 34: 172. HISTORY AMERICA (UNITED STATES) 361 Paris, L: P. A. d'Orleans, comte de. History Wise, J: S. End of an era. 1899. 21cm of the civil war in America; tr. by L: F. Tasistro; Houghton $2 ed. by Henry Coppe'e. 4 v. 1875-88. 23cm E Personal memories to end of civil war (his 19th year) Coates $3.50 ea of a son of Gov wise of Virginia. Valuable for sidelights on social and political life. N. Y. v. 3-4, ed. by J: P. Nicholson, v. 4 contains the sev- enth volume of the French edition, and so much of the 973.8 Tenter 19th century eighth volume as was contained in the manuscript which the distinguished author carried with him when he was 'Andrews, E. B: The United States in our own banished from France.-Pref to v. 4 ti ft history from reconstruction to exp an- Style always animated and often brilliant. Narrative . . just and careful in the extreme. J: C. Ropes in Dial, 81on i bem g an extension of "The history of the 9:33. last quarter century." 1903. 24cm Pittenger, William. The great locomotive Scribner $5 chase; a history of the Andrews railroad raid Revised and enlarged from articles in Scribner's maya- into Georgia in 1862. 3d ed. 1889. 23Jcm zine - Seizes on the more striking events and presents a P $1 '9*\ telling series of tableaux. Will aid in understanding the wonderful growth of the country since the civil war. Originally appeared under title Daring and suffering; j. jx ^ ox j n y a tion, 63: 458. 2*d ed. 1881 under title Capturing a locomotive. Story founded on one of most remarkable of minor ^ Blaine, J. G. Twenty years of Congress: from incidents of civil war, which author has enlarged. Lincoln to Garfleld ; with a review of the events Nation, 34: 43. which led to the political revolution of 1860. Pond, G: E: Shenandoah valley in 1864. 1883. 2 v. 1884-86. 25cm Funk $3.75 ea 19cm (Campaigns of the civ. war, v. 11) -\ Q ., -... Burgess, J: W: Reconstruction and the Con- K Well arranged, written with unusual clearness and Stitution, 1866-1876. 1902. 19cm (Amer. hist. in good style, Xation. ser.) Scribner $1 n Porter, Horace. Campaigning with Grant, R Tne c i ea rest, fairest and most judicial account of 1897. 23 Jem Century $3.50 this important and unhappy period that has yet been Recounts Gen. Grant's daily acts, personal traits, ex- written. H. L. Nelson (B) pressions of opinion, etc. during last 18 months of civil J DaviSj p. H Cubjm and p orto Rican campaigng . 1898. 20 Jem Scribner $1.50 Ropes, J: C. Army under Pope. 1881. 19cm _ _ . . ,. , ., , , . . ., R P An enthusiastic appreciation of the American (Campaigns of the civ. war, v. 4) Scribner $1 soldier, and a very plain spoken depreciation of General Accounts of battles of Groveton, Second Bull Run or Shafter. Acad. Manassas, and Chantilly show a careful sifting of the J reports. Lit. world, 13: 204. Jordan, D: S. Impenal democracy. 1899. ,,,.., . 19icm Appleton $1.50 Story of the civil war; a concise account Of the war in the United States of America be- Eight addresses forcibly presenting the views of a vig- orous thinker against the policy of expansion, fortified tween 1861 and 1865. 2 v. 1894-98. 23cm by citations of failures in Alaska. X. Y. Putnam v. 1, $1.50; v. 2, $2.50 I Kennan, George. Campaigning m Cuba. 1899. List of works cited, v. 2, pref. p. 7-12. 91 p $ Contents: pt. 1, To the opening of the campaigns of 1862. pt. 2, The campaigns of 1862 [with 13 folded maps in B, An account of the doings of the Red cross, and his pocket] personal adventures when quarantined in Santiago lend Incontestably the most intelligent as well as the most a crisp idea of what manner of city it then was. Amer. complete and impartial analysisof campaigns and battles. hist. r. (B) J. H. Wilson in Amer. hint. r. 5: 592. . _ , _ _ , . , , c / cooperation, between the administration and the general Millet, F. D. Expedition to the Philippines, commanding the army. Author. 1899. 21cm Harper $2.50 973 362 A. L. A. CATALOG CLASS LIST Reid, Whitelaw. Problems of expansion, as con- sidered in papers and addresses. 1900. 19cm Century $1.50 Papers and addresses, 1898-1900, on various phases of public questions raised by war with Spain. Temperate statement of expansionist's attitude. N. Y. v Roosevelt, Theodore. The Rough riders. 1899. 22cm Scribner $1.50 Straightforward and graphic account of raising and con- v stituency of regiment, its war experiences and return home. Muster roll, colonel's report, etc. appended. N. Y. Sonnichsen, Albert. Ten months a captive among Filipinos. 1901. 21cm Scribner $2 A young American's experiences as prisoner of war, 1899. Useful as testimony on actual conditions and to good qualities of captors. N. Y. 1 Woolsey, T. S. America's foreign policy; essays and addresses. 1898. 19cm Century $1.25 Discusses the Cuban question, the future of Hawaii and the Philippines, the interoceanic canal, the fisheries question, the arbitration treaty and Pres. Cleveland's Monroe doctrine. N. Y. 74 Northeastern or North Atlantic. New England Drake, S: A. Book of New England legends and folk lore in prose and poetry. Rev. ed. 1901. 21cm Little $2.50 Classified by place. N. Y. / Making of New England, 1580-1643. 1900. 19icm Scribner $1.50 Results of thorough scholarship in attractive form. New England history from beginnings of discovery to for- mation of confederacy in 1643. Nearly a model of its kind, both as to matter and style. L. A. H. Howe, M. A. De W. Boston, the place and the people; illus. by L: A. Holman. 1903. 21cm Macmillan $2.50 n For general reader the best compact worK. [1903] AUan. 93: 279. HISTORY AMERICA (UNITED STATES) 363 074. & Rhode Island Richman, I. B. Rhode Island; its making and its meaning; with introd. by James Bryce. 2 v. 1902. 22Jcm Putnam $4.50 n Detailed narrative of chief events in Rhode Island his- tory, 1636-83, based on printed sources and important manuscripts. Wells. 974.6 Connecticut Johnston, Alexander. Connecticut; with sup. chapter by Clive Day. New ed. 1903. 18Jcm (Amer. commonwealths) Houghton $1.25 Bibliography, p. 415-18. Well written history, making enthusiastic claims for Connecticuf in the development of the national idea. N. Y. O74. 7 Ifew York " Fiske, John. Dutch and Quaker colonies in America. 2 v. 1899. 20cm Houghton $4 R Social and political history of New York and Penn- sylvania, with somewhat of New Jersey and Delaware, in 17th and early 18th centuries. Follows his Beginnings of yew England. N. Y. ' Halsey, F. W. Old New York frontier. 1901. 22cm Scribner $2.50 n Bibliography, p. 401-11. History of northern and central New York during 17th and 18th centuries: its people, its settlement and its wars. Xntioti (B) Innes, J: H. New Amsterdam and its people. 1902. 22cin Scribner $2.50 n Traces through original sources the history and associa- tions of New York streets and buildings from beginning to early English rule. N. Y. Janvier, T: A. Dutch founding of New York. 1903. 23cm Harper $2.50 n R Half serious, half humorous. Does not pretend to be an exhaustive history of Dutch period. Nation, 77: 467. i/ Powell, Li, P. ed. Historic towns of the middle states. 1899. 22cm (Amer. hist, towns) Putnam $3 n P Historical and descriptive monographs on Albany, Saratoga, Schenectady, Newburg Tarrytown, New York, Brooklyn, Princeton, Philadelphia, Wilmington, Buffalo, Pittsburg. Well illustrated. N. Y. / Roberts, E. H: New York; with sup. chapter dealing with the period from 1885 to 1900. 2 v. 1904. 18 Jem (Amer. commonwealths) Houghton $2.50 Well balanced general history. L. A. H. V Roosevelt, Theodore. New York; new ed. with postscript, 1890-1895. 1895. 19cm (Hist. towns) Longmans $1.25 Clear account of history and development of the great city from heterogeneous elements. N. Y. 97-4.8 Pennsylvania Fisher, S. G: Making of Pennsylvania. 1896. < 19 Jem Lippincott $1.50 Study of variou-s nationalities and religions in early Pennsylvania. Properly an introduction to his Pennsyl- vania, colony and commonwealth. L. A. H. Pennsylvania, colony and commonwealth. \s 1897. 19Jcm Coates $1.50 Repplier, Agnes. Philadelphia: the place and \^/ the people; illus. by E. C. Peixotto. 1898. 19 Jem R Macmillan $2.50 975 Southeastern or South Atlantic Powell, L. P. ed. Historic towns of the southern ^ states. 1900. 22cm (Amer. hist, towns) Putnam $3 n P Historical and descriptive monographs on Balti- more, Annapolis, Fredericktown, Washington, Richmond, Williamsburg, Wilmington, Charleston, Savannah, Mo- bile, Montgomery, New Orleans, Vicksburg, Knoxville, Nashville, Louisville, Little Rock, St Augustine. Well illustrated. N. Y. 975.2 Maryland y Browne, W: H. Maryland, the history of a palatinate. Rev. ed. 1904. 18 Jem (Amer. commonwealths) Houghton $1.25 Well written and reliable outline. L. A. H. 975.3 Virginia Bruce, P. A. Economic history of Virginia in I/ the seventeenth century. 2 v. 1895. 20Jcm Macmillan $6 n Bibliography, v. 1, pref. p. 15-19. One of the best historical works on early Virginia and without equal in its special field. L. A. H. Cooke, J: E. Virginia; a history of the people; new ed. with sup. chapter by W: G. Brown. 1903. 18Jcm (Amer. commonwealths) Houghton $1.25 Admirable, solidly constructed and dramatically told. Lit. world. Chief value lies in its successful appeal to the popular mind through its attractive literary style. L. A. H. 7 South Central or Gulf States 976.1 Alabama Pickett, A. J., & Owen, T: M. History of Ala- V bama and incidentally of Georgia and Missis- sippi, from the earliest period. Annals of Alabama, 1819-1900, by T: M. Owen. 1900. 21cm Webb $2.50 Accepted as an authority and invaluable to students. This edition greatly increased in value by addition of the Annals of Alabama, 1819-1900 [p. 671-773J by T: M.Owen, with additional chapters on literary history, bibliography [p. 735-45] and state officers. L. A. H. 974 364 A. L. A. CATALOG CLASS LIST \l J 976.3 Louisiana Cable, G: "W. Creoles of Louisiana. 1901. 21 Jem Scribner $2.50 Historical and descriptive account of French-speaking population of Louisiana. Interest centers in New Orleans. N. Y. King, G..E.. New Orleans: the place and the people; illus. by F.. E. Jones. 1895. 19 Jem Macmillan $2.50 Historical accuracy unimpeachable, and facts presented in graceful style. Nation. Thompson, Maurice. Story of Louisiana; illus. by L. J. Bridgman. 1888. 2Hcm. (Story of states) Lothrop $1.50 P History from earliest times to present. L. A. H. 976.4 Texas Garrison, G: P. Texas; a contest of civilizations. 1903. 18Jcm (Amer. commonwealths) Houghton $1.10 n R Author had access to state archives and has made good use of the rich materials. Throws sidelights on course of the commonwealth in its relation to expansion of our territory to the Rio Grande and the Pacific. Dial, 35: 18. 976. S Tennessee Phelan, James. History of Tennessee. 1888. 20cm Houghton $2 List of authorities, p. 446-61. The making of the state in all its phases told in vigorous English. The best history of a southern state. Stops with outbreak of civil war. L. A. H. 976.9 Kentucky " Shaler, N. S. Kentucky. 1885. 18cm (Amer. commonwealths) Houghton $1.25 Author qualified by long personal knowledge of men and events. Presents a vivid picture of the events of civil war and of the period of ' reconstruction.' L. A. H. 977 North Central or Lake States Baldwin, James. Conquest of the old Northwest and its settlement by Americans. 1901. 19cm (Eclec. school readings) Amer. bk. co. 60c Y Covers period of 100 years, closing with Black Hawk war in 1832; supplements his Discovery of the old Northwest. Pittsburg. N Drake, S: A. Making of the Ohio Valley states, 1660-1837. 1894. 19 Jem Scribner $1.50 Y Traces establishment of British dominion on the Ohio, advance of pioneers into the West, and early his- tory of newly formed states. Pittsburg. Hinsdale, B. A. Old Northwest; the beginnings of our colonial system. Rev. ed. 1899. 21 Jem Silver $1.75 n Essays. Closing chapter illustrates development of Northwest to 1880. A creditable piece of work, mostly based on secondary sources. 11 maps. L. A. H. Hosmer, J. K. Short history of the Mississippi // valley. 1901. 19Jcm Houghton $1.20 n R To end of 19th century. N. Y. Moore, Charles. Northwest under three flags, I/ 1635-1796. 1900. 21cm Harper $2.50 P Account of exploration, settlement and struggles for control. Nation, 70: 301. Powell, L. P. ed. Historic towns of the western \s states. 1901. 22cm (Amer. hist, towns) Putnam $3 n P Historical and descriptive monographs on Marietta, Cleveland, Cincinnati, Detroit, Mackinac, Indianapolis, Vincennes, Chicago, Madison, Minneapolis, St Paul, Des Moines, St Louis, Kansas City, Omaha, Denver, Santa F, Salt Lake City, Spokane, Portland, San Francisco, Mon- terey, Los Angeles. Well illustrated. N. Y. Roosevelt, Theodore. Winning of the West. ^ 4v. 1889-96. 23 Jem Putnam $2.50ea Also in Sagamore ser. 6 v. 50c ea. Portrays advance of pioneer into the wastes of the con- tinent. Considers subject broadly. Brings into promi- nence an important, but much neglected, subject by un- folding our relations with Spain and England respecting the frontier, and gives a valuable treatment of the tor- tuous intrigues of western leaders with Spaniards and French. F. J. Turner in Amer. hist. r. 2: 171. Spears, J: R., & Clark, A. H. History of the I/" Mississippi valley, from its discovery to the end of foreign domination. 1903. 24Jcm A. S. Clark $5 n Winsor, Justin. The Mississippi basin; the * struggle in America between England and France, 1697-1763. 1895. 23cm Houghton $4 S Full cartographic illustrations from contemporary sources. Title. Closes with final triumph of England over France in North America in 1763. L. A. H. Westward movement; the colonies and I/ the republic west of the Alleghanies, 1763-1798. 1897. 23cm Houghton $4 S Full cartographic illustrations from contemporary sources. Title. Concludes story begun in Cartier to Frontenac and con- tinued in The Mississippi basin. N. Y. 977.1 Ohio King, Rufus. Ohio, first-fruits of the ordinance of 1787; with sup. chapter by T. C. Smith. New ed. 1903. 18Jcm (Amer. commonwealths) Houghton $1.25 977.2 Indiana Dunn, J. P. Indiana, a redemption from slavery. [/ 1888. 18Jcm (Amer. commonwealths) Houghton $1.25 Best accessible account of struggle to break down pro- hibition of slavery in ordinance of 1787. L. A. H. HISTORY SOUTH AMERICA 365 J 977.4 Midi if/nn V Cooley, T: M. Michigan; a history of govern- ments. 4th ed. 1889. 18cm ( Amer. common- wealths) Houghton $1.25 In every way worthy of the subject and of the series. L. A. H. 977.5 Wl#coH*tn Thwaites, B. G. Story of Wisconsin; illus. by L. J. Bridgman. Rev. ed. 1899. 21cm (Story of states) Lothrop $1.50 R S Traces vigorously development of this rich com- monwealth. N. Y. \f , f 978 Western or Mountain States Drake, S: A. Making of the great West, 1512- 1883. 1887. 19cm Scribner $1.50 Y Early discoveries and settlements, discovery of gold and civilization of the West. Sargent. Hough, Emerson. Way to the West, and the lives of three early Americans, Boone Crock- ett Carson; illus. by Frederick Remington. 1903. 19Jcm Merrill $1.20 n Succession of cleverly drawn pictures of the pioneers pressing across the mountains, down the Ohio, up the Missouri, to the Pacific. Nation, 78: 111. Inman, Henry, & Cody, W: F: Great Salt Lake trail. 1898. 23cm Crane $2.50 Tells successively of the trading posts of the fur com- panies, the hegira of the Mormons, the advent of the immigrant and the gradual settling of the country with many reminiscences of famous scouts, Indian fighters, settlers, hunts and battles. Bk. buyer (B) 978.1 Kansas Spring, L. W. Kansas. 1885. 18cm (Amer. commonwealths) Houghton $1.25 Bibliography, p. 323-27. Of considerable literary charm and the most readable history of Kansas. Mostly devoted to period before civil war. Its point of view is that of Gov Charles Robinson. L. A. H. 978.9 Nnv Mexico Bandelier, A. F. A. The gilded man (El Dorado) and other pictures of the Spanish occu- pancy of America. 1893. 19cm Appleton $1.50 Contents: The gilded man; Cibola; The massacre of Cholula; The age of the city of Santa Fe; Jean 1'Arche- \vqiie. Five papers on legends and early history of the South- west, largely the outcome of original research. N. Y. Inman, Henry. The old Santa Fe trail; the story of a great highway. 1899. 23cm Crane $2.50 R Portrays life of plainsman and mountaineer in con- tact and often in conflict with Indians. Rich in histor- ical materials. Illustrated by Frederick Remington and Thomson Willing. N. Y. 979 Pacific States 379.4 California Royce, Josiah. California, a study of American character. 1886. 18cm (Amer. common- wealths) Houghton $1.25 Formative years, 1846-56; scientific, sober and vivid. Lit. world. 98O South America Butterworth, Hezekiah. South America; a 1X^ popular illustrated history of the South Ameri- can republics, Cuba, and Panama. Rev. ed. 1904. 22cm Doubleday $1 n R Narrative of events based on the most reliable avail- able books, compiled with conscientious skill. L. A. H. Dawson, T: C. South American republics. In * 2 v. v. 1. 1903. 20cm. (Story of nations) Putnam $1.35 n Contents: pt. 1, Argentina; Paraguay; Uruguay; Brazil. By the secretary of the United States legation to Brazil, resident 6 years in South America. Pub. wkly. Moses, Bernard. Establishment of Spanish rule in America; an introd. to the history and politics of Spanish America. 1898. 19Jcm Putnam $1.25 By far the best brief work in English on Spanish- American historv. L. A. H. 93 Chile Hancock, A. U. History of Chile. 1893. 23cm * (Lat.-Amer. repub.) Sergei $2.50 Authorities on Chilean history, p. 456-58. Based on best native histories and standard reference books. L. A. H. 95 Peru Markham, Sir C. B,. History of Peru. 1892. I/ 23cm (Lat.-Amer. repub.) Sergei $2.50 Prescott, W: H. History of the conquest of V Peru; ed. by J: F. Kirk. 2 v. 1902. 19Jcm Lippincott $2 R To a greater extent than his History of Mexico based on the standard original authorities. L. A. H. 99O Oceanica. Polar regions 991 Malaysia Knapp, Adeline. Story of the Philippines. 1902. 18cm (World & its people) Y Silver 60c n 977 366 A. L. A. CATALOG CLASS LIST 993 Australasia Reeves, "W: P. The long white cloud; Ao tea roa. 2ded. 1899. 21cm Marshall 6/ n K Ao tea roa, the Maori name of New Zealand. Author agent general for New Zealand and native born. Deals fully with history of the Maori wars. Complete except as a guidebook. Contains remarkably fine char- acter study of Sir George Grey. ' Ath. '98, 2: 713. New Zealand. 1898. 18x10 Jem (Story of the empire) Marshall 1/6 Admirable, well proportioned outline. Author born and educated in New Zealand. Spec. 80:702. 994 Australia Jenks, Ed-ward. History of the Australasian colonies from their foundation to 1893 1896. 19$cm (Camb. hist, ser.) Macmillan $1.60 n Clear, condensed, thoughtful, unprejudiced. Narrates the circumstances of the foundation of each colony, the difficulties it had to contend against and story of how they were overcome. Nation, 62: 384. Tregarthen, Greville. Australian common- wealth, New South Wales, Tasmania, Victoria, Western Australia, South Australia, Queensland, New Zealand. 3d ed. 1903. 20cm (Story of nations) Putnam $1.50 996 Polynesia Alexander, W: D. Brief history of the Ha- waiian people. 1899. 202cm ( Brief hist. ser. ) Amer. bk. co. $1.50 Blackinan, W: F. Making of Hawaii; a stndy ]/ in social evolution. 1899. 23cm Macmillan $2 Bibliography, p. 257-62. Standard work giving a judicial estimate of social, economic and political factors at work in the making of American civilization in Hawaii. Outcome of 10 years' study. N. Y. Carpenter, E. J. America in Hawaii. 1899. I/ 18Jcm Small $1.50 History of growth of American influence from landing of little shipload of Boston missionaries in 1819 to culmi- nation in annexation ceremonies of Aug. 12, 1898. Dial, 26:248. Stevenson, R. L: A footnote to history; eight years of trouble in Samoa. 1892. 19cm Scribner $1.50 Pitiful story of the later stages of the Samoan contro- versy, with strong plea for justice to the islanders. Nation. Twombly, A. S. Hawaii and its people. 1899. 19cm (World & its people) K Silver 68c n Young, Lucien. The real Hawaii; its history y and present condition, including the true story of the revolution. 1899. 19cm Doubleday $1.50 Revised and enlarged ed. of The Boston at Hawaii. Author a United States naval officer, who participated in the original revolution. Nation, 69: 116. PUBLIC DOCUMENTS Compiled by request by Alice B. Kroeger, director, Drexel institute library and library school. Prices show the cost of the publications when bought from the Superintendent of Documents, who can often furnish a copy after the supply for free distribution by Members of Congress and the Departments is exhausted. OOO General works O15 I . v documents U. S. Superintendent of documents. Cata- logue of United States public documents; is- sued monthly by the Superintendent of docu- ments. 22cm. Go v't print off. $1.10 yrly O16 Subject bibliography U. 8. Library of Congress. Division of Bib- liography. Publications. Requests should be filed with the Library of Congress for all bibliographic publications that it may issue. O25 Library administration American library association. A. L. A. rules: condensed rules for an author and title catalog; 1902. 26cm Gov't print off. Library division Prepared by the Cooperation committee of the Amer- ican library association, 1883; revised by the Advisory catalog committee, 1902: issued by the Library of Con- gress; advance ed. Cutter, C: A. Rules for a dictionary catalogue. 4th ed. rev. 1904. 23}cm Kf Gov't print off. Bur. of educ. free ov>? Oeneral libraries U. S. Bureau of education. Public, society and school libraries. 1904. 23cm . Gov't print off. Advance sheets from report of commissioner of educa- tion for 1903. 1OO Philosophy 17 Temperance. Liquor laws U. S. Bureau of labor. The Gothenburg sys- tem of liquor traffic; prepared under direction o C. D. Wright, by E. R. L. Gould. 1893. 23icm (Fifth special report of the commissioner of labor) Gov't print off. 25c 3OO Sociology 317 U. S. statistics U. S. Bureau of statistics (Dept. of commerce and labor) Statistical abstract of the United States: finance, coinage, commerce, immigration, shipping, the postal service, population, rail- roads, agriculture, coal and iron etc. Latest. 23}cm Gov't print off. Sec lst-25th no. 1878-1902, prepared by Bureau of statistics under direction of secretary of treasury. TJ. S. Census office. 12th census, 1900. Abstract of the twelfth census of the United States, 1900. 1902. 23Jcm Gov't print off. 30c Prepared by S. N. D. North, Walter F. Willcox and Henry Gannett. List of publications issued by the Census office since Mar. 3, 1899, p. 391-95. 325 Immigration TT. S. Bureau of labor. Italians in Chicago; a social and economic study, prepared under direc- tion of C. D. Wright. 1897. 23cm (Ninth special report of the commissioner of labor) Gov't print off. 40c Facts collected by Caroline L. Hunt. U. S. Industrial commission. Reports on im- migration, including testimony, with review and digest, and special reports; and on educa- tion, including testimony, with review and digest. 1901. 23|cm (The commission's re- ports, v. 15) Gov't print off. $1 32 U. S. Congress U. S. Congress. Official congressional direct- ory. Latest. 23cm Gov't print off. Hoc 331 Capital, labor, and laboring classes TT. S. Anthracite coal strike commission, 1002-1903. Report to the president on the anthracite coal strike of May-October 1902. 1903. 23cm (58th Cong. Special sess. Senate doc. no. 6) Gov't print off. 15c Printed also in Kulletin of lite Department of labor, no. 46, May 1903. An earlier ed. (March 18, 1903, 87 p.) contained report of commission only. This ed. contains schedules, docu- ments and proposed plans. (367) P.DOC 368 A. L. A. CATALOG CLASS LIST U. S. Bureau of labor. Analysis and index of all reports issued by bureaus of labor statistics in the United States prior to Nov. 1, 1892; pre- pared under direction of C. D. Wright. 1893. 23cm (Third special report of the commissioner of labor) Gov't print off. 25c The Bureau has reissued, with additions, the ' index of subjects' of this publication in "Index of all reports issued by bureaus of labor statistics in the United States prior to Mar. 1, 1902." Annual report of the commissioner of la- bor. 21 v. 23cm Gov't print off. Contents: 1st, March, 1886, Industrial depressions, 50c. 2d, 1886, Convict labor, 50c. 3d, 1887, Strikes and lock- outs, 80c. 4th, 1888, Working women in large cities, 45c. 5th, 1899, Railroad labor, 65c. 6th, 1890, Cost of produc- tion: iron, steel, coal, etc. 95c. 7th, 1891 (2 v.) Cost of production: textiles and glass, $1.45. 8th, 1892, Industrial education, 50c. 9th, 1893, Building and loan associations, 45c. 10th, 1894 (2 v.) Strikes and lockouts, $1.35. llth, 1895-%, Work and wages of men, women and children, 50c. 12th, 1897, Economic aspects of the liquor problem, 25c. 13th, 1898 (2 v.) Hand and machine labor, $1.15. 14th, 189^, Water, gas and electric light plants under private and municipal ownership, 65c. 15th, 1900 (2 v.) Compilation of wages in commercial countries, from offi- cial sources, $1.20. 16th, 1901, Strikes and lockouts, 75c. 17th, 1902, Trade and technical education. Price depends upon size, binding, plates, etc. Apply to the Supt. of Documents. Bulletin. Latest. 23cm Gov't print off. Bimonthly. 1895-1903, ed. by C. D. Wright, assisted by Oren Weaver, G. W. W. Hanger, C: H. Verrill, S. D. Fes- senden and G. A. Weber. "Bulletins contain original investigations of labor problems, abstracts of state and foreign labor reports, laws and decisions affecting labor, and miscellaneous news." Price depends upon size, binding, plates, etc. Apply to the Supt. of Documents. The housing of the working people, pre- pared under direction of C. D. Wright, by E. R. L.Gould. 1895. 23cm (Eighth special report of the commissioner of labor) Gov't print off. 60c Labor laws of the United States, prepared under direction of C. D. Wright for the Com- mittee on interstate and foreign commerce of the House of representatives, to accompany a report submitted by J: J. O'Neill, of that com- mittee, July 20, 1892; 2d ed. rev. to include lat- est published laws. 1896. 23cm (Second spe- cial report of the commissioner of labor) Gov't print off. 95c Compiled by S. D. Fessenden. 1st ed. pub. in 1892, and printed also, with title A com- pilation of the labor laws of the various states [etc.] as 52d Cong., 1st sess., House report no. 1960. The slums of Baltimore, Chicago, New York and Philadelphia; prepared in compli- ance with a joint resolution of the Congress of the United States, approved July 20, 1892, by C. D.' Wright. 1894. 23cm (Seventh special report of the commissioner of labor) Gov't print off. 45c Facts gathered under superintendence of V. H. Olmsted. Investigation of the condition of air in tenement houses of New York and Philadelphia, by A. S. Houghton. U. S. Industrial commission. Report on labor legislation. 1900. 23 Jem (The commission's reports, v. 5) Gov't print off. 30c Includes digests of existing statutes of the states and territories, as follows: General labor, by F: J. Stimson; Convict labor, by V. H. Olmsted and W: M. Steuart; Mine labor, by E: D. Durand in collaboration with Eugene Willison. Report on prison labor; prepared in con- formity with act of Congress approved June 18, 1898. 1900. 23 Jem (The commission's re- ports, v. 3) Gov't print off. 20c Summary of convict-labor laws, p. 141-66. Report on the Chicago labor disputes of 1900, with especial reference to the disputes in the building and machinery trades. 1901. 23 Jem (The commission's reports, v. 8) Gov't print off. 55c Report on the condition of foreign legis- lation upon matters affecting general labor [pre- pared by F: J. Stimson] 1901. 23Jcm (The commission's reports, v. 16) Gov't print off. 25c Report on the relations and conditions of capital and labor employed in the mining indus- try, including testimony, review of evidence, and topical digest. 1901. 23 Jem (The com- mission's reports, v. 12) Gov't print off. 70c Reports on labor organizations, labor dis- putes, and arbitration [by C: E. Edgerton ana E: D. Durand] and on railway labor [by S: M. Lindsay] 1901. 23 Jem (The commission's reports, v. 17) Gov't print off. $1 336 Finance. Taxation U.S. Industrial commission. Report on agri- culture and on taxation in various states (second volume on agriculture") 1901. 23 Jem (The commission's reports, v. 11) Gov't print off. 55c Contents: pt. 1, Fictitious dealings in farm products, by Harvey M. Friend; pt. 2, The tobacco trade in its relation to taxation and government monopolies, by E. W. Saun- ders; pt. 3, American farm labor, by J. R. Dodge; pt. 4, Digest of laws of the several states relating to boards and departments of agriculture, farmers' institutes, and pro- tection of agricultural and horticultural industry; pt. 5, Digest of laws and court decisions relating to grain in- spection, elevators and warehouses, by Robert Christy: PUBLIC DOCUMENTS 369 pt. 6, Adulteration of food products; pt. 7, Taxation in various states and in Canada, with special reference to the taxation of corporations, by George Clapperton. 17. S. Register of the treasury. History of the currency of the country and of the loans of the United States from the earliest period to June 30, 1900; prepared by W: F. De Knight under direction of J. F. Tillman, register of the treasury. [2d ed. with apx. prepared under direction of J. W. Lyons, register of the treasury] 1900. 31cm Gov't print off. Not available for sale. tJ. S. Treasury dept. Customs regulations of the United States prescribed for the instruction and guidance of officers of customs. 1900. 23cm Gov't print off. $1.25 338 Production. Manufacture. Prices U. S. Industrial commission. Report on agri- culture and agricultural labor, including testi- mony, with review and topical digest thereof. 1901. 23$cm (The commission's reports, v. 10) Gov't print off. $1 Report on industrial combinations in Eu- rope. 1901. 23cm (The commission's reports, v. 18) Gov't print off. 30c Report on the distribution of farm prod- ucts, prepared by J: F. Crowell. 1901. 23 Jem (The commission's reports, v. 6) Gov't print off. 45c Report on the relations and conditions of capital and labor employed in manufactures and general business, including testimony with re- view and digest thereof, and a special report on domestic service [by Gail Laughlin] 2 v. 1901. 23cm (The commission's reports, v. 7, 14) Gov't print off. $1.60 Report on trusts and industrial combina- tions, including testimony, review and digest thereof, and special reports on prices and on the stocks of industrial corporations. 1900-1. 2 v. 23cm (The commission's reports, v. 1, 13) Gov't print off. $2 V. 1 has title Industrial commission. Preliminary re- port on trusts. Trusts and industrial combinations; stat- utes and decisions of federal, state and territorial law [prepared by J. W. Jenks] with a digest of corporation laws applicable to large industrial combinations [prepared by F. J. Stimson] 1900. 2ojcm (The commission's reports, v. 2) Gov't print off. 30c 341 International law U. S. Congress. Senate. Committee on for- eign relations. Compilation of treaties in force; prepared under act of July 7, 1898. 1899. 23 Jem Gov't print off. 60c Compiled by H: L. Bryan. 342 Constitutional history U.S. Bureau of rolls and library. Documen- tary history of the Constitution of the United States of America, 1786-1870; derived from the records, manuscripts and rolls deposited in the Bureau of rolls and library of the Department of state. 3 v. 1894-1900 31Jcm Dept. of state $3.50 Published originally in parts, as apx. 1-5 of Bulletin of the Bureau of rolls and library .no. 1, 3, 5, 7 & 9, 1893-97 (no. 9 issued 1900) Reprinted, according to a concurrent resolution passed by the Senate Jan. 24. 1901, and by the House of repre- sentatives Feb. 9, 1901. Vol. 3 has an apx. (not included in the original ed.) Additional notes by Madison for the introduction to his notes of debates in the federal convention, p. 796a-796o. Also, a Special index, p. 797-904. 345 U. S. statutes TJ. S. Laws, statutes, etc. Revised statutes of the United States, passed at the first session of the Fortyrthird Congress, 1873-74; reprinted, with amendments, with an apx. 2d ed. 1878. 30cm Gov't print off. $2.90 Supplement, v. 1. 2d ed. rev. and con- .tinued. 1874-1891, prepared and ed. by W: A. Richardson. 1891. 30cm Gov't print off. $2 Supplement, v. 2, comprising numbers 1-9. Legislation of 1892-1901; prepared and edited by G: A. King and W: B. King, with the cooperation of E.G. Brandenburg. 1901. 29cm Gov't print off. $2.85 351 Civil service U. S. Civil service commission. Report. Latest. 23cm Gov't print off. Price depends upon size, binding, plates, etc. Apply to the Supt. of Documents. TJ. S. Dept. of the interior. Official register of the United States, containing a list of officers and employees in the civil, military and naval service. Latest. 30cm. Gov't print off. v. 1, $2.40; v. 2, $2.70 Biennial (before 1861 pub. by the Department of state) Each issue, 1879-date in2v.: v. 1, Legislative, execu- tive and judicial; v. 2, Post-office department and postal service. 241104- -24 P.DOC 370 A. L, A. CATALOG CLASS LIST 353 U. S. government departments Heitman, F. B. Historical register and diction- ary of the United States army, from its organi- zation, Sep. 29, 1789 to Mar. 2, 1903. 2 v. 1903. 26cm. (57th Cong. 2d sess. House doc. no. 446) Gov't print off. $2 U. S. Adjutant-general's office. Official army register. Latest. 23Jcm Gov't print off. 35c U. S. Navy dept. List and station of the com- missioned and warrant officers of the navy of the United States, and of the marine corps, on the active list, and officers on the retired list employed on active duty. Latest. 23cm Gov't print off. 25c 368 Insurance TJ. S. Bureau of labor. Compulsory insurance in Germany, incl. an apx. relating to compul- sory insurance in other countries in Europe; prepared under direction of C. D. Wright by J: G. Brooks. 1893. 23cm (Fourth special report of the commissioner of labor) Gov't print off. 25c 371 Education: methods, ete. TJ. S. Dept. of agriculture. Arbor day: its history and observance, by N. H. Egleston. 1896. 23cm Gov't print off. 5c 379 Public education U. S. Bureau of education. Circular of infor- mation. Latest. 24cm Gov't print off. 1870-date; none issued, 1876, 1895-97, -1901. Price depends upon size, binding, plates, etc. Apply to the Supt. of Documents. Report of the commissioner of education [with accompanying papers] Latest. 23cm Gov't print off. yrly Commissioners: Mar. 14, 1867-Mar. 15, 1870, Henry Barnard; Mar. 16, 1870-Aug. 5, 1886, John Eaton, jr.; Aug. 6, 1886-Sep. 3, 1889, Nathaniel H. R. Dawson; Sep. 12, 1889- , William T. Harris. 3SO Commerce U. S. Industrial commission. Final report; prepared in accordance with an act of Congress approved June 18, 1898. 1902. 23cm (The commission's reports, v. 19) Gov't print off. $1 Contents: Progress of the nation; Agriculture; Mining; Transportation; Manufactures, trade and commerce; In- dustrial combinations; Labor; Immigration; Taxation; Irrigation; Appendixes; 1, Volume oi production, 2, Gold absorption during currency changes; 3, Prices, 4, Exports, by countries; 5, Exports, by customs districts', 6, Statistics of industrial combinations; 7, Proposed amendments to anti-trust act; 8, British factory and workshop act, 1901. List and contents of reports of the commission; List of witnesses before the commission; General index of v. 1-18; Index of v. 19. TJ. S. Industrial commission. Report on transportation, incl. testimony, review and topical digest of evidence, and special reports on railway legislation [by B. H. Meyer] and taxation [by R. C. McCrea] 1900-1. 2 v. 23cm (The commission's reports, v. 4, 9) Gov't print off. $1.65 382 Foreign trade U. S. Bureau of foreign commerce. Commer- cial relations of the United States with foreign countries. 23cm Gov't print off. yrly Continued by the Bureau of statistics (Dept. of com- merce and labor) Price depends upon size, binding, plates, etc. Apply to the Supt. of Documents. TJ. S. Bureau of statistics (Dept. of commerce and labor) Consular reports: commerce, manu- factures, etc. Latest. 24cm Gov't print off. Monthly. v. 1-72, no. 1-274, pub. by the Department of state. Price depends upon size, binding, plates, etc. Apply to the Supt; of Documents. Special consular reports. Latest. 23cm. Gov't print off. v. 1-26 pub. by the Department of state. Price depends upon size, binding, plates, etc. Apply to the Supt. of Documents. TJ. S. Post office dept. United States official postal guide, rev. and published by authority of the Post office department. Latest. 20cm Lasher $2 yrly 1st series, Oct. 1874-July 1879, quarterly; 2d series, Sep. 1879- , monthly. 385 Railroad and express U.S. Interstate commerce commission. An- nual report. Latest. 23Jcm 'rov't print off. The 15th annual report of the statistics of railways, 1902, and the Preliminary report on the income account of railways, 1903, are included in the report for 1903. The report and appendices arealso issued separately. Price depends upon size, binding, plates, etc. Apply to the Supt. of Documents, 387 li\ <-r & ocean transportation TJ. S. Bureau of navigation (Dept. of commerce and labor) Annual report of the commissioner of navigation. Latest. 23cm Gov't print oft. Price depends upon size, binding, plates, etc. Apply to the Supt. of Documents. PUBLIC DOCUMENTS 371 4OO Philology 421 English spelling March, F. A. Spelling reform. Rev. ed. 1893. 23cm (U. S. Bureau of education. Circular of information, 1893, no. 8) Gov't print off. The best statement of the philologic and practical argu- ments for a simplification of English spelling. Scott. 5OO Science 506 Scientific societies Smithsonian institution. Annual report of the Board of regents of the Smithsonian institution', showing the operations, expenditures and con- dition of the institution. Latest. 233cm Gov't print off. Published also in U. S. Senate and House miscellaneous documents. 1846-63, reports only; 1854- , reports and papers. Beginning with 1884, the reports are published in two annual volumes, one being the report of the Smithsonian institution, the other the report of the U. S. National mu- seum. For the latter see U. S. National museum, An- nual report. Price depends upon size, binding, plates, etc. Apply to the Supt. of Documents. 507 Scientific museums IT. S. National museum. Annual report of .the Board of regents of the Smithsonian institution, showing the operations, expenditures and con- dition of the institution; report of the U. S. National museum. Latest. 23cm Gov't print off. Report for 1897 in 2 pts; pt. 2, A memorial of G : B. Goode. The first report on the operations of the National mu- seum printed under a separate cover was that for 1881. The reports of the museum for 1881, 1882 and 1883 were first printed in the reports of the Smithsonian institution for those years, and were afterward issued in pamphlet form. 557.3 Geology of IT. IT. S. Geological survey. Latest 30cm U. S. Bureau of labor. Phosphate industry of the United States, prepared in compliance with a resolution of the United States Senate of Dec. _ 4, 1890, by C. D. Wright. 1893. 23cm (Sixth special report of the commissioner of labor) Gov't print off. 35c Compiled by J. F. Tucker. U. S. Geological survey. Mineral resources of the United States [annual report] Latest. 23 Jem Gov't print off. pap. 50c, cl. 70c 1882-date; 1894-99 published only as a part of the 16th- 21st annual reports of the U. S. Geological survey. Annual report. Gov't print off: Directors: 1878-81, Clarence King; 1881-94, J. W. Powell; 1894-, C. D. Walcott. Full lists of contents (lst-22d reports) in the Bulletin no. 100, 177 and 215. Price depends upon size, binding, plates, etc. Apply to the Supt. of Documents. OOO Useful arts 6O Patents. Inventions TJ. S. Patent office. Official gazette of the United States Patent office. Latest. 27cm Gov't print off. Weekly. O14 Vital statistic* TJ. S. Bureau of labor. Report on marriage and divorce in the United States, 1867 to 1886; incl. an apx. relating to marriage and divorce in certain countries in Europe, by C. D. Wright, February 1889. Rev. ed. 1891. 23cm (First special report of the commissioner of labor) Gov't print off. 75c An earlier edition printed in 1889; a later edition, in 1897. 619 Veterinary medicine U. S. Bureau of animal industry. Special report on diseases of cattle and on cattle feeding. 1896. 23 Jem Gov't print off. Libraries should apply early to the U. S. bureau of ani- mal industry for its forthcoming Special report on diseases of cattle. Special report on diseases of the horse, by Drs Pearson, Michener, Law,' Harbaugh, Trum- bower, Liautard, Holcombe, Huidekoper, Stiles and Adams. Rev. ed. 1903. 23cm (57th Cong. 2d sess. House doc. no. 487) Gov't print off. 65c 63O Agriculture U. S. Dept. of agriculture. Farmers' bulletin. Latest. 23cm Gov't print off. Year-book. Latest. 23 Jem Gov't print off. 75c 634 Forestry Pinchot, Gifford. Primer of forestry. 1903. 24cm (U. S. Dept. of agriculture. Farmers' bulletin no. 173) Gov't print off. A rev. ed. of Bulletin no. 24, Division of forestry. Free from the Dept. of agriculture. TJ. S. Dept. of agriculture. Message from the President of the United States, transmitting a report of the secretary of agriculture in relation P.DOC 372 A. L. A. CATALOG CLASS LIST to the forests, rivers and mountains of the south- ern Appalachian region, 1902. 29 Jem (57th Cong. 1st sess. Senate doc. no. 84) Gov't print off. $1.20 Contents: Letter of transmittal. Report. Apx. A, For- ests and forest conditions, by H. B. Ayres and W. W. Ashe; Lumbering, by O.W. Price; Description of the southern Appalachian forests, by river basins, by H. B. Ayres and \V. W. Ashe; Trees, by \V. W. Ashe and H. B. Ayres; Listo shrubs, by W. W. Ashe. Apx. B, Topography and geology, by Arthur Keith. Apx. C, Hydrography, by H. A. Pressey and E. W. Myers. Apx. D, Climate, by Alfred J. Henry. App. E, The present status of the movement for the pro- posed forest reserve in the southern Appalachians: Memo- rials, resolutions, etc. Prepared in cooperation with the Department of the interior. Appendix A is submitted by the Bureau of for- estry, B-C by the Geological survey and D by the Weather bureau. 9OO History 91O Geography 17. S. Board on geographic names. Second report, 1890-1899. 2d ed. 1901. 23cm Gov't print off. 20c First issued as 56th Cong. 1st sess. House doc. no. 472. Includes all decisions to date. It also contains an ac count of the origin, history, organization, methods and principles of the board. 918.6 U. S. or Colombia. Panama TJ. S. General staff. 2d (Military informa- tion) division. Notes on Panama; comp. and arranged by H. C. Hale, November 1903. 1903. 23cm Gov't print off. 50c 919.1 Malaysia TJ. S. Bureau of insular affairs. Pronouncing gazetteer and geographical dictionary of the Philippine Islands, United States of America, with maps, charts and illustrations; also tin- law of civil government in the Philippine Islands passed by Congress and approved by the Presi- dent July 1, 1902, with a complete index. 1902. 23 Jem Gov't print off. $2.10 An advance issue (text only of first part of this work) was pub. under date of July 4, 1902. 923 Biography of statesmen U. S. Congress. Biographical congressional di- rectory, 1774 to 1903; The Continental Congress: Sep. 5, 1774, to Oct. 21, 1788, inclusive; The United States Congress: the First Congress to the Fifty-seventh Congress, Mar. 4, 1789, to Mar. 4, 1903, inclusive; comp. under authority of Congress [by O. M. Enyart] 1903. 28cm (57th Cong. 2d sess. House doc. no. 458) Gov't print off. $1 929.9 Flags U. S. Bureau of equipment (Xavy dept. ) Flags of maritime nations. 1899. 29cm Gov't print off. $1.75 973 U. S. History American historical association. Annual re- port. Latest. 23cm Gov't print off. Price depends upon size, binding, plates, etc. Apply to the Supt. of Documents. TT. S. General land office. Louisiana purchase and our title west of the Rocky Mountains, with a review of annexation by the United States; by Binger Hermann. 1900. 26cm (56th Cong. 1st sess. House Doc. no. 708) Gov't print off. 65c INDEX TO CLASS LIST. References are to class numbers, not to pages. Abbeys, architecture 726 Abbreviations 653 Abolition, U. S. history 973. 7 Abolitionists, lives, philanthropy 923 Aborigines, Am. antiquities 913. 7 Am. history 970. 1 Absenteeism, Irish hist. 941.5 Abstinence, temperance 178 Abyssinia, desc. & trav. 916. 3 Academy, Older, Plato 184 Accidence, Eng. lang. 425 Accidents, medicine 617 protection of public 614. 8 Accounts 657 Acoustics, music 781 physics 534 Acropolis, Greek antiquities 913. 38 Acting 792 Actors, lives 927 Acts of the apostles 226 Adages, folklore 398 Adams, J: presidency 973. 4 J : Q. presidency 973. 5 Adaptation, biology 575 Adirondacks, descr. & trav. 917. 47 Administration 350 Administrative law 350 reform 351 Admission, school 371 Admirals, lives 923 Adulterations, public health 614. 3 Adventures, biography 923 travels, etc. 910 Advertising 659 Advocates, lives 923 Aerolites, astronomy 523 geology 552 Aerophytes, lichens 589 orchids 584 Aesthetics, fine arts 701 Afghanistan, hist. 958 Africa, antiquities 913.6 descr. & trav. 916 hist. 960 Africa, east, descr. & trav. 916. 7 north, descr. & trav. 916. 1 history 961 north central, descr. & trav. 916. 6 south, descr. & trav. 916. 8 history 968 south central, descr. & trav. 916. 7 west, descr. & trav. 916. 6 African slave trade 326 Age of man, natural hist. 573 the world 550 Agents, geologic 551 Ages, archeologic 571 geologic 551 Agnosticism, natural theology 211 Agrarian laws, Roman hist. 937 Agricultural botany 581 chemistry 631 pests 632 products, pol. econ. 338 Agriculture 630 Aid societies, charitable 361 cooperation 334 Aid to the injured 614. 8 readers, library economy 028 Air analysis, chemistry 543 disinfection, contagious diseases 614 hygiene 613 ventilation 628 Alabama, U. S. hist. 976. 1 claims, U. 8. hist. 973. 7 Alaska, descr. & trav. 917. 98 purchase, U. S. hist. 973. 8 Albert Nyanza, descr. & trav. 916. 7 Alberta, descr. & trav. 917. 1 Alchemy 540 Alcohol, hygiene 613 Alcoholic liquors, manufacture 663 temperance 178 Ales, manufacture 663 Algae 589 Algebra 512 Algerine war, U. S. hist. 973. 5 Algiers, Africa, description 916. 1 (373) LVDEX 374 A. L. A. CATALOG CLASS LIST Algiers, Africa, history 961 Alhambra, descr. & trav. 914. 6 Alliances, international law 341 Alloys 669 Almanacs, British 314 U. S. 317 Alphabet, Eng. orthography 421 Alphabets, design 745 philology 411 Alps, descr. & trav. 914. 94 geology 551 Aluminium, metallurgy 669 Amateur manuals, mech. trades 680 theatricals, amusements 793 Amazon river, descr. & trav. 918. 1 Ambassadors, international law 341 America, antiquities 913. 7 descr. & trav. 917 discovery 973. 1 history 970 bibliography 016. 9 see also United States Central, descr. & trav. 917. 28 North, see North America South, see South America American Indians 970. 1 folklore 398 literature 810 bibliography 016. 8 loyalists 973. 3 newspapers, general 071 periodicals, general 051 political parties 329 P. E. church 283 revolution 973. 3 slavery 326 Amusement or play, hygiene 613. 7 Amusements 790 Analysis, qualitative 544 quantitative 545 water, hygiene 613 Analytic geometry 516 Anarchists, socialism 335 Anatomy, animals 591 human 611 Ancestry, evolution 575 genealogy 929 Ancient architecture 722 countries, descr. & trav. 913. 3 customs 913. 3 history 930 sculpture 732 Andes, descr. & trav. 918 Anecdotes, miscellany, Eng. lit. 828 Angevins 942. 03 Anglican church 283 Angling 799 Anglo-Saxon hist. 942. 01 language 429 literature 829 Animal kingdom 590 psychology, zoology 591 worship, nonchristian religions 290 Animals, diseases 619 domestic 636 evolution 575 fossil 5&6 habits 591 training, zoology 591 Anne, queen, Eng. hist. 942. 06 Anne's, queen, war, U. S. hist. 973. 2 Annuals, statistical 310 Anonyms 014 Antarctic regions, descr. & trav. 919. 9 Anthologies, Eng. poetry 821 Greek poetry 881 Spanish poetry 861 Anthropology 572 Antilles, Lesser 917. 29 Antiquities 913 ancient 913. 3 biblical 220. 9 Antiquity of man . 573 Antislavery, slavery 326 U. S. hist. 973. 7 Antrim, descr. & trav. 914. 16 Aphorisms, folklore 398 Apiary, bees 638 Apiculture 638 Apologetics 239 Apostles, acts of 226 lives, scriptural biog. 225 Apostolic fathers 281 Apothegms, folklore 398 Appetites, temperance' 178 Applied chemistry, chem. tech. 660 mechanics, mech. eng. 621 Apportionment, representation 324 taxation 336 Aquaria 590 Arabesque decoration, design 745 Arabia, modern hist. 953 Arabs in Spain 946 Arachnida 595 Arbitration, capital and labor 331 Arboriculture, forestry 634 Archbishops, livec 922 Archeology 913 biblical 220. 9 prehistoric 571 SUBJECT INDEX 375 Architects, lives 927 Architectural construction 721 decoration 729 drawing 744 Architecture 720 Arctic regions, descr. & trav. 919. 8 Argentina, descr. & trav. 918. 2 Argonauts, Greek mythology 292 Argument, logic 168 Arithmetic 511 Arizona, descr. & trav. 917. 91 Armies, Amer. civil war 973. 7 military science 355 Armistice, international law 341 Anns, coats of, heraldry 929. 8 gun making 683 Army, military science 355 officials, lives 923 Art, biography 927 fine 700 history 709 industrial, useful arts 600 municipal 710 useful 600 Arthurian legends 398 Articles of confederation, U. S. const, hist. 342 Articulates 595 Artificial ice, manufacture 621 lights, chem. tech. 665 Artisans, lives 926 Artistic furniture 749 Artists, lives 927 Arts and trades 600 fine 700 biography 927 graphic, fine arta 700 useful 600 biography 926 Aryan languages 491 literatures 891 mythology 291 race 572 Asia, antiquities 913. 5 descr. & trav. 915. 7 history 950 Minor, ancient hist. 939 modern hist. 956 descr. & trav. 915. 6 Asiatic literature, eastern 895 Assaying : 669 Assessment, taxes 336 Assisi 945 Associations 360 . business cooperation 334 charitable 361 Associations, gilds 338 labor 331 Assyria, ancient hist. 935 antiquities 913. 35 Asteroids, astronomy 523 Astrology, astronomy 520 Astronomers, lives 925 Astronomy 520 descriptive 523 Asylums 362 Atheism, apologetics 239 natural theology 211 Athletics, hygiene 613. 7 sports 796 Atlases 912 astronomy 524 historical 911 railroad 912 Atomic theory 541 Atonement, Christology 232 Australasia, descr. & trav. 919. 3 history 993 Australia, descr. & trav. 919. 4 history 994 Austria, descr. & trav. 914. 36 history - 943. 6 Authors and publishers 655 anon, bibliog. 014 lives 928 Autobiography 920-28 Automobiles 625 Babylon, ancient hist. 935 antiquities 913. 35 Backgammon, games 795 Bacteriology, agriculture 630 botany 589 medicine 616 Bagatel, amusements 794 Ball 797 Bahamas, descr. & trav. 917. 29 history 972. 9 Baking, cookery 641 Balance of trade, commerce 382 Ballads, Eng. literature 821 German literature 831 Spanish literature 861 Ballot 324 Balls, dancing 793 Bank notes, money 332 Banking & banks 332 Banners, heraldry 929. 9 Banquets, social customs 394 Baptist church 286 Barbarians, North Amer. Indians 970. 1 prehistoric archeology 571 INDEX 376 A. L. A. CATALOG CLASS LIST Barbarisms, Eng. language 428 Barbary states, descr. & trav. 916. 1 history 961 Barebones parliament, Eng. hist. 942. 06 Barns, architecture 728 Base ball, amusements 797 Basketry 689 Indian 970. 6 Bastile, French hist. 944 Baths, architecture 725 hygiene 613 Batteries, electric 537 Battledoor, outdoor sports 796 Beasts, zoology 599 of burden, domestic animals 636 Bee keeping 638 Beer drinking, ethics 178 manufacture 663 Bees, agriculture 638 zoology 595 Beggars, pauperism 339 Behavior 177 Belgium, descr. & trav. 914. 93 history 949. 3 Belief, apologetics 239 philosophy 104 salvation 234 Belles-lettres 800 Belligerents, rights of, international law 341 Bench and bar, biography 923 Benefactors, lives 923 Benevolent institutions 361 societies 361 Beowulf, Anglo-Saxon poetry 829 Berbers, description 916. 1 history 961 Berlin, description 914. 31 Bessemer process, metallurgy 669 Beverages, adulterations 614. 3 alcoholic, hygiene 613 manufacture 663 temperance 178 Bible 220 and science, apologetics 239 nat. theol. 215 apologetics 239 classes, Sunday schools 268 Bibliography 010 national 015 subject 016 Bicycle, repairing . 680 sports 796 Billiards 794 Bimetalism 332 Binding, book, mechanic trades 686 Biography 920 of indians 970. 2 Biology 570 Birds 598 Birth customs 392 obstetrics 618 Bishops, lives 922 Bituminous coal, economic geology 553 Blacksmithing 682 Blast furnace 669 Blazonry, heraldry 929. 8- Bleaching 667 Blights, agriculture 632 Blind, asylums 362 Blood, physiology 612 vessels, anatomy 611 Blowing engine 621 Blowpiping, apparatus 542 mineralogy 549 qualitative analysis 544 Blue prints, photography 771 Blunders, Eng. language 428 etiquet 395 Boat building 699 Boating 797 Body and mind 130 care of, hygiene 613 training of 61 3. 7 Boer war 968 Boers, description 916. 8 history 968 Boilers, steam engineering 621. 1 Bonds and stocks 332 finance 336 Bone caves, prehistoric archeol. 571 implements, archeology . 571 Bones, descriptive anatomy 591 human anatomy 611 physiology 612 Book binding 686 clubs, self culture 374 Bookkeeping 657 Books and reading 028 best 016 illustration, fine art 745 making, typography 655 Bookselling, publishing 655 Border ballads, Scottish, Eng. poetry 821 ruffians, Kansas hist. 978. 1 Borneo, descr. & trav. 919. 1 Bosphorus, descr. & trav. 914. 96 Boston massacre, U. 8. hist. 973. 3 Botanists, lives 925 Botany 580 agricultural 630 SUBJECT INDEX 377 Botany, geographic distribution 581. 9 physiologic 581 Bourbons, French hist. 944 Boxing 796 Brahminism 294 Brain, anatomy 611 mental derangements 132 mental physiology 131 physiology 612 Brasses 739 Brazil, descr. & trav. 918. 1 Breadstuffs, production 338 Breakwaters, harbor engineering 627 Breeding, agriculture 636 zoology 591 Brewing 663 Bricabrac 739 Bricks 666 Bridge whist 795 Bridges, engineering 624 British America, descr. & trav. 917. 1 Columbia, descr. & trav. 917. 1 constitution 342 empire, descr. & trav. 914. 2 history 942 philosophy 192 Bronze age, prehistoric archeol. 571 Bronzes 739 Brook Farm, socialism 335 philosophy 141 Bruges, history 949. 3 Bryophyta 588 Buccaneers, adventures etc. 910 Buchanan, presidency 973. 6 Buddhism 294 Buddhist architecture 722 Bugs, zoology 595 Building 690 architecture 720 Buildings, iron 721 out, architecture 728 steel 721 Burma, descr. & trav. 915. 9 Business cooperation 334 ethics 174 manuals 658 men, lives 923 methods 658 Butterflies 595 Cabinet making 684 Cables 654 Caedmon, literature 829 Caesar, Latin literature 878 Caesars, lives 923 Roman hist. 937 Calculus 517 Calendar 529 California, descr. & trav. 917.94 Calisthenics 613. 7 Caloric engines 621 physics 536 Calvinism 284 Camera, photography 771 lucida, microscopy 578 Canada, descr. & trav. 917. 1 history 971 Canal engineering 626 transit, sociology 386 Canals, sociology 386 Candy making 642 Canoeing 797 Cantatas 782 Caoutchouc, rubber manufacture 678 Capital and labor 331 Captures, international law 341 Car building 699 Carbon process, photography 773 Card catalog, library administration 025 games 793 playing, amusements 795 Care of body, hygiene 613 Caricature, drawing 741 Carlovingian cycle, legend 398 Carnivora, mammals 599 Carpentry 694 amateur 680 Carpets, design 745 manufacture 677 Cartoons 741 Carving 643 sculpture 736 Catacombs, antiquities 913. 37 Cataloging 025 Catalogs, classed 017 dictionary 019 Caterpillars 595 Cathay, descr. & trav. 915. 1 history 951 Cathedrals 726 Catholic, Roman, church 282 Cats, diseases, medicine o!9 domestic animals 636 Cattle 636 diseases, veterinary med. 619 Caucuses 324 Causes, final 124 Cave men, prehistoric archeol. 571 temples, Indian architecture 722 Caves, geology 551 natural dwellings 571 INDEX 378 A. L. A. CATALOG CLASS LIST Cells, biology Celtic literature Cements, building manufacture Central Africa, North, descr. & trav. South, descr. & trav. America, descr. & trav. Asia, history government Centrifugal blowers, engineering force, physics pumps, engineering Centripetal force, physics Ceramics, fine art manufacture Cereals, agriculture Chaldea, ancient hist. Challenger expedition, 1873-76 Character, ethics Charades Charging systems, libraries Charities Charlemagne, age of, European hist. legends Charles 1-2, Eng. hist. 5, German hist. Netherlands hist. Spanish hist. the Bold, French hist. Chartres, France Checkers Cheese, dairy Chemical technology Chemistry agricultural applied to arts Chemists, lives Chess Child labor study, education psychology Childbirth, obstetrics Children, asylums care of education ethics folklore hygiene Children's crusade, European hist, reading songs, kinderg. music Chile, description & travel history Chimneys 576 China, descr. & trav. 891 hist. 691 religion 666 ware, fine arts 916.6 useful arts 916.7 Chinese architecture 917.28 literature 958 Chivalry 351 Choral music 621 Christ, lives 531 theology 621 Christian apologetics 531 architecture, eccles. 738 medieval 666 art 633 churches 935 doctrine 508.3 names 170 science, therapeutics 793 sects 025 socialism 361 theology 940 Christianity, evidences 398 evolution of 942.06 'philosophy of 943 Christology 949.2 Chronologies, history 946 Church and education 944 architecture 944 fathers 794 lives of 637 history 660 influence 540 institution 631 music 660 sects 925 work 794 Cinematics, mechanics 331 Circle sailing, great, navigation 372 Circulation and blood, physiology 150 money 618 Circumnavigations 362 Cities, administration 649 ancient, descr. 372 growth 173 sanitation 398 Citizenship, ethics 613 Civil authority, local gov't 940 engineering 028 pensions, administration 372 service 784 war, ethics 918.3 slavery 983 U. S. hist. 697 Civilization and the church 915.1 951 299 738 666 722 895 394 783 232 232 239 726 723 755 280 230 929 615 280 335 230 239 201 201 232 902 377 726 281 922 270 261 260 783 280 260 531 527 612 332 910 352 913.3 352 628 172 352 620 351 351 . 172 326 973.7 261 SUBJECT INDEX 379 Civilization, history 901 theory 301 Clairvoyance 134 Clans, Scottish, heraldry 929. 8 history 941 Class system, suffrage 324 Classes, school 371 Classical antiquities 913. 38 biography 920 literature, Greek 880 Latin 870 mythology 292 Classical philology, Greek lang. 480 Latin lang. 470 Classification, library 025 Clay, chemical technology 666 Cleaning 667 Clearing house, banking 332 Clergy, lives 922 pastoral work 250 Cleveland, presidency 973. 8 Climate, influence on man 573 Clock making 681 Cloth, manufactures 677 Clothesmaking 687 Clothing 646 Coal, economic geology 553 fuel, chemical technology 662 mining 622 tar 660 products 660 Coast tides 525 Coats of arms 929. 8 Cognition, metaphysics 126 Coils, electricity 537 Coinage 332 Coke, chemical technology 662 Coliseum, Roman antiquities 913. 37 Collected biography 920 sermons 252 travel 910 Collections, art galleries 708 of poetry, Eng. lit. 821 miscel. 808 Collectors manuals, scientific 579 Colleges 378 Colombia, descr. & trav. 918. 6 Colonies and colonization 325 Color 535 of animals 591 painting 752 Colorado, descr. & trav. 917. 88 Colosseum, Roman antiquities 913. 37 Columbia, District of, U. S. descr. & trav. 917. 53 Columns, design 729 Combustion 541 Comedy, English diama 822 Comets 523 Commanders, lives 923 Commentaries, Bible 220. 7 law 347 Commerce, sociology 380 tariff 337 useful arts 650 Commercial panics 332 Common law 347 prayer, Anglican ritual 264 schools 379 Commonwealth, Eng. hist. 942. 06 Commune of 1871, French hist. 944 political economy 335 Communication, sociology 380 useful arts 650 Communism 335 Companies, associations 360 Comparative anatomy, animals 591 plants 581 mythology 291 philology 410 physiology, zoology 591 religion 290 Compass, magnetism 538 Compends, history 902 Competition, prices 338 wages 331 Competitive examinations, civil service 351 Composers, lives 927 Composition, music 781 rhetoric 808 type setting 655 special language, see language. Compressed air engines 621 Compression of gases, physics 533 Compromise bill, 1850, U. S. hist. 973. 6 Concordances, Bible 220. 2 Concordat, internal, law 341 Concrete pavements 625 Condensers, electricity 537 steam engineering 621. 1 Conduct of life, ethics 170 Conduits, telegraph 654 ventilation 697 waterworks 628 Confederate States, U. S. civil war 973. 7 Confederation, Amer. colonies 973. 3 Confessional, Roman church 282 Conflict of laws, internat. law 341 Confucianism, religion 299 Congo river, descr. & trav. 916. 7 Congregational church 285 INDEX 380 A. L. A. CATALOG CLASS LIST Congregational iste, lives 922 Conic sections, analytic geom. 516 geometry 513 Conjuring 791 Connecticut, U. S. hist. 974. 6 Conquest, internat. law 341 Norman, Eng. hist. 942. 02 Conscience, ethics 171 Consciousness, philosophy 126 Conservation of energy, physics 531 Conservatories, architecture 728 plants 716 Constantinople, descr. & trav. 914. 96 history 949. 6 Constellations, astronomy 523 Constitutional conventions 342 history 342 law 342 Const/uction, architectural 721 carpentry 694 masonry 693 Consular systems, internat. law 341 Consumption, disease, prevention 614 treatment 616 economic 339 Contagious diseases, pub. health 614 Contemplative theology 242 Continental protestant sects 284 travel 914 Continents, physical geog. 551 Contraband of war, internat. law 341 Contract system, labor of convicts 331 Conundrums, amusements 793 Conversation, art of 374 ethics 177 Convict labor, political economy 331 Cook books 641 Cookery 641 invalid 613 Cooperation 334 Copper, manufacture 671 metallurgy 669 Coppersmithing 671 Copyright, internat. law 341 publishing 655 Coral reefs 551 Corals, geology 551 zoology 593 Corea, descr. & trav. 915. 1 history 951 Corporate industries 338 Corporations 360 business 380 municipal 352 railroad 385 Correction, houses of 364 Correlation of forces 531 Corsairs, Barbary, history 961 Cosmic dust, astronomy 52 philosophy, metaphysics 11& Cosmogony, metaphysics 113 natural theology 213 Cosmology, metaphysics 113 Cossacks, Russian hist. 947 Costume 391 Cottages, architecture 728 Cotton manufactures 677 Counterfeiting, banks & money 332 Counterpoint, music 781 Country houses, architecture 728 Courage 179 Courses of reading 028 Courtesy, ethics 177 Covenanters, Scottish hist. 941 Craniology, natural hist, of man 573- Crannoges, prehistoric d we lings 571 Crayfish 595 Crayon drawing 741 Creation, evolution 575 metaphysics 113 natural theology 213 Credibility of the Scriptures 220. 1 Credit, political economy ' 332 Crests 929. 8 Cribbage 795 Cricket 797 Crime and criminals, reform 364 Crimean war, Eng. hist. 942. 08- Russian hist. 947 Crises, commercial 332 Criticism, art 701 Bible 220. 7 drama 792 literature 801 music 780 rhetoric 808 Critics, lives 928 Crocheting 746 Crockery, pottery 738 Crops, agriculture 633 Croquet 796 Cross, legends concerning 398 Crowd, influence 301 Cruising, boating 797 Crusades, European hist. 940 Crustacea, zoology 595 Crystallography 548 Cuba, descr. & trav. 917. 29 history 972. 9 Cultivated plants, landscape gardening 716 SUBJECT INDEX 381 Culture 301 and religion 261 self education 374 vocal 784 Cures, therapeutics 615 Curling, amusements 796 Currency 332 Curriculum 375 Customs and duties, tariff 337 manners 390 taxation 336 Cycling 796 Cyclones, meteorology 551 Cyclopedias 030 See also special subjects Dairy 637 Dams 627 Dancing 793 Danes, Eng. hist, 942. 01 Danish language 439 literature 839 Danubian provinces, descr. & trav. 914. 96 history 949. 6 Darwinism, ethics 171 science 575 Dates, chronology 902 Days of week 529 Death 236 Debating 374 Debt, public, pol. econ. 336 Decimal system, arithmetic 511 weights and measures 389 Declaration of independence, U. S. 973. 3 war, internat. law 341 Decoration 740 architectural 729 house 645 Decorum, ethics 177 Deer hunting 799 Defense of religion, apologetics 239 Degeneration, evolution 575 Deism 211 Demand and supply, prices 338 wages 331 Democracy 304 constitutions 342 social 335 theory 321 Dendrology, botany 582 Denmark, descr. & trav. 914. 89 history, Scandinavian 948 Denominations, Christian 280 Derangements, mental 132 Derivation of Eng. words 422 Descent, genealogy 929 Descent of man, evolution 575 Description, travel 910 Descriptive astronomy 523 Design 740 architectural 729 arguments from 239 ornamental 745 Devil worship 290 Devotional exercises 242 theology 240 Dialectics, logic 160 Dialogs 793 Diaries, biography 920 Dice 795 Dicotyledonae 583 Dictionaries, Bible 220. 3 Eng. 423 of other languages, see special lan- guage of special subject, xee subject Didactic theology 241 Dies 671 Diet, hygiene 613 Dikes, geology 551 river & harbor eng. 627 Dining 643 Diplomacy 327 internat. law 341 Dipsomania, mental derangements 132 temperance 178 Diptera, insects 595 Disasters at sea, adventures 910 Disciples of Christ 289 Discipline, mental education 370 Discoverers, lives 923 Discoveries, geography 910 science, hist. 509 useful arts 608 Diseases 616 animals, veterinary med. 619 contagious, pub. health 614 mental, mind & body 132 plants, agriculture 632 Distribution of plants 581. 9 wealth, pol. econ. 331 political economy 338 District of Columbia, descr. & trav. 917. 53 Divine Providence, nat. theol. 214 Divinity, theology 230 Docks 627 Doctrinal theology 230 Dogmatics 230 Dogs, diseases, comparative med. 619 domestic animals 636 zoology 599 INDEX 382 A. L. A. CATALOG CLASS LIST Domestic animals architecture sanitation science Domestication, plants Dominicans Dominoes, games Doric order, architecture Douay Bible, Eng. version Double standard, money stars, astronomy Drafts, games Drainage, agriculture house engineering Drama, stage American English French German Greek Dramatic music Drawing mathematical scientific Dreams Dredging, engineering scientific voyages Dress, costume ethics Dressmaking Drinking, social, ethics Drinks, hygiene intoxicating, ethics Dry goods, manufactures Dryplate processes Dualism, ontology Dutch language literature painting reformed church in Amer. republic, history Duties, family, ethics moral social, ethics tariff Duty, ethics Dwellings, architecture hygiene prehistoric Dyeing Dynamos, engineering physics Ear, anatomy physics 636 Ear, physiology 612 728 psychology 152 628 Early English language 429 640 institutions, pol. science 321 575 Earth, astronomy 525 271 figure of 526 795 physical geology 551 729 Earthquakes. 551 220. 5 Eastern church 281 332 question, China 951 523 Turkey 949.6 794 states, U. S. hist. 974 631 Eating, hygiene 613 628 Ecclesiastic architecture 726 626 biography 922 792 history 270 812 painting 755 822 Echinoderms 593 842 Eclipses 523 832 Economic chemistry, chem. tech. 660 882 Economics 330 782 home 640 740 Economists, lives 923 744 Economy, domestic 640 744 library 020 135 political 330 627 Ecumenical councils 270 508. 3 Eddas, mythology 293 391 Edinburgh, descr. & trav. 914. 1 177 history 941 646 Education 370 178 of women 376 613 young 372 178 self 374 677 useful arts 607 772 Educational buildings 727 111 Educators 370 439 lives 923 839 Eggs, oology 598 759 poultry 636 285 Egypt, antiquities 913. 32 949. 2 descr. & trav. 916. 2 173 hist, ancient 932 170 modern 962 177 religion 299 337 Egyptology, antiquities 913. 32 170 Eight hour day 331 728 Elections 324 613 Elective franchise 324 571 system, education 375 667 Electoral commission, U. S. hist 973. 8 621. 3 Electric engineering 621. 3 537 light, mech. eng. 621. 3 611 physics 537 534 railroads 621. 3 SUBJECT INDEX 383 Electricity 537 Electrobiology 134 medicine 615 chemistry 660 magnetism 538 metallurgy, arts 671 motors, engineering 621.3 physics 537 Elegiac poetry, English lit. 821 Greek lit. 884 Latin lit. 874 Elementary education 372 Elements, chemical, chemistry 546 Elephants, mammals . 599 Elevation, architectural design 729 Elocution 808 vocal culture 784 Elves, folklore 398 Emancipation of slaves 326 U. S. hist 973. 7 Embargo of 1808-12, U. S. hist. 973. 4 Embassadors, internat. law 341 Embroidery 746 Embryology, animals 591 botany 581 Emigration 325 Emotions, anthropology 138 Emperors, lives 923 Empire, Eastern, history 949. 5 Employers and employed, pol. econ. 331 Enamel, chem. tech. 666 Encyclical letters, Roman catholic church 282 Encyclopedias 030 see also special subjects Energy, physics 531 Engineering, civil 620 mechanical 621 sanitary 628 topographic 526 Engineers, lives 926 Engines 621 England, antiquities 913. 4 bank of 332 church 283 descr. & trav. 914. 2 geology 554 history 942 bibliography 016. 9 painting 759 religious hist. 274. 2 zoology 591 English composition 808 cyclopedias 032 dictionaries 423 etymology 422 English language literature bibliography newspapers periodicals, general socialism sounds spelling synonyms Engravers, lives Engraving Enigmas, amusements Ensilage, agriculture Entertainment, public Entomology Environment, evolution Eocene fossils, paleontology period, geology Epic poetry, English Greek Latin Epidemics, public health Episcopal church Episcopalians, lives Epistles, Bible English lit. Equinoxes, astronomy Erosion Errors of speech, English Eschatology Essayists, lives Essays, American English French Essenes, Jewish religion . Established church, Anglican Esthetics, fine arts literary Etchers, lives Etching Eternity, natural theology Ethical education Ethics social sociology Ethnic religions Ethnology Etiology, medicine Etiquet, customs ethics Etruscan architecture Etymology, English inflection Euchre, amusements Euclidian geometry 420 820 016.8 072 052 335 421 421 424 927 760 793 633 791 595 575 560 551 821 883 873 614 283- 922 227 826 525 551 428 236 928 814 824 844 296 283 701 801 927 767 218 377 170 177 304 290 572 616 395 177 722 422 425 795 513 INDEX 384 A. L. A. CATALOG CLASS LIST Eulogies, biography 920 Europe, antiquities 913. 4 descr. & trav. 914 geology 554 history 940 Evangelistic theology 243 Evidences of Christianity 239 Evil, philosophy 104 Evolution, biology 575 cosmology 113 ethics 171 nat. theol. 213 psychology 150 Examination, civil service 351 Excavations, antiquities 913 Exchange, bills of, law 347 money 332 international, money 332 Exegesis 220. 6 Exercise, hygiene 613. 7 Exiles, Siberia 915. 7 Expenditure, public finance 336 Explorations 910 Explorers, lives 923 Explosives 662 Express, sociology 385 Expression, facial, physiognomy 138 Extracts, English literature 828 see also special subjects Extradition, international law 341 Eye, anatomy 611 optics 535 physiology 612 psychology 152 Fabrics, design 745 textile, manufacture 677 Factory system 331 Failures, trade 332 Fairies 398 Fairy tales, Danish literature 839 English literature 823 folklore 398 French literature 843 Faith 234 Falaise, France, description 914. 4 Falsehood, social ethics 177 Family, customs 392 ethics 173 genealogies 929 political science 321 Fancy work 746 Far East 951 JTarces, American drama 812 amusements 793 English drama 822 Farm buildings 728 Farming 630 Farriery, horse shoeing 682 veterinary medicine 619 Farther India, descr. & trav. 915. 9 Fascination, animals 591 Fata Morgana, mirage 535 Fatalism, natural theology 214 Fathers, church, lives 922 Faust legend 398 Feathers, birds 598 Federal government, pol. science 321 party, American politics 329 Federalists, U. S. history 973. 4 Feebleminded, mental derangements 132 Feet, English prosody 426 Female education 376 employments 396 labor, political economy 331 sex, duties 173 suffrage 324 Fencing 796 Fenianism, Irish history 941. 5 Fermentation 663 Ferns 587 Fertilization, botany 581 zoology 591 Fertilizers, agriculture 631 manufac. from sewage 628 Fetichism 299 Feudalism, age of, European hist. 940 Fibers 633 Fiction, American 813 Arabian 892 bibliography 016. 8 Danish 839 Dutch 839 English 823 French 843 German 833 Hungarian 894 Italian 853 Polish 891 reading 028 religious 244 Kussian 891 Spanish 863 Fictitious characters, dictionaries 803 names, pseudonyms 014 Field sports 796 Filibusters, pirates 910 Fillmore, presidency 973. 6 Filth diseases, public health 614 Filtration, sanitary engineering 628 Final causes, metaphysics 124 SUBJECT INDEX 385 Finance, money & banking 332 public 336 Fine arts 700 bibliography 016. 7 biography 927 Finishing, painting 698 Fire arms, manufacture 683 extinction, protection of life 614. 8 Fireproofing 693 Fishculture 639 Fishes 597 Fishing, agriculture 639 sport 799 Fixed location, library economy 025 Flags 929. 9 Flamboyant architecture, Gothic 723 Flemish painting 759 Flora, geographic 581. 9 Flore and Blancheflor, legends 398 Floriculture, landscape gardening 716 Florida, descr. & trav. 917.59 Flowering plants 582 Flowers, landscape gardening 716 Flues, smoke, heating 697 Fluids, physics 532 preservative, biol. specimens 579 Flying, animal locomotion 591 Folklore 398 song, music 784 Food, cookery 641 adulterations, public health 614. 3 domestic economy 643 hygiene 613 supply 338 Football 797 Forage plants 633 Force of water, river engineering 627 physics 531 transmission of, mechanics 531 mill work 621 Foreign law 347 'relations, internat. law 341 pol. science 327 trade 382 Forestry 634 Fossil* 560 Foundations, architectural construction 721 Foundry practice 671 Fourierism, communism 335 Fowls, domestic animals 636 France, descr. & trav. 914. 4 history 944 language 440 literature 840 Franchise, elective, pol. science 324 Franciscans 271 Franks, history 943 Free soil party, political party 329 U. S. history 973.6 Free trade 337 Freedom, political liberty 323 Freehand drawing 741 Freezing, artificial, ice machines 621 French composition 448 French and Indian wars, U. S. hist. 973. 2 French dictionaries 443 grammar 445 language 440 literature 840 painting 759 pronunciation 441 readers 448 revolution 944 spoliations, U. S. hist. 973. 4 Friction, mechanical engineering 621 physics 531 Friends, society of, sects 289 Friendship 177 Frobel's system of education 372 Fruits 634 Fuel, chemical technology 662 steam 'engineering 621. 1 Fugitive slave law, U. S. slavery 326 Funds, public 336 Fungi 589 Fur trade, production 338 western U. S. 917.8 trading companies 382 Furnaces 697 Furniture and furnishings 645 artistic 749 Future life, natural theology 218 Gadsden purchase, U. S. history 973. 6 Games 790 customs 394 Greek 913. 38 Roman 913. 37 Garbage 628 Garden, kitchen 635 Gardening, flower 716 kitchen 635 landscape 710 Gas engines 621 fitting 696 Gases*, chemical technology 665 pneumatics 533 Gastronomy 641 Gazetteers 910 Gearing 621 Gelatine processes, photography 773 2411 ( INDEX 386 A. L. A. CATALOG CLASS LIST Genealogy 929 Generals, lives 923 Geodesy 526 Geography 910 ancient 912 Biblical 220. 9 bibliography 016. 9 classical 913. 3 commercial 910 descriptive 910 historical 911 maps 912 physical 551 Geologists, lives . 925 Geology 550 dynamic 551 economic 553 Geometric drawing, math, drawing 744 Geometry 513 analytic 516 Germ theory of disease, pathology 616 German, dances 793 dictionaries 433 empire 943 grammar 435 language 430 low 439 literature 830 low 839 mythology 293 opera, music 782 painting 759 philosophy 193 phonology 431 socialism 335 sounds 431 spelling 431 Germany, descr. & trav. 914. 3 history 943 Geysers, physical geology 551 Ghibelines, Italian history 945 Gilds, political economy 338 Girls, counsels to, ethics 177 Girondists, France, history 944 Glacial period 551 Glaciers 551 ' Glass, chemical technology 666 iridescent 748 stained 748 Glazing 698 Glue 668 Gnomes, folklore 398 Goblins, folklore 398 God, dogmatics 231 Gods, idolatry 290 Gods, mythology 291 Gold standard 332 Golf 796 Good Hope, Cape of, descr. & trav. 916. 8 Goodness 170 Goose, Mother, folklore 398 Gospels, Bible 226 Gossip, ethics 177 Gothenburg system 178 Gothic architecture 723 Goths 943 Government, local administration 352 political science 320 U. S. and State administration 353 Graeco-Russian church 281 Grail, holy, legends 398 Grains 633 Grammar, English 425 of other languages, see special language Granada, history Grant, presidency Grasses, agriculture botany Grasshoppers, zoology Gravitation, theories Great Britain, antiquities colonies constitution history Greco-Russian church Greece, ancient history antiquities descr. & trav. modern history Greek architecture art, history church classics dictionaries grammar independence, mod. hist, language modern literature modern mythology orders of architecture paleography philosophy sculpture Greenhouses, architecture Grounds, private Growth of cities, administration Guelphs, Italian history Guilds, political economy 946 973.8 633 584 595 531 913.4 325 342 942 281 938 913.38 914. 95 949.5 722 709 281 880 483 485 949.5 480 489 880 889 292 729 481 180 733 728 712 352 945 338 387 Gulf states, U. S. history 976 stream, physical geog. 551 Gunmaking 683 Gunning, sports 799 Gunpowder plot 942. 06 Gymnastics HI 3. 7 Habitations, human, hygiene 613 Handwriting 652 Hanover, house of, Eng. hist. 942. 07 Hanseatic league 943 Harbor engineering 627 Harrison, W: H: presidency 973.5 Hartford convention, U. S. hist. 973. 5 Hawaii, descr. & trav. 919. 6 history 996 Head, craniology 573 Health, public 614 Heat, engine 621.1 physics 536 Heather 583 Heating and ventilation 697 sanitary engineering 628 steam fitting 696 Hebrew religion 296 Hebrews, ancient history 933 modern history 296 Hemiptera, zoology 595 Henry I, English history 942. 02 Henry 2-3, English history 942. 03 Heraldry 929 Heredity, evolution 575 Hermeneutics 220. 6 Heroism, ethics 179 Hibernation, zoology 591 Hieroglyphics 419 Highlands, Scotland, descr. & trav. 914. 1 history 941 Highways 386 road engineering 625 transportation 386 Himalayas, descr. & trav. 915. 4 Hindrances, agriculture 632 Hindu architecture 722 religion 294 Hindustan, descr. & trav. 915. 4 history 954 Historians, lives 928 Historical atlases 911 charts and tables 902 History 900 bibliography 016. 9 constitutional 342 natural 590 of civilization 901 philosophy 901 History, religious 270 Hog, domestic animals 636 Holland, descr. & travel 914. 92 history 949. 2 Holy Roman empire 940 Home customs 392 economics 640 life, ethics 173 rule, Irish history 941.5 Homiletics 251 Honey, agriculture 638 Hood, Robin, legends 398 Horse 636 diseases, veterinary med. 619 Horseshoeing 682 Hospitals 362 Hot water heating 697 Hours of labor, political econ. 331 House building 690 painting, building 698 sewerage 628 Household economics . 640 Houses, architecture 728 hygiene 613 Hudson river, description 917. 47 Hudson's Bay Co. 382 Huguenots 284 Human life, protection from accident 614. 8 mind, psychology 150 physiology 612 race, ethnology 572 Humor, American 817 English 827 Latin 877 Hundred years war 940 Hungarian literature 894 Hungary, description & travel 914. 39 history 943. 9 Hunting 799 Hydraulic engineering 627 machinery 621 Hydraulics 532 Hygiene, mental 131 . personal 613 public 614 Hymenoptera, zoology 595 Hymnology 245 Hypnotism 134 Ice age 551 manufacture 621 Icebergs, physical geography 551 Iceland, descr. & trav. 914. 91 Ichthyology 597 Idealism 104 Identity, personal 126 INDEX 388 A. L. A. CATALOG CLASS LIST Idiocy 132 Idioms, see dictionaries of special languages Idolatry, nonchristian religions 290 Illuminating gases, chem. tech. 665 Illustration 745 Imitation, sociology 301 Immigration 325 Immortality 218 metaphysics 128 Impressionist school of painting 759 Incarnation, Christology 232 Income 331 Incubation, artificial 636 Indelible inks, chem. technology 667 Independence, American, U. S. hist. 973. 3 Indexes to essays 040 periodicals 050 India, antiquities, modern 913. 54 architecture, ancient 722 British, history 954 Christian missions 266 Christianity 275. 4 description & travel 915. 4 Farther, descr. & travel 915.9 religions 299 rubber, manufactures 678 Indian legends 398 wars, U. S. history 973. 2 Indians, American 970. 1 Individualism 335 Individuality 126 Individuals and the state, ethics 172 Indo-European literature 891 Indoor amusements 793 Induction, electricity 537 magnetism 538 Inductive logic 161 Industrial arts 600 Industries, chemical technology 660 political economy 338 useful arts 600 Infants, care of 618 food for, hygiene 613 nursery . 649 Infectious diseases, pub. health 614 Inflation, paper money 332 Injured, aid to, protection of life 614. 8 Injurious insects, agriculture 632 Ink 667 Inorganic chemistry 546 Insanity, mind and body 132 Insectivorous plants 581 Insects, fertilization of plants 581 injurious, agriculture 632 zoology 595 Inspiration, Bible 220. 1 Instinct, animals 591 Institutions, char. & reform. 360 Instrument making 681 Instruments, orchestral 785 stringed 787 Integral calculus 517 Intellect 151 Intellectual life, self education 374 philosophy 150 Intelligence, animal 591 Intemperance, ethics 178 Interest, political economy 332 Internal relations 323 International copyright, publishing 655 law 341 Interstate commerce 385 Inventions 608 Inventors, lives 926 Invertebrates 592 Invincible armada, Spanish hist. 946 Ireland, descr. & trav. 914. 15 history 941.5 Irish home rule, history 941. 5 Iron age, prehistoric archeology 57.1 articles 672 mask, French history 944 metallurgy 669 structures, architecture 721 work, art 739 Irrigation, agriculture 631 canal engineering 626 Isaiah, Bible 224 Islands, Oceanica, descr. & trav. 919 Isle of Man 942 Israelites, history, ancient 933 modern 296 Italian composition . 458 dictionaries 453 grand opera 782 language 450 literature 850 painting 759 republics, history 945 Italy, antiquities 913. 37 description & travel 914. 5 history 945 Jackson, presidency 973. 5 Jacobins, French history 944 Jamaica, description & travel 917. 29 history 972. 9 James 1-2, English history 942. 06 Japan, description & travel 915. 2 history 952 Japanese architecture 722 SUBJECT INDEX 389 Jeanne d'Arc, biography 923 French history 944 Jefferson, presidency 973.4 Jerusalem, description 915. 6 history, ancient 933 Jesuit missions, Canadian hist. 971 Jesuits 271 Jesus Christ 232 legends 244 paintings 755 Jetties, engineering 627 Jews, fiistory, ancient 933 modern 296 Joan of Arc, biography 923 French history 944 Job, Bible 223 Johnson, presidency 973. 8 Joinery 694 Journalism 070 Judaism 296 Judea, antiquities 913. 33 ancient history 933 Judges, lives 923 Jugglery 791 Jupiter, astronomy 523 Justice, ethics 179 Juvenile books, reading and aids 028 Kamtchatka. description & travel 915. 7 Kansas, U. S. history 978. 1 struggle in, U. S. hist. 973. 6 Kant. German philosophy 193 Kempis, Thomas & 242 Kentucky, description & travel 917. 69 U. S. history 976. 9 Keramics, art 738 chemical technology 666 Kindergarten 372 Kinematics, physics 531 King Philip's war, U. S. history 974 King William's war, U. S. history 973. 2 Kings, lives 923 Kitchen garden 635 middens, archeology 571 Kleptomania, mental disease 132 Klondike, description & travel 917. 98 Knightage, heraldry 929. 7 Knitting 646 Know-nothing party, U. S. politics 329 Koran, Mahometanism 297 Korea, description & travel 915. 1 history 951 Krishna, Buddhism 294 Labor 331 Laboring classes 331 Lace 746 Lacquer work, manufactures 667 Lake states, description & trav. 917. 7 U. S. history 977 transportation 387 Lakes 551 Lamarckism 575 Lancaster and York, Eng. hist. 942. 04 Land, political economy 333 Landlord and tenant, pol. econ. 333 Landscape gardening 710 Language . 400 La Salle, discoveries 973. 2 Lathe work, amateur manuals 680 mechanical eng. 621 Latin antiquities 913. 37 classics 870 dictionaries 473 grammar 475 hymns, hymnology 245 language 470 literature 870 medieval & mod, 879 Launches 699 Laundry 648 Law 340 moral, ethics 170 treatises 347 Lawn tennis . 796 Lawyers, lives 923 Leather 675 Lecompton constitution, Kansas hist. 978. 1 U. S. hist. 973.6 Legends, folklore 398 sacred art 755 religion 244 Legerdemain 791 Legislative annals 328 bodies 328 Lepidoptera, zoology 595 Lettering 745 Letters, English 826 Latin 876 Levant, description & travel 915. 6 Liberty, civil, political science 323 Library administration 025 catalogs, dictionary 019 subject 017 economy 020 License, temperance 178 Life, future, natural theology 218 metaphysics 111 origin of 576 Light 535 electric 621. 3 houses, protection of life 614. 8 INDEX 390 A. L. A. CATALOG CLASS LIST Light, zodiacal, astronomy 523 Limestone, economic geology 553 Lincoln, presidency 973. 7 Linen manufacture 677 Linguists, lives 924 Linotype 655 Lions, training 591 zoology 599 Liquor traffic 178 Literary criticism, art of 801 property, publishing 655 style, rhetoric 808 Literature 800 bibliography 016. 8 biography 928 Lithology 552 Live stock, agriculture 636 Lives, American indians 970. 2 biography 920 Living, cost 640 Livingstone, David, travels 916. 7 Loan systems, library economy 025 Local government, administration 352 option 178 Lockmaking 683 Lockouts 331 Locomotives 621. 1 Logic . 160 Lombard street, banking 332 Loom, manufactures 677 Louisiana purchase 973. 4 Low countries, history 949. 2 Lubrication and lubricants 621 Lunacy, mind and body 132 Lutheran church 284 Lyric poetry. Greek 884 Latin 874 Mabinogeon, Welsh literature 891 Machine shop practice 621 tools 621 Machinery 621 . in industry, pol. econ. 338 Mackenzie, description & travel 917. 1 Madagascar 916. 9 Madonna in art, art history 709 painting 755 Magazines, general periodicals 050 npecial subject see subject Magic, amusements 791 lantern, optics 535 Magna charta, constitutional hist. 342 English history 942. 03 Magnetism 538 and electricity 537 animal, mind and body 134 Magyar literature ,s Mass, history 974. 4 Puzzles 793 Pygmies, folklore 398 Pyramids, Egyptian 913. 32 Pyrenees mountains, descr. & trav. 914. 6 Quadrupeds 599 Quadruplex telegraphs, communication 654 Quakers, lives 922 sects 289 Quaternary age, geology 551 Quays, harbor engineering 627 Quebec, history 971 Queen Anne's war 973. 2 Queens, lives 923 Quotations, gen. collections 808 Greek literature 880 Latin literature 870 Races of man 572 Radiates 593 Radiation 530 heat 536 Railroad engineering 625 locomotives 621 Railroading 656 Railroads, business 656 electric 621. 3 sociology 385 Rationalism, natural theology 211 Reader in special language, see language Reading, guides to 028 private, self education 374 Reality 110 Rebellion, Southern, U. S. history 973. 7 Recipe books, cookery 641 Reciprocity, free trade 337 Reconstruction, II. S. history 973. 8 Recreation, hygiene 613. 7 Referendum 321 Reform, sociology 301 spelling, English lang. 421 Reformation, age of, European hist. 940 religious history 270 Reformatory agencies 364 Reformed church in America 285 Refrigerating machinery 621 Registers, family 929 Relations, foreign, pol. science 327 Relative location, library econ. 025 * Religion 200 and' science 210 bibliography 016. 2 biography 922 collected works 208 SUBJECT INDEX 397 Religion, dictionaries essays evolution philosophy practical Religions, nonchristian Religious architecture biography education Sunday schools fiction history orders, monastic painting poetry Renaissance, architecture European history fine arts Greek literature Italy Rent Representation Representative gov't, pol. science Reprisal, international law Reproduction, zoology Republican institutions party, U. S. Repudiation, finance Residences Resumption, U. S. finance Revised version, Eng. Bible Revival, Greek architecture of letters, lit. hist. Revolution, American history English " 1688 French " Rhetoric Rhine, description & travel Richard 1-2, English history 3, English history Riddles, amusements Rifle manufacture Right of search standard of, ethics Ritual River engineering transportation Rivers, physical geography water supply Road engineering Roads and pavements, engineering Robin Hood, legends Rocks Rocky mountain region, history 203 Rocky mountains, descr. & trav. 917. 8 204 Roland, legends 398 201 Roman antiquities 913. 37 201 catholic church 282 240 mythology 292 290 Romances, legends 398 726 Rome, ancient history 937 922 antiquities 913. 37 377 description and travel 914. 5 268 modern 945 244 Rontgen rays 53 270 Roofing 695 271 Roofs 624 755 Roses, wars of 942. 04 245 Rouen, France, history 944 724 Roundheads, English history 942. 06 940 Rowing, sport 797 709 Rubber 678 880 Rugs, fine art 745 945 manufactures 677 333 Rulers, lives 923 324 Rules of order, parliamentary 328 321 Ruminants, zoology 599 341 Russia, Asiatic, descr. & trav. 915. 7 591 European, description & travel 914. 7 321 history 947 329 Russian church, sects 281 336 language 491 728 literature 891 336 Sabbath schools 268 220. 5 Sacred music 783 724 poetry 245 809 rhetoric 251 973. 3 Sacrifice, Christology 232 942. 06 Sagas, Norse 839 944 Sailing directions 656 808 Sailors, lives 926 914. 3 Saint Albans raid, U. S. hist. 973. 7 942. 03 Simonism, socialism 335 942. 04 Saints, lives 922 793 Saloons, temperance 178 683 Salvation 234 341 Samoan islands 996 171 Sandstone, economic geology 553 264 old red 551 627 Sandwich Islands, descr. & trav. 919. 6 387 history 996 551 Sangreal, legends 398 628 Sanhedrin, Judaism 296 625 Sanitary engineering 628 625 measures, public health 614 625 Sanskrit literature 891 398 Saracen empire, history 953 552 Satire, American 817 978 English 827 INDEX 398 A. L. A. CATALOG CLASS LIST Satire, Latin 877 Saturn, planet 523 Savingsbanks 332 Saxon, Anglo-, language 429 literature 829 Scandinavia, history 948 Scandinavian languages 439 literature 839 Scavenging of tpwns 628 Scepticism, natural theology 211 Scholastic philosophers, lives 921 School architecture 727 decoration 371 houses 727 hygiene 371 management 371 organization 371 reading lists 028 Schools of painting 759 public 379 Science 500 and religion, natural theol. 215 applied 600 biography 925 of religion 201 study and teaching 507 Scientific drawing 744 travels 508. 3 Scientists, lives 925 Scotland, description and travel 914. 1 geology 554 history 941 Scottish clans, heraldry 929. 8 poetry 821 Script, writing 652 Scriptures, holy, Bible 220 Sculptors, lives 927 Sculpture 730 Sea mosses, botany 589 Seamanship 656 Search, right of, internat. law 341 Secession, U. S. history 973. 7 Secondary education 373 Sects, Christian 280 Seismology 551 Self education 374 Semitic literature 892 Sense 152 Sepoy war, Indian history 954 Serfs, Russian history 947 Sermons 252 Servants 647 Settlements, social 331 Seven years war, 1756-63 943 Sewage 628 Sewerage 628 Sewing 646 Sex customs 392 origin of, evolution 575 Shakspere 822 Shay's rebellion, Mass, history 974. 4 Sheep, diseases of, compar. med. 619 domestic animals 636 Shellfish, zoology 594 Shells, zoology 594 Ship building 699 canals, engineering 626 Ships, transportation 656 Shipwrecks, adventures 910 Shooting, sport 799 Shorthand 653 Siarn, description and travel 915. 9 Siberia, description and travel 915. 7 history 957 Sicily, modern history 945 Sick, food for, hygiene 613 room 649 Siegfried, legends 398 Sierra Leone, descr. & trav. 916. 6 Sight, optics 535 physiology 612 Signals, telegraphic 654 Signpainting 698 Silurian age, geology 551 Silver, metallurgy 669 money 332 plating, manufacture 671 processes, photography 772 questio^i 332 Silversmithing, manufacture 671 Singers, lives 927 Singing, vocal music 784 Single standard, money 332 tax 335 Skeletons, preparation of 579 Skepticism, natural theology 211 Sketching, drawing 741 Skill, games of, amusements 794 Skull, anatomy 611 craniology 573 Slavery 326 abolition of, U. S. history 973. 7 Slavic languages 491 Sleep 135 and rest, hygiene 613. 7 Slight of hand 791 Slojd, woodworking 694 Smelting, metallurgy 669 Smoke, flues, heating 697 nuisance, sanitation 628 SUBJECT INDEX 399 Smut, agriculture 632 Social customs 394 democracy socialism 335 ethics 177 science 300 settlements 331 charities 361 Socialism 335 Societies 360 Sociology 300 bibliography 016. 3 biography 923 Christian 261 theories 301 Soils, agriculture 631 Solar system, descriptive astron. 523 Soldiers, lives 923 Solution, chemistry 541 Somnambulism 135 Songs and ballads, Eng. lit. 821 music 784 Sonnets, English literature 821 Soudan, descr. & trav. 916. 6 Egyptian, descr. & trav. 916. 2 history 962 Soul, metaphysics 128 Sound 534 Sounds, German 431 South Africa, descr. & trav. 916. 8 history 968 African Republic, descr. & trav. 916. 8 history 968 'America, descr. & trav. 918 history 980 Atlantic states, descr. & trav. 917. 5 history 975 Central Africa, descr. & trav. 916. 7 history 967 Sea islands, descr. & trav. 919. 6 Southeastern states, descr. & trav. 917. 5 history 975 Southern states, descr. & trav. 917. 5 history 975 Southwestern states, descr. & trav. 917. 8 history 978 Sovereigns, lives 923 Spain, Arabs in, history 946 description and travel 914. 6 history 946 Spanish America, descr. & trav. 917. 2 history 972 art 709 composition 468 dictionaries 463 grammar 465 Spanish language 460 literature 860 Sparta, ancient history 938 Species, origin of 575 Specifications, building 692 Spectrum analysis, astronomy 523 optics 535 Speeches, English oratory 825 Spelling, English 421 of other languages, see Special language phonetic, Eng. language 421 Spiders, zoology 595 Spinning 677 Spirit leveling, geodesy " 526 Spirituous liquors, temperance 178 Sponges 593 Sports 790 outdoor 796 parlor 793 Spraying 632 Stables, architecture 728 Stage, theater 792 Stained glass 748 Staining, building 698 chemical technology 667 Stairbuilding 694 Stamp act, U. S. history 973. 3 Standards, money 332 Star maps 524 Stars, descr. astronomy 523 State banks 332 debts, finance 336 ethics 172 government 353 rights, U. S. const, law 342 socialism 335 Statecraft 320 Statesmen, lives 923 Statistical methods 311 Statistics 310 Steam boilers 621. 1 engine, mech. engineering 621. 1 engineering 621. 1 fitting 696 heating, building 697 navigation, sociology 387 useful arts 656 physics 536 Steel, articles 672 manufactures 672 metallurgy 669 structures, architecture 721 Stenography 653 Stephen, English history 942. 02 Stimulants, action of, hygiene 613 INDEX 400 A. L. A. CATALOG CLASS LIST Stimulants, ethics of using 178 manufacture 663 Stocks, political economy 332 Stoic philosophy 188 Stone, geology 553 construction, masonry 693 cutting 693 Stones, economic geology 553 Stories, English fiction 823 for stories in other literatures, see Fiction Storms 551 Strains, bridge engineering 624 Stratification, geology 551 Street cleaning 628 railways, engineering 625 Streets 625 Strength of materials, engineering 620 Stresses, bridge engineering 624 Strikes, labor 331 Stringed instruments 787 Stuarts, English history 942. 06 Study, self culture 374 Style, literary, rhetoric 808 Subject bibliographies 016 catalogs, bibliography 017 Submarine warfare, naval eng. 623 Sudan, description & travel 916. 6 Egyptian, descr. & trav. 916. 2 history 962 Suffrage 324 Sugar 633 Sun, descriptive astronomy 523 Sunday 263 school libraries 027 schools 268 Superintendence, building 692 Surface features of the earth 551 Surgery 617 Surnames, genealogy 929 Surveying, geodesy 526 Surveys, general scientific 508. 3 Survival of the fittest, evolution 575 Sweating system, laboring classes 331 Sweden, Scandinavia, descr. & trav. 914. 8 history 948. 5 Swedish language 439 literature 839 Swimming 796 Switzerland, descr. & travel 914. 94 geology 554 history 949. 4 Sword exercise 596 Symphonies 785 Synonyms, English language 424 Syntax, English grammar 425 of other languages, see Grammar Tableaux 793 Tables, astronomy 524 Tachygraphy, shorthand 653 Tailoring 687 Takigraphy, shorthand 653 Tales, English literature 823 Talmud, Judaism 296 Tanning 675 Tariff 337 Tasmania, descr. & travel 919. 4 history 994 Taste, esthetics 701 Taxation 336 Taxidermy 579 Teachers 371 lives 923 Teaching 371 Technical dictionaries 603 Technology 600 biography 926 chemical 660 Teetotalism, temperance 178 Telegraphs 654 Teleology 124 Telepathy 134 Telephone 654 Telescope, astronomy 522 optics 535 Temperance, ethics 178 hygiene 613 Tenement houses 331 Tennessee, descr. & trav 917. 68 history 976. 8 Tennis 796 Terra cotta, technology 666 Terror, French revolution 944 Testament, New 225 Old 221 Teutonic languages, minor 439 literatures, minor 839 mythology 293 Textile fabrics, manufactures 677 Thallophyta 589 Theater 792 Theatricals, private 793 Theism, natural theology 211 Theodicy 214 Theologians, lives 922 Theology 230 biography 922 natural 210 pastoral 250 SUBJECT INDEX 401 Theories of history 901 Therapeutics 615 Thermodynamics 536 Thibet, China, descr. & trav. 915. 1 Thirty years war, European hist 940 German hist. 943 Thomas a Kempis 242 Thought transference 134 Tibet, China, descr. and travel 915. 1 Tides 525 Tigers, zoology 599 Tiles 666 Timber, building material 691 forestry 634 Timbuktu, description & travel 916. 6 Toadstools, botany 589 Toilet 646 Toledo, Spain, history 946 Tools, mechanic trades 680 mechanical engineering 621 prehistoric archeology 571 Torrens system 333 Touraine, France, history 944 Tournaments, customs 394 Towns, government 352 sanitation of 628 Toys, electric 537 Trade depressions 381 foreign 382 free 337 unions 331 Trades, mechanic 680 Traditions, folklore 398 Tragedies, English drama 822 French drama 842 German drama 832 Training, physical hygiene 613. 7 Tramps 339 Tramways, engineering 625 Transcendentalism 141 Transformers, electric 621. 3 Transmission, heredity, evolution 575 machinery of, eng. 621 of disease, public health 614 Transportation 656 sociology 380 useful arts 656 Transvaal, Africa, descr. & trav. 916. 8 history 968 Transylvania, descr. & trav. 914. 39 Travelers, lives 923 Travels 910 scientific 508. 3 Treaties, international law 341 Treatment of disease 616 Treaty of Washington 341 Trees, botany 582 forestry 634 fruit culture 634 Triassic age, geology 551 Tribes, form of state 321 Trigonometry 514 Trinidad 917.29 Tripoli, Africa, history 961 Trusses 624 Trust companies, banks 332 Trusts 338 Tuberculosis, prevention 614 treatment 616 Tudors, English history 942. 05 Tunis, descr. & trav. 916. 1 history 961 Turbines 621 steam 621. 1 Turkestan, descr. & trav. 915. 8 Turkey in Asia, descr. & trav. 915. 6 Europe, descr. & trav. 914. 96 history 949. 6 Turning 621 Tyler, presidency 973. 5 Tyler's insurrection, 1381 942. 03 Type, printing 655 Typography 655 Tyrol, description & travel 914. 36 Ulster, Ireland, descr. & trav. 914. 16 Understanding 151 Undulation, physics 530 Unitarian church 288 Unitarians, lives 922 United brethren 284 Kingdom, desc. & trav. 914. 2 history 942 Netherlands, descr. & trav. 914. 92 history 949. 2 presbyterian church, sects 285 United States congress 328 constitution 342 description and travel 917. 3 finance 336 government 353 history 973 literature 810 political parties 329 religious history 277. 3 statistics 317 United States of Colombia, descr. & trav. 918. 6 Universal gravitation, law of 531 history 909 241104- -26 INDEX 402 A. L. A. CATALOG CLASS LIST Universe, astronomy Universities Uranus, planet Usages, social, -etiquet Useful arts biography Utilitarianism Vagabonds, pauperism Van Buren, presidency Variation, evolution zoology Varnishes, chemical technology Varnishing Vegetable gardening Venezuela, descr. & travel Ventilation, building sanitary Venus, planet Verbs, Spanish Vermont, history Verona, history Versification, English Vertebrates fossil Veterinary medicine Victoria, queen, English history Vikings, European antiquities history Village communities Vineyards Violin Violinists, lives Virginia, descr. & travel history Vocal culture, elocution music Voice, physiology singing Volcanoes Voting, suffrage Voyages Antarctic Arctic round the world scientific Vulgarisms, English language Wagner, operas Wales, descr. & trav. history Wall papers, decoration paper hanging Wandering Jew, legends War of Roses, English history 523 Washington, presidency 973. 4 378 D. C., description 917.53 523 Wasps 595 395 Wastes, disposal of, sanitation 628 600 Watchmaking 681 926 Water engines, mechanical eng. 621 171 hydraulics 532 339 hygiene 613 973. 5 physical geography 551 575 supply, canal engineering 626 591 sanitary engineering 628 667 wheels, mech. eng. 621 698 works, city administration 352 635 engineering 628 918. 7 Waterloo, battle of, French hist. 944 697 Wealth, political economy 331 628 Weather, meteorology 551 523 Weaving 677 465 Week, names of days of 529 974. 3 Weights 389 945 Welsh literature 891 426 West Indies, descr. & trav. 917. 29 596 history 972.9 566 Point military academy 355 619 Western or Roman catholic church 282 942. 08 states, descr. & trav. 917. 8 913. 4 history 978 948 Wheat, production, pol. econ. 338 321 Wheel, cycling, amusements 796 634 Wheels, water, mech. engineering 621 787 Whigs, U. S. political parties* 329 927 Whist 795 917. 55 William 1-2, English history 942. 02 975. 5 William's, king, war 973. 2 80& Wilmot proviso, U. S. history 973. 6 784 Winds 551 612 Wire, metal manufacture 671 784 Wisconsin, history 977. 5 551 Wit, American humor 817 324 English humor 827 910 Greek humor 887 919. 9 Latin humor 877 919. 8 Woman, biography 920. 7 910 customs 396 508. 3 education 376 428 suffrage 324 331 Wood, building material 691 782 carving 736 914. 29 engraving ' 761 942. 9 work 694 745 Woods, forestry 634 698 Wool, manufacture 677 398 Words, English etymology 422 942. 04 use, English 428 SUBJECT INDEX 403 World, atlases 912 Yachtbuilding 699 voyages around 910 Yellow fever, public health 614 Worlds, plurality of . 523 Yellowstone park, description 917. 87 Worms, zoology \ 595 York, house of, English hist. 942. 04 Wrestling 796 Yosemite, California, descr. 917.94 Writers, lives 928 Young men, advice to, business ethic? 174 Writing 652 reading of 028 'shorthand ' 653 Zodiacal light, astronomy 523 Wyoming, description & travel 917. 87 Zoology 590 X rays 53 CORRECTIONS Page. 49 Publisher's trade list. Price should be, subs. $3.00 per year. 51 Spofford: Book for all readers. Omit "Second edition." 55 Shopenhauer: Publisher, Macmillan. 54 Spectator: Publisher, Westley. 60 Sidgwick: Process of argument. Publisher, Macmillan. Price, $1.25 n. 62 Pater: Plato. Date of publication, 1893. 66 Sayce: Higher criticism. Publisher, Young. Price, $3.00. 67 Gary: Synoptic gospels. Class no. 226. 67 Cone: Epistle to Hebrews. Class no. 227. 67 Drummond: Epistles of Paul. Class no. 227. 68 Hughes: Manliness of Christ. Price, $1.00. 68 Renan: Life of Jesus. Also in Unit Books, H. W. Bell. Price, pap. 38c, cl. 68c, leather 88c. 73 Ranke: History of Popes. Note "Bibliography, pref. p. 11-18" belongs under preceding entry, O' Gorman. 74 Religious system. Published in 1902. 79 Lincoln: Letters and addresses. Price, pap. 32c, cl. 72c, leather 92c. 81 Kidd: Control of the tropics. Entry not included in final selection. 90 Walker: Land. Price 75c. 109 Taylor: History of the alphabet. Omit "New ed." 110 Standard dictionary: 1 v. only. Price recently changed to $12.00. 110 Webster: International dictionary. Price recently changed to $12.00 ($10.62 without patent index). 120 Poynting& Thompson: Change name of joint author to Thomson. "No more published" should read "In progress." 122 Wright: Light. 2d ed. published in 1892. 122 Tyndall: "Heat, a mode of motion," not "Heat as a mode of motion." 126 Tarr: New physical geography. Price, $1.00 n. 126 Tyndall: Glaciers. Omit "New.ed." 127 Williams: Geological biology. Price, $2.80 n. 128 Balfour: Evolution. Change authority for note to St. & K. 146 Thurston: History of steam engines. Published in 1902. 146 Thurston: Manual of steam engines. Price recently changed to $10.00. 148 Warman: Story of the railroad. Published in 1903. 152 Richards: Chemistry of cooking. Price, $1.00. Io3 Torrey: Instruction in shorthand. Omit "Net." 155 Weyl: Passenger traffic. Series should be (Pa. univ. pub. ser. in pol. econ. & pub. law). 160 Salomon: Teacher's handbook. Omit "Net." 164 Tarbell: History of Greek art. Change series to read (Chaut. lit. & sci. cir.). 202 Pyle: Some merry adventures of Robin Hood. Price, $3.00. 209 White: Magic forest. Insert "Net." 211 Higginson: Studies in history. Note following this, "Pages from an old volume of life," repre- sents title of work by O. W. Holmes. His name as author, therefore, should precede the note. 218 Raleigh: Wordsworth. Publisher recently changed from Arnold to Longmans. Author is W. A. Raleigh. 250 Winkel Horn: History of literature of Scandinavian North should precede heading "Fiction" on same page. (404) is DUE on the last date stamped below L JUL 000765887 5 University of California SOUTHERN REGIONAL LIBRARY FACILITY 405 Hilgard Avenue, Los Angeles, CA 90024-1388 Return this material to the library from which it was borrowed. 'RE'D