1885 C ^c :c THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES cc *l 357-; t ' ' ' / // /A *> A t'hl THE SECRETS OF ANGLING 1613. THE SECRETS OF ANGLING BY J[OHN] D[ENNYS] ESQUIRI-. 16/3. A REPRINT, WITH INTRODUCTION, BY THOMAS WESTWOOD. LONDON : \V. SATCHELL & CO., 19, TAVISTOCK STREET, COYKNT GARDEN 1 . W.C. LONDON: R. CLAY, SONS, AND TAYLOR, BREAD STREET HILL. INTRODUCTION. [HE English poets of the Art of Angling perplex us neither with their multitude, nor their magnitude. To some three or four of them may be assigned a place shall we say midway, by courtesy? on the ledges of Parnassus ; the rest are innocent of all altitudes whatsoever, except those of Grub-street garrets, or the stilts of an absurd vanity. Foremost among the select few, by right of seniority, and perhaps by poetic right as well, we have " I. D.," who in the cool dawn of the seventeenth century, and when the Elizabethan men were passing, one by one, into the shadow, " sang to the echo," (for he seems to have had no other audience in his own day and generation,) these "Secrets of Angling/' himself being destined to become a greater secret than any he revealed. His publisher, " R. J." (Roger Jackson) states, in his dedication of the poem to Mr. John Harborne of Tackley, that the author " intended to have printed it in his life, but was prevented by death." Other motives of reticence, however, besides that final one, may have had their weight ; some faintness of heart, for instance, and some wisdom of discretion. The epoch was a trying one for the minor muse. The Elizabethan bards, as I have said, were dying out. but the national air still vibrated to their divine singing the national heart was still at fever-heat, with " Fairy Queens," and " Passionate Pilgrims," with heavenly Unas," and heroic " Lucreces." It would scarcely have been strange, if a poet unknown to fame, had recoiled from bringing into competition with these and such as these, a simple song of bleak and bream. But whatever the real motive may have been, I. I), of a surety closed his eyes on all the shows of this world, if not a "mute," at least an "inglorious" poet, and unconsoled, i; 818003 6 Introduction. perchance, by the conviction, that his modest rhymes would be brought into favour and acceptance, at a fitting time. In 1613, appeared the first edition (ismo.), a pocket volume, with the following title : " The Secrets of Angling. Teaching, the choisest Tooles, Baytes and Seasons, for the taking of any Fish, in Pond or Riuer : practised and familiarly opened in three Bookes. By I. D. Esquire. Printed at London, for Roger Jackson, and are to be sould at his shop neere Fleetstreet Conduit, 1613." In this title is an allegorical wood-cut, representing two men, one treading on a serpent, and with a sphere at the end of his angle, and over his rod a label with this inscription : " Hold hooke and line Then all is mine." The other figure has a fish on his hook, and is labelled thus : " Well fayre the pleasure That brings such treasure." At the back of the title is a copy of verses. "In due praise of his praise- worthy skill and worke," signed "Jo Dauies," followed by the dedication we have before alluded to, and which is given with the present reprint. It is difficult to fix with any certainty, the number of copies extant of this edition. The Bodleian possesses one, Mr. Denison another, and Mr. Huth a third. There are also seme imperfect copies. Of the second edition ' there is, I believe, but one known copy, which is now in the Denison collection. It is supposed (for the date is cut off) to have appeared about 1620. It was edited by W. Lauson, and the title-page states that it is " augmented with many approved experiments." Lauson's additions to the work are an address " To the reader," and some notes and recipes. Lauson's address "To the Reader''' ran thus: " It may seeme in me presumption to adde this little comment to the work 1 " Printed at London for Roger Jackson and are to be soul.l " the rest cut off. Introduction. 7 of so worthy an author. But Mr. Harrison the stationers request and desire to give his country satisfaction, must be satisfied, and in it myselfe rest excused. What mine observations are, I refer to censure : assuredly the truth stands on so well grounded experience, that but my haste, nothing can do them injury. What to me is doubtful, I have, as I can, explained; what wants, in my judge ment, I have supplied as the time would suffer; what I passe by, I approve. The author by verse hath expressed much learning, and by his Answer to the Objection, shewn himselfe to have been vertuous. The subject itselfe is honest, and pleasant, and sometimes profitable. Use it, and give God all glory. Amen." In the subsequent issues no important alteration, that I am aware of, was made either in the poem or the notes. The third edition bore date I630. 1 and the only known copy is in the Denison collection. A new wood-cut is used of the same subject, but badly executed. One motto is the same -the other reads : " Well fare the pleasure that yields such treasure." The fourth appeared in 1652. - Several copies of the latter are extant, of which two are in the British Museum and one in the possession of Mr. Denison. The woodcut here figures as a frontispiece and its place in the title is filled with the bookseller's mark, "The Hare and Sun.'' The poem was reprinted in extenso, from the preceding edition, in Sir Egerton Brydges' "British Bibliographer," 3 and a hundred copies, with index and short advertisement, were struck off separately. It was also noticed, with large citations, in the same bibliophile's, " Censura Literaria " 4 in an article which was appropriated by Daniel, in the supplement to his "Rural Sports," in 1813. The fact of the second, third, and fourth editions being distinct, is proved (if any proof were wanting) by the variations both in the title and in the leaf containing the mystical recipe " Wouldst thou take fish ? " Thus in the second edition we are told " This excellent recipe you may buy ready and truely made at the signe 1 " Printed inSvo. for John Jackson in the Strand, at the sign of the Pnrote. 1630." - "London, printer! by T. II., for John Harrison, and are to be sold by Francis Coles at liis shop at Old Hayley, 1652." :) 1812, Vol. II. p. 465. 4 1809, Vol. X. p. 280. 8 Introduction. of the Black Lyon an Apothecaries', in Paule's-Churchyard neare the Great South dore." In the third, we are referred for the same to the "Signe of the Flying Horse an Apothecaries' in Carter Lane." While the fourth informs us that " This excellent receipt, divers Anglers can tell where you may buy them." Beloe, speaking of the edition of 1652, says, "Perhaps there does not exist in the circle of English literature a rarer book than this." He seems to have ignored the former editions though how this could have been with Lauson's '' Augmented " in the title page, is not clear. Pickering, in his " Bibliotheca Piscatoria " (1836) also ignores the second and third editions, but rectifies the omission in some MS. addenda to his list, which were once in my possession. That Mr. Bohn should have been guilty of the same short-coming in his recent reprint of Lowndes, is less excusable, as the fact had become patent to any diligent seeker. In summing up the editions, we must not omit Mr. Arber's re-issue in his " English Garner," Vol. I. (1877). The authorship of the " Secrets " remained a vexed question until a com- paratively recent period (we believe about 1811). It was attributed by Walton to Jo. Davors, Esq., several verses of the poem being quoted, with variations that were not improvements, in his " Compleat Angler." R[obert] H[o\vlett], in his preface to the "Angler's Sure Guide," (1706) assigns it to Dr. Donne, whom he styles " that great practitioner, master and patron of Angling," and he adds, " indeed, his seems to be the best foundation of all superstructures of this kind, and upon that basis chiefly have I raised mine." To one or other of the six poets of the name of Davies, the poem has also been ascribed ; but all these conflicting hypotheses were finally set aside by the discovery, in the Registers of the Stationers' Company, of the following entry : " 1612, Feb. 28th. 1 Mr. Roger Jackson entered for his copie under th'andes of Mr. Mason and Mr. Warden Hooper, a booke called the Secrets of Angling, 1 According to others, March 23rd. Introduction. 9 teaching the choycest tooles, baites and seasons for the taking of any fish in pond or river, praktised and opened in three bookes, by John Dennys, Esquire, vjd." Sir Harris Nicolas, who, in his edition of Walton's Angler (1836) begins by asserting (very gratuitously) that the poem, "though entered in the name of Dennys, is by John Uavors," adds a subsequent note of recantation : " There are strong reasons," he says, "for believing that the 'Secrets of Angling,' was not written by John Davors, but by John Dennys Esq., who was lord of the Manor of Oldbury-sur-Montem, in the County of Gloucester, between 1572 and 1608. He was a younger son of Sir Walter Dennys, of Pucklechurch, in that county, by Agnes, daughter and co-heiress of Sir Robert Davers or Danvers. It has been observed by Mr. James Williamson, that the author of the ' Secrets ' speaks of the River Boyd as ' washing the clirTs of Deington and Week.' There is, in fact, a beautiful rivulet, called Boyd, which is formed by four distinct streams, rising in the parishes of Codrington, Pucklechurch, Dyrham and Toghill, in the southern part of the County of Gloucester, between Bath and Bristol, which join in Wyke or Week Street, in the parish of Alston and Wyke, near a bridge of three large arches, and thence, by the name of Boyd, descends to Avon, at Kynsham Bridge, and which river passes through the village of Pucklechurch and thence flows on to Bitton. At Alston and Wyke there are many high cliffs or rocks, and in the north Aisle of the Ancient Church of Pucklechurch is the burial place of the family of Dennys. John Dennys was resident in that neighbourhood in the year 1572, and so continued till 1608 during which interval he was lord of the manor of Oldbury-sur-montem, and of other places in the county of Gloucester." There seems great and serious cause to doubt the accuracy of Sir Harris Nicolas's hypothesis, as given in the above extract. I was favoured, some time since, by the Rev. H. N. Ellacombe, of Bitton, with a portion of the Dennys pedigree, showing six descents from the Sir Walter in question, and Mr. Ellacombe infers therefrom, and with great show of reason, that the real author of the poem was more probably Sir Walter's great-grandson, the John Dennys who was buried at Pucklechurch in 1609, four years, that is to say, previous to the publication of the volume. i o Introduction. The pedigree, as extracted, is as follows : Sir Walter Dennys. = Agnes, daughter and heir Robert Davers, or | Danvers. John Dennys of Pucklechurch. = Fortune, widow of Wm. Kemys, of Newport, and | daughter of Thos. Norton of Bristol. Hugh Dennys, died 1559. -- Katherine, daughter of Kdw. Trye, of Hardvvick, co. of Gloucester; died 1583, at Pucklechurch. John Dennys, died 1609, buried at Puckle- - Eliamr, or Helena, daughter of Thos. Millet, co. church. Warwick. Henry Dennys, son and heir. :-.... ... John Dennys eldest son and heir, died 1638. Margaret, daughter of Sir George Speke, of Whitehackington, co. Somerset. lohn Dennys owner of Bitton Farm, died 1660. = Mary, daughter and co-heir of Nat. Still, of Mutton : died 1698 annis plena : buried at Puckle- church. No date, it will be perceived, is associated with Sir Walter Dennys, but on referring to a more detailed pedigree from the same source, I find that his eldest son, Sir William Dennys, "founded a guild in the year 1520." We may therefore reasonably assign his birth to the latter part of the fifteenth century, or to the very beginning of the sixteenth. These premises are borne out by the fact that John, his second brother, (author of the " Secrets," according to Sir Harris Nicolas) left a son, Hugh Dennys, who died in 1559, and at no immature age, since he was married and had four offspring. If, therefore, Sir Harris Nicolas's assumption be correct, we must ascribe the poem to the early part, or at the latest, to the middle of the sixteenth century, whereas its. style and general character belong, assuredly, to a later period. Collateral evidence, on the side of Mr. Ellacombe's opinion, is to be found in the fact that R. J. (Roger Jackson) in his dedication, does not throw the poem far back, in a posthumous sense, but merely says : " This poem being sent unto me to be printed after the death of the author, who intended to have done it, in his life, but was prevented by death," &c. &c. Had the " Secrets " been in existence half a century, some allusion would surely have been made to the circumstance. Mr. Carew Hazlitt, in his " Handbook to Early English Literature," cites the bibliography of the book under notice as being "very unsettled." I had Introduction. \ r hoped he would have contributed something to its settlement, but he leaves it as he found it. "There seem to have been four editions," he says, "the second and third undated." I have shown that the unique copy of the second is, in all probability, undated, only through the misdoing of the binder's knife, and that of the third, a copy is extant with the date. In Mr. Hazlitt's description of the Bodleian copy of the first edition, he appears to have been guided by Bonn's Lowndes, for he adopts (as I did myself, in the first instance, from want of evidence) one of the blunders of that authority. The copy in question is not Milner's copy, which is thus described in his sale-catalogue : ' ; Denny's Secrets of Angling, a Poem, augmented with many approved Experiments by Lauson, frontispiece, date cut off." This was evidently, therefore, a mutilated copy of the edition of 1652, in which alone the woodcut figures as a frontispiece. The Bodleian copy, on the contrary, is complete ; has no mention of Lauson on the title-page and bears the imprint of 1613. It must have found its way into the library at an earlier date, for two compilers of Angling-book lists, (in MS.) Mr. White of Crickhowell (in 1806-7) an d Mr. Appleby (in 1820) refer to it. The former states that it was entered under the name of John Davies, of Kid welly. In further corroboration of Mr. Ellacombe's view, I must add that it is adopted by Mr. Tomkins, a descendant of the Dennises of Pucklechurch. (See Notes and Queries. 4th Series, Aug. 28th. 1869.) The only contemporary recognition of I. D., that I am acquainted with, is in " the Pleasures of Princes, good mens recreations : containing a discourse of the Generall Art of Fishing with the Angle or otherwise ; and of all the hidden Secrets belonging thereunto^ Together with the Choyce, Ordering, Breeding, and Dyeting of the Fighting Cocke," the latter being added, peradventure, for increase of princeliness. This scarce tract is commonly considered to be the transmigration of the "Secrets" into prose. It first appeared with separate pagination in "The second booke of the English Husbandman," 1614, and in subsequent issues of that work ; and was also incorporated with Markham's "Country Contentments," possibly in 1623, but certainly in 1631 and afterwards. In the latter form it is entitled: "The whole Art of Angling ; as it was written in a small Treatise in Rime, and now, for the better understanding of the Reader, put into Prose and adorned and enlarged." The transmuting process (for there can be little doubt of the correctness of the general surmise) was 1 2 Introduction. effected by no unskilful hand, and without too much sacrifice of the precious metal of the original. Sir Philip Sidney's ordeal has, indeed, seldom been undergone, with so little deterioration. The quaint character of the poem is preserved in the prose version and the passages added (especially the introduction) have a striking merit of their own. It is proof of the vitality of Uennys' verse, that it retains its strength, sweetness and savour in its more sober form. Those curious in parallels may compare " The Qualities of an Angler," in the third book of the poem, with chapter 2 (its corresponding passage) of the " Pleasures of Princes." It is not needful that I should enter on a critical appreciation of this little poem, the finest passages of which are well known and highly esteemed. Thus much, however, may be said, that, so replete is it, in its higher moods, with subtlety of rhythm, sweetness of expression, and elevation of thought and feeling, that even from the angling point of view, we cannot but consider it a notable piece of condescension, and marvel at the devotion of so much real poetic genius to a theme so humble. With the exception of the " Compleat Angler," no higher compliment than this poem has been paid to the sport. Subsequent rhymers, indeed, have achieved analogous feats, but from other heights, or rather from other depths witness the " Innocent Epicure," a polished piece of artificiality, and often grotesque, by force of polish ; and '' The Anglers, Eight Dialogues in Verse," by Scott of Ipswich, in which the technical and humorous are dexterously enough interwoven ; but such trifling in verse, as these and other poems of their kind display, is not to be confounded for an instant with the art-work and heart-work of John Dennys, (the Angler's " Glorious John ") who could not have been more in earnest, had he sung of men and angels ; who drapes himself in his singing robes on the very threshold of his theme, as by an assured vocation, and only doffs them with his ultimate line : " And now we are arived at the last, In wished harbour where we meane to rest ; And make an end of this our journey past; Here then in quiet roade I think it best We strike our sailes and stedfast Anchor cast, For now the sunne low setteth in the west." Introduction. i And ' in quiet roade," in the grey old aisle of Pucklechurch, our poet's rest is won : " Such a sleep he sleeps, the man we love ! " this man that may have seen the face of Shakespeare, nay, this man that, perchance, fished in his immortal company, the Boyd that he loved and sung so well the Boyd that still, with " crooked, winding way,"- " Its mother Avon runneth soft to seek." T. WESTWOOD. ADVERTISEMENT. THE present reprint is a strictly faithful and literal transcript of the edition of 1613. It has been our wish to perpetuate the original text as the author bequeathed it to the world. In this respect it differs essentially from Mr. Arber's reprint in his "English Garner." Mr. Arber, on the contrary, has thought it expedient to make many changes in the poem, and to introduce into it frequent supposed emendations. Thus he has altered the punctuation throughout and modernised both the orthography and the syntax, robbing the verse, thereby, of much of its ancient air and aspect. Instead of J. I), in his customary doublet and hose, he has given us a J. D. in the broadcloth of to-day, with all the gloss upon it. How far we have a right so to interfere with poets who are no longer here to defend themselves and to protect their own how far it is justifiable, to submit them to our individual and arbitrary, not to say dogmatic, judgment, is a question we do not take on ourselves to decide. What our own personal opinion in the matter is will be deduced from the course we have adopted. T. W. THE SECRETS OF ANGLING Teaching, The Choisest Tooles Baytes and seasons, for the taking of any Fish, in Pond or Riuer : practised and familiarly opened in three Bookes. BY I. D. ESQUIRE. Printed at London, for ROGER JACKSON, and arc to be sou Id at Jiis shop nee re Fleet street Conduit, 1613. TO THE WORTHY, AND MY MVCH RESPECTED FRIEND, MR. JOHN HARBORNE, OF TACKLEY, IN THE COUNTY OF OXFORD, ESQUIRE. Woiniiv SYR, This Poeme being sent vnto me to be printed after the death of the A uthor, who intended to haue done it in his life, but was prcnented by death : I could not among my good friends, betJiinke me of any one to whom I might more filly dedicate it (as well for the nature of the subiect in which you delight as to expresse my loue] than to yonrselfe. I finde it not onely sauouring of A rt and Honesty, two things now strangers vnto many Authors, but also both pleasant and profitable ; and being loath to see a thing of sncli value lye hidden in obscuritie, whilst matters of no moment pester the stales of cuery STATIONER ; I therefore make bolde to publish it, for the benefit and delight of all, trusting that 1 shall neither thereby disparage the Author, nor dislike them. I neede not, I think, Appollogize either the i'se of the subiect, or for that it is reduced into the nature of a Poeme ; for as touching the last (in that it is in 1'erse] some count 'it by so much the more delightful! ; and J /wide il cue ry was as fit a subiect for Poetry as Husbandry: and touching the first, if Hunting and Hawking haue been thought wortliy delights and Artes to be instructed in, I make no doubt but this Art of Angling is much more worthy practise and approbation ; for it is a sport cucry way as pleasant, lesse chargeable, more profitable, and nothing so much sulnect to choller or impatience as those are : you shall finde it more briefly, pleasantly, and exactly performed, then any of t/tis kindc heretofore. There- jore I refer re you to the perusing thereof, and myself e to yonr gcoil opinion, which I tender as that I hclde most dec re : euer remaining tit IN DUE PRAISE OF THIS PRAISE-WORTHY SKILL AND WORKE. N skils that all doe seeke, but few doe finde, Both gaine and game ; (like Sunne and Moone doe shine), Then th' y4r/ of Fishing thus, is of that kinde ; The Angler taketh both with Hooke and Line, And as, with Lines, both these he takes ; this takes, With many a Z.z>2, well made, both Eares and Harts ; And, by this j^z'//, the skill-lesse skill-full makes : The Corpes whereof dissected so he parts, Vpon an humble Subiect neuer lay, More proude, yet plainer Lines, the plaine to leade, This playner Art with pleasure to suruay, To purchase it, with profit, by that DEED : W r ho thinke this skill's too lozu than, for the high, This Angler readc, and they'l be tane thereby. Io. DAUIES. THE CONTENTS. THE FIRST BOOKE CONTAINETII THESE 3. HEADS. 1. Tlie antiquitie of Angling, with the Art of FisJiing, and of Fish in generall. 2. The lawfulnessc, pleasure and profit t hereof, witJi all Objections, answered, against it, 3. To know the season, and times to prouide the Toolcs, and hoic to choose the best, and the manner how to make tlicm fit to take each senerall Fish. THE SECOND BOOKE, CONTAINETH 1. The Anglers experience, Jiow to rse his Tooles and Baytes, to make profit by his game. 2. \Vhat Fish is not taken with Angle, and what is ; and which is best for hcaltli. 3. /// what ll'aters and R liters to finde each Fish. THE THIRD BOOKE CONTAINETII, 1. Tlie 12. ; 'ertnes and qualities which ought to be in eiicry Angler. 2. ]\'lia( weather, seasons, and times of the yeerc is best and worst; and what honres of the day is best for sport. 3. To know each Fislics haunt, and the times to take them. Also, an obscure secret, of an approved Bait, tending thereunto. D THF SECRETS of ANGLING. THE FIRST BOO KB. |F Angling, and the Art thereof I sing, What kinde of Tooles it doth behone to haue And with what pleasing bayt a man may brini The Fish to bite within the watry wane. A worke of thankes to such as in a thing Of harmlesse pleasure, haue regard to saue Their dearest soules from sinne ; and may intend Of pretious time, some part thereon to spend. You Nymphs that in the Springs and Waters sweet. Your dwelling haue, of euery Hill and Dale, And oft amidst the Meadows greene doe meet To sport and piny, and heare the Nightingalf ; And in the Riuers fresh doe wash your feet. While Prognes sister tels her wofull tale : Such ayd; 1 and power vnto my verses lend. As may suirice this little worke to end. 24 The Secrets of Angling. And thou sweet Jloyd 1 that with thy watry sway, Dost wash the cliffes of Dcington and of Weeke ; And through their Rockes with crooked winding way, Thy mother Anon runnest soft to seeke : In whose fayre streamcs the speckled Trout doth play, The Roche, the Dace, the Gudgin, and the Bleeke. Teach me the skill with slender Line and Hooke To take each Fish of Riuer, Pond, and Brooke. THE TIME FOR PROVIDING AJNGLE RODS. First, when the Simne beginneth to decline Southward his course, with his fayre Chariot bright, And passed hath of Heauen the middle Line, That makes of equall length both day and night ; And left behind his backe the dreadfull signe, Of cruell Centaure, slaine in drunken fight, When Beasts do mourne, and Birds forsake their son< And euery Creature thinkes the night too long. And blustring Boreas with his chilling cold, Vnclothed hath the Trees of Sommers greene ; And Woods, and groues, are naked to behold, Of Leaues and Branches now dispoyled cleane : So that their fruitfull stocks they doe vnfold, And lay abroad their of-spring to be scene ; Where nature shewes her great increase of kinde To such as seeke their tender shutes to finde. Then goe into some great Arcadian wood, Where store of ancient Hazels doe abound ; And seeke amongst their springs and tender brood ; Such shutes as are the stiaightest, long, and round : And of them all (store vp what you thinke good) But fairest choose, the smoothest, and most sound ; So that they doe not two yeares growth exceed. In shape and beautie like the Belgickc Reed. 1 The name of a Brooke. The Secrets of Angling. 25 These prune and dense of euery leafe and spray, Yet leaue the tender top remaining still : Then home with thee goe beare them safe away, But perish not the Rine and vtter Pill ; And on some euen boarded floore them lay, Where they may dry and season at their till : And place vpon their crooked parts some waight, To presse them downe, and keepe them plaine and straight. So shall thou haue alwayes in store the best, And fittest Rods to serue thy turne aright ; For not the brittle Cane, nor all the rest, I like so well, though it be long and light, Since that the Fish are frighted with the least Aspect of any glittering thing,- or white : Nor doth it by one halfe so well incline, As doth the plyant rod to saue the line. TO MAKE THE LINE. Then get good Hayre, so that it be not blacke, Neither of Mare nor Gelding let it be ; Nor of the tyreling lade that beares the packe : But of some lusty Horse or Courser free, Whose bushie tayle, vpon the ground doth tracke, Like bla/ing Comete that sometimes we see : From out the mid'st thereof the longest take, At levsure best your Linkes and Lines to maki Then twist them finely, as you thinke most meet, By skill or practise easie to be found ; As doth Arachne with her slender feet ; Draw forth her little thread along the ground: But not too hard or slacke, the meane is sweet, Least slacke they snarle, or hard they prone vnsoum And intermixt with siluer. silke, or gold, The tender hayres, the better so to hold. 26 The Secrets of Angling. Then end to end, as falleth to their lot, Let all your Linkes in order as they lie Be knit together, with that Fishers knot That will not slip, nor with the wet vntie : And at the lowest end forget it not To leaue a Bought or Compasse like an eye, The Linke that holds your Hooke to hang vpon. When you thinke good to take it off and on. Which Linkt must neither be so great nor strong, Nor like of colour as the others were ; Scant halfe so big, so that it be as long : Of greyest Hue, and of the soundest Hayre, Least whiles it hangs the liquid waues among The sight thereof, the wane Fish should feare. And at one end a Loope or Compasse fine, To fasten to the other of vour line. CORKE. Then take good Corkt\ as much as shall suffice, For euery Line to make his swimmer fit ; And where the midst and thickest parts doth rise, There burne a round small hole quite thorow it : And put therein 3. Quill of equall size, But take good heed the Corke you do not slit. Then round or square with Razor pare it neare, JPiratm'd-wise. or like a slender Pearc. The smaller end doth serue to sinke more light, Into the water with the Plummets sway : The greater swims aloft and stands vpright, To keepe the Line and l>ayt at euen stay, That when the Fish begins to nib and byte, The mouing of the float doth them bewray : These may you place upon your Lines at \\il!, And stoppc them with a white and handsome Quill. The Secrets of Angling. ffOOKES. Then buy your Hookes the finest and the best That may be had of such as vse to sell, And from the greatest to the very least Of euery sort picke out and ehuse them well, Such as in shape and making passe the rest, And doe for strength and soundnesse most exec 11 : Then in a little Hoxe of dryest wood From rust and canker keepe them faire and good. That Hooke 1 loue that is in compasse round, Like to the print that Pt'gasns did make, With horned hoofe vpon Thessalian ground ; From whence forthwith Pcrnassus spring out brake. That doth in pleasant Waters so abound : And of the Muses oft the thirst doth slake ; Who on his fruitfull bankes doe sit and sing. That all the world of their swee[t] tunes doth ring. Or as Thaiimantis, when she list to shrowd Herselfe against the parching sunny ray, Vnder the mantle of some stormy cloud. Where she her sundry colours doth display Like lunoes bird, of her faire garments proud. That Pko:bii3 gaue her on her marriage day: Shewes forth her goodly Circle farre and wide To mortall wights that wonder at her pride. His Shank should neither be too short nor long, His point not ouersharpe, nor yet too dull: The substance good that may indure from wrong ; His Needle slender, yet both round and full, Made of the right Iberian mettell strong, That will not stretch nor breake at eucry pull, Wrought smooth and cleane withoutcn crack or knot And bearded like the wilde Arabian L r oat. 77ie Secrets of Angling. Then let your Hooke be sure and strongly plaste Vnto your lowest Linke with Silke or Havre, Which you may doe with often ouercaste, So that you draw the Bouts together neare. And with both ends make all the other fast, That no bare place or rising knot appeare : Then on that Linke hang Leads of euen waight To raise your floate, and carry down your baite. Thus have you Rod, Line, Float and Hooke; The Rod to strike, when you shall thinke it fit, The Line to lead the Fish with wary skill, The Float and Quill to warne you of the bit ; The Hooke to hold him by the chap or gill, Hooke, Line, and Rod, all guided to your wit. Yet there remaines of Fishing tooles to tell, Some other sorts that you must haue as well. OTHER FISHING TOOLES. A little Boord, the lightest you can finde, But not so thin that it will breake or bend ; Of Cyprcs sweet, or of some other kinde, That like a Trenchor shall itselfe extend : Made smooth and plaine, your Lines thereon to winde, With Battlements at eueiy other end : Like to the Bulwarke of some ancient Towne As well-wald Sylchester now razed dosvne. A Shooe to beare the crawling Wormes therein, With hole aboue to hang it by your side, A hollow Cane that must be light and thin, Wherein the Bobb and Palmer shall abide, Which must be stopped with an handsome pin, Least out againe your baytes doe hap to slide. A little Box that couered close shall lye, To keepe therein the busie winged Flye. The Secrets of Angling. 29 Then must you haue a Plummet, formed round, Like to the Pellet of a hireling Bow : Wherewith you may the secret'st waters sound, And set your floate thereafter high, or low, Till you the depth thereof haue truly found : And on the same a twisted thread bestow At your owne will, to hang it on your hooke, And so to let it downe into the Brooke. Of Lead likewise, yet must you haue a Ring, Whose whole Diameter in length containes Three Inches full, and fastncd to a string " That must be long and sure, if need constraines : Through whose round hole you shall your Angle bring, And let it fall into the watry playne : Vntill he come the weedes and stickes vnto, From whence your hooke it serueth to vndo. Haue Tooles good store to serue your turne withal!, Least that you happen some to lose or breake : As in great waters oft it doth befall, When that the Hooke is nought or Line too weake. And waxed thread, or silke, so it be small, To set them on, that if you list to wreake Your former losse, you may supply the place, And not returne with sorrow and disgrace. Haue twist likewise, so that it be not white, You Rod to mend, or broken top to tye ; For all white colours doe the Fishes fright And make them from the bayte away to five ; A File to mend your hookes, both small and light, A good sharpe knife, your Girdle hanging by : A Pouch with many parts and purses thin. To carrv all vour Tooies and Trvnkets in. 30 The Secrets of Angling. Yet must you haue a little Rijp beside Of Willow twigs, the finest you can wish ; Which shall be made so handsome and so wide . t '~ * As may containe good store of sundry Fish : And yet with ease be hanged by your side, To bring them home the better to your dish. A little Net that on a Pole shall stand, The mighty Pike or heauy Carpe to Land. HIS SEUERALL TOOLES, AND WHAT GARMENT IS FITTEST. And let your garments Russet be or gray, Of colour darke, and hardest to descry : That with the Raine or weather will away, And least offend the fearefull Fishes eye : For neither Skarlet nor ricli cloth of ray Nor colours dipt in fresh Assyrian dye, Nor tender silkes, of Purple, Paule, or golde, Will serue so well to keepe off wet or cold. In this aray the Angler good shall goe Vnto the Brooke, to finde his wished game ; Like old Menalcus wandring to and fro, Vntil he chance to light vpon the same, And there his art and cunning shall bestow, For euery Fish his bayte so well to frame, That long ere Phcelus set in Westerne fomc, He shall returne well loaden to his home. OBIECTIQN. Some youthfull Gallant here perhaps will say This is no pastime for a gentleman. It were more fit at cardes and dice to play, To use both fence and dauncing now and than. Or walke the streetes in nice and strange Aray, Or with coy phrases court his Mistris fan, A poore delight with toyle and painfull watch, With losse of time a silly Fish to catch. The Secrets of Angling. 31 What pleasure can it be to walke about, The fields and meades in heat or pinching cold? And stand all day to catch a silly Trout, That is not worth a teaster to be sold, And peraduenture sometimes goe without, Besides the toles and troubles manifold, And to be washt with many a showre of ray no, Before he can returne from thence again ? More ease it were, and more delight I trow, In some sweet house to passe the time r.-.vay, Amongst the best, with braue and gallant show, And with faire dames to daunce, to sport and play, And on the board, the nimble dice to throw, That brings in gaine, and helps the shot to pay, And with good wine and store of dainty fare, To feede at will and take but little care. THE ANSWERE. I meane not here mens errours to reproue, Nor do enuie their seeming happy state ; But rather meruaile why they doe not loue An honest sport that is without debate : Since their abused pastimes often nioue Their mindes to anger and to mortall hate : And as in bad delights their time they spend, So oft it brings them to no better end. Indeed it is a life of lesser paine, To sit at play from noone till it be night : And then from night till it be noone againe, With damned oathes, pronounced in despight, For little cause and euery triile vaine, To curse, to brawle, to quarrell, and to fight, To packe the Cardes, and with some cozning tricke, His fcllowes Purse of all his coyne to pirke. 77/6' Secrets of Angling. Or to beguile another of his Wife, As did sEghistus Agamemnon serue : Or as that Roman * monarch led a life To spoil and spend, while others pine and sterue, And to compell their friends with foolish strife, To take more drinke then will their health preserue And to conclude, for debt or iust desart, In baser tune to sing the Counter-^vxt. O let me rather on the pleasant Brinke Of Tyne and Trent possesse some dwelling-place ; Where I may see my Quill and Corke downe sinke, With eager bit of Barbill, Bleike, or Dace : And on the World and his Creator thinke, While they proud Thais 'painted sheat imbrace. And with the fume of strong Tobacco's smoke, All quaffing round are ready for to choke. Let them that list these pastimes then pursue, And on their pleasing fancies feede their fill ; So I the Fields and Meadowes greene may view, And by the Riuers fresh may walke at will, Among the Dayzes and the Violets blew : Red Hyacinth and yealow Daffadill, Purple Narcissus, like the morning rayes, Pale Ganders/as and azour Culuerkaycs. I count it better pleasure to behold The goodly cornpasse of the loftie Skye, And in the midst thereof like burning gold The flaming Chariot of the worlds great eye ; . The watry cloudes that in the ayre vprold With sundry kindes of painted collours fiie : And fayre Aurora lifting vp her head, And blushing rise from old Thitonits bed. 1 XLTO. The Secrets of Angling. 33 The hills and Mountaines raised from the Plaines, The plaines extended leuell with the ground, The ground deuided into sundry vaines, The vaines inclos'd with running riuers roundc, The riuers making way through natures chaine, With headlong course into the sea profounde : The surging sea beneath the valleys low, The valleys sweet, and lakes that lonely flowe. The lofty woods the forrests wide and long, Adornd with leaues and branches fresh and greene, In whose coole bow'rs the birds with chaunting song, Doe welcome with thin quire the Summers Queene, The meadowes faire where Flora's guifts among, Are intermixt the verdant grasse betweene, The siluer skaled fish that softlie swim me, Within the brookes and Cristall watry brimme. All these and many more of his creation, That made the heauens, the Angler oft doth see, And takes therein no little delectation, To think how strange and wonderfull they be, Framing thereof an inward contemplation, To set his thoughts from other fancies free, And whiles hee lookes on these with ioyfull eye, His minde is rapt aboue the starry skye. THE A UTHOlt OF ANGLJXG. Bvt how this Art of Angling did beginne, And who the vse thereof and practise found, How many times and ages since haue bin, Wherein the sunne hath dayly com past round. The circle that the signes twice sixe are in : And yeelded yearely comfort to the ground, It were too hard for me to bring about, Since Quid wrote not all that story out. 34 The Secrets of Angling. Yet to content the willing Readers eare, I will not spare the sad report to tell, When good Deucalion and his Pirrha deere, Were onely left vpon the earth to dwell Of all the rest that ouenvhelmed were With that great floud, that in their dayes befell, Wherein the compasse of the world so round, Both man and beast with waters deepe were droumi. Between themselues they wept and made great moane, How to repaire againe the wofull fall, Of all mankinde, whereof they two alone The remnant were, and wretched portion small, But any meanes or hope in them was none, That might restore so great a losse with all, Since they were aged, and in yeares so runne, That now almost their threed of life was spunne. Vntill at last they saw where as there stood An ancient Temple, wasted and forlorne ; Whose holy fires and sundry offerings good, The late outragious waues away had borne : But when at length downe fallen was the flood, The waters low it proudly gan to scorne. Vnto that place they thought it best to goe, The counsell of the Goddesse there to know. For long before that fearfull Deluge great, The vniuersall Earth had ouerflowne ; A heauenly power there placed had her seate, And answeres gaue of hidden things vnknowne. Thither they went her fauour to intreat, Whose fame throughout that coast abroad was blowne. By her aduice some way or meane to findc, How to renew the race of humane kind. The Secrets of singling. 35 Prostrate they fell vpon the sacred ground, Kissing the stones, and shedding many a teare ; And lowly bent their aged bodies downe Vnto the earth, with sad and heauy clieare ; Praying the Saint with soft and dolefull sound That she vouchsafe their humble suite to heare. The Goddesse heard, and bad them goe and take, Their mothers bones, & throw behind their backe. This Oracle obscure, and darke of sence, Amazed much their mindes with feare and doubt, What kind of meaning might be drawne from thence ; And how to vnderstand and fmde it out, How with so great a sinne they might dispense Their Parents bones to cast and throw about : Thus when they had long time in studie spent, Out of the Church with carefull thought they went. And now beholding better euery place, Each Hill and Dale, each Riuer, Rock, and Tree ; And muzing thereupon a little space, They thought the Earth their mother well might be, And that the stones that lay before their face, To be her bones did nothing disagree : Wherefore to proue if it were false or true, The scattered stones behind their backs they threw. Forthwith the stones (a wondrous thing to heare) Began to moue as they had life conceiu'd, And waxed greater than at first they were ; And more and more the shape of man receiu'd, Till euery part most plainely did appeare, That neither eye nor sence could be deceiu'd : They heard, they spake, they went, and walked too, As other liuiiiL' men are wont to doe. 36 The Secrets of Angling. Thus was the earth replenished a new With people strange, sprung vp with little paine, Of whose increase the progenie that grew, Did soone supply the empty world againe ; But now a greater care there did insue, How such a mightie number to maintaine, Since foode there was not any to be found, For that great flood had all destroyd and drownd. Then did Deucalion first the Art inuent Of Angling, and his people taught the same ; And to the Woods and groues with them hee went Fit tooles to finde for this most needfull game ; There from the trees the longest ryndes they rent, Wherewith strong Lines they roughly twist and frame, And of each crooke of hardest Bush and Brake, They made them Hookes the hungry Fish to take. And to intice them to the eager bit, Dead frogs and flies of sundry sorts he tooke ; And snayles and wormes such as he found most fit, Wherein to hide the close and deadly hooke : And thus with practise and inuentiue wit, He found the meanes in euery lake and brooke Such store of Fish to take with little paine. As did long time this people new sustaine. In this rude sorte began this simple Art, And so remain'd in that first age of old, When Saturne did Amaltheas iiorne impart Vnto the world, that then was all of Gold ; The Fish as yet had felt but little smart, And were to bite more eager, apt, and bold : And plentie still supplide the place againe Of woefull want, whereof we now complaine. The Secrets of sing I ing. But when in time the feare and dread of man Fell more and more on every liuing thing, And all the creatures of the world began To stand in awe of this vsurping King, Whose tyranny so farre extended than That Earth and Seas it did in thraldome bring ; It was a worke of greater paine and skill, The wary Fish in lake or Urooke to kill. So worse and worse two ages more did passe, Yet still this Art more perfect daily grew, For then the slender Rod inuented was, Of finer sort than former ages knew, And Hookes were made of siluer and of brassc, And Lines of Hempe and Flaxe were framed ni_w, And sundry baites experience found out more, Then elder times did know or try before. But at the last the Iron age drew necre, Of all the rest the hardest, and most scant, Then Lines were made of Silke and subtile hayre And Rods of lightest Cane and Hazell plant, And Hookes of hardest steele inuented were, That neither skill nor workemanship did want, .. And so this Art did in the end attaine Vnto that state where now it doth remaine. But here my weary M'usc a while mu.;t rest. That is not vsed to so long a way ; And breath, or pause a little at the least At this Lands end, vntill another day, And then againe, if so she thinke it bust : Our taken-taske afresh wee will assay, And forward goe as first we did intend, Till that wee come vnto our iourneyes end. The i/;d of the /'/->/ Jivok. THE SECOND BQOKE. fiEFORE, I taught what kinde of Tooles were fit For him to haue that would an Angler be : And how he should with practise and with wit Prouicle himselfe thereof in best degree : Now doth remaine to shew how to the bit The Fishes may be brought, that earst were free, And with what pleasing baits intis'd they are, To swallow downe the hidden Hooke vnware. J3A1TES. It were not meet to send a Huntsman out Into the Woods, with Net, with Gin, or Hay, To trace the brakes and bushes all about, The Stag, the Foxe, or Badger to betray : It hauing found his game, he stand in doubt Which way to pitch, or where his snares to lay, And with what traine he may entise withall The fearfull beast into his trap to fall. So, though the Angler haue good store of tooles, And them with skill in finest sort can frame ; Yet when he comes to Riuers, Lakes, and Poolcs, If that he know not how to vse the same, And with what baits to make the Fishes 'fooles, He may goe home as wise as out he came, And of his comming boast himselfe as well As he that from his fathers Chariot fell. The Secrets of singling. 39 Not that I take upon mee to impart More then by others hath before beene told ; Or that the hidden secrets of this Art I would vnto the vulgar sort vnfolde, Who peraduenture for my paines desart Would count me worthy Balams horse to holde : But onely to the willing learner show So much thereof as may suffise to know. But here, O Neptune, that with triple Mace Dost rule the raging of the Ocean wide ; I meddle not with thy deformed race Of monsters huge, that in those waues abide : With that great Whale, that by three whole dayes space The man of God did in his belly hide, And cast him out vpon the Euxin shore As safe and sound as he had beene before. Nor with that Orkc that on Ccplicean strand Would haue deuour'd Andremeda the faire, Whom Perseus slew with strong and valiant hand, Deliuering her from danger and despaire, The Hnrlepoole huge that higher then the land, Whole streames of water spouteth in the ayre, The Porpois large that playing swims on hie. Portending storm es or other tempest nie. Nor that admirer of sweet Musickes sound, That on his backe Ariun bore away ; And brought to shore out of the Seas profound, The Hippotamc that like an horse doth neigh, The Afors, that from the rockes inrolled round, Within his teeth himself doth safe conuay : The Tortoise couered with his target hard. The Tubcronc attended with his guard. 40 T/ie Secrets of Angling. Nor with that Fish that beareth in his snout A ragged sword, his foes to spoilc and kill ; Nor that fierce Thrasher, that doth fling about His nimble flayle, and handles him at will : The rauenous Sharkc that with the sweepings out And filth of ships doth oft his belly fill ; The Albacore that followeth night and day The flying Fish, and takes them for his pray. The Crocodile that weepes when he doth wrong, The Hollilnit that hurts the appetite, The Turbut broad, the Sceale, the Stitrgion strong. The Cod and Cozze, that greedy are to bite, The Hactkc, the Haddocke, and Conger long, The yeallow Ling, the Milwell faire and white, The spreading Ray, the Thornback thin and flat, The boysterous Base, the hoggish Tunny fat. These kindes of Fish that are so large of sise, And many more that here I leaue vntolde Shall goe for me, and all the rest likewise That are the flocke of Proteus watry folde : For well I thinke my Hookes wovld not suffise, Nor slender Lines, the least of these to holde. I leaue them therefore to the surging Seas : In that huge depth, to wander at their ease. And speake of such as in the fresh are found, The little Roach, the Menise biting fast, The slymie TcncJi, the slender Smelt and round, The Umber sweet, the Graueling good of taste, The wholesome Ruffe, the Barbill not so sound, The Pearch and Pike that all the rest doe waste, The Bream, the Carpe, the CJinb, and Chauendar, And many more that in fresh waters are. The Secrets of Angling. 41 Sit then Thalia on some pleasant banke, Among so many as fair Auon hath, And marke the Anglers how they march in ranke, Some out of Bristoll, some from healthfull Bath ; How all the Joiners sides along they flanke, And through the Meadowes make their wonted path : See how their wit and cunning they apply, To catch the Fish that in the waters lye. FOR THE GOODGION. Loe, in a little Boate where one dotli stand, That to a Willow Bough the while is tide, And with a pole doth stirre and raise the sand ; Where as the gentle streame doth softly glide, And then with slender Line and Rod in hand, The eager bit not long he doth abide. Well leaded is his Line, his Hooke but small. A good big Corke to beare the streame withall. His baite the least red worme that may be found, And at the bottome it doth alwayes lye ; Whereat the greedy Goodgion bites so sound That Hooke and all he swalloweth by and by : See how he strikes, and puls them vp as round As if new store the play did still supply. And when the bit doth dye or bad doth prone, Then to another place he doth remoue. This Fish the fittest for a learner is That in that Art delights to take some paine ; For as high flying Haukes that often misse The swifter foulcs, are eased with a traine, So to a young beginner yeeldeth this, Such readie sport as makes him proue againe. And leades him on with hope and glad desire. To greater skill, and cunning to aspire. 42 The Secrets of Angling. FOR THE ROCHE Then see on yonder side, where one doth sit With Line well twisted, and his Hooke but small ; His Corke not big, his Plummets round and fit, His bayt of finest paste, a little ball Wherewith he doth intice vnto the bit, The careless Roche, that soone is caught withall : Within a foote the same doth reach the ground. And with least touch the float straight sinketh downe. And as a skilfull Fowler that doth vse The flying Birds of any kinde to take, The fittest and the best doth alwayes chuse, Of many sorts a pleasing stale to make, Which if he doth perceiue they doe refuse, And of mislike abandon and forsake, To win their loue againe, and get their grace Forthwith doth put another in the place. So for the Roach more baites he hath beside, As of a sheepe the thicke congealed blood, Which on a board he vseth to deuide In portions small, to make them fit and good, That better on his hooke they may abide : And of the waspe the white and tender brood, And wormes that breed on euery hearbe and tree, And sundry flies that quicke and liuely be. FOR THE DACE. Then looke where as that Poplar gray doth grow, Hard by the same where one doth closely stand, And with the winde his Hooi:e and bayt doth throw Amid the streame with slender hazell wand, Where as he sees the Dace themselues doe show, His eye is quicke, and ready is his hand, And when the Fish cloth rise to catch the bayt, He presently doth strike, and takes her strayt. The Sec yets of Angling. 43 O worlds deceit ! how arc we thrald by thee, Thou dost thy gall in sweetest pleasures hide ? When most we thinke in happiest state to be, Then doe we soonest into danger slide, Behold the Fish that euen now was free. Vnto the deadly hooke how he is tide, So vainc delights alure vs to the snare, Wherein vnwares we fast intangled are. FOR THE CARPE. Bvt now againe see where another stands, And straines his rod that double seemes to bend, Loe how he leades and guides him with his hands, Least that his line should breake or Angle rend, Then with a Net see how at last he lands, A mighty Carpe and has him in the end, So large he is of body, scale, and bone, That rod and all had like to haue beene gone. Marke what a line he hath, well made and strong, Of Buccphall, or Bayards strongest hayre, Twisted with greene or watched silke among, Like hardest twine, that holds th' intangled Deare, Not any force of Fish will doe it wrong, In Tync, or Trent, or Titanic he needes not feare : The knots of euery lincke are knit so sure, That many a plucke and pull they may inclure. His corke is large, made handsome, smooth, and fine, The leads according, close and fit, thereto, A good round hooke set on with silken twine, That will not slip nor easily vndoe : His bait great wormes that long in mosse haue bin, Which by his side he beareth in a shooe. Or paste wherewith he feedes him oft before. That at the bottom lyes a foote or more. 44 The Secrets of Angling. FOR THE CHUB AND TROUT. See where another hides himselfe as slye, As did Acteon, or the fearefull Deere ; Behinde a withy, and with watchfull eye Attends the bit within the water cleere, And on the top thereof doth moue his (lye, With skilfull hand, as if he liuing were. Loe how the Chub, the Rociie, the Dace, and Trout, To catch thereat doe raze and swimme about. His Rod, or Cane, made darke for being scene, The lesse to feare the warie Fish withall : The Line well twisted is, and wrought so cleane That being strong, yet doth it shew but small, His Hooke not great, nor little, but betweene, That light vpon the watry brimme may fall, The Line in length scant halfe the Rod exceedes, And neither Corke, nor Leade thereon it needes. FOR THE TROUT, AND EELE. Now see some standing where the streame doth fall, With headlong course behind the sturdy weere, . That ouerthwart the riuer, like a wall, The water stops, and strongly vp doth beare, And at the Tayles, of Mills and Arches small, Where as the shoote is swift and not too cleare, Their lines in length not twice aboue an ell, But with good store of lead and twisted well. Round handsome hookes that will not breake nor bend, The big red worm, well scowred, is their bayte, Which downe vnto the bottome doth discend. Whereas the Trout and Eele doth lye in wayte, And to their feeding busily intend, Which when they see they snatch and swallow straight. Vpon their lines are neither Corke nor Quill. But when they fecle them plucke then strike they stil. The Sec re Is of Angling. 45 FOR THE SEW A NT AND FLOUNDER. Behold some others ranged all along, To take the Sewant, yea, the Flounder sweet, That to the banke in deepest places throng, To shunne the swifter streame that runnes so fleete, And lye and feede the brackish waues among, Whereas the waters fresh and salt doe meete : And there the Eele and Shad sometimes is caught, That with the tide into the brookes are brought. But by the way it shall not be amisse, To vnderstand that in the waters gray, Of floating Fish, two sundry kindes there is, The one that Hues by rauen and by pray, And of the weaker sort, now that, now this, He bites, and spoyles, and kills, and beares away, And in his greedy gullet doth deuowre, As Set/las gulfe, a ship within his powre. And these haue wider mouths to catch and take Their flying pray, whom swiftly they pursew, And rows of teeth like to a saw or rake, Wherewith the gotten game they bite and chew, And greater speede within the waters make, To set vpon the other simple crew, And as the grayhound steales vpon the hare, So doe they vse to rush on them vnware. Vnecjuall Fate, that some are borne to be Fearfull and milde, and for the rest a pray, And others are ordain'd to line more free. Without controule or danger any way : So doth the Foxe the Lambe destroy we see, The Lyon fierce, the />V