THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES WILTSHIRE, EXTRACTED FROM DOMESDAY BOOK: TO WHICH IS ADDED A TRANSLATION OF THE ORIGINAL LATIN INTO ENGLISH. WITH AN INDEX, IN WHICH ARE ADAPTED THE MODERN NAMES TO THE ANTIENT ; AND WITH A P R E F A C E, INWHICHISINCLUDED A PLAN FOR A GENERAL HISTORY OF THE COUNTY. By HENRY PENRUDDOCKE WYNDHAM. SALISBURY, PRINTED BY E. EASTONj AND SOLD BY MESSRS. WILKIE, ST. PAUL'S CHURCH-YARD, LONDON/ MDCCLXXXVIII. DA PREFACE. JL H E antlent and authentick record of Domefday Book having been univerfally efteemed the foundatioa of Englifli property, the origin from whence Anti- quaries have commenced their enquiries, and beyond vrhich it is almoft ufelefs for them to fearch j the following extradt is now offered to the Public, chi&fly with the view of encouraging and promoting a general Hiftory of Wiltfliire ; fuch an extradl being the groundwork on which all ojur provincial Hiftories mult be eredled. Though the labour of tranfcribing and tranflating the original text was of the dulleft nature, yet the Editor chearfully entered upon the tafk, with a full conviftion of it's utility, and with the pleafing expec- tabon that he may, in confequence of it, foon fee a Hiftory of his native County, a How [ i' ] How far the Editor has fuccerded in his attempt to apply the modern names to the antient, muft be left to the judgment of his readers. He, by no means, confiders the fcheme perfeft, though he has fpared neither pains nor enquiries to render it fo. The diffi- culties of forming an Index, of this kind, werfe greatly enhanced by the circumftance of the Hundreds of this County being omitted in Domefday. For, unfor- tunately, the Manors and Kftates in Wiltfliire are not therein arranged under their refpedlive Hundreds, * they are in many other Counties, and, thetefore, it was fometimes neceflary for the Editor, to fearch the county at large, for a fynonymous appellation, when, if the place had been allotted to it's proper Hundred, the defcription alone might have immediately kd him to it's certain difcovery. The names of Winterbourn, CHve, Langford, &c. $cc. fo frequently occur in Domefday, and arc flill fo frequently found in various parts of this County, that it would be incumbent on an Editor to be intimately acquainted with the adlual furvey of every parifli, and even of it's partial divifions, before he could pretend to apply fuch names, with precifion, to their reSpc^ive fitoations. But this difficulty may, in a great mea- fure, be remedied with the affiflance of the^prcfent pr^ [ ] proprietors, who, by folely confining their enquiries to their particular eftates, may, with fome degree of certainty a/Egn the defcriptions to their original dif- trils. The general defcription ^yill often be fufficient for that purpofe, but when the circumftance of a neighbouring Wood, or of a Church, is annexed to it, the application may be made with tolerable accuracy. As it may be acceptable, and even neceflary to fome of my readers to be iitfjarmed of the explanation of certain words in Domefday, 1, fliall endeavour to ex- plain thofe, that cor,ftantly occur in each fe<9:ion of the Book- and that, now, are either obfolete, or are only to be found in our Gloflaries. And even the Gloflaries give fuch various interpretations of them, particularly with refpedl to their meafurement, that I muft aflifme the liberty of adopting thofe only that may be moft confonant with my own ideas. However, I fliall not attempt to advance any conftru<5lion, that may not be warranted by fome authority, though I fliall not trouble the reader with citing the opiniorrof Littleton,, Skinner, Spelman, or other Antiquaries on the occafion. The firft word that occurs in every defcription, is Hlh. All our old Antiquaries, hitherto, have uni- formly agreed that Hida and Carucata are fynonymous a 7, terms s [ vi ] terms : that Hida was the Saxon appellation for a certain and fixed number of acres, and that Carucata was the Norman. But this definition will, by no ' means, agree with the following extradl, for though Hida and Carucata are both mentioned in almoft every article, it feldom happens that they ever perfedly accord j and, fometirafes, they fo very widely differ, that no ingenuity of argument can poffibly reconcile them to even the appearance of the fame ftandard. 1 fhall, therefore, notwithftandjng fuch high authori- ties, though with due deference to them, confider Hida as the valuation of the eftate, and Carucata as the mea- furement of the land. In the fame manner, as we now fay, that the modern Land tax is at fo many fliillings in the pound, according to the rent or value of the eftate j fo, formerly, the antient Danegeld (which was alfo a Land tax) was an afleffment at fo many fhillings by the Hide. I Ihall only produce one proof among many, from the Book of Domefday itfelf, that this muft be the proper diftindlion between Hida and Carucata, where a particular eftate confifted of the meafurement of four cart/cates, and yet was afTeftcd at four hides in the time of the ConfciTor^ but which four carucates was {educed [ vii ] reduced to the afleflment of two Hides at the time of the Conqueror's furvey. Domefday, Fol. 137, N 19. Rohertus de Olgi, et Radulfus BaJJet de eo tenet Theifecotf. Pro quatuor hidis fe defendebat T. R. E. Et modo pro duabus. Terra ejl 4 carucata. With this conftru.lion the Sections in Domefday will be intelligible, but, without it, no fenfe could be extratSled from them, and the whole would be con- tradiflion and confufion. I fhall therefore make no fcruple to define Htda to be an uncertain portion of land, that might annually be worth about twenty Norman fhillings : and as the Value depended upon the quality of the land, it con- lifted accordingly of a greater or lefs number of acres, in proportion to their poverty or fertility. An obje ftiiurally be confidered as the original Carucata., and, confequefttly, at Icift in the parifh ufing the term, it'i juft mcafurefticnt may be afcertained. Vif^ala is a Yardland, and confiftsof 25 1035 acres, beittg the fourth part df a Carutat^ As the Yard- land is in very common ufe throughout this County, the [ ] the meafurement of the old Virgqta m^y eafiJy be fix;ed in the different manors, and by a multiplication 0/4, that of the Carucata njay alfo be known. ]^ovata is an Oxga;ig, ajid is the hajf of a Yardland, and the eighth part pf a ploughland. It rnuil be ob- ferved, that, whenever any of the foregoing terms occur, they all relate to arable lands. I fhall now proceed to the Holders of the various parts of the Manor. The Lord himfelf kept the dominium, or demefne, in his own hands, which was overlooked by the Servi, or Servants, who were a Badbury 1 Beckington Biddefdon Bed win Barford Q_Bermenton Q^Burleigh XIII, 17. XXIX, 6. VII, 5. LXVII, 59. XXIV, 22. XXIX, 2. XXV, 10, 16. XXVII. 21. XLII, 4. I, 2, 30. XXXV1I,9.XLVII,2.LXVII, 76. LXVIII,i8. LV, 2. LXVII, 24. [ xxlx J ANTIENT. BIcheneftoch Bimertone Bifcopeftreu Blontefdone Boientone Boltintone Bovecome Bofcumbe Bradeneftoch Brodlune Briftnartone Bradefelde Breurefbroc Bevrefbroc Bradlei . Brenchwrde Bredecumbe Bradford Bretford Brecheord Bromham Brochenebers Breme BramefTage MODERN. Beechingftoke Bimerton Bifhopftrow Blunfdon Boy ton Q^Bolton Q_Bowcomb Bofcumb Bradenftoke Broughton Brigmilfton Bratton > Beverfbrook Bradley Brinkworth Burcomb Bradford Britford Brickworth Bromham Brokenburgh Bramhill Bratnihaw REFERENCE. XII, I. . LXVII, 30. XXIV, 24. XXIV, 17. XXVII, 12. LXVn,93. XXIV, 21. XVI, I. 1.3- XVI, 2. XXXII, 7. LXVIII, 21. XXVII, I. LXVII, 91. XLII, 5. XLI, 3. XXXII, 4. LVI, 5. XXXI. XXVIII, 7. XIII, 16. XXII, 4. XII, 4. LXVII, 53 65. 1, 6. LXVII, 85. VIII, 4. I, 14. VIII, 6. VIII, 12. LXVII, 51, 73. C 2 [ XXX } ANTIENT. MODERN. Buberge Burbed Burbeche Butremare Buttermerc > Burbage Cadeham Caldefelle Caninge Cainiiighatn Cauna Caleftone Celdewelle Cerlton Cericone Celdrintonc Celewrde Cheverel Chivele Chemele Chcdelwich Ciiepcham Chiftldene Chigelei Chilmcrc Chcnvell Cadenhatn Calne Calflon Charlton Chlrton Cholderton Chel worth Cheverell Keevil Kemble Chadenwich Chippenham Chifclden Chickladc Chilmaric Kcyncll REFERENCE. LXVIII, 3. LXV^III, 10. 1,24. XXVU,4. XXV, 8. XXXVII, 3. LXVUI,i6. XXII, 5. XXV, 7. ? Cannings HI, 2. XIV, 2. 1,1. XXV, 5. LIII, I. LVIII, I. XXXVI, I. VIII, 9. XXXII, 5. XXX, I. XXV, 13, 14, 15. XXXII, 8, VIII, 7. LXVIII, 28. XXV, 3. XXV, I. VIII, 7. Ill, 5- 1,5. XLV, 2. LXII, X,5. LXVII, 47. XIII, 5. 1,20. XIII, 7. [ xxxi ] ANTIENT. Chelche Cheleftaneftone Cheltre Chetre Chenebuild Cheiefiave Chegeflei Chenete Chefeberie Chintone Chefigeberie Cilletone Ciceintone Clatford Clive MODERNT. Chalk Q_Shilingfton Chilton Chittern Chickfgrove Chicklade Ken net Chifbury Chadington Chefmgbury Chilton A Hundred Clatford Clive Colefelle Colefliill Colesfelde Cowsfield Colecot Q^Chalcot Cortitone Corton Coteford Codford Colerne Coleburne 1 Collern Corflei Corfley REFERENCE, XIII, 9. XVI, 4. XXIII, 5. XXIV, 18, 19, 20. XXV, 17. XXV, 18. XXVIII, 9. XXVI, 19. LXVII, 47. XXVI, 21. XXXVII, 5. L,s. XXIX, I. XLI, 8. LVI, 2. XXVIII, 2. 6^56. XLI, 5. 11,8. XX, 3. XXVI, 16, 17. XXVII, 9. XXVIII, 3. XXIX, 3. XXXIX, 2. L, 3. LXVII, 70. LXVIII, 22, 24. XLIX, 2. LXVII, 10. LXVII, I. L, 4. XXXII, X,2. XXVII, 17. LXVII, 29. 4- XII, 10. XXXVII, I. XL VIII, 6. [ xxxii ] ANTIENT. MODERN. REFERENCE. Cowic Wick XX, I. Colingburne Colingbourne 1, 19. Contone Compton 1,8. XXIII,i. XXVII,2. XXXU,3. LXVII, 58. CofTeham Corfham I, II. Corftone Corfton VIII, 6. Criftemeleford Chriftianmalford VII, 4. Criitesfelde LXVII, 87. VIII, 11. Credvelle Crudwell Crichelade Cricklade IX. Croftone Crofton XXVI, 4. Cumbrewelle Cumber well XXVII, 5. Cuuleftone Coveleftone > Coulllon LXI. LXVII, 2. Cunuche Counk LXVII, 14, 81. Cum be Come Comb I, 13. XXVII, 23. Dantefei Dantfey VIII, 2. Darncford D urn ford XIII, 3. XXXII, I. Dcchementunc Dicehantone 1^ Ditchampton IV, 4. XIII, 15. Devrcl Devcrcl VII, 3, 14. XVII. XIX, 1 . XXIV, 14, XXV, 19. XLVIII,8. LXVII,48 LXVIII, 26. Derintonc Durrington XXIII, 2. [ xxxiii ] ANTIENT. Depeford Digeric Dobreham Domnitone Draicote Dunton Duneheve Duene Eblefburne Ecefatingetone Edendone Edinton Elendunc Elecome EI tone Enedford Effitone Eftone Effelei EfTage Etefberie Etune Ettone Euneftetone MODERN. Deptford Dicherig Damerham Dinton Draicot Downton Donhead Dean Ebfbourn Eaftington > Edington Q^Elendon Elcomb Elfton En ford I Eafton Afhley Eftridge Yatefbury Eaton Yatton Idmifton REFERENCE. XXIV, 32. XXXII, II. vn, I. XI, 2. XII, 7. V, I. XXVIII, 6. LXVIII, 20: II. I. XII, 3. XXXVII, 14. XLII, 10. XXIV,3. XXV,4. LXVII, 45. XV,i.XXIV,4. LXVIII,!, 11,7. XXIII, 8. LXVIII, 17. II, 10. XI, I. XXV, 23. XLV,3. XLIX, 5. XXX, 5. xxxin. LIV. VI, I. XXV, 24. LXVI, I. XXI, I. VII, 12, [ xxxlv ] ANTIENT. MODERN. REFERENCE. Farlege Farley LXVII,5, i6. ^ . Ferftesfeld Fruftfield XLVI. LXVII, 31, 66. Febefont Fovant XIII, 19. Fifhide Fifield 11,3. XXVI, 14,23. Fifcartone Fifertone 1 Fiftierton XXII, 6. XLIV. Fifgledene Fighelden LXVII, 56. Fiftefberie Fi{bury XXVIT, 26. XLII, 2. Fontel Fonthill II, 2. XLVII, I. Foftefberge Fofbury XLII, 3. Foxlege Foxley XLV, I. Gardone Garfdon VIII, 10. Gare Q_Gore LIX, 2. (jategratn Goatacre LXVII, 79. Gelingeham Gilingham LXVI,5. Getone Geffic Q^GufTage XXIII, 10. Graftone Grafton LXVIII, 4, 7, 8. Graftone Grafton XXXII, 6. Grendcwclle GrundwcU XXVII, 13. Granaefted Grimftead XXXVII, II. LXVII, 38,54, Gretelinton Grittleton VII, 9. Gravel inges, forclta Grovcley LXVII, 92. Guerminftrc VVarminfter 1,4. ANTIENT. Hantone Hardenehus Hanindone Hafeberie Hame Hardicote Haredone Helprintone Heortham Heftrebe Helmerintone Hentone Hiwei Horningefham Humitone Hunlavintone Jerchesfonte Imemerie Iwis Lacoch Langefelle Langhelei Langeford MODERN. Hampton Hardenhuifh Hanington Heytefbury Ham Hurdcote Haredon Hilperton Hartham Hilmarton Hinton Hewifh Horningfham Humington Hullavington Urchfont Imber Hewifti Lacock Langley Langford XXXV ] REFERENCE. XXVH, 20. XUI,2. XXV, 22. vn,2.- I, 28. XXVni, 12. LVI, 6. 11,5. xxvn, 25. XXXVII, 15. LXVIII, 5. LXVI, 3,4. LXVII, 43,84. XXIII, 3. XXIV, 33. XXVII, 22. LXVII, 42, 49, 82. 1,27. XXV, 12. LXVII, 19. XXIX, 5. VIII, I. XLI,4. XIX, 3, XXVI, 2C>. LVII. XLI, I. XIV, I. XLI, 6. LXVIII, 2. XXVI, 15. XXIV, 27. VII, 10. VII, II. XIII, 13, XXIV, 38. XXXVII, 7, 8. LXVII, 72, 86. ANTIENT. Latone Lauvreceftoches Lacham Laventone Ledentone Litelgarfelle Lidiar Liteltone Litelcote Locherige Lochintone Martone Mertone Mamefberie Maneford Manetune Mera Merleberge Merefdene Melkefham Mcleford Mildenhalc Milchet Mildcftone [ xxxvi ] MODERN. REFERENCE. Latton XVIII, 2. Laverftock XIII, 20. LXVII, 90. Lackham XXXII, 12. Lavington LIX, i. LX. Lyddington XII, 6. Ludgerfhal XXIV, 12. Lydiard I, 21. XXVI, 7. Littleton V, 6. XXXII, 2. Littlecot XXVIII, 4. Lockeridge XXX, 6. Luckington XXX, 7. XLI, 10. , . LXVII, 78. f Martin J LXVIII, 9. V, 4. LXVII, 36. X, I. LXVI, 2. LXVII, 39. XXVIII, II. LXVII, 41, 71. Malmefbury Maningford Manton Mere Marlbrough Marfden Melkfliam Milford Mildenhall Milchet Milfton I, 30. LI. I, 12. LXVII, 83. XXVII, 27. LXVII, 74. VII, 6. XIII, 10, 18. XXI, 2. XLII, 6. ANTIENT. Mordone Mortune Mideltone Neweton Newenton Nechendune Nigravre Niteletone Nortone Ocheborne Ocheford Ogeford Odeftochte Opetone Oppavrene Orcheftone Otone Ovretone Pavefhou Pevefei Pertworde Piritone Pleiteford MODERN Morden Moreton Milton [ xxxvii ] REFERENCE. ' XXVI, 9. XLIII. I. XXIX, 4. XXIV, 25. XLVI1I,5. XIII, 2 Newton Nunton . , Q_Nackington XX, 2. Xlll, 2. VII1,8. xill, 10. XXVI, 5. XX, 2. 1,18. LVI, 3. LXVIII, I. VII, 8. VIII, 5. XXVI, 12. Ogborn 1,22. XXVIII, 10. LXVH, 57,8 VTIT . . Nettleton Norton XIII, 14, XLVIII, 12 LXVII, 9 lUgford Odftock Upton Uphaven Orchefton Wootton Overton Q^nearCorfham I, II. Pewfey I, 25. X, 3. LXVII, 46. Pertwood V , 5. Q^Pitton VIII, 13. Plaitford LXVII, 52. d 2 XXV, 20. XXVI, 1 1 . XXXII, i-j. 1,29. XXIV, 10. XLVIII, 3, 7. 1,15. II, II. XIII, 8. [ xxxviii ] ANTIENT. MODERN. REFERENCE. Potterne Pottern Ill, I. XXV, 2. LXVII, I Pol tone Poulton XXI, 3. XXVII, 19. Pole Pool XXIV, 23. Poertone Purton XXIV, 36. LXVII, 67. Ponberie Q_Ponbury LXVI, 7. Quinton I, 3. Ramfberie Ramfbury in, 3. Red borne Rod bourn XXVIII, 8. Retmore Ruddlemore XXII, I. Rotefelde Q_Rotherfield XXIV, 6. LXVIII, 14. Rochlie Rockly XXIV, 30. X^VI,i3. Rode Rowde XXVI, 2. Ruftefelvc Ruftefelle JRufTall 1,9. XXVII, 6. Saltharpe Salthrop XXVII, 8. Sarifberie Salifbury Ill, 4. Saldcborne Schaldeburne ; S Hal bourn LXVIII, 6. L,i. LXVII, 60, 77. Schetone Q_Shrewton XXVII, 14. Scage XLII, 9. Scarcntonc Scherncote XLVIII, 10, II. LII. Shorncot Scepcleia (^Shipley III,S. [ xxxix ] ANTIENT. Sclive Segrete Sevatnentone Segrie Sele Sela Sirendone Smitecote Smalbroc Soreftone Soreftain Sopeworde Stortone Staninges Stamere Stradford Stottune Stantone Stoche Standone Sterte Stanlege Stratone Straburg 3tavretone MODERN. Sevenhampton Seagry I Zeals Sherington Smithcot Smalbrook X. Sherfton Sopworth S tour ton Stratford Stockton Stanton Stock, or Stoke Standen Stert Stanleigh Stratton Q^Straborough Staverton REFERENC?. XXV, 9. XXX, 4. XXXII, 13. XLIX, I. LXIV. LXVII, 28. XLI, 7. XXVII, ir. LXVIII, 25. XXVII, 24. I, 29. XXXII, 15. XXXVI, 2. XXXV. XXXVII, 4. LXVII, 22. XXIX, 7. XXIII, 9. II, 12. XIII, I. XLVIII, 4. LXVII, 49. XXIV, 15. LXVIII, 29. XXV, 6. XXXIX. XXVII, 3. XXXVII, 6. LVI, I. LXVII, 7. LXVIL8. [ xl ] ANTIENT, Stotecome Staple ford Sudtone Sumreford Svaloclive Svindune Sutelefberg Tedrintone Terintone Tefonte Tedel intone Theodulvefide Tiffeberie Ticoode Tidulfhide Titicome Tornvelle Tornelle Todowrde Tollard Tocheham Troi MODERN. Studley Stapleford Sutton Summerford Swallowclif Swindon A Hundred I Titherington Teffont Q^Tcddington Q^Devizes Tifbury Tilfhead Tidcomb I Thornhill Tid worth Tollard Tochenham REFERENCE. LXVII, 44. LXVII, 88. XXXIV. XXXVIII. XL. LVI,4. VI, 2. VIII, 3. XXIV, 16. XXVI, r8. XXVII, 10. LXVII, 21. XIII, 4. LXVII, 3. IV, 3. XXVI, 8. LXVII, 64, $9. LXVIII, 23. C^-j 6. XXIII, 6. XXIV, 28. XLVIII,9. XXVI, 3. XXVI, 22. XII, 2. XXIV, 26. LXVII, 12, 18, 25, 26. LXVII, 75. XXIX, 3. LXVIII, 21. IV, I. XXIV, II. LXVIII, 13. XXIV, 35. XXXII, 16. LV, I. XXX, 2. XLI, 2. LXVII, 20, 23, 27. LVIII, 2. [ xli J ANTIENT. Trole Tuderlege Viteletone Ulfecote Ulfela Up tone Walecote Wadhulle Waifel Watedene VVadone Wertune Wervetone Weftberie Weftwode Wemberge Werdore Werocheflialle Weniftetone Witeberge Wicheleftote Witelei Wideton MODERN. Trowle Titherly Fittleton Ufcot . Wolfhal Upton Walcot Whitonfell I Waddon X Worton Weftbury Weftwood Wanborough Wardour Wraxhall Idmifton Whitfbury Whitley Q_Widton REFERENCE. LXVII,, 4. LXVII, 61. XLII, 8. XXX, 3. LXVII, 62. LX VIII, II, XVIII. XXVIII, 5, IV, 2. XIII, 18. XXXVII, 12. LXVII, 17. XXVII, 7. LXVII, 34. I, 16. LXVIII, 19. 11,6. 11,9- XIII, 6. XXIV, 34. LXVII, 55. XLII, I, L, 2. LIII, 2. iXVII, 50. [ xlii ] ANTIENT. MODERN. Witeclive Whiteclif Wilrenone . Wintreburne Winterbourn Withenham Q^Witenham Winefel Winfield ^'^&' } Wiley Wili 3 Wicheford Wifhford Wintrefleu Winterflow Wiltune Wilton Wiflesford Wilsford Wilcote , VVilcot Wintreburnftocke Winterbournftoke W^idecome Widcomb Wildehill Widhill Witford Q_Witford Wochefei Oakfey W^odeton Wotton Wrde High- worth Wrderefetcfclle Whorwelfdown, a Hundred REFERENCE. LXVIII, 27. XXVII, 16. 1,17. V,7. VII, 7, 13. X,4. X\a, 5,6. XXIV, 7, 9. 3i37 XXV, 21. XXVI, 6. xxvn, 18 XL VIII, 1, 2. LXIII. LXV LXVII, 32, 35, 89. V,2. V,3. XIII, u. XXVII, 15. XIII, 12. LXVIII, 30. XX,6. XXIII,3.LXVII,6i,68 XXII, 2. XLII,7. LXVII, 15, XXIV, I. XXIV, 8. XXV, II. XXVI, 10. LXVIII, 15. XXXVII, 10. LXVII, 6. XXVIII, I. XXIV, s. WILT' WILtE SCIRE. TN Burgo Malmefberie habet Rex 26 ma/uras ho/pit ataSi ^/ 25 majuras in quibus Junt do- mus qu<-^ r * * * * ^5**^^ ***** *x^* st ,, <^ '> 'i' '> '> ^t .*, 1^ V i" i'^ V c-. t. WILTESCIRE. fTT^HE King has 26 mefluages In the -- borough of Malmejherie, and 25 other mefluages, in which are tenements, that, con- fiderd as wafle land, pay no taxes. Each of thefe houfes pay 10* pence rent, and alto- gether the fum of '43 fhillings and fixpence. Half a ruined meflTuage, part of the fee of the Bifhop of Bayeux, does no fervices. The Abbot of Malmefberie has 4 meflTuages and ' It ought to be 43 fhillings and fixpence. B2 [ 4 ] mafuras. Edwardus Vicecomes 3 majuras. Radulfus de Mortemer i et dimidiam, Duran- dus de Gloucejlre i et dimidiam. IVilhelmus de Ow I. Humfridus de Injula 1. OJbernus Giffard i. Alured de Merlebergh dimidiam wajuram v aft am. Goiffridus Marijcal Jimilitu- dinem, I'oui i et quartam partem unius ma- JuTie. Drogo filius Ponz dimidiam. Uxor Edrici i. Rogerus de Bercbelai 1 majuram de firma Regis j et Emulfus de He/ding ftmili- tudinem de jirma Regis, quam incaute accepit, H^ dua nullum Jervitium reddunt. Rex hahet mam vaftam majuram de terra quam Azor (enuit. Be [ s ] and a half, and the out burgefTcs have 9 cottagers, who are afTefTed with the burgefles. The Abbot of Glaftonbury has 2 mefluages. Edward the Sheriff 3 mefluages. Radulfus de Mortemer has i and a half. Durandus de Glouceftre i and a half. William de Ow I. Humphry de L'ifle i. Ofl^ernus Giffard i. Alured de Merlebergh has half a ruined mefluage. GeofFry Marifcal the like. Tovi has i mefluage and the fourth part of another. Drogo the fon of Ponz half a one. The wife of Edricus has one. Roger de Berchelai holds i under the King, and Ernulfus de Hefding the like, which he unguardedly took pofleflion of. Thefe two do no fervices. The King has a wafl:e fpot of land which belonged to Azor, B3 The [ 6 ] HiC ANNOTANTUR TeNENTES TERRAS IN WiLTESCIRE. I Rex ff^ilbelmus. 1 Epif. Wintonienfis, 3 Epif. Sarijherienfis. 4 EfiJ. Baiocenfis. 5 Epif. Coujlantienjis. 6 Epif. Liftacettfis, 7 Ahbatia Glajlingberienjis, 8 Ahbatia Malmejbericnfis. 9 Ablatia IVejlmonaflerii, 10 Ahbatia Wintonienfis, 1 1 Ahbatia Creitcburnenjis, 12 Abhatijfa Sceftejberienfis, 13 Abhatijfa WiUunienfis, 14 Abhatijfa M'^lntonienfis. 1 5 Abhatijfa Romefienfts, 1 6 Abhatijfa Ambrefherienfts. 17 Aeclefa Beccenfs, 1 8 GiralduSi Prejbyter de JViliune, 19 Canonici Lfiacerfes, 20 C^w^j Moritonienjis. 2 1 Comes Rogerius, di Comes . [ 7 I THE Landholders in Wilte$cire. I The King. ^ The Bifhop of Winchefter. 3 The Bifhop of Salifbury. 4 The Bifliop of Baieux. 5 The Bifhop of Coutances. 6 The Bifhop of Lifieux. 7 Abbey of Glaftonbury. 8 Abbey of Malmfbury. 9 Abbey of Weftminfler. 10 Abbey of Winchefler. 11 Abbey of Cranbourn. 1 2 Abbefs of Shaftefbury. 13 Abbefs of Wilton. 14 Abbefs of Winchefler. 15 Abbefs of Runnfey. 16 Abbefs of Ambrefbury. 17 The Church of Bee. 18 Girald, Prieft of Wilton. 19 The Canons of Lifieux. 20 The Earl Morton. 21 The Earl Roger. B 4 22 The [ 8- 1 12 Comes Hugo, 23 Comes Albericus. 24 Edwardus de Sarijberie, 25 Ernulfus de^ejding, 26 Aluredus de Marlehergb. 27 Hunfridus de Injula, 28 Mile Crifpin, 29 Gijlebertus de Breteuile. 30 Burandus de Gloucejire. 31 IValterins Gifard, 32 JVilbelmus de Ow, 23 ffilbelmus de Braiofe, 34 JVilhelmus de Moiun, 2^ JVilhelmus de Faleije. ;^6 Waljcinus de Dowai, 37 Waleran Venator, 38 Wilhelmus filius Widonis.. 39 Henricus de Ferreres, 40 Ricardus filius Gijleberti Comitis, 41 Radulfus de Mortemer, 42 Robertus filius Giro Id, 43 Robertus filius Rolf, 44 Rogerius de Curcelle, 45 Rogerius de Bercbehi* 46 Bernard [ 9 ] 22 The Earl Hugo. 23 The Earl Albericus. 14. Edward of Salifbury. 25 Ernulfus de Hefding. 26 Alured of Marlborough. 27 Humphrey de L'lfl^. 28 Milo Crifpin. 29 Gilbert de Breteuile. 30 Durand of Gloucelter. 31 Walter Gifard. 32 William de Ow. 22 William de Braiofe. 34 William de Moiun. 35 William de Faleife. 36 Walfcinus de Dowai. 37 Waleran Venator. 38 William fon of Widon. 39 Henry de Ferreres. 40 Richard fon of Earl Gilbert. 41 Radulfus de Mortemer. 42 Robert fon of Girold. 43 Robert fon of Rolf. 44 Roger de Curcellci 45 Roger de Berchelait 46 Bernard [ lo 1 46 Bernard Pancevolt, 47 Berenger Gifard. 48 OJhernus Gifard. 49 Drogo filius Ponz. 50 Hugo Lajne. 51 Hugo filius Baldrici. 52 Hunfridus Camerarius, 53 Gunfridus Malduifb. 54 Aluredus de Hifpania, 55 Aiulfus Vicecomes, 56 Nigellus Aledicus, 57 OJhernus Prejhyter. 58 1 Ricardus Puingiant, 59 Robert us MareJcaL 60 Rohertus Flavus. 61 Ricardus Sturmid. 62 Rainaldus Canud. 63 Maci de Moretania, 64 Gozelinus Rivere. 65 Godejcal. 66 Herman et alii Jervientes regis. 67 Odo et alii taini regis. 68 Herveus et alii minijlri regis. I Rex [ u ] 46 Bernard Pancevolt. 47 Berengcr Gifard. 48 O/bern Gifard. 49 Drogo Ton of Ponz. 50 Hugo Lafne. 51 Hugo fon of Baldric. 52 Humphrey Camerarius. ^2 Gunfridus Malduith. i;4 Alured de Hifpania. ^^ Aiulfus the Sheriff. ^6 Nigellus the Phyfician, 57 Ofbern, a Priefl. 58 Richard Fuingiant, 59 Robert Marefcal. 60 Robert Flavus. 61 Richard Sturmid. 62 Rainaldus Canud, 62 Maci de Moretania. 64 Gozelinus Rivere, 6^ Godefcal. 66 Herman and others in the fervice of the King. 67 Odo and other Thanes of the King. 65 Herveus and other Officers of the King, I The [ 12 1 (^j* I . Rex bahet de Burgo Wiltunie 50 lihras, ^ando Herueus recepit ad cujiodiendumi reddebat 22 libras. 1, Be Wiltejcire hahet Rex 10 lihras pro accipitre, et lojolidos pro ^fummario et pro ^feno 100 folidos ei 5 or as. 3. De dimidio Molino apud Sarifberie hahet Rex 20 folidos ad penfum. 4. De tercio denario Sarifberie bahet Rex 6 lihras. De tercio denario Merlebergh 4 //- bras. De tertio denario Crichelade 5 lihras. De tercio denario Bade 1 1 libras. De tertio denario MalmeA)erie 6 libras, 5. De^Cremto 60 lihras ad pondus. Hoc reddit Edwardus Vicecomes. 6 PTal- * Sumnarius, a baggage horfc. * Perhaps fcnore, which may mean a kind of quitrent. * Cremento, the improved rents of the county coUedlci by the SheriiF. [ '3 1 ^^ I . TheKing receives from the borough o^ Wilton 50 pounds. When Hervcus had the cuflody of the town, it paid no more than 22 pounds. 1. The King receives from the county 10 pounds for a hawk, and 20 fhlHings for a baggage horfe, and 100 fhillings and 5 ounces of filver for quitrent. 3. The King receives 20 fliiliings, by )veight, for half of the m\\\ 2it Sarijberie. 4. The King receives from the third penny Q^ Sarijberie 6 pounds. From the third penny of Merlebergb 4 pounds. From the third penny of Crichelade 5 pounds. From the third penny of 5^^^ 11 pounds. From the ;hird penny of Malmejberie 6 pounds. 5. The King receives from the improved rents of the county 60 pounds, by weight, and this is paid to him by Edward the Sheriff. 6 Wal- [ H ] 6. Walterius Hofed de 2 partihus hurgi Malmefberie reddit 8 libras Regi, tantundem reddebat ipjum Bur gum T. R. E. tt in hac firma erant placita bundredi de Cicemtone et Su- telefberg qu^ regi pertinehant. De moneta red-^ dit ip/um burgum 100 Jolidos, In eodem hurgo habuit Heraldus Comes unam agram terra; in qua Junt 4 majur a kv4 of iiiben&en, [ 17 ] I. The Lands of the King. I. The King holds C^i^^. King Edward held it, and it was never aflefled, and therefore it is unknown how many hides it may be worth. But there are 29 ploughlands -, 8 of which and 8 fervants are in demefne. Thirty- feven villagers, 78 borderers, and 10 coliberts occupy the other 21 ploughlands. Forty- five burgeffes and 7 mills pay 4 pounds, 12 {hil- lings, and fixpence. There are 50 acres of meadow, and the pafturc is 3 miles in length, and a mile and a half in breadth. This town provides one night's entertain- ment for the King's houfhold, with it's ufual cuftoms. Nigellus holds the church of this manor with 6 hides of land under the King, where are 5 ploughlands, a of which and 6 fervants are in demefne. Seven villagers, 2 borderers, and 1 1 cottagers occupy the other three. Here are 2 mills of the value of 20 fillings, and 25 burgeffes pay 20 fhillings. C The [ '8 ] H^c terra tejiimonio Scira pertinuit ad accle- fiam r. R, E. 2. Rex t7:t Bedvinde. Rex Edwardus tenuit. Nunquam geldavity nee hidata fuit. I'aTa eft quatuor viginti carucat^y una minus. In dominio funt 1 2 carucata et 1% fervi. Ibi quatuor viginti ^Jerviy et 60 cozets et i^ colt' ierti cum 67 carucatis. Ibi 8 MoUni reddunt 100 folidos. Duafilva babentes 1 leucas longas et unam leucam I at am. Ibi 200 acrie fratiy et \i quaranten^ paftur/e long^e et 6 quarert' tena lata. Huic manerio pertinent ur 25 biirgenjes. lia:c villa reddit jinnam unius TiOclis cum omnibus conjuetudinibus. In hoc ma^ fierio fuit T. R. E. lucus habens dimidrum leuca longum et 3 quarantenas latas^ et erat in dominio regis. Mo do tenet eum Henricus de Ferreres, J. Rex " Probably a millake for Villani. [ 19 ] The wood is i furlongs in length, and i furlong and 24 acres broad. The whole is worth 8 pounds. Alured of Spain holds 5 hides, which Nigellus claims. By the tefti- mony of the fhire this land belonged T. R. E. to the church. 2. The King holds Bedvinde. King Ed- ward held it. It was never aflefled nor hided. Here are 79 ploughlands ; 12 of which, with 18 fervants, are in demefne j and 80 villagers, .60 cottagers, and 14 coliberts, occupy the other 67 ploughlands. Eight mills pay 100 ihillings. Here are 2 woods, 3 miles long, and a mile and a half broad : 200 acres of meadow j and the pafture is a mile and a half in length, and 3 quarters of a mile in breadth. Twenty-five burgefTes belong to this manor. This town provides one night's entertainment for the King's houlhold, with all ufual cuf- toms. There was a grove T. R. E. in this manor, 3 quarters of a mile long and 3 fur- C 2 longs [ 2 ] 3- Rex tenet Amblefberie. Rex Edwardus tenuit. Nunquam geldavit nee bidata fuit. 'Terra ejl 40 carucat^e. In dominio Junt 1 6 ca- rucata ^/ 55 Jervi, et 1 coliherti. Ibi quatuor viginti et 5 villanij et ^6 Bordarii habentes 23 car uc at as, Ibi 8 molini reddunt 4 libras et 10 JolidoSf et 'JO acr^e prati, Pajlura 4 leuca longa et 3 leuca lat^, ' Silva 6 leude long^ et 4 leuca lata. Hoc manerium cum appendicibus Juts reddit firmam unius no5lis cum omnibus con- Juetudinibus . In hoc manerio numerantur terra trium Tainorum quas ip/i tenebant 7*. R, E, Has dedit Wilhelmus Comes in Amblejberie pro- mutatione Bovecome. De hujus manerii terra duas hidas dedit Rex Edwardus in Jua infirmi- tate Abbatijfa Wiltunienfi^ quas nunquam antea. habueraty pojiea vero eas tenuit. IVilbelmus comes * The wood here noticed, is probably Bently Wood, &c. ncarWinterflow, though it appears to be greatly over-rated. [ 21 ] longs broad, and it was in the King's demefne. At prefent Henry de Ferreres holds it. 3. The King holds AmUeJherie, King Ed- ward held it. It was never aflefled nor hided. There are 40 ploughlands ; 16 of which, with 55 fervants, and 1 coliberts, are in demefne. Eighty-five villagers and c^G borderers occupy 23 ploughlands. Eight nnilJs pay 4 pounds and 10 (hillings. Here are 70 acres of mea- dow. The pafture is 6 miles long and 4 miles and a half broad. The wood is 9 miles long and 6 broad. This manor and it's ap- pendages provides one night's entertainment for the King, with all ufual cuftoms. The lands of three Thanes are reckoned in this manor, which they held T. R. E. Earl Wil- liam gave them in Amblefberie in exchange for Bovecome. King Edward gave 2 hides, part of this manor, in the time of his ficknefs, to the Abbefs of Wilton, which (he never pof- feflfed before, but fince that time Ihe has held C 3 them. [ 22 ] comes dedit Quinton et Svindone et ChevrcU qua erant ' tainland^y pro terra de injula de With, qua pertinehant ad firmam de Am^ blejberie, 4. Rex tenet Guerminftre. Rex Edwardus tenuit. Non geldavit nee hidata fuit. 'Terra eft 40 carucata. In dominio Junt 6 carucata^ et 24 Jerviy et 12 porcarii, Ibi 1 5 villani et 8 cozetSj et 14. co liber ti cum ^6 carucatis, Ibi 7 mclini de 4 libris, et quatuor viginti acra prati, Paftura i leuca longa et dimidium leuca latum, Silva 2 leuca longa et 2 lata. Ibi 30 burgenfes. Hoc manerium reddit firmam unius noilis cum omnibus conjuetudinibus Juis, 5. Rex tenet Chepeham. Rex Edwardus tenuit, Non geldavit nee hidata fuit, 'Terra " Tainland, held by military tenure. [ 23 ] them. Ear! William gave ^intoUi Svindoncy and Chevrelly all which were Thane lands, in exchange for lands in the Ifle of M ight^ which belonged to the manor of Amblefbene. 4. The King holds Guerminjire. King Ed- ward held it, and it was neither aflfefled nor hided. There are 40 ploughlands; 6 of which, with 24 fervants, and 13 hogkeepers, are in demefne. Fifteen villagers, 8 cottagers, and 14 coliberts occupy the reft. There are 7 mills of the value of 4 pounds, and 80 acres of meadow. The pafture is a mile and a half long, and 3 quarters of a mile broad. The wood is 3 miles long and 2 broad. Here are 30 burgeffes. This manor provides one night's entertainment for the King, with all it's ufual cuftoms. 5. The King holds C^^^/^^?. King Edward held it. It was neither afTefled nor hided. Here are looploughlandsi 16 of which, with C 4 28 fer- [ 24 ] eji 100 carucatte. In dominiojunt i6 carucat^ et 28 Jervi. Ihi 48 villani ^/ 45 bordariii et 20 cozets, et 23 porcariij inter omnes bahent 66 carucatas. Ibi 12 molini de 6 librisy et 100 o 10 bidis geldavit. I'erra eji 10 ca- rucata. In dominio Junt 1 carucatay et 1 Jervi, et 2S villaniy et 1 bordarii cum 8 carucatis, Ibi molinus de i ijolidis et 6 denariisy et 20 acra pratiy et 8 acra pajiuray et 1 5 acrafilva. Hoc manerium reddit 12 libras ad penjum. Rex [ 29 ] hided. Here are 40 ploughlands ; 9 of which, with 22 fervants, and 10 coliberts, are in de- mefne. Thirty-four villagers and 32 cottagers occupy 18 ploughlands. Here are 9 mills of the value of 100 fhillings and 30 pence. Sixty- fix burgeffes pay 50 Ihillings. The meadow is a mile and a half long, and 3 quar- ters of a mile broad. The pafture is 2 miles and a quarter long, and a mile and a half broad. This manor provides one night's en- tertainment for the King, with all it's ufual cuftoms. It is worth 100 pounds by tale. 8. The King holds Contone. The Earl Harold held it, and it was affeffed at 10 hides. Here are 10 ploughlands; 2 of which, with 2 fervants, are in demefne. And 28 villagers and 2 borderers occupy the other 8 plough- lands. Here is a mill of the value of 12 {hil- lings and fixpence, and 20 acres of meadow, and 8 acres of paClure, and 15 acres of wood. This manor is let for 1 2 pounds by weight. 9. The [ 3 ] 9- Rex tenet Ruftefelve. Ghida tenuit T. R. E. it geldabat fro 37 bidis cum apfendicibus Juts. Sierra eft 27 car U at a et dimidium. In dotninio Junt 19 Uday et ibi 12 carucata: et y] Jervi. Ibi 28 villani et 40 bordarii cum 14 carucatis. Ibi 5 molini de 'J2folidis, et ill acra prati. Paftura 3 leuca et dimidium Unga, et una leuca et dimi- dium lata. Silva i leuca longa et dimidium leuca latum. Valuit et valet 32 libras et 10 Jolidos. Hujus manerii ecclefiam babet rS. Wandregifilus cum 2 hidis terra ^ et ibi eft una carucata et dimidium. Valet ^ojolidi. 10. Rex tenet Aldeborne. Cbida tenuU T. R. E. et geldavit pro 40 bidis. Terra eft 4^ carucuta, The Abbey of St. Vandrille, or Fontenelle, about 29 irviles from Rouen in Normandy. [ 31 ] 9- The King holds Rujiefelve. Ghida held it T. R. E. and it was aflefled, with all it's ap- pendages, at 37 hides. Here are 27 plough- lands and a half. Nineteen of thefe hides are in demefne, wherein are 12 ploughlands and 37 fervants. Twenty-eight villagers and 40 borderers occupy 14 ploughlands. Here arc 5 mills of the value of 72 Ihillings, and 112 acres of meadow. The pafture is 5 miles and a quarter long, and 2 miles and a quarter broad. The wood is a mile and a half long, and three quarters of a mile broad. It- was worth, and is ftill worth 32 pounds and 10 (hillings. Saint Wandregifil holds the church of this manor with 2 hides, wherein are 2 ploughlands and a half. It is worth 40 fhiilings. 10. The King holds ^/ hoXdisRam/Lerie. It was aflefled T. R. E. at 90 hides. Thirty of thefe hides are in demefne, where are 8 ploughlands and 9 fervants. Here are 68 villagers, and 43 borderers, occupying 29 ploughlands. Here are 80 acres of meadow. And 10 mills pay 6 pounds, 2 fhillings, and fixpence. The pafture is a mile and 3 quarters long, and 5 furlongs broad. The wood is 2 miles long, and [ 78 ] iujus manerii tenent prejhyteri 4 hidas, OJholdus 12 hidas. Herehertus 5 bidas. ^dntinUs 5 bidas. Uxor fropof.n i hidam. Hi hahtnt m dTminio 1 1 carucafas, et ^i bordarii cum 6 caru- at!s. In Crichcladc 5 hurgenjes pertinentes huic tnanerio redduni 5 Jolidos. Dommum epijc&pl valet 52 libr^sfy et i^ foUdi, ^od alii tenent 17 librae i et ^Jolidi, 4. Idem efifcopus tenet Sarifberie. 7*. R. E, geldabat pro 50 bidis. 'Terra eji ^'^ carucat^, De hac terra 10 hida Junt in dominio^ et ibi 8 earucata, Ibi i^villani et 50 iordofii cum 17 tarHcatis. In Wiltunc 7 hurgenjes pertinentes huic manerio reddunt 65 denarios. In manerio 4 molini de 47 folidis et 7 denariis ; et dimidium tnolini de 30 JolidiSy ff I42 acra prati, Pajtttra ^ quarantena longa et lo lata, et alibi 5 quai' t aniens paftura long.e et una lata. Silva 4 ^uarantente long^e et 2 lata De eadem terra bujus t 79 1 and half a mile broad. The priefts hold of the land of this manor 4 hides. Ofbold 1 1 hides. Herbert 5 hides. Quintin 5 hides. The wife of the bailiff i hide. Thefe have in demefne 11 ploughlandsj and 31 borderers occupy 6 ploughlands. Five burgages in Crichelade, belonging to this manor, pay 5 (hillings. The bilhop's demefne is worth 52 pounds and 15 fhillings. What the others hold, is worth 17 pounds and 5 fhillings, 4. The fame bilhop holds Sarijherie. It was aflefled T. R. E. at 50 hides. Here are 32 ploughlands. Ten hides are in demefne, where are 8 ploughlands, and 25 villagers and 50 borderers occupy 17 ploughlands. Seven burgefles in JViltunej belonging to this manor, pay 5 fhillings and 5 pence. In the manof are 4 mills of 47 fhillings and 7 pence. And half a mill of 30 fhillings value. Here are 142 acres of meadow. The paflure is 2 miles and a half long, and a mile and a quartef broad. [ 8o ] * bujus manerii tenet ^dwardus 5 hidas. Odo 5 bidas, Hugo 3 bidas una virgata minus, ^i bas tenuerunt T. R. E. non poterant ah efijcopo Jeparari, Ibi Junt in dominio 5 carucata et 3 villani et I'j bordarii cum 1 carucatis. Domi^ nium epi/copi valet 47 libr^^, ^od homines te- nent valet 17 libr^ et 10 folidi. 5. Idem epijcopus tenet Chedelwich. Algar tenuit 7*. Jf^. . et geldabat pro 5 hidis. Terra efi 3 carucata. De hac terra 4 hiiajunt in do- minio, et ibi 1 carucat^, et 3 villani et 6 bordarii et 1 co/cezy cum 1 carucata et dimidio. Ibi 10 acra prati et dimidium, Pajiura 3 quaranten^ long^ et 2 lata, Silva 1 quaranten^s longa et una [ 8. ] broad. And befides this, there are ^ fur- longs in length of pafture, and i in breadth. The wood is half a mile long, and a quarter of a mile broad. Edward holds 5 hides from the lands of this manor. Odo 5 hides. Hugo 3 hides, wanting i yardland. Thofe who held thefe hides T. R. E. could not be feparated from the fervices of the bifliop. Five plough- lands are in demefne, where are 3 villagers, and 17 borderers, with 2 ploughlands. The demefne of the bilhop is valued at 47 pounds. And what the military holds is worth 17 pounds and 10 fhillings. 5. The fame bifhop holds Chedelwkh. Algar held it T.R.E. when it was aflefled at 5 hides. Here are 3 ploughlands. Four hides of this land are in demefne, where are 2 ploughlands^ and 3 villagers, 6 borderers, and 2 cottagers, with I ploughland and a half. Here are 10 acres and a half of meadow. The pafture is 3 furlongs in length, and 2 in breadth. The G wood [ 82 ] una lata. Valuit 40 Jolldi. Mo do 4 librae, hoc eft de excambio Scepeleia. Hugo tenet dt epi/copo. IV. Terra Episcopi Baiocensis. I. Epijcopus Baiocenfis tenet Todewordc. Odo de eo, Eddulfus tenuit T. R. E. et geldabat pro 5 bidis^ ^erra eft 3 carucata. Be hac terra Junt in dominio 4 hid/e una virgata minus, et ibi 1 carucat^ et 1 Jervi. Ibi unus villanus et 6 bordarii cum i car neat a. Ibi paftura 3 quaranten^ longa et a lat,g. Valet 4 libr^ et 10 folidi, . a. Idem epijcopus tenet Wadhullc, et Odo de . Eddulfus tenuit T, R, E, et geldabat pro 6 bidis. [ 83 1 wood is 2 furlongs in length, and i in breadth. It was valued at 40 (hillings j now at 4 pounds. This was taken in exchange for Scepeleia. Hugo holds it under tht bifhop. ^ IV. Lands of the Bishop of Baieux. I. The bifhop of Baieux holds Todeworde. Od6 holds it undei- him. Eddulfus held it T. RiE. and it was then afiefled at 5 hides. Here are 3 ploughlands. Four hides, wanting a yardland, are in dennefne, wherd are 2 ploughlands and 2 fervants. One villager dnd 6 borderers occupy the other ploughland. The paflure is in length 3 furlongs, and in breadth 2. It is valued at 4 pounds and 10 ihillings. 2. The fame bifhop holds Wadhulle^ and Odo under him. Eddulfus held it T. R. E. G 2 and [ H ] hidis. Terra eji 3 carucata. De bac terra funt in douimifi 5 hidtfy et :ibi 2. carucat 'N < ' 4. Idem epijcopus tenet Dechcmentune, et Robertus de eo. Azor tenuit T\ R. . et geldabat pro 2 hidis. Terra eji 2 cctrucata^ has habent ibi [ 85 ] and it was then rated at 6 hides. Here iare ^ ploughlands. Five hides of this land are in demefne, where are 2 ploughlands and 6 fer- vants. One villager and 4 borderers occupy I ploughland. Here are 12 acres of meadow, and the pafture is i furlong fquare. The wood is in length a furlong, and 3 acres broad. It is valued at 4 pounds. 3. The fame bilhop holds SvindunCj and Wadardus under him. Leuiet held it T.R.E. when it was alTelTed at 5 hides. One of thefe is in demefne, where is i ploughland and 4 fervants. Five villagers and 2 borderers oc- cupy 2 ploughlands. Here is a mill of the value of 4 fhillings, 30 acres of meadow, and the fame quantity of pafture. It was valued at 40 fhillings i now at 4 pounds. 4. The fame biihop holds Dechementuney and Robert of him. Azor held it T. R. E. when it was rated at 2 hides. Here^are 2 plough- G 3 lands, [86 ] Ui 1 8 cotarii : et 4 molini Junt ibii reddunt 27 JolidoSy et 4 acra frati, et 10 acra pajiur^, Valuit 100 /olidi. Modo 8 lihra. V. Terra Episcopi Constantiensis. 1. Epi/copus Confiantienfis tenet Draicote, et Rogerus de ec, Mwardus et Elnodus tenuerunt pro 2 maneriis T, R.E. et geldabat pro 5 hidis, ^erra eft 1 carucata et dimdium. De hac terra Junt in dominio 4 hid^t una virgata mhMs, et ibi 2 carucat et 3 Jervi. Ibi 4 bordarii et 7 cofcez habent dimidium carucatte. Ibi 60 acr^ pafturae, Valuit ^6 Jolidi. Modo 60 Jolidi* 1. Idem epijcopus tenet Withenham, et Rogerus df^, jiluet tenuit T, R, E, et geldabat pr6 5 r. ' bidis. [ 87 ] lands, and i8 cottagers occupy them. Here are 4 mills, which pay 27 (hillings ; and 4 acres of meadow, and lo acres of pafture. It was valued at 5 pounds ; now at 8 pounds. V. Lands of the Bishop of Coutances. 1. The bifhop of Coutances holds Draicotey and Roger holds it under him. Alward and Elnod held it for a manors T. R. E. and it was then afleffed at 5 hides. Here are 2 ploughlands and a half. Four hides, wanting 1 yardland, are in demefne, where are 2 plough- lands and 3 fervants. Four borderers and 7 cottagers occupy the remaining half of a ploughland. Here are 60 acres of paflure. It was valued at 30 {hillings ; now at 60. 2. The fame bifhop holds Withenham, and Roger holds it under him, Aluet held G4 it [ 88 ] biSs. *Terra eft 5 carucata, "Be hac terra 3 hidajunt in dominio, et ibi i carucata et ^Jervi Ihi 5 villani et 5 bordarii cum 4 carucatis. Ibi molinus riddit iijolidos et 6 denarios, et 10 acra frati et 16 acra ftlva. Paftura 1 quarantente long< et una lata. Valuit et valet ^ libra et 10 Jolidi. 3. Idem epijcopus tenet Winefel, et Rogerus de eo. A-zor tenuit 7*. R. E. et geldabat pro 3 bidis et dimidio. Terra eft 3 carucata, De hac terra 2 hida Junt in dominio y et ibi i carucata, Ibi 3 villani et 9 bordarii cum i carucata, Ibi molinus reddit lojolidos, et 7 acra prati, et 10 acra filva. Paftura 3 quarantena longa et 2 lata, Valuit et valet ^o Jolidi, 4. Idem ^ [ 89 ] itT.R.E. when it was aflefTedat 5 hides. Here are 5 ploughlands. Three of thefe hides arc in demefne, where is i ploughland and 3 fcr- vants. Five villagers and 5 borderers occupy the other 4 ploughlands. The mill pays 12 fhlilings and fixpence 5 and here are 10 acres of meadow and 16 acres of wood. The paf- ture is 2 furlongs in length and i in breadth. It was valued at, and is ftill worth, 4 pounds lo fhillings. 3. The fame bifhop holds TFinefel, and Roger under him. Azor held it T. R. E. when it was affeffed at 3 hides and a half. Here are 3 ploughlands. Two of thefe hides are in demefne, where is i ploughland, and 3 villagers and 9 borderers occupy another ploughland. The mill pays 20 fhillings ; and here are 7 acres of meadow and 20 acres of wood. The pafture is 3 furlongs in length and 2 broad. It was, and is, valued at 70 fhillings. 4. The [ 9 ] 4. Idem epifcopus tenet Mamefbcrie. Giflebertus temiit T. R. E. et geldabat pro una hi da. Terra eji dimiSum carucat^e, De bac terra Junt 2 vir- iat terne ia domirtii, et ibi dimidium carucat^e eum 3 bordariis. Ibi 4 acra pratiy et pajlura 2 quay aniens longa et \ lata. Valet 1 3 Jolidi, 5. Idem epifcopus tenet Pertewordc, et OJhertus de eo. Wlwardus tenuit T, R, E. et geldabat pra 1 bidis. Terra ejl 1 carucata. De bac terra eft in dominio una hlda et dimidiunii et ibi i caru* eata, Ibi 2 villani et 3 bordarii cum i carucata. Ibi 10 aera pajhra, et 4 acra filv>a, Valuit tt valet AfO JoUM, 6. Idem epifcopus tenet Liteltonf, et Ro- Bertus de ic, . Alwardus tenuit T. R E. d^ Mate GPaftingberie et non poterat ab ipja ecclejia Jeparariy et geldabat pro 5 bidis, Terra eft 8 carucata. [ 91 ] 4. The fame biihop holds Mamejherie. Gif- lebert held it T. R. E. when it was aflefled at I hide. Here is half a ploiighland. Three yardlands are in demefne, where is the half a ploughland with 3 borderers. Here are 4 acres of meadow J and the pafture is in length 1 furlongs, and in breadth i. It is worth 13 fhillings. *&" 5. The fame bifbop holds ferteworde, and Ofbert under him. Wlward held it T. R. E. and it was aflelTed at 1 hides. Here are 2 ploiighlands. One hide and a half is in de- mefne, where is i ploughland. Two villagers and 3 borderers occupy the other ploughland. Here are 20 acres of pafture and 4 acres of wood. It was, and is, worth 4ofliillings. 6. The fame biihop holds Liteltone, and Robert under him. Alward held it T. R. E. of the abbot of Glaftingberie, and could not be feparated from the fervices of that church. It [ 92 ] carucata. De bac terra in dominio funt i bid^, et ibi 1 carucata et ^Jervi. Ibi 6 villani et 6 hordarii cum 5 carucatis, Ibi molinus reddit iJolidos et 6 denarioSi et i^ acra frati. Valuit et valet 7 libr^. 7. Idem epifcopus tenet "Wintreburne. Lejfida tenuit T, R.E. et geldabat pro 2 bidis et dimidio. Terra eji 2 carucat^e. De bac terra in dominio eft bida et dimidium, et ibi i carucata et ijervi. Ibi 5 villanif et unus cotarius et 4 bordarii cum I carucata. Ibi molinus reddit 12 fo lidos et 6 denariosy et 20 acra pafturee, Valuit 30 Jolidi quando recepit epijcopus. Modo 4 libra. VI. Terra [ 93 ] It was then aflefled at 5 hides. Here are 8 ploughlands. Twoofthefe hides are in de- mefne, where are 2 ploughlands and 4 fervants. Six villagers and 6 borderers occupy 5 plough- lands. The niill pays 7 fhillings and fixpence. Here are 15 acres of meadow. It was, and is, worth 7 pounds. 7. The fame bifhop holds Wintreburne, Leffida held it T. R. E. and'it was afleffed at a hides and a half. Here are 2 ploughlands. One hide and a half is in demefne, where is i ploughland and 1 fervants. Five villagers, I cottager, and 4 borderers occupy i plough- land. The mill pays 1 2 fhillings and fixpence, and here are 20 acres of paflure. When the bifhop took poffefTion of it, it was valued . at 30 fhillings. It is now worth 4 pounds. VI. Lands [ 94 ] 4 VI. Terra Episgopi Lisiagensis. I i Epifceptts Lffiacenjis tenet Etone. Leuenvt tenuit T.R.E. et geldabat pro i hidii ^t 3 vir- gotis, Terfa i4 ] tejiificant taint ad ecclefiam dehere fertinere^ et ahbas calumniatur earn, 14. Ifja ecclefia tenet Devrel. T.R.E. gelda- hat pro 10 hidis. Terra ejl 9 carucata. De hac terra Junt in dominio 5 hid^y et ihi 3 carucata et 1 Jervi, Ibi 14 villani et 24 bordarii et 12 cotarii cum 6 carucatis. Ibi 3 molini reddunt 14 Jolidos et 10 denarios, Et 6 acra prati. Paf- tura dimidium leuc [ "7 ] VIII. Lands of the Church oe? Malmesbury. 1. The church of St. Mary at Malmefbury holds Hiwei. It was affeffed T.R.E. at ii hides. There are 6 ploughlands. Three of them are in demefne. Three villagers, 6 borderers, and 4 cottagers, with i fervant, occupy the other 3 ploughlands. Here are 15 acres of meadow, and the fame quantity of pafture. It was valued at 100 fhillings j now at 8 pounds, 2. The fame church holds Dantejie. It was affefled T. R. E. at 10 hides. Here are 6 ploughlands. Robert holds it of the abbot. Alward, who held it of the abbot T.R.E. could not be called from the fervice of the church. Two ploughlands and 2 fervants are in demefne. And 10 villagers and 14 cot- tagers occupy the other 4 ploughlands. The mill pays 20 fhillings. Here are 12 acres of I 3 meadow. [ "8 ] 3- Jfja ecdefia tenet Sumreford, et Gunfridus de abbate. 2". R. E. geldabat pro 5 hidis, Alwardus qui temit 'T. R.E, non poterat ab ecclejia Jeparari, 1'erra eft 6 carucata. Tie hac terra Junt 1 hid38 ] De bac terra Junt in dominio lo htd^y et ibi 4 tarucat^e ^/ 13 JervL Ibi 40 viilaniet 13 cofcez cum 15 carucatis. Ibi 1 acr^ prati. Silva una leuca longai et dimidiam leuc [ H9 ] and they have among them 9 ploughlands. Edward the fherifFhas j'ploughlands in the lands of the villagers. The demefne of the abbefs is valued at 30 pounds, and that of the military men at 13 pounds. 3. The fame church holds Dimeheve. It was aflefled T.R.E. at 40 hides. Here are 32 ploughlands. Twelve of thefe hides are in demefne, where are 1 ploughlands. Thirty- five villagers and 25 borderers occupy 25 ploughlands. Eight mills pay 66 fhillings and 8 pence. Here are 15 acres of meadow. The pafture is i mile and a half fquare. The wood is 3 quarters of a mile long, and i quarter broad. Turftinus holds 6 hides of this land, and a certain military man i hide, both of which contain 6 ploughlands. They who held thefe hides T.R.E. could not be removed from the church. The demefne of the abbefs is valued at 22 pounds j and that of the men at 10 pounds; and it was formerly of the fame value. . . L 3 4. The [ Jjo ] 4. Ifja ecclefia tenet Bradeford. T, R. E. geldabat fro 42 hidis. 'terra eft 40 carucata. Be hac terra Junt in dominio 13 hidtey et ihi 8 carucata et (^Jerviy et \% coliherti, Ihi ^d vil- lani et 40 bordarii cum 32 carucatis, Et ibi 11 porcarii. Et 22 hurgenjes reddunt ^SJ^^^^^^ ^^ 9 denarios. Et unus Jervientum reddit 7 Jexta- rios m el lis. Ibi 1 molini reddunt 3 libras. Mer^ cat urn reddit 45 Jolidos. Ibi una arpenna vinea. Et ^o acr^f prati, Paftura 11 qua rantenalonga et 3 lata, Silva dimidium leuca kngum et 2 quarantena lata. 5; Jd eundem tnanerium Bradeford pertinet Alveftonc. T.R.E, geldabat pro y bidis, ex-^ eeptis 4a Juperioribus hidis. Terra eft 6 carucata, De hac terra Junt in dominio 4 hida, et ibi 3 ca- rueata. Totum Bradeford cum appendicibus valuU et valet 60 libra, 6. Ip/s [ '5? ] 4. The fame church holds Bradeford. It was afll'fled T. R. E. at 42 hides. Here are 40 ploughlands. Thirteen of thefe hides are in demefne, where are 8 ploughlands and 9 fer- vants, and 18 filhermen. Thircy-fix villagers and 40 borderers occupy the other 32 plough- lands. Here are 11 hog-keepers. Twenty- three burgages pay 35 ihillings and 9 pence. And I qi the holders pays 7 quarts of honey. Two mills pay 3 pounds. The market pays 45 fhillings. Here is an arpen of vines, and 50 acres of meadow. The paflure is a mile and 3 furlongs in length, and 3 furlongs broad. The wood is 3 quarters of a mile long, and a quarter of a mile broad. 5. To the faid manor oi Bradeford belongs Alvejlone* It was affelTed T.R.E. at 7 hides, befides the above-mentioned 42 hides. Here are 6 ploughlands. Four of the hides are in demefne, where are 3. ploughlands. The whole of Bradeford, with it's appendages, was, and is, valued at 60 pounds. L4 6. The [ 152 ] ^ 6. Ip/a ecclefm tenet Ledentone. T.R,E. geldabat pro 38 bidis, 'Terra eji 16 carucat where are 2 ploughlands. One villager and 16 borderers occupy the other ploughland. M 4 Two [ >68 ] ACT a prati. Ei 9 acra fafiura, Valuit 3 lihr<^ tnodo 4 libr^t. 13. Ipja ecclefia tenet Langeford. 'T,R,E. geldabat pro 3 bidis. terra eji 1 carucata. Has habent ihi duo Angli cum 1 bordariis et 1 Jervis. Ibi molinus reddit 5 Jolidos, Et 2^ acr,e prati, Et 20 acra pajiura. Valuit 40 Jolidi, Modo 50 Jolidi, Pater eorum qui nunc tenent tenuit T, R. E. nee pot nit ab ecclefia Jeparari, 14. Ipja ecclefia tenet Ocheforde. T.R.E, geldabat 4 bidis. Terra eft 3 carucata, Dt hac terra funt in dominio 3 bid^ et ibi i caru- cata. Ibi 2 villani et 4 bordarii cum i carucata, Ibi molinus reddit 5 folidos. Et 6 acr<:e prati, Valuit ^ofolidi, modo 6ofolidi, 15. Ipfa [ i69 ] Two mills pay 24 fhillings. Here are 8 acres of meadow, and 9 acres of paflure. It was valued at 3 pounds s now at 4. 13. The fame church holds Langeford, It was afTeffed T. R. E. at 3 hides. Here are 2 ploughlands. Two EngliHimen poflefs them, with 2 borderers and 2 fervants. The mill pays 5 fhillings. Here are 25 acres of mea- dow, and 20 acres of paflure. It was valued at 40 fhillings j now at 50. The father of thefe Englifhmen held it T. R. E. and could not be removed from the church. 14. The fame church holds Ocheforde, It was alTefTed T.R.E. at 4 hides. Here are 3 ploughlands. Three hides are in demefne, where is i ploughland. Two villagers and 4 borderers occupy i ploughland. The mill pays 5 fhillings, and here are 6 acres of mea- dow. It was valued at 40 fhillings; now at 60. 15. The [ 170 ] t^. Tpfa ecclejia tenet dimidium bid7S ] 20. The fame church holds Lauvrecejioches. It was aiTefTed T.R.E. at i hides. Here are 3 ploughlands. One hide is in demefne, where is I ploughland. Six villagers and 8 borderers occupy 2 ploughlands. The mill pays 7 (hil- lings and fixpence, and here are 18 acres of pafture. It was valued at 1 00 fhillings ; now at 6 pounds. The fourth part of this manor lies in the King's foreft. The fam^ church formerly held 2 hides there, which Toret had given with his 2 daughters, who were always poITeflcd of them till the bifhop of Bayeux unjuftly deprived the church of them. The whole of the rents which the church receives from the borough of Wilton are valued at 10 pounds, 17 (hillings, and fixpence. XIV. Lands of the Church of St. Mary at Winchester. I. The church of St. Mary at Winchefter holds Jerchesfonte. It was a(re(red T. R. E. at 30 hides. [ 176 ] Jerchesfontc. iT. R. E. geldabat pro 30 bidis, Terra eft 20 carucat, De bac terra Junt in do- minio 6 bid^, et ibi 7 caruxata et I'j fervi. Ibi 22 villani et 16 bordarii et 6 cotarii cum 9 caru- catis. Ibi 3 tnolini reddunt 11 jolidos et 3 de^ narios, / 64 acra prati. Paftura i leuca longa et dimidium leuc^e latum, et tantundemfilva, De eddem terra tenet Edwardus hidam et dimi- dium, et tertiam partem dimidii bid or park, belonging to it. [ 2IS ] and lialf a mill pays 30 pence. Here are 5 acres of meadow. It rs worth 20 fhillings. Harding held T. R, E. tbefe 6 manors. 7. Jlentone was affefled T.R.E. at 4 hides. Here are 2 ploughlands. Two hides and a half are in demefne, where is i ploughland and 3 fervants. One villager and 4 cottagers oc- cupy I ploughland. The mill pays 2p fhil- lings. Here are 5 acres of meadow. The pafture is 3 furlongs in length, and i broad. The Earl Harold held this manor. There are 4 other hides in the fame manor, which the Earl Harold unjuftl.y withheld from the church of Ambrefbury, according to the teftimony of the County Court; but at prefent the church enjoys them. 8. Elecome was aflefled T.R.E. at 27 hides. Here are 8 ploughlands. Twenty-four hides are in demefne, where are 2 ploughlands and 6 fervants. Three villagers and 14 borderers P 4 occupy [216] it 7. 'terra efi 8 carucat^, De hac terra funt in dominio 24 hid^t et ibi 1 carucat^e et 6 Jervi, Ibi 3 villani et i^ bordarii cum 3 carucatis. Ibi 60 acrafrati et tantundem pajlura, Et 20 acr^e Jilva. Valu}t 27 librae j modf> 20 libra, 9. Stradford geldabat ^ 13 hidis. Terra eji 7 carucata. Tie hac terra Junt in da- fhinio 9 hida et una virgata terra^ et ibi 1 caru^ cata et 7 Jervi, Ibi 6 villani, et 4 bordarii et 10 cofcez cum 4 carucatis. Ibi 2 molini reddunt l"] Jolidos et 6 denarios. / 15 acra prati. Et 2 acra pafiura juxta flumen, et alia pajlura, i leuca longa et 6 quaranten^s. In Wiltune i bur- genfis reddit 20 denarios pertinens huic maneria^ Valet 20 libra. IG. Gefllc geldabat 7*. i2. E. pre 10 /&/ now at JO. 12. Robert holds Uelmerintone under Er- nulfus. Afchil held^ it T.R.E. and it was aflefled { 266 J Terra ejk i carucata qua ihi eft cum 3 cofcez. Iki tnolinus reddit 7 JoUdos et 6 denarios. Et $ acr^ ^ratiy et i ^cra pajluray et, 8 acrta.* Valuit 2^Jolidiy modo ^Jolidi, 14, I^ Emulfm tenet Celdrintone. Seivi tenuit 7'.^,. et geldabat pro i hida. Terra efi 1 carucata qua ibi efi cum i cofcet. Et paftura 2 quarantena longa^ et i liita.* Valuit 2^/olidi^ modg ^qJoUdi.^ 15. Godricus tenet de Emulfo in Celdrintone I bid<^m, 4lwnm et Vluricus temermtt T,R.E^ pro [ 267 ] afleffed at i hide. There is i ploughland with 3 cottagers. The mill lets for 7 Ihillings and fixpence. There are 6 acres of meadow, i acre of pafture, and 8 acres of wood. It was valued at 15 (hillings ; now at 30. 13. Ulward rents Celdrintone of Ernul,fus. He himfclf held it T. R. E. and it was aflefled at I hide, and 4 acres. There is i plough- land, which is in demefne. The paftufe is in length 2 furlongs, and in breadth i. It was valued at 25 Ihillings ; now at 40. 14. Ernulfus himfelf holds Celdrintone, Sewi held it T.R.E. and it was aflefled at i hidr?. There is i ploughland with i cottager. Th^ pafl:ure is a quarter of a mile long, and a fur- long broad. It wa? valued at ^5 Ihillings j now at 40. 15. Godricus holds under Erntjlfus i hide in Celdrintone, Alwinus and Uluricus held i^ T.R.E. [ 268 ] fro 1 maneriiSi et pro i bida geldabat. Terra eft I carucata et dimidiumy et tantum eft ibi cum 1 cofcez. Ibi paftura i quaranten^ ^ong^, et I lata. Valuit lofolidi j modo ^ojolidi. 1 6. Robertus tenet de Ernulfo Bechenehilde. Turgot tenuit T. R. E, et geldabat pro i hida. Terra eft dimidium carucata, Ibi eft i cojcet. Et 6 acra pratiy et 6 acr Sumref or d of Humphrey. Edwinus held it T, R. E. apd it was afTeffed at 3 hides and 34 acres. There are 3 plough- X lands. t 306 ] ih dominio 1 hida* Ibi 1 6 cofcez et 7 bordcrii habent 1 carucatas. Et tertia pars molini reddit ^ Jo lidos, Et 10 acr^ prati, Pajlura 3 qua^ rantena longa et i lata. In Malmejberie unus burgenfts reddit 1 2 denarios, Valuit et valet 60 Jolidi, II. Elhertus tenet de Hunfrido Smitecote. Sawinus tenuit T,R.E. et geldabat pro 5 hidis. Terra eft 4 carucata, "De ea Junl in dominio 1 hida et dimidiuntt et ibi 3 carucate ea Junt in dominio 8 hidie, et ihi a carucatie et ijervi. Et i villani et 7 bordarU cum I carucata. Ihi molinus reddit 15 folidos, Et 4 acr^e prati, et 10 acra pajiura^ et 8 afr ftlva, Valtiit et valet 8 libra. %o. Rannulfus tenet de Hunfrido Hantonc yigar tenuit T.R.E. et geldabat pre 10 bidis. Terra eft 4 carucata. De eajunt in dominio 6 hiday et ihi i carucata cum i Jerv9. Et 4 vil- lani et 6 bordarii cum 1 carucatis. Ihi 1 1 acra pratiy et \\ acra paftura, Valuit et valet 100 Jolidi, 21. Turchitil tenet de Hunfrido Bedeftonc. Jluric tenuit T. R, E. et geldabat pro i hida et I virgata. Terra eft . Jbijunt 4 cojcez et 3 acra prati. Et 2 acra ftlva, Valuit \o Jolidi j modo lojolidi, 11. Hugo [ 315 ] Here are 4 ploughlands. Eight of the hides are in demefne, where are 2 ploughland3 and a fervants. Two villagers and 7 borderers oc- cupy I plougliland. The mill pays 15 fhillings. Here are 4 acres of meadow, and 10 acres of paflure, and 10 acres of wood. It was, and is, worth 8 pounds. 20. Ranulfus holds Hantone of Humphrey. Vlgarheld it T.R.E. and it was aflefTed at la hides. Here are 4 ploughlands. Six hides are in demefne, where is i ploughland and i fcrvant. Four villagers and 6 borderers occupy 2 ploughlands. Here are 12 acres of meadow, and 14 acres of pafture. It was, and is, worth joo fhillings. 21. Turchitil holds Bedejione of Humphrey. Aluric held it T. R. E. and it was aflefled at i hide and a yardland. Here are Four cottagers belong to it ; and here are 3 acres of rrieadow, and 2 acres, of wood. It was valued at 10 fhillings 5 now at 20, 22. Hugo [ 3>6 ] 21. Hugo tenet de Hunfrido Heortham. Godric tenuit T. R, E. et geldabat fro i hida, 'Terra efi dimidium carucatie. Et ibi Junt i cojcez. Et 2 acr^ pratij et 7 acra pajiur^, et 1 acra filvJolidi; modo 12 jolidi. 23. Jp/e Hunfridus tenet Come. Svain tenuit T.R.E. et geldabat pro 10 hidis. Terra eft 10 carucatcS, De ea Junt in dominio 5 hidte^ una virgata minus y et ibi 4 carucatcc et i^ Jervi. Et 5 villaniy et 7 bordarii, et 5 cotarii cum 6 carucatis, Ibi 3 molini reddunt 31 folidos et 6 denarios. Et 12 acr^e prati, Silva 1 leuca longa et dimidium leuca latum. In Wiltune i burgenfis reddit 5 folidos. Et 2 burgenjes in Malmejberie reddunt 18 denarios, Valuit et valet 10 libra. 24. Robertus tenet de Hunfrido Soreftone. Godus tenuit T. R, E, et geldabat pro 6 hidis et dimidio. [ 3^7 ] 22. Hugo holds Heortham of Humphrey. Godric held it T.R.E. and it was aflrefTed at I hide. Here is half a ploughland, and 2 cot- tagers. Here are 2 acres of meadow, 7 acres ofpafture, and 2 acres of wood. It was valued at 8 (hillings i now at 12. 23. Humphrey himfelf holds C(?w^. Svarn held it T. R. E. and it was aflfefTed at 10 hides. Here are 10 ploughlands. Five hides, wanting a yardland, are in demcfne, where are 4 plough- lands and .13 fervants. Five villagers, 7 bor- derers, and 5 cottagers, occupy 6 ploughlands. Three mills pay 31 fhillings and fixpence. Here are 12 acres of meadow. The wood is a mile and a half long, and 3 quarters of a mile broad. A burgage in Wiltune pays 5 fliiilings, and 2 burgages in Malmefberie pay 18 pence. It was, and is, worth 10 pounds. 24. Robertus holds Sorejlone of Humphrey. Godus held it T.R.E. and. it was afTefTed at 6 hides [ 38 ] dimidio. Terra eft 5 carucata, De ea Junt in dominio 3 b'tda et dimidium, et ibi 3 carucata et 2 Jervi, Et 3 villani et 9 bordarii cum 2 caru- eatis. Ibi 1 molini reddunt 10 folidos. Et 6 acr^e prati, et 10 acra Jilv minute, Valuit 3 libra } modo 4 libra. 25. Ip/e Hunfridus tenet Hardicote. Aluric tenuit T. R. E, et geldabat pro 3 hidis^ Terra eft 4 carucata, De eajunt in dominio 1 hida^ et ibi 2 carucata cum i /ervo. Et 1 villani et 12 bordarii cum 2 carucatis, Ibi molinus reddit 6 fclidos. Et 6 acra prati, et 8 acra paftura. Valuit AfOfolidi \ modo Sojolidi, 26. Ip/e Hunfridus tenet Fiftefbcric. Edricus tenuit T.R.E. et geldabat pro 3 hidis. Terra eft 4 carucata. De ea Junt in dominio 2 hida, tt ibi I cantcata et 3 /ervi, Et 4 villani, et 1 bordarii, [ 3^9 ] hides and a half. Here are 5 ploughlands. Three hides and a half are in demefne, where are 3 ploughlands and 2 fervants. Three vil- lagers and 9 borderers occupy 2 ploughlands. Two mills pay 10 (hillings. Here are 6 acres of meadow, and 10 acres of coppice. It was valued at 3 pounds ; now at 4. 25. Humphrey himfelf holds Hardicote, Aluric held it T.R.E. and it was aflefled at 3 hides. Here are 4 ploughlands. Two hides are in demefne, where are 2 ploughlands and i fervant. Two villagers and 12 borderers oc- cupy 2 ploughlands. The mill pays 6 (hil- lings. Here are 6 acres of meadow, and 8 acres of pafture. It was valued at 40 Shillings i now at 60. 26. Humphrey himfelf holds Fijiejberie, Edricus held it T.R.E. and it was afTefTed at 3 hides. Here are 4 ploughlands. Two hides are in demefne, where is i ploughland and 3 fervants. [ 320 ] bordarii, et l colibertiy cum 3 carucath. Ihi 12 acra frati, Silva 2 quaranien^ long^, et i lata, Valuit 40 Jolidii mo do ^o/olidi. 1-j. Gozelinus tenet de Hunfrido in Meleford dimidium hid^ terr^e et -pro tanto geldabat T.R.E, Sawoid et Sazvardus tenuerunt. Terra eft i ca^ rucata, Ibi Junt 6 cotarii et 3 acr< prati, Valuit 15 denarii; modo 7 Jolidi, Medietas bujus terra eft in ^ for eft a regis. XXVin. Terra Milonis Crispini. I. Milo Crijpin tenet de rege Wodcton. Levenod tenuit 'T, R. E, et geldabat pro 1 2 bidis, Terra eft ii carucata. De ea Junt in dominio 6 bid.ey et ibi 3 carucata et 5 fervi. Jtt 1 1 v/V- lani et i^ bordarii cum 6 carucatis, Ibi /nolinus reddit * Perhaps, Clarendon, [ 321 ] fervants. Four villagers, i borderers, and it freedmen, occupy the other 3 ploughlands. Here are 12 acres of meadow. The wood is 1 furlongs in length, and i broad. It was valued at 40 fhillings ; now at 50. 2,7. Gozelinus holds half a hide of land of Hurtiphrey m Meleford, and T. R. E. it was aflefled at fo much. Sawold and Sawardus for- merly held it. Here is i ploughland. Here are 6 cottagers, and 3 acres of meadow. It was valued at 15 pence ; now at 7 fhillings. The moiety of this land is in the King's foreft. XXVIII. Lands of Milo Crispin. I. Milo Crifpin holds Wodeton of the King. Levenod held it T.R.E. and it was affcfled at 12 hides. Here are 12 ploughlands. Six hides are in demefne, where are 3 ploughlands and 5 fervants. Eleven villagers and 14 borderers y occupy [ 322 ] reddit 30 denarios. Et 24 acr^ prati, et ^3 acra faftura, Silva 2 leuca longa; et i leuca lata. In Malmejberie una domiis reddit 13 de- narios, Valuit 10 librae \ modo 9 libra. 1. Rainaldus tenet de Milone Cilletonc. Comes Heraldus tenuit T^^R. E. et geldabat pro I o hidis, Terra ejl 12 carucata, De eajunt in dominio 6 hida et dimidium, et ibi 2 carucata et 2 Jervi. Et 7 villani et 10 co/cez cum 5 carucatis, Ibi 2 molini reddunt 40 Jolidos. Et pratum 2 quarantena longa et una lata^ et tantundem paj- iur^e, Silva i leuca longa et 2 quarantena lata, Valuit 12 libra 'y modo 10 libra. 3. Hunfridus tenet de Milone Clive. Heraldus tenuit T. R.E. et geldabat pro' ^ hidis, Terra eft 2 car uc at a, De eajunt in dominio 3 hida et di' midiumy [ 323 ] occupy 6 ploughlands. The mill pays 30 pence. Here are 24 acres of meadow, and 33 acres of pafture. The wood is 3 miles long, and I mile and a half broad. A houfe in Malmefberiepays 13 pence. It has been valued at 10 pounds j now at 9 pounds. 1. Rainaldus holds of Milo Cilletone. Earl Harold held it T.R.E. and it was afleffed at 10 hides. Here are 12 ploughlands. Six hides and a half are in demefne, where are 2 plough- lands and 2 fervants. Seven villagers and 10 cottagers occupy 5 ploughlands. Two mills pay 40 fliillings. The meadow is 2 furlongs in length, and i broad j and there is the fame quantity of pafture. The wood is a mile and a half long, and 2 furlongs broad. It has been valued at 12 pounds ; now at 10. 3. Humphrey holds of Milo C/Z-y^. Harold held it T.R.E. and it was aflefled at 5 hides. Here are 2 ploughlands. Three hides and a Y 2 half [ 324 ] midiumy et ibi i carucata cum ifervo. Ibi 3 villani et 4 bordarii et i cotarius cum dimidio carucatie, Ibi 20 acra pratiy et 12 acr^ pajlur^, Valuit 30 Jolidi ; ^nodo 50 Jolidi, In eddem Clive tenet Milo i hidam. Terra dimidium ca- rucat^. Valet 6 Jolidi. ^n tenebat T.R.E. poterat ire ad quern dominum volebat. 4. Turchetil tenet de Milonelakhcote. Godric tenuit T. R. E. et geldabat pro 1 hida et una virgata. Terra eft dimidium carucata qua ibi eft cum I bordario. Ibi 4 acra prati, et tottdem paftura, et totidemjpineti. Valet 10 Jolidi 5. Rainbaldus tenet de Milone in Walecot 2 hi das et dimidium, Alnod tenuit T.R.E. et ibi" dem 3 lit gat a terra quas tenuit Levenot T.R.E. Totum valet 22 Jolidi. 6. Rai- [ 3^5 ] half are in demefne, where is i ploughland and I fervant. Three villagers, 4 borderers, and I cottager, occupy half a ploughland. Here are 20 acres of meadow, and 12 acres of pafture. It was valued at 30 Ihillings ; now at 50. Milo holds i hide an the fame Clive, Here is half a ploughland. It is worth 6 Ihil- lings. The man who held it T.R.E. might ferve under any lord that he might chufe. 4. Turchetil holds of Milo L///^^I^^- ^t 5 villani et 3 bordarii cum 2 carucatis, Et 2 cotarii, 3i 5 acr^ prafij et 5 acrajilva. Valuit et va- let 4 libra. Unam virgatam terr^e in ifja villa calumniatur unus miles Crijpini Milonis, 6. Ipfe Durandus tenet Locherige. Elmar tenuit T.R.E. et reddidit geldam pro 1 hidis, ft err a eft i carucata. De hac eft in dominio i hida. Ihi I villanus et 1 bordarii cum ijervo, Et una acra prati, et 12 acra pafttira, et 6 acra filv<, Valuit /^o/olidi ; modo ^o jolidi. 7. Hermannus tenet de Durando Lochintone. Comes Heraldus tenuit T. B. E. et getdahat pra 4 hidis. Terra eft 5 carucata. Be ea Junt in dominio 2 hida et ibi 2 carucata cum i fervo, Mf 6 villani et 8 bordarii cum 2 carucatis. Ibi molinus [ 345 ] Three hides are in demefne, where are 2 ploughlands and 3 fervants. Five villagers and 3 borderers occupy 2 ploughlands. Here are 2 cottagers ; 5 acres of meadow, and 5 acres of wood. It was, and is, worth 4 pounds. One of Milo's military holders claims a yard- land in the fame village. *&* 6. Durandus himfelf holds Z-of/^otdiirii cum 4 carucatis. Ibi molinus reddit 5 Jolidos. Et 7 acro! frati. Paftura dimidium leUca lon^umy ef 3 fuarantena lata, Silva 4 [ 407 ] Two hides are in demefne, where are i plough- lands and 4 fervants. Two villagers and 3 borderers occupy the other ploughland. The mill pays 6 fhillings. It was valued at 30 (hillings ; now at 40. XL VI. Bernardus Pancevolt holds Ferfiesfeld, God- winus held it T.R.E. and it was aflefTed at a yardland and a half. Here is half a plough- land. It is worth 5 fhillings. XLVII.LandsofBerengerGiffard. I . Berenger holds of the King Fontel. Euing held it T.R.E. and it was aflefled at 5 hides. Here are 7 ploughlands. One hide is in de- mefne, where are 3 ploughlands and 4 fervants. Six villagers and 16 borderers occupy 4 plough- lands. The mill pays 5 fhillings. Here are 7 acres of meadow. The paflure is 3 quarters Dd 4 of [ 4o8 ] quaranten wanting a yardland. Here are 4 ploughlands. Two hides and a yardland are in dcniefne, where are 3 ploughlands and 2 fervants. Sixteen cottagers and 3 borderers occupy I ploughland. Two mills pay ^'^ fhiilings and fixpence. Here are 15 acres of meadow, and the fame quantity of paflure. The wood is 3 furlongs in length, and 1 broad. Two burgages in Calne pay 20 pence. It was valued at4poundsi now at 100 fhiilings. 2. The fame Ricardus holds I'roi. It was aireflfedT.R.E. at 7 hides and a half. Here are 4 ploughlands. Five hides are in demefne, where are 3 ploughlands, and there arc 3 vil- lagers with I ploughland. Here are 2 acres of meadow^ and thepafture is half a mile long, and t 442 ] Valiiii 100 Jolidi i modo '] lihrtg. Hanc terram tenehat San^a Maria de JViltune T,R.E. et non ^oterat ah ecdefia Jeparari, LIX. Terra Roberti Marescal. I. Rohertus Marefcal tenet de rege Laven- tone. Eddid Regina tentiit et geldabat pro 1 5 bidis. Terra eft \o carucata, De ea Junt in dominio 7 kid<:e, et ibi 4 carucates et 7 Jervi, Et 14 villani et ij hordarii cum 5 carucatis. Ibi 2 mo lint reddunt \6 Jolidos et 4 denarios, Et 20 acra pratiy et 12 acra filv which is in demefne with i vil- lager. It is worth 10 fhillings. 5. Briflric holds Farlege, and his brother holds it of him. It was afleffed T.R.E. at 5 hides. Here are 4 ploughlands. One plough- land is in demefne and 4 fervants. Five vil- lagers and 3 borderers occupy the other 3 ploughlands. Here are 20 acres of pallure, and 3 acres of wood. It is worth 70 Ihillings. 6. Bridlric holds TFochefie. His father held it T.R.E. and it was aiTefled at 10 hides. Here are 6 ploughlands. Two ploughlands are in demefne with 10 fervants. Six villagers and 12 cottagers occupy 4 ploughlands. The mill pays 5 fhillings. Here are 40 acres of meadow j 30 acres of pafturci and the wood is a mile and a half long, and 3 quarters of a mile broad. It has been valued at 8 pounds j now only at 6. 7. Brie- [ 462 ] 7. Bri5iri tenet Straburg. Pater ejus tenuit TR.E, et geldabat fro lobidis, Terra eft 9 carucata. In dominiojunt 1 carucata et 'j Jerui, Et 1 1 villani et 6 cojcez cum 7 carucatis, Ibi molinus reddit 10 folidos, Et 10 acra prati, Et 12 acra paftiirof. Silva 5 quaranten^ longa^ et 3 latcE. Valuit 4 libra j modo 8 libra. 8. Bri^ric tenet Stavretone. Pater ejus tenuit T.R.E, et geldabat pro 5 bidis. Terra eft 3 carucata. In dominio Junt 1 carucata et 7 fervi. Et 3 villani et 1 cojcez cum i carucata, Ibi molinus reddit 10 folidos. Et 20 acra prati, et 20 acra paftura. Valet "jojolidi. 9. BriSlric tenet Odcftochtc, Pater ejus tenuit T.R.E, et geldabat pro 12 hidis. Terra eft 6 carucata. In dominio eft x carucata et '3 Jervi. t 463 ] 7. Briflric holds Straburg, His father held it T.R.E. and it was aflefled at 10 hides. Here are 9 ploughlands. Two ploughlands arc in demefne with 7 fervants. Eleven vil- lagers and 6 cottagers occupy 7 ploughlands. The mill pays 10 fhillings. Here are 10 acres of meadow; 12 acres of pafture; and the wood is 5 furlongs in length, and 3 broad. It was valued at 4 pounds; now at 8. 8. Briflric holds Stavretone. His father held it T. R. E. and it was aflefled at 5 hides. Here are 3 ploughlands. Two ploughlands and 7 fervants are in demefne. Three vil- lagers and 1 cottagers occupy i ploughland. The mill pays 20 fliillings. Here are 20 acres of meadow, and 20 acres of pafture. It is worth 7ofliillings. 9. Briftric holds Odejlochte. His father held it T.R.E. and it was aflefled at 12 hides. Here are 6 ploughlands. One ploughland with [464 ] ' Jervi. Et 9 villani et 16 cofcez cum 2 carucatis et dimidio, Ibi mvlinus reddtt 7 Jolidos et 6 de- narios. Et 40 acr^e prati. Pajlura i leuca longa, et 3 quarantena lata. Et in alia parte 5 acra pajlurce. Silva 3 quarantena longa, et 3 lata. In Wiltune i hurgenfis reddit 12 dena^ rios. Valet 10 libra. 10. Bri^ric et Alwif rater ^us tenent Coles- feldc. T.R. E. geldabat pro i hida et dimidio. ^erra ejl i carucata qua ibi eft cum 3 cojcez.. Ibi 1 quarantena ftlva minuta. Valet lojolidi. 1 1 . Alward tenet 3 hidas in Potcrne. y. R. E. geldabat cum manerio epijcopi. 'Terra eft 3 caru- cata. In dominio eft una. Et 3 villani et 4 bordarii cum 1 carucatis. Ibi 4 qua- rantena longa, et 3 lata. Valet 70 Jolidi. Epifcofus Ofmundns calumniatur. 12. Al" [ 46s ] with 3 fcrvants is in demefnc. Nine villagers and 1 6 cottagers occupy 2 ploughlands and a half. The mill pays 7 fhillings and fixpence. Here are 40 acres of meadow. The pafture is a mile and a half long, and 3 furlongs broad. And there are 5 acres of pafture at fome dif- tance from the reft. The wood is 3 furlongs fquare. A burgage in Wiltune pays 12 pence. It is worth 10 pounds. 10. Briftric, and Alwi his brother, hold Colesfelde.- It was aflcffed T. R. E. at i hide and a half. Here is i ploughland, which is in demefne with 3 cottagers. Here are 2 fur- longs of coppice. It is worth jo ftiillings. 11. Alward holds 3 hides in Poterne. It was afTeffed T. R. E. with the manor of the bifhop. Here are 3 ploughlands. One of them is io demefne ; and 3 villagers and 4 borderers oc- cupy the other 2. The is half a mile long, and 3 furlongs broad. It is worth 70 fhillings. BifliopOfmund claims thefe hides. Hh 12. Al- . [ 466 ] 12. Alwardus tenet i hidam in Tidulfhidc. ^erra eft i carucata qu^e ibi eft, et i quarantena faftnrce. VaUt lojolidi. I J. Mward tenet Svaloclive. 7*. R, E. gel- dabat fro 3 hidisy dimidium virgata minus. ^erra eft 1 carucata et dimidium, Villani tenent. Valet 2ojolidi. 14. Jl'U;ard tenet Cxinuchc. T.R.E. gelda^ hat pro^ hidis. Terra eft 3 carucata. In dO" minio eft i carucata et 3 Jervi, Et 4 villani et 3 bordarii cum 1 carucatis. Ibi molinus reddit 1 5 Jolidos, Et 5 acra prati, Paftura dimidium leuc^ longum, et una quarantena lata. Valet 4 libra. '15. Aluric de Melchejam tenet de rege Wivlcs- ford. Bri/mar tenuit T.R.E, et geldabat pro 5 hidis. Terra eft 1 carucata et dimidium, qu^ ibi [ 467 3 12. Alv/ardus holds i hide In 'Tidulfhide, Here is I ploughland, \Vhich is in demefncj and 1 furlong of pafture. It is worth 16 Ihillings. . 13. A\^d.rd \\o\qs Svaloclive. It was aflTefled T.R.E. at 3 hides, wanting ayardland. Here is I ploughland, which the villagers occupy. It Is worth 30 fhillings. 14. Alward holds Cunuche. It was affefled T.R.E. at 4 hides. Here are 3 ploughlands. One ploughland and 3 fervants is In demefne. Four villagers and 3 borderers occupy the other 2 ploughlands. The mill pays 15 fliiliings. Here are 5 acres of meadow ; and the pafture is 3 quarters of a mile long, and a furloug broad. It is worth 4 pounds. 15. Alurlc de Melchefam holds of the King Wivlesford, Brifmar held it T. R. E. and it was aflcffed at 5 hides. Here are 2 plough- H h 2 lands [ 468 ] ihi Junt cum lo bordariis, Ibi 8 acrte prati. Tajlura 5 quarantena long^, et i lata. Valuit 100 Jolidi ; modo % ^Jolidi. Edwardus tenet in vadimonio. 16. Aluric tenet Parlegc. Brifmar tenuit T,R.E. et geldabat pro 5 hidis. 'Terra eft 4 carucata. In dominio eft i carucata et \Jervu Et 5 villani et 3 bordarii cum 3 carucatis^ Ibi 20 acr^e pafturaftura, Valuit 20 Jolidi-, piodo ^ojoli4i. 16. Anjr r s^s 3 holders, 2 hides. Here is i ploughland, and 2 borderers, and i villager. The paftnre is 2 furlongs fquare. It was valued at 20 Ihillings; now at 50. Edward the Iheriff" holds a yard- land which appertains to thefe 3 hides. 14. Herveus holds Rotefelde, Earl Harold held it T.R.E. and it was a/Tefled at 2 hides. Here is i ploughland, which is in demefne. Here are 5 borderers. Here are 8 acres of meadow ; and the pafture is 2 furlongs in length, and i broad. It was valued at ^P ihillings ; now at 40, 15. Tedbaldus and Hunfridus hold PVidc- hllle. Robertus, fon of Wimarc, held it, and it was afTcfled at 5 hides. Here are 5 ploughlands. Two ploughlands and 2 fervants are in demefne. Here are 6 borderers, 50 acres of meadow, and 60 acres of pafture. It was valued at ao Ihil- lings J now at 40. 16. Anf- [ 5H ] i6. Anfcbitil tenet Butremere. Godvin tenuii T,R.E. et geldabat pro dimidio virgat^e terr^e. Terra eji i hovata. Valet 40 denarii, 17. Johannes Hojiiarius tenet Rhone. Godric et Bollo tenuerunt T.R.E. et geldabat pro 5 bidis. Terra eft 4 carucattf. In dominio Junt 1 carucatce et 3 Jervi. Et 4 villani, et 1 cotarii cum dimidio carucatae, Ibi 8 acra prati. Et paftura 3 quarantena longa, et 1 lata. De bac terra tenet Turftinus i bidam, Et Fra- vjinus 1 bidam, Ibi eft i bordarius et i cotarius cum dimidio carucata. Et 1 acr^e prati. Paftura 4 quaranten