i!ii' iW THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES THE BANNATYNE MANUSCRIPT THE BAN N ATYN E MANUSCRIPT COMPILED BY GEORGE BANNATYNE 1568 VOL II PRINTED FOR THE HUNTERIAN CLUB MDCCCXCVI / SO/:- CONTENTS OF VOLUME II. PAGE The Wryttar to the Reidaris. [Bannatyne] - - i God. [Bannatyne] ...... 2 Ane most godlie mirrie and lustie Rapsodie MAIDE BE SUNDRIE LEARNED SCOTS POETS AND WRITTEN BE GeORGE BaNNATYNE IN THE TYME OF HIS Youth. I. The Benner of Pietie. Be lohine Bellentyne - 3 II. The Proheme of the Cronicule. Be lohine Bellenden 9 III. The Prollog of the Tent Bulk of Virgill. Quod Gawyne Dowglas 21 IV. Ane Ballat of the Creatioun of the Warld. Quod Sir Richart Maitland of Lethingtoun - - 27 V. The Ixxxiii. Pfahiie of Dauid. [Anon.] - - 33 VI. A Song of him lying in Poynt of Deth. [Anon.] - 35 VII. The Sawle of Man [etc.]. [Anon.] - - - 36 VIII. The Firft Salme. Quod Alexander Scott - - 39 IX. The Fyifty [firft] PHialme. Quod Scott - - 40 X. [The Tabill of Confeffioun]. Quod Dumbar - 43 XT. O moft heich and eternall King. Quod [Robert] Norvall - - 49 XII. Chrifle qui Lux es et Dies. [Anon.] - - - 52 XIII. O Hicht of Hicht, and Licht of Licht mod cleir. [Anon.] 54 XIV. Spair me, gud Lord, and mak me clene. [Anon.] 55 XV. Cum Haly Spreit moiR fuperne. [Anon.] - - 57 XVI. Ye Sonis of Men, be mirry and glaid. [Anon.] - 58 XVII. Ye that contreit bene and confefl. [Anon.] - - 60 XVIII. Ane Prayer for the Pefl. [Quod Henryfone] - 61 XIX. The Song of the Virgin Mary. [Anon.] - - 64 Ballatis of the Nativitie of Chryste. XX. Now glaidith euery Liffis Creature. [Dunbar] - 67 G4'?7i4 Vi CONTENTS. PAGE XXI. Rorate Celi defuper ! Quod Dumbar - 69 XXII. Jeiufalem reiofs for Joy. [Anon.] 71 XXIII. Haill, Goddis Sone, of Mychtis maift. [Anon.] 72 XXIV. We that ar bocht with ChryRis Blude. [Anon.] 76 XXV. Omnipotent Fader, Sone, and Haly Gaift. [Anon.] 79 XXVI. The Sterne is riffin of our Redemptioun. [Dunbar] 80 De Eius Passione quedam Cantilene. XXVII. My wofuU Hairt me lloundis throw the Vanis. [Quod Clerk] 82 XXVIII. O wondit Spreit and Saule in till Exile. [Anon.] 85 XXIX. Compacience perffis, Rewth and Mercy ftoundis. [Anon.] ------- 89 De Resurrectione. XXX. Thow that hes bene obedient. [Anon.] - - 91 XXXI. Surrexit Dominus de Sepulchro. [Dunbar] - 93 XXXII. Done is a Battell on the Dragon blak. Quod Dunbar 94 EXORTATIONIS OF ChRYST TO ALL SyNNARIS. XXXIII. O Man, remember, and prent in to thy Thocht. Quod Stewart ------ 96 XXXIV. To the hie, potent, blisfull Trinitie. [Anon.] - 10 1 XXXV. O Man, vnthankfull to thy Creator. [Anon.] - 103 XXXVI. Chryifl, crownit King and Conquerour. [Anon.] 105 XXXVII. Eternall King, that fittis in Hevin fo hie. [Anon.] 107 XXXVIII. Quhen be Devyne Deliberatioun. [Anon.] - 109 XXXIX. O Lord, my God, on quhome I do depend. [Anon.] 1 1 1 XL. O Creaturis creat of me your Creator. Quod Ledgait, monk of Bery - -^ - - 1x2 The secound Pairt of this Buk conteneand verry SINGULAR BaLLATIS, FULL OF WiSDOME AND MORALITIE, ETC. XLI. Wit. [Anon.] 117 XLII. Furth throw ane Forrefl as I fure. [Anon.] - 118 XLIII. The Prollog of the Nynt Buk of Virgell. In Commendatioun of Vertew. Quod Gawyn Dowglafs - - 1 2 2 CONTENTS, vii PAGE XLIV. Quhylome in Grece, that nobill Regioun. Quod Chawfeir - 123 XLV. Allone af I went vp and doun. Quod Robert Henryfone - - - - - - 125 XLVI. Memento, Homo, quod Cinis es ! Quod Dumbar - - - - - - -127 XLVII. O mortall Man ! remembir. Quod Lichtoun, motiicus - - - - - - -129 XLVIII. Off Lentren in the firfl Mornyng. Quod Dumbar 1 3 1 XLIX. Doun by ane Rever as I red. [Dunbar] - - 133 L. Confidder, Man, all is bot Vanitie ! [Anon.] - 136 LI. Lettres of Gold writtin I fand. Quod Wa[lter] Broun - - - - - - - 138 LII. At Matyne Houre in Midis of the Nicht. Quod Kennedy - - - - - 143 LIII. Walking allone amang thir Levis grene. [Anon.] 145 LIV. The Reffoning betuix Aige and Yowth. Quod Robert Henderfone - - - - - 149 LV. The Reffoning betuix Deth and Man. Quod Henderfone - - - - - -153 LVI. Within ane Garth, vndir a reid Rofeir. Quod Henderfone - - - - - - i5S LVn. The thre deid Pollis. Quod Patrick Johniftoun 157 LVHL Sen throvv' Vertew increffis Dignitie. [Wedderburn] - - - - - - 159 Certane Balladis agane the Vyce in Sessioun Court and all Estaitis. LIX. Ane mvrlandis Man of vplandis ALak. Quod Dumbar - - - - - - - 160 LX. Devorit with Dreme, devyfmg in my Slummer, Quod Dumbar - - - - - - 162 LXL Off every Aflcing foUowis nocht Rewaird [Difcretioun of Afking]. [Dunbar] - - 165 LXn. Difcretioun of Geving. [Dunbar] - - - 167 LXHL Difcretioun in Taking. Quod Dumbar - - 170 LXIV. Mufmg allone this hinder Nicht. Quod Dumbar 1 7 1 LXV. Sons hes bene ay exilit owt of Sicht. [Clerk] - 173 LXVI. Fredome, Honour, and Nobilnes. [Dunbar] - 175 LXVIL My Mynd quhen I compas and cafl. [Anon.] 176 viii CONTENTS. PAGE I, XVIII. How fowld I rewill nie, or quhat wyifs. Quod Dumbar - - - - - - - 178 LXIX. Foure Mener of Men ar evill to ken. [Dunbar] 180 LXX. Sumtyme this Warld fo fteidfaR was. [Dunbar] 181 LXXI. Fals Titlaris now growis vp full rank. Quod Robert Henderfone - - - - - 182 LXXI I. To dwell in Court, my Freind, gife that thow lift. Quod Dumbar 184 LXXIII. In to this Warld we fe fic Variance. [Anon.] - 186 LXXIV. Man of maift Fragilitie. [Anon.]- - - 188 LXXV. In Bittirnes of Sawill call vnto Mynd. [Anon.] 190 LXX VI. Moving in Mynd of mony diuerfs Thing. [Anon.] 191 LXXVII. Certane Preceptis of gud Counfale. [Anon.] 192 Preceptis of Medecyne. LXXVIII. Quha wald thair Bodyis hald in Heill. [Anon.] 193 LXXIX. For Helth of Body couer weill thy Held. [Lydgate] - - - - - - - 196 LXXX. Documenta [etc.]. [partly Dunbar] - - 199 LXXXI. O wrechit Man ! full of Iniquite. [Anon.] - 209 LXXXII. Memervellisofthisgrit Confufioun. [Henryfon] 213 LXXXIII. We Lordis hes chofm a Chiftane mervellus. [Dunbar] - - 215 LXXXI V. Thingis in kynd defyris Thingis lyke. [Anon.] 217 LXXXV. All rychtoufs Thing the quhilk dois now proceid. [Anon.] - - - - - 219 LXXXVI. Oft tymes is bettir hald nor len. [Anon.] - 221 LXXXVII. This Warld is all bot fenyeit fair. [Anon.] - 222 LXXXVIII. I saw ane Rob riche of Hew. [Anon.] - - 225 LXXXIX. O God ! that in Tyme all Thingis did begin. [Anon.] -----.. 227 XC. Say weill is trewly ane wirthy gud Thing. [Anon.] ------- 230 XCI. To gyd thy Tung imprent thir thre. [Anon.] 232 XCII. Suftene, abftene, keip weill in your Mynd. [Anon.] 232 XCI 1 1. Quhome to fall I complene my Wo. Quod Dumbar ------- 234 XCIV. Certane wyifs Sentences drawin furth of the Buik callit " Morall Philofafie." [Anon.] - 237 CONTENTS. ix PAGE XCV. Certane Sayingis of wyifs Philofapheris. [Anon.] 238 XCVI. Be gratious Ground and Gate ot Sapience. [Anon.] - 240 XCVII. Be rychuus Regent, and wele exerce thy Cure. Contra feptem Peccata mortalia. [Anon] - 243 XCVIII. Be Gouernour baith guid and gratious. Quod Henrye Stewart ---... 246 XCIX. This hindir Nycht neir by the Hour of Nyne. [Anon.] - --.-.. 247 C. Precellend Prince! havand Prerogatyue. Quod W. Stewart - - - - - - - 250 CI. Suppoifs I war in Court most he. [Anon.] - 252 CII. Quhen Doctouris prechit to win the Joy eternall. [Anon.] - - 254 cm. Ane New Yeir Gift to the Quene Mary, quhen scho come firfl Hame, 1562. [Scott] - - 255 CIV. The richt Fontane of hailfuU Sapience. Quod Alexander Kid --.... 262 CV. Jesu Chryft that deit on Tre ! [Kennedy] - - 265 CVI. Now is our King in tendir Aige. [Anon.] - - 268 CVII. RolHng in my Remembrance. [Anon.] - - 269 CVIII. Schir, yit remembir as of befoir. Quod Dumbar 271 CIX. Firfl Lerges the King my Cheife. Quod Stewart 274 ex. Schir, sen of Men ar diuerfs Sortis. Quod Stewart 276 The Thrid Pairt of this Buik, contenand Ballettis mh^ry, and vthir solatius CONSAITTIS, set FURTH BE DIUERS ANCIENT Poyettis. 1 568. CXI. Hermes the Philofopher. Quod Dumbar • - 279 CXIL Full oft I mvfs and hes in Thocht. Quod Dunbar 281 CXIII. Was nevir in Scotland hard nor fene. Quod King James the Firft 282 CXIV. Quha douttis Dremis is bot Phantafye? Quod Lichtoun, fuonicus ------ 289 CXV. The Dregy of Dunbar maid to King James the Fyift being in Striuilling. We that ar heir in Hevins Glory. [Dunbar] - - - 292 CONTENTS. I'AGE CXVI. In fecreit Place this hindir Nycht. Quod Clerk, 296 (Attributed to Dunbar by Laing.) CXVII. The Curfing of Sir Johine Rowlis vpoun the Steilaris of his Fowlis. Quod Rowll - 298 CXVIII. Quhy fowld nocht AUane honorit be? Quod AUane Matfonis fuddartis - - - 306 CXIX. I, that in Heill wes and Glaidnes. Quod Dumbar ------- 308 CXX. The Dance. [Dunbar] 3^2 CXXI. The Turnament. Be WiUiam Dumbar - - 316 CXXII. The Amendis maid be him to the Telyouris and Sowtaris, for the Turnament maid on thame. Quod Dumbar - - - - 3^9 CXXIII. I mak it kend, he that will fpend. Quod Johne Blyth ------- 321 CXXIV. Sanct Saluatour ! fend filuer Sorrow. Quod Dumbar 322 CXXV. Liftis Lordis, I fall yow tell. [Anon.] - - 324 CXXVI. How Dumbar wes defyrd to be ane Freir. Quod Dumbar - - - - 327 CXXVII. Full oft I mufe, and hes in Thocht. [Dunbar] 329 CXXVIII. He that hes Gold and grit Richefs. Quod Dumbar 329 CXXIX. The Wowing of the King quhen he wes in Dumfermeling. Quod Dumbar - 330 CXXX. Ane Ballat of the fenyeit Freir of Tungland, how he fell in the Myre fleand to Turkiland. Quod Dumbar - - - - - 333 CXXXI. Ane httil Interlud of the Droichis Part of the [Play]. [Anon.] 337 CXXXn. The Wyf of Auchtirmwchty. Quod Mofat - 342 CXXXni. A Yungman Chiftane, witles. [Anon.] - - 346 CXXXIV. The ilicht Remeid of Luve. Quod Alexander Scott - 346 CXXXV. The Ballat maid vpoun Margret Fleming, callit the Flemyng Bark in Edinburcht. Quod Sempill ------- 348 CXXXVI. The Defence of Criffell Sandelandis, for vfmg hirfelf contrair the Ten Commandis. Quod Semple - - 35^ CONTENTS. xi PAGE CXXXVII. The Ballat maid be Robert Semple of Jonet Reid, [ane] Violet and [ane] Quhyt. Quod R. Semple -.--.. ^ec CXXXVIII. Of a Wenche with Chyld. Quod ane Inglif- man ....... 358 CXXXIX. Ane Ballat maid to the Derifioun and Scorne of wantoun Wemen. Quod Scott - - 361 The Wryttar to the Reidaris, YE reverend redaris, thir workis revolving richt, Gif ye get crymis, corre6l thame to your micht, And curfe na dark that cunnyngly thame wrait, Bot blame me baldly brocht this bulk till licht In tendereft tyme, quhen knawlege was nocht bricht, 5 Bot lait begun to lerne and till tranflait My copeis awld, mankit, and mvtillait; Quhais trewth, as ftandis, yit half I, fympill wicht, Tryd furth, thairfoir excufe fumpairt my eftait. Now ye haif heir this ilk buik fa provydit, lo That in fyve pairtis it is dewly devydit, 1 The firft concernis Godis gloir and ouir faluatioun; 2 The nixt ar morale, grave, and als befyd it, 3 Grund on gud counfale. The thrid, I will nocht hyd it, Ar blylth and glaid, maid for ouir confollatioun ; 15 4 The ferd of luve, and thair richt reformatioun ; 5 The fyift ar tailis and fboreis weill difcydit : Reid as ye pleifs, I neid no moir narratioun. God> ^~^ OD is a fubftance for evir durable, ^-^Eterne, omnipotent, merciful! and juft, Quha gydis all thingis in order convenable; A God in quhome ilk man awcht for to truft, Quha for prayar givis grace to mortifie our luft, In quhais feir and luve all that fall endeur Sail eftir this lyif off bettir lyif be feur. ANE MOST GODLIE Foi. i. a. MIRRIE AND LUSTIE RAPSODIE MAIDE BE SUNDRIE LEARNED SCOTS POETS AND WRITTEN BE GEORGE BANNATYNE IN THE TYME OF HIS YOUTH. I. Heir begynnis the richt excellent, godly and lernit Werk callit the Benner of Pietie, compylit be the famous andrenowmit Poet, Mr Johne Bellenden, Archeden of Mvrray, concer\7iing\ the Incarnatioim of our Saluiour Chryfi. QUHEN goldin Phebus movit fra the Ram, In to the Bull to mak his manfioun, And hornit Dean in the Virgin cam, With vifage paill in hir affentioun, Approcheand to hir oppofitioun; 5 Quhen done Awrora with hir miftie fchowris, Fleand of fkyis the bricht reflexioun, Hir filuer teiris fkalit on the flouris;^ The fefoun quhen the greit 06lauian Baith erd and feis had had in^ gouirnance, lo With diademe as roy Cefarian, In maift excellent honor and plefance, With every gloir that micht his fame advance; Quhen he the croun of hie triumphe had worne Be quhais peax and royell ordinance iS The furious Mars wes blawin to the home; ^ From Dup]. Text — MS. h.z.s fchowris. ^ lb. — had in his. 4 THE BENNER OF PIETIE. The famyne tymc qulicn God omnipotent Beheld of man the greit callamitie, And thocht the tyme wes than expedient Man to redeme fra thrald captiuitie, 20 And to reduce him to feUcitie, With body and fawle to be glorificat, Quha wes condempnit in the lymb to bie, Fra he wes firft in fyn prevaricat ; , rcie. Befoir the Fader Mercy than appeiris, 25 With fludc of teris rainnand fra hir ene; Said, " Man hes bene in hell fyvc thowfand yeiris, Sen he wes maid in feild of Damafcene, And crewall tormentis daly dois fuftene But ony confort, cryand for mercie. 30 How may thy grace nocht with thy pietie mene Of thy awin werk the grit infirmitie?" Veretie. ''And be the contrare," than faid Veretie, . "Thy word eterne but end is permanent, Vnalterat but mvtabilitie, 35 Withowttin flicht^ of ony argument; Quhen Adame wes fund- inobedient In Paradice thruche his ambitioun, Perpetualy, be richtous jugement, Off thy blift vifage tynt fruifioun." 40 Pece. Than Pece faid, " Lord haif in thy memorie That man, thy wark, was creat to that fyne. That he micht haif perfyte felicitie With the aboif the hevynis criftellyne, Quhilk Lucifer did thrwch his foly tyne, 45 Sumtyme maid to thy image worthieft : It wes faid than be prophecie devyne That thow fowld fleip and in my bofum reft." » Dupl. ItTA—ficht. " Ih.— maid. THE BENNER OF PIETIE. 5 Juftice. And Juftice faid, " His odius offence Contrare thy hie excellent dignitie, 50 His oppin fyn and wilfull negligence Befoir thy ficht fowld mair aggregit bie, Sen thow art Alpha, O and Veritie : Be richtous dome, Adame and all his feid, For treffone done agane thy maieftie, 55 Condempnit is to thoill the bitter deid." Thir ladeis foure contending befelie, With argumentis and mony ftrong repplyis, Beffoir the bliffit Fader equalie, yo\. 2. a. Sum for juftice, and fum for mercie cryis: 60 Sentence. The Fader wret ane fentence in this wyifs, "For treffone done aganis oure maieftie, The bittir deid falbe ane facrifyifs The grit offence of man to fatisfie." The hevin, the eird baith ferchit vp and doun, 65 Nane wes thair fund fufficient cheretie Man to redeme with this conditioun. Than God, eterne in his diuinitie, Seand it wes fa grit difficultie To purge the fpot of fyn originall, 70 Wes penitent that he maid man to bie In to this warld, with fawle perpetuall. Thir ladeis foure than callit hes agane, And faid, "Your myndis fall fulfillit be; Ye fall ay fbill in to my court remane, -- And in this maner half fraternitie : My Mercy falbe knit to Veritie, Than Peax and Juftice fall togidder brace; My Sone falbeir the burding of this plie, And man falbe reconcyld to my grace." 80 THE BENNER OF PIETJE. The Fader than on Gabriall did call, And faid, " My ferwand pas with diligence To Mary myld, my fpous emperiall, In wark nor word that nevir maid offence ; And fay to hir with humill reverence, 85 My tender Sone fall in hir bofum breid, And in hir chalmer mak his refidence; Hir honor favit, and hir madinheid." Man micht nocht mak ane facrifice conding, For Adams fyn and his pofteritie, 90 To God; alfwa it wes nocht according AUanerlie to thoill oure miferie. FoL 2. b. Thairfoir it wes convenient to be Chryift God and man, with dowble natur cled. That he, as man, for oure offence micht de, 95 And fyne, as God, to ryifs agane frome dede. Off God and man the bliffit^ Mediateur, Be fentence of the bliffit Trinitie, Is cum in bofum of the Virgin peure, Subdewand him to our mortalitie, 100 Thocht he wes equall in diuinitie^ To God eterne, Fader^ omnipotent; Yit man to faif fra thrald captiuitie, Vnto the deid wes maid obedient. As craft of* hand vpoun the flringis playis, 105 Proportionat in hevinly melodic, Ouhair thre at anis^ prefentlie affayis The vnifone and concord armonie, The craft, the ftring, the hand indifferentlie, Ane found is hard over the eir jocund; no Suppois thir thre concurris equalie, Yit nane of thame, bot ftringis, makis the found. ^ Dupl. T&yX—reutJifull. "- From Dupl. Text— MS. has diuitie. 'Dupl. Text — Vnto his fader, God. * lb. — and. ' From Dupl. Text— MS. has attanis. THE BENNER OF PIETIE. \ Richt fo the Fader and the Halie Spreit Off man tewk nevir incarnatioun ; And yit thay war in to thair mynd compleit, 115 Participant in operatioun, Confenting to that hie legatioun Maid to the bhffit Virgin tendirlie, Quhen Gabriell maid annuntiatioun : The Sone incarnat wes allanerhe. 120 Then jonit wes, in perfyt vnitie, Devyne perfone and miferie of man, The Moder peur, full of virginitie,^ The fervent hairt and faith maift fouerane, Fol. 3. a. God, faule and flefche at anes to remane, 125 Faffing the ftrenth of mannis argument, Ane ftanding thre, and thre ay ftanding ane, Be michtie werk of God omnipotent. Thremervelus And of thir thre the formeft vnioun ingis. -yy^g mervellus in maift excellent gre, 130 Quhen of the hevin the michtie Campioun His Godheid knit to oure humanite, Oppynit the port, and coft our libertie, Quhairthrow the fru6l of all our grace began, Quhilk micht nocht haif fa grit difficultie 135 As to tak natur of ane mortal man. The fecund wes ane richt excellent thing, Quhen moderfull wes the Virgin, vndefloir; Quhair natur ftwneift and had grit wondering. And all that hevinlie labur did abhoir. Than Reffone faid, " It wes nocht fene afoir Into this warld be ony levand leid, Ane chyld to be of ony woman boir, Hir bofum clene, withowttin manis feid." ^ Dupl. Text — The moder full of pure wirginite. 140 THE BENNER OF PIETIE. The thrid excellent wes and marvellus, - 145 Quhcn fervent hairt and faith togidder ran, Ane thing to natur richt contrarius, Quhen fcho this fubteill argument began ; How may thir tway half creddence foveran With fickcr faith into our hairt obfcure, 150 That God eterne micht fband ane mortall man, Ane mother how^ to be, the Virgin pure. Thow Godheid trine, rignand in vnitie. Mover of all with ficht maift provident, Gevar of lyfe with all tranquillitie, 155 Fol. 3. b. Into thy felf ay ftandand permanent! All vthir thing, bot thow, art indigent. Thy mercie grit, thy gudnes ineffable, Baith hevin and erd ar infufificient To fchaw thy wit and gloir ineftimable, 160 O Sone of God! that for the weill of ws Tuik in thy mynd fo grit follicitude, Fra hivin to cum in natur glorius. Off the blift Virgin takand flefche and blude. Howbeit thy Godheid and oure nature rude 165 Difcordand war be diflance infinite, Thow fchawin hes thy michtie celcitude, Ouhen thay wer knit in ane perfone perfite. For thy grit gudnes, and that mekle pane Thow had in corps and fawle intelle6lyve, 17° Quhen blude and watter birft fra every vane. And grundin fpeir owtthrow thy hairt did ryve, Quhen fra thy body chafit wes thy lyve. Bring ws amang tha happie fenatouris, Quhome thow hes coftin with thy woundis fyve, i75 Quhen faule depairtis in oure lattir houris. Heir endis the Banner of Pietie compylit be Maifler lohine Bellentyne, Archdene of Murray. 1 Dupl. Text—full. QUHEN SILVER DIANE. And folloivis the Pr-oheme of the CofvwgrapJde of Scotland^ compylit be the faid Mr lohine Bellentyne. II. The Proheme of the Crojiicule compylit be the famous and renownit Clerk, Maifter Johine Bellentyne, Archedene of Mvrray, direct to King James the Fyift, verry lernit and morale. Fol. 4. OUHEN filuer Diane, full of bemis bricht, Fra dirk eclips wes paft this vther nicht, And in the Crab, hir propir manfioun, gane, Artophilax contending at his micht, In the grit eift, to fet his vifage richt, (I mene the ledar of the Charle wane) Aboif oure heid wes the Vrfis twane; Quhen fterris fmall obfcuris in oure ficht, And Lucifer left twinkland him allane, The frofty nicht, with hir prolixit houris, Hir mantill quhyt fpred on the tendir flouris; Quhen ardent labour hes addreffit me Tranflait the ftory of oure progenitouris, Thair greit manheid, wifdome and honouris ; Quhair we may cleir, as in ane mirrour, fe The furius end fumtyme of tirannye, Sumtyme the gloir of prudent gouernouris, Ilk ftait appryfit in thair facultie: My wery fpreit, defyring to reprefs My emptiue pen of frutles befmefs, Awalkit furth to tak the recent are ; Quhen Priapus, with ftormy weid opprefs, 1 MS. has Cojlland. B 10 15 20 lO QUHEN SILVER DIANE. Requeiftit me, in his maift tendirnefs, To reft ane quhyle amyd his gardingis bare; Bot I no maner cowth my mynd prepare 25 To fett affyde vnplefant havinefs, On this and that contempling folitare. And firft occurrit to my remmembring How that I wes in fervice with the king, Put to his grace in yeiris tendireft, 30 Clerk of his comptis, thocht I wes inding Fol. 4- 'b. With hairt and hand, and every vthir thing That micht him pleifs in ony m.aner beft ; Quhill hie invy me frome his fervice keft Be thame that had the court in gouerning, 35 As bird but plumes heryit of hir neft. Oure lyfe, oure gyding, and our aventuris Dependis frome thir hevinlie creaturis, Apperandly be fum neceffitie; For thocht ane man wald fett his befy curis, 40 So far as labor and his wifdome furis. To fie hard chance of infortunitie, Thocht he efchew it with difficultie. The curfid weird yit ithandly enduris, Gevin to him firft in his natiuitie. 45 Off erdlie ftait bewaling thus the chance. Of fortoun gud I had no efperance; So lang I fwomit in hir feis deip. That fad Avyfmg with hir thochtfull lance, Cowth fynd na port to anker hir firmance ; 50 Quhill Morpheus, the drery god of fleip, For very rewth did on my curis weip, And fet his flewth and deidly countenance With fnorand vanis to throw my body creip. QUHEN SILVER DIANE. n Me thocht I wes in to ane plefand meid, 55 Quhair Flora maid the tendir blewmis fpreid Throw kyndhe dew and humouris nutratiue; Quhen goldin Titan, with his flammis reid, Aboif the feis rafit vp his^ heid, Diffounding doun his heit reftoretive 60 To every frute that natur maid on lyve, Quhilk wes afoir in to the winter deid For ftormis cawld and froiftis penetryve. Ane filuer fontane fprang, with wattir cleir, Into that place quhair I approchit neir, 65 Quhair I did fone efpy ane felloun reird Off courtly gallandis, in thair beft maneir p^ol. 5. a. Reiofmg thame in feafone of the yeir, As it had bene of Mayis day the feird. Thair gudly havingis maid me nocht effeird. 70 With thame I faw ane crownit king appeir, With tender downis ryfand on his beird. Thir courtly gallandis fettand thair intentis To fmg, and play on diuerfe inftrumentis, According to this princis appetit, 75 Two plefand ladeis come pranfand owir the bentis, Thair coiftly clething fchew thair michtie rentis ; Quhat hairt micht wifs thay wantit nocht a myt; The rubeis fchone vpoun thair fingaris quhyt; Verteu and And, finaly, I knew be thair confentis, 80 Delyt. This ane, Vertew, that vther hecht Delyt. Thir goddeffis, arrayit in this wyfe, As reverence and honor lift devyfe, Afoir this prince fell doun upoun thair kneis; Syne dreffit thame in to thair beft awyfe 85 (So far as wifdome in thair power lyis) 1 MS. has hir. 1 2 Q UHEN SIL UER DIANE. To do the thing that micht him beft appleifs, Ouhair he reiofit in his hevinly gleifs; And him defyrit, for his hie empryifs, Ane of thame two vnto his lady cheifs. 90 Delyt begynis. And firft Dclyt vnto this prince faid thus, "Maifl valyeant knycht in deidis amorvis, And luftieft that evir natur wrocht, Ouhilk in the floure of yewth mellyfluus, With notis fweit and fang mellodius, 95 Awalkis heir amangis the flowris foft, Thow hes no game hot in thy mirry thocht. My hevinly bhfs is fo dehtius, All welth in crd but it avails nocht. "Thocht thow had France, and Italic alfo, 100 Spane, Ingland, Pole, with vthir realmis mo; Thocht thow micht rigne in ftait moft glorius; Thy piffant kingdome is nocht worth ane ftro, Fol. 5. b. Gif it vnto thy plefour be ane fo, Or trubill thy mynd with curis dolorus. 105 Thair is no thing may be fo odius To man, as leif in miferie and wo, Defrawdand God of natur genius. "Drefs the thairfoir with all thy befy cure, That thow in joy and plefour may endeur, no Foure Ele- Be ficht of thir foure bodyis elementar; mentis. fwo hevy and grofs, and two ar licht and peure. Thir dementis, be wirking of nateure, Doith change in vthir; and thocht thay be richt far Fra vthir feverit, with qualeteis contrare, 115 Of thame ar maid all levand creature. And finaly in thame refoluit ar. QUHEN SILVER DIANE. 13 "The fyre in air, the air in waiter cleir, In erd the watter turnis withowt weir, The erd in watter turnis oure agane, 120 So furth, in ordour: nathing confowmis heir. Ane man new borne begynnis to appeir In vthir figeur than afoir wes tane; Quhen he is deid, the mater dois remane, Thocht it refolve in to fum new maneir: 125 No thing is new; nocht bot the forme is gane. "Thus is no thing in erd bot fugitive, Paffand and cumand be fpreiding fucceffive. And as ane beift, fo is ane man confave Off feid infufe in memberis genitive; 130 And furth his tyme in plefour dois ourdrive, As chance him leidis, quhill he be laid in graue. Thairfoir thy hevin and plefour now reffave, Quhill thow art heir in to this prefent live; For eftir deth thow fall no plefour have. ns "The rofe, the lilleis, and the violet, Vnpullit, fone ar with the windis ouirfet, And fallis doun but ony fru6l, I wifs ; Thairfoir I fay, fen that no thing may let, Bot thy bricht hew mon be with yeiris fret, Mo (For every thing bot for ane feffone is) Thow may nocht haif ane moir excellent blifs, FoL 6. a. Than ly all nicht in to myne amies plet. To hals and braifs with mony lufty kifs ; "And haif my tendir body by thy fyd, H5 So proper, fet, quhilk natur hes provyd With every plefour that thow may devyne, Ay quhill my tendir yeiris be ouirflyd. Than, gif it pleifs that I thy brydill gyd. 14 <2 UHEN SIL UER DIANE. Thow mon alway fro aigit men declyne; 150 Sync drcfs thy hairt, thy curage and ingyne, To fuffcr nane into thy houfs abyd, But gif thaey will vnto thy luft inclyne. "Gif thow defyris into the feyis till fleit Of hevinly blifs, than me thy lady treit; ^55 For it is faid be clerkis of renoun, Thair is na plefour in this erd fo greit As quhen ane lovar dois his lady meit, To quickin his lyfe of mony deidly foun. As hicft plefour but comparifoun, 160 I fall the geif, in to thy yeiris fweit, Ane lufty halk with mony plwmis broun; "Ouhilk falbe found fa joyus and plefant, Gif thow in to hir mirry flichtis hant, Of every blifs that may in erd appeir, 165 As hairt will think, thow fall no plenty want; Quhill yeiris fwift, with quheilis properant, Confowme thy ftrenth, and all thy bewty cleir." And quhen Delyt had faid on this maneir, As rege of yowtheid thocht maift relevant, 170 Verteu begju- Than Vertew faid, as ye fall eftir heir; nis. 'My landis braid, with mony plentouus fchyre. Sail gif thy hienes, gif thou lift defyre, Trivmphant gloir, hie honour, fame devyne; With fic piffans, that thame na furius yre, 175 Nor weirand aige, nor flame of birnand fyre, Nor bitter deth, may bring vnto rewyne. Fol. 6. b. Bot thow mofb firft enfufifer mekle pyne, Aboif thy felf that thow may half empyre : Than fall thy fame and honour half na fyne, 180 Q UHEN SIL UER DIANE. 1 5 "My realmes is fet among my fois all, Quhilkis hes with me ane weir continwall, And evir ftill dois on my bordour ly; And thocht thay may no wayis me ovirthrall, Thay ly in wait, gif ony chance may fall, 185 Of me fumtyme to get the vi6lory. Thus is my lyf ane ythand chevalry : Labor me haldis ftrong as ony wall, And nothing brekis me bot fluggardy. "Na fortoun may aganis me nocht availl, 190 Thocht fcho with cluddy ftormis me affail : I brek the ftreme of fcherp adwerfitie : In wedder loun and maift tempeftouus haill, But ony dreid, I beir ane equall faill; My fchip fo ftrang, that I may nevir die. 195 Wit, reafone, manheid, governis me fo hie, No influence, no fterris may prevaill To rigne on me with infortunitie. "The rege of yewth may nocht danttit be, Comparifoun. But grit diftrefs and fcherp aduerfite; 200 As be this reafone is experience. The fyneft gold or filver that we fe May nocht be wrocht to oure vtilite, But flammis kene and bittir violence: The moir diftrefs, the m.oir intelligence. 205 Quhay falls lang in hie profperitie, Ar fone ouerfet be ftormy violence. "This fragill lyf, as moment^ induring. But dowt fall the and every pepill bring To ficker blifs, or than eternall wo. 210 Gif thow be honeft labour dois ane thing. Thy panefull labour fall vaneis but tareing, ^ MS. has mouent, or monent. 1 6 Q UHEN SIL UER DIANE. Howbeit thy honeft werkis do nocht fo. Gif thow be luft dois ony thing alfo, The fchamefull deid, without diffeuering, 215 Fol. 7. a. Remanis ay, quhen plefour is ago. Anevthirconv "As carvell ticht fafl tending throw the fee parifon. Levis no prent amangis the walHs hee; As birdis fwift, with mony biffie plwme, Perffis the air, and wait nocht quhair thay flee; 220 Siclyk our lyfe, withowt a6liuitie, Gifts na fru6l, howbeit ane fchaddow blwme. Ouhay dois thair lyf in to this erd coinfwme Without vertew, thair fame and memorie Sail vaneis fonar than the reky fwme. 225 Thrid com- "As watter purgis and makis bodeis fair; parifon. ^g fyj-e be natur afcendis in the air, And purefeis with heitis vehement; As floure dois fmell; as fru6l is nvrefare; As pretious balmes revertis thingis fair, 230 And makis thame of rot impatient; As fpyce maift fweit, and ros maift redolent; As fterne of day, be moving circulare, Chaifis the nicht with bemis refplendent : "Siclyk my werk perfytis every wicht 235 In fervent lufe of maift excellent licht, And makis man in to this erd but peir; And dois the faule fra all corruptioun dicht With odour dulce, and makis it moir bricht Than Diane full, or yit Appollo cleir; 240 Syne raifis it vnto the hieft fpeir, Immortaly to fchyne in Goddis ficht, As chofm fpous, and creatour mofh deir. THE PROHEME OF THE CRONICULE. 17 " This vthir wenche, that clippit is Delit, Involwis man, be fenfuall appetit, 245 In every kynd of vice and miferie ; Becaufs na wit nor reffone is perfyte Quhair fcho is gyd, hot fkathis infinit, With dolour, fchame, and vrgent povertie. For fcho wes get off frothis of the fie ; 250 Quhilk fignefeis, hir plefeir vennemit Is midht ay with fcherp adwerfitie. " Duke Hanniball, as mony awthouris wrait, Throw Spanyie come, be mony paffage ftrait, To Italy in furour bellicall ; 255 Brak doun the wallis, and the montanis flait, And to his army maid ane oppin gait, And victoreis had on the Romanis all : At Capua, be plefeir fenfuall. This Duck wes maid fo foft and dilligait, 260 That with his fois he wes fone overthrall. " Off fers Achill the weirly deidis fprang In Troy and Grece, quhill he in vertew rang; How luft him flew it is bot rewth to heir. Siclyk the Troianis, with thair knychtis ftrang, 265 The velyeant Greikis fra thair rowmis dang, Victorioufly exercit mony yeir: That nicht thay went to thair luft and plefeir. The fatall horfs did throw thair wallis fang, Quhais prignant fydis wer full of men of weir. 270 " Sardanapall, the prince effeminat, Fra knichtlie dedis wes degenerat; Twynand the threidis of the purpour lynt With fingeris foft, amangis the ladeis fat ; And with his luft cowth nocht be fatiat, 275 C i8 THE FEOHEME OF THE CRONICULE. " Quhill of his fois come the bittir dynt Ouhat nobill men and ladeis hes bene tynt, Ouhen thay with luftis wer intoxicat, To fchaw at lenth, my toung fowld nevir ftynt. " Thairfoir Camill, the valyeant chevaleir, Quhen he the GaUis had dantit be his weir, Off heretable landis wald haif na recompence; For, gif his bairnis and his freindis deir Wer vertewis, thay cowld nocht faill ilk yeir To haif ynewch be Romane providence; Gif thay wer gevin to vyce and infolence, It wes noclit neidfull for to conqueifs geir. To be occafioun of thair incontinence. Revard of " Sum nobill men, as poetis hft declair, verteu. Wer deifeit ; sum goddis of the aire ; Sum, of the hevin : as Eolus, Vulcan, Saturne, Mercuric, Apollo, Jupitair, Mars, Hercules, and vthir men preclair, That glory immortall in thair lyvis wan. Ouhy war thir pepill callit goddis than.^ Becaus thay had ane vertew fnigulair. Excellent, hie aboif ingyne of man. Revard of " And vthiris ar in reik fulphurius ; vyce. As Ixion, and wery Sifiphus, Eumenides, the Feureis richt odibill, The prowd Gyandis, and thrifty Tantalus ; With hugly drink, and fude moft vennemus ; Ouhair flammis bald and mirknes ar fenfibill. Quhy ar thir folk in panis fo terribill.'* Becaufs thay wer bot fchrewis vicius, Into thair lyf, with deidis moft horribill. 280 285 Fol. 8. 290 295 300 305 THE PRO HEME OF THE CRONICULE. ** And thocht na fruft wer eftir confequent Of mortall lyf, bot for this warld prefent Ilk man to haif allanerly refpe6l; Yit vertew fowld fra vice be different, 310 As quick fra deid, as riche fra indigent. That ane, to gloir and honor ay^ dire6l; This vthir, faule and body to neclect : That ane, of reffone moift intelHgent; This vthir, off beiftis following the effe6l. 315 " For he that nold aganis his luflis ftrive, Bot leivis as beift of knawlege fenfitive, Eildis richt faft, and deth him fone ouirhaillis. Thairfoir the mvle is of ane langer lyve Than ftonit hors ; alfo the barrane wyve 320 Appeiris yung, quhen that the brudy falis. We fee alfo, quhen natur nocht prevailis, The pane and dolor ar fa pungitive. No medecyne the patient availis. Conclufioun. " Sen thow hes hard baith our intentis thufs, Cheifs of ws two the maift delitius : Firft to fufhene ane fcherp adwerfitie, Danting the rege of yowtheid furius; And fyne poffeid tryvmphe innvmerus, With lang impyre and he felicitie : 330 Or haif, ane moment, fenfualitie Of fuliche yowth in lyf voluptouus, And all thy dayis full of miferie." Be than Phebus his fyrie cairt did wry Fra fowth to weft, declynand befely 335 To dip his fteidis into the occiane; Quhen he began ovirfyle his vifage dry. With vapouris thik, and cluddis full of fky; ^ hie written below. *9 325 20 THE PRO HEME OF THE CRONICULE. And Notus brym, the wind meridiane, With wingis donk, and pennis full of rane, 340 Awalknit me, that I micht nocht efpy Ouhilk of thame two wes to his lady tane. But fone I knew thay wer the goddeffes That come in fleip to vailyeant Hercules, Quhen he wes yung, and fre of every lore 345 To lufb or honor, povertie or richefs; Quhair he contempnit luft and ydilnes, That he in vertew micht his lyf decore ; And werkis did of maift excellent glore. The moir increffit his panefull biffmes, 350 His hee tryvmphe and loving wes the more. Than thnvch this morall eruditioun Ouhilk come, as faid is, in my vifioun, I tuke purpoifs, or I forder w^ent, To wr>'t the ftory of this regioun, 355 With deidis of mony illufter campioun. And, thocht the pane appeiris vehement, To mak the ftory to the redaris moir patent, I will begin at the defcriptioun Off Albion, in maner fubfequent. 360 Finis. Compyld be Maifler lohine Bellenden. THE PROLLOG OF THE TENT BUI K OF VIRGILL. 21 III. TheProllog of the tent buik of Virgill, compyld be the noble Fol, 9. poet, Mr. Gawyn Dowglafs, Bifchop of Dimkeld: — Of Godis Workis to be inconprehenfible be man, wit, or reffone, as for example of the Trinitie. HE plafmatour of thingis vniuerfall, Thow renewar of kynd, that creat all, Inconprehenfible thy werkis ar to confaif, Quhilk grantit hes to every wicht to half Quhat thing maift ganis vnto his governall. 5 How marvellus bene diuifionis of thy gracis, Diflribut fo to ilk thing, in all placis! The fon to fchyne over all, and fchaw his licht. The day to labour, ffor reft thow ordanit nicht; For diuerfs cauffis, fchupe feir feffonis and fpacis. 10 Frefche ver to burgeoun herbis and fueit flowris; The hait fommer to nvreifs corne all houris. And breid alkynd of fowlis, fifche, and beift ; Hervifb to randir his fruftis maifb and leift; Winter to fnyb the erth with froftie fchowris. 15 Nocht that thow neidit ocht, all thing thow wrocht, Bot to that fyne thow maid all thingis of nocht. Of thy gudnefs to be participant; Thy Godheid na richer, nor yit mair fkant, Nowthir now nor than, fet ws wrocht of nocht. 20 39 THE PROLLOG OF THE TENT BUIK OF VIE GILL. Thy maift fupreme indiuifible fubftance, In anc natur, thre perfonis, but difcrepance, Rignand eterne, reffavis nane accidence; For quhy ? thow art richt at this tyme prefent It that thow wes, and evir fall, but variance. 25 Sen our natur God lies to him vnyt, His Godheid vncorrupt remanis perfyt, The fone of God havand verry naturis twane In ane perfone, and thre perfonis all ane , In deitie, natur, maieftie, and delyt. 30 The Sone the felf thing with the Fader is ; The felf fubftance the Holie Gaift, I wifs, Is with thame baith ; thre diftin6l perfonage, As wes/ and falbe, evir of ane age, Omnipotent, ane Lord, equall in blifs. 35 Quhilk foverane fubftance, in gre fuperlative, Na cunning comprehend ma nor difcrive; Nowther generis, generat is, nor dois proceid, Allane begynner of every thing, but dreid. And in the felf remanis eterne on lyve. 40 The Fader, of none generat, creat, nor bore, His onlie Sone ingenneris evirmoir; Not makis, creatis, bot ingeneris alway Of his fubftance ; and all tyme of baith tuay Proceidis the Haly Gaift, equall in glore. 45 Off baith, frome ane begynning, proceidis he ; Sa bene the werkis of the Trinitie Maift excellent, and wonderfull to confaif: Yit thame to treft the mair mereit we haif, That be na manis reffone previt may bie 50 ^ ? ar, war. THE PROLLOG OF THE TENT BUI K OF VIRGILL. 2% The Fader knawis him felf, quhilk knalege fpreidis Be generatioun eterne, that evir breidis His Sone, his word and wifdome eternale : Betuix thir twa is hive perpetuale, Quhilk is the Haly Gaift, fra baith proceidis. 55 Nocht that the Faderis natur myneift is, Of his fubftance he generis his Sone in bhfs ; Nor fo the Sone, of kynd is eiboir That he ane pairt hes and no moir; Fol. 10. Bot all he gevis his Sone, and all is hifs. 60 The ilk thing he him gevis, that he remanis: This fnigle fubftance indififerentle thus ganis To thre in ane, and ilkane of tha thre The famyne thing is in ane maieftie, Thocht thir thre personis be feuerall in thre granis. 65 Similitude. Lyk as the fawll of man is ane, we waite, Havand thre poweris diftin6l and feperait, Vndirftanding, reffone, and memoir: Intelligence confidderis the thing befoir, Reffoun decernis, memor keipis the confait. 70 As thay bene in ane fubftance knit all thre, Thre perfonis regnis in ane deitie. We may tak als ane vthir fimilitude, Groifly the famyn purpois to conclude; Flamb, heit, and licht, bene in ane fyre we fe. 75 Quhair evir the low is, hete and licht bene thare ; And had the fyre bene birnand evirmair, Evir fowld the flamb ingennerit haif his licht. And of the birnand low the flambis bricht Perpetwaly fowld hait haif fprung alquhare. So 24 THE PROLLOG OF THE TEN! BUIK OF VIRGILL. So generis the Fader the Sone with him eterne, Frome baith proceidis the Haly Gaifl coeterne. Thus rud exampiUis and figuris may we geif ; Thocht [God] be his awin createur to preif, War mair vnhknefs than hknes to defcerne. 85 Freind, ferly not, na caufs is to complene, Albeit thy wit grit God may nocht attene ; For, micht thow comprehend be thyne engyne The maift excellent maieftie devyne, , He micht be reput ane pretty God and mene. 9° Confidder thy reffone is fo feble and lite, And his knawlege profound and infinite ; Confidder how he is vnmenfiarable : Him, as he is, to knaw thow art nocht able; It fufeifs the beleif the creid perfyte. 95 God is, I grant, in all thing, not excludit;-'- Gevis all gudnes, and is of nocht denudit; Of him hes all thing pairt, and he not mynneift; Haill he is alquhair, not devydit, nor fynneift; Withowt all thing he is, and not excludit. 100 Lord, thy wayis bene inveftigable ! Sweit Lord, thy felf is fa ineftimable, 1 can wryt nocht bot wounderis of thy micht, That lawleit fa far thy maieftie and hicht To be borne man in till ane oxis ftabill. 105 Thow tuke mankynd of ane vnwemmit maid, Inclofit within ane virgynis bofum glaid, Quhome all the hevynnis micht nevir comprehend; Angellis, scheipherdis, and kingis thy godheid kend, Thocht thow in crib betuix twa beiftis wes laid. no ^ ? includit. THE PROLLOG TO THE TENT BUIK OF VIRGILL. 25 Quhat infinit excellent hie bonte Aboif thy werkis all, in wonderfull gre! Lord, quhen thow man maid to thyne awin image, That tynt him felf throw his fulifche dottage, Thow man become, and deit to mak him fre. 115 Maid thow nocht man firft prefedent vndir the, To dant the beiftis, fowlis, and fifche in fe, Subdewit till him the erth and all thairin; Fol. ii. Syne paradice grantit him and all his kin, Gaif him fre will, and power nevir to de? 120 Enarmid him with reffone and prudence; Only bad him keip thyne obedience. And to him fowld all creaturis obey? Bittir was that fru6l for his ofspring, and fey, Maid deth vnknawin be fund, and lyf ga hence. 125 O thyne ineftimable lufe and cheretie! Become ane thrall to mak ws bundin fre, To quickin thy fklavis thold fchamefull deid maift fell ; Blift be thow virginall fru6l, that herreit hell. And payit the price of the forbiddin tre ! 130 Thocht thow lerge ftremis fched vpoun the rude, Ane drop had bene fufficient of thy blude Ane thowfand warldis to haif redemit, I grant; But thow the well of mercy wald not fkant, Ws to provok to lufe the, and be gude. 135 Commoun- Over all thys fyne, thy infinit godheid, loun. TYvy flefche and blude, lufly with wyne and breid, To be our fude of grace, in plege of glorie, Thow laft ws gaif, in perpetuall memorie Of thy paffioun and dolorus panefull deid. 140 D. s« THE PROLLOG TO THE TENT BUIK OF VIRGILL. Ouhat thankis dew or gainyeild, Lord benyng, May I, maift fmfull, wrechit cative indyng, Randcr for this foverane hie bontie? Sen body, fawle, and all I haif of the, Thow art my price, mak me thy pray conding. 145 My makar, my redemar, and fupport! Fra quhome all grace and gudnes cumis at fchort. Grant me thy grace my mifdeiddis till amend, Of this and all my warkis to mak gud end : This I befeik the, Lord, I the exhort. 150 Frome the begynning and end be thow my mufe: All vthir Joue and Phebus I refufe. Lat Virgin hald his maumentis till him felf; I wirfchep nowdir ydoll, ftok, nor elf, Thocht furth I wryt, fo as myne au6lor dufe. 155 Is nane bot thow, the Fader of goddis and men, Omnipotent eternall Joue I ken; Only thy help. Fader, thair is nane vthir: I compt nocht of thir pagane godis ane futhir, Ouhas power may nocht help ane haltane hen. 160 The fcriptur clips the God, of goddis Lord ; For quhay thy mandimentis keipis in accord Bene ane with the, not in fubflance, bot grace, And we our Father callis the in every place : Mak ws thy fonis in cheretie, but difcord. 165 Thow haldis court over criftall hevynis cleir, With angellis, fan6lis, and hevinly fpreitis feir, Thay, but feiffmg, thy gloir and loving fmgis : Manifeft to the, and patent, bene all thingis ; Thy fpous, and quene maid, and thy moder deir. 170 ANE BALL AT OF THE CREATLOUN OF THE WARLD. 27 Concord forevir, mirth, reft, and endles blifs Na feir of hell, nor dreid of deth, thair is In thy hie realme, nor na kynd of ennoye, Bot all weilfair, eifs, and evirleftand joye ; Quhais he plefance, Lord, lat ws nevir mifs! 175 Fi7iis. quod Mr. Gawyne Dowglas. IV. Ane Ballat of the Creatioiiu of the Warld, Man, his Fol, 12. Fall and Redemptioun, maid to the tone of The Bankis of Helecon. GOD, be his word, his work began. To forme the erth and hevin for man, The fie and watter deip ; The fone, the mone, the ftarris bricht, The day divydit frome the nicht, 5 Thair courfis for to keip ; The beiftis that on the grund do mvfe. And fifche in to the fee; Fowlis in the air to fle abvfe. Off ilk kynd creat hee ; 10 Sum creiping, fum fleiting, Sum fleing in the air, So heichtly, fo lichtly. In moving heir and thair. 'fc> Thir workis of grit magnificence, 15 Perfytit be his providence, According to his will: 28 ANE BALL AT OF THE CREATIOUN OF THE WARLD, Nixt, maid he man, to gif him gloir, Did with his ymage him decoir, Gaif paradice him till. 20 Into that garding, hevinly wrocht With plefowris mony one, The beiftis of every kynd war brocht, Thair names he fowld expone ; Thame nemmyng, and kennyng, 25 As he lift for to call, For pleifmg and eifmg Off man, fubdewit thame all. In hevinly ioy man fo poffeft, To be allone God thocht not befb, 30 Maid Eve to be his maik; Bad thame increfs and mvltiplie, And eit of every fru6l and trie Thair plefour thay fowld taik, Except the trie of gud and ill 35 That in the middis dois ftand, Forbad that thay fowld cum it till, Or twiche it with thair hand; Leift plucking, or lucking, Baith thay and als thair feid, 40 Seveirly, awfteirly, Sowld dye withowt remeid. Now Adame and his lufty wyfe In parradyce leidand their lyfe. With plefowris infineit, 45 Wanting na thing fowld do thame eifs, Ilk beifb obeying thame to pleifs. As thay cowld wifs in fpreit: Behald, the ferpent, fubtilly Invyand manis eftait, 50 1:1 MAN, HIS FALL AND REDEMPTIOUN. 29 With wickit craft and fubtilty, Eve temptit with diffait; Nocht feiring, bott fpeiring, Quhy fcho tuke not hir till, In vfing and chufing 55 The fru6l of gud and ill ? " Commandit ws," fcho faid, " the Lord, Nowayis thairto we fowld accord, Vnder eternall pane; Bot grantit ws full libertie 60 To eit of every fru6l and trie, Except that tre in plane." " No, no, not fo," the ferpent faid, "Thow art diffauit thairin; Eit ye thairof, ye fall be maid 65 In knawlege lyk to him. In femying, and demyng Off every thing arricht, Als dewly, als trewly. As ye war goddis of micht." 70 Eve, with thir fals wordis thus allurit, Eit of the fru6l, and fyne procurit Adame the fame to play, " Behald," faid fcho, " how pretious, So dilicat and delitious, 75 Befyd knawlege for ay." Adame, puft vp in warldly gloir, Ambitioun and of pryd, Eit of the fru6l ; allace thairfoir, And fwa thay baith did flyd ; 80 Negle6ling, fforgetting The eternall Goddis command, 30 ANE BALL AT OF THE C RE ATI UN OF THE WARLD, Quha fcurgit and purgit Thame quyt owt of that land. Ouhen thay had eitin of that frute, 85 Fol, 13. Off joy than war thay deftitute, And faw thair bodyis bair. Annone, thay paft with all thair fpeid, Off Icivis to mak thame felvis a weid, To cleith thame was thair cair. 9° During the tyme of innocence, No fyn nor fchame thay knew; Fra tyme thay gat experience, Vnto ane bufs thay drew; Abyding, and hyding, 95 As God fowld nocht thame fee; Ouha fpyit, and cryit, " Adame, quhy hyddis thow thee?" " I being naikit, Lord, throw feir, For fchame I durft nocht to compeir, 100 And fo I did refufe." *' Had thow nocht eitin of that tre, That knawlege had nocht bene in the, Nor yit no fic excufe." " This helper. Lord, thow gaif to me, 105 Hes cawfit me tranfgrefs." Sayd fcho, " The ferpent fubtilly Perfwadit me no lefs; Intreitting, be eitting. That we fowld be perfyte, no Me fylit, begylit; In him lyis all the wyte." The Lord, that evir jugeit richt, Bringand his iuftice to the licht. MAN, HIS FALL AND REDEMPTIOUN 31 The ferpent firft did iuge. 115 " Becaufs the woman thow begylit, For evir thow fall be exylit," Said he, " withowt refifuge. Betuix hir feid and thy ofspring, Na peax nor reft falbe, 120 And her feid fall thy heid doun thring, For all thy fubtilty ; Abhorit, deformit, Thow on thy breift fall gang, In feiding, and leiding 125 Thy lyfe the beiftis amang." The woman nixt, for hir offence, Did of the Lord reffaif fentence : Hir fowrrow fowld increfs, With wo and pane hir childrene beir, 130 Subdewit to man, vndir his feir. No liberty poffefs. For Adamis fait he curft the erth. That barane it fowld be, Withowt labour fowld yeild na birth 135 Off coirnis, erb, nor tre; Bot wirking and irking For evir fowld remane, And being, in deing. In erth returne agane. 140 O crewall ferpent! vennemus, Difpytfull and feditious. The grund of all our cair: Thow fals bound flave vnto the divill, Thow firft inventar of the evill 145 Off blifs quhilk maid ws bair; 32 ANE BALL AT OF THE CREATIOUN OF THE WARLD, O diuilHs flaive! did thow beleif, Or how had thow fic grace, Thairby for evir thow micht leif, Aboif in to that place ? 150 Thy grudgeing gat fcrudgeing; And fwa God lute the fie, A diffavar, no cravar, Off his reward fowld be. O dilicat dame, with eiris bent, iS5 That harknit to that fals ferpent, Thy banis we may fair ban ; Without excufe thow art to blame, Thow juftly hes obtenit that name. The verry Wo of Man. 160 With teiris we may bewaill and greit That wickit tyme and tyd, Quhen Adame was cauffit to fleip, And thow tane of his fyd. No fleiping, bot weiping, 165 Thy feid hes fund fenfyne: Thy eitting, and fweitting, Is turnd to wo and pyne. Adame, thy pairt quha can excufe, With knawlege thow that did abufe 170 Thy awin felicitie.'* The ferpentis fals inventing, Fol. 14. The womanis fone confenting, Was nocht fa wickitlie. God did prefer the to this day, 175 And thame fubdewid to the; So all that thay cowld niene or fay, Sowld not haif movit the \ THE LXXXIII PSALME OF DA UID. 33 To bracking, abiecking That heich command of lyfe, i8o Quhilk gydit, provydit The ay to leif but ftryfe. Behald the ftait that man was in, And als how it he tynt throw fyn, And loift the fame for ay; 185 Yit God his promeifs dois performe, Send his Sone, of the virgyn borne, Oure ranfone for to pay. To that gret God lat ws gif gloir, To ws hes bene fo gude, 190 Quha, be his deith, did ws reftoir, Quhairof we war denude; Nocht karing, nor fparing His body to be rent; Redemyng, releiving 195 Ws quhen we war all fchent. Finis q. Sr Richart Maitland of Leihingtoim, Knycht. V. The Ixxxiii Pfahne of Daidd. GOD, for thy grace, thow keip no moir fdence: Ceifs not, O God, nor hald thy peax no moir. For, lo! thy fois with crewall violence Confiderat ar, and with ane hiddeous roir. In this thair rage, thaye riballis brag and fchoir; And thay that hait the moift malicioufly, Aganis thy micht thair heidis hes raifd on hie. E 34 THE LXXXIII PSALME OF DA UID. For to opprcfs thy pepill thay pretend With fubteill flicht, and move confpiracie For fic as on thy fecreit help depend. lo " Go to," fay thay, "and latt ws vtterlie This natioun rute owt frome memorie, And of the name of Ifraleitis lat nevir Fol. 14. b. Forther be maid mentioun for evir." Confpyrit ar, with crewall hairtis and fell, 15 Thus aganis the togidder in ane band. The Edomeitis, that in thair tentis to dwell, And Ifmaleitis jonit with thame to ftand; The Moabeitis, vpoun the vder hand. With the prowid race of Agareines, togidder 20 Affemblit ar, and wicketly confidder; Geball, Ammon, and Amalek, all thre Marche furth ilkane with his garifoun; The Philifhenis, formeft thay think to be. The indwellaris of Tyre with thame ar boun ; 25 Afchur alfo is thair companyeoun ; With the childrene of Lott to arrayed, In thair fuppoirt his benner is difplayed. Do thow to thame as thow did to the hoifl OffMadian; Jabin,^ and Sifera, 30 At Kyfon flude; in Endor lyvis thay loift. To dung the land quhair as thair bodyis lay, Lyk Oreb, Zeb, Zeba, and Salmunna, So mak thow thame ; evin thair moift michty princis, And all the cheif rewlaris of thair provincis. 35 Quhilk faid, " Lat ws inhereit, as our awin, Godis manfionis." My God, mak thame to be Lyk rolling quheilis, or as the ftibill blawin 1 From Dupl. Text— MS. has Jafm. A SONG OF HIM LYING IN POYNT OF DETH. 35 Befoir the wind. As fyre the wid we fe Dois burne, and flame devoir, on montanis he, 40 The hether crop, fo lat thy tempefb chace thame, And thy quhirle wind with terror fo deface thame. Thair faces. Lord, with fchamefulnes fulfill ; That thay may feik thy name in mynd to prent. Confoundid let thame be, and evir ftill 45 Vexid with wo ; ye, mak thame fchemd and fchent : And lat thame knaw that thow art permanent, That Jehova, thy name, allone parteineth To the, over all the erth quhois glory regneth. Finis. VI. Followis a Song of him lying in poynt of deth. OLord my God, fen I am brocht To^ grit diftrefs, Andthrwchemybodythairisnocht Bot havinefs, Mak haift in tyme to fuccour me, O richteoufs Juge. Sen I haif nane in erth bot the For my refuge, My only howp and confidence In the is fett, 5 Affuring me that my offence Salbe forgett, And all my tormentis fall tak end With fuddane fpeid, F0I.15. a. Quhen thow fie confort fall me fend As I haif neid. Lord, ftrenth me with thy patience To fuffer ay Ouhat pleiffis beft thyne excellence On me to lay; 10 And lat me nocht declyne at all In tyme of greif, Bot evirmair on the to^ call For my releif Help me to beir my burding, Lord, For I am Avaik; 1 Dupl. Text— /«. 2 Yh. —I. 36 THE SA WLE OF MAN. And latt my ftrenth and chairge accord, Affift me with thyne haly fpreit, With fteidfaft hairt and howp repleit, At leifl fum pairt, I the befeik, As thow art luving, kynd and meik, Into thy juftice and jugement Bot fen I am fo penitent, Quhen that my fenffis ar all gone, My hairt and mynd on the allone Thy fweit promeifs and tendir luve, Owt of my mynd fall nocht rem [u] ve, And gif thow will that fuddanly I recommend my fawle to the Quhair it fall half ane dwelling place To rigne in hevinly luve and peace Or ellis, gif that thy plefour be Releif me of my meferie Remeid me, that am lyik to mang. And I fall fmg thy praeyfe als lang For thy names faik. That I may ftill, 15 Abyid thy will. To fwaige my pane ; Thy wreth refrane. Deill nocht with me ; Grant me mercie. 20 Andwordisdoisfaill, Salbe all haill. Na tyme nor tyde, Nor yit lat flyd. I fall depairt, 25 With cheirfuU hairt, With angellis hie, Eternallye.-^ My lyfe to fpair. And prefent cair. 30 And foir oppreft. As I may left. Finis. VII. The Sazole of man. OFF all the gude createuris of Goddis creating Maift peur and pretious is the fawle of man ; A perfe6l fubftance, at na tyme abating; Ouhilk, with the body, the paffionis fuffer can; In vertew, joyus; in vyce, baith wyifs^ and wan; Quhilk, eftir daith, fall reffaif the rewarde Of werkis in lyftyme it did maift regarde. ^ Dupl. Text — Perpetually. ^ lb. — wa. THE L YFE IN MAN. 37 The Lyfe in man. Lyfe, that cuppilHs the fawle and body in ane, Is fraill and vane, mair flippry than the flyme; A heipfull of cairis, bot quyet hes it nane; 10 Ordanit of God a priffone for a tyme, To plege and purge the body and fawle frome cryme; Fol. 15. b. Quhilk quha fa fpendis verteously and wele, Sail eftir it ay in glory and joyis dwele. Confcience. In quhat ordor fa evir a manis lyfe is heir led, 15 The confcience excufis or accufis plane, Vthirwayis to perfwaid ftandis in na fted; It prevailis in witnefs to joy or to pane. Feir God, truft in him, and wickitnefs refraine ; Keip faif the confcience frome feir and trymbling, 20 That trew faith and peax may be at thy ending. Prayar and Repentance. Prayar is the maift haly, devyne ferwice That man heir on erth vnto God may prefent. Faith, with repentance, is the dew and perfett devyce That withfbandis the diuill and his curfit entent. 25 Pray to God, truft in him, bot firfb be penitent ; For, as a feuir fchip favis thame that be thairin, Saprayar,be repentance, favis ws fromedrownyng in fyn. FaitJu Faith is a fteidfaftnes and trewth of thingis Spokin and convenantit off God, or of man. 30 38 FEIR OF GOD. A richt faith in God with it all wayis bringis Invinfibill powar, that inichtelly can Withftand the affaltis of the crewall Satan : For he that is faithful! and trew in all thingis Hes michtyar fervandis than lordis or kingis. 35 Feir of God. Withowt the feir of God na man can be jufh, Nor yit richtly rewill his corrupt nature. Feir ftrangly mortifyis all filthy lufb ; Feir fyndis entrance in to a lyfe moift peure, Ouhilk feir vpoun luve dependis maifb feure ; 40 Or ellis feir withowt luve increffis hatred ; And quhame men do feir, thay wifs war perifched. Arijiotle. Bettir it is to dye, the fawlis lyfe to fave, Than to loifs the fawle, the bodyis lyfe to have. Seneca. It is better to half the fawle garniffid with vertew, 45 Than the body deckid with purple, gold, or blew. Finis. THE FIRST SALME. 39 VIII. The firjl Salme. Fol. i6. a. Beatus vir. T T Appie is hie hes hald him fre 1- i. Frome folkis of defame ; Ahvayis to fie iniquite And fait of fyn and fchame. Bot hes his will conforme vntill 5 The Lordis command and law, Thame to fulfill, with purpoifs ftill Boith day and nicht to knaw. He fall half brute, as tre on rute Endlang the rever plantit ; lo To burge and fchute, and fall gif frutt In tyme, as God hes grantit. Quhois leif and blaid fall nevir faid, Bot fragrant ay be^ flureift; Quhois workis on braid sail evir^ fpraid, 15 And richtoufly be nvreift. Sail non be fo off nochtis no, Ouhilk bene of curfit kind:^ Bot thay fall go lyk duft and ftro Bene vaneift with the wind, 20 Evill men lykwyifs fall nocht arryifs* To jugement as thay^ truft; Nor thame that lyifs in fyne of [t] fyifs To counfale with the juft. ^ Dupl. Text — l>e and. ^ Vo.—profprus. 3 From Dupl. Text— MS. has bind. '^ Dupl. i:&^\.— thay fall nocht ryifs. 5 From Dupl. Text— MS. has the. 40 THE FYIFTY-FIRST PSHALME. For air and lait the Lord weill wait 25 The wayifs of vertewus men, And every gait off wicket ftait Sail perreifs owt of ken. Gloria Patri. To Fader gloir be evirmoir, To Sone and Haly Spreit; 3° As wes afoir, now is in ftoir, And ay falbe, So beit. Finis quod Alex"" Scott. IX. The fyifty\firjl^ PJJtalnie. LORD God deliuer me, allace! Foi. 16. b. For thy grit mercy, rewth, and grace, Soir mornyng, grufling on my face, Rew on my miferie : Als for the mvltitud and fpace s Off thy heich clemenfs, heir my cace, And my trefpafs expell and chace ; Lord God deliuer me. Wefche me, and mak my fawle ferene Frome all iniquite that bene; 10 Clenge me of cryme and mak me clene. All vycis for to fle. For my tranfgreffioun haif I fene, Quhilk tormentis me with tray and tene. THE FYIFTY-FIRST FSHALME. 41 And ay my fyn forgane myne ene; 15 Lord God deliuer me. Only to the I did offend, May non my mifs bot thow amend, As by thy fermondis thow art kend Ourcum all contrarie. 20 In filth, lo! I begyn and end. By fyn maternall I am fend. With vyce I vaneifs and mon wend ; Lord God deliuer me. Thow had to veritie fie zeill, 25 That of thy wifdome did reweill Incertane hid thingis for my weill, And laid befoir myne e. For, quhen thy fowth of grace I feill, I falbe clengit clene as fteill, 30 And quhyttar than the fnaw gret deill ; Lord God deliuer me. Thow fall gif glaidnes vnto heir. Me into joy and mirthfuU cheir, Quhen all my febill bonis efeir 35 Sail gif the lovingis hie. Heirfoir avart thy vifage cleir, Fol. 17. a. So that my fynnis cum not the neir; Off my mifdeidis, quhilk dois me deir, Lor[d] God deliuer me. 40 Great within me and infound Ane hart immaculat and mound, Ane fteidfaft hairt renew and ground Within my breift to be. Fleme me nocht fra thy face fecound, 45 F 42 THE FYIFTY-FIRST PSHALME. Bot lat thy Haly Spreit abound ; Lord God deliuer me.^ Refloir me to the exultatioun I had in the of my faluatioun, And with thy Spreit of cheif probatioun 50 [Vpftirre my hairt to thee] ^ I fall to fynnaris mak narratioun, And wicket men in deviatioun I fall thame ken to confolatioun ; Lord God deliuer me. 55 Lord God deliuer me, and gyd Frome fchedding blude and homicyd; My tung fall preifs the, juft, but pryd. And petefull, all thre : Lowfe thow my lippis, that tyme and tyd 60 I may gif to the lovingis ^vyd, Till all that fermely lift confyd; Lord God deliuer me. Knew I thow covet facrifyifs. Or offerand holocaft wald pryifs 65 I fowld thame gif, bot thow dennyifs Sic to reffaif in gre; For thy oblatioun. Lord, it lyifs In humill hairt, contreit alwyifs; Pennens of fpreit thow nolt difpyifs ; 70 Lord God deliuer me. Sweit Lord, to Syon be fuave, And ftrenth the wallis of thy conclave, Fol. 17. b. Jerufalem, thy haly grave, Ouhilk makis ws ranfone fre: 75 ^ A line of this stanza omitted in MS. 2 From old verfion — MS. has Ainx Sovirlie. THE TAB ILL OF CONFESSIOUN. 43 This facrifice than thow fait have Off thy juft pepill, and reffave Thair laill trew hairtis with all the lave; Lord God deliuer me. Gloir to the Fader he aboif, 80 Gloir to the Sone for our behoif, Gloir to the Haly Spreit of loif, In trenefald vnitie; As wes, is, falbe ay, but roif, Ane thre, and thre in ane, to proif 85 Thy Godheid nevir may remoif : Lord God deliuer me. Finis quod Scott. T X. \The Tabill of Confeffioim^ O The, O mercifull Salviour, Jefus, My King, my Lord, and my Redemar fweit, Befoir thy bludy figor dolorus I repent my fynnys, with humill hairt contreit, That evir I did vnto this hour compleit, Baith in werk, in word, and eik^ intent; Falling on face, full law befoir thy feit, I cry The mercy, and lafar to repent. To The, my fweit Saluiour, I me fchirryve. Committing me in thy mercy [maift] excelling,^ ^Dupl. Text— ?■«. 2 MS has excellaiting altered to excelling, and the word excellijiz l^^Smtht '^" ^^^' '^^^^ ^^^-^"d dois me in thy mercy mojl 10 44 THE TAB ILL OF CONFESSIOUN. Off the wrang fpending of my wittis fyve, — In hering, feing, gufting, twiching, and fmelling, Ganeftanding, greving, moving, and rebelling Aganis The my God and Lord omnipotent ; With teiris of forrow frome my ene diftilling, 15 I cry The mercy, and lafar to repent. I wretchit fynner, vyle, and full of vyce, Off the Sevin Deidly Synnys dois^ me fchirryve, — Off pryd, off yre, invy, and covetyce, Fol. 18, a. Off lichery, gluttony, with flewth ay to ourdryve, 20 Exercing vycis evir in all my lyve, For quhilk, allace! I fervit to be fchent: Rew on me, Jefu, for thy woundis fyve! I cry The mercy, and lafar to repent. I confefs^ me, Lord! that I abufit half 25 The Sevin Deidis of Mercy Corporall, — To hungre meit, nor drynk to thrifty^ gaif, Nor vefeit the feik, nor did redeme the thrall, Harbreit the wolfome, nor naikit cled att all. Nor yit the deid to bury, tuke I tent: 30 Thow, that put mercy aboif thy workis all, I cry The mercy, and lafar to repent. In the Sevin Deidis of Marcy Spirituall, — To ignorantis nocht gaif I my teiching, Synnaris corre6lioun, nor deftitut counfall, 35 Na vnto wofull wretchis conforting, Nor to my nychtbouris fupport of my praying. Nor was to a{k forgifnes penitent, Nor to forgif my nychtbouris offending; I cry The mercy, and lafar to repent. 40 1 Dupl. Text— ^c'. 2 ib_ —fchryif. ^ lb. —thrijlie drink I. THE TAB ILL OF CONFESSIOUN. 45 Commandis. Articulis creid. Lord! I half done full littill reverence To thy Sacramentis excellent of ^ renoun, — Thy Haly Supper ffor my fyn recompence, And of my gilt the holy- fatisfaftioun, And Bapteme, als quhilk all my fyn wefche doun; 45 Heirof, als far as I was negligent, With hairt contreit, and teiris falling doun, I cry The mercy, and lafar to repent. The Ten Commandis, — ane God for till honour, Nocht tane in vane his name, no^ fleyar to be, 50 Fader and m.oder to wirfchep at all hour. To be no theif, the haly day to vphie, Nychtbouris to lufe, fals witnefs for to fle. To leif adultre, to covet no manis rent; Aganis thir preceptis^ culpable knaw I me; 55 FoI. 18. b. I cry The mercy, and lafar to repent. The^ Articulis of Trewth,— in God to trow, The Fader that all thingis wrocht and comprehendit, And in his haly bliffit Sone, Jefu, Of Mary borne, on croce deit, to hell difcendit, 60 The thrid day ryfmg, to the Fader afcendit. Off quick and deid to cum, and hald jugement; In to thir poynttis, O Lord ! quhair I offendit I cry The mercy, and lafar to repent I trow in to the bliffit Haly Spreit, And in the Kirk, to do as it commandis. And to thy dome that we fall ryfs compleit And tak our flefche agane, baith feit and handis, All to be faiff in ftait of grace that ftandis ; Plane I rewoik in thir quhair I mifwent, 7° 65 1 Dupl. Text ^ lb. — no man ■of excellent. nb.- - lb. — Gif I for my fen bewaill and mak. -In all this warld. Lord. ^ lb, — /«. 46 THE TAB ILL OF CONFESSIOUN. Befoir The, Juge and Lord of fee and landis, I cry The mercy, and lafar to repent. I fynnyt, Lord ! that nocht being fbrong as wall, In howp, in faith, in fervent cheretie; Nocht with the Foure Vertewis Cardenall, 75 Aganis vycis feure enarming me. With fortitude, prowdence, and temperance, thir thre With juftice evir [in] work, word, or intent; To The, Chryft Jefu, cafting vp myne e, I cry The mercy, and lafar to repent. 80 Off fyn als aganis the Haly Spreit, Of vertew poftponyng, and fyn aganis nateur, Off [injcontritioun, confeffour^ indifcreit, Of reffait fmffull of The my Saluiour, Of non repentance,- and fatisfa6lion feur, 85 Of the Sevin Giftis the Haly Gaift me fent. Of Sex Petitionis in Pater Nofter peur; I cry The mercy, and lafar to repent. Nocht thanking The of gratitud nor grace, That thow me wrocht, and bocht [me] with thy blude ; 9° Fol. 19. a. Of this fchort lyfe remembring nocht the fpace, The hevenis blifs, the hellis hiddoufs feid,^ But moir trefpafs, my fynnis to remeid. Concluding nevir all thrwch in myne entent ; [O] Thow, quhois blude on rude ran for my deid,'^ 95 I cry The mercy, and lafar to repent. I knaw me vicious, Lord, and richt culpable In aithis fweiring, leifing, and blafpheming, Off fruftrat fpeiking in court, in kirk, and table, ^ ? confeffioun. ^ Dupl. Text — vtidoiie pennence. ^ jb_ —fede. ^ lb. —for vun ran redd. THE TAB ILL OF CONFESSIOUN. 47 In wordis vyle, in vaneteis expreming, 100 Preyfing my felf, and evill my nichtbouris deming, And fo in ydilnes my dayis haif fpent ; Thow that was rent on rude for my redeming, I cry The mercy, and lafar to repent. I fynnit in confaving^ thochtis joHe, ^o5 Vp to the hevin extolHng myne ententioun, In he exaltit arrogance and folye, Prowdnes, derifioun, fcorne and vilipentioun, Prefumptioun, inobedience and contemptioun, In fals vane gloir and deidis negligent; iio Thow, that deit on rud, for my redemptioun, 1 cry The mercy, and lafar to repent. I fynnit als in reif and in oppreffioun. In wrangufs gudis taking and poffeding, Contrar gud^ reffoun, confcience and difcretioun, ^^5 Of^ prodigall fpending,but rewth of peure folkis neiding, In fowl! difceptionis, in fals inventionis breiding. To conqueifs"^ honor, trefor, land and rent, In flefchly luft aboif mefur exceding ; I cry The mercy, and lafar to repent. 120 Off mynd diffymvlat. Lord ! I me confefs, Of feid vndir [ane] freindly countenance. Of parciall jugeing, and pervefs wilfulnefs, In flattering wordis for fynning of fubftance, Of fals folifting fifor wrang deliuerance 125 At Counfale, Seffioun, and at Parliament; Of every gilt, and wicket govirnance, I cr}'- The mercy, and lafar to repent. I fchryve me of all curfit cumpany, All tymes both witting and vnwitting me, 1 Dupl. Text — dijfaving. ^Ib. — my. ^Ib. — In. ''lb. — conquere. Fol. 19. b. 130 48 THE TAB ILL OF CONFESSIOUN. Off criminall caufs, off deid of fellony, Of tyranny, and vengeable crewaltie, In hurt^ or flawchter, culpable gif I be, Be ony maner,^ deid, counfale, or confent; deir Jefu! that for me deit on tre, 135 1 cry The mercy, and lafar to repent. Thocht I half nocht thy pretious feit to kifs, As had the Magdalene, quhen fcho did mercy craif, I fall, as fcho, weip teiris for my mifs, And every morrow feik The at thy graif; 140 Thairfoir, forgif me, as Thow hir forgaif, That feis my hart as hiris penitent ! Thy pretious body in breift or I reffaif, I cry The mercy, and lafar to repent. To mak me, Jefu, on The to^ remember! 145 I afk thy Paffioun me fo to habound, Ouhill nocht vnmenyeit be in me ane member, Bot fall in wo, with The, of every wound ; And every fbraik mak throw my hart a ftound, That evir did ftenyie thy fair flefche innocent, 150 So that no pairt of my body be found, Bot crying The mercy, and lafar to repent. Off all thir fynnis that I did heir expreme. And als foryet, to The, Lord ! I me fchryif, Appeling fra thy juftice court extreme 155 Vnto thy court of mercy exvlyif ; Thow mak my fchip in bliffit port to arryif, That failis heir in ftormis violent, And faif me, Jefu! for thy woundis fyve. That cryis The mercy, and lafar to repent. i6o Finis quod Dumbar. 1 Dupl. Text — deid. ^ lb. — wyis. ^ Vo.—for to. O MOST HEICH AND ETERNALL KING. 49 XI. \0 moji heich and etevnall King^ OMOST heich and eternall King, Fol. 20, a. Thow helppis the lame and Wind to ficht ; Frome the dois every vertew fpring, Geving the fone and mone thair Hcht. Help now to gyd my mynd arricht 5 This lattir fentence till apply, Quhilk come to me this vthir nicht : He that wold^ leif moft lerne to dy. [O Lord, quho can gife and be lame, Or iuge cullouris, wanting his ficht; 10 Or how fuld I ane mater frame That lies no knawlege to indyt? How can ane blind man fchut arrycht, Being all blind without ony e ? Sic can nocht lichtly hit the quhyt : 15 He that will leive moft lerne to de.^] My cluddy ficht, O Lord, mak cleir, Tak of the mift that hurtis foir, And latt the licht of grace appeir. Thow cumis to faif that wes forloir, 20 The blind to ficht thow dois refloir; Sic is thy gentill courtafie. To the be lawid and prayifs thairfoir: He that wold^ leif moft lerne to dy. Oppin my eis, my mercifull Lord, 25 The licht of faith cleirly to fie, 1 Dupl. Text— ai'///. ^ From Dupl. Text— not in MS. ^ Dupl. Text — will. G 50 O MOST HEICH AND ETERNALL KING. And to beleif thy fecreit word, The quhilk dois fay, " Cum vnto me, All ye that labor, refrefcit to be." This proclamatioun Chryift did cry 30 To tak from ws iniquitie: [He that will leif moft lerne to dy.^] Chryft come nocht the richtoufs to call, Bot fynnaris to repentance. Off him we haif the confort all, 35 Quhairfoir, his holy name avance. He makis for ws purveance, Gif we in tyme frome vyce dois flee; With him we fall haif heretance : He that wold leif moft lern to dy. 40 Agane God fayis, " Gif ye me luve, Than ye moft keip my commandment." This text all godly men dois move. To be to him obedient. It is for ws expedient 45 His godly will to magnifie. And of our fmfull lyvis repent : yo\. 20. b. He that wold leife moft lerne to dy. Dy frome all fyn and wicketnes, Frome pryd and^ abhominatioun. 50 Dy frome fleuth and covetoufnes, Preifs'^ to gud occupatioun. Now is tyme, mak preparatioun Our fynfull lyvis to mortify. For help to God mak meditatioun : 55 He that wold leif moft lerne to dy. 1 From Dupl. Text— not in MS. ^ j^^-^\_ TQx\.—7viih kir. ^ lb. — Andpreifs. O MOST HEICH AND ETERNALL KING. 51 "Gif thow defyre for to leif long, In reft and peice, and fee^ gud dayis, Frome fpeiking lyis refrane thy tong." The four and thretty Salme thus fayis, 60 To call ws vnto godly wayifs, And wickit toungis to pacific. Remember this, mak no delayis : He that wold leif moft lerne to dy. Tak Chryiftis croce vpon your back, 65 And follow him in leving peur. Wirk Weill in tyme, and be nocht flak, For heir we can not long endeur. Tyme gois away, ye may be feur; Our flowris fedis away trewly, 70 Thairfoir to God for grace procure : He that wold leif moft lerne to dy. The pfalme doith fay, " Call vpoun me In tyme of tribulatioun. And than I will deliuer the." 75 The Lord hes fic compaffioun, To him mak fupplicatioun, And call vpoun him fathfully, Quhen ye haif vifitatioun : He that wold leif moft lerne to dy. 80 O Lord of lordis celeftiall! Thy michty arme doith ws defend. Be the we ryifs, quhen we do fall ; Thy mercy non can comprehend. Lord, pardone ws quhair we offend, 85 Fol.ai.a. Heir in this vaill of miferie. 1 Dupl. Text— 7b leif in reft and fee. 52 CHRIS TE QUI LUX ES ET DIES. Thus I conclud, and makis ane end: He that will leif molt lerne to dy. Finis quod [Ro.^] Norvall. XII. \ChriJle qui lux es et dies.] CHRISTE qui lux es et dies, O Jefu Chryft, the verry licht And daye that vndois all dirknes, Vncovering mirknes of the nicht, The"^ licht of licht, beleve it richt,^ 5 Thow grant ws all, but* difperance. Of thy vifage to haif a ficht. Lumen beatum predicans. Precamur, fan6le Domine, Our haly Lord, to the we pray, lo Defend ws in this nicht, that we In the mot reft withowt efifray; And grant ws grace, that we may fay This ympne fo plefandly to the. To bed quhen that we boun ws ay, iS No6lem quietam tribue. Ne grauis fompnus irruat, Thow tak ws. Lord, in thy keiping. Fra our ennemy, and all his wreth. Defend ws, Lord, attour all thing. 20 Fra dully dremis in our fleping,^ 1 From Dupl. Text— not in MS. ^ Dupl. Text—77io7i/. 3 ih.—Mevii richt. * Va.—all ay but. nh.—dule dretityngis injleping. CHRISTE QUI LUX ES ET DIES. 5 3 Fra Baliall, and his belfull bache/ Lat nevir our flefche in confenting, Nos tibi reos ftatuat. Oculi fompnum capiant, 25 Our ene tak fleping on^ this wyfe, That our hart walk and be conftant In hevinly thocht and thy ferwyifs, Fra we tak reft, quhill that we ryifs; Sen we may nowdir mvt nor munt 30 Thy haly hand, keip ws that lyifs, Fol. 21. b. Famulos qui te dihgunt, Defenfor nofter, afpice. Our only God and Defendour, Behald our ennemy, and fe 35 Ay^ wating ws fra hour till hour. God fend ws grace fra hevynis tour To brek thair power and thair prefs, And fave ws fra thair fawis [fa] four, Quos fanguine mercatus es. 40 Memento noftri,^ Domine, Haif ws in mynd, and grant ws meid, Till in this frivoll flefche ar we. Haif mercy, Lord, of our mifdeid ; Thow art the defenfor^ at neid Of our fawlis in neceffitie. On domifday, quhen all fall dreid, Adefto nobis, Domine. 45 Deo Patri fit gloria. To glorius God, the Fader fre. And to his onlie Sone alfwa, ^ Struck out ill MS. and altered by another hand to bake. Dupl. Text — bach or bath. - Dupl. Text — in. ^ lb. — Euir. ^ lb. — mei. ^ lb. — defenfor evir. 50 54 O HICHT OF HICHT, AND LIGHT OF LIGHT. And to the Holy Gaift, all thre, Evirlefting gloir/ but ending, be. Thow grant ws grace, quhen we hyne ga. That we thyne endles joy may fe, 55 In fempiterna fecula. {Amen?] Finis. XIII. \0 hicJit of hicht, and licht of licht moft cleir^ O HICHT of hicht, and licht of licht moft cleir, Prince withowt peir, Crhyfl Jefu, King of micht, Sone fchynyng bricht aboif Saturnus fpheir, Quhois vefage heir ffor ws wox dym of ficht. The way to beir ws to eternall licht. 5 Thy bittir paffioun, thy pane and thy torment In ws now prent with pane and fic pvnitioun, That exerfitioun off deidis penitent In ws be lent with teiris of contritioun,^ Quhill thow confent, thow gif ws thy remiffioun. lo Fol. 22. a. For Weill war me the mirreit of thy woundis, That paffis the boundis of our iniquitie With mercy, this warld in fyn that dround is, Fro hellis houndis conferve our fawlis fre, Quhen that thow foundis thy awfull home on hie. 15 Redemptor gud, reffaif in paradice Thy merchandyce that thow bocht on the rude; 1 Dupl. Text— >_y. " From Dupl. Text— not in MS. ^ Dupl. Text — effiijloun. SPAIR ME, GUD LORD, AND MAK ME CLENE. 55 Latt not the wude, infernall cokatrice Fra the ws tyfe, fweit Jefu, myld of mude, For the grit pryce and vertew of thy blude. 20 Obedient Sone thow wes to the deid, And all in reid for ws wes revin and rent, Schamit and fchent with thorny croun on held, Rute of remeid, gife ws, fra hyne we went, Thy bliffit^ fteid aboif the firmament. 25 Finis. XIV. {Spair me, giid Lord, and inak me clene^ SPAIR me, gud Lord, and mak me clene; For my lyfe dayis thay be richt nocht. Ouhat is a man, thocht he be kene, Bot waiftis away as dois a thocht.-' Think, Lord,^ of erd thow hes ws wrocht, And in to clay that turne mon we, Quhen ony baill is for ws brocht : Than parce michi,^ Domine. A man is of a woman born. His lyf is bot a littill thraw, His wretchitnes is him beforne, Quhill he is weill, he ftandis no aw; In his maift welth, he can not knaw Nowdir him felf nor yet God hie. ^ Dupl. Text — blisfull. ^Yo. — Lord think. ^Vo.— nobis. 10 56 SPAIR ME, GUD LORD, AND MAK ME CLENE. Quhen we ar deid, and lyis full law, 15 Than parce michi, Domine. My fawll is irkit^ of my lyfe, Fol. 22. b, Thruch^ wretfchitnes quhilkis^ me within, For labor, forrow, fturt, and ftryif, Dreid of deid, and dalie fyn. 20 The feind, he wetis his pray to win, Ws till abandoim evir wald hie ; Quhen deid, his devoir falbegyn, Than parce mihi, Domine. Sail paipis, bifchopis, and clerkis fterf? 25 Sail thay haif hell for fynnis faik? Ye, thay fall haif as thay deferf ; For thay a full hard compt fall mak, Becaufe the kirkis gudis thay tak. Syne dois thairfoir nocht thair dewtie, 30 Except fic fynnis thay fair* forfaik: Than parce michi, Domine. Sail lordis and ladeis die and rot. Or fall thay ftynk, that fmellis now fweit? Sail wormis thame brefe abowt the throt, 35 Ouhair goldin colleris hingis fo meit? Quhen thay ar prickit in a fcheit. Than loft is all thair ryaltie. Bot micht thay leif, thay wold fo yeit : Nunc parce mihi, Domine. 40 I mene richt weill quhat evir I fay, Wald God to that we cowld tak held, And graith our fawlis the reddy way Aganis the feirfull day of deid. 1 Dupl. Text — irkis. ^ lb. — For. ^ lb, — is. ■* lb. — Bot thay fu fyn7iis fair. CUM HAL V SPREIT MOIST SUPERNE. 57 Lord, for thy woundis that foir cowth bleid, 45 Quhen thow for ws deit on tre, Tak no vengeance for our mifdeid, Bot parce michi, Domine. Finis. XV. \Cuin Haly Spreit moiji fuperne^ CUM Haly Spreit moift fuperne, Vefy thy pepill, and infpyre. Fol. 23. a. Illumene ws with hcht eterne, Inflame ws with the fervent fyre Of luve of the with fic defyre, 5 That nothing erdly fover^ ws Nor pairt ws fra thy hie empyre : Veni, Creator Spiritus. Quhen ony werkis we begin, Thow be with ws, O Haly Gaift. 10 Latt no evill fpreit ws within Mak foiorne, quhair thow fowld be plaift. Cum Sone, and tak the houfs in haift; Cum Capitane, gude and gratius, At morrow, or our claythis be laift : 15 Veni, Creator Spiritus, And thocht the ennemy wald intend To fett a fege the^ houfs abowt, Be thow within for to deffend We force^ nocht quha affaill thairowt. 20 1 Dupl. Text-y^/«y. ^Ib.~thy. ^Ikur. H 58 YE SOJ^IS OF MEN, BE MIRR Y AND GLAID. Cum, Lord, and in our lugeing lowt. Cum, our Prote6lor glorius, Ouhome we fall thank and lawd but dowt: Veni, Creator Spiritus. Finis. XVI. [ Ye Sofiis of Men, be viirry and glaid.l YE fonis of men, be mirry and glaid. And leif in confolatioun ; Tak in your hairtis no clothis faid, Dule, dreid, nor difperatioun. Haif howp of your falvatioun. 5 Think of the joy that is to cum, Be meik in tribulatioun : Lawdate servi Dominum. Be glaid, ye princis, moifh potent, Ouhome God lies gevin, of his fre grace, lo Grit ryell renoun, riches, and rent. And lufty lordfchyppis to imbrace. Fol. 23. b. Benyngly fall vpoun your face. And love the Lord of all and fum. That of this lyf he lent yow hefs : 15 Lawdate fervi Dominum. And ye, quhome God na poffeffouris In to this warld hes maid heirdoun. Of benificis, boundis, nor treffouris, Ye thank als richelie his renoun, 20 YE SONIS OF MEN, BE MIRR Y AND GLAID. 59 As ye all cuntreis, tour, and toun Joyfit, of Jordane to ye flume ; Thy compt is lefs^ at conclufioun: Lawdate ferui Dominum. Quhairfoir I reid boith riche and peur, 25 That of your pairt ye be content ; For warldly fubftance is not feur, Nor is poffeffioun permanent. Think that this lyfe is nocht the lent For fkafing heir of fcruf and flcum, 30 Bot to ferve God with clene entent : Lawdate fervi Dominum. Sen that fra God your grace cummis all, Fra your regrait ye gif him girth; Thocht he your gud tak, grit and fmall, 35 Fader and moder, barne and birth, Blafpheme him not be feild nor firth, Nor drowp ye not as ye war dum, Bot boith in mowth and mynd, with mirth, Lawdate fervi Dominum. 40 Gif God lift tak vnto his gloir Your freind, thairfoir fay not allace, Bot humly gif him thankis thairfoir, That tuik him to fa joyfull place, Ouhair ye, with blifs, fall vthiris brace 45 Super occurfois fyderum. Your Saluiour feing in the face : Lawdate fervi Dominum. Fifiis. ^ Dupl. Text — Lefs thy compt is. 6o YE THAT CONTREIT BENE AND CONFEST XVII. [ Ye that contreit be7ie and confcji^ "\ /"E that contreit bene and confeft, Fol. 24. a. X A fprituall glaidnes to you tak; For ye reffaif a glorious gaift, The Lord, that all the hevynnis did mak. Awalk in fpreit, and be not waik ; 5 Think evir thair watis yow ane fo ; With humill hairt him not foirfaik : Letamini Jufti in Domino, Ye fowld be glaid for reffonis feir ; For now it is the tyme of grace, 10 The tyme of penitence, and prayeir, The tyme of^ conqueifs, and of purchace, Of the triumphand hevinly place That evill angellis wer baneift^ fro; For ye fall fee his bliffit face:^ 15 Letamini Jufti in Domino. Now is the tyme of battell ftowt, That every ane of ws^ fowld be Inarmit, baith within and owt,^ With howp, faith, and cheritie, 20 Aganis thir crewall fayis thre, The divill, the warld, the flefche alfo,® With the Croce in your ftandart hie: Letamini Jufti in Domino Ye that ar richtous of intent, 25 And groundit vpon futhfaftnes, ^Dupl.Text — o/ke. ^ib. — exylit. ^Ib. — occupy thair place. *Ib. — is or. s lb. — and withowt. ^ lb. — The warld, the flefche, thefeind alfo. ANE PR A YER FOR THE PEST. 6i And lift not to no vvrang confent, To lye, deffaif, nor to opprefs, Lat joy in to your hairtis increfs; For he that brocht ws owt of wo 3° Sail Weill reward yow moir and less : Letamini Jufti in Domino. Finis. XVIII. Ane Prayer for the Peji. OETERNE God ! of power infinyt, To quhois hie knawlege na thing is obfcure That is, or was, or evir falbe, perfyt^ Fol. 24. b. In to thy ficht, quhill that this warld indure; Haif mercy of ws indigent and peure. 5 Thow^ dois na wrang to pvneifs our offens: O Lord, that is to mankynd haill fuccure, Preferve ws fra this perrelus peftilens. We the befeik, O Lord of lordis all ! Thy eiris inclyne, and heir our grit regrait;^ 10 We afk remeid of the in generall. That is of help and confort defolait; Bot thow, with rewth, our hairtis recreat. We ar bot deid but only thy clemens; We the exhort, on kneis law proftrait, 15 Preferf ws fra this perrellus peftilens. We ar richt glaid thow pvneifs our trefpafs Be ony kynd of vthir tribulatioun; 1 Dupl. Teyl— or falbe is perfyt. ^ lb. — T/iaf. 3 jb, —degrait. 62 ANE PR A YER FOR THE PEST. Wer it thy will, O Lord of hevin ! allaifs, That we fowld thus be haiftely put doun, 20 And dye as beiftis, without confeflioun, That nane dar mak with vthir refidence. O bliffit Jefu! that woir the thorny croun, Preferve ws frome this perrellus peftilens. Vfe derth, O Lord, or feiknes, and hungir foir, 25 And flaik thy plaig that is fo penetryve. Thy^ pepill ar perreift, quha ma remeid thairfoir, Bot thow, O Lord, that for thame loft thy lyve, Suppoifs our fyn be to the pungityve, Oure deid ma nathing our fynnys recompens. 30 Haif mercy, Lord! we ma not with the ftryve, Preferve ws frome this perrellus peftilens. Haif mercy. Lord! haif mercy, hevynis King! Haif mercy of thy pepill penetent ; Haif mercy of our petoufs puniffmg! 35 Retreit the fentence of^ thy juft jugement Aganis ws fynnaris, that fervis to be fchent Withowt mercy; we ma mak no defens. Fol. 25. a. Thow that, but rewth, vpoun the rude was rent, Preferve ws frome this perrellus peftilens. 40 Remmember, Lord ! how deir thow lies ws bocht, That for ws fynnaris fched thy pretius blude. Now to redeme that thow hes maid of nocht, That is of vertew barrane and denude, Haif rewth, Lord! of thyne awin fym[i]litude; 45 Puneifs with pety, and nocht with violens: We knaw it is for our ingratitude That we ar pvneift with this peftilens. iDupl. Text— The. "- lb. —and. ANE PRA YER FOR THE PEST. 63 Thow grant ws grace for till amend our mifs, And till evaid this crewall fuddane deid : 50 We knaw our fyn is all the caufe of thifs. For oppin fyn thair is fet no remeid, The Juftice of God mon pvneifs than bot dreid;^ For by the law he will with non difpens, Ouhair Juftice laikis, thair is eternall feid 55 Of God, that fowld preferf fra peftilens. Bot wald the heiddifman, that fowld keip the law, Pveneifs the peple for thair tranfgreffioun, Thair wald na deid the peple than owrthraw ; Bot thay ar gevin fo planely till oppreffioun, 60 That God will nocht heir thair interceffioun ; Bot all ar pvneift for thair innobediens, Be fword or deid, withowttin remiffioun, And lies juft caufe to fend ws peftilens, Superne Lucerne, guberne this peftilens, 65 Preferve and ferve that we not fterve thairin, Declyne that pyne, be thy devyne prudens. O Trewth, haif rewth, lat not our flewth ws twin; Our fyt, full tyt, wer we contryt, wald blin, Diffiver, did never, quha evir the befocht. 70 Send^ grace, with fpace, and ws imbrace^ fra fyn; Fol. 25. b. Latt nocht be tynt that thow fo deir lies bocht. O Prince preclair! this cair cotidiane, We the exhort, diftort it in exyle; Bot thow remeid, this deid is bot ane trane 75 For to diffaif the laif, and* tliame begyle, Bot thow, fa vyifs, devyifs to mend this^ byle Of this mifcheif, quha ma releif ws oclit. ^Dyx^l.Ttxi—be deid. "lb. — Bot. ^Vo.—for io arrace, * \h.—faljly and. ^ lb. — to win us fra that. 64 THE SONG OF THE VIRGIN MARY. For wrangus win, bot thow our fyn ourfyll : Latt nocht be tynt that thow fo deir hes bocht. Sen for our vyce, that Juftyce mon corre6l, O King moft hie ! now pacific thy feid ; Our fyn is huge, refuge we not fufpe6l. As thow art Juge, deluge ws of this dreid,^ In tyme affent, or we be fchent with deid ; We ws repent, and^ tyme mifpent forthocht, Thairfoir, evirmoir be gloir to thy Godheid : Lat nocht be tynt that thow fa deir hes bocht. Fi?iis. \^uod Henryfone.^] 80 85 XIX. Magnificat anima mea Dominum. The Song of the Virgin Mary. \CaUit Magnificat anima mea Dominum.'^'] WITH lawd and prayifs my faule hes magnifeid The eternall God,^ both ane, two, and thre. That all hes maid, and every thing dois gyid ; Quhilk, of his micht and bonteufs petie. Off his gudnes and eik benignitie, Only of his mercy, lift to half plefance ' For to confidder and gratiouflie to fie To my meiknes, and humill attendance. Et exultauit My fpreit alfo, with thocht and hairt efeir, spiritus meus. Rgiofit hes with fully of aboundance ^ Dupl. Text — And thcnu he juge dijliige tis of this Jleid. 2 lb. — For we repent all. ^ In a different hand. * From Dupl. Text. s Dupl. Text — Lord. 10 THE SONG OF THE VIRGIN MAR V. 65 In God, that is my fouerane haill enteir, And all my joy, and all my fufficance. My haill defyre, and my full fuftenance. Within my thocht he is fo deip ingrave That, hot in him withowt variance, 15 In all this warld I can no glaidnes haive. Quia refpexit For he frome hevin gudly hes behold Fol. 26. a. Si foe!" Ofhis hand maid the humilitie. Quhairfoir, in fic only, for he wold All kinrikkis faue, Bliffit call thay me; 20 Of quhilk, O Lord, the thank be vnto the. With prayifs and honor of hevery hairt and toung, For this allone be to thy name ay foung. Quia fecit mihi For he to me hes done thingis grit, magna. q^ j^^ renoun and paffing excellence. 25 His grace fo fully to me dois fleit; For he is michty, off maift magnificence ; His name is holy and maift of reverence, Than, for to leif it, fall I nevir afbart To truft in him with my hoill mynd and hairt. 30 Et miferi- And his marcy, moift paffmg famoufs, cordiaeiusetc, pj-ome kin to kin, and fo doun to kinreid, Sail throw his grace be fo plenteoufs Perpetualy, that it fall ay proceid. And fpecialy to thame that luve and dreid 35 My gratius Lord, with hairt, will, and mynd. To fuche his pitie fall fpring and fpreid, Of dew richt, and nevir be behind. Fecit potentia And als his arme he forcit and maid flrang, inbrachiofuo. pjjg ^reidfuU micht that men may fie and knaw; 40 And prowd men, that thay ringin not to lang, I 66 THE SONG OF THE VIRGIN MARY, Depofuit po- tentes de fede. Efurientes impleuit. He feverit hes, and maid thame fo full law; With all his hairt doun fra the quheill thame thraw, For to abait thair furquedry and pryd Full foddanly, and laid thair boift on fyd. 45 The michty potent frome thair ryell fie, Evin as he wold, he hes thame brocht law doun ; And humill and meik, for thair humilitie, Fol. 26. b. He hes avancit to full hie renoun; For he can mak ane tranffmutatioun 50 Fro law to hie, as it is fene full oft, And, quhen he^ lift, the dominatioun Of warldlie pomp to fallin full vnfoft. He hes fulfillit and follerit in thair neid, With gudis and^ plenteus lerges, 55 Thame that [wer^] hungyrie, indigent, and in dreid, And thame relevit of all thair wretchitnes ; And he the riche hes rawcht frome thair riches, Full wyld and waift, to walk vpoun the plane; And fuddanlie thame plungit in diflrefs, 60 And folitar to lat thame leif in pane.^ Sufcepit And^ he his chofm chyld of Yfraell fuum!^ P""^"""" Benynglie hes talk in to his grace, And of his mercy hes remembrit weill To woyid all vengeance frome his face; And humill pepill fall occupy his place, And peax falbe feifit in his ftall. And rewth fall his richt fo imbrace To fett his mercy aboif his warkis all. Sicut locutus eft. 65 As he hes fpokin and futhfaftly behecht To our faderis that we haif had befoir, 1 Dupl. Text— /izw. 2 lb. — With the gudis of. ^ From Dupl. Text. ^Dupl. Text — vane. ^Ib. — For. 70 NO W GLAIDITH E UER V LIFFIS CREA TURE. 6 7 To Abrahame, and to his fyid arricht, That his mercy fall left for evirmoir; For withowt it this warld had bene forloir; To the quhilk to mak men to attene, 75 He hes maid mercy, mankynd to reftoir, Off all his werkis to be foverene. . ' Finis. Followis Ballatis of the Nativitie of CJiryfle. XX. \_Now glaiditJi eiiery liffis creature.'] NOW glaidith euery liffis creature, FoI. 27. a. With blifs and confortable glaidnefs. The hevynnis King is cled in our nature, Ws fro the deth with ranfoun for to redrefs. The lamp of joy, that chafis all dirknefs, 5 Afcendit to be the warldis licht, Fro euery baill our boundis for to blefs, Borne of the glorius Virgyn Mary bricht. Abone the radius hevin etheriall. The court of fterris, the courfs of fone and mone, 10 The potent Prince of joy imperiall, The he furmonting Empriour abone Is cummyn fra his mychtie Faderis trone In erd, with ane ineftimable licht. And is, of angellis with a fweit intone, 15 Borne of the moft cheft Virgin Mary bricht. 68 NO W GLAIDITH E UER Y LIFFIS CREA TURE. Ouhoeuir in erd hard fo blyth a ftory, Or tithing of fa grit feHcite, As how the garthe of all grace and glory For luve and mercy hes tane humanite ; 20 Makar of angellis, man, erd, hevin, and fe. And to ourcum our fo, and to put to flicht, Is cumin a bab, full of benignite, Borne of the moft cheft Virgin Mary bricht. The fouerane Senyour of all celfitude, 25 That fittis abone the ordour cherubin, Quhilk all thing creat and all thing dois includ, That neuir fall end, na neuir moir did begin. But quhome is nocht, fra quhome no tyme dois rin, With quhome all gud is, with quhome is euery wicht, 30 Is with his woundis cum for to wefche our fyn; Borne of the moft cheft Virgin Mary bricht. Quhairfoir fmg all with confort and glaidnes. And caft away all cair and cuvatice ; Devoyd all wo and leif in merines; 35 Exerce vertew and banyfs euery vice ; Difpyfs fortoun, richt rynis on fynk and fife; And, in the honour of his blisfuU mycht. All welcum we the Prince of Paradice, Borne of the moft cheft Virgyn Mary bricht. 40 Finis. RORATE CELI DESUPER. 69 XXI. \_Rorate cell defuper.'] RORATE cell defuper! Kevins diftill your balmy fchouris, For now is riffin the bricht day fler, Fro the rofs Mary, flour of flouris : The cleir Sone, quhome no clud devouris, 5 Surmunting Phebus in the eft, Is cumin of his hevinly touris; Et nobis Puer^ natus eft. Archangellis, angellis, and dompnationis, FoI. 27. b. Tronis, poteftatis, and marteiris feir, 10 And all ye hevinly operationis, Ster, planeit, firmament, and fpeir, Fyre, erd, air, and watter cleir, To him gife loving, moft and left. That come in to fo meik maneir; 15 Et nobis Puer natus eft. Synnaris be glaid, and pennance do, And thank your Maker hairtfully; For he that ye mycht nocht cum to, To yovv is cumin full humly, 20 Your faulis with his blud to by. And loufs yow of the feindis arreft, And only of his awin mercy; Pro nobis Puer natus eft. All clergy do to him inclyne, 25 And bow vnto that barne benyng, And do your obferuance devyne ^ MS. has Pffiuer. 70 ROE ATE CELT DESUPER. To him that is of kingis King; Enfence his altar, reid, and fing In haly kirk, with mynd degeft, 30 Him honouring attour all thing, Oui nobis Puer natus eft. Celeftiall fowlis in the are Sing with your nottis vpoun hicht ; In firthis and in forreftis fair 35 Be myrthfull now, at all your mycht. For paffit is your dully nycht ; Aurora hes the cluddis perft. The fon is riffm with glaidfum lycht, Et nobis Puer natus eft. 4° Now fpring vp flouris fra the rute, Reuert yow vpwart naturaly, In honour of the bliffit frute That raifs vp fro the rofe Mary; Lay out your levis luftely, 45 Fro deid tak lyfe now at the left In wirfchip of that Prince wirthy, Qui nobis Puer natus eft. Syng hevin imperiall, moft of hicht, Regions of air mak armony ; 50 All fiftie in flud and foull of flicht, Be myrthfull and mak melody : All GLORIA IN EXCELSIS cry, Hevin, erd, fe, man, bird, and beft, He that is crownit abone the fky 55 Pro nobis Puer natus eft. Finis, quod Dumbar. JER USALEM RE I OSS FOR JOY. yi XXII. {Jerufaleni reiofs for joy?^ JERUSALEM reiofs for joy; Jefus the fterne of moft bewte In the is riffin, as rychtous roy, Fol. 28. a. Fro dirknes to illumyne the ; With glorius found of angell gle e The Prince is borne in Baithlem, Quhilk fall the mak of thraldome fre; Illuminare Jerufalem ! With angellis licht, in legionis, Thow art illumynit all about ; 10 Thre Kingis of ftrenge regionis To the ar cumin with lufty rout, All dreft with dyamantis but dout, Reverft with gold in every hem, Sounding attonis with a fchout, 15 Illuminare Jerufalem! The regeand tirrant that in the rang, Herod, is exilit and his ofspring The land of Juda, that jofit wrang; And riffin is now thi richtoufs King. 20 So he, fo mychtie is and ding, Quhen men his gloriufs name dois nem, Hevin, erd, and hell makis inclynyng; Illumynare Jerufalem! His cummyng knew all element; 25 The air be fterne did him perfaife; The watter, quhen dry, he on it went; 72 HAILL, GODDIS SONE, OF MYCHTIS MAIST. The erd, that trymlit all and raife; The fone, quhen he no lichtis gaif; The croce, quhen it wes done contem ; 30 The ftanis, quhen thay in pecis claif; Illumynare Jerufalem! The deid him knew that raifs vpricht, Quhilk lang tyme had the erd lyne vndir; Crukit and blynd declarit his micht, 35 That heht of thame fo mony hundir; Nature him knew, and had grit wundir, Quhen he of wirgyn wes borne but wem ; Hell, quhen thair yettis wer broken a fundir: Illumynare Jerufalem! 40 Finis. XXIII. \Haill, Goddis Sone, of myelitis maijl?[ HAILL, Goddis Sone, of myelitis maift! That with the glorius Fader began, Euir rynging with the Haly Gaift, All feing, prefent now and than, Quhome comprehend no hevynis can, 5 Nee genus temporum menfurabit. For ws thow tuk the forme of man : Beatus venter qui te portauit. Firfh be the prophetis it wes fchawin To ws. Lord, of thy cuming heir; '° Be angellis fyne in erd maid knawin. HAILL, GODDIS SONE, OF MYCHTIS MAIST. 73 And be appoftillis prefchit cleir, Writtin be euangeliftis but weir, Fol_ 28. b, Ouos quatuor teftes permififti, That with thi deid thow bocht ws deir: 15 Beata vbera que fuxifti. Hale, Jefu, Virgyn immaculat! Hale, Virgynis fru6l, fareft and beft! Out of the lilly illuminat Thow fprang but fpot, rofs ryelleft, 20 Quhen fro the nobilleft neft Thow raifs a femine regis Dauid To ranfone ws and bring to reft : Beatus venter qui te portauit. Thow King mofb gloriufs and grete! 25 Quhat meiknes wes thy mynd within, Out of thi he fupernall fete Law to difcend and wefche our fin, Making a maid of our pure kin For to be callit mater Chrifti, 30 Our faulis fra the feind to v/in: Beata vbera que fuxifti. Haill, crownit King of angellis cleir! Haill, Lord of all the angellis he! Haill, Prince of parradice but peir! 35 Haill, Empriour of erd and fe ! That fro the Faderis maieftie, Qui omnia fecula creauit. Come down for ws a man to be : Beatus venter qui te portauit. 40 Quhen we wer banyft fro thi blifs, And in the lymb fra lichtnes lent, Mercy bad the forgif our mifs, K 74 HAILL, GODDIS SONE, OF MYCHTIS MAIST. And mekle mekit thyn entent; Bot Richt faid euer in jugement, 45 Quod fumma Veritas fuifti, And mycht nocht to that wrang confent : Beata vbera que fuxifti. Thus euer quhen Mercy fpak for man, Rycht faid, "He feruit for to de." 50 Sa vpoun this a ftryfe began In hevynnis confiftory he. Thow Sone of God, thame to agre, Lis quorum ceHs non ceffauit. To de for man thow tuk on the: 55 Beatus venter qui te portauit. Than with fueit found and melody Sang all the angell ordouris cleir, And all the hevinly cumpany Reiofit with a blisfull cheir, 60 Fol. zg.a. Peace kift Juflice, hir fiftir deir, Quia nos redimere^ voluifti; Than Rycht and Mercy imbracit neir: Beata vbera que fuxifti. Be Mercy firft thow wald on rude 65 De for ws fynnaris, that thow wrocht; And fyn be Richt ye hell denude Off ws quhome with thi blud thow bocht. Quhen this wes to conclufioun brocht Virginem Gabriell falutauit yo With ane gratia mekle of thocht : Beatus venter qui te portauit. This Virgyn fueit, that neuir offendit, Wes fone obedient to thi will; ^ MS. has redemere. HAILL, GODDIS SONE, OF MYCHTIS MAIST. 75 And thow as dow in hir difcendit The haly Scriptur to fulfill. ^^ Ws to deliuer frome exill Tunc in hunc mundum peruenifti, Ouhairfoir euir loving be the till : Beata vbera que fuxifti. 80 The nycht of thi natiuite The erd wes full of plefand licht, The hevin wes full of angell gle, The hellis power wes put to flicht, A fterne raifs with bemis bricht Et omnem terram illuminauit, In figne that thow wes borne that nycht : Beatus venter qui te portauit. Thre kingis with grit reuerence Gold, fence and myr did to the bryng, In figne of thy magnificence; And that thow wes the greteft King But end eternaly to ring, Tu regnum^ munera recipifti. The angellis did about the fing, Beata vbera que fuxifti. Into this erd, with pane and greif. Our faulis fra the feind thow wan; Grit hungir, thrift, cauld and mifcheif Thow fufferit for the faik of man. Sevin tymes for ws thy blud outran, Qui nos ab omni crimine lauit, Syn deit for ws with vifage wan : Beatus venter qui te portauit. 90 95 100 Finis. ^ ? regia. 76 IVjE that are BOCHT WITH CHRYSTIS BLUDE. XXIV. [ We that are bocht ivith Chryjiis blude'\ WE that ar bocht with Chryftis blude, Lat ws with loving till him lout, That ranfonit ws vpoun the rude Fol. 29. b. Fra rufify ragmen and his route. Ouhairfoir fuld we thir deuillis doute 5 Habentes talem Redemptorem? Write we in till our ftandert ftoute Virgo peperit Saluatorem. Cheft Virgyn Mary, in hevin now hicht, Thow moder of the King of gloir, 10 The blyth birth of thi bofum bricht Hes done ws to the joy reftoir. We fall fmg euir in erd thairfoir Ad tui nominis honorem, How that but macull, lefs or moir, 15 Virgo peperit Saluatorem. The he Lord fro the hevin abone As dew difcendit in the dovne. And ws, his feruandis, fuccurit fone Out of the herbry of Mahoun. 20 Our ranfoner of grete renoun Curauit feculi langorem With his mofb glorius pafTioun : Virgo peperit Saluatorem. Thy bofum blift be that bare 25 Our Saluatour, fareft of face. WE THAT ARE BOCHT WITH CHRYSTIS BLUDE. 77 War nocht thi fruft, that flurift fair, Our lynnage all had faid, allace! Thow glorius grane and plant of grace Que germinauit celeftem florem, Infernall dragonis for to chace : Virgo peperit Saluatorem. 30 Thow lufcy ledy, lamp of lycht, Loud louit with celeftiall fang, Of the is borne our dawing brycht 35 That doun our drery dirknes dang. Our brycht Appollo fra the fprang, Dans mundi tenebris fplendorem. That fra the dragon reft the ftang: Virgo peperit Saluatorem. 40 The hevynnys Lord culd law difcend In the all fmfull man to faue. Him, that nocht hevin culd comprehend. Thy wamb wes wirthy to reffaue. Thow clofit in thy cleir conclaue 45 Celi et terre conditorem, Quhilk derfly doun the dragon draif : Virgo peperit Saluatorem, We half put ws and God betuene Our Saluatur, Jefu, on the rude, 50 FoLso.a. His croun of thorne, his wundis kene, His paffioun, and his pretious blude. His muder Mary, myld of mude, Lacrimas eius et dolorem, That our hir face ran doun as flud : 55 Virgo peperit Saluatorem. Betuix ws and thy fellone fede Ane wall ar Chryftis woundis iyvQ^ 78 JV£ THAT ARE BOCHT WITH CHRYSTIS ELUDE. His body bathit in blud all rede, The fcLirgis that his flefch did ryfe, 60 The fpeir that Longens did indryfe In latus eius per vigorem, Schaip the no moir with ws to flryve: Virgo peperit Saluatorem. Betuix ws, varlo, and thy weris 65 All Chryftis paffioun we put compleit ; Nocht San6l Johnis heid and the Madalanis teiris, The pappis of the Virgyn fueit, The blud and wattir that fcho did grete Propter filialem^ amorem, 70 Quhen that fcho fell doun at his feit : Virgo peperit Saluatorem. He mycht be callit a mercifull King, Him felf that offerit to be flane, To keip his peple fro perriffmg. 75 That Prince he tuk on him the pane, He loft his blud in every vane Et mortuus eft propter amorem ; Rycht wald we fuld lufe him agane: Virgo peperit Saluatorem. 80 The faikles lamb that neuir ofifendit, Full mekle to the deid him gave; Syne with his croce to hell difcendit, And rudly doun the yettis rave. Dragonis with dule on vthir drave 85 Vultus Jefu propter terrorem. He gart thame vndirftanding haue: Virgo peperit Saluatorem. The terrible pit quhen he had temyt Of faulis vnnumerable to nevin, 90 ^ MS. \iz.i, filiolem. OMNIPOTENT FADER, SONE, AND HALY GAIST. 79 He went with thame that he redemyt, And enterit in the blifs of hevin Ad Patrem omnium creatorem, Quhair angeUis fmgis with joyfull ftevin: Virgo peperit Saluatorem, 95 O Lord, fen we haif no refuge Bot the, that hes fa deir ws bocht, Latt mercy wey our fynnys huge, Fol. 30, b. Or thi iuftice punyce ocht; We creaturis, that thow hes wrocht, Parce Domine, et fac fauorem ; Latt nevir thy blud be fched for nocht : Virgo peperit Saluatorem, Finis. 100 XXV. [Omnipotent Fader, Sone, and Haly Gaijl^ OMNIPOTENT Fader, Sone, and Haly Gaift! Egall in glory, puer, and maiefte; Thre evin of mycht, and on of mychtis maift, Ay rignand in eterne diuinite; Off a will, fubftance, and equalite, 5 In quhome is nowthir firft, lafl, moir, nor left; To be laud in tryne and vnite: Pro nobis Chriftus homo faftus eft. Sentence of grace is now diffinityfe Concludit in the hevinly concifhory; 10 Our deth anon returnit is to lyfe. 8o THE STERNE JS RISSIN OF OUR REDEMPTIOUN. In erd is borne the blisfull King of glory, To manis heir quhilk is a myrthfuU ftory. Sing, chriftin peplle, with folace, joy, and feft; Be glaid and blyth, and be no langar fory : 15 Pro nobis Chriftus homo fa6lus eft. Our dirk orifoun and fable emyfphery Is lychnyt now with licht of euery licht ; Difcendit is the Prince of he empery With fchynyng face to chace away our nycht, 20 And mak vpfpring our purpour dawing brycht; Our blisfull day is clerit in the eft. The fterne of joy'hes lent of him a ficht: Pro nobis Chriftus homo fa6tus eft. Go we and meit him with deuot orifoun, 25 And welcum him, our Saluiour moft fueit, That for ws fufferit grit vexatioun And hurt of body, bair of heid and feit, In travell, torment, thrift, hungir, cauld, and heit; And fyne for ws a martir heir did fift, 30 Off quhois cummyng tak confort euery fpreit : Pro nobis Chriftus homo fa6lus eft. Fmis. XXVI. \The Steme is riffin of our Redemptioun?^ THE Sterne is riffm of our redemptioun In Baithlem, with hemes blyth and bricht; The Sone of God in erd he fchewin him boun, Amang his angellis with a glorius licht. As hevynnyis Lord of maiefte and m.ycht ! THE STERNE IS RISSIN OF OUR REDEMPTJOUN. 8i Cum mortall kingis, and fall on kneis doun Befoir the King of leftand lyfe and lycht : foI. 31. a. The Sterne is riffin of our redemptioun. All empriouris, kingis, princis, and preleittis, Heir nakit borne and nvreist vp with noy, ,q Leif all your wofull truble and debaittis, Cum, luke on the eternall King of joy; Ly all on grufe befoir that hich grand Roy, That only King of euery regioun, Off Perce, of Ynd, of Egipt, Grece, and Troy: je The Sterne is riffni of our redemptioun. Inclyne befoir the Criftin Conquerour, Of euery kith and kinryk vndir fky The he Makar, the^ mychte Saluatour. The meik Redimar mofl to magnify 20 With reuerend feir doun on your facis ly, And on this day in his laudatioun, Aue Redemptor Jefu! all ye cry; The Sterne is riffm of our redemptioun. We may nocht in this vale of bale abyd, 25 Ourdirkit with the fable clud noclurn; The Sterne of glory is riffyn ws to gyd Abone the fpeir of Mars and of Saturn, Abone Phebus, the radius lamp divrn, To the fuperne eternall regioun, ^o Quhair noxiall fkyis may mak no fogeorn; The Stern is riffin of our redemptioun. All follow wc the Sterne of moft brichtnes With the thre blisfull orientall kingis, The Sterne of day, Voyder of dirknes, 35 Abone all fterris, planeitis, fpeiris, and fmgis; 1 MS, has of the. L 82 MY WO FULL HAIRT ME STOUNDIS. Befeiking him, fra quhome all mercy fpringis, Ws to reffaue, with mirth of angell foun, In to the hevin quhair the Imperiall ringis: The Stern is riffin of our redemptioun. 4o Finis Natiiiitatis Dei. \Sequuntur de eius Paffmie quedam cantilene.^'\ XXVII. [My zuofull Hairt me Jloimdis throw the vanis.] MY wofull hairt me ftoundis throw the vanis Ouhen I behald my Makar on the tre, Wondit, forbled, all plungit in till panis, With rewthfuU voce fyn cryand vpoun me: "O mortall man, behald with hert and e How for thy faik me panis dois opprefs, Thocht for thy fyn, my tender fpous, I de, Benedi6la fit San6la Trinitas." My Fader faid, "Go to thi deid, my deir." With all blythnes I wes obedient. With my difciplis toward the yerd culd fteir; Fol. 31. b. Syne fone allone till oratioun I went. Suet my blud, prayit with mynd fervent, Betrafit and tane with men of grit trefpafs. All the brethir fled of my convent: 15 Benedi6la fit San6la Trinitas. Behind my bak thay band my handis fafl, Till Annas houfs me led incontinent. ^ MS. \i2&fequitur . . . quedem cantilence. 10 MY WO FULL HAIRT ME STOUNDIS. 83 Malcus me flruk, till Caiphas I pafl, Fals witnes aganis me wer prefent As blafphemar of God Omnipotent. But ony law thair I condampnit was, Amang thair feit defowlit and forfchent : Benedi6la fit San6la Trinitas. 20 25 Befor fals jugeis I wes falfly accufit, Suftenit ftraikis and blafphematioun; Myne ene fyld, my face gritly confufit, Malice but mefur ranit on my perfoun, To Pylet prefentit with grit derifioun; Syn to Herod rycht fone thay gart me pafs; 30 Thus I fufbenit fcorne and grit elufioun : Benedi6la fit San6la Trinitas. I wes refufit, and the theif wes fred; Off all veftment difpoylit and maid bair, Bund till a pillar, fcurget quhill I bled, 35 Briffit my body, ryvin bayth hyd and hair; Till eik my pane, and gar my fchame be mair. With purpour cleth thay cled my mortall mafs ; Baith fell and flefch it fowit and maid fair: Benedi6la fit Sanfta Trinitas. 40 Vpoun my heid thay thrang a croun of thorn, Put in my hand a reid ffor derifioun, Vpoun thair kneis adorand^ me in fcorn; The thorne pykis thay to my tay dang doun ; Bot fame and name thay think to confound, 45 Thair vyle fpitting my panis gart all crafs Fra heid to fute, that neuir a parte wes found : Benedi6la fit San6la Trinitas. ^ MS. has andornand. 84 MV WOFULL HAIRT ME STO UNDIS. Vpoun my bak thay put ane hevy tre, Led me to deid, with tormentis me flew ; 5° Off all veftmentis thay barit my bode, On lenth and breid my plagit perfone drew, Throw feite and handis rud nalis thay threw. My fpirit than preuit all pane and bittirnes ; Wes non this pane, bot only God, that knew: S5 Benedi6la fit San6la Trinitas. Fra xij to iiij vpoun the croce I hang, Plungit in panis and perplexite; Fol. 32. a. Longins a lance in to my body thrang ; I wes tane doun, and woundit richelie; 60 My muderis fplene pairfit calamide; My bliffit body, quhilk paffit all rihas,^ Within a crag wes clofit quietle : Benedi6la fit San6la Trinitas. To Lymbus Patrum I paffit but mair pane, ^5 Fred all my knychtis fra captiuite; To my appoftillis I apperit fyne agane. All my difcipillis lete myne afcenfioun fe, In glob of grund, full of felicite, With fcience feir exertand all folafs : 70 Quha feruis me fall fing thair finale, Benedi6la fit Sanfta Trinitas, Haill, God eternall, haill, grace in all glore! In fubftance on, in perfonage hale thre. Hale, Prince fuperne, haill, hevinly Empriore! 75 Hale, in the trone of thy devinite! Hale, of honor, puer, and dignite, Science, piete, vertew, and gudlinafs, ^ ? riches. O WONDIT SPREIT AND SAULE IN TILL EXILE. 85 Immenfurable be all tyme, ftait, and gre! Benedi6la fit San6la Trinitas. 80 Finis. \//. ^Vo.-~and. n\y.—to. ''Ih.— and the flume. o 1 06 CHR YIS T CRO WNIT KING AND CONQ UER UR. Moft royall Roy that we of reid, To do ws fra the dulfull deid^ Thow borne was of ane birdis bofum ; 30 Quhen we fowld^ fpill thow gart ws fpeid, Homo in fine temporum. Neir warldis end thow was mane maid, Confauit but mans feid or fyn ; Thocht thow be lichtit in fo law a bed, 35 Thy maiefty was nocht to myn, Thow wald be comptit of our kin Fol. 39. a. To win ws all to weill fra wa; To tell thair can no tung begin, Que te vicit dementia. 4° Quhat petie was that the compellit To tak mankynd and mak ws fre, Ane theolog me trewly tellit, Sayand the cheif was cheretie Gart the difcend for ws to die; 45 And for our faik thy will was fa To tak the fic humilitie Vt ferres noftra crimina. To beir our fyn thow thocht it fweit, And fufferit for our falvatioun; 50 War it vndone, thow wald doid yeit, Sic was thy awin affe6lioun ; Quhat mycht be moir dele6lioun^ Than thoill* fic angir for our ofFens, Thow, in thy peirles paffioun, 55 Crudelem mortem patiens? Thow dampnit was to^ crewall deid To lowifs fra Lucifer that was lome ; ^ Dupl. Text — duiillis dreid. ^ lb. — wald. 3 From Dupl. Text— MS. has a^^^zoww. '^Vo.—fuffir. ^Ih.— to ane. E TERN ALL KLNG, THAT SLTTIS LN HEVIN. 107 Our all thy body ran ftrems reid/ On thy held thriftit ane croun of thorne. 60 Thow was fkurgit with fkrech and fcorne, Sic panis thow previt to procur ws pefs; With ane fcharp fpeir thy fyd was fchorne Vt nos a morte tolleres. Evir endles deid fra ws to do, 65 Thow was beft bludy, bair as beift. Lord, len ws lafar, lyf, and fpace, O wt of this warld or that we wend ; ^ And grant ws gratioufly thy grace That we our mifdeidis may amend; 70 And frome the diuill our fawHs diffend, Quha wachis evir the fame to fla ; Conducing ws to joy^ but end, In fempiterna fecula. Fhiis. XXXVII. \_Eternall King, that fittis in Hevin fo hie.'] ETERNALL King, that fittis in hevin fo hie, FoL 39. b. And clymmith vp the cluddis fchynyng Hcht, As Zepherus with bemis in the fkie, Quhilk illumynis the ruddy fterris bricht; O vnigeneit Sone to God of micht ! 5 All thing creat having in libertie, Ws grant that we my fmg with hairt vprycht This impne, Eterne Rex altiflime! ^ Dupl. T&yX—Jtremis douft reid. ^ lb. — or we hyne wend. ^ lb. — to thijoyis. io8 RTERNALL KING, THAT SITTIS IN HEVIN Excelland, michtie, and immcnfurable, O gratious God, moft fouerane Lord and King! lo Quhilk in thy lufty palyce moft delegable Abone Saturnus thow fittis eternaling, Diftill the balme of thy mercy ding, As thow art one with two^ in vnitie, Sa that we ma amang thy joyis ring J5 With the,^ Eterne Rex altiffime! O Increat! O Godis Sone of micht! And eik carnat all of a virgin fchene, As throw the glafs dois Phebus fchyne^ fo bricht, Scho bure hir birth remaningvirgyn clene; 20 And eik the criftale hevinis all bedene, Afcending vp the trone ftanding fo hie, With mercy on ws wretchit fynnaris mene. O thow, Eterne Rex altiffime! [Moft fouerane God, that fittis in trinitie, 25 Of quhilk thy Sone we haif of a virgin ybore, And regnent on two and in thre, And with his croce he did agane reftoir The faderis auld, in lymbo that wes forloir. From the obfcure and dirk aduerfite; 30 Lat ws vnto the offend no moir, O thow, Eterne Rex altiffime!]* 15 O thow, Eterne Rex altiffime! On quhome this warld alhaill now dois depend' Doun frome thy felf, vt primum mobile, 35 Cowth prevelie*' within the comprehend That in thy fouerane joy withowttin end Thow grant thy gratious vifage we may fie, And all trefpafs perfytly to amend To the, Eterne Rex altiffime! 40 Finis. ^ Dupl. Text — two regnand. ^Ib. — the O. ^Ib. — vwjl. * This ftanza from Dupl. Text— not in MS. 5 Dupl. Text — That all this warld dois in thy handdepend. ^ lb. —primely. Q UHEN BE DE VYNE DELIBERA TIO UN. 1 09 XXXVIII. \^Qi(heu be Devyne Deliberatioun.'\ QUHEN be devyne deliberatioun Off perfonis tlire in a Godheid yfeir, The grit meffage and hie legatioun Fol. 40. a. Wes fend vnto the bhffit Lady deir Be Gabriell, fcho being in hir prayeir 5 Afking of God, as profeitis dois expreme, To send the Sone that fowld the Avarld redeme, The angell to the Virgin is removit, And to Marie he faid on this maneir ; " Haill, full of grace, derreft and beft belovit, 10 God is with the. To him thou art moft deir, Moft pretious and principall, but peir, Thow fweit fru6l^ tre, and well of fanetie, God will of the tak his humanitie." The Virgin wynderit of that hie meffage, 15 And was abaifit in hir humill fpreit, On to the angell having this langage, With fobir mynd and wordis verry fweit, As fcho that was of grace fulP repleit; " How may this be, I fowld confave a chyld, 20 I knaw no man, my madinheid is vnfyild?" "Be nocht perturbat in your aduertance, Your benyng eir vnto my voice inclyne ; The Faderis power, the Sonis fapience, The vertew of the Holie Gaift devyne 25 Within thy wame fall obvmbir and fchyne; 1 Dupl. Text— wir//. * lb. —full of grace. no Q UHEN BE DE VYNE DELIBERA TIO UN. Thow fall confaif, baith clene in deid and thocht, Him that the maid and all this warld of nocht." All creatouris on kneis fall ye doun ; Confent, Virgin, vnto this hie meffage, 30 Ouhairby followis the redemptioun Of Abrahame and all his haill lynnage. Thow^ Word, may now infernall folk difchairge, The faderis eik, that dirknes dois inhanfs, Fol. 40. b. With wofull Adame weiping in pennanfs. 35 This glorius Lady and Virgin celeftiall, As God fa wald his prophecie fulfill, Remmembring eik the weilfair of ws all, "Lo heir," fcho faid, "Godis humill ancill, Be it to me eftir thy word and will." 40 And be fcho had hir wordis thus expremit, Confauit was hie that all the world redemit. Thow, Moyfes bufk remanyng vncombuft, Quhilk was fair figne of thy virginitie, Refrene ws fra all warldlie^ flefchlie luft, 45 No thing to joy bot in thy Sone and the; And gif ws grace, that hour quhen we fowld^ dee, Be thy fair fru6l, that place in hevin to win That ordanit was for Adame* and all his kin. Finis. 1 Dupl. Text— Thy. - lb. —frawari. ^ lb. —fall. ^ lb. —Abrahame. O LORD, MY GOD. m XXXIX. [(9 Lord, my God, on quJiome I do depend.l OLORD, my God, on quhome I do depend! Fol. 41. a, Thow, that lies evir bene my help and gyd, And daylie dois frome denger me defend, Grant me in the fermlie for to confyd. Suffer me nocht thrwch flewthfulnes to flyd, 5 Bot grant me grace, boith now and evirmoir, To randir the moft humill thankis thairfoir. A parfyt luve, gud Lord, grant vnto me, With humill hairt to gif the prayfis ftill, Feiring for till offend thy maieftie, 10 Bot daylie to obey thyne holy will. Be my defens frome that thing that is ill And, for thy onlie trewth and promeifs faik, Gif eir and heir the prayar that I maik. Grant me thy grace to gyd me vprichtlie; 15 Mak me thyne holy preceptis for to knaw; Latt thy commandimentis fo governe me To do to every ane the thing I aw. Inftru6l me, Lord, in thy moft bliffit law; Maik me nocht our defyrus for to half, 20 Bot ay to rander as I wold reffafe. For of ane mafs thow lies ws formit all, And of the clay thow creat every wicht ; And to the erth fchortly returne we fall, Nocht knawing quhen nor quhair, be day or nicht. 25 Sen all that leivis ar fynnaris in thy ficht, 112 O CREA TURIS CREA T OF ME. Cure confort, joy, and our felicitie Confiftis only in thy grit marcye. Body and fawill I humly recommend Into the handis of the, my God, allone. ' 30 As thow hes evir done in tymes bygone, Fol. 41. b. Harkin vnto my petoufs plaint and mono, And gif me patiens to abyd thy will, With perfyt hairt to gif the prayiffis ftill. Finis. XL. [ O Creatiiris creat of me your Creator. ] OCREATURIS creat of me your Creator! To* my liknes wrocht be my providence, Quhy felyie faith?- Quhy falP ye in error Evir quhair ye fyn throw follyth^ negligence? Sen I proffer ay to be your deffence, 5 Ye mankynd, quhy tak ye not now na heid?^ My will war, thocht thow did offence, Thow fowld me not^ miftreft for thy mifdeid. Thow fleipis in fyn fra'' yeir to yeir; Fro day to day thow will not ryifs ; 10 Bot quhen thow feilis the deth is neir, Than begynnis thow for^ till aggryifs; Than fayis thow, " Mercy will not fuffyifs ; Thocht I it afk, it will nocht fpeid." Thow wreche, quhy will the" me difpryifs? '5 Miftreft me nevir for thy mifdeid. ^Dupl. Text — Vtito. -Va.— ye your faith. ^Vo.—fele. ^'^.—folie. 5 \h.—7iocht na held. ^ lb. —fidd nocht. ''Vo. —fro. 8 Dupl.Text omits /^r. ** Dupl. Text— //^t^y. O CREATURIS GREAT OF ME. 113 Gif thow fallis throw thy brukilnes, Caft vp thy held, behald the hevin, Think on the pane^ and grit diftrefs I fufiferit for the ; in myld ftevin 20 Call vpoun me, baith morne and evin, And thow fall find me reddy at neid. Half cheretie, and luve thy nychtbouris evin, And nocht miftreft^ for thy mifdeid. Do this, and treft thy fynnis be forgeif; 25 For treft fall caufs redemptioun. Difpair thow not, how^ evir thow leif, Marcy* is in my Faderis poffeffioun. Cleme it for heretage, that is reffoun, And thow fall ha if it to thy neid 30 Aganis the devillis ftrang temptatioun: Miftreft me nevir for thy mifdeid. I bid the afk, for grant I wald; Fol. 42. a. I bid the ferche among the laif;^ I bid the treft, to mak the bald ; 35 Afk of thy bruthir, and thow fall half Vnkynd thow art, me to diffaif :^ Denny I will not the, albeid That thow a fute war neir'^ the graif; Yit nocht miftreft^ for thy mifdeid. 40 I am thy bruthir, and ffttis in trone; Thow leidis thy lyfe vndir my feit, Wappit in mifdeidis mony one. I mycht fmot oft, quhair*^ I the treit, Bot I thold fic panis^^ grcit 45 ^ Dupl. Text— /««/>. ^ lb. — And mijlrejl me nocht, ^ Vo.—fcnv. * lb. — Sic marcy. ^Vo.—forlzvaldfaif. ^Ib. — difprais. ''lb. — in. ^Ib. — mijlrejl 7iocht. ^Ib. — quhen. i" lb. — Bot I that "withjicpennance. P 114 O CREATURIS GREAT OF ME. To faif thy fawll^ wald thow tvik heid. Behold my woundis, of rewth repleit, And nevir miftreft^ for thy mifdeid. I wald nocht force to die agane, And ane drop mercy war fundin dry. 50 It is full fweit to fuffer pane To faive ane fawill eternaly.^ And I half micht, will, and maiftry ; Ane kingis word fall ftand in fheid. Quhy fleis thow than for thy folly? 55 Miftreft me nocht for thy mifdeid. It grevit me moir that Caen miftreft The keling of Abell, that was fo gude, And moir difpleifd* me that Judas left No mere}'' craif, me felling to the rude. 60 To Pylat and Herod, that war fo wude, My mercy wald I nevir forbeid. Than withftand not^ as thay withftude: Man miftreft nevir for thy mifdeid. . Cum to my croce, and fie ane^ theif, 65 For onis his''' afking, gat him grace. Se Pawle, that did me mekle^ greif, Fol. 42. b. How wirthy appoftilP he eftir wafs. Se Mary Magdalene, for hir trefpafs ; And Petir forfuk me thryifs for dreid; 70 Now be thay worthy in hevins^*' place: Than miftreft ^^ nocht for thy mifdeid. My moder knelit vnto me. And mvrnit^^ for me that was in cair; ^ Dupl. Text— A^r petie to /pair the. ^ lb. — 7nijlrejl neuir. ^Ih. — Tofaif. . . . ez'iyiejlandly. "^Vc.—difplefit. ^Vo.—it nocJit. *Ib. — a. '' lb. omits /i/j. ^Yb.—grete. ^Ih.—a appq/lill. ^^ Vo.—full wirthy in my. ^^ lb. — me nocht. ^^ lb. — cryit. O CREATURIS GREAT OF ME. 115 And to my Fader I knelit^ for the, 75 And fchew my body and woundis bair. Than quho may flop my mercy ^ thair? Gif deth war neidfull, yit^ fowld thow fpeid. In* Weill or wo, quhair evir thow fair, Miftreft me not^ for thy mifdeid. 80 Quhat neid the now for to difpair, And hes fic freindis for the to fpeik ? My Fader is thyne; thow art his air; I am thy broder; quho can it breik? My modir is thyne, that is fo meik.^ 85 I will the help, quhen thow hes neid. Thy iuve fra me quhy wald thow fteik ? ^ Miftreft thow nevir for thi mifdeid. Quhat lyikis the now.^^ Quhat will thow moir.? Gif thow hes neid, heir is fuccour; 90 Gife thow be neidles, tell me befoir; I fee thy governance in every hour. Thow dwellis in prefone, heir is thy boure : Cum hame agane, tak thair thy meid, Celeftiall blifs of hie honour; 95 And miftreft not for thy mifdeid. Finis quod Ledgait, monk of Bery.^ ^ Dupl. Text — And I to my Fader knelit. ^Ib. — may-ivarn mercy. ^Ib. — by it. ^Ib. — For in. ^Ib. — Mijlrejlneiiir. ^ Vo.—fcho can ncnv reik. ^Ib. — Thy loillfra mewillihoiu vpjieik. ^Ib. — Berry. ii6 HEIR ENDIS THE FIRST PAIRT OF THIS BUKE, Fol. 43. a. CONTENAND BALLATTIS OF THEOLIGIE. ii: FOLLOWIS THE SECOUND PAIRT Fol. 43. b. OF THIS BUK, CONTENEAND VERRY SINGULAR BALLATIS, FULL OF WISDOME AND MORALITIE, ETC. XLI. Tu viuendo bonos, fcribendo fequare peritos. Wit. THE gritteft trefour, withowt comparifon, For mans felicitie heir in this lyfe, Aboif gold and filuer, is wit and difcretion, To tempir the joyfull and confort the penfyfe, Or vthir wayis to inftru6l man in peice or flryif. Wit alfa is increffit be \vyifs workis reiding, And lyk the fru<5lles tre is wit but gud doing. etc. 1 1 8 FUR TH THR O W ANE FORREST. XLII. \_Fnrth tJirozv ane Forreji as I fiire?[ FURTH throw ane forreft as I fure/ Fol. 44. a. Attour ane rever cowth I ryd, All kynd of birdis that body bure^ Vpoun tha brenchis could abyd. Than fpak ane bird, hard me befyd, S "For ony thing that evir may be, Thir wirdis in hairt fe that thow hyd : In alkyn mater mefure the." "Firft, luve thy God attour all thing, That maid the lyk to^ his image, 10 And fyne the ordand in hevin to ring. But end to^ haif that heretage. Till Adame, throw his grit outtrage, Maid ws to licht, (this is no le,) Law in to hell in grit thirlelege: 15 In alkyn mater* mefur the." "Sen God hes ranfonit all at richt Out of the feindis handis of hell, Chryfl wes born of the virgyn bricht; So faid San6l Johine in his wangell; 20 Syne deid,^ and raifs, and herreit hell, And fred mankynd, and maid him fre. Sen it is trew that I the tell, In alkyn mater* mefur the." "Yit fall he cum on domifday, 25 And deme our deidis, dout ye nocht, 1 Dupl. Text— yb«>. ^Vo. — heuir. ^Th.—iill. ^Ih.—materis. FUR TH THR W ANE FORREST. 1 1 9 Sum to pane, and fum to pley, Eftir the werkis that we haif wrocht. Fra baill to bhfs fen he hes^ bocht, And denyeit him felf for ws to de, 30 We lufe him baith in deid and thocht: In alkyn mater mefur the." "Mefure is ane inftrument Decernis thingis that is in weir. Quha that to mefure takkis tent, 35 To tell his tretifs wer full teir. Leit at my lair, gif thow will'^ leir The gait quhair glaidnes is and gle; Sen he may help baith thair and heir, In alkyn mater mefur the," 4° "Be nocht ourfkerfs, nor yit our lerge,^ Gif thow will leir* fone at my lair; For thow hes a^ full havy chairge; Bot gif thow wyfly fpend and fpair, Tak mefur with the evir main 45 Fol. 44. b. Se thow na wreche nor waiftour be, Sen heir is nocht bot fenyeit fair: In alkyn materis mefur the." "Be nocht our mad attour mefure. Nor yit our meik in thy moving; So Be nocht our rad, for no dreddure, Nor yit our derf^ in thy doing. As Cato fayis in his teiching. In al thingis knaw the quantetie, As all tyme afkis of every thing : 55 In alkyn materis mefur the." * Dupl. Text— zi'^ or,?. ^Vo. — 7vilt. ^ lb. — lairge. *Ib. — lerne. 5 \\i.—ane. ^ Vo.~darf. 1 2 o FUR TH THE TV ANE FORREST. "Do for thy freind as it efifeiris; Chaifhyn thy fenvand with mefure; Reward thow as the caufs requyris; Thy maifter wirfchep, and honour. 60 To pure and feik gif thow fuccour; Thy nychtbour lufe in cheretie; Thy weddit wyf lufe^ peramour: In alkyn materis mefur the." "With mefure fuld we walk and fleip; 65 With mefure fuld we fpend and fpair; With mefur fuld we gaddir and keip; With mefur fuld thow leif evirmair; With mefur fuld we lufe and fair;^ With mefur fuld we ferch^ and fle. 70 Sen mefur is moft fmgulair, In alkyn materis mefur the." "Thocht a man be keip in prefone, Be nocht our perte* him to fuppryfs; Oft tymis thow may fe be reffone, 75 A man may fall and rycht vpryfs. Thow art nocht ficker on na kin waifs,^ The ficlyk caifs thy awin may be; That fample may be fene oft fyifs : In alkyn materis mefur the." 80 "Mefure ftanchis fturtis and ftiyvis; It is a rewll of grit wyfnefs; It garris reffoun ring and ryfs, And exylis wrang^ and wicket diflrefs. Quhair men dreidis, it is doutlefs 85 The futhfaftnefs it garris thame fe, ' Dupl. Text— /?//^ b2d. ' \\>.~lufe alqtihair. ^ lb. —fecht. ^ lb. — ouirperte, ° lb. — in no kin iLyifs. ^ lb. — wrangis. FUR TH THR O W ANE FORREST. 1 2 1 Sen it is grund till all glaidnefs : In alkyn materis mefur the." "Mefure is a ticht caftell, Ane haifty caufs of repentance; 90 Be war for war, ffor wit ye weill, Off evill tungis cumis ignorance. Be nocht our dum for no diftance, Nor our mirthfull for^ maieftie; Caft baill and blifs in a ballance: 95 In alkyn materis mefur the." "Fra pryd and cuvatice the^ keip, Fra wicket yre, and fra invy; Fol. 45. a. In deidly fyn fe thow nocht fleip, In lichery, nor glottony, 100 Nor^ in fweirnes; for wat* thow quhy.^ Thir ar the fevin grathis the to die, And flay is thy fawll eternaly:^ In alkin mater mefur the." "Aganis pryd tak thow*^ lawlines, 105 And cheretie aganis invy; Aganis yre alfo'' tak meiknefs, And cheftetie for^ lichory. For fweirnes and for gluttony Tak abftinens, and verte\vis be; no For covetyce gife liberally:^ In alkin materis mefur the." I prayit that bird of patience Ouhat that^" fcho was, or of quhat kynd. ^ Dupl.Text — of. ^Ih.—foJt i/ie. ^ Dupl. Text omits iVur. MEMENTO, HOMO, QUOD CINIS ES! 127 Ane pure begger with fkrip and ftaif, Obey and thank thy God of all. 4° This changeing and grit variance Ofif erdly ftaitis vp and doun Is nocht bot caufualitie and chance, As fum men fayis without reffoun; Bot be the grit prouifioun 45 Of God aboif that rewll the fall; Thairfoir evir thow mak the boun To obey and thank thy God of all. ^-' In welth be meik, heich nocht thy felf, Be glaid in wilfuU pouertie; 5° Thy power and thy warldis pelf Is nocht bot verry vanitie. Remember him that deit on tre, For thy faik taiftit the bittir gall; Quha heis law hairtis and lawis he^ 55 Obey and thank thy God of all. Finis quod Mr Ro' Henryfone. XLVI. ^Memento, Homo, quod Citiis es!^ MEMENTO, homo, quod cinis es! Think, man, thow art bot erd and afs! Lang heir to dwell na thing thow prefs, For as thow come fa fall thow pafs, ^Dupl. Text — Quha hyis law and lawis he. 128 MEMENTO, HOMO, QUOD CINIS ES! Lyk as ane fchaddow in ane glafs ; 5 Hyne glydis all thy tyme that heir is. ^o^- 47- b. Think, thocht thy bodye ware of brafs, Quod tu in cinerem reuerteris. Worthye He6lor and Hercules, Forcye Achill and ftrong Sampfone, lo Alexander of grit nobilnes, Melk Dauid and fair Abfolone Hes playit thair pairtis, and all are gone At will of God that all thing fteiris : Think, man, exceptioun thair is none, ^5 Sed tu in cinerem reuerteris. Thocht now thow be maift glaid of cheir, Faireft and plefandeft of port; Yit may thow be, within ane yeir, Ane vgfum, vglye tramort; 20 And fen thow knawis thy tyme is fchort, And in all houre thy lyfe in weir is, Think, man, amang all vthir fport, Ouod tu in cinerem reuerteris. Thy luftye bewte and thy youth 25 Sail feid as dois the fomer flouris; Syne fall the fwallow with his mouth The dragone Death [that all devouris.Ji No caftell fall the keip, nor touris, Bot he fall feik the with thy feiris; 3° Thairfore, remembir at all houris Ouod tu in cinerem reuerteris. Thocht all this warld thow did poffeid, Nocht eftir death thow fall poffefs. Nor with the tak, bot thy guid deid, 35 ^ In a different hand. O MORTALL MAN! REMEMBER. 129 Quhen thow dois fro this warld the dres. So fpeid the, man, and the confes, With humill hart and fobir teiris, And fadlye in thy hart inpres Quod tu in cinerem reuerteris. 40 Thocht thow be takht nevir fo fure Thow fall in deathis port arryve, Quhair nocht for tempefl may indure, Bot ferflye all to fpeiris [dryve^]. Thy Ranfonner, with woundis fyve, 45 Mak thy plycht anker and thy fteiris, To hald thy faule with him on lyve, Cum tu in cinerem reuerteris. Finis quod Dumbar. XLVII. \0 mortall Man! remembir.'\ O MORTALL man! remembir nycht and day Fol. 48. a. How fchort the tyme is that thow hes heir to fpend ; Remember eik thy pompeoufs he array, How fuddanly it fall tak ane fynall end. Caft the thairfoir mifpendit tyme to mend, 5 Quhill thow hes fpace thow of thy foly cefs ; Leif thy trefpafs, thy God dreid till offend : Memento, homo, quod cinis es! Remembir, man, how noble thow art wrocht Vnto the fimilitud of Godis image; 10 1 Not in the MS. R 130 O MORTALL MAN! REMEMBER. Remembir als how deir he hes the bocht With his hairt blude, and with non vder wage. Remembir als the ftrang and he vaflage He did for the to bring thy faule to peifs. For fchame thairfoir flynt of thy foly rege: 15 Memento, homo, quod cinis es! Gife thow with fyn hes done thy faule forfair, Behald thy confciens with thy fprituall e; And gif thow fyndis it hurt and woundit fair, Caft for remeid, or dowtlefs it will de. 20 Thairfoir in tyme ceifs fenfualite; Call on thy Lord, moft peirlefs of provefs, Off micht and power, mercy and pece: Memento, homo, quod cinis es! Thy licherows lyf both and thy wantounefs, 25 Bot gif tho mend quhill thow hes tyme and fpace, Sail turne in eternall bittirnefs, Fra Deid cum to and lay on the his mace; Eftir that reft thair is no reft, allace! Tak heid in tyme, this reffoun is no lefs; 30 Thairfoir, but latt I pray the purchefs grace: Memento, homo, quod cinis es! Gife thow mifpendit hes thy tyme bipaft Throw yewthis rege, with frufter vane plefans, Return agane, haif houp, be nocht agaft 35 Quhen every man of Chryftis allegance Forthinkis thair fyn, and takis thame to pennans; To be of mair perfe6lioun suld thay prefs ; Repent thairfoir with haill deliuerans : Memento, homo, quod cinis es! 40 OFF LENTREN IN THE FIRST MORNYNG. 131 Confefs thy fynnis with hairt and mynd contreit, Compleit thy pennans gevin by the prechour; Than dowt thow nocht the diuillis dynt a myte; Thow art the fone than of our Saluiour, Quhilk fched his precius bkid for the in ftour. 45 Thus may thow nocht hot gif thow wilt perreifs, He is fa gracius evir aboif mefour: Memento, homo, quod cinis es! Quod Lichtoun, vionicns. XLVIII. \^Off Lentren in the firjl niornyng.'\ OFF Lentren in the firft mornyng, Fol. 48. b. Airly as did the day vpfpring, Thus fang ane bird with voce vpplane, "All erdly joy returnis in pane." "O man! haif mynd that thow mon pafs; 5 Remembir that thow art bot afs, And fall in afs return agane : All erdly joy returnis in pane." "Haif mynd that eild ay followis yowth; Deth followis lyfe with gaipand mouth, 10 Devoring fru6l and flowring^ grane : All erdly joy returnis in pane." "Welth, wardly gloir, and riche array Ar all bot thornis laid in thy way, Ourcowerd with flouris laid in ane trane : 15 All erdly joy returnis in pane." 1 This reading is doubtful ; the word may perhaps alfo be xt&djkmuring. 132 OFF LENTREN IN THE FIRST MORNYNG. "Come nevir yit May fo frefche and grene, Bot Januar come als wod and kene ; Wes nevir fic drowth bot anis come rane : All erdly joy returnis in pane." 20 "Evirmair vnto this warldis joy As nerrefl air fucceidis noy; Thairfoir, quhen joy ma nocht remane, His verry air fucceidis pane." "Heir helth returnis in feiknefs 25 And mirth returnis in havinefs, Toun in defert, forreft in plane : All erdly joy returnis in pane." "Fredome returnis in wrechitnefs, And trewth returnis in dowbilnefs, 3° With fenyeit wirdis to mak men fane : All erdly joy returnis in pane." "Vertew returnis in to vyce, And honour in to avaryce; With cuvatyce is confciens flane : 35 All erdly joy returnis in pane." "Sen erdly joy abydis nevir, Wirk for the joy that leflis evir; For vder joy is all bot vane: All erdly joy returnis in pane." 4° Quod Dumbar. DO UN BY ANE RE VER AS I RED. 133 XLIX. [Doun by ane Rever as I red.'\ DO UN by ane rever as I red Outthrow a forreft that wes fair, Thynkand ho: that this warld wes maid; Sa fuddanly away we fair, That kingis and lordis fall haif no mair 5 Fra tyme that thay^ be bund on beir, Thus fpak a fowll, I yow declair: "Do for thy felf quhill thow art heir." I marvellit quhat that bird fowld be, FoI, 49. a. That wes fo fair with fedderis gent; 10 Scho bowind^ hir nocht to fle fra me, Bot fatt and tald me hir intent. *' Off thy mifdeidis thow the repent, And of thy fynnys confefs the cleir; For Deid he^ hes his bow ay bent: 15 Do for thy felf quhill thow art heir." "Fra he begyn to fchute his fchot Thow wat nocht quhen that it will licht; He fpairis the nocht, in fchip, nor bot, In coive,* nor craig, na^ caflell wicht. 20 Bot as the fone that fchynis bricht Owtthrwch the glafs, that is fo cleir. To lenth thy lyfe thow hes no micht : Do for thy felf quhill thow art heir." 1 From Dupl. Text— MS. has he. = Dupl. Text— bownit. ^ Vo.—that. * lb. — cofe. lb. — nor. 134 DO UN B V ANE RE VER AS I RED. "Gif^ ony man his lyfe micht lenth, 25 I wat it had bene Salamone: Of all vvifdome he had the ftrenth, He knew the vertew of erb and ftone; He cowld nocht for him felf difpone Attoure his dait to leif a^ year; 30 Ane wyfar Avicht was never none : Do for thy felf quhill thow art heir." "Quhairto fowld I thir fampillis fay; Thow hes fene mo than I can tell Off lordis in to this land perfay, 35 Sum wyfe, fum wicht, fum forfs, fum fell. Thay dowttit nowthir hevin nor hell, Thay wer fo wicht withowttin weir; Now with thair fawle we will nocht mell : Do for thy felf quhill thow art heir." 4° "And gif thow beis ane^ marchand man, - And wynnis thy living be the fee, Spend pairt of the gude thow* wan, Fol. 49. b. And keip the ay with honeftie. Fra thow be gane, I tak on me, 45 Thy wyfe will half ane vthir feir; Thy dalie fample thow may fe : Do for thy felf quhill thow art heir." "Or gif thow hes a benefice, Preifs nevir to hurde the kirkis gude ; 5° Do almoufs deidis to peure alwayfs In to this warld ; to win the rude Thow mon be bwreit^ in thy hude; Thy windene fcheit is nocht in weir, iprom Dupl.Text— MS. has Give. «Dupl.Text— a«^. '^Vo—a. ^Vo.— that thow. '^Vo.—bureid. DO UN BY ANE RE VER AS I RED. 135 Thy aids ar of eild to dwid •} 55 Do for thy felf quhill thow art heir." "I fay this be a preifl of pryd, That wes full wanton of his will; Gold and filuer lay him befyd, The fremmit thairof thair baggis can fill. 60 All that thay prayit for him wes ill, For now thay drink and makis gud cheir ; Wyifmen faid he did nane- fkill: Do for thy felf quhill thow art heir." "And of this preift I will fpeik mair, g^ That had fa mekle of warldis wrack ; Off all his freindis lefs and mair He wald nocht mend thame worth ane^ plack: Quhill Deid he hint him be the back, That he micht nowdir ftand nor fteir, 7° And lute him nocht his teftment mack : Do for thy felf quhill thow art heir." "Sen for no wifdome, nor no ftrenth, Nor for no richefs in this erd, That ony man his lyf may lenth, 75 Naythir for freyndfchip^ agane wanewerd, I tak on hand fra thow be herd Fol. 50. a. Thy fe6louris fpendis thy gudis cleir; Thow may fay that a fowle the lerd : Do for thy felf quhill thow art heir." 80 Finis. ^Dupl.Text— a'^Ma'. ^Ih.—na. ^Ih.—a. * lb. — Nor for nojlrttith. 136 CONSIDDER, MAN, ALL IS BOT VANITIE! L. [Confidder, Man, all is bot Vanitie!'] CONSIDDER, man, all is bot vanitie! That we heir half in to this warld within ; For, fra the tyme of our natiuitie, Faft vnto deid a reftles rink we rin : Thairfoir is beft that we ammend our fyn 5 And God befeik of mercy or we dee. To leir this leffone latt ws now begyn : Confidder, man, all is bot vanitie! Will we nocht prent in to oure mynd and penfs That it is bot richt fchort tyme we haif heir, 10 As we may weill fe be experience ; The quhilk fowld put ws all quyt owt of weir: For thay, that war baith wardly wyifs and deir, Ar went away and vaneift as we fee ; And fa mon we quhat tyme that Deid will fpeir: 15 Confidder, man, all is bot vanitie ! The fynfull flefche, that heir was cumly cled, Sail foddanly be clofit in to clay. And with the famyne the wormis falbe fed. The quhilk befoir in fyn was nureift ay. 20 The fdly fawill fall pafs a wilfome way, Trymland for dreid,^ as dois the leif on trie; Quhat fall oure wantoness awaill that day: Confidder, man, all is bot vanitie! All cunnyng, craft, knawlege, or yit kin, 25 May nocht ane houre prolong the terme of deid, ^ Dupl. Text— :/^r dreidour. CONSIDDER, MAN, ALL IS BOT VANITIE ! 137 Nor gold, nor^ gud, that in the warld we win;^ Aganis this fentence thair is no remeid. Land, nor yit^ rent, fall ftand ws in no fteid ; Bot, ill we will we, dowtles we mone die ; 30 Aganis this fentence thair is na remeid : Confidder, man, all is bot vanitie! Thus deid is ficker but exceptioun, Fol. 50. b. Fra quhilk* we can ws nocht defend Be no maner of prote6lioun ; 35 Bot of this warld we^ mon wend. The tyme and place to ws^ vnkend; We knaw nocht'' quhen nor quhair to die: Thus, fen vncertane is oure end,^ Confidder, man, all is bot vanitie! 40 Yit, neuirthelefs, the tyme that we half tynt May be redemit be help of Godis grace, Sa we repent befoir the fuddane dynt Off the vncertane deid, quhill we half fpace; Eftir the quhilk thair is na help, allace ! 45 Bot gif that we get mercy or we die. We ar bot tynt ; this is ane havy cace : Confidder, man, all is bot vanitie! Lo ! we may fie the lyf that we ar in Is grantit to^ ws to win the eternall blifs; 50 And gif perchance we fall in deidly fyn, Yit we may ryifs agane and mend our mifs. Thairfoir, in fchort, my counfall it is this, That we fett ws all vycis for to fie. And thocht we faill our mendis acceptit is:^*' 55 Confidder, man, all is bot vanitie! fDupl. Text — na. ^Ib. — we may win. ^Dmyi^. Te.xt oralis yit. •*Dupl. Text — the quhilk. ^Ib. — tueirlefswe. ^Ib. — baythartows. 7 lb. — For we wat iiowthir. ^ lb. — is our lyvis end. ^ Dupl. Text omits to. ^" Dupl. Text — And gif we felye to mend is bettir I wifs. s 138 LETTRES OF GOLD WRITTIN I FAND. Bot it is grit perell for to delay Our demereittis and mifdeidis to mend, Differrand thame vnto the latter day, The quhilk vnficker is and als vnkend. 60 Thairfoir is bell provyd afoir^ the end, Cheifand the ficker, lattand the vnfeur^ be, And grace at God afk ay as we offend ; For in this warld is nocht bot vanitie. Finis. LI. [^Lettres of Gold writ tin I fand?[ LETTRES of gold writtin I fand Intill a buike was fair to reid, The fentence plane till vndirfland; Thairfoir till it I tuik gude held. With havy hairt and mekle dreid 5 I red the fcriptour verement, Fol, 51. a. The quhilk faid thus trew as the creid, "Ryifs, deid folk, and cum to jugement." "Ryifs, deid folk, ryifs," forfuth it faid, Cum on, belyve ye mon compeir, 10 That law doun on the erth ar laid ; Get vp gud fpeid and be nocht fvveir. Mak compt how ye half levit heir In to this wretchit warld prefent ; ^Dupl. Text — befoir. ^Ib. — vnficker. LETTRES OF GOLD WRITTIN I FAND. 139 Your confcience tellis your deidis cleir 15 Befoir the Juge in jugement. Fra hevin to hell, throw erd and air, That hiddoufs trump fa lowid fall found, That throw the blaft, I yow declair. The fbanis fall cleive, erd fall^ redound; 20 Sail no man refpeft get that ftound For gold, for riches, or for rent ; For all mon cum ouir fee and found And prefent thame to jugement. In flefche and bane as ye war heir, 25 Thocht ye wer brint in powder^ all, Befoir the Juge ye mon compeir To mak your compt, baith grit and fmall. Nane adwocat for ocht fall fall ; Bot your awin confcience innocent 30 Sail fpeik for yow, quhen ye ar call' Befoir the Juge in jugement. May nocht be hid, I yow declair, That evir ye did in deid or thocht ; Sail nocht be cullerit, all beis bair 35 How prevelly that evir ye wrocht. The t\vynkling of your ene beis* focht, Ouhen fynnaris fchamefully ar fchent; Thairfoir be war or ye be brocht Our foddanly to jugement. 40 Paip or prelattis preciffit^ of wit, Fol. 51. b. In to this warld that clymmis fo*" hie ^ Dupl. Text omits >//. ^ Dypi_ Text— />«/flW-. ^ lb. — quhen thaymu call. ^ lb. — be. ^ Vo.— prices. * Dupl. Text oxQxisfo. 140 LETTRES OF GOLD WRITTIN I FANJD, To win the fowll vane gloir of it, Be Avar ye fall accufit be; The folk ye tuke to keip lat fe 45 The faith to teiche as ye wer fent Hirdis to be and tuke your fee; Cum anfwer now in jugement. Ye kingis he of ftait and micht, That warldly conqueifs and vane gloir 50 Defyrit ay^ baith day and nicht, And all your lawbor fet thairfoir: Ouhat helpis than your micht, your ftoir, Ouhen warldis welth away is went? May nane yow hyd in hoill, nor boir; 55 For all mon ryfs to jugement. Gif ye half kepit juft^ and richt The law ellyk to riche and peure, With blyth hairt in the Jugeis ficht • Ye may appeir, I yow affure. ^° Half ye mifgorvernit ocht your cure, Sair may ye dreid the hard torment Off hellis fyre, that fall indure Perpetuall eftir jugement. O crewall knychtis and^ men of pryd! 65 That evir, in armes and chevelrye, Hes focht oure all this warld fo wyd Yow till avance with vi6lory. Ay blud to fched fa crewaly ; Gud tyme wer heir for to repent, 7° Or ye be fchot doun foddanly, And brocht on forfs to jugement. 1 Dupl. Text— //^J ay. ^ Ih.—iufiice. ^ Dupl. Text omits and. LETTRES OF GOLD WRITTIN I FAND. 141 For that day is no grace to gett, Nor that day fall na mercy be, Fra that the Juge in fait be fett. 75 Haif thow done weill ; full weill is the, That awfull Juge quhen thow fall fe, FoI. 52, a. Sa full of yre in face fervent To fynneris for iniquitie, That mon vpryifs to jugement. 80 Ye men of kirk, that cure hes tane Of fawlis for to wetfche^ and keip, Ye will^ be tynt, and ye tyne ane, In your defalt, of Goddis fcheip. Be walkand ay that ye nocht fleip ; gc Luke that your bow be reddy bent ; The wolf abowt your flok will creip ; Ye mon mak compt at jugement. Be gude of lyfe, and biffie ay Gud examplis for to fchaw; 90 Stark in the faith, and luke allwey That na man cryme vnto^ you knaw. Lat ay your deid follow your faw, And to this taill ye tak gud tent. Say weill but doweill is nocht worth a flraw* 95 For yow to fchaw in jugement. And warldly wemen be^ ye war; Your wit is waik, leir to be wyfs : Grit cawfs of fyn forfuth ye ar, Throw your fowll pryd and claithis of pryifs. 100 Ay prowd in buflving and^ garmond nyift, Inflammand lychman,'^ of intent ^ Dupl. Text — yetne. ^ lb. — mon. ^ lb, — in to. * lb. — ane haw. 'lb. — notv be. ^Ib. — and in. ^Ib. — lycht meti. 142 LETTRES OF GOLD WRITTIN I FAND. To lichery thanie for to tyifs ; Ye mon mak compt in jugement. Ye merchantis, that the gold fa reid loS Vpbrace in to your boxis^ bad, Quhat may it help, quhen ye ar deid, The gadderit riches that ye had? Be all Weill win,^ ye may be glad Befoir the Prince maift prepotent; ^lo Be it nocht fo, ye may be fad, Ouhen that ye cum to jugement. Leill labowraris, that nicht and day FoI. 52. b. Dois that thay may for to vphald This wretfchit lyfe, full blyth may thay "5 Cum to thair compt quhen thay ar cald. Weill may thay byd with hairtis bald ; To no man did thay detriment, Bot pure lyfe led heir as God wald; Yit thay fall cum to jugement. 120 Thairfoir me think, for to conclude. Grit rent nor riches proffeitis nocht ; For grit aboundance heir of gude Dois men grit truble in thair thocht, Weill fall thay worth,^ that fa hes wrocht '25 Off fufflcence can be content; Thair can no fickerer way be wrocht^ To help thame^ at jugement. All is bot vane and vanitie. Into this warld that we half heir; ' 130 Grit riches and profperitie 1 Dupl. Text — haggis. " lb. — wynnyn. ^ lb. — We fall thame worth. 4 Ih.—focht. 5 lb. — To help a ?nan. AT MATYNE HOURE. 145 Vpfofteris vyce, that is na weir; Makis men to fall in fynnis feir, Mifknaw^ thair God, fyne confequent To Godis feruice makis thame maift- fweir; 135 Ryifs, deid folk, cum to jugement. Finis quod Wa[lter]' Broun. LII. \^At Matyne Houre in Midis of the Nicht.'\ AT matyne houre in midis of the nicht, Walknit of fleip, I faw befyd me fone Ane aigit man, femit fextie yeiris of ficht. This fentence fett, and fong^ it in gud tune! "Omnipotent and eterne God in trone! 5 To be content and lufe the^ I haif caufs That my licht yowtheid is oppreft and done; Honor with aige to every vertew drawis." "Grene yowth! to aige thow mon obey and bow; Thy foly luftis leftis fkant ane^ May; 10 That than wes witt is naturall foly now, As warldly witt,''^ honor, richefs, or frefche array. Deffy the devill, dreid God and domifday; For all falbe accufit as thow knawis. Fol. 53. a. Bliffit be God my yutheid is away: 15 Honor with aige to every vertew drawis." "O bittir yowith, that femis delitious! O haly aige, that fumtyme femit foure! ^Dupl.Text — Mi/ken. ''Dupl. Text omits wa^]/?. 3 Dupl. Text— 6'c/«> Wayter]. ^Ih.—fajig. ^Ih.—ihat. ^Ih.—a. ^ Dupl. Text omits as aiad witt. 1 44 AT MA TYNE HO URE. O refbles yowth, hie, halt, and vicious ! O honeft aige, fulfillit with honoure! 20 O frawart yowth, frutles and fedand flour! Contrail- to confcience baith to God and lawis, Off all vanegloir the lamp and the mirroure ; Honor with aige till every vertew drawis." "This warld is fett for to diffaive ws evin; *S Pryd is the nett, and covece-^ is the trane : For na reward, except the joy of hevin, Wald I be yung in to this warld agane. The fchip of faith tempeftous wind and rane Dryvis^ in the fee of Lollerdry that^ blawis. 30 My yowth is gane, and I am glaid and fane : Honor with aige till every vertew drawis." ''Law, luve, and lawtie, gravin* law thay ly; Diffimvlance hes borrowit confcience clayis;^' Aithis, writ, walx,*^ nor feilis ar not fet by ; 35 Flattery is fofterit baith with freindis and fayis. The fone, to bruike it that his fader hais, Wald fe him deid; Sathanas fic feid fawis. Yowtheid, adew! ane of my mortall fais: Honor with aige with every vertew drawis." 40 Fi7iis quod Kennedy. 1 Dupl. Text— .—thy. 148 WALKING ALLONE AMANG THIR LEVIS GRENE. Vnto my reffone wold aggreit neir To mend my lyfe and reftoir wrangus geir. Incontinent this bird perfavit weill 85 How at hir fermond bait my confcience. Scho fayd, " Twa contrar wayis^ I feill: The ane^ is gud, the vthir is offence. Thairfoir the rewill with reffone and prudence, That fra contraryis thow art purgeit cleir: 90 Man! mend thy lyfe and reftoir wrangus geir," I faid annone, " Ouhat kind of bird art thow, That tareis me all day with tyrfum^ taill?" Scho anfwerit fone-and faid, " I tell the now, Synderifis my name is but ony'^ faill, gj Quhilk the fall dryve to the fyre infernaill, Bot gif thow wirk, as I do the^ requeir. To mend thy lyfe and reftoir wrangus geir." "Now to conclude and end this breif fermond ; Ouhairevir thow fair, entreft thow fickerly, 100 Myne endyting in to thin eiris fall found. And perce thy confcience continwaly. Ouhairfoir, gif thow willis leif^ eternaly, Perfew vertew, and vycis do forbeir : Man! mend thy lyfe and reftoir wrangus geir." 105 Scho braidit furth with that and twik the flicht. And I vprais and hamewart fchup to fair: Be than fair Phebus, with his bemis bricht, Fol. 55. a. Had purgit clene and pvrefeit the air. My reffone fone'^ vnto me did repair, no ^Dupl. Text — -wayis in the. ^ lb. — iane. ^ lb. — ivithfic ane. * lb. —it is but. 5 ib_ _iji^ ^^_ G lb —lyfe. nh.~/o. THE RESSONING BETUIX AIGE AND YOWTH. 149 And counfallit me this leffone for to leir, Man ! mende thy lyfe and reftoir wrangus geir. Richt Weill I knew^ than in this fchort leffone The verry wey vnto^ faluatioun : Be grace devyne than opnit my reffone 115 Till vndirftand this^ proclamatioun, The quhilk, Avith grit mvltiplicatioun, This bird fo fweitly fvng on* breir; "Man! mend thy lyfe and reftoir wrangus geir." Thus I come hame within my covertour, 120 Reiofit gritly of this vifioun, Quhilk I had fene in this grit^ vardour; And on my kneis I faid this orifioun,^ "O eternalF God! trenefald in vnioun, Grant ws mercy and grace, quhill we ar heir, ^^^ To mend our lyfe and reftoir wrangus geir." Finis. LIV. The Reffoning betidx Aige and Yozvth. Yowth. QUHEN fair Flora, the godes of the flowris, Baith firth and feildis frefchely had ourfret, And perly droppis of the balmy fchowris Thir widdis grene had with thair water wet, 1 Dupl. I&yit—knaw. ^ Vo.—wey wes to. ^ lb. — tJie. 4 Yo. — on the. ^ lb. — in to this grene. ^ lb. — oratioun. ^ lb. — eterne. 15° THE RESSONING BETUIX AIGE AND YOWTH. Movand allone, in mornyng myld, I met A mirry man, that all of mirth cowth mene, Singand the fang that richt^ fweitly was fett : "O yowth, be glaid in to thy flowris grene!" Aige. I lukit furth a litill me^ befoir, And faw a cative on ane club cumand, lo With cheikis clene,^ and lyart lokis hoir: His ene was how, his voce was hefs hoftand, Fol. 55. b. Wallowit richt* wan, and walk as ony wand: Ane bill he beure vpoun his breift abone, In letteris leill but lyis,^ with this legand, 15 "O yowth, thy flowris fedis fellone fone!" Yowth. This yungman lap vpoun the land full licht. And mervellit mekle of his makdome maid. "Waddin^ I am," quo he, "and woundir wicht. With bran as bair, and breift burly and braid: 20 Na growme on ground my gairdone may degraid, Nor of my pith may pair of ^ wirth a prene. My face is fair, my fegour will not faid : O yowith, be glaid in to thy flowris grene!" Aige. This fenyeour fang, bot with a fobir ftevin. 25 Schakand his berd, he faid, " My bairne, lat be : 1 Dupl. Text omits richt. ^ Dupl. Text— wi-. ^ Ih.—lene. ^ lb.— and. ^Ih.—Ies. ^Ih.—zvaldiii. ^ Vo.—half. THE RESSONING BETUIX AIGE AND YOWTH. 151 I was, within thir fextie yeiris and fevin, Ane freik on fold, als forfs and als^ fre, Als glaid, als gay, als ying, als yaip as yie; Bot now tha dayis ourdrevin ar^ and done. 3° Luke thow my laikly luking^ gif I lie: O yowth, thy flowris fadis fellone fone!" Yowth. Ane vthir verfs yit this yungman cowth fing; "At luvis law a quhyle I think to leit, In court to cramp clenely in my clething, 35 And luke amangis thir lufty ladeis fweit; Of mariage to mell with mowthis meit In fecreit place, quhair we ma not* be fene ; And fo with birdis bly thly my bailis beit : O yowth, be glaid in to thy flowris grene!" 4° Aige. This awftrene greif anfwerit angirly, "For thy cramping thow fait baith cruke and cowre; ThyS flefchely luft thow fait alfo^ defy, yo\. 56. a. And pane the fall put fra paramour. Than will no bird be blyth of the in bouir; 45 Quhen thy manheid fall wendin'^ as the mone, Thow fall affay gif that my fong be four : O yowth, thy flowris fedis fellone fone!" Yowitk. This mirry man of mirth yit movit moir; " My corps is clene withowt corrvptioun ; 50 ^ Dupl. Text omits rt/j-. "Dupl. Text — is. ^Ib. — lykyne. * lb. — Infecreitnes quhair may nocht. ^ lb. — Aitd thy. ^ Dupl. Text omits alfo. "^ Dupl. Text — move. 152 THE RESSONING BETUIX AIGE AND YOWTH. My felf is found, but feiknes or but foir; My wittis fyve in dew proportioun ; My curage is of dene complexioun; My hairt is haill, my levar and my fplene; Thairfoir to reid this roll^ I haif no reffoun: 55 O yowth, be glaid in to thy flowris grene!" Aige. The bevar hoir faid to this berly berne, "This breif thow fall obey fone, be thow bald. Thy ftait, thy ftrenth, thocht it be ftark and fterne, The feveris fell, and eild fall gar the fald ; 60 Thy corps fall clyng, thy curage fall wax cald ; Thy helth- fall hynk, and tak a hurt but hone;^ Thy wittis fyve fall vaneis, thocht thow not wald : O yowth, thy flowris faidis fellone fone!" This gowand grathit with fic grit greif,* 65 He on his wayis wrechly went^ but wene; This lene awld^ man luche not, bot'' tuk his leif, And I^ abaid vnder the levis grene. Of the fedullis the futhe quhen^ I had fene, Of^° trewth, methocht, thay trivmphit" in thair tone. 70 O yowth, be glaid in to thy flowris grene! O yowth thy flowris faidis fellone fone ! Finis quod Mr Robert Henderfone.'^ ^ Dupl. Text — raiull. ^ lb. — heill. ^ lb. — hwn. ^ lb. — grathit began to greif. ^ lb. — And on his ivayis wrechitly he went. ^ Dupl. Text omits awld. '' Dupl. Text — na thing lot. ^ Dupl. Text omits /. ^ Dupl. Text omits ^«//i?«. ^" Dupl. Text — on. ^^ lb. — ti-emefit or tremefit. '* lb. — Henry/one. THE RESSONING BETUIX DETH AND MAN. 153 LV. TJie Reffoiiing betuix Deth and Ma7i. Deth} OMORTALL man, behold, tak tent to me! Ouhilk fowld^ thy mirrour be baith day and nicht. Fol. 56. b. All erdly thing that evir tuik lyfe mon die ; Paip, empriour, king, barroun and knycht, Thocht thay be in thair roall ftait^ and hicht, 5 May not ganeftand quhen I pleifs fchute the'^ derte; Waltownis, caftellis, and^ towris nevir fo wicht, May nocht rifift quhill it be at his herte. The Mmt.^ Now quhat art thow that biddis me thus tak tent, And mak ane mirrour day and nicht of the, lo Or with thy dert I fowld richt foir repent? I treft trewly off that thow'^ fall fone lie. Quhat freik on fold fa bald dar manifs me, Or with me fecht, o wthir on fute or horfs ? Is non fo wicht or^ ftark in this cuntre 15 Bot^ I fall gar him bow to me on forfs. Deth} My name, forfwth,^° fen that thow fpeiris, Thay call me Deid, futhly I the declair, i Dupl. Text— J/£7rj. ^ ib_ -^fall, 3 n,. —ryell ejlait. * lb. — this. 5 Dupl. Text omits and. ^ Dupl. Text — Homo. ilh.— of thai that ihow. ^lh.—/o. ^Ib.— Aw-. ^'^Ih.—atmeforf-u't/i. V 154 THE RESSONING BETUIX DETH AND MAN. Calland all man and woman to thair beiris Quhen evir I pleifs, quhat tyme, quhat place, or quhair. 20 Is nane fa ftowt, fa frefche, nor yit fa fair, Sa yung, fa aid, fa riche, nor yit fa peur, Quhair evir I pafs, owthir lait^ or air, Mon put thame haill on forfs vndir my cure. ,2 Man. Sen it is fo that nature can fo wirk 25 That yung and awld, with^ riche and peure, mon die; In my yowtheid, allace! I wes full irk, Cowld not tak tent to gyd and governe me Ay gude to do, fra evill deidis to fle; Trefland ay yowtheid wold with me abyde f 3° Fulfilland evir my fenfualitie. In deidly fyn and fpecialy in pryd. Deth!> Thairfoir repent and remord thy confcience; Think on thir wordis I now vpoun the cry: Fol. 57. a. O wrechit man! O full of^ ignorance! 35 All thy plefance thow fall richt^ deir aby. Difpone thy felf, and cum with me in hy,^ Edderis, afkis, and^ wormis meit for^*' to be : Cum quhen I call, thow ma me not denny, Thocht thow war paip, empriour, and king, all thre. 40 J Dupl. Text— 15. 3Dupl. Text—/emb!e. Hh.—As. ^ lb.— wm/all. ® Dupl. Text omits weill. i66 OFF E VER V ASKING FOLLO WIS NOCHT RE WAIRD. Ane fule, thocht he haif caufs or nane, Cryis ay, Gif me in to a drene;^ And he that dronis ay as ane bee Sowld haif ane heirar dull as^ ftane: In aflcing fowld difcretioun be. lo Sum afkis mair than he defervis;^ Sum aflvis far les^ than he fervis; Sum fchames to afk as° braidis of me, And all withowt reward he^ ftervis : In afkincf fowld difcretioun be. '5 'fc> To aflv but feruice hurtis gud fame; To afk for feruice is not to blame; To ferve and leif in beggartie To man and maiftir is baith fchame : ^°^- 6i. b. In afking fov/ld difcretion be. 20 He that dois all his beft fervyifs May fpill it all with crakkis and cryis Be fowll inoportunitie ; Few wordis may ferve ^ the wyis: In afking fowld difcretioun be. 25 Nocht neidfull is men fowld be dum ; Na thing is gottin^ but wordis fum; Nocht fped but diligence we fe; For nathing it allane will cum : In alking fowld difcretioun be. 3o Afking wald haif convenient place, Convenient tyme, lafar, and fpace, But haift or^ preifs of grit menyie, ^ Dupl. Text — ane draiie. ^ lb. — as ane. ^ lb. — de/yris. * lb. — a/kis lefs. ^ lb. — and. ^ lb. — without gwerdoun. ^ lb. — mayfuffice to. ^ lb. — wane. ^ lb. — but. DISCRETIO UN OF GE VING. 1 6 7 But hairt abafit, but toung reklefs : In afking fowld difcretion be. 35 Sum micht haif ye, with littill cure, That hes oft nay with grit labour; All for that^ tyme not byd can he, He tynis baith eirand and honour: In afking fowld difcretion be. 4° Suppois the fervand be lang vnquit, The lord fumtyme rewaird will it;^ Gife he dois not, quhat remedy.'* To fecht with fortoun is no wit: In afking fowld difcretioun be. 45 *i3 Finis of A/king.^ LXII. Follow is Difcretioun of Geving. TO fpeik of gift or almoufs deidis; Sum gevis for mereit and for meidis ; Sum warldly honour to vphie Gevis to thame that nothing neidis: In geving fowld difcretioun be. 5 Fol. 62.a. Sum gevis for pryd and glory vane; Sum gevis with grugeing'* and with pane; Sum gevis in^ pra6lik for fupple; ^ Dupl. Text — his. ^ lb. — reiuardis it. ^ lb. — Endis Difcretioun in AJking. * lb. — grunching. ^ lb. — on. 1 68 DISCRETIOUN OF GEVING. Sum gcvis for twyifs als gud^ agane: In geving fowld difcretioun be. lO Sum gevis for thank, fum chereit;^ Sum gevis money, and^ fum gevis meit; Sum gevis wordis fair and He ; Giftis fra fum ma na man treit: In giving fowld difcretioun be. ^S Sum is for gift fa lang requyrd, Quhill that^ the crevar be fo tyrd That, or the gift dehuerit be, The thank is fruftrat and expyrd : In geving fowld difcretioun be. 20 Sum gevis to littill full^ wretchitly. That his giftis ar not fet by, And for a huidpyk^ haldin is hie, That all the warld cryis on him fy: In geving fowld difcretioun be. 25 Sum in his geving is fo large That^ all ourlaidin is his berge; Than vyce and prodigalitc Thairof his honour dois^ difchairge: In geving fowld difcretioun be. 30 Sum to the riche gevis geir,^ That micht his giftis v/eill forbeir; And thocht the peur for fait fowld de, Is cry nocht enteris in his eir: In geving fowld difcretioun be. 35 ^ Dupl. Text— fl'/j- mekle. * lb. — and fum for cherite. ^ Dupl. Text omits and. * Dupl. Text omits that. "Dupl.Text— a«f/>//. ^ Vo.—for fu hudipyk. "^Vo.— Quhill. ^Dupl. Text omits dois. ^ Dupl. Text — his geir. DISCRETIO UN OF GE VING. 169 Sum givis to ftrangeris with face new, That yifterday fra Flanderis flew ; Fol. 62. b. And to awld ferwandis Hft not fe, War thay nevir of fa grit vertew : In geving fowld difcretioun be. 40 Sum gevis to thame can afk and plenyie; Sum gevis to thame can flattir and fenyie; Sum gevis to men of honeftie, And haldis all janglaris at difdenyie : In geving fowld difcretioun be. 45 Sum gettis giftis and riche arrayis, To fweir all that his maifter fayis, Thocht all the contrair weill knawis hie; Ar mony fic now in thir dayis : In geving fowld difcretioun be. 50 Sum gevis gudmen for thair gud kewis; Sum gevis to trumpouris and to fchrewis; Sum gevis to knaw his awtoritie; Bot in thair office gude fundin few is : In geving fowld difcretioun be. 55 Sum givis parrochynnis full wyd, Kirkis of San6l Barnard and San6l Bryd, To teiche, to rewill and to ouirfie, That he na wit hes thame to gyd : In geving fowld difcretioun be. 60 Finis of Difcretioun of Geving. X I70 DISCRETIOUN IN TAKING. LXIIL Folloivis Difcretioun in Taking. EFTIR geving I fpeik of taking, Bot littill of ony gud forfaiking: Sum takkis our littill awtoritie, And fum our mekle, and that is glaiking : In taking fowld difcretioun be. 5 The clerkis takis beneficis with brawHs, Sum of San6l Petir, and fum of Sand; Pawlis ; Tak he the rentis, no cair hes he Suppois the diuill tak all thair fawHs : Fol. 63. a. In taking fowld difcretioun be. 10 Barronis takis fra the tennentis peure All fru6l that growls on the feure, In mailis and gerfomes rafit ouir hie, And garris thame beg fra dur to dure : In taking fowld difcretioun be. 15 Sum takis vthir menis takkis, And on the peure oppreffioun makkis, And nevir remembris that he mon die, QuhilP that the gallowis gar him rax: In taking fowld difcretioun be. 20 Sum takis be fie and be land, And nevir fra taking can hald thair hand, Quhill he be tit vp to ane tre; And fyne thay gar him vndirftand In taking fowdd difcretioun be. 25 1 MS. has QuJiilk. MUSING ALLONE THIS HINDER NICHT. iti Sum wald tak all his nychbouris geir, Had he of man als littill feir As he lies dreid that God him fee; To tak than fowld he nevir forbeir: In taking fowld difcretioun be. 3° Sum wald tak all this warldis breid, And yit not fatisfeit of thair neid, Throw hairt vnfatiable and gredie ; Sum wald tak littill and can not fpeid : In taking fowld difcretioun be. 35 Grit men for taking and oppreffioun Ar^ fett full famous at the Seffioun And peur takaris ar hangit hie, Schamit for evir and thair fucceffioun : In taking fowld difcretioun be. 40 't> Finis guod Dumbar. LXIV. \MuJing allone this hinder Nichtl\ MUSING allone this hinder nicht Fol. 63. b. Of mirry day quhen gone was licht, Within ane garth vndir a tre, I hard ane voce that faid on hicht, May na man now vndemit be. 5 For thocht I be ane crownit king, Yit fall I not efchew deming; Sum callis me guid, fum fayis I lie, 1 MS. has At. 172 MUSING ALLONE THIS HINDER NICHT. Sum cravis of God to end my ring; So fall I not vndemit be. 10 Be I ane lord, and not lord lyk, Than every pelour and purfpyk Sayis, Land war bettir warit on me; Thocht he dow not to leid a tyk, Yit can he not lat deming be. '5 Be I ane lady frefche and fair, With gentill men makand repair, Than will thay fay, baith fcho and hie, That I am jaipit lait and air; Thus fall I not vndemit be. 20 Be [I] ane courtman or ane knycht, Honefbly cled that cumis me richt, Ane prydfull man than call thay me; Bot God fend thame a widdy wicht, That can not lat fic demyng be. 25 Be I bot littill of ftature, Thay call me catyve createure; And be I grit of quantetie, Thay call me monftrowis of nature ; Thus can I not vndemit be. 3° And be I ornat in my fpeiche, Than Towfy fayis, I am fa fcreiche, I fpeik not lyk thair houfs menyie. Suppois hir mouth mifteris a leiche, Yit can I not vndemit be. 35 Bot wift thir folkis that vthir demifs, Fol. 64. a. How that thair fawis to vthir femifs, Thair vicious wordis and vanitie, SONS HES BENE A Y EXILIT O WT OF SIGHT. 173 Thair tratling tungis that all furth temifs, Sum wald lat thair demyng be. 40 Gude James the Ferd, our nobill king, Quhen that he was of yeiris ying, In fentens faid full fubtilHe, "Do Weill, and fett not by demying, For no man fall vndemit be." 45 And fo I fall, with Goddis grace, Keip his command in to that cace; Befeiking ay the Trinitie, In hevin that I may half ane place, For thair fall no man demit be. 50 Finis quod Dumbar. LXV. \Sons hes bene ay exilit owt of Sichti\ SONS hes bene ay exilit owt of ficht. Sen every knaif wes cled in filkin weid; Weilfair and welth ar went withowt gud nicht, And in thair rowmis remanis derth and neid ; Pryd is amangis ws enterit but God fpeid, 5 And lerd our Lordis to go lefs and mair With filkin gownis, and fellaris tome and bair. Now ane fmall barronis riche abelyement, In filk, in furreingis, chenyeis and vthir geir, Micht furneis fourty in to jak and fplent, 10 Weill bodin at his bak with bow and fpeir. 174 SONS HES BENE A Y EXILIT O WT OE SIGHT. It war full meit, gif it happinis be weir, That all this pryd of filk war quyt laid doun, And chengit in jak, knapfl^a and abirgoun. Wald all the lordis lay vp thair riche arrayis, 15 And gar vnfulyeit keip thame clene and fair, And weir thame bot on hie trivmphand dayis, And quhen ftrangeris dois in this realnie repair, Fol. 64. b. Thay neidit not for to by filkis mair Thir twenty yeir, for thame and thair fucceffioun, 20 Gif fnifull pryd nocht blindit thair difcretioun. Thair men alfo mon be but fmyt or fmoit, Fra his caproufy be with ribbanis left, With welwet bordour abowt his threidbair coit, On womanwayis weill toyit abowt his weft ; 25 His hat on fyd fet vp for ony heft ; For hichtines the culroun dois mifken His awin maifter, als weill as vthir men. Quha fynnis in pryd dois firft to God grevance, Quhilk owt of hevin to hell gaif it ane fall ; 30 Syne of him felf he weftis his fubftance Sa lerge, that it ourpaffis his rentall; His peur tennentis he dois opprefs with all; His coiftly goun, with taill fo wyd owtfpred, His naikit fermouris garris hungry go to bed. 35 Finis. FRED O ME, HONOUR AND NOBILNES. 175 LXVI. [Frcdome, Honour and Nobilnes\ FREDOME, honour and nobilnes, Meid, manheid, mirth and gentilnes Ar now in cowrt reput as vyce ; And all for caufs of cuvetice. All weilfair, welth and wantones 5 Ar chengit in to wretchitnes, And play is fett at littill price; And all for caufs of covetyce. Halking, hunting and fwift horfs r^'nning Ar chengit all in wrangus wynnyng; 10 Thair is no play bot cartis and dyce; And all for caufs of covetyce. Honorable houflialdis ar all laid doun; Ane laird lies with him bot a loun, That leidis him eftir his devyce; 15 And all for caufs of covetyce. In burghis, to landwart and to fie, Fol. 65. a. Ouhair was plefour and grit plentie, Vennefoun, wyld fowill, wyne and fpyce, Ar now decayid thruch covetyce. 20 Hufbandis that grangis had full grete, Cattell and corne to fell and ete, Hes now no beift bot cattis and myce; And all thruch caus of covettyce. 176 MV MYND QUHEN I COMPAS AND CAST. Honeft yemen in every toun 25 War wont to weir baith reid and broun, Ar now arrayit in raggis with lyce ; And all tliruch caus of covetyce. And lairdis in filk harlis to the eill, For quhilk thair tennentis fald fomer meill, 30 And leivis on rutis vndir the ryce ; And all thruch caus of covetyce. Quha that dois deidis of petie, And leivis in pece and cheretie, Is haldin a fule, and that full nyce; 35 And all thruch caus of covetyce. And quha can reive vthir menis rowmis, And vpoun peur men gadderis fowniis, Is now ane a6live man and wyice ; And all thruch caus of covetyce. 4° Man, pleifs thy Makar and be mirry, And fett not by this warld a chirry; Wirk for the place of paradyce, For thairin ringis na covettyce. Finis. LXVII. \My Mynd quJien I conipas and cajl^ Y mynd quhen I compas and caft, Me think this warld chengis faft; Quhen God thinkis tyme he may it mend: MY MYND QUHEN I CO MP AS AND CAST. 177 Lawty will leif ws at the lafi: ; Ar few for falfett may now fend. 5 Thift and treffoun now is chereift ; Law and lawtie is difherreift, Fol. 65. b And quyt owt of this regioun fend; Thift and treffoun now is cherreifl; Ar few for falfett now may fend. 10 War all this realme in two devyddit, Lat lawty fyne and falfet gyddit; Quhome on will monieft depend, Quha wyfeft is can not diffydit ; Ar few for falfet now may fend. 15 No man is countit worth a peir, Bot he that hes gud horfs and geir, And gold in to his purfs to fpend. The peur for this is fpulyeit neir; Ar few for falfet now may fend. 20 Half ane peur woman ane cow or twa, Glaidly fcho wald gif ane of tha To half the tother at the yeiris end ; Scho may thank God and fcho chaip fa; Ar few for falfet now may fend. 25 Peur hufband men leivis on thair plwch, Thay think that thay ar riche annewch; Away with it the theivis dois wend, And lei'vis thame bair as ony bewch:^ Ar few for falfett now may fend. 30 The rankeft theif of this regioun Dar pertly compeir in^ Seffioun, ^ Dupl. TcTiX.—thanie ah bair as the bnvch. ^ Vo.—peir vnto the. Y 178 HOW SO WLD I RE WILL ME. And to the tolbuth fone afcend, Syne with^ the lordis to raik^ and roun: Ar few for falfet now may fend. 35 [The bifchopis, abbotis of clergy, Off the purefolkis ye haif no pety; Ye haif moir mynd of ane commend; The riches of this realme haif ye : Ar few for falfet now may fend.]^ 4° The regentis that this realme fowld gyd, For fchame ye may your facis hyd ; To quhat effefl fowld ye pretend So flewthfully to latt ouirflyd Sic falfett now as ws offend.^ 45 Finis. LXVIII. \Hoiv fowld I rewill me, or qukat wyi/s.] HOW fowld I rewill me, or quhat wyifs, I wald fum wyifman wald dewyifs ; Fol. 66. a. I can not leif in no degre, Bot fum will my maneris difpyifs. Lord God, hoAv fall I governe me? 5 Gif I be galland, lufby and blyth, Than will thay fay on me full fwyth, 1 Dupl. Text— /^. '^ Ih.—roiik. ^ This verfe is from the Dupl. Text. *Dupl. Text — Ar few for falfett viay ncno fend. HO W SO WLD I RE WILL ME. 1 7 9 That owt of mynd yone man is hie, Or fum hes done him confort kyth. Lord God, how fall I governe me? ^° Gife I be forrowfull and fad, Than will thay fay that I am mad; I do bot drowp as I wald die, Thus will thay fay, baith man and lad. Lord God, how fall I governe me? 15 Gife I be lufty in array, Than luve I parramouris thay fay, Or in my hairt is prowd and hie. Or ellis I haif it fum wrang way. Lord God, how fall I governe me ? 20 Gif I be nocht weill als befene, Than twa and tvva fayis thame betwene, That evill he gydis yone man trewlie, Lo! be his claithis it may be fene. Lord God, how fall I governe me? 25 Gif I be fene in court ouir lang, Than will thay mvrmour thame amang, My freyndis ar not worth a fle, That I fa lang but reward gang. Lord God, how fall I governe me? 30 In court rewaird than purchefs I, Than haif thay malyce and invy, And fecreitly thay on me lie, And dois me hinder prevely. Lord God, how fall I governe me? 35 I wald my gyding war diwyfit; Gif I fpend littill I am defpyfit; Yo\. 66. b. ,8o FOURE MENER OF MEN AR EVILL TO KEN. Gif I be nobill, gentill and fre, A prodigall man I am fo pryfit. Lord God, how fall I governe me? 4° Now juge thay me baith guid and ill, And I may no mans tung liald ftill; To do the beft my mynd falbc, Latt every man fay quhat he will. The gratious God mot governe me. 45 Finis quod Dumbar. F LXIX. \Foure Mener of Men ar evill to ken.] OURE mener of men ar evill to ken. Ane is that riches hes and eifs, Gold, filuer, corne, cattell and ky, And wald half pairt fra vthiris by. Ane vthir is of land and rent 5 So grit a lord and fo potent, That he may not it rewill nor gy. And yit wald haif fra vthiris by. The thrid dois eik^ fo dourly drink, And aill and wyne within him fmk, lo Quhill in his wame no rowm be dry, And yit wald haif fra vthiris ^ by. The laft that hes, of nobill blude, Ane lufty lady fair and gude, 1 Dupl. Text omits eiJi. ^ Dupl, Text— ane vthir. SUMTYME THIS WARLD SO STEIDFAS7 WAS 18 r Boith vertewis, wyifs and womanly, '5 Bot yit wald haif ane vthir by. In erd no wicht I can perfaif Of gude fo grit aboundance haif, Nor in this warld fo welthfull wy, Bot yit he wald haif vthir by. 20 Bot yit of all this gold and gud, Or vthir conyie, to conclude, Quha evir it haif, it is not I ; It gois fra me to vthiris by. Finis. LXX. \Simityme this Warld fo Jleidfajl was.] SUMTYME this warld fo ffceidfaft was and ftabill, Fd. 67. a. That manis word was obligatioun ; And now it is fa fals and diffavable, That word and deid difcordis in conclufioun. Ar no thing lyk bot turnit vp and doun; 5 Is all this warld for greid and wilfulnes. That allis loift for laik of fteidfaftnes. Trewith is put doun, reffoun is haldin fabill, Vertew hes nane at hir devotioun, Petie exylit, and na man meretabill, 10 Throw cuvettyce blind is difcretioun. The warld hes maid ane permvtatioun Fra richt to wrang, fra reffone to wilfulnes, That all is loift for lak of fteidfaftnes. i82 FALS TITLARIS NOW GROWIS VP FULL RANK. Quhat makis this warld to be fo variable '5 Bot luft, quhilk folk lies but difcretioun? Among \vs now ane man is haldin vnhable, Bot gif he can, be fum collufioun, Doing his nychtbour wrang or oppreffioun. Quhat makis this bot wofull wretchitnes, 20 That all is loift for lak of fteidfaftnefs? Fahheid that fowld bene abhominable, Now is regeing but reformatioun : Quha now gifis lergly ar maifl diffavable, For vycis ar the grund of fuftentatioun : 25 All wit is turnit to cavillatioun, Lawtie expellit and all gentilnes, That all is loift for lak of fteidfaftnefs. O prince ! defyre for to be honorable, Chereifs thy folk and halt extortioun ; 3° Suffer nothing that bene reprovable; Schaw furth thy fwerd of caftigatioun. That vertew may rigne within thy regioun; Dreid God, do law, luve trewith and richtoufnes, And bring thy folk agane to fteidfaftnes. 35 Finis. LXXI. \Fals Titlaris now growis vp full rank.] FALS titlaris now growis vp full rank, Fol. 67. b. Nocht ympit in the ftok of cheretie, o FALS TITLARIS NOW GROWIS VP FULL RANK. i8 Howping at thair lord to gett grit thank, Thay haif no dreid on thair nybouris to He : Than fowld ane lord awyfe him weill I fe, 5 Quhen ony taill is brocht to his prefence, Gif it be groundit in to veretie, Or he thairto gif haiftely creddence. Ane worthy lord fowld wey ane taill wyflie, The tailltellar, and quhome of it is tald, 10 Gif it be faid for luve or for invy, And gif the tailifman abyd at it he wald : Than eftirwart the pairteis fowld be cald For thair excufe to mak lavvfull defence; Than fowld ane lord the ballance evinly hald, Jt5 And gif not at the firft haiflie creddence. It is no wirfchep for ane nobill lord For the fals tailis to put ane trew man doun, And gevand creddence to the firft recoird, He will not heir his excufatioun: 20 The tittillaris fo in his heir can roun, The innocent may get no awdience; Ryme as it may, thair is na reffoun To gif till taillis heftely creddence, Thir teltellaris oft tymes dois grit fl Quhat is the caus fie truble, fie debait, Sic rugrie reif ryngis in this regioun.-^ The lordis in youth to leir folye ar fett, Swa wantis vertew and eruditioun; 60 2 G 242 BE GRATIOUS GROUND AND GATE TO SAPIENCE. The pure than tholis grit oppreffioun; The lord for vertew takis volupte, No difference puttis betuix reif and reafoun ; How fould ane blind man colouris eftemie? Quhat is the caus of the abhominable ftate 65 Off kirkmen, and the bitter abufioun? The nobilles vertew lies intoxicate, And vitious fulis puttis to promotioun ; Sum man fervis ane blynd effe6lioun, Benefices gevis quhair evir thay vacand be; 70 It war far beft that fculis war cryit doun, And vertew rebell exilit the cuntre. Sen vertew is the pretious propyne And hevinlye gift of grite God eternall, Licht of the faule be purveyaunce devyne, 75 Cheif capitane in battall fpirituall, Be quhilk men differris fra brute beftiall, Caufs vertew rewU thi ryall regioun, luftice triumphe in pece continuall, Or thy realme thole defolatioun. 80 Walk now in tyme and but delay addrefs ; Haue fum feir of infernall affii6lioun; Tak pairt of pane trefpaffouris to reprefs ; Lat nocht thy realme go to perditioun; With vertewous vyfement counfall gude reafoun; 85 Caufs profound men of fcience and prudence; luftice put charp to executioun; Off pure ay haifand reuthfull remembrance. Knaw thow the fubie6l to the King of glore, Ane fubieft ay fuld do commandement; 90 Quhilk do thow nocht, thow fall refpond thairfore, Vpoun the day of ferefull iuft iugement, BE R YCHTUUS REGENT. 243 Quhair everye mannis werkis and intent Sail cleirlie kervit be befoir his e; For word, for werk, for deid and als confent, 95 Befoir grit God thow fall accufit be. Dreid God, be iufl, beiftlye blindnes affuage; King is bot man and man is ay mortall; Conftant, faythfull, bening without outrage ; Brydill broukilnes; glaid of guid counfall ; 100 Ryn nocht but reafoun ; hate wordis criminall ; Rewle thow by rycht thy regalle maieftie. Thy realme beis riche and iuftice triumphale, And eterne God fall evir thy rewlar be. Finis. XCVII. \Be rychtims Regent and wele exerce tJiy Cure.] E rychtuus regent and wele exerce thy cure. Be Chrift committit vnto thy regiment ; Be thy defalt thow lat na vyce indure; Be to thy folk defence ay vigilent ; Fol. 87. a. Be war for tinfale ; to keip be diligent ; 5 Be rekning rycht thow man gif compt of all ; Be vertewus and vfe this document ; Be reddye ay quhen evir the iuge will call. Aganis Pryde. Be nocht gevin to wardlie vane plefance Be pryid blyndit, thoAV fall repent it foir; 10 244 BE RYCHTUUS REGENT. Be verric fickcr it is bot variance, Begyland man and lies done euir moir; Be humyll in hart, gif thow will grace implore; Be nevir our hie, for dreid thow eftir fall ; Be reddye ay quhen evir the iuge will call. 15 Aganis Invye. Be leill to God and to thy freind be kynde; Be perfyte lyfe, heir is no refting place ; Be blyith in hart, na haitrent hald in mynde ; Be clene confcience detra6lion fra the chace; Be guid exemple als lang as thow hes fpace ; 20 Be mirrour heir fen thow art principall; Be cheretabill and abill thy felf to grace ; Be reddye ay quhen evir the iuge will call. Aganis Ire. Be pacient quhen thow art movit to ire; Be reafoun wirk that wit ourfett thy will ; 25 Be nocht malicious, nor crewell of defyre; Be no occafioun of mannis blude to fpill ; Be fufferance thy purpois thow fulfill ; Be wyis counfall tak ay thy gouernall; Be red for blame with fchame to hald the flill; 3° Be reddye ay quhen evir the iuge will call. Aganis Sneirnes. Be war with deid, defer nocht to the end ; Be Weill occupyit, leif no guid werk vndone; Be nocht fleuthfull, bot weill thi tyme expend; Be ay devote to him that fittis abone ; 35 BE RYCHTUUS REGENT. 245 Be reddye ay to win the hevinlye throne, Be Adam forfalt by fyn originall, Be him offendit, amend it I rede fone; Be reddye ay quhen evir the iuge will call. Aganis Auarice. Be nevir inclynit to wretchit awarice, 4° Be foull defyre the pepill to oppres; Be liberall; ay abhore with everye vyce; Be iuft to pure, thy fame fall weill incres; Be reuthfull ay quhair thow feis grit diftres; Be lytill proude of guidis temporall; 45 Be all guid deid proceid and nocht decres; Be reddye ay quhen evir the iuge will call. Aganis Licherye. Be nocht inclynd to flefchlie foull delyte, Be fenfuall Iuft thi filly faule to 11a; Be temperans refrane thy appetyte ; 50 Be chafte of lyfe, our fett thy mortall fa; Bethink the als of dreidfuU domifda, Befoir the warld quhair fuffer fchame thay fall, Be moment fyn to win eternall wa ; Be reddye ay quhen evir the iuge will call. 55 Aganis Gluttonye. yo\, 87. b. Be mefoure ay thy daylie fude thow tak. Be honefl: dyett thy croce to modefye; Be countenance thy cufbum vfe to mak Be clene fude leif, exerce no gluttonye; 246 BE GOUERNOUR BAITH GUID AND GRATIOUS. Be rewlit thus, heir is bot fantafye ; 60 Be ferme to him and conftant as ane wall; Be thow be deid, but pleid may magnefye Thy faull in blis quhen evir he lift to call. Finis. Contra feptejii Peccata mortalia. XCVIII. \Be Goiiernoitr baitli guid and gratioiis?)^ BE gouernour baith guid and gratious ; Be leill and luifand to thy liegis all ; Be large of fredome and no thing defyrous ; Be iuft to pure for ony thing may fall; Be ferme of faith and conftant as ane wall ; 5 Be reddye evir to ftanche evill and difcord; Be cheretabill and fickerlye thow fall Be bowfum ay to knaw thy God and Lord. Be nocht to proud of wardlie guidis heir, Be w^eill be thocht thai will reman e na tyde; 10 Be ficker als that thow man die but weir; Be war thairwith the tyme will no man byde; Be vertewus and fett all vyce on fyde ; Be patient, lawlie and mifericord; Be rewlit fo quhair evir thow go or byde; 15 Be bowfum ay to knaw thy God and Lord. Be Weill awyfit of quhome thow counfale tais ; Be fever of thame that thai be leill and trew; Be think the als quhidder thai be freindis or fais Be to thy faull, thair fa wis or thow perfew; 20 THIS HINDIR NYCHT. 247 Be nevir our haiftye to wirk and fyne to rew; Be nocht thair freind that makis the fals record ; Be reddye evir all guid workis to renew ; Be bowfum ay to knaw thy God and Lord. Be traift and conquefe thy awin heretage, 25 Be ennemyes of auld now occupyit Be ftrenth and force; thow fobir thai man fwage Be law of God, thair may no man denyid ; Be nocht as lantern in mirknes vnfpyit ; Be thow in rycht thi landis fuld be reftord ; 30 Be wirfchop fo thy name beis magnefeit; Be bowfum ay to knaw thy God and Lord. Be to rebellis ftrong as lyoun eik ; Be ferce to follow thame quhair evir thai [are] found ; Be to thy liege men bayth foft and meik, 35 Be thair fuccour and help thame haill and found; Be knaw thy cure and caus quhy thow was cround; Be befye evir that iuftice be nocht fmord ; Be blyith in hart ; thir wordis oft expound, Be bowfum ay to knaw thy God and Lord. 40 Finis. Qtiod Henrye Stewart. XCIX. [ This Jdndir Nyc/it, iieir by the Hour of Nyjici] THIS hindir nycht, neir by the hour of nyne, To bed I went as is my confuetud; I fanyt me and fone I flepit fyne. And, as I thocht, ane lady be my ftud, FoI. 88. a. 2 48 THIS HIND I R NYCHT. Plefand, but peir of port and pulcritud, 5 With criftall corpis tranflucent as a glafs, Of alkin clething nakit and denud, Bair, vnabulyeit, as fcho borne wafs. Hir body bair wes bricht as beriall, And thruch the famyn, as femit to my ficht, 10 I mycht Weill reffones on the wall, Als Weill as mony lampis had bene licht I faw fcho wes fo wondirfuU a wicht, I afkit of hir name for cherite ; Debonerly fcho anfwerit me that bricht, 15 And faid, " Thay call me lady Varite, "Ouhilk fra thir bowndis lang hes beneift bene, Nor heir mycht haif no reft nor refidence; Ouhairthrow my freindis ar confundit clene Off the fell falflieid throw thy offence. 20 Thy felf is ane that oft in myne abfence Hes tholit pane, becaus thow tuk my pairte; Bot I fall mak the rychtoufs recompence, Quhen fals folk fall forthink it at thair hairte." And quhen that I perfauit in to plane 25 Dame Verite my prefens appeir, I faluft hir as lady fouerane, And hir befocht, in maift hummill maneir, This caus obfcure to mak vnto me cleir; Quhen fall the kyth the cuntre of Scotland, 30 In peax and reft and plenty perfeueir. With fic ordour as vfis in vthir land ? Than faid this bird of beuty maift benigne, "Sone, thow fall haif folutioun fufficient, Quhen thir bairnis ar baneift fra your king, 35 Fro counfale, feffioun and parliament, THIS HINDIR NYCHT. 249 Off quhome the names fchortly fubfequent I fall declair dewly with diligence, Or I departe furth of this place prefent, And thow thairto gife thy audience. 40 Firft wilfull wrang in ane widdy mon waif, And hid hatreit be hangeit by the held. And yung counfale that dois yow all diffaif, And fingular proffeit ftolling of the fteid ; Diffimvlance that dois your lawis leid ; 45 Flattery and falflieid that your fame hes fylit, And ignorance be put to beg thair breid. And all thair kin furth of the court exylit. Than treffone mon be tronit to ane tre, And murthour merkit for his grit mifcheif, 50 And the foull feid that ye call fymone Mon planely be depryvit without repreif; Quhill this be done ye fall haif no releif, Bot fchamefull flawtir, derth and indigens; Fol. 88. b. And tak this for thy anfwer in to breif, 55 Quhilk, I the pray, prefent vnto thy prence. For all this fort with fchame mon be exylit, Or than demanit as I haif deuyfit, And vthir perfonis in to thair placis ftylit, The quhilk, fen Flowdoun feild, hes bene difpyfit 60 In this cuntre and in all vthiris piyfit; Quhois names I fall caufs the for to knaw, That thow may fleip thairwith and be awyfit, Syne bayth the fortis to thy fouerane fchaw, Firft iuftice, prudens, forfs and temperans, 65 With commounweill and auld experience, Concord, corrc6lioun, cunnyng and conftans, Lufe, lawty, fcience and obedience, 2 H 250 PRECELLEND PRINCE! HAVAND PREROGATYUE. Gud confcience, trewth and intelligence, Mercy, mefour, fayth, houp and cherite, 70 Thir in his court mon mak refidence, Or ye gett plenty and profperite. This being faid, this lady lumynofs Fra my prefens hir perfoun did depairt, And I awaikit and fuddanly vproifs, 75 Syne tuk my pen and put all in report, As ye haif hard ; thairfoir, I yow exhort. My fouerane lord, vnto this taile attend. And yow to ferue feik fuddanly this fort, Sen verite this counfale to yow fend. 80 And lat thir falty folk that fcho refufit Be flemit fra thair infilicite. For ye with thame to lang lies bene abufit, And your peple put to penurite. Schaip fum remeid for Godis deite, 85 And lat no moir the weid ourga the corne; Do ye nocht fa, ye fall accufit be Afoir the King that wore the croun of thorne. Finis. C. [Precellend Prince! Jiavand Pverogatyiie?^ PRECELLEND prince! havand prerogatyue As rowy royall in this regioun to ring, I the befeik aganis thy luft to ftryue, And loufe thy God aboif all maner of thing ; 15 PRECELLEND PRINCE! HAVAND PREROGATYUE. 251 And him imploir, now in thy yeiris ying, e To grant the grace thy folk to defend, Quhilk he hes gevin the in gouerning, In peax and honour to thy lyvis end. And fen tho ftandis in fo tendir aige, That natur to the yit wofdome denyis, jq Thairfoir fubmit the to thy counfale feige, And in all wayfs wirk as thay devyifs : Fol. 89. a. Bot ovir all thing keip the fra cuvatyifs, To princely honour gife thow wald pretend ; Be liberall, than fall thy fame vpryifs, And wyn the honour to thy lyvis end. It that thow gevis deliuer quhen thow hechtis, And fuffir nocht thy hand thy hecht delay, For than thy hecht and thy deliuerance fechtis; Far bettir war thy hecht had biddin away. 20 He aw me nocht that fayis me fchortly nay, Bot he that hechtis and cauffis me attend. Syne gevis me nocht, I may him repute ay Ane vntrew dettour to my lyvis end. Bettir is gut in feit nor cramp in handis : 25 The fait of feit with horfs thow may fupport ; Bot, quhen thyn handis ar bundin in with bandis, Na furrigiane may cure thame nor confort; Bot thow thame oppin, payntit as a port, And frely gife fic gudis as God the fend ; 30 Than may thay mend within ane feffone fchort, And win the honour to thi lyvis end. Gif every man eftir his faculty, And with difcretioun thow difpone thy geir ; Gife nocht to fulis and cunnyng men ourfe, 35 Thocht fulis roun and flatter in thyne eir; 252 SUFFOISS I WAR IN COURT MOST HE. Gife nocht to thame that dois thy fa wis fueir; Gife to thame that ar trew and conftant kend, Than our all quhair thay fall thy fame furth beir, And win the honour to thy lyvis end. 4° Sen thow art heid, thy leges memberis all, Gevin be God to thy governance, Luke that thow rewll the rute original!, Thatt in thy fait no member mak vtheris grevance. For quha can nocht him felf gyd nor awance, 45 Quhy fuld ane provynce do on him depend. To gyd him felf that hes na purveance. With peax and honour to thy lyvis end? Dreid God ; do counfale ; off thy leiges leill Rewaird gud deid; puneifs all wrang and vice; 50 Se^ that thy faw be ficker as thy feill; Fleme frawd and be defender of juftyce; Honour all tyme thy noble genetryce; Obey the kirk; gif thow dois mifs amend; Sa fall thow win ane place in paradyce, 55 And mak in erd ane honourable end. Finis qtiod W. Stewart. CI. \Sitppoifs I war in Court moji /te.] SUPPOISS I war in court moll he, Trefting my ftait wer evir fure, Trefting my felicite Mycht wex and wrang all creature, 1 MS. has Tke. S UFFOISS I WAR IN COURT MOST HE. 2 5 3 Trefting in my nobilite, 5 Fol. 89. b. Trefting my will fuld evir indure, Syne lukis nocht to equite, Bot thame defend that dois iniure; Than war my wit blind and obfcure, To haif fa prydfull ane confate; 10 Althocht I had the realme in cure, I mycht haif truble in myne eftate. In witneffmg of lordis befoir, Than quhen in court thair fortoun rang, Thame felf to landis thay wald refloir, 15 Offices, takkis and caftellis ftrang; Ilk man obeyand thair vane gloir. Be ftark manrent with thame to gang; Trefting to ftand for evirmoir, Thay dreid nocht God for to do wrang; 20 Sum burn, fum heid, fum hang, Sum to deid put with fals diffait; And all this yit induris nocht lang, Bot thai wer wext in thair eftait. God grant your myndis to be fet, 25 Ye lordis that lies the king in fteir! That pure and riche may iuftice get, And quha ar vext that ye thame heir; Bot, and with wrang ye intromet, Chryft is of mycht als mekle this yeir, 30 As he befoir, pryd to ourfet; For he is Lord haif ye no weir, Thairfoir do rycht and perfeueir, For vthir hes bene als fortunate As ye, and ftud with kingis als neir, 35 Yit tint thair landis for falfate. Finis. 254 QUHENDOCTOURIS PRECHIT. CII. [Qiihen Docloiiris prechit to win the Joy eternall.'] QUHEN do6louris prechit to win the joy eternall Vnto the hevin, eftir our Lordis affenfe, Thay caufit iufbice, but bud or fauour carnall; Thay caufit be pvnift flefchly vyle offenfe; Gaif banyfice to clerkis of confcience;^ S And fa the feind had fic invy thairon, Gart fkraip away of confcience the con, And fa behind wes levit bot fcience. Than wer all clerkis for fcience- promovit, And thay that wald to ftudy maift apply ; lo Bot yit the feind at fcience wes commovit, Gart fkraip away of fcience^ the fci, And fa levit ens be his fals fle invy; Quhilk fuld be for gold or geir exponit, Quhairby benifice ar now of dayis difponit, 15 But fcience or confcience for to fell and by. O fouerane lord and moft excellynt king! Fol, 90. a. Gar put the con and fci agane till ens, And rewll thy realme with iuftice in thy ring; Gife benifice to clerkis of confciens, 20 Off wifdome and honour to ftand at thy defens; Se in thy court that confcience ay be clene, For corruptioun befoir thy deyis hes bene Aganis juftice, with vthir grit ofifens. Finis. 1 On the margin is •written f<7/(/'a>«j. "^Vo.—fciens. ^Ib. — ens. lO ANE NEW YEIR GIFT TO THE QUENE MARY. 255 cm. Ane Neiv Yeir Gift to the Queue Mary, quhen fcho cojne firjl Hamc, 1562. WELCUM, illuflrat ladye and oure quene! Welcum, oure lyone with the floure delyce! Welcum, oure thriffill with the Lorane grene! Welcum, our rubent rois vpoun the ryce! Welcum, oure jem and joyfull genetryce! Welcum, oure beill of Albion to beir! Welcum, oure plefand princes maift of pryce! God gif the grace aganis this guid new yeir. This guid new yeir we hoip, with grace of God, Salbe of peax, tranquillitie and reft; This yeir fall rycht and reffone rewle the rod, Quhilk fa lang feafoun hes bene foir fuppreft; This yeir ferme fayth fall frelie be confefb. And all erronius queftionis put areir; To lauboure that this lyfe amang ws left, 15 God gife the grace aganis this guid new yeir. Heirfore addres the dewlie to decoir And rewle thy regne with hie magnificence; Begin at God to gar fett furth his gloir. And of his gofpell gett experience; Caus his trew kirk be had in reuerence, So fall thy name and fame fpred far and neir; Now, this thy dett to do with diligence God gif the grace aganis this guid new yeir. Found on the firft four vertewus cardinall. On wifdome, iuftice, force and temperans; Applaud to prudent men, and principall Off virtewus lyfe, thy wirfchep till avance; 20 25 256 ANE NEW YEIR GIFT TO THE QUENE MARY. Waye iuftice, equale without difcrepance; Strenth thy eftait with fteidfaftnes to fteir; 3° To temper tyme with trew continuance God gife the grace aganis this guid new yeir. Caft thy confate, be counfale of the fage, And cleif to Chrift hes kepit the in cure, Attingent now to twentye yeir of aige, 35 Prefervand the fra all mifaventure. Wald thow be fervit, and thy cuntre fure, Still on the commoun weill haif e and eir; Preis ay to be prote6lrix of the pure, So God fall gyde thy grace this gude new yeir. 40 Gar ftanche all ftryiff and ftabill thy eftaitis In conftance, concord, cherite and lufe; Be biffie now to banifch all debatis Betuix kirkmen and temporall men dois mufe; ^°^* 9°- b. The pulling doun of policie reprufe, 45 And lat perverfit prelettis leif perqueir; To do the beft befekand God above To gife the grace aganis this guid new yeir. Att croce gar cry, be oppin proclamatioun, Vndir grit panis, that nothir he nor fcho 5° Off halye writ haif ony difputatioun, Bot letterit men or lernit clerkis thairto; For lymmer lawdis and litle laffis lo Will argunn bayth with bifchop, preift and freir; To dantoun this thow hes aneuch to do, 55 God gife the grace aganis this gude new yeir. Bot wyte the wickit paftouris wald nocht mend Thair vitious leving all the warld prefcryvis; Thai tuke na tent thair traik fould turne till end. Thai wer fa proud in thair prerogatyvis ; 60 ANE NEW YEIR GIFT TO THE 'QUENE MAEY. 257 For wantonnes thay wald nocht wed na wyvis, Nor yit leif chafte, bot chop and change thair cheir; Now, to reforme thair fylthy Hcherous lyvis, God gife the grace aganis this guid new yeir. Thai brocht thair baftardis, with the fkrufe thai fkraip, 65 To blande thair blude with barrownis be ambitioun; Thai purcheft pithles pardonis fra the Paip, To caus fond fohs confyde he hes fruitioun, As God, to gif for fynnis full remiffioun. And faulis to faif frome fufifering forowis feir; 70 To fett afyde fic fortis of fuperftitioun God gife the grace aganis this gude new yeir. Thai loft baith benefice and pentioun that mareit, And quha eit flefch on Frydayis was fyrefangit ; It maid na mis quhat madinnis thai mifcareit 75 On fafting dayis, thai wer nocht brint nor hangit ; Licence for luchrie fra thair lord belangit To gif indulgence as the devill did leir; To mend that e menye hes famonye mangit God gif the grace aganis this guide new yeir. 80 Thai lute thy liegis pray to ftokkis and ftanes And paintit paiparis, wattis nocht quhat thai meine; Thai bad thame bek and bynge at deid mennis banes, Offer on kneis to kis, fyne faif thair kin ; Pilgrimes and palmaris paft with thame betuene 85 San6l Blais, San6l Boit, blait bodeis ein to bleir; Now, to forbid this grit abufe hes bene, God gife the grace aganis this guid new yeir. Thai tyrit God with tryfillis, tvme trentalis, And daifit him with daylie dargeis, 90 With owklie abitis to augment thair rentalis, Mantand mort mvmlingis, mixt with monye leis : 2 I 258 ANE NEW YEIR GIFT TO THE QUENE MARY. Sic fan6litude was Sathanis forcereis, Chriftis fillie fcheip and fobir flok to fmeir; To ceis all findrye feftis of herefeis 95 God gif the grace aganis this guid new yeir. With mes nor matynes no wayis will I mell, Fol.gi.a. To iuge thame iuftlie paffis my ingyne; Thai gyde nocht ill that governis weill thame fell, And lelalie on lawtie layis thair lyne; roo Dowtis to difcus for do6louris ar devyne, Cunnyng in clergie to declair thame cleir; To ordour this the office now is thyne, God gife the grace aganis this gude new yeir. As beis takkis walx and honye of the floure, 105 So dois the faythfull of Goddis word tak frute; As wafpis reffauis of the fame bot foure, So reprobatis Chriftis buke dois rebute; Wordis without werkis availyeis nocht a cute; To feis thy fubie6lis fo in lufe and feir, no That rycht and reafoun in thy realme may rute, God gife the grace aganis this gude new yeir. The epiftollis and evangelis now ar prechit, But fophiffcrie or ceremoneis vane; Thy pepill, maift pairt, trewlie now ar techit us To put away idolatrie prophaine: Bot in fum hartis is gravit new agane Ane image callit cuvatyce of geir; Now, to expell that idoll ftandis vp plane, God gif the grace aganis this gude new yeir. 120 For fum ar fene at fermonis feme fa halye, Singand San6l Dauidis pfalter on thair bukis, And ar bot bibliftis fairfmg full thair bellie, Bakbytand nychtbouris, noyand thame in nwikis, ANE NEW YE IE GIFT TO THE QUENE MARY. 259 Ruging and raifand vp kirk rentis lyke ruikis ; 125 As werrie wafpis aganis Goddis word makis weir; Sic Chriftianis to kis with Chauceris kuikis God gife the grace aganis this gude new yeir. Dewtie and dettis ar drevin be dowbilnes ; Auld folkis ar flemit fra yung fayth profeffouris ; 130 The gritteft ay the grediar, I ges, To plant quhair preiftis and perfonis wer poffeffouris ; Teindis ar vptane be teftament tranfgreflburis; Credence is paft, off promeis thocht thai fweir; To punifch papiftis and reproche oppreffouris i35 God gif the grace aganis this gude new yeir. Pure folk ar famift with thir faffionis new, Thai faill for fait that had befoir at fouth; Leill labouraris lamentis, and tennentis trew, That thai ar hurt and hareit north and fouth; 140 The heidifmen hes cor mundum in thair mouth, Bot nevir with mynd to gif the man his meir; To quenche thir quent calamiteis fo cowth God gife the grace aganis this gude new yeir. Proteftandis takis the freiris auld antetewme, 145 Reddie reffauaris, bot to rander nocht; So lairdis vpliftis mennis leifing ouir thy rewme, And ar rycht crabit quhen thai crave thame ocht; Be thai vnpayit, thy purfevandis ar focht Fol.gi.b. To pund pure communis corne and cattell keir; 150 To wify all thir wrangus workis ar wrocht God gife the grace aganis this gude new yeir. Paull biddis nocht deill with thingis idolatheit, Nor quhair hypocrafie hes bene committit; Bot kirk mennis curfit fubftance femis fweit 155 Till laud men, with that leud burd lyme ar byttit^; 1 Lord Hailes and Dr. David Laing read kyttit. 26o ANE NEW YEIR GIFT TO THE QUENE MARY. Giff thow perfave funi fenyeour it hes fmittit, Solift thame foftlie nocht to perfeveir; Hurt nocht thair honour, thocht thy hienes wittit, Bot gratiouflie forgife thame this gude yeir. i6o Foirgifanis grant with glaidnes and gude will Gratis till all into your parliament; Syne ftabill ftatutis, fteidfaft to Hand ftill, That barrone, clerk and burges be content : Thy nobillis, erlis and lordis confequent, 165 Treit tendir, to obtene thair hartis inteir, That thai may ferve and be obedient Vnto thy grace aganis this gude new yeir. Sen fo thow fittis in faitt fuperlatywe, Caus everj^e ftait to thair vocatioun go, 170 Scolaftik men the fcriptouris to defcrywe, And maieftratis to vfe the fwerd alfo, Merchandis to trafique and travell to and fro, Mechanikis wirk, hufbandis to faw and fcheir; So falbe welth and weilfaire without wo, 175 Be grace of God, aganis this guid new yeir. Latt all thy realme be now in reddines With coiftlie clething to decoir thy cors ; Yung gentilmen for danfmg thame addres, With courtlie ladyes cuplit in confors; 180 Frak ferce gallandis for feild gemmis enfors, Enarmit knychtis at liftis with fcheild and fpeir To fecht in barrowis bayth on fute and hors, Agane thy grace gett ane guid man this yeir. This yeir falbe imbaffattis heir belyfife, 185 For mariage, frome princes, dukis and kingis; This yeir, within thy regioun, fall aryfe Rowtis of the rankeft that in Europ ringis ; ANE NEW YEIR GIFT TO THE QUENE MARY. 261 This yeir bayth blythnes and abundance bringis, Naveis of fchippis outthrocht the fea to fneir 190 With riches, raymentis and all royall thingis, Agane thy grace get ane gude man this yeir. Giffe fawis be futh to fchaw thy celfitude, Quhat berne fould bruke all Bretane be the fee? The prophecie expreflie dois conclude 195 The Frenfch wyfe of the Brucis blude fuld be; Thow art be lyne fra him the nynte degree, And wes king Frances pairty maik and peir; So, be difcence, the fame fowld fpring of the, By grace of God, agane this gude new yeir. 200 Schortlie to concluid, on Chrift caft thy confort, And chereis thame that thow hes vnder charge; Suppone maift fure he fall the fend fupport, Fol. 92. a. And len the luftie liberos at large ; Beleif that Lord may harbary fo thy bairge 205 To mak braid Britane blyth as bird on breir, And the extoll, with his triumphand targe, Wiftoriuflie agane this guid new yeir. L' envoy. Prudent, maift gent, tak tent, and prent the wordis Intill this bill; with will, thame ftill to face, 210 Ouhilkis ar nocht fkar to bar on far fra bawrdis, Bot leale, but feale, may haell, avaell thy grace ; Sen lo! thow fcho this to now do hes place, Refaif, fwaif and haif, ingraif it heir ; This now, for prow; that yow, fweit dow, may brace 215 Lang fpace with grace, folace and peace, this yeir. 262 THE RIGHT FONTANE OF HAILFULL SAPIENCE. Le£lori. Frefch, fulgent, flurift, fragrant flour formois, Lantern to lufe of ladeis lamp and lot, Cherie maift chaift, cheif charbucle and chois, Smaill fweit fmaragde, fmelling bot fmit of fmot, 220 Nobleft natour, nurice to nurtour not, This dull indyte, dulce, dowble, dafy deir; Send be thy fempill fervand Sanderris Scott,^ Greting grit God to grant thy grace gude yeir. Finis. CIV. \TJic richt Fontane of hailfull Sapience?), THE richt fontane of hailfull fapience Wyfe Salamone in his prowerbis previs; Ane potent prince of fuperne excellence, Off iuftice homege is quhair euir he beis ; In the quhilk homoge ilk man hes maner feis, 5 Conformyng thame vnto his gyding all ; Is faid in ftoreis of antiquiteis The heid the membiris followis grit and fmall. Be he of vertew and eruditioun. Full of prudens and magnanimitie, 10 Inclynit haill to iuftice and reffoun, Ilk man will preifs quha can mofi; vertewis be ; 1 On the margin, in another hand, Alexr. Scot. 20 THE RIGHT FONTANE OF HAILFULL SAPIENCE. 263 Be he efifeminat, gevin to volupte, Quhilk is a peftilens rycht contagious In to a prince of grit nobilite, 15 His fubie6lis all beis wyle and vicius. Sen fa it is, rycht potent prince preclair, Of this haill realme the weilfair is in the; Thow art fo neidfull and fo neceffair That it out the can nocht rewlit be; Arme the with vertew, proudens and reffone all thre, Defend thy realme, be reddy at all houris To ryd, to rin, that wickit men puneift be, As befoir did thi noble progenitouris. Luve thy God attour all erdly thing, 25 FoI 92 b Ouhilk hes the maid a plefand creature; Abuf all vthiris hes ordanit the to ring In to this realme, as king of grit honour; Nothing defalkis thow fuld haif be natour; Pleifs thow him nocht, quhilk putis the in fait fo he 30 As equall iuge both to rich and pure, Befoir grit God thow fall accufid be. All morall vertew ar neidfull in to a king ; Fortitud but prudens is verry tirrany; Prudens but iuftice is reput for no thing; 35 Juftice but temperance is bot crudelite; Temperans is nocht bot liberalite. Amang all vertew iufbice is lawreat, And prince of iuftice the verry image fuld be, The quhilk but vertew is blind and obfecat. 40 Ane ryell prince, that all hes vndir cure, Firft fuld confiddir quhay iuft is and prudent ; Ouha of ingyne, quha can him do plefure; Quhay of knawlege, and quhay is ignorant ; 264 THE RIGHT FONTANE OF HAILFULL SAPIENCE. Ouhay fcharp in word and in deid negligent; 45 Quha mair to geir nor till his honour hes e; Quha can fpeik fair and hes a fals intent; Ouha fenyeit flechouris of iniquite. Quhen thow ingyne, maner and conditioun Off euery man hes tane experiance, 50 Than of law the adminiftratioun To prudent men committ in gouernance, Ouhilkis ar kend and knawin of confcience, And with budis will nocht corruptit be; For Plato fayis, ane perrelus peftilens ^^ Ane fowkand iuge, off vthir menis geir grede. Thow feis ane fuerd in ane wod mans hand, Quhilk for the tyme wantis vfage and reffoun, Nowdir gud nor evill fpairis but demand, Juft and iniuft putis to confufioun; 60 So is ane iuge withowt intelleftioun, Ouhilk in his hand beiris the fuerd of iuftice, Quhen he fuld ftrek hes no cognitioun, Bot as ane blind man wauerand on the yfe, Nobillis of vertew and eruditioun 65 Ane ryell prince fuld ay maift magnife, Nocht be affeftuall cognitioun Owdir be blud or confanguinite, Bot quhome he knawis of wifdome and bonte; For ane noble of blud that hes no vertoufnes, 70 Drownand in vice and perniciofite. Is evin bot as a fchaddow in a glafs. Thy paftyme fuld oft be in commonyng With profound clerkis of fcience and prudens ; For cunnyng termes afiferis in a king, 75 Fol. 93. Quhilk fuld be polyt and of eloquence. JESU CHR YST THAT DEIT ON TRE! 26.5 In hering wyfmen men gettis fapience, Without the quhilk is no ftabilite, Thairfoir in tyme thow get intelHgence, Or elHs thy wifdome fall in feiking be. 80 Eftir thi meit, of inflrumentis muificall Thow fuld be fed with plefand armony, Ouhilk is exercitioun moft recall ; Lichtis the mynd plefand to heir and fe Attour all thing in mufik cunnand be; 85 Quhilk ornat Homeir, decoir of difcepling, Ane kendill of curage, off rankour inneme, Mufik callit wirthy for ony king, Dreid God; be iuft and ferme in cherite; Vile Iuft refrene ; conftant but variance ; 90 FaythfuU but fi6lioun; full of benignite; Plane in thy wordis; vfe no diffimulance; Patient; prudent; vfe all magnificence; Gyd thow with counfale thy ryall maiefte ; Off warldly gudis fall thow half haboundance, 95 And gratius God fall ay thy gyder be. Finis quod Mr. Alexr. Kid. CV. \Jefu Chryjl that deit on Tre!'] JESU Chryft that deit on tre! Send ws thy grace doun frome the hevin; As thow was borne of a virgin fre, Keip ws fra deidly fynnis fevin. 2 K .66 JESU CHRYST THAT DEIT ON TRE! We ar ay \vauerand od and evin; 5 Suddanly flane with fpeir and fcheild, We haif no man the la^v to nevin; Allace! our king is nocht of eild. Lord God eternall and fader moft deir! That maid this warld and ws of nocht, lo Ye heir the prayer of the pure, That fittis and fichis with forrow focht. The leill men, that for thair levingis wrocht, Ar ranfonit rudly euery deill, Tane and prefonit, llane and brocht, 15 For faik our king is nocht of eild. We haif no man to plenye to hot yow, For it wes thow that coft ws deir; Thay leif ws nowdir cow nor yow, Stirk nor ftaig, horfs nor meir. 20 The lordis will nocht our complaint heir; Our barnis lyis nakit on the feild ; The commonis makis ane hiddous beir, Becaus our king is nocht of eild. 'fc> I call that counfall nocht worth a prene, 25 That to thair kinryk makis no corre6lioun ; Thocht we ws help, it is no wene, Thay will nocht fit to heir our a6lioun; Saifgaird nor thair grit prote6lioun To ws is nowdir help nor beild; 30 Trew men can gett no fatisfa6lioun, Becaus our king is nocht of eild. Thocht we haif regentis in this realme, Fol. 93. b. Ane or ma and fmdre diuers, We wait nocht quhome to we fall complene, 35 Ouhen thevis and reveris ws difpryfis. JESU CHR YST THA T DEIT ON TRE ! 267 The leill men all in fic perrell lyis, That thay ar lofit and chefit our feild, Gart thig thair meit bayth barnis and wyffis, For faik our king is nocht of eild. 40 This kinryk wantis bot a man, That held ws ay in reft and pefe; That wareit feild we may fair ban, Ouhair did our wirthy prince decefe. The lordis all ar full of cuv^atyfe, That cauffis ws for to be keild, Thocht thay anuch of riches hefs, Allace! our king is nocht of eild. The chancellar and the chalmirlane, The regent and the proteclouris. The mekle deill be of thame fane, That gifhs fic licens to delatouris, To theif and revir to be vi6louris, With in this realme for to rin"- in beild. And leill men to be fefit as tratouris, Becaus our king is nocht of eild. I byd to mak no langar procefs; Bot herkin to the indirend : Ouha coppeis this with fmdre vocifs And makis this wret for to be kend, Ouha takis budis thame to defend And cauffis falflieid to be heild, Thay fall murne quhen thay ma nocht mend, Quhen evir God fendis our king to eild. Ei7!is. 45 50 55 60 268 NOW IS OUR KING IN TENDIR AIGE. CVI. \Noiv is our King in tendir Aige.] NOW is our king in tendir aige ; Cliryft conferf him in his eild To do iuftice, bath to man and pege, That garris our land \y lang onteild, Thocht we do dowble pay thair wege. 5 Pur commonis prefently now ar peild ; Thay ryd about in fic a rege, Be firth, forreft and feild, With bow, buklar and brand. Lo! quhair thay ryd in till our ry, lo The diuill mot fane yone company, I pray fro may hairt trewly: Thus faid Jok vpalland. He that wes wont to beir the barrowis, Betuix the baikhoufs and the brewhoufs, 15 On twenty fchilling noAv he tarrowis, To ryd the he gait by the plewis ; Bot wer I king, bvnd haif gud fallowis, In Norroway thay fuld heir of newis; ^°^- 94- a- I fuld him tak and all his marrowis ^° And hing thame heich vpoun yone hewis, And tharto plichtis my hand ; Thir lordis and barronis grit Vpoun ane gallowis fuld I knit, That thus doun treddit lies our quhit : ^5 This faid Johnne vponland. Wald the lordis the lawis that leidis To hufbandis do gud reffone and fkill, To chaftanis thir chiftanis be the heidis ROLLING IN MY REMEMBRANCE. 269 And hing thame heich vpoun ane hill; 30 Than micht hufbandis lawbor thair fleidis, And preiftis mycht pattir and pray thair fill ; For huflDandis fuld nocht haif fie pleidis; Bayth fcheip and nolt mycht ly full ftill, And ftakis ftill mycht ftand ; 35 For fen thay red amang our durris, With fplent on fpald and roufty fpurris, Thair grew no fru6l in till our furris: Thus faid Johnne vp on land. Tak a pure man a fcheip or two, 40 For hungir or for fait of fude, To fyve or fex bairnis or mo, Thay will him hing with raipis rud ; Bot and he tak a flok or two, A bow of ky, and lat thame blud, 45 Full falfly may he ryd or go. I wait nocht gif thir lawis be gud, I fchrew thame firft thame fand. Jefu! for thy holy paffioun, Thow grant him grace that weiris the croun 50 To ding thir mony kingis doun : Thus faid Johnne vponland. Finis. R CVII. {Rolling in my Remembrance?^ OLLING in my remembrance Of court the daylie variance, 2 70 ROLLING IN MY REMEMBRANCE, Me think he fuld be callit wife That firft maid this allegence: Bettir hap to court nor gud feruifs. For fum man to the court pretendis, And that his freindis wan he fpendis, Howping in honour to vprifs, Syne wrechitly but guerdoun wendis: Bettir hap to court nor gud feruifs. lO And fum dois to the court repair, With empty purfs and clethis full bair; Yit he in riches multeplifs, That he levis thowfandis to his air : Bettir hap to court nor gud feruifs. ^5 Sum feruis weill and haldis him ftill, Fol. 94- b. Putting all in his maifteris will; Bot fic vnferuit ar oft fyifs, Ouhen grokaris gettis that thay ferue ill, Throw hap, and for no gud feruifs. 20 Sum takis reward at thair awin handis Off king and quenis proper landis; Bot faft for thame the galloufs cryifs, That our lang foliter it ftandis, But thame that dois fic feruifs. 25 Sum gettis giftis and guerdoun greit, That nevir did for gud feruice fueit ; Sum gettis buddis; fum benifyifs; And fum dois foly conterfeit, And wynnis mare nor gud feruifs. 30 Sum gettis at Yule ; fum gettis at Pefs ; Sum tynis fyifs and wynnis bot efs; SCHIR, YIT REMEMDIR AS OF BEFOIR. 271 Sum to the diuill givis the dyifs, That he can nevir win na grace, Nowdir throw hap nor gud feruifs. 35 Rewaird in court is delt fo evin, Sum gettis that micht fuffeifs fevin ; And vthir fum in langour lyifs, Makand ane murniour to the hevin, That thay get nocht for gud feruyifs. 40 The nycht the court fum gydis clene, Thairin the morne dar nocht be fene, Mair than the deuill in paradyifs ; Nor fpeik ane word with king nor quene, Thocht he maid nevir fo gud feruyifs. 45 Chryft! bring our king to perfyt ege, With wit, fra yowthis fellon rege. To help thame that in him affyifs. And pay ilk man thair conding wege, According to thair gud feruyifs. 50 Finis. CVIII. \ScJdr, yit remembir as of befoir^ SCHIR, yit remembir as of befoir, How that my yowth I done forloir In your feruice, with pane and greif ; Gud confciens cryis reward thairfoir; Excefs of thocht dois me mifcheif 272 SCHIR, YIT REMEMBIR AS OF BEFOIR. Your clerkis ar feruit all about, And I do lyk ane reid halk fchout, To cum to lure that lies no leif, Quhair my plummyis begynis to brek out : Excefs of thocht dois me mifcheif. ^° Forfett is ay the falconis kynd, Fol. 95. a. Bot euir the mittane is hard in mynd, Of quhome the gled dois pre6likis preif ; The gentill goiflialk gois^ vnkynd: Excefs of thocht dois me mifcheif ^5 The pyet with hir pretty cot Fenyeis to fmg the nychtingalis not ; Bot fcho can nevir the corchat cleif, For harfknes of hir carlich throt: Excefs of thocht dois me mifcheif ^o Ay fareft faderis hes farreft fowlis ; Suppois thay haif no fang bot youlis, In filuer caigis thai fit at cheif; Kynd natyve nefb dois clek bot owlis : Excefs of thocht dois me mifcheif *5 O gentill egill! how may this be? That of all fowlis dois heefb fle, Your legis quhy will ye nocht releif, And chereifs eftir thair degre? Excefs of thocht dois me mifcheif 30 Ouhen feruit is all vdir man, Gentill and femple of euery clan, Kyne of Rauf Colyard and Johnne the Reif, Na thing I get na conqueft chan : Excefs of thocht dois me mifcheif 35 1 The firil two letters oi gois feem as if intended to be deleted. SCHIR, YIT REMEMBIR AS OF BEFOIR 273 Thocht I in court be maid refiifs, And haif few vertewis for to rufs, Yit am I cumin of Adame and Eif, And fane wald leif as vderis doifs: Excefs of thocht dois me mifcheif 40 Or I fuld leif in fic mifchance, Gife it to God war no grevance, To be a pykthank I wald preif, For thay in warld wantis no plefans : Excefs of thocht dois me mifcheif 45 In fum parte on my felf I plenye, Quhen vdir folkis dois flattir and fenye; Allace! I can bot ballattis breif, Sic bairneheid biddis my brjdill renye: Excefs of thocht dois me mifcheif 50 I grant my feruice is bot licht ; Thairfoir of mercy, and nocht of richt, I afk yow, fchir, no man to greif, Sum medecyne gife that ye micht : Excefs of thocht dois me mifcheif 55 May nane remeid my melady Sa Weill as ye, fchir, veraly; For with a benifice ye may preif, And gif I mend nocht heftely : Excefs of thocht dois me mifcheif 60 I wes in yowth on nureifs kne, Dandely, bifchop, dandely, Fol.gs.b. And quhen that ege now dois me greif, Ane femple vicar I can nocht be : Excefs of thocht dois me mifcheif 6q 2 L 2 74 FIRST LERGES THE KING MY CHEIFE. J ok, that wes wont to keip the ftirkis, Can now draw him ane cleik of kirkis, With ane fals cairt in to his fleif, Worth all my ballattis vndir the birkis : Excefs of thocht dois me mifcheif 70 Twa curis or thre hes vpolandis Michell, With difpenfationis bund in a knitchell, Thocht he fra nolt had new tane leif ; He playis with totum and I with nichell: Excefs of thocht dois me mifcheif. 75 How fuld I leif that is nocht landit, Nor yit with benifice am I blandit? I fay nocht, fchir, yow to repreif ; Bot doutles I ga rycht neir hand it : Excefs of thocht dois me mifcheif. 80 As faule is heir in purgatory, Leving in pane and houp of glory, Seand my felf I haif beleif In houp, fchir, of your adiutory : Excefs of thocht dois me mifcheif. 85 Finis quod Dumbar. F cix. \FirJl Lerges the King my Chcife?\ Lerges, lerges, lerges, ay; Lerges of this New Yeirday. IRST lerges the king my cheife, Ouhilk come als quiet as a theif, FIRST LERGES THE KING MY CHEIFE. 275 And in my hand fled fchilHngis tway, To put his lergnes to preif, For lerges of this New Yeirday. 5 Syne lerges of my lord chancellar, Quhen I to him ane ballat bare, He fonyeit nocht nor faid me nay, Bot gaif me, quhill I wad had mair, For lergenes of this New Yeirday. 10 Off Galloway the bifchop new Furth of my hand ane ballat drew, And me deliuerit with delay Ane fair haiknay but hyd or hew, For lerges of this New Yeirday. 15 Off [Haly] croce the abbot ying, I did to him ane ballat bring; Bot or I paft far him fray, I gat na les, nor deill a thing, For lerges of this New Yeirday. 20 The fecretar, bayth war and wyfe, Fol. 96. a. Hecht me ane kaft of his offyfe ; And for to reid my bill alfway, He faid for him that micht fuffyfe For lerges of this New Yeirday. 25 The thefaur [ar] and compttroUar, Thay bad me cum, I wait nocht quhair, And thay fuld gar, I wait nocht quhay, Gif me I wat nocht quhat, full fair, For lerges of this New Yeirday. 30 Now lerges of my lordis all, Bayth temporall ftait and fpirituall, 376 SCHIR, SEN OF MEN AR DIUERSS SORTIS. My lelf fall euir fing and fay I half thame found fo liberall O Icrgcs of this New Yeirday! 35 Fowll fall this froft that is fo fell, It hes the wyt, the trewth to tell, Baith handis and purfs it bindis fway, Thay may gife ne thing by thame fell For lerges of this New Yeirday. 40 Now lerges of my lord Bothwell, The quhilk in fredome dois excell ; He gaif to me ane curfour gray, Worth all this fort that I with mell, For lerges of this New Yeirday. 45 Grit God releif Margaret our quene, For, and fcho war as fcho hes bene, Scho wald be lerger of lufray Than all the laif that I of mene, For lerges of this New Yeirday. 5° Qiiod Stewart. ex. \^Schtr, fen of Men ar diuerfs Sortis?[ SCHIR, fen of men ar diuerfs fortis, And diuerfs paftymes and difportis According ar for ilk degre; All thy trew lieges the exortis To knaw thy ryall maieflie. SCHIR, SEN OF MEN AR DIUERSS SORTIS. 277 And mark in thy memoriall Thy predeceffouris parentall, Quhais fru6toufs fatis and deidis he Makis thair fame perpetuall, Throw potent, princely maieftie. 10 Sen throw the erd, in lenth and breid, Thow art the moft ilkiftir leid, And moft preclair of progenie; Think thairvpoun, and caufs thy deid Appreif thy princely maieftie. 15 And play nocht bot at honeft playis, As princis vfit afoir thy dayis, Halking, hunting and archery, Jufting, and cheifs, that none gane fayis Vnto thi princely maieftie, 20 To play with dyce nor cairtis accordis Fol. 96. b. To the, bot with thy noble lordis, Or with the quene thy moder fre; To play with pure men difaccordis And maris thy lyall maieftie. 25 Bot gif thow think, quhen tho[w] begynnis, To gif agane all that thow wynnis To thame abowt that ferwis the, To hald fic wynning fchame and fyn is, And far fra princely maieftie. -^o Ane prudent prince eik fuld be war. And for no play the tyme diffar, Ouhen he fuld Godis ferwice fe; And, gif he dois, weill fay I dar. He hurtis his ryall maieftie. je 2 78 SCHIR, SEN OF MEN AR DIUERSS SORTIS. To princis eik it is ane vice Till vfe playing for cuvatyce; To ryd or rin our rekleflie, Or flyd with ladis vpoun the yce, Accordis nocht for thair maieftie. 40 Think that thair is ane King of kingis, Our hcving, erd and hell that ringis; Quhilk, with the twynkling of ane e, Ma do and vndo all kyn thingis; So mervellus is his maieftie. 45 Se thow pray to that famyne King, Going to bed and vpryfing, Thy gyd and gouernour ay to be ; Ouha grant the grace to ryfs and ring, With micht to ryall maieftie. 50 Finis quod Stewart to the Kingis Grace. HEIR ENDIS THE SECOND PARTE OF THIS BUKE. Fol. 97. a. 279 HEIR BEGYNNYS THE THRID PAIRT OF THIS BUIK, CONTENAND BALLETTIS MIRRY, AND VTHER SOLATIUS CONSAITTIS, SET FURTH BE DIUERS ANCIENT POYETTIS. 1568.^ CXI. Hermes the Philofopher. Fol.gy.b. Be mirry and glaid, honefl; and vertewous, For that fuffifis to anger the invyous. BE mirry, man ! and tak nocht far in mynd Fol. 98. a. The wawering of this wrechit warld of forrow; To God be hvmill, and to thy freynd be kynd, And with thy nychtbouris glaidly len and borrow; His chance to nycht it may be thyne to morrow. 5 Be blyth in hairt for ony aventure, For oft with wyfmen it hes bene faid, a forrow Without glaidnes awaihs no treffour. Mak the gud cheir of it that God the fendis, For warldis wrak but weilfair nocht awaihs; 10 Na gude is thyne faif only bot thow fpendis Remenant all thow brukis bot with bailis ; 1 On the page containing this title a Scotith paraphrafe of George Wither's well-known fong, Shall I umjling in difpairJ has been written by a later hand — three llanzas above, and two below the title. It will be found in the Appendix. 28o BE MIRRY, MAN! Scik to folace quhcn fadnes the affailis, In dolour lang thy lyfe ma nocht indure; Ouhairfoir of confort fet vp all thy failis: 15 Without glaidnes availis no trefour. Follow on petie, fle truble and debait ; With famows folkis hald thy cumpany; Be charitabill and humyll in thyne eftait, For warldly honour leftis bot a cry ; 20 For truble in erd tak no mallancoly; Be riche in patience, gif thow in gudis be pure; Ouho levis mirry, he levis michtely: Without glaidnes availis no trefour. Thow feis thir wrechis fett with forrow and cair, 25 To gaddir gudis in all thair lyvis fpace, And quhen thair baggis ar full thair felfis ar bair, And of thair richefs bot the keping hefs; Ouhill vthiris cum to fpend it that lies grace, Ouhilk of thy wynning no labour had nor cure; 30 Tak thow example and fpend with mirrinefs: Without sflaidnes availis no trefour. fc>^ Thocht all the werk that evir had levand wicht Wer only thyne no moir thy pairt dois fall, Bot meit, diynk, clais, and of the laif a ficht, 35 Yit to the iuge thow fall gif compt of all ; Ane raknyng rycht cumis of ane ragment fmall; Be juft and joyws and do to non ingure, And trewth fall mak the ftrang as ony wall : Fol. 98. b. Without glaidnefs availis no trefure. 40 Quod Dunibar. FULL OFT L MVSS AND HES LN THOCHT. 281 F CXII. {Full oft I vivfs and lies in Thocht.] ULL oft I mvfs and hes in thocht How this fals warld is ay on flocht, Ouhair no thing ferme is nor degeft; And quhen I haif my mynd all focht, For to be blyth me think it beft. This warld evir dois flicht and wary, Fortoun fa faft hir quheill dois cary; Na tyme bot turne can tak reft; For quhois fals change fuld none be fary; For to blyth me think it beft. 10 Wald men confiddir in mynd richt weill, Or fortoun on him turn hir quheill, That erdly honour may nocht left, His fall lefs panefull he fuld feill; For to be blyth me think it beft. 15 Quha with this warld dois warfiU and ftryfe, And dois his dayis in dolour dryfe, Thocht he in lordfchip be poffeft, He levis bot ane wrechit lyfe; For to be blyth me think it beft. 20 Off warldis gud and grit richefs, Ouhat fru6l hes man but mirinefs.? Thocht he this warld had eift and weft. All wer pouertie but glaidnefs ; For to be blyth me think it beft. 25 Quho fuld for tynfall drowp or de For thyng that is bot vanitie, 2 M 282 WAS NEVIR IN SCOTLAND HARD NOR SENE. Sen to the lyfe that evir dois left Heir is bot twynklyng of ane ee; For to be blyth me think it beft. 3° Had I for warldis vnkyndnefs In hairt tane ony havinefs, Or fro my plefans bene oppreft, I had bene deid langfyne dowtlefs ; For to be blyth me think it beft. 35 How evir this warld do change and vary, Lat ws in hairt nevir moir be faiy, Bot evir be reddy and addreft To pafs out of this frawfull fary ; For to be blyth me think it beft. 4o Etc. Quod Dunbar. w cxin. [ Was nevir in Scotland hard nor Jcne?\ AS nevir in Scotland hard nor fene Fol.gg.a. Sic danfing nor deray, Nowthir at Falkland on the grene, Nor Peblis at the play, As wes of wowaris, as I wene, 5 At Chryft kirk on ane day : Thair come our kitteis wefchin clene, In thair new kirtillis of gray, full gay, At Chryftis kirk of the grene. To dans thir damyfellis thame dicht, 10 Thir laffis licht of laitis, PVAS NEVIR IN SCOTLAND HARD NOR SENE. 283 Thair gluvis wes of the raffell rycht, Thair fchone wes of the ftraitis, Thair kirtillis wer of lynkome licht, Weill preft with mony plaitis : 15 Thay wer fo nyfs quhen men thame nicht, Thay fqueilit lyk ony gaitis, fo lowd, At Chryftis kirk of the grene that day. Off all thir madynis myld as meid Wes nane fo gympt as Gillie, 20 As ony rofs hir rude wes reid, Hir lyre wes lyk the lillie : Fow yellow yellow wes hir held, Bot fcho of lufe wes fillie ; Thocht all hir kin had fworn hir deid, 25 Scho wald haif bot fweit Willie, allone, At Chiyftis kirk of the grene. Scho fkornit Jok and fkraipit at him. And mvrionit him with mokkis ; He wald haif luvit, fcho wald nocht lat him, 30 For all his yalow loikkis : He chereift hir, fcho bad ga chat him, Scho compt him nocht twa clokkis ; So fchamefully his fchort goun fet him, His lymmis wes lyk twa rokkis, fcho faid, 35 At Chryftis kirk of the grene. Thome Lular wes thair menftrall meit, O Lord ! as he cowd lanfs ; He playit fo fchili and fang fo fweit, Ouhill Towfy tuke a tranfs : 40 Auld Lychtfute thair he did forleit, And counterfutit Franfs; He vfe him felf as man difcreit, .84 IVAS NEVIR IN SCOTLAND HARD NOR SENE. And vp tuk moreifs daiifs, full lowd, At Chryftis kirk of the grene. 45 Than Stevin come ftoppand in with ftendis, Fol.gg.b. No rynk mycht him arreift ; Platfute he bobbit vp with bendis, For Maid he maid requeift: He lap quhill he lay on his lendis, 50 Bot ryfand he wes preift, Ouhill that he oiftit at bath the endis, For honour of the feift, that day, At Chryftis kirk of the grene. Syne Robene Roy begowth to revell, 55 And Dwny till him druggit; "Lat be," quo J ok, and cawd him javell. And be the taill him tuggit : The kenfy cleikit to the cavell, Bot Lord ! than gif thay luggit, 60 Thay pairtit hir manly with a nevell, God wait gif hair wes ruggit, betuix thame, At Chryftis kirk of the grene. Ane bent a bow fic fturt cowd fteir him, Grit fkayth wefd to haif fkard him, 65 He chefit a flane as did affeir him, The toder faid " Dirdum dardum:" Throwch baith the cheikis he thocht to cheir him. Or throw the erfs haif chard him, Bot be ane akerbraid it come nocht neir him, 70 I can nocht tell quhat mard him, thair, At Chryftis kirk of the grene. With that a freynd of his cryd Fy ! And vp ane arrow drew ; WAS NEVIR IN SCOTLAND HARD NOR SENE. 285 He forgit it fo fowrioufly, 7^ The bow in flenderis flew; Sa wes the will of God, trow I, For had the tre bene trew, Men faid that kend his archery, That he had flane anew, that day, 80 At Chryftis kirk on the grene. Ane haifty henfure callit Hary, Ouha wes ane archer heynd. Tilt vp a taikle withowttin tary. That torment fo him teynd ; 85 I wait nocht quhiddir his hand cowd waiy. Or the man wes his freynd, For he efchaipit throw michtis of Mary, As man that no ill meynd, bot gud, At Chryftis kirk of the grene. 50 Than Lowry as ane lyon lap, And fone a flane cowd fedder; He hecht to perfs him at the pap, Fol.ioo.a. Thair on to wed a weddir; He hit him on the wame a wap, 95 It buft lyk ony bledder, Bot fwa his fortoun wes and hap, His dowblet wes maid of ledder, and faift him, At Chryftis kirk of the grene, A yaip yung man, that ftude him neift, 100 Lowfd of a fchot with yre. He ettlit the bern in at the breift. The bolt flew our the byre: Ane cry it Fy! he had flane a preift, A myll beyond ane myre, 105 Than bow and bag fra him he keift, 2 86 IVAS NEVIR IN SCOTLAND HARD NOR SENE. And fled Ills ferfs as fyrc, of flynt, At Chiyftis kirk of the grene. With forkis and flaih's thay lait grit flappis, And flang togiddir lyk friggis; no With bowgaris of barnis thay beft blew kappis, Quhill thay of bernis maid briggis : The reird raifs rudly with the rappis, Ouhen rungis wes layd on riggis, Thy wyffis come furth with cryis and clappis, 115 "Lo! quhair my lyking liggis?" quo thay, At Chryfl kirk of the grene. Thay girnit and lait gird with granis, Ilk goffep vder grevit; Sum ftraik with ftingis, fum gaderit ftanis, 120 Sum fled and evill mifchevit: The menftrall wan within t\va wanis, That day full weill he previt, For he come hame with vnbirfd banis, Quhair fechtaris wer mifchevat, for evir, 125 At Chryftis kirk of the grene. Heich Hucheoun, with a hiffill ryfs, To red can throw thame rummill ; He mudlet thame doun lyk ony myfs, He wes no barty bummill : 130 Thocht he wes wicht he wes nocht wyfs, With flc jangleris to jummill, For fra his thowme thay dang a fklyfs, Quhill he cryd " Barla fummyll! I am flane," At Chryftis kirk of the grene. 135 Quhen that he faw his blude fo reid, To fle micht no man lat him; WAS NEVIR IN SCOTLAND HARD NOR SENE. 287 He wend it bene for auld done feid, Fol.ioo.b. The far'farar it fet him. He gart his feit defend his heid, 140 He thocht ane ciyd haif at him, Quhill he weft paft out of all pleid, He fuld bene fwift that gat him, throw fpeid. At Chryft kirk of the grene. The toun fowtar in greif wes bowdin, 145 His wyfe hang in his waift; His body wes with blud all browdin, He granit lyk ony gaift. Hir glitterand hair that wes full goldin, So hard in lufe him left, 150 That for hir faik he wes nocht yoldin, Sevin myll quhill he wes cheft, and mair, At Chriftis kirk of the grene. iSS The miliar wes of manly mak, To meit him wes na mowis, Thair durft nocht ten cum him to tak, So nowit he thair nowis. The bufchment haill about him brak, And bikkerit him with bowis. Syne tratourly behind his bak, 160 Thay hewit him on the howifs, behind, At Chriftis kirk of the grene. Twa that wes heidmen of the heird. Ran vpoun vtheris lyk rammis. Than followit feymen rycht on affeird, 165 Bet on with barrow trammis; Bot quhair thair gobbis wes vngeird, Thay gat vpoun the gammis; Quhill bludy berkit wes thair beird 288 WAS NEVIR IN SCOTLAND HARD NOR SENE. As thay had wirreit lammis, maift lyk, ^7° At Chryft kirk of the grene that day. The wyv'is keft vp ane hiddoufs yell, Ouhcn all thir yunkeris yokkit, Als ferfs as ony fyr flawcht fell, Freikis to the feild thay flokkit. ^75 Tha cairlis with clubbis cowd vder quell, Oiihill bind at breiftis out bokkit; So rudly rang the commoun bell, Ouhill all the ftepill rokkit, for reid, At Chryftis kirk of the grene. i8o Ouhcn thay had berit lyk baitit bulls, And branewod brynt in bailis, Thay wer als meik as ony mvlis, That mangit wer with mailis. Fol.ioi.a. For fantness tha forfochin fuHs 185 Fell doun lyk flawchtir failis, And frefchmen come in and held thair dulis, And dang thame doun in dailis, be dene, At Chryft kirk on the grene. Ouhen all wes done, Dik with ane aix 190 Come furth to fell a fidder. Quod he " Quhair ar yone hangit fmaix Rycht now Avald flane my bruder.!*" His wyfe bad him ga hame Gub Glaikis And fa did Meg his muder: 19S He turnd and gaif thame bayth thair paikis. For he durft ding nane vdir, for feir, At Chryft kirk of the grene that day. Finis quod King James the firfl. lO QUHA DOUTTIS DREMIS IS BOX PHANTASYE? 289 CXIV. [Quha doiittis Dremis is bot Phantafye?] QUHA douttis dremis is bot phantafyc? My fpreit was reft and had in extafye, My heid lay laich into this dreme but dout; At my foirtop my fyve wittis flew out, I murnit and I maid ane felloun mane. g Me thocht the King of Farye had me tanc, And band me in ane prefoun, fute and hand, Withoutin reuth in ane lang raip of fand. To pers the prefoun wall it wes nocht eith For it wes mingit and maid with muffill teith, And in the middis of it ane myir of flynt : I fank thairin quhill I was neir hand tynt. And quhen I faw thair was none vthir remeid, I flychterit vp with ane feddrene^ of leid. For that^ I thocht me^ ferye of my youth. 15 I tukc my lytill tae into my mouth. And keft my felf rycht with ane mychtie bend Outthruch the volt and percit nocht the pend. And thus I thocht into my dullie dreme, I brak my heid vpoun ane know of reme. That I fuld hurt my felf I had difpyte. And in all tene I turnit vp* full tyte, Drank of ane well that wes gane drye fevin yeir, Syne loop^ thre lowpis and I was haill and feir. Syne efter that^ I had efchapit this cace. Me thocht I Aves in monye diuers place, Ouhilk wer to lang to have in perfyte mynd, In Egipt, Ireland, Arragone and Ynd, Fol.ioi.b. ^ Vct\\'x^% feddrejn. - That inferted after the line was written. •' Me do. ■* Tlie words in dyte have been erafed here. ^ Poffibly lap. ^ That inferted afterwards. 2 N 20 25 2go QUHA DOUTTIS DREMIS IS BOT PHANTASYE? In Burgonye, Burdeaux and in Bethleem, In Juryc land and in Jerufalem, 30 In France, in Freifland and in Cowpland felHs, Ouhair clokkis clekkis crawburdis in cokkill fchellis, In Poill, Pertik, Peblis and^ Portiafe, And thair I fchippit into ane barge of drafe; We pullit vp failis and^ culd our ankeris wey, 35 And fuddanelye out thruch the throfin fey, We failit in ftorme, but fteir, gyde or glas, To Paradice the place quhair Adame was. Be we approchit into that port in hye, We ware weill ware of Enoch and Elye, 40 Sittand on Yule evin in ane frefch grene fchaw, Roftand ftraberries at ane fyre of fnaw. I thocht I wald nocht fkar thame in that place, Ouhill thaj had drawin the burd and faid the grace ; Than fuddanelie I wolk out throw the plane .r To fee mae farleis that I mycht tell agane. Me thocht that^ I happinnit on ane montane fone, I wanderit vp and was wer of the mone, And had nocht bene I lowtit in the fteid, I had ftrukkin ane lump out of my held. Ouhen I was weill me thocht I culd nocht leif, Bot than I tuke the fone beme in my neif, And wald haif chimin bot it was in ane clips. Schortlie I flaid and fell upoun my hips, Doun in ane midow befyde ane bufk of mynt ; 55 I focht my felf and I was fevin yeir tynt ; Yit in ane mift I fand me on the morne. I hard ane pundler blaw ane elrich home, And fyne befyde me, in ane* medow grene, I faw thre quhyte quhailis femelie to be fene, 60 Thair tedderis wes of grene gerfliopperis hair, 1 Partiafe has been deleted here. " Pullit deleted here. 3 That is perhaps deleted. * p^i^ j^^^ -^^^^^ deleted here. 50 QUHA DOUTTIS DREMIS IS BOT PHANTASYE? 291 Off mige fchankis baith clene, quhyte and fair, Thair tedderis wer maid weill grit to graip, With filkin fchakillis and fowlis of quhyte faip. This pundler ran faft, faynand^ for to find 65 Thir quhaihs thre vpoun his gers to pind ; He had ane cloik weill maid and wounder meit, Off ganand graith of gude gray girdill feit, Ane cleirly coit maid in courtly Avyifs Poj f^, ^ Of emmot fl-cynis with mony flceth and plyifs, 70 Ane pair of hoifs maid of ane auld myll hopper, Ane pair of courtly fchone of gude reid copper, Ane heklit hud maid of the wyld wode fege Treft weill this pundlar thocht him no manis pege. He bure ane club, maid mony ane carle coy, 75 Maid of ane auld burd of the ark of Noy. He draif thir thre quhailis vnto ane lie, Ane him fwelleit and bair him to the fie, And thair he levit on lempettis in hir wame, Quhill harvifb tyme that hirdis draif thame hame; go Be this wes done the toder twa returnit To fuallow me, grit dule I maid and murnit. Me thocht I fled and throcht a park cowd pafs. And walknit fyne. Ouhair, trow ye, that I wafs ? Doun in ane henflaik and gat ane fellon fall, 85 And lay betuix ane picher and the wall. As wyffis commandis, this dreme I will conclude; God and the rude mot turn it all to gud; Gar fill the cop for thir auld carlingis clames;^ That gentill aill is oft the caufs of dremes. 90 Explit quod Lichtoun monicus. ^ Yame deleted, - Clatnes very indiftinfl — poffibly wantes. 292 JVE THAT AR HEIR IN HE VI NS GLORY. CXV. [ We that ar heir in Hevins giory.] The Dregy of Dunbar maid to King James the Fyift being in Striuilling- WE that ar heir in hevins glory, To yow that ar in purgatory, Commendis ws on our hairtly wyifs; I mene we folk in parradyis, In Edinburcht with all mirrinefs, S To yow of Striuilling in diftrefs, Ouhair nowdir plefance nor delyt is, For pety thus ane Apoftill wrytis. O ! ye heremeitis and hankerfaidilis, That takis your pennance at your tablis, lo And eitis nocht meit reftoratiue, Nor drynkis no wyn comfortatiue, Bot aill and that is thyn and fmall ; With few courfis into your hall, But cumpany of lordis and knychtis, 15 Or ony vder gudly wichtis, SoHtar walkand your allone, Seing no thing bot ftok and ftone ; Out of your panefull purgatory, To bring yow to the blifs of glory, 20 Off Edinburgh the mirry toun F0I.102. b. We fall begyn ane cairfull foun ; Ane dergy devoit and meik. The Lord of blifs doing befeik Yow to delyuer out of your nowy, 25 And bring yow fone to Edinburgh joy, For to be mirry amang ws ; And fa the dergy begynis thufs. IV£ THAT AR HEIR IN HE VI NS GLORY. 293 Lectio prima. The Fader, the Sone and Haly Gaift, The mirthfull Mary virgene chaift, 30 Of angelHs all the ordouris nyne, And all the hevinly court devyne, Sone bring yow fra the pyne and wo Of Striuilling, every court manis fo, Agane to Edinburghis joy and blifs, 35 Ouhair wirfchep, welth and weilfar is, Pley, plefance and eik honefly: Say ye amen, for cheritie. Refponfio tie auteni Doinine. 40 Tak confolatioun in your pane, In tribulatioun tak confolatioun. Out of vexatioun cum hame agane, Tak confolatioun in your pane. Jube Domine benedicitc. Oute of diftrefs of Strivilling toun To Edinburcht blifs, God mak yow boun. Le6lio fecunda. Patriarchis, profeitis and appoftillis deir, ^e Confeffouris, virgynis and marteris cleir, And all the faitt celeftiall, Devotely we vpoun thame call, That fone out of your panis fell. Ye may in hevin heir with ws dwell, 50 To eit fwan, cran, pertrik and plever. 294 IV£ THAT A R HEIR IN HE VI NS GLORY. And every fifche that fwymis in rever; To drynk with ws the new frefche wyne, That grew upoun the rever of Ryne, Frefche fragrant clairettis out of France, 55 Of Angerfs and of Orliance, With mony ane courfs of grit dyntie : Say ye amen, for cheritie. Refponformm tu autem Domme. God and San6l Jeill heir yow convoy Fol.io3.a. Baith fone and weill, God and Sanft Jeill ^° To fonce and feill, folace and joy, God and San6l Geill heir yow convoy. Out of^ Striuilling panis fell, In Edinburght joy fone mot ye dwell. Lectio tertia. We pray to all the San6lis of hevin, 65 That ar aboif the fterris fevin, Yow to deliuer out of your pennance. That ye may fone play, fing and dance Heir in to Edinburcht and mak gud cheir, Quhair welth and weilfair is but weir; 7° And I that dois your panis difcryve Thinkis for to viffy yow belyve ; Nocht in defert with yow to dwell, Bot as the angell San6l Gabriell Dois go betwene fra hevinis glory 75 To thame that ar in purgatory, And in thair tribulatioun To gif thame confolatioun, And fchaw thame quhen thair panis ar paft, 1 Edmbiirgh deleted here. go W£ THAT AR HEIR JN HEVINS GLORY. 29. Thay fall till hevin cum at laft ; ' 80 And how nane fervis to half fweitnefs That nevir taiftit bittirnefs. And thairfoir how fuld ye confiddir . Of Edinburcht blifs, quhen ye cum hiddir, _ Bot gif ye taiftit had befoir 8- Of Striuilling toun the panis foir; And thairfoir tak in patience Your pennance and your abftinence, And ye fall cum, or Yule begyn, Into the blifs that we ar in ; Ouhilk grant the glorius Trinitie! Say ye amen, for cheritie. Re/pouforiiun. Cum hame and dwell no moir in Striuilling; Frome hiddoufs hell cum hame and dwell, Ouhair fifche to fell is non bot fpirling; 95 Cum hame and dwell no moir in Striuilline. Et ne nos inducas in temptationem de Striuilling; Sed libera nos a malo illius. Fol jq, ^ Requiam Edinburgi dona eijs, Domine, Et lux ipfius luceat eijs. _ j^^ A porta trifticie de Striuilling, Orna, Domine, animas eorum. Credo guftare ftatim vinum Edinburgi, In villa viuentium.^ Requiefcant Edinburgi, amen. j^- Deus qui iuftos et corde humiles Ex omni eorum tribulatione liberare dignatus es, Libera famulos tuos apud villam de Stirling verfantes A penis et triftitijs eiufdem, ^ May be read vinenthim. 296 IN SECREIT PLACE THIS HINDIR NYCHT. Et ad Edinburgi gaudia eos pcrducas, "o Vt rcquicfcat Striuilling, amen. Heir endis Dunbaris Dergy to the King, bydand to lang in Stirling. CXVI. \In fecrcit Place this hindir Nyc]it?\ IN fecreit place this hindir nycht, I hard ane bern fay till a bricht, My hunn}\ my houp, my hairt, my heill, I half bene lang your lufar kill, And can of yow gett confort nane; 5 How lang will ye with denger deill.'' Ye brek my hart, my bony ane! His bony berd wes kemd and croppit, Bot all with kaill it wes bedroppit; And he wes to mich fulich and gukkit ; 10 He clappit faft, he kift, he chukkit. As with the glaikkis he wer ourgane ; Yit be his feiris he wald haif fukkit ; Ye brek my hairt, my bony ane! Ood he, My hairt, fweit as the hunny, 15 Sen that I born Aves of my mynny, I wowit nevir ane vder bot yow ; My wame is of your lufe fo fow, That as ane gaift I glour and grane, I trymmill fa, ye will not trow; 20 Ye brek my hairt, my bony ane! IN SECREIT PLACE THIS HINDI R NYCHT. 297 To hie ! quod fcho, and gaif ane gawf, Be ftill my cowfifyne and my cawf, My new fpaind howphyn fra the fowk, And all the blythnes of my bowk; 25Fol.io4.a. My fweit fwanky, faif yow allane, Na leid I luvit all this owk ; Fow leifs me that graceles gane. Qo' he, My claver, my curledoddy, My hony foppis, my fweit poffoddy, 30 Be nocht our buftious to your billie, Be warme hartit and nocht illwillie ; Your halfs, quhyt as quhalis bane, Garfs ryfs on loft my quhillylillie; Ye brek my hairt, my bony ane! 35 Qo' fcho. My clip, my vnfpaynd jyane, With mvderis milk yit in your michane, My belly huddroun, my fweit liurle bawfy, My honygukkis, my flafy gawfy; Your mvfmg wald perfs ane hairt of flane, 40 Sa tak gud confort, my gritheidit gawfy; Fow leis me that grades gane. Oo*^ he, My kid, my capircalyeane, My bony bab with the ruch brilyeane, My tendir girdill, my wally gowdy, 45 My tirly mirly, my towdy mowdy; Ouhen that our mowthis dois meit at ane, My ftang dois torkin with your towdy; Ye brek my hairt, my bony ane. Qo"^ fcho, Tak me by the hand, 50 Wylcum ! my golk of maryland. My chirry and my maikles mynyeoun, 2O 2gS THE CURSING OF S^ JOHINE ROWLIS. My fucker fweit as ony vnyeoun, My ftrummill ftirk, yit new to fpane, I am applyid to your opinyoun; 55 Fow leis mc that graceles gane. He gaif till hir aiie appill ruby ; Gramercy! quod fcho, my fweit cowhuby. Syne tha twa till ane play began, Ouhilk tlKit thay call the dirrydan; 60 Ouhill bayth thair bewis did meit in ane. Fow wo ! quod fcho, quhair will ye, man ? Full leis me that graceles gane. Finis etc. quod Clerk. ^ CXVII. Heir folloivis the Curfiug of S'' JoJiine Rotulis Fol.io4.b. vpoiui the Steilaris of J lis Foidis. DEVYNE power of michtis maift; Of Fadir, Sone and Haly Ghaift; Jefu Chryfl and his appoftillis; Petir, Paule, and his difcipillis; And all the power vndir God; 5 And now of Rome that beiris the rod, Vndir the hevin to lowfe and bind, Paip Alexander that we do fynd. With that power that Petir gaif; Godis braid malefone mot thay half, 10 And all the blude about thair hairt Blak be thair hour, blak be thair pairt ; 1 Quod Clerk is written by a different hand. 15 20 THE CURSING OF S^^ JOHINE ROWLIS. 29^ For fyve fat geifs of S'' Johine Rowlis, With caponis, henis and vthir fowlis ; Baith the halderis and conceilaris, Reffettaris and the preve fteilaris; And he that fauHs faifis and dammis Beceich^ the devill thair guttis and gammis, Thair toung, thair teith, thair handis, thair feit. And all thair body haill compleit ; That brak his yaird and ftall his frutt, And raif his erbis vp be the rute, His quhejt, his aitis, his peifs, his beir, In ftowk, or ftak, to do him deir; In barne, in houfs, in kill, or mill, 25 Except it had bene his awin will; His wow, his lamb, his cheis, his ftirk, Or ony teyndis of haly kirk ; And all that lattis vnkend or knawin, The vicar to difpone his awin, Kirland hay, or gerfs to awaill Be thair fupport, bed, or counfall. NoAv curfit and wareit be thair werd, Ouhill thay be levand on this erd; Hungir, fturt and tribulatioun, And nevir to be without vexatioun, Of vengance, forrow, fturt and- cair; Gracelefs, thriftles and threid bair; All tymes in thair legafie, Fyre, fword, watter and woddie, 40 Or ane of thir infirmeteis ; Off warldly fcherp aduerfeteis, Fol. 105. a. Pouertie, peftilence or poplecy, Dum deif or edropofy, Maigram, madnefs or miffilr}-, 45 Appoftrum or the perlocy, Fluxis, hyvis or huttit ill, 1 May be read beteich. - i'/;^/ deleted here. ;5o 35 THE CURSING OF S^ JOHINE RO WLIS. Hoift, heidwark or fawin ill, Kald kanker, feiftir or feveris, Brukis, bylis, blobbis and bleiftiris, 50 Emeroidefe or the fair halfs, The pokkis, the fpaving in the halfs, The panefull gravell and the gutt, The gulfoch that thay nevir be but Seattica and arrattica, 55 The cruke, the cramp, the colica, The worme, the wareit Avedonynpha,^ Rumburfin, rippllis or bellythra, The choikis that haldis the chaftis fra chowing, Golkgaliter at the hairt growing, 60 The ftane wring, ftane and ftane blind, The bernebed and morbehind. The ftranyelour and grit glengoir. The harchatt in the lippis befoir. The mowlis and thair fleip the mair, 65 The kanker and the kattair Mott fall vpoun thair kankart corfs, With all the evill that evir had horfs, Fifche, fowll, beift or man, In erd fen nrft the warld began, 70 Till thay remember or thay de, Repentand thair iniquitie. And draw thair inclinatioun Fra ftowth to contemplatioun, Fra feyndis fell fubie6lioun 75 To haly kirkis corre6lioun. Sua thay mak plane confeffioun Thair gud will and contritioun, Confeffand thame to thair curatt, That in thair hairtis is evill indurat. go Na vthir preift lies power, nor freir. And thay that daly will perfeveir, ^ Or wedonympha. THE CURSING OF S^ JOHINE ROWLIS. 301 Nocht dreidand God in work nor word, Nor yit of haly kirk the fuord ; Bot in thair curfit and finfull wayis, 85 Levand and dryvand our thair dayis, Nor afk God mercy nor repent, Than this falbe thair facrament. Fol. los.b. Fra God, our Lady and all thair hallowis To the feynd thair faulis, thair craig the gallowis 90 I gif, and Cerberus thair banis fall knaw, For thair difpyt of the kirkis law. Gog and Magog, and grym Garog, The devill of hell the theif Harog, Sym Skynnar and S'' Garnega, 95 Julius appoftata, Prince Pluto and Ouene Cokatrice. Devetinus the devill that maid the dyce, Cokadame and Semiamis, Fyremouth and Tutivillus, 100 And Browny als that can play kow Behind the claith, with mony mow. All thir about the beir falbe, Singand ane dolorus dergie, And vthiris devillis thair falbe fene, 105 Als thik as mot in fonis beme. Thair fall thay kary in thair clukis, Sum libberlais and fum hell crukis. Sum with kamis and fum with kardis, Sum with quhippis of leddrin tardis, no Sum with clubbis and mellis of leid, Sum with brandrathis birnand reid, Sum with rumpillis lyk a fkait. And geifs and caponis roftit hait. That falbe lafchit on thair lippis. n^ Cum thay within the devillis grippis. With fkulyeoun clowttis and dreffmg knyvis, 302 THE CURSING OF S^ JOHINE ROWLIS. Flatt for plat on thair gyngyvis. Sayis richt thus " Of Rowlis geifs Thame chaftis thame chowit eveiy peifs; 120 For thow art he and thow art fcho That Rowlis blak Robene put in bro, And thow art fcho that ftall the hen, And put hir in the pot thair ben. Lo! this is he that with his hairt 125 Wald nevir gif the vicar his pairt, Bot ay abowt for to diffaif The haly l^irk that it fowld haif." Than rufty Tafker with his flaill Sail beit thame all fra top to taill; 130 And ruffy Ragmen with his taggis Sail ryfe thair fmfuU faule in raggis ; And quhen the devillis hes thame tirvit, All thair faulis falbe transformit ; Sum in bichis and fum in beiris, 135 Sum in mvlis and fum in meiris, Aganis the fcalour that thay wer in, For vengence of thair deidly fm, To ryd and tak poffeffioun, Throw all hell vp and doun, 140 And with grit din and deray Compeir fall Sathan but delay, F0I.106. a. Sayand richt thus with fentence he, "Vpoun the day that thow fall de, I devill of deillis, I yow condame 145 For geis, for yowis, for woll, for lame. Thairfoir hy yow to the pott of hell, With Sathan our Abirone to dwell ; As feyndis fpreitis perpetualy. For to remane in mefary. 150 Deip Acheron your faulis invaid, Als blak, as ruch as ony taid : THE CURSING OF S^ JOHINE ROWLIS. 303 Swaikis, ferpentis and edderis Mott ftuf your bellyis and your bledderis, In helHs hoill quhair nevir is Hcht, 155 Nor nevir is day bot evir nicht; Quhair nevir is joy evin and morrow, Bot endles pane, dule and forrow; Quhair nevir is petie nor concord, Nor amitie bot difcord, 160 Mah'ce, rancour and invy, With magry and malancoly," Than fra the fentence be on thame faid, Grit Bahall fall gif a braid, And bakwart leip vpoun a beir, 165 Sum on ane mvle, fum on a meir, Sum on wolffis and fum on wichis, Sum on brodfowis, fum on bichis. Than is thair nocht bot fadill and brydill, Thir outtit meiris hes lang gane ydill; 170 Bot fic ane clawing with thair clukis, And fic ane reirding with thair rukis; Rampand with ane hiddowis beir, Cryand " All is ouris that is heir." The memberis of tha wickit men, 175 That ftaw the gufe, the cok, the hen, Thay falbe revin be the throttis. For cutting of tha fowlis croppis ; Syne led in towis and in lang tedderis, And daly etin with taidis and edderis, jgo That all the court of hevin may knaw Thay war the thevis that Rowlis geifs ftaw. For quhy! grit God, our hieft juge, He gaif decreit but refuge, That all pykaris of pultre ,85 Gais nocht to hevin bot thay fall fle To hell without redemptioun. 304 THE CURSING OF S^ yOHINE ROWLIS. Ouhair is no remiffioun. The forme of thir vgly devil lis, Thay hafe lang tailis on thair heilis, 190 And rumpillis hingand on thair taiUs/ Dragoun heidis and warwolf nahs, With glowrane evne as glitterand glafs, With bowgillis and hornis maid of brafs, And dyverfs facis repleit with yre 195 Spowand vemmen and fparkis of fyre ; And fum with teith and tegir tungis, Fol. io6.b. Attour thair chin with bliidy dungis,- Spottit and fprinklit vp and doun, Reid attry lyk a fcorpioun. 200 And fum ar fmeith and fum ar ruch, And fum ar lyk ane ferpentis fluch. With prik mule eiris fum ar lyk Thair eiris neifs ar lyk ane midding tyk, With gaipand mowth richt yaip to fwelly 205 The mair the lefs devill in his belly. Of thair fowle fegouris na man can tell, Thocht thay wer fevin yeiris in hell, To leir to paynt portour or blafoun, Thair forme and thayr feyndly faffoun 210 Thair vgfum horribiliteis ; Nor yit na that fchaipis with fcheiris Thocht infineit he be of yeiris Maift principaly to fchaip thair graith In hell for fteiling heir of claith 215 Can conterfit nor mak it melt Ane gabart for a deill compleit, And yit in hell ar mony ane That faid thai war als trew as ftane. Gif thair be ony in this houfs, 220 That beiris the nedill gorrit the lowfs, I thame befeik thay be nocht wraith ^ Tailis and nailis have been written in reverfe order, and afterwards deleted. " May be read dangis. THE CURSING OF S^ JOHINE ROWLIS . 305 Suppois they clyit haif parte of claith; Bot feik the caufs and leif the deid, And blame the fcheiris that raif the fkreid ; 225 And quha that fteiHs and on ftowth levis, Curfit mot thay be amang thir thevis. Now to the effefl ga will I, And fpeik of feyndis phantefy, In court nocht with the Quene of Fary, 230 But heltaris, heidtailis, fonkis or fadillis, But butis or fpurris, crukis^ or ladillis, With full berdis blafand in the wind, And hett fpeitis in thair taill behind. Than inflar Tafy with his jaggis, 235 And belly Baffy with his baggis, At hellis yettis fall mak fic reirding On thir fteilaris of geifs fall ding, That it beis hard in middilerd Tha grit flappis with fic faird. 240 Thunder blaftis and fyre fall blaw, That na devill may ane vthir knaw For reik ftynk and bryntftane birnand, Devillis yelpand, gaipand and girnand ; Than fall bla Baliall gif ane brattill, 245 And all the thevis in Hell fall ftattill.- Fol. 107. a Lyk to ane gaid of yrne or fteill. That doun war fmkand in ane weell, Sa fall thay ga to endles pane, And nevir to cum hame agane. 250 Now, Jefu! for thy paffioun, That deit for our redemptioun, Of mankynd haif mercy fone. Latt nevir this fentence fall thame vpone, Bot grant thame grace ay till forbeir 255 Reffett or ftowth of vthir menis geir ; And als agane the geir reftoir IMS. repeats crukis. " V oKihly Jlariill . 2 P 3o6 QUHY SOWLD NOCHT ALLANE HO NO KIT BE? Till Rowle, as I hafe faid befoir; And to repent thay may in tyme, Pray we to God. Thus endis the ryme. 260 This tragedy is callit, but dreid, Rowlis curfing, quha will it reid ? Finis quod Rowll. CXVIII. QiiJiy fowld nocht Allane honor it be? OUHEN he wes yung, and cled in grene, Haifand his air abowt his ene, Baith men and wemen did him mene, Ouhen he grew on yon hillis he : Quhy fowld nocht Allane honorit be? 5 His foftir faider fure of the toun, To viffy Allane he maid him boun ; He faw him lyane, allace! in fwoun, For fait of help, and lyk to de : Quhy fowld nocht Allane honorit be ? 10 Thay faw his heid begin to ryfe, Syne for ane nvreifs thay fend belyfe, Ouha brocht with hir fyfty and fyve Of men of war full prevely: Quhy fowld nocht Allane honorit be? 15 Thay rufchit furth lyk hellis rukis, And every ane of thame had hukis ; Thay cawcht him fchortly in thair clukis, Q UHY SO WLD NO CUT ALLANE HONORIT BE? 307 Syne band him in ane creddill of tre : , Fol. loy.b Ouhy fowld nocht Allane honorit be? 20 Thay brocht him invart in the land, Syne every freynd maid him his band, Quhill thay micht owdir gang or ftand, Nevir ane fute fra him to fle: Quhy fowld nocht Allane honorit be ? 25 The gritteft cowart in this land, Fra he with Allane entir in band, Thocht he may nowdir gang nor ftand, Yit fowrty fall nocht gar him fle: Ouhy fowld nocht Allane honorit be? ^o Schir Allanis hewmond is ane cop, With ane fege feddir in his top; Fra hand till hand fo dois he hop, Quhill fum may nowdir fpeik nor fe: Ouhy fold nocht Allane honorit be? 35 In Yule, quhen ilk man fmgis his carrell, Gud Allane lyis in to ane barrell; Quhen he is thair, he dowtis no parrell To cum on him be land or fe: Quhy fowld nocht Allane honorit be? 40 Yit wes thair nevir fa gay a gallane, Fra he meit with our maifbir Schir Allane, Bot gif he hald him by the hallane, Bak wart on the flure fallis he: Quhy fowld nocht Allane honorit be? 45 My maiflir Allane grew fo ftark, Quhill he maid mony cunning clerk, Vpoun thair faifs he fettis his mark. 3o8 /, THAT IN HEILL WES AND GL AID NESS. A blucl reid noifs befyd thair e: Ouhy fowld nocht Allane honorit be? 5o My maiftir Allane I may fair curfs, He levis no mony in my purfs, At his command I mon deburfs Moir nor the twa pairt of my fe : Ouhy fowld nocht Allane honorit be? 55 And laft, of Allane to conclude, He is bening, courtafs and gude, And fervis ws of our daly fvde, And that with liberalitie : Ouhy fowld nocht Allane honorit be? ^o Finis quod Allane Matfonis fuddartis. I [A folio of the MS., io8, feems to be miffing here.] CXIX. [/, that in Heill ives and Glaidjiefs.] THAT in heill wes and glaidnefs, Foliog.a. ) Am trublit now with grit feiknefs, And feblit with infirmitie : Tymor Mortis conturbat me. Our plefans heir is all vane glory, 5 This fals warld is bot tranfitory. The flefche is brukle, the Feynd^ is fle: Tymor Mortis conturbat me. The ftait of man dois chainge and vary. Now found, now feik, now blyth, now fary, lo ^ MS. has Feyind. IS /, THAT IN HEILL WES AND GLAWNESS. 309 Now danfand mirry, now lyk to die : Tymor Mortis conturbat me. No ftait in Erd heir ftandis ficker; As with the wind wavis the wicker, So wannis this warldis vanitie: Tymor Mortis conturbat me. Vnto the Deth gois all eftaitis, Princis, prelattis and poteftaitis, Bayth riche and pure of all degre; Tymor Mortis conturbat me, He taikis the knychtis in to the feild, Enarmit vndir helme and fcheild ; Vi6lor he is at all mellie: Tymor Mortis conturbat me. That flrang, vnvynfable tirrand 25 Takis on the muderis breift fowkand The bab, full of benignitie : Tymor Mortis conturbat me. 20 He taikis the campioun in the ftour, The captane clofit in the tour, The lady in hour full of bewtie : Tymor Mortis conturbat me. 30 He fpairis no lord for his pifcens, Nor clerk for his intelligens ; His awfull fbraik may no man fle: ^r Tymor Mortis conturbat me. Art, magicianis and aftrologis, Rethoris, logicianis and theologis, Thame helpis no conclufionis fle : Tymor Mortis conturbat me. 3IO /, THAT IN HEILL WES AND GLAIDNESS. In madecyne the moft praftitianis, Leichis, furrigianis and pheficianis, Thame felf fra Deth ma nocht fupple ; Tymor Mortis conturbat me. I fe the makkaris amangis the laif 45 Playis heir thair padyanis, fyne gois to graif ; Sparit is nocht thair facultie: Fol.iog.b. Tymor Mortis conturbat me. He hes done petouflie devoir The noble Chawfer of makaris flour, 50 The Munk of Berry, and Gowyir, all thre : Tymor Mortis conturbat me. The gud Schir Hew of Eglingtoun, Ettrik, Heriot, and Wintoun, He hes tane out of this cuntre : re Tymor Mortis conturbat me. That fkorpioun fell hes done infek Maifler Johine Clerk and James Afflek, Fra ballat makking and tragedy : Tymor Mortis conturbat me. 60 Holland and Barbour he hes berevit ; Allace ! that he nocht with ws levit Schir Mungo Lokkart of the Lie : Tymor Mortis conturbat me. Clerk of Tranent eik he hes tane, 65 That maid the awnteris of Schir Gawane ; Schir Gilbert Gray endit hes hie : Tymor Mortis conturbat me. He hes Blind Hary and Sandy Traill Slane with his fchot of mortall haill, 70 /, THAT IN HE ILL WES AND GL AID NESS. Ouhilk Patrik Johinftoun mycht nocht fle: Tymor Mortis conturbat me. He hes reft Merfar his indyte, That did in luve fo lyfly wryte, So fchort, fo quick, of fentens hie : Tymor Mortis conturbat me. He hes tane RowU of Abirdene, And gentill Rowll of Corftorphyne; Two bettir fallowis did no man fie : Tymor Mortis conturbat me. In Dumfarmeh'ng he hes tane Broun, With gud Maiftir Robert Henryfoun ; Schir Johine the Rofs imbraifl hes hie : Tymor Mortis conturbat me. And he hes now tane, laft of aw, Gud gentill Stobo and Quintene Schaw, Of quhome all wichtis hes pitie: Tymor Mortis conturbat me. And Maiftir Walter Kennedy In poyntt of deth lyis verely, Grit rewth it wer that fo fuld be: Tymor Mortis conturbat me. Sen he hes all my brether tane. He will nocht lat me leif allane, On forfs I mon his nixt pray be: Tymor Mortis conturbat me. Sen for the Deth remeid is non, Beft is that we for deth difpone, Eftir our deth that leif may we : Tymor Mortis conturbat me, Qiiod Dumbar. 311 75 80 85 90 95Fo].iio.a. 100 312 THE DANCE. CXX. TIu Dance. OFF Februar the fyiftene nycht, Full lang befoir the dayis lycht, I lay in till a trance; And than I faw baith Hevin and Hell: Me thocht, amangis the feyndis fell, 5 Mahoun gart cry ane dance Off fchrewis that wer nevir fchrevin, Aganifs the feift of Fafternis evin, To mak thair obfervance; He bad gallandis ga graith a g>^ifs, 10 And kaft vp gamountis in the fl<;yifs, That lafl came out of France. Lat fe, quod he, Now quha begynnis; With that the fowll Sevin Deidly Synnis Begowth to leip at anis. 15 Pryd. And firft of all in dance wes Pryd, With bair wyld bak and bonet on fyd, Lyk to mak vaiftie wanis ; And round abowt him, as a quheill, Hang all in rumpillis to the heill 20 His kethat for the nanis: Mony prowd trumpour with him trippit Throw fkaldand fyre, ay as thay fkippit Thay gyrnd with hiddoufs granis, Heilie harlottis on hawtane wyifs 25 Come in with mony fmdrie gyifs, Bot yit luche nevir Mahoun ; Quhill preiftis come in with bair fchevin nekkis, THE DANCE. 313 Than all the feyndis lewche, and maid gekkis, Blak Belly and Bawfy Brown. 30 Yre. Than Yre come in with fturt and flryfe ; His hand wes ay vpoun his knyfe, He brandeift lyk a beir: Boflaris, braggaris, and barganeris, Eftir him paffit in to pairis, 35 All bodin in feir of weir ; In jakkis, and fciyppis^ and bonettis of fteill, Thair leggis Aver chenyeit to the heill, Frawart wes thair affeir: Fol.no.b. Sum vpoun vdir with brandis beft, 40 Sum jaggit vthiris to the heft, With knyvis that fcherp cowd fcheir. Invy. Nixt in the dance followit Invy, Fild full of feid and fellony, Hid malyce and difpyte; 45 For pryvie hatrent that tratour trymlit. Him followit mony freik diffymlit, With fenyeit wirdis quhyte; And flattereris in to menis facis; And bakbyttaris of fmdry racis, 50 To ley that had delyte; And rownaris of fals lefmgis ; Allace! that courtis of noble kingis Of thame can nevir be quyte. Auaryce. Nixt him in dans come Cuvatyce, 55 Rute of all evill and grund of vyce, That nevir cowd be content; Catyvis, wrechis and olkeraris, Hud pykis, hurdaris and gadderaris, All with that warlo went : 60 ^ May be xOizAjlryppis. 314 THE DANCE. Out of thair throttis thay fchot on vdder Hctt moltin gold, me thocht a fudder, As fyreflawcht maift fervent; Ay as thay tomit thame of fchot, Feyndis fild thame new vp to the thrott 65 With gold of allkin prent. Sueimes. Syne Sweirnes, at the fecound bidding, Come lyk a fow out of a midding, Full flepy wes his grunyie : Mony fweir bumbard belly huddroun, 70 Mony flute daw and flepy duddroun. Him ferwit ay with founyie; He drew thame furth in till a chenyie. And Belliall, with a brydill renyie, Evir lafcht thame on the lunyie: 75 In dance thay war fo flaw of feit, Thay gaif thame in the fyre a heit, And maid thame quicker of counyie. Licheiy. Than Lichery, that lathly corfs, Berand lyk a bagit horfs, 80 And Ydilnefs did him leid; Thair wes with him ane vgly fort. And mony ftynkand fowll tramort, That had in fyn bene deid. Ouhen thay wer entrit in the dance, SsFol.m.a. Thay wer full ftrenge of countenance, Lyk turkafs birnand reid ; All led thay vthir by the terfis, Suppoifs thay fycket with thair erfis, It mycht^ be na remeid, 90 Gluttony. Than the fowll monflir Glutteny, Oft' wame vnfafiable and gredy, ^ MS. has miych't. THE DANCE. 315 To dance he did him drefs : Him followit mony fowll drunckart, With can and collep, cop and quart, 95 In furfifet and excefs ; Full mony a waiftlefs wallydrag, With wamifs vnweildable, did furth wag, In creifche that did increfs : Drynk! ay thay cryit, with mony a gaip, 100 The feyndis gaif thame hait leid to laip, Thair lovery wes na lefs. Na menftrallis playit to thame but dowt. For glemen thair wer haldin owt. Be day, and eik by nycht; 105 Except a menftrall that flew a man, Swa till his heretage he wan, And entirt be breif of richt. Than cryd Mahoun for a Heleand padyane; Syne ran a feynd to feche Makfadyane, no Far north wart in a nuke; Be he the correnoch had done fch5ut, Erfchemen fo gadderit him abowt, In Hell grit rowme thay tuke. Thae tarmegantis, with tag and tatter, 115 Full lowd in Erfche begowth to clatter. And rowp lyk revin and ruke: The Devill fa devit wes with thair yell, That in the depeft pot of Hell He fmorit thame with fmvke. 120 3i6 THE TURNAMENT. CXXI. The Tnrnameiit. ^T IXT that a turnament wes tryid, ^ That lang befoir in Hell wes cryid, 111 prefens of Mahoun; Betuix a telyour and ane fowtar, A prickloufs and ane hobbell clowttar, 5 The barrefs wes maid boun. The tailyeour, baith with fpeir and fcheild, Convoyit wes vnto the feild, With mony lymmar loun, Off feme byttaris and beift knapparis, loFol.iu.b. Off ftomok fteillaris and clayth takkaris, A gracelefs garifoun. His baner born wes him befoir, Ouhairin wes clowttis ane hundreth fcoir, Ilk ane of diuerfs hew; 15 And all ftowin out of fmdry webbis, For, quhill the Greik fie flowis and ebbis, Telyouris will nevir be trew. The tailyour on the barrowis blent, Allaifs ! he tynt all hardyment, 20 For feir he chaingit hew : Mahoun come furth and maid him knycht, Na ferly thocht his hart wes licht, That to fic honor grew. t>' The tailyeour hecht hely befoir Mahoun, 25 That he fuld ding the fowtar doun, Thocht he wer ftrang as maft ; Bot quhen he on the barrowis blenkit, The telyouris hairt a littill fchrenkit, THE TURNAMENT. 317 30 35 40 45 His hairt did all ourcaft. Ouhen to the fowtar he did cum, Off all fic wirdis he wes full dum, So foir he wes agafl ; In harte he tuke yit fic ane fcunnir, Ane rak of fartis lyk ony thunner, Went fra him, blaft for blafl. The fowtar to the feild him dreft, He wes convoyid out of the weft, As ane defender ftout : Suppoifs he had na lufty varlot, He had full mony lowfy harlott, Round rynnand him aboute. His baner wes of barkit hyd, Ouhairin San6l Girnega did glyd, Befoir that rebald rowt : Full fowttarlyk he wes of laitis, For ay betuix the harnefs plaitis The vly birftit out. Quhen on the telyour he did luke, His hairt a littill dwamyng tuke, 50 He mycht nocht rycht vpfitt; In to his ftommok wes fic ane fteir, Off all his dennar quhilk he coft deir Fol.iia.a. His breift held deill a bitt To comfort him, or he raid forder, 55 The Devill off knychtheid gaif him order; For fair fyne he did fpitt ; And he about the Devillis nek Did fpew agane ane quart of blek, Thufs knychtly he him quitt. 60 Than fourty tymis the Feynd cryd, Fy! The fowtar rycht effeiritly 3,8 THE TURNAMENT. Vnto the feild he focht : Ouhen thay wer ferwit of thair fpeiris, Folk had ane feill be thair effeiris, 05 Thair hairtis wer baith on flocht. Thay fpurrit thair horfs on adir fyd, Sync thay attour the grund cowd glyd, Than thame togidder brocht; The tailyeour that wes nocht weill fittin, 70 He left his fadill all befchittin, And to the grund he focht. His harnafs brak and maid ane brattill, The fowtaris horfs fcart with the rattill, And round about cowd reill; 75 The beift that fray it wes rycht evill, Ran with the fowtar to the Devill, And he rewardit him weill. Sum thing frome him the Feynd efchewit, He went agane to bene befpewit, 80 So ftern he wes in fteill: He thocht he wald agane debait him, He turnd his erfs and all bedret him, Evin quyte from nek till heill. He lowfit it of with fic a reird, 85 Baith horfs and man he flraik till eird, He fartit with fic ane feir; "Now haif I quittit the," quod Mahoun; Thir new maid knychtis lay bayth in fwoun, And did all armes menfweir. The Devill gart thame to dungeoun dryve, And thame of knychtheid cold depryve, Difchairgeing thame of weir; And maid thame harlottis bayth for evir, Quhilk flill to keip thay had ferlevir, Nor ony armes beir. 90 95 AMEJSIDIS MAID TO THE TELYOURIS AND SOWTARIS. 319 I had mail' of thair werkis writtin, Fol.na.b. Had nocht the fowtar bene befchittin, With BelliaUis erfs vnblift ; Bot that fa gud ane bourd me thocht, 100 Sic folace to my hairt it rocht, For lawchtir neir I brift ; Quhairthrow I walknit of my trance. To put this in rememberance, Mycht no man me refift, 105 For this faid jufting it befell Befoir Mahoun, the air of hell : Now trow thifs gif ye lift. Heir endis the^ fo\vtar and tailyouris war, Maid be the nobill poyet Mr. William Dumbar. CXXII. Folloivis tJie Amendis maid be him to the Telyoiiris and Sowtaris, for tJie Turnament maid on tJiame. BETUIX twell houris and ellevin, I dremed ane angell came fra Hevin, With plefand ftevin fayand on hie, Telyouris and Sowtaris, blift be ye. In Hevin hie ordand is your place, 5 Aboif all fan6lis in grit folace, Nixt God, gritteft in dignitie: Tailyouris and Sowtaris, blift be ye. The caufs to yow is nocht vnkend, That God mifmakkis ye do amend, 10 1 The words iujling and the war deleted in MS. 520 AMEND IS MAID TO THE TEL YOUR IS AND SOWTARIS. Be craft and grit agilitie : Tailyouris and Sowtaris, blift be ye. Sowtaris, with fchone weill maid and meit, Ye mend the faltis of illmaid feit, Ouhairfoir to Hevin your faulis will fle ; *5 Telyouris and Sowtaris, blift be ye. Is nocht in all this fair a flyrok, That hes vpoun his feit a wyrok, Knowll tais, nor mowlis in no degrie, Bot ye can hyd thame : blift be ye. 20 And ye tailyouris, with weillmaid clais Can mend the werft maid man that gaifs, And mak him femely for to fe : Telyouris and Sowtaris, blift be ye. Thocht God mak ane misfaffonit man, 25 Ye can him all fchaip new agane, And faffoun him bettir be fic thre: Telyouris and Sowtaris, blift be ye. Thocht a man haif a brokin bak, Fol.ii3.a. Haif he a gude crafty telyour, quhattrak, 30 That can it cuver with craftis flie : Telyouris and Sowtaris, blift be ye. Off God grit kyndnefs may ye clame. That hclpis his peple fra cruke and lame, Supportand faltis with your fupple: 35 Tailyouris and Sowtaris, blift be ye. In Erd ye kyth fic mirakillis heir, In Hevin ye falbe fanftis full cleir, / MAK IT KEND, HE THAT WILL SPEND. 321 Thocht ye be knavis in this cuntre : Telyouris and Sowtaris, blift be ye. 40 Quod Dumbar. CXXIII. [/ mak it kend, he that ivill Jpend?\ MAK it kend, he that will fpend, And luve God lait and air, God will him mend and grace him fend, Ouhen catyvis fall haif cair; Thairfoir pretend weill for to fpend 5 Off geir, and nocht till fpair. I knaw the end that all mon wend, A way nakit and bair: With ane O, and ane I, ane wreche fall haif no mair, Bot ane fchort fcheit at held and feit, 10 For all his wrek and wair. For all the wrak a wreche can pak, And in his baggis imbrace, Yit Deid fall tak him be the bak, And gar him cry, Allace! 15 Than fall he frak away with lak, And wait nocht to quhat place ; Than will thay mak at him a knak, That maifl of his gud haifs : With ane O, and ane I, quhill we haif tyme and fpace, 20 Mak we gud cheir quhill we art heir, And thank God of his grace. 2 R 3 2 2 SANCT SAL UA TO UR ! SEND SIL UER SORR O IV. Wer thair ane king to rax and ring, Amang gude fallowis cround, Wrechis wald wring and mak mvrnyng, 25 For dule thay fuld be dround ; Ouha findis ane dring, owdir auld or ying, Gar hoy him owt and hound. Now lat ws fmg with Chryftis bliffing, Be glaid and mak gude found : 30 With ane O, and ane I, now or we forder found, Fol. nj.b. Drink thow to me, and I to the, And lat the cop go round. Quha vndirftude fuld haif his gude, Or he wer clofd in clay ; 35 Sum in thair mude thay wald go wid, And de lang or thair day; Nocht wirth ane hude, or ane auld fnvd, Thow fall beir hyne away; Wreche! be the Rude, for to conclude, 40 Full few will for the pray : With ane O, and ane I, gud fallowis quhill we may, Be mirry and fre, fyne blyth we be, And fmg on twa and tway. Quod Johne Blyth. CXXIV. [San^ Saluatour ! fend fihier Sorrozv.] OANCT Saluatour! fend filuer forrow; ^It grevis me both evin and morrow, Chafing fra me all cheritie; SANCT SAL UA TO UR ! SEND STL UER SORR OW, 323 It makis me all blythnefs to borrow; My panefull purfs fo priclifs me. 5 Quhen I wald blythlie ballattis breif, Langour thairto givis me no leif ; War nocht giid howp my hart vphie, My verry corpis for cair wald cleif ; My panefull purfs fo prikillis me. i Quhen I fett me to fmg or dance, Or go to plefand paflance, Than panfmg of penuritie Revis that fra my remembrance ; My panefull purfs fo prikillis me. 15 Quhen men that hes purffis in tone, Paffis to drynk or to difione, Than mon I keip ane grauetie. And fay, that I will faft quhill none; My panefull purfs fo priclifs me. 20 My purfs is maid of fic ane fkyn, Thair will na corfs byd it within ; Fra it as fra the Feynd thay fle, Quha evir tyne, quha evir win ; My panefull purfs fo priclifs me. 25 Had I ane man of ony natioun Culd mak on it ane coniuratioun, To gar filuer ay in it be, The Devill fuld haif no dominatioun, Fol. 114.3. With pyne to gar it prickill me. 30 I haif inquyrit in mony a place, For help and confort in this cace, And all men fayis, My Lord, that ye [24 LIS 77 S 70RD7S, 7 SALL YOW TELL. Can befl: remeid for this malice, That with fic panis prickillis me. 35 Qicod Dumbar to the King. cxxv. \LiJlis Lordis, I fall yoiv tell?\ LISTIS lordis, I fall yow tell Off ane verry grit mervell, Off Lord Fergufs gaift, How mekle Schir Andro it cheft Vnto Beittokis hour, 5 The filly fawle to fuccour: And he hes writtin vnto me, Auld floreifs for to fe, Gif it appinis him to meit, How he fall coniure the fpreit : 10 And I half red mony quarfs, Bath the Donet, and Dominus que parfs; Ryme maid, and als reiddin, Baith Inglis and Latene: And ane ftory haif I to reid 15 Paffis Bonitatem in the creid. To coniure the littill gaift ye mon haif Off tod tailis ten thraif. And kaft the grit haly watter, With pater nofter, patter patter; 20 And ye man fitt in ane compafs, And cry, Harbert tuthlefs. Drug thow and thifs draw. LISTIS LORDIS, I SAIL YOW TELL. 325 And fitt thair quhill cok craw. The compafs nion hallowit be 25 With Afpergis me Domine; The haly writt fchawis als Thair man be hung abowt your hals, Pricket in ane woll poik, Off neifs powder ane grit loik. 30 Thir thingis mon ye beir, Brynt in ane doggis eir, Ane pluche, ane paiddill, and ane pahiie corfs, Thre tufkis of ane awld deid horfs, And of ane yallow wob the warp, 35 The boddome of ane awld herp, Fol. ii4.b. The heid of ane cuttit reill, The band of ane awld quheill, The taill of ane yeild fow, And ane bait of blew wow, 40 Ane botene, and ane brechame, And ane quhorle maid of lame. To luke owt at the littill boir, And cry, Chryftis crofs! yow befoir. And quhen ye fe the littill gaift 45 Cumand to yow in all haift, Cry lowd, Chryfte eleifone! And fpeir quhat law it levis on? And gif it fayis on Godis ley. Than to the littill gaift ye fay, 50 With brede benedicitie; Littill gaift, I coniure the. With lierie and larie, Bayth fra God, and San6l Marie, Firft with ane fiffchis mowth, 55 And fyne with ane fowlis tovth, With ten pertane tais. And nyne knokis of windil ftrais, 326 LISTIS LORD IS, I SALL YOW TELL. With thre heidis of curie doddy; And bid the gaift turn in a boddy. 60 Than eftir this coniuratioun, The littill gaift will fall in foun, And thaireftir doun ly, Cryand mercy petoufly; Than with your left heill it fane, 65 And it will nevir cum agane. Als mekle as ane mige amaift, He had ane littill rod leg, And it Aves cant as ony cleg, It wes wynd in ane wyndinfcheit, 70 Baythe the handis and the feit. Suppois this gaift wes littill Yit it ftall Godis quhittill; It ftall fra peteoufs Abrahame, Ane quhorle and ane quhum quhame; 75 It ftall fra the carle of the mone Ane pair of auld yrn fchone ; It ran to Pencaitlane, And wirreit ane auld chaplane. This littill gafte did na mair ill, 80 Bot clok lyk a corne myll; And it wald play and hop Fol. 115.3, Abowt the heid ane ftre ftrop ; And it wald fmg and it wald dance Oure fute, and Orliance. g, Quha coniurit the littill gafte, fa ye? Nane bot the littill Spenyie fle. That with hir wit and ingyne, Gart the gaift leif agane ; And fyne mareid the gaift the fle, And cround him kyng of Kandelie; And thay gat thame betwene, Orpheus king and Elpha qucne. 90 HOW DUMB AR WES DESYRD TO BE ANE PRE JR. 327 To reid quha will this gentill geift, Ye hard it nocht at Cokilbys feift. 95 Explicitiis. CXXVI. Folloivis koiv Diinibar zues defyrd to be ane Freir. THIS nycht befoir the dawing cleir, Me thocht San6l Francis did to me appeir, With ane religioufs abbeit in his hand, And faid, In thifs go cleith the my ferwand; Reffufs the warld, for thow mon be a freir. 5 With him and with his abbeit bayth I fkarrit, Lyk to ane man that with a gaift wes marrit: Me thocht on bed he layid it me abone, Bot on the flure delyuerly and fone I lap thairfra, and nevir wald cum nar it. 10 Quoth he, Quhy fkarris thow with this holy weid.'' Cleith the thairin, for weir it thow moft neid ; Thow, that hes lang done Venus lawis teiche, Sail now be freir, and in this abbeit preiche ; Delay it nocht, it mon be done but dreid. j^ Quod I, San6l Francis, loving be the till, And thankit mot thow be of thy gude will To me, that of thy clayis ar fo kynd ; Bot thame to weir it nevir come in my mynd; Sweit Confeffour, thow tak it nocht in ill. 20 328 HOir DUMBAR WES DESYRD TO BE ANE FREIR. In haly legcndis haif I hard allevin, Ma fanflis of bifchoppis, nor freiris, be fic fevin; Off full few freiris that has bene fan6lis I reid; Ouhairfoir ga bring to me ane bifchopis weid, Fol.ns.b. Gifc cvir thow wald my fawle gaid vnto Hevin. 25 My brethir oft hes maid the fupplicationis, Be epifbillis, fermonis, and relationis, To tak the abyte, bot thow did poftpone ; But ony procefs, cum on thairfoir annone, All fircumftance put by and excufationis. 30 Gif evir my fortoun wes to be a freir, The dait thairof is paft full mony a yeir ; For into every lufty toun and place Off all Yngland, fromc Berwick to Kalice, I haif in to thy habeit maid gud cheir. 35 In freiris weid full fairly haif I fleichit, In it haif I in pulpet gon and preichit In Derntoun kirk, and eik in Canterberry; In it I paft at Dover our the ferry Throw Piccardy, and thair the peple teichit. 40 Als lang as I did beir the freiris ftyle, In me, God wait, wes mony wrink and wyle; In me wes falfet with every wicht to flatter, Ouhilk mycht be flemit with na hal}' watter; I ^\■es ay reddy all men to begyle. 45 This freir that did San6l Francis thair appeir, Ane fieind he wes in liknes of ane freir; He vaneift away with ftynk and fyrie fmowk; With him me thocht all the houfhend he towk. And I awoik as wy that wes in weir. 50 Quod Dumbar. FULL OFT L MUSE, AND HES LN THOCHT. 329 CXXVII. \FtUl oft 1 7nnfe, and hes in thocht?[ FULL oft I mufe, and hes in thocht, How this fals warld is ay on flocht, Ouhair na thing ferme is nor degeft; And quhen I haif my mynd all focht, For to be blyth me think it beft. 5 This warld dois evir fleit and vary, Fortoun fa faft hir quheill dois kary; Na tyme bot turne can tak reft, For quhais fals change ^ CXXVIIL \He that hes Gold and grit Richefs?^ HE that hes gold and grit richefs, And may be into mirrynefs. And dois glaidnefs fra him expell. And levis in to wrechitnefs, yq\ 116 a He wirkis forrow to him fell. 5 He that may be but fturt or ftryfe. And leif ane lufty plefand lyfe. And fyne with mariege dois him mell. And bindis him with ane wicket wyfe. He wirkis forrow to him fell. 10 1 This piece is fcored out in the MS., being a repetition of No, CXII. 2 S 330 THE WOWING OF THE KING IN DUMFERMELING. He that lies for his awin genyie Ane plefand prop, but mank or menyie, And fchuttis fyne at ane vncow fchell, And is forfairn with the fleis of Spenyie, He wirkis forrow to him fell. 15 And he that with gud lyfe and trewth, But varians or vder flewth, Dois evir mair with ane maifter dwell, That neuir of him will haif no rewth, He wirkis forrow to him fell., 20 Now all this tyme lat ws be mirry, And fett nocht by this warld a chirry : Now quhill thair is gude wyne to fell, He that dois on dry breid virry, I gif him to the Devill of Hell. 25 Quod Dumbar. CXXIX. Followis the Wozving of the King qiiheii he wes in Dumfcrmeling. THIS hindirnycht in Dumfermeling, To me wes tawld ane windir thing; That lait ane tod wes with ane lame, And with hir playit, and maid gud game, Syne till his breifl: did hir imbrace. And wald haif riddin hir lyk ane rame: And that me thocht ane ferly cace. THE WOWING OF THE KING IN DUMFERMELING. 331 He braifit hir bony body fweit, And halfit hir with fordir feit ; Syne fchuk his taill, with quhinge and yelp, 10 And todHt with hir lyk ane quhelp ; Syne lowrit on growfe and afl My fader, mekle Gow M'^Morne, Owt of his moderis wame was fchorne; ^ May be read cartane. 340 ANE LITTILL INTERL UD. For littilnes fcho was forlornc, 75 Siche ane kemp to beir : Or he of aige was yeiris thre, He wald ftep over the occiane fie; Tlie mone fprang nevir abone his kne, The hevins had of him feir. 80 Ane thowfand yeir is pafb fra mynd, Sen I was generid of his kynd, Far furth in the defertis of Ynd, Amang lyoun and beir: Worthie King Arthour and Gawane, 85 And mony a bawld berne of Bartane, Ar deid and in the weiris ar flane, Sen I cowld weild a fpeir. Sophie and the Sowdoun ftrang, With weiris that hes leftit lang, 90 Owt of thair boundis hes maid me gang, And turne to Turky tyte. The King of Francis grit army Hes brocht in derth in Lumbardy, That in the cuntre he and I Can nocht dwell baith perfyte. 95 Swadrik, Denmark, and Norraway, Nor in the Stciddis I dar nocht ga; Thair is nocht thair bot^ and flae, Cutthroppillis and mak quyte. 100 Yrland for evir I half reffufit, All wyifmen will hald me excufit, For nevir in land quhair Eriche was vfit, To dwell had I dellyte. I haif bene formeft evir in feild, losFol.iao.a. And now fa lang I haif borne fcheild, 1 A word is evidently omitted here; Afloan MS. lias tak andjlac. ANE LITTILL INTERLUD. 341 That I am ciynit in for eild This littill, as ye may fie. I haif bene baneft vnclir the lynd This lang tyme, that nane cowld me fynd, no Ouhill now with this laft eiftin wynd, I am cum heir perdie. My name is Welth, thairfoir be blyth, I am cum confort yow to kyth ; Suppois wrechis will waill and wryth, 115 All darth I fall gar die; For certanelie, the trewth to tell, I cum amang yow for to dwell, Far fra the found of curphour bell To dwell thinkis nevir me. 120 Now fen I am fuche quantetie Off gyanis cum, as ye may fie, Ouhair wilbe gottin a wyfe to me Off ficlyk breid and hicht? ^ In all this boure is nocht a bryde 125 Ane houre I wait dar me abyde, Yit trow ye ony heir befyde, Micht fuffir me all nicht. Adow, fair weill! for now I go, Bot I will nocht lang byd yow fro ; 130 Chryft yow conferve fra every avo, Baith madin, wyf and man ; God blifs thame, and the Haly Rude, Givis me a drink fa it be gude; And quha trowis beft that I do ludC; 135 Skynk firft to me the can. Finis off the Droichis Pairt of the Play. ^ The next line Yit quha ivat gif ony heir be/yd has been deleted. 342 THE WYF OF AUCHTIRMWCHIY. CXXXII. The Wyf of Anchiirmzuchty. Fol.iso.b. IN AAvchtirmwchty thair dwelt ane man, Ane hufband, as I hard it tawld, Ouha Weill cowld tippill owt a can, And nathir luvit hungir nor cawld. Ouhill anis it fell vpoun a day, 5 He yokkit his plwch vpoun the plane; Gif it be trew as I hard fay. The day was fowll for wind and rane. He lowfit the pluche at the landis end. And draif his oxin hame at evin ; lo When he come in he lukit bend, And faw the wyf baith dry and clene, And fittand at ane fyre beikand bawld, With ane fat fowp as I hard fay: . The man being verry weit and cawld, 15 Bet^^■ene thay twa it was na play. Quhoth he, Ouhair is my horffis corne? My ox hes nathir hay nor ftray ; Dame, ye mon to the pluch to morne, I falbe huffy, gif I may. 20 Hufband, quod fcho, Content am I To tak the pluche my day abowt, Sa ye will rowll baith kavis and ky, And all the houfs baith in and owt. Bot fen that ye will hufy flvcp ken, 25 Firft ye fall fift, and fyne fall kned ; And ay as ye gang but and ben, Luk that the bairnis dryt not the bed. THE WYF OF AUCHTIRMWCHTY. 343 Yeis lay ane foft wifp to the kill, We half ane deir ferme on our held ; 30 And ay as ye gang furth and in, Keip Weill the gaiflingis fra the gled. The wyf was vp richt lait at evin, I pray God gif hir evill to fair, Scho kyrnd the kyrne, and fkwmd it clene, 35 And left the gudman hot the bledoch bair. Than in the mornyng vp fcho gatt, And on hir hairt laid hir difiwne, Scho put alfmekle in hir lap, As micht half ferd thame baith at nwne. 40 Sayis, Jok, Will thow be maiftir of wark, And thow fall had and I fall kail ; Ife promeifs the ane gud new fark, Fol,i2i.a. Athir of round claith or of fmall. Scho lowfit oxin aucht or nyne, 45 And hynt ane gadftafif in hir hand ; And the gudman raifs eftir fyne, And faw the wyf had done command. And cavd the gaiflingis fwrth to feid, Thair was bot fevinfum of thame all, 50 And by thair cumis the gredy gled, And likkit vp fyve, left him bot twa. Than owt he ran in all his mane, How fone he hard the gaiflingis cry; Bot than or he come in agane, 55 The calfis brak lowfs and fowkit the ky. The calvis and ky being met in the lone, The man ran with ane rung to red ; Than by thair cumis ane ill willy cow, And brodit his buttok quhill that it bled. 60 344 THE WYF OF A UCHTIRMWCHTY. Than hame he ran to ane rok of tow, And he fatt doun to fay the fpynning; I trow he lowtit our neir the low, Ouod he, this wark hes ill begynning. Than to the kyrn that he did ftoure, 65 And jwmlit at it quhill he fwatt, Ouhen he had jwmlit a full lang houre, The foroAV crap of butter he gatt. Albeit na butter he cowld gett, Yit he wes cummerit with the kyrne, 7° And fyne he het the milk our hett, And forrow fpark of it wald yyrne. Than ben thair come ane gredy fow, I trow he cund hir littill thank, And in fcho fchot hir mekle mow, 75 And ay fcho winkit and fcho drank. He cleikit vp ane crukit club. And thocht to hitt the fow ane rowt. The twa gaiflingis the gled had left, That ftraik dang baith thair harnis owt. 80 Than he beur kendling to the kill, Bot fcho ftart all vp in ane low, Quhat evir he hard, quhat evir he faw, That day he had na will to mow. Than he yeid to tak vp the bairnis, , 85 Fol.iai.b. Thocht to haif fund thame fair and clene ; The firft that he gat in his armis Was all bedirtin to the ene. The firft that he gat in his armis, It was all dirt vp to the eine; 90 The Diuill cutt of thair handis, quod he, That fild yow all fa fow this ftrene. THE WYF OF AUCHTIRMWCHTY. 345 He trailit the fowll fcheitis doun the gait, Thocht to half wechft thame on ane ftane; The burne wes rifTin grit of fpait, 95 Away fra him the fcheitis hes tane. Than vp he gat on ane know heid, On hir to cray, on hir to fchowt, Scho hard him, and fcho hard him not, Bot ftowtly fleird the ftottis abowt. loo Scho draif the day vnto the nicht, Scho lowifit the plwch and fyne come hame ; Scho fand all wrang that fowld bene richt, I trow the man thocht richt grit fchame. Quod he, My office I forfaik 105 For all the dayis of my lyf. For I wald put ane howfs to wraik, Had I bene twenty dayis gudwyf Quod fcho, Weill mot ye bruke the place. For trewlie I will nevir excep it; Quod he, Feind fall the lyaris face, Bot yit ye may be blyth to get it. no 't>' Than vp fcho gat ane mekle rung And the gudman maid to the dur; Quod he, Deme, I fall hald my tung, 115 For and we fecht I ill gett the woir. Quod he, Quhen I forfuk my plwche, I trow I bot forfuk my feill, And I will to my plwch agane. For I and this howfs will nevir do weill. 120 Finis quod MofatJ ^ Qtiod Mofat is written in a difterent hand. 2 U 346 ^4 YUNGMAN CHIFTANE WITLES. CXXXIII. {A Yinigman Chiftane ivitles?\^ AYUNGMANchiftane,witles,anepeuremanfpen[dar,gettIes/] Fol.i22.a. Ane auldman trichour, tre\vthles,a woman lowper,land[lefs;] Apperandlie, be San6l Jeill, fall nevir ane of thir d[o weill;] Tak tymeintyme,andnotymediffar,quhentymeispaftye . . , war. All michty God, grant to our King, fic grace that he invertew ring, 5 Sa that this realme ay gydit be, with juftice, pece and equitie. Bettir is to fufifer and fortoun abyd, Than haiftely to clym and fuddenlie to flyd, Quod quho to quhome. Ouha in wclth takis no heid, he fall hafe fait in tyme of neid ; 10 Quhen I len I am ane freind, and quhen I craif I am vnkynd ; Thufs of my freind I mak my fo, T fchrew me and I moir do fo. CXXXIV. The Jlicht Remeid of Luve. LUVARIS, lat be the frenneffy of luve, And mvfe nor mvrne no moir in till your mynd, Bot follace feik, and forrow ay remove. Caft yow to conqueifs luve ane vthir kynd ; For knew ye wemenis natur courfe and ftrynd. Ye wald nocht be fo trew to thair vntrewth, Ouhilkis hes no petie thocht your hairtis be pynd, Nor of your reftlefs womenting no rewth. 1 MS. is here imperfea. The words in brackets are from Ramfay'.s " Evei'green." THE SLIGHT REMEin OF LUVE. 347 Bot wald ye rewill yow, keip this regiment ; Be fubteill, fecreit, fobir in thair ficht, jo Facound of wordis, bot feckill of intent, And nevir lat your mowth and mynd go richt ; Swey as thay fwey, be blyth quhen thay ar licht, And preifs yow ay in prefenfs to repair ; Forvey no tyme, be reddy day and nicht 15 Vpoun your kneis to ferve thame foletare. Be prevy, part, in prefenfs play with fynis; Be ficht or fniyle, lat non knaw your intentis, Be verry war or that thay Avit your myndis ; Be clenely cled in your abilyementis. 2oFol.i22.b. Reufe nocht your felf, latt vthiris preifs your rentis, Bot offir thame your daly obfervance Be tung, thocht nathir hairt nor mynd confentis Body and gudis to haif in govirnance. Abufe bot brief, howbeid ye be faid nay, 25 And reckles nocht your eirand for the rane; Bot caft yow for to cum ane vthir day. And petoully complene your woles pane, Saying ye ar both fecreit, trew and plane. With this pairt wreth and fremmit to but faid, 30 " For cum the freindfchip of thair fyd agane, I mak yow feur ye fall nocht mifs remeid. Hald thame in hand quhilkis may yow help at neid, And hecht thame giftis howbeid ye gif thame nocht. For thair gud word fall racheft^ caufe yow fpeid, 35 And thrwth thair creddence to your purpoifs brocht. Speik fair till ye haif gottin that ye focht; Be wyifs and war and watt thame ay with wylis, For be the wy that all the warld wrocht, Maift witt hes hie that moniefl owrfylis. 40 1 May be read rathejl. 348 THE BALLAT VPOUN MARGRET FLEMING. Aleikly folift to meit in fecreit place, Syne mak your mane quhen it may maift avelyie; Be richt demvre and graif quhen ye aflc grace, Bot be ye rank quhen thay begin to relyie. Fleiche with fyiftene for feir fumpairt ye felyie, 45 And fwa but pane ye may kife parramowris; Be foft of fpeiche. bot fpair nocht till affelyie, Wyn anis the entrcfs and the houfs is yowris. Bot yit ye may mifliaif yow in fum caice, And ye defend nocht damiffellis defame, 50 For practik is to play, fyne hald your peice. And counfale keip for hurting of thair name. Richfwa forbeir a manis wyfe for blame, And hald yow koy in quiet quhill ye get hir; As for a weddow wirk weill on hir wame, 55 I knaw no craft fall caufe hir lufe yow bettir. Finis qtwd Alexander Scott. cxxxv. Folloivis the Ballat maid vpoun Margret Fleming, Fol. 123.3. callit the Flemyug Bark in Edinburcht. IHAIF a littill Fleming berge Off clenkett work, bot fcho is wicht. Quhat pylett takis my fchip in chairge Mon hald hir clynlie, trym and ticht ; Se that hir hatchis be handlit richt, 5 With fteirburd, baburd, luf and lie; Scho will fale all the wintir nicht, And nevir tak a telyevie. THE BALL AT VPOUN MARGRET FLEMING. 349 With evin keill befoir the wind Scho is richt fairdy with a faill, 10 Bot at ane lufe fcho lyis behind ; Gar heifs hir quhill hir howbandis fl^aill. Draw Weill the takill to hir taill, Scho will nocht mifs to lay your maft; To pomp als oft as ye may haill 15 Yeill nevir hald hir watterfaft. To calf^ hir oft can do non ill, And talloim quhair the flud mark flowis; Bot gif fcho lekkis gett men of fkill To ftop hir hoilis laich in the howifs. 20 For fait of hemp tak hary towis, With ftane balleft withowttin vder; In monelefs nichtis it is na mowis, Except ane flowt man fleir hir ruder. A fair veffchell abone the Avatter, 25 And is bot laitly reikit to, Quhairto till deif yow with tome clatter, Ar nane fic in the floit as fcho. Plvm weill the grund quhat evir ye doo, Fol.i23.b. Haillon the fukfcheit and the blind; 3° Scho will tak in at cap and koo, Withowt fcho ballaft be behind. Na pedderis pak fcho will reffaif, Althocht hir travell fcho fowld tyne; Na coukcald karle nor carllingis pet 35 That dois thair corne and caitell cryne.- Bot quhair fcho findis a fallow fyne He wilbe frawcht fre for a foufs; Scho kareis nocht ^ bot men and wyne And bulyoun to the counye houfs. 40 1 Altered by another liand to calfd. - May be read tryne. ' Hang is here deleted. 350 THE BALL AT VPOUN MARGRET FLEMLNG. For nierchandmen I may half mony, Bot nane fic as I wald defyre, And I am laith to mell with ony, To leif my mater in the myre. That man that wirkis beft for his hyre, 45 Syne- he falbe my mariner, Bot nycht and day mon he nocht tyre, That faiHs my bony ballinger. For ankerhald nane can be fund, I pray yow caft the leidlyne owt, 50 And gif ye can nocht get the grund Steir be the compas and keip hir rowt. Syne treveifs ftill and lay a bowt, And gar hir top twiche wind and waw; Ouhair anker dryvis thair is na dowt 55 Thir tripand tyddis may tyne ws aw. Now is my pretty pynnege reddy, Abydand on fum merchand blok, Bot be fcho emptie, be our Leddy, Scho will be kittill of hir dok. 60 Scho will reffaif na landwart Jok, Fol.i24.a. Thocht he wald frawcht hir for a croun ; Thus fair ye weill fayis gud Johine Cok, Ane nobill telyeour in this toun. Finis quod Sempill. THE DEFENCE OF CRISSELL SANDELANDIS. 351 CXXXVI. Heir folloivis the Defence of Cr iff ell Sandelandis, For %fing hirfelf contrair the Ten Commandis ; Being in zvard for playing of the lonn With every ane lift geif hir half a cronn. etc. PERNITIOUS peple, parciall in defpyte, Sufanis judges, faweris of feditioun, Your cankert counfale is the caufs and wyte, Bowftert with pryd and blindit with ambitioun, Fyndand na cryme nor havand na commiffioun 5 To hurt Dame Venus virgenis as ye do; Gif ye fa rafchlie rin vpoun fufpitioun, Ye may put vthiris on the pannell to. To Sandelandis ye wer our fair to fchame hir, Sen ye with counfale mycht quyetlie command hir; 10 Grit foulis ye wer with fallowis to defeme hir, Havand na caufs bot commoun voce and {Inlander; Syne findand no man in the houfs neir hand hir, Except ane clerk of godly converfatioun;^ Quhat gif befyd Johine Dureis felf ye fand hir, 15 Dar ye fufpe6l the holy congregatioun? Your fleflie confcience garris yow tak this feir; Beleif ye virgynis wilbe win fo fone? Na, God forbid ! bot men may bourd als neir. And wemen nocht the wor quhen that is done. 20 Had fcho bene vndir and he hobland abone, That war a perrellous play for to fufpefl thame ; Bot laddis and laffis will meit eftirnone Ouhair Dick and Dvrie dow nocht bayth correft thame. 1 A marginal note, in another hand, has The minijler Betoun. 352 THE DEFENCE OF CRISSELL SANDELANDIS. Sen (Jrunkardis, gluttonis and contentious men, 2SFol.i24.b. Schcddcris of blude and fubie6lis gevin to greid, May nocht poflefs the hevinly gloir, ye ken, As in the bybill dalie do we reid; Lat thir be wyit allyk till every leid, Syne fornicatioun plafit amangis the laif ; 30 Exemp your felf throw all the toun in deid, Than hike how mony ye onmerkit haif. Gif ye beleif nocht Betoun be his word, In hir defenfs it can nocht be reffufit; Latt him that followis fecht it with the fvvord, 35 Ane ancient law quhen ladeis ar accufit. Is minifteris fic men to be abufit. That knawis the Scripteur and the Ten Commandis? Albeit he and fcho wor in ane houfs inclufit. He few na feid in to hir Sandelandis. 4° As for the reft I knaw nocht thair vocatioun, Thair lyfe, thair maneris, bot I heir mony mene thame; Catholik virgenis of the holy congregatioun, Syn wer to tyne thame gif ye cowld obtene thame. Quhat can ye fay except that ye had fene thame 45 With rem in ra all nakkit but adherance? Than tak a bowftring and draw it doun betwene thame, And gif it ftickis it lies ane evill apperance. Catitois clerkis quhois college ye frequentit, Quhen ye wor wanfleris of hir wantoun band, 5° Now ye ar lamit fra labour I lamentit. Your piftolis twinit^ and bakfprent lyk a wand. Snapwark, adew, fra dagmen dow nocht ftand. And worfs than that ye want your morfmg powder; Than cumis confcience with crukit ftaf in hand, 55 Greitand for byganis, bowand bak and fchowder. ^ May be read tivmii. THE DEFENCE OF CRISSELL SANDELANDIS. 353 Remembir firft your former qualitie, And wrak na virgenis with your wilful! weir; Gif ye will nocht, than our regalitie Hes power planely to replege thame heir. 60 Mycht thay win to the girth I tak no feir, Fol.i2S.a. Down by the Cannocroce, I pray yow, fend thame, Quhair Patrik Bannatyne hes promeift to compeir, With lawfull reffonis reddy to defend thame. On caufs thair is thay can nocht be convi(5l, 65 Ye had na power fra the fone wes fett; The Provefl gaif na power to Gilbert Dick, The fpeciall thing that fowld nocht bene foryett. Thay war nocht theivis nor yit condempt in dett, Nor ridhand tane, quhilk was na caufs ye knaw; 7° Bot ye latt rukis and ravynis rin throw the nett, And faikles dowis makis fubie6l to the law. Your parciall juge we may declyne him to, Bot fett me doun the perfone Pennycuke, Or Sanderis Guthrie, lat fee quhat he can do, 75 He kennis the caice and keipis your awin court buke. For men of law I wat nocht quhome to hike, Auld James Bannatyne wes anis a man of fkill. And gif he cumis nocht thair I wald we tuke To keip oure dyet Maifter Dauid Makgill. 80 Quhat cummer caftis the formeft ftane lat fee At tha peure winfchis ye wranguflie fufpecl For fklenting bowttis ; now better war lat bee Nor to begin to gett your felffis ane geek. The gritteft fait I find in this effeft, 85 Ye baith tuke money and put thame felffis to fchame, Bot quhen the court cumis to the toun, quhat reck. We fall reftoir thame to thair ftok agane. 2 X 354 THE DEFENCE OF CRISSELL SANDELANDIS. In your tolbuth fic prefouneris to plant Wilbe reffauit weill, ye may confidder; go Gud Captane Adamfone will nocht lat thame want Bedding, howbeit thay fowld lig all togidder. As for his wyf I wald ye fowld forbid hir, Hir eyndling toyis I trow thair be no denger, Becaufs his lome is larbour groun and lidder, ^^ But vndirfbanding now to treit ane ftrenger. The gritteft greif I find, ye haif defamett Fol.i25.b. Thir leill trew luvaris, and done thair freindis bot lack ; Becaufs thair bandis Aver reddy to be proclamit, The pairteis mett and maid a fair contrack, loo Bot now, allace! the men ar loppin aback. For oppin fklander callit ane fpeikand devill ; In grit effairis ye had nocht bene fa frack, Concernyng the rewling of your commoun weill. To pvneifs pairt is parcialitie, 105 To pvneifs all is hard to do in deid ; Bot fend thame heir to oure regalitie, And we fall fee gif we can ferve thair neid. This rurall ryme, quha fa lyk for to reid, To Di6l and Dury is dire6lit plane; no Ouhair I offend thame in my landwart leid, I falbe reddy to reforme agane. Finis quod Sample. BALL A T MAID BE R OBER T SEMPLE. 3 5 5 CXXXVII. Folloivis the Ballat maid be Robert Semple of Jonet Reid, [aue^] Violet and {ane^l Quhyt; being Jlicht Wemen of Lyfe and Converfatioun, [and Taver- narisy\ OFF cullouris cleir quha lykis to weir, Ar fmdry fortis in to this toun, Grene, yellow, blew and mony hew, Bayth Pareifs blak and Inglis broun; Lundoun fky, quha lykis to by, 5 Bot cullour derroy is clene laid doun, Dundy gray this mony a day Is lychleit bayth with laid and loun. Stanche my fyking and ftryd my lyking Ar femely hewis for fommer play, 10 Dundippit in yello for mony gud fallo, Fol.i26.a. As Will of Quhithawch bad me fay; I will nocht dennyit till nane that will by it, For filver nane falbe faid nay; Yee nocht to plenyie my clayth will nocht ftenyie, 15 Suppois ye weit it nycht and day. Quhyt. And I haif Quhyt off grit delyt, Violet. And Violett quha lykis to weir, Reid. Weill werand Reid quhill ye be deid ; Quhilk fall nocht failyie tak ye no feir. 20 The Quhyt is gude and richt weill Iwid, Bot yit the Reid is twyifs als deir; The Violet fyne, bayth frefche and fine. Sail ferve yow hofing for a yeir. ^ The words in brackets have been written in by a different hand. 356 BALLAT MAID BE ROBERT SEMFLE. The Quhyt is twiche and frefche ennewche, 25 Soft as the filk as all men feis ; The Reid is bony and focht of mony, Thay hyve abowt the houfs lyk beis. With Violet to, gif ye haif ado, It meitis lyk ftemmyne to your theis ; 30 Seure be my witting not brunt in the bitting, Suppois baith laidis and lymmeris leis. Off all thir thre hewis I haif left clewis To be oure courtmen vvintter weid, Twynit and fmall, the befl: of thame all 35 May weir the claith for woU and threid. Bot in the walkmill the wedder is ill, Thir ar nocht drying dayis in deid, And gif it be watt, I hecht for that, It tuggis in hoilis and gais abbreid. 40 Yit it is Weill walkit, cairdit and calkit, Als warme a weid as weir the deule ; Weill wrocht in the Iwmis with wobfter gwmis, Fol. i26,b. Bayth thik and nymmill gais the fpwle ; Cottond and fchorne the mair it be worne, 45 Ye find your felf the grittar fule; Bot bony forfuth cum byit in my bwth. To mak yow garmentis agane Yule. Bot mixt thir togidder your felf may confidder Ouhat fyner cullour can be fund, 50 And namely of breikis, gif ony man feikis. Sail haif the pair ay for a pund. Howbeid it be Ikant na wowaris fall want, That to my bidding wilbe bund; Weill may thay brukit thay neid nocht to lukit, 55 Bot graip it marklynis be the grund. BALLAT MAID BE ROBERT SEMPLE. 357 Your courtmeii heir hes maid my claith deir, And raifd it twell pennis of the ell; Yit is my claith feuver for fadillis to ceuver, Suppois the feffioun raid thame fell. 60 The Violet certane wes maid Dumbartane, The Reid wes walkit in Dumkell; The Quhyt hes bene dicht in mony mirk nicht, Bot tyme and place I can not tell. Now gif ye wirk wyiflie and fchaip it precyflie, 65 The elwand wald be grit and lang; Gif the byefs be wyd gar lay it on fyd, And fa ye can nocht weill ga wrang. And for the lang left it wald be fchewid faft, And cair nocht by how deip ye gang ; 70 Bot want ye Quhyt threid ye can nocht cum fpeid, Blak walloway mon be your fang. Bot thocht it be awld and twenty tymis fawld, Yit will the freprie mak yow fane, With vHs to rennew it and mak it weill hewit, 75 Fol. i27.a. And gar it glanfs lyk Dummy grane. Syne with the fleik ftanis that fervis for the nanis, Thay raifs the pyle I mak yow plane ; With mony grit aith thay fell this fame claith To gar the byeris cum agane. 80 Now is my wob wrocht and arlit to be bocht, Cum lay the payment in my hand ; And gif my claith felyie ye pay nocht a melyie, The wobb falbe at your command. The merkit is thrang and will nocht left lang, 85 Thay by faft in the Bordour land ; Albeid I haif tynfell yet mon I tak hanfell, To pay my buthmaill and my ftand. 358 OF A WENCHE WITH CHYLD. My claith wald be Iwd with grit men of gwd, Gif lawdis and lownis wald latt me be ; 90 Yit mon I excufs thame, how can I refifufs thame, Sen all menis penny makis him free. The beft and the gay of it myfelf tuk afay of it, A wylie coit I will nocht lee, Quhilk did me no harme bot held my coft werme, 95 A fymple merchante ye may fee. This far to releif me that na man repreif me, In Jedburgh at the Juftice air; This fang of thre laffis was maid abone glaffis, That tyme that thay wer tapflaris thair. 100 The firft wes ane Quhyt a lafs of delyt, The Violett bayth gud and fair, Keip the Reid fra fkaith fcho is worth thame baith; Sa to be fchort I fay no mair. Finis quod R. Sample. CXXXVIII. Followis of a We?tche with Chyld. BE chance bot evin this vthir day, As I did walk allone, I hard a maid in grit effray, Makand a rewthfull mon, Fol.i27.b. Quhat greif on hir did linger. 5 Off greif and pane fcho did complane, For fcho certane cryid and maid mane, O Lord, my littill finger! OF A WENCHE WITH CHYLD. 359 Heiring this maid fo lowd to cry In this hir wofull plicht, 10 I drew me neir for till efpy Quhat hurt hir body micht; Scho had met with fum ftinger. It micht fo be I fay to the, For I micht fe how fwUin wes fche, 15 Within hir littill finger. The angweifs of hir body ran In to all pairtis allyk, For all hir body fwellid than Als big as ony pyk; 20 Me thocht it wes fum engir. For fo I gefs now till exprefs, Scho cryid dowtlefs in hir diftrefs, O Lord, my littill finger! I afkid, as fcho mone did mak, 25 Quhat wes caufe of hir wo, And fcho than curfit the mandrak, Ouhilk had hir bittin fo; The mandrak wes a ftringer. AUaik! the maid wes foir arraid, 3° Still in hir braid fcho cryid and faid, O Lord, my littill finger! The mandrak had hir bittin fo foir. In this his vennemous rege, Scho fAvellit daylie moir and moir, 35 That nothing cowld hir fwege ; This ferpent fo did thing her. Allake! the maid wes foir affraid, For ftill fcho cryid allace and fayid, The pane within my finger! 4° 36o OF A WENCHE WITH CHYLD. For medecynis fcho had furth focht, Fol.i28.a. As thay thairby me tawld ; Thocht thay nevir fo deir war bocht, Half thame (thay fay) fcho wawld; Quhat than brocht thay that wringer? 45 Sic as thay gat I knaw nocht quhat, Sum this fum that, bot to be flat, Scho cryd flill, O my finger! Sum bad hir tak erb pilliall, And fum ftalk ftand allone, 50 Sum bad hir tak blaid ryfs and fall. And fum confervis of flone. Sum bad Baldary bring her Long pepper chyce with nettill nyce; Yit ruttit ryce wes hir cheif fpyce, 55 To metegat hir finger. The moir ftill that hir weft did fwell, The lenar wox hir cheikis, With quhiche diffeifs fcho fo did dwell The fpace of fourtie weikis. 60 Quhill fcho cowld beirit no lenger, A littill boy come furth with toy, Quhilk till hir ioy did henfs convoy The angweifs of hir finger. Than wes it knawin to awld and yung, 65 Quhen this come owt to pafs, Ouhairof the deidly angAveifs fprong, Within hir finger wafs. Scho than become ane finger, And fo trewly left hir awld cry, 70 And with nottis hye feng Lula ly, Weill eifit is my finger! TO THE DERISIOUN OF WANTOUN WEMEN. 361 Ye maidis that with the ferfs mandrak Dois chance bittin to be, Your Httill finger thus to aik 75 It will caufs long y^ fe. Treft nocht the knippill ringer; Let thois be war, trew maidis that ar, And with dew fair frome mandraikis fnair, Keip Weill thair Httill finger. 80 Finis quod ane Inglifman. CXXXIX. Ane Ballat maid to the Derifioun and Scorne of rol.i28.b. wajitoun Weiiien. YE lufty ladyis ! lake The rakles lyfe ye leid ; Hant nocht in hoile or nuke To hurt your womanheid. I reid for beft remeid, 5 Forbeir all place prophane ; Gife this be caus of feid, I fall not faid agane. *t>' Ouhat is fie luve bot luft, A lytill for delyte ; 10 To hant that game robuft And beiftly appetyte? I nowdir fleifche nor flyte To tell the trewith certane; Talk ye this in defpyte, 15 I fall not faid agane. 2 Y 362 TO THE DERISIOUN OF WANTOUN WEMEN, Tlic wyfeft fcho may fone Scdufit be and fchent, Syne fra the deid be done Perchance fall foir repent. 20 Ouirlait is till lament Fra belly dow not lane ; To cry in tyme take tent, I fall not faid agane. Lycht wynchis luve will fawin, 25 Evin lyk anc fpanyeollis lawchter; To lat hir wamb be clawin Be thamc lift geir betawcht hir. For conyie ye may chawcht hir To fched hir fchankis in twane, 30 And nevir fpeir quhais awcht hir: I fall not faid agane. Thocht bruckill wemen hantis In luft to leid thair lyvis, Fol.iag.a. And wedow men that wantis 35 To fleill a pair of fwyvis ; JBot quhair that mareit wyvis Gois by thair hufbandis bane, That houfhald nevir thry vis : I fall not faid agane. 40 It fcttis not madynis als To latt men lowis thair laice. No clym abowt menis halfs, To clap, to kifs, nor braice, Nor round in fecreit place. Sic treitment is a trane To cleive thair quaver caice: I fall not faid agane. 45 TO THE DERISIOUN OF WANTOUN WE MEN. 363 Fairweill with cheftetie Fra wenchis fall to chucking, 5° Thair foUowis thingis thrc To gar thame ga in gucking, Brafing, graping, and plucking; Thir foure the futh to fane Enforfis thame to fucking: 55 I fall not faid agane. Sum luvis new cum to toun With jeigis to mak thame joly ; Sum luvis dance vp and doun To meifs thair malancoly ; 60 Sum luvis lang trollie lolly, And fum of frigging fane, Lykfillokkis full of folly: I fall not faid agane. Sum monebrunt madynis myld, ^5 At nonetyd of the nicht, Ar chappit vp with chyld, But coile or candill licht; Sua fum faid maidis hes flicht Fol.izg.b. To play and tak no pane, 70 Syne chift thair feid fra ficht : I fall not faid agane. Sum thinkis na fchame to clap And kifs in opin wyifs; Sum can nocht keip hir gap 75 Fra lanfmg as fcho lyifs; Sum gois fo gymp in gyifs, Or fcho war kiffit plane, Scho leir be japit thryifs: I fall not faid agane. So 364 TO THE DERISIOUN OF WAN TO UN WEMEN Moir gentricc is to jott Vndir anc filkin goun, Nor ane quhyt pittecott, And reddyar ay boun ; The denkcft founeft doun, 85 The fareft but refrane, The gayeft gritteft loun : I fall not faid agane. The moir degeft and grave, The grydiar to grip it; go The nyccft to reffave Vpoun the nynnis will nip it; The quhyticfl^ will quhip it, And nocht hir hurdeis hane; The lefs the lerger hippit: ge I fall not faid agane. Loe, ladeis ! gif this bie, . Ane gud counfale I geif yow. To faivc your honeftie, Fra fl