LIBRARY University of California. / v* ty Class ^f^^ GA€^^ B 4^ Cl)e CuDor iFacsimtle %txts 3Lu6t^ 3(utientu0 By R. WEVER i I Date of First Known Edition, f. 1540 j Reproduced in Facsimile, ^9^7 \ Xu6t^ Juventus * Under the Supervision and Editorship of JOHN S. FARMER By RICHARD WEVER AN HITHERTO (1906) UNRECORDED EDITION Issued for Subscribers by T. C. & E. C. JACK, 16 HENRIETTA STREET LONDON, W.C. : AND EDINBURGH MCMVII IE ){ ^U0tg 3fu^fntu0 By RICHARD WEVER This editmi of " Lusty yuventus " was apparently unknown to Lowndes^ Halliwell, Hazlitt^ and other bibliographers. It formed part of what is known as ^'' the Irish find 19/^1906." The original realised f^\\o when sold at Sothebys, the purchasers being the Trustees of the British Museum. The press mark in the Catalogue is C 34, i. 2. Other impressions were issued by W. Copland [B.M. C 34, e. 39) and Abraham Vele [Bodley)^ all editions varying. luftp 3uttentus> Klpiiclp tttfcttbingtljefcaUtpe ofpoutfj: of natute,p;one to bice: bp grace aut) gooD couurapllifcapnc^ able to tactile* f;^l;e namc^ of tl^e plapertf . * 3^ ^(BooDCounfelU -^ <[^at|)ant5eDrw(lL iri^ppoccifp, rfelotoOlip- I iT^ibljoinfnaMelpulng. f ■ |i;<^oli?{wercffuHpjomIl be. f;c0pue ijpm no liberty) inrowti) moi W foH^ eiccnfe, ©otiocDotoneljiiJ ncck,mit>fecfpc}jtmin gooD aU;c, Ktcaft tje be aybburne,no labour refufe, t2:o trapne i^trtt tt) t»tret]KKne,^nD tcaclj iHtn 6cD$ labo jfotpoirtI)i0frapIeanDeafptobtato, }5i0x^ct to gooDneu, bp jftatjurelpipH: tiDljat 0atuce Ijati) itigra6el)4$ t^atb tq lipll |[^euertljel?s in poi#^n ma? be bed •Ctapncb to bertue by g^Wf «ieaa ^tcemapbe fo uio^tij^anDro ^ippird, Cljat it ftal not bieabe fo^ttj,pet fmott toill remaine: %^ in tl;tg CnterluDe b^ pmit|),paUli&aIl fee plaine: jFcombi0luabpf9pJi.CQiinfel,b>ouia;bttDgot)lpc6uct 3nb ffioatlprftrwftfl^lcsnalwre^iiielraation (fation CCl)e enenip of iiiahfeinD.&atlian tbttiugtj f^tpocciff Japneb oac|M)fen.bolp.nes^af ttians^ blrnb entent foirafeiha^6tj5^too^lJ4?)atUAbetbtfertj^ 3$ bwm\)t to ftUJiJ3©ip4nbbnQ:ractaw]e( companp: 12:0 abbotmnaTjiripUitfjJititti^teW;^^ 3nb fo tot)erperatioh,if ffobfrcDttnfel toetc not fenf from (Boti.tbat in troume Dot!) no man fo^fake, -Cbatbctlj call.anb ttuftinljpmfoi Cbjtfte^ fafte* ICf niallp,poiit!) bp ^sbiS fpecialsraee, 13otli earnefilP repeut Insfabljominable butng: 23p tijc poctrine ofipo^ cQimreli,aiib to ])i» folace e0oD|5 ( 3 \ !^e belcuetl) atiD f slotoet^ to ijt)2f gCEatcmifQlacloti, :iliUtl;cfc pa«0 pc dmlfcc bjieftp piate!)risr»ttietr faQjiori ■.: *' Tinging a^ fotoiwcti^j '- j iS a !^ccbet gcene,a ftccpe t»t>crra[jj? f lar, ^ Cljc bpiDejjfang fbaecte in t\)z m^im$ of tl;e bap 3 ba^ameb fad of mp^tl) ati!t plap 31n poutlj t$ pleafucr,in pouti; tgplcaftice, ^^e tljotigftt n^ % \mmti m to aaS) f w. If ^nD from^l^ compani> % conU) mitgdg f ButtoUrnlitoafteb^tDatnotftt,. . I J|tt po^ 13 plcarutc,ii¥|)(Outt) tjs ple^ure. f ^fCUetfoio tup Ijatt ijB^fur^ly pp^, E iSDflbcr alone £a|?4ucafigl)r^iMr ..:mu^ 'm\)ic^ isi m m ^nb ipimi^ftslot^ 3 n poutt) 10 pU»fure,tn jaottfcft iiB pieaTnte. iftmftf* Cl^uftp tuueniti^ msPttttt^ t)e rpeahet^« 3 ambifapopnteb.bp tbtw'effeb ma^, I 3ijabt!)otigi)tto|)anefaunbti)emaia&ingso0bel)cre I J5at nob) tt)ep are gone to fome reciete ptace« ISDel) fetngtljapare giMicJ Do not greatlp paffo j ltnbti)er^nnc3tBill)0lDetljn»aBimicbi iw ... ^etngtbeptia^epzomife) anbliifepcnottt^etttietl)^* lUDUat (]^al3 bo nob topnn abaap ttjebap 3$ t^ereaupmaaber^tl^at^Uigotogame* 3t tofjatfoeuetpe totlplapi>r Co malie one,3 am reabp to tl;e famr: goutf) fulof pleafurc i$ mp ptopcr name Co be alon0 i$ not mp appetite. ifo^of altl)ingj5{tnt^t»oWbJ loue mercp companp, ^ffl)l>o bnot»ett) bo^rc W w\a ^mmu^ ^ I- V ai.ii. fiypo mv coitipamonis m atit 5 fenote rtftfet toel!, '^hfVDo iJOt mtW tolJPlc tt» a cozner fit: SBaainft anotljer t^me tl)er ^mt taisgt)t me twpt 3) belDietjj tljcir Ijactcja; fot fcnung me tl;i^. 1 toiUgo feebe tljemM^etljer 31 tJPt oimpfTc. C^cce entcctt) gooUtoimfeU. tEo t»l)ompoutlj be fpcaUctt?. M>el! 3 met fatl)er,tx)eU 3 met, 5?>iDpon tjeareanp minOrelj^ plap, 3$ pou ciime l)ett>cti»acD Dpon pouctoap, 31lnD if pou Di^ 3 pzap pou tiorfte me tljettjcc , , fox 3 am going to'feeHe tl)em,anU in f ait|> 3 bnoto n<^ .; C^^oolJconnfelU ^ (toljetljrr fept 3 toil! af be von a queftion brroar f auour »l)atboulD pou U)ttl>t()einin(lreWDor / j[3utienttijS* 0ot5ingbuf baue aDaunce oz ttoo, Capafli t{)e tpme ahjap 111 ple«fute4 |[6iooBcDuncelI» ' 3f ttjat be t^e mattet,3 Ptomife poll fUre, 3 am tUe moi^e fozper tl)at it ffioulti f be, foit^tu te nofucbpaiItngtl)ettmeapiwinfebmt6t 0oipettl)eeimtoit0otb notagree. (fccipture 3 topflje tbat pe bcioulb fo bfe pont libertfe, 'Co toalbe ass pou ate bounb to bo, 3iccozbiagto tbebocatio t»bicb gobj^att) callebpou to, C;3uuentH0. '^h? fp^ate poll angrp becaufe 3 fjauefpoften fo %tl)emaiij it ijj alone fojmpappetp. > C^^oob eoiiifelL S^^bomepourname 3 PWpoH^arfelp* SInb tlien 1 boiU mp minbrijcp^e^;. \ f r T-C ^p name isi callein|uuentu<5 noutiej^' feap txjftat pou toill jtotl gene pou ti)e tieactng^ C pot! of notWif ;iKnro,t)i0 otx>nttkene0,bp fptntnail tllununatton, 3tt?not mectetljatpelboult^leaDcpoucipmng^ Contcarp to bt;s^ goT^lpOetennttiacion* $5>aintt jBAul bnto ^ epUefians gcuetlj gooD t jcto^f a^ S^apmji^to aihrcitctirpertfpjteDemingtBettme, (ctoti "€1)^1%^ to rpenO it toeU>anOnottoU)ic&eDnej3 enclpne. 0o,no,l)arDlp none of mpne^ 31^ 31 toouiD Hue fo flrat$t)ttpou miglif count me a foole Ttet ttjem heepe t^ort ruleia!,t»t)icl) are Uoctoutsf Dtutne. :$cip fymt beqe i)|QUQ;i}tt?paUtl)ep?t)apej3i tnfroole. C<^oo^ counfelL ^Dpfeje( in t^je lato t%^oxHtp W people, 3E0tut[)cboQbeof)^eutronompIjeDott)platnIp bo^ite ^bat tbep Q)oulb ipue obeDient anl» tbanltefulU Jf 01 in eS^ect (l^efe too^beie; t)e Dotlj refttet • 3511 pe tW DapftanD befo3ietbe)loi;D0 fpgfif 25ot!) ptincej(,tuleri9(,elberj5 anb parenfe^, Ctjilb3;entotue)ai,pongauDolbet!;erfojeobep!jt;a(com^ C3lunentK0. (umimbement^ 31 amto poug to bobetjftanbbtiS bocumenfiS [ )X^\lztloit DiD all tlft^ llanb befo^ W piefence;* i tCo entet toitlj rOt elg? C50t> toil t»it jQ^a W i ^^^/ * > -^^ ^ ]^p;3; tuercp from pG«,p?oin^fea tn !jigJ^ttt«ta«ni/>' ^ fox ejEceptpou ipue UiiOcf i;ijEJ tUtiitnct"m^^^tr l^oU) can pou ceceuettje tttmntes ofW t^flmwnt^ :f oite tt;at fubmittetbljpmfdfetobea f^riiarti^f, Sab ijis mailers cotfmuU^met ti)tl naefiiffill i«)^ wga«^, 3ccd^lsirtg8$ ije |)atl) Ddn<^,i^ U>j^tln<|ip)8^ cetcWiOJt ^ 3f <33: as^ f nie a (npin^mmt J |>iat6i :So} Hf mp uut^ pout rotmrnmi^ficm 1 Ul^ tocm^^r^ #p name 1$ calleD 900^ cd^fint <5ootrcouBfel Bote i» mj)«l4ptl) 3 (rj? pou mm?, 3 am fo^p tl^af 3 ftatte p0ttlj;tt^ offi^itt^lS, 23ut 3 pjap pou biiretsitl) me i^rtenSp, 3inD mp mtffc DeljattiDur ffl^be am^rttJeD, 3 feriotd mp tmt 3 ftaae cuHelp fpcnUcU, *olotx)ttig mp o\»iie luft^ije^ng; leD tp rgnoiaunce , a5ut noiaj 3 ftdpe of ietterifenatDleDge tt)io'ugl) ponia^ ^... Cd^olJidUnfelF. (iqiuapiitaunnr/ 3 p;ap goD guiDe mwit^i m immi^ affmanje?, mnto y kno\i)m$ofmttm^voin igtiozance (oDnUo Cbat poumapijioae of tftefc numb^eDcbimtania; M^^tcl) foiotum; fbe lambctDfeettjer Ue Itotft go, f fee lambe3efu^ C!jiti8,mp meaning ti5 fb, m Hire fauij gt conf tbence,in W MUt Deatlj ^ palKoti. tiDtje Clje onelppjice ofout^m)tnr^ faluacton. $aD «0ij» 31 piapepDuftetocmepom; almiftiireuf. i^o ix) 3 map lj>ue tn ti)ts; mp ijocattoB, 9ciio^Bi|n3 to !^0$ totli mt c&minaunlicment C^oD counfell. : Jb*;» of all it fe( tnoft e^pcDtcnt. %b(it pouejceccpfe pouc letfe in tontinual pjapcr , tljat it mt(i;l)t ifienUtl^e t*e%}^omnipoUnt, to renObtitqiiou biK t^lp fpisitatilicomfoiten W\)u^ b)ti feaDe pOftNtoDftliap tttD|)outr> tmnto tije fcttoiDiel) it^y^ii lootbt anUbcdf p , W^ntin poumap team^tolpiir Qto(lclmftian{p« €> ^l^o^t) graunt tue.o&ti^iiafitii(c in^rcp, tlDbettue bnotolel^eft)UDj5eof ©fll»,aitD lMX!ttp8atiD |>ete be^ , 3|e ti^come notw to fatiffppour tm>DDe, 0)in^> , 3n>Tboltt6pogei9!*o|)iift> pou twin Defpj^, Ctit^oie tagfltliet tetbisi app^ocl) Ijim mttt |£3UMetttMj5* 311 Uooticounfeiittoto it Dotli^ppeore 1 ii^n>;^: • ilsnotPlftige, ."■^ t. ^ __- — — ^ 0ob^ tlje^Lo^bbleffe poual t»itl; ^i^ ^eauenlpbenc^ 3lnOtx)mji)t;a(fperj>louepout!jnrris inflame (tJtctioti tlDbat of t)t3 memf ull pjomtfe^ pou map Ijmt p ftuitto cue fubtUtpjOttljeDeupl Utterly to defame: 0Qiy} gooD cl)ti(lmn auDience, 3 txHll f jcpic^e^ mp name •^^t^e (tue linot)aIcl)g of goDjs: l)ci:itp,mp imr Dotb Ijtgtjt M)t)om (SoD tjatij appointer),to geuc ^ bUnD tjjeic ftgbt <[n3 toilberobolDbppourDelpberatton. ^0 open mp min\)t bnto po a nobo, ^nittrng tbat bp pour goob eicbottacf on. 3 ftai!learnetboretbingetf,tobtcb3lneuerhnei»? . <€W one tbtugcbieflp 3 tooulb learne of pou, i^otD 3 map mp life In tW mpbocacion leabe^ acco^blng a» ©ob batb o^bepneb m\^ becceebe, C^notDlebgc. trbe ptopbet Bautb faitb :fbaf tbeman i& blelfeli, HDbicb botlj e^erc ife bimfelfe in tbe lato of tbe )Lo jb» 3lnb Dot b net foloto t})t t)nt> of t^e tofcfeeb, 3Ei8( tbe fpzft pfalme botb plalnlp acco^b: tfbc fourefcoje ^.jcttj»pralmr tliereiwtobotlj accojb. $le(r^O v_ ?..s*-. 25le(reD ifi t^t tnnn b)t)om tl)outfditt)ea,€> HLoiD taith ^0 leaxntthv latx) p^eceptjS,tD02D o^ beci>t? ^ (be 3lnD CI) ji» in ttje (Sofpel fattlj mantfemp, JDleiTeD t^ be totjtct) tjf arett) ^ toozD of goD ^ fecpcf ft if, 'Cljatt0tobcleuc6t$ too^D,ant) liucaccoiDiiiglp 3©eclanng tlje faitlj bp tfte fmitejai of tbe fpint jEDftote tnit0 ace tl)ere,ais(.r«)aaui to f (5ala.Doti) tiatife ]Loue,top, peace,longfuflfrmg, aiibfattbfulne^s i^eiieneis,poDnciQ(,tetnpecance ano gcatiincsf. C^oob coimfelL iSptfjefetootDesl Uotjtclj biito pou fjeUotljetpaelTe, l^e teacljetl) t^at pou ou$t)t to ^aite a (leDf aft f apt|)^ M)it[)outrt itli3iimpo!tibl0l>0utlej0f, ^0 plcare(^oD,a$ramr^auiraprii: M)t;ccefaptl) t0 i!ot,goblplpuing;becatett), :Joib3l)atfocuertiS notof faitl),faitlj S.\^ml ii fpnne, :^ut ijol^ere a perftte fattt) t^,tbet;$ tie; gooD biKitittng 3t feemetl) to me ti)dtt!|tiS pout meaning, ^^&t^\^i 3 obfecue goOjS comaubement^^ f \i)OtH ^Ijep (ball p^uatle bnto me notbing, (of c^arptp ejxtpt 3 beleue to be faueDtbetbp. C^notolebge. il^o,no,pt)u arebecepueb beep blpnblp, foj^faptl; in CftuSejBJ merited botft onelptnftpfp, 3lnb make b^i; r'tgbteoujB( ttt gob^ ftg^t. DDbp (l)oulb 3 tb^ft in (5ooD biojt&ejSiieligbf > S)eing 3 ©all not be rauebb^ tljem:^ C(23oobcoun£ell. 23ecftufe tftep are tequireb of al ct»2taian me n, 3Uf the nmffarp frntte^ of true repentalmce^ I ^ ©4; > 23UC r~ 30 geuen W t\^iouq\) fattft tot €\)iifttfi Dcfetumgc? aj^.f j^auleDrclaretlj urdp tl^at 3 toillf rom tbe bottom of mp Ijarf. 3&n^ 3 tbal^e p Uutng (i5ob boljicb ijatb gru^ me ^ bno^ ^0 hnm l^igboctrinr fro i^t falfe 9 peruarte (!« bjie 31 '-"] / 'T^W,!HJ^J(-Mi«#jiiJ.ii-«W-'"*K-r'SF-! 3lnD tbat t)e Ijatt) made me partaker ot ttje t)eauenlp (tt fl>fl)i;6;oiiemei:cpauD notof mpijefecumg (Rentage ifoiljell 3 l)aueDefenieD bp mp fpnfuUtootfetng. 31 ^noto rtgljt t»eu mp elDeciS anD pacenteio; l^aue ofa ion^ tpme Deceiuel) be^ Witl) blpnO l;ipoci:ifp anD fupecftioujal enf cnteisf, iCiuftpng in tl)ept ot»ntx)o:feefl;,tx)ljtcl)i$ notljing buf d;eir ftcpDCiSftailnotberolotoeDCoime, . (bamt? 'C^etfo^ie 3 p:ap pou (fteto me a bjiicfe conclufpon, }$m 3 ougljt to Ipac in c|^ii8ian relijion. C^nobDleOse, %])t ftcdbcgmning of totfb6,ai3 ra(t|j efjeboife Salo^ 3fi to Tearc (S^oD tottl) al tl;p |)art anD potoci (mon Inb tben ^ nnia beleue ai ttn ptointfe ttout anp ejrcep 3Bnli ^e totii^erfoime tlje bot^ conftUnt ^ fare (tton 3inD tben becaufe l)C t$ t6p onip fautouc ^ Ct)on muQ ioue tjim b[}ttij ailt^pfoule anD minU Snb tt)p netgljboui: as; tt^p feife , becaufe !)e {jatb fo af^ C3«u^ntu]0:. (fpnbe, tD) Ioue mp net^l^boiit a$ mp relfe,3 canot be to ^nD 3 p;ap pon tell me,bol?at meane pou. C^notDlebge. ^p meaning; ijs? a0 Cijtrft naitt) m tbe«bf .d^ap.^afl^ ^0 Do to bim n^ pou bDoidD be Done to* C3uueHCu$. 3 PW (25oD geue me ^tace Co f o? to Do ^!;at bnto tjijS )»iU3 map be obeDient 4£(25ooDcounreU. l^ecepou aallteeeaue €W^^ teftament %o comfort pour coafcience toben neeDe ftal! teqwpte, 'Co leacnett^econtente^ttjerof,feet!jatpoube Diligent ^t;e iQpt'tctI ^(|^}(art irijsf juoft puOTuig trrafure 3itiD tt)en pourgoDlp ejcatnple Q)aUot|)er men ptocure Co leatne auDe^fercpfe t|)e fame alfo 3 P^ap o rrmapne: jfoz tu tl)isi booke 3 fee mantfed anD plaine 'C^atljetbatfo!otx)etbl)f$ otjonelufte^ ^ unaginacioti l^epetb tlje rea(Dp pat^ to euetlafttng Dampnatton 3(iuD be tl)at leaDet^ a goDip conuerfacton ^l)a!i be bjougljtto fttcb QUietnejE(,top anD peace, W\)k\) in companifon pafl^etb all too?lDlp glottiatton ySDtiiti) cannot enDure,but ftojtt^' ceafc Bot!^ U)e tittie^tiD l>oure 3 map note ble;ef, '§\lHt3\yitlijoit^fmftit^n(5otA:oumi 'Co b jf ns me (o tit knotektigc of titt fjeauenlp feofpd Cljf jsf pow t ptofelfion J [M berp t»ell. fto tt)at poll etttenDto ipue ncco^Otng 31 ptap (BoO pour Uutng Do not rcbell 25ut eucr agree t?nto pour raping Ci^at )x)t)en pr^ai make acountef tijtiB talent,t»l)icUpouiaue recetueD poumap beotieof ttiofe ,U}ttt)tBi)om t^z %o%Xi Q)dlbe C^o<>t^ f ouiiri^n* (pleafeb jfoj tbi2( conuerfacio of pout^,^ \o%f^^ mame be p;afeb )tet bjQ> nob9 Depart foi a feafon C^tt C*^nob3leDge, Co gene ©ob flje glozp it tjs conuenientanb reafott, ^CpoutQtilbepart>3b9tllnottarp* c^tt C3uuentujE(, ' 3lnb 3 toil neuer f oifake pour eo mpanp ]8)l)ile 3 ipue iatl)tjE( boo^lb. C^eare entretti tlie 2^euill. ^l)o|)dlUoldte 3trob3tt)t$ gearet)Dilcometonaugi}f JFo^ 3 percetue mp pob:>^e bot^ abate jToi^ alttie policp t^at euer 3 liaue b[}^oug^t !fi^anp anb funbtp tDapejSjjaue 3 fought, ^0 tiaue t[)e boo^b of (Bob belubeb bttenp> ;^l) foit fof ob9 pet it U)ill not be. 3 baue bone ttje beft tftat 3 can. 3lnb mp mpniflerjs aifo in euerp place, Corooteitcleanetromtbeljartofman, • 21nb pet fot a!l tUat it ft oMffietl) a pace: 3 am fo;e in hicWe to fteto rap face , ^p aucto^itp anb i»o:feefi at e fo greatlp bpfpife!!, g»^3nuenti9nj5,anbaUtl)ateuer3t)a«ebeuifeb :t3.iii. S^p I 1 C|iat mp tdiimtion Dotti tt^ujs Deci^, ttie oiOe people t^ep ti)oulD Deleue ttU {n mp Intor^ Biir ttje ponder ro^t (eaUe ti^cm a contcacp toap tl;ep U)pl not bclewe t^ep plaitilp fap^ 3 n olOe traOtttons and tnaDe bp metii i^in ttiep )»filmea;g( tije fcciptuce teacbetl) tlirm. ^ut 3 ctp Ijpon tl;em,t^ap Do me open t» jong, to Ming up t^mcbmi^n tijm in kno)»!eOg;e, f o^if ttjep U)il not foloto mp tDate$ toljc tljep are pon$ 3|t tja; Ijart) turmng tt)em totien ti^epcome to di^e: 3 muQ: nthc^ f mD fonie meane^s tfjt lai niattcc to ftooaset 3)mcanetotiu:nct()etrl)attisfi;omti)e fcriptur^ Qutte« lUDelJ mtlgotaneto enfeet tljts^poutU CUtcust; tlje enticement oCtnp fonn^t^ppoerpfte, 3lnbtt)o;be romepitopertearetoSop^i$moutt)3 C^at t)e !nap lea^e btjs life carnaiip: 3 f)aD neuet rno^ neDe mp matterjs: to appip, £>l) mp cl)tlD t)^pocnrp,t]Dt)ei:e art t^ou 3 ct^arge tbee ot mp bieOTtng;. appear? befo^ me notxi? £)y o!) qtioD i)a,keepe asatne t^e foto, ^f^ett ent»etl)i^ppocttfp, 3 come ais taft a^ 3 can,3 toarrant pou, W^ttz i^ 1)0 eijat tjatj? tjbe fot»c to felt, 3 U)ti geue bpin monep if 3 ^^^^ t)^i^ ^tU > tut)etUer it be fotoe o^ t)og$e,3 Do not j2;reatlp care :f o; bpmp accupacton 3 ^in d butcf^ar . I&rupll* ^|i mp ci)pibe i|ot» Doeft tt^ou fare;' i§fip0crKp, S>amctp amen,t)Dl)o tjaue tee t^ere, 23p ti)t nm 3 topUbpe ttoneof tt^pteare. :•■{■ ^■aiiiii HDIjaf mp fonne,can(! tljou not tell, IDljo t0 t;ere,an^ toUat J amc a amtbpneotone father i&atfjan. I^ipocrifp, I3e pou fo fpt,31 crp pou m^rcp fljan: gou mqp fap3l am tiomelp anti lacbe lea rnf nff, tEoUfeettinptetljetjSUopceto a fotoejS groniiiff, ©ut 3 piap pou fteto me tlje caufe , anD U)bp %^nt pou calleD uie ^et^er fo ^aaelp. feeupH. ai^ipDatrp,3l ambnbonel^tferlp. I^ipocrtfp. ttttterlp bntJohe , nap Hop fter tarDlp, fo^ 3 mp felCe Do fenoto t|?e cotitrarp, 25p Daplp ejcpetirnce: 1^0 not 31 pet tapgne abtoaDe / 3ttD a$ long a0 ;| atn in t^t \x>ot% ^ou baue fome treafure anD fnbCtance* 3 fuppofe 3 baue bene t^t Rotoer, Jn fcttcng foiitb tftp latoeiJ anD pot»ei:, l)ttl)outanpDe!ap: :t3p tl)e maftc tf 3I baD not bpn> Cboubabd not ben boozt^ a jflaunDerjZ^ppn, 3lttbi!G!pi;erentDap« %])t fpme toere to Ions noto to Dedare> l^otD manp anDgreat tbe number are, WW\) bdue DecepueD bee: 3[lnD b^ougbt deane trom (5oD$ latoe, ^Hto tbp pobe anD at»e, 'Ct^^ougi) t^t enttcement ofmee* Jljaue • Jf]C'X %o graffe tt)p lators^ in ttje ^art of inani HDtjcce tl;ep oujW to be rcf ufc D: StinD 3 l;aue fo inmglcD gea, anb Uolp Ijoip tooob. l^olprbnne«(>ljrdp ©«IW, l^olp laocbet;^ anb Coulee, l^lp croucl^eiLanb adiie0> l^olpt)oobe]0(,t)olpca?pe!5, ' l^olp#ttei:0,l)olp batten, 3lnbl)c!pt)olpHn(u?ejE;» ♦ l^olpbapc$,l)olpfafttns;eiEJ, l|olptoucl)mg0, l)olptaftiiig?)i(, liotp b^oq^ anb Ug\)Uf^: a-— • ^lpt»atcrl)oIpb^eaDe, Co D^pue atoap fptttteis;, )^olp^e,t)olppalme« l^olpopie,^oipcreaine 3nD|iolpaQ)e0airo: ]@olpb^ouclje0>|)OIpritisetf: l^olpbneUns,t)Olprenrpn$e)S: ^nD a ^unD^ed trim ttnmg mo« l^olp ccoCfe^jtolp belled: l^olp ttlmtMolv itWVt i^f mine otx>n tnuencion: I^olp canDeii3)t;olp taper;e>: l^olp puxt\^cimnttfi,\)oip paperial: l|al) net pou a ijolp fonne;' jaeupll. ^lldiere ti)inge!a;jt»l)tc& tbou l)nfl Done ^p i)onoui; atiD latue0 ^ac^ matntaineDy I3ut noti),£DljalaMne ti)mg;ti$ begone :6p tbe toi^tci) mp btngDome iis gceatip Decaieb. J fiball ieafe al,3l am fo^te afi:apD> ejccept tfip lieIpe/3 ft ttoto rtglit plapne^ 3 (Hall neuef be able to recouevit agapne. (5obja; toojb ifi fo greatlp fpitong bp in pouti)^ Cbat tie iitle regarbeti) mp laU^eia; o; me, 1^ tt\ltt\) i)i0 paeenteia; t^at it m berp ttut\}, lint) tUatt^ep of long time tiauebeceiueb bt, ^t faitt) acco^btns to C|itifte0 beritp. 31lbts^boiRS<)Q(t^et»pHo2beranb frame, ^o^ti^inS ti)e SeQi b^itfi tUe luCtis; of tbe fame l^pdcrpfp, '^f?>'•^^*F^: 3 Tpia, tfierebesinneti; ti^e game, Wliat {^ IttuenfujS become fo fame? tcobeanetDgofpcleri' JDeupU. %$i fad ni 31 l>o mafeclje tiotumarce, l^e Ijat^j folotocD fo lonse t^e ftepiSi of sooti counft II tt)at bnolDleUge ant) lie togettici; Uort) Dtodl ib| to|)o i^ fo bufp in tuttTi^ place ajS poutli Co waUe ant) licrtate tlje uianif eft mni)*' 23ut^oi^tpoctprp if tt)oucoulD ftop})tiQ; tnoutl) %\)on (DoulOetl )»pn mp t?art foi^ euec, i^ipoccpfp, Mjat tooulD pou l)aue me to Do in t|)e matters S^^etx) me tl)eretn pour aDuirement J^euplI, 31 toouID l^aue tijee go incontinent 3nD txioit^e fome craft, f eate 0} poltcf , %o fet ^notoletige ant) bim at contrauerfp^ %m Ijiif companptbp felfe gteatlpDfe %\\ut<5ot^fi U)o;0 iie mapcleane abufe? i^opocrpfp* %t pour tequed H tvil not ref ufe to Do tt^at tt)tngtDUiclj in me Dott^lpft l3ouf?>enot,but31 topUejCCiire, in i tbofe tl)ingesa( tDl)icl) re totb platnip Denp . 2fnD3 toiUtjanDellmpmatterjSfQcraftejp,,, j . i, . , 'Ci)at frebecommetUtomangftate, <5oti$ b)o^?)e ant t)i;a^ lining (balbe cUane atftel^af f « Cbou Q)alt baue mp blelTing bo tb earip anD latfi, 3lnb becaufe tbou Q)alt all mp counfell kit epe tbon (baltcaUtbp namefrenbCNp. l^ipocrpfi>. ;t5p t^e mais it ifi a name fall mete* ^ 11- - - fo) mp ptopev ant) ftiitf able petnm* ideuti!. £>|i,fate l»ell fate m\\ tvip Tonne, j&peDe tt)p buftnejs , fo^ H mua S^e sone, I^tpoctpi>» " 3 txiatta nt pou,ut tne aione, 31 totU be tottb liuuentujg anone 3(nDtiiatrrct)ebet)oare. 3lnD Ij t»p$ if ljet»alke4iot (traislif, ;3t)oilibrerucl)aaepsl)ti . ia:tiat OiaU trap l^imin a fnare, l^oto Qiali 3 bluing; ebtjs geace ^fn pa^<« 3icantelnoU)b^tl)euiai$, l)Diit)Out ani^ mo^e abuiffmenf : 3) toil infect l)imboitbtiii»eb company, tolloreconuetrationCbalbero fieQ)lp, ff asAble f ouer ceme an innbiient i: ^ a: Cbiis toicfeeb felotoOltp, ig>ball t)im companp bepe, jfojato|)ple: ISnbtljgnJBtofllbtpnselni abl^ominnbleltuins* «v i^imfobeguple* aDitti iwojbeja; fapi« H tof U |)f m tpfr, Cellind; t^im of a 9t^\e npfe, }iDi)ic^ Q^all t^n fomeb^lrat modet 9b^ominable Ipuins t|)0usb Q»e be^ <|^lf De Qi^l too bt|)eti]oape0 fi ei 2Dutftet^fb»folotte. «ot^einpteafure> aifCecl)tfotonepl)anfefp: Jnbtnpwatfertoftamrp ^,. - u i^|)mattec3irap> S)omrtobat tmnl^fomelpt Cfjaf tlj?OHgl;toicfeeD relotoftip» lint) faire p^etenD ftietitiQlip* ^outi) ftaillpue carnallp* Cr uD dc l^ipocnfp ttuD gCf Cljou act a seoD DiuD^e > Corecuetl)e2DeupU: 3Ift!)ouffiou«3eftlpe anD lurfee, sunt) not intent) tbp teo^fec, '^Up ^aiSer Q)ouID Do eupU. CBoutij entretl). C^ipoctflf. X£)t?at ^amt ^onttTi m)eU3metbpmptT0Uti)t 3nt)U)^etl)erab[)apt' ^ouaretI)ela(tman iDt)pcl)lcalIeDoii, 3ft3oeacebptl)pi8!t)ap. ^e tbougi)t bp pour facet cTfrepe came tn place 3itQ)oulDbepou: 'Cberefoie3l)pDbpDe ifoi poucVommtng^,tl)ije( i^ ttue. C3«uefttuiai. Jfotpoutsenttene^ fp^ moftbarlelpj t|)atilie^oo But ^tt pe tnna i)olt) me fome tobat ejccufet), f r^ to mp rpmple knolx)leD9e J neuer bnebtre, 'Ctiat pou anil ^ tosetljet y»ere euer acquainteD. ^ But neuert^elefTe if poubo ittenetoct £)lb acQuaintaunce topU foonebe rememb^eb* 31^ if ^ttt) |»tm ifia: 31 poo^te manjii tale cannot not» be be a^D 3jb; in tpmeis pad. 3 crp pon metcpj toais; fame toftaj bolDc ^t^inbing; tl)at pout maaetflipp tooulD l^ot t)aue bpne fo flcaungr: 23u( notD 3 petceue ti)at p^omocfon Caufetlibottj man,maner)Jan^ faaion. ^reatlp ro? to c^aunge. C3«nenfujJ. ^ou ate to blame tt;u)S me to calenge, Jf 0^ 31 t})inU 3 am not be to^ tct)Fou tabe me fo). • l^opoctpfp. ^t0,3i bdue fcnotoeupou euetftnce poutoete bote pout a(je ijB( pet l?nbet a tto^e. SDbicb 31 can toel temember; 3W$,3[tx)iifl(pouanb3, ,^- ^anp a time 6aue bene full metpi '^pjnte}»ttt pong anti tenber; . C3luw^"tuja(. - tCben 3 pzap pe let bjs teafon no lenget, S^Utfp^ft flttebome. pomrnomtnacion. l^ipoctpfp. €)f mpnameto make beclatacion lODitboutanp bifftmulacton, Jamcallebftenblbip: aitbousl) J be fpmple anb tubeof facion pet bpUnag:eanbg;enetacpon. 3 dm npe fcin to pout maaet(bip> IVl^at fef- 31 am ^nh to ttt t^at pou be mecp, 25p iiip trouti) 3 b^^ aluiotl; i^ou (dt$6f , l^pioitge dbfettce i»?DU3^t out cUhtmij^i :t3p tlje maffr 3 loae pou fo tiartci;^^ Cbat t!)ere 10 none fo toeUome to mp companp J p^ap pou tea ttie,tDt)et^ecare pou sotng^ C3«wentw]Bt. d^p enfention IjS to ^tnttnpttmUni^ * J^ppocriff* apjeacbinsquotilie.t^agooDlttleone ^^'*'- :6p Ctizta^e totUiualiepouctp out of t^e tapnttinff 39f pou foloto \^tt InftrucHon fo f arip in tljt tminint, ♦^.> ^'jiiuenfujaf* full jreaflp J Do asi^o^e rin^ poiK ^kUt fapf n{, f oii^d Dott^e tifep encreaC^ muc^ liiine attti bice, C6er(c2e J p^appoi; ttitWimtr^oixtmennj^ng^ Sot 3j itUilit mt in Im^ fooltQ fnnmtfi. i^lpocrpfp. ^urelP)t|)ett pou are tf^e mo^e bnt^pfe^ Sou tiidp bmt a (t)p| t amontst 0: f Uetn ^o^ dtiH Q»a H^ljpdboulD noipoua^ teeS a^ otlj^rtnen^ tep M%foin\tW^ fpitSrpDoif]se0,3l bttertpdrteS t&emb 3 U)pll lieare no mo^e of poue \j^ithib communicatson* i^lpocrtfp, IBf 3 map be fo bol^e Up pour UcUberaciori Dljyat miiipoM Do at a pjteactjing;' C3w«cniu0c Itearne fotne tDbolfoine anDgoDlpf eacbing* €Mti)eirueinim(lerof Cbxtfte^ sofpeL %tx , tDfiaf 60 topli ftp f fetioto rig^f taeH; l^e toplt ra? t|)dt (Bon Ij5 a gooD mam ^e can mal^e t^im no bettet^anD rap tije bed lie mn. Cluuentun. 31 knob) t|;af ,buf boljat tijen;' Cbe mote tbat (Robs too^^b ija; p:cac!)eb anb tawgfjf %ht ttznttt tl)$ octanon i0 to hn tlninm men, cg|tf %o toitt^U tbeir finful ltuingB,bo(|j b^tcbeb bile 9 nau^ 3nb to repft (l)eir fo^met emi0,iGD$tcb ti;rp daue b)!;ou Cnifting bpCbl^iflejSbeatt; to bercbemeb '; >« (g^t 3lnb|iet^att||fia;botb,Q)alneuerbibsrcepueb* ^: .>' WtW fapb matter bocto^Uieurapb, % t|)e maule boe roud tiaue rou into tbf ptilpif, 3 piap poti be temembereb >anb cotter pour beab fo? in beebepouijaueneebe to beepeinpcurbt^i^ii ic.; 3aS>irrs,ba!)obooulb|>aaetbowgi;it it n^u z>\^ri 'a\:^- Ct)atpoutt)babbenefuci)aboelVearnebmanr ' Mt me fee pour po}tuis( gentle fp^ 3o|in: Ciuaentu?* ,i:ii 1^0 if iie; not a bool^e (ot fuel) ag pou (0 loo&e on ^ou ougbtfiot ^ ied t^itb ^obnr teSatnent. ^ipofrgTp. iiifii,! li!Dbatmatt»3l pzappoube content, jf ot 31 bo nothing eija; but Tap mp piiantafp 23ut vtt itpoii b)oulb bo after t|ip abuifement 3ntl)at matter pou ©oit!b not be fobnCp fcciasf not pour fatljera^ toelH^asmfba^jCf , .^u. • anb if ^e iab fapb tben a^e^pou ^ane noto bonfi • 3 b?iis )l3e ^ab mm lihz to ;na^r a bur ne« ^ it toeee muc|)[belt«r {0| me^bt n toretttrne if rom mp fait^ in €U^^ t^c ijxofeffion of btt tooiH • ^ M^et^Cf 3i tmnottcllj rtpeare bpc&oDg motfjer 23ut J tt^pn&e pou tjDtl i^aue ti)e one o jt t^z ot^n ]BD(i pou ioore al pour ftietiDeis ^ooD totU -^To continue in tljat opiRion atll:' Was t\)tte not 80 U)el learneD men befote ng notx^^ ^caidnD beter toj map rap to putt 3lnt)tl)eptaug:i?t tt)epon$erro:t of tt;e people ' ^p tbe elDerie( to taiie an eicample 3nD tf H ^t^ not ioite pou 8$ nature dot^ me l^inDe pou Qiould not bnot» fo mud; of mp mtnOe. CJuwentu^. Witt\fkt\x>m3i b^tterto be ignoiauntanb bl^nbe 3nD to be bampneb in i)eiifoMnffbelttp: 0p to learne goblp fenotolebge,t)Dbetm 3 (t>al fwb^ Cbe tig\)t pat|) tcap to etetnail teitcttpr f^tpocrifp, ^ "^^ ^ Canpoubenp,butr^tfojt mp p:omi3,bp ©oD 3 ftweare, CUet <0 no reuiebp but 3 mud neeDes go: :SDf mi» companions; t|)erc topllbc mo 3lnD 3! pzomtfeO ttjem bp goD^ grace 'Co meete tljem t^ere aja; eije fetmon ^nfi, ICl^ipocrpfp* f 01 once blearing pxomtfe Do not poupaltei ^al^e fome eiccure tlie matter to ceafe toljatt^aiietljeptoDor' 3nD pou anD J Wk J toote twbere, t»e tooulD be as mcrp ^^ ti^cce pea,anDmerrperto, C3Iuwcnfujai. 31 UooulD glaDipin pour companp go 26t{t itmp companion^ (DoulD c|)auncc to fers 'V ^dep tooulD repoiit full eupll bp me: 3nD peraDuenture it 3 toouID it bre> ^p compa np tl)ep tooulD deane refufe. CJ^Ipocrpfp, ttDl)at,ace tliofe felotoe^si focuriouii? 'Ct'at pour felfe pou cannot ejccufe^* 31 topU teact)e pou t()e matter to conuep Ido t»lbat pour obone ludcanD Tap aiBi tljep Tap. 3lnD pf pou be rep;oueD t»tti) pour otone afl^pnptp :(3pD tliem plucke t^t beame out of tliere ot»ne epe ^tjeolDe poppfb p^tefteiS mocbe anD Deij^pfe 3nD tt^e tgno^aunt people tbat bcleuc t^m ^f^f^ 2^.1. Ca n 1 CaUt!)empapiftejS4)itpoci;ift^,^ riopneg of ttje plowfilj | jf are out m matter ,anD tt)en gooti inmqfy - \ A,etiJOurbofeeatpourg;irDlebetpel>, 1 €>: eis in pour bofome t|iat Jje map be fppeD, | 3nb tl)f n tt tDpU be fatb botb toitl; pouti) anU nge gonticefelotofjatljanejcceiletuijncloletige j 3! eoiUD fo beare tijc bufflje, j CfjataiiacutDbeftuifije, I ^!;ateuerlDiD. - . .^; ■ Ott«enfu2?.. _^ . ^otr) bi? inp f routi) pen are mcielp bifpofeD j 7letb«3Jgot^tl)era0poiUljin?^ebefJ, i C^ipccrtfp. ^ l^oto tap ^oiuOjall toe go to bieaWaft ^ toUipougototfteppcfeafte, i €>ibptije made tff{>ou built be mpgefte I . 3t®allco8fl)eenoti)uig:i 5 Ijaue afurnp carDe in a place, tbattoiUbeace a tiune beiibcj^ti;e ace> S>|iepiitttte0ttoj»apa{ei . ' foitmj?commtng, . I IHnbittljou^iltipbbere^istoeUajeiJ, i tee 0)811 baue merp coinpanp ; . ; ^nb 1 boatta«ntt!)fe iimtl^nm not a ppe* j M)efl)aU|iaweapul)bitig, ] C3uuentu0* Bp tlje malTe tbat meate J loue aboue an rtpng: goumapbiata meabdiitt!jetobi)ttcbatel;a pubbpaj^ C^ipDccpfp* 3 pooje aptt fo;:a limnffnH ^^ t^ - 3mongeftpootenienbfettfe;G i wli»ii gi iuetua^le jrcacip toljece trcnftiip i$ l^e pzomifeD to uiete me \)tvt cate tbijS tpine 31 ^ctD;eU); Ijt^ IjarttUat ti)ij6; promts Doti; mi^ JnD tljen be pe fuce it ©all not be tmne* f Cjs; felotoffiip tl)at tt Qjalbe tbtne jfoi 3 Oaue tacpcD Ijere tlji5 tjoiue o; tteaine, anDil;i^ Ijoneft gentleman inuiffopanpijatij Ci^'iOtoftiip. (ben Co abiDe pour commiugtln^ tUing ts> plapne, 23p tbe tna$ if poucbtbc,3l ^tl be gone againct jfo^tnCaitt;frenOiip,gi !napraptot!jce, 31 ioae not to be tljete,iBl)ere cJiibetiJ br. glljipocrpfp. ^ ^ocSot)iefenQtoett),pouacea3^ftUofijoneftps •' 3]e( a marp bone i$ fnj of l)oonp« ■ ©ut firra 3! P^^^P row biD tbis getlcma toekcm jf Oi^e 1)10 Deftvou0 in pour ccmpanp to comei 3 tell pou \)c c0 a man of tlje tight inalung. Jnb one tljat batb excellent learntng; MW a:p^t)le be ^att) fuctiB boo^e, 'Cbattlje popill) pMeCl^ bare not on ^im looKe Hlji^ !$ a f elo to fo| tb^ mm^. 3 loue^imtlje better bp gol)ia»p|tectot»( bone^ gouare^attelp toeleome as J mm fap JfDailDerptepouoCbetteratnuarntannce tEbaf of ^our company be bolb 3 map im^^? HXUs^eif in mNtipe, .* ^" 3©,i;. tto w.-J Co t^o rou pledfare,^eu QioulD itfpnBt f oi Ijp tlje iiiaffe 3 louepou,boft tmtft ftart atiD initio, %o fap tlje fatne to pou,pour gentlene^i l)o tD me bitifie 3linD 3 ttankepouj^emipfoxpoacfeinDneis, l^pocrtfr. Dill pou fee f&tiB; acnblinans ft^ncneiS j'our gentelneia atiD pour f^piiDnejS 3 tljanfee l)pat)anD 3 tijatifee pou, ■ 3inD 3 tl;tnl?e,pf tbe tnitt) toecp foug!;f, "Cbe one baD,atfl} ti)t ot^^c naiigtit, Ifteuer a gooD 3 mafte (^oO a tjotoe, But pet felotwatp tel «ie onrtljing BtO pouitot fee Ktiebelfe tbt;ei motntngt' HlDe douldt)aue our b;el^efa(i,pcaet ntsl^t Q)e fapti 25ut (^1 ^atlj foa^egotten ttnoti},3 am a uatbe» l^er ptomife fljalbe petfoucmeD anb papb> So% 3 fpabe boitl) Ijec fpncctlietpme 3 tofe 28nb tfjen (be (olb me IjotD the matter goetlj: IlIDemudbeboit^berbettaeneepgbtanb nine, ^nb ttien^^er matftrra^ mtaerie; tail b^ at ti^ep^eact^inj OuuentuiSv 3 purpofeb mp felfe tljere to i)a«ebene, ©at tUt0 man piouofeeb me tot^e contrarp 3i»b tolb met|)at toe (boulb baiiemerpcompanp #etpquob hnMetmnnttWt butbemerp, fox tbet iiS fitcbra gpxleibobete as; tjoe gor - ^ ' ^ IiDi)icl) boilmabebis bemerp,b)t)ett)erboet]i^llo|ttD i^ipocrilpv ., ■•.:-^^^-r'^''* '-'f--' ^ 'Cfte grounb is f^ bettf riMatiebaftitl) ©ebotb go f 0} Q)e tQtl mal^e better t^i^^ittl^bP^Qi^^it^get Clietj %itn matip onttm teffft m jreftf bntim of tmatr^ ! ^0 br in l)cr compaup mpijart JiJ fft, g>J)c twpll come I)cr lelfe anone I fQi 31 tolD bee befozc toljere t^e taoul b ftanb, SriD tt)^n (beiapD Q)c taoulbbecbe b^^ l»t^^ t;er f^anbe C3wuentu0. ^otx)e bp tl)e maCTr 31 perceiue tl^at (be is a saliaunb ISD'pat b3pU (be ta^r pnpne^ to come fo^ bj3( bet^er^ ' ^ea 3 toarafif j^omtbeCo^e pon muQ be famiUci; 'i^ {^r e IDben (be commetbtn placfi goutnuflbetembitace, - ^ome bobatfiamromlp, )Lra(le (be tl^tnbetb baiinser> :3ecaure pouare ftraungerj Co cottfe in pour companp. C3luuentui3»* ^ea,bp @obs;foote tfint 3 tiopll be burp %tit^ 3 map Tap f o pou 31 can plap t^e knaue fecretlp C^bbom(tiabIelfuiri8* l^em,come atDap quiddpe) C^e bacfte bo^e i0 openeb 3 bare not tavrp, Come telob)(bIp come on a bi^ape . CWpocrpfp. Wl^nt bnltRobone lioneftp a faoo^ ^ou (ball not fto p0e#c&ob J fboeare. I^cre i;9(.none bur pour frenbeiEf ,pou not to frape. ait;^ou9$ t$[i9 tifannrge gentelmanbe|)erei J fmft in me (be b)pU tl)oa Ijaue fatb ppu toolD bfe no fuci) txiaton^ com^ BpDoss? piectons? boounb^a^f teoa^ fom l^oafon btllaiti 31 toill neuei eate meate t^at ©all bo uie goob, Cttl J\ ^aue cut t)ti]( Gie© bp $09$ p^eciou^ blooD. •Cell me 3 piap pou tojjo (t toa^j 3nb 3 iDpUhm tl)e knaue bp t|)e blelTeb ma^« C^&l'ominable. '^ulDejd^ fo; t!)atDonotponpn(re tljat t^^t^l) 31 tolbepoU'lDais; but f 01^ loue« C^ipoctpfp, S)be bpb not|)tng; elja; but pioue MI>betl;ei:alitletbtngb£rottlbpoumoue, •Cobeangrpaubfrette, IDbat anb if one bab rapbfo, A.ct fuclj triaing; matterie; gos 3inb be soob to mensi a^Q) lot ail tW, CiuwentujEf iiiCtetljabtjominableUuing. CofepCretjirfinceftecameJ fjeib eleancfotpl Sou are Welcome into mp companp. C3i!bl)omtnable &nl tljan'R^f oumoftliartelp, %pour i^inbne^ it botii appeare S»miclie finacfec anD all iW geace, Sou U30UID to ttche CacHe 3 Ceare, 5fpou!)al»ti>me. HIDellluantontDclI, 3 topHc 3 m\ fell, djaf fuel) rmocbe fmcl!, ' D^U ret pour nofe out of time. C^bomtnableluun^. WW man pou neebe not to fume, i&ein$ \}ci^ come (nto mp companp noto, !^et0a;e( txiell tueleomea^ tl)ebe(l ofpou. Snl) if ttipe in me to Do t)tm pleafure> l^^©all|)aue tt pou map be fure. Cf^lotwftpp. djen olb ncquaintace tie; cleane out of fauot^.r KLofcienbdJtp tl)is{gere goetb toitb a aeig;l)t l^e |)atl)Daiuen b^ ttoaine out of concette. Ctipoctifp. ' ^ut of concepte quott)ija,no,no, 3 bate boell Tap that (Be tbinUetl; not fo^ l^oto fap pou bnfenob)en fjoneftpe, 3^0 not pou loue feUob[)Q)ip anO me.** C^lbominablelpuins. ^eiS hv ti;e ^aflTe 3 loue pou all t|>|ee. :6ut pet hi beDe if 3 (HoulD fap tbe trout!;, mmonsea all otber taelcome iS^aiSet poutti *- C3uw^»fu0. jful $teatip 3 Do beiiglit to ^pflfe pour pieatant mbutli^ 3 am not able pour Itpnbnejai to recompence, 3 long to talhe vd pou recretlp,tl)erfo^e letbia; go benc^ 3 agree to tliat, fot3 booulb not fo} tbEietitp pence, \ MjafanD it tone hnowcn it mne no tiapip fpnnc aijs fot mp part 31 Oo not gceatlp care, S>oti3attijcpfpnDc not pour pzopetb!ittoclf?cjE( bare. (|[3libtjoimnable itmng;. 0o\X) a mifcbiefe bpon pou boto bauDp pc nee, 31 tvplTe trentliip tt moug;l)t baue bene fpolienatttDtfe E^i^at t^iiM pou to^ pour Taping; f people boti furuure C3""cntn;5. IDbo bare be fo bstbe b)3> to befpifef 3lnD itji niapbeareabnauefpeaheoneb^o^be, Ji U)plUunne ti)o;toU) bpia(cl)eel(C)e! U)ttt; nip Hvo^De. OeioboQitP' %^i^ iii an r arne^ leiotD of goDiS teoitb ^e 3 p^ap pQUjtioU) Ije is; btfpofeb to ftgijf . C31«Hcntuci. liDbp,tbou(b 31 not anO itmj? caufe be rtst)t Bbat,anD if a knaue bo me bespie:* ^W3 ftanbcrouctiiniXliM anob^le, 1^0 no,tben pou tnig\)t count me a berp cob3e, 3 hno\» tat^at belonsett) to sobis laU) afi boeli aji^ pou« Ciibgomtnablelpums* 9our h)it tl)eretn greatip 31 Oo aiobse, ifoz anb if J tnere a man a$ pou are> 3b3oulbnotfttcfte to gcue a blotoe, Co teacbe ot^er KnaueiS to beb)are, 3iibeajeb}epouttoireanb tf poubo rpare, Sutlap loabe on tl)etlea)e,b3batfGeuer befall fion tiaue ftrenatl; inoug* to bo it tMittj all. V^et bj( bepart,anb if tijat tve (ball, Come on miatm^m ttoai ne toil go before. JuuentUjS \i. ^ap, tia^, nip frteiUii 8op tUere 3it t^s not pdU tt)dt 0)^11 ijane i)ec aboat') ^lie tdail 96 tvttt) the,tf Qte go to Dar* *^ &l)etopHgotDttl)tioneofpou3l!t)arel»eUfoj?, ^!)( t»tl90 t»(ti)mebefo^epouUott)« C^^i)<^ tbung ozbatncbto bo l}i%kin^tf Ucpoittmetopo«irepo^( mcfopoa Bo not t\)c ftourc0 fp^ing f rctlj anb gapr l^leafantanti fb^eteintljemonrbof #at>r 3Bnb botren t\)eit time commetl) tljep babe atua^. iaepo|t me to pou,repo^te me to rou. ' aSe rtoftbe trees tn topntcr bate?^ tike bntoti^etrfeinbjfucl) tl)ep are, 3nb toi^entijep fpjinjtfjtit fruttejsJ bedarr ISle^dite me to poUftcfpbf t me to pou. Dbat 9iduib'pout|)bototti) tbe fruttus oCa^e, i^ttt liuetn pleafare tntljts paS^e, jfot tof^en age rommeti) t)te luftej^; toil! (boa^c. iS^epoite me to pou,repott me to pon. Cftepgofonttjj. IS)t)> Qiottni noC t^outS? MfpU t)t$ obme minbe ^ C^ere entcetfi (Sood counfetL ^ metcpf uH }Lo|0,tDl)0 tan ceafe to lament 5 fl)ikeepeUiJ5t)a>J^fw ftoulls be among tije pjofcffo^tf of tl)p tootD?' ^tDbieeniaps! man finoenotxi onefapt!)fttl ^ truftpf %^M i^ not infer f eD Ujitfj Diffention o^ Oirco^Of' ^jamongeatMiiDinare allbice^ abbojD btterlp:' €^ tolj^e is! t\)t bptiirrip iiue bettoene man ant) m«it UDe map lameiiti^e tpme our bice began. €> ^l;er iji ?be peace ^ me»5ene!^:lfinifuffrtn5 ^ f empe Alltel) are tljeftuitegi of (^alJ^bolpfptrirf (tance Will) tol;om 1«( tf)e ftefbb^ougbt bnOet obebience^ ;©: tobo r eaOetl; tfee fcrtpfure to tlie intent to folobo it W))Q bferl) not nolo couetoufnes^ antx Uif ceite?' Mjogeuetl) Co tfjepoou ttrat toljici) ia; Uctwe?' 3 tbinbe in tl)ia( tooilO tljere be noto but a f etoe. €> tJDbec 10 tl;e goblp ejcample f parentis; CboulO %t\xi . tinto ttieir poun? famtip bp goblp ^ bertuouie; ipum8<' W 3lll0j3{!)ob3U)irkel)lpbott)eptbemfeUiej5lptte»- .< ^ HDitljout anpfear of (5ob,oi bi^ tigWrnti tlueatninc |r\ -Cbep \^ut no refpect bnto tbe bieabf nl rect^omngt ^; mw^ (balbe reqnireb of bjK lol)en t\jt%n^ Qial comi 30arpgbtfull3lubgeaf tbebapof borne. jaDtobatatopfnH figbttoajai itfoitofee, . .- j^ ,, UDben poutb be$an^b)e( too^ to rmbtacec tciieni^lilomifH^gobtp^no^lebsi Mbimrtr ^ '"^^ .; : Cl^at HW M our indructti^tt ^t tooulb ne»et fame hisi fuct idut notD ^e balUetl;,alai9, in tt)e t^n^oDlpe^ ())are, l^cdpitt9:rtnne Upon Ctnne,Dtce t)pon Dice, )^rt^(itUuet()mo(ll)tisoDlpit0countcbmofttopre. ' C^ere eHtcetl)3|iiucntnU« l!li>l;ot0l)crcpiaptn(|atttjel)pce/ > 3! IjcarU one fpcsfte of fpnncisanO cpce> 1^10 tootOej5 DiOmc nittcc, ' ^, ]^tt()ertbcomc: C>le tljp mifetable eftatc. , ^ 'Ct)e ttcrtble plasue0,h)l)ict) tn ^ob^ \mt ace tD^tteti l^angouectljpbcaOboffjearlpanDlatc: -^ • i^fLtWv capetntte,ftubt)ncne anb obftinaf e, tCbou baODedleuerfoiraHe Ct^xia tf)p (autont ^ l^nj, d;e» f i^p d eQilp ftoiniAlude^^ 9t ab^omiiiabU ltuing< C3mirntu0. . tlD!)atoibe]^ootron,aitt(}ouati)ibin3, *. 3tDmplapafppit,to^p©onlb3|not, ' ^ 3 fet not a mpte bp tbp checking, &)t)at ljaat|)ocieobo,anbif3! loofempcofe, • .i, 3 topll frill ffte boncji tol^tle 3 baue one grofr . 3nbtDl)entt)ereijBlnomotetnftetnt|)epfn^ ^ 3tx)pUmdlifa^iffai^U)eUa£(ott)ertnen. ' ; f;e beamed tn voiu otone epc? . f^Goobcounfeli €f)e t^etiell Ijatt) poii Dc crioeD to|>Uti i f autoi of 1^0 3ltnD trnpc pou tlJ t)JS^ fwa«^ •^ toicke ?) !)«poctp(r , 'CijerefoacailttjatcuetpouDotJemCf, ^ 3? to manttaine pout ftc ©ip ip tcttp. |[3uueHtiit)8. 3 iiietufpte l»t)p p8« DO tljn^ i;e wt me . JDiiermOol mp life a bufe?' l^oiir )»t)Oie eotttiecfatieii 31 ntapuoell acmfe? 3jS tn tn^ runfctence tuft ocoiCtDti 3 t>nDe. ^tjerfoie be tiotaffeuUeU,aU{>cu(jt> 3 e]cpi«»rae mtn^ ■^' - £3uue0tuja». ■ . 23p tt)e ttiafTe itt^m mmtmt^3 toil not bel)Cli[m]D» Co touci^e poua^ t»ett agapne. fo^tW t|)ing luoftclHfftpll^ocoiitplapnct l^aurpe uotpzofeflfeDii^efetio^t^Dgof Ct>;iile)S( gof^el 3[in0 i>et3 t^inbc tio ino^rHngbb^ne^e; i)ott^(atsne1N In anp b)tc%eD l^eai^en,€ttriie oMtifi^elU DUo can Deuift^tjatipnnc'o^t eupl, Sh> 'C^atpouptactplcnocftom Dapb bapt ^ea anb coiint it ndttsing but a tedot a pidp:' lla0,b)|)atli)dtitonne$ tctuainett) tnpottr Reft:? l^tx>be(^^ou!Bi ace pou^to a^erupiifl^pout otone txipH^ tx)}^nt pleaft^reanb beligfjti^auepottiii batcftebne^^*/ l^obp Diligent are poupour itKlejOt^lo futfpll rouMifepe toiU mptf ram^> _J r 'Cberefo^e iti baptte pou beare n €^%Utian$ nnniliT UcaDe tt)e«t).to tt)ej@alatt)tan0, anD tt^e r pe Q)dU f^e ^tjat tije fteft retjelletl) agapiift tije fpirite, ainD ttjat pour otun irfetsponr innanOftlt!)pabotnt nation 30OtfperifoU)itI;poutt)mcuerp cortgrcgntion^ %o fpeafeeof pjpDe,enup,ant) abominable ottjc^,., 1!C|)ep are tl)e common p^tactifed of roiUb) ^0 aDuaunce pour fle(b>F0u cut anb tag pour tlot^tH^ ^nb pet pou are a gtrcat (Bofpellcr tn tbe mout^, ISDbat 6)all 3 rap fo^ tljuio; blarpbeming t^e tf^f % topll (betD pou tobat ^apnt )^auie botti bectare, , %\\W cJptftle to tbe !5Pb^ue0,anb ttie.ic. cljapter. f oz bim faitli l^ctjobicbliotl) tDtUtng[1p fpnottonfi^f, 3fter \)t batt) tecntieb X\)t itnotblebge of t^e berttp , laemainetl) no moxe facrtftccbut a fearful lool^ing fot 9 a terrible fire ^ Dial confume ^ abuerfarp. (tubgm^ 3nb €W^ iaptt) tbat tbp5 blafptjemp, S>l;allneucrbeparDombno^fo?geuen . 3[ntl)tj5b[)0^:lD,no|tntbeb[}eilDtocome ' C3tttientu0* 3las(>ald]e(,tobatl)aue|boiou$titaub bbner^ l^er e in tW place 3 tDpti fail bob^ne befperate, Co affce fot mrrcp note J tinoto it i% to late C^ere luuentujS ipetfj bototie* 3lla$,ala0,t0at euer J t»a0 begat, 3 tooulb to (5ob H iiab nruer bene bo^tte,. 311 faptbfull men t^at brbolb tbiie( bof etc^e^ Ctatet * ^ap berp iuftlpiaug^ me to fco^e. 'Cbep map fap m^Xvixtt H liaue eupll fpeiit anbtbOf tie, ^^ujS in m^ f irO as^ to tootle vmt oum beOrtictioii^ V ^ I i<- i jini^ tttxnm 9tiintt li m^ pnttm^ po%tio% W\^^ ^outi) art tl^ou UAltn iato htti^nutiohf MDljat man pluchbptlip hart ant) rife, r^-^^--^ 3ltl)0ug:b tt)ou fee mtWz no\x>Mit t^v conl^empnatto ^et it mnp pleafe ^^i- 3»nb i^ija; merttf ull p^omifejai (ball ©o^^^ appeared ^ ^ 3b)onmbe!eueifjmtgbttbembeare> 'C ffl)itb ail m? b^tjpotDee anb minbe ; ^ -,**e .nrC<^oobcoiinfell ??t^m; CbeiminsdSoblmtbbimbetberaainbe: -k JMitobw be coiiimetbeiienbereb?,^^ imisvm n^w «-T!»KE, y^flMfr' %}^t iLojD bp W p|opt)et e^ec!)iel faietl; in XW ^^^^ ii^ tn tt)e.|:)C)Ciii.€ljaptec it Dotl) appere. (piainlp 23e conuerteD £) pe cUilD^en^anD turne but tne, 3[inD 3 Qiall retiieDp tlje caufe of pour Depactuce, 2lnO alfo t»e faitt^in t6e.jcbiii«cbapter> v v ^. J Do notoeltgititina rpnner0bratii, z^ut tl^at t)e $oul!^ ronurct 9 line t^u^ t|)e ito^t) Tait^* CJuucnluia;. %\)tx[ muft H (jeue neitbei creDtt nojt fattlj, B»to raiut ^duie$ rapins.toljict) tl)t0 man DiD akD^e C^oD^ meccifull piomtfriQ^. ^e^ pou nm(t ctebite tlj^ accoiHins bneo bnotolebse iQ% fatnt )daul Cpebetl) of t^ofc tD^tcl^ reftO f ttntl) bp 4lab fo enO t\)m Hue0 totttieut tepentannre* (btol&e ^IjUjS fainct 2^ulltne boil) tbern befinc, i> ^f bnto r!)e jTLo^bejg tootb poubo pour eareii encltne» 3lnb obfrtue tbofe tUtngs^tiDbteb t)e t)atticomtnaunbeb» %W rpnf uil date, in t$e bo^ic|) poutiaue lpne» &t)albe foisotten^anb neuer niourememb^cb, 3lnb €\)%\tt biin frlfe ix\ t\^ fiofpel W^ ptomifeb Z\)dX \)t b^^tct) in l)im bnfatneblp bott)beleue^ Bltboufft) \)t b)erebedb pet Q)al tie line. 'Cl;ere eomf ouablr Taping^ bott; me steatip mone ^0 ar ife f com tbi£^ toxetcl)eb place* C<^ob)S merciful p^nifrie;* f{i%\mW mercp fake ttiouQalt obtapne W sracf» 3lnb not fo^ tbine obon beferf eia;>tbi!S mull i^wx JUnobi f 0^ mp fake alone \)t 8ml receiue folace, r . f 0; mp fake alone,6e topU tbee mercp Qteb^ie i > 1!Dt)etefo?eto|)puia)3; iti0moGbet»e, eeuemo(lbA(tpttianbeie(>bntM>artbnfiipne^ r V^^ak name f 0; euetmo je be p^aifeb. r L Clie ptoDigall fonne 83 tn jflwulie toe cf eUc, tol>U^ iti Wioufi Uuing tjpjsf gooDljaB toafl:, 3d roone a$ tjis kutng ^e b<^^ remembieD ^ Ho conteflte IjtjS uoietct^clineiQ; be toa^ not n^^% tD^erfoxe ti^ fmpit loutngtp \)im cinbtaft , ainD twaja; ngljt topfHl tl)c rcte faptl) plapnc, i^tmft W ^oi^ne tua^ retiuncti agapne* CJuuentiis. i©fiiinfu«fle©,tl)ppleafurej5 accbutbaine, i&otoej UwtiB it ttmM the fmptute Ootl) fapr 23toDe fi plcafaunt i% t\)t pHt\},t3$\}it^kUt\j bnto paine 3utbnto ttetnuW \itt,U\\\ natott) iis f i^e toai', l^e tt)at 10 notleD bP(l5ob!B( ^pirtt,ruret|^9oeti^ aftrat'i 3inD alUtjateuerijebotliQialbeclcaneab^oibe ^^• 3ltljou$^ i;e b^as fi boa neuer fo mttc!) of eoD0 to^;i €> rubtp!t&atan,fu|{ brcettftiU t^ tf)|^ fnarc, W^o in able tt^p falftob to t^tfclofer' 33D^at i$ j^l)e man ti^at tt^ouDoeOf auottr 0% fparr, ainb Doeft notlempt \fim tUtnnW to^e0 ro loofe;' 0ot one in tlje t»ot!t!,fute!p 3 ftip pore? Cljerfo^e liapppr ifi tfte man toliictj l)art> tti\}i^ boattc, 3ltome0 fo refute tt^pbecettfun anb craftp batte W\}tn 3 Ijab t{)0U5t)t to iiue moft clj;iacanf p, 3BnB folotoeb ti)e {lep0 of i^notolebge n goob counrelii l)lci? biton9t)t me cleane to abt^omtnable lining. Ct)U0 3 rap dMit^an DID meDifceauet 3nD tnzappeb me in fmne manp afolDe, tlDl^e (leppeje( of sooD cotmreU>3l tin fotfaike ant) ie(itie> in fi!) forgot tl;e ))3OzDe0 totjtc^ befou to me tjft tolD: "€1)1 fruiter of a true €\)iittm4n me toajceD coioe 3lototoeDmiti€ otionluftiettbefleQi J OtO nortame TUnt t)aO ti)f in Dk tfion.Miub tooulO not Do tj^e famey fet it l)att) pteaftD (5oD of \^i% enDleies mec c'p UDo geue mr tefptte mp ipCr tio amenbe^ f vmn tbe bottome of m^ iiact , J repent mi? iniquity 31 toilt toalbe in bpst latoaje; bnto ttif Hue$ enbe: jf rom W t>o(p otbinatmce 3 tstll neuec I tfccni l5ttttm> bertiolebeiis!)tOalbe tt) lime tijernni fitter Jv ab^oinns au f iitb^ne^s and fpn ne, .3iU Ct^Mft^n people>toijiclibe t^ce pjtfeiit i^ap learne bp me ^tpocrpiir to Imoto* HDitb t^ bobicb t|?e beitiU^ tt a popfoamoS pefttlenC SdaplpfelietbaUtnento otiertlij^otn: . Crebite not all t{)vti%t$ bnto tbe outbiarb tl^sbi, But trp tyem^ 6ob0 booib tiiatrquire $ rule mob in(t IKD^^ieii neusc beceueb tt^etn tl^at in ^im put tl;etr trud; )Utnotflattertng;frenb(iisp,no^petb9icfteb company ^erfbsabrpott tn no tDtfr<5ob0 too^b to abufe, i3tttreetbatpou (lanb SebfatHpbntott^eberitp, Sfib arco^bing to f rule tlierof^pour Doing; frame ^ bfe Iftept^er kt nbreb m% feloboQip (ball pou cjccufe Wbtn pou Q)aU appeare before tt)e iub^etnent feat l^utpour oU)n fecret confctence ibal tlif sene an aubife 9U pou t^at be pong,b)t)om 3 bo nob) ceptefent. ii r [ ftef pour l»elig:lirBoet^l^i? ^ rtglrfort Cb7 teari) ponr faimip, to t)o> nje; ^ou bauelionc, pourbol>tf$f(ibtm,tiifoberfu4)eii$t)tnotfnbanttp(bi; fai) not 3 anif 00 J OiatltuelongteSponr tm ftcit^ii 2^0 noteiicttne4ofpenDf ttme,tn txranton tape0 9 nU$ Jf 0^ ibleuejQ^ Dotl^ eitcreafe mitcl) ioDtcbrl>ti£0 anD bice* 3^0 notbelaptt)e ttmetan&fapmiien^N ndtnere f 0^ >35 $o:^t toarning ^ loi^Dj^: routingQiai fi^enlp apert C3o0 geuebi$ grace,t)t0ti)DtDtoeb^acf ^tolioctijerali^ t\)nt be ^ fameyl^tje; ^olp naitie,Htap be piafeD euer^ (ter |[(5oob counfelL obo let b0 inahe our fupplicattoii0 togetl^ee fox f piofperoujEf edaieof our nobie 9 bertuouie^ quene Ciiat in Ijer goblp p^oeebings fte map flUipeefrtier^ WWl) fceliet^tbe gto^p of gob aboue alt odjtr tl^ingy £) iLoib JnDue f^er tjart toit|) true bnberftanbtng, 3nb geue ^er a p^fpeeottiS lpfe,long oner t>0 to raine^ tB:ogouerne ^ rule^efpeopieajBatsoxtt^f remaunt. 3tro,!etb]SfptapfiBialfte nobiltfeof tJ^Ktrfttmc, 3inb namclp,fbi tl)ofeit»|«jm be r grace auctoittfedt -^0 niatntaine tije pnWtfee tor It!) oner bg atib tlje^it, tli:t)at tUep map fee W sracions actf pubiifte^ 3nt) tljej) being tnilp aOmomftfb, ©ptbec6mplaintoftl)l,ls5bieiarctotongfullpoppjett j #ap feffe a refotmation,anb fee it rrb;eft» . \ C^ottcounfcH, '?IDbenftaHtl)ijg(lanbeniop great quittnetfjf reft i i 3inb geue tjnto (Bob moftbertftptbanfeestliercfotet: ICatobom be |)ono^piapre anb gloti^f oi euctmotiei ifinis(» ^\x(^\> la, IDcuer^ ^ ^ 3mp?mtet)atIottDon bF ^oljn Zmm DVbtUmg in Utlt ffijitapnf ttrrtt toitjiout ;aiO(rrsiite. 14 DAY USE RETURN TO DESK FROM WHICH BORROWED LOAN DEPT. 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