Zhe tTubor jFacsimile tEeyts ^ f nnking §Iebbz fax fontron anb (Knglantr Made by Thomas Lodge . . . and Robert Greene 1594 Date of earliest known original edition {Devonshire) I594 Date of this edition 159^ [B.M.C. 34. i. 21] Reproduced in Facsimile , 19^4 Under the Supervision and Editorship of JOHN S. FARMER ottd0ii Httd England Made by Thomas Lodge . . . and Robert Greene 'I 1594 Issued for Subscribers by the Editor of THE TUDOR FACSIMILE TEXTS MCMXIV Wanhan anit C^nglanir Made by Thomas Lodge . . . and Robert Greene 1594 This play, staged by Lord Strangers company in March, 1 591-2 (Greene died Sept., 1592J was licensed for press in 1593-4. Hazlitt schedules copies of this edition as in the Devonshire, British Museum, and Bridgewater Libraries, &c. : only the Devonshire copy is indexed by Greg, and that was not available for reproduction. I had therefore to fall back on the B. M. copy of the 1598 edition, of which there are also two copies in Bodley. Other impressions appeared in 1602 and 1617. To Lodge has been assigned, in collaboration, several other plays, " with little or no reason " {says Dr. Sidney Lee in D.N.B. [q.v.]) This reprodux^tion from the original is satisfactory and faithfully done. JOHN S. FARMER. 2904--'^ ■ o LOOKING GlafTe, for London and Englande. Made by Thomas Lodge Gentleman, and R9hcrt Crttnf^ , 2i$ {^riihw iMd^iSffr. LONDON Printed by Thomas Crecde,and are to be foldc by William Barley, at his (hop ia Gracious ftrcctc. I 5 P 8. A Looking GhfTcj For London and England. Enfcrs ^4/JrikJngof jVwW,with three kings of C/f//«,^»v^r, and Paphlag0nia , fjrom the oueithiow oi lertho^my K in^ot Itrufalem, ~V iD pace ?c on frtmnptjonf Ujamcurs, Sj^abc VcniuLcmmoanno in al Ijis pomp, JiSail^ at ttjc bjigl)tnc(R ofrour Ijaror IcdI^cs, ifo;^out()e Viccro) c$ anDtl)e 2lm 3 not t)c tl)at rules great Kiniuic, KounDcD luit^ Lycas (Uucr flolDiiic ttrcamc5, ta^ofe Citie large Diametti c ontaincs, Cucn th:s Daies iournies Icngtl) fi:om luall to toil!, JCluo |)uno;ctlj gates caruco out of burnifljt b; allc, fit gto;ions as ttje po;totle of tt^e ^unnc, Sno fo3 to ocche ticaacns battlements luitt) p:iOf , &ir ^uno;eC^ Hotoers tbat toplelTc touc^ tl)c cIcuDfS : JLIjis vTitie is tl)e fctcfiojlc ofrour !img, ;a f nno;et^Lo;Ds Co tionour at mv i^XZy ^? (eeptir Oratnet^ bot^ t![)epo;alcls, Sni) noto to t'cnlargc tljc t)i8t}iicirc cfmr pctocr, 3 t)ane maOe ludras a^onarcb floe tt)e 6dD, ;anD be,at pjouo Icroboam from ^\i ^clos, Oamning fi:om Cades to Samai ia. A looking Glafle/or (IJreatrcvvncsdfJoBt&atfcilDftOUt Bcnhadab, iEciao j'.ot rebate t^e ftrengtl) tliat Kafni b^oagljt, if o; be Yjt (Sod in !jcaucn,vct ^Hicerc^s biioi^ llafni K ^0 on f nrt^ anD none bnt Ijc. Ocilia. SflcRtlvH^apr/catarebpnatureBfbflt paffing m beantie fetre Endymions, Eliat Luna tD;apt tott^ ^k fnotop b;ctt«, fi); t|ia( (bjcci be^ tl)af tojougtjt b;tfi^f Venusbane, SDrarulfopoc bnto a pittplc Hiacymh, 3if bcautic Nunpar#ilc in ncccUencCt C^ap mafee a Jiitig mntct) toit^ tbc (SJotg m grer, Kafni is (Sod on eartlj.anu none bnt ^a. Greet. 3[f m?.rtiaU Ia»!»es U\:apt in a ctoub of tDorn $i9o;c fierce tlicn Mars^lig^etb Uo^is q?e0 J&parbling rtuenge ano n^^e uilparagctnent x afoougljtie cades mo^c Ijaug^tic tljcn an^ cent, ^?alD Ivttt) tOe fmile of fbatune anD of fate, i^fitc()If ffe to manage ilance anD Cortclcr^ gf fuel) Ijigl) actions graci) toit^ tietoaics^ S^a^ mahc a Hung mate!) teittj t^c <25ods in gra, Kafni is (Doo on cattl),anD none bnt ^e. Paphlajr.Sf Pallas iDCaltb. R afni. tlicero^cs inongt^^Paphlagon m mo;r> ^tt lustres mt filler fairc RcmilU, ifairer tljcntoas t^c tirgin Dania, sbtjat loaits on Venus Untt) a goloen fl^oiD, |&l)ettiatI)atblIolcntt)e boealtt^of Rafncs Itakti^ 0nD tioe ^is t^oug^ts twt|iin ^ec lonely loduf, ^^e tt)at ie {ou^o^ant) loue tnto i^onr Ifting, ^d: l»^cre C^e comes to grotuUte m? eame« Inters Radagon with Rcmilia, filler to Ra(bi» Aluia wife to Paphlagon,ancl other Ladies, bring a Globe featcd in a (hip. Rcm'ilia. CHi(to;ieus ^onorct^, feconDfmto Iouc> Mars tipoHsart^^ano Nepcuacontj^ej^eai^ -Ij/ondonand England. Wa^tt frflU)iis aro??s a& tt)c ^crmi toit^ a calaic, Uai^ofe fmiIe,D;atoes Flora to oifplai? Ijft p;ioc, taa^ofe q?e IjolQS toanton Venus at a gaje, Rafni t^C KCfff nt of great Niniuir, ifo; t^OU ^all fPtlD p;ioaO leroboams fb;cf, c muttering b;eatt) of .-^olus, E^at ouertumw ttjc pines of Libanon, l^.itt fcatfercD lury ano ^crbpOdrt firoBmoJ, Minning from Cacfc s to Samjrb, Rcmih j grots tlja toittj a kinUe falute, ano fo.2 ap;crcnt tq tlj^ mifl^ttncITc, d^aics t!)£e a (S5lobe fblQCD luit^m a f^tp , as Uing on cartt),inD LoiU of all tlj: ^satf, WL\i\) (uc\) iiludcomcbnto Nmiuic a? map tt)^ Qftcrs tjiimblc loue aifo;D. Rafni. &;acr. 2:^c title fits not tti^ ocgra, a Ijig^rr aatcof ^cnoar f^aUbctt}mc» S^^e louclp EvoU ttjat Mercury intrapt, tfclii^ia t^c curious plcafurc of Ijis tcngue, ano l^s t^at ba(^t t!ie fan-noo luittj tjcr c^c«J, if aire Scmclc t^e f ^cifc of Vcnu^ maiocf, Wi:TC not fo beauticus as Rcmi'ia. S:^m fiDatingTUIcr QjaU not ferae tljc tunif, ii5uf Rafncs U)ifc,^i6 Lcir/.iicn anD tits lone, a^^ou fl^alt lifec luno lueo tbr fclf c to louc, ano (bio me in t^e rtct}cs of t^^ fairc, R emilia l^ill bc K afncs ^aramcur. ^o?\ij^)iif3bcMarsfo;lDarlihcDcc^<, ano ttjougl) bjigbt Venus to; ttjy clcare nfpcrf, C£ll)p (^oulD not from cur lo^ncs itTuc a fonnc, n^t migl)t be Hojij of rfl?all foucratgmic^ £>f ttDcnttc U)o.2lDs,tf t^cntie looiUs mig^t be, ^^at faitt Rcraiha^art t^cn Rafncs Unfc i Reraiiia. iip^l)eartDot^f\DcUtoitt)fauonrof tf)? SCt)^ loue of Rafni mahett) ms as piouD (t^ou3l)t0, as luuo tpi^en Q)t U}o;e ^CvUtrniS H>iaocm0« A looking GlafTc^for 5C{)? (illec bo;ne,tea0 fo; t^? iutfe b); bar, ^ao HI tl)e nct)e0 nature locketl) tp, S^o oetke ^ec DarUn3,beaurte b)|)eti dft (mflef , Rafni fl^oulD p^iutcke ^ inti^e p;toe of ^ Rafni. Remeliasloae,tf farce mo;fntt)a:p;0W» C^en leroboams o; t^e U}o;U)i fabooe, i^;Dtnss,tIe liaue m^ toeODtngfl ltmtptnoa0« S^aoe glo;tou0 tott^ t^e treafttrei of t|)e tDo;lD» 3!efctc^from Albu(^cIuc0of ^arganteSj ano Srtp tt)e BB notcf of t^etr S>tamoniui, ^noTyrcC^dllpeelDmetrdmteoft^ersoto^ * £Co mabc Rcmelias tocDOuig {^;totur, 3U fcnD fo; all t^i JDamoCell ^nemes tfjat tint Wiii^in t\)t react) of Rafnies souemmenfy SCO toott as t)ani matDcs to Remelia, SO)at tier attcnoant tratne m^ pafk t^ troape SC^at glo;teD Venus at ^cr toeoouig Dai?* Creere. ^l)mt]lo;B,not fitter to t^}^ lone, Kis tnccS ano to (bule a fact fb; UixiQM, ature allOiDef no Umtts to fuc^ lutt. ()Lo;0> Rada. p^erumptuou5(l3iccro^,oarlttf)ou ct)echt|))S £); tU)tt bim toitti t^^a lalors tt)at nator e lours, 9i not great Rafni aboue natures reacts Oo^ bpon eortb^ano an bts Uhll is lolD. Greet. iD^tSattcrnot,fb;bateruuis|)iscbotie> 0nb fillers loue Unll blemtfi) all bts h)o;t^. Radag. SDocb not t^e b;tst)tneire ot^is maiefite, j^tjaboU) bts Deeos from being connteo faults. Rafni ^ell bat! tbou anfiJbereD Untbin KzAoa^ Bjlitte fbet fo; tb? leameD {^opbifiri, TBat tbou of Creet.tbat countercbeckfi tb? lung, ^xtkt bencein ertle,gtne Rada^on tb)? CcoUmt, Be tboe C3iccgerent of bis ro^aUie/ 3nD fatte me not in Uibat m? tbougbts ma)7 pleaftf if o; fcoma begg er baue 31 b;ougbt tba bp, j3Hb grata tf^ \»H^ tbe bonour of a Crotone* London and England. |^£ (joanDam btngMat r^ )^e on Oelmes r Creetc. Iditttt no Uiins t^en oaicero^ t)ntitt fytm SCM ^^t^ no isertne to mainUine ^\b Crotone. Rafni. Remilus^tu^at fotrc Damt0 be t^ofe tj^at l»ait ^ttenoant on m? matc^jleffe roi?aitte^ Rcmilia.SLis Aluu,t|>C faite Ulift to t^e king of Paphlagonw.' Rafni. 2:raS me (^e t* a faircttljoa tjaft PaphUgon a jcUjeU, ^ fblo t^ee in fo b;ig|)t a Dueettngd arme 0. Rad. ilib2roulJtcmpEo;o^ Rafiii. ©Slljat if 3 DC Radagon f Raiia. mi^ t^cn S^e to \mrd miPLo20,fo;mamage ^olicfi no cjiccptir'n^lDi^ere Rafm oott) commanD. Papilla. 511 DOS tticu ceimtell ^tm to fonc^ Ivtuetf* Rada. mik 0; not lotfe,U)t)at fo !)e likeo iB tiUE(. Rafni. iocU onCiucreD Radagon t^cn art fb; tne^ j^tth t\)oa mine t)umour^nD be Sill a btng . Hopg go in tn?ump^ of mi? ^appte loae09 ;ano fb; to feaS \}& after all our b;oiU09 ^rolichc anD rcudl it in Nmiuic. IKil^atfoeucr bcfittct^ Tionr conceitcD tl)ongtt0» SD: goDi 0; tU,lone 0.: not loue mg bo^e0, 3In loucjo: to^iat mai? fatiffie tour lutt, ' jact it m^ lLo;D0,fo; no man Dare fa\? no. Smith, DtwefH/n trnpermm. Cum lout nunc tend, Exetift, JEnfcrs brous^ht in by an AngcU OfeMxhc ProplKt,anclfct downcoucrthc Stage in a Throne. AnfrclK amaje not man of <©oD ,tf in tl)a fpirit £ni)\ut bjong^t from Icwry tnto Niniuic, ^0 li)38 FJus to:apt tuUljin a Co^mc, ' 9nD fet tipon mount Carnell bp t^c iLo;D, 5f 62 tijcu bad pjcac^t long to t!)c fiubbo:nc 3^cU"iC0, •tQl)rr: fiintic t)«:ar?0 Ijauc fslt no ftufct ic mo^fc, JBut lig'iUf balning all tljc tl).:eat0 of CDoD, i^^auc Kill pcifcucrD in t|)cti' luichcOmGc. .: ji3 too m- ■ A looking GlafTcjfor toe 3 ^aae bjougljt t^ee bnto Nimuie, S[:t)e ncl) ano ro^all Ctttu of t^c tooalD, |9amp:co in \i3ta\t^,mti ouergrotDne luitf) paioc, 03 Soc?oinc ano Gomorrha full Of On, %^z ]Lp;a ia)Hk^0 Dotune anD cannot fee om goiy, i^otonetf)atceuct0toobc^f)u(toill, . ySiA U)tckcD alI,from Craou to tt)e C^nrcf). illote V^m Ofcas all tfjetr $rituou0 Cnnes, 0no (^ t^e U);att) of (^oD tt)at pate0 reucnge* HnD U)t)ett tt)e npencGb of t|)ttr fin ts fuU, ^no tI)oii liaS to^tteh all t^etc tokbcD t^m^ 3|le carrte tl)ee to Iewry,backe asaine, 0nD fcate t^a tn t^e great I enifalcm, SL^ttt Q^ait tt)ou publil^ in ^sx open Hx&ttSy SCtiat (DoD fenO0 oolone tn£( MetuU lu^att) to; Ha, i2Dn fact) ad neact t^arD ^u ^;opt)et0 (jieahe, 0^uc^ mo;e loill t^e tnflitt a feuojlo of pUi0ue0, ^n (ucf) a0 l)eare t^e riDatneflis of ijts totce, Bno pet obep not IdM ^10 |^;opi|et0 (peabr, ^tt tljoe Ofcas picmO;mg in ^t fpint^ K^t mtg^tinetre of tl)cfe fono peopleo finne0> Ofeas. nz Unll of ti)ello;9b80one« Exit, Angcll, Enters the Oo wne and his crew of Ruffians, to ^o to drinkc. Ruffian.Come on ^mit^^n (ll^alt be one one of t^e at^hu canfetfjoubnotueftlDl^eret^bettaie mt^t%o\])m is. SBiirh.Come on^ fott^ mi? colt0,3l f^aue left mp ^. (fr&fng of a |)eat,ano dole atua)?,becaufe i toonlD beep i^on com^ panp. Clownc. tmtys^^at ^sXi Ut \^w (\fis paltne pmiH^ tsiti) Smitl^ London and England. Smith, paltry ^mi%\3)\rs pou tmarnattuc knam, tD^af are tou, t^nt ton fprah pettie treaOon ngaintt t^c ^tmttjs Clewne. CHf)^ aaKC,|c!iDAU0 tt}tp nmoe \)im tte ^ertcn^ m^i, fo; l)e Ui^ipt oc^s cut oUljo Cl;unf). aiaa Cr , ronr fattjcr , to^i? fir m»x-t^ir.hB I U tljc Ccnticman Gil, a p2op:c ^oxA^ }^ toa0 faittj^s^co fomc fotnc f tn\,\]is bcarO Hatis colour , l)u!fe blochc^^alfe Uit)ite ,^t5 nofc U)a£ in tl)c tiatieQ Dc* grce of nofrSjit Ujas nofe Autcm glorif:c .m,ro fct iuiti) itubica, V)at aiV:r Ijts Dcatt) it t^oulo bauc bm naiicD tip in Coppcr-fmitl^s ^allfo; a inonuaKnt, ^wlell Qr,? iu^is bcl^olDing to vour coo fa# ttjcr , fo; fje VD.is ttjc 6iU man tl)^ I)o:riblc fcntence, lljou 9:,ft m t!;cft li)o.:Qs"3 toill H'MiH :o it, libellcD agciaiflt (il!tl)cfGunbI)c:rcs, luholc l«c:f:£! , fo;c !;o:fc?, Courfer9,Cin:tall5,BaOi0,€tit3,l:3*^tUnic6,anbiparc£:lui)crc* tpcn m^ fiicnUjtn t^cir Defence,! giiic tljec ttiuj curfc,tbsu f^alt be tuo;?t) aljojfe of tyinc drne this fcuen re arc. I, Clownf. ? p2itl)ic tfmiii) IS v^ur occnpaticn fo erccller.t? palti^ |&miti;,U l)r iie danD to tt,a ^nutt) t0 ii. o;t) of tt)c focre elements , (b.; our iron is mAOu of t^e cartfj, our belltlDcc blofa?e outairc,cur{io:ci30lo:5firc,anDourfc;gctc-aicr. ^i';vnr,U)t reade in tt^e Ct;;onielcs » t^^at t^cre U)a8 a Coo of our occnpa« tton. )3 2 J A looking GlafTe/or Opwne. 9,bnl|ie Ijocui a Cuct^, %^at toa0 ti)e reafon Or ^t calD ^or faft^xenfin^alftt lht^« iDtn? in t^t^ oneU)o;& ttion^afll Defaced t^eaUw^fhl occq^ patten* Clovvne. lasljOtof - - - fition^a (^urgtdti ano a Barber .ifo; le( a l^;le tabe a celo^; be trottblco iDttf) t|ie bote ^an^ioe (brausljt tm^imn poti5 0| a putgation,tn fucb {WcaUntmiecl^l^e ttfetiO0 (traq^, tf . |)e t^aoe outUmrD DtCeafes / as t|>e ^oing v4^*^» nnS'M loinDsall 0^ fiia)ton,o; fir a gaOeft bacbjtoe (et limtloD i clap a pImfEec to ^ Ujtti) a peSdenct, )|^ ittenM tnm Imtb a be^ tie ijengeance^oU) ift)i0 mane gnrto 9ttt b(ii;Der,anD ^e ^aat ani? rebelltetw batrc0,U)e(lr8tfl^todacfl^dertsanotrmii)mt tuttt) tobat mf it pleafe b0,picfcbto eare0 ano make ^im neat, marrr in^et^ fir , toe are fioneri^ ^i one tbinSy tue neue r bfe ani? mu(& f tbe rea(bn 10 fir, bccauGi i)e canlDoe toitbont bilDing* Clownc. Mell firrba^leane off f^ftp;a^ of a |i»mi^} anb b;tng b0 to tbe bea ;aie in (b^toUme. ^otu fir il b^ue aftate aboue aU t^e ^mt^0in Niniui€,&;firy Bl am a p|)i(ofopber tbat can bifpute of tbe nature of Silt , (0^ marbe ?ou j(ir,a pot of ale confift0 of fbure part0>InipriiDis tbe aie,tbe SDoatf ^bs C^inger ano t^e /^utnug, Clownc. Crcrilent. %^z SlU iB 3 refio;atiuc,b;e2^ 10 a btnber^aclte i!on fir tfoo ei^ cellcnt points in pbtficte,tbe (lDiriger,ob toare of tf)at:f be 0* lofopbers baae tD^tten of tbe nature of ginger, tiB erpuIQtiue in tU)o Degree0,t?ou (bal b^re t$c fentece of G a1 en , it ipi( make a man beIcb,cou3b>( f^U nno i0 a great comfort to t^e t^tfixtf a p;opcr poefie 3 p;»mife ^n , but noici to tbe noUe bertue of ttiz i^utmcsjit 13 faitb one BallaJj tfcint; anCgnglil^ Homaa U)d0 t{)c autbour , an bnbetia^ec to tbe b^aimo, fo^ b)ben tbe Slle giue0 a buffet to tbe bc^^^o^ tbe ^utmeg t^at beepr^ \)im fb^atobil^intemper. %^U0 sou fa tbe Diftriptjon of t|K bertue of apot of ;^ nod) fir to London and England* topttfm?pWa»P3etept»tapjattffefWIctome,butato;e3i fltep CIoArc.taSQwfiftettWlttiwW toem^es , ft;mataeniiabf t|)teof^».acMppf ^cU)ia)oata 2^d0 1» to ^ ;aie,tD0ic f^e foenctie^ mou$|) a U»n:ant (!)«» OfeM. Iniquitic fedkaoatcoBipiuuons ftilly And mortall tnen are armed to do ill : , London lookc on^thb roatter nj ps ^ neerc; Lcauc oflFthy ryot,pridc and (Wftiiourchccre. Spend Icile at boord,and Tparc not at the doore, Butatdthe infant^diclecuc thcpoprc . Elfc fccking va? rcy,bcine mcrdlcfle, 'Ih.oix be adiiidged to eodlcHe heaiiinene* . . Emcr«he Vrur«t,»^oong d ciiilemaia ,and apooremam Yliif cr. Come on,| am coen? oai^lrotiUci) isitt) tljofc n^te compamon0, t»)^mtoe9lmt|))20ii9\o)wttDmob;mg$cou^u Gent, f^tt 3^opt^o\D (^ Ibettet tMfna^^.^>^0Q remnn« b0c top U)eUb;i|u, It)attt)i0 1* tj^eo^ ts^cem ) ^ulp pa^ ton monet t|iat 3 to^ t^ of ^Q alate ui afComBtoothe . Poorc roan* ^no fir>firrMttrcnce of ^our mant^no anO ficiitc^ ne,3E t)^3itc b^Qj^f iiomc fad) mon^ as rou lent mc* V%er. I^ou jmnc OcntiewanjW wr »nonv re aotc? Gcnric: SE^ulic rir,t^ifi time teas To I^ojt , tl)e commcoitic fo baD,ino tl)e p;oiitifc of fric nos fc b jchen ,tl;fvt 3I cculB «ot pjcmioe itasaiiift tjj'e Dat? , tut)crcfo;c 3 am ccme to intreat rc« to ftaitO tntHTH^Cnn!) tofauom: mc luit^ a lonsec timcjcno 31 U}iU make (00 fnffuicut contiiocration. . Vfu^er. 3;«tljetemoemtf)a{0ffi;e5tft!)oa|)afltm^mom!fort to/31 U>ia not o«fier aoavjan^curtjamimite^biit take tt^ &);ffF^ X3 3 of A looking GlafTe/or Gcnr 31 p;a^pou fir cwifiDcr (Ijat mvlofttiximmistbt, ft* pounD0,U;t,,rcof,^l,aDtmponno.mmSo^^^^^^^^^ ta fiMepounO0fo.:n,fm mc a montfj longer. "*"*»^^w^* SPWrponfirgiae bo ^oa) tlj? bargain p;a,uco, 31 bauc tbv hanb fcttomS fJl Gent 3 r?r »tUJ20ro«ro;uicttbat,focoIourtte&fafiifei.,rf t.)e n);fcpt of an ^bhgatian , as mr blinb ^^^omm^ liatb oucra manger of£>ate0, . *jpr«»i,vi/«uwKue per, Gent. SlitjmtbcrewnofauourCrf AYurcr. €mit to mojroto iom^i , emb&jjotoHMlbre pcb;iomiabutoncbaIfel,3urcMatagmDtt^|armS^^ tenfo>fo;tiepoumj0 ,Ujcllti0 nircarfajfo^Zfa^fl^n r^irtfoma&cbimfojfeitbiflrccognifana! ^^^^^^"^ Cent. Ccjiu fir luiU sou oifpatclj ano tcfl gour wehr? i,X""I;, &f ar,tobaf M tfjrg a clockc foare,lee me fe,f be pmo Vm bUto^n^ tD;«; auD fcure , aiiO nolo (i,e cliche [^aft, ffra,hcrt fiotire, London and England. (bure, 31 totQ mem none , 3Ic Cono to tt)c re;rt ^t of tl;c ttcoz^ niiance* Cent. tZfll)? CtjII Ijopc ^ou Uo bttt icff, iDljv ti? lut fctirc,anii toill^on &^ a minute tafe; fo^fcr-t of mg Uouo i if it iwcic fo dx , 3 tDa£E|)(rcbcfb;efonrc* i. Vfurcr. M[)^ otDtt tljou not ttnutt fl)?; nion^ tijcnf if 3 cffcc (^^ iniurkt^etljcIaU) ofnie,compIaine to t^c iuogc^B; tuillretf cducnomon?. Poore. Mcll 0r , 3( Ijope pou tuill ffanD m^ gmU maiCer foj w^ Cclu,jf bD;roUJ2t) t^iitic njillingo on l)cr,anD fb? tljat 3i l)a«c paio ^u 1 8. pence a luaUe , ano fo? Ijer mcatc vou Ijanc t;aO fjcc niilbe,ano ^ tell rou 6r,(^e giucst a ^ntic foapc : nolo Uv f)cre (5 jounnonr* Vfurcr. f^ang bcggcrlv hnauc,commcC f mc fo; a CcUi,t)iD 31 not bino tjer bougt)t ano folo fo; a pcnr,ano U)a0 not t^p tiat to |)auc patD )re(f arOai77tt)ou gctft no Ccto at mv I)anD* Poorc, /^o colo fir , alafle t^at liio;20 no coto , goc0 ab cold to mi? !}eart,a5 a D;angtlt of (inaU D;inU£ in a frottie n lO^ing* ^ coU) fir,lul)r aIal&^Iaar,^.;!atur£r,U)i)at M become of me^m^ ix)tfe,anii mp p(B.:c cfjilDc f Vfurer. SDf)ou gctft uo coto Of me hnauc,3l cannot Sanii p;a^ ting U;ttl) ton , 31 muQ be gone. Poorc« i^ai? but Ijeare pou tp. tafurcc.no t oto,fc|p fir ^trti COuctf)icticai)iUing0,3 b'^ucpatotou i8.penceatoU?4tt)cr<' foiz ^txt 10 reafon B fl^onlis ^aue m^ coU). Vfurcr. ^^at p^atett t||on,|auc Bl not anHucreD t^oc tt^r Oas isb;obenf Poore, ®3!jg fir Rla(re,mr Coto 10 a common tucalt!) to mc?, fo;fir(tQr^eal(oU)£0 mc,mi? Ujifeanofonnc, fo; to banket ctic felueslDit^all, butter, cb^fe,U>l)a^,curt)0)Creame , fcti mdlte, raU)-mi(Ite,fotoer-miUjc4toate-mi&e,nnO tuttcr milfe, Iffiucg fir, Cjc fauct) me eueii? ^eare a pcn^ in almnnafeci;} . fo; (l^ee Ir aa as goBO to me 115 a p;cgnoaif<".tion, if fl)e l;aD but fct tp Ijcr tr.ac «ni} ^auc calladt about tbe mcaoc, m^ little lof tcm able to fap, of) father tljcre tuiU be a tto;rae:l)cc Vjc rv tailc \rv.s a liulc; i^ci to tne^f notu to late ms coto, ala5 ^. vOturcr^taUc pittu bpor. nicv« Vluicr, A looking GlafTe^for Gent. ^^^butt|)Qn(oactoasctmtle4x^t^9unotreceut9 Vfurer. Sic DcUocrt^eenone , if i^ni(l»;onset(l)ee,((9E{(e Gent. 3nt) (b 31 iotU tnTatiaUe pefant* Poore. a!io1Sr>rat^a:t|cn|[tD(apnttpCfHit(tiro.n)neCot09 3 luill Lite mp VDiueiS bcSgoiinu to paUme. | (dl^oa 6r ,to^ri ittie (lane tittersd i^i0 fi»;o tio Coto jtOciDft^ to m^caxtM mg ioifefl^al mua'$amonc(b i^tb^^ectnrne apme,fo;mOe^diii:> (^3 is a ujoman tt)at ^att) |er ttdolins tMn^ b^obe. Gc nc. W^at mcaneft^on b^ (tiat feUolof Poore q^arr^ Qc^Sttenecenct of vet)c niani)oti^>llb^ bacah(0 tomtie bct^inDc^omt tnueit} tlr,tD^tn fi^ct (atfitilbuig of jjer CoUi ants let i\ fart,m^ ot^et Cobied.todalD tot at f^e rurife , ano I(^ DoU)ii 3 t^)z QiiIKe ano atua^ : bat t^ts CoU), fir C()e gentleft Cob^, m ^ iDtfe mig^t bloto \3f0t tt^i borflt : anb ^tng fuct) gcob con# bttton5, ll^ali tf)c g^ore^ totne1)ponme Uuti|) no toll) ; i^r fir, bc{b:e ]( pocbc t bp tt){8 looao no CotB,tnp ipm^s^golDne gbes to ti}c iLaluicr^tu^s M^.ar, t^ off tU aUw^D tome,s0 (to Crotune toalimg. \^ Gcut. ^eUf^noUvgo6iittnnc,Q$Mlr9cIp^tl)eetoa!Ul0# Ijcr. Poorc. o^arricdnDfl tofll flt:iptoCoto>l»ett^ctoo;IiJg0c^ barn. Bxekit. Oy?^. where hatcfull vibuc. Is counted husband ric. Where incrcilcfTc men rob the poorc, An.i tlicnccdJcarcthruftom ofdoorc. Where gaine is held for confcience, And rnt^ns plcafurc!? »s aUon pence, Where voongGcntlciricn fctfcit their linds Through tidtviiit'^''' ^Turcrjhjnds: Wl)cre pbucrti • i^*'^ ' ^ F"^'^ haniHud , 'And ractq- in V ,^^r vanifl.e<1. i' , CTC London and England. Where taen edeeme moreef mony then oFGoiI, Let that land Ipoke to f ccic his wrathful! rod. For there is no fin more odious in his iight, Then where vfuric defraudes the poore of his light. London take hcede.thefe fins abound in thee : The poore coroplaine)the widowes wronged bee. The Gentlemen by fuf^ tiltic are fpoilde, The pioo^h-men loofethc crop for wl^ch they toilJ, Sin raignes in cheeo London cnerr houre, Rcpene and tempt n«c thus the heaucniy power. Enters Remi1ia;Wtth a tranne of Ladies in all royaltie. Remilia.if4tre^Hsn$,i?et l^anMiailw tmto Ra(heslotte» ffcU me ,15 t}ot tn^ (Ute Co glojiotu ds lunoe ^ pompflDt^en t?;co tottl) f^eamns or (^U, Clad in her vcflmcnts/poC ed all with Aarrest fr lie crog t^i fl totr pat| t)«(o t?cr Toue, 3b not Remihis tSx mo;t beanttoim, Ktcb tmeb Ifye p^oe oftioturcs nct\itntisi fffjm Vcnu< in t^ bag^eft of ^er (f^inti $P^ ^Jtres (LirpaflTe t^irt not A p >lios loctuc; are not mp ErclTc* curlcu toit^ Ciic^ artf 03 loue Octtgbts to^^ bu» in t^.it fatre? i£).^t^ iiot mine e^e (bin: ItUe tt)c mo;mng Umpf > JSD^attete Aurcraiu^cn^LTlouctoiUoime; l^aue 3 not aolne Ct)e beauttc of t|e ^eaotn0> Sn^ plocca it on t^c frature of tn^ facti Can anr (5o!JO:ffj in ifee compare icttb mc i JD; matcb ij.r UMtlj tb^ fdtre Remria ? A luidj. Ehc b?. utif tl)cit pjouD Paris (ato fmn Tf oy, Sputtering (n I d.i fg; t»je golocn ball, Uil:rc not tb gojstous as Rcmilia. Rcmili.1. 3 i;di« trichi mp framc!^ bp letfb ricljcfl balm?> Snb mabc n;^ pennm^c of tl^e purcC £pr^e : • S^v p;cdoa0 d;uss t|)at J^g\ ms luealtb a£fo;O09 A looking GlafTcjfor X'i): coaip painting fetc!)t fro curioas Tvre, ^.mc mmDcD in m^ face tuljat luturc miff. Jtirti 3 not t'oc cart!?fl toonDcr la iiii? laAiCBi A'ui. SC^c iMouDer of tlje carttj aiiD p;iDc of ^eaucit RcmilKi. lioUc AluiJa n Ijairc ttancs not mtiSSf f:oi fejomnij iocks arc tramcls of conceit, Caijiclj DO intangfc louc fo; all^iai Mcs. Ahi:d. t^aooni.tjnlcffe rou co? it triclj ano tdmf janD p!aic tfit ciuill luanton ere roii ^rtlD, J^mitms Difoaiac of plcafureg toittj i>onc tongitf, p.itting ^oiir pjincclp R ..(hi on tljc rijjcUe, CQl'^cn \) : p jcfunie5 to tafff U)it[;out conftnf : ^ou m.irrc t^c marfeet,beautie nofig!)f auaifes. J^ou mutt be p^uD,fo; plcafurc« fjarolg jjot, ^re ftDAte,tf once attainoe* Rcmi!i3. ifairc Aluida, Sbt)p coimfcll tnaUcs Remilin pafl^ngiDtfe. ^uppofc tl)at t!)ou lueart Rafnes intgl}tmc(re» jairt 31 Rcmiliap>ince ofei:ceUencc. Aluuia. J iuoulD bematl!ect|ien ofIoueanDt|Mt» R c mi 1 . 0rioue ano racf p;out) ano DtfbaiitfuU biniSy Direct tt)ou p^cftnne to toucb aDettte, X3cfo;e (^c grace tt)ce tuitb a ralotng fmtle ^ Aiusdi. ^ticmi) Rcmilia,bcnOt t|)0Q(9C0C, ^.tpnavianotahett. Rernilia. Cai'deflTeanDtmbtnDey SEoIke J Rofni (0 Rcmilu m (uci) &:( as if I): bio entop a t)iimane fozme i )l(s!{e on tt)f itouc,bct)olD mine etes Dtmnfy jSnD Dae d t^ou tUht me toitb a loomans fouU f j3l) Rafni tbou art raQ) to iut^e of me, 31 tcU tt)ee Flora oft batl) tocoeD m^ ttp0> SHo teno a rofe to beautifiie ber fp:tng, JCbe (ea-/5inn?b» fetcb ttjcir liUies from m^ cfjofcee. £D!jcn tbou bnUinb^aiiO bereon toonio 31 luoep:. Aim. j^nb tiereiuoulo Aluida cefiigne t)et c^arge^ London and England. ^o; torn 31 btjf in t^ougljt Th'afli ian fiing, 31 tts» imifi quite t^? tearcs,U)it^ ttUTeg (loactry jana crane a paroon \Jo\a) a frtcnolp toudj, ^OQ bnolu it apaDam t^oug^ H teact) it not, ^c touc^ 31 meane,rflu fmtic tu^cn ad rou ft)tnk d« Rcmi, ^otoarnHplcarDtotjeart^^pjitttpjate, 0ao;Dtns to t^ t^tono; ofm^ mutoc i a\j /?^ptjfl>to!)o fetrer tl}cn Rcmilia i SC^e gentle totnoes t^ae tucooc me tott^ ^ctr fisl^cf » SDt)c fraU)mng anx tjatt) cleeroe U)^ I oto (mtle, 0no tul)en 31 trad tpon tt) e sratTe, ilonc tijat mabesioarmt tt^e cfntcr of $t earf^, Ittft tip t)tB creQ to btme Rcmibs (brte, luno Oill cntertamce ^ci; «mo?ou0 lonc^ mit^ neto Delts^t^)fb; fioxt ^tlaUst on tnc, SCije Phwnix feat^0 are become m? ifanttfy 5fp; 3 am beauties Phoenix- in tl)i» too;ID. ^^ot dote t^efe Cortatnes fin^fyt ano fl^aDoto me, ifo;feare Apollo fpie me in ^toaIKc«, Slni) fco;ne all c^ej8,to fa Rcmilias c^f0. ^gmp^:0,ftnamk0,lins fo: Mauors D;aU)et5 nijrt^, f^int me in ClafurcUt t)tm Ions to Uobe, i?c; toere n OoODrfTc feircr t^en am 3(, aic £wle t^c f)cauen« to puUl^fr ttcm f^ place. They Il)oa^c Cii? tt^ (^c is Cstreff, 3 tt^inke m^ pennie Olnir bp ^ix leane* Enter Rafni with hi 3 Lords m poinp,who make a ward about him,with him the Magi in great pomp. Rafni. Maoi to; lOUC Of Rafn. bl> OUr ^rt, )Bp 9^.^5i^fte frame an anncur out of |>ano, if oj raire R cm:!ia to Oifpo^t t):r in. jpcone U)^iU,3iU)iUbett»inbe mconfurt^.apowp* neth ia an other fute while the Tnnn- pet&foundc. Rafn'j.BIeSbeipsmanof 0rt tt)at grace met|^> jSa9 blcircDbctf}t£; ca^ U)l)ere Himen iyiei^ %Q toBiK uftmion p;tOc of ^caue n ano cart|)« Lightning and thuno'er wherewith Rcneltt isllrooken. CCIl)atlx)onD;ciig tl);eatmn& notfetKtIitf Bl^ears f CSl^at fla(l)tns hg^^tninsis trouble car Beltgt^toi SSlbtn S d;aU) neare Rcmilias ro)?aU £Csnt> 3llsaht.igti);fameol&;roloo3mtfi)ap* Rada. D;eao not ^ Ifting^t o;mnarv c^sastt SSb^re are but common eraiUationa, jD;»tDn< from t^^ eart|),m fubSance^ot ant^d;!^} i£>; moil! ano tl)tcUe,o; £^etco;$ combttSy patters ano caufsg mcioent to time, 3n btnoUna tn tbe fine region ficS* SCut, be not noU) a Homane Angmer, iappjoacb tbe SLent/osUe tn Remelia. Rafni. EDtjou ball confifmD mi? Doubt« bmwRadagpn, ^otoopc^efblDfito^ece^uttneoffauetirK* : Carneing a 0zt tottbin ^cr curleo lo«fc5, M^crctn tbe x&racee^^ace: tntangteo oft : ^pc Ithetljtmptrial! gates U)b«re Phoebus Locbt are tt)e jemd of toi? m betut of Deat^> ^ct tnump^BI on fate,anb tie on ber« S0WiovamSxt(U of mconOtandet ^ombbf tlvnamr,tbat |)at|i ob&ur^nt^ to?, lims0,Qaieeroi?,|d^m(etf,reare a rotalttorabr Ho; in? Kcsiielia,beare lier firom m? ngbt? 9Ql)^lto(earE«^^«pefiD;Kcaiilia. They bcarc her out. Rada. 9S^maisetbKarnimliltna0tbt«ixicumtuuml^U)tUlt.bnO^ .. .. 20 fllwnotfetref aenof^bufbanb^cnccf ? i.-ji.-,. -: xu j INWate|recatt^JbanO0 of Radagon. ja paette p^ to o;iue?oar raoume aU)a?« Ra&i. ^^e fmac0 on me^Bi fee(be ut mine otone. MtlCtboube Ra(hes rosaajdaramonr ^ Rad. $»b8 blitOI^ ?4£lD0 (onGmf ,niabe nootrputei Si::bei^tng(0iraMitOmullbe.6lflbbeb 6tm¥» let Paphlaeonian JUing go mouoie mcantrtolRle* . , ^^ : ,. ;:1 : • Jfe.thfUftrJic:Kingoqt,.ai]d.fe 0/Jrf/. Pride haih hb iud^cmcntjLondoalookcabout, Tisnotiiiou»hinfliewtobed!Ciiout» ,.,'. . ;>« 1 , Afuric nowtromheaucn to Unds vnknownc,:;? V . iwkl I:Jath inadc the Pruphct fpeakt^oct to his ownc; . : . . /c '• { C 3 Be A looking GlafTejfor Flic wanton fl e,thisprfVcandvaincaftire, The (cjlc^rofct) our tender hearts on fire, ^ r>p fliitlif all in the promifc you h auc paft, nifc Go.i wi'l plague and pumfh at the ]a(}. When luft is hid in Ihroudcofvn-cichcd life. When CTaft doth dwcUin bed of married v«ife. Markc but the Prophets, we that fhoalj Hiewcs, After death cxpeAformanyVvocs* : , * Enters the poore4wb irirf f tie Gh'ileman, with their Lawier. Gent. 31 nacd not0r mtcwtd'bnto \Wyl^t toUt ctiMttir in tendering tljc lig^t caoTe ott^eis Clitnte , no? ttft ronfdenct tou arc ticD t nto Up tji^^ec comrnano .SDtKrcfc^c fnmft ttie 2afa#: cf r Ijaft; Don: me lu;on5,^ou knob ft^ ca&: anD gfflfi fit,3( ^r (Irainco m^ fclfc to giuc \30« ^ponr fea, Lawicr. f&tfif 3(^dl^anf l»stfltgW(tfomamftffaft«t^,3l U)rrc to be accufeD ofoptn pcnun», lb; ttK cafe u eotOent. Poore. Sito trulieac4&;m^ia(^,irfou|rHpem^nDtfb;nt^« matter , U)^ ? Gr , 3I anymi? Snft are tpiit^ lonDonc, ) toandnf : nicafc of rat'.Ue iD^m 3I gflr;lo m?ta)o;tte , ant) mp bo^ ^i9b)eiA' awn butter Inticn ^ego^to fcl)a>lcq^.luiUDier pittr mo, fb>r(irc^ Iriir , 9 U)af Catite tola? m^toineiUM! goumifopalvhett; l^out ft£s,lx)!)tn 31 1(D;ttt)pon tt fir^ fab) t)dtol)an(inn(^ ttio^r DaU)bcD lx)tf;i IlJtutt lace^ano l]}|)aC a fatre motkaDo Cape H ^«V anD tl)cn tlj3U(]rt)t ()oU) ^3nfemeli?ttbecame mr toiPe,trul^ir CH|^ Ijcart t5 maoc or butter^ melt0atlbe leaaperi i^Ucn to«pt.i5,bnt U)^?n 3; tbottg^wi^^ l»o;o«t|p;(afarergaoeme^ noCoU) :4t)cn(tr,3fU)OtUfi|)aueadp(^ctmtolKr(itH)dic,bnt 31 tooulo make ^imoeKuernnyCoto ere 31 ^bDone , t^ctdlyfi 5ffll)S^.latoi«»(IantJWfWcno. ' '• - 1 in^ftiff. . ^ . Poore. fltrcroumarricDflrf ' • 'i. La-Ai cr. l[ marr? am 31 ftttjcr. Po<:)re, £;:v?n g©w Jdcmfen W8ntpaf)?cwr0«btx)«M London and England. «no (cnD t)cr tt)flt n^e be ncticr troablcD Uittf) m? Uitacs DiTcaTr* La wicr. S£U)p VEtjats lt>^ UJtucB Difcafe ^ r Poore, £>«1« fir , tljc ^oti) tU)o open faulte , ano one pxute fault,5c t^c 6ra w,<^c is t© cloqut t fo; « p(D:e man,anQ tjatt) Ijc toojbfl of art , fo; Ojt UuU call mc Uafcall, Ucgac, Uunnagate, adf t,® AftabcunD^&laae^D J^maue.CO^ aluffc ar,f tijcfc be v but Mi-oas tcarm« , but if ?ou Ijc arD ^ec luo;kmg-Dnv' tuo;D5, ^ in fairt) Or, fljt^ bt caticr^ like t^unoer fir , fo; after t!)c Dctoc fcU lotoefl a tto.yne , fbjt^en am 3 forg fitter to bcc tucU bufff ttcD, mi face Ux4i\)t,Q; m^ f)cao b;obcn,anD t|iercfo:t gojo ip.ila^D* gcr,on mp ^tuxB 3 afee if , Icf me not go Ijonie agam to mr Vuiff t toitt)fl)i5UJo;o ,i^oColD : fo;tt>en(^ccU)iUeFCt£irel)crtU)o foutts bpcn me Witt) all ntitmttif . Lawicr, :^re not mm , bat toljat i8 t^ toitieg p jiar fault ? Poorc.1ErulT?Cr ,ttjat*a tfjing of nothing, al-iffifbc uiDdDt flrreuerence of ro«r maiflcrt^ip, m\i hit to b;r&hc iumoc m tec (lffpe« ^ Qr,t)er( comes tt}e luoge y ano tt)e old Catife tl)c Ufiu rer Efitentfc Iudge,thc Vfurer,nncl his attendant*. Vlurcr. &ir ^cre \s fc;tie angels fo;\!oa , nnD if at anr ^ntz )?oa toant a tiunO;ctt) pouno o; ttoo,tifl reaoic at rcur ccmmaiio, o; ttic feeding of t^ja o> fourc fat bullocks ; tobcrcafl tljcfi: nccotc OaucB can rctuiTD UJitlj nct^uig but a cap anJJ a tincc,t tl)crcfo;c 3 Visi rou Gt fauour mr Cufe. Judge, ^eare not firjlc Do to^at J can To; rou. Vfurer. Qzaijat maiCcr laluicr, iDljat moUe tculjcrt , mine iDiierfar^ fo; tl)efc Cl'.cntB ^ Lavvicr. I&o it ctianceifjnoU) fir. Vfurer. 3 fenoto tcu knoto tbc olB p;otitrbf , \f)i is not toiff, (fjflt is not toifc fb; bimfilfc.'? tuculo r.ot be Pifgnuft in tt)is acti en , tt)crcfo;e l)cre u; tlucntic angels ft'^nctl);ngmtbc matter, ftnb toljatpcu faY,fap to no purpcfv-,ro; t^c juDjc is mr fricno. Lawicr. tct me alonrjle fit rcur purpofc. ludgc. Cemc, tol)crc arc lb:u ftllclues that cnrc ttje plain* fifes , UJbotcantijcr favaj-ainftt^is bo;iea C:ttjcnciitneigtj^ bour,a man cf gcoo repc;t amcngflt all men i Footc. v<>V. A looking GlafTe/or Poorc. Ccolie ^. lufigc^e ib a man mod) fpokm off^marro euert mans erica ace aptna ^im,ano efpcctall^ Vue , anD t^ere^ b:e 3B t!)ui&etDe^aae b^ns^toar iiatotecto toocli itrnto^ a^ mucl) talu a0 totU f^ i^isf l^xm atio ing Cotoe , t»t^ « pefti^ Gent. &tc , I am t^ of^erplafrifff^ am (^ iauv^mnc^ lour, $ bcreect) ^our t)onotir be fauoarable to m« tn ei|tttttp» ludgc, ^ Signor Mizaldo,to|atc«niecm ^ IK tl^tf <5entle# mansbc^alfcf Lawier. if ^it^ (it as i?et little scdd , 0r (el! toa ^our oisne cafe tott)e inDge,fb;3 t^ane Go man^ matters in m^^eab^tj^atjiliaue «lmo(lfo;gottcntt, Gent. Sfs t^c U)inOe in tt^at ntnt i tofji? t^en m^ 2,e;d t^it0:3| tioketip of t^i0 curteo ^furec 9 (b; fo 9 ma^ toetltearmebtm, a cammooitie of fb;tte potmues , iot^ereof 3f recetueb ten poonD in moni?, ano tt)irtie ponnft in late4trtng0,U)^cror3l conlD b^ great fhen:)fl9ip make bnt Sue potmos : fo; tbe aOurance of t^i0 baboe commooit^,31 bomtii ^im mf lanb in recogtd(ance,3| came sA m^ ba^ anb tenD;eb ^ ^ mon? anO f)e tooulo not tabe it > fb; t^t reo jeCTe ofm^ ope n to:ong,3i craae bat tttttice, Iud;;c. Mljat Ta^ \jou to t^ fir # Vfurer. sc^at firtt, lie i^ao no l4ite#fidng0 of me,(b} tefte inm ir,3l t) 3UC l)is oUme ^anb to m^ bake fo; § recctt of foatie ponno* Gent. SDDat toa0 fir , but a beuife of l^im to colour tije ^ta^ toil, Iikl^c. McQ l^e ^at^ t^e obme ||anb , anb ioe can crane no me;e m latr but nolo fir, t)e (aies I]ijs monr U)a0 tcno;eb at tije ba^ ano ^oure. Vfurer. Cl)i0 is mantfett contrary (tir , anb on t^at 31 totll oe^ poCe^fb: bcrc is tt)e obltgatton, to bepato bethietn tb?ffi ano fbsre tntbe after nosne, anb tiieCiocisefirobetbure before tjeotfcreb tt,ano tbc b)o:tO0 be bctUieene tl);ee ahb rbure,ttKrcfo;etO be tcn^ b;eb bcfop rcurc, Gcii\ &:r,3! iwag tljcre befoje foure, ( ^e ^elo mc luttl) b?ab^ ling till tX)z Ciocbc ftroUe^nb tbcn fo; ttie b;eac^ of a minute f;e rcfufcD mu monei? , sno beepe l^e rcccgiafowctofrnt lano foj fo fmall London and England. Ctiall a frtfle:€^«t> Signer Mizaldo fpeah toljatut Iato,rou Ijaqe tcnc foj^ou fjaue JearD toljat ttjc cafe w;,anD tt)c«fb;e Do mc iu* ftif e anti a2;t)t ; J am a ^©ng ©^ntlcman, atiD (pca&e to; m? pa* trunon?. L.4wicr. 5faitij0c,t^eCafei«aUer«j,)?oufeIDmeitb«fo;e ui an ot^ec manct,tt)c late goc0 quite againCt roMno ttjcrtb;? ^ou mad pleao to t\)9 ta^gc fo; fanour* Gent, © execrable b?ibec^«. Poorc.^ait^ 0c jHOgc, 3 p;a^ sou let mc be tlje dJcntlcmaitf Counfcllouc , fi32 31 can fa^ t^as muclj in \)is Defcncc,tfjat tbc 2I« farcrs Cloche is t^e fujittefi ClocUc in all tl)e SLolone^tiB Qr lHu . atoomans tongue , \i goes enec ^slfe an Ijoiire b8fo;e ttje time: !b; U)^?n tue toete gone fcsm ^tm , ot^^ec Clochs in t^e SCoUine Grohefoure. ludge. l^olo tb? p;atmg ftUoU) , an^ ^on ^ong gentleman, Qis is m? toarOjlot^e better an otbec time bot|) to pour bargains ano to tti? paimentif , fo; 3| tnu^ g^QC ^^^ fctttence agatnff pou: ^at &; Default of tenDermg tbe mon? betloeene tbe boarc^ , i^ou |aue fb;feiteo ^oar recognilance,anD t)e to bauc tt)e lanD. Gene. £) infpeakcable ininSicr* Poorc. ^ mo;iarou«,miferable^otb-eaten JuDge. lud^e* ^o^jD ^u f.1lol0 , U^biit ^aue pou to (ap fo; poor mat^ terf Poorc. 0^ liff^r Liloicr , ? laioe m? toiue gotonc to patone fb; roue fee0, j j»,i::? rou *o tbis gate. La Aicu aioflc pffl^e man , tbi? nutter \& out of mr [jeoD , anD i|crcfo;e J! p:av tb* tell \\ tbv felfe, Poorc. 3 bolD mp dp to a noble.tfjat tbe imrurer ^atfj giuen f)!m fome golD , ano b^ cbefaoing ii tn ^ts mout|),^ati) got § tot|i# fldK tbat be cannot fpciihe. ludgc. ^tl':llfirrba,3l mnffbefl^o^,anDtbcrefc;efa?on. Poorc,?p.maittet ?u0gc,ll be;rotocD of tj)i0 man tbirtie tini^* lings fo; \iS^M\^^ 35 left btm in pntone m? goD Coto,tb£ bargainc luas.bc (boutD b luc cial)t«n pence a U)fl;kc,anD ttjg Cotoc s nuiU fo; bfuric; j^oU) Or, afltone as ? baD gotten tbe monr?! b^ougl^t it l)im>attD b;o^s bat 4 oa^j^nD fo; tbat f)e ccfufeD \ii& monv,anO 1 A looking GlafTcjfor ' 1 uH/,0. tat)? V^m tjatt guicn fcntcncc againC tl)v fclfc , ft; iii ■ b;caii:rt5 tY^v D«v% ttjou ^afi lott tl)^ o ^rc. ES'^v ' r c Gcj;) tt):n 3' O^ulD l)auc niv ten Cbillinss agam. • La A i . r. £:«s inv' f<2 f c SoUj fc; ccmniing , Iwoulott Q^ou l)aue • nt:cimcfo;nott)ing^ P ooic. elll)v t'ljcn am 3 1'Ac fo goe ^ome , net onel? U«tt) no ^ CuUj:,tutnogo\june:t^u8gearcgoe0^attj« J I idle, la .11 v'ou banc IjcfirtJ Uj^at fioctir 3 can (^eto )?oii,3 n!iia Do iuaicccomc ^p. Mizaidp^no iicu Or^go t)omc loitt) me ! tcl'umcr. . . ; Poorc. ^Hj^ but q^.ju!)ge;no cell),! SpAaWfr nogcipnc, Cl)cit mutt 3 clcaue run out of tlje SoUjnf. ij,)o;t) cljdere \>on gcntl2man,tou cne no lanos tQ),tt)e 2aD0el)a({) ' invV)c rou a h'Mi\)t to; a gaitlctnonjliatl) onbo ron Qi 3(0^ l.a£^# laiiD. • . : ■ , Gcnt.0m(f:rab!£tmicfeI)erein0otoi#aboac. ; .^ Poor c. if care not man,3l baue let a Web to g«t t^? kuti)0 «nO nt^ cell) agatm, fo; Bi l;aue a tonne m tbe .siofar Vntobct;, butnoCctPt SiMiUt,m^w$ fauUaine. Enter. London and England. Enters tVic Clownc and all his crew drunlce. 'Oownc. ifarclufllscnfic Saptt- 1 , irniCcrfi ,s5fCDli?iIt£5 tucr 11280 taptt lake to ^cur tuits, fo; tl}c ale is atone : tucU f&t c^ U)cU gentle KafCttx, I « RuHmo. IB^f) Grv^aatii, bi? ^tnuens mabcr , tl}ml:ct! (JDOu tlje kbenct^lotttstv^ bcflt,becauCe O^t Iaugl)t eti t^er,&(U': mc but fuct) an ofb^ tm;o,anQ H U>aittj;olu ttje pet at \b^ \)cAD. Qawiie4S^ptUnob;utke,(ptUnot);tiU;r,tl}eaUt5scDO, Bile edl t)outD^at,alet5 alcanD To 3|lc ronmicno mc to vou IvUl) t)4P tte commeitDatto»:£3tebMU st niUSCapftet. 2. lsn)stobiettb}epeCntt(iro;tWltboatt)attt)eU)cttclj O^oiUo lmteme»((Dbebtitonbcr,atTOde t^^nltmi Odgger m tl)^ bofomc 1. Ruffian, mzViBxt\^\Myti)nt 30 t^avt ,ani) Co Ue tabs a. Q!a^?UJlial«n|f ' (.ttjflt. 1/ Vis^ tDbart|)oa toauflan^v 2* fi^tal»t|)k^autne> onOMmc^tolijr^mcimfti tj^erttnu. I* ^Bamfloirtr* 1* S^atdalontCome^BTcarenot^tDUiilHintomrijucm^ «nDcatt(lba(re(l^pot . Cb\ivtit. i^bfltbean^ytakeme txnt^l?e, fo^t^e oUui ale, cttf a (tell toat SD^(Ier,fl me a pot bete is monvjl am no ht%< flpar, 3leroUoiDtt)«a0 kmgaBtbealelalb : apcftilcnccDntbe Uocbs tb; ntf ,(b; 31 nugbt ^atte bao a £alI:iDctt if toe i^l Iftm no 0te dt fit ne bitDne^mo (b forslsdl gmtie s:apff er. - Here be tilf cwqr. the d€aani» rou can a(Ue but a peni; fo; a potjno mo^ bv t^ Us^f tutt* L. c:!illimc,l)crc0 tl)e !&tng,tf)on muS come to b^tn* Clowne .2Di)e Mn^ come to an aie-bonfcfllDapirr,^^ me (^;a pot57Vni)cre0 t^e Binges tbt0 tje^CDiue me i?oac bano 6r, aB goo ^le as euec luojt tapt,^oa fl^all o:mbe tubil^ ?oar (bin crnste. Eafni. )13atl)eai:eStt)OQfelloU},lD|)oktlot^ttf manf Clowne. 3|(e tell pou fir , tf i?ou Dtb taQe of tbe ale , an Nini- uie t^atb not fucb a cup of aie,tt flonrw in tbc cop QkM ^ ^^ 5 rp:nt eleuen pence befioe t^m rates of gtngsr. Rafiii. ^nfiuer me hnaue to mf qucltien>bo&D came t|)t5inan Oamef Clowne. $[»!aui,ta^ale 10 Srong alc,tuim^cap, ^lUmrrant sou tU)iU matte a man Uiefi. SISaplier ^o,fo; t^e &tng a cup of als ano a fttG^ SCoaa,bn:e0 ttoo rafes mo;e* Aluida. cabpg0bflelIoU)tbejl&tngtaUtef notofo;tnto , 1^ U)oul9 l^nw t^ee tell |tm boto t^ts man came Deao* Clowne. 2)?aD nai?»3l tbmbo | am alme ^et^no totU D;inki4 fbll pot ere tiie|t,but bere ^e,tf ^ be tbe toencb tbat ffio t»( b;tnb^ to^)? ro:Do ^i>r office,anD gtne t)0 afirct^ pot, 0; if )^ be t|)e tap# Hertf U)tfe,to|)c fo^lBafl^ tbe glafli^ cleane. Aluida. I^ci 10 fo b^nnUe mi; Ho;) > t^ere if no ta&tng (mt^ , bint* Clowne* S>;unke , na^ t^n foene^ ^ awnot b;nnbe, tbarta fiyitten queanc,to call me b?unite,3l tell tf)ee H am not D;unfte > 3 amatinit^. Enters the Sinith,the Clowncs nMiRcr. Lord. |&ir,^ere comes one per^ps tl^ can teU» Smith. (2^0 fane i^outnat&er* Rafiii. London and England. Rafni. ^mit^ cmitt tI)on tell mc l)otD rtjig ntan came DeaD ? Smith, spapit pleafe ijour Ijig^jneffe^u^ man Ijcrc anu a crue of t^em U)ent to t^c ale-lieufe, anD came out fo D;uiike , tl)at one of tt)em bUD another : ane nolo fir, B| am fattie to Icaw mr C^opi , anOcometofetct)^i)omc. Ralhi. ^ome of )?oa came aloai? ttie teaobot)?,li;tmben mm mnS |)aue ttjetc 6t«,ano firctia ^mitt) A)^e tott^ tbi? man* Smith, ^trita f ou,nfecome go lut^ me. Cio wne* 3f f toe fl^aU tjatte a pot of ;aie> let0 ^aae tt^ere^ mo^ R)?:l)olD Hotter take mg putfe. Smith. Cotne tt^en to^ me,t^e pet Sanus fbll in t^e t^oufr. Clowne. 31 am to; ^on^ ffM^ an ijoncfi ^apScr,Uiecle (;tnke i); pot0 eretoe part. Exeunt. Rafoi. )l3eantiouf ,mo;e W^ t^ beantie in mine err 09 jBDeQ me fatre fijDeettng,tDant0 tt^on an^ tiding f Contemo taHttnntlie tt);«rolo dccle of t^e loo^D, Si:^at ma^ make Aluida line fufl content. Aluida. ^ottjingmg IU?^fo;aUmrtl)otigljt0arepleaftc, tKSi^en ad mine e^e (urf£t0 U)tt^ Rafnes (ig^r» Enters the King of Paphlagonia,maIc-contcnt. Rafni . Hcobe liotB t^ ^ofbanD liaunto one r o^aU Conrt0> l^tB SiUliues 8s^b;eeO0 melanctiol? acpmtf ^ Aluida, B am patntngpaOtoimtr, lainD ttei:t loit^ U);at^ ano anger to tl^e Deatli : Mars in^en^ei^elofaire Venus on iiB knee, lint) taSa> t^ limping ^mit^ come from ^ fo;s^ l^aD not mo;e Deeper (b^rotoeo in ^isf b;oUj, ST^en Rafni liatt) to (eetliO Paphlagon. Aliii. Content t^ (\i}eet,ile (alae ^1? Ib;rot0 firaig^ KeS but tl)e eafe of allt^^ tl)0Dg^5 on me, flno if 31 make not Rafni b\it^ againe, nm fa^ tW toomeno fancies tjaue no (t^ittg, Paphla. ^l)anUl tt)9u not Rafhi t^ong^ t^on bee0 a fting> SCo d^jouoe aoultri? in t^i? ro^atl Cratey j3rt t^ou arc|)-ruUr of great Nioiuic, 2> S ^^0 A looking Glaffejfor tKX^o r^ouftttttcril in Dcrfne m in flafe, a.iD U):on53 t^p fricmJbi?kaepjngbacke||isUjif^, 19 ]ue Bi.uot hattaVi in t^i? troops fhH oft, 0.v.nil y5s,^ypt,Iui.y,anBp;oim Babybn, fR>^'tn:)ing ni^ b'.ouo to pnrcl)arc t^ituviiiimtj ^KQ is tUs gusrooii ofrnp c^toalne, C \Q£0 urtijiiabiiflng of m^toi&f Uv'(!c;jl}crme,o>5[tiBttftflhit^Cmirt0> . . >i!i9 in jktoiiiaKi^e ar(i)^abtittqrousDat)S; Ivaf. 2.(391? t'lfce iJcr Papblagon,iFcUimenot war, 5r*o> 31 DO P^& inttte |fonotiniio;e 4^m louf . ft^^.'cc Aluid J 00 UntH t()i; IMt^ ^ome. A lu I . i^o'd) Dare 31 go >t^am D tutt^i (b Deepc mifoefO, UcaeitgE Ibid beetle luittjin m^ t>«f ijanw b;ttt, a .D U)l)7n ^e 1^ me m t^ C^itrt at ^ontTy £n!)C:t Aluila (^aQ fede ra»tt8e(la;all» llaini. t'Cthat fata t^onSiins ef Papliiagon to t^iit; ST^ou beared t^eDoabtt|ntiDtftOotly QanDt^pon, ^ f U^c foaue Dent tmuire it t«^ttttf)mtt». 3;p.:u(jiepaTBi}naiidfb;getaU.: V j ... V a phla. If ei)at I meant not Rafni to bi$iat» Hiid qnitc fojsct ti^e fbUies ti)at acepalf, 3e UjooiD not tjoiK^tafs^tr p;(fenceinmf Ccmt0| X5ut 0] ^ I^aU be m^ :£luixat,ini? lonMns ^ anD AluidabntotjctP^phbgon 2ndk)ueD,an:)«o;cbtloaeDtt)cttbefb;ei . Ra{hu^l)atan?ft-^K»AluidatOtbt0* Alui. SH'pat U)iU (jeOoeare it to mv Sto;ii t^i king* 0n^ i;i a M caronfc of (Drobiflj toine, EDjiuHc ooluuitl^m^Uce pf ^ oeepc renenipr^ 39 Isill 30 t)onie anb Iptir \m Bt(D figainf « Rafui. aitjatanftlDCnf Papblagonf Papula, E:batU)!jarf|>tbatb wqaefltcD 31 toiUDo. A lui. o SDcimsfcll fctcb me t^^ rivot toine, Cb ^f 6an05 toitbin tbp Clcfet «n tl;i ^i\th Put)u;c it into a ffiinOins b«tels«f goli^ !l5u( London and England. ^jt on t^S life taff e net bcfc.:: f t)c ming. cpalic ^aa,U)^ is qxcAt Rafni mdancljols fl^os ; gf p.:3inire bcr»ot bcpt,!jafcaUfo;mc. l^ere ui t^e Icrne nig topjfrft mafee ^ ftw wrc. Paphla. iSp NiniuiciftEMf gOW^aUO Niniu:es gtCOt }\\i\^ ^p ftoug!)t0 C^all nwcr be to to^ong am toift, flnDt^crconl)cre5flfullcarotofcfoI^# - Alui. antj t^crcon llafiii^ercfl a hiiK to; t|)ff, ^oto maiC ttjou ftoli: fWl tjwt Aluida, paphU. ^I) B! am DcaOjDbOructisnf ofmi; b^e^> 2:t)2 potfon is of bjoptgow (fearpe cfff (t, CurfvD be all aDultronstAU^nwfaj 3> ;anD curfing (b,p(D;s Papblagon oottj tic^ A lui. ii5 oto ()^e 3m«» Wn«M)t fo;nrt»f *f mvlww l^aue g not rio aripiiof t^f loae«, . ©aM faifl rt)ou I^afm to (^ l^weiour < Rafni, SEtjat fijj (|i(s,&aD Oe OiCb mr AIm4a, 3|n ^cnDoU ano m coOlg ^ul&piDcr ' S15o;D;co Imt^ pear2r«nii 3oDi«S>iamonD, 3lc cadJt great Eol pcrfbme all 1^ hwD^ ^EKit!) rictjeft m^;rc aoD curiottf ^bcr grace, Comclouclg minion,paragon to; faire, . Come ibllotu me (lueet gowsTTe of mine eT!e, U)oe me fb^ t^fe mttbttOi, ^lonc I fcualUs to ttjtnke tpoii t^e tuo;lD, i^nd Q3I to fes tl)i? p;op^et0 fo contemn'!) ; S^-IafTe contemn'o b)? ctitfeo IfraeU. 1 j^et lonas rea content,tt8 Tfraels Girnc fL^at canfctt) tt)U(,t^en mufe no mo^ thereon, 15ut p}a? amenof ,ano meno ttyg ouine amtfle • An Angcll appcarcth to lonas. Angcl. A mithais fonne,! ci)argc t^a mttfe no tno^i (31 am) ^at^ polscc to pavDon anb coirr tt, %si t^ce pcrtiins to Do t\)t lLo;Od commanO* ^0 girt t^p loineis^ano fjaQ t^ce quickly ^encc, %^ Niniiiie,tt)vit migt)tie Cttte turnQ, 9no Cap tt)t0 meOasf from ttie iLo;B of l)oal!0, p^eoc^ tinto t|bcm tfjcfe tiBtngfl from t^ ^od* )i5c^olo tt)]? toicbebnaflfe f)a(^ tcmpteo mr, Snb pterceo tl);oug^ t^nmefblo o;be0 of^atten: Kcpcnt,o;eltei^Biuogementteat|wiio. J London and England. T^is faivl,the Angell vanifhcth. lona?. ^^ottrateB; l^cbrfci;cttj2lLo;')of|)ofl;e«, Ja^ttt) l)umble carc^intenDing ^is bcljcff, lat) t)onouccD be ] choua hs great commanOy JCtjcn lonas mutt to Niniuic rqjairc , CommanocD a5 ttjc piop^cf of tijc ILo;li, ^r^at Dangers on t\)i8 ioumc^ to aUiaigbt, S5ut Dangers none totjerc beaucns Dttctt t^c courfe, tlH^atiat (^oulD I D0Pne,5 fee^^eaOg^tng (l:c, i^oU) Ifracll finne,^et bnolves t^e tua^ of tnit^> 0no t^crcb? grolues tt|2 t^e br-b3o;D of tt)e too^lD, i^oU) t^en (^oulD Cod in tuDgtment be fo ttrubt ; <£^amtt ti)o(e 1dI)o neutr t)earD o; kneto ^is poUisr^ jCo tf);catett tttec rutnc of tb«m aU : ^^outD 3 report t^^is tuDgnnmt of m^ ®o0y 3 i^oulD mcttc ttictn mo;c to follotu fimie, 0n) publt(^ to tt)e U}o;lD m^ countries bli'ttir, 3t ma\? not b:^p confriencc tels me no. a^ lonas luiU tbon pjojuc rebellious tticn J Coiifiioec ere tbou fall,tDt)at errour is^ S^^ minoe mifgiucs^loppa toill 3} fl«, SitiD fb; a luliile to Thaffes C^apc mp conrfe, ^Oiitiil tt)c ILo;o bnfret \^i5 angr^ b^lucs. Enter ccitainc merchants of TharfilSja Mai* Oer^and foinc Sailers M. Come on b^inc merci^ants.noli) tt^t b)tnD ootfi rentfi ^nD i\3)atV£ bloboes a gale at ciiolcS, ^outtilueS. £)m: t^oTDs a a:oire,our anct)o;s on tt)e pike, ©wl'iat (^.iU *juc Ijcnce ano take t^is merr^ gale f Mer. £>aiicrs ccnui'v our buDgets ftrait abcD;D, j3nD m U)il( recompcnce pour paincs at laft, 3 f once in fafrtieUie ma\? Tharfus fae, ^.U)a'c featttljefcmcrr^ mates anDtbee. M. ^ean-Ujljilc content ^our rclucu \xiitt} fillr totiS, iDur beDs ar( b(D;Dcs^oar fgatts arc fall of mirtt}. ■^-^ A looking GlafTcjfor t:ct:t)?cnopottipc,U)car:tt)rl.o:5j3offe, ' »clVn ]0:iiKcs auct in carr,iDi fiumcfee of gl«« Oriau , r^oul3crB ditD tl)c pointers fcrue, fZo b: our ilojj^- Sara ui tfjc Unjrtng ntglif, £:•): biMutics of Araumsluc beljolo, a-n tt) jiKjf) t')c ^^i\tt is no Utohcmian ^cto, %): l:i\D\a):s ino;cIlvt tt)m cucr boslic-mcn rcaO. Sai ler « 5i5p be^ucits lucll C\iD,m l)ono; of our traoe, iLcf d fit t^e p^uocS fcboUct Sir ^isi courfc £); IT)if£ Ijis tioco as ^illp failcrs Do. • SZ^tw Unll lu: r alo ttjcm p2aifc,clfe ncucr none. ' Mfi, (isarflipofecnftlloUiinttjineotoncbc^alfir, But Icf Us !jencc,U)inD tarrirs noncron inot, )^n9 fioc anD time Ut flip is barDl^ got* M. f^arct) to t\)t i^^auentnarct)an(s, 3 folloto ^otu loiias. ^oto Dot^ occaCon furttjcr m^ DcCrcs, 3 fi.nr companions fit to do mt fligtJt, Jfe'aic fir 'S p:ar,auD fjcare a toojo o; tlco. M . fea^ on gcDD frceiiD^ut lj;icfl^ if tjou plcafi^ £^y> pafff ngcrs by? tl)i$ time arc abm^u. Jonas .^Ifjill^cr p^ctcno von to imbarbc^jooc fclttC0i M . Ho Thai lu - rir,anti ^erc m Ioppa|)aufa ^ur Q}ip is p:cS aiiD rcaoie to Depart/ lona^ e5ai? K ^auc paflajjc fo; mpmonr i^ttit M. tSI'Qv'it not fo^ mont? f pap ten (Uuerltng«> ^0(1 arc a iDclcohic aucft if fo vou picafc. . Iqnas. l^olo tafee tlnn« ljirc,3I foUoto tfjee mi? frioH; Ai. CCl.):rcisvcut buDgct let nic bare it fir. lonas. 'Co oiic in pcace,VDbo fade as 3 Do ncto, ^ut trutt m t;uR;iut)o Oiccourctt) cuer^ Uiant* Off. When Prophets ncvV infpir Jjprefumc to force And tic the power of heaucn to their conceits. When fcai c,proinotion»pride,or iinicny, Arnhitign/ubtillcraftjthcir thoughts t'ifguiff, Woe t o the* flgckc vvhcKOi the flKphcard* fold* ot London and England. For lo the Lord at vnavvarcs fliall pbguc The careldTc ^uiclc,b€caufc his flocks do ftrayj The axe already CO the trccis fct, Cc^vaw to icmpt the Lord ye men of art. Enters Alcon,Thrafibuliis,Saniia, Clefiphon a lad. Clefi. S©of^et,(bme meat o; eKe 3 oie fb; toant. ^iippl^ tt)^ toanfu,lnJt nafecoiwco Denies : ^^)i fathers am^wt portion in ttii0UJo;lO, • 515? tofwr? anofalfc Deceit teloft, ^0 c^aritie toit^in ^ Citie biws: ^JJ ft? tiemfeUies,anD none to ^clpe t|ie p©;ie. Clefi. f atl^,(^aUClcfiphonl)aueno retleft? Alcon. :^att^tnB boi?,1 mu8 be flat luitb ttjee, toe mun fctft tpon pMuerbes noto^iaa mcctTitic !)att) no lato,a ct)urlce fcatt i# l)0tter tljcn none at aU:&'?ot^ecntttsbK«-^uetoc none,c):cf ^t t^ bjotljec Radagoo Ije^c tJ5. Samia, 315 ttjt5 tt)?acnDcr cate toljcfpe our cl)ilD(e l^at^ nature armDe t^ee te no moje remo;fe# jai) cruell man bnfeint>c anD pittiltCDe: Come Clefi phonm?bov,tle beg fbj t^jee. Clefi. j0t) l;olD m\) mothers mourning monctf) me. Alcon,/^T^ ^ou C^alpa\» mcintcrcft fb? gettinc tljc bovttiifc) Icfoze ^ou Carrie t)im bencc. at) lalTe toomrn Uitjat can A'con Do mo^e? jlc plucU tt)e Dellr cut of mi? Iieart foj tbiB ftoat Samia, bcnotfotoafpilb. Samia,a^fill\;niart,^fenototf)ttoaMi5srcat, 0nD fcDJinjli? 3 «ti craiie Uibere rottjing is. = ^afle A Icon bviflte,mahc batte tlnto our ftmnc, W,S)Z fuue be iB in fauour of tbc Uing, S^aip Ijclpe tbifi b'^plctTc Gentleman anDbfi. ifoi to rcgaine out gojiis from tviantfi banoff. Thra.lpaue patience Sami.i,tDawl)t tour toeak frcml)eaocn, %^% Qm% 1^ raifDi^our fcnne V^'^t &; tyij?, €2 S^ ~T / A looking GlafTejfof JCofuccourmnoantsmtljntDiffrcflrc -. Enters Radagon, Solus* \ ILo toljcrc !)c CQitits from t\}c impcriaU Cotut, <15o,lcts p;olIrate t)s bcfo;e ^td fartf . Alcon.:^;i^fapmptrot[j,tlcncucrafftcm2&nmbkrma,f6e froU), cl)a taught ^mit)is bConto totoU^fatDcj;, tobaffoiiM Rada. ciitlaine DillurUc mc not,3| cannot llap, Alcon. SCatfonncilc^elpeiJoiiofijjaf Difeafeqiacfelr , fo;3 wn !)oIo f ^ct,afh ttii? motljcr hnaac,U)f)at cunrang 3| ^aue to eaft atoonuit , toljenaqualmeofkinDmirecomceainearetierffo* macfte f Hct me but clatpc mine armeff about ()cr bod^ ano 1^ -, m? pjaiers m !)er bofome,and n^i fl^ll be tjealco p;eff ntlp, Rada. JCraitoj Unto m? ]^;incelp ^Mtme^ i^olu Dar a t^u bn? tf)p ^an00 l^n a b^ ; Samia* ^o Ecaito; Radagon,but ttwis^ S^tH t)atb p^motton UeareD ti)n0 tiiine e^r j Snp fcome t jg father \^n'StUfiU tfwf af) laHe mt! ronnc bei)olD tuttf) ru^foU epcK, set)? parentBrpbD of ail t^eir 10}lo{p loeate, 15? Cubttle mcanc0 ftfosrurie ano guile, £!^e Biuo j£0 eare0 are Deaffeano fl^uf bpt(o(^> ^llmerdcacepc0,t^'nl)et^intll)f(epi«ngctf . j a patron tat^mot^rtpijcc twine*, 1 5; J::> )l5ei)olD tl)p b?oti)eraImoIl oeao (offom, •'" j^!; (Uccouc t»,t^3t firtt^iD fuccour ttet« ,Rada. W}^t (occouc me,fdircaHet \^me attant^ ^loootcirapack,mouc not m? patience, .' . j 31 knolD pou iiQt^trts^ ncafria)((r ie tolv* ; Saniia.^oubnoU)t)0not*O^Rjid(ii.tQttbniDis)y. ; ;;> £Dt).it bnoluing t}sr,i>Qtittnol]) tottrpacent^ ttjen, : Sn^ou bncioflt tt^is U)ombe firS b;ous{)t:t<)eefiQ;t|) (0 ligi)(, 3IIiiioUit^efcpap3iiiDfbfiert^m?fonne. ; . r Alcon. ano 31 booivt^e iKitil^ f^fSi niAveg ^pi^tlbitm ffi^AlSr 8(in^ |>Jinw,asf{CQno as 6et5,t|)at bn^i* Thracib. 3|i9aig|»taat^p00faiaQuci9ntt|nd(d^e> j . -: ffmrnmifmsf London ^nd EngMnc!. ®J!jcrc cljilQjcn l^olo tl^tk fatfjCwfoi fiiigrace, - ■ ;-^'.:'. .-; - ?15Itttl)mtl)cb;ujtoesofro?aI!Raclagonf ^ OTaftie auantj^ence beggeeB tuit^ ronr b;ate, ^arC^all jUi{)? ii>f)q) i?e ^ou not t^efe rogue5 atuei? ^ SEljat ttjus Difturbe oar ro^all ^^aidlie* ClcGphon. 90ot^a 31 fee it 10 a ii}ono;oa0 1^» Ifrom bafe eliate fb^ to become a &tng : jpj; to^ nwe t^infe m^ b;ot!)er in tbcfe fif0, ^atb got a binsdottie^nD t^atii loS bt0 tutt0. Rada* ^et mo^ contenqit befb^ mt cotalttc; ^lauc0 fctct) out to?rure6 luo^e tlim Titius plagtictf, lano tearc tljeir totigiS-from t^dr blalpbcmous l)eaiw# Thrafi. 3lle get me gone,tbo tooc begon toitl) gricfif, ^0 ^ope rematne0,come Atcon Ut bg IsenD* Ra^luer be0 ^ou tiiD,fb.: feare tiou catci) ro^ baiu* I Sami».j^?S^aito^,31tutlIljauntt^atot^5eat§ij I tangrati0a0(bnne,bntotoarbanopmi0r(e> I 3^liUt|)e^eauen0iuit|ic(cboe0oftbtp;ii>C} - \r jann ring in crnvQ earc t|rc ftnaU rcgaro, '• ^ SC^at^oettDetpitc ttn? paitntB in tiicii; iuant0» amb^embing fb;(tl} m)7 foule be(b;e tt)^ fete, 3p^ cudff ttill CjaU ^aunt t^ bateftdl ^eai^. <^no being Deao,m^ gtiod M t^ purfue* • ^ » ' Enter Rafiii King ofAfliria attended on by Ks ->, .~I footh-fayers and Kings. KaTnl )^ nolx),lol)at meane t^s^e OQtcric0 in onr Cour(# I- ' €!!lbccenougbt(^ould^nnD,bntt)arn!^ome0of|)eaucn> * 23Clijatmafeet|)RadagonfopalfiDnatef Sami;]« 3lulltcej€) &tng^u(!icc agattiil mt fonn^*- ^ • Rafni, snbB(bnnc:lDt)atfonnc? J ^'^ Samia. 2Dt|i0 carffl) Rada^oQ. ..", ./,- I Rada. D^wD ^onarcl)>tbi0 i0 but alanarie,k - \'. . •- ' ^J lHCJl)ic^grijfeanoU)ant^atbb^ougbtttj€toomawtt, : - ^^oot|^Qi0pa£pi9n^loisoneucc^^flBns^ , .Ia^3 . (fe J Samia, . A looking GlafTe^for Sr.nh. Ql) pclliticfcc in finnc Am ioicbeDntffc, Sq i:iipuD«nf to: to Dcluoc tt^v p;mcc. iii:i) Rafni, t!):o lunic Inciiibc bjougljt Ijiin fcD;t^, £3lji5 uj 1)13 ral'n:r,UJo:iic luitl) care ano nge, Cois 13 fjw b:ot|)cr,pa3;e Untjoppic lao, Hn^ J \)iB n)otficr,ttjougl) contcmd b? |)im, CUitl) tcojoiw topic U)c got cur little g©D, flno b;ciJ3!)( |;iin bp to fctjojlc luit^ micblc cfjargc ; Loat) |)oU) iu: top'o to fee tjia^lcUiarDiuCe, latiD to our fdurSjU): oft m QUncc faiD, C?)i3 rout!; \ji\m U)c arc olD map fuccouc ttf ♦ JSiit nolu pjcfcvD anD liftco top bp tija, ZUt quite bcSror-cD bp curfeD Wuric, l^c fcojnr to mc,tii5 fatt)er,miD tijis c^iloc, CL-/]. loc pUies t\i^c Serpent ng!)t,D£(crib'0 to i^Efopcs fate, Eljat f ouohtt t^c fbficnJDeattj,tl)at latclp gaue Ijim life, A Icon.jjj ap iM plcafe pour niatcCti-(l^ip,fe; p^ofe tie toas m^ cli]iOe,rcarcl) tfj : parOl) boofec: tf)c Clarfec luill fUjcare it, ^is qod* firtljcrs anD goDinotbcrB can luitncCTc iU it ccft mc fo;tic pence in nle an:) caUcu on t^c iotues at ^isi c^n&ntttg. licence p;ouo hin^ tl)9u nj.ilt ncucr ind;e tjaye mp blcOing. He takes hhn apart* Rafni. &apf(Dtt) in &cret Radagon, 30tl)i8tl)pfanKrf Rada. Cpigljtic tog fjc ifi, • 3 blutl^ing,tf II it to pour 9^aic0ic. . iliC. cabp DoH tljou tl)circontcmncfnmanbf)tf friend Rada. iSrcaufc l)c is a bare ano abiectfloaim, O^p motljcr anD l)cc b;nt boti) bcggarlp, U imsitc to be allicD ijnto a tog, ^M)oub 5; tijut liDljc on Rafncs countenance, flnt) mm\) aunoli bis ropall equipage, Cmbafc mp fclfc to fpcaUe to Cur^ afi tj)ep# SCiucre iinpiouxi (b to impatrctbe loue E^tjaimiiThtlC RafmbcarcStO Radagon, 'S ^oulD i^our gr«uc tuoulo quu tj^sin feom^oiir U^^t, London and England. jCljaf oare pjefumc (o toUe on loucs compare* . Rafni. 3| Ufee t^v p.2ioc,B; pjaife t^? poUicte, f^uct) (^oulo t^ct be tt)at toait Upon twig Cour(# ^"**^ jLet me alone to antote (Radagon.) ^illainc fcDiciouB traitors as ^Qu b:, ^^at fcanoali^ tl)8 honour of a fiing, S>cpart m^ Court, rou Sales ef impudence, dStiUeirc pou toonltt be parteo from t:our Umme£f, ^0 bafe ft)? to intttlc fat^cr-^D, SD) Rafncs freenOjto Rafncs fenourifcf Rada. I^snce begging fcolD.^encc catiuedflgtJ U)tt|> ^n patne of oeat|) ccutttt not t|e Court* {^tsxts, WSiM 31 conccin't) b^Gueb a fcttrou: trull, ^; b;oug^ to ligl)t b^ fuel) a lump of Dirt : ^ LoHelt trot it to tt)e cart an;» (paDe, JBDbouartbnmeetetolmfeebponaUing, , ^ ^ucb letTe to be tbe fatbcr of a liing. Alcon. ^ou mat fee toifc , to^at a gcobli? pace of bw^c rou IjanemaDC ,t)ant 31 tOU^t^OlX Arfmetiy^ addutorimulhfltca- r«w,t|)ertdeof t^ia^anoaUfiD) ft)ebegetting of abcr,anotobe bonil^eo &; mt labour*^ pitttful^aring*Come CleHphon fol» loto me* Clefi. 515»tt)erbetDare,3|ot!!jatiel)tartittfolD, (oft. , JDljat Conncfl^tio oo t^etr fatljcra &o;nc, C^ll beg tobfn tbc^ b ^ ^ t Extt Alcon,Clefiphon, Radagon. I^cnee battarU bo^ fo? feare tcu tattc tbc bDljip. Samia, £)\) all pou btaucns,ano ^ou eternall pcbjcrjs, SCbat fiua^ t^e f\oo;b of luSice in tour l)anD0, (3|fmotl)cr5rarfcs of l)vr fonncu contempt, ipat fill ttie ballance of tour furie full) |9ols;e coU)nett)e tenipeQ of tour DircfaU plagttc5> tSpon t[)e \)tOi!:i of CUrfcD Rada^on* Vpon this praicr fbc depaiteth, anda flainc of fTrc appeareth fi:orabeneatli,and Rarlajon is (Ivailo^yed, JfeO too are iuB,noU)tniimp|^ Samia. JEAf/.Samia. Rafni. I'^.'.'i '^ !" " '.'» > Albpking Glaile^fbr \^^\) tautl^eD t^e p;toe of m^ Delight i (13{!3jatto;tuo(u( planetoid; malcttolent Conrptnn9poU)er,teptning DeSeme ^nt^ maoe tS)e (oncaut otV^e tart^ bncldfe, 0aDXl^ue in ruptare0 loael^ Rada»on/ ^f 31 be Lo;0.comihanoer of t|ie (louoef 9 S&tns of tt)e eart|),ano ^oueraigne of t^e feav, . Qliaiiat Daring ^atutne from ^ia fiene Dinne, SDotf) oart t^cfe fttneuic; fiamea amtottm? Court f B( am not ct)tefe,t|ece i^ mo;e jpreat t^en 3, iaviaijaf greater tl)Cn Th'affirian Satrapos < Bit ma^ not b0,anB ?et 3 fmxt tl^m iB, - SCi^at ^at^ bereft me of m|? Raciagon. (utnee^t Soothfaicr. ^onarcf) and potentate of all oar ^v^ spufe not To mucd Upon tl)i0 amoenty tEldHlljtcbtd Sometime on fobatnejOotb caacnate, fMJi^\z flabe0 of fire>ano fpnes outftom befofo SCOe Qnoakte b;anO0 t^at Vulueus beUob^es D;m0i W!X^tl^zc b)? iDtnoef tndoreo in tb^ «ait|r> l9>j fractnre of tbe eart^ b? riuerd ft>;ce, jbuct) cbantes 00 toas tbij^^are o(ten feene, t^;utloI^ ct^0 funcbe,U^ole countries D;oioneb qntft^ n^n mule not at ti)c loffe ofRada^cMi* 3l5at ftolicto iuiti) t^e DaiUanceof tnxtr |on(« Hef doat^o of purple fct vu^ ftubbe^ of 0OI0,' 9ibe^p;eD (b; A kiida to 0t bpon« SCbent^oti Itiff Mancotivting tl^e iS^aemeoftoite^ ^diS b;tue aiva^ Cl)is mclamj|)olv fit« Rafni. i]Dbep;ttfer0gcDO,anDpbilofop^caIt, 0no ^io^e,tb V conuiatle plaoflibU anb (tBeete« Com»ilo;b0,t|)Qual|^ jUlbi fi)ant0 ^ Radagoiu fi^iir(|)\viUrepau l^irMliAnc Kadazo^ ^ ^ r . ^--■- -ii--- ■ .- '-.'- -^ ■ ••• - -•••••■.'>' • JcXMni^ AndPrihcei «afesby flafttty bieI)cguiW#. "J;^ i; -'XcuTra^J (^Ciii Wtinila«r«s do fiSfJ^f ftui«i» noc Uy twA; • ^^^ - ' '-Q 3«;:iii When falfhood fwarmeth both in olimdymik^ 7 (Itiu'ir a When gold is made agod td wtidiig tbepboireiy - 'i* .V" ty/ Andchaiitiee»tdcRtrtnrkhrt)ensdoore, * '' "^ ^^ HVhenmehWwiCfdal'abdurtodifprdud, ^ ' jimg Vhe plagu eslwrfioBe/entdowntt byiG^abdV^^ ■• T -^ ' ' j Where great mens cares arc ftopt to good adincc* ' ^^ 3 ' And apt ro heare thofctalcHHat^ed thdr Sace. Woe to the land/or fibi^thbEatftihallTifie^' Alambcdf pcaccjtheicoiif^of^tetiitics. . ^( =v ^^ - The iudgcofttuth^iMfcipacStt oftficiuCI* S0Q3'i 'S)T.it:U The rv^oar«roCidha&diFi9l^ alrcadli^ is* rljirrj? Clowne. Wi^ bat ()eare tou rmUhrdTe, tou btutn atmrnraur efes are l^e a pStre of pattcn0,€it to Taue ^Itatf^er tn (timmer • atii^foli^eatoa^t^e colDiiltomta; , fo ^m^Ubepotiri^f^ bono loittitDe one epctbecoafe pou arctnarttsix, «nt> mefjoit^ t|d ^?r,bccanfe Bl am^ourman.aia(r«,liei)uetKt)eo,a6tl)eb^o Crocooai t;itttt)^»it0rt^ "^^ t^e.^^^ Adim^amiot a UiommitefnklmCQemoSOie)!, Ail £an il^notloiie^ bat fl^ mult cm idMit atl^e Cr&lbf:bnoio /—•■' 5f Adam, AJam,3tooe(lj«»tngftBrv-iiiM»rtiii|fMeigfci|Kfitt^ ^ tt^e U)o;t)s tut ^(u>ttr^aia(|bill]s>IIH)^^ Wife aioO^^ 1)00)^0 IMneife] fa -^ I .'' f:: r r '. ; ; . W Sintch. g&irr?)a gott^«Hioi» INtofe^dft^ latu>fctegi/yi>(nmiffll nrr fo famtliac toq^if^i^mminApai mtimitBimHiflMg waiatrareiPci^featoBff: ' ' •■ '■'.'^ .— .s i.u-:TH.v\v ' befiomose ttjee Docile t\)iB roape totU ^olD« ' J Wife. qpijgf« j.J'f : :i*i I 6U &; ti)t tnAtftccto beate tt)e &cii«ifi)jLQU/il6ai($|i^'.; as ^li^ iinnn^arc (0 iccctue co;rcctton9 1^ matl^pcifl t»^(92rc^^ofi tin* man ,anD fic J pzav tow jVDt)at greater finne bitten iCvilonSw/i t» toe a mao UQclljat fo j nnuer bites Hmfelf^: • fi^erf fc;p ttra^ 3 tUiir oov m^ ouiK to e^u $^03^ HiAiitti;, ^ dttft.44 jnok^ *te^ (bntw L wn«. m^ bM% manfanaocf a»sf 3il^8er,anlit»)t^ iit)?ou,t^e faired ofib^tiepeticp^ 1 5-?,.5«ii Is :3t?. :^nB> ,i-^ c"^ Smith. aiaffeU«ft,^el^,belpe,iftsmanM*«^ ' Clownc» anDt^l»S3ltet**tJtetfK j. Smith, l^^liand Adam , anainotonete3 fo^gtneaHU fa;zit ali^bae 31 iutUiptis t^ a goD faxmz to Itue on« : Oo^vtic. ^egone|aea(aat,outjoft|^cmnpai&^mi?(^ec «?mt8rcffe, , 'u^ ;:d: Jai;:^?^:;^ Smith. Q^aen lD|«tt ^Q»iA»GEr90^ Atec. ' Cbwne. 9IJQ)eii3pleaCe,titai1ie t^ tDojoi^Itt a lca& pard^ to iiauc ano to ^olo^^po^^iM mini &; caec ^4np iitieUfift to f|^aIe-|;o(i(«« r*:- " -.' /; < Oftnt. Whertfcrmnts gainft ro:.i(lcrs do rebcUj The Comrn^hAVcale niiy be accoumcd helJ, For if rhe fcct^Bcittjteiui'ilutirhotdinicamc, The Gci€s flate watl;i&i£»id befbdame* This error (a]ttdan^sitctiioDtiiy.i^atey Scruants amend ,and mfRfterskabe to hare. Let bue abound,and vectue raignein all, %/Q God vNiIl hold btir&mi ihacHuifaroctb tbiaH> \ Enter the ^uchanlfe (rf Slurfio^f fac^.oftbcfii^il(flrtpt Sail^lS^wtitfr6ni^ea,wich them the Goua- ^ ^ ! Gouer.Iop. t{a^^ffrtii0e^aiQH«iifi|Bce^Qti4^ft9< fi^ t|)UB ^cur )Barite 15 batterjeM^lli^aOfiy $ii^Conretnrmt|Ht0(ea-itw«Mtt9iCB» :.; c. ,4 . i^' OTtct)bettectf)cnteMvSp$mit4ibt i. - H-^ia * {^mtro at ti)e fcstc of clcare Roote$aTati»y!>< f. i>vhi .riituo^j )» s2lnDmt^eU))Qti^Diam6t9fl^C|ie^eiS^ r; * :; ..^rnV! SC^ilaa&dtsnisAfiitiifSotic&in^ttali ^^m to t^e (eji0 b^it^ bltt^fiill Iseffeme IMl^ srJ fn: n^r.H 3i5uttoatt4paaitfi}Ucbeaoo&blgdf»m^ rj jTi.d ;i;;> ^/ticl isnll of fx)6i^ ^ ratCe tl)e inUolucB tip^ ,71 /. -lint ^rri )Dut topimlet tp,tue truCDe our fy^aOtg in^ \ilim -^^^< ^tl) ifo)U>et||elitee0fim(iiti^t|)^in9;Bto \. $^8utltuts iDt^^iuoiif coflsttigi^ )&tr)5arkct0b9tttwBin^lnc8tilttriiT|^ll0i^^ lo'i niall at once (am(i|laftt8lefoQr fatle0 )afi»4^lib9S>6iiiittlr4MFioO o^ ^S>tn: ruoder b^ite ano tQ£ bereft of ^ope^ IK^^etr eie0 an|)$anD0JM^»l^€tenYtn$0(S^o^ SC^e g0D0 toe caS tn bolbeld of t|)e fra, IDtwI^ atone fmniMirmbi^f ^nml $t ?:riwr^ -ma? ;aD^ )b^ JljMff>nyr,ofelmiwi|li^ nov Ci!$ .! J p flii^ficptfecore,tp|>mlPete^ mcceOT p;atec; t l^etofflpciliap«iftBWfW^ |»otoairtoii0e$eln:)SormB(]^i; . ^ T^jm^uHi/lotlw js;^^ |)eattni0 tb^ imoto,t6el^;iie0 th atf hnrch 'diid boorci 7 \Vhcrc maieftic the Go^eH doA «Iijt^HlH^^ - Where PreacheMfHr your |(X)ir,th3fiS6teB&ptftQc. To dally Ion^.and';(Hlf ^rotfaatiwrtiiii^, '-^ •' The Lord isiult/irrd you but duftancmime : -^ Pfcfiimciiot ftr^aV&y *M^ artc^ '-^ ■■,1 Who fuffercth loner, wiltp*^iSWf»ie^ hit: Caft thy account I Thcniiid .-.tM '. " T7 l£. lonas the Prophet c^ooroTthcWlialw - lonas. 1U);D of t^e4Mi^tpMf^ tiA$^Hi^ iloe from t|ie ^iDipiM^botseU" S^ou ^oflfittt^h^ ii§e to t^ sq^ep^ouo lMl4«i40# fltiD ftont ^t£i noa^?tl0l2)O^' QSlljDfc bacbe uQSb^ti\ tWofe p^efence mabe0 !t ^- * - l^at^lmf iJ«»o*(W^^ ^-'^^^ S5otD tsm? fengg,aitt> ^ 1r to g W |(bgi#^ ^ liattpefofb;gcieft,a«T?ofrtiteattt^^^ — ,;^" , ^ 3|ntroiiMc!Lo;o,3c«H«rt«8iE^J '' ' -^'^^^f |-^':^ ;i, iDitf oft^e beupofti^ei&jprti*^ ^^SL; :':1; w ' ''- i N. 31AW0tyti^f9bh^^ catt from out t^i? Ogl^t, 31toenttnttftl>eftoftomc9pftj»i|6ft; : 3luB:.rJ.v!;ri(I3cUrfiJf jn|imtDtU31parni^tjDtoC8Ji|tot|«pL0J9bL :,it:ii.^t Ifo; tofjB^aation cogp »|rp»niw» t^ai(«* , ! . ^sifil eta Angel IcH^ fTife,gct I^^Ninmief jor j) Jtf .♦/ci ^o/ 1 3U f'Ci lino p;ca(||^t^f^{ri$^^mg8t^ Bl bApr «aa'^atcoaa4iHiNb^&^amiakf^ 'i IBeanngt^etoaUeiitfii^ig^ * ' Whereas j^lpim^ll^f^ .. ^ Ifalrg arc tSe to^«iH|%|f!Mir«»T ,,:;^ tunvnq ))r^ rj0(?si2 O/J4/. You Propliet$Te«n5feIpp?$.:j?ow fiP ^R#l 03 .urlT Who knowes his maifterLWH »»i^^tbai'Cone^..v . . . _ Wanton thbu,and wfiit4lfetoH^r«iWii' -^ Jl tJnJi Hi^hojantJ X'-t He cics sue nor, ^'toS* "7" ~7 "~"1 ant) ploe tfie tomttoil«^Bff(li»^fM^ro Jlcr^r ucf I ta^ Ifee ts fljB felft ,b2C«ite a Wlailiili^ Comelact^(SDei]rfHllHfcnffl|^tty|fi^ King Cili. q^ofi«|Mftfafi^»aVflis^^ -r,. ] ;^^-,^ 3tfit0not(uc!3anabi0d«j^«*|^ -^i^- ^- 7^n AU SCO talise Oust fr^o^tt^ltftttt toltttki^lKb i^^beru)fcot,arttfaouf«l»W ^- -^ v- >. .j? l5hl(l^mC(Bl4lSf^l»llB»@ilicMn]0^^ . /J . ^onc but t^tj felfecalj^iwHtegJaJ^/Jif^ ?! '^'^"o- ^^^ .wrroT K.Ci.^aDam,3|M^i^ftNWt!H^ Ali^bOig^fatrltf&i^iif^^vail^ - -^ K. Cf. l^niSllNdiyilWi^ utiioi^i^c^ Beautie aUf&, where wa(l thon k>rne f LonHoiififtd England, King. $^at)amtonEforigiS9flflirfgpafilton^ ' Aioi. JMi)i)tUtt)oututt|ienpttttemtcSatef King. a&eIoue0ff|idn49^tRtttenia?tmpare. King, ^our louet0lVKB.a|k^suattrliiB%« AluK sbutU)omen0toae^i0a6cbttt^g« 3 loue m^ Raftti fo; tni» Dignfe 31 louc m^ Rafni fince t)e rules t|)e tM^O, 3i5utmo?eBliouett)U(ktnstsltttt^tDd;ID« Embrace him. I^U) (ti30ete ^e Uoites ^iS>b ^^(^ 31 Citkias Phcere, Sinn tt)ou £ncliro'ton,3| (^oulo l)olD tl)ee oeert : SCl)a0 (l^oidD mtm eirnies be (jpi^ad aboot t|i? ncdtp* JFoibrace his niecke. SCtitui l»oulD I feifiDe m^ tette at etterte becbe« Kiflc. S:^|iu£; iuoulD 3|fig^A (&t^a fu»eeetl^ fleepe, 0ni) 3lf tf)ou Uiabea not fame,tbtui tootdD 31 tDeepc « StU) t|)U0,anD tfniBjano tt)U0 :^U0 mucl) 31 lone t!t)tt*^ KifTehim. Kin^. ^0^ all $e(e tofoc{(,be0^aotD me if ^ p^ne t ou : $P]^ fmt^ Dnto ra^i&ins fiMl n<)t b^ talc"^* Alui. (I3cDdlto^t>olomenarecocU)tient^etarecrau'Of King. ^aDam,bebotDooriitngapp^oac|etbntc. Alui. SC^enart £n<|iniion»tt)ertnomo;e,b^t9^o fo^t)ii>i3IDte. ' Faints. Poine at th« KingofOticia* Enl'cir Rafiiljwilh hisKings and Lords, Mat atlestlie Center of m^ f)appme(&, Ml^ere on^wpenW t^ ^eaucn of mp ntli^^t i Si:;^'nee^e0t^etnoto;0tocomtt]anom^too;lD9 SC^banog t^earterlo maintainem^ too^D. W^^ finaeff y ^ p^9ab!rp;i ifo; (^e » Cure Ludiu to voor iUns, )l5ut fierce Mcdufa to |?our baTer ete« Alui. 9iaa|uttfBflept,lD^ere^oatomtpflIo(t)bef . Rafni. Wik^in mc bofome i^nnpl^jnot on m^ fumy ^Ittpe Ifte t^ fmtKns puritte of [^eanen, screen mtlDcd i9to t0 loat^ to Uend t^ peiiMy ^eane luD^ile tb? blame(l^fromtl)i^b^itft»l«t^ 0nd iDiHle t^Ce clofores of t|n? lampf ^ (i^, S^^ (bale ma^ ^am t)t0 peactthmi (Smctes Isaim I^^U( 10 mn Moranr, ^D BJ ^ Cephak}^. ^a6e not to fonerU)«^ ^fcintpjl^ms Ionei0 tooraif : Catrjes^pl^B llatiec0ni:lfraim0,U)[N!l0iipt.minfl . Enter t}iC Pne(lVvi|k^e mkertODr their hcads,9tfryiag f)r<; )n thfit bands* Pricft. ailtiaaebntoTh'aflirianleitie. lUC )»;ica0 l0in! p;e(imie ton to biiM^ r . ::t7 '^:^ London and England. SB4)0ld amtDtt tH^e tOi^HUB of ear €H)^ ^ur n^tte €^oDs ttye patrmui of ottt iiMite. 9St^ iri)oa of Dead mmlieloimfi; toalbt oboul» €i^ Vc>Ve,l»Mt^t|)tfCttoinoe« . : SCt)( (latate< of onr €^flM»e tl)^0lm» itotimey $3no Sreameg of tiflittintr iritetis 00 Jdfaiiie« Aiuida« a|ibi(& m|:lli;b^!^ CtDm80 D» I l^eartf »MQ|beflattu^ She ftartetli. Rafni. lllllotat^fdl^AluuIa/ 4Do b;eabe me t)p t^b^a^tiMltef ofD;eaimi» flno bituu me naft» Moipheus 01 «[ 4)aine, Siio fitter afl tlirCeBiciei of t;^ n^ , Tl&tt9iat t^ to otibaiejB)? Ahitda. A hand from oiii a doad^hreatnetli a burnmg fnx)rd. K. GU.S5e|^tjeaD|0;^^bnmmgfb}o;o(h»i;^rmien» SBM ln?at|Me«fning«iiie uilmDifl^eo. Rarrn. M|)atam3it|^;ei(tieotienamtb(tmT)tt);o8n; ^e0^ l^$^;ig*air,^c' . ; f TalKlivamingwaotofu,prk!ewiUkaaeaf«U; ^ Woe to the Und >^lierewatiiingipio6t noiig^t^ j Who fay chat natttre, Goetideirces htth «froiight« Who build on faie^aa^ao^thid cametQamt . TheGociofGods,6s«eteCfari(l'ri»'otidfone^ . If(uchercapes^l.«odoist«igti^m;thee:: Rcpait,forwhycachfinlhaTlpuniflitbc. '. , . Eepent,amend,r^^>enilrj:hc houre is nie^ Pefcr not time^who knowes Wheshc(hall,ditf ;>uf .u < ' Enrers onQ cladjn diueb attire ybA& Hongei: Itues a tmrr? nm timi « &Mt^becati& 3I tneam to make m^ ftlfe |it^a(isiittt)tf n^t , ItKHU ^ut mt lelfe mto t()bi atttre,Co maKe a Ctofone aft^,^atpafbt^ ttjutoar^ft^ of late Q)ece ^aue appfocebinaBs firanseapgantiofiSyto t^ great ano tenro; ortt)eCitt^en0^ t)ctemi?.tfDn0matl^ Enters Adam and bit minrcnfe, Adani« if ear not mtlSre(lie,tleb;tt^tot(fat^ tome^f m^ mai« fier froUine , tt)en IntU 3 Oamp antr4tace,toti tf aU bee not \ml\ t^m,\3oi^ t|)en to nio;^U) mome pot ootiamt ei^es cteane txfiXfy fc;tiepounB» . - r :i j % |: Wife« i^}) but Adam, 31 am afraiD to tioalMo latrbecattle of ^e fptrtt0t^atappeare tntbeCttte. Adam, mw are j^oaattat!} of (pirttd , armdea$ 3 ani,>it^ j3Ue,anOi^utmeg0,turmmela>fetoaUt^jDtiie{0in^eU^ ^ Wife. ^(Te Adam, Adam,tbe dtttel^lbe^io^* ■ ■'■■ - AdaiT). 2Dt)e ouieUmiOreire^te ^ou fb; ^^otir fafegarD,Iet met a!onc,t^e otucll at!0 3 Mi DealetueU tnottgllr, tf |ee^e ani? ^* neitte at all inlitm, HiUettber ta)mi)iml0it^«(M^ toit|jatoaflaKOafup©^aie< '.: . o'j^vr: irj^^^^t n? ;»;. ThcDiucttfijjg$h»i«tc. i;i;oiJa5d3!i^Vi Diudl. S)MD>otl)OMatn^tooulD 3!b«, BIf t[)at m? kingoome fuifiUc^ J migt^t fee* fi>^,ob,o^,Pb. Clownc. ^iu:eiBt|)bt5«mmisoM^«)^Sbil«ni^l<^» ■"^~ '.. ma ^ one of &4]dftr0^tn(frel0,|)a$ uSi»kt\»k6jm'fn{i«a2Mlt3 Diuell, ^t^iiarttiettiatBlfaksfi^^ Clowne. Spctttts Cutus,aiB^B%om ikniiMiitf |«t^ Ro^ins Piuett. tf)^t)aateet|ottartmte ;. Clovm. NoQi'miispitms,3|bler&mefirome|^>«idBlconmre (^toteUtneU)^oti)ouarjf . Diuell. 3[amt^e(pmt6ft^$deao mant^af U)a0(lmnemtf)B company! iubenlse tDereo;tmbrtostt|)er a!t|s0le. Clown. B? m^ trot!) fic,31 CT)? ^u mercu,\jotit face ia to c^aiv sst),t^at 3^9qdtefSD»ottenteti»tDeamatae; DmeUlDe^aue teS ouec man)! a pot of ale togtt^er* Diuell. ano t^erefb;e maStt)ou go lott^ tm to l^eQ. Ciowne. 3g^u£apoUid$toll[)tflt|nm,fi9;3tfcnotet)sscomcd outofa^oteplace,anoiknotDnit^)t^e&mtt|)aiiot^edtuel ^att)ao;ieto9tt)m^l)ead > t^trab;cl])ai3ieaue^imaa(epej . anorunmrtoai?. Diuell. Come art t^oureaote. Clowne. ifattt) (km^ olDfreenO>ahDnolog(iAmanDtueI!,^u brio&,fOu anQ 31 ^m beene tofling manp a gso cup of ale, roue ttofe ti8 gcotom tiert rtctl,tD^at £at ^ti,totU )?ou taite a pot of ale nob) at mt ^anne, |)eU 10 Ube a ^m^ fo^ fall of luater , ane Vetetterat^?o0* , Diuel!. j^o iaie t)aiame,^nit0xanitot Djmlie^ome gcttp on w^ backe,t^at 31 ma^ carrte t^iee. Clowne. 1^00 knots 31 am a^mttl) &,let mee lobe to^tttiec f ou be toel fi^on o; ne,fo^ if ^ou Uiant a (^oe,a sxmone,o; t|e clin^ t^tng ofa natlt)3 am at ^onr commano. Diuell SC^oul)attKeneca(^fitfb;me. Clowne. ^p fir, toe (^GDebo^eo beallB asfneilaston)^ ]i5ut 0nce nmOUte totU ^atte it b, (i^ecdfittettMMmmano t|)e , VHtitc^ tttfll a0iD;D (bme Itttte ruSenancey ^olD isdl 9 to tli b;oai{te0 ;R(arer, SLk) make erc^ange of inace &; rcaiiti coitte. Aicon.l!2at(iB bio tl)antmpet0 (biiho a p;i}e,4 pofie, 9 cnttl^fromaneiomarrieotoiftybiSt^^lpof af^OT t|)on^e ano a tmtre4!):e (^tOingt Ibure pntce. Sinia. fii:bebetterIncbeLttri,bttftobatbanttDebtre,caSa[^# pardlf ComeaSuasmatt,t|^ii3riicevi0neare^^oeai»tMrrf, let it not bive^on our banoi^r* Thrafi. ^rearettieiNKtmrdtnmvpoiicttte* Unfo^ct) to (eebe tbetr fb;tanc« a0 9 ^. ai^-lalTe tbatftixie tnaiO^otilopoflirairtbetoealQif SIno man? fi)iile0 be fb;c'D to beg o; flteale* Alcon Ml met* Alcon. jf diote bcgflcr i O fUifit nrfpf Thrafi. 2Cot^eQH6ircrtofiet0Ol»oncomiaobitie. Alcon. aim 31 to tbetaineplacf to 0etatKtitflB}iiq!t)flUKrii fiftoi^ittbeolDfl:tiacome0^t»lUatebim.Co9fiOA:^ jmanabnfesoiirpatiimtbponflpatom/ London and England. Vfurer. JfriMftletmetett 0f ^ pfiiiereti lSop,a fyanloBtt cloate* Vfurer* l|^ototDfnt|)()J9ttt(nf Thrafi« !^ca(c|^t|iett^-imnlU()f»*tai»9em(tfCM tj^tel^ tliem tBo^^^e leane idl (o csnc conuieme. Vfurer. !^neSnvn,tol])arDmen,soDmen^l?Aremtw,ItIw to p;(ouc gooo membec0,t}fe me, commanD rne^j toUl mamtams ^nr a:eint0,t|)ett'fi mon^,noU} ^end not ^out tiine miDlenr(&, b;^0 me comtnotnttej ^ue aoU)ne0 (b; i^ou , t||crt u ttoo fl)il« Alcon. ^bar6ainc,neU)Samia|)aueatttfbaanetD(mocke, come tet 1)0 to tl^ ^;m0 or t|^ bett ltqno;,U;it^a Qh0 laOtf , trO^ ItU. Vfurcr« €^00 felloiBetf^^opet (!^gloe0,mc (ompamotu /ar^ b)eU,3|t)aueapot(b)^u. Sanu;!. Jfj^e coulo ^eit^ ^ Enters fo .oem lon&s^ Kepcntte men if Niniuic,repent> j3C|ie oai? oft uosement comes* tSSltien sreeote beattd C^aOiiltitteb be tott^ fire. C^cn a0 co;rt^ttoiu baiiDe^ti^ be bnmafbt* m\^txi b^ertti IbaO be repaikc imt|) bane. Mben iDbo;eDome0 C^all be rtcompencD in ^elL Mlbm rtot fl^aU toitb riso; be reiuaroeo* Mben a0 neglect of tm^ .contempt If (l^Oy SDifoame of poK men^Catberieffe ano ficfce ^all be retoacoeb tD^ a bitter ptogue* Hepent ^e men of Kiniuie,repent^ Sbe ito^D batb fpobe.anti B| oo crie tt oat vkviz are d& ^ct,bnt fo;tte oates remambig» 0nb tt^en flNI Niniuie be onertb;oUme* itepent i?e men of Nmiuje,repiatt* S^bere are ais pet but fAi^ DateB lemaini wg, gtiotl)entii)4ttNiivuicbeottertti;oipm« •E^« ^ 4 ■/ * ' Aloboldiig GIafle;for Vfur, Conform miS^wmAWi¥tfimt1$itm (Xxit, Thrafi. ^vMkimtWXUi!)a3W»»^0illtmaU. {Exit. Alcorn iD^ ^n off^mm^smOtt^^sm 31 offttioco. (£»ir. Cieff. ffif^&mtijixikMt^imfiiti^^ S>jti)M»a&ottrsefb}(ua:H9M fault. (£;r/^. 0/?4ir. Look London lookciwith inward cics be- Wliatlcflbns the cuents do here vnfold. (hold, Sinnc growne to pridc.to nufcric is thrall. The warning bell is rung^ware to ftil. i Ye worldly men whom wealthdoth lift on hie, Beware and feare.fbr worldly men muft die. The time Oiall come, where lead refpeftxcniaiBes, The fword Ihall light vpon the wifcftbraineSi The head that decmes tdoQer- top the Qdc, ^hall perifh in his humaioejpollicie. Lo I haue faid^when I haiie &d the truth/ When will ii law,when folly guidcth ybotb. When fhcw ofzcaleispranktinrobesof zeile. When Minifters powle the pride of conion.we^Je? When Law is madea taborinth of (Irife, When honour yeclds him freend to wicked life^ When Princes neare by others cares their fbllie, ; WhcnVfuryismoftacioiiAtedholie. Ifthefefhouldhap/aiiw^ldcoGodtheymlglttnot, | The plague is;ieare»irpeak^ although I write not. r . . < . . { Enters the AagplK 1 Angell. 0/#4». ' wi-i- Ofeas. %Oid* .; An.j^to|Kit^ timte fkip(nCD(|it&|)iiiiioaii Ifnf^ l^j|teMt»ieot^mis^|j9aoror||ofi(^ Ll^ :■ •London and England. CitOome of Onnefyat^^acdeiteD aS t|etc pmtg, ^oto^omesMreueofife anneD frnt^ mtjjijtte pUjsue^i SDo pumCI) allt|)at Imc to Niniiiie> |po^tS!^i3d us mtt,a$ t^e ui tmrcM^ anD DonbtleCTe plagues afffac^ zb rco;n( rtpetif, SDfiOQ fl^aic not (es t^eoe&latton SD^at failed tnto tiiele cur(eD Niniuitcs. )15ut fl^aiC retume (o great Hier ufalem, 0no p:eact) tmto t^e people of t|)i? df^oDy ^iiat mi^tis plagues are uicioent to Unm, {HnlelTe repentance mttttgate |)ts ire : ^;aptm t^e fptnt a0t^U)ert^ttt;erii^g|]f> 3le feate t^ee m ludcas pmnces, if eare not Ofeas t^en to p^eatt) tl)e U}o;q» Ofeas^ SC^eltfilIofti)eiU;obeDone* 0/r<« taken away. Enters Rafni with his Viccroycs, Alirida and Ladics,to a banqucf . Rafni. ^0 ti^tcsro^cs ^ou liaue pleafoe mee paflntg ^^iteetitiouscatesaregtattousinmineete, (ioe&i )15ut t^c^ Boaacl^tous of tt)e rtc^cQ toine, $pabemetot^tnkel)ob)bl^tl)(bnieluelinllbf. . ^eate tbeefmre luno tn t^e rot?all tt);one, sanD 31 Ml fcrue tt)^ to fee t^H face, SDbat f^Dtng on tl)e bcautte of tt)^ looses, sp^ Qomache ant) mine t^ts ma^ bott) be fUD. Come ilo;oing5 feate ^oujfelloU) mates at feall, anu frclicke Inags^is is a oau of glee, %^is banquet is fb; b;ttgt)trome Aluida. 3(e ^aue t^em fbincht m)? llanoing botoles of iMite^ 0n5 no man o;tnhe,but qoafife a fiiU carouTe, ^nto tbe bealtb of beantious Aluida. 5f o; iB^o fo rifetl) firom t^is fealt not D;unbe> I3s 31 am Rafni,Niniiues great tog, l&M Die ti^eoeatl) as traitor to m^rclfey * A looking Glaifle/or Jo^ffiaf l)c ffo;nefiQ^c|eaIQ> of AIuiHa. K. OH. SCtiattoUIBIneuerDom^iLo^D,. 2nt)cr0fb;e b)it^ fauonr,fb;tune to ^our grace* Carotofe tnfo i^z ^eatt^ of Aluida* Rafni. ae. anD Crcctc to ttia a boixjle of (I5r«bi(b toftie, l^eretot^eliealttjofAluida. Crectc. Jict comempiio?8,3lacb(cinchccfiflitfiiL 3(pIeDgetJntotl)g|)ealt|iofljeaaen!?Aluida. Rafni, vHaOalifattenDantonoucropaUfeatJg. a);mte ^ou 31 fau tjnto mp loucra ^calt^, ILef none ft)at is; in Rafnes ro^aU Court, C!^ot[)t5mgt)traf0anolbbertot)t0LeD. Enters die Clownc. Clownc. s:!jt0 tear lie w,ani>^rctOTir|fpeafeelDith bin?. Lord. ifellotojlM^it^eri^eaeat^ouf Clownc Blp^eflfeno bobiefir , 3lamgomgtofBeabc toitba trienoofmmp* » r «>»•• Lord. mWrnitt lJ«wtononebiitt5>ebinsanDfai0 5aice# ropes. • ', r /' , -i^ Clownc. S^l)e»m0,manTfirDeii!fl^eman3JU»on!Drpe^| Lord. lul)pcaUI|»mafiienooftfw'Bg? Clownc. 3[marn!0o3!fir,fcaif|icbcrwtMrWem»4lemafec |jtm mp fnenD,cre Ije ano 31 paflfe. Lord, atoap Uaffailc be gone,t^fpeafee tnfo t^e king. € SlT°f* 3»»ani5totU3far,anDifJ>eUwrealiingofDelaet,3f Rafni ^^at8t^emat(crfl!?ere,tobatnoifei3t^at? Clownc. labfflnemptrege.a borne mplLtege. Rafni. Mbaf 10 it t^at great Rafni \ji)\Si not grant Snt)t0 Dapjbnfo ttje njeanett of bt0 lano ^ 3n honour of I)isbeautiou0Aluida;? . Come ditber ftoatne.ipbat t« it t^at tiou (ranett f Clownc ifait^ fir nottjing, butto^eabeaf^U^iimtemctft^ yourU)o;a^t]^. Ralhi* London ahd England . Rafni. ^S^^^X^tHtmU Clown. 3|amrtti;efi(i2Ou^aue^eati!Oft^c(ptnt0tt)atU)alt(e ttitljeCitietjere. C^Iown. Sprqln Gr>3l i^me anD;attoH t6 fdcouof oncof ^ctii, anotiiwiti^.. - :. '. 'i ■ .i- ■•.:::^.- .• ;%■' .v^-r h< Alui, Mt)l? 60cl!riot fo^toarD tptt^ tfip fale f Clo vvne, if aitl) millrcfre, 31 fele an imperfection in my toicc, a Difeafe tljat often troubles niec,lmt alaflie,cafil^ mcnoeo , a cup office; a cup of l2Sline,U)tll ferae tt)e turne. Alui* ^ilIt)tmaboU)Ie,anoletl)unU)antnoD^nhc* Clownc. S> U)i)dt a p.:f tiouis Uio^o i8a0 t^at,anD let t)tm tpanf no Djinkc, MeU fir,noU) ilc Cell ?ou fcajt^ m^ tale.^ir as 3 leas commingalonstt tl)epo;t r^ualf of Niniuic , tbcre appcareD to meagrcatmucll , anDasbarofououreoaoiucUaseuer^iriiU): nav fir, be toas a cucfeololp Diucll,(t)? bcc IjaD bo;nts on ^10 \)ts.\i* %)^iB Dtu£lI,niarHerounob}, p^cOetb bpponme^ano Gr tnooei3> 3 c^argcD t)im iuit^ m^ pibe ftaffc:but lubcn tbat Uiolo not fcruc, 3 came bpon tjim toitb7^r;''«j>«'^-f jUifjij it bao bin able to ^aue put lluctfer out of ^is tutts, Is^en HI false mt? ctjarine ijuculo not f^rue , 3 Uaastn (itc^a perpleritte^bat Ore pcnnp-U;o;tt) of 3;unu p^r iDculD not baue mabe tl;c place fljocetc agatnet Alu'h (Mb^fenobJiDsrttboufoafratbf Clownc. iS>^ mifireGe,baD ^ou beene tljcre anb fanc,lj,is berg fig^t bab mabe ^ou tf)ift a cleanc ftnotUe , 3 paomifc t?ou tbcugb 3 mere a man, ano counteo a tail fdloUi , ^et m^ !lanD;e(Ie caloe tnc nou^nlg hnaue t[)e nert bar* Rafni. a pleafaunt Oaue , fo;U}aro (irr^a , on M^ t^B tale. Clown, if aitlj Cr,but 3 remember a toojb t^at mr milirctrc Sourbeb-fl?lloiDfpoa&c* Rafni. ^bat loos tbat fcUotof Clownc. S>\i fir^ tuo;b of comfo;f , a pjetious too^ : anblet l)imU)antnob;inl!f. , Rafni. I^er Uw^ is latue : nnb t^ou l^alt tuant no b;infer. U-^X'i' 15 2 Clownc A looking Glaffc,for li^ptrlWaDeo,b»t|)efi)oti!dttteOfciirn?iiteto^ea, 3p;ofl&rco |)(m a cup of aie, t^tnkmg became be c«m A:om to botte a places ^at^&ta)a0t|Hi1tte, buttle DtntUiiMi notD;ie,anb tberero;^ tbe itto;e(b;efiDa»9>t0ett)t|»eretoa0not«m(bte,bcit|mtd^ litm toii8U,anD at lalt 91 caS mine vgc afloe^if rou bnsto tobat 9 ^> l?oo iooQlD lane^ 9 fir 3|Io*t thmt (op to coe> anb be bat) n8 doacn fetfe« SCben 91 rnffleo t)p m? ban:e,mio fct m^ cap on tbe one fioc, 9 fir sreb) to be a JuOtce of peace to (be btoeU« at loCm a (prcat Aime,a3 31 am bers c^otorkbe , ano fometmie (b i)otte tn m^ fufim (ktmes, tbat no man can abtoe Unt^ ttoentie isarD0 of me,51fiartt)p,anD(bbombaaeottfeDtueU, t^atfir^ecrieootity anbrannealuo?. Alui« fiC!)t0 pleafantlmane iKitl) maoemelatt0|) mi; Karni,noio.Abiciabegtn0|)eri|ttafi^, (filU ;QnbD;mbeB afUUcarouIe trnto^er Itmtcp. Rafni. 31 pleDge mf lotted tMrtie a9 great loue &;unbe,U)bcn but luno beatt'c a boiole to btm* ^roUcHe m^ )lo;o,lct dl i^z ttanbeifts ioalbe. Pt;tttiIIe(iercman()atbtane[^IoaD. (pon; l^iunotDfirrba,U)^atcf^:ti»baoenotoo;ofof Alui. 0bootme,fiojU)|^ ClovMic. fiCnittemtfirefl'e , tot^etobataeoloen&ntencf t^oubtorpeabe: aS[ti^pbfio(bp|^er0iquafiingtot^el)eaUt)ofA]uic!a? . ' Enteti lonas* lonas. Kepent^repent,^ men Of Niniuie repent* SDbello;Dbatbrpobai,ari3|bocnettont, . Sphere are ajs ?et bat fo^tte baie0tcmaimn0> j3nb tfien d^all Nimuic be oairti);oU)ne, Eepenr t ^. ^ — London and England. Kcpcnf i?e men of Niniuic,rcpent Rofni. mf)at fdloUi u t^isjB^ €^ oifltucbis our UtiXisft XMUS) oatcmB anD alarama to cepentf Qowne. ^^ Qr^ one{;(D9man lonas i^at ia come from le- ricko,anD facd? 3| t^mbe I)ce tiaCfj feme fome fpirtt b? t|ie loan?> ano Id fatten ont of ^to totts, (b; t^ neuer leaues ctttns ntgt)t no; Da?,ms matSer liearo tHmjano ^e (l^at tip }^iB d^op, gaue me m^ 3|nDcnture,ano ^e and f)t0 Uitfe Do nottiing but fall arU) p;at« lonas, HcpentpcmenofNiniuic,repcnt. • lUfni. Come|ittt)ecfenoU),to^atart,fftomtDf|en(eco?nmelI lonas. Rafni,ilamal9;op^etoftbeJlo^D, (t^ouf ^ent t)t(^er by tl)e mtglitte (^oD of lioffes, SHo cry DeSrtutton to t|ie Hiniuites, - fS> Niniuie,tt]|ou t^arlot of ti)e Ujo^lo, 31 ratfe ttjy ndst)bour)E; rounD about tl)y bounD£i> SDo come ano Cob tt)y filt^mrfTe anD Qnne* %\^as foit^ tl)e )lo.:D,tt)e mtglitte ^oo of ^ol!e, pour l&ing loueo ctjambenns anO tuantoimcfTe, t;3:i)o^cDomc ano murtl^coo OtSains t)ts Court> i^e faoourcttj couctous ano o;unk0n m^n. )15c^olD tlicrcfb^c all libe a fltrumpet foule, £DI)oti fl^alt be tuOg'D ano puntl^t fb; t^^ crime : S^b^ foe fl^all pterce tbe gates lott^ tron rampe0> SHbe fire Ob^U quite confume tbee from aboue. SD^e boufeis (b^I be bnmt.tbe infants flame, ^no toonien fl^all betjolo tbetr ^u(banD50tc* 2ut)tneelDcfffeifferiBiLamana. • Eno Sodomc en tby rtgbt bano feateb l0« JKcpent ye men of Niniuie,repent. %\)t L020 ^atb rpokc,nnO 3j Do crtc it out. - SLbsrc arc ew yet bat fojtie Dates remaining, ]9nD tbcn d^aU Nmiuie be oaert{).zoU)ne* Exit. Offered Rafni. §»fcsie]^;opbct,ttaie. ^' lonas. Dii!urbcnotbimtbatfcntme, tct meperfo;me tlje m«Caj5c of t^e ilojo. JSxit. A looking Glafre,for Rafni « ^^ foule ts burtcD m tije tietlof t^ougtlt0« 0lj Aluicla,3i toljc on tt^a toit^ ^mc. S^D ILo^os on fuDDainc fiw ttjcir e^eg ongroimt, )^6 tf Dtfrna^Dto Iffibe tpon tt)e ^aucn0* \l^mtc Magi,Ujljo ymc flatterto me in Onne. Exit. His Sages* l^o;ro; orffiinoc,!3ifi[utbancc of mp foulc, ^AliCBiiK agalljfo; Niniuies niil^ap, !Lo;i5s fe p;ocIamVo,\)2a fee it Craig^t p?oclaim'o, SrijuC man ano beall,tt)e tooman ano \)tx ct)il03, if o; fo jtic Daiec in fachc ano aC^cu faff, l^aerfjapsf tt)c ILo.:ti Isill ^eelD ano pittie t0. ydian ^cncc tljcfe iu^etc^eo blanDi^ments of Onnc, 0nD b;ing me faclulof^ to attire ^our tog. 0luai? iDittj pomp£,mt) ^ciule is fiiU of liuoe: 3;n pittie l(DUe on NiniuicC' ©00, Exit. A man« A lui. 0flrailD \33iti) (]^ame,U}ttl) f)o;ro; ouerbome> Sno fo;rotoe5 fclOiall guiltie of our (inne. Come }laDic0 come,lct t35 prepare to p.ja^, ^tj-IaCTejfjob) DarcioelGDke on t)caucnlp ligl|f, £Lf)at ^aue DifpifDe t\)t maker of t|)e fame ^ l^oU) mat? tee ^ope fo^ mcrcie from aboue, S^fjat Cill Defpifc ttje Earnings from aboue ^ Edoes me,!ni? confcience.iB a Ijeawie foe. ^ patron of tb^ po);<^ opp^ca iDit^ (tnnt> lta)t{e,I(Dke on me,tbat noto fo? pittie craue, ^tfailDlDitb fl^ame^it^i)o;ro;ouerbo;nf> Co fo.:rotu folD,alI guiltie of our 6nne. Come llaoie£( come^kt 190 prepare to p;a)^. ExeuMtt Enter the Vfurcr, /0/«/,wich a halter in one hand ja dagger in the other. (crimtu, Vfurer. CDroning in confcience^buroeneD toitl) mv ^i)eS)eUoffo;tQ\i3 flaunts mc^p.orioootunc. i ^rcao London and England. greats tuyere 3| lilf ^ee-t^tnkts t\^t bleeDtns g^oSca j^f tt)ofe totiom m]^ co^raptton b;ongtit to noug|)t0> Da feme fo; (iumblmg blocks befo^ m^ ttt^ts* X^t fatl)erlecre ano UnooU) tu;ongD hi me. Sn^e po^e opp^^GTeO b^ mi; bfarte, sp je-tbmked J fee tt)eh: bants rearb bp to btauctTi fi:o cne fa; bcngeonce of mt? couetournrffe. C{93tiere fo 3 ioalbe r Bile Ggf^ano (bun mi; ijDa7« %^u3 am 3 mabe a monitor of tbe U?o;Io, l^til gapDs fo; me,beaucti U)il( not bolb mi? (bulf « Poa mountatnes (b^oUioe me from tbe ^loe to tt? pouipe,(aU,beautt0,taDtnQ Qo|a);e, BlaSeD b^ age,b^knefl0^nD i))) oeat^* Moc (0 our pmitt^t^a^a^om ciirtou0 o^le0, j2Dur cit\i arra^^tbat fbaeceo 1)0 tn Onnc* ^oc to our tble ti|ougi)t0 t^alt tuouno our fouler* iS>^ iooulD to (lDoD,aU nattott0 mi^t r^cdue, 13 goti erample b^ our sr0euon0 fall. (bU)el0, Ladies. ^outl)atare pldnteDtbcreU)i)creplea(urs 0no tf)mkc0 pour pompe 80 great a0 Niniuiesj ^ap fail to; Onnc a0 Niniuie boti) nolo. Alui. ^ourn^moum^let meane be all |?oar tmloote, 0nb p;taB bnt^me>anb 31 lutU p;a¥ fo; all* Lord. jS)Lo;bof^eauenfo;(Stueb0Ottrmi&0BD0. Ladies. ^ Ho^b of ^eatien fo^gtue 1)0 our mtroeeO0« Vfurer. ^ lio;o ofUg^t fb;gtue me mt> mt(b0eb0. Enters Ra(hi,thc kings of A fliria,with his nobles in fackcloath. ^ K. Cilicia. HBe not fo ouercome tott^ greefie)£) km0> ileaS ^u mbanger lift bp ro;roiDin0 (b. Rafni. I&ing of Ciiicia,(boitlo 31 ceafe mp grafe> n^zte a0 mp fuiarming (inm0 aflitt mp (bnle ^ Q3atnetnan knoia,tt(n0 mp bnrt|)en greater i0j SCt)en enerp p;tuate fnbtett tn mt lano : ^I) lift i)al^ boene a loabOarre bnto ti^em. Wo gutbe tlretn in tt)e labo;tnt^ of blanie> JiC^31 tiaur Uugjit tl^em fo; (o do amiOi^ : r iillll^ — 1 1 J l i i ' , 1. 1 ! "m Jf J.*>ff ■ i.m^' ^. ^m- London and England. C^n molt 31 toeepem^fVcmDe ro>t^'miitltc, 3^aucmanitaintttl|isCitietlttictl^fntte. •• 31 ^aue contemW(|fe loarrrtniiedrom ^0ac. 31 ^auet)pt)olocn tnc((>,r5ipe,Tmt) l^otle, ©s 31 ^st \3)}oa^tV^^m]iiit& to«;petf)i> flmte. *^ fi)!)^3D3|tcarfsltftctotljeGiucrfirwnTC0, SCbat from tfje Alpine ilpeuntatncs ftueetl? fircatne, r 00pienti6iUa0i^olust)2U|rt}laffiK, 3 tt)tn tDonio tempt tf)e tjemtens tott^ m^ Iametit0, ^no pierce ttje ttj^oanc of mt cti? b^ m^ fig^cg* ;; K.Cil.i^eaaen4 are p;eptttotti imto fattj^ p^ur0. ! Rafni. ]i5ut after Ota: reptntAwtinifilamnit: HeaQ t|)at a U)o;rer mtfctitefe oet^ bef^i* )D^ p^a?,pert)ap0 tl)e llo;5 tst&pttte i». ^1) C^oD of trut^ bot|) merci^ onO tuff, )iDe!)olo repentant mm toitb ptttotnt e^c0, QSte ijoaile tbe Ufe tt^at \m tjaae feo be(b;e» £)!) parDon )lo;0,^ pttte Niniuie. v- Owv^/. j^parOonlo;t);j^pttteNiniuie. Rafni. ltetnott|ie3(nfants9all7^otit^ttnf> ifo; fatbera finnt0 6tiu0semnitbt opp^ff* K.Cii. Hct n0tlbepamtitUmotber»btgtxntf)ct)tIt^ SCbe tnnoccnt0 be pamflitfo; otnibtne. Rafni. ^parOonilort)t£D pittite Niniuie. Omwj. ^paroonilo;i,:©pittteNiniuic. Rafni. €)llo;Dofbeauen,t|ietirsin8tDapeto^« SHbe couetous man &;te fb; bt0 (bine. S^be p^mue ano pco^e^all p:a^ befo;e t^^ t^^anc* 9nO Unit t^u tben be l0;otl) W^ Niniuie i* K .Oil. (Dtue truce to poller £D hing,anb reil a fpacc. ^ Rafni. d&iue tTuce to p^aicrtf, tot)entmw» require no tntce/ t i^op;incc»no.iLetaUourtabfectBbie f 5Hiito oar templc«,lDbere on Iwmbleb hmw, f 3 WUcjtpirtfimiemeifci? from aboue.Entcr the temple 0«wr jr. f* ... Eh'erslonas.folus. ^'fe^-A:^'Abau ffihfa^gfhf nai^tohcrantbe JLoio batb (ai1). A looking GIaflc,for S^atNirauicC^alleimtebeoucrtfjwtone* SCt)t0 is t^t Dai? ori)o;ro; ano mic^, ifatall Dntot^e curfto Niniuifci. ntttflBtsVgmottBt^dilin t^fmet^hom^ ^toiftflotomfiLicasfinDtljeiclrariate, SaDtiefe paaace0 e^ep;toe of Adurs kxagt, ' ^^all be tde boluses of DefoUtton, Mbere as t^ttoMAt^s btrOfl^aHGng, ^noscpgerflfraim t^titBangonwtoCbeirntff, iD oil ^c nattortB bounDeo bp t^z mttt, ^8bappic3lc«,toljfrep;op^eUiioaboimo, ^c Cities toouB m tbe ioeaernt l])o;lo, SPa&e Niniuic a paeQuent fo; pott, Uraue leano De6rc0,leaae couetotui n^i^^ iplic bfuric,!ef U)bo;eoon» beepObe, iteaa poij tuitb Niniui'c beottertb»tone. iloe ^oU) tbe funnes inflamco to;cb paenafle^, &co;d)mg tbe parcbeD fUrroUies of ^e eartbL i^ere tetll Bl fit me coljune ano ire mine e^e ©pon tt)e rutnc0 of t?on to^jetcbeo fiCoione, 0itD (0 a pleafont (^ade,a rp;eabmg binet SCo l^eltcc lonas in tbis (iuin)? beate, ^bat meane£( nt)? (Ii:^oo,tbe Daip is Done enD (pent* ito^o (ball nip|0;opbeciebe b;ougbt to nouabt i Ciabenfallcs tbc fitelDben U tbeittDge be Sv^otbf B p^i; tbie ILojO remember iJD$at 3 faiD, tiieiben 31 iuas r^tUittbtn mv country lano^ lehouahiotfiimercifuUifcare* ' j3D U t me flie before a )3;opbet fault, 5fo.2 tbou art merdfiiU tbe HcrjD mn «fl|i imBMRlW''l*>J l^ A looking Glailc/or . iSr^e {rifcto rpea^e,te(auc t^e)0;op^etolt(Sr» ne tmt^ ano Tea to r?«l9 imreafe fb; man, Wf)o i;an uefcnbe tt)e compaflte of ^ potoer e 52); ttdifit tn termes |^ entiitfli; mi;^U ^^ ratttO^t fp;tsl)t,o^ to|)tt()cr oora ^oa tpeno e ^0 and p^oclaime t^t mttvg ofm^ (!?0D» }^eltcue t^e carefUU l)carteo Niniuit es. 0no 00 tt)ou Ui^art t^e mefTenger of Deat^ ^0 b^mg glao t)?Dins0 ofreconercDjsrace, Enters Adam folusj with a bottle of beer in one' fhop,and a great pceceof bccfc in an other. tSBtl ga)D-man1bnas,SttKKilDi?on^al»ncuercomefromXur3r f tt)U( Cotmtn?) ^ou ijaue inaQe me lobe Ube aleane db of roali ijeefe,6;ltke ti)c ptctke oClenf , pidmt t}pon^reai>-^mg0 cob» ^UHe maiCtent , U»e are commanoeObsd)e p^clamafion to foQ anD p;aT?,b^ m^ troti) 3 ronlo p;ettds (b>(b, a)9Da^ luttli pminu, but fo; faaing , b)t)i? ti0 fo contrary to mp nature ^.t^iat i i)ao ra# t|)cr Tufltr a (^o;t ijanging^tbcn a kuigfaStng. ^^artte me , t|)e U?o.2t0 be tt;cfe . 2£t}ou (^aU tabeoo maner of fo^ fb^ (o man^ tatc0. 3 ^aD as !eeue ^e D^oulo t^aue faii}>tl)otigi9lt:ttang.t^T? felfS? fo^ fy mn\!^^timsM% ret in fatt^ S neeti ttolCNie fiSuKtotti) t^e p;oclamatton» to} 3I tjaue a ^uttrr^ano apanti;?^o a btt(i)m,a# bout me, fo; p^cofe, t cctfi^num , V^xi^ii^ u mp pantrp,be# 1)01$ a mancljet , t^ie pl^ » mi> &itc||tn , (b;|oe a pcece of be^ ^i) let me repeat t()at ft^t U)o;d agatm : ifo; loe a peete of b«f« SD|ui ifi mp buttr?,fpj fee,fee;m)2 fricnDs,to m^? great rop , a bot# tie of bsere. 2Ct)U5 ^l^^flTc, 31 mabe t^tft to U)eare out ti)t£ fafftng» 31 ti^tue aloai) t^e time , but tb^re go $^earc^cr0 abcut to feebe tf an? man b;i^c0 tije tags commano* iSDt) ^cce tf^p be>in U)it|r tour Actuals A c!4m, ^ Enters two Searchers. I. Searcher. I^oto cu!\? tl)e men of Niniuickffp (!>ep;odama#; tton,boU) arefbepa):moetor^entance:tDet)aue(earcbtC^;iougiy , tbe ijubolc Citie t baue not af YCtfouno one t^at breaks t^e fait. 3« Scat. SLbcnn;neoftt)emo;egr^ce,butfia)er^ereClt0Oiii meetbinhc^ at bie^ p;ateni,let t0 feetutio it 10. I, Sear. Xi0 Adam,t^cS&nntbe5man,l)otDnoi0 Adanu Adam. jEroubfemignot^^tiHilttabeiiofflaft^j London and Engknd. I « Scar. )^3ls) oettontl^ iie Gtd at h\» o^Uons^vt tia^ymk* f|)itike0 B feels a fmell offome msate o; b^ean about ^im, 2« Sear. ^9 t|)mbe0 me tcD^^ou OntaitsDat tHctnate^aue tott abottttouf Adam, l^Jictuals ! £>t) ^o;nbIe blarptiemte ! l^tnDtr me not of- m^ p^aier , no; D;iue rae not into a cl)oUo;,\)ierualtcs / toJjp b^roft tl)ou not t^ z fcntence , t^ou O^alt take no foDe but fad ant) p.:ai? ^ 2. Sear. SCrut^ fo it (^onlD be ,butme-ti)mbc0 3| fmell meate aboutt^ee. Adatn. i^bont me mi? fi:tenD0 ^ t^cre too^t^ are attton^ tn t^^e Care,about me,j^o,no : tjangt^ofe gluttons tlatcarototM ano p;av. nScar. Melljfo? all^eurUJo;b«,toem.ijfffeflrc^^citi Adam, ^earc^ me>takc^0eoU)^attoubo,mi^^o(earemt?fa< files , tis burglary if ijou bjeaUe ope a 0op , no ofiicer mvtl lift tjp art iron i)dtcl},tafee l)aDe miP Oops arc iron, ?♦. Scar« iDl) tjillaine , fee ^iu be tjat^ gotten bictailcs 5 b^eao, beefe,ano beerr,U)bcre tbe l^ing commanDea tpon paine cf Deat^ none f^oulo eate fo.: fo mani? t^aies, no not tbe fucking infant* Adam.aialTe fir,t^i«S is notbing but a madicum no» necetvt me- dicut diiret^\)^ fiv,a bit to Comfort mi> ficmacfee. 1 . Sear, ^(llaine tbou fl^alt be ^angD fo; iU Adam. SCl) ife are ^ouriDo^M, I (^all be |)angBfo; If, but firC anfUiccmeto ti)i0quellion,l)oU3ntanrOaie$^aueU)f tofaaftilf 2. Scar. ifiu^Daics, Adam, ifine tiaic0,a long timc,tlKanti all fucb furniture inrcabincCTj^ I. Scar. 3toarrantlljee,fl^aIttoantnflncoftl^c&* Adam. )l5ut ^eare roujnma 3 lie Ijango i I. Scar. 3!raarr?. Adam, anb fo; eating of meatejtt^lricnWjfenctn te b^ tll^fe p;efent£i,| iuill eate bp all mI^mcate,anl»D;infe tjp all m? D;ihlje, J?iMM "^«^ if jai^^a ^^ W^^ ^i!§ an rmptu acfmack. A looking Glafle,for I. Scar. Comeatoa^bnaue,ixMtttt>oaffanofafimgnc4De Adam. Blf^ottbe j^iSit , NtS^oocfelfeatt boare t»\atn comc(ot!o«,fo;fiirelr3UhUeatctpmpmente. ;2« Scar, toneletfltjato ^aUjarperft);fc. Adam. |^ou(aptl)erei8fitieDaie0HcUoraa, t[;efcarc^cnt ^,2. Scar. Jliir. (to020« Adam. ,3[amfij;)?oa,comelct04toas,wtDtetlctmtbep«tiH I tl)e€t>^mcle0. yj^^'? | Enter W,Ra{hi. Aluida,kings orCi!icia.otlicrgToyalIy atte- i lonas. Come carcfuU !^ing,caa oflf ttii? mottrfuU toaow. I ©rclianget^trtOttOictefecstolhwDlbeDaiidfg, SL^p fe«re0 baue pttrc*D tl^e ptttou0 ftj;oane ofjxrafe, C^trp 0sbe0 Ufee I mcncc plcaCng to t^t Lo;D ; 1^ m bene peace-offering0 fe; tbi? fo;mer p»Of. Hcio£u ano p;aifc ^10 name tbat gaue t^te peace, ano t?oa fairc i^rnipb3,pe louel^ Niniuites, ^mce rou tjaue toept aiUJ faftcD fo; t^e ilo;o, l^c graticufl? b5ue tcmpfcreo bi0 rtucnge, ys.mvt^mctffDmo tempt bimanpmo^e, Hct not tbe lUcenefTe of iPour beauttouB Iaite0, 3ln5cabe cattetb to tbe gratmOf :anOtbCT?t!)att)HmWgbe,^elift0aloft. Rafni. iLcU)I?3ibcnou).tbaU)fuUbentofevc, SScfb^c tbe D;(eao K houah,€^od ofbotte^ D (ptfing all pjop^ane Dcincc of man, -^^ S:tiofcluSfuUlurc0tbattobitomelcOato2i», . ^ — ^:? luanton f pea t^all toouno mp Ijeact no moae: — anD 0)2 tobofe poutb m DalUance J abafo, "^ ^2)aUjiolo at laS become mi? toeDlotbe mate* - ifaiwA'u:dalokenotCblMoebegcne: ^f fb;t t^)> iijinne tbr ro;roU) do erceeD, ;;3 )l5le(rcD be tbou,come iintb Gn Wv banb, ^ ltct0bnttabnotto(aIaeour0D;mer(^ame. A lui.?MIlit^ blnOjing lcDbe0 be tobening mi? mKo;ft, Ji0tolp )?aUj mp ttmg to tbp beljcft, 9||«b0 tl^ man ofiiDoo Q)all tbmbc it goDD. o^t^iftlSl^i|i(;man,mnenO0mapmufi:coimt0tetr? . ^^ ) F London ind England. 3( W t!)ou pjartifc gajuncCTct tcrtufittftieflfe, n: OaD of l}2aucn iDljen 0niters Do repent, E>ot^ mo^e rcto^ce t^tn in ten tboufano tnff« aafni. SLtcn UNtneOis ijolie ]^^opI)et our acto;ir« Alui. I^lis^t m tt)e p^fence of tte Ho^o tf)^ €^oD. lonas.^leli ma^ ^ou bc,IiHeto!^eflourm9C()eauci( SD)at pUte lutt!) gentle tointif 6 tn fummec ttoe. Hike ^Ime b^ncfies let ^our c^tlDjen t^;et) : ^no 05 ti)e pines m loftie Libanoni £>; aB tl)c UiD0 tf)at feeo on Lepher plametf^ ^0 be t^e fcetie ano ofrp;tng0 of ^ut totne5, Enters ttic Vftirer,GcntIcman,and Alcoir. Vfurer.Comc fcD?t^ niD fr«no«,U)[n»n torttinjfe 3 SSefo^e t\iis man of mifoeeDK, 05 31 am penitent fo; my? ofience* Thrari.^ni)U)^aU^?oug^liMnt,from ot^m Ipttp 515e!)olD sD iiing,31 pjoafer {T0.2t^ tfjp tl).:oane. (ioj:nD> ^0 be rc(!o;eD to fucf) a5 olue tl)e fame. y, '^lonas. ^tertuousDeeDpleaCng to (SDooano man, WionlXi (^8D all Cities fi:olx)netnnUbe(]^ame, mQuln take trample of i^iU j]iiniuite5. Rafni. &uc^ be t^e fruitc0 of Niniuics repent, jano fuel) foj euer map our Dealings be, E^^af ^c t'oat c alo ts ^omc in ^etg^t of flnne, cpap Me to tx our licartie penitence* ©icero^esp^oflaii^ga fatttjnto tl)c2Lo;^, Het Ifrads (250D bc ^ncuriD in cur lanD. Het all occaOon of coemption tip. ifoj U)^o fl^all fault tt)erein,(^aU fuffcr Oeatli. llBeare Ujitmffc (DoD^of my t)fifaintD jeale. Come Ijoli? man, as t^n C^alt counfaUe me, ^sCotirtanOt^ttte^l(eb;mcDb«. ^ - Tonas. 2iaBfenitimpe«ei«nd pwfctufe this courfr, ^ou llanoerj; ou lDj^aKi%mitoer aire a)ot^ (beetle b;c^tf|gfj.balme.oYfe'iiDc4nfrp^^^ t^VljofginnUs ar^-fctjieo totl) ^e-Ueatw of ^caum, finD nmt mD^;|rw'tltill t^en A^can plam80« l^cu U)f)om oelftioua pirates Dtinblc fofe: 5i^I)ofe ct?cs arc blmOcDlDtt^ fccHdfie, anmafhc pcur'rclufjsjcaa crrcnieanc afiue. . iD llonoon,marDfn of ftje mtttrcffc 3;Ie, tO^apt in tljc PolDes anD fiwatljiKg cicutcs of nijcimc 311 tljee mo.:£ Onneg t^m Nimuic contamc0, ConfgmpCof(Do8,Oifpii5^t ofrcucrenD age. jjicglert of labjOtCretotoaongt^e poae: €o;ruptton,toljo;Doo«,D^n&cnncffe,anDp?iDe, ^Ujolne are tlj? b.»li)Btoit{) impuormc ano (^ame* ^ p^ouD aDulterou0 gIo;ie of tt)e Mc S, SE^p ncigl)bo;5 buriw^^et Docft tljou f^are no fire* SCtjp 10;cac^0r0 crie,tet ooift rtjou Hop (^ine eare5. %^z larum rtngs,\?tt fleepcfi ll^ca fee ure. ilonoon a\x^akt,fo2 fcarc tlje ilo;o 00 frotone, 3|fcfaI(Dljins(Dlaffebcfb?etl)ti)ecp«« . ^ turncj© turne,tott^ toeeping to t^e ilojlp 0no tf)tnbe ttie p^aterB ano tertues of tbr SXu&ney ^eftts ttie plaguc,U}but) otiierlotfe iuoulo fall* Kepmt^ ilonoon^eaa fo? tfmie offence, SDt)? (^ept)carD fat)e,lD^om mig^Cte ,