CA I ML 60- Plate XV POPULAR HISTORY BRITISH FERNS AND THE ALLIED PLANTS, COMPRISING THE CLUB-MOSSES, PEPPERWORTS, AND HORSETAILS. BY THOMAS MOORE, E.L.S., &c., CURATOR OF THE BOTANIC GARDEN OF THE SOCIETY OF APOTHECARIES, CHELSEA, AND AUTHOR OF *A HANDBOOK OF BRITISH FERNS,' ETC., ETC. LONDON : REEVE AND BENHAM, HENRIETTA STREET, COVENT GARDEN. 1851. PRINTED BY REEVE AND NICHOLS, HEATHCOCK COURT, STRAND. TO N. B. WABD, ESQ., P. L. S., &c., WHOSE INVENTION OF CLOSE GLAZED CASES HAS EXTENDED THE CULTIVATION OP FERNS TO THE PARLOUR, THE WINDOW-SILL, AND THE CITY COURT-YARD, AS WELL AS ENRICHED OUR GARDENS WITH THE FRUITS AND FLOWERS OF OTHER LANDS, (!jte ^Little Walumt IS, WITH MUCH RESPECT AND ESTEEM, DEDICATED, BY HIS OBLIGED FRIEND, THE AUTHOR. PREFACE. IT has been presumed that we have been labouring for beginners in the study of Ferns, and especially for the young. Hence our aim has been to familiarize the sub- ject as far as possible, without sacrificing that integrity of detail which may render these pages acceptable even to those who have made some progress in the study ; and with this end in view, we have avoided all unnecessary techni- calities, and confined ourselves rather to plain, and, as we hope, easily understood descriptions of the plants. Those dubious and debateable matters, which, perhaps, have the most interest to the advanced student, have been for the VI PEEFACE. most part entirely avoided, as being calculated to perplex rather than instruct those who are but acquiring the rudi- ments of the subject. Abstruse questions of identity or of specific distinctions have also been regarded as foreign to the purposes of this ' History/ On these points we have been content to follow the generally received opinions of Pteridologists. In one or two instances, in which perhaps this course has been departed from, the reason has been made sufficiently ob- vious. These explanations may serve to acquaint more advanced students why so little of novelty has been prominently introduced, and why several recently described plants have been rather treated as varieties than as species. The consideration of the specific distinctness of these plants opens up questions involving much doubt and difficulty, and leading different inquirers to widely different conclu- PREFACE. Vll sions. Of the difficulties of such questions the uninitiated can have but a faint idea, neither could they be expected to see clearly through them in any form in which they could possibly be presented to them. It has, therefore, been thought best to simplify the matter by regarding such dubious species as varieties, ranging them with those ad- mitted species in whose company, it appeared to us, they would be most easily recognized. In doing this, however, we record no opinions as to the questions really involved. One novel species a less dubious addition to our British Ferns has been announced while these pages have been going through the press. This will be found de- scribed in an Appendix. One word. more. If it so happens that any of those who may be led by the perusal of these pages to study the Ferns of Britain, should, in the course of their inquiries, meet with difficulties or perplexities which we may be able to Vlll PREFACE. remove, it will afford us much gratification to do so. And we should be glad to trouble any reader for information as to the occurrence of any of the species in the counties to which they are not assigned under the head of " Local Distribution/'' Botanic Garden, Chelsea, London, November, 1851. LIST OF PLATES. Fi - PLATE I. 1 Ceterach officinarum 2 Polypodium vulgare PLATE II. -' 1 Polypodium Dryopteris 2 - - Phegopteris PLATE III. " 1 Polypodium calcareum 2 Wooclsia ilvensis PLATE IV. 1 Woodsia hyperborea 2 Polystichum Lonchitis . PLATE V. - 1 Allosorus crispus 2 Polystichum angulare .. Page. 100 152 148 150 146 181 179 160 64 158 PLATE VI. - /i6 l ri &- Page. 1 Lastrea Thelypteris 136 2 cristata 116 PLATE VII. -131 1 Lastrea Oreopteris ....... 131 PLATE VIII. - f I Lastrea Filix-mas, and var. cristata 126 PLATE IX. - ( ^ ^ 1 Lastrea rigida 132 2 dilatata 123 PLATE X. ~/^ 1 Cystopteris fragilis 106 2 alpina 104 LIST OF PLATES. PLATE XI. - * 1 Fig. Page. 1 Atliyrium Pilix-foemina, and var. multifidum ........ 87 PLATE XII. ^ 1 Asplenium lanceolatum ... 74 2 - Adiantmn-nigrum ... 66 3 - septentrionale ...... 79 PLATE XIII. -^ 1 Asplenium Euta-muraria, var. 78 2 - fontanurn ......... 69 3 - germanicum ....... 72 4 - virkle ............. 83 5 - Trichomanes ....... 80 PLATE XIV. - ) *> 1 Asplenium marinum ...... 76 2 Cystopteris montana ...... 109 PLATE XY. - ^] 1 Scolopendrium vulgare .... 169 2 Hymenopliyllum tunbridg- ense ................. 113 3 Hymenopliyllum unilaterale . 114 PLATE XVI. Fig. 1 Adiantum Capillus-Veneris . 2 Blechimm Spicant ....... PLATE XVII. ~'^ 1 Pteris aquilina, var. integer- rima ................. 1 2 Pilularia globulifera ...... 2 PLATE XVIII. - ' K 1 Trichomanes radicans ..... 1 2 Botrychium Lunaria ...... 3 Ophioglossum Tulgatuni ... 1 PLATE XIX. '^^ 1 Isoetes lacustris . 2 Osmunda regalis J PLATE XX. " u1 ^ 1 Equisetum hyemale ...... 2 2 - Telmateia ......... $ 3 - sylvaticum ......... 2 4 Lycopodium inundatum ... 1 5 - Selago . . ........ 1 6 - clavatum .......... ] CONTENTS. Page. INTRODUCTION . 1 THE STRUCTURE OF FERNS 7 PROPAGATION, DEVELOPMENT, AND CULTURE . . 20 DISTRIBUTION AND TOPOGRAPHICAL ASPECT . . 29 THE USES OF FERNS 33 SELECTION AND PRESERVATION FOR THE HERBA- RIUM 37 THE CLASSIFICATION OF FERNS ...... 41 TABLE OF THE GROUPS AND GENERA OF BRITISH FERNS AND ALLIED PLANTS .... 34 TABLE OF THE SPECIES AND VARIETIES 49 Xll CONTENTS. THE BRITISH PERNS THE BRITISH CLUB-MOSSES THE BRITISH PEPPERWORTS THE BRITISH HORSETAILS LOCAL DISTRIBUTION OF THE BRITISH FERNS, CLUB- MOSSES, PEPPERWORTS, AND HORSETAILS APPENDIX . ADDITIONAL SYNONYMS INDEX POPULAR HISTORY OF BRITISH FERNS. INTRODUCTION. THERE are several causes which conduce to render the native Perns of Great Britain an attractive object of study. Of these we will mention the following : 1. They are for the most part objects of exquisite ele- gance, and this is apparent, whether they are superficially examined as to their external appearance, or whether they are investigated anatomically, with the view to discover and analyse their minute structure. 2. They are not very numerous, nor very inaccessible, and consequently their study opens a field which even those who have not much leisure may hope to compass, and for which the greater part, at least, of the materials may be obtained without much difficulty. " 2 HISTORY OF BRITISH FEENS. 3. They are plants for the most part very easily culti- vated, and of all others perhaps the best adapted to parlour or window culture ; and hence, besides the interest they may excite in the collection and preservation of them in the herbarium, and in the study of them in the dried state, there is to be added the pleasure to be derived from their culti- vation, and the opportunities thus afforded of studying and admiring them in the living state. Those who desire a thorough knowledge of the species of Perns, should certainly, if possible, adopt the method of study just indicated, as it reveals many curious and in- teresting features which are not to be learned from the investigations though patiently and assiduously prose- cuted which are aided only by dried portions of the plants. All the essential points necessary for the recogni- tion of the species, may, nevertheless, be availably present in well-selected herbarium specimens, so that those who have not convenience for cultivating them, may yet store up in their cabinets ample materials for their amusement and instruction in detached and leisure hours. There is something peculiarly fascinating in the graceful outline and disposition of parts, which is so common among the Perns as to have become associated in idea with this INTRODUCTION. 3 portion of the vegetable creation. Gaudy colouring is indeed absent, and they wear while in life and health nothing beyond a livery of sober green, which can scarcely be said to gain ornament from the brownish scales, with which in some of our native species it is associated on the living plant. In some exotic forms indeed, as for example in the species of Gymnogramma, the lower surface is covered more or less with a silvery or golden powder, which adds considerably to their beauty; and in the wide range of the " Ferns of all nations " there is considerable variety, even of the tints of green, to be observed. The more sober- tinted natives of our northern latitude can, however, boast but of comparatively little such variety of hue. It is not, therefore, in the colouring that their attractions rest ; nor is it in their endurance, for a large proportion of the native species lose all their beauty as soon as the frost reaches them, and for nearly one-half of the year are dormant un- less artificially sheltered. "We therefore conclude, that it is the elegant forms and graceful habits of the majority of the Ferns, native and exotic, which render them so gene- rally pleasing, even to those who are slow to perceive beauty apart from rich and gaudy colouring. The number of the native species of Ferns may be taken 4 HISTORY OF BRITISH FERNS. -at from forty to fifty, according as some of the more doubt- ful forms are ranked as species or varieties. In a botanical point of view the lowest estimate is probably the most cor- rect, as the experience we have of some of the so-called species leads to the notion that they are insensibly united by intermediate forms. As, however, affecting their culti- vation, or when the Terns are taken up as a "fancy/* the higher number is too low ; for we hold that in all such cases, if one plant is palpably different from another, it forms a legitimate object for culture or for study as a dis- tinct object, though the differences may be of such a cha- racter as would lead the rigid botanist to brand it as not " specifically distinct." There is a good deal of pedantry abroad on this question of the limits of the species of plants, with which, happily, in this popular sketch of the British Perns, we shall have no occasion to intermeddle. The literature of the British Ferns is tolerably extensive, viewed in connection with the comparative numerical insig- nificance of the plants themselves, a mere fraction of the three thousand species of Ferns which are known to botanists, and a mere fraction, also, of our indigenous vegetation. Passing by the ancient writers, whose works are both INTRODUCTION. 5 for the most part inaccessible, and not of much value to the casual student, we shall enumerate the several English publications of the present day, which are exclusively oc- cupied in the description of the British Ferns and their allies ; as we hope some at least of our readers may be so far led on by the sketch we shall endeavour to offer in the following pages, as to seek the further assistance to be derived from the more varied sources indicated below. We shall arrange them in the order of their original publication, and mention the most recent editions : 1. An Analysis of the British Ferns and their allies. By G. W. Francis, F.L.S. Fourth Edition (same as the Third, excepting the date on the title). 8vo, pp. 88, with 9 plates, containing reduced figures of the spe- cies described. 2. A History of British Ferns, and allied plants. By Edward Newman, F.L.S., &c. Enlarged Edition of a former work. 8vo, pp. 224, with beautiful woodcut illustrations. 3. Florigraphia Britannica, Vol. IY. : The Ferns of Britain and their allies. By Richard Deakin, M.D. 8vo, pp. 136, with 31 plates and numerous woodcuts. 4. A Handbook of British Ferns. By Thomas Moore, 6 HISTORY OF BRITISH FERNS. F.L.S., &c. IGmo, pp. 156, with plain woodcuts of all the species and the principal varieties. The most important enumerations of the British Ferns elsewhere to 1>e met with, are those in the recent edition (6th) of Sir W. J. Hooker's < British Mora/ by Dr. Walker Arnott, and in Mr. Babiiigton's ' Manual of British Botany * (3rd edit.), in both of which they are treated with deference to modern views. Ample descriptions of them so far as then known, are given in Sir J. E. Smith's e English Flora/ accompanied by the synonyms of the older writers. Much has been achieved towards a thorough knowledge of the English species, by the scrutiny to which the Ferns at large have of late years been subjected, both in this country and in Germany ; and we ought not to close this paragraph without mentioning, of English botanists who have contributed to this advance, the names of Brown, Hooker, Wallich, Greville, J. Smith, and Heward, espe- cially, as having most successfully dealt with a difficult subject. THE STRUCTURE OF FERNS. BUT our young readers will be ready to ask, What is a Pern ? This we will now endeavour to explain by means of a familiar comparison, It is presumed that every reader of this little book, even the youngest, can recognize a flower, not indeed by the aid of the somewhat technical intricacies to which the man of science would resort, but by means of that intuitive per- ception, which has grown up with the growing faculties and acquired strength from the little experiences of childhood and youth. We. will suppose, then, that all our readers are familiar with natural productions such as the buttercup, the poppy, the brier-rose, the daisy, the dandelion, and others such as these, which are so profusely dispersed over the meadows and corn-fields, and along the hedge-rows, and by the way-sides : even the young ears of corn and the spikes of meadow grasses must be well-remembered objects. Now, these all afford examples of flowers, or of masses of flowers. But then the plants from which the daisy heads and 8 HISTORY OF BRITISH FERNS. dandelions were plucked to be made into floral chains, and those which yielded the buttercups, the roses, and various others for the rural bouquet, produced, besides their flowers those brilliantly coloured parts which the tiny fingers chiefly desired to gather other parts, mostly green, and in which the same intuitive perception has learned to recognize the leaves. These " organs/' as they are called the leaves and the flowers are the two most conspicuous parts of the majority of plants. Popularly speaking, a Peru may be said to be a plant which never bears flowers, but leaves only ; and these leaves are greatly varied, and very elegant in form. But some one will say, How can I tell a Pern, which never bears flowers, from some other plant which does bear flowers, but from which they are temporarily absent ? A little patience, and a little attentive study, will overcome this seeming, and to the beginner real, difficulty. You must search for what seems to be a full-grown plant. Examine the under surface of its leaves, and you will see brown dusty-looking patches, round or elongated or in lines, scattered here and there, and generally arranged with much regularity. These patches are vast accumulations of the minute seeds so minute as to be fabulously invisible from which young fern-plants would be produced. THE STRUCTURE OF FERNS. 9 Now, as the leaves of those plants which do bear flowers do not bear these dusty patches, it is on their presence that the novice must depend for the assurance that the plant he has under examination is really a Fern. It must be confessed, indeed, that this is a very imperfect definition, and one which would fail to satisfy the more advanced student ; but in truth, there is no other available guide-mark at the starting point, nor until the eye has become familiarized with the peculiar appearances by aid of which Perns may be recognized at first sight. This first step the ready re- cognition of a Fern from other plants will be greatly as- sisted by Mr. Fitch's characteristic figures which accompany and ornament these pages. More detailed particulars of the peculiarities of Ferns we must now proceed to offer. Ferns, as we have already stated, are flowerless plants. They are furnished with roots, by which they obtain nou- rishment from the soil ; with stems, by which their con- spicuous parts are borne up and supported; and with leaves, to which their elegance is due, these leaves bearing on some part of their surface, but usually on the lower face, the seeds by which the plants may be propagated. These are their external parts, and are called organs. The proper roots of Ferns are entirely fibrous, and they 10 HISTORY OF BRITISH FERNS. proceed from the under side of the stem, when the latter assumes the prostrate or creeping mode of growth ; but when it grows erect, they are produced towards its lower end on all sides indifferently, from among the bases of the decayed leaves or fronds. Fibrous roots are so called from their consisting of little thread-like parts, which, as they extend by growth at their points, insinuate themselves between the particles of earth to which they have access, and this in process of time becomes filled with their rami- fications. They often form entangled masses, but are not always sufficiently numerous for this. The fibres of Perns are mostly of a somewhat rigid or wiry texture ; and in the younger portions are often more or less covered with fine soft hairs, which become lost with age. It is by means of these organs chiefly, that Perns, and all the more highly de- veloped plants, are nourished. The stem of a Pern, which is sometimes called a rhizome, sometimes a caudex names given to particular modifications of the stems of plants forms either an upright stock, which in our native species seldom elevates itself above the sur- face of the ground, but in certain exotic ferns reaches from thirty to fifty feet or more in height, and gives a tree-like character to the species ; or it extends horizontally either on THE STRUCTURE OF PERNS. 11 or beneath the surface of the soil, and forms what is called a creeping stem. These creeping stems are generally clothed with hairs or scales, and sometimes to such an extent as to become quite shaggy ; they vary greatly in size, some being as thick as one's wrist, and others, as in our native Hymenopliyllums, as fine as threads. The common Polypody has the thickest stem of any of the creeping British species : in this it is about as thick as one's thumb ; but that of the common Bracken, or Pleris, creeps the most extensively. The Osmuncla, or Flowering Pern, as it is called, is, of the native upright-growing species, that which most readily gains height, and very old plants of this may sometimes be found with bare stems of a foot or more in length. The common Male Pern, the Lastrea Oreop- teris, and the Polystichum angnlare, have also a tendency, though in a less degree, to this mode of growth, but it never becomes apparent except in the case of very aged plants. The leaves of Perns are generally called fronds, and as we think this latter term the most appropriate, we shall adopt it, with this general explanation, that it means the leaf-like organs which are borne on the proper stem. The leaf-like character they bear, has led some botanists to reject the term frond altogether, and to consider them as true 12 HISTORY OP BRITISH FERNS. leaves ; but since they produce, from some part of their surface, what in their case stands in the place of flowers, there is no more reason why they should be called leaves, than the leaf-like stems of Cactuses, or those of some curious hot-house plants called Xylophyllas, each of which is an example of a plant bearing its flower on what appear to be leaves, but which are in reality stems. The frond or leafy part of a Fern is, however, not to be classed among stems; and hence, since it is of intermediate character between a leaf and a stem, a distinctive name seems to be properly applied to it. The name in common use among botanists is frond, which we shall therefore adopt, and re- commend our young friends to employ. As there are no flowers produced by the Ferns (we use the term flower in its popular sense, without entering into points of speculative botany), it is in the fronds that we must seek for that ornamental aspect which renders them such general favourites. The fronds alone, however, afford almost endless variety : some are very large, others very small; some quite simple and not at all divided, others divided beyond computation into little portions or segments, and it is these much-divided fronds which, generally speaking, are the most elegant. THE STRUCTURE OE FERNS. 13 Even in the few species which are natives of Britain, this variety of size and form is very obvious, some kinds not being more than two or three inches, others five to six feet or more in height, some quite simple, and others cut into innumerable small segments. There is much variety of texture too : some being thin and delicate, almost trans- parent, others thick and leathery, and some perfectly rigid ; some are pale green, some are deep green, some are blue- green, some dark brownish, scarcely green at all ; some are smooth and shining, others opake, and some few are covered with hair-like scales. The duration of the fronds of many species is compara- tively short : they come up in spring, and in some cases the earliest of them do not last till autumn, in others they continue until touched by frost, from which the more robust of them shrink, even as the tender sorts do from drought as well as frost. Others are much more durable, and the plants, if in a moderately sheltered situation, become evergreen. These latter should be most ex- tensively adopted for culture where ornamental effect is an object. We shall point out these peculiarities as we de- scribe the different species. The fronds of Perns consist of two parts the leafy portion; 14 HISTORY OF BRITISH FERNS. and the stalk, which latter is often called the stipes. The continuation of the stalk, in the form of a rib extending through the leafy portion, and becoming branched when the frond is divided, is called the rachis ; if the frond is compound, that is, divided, so that there is another set of ribs besides the principal one, the latter is called the primary rachis, and the former the secondary rachis. Eew of our native spe- cies are so highly compound as to possess more than a secondary rachis. In practice, when the outline or division of the frond is mentioned, it is generally the leafy portion only that is referred to, exclusive of the stipes. The stipes is generally furnished more or less with mem- branous scales, which are sometimes few and confined to the base, and at other times continued along the rachis. Some- times these scales, which are generally brown, are large and so numerous that the parts on which they are situated acquire a shaggy appearance. The form of the scales, as well as their number and position and even colour, is found to be very constant in the different species or varieties, and hence they sometimes afford good marks of recognition. Whenever they are produced along the rachis, as well as on the stipes, they are invariably largest at the base, and become gradually smaller upwards. THE STRUCTURE OF FERNS. 15 In some species the leafy portion of the frond is un- divided, that is to say, the margins are not scalloped or cut away at all : an example of this occurs in the common Hart's-tongue. The margin is, however, much more com- monly more or less divided. In the simplest mode of division which occurs among the British species, the margin of the frond is deeply divided or scalloped out at short intervals, the divisions extending inwards nearly to the rachis, bat not reaching it : this slightly divided form is called pinnatiftd. The fronds are sometimes divided quite down to the rachis, which is, as it were, quite bared of the contiguous leafy expansion, and when this occurs the frond is said to be pinnate ; in this case, each of the distinct leaf-like divisions is called a pinna. When these pinnse are divided again upon precisely the same plan the frond becomes lipinnate, or twice pinnate, but if the pinnse are only deeply lobed they are said to be pinnatifid. When the fronds are thrice pinnate, and in all other more intricate forms, they are called decompound, but this seldom occurs in any of the native kinds ; the nearest approach to it is in very vigorous plants of the common Bracken, and in some of the Lastreas, when very largely developed. 16 HISTORY OF BEITISH TEENS. The young fronds of the ferns before being developed are arranged in a very curious manner, the rachis being tolled inwards from the point to the base, and in the com- pound sorts the divisions are each again rolled up in a similar way. This arrangement is what is called circinate. All the British species, with two exceptions, are folded up in this way, so that their development consists of an un- rolling of the fronds. The exceptions mentioned, are the Moonwort and the Adders-tongue, in both of which the fronds in the undeveloped state are folded straight. The substance of the fronds is traversed by veins vari- ously arranged; in some species forming straight parallel lines, in others joined together like net-work. The manner in which the veins are disposed is called the venation, and the nature of this venation affords useful data in the divi- sion of the ferns into family groups. It is from some determinate part of these veins that the clusters of fructifi- cation "proceed, that part to which they are attached being called the receptacle. A correct appreciation of the con- dition and position of the receptacle with reference to the veins, is of considerable importance in the study of the genera and species that is to say, the individual kinds and the family groups. In some, though few of the native THE STRUCTURE OF FERNS. 17 kinds, it is projected beyond the margin, and the little cases of seeds are collected around its free extremity. More commonly, however, the veins stop within the margins, and the seed- cases grow in round or elongated clusters, situate at their ends or along their sides, and protruded through the skin of the lower surface of the fronds. No flowers are produced, but the plants bear, generally, great abundance of seed-like bodies, which are technically called spores, and are contained in little cases of very sin- gular construction. Collectively, these cases and their contents are called the fructification. The seed-cases, as already remarked, are attached in the different species to certain determinate thickened portions of the veins, which points of attachment are called the receptacles. Each separate mass or cluster of the seed-cases is called a sorus, but as they are generally spoken of collectively, the plural term sori becomes much more frequently used. The seed-cases called also spore-cases, or sporangia, or tlieca are mostly minute roundish-oval bodies, containing one cavity, and nearly surrounded by an elastic vertical band or ring, which is continued from the base so as to form a short stalk, by which they are attached. TV hen they have reached maturity, the elasticity of the ring 18 HISTORY OF BRITISH FERNS. bursts the case irregularly, and the seeds or spores, in the shape of fine dust, almost invisible, become dispersed. This is what occurs in the majority of the native species ; in Trichomanes and the Hymenopliyllums, however, the elastic band is horizontal or oblique ; and in Osmunda, Botrycliiurn, and OpJiioylossum, the spore-cases are two-valved, and des- titute of the elastic ring. In a considerable proportion of the known species of Perns, and in the majority of those which are natives of Great Britain, the sori are covered in the earlier stages of growth by what is commonly called the indiwum, which is mostly a thin transparent membranous scale of the same general form as the sorus itself, at first completely covering or enclosing the young seed-cases. Eventually, however, by their growth, its margins are disrupted, and it is cast off, frequently even before the maturity of the seeds. Some species, however, never bear any indusium, and its presence or absence is consequently one of the technical points by which the large body of Terns are divided into groups of manageable extent. In some Perns the indusium, or cover, or at least what is considered analogous to it, is cup-shaped, containing the seed-cases; but this form is of very rare occurrence among the native species, and exists only in Trichomanes and the Hymenophyllums. THE STRUCTURE OF FERNS. 19 Taking now a retrospective glance, we have seen that the Perns are, as regards external structure, flowerless plants, having erect or creeping stems, which bear the leaf- like fronds ; and on some part of the surface of the latter, usually the lower side, but sometimes the margin, are borne the clusters of seeds, which, in the majority of the native species, are, when young, furnished with a membranous scale-like cover. The subject of internal structure, or anatomy, is foreign to the purposes of this volume. We may, however, men- tion in general terms, that the Ferns belong to the lowest group of vegetation, which is especially remarkable for its loose and often succulent texture, owing to the absence, or nearly so, of those tissues which give firmness and elas- ticity to the higher orders of plants. The Perns, however, are the highest members of this group, and hence we find them possessing, to some extent, both woody and vascular tissue, matters which, together with cellular tissue, the soft loose material above mentioned, may be found explained in any elementary book on physiological botany. 20 PROPAGATION, DEVELOPMENT, AND CULTURE. NATURALLY Perns are propagated by means of the spores, of which mention has been already made. These spores are somewhat analogous to seeds, being like them endowed with that mystery the vital germ ; and, when placed under fitting conditions, they become developed into young plants ; but they differ from seeds in some important particulars. All true seeds have a determinate structure; they have an embryo, with special organs, namely, the plumule, or germ of the ascending axis, the origin of the stem, and the radicle, or germ of the descending axis, the origin of the root. When a seed is planted, in whatever position it may chance to have been deposited in the soil, the young root or radicle strikes downwards, and the young stem or plumule grows upwards. The Tern spores have none of these determinate parts, but are, as it were, homogeneous atoms ; and when placed under circumstances which induce germination, that part which lies downwards produces the root, and that part PROPAGATION, DEVELOPMENT, AND CULTURE. 21 which, lies upwards produces the rudimentary stem. The spores are very minute vesicles of various shapes, but mostly roundish, and are often beautifully ornamented with markings on the exterior. They consist merely of a small vesicle of cellular tissue, and as they grow this vesicle becomes divided into others, which again multiply and enlarge, until they form a minute green leaf-like patch, roundish but irregular in outline, unilateral, and often, if not always, two-lobed, forming a primordial scale or leaf ; this by degrees thickens at a central point on the side, which henceforth becomes the axis of development, and from this point a small leaf or frond is produced on the upper surface where the tissue is acted on by light. This leaf is usually very different in aspect as well as size from the mature fronds, and is succeeded by other fronds, which acquire by degrees the characteristic features peculiar to their species. In some annual Ferns the mature character is soon at- tained, but in others two or more years of growth is re- quired before they reach maturity; they, however, soon begin to assume something of their peculiar appearance, so that by the time three or four of these young fronds are produced, sometimes even earlier, a practised eye can recognize the species. 22 HISTORY OF BRITISH FERNS. It is from the under side of the thickened point or axis of development above mentioned, where it comes in contact with the moistened soil, that the roots are protruded, The stem, or caudex, whatever its character, originates in this primary axis of development. In the first stages of development, then, the young seed- ling Ferns (that is, Perns raised from the spores) assume the appearance of a Liverwort, forming a green, semi-transparent, crust-like patch on the surface of the soil the unilateral primordial scale referred to above. In these minute and almost invisible atoms, no less than in the more ponderous materials which surround us, we dis- cover the impress of Almighty and Creative power. They teem with life ! No commixture of elementary matter, no electric shock guided by human agency, can originate that. Truly the hand that made them is Divine ! The requisite conditions to induce the germination of the spores of Ferns, in addition to the supply of the degree of heat proper for the species which produced them, is simply contact with a continually damp surface. Diffused light is favourable to the young growth as soon as it begins to form, but is appa- rently not necessary as a means of exciting it. It matters little in what way the principal condition above-mentioned PROPAGATION, DEVELOPMENT, AND CULTURE. 23 is supplied. In hothouses, where the plants stand and shed their spores, the latter germinate freely on the undis- turbed soil, or on any damp brickwork with which they come in contact, or on the upright sides of the pots in which the plants are growing, if these are so circumstanced as to remain continually damp. They grow very readily on the rough surface of a piece of sandstone-rock, just kept moistened by water constantly but slowly dripping upon it. The most convenient way, however, to raise Ferns from the spores, where cultivation is the object, is to sow them on the surface of peat soil, in pots of convenient size, the surface of the soil being kept an inch or more below the level of the pot rim, so that a piece of flat glass may be laid over the top, to secure a close and constantly moist atmosphere, and prevent rapid evaporation from the soil. The pots should be nearly half-filled with small pieces of broken potsherds or of broken bricks, and the soil itself should be used rather coarse than fine, the surface being left rough, that is, not pressed down close and even. The pots should be set in pans or feeders, in which water should be kept so long as the soil does not become saturated. By this means, the soil may be kept at the required degree of continual dampness ; but if by any chance saturation seems 24 HISTORY OF BRITISH FERNS. to be taking place, the supply should be withheld for a time. A shady situation, under the influence of a temperature proper for the individual kinds, should be selected for these nursery pots. When all is in readiness, the spores should be thinly scattered over the rough surface of the soil, and the glass cover at once put on. It is necessary to be somewhat careful in the act of sowing, as the spores, from their lightness and minuteness, are liable to be dispersed in the atmosphere, instead of being lodged on the seed-bed prepared for them ; from the same cause, they are apt to cling about the surface of the paper even though it be glazed in which they may have been enclosed. A bell-glass may be employed to cover the soil after sowing, but we have been content to point out the simplest means and materials by which the end in view may be attained. A simple and convenient contrivance for sowing the spores, by which the progress of germination might be very readily watched, would consist in inverting a porous flower- pot in a shallow dish or pan of water, large enough to take also the rim of an enclosing bell-glass, which should cover some surface of the water. A small cup or vase, set on the top of the inverted pot, with two or three worsted siphons, PROPAGATION, DEVELOPMENT, AND CULTUEE. 25 would keep its sides always damp ; the spores scattered over the sides of this moistened porous earthenware would find a proper nidus for their development, which might thus be watched with great facility. It is to be borne in mind, however, that the seedling plants are not so readily trans- planted from an earthenware or stone surface, as they are when growing on the soil. The general features of culture which it will be sufficient here to notice are shade, shelter, and abundance of mois- ture, neither of these being, however, essential to all the species, but when judiciously combined producing the con- ditions under which all the species admit of being very suc- cessfully grown. In the garden, Ferns seem only appropriately introduced on what is called rockwork, which generally means a bank of earth irregularly terraced with misshapen fragments of stone, or by some other hard porous material, the vitrified masses formed in the burning of bricks being that most commonly substituted. With taste in the distribution of these and such like materials, and in the planting of the Eerns, a very pleasing effect may be produced ; and on rockwork of this kind, if it be erected in a shaded and sheltered situation, and liberally supplied with percolating 26 HISTORY OF BRITISH FERNS. (not stagnant) water, nearly all the English Ferns may be grown. It will, as a matter of course, suggest itself to the planter, that the most sunny, most exposed, and least moistened positions on the rockwork should be appropriated to those species which grow naturally in situations to which these conditions afford the nearest resemblance ; while, on the other hand, the kinds which naturally prefer the deepest shade and the dampest soil, should be placed in the posi- tions where these conditions are most nearly imitated. Perhaps, however, the most interesting occupation for the amateur in Perns consists in the cultivation of them under glass, either in pots, or planted in a Wardian case. All the species admit of being grown in pots, and when developed under the protection of a covering of glass, acquire more than their natural delicacy of appearance. For general purposes the frame or case in which they are grown should have a northern aspect ; the eastern and western aspects are less favourable, though with attention to shading during sunny weather, they may be adopted, and are at least much preferable to the southern, even with the advantage of shading. It is the heat, no less than the brightness of such an aspect, which is to be avoided ; and PROPAGATION, DEVELOPMENT, AND CULTURE. 27 therefore, for all practical purposes, the nearer the situation in which they are grown approaches the northern aspect, the better. The plants must be kept cool in summer, by shading, by sprinkling, by not quite closing the frame in the day-time, and by removing all impediments to a free circulation of air all night. Wardian cases for Ferns, in which they may be planted out on rockwork, may be either of the size and nature of a small detached greenhouse, or of those window or balcony greenhouses made by enclosing within a projecting sash, a greater or smaller area external to the window, or they may be of smaller size and more finished workmanship, for the interior of dwelling rooms, for stair-case landings, or any other situations within- doors, where they can be moderately lighted. As a general rule, Ferns under cultivation do not require any manure. The most proper soil for them consists of the native earths called peat or bog earth, and sandy loam, mixed in about equal proportions, with a further admixture equal to an eighth of the whole mass for the coarser sorts, and of a fourth of the whole mass for the more delicate sorts, of any clean sharp grit, which is used for the purpose of preventing the too close adhesion and consolidation of 28 HISTORY OF BRITISH FERNS. the particles ; the clean white sand, called Reigate sand, is that most generally employed. The supply of water to Ferns under artificial conditions is a very essential matter ; they must never lack moisture, or their fragile texture shrinks as before a burning blast ; nor, with few exceptions, must the soil about them be kept continually wet with stagnant water; indeed, stagnant water is in all cases to be avoided. DISTRIBUTION AND TOPOGRAPHICAL ASPECT. THE species of Ferns known to botanists, including the lesser groups sometimes separated from what have been called the ' ' true " Ferns, amount to something more than three thousand. Their head-quarters are the humid forests of tropical islands, in some of which they acquire a giant size, and in their tree-like habit become rivals to the noble Palms. The tree Ferns are not, however, numerous, the number of species having this habit bearing a small pro- portion to those of shrubby or herbaceous growth. From the statistics which have been collected in reference to this question, it appears that the Ferns bear a higher proportion to the flowering plants both towards the equator and towards the poles ; and that their proportional number is least in the middle of the temperate zone. They reach their absolute maximum in the torrid zone, amid the heat, moisture, and shade of the tropical forests ; and their absolute minimum on the inhospitable shores of the polar regions. 30 HISTORY OF BRITISH FERNS. The proportion borne by the Ferns to the whole mass of flowering plants, in the torrid zone, is stated at one in twenty ; in the temperate zone at one in seventy ; and in the frigid zone at an average of one in eight. In the most northern parts of the Arctic zone, none have yet been dis- covered. In onr own country, the proportion borne between these two great divisions of vegetation, is reckoned at one Pern to thirty-five flowering plants. In Scotland they stand re- latively as one in thirty-one. The forms which exist among the Ferns are very diversi- fied, and this, no less than their variations of size and habit, renders them conspicuous objects in the scenery where they abound. They may all be classed under three divisions, so far as their leading features are concerned, namely, arbores- cent, shrubby, and herbaceous. It is the former class, the arborescent species, chiefly, which exert a marked influence on the physiognomy of nature, for, as Meyen well remarks, they unite in themselves the majestic growth of the Palms, with the delicacy of the lower Ferns, and thus attain a beauty to which nature shows nothing similar. These truly arborescent species are prin- cipally confined to the torrid zone, their slender waving DISTRIBUTION AND TOPO GRAPHICAL ASPECT. 31 trunks often beautifully pitted by the marks left on the falling away of the fronds ; they grow to a height of from twenty to fifty feet or more, from their tops sending out the feathery fronds, often many feet in length, and yet so delicate as to be put in motion by the gentlest breeze. On some of the East Indian Islands the tree Ferns occur as numerously as the crowded Firs in our plantations ; but wherever they are found from the plains to an elevation of 3,000 to 4,000 feet the soil and atmosphere are full of moisture. Yery noble arborescent Ferns are found in New Zealand and Tasmania. The shrubby Ferns, those with short stems, surmounted by tufted fronds, prevail rather at the tropics than at the equatorial zone, and are found less frequently at the foot of tropical mountains, than at an elevation of from 2,000 to 3,000 feet. Ferns of this aspect abound in the South Sea Islands. Mr. Colenso describes one of the New Zealand species as producing, from a main trunk twelve feet high, fronds which form a droop often of eighteen feet ; such plants, standing singly on the bank of a purling rill of water, being objects of surpassing beauty. The herbaceous species are rather characteristic of the temperate and colder zones : not that their number in 32 HISTORY OF BRITISH FERNS. warmer regions is less great, but their influence on the aspect of vegetation there is of a different character ; they are more frequently parasitic in the tropics, and by their varied forms and colours, and the way in which they fix themselves, they give an air of peculiar luxuriance to the higher vegetation. Even in the temperate regions some of these herbaceous Eerns attain considerable height, as is the case with the common Bracken, which, in the hedge-rows of sheltered rural lanes in the south of England, reaches the height of eight or ten feet, and assumes the most graceful habit that can be conceived. Wherever the Eerns occur, whether it be the herbaceous species of temperate climates, or the arborescent species of the equatorial regions, or the epiphytal species which clothe the trunks and branches of the trees in tropical forests, they add a marked and peculiar character of beauty and luxuri- ance to the scenery, and that to an extent which is not realized by any other race of plants. 33 THE USES OF FERNS. WE cannot make out a long catalogue of the uses of Ferns. Indeed, compared with their numbers and size, their useful- ness to man is very limited ; and the frigid utilitarian might be almost tempted to ask of Nature, wherefore she gave them birth. Her reply would, however, stay further inter- rogation : " They are given ' To minister delight to man, To beautify the earth.' " The Ferns are not, moreover, altogether without their use ; for to the aborigines of various countries they furnish a rude means of subsistence. The pith of the stem or rhizome is the part usually employed for food, and this on account of the starch deposited in its tissue. Among the species which are thus employed as food chiefly, however, where civilization has not become the dispenser of better fare there is the Cyathea, medullaris, Marattia alata and elegans, Angwptens evecta; the Tasmanian Tara, Pteris esculenta ; Nephrodium esculentum, Diplazium esculentum, D 34 HISTORY OF BRITISH FERNS. and Gleichenia Hermanni ; and it is worth remark that these species represent almost all the principal groups into which Ferns are scientifically divided. But while the child of nature turns to the Fern for food, his more civilized brother seeks in it a medicine ; and he finds it ! Two of our common native species, the Filix-mas and the Bracken, especially the former, have the reputation of being remedies against intestinal worms, in consequence of their bitter and astringent qualities, which properties are possessed by the stems of many other species. Another native Fern, the Eoyal Fern, has been successfully used in cases of rickets. From the astringent mucilage present in the green parts of many of the species, they are reckoned pectoral and lenitive ; and both the native Adiantum Capillus-Veneris, and the American Adiantum pedatum, are thus employed in the form of capillaire, which is prepared from them by pouring boiling syrup over the fronds, and flavouring it with orange flowers ; this preparation is con- sidered undoubtedly pectoral, though if too strong it is said to be emetic. Other species of Adiantum, as well as some Polypodium&, AcrosticJiums, and Noihochl&na*, are reported to possess medicinal properties. Both the common Bracken and the Male Fern abound THE USES OF FERNS. 35 in alkali, and are applied to various economic uses, as the manufacture of soap and glass, the dressing of leather, &c. These species have also been used in the preparation of beer ; and the Aspidium fragrant has been employed as a substitute for tea. The bruised leaves of Angwpteris evecta and Polypodium phymatodes are said to yield an aromatic oil, employed in perfuming the cocoa-nut oil of the South Sea Islands. Deserving of especial mention in this place is the vegetable curiosity called the Barometz, Boranez, or Tartarian or Scythian lamb, of which marvellous tales have been told. This "lamb" consists merely of the decumbent shaggy rhizome of a Pern, what it has been supposed is that of the Cibotmm Barometz ; when turned upside down, the bases of four of its fronds being retained as legs, by the aid of a little manipulation, this not inaptly resembles some small animal, and may fairly rank as a vegetable curiosity. The 'traveller's tale' on this subject is, that, on an ele- vated, uncultivated salt plain, of vast extent, west of the Volga, grows a wonderful plant, with the shape and appear- ance of a lamb, having feet, head, and tail distinctly formed, and its skin covered with soft down. The ' lamb' grows upon a stalk about three feet high, the part by which it is 36 HISTORY OF BRITISH FERNS. sustained being a kind of navel ; it turns about and bends to the herbage, which serves for its food, and when the grass fails it dries up, and pines away. The real facts are, that the rhizome of tin's plant, as already stated, does present a rude appearance of an animal ; it is covered with silky down, and, if cut into, is seen to have a soft inside, with a reddish flesh-coloured appearance. And no doubt when the herbage of its native plains fails, its leaves, too, dry up, both perish- ing from the same cause, but having no dependence the one on the other. Thus it is that simple people have been per- suaded, that in the deserts of Scythia there existed creatures which were half animal, half plant. 37 SELECTION AND PRESERVATION FOR THE HERBARIUM. FERNS are amongst the best of all plants for preservation in the form of an herbarium ; for in addition to their elegant appearance when nicely dried and arranged on sheets of clean white paper, they are less liable than most plants to the attacks of the destructive pests in the shape of insects, which commit such havoc among dried plants in general. We must give our inexperienced readers a few hints on the selection of specimens for this purpose. The process of drying we need not describe in detail ; we shall merely remark, that they should be dried quickly, under moderately heavy pressure, among sheets of absorbent paper, which must be replaced by dried sheets as long as the plants continue to give out moisture. The thicker the bulk of paper placed between the specimens whilst under pressure, the better. Two or three changes will generally be sufficient, if the substituted sheets be in each case perfectly dry. The smaller growing kinds should be gathered, if possible, in the tufts as they grow, preserving the whole mass of 38 HISTORY OF BRITISH FERNS. fronds, with the stem and roots, the fronds being spread out in an easy and graceful form, and as far as possible kept quite flat, but not formally ' laid out ' so as to destroy any peculiarity of habit which the species may possess. If entire tuffcs cannot be obtained, and single fronds have to be substituted, they should be taken quite to the base, and must be removed from the stem with care, so that the scales, or hairs, or farinose powder, which may be present on the stalk, may be preserved equally with the frond itself. Of larger growing species, single fronds only are manage- able, and these, when of larger size than the folios in which the specimens are to be kept, must be folded to somewhat less than the length of the papers, whilst yet fresh. Of the gigantic species, portions only of the fronds, cor- responding in size with the paper to be used, can be pre- served; but all of our native species, except in cases of extreme luxuriance, may, we believe, with a little judgment in the selection of specimens, be folded so as to allow of their being preserved in ordinary folios measuring eighteen inches by twelve inches, or thereabouts. It is sometimes recommended to select specimens with the fructification mature. We should rather, as a general rule, advise their being gathered before the masses of spores reach PRESERVATION FOR THE HERBARIUM. 39 their fall growth. If, however, more than a single speci- men of each kind is preserved, the perfectly mature and the incipient states of fructification should also be gathered ; but in the majority of cases the intermediate state will afford the best materials for subsequent examination and recognition. Of course, when the species produces two or more kinds of fronds, examples of each must be preserved, as, for instance, in the Allosorus crispus, the fertile fronds of winch alone would convey but a very indifferent notion of the plant. The necessity of attending to this point is even more strik- ingly apparent in such exotic genera as the Strutkiopteris, and almost all the species related to the Acrosticliums. After being thoroughly dried under pressure, the speci- mens, according to their size, should be arranged, singly if large, or in groups resembling the natural tufts, if sufficiently small, on one side only of a series of sheets of stout white paper, to which they should be fastened by a few thread ties, or gummed straps, in preference to being pasted down with glue. The specimens, however, admit of a much more convenient and searching examination when kept loose in a folded sheet of paper ; but if there should be frequent occa- sion to handle such loose Specimens, they will be found much 40 HISTORY OF BRITISH PERNS. more liable to become injured and broken than such as are fastened to the paper. The specimens should be fully labelled, the labels giving at least their names, the locality where gathered, and the date ; and these labels should, as far as possible, be fixed with some degree of uniformity as to their position, so as to be readily referred to by turning up one of the corners of the sheets of paper. The papers to which the specimens are affixed should be enclosed in paper covers, each genus separately ; and these covers should be placed either on the shelves of a cabinet, or in drawers, or in any convenient place where they may be preserved against dust, the attacks of insects, and other casualties. 41 THE CLASSIFICATION OF FERNS. THE first notions of classifying the Ferns, if we may judge from the Latin sentences which served as names for them in former times, were derived chiefly from the size, form, and general resemblance of the fronds, and the situations in which they grew. As, however, the knowledge of their structure and organization became extended, the insufficiency of such means of distinction and arrangement became appa- rent ; and when the great Swedish botanist, Linnaeus, set about the task of distributing the plants known to him, into family groups, he selected the fructification as the leading character of association, his groups of Eerns being formed from the resemblances in the form and position of the clusters of ' seed-vessels/ which we have already mentioned (p. 17), under the name of spore-cases. Those who immediately succeeded him did but carry out to greater perfection, in accordance with increasing know- ledge, the same general idea of family relationship, the most important additional characteristic called into requisition being that derived from the presence or absence of a general HISTORY OF BRITISH FERNS. investing membrane or cover to the spore-cases,, and its form,, origin., and mode of bursting when present. This, in fact, brings us to the basis of the classification which has prevailed till within comparatively very few years, and even, to some extent, to the present time. Another feature has, however, latterly been adopted by many botanists skilled in the knowledge of Perns, as forming the leading characteristic of their family relationship, the groups thus brought together representing the modern classi- fication of Perns. The feature thus adopted, as affording the marks of family recognition, is the veining of the fronds ; and probably, as at present employed, in conjunction with the characters derived from the clusters of spore-cases and their covers, there is but little scope for further improvement. The tendency of the system is, however, towards subdivision of the family groups, and in this direction it is perhaps somewhat liable to err. "We shall introduce a summary of the groups and species adapted to Mr. John Smith's plan of arrangement, in accordance with the venation ; the picture presented by our few native species must riot, however, be taken as a proper representation of this system of classifica- tion. In the more detailed descriptions it will be more con- venient if we follow an alphabetical order. A TABLE OF THE GROUPS AND GENERA OF THE BRITISH FERNS AND ALLIED PLANTS. I. PEBNS FILICES. Plowerless plants, bearing seed-vessels (spore-cases) on the backs or margins of their leaves (fronds). The British Perns belong to gronps which are called Polypodiacea, Osmundacea, and Opkioglossacea. i. POLYPODIACES = Perns having the leaves rolled up in a circinate or crozier-like manner while young, and the spore-cases girt with an elastic ring, and bursting in an irregular manner. It comprises the lesser groups of Polypodies, Aspidiece, Aspleniea, Pteridea, and Dicksoniea. A. POLYPODIES = Perns whose clusters of spore-cases have no special membranous cover (indusium). It contains the genera Polypodlum and Allosorus. 1. Poly podium = Dorsal-fruited Perns, with the sori exposed. 44 HISTORY OF BRITISH PERNS. 2. Allosorus = Dorsal -fruited Perns, with, the sori covered by reflexed, unaltered margins of the frond. B. ASPIDIEJS= Perns whose sori have a special indusium, of a circular or roundish form, and springing here and there, from the back of the veins. It contains the genera Wood&a, Lastrea, Polystichum, and Cystopteris. 3. Woodsia = Dorsal-fruited Perns, having the in- dusium attached beneath the sori, and divided into hair-like segments. 4. Lastrea = Dorsal-fruited Perns, having a reniform indusium, attached by its indented side. 5. PolysticJium = Dorsal-fruited Perns, having a cir- cular indusium, attached by its centre. 6. (^fo^fem==Dorsal-fruited Perns, having a cucullate or hooded indusium, attached by its broad base. C. ASPLENIE^: = Perns whose sori have a special indusium, of an oblong or elongated form, and springing from the sides of the veins. It contains the genera AtJiyrium, Asplenium, Ceterach, and Scolopendrium. 7. AtJiyrium = Dorsal- fruited Perns, having an oblong reniform indusium, attached by its concave side, the other side fringed with hair-like segments. TABLE OF GENERA. 45 8. Aspleninm = Dorsal-fruited Perns, having the in- dusium straight and elongate, and attached by the side towards the margin of the pinnae or pinnules. 9. CeteracJi = Dorsal-fruited Ferns, having the indu- sium obsolete, and the sori hidden among densely imbricated, rust-coloured, chaffy scales. 10. Scolopendrium = Dorsal-fruited Perns, having the sori elongate, and proximate in parallel pairs, the indusium opening along the centre of the twin sorus. D. PTERIDE,E = Perns, the margin of whose fronds is either soriferous, and continuously or interruptedly changed into a special indusium, or whose spore- cases are in lines parallel with the margin. It con- tains the genera Pteris, Adiantum, and Blecknum. 11. Pteris = Dorsal -fruited Perns, having the spore- cases in a continuous line at the edge of the frond, beneath an indusium formed of the altered margin. 12. Adiantum = Dorsal -fruited Perns, having the spore-cases in patches, on the reflexed, altered apices of the lobes of the fronds. 46 HISTORY OF BRITISH FE11NS. 1 3 . BlecJmwm = Dorsal-fruited Ferns, having the spore- cases in a continuous line between the midrib and margin of the divisions of the frond. E. DICKSONIE^ = Perns whose sori are (in the British species) produced around the ends of veins project- ing from the margin, and surrounded by an urn- shaped or two-valved membrane. It contains the genera Trickomanes and Hymenopkyllum. 14. Trichomanes = Marginal-fruited Terns, having the sori surrounded by urn-shaped expansions of the frond. 15. Hymenophyllum = Marginal-fruited Perns, having the sori surrounded by two-valved expansions of the frond. ii. OSMUND ACE^E= Perns having the young leaves circinate, the spore-cases destitute of an elastic ring, and burst- ing by two regular valves. It contains the genus Osmunda. 16. Osmunda = Marginal-fruited Perns, having the regular valved spore-cases in irregular, dense, branching clusters, terminating the fronds. iii. OPHIOGLOSSACE.E = Perns having the young leaves folded up straight, the spore-cases destitute of an elastic ring, TABLE OF GENEEA. 47 and two-valved. It contains the genera BoUyckwm and Oplnoglossum. 1 7 . OpJdoglossum = Marginal-fruited Ferns, having the spore-cases sessile in two-ranked simple spikes terminating a separate branch of the frond. 18. Botn/chium = Marginal-fruited Ferns, having the spore- cases in irregularly branched clusters, on a separate branch of the frond. II. CLUB-MOSSES LYCOPODIACES& Plowerless plants, bearing spore-cases in the axils of their leaves, and having reproductive bodies of two different kinds, but of a similar nature. They con- sist of the genus Lycopodium. 19. Lycopodmm = Moss-like plants, with leafy stems, having the fructifications elevated in terminal spikes, or in the axils of the leaves. III. PEPPEKWOETS MARSILEACEJE. Flowerless plants, bearing axillary or radical spore- cases, and reproductive bodies of two dissimilar sorts. They comprise the genera Isoetes and Pilularia. 48 HISTORY OF BRITISH FERNS. 20. Tsoetes = Stemless, quill-leaved, aquatic plants, with the fructifications at the base, enclosed within the bases of the leaves. 21. Pilularia = Creeping, slender -leaved, aquatic plants, with the fructification in globular, sessile, four-celled spore-cases. IY. HOESETAILS EQUISETACE^. Elowerless plants, with peltate spore-cases, arranged in terminal cones. This group consists of the genus Equisetum. 22. Equisetum = Jointed, tubular-stemmed .plants, with terminal cones of fructification. A TABLE OF THE SPECIES AND VARIETIES OF BRITISH FERNS, &c. * I. FILICES. A. POLYPODIACE^S POLYPODIES. i. POLYPODIUM, Linnaus. 1. P. vulgare, Lmnczus. Fronds pinnatifid. Plate I. fig. 2. d. cambricum. Fronds twice pinnatifid. 2. P. Phegopteris, Linnceus. Fronds sub-pinnate. Plate II. fig. 2. 3. P. Dryopteris, Linnaus* Fronds ternate, glabrous. Plate II. fig. 1. 4. P. calcareum, Smith. Fronds ternate, glandular- mealy. Plate III. fig. 1. ii. ALLOSOEUS, Bernhardi. 1. A. crispus, BernJiardi. The only species. Plate Y. %. i. B. POLYPODIACE^ ASPIDIE^3. iii. WOODSIA, R. Brown. E 50 HISTORY OF BRITISH PERNS. 1. W. ilvensis, R. Brown. Pinnse oblong, deeply lobed. Plate III. fig. 2. 2. W. hyperborea, R. Brown. Pinnse bluntly triangu- lar, lobed. Plate IY. fig. 1. iv. LASTREA, PresL 1. L. Thelypteris, PresL Fronds pinnate, not glan- dular ; sori sub-marginal on sub-contracted fronds. Plate VI. fig. 1. 2. L. Oreopteris, PresL Fronds pinnate, glandular beneath. Plate VII. 3. L. Filix-mas, PresL Fronds sub-bipinnate or bi- pinnate, broadly lanceolate. Plate VIII. b. incisa. Larger, pinnules elongate, with deep serrated incisions. c. abbreviata. Smaller, pinnules contracted or obsolete. d. multifida. Pinnse tasselled at the end. Plate VIII. upper figure. 4. L. rigida, PresL Fronds bipinnate, without spinu- lose serratures, glandular. Plate IX. fig. 1. 5. L. cristata, PresL Fronds pinnate or sub-bipin- nate, narrow linear, pinnules oblong. Plate VI. fig. 2. TABLE OF SPECIES AND VARIETIES. 51 b. uliginosa. Fronds (fertile) bipixmate at the base, pinnules oblong, acute. 6. L. spinulosa, Presl. Fronds linear, bipinnate, with spinulose serratures, scales ovate. 7. L. dilatata, Presl. Fronds oblong- or ovate-lan- ceolate, bi-tri-pinnate, with spinulose serratures, scales lanceolate. Plate IX. fig. 2. b. collina. Pinnules ovate, blunt, bluntly mucro- nate-serrate. 8. L. fo3nisecii, Watson. Fronds triangular, bipinnate, pinnules concave above. V. POLYSTICHUM, Roth. 1. P. Lonchitis, Roth. Fronds pinnate. Plate IV. fig. 2. 2. P. aculeatum, Roth. Frond bipinnate, pinnules acutely wedge-shaped at the base. b. lobatum. Fronds narrower, pinnules nearly all decurrent. Plate IV. fig. 3. 3. P. angulare, Newman. Fronds bipinnate, pinnules obtusely angled at the base, stalked. PI. V. fig. 2. b. subtripinnatum. Pinnules pinnatifid. vi. CYSTOPTEEIS, Bernhardi. 1. C. fragilis, Bernhardi. Fronds lanceolate, bipin- 52 HISTORY OF BRITISH FERNS. nate, pinnules ovate, acute; sori central. Plate X. fig. 1. b. dentata. Pinnules ovate, obtuse, distinct; sori marginal. c. Dickieana. Pinnules broad, obtuse, overlapping ; sori marginal. 2. C. alpina, Desvaux. Fronds sub-tripinnate, seg- ments linear. Plate X. fig. 2. 3. C. montana, Link. Fronds triangular. Plate XIV. fig. 2. C. POLYPODIACE^ ASPLENIE^}. vii. ATHYEIUM, Both. 1. A. Filix-foemina, Both. The only species. Pinnules flat, linear-oblong. Plate XI. d. convexum. Pinnules narrow, distinct, linear, convex. c. latifolium. Pinnules broad ovate, crowded, irre- gularly lobed. d. molle. Pinnules oblong, flat, decurrent. e. multifidum. Pinnae and frond tasselled at the apex. Plate XI. f. crispum Dwarf, irregularly branched, with the ends tasselled. TABLE OP SPECIES AND VARIETIES. 53 g. marinum. Fronds narrowed to the base, decum- bent, pinnules oblong, rachis winged, viii. ASPLENIUM, Linn&us. 1. A. septentrionale, Hull. Frond linear-lanceolate, two-three-cleft. Plate XII. fig. 3. . A. germanicum, Weiss. Fronds linear, alternately pinnate, pinnae narrow wedge-shaped ; indusium entire. Plate XIII. fig. 3. 3. A. Ruta-inuraria, Lwntew. Fronds bipinnate, pin- nules wedge-shaped at the base ; indusium jagged. Plate XIII. fig. 1. 4. A. viride, Hudson. Fronds linear, pinnate, rachis green above. Plate XIII. fig. 4. 5. A. Trichomanes, Linnteus. Fronds linear, pinnate, rachis black throughout. Plate XIII. fig. 5. b. incisum. Pinnse deeply lobed. 6. A. marinum, Lmnaus. Fronds pinnate, rachis winged. Plate XI Y. fig. 1. 7. A. fontanum, R. Brown. Fronds bipinnate, narrow lanceolate, rachis winged, smooth. Plate XIII. fig. 2. 8. A. lanceolatum, Hudson. Fronds bipinnate, broad lanceolate, rachis not winged, scaly. PL XII. fig. 1. 54 HISTORY OP BRITISH FERNS. 9. A. Adiantum-nigrum, Linnaus. Frond bipinnate, triangular. Plate XII. fig. 2. ix. CETERACH, Wittdenow. 1. C. officinaruin, Willdenow. The only species. Plate I. fig. 1. x. SCOLOPENDRIUM, Smith. 1. S. vulgare, Symons. The only species. Fronds strap-shaped, entire. Plate XV. fig. 1. b. polyschides. Fronds narrow, irregularly lobed, fertile. c. crispum. Fronds much undulated at the margin, usually barren. d. multifidum. Fronds multifid at the apex. D. POLYPODIACE^ PTERIDE^E. xi. PTERIS, Linnteus. 1. P. aquilina, Linnmis. The only species. a. vera. Inferior pinnules pinnatifid. b. integerrima. All the pinnules entire. Plate XVII. fig. 1. xii. ADIANTUM, Linnaeus. 1. A. Capillus-Veneris, Linnaus. The only species. Plate XVI. fig. 1. TABLE OF SPECIES AND VARIETIES. 55 xiii. BLECHNTTM, Linnceus. 1. B. Spicant, Both. The only species. Plate XYI. fig. 2. E. POLYPODIACE^ DlCKSONIEJS. xiv. TRICHOMANES, Linnaus. 1. T. radicans, Swartz. The only species. Plate XVIII. fig. 1. xv. HYMENOPHYLLUM, Smith. 1. II. tunbridgense, $^7*. Pinnae vertical, involucres compressed, serrate. Plate XY. fig. 2. 2. H. unilateral Willdenow. Pinnse unilateral, in- volucres inflated, entire. Plate XV. fig. 3. F. OSMUNDACE^E. xvi. OSMTJNDA, Linnaus. 1. O. regalis, I/innteus. The only species. Plate XIX. fig. 2. G. OPHIOGLOSSACE^E. xvii. OPHIOGLOSSUM, Linnaus. 1. 0. vulgatum, Linnceus. The only species. Plate XVIII. fig. 3. xviii. BOTRYCHIUM, Linnteus. 1. B. Lunaria, Linnaeus. The only species. Plate XVIII. fig. 2. 56 HISTOKY OF BRITISH PEENS. II. LYCOPODIACE.E. xix. LYCOPODIUM, Linn&us. 1. L. alpinum, Linnam. Leaves in four rows, ap- pressed ; spikes solitary, sessile. 2. L. Selago, Linnceus. Leaves in eight rows, imbri- cated on the usually erect stems ; fructifications in the axils of leaves, not spiked. PL XX. fig. 5. 3. L. annotinum, Zfinnceus. Leaves indistinctly five- rowed, linear-lanceolate, patent; spikes solitary, sessile. 4. L. clavatuin, Itinnteus. Leaves scattered, incurved, hair-pointed; spikes two or more on a stalk. Plate XX. fig. 6. 5. L. inundatum, Linntzus. Leaves scattered, curved upwards, linear; spikes solitary, sessile. Plate XX. fig. 4. 6. L. selaginoides, Linnaus. Leaves scattered, half- spreading, lanceolate; spikes solitary, sessile. III. MAESILEACE.E. xx. ISOETES, I/inntem. 1. I. lacustris, Linnteus. The only species. Plate XIX. fig. 1. TABLE OP SPECIES AND VARIETIES. 57 xxi. PILTJLAKIA, Jjinnteus. 1. P. globulifera ; Linnaus. The only species. Plate XYIL fig. 2. IV. EQUISETACE^. xxii. EQUISETUM, Linnceus. 1. E. Telmateia, Ekrhart. Stems dissimilar, the sterile branched, smooth, with about thirty ridges, the fertile simple, short, with large crowded sheaths, and subulate two-ribbed teeth. Plate XX. fig. 2. 2. E. umbrosum, Willdenow. Stems dissimilar, the sterile branched, rough, with about twenty ridges, the fertile simple, with approximate appressed sheaths, having subulate one-ribbed teeth. 8. E. arvense, Linn&us. Stems dissimilar, the sterile branched, slightly rough, with from ten to sixteen ridges, the fertile simple, with distant, loose sheaths, having long pointed teeth. 4. E. sylvaticum, Linnceus. Stems similar, with about twelve ridges, and having loose sheaths termi- nating in three or four large blunt lobes; branches deflexed. Plate XX. fig. 3. . 5. E. limosum, Linnaus. Stems similar, smooth, with 58 HISTORY OF BRITISH FERNS. numerous slight ridges, the sheaths green, close, with from sixteen to twenty sharp-pointed dark- coloured teeth; branches short, few, often wanting. 6. E. palustre, Linn&us. Stems similar, slightly rough, with from six to eight broad prominent ridges, the sheaths pale, loose, with acute wedge- shaped, brown-tipped teeth; branches erect. 7. E. Mackaii, Newman. Stems similar, very rough, with from eight to twelve ridges, and having close sheaths, which alternately become wholly black, and have narrow subulate teeth ; almost branchless. 8. E. hyemale, Linnatts. Stems similar, very rough, with from fourteen to twenty ridges, and having close whitish sheaths banded with black at the top and bottom ; the teeth slender, deciduous ; almost branchless. Plate XX. fig. 1. 9. E. variegatum, Weber et Mokr. Stems similar, very rough, with from four to ten ridges, and having slightly enlarged sheaths, green below, black above, with obtuse teeth tipped by a deciduous bristle ; almost branchless. b. Wilsoni. Stems less rough, taller. 59 THE BRITISH FERNS. " Sweet to muse upon His skill display'd (Infinite skill) in all that He has made ! To trace in Nature's most minute design The signature and stamp of power Divine ; Contrivance intricate, express'd with ease, Where uninstructed sight no beauty sees ! " Genus XII. ADIANTUM,* Linnaus. THE Adiantum, or Maiden-hair, may be known among the British Ferns by its almost fan-shaped leaflets or pinnules, which are attached by their narrow end, to the little black hair-like stalks. This, however, though sufficient by which to recognize it, among the very limited number of kinds which are found in a wild state in Britain, is not its proper distinctive mark. The real characteristics lie in the veins and in the sori : the former may be readily seen by holding a pinnule between the eye and a strong light, and the latter by lifting up the little reflexed lobes which occur here and * The Genera are arranged for facility of reference in alphabetical order. Their place in the systematic arrangement is denoted by their No., which agrees with the preceding Table. 60 HISTORY Or BRITISH FERNS. there at the margin on the under surface. The veins will be seen to be dichotornously forked, that is, separating into two equal branches, beginning from the base upwards, the forking being several times repeated, producing close pa- rallel radiating venules which extend to the margin. The sori are produced on the reflexed (or bent under) membra- nous expansions of the margin of the fronds which form the indusia, these indusia being traversed by veins which bear the sori. There is only one native species, which possesses these characteristics, and this is certainly one of the most beautiful, as it is also one of the rarer of our indigenous Ferns ; and being of small size and of evergreen habit, it is one of the most desirable of all for culture in a Wardian case. The name of the genus comes from the Greek adiantos, which signifies dry, or unmoistened ; and is applicable to these plants, from their possessing in a remarkable degree the property of repelling water. It is, in fact, impossible to wet the surface of their pinnules, when the fronds are in a fresh state and in good health, the water being cast off as though from an oily surface. ADIANTUM CAPILLUS-VENEEIS, Linnteus. The Maiden- hair Pern. (Plate XYI. fig. 1.) A small evergreen species, furnished with a very short ADIANTUM. 61 creeping stem, which is clothed with small black scales, and bears delicate, graceful, somewhat drooping fronds, of six inches to a foot high. These fronds are usually of an irregularly ovate form, sometimes elongate, occasionally approaching to linear. Finely developed fronds are about thrice pinnate; but the less vigorous fronds are usually only twice pinnate, with alternate pinnae and pinnules ; and sometimes fronds are found which are only once pinnate. The ultimate pinnules, or leaflets, are very irregular in shape, but for the most part have a wedge-shaped or tapering base, and a more or less rounded and oblique apex, and they have generally some variation of a fan-shaped or rhom- boidal outline. The margin is more or less deeply lobed, the apices of the lobes in the fertile pinnules being reflexed and changed into membranous indusia, whilst the lobes of the barren fronds are serrated ; their texture is thin and membranaceous, their surface smooth, their colour a cheerful green. The stipes, which is about half as long as the frond, and furnished with a few small scales at the base, is black and shining, as also are the raches, the ultimate ramifications of which are small and hair-like. The veins throughout the pinnules are forked on a di- chotomous or two-branched plan, from the base upwards, 62 HISTOllY OF BRITISH PERNS. the venules lying parallel, and extending in straight lines towards the margins, terminating in the barren fronds 'in the serratures of the margin, but in the fertile fronds extending into the indusium, there forming the receptacles to which the spore-cases are attached. The sori are oblong, covered by indusia of the same form, each consisting of the apex of one of the lobes of the frond, changed to a mem- branous texture, and folded under. The sori are, as already mentioned, seated on this membranous reflexed lobe, and by this circumstance the genus may at once be detected by those who are not conversant with its easily recognized prima facie appearances. The Maiden-hair is a local plant, though it has a wide geographical range. It is found here and there in the warmer parts of Great Britain and Ireland, evidently pre- ferring cavernous and rocky situations within the influence of the sea. What is believed to be the same species is found in the warmer parts of Europe, in Asia, in the north of Africa, and in the Canaries arid Cape de Yerd Islands. It is, moreover, a tender plant, and does not thrive under cultivation in the climate even of the south of England, unless sheltered in a frame or green-house, or by being covered with a glass. In a Wardian case it grows well ; ALLOSOEUS. 63 and attains great luxuriance in a damp hot-house. The proper soil for it is very light turfy peat, mixed with a con- siderable proportion of silver sand, and it is beneficial to plant it on or around a small lump of free sandstone. Genus IT. ALLOSOEUS, Bernhardi. OF this family we have but one British species, the Allo- sorus crispus. It is known from all its fellow-country-ferns by the coincidence of the following features. It bears fronds of two kinds, one being leafy and barren, or without sori, the other contracted, and bearing sori, and hence called fertile. The edges of the lobes of the fertile fronds are rolled under (which is what gives them the contracted ap- pearance), and covers the sori in the stead of a special in- dusium ; the sori when young form distinct circular clusters beneath this recurved margin, but as they grow they join laterally (in technical language, they become confluent), forming two lines of fructification lengthwise the segments of the fronds. The name Allosorus is compounded from the Greek, and comes from alias, which means various, and sorus, which 64 HISTORI OP BRITISH FERNS. means a heap ; the intention being to indicate the variation or change which occurs in the apparent arrangement of the sori, from the distinct patches to the continuous lines in which they are seen to be disposed, if examined at different stages of development the change, after all, being only apparent, and not real. ALLOSORUS CRISPUS, Bernhardi. The Rock Brakes, or Mountain Parsley. (Plate V. fig. 1.) This elegant little plant, which has considerable first-sight resemblance to a tuft of parsley, and is hence sometimes called Mountain Parsley, grows in a dense tuft, throwing up its fronds in May or June, and losing them in the course of the autumn. The fronds average about six inches in height, and are generally almost triangular, with a longish, slender, smooth stalk. They are of two kinds ; both kinds twice or thrice pinnate, and of a pale green colour. The segments into which the fruitless fronds are cut, are more or less wedge-shaped, and notched or cleft at the end. The fertile fronds have the segments df an oval or oblong or linear form. The divisions of the fertile frond have a slightly tor- tuous midvein, producing simple or forked venules which extend nearly to the margin, each, for the most part, bearing Plate V. ASPLENIUM. 65 near its extremity a circular sorus. There is no true indu- sium, but the sori are covered by the reflexed and partially bleached margins which almost meet behind, and by which they are quite concealed. These patches are at first distinct, but ultimately meet laterally. The Eock Brakes is a mountain Fern, choosing to grow in stony situations. It is comparatively rare and local ; most abundant in the north of England and Wales, and less plentiful in Scotland and Ireland. It grows readily in pots, and also in a Wardian case, for either of which modes of cultivation its small size and elegant aspect render it a very desirable object. This Eern has been called by several other names, of which the principal are Cryptogramma crispa, Pier is crispa, and Osmunda crispa. The two latter are now quite obsolete. Genus VIII. ASPLENIUM, Linnaus. THE British Aspleniums are small evergreen Eerns, with long narrow single sori lying in the direction of the veins which traverse them; and by these marks they may be 66 HISTORY OF BRITISH PERNS. known from all other indigenous Ferns, excepting the Ce- terach, which latter is readily distinguished from them by having the back of its fronds coated with brown scales, among which the sori are hidden. They are the types of the tribe A-Spleniece, which consists of Ferns having the elongate masses of fructification attached along the side of the veins, and covered by an indusium of the same elongated form as the sori themselves. The Aspleniums are known from their nearest allies, the Atliyriums, by the latter having the free margin of the indusium fringed with capillary or hair-like segments, while the margin of the indusium of As- plenium is either quite entire or very slightly jagged. There are nine species of Asplenlum indigenous to Britain, and all of them are interesting to the cultivators of Ferns. The word Asplenium comes from the Greek asplenon ; a name applied by old authors to some kind of Fern possessed of supposed virtues in curing diseases of the spleen. ASPLENIUM ADIANTUM-NIGRUM, Linnceus. The Black Spleenwort. (Plate XII. fig. 2.) This is a rather common evergreen Fern, and a very con- spicuous ornament of the situations where it occurs in a vigorous state. The fronds grow in tufts, and vary much in size, from a height of three or four inches when it occurs ASPLENIUM. 67 on walls, to a foot and a half and even two feet including the stipes, when it occurs on shady hedge-banks in con- genial soil. The fronds are triangular, more or less elon- gated at the point, the shining dark purple stipes being often as long as, or longer than, the leafy portion, but in stunted plants growing in sterile situations very much shorter; they grow erect or drooping, according to the situations in which they occur. They are bipinnate, or some- times tripinnate ; the pinnse pinnate, triangular- ovate, drawn out at the point, the lower pair always longer than the next above them. The pinnules, especially those on the larger pinna3, are again pinnate; the alternate pinnules being deeply lobed, and the margins sharply serrate. The fronds are of a thick leathery texture, with numerous veins. To each pinnule there is a distinct midvein or prin- cipal vein, bearing simple or branched veuules, on which the sori are produced. All the ultimate divisions of the fronds, as well as all the larger lobes, have midveins pro- ducing these simple or branched venules, and these bear the sori near their junction with the midvein, so that the sori are placed near the centre of every pinnule or lobe. At first the sori are distinct, and have the elongate narrow form common to this genus, but as they become older they 68 HISTORY OF BRITISH PERNS. often spread and become confluent, so that almost the entire under-surface of the frond is covered with the spore- cases. The indusium is narrow, with its free margin entire ; this soon becomes pushed away by the growing sori, and is lost. This species is very variable. In dry and exposed places it is small, and obtuse in its parts, whilst in sheltered, shady places it is much drawn out or elongated. The ex- treme states have been considered as varieties ; and it is true that occasionally there occur plants of which this blunt- ness seems characteristic, and to these the name of obtusum is sometimes given ; while on the other hand, sometimes, but rarely, the form in which all the parts are much nar- rowed and very acute is met with, and this is called acutum. These differences become less marked in the cultivated plants than in those which occur in a wild state, and hence they seem hardly to deserve to be considered as permanent varieties. The species has also been met with having the fronds variegated with white. The ordinary forms of the plant are very commonly met with growing on rocks or old walls, and on hedge-banks in a sandy soil. The latter situations, where they grow most vigorously, are often beautifully adorned by the drooping ASPUENIUM. 69 tufts in which they occur. The extreme forms are more rare. This is one of the more useful evergreen Terns for shady rockwork, as it will grow with freedom if planted in sandy soil, which is just kept moistened either by natural or artifi- cial means. As a pot plant it is easily manageable. The blunt-leaved variety alluded to above, is believed to be the A. obtusum, and the narrowed form the A. acutum, of continental authors. ASPLENIUM FONTANUM, R, Brown. The Smooth Eock Spleenwort. (Plate XIII. fig. 2.) This is a small tufted-growing species, seldom seen more than three or four inches high under ordinary circumstances ; in a hot-house, where its parts become more lengthened, it sometimes reaches six or eight inches high, but we never saw this stature exceeded in cultivated plants, and it is but rarely attained. The small fronds are evergreen, and mostly grow nearly upright ; they are of a narrow, lanceolate form, rather rigid in texture, of a deep green above, paler beneath, and supported on a very short stipes, which has a few narrow, pointed scales at the base. In division they are bipinnate, the pinnse being oblong-ovate, and the pinnules obovate, tapering to the base, the superior basal pinnule of 70 HISTORY OF BRITISH TERNS. each pinna having the margin divided by four or five deep, sharp teeth, the rest of the pinnules and lobes having from one to three similar teeth. The main rachis of the frond, as well as the partial rachis of each pinna, have a narrow winged margin, that is to say, a very narrow leafy expansion along their sides, throughout their length ; and this is per- haps the most obvious technical point, except size, by which to distinguish the present plant from A. lanceolatum. In structural details they very much resemble each other, so that in description they appear very similar, although to the eye they are at all times distinct. The fronds being rigid and opake, the venation is less evident than is usual in Ferns. It consists, in each pinnule, of a central or principal vein, which throws off a venule towards each lobe or serrature, and in the larger pinnules some of these venules become divided, so that a veinlet is directed towards each of the serratures into which the mar- gin is divided. On two or more of these veins a sorus is produced, which in form is short compared with those pro- duced by most of the genus ; the actual form is oblong, rather flat on the side by which they are attached; and they are covered by an indusium of similar form, which is waved and indented on the free margin. Sometimes the sori keep ASPLENIUM. 71 quite distinct, but it is not uncommon for them to become confluent so as to cover nearly all the under-surface of the whole of the little pinnules. There are some who doubt this species being really a native of Britain, on the ground that it is not now to be found in the places where it is said to have been originally met with. We have been favoured by Mr. Shepherd, of Liverpool, for many years a cultivator of Ferns, with a frond gathered at Matlock, in Derbyshire. It has, moreover, been met with on a very old wall at Tooting, and also on rocks near Stonehaven ; and considering that it is a very small plant, and that the places where it would be most likely to occur are generally the most inaccessible, and, therefore, the least likely to be searched considering, moreover, the many probable localities which exist, and have not been carefully explored by any keen botanical eye, we think the probability is that it is really indigenous, though from these causes it is overlooked. While so many pro- babilities exist in favour of its being native, we are not justified in rejecting the statements which the older bota- nists have left us. This species is too rare to be often trusted on rock-work, unless where every provision, such as shade, shelter, and 72 HISTORY OF BRITISH FERNS. moisture, has been made for it ; but planted in a well- drained pot, and kept in a close, cold frame, or in a damp hot-house, it grows freely, becoming much more vigorous under the in- fluence of heat. The other names which have been given to this Fern, besides that here adopted, are these : Aspidium fontanum, Athyrium fontannm, Polypodium fontanum, and Aspidium Halleri. ASPLENIUM GERMANICUM, Weiss. The Alternate Spleen- wort. (Plate XIII. fig. 3.) One of the rarest of our native Ferns, and perfectly dis- tinct from A. Ruta-mtraria, of which some botanists have thought it to be a variety. It grows in little tufts, the fronds being from three to six inches high, sub-evergreen, narrow-linear in form, pinnate, divided into distant, alternate, wedge-shaped pinnse, one or two of the lowest having gene- rally a pair of very deeply divided lobes, the upper ones more and more slightly lobed, all having their upper ends toothed or notched. The whole fronds are quite small, arid the parts narrow, which, added to their opacity, renders the venation indis- tinct ; there is no midvein, but each pinna or lobe has a vein entering from the base, which becomes two or three ASPLENIUM. 73 times branched as it reaches the broader parts upwards, six or eight veins generally lying close together, in a narrow fan- shaped manner, in each of the larger pinnae, the smaller ones having a proportionately less number. Two or three linear sori are produced on a pinna, and these are covered by membranous indusia, the free margin of which is entire, or slightly sinuous, but not jagged ; the sori at length be- come confluent. Yery rarely met with in Scotland, but nowhere else in the United Kingdom. It is found, but very sparingly, in other parts of Europe. This kind is not only rare, but one of those which does not freely yield to artificial culture. It grows tolerably freely if potted in well-drained, sandy peat-soil, and kept under a bell-glass in a shaded frame or better in a hot- house ; but the plants are very liable to die in winter. The safeguard is, not to allow any water to lodge about their crowns, nor to keep the bell-glass too closely or too con- stantly over them. This species is often named A. alternifolium by British authors ; but the name we have adopted claims precedence. It has also been called Asplenmm Breynii, Amesium germa- nicum, and Scolopendrium alternifolium. HISTORY OF BRITISH PERNS. ASPLENIUM LANCEOLATUM, ffu&on. The Lanceolate Spleenwort. (Plate XII. fig. 1.) We have here an evergreen Eern of variable size, seldom in cultivation having the vigour which it exhibits near the coast in our south-western counties, and especially in the Channel Islands. As might be expected, it evidently re- quires a mild and sheltered climate, so that in a hot-house, where the temperature is not kept too high, it grows freely, which can seldom be said of plants kept in a cold frame in the climate of London, and never of plants fully exposed. Under the least favourable circumstances its fronds are from four to six inches long; but under the most favourable conditions they reach the length of a foot, or even a foot and a half. The fronds are of a lanceolate form, supported on a brownish-coloured stipes of about a third of their entire length, the stipes as well as the rachis having, scat- tered throughout their length, numerous small bristle-like scales. In the more vigorous wild plants the habit seems to be erect, but the cultivated plants mostly assume a spreading or even decumbent mode of growth. This species is very closely related to the common Asplenium Adiantum- nigrum, which, in some of its states, very much resembles it; but the outline of the fronds will, we believe, always Rate HI. a ASPLENIUM. 75 separate them, those of lanceolatum being lance-shaped, or tapering from near the middle towards the base, while those of Adiantum-mgrum are always triangular, or broadest at the base. The pinnse spread at nearly right angles with the rachis, often, but not always, opposite, and have an ovate- lanceolate form ; they are again pinnate, so that the frond is bipinnate. The pinnules are of irregular form, often obovate, or nearly so, sometimes unequally quadrate, but always indented on the margin with deep, sharp teeth, the larger pinnules being first lobed, and the lobes toothed, the smaller ones simply toothed. The venation is tolerably distinct; the pinnules each having a tortuous midvein, which produces forked venules, one of the veinlets of which extends towards each serrature. The sori have no very definite order ; they are at first ob- long, and covered by an indusium of the same form, having a lacerated free margin ; but as they become old the sides become bulged out so as to give them a roundish form, and the indusium becomes obliterated. This is rather a local species, being found only in the southern and western parts of England, and in Wales, almost always near the coast. It is found very luxuriant in the Channel Islands, 76 HISTORY OF BRITISH FERNS. ASPLENIUM MARINUM, TAwfUKU*. The Sea Spleenwort. (Plate XIY. fig. 1.) This very handsome evergreen Pern, like the Lanceolate Spleenwort, is a maritime species, occurring profusely on our south-western rocky coasts and in the Channel Isles, and extending to Prance and Spain, to Madeira and the Canaries. In cultivation it thrives most luxuriantly in the atmosphere of a damp hot-house, where it forms, in a comparatively short time, a dense mass of the deepest green, and often reaching a foot and a half in height. In a cold frame, if kept closed, well-established plants will continue in health, progressing slowly, and never acquiring half the size of those grown in heat. In the climate of London it does not pros- per, nor, as far as we know, survive, if planted on exposed rock-work. It is a tufted-growing species, with linear or linear-lanceolate fronds, usually six or eight inches long, of the deepest glossy green, with a smooth, rather short, dark brown stipes. The fronds are simply pinnate, with stalked pinnse, connected at their base by a narrow wing which extends along the rachis ; their form is either obtusely ovate or oblong, unequal at the base, the anterior base being much developed, while the posterior is, as it were, cut away, the margin being either serrated or crenated. ASPLENIUM. 77 They are of leathery texture, but the veins are neverthe- less tolerably evident, each pinna having a midvein, from which venules are given off alternately on either side, there again producing a series of veinlets. The sori are produced on the anterior side of each venule, lying obliquely, and forming two rows on each side the centre ; they are oblong or linear, covered by a persistent indusium, which opens along the anterior margin as the spore-cases grow towards maturity. The chief variation to which this Tern appears subject is that of the elongation of its parts. Sometimes the pinnae are much elongated, tapering to a narrow point; sometimes, besides being narrowed, they are auricled at the base, and deeply lobed. This species, with the Lanceolate Spleenwort and the Maiden-hair, are exceedingly well adapted for Wardian cases in warm sitting-rooms. All of them enjoy the warmth ; and being all evergreens of moderate size, and very elegant in structure, they supply just what is wanted in such situations. They should be planted on elevated rock-work, in sandy peat-soil, lying in the interstices between the fragments of stone ; and when once established will grow freely, provided they are not much exposed to the sun, which they do not like. 78 HISTOHY OF BRITISH FERNS. ASPLENIUM RUTA-MURARIA, Linntfus. The Eue-leaved Spleen wort, or Wall Hue. Very diminutive, and not very attractive, occurring abun- dantly on old walls, often in such situations little more than an inch high. It grows in tufts, insinuating its wiry roots, as is the case with all the mural species, into the crevices and joints of the masonry, and is not easily removed from such places in a condition suitable for planting. The fronds are numerous, of a glaucous-green, varying between one and six inches long, with a stipes about half the entire length, the leafy part usually triangular in outline, and bi- pinnate. The pinnce are alternate, with rhomboidal, or roundish- ovate, or obovate pinnules, sometimes wedge-shaped with the apex abruptly cut off. The more luxuriant fronds are once more divided, so as to become almost tripinnate, the pinnules being deeply pinnatifid, and the lobes of the form of the ordinary pinnules. Occasionally in immature specimens the fronds are only once pinnate, with pinnatifid pinnae. The upper margins of the pinnules are irregularly toothed. The veins are rather indistinct, and there is no inidvein, but a series of veins arise from the base, becoming branched in the progress towards the apex, the number of ultimate Plate HIT. ASPLENIUM. 79 branches usually corresponding with that of the marginal teeth. Several sori are produced near the centre of the pinna, covered by indusia which open inwardly with a jagged or irregularly sinuated margin. A very common species, confined to rocks and walls, and occurring throughout Europe and in many parts of North America. Synonymous with the name we employ, are the following : Amesium Ruta-mwraria, Scolopendrium Ruta-muraria. ASPLENIUM SEPTENTKIONALE, HM. The Forked Spleen- wort. (Plate XII. fig. 3.) A rare and diminutive Fern. The habit is tufted, com- paratively large masses being sometimes formed ; the fronds themselves are very small, from two four inches long, slender, dull green, with a long stipes, which is dark purple at the base. The leafy part if, indeed, it can here be called leafy is of a narrow elongate lance-shaped form, split near the end into two or sometimes three alternate divisions, or in the smaller fronds merely toothed ; each of these fronds, or divisions of the frond, has its margin cut into two or more sharp-pointed teeth, the points of the larger teeth being very frequently bifid. The veins are reduced to a minimum ; one vein enters 80 HISTORY OF BRITISH PERNS. each lobe, or if the frond is not lobed the stipes is continued upwards in the form of a vein ; this becomes forked so as to send up one vein to each of the teeth into which the part is divided ; and three or four linear sori are produced in a very crowded manner within this small space, so that when from age the sori burst open the indusiurn, the spore- cases form a confluent mass over the whole under- surface. The confluent mass of spore-cases arising from the crowded position of the sori, has led some authors to consider this plant an Acrostichum, the mark of which is to have the whole under-surface thus covered. Some of the sori being face to face, and almost in juxtaposition, has again led other botanists to think it a Scolopendrium, the mark of which is to have the sori confluent in pairs face to face ; but if the plant is examined while young, it will be seen that these resemblances are unreal, and that it is really an Asplenium. It is thus that it has been called by the names of Aero- sticjium septentrionale and Scolopendrium septentrionale ; to which Amesium septentrionale has to be added as another synonyme. In cultivation it requires sandy peat-soil, and the shelter of a close frame, or bell-glass. ASPLENIUM TRICHOMANES, Linnaw. The Common Spleen-wort. (Plate XIII. fig. 5.) ASPLENIUM. 81 This is rather a diminutive plant, but, when in a vigorous state, has a very interesting appearance, from the contrast between its black stipes and rachis, and the bright green pinnae, and from the regularity with which the latter are disposed. It grows in tufts, naturally introducing itself into the joints of old masonry and among the crevices of rocks, and producing numerous small slender fronds, of a linear form, in its most vigorous state nearly a foot long, but generally from three to six inches. They are evergreen, simply pinnate, on a rather short stipes, which is of a purplish-black, the rachis also being of the same dark colour. The pinnae are dull green, small and numerous, equal-sized, of a roundish-oblong figure, attached to the rachis by a stalk-like projection of their posterior base ; the margin is rather entire or crenated. The pinnae are jointed to the rachis, and when old are readily displaced, so that eventually the black rachis is left denuded among the tuft of fronds. A distinct midvein passes through each pinna, giving off on each side a series of venules bearing veinlets, the an- terior of these producing the linear sorus just within the margin of the pinnae. The sori, which in the young state are covered by a thin indusium having a somewhat crenu- G 8 HISTORY OF BRITISH FERNS. lated free margin, very frequently in a later stage become confluent/ and cover the whole of the under surface. A very rare and very curious variety of this species has the pinnae deeply pinnatifid, with linear notched segments ; this is sometimes distinguished by the name of incisum. The ordinary form of the species occurs rather plentifully growing on rocks, old walls, and ruins, and less frequently on hedge-row banks. It is pretty generally distributed throughout the United Kingdom and Ireland ; and also occurs throughout Europe, and in each of the other divisions of the globe. This is one of the species of Ferns which has enjoyed a medicinal reputation, a tea and a syrup prepared from it being a country remedy for coughs and colds. When once established this plant grows readily either in pots or on rock- work ; but its roots being wiry, and gene- rally inserted into the crevices of the walls or rocks on which it grows, it is sometimes found to be difficult to transplant. In general the smaller and younger plants may be removed with greater success than the larger and older ones. The newly transplanted roots should be kept rather close, if possible, for a short time ; but after they are esta- blished, shade is not so essential to this species as to most ASPLENIUM. 83 other Perns,, although it grows most vigorously under the influence of shade and shelter. In a Wardian case, for which its size is suitable, it should have the upper and drier parts of the rock -work. Asplenium melanocaulon is another name which has been given to the common Spleen wort. ASPLENIUM VIEIDE, Hudson. The Green Spleenwort. \ (Plate XIII. fig. 4.) This Fern has such a general resemblance to A. Tric/w- manes as to have been mistaken for it by casual observers. It is, however, quite distinct, and is most readily known from A. TricJiomanes by the colour of its rachis, which, is green in the upper part, while in the latter it is black throughout. It is an evergreen tufted species, producing narrow, linear, simply pinnate, bright pale green fronds, ranging from two to eight or ten inches in length, supported by a short stipes, which is dark -coloured at the very base, but otherwise green, the rachis being entirely green. The pinnse are small, generally roundish- ovate, rather tapered towards the base, and attached to the rachis by the narrowed stalk-like part, the margin being deeply crenated. The venation is distinct : the midvein sends off alternately a series of venules, which are either simple or forked, bearing 84 HISTORY OF BRITISH PERNS. the sori on their anterior side. The sori are oblong, covered at first by membranous indusia, which are soon pushed aside ; the free margin is jagged or crenate. A native of moist,, rocky, mountainous districts in Eng- land, Scotland, and Wales ; occurring, also, though less frequently, in Ireland, and throughout Europe. It is not difficult to cultivate in pots in a close, damp, cold frame ; or on moist, shady rock-work, if covered over by a bell-glass. If exposed, it is apt to suffer from occasional excessive wet, which often does not properly drain away ; and also from the dry hot air of our summers. The object of covering it with a glass is to avoid both these casualties, and provided it is not kept too close it will then thrive well. The proper bell-glasses for these half-hardy Perns are those with a small opening in the crown, which may be closed or not at pleasure, but, in general, are best left open. In pots it should have a gritty, porous soil. Genus VII. ATHYEIUM, Both. IN the Athyrium we have perhaps the most variable of all our native Perns; though the varieties it presents, and ATHYRIUM. 85 which have been from time to time looked upon as affording so many distinct kinds, are now almost universally considered as different phases of one species. Viewed in this light, the species is certainly not a very constant one, which fact seems all the more inappropriate, inasmuch as the species itself is that to which the name of Lady Pern is applied. All the various forms are plants with delicate and beautiful fronds of annual duration, varying in size from tufts of a few inches high, to plumy masses of the height of three or four feet. The texture is thin, and almost transparent, on which account the nature of the venation and of the connection of the parts of fructification may be here very well seen and studied. They serve to connect the Aspidium-like and the Asplenium- like groups, differing, however, obviously from the former in having the sori elongate instead of round ; although from the circumstance that in age the sori here become somewhat curved or reniform, thus approaching the rounded form, this very species, the Lady Pern, has, by many writers of dis- crimination, been placed in the old genus Aspidmm. If, however, the fructification is examined while young, imme- diately before or after the indusium has burst, its true cha- racter will readily be seen. We have here an illustration of the inconvenience which arises from the preservation only of 86 HISTORY OP BRITISH FERNS. herbarium specimens in wlu'ch the fructification is quite mature ; for this, without doubt, was the cause of the Lady Fern having been referred to the family of Aspidium } with which it has no real affinity. The affinity of the Lady Fern is properly with the Aspleniums, and there is less reason to dispute the conclusions of those who actually place it as a species of Asplenium ; although, as there is a difference be- tween them, and the genus Asplenium is rather a crowded one, it is a convenience to have them separated. The mark by which the Aspleniums and their allies are known, in addition to the elongated form of the sorus, is its position on the side, not the back, of the veins ; the receptacle being lateral, as it is said. From Asplenium itself, the Athynum is known by having its indusium fringed on the free margin with capillary segments, while in Asplenium proper the margin of the indusium is without this membranous fringe. There is, as already mentioned, only one indigenous species of AtJiyrium. The Asplenium fontanum is sometimes ad- mitted, but we think it does not properly belong to this genus. The name is derived from the Greek, and comes from atliyros, opened ; the allusion being to the position assumed by the indusium, which stands out from the surface of the Plate XL ^I/VYA. l/V U\ ^ tC V/ .^VVA, ATHYRIUM. 87 frond like an opened door, after the growth of the spore- cases has disrupted its anterior margin, and eventually is quite turned back. ATHYRIUM FILIX-FCEMINA, Roth. The Lady Pern. (Plate XI.) v The Lady Pern, on account of the exquisite grace of its habit of growth, the elegance of its form, and the delicacy of its hue, claims precedence over every other British species ; and this is more or less true of every one of its variable con- ditions. The habit of the plant is tufted, the caudex of the larger varieties often with age acquiring some length, and elevating the circlet of fronds on a low, rude pedestal ; this stem, however, never acquires more than a few inches in length. In winter, the summit of this stem, whether a tuft seated close to the ground, or elevated a few inches above the surface, is occupied by a mass of incipient fronds, each rolled up separately, and nestling in a bed of chaffy scales. About May these fronds become developed, and from the strong old roots a score or upwards are usually produced ; they reach maturity early in the summer, during which time a few additional fronds are generally developed from the centre ; and the whole of them are destroyed by the autumn frosts under ordinary circumstances. The form of the fronds 55 HISTORY OF BRITISH FERNS. is lanceolate, more or less broad ; and they are supported On stipes which are scaly at the base, and usually about a third of the entire length of the fronds. The division of the fronds is what is called bipinnate; the pinnae are always lanceolate, more or less drawn out at the point, and they are always again pinnate, though sometimes with the bases of the pinnules connected by a narrow leafy wing, but not so much so as to render them merely pinnatifid. The pinnules, however, are more or less lobed or pinnatifid, the lobes being sharply toothed in a varying manner. Prom the delicate herbaceous texture of the fronds the venation is very distinct; and is seen to consist, in each pinnule, of a wavy midvein, from which proceed alternate venules, which again produce alternate veinlets, and on the anterior side of this series of veins, at some distance from the margin, is borne an oblong sorus ; in the larger and more divided pinnules the veining is more compound, and more than one sorus is produced from each primary venule, which thus becomes a midvein, with branches on a smaller scale. The sori are themselves oblong, a little curved, and they are covered by indusia of the same form. Both the sorus and the indusium, on the development of the spore- cases, become bulged in the centre and contracted at the ATHYRIUM. 89 ends, appearing more curved than before, and the sorns thus becomes finally roundish in outline, and the indusinm apparently almost circular with a lateral notch; in this state it somewhat resembles a Lastrea. On one side the in- dusium is fixed longitudinally to the side of the vein which forms the receptacle ; its other margin, the anterior one, or that towards the midvein of the pinnule, becomes free, and is then seen to be fringed, or split into a number of hair -like segments. This description applies to the commoner forms of the Lady Pern, which, however, are very variable in size, according to the situation and circumstances which influence their development, sometimes scarcely exceeding a foot in height, and at other times reaching the height of four or five feet, the latter being the result of growth in a damp, shady situation, the former the consequence of a more exposed and drier locality. Of the varieties we shall notice only the most striking, and of these convexum is botanically the most distinct, and probably should be regarded as a distinct species. It differs from the commoner Lady Perns in its more lady-like pro- portions, both its fronds, its pinnse, and its pinnules being smaller and more slender than in them. The fronds seldom exceed two feet in height, and are often less ; they are more 90 HISTORY OP BRITISH FEIINS. erect, and their form is narrow-lanceolate ; the pinnae are taper-pointed ; the pinnules set quite clear of each other, very narrow, that is, linear, with sharp points, the margins bluntly toothed, but rolled under so that very little of the toothing is seen; the sori are very often confluent. It oc- curs sparingly in boggy places. The variety latifolmm of Mr. JBabington, which appears to be the Mhyrium latifolmm of Presl, a German writer on Perns, is probably also a distinct species. This differs from the common forms in the elongate or oblong-lanceolate outline of its fronds, and in the broad, leafy, crowded development of its pinnules, which are somewhat irregularly lobed, as well as deeply toothed at the margin, with the curved sori lying near the sinus of the lobes. This is a strong- growing form. It has been recently found near, Keswick, in Cumberland. The variety nolle has ovate-lanceolate fronds, growing nearly erect, the lower pair of pinnse being short and de- flexed ; it has flat, toothed pinnules, connected at their base by a slender wing to the midrib, and produces its sori dis- tinct. This is a small form, often not more than about a foot in height. Besides these, there are three varieties of horticultural in- terest. One called multifidum, which has the habit of con- ATHYBIUM. 91 vexum, but is more vigorous, has the tips of all the pinnae, as well as of the frond itself, multifid or tasselled, which gives it a very elegant appearance. Another, which we call crispum, is a dwarf tufted plant, no larger than a bunch of curled parsley, which it much resembles, its fronds being curiously crisped and tasselled. These two are, strictly speaking, monstrosities, but they have retained their cha- racteristics for many years in cultivation, and are very elegant. Another curious form we propose to call marinum : it was found by Dr. Dickie growing along with Cystopteris DicJcieana, in a cave near the sea at Aberdeen, and has now for five or six years been cultivated along with other hardy Perns, and retains its distinct appearance and characteristics. It has small fronds about a foot long, lanceolate, and re- markable for the manner in which they taper from their broad centre, equally towards the base and apex; these fronds, moreover, have a spreading or horizontal mode of growth ; their pinnules are oblong and bluntly toothed, and attached closely together, at right angles with the continu- ously winged rachis of the pinnae. The sori are very short, often curved in a horse-shoe form, and crowded on the small pinnules. The common Lady Pern is abundant in warm moist woods 92 HISTORY OF BRITISH FERNS. and hedge-rows throughout Great Britain, and especially so in Ireland ; it also occurs throughout Europe, and in Asia, Africa, and North America. The monstrous varieties are of Irish origin; though the parsley-like one has also been found in Scotland. Pew of our native Ferns are more easily cultivated than this. A rather boggy soil suits it best, and it loves shade and moisture ; indeed, these latter conditions being fulfilled, soil becomes a secondary consideration. The moisture, however, though abundant, should not be stagnant. The Lady Pern is occasionally seen planted in the mouth of a cave or recess by water among shady rock-work ; nothing is so lovely as a finely-grown plant of it so situated. " Supreme in her beauty, beside the full urn, In the shade of the rock, stands the tall Lady Fern." As a pot plant it requires plenty of room, both for its roots and fronds, and must be liberally watered. By the older botanists this plant was called Polypodium Filix-fcemina. It was then transferred to Aspidium, under the name of Aspidmm Filix-foemina ; and subsequently by other botanists it has been called Asplenium Filix-fcemina, which latter name is still given to it by those who do not adopt the genus Atliyrium. 93 Genus XIII. BLECHNUM, Linnam. IT is not quite agreed among botanists, whether the English plant should be considered a member of the genus or family called BlecJmum, or that which bears the name of Lomaria. We think it most nearly related to the former, although in the contraction of its fertile fronds it approaches very near the latter. Among the British species the plant under notice for there is only one native species of the genus is known by having its fructification extended longitudinally on the pinnse, so as to form a linear or continuous sorus on each side the midvein, and about midway between it and the margin. The only other British Pern which has its fructification in extended lines lying parallel with the mid- rib, is the Pteris, or Bracken, in which, however, the sorus is on the margin, and not within the margin and near the mid vein, as in Bleehnim. The BlecJmum may, however, be at once known from the Pteris, by the division of its fronds, which are merely pinnate, while those of Pteris are decompound. The name BlecJmum is an adaptation of the Greek blech- non, which signifies, a Fern. There is but one native species, . Spicant; and we take the opportunity to state 94 HISTORY OF BRITISH FERNS. here, why we prefer this specific name to that of boreale, which is now more commonly used. The name of Blechnum Spicant was applied to this plant by Both, Relhan, With- ering, Symons, and Hull, before that of B. loreale was given to it by Swartz ; it has, therefore, unquestionably the right of priority. Besides this, the specific name Spicant has been used to distinguish this plant by nearly all the older botanists, though they have held very conflicting views as to the genus to which it belonged, referring it, for ex- ample, among others, to Osmunda, to Onoclea, to Acrosti- chum, and to Asplenmm. Thus all the evidence is in favour of the name we adopt. BLECHNUM SPICANT, Both. The Hard Fern. (Plate XVI. fig. 2.) The common name of this species is very appropriate, from the rigid harshness of its texture. It is one of the few native kinds which produce two distinct-looking kinds of frond fertile and barren. The fertile ones have their pinnae much narrowed, or contracted, as it is called, while the fronds themselves are considerably taller than the bar- ren ones. These fronds grow in large tufts, and being very gracefully disposed, the plant becomes one of the most ornamental of our wild species during the summer season, BLECHNUM. 95 when its fronds are in a fresh state. Both kinds of fronds are of a narrow lanceolate form ; the barren ones being only deeply pinnatifid, while the fertile ones are pinnate ; but the segments in both are long and narrow, like the teeth of a comb. The barren fronds, which are from one-half to two- thirds the height of the fertile ones, assume a spreading or horizontal position, and are attached to the caudex by a very short scaly stipes. The fertile ones, which are situated in the centre of the tufts, are erect, from one to two feet high, the stipes, which is sparingly furnished with long pointed scales, being nearly half the length, and of a dark brown colour. The veins are not very evident in the fertile fronds, on account of the contraction of the parts, but they resemble those of the barren ones, except in having a longitudinal venule on each side the midvein, forming the recep- tacle to which the spore-cases are attached. The midvein is prominent, and produces a series of venules on each side, these becoming forked, and extending almost to the margin, terminating in a club-shaped head. In the fertile fronds the veinlets are necessarily shorter, and connected, as already mentioned, by the longitudinal venules which bear the fructification. The spore-cases are thus arranged in 96 HISTORY OF BRITISH FERNS. two linear sori, one on each side the midvein ; these are dis- tinct while young, but soon become confluent, covering the whole under-surface of the pinnse. The indusia, by which they are at first covered,, burst along that side towards the midrib, and eventually become split across here and there, at points opposite some of the venules. The Hard Fern is a rather common plant, occurring in heathy and stony places, and preferring localities which are rather damp than otherwise. It is found in various parts of Europe. In cultivation, it is a very suitable plant for damp shady rock-work, and in such situations, planted in peaty soil, it grows freely, and without requiring any special attention. The principal of its synonyms are Lomaria Spicant, Blechnum boreale, Osmunda Spicani, Asplenium Spicant, Onoclea Spicant, Acrostickum Spicant, Struthiopteris Spicant, and Osmunda borealis. Genus XVIII. BOTEYCHIUM, Swartz. THIS is called Moonwort, and is a small and very distinct plant, easily known by two circumstances, first, it has two BOTRYCHIUM. 97 fronds, or rather two branches of its frond, the one of which is leafy, the other seedy ; and secondly, the pinnae of the leafy branch are crescent- shaped, with the outer margin jagged. There is no other native plant which has these peculiar features, and hence the Moonwort is a plant very easily recognized when it is met with. It is rather local in its range, but not scarce in the localities where it is found, which are open heaths and pastures, rather dry than otherwise. The spore-cases are collected into branched clusters at the end of the fertile branch ; the little branches of the cluster are all turned one way, and the spore-cases themselves are numerous and globular, and somewhat re- semble in the aggregate a miniature erect bunch of grapes. There is a peculiarity in this Pern which also serves to distinguish it, and its near ally the Opkioglossum, or Ad- der's-tongue, from all other native species the venation is straight, not circinate; that is, the fronds, before they are developed, are not rolled up spirally, unrolling as they expand, but in the incipient state the parts are merely folded together by a flat surface. Only one species of Botrychium is indigenous. BOTRYCHIUM LUNARIA, Swartz. The Moonwort. (Plate XVIII. fig. 2.) H 98 HISTORY OF BRITISH FERNS. This is a very peculiar plant, exceedingly interesting to the student of Perns,, from the differences of structure and development it exhibits as compared with the majority of Ferns. It is an almost stemless plant, furnished with a few coarse brittle fibres, and a bud springing from the perma- nent point which represents the stem. Within this bud, before the season at which the fronds are developed, they may be found in an embryo condition, perfectly formed, the two branches of the frond placed face to face, the fertile being clasped by the barren one. This new frond springs up annually, and perishes before winter, and in the majority of cases is not very conspicuous. The size varies from three to eight or ten inches in height, the lower half con- sisting of a smooth, erect, cylindrical, hollow stipes, the base of which is invested by a brown membranous sheath, which had covered it while in the bud. Above, the frond is separated into two branches, one of which is spreading, pinnate, leafy, lance-shaped ; the pinnae crescent-shaped, or somewhat fan-shaped approaching to lunate, filled with a radiating series of two or three times forked veins, such as occur in Adiantum, one vein extending into each of the crenatures into which the margin is divided. The other branch is erect, fertile, compoundly branched, CETEEACH. 99 that is, it is first divided into branches corresponding with the pinnae, and these again into another series of branches, on which, distinct, but clustered, the globose stalkless spore- cases are produced. The spore-cases are two-valved, and open transversely when ripe ; the valves are concave. Occasionally, though very rarely, two fertile branches are produced, and there is a variety in which the pinnae are pinnatifid. This species is widely distributed, but local, occurring in open heaths and pastures, where the soil is peaty, and not very wet. The same plant occurs in other parts of Europe, and also in North America. The Moonwort is not very easily cultivated. It may, however, be preserved in pots in a cold frame, if transplanted while dormant into rather unctuous peaty soil, and kept from either of the extremes of drought or saturation. The roots should not often be disturbed when once established. The Moonwort is the Osmimda Lunaria of Linnaeus. Genus IX. CETERACH, Willdenow. THE genus Ceterach furnishes only one British species ; and this is so different from all others as to be distinctly re- 100 HISTORY OF BRITISH FERNS. cognized at a glance. The mark by which it is known is this : the back of every frond is covered by densely- packed, brown, pointed, chaffy scales. Among these scales, and concealed by them, lie the elongate sori, which are anomalous, in regard to their relationship, in having no indusium. The affinity of Ceterach is without doubt with the Asplenium-like Perns, and this being the case they ought to have an indusium ; the Polypody-like and Acrostichum- like Perns only, among the dorsal groups, wanting this cover to the sori. No indusium, however, exists here, unless it be represented by a kind of membranous ridge, which exists on the receptacles just behind the sori, and is the part which has been called an indusium. The proba- bility is, that it does represent that organ, which is not largely developed in consequence of the presence of so dense a covering of scales, these not only serving the pur- pose of a cover to the sori, but perhaps, from their crowded position, preventing its proper formation. The name Ceterack is an alteration of the word Chetkerak, which was applied to this plant by Persian and Arabian medical writers. CETERACH OFFICINARUM, Willdenow. The Scaly Spleen- wort. (Plate I. fig. 1.) Plate 1 . CETEEACH. 101 A downy, evergreen, distinct-looking, and very pretty Fern, growing in tufts. The fronds when fresh are thick and rather fleshy, and from this cause, as well as the densely- packed scaly covering of the under surface, they are perfectly opake when dry. Their size is variable, ac- cording to the circumstances of their growth : they are found from two to six inches in length, rarely exceeding the latter. They grow on a short scaly stipes, and are either pinnatifid, as is commonly the case, or more rarely pinnate, the difference being, that in the latter the fronds are divided rather more deeply than in the former. The upper surface is a deep opake green, prettily contrasting with the rust-coloured brown of the scales on the under surface, these being just seen projecting from the margin, and still more fully in the exposed under surface of the young par- tially-developed fronds. The pinnse or lobes are of an ovate form, and either entire or lobed on the margin. The opacity of the fronds renders the venation indistinct, and indeed it is only to be made out by examining young fronds, removing the covering of scales, and the outer skin of the frond itself. It is then seen, that from the lower corner the principal vein enters, taking a sinuous course towards the upper side of the apex; it branches alter- 10 HISTORY OF BRITISH FERNS. nately, the venules being again branched, and the veinlets anastomosing more or less near the margin. The sori are borne along the sides of the venules in a very irregular manner, the majority of them being directed towards the apex of the pinna ; at first the sori are quite concealed by the scales, but the spore-cases ultimately protrude between them, although, being very similar in colour, the latter are never very obvious. The Ceteracli is a mural species, occurring on the walls of old buildings and ruins, and in rocky places. It is pretty generally distributed in the United Kingdom, but is considered somewhat rare in Scotland. It occurs also throughout central and southern Europe, and in the north of Africa. Like other wall Ferns, this is often difficult to establish in cultivation when first transplanted ; but when once this is overcome its cultivation is not difficult. It is best grown in a cold frame, potted rather high, among loam mixed with a large proportion of brick -rubbish, and not over- watered. Though generally found in exposed and rather sunny situa- tions, the finest examples we have seen were found in a shaded, moist situation, under trees, where sunshine never visited them. CYSTOPTEEIS. 103 Among other names, this plant has borne those of Asple- nium Ceterack, Scolopendrium Ceterach, Grammitis Ceterach, Notolepeum Ceterach, and Gymnogramma Ceterach. Genus VI. CYSTOPTERIS, Bernhardi. THE species of Cystopteris are all small, fragile Ferns, yet, notwithstanding, they are very beautiful and very interesting, and furnish some remarkable differences of form. They are much more delicate and herbaceous in their texture than the majority of our native species, and hence are well adapted for the purpose of minute investigation into the nature of their venation and fructification. Their texture alone almost suffices to tell a practised eye their family position, but the tyro needs a more precise characteristic, and this is found in the structure of the scale or indusium which covers the sori. The sori in these plants are round, as in Lastrea and Poly- stichum, all, equally with Cystopteris, once included under the old family name of Aspldmm ; but here, instead of being almost flat and circular, the indusium is inflated or bulged out like a hood, and is attached at the back (towards the base of the pinnule) of the sori by its broad base, covering 104 HISTORY OF BRITISH FERNS. the sori while in a young state, but becoming ultimately reflexed at the point, which is more or less jagged or fringed. Hence these plants are called Bladder Terns. There are three native species, of one of which numerous distinct forms or varieties occur. The technical name comes from two Greek words, kystos, and pteris, which respectively mean bladder, and fern ; so that in this case the English appellation is a literal trans- lation of the scientific name. CYSTOPTERIS ALPINA, Desvaux. The Alpine Bladder- Fern. (Plate X. fig. 2.) A diminutive but very elegant plant, quite a gem. It has a close tufted stem, producing from its crown numerous bright green fronds, usually four to six inches, but some- times as much as ten inches high. These grow up in May, and die away in autumn. Their form is lanceolate, the mode of division bipinnate, with the pinnules so deeply pin- natifid as to render them almost tripinnate. The stipes is short, smooth, and scaly at the base. The pinnse are nearly opposite, with a winged rachis, ovate, divided into bluntly ovate pinnules, these latter being deeply cleft, almost down to their mid vein, into short, blunt, linear lobes, which are either entire, or have two or three blunt teeth. CYSTOPTERIS. 105 The midveiii of the pinnules is nearly straight, with a venule, simple or divided, branching off to each lobe, one branch extending to the point of each marginal tooth. The small roundish sori are rather numerous, but not confluent, borne near the margin, and covered by a concave mem- branous indusium. This species, which is cultivated like the other species of Cystopteris without difficulty, has been found (formerly in abundance, now, we believe, almost exterminated) on an old wall at Leyton, in Essex. Indeed, its claim to aboriginality is strongly suspected, a small, much-divided form of Cysto- pteris fragilis being supposed to have been mistaken for it. The Scotch and Welsh plants which have been called Cysto- pteris atpina are probably open to this objection, but there is reason to believe the Essex plant to have been genuine ; and I have fronds of the true plant, communicated by a Eern cultivator, Mr. Shepherd, of Liverpool, which, he informs me, were gathered in Derbyshire and Yorkshire. It occurs in the alpine parts of southern Europe. Cystopteris regia is another name for this elegant plant, which has also been called Cyatliea regia and Cyathea incisa, Cystea regia, Polypodium alpinum, Aspidium regium, and Polypodium trifidum. 106 HISTORY OF BRITISH FEIINS. CYSTOPTERIS FRAGILIS, Bernhardi. The Brittle Bladder- Pern. (Plate X. fig. 1.) This is a tufted-growing plant, spreading, if undisturbed under congenial circumstances, into large patches of nume- rous crowns, each of which throws up a tuft of several fronds, growing from six inches to a foot, sometimes more, in height. The stipes, which is very brittle, dark-coloured, and shining, with a few small scales at the base, is usually rather more than a third of the length of the frond, and generally erect. The form of the frond is lanceolate ; it is bipinnate, the pinnse lanceolate, the pinnules ovate acute, cut more or less deeply on the margin, the lobes furnished with a few pointed teeth. In some of the plants, and usually owing to their vigour, the pinnules are so very deeply cut as to become pinnatifid, almost pinnate, the lobes themselves then resembling the smaller pinnules nearer the apex of the pinnse and frond. The venation is very readily seen, owing to the delicate texture of the frond. In the ordinary-sized pinnules there is a somewhat tortuous midvein, which gives off a lateral branch or venule to each of the lobes into which the margin is cut, these venules branching again into two, three, four, or more veinlets, according to the size of the lobes, and each FlateX. CYSTOPTERIS. 107 branch generally bearing a sorus at about midway its length. The sori are thus generally numerous, and rather irregularly disposed; and it often occurs that they are so numerous as, when fully grown, to become confluent into a mass of fructi- fication covering the whole under surface of the frond. The number of sori produced, and consequently the sparse or crowded disposition of the fructification, is a matter alto- gether dependent upon the circumstances of growth, and hence exceedingly liable to vary even in the same plant, and within the same year, as heat or cold, drought or moisture, may preponderate. The sori, which are nearly circular, are covered while young by a concave or hood-shaped indusium, which is attached by its broad base on one side beneath the sori, and has its apex ultimately free; this part usually be- comes torn or split into narrow segments, and the whole soon becomes pushed back or cast off by the growing spore- cases. There are many forms or varieties of this species. Two of them, called cynapifotia and antliriscifolia, do not seem to need any distinct description. Another, called angustata, is rather larger, generally, than the typical form, but differs more by having the points of its pinnae and the apex of the frond itself drawn out considerably into very narrow r points than in any other circumstance readily pointed out. 108 HISTORY OF BRITISH FERNS. Another distinct variety, called dentata, is generally smaller, and almost always blunter in the form of its parts ; this grows from six to eight inches high, and has ovate-lan- ceolate pinnae, with ovate, obtuse, pointless pinnules, which are again divided on the margin into a series of short blunt notches or teeth ; the venation is more simple, and the fructi- fication is more marginal, than in any of the preceding forms. The most distinct of all the varieties, however, is one which we have called Dickieana, after Dr. Dickie, its dis- coverer ; it has a more compact frond than any of the pre- ceding, grows from four to six inches in height, in outline almost ovate, terminating in a point, the pinnse ovate-lanceo- late, overlapping each other, the pinnules decurrent, broad, obtuse, with a few shallow, marginal notches ; the texture is very delicate and herbaceous, and the fructification marginal. It is of a deep green, and has often a degree of translucency which makes it very interesting ; it is a constant variety under cultivation. The usual forms of this species occur abundantly in moist mountainous districts, and also on walls, but generally in moist rocky situations throughout the United Kingdom, Ireland excepted, where it is comparatively rare. The same species is very widely dispersed in various parts of the world. CYSTOPTERIS. 109 The varieties are more rare, and we know of only one locality, a sea-cave, near Aberdeen, in which Dickieana has been found. Cystopteris fragilis may be said to have rather a preference to limestone. Under cultivation it is one of the most manageable of the smaller sorts, growing freely on rock -work or in pots. Its fronds are produced very early in spring, are often renewed during summer, and continue to grow up in succession until the frost cuts them off. Being so very delicate in texture, the first frosts which have access to them do this. The names of Cyathea fragilis, C. cynapifolia, C.anthris- cifolia, C. dentata ; Cystea fragilis, C. angustata, C. dentata ; Poly podium fragile, P. cynapifolium, P. antJiriscifolium, P. dentatum, P. rh&ticum ; Aspidium fragile, A. dentatum, and A, rhaticum have been given by various authors to the dif- ferent forms of this variable species. CYSTOPTERIS MONTANA, Link. The Mountain Bladder- Fern. (Plate XIV, fig. 2.) This is the rarest of our native Ferns, and hence is a plant of great interest. It is a small species, growing with a slender creeping scaly stem, by the division of which it is increased. The fronds, which grow up from this caudex, are from four to six or eight inches high, triangular in outline, 110 HISTORY OF BEITISH FERNS. from the great development of the lowest pair of pinnae ; and they are remarkable for the comparative length of the slender stipes, which is about twice as long as the leafy portion. The fronds are tripinnate in the lower part, and bipinnate upwards, the pinnae spreading, and standing op- posite in pairs, the lowest pair considerably larger than the next above, and unequally developed, the inferior side being very much larger than the superior ; this disproportion is not maintained to the same extent in the upper portions of the frond. The lower pinnae, on the inferior side, are first divided into ovate or lanceolate pinnules, and these are again cut into a second series of pinnules, of an ovate or oblong form, these ultimate pinnules being coarsely and irregularly notched or toothed; on the upper side, the pinnules correspond with the secondary pinnules of the lower side. The inferior pinnules of the next pair of pinnae also correspond in size, outline, and subdivision with the secondary pinnules of the lower pimi83; and above this the parts become gradually smaller and less divided up to the apex of the frond. The whole texture of the fronds is delicate and herba- ceous, as in the more common species, and hence the veins show very distinctly. In the ultimate pinnules the central Ill vein is somewhat flexuous, and gives off alternate lateral veins, one of which is directed toward the sinus or margi- nal indentation between two serratures. The sori have the usual roundish form common in this genus, and, being numerous, they become very conspicuous when fall-grown ; but though crowded they do not appear often to become confluent. These sori are covered, in the young state, by a blunt, concave, jagged-edged indusium. This rare species occurs wild in the United Kingdom only, as far as is known, among the Breadalbane mountains of Scotland, on one of which, Ben Lawers, it was originally found by Mr. Wilson, in company with Sir W. J. Hooker and Professor Graham ; this was in August 1836. Subse- quently, in 1841, Messrs. Gourlie and Adamson again met with it, on the "mountains between Glen Dochart and Glen Lochey." Mr. Gourlie again, we believe, as well as Dr. Arnott and Mr. Borrer, met with it in 1850. In the European Alps this Fern is met with, most abundantly northwards ; and it also occurs on the Eocky Mountains of the New World, occurring for the most part in its wild haunts, on rough stony ground in sub-alpine regions, but sometimes also in woods. The synonyms of this species are Polypodium montanum, Aspidium montanum, and CyatJiea montana. 112 HISTORY OP BRITISH FERNS. Genus XY. HYMENOPHYLLUM, Smith. THE British Hymenophyllwm*, or Filmy Ferns, are small moss-like plants, with pellucid fronds, distinguished, along with Trichomanes, by having the fructifications at the edge, not on the back of the fronds ; and known from that genus by having the involucres which surround the clusters of spore-cases, two-valved instead of urn-shaped or entire. So far as our native species go, these distinctions serve, but they become puzzling in some exotic forms, which it is not easy to refer to their proper genus. They are the smallest of all our native Ferns, and, being somewhat rare, or at least local in their distribution, they have always been re- garded with much interest. Two native species are recog- nized, much like each other in general aspect, and distin- guished by one or two rather minute technicalities, which, however, are sufficiently obvious to those who have learned how to look for them. These peculiarities will be presently explained. The name Hymenopliyllum is compounded from the two Greek words hymen and phyllon, which mean a membrane, and a leaf; and is applied to those plants with much pro- priety, from the membranous texture of their fronds. HYMENOPHYLLTJM. 113 HYMENOPHYLLUM TUNBRIDGENSE, Smith. The Tun- bridge Filmy Eern. (Plate- XY. fig. 2.) f^\ This is so named in consequence of its having been found in the neighbourhood of Tunbridge, though occurring also in many other parts of the United Kingdom. It grows in the form of matted tufts, on the surface of damp rocks, in the sheltered, humid localities which are congenial to it; the black, wire-like, creeping stems being entangled together, and interlaced with the mosses and allied plants which are often found in its company. The fronds are very short, from one to three or four inches long, membranous and semitransparent, almost erect, and of a dull brownish- green even when fresh, which gives them in some measure the appearance of being dead. These fronds are lanceolate, or somewhat ovate; they are pinnate, with the pinnae pin- natifid or bipinnatifid, and having their branches mostly produced on the upper side, though sometimes alternately on each side the pinna. The fronds are virtually, as is the case with the TricJw- manes, a branched series of rigid veins, winged throughout, except on the lower part of the short stipes, by a narrow, membranous, leafy margin. The clusters of spore-cases are here produced around the axis of a vein, which is continued i 114 HISTORY OF BRITISH FERNS. beyond the margin of the fronds, this vein or receptacle being enclosed within an urn-shaped involucre, consisting of two nearly orbicular compressed valves, which are spi- nosely serrate on the upper margin. It is a species widely distributed throughout the United Kingdom, and is found in many other parts of the world. It requires the same conditions for its successful cultiva- tion as does the Trichomanes, to which genus the reader is referred. ; ... It is the TricJwmanes turibndgense of Linnaeus. HYMENOPHYLLUM IJNILATERALE, Willdenow. Wilson's Filmy Fern. (Plate XV. fig. 3.) This plant is by English botanists most commonly called Hymenopkyllum Wilsoni, but there is no ground to doubt that it is identical with H. imilaterale, a name published by Willdenow long before that of Wilsoni ; we have, there- fore, adopted Willdenow' s name on the ground of priority. The species is a small moss-like plant, with numerous creeping filiform stems, generally growing in dense tufts, and producing a crowded mass of semi- drooping, brown- green, half -transparent fronds, averaging three or four inches in height. The fronds are of a linear-lanceolate form, and pinnate ; the rachis is usually somewhat curved, H YMENOPHYLLUM. 115 and the pinnae are convex above, all turned one way, so that the fronds become more or less unilateral ; the outline of the pinnae is wedge-shaped, cut in a digitate-pinnatifid way, the lobes being linear-obtuse with a spinulose-serrate margin. The rigid veins, branching from the principal rachis, which is very slightly winged in the upper part, become themselves branched so as to produce one venule to each segment ; or, in other words, the veins are twice branched, and throughout their entire length after they leave the primary rachis they are furnished with a narrow membra- nous leafy wing or border, the primary rachis itself being almost quite without any such border. The clusters of spore- cases are collected around the free ends of veins, which usually occupy the place of the lowest anterior segment, and are included within an urceolate involucre, which is divided into two oblong convex inflected valves, which are quite entire at the flattened edges where they meet. This Filmy Fern seems equally diffused with its allied species, and they are often found in company. This, however, seems to be the more common of the two in some parts of Scotland, and in Ireland. It is widely distributed in other parts of the world. 116 HISTORY OF BRITISH FERNS. Genus IV. LASTKEA, Presl. ONE group of the Ferns were formerly called Aspidiums, or Shield-Ferns. This group, so far as English species are concerned, is now divided into three, bearing the names of Lastrea, Polystichum, and Cystopteris. The Lastreas are known among these by having the indusium, or seed-cover, round in outline with a lateral notch, thus becoming kidney-shaped; they are attached to the frond by the notched part. This group includes some of the largest and most common of our native species, and nearly all of them are remarkable for their elegance. Several of them retain their fronds through the winter in sheltered situations, but they are not strictly evergreen, and in exposed situations are always bare during winter. Of the Lastreas eight British species are usually recog- nized, but the number varies according to the value put upon certain differences in the plants, by different authors. The name Lastrea commemorates a zealous botanist and microscopical observer, M. Delastre of Chatelleraut. LASTREA CRISTATA, Presl. The Crested Fern. (Plate VI. fig. 2.) This is the simplest of the British forms of a group of LASTREA. 117 species intimately related to each other, and which are some- times in the aggregate called Crested Perns; the latter name is, however, more usually applied only to L. cristata, of which we have used it as the equivalent. The group alluded to consists of L. cristata, uliginosa, spinulosa,dilatata in its many forms, and fcenisecii or recurva, plants whicli form a closely connected series, so close, indeed, that some very eminent botanists consider them as all belonging to two^species only, cristata and dilatata, the other forms being considered as mere varieties. This view of the subject is, we believe, almost exclusively confined to those whose lot it has been to study the Terns in a general way ; and the magnitude of the subject in such a form necessarily leads to generaliza- tions, and the acknowledgment only of such differences as are the most obvious. It is, in fact, often inconvenient for the general botanist to search after or take cognizance of very minute differences. Those, on the other hand, who study a smaller series, confined to certain geographical limits our own country, for example being unperplexed by the magnitude of their subject, as necessarily search for and find differences of another kind, less obvious at the first glance, but to be found if looked for ; and these, when proved to be constant and unvarying, are relied on as proper 118 HISTORY OF BRITISH FERNS. marks of distinction. As this book is intended for the use of those who are only likely at least whilst they require its aid to study the smaller group, we shall endeavour to show them how to understand the minuter differences which serve to separate this series of Crested Perns into several recog- nizable species ; and for this purpose shall first enumerate the leading features of distinction : Lastrea cristata grows with very erect, narrow, oblong fronds, whose deltoid pinnae are not quite divided down to the central rib, and the lobes into which they are separated are attached by the whole width of their base, and are oblong with a rounded apex. The stipes is sparingly furnished with broad, obtuse, membranous, whole-coloured scales. Lastrea uligmosa has two or three sorts of fronds ; one set, the earlier ones, having much resemblance to those of the preceding, the other sets producing fructification, being bipinnate at the bases of the pinnee, the fronds narrow- oblong, the lobes tapering to a point, and the scales of the stipes broad, blunt, and whole-coloured. This connects cristata with spinulosa. Lastrea spmulosa grows erect, has narrow, lance-shaped, bipinnate fronds, and whole-coloured blunt scales to the stipes. It is broader and more divided than the foregoing. LASTREA. 119 Lastrea dilatata grows more spreading, has still broader or ovate lance-shaped fronds, and the stipes is clothed with lance-shaped scales, which are darker-coloured in the centre than at the margins. This is a very variable plant. Lastrea fcenisecii grows spreading, and has fronds smaller than the last ; they are triangular, bipinnate, and the seg- ments have their edge curved back so as to present a hollow surface to the eye; the scales of the stem are narrow, pointed, and jagged. Lastrea cristata itself, the Crested Fern, is not very ele- gant, but of considerable interest on account of its rarity. It forms a thick stem or root-stock, from which a limited number of narrow, very upright fronds arise early in May, and attain the average height of a couple of feet. The fronds are destroyed in autumn by the frosts. Their out- line is linear- oblong, that is, from a narrow width at the base of the leafy portion say two and a half or three inches in the case of fronds of the average height the margins run nearly parallel almost to the apex, where they narrow into a blunt point ; they are supported by a stipes which rather exceeds a third the length of the entire frond, is pro- portionally stout, and maintains this proportion upwards through the leafy portion of the frond ; on the lower part it 120 HISTORY OF BRITISH PERNS. has a few scales of a blunt, ovate form, a membranous tex- ture, and an uniform light brown colour. The pinnae are elongate-triangular in their outline, the broadest occurring at the base of the frond, the upper ones becoming gradually narrower, but all of the same general form, namely, widest at the base, gradually tapering to the apex. They are not, in the usual form of the species, divided quite down to their midrib, so as to become, in technical terms, pinnate, but each segment is attached by the entire width of its base, and connected by a narrow extension of its base with the seg- ment next behind it ; all the segments having their apices inclined rather towards the apex of the pinna. The lobes of the pinnae are themselves oblong, with a rounded apex, and a crenately toothed margin. The midvein of the lobes takes a tortuous course, and gives off lateral branches which divide into several secondary branches, one only of which, that nearest the apex of the lobe, bears a sorus. The fructification is confined to the upper portion of the frond, and often remarkably so ; less frequently it extends downwards to the pair of pinnae next above the basal ones. The spots of spore-cases are covered by a kidney-shaped scale or iudusium, having an entire margin, and become mature in August and September. LASTREA. 121 This species occurs only on boggy heaths, and that in but few places in Britain, confined, we believe, to the counties of Nottinghamshire, Cheshire, Norfolk, and Suffolk. It is easily cultivated, either in a pot, or planted in a damp, some- what shady situation, and preferring a peaty soil. A Eern which has, within the last year or two, attracted some attention, and which Mr. Newman has called Lastrea uliginosa, we notice here as a variety of Lastrea cristata. It is exactly intermediate in its general appearance and cha- racters between that species and Lastrea spinulosa, and would perhaps, at first sight, be rather considered a state of the latter than of the former. In the mode in which its young fronds are rolled up, and in the arrangement of its veins, it however agrees best with cristata, and for this rea- son we prefer to consider it a variety of that species approach- ing spinulosa, with which latter it agrees most closely in the form of its pinnules. This Pern forms a stout crown or root-stock, having a tendency to multiply by lateral off-shoots. From the crown the fronds spring up in a circle, and grow nearly erect to the height of from two to three feet ; these bear the fructifi- cation. Other fronds, however, are produced, which are barren, and these do not grow so erect, nor put on the same 122 HISTORY OF BRITISH FERNS. form as the fertile ones. The barren fronds closely resemble those of cristata, while the fertile ones have much the ap- pearance of those of spinulosa, only they are narrower, and have narrow pinnae. The outline of these latter is narrow lance-shaped, drawn out at the apex, the pinnae having a nar- row tapering form, and the pinnules being oblong-pointed, with rather deep, serrated, marginal notches, the serratures terminating in a fine, somewhat hardened point. The midvein of the pinnules is somewhat tortuous, giving off branched lateral veins, the anterior of which bears a sorus, so that these latter are placed in two regular lines lengthwise on each pinna ; the sori are produced from the base to the apex of the frond. The barren fronds are broader, usually shorter, less erect, and their pinnules are of a broader, blunter form, and more closely placed, than those which are fertile. The stipes has ovate, pale-coloured scales, rather sparingly distributed, and most numerous at the lower part ; and the sori are covered by even-margined, kidney-shaped scales or indusia. This plant is found on boggy heaths, generally in company with cristata and spmulosa; it has, however, we are in- formed, been detected where cristata is unknown to exist. As far as we yet know, it is comparatively rare. LASTKEA. 123 Sometimes after the growth of the first set of fertile fronds others will spring up which are also fertile, but have the appearance described above as peculiar to the barren ones. These fronds are undistinguishable from cultivated fronds of L. cristata, and furnish another reason for considering uliginosa as a state of that species. LASTREA DILATATA, Presl. The Broad Prickly-toothed, or Crested Pern. (Plate IX. fig. 2.) This is one of the most compound of our native species. It forms a large tufted stock or stem, and has broad arched fronds, which average about a couple of feet in height, though it is sometimes met with smaller, and often, when luxuriant, reaches a height of five feet. They are always more or less drooping or curved, and never grow erect as those of cristata, uliginosa, and spimdosa do. The general outline is ovate-lanceolate, though in this, one of the most variable of Perns, the form varies considerably, becoming sometimes narrow elongate lanceolate on the one hand, and short broad almost triangular on the other. It is not im- probable that among these various forms, the most distinct of which are sometimes regarded as varieties, two or three distinct species may be associated under the name of tata. We shall describe the more usual form. 124 HISTORY OF BEITISH TEENS. The fronds are ovate, lance-shaped in outline, on a stipes of moderate length, which stipes is much thickened at the base, and densely clothed with entire, lance-shaped, pointed scales, of a very dark brown colour in the centre, but nearly transparent at the margins. They are bipinnate, with elon- gate-triangular or tapering pinnse, placed nearly opposite, and having more or less of obliquity from the larger deve- lopment of the inferior side. The pinnse are pinnate, and the pinnules near their base often so deeply divided as to be again almost pinnate; the rest are pinnatifid, or in the upper parts merely deeply toothed, but the margins, whether deeply or shallowly lobed, are set with teeth, which end in short spinous points. The veining is very similar to the more compound parts of the allied species spinulosa ; and the fructification is pro- duced in great abundance, the sori being ranged in two lines crosswise the pinnse on the larger lobes, or lengthwise on the less divided parts ; so that they have apparently a less regular distribution than occurs in spinulosa. The sori are covered by kidney-shaped scales or indusia, which are fringed around the margin with projecting glandular bodies. One of the varieties of this Fern has the fronds shorter, LASTREA. 125 almost triangular in outline,, and remarkably convex ; it has, moreover, usually a dark green colour, often with a brownish tinge. It is found in more exposed places than the normal form, and. is not uncommon. Another is met with on the hills of the north of England ; and this, which it has been proposed to call Lastrea collina, is probably a distinct species. The form of its fronds is ovate, drawn out to a long narrow point, and the pinnules, which are obtusely ovate and have a broad attachment at the base, have the serratures on their margin less spinulose than in the common form. It was first noticed by the Eev. Mr. Pindar in Westmoreland. Mr. Newman proposes to separate a form of this plant, which differs in having its surface covered with glands, and in the scales of the stipes being broader, under the name of Lastrea glandulosa. Of its distinctness as a species we are, as yet, unprepared to decide. It appears, however, to con- nect L. spinulosa with dilatata, and is apparently the same as had been previously named I/, maculata by Dr. Deakin. This species, though found in drier places than its near ally spinulosa, is nevertheless partial to moisture, being found in damp, shady hedge-banks and woodlands. It is hardy, and easily cultivated. 126 HISTORY OF BRITISH FERNS. LASTREA PILIX-MAS, PresL The Male Pern. (Plate VIII.) The Male Pern is so called from its robust appearance in contrast with the more delicate, though similar, Lady Pern or FUiiV-fcemina. It is one of the species which grow up annually, the fronds being destroyed by the frosts of winter, unless the situation be very sheltered, when the old fronds often remain green until the young ones are produced in spring. It is a robust-growing plant, producing its fronds in a tuft around a central crown, and when vigorous and perfectly developed is a very striking object, though its ornamental qualities are often unheeded, we suppose, on ac- count of its commonness. Surely, however, it is not wise that objects imbued with that mystery vitality, and being intrinsically graceful and beautiful, should be despised be- cause a beneficent Creator has scattered them about our path with a lavish hand ; they ought the rather, one would think, to lead us to admire and adore ! The stipes of this Pern is densely scaly. The fronds average about a couple of feet in height, and are of a broad lance-shaped figure, and what is called bipinnate, though less decidedly so than occurs in some other species, for here it is those pinnules only which are nearest to the main rachis ZLa,te VEL. LASTREA. 127 which are separate from each other. The pinnae are narrow and tapering, with a few of the lowest pinnules distinct, the rest united at the base ; these pinnules are of an obtusely oblong form, and serrated on the margin. The fructification of this plant is generally very copious, and is usually con- fined to the lower half of the pinnules, where it is crowded. This is one of the best species to study with the view of understanding the fructification of Ferns, for here the indu- sium, a very important organ, is seen to be remarkably pro- minent in fronds which have about reached their full deve- opment. In that state the indusium is as yet closed over the clusters of spore-cases, and will be seen to consist of a lead -coloured, tumid, kidney -shaped, conspicuous scale, which, at the proper time, becomes elevated on one side to allow the dispersion of the spores. This may readily be seen by closely watching the progress of the fronds after they have reached the stage just adverted to; or if they are gathered in that state for preservation in the herbarium they are almost certain to burst, more or less, in the process of drying, before they yield up their vitality. These covers are at first little white scales. The veins of this species are also readily seen, and each pinnule will be found to have a flexuous midvein, with 128 HISTORY OP BRITISH FERNS. alternate venules, which are simple or forked, or sometimes three-branched in different parts of the pinnule, the three- branched ones, if present, occurring at the base, and the unbranched ones at the apex. The sori are borne on that branch which is towards the apex of the pinnule, and jointly they form a line at a little distance from and on each side of the mid vein. One variety of this Fern we have called Lastrea Filix-mas incisa in the ( Hand-book of British Ferns/ and it has been named Lastrea erosa, and I/. Filix-mas erosa, by others, in the belief of its being identical with a plant called Aspidium erosmn by an old author named Schkuhr which we think it is not. However this may be, it is a magnificent variety, much larger than the commoner form of the plant, attaining four or five feet in height, and possessing the same general features as that which has been already described, but larger in every part, and having the pinnules more elongated and tapering towards the point, more deeply cut along the margin, the branches of the venules more numerous, and the sori produced over a larger proportion of the sur- face of the pinnule, in fact, usually almost reaching to its apex. Another variety or starved form of this common plant LASTREA. 129 has the pinnules changed into small rounded lobes, and the fructification reduced to a single row of spore-cases on each side the rib of the pinnae. This has been called Lastrea Filix-mas abbreviata. A third curious form of the Male Fern has the points of the frond and of the pinnae dilated into a fringe or tassel a very curious transformation, which, it is curious to remark, occurs only, as far as we know, among British species, in this the Male Fern and in the Lady Fern. The Male Fern is found abundantly all over the country in shady situations : the larger variety is met with here and there in similar places ; the other varieties are rare. It is one of the most easy to cultivate, and is very suitable for cool, shady rock-work, or for shady walks in woody scenery. Like its allies, this species has been called Pofypodium, or Aspidium, or Polystichum, besides Lastrea, but the specific name Filix-mas seems to have been always preserved to it. LASTEEA FCENISECII, Watson. The Triangular Prickly- toothed, or Eecurved Fern. This is a moderate- sized and very elegant plant, of droop- ing habit, and possessing a crisped appearance from the recurving of the margins of all the segments of fronds. It grows from one to two feet high, and from its tufted stem K 130 HISTORY OF BRITISH PERNS. produces a spreading circle of triangular fronds, the stipes of which, of about the same length as the leafy part, are thickly clothed with small, narrow, jagged, pale-coloured scales. The fronds are bipinnate, the lowest pair of pinnae always longer and larger than the rest, and the pinnules on the inferior side of the pinnae larger than those on the supe- rior side. The pinnules are of an oblong- ovate figure, and the lowest of them often divided again into a series of oblong lobes, for the most part decurrent, but sometimes slightly stalked ; the margin is cut into short spinous-pointed teeth. The veins of the pinnules are alternately branched from a sinuous midvein, and these venules give off two or three alternate veinlets, the lowest anterior one being the sorus. The exact ramification of the veins depends upon the degree in which the pinnules or lobes are divided. The fructifica- tion is distributed over the whole under surface, the sori being pretty evenly distributed in two lines along each pin- nule or lobe ; they are covered by small reniform indusia, which have their margin uneven, and fringed with small, round, stalkless glands. The whole frond is covered with similar glandular bodies. This Fern, which is most abundant in Ireland and the western parts of England, occurs in damp, sheltered woods, Tla.te Vll. \sugmi ^ Imtitii . e>~t\,a_V v ( ^ LASTREA. 131 and on shady banks and rocks. It is of an elegant drooping aspect, and is cultivated without difficulty. It is the more valuable as a pot plant from its moderate size and its ever- green character. This species is the Lastrea recurva of some writers, and the Nephrodium fcenisecii of others. LASTEEA OEEOPTEKIS, Presl. The Mountain Fern; sometimes called Heath Pern. (Plate VII.) This is a very elegant species, growing shuttle-cock fashion around the central crown of the stem, to the height of from two to three feet; and it is, moreover, so fragrant when drawn through the hand as to be recognized from its kindred by this circumstance alone. The fragrance is due to the presence of numerous minute glandular bodies on the lower surface, which, being bruised when the plant is handled, give out strongly that peculiar odour which many Ferns possess a sort of earthy, starchy smell, by no means dis- agreeable. The fronds are annual, springing up about May, and enduring through the summer : they are erect, lance- shaped in their outline, pinnately divided ; and there is this about them remarkable, that the stipes is unusually short, the leafy part being continued nearly down to the ground, and the lower pinnse are so short that the frond tapers 132 HISTORY OF BRITISH TERNS. downwards as much or perhaps more than it does towards the point. The pinnse generally stand opposite, and are narrow, tapering, and pinnatifidly divided, bearing their fructification almost close to the margins of the segments, and generally very abundantly. In this species the divisions of the fronds are flat, not revolute, as in L. Thelypteris, which most resembles it. Each segment or lobe has a distinct and slightly sinuous midvein, which is alternately branched, the branches simple or divided, and bearing the spore-cases in clusters near their extremity. This plant loves shade, and is found most luxuriant in woods, occurring also on mountainous heaths. It may be considered a common plant in England, Wales, and Scot- land ; but in Ireland is much more rare. It is an effective plant for shady rock-work, and, when established, grows freely. Besides the name we have here adopted, this Fern has borne the following titles : AspiMum Oreopteris, Polypo- dmm Oreopteris, Poly podium montanum, Polystichum mon- tanum. LASTREA RIGIDA, Presl. The Rigid Fern. (Plate IX. % i.) This very elegant Fern is of moderate size, growing nearly Plate IX. 1 1 b LAST11EA. 133 upright, and from one to two feet in height. It is perhaps the most elegantly divided member of its family, the pin- nules being all doubly and very evenly toothed. The fronds issue from the crown of a comparatively thick stem, and are annual in their duration, greeting the approach of summer with the fresh green of youth, and shrinking dead and shrivelled from the icy touch of winter. There are two forms of frond the one narrowly triangular, the other lan- ceolate, and they are bipinnate, with narrow tapering pinnse, and oblong blunt pinnules, which are cut into broad rounded segments, again notched into a varying number of pointed but not spinulose teeth. The stipes is densely scaly. The veining is very similar to that of the large variety of Filix-maSj the pinnules having a flexuous midvein, with alternate venules again pinnately branched. The clusters of spore-cases are borne on the lowest anterior branch of each venule, that is, on the lowest veinlet on the side towards the apex of the pinnule, and they are covered by a kidney- shaped indusium, which does not soon fall away. Over the fronds are scattered numerous small sessile glands, which, when slightly bruised, give out a faint and not unpleasant odour. This Fern seems confined to the limestone districts of the 134 HISTORY OF BRITISH FERNS. north of England, growing at considerable elevations. It was first found at Ingleborough, in Yorkshire, and has been since met with on the limestone ranges of Westmoreland and Lancashire. In cultivation it is usually a free-growing plant, more lax than in the wild state, and one of the most elegant of the larger kinds. LASTREA SPINULOSA, PresL The Narrow Prickly - toothed, or Crested Pern. This is a rather erect-growing kind, with a stout stem or root-stock, which becomes branched, so that several crowns are generally found together forming one mass. The crowns may readily be separated, and in this way the species may be increased with much facility. The fronds grow from one o three feet high, and are bipinnate, the pinnse having an obliquely tapering form from the inferior pinnules being larger than the superior ones : this is most obvious at the base of the fronds, where the pinnae are broader than they are towards the apex. The pinnules are of an oblong form, somewhat narrowing upwards, the margins deeply incised, the lobes being serrated, and the teeth somewhat spinulose; this description, it should be remembered, applies to the lowest pinnules on the lowest pinnse ; those towards the apex of each pinna, as well as the basal ones of the pinnse LASTREA. 135 nearer the apex of the frond, become gradually less and less compound, so that, although the margins are still furnished with spinulose teeth, they gradually lose the deep lobes which are found on the lowest pinnse. In all the more com- pound Ferns there is a similar difference of form according to the position of the pinnules, and in all such cases it is usual to describe only those which are the most complete, namely, such as are situated at the base of a few of the lowermost pinnse. The stipes of Lastrea spinulosa is rather sparingly furnished with semitransparent scales of a broad or bluntly ovate form, in which particular it agrees with cris- tata and uligintxa, but differs from dilatata an&famsecii. The venation of all these allied species is so very similar, .that it is unnecessary to repeat the description in detail. In the less divided pinnules there is a midrib, less tortuous than in cristata, which gives off branched venules, the lower anterior veinlets proceeding from which bear the sori, about midway between the rib and the margin ; the clusters of spore-cases thus forming an even double row on each pinnule. "When the pinnule is more divided, the same arrangement of the sori occurs on the lobes, the branches of the lateral veins or venules being then more numerous. The sori are covered by kidney-shaped indusia, having the margin entire. 136 HISTORY OF BRITISH PERNS. Marshy places and damp woods are the situations in which this Fern is met with ; and in such places it does not appear to be uncommon. It is very easily cultivated on damp banks or rock-work, and, when grown in pots, requires to be plentifully supplied with water. LASTREA THELYPTERIS, Presl. The Marsh Fern. (Plate VI. fig. 1.) This is called the Marsh Fern from its growing in marshes and boggy situations. It has a slender, extensively creeping stem, which is usually smooth and of a dark colour, pro- ducing matted fibrous roots. The annual fronds are pro- duced about May, and later, and perish in the autumn : they usually grow about a foot high, the fertile ones taller ; some- times, when the plant is very vigorous, they reach the height of three feet* Their texture is delicate, their colour pale green, their outline lanceolate, their mode of division pin- nate, the pinna3 mostly opposite, a short distance apart, and pinnatifidly divided into numerous crowded, entire, rounded lobes ; the lobes in the fertile fronds appear narrower and more pointed that those of the barren, on account of their margin being revolutely bent under. The venation of the lobes of this Fern consists of a distinct, somewhat tortuous midvein, from which alternate Plate VI. OPHIOGLOSSUM. 137 venules branch out, these being usually forked, and both branches bearing a sorus half-way between the margin and the midvein. The sori, which are thus pretty numerous, often become confluent, and are partially concealed by the bent-back margin. The indusium, or cover of the spore- cases, is in this species small and thin, and is soon thrown off, and lost. The Marsh Pern has a wide geographical range, and in England and Wales occurs in numerous localities ; in Scot- land and Ireland it is rather uncommon. Not a very attractive species for cultivation. It has been severally referred, under the individual name of TJiely- pteris, to the families of Aspidiwm, Poly podium, Acrostichum, and Polystic/mm, by various botanical writers. Genus XVII. OPHIOGLOSSUM, Linnaus. THIS is very nearly related to the Moouwort, though at first sight having a very different aspect. The points in which it agrees, are, that the parts are folded up straight in the incipient state, and the fronds are two-branched, one branch being leafy, the other fertile. OpJiwglossum differs from 138 HISTORY OF BRITISH FERNS. Botrychium, most obviously, in its parts being all simple, while those of Botrychium are compound. Its habit of growth is precisely the same, but the fructification is very different, consisting of a distichous spike of imbedded spore- cases. There is but one native species. The name Opliwglossum literally means Adders-tongue, which is the English name borne by this plant. It is derived from the Greek ophios, a serpent, and glossa, a tongue ; and is applied in consequence of the resemblance of the fertile fronds to the tongue of a serpent. OPHIOGLOSSUM VULGATUM, Linnaus. The Common Adders-tongue. (Plate XVIII. fig. 3.) A small stemless plant, producing a few coarse brittle roots from a central crown which represents the stem, and which annually produces a bud from which the new frond arises. The young fronds are produced about May, and perish by the end of the summer. They grow from three inches to ten or twelve inches in height, with a smooth, round, hollow, succulent stipes of variable length. In the upper part this becomes divided into two branches, the one branch leafy, entire, smooth, ovate-obtuse, traversed by irregularly anastomosing veins, forming elongated meshes. The fertile branch is erect, contracted, about half its OSMUNDA. 139 length being soriferous, forming a linear slightly tapering spike, which consists of two lines of crowded spore-cases imbedded in the substance of the spike, and occupying its two opposite sides. The spore-cases are, therefore, con- sidered as being produced on the margins of a contracted frond. "When mature, the margin splits across at intervals corresponding with the centre of each spore-case, so that eventually the spike resembles a double row of gaping spherical cavities. The Adder' s-tongue is very abundant in the localities where it is found, which are damp meadows and pastures, on a loamy soil. It is generally distributed over England, but is less abundant in Wales, and the other parts of the United Kingdom. The species is a common European plant, and is found in North America as well as in Africa. There is no difficulty in cultivating the Adders-tongue, whether in pots, or among an out-door collection of Ferns ; the essentials are a stiff loamy soil, and the constant pre- sence of water enough to prevent drought. Genus XYI. OSMUNDA, Linnaus. THE Osmunda is called the Eoyal Fern, and well it deserves 140 HISTORY OF BRITISH FERNS. the regal honours, for it is the most majestic of our indi- genous Perns. It is known by its large size, by having its fronds entirely leafy in the lower part, and entirely fertile at the top. In other words, the pinnae or branches at the apex of the fronds are changed from the ordinary leafy form, into dense masses of spore-cases, arranged in the aggregate in the same way as the leafy pinnules would have been. This mode of bearing the fructification renders it so strikingly obvious at first sight, and gives the plant an aspect so entirely different from that of those in which the fructification is more or less concealed by its position on the under surface, that the Oamunda, though classified as one of the Cryptogamous or flowerless plants, is often anomalously called the Flowering Fern. In truth, the contracted chocolate-coloured apex looks not unlike a dense panicle of small brown flowers crowning the tall straight stem, whose lower pinnse have much the appearance of broad green leaves. There is but one native species. The name of the genus has given rise to some speculation as to its derivation, and the question is still open. Some derive it from the Saxon muncl y which they say signifies strength. Others consider the word expressive of domestic peace, and derive it from the Saxon os, house, and mund, OSMUNDA. 141 peace. Others,, again, have thought it commemorative, as the following legendary passage bears evidence. The point involved, however, we must leave antiquarians and philolo- gists to settle. At Loch Tyne dwelt the waterman old Osmund. Fairest among maidens was the daughter of Osmund the waterman. Her light brown hair and glowing cheek told of her Saxon origin, and her light steps bounded over the green turf like a young fawn in his native glades. Often, in the stillness of a summer's even, did the mother and her fair-haired child sit beside the lake, to watch the dripping and the flashing of the father's oars, as he skimmed right merrily towards them over the deep blue waters. Sounds, as of hasty steps, were heard one day, and presently a company of fugitives told with breathless haste that the cruel Danes were making way towards the ferry. Osmund heard them with fear. Suddenly the shouts of furious men came remotely on the ear. The fugitives rushed on ; and Osmund stood for a moment, when snatching up his oars he rowed his trembling wife and fair child to a small island covered with the great Osmund Eoyal, and assisting them to land, enjoined them to lie down beneath the tall Perns. Scarcely had the ferryman returned to his cottage, than a HISTORY OF BRITISH FERNS. company of Danes rushed in ; but they hurt him not, for they knew he could do them service. During the day and night did Osmund row backwards and forwards across the river, ferrying troops of those fierce men ; and when the last company was put on shore,, you might have seen Os- mund kneeling beside the river's bank, and returning heart- felt thanks to heaven for the preservation of his wife and child. Often in after years did Osmund speak of that day's peril ; and his fair child, grown up to womanhood, called the tall Fern by her father's name. OSMUNDA REGALIS, Limirtus. The Osmund Royal, or Flowering Fern. (Plate XIX. fig. 2.) ' L&*J ^i s P^ ant has a verv stately aspect, growing to the average height of three or four feet, but sometimes found eight or ten feet high. It has what is called a tufted habit of growth, and its stem by degrees acquires height, so that in very old and luxuriant plants there is a trunk formed of from a foot to two feet high. From the crown of this trunk (whether that is seated close to the ground, or whether it is elevated) grow the fronds, which are seldom, less than two feet high in very weak and starved plants ; more usually from three to four feet, and forming a mass of a couple of yards across; or sometimes, as upon the margins of the OSMUNDA. 143 Irish lakes, eight, ten, or twelve feet high, noble and majestic almost beyond conception. In the lovely lake scenery of Killarney this plant is very prominent ; and we need not be surprised at the rapturous descriptions which have been given of its arching fronds, dipping in the crystal lakes, and sheltering, with its broad green pinnse, the nu- merous aquatic birds which seek its canopy from the prying eyes of pleasure-hunting tourists. When young the fronds have generally a reddish stipes, and a glaucous surface, which at a later period becomes lost. These fronds are annual, growing up in spring, and perishing in the autumn. The form of the mature fronds is lanceolate ; they are bi- pinnate, the pinnse lanceolate or ovate-lanceolate, with pin- nules of an oblong-ovate form, somewhat auricled at the base especially on the posterior side, bluntish at the apex, and saw-edged along the margin. Some fronds are en- tirely barren, and these differ from the fertile ones only in having the leafy pinnules continued all the way to the apex, instead of having the apex contracted, and bearing the spore-cases. It is not always, however, that the spore- cases when present are produced at the apex of the frond ; abnormal developments are not uncommon, and in these cases any portion of the pinnules may be seen converted 144 HISTORY OP BRITISH FERNS. into spore- cases sometimes a few pinnae at the middle of the frond, while the apex is leafy, sometimes the base of a pinna., while its apex retains the leafy form, sometimes the base of a pinnule here and there, just its apex too, being broad and leafy ; but the usual condition is to find a few of the shortened pinnse, which form the apex of the frond, contracted and soriferous throughout. The venation, as seen in the barren fronds, consists of a prominent midvein, bearing once or twice forked venules proceeding to the margin in direct lines. In the fertile parts of the frond, only the midrib of the pinnules is fully developed, and the spore-cases are attached to a small por- tion of the venules which becomes developed just to serve as a receptacle. The spore-cases are subglobose, shortly stalked, reticulated, and two-valved, opening vertically. The Osmund Eoyal is a widely-distributed plant, oc- curring in favourable localities, that is, marshy and boggy situations, throughout the United Kingdom, and, as already mentioned, extremely abundant and luxuriant in some parts of Ireland. It is common throughout Europe, and occurs in the United States of America. This plant is especially suited, in cultivation, to occupy the base of rock-work abutting upon a piece of water, where its POLYPODIUM. 145 roots may be placed within the reach of the water. For the margins of ponds or lakes, or for any other damp loca- lities, it is also well adapted ; and in such situations only does it acquire anything like its natural vigour. It should have peat earth for its roots. The best way to establish it is, to procure strong vigorous patches from localities where it abounds, and these, if removed carefully any time before growth commences or even after it is considerably advanced will succeed perfectly. This course is far more satisfactory than to make use of weaker plants in the hope of their eventually gaining the requisite vigour to produce the effect desired. Genus I. POLYPODIUM, Zinnaws. THE Polypodies, which botanists call by the Latin name of Polypodium, are known from all the other British Perns, by their having the spore-cases arranged in little round patches here and there on the back of the frond, these patches not being at any time, or at any stage of their development, covered by the membranous film which, it has been explained, is called an indusium ; hence they are said to be naked, or non-indusiate. This family includes L 146 HISTORY OP BRITISH FERNS. four distinct kinds, with some variations of the common sort; some of these have the fronds persistent, and so become evergreen, while in others they last but from spring to autumn. The Polypodies derive their name Polypodinm, which literally means, many-footed, from the branching of their creeping stems, the tubercular protuberances on which, in the earlier stages of development, have some supposed re- semblance to those on the feelers of Polypes. POLYPODIUM CALCAREUM, Smith. The Limestone Poly- pody. (Plate III. fig. 1.) This Pern is known from P. Dryopteris to which it is so nearly related that some botanists do not consider it dis- tinct by having its fronds less decidedly, though somewhat three-branched, and by having its surface covered with small stalked glands, which give a mealy appearance to every part of the fronds. To us these two plants appear quite dis- tinct, for, in addition to the points of difference already re- ferred to, the fronds of this are of a dull deep green, more rigid, and without the marked deflexure of the rachis so obvious in its ally ; and the young fronds, instead of being rolled up in three little balls, have their pinnae all rolled up separately. The glandular surface of the whole frond is Plate III. POLYPODIUM. 147 very readily seen with a pocket-lens, a necessary aid, by the bye, to the study of Ferns. The fronds grow from six inches to a foot in height, nearly triangular, with the base shorter than the sides, the stipes about equalling the leafy portion in length. They are partially three-branched, but the lateral branches are much smaller than the central one, and attached to the stipes by a more slender rachis. The lower branches are pinnate, with pinnatifid pinnse ; the upper branch pinnate, with its lower pinnse again pinnate, and the upper ones pin- natifid, as also is the apex of the frond and of the lower branches. The pinnules or lobes have a distinct midvein, with simple or slightly branched venules, near the termina- tion of which, in a marginal series, the sori are produced. This is one of the few Eerns which are found in calca- reous or chalky soils. It is rare, and local in its distribu- tion, being, we believe, almost confined to rocky limestone districts, and occurring chiefly in the northern and western parts of the island. In cultivation it does not require so much moisture and shade as most other Ferns, but a lime- stone soil is not at all essential to its well-being. The names of Poly podium Robertianum and of Lastrea Robertiana have been given to this species ; and the former 148 HISTORY OP BRITISH FERNS. of these seems to have the precedence on the ground of priority, but it has not as yet been adopted in this country. POLYPODITJM DRYOPTERIS, Linnaus. The Tender Three- branched Polypody, sometimes called the Oak Pern. (Plate ii. % i.) This is at once known among the Polypodies by having its quite smooth fronds divided into three branches; and when the fronds are but partially developed this latter cha- racteristic is available, for the three branches are rolled up separately, and the fronds in the stage alluded to resemble three little balls set on short slender wires, and supported by one which is longer and stouter. It is, however, alto- gether a slender and delicate plant, its height being com- monly not more than six inches, often less, arid sometimes more, its colour a pale bright green, and its texture fragile. Hence it is at once destroyed by frost, and soon becomes rusty and withered by exposure to heat and drought. When growing in a cool, shady situation, however, it continues fresh and cheerful-looking from April, when it usually starts into growth, onwards until it is affected by autumnal cold. In pots, in Wardian cases, or on sheltered, shady rock -work, it is alike desirable for cultivation. The fronds of this delicate little Pern grow from a slender Plate II. POLYPODIUM. 149 creeping stem, which often forms densely matted tufts. They are quite smooth, and of a bright light green colour, supported by stipes which are usually about twice as long as the leafy part, and are slender, brittle, and dark -coloured. The outline is almost pentagonal, the frond being divided into three branches, each of which is of a triangular form. One peculiarity about this species, which is in a slight degree shared by its near ally, P. calcareum, is the deflexion of the rachis at the point where the lateral branches of the frond take their rise, but this feature is greatly more obvious in P. Dryopteris. The fronds are divided thus : each branch is pinnate at the base, and pinnatifid towards its point ; the pinnae are also pinnate at their base, then pinnatifid, becom- ing acute and nearly entire at the point ; the pinnules and ultimate lobes are oblong and obtuse. The pair of pinnules at the base of each pinna, close to the principal rachis, are placed so that when the pinnae are exactly opposite they stand in the form of a cross ; the two towards the apex of the branch being smaller than the opposite pair, and more nearly parallel with the rachis. The pinnules or lobes have a rather tortuous midvein, from which the venules branch out alternately, being, in those of moderate size, simple, with a sorus near their ex- 150 HISTORY OF BRITISH FERNS. tremity, and in those which are larger and more compound, branched, with a sorus on the lower branch. The fructifi- cation is very unequally produced in different seasons and localities, being sometimes crowded, and at other times very sparingly scattered over the fronds. P. Dryopieris is not an uncommon species, but it occurs only in mountainous situations and the drier parts of damp woods : in England mostly in the north ; in Scotland dis- tributed pretty generally; very rare in Ireland. This species has been called Polystichum Dryopteris and Lastrea Dryopteris. POLYPODIUM PHEGOPTERIS, Lwnaus. The Beech Poly- pody, sometimes called Mountain Pern. (Plate II. fig. 2.) This is a somewhat fragile plant, enduring no longer than till autumn, or the appearance of the first frosts. It grows wild in moist mountainous situations and in damp woods, often common enough where present, but rather limited in its range, occurring, however, in England to the southward, westward, and northward; pretty generally distributed in Scotland ; but rarely met with in Ireland. It has a slender but extensively creeping and slightly scaly stem, producing black fibrous roots, and, about May, throwing up delicate hairy pale green fronds, which, when full grown, measure POLYPODIUM. 151 from six inches to a foot in height. The stipes, which is fleshy and very brittle, is generally twice as long as the leafy part of the frond ; near its base are a few small almost colourless scales. The fronds are triangular, extended into a long narrow point. In the lower part they are pinnate ; but this distinction of the parts is seldom carried beyond the two lowest pairs of branches, those of the upper por- tions of the frond being connected at the base, in what is technically called a pinnatifid manner : hence this Fern is said to be subpinnate, which, in this case, means par- tially pinnate, or pinnate at the very base only. The pinnse have a narrow and acutely lance-shaped outline, and are deeply pinnatifid; they usually stand opposite each other in pairs, the lowest pair being directed downwards, towards the root, and set on at a short distance from the rest. The united base of the pairs of the other pinnse, when they stand exactly opposite each other, exhibits a cruciform figure more or less strikingly obvious ; and by this mark, in conjunction with the subpinnate mode of divi- sion, this species may be known from the other British Poly- podies. The veins in the lobes of the pinnse are pinnate ; that is to say, there is a slender midvein, from which al- ternate venules mostly unbranched extend to the margin ; 152 HISTORY OF BRITISH FERNS. those near the base of the lobes bearing each one small circular sorus near their extremity the fructification thus becoming almost marginal. This is a very delicate and graceful Pern for pot-culture or for a Wardian case, and requires plenty of percolating moisture. On the damp, shady sides of sheltered artificial rock-work, in the open air, it grows with tolerable vigour. Polystickum Pkegopleris and Lastrea Phegopteris are names which have been proposed for the Beech Fern. POLYPODIUM VULGARE, I Not likely to be absent from all these provinces. LEINSTER. J MUNSTER. Clonmel, Cork, /. Sibbald. CHANNEL ISLES. Jersey. LASTKEA EILIX-MAS, Presl. One of our most common Eerns, dispersed over the whole of England, Wales, Scotland, and Ireland, and found in the Northern and Western Isles, and in Jersey. 296 HISTORY OF BRITISH PERNS, The var. incisa has been reported or seen from Combe Mar- tin, Devonshire, C. C. Babington, B.S.E. ; Wiltshire ; Bridport, Dorsetshire, B.S.L. ; Sturry, Kent ; Eeigate, Virginia Water, Bagshot, May ford, St. Martha's near Guildford, and Button Park, Surrey ; Barnet, Hertfordshire ; King's Cliffe, North- amptonshire ; Cathcart hills near Glasgow, Lanarkshire ; Ben Chonzie mountain near Crieff, Perthshire ; Kingcausie, Kincar- dineshire, /. T. Syme. The var. abbreviata is recorded from Ingleborough, Yorkshire, 6r. Pinder ; and Conistone, Lancashire, Miss Beever. At Rathronan, Cork, occurs a small forked variety somewhat resembling cristata. LASTREA FCENISECII, Watson. PENINSULA. Penzance ; St. Michael's mount ; Helston ; Lostwithiel ; Truro, and throughout Cornwall. Chamber- combe ; Ilfracombe ; Lynton ; Barristaple ; Clovelly, &c., Devonshire. Somersetshire. CHANNEL. Tunbridge Wells ; West Hoathly, Sussex. SEVERN . Herefordshire . N. WALES. Merionethshire. HUMBER. [Yorkshire.] TYNE . [Northumberland.] LAKES. St. Bee's head, Cumberland. E. HIGHLANDS. Baldovan, Kinnordy, Forfarshire. LOCAL DISTRIBUTION. 297 W. HIGHLANDS. Banks of Loch Lomond, Dumbartonshire. Wooded rocks between Brodick and Corrie, and between Lamlash and Whiting Bay, Arran, Dr. Balfour. N. ISLES. Hoy, Orkney, rather common, T. Anderson. W. ISLES. N. Uist, Dr. Balfour. ULSTER. Fairhead, Antrim. Near Coleraine ; Eushbrook ; Garvagh, Londonderry. Banks of Lough Svvilly ; Milroy bay ; Arregal hill near Donegal ; about Lough Derg, Donegal. CONNAUGHT. Sligo. Foot of Nephin ; Coraan Achill ; New- port ; Westport, &c., Mayo. About Clifden ; about Eound- stone and Ballynahinch ; near Oughterard, Galway. LEINSTER. Seven Churches, abundant, D. Moore, B. S. E. ; Glendalough, abundant and luxuriant, Wicklow. MUNSTER. Near Loop-head, Clare. Near Cork ; woods about Glengarriff ; Clonmel, /. Sibbald, Cork. On the mountains and in the woods of Kerry, especially about Killaraey, Dinis Island, Cromauglan, and O'Sullivan's cascade. LASTEEA OEEOPTEEIS, Presl. PENINSULA. Cornwall. Lynmouth, Devonshire. Near Keyn- sham, &c., Somersetshire. CHANNEL. New Forest near Lyndhurst; near Southampton, Hampshire. Apse Castle, Isle of Wight. Dorsetshire. Wiltshire. Tilgate Forest ; Tunbridge Wells, and else- where, Sussex. 298 HISTOKY OF BRITISH FERNS. THAMES. Bell wood, Bayford ; Tring ; Broxbourne, &c., Hertfordshire. Hampstead, Middlesex. Bexley ; Black- heath ; Bailey's hill between Brasted and Tunbridge, Kent. Witley ; Hindhead ; Cobham ; Wimbledon, and elsewhere, Surrey. Shotover hill, Oxfordshire. Hartwell, Bucking- hamshire. High Beech ; Little Baddow, A. Wallis, B.S.L., Essex. OUSE. Brad well, Suffolk, Near Crome, Norfolk, R. Wigliam, B.S.L. Fulbourne, Teversham, &c., Cambridgeshire. Dal- lington heath, Northamptonshire. SEVERN. Allesley; about Arbury Hall ; Coleshill heath; Cor- ley, Warwickshire. Forest of Dean, Gloucestershire, W. If. Purckas. Herefordshire. Malvern hills, Worcestershire, E. Lees, B.S.L. Staffordshire. Shropshire. S. WALES. Kadnorshire. Brecknockshire. Swansea. Glamor- ganshire, T. B. Flower, B.S.E. Carmarthenshire. Cardi- ganshire. N. WALES. Anglesea. Wrexham, Denbighshire. Flintshire. Dolgelly, Merionethshire, B.S.L. Near Llanberis and other parts of Carnarvonshire. TRENT. Near Twycross, Leicestershire. Kutland. Lincoln- shire. Oxton and Eddingley bogs, Nottinghamshire. De- thich moor ; Hiley, Derbyshire. MERSEY. Birkenhead and Oxton, Cheshire. Near Warrington ; Eochdale ; llainhill ; Gateacre, Lancashire. LOCAL DISTRIBUTION. 299 HUMBER. Valley of the Don, near Doncaster ; Melton wood near Adwick ; Escrick, near York ; Whitby ; Eichmond ; Halifax ; Everley near Scarborough, Yorkshire. TYNE. Chapel Weardale ; Cawsey Dean near Newcastle ; by the Tees, Durham. Northumberland. LAKES. Keswick ; near Lodore waterfall ; Patterdale, Cumber- land. Langdale and other parts of Westmoreland. W. LOWLANDS, Moffat dale, Dumfriesshire, P. Gray. La- narkshire. E. LOWLANDS. Ruberslaw, Roxburghshire. Pentland hills. Edinburgh. Dye at Longformacus ; Banks of Whiteadder, Berwickshire. E. HIGHLANDS. Ben Lomond, Stirlingshire. Clackmannan- shire. Kinross-shire. Glen Isla ; Clova mountains ; Sid- law hills, Eorfarshire. Craig Chailliach; by Loch Tay, Perthshire. Aberdeenshire. Moray shire. W. HIGHLANDS. Argyleshire. Dumbartonshire. Isles of Islay and Cantyre. N. HIGHLANDS. Sutherlandshire. W. ISLES. N. Uist. ULSTER. Milroy bay, Donegal. Deny. CONNAUGHT. Lough Corril, Galway. LEINSTER. Glencree, 8. Foot, B.S.E. ; Seven Churches, D. Moore, B.S.E. ; Glendalough ; and Powerscourt, Wicklow. MUNSTER. Mangerton, Killarney, 8. P. Woodward, B.S.L., Kerry. 300 HISTORY OF BRITISH FERNS. LASTEEA EIGIDA, Presl. MERSEY. [Lancashire.] HUMBER. Ingleborough ; Wharnside ; Attermine rocks near Settle, Yorkshire. LAKES. Arnside Knot ; Hutton Eoof crags ; Farlton Knot, Westmoreland. Silverdale ; by the Lancaster and Kendal Canal, N. Lancashire. LASTEEA SPINULOSA, Presl. The habitats of this species are not recorded sufficiently dis- tinct from those of L. dilatata. PENINSULA. About Penzance, Cornwall. Devonshire. Somer- setshire. CHANNEL. Hampshire. Tinker's hole, Apse Castle, and else- where in the Isle of Wight. Dorsetshire. Tunbridge Wells, Sussex. THAMES. Ball's woods, Hertford ; N. Mimms ; Hatfield, &c., Herts. Chiselhurst; Canterbury, Sec., Kent. Middlesex. Wimbledon, * Portnall park, Virginia Water, &c., Surrey. Fulmer, Buckinghamshire. Epping ; Danbury ; Cogges- hall, Essex. OUSE. Suffolk. Surlingham broad near Norwich, Sec., Nor- folk. Eoulbourne, Cambridgeshire. Northamptonshire. SEVERN. North wood, Arbury Hall ; Binley ; Eugby, War- LOCAL DISTRIBUTION. 301 wickshire. Ankerberry hill, Forest of Dean (L. glandulosa), W. H. PurcJias, &c., Gloucestershire. The Horls near Boss, Herefordshire. Worcestershire. Needwood, Staf- fordshire. S. WALES. Brecknockshire. Glamorganshire. Carmarthen- shire. N. WALES. Carnarvonshire. TRENT. Paplewick ; Oxton bogs, Nottinghamshire. Nether- scall, Leicestershire, A. Bloxam, B.S.L. Derbyshire. MERSEY. Delamere Forest, Cheshire. Chat-moss ; Lowgill ; Eisley moss near Warrington, Lancashire. HUMBER. Sheffield ; Bichmond ; Ingleborough ; Doncaster ; Leckby Carr ; Terrington Carr, Yorkshire. TYNE. [?] LAKES. Eed-house, Cumberland. Westmoreland. Isle of Man. W. LOWLANDS. [Dumfriesshire, P. Gray.] E. LOWLANDS. [Edinburghshire.] E. HIGHLANDS. [Forfar shire.] W. HIGHLANDS. [Argyleshire.] N. HIGHLANDS. Dingwall, Boss-shire, W. C. Trevelyan. W. ISLES. North Uist. Harris. Lewis. LASTBEA THELYPTEBIS, Presl. PENINSULA. Devonshire. Somersetshire. CHANNEL. Portsea ; Winchester, Hampshire. West Medina ; 302 HISTORY OF BRITISH FERNS. Willderness ; Cridmore, &c., Isle of Wight. Tunbridge Wells ; Albourne ; Amberley ; Waterdown forest ; Ore near Hastings, Sussex. THAMES. North Cray; Bexley ; Ham ponds near Sandwich, Kent. Leith hill ; near Godalming ; Wimbledon common ; Pirbright common, Surrey. Windsor Park and Sonning- hill Wells, Berkshire. Epping; Little Baddow, Essex. OUSE. Belton; Bungay ; Hipton; Bradwell common, Suffolk. Horning; St. Faith's; Upton; Filby; Holt; Edgefield, Felthorpe ; Wroxham ; Dereham ; Lound near Yarmouth ; about Norwich, Norfolk. Wicken and Whittlesea fens ; Feversham moors ; Gamlingay, Cambridgeshire. Potton marshes, Bedfordshire. Huntingdonshire. SEVERN. [Formerly near Allesley, Warwickshire.] Hereford- shire. Staffordshire. Shropshire. S. WALES. Sketty bog; Cwmbola, Glamorganshire. N. WALES. Llwydiart lake, Pentraeth ; Beaumaris, Anglesea. [Near Llanberis, Carnarvonshire.] TRENT. Oxton and Bullwell bogs, Nottinghamshire. [Leices- tershire.] MERSEY. Newchurch bog ; Knutsford moor ; Over ; Wybun- bury bog ; Harnicroft wood near Wernith, Cheshire. HUMBER. Potterie Carr ; Askham bog ; Terrington Carr ; Buttercrambe near York ; Heslington ; Doncaster ; Settle ; Fens at Askern, Yorkshire. LOCAL DISTRIBUTION. 303 TYNE. Lear mouth bogs, Northumberland. LAKES. Keswick ; Ulleswater ; Glencoin, Cumberland. [Ha- mersham bog, Westmoreland.] E. HIGHLANDS. Eescobie ; Eestenet, Forfarshire. N. ISLES. [Shetland.] ULSTER. Portmore park by Lough Neagh, Antrim ; Boggy wood at Portumna, Galway, I). Moore. CONNAUGHT. Near Lough Carra, Mayo. LEINSTER. Marshes at Glencree, Wicklow. MUNSTEE. Marsh near Mucruss, Killarney, Kerry. OPHIOGLOSSUM VULGATUM, Linnceus. PENINSULA. Cornwall. Slateford ; Barnstaple, Devonshire. Somersetshire. CHANNEL. Strathfieldsaye ; Stoke ; Wanston, Hampshire. Bembridge down ; Blackgang Chine ; West Cowes, &c., Isle of Wight. Box, Dorsetshire. Long-leat, Wiltshire. Highlands, Eramfield, &c., Sussex. THAMES. Bury woods, Hitchin; Elstree; Essenden, and other parts of Hertfordshire. Hackney marshes ; Sion lane, Isleworth ; Osterley Park, Brentford ; near Turnham Green, Middlesex. West Farleigh ; Greenhithe, &c., Kent. Compton ; Beddington ; Cobham ; Keigate ; Dorking, Sec., Surrey. Banbury, Oxfordshire. Essex. OUSE. Suffolk. Upton broad; Ellingham fen, &c., Norfolk. 304 HISTORY OP BRITISH FEENS. Wilburton ; Grant Chester ; Whit well, Cambridgeshire. Bedfordshire. Huntingdonshire. SEVEEN. Foleshill; Wellesbourne, &c., Warwickshire. Glou- cestershire. Howie hill, Ross; West Hope hill; Upton Bishop, &c., Herefordshire. Needwood, Staffordshire. West Felton, Shropshire. N. WALES. Anglesea. Wrexham, Denbighshire. TRENT. Near Braunston ; Thringston ; Humberstone, Leices- tershire. Paplewick ; Colwick, Nottinghamshire. Heanor ; Breadsall, Derbyshire. MEESEY. Alderley, Cheshire. Warrington ; Bidston marsh, &c., Lancashire. HUMBEE. Eichmond ; Settle ; Whitby ; Huddersfield, &c., Yorkshire. TYNE. Middleton, Durham. Hexham ; Hawthorn Dene ; Halt whistle, Northumberland. LAKES. Westmoreland. Cumberland. W. LOWLANDS. Kircudbrightshire. Lanarkshire. E. LOWLANDS. Coldstream, Berwickshire. Dalmeny and Ar- niston woods, Edinburgh. Linlithgowshire. E. HIGHLANDS. Dunfermline, Fifeshire, G. M'Nab, B.S.E. Dunsinnane, Perthshire. Forfarshire. Burghead, Moray- shire, G. Wilson, B.S.E. W. HIGHLANDS. Argyleshire. N. ISLES. Orkney. Shetland. LOCAL DISTRIBUTION. 305 ULSTER. Knockagh, Carrickfergus ; near Belfast, Antrim. CONN AUGHT. Arran Isles, Galway. LEINSTER. Holly Park, Dublin, S. Foot, B.S.E. ; Dunsinsk, Dublin. MUNSTER. Clonmel, Cork, " found several years since by Mr. R. Davis." OSMUNDA KEGALIS, Linnaus. PENINSULA. Common in the low boggy parts of Cornwall. Dawlish ; Watermouth near Ilfracombe ; Holme Chase near Ashburton, Devonshire. Somersetshire. CHANNEL. Frequent in the west of Hampshire. Isle of Wight. Isle of Piirbeck, Dorsetshire, T. B. Salter, B.S.E. Wilt- shire. Tunbridge ; U ckfield ; Buxton Park, Sussex. THAMES. [Formerly on Hampstead Heath, Middlesex.] Thursley ; Hindhead ; Hambledon heath ; Ca?,sar's Camp, Farnham ; Chobham ; Bagshot ; Frimley ; Esher ; Wim- bledon ; Dorking ; Eeigate, //. M. Holmes, B.S.L., Sur- rey. Berkshire. Buckinghamshire. Great Warley and Little Warley ; Little Baddow ; Epping, Essex. OUSE. Suffolk. Caistor near Yarmouth, D. Stock, B.S.L. ; Horning ferry, W. J. West, B.S.L. [Gamlingay, Cam- bridgeshire.] Bedfordshire. SEVERN. Arbury ; Birmingham, and elsewhere, Warwickshire. x 306 HISTORY OF BRITISH FERNS. Worcestershire. Staffordshire. Ellesmere Lakes ; West Felton, Shropshire. S. WALES. Swansea, Glamorganshire, G. Lawson ; Fishguard, Pembrokeshire, E. Lees, B.S.L. Carmarthenshire. N. WALES. Anglesea. Denbighshire. Barmouth ; Tails of the Cynvael near Festiniog, Merionethshire. Loughton bog, Flintshire, Dr. Bidwell, B.S.K Carnarvonshire. TRENT. Leicestershire. Mansfield ; Bullwell, Nottinghamshire. MERSEY. Lindon moss near Mobberley, Cheshire. Speke near Liverpool ; Chat moss ; Woolston moss, and else- where near Warrington ; Poulton le Sand, Lancashire. HUMBER. Pottery Carr, near Doncaster ; Leeds ; Askham bog ; Whitby ; York, and other parts of Yorkshire. TYNE. Durham. Northumberland. LAKES. Windermere, T. Hi/lands, B.S.L. ; Col with, H. Ford- ham, B.S.L. , Westmoreland. Cumberland. Isle of Man. W. LOWLANDS. By the Manse, or White Loch, Colvend, Kir- cudbrightshire, P. Gray. By the Clyde, Lanarkshire. E. HIGHLANDS. Stirlingshire. Fifeshire. Kincardineshire. Culross, Perthshire. Arbroath, G. Lawson ; Montrose ; Kinnaird, &c., Forfarshire. Mill of Leys, G.Dickie, B.S.K, and elsewhere, Aberdeenshire. W. HIGHLANDS. Glen Finnart; Dunoon; Loch Fine, N.E. of Iriveravy, Argyleshire. By Loch Lomond, Dumbarton- shire. Isles of Arran, Bute, Mull, and Islay. LOCAL DISTRIBUTION. 307 N. HIGHLANDS. Inchnedamff, Sutherlandshire. Boss-shire. N. ISLES. Shetland. W. TSLES. N. Uist. Harris. Lewis. CONNAUGHT. Abundant in Connemara ; Oughterard, Galway. Achill Island. Castlebar ; Mayo. LEINSTER. Kelly's Glen, co. Dublin. MUNSTER. Bandon ; Clonmel, frequent, /. Sibbald, Cork. Letterfrack near Ballinaskellig's Bay ; Mucruss Abbey, Killarney, Kerry. CHANNEL ISLES. Jersey. POLYPODIUM ALPESTEE, Sprengel. E. HIGHLANDS. Mountains near Dalwhinnie, Inverness-shire, 1841, H. C. Watson. Canlochen glen, Forfarshire, 1844, H. C. Watson. W. HIGHLANDS. Great Corrie of Ben Aulder, Inverness-shire, 1841, H. C. POLYPODIUM CALCAEEUM, Smith. PENINSULA. Bath; Cheddar cliffs; Mendip hills; Friary wood ; Hinton Abbey, Somersetshire. CHANNEL. Box quarries; Corsham, Dr. Alexander, B.S.E. Wiltshire. THAMES. Oxfordshire. SEVERN. Besborough common, W. H. Purckas; rocks by the 308 HISTORY OF BRITISH PERNS. Wye, near Symond's Yat, and Colwall near Whitchurch ; Lydbrook in the Forest of Dean ; Windlass hill near Chel- tenham ; Cleave-cloud ; Postlip hill on the Cotswolds ; Cirencester, J. BucJcman ; English Bicknor, A. T. Willmot ; Leigh wood near Bristol, Gloucestershire. Herefordshire (planted). Worcestershire. Staffordshire. S. WALES. Merthyr-Tydvil, Glamorganshire. N. WALES. Llanferris, Denbighshire. [Cwm-Idwal, Carnarvon- shire.] TRENT. Matlock ; Buxtori ; Bakewell, T. Butler, Derbyshire. MERSEY. Lancaster; Shed din-dough near Barnley; Broad- bank, Lancashire. HUMBER. Ingleborough; near Settle; Anster rocks; Arncliffe; Gordale; Ravenscar, Waldenhead, /. TFard, B.S.U., York- shire. TYNE. Falcon Glints, Durham, T. Simpson. LAKES. Newbiggin wood; Gelt quarries ; Baron heath, Cum- berland. Scout near Kendal ; Arnside knot ; Hutton roof; Farlton knot ; Caskill kirk, Westmoreland. POLYPODIUM DEYOPTEEIS, Unnaus. PENINSULA. Mendip hills ; near Bristol ; near Bath, Somer- setshire. CHANNEL. [Petersfield, Hampshire, Dr. Bromfield.'] THAMES. Cornbury quarry, Oxfordshire. Essex. LOCAL DISTRIBUTION. 309 SEVERN. Berkswell, Warwickshire. Forest of Dean, Gloucester- shire. Tintern Abbey, Monmouthshire. Penyard park near Boss; near Downton castle, by the Teme; Aymestree quarry ; Shobden-hill woods, Herefordshire. Malvern hills ; Shrawley wood, Worcestershire. Trentham park ; near Cot- ton hall and Oakamoor ; Needwood, Staffordshire. Titter- stone Glee hill ; Whitcliffe near Ludlow ; Froddesley hill, Shropshire. S. WALES. Craig-Pwll-du, Eadnorshire. Brecon ; Trecastle ; Pont Henryd, near Capel Colboen ; Ystrad Felltree, Breck- nockshire, Pont Nedd-Vechn ; Scwd-y-Gladis ; Merthyr- Tydvil, Glamorganshire. Ponterwyd ; Hafod, /". Riley, B.S.E., &c., Cardiganshire. N.WALES. Angiesea. Llangollen, Denbighshire. Craig- Breidden ; Ph'nlymmon, Montgomeryshire. Merioneth- shire. Near St. Asaph, Flintshire. Cwm-Idwal ; Llanberis ; Bangor ; Ehaidr-y-Wenol, Twll-du, Carnarvonshire. TRENT. Chinley hill near Chapel-le-Frith; Pleasley forges, Derbyshire. Lincolnshire. MERSEY. Hill Cliff, Cheshire. Warrington; Broadbank near Colne; Dean-church Clough; Mere Clough; Cotteril Clough; Lancaster; Ashworth wood, &c., Lancashire. HUMBER. Burley ; Brimham rocks ; Thirsk ; Ingleborough ; Eeivaulx wood ; Teesdale ; Halifax ; Whitby ; Richmond ; Settle, J.Talkam, B.S.L.; Brierley; Castle Howard park, and many other parts of Yorkshire. 310 HTSTOEY OF BRITISH FERNS. TYNE. Walbottle Dene; foot of the Cheviot, near Langley ford, Durham. Morpeth ; Hexham ; Shewing Shields ; Scotswood Dene, Northumberland. LAKES. Lodore near Keswick; Borrowdale; Calder bridge; Wasdale; Scale force; Gillsland, Cumberland. Amble- side, Hutton roof; Casterton, &c., Westmoreland. Coni- stone, N. Lancashire. W. LOWLANDS. Drumlanrig ; Maiden Bower craigs, &c., Dum- friesshire. Cluden craigs ; hills above Dalscairth, Kircud- brightshire, P. Gray. Tails of the Clyde; Calderwood, T. B. Bell, B.S.E., Lanarkshire. Gourock, Eenfrewshire. E. LOWLANDS. Wanchope, lloxburghshire, W. Scott, B.S.E. Banks of the Whiteadder; Longformacus, Berwickshire. Hosslyn and Auchindenny woods, and elsewhere about Edinburgh. E. HIGHLANDS. Clackmannanshire. Kinross-shire. Garden den, Eifeshire, R. MaugJian, B.S.E. Culross ; Ben Lawers ; Killin; Dalnacardoch ; Killicrankie, H. B. M. Harris, B.S.E. ; Perthshire. Sidlaw hills ; Clova mountains ; Clack of the Ballock, L. Carnegie, B.S.E. Eorfarshire. Inglies Maldie, Kincardineshire, A. Croall, B.S.E. Braemar, Aberdeenshire. Cawdor woods, Nairnshire, /. M'Nab, B.S.E. Dalwhinnie, Morayshire. AY. HIGHLANDS. Ereuch Corrie, Strath Affarie, W. Inverness- shire. By Loch Lomond ; Ben Voirlich, Dumbartonshire. LOCAL DISTRIBUTION. 311 Between Lochs Awe and Etive ; Brodick ; Dunoon, Argyle- shire. Isle of Arran. Tobermorey, Isle of Mull, W. Christy, B.S.E. N. HIGHLANDS. Ross-shire. Ferry house E. of Loch Erboll } Sutherlandshire. ULSTER, Knockleyd, Antrim, very rare. Mourne mountains, Down. CONNAUGHT. Mam Turk, Galway. MUNSTER. Mucruss, Killarney, Kerry. POLYPODIUM PHEGOPTERIS, Linnau*. PENINSULA. Near Tintagel, Cornwall. Sheep's tor ; Dartmoor ; Ilfracombe ; Becky falls, &c., Devonshire. CHANNEL. Forest row, Sussex. THAMES. [Near Brentford, Middlesex.] [Norwood, Surrey.] SEVERN. Forest of Dean; near Lydbrook, Gloucestershire. Shobden hill woods ; Aymestree quarry, Herefordshire. Ridge hill ; Madeley, &c., Staffordshire. Titterstone Glee hill ; near Ludlow, Shropshire. S.WALES. Craig-Pwll-du ; Rhayader, Radnorshire. Pont Henryd near Capel Colboen ; Brecon beacon, Sec., Breck- nockshire. Pont Nedd Vechn ; Scwd-y-Gladis ; Cilhepste, Glamorganshire. Glynhir, near Llandebie, Camarthenshire. Hafod, &c., Cardiganshire. N. WALES. Plinlymmon, Montgomeryshire. Falls of the Cyn- 312 HISTORY OF BRITISH FERNS. vael near Festiniog; Barmouth, &c., Merionethshire. Llanrwst, Denbighshire. Cwm-Idvval; Llanberis; Aber- glaslyn; Bangor, &c., Carnarvonshire, TRENT. Buxton, Derbyshire. MERSEY. Werneth, &c., Cheshire. Dean-church Clough, near Bolton ; near Todmorden ; Philips wood, near Prestwich ; Blackhay, Clitheroe, &c., Lancashire. HUMBER. Halifax; Beckdale Helrasley; Buttercrambe moor near York; Settle; Sheffield; Ingleborough ; and many other parts of Yorkshire. TYNE. By the Tees above Middleton ; rocks above Langley ford ; Cawsey Dene, &c., Durham. Moors near Wallington ; Shewing Shields ; Cheviot hills ; Hexham, Northumber- land. LAKES. Wardale; Borrowdale; Ennerdale; Scaw-fell; Kes- wick ; Tindall fell, &c., Cumberland. Ambleside ; Gras- mere; Casterton fell; Hutton roof, &c., Westmoreland. Conistone, N. Lancashire. Isle of Man. , W. LOWLANDS. Drumlanrig ; Rae hills ; Jardine hall, Dumfries- shire. Dalscairth ; Mabie, Kircudbrightshire, P. Gray. Gourock, Renfrewshire. Falls of the Clyde ; Calderwood ; Crutherland ; Campsie near Glasgow ; Corra Lyn, &c., Lanarkshire. E, LOWLANDS. Berwickshire. Jedburgh ; Ruberslaw, Eox- burghshire. Pentland hills ; Arniston ; Hosslyn, and Auch- indenny woods, near Edinburgh. LOCAL DIST1UBUTION. 313 E. HIGHLANDS. Castle Campbell, near Dollar, Clackmannan- shire, /. T. Syme, B.S.E. Dunfermline; Inverkeithing ; Garden den, Fifeshire. Kincardineshire. Glen Queich in the Ochils ; Ben Lawers ; Dalnacardoch ; Tyndrum ; Killin ; Bridge of Brackland, near Callender ; Craig Chailliach, Loch Tay, &c., Perthshire. Canlochen, Clova, Forfarshire. Cas- tleton, Braemar, Aberdeenshire. Dalwhinnie, Moray shire. W. HIGHLANDS. Aberarder; Ben Nevis; Eed Caird hill, &c., W. Inverness-shire. Dunoon ; Crinnan ; Inverary ; pass of Glencroe, &c., Argyleshire. BenVoirlich; by Loch Lomond; Tarbet; Arroquher, Sic., Dumbartonshire. Isles of Mull, Islay, and Cantyre. N. HIGHLANDS. Kessock, Eoss-shire. Perry-house E. of Loch Erboll, Sutherland. Morven, Caithness, rare, T. Anderson. N. ISLES. Hoy, Orkney, T. Anderson. North Marm, Shetland. ULSTER. By the Glenarve, near Cushendall, and other parts of Antrim. Waterfall above Lough Esk, Donegal. Slieve Bignian ; near Slieve Croob ; Black mountain, Down. Ness glen, Londonderry. LEINSTER. Carlingford mountain, Louth. Powerscourt water- fall, Wicklow. MUNSTER. Between Killarney and Kenmare; Mucruss, Kerry. POLYPODIUM VULGAEE, Lmnceus. This is one of our most common Ferns, dispersed throughout 314 HISTORY OF BRITISH PERNS. the United Kingdom and Ireland, and found in Jersey, and in the Western Isles, N. Uist, Harris, and Lewis. The varieties only are enumerated below ; cambricum ? is intended for the Irish form, so called, which appears distinct from the true cambricum. PENINSULA. Torquay, Devonshire (var. ? cambricum). Ched- dar cliffs, Somersetshire (var. ? cambricum). CHANNEL. Bonchurch, Isle of Wight (var. ? cambricum). THAMES. Kent (var. serratum). Surrey (var. serratum). SEVERN. Warwickshire (var. serratum). Whitchurch and Mordiford (var. serratum) ; Goodrich Castle, Eoss, E. T. Bennett (var. ? cambricum), Herefordshire. Malvern, Wor- cestershire (var. serratum). N. WALES. The var. cambricum in various parts of N. Wales. W. LOWLANDS. Kircudbrightshire (var. serratum). E. LOWLANDS. Braid hill near Edinburgh (var. cambricum). CONNAUGHT. Amin Isles (var. ? cambricum). LEINSTER. Wood near the Dargle, Wicklow (var. ? cambricum). MUNSTER. Killarney, Kerry (var.? cambricum). CHANNEL ISLES. [Guernsey : var. ? cambricum^] POLYSTICHUM ACULEATUM, Roth. PENINSULA. Cornwall. Lynmouth ; between Totness and Ashburton, &c. (with lobatum), Devonshire. Portishead, &c. (with lobatum), Somersetshire. CHANNEL. Selborne, Miss Bower (with lobatum, T. B. Salter) ; LOCAL DISTRIBUTION. 315 Alresford, &c,, Hampshire. Isle of Wight (with lobatum). Dorsetshire. Box quarries, Wiltshire (with lobatum, as loncJdtidioides) . Henfield ; Groombridge (lobatum), Sussex. THAMES. St. Albans; Totteridge; Hitchin; Essendon, &c., Hertfordshire. Middlesex. Kent (with lobatum). May- ford and Dorking (lobatum) ; and elsewhere (with lobatum), Surrey. Chalfont (lobatum):, Fulmer, Buckinghamshire. Berkshire (with lobatum). Oxfordshire (with lobatum). Near Ongar ; Brentwood ; Chingford, and Black Notley (lobatum) , Essex. OUSE. Sudbury, &c. (with lobatum), Suffolk. Yarmouth (lo- batum) ; Edgefield near Holt, Norfolk. Gamlingay, Cam- bridgeshire. Bedfordshire. Northamptonshire (lobatum). SEVERN. Stoneleigh ; Allesley ; Hollyberry end and Wyken lane (all with lobatum), and elsewhere, Warwickshire. Herefordshire (lobatum as loncUtidioides) . Near Bristol, Gloucestershire (with lobatum). Knightwick, Worcester- shire, E. Lees, B.8.L. Staffordshire (lobatum as loncMti- dioides). Mannington near Cherbury, Shropshire (lobatum as loncJiitidioides) . S. WALES. Tenby, Pembrokeshire, JEJ. Lees, B.S.L. Carmar- thenshire. Glamorganshire (lobatum). N. WALES. Anglesea (with lobatum). Wrexham, Denbighshire (lobatum). Llyn-y-Cwm, Carnarvonshire. TRENT. Leicestershire (with lobatum). Mansfield ; Paplewick, 316 HISTORY OP BRITISH FEKNS. Nottinghamshire (with lobatum). Matlock, Derbyshire (with lobatum). Lincolnshire (lobatum). MERSEY. Gateacre near Liverpool ; Hail wood (with lobatum), &c., Lancashire. Prenston, Cheshire (with lobatum). HUMBER. Halifax ; Castle Howard woods ; Eichmond ; Stud- ley ; Eoche Abbey, G. F. Young, B.S.L. ; Settle ; Eipon ; Doncaster ; York ; Ingleborough (in most instances with lobatum), Yorkshire. TYNE. Hexham and Scotswood Denes, Northumberland (lo- batum). Cawsey Dene, &c. (with lobatum), Durham, R. Bowman, B.S.L. LAKES. Airey Force, H.Fordham, B.S.L., &c. (with lobatum), Cumberland. Westmoreland. W. LOWLANDS. Drumlanrig ; Nithsdale ; and other parts of Dumfriesshire (with lobatuin), P. Gray. Kircudbrightshire (with lobatum), P. Gray. Eenfrewshire. Lanarkshire (with lobatum). E. LOWLANDS. Edinburgh shire (with lobatwn). Pease Bridge, &c., Berwickshire (with lobatuni). E. HIGHLANDS. Glen Phee, Clova mountains, and other parts of Eorfarshire (lobatuni). St. David's Fifeshire, B.S.E. Glenfarq near Perth, Perthshire. Kincardineshire (lobatuni). Aberdeenshire (lobatum). Morayshire (lobatum). W. HIGHLANDS. Isles of Islay (with lobatum) and Cantyre (with lobatum). LOCAL DISTRIBUTION. 317 N. HIGHLANDS. Ross-shire (lobatum). ULSTER. Glen Colin (with lobatum), Malone (with lobatum as loncJiitidioides) , Belfast, Antrim. CHANNEL ISLES. Jersey. POLYSTICHUM ANGULARE, Presl. PENINSULA. Lynmouth ; between Totness and Ashburton, Devonshire. Near Bath, Somersetshire. CHANNEL. Stubbington ; Uplands ; Cattisfield, and elsewhere, Hampshire. Isle of Wight. Dorsetshire. Wiltshire. Patching ; Findon, &c., Sussex. THAMES. Panshanger ; Hatfield Wood side ; Colney ; Watford ; Totteridge, Hertfordshire. Sturry, and elsewhere, Kent. St. Martha's, near Guildford, Surrey. Epping, /. Ray, B.S.L.', Springfield, Essex. OUSE. Norfolk. Huntingdonshire. SEVEEN. Bristol ; Forest of Dean, E. Lees, B.S.L., Glouces- tershire, H. K. Tkwaites, B.S.L. Stoneleigh ; Berkeswell ; Hearsall, &c., Warwickshire. Ross, Herefordshire. Eartham, Worcestershire, E. Lees, B.S.L. Staffordshire. Shropshire. S. WALES. Tenby, Pembrokeshire, E. Lees, B.S.L. Gower, Glamorganshire, C. Conway, B.S.L, Cardiganshire. N. WALES. Conway, Carnarvonshire. Denbighshire. TRENT. Matlock, Derbyshire. Leicestershire. MERSEY. Prescott ; Hail wood, Lancashire. Cheshire. 318 HISTORY OF BRITISH FERNS. HUMBER. Edlington Crags, near Adwick ; Roche Abbey, /. F. Young, B.S.L. ; Halifax, R. Leyland y B.S.L. ; Bichmond ; Heckfall woods ; Elland, and other parts of Yorkshire. LAKES. Loughrigg Pell; Ambleside, Westmoreland. Isle of Man. E. LOWLANDS. Peasebridge, Berwickshire. ULSTER. Blackstaff lane ; Colin Glen, Belfast, Antrim. CONNAUGHT. Arran Isles, Galway. LEINSTER. Tinnahinch, Wicklow, (7. C. Babington, B.S.E. MUNSTER. Clonmel, Cork, J. Sibbald. CHANNEL ISLES. Jersey. POLYSTICHUM LONCHITIS, Roth. OUSE. [Cambridgeshire.] [Northamptonshire.] S. WALES. [Glamorganshire.] N. WALES. Clogwyn-y-Garnedd ; Cwm-Idwal; Twll-du; Gly- der-Yawr ; above Llanberis, Carnarvonshire. HUMBER. Langcliffe near Settle ; Attermine Scar ; Giggleswick, Yorkshire. TYNE. Palcon Glints, Teesdale ; Mazebeck Scar, Durham. LAKES . [C umbeiiand .] W. LOWLANDS. [Lanarkshire.] E. HIGHLANDS. Ben Lomond, Stirlingshire, F. Bossey, B.S.L. Ben Lawers ; Craig Challiach ; Glen Lyon, G. Lawson ; Ben Chonzie near Crieff, Dr. Balfour, B.S.E. Perthshire, LOCAL DISTRIBUTION. 319 Canlochen ; Glen Isla ; Glen Phee ; Glen Dole, Sec., in the Clova mountains, Forfarshire. Aberdeenshire. Moray- shire. W. HIGHLANDS. Ben Voirlich, Dumbartonshire. Mountains near Loch Erricht, Inverness-shire. Ben More, Isle of Mull. N. HIGHLANDS. Raven rock near Castle Leod, Boss-shire. Ben Hope, B.S.E. ; Assynt, Sutherlandshire. N. ISLES. Hoy-hill, Orkney (1,600 feet), very rare, T. Anderson. ULSTER. Glen E. of Lough Eske ; Eosses and Thanet moun- tain passes, Donegal. CON NAUGHT. Glenade mountain, Leitrim. Ben Bulben, Sligo. MUNSTER. Brandon mountain, Kerry. PTERIS AQUILESTA, Linnaw. The most common of our Ferns, dispersed over the whole of England, Wales, Scotland, and Ireland; ascending to an elevation of 1,470 feet. It is also common in the Orkneys ; and is found in the Hebridean Islands of N. Uist, Harris, and Lewis. SCOLOPENDRIUM VULGARE, Symons. PENINSULA. Cornwall. Devonshire. Nettlecombe (var. poly- scUdes, and Sir W. C. Trevelyans var.), &c., Somersetshire. CHANNEL. Fareham (vars. undulatum and jpolysckides), Hamp- shire. Isle of Wight. Sussex. Dorsetshire. Wiltshire. 320 HISTORY OF BRITISH FERNS. THAMES. Hertfordshire. Middlesex. Kent. Surrey. Berk- shire. Buckinghamshire. Oxfordshire. Essex. OUSE. Suffolk. Norfolk. Cambridgeshire. Bedfordshire. Huntingdonshire. Northamptonshire. SEVERN. Warwickshire. Gloucestershire. Herefordshire. Wor- cestershire. Staffordshire. Shropshire. S. WALES. Brecknockshire. Pembrokeshire. Glamorganshire. Carmarthenshire . N. WALES. Anglesea. Denbighshire. Carnarvonshire. TRENT. Leicestershire. Nottinghamshire. Derbyshire. MERSEY. Cheshire. Lancashire. HUMBER. Yorkshire (with var. undulatum). TYNE. Northumberland. Durham. LAKES. Cumberland. Westmoreland. Isle of Man. W. LOWLANDS. Dumfriesshire. Kir cudbright shire. Wigton- shire. Ayrshire. Eenfrewshire. Lanarkshire. E. LOWLANDS. Edinburghshire. Berwickshire. E. HIGHLANDS. Eifeshire. Eorfarshire. Kincardineshire. Aberdeenshire. Nairnshire. Morayshire. W. HIGHLANDS. Argyleshire. Isles of Islay, Cantyre, and Skye. N. HIGHLANDS. Sutheiiandshire. N. ISLES. Isles of Bowsay, Orkney, rare, E. Heddell. Shet- land. CONNAUGHT. Galway. Arran Isles. Sligo. LOCAL DISTRIBUTION. 321 LEINSTER. Dublin. MUNSTER. Cork. Kerry. CHANNEL ISLES. Jersey. TEICHOMANES BADICANS, Swartz. HUMBEE. [Supposed to have been formerly found at Bellbank, near Bingley, Yorkshire.] LEINSTER. Hermitage glen ; Powerscourt waterfall, Wicklow. MUNSTER. Glendine wood, and Glenbour, Killeagh, near Toughal ; Temple Michael glen, and Ballinhasy glen, near Cork. Turk waterfall, Killarney ; ravine of Cromaglaun mountain ; Mount Eagle, near Dingle ; Gortagaree ; Black- stones in Glen Caragh ; Inveragh ; Curraan lake, Water- ville, C. C. Babington, B.S.E., Kerry. WOODSIA HYPEKBOBEA, R. Rrown. N. WALES. Clogwyn-y-Gamedd, Snowdon, Carnarvonshire. E. HIGHLANDS. Ben Chonzie, near Crieif, Dr.BalfoM", Catja- ghiammaii, Ben Lawers ; Mael-dun-Crosk ; Craig Challiach, Perthshire. Glen Isla, Dr. Balfour ; Glen Phee, Clova mountains, Dr. Balfour, Forfar shire. WOODSIA ILYENSIS, R. Brown. N. WALES. Clogwynn-y-Garnedd ; Llyn-y-cwm, on Glyder Vawr, (Carnarvonshire. Y 322 HISTORY OF BRITISH FERNS. HUMBER. [Yorkshire.] TYNE. Falcon Glints, and Cauldron Snout, Teesdale, Durham. LAKES. Westmoreland. W. LOWLANDS. Devil's Beef-tub, and hills north of Moffat, P. Gray. Hills dividing Dumfries and Peeblesshires, abun- dant, W. Stevens. E. HIGHLANDS. Ben Chonzie, near Crieff, Perthshire, Dr. Bal- four. Glen Phee, Clova mountains, Forfarshire, /. Back- LYCOPODIUM ALPINUM, Linnaeus. PENINSULA. Somerset, A. Southby. CHANNEL. Hampshire. SEVERN. [Shropshire.] S. WALES. Brecon beacon, Brecknockshire. Glamorganshire. Plinlymmon, Cardiganshire. N.WALES. Flintshire. Denbighshire. Llanidloes, Mont- gomeryshire. Cader Idris, Merionethshire. Cwm-Idwal ; Glyder Yawr ; Carnedd David, Carnarvonshire. TRENT. Derbyshire. MERSEY. Micklehurst, Cheshire. Todmorden ; Fo-edge ; Mottram ; Cliviger, Lancashire. HUMBER. Ingleborough ; Sowerby ; Cronckley Fell ; Scar- borough, Sec., Yorkshire. LOCAL DISTRIBUTION. 323 TYNE. Falcon Glints, and elsewhere in Teesdale, Durham. S.E. of Crag lake ; Cheviot, Northumberland. LAKES. Kirkston, and other parts of Westmoreland. Great Gable ; Ennerdale, and other parts of Cumberland. Coni- stone, N. Lancashire. W. LOWLANDS. Hills W. of the vale of Dumfries. Hills above Dalscairth, Kircudbrightshire. Eenfrewshire. Lanark- shire. E. LOWLANDS. Roxburghshire. Lammermuirs ; Lambertori moor, Berwickshire. Pentland hills, Edinburgh. E. HIGHLANDS. Clackmannanshire. Kinross-shire. Fifeshire. Ben Lawers ; Blair Athol ; Killin, &c., Perthshire. Sidlaw hills ; Glen Dole and Glen Phee, Clova, &c., Forfarshire. Bay of Nigg, Kincardineshire. Invercauld, Sec., Aber- deenshire (3,600 feet). Badenoch, Morayshire. Banff- shire. Nairn shire. W. HIGHLANDS. Freuch Corrie, Strath Affarie; Ben Nevis (3,450 feet), &c., W. Inverness-shire. Ben Voirlich, Dum- bartonshire. Ben More ; Tobermorey, Isle of Mull ; and other islands of the Inner Hebrides. N. HIGHLANDS. Ross-shire. Ben Hope (3,000 feet), Suther- land. Morven, Caithness, T. Anderson. N. ISLES. Hoy, Orkney, common, T. Anderson. L T nst, Shet- land. W. ISLES. Langa, Harris, Dr. Balfour. 324 HISTORY OF BRITISH FERNS. ULSTER. Belfast mountains, Antrim. Aghla ; Barnesmoor ; Muckish, Donegal. Mourne mountains. Down. MUNSTER. Mangerton ; Bandon, Kerry. LYCOPODIUM ANNOTINUM, linnets. N. WALES. Glyder-Vawr, above Llyn-y-cwm, Carnarvonshire. TRENT. Chamwood forest, Leicestershire, A. Bloxam. MERSEY. Eumworth moss, Lancashire, R. Withers. TYNE. [Teesdale, Durham.] LAKES. Bowfell, Cumberland, H. E. Smith. Langdale, West- moreland, R. Rolleston. E. HIGHLANDS. Mountains of Perthshire, Aberdeenshire, Morayshire, and BanfFshire ; as Loch-na-gar, Munth Keane, Ben-na-Baird, and the Cairngorm mountains (elev. 1,500- 2,550 feet). Glen Dole; Clova mountains; by Loch Esk, Forfar shire. W. HIGHLANDS. French Corrie, Strath Affarie, West Inverness- shire. Goat Fell, Isle of Arran. Isle of Mull. N. HIGHLANDS. Freevater, Eoss-shire. N. ISLES. Hoy hill; Eackwick, J. T. Syme, Orkney. LYCOPODIUM CLAYATUM, Linnaus. PENINSULA. Exmoor, Devonshire. Brendon hill, and elsewhere, Somersetshire. LOCAL DISTRIBUTION. 325 CHANNEL. Hampshire. Dorsetshire. Wiltshire. Tilgate forest, Sussex. THAMES. Tring, Hertfordshire. Hampstead, Middlesex. High- down heath ; Caesar's Camp, Farnham ; Woking common ; between Dorking and Leith hill; Addington hills, Croydon; and other parts of Surrey. Oxfordshire. [High Beech, Essex.] OUSE. Norfolk. Gamlingay, Cambridgeshire. Bedfordshire. SEVERN. [Coleshill, Warwickshire.] Worcestershire. Staf- fordshire. Stiperstone, Shropshire. S. WALES. Glamorganshire. Plmlymmon, Cardiganshire. N. WALES. Cader Idris, Merionethshire. Denbighshire. Snow- don, Carnarvonshire. TRENT. Charnwood forest, Leicestershire. Nottinghamshire. Denbighshire. MERSEY. Todmorden ; Simmons-wood Moss, Lancashire. Cheshire. HUMBER. Frequent in the N. and W. Eidings of Yorkshire. TYNE. Northumberland. Durham. LAKES. Mountains of Cumberland. Langdale, Westmoreland. W. LOWLANDS. Dumfriesshire. Kir cudbright shire. Renfrew- shire. Lanarkshire. E. LOWLANDS. Peeblesshire. Roxburghshire. Pentland hills, Edinburghshire, Berwickshire. E. HIGHLANDS. Clackmannanshire. Kinross-shire. Fifeshire. 326 HISTORY OP BRITISH FERNS. Clova mountains, Forfarshire. Perthshire. Aberdeen- shire. Mortlach, Banffshire. Badenoch, Morayshire. W. HIGHLANDS. W. Inverness-shire. Argyleshire. Dumbarton- shire. Tobermorey, Isle of Mull. N. HIGHLANDS, Ben Wy vis, Eoss-shire. Sutherlandshire. Mor- ven, Caithness, T. Anderson. N. ISLES. Hoy and Eowsay, Orkney. [Shetland.] LEINSTER. Kelly's glen; Bally nascorney, Dublin co. LYCOPODIUM INUNDATUM, Linnaus. PENINSULA. Cornwall. Bovey Heathfield, Devonshire. Somer- setshire. CHANNEL. Titchfield ; Christchurch ; Selborne ; St. Jermyn's near Eomsey, aud other parts of Hampshire. Poole, Dor- setshire. Wiltshire. Sussex. THAMES. Keston heath; St. Paul's Cray; Chiselhurst, &c., Kent. Godalming; Witley; Bagshot; Chobham; Wimble- don ; Esher, &e., Surrey. Hampstead, Middlesex. Berk- shire. Essex. OUSE. Belton, Suffolk. S. Wootton; Norwich; Filby; Holt heath ; Yarmouth, Norfolk. Gamlingay, Cambridgeshire. Bedfordshire. Huntingdonshire. SEVERN. Coleshill, Warwickshire. Hartlebury, Worcester- shire. Staffordshire. TRENT. Leicestershire. Bogs by the Eainworth, Nottingham- shire. Derbyshire. LOCAL DISTRIBUTION. 327 MERSEY. Delamere forest; Thurtaston ; Bagueley moor ; Bid- ston, Cheshire. Lancashire. HUMBER. Stockton forest ; Sandpit, Malton road near York ; Norland Moor, near Halifax, Yorkshire. LAKES. Wastwater, Cumberland. Westmoreland. E. HIGHLANDS. Clunie Loch; Blair Athol, Perthshire. Ar- dorie wood, Eorfarshire. Cawdor Castle, &c.,Nairnshire. Carse of Ardersier near Fort St. George, Morayshire. W. HIGHLANDS. Inverarnon; between Luss and Inverglass, Dumbartonshire. N. HIGHLANDS Craig Darrock, Eoss-shire. Morven, Caithness, rare, T. Anderson. CONNAUGHT. Connemara, Galway. LYCOPODIUM SELAGINOIDES, Idnnaus. PENIN SULA. [Devonshire.] N. WALES. Aberffraw, Anglesea. Denbighshire. Cwm-Idwal; Clogwyn-du-Yrarddu ; Llanberis; Capel Curig, Carnar- vonshire. TRENT. Kinder Scout, Derbyshire. MERSEY. New Brighton, Cheshire. Near Southport ; Seaforth common, Bootle, Lancashire. HUMBER. Cronckley Pell ; Stockton forest ; Settle ; Eichmond ; York ; Knaresborough ; WhitsunclifFe near Thirsk, &c., Yorkshire. 328 HISTORY OF BRITISH FERNS. TYNE. Middleton, Teesdale; Gateshead Fell, Durham. Prest- wick Carr near Ponteland, Northumberland. LAKES. Loughrigg; P airfield; Kirkstone, Sec., Westmoreland. Borrowdale ; Keswick ; Derwentwater ; Scaw Pell, &c., Cumberland. Conistone, N. Lancashire. W. LOWLANDS. Grey mare's tail, and elsewhere, Dumfriesshire, P. Gray. Hills above Dalscairth; Port Ling, coast of Colvend, Kircudbright shire, P. Gray. E. LOWLANDS. Lammermuirs; Lamberton moor, Berwick- shire. Roxburgh shire. Haddingtonshire. Edinburghshire. E. HIGHLANDS. Stirlingshire. Clackmannanshire. Kinross- shire. Pifeshire. Craig Challiach ; Breadalbane mountains (3,000 feet), Perthshire. Caulochen; Glen Dole, Clova; Sidlaw hills ; Sands of Barry, Dundee, Porfarshire. Glen Callater ; Deanston, &c., Aberdeenshire. Kingussie ; Dal- whynnie, Moray shire. W. HIGHLANDS. Prench Corrie, Strath Affarie, &c., W. Inver- ness-shire. Dunoon, Argyleshire. Dumbartonshire. Banks of Loch Sligachan, Isle of Skye. Isles of Islay and Cantyre. N. HIGHLANDS. Boss-shire. Sutherlandshire. Caithness, com- mon, T. Anderson. N. ISLES. Hovvton head, and elsewhere, Orkney. Shetland. W. ISLES. N. Uist. Harris. Lewis. ULSTER. Belfast mountains; near Larne, Antrim. Arrigal; Muckish, and other hills of Donegal. Slieve Donard; Mourne mountains, Down. LOCAL DISTRIBUTION. CoNNAUGHT.-Hills by the Killery; Leenane; Connemara, Galway. LEtNSTEB.-Carlingford mountain, Louth. Dublin co. LYCOPODIUM SELAGO, Linnaius. PENiNSULA.-Cornwall. Sidmouth; Dartmoor, Devonshire. Somersetshire. CHANNEL.-Near Aldershot, Hampshire. Dorsetshire. Wfl shire. Waldron down ; Tilgate forest, &c., Sussex. THAMES. Highdown heath; near Cesar's Camp, Farnham, Surrey. Shotover hill, Oxfordshire. OUSE Felthorp heath ; Holt heath, Norfolk. SEVERN.-tColeshill; Birmingham, Warwickshire.] Worces- tershire. Staffordshire. Titterstone Glee, Shropshire. S WALES.-Glamorganshire. Plinlymmon, Cardiganshire. N WALES.-Anglesea. Denbighshire. Cader-Idris; betwee Festiniog and Llyn Cromorddyn, Merionethshire. Llai beris- Cwm-Idwal, &c., Snowdon, Carnarvonshire. TBENT.-Leicestershire. Rutland. Mansfield, Nottinghamsh Above Edale Chapel, Derbyshire. MEESEY.-Bidston, Cheshire. Woolston moss, near ^ ton; Todmorden, Lancashire. HuMBEK-Settle; Halifax; Ingleborough ; Wensley &c., Yorkshire. TYNE ._Falcon Glints, Teesdale, Durham. Prestwick Carr n Ponteland; Haltwhistle ; Cheviot, Northumberland. 330 HISTORY OF BRITISH FERNS. LAKES. Skiddaw ; Ennerdale ; Helvellyn, Cumberland. West- moreland. W. LOWLANDS. Lochan moss, Dumfriesshire, P. Gray. Hills above Dalscairth, and Mabie ; Criffel, Kircudbrightshire, P. Gray, Renfrewshire. Lanarkshire. E. LOWLANDS. Roxburghshire. Belford ; Lamberton moor, &c., Berwickshire. Pentland hills, Edinburghshire. E. HIGHLANDS. Clackmannanshire. Kinross-shire. Pifeshire. Perthshire. Glen Callater ; Stocket moor ; Ben-na-muich- Dhu (4,320 ft.) ; Loch-na-gar, Aberdeenshire. Nigg, Kincardineshire. Banffshire. Badenoch, Kingussie, Mo- ray shire. W. HIGHLANDS. Ben Nevis, W. Inverness-shire. Dunoon, Argyleshire. Goat Fell, Isle of Arran. Ben More, Isle of Mull. Ben Vigors, Islay. Cantyre. Skye. N. HIGHLANDS. Sutherlandshire. Ben Wyvis, Eoss-shire. Morveii, Caithness, T. Anderson. N. ISLES. Kirk wall, Mainland, /. T. Syme -, Hoy, T. Anderson, Orkney. W. ISLES. N. Uist. Harris. Lewis. ULSTER. Devis mountain, Antrim. Arrigal; Muckish, &c. 3 Donegal. Slieve Donard, Down. LEINSTER. Dublin co. MTJNSTEB. Mangerton ; Bandon ; Carran-Tual ; Killarney, Kerry. LOCAL DISTRIBUTION. 331 ISOETES LACUSTRIS, Linnxus. SEVERN. [Shropshire.] S. WALES. Lake below Brecon beacon, Brecknockshire. Gla- morganshire. N. WALES. Lakes of Denbighshire. Merionethshire. Ogwen ; Llyn-y-cwm ; Lakes of Llanberis, &c., Carnarvonshire. HUMBER. Castle Howard lake ; Foss reservoir near Coxwould, Yorkshire. TYNE. Prestwick Carr, Northumberland. LAKES. Bydal, and other lakes of Westmoreland. Ulleswater ; Eloutern Tarn, near Buttermere ; Crummock water ; Der- went water ; Wastwater, &c., Cumberland. Conistone, N. Lancashire. E. HIGHLANDS. Stirlingshire. Eifeshire. Loch Tay ; Loch Lubnaig, Perthshire. Loch Brandy ; Loch Whirrall, near Kettin, Eorfarshire. Loch Callader, Aberdeenshire. W. HIGHLANDS. Loch Sloy, Ben Yoirlich, Dumbartonshire. Lakes in the Isles of Skye and Bute. N. HIGHLANDS. Sutherlandshire. N. ISLES. Kirkwall (near the sea), Orkney, T. Anderson. ULSTER. Lakes in the Bosses, Donegal. Castle Blaney lake, Monaghan. CONN AUGHT. Lakes of Connemara. LEINSTER. Upper Lough Bray ; Glendalough, Wickiow, 332 HISTORY OF BRITISH FERNS. PILULARIA GLOBULIFERA, Linnaua. PENINSULA. Roche ; Marazion marsh, near Penzance, Corn- wall. Blackdown ; Polwhele, Devonshii'e. Maiden down, Somersetshire. CHANNEL. Lymington ; Holt forest ; Southampton ; Baddeiiey, Hampshire. Between Corfe Mullein and Poole ; Sandford bridge near Wareham, Dorsetshire. Warminster, Wilt- shire. Piltdown ; Charley North, common ; Quaybrook near Forest Row ; Chiltington, Sussex. THAMES. Northaw, Hertfordshire. Tver heath; Hounslow heath ; Hillingdon, Middlesex. Esher common ; near Reigate; Walton -on-the-hill ; Henley Park, Pirbright ; Roehampton, Surrey. OUSE. Hopton, Suifolk. Filby ; St. Faith's Newton ; Yar- mouth, Norfolk. Hinton bog, Cambridgeshire, J. PF. G. Gutch, B.S.L. Fen near Peterborough, Northamptonshire. SEVERN. Coleshill Pool, Warwickshire. Staffordshire. Bo- mere pool, Shropshire. S. WALES. Rhos Goch near Llandegly, Radnorshire. Moun- tain pool near Pont Nedd-Vechn, Glamorganshire. St. David's head, Pembrokeshire. N. WALES. Near Llanfaelog, Anglesea. Llyn-Idwal; Llan- beris lake, Carnarvonshire. TRENT. Leicestershire. LOCAL DISTRIBUTION, 333 MERSEY. Bagueley moor ; Beam heath near Nantwich ; Bar- lington heath ; Woove, Cheshire. Allerton, Lancashire. HUMBER. Near Richmond ; Stockton forest ; Gormire pool near Thirsk ; Terrington Carr, &c., Yorkshire. TYNE. Near Woolsingham ; Prestwick Carr, Ponteland, North- umberland. W. LOWLANDS. Dumfriesshire. ^Kirkcudbrightshire. Rother- glen, Lanarkshire. E. LOWLANDS. Pentland hills ; Braid hill marshes, Edinburgh- shire. E. HIGHLANDS. Perthshire. Slateford; Monroman moor; Alyth ; near Eorfar, and other parts of Eorfarshire. Loch of Drum, Kincardineshire. Morayshire. W. HIGHLANDS. Loch Lomond, Dumbartonshire. N. HIGHLANDS. Sutherlandshire. ULSTER. By the Blackwater near Lough Neagh ; by the Bann, below Jackson's hall, Coleraine, Antrim. CONNAUGHT. Ballinahynch, Galway. EQTJISETUM AEYENSE, Linncem. PENINSULA. Cornwall. Devonshire. Somersetshire. CHANNEL. Hampshire. Isle of Wight. Dorsetshire. Wilt- shire. Sussex. THAMES. Hertfordshire. Middlesex. Kent. Surrey. Ox- fordshire. Berkshire. Essex. 334 HISTORY OF BRITISH FERNS. OUSE. Suffolk. Norfolk. Cambridgeshire. Bedfordshire. Huntingdonshire. Northamptonshire. SEVERN. Warwickshire. Gloucestershire. Herefordshire. Worcestershire. Staffordshire. Shropshire. S. WALES. Glamorganshire. Pembrokeshire. Carmarthenshire. N. WALES. Anglesea. Denbighshire. Flintshire. TRENT. Leicestershire. Eutland. Lincolnshire. Nottingham- shire. Derbyshire. MERSEY. Lancashire. Cheshire. HUMBER. Yorkshire. TYNE. Durham. Northumberland. Isle of Man. LAKES. [No record.] W. LOWLANDS. Dumfriesshire. Kircudbrightshire. Lanark- shire. E. LOWLANDS. Berwickshire. Haddingtonshire. Edinburgh- shire. Linlithgowshire. E. HIGHLANDS. Stirlingshire. Clackmannanshire. Kinross- shire. Fifeshire. Perthshire. Forfarshire. Kincardine- shire. Aberdeenshire. Moray shire. W. HIGHLANDS. Argyleshire. Dumbartonshire. Isles of Islay and Can tyre. N. HIGHLANDS. Ross-shire. Sutherlandshire. Caithness. N. ISLES. Orkney, T. Anderson. Shetland. W. ISLES. Eoddall, Harris. CHANNEL ISLES. Jersey. LOCAL DISTRIBUTION. 335 EQUISETUM HYEMALE, Linnaus. PENINSULA. [Somersetshire.] CHANNEL. [Near Broadstitch Abbey, Wiltshire.] THAMES. [Middlesex.] Kent. Wanborough near Guildford, Surrey. OUSE. St. Faith's Newton ; Arming-hall wood, near Norwich, Norfolk. Stretham ferry, Gamlingay, Cambridgeshire. Potton marshes ; Ampthill bogs, Bedfordshire. SEVERN. Near Middleton, Warwickshire. Pencoyed, Here- fordshire. Moseley bog, Worcestershire. Staffordshire. Dell at Bitterley below the Clee hills, Shropshire. S. WALES. Swansea, Glamorganshire, /. W. G. Gutch, B.S.L. N. WALES. Wrexham, Denbighshire. Flintshire. TRENT. Grace Dieu wood, Charnwood forest ; Measham, Leices- tershire. Nettleworth green, near Mansfield ; Kirklington, Nottinghamshire. MERSEY. Near Arden hall ; Lally's wood, near Over ; Thurtas- ton, Cheshire. Mere Clough near Manchester, Lancashire. HUMBER. Halifax ; by the Derwent near Castle Howard ; Goadland dale near W T hitby ; Hackness near Scarborough ; by the Skell near Ripon ; Conesthorpe ; Bolton woods, Wharfdale ; Rigby woods near Pontefract, and many other parts of Yorkshire. TYNE. Hawthorn Dene ; Castle Eden Dene, Durham. Scots- 336 HISTORY OF BRITISH PERNS. wood Dene ; Mill green ; Heaton wood ; Felton ; W ark- worth, Northumberland. LAKES. Sowgelt bridge, Cumberland. Westmoreland. W. LOWLANDS. Barnbarrock, Colvend, Kircudbright shire. Ayr- shire. Carra Lyn ; Calderwood, Lanarkshire. E. LOWLANDS. Eosslyn ; Lasswade ; Dalkeith, and elsewhere about Edinburgh. Lamberton moor, Berwickshire. E. HIGHLANDS. Kenmore, Perthshire. Den of Airly, Forfar- shire. Park ; Eanks of the Dee, Kincardineshire. Pitten- driech ; Forres, Morayshire. N. HIGHLANDS. Eoss-shire. ULSTER. Antrim. Tyrone. LEINSTER. Powerscourt, Sec., Wicklow. Wood at Leislip Castle, and elsewhere about Dublin. EQUISETUM LIMOSUM, Linnceus. PENINSULA. Cornwall. Devonshire. Somersetshire. CHANNEL. Hampshire. Isle of Wight. Dorsetshire. Wilt- shire. Sussex. THAMES. Middlesex. Kent. Surrey, Hertfordshire. Ox- fordshire. Essex. OUSE. Suffolk. Norfolk. Cambridgeshire. Bedfordshire. Huntingdonshire. Northamptonshire. SEVERN. Warwickshire. Gloucestershire. Herefordshire. Worcestershire. Staffordshire. Shropshire. LOCAL DISTRIBUTION. 337 S. WALES. Glamorganshire. Carmarthenshire. N. WALES. Anglesea. Denbighshire. TRENT. Leicestershire. Rutland. Lincolnshire. Derbyshire. Nottinghamshire. MERSEY.- Cheshire. Lancashire. HUMBER. Yorkshire. TYNE. Durham. Northumberland. LAKES. Cumberland. Westmoreland. W. LOWLANDS. Dumfriesshire. Kircudbrightshire. Renfrew- shire. Lanarkshire. E, LOWLANDS. Roxburghshire. Berwickshire. Edinburgh- shire. E. HIGHLANDS. Clackmannanshire. Kinross-shire. Fifeshire. Perthshire. Forfarshire. Aberdeenshire. Morayshire. W. HIGHLANDS. Dumbartonshire. Loch Skyros, Islay (with var. "simplex "). N. HIGHLANDS. Ross-shire. Caithness-shire. N. ISLES.- Kirk wall, Orkney, /. T. Syme. W. ISLES. N. Uist. Harris. Lewis. ULSTER. i CONNAUGHT. > Common in Ireland. LEINSTER. MUNSTER. J CHANNEL ISLES. Jersey. 338 HISTORY OP BRITISH FERNS. EQUISETUM MACKAYI, Newman. E. HIGHLANDS. Den of Airly, Eorfarshire. Banks of the Dee, Aberdeenshire. ULSTER. Colin Glen, Belfast; "The Glens;" Calton Glen, Antrim. Ballyharrigan Glen, Londonderry. EQUISETUM PALUSTEE, Unnau*. PENINSULA. Cornwall. Brannton Burroughs, Devonshire (yar. nudum). Weston-super-mare (var. polystacJiion) ; sands at Bream (var. nudwri), Somersetshire. CHANNEL. Hampshire. Shanklin Chine and Cockleton (with var. polystacJiion) ; Moor town, Brixton; Easton Fresh- water gate, Isle of Wight. Dorsetshire. Spye Park (var. polystackion) ; Purton, Wiltshire. Sussex. THAMES. Hertford; Stortford; Hitchin; St. Albans, Hert- fordshire. Middlesex. Stoke; Woodbridge near Guildford, and Richmond park (var. polystacJiion), &c., Surrey. Strat- ford, Essex (var. polystacJdori). Oxfordshire. Essex. OUSE. Suffolk. Norfolk. Cambridgeshire. Bedfordshire. Northamptonshire. SEVERN. Harts-hill (var. polystacJiion)^ &c., Warwickshire. Gloucestershire. Herefordshire. Staffordshire. Worces- tershire. Shropshire. S. WALES. Glamorganshire. Carmarthenshire. Pembrokeshire. LOCAL DISTRIBUTION. 339 N. WALES. Anglesea. Denbighshire. Conway sands, Car- narvonshire (var.polystackion). TRENT. Leicestershire. Eutland. Lincolnshire. Derbyshire. Nottinghamshire. MERSEY Crosby (vars. polystachion and nuduni) ; Formby (var. polystachion) ; Broadbank (var. nudum\ Lancashire. Cheshire. HUMBER. Aldingham (var. nudum), and elsewhere, York- shire. TYNE. Durham. Northumberland. LAKE s . Westmoreland. W. LOWLANDS. Dumfriesshire. Kircudbrightshire. Lanark- shire. E. LOWLANDS. Berwickshire. Eoxburghshire. Edinburgh- shire. E. HIGHLANDS. Stirlingshire. Clackmannanshire. Kinross- shire. Fifeshire. Kincardineshire. Morayshire. Brea- dalbane mountains, Perthshire (vars. polystachion and nu- dum). Sands of Barry, Forfarshire (var. nudum). Braemar (var. polystachion) , and elsewhere, Aberdeenshire. W. HIGHLANDS. W.Inverness-shire. Argyleshire. Isles of Islay and Cantyre. N. HIGHLANDS. Caithness. Eoss-shire. N. ISLES. Orkney, common, T. Anderson. W. ISLES. Eoddal, Harris. 340 HISTORY OF BRITISH FERNS. ULSTER. Logan canal (var. poly >stacMori) ; near the Giant's Causeway, Antrim. -| CONNAUGHT. I Abundant in Ireland, especially LEINSTER. in the north. MUNSTER. j CHANNEL ISLES. Jersey. EQUISETUM SYLYATICUM, Linnaus. PENINSULA. Devonshire. Somersetshire. CHANNEL. Parsonage Lynch, Newchurch ; Apse heath, Isle of Wight. Dorsetshire, Wiltshire. Sussex. THAMES. Bell wood, and Bayford wood, Hertfordshire. High gate, Middlesex. Kent. Burgate, Godalming, Surrey. Bagley wood, Berkshire. High Beech, Essex. OUSE. Suffolk. Norfolk. Chesterton ; Madingley wood, Cam- bridgeshire. Bedfordshire. Northamptonshire, SEVERN. Arbury; Mosely bog near Birmingham, Warwickshire. Gloucestershire. Herefordshire. Worcestershire. Staf- fordshire. Benthal Edge, Shropshire. S. WALES. Hafod, and about the Devil's bridge, Cardiganshire. Carmarthenshire. Neath, Glamorganshire, E. Lees, B.S.L. N. WALES. Near Bala, Merionethshire. Denbighshire. TRENT. Leicestershire. Eutland. Southwood near Calke Abbey; Cromford moor, Derbyshire. Aspleywood; South- well, Nottinghamshire. LOCAL DISTRIBUTION. 341 MERSEY. Cheshire. Hurst Clough, Manchester; Egerton near Bolton, and elsewhere, Lancashire. HUMBER. Huddersfield ; Arncliffe woods; Castle Howard; Settle; Richmond; Leeds; Whitby; Forge Valley near Scarborough, &c., Yorkshire. TYNE. Morpeth; Hexham, Northumberland. Durham. LAKES. Ennerdale, &c., Cumberland. Westmoreland. W. LOWLANDS, Dumfriesshire. Kireudbrightshire. Renfrew- shire. Lanarkshire. E. LOWLANDS. Houndwood; Langridge Dean, Berwickshire. Eosslyn wood and elsewhere, Edinburgh. Roxburghshire. E. HIGHLANDS. Clackmannanshire. Kinross-shire. Banks of Bruar, Blair Athol ; Vicar's bridge ; Breadalbane mountains, Perthshire. Montrose ; Craig, &c., Eorfarshire. Eifeshire. Woodstone hills, Kincardineshire. Aberdeenshire. Caw- dor, Nairnshire. Moray shire. W. HIGHLANDS. W. Inverness-shire. By Loch Fine, Argyle- sliire. N. HIGHLANDS. Ross-shire. Sutherlandshire. N. ISLES. Orkney. Shetland. W. ISLES. Roddal, Harris. ULSTER. Antrim. Londonderry, Donegal. CONNAUGHT. Oughterard, Galway. LEINSTER. Stagstown, Dublin co. Wicklow. 342 HISTORY OF BRITISH FERNS. EQUISETUM TELMATEIA, Mrhart. PENINSULA. Cornwall. Undercliff near Sidmoutb, &c., Devon- shire. Somersetshire. CHANNEL. Hampshire. Luccomb cliff, &c., Isle of Wight. Dorsetshire. Wiltshire. Hastings, Sussex. THAMES. Hertfordshire. Hampstead, Middlesex. West Farleigh, Kent. Eeigate; Norwood; Godalming, Surrey. Oxfordshire. Berkshire. Buckinghamshire. Coggeshall, Warley, Essex. OUSE. Ipswich, Suffolk. Norfolk. Cambridgeshire. Bed- fordshire. Northamptonshire. SEVERN. Woods near Arbury hall, Warwickshire. Glouces- tershire. Worcestershire. Staffordshire. Shropshire. S. WALES. Glamorgan. Carmarthenshire. Pembrokeshire. N. WALES. Anglesea. Denbighshire. Bangor, Carnarvonshire. TRENT. Leicestershire. Derbyshire. Nottinghamshire. MERSEY. Poulton; Arden hall, Cheshire. Broadbank near Coin ; Todmorden ; Manchester, Lancashire. HUMBER. Arncliffe wood and elsewhere, Yorkshire. TYNE. Hawthorn Dene, Durham. Morpeth, Northumberland. LAKES. Cumberland. Westmoreland. W. LOWLANDS. Renfrewshire. Lanarkshire. E. LOWLANDS. Lamberton, between Berwick and Ayton, Ber- wickshire. Eosslyn and various places about Edinburgh. E. HIGHLANDS. Montrose; banks of S. Esk, Forfarshire. Kincardineshire. Aberdeenshire. LOCAL DISTRIBUTION. 343 W. HIGHLANDS. Campbelton, Argyleshire. Islay. Arran. N. ISLES. [Orkney.] ULSTER. ^ CONNAUGHT. } Frequent in Ireland. LEINSTER. MUNSTER. CHANNEL ISLES. Jersey. EQUISETUM UMBEOSUM, Willdenow. MERSEY. [Near Mere Clough, Manchester, Lancashire.] HUMBER. Yorkshire. TYNE. Wynch bridge, Teesdale, Durham. Near Felton ; Warkworth, Northumberland. LA KE s . Westmoreland. W. LOWLANDS. Bonnington woods ; woods near Corra Lyn ; Finglen near Glasgow, Lanarkshire. E. LOWLANDS. Woods on the banks of the Esk below Auchin- deuny, Edinburghshire. Woodcock dale ; Belleryde, W. H. Campbell, B.S.E., Linlithgowshire. E. HIGHLANDS. Campsie Glen, Stirlingshire. Castle Camp- bell woods, near Dollar, Clackmannanshire, J. T. Syme. Woods near Dunfermline, Fifeshire. Glen Tilt ; Ballater ; Lethen's dene, Ochils ; Glen Devon, Perthshire. Eavine of the White-water, Glen Dole, Clova ; banks of the Isla, Den of Airly, below Eeeky Lyn, G. Lawson ; Canlochen, 844 HISTORY or BRITISH FERNS. Glen Isla; by the Caledonian Canal, near Eorfar, Eorfar- shire. Aberdeenshire. Banffshire. Morayshire. ULSTER. Mountain glens of Antrim ; as at Wolf hill, and Glen- doon near Cushendall. EQUISETUM VABIEGATUM, Weber and MoJir. PENINSULA. Salcombe Cliff, Sidmouth, Devonshire. [So- mersetshire.] MERSEY. New Brighton, and near the Magazines, Cheshire. Bootle sands ; Southport ; Waterloo near Liverpool (var. arenarium), Lancashire. HUMBER. Aysgarth force, Yorkshire, B.S.E. TYNE. Widdy bank ; Wynch bridge ; Middleton, Teesdale ; and elsewhere near the Tees, Durham. Northumberland. LAKES. By the Irthing, at Gilsland, Cumberland. W. LOWLANDS. Lanarkshire. E. LOWLANDS. Near N. Berwick, Haddingtonshire. E. HIGHLANDS. Sands of Barry, Dundee, Forfarshire (var. arenarium). Banks of the Dee, Kincardineshire (with var. Wilsoni). N. HIGHLANDS. Tain, Eoss-shire, B.S.E. LEINSTER. Portmarnock sands; Royal canal (var. Wilsoni), both near Dublin. Wicklow, D. Moore. MUNSTER. Ditch at Mucruss, Killarney, Kerry (var. Wilsoni). APPENDIX. FOLYPODIUM ALPESTRE, Sprengel. The Alpine Polypody. This plant has exactly the habit and appearance of AtTiyrium Mlix-fcemina ; and hence Mr. Newman, in proposing to make it the type of a new family group, has called it Pseudathyrium alpestre. It is a very elegant plant, the fronds reaching from a foot to a foot and a half high, and growing terminally from a short creeping rhizome. The fronds are lance-shaped, narrowed to the base, and twice pinnately divided. The pinnae are lan- ceolate, acuminate; the pinnules lanceolate, acute, and deeply pinnatifid, with oblong sharply-serrated segments. The son are produced either at the sinus of the lobes of the pinnule, and thus form two distinct and distant lines parallel to, and on each side the midrib ; or the little lobes bear about four son, disposed in a row, on each side their midvein, and so near together as to become confluent into one mass. This species, hitherto known as a native of Switzerland, has been gathered by H. C. Watson, Esq., in the Highlands of 346 HISTORY OF BRITISH FERNS. Scotland. It was found so long since as 1841, but, from its close resemblance to AtJiyrium Filix-fcemina, has not been till just now recognized ; and it is probable that it may have been gathered by many persons in many parts of the Highlands, and passed by as the commoner species. The ascertained localities have been thus obligingly communicated by Mr. Watson : Mountains near Dalwhinnie, Inverness-shire, 1841. Great Corrie of Ben Aulder, Inverness-shire, 1841. Canlochen glen, Forfar- shire, 1844. This plant is no doubt the Aspidium alpestre of Hoppe ; and is also the Aspidium rlicei/lcum of Swartz, and Polypodium rhteti- cum of Woods, according to Newman. There is, moreover, reason to believe it is the Polypodium rhceticum of Linnaeus, and if this can be satisfactorily settled, the name rhaticum must supersede that of alpestre. It has been already mentioned that Mr. Newman constitutes it a new genus Pseudatliyrium. ADDITIONAL SYNONYMS. The following names have been published, or more promi- nently adopted, since the preceding pages were printed : Atliyrium Mlix-fcemina (p. 87) is A.incisum, Newman. AtJiyrium Mlix-fcemina t var. convexum (p. 89), is A. convexum, Newman. AtJiyrium Filix-fcemina, var. latifolium (p. 90), is the A.ovatum, Roth, according to Mr. Newman ; but we do not concur in this opinion. AtJiyrium Mlix-fcemina^ var. molle (p. 90), is A. molle (Tloth), Newman. Cystopteris fragilis, var. Dickieana (p. 1 08), is C. Dickieana (Sim), Newman. Cystopteris montana (p. 109) is C. Allioni, Newman. Lastrea cristata (p. 116) is Lophodium Callipteris, Newman, Lastrea cristata, var. uliginosa (p. 121), is Lophodium uliginosum, Newman. Lastrea dilatata (p. 123) is Lophodium multiftorum, Newman. 34)8 HISTORY OF BRITISH FERNS. Lastrea Filix-mas (p. 126) is LopJwdium Filix-mas, Newman. Lastrea fcenisecii (p. 129) is Lophodium fcenisecii, Newman. Lastrea glandulosa (p. 125) is LopJiodium glanduliferum, Newman, and L. glandulosum, Newman. Lastrea Oreopteris (p. 131) is HemestJieum montanum, Newman. Lastrea rigida (p. 132) is LopJiodium fragrans, Newman. Lastrea spinulosa (p. 134) is LopJiodium spinosum, Newman. Lastrea Thelypteris (p. 136) is Hemestheum montanum, Newman. Polypodium calcareum (p. 146) is Gymnocarpium Robertianum, Newman. Polypodium Dryopteris (p. 148) is Gymnocarpium Dryopteris, Newman. Polypodium Phegopteris (p. 150) is Gymnocarpium PJiegopteris> Newman. Polypodium vulgare (p. 152) is Ctenopteris vulgaris, Newman. Pteris aquilina (p. 163) is Eupteris aquilina, Newman. INDEX. Page. Acrosticlmm alpinum . . . .181 hyperboreum 181 ilvense. ...... 182 septentrionale .... 80 Spicant 96 Adiantum 45, 59 Capillus-Veneris, described 54, 60 its distribution . 62, 263 its culture 62 Allosorus 44, 63 crispus, described . . . 49, 64 its distribution . 65, 264 its culture 65 Amesium germanicum .... 73 Ruta-muraria . . . . 79 septentrionale . . . . 80 Aspidium aculeatum . . . .158 angulare ....'. 160 dilatatum 123 erosum 128 Filix-mas 129 Filix-fcemina 92 fontanum 72 Halleri 72 Lonchitis 161 montanum . . . .111 Page. Aspidium Oreopteris . . . .132 rigidum 132 spinulosum 134 Thelypteris 136 Asplenium 45, 65 acutum 69 Adiantum-nigrum, described 54, 66 its varieties . . . .68 its distribution . 68,266 its culture 69 alternifolium 73 Breynii 73 Ceterach 103 Filix-fbemina 92 fontanum, described . . . 53, 69 its distribution . 71, 268 its culture 71 germanicum, described . . 53, 72 its distribution . 73, 268 its culture 73 lanceolatum, described . . 53, 74 its distribution . 75, 268 its culture 74 marinum, described . . . 53, 76 its distribution . 76, 269 its culture 77 350 INDEX. Page. A.melanocaulon ...... 83 obtusum ....... 69 Ruta-muraria, described . 53, 78 - its distribution . 79, 271 Scolopendrium ..... 174 septentrionale, described . 53, 79 - its distribution . . .273 - its culture ..... 80 Spicant ....... 96 Trichomaues, described . . 53, 80 - its varieties . . . 53,82 - its distribution . 82, 273 - its properties .... 82 - its culture ..... 82 viride, described . . . . 53, 83 - its distribution . 84, 275 - its culture ..... 84 Athyrium ...... 44, 84 convexum . , ..... 347 Filix-fcemina, described . . 52, 87 - its varieties . . . 52, 89 - its distribution , 91, 276 - its culture ..... 92 incisum ........ 347 molle ........ 347 ovatum ....... 347 Barometz, or Scythian lamb, vegetable curiosity .. Bleclmum ...... boreale Spicant, described . . . - its distribution . - its culture BotrycMum ..... Lunaria, described . . . - its distribution . - its culture British Ferns, statistics of . a . 35 46, 93 96 55, 94 96, 279 96 47, 96 55, 97 99, 280 99 . 3 British ferns, literature of Page. . 5 Ceterach 45, 99 officinarum, described . 54, 100 its distribution . 102, 283 its culture 102 Classification of Terns .... 41 CLUB-MOSSES .... 47, 183 Cryptogramma crispa . . . . 65 Ctenopteris vulgaris . . . .347 Culture of Ferns 25 in the open air .... 25 in Wardian cases , . .26 Cyathea montana Ill regia 105 incisa 105 Cystea regia 105 Cystopteris .... 44, 103 Allioni . . . 347 alpina, described . . . . 52, 104 its distribution . 105, 286 Dickieana 347 fragilis, described . . 51, 106 its varieties . 51, 52, 107 its distribution . 108, 286 its culture 109 montana, described . . 52, 109 its distribution . Ill, 289 Distribution of Ferns .... 29 statistics of 30 EQUISETUMS, denned . 48, 217, 221 structure of 218 uses of 220 culture of 253 Equisetum 221 arvense, described . . 57, 222 its distribution . 222, 333 INDEX. 351 Page. E. elongatum 232 Hemestheum Thelypteris . HORSETAILS, defined . . Hymenophyllum . . tunbridgense, described . its distribution its culture . Page. . . 348 48, 217 46,112 55,113 114, 289 . . 114 hyemale, described . . 58, 226 its distribution . 228, 335 its uses 228 limosum, described . . 57, 229 its distribution . 229, 336 its uses 232 unilaterale, described its distribution Wilsoni 55, 114 115, 290 . . 114 Mackayi, described . . 58, 232 its distribution . . 23, 338 palustre, described . . 58, 235 its distribution . 235, 338 its varieties . . . .236 sylvaticum, described . 57, 238 its distribution . 243, 340 Telmateia, described . 57, 243 its distribution . 246, 342 umbrosum, described . 57, 246 its distribution . 249, 343 variegatum, described . 58, 250 its varieties . . 58,252 its distribution . 253, 344 Eupteris aquilina 348 Indusium . . 18 Isoetes 48, 204 . 56, 205 . . 331 . . 209 lacustris, described . . its distribution its culture . . TiRfSt'-peRr 44, 116 . . 125 collina cristata, described . 50, its distribution its culture . 116,118 121, 292 121 its varieties . . dilatata, described . 51, its distribution its culture . 51, 121 119, 123 125, 293 125 FILICES, defined 43 Fructification . .... 17 Genera of British Ferns . . .43 Germination of Ferns .... 22 conditions requisite for . . 22 its varieties . . Dryopteris 50, 124 . . 150 erosa . .... . . 128 Filix-mas, described . . its varieties . . its distribution its culture . 50, 126 50, 128 129, 295 . . 129 . . 125 Grammitis Ceterach . . . .103 Groups of British Ferns ... 43 Gymnocarpium Dryopteris . .348 Phegopteris . . . 348 foenisecii, described . 51, its distribution 119, 129 130, 296 . . 131 Robertianum 348 Gymnogramma Ceterach . . .103 the gold and silver Ferns . 3 Hemestheum montanum . . . 348 maculata . . 125 Oreopteris, described its distribution - . 50, 131 132, 297 352 INDEX. Page. L. Oreopteris, its culture . . .132 Phegopteris 152 recurva 131 rigida, described .... 50, 132 its distribution . 133, 300 its culture 134 spinulosa, described 54, 118, 134 its distribution . 136, 300 its culture 136 Thelypteris, described . 50, 136 its distribution . 137, 301 its culture 137 uliginosa .... 51, 118, 121 Lepidodendrons 186 Lomaria Spicant . . . . . 96 Lophodium Callipteris .... 347 Filix-mas 348 foenisecii 348 fragrans 348 glanduliferum .... 348 multiflorurn 347 spinosum 348 uliginosum 347 LYCOPODIUMS, defined . . 47, 183 structure of 183 uses of 186 fossil 186 culture of 199 Lycopodium .... 47, 183 alpinum, described . . 56, 187 its distribution . . .189 its uses 189 annotinum, described . 56, 189 its distribution . 191, 324 clavatum, described . . 56, 191 distribution . . 193, 324 its uses 193 inundatum, described . 56, 194 its distribution . 194,326 Page. L. selaginoides, described . 56, 195 its distribution . 196, 327 Selago, described . . 56, 196 its distribution . 196, 329 its uses 199 MARSILEACEJS, denned ... 47 Nephrodium fcenisecii . . . .131 Notolopeum Ceterach .... 103 Onoclea Spicant 96 OPHIOGLOSSACE^E, defined . . 46 OpMoglossum ... 47, 137 vulgatum 55, 138 its distribution . 139, 303 its culture 139 OSMUNDACE^, defined ... 46 Osmunda ..... 46,139 borealis 96 crispa 65 Lunaria 99 regalis, described . . 55, 142 its distribution . 144, 305 its culture 144 Spicant 96 PEPPERWORTS, defined . 47, 204 Pilularia 48,211 globulifera, described . 57, 212 its distribution . 216, 332 its culture 209 POLYPODIACE.E, defined ... 43 Aspidiese 44 Aspleniese 44 Dicksoniese 46 Polypodieae 43 Pteridese 45 Polypodium .... 43, 145 INDEX. 353 Page. P. aculeatum 158 alpestre, described . . . .345 its distribution . . .307 alpinum 105 calcareum, described . 49, 146 its distribution . 147, 307 its culture 147 cambricum 154 Dryopteris, described . 49, 148 its distribution . 150, 308 its culture 148 Filix-femina 92 Filix-mas 129 fontanum 72 hyperboreum 181 ilvense 182 Lonchitis 161 montanum Ill Oreopteris 132 Phegopteris, described . 49, 150 its distribution . 150, 311 its culture 152 rigidum 132 Robertianum 147 spinulosum 134 Thelypteris 137 vulgare, described . . 49, 152 its varieties . . 49, 154 its distribution . 152, 313 its culture 154 Polystichum . . . . 44, 155 aculeatum, described . 51, 156 its distribution . 158, 341 its culture 158 its varieties . . 51, 157 angulare, described . . 51, 158 its varieties . . 51, 159 its distribution . 159, 317 its culture . .160 P. Lonchitis, described its distribution its culture . . Preservations of Terns in selection of . . arrangement of . Propagation of Ferns . Pseudathyrium alpestre Pteris aquilina, described . its varieties its distribution its culture . . Page. . 51, 160 . 161, 318 ... 161 herbaria 37 ... 37 ... 39 ... 20 ... 345 . 45, 162 . 54, 163 . 54, 167 . 167, 319 ... 167 Receptacle 16 Scolopendrium . . . 45, 168 alternifolium 73 Ceterach ....... 103 officiiiarum 174 Phyllitidis 174 Ruta-muraria 79 septentrionale 80 vulgare, described . . 54, 169 its varieties . . 54, 171 its distribution . 173, 319 its culture 173 Scythian lamb, a vegetable curiosity 3 5 Sorus 17 Spore-cases 17 Spores 17 compared with seeds . . 20 their structure .... 20 their mode of growth . . 21 Structure 7 what a Fern is .... 8, 43 root 9 stems 10 leaves, or fronds 11 354 INDEX. Page, leaves, or fronds, great variety of 1 3 duration of .... 13 parts of 13 mode of division ... 15 aestivation of . . . . 16 venation of .... 16 stipes 14 fructification 17, 18 receptacle 16 19 96 1 2 43 internal structure Struthiopteris Spicant . . . Study of Perns, inducement to best method of Table of groups and genera Table of species . . t . . . 49 Topographical aspect of Ferns . 30 arborescent, or tree Terns . 30 shrubby Ferns . . . . 31 herbaceous Ferns ... 31 epiphytal Ferns . . . . 32 Page. Trichomanes .... 46, 174 brevisetum 178 radicans, described . . 55, 175 its variety 177 its distribution . 177, 321 its culture 178 speciosum 178 Uses of Ferns 33 food-yielding species . . 33 medicinal species ... 34 oeconomical species ... 35 Woodsia 44, 178 alpina 180 hyperborea, described . 50, 179 its distribution . 181,321 its culture 181 ilvensis, described . . 50, 181 its distribution . .321 Printed by Reeve and Nichols, Heathcock Court, 414, Strand. LIST OF WORKS PRINCIPALLY ON NATURAL AND PHYSICAL SCIENCE, PUBLISHED BY REEVE AND CO., 5, HENRIETTA STREET, COVENT GARDEN. 1. WESTERN HIMALAYA AND TIBET; the Narrative of a Journey through the Mountains of Northern India, during the Years 1847 and 1848. 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