AIM INB. C LIBRARY THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA SANTA BARBARA $ PRESENTED BY ROSARIO CURLETTI f MY PRETTY PRIMER. " LOOK, mamma, I have just received the new Primer. I am so glad, I will now learn my letters, and soon be able to read in the Bible." " Yes, my dear, it is a beautiful book, and you must take great care of it. I have heard that some kind ladies, who love little children, had this pretty Primer made for their use." * " But do, mamma, tell me all that is in it. I do want to know so much what all these pictures are." "Well, my dear, I will read it all through to you, and then you shall begin at the beginning, and learn to read every page for yourself. Here, you see these large ABC letters, and each one has a picture, which I will explain to you as you go on. Then here, you PICTORIAL FIRST BOOK. see these short words, which you shall learn to spell. Besides, there are some sweet little prayers and hymns, which you must learn by heart, and repeat them to me morning and evening, and a great many other things which will please you very much." " ! I shall be so glad to learn it all myself." " To-morrow, my dear, we will begin, bright and early, and if you are a good child, and will be atten- tive, you will soon be able to read." TH-E PICTORIAL a is for Adam, the father of all ; He sinned, and his children partook of his fall. PICTORIAL FIRST BOOK. is for Babel; how foolish and vain The plan of its builders, a great name to gain ! is for Calvary ; there may I see God's hatred for sin, and compassion for me. PICTORIAL FIRST BOOK. is for Daniel ; the lions, though wild, At the prayer of the Prophet are harmless and mild. stands for Elijah, courageous and good; !_ The brook gave him drink, and the ravens his food. PICTORIAL FIRST BOOK. is for Flood ; in the Ark, we are told, God saved faithful Noah, his servant of old. stands for Goliath, who Israel defied ; A stone from a sling has humbled his pride. PICTORIAL FIRST BOOK. u is for Harp ; when to heaven we soar, God's praise shall resound from our harps evermore. is for Idol ; oh ! may I have none, But worship and love my Creator alone. 10 PICTORIAL FIRST BOOK. is for Jordan ; the waters withdrew, To the right and the left, till the Prophet went through. is for Korah ; how dreadful his doom ! The earth opening wide, prepares him a tomb. PICTORIAL FIRST BOOK. 11 is for Lazarus; though poor and forlorn, By angels his soul was to Paradise borne. is for Martyr; in the cause of his Lord See Stephen expire, sustained by his word. 12 PICTORIAL FIRST BOOK. is for Nineveh; Jonah was sent To pronounce its sad doom, unless it repent. is for Ostrich ; the desert its home, Which leaves k its young brood o'er the hot sands to roam. PICTORIAL FIRST BOOK. 13 is for Prodigal; far, far away, From his home and his God, he was tempted to stray. is for Quiver ; its arrows, so bright, Were shot to warn David to hasten his flight. 14 PICTORIAL FIRST BOOK. r is for Rainbow, God's token on high, That by a new deluge the world shall ne'er die. is for Samuel ; who still in his youth Communed with his God, and held fast to the truth. PICTORIAL FIRST BOOK. 15 is for Temple the house of the Lord ; Let each heart be a temple where God is adored. u is for Uzzah ; let us beware, Nor approach sacred things without reverence and care. 16 PICTORIAL FIRST BOOK. - v. ., < y is for Vine, with its ripe clusters fair : Christ too is a Vine ; of his fruit may I share. W is for Well ; how blest shall I be, If the well-spring of life yield its waters to me ! PICTORIAL FIRST BOOK. 17 is a Cross, where Christ bowed his head, While to cleanse away sin was his precious blood shed. is for Yoke ; how easy and light Is the yoke of the Gospel ! a Chris- tian's delight. 18 PICTORIAL FIRST BOOK, >is for Zaccheus; " Coine down from the tree," Said Jesus, " to-day I will tarry with thee." Aa Bb Cc Da E e Ff fie Hh . Ii Jj Kk Li Mm Nn Oo P P Qq Er u s Tt Uu Vv Ww Xx Yy Z z PICTOBIAL FIRST BOOK. 19 ALPHABET USED IN WRITING. a & && M, G 20 ALPHABETICAL VERSE, CONTAINING ALL THE LETTERS OF THE ALPHABET. GOD gives the grazing ox his meat ; He quickly hears the raven's cry : But man, who tastes his finest wheat, Should joy to lift his praises high. y oa aive6 tne aiaxina* ex nia meat ; (f & C//ll/tC7&t' / lj' 7iC(l16 tfcf} 1CC,V7l 6 C111 : / 7 / /> /> / man, wno ta&teA ni6 vine&t zfr f X/ ' j- S'Jj. /' / /' / ta> tow Co t-i't-t Tii6 jiiai&e6 fiian. PICTORIAL FIRST BOOK. 21 VOWELS. A E I U Y a e i o u y DOUBLE LETTERS. fl ff(ff) fi(fi) fl(fl) ffi(ffi) ffl(ffl) DIPHTHONGS. AandE. and E. JEorse (B or.oe 22 PICTORIAL FIRST BOOK. SPELLING IN TWO LETTERS. AB BA CA DA FA GA HA KA LA EB BE CE DE FE GE HE KE LE IB BI CI DI FI GI HI KI LI OB BO CO DO FO GO HO KO LO UB BU CU DI FU GU HU KU LU ma na pa ra sa ta va wa ya me ne pe re se te ve we ye mi ni pi ri si ti vi wi yi mo no po ro so to vo wo yo mu nu pu ra su tu vu wu yu PICTORIAL FIRST BOOK. 23 FLY. BOWL. FAN. CART. DOG. PIG. GIRL. FEET. DEER. DUCK. BOOK. CROW. 24 PICTORIAL FIRST BOOK. SPELLING IN THREE LETTERS. Ark Dun Hut Lap Old Tar .Arm i A Eat Hot Lad Pig Tan / \ !/ A vl" l^\-i l> Eye Inn Law Pet Tub Ant Ear 111 Leg Pen Urn Age Egg Ink Man Pin Use Bag End Ire Mat Pat Vat Boy Fat Ivy Mob Red Van Bee Fig Jug Mow Rag Vie But Fog. Jaw Met Rat Vow Big Fly Jet Nut Ray Wet Car Fed Job Nap Rod Wit Cat Gun Jog Net Sun Wag Cap Get Kid Not Sea Wax Cut Gas Keg Nun Set Way Can Gay Key Oar Say Yea Dog Gag- Kin Oak Sow Yet Dig Hog Ken Odd Top Yes Den Hug Log Oil Tea You Did Hit Let Our Tin Yon PICTORIAL FIRST BOOK. 25 GOOSE. WELL. KITE. GRAPES. HOOP. BROOM. SWAN- HARP. GOAT. STAR. TONGS. CHAIR. PICTORIAL FIRST BOOK. SPELLING IN FOUR LETTERS. Arts Dust Hand Nail Seal Arms Drum Hunt Nest Save Boat Eyes Harp Nose ^ Seat Bark Ears Isle Nuts Town Bell Eggs Jump Oats Time Book Fear John Oars True Bind Face Jane Pond Turn Bowl Frog Kill Pear Vine Cart Foot Kind Pump Yile Call Fowl Love Pink Well Cull Fork Live Ring Wood Corn Fire Leaf Rake Work Crow Goat Meek Rage Whip Duck Girl Meat Read Yarn Deer Good Moon Rain Year Door Hill Mind Swan Zest PICTORIAL FIRST BOOK. 27 SWING. SCYTHE. SPADE. HOUSE. INKSTAND. HANDS. See how that boy swings. If the swing should break, he will get a bad fall. The scythe is a kind of large knife, which men use to mow grass with. An inkstand holds the ink, with which we write. The spade is a tooj with which men dig up the ground. This house was made with men's hands. Good boys and girls, when they are dead, will dwell in a house not made with hands. 28 PICTORIAL FIRST BOOK. SENTENCES IN ONE SYLLABLE. God is good. I love God. The rose is red. The sun shines. The boy is good. Trees bear fruit. The day dawns. Dogs will bark. Eead your book. Rain w r ets the ground. The bee stings. He takes a walk. The house is on fire. God loves good boys. Hope cheers the heart. Be kind to all. Let us pray. Grass is green. The horse runs. The leaves fall. He lost his hat. Sing praise to God, Birds sing. Stars are bright. Ice is cold. Christ died for us. God's works are great. Swear not at all. My dear boy. My dear good girl. PICTORIAL FIRST BOOK. 29 SPELLING IN FIVE LETTERS. Bread Stick Cries World House There Clear Earth Chair Where Nests Cross Grass Think Month Plume Stove Brook Brush Laugh Straw Stool Fresh Green Frame Straw Quite Child Brand Wound Sweet Deign Fruit Large Which Shook Brown Build Right Stuck Piece Leave Round Could Watch Field Mouth Would Winds Heard First Whose Steel Sings Grand Nurse Burnt Broom Learn Shall Lamps Bring Quick Dress Spade Voice Teach Pride 30 PICTORIAL FIRST BOOK. SPELLING IN TWO SYLLABLES. A-bate En-joy Je-sus Pat-tern A-buse Ex-alt Ju-dah Pas-tor Ad-mire Ex-eel Jes-se Pray-er A-dorn Ex-pel Jew-ish Pon-der Be-gin Fa-tal Keep-er Ee-lax Be-ware Fi-nal Kneel-ing Ke-call Be-low Fa-ble Kin-die Ke-pent But-ter Fan-cy Li-ar Ee-deem Bi-ble God-ly Let-ter Sin-ner Chi-na Gid-dy Lis-ten Sa-ved Cel-lar Glo-ry Mer-it Tru-ly Ce-dar Hap-py Mer-cy Ten-der Da-vid Har-bour Mu-sic Un-wise Dol-lar Ho-ly Nar-row Yer-sion De-cay Has-ten Nev-er Yol-ume De-fer In-ward Ob-ject Wis-dom Ef-face Im-age Or-der World-ly PICTORIAL FIRST BOOK. 31 EASY BEADING. CREATION. IN six days, God made all things. He made the sun to shine by day. He made the moon and stars to shine by night. He made the trees and the grass and the flowers. He made the beasts of the field and the fish of the sea. When he had made all things he said they were very good. The same God made my soul and body. He gives me food to eat, water to drink, and clothes to wear. He gives me kind friends to take care of me. I should love God for all he does for me. 32 PICTORIAL FIRST BOOK. PRAISE FOR MERCIES SPIRITUAL AND TEMPORAL. WHENE'ER I take my walks abroad, How many poor I see ! What shall I render to my GOD For all his gifts to me ? Not more than others I deserve, Yet GOD has given me more ; For I have food, while others starve, Or beg from door to door. How many children in the street Half naked I behold ; While I am clothed from head to feet, And covered from the cold ! PICTORIAL FIRST BOOK. 33 While some poor wretches scarce can tell Where they may lay their head, I have a home wherein to dwell, And rest upon my bed. While others early learn to swear, And curse, and lie, and steal, LORD, I am taught thy name to fear, And do thy holy will. Are these thy favours day by day, To me above the rest ? Then let me love thee more than they, And try to serve thee best. The LORD is good to all : and his tender mercies are over all his works. 3 34 PICTORIAL FIRST BOOK. THE FIRST MAN. ADAM was the first man. Eve was the first woman. Cain and Abel were their sons. Cain was wicked and Abel was good. Cain was angry and killed Abel. Little children should not let their angry pas- sions rise, or they may become like Cain. AGAINST QUARRELLING AND FIGHTING. LET dogs delight to bark and bite, For God hath made them so ; Let bears and lions growl and fight, 4 For 'tis their nature too. PICTORIAL FIRST BOOK. 35 But, children, you should never let Such angry passions rise ; Your little hands were never made To tear each other's eyes. Let love through all your actions- run, And all your words be mild-; Live like the blessed Virgin's Son, That sweet and lovely child. His soul was gentle as a lamb ; And, as his stature grew, . He grew in favour, both with man & And GOD his Father too. Now, LORD of all, he reigns above, And from his heavenly throne He sees w r hat children dwell in love, And marks them for his own. i 36 PICTORIAL FIRST BOOK. THE FLOOD. WHEN the world became very wicked, GOD sent a great flood of waters, and drowned the people. Noah was a good man, and GOD told him to make a great ark, or boat, which would float on the waters. In this ark, Noah and his wife, and his three sons and their wives, were saved, with a great many animals, while all the rest were drowned. PICTORIAL FIRST BOOK. 37 THE RAINBOW. WHEN the Flood was over, the ark rested on the top of a high mountain. Then GOD told Noah that He would never drown the world again with a Flood. He placed the Rainbow in the clouds as a sign that the world should never again be drowned with a Flood. 38 PICTORIAL FIRST BOOK. LIVING IN TENTS. IN the time of Abraham, the people lived in tents instead of houses. The Arabs and the American Indians still live in tents. When they travel, they take them down, and put them on the backs of camels and horses, and they carry them. PICTORIAL FIRST BOOK. 39 JONAH CAST INTO THE SEA. THE prophet Jonah thought he could escape from GOD by going to sea in a ship. But GOD raised a great storm, and when the sailors knew that it was because they had dis- obedient Jonah with them, they threw him into the sea. A great fish swallowed Jonah. GOD will punish "all who disobey Him. L 40 PICTORIAL FIRST BOOK. DANIEL PRAYING. A WICKED king told Daniel that if he prayed to GOD, he would cast him into a den of lions. Daniel was not afraid, but kneeled down three times a day, and prayed to GOD with all his heart. Then the king cast him into the den, but the lions would not hurt him. GOD will take care of all who trust in Him and obey his holy will. PICTORIAL FIRST BOOK. 41 THE PRODIGAL SON. THE Prodigal Son left his father's house, and spent all his money in bad company. Then he was in great distress, and could not get bread to eat. This made him think how wicked he had been ; and he was very sorry for what he had done. He went back to his father, and confessed his sin, and his kind father fell on his neck and kissed him. If we are sorry for our sins, GOD will forgive us. 42 P1CTUKIAL FIRST BOOK. IDOLATERS. THERE are many heathen people that do not know the true GOD, and never have heard of the Bible. They make images of wood and stone, and call them gods, and bow before them, and worship them. Poor blind people! how* we should pity them, and pray that missionaries should be sent to them, to teach them better. PICTORIAL FIRST BOOK. 43 GRAPES. LOOK at these beautiful grapes! They grow upon a vine, and the bunches are called clusters. In the land of Judea the grapes were very large and sweet. When grapes are dried they are called raisins. Wine is made of the juice of grapes. 44 PICTORIAL FIRST BOOK. FIGURES. 1 2 3 4 One Two Three Four 5 6 7 8 Five Six Seven Eight 9 10 11 12 Nine Ten Eleven Twelve 13 M 15 16 Thirteen Fourteen 1 Fifteen Sixteen 17 18 19 20 Seventeen Eighteen Nineteen Twenty PICTORIAL FIRST BOOK. 45 OTHER FIGURES. I II III IV One Two Three Four Y VI VII VIII Five Six Seven Eight IX X XI XII Nine Ten Eleven Twelve XIII XIV XV XVI Thirteen Fourteen Fifteen Sixteen XYII XVIII XIX XX Seventeen Eighteen Nineteen Twenty XXX XL L - - LX i Thirty Forty Fifty Sixty LXX LXXX XC C Seventy Eighty Ninety One Hundred 46 PICTORIAL FIRST BOOK. THESE ARE POINTS OR STOPS. . Comma. ; Semicolon. : Colon. . Period. ( ) Parenthesis. - Hyphen. ' * Accents. Dash. ? Note of interrogation. ! Note of exclamation. QUESTIONS. Q. How many days are there in a week ? A. Seven. Q. What are their names ? A. Sunday (or Sabbath), Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday. Q. How many months are there in a year ? A. Twelve. | Q. What are their names and order ? ^ A. January, February, March, April, May, June, July, Au- gust, September, October, November, December. PICTORIAL FIRST BOOK. 47 Q. How many days are there in a month ? A. Some have thirty-one, some thirty, and one twenty-eight or nine, Q. Repeat the little verse, showing these numbers. A. Thirty days hath September, April, June, and November, All the rest have thirty-one Except February alone. This has twenty-eight in fine, Till leap year gives it twenty-nine. Q. How often does leap year come ? A. Once every four years. Q. Which are called the Spring months ? A. March, April, and May. Q. Which are the Summer months ? A. June, July, and August. Q. Which the Fall or Autumn months ? A. September, October, and November. Q. And which the Winter months ? A. December, January, February. Q. How many hours are there in a day ? A. Twenty-four. Q. How many minutes in an hour ? A. Sixty. 48 PICTORIAL FIRST BOOK. Q. How many seconds in a minute ? A. Sixty. WHERE IS GOD? IN the sun, the moon, the sky ; On the mountain, wild and high ; In the thundeiyin the rain, In the grove, the wood, the plain ; In the little birds that sing : GOD is seen in everything. LORD'S PRAYER. OUR Father, which art in heaven, Hallowed he thy name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our debts as we forgive our debtors. And lead us not into temp- tation, but deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, for ever. Amen. PICTORIAL FIRST BOOK. 51 THE TEN COMMANDMENTS IN VERSE. 1. THOU no gods shalt have but me : 2. Before no idol bend the knee. 3. Take not the name of GOD in vain : 4. Dare not the Sabbath day profane. 5. Give both thy parents honour due : 6. Take heed that thou no murder do. 7. Abstain from words and deeds unclean : 8. Steal not, though thou be poor and mean. 9. Make not a wilful lie r nor love it : 10. What is thy neighbour's do not covet. SUM OF THE TEN COMMANDMENTS. WITH all thy soul love GOD above, And as thyself thy neighbour love. THE BIBLE. THE Bible is GOD'S holy book. All good people love the Bible. I should read in it every day. It tells me of JESUS 52 PICTORIAL FIEST BOOK. CHRIST who is my Saviour. It points out the way to heaven. I must not therefore forget or neglect my Bible. THE SAVIOUR WHO is the Saviour of men ? The LORD JESUS CHRIST is the only Saviour. He is the Way, the Truth, and the Life. No one can eome to the Father in heaven, but by him. Do little children need a Saviour ? Yes, children are sinners, and cannot save themselves. JESUS j said, Suffer little children to come unto me, and forbid them not, for of such is' the kingdom of heaven. PRAYER FOR A CHILD. MY Father in heaven, I am a sinful child. I pray thee to forgive whatever I have done wrong. Give me a better heart, that I may love and serve GOD. Make me obedient to my dear father and mother. Keep me from all sinful thoughts, words, and ways. Bless my dear parents, brothers, sisters, and all re- lations. Prepare me to die, and go to heaven, for the sake of JESUS CHRIST, my Saviour. Amen. PICTORIAL FIRST BOOK. 53 GOING TO BED. Now I lay me down to sleep, I pray the LORD my soul to keep If I should die before I wake, I pray the LORD my soul to take ; And this I ask for JESUS' sake. AN EVENING PRAYER. FATHER, I thank thee for this day, For health, and friends, and food ; Oh wash my many sins away In JESUS' precious blood. LORD, through the silence of the night, Be to my pillow near, And with returning life and light. Still make a child thy care. GETTING UP IN THE MORNING. Now I awake and see the light, "Tis GOD who kept me through the night. 54 FACTORIAL FIRST BOOK. To him I lift my voice and pray, That he would keep me through the day ; If I should die before 'tis done, GOD, accept me through thy SON. A MORNING PRAYER. I THANK my GOD who, through the night, Has kept me, till the morning light. LORD, on my knees I humbly pray For grace and mercy, through the day. Keep me this day from every sin, And every wicked thought within ; Under thy care my childhood take, And hear my prayer, for JESUS' sake. MORNING HYMN. THE morning bright With rosy light, Hath waked me from my sleep ; Father, I own, Thy love alone, Thy little one doth keep. !l PICTORIAL FIRST BOOK. 55 All through the day, I humbly pray, Be thou my guard and guide ; My sins forgive, And let me live, Blest JESUS ! near thy side. make thy rest Within my breast, Great Spirit of all grace ; Make me like thee, Then I shall be Prepared to see thy face. EVENING HYMN. JESUS, tender Shepherd, hear me ! Bless thy little lamb, to-night : Through the darkness be thou near me ; Watch my sleep till morning light. All this day thy hand has led me, And I thank thee for thy care ; M j 50 PICTORIAL FIRST BOOK. li Thou hast clothed me warmed and fed me,- Listen to my evening prayer. Let my sins be all forgiven ; Bless the friends I love so well ; Take me, when I die, to heaven, Happy there with thee to dwell. GOLDEN RULE. To do to all men as I would That they should do to me, Will make me kind, and just, and good, And so I'll try to be. DUTY TO GOD AND OUR NEIGHBOUR. LOVE GOD with all your soul and strength, With all your heart and mind, And love your neighbour as yourself: Be faithful, just, and kind. PICTORIAL FIRST BOOK. 57 KEEP THE SABBATH HOLY. A SABBATH well spent Brings a week of content, And strength for the toils of the morrow ; But a Sabbath profaned, Whatsoever be gained, Is a certain forerunner of sorrow. METRICAL CATECHISM FOR CHILDREN. 1. Who made all things? GOD made all things in earth and sky, From worms that creep, to clouds that fly. 2. Where is God ? I cannot find a lonely spot, Where the Almighty GOD is not. 3. What is God ? GOD is a Spirit, just and wise, We cannot see with mortal eyes. 58 PICTORIAL FIRST BOOK. 4. Can Grod see you ? He sees me in the darkest night, As well as in the noonday bright. 5. Can you hide from G-od ? I cannot from his presence fly, Nor hide me from his piercing eye. 6. How long lias G-od lived f Before the sun, he lived always, I cannot count eternal days. 7. Is Crod great f He must be very, very great, Who could such mighty worlds create. 8. Is G-od powerful f He holds the lightnings in his hand, And thunders roll at his command. 9. Is Crod holy? He is so holy and so pure, He can't the smallest sin endure. 10. Is God good? How good he is no man can tell, Nor angels, who in glory dwell. PICTORIAL FIRST BOOK. 59 11. What good has G-od done you ? He sent His only Son to die For such a sinful worm as I. 12. Is God merciful? If I repent, He will forgive My sinful soul, and let me live. 13. Will G-od ever change ? He changes not that awful name From age to age is still the same. WHAT THE GOOD CHILD LOVES. I LOVE the LORD who died for me, I love his little child to be ; I love the Bible, where I find How good my Saviour was, and kind ; I love his people and their ways, I love with them to pray and praise ; I love the Father and the Son, And Holy Spirit, three in one ; I love to think the time will come When I shall be in Heaven my home. PICTORIAL FIRST BOOK. MARY AND THE RAGGED CHILDREN. LITTLE Mary was going with a light and joyful heart to the Sabbath school, with her book in her hand, when she saw at the side of the road a little girl and boy pulling flowers. They were very meanly dressed, and Mary supposed they were poor, and had no one to take care of them. She could not help pitying them as she passed by, and at once the thought came into her mind, " Oh, I wish I could do some good to these poor children." She turned back, and taking the little ragged girl by the hand, she said, "Do you not know, little girl, that this is the holy Sabbath, and PICTORIAL FIRST BOOK. 61 that you should not spend your time idly here? Would you not like to go to the church, and attend the Sabbath school ?" The poor little girl said, "We have no clothes fit to go among grand people." "Oh," said Mary, "if you will come with me, the people at the church will be very kind to you. Do come." The little girl seemed ashamed and hung down her head, and then turning to her little brother she said, " Tommy, let us go. I should like to learn to read very much." Tommy agreed, and little Mary, with her heart full of joy, led them to the Sabbath school. They were put into the ABC class, and their kind teacher promised that if they would attend regularly she would give them some decent clothes. In a few months the once ragged girl and boy might be seen very neatly dressed, and both able to read in any part of the Bible. How much happier they are now than when they were found playing on the Sabbath, at the roadside ! And how happy little Mary felt when she saw how much good she had been the instrument of, to those poor children ! BE thankful, children, that you may Read this good Bible every day : 'Tis GOD'S own Word, which He has given To show your souls the way to heaven. 62 PICTORIAL FIRST BOOK. SUSAN IN. HER FATHER'S STUDY. "FATHER," said little Susan, "will * you let roe come into your study ?' 1 " 1'cs, my dear," said her father, "if you will be quiet, and sit down with your book, like a good girl." Susan came tripping in, but soon she began to meddle with the things on the table, and to disturb her father at his studies. "My dear," said he, "I am afraid you have forgotten your promise to be quiet. Do you not know that a study is not the place for play ?" Susan saw that he had a smile on his face. He was not PICTORIAL FIRST BOOK. 63 angry, for he loved his little Susan very much, and liked to have her near him, when he had not any thing particular to do. Susan looked up gaily and said, " Dear papa, I'll tell you what to do. Just put down your pen, and hear me spell and read in my beautiful new Primer." "That I will," said her father, "and be very well pleased." And now if you will look at the picture, there you will see kind papa sitting at his study-table, surrounded by his books, and globes, and papers, and little Susan standing by his side, spell- ing out the words in her Primer, and very much pleased that papa is listening to her FLOWERS. YE are the Scriptures of the earth, Sweet flowers, fair and frail ; A sermon speaks in every bud That woos the summer gale. Ye lift your heads at early morn, To greet the sunny ray ; And cast your fragrance forth to praise The LORD of night and day. PICTORIAL FIRST BOOK. THE SQUIRREL. " THE squirrel is happy, the squirrel is gay V Little Harry exclaimed to his brother ; " He has nothing to do, or to think of, but play, And to jump from one bough to another." But William was older and wiser, and knew That all play and no work wouldn't answer ; So he asked what the squirrel in winter must do, If he spent all the summer a dancer. " The squirrel, dear Harry, is merry and wise : For true wisdom and joy go together : He lays up in summer his winter supplies, And then he don't mind the cold weather."