n ma UNIVERSITY C AT LOS Catalogue of the Waterston Collection Committee of Publication SAMUEL A. GREEN CHARLES C. SMITH Catalogue of the Library and Collection of Autograph Letters, Papers, and Documents Bequeathed to the Massachusetts Historical Society by The Rev. Robert C. VFaterston Published at the Charge of the Waterston Fund Boston Printed for the Society 1906 THE UNIVERSITY PRESS, CAMBRIDGE, U.S.A. Preface BY his will the Reverend Robert C. Waterston left under certain conditions to the Massachusetts Histor- ical Society his Library and collection of Autograph Letters, Papers and Documents, besides the sum of $40,000 for specified purposes. These conditions have now been complied with; and the printing of this Catalogue was one of the purposes named by Mr. Waterston. The Library is a miscellaneous collection, such as a man of leisure and literary tastes would make, who in a general way followed his own personal inclination rather than any special branch of study. Books relating to England and Great Britain and works on architecture and the fine arts are largely represented in the collection. There are also some missals and other early manuscripts, and nearly a score of incunabula. Robert Cassie Waterston was born at Kennebunk, Maine, on March 20, 1812, and died in Boston, on February 21, 1893. He was married, on April 21, 1840, to Anna Cabot Lowell, youngest daughter of President Josiah Quincy ; she died in Newton, on 328381 VI Preface October 14, 1899. Mr. Waterston was chosen a mem- ber of the Historical Society on June 9, 1859. Ex- tracts from his will relating to the bequest are printed in the Proceedings (second series, VIII. 172, 173) of the Society for April, 1893; an< ^ ms Memoir, by our associate Josiah P. Quincy, is given in the same vol- ume (pp. 292-302). The books were received at the Library early in November, 1899, soon after the death of his widow. The catalogue of the Waterston Collection has been prepared by Mr. Julius Herbert Tuttle, Assistant Librarian of the Society, who has devoted much time and thought to it ; and to him belongs the credit of the work. For the Committee, SAMUEL A. GREEN. MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY, January i, 1906. Contents PAGE LIBRARY . i MANUSCRIPTS 399 ENGRAVINGS . 443 Catalogue of the Waterston Collection Catalogue of the Waterston Collection Abbotsford and Newstead Abbey; by W. Irving. Abbott, Jacob. New England, and her Institutions : by one of her sons. London, 1835. Octavo, pp. (3), (i), (i), 393, (i). Also "The District School," by Warren Burton, pages 183-300; and "The Village Choir," by Samuel Oilman, pages 301-393. A Summer in Scotland. New York, 1848. I2mo. pp. 331. Plates. Abelin, Johann Philipp. Newe Welt vnd Americanische Historien. Inhaltende Warhafftige vnd Vollkommene Beschreibungen Aller West-Indianischen Landschafften insulen Konigreichen vnd Provinzien . . . Franckfort, 1655. Folio, pp. (i), (4), 661, (2). Plates. Abyssinia, Nile tributaries ; by S. W. Baker. Ackermann, Rudolph. Albert Durer's Designs of the Prayer Book. [Introduc- tion by J. B. Bernhart.] London, 1817. Folio, pp. 6. Plates. The History of the Abbey Church of St. Peter's West- minster, its antiquities and monuments. London, 1812. Two volumes. Folio, pp. xviii, 330, (6); (i), 275, (4). Plates. The History of Eton College. London, 1816. Folio, pp. (i), 72, slip. Plates. A History of the University of Cambridge, its colleges, halls, and public buildings. London, 1815. Two vol- umes. Folio, pp. xii, 296, (6); (i), (i), 324, (8). Plates. A History of the University of Oxford, its colleges, halls, and public buildings. London, 1814. Two volumes. Folio, pp. xiv, (2), xxv, 275, (6); (i), 262, (6). Plates. 4 Massachusetts Historical Society Acland, Hugh Dyke. Glorious recovery by the Vaudois of their valleys; by H. Arnaud. Acquistapace, Andrea. Intera Collezione di tutte le Opere inventate e scolpite dal. Cav. Alberto Thorwaldsen. . . . Rome, 1832, 1831. Two volumes bound in one. Folio, pp. (130) ; (118). Plates. Adams, Abigail. Letters of Mrs. Adams, the wife of John Adams. With an introductory memoir by her grandson, Charles Fran- cis Adams. Third edition. Boston, 1841. Two vol- umes. i6mo. pp, xcv, (i), 208; xi, 282. Plates. Adams, Eliphalet. The necessity of Judgment, and Righteousness in a Land. A sermon, preached at the General Court of Election, at Hartford in the Colony of Connecticut, on May nth. 1710. New London, 1710. i6mo. pp. (i), 37. Adams, John. Familiar Letters of John Adams and his wife Abigail Adams, during the Revolution. With a memoir of Mrs. Adams. By Charles Francis Adams. New York, 1876. I2mo. pp. xxxii, 424. Plate. Letters of John Adams, addressed to his wife. Edited by his grandson, Charles Francis Adams. Boston, 1841. Two volumes. i6mo. pp. xxxii, 286; xx, 282. Plate. Adams, John Quincy. Lectures on Rhetoric and Oratory, delivered to the classes of senior and junior sophisters in Harvard University. Cambridge, 1810. Two volumes. Octavo, pp. x, (i), 11-431; iv, 3-400. Monroe doctrine. [Loyal Publication Society, No. 34.] Adams, Samuel. Life and public services; by W. V. Wells. Adams, William Henry Davenport. Lighthouses and Lightships : a descriptive and historical account of their mode of construction and organiza- tion. London, 1870. i6mo. pp. 322. Plates. Triumphs of Ancient Architecture: Greece and Rome. London, 1866. i6mo. pp. 128. Plate. Addison, Charles Greenstreet. The Knights Templars. Third edition. London, 1853. Octavo, pp. (i), vii, 315, (i). Waterston Collection 5 Addison, Charles Greenstreet (continued). The Temple Church. London, 1843. Octavo, pp. (i), viii, 127. Plates. Addison, Joseph. Life; by L. Aikin. Life and writings ; by T. B. Macaulay. The Miscellaneous Works of Joseph Addison. Oxford, 1830. Four volumes bound in two. i6mo. Sir Roger de Coverley. By the Spectator. The notes and illustrations by W. Henry Wills. London, 1850. i2mo. pp. x, 227, (i). The Spectator. Vol. I. Nos. 40 to 59 [April 16, 1711, to May 8]. j6mo. pp. 375-425. The Works of the late Right Honorable Joseph Addison, Esq. Birmingham, 1761. Four volumes. Quarto. Plate. Address of the British Convention, Edinburgh, November 19, 1793. See Great Britain. ^Eschylus. The Tragedies of yEschylus. Translated by R. Potter. New edition corrected, with notes. London, 1819. Oc- tavo, pp. xli, 364. JEsop. The Fables of ^Esop, with a life of the author. London, 1793. Two volumes. Quarto, pp. (i), Ixv, 891 [189] ; (i), xi, 248. Plates. Select Fables of Esop and other fabulists. In three books. [With life by C. G. Bachet, and an essay on fable by R. Dodsley.] Birmingham, 1761. i6mo. pp. (i), iii, Ixxviii, 204, (28). Plates. Three hundred yEsop's fables. Literally translated from the Greek. By the Rev. Geo. Fyler Townsend. Lon- don, 1871. i6mo. pp. xxxii, 224. Africa. Historical researches; by A. H. L. Heeren. Okavango River; by C. J. Anderson. Travels in the interior; by M. Park. Agassiz, Jean Louis Rodolphe. A Journey to Switzerland, and pedestrian tours in that country; including a sketch of its history, and of the manners and customs of its inhabitants. London, 1833. 8vo. pp. vii, 288. Plate. Louis Agassiz. His life and correspondence. Edited by 6 Massachusetts Historical Society Agassiz, Jean Louis Rodolphe (continued). Elizabeth Gary Agassiz. Boston, 1885. Two vol- umes. I2mo. pp. xi, (i), 400; vii, (i), 401-794. Plates. Aikin, John. The Lives of John Selden, Esq., and Archbishop [James] Usher ; with notices of the principal English men of let- ters with whom they were connected. London, 1812. I2mo. pp. vi, xiii, 430. Aikin, Lucy. The Life of Joseph Addison. London, 1843. Two vol- umes. i6mo. pp. xii, 250; vii, (i), 256. Plate. Memoir of John Aikin. With a selection of his miscel- laneous pieces, biographical, moral, and critical. Lon- don, 1823. Two volumes. Octavo, pp. x, (i), 416; iv, 462. Plate. Memoirs of the Court of King Charles the First. Second edition. London, 1833. Two volumes. Octavo, xv, (i), 544; xv, 611. Plate. Memoirs of the Court of King James the First. Third edition. London, 1823. Two volumes. Octavo, pp. xvi, 444; x, 400. Plates. Memoirs of the Court of Queen Elizabeth. Second edi- tion. London, 1818. Two volumes. Octavo, pp. xvi, 488; vii, 522. The Works of Anna Lsetitia Barbauld. With a memoir. London, 1825. Two volumes. Octavo, pp. Ixxii, 344; vi, 470. Plate. Akenside, Mark. The Pleasures of Imagination. A new edition. To which is prefixed a critical essay on the poem, by Mrs. Barbauld. London, 1806. i6mo. pp. (i), 36, 1 59. Plates. Alaska and its resources ; by W. H. Dall. Albano, Descrizione e disegno dell' emissario del lago; by G. B. Piranesi. Albrizzi, Isabella Teotochi. The Works of Antonio Canova, in Sculpture and Model- ling, engraved in outline by Henry Moses; with de- scriptions by the Countess Albrizzi. And a biographical memoir by Count Cicognara. London, 1849. Three volumes. Quarto. Plates. Waterston Collection 7 Alcott, Amos Bronson. Record of a school; by E. P. Peabody. Alcott, May. Concord Sketches consisting of twelve photographs from original drawings. Boston, 1869. Folio, pp. (2), (17) recto. Plates. Alexander, Cecil Frances. The Sunday Book of Poetry. London, 1865. i6mo. pp. viii, 318. Alexander, Disney. , Six Lectures on the Internal Evidences of Christianity; with notes. London, 1836. i6mo. pp. iv, (2), 163. Alexander, William. Elements of discord in Secessia. [Loyal Publication So- ciety, No. 15.] Alfieri, Vittorio. Memoirs of the Life and Writings of Victor Alfieri; writ- ten by himself. Translated from the Italian. London, 1810. Two volumes. Octavo, pp. x, 5-286; (2), 328. Alfred the Great. Anglo-Saxon version of Boethius. Alhambra. Lewis's sketches and drawings. Alison, Archibald. History of Europe from the commencement of the French Revolution in 1789 to the restoration of the Bourbons in 1815. Paris, 1841, 1842. Ten volumes. Octavo. Allegri, Antonio. Antonio Allegri da Correggio; by J. Meyer. Sketches of the lives of Correggio, and Parmegiano; by W. Coxe. Allen, James. Death is certain, sermon, occasioned by the death; by B. Wadsworth. Allen, Paul. History of the Expedition under the command of Cap- tains Lewis and Clarke, to the sources of the Missouri, thence across the Rocky Mountains and down the River Columbia to the Pacific Ocean. Performed during the years 1804-5-6. By order of the Government of the United States. With the life of Captain Lewis, by T. Jefferson, President of the United States of America. 8 Massachusetts Historical Society Allen, Paul (continued). Philadelphia, 1817. Two volumes. I2mo. pp. (9), iii-xxvii, 588; 640. Plates. Alleyne, Sarah Frances. Plato and the older Academy; by E. G. Zeller. Allibone, Samuel Austin. A Critical Dictionary of English Literature, and British and American Authors, living and deceased, from the earliest accounts to the middle [and latter half] of the nineteenth century. Containing thirty [forty-six] thou- sand biographies and literary notices, with forty indexes of subjects. Philadelphia, 1858-1871. Three volumes. Octavo. Allingham, William. Poem. [In " Series of Pictures" by R. Doyle.] Allsop, Thomas. Letters, conversations, and recollections of S. T. Coleridge. Allston, Washington. Lectures on the works and genius ; by W. Ware. The Sylphs of the Seasons, with other Poems. First American from the London edition. Boston, 1813. i6mo. pp. 1 68. Almanac, 1777; by N. Low. Alps. Alps or sketches of life and nature in the mountains ; by H. A. von Berlepsch. Glaciers ; by J. Tyndall. Illustrations of the passes; by W. Brockedon. Journal of excursions. [In " Norway," by J. D. Forbes.] Altars. Collection of antique vases, altars, etc. ; by H. Moses. America. America, being the latest and most accurate description of the new world; by J. Ogilby. Discovery of America by the Northmen; by N. L. Beamish. Exodus of the western nations ; by W. C. Keppel. History; by W. Robertson [Works, VI.-VIII.]. Newe Welt vnd Americanische Historien ; by J. P. Abelin. Spanish conquest ; by A. Helps. American Art Review, The. A journal devoted to the prac- tice, theory, history, and archaeology of art. Boston, 1880, 1 88 1. Four volumes. Quarto. Plates. Waterston Collection 9 American historical and literary curiosities ; by J. J. Smith. Ames, Fisher. Works of Fisher Ames. Compiled by a number of his friends. To which are prefixed, notices of his life and character. Boston, 1809. Octavo, pp. xxxi, (i), (4), 519. Plate. Works of Fisher Ames. With a selection from his speeches and correspondence. Edited by his son, Seth f Ames. Boston, 1854. Two volumes. Octavo, pp. xvi, 406; viii, 442. Plate. Ames, Joseph. Typographical antiquities; by T. F. Dibdin. Amory, Thomas Coffin. The Military Services and Public Life of Major-General John Sullivan, of the American Revolutionary Army. Boston, 1868. Octavo, pp. (4), 320. Plate. Amsterdam. Beschryvinge van Amsterdam, . . . Amsterdam, 1665. Three parts in one volume. Octavo. Plates. Anacreon. The Odes of Anacreon, of Teos; translated into English measure, by Edward Hovell-Thurlow. London, 1823. i6mo. pp. (i), 81, (i). Anderson, Charles. Cause of the War. [Loyal Publication Society, No. 17.] Letter addressed to the Opera House meeting, Cincinnati. [Loyal Publication Society, No. 21.] Anderson, Christopher. The Annals of the English Bible. London, 1845. Two volumes. Octavo, pp. Ixiv, 592 ; xii, 680, liv. Plates. Andersson, Carl Joha'n. The Okavango River: a narrative of travel, exploration, and adventure. London, 1861. Octavo, pp. xxi, (i), 364. Plates. Andrews, Alexander. The History of British Journalism, from the foundation of the newspaper press in England, to the repeal of the Stamp Act in 1855, with sketches of press celebrities. With an index. London, 1859. Two volumes. I2mo. pp. viii, 339; (2), 365. io Massachusetts Historical Society Andrews, William. Life of Mr. [Blaise] Paschal. See Pascal. Anecdotes. Chandos Library, century of anecdote from 1760 to 1860; by J. Timbs. Cyclopaedia of anecdotes of literature and the fine arts ; by K. Arvine. Anglo-Saxons. History; by S. Turner. King Alfred's version of Boethius. Anne, Queen of Henry VIII. Love letters of Henry VIII. to Anne Boleyn. Memoirs of the life of Anne Boleyn, Queen of Henry VIII. ; by E. O. Benger. Anonymiana; by S. Pegge. Anson, George. A Voyage round the World, in the Years MDCCXL, I, II, III, IV. By George Anson, Esq; Commander in Chief of a Squadron of His Majesty's Ships, sent upon an expedition to the South-Seas. Compiled from papers and other materials of the Right Honourable George Lord Anson, and published under his direction. By Richard Walter, Chaplain of His Majesty's Ship the Centurion, in that expedition. The third edition. With charts of the southern part of South America, of part of the Pacific Ocean, and of the track of the Centurion round the world. London, 1748. Octavo, pp. (i), (22), 548. Maps. Answer of the Parliament of the Commonwealth of England. See Great Britain. Anticipation, containing the substance of His Majesty's most gracious speech. See Great Britain. Antioch College. Twelve sermons, delivered at Antioch College; by H. Mann. Antiphonarium ad usum Canonicorum Regularium Ordinis Prsemonstratensis, Conforme, mutatis mutandis, prse- cedenti ab Illustrissimo ac Reverendissimo Domino to- tius Ordinis Generali, ejusdemque Capituli Generalis authoritate editio & approbate : & nunc solicite revisum, ac accurate emendatum. Psallite sapienter Psalm. 46. Bruxellis, 1772. Quarto, pp. (i), (4), 569, cxxiv. Waterston Collection 1 1 Antiquarian and picturesque tour round the southern coast of England. See Great Britain. Antiqvitatvm variarvm avtores, quorum catalogum sequens continet pagella. Lugd. [Lyons], 1552. 321110. pp. 887. Antiquities. Encyclopaedia; by T. D. Fosbroke. Foreign topography; by same. Antoninus, Archbishop of Florence. Tabula super totam summam venerabilis domini Anthonini directiua. Cologne, 1484. Folio, pp. (430). Rubricated, with a few illuminated letters. Antoninus, Marcus Aurelius. The Meditations of the Emperor Marcus Aurelius Anto- ninus. A new translation from the Greek original; with life, notes, &c. by R. Graves. Bath, 1792. i6mo. pp. viii, 377. Plates. Apollonius Rhodius. 'AnOAAaNI'OT TOT'PnAI'OT 'ApyovavTLK&v Bi0\(a 8'. Apollonii Rhodii Argonauticom libri IIII. . . . Cvm an- notationibvs Henrici Stephani: . . . [Geneva?], 1574. Octavo, pp. (i), (6), 240. Signature of John Glen King. Apostolical Fathers, Genuine epistles ; by W. Wake. Appianus. AIIIIIANOT AAEHANAPEflS PflMAIKA. Appiani Alexandrini Romanarum Historiarum . . . Amstelo- dami, 1670. i6mo. pp. (i), (i), (16), 1229, (94). Appletons' General Atlas of the World, containing maps of various countries, and particularly of the United States, its divisions and the separate states ; with full geographical sketches of the various countries of the world, their inhabitants, productions, statistics, etc., to the latest date. New York, 1872. Quarto, pp. (2), slip, 99. Maps. Arabia, Journey through ; by L. E. S. J. de Laborde. Arabian Nights' Entertainments. The Thousand and One Nights, commonly called, in Eng- land, the Arabian Nights' Entertainments. A new translation from the Arabic, with copious notes. By Edward William Lane. New edition, edited by his 12 Massachusetts Historical Society Arabian Nights' Entertainments (continued). nephew, Edward Stanley Poole. London, 1859. Three volumes. Octavo. Arblay, Frances (Burney) d'. Memoirs of Doctor [Charles] Burney, arranged from his own manuscripts, from family papers, and from per- sonal recollections. By his daughter. London, 1832. Three volumes. Octavo. Archaeological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland. Old London. Papers read at the London Congress, July, 1866. London, 1867. Octavo, pp. xi, 376. Archer, John Wykeham. Vestiges of old London, a series of etchings from origi- nal drawings, illustrative of the monuments and archi- tecture of London, in the first, fourth, twelfth, and six succeeding centuries. With descriptions and historical notices. London, 1851. Folio, pp. (156). Plates. Archery, Ballads ; by J. W. Dodd. Architecture. Account of a tour in Normandy ; by D. Turner. Apology for the revival of Christian architecture in Eng- land ; by A. W. N. Pugin. Architectural antiquities of Normandy, by John Sell Cot- man; by D. Turner. Architectural sketches from the continent ; by R. N. Shaw. Architectural tour in Normandy; by H. G. Knight. Architettura Campestre; by T. F. Hunt. Art hints ; by J. J. Jarves. Brick and marble in the middle ages, notes of a tour in the north of Italy; by G. E. Street. Caryatides from the " Stanza dell' Eliodoro " in the Vati- can; by L. Gruner. Constructions en bois de la Suisse relevees ; by E. Gladbach. Cottage, lodge, and villa architecture; by W. J. and G. Audsley. Descriptive and historical account of various palaces, and public buildings, English and foreign ; by J. N. Brewer. Dictionary of the architecture and archaeology of the middle ages; by J. Britton. Domestic architecture; by F. Goodwin. Ecclesiastical art in Germany during the middle ages; by W. Liibke. Waterston Collection 13 Architecture (continued). Etchings representing the best examples of Grecian and Roman architectural ornament; by C. H. Tatham. Fergusson's handbook of architecture. Flemish relics ; by F. G. Stephens. Half a dozen hints on picturesque domestic architecture; by T. F. Hunt. Handbook of architectural styles; by A. Rosengarten. Historical and architectural sketches ; by E. A. Freeman. Historical essay on architecture; by T. Hope. History of architecture; by E. A. Freeman. History of art by its monuments; by J. B. L. G. Seroux d'Agincourt. History of modern styles of architecture ; by J. Fergusson. History of the Gothic revival; by C. L. Eastlake. Illustrations of mediaeval architecture in France; by H. Glutton. Illustrations to [Thomas] Hope's essay on architecture. Lives of celebrated architects ; by F. Milizia. Picturesque architectural studies and practical designs; by W. Young. Remarks on church architecture; by J. L. Petit. Select examples of architectural grandeur in Belgium, Germany, and France; by C. Wild. Seven lamps of architecture; by J. Ruskin. Temples, ancient and modern, or, notes on Church archi- tecture; by W. Bardwell. Triumphs of ancient architecture, Greece and Rome; by W. H. D. Adams. True principles of pointed or Christian architecture; by A. W. N. Pugin. Villa architecture, a collection of views, with plans, of buildings executed in England ; by R. Lugar. Villa rustica, selected from buildings and scenes in the vicinity of Rome and Florence; by C. Parker. Vitrvvii Pollionis de architectvra libri decem. Winkles's architectural and picturesque illustrations of the cathedral churches of England and Wales. Works of eminent masters, in painting, sculpture, archi- tecture, and decorative art. See Arts, Fine. Arctic Regions. Arctic explorations, the second Grinnell expedition in search of Sir John Franklin, 1853, '54, '55; by E. K. Kane. 14 Massachusetts Historical Society Arctic Regions (continued). Arctic searching expedition; by J. Richardson. Eventful voyage of H. M. Discovery Ship " Resolute " ; by G. F. M'Dougall. General chart and sixty-three engravings; by J. Cook. Journal; by W. E. Parry. Last of the Arctic voyages, in search of Sir John Franklin ; by E. Belcher. Life with the Esquimaux; by C. F. Hall. Narrative of a journey to the shores of the polar sea; by J. Franklin. Narrative of a second expedition to the shores of the polar sea ; by J. Franklin. Narrative of an attempt to reach the North Pole; by W. E. Parry. Voyage of discovery ; by J. Ross. Voyage of discovery towards the North Pole; by F. W. Beechey. Voyage of the Fox in the Arctic seas ; by F. L. MacClintock. Ariosto, Lodovico. Cinqve Canti di M. Lodovico Ariosto I quali seguono la materia del Furioso. ... In Venetia, 1596. 121110. pp. (84). Cuts. Orlando Fvrioso di M. Lodovico Ariosto, Nuouamente ristampato & ricorretto; ... In Venetia, 1597. I2mo. PP- (0, (572). Cuts. Arms and Armor. Engraved illustrations of antient arms and armour, from the collection at Goodrich Court, Herefordshire; by J. Skelton. Arnaud, Henri. The Glorious Recovery by the Vaudois of their Valleys, . . . With a compendious history of that people, pre- vious and subsequent to that event. By Hugh Dyke Acland. London, 1827. Octavo, pp. cxxii, xxv, 239, ( i ) . Plates. Arnold, Howard Payson. Memoir of Jonathan Mason Warren. Printed for private distribution. Boston, 1886. Octavo, pp. vii, 329. Plate. Presentation copy, November i, 1886. Arnold, Isaac Newton. The History of Abraham Lincoln, and the Overthrow of Waterston Collection 15 Arnold, Isaac Newton (continued). Slavery. Fifth thousand. Chicago, 1871. Octavo, pp. 736. Plate. Arnold, Matthew. Essays in Criticism. Boston, 1865. I2mo. pp. xv, (2), 506. Arnold, Thomas. Introductory Lectures on Modern History, delivered in Lent Term, 1842. With the inaugural lecture deliv- ered in December, 1841. Second edition. London, 1843. Octavo, pp. xv, 315. Art Pictorial and Industrial: an illustrated magazine. London, 1870-1872. Parts of three volumes bound in one. Folio. Plates. Same, Vol. II. New York, 1871, 1872. Folio, pp. iv, 138. Arthur, Timothy Shay. Growler's income tax. [Loyal Publication Society, No. 57.] Arthur, William. Italy in Transition: public scenes and private opinions in the Spring of 1860; illustrated by official documents from the Papal archives of the revolted legations. Lon- don, 1860. I2mo. pp. x, 469, (i). Arts. Memoirs of Benvenuto Cellini, a Florentine artist. Rudimentary dictionary of terms; by J. Weale. Arts, Ancient. Ancient art and its remains ; by K. O. Miiller. History of ancient art ; by J. Winckelmann. On Pericles and the arts in Greece; by Q. Craufurd. Arts, Fine. American Art Review. Art and nature in Italy; by E. Benson. Art in England; by E. D. Cook. Arts in the middle ages, and at the period of the Renais- sance ; by L. P. B. P. Lacroix. Biographical history of the fine arts ; by S. Spooner. Book of artists ; by H. T. Tuckerman. Celebrated galleries of Munich ; by E. Holloway. Companion to the most celebrated private galleries of art in London ; by A. Jameson. 1 6 Massachusetts Historical Society Arts, Fine (continued). Contributions to the literature of the fine arts; by C. L. Eastlake. Cyclopaedia of anecdotes of literature and the fine arts; by K. Arvine. Dictionnaire des beaux-arts; by A. L. Millin. Elementary art, or the use of the chalk and lead pencil advocated and explained ; by J. D. Harding. Essay on the nature, the end, and the means of imitation in the fine arts; by A. C. Quatremere de Quincy. Fine art, chiefly contemporary; by W. M. Rossetti. Fine arts, their nature and relations; by F. P. G. Guizot. Galleries and cabinets of art in Great Britain; by G. F. Waagen. General and bibliographical dictionary; by J. Elmes. Historical view of literature and art in Great Britain; by J. M. Graham. History of art; by W. Liibke. Italian school of design; by F. Bartolozzi. Lectures on the true, the beautiful, and the good; by V. Cousin. Painting and the fine arts ; by B. R. Haydon. Payne's book of art. Practical essays on various branches of the fine arts; by J. Burnet. Principles and practice of art; by J. D. Harding. Progress of a painter in the nineteenth century; by J. Burnet. Renaissance in Italy ; by J. A. Symonds. Sketches of the history of Christian art; by A. W. C. Lindsay. Treasures of art in Great Britain ; by G. F. Waagen. True and the beautiful in nature, art, morals, and reli- gion; by J. Ruskin. Works of Eminent Masters, in painting, sculpture, archi- tecture, and decorative art. London, 1854. Two vol- umes bound in one. Quarto, pp. (i), (2), 412; (i), (2), 204. Arts, Useful. Chefs-d'CEuvre of the industrial arts; by P. Burty. Elements of Technology, taken chiefly from a course of Lectures delivered at Cambridge; by J. Bigelow. Waterston Collection 17 Arvine, Kazlitt. The Cyclopaedia of Anecdotes of Literature and the Fine Arts. Boston, 1852. Octavo, pp. (i), xxiv, 698. Ascham, Roger. The English Works of Roger Ascham, Preceptor to Queen Elizabeth : containing, I. A report of the affairs of Germany, and the Emperor Charles's Court. II. Toxo- philus, or the school of shooting. III. The School- master, 1 or perfect way of bringing up youth, illustrated by the late learned Mr. Upton. IV. Letters to Queen Elizabeth and others, now first published from the manu- scripts. With notes and observations, and the author's Life. By James Bennet. London, 1761. Quarto, pp. 4, (5),xvi, 395. Ashton, Robert. Works of John Robinson. Asia. Early oriental history; by J. Eadie. Historical researches; by A. H. L. Heeren. Astle, Thomas. The Origin and Progress of Writing, as well hieroglyphic as elementary, illustrated by engravings taken from marbles, manuscripts and charters, ancient and modern : also, some account of the origin and progress of print- ing. London, 1784. , Quarto, pp. (i), vii, xxv, 235. Plates. Astronomy. Architecture of the Heavens ; by J. P. Nichol. Astronomy and general physics; by W. Whewell. Clarissimi Viri Iginij [Hyginus] poeticon astronomicon. Lost solar system of the ancients discovered ; by J. Wilson. Mechanical philosophy, horology, and astronomy; by W. B. Carpenter. Athens. Athens, its rise and fall ; by E. G. E. L. B.-Lytton. Public economy of Athens; by A. Boeckh. Atlas. Academic atlas ; by J. Bartholomew. Appletons' general atlas of the World. Chambers's parlour atlas. Modern historical atlas; by W. L. Gage. Philips' imperial general atlas. 1 8 Massachusetts Historical Society Aubrey, John. Lives of eminent men. [In "Letters," by J. Walker.] Miscellanies upon various subjects. Fourth edition. Lon- don, 1857. i6mo. pp. xvi, 227, (i). Plate. Audsley, George Ashdown. Keramic Art of Japan. By Mr. Audsley and James L. Bowes. London, 1881. Quarto, pp. xii, (i), 304. Plates. Audsley, William James and George. Cottage, Lodge, and Villa Architecture. London. Quarto, variously paged. Plates. Austen, Jane. Memoir ; by J. E. A. -Leigh. Austin, Sarah (Taylor). Characteristics of Goethe. From the German of Falk. Von Miiller, &c. With notes, original and translated, illustrative of German literature. London, 1833. Three volumes. I2mo. Fragments from German Prose Writers. Illustrated with notes. London, 1841. i6mo. pp. xii, 359, (i). Goethe and his Contemporaries : from the German by Falk, Von Miiller, &c. With biographical notices and original anecdotes, illustrative of German literature. Second edi- tion. London, 1836. Three volumes. I2mo. Plates. Memoir of the Reverend Sydney Smith ; by S. Holland. Austin, Wiltshire Stanton, Jr. The Lives of the Poets-Laureate. With an introductory essay on the title and office. By Mr. Austin and John Ralph. London, 1853. Octavo, pp. vi, (i), 428. Australia. Geological observations in South Australia; by J. E. T.-Woods. Tracks of M c Kinlay and party; by J. Davis. Austria. Highlands and islands of the Adriatic; by A. A. Paton. Autographs. Autograph letters ; by J. Netherclift. Autograph miscellany; by F. G. Netherclift. Autographs of royal, noble, learned, and remarkable per- sonages conspicuous in English history; by J. G. Nichols. British autography; by J. Thane. Waterston Collection 19 Av6-Lallemant, Robert. Life of Alexander von Humboldt; by C. C. Brtihns. Avery, Benjamin Parke. Calif ornian Pictures in prose and verse. New York, 1878. Octavo, pp. 344. Plates. Ayala, Ignacio Lopez de. The History of Gibraltar from the earliest period of its occupation by the Saracens comprising details of the numerous conflicts for its possession . . . Translated from the Spanish with a continuation to modern times by James Bell. London, 1845. i6mo. pp. xx, 234. Plate. Aytoun, W. Edmondstoune. Poems and ballads of Goethe. Babylon. Discoveries in the ruins of Ninevah and Babylon; by A. H. Layard. Narrative of a journey to the site of Babvlon in 1811 ; by C. J. Rich. Bachet, Claude Caspar. Life of Esop, collected from ancient writers. [In " Select Fables " of yEsop.] Bacon, Francis. Baconiana. Or Certain Genuine Remains of S r - Francis Bacon, Baron of Verulam, and Viscount of St. Albans : in arguments civil and moral, natural, medical, theo- logical, and bibliographical ; now the first time faith- fully published. . . . London, 1679. i6mo. pp. (i), 270. Plate. Certain Miscellany Works . . . Published by William Rawley. London, 1670. Folio, pp. (i), (2), 58. Three titlepages ;nside. The Essays, or counsels civil and moral and wisdom of the ancients. By Francis Lord Verulam. Edited by B. Montagu. London, 1840. i6mo. pp. (3) recto, xxx, (i), 351. The Historic of the Raigne of King Henry the Seventh. Written by the Right Honourable, Francis, Lord Veru- lam, Viscount S- Alban. London, 1622. Quarto, pp. (I), (2), 2 4 8. Portrait of Bacon, and one of Henry VII. inserted. 2o Massachusetts Historical Society Bacon, Francis (continued), History Natural and Experimental, or life and death. Or of the prolongation of life. London, 1658. Folio, pp. (i), (3), (2), 64. Life; by D. Mallet. New Atlantis. A worke unfinished. Written by the Right Honourable, Francis, Lord Verulam, Viscount St. Alban. [Edited by William Rawley. London, 1639.] ^ Folio, pp. (i), (i), 40. Same. London, 1651. Folio, pp. (i), (i), 36. Novum Organum or true suggestions for the interpreta- tion of nature. By Francis Lord Verulam. London, 1844. i6mo. pp. (i), (i), 336. Novum Organum Scientiarum : containing rules for con- ducting the understanding in the search of truth ; and raising a solid structure of universal philosophy. Trans- lated from the Latin by Peter Shaw, with notes, critical and explanatory. Jones's edition. London, 1818. Two volumes bound in one. i6mo. pp. xxiv, 229, (i) ; (2), 264. Resuscitatio, or, bringing into pvblick light several pieces of the works, civil, historical, philosophical, & theo- logical, hitherto sleeping, of the Right Honourable Francis Bacon, . . . The second edition, some-what en- larged. By William Rawley. London, 1661. Folio, pp. (i), (i), (20), (i), 323. Titlepage and portrait inserted ; titlepages inside. The Second Part of the Resuscitatio or a collection of several pieces of the works of the' Right Honourable Francis Bacon, . . . Collected by William Rawley. . . . London, 1670. Folio, variously paged. Titlepages inside. Several Letters, written by this Honourable Authour, to Queen Elizabeth, King lames, divers,Lords, and others. London, 1657. Folio, pp. (i), 122, (2). Titlepages inside. Sylva Sylvarum : or, a naturall historic. In ten centuries. Written by the Right Honourable Francis Lo. Verulam Viscount S* Alban. Published after the authors death, by William Rawley. The fifth edition. London, 1639. ^ Folio, pp. (i), (i), (5), (8), 218, (19), (i). Plates. Same, another edition. London, 1651. Folio, pp. (i), (14), 218, (19), (i). Waterston Collection 21 Bacon, Francis (continued). The Two Books of Francis Lord Verulam. Of the profi- cience and advancement of learning, divine and human. To the King. London, 1825. I2mo. pp. xvi, 402. Plate. Bacon, Nathaniel. An Historicall Discourse of the Uniformity of the Govern- ment of England. The first part. From the first times till the reigne of Edward the third. London, 1647. i2mo. pp. (i), (12), 323, (n).. Plate. Bagehot, Walter. Estimates of some Englishmen and Scotchmen, a series of articles reprinted by permission principally from the National Review. London, 1858. Octavo, pp. (3), 453- Bagster, Samuel. The English Hexapla exhibiting the six important English Translations of the New Testament Scriptures, Wiclif 1380, Tyndale 1534, Cranmer 1539, Genevan 1557, Anglo-Rhemish 1582, authorised 1611. The original Greek text after Scholz . . . preceded by an historical account of the English translations. London, 1841. Quarto, pp. (2), (2), 167, (1152). Bailey, Samuel. Essays on the Pursuit of Truth and on the Progress of Knowledge. Second edition, revised and enlarged. London, 1844. Octavo, pp. x, (i), 278. Baillie, Joanna. The Dramatic and Poetical Works of Joanna Baillie. Com- plete in one volume. London, 1851. I2mo. pp. viii, 847, (i). Plate. Metrical Legends of exalted Characters. Second edition. London, 1821. Octavo, pp. xxxvi, 373. Bain, Alexander. Minor works of George Grote. Baker, Richard. A Chronicle of the Kings of England from the time of the Romans Government unto the reign of King Charles. . . . Second edition. London, 1653. Folio, pp. (i), (3), (5), 625, (30). Baker, Samuel White. The Nile Tributaries of Abyssinia, and the sword hunters 22 Massachusetts Historical Society Baker, Samuel White (continued). of the Hamran Arabs. Philadelphia, 1867. Octavo, pp. xxii, (i), 596. Plates. Baker, William Spohn. The Origin and Antiquity of Engraving : with some re- marks on the utility and pleasure of prints. Boston, 1875. Octavo, pp. 62. Plates. Balbo, Cesare. The Life and Times of Dante Alighieri. Translated from the Italian by F. J. Bunbury. London, 1852. Two volumes bound in one. I2mo. pp. xxiii, 324; vii, 294. Baldwin, John Denison. Pre-historic Nations ; or, inquiries concerning some of the great peoples and civilizations of antiquity, and their probable relation to a still older civilization of the Ethio- pians or Cushites of Arabia. London, 1869. I2mo. pp. 414. Ballantine, James. The Life of David Roberts. Compiled from his journals arid other sources. With etchings and fac-similes of pen-and-ink sketches by the artist. Edinburgh, 1866. Quarto, pp. xiv, 255. Plates. Ballantyne, Thomas. Essays in Mosaic. [Edited, in Bayard series, by J. Hain Friswell.] New York, 1870. i6mo. pp. xvi, 210. Passages selected from the Writings of Thomas Carlyle. With a biographical memoir. London, 1855. I2mo. pp. xii, 351. Balmanno, Mary. Poems. London, January, 1830. Octavo, pp. 19, (i). Copy owned by Robert Balmanno ; contains his bookplate, also his sig- nature and that of Mrs. Balmanno, and newspaper clippings. Bancal-des-Issarts, Henriette. Lett res autographies de M. J. P. Roland. Bancroft, George. Ancient Greece; by A. H. L. Heeren. History of the United States, from the Discovery of the American Continent. Boston, 1858-1860. Eight vol- umes. Octavo. Plates. Banks, Thomas. Death. [In " Lectures " by J. Flaxman.] Baptismal fonts, Series of ancient; by F. Simpson. Waterston Collection 23 Baptista Mantuanus. See Spagnuoli. Baptists. As to Roger Williams ; by H. M. Dexter. Roger Williams ; by D. C. Eddy. Barbauld, Anna Lsetitia (Aikin). Eighteen Hundred and Eleven, a poem. London, 1812. Quarto, pp. (i), (2), 25. Pleasures of imagination; by M. Akenside. Sins of Government, Sins of the Nation ; or a discourse for the fast, appointed on April 19, 1793. By a volunteer. 1794. i6mo. pp. (i), 42. Signature of Robert Waterston, May 14, 1795. Works; by L. Aikin. Bardwell, William. Temples, Ancient and Modern; or, notes on church architecture. London, 1837. Octavo, pp. xiii, (3), 234, (i). Plates. Baring-Gould, Sabine. Curious Myths of the Middle Ages. London, 1866. i6mo. pp. (3) recto, 241, (i). Plate. Iceland: its scenes and sagas. London, 1863. Octavo, pp. xlviii, 447, (i). Plates. Barlandus, Hadrianus. Chroniqves des Dvcs de Brabant, composees par Adrian Barlande. [With " Les Genealogies," by C. Martin.] Barnard, Charles Francis. The Chapel Hymn Book. Second edition with additional hymns. Boston, 1837. 321110. pp. 288. This was prepared for the worshippers at the Warren Street and Pitts Street Chapels by Mr. Barnard, Ezra Weston, Jr., and Frederick T. Gray. Barnard, George. Handbook of Foliage and Foreground Drawing. Illus- trated by numerous examples of trees, shrubs, climbing, meadow, and water plants : with explanations shewing the best method of acquiring the characteristic touch for each. London, 1853. I2mo. pp. viii, 125. Plates. Switzerland Scenes and Incidents of Travel in the Bernese Oberland, . . . London, 1843. Folio, pp. ($)recto. Plates. Barnard, Henry. Educational Biography. Memoirs of Teachers, Educators, and promoters and benefactors of education, literature, 24 Massachusetts Historical Society Barnard, Henry (continued). and science. Reprinted from the American Journal of Education. Part I. Teachers and educators. Second edition. New York, 1861. Octavo, pp. 524. Plates. Presentation copy. Papers on Froebel's Kindergarten, with suggestions on Principles and Methods of Child Culture in different countries. Republished from the American Journal of Education. American Froebel Union edition. Hart- ford, 1 88 1. Octavo, pp. 1 6, 799, (i). Plate. Barneveld, Jan van Olden. Life and death ; by J. L. Motley. Barrera, A. de. Gems and Jewels, their History, Geography, Chemistry, and Ana. From the earliest ages down to the present time. London, 1860. I2mo. pp. xxxii, 382, (i). Barrow, Isaac. The Sermons and Expository Treatises of Isaac Barrow, with a life of the author, by the Rev. James Hamilton. Edinburgh, 1839. Two volumes. Octavo, pp. xlii, 609; (i), (2), 603. Plate. Barrow, John (1764- 1848). Travels in China, . . . Second edition. London, 1806. Quarto, pp. x, (2), 632. Plates. Barrow, John, Jr. The Life and Correspondence of Admiral Sir William Sidney Smith. London, 1848. Two volumes. Octavo, pp. xv, (i), 447; viii, 499, (i). Plates. A Visit to Iceland, by way of Tronyem, in the " Flower of Yarrow " Yacht, in the summer of 1834. London, 1835. I2mo. pp. (i), xxiv, 320. Plates. Barry, John Stetson. The Colonial History of Massachusetts. Boston, 1855. Octavo, pp. xii, 518, (i). The History of Massachusetts. The Provincial Period. Fourth edition. Boston, 1856. Octavo, pp. xii, 514. Same. The Commonwealth Period. Fourth edition. Boston, 1857. Octavo, pp. xii, 468. Barsius, Vincentius. Veneran. Carmelitani. F. VincStii Barsii Mantuani Phi, De Betigallico COflictu Libellus. Bononiae [Bologna], 1526. i6mo. pp. (15). Waterston Collection 25 Bartholomew, John. The Academic Atlas, consisting of thirty-two maps, embrac- ing all the latest discoveries and changes in boundaries. With a copious index. New York. Quarto, pp. (i), (0> 3 2 > J 9- Bartlett, John. Familiar Quotations: being an attempt to trace to their source passages and phrases in common use; chiefly from English authors. Fourth revised edition. Bos- ton, 1866. I2mo. pp. xii, 480, 1 6. Same, sixth edition. Boston, 1873. I2mo. pp. xii, 778. Bartlett, William Henry. Gleanings, pictorial and antiquarian, on the overland route. By the author of " Forty Days in the Desert." London, 1851. Octavo, pp. (i), vi, 256. Plates. The Pilgrim Fathers; or, the founders of New England in the reign of James the First. London, 1853. Octavo, pp. 240. Plates. Bartley, George Christopher Trout. The Rhine from its Source to the Sea. Translated by G. C. T. Bartley from the German of Karl Stieler, H. Wachenhusen, and F. W. Hacklander. Philadelphia, 1878. Folio, pp. xi, 373. Plates. Bartol, Cyrus Augustus. Church and Congregation : a plea for their unity. Bos- ton, 1858. I2mo. pp. xxiv, 336. The West Church and its Ministers. Fiftieth anniversary of the ordination of Charles Lowell. Boston, 1856. I2mo. pp. (4), 242. Bartolozzi, Francesco. Cipriani's Rudiments of Drawing engraved by F. Barto- lozzi, London, 1786-93. New edition, 1815. Oblong quarto. Plates. Eighty-two Prints, engraved by F. Bartolozzi, &c. From the original drawings of Guercino, in the Collection of His Majesty. Vol. I. London. Large folio, pp. (i), (i). Plates. Italian School of Design, a series of select studies, en- graved by F. Bartolozzi, and others. From the original pictures and drawings of Guercino [and others], . . . now preserved in the collection of Her Majesty, Queen Victoria. London, 1842. Folio, pp. 4. Plates. 26 Massachusetts Historical Society Bartolozzi, Francesco (continued). Naturam referens patet ars sed utrinque magistra appresso Teodoro Viero Venezia; by G. M. Pitteri. Series of engravings by [James] Heath and Bartolozzi. Seventy-three Prints, engraved by F. Bartolozzi, &c. From the original pictures and drawings of Michael Angelo [and others] ; ... in the collection of His Majesty, &c. Vol. II. London. Large folio, pp. (i), (i). Plates. Works of Bartolozzi and Cipriani. Large folio. Plates. Bartram, John. Memorials of John Bartram and Humphry Marshall; by W. Darlington. Bastile, Historical remarks and anecdotes; by J. Howard. Bates, Henry Walter. Japan and the Japanese illustrated; by A. Humbert. Batty, Elizabeth Frances. Italian Scenery. From drawings made in 1817. London, 1820. Quarto, pp. (i), (i), (3), 197, (i). Plates. Batty, Robert. French Scenery from drawings made in 1819 by Captain Batty of the Grenadier Guards. London, 1822. Two volumes. Folio, pp. (i), (3), (60); (60). Plates. Hanoverian and Saxon Scenery, from drawings by Lieut* Colonel Batty. London, 1829. Octavo, pp. (i), (i), (124). Plates. Baxter, Richard. The Reasons of the Christian Religion. The first part, of Godliness : proving by natvral evidence the being of God, the necessity of holiness, and a future life of retribution; the sinfulness of the world; the desert of Hell ; and what hope of recovery mercies intimate. The second part, of Christianity: . . . London, 1667. I2mo. pp. (i), (15), (7), (8), 604. Plate. Manuscript entries, "Joshua Moodey, 1668," "Jonathan Homer's Book, 1776," and notes by Mr. Homer. The Right Method for a setlcd Peace of Conscience and Spiritual Comfort. In XXXII directions. Written for the use of a troubled friend : and now published. Fourth edition, corrected and augmented. London, 1669. i6mo. pp. (i), (n), (32), 383, (i). Waterston Collection 27 Bayard, Pierre du Terrail. Life; by W. G. Simms. The right joyous and pleasant history of the feats, gests, and prowesses of the Chevalier Bayard, the good knight, without fear and without reproach. By the loyal ser- vant. London, 1825. Two volumes bound in one. I2mo. pp. xv, 294; (i), 286. The very Joyous, Pleasant and Refreshing History of the Feats, Exploits, Triumphs and Atchievements of the Good Knight without fear and without reproach the gentle Lord de Bayard. Set forth in English by Ed- ward Cockburn Kindersley. London, 1848. Octavo, pp. xii, 252. Plate. Bayfius, Lazarus. Lazari Bayfii annotationes in L. II. De captiuis, & post- liminio reuersis : in quibus tractatur de re nauali. . . . Antonii Thylesii de coloribus libellus, a coloribus ves- tium non alienus. Lvtetiae [Paris], 1549. Quarto, pp. 152, (i), (6), 176, (10), (i). Cuts. Beamish, North Ludlow. The Discovery of America by the Northmen, in the Tenth Century, with notices of the early settlements of the Irish in the western hemisphere. London, 1841. Oc- tavo, pp. (i), (i), (12), 239, (10), (2). Maps. Beard, John Reilly. Introduction to the books of the Old and New Testament; by A. Schumann. Beattie, James. The Minstrel ; or, the Progress of Genius : in two parts. With some other poems. Alnwick, 1807. Octavo, pp. 140, (2). Plates. Poetical Works. See John Milton. Beattie, William. The Castles and Abbeys of England, from the National Records, early Chronicles, and other standard authors. London. Quarto, pp. xvi, 352. Plates. Same, second series. London. Quarto, pp. viii, 362. Plates. Life and Letters of Thomas Campbell. London, 1849. Three volumes. Octavo. Plates. Switzerland. Illustrated in a series of views taken on the spot and expressly for this work by W. H. Bartlett, 28 Massachusetts Historical Society Beattie, William (continued). Esq. London, 1836. Two volumes. Quarto, pp. (i), (2), iv, (2), 188; (i), (4), 152- Plates. Becher, Henry C. R. A Trip to Mexico, being notes of a Journey from Lake Erie to Lake Tezcuco and back, with an appendix, . . . Toronto, 1880. Octavo, pp. vii, 183. Plates. Becker, Ferdinand. Etchings after Nature. Bath, Nov* 6^ 1821. Quarto. Plates. Becker, Wilhelm Adolph. Charicles. Illustrations of the private life of the ancient Greeks. With notes and excursuses. From the Ger- man of Professor Becker. New edition. London, 1854. I2mo. pp. xv, 512. Gallus : or, Roman Scenes of the Time of Augustus ; with notes and excursuses illustrative of the manners and customs of the Romans. Translated by the Rev. Fred- erick Metcalfe. London, 1853. I2mo. pp. xxi, (2), 535, (i). Plates. Beckford, William. Biographical Memoirs of Extraordinary Painters. New edition. London, 1834. i6mo. pp. (2), (2), 150. Plate. Italy; with sketches of Spain and Portugal. London, 1834. Two volumes. Octavo, pp. (i), xvi, 371; xv, 38i, (i). Italy, Spain, and Portugal, with an Excursion to the Mon- asteries of Alcobaga and Batalha. New edition. Lon- .don, 1840. i6mo. pp. xxiv, 440. Plate. Recollections of an Excursion to the Monasteries of Alco- bac,a and Batalha. London, 1835. Octavo, pp. xi, 228. Plate. Bede. Miscellaneous works ; by J. A. Giles. Beechey, Frederick William. A Voyage of Discovery towards the North Pole, per- formed in His Majesty's Ships Dorothea and Trent, under the command of Captain David Buchan, R. N. ; 1818; to which is added, a summary of all the early attempts to reach the Pacific by way of the Pole. . . . London, 1843. Octavo, pp. ix, (i), 351, (i). Plates. Waterston Collection 29 Beechy, Henry William. Literary works of Sir Joshua Reynolds. Belcher, Edward. The Last of the Arctic Voyages ; being a narrative of the Expedition in H. M. S. Assistance, under the Command of Captain Sir Edward Belcher, in search of Sir John Franklin, during the years 1852-53-54. With notes on the natural history, by Sir John Richardson, Professor Owen, Thomas Bell, J. W. Salter, and Lovell Reeve. London, 1855. Two volumes. Octavo, pp. xx, 383; vii, 419. Plates. Belgium. Belgium in a picturesque tour; by T. Roscoe. Classified synopsis of the principal painters of the Dutch and Flemish schools; by G. Stanley. Early Flemish painters; by J. A. Crowe. Flemish and French pictures; by F. G. Stephens. Rhine; by F. K. Hunt. Tour through the valley of the Meuse with the legends of the Walloon Country and Ardennes; by D. Costello. Belisarius. Life; by P. H. Stanhope. Belknap, Jeremy. Sacred Poetry : consisting of Psalms and Hymns, adapted to Christian devotion, in public and private. Selected from the best authors, with variations and additions. New edition, with additional hymns. Boston, 1817. i6mo. pp. 231, (8), 276. Same. Boston, 1820. Bell, Andrew. History of Canada, from the time of its discovery till the union year 1840-41 ; by F. X. Garneau. Bell, Charles. Essays on the Anatomy of Expression in Painting. Lon- don, 1806. Quarto, pp. xii, 186. Plates. Bell, Henry. D rls Martini Lutheri Colloquia Mensalia. Bell, James. History of Gibralter ; by I. L. de Ayala. Bell, John. Observations on Italy. Second edition corrected and en- 30 Massachusetts Historical Society Bell, John (continued). larged. Naples, 1834. Two volumes. Octavo, pp. xx, 202, (i); (i), 260, (i). Bell, Robert.' Memorials of the Civil War: comprising the correspond- ence of the Fairfax family with the most distinguished personages engaged in that memorable contest. Now first published from the original manuscripts. Forming the concluding volumes of the Fairfax correspondence. London, 1849. Two volumes. Octavo, pp. xxii, (i), 403; xv, 416. Plates. Preceding volumes by George W. Johnson. Bell, Thomas. Account of the Crustacea. [ In " Last of the Arctic voyages," by E. Belcher.] Bell, William Abraham. New Tracks in North America. A journal of travel and adventure whilst engaged in the survey for a southern railroad to the Pacific Ocean during 1867-8. Second edition. London, 1870. Octavo, pp. Ixix, (i), 564, (i). Plates. Bella, Stefano della. Collection of etchings, by that inimitable artist; by T. Dodd. Beloe, William. The Sexagenarian; or, the recollections of a literary life. London, 1817. Two volumes bound in one. Octavo, pp. viii, 436; (i), 386. Signature of J. Mitford, 1818, and notes. Belzoni, Giovanni Baptista. Narrative of the operations and recent discoveries within the pyramids, temples, tombs, and excavations, in Egypt and Nubia ; and of a journey to the coast of the Red Sea, in search of the ancient Berenice; and another to the oasis of Jupiter Ammon. Second edition. London, 1821. Quarto, pp. xix, 533, (i). Plates. Benger, Elizabeth Ogilvy. Memoirs of Elizabeth Stuart, Queen of Bohemia, daughter of King James the First. Including sketches of the state of society in Holland and Germany, in the I7th Waterston Collection 3 i Benger, Elizabeth Ogilvy (continued). Century. London, 1825. Two volumes. I2mo. pp. xix, 367; vii, 465, (i). Plate. Manuscript extracts (I. 216) of Helen Ruthven Waterston's Journal, Heidelberg, July 19 and 20, 1857, and her photograph. Memoirs of the Life of Anne Boleyn, Queen of Henry VIII. Philadelphia, 1822. Octavo, pp. 401. Plates. Bennet, James. English works of Roger Ascham. Bennet, William Heath. Select Biographical Sketches from the Note-Books of a Law Reporter. London, 1867. Octavo, pp. xiv, 218, xlvii. Plate. Benson, Eugene. Art and Nature in Italy. Boston, 1882. i6mo. pp. 188. Berjeau, Jean Philibert. Early Dutch, German, & English Printers' Marks. Lon- don, 1866. Octavo, pp. (i), 36, (i). Plates. Berlepsch, Hermann Alexander von. The Alps or Sketches of Life and Nature in the Moun- tains. Translated by the Rev. Leslie Stephen. London, 1 86 1. Octavo, pp. iv, (i), 407, (i), iv. Plates. Bernardus, St., of Clairvaux. Ranvtii Higati Lintrivallensis Bernardvs. Hoc est, D. Bernardi Abbatis Claraevallensis, Doctoris melliflvi, Tractatvs de Gratia et libero arbitrio, . . . 1649. I2mo. pp. (i), (26), 297, (i). Bernhart, Johann Baptist. Albert Durer's designs of the Prayer Book; by R. Acker- mann. Berry, Mary. Extracts from the Journals and Correspondence of Miss Berry from the year 1783 to 1852. Edited by Lady Theresa Lewis. Second edition. London, 1866. Three volumes. Octavo. Plates. Bertie, Willoughby. Thoughts on the Letter of Edmund Burke, Esq. ; to the Sheriffs of Bristol, on the affairs of America. By the Earl of Abingdon. Oxford, 1777. Octavo, pp. 64. Berwick, Edward. Memoirs of the Life of the Elder Scipio Africanus; with 32 Massachusetts Historical Society Berwick, Edward (continued). notes and illustrations. London, 1817. I2mo. pp. vi, (i), 190. Bewick, Thomas. A Memoir of Thomas Bewick, written by himself. Em- bellished by numerous wood engravings, designed and engraved by the author for a work on British fishes, and never before published. Newcastle-on-Tyne, 1862. Octavo, pp. xix, 344. Plates. Select Fables ; with cuts, designed and engraved by Thomas and John Bewick, and others, previous to the year 1784: together with a memoir; and a descriptive cata- logue of the works of Messrs. Bewick. Newcastle, 1820. Octavo, pp. (i), xl, 332. Plate. Be'ze, Theodore de. Theodori Bezse Vezelii Poemata varia. . . . 1599. 321110. pp. (i), (18), (12), (240), (192). Cuts. Bible. The Acts of the Apostles: translated out of the original Greek; and with the former translations diligently com- pared and revised. New York, American Bible Society, 1869. 321110. pp. 194. Amended version of the book of Job ; by G. R. Noyes. Annals of the English Bible; by C. Anderson. Bibel in Bildern ; by J. Schnorr. The Bible. Translated according to the Ebrewe and Greeke, and conferred with the best translations in diuers languages. With most profitable annotations vpon all the hard places, and other things of great im- portance, as may appeare in the epistle to the reader. And also a most profitable concordance, for the readie finding out of anything in the same conteined. Im- printed at London by Robert Barker, printer to the Queenes most excellent Maiestie. 1603. Octavo, pp. (4), (1108), (i), 162. In black letter, the second edition of the " Breeches Bible " ; signature of Richard Seynor, 1724, and his family record; also signatures of Robert Waterston and Mathew Coates. Biblia Hebraica; by A. Hahn. Biblia Sacra Latina. Venice, 1478. Octavo, pp. (510). Biblical versions of Divine hymns with annotations; by W. Marsh. Waterston Collection 33 Bible (continued). The Book of Psalms: translated out of the original Hebrew; and with the former translations diligently compared and revised. New York, American Bible Society, 1861. i6mo. pp. 211. Same. New York, 1886. Collegium Rabbinico-Biblicum in Libellum Ruth; by J. B. Carpzov. Commentary on the book of Psalms ; by G. Home. Complete concordance to the Bible of the last translation; by C. Cotton. Critica sacra veteris Testamenti ; by J. G. Carpzov. English harmony of the four Evangelists; by W. New- come. English hexapla ; by S. Bagster. Epistelen mit-Glosen, 1497. Quarto, pp. (632). Cuts. Evidences of genuineness of the Gospels ; by A. Norton. Explanatory Bible atlas and Scriptural gazetteer; by W. Jenks. First tome or volume of the paraphrases vpon the newe testament; by D. Erasmus. General view of the history of the English Bible; by B. F. Westcott. The Gospel according to Saint Luke: translated out of the original Greek; and with the former translations diligently compared and revised. New York, Ameri- can Bible Society, 1883. 321110. pp. 200. The Gospel according to Saint Matthew: translated out of the original Greek; and with the former translations diligently compared and revised. New York, Ameri- can Bible Society, 1863. 32mo. pp. 186. Greek Testament, with English notes ; by S. T. Bloomfield. Hebrew lyrical history, or select psalms, arranged in the order of the events; by T. Bulfinch. History of Jewish coinage, and of money in the Old and New Testament; by F. W. Madden. The history of Joseph and his Brethren. Illuminated by Owen Jones and Henry Warren. London. Quarto, PP- (52). The Holy Bible, containing the Old and New Testaments : translated out of the original tongues : and with the former translations diligently compared and revised. By His Majesty's special command. Appointed to be 3 34 Massachusetts Historical Society Bible (continued). read in Churches. Stereotype edition. Oxford, 1835. Octavo, pp. (i), (2), 1232. Contains the Waterston family record. Holy Gospels with numerous illustrations on wood ; by C. Heath. Introduction to the books of the Old and New Testament ; by A. Schumann. Isaiah, a new translation; by R. Lowth. Key to the Bible; by T. Timpson. Life and epistles of St. Paul ; by W. J. Conybeare. Memorials of Myles Coverdale. New Testament. [In Bible, London, 1603.] Same. [In Holy Bible, London, 1835.] Same ; by J. Lewis. The New Testament of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ: published in 1526. Being the first translation from the Greek into English, by that eminent scholar and martyr, William Tyndale. Reprinted verbatim : with a memoir of his life and writings, by George Offor. Together with the proceedings and correspond- ence of Henry VIII. , Sir T. More, and Lord Cromwell. London, 1836. Octavo, pp. iv, 98, (434). Plate. New version of the psalms of David, fitted to the tunes used in the churches; by N. Brady. Novi Testamenti Libri Historici, Grseci & Latini, Per- petuo Commentario ex Antiquitate, Historiis, Philolo- gia, Illustrati, quern, praeter venerabilis Bezse, . . . adornante Balduino Walaeo, . . . Amstelsedami, 1662. Quarto, pp. (i), (i), (16), 1304, (26). Novum Testamentum Grsecum, cum lectionibus varianti- bus . . . Amstelodami, 1710. Folio, pp. (i), (16), 168, (2), 632, Palseographia sacra pictoria, being a series of illustra- tions of the ancient versions of the Bible; by J. O. Westwood. Popular cyclopaedia of Biblical literature; by J. Kitto. The Psalms of David in Metre. Allowed by the authority of the General Assembly of the Kirk of Scotland, and appointed to be sung in congregations and families. Edinburgh, 1801. 641110. pp. 328. Remarks on the publication and circulation of the Scrip- tures; by G. Livermore. Waterston Collection 35 Bible (continued). Sacra Biblia, acri stvdio, ac diligentia emendata, rerum, atque Verborum permultis, & perquamdignis Indicibus aucta. . . . Venetiis, 1588. I2mo. pp. (i), (14), 679, ^ 199, (200). Sacred poetry, consisting of psalms and hymns, adapted to Christian devotion; by J. Belknap. Second vision of Daniel ; by G. W. F. Howard. Service Book, for the Church of the Saviour, with a col- lection of psalms and hymns for Christian worship; by Mr. Waterston. Translation of the Gospels; by A. Norton. Two right profitable and fruitfull concordances. [With Bible, London, 1603.] Bibliography. Aedes Althorpianae ; by T. F. Dibdin. Bibliographer's manual of English literature; by W. T. Lowndes. Bibliographical decameron, or, ten days pleasant dis- course; by T. F. Dibdin. Bibliomania, or book-madness ; by same. Bibliotheca Spenceriana, or a descriptive catalogue of the books printed in the fifteenth century; by T. F. Dibdin. Book rarities in the University of Cambridge; by C. H. Hartshorne. Critical dictionary of English literature ; by S. A. Allibone. Descriptive catalogue of the books printed in the fifteenth century; by T. F. Dibdin. Hand-book to the popular, poetical, and dramatic litera- ture of Great Britain; by W. C. Hazlitt. Introduction to the knowledge of rare and valuable edi- tions of the Greek and Roman classics; by T. F. Dibdin. Introduction to the study of bibliography; by T. H. Home. Librarian's manual, a treatise on bibliography; by R. A. Guild. Repertorium bibliographicum, or some account of the most celebrated British libraries; by W. Clarke. Bickmore, Albert Smith. Travels in the East Indian Archipelago. London, 1868. Octavo, pp. 555. Plates. 36 Massachusetts Historical Society Biddle, Richard. A Memoir of Sebastian Cabot; with a review of the his- tory of maritime discovery. Illustrated by documents from the rolls, now first published. London, 1831. Octavo, pp. viii, 333, (i). Bigelow, Jacob. Elements of Technology, taken chiefly from a course of lectures delivered at Cambridge, on the application of the sciences to the useful arts. Now published for the use of seminaries and students. Second edition, with additions. Boston, 1831. Octavo, pp. xv, 521. Plates. Modern Inquiries: classical, professional, and miscellane- ous. Boston, 1870. I2mo. pp. xi, 379. Bigelow, John. Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin. Life of Benjamin Franklin, written by himself. William Cullen Bryant. [American men of letters, by C. D. Warner.] Boston, 1890. I2mo. pp. vi, (i), 355. Plate. Billings, Robert William. The Baronial and Ecclesiastical Antiquities of Scotland. Edinburgh, 1852. Four volumes. Quarto. Plates. Biography. Biographical essays; by H. T. Tuckerman. Biographical history of the fine arts ; by S. Spooner. Book of memories of great men and women of the age; by S. C. Hall. Catalogue of royal and noble authors ; by H. Walpole. Certain men of mark, studies of living celebrities; by G. M. Towle. Critical dictionary of English literature ; by S. A. Allibone. Danmonii orientales illustres, or, the worthies of Devon ; by J. Prince. Dictionary of American biography; by F. S. Drake. Ecclesiastical biography; by C. Wordsworth. English women of letters; by J. Kavanagh. Essays in ecclesiastical biography ; by J. Stephen. Estimates of some Englishmen and Scotchmen; by W. Bagehot. Harvard reminiscences; by A. P. Peabody. Haydn's universal index of biography; by J. B. Payne. History of philosophy, containing the lives, opinions, ac- Waterston Collection 37 Biography (continued). tions and discourses of the philosophers of every sect; by T. Stanley. Homes and haunts of the most eminent British poets; by W. Howitt. Homes of American Authors; comprising anecdotical, personal, and descriptive sketches, by various writers. Illustrated with views of their residences from original drawings, and a fac-simile of the manuscript of each author. New York, 1853. Octavo, pp. (i), viii, 366. Plates. Homes of American Statesmen : with anecdotal, personal, and descriptive sketches, by various writers. Illustrated with engravings on wood, from drawings by Dopier and Daguerreotypes : and fac-similes of autograph letters. New York, 1854. Octavo, pp. (i), viii, 469. Plates. Hundred Boston orators appointed by the municipal authorities and other public bodies, from 1770 to 1852; by J. S. Loring. Jacobi Philippi Tomasini Patavini illustrivm virorvm Elogia. See Tomasini. Lives of individuals who raised themselves from poverty to eminence or fortune; by R. A. Davenport. Lives of Dr. John Donne, Sir Henry Wotton, Mr. Richard Hooker, Mr. George Herbert, and Dr. Robert Sander- son; by I. Walton. Lives of John Wicliff, and of the most eminent of his disciples, Lord Cobham, John Huss, Jerome of Prague, and Zisca; by W. Gilpin. Lives of the engineers ; by S. Smiles. Lives of the most eminent English poets ; by S. Johnson. Lives of the signers of the Declaration of Independence; by N. Dwight. Memoirs of celebrated characters ; by A. de Lamartine. Memorial and biographical sketches; by J. F. Clarke. Men of our Time. Biographical sketches of eminent liv- ing characters. . . . Also biographical sketches of cele- brated women of the time. London, 1859. i6mo. pp. xv, 895. Modern portrait gallery. Monumental remains of noble and eminent persons, com- prising the sepulchral antiquities of Great Britain; by E. Blore. 38 Massachusetts Historical Society Biography (continued). New general biographical dictionary; by H. J. Rose. Poets and poetry of Europe; by H. W. Longfellow. Poets and Statesmen ; their homes and haunts in the neigh- bourhood of Eton and Windsor. London, 1857. Oc- tavo, pp. xvi, ( i ) , 272. Plates. Poets of Essex County, Massachusetts; by S. Perley. Poets of the nineteenth century ; by R. A. Willmott. Representative men in literature, science, and art; by E. Walford. Select biographical sketches from the notebooks of a law reporter; by W. H. Bennet. Singers and songs of the liberal faith ; by A. P. Putnam. Spirit of the age, or contemporary portraits; by W. Hazlitt. Universal pronouncing dictionary of biography and my- thology; by J. Thomas. See also under Great Britain. Birch, Samuel. History of Ancient Pottery [Egyptian, Assyrian, Greek, Etruscan, and Roman], London, 1858. Octavo, pp.- xii, (i), 415; xii, (i), 437. Plates. Birch, Thomas. The Heads of Illustrious Persons of Great Britain, en- graved by Mr. Houbraken and Mr. Vertue. With their lives and characters. New edition. London, 1813. Folio, pp. iv, 216. Plates. Same. London, 1833. True intellectual system of the universe ; by R. Cudworth. Bird, Joseph. Gleanings from the History of Music, from the earliest ages to the commencement of the eighteenth century. Boston, 1850. I2mo. pp. vii, 299. Black, Charles Christopher. Leonardo da Vinci and his works ; by M. M. Heaton. Michael Angelo Buonarroti, sculptor, painter, architect. The story of his life and labours. London, 1875. Oc- tavo, pp. xiv, (i), 262, (i). Plates. Black, John. Course of lectures on dramatic art and literature; by A. W. Schlegel. Waterston Collection 39 Blackburn, Henry. Art in the Mountains: the story of the Passion Play. London, 1870. Octavo, pp. (i), 167, (i). Plates. Normandy Picturesque. London, 1869. Octavo, pp. (i), (3), (i), 284. Plates. The Pyrenees : a description of summer life at French watering places. Second edition. With upwards of one hundred illustrations by Gustave Dore, and a new map of the central Pyrenees. London, 1870. Octavo, pp. (2), xvi, 326, (2). Plates. Travelling in Spain in the present day. London. 1866. Octavo, pp. vii, (i), (i), 248. Plates. Blackburne, Edward L. Sketches Graphic and Descriptive &c. for a history of the decorative painting applied to English architecture dur- ing the middle ages. London. Folio, pp. (i), iv, 88. ( i ) . Plates. Blackburne, Francis. Memoirs of Thomas Hollis. London, 1780. Two vol- umes. Quarto, pp. (i), viii, 506; (i), 507-839, (24). Plates. Blackie, John Stuart. Faust, a tragedy; by J. W. von Goethe. Blair, Hugh. Lectures on Rhetoric and Belles Lettres. New edition. London, 1824. Octavo, pp. viii, 679. Plate. Blair, John. Blair's Chronological and Historical Tables, from the Crea- tion to the present time : with additions and corrections from the most authentic writers; including the compu- tation of St. Paul, as connecting the period from the exode to the Temple. [By Henry Ellis.] New edition. London, 1851. Quarto, pp. (314). Blake, Harrison Gray Otis. Early spring in Massachusetts; by H. D. Thoreau. Blake, William. Life ; by A. Gilchrist. Theogony works and days and the days of Hesiod; by John Flaxman. William Blake, a critical essay; by A. C. Swinburne. Blanc, Mount. Souvenirs du Mont-Blanc et de la Valee de Chamonix. 40 Massachusetts Historical Society Blanc, Mount (continued). Imp* lith? de Schmid a Geneve. Oblong, i6mo. I p. Plates. Pressed wild flowers mounted on the leaves. Blencowe, Robert Willis. Diary of the times of Charles the Second ; by H. Sidney. Blondus, Flavius. Blondi Flauii Forliuiensis in Italiam illustratam. Verona, 1482. Quarto, pp. (170). Bloomfield, Robert. The Farmer's Boy; a rural poem. Eighth edition. Lon- don, 1805. i6mo. pp. (i), (6), xxvii, 122. Plates. Same. New York, 1858. i2mo. pp. iv, 68. Bloomfield, Samuel Thomas. The Greek Testament, with English Notes, critical, philo- logical, and exegetical, especially adapted to the use of theological students, and ministers. Ninth edition. London, 1855. Two volumes. Octavo, pp. viii, 892; (3), 908. Map. Blore, Edward. The Monumental Remains of Noble and Eminent Persons, comprising the sepulchral antiquities of Great Britain, engraved from drawings by Edward Blore, with his- torical and biographical illustrations. London, 1826. Quarto, pp. (250). Plates. Bloxam, Matthew Holbeche. A Glimpse at the Monumental Architecture and Sculpture of Great Britain, from the earliest period to the eigh- teenth century. London, 1834. I2mo. pp. xv, (i), 291. Boaden, James. An Inquiry into the authenticity of various pictures and prints, which, from the decease of the poet to our own times, have been offered to the public as portraits of Shakspeare: . . . London, 1824. Octavo, pp. (i), (2), v, (i), 206. Plates. Memoirs of the Life of John Philip Kemble, Esq. including a history of the stage, from the time of Garrick to the present period. London, 1825. Two volumes. Octavo, pp. xl, 477, (0; (3)- 595, (0- Plate. Bode, Wilhelm. Die Galerie zu Cassel ; by W. Unger. Waterston Collection 41 Bodenham, John. England's Helicon. A collection of pastoral and lyric poems, first published at the close of the Reign of Q. Elizabeth. Third edition. To which is added a bio- graphical and critical introduction. London, 1812. Oc- tavo, pp. (i), (5), (3) recto, xl, 248. Bodleian Library. Annals; by W. D. Macray. Boeckh, August. The Public Economy of Athens, in four books; to which is added, a dissertation on the silver-mines of Laurion. Translated from the German. London, 1828. Two volumes. Octavo, pp. xxix, (i), 393, (i); (2), 513, (i). Map. Boethius, Anicius Manlius Torquatus Severinus. Dis Sint die vier angel Tugent . . . 1485. i6mo. pp. (i), (43 ) ; Cuts. King Alfred's Anglo-Saxon Version of Boethius de Con- solatione Philosophise : with an English translation, and notes. By J. S. Cardale. London, 1829. Octavo, pp. (i), (10), XV, (4), 425, (2). Bogue, David. Bogue's Guide for Travellers. II. Switzerland and Savoy. London, 1852. i6mo. pp. (2), vi, 343, (i). Map. Bohemia. IVJemoirs of Elizabeth Stuart, Queen; by E. O. Benger. Reformers before the Reformation; by F. P. . B. de Bonnechose. Bohn, Henry George. A Polyglot of Foreign Proverbs comprising French, Italian, German, Dutch, Spanish, Portuguese, and Danish, with English translations and a general index. London, 1867. I2mo. pp. (4), 57$, (i). Treatise on wood engraving; by J. Jackson. Bonnechose, Frangois Paul Emile Boisnormand de. The Reformers before the Reformation. The fifteenth century. John Huss and the Council of Constance. Translated from the French by Campbell Mackenzie. Edinburgh, 1844. Two volumes bound in one. I2mo. pp. xxxvi, ii, 284; iii, (i), 375. Bonnet, John. The Town of Boston in New England by Cap* John Bon- 42 Massachusetts Historical Society Bonner, John (continued). ner 1722, engraved by G. W. Boynton, 1852. [In " Great Tree on Boston Common," by J. C. Warren.] Book of common prayer. See King's Chapel. Book of costume ; by M. M. S. Egerton. Bookbinding, Manual of the art ; by J. B. Nicholson. Boothby, Brooke. A Letter to the Right Honourable Edmund Burke. Sec- ond edition, with additions. London, 1791. Octavo, PP- (0, 135- Borgia, Lucrezia. Lucrezia Borgia, a biography; by W. Gilbert. Boston, England. History and antiquities; by P. Thompson. Boston, Mass. Address to the citizens, on the I7th of ' September, 1830, the close of the second century ; by J. Quincy. Annual Report of the School Committee of the City of Boston [by Mr. Waterston]. 1866. Boston, 1867. Octavo, pp. 350. Plates. Antique views of ye towne of Boston ; by J. H. Stark. Boston, from original negatives by the Albertype Com- pany. Copyright, 1891, by A. Wittemann, New York. Oblong I2mo. i p. Plates. Boundaries of the Grammar School Sections [and map of Boston from the latest surveys, published by Samp- son, Davenport, and Co., 1872]. Octavo, pp. 9. Celebration of the Two Hundred and Fiftieth Anniversary of the Settlement of Boston, September 17, 1880. Bos- ton, 1880. Quarto, pp. 172. Plates. The Centennial Celebration of the Wednesday Evening Club: instituted June 21, 1777. Boston, 1878. I2mo. pp. (i), (i), 145. The City Hall, Boston. Corner stone laid, Monday, De- cember 22, 1862. Dedicated, Monday, September 17, 1865. Boston, 1866. Quarto, pp. vii, 130. Plates. Final Report of the Committee of both branches of the City Council of Boston, on the extension of Faneuil Hall Market, November 13, 1826, by Josiah Quincy, Chairman. Octavo, pp. 34 [38]. Great tree on Boston Common, by J. C. Warren. History; by C. H. Snow. Waterston Collection 43 Boston (continued). History and antiquities of Boston ; by S. G. Drake. History of the Boston Athenaeum; by J. Quincy. History of the Siege of Boston; by R. Frothingham. Hundred Boston orators from 1770 to 1852; by J. S. Loring. Index to the Catalogue of Books in the upper hall of the Public Library of the City of Boston. Boston, 1861. Quarto, pp. vii, (i), 902. King's handbook of Boston. A Memorial of Abraham Lincoln, lat : 'ent of the United States. Boston, 1865. Qu; ,p. Plate. Memorial of the Dedication of the PUJI c LnLij d Eng- lish High School-house. With a description of the building. Boston, 1881. Octavo, pp. io. Plates. Municipal history; by J. Quincy. Old landmarks and historic personages; by S. A. Drake. Orations delivered at the Request of the Inhabitants of the Town of Boston, to commemorate the evening of the Fifth of March, 1770; . . . Second edition. Bos- ton, 1807. i6mo. pp. 198, (i). Orations, March 5, 1774, by J. Hancock; July 4, 1826, by J. Quincy; 1842, by H. Mann; 1864, by T. Russell; 1876, by R. C. Winthrop; 1891, by J. Quincy. Proceedings of the Common Council at the close of its last meeting, with the address of President [Weston] Lewis. 1867. Octavo, pp. 13. Reports and other papers on the Boston Public Schools. By John D. Philbrick, Superintendent. Octavo. Presentation copy, November 30, 1871 ; Mr. Philbrick 's letter of No- vember 5, 1862, inserted ; contains the tenth to the seventeenth semi- annual reports, 1865-1868, bound together. Semi-Centennial Anniversary of the English High School. May 2, 1871. Boston, 1871. Octavo, pp. (2), 112. Plate. Letter from Thomas Sherwin, Boston, April 8, 1865. A Short Narrative of the horrid Massacre in Boston, \ perpetrated in the evening of the fifth day of March 1770, by soldiers of the XXIXth regiment, which, with the XlVth regiment, were then quartered there. With some observations on the state of things prior to that catastrophe. Printed by order of the town of Boston: London, reprinted, 1770. i2mo. pp. 166. 44 Massachusetts Historical Society Boston (continued). Topographical and historical description; by N. B. Shurtleff. Trans-Continental [Vol. I. i to 12, May 24, 1870 to July 4; published daily between Boston and San Fran- cisco, on the Pullman hotel express, W. R. Steele, editor, on the transcontinental excursion of the Board of Trade]. Quarto, pp. (i), (48). Tributes to Theodore Parker, comprising the Exercises at the Music Hall, on Sunday, June 17, 1860, with the proceedings of the New England Anti-Slavery Con- vention, at the Melodeon, May 31, and the resolutions of the Fraternity and the Twenty-eighth Congregational Society. Boston, 1860. I2mo. pp. 60. West Church and its ministers ; by C. A. Bartol. Boston Athenaeum, History; by J. Quincy. Boston Book; by H. T. Tuckerman, G. S. Hillard, and J. T. Fields. Boswell, James. Johnsoniana, or, supplement to Boswell. The Life of Samuel Johnson, comprehending an account of his studies and numerous works, in chronological order; . . . London, 1791. Two volumes. Quarto, pp. xii, (16), 516; (i), 588. Plates. Signature of Edmund Quincy. Botanic garden, a poem, in two parts ; by E. Darwin. Botta, Anna Charlotte Lynch. Hand Book of Universal Literature, from the best and latest authorities. Third edition. Boston, 1863. I2mo pp. (i), xviii, 9-567. Botta, Carlo Guiseppe Guglielmo. History of Italy during the Consulate and Empire of Napoleon Buonaparte, translated from the Italian of Carlo Botta. London, 1828. Two volumes. Octavo, pp. xx, 396; viii, 464. Bouldin, Powhatan. Home Reminiscences of John Randolph of Roanoke. Dan- ville, Virginia, 1878. I2mo. pp. ix, 320. Plate. Bourke, Richard. Correspondence of the Right Honourable Edmund Burke. Waterston Collection 45 Bourne, Henry Richard Fox. A Memoir of Sir Philip Sidney. London, 1862. Octavo, PP- xv, 557. Boutwell, George Sewall. Thoughts on Educational Topics and Institutions. Boston, 1859. i2mo. pp. (3), (i), 9-3 6 5- Bowditch, Nathaniel. Varieties of human greatness, discourse on the life and character of; by A. Young. Bowditch, Nathaniel Ingersoll. Suffolk Surnames. Third edition. London, 1861. Oc- tavo, pp. xxv, 757. Plate. Presentation copy, Brookline, March 26, 1861. Bowes, James Lord. Keramic art of Japan ; by G. A. Audsley. Bowles, William Lisle. The Poetical Works of William Lisle Bowles, Canon of St. Paul's Cathedral, and Rector of Bremhill. With memoir, critical dissertation, and explanatory notes, by Rev. George Gilfillan. New York, 1855. Two vol- umes. Octavo, pp. iv, 368; xx, 331. Bowring, John. Ancient Poetry and Romances of Spain. London, 1824. I2tno. pp. xvi, 328. Poetry of the Magyars, preceded by a sketch of the lan- guage and literature of Hungary and Transylvania. London, 1830. I2mo. pp. xvi, Ixxxiii, 312, (3). POCCIIICKAfl AHIIIOJIOnJL Specimens of the Russian Poets : with preliminary remarks and biographical notices. London, 1821, 1823. Two volumes bound in one. i6mo. pp. (3), (i), xxii, (i), 240; xxi, (i), 271. Boyd, Hugh Stuart. Select Passages of the Writings of St. Chrysostom, St. Gregory Nazianzen, and St. Basil. Translated from the Greek. Second edition, corrected and enlarged. Lon- don, 1810. Octavo, pp. xix, 297. Boyle, Robert. Some Motives and Incentives to the Love of God, pa- thetically discours'd of in a letter to a friend. Fifth edition much corrected. London, 1670. i6mo. pp. (i), (16), 254. 46 Massachusetts Historical Society Brabant, Chroniqves des Dvcs de; by H. Barlandus. Bradford, Aid en. History of Massachusetts, for Two Hundred Years : from the year 1620 to 1820. Boston, 1835. Octavo, pp. 480. Also James G. Carter's Map of Massachusetts. Bradford, Alexander Warfield. American Antiquities and Researches into the Origin and History of the Red Race. New York, 1843. Octavo, PP- 435- Bradford, Mary (Wilmot). Memoirs of the Princess Daschkaw. Bradford, William (1590-1657). A Dialogue or Third Conference between some young men born in New England, and some ancient men which came out of Holland and old England, concerning the church and the government thereof. Edited, with a preface and notes, by Charles Deane. Reprinted from the Proceedings [XI, 396-464] of the Massachusetts Historical Society. Boston, 1870. Octavo, pp. xii, 78. Plate. Presentation copy, December 21, 1870. History of Plymouth Plantation. Reprinted from the Massachusetts Historical Collections [4th series, III.]. Edited, with notes, by Charles Deane. Boston, pri- vately printed, 1856. Octavo, pp. xix, (i), 476, (i). Presentation copy, January i, 1859. Bradford, William (grad., Oxford, 1806). Correspondence of the Emperor Charles V. and his Am- bassadors at the Courts of England and France, from the original letters in the Imperial Family Archives at Vienna; with a connecting narrative and biographical notices of the Emperor, and of some of the most dis- tinguished officers of his Army and Household ; to- gether with the Emperor's Itinerary from 1519-1551. London, 1850. Octavo, pp. (3), iii, (i), 576. Plate. Brady, John. Clavis Calendaria; or, a compendious analysis of the calendar: illustrated with ecclesiastical, historical, and classical anecdotes. Third edition. London, 1815. Two volumes. Octavo, pp. x, 404; (2), 406. Waterston Collection 47 Brady, Nicholas. A New Version of the Psalms of David, fitted to the tunes used in Churches. By Mr. Brady and Nahum Tate. Boston, 1773. i6mo. pp. 276, 84. Also " Appendix, containing a number of Hymns, taken chiefly from Dr. Watts's Scriptural Collection," Boston, 1773. Brandis, Christian August. Life and letters of Barthold George Niebuhr. Brant, Sebastian. Stultifera Navis [Ship of Fools, a satirical poem]. Basel, 1497. I2mo. pp. (295). Cuts. Bray, Anna Eliza. Life of Thomas Stothard, with personal reminiscences. London, 1851. Octavo, pp. xxiv, 246. Plates inserted. Three other copies with additional plates inserted. Same. Two volumes. Folio, pp. xxiv, 104; (i), 105-246. Bray, William. Diary" and correspondence of John Evelyn. Braybrooke, Lord. See R. Griffin. Brazil. History; by A. Grant. Brerewood, Edward. Enqviries tovching the diversity of Langvages, and Reli- gions through the cheife parts of the world. London, 1614. i6mo. pp. (i), (22), 198. Breviary. See Roman Catholic Church. Brewer, James Norris. A Descriptive and Historical Account of Various Palaces, and Public Buildings, English and Foreign. With bio- graphical notices of their founders or builders, and other eminent persons. London, 1810. Quarto, pp. viii, 323. Plates. Brewster, Charles Warren. Rambles about Portsmouth. Second series. Sketches of persons, localities and incidents of two centuries : . . . With a biographical sketch of the author, by Wm. H. Y. Hackett. Portsmouth, 1869. Octavo, pp. 375. Plate. Brewster, David. The Life of Sir Isaac Newton. London, 1831. i6mo. pp. xv, 366. Plate. 48 Massachusetts Historical Society Bridgens, Richard. Sketches illustrative of the Manners and Costumes of France, Switzerland, and Italy. London, 1821. Quarto, pp. (i), (2), iv, (2), (4S)recto. Plates. Bridgman, Laura Dewey. Life and education; by M. S. Lamson. Brigham, William. Compact with the charter and laws of the Colony of New Plymouth. See Massachusetts. Bristed, Charles Astor. Cowards' convention. [Loyal Publication Society, No. 68.] Bristol, England. Historical and architectural essay relating to Redcliffe church; by J. Britton. History and antiquities of the abbey and cathedral church ; by J. Britton. British gallery of contemporary portraits. See Great Britain. British Museum. A Catalogue of the Manuscripts in the Cottonian Library, deposited in the British Museum. . . . 1802. Folio, pp. xv, (i), 618, (75). Elgin and Phigaleian marbles of the classical ages, in the British Museum ; by H. Ellis. Handy-book of the British Museum; by T. Nichols. * Britton, John. A Dictionary of the Architecture and Archaeology of the Middle Ages : including words used by ancient and modern authors in treating of architectural and other antiquities: . . . London, 1838. Octavo, pp. xvi, xviii, 498. Plates. An Historical and Architectural Essay relating to Red- cliffe Church, Bristol : illustrated with plans, views, and architectural details: . . . London, 1813. Quarto, pp. (i), xii, 40. Plates. The History and Antiquities of the Abbey, and Cathedral Church of Bristol : illustrated by a series of engrav- ings . . . London, 1830. Quarto, pp. (i), x, 74. Plates. The History and Antiquities of the Metropolitical Church of Canterbury ; illustrated by a series of engravings, . . . Waterston Collection 49 Britton, John (continued). London, 1821. Quarto, pp. (i), (3), ii, 5-110, (2). Plates. The History and Antiquities of the Cathedral Church of Exeter : illustrated by a series of engravings, . . . Lon- don, 1826. Quarto, pp. (i), 4, 152. Plates. The History and Antiquities of the Abbey, and Cathedral Church of Gloucester : illustrated by a series of engrav- ings . . . London, 1829. Quarto, pp. viii, 88. Plates. The History and Antiquities of the Cathedral Church of Hereford : illustrated by a series of engravings . . . London, 1831. Quarto, pp. (i), vii, (i), 74. Plates. The History and Antiquities of the See and Cathedral Church of Lichfield ; illustrated by a series of engrav- ings, . . . London, 1820. Quarto, pp. 74. Plates. The History and Antiquities of the See and Cathedral Church of Norwich ; illustrated with a series of engrav- ings, . . . London, 1816. Quarto, pp. ('3) recto, 89, (i). Plates. The History and Antiquities of the Cathedral Church of Oxford ; illustrated by a series of engravings, . . . Lon- don, 1821. Quarto, pp. 50. Plates. The History and Antiquities of the Abbey, and Cathedral Church of Peterborough : illustrated by a series of en- gravings . . . London, 1828. Quarto, pp. (i), viii, 88. Plates. The History and Antiquities of the Cathedral Church of Salisbury; illustrated with a series of engravings, . . . London, 1814. Quarto, pp. (i), viii, 113, (3). Plates. The History and Antiquities of the Cathedral Church of Wells: illustrated by a series of engravings, . . . Lon- don, 1824. Quarto, pp. (i), viii, 130. Plates. The History and Antiquities of the See and Cathedral Church of Winchester; illustrated with a series of en- gravings, . . . London, 1817. Quarto, pp. 138, (4). Plates. The History and Antiquities of the Metropolitical Church of York; illustrated by a series of engravings, . . . London, 1819. Quarto, pp. (i), 96. Plates. Picturesque Antiquities of the English Cities. Illustrated by a series of engravings of ancient buildings, street scenery, etc. With historical and descriptive accounts of each subject. London. Quarto, pp. viii, 88. Plates. 4 50 Massachusetts Historical Society Brockedon, William. Holy Land; by D. Roberts [IV.-VI.]. Illustrations of the Passes of the Alps, by which Italy communicates with France, Switzerland, and- Germany. London. Two volumes. Quarto, pp. (3), 92; (3), 104. Plates. Same, second edition. London, 1836. Brocklehtirst, Thomas Unett. Mexico to-day: a country with a great future, and a glance at the prehistoric remains and antiquities of the Montezumas. London, 1883. Octavo, pp. xv, (i), 259, (i). Plates. Brooke, Arthur de Capell. Travels through Sweden, Norway, and Finmark, to the North Cape, in the Summer of 1820. London, 1823. Quarto, pp. xvi, (2), 433, (i). Plates. Brooke, James. Visit to the Indian Archipelago; by H. Keppel. Brookline, Mass. Historical sketches; by H. F. Woods. Brooks, Charles Timothy. William Ellery Channing : a centennial memory. Boston, 1880. i6mo. pp. 259. Plates. Brooks, Maria Go'wen. Zophiel ; or, the Bride of Seven. By Maria del Occidente. Second American from the first London edition. [Pub- lished for the benefit of the Polish exiles.] Boston, 1834. i6mo. pp. vii, (i), 255, (i). Brooks, Phillips. Lectures on Preaching delivered before the Divinity School of Yale College in January and February, 1877. New York, 1877. I2mo. pp. (3), (i), 281. Sermons. New York, 1878. I2mo. pp. vii, 371. Sermons Preached in English Churches. New York, 1883. I2mo. pp. viii, 311. Brough, Robert Barnabas. The Life of Sir John Falstaff. Illustrated by George Cruikshank. With a biography of the Knight from authentic sources. London, 1858. Quarto, pp. (3) recto, xi-xx, 196. Plates. Waterston Collection 51 Brougham, Henry. Contributions to the Edinburgh Review. London, 1856. Three volumes. Octavo. Historical Sketches of Statesmen who flourished in the time of George III. To which is added, remarks on party, and an appendix. London, 1839-1843. Three volumes. Octavo. Plates. Lives of Men of Letters and Science, who flourished in the time of George III. London, 1845, J 846. Two volumes. Octavo, pp. xv, 516, (i); xi, (i), 516. Plates. Brown, Charles Armitage. Shakespeare's Autobiographical Poems. Being his sonnets clearly developed : with his character drawn chiefly from his works. London, 1838. I2mo. pp. viii, 306. Brown, James. Correspondence of Thomas Gray and William Mason. Brown, James Baldwin. Memoirs of the public and private Life of John Howard, the Philanthropist ; compiled from his own diary, in the possession of his family; his confidential letters; the communications of his surviving relatives and friends; and other authentic sources of information. London, 1818. Quarto, pp. xxvii, 690, (i). Plates. Brown, John. Jqhn Brown's expedition reviewed ; by T. Parker. Brown, John William. The Life of Leonardo da Vinci, with a critical account of his works. London, 1828. I2mo. pp. xv, 256. Plate. Brown, Samuel Gilman. The Life of Rufus Choate. Third edition. Boston, 1879. i2mo. pp. xviii, 498. Plates. Browne, James. A History of the Highlands, and of the Highland Clans; with an extensive selection from the hitherto inedited Stuart Papers. New edition. London, 1848-1850. Four volumes. Octavo. Plates. Browne, James P. Works of Richard Brinsley Sheridan. Browne, Robert William. A History of Classical Literature. London, 1851. Octavo, pp. xx, 392 ; xii, 356. 52 Massachusetts Historical Society Browne, Thomas. Christian Morals. Second edition. With a life of the author, by Samuel Johnson; and explanatory notes. London, 1756. i6mo. pp. (i), (i), Ixi, 136. Same, a reprint. London, 1863. i6mo. pp. Ixxiii, 143, (i). Plate. The Garden of Cyrus. Or the quincuncial lozenge, or net-work plantations of the ancients, artificially, natu- rally, mystically considered. Octavo, pp. (i), 35-73, (2). Plate. Hydriotaphia Urne-Bvriall, or, a Discourse of the Sepul- chrall Urnes lately found in Norfolk. Together with the Garden of Cyrvs, or the quincunciall lozenge, or net-work plantations of the ancients, artificially, natu- rally, mystically considered; with sundry observations. London, 1658. Octavo, pp. (i), (6), 30. Plate. Pseudodoxia Epidemica : or, enquiries into very many re- ceived tenents, and commonly presumed truths. Lon- don, 1646. Quarto, pp. (2), (16), 386. Signature of William Hammond, Jr. Same, fourth edition. London, 1658. Octavo, pp. (i), (14), 468, (15). Religio Medici. The fifth edition, corrected and amended. With Annotations "never before published, upon all the obscure passages therein. Also, Observations by Sir Kenelm Digby, now newly added. London, 1659. i6mo. pp. (16), 174; (i), (8), 285 [1851-297. Plate. Also " Annotations upon Religio Medici," London, 1659 signature of Josiah Quincy. Sir Thomas Browne's Works including his Life and Cor- respondence Edited by Simon Wilkin. London, 1836, 1835. Four volumes. Octavo. Plates. Browning, Oscar. England and Napoleon in 1803, edited for the Royal His- torical Society. Bruhns, Carl Christian. Life of Alexander von Humboldt. Compiled in commemo- ration of the centenary of his birth by J. Lowenberg, Robert Ave-lallemant, and Alfred Dove. Translated from the German by Jane and Caroline Lassell. Lon- don, 1873. Octavo, pp. xxiii, (i), 412; vii, (i), 447. Plates. Waterston Collection 53 Bryan, Michael. A Biographical and Critical Dictionary of Painters and Engravers, from the revival of the art under Cimabue, and the alleged discovery of engraving by Finiguerra, to the present time: with ciphers, monograms, and marks, used by each engraver. New edition, by George Stanley. London, 1853. Octavo, pp. xxvi, 937, (i). Plates. Same, supplement; by H. Ottley. Bryant, Jacob. A New System, or, an Analysis of Ancient Mythology: wherein an attempt is made to divest tradition of fable; and to reduce the truth to its original purity. . . . Lon- don, 1774-1776. Three volumes. Quarto. Plates. Bryant, John Howard. Poems written from youth to old age, 1824-1884. Prince- ton, Illinois, 1885. Octavo, pp. 239. Plate. Presentation copy, January 13, 1886. Bryant, William Cullen. Biography, with extracts from his private correspondence; by P. Godwin. Bryant homestead-book ; by J. Hatfield. The Complete Poetical Works of William Cullen Bryant, collected and arranged by himself. With an introduc- tory essay on his genius and writings by George Gil- fillan. London, 1854. i6mo. pp. xxii, (i), 264. Plates. Presentation copy, Cummington, August 28, 1871. A Discourse on the Life, Character and Genius of Wash- ington Irving, delivered before the New York Historical Society, at the Academy of Music in New York, on the 3d of April, 1860. New York, 1860. i6mo. pp. 46. Same. [In " Studies of Irving," by C. D. Warner.] A Forest Hymn. New York, 1860. Octavo, pp. 32 recto. Presentation copy, December, 1860. Iliad of Homer translated into English blank verse. In the woods with Bryant, Longfellow, and Halleck; by J. A. Hows. Poems. Cambridge, 1821. i6mo. pp. 44. The first edition, owned by Eliza Susan Quincy from 1821 to 1880 ; given by her to Mr. Waterston, May 18, 1880. 54 Massachusetts Historical Society Bryant, William Cullen (continued). Poems. New York, 1832. i6mo. pp. 240. Poems. Collected and arranged by the Author. New York, 1854. Octavo, pp. xi, (4), 343, (i). Plate. Same. New York, 1871. i6mo. pp. 390. Plates. Poetical works ; by P. Godwin. Prose writings; by same. Thirty Poems. New York, 1864. i6mo. pp. 222. William Cullen Bryant; by J. Bigelow. Brydges, Samuel Egerton. The Autobiography, Times, Opinions, and Contemporaries of Sir Egerton Brydges. London, 1834. Two volumes. Octavo, pp. (i), v-xxvii, (i), 424; (i), v-xxiv, 431, ( i ) . Plates. Buccaneers. History of the bucaniers of America ; by J. Esquemeling. Lives and voyages of [Francis] Drake, Cavendish, and Dampier. Buchan, David. Voyage of discovery towards the North Pole; by F. W. Beechey. Buchanan, James. Sketches of the History, Manners, and Customs of the North American Indians. London, 1824. Octavo, pp. Buckingham, Joseph Tinker. Specimens of Newspaper Literature : with personal me- moirs, anecdotes, and reminiscences. Boston, 1850. Two volumes. ^ I2mo. pp. xii, 348; (3), 356. Plates. Buckle, Henry Thomas. History of Civilization in England. New edition. Lon- don, 1868. Three volumes. i6mo. Miscellaneous and Posthumous Works of Henry Thomas Buckle. Edited with a biographical notice by Helen Taylor. London, 1872. Three volumes. Octavo. Buckley, Theodore William Alois. Iliad of Homer. Odyssey of Homer, with hymns, epigrams, and battle of the frogs and mice. Buckminster, Joseph. Memoirs of Rev. Joseph Buckminster, and of his son, Rev. Joseph Stevens Buckminster; by E. B. Lee. Waterston Collection 55 Buckridge, John. Lives of the most eminent modern painters. [In " Art of Painting" by R. de Piles.] Bulfinch, Thomas. Hebrew Lyrical History; or select Psalms, arranged in the order of the events to which they relate. With in- troductions and notes. Boston, 1853. i6mo. pp. xviii, (i), 242. Bulwer, William Henry Lytton Earle. France, social, literary, political. Paris, 1834. Octavo, pp. (i), ix-xxiii, (i), 326, 31. The Monarchy of the Middle Classes, or France, social, literary, political. Second series. Paris, 1836. Octavo, PP- (O, (0> 341- Tables. Bunbury, FYances J. Life and times of Dante Alighieri; by C. Balbo. Bunker Hill Monument Association. History ; by G. W. Warren. Bunnett, Fanny Elizabeth. History of art; by W. Liibke. History of sculpture ; by same. Holbein and his time; by A. Woltmann. Raphael Santi ; by A. Wolzogen. Bunsen, Christian Carl Josias. Christianity and Mankind, their beginnings and prospects. . . . London, 1854. Seven volumes. Octavo. Plate and table. Titlepages inside. Egypt's place in universal history: an historical investiga- tion in five books. Translated from the German, by Charles H. Cottrell. London, 1848-1860. Four vol- umes. Octavo. Plates. God in History, or the progress of man's faith in the moral order of the world. Translated from the Ger- man by Susanna Winkworth, with a preface by Arthur Penrhyn Stanley. London, 1868-1870. Three volumes. Octavo. Life and letters of Barthold George Niebuhr. Signs of the Times : Letters to Ernst Moritz Arndt on the dangers to religious liberty in the present state of the world. Translated from the German by Susanna Winkworth. London, 1856. Octavo, pp. xii, 519, (i). 56 Massachusetts Historical Society Bunsen, Frances. Life and letters ; by A. J. C. Hare. A Memoir of Baron Bunsen late Minister Plenipotentiary and Envoy Extraordinary of His Majesty Frederic Wil- liam IV. at the Court of St. James. Drawn chiefly from family papers by his widow. London, 1868. Two volumes. Octavo, pp. (i), (4), 637; (i), (4), 616. Plates. Bunyan, John. Bunyan's Pilgrim's Progress with illustrations by Charles Bennett and a preface by the Rev. Charles Kingsley. New York, 1 860. Octavo, pp. xxxv, 399, ( i ) . Plates. The Pilgrim's Progress from this world to that which is to come. London, 1849. Octavo, pp. xii, 354, (i). Plate. The Pilgrim's Progress from this world to that which is to come. New edition, with a memoir and notes, by George Offor. London, 1867. Octavo, pp. (3), (4), xxii, (i), 407, (i). Plate. The Pilgrim's Progress : in two parts. With original notes by the Rev. Thomas Scott. Fourteenth edition, including the poetry hitherto omitted. London, 1862. Octavo, pp. xxxvi, 476. Buonarroti, Michelangelo. Life, with his poetry and letters; by R. Duppa. Life, with translations of many of his poems and letters; by J. S. Harford. Michael Angelo Buonarroti; by C. C. Black. Raphael and Michelangelo; by C. C. Perkins. Burder, Samuel. Memoirs of Eminently Pious Women, of the British Em- pire. New edition, corrected and enlarged. London, 1815. Three volumes. Octavo. Plates. Oriental Customs : or an illustration of the Sacred Scrip- tures, by an explanatory application of the customs and manners of the eastern nations, and especially the Jews, therein alluded to. Together with observations on many difficult and obscure texts, collected from the most cele- brated travellers, and the most eminent critics. London, 1802. Octavo, pp. xvi, 400, (23). Burgoyne, John. A State of the Expedition from Canada, as laid before the House of Commons, by Lieutenant-General Burgoyne, Waterston Collection 57 Burgoyne, John (continued). and verified by evidence; with a collection of authentic documents, . . . Written and collected by himself, . . . Second edition. London, 1780. Octavo, pp. ix, (i), 191, cix. Maps. Burial. Hydrotaphia urne-burial; by T. Browne. Burke, Edmund. An Account of the European Settlements in America. . . . New edition. London, 1808. Two volumes bound in one. Octavo, pp. 378; 352. Maps. Correspondence of the Right Honourable Edmund Burke; between the year 1744, and the period of his decease, in 1797. Edited by Charles William [Wentworth], Earl Fitzwilliam, and Lieutenant-General Sir Richard Bourke. London, 1844. Four volumes. Octavo. Plate. Memoir of the life and character; by J. Prior. Reflections on the Revolution in France, and on the Pro- ceedings in certain societies in London relative to that event. In a letter intended to have been sent to a gentle- man in Paris. London, 1790. Octavo, pp. iv, 356. Thoughts on the letter of Edmund Burke, Esq., to the Sheriffs of Bristol, on the affairs of America; by W. Bertie. . Burn, Robert. Rome and the Campagna. An historical and topographi- cal description of the site, buildings, and neighbourhood of ancient Rome. Cambridge, England, 1871. Folio, pp. Ixxxiii, 483, (i). Plates. Burnet, Gilbert. Bishop Burnet's History of his own time : from the resto- ration of the King Charles the Second to the Treaty of Peace at Utrecht, in the reign of Queen Anne. New edition, with historical and biographical notes. London, 1850. Two volumes. Octavo, pp. xx, (2), xvi, 524; ( i ), 525-949, (i). Plates. The History of the Reformation of the Church of England. New edition, with numerous illustrative notes, and a copious index. London, 1850. Two volumes. Octavo, pp; xxii, (2), 69 1, (i); v, 693-864, dviii. Plates. Burnet, John. Discourses of Sir Joshua Reynolds. Practical Essays on various branches of the Fine Arts. 58 Massachusetts Historical Society Burnet, John (continued). To which is added, a critical inquiry into the principles and practice of the late Sir David Wilkie. London, 1848. I2mo. pp. x, (i), 200. Plate. A Practical Treatise on Painting. In three parts. Con- sisting of hints on composition, chiaroscuro, and colour- ing. The whole illustrated by examples from the Italian, Venetian, Flemish, and Dutch schools. London, 1828. Quarto, pp. (i),3i; (i), v-vi, (i),45J O),vii-ix, (i), 64. Plates. Titlepages inside. The Progress of a Painter in the Nineteenth Century: containing conversations and remarks upon art. Lon- don, 1854. I2mo. pp. vii, 198. Turner and his Works : illustrated with examples from * his pictures, and critical remarks on his principles of painting. The memoir by Peter Cunningham. Re- edited by Henry Murray. London, 1859. Quarto, pp. (3), (i), 121, (i). Plates. Burney, Charles. An Account of the Musical Performances in Westminster- Abbey, and the Pantheon, May 26th, 2/th, 29th; and June the 3d, and 5th, 1784. In commemoration of Handel. London, 1785. Quarto, pp. vii, (i), xvi, 56, 139, (2). Plates. A General History of Music, from the earliest ages to the present period. To which is prefixed, a dissertation on the music of the ancients. London, 1776-1789. Four volumes. Quarto. Plates. Memoirs of Doctor Burney ; by F. d'Arblay. Burns, Robert. Illustrated Songs of Robert Burns. With a portrait after the original by Nasmyth. For the members of the Royal Association for the Promotion of Fine Arts in Scotland. 1 86 1. Folio, pp. (14). Plates. Land of Burns, a series of landscapes and portraits; by J. Wilson. Life; by T. Carlyle. Poems, chiefly in the Scottish Dialect. Kilmarnock, 1786. Octavo, pp. 240. Reprint of the original Kilmarnock edition, 1870. Waterston Collection 59 Burns, Robert (continued). Same. Edinburgh, 1787. I2mo. pp. xlviii, 9-368. Plate. Poems & Songs by Robert Burns with original illustra- tions . . . Edinburgh, 1868. Octavo, pp. xviii, (i), 336. Poetical works of Robert Burns. [In same of John Milton.] Poetical Works of Robert Burns. New edition. With a complete glossary. London, 1875. i6mo. pp. v, 318. Plate. The Poetical Works of Robert Burns; with his life. . . . Alnwick, 1808. Two volumes. i6mo. pp. 266; 270. Plates. The Poetical Works of Robert Burns : with critical and biographical notices, by Allan Cunningham. And a glossary. Philadelphia, 1858. Octavo, pp. x, (i), 25-604. Plates. The Works of Robert Burns; with an account of his life, and a Criticism on his writings, to which are prefixed, some observations on the character and condition of the Scottish peasantry. By James Currie. Eighth edi- tion. ... by Gilbert Burns. London, 1820. Four volumes. Octavo. Plates. Burtin, Frangois-Xavier de. Treatise of the Knowledge necessary to Amateurs in Pic- tures. Translated and abridged from the French. By Robert White. London, 1845. Octavo, pp. x, (i), 338. Plates. Burton, Richard. See N. Crouch. Burton, Robert. The Anatomy of Melancholy. What it is, with all the kinds causes, symptomes, prognostickes, & severall cures of it. In three partitions, with their severall Sections, members & subsections. Philosophically, medicinally, Historically, opened & cut vp. By Democritus Junior. With a satyrical preface, conducing to the following Discourse. Fourth edition, corrected and augmented by the author. Oxford, 1632. Folio, pp. (3) recto, ^ (8), 78, (2), 722, (10). Same. London, 1826. Two volumes. Octavo, pp. xii, 121, 461, (i); (i), 612. Burton, Warren. District school. [In " New England," by J. Abbott.] 60 Massachusetts Historical Society Butty, Philippe. Chefs-d'CEuvre of the Industrial Arts. Pottery, porcelain, glass, enamel, metal, goldsmiths' work, jewellery, and tapestry. Edited by W. Chaffers. London, 1869. Oc- tavo, pp. viii, 391, (i). Plates. Bury, Viscount. See W. C. Keppel. Bury St. Edmunds. Illustration of the monastic history and antiquities of the town and abbey of St. Edmund's Bury; by R. Yates. Busby, Thomas. A General History of Music, from the earliest times to the present; comprising the lives of eminent composers and musical writers. The whole accompanied with notes and observations, critical and illustrative. London, 1819. Two volumes. Octavo, pp. xii, 552 ; iv, 523. Bush, Philippa Call. Memoir of Anne Gorham Everett; with extracts from her correspondence and journal. [Edited by Edward Everett.] Boston, privately printed, 1857. I2mo. pp. xi, 320. Butler, Benjamin Franklin. Character and results of the War. [Loyal Publication Society, No. 7.] Butler, George Bement. Conscription act. [Loyal Publication Society, No. 40.] Butler, Joseph. The Analogy of Religion natural and revealed to the con- stitution and course of nature. With analytical index by Edward Steere. London, 1857. Octavo, pp. xviii, (i), 468. The Works of the Right Reverend Father in God Joseph Butler, D. C. L., late Lord Bishop of Durham. To which is prefixed, a preface, giving some account of the character and writings of the author. By Samuel Halifax. Oxford, 1849, 1850. Two volumes. Octavo, pp. Ix, 340; xxxii, 357. Butler, Samuel. Hudibras, in three parts, written in the time of the late Wars. With large annotations and a preface, by Zachary Grey. London, 1799. Two volumes. Oc- tavo, pp. (i), Hi, (2), 432, (4) ; (i), (2), 446, (15). Plates. Waterston Collection 61 Buxton, Harry John Wilmot-. Illustrated Handbooks of Art History. English painters. With a chapter on American painters by S. R. Koehler. New York, 1883. I2mo. pp. xiii, (i), 226. Plates. Byrne, Julia Clara (Busk). Feudal Castles of France. (Western provinces.) Lon- don, 1869. Octavo, pp. xviii, 360. Plates. Byron, George Gordon. Abbotsford and Newstead Abbey; by W. Irving. Childe Harold's Pilgrimage a Romaunt by Lord Byron. Illustrated from original sketches. London, 1813. Oc- . tavo, pp. (8), 329. Plate. Life, Letters, and Journals of Lord Byron. With notes. London, 1839. Octavo, pp. (i), xix, 735, (i). Plate. Songs by Lord Byron. London, 1872. i6mo. pp. (2), 278. Plate. The Works of Lord Byron including the Suppressed Poems. Paris, 1831. Octavo, pp. (i), (i), xl, 768. Plates. C., T. Lincoln or McClellan. [Loyal Publication Society, No. 67.] Cabot, Sebastian. Memoir ; by R. Biddle. Remarkable life, adventures and discoveries; by J. F. , Nichols. Caesar, Caius Julius. Hoc volvmine continentvr haec. Commentariorum de bello 1 Gallico libri VIII De bello ciuili pompeiano. libri IIII. De bello Alexandrine, liber I. De bello Africano. liber I. De bello Hispaniensi. liber I. ... Venice, 1513-1518. i6mo. pp. (38), (524). Cuts. Same, another edition. Venice, 1513-1519. i6mo. pp. (29), (592). Cuts. Calamy, Edward. An Historical Account of my own life, with some reflec- tions on the times I have lived in. (1671-1731.) Now first printed. Edited and illustrated with notes, histori- cal and biographical, by John Towill Rutt. London, 1829. Two volumes. Octavo, pp. xi, 508; xii, 561. Plate. 62 Massachusetts Historical Society Calder, Frederick. Memoirs of Simon Episcopius, the celebrated pupil of Arminius, and subsequently Doctor of Divinity, and Professor of Theology in the University of Leyden ; ... to which is added, a brief account of the Synod of Dort; . . . London, 1835. Octavo, pp. (2), viii, (i), 9-549- Calendaria, Clavis; by J. Brady. California. California and Oregon trail; by F. Parkman. California for health, pleasure, and residence; by C. Nordhoff. Californian pictures in prose and verse; by B. P. Avery. History of Oregon and California; by R. Greenhow. Mountaineering in the Sierra Nevada ; by C. King. Natural wealth of California; by T. F. Cronise. Sunset land, or the great Pacific slope; by J. Todcl. Voyage to California to observe the transit of Venus; by J. Chappe d'Auteroche. Callcott, Maria. Essays towards the History of Painting. London, 1836. I2mo. pp. (i), (3), iv, (i), 269, slip. Callot, Jacques. History from the creation of the world, etched by him, in 425 pieces ; groups mounted on leaves. Octavo. Plates. Cambridge, England. Fitzwilliam Museum ; by J. Disney. Cambridge University. Book rarities in the University of Cambridge; by C. H. Hartshorne. Cambridge Essays, contributed by members of the Univer- sity. 1856. London. Octavo, pp. (3), 351, (i). Same. 1857. London. Octavo, pp. (3), 274, History of the University of Cambridge; by R. Acker- mann. History of the University of Cambridge, and of Waltham Abbey; by T. Fuller. Memorials of Cambridge, a series of views of the colleges, halls, and public buildings, engraved by J. Le Keux ; by T. Wright. Camoens, Luis de. Poems, from the Portuguese of Luis de Camoens. With Waterston Collection 63 Camoens, Luis de (continued). remarks on his Life and Writings. . . . By Lord Vis- count Strangford. New edition. London, 1824. i6mo. PP- 157- Campan, Jeanne Louise Henriette Genest. Memoirs of the Court of Marie Antoinette, Queen of France. New edition. London, 1843. Two volumes. Octavo, pp. (i), (4), xlvii, 447, (i); (i), (5), 462. Plates. Campbell, George. A Dissertation on Miracles : containing an examination of the principles advanced by David Hume, Esq. in an essay on miracles : with a correspondence on the subject by Mr. Hume, Dr. Campbell, and Dr. Blair. To which are added sermons and tracts. New edition. London, 1834. Octavo, pp. vi, 360. Lectures on Ecclesiastical History. New edition. London, 1834. Octavo, pp. (3), 458. Campbell, John. Shakespeare's legal acquirements considered. In a letter to J. Payne Collier. London, 1859. Octavo, pp. 117, (i). Campbell, Thomas. An Essay on English Poetry. Boston, 1819. i6mo. pp. 231. Gertrude of Wyoming; a Pennsylvanian tale. And other poems. London, 1809. Quarto, pp. (i), (i), 134. Life and letters ; by W. Beattie. Life and Times of Petrarch. With notices of Boccacio and his illustrious contemporaries. Second edition. Lon- don, 1843. Two volumes. Octavo, pp. xxxii, 380; xii, 413. Plates. Sonnets, triumphs, and other poems of Petrarch. Campbell, Walter Frederick. Life in Normandy. Sketches of French fishing, farming, cooking, natural history and politics drawn from nature. Edinburgh, 1863. [Edited by his son John Francis Campbell.] Two volumes. I2mo. pp. xiii, (i), 322; ix, (i), 322. Plates. Canada. Canada; by J. White [Sketches]. Columbia River, or scenes and adventures during a resi- dence of six years on the western side of the Rocky Mountains; by R. Cox. 64 Massachusetts Historical Society Canada (continued). Exodus of the western nations ; by W. C. Keppel. France and England in North America; by F. Parkman. History of Canada, from the time of its discovery till the union year 1840-41 ; by F. X. Garneau. Minnesota and the far West; by L. Oliphant. New discovery of a vast country in America; by L. Hennepin. North-west passage by land, narrative of an expedition from the Atlantic to the Pacific; by W. W. Fitz- william. Canning, George. Balance of power in Europe. [In Loyal Publication So- ciety, No. 34.] Canova, Antonio. Death. [In " Lectures," by J. Flaxman.] Memoirs; by J. S. Memes. Works in sculpture and modelling; by L T. Albrizzi. Canterbury, England. History and antiquities of the cathedral church of Canter- bury; by J. Dart. History and antiquities of the metropolitical church of Canterbury; by J. Britton. Illustrative views of the Metropolitan Cathedral Church of Canterbury; exhibiting the most interesting points of its architecture and antiquities, in nineteen highly- finished line engravings, from drawings by Hastings, with historical descriptions of its structure, antiquities, and present state. Canterbury, 1836. Folio, pp. 58. Plates. Walk in and about the city ; by W. Gostling. Capgrave, John. The Book of the Illustrious Henries. Translated from the Latin by the Rev. Francis Charles Hingeston. London, 1858. Quarto, pp. xxii, (2), 285, (i). Plate. The Chronicle of England. Edited by the Rev. Francis Charles Hingeston. Published by the authority of the Lords Commissioners of Her Majesty's Treasury, under the direction of the Master of Rolls. London, 1858. Octavo, pp. xxix, (2), 482. Plate. Cardale, J. S. King Alfred's Anglo-Saxon version of Boethius de Con- solatione Philosophise. Waterston Collection 65 Carey, John. Works of Virgil, translated into English verse by Mr. Dryden. Caricature. History of caricature and grotesque in literature and art; by T. Wright. Carion, Johann. Chronica Carionis. Von anfang der Welt bis vff Keiser Carolum den Funfften. . . . Durch Herrn Philippvm Melanthonem. vnd Doctorem Casparvm Pevcervm. . . . Wittemberg, 1588. Folio, pp. (i), (8), 1142, (60). Plates. Carlyle, Jane Baillie (Welsh). "Letters and memorials; by J. A. Froude. Carlyle, Thomas. Carlyle personally and in his writings; by D. Masson. Chartism. Past and Present. London. I2mo. pp. iv, 324. Correspondence of Thomas Carlyle and Ralph Waldo Emerson, 1834-1872; by C. E. Norton. Early letters, 1814-1826; by same. German Romance: specimens of its chief authors; with biographical and critical notices. Edinburgh, -1827. Four volumes. I2mo. Life of Robert Burns. New York, 1877. i6mo. pp^ 203. Passages selected from the writings; by T. Ballantyne. Reminiscences. Edited by James Anthony Froude. New York, 1 88 1. i2mo. pp. x, (2), 536. Same, another edition, with index. I2mo. pp. x, (i), 543- The Life of John Sterling. 1851. London, 1870. Oc- tavo, pp. vi, ( i ) , 342. Plate. Carpenter, Mary. The Last Days in England of the Rajah Rammohun Roy. London, 1866. Octavo, pp. xi, (4), 255. Plates. Presentation copy, August 28, 1866. Carpenter, William Benjamin. Mechanical Philosophy, Horology, and Astronomy. New edition. London, 1857. i6mo. pp. vii, 579. Carpenter, William Hookham. Pictorial Notices : consisting of a Memoir of Sir Anthony Van Dyck, with a descriptive catalogue of the etchings executed by him: and a variety of interesting particu- 5 66 Massachusetts Historical Society Carpenter, William Hookham (continued). lars relating to other artists patronized by Charles I. Collected from original documents in Her Majesty's State Paper Office, the office of Public Records, and other sources. London, 1844. Quarto, pp. viii, 197. Plates. Carpzov, Johann Benedict. Collegium Rabbinico-Biblicum in Libellum Ruth, . . . Lipsiae [Leipsic], 1703. I2mo. pp. (i), (28), 290, 246, (24). Carpzov, Johann Gottlob. Critica Sacra Veteris Testamenti, . . . Lipsise [Leipsic], 1728. i2tno. pp. (i), (10), 979, (28). Carr, John. A Tour through Holland, along the right and left banks of the Rhine, to the south of Germany, in the summer and autumn of 1806. London, 1807. Quarto, pp. xv, (i), 468. Plates. Carter, Elizabeth. Works of Epictetus. Carter, James Gordon. Map of Massachusetts, exhibiting the boundary lines of each Town and County. [In "History," by A. Bradford.] Carter, Matthew. Honor rediviuus or an analysis of Honor and Armory. London, 1655. i6mo. pp % (i), (3), (3), 171. Plates. Carter, Nathaniel Hazletine. Letters from Europe, comprising the journal of a tour through Ireland, England, Scotland, France, Italy, and Switzerland, in the years 1825/26, and '27. New York, 1827. Two volumes. Octavo, pp. (12), 9-528; 571. Carthage and her remains; by N. Davis. Cartwright, James Joel. Memoirs of Sir John Reresby of Thrybergh, 1634-1689. Carus, Carl Gustav. The King of Saxony's Journey through England and Scot- land in the year 1844. Translated by S. C. Davison. London, 1846. Octavo, pp. xi, 391. Carver, Jonathan. Travels through the Interior Parts of North-America, in the years 1766, 1767, and 1768. Dublin, 1779. Octavo, pp. (i), (18), 508. Plates. Waterston Collection 67 Gary, Henry. Memorials of the Great Civil War in England from 1646 to 1652. Edited from original letters in the Bodleian Library . . . London, 1842. Two volumes. Octavo, pp. xxxiii, 445; (i), 464. Primitive Christianity; by W. Cave. Gary, Henry Francis. Poetical works of William Cowper. Casaubon, Meric. A Treatise proving Spirits, Witches and Supernatural Operations by pregnant instances and evidences. To- gether with other things worthy of note. London, 1672. i6mo. pp. (i), (n), 316, (4). Cassel, Galerie; by W. Unger. Cassini, Jacques Dominique. Voyage to Newfoundland. [In "Voyage," by J. Chappe d'Auteroche.] Castle of Otranto, Jeffery's edition; by O. Muralto. Castro, Guillen de. Some account of the lives and writings of Lope Felix de Vega Carpio and Guillen de Castro; by H. R. V. Fox. Catalogue of royal and noble authors ; by H. Walpole. Cathedrals. Annals of S. Paul's cathedral; by H. H. Milman. Description of the cathedral church of Ely ; by G. Millers. Ecclesiastical art in Germany during the middle ages; by W. Lubke. Engravings of ancient cathedrals ; by J. Coney. Handbook to the cathedrals of England ; by R. J. King. History and antiquities of the cathedral church of Canter- bury ; by J. Dart. History and antiquities of the cathedrals of England; by J. Britton. Manchester cathedral. [In Winkles's " Architectural and Picturesque Illustrations."] Cattermole, Richard. The Book of Cartoons. London, 1837. I2mo. pp. (2), 185, (i). Plates. The Literature of the Church of England indicated in selec- tions from the writings of eminent divines : with me- moirs of their lives, and historical sketches of the times 68 Massachusetts Historical Society Cattermole, Richard (continued). in which they lived. London, 1844. Two volumes. Octavo, pp. xvi, 492; vii, (i), 501. Sacred Poetry of the Seventeenth Century : including the whole works of Giles Fletcher's Christ's victory and triumph; . . . with an introductory essay and critical remarks. London, 1836. Two volumes. i6mo. pp. (i), vii-xxxii, 351; (i), ix-xxviii, 399. Plate. Cavalcaselle, Giovanni Battista. Early Flemish painters ; by J. A. Crowe. History of painting in north Italy ; by same. New history of painting in Italy ; by same. Cave, William. Apostolici : or, the History of the lives, acts, death, and martyrdoms of those who were contemporary with, or immediately succeeded the Apostles. As also the most eminent of the primitive Fathers for the first three hun- dred years. To which is added, a chronology of the three first ages of the Church. London, 1677. Folio, pp. (3), (i), (29), xxxii, 335. Cuts. Primitive Christianity : or, the religion of the ancient Christians in the first ages of the Gospel. To which is added a dissertation concerning the government of the ancient Church by bishops, metropolitans, and patriarchs. New edition, carefully revised, by Henry Cary. Oxford, 1840. Octavo, pp. xiv, (i), 464. Cavendish, Thomas. Lives and voyages of [Francis] Drake, Cavendish, and Dampier. Caxton, William. Life; by W. Stevenson. William Caxton, the first English printer; by C. Knight. Cay ley, George John. The Bridle Roads of Spain. Second edition. London, 1856. I2mo. pp. xi, 372. Plates. Cellini, Benvenuto. Due Trattati di Benvenuto Cellini Scultore Fiorentino uno dell' oreficeria 1' altro della Scultura. Firenze [Flor- ence], 1731. I2mo. pp. xxxii, 162, 13, (i). Memoirs of Benvenuto Cellini, a Florentine artist ; written by himself. Containing a variety of information respect- ing the arts, and the history of the sixteenth century. Third edition. . . . now first translated by Thohias Waterston Collection ' 69 Cellini, Benvenuto (continued). Roscoe. London, 1823. Two volumes. Octavo, pp. xvi, 428; xi, 428. Plate. Same. Plates in water-color. Central America. Gate of the Pacific [Nicaragua] ; by B. Pirn. Travels in Central America ; by A. Morelet. Certain sermons or homilies to be read in the churches. See Church of England. Cervantes Saavedra, Miguel de. Don Quixote de la Mancha. Translated from the Spanish, by Charles Jarvis, carefully revised and corrected. Lon- don, 1842. Two volumes. Octavo, pp. (i), ix-liv, 706, (5); CO, CO, 772, (7)- Plates. The History of Don Quixote. The text edited' by J. W. Clark. And a biographical notice of Cervantes, by T. Teignmouth Shore. London. Quarto, pp. xxviii, 737, (i). Plates. The Life and Exploits of the ingenious gentleman Don Quixote de la Mancha. Translated from the original Spanish, by Charles Jarvis, . . . London, 1801. Four volumes. Octavo. Plates. Cesnola, Luigi Palma di. Cyprus : its ancient cities, tombs, and temples. A narra- tive of researches and excavations during ten years' resi- dence in that Island. New York, 1878. Octavo, pp. xix, 456. Plates. Chaffers, William. Chefs-d'CEuvre of the industrial arts; by P. Burty. Chain Book. I2mo. pp. (251). A rubricated manuscript, on paper (XV. century?). Chaldaea, Travels and researches ; by W. K. Loftus. Chalmers, Thomas. The Christian and Civic Economy of Large Towns. Glas- gow, 1821-1826. Three volumes. Octavo. On Political Economy, in connexion with the moral state and moral prospects of society. Glasgow, 1832. Octavo, pp. viii, 566. Chamberlaine, John. Original Designs of the most celebrated Masters of the Bolognese, Roman, Florentine, and Venetian Schools; comprising some of the works of Leonardo da Vinci, the 70 ' Massachusetts Historical Society Chamberlaine, John (continued). Caracci, Claude Lorraine, Raphael, Michael Angelo, the Poussins, and others, in His Majesty's Collection; en- graved by Bartolozzi [and others], . . . London, 1812. Large folio, pp. (i), (i), 14, (i), (2), 5. Plates. Portraits of illustrious personages; by E. Lodge. Chambers, Robert. Land of Burns, a series of landscapes and portraits; by J. Wilson. Traditions of Edinburgh. New edition. London, 1869. i6mo. pp. xvi, 11-389. Chambers, William. American Slavery and Colour. London, 1857. I2mo. pp. (3), 216. Map. Chambers, William and Robert. Chambers' s Parlour Atlas with descriptive introduction and copious consulting index. Edinburgh, 1856. Oc- tavo, pp. (i), (4), 154, 85. Maps. Chamier, Frederic. A Review of the French Revolution of 1848: from the 24th of February to the election of the first President. London, 1849. Two volumes. Octavo, pp. vi, 323, (i) ; (0- (2), 377, (i). Champlin, John Denison. Narrative of the mission to Russia, in 1866, of the Hon. Gustavus Vasa Fox ; by J. F. Loubat. Champney, Elizabeth (Williams). In the Sky-Garden. Illustrated by J. Wells Champney ("Champ"). Boston, 1877. I2mo. pp. 211. Plates. Presentation copy from "Champ," December, 1876; signature of author. Channing, Walter. A Physician's Vacation ; or, a summer in Europe. Boston, 1856. Octavo, pp. iv, 564. Channing, William Ellery. Beauties* of Channing; by W. Mountford. A Discourse occasioned by the Death of the Rev. Dr. Follen. Boston, 1840. Octavo, pp. 29. Discourses, Reviews, and Miscellanies. Boston, 1830. Octavo, pp. ix, 603. Slavery. Boston, 1835. i6mo. pp. (3), 167. A Tribute to the Memory of the Rev. Noah Worcester, in a Waterston Collection 71 Channing, William Ellery (continued). discourse delivered in Boston, November 12, 1837. Boston, 1837. Octavo, pp. 28. William Ellery Channing, a centennial memory; by C. T. Brooks. Chapel hymn book ; by C. F. Barnard. Chapman, George. Iliads of Homer, prince of poets. Chappe d'Auteroche, Jean. A Voyage to California, to observe the Transit of Venus. With an historical description of the author's route through Mexico, and the natural history of that Province. Also, a voyage to Newfoundland and Sallee, to make ex- periments on Mr. Le Roy's time keepers. By Monsieur De Cassini. London, 1778. I2mo. pp. ($}recto, (2), 315 [215]. Map. Charlemagne, History ; by G. P. R. James. Charles I. EIKONOKAA2TH2; by J. Milton. Memoirs of the Court ; by L. Aikin. Perfect copie of prayers used by His Majesty; by J. Gauden. Povrtraictvre of his sacred Majesty ; by same. Reliquiae Sacrae Carolinae. See Great Britain. Chase, Salmon Portland. How the South rejected compromise in the peace confer- ence of 1 86 1. [Loyal Publication Society, No. 37.] Letter. [In Loyal Publication Society, No. 25.] Chasseaud, George Washington. The Druses of the Lebanon : their manners, customs, and history. With a translation of their religious code. London, 1855. Octavo, pp. xv, 422. Chateaubriand, Franqois Auguste Rene. Sketches of English Literature ; with considerations on the spirit of the times, men, and revolutions. Second edition. London, 1837. Two volumes. Octavo, pp. xii, 356; (2), iv, 361, (i). Travels in America and Italy. London, 1828. Two vol- umes. i2tno. pp. (5), 356; (i), (0,429. Chatto, William Andrew. Treatise on wood engraving ; by J. Jackson. 72 Massachusetts Historical Society Chattock, Richard S. .Wensleydale. Fourteen etchings with descriptive text. London, 1872. Folio, pp. (i), (i), 36. Plates. Chaucer, Geoffrey. The Canterbury Tales of Chaucer. To which are added an essay on his language and versification, and an intro- ductory discourse together with notes and a glossary. By the late Thomas Tyrwhitt. Second edition. Oxford, 1798. Two volumes. Quarto, pp. (i), (5), xxv, 494; (I), (2), 6 5 0, (2). The Poems of Geoffrey Chaucer, modernized. London, 1841. i6mo. pp. cxlvii, (i), 331, (i). Riches of Chaucer ; by C. C Clarke. Tales from Chaucer, in prose ; by same. Cheadle, Walter Butler. North-west passage by land; by W. W. Fitzwilliam. Cheever, George Barrell. The American Common-Place Book of Poetry, with occa- sional notes. Boston, 1831. i6mo. pp. 405. Plate. The American Common-Place Book of Prose, a collection of eloquent and interesting extracts from the writings of American Authors. Boston, 1833. i6mo. pp. 468. Plate. Chesson, Fred W. Proceedings at the public breakfast held in honor of Wil- liam Lloyd Garrison. Chester, Antiquities; by J. S. Prout. China. Atlas Chinensis ; by J. Ogilby. China and the Chinese ; by H. C. Sirr. China, its state and prospects; by W. H. Medhurst. Dissertation on the ancient Chinese vases of the Shang Dynasty, from 1743^0 1496, B.C.; by P. P. Thorns. Embassy from the East-India Company of the United Provinces, to the Grand Tartar Cham Emperor of China ; by J. Ogilby. Narrative of the Earl of Elgin's mission to China and Japan in the years 1857, '58, '59 ; by L. Oliphant. Niphon and Pe-che-li ; by E. B. De Fonblanque. Original address ; by P. P. Thorns. Recollections of Baron Gros's embassy to China and Japan in 1857-58; by Marquis de Moges. Waterston Collection 73 China (continued). Three years' wanderings in the northern provinces of China; by R. Fortune. Travels ; by J. Barrow. Chinese paintings, on silk. Folio, pp. 8, folded. Choate, Rufus. Addresses and Orations of Rufus Choate. Second edition. Boston, 1878. I2mo. pp. iv, 529. Life ; by S. G. Brown. Choir, Village; by S. Oilman. [In "New England," by J. Abbott.] Christian at his calling; by C. Mather. Christian lyrics: chiefly selected from Modern Authors. London. I2mo. pp. xx, 616, (4). Plate. Christian morals; by T. Browne. Christianity. Christianity and mankind, their beginnings and prospects; by C. C. J. Bunsen. Evidences of Christianity ; by W. Smyth. History; by H. H. Milman. History of Latin Christianity; by same. Manners and trials of the primitive Christians; by R. Jamieson. Primitive Christianity ; by W. Cave. Reasonableness of Christianity, as delivered in the Scrip- tures ; by J. Locke. Six lectures on the internal evidences of Christianity; by D. Alexander. Christie, James. Disquisitions upon the painted Greek Vases, and their prob- able connection with the shows of the Eleusinian and other mysteries. London, 1825. Quarto, pp. (2), 407- 424, 63-73, iii-xii, (i), 146. Plates. An Essay on that earliest species of Idolatry, the Worship of the Elements. London, 1814. Quarto, pp. (i), iv, 26. An Inquiry into the antient Greek Game, supposed to have been invented by Palamedes, antecedent to the siege of Troy; . . . London, 1801. Quarto, pp. xvi, 3-169. Plates. An Inquiry into the early History of Greek Sculpture. 74 Massachusetts Historical Society Christie, James (continued). London, 1833. Quarto, pp. ($)recto, xiii, (i), 54. Plate. Christie, William Dougal. A Life of Anthony Ashley Cooper, first Earl of Shaftes- bury. 1621-1683. London, 1871. Two volumes. I2mo., variously paged. Plates. Christmas with the poets ; by H. Vizetelly. Chronology. Blair's chronological and historical tables. Church, The. Administration of the Holy Spirit in the body of Christ; by G. Moberly. Briefe exposition of the whole book of Canticles; by J. Cotton. Christian and civic economy of large towns; by T. Chalmers. Church of the first three centuries ; by A. Lamson. History and antiquities of the Anglo-Saxon church; by J. Lingard. Lectures on the history of the Eastern church; by A. P. Stanley. Two treatises ; by W. Goode. See also Ecclesiastical History. Church of England. Book of the Church ; by R. Southey. Certain Sermons or Homilies appointed to be read in Churches, in the time of Queen Elizabeth of famous memory : and now thought fit to be reprinted by author- ity from the Kings most Excellent Majesty. London, 1683. Folio, pp. (i), (3), (i), 388. History of the Reformation of the Church of England; by G. Burnet. Literature of the Church of England ; by R. Cattermole. The Tryal and Examination of a late Libel, intituled, a new test of the Church of Englands loyalty. With some re- flections upon the additional libel, intituled, an instance of the Church of Englands loyalty. I2mo. pp. 12. Church of the Saviour, Boston. Service book ; by Mr. Waterston. Social hymn book ; by same. Waterston Collection 75 Churchill, Sarah (Jennings). Memoirs of Sarah, Duchess of Marlborough, and of the Court of Queen Anne; by K. B. Thomson. Churton, Ralph. The Life of Alexander Nowell, Dean of St. Paul's, chiefly compiled from Registers, Letters, and other authentic evidences. Oxford, 1809. Octavo, pp. xxix, 448. Plates. Cicero, Marcus Tullius. Ciceronis de Oratore Libri III. Orator. De Claris Ora- toribvs. Cum correctionibus Pauli Manutii. Venetiis, 1559. i6mo. pp. (480). The Letters of Marcus Tullius Cicero to Titus Pomponius Atticus in sixteen books. Translated into English with notes by William Heberden. London, 1825. Two vol- umes. Octavo, pp. xv. 493, (i); (i), 539. Maps. Life; by W. Forsyth. Life ; by J. F. Rollings. The Life and Letters of Marcus Tullius Cicero. The Life of Cicero. By Dr. [Conyers] Middleton. Cicero's Let- ters to several of his friends. Translated by Wm. Mel- moth. Cicero's Letters to Atticus. Translated by Dr. [William] Heberden. London, 1840. Octavo, pp. xxiii, 828, (2). M. Tvllii Ciceronis Epistolarvm libri XVI ad familiares ut vulgo vocantur, ex recensione loannis Georgii Graevii . . . Amstelodami, 1677, 1676. Two volumes. I2mo., variously paged. Cut. M. Tvllii Ciceronis Orationvm. Cum correctionibus Pauli Manutii. [Vols. II., III.] Venetiis, 1559, 1569. i6mo. pp. (i), (4), (590), (2)5621, (i), (i). Officia M. T. C. Ein Buch so Marcus Tullius Cicero der Romer zu seynem Sune Marco. T . . Augsburg, 1531. Folio, pp. (16), (182). Cuts. Illustrations by Hans Burgmair. Rhetoricorvm ad C. Herennivm libri IIII. incerto auc- tore. Ciceronis de inuentione. libri II. Topica ad Trebatium, Oratoriae partitiones. Cum correctionibus Pauli Manutii. Venetiis, 1559. i6mo. pp. (368). Cicognara, Leopoldo. Biographical memoir of Antonio Canova. [In " Works " by I. T. Albrizzi.] j6 Massachusetts Historical Society Cid, The. Chronicle of the Cid, from the Spanish ; by R. Southey. Romance of the Cid. [In " Ancient Spanish ballads " by J. G. Lockhart] Short chronicle, founded on the early poetry of Spain; by G. Dennis. Some account of the lives and writings of Lope Felix de Vega Carpio and Guillen de Castro; by H. R. V. Fox. Cipriani, Giovanni Battista. Cipriani's rudiments of drawing; by F. Bartolozzi. Works of Bartolozzi and Cipriani. Civilization. Civilization considered as a science; by G. Harris. History of civilization from the fall of the Roman Empire to the French Revolution ; by F. P. G. Guizot. Origin of nations ; by G. Rawlinson. Pre-historic nations ; by J. D. Baldwin. Clark, Edward Lord. Daleth or the Homestead of the Nations. Egypt illus- trated. Boston, 1864. Octavo, pp. x, 289. Clark, John Wallis. History of Don Quixote ; by M. de Cervantes Saavedra. Clark, William. History of the expedition under Captains Lewis and Clarke; by P. Allen. Message from the President of the United States, com- municating discoveries. See United States. Travels to the source of the Missouri River ; by T. Rees. Clarke, Charles Cowden. . Poetical works of George Herbert. The Riches of Chaucer : . . . also . . . notes, and a new memoir of the poet. London, 1835. Two volumes bound in one. I2mo. pp. xi, 327, (i); vii, 315, (i). Plates. Shakespeare-Characters; chiefly those subordinate. Lon- don, 1863. Octavo, pp. viii, 521, (i). Plate. Tales from Chaucer, in prose. Designed chiefly for the use of young persons. London, 1833. i6mo. pp. x, (i), 323, (O- Clarke, Edward Daniel. Life and remains ; by W. Otter. Waterston Collection 77 Clarke, James Freeman. Essentials and Non-Essentials in Religion. Six lectures delivered in the Music Hall, Boston. Boston : American Unitarian Association, 1878. i6mo. pp. (5), (i), 148. Events and Epochs in Religious History : being the sub- stance of a course of twelve lectures delivered in the Lowell Institute, Boston, in 1880. Boston, 1881. Oc- tavo, pp. xx, 402. Plates. Memorial and Biographical Sketches. Boston, {878. I2mo. pp. (3), 434- Clarke, John. Truth of the Christian religion; by H. Grotius. Clarke, Alary Victoria Cowden-. The Complete Concordance to Shakspere : being a verbal index to all the passages in the dramatic works of the poet. New and revised edition. Boston. Quarto, pp. vii, (i), 860. Clarke, William. Repertorium Bibliographicum ; or, some account of the most celebrated British Libraries. London, 1819. Two volumes. Quarto, pp. xlviii, (i), 344; (i), 345-672, ( i ) . Plates. Clarkson, Thomas. Memoirs of the private and public Life of William Penn. London, 1813. Two volumes. Octavo, pp. xii, 520; (i), 500. Clayton, Ellen Creathorne. English Female Artists. London, 1876. T\vo volumes. Octavo, pp. viii, 427; (i), (i), 438. ' Clayton, Robert. A Journal from Grand Cairo to Mount Sinai, and back again. Translated from a manuscript, written by the Prefetto of Egypt, in company with some Missionaries de propaganda fide at Grand Cairo. To which are added remarks on the origin of hieroglyphics, and the mythol- ogy of the ancient Heathens. Dedicated to the Society of Antiquaries, London. By the Right Reverend Robert Lord Bishop of Clogher. Second edition, corrected. London, 1753. I2mo. pp. 168. Plates. Cleveland, Henry Russell. Selection from the writings ; by G. S. Hillard. 78 Massachusetts Historical Society Cleveland, Horace William Shaler. Voyages of a Merchant Navigator of the days that are past. Compiled from the journals and letters of the late Richard J. Cleveland. New York, 1886. I2mo. pp. ix, 245. Plate. Cleveland, Richard Jeffry. A Narrative of Voyages and Commercial Enterprises. Cambridge, 1842. Two volumes. I2mo. pp. xvi, 249; yiii, 240. Presentation copy to Mrs. M. Q. Greene, May, 1842, containing pencil sketches made by Mr. Cleveland at her request ; and letter of his, dated Newport, July 25, 1855. Clifton, C. Ebenezer. Historical, literary, and artistical travels in Italy; by A. C. Pasquin. Cloquet, Jules. Recollections of the Private Life of General Lafayette. Embellished with numerous engravings, as in the origi- nal Paris edition. London, 1835. Octavo, pp. xxx, 339. Plate. Clough, Arthur Hugh. Greek History from Themistocles to Alexander, in a series of lives from Plutarch. Plutarch's Lives. Glutton, Henry. Illustrations of Mediaeval Architecture in France, from the accession of Charles VI. to the demise of Louis XII. ; with historical and professional remarks. London, 1856. Folio, pp. vi, (i), 80. Plates. Cobbe, Frances Power. Lessons from the world of matter and the world of man; by T. Parker. Cockburn, Henry. Memorials of his Time. Edinburgh, 1856. Octavo, pp. viii, 470, slip. Plate. Cogan, Henry. Scarlet gown, or the history of all the present Cardi- nals of Rome. See Roman Catholic Church. Coin collector's manual ; by H. N. Humphreys. Coke, Edward. Littletons Tenvres in English. London, 1592. i6mo. pp. (287). Black letter; colophon, London, 1593. Waterston Collection 79 Golden, Cadwallader. The History of the Five Indian Nations of Canada, which are dependent on the Province of New- York in America, and are the barrier between the English and French in that part of the world. . . . London, 1747. Octavo, pp. xvi, (4), 90, iv, 91-204, 283. Map. Also "Papers relating to an Act of the Assembly of the Province of New-York, for the Encouragement of the Indian Trade, &c. and for pro- hibiting the selling of Indian Goods to the French, viz. of Canada." Coleridge, Hartley. Lives of Northern Worthies. Edited by his brother. A new edition, with the corrections of the author, and the marginal observations of S. T. Coleridge. London, 1852. Three volumes. i6mo. Coleridge, Henry Nelson. Six Months in the West Indies. Fourth edition, with addi- tions. London, 1841. i6mo. pp. (3), (i), 311. Map. Coleridge, Samuel Taylor. Aids to Reflection. Edited by the Rev. Derwent Cole- ridge. Seventh edition. London, 1854. i6mo. pp. xx, 352. Biographia Literaria; or biographical sketches of my lit- erary life and opinions. London, 1817. Two volumes bound in one. Octavo, pp. (2), 296; (2), 309. Christabel and the Lyrical and Imaginative Poems of S. T. Coleridge. Arranged and introduced by Alger- non Charles Swinburne. New York, 1869. i6mo. pp. xxvii, 150, (i). Early recollections, chiefly relating to the late Samuel Taylor Coleridge, during his long residence in Bristol ; by J. Cottle. Favorite Poems. Boston, 1877. 321110. pp. 104. Plates. The Friend : a series of essays, in three volumes, to aid in the formation of fixed principles in politics, morals, and religion, with literary amusements interspersed. New edition. London, 1818. Three volumes. i6mo. Letters Conversations and Recollections. [By Thomas Allsop.] London, 1836. Two volumes. I2mo. pp. xii, 234; (2), 240. Life ; by J. Gillman. The Literary Remains of Samuel Taylor Coleridge. Col- lected and edited by Henry Nelson Coleridge. London, 1836-1839. Four volumes. Octavo. 8o Massachusetts Historical Society Coleridge, Samuel Taylor (continued). Poems. Third edition. London, 1803. i6mo. pp. xi, 202. Poems on various Subjects. London, 1796. i6mo. pp. xvi, 1 88, (i). The Poetical Works of S. T. Coleridge. London, 1840. Three volumes. i6mo. Rime of the Ancient Mariner. New York, 1875. Quarto, pp. 66. Plates. Sibylline Leaves: a collection of poems. London, 1817. Octavo, pp. (2), x, (2), 303, (i). Specimens of the Table Talk of the late Samuel Taylor Coleridge. New York, 1835. Two volumes bound in one. i6mo. pp. 168; 183. Same, third edition. One volume. London, 1851. i6mo. pp. xxxii, 351. Plate. Collenuccio, Pandolfo. Compendio delle Historic del regno di Napoli composto da messer Pandolfo Collenucio iuris consulto in Pesaro. Venetia, 1543. i6mo. pp. (430). Collier, John Payne. Shakespeare's Library: a collection of the romances, novels, poems, and histories, used by Shakespeare as the foundation of his dramas. Now first collected, and accurately reprinted from the original editions. With introductory notices. London. Two volumes. Octavo, variously paged. Titlepages inside. Collins, William. Poetical works. See John Milton. Colonna, Vittoria. Memoir. [In "Life of Michael Angelo," by J. S. Harford.] Color, Goethe's theory; by C. L. Eastlake. Columbus, Christopher. History of the life and voyages; by W. Irving. Life and voyages ; by W. Irving. Memorials of Columbus ; or a collection of authentic docu- ments of that celebrated navigator, now first published from the original manuscripts, by order of the Decurions of Genoa ; preceded by a memoir of his life and discov- eries. Translated from the Spanish and Italian [by Waterston Collection 81 Columbus, Christopher (continued). D. Gio. Battista Spotorno]. London, 1823. Octavo, pp. (3), (i), clix, 255, (i). Plates. Select Letters of Christopher Columbus, with other origi- nal documents, relating to his four voyages to the New World. Translated and edited by R. H. Major. Lon- don: printed for the Hakluyt Society, 1847. Octavo, PP- (O, (3). (2), xc > (0, 2 40. Columbia River, or scenes and adventures during a residence of six years on the western side of the Rocky Moun- tains; by R. Cox. Comets, Two lectures on, read in the Chapel of Harvard College, April, 1759; by J. Winthrop. Common sense; by T. Paine. Comyn, Robert. History of the Western Empire; from its restoration by Charlemagne to the accession of Charles V. comprising the histories of Germany, Italy, the Papacy, and France, during the dark ages. London, 1851. Two volumes. Octavo, pp. xxxii, 547, (i) ; xix, 381, (61), (i), (2). Tables. Concise historical account of all the British colonies in North America. See United States. Concord, Mass. , Concord sketches consisting of twelve photographs from original drawings ; by M. Alcott. Early spring in Massachusetts ; by H. D. Thoreau. Coney, John. Engravings of Ancient Cathedrals, Hotels de Ville, and other public buildings of celebrity, in France, Holland, Germany, and Italy, drawn on the spot, and engraved by John Coney. With illustrative descriptions. Lon- don, 1842. Large folio, pp. (i), (i). Plates. Connecticut, Election sermons: 1710, by E. Adams; 1783, by E. Stiles. Constable, John. Memoirs of the life; by C. R. Leslie. Constance, Council of. Reformers before the Reformation; by F. P. . B. de Bonnechose. 6 82 Massachusetts Historical Society Constantinople. City of the Sultan, and domestic manners of the Turks. in 1836; by J. Pardoe. Conybeare, John. A Defence of Reveal'd Religion against the exceptions of a late writer, in his book, intituled, Christianity as Old as the Creation, &c. Third edition. London, 1732. Octavo, pp. (i), (i), (4), 467. Conybeare, William John. The Life and Epistles of St. Paul. By the Rev. W. J. Conybeare, and the Rev. J. S. Howson. London, 1858. Two volumes. Quarto, pp. (i), (8), xvi, 492; (i), v, (2), 573, (i). Plates. Same, new edition. London, 1872. Two volumes. Oc- tavo, pp. xxvii, 551 ; vi, (2), 692. Plates. Cook, Edward Button. Art in England. Notes and studies. London, 1869. I2mo. pp. vii, 359. Cook, James. " A General Chart " and sixty-three engravings to ac- company his " Voyage to the Pacific Ocean." Large folio. A Voyage to the Pacific Ocean. Undertaken, by the com- mand of His Majesty, for making discoveries in the Northern Hemisphere, performed under the direction of Captains Cooke, Clerke, and Gore, in His Majesty's Ships the Resolution and Discovery; in the years 1776, 1777, 1778, 1779, and 1780. Vol. I. and II. written by Captain James Cook, Vol. III. by Captain James King. Third edition. London, 1785. Three volumes. Folio. Plates. Cooke, George. Views in London and its vicinity. Complete in forty-eight plates, engraved on copper, by George Cooke. . . . Lon- don, 1834. Folio, pp. 8. Plates. Cooke, Henry T. An Historical and Descriptive Guide to Warwick Castle, Beauchamp Chapel, Kenilworth Castle, Guy's Cliff, Stoneleigh Abbey, Charlecote Hall, Stratford, Coombe Abbey, and all other places of interest in the neighbor- hood. Seventh edition. Warwick, 1851. i6mo., vari- ously paged. Plates. Waterston Collection 83 Cooke, William Bernard. The Thames ; or, graphic illustrations of seats, villas, public buildings, and picturesque scenery, on the banks of that noble river. The engravings executed by William Ber- nard Cooke, from the original drawings by Samuel Owen. London, 1811. Octavo, pp. (i), (215); (i), (220). Plates. Same [Vol. III.] " Source of the Thames." London, 1814. Octavo, pp. (i), (44). Plates. Views on the Thames; engraved by W. B. Cooke and George Cooke. London, 1822. Folio, pp. (3), (4). Plates. Cooper, Anthony Ashley (1621-1683). Life ; by W. D. Christie. Cooper, Anthony Ashley (1671-1713). Letters of Anthony Earl of Shaftesbury. [In " Original Letters " by T. I. M. Forster.] Cooper, Peter. Death of slavery. [Loyal Publication Society, No. 28.] Letter on slave emancipation. [Loyal Publication Society, No. 23.] Cooper, Thomas. Epitome of Chronicles conteining the whole discourse of the histories as well of this realme of England, as all other countreis ; by T. Lanquet. Corneille, Pierre. Corneille and his times ; by F. P. G. Guizot. Corner, John. Portraits of Celebrated Painters, with medallions from their best performances, engraved by John Corner, with authentic memoirs, from established authorities. Lon- don, 1825. Quarto, pp. (i), (50). Plates. Cornwallis, William. Discovrses vpon Seneca the Tragedian. London, 1601. 32mo. pp. (i), (i), (119). The first part of Essayes. London, 1606. 32mo. pp. (187). A second part of Essayes. London, 1601. 321110. pp. (i), (357)- Corporation . . . for promoting the Gospel among the Heathen in New-England. Strength ovt of Weaknesse ; Or a Glorious Manifestation 84 Massachusetts Historical Society Corporation (continued). of the further Progresse of the Gospel among- the In- dians in New-England. Held forth in sundry letters from divers ministers and others to the Corporation established by Parliament for promoting the Gospel among the Heathen in New-England ; and to particular members thereof since the last treatise to that effect, published by M r Henry Whitefield late Pastor of Gil- ford in New-England. London, 1652. i6mo. pp. (0, (9), (3), 40. Correggio. See A. Allegri. Corsica. Journal of a landscape painter in Corsica ; by E. Lear. Rambles in the islands of Corsica and Sardinia; by T. Forester. Cortez, Hernando. History of the conquest of Mexico, with a preliminary view of the ancient Mexican civilization, and the life of the conqueror ; by W. H. Prescott. Cosin, John. Letter from Dr. John Cosin, afterward Bishop of Durham, to Mr. Cordel, who scrupled to communicate with the French protestants upon some of the modern pretences. [In " Two Treatises," by W. Goode.] Costello, Dudley. A Tour through the Valley of the Meuse with the legends of the Walloon country and the Ardennes. London. I2mo. pp. xiii, 316. Plate. Costello, Louisa Stuart. Specimens of the Early Poetry of France from the time of the Troubadours and Trouveres to the reign of Henri Quatre. London, 1835. i2mo. pp. xlix, 298. Plates on vellum. From the library of Samuel Rogers, with letter from him. Costume. Book of costume ; by M. M. S. Egerton. Chronicles of fashion, from the time of Elizabeth to the early part of the nineteenth century ; by E. Stone. Costume in England, a history of dress from the earliest period till the close of the eighteenth century ; by F. W. Fairholt. Costume of the ancients ; by T. Hope. Waterston Collection 85 Costume (continued). Dresses and decorations of the middle ages ; by H. Shaw. History of British costume; by J. R. Planche. Modes et costumes historiques; by Pauquet. Picturesque representations of the dress and manners of the English. See Great Britain. Sketches illustrative of the manners and costumes of France, Switzerland, and Italy; by R. Bridgens. Cotman, John Sell. Architectural antiquities of Normandy; by D. Turner. Cottle, Joseph. Early Recollections; chiefly relating to the late Samuel Taylor Coleridge, during his long residence in Bristol. London, 1837. Two volumes. I2mo. pp. xxxviii, 325, (i); (i), (4), 346. Plates. Cotton, Charles. Complete angler, or the contemplative man's recreation; by I. Walton. Essays of Michael Seigneur de Montaigne. Cotton, Clement. A Complete Concordance to the Bible of the last Transla- tion. By helpe whereof any passage of the holy Scrip- ture may bee readily turned unto. The whole reviewed, corrected, and much enlarged. And againe reuieued and corrected by H. T. The further use and benefit of this Worke is more fully declared in the Prefaces to the Reader. Printed Anno Dom. 1635. Octavo, pp. (i), (852). Bookplate of Robert Waterston inserted; also his signature and that of William Ephinston. Cotton, John. A Briefe Exposition of the whole Book of Canticles, or, Song of Solomon : Lively describing the estate of the Church in all the ages thereof, both Jewish and Chris- tian, to this day. . . . Written by that learned and Godly Divine John Cotton, Batchelor of Divinity; and now Pastor of the Congregation at Boston in New- England. London, 1648. i6mo. pp. (i), 256. The way of Life. Or, Gods Way and Course, in bringing the soule into, keeping it in, and carrying it on, -in the wayes of life and peace. . . . London, 1641. I2mo. pp. (i), (6), 481. 86 Massachusetts Historical Society Cottrell, Charles Herbert. Egypt's place in universal history; by C. C. J. Bunsen. Coues, Samuel Elliott. Memoir of Rev. Nathan Parker, late pastor of the South Parish in Portsmouth, N. H., as published in the fourth volume of the Collections [IV, 255-280] of the New- Hampshire Historical Society. Concord, 1834. Oc- tavo, pp. 28. Country, Summer time ; by R. A. Willmott. Country life. London, 1873. Octavo, pp. 147. Plate. Courtenay, Thomas Peregrine. Memoirs of the Life, Works, and Correspondence of Sir William Temple, Bart. London, 1836. Two volumes. Octavo, pp. xxiv, 517, (i); viii, 520. Plates. Cousin, Victor. Lectures on the True, the Beautiful, and the Good. In- creased by an appendix on French art. Translated, with the approbation of M. Cousin, by O. W. Wight New York, 1861. Octavo, pp. 391. The Philosophy of the Beautiful. From the French. Translated with notes and an introduction by Jesse Cato Daniel. London, 1848. i6mo. pp. xxx, (i), 189. Coverdale, Myles. Memorials of the Right Reverend Father in God, Myles Coverdale, sometime Lord Bishop of Exeter; who first translated the Bible into English : together with divers matters relating to the promulgation of the Bible, in the reign of Henry the Eighth. London, 1838. Octavo, pp. ix, (2), 260. Plate. Cowards' convention. [Loyal Publication Society, No. 68.] Cowley, Abraham. The Essays of Abraham Cowley. With life by the editor. Notes, and illustrations by Dr. Hurd, and others. London, 1868. i6mo. pp. xiv, 199. Same, second edition. New York, 1869. Prose Works, including his essays in prose and verse. London, 1826. i6mo. pp. (2), xli, (i), 238. Cowper, Mary (Clavering). Diary of Mary Countess Cowper, Lady of the Bedchamber to the Princess of Wales. 1714-1720. London, 1864. Octavo, pp. xvi, 207, (i). Plate: Waterston Collection 87 Cowper, William. Latin and Italian poems of Milton translated into English verse. Life, and posthumous writings; by W. Hayley. The Poetical Works of William Cowper. Edited by the Rev. H. F. Cary, with a biographical notice of the author. London, 1839. Octavo, pp. (i), xxiv, 516. Cox, Francis Augustus. The Life of Philip Melancthon, comprising an account of the most important transactions of the Reformation. Second edition. With considerable alterations. Lon- don, 1817. Octavo, pp. xxiv, 581. Plates. Cox, Ross. The Columbia River; or, scenes and adventures during a residence of six years on the western side of the Rocky Mountains, among various tribes of Indians hitherto unknown : together with a journey across the American continent. Second edition. London, 1832. Two vol- umes. Octavo, pp. xx, 333 ; vi, 350. Coxe, William. Sketches of the Lives of Correggio, and Parmegiano. London, 1823. I2mo. pp. xii, (i), (i), 276, (10). Plate. Coyne, Joseph Stirling. Scenery and antiquities of Ireland; by N. P. Willis. Crabb, George. English Synonymes explained, in alphabetical order; with copious illustrations and examples drawn from the best writers. To which is now added an index to the words. Tenth edition. London, 1854. Octavo, pp. iv, 799. Crabbe, George. An Outline of a System of Natural Theology. London, 1840. Octavo, pp. xvi, (i), 448. Craig, William Marshall. A Course of Lectures on Drawing, Painting, and Engrav- ing, considered as branches of elegant education. Deliv- ered in the saloon of the Royal Institution, in successive seasons, and read subsequently at the Russell Institution, by W. M. Craig, painter to His Royal Highness the Duke of York. London, 1821. Octavo, pp. ix, 451. Plates. 88 . Massachusetts Historical Society Cramer, John Anthony. A Geographical and Historical Description of Ancient Greece; with a map, and a plan of Athens. Oxford, 1828. Three volumes. Octavo. Map. A Geographical and Historical Description of Ancient Italy; with a map, and a plan of Rome. Oxford, 1826. Two volumes. Octavo, pp. viii, (3), 472, (7) ; iv, 444, (24). Map. Craufurd, Quintin. On Pericles and the Arts in Greece, previously to, and dur- ing the time he flourished ; being a chapter of a manu- script essay on the history of Greece, from the earliest account of that country, down to the end of the Pelo- ponnesian War. Second edition. London, 1817. I2mo. pp. (i), (i), 130. Crawford, Mabel Sharman. Life in Tuscany. London, 1859. I2mo. pp. x, (2), 337, ( i ) . Plates. Crawford, Thomas. Eulogy ; by T. Hicks. Creasy, Edward Shepherd. Memoirs of Eminent Etonians : with notices of the early history of Eton College. London, 1850. Octavo, pp. xv, 504. Creech, Thomas. T. Lucretius Carus, of the nature of things. Cresy, Eliza (Taylor). Lives of celebrated architects, ancient and modern; by F. Milizia. Croly, George. Holy Land; by D. Roberts. The Poetical Works of the Rev. George Croly. London, 1830. Two volumes. i6mo. pp. vii, xvi, (i), 352; iv. xvi, 341, (i). Plates. Cromwell, Oliver. Memoirs of the life and actions ; by F. Peck. Tract entitled true and faithful relation of a worthy discourse, between Colonel John Hampden and Colonel Oliver Cromwell [1643]; by W. Spurstowe. Cronise, Titus Fey. The Natural Wealth of California . . . San Francisco, 1868. Octavo, pp. xvi, 696. Plates. Waterston Collection 89 Cross, Maurice. Selections from the Edinburgh Review; comprising the best articles in that Journal, from its commencement to the present time. With a preliminary dissertation, and explanatory notes. London, 1833. Four volumes. Octavo. Croswell, Harry. A Memoir of the late Rev. William Croswell, Rector of the Church of the Advent, Boston, Massachusetts. By his Father. New York, 1853. Octavo, pp. 528, (i). Plate. Crouch, Nathaniel. The Wars in England, Scotland and Ireland, or an im- partial account of all the battles, sieges, and other re- markable transactions, revolutions and accidents, which happened from the beginning of the reign of King Charles I. in 1625, to the restoration of King Charles II. in 1660. By Richard Burton. New edition. West- minster, 1810. Octavo, pp. (i),ii, 201. Plates inserted. Crowe, Joseph Archer. The Early Flemish Painters : notices of their lives and works. By Mr. Crowe and G. B. Cavalcaselle. Lon- don, 1857. I2mo. pp. xii, 383, (i). Plates. A History of Painting in North Italy, Venice, Padua, Vicenza, Verona> Ferrara, Milan, Friuli, Brescia, from the fourteenth to the sixteenth century. ... By Mr. Crowe and G. B. Cavalcaselle. London, 1871. Two volumes. Octavo, pp. xii, 603 ; (4), 630. Plates. A New History of Painting in Italy from the second to the sixteenth century. . . . By Mr. Crowe and G. B. Cavalcaselle. London, 1864-1866. Three volumes. Octavo. Plates. Crowther, Philip Wyatt. The Christian's Manual, compiled from the Enchiridion Militis Christiani of Erasmus, with copious Scripture notes and comments on several fatal errors in religion and morality. Prefixed is some account of the author, his reception in England, and correspondence. . . . For the benefit of the City of London Auxiliary National Schools. London, 1816. Octavo, pp. xliv, 234. Crusades. Historic of the Holy Warre ; by T. Fuller. 90 Massachusetts Historical Society Cudworth, Ralph. The true Intellectual System of the Universe : wherein all the reason and philosophy of Atheism is confuted, and its impossibility demonstrated. A treatise on immutable morality ; with a discourse concerning the true notion of the Lord's Supper; and two sermons on i John 2 : 3, 4, and i Cor. 1 5 : 27. First American edition ; ... by Thomas Birch. Andover, 1837, 1838. Two volumes. Octavo, pp. 804; 756. Cumberland, Richard. Anecdotes of Eminent Painters in Spain, during- the six- teenth and seventeenth centuries; with cursory remarks upon the present state of arts in that kingdom. London, 1782. Two volumes bound in one. i6mo. pp. (i), 225, (2); (i), 224, (i). Cummington, Mass. Bryant homestead-book; by J. Hatfield. Cundall, Joseph. The Life and Genius of Rembrandt. The most celebrated of Rembrandt's etchings. Thirty photographs taken from the collections in the British Museum, and in the possession of Mr. Seymour Haden. With descriptions: and a discourse on the life and genius of Rembrandt, by Dr. Scheltema, of Amsterdam. London, 1867. Quarto, pp. viii, (3), 191, (i). Plates. Cunningham, Allan. General dictionary of painters ; by M. Pilkington. The Life of Sir David Wilkie; with his journals, tours, and critical remarks on works of art; and a selection from his correspondence. London, 1843. Three vol- umes. Octavo. Plate. Poetical works of Robert Burns. Cunningham, Peter. Lives of the most eminent English poets, with critical observations on their works; by S. Johnson. Poems of William Drummond, of Hawthornden. Turner and his works ; by J. Burnet. Curran, John Philpot. Curran and his contemporaries; by C. Phillips. Curran, William Henry. The Life of the Right Honourable John Philpot Curran, late Master of the Rolls in Ireland. By his son. Lon- Waterston Collection 91 Curran, William Henry (continued). don, 1819. Two volumes. Octavo, pp. viii, 448; viii, 532. Plates. Currie, James. A Letter, Commercial and Political, addressed to the Rt. Hon. William Pitt : in which the real interests of Britain, in the present crisis, are considered, and some observa- tions are offered, on the general state of Europe. By Jasper Wilson. Dublin, 1793. i6mo. pp. (i), 70. Signature of Robert Waterston. Works of Robert Burns. Curtis, James Freeman. Inheritance which a good man leaves to his children; by F. W. P. Greenwood. Curzon, Robert. Visits to the Monasteries of the Levant. Third edition. London, 1850. I2mo. pp. Iv, 420. Plates. Cuvier, Georges Leopold Chretien Frederic Dagobert. Memoirs ; by S. Lee. Cyprus ; by L. P. di Cesnola. Cyrus the Great. KTPOT HAIAEIA, or the institution and life of Cyrus the Great; by Xenophon. The Travels of Cyrus. Fourth edition. London, 1730. Quarto, pp. (i), (2), xvi, (8), 363, (i), no. Dabney, Jonathan Peele. A Selection of Hymns and Psalms, for social and private worship. Second edition, enlarged and improved. Cam- bridge, 1824. i6mo. pp. (i), (329). Dacier, Andre. Plato's Divine dialogues. Bade, William. The History and Antiquities of the Seignory of Holder- ness, in the East-riding of the County of York, includ- ing the Abbies of Meaux and Swine, with the priories of Nunkeeling and Burstall ; compiled from authentic charters, records, and the unpublished manuscripts of the Rev. William Dade, remaining in the library of Burton Constable: with numerous Embellishments: by 92 Massachusetts Historical Society Dade, William (continued). George Poulson. Hull, 1840, 1841. Two volumes bound in one. Quarto, pp. xx, (i), vii-xi, 489; (i), 552. Plates. Dafforne, James. Pictures by Clarkson Stanfield, R.A. With descriptions and a biographical sketch of the painter. Philadelphia. Folio, pp. (i), (i), 61. Plates. Dahlmann, Friedrich Christoph. The History of the English Revolution. Translated from the German by H. Evans Lloyd. London, 1844. Oc- tavo, pp. x, 340. Dale, Thomas. Tragedies of Sophocles, translated into English verse. Dall, William Healey. Alaska and its Resources. Boston, 1870. Octavo, pp. xii, 627, (i). Plates. Dallas, Eneas Sweetland. The Gay Science. London, 1866. Two volumes. Octavo, pp. xviii, 334; xvi, 334. Dallaway, James. Of Statuary and Sculpture among the Antients. With some account of specimens preserved in England. London, 1816. Octavo, pp. vii, 418. Plates. Dalmatia; by J. G. Wilkinson. Dampier, William. Lives and Voyages of [Francis] Drake, Cavendish, and Dampier. Dana, Charles Anderson. The Household Book of Poetry. Collected and edited by Charles A. Dana. Seventh edition, revised and en- larged. New York, 1873. Octavo, pp. xxvii, 816. Plates. Dana, Richard Henry. Two Years before the Mast. A personal narrative. New edition, with subsequent matter by the author. Boston, 1872. i6mo. pp. vii, 470. Daniel, George. Merrie England in the Olden. Time. With illustrations by John Leech and Robert Cruikshank. New edition. London, 1841. i6mo. pp. viii, 422. Plates. Waterston Collection 93 Daniel, Jesse Cato. Philosophy of the beautiful ; by V. Cousin. Dante Alighieri. Compositions by John Flaxman, sculptor, from the Divine Poem. The Divine Comedy of Dante Alighieri. Translated by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow. Boston, 1867. Three volumes. Octavo. The First Canticle Inferno of the Divine Comedy of Dante Alighieri. Translated by Thomas William Par- sons. Boston, 1867. Octavo, pp. (3), 216. Plates. Life and times; by C. Balbo. Makers of Florence; by M. O. Oliphant. The New Life of Dante Alighieri. Translated by Charles Eliot Norton. Boston, 1867. Octavo, pp. (3), 149. Darley, Felix Octavius Carr. Compositions in Outline, from Judd's Margaret. En- graved by Konrad Huber. New York, 1856. Oblong quarto, pp. (i),8, (29) recto. Plates. Darlington, William. Memorials of John Bartram and Humphry Marshall. With notices of their botanical contemporaries. Phila- delphia, 1849. Octavo, pp. (i), (2), 585. Plates. Darlington, William M. Journal and letters of Col. John May, of Boston, relative to two journeys to the Ohio country in 1788 and 1789. [In Hist, and Phil. Society of Ohio, new series, I.] Dart, John. The History and Antiquities of the Cathedral Church of Canterbury, and the once-adjoining monastery : . . . London, 1726. Folio, pp. (i), (2), 204, Ivi. Plates. Westmonasterium. Or the History and Antiquities of the Abbey Church of S l Peters Westminster, . . . To which is added, Westminster Abbey, a poem by the same author. London, 1742. Two volumes. Folio, pp. (i), (4), iv, xlii, 195, (i) ; (i), (i), 146, (4), xliv, 24, xvi. Plates. Darwin, Erasmus. The Botanic Garden; a poem, in two parts. Part I. Con- taining the economy of vegetation. Part II. The loves of the plants. With philosophical notes. London, 1791. Two volumes. Folio, pp. xii, (i), 214 [216], 126, (i); (i), (i), ix, 197. Plates. 94 Massachusetts Historical Society Darwin, Erasmus (continued). Same, third edition. London, 1795, 1791. Folio, pp. xx, 218, 124, (i); (i), ix, 197. Dasent, George Webbe. The Story of Gisli the Outlaw from the Icelandic. Edin- burgh, 1866. Octavo, pp. xxxv, (i), 123. Plates. Dashkova, Ekaterina Romanovna. Memoirs of the Princess Daschkaw, lady of honour to Catherine II. Empress of all the Russias : written by herself: comprising letters of the Empress, and other correspondence. Edited from the originals, by Mrs. W. Bradford. London, 1840. Two volumes. Octavo, pp. xxxix, 397; vii, 439. Plates. Davenport, Richard Alfred. Koran, commonly called the Alcoran of Mohammed. Lives of Individuals who raised themselves from poverty to eminence or fortune. London, 1841. i6mo. pp. vi, (2), 438. Plate. Davies, C. M. The History of Holland and the Dutch Nation, from the beginning of the tenth century to the end of the eigh- teenth; including an account of the municipal institu- tions, commercial pursuits, and social habits of the people; the rise and progress of the Protestant Refor- mation, in Holland; the intestine dissensions, foreign wars, &c. London, 1851. Three volumes. Octavo. Map. Davies, Edward. The Life of Bartolome E. Murillo, compiled from the writings of various authors. London, 1819. I2mo. pp. ciii, (2), 9-183, (2). Plate. Davillier, Jean Charles. Spain. Illustrated by Gustave Dore. Translated by J. Thomson. New York, 1876. Folio, pp. xiii, 512. Plates. Davis, John (1761-1847). New England's memorial ; by N. Morton. Review of the Memoir of Josiah Quincy Jr. From the North American Review, No. L. for January, 1826. Boston, 1826. Octavo, pp. 35. Davis, John, of Adelaide, Australia. Tracks of M c Kinlay and Party across Australia. Edited from Mr. Davis's manuscript journal; with an intro- Waterston Collection 95 Davis, John, of Adelaide, Australia (continued). ductory view of the recent Australian explorations of M c Dougall Stuart, Burke and Wills, Landsborough, etc., by William Westgarth, London, 1863. Octavo, pp. xvi, 408. Plates. Davis, Nathan. Carthage and her remains : being an account of the exca- vations and researches on the site of the Phoenician metropolis in Africa, and other adjacent places. Con- ducted under the auspices of Her Majesty's Govern- ment. London, 1861. Octavo, pp. xvi, 631, (i). Davis, William Thomas. Ancient Landmarks of Plymouth. Part I. Historical sketch and titles of estates. Part II. Genealogical reg- ister of Plymouth families. Boston, 1883. Octavo, pp. viii, (i), (i), 350, 312. Maps. Davison, Samuel Coulter. King of Saxony's journey through England and Scotland- in the year 1844; by C. G. Carus. Davy, Humphry. Consolations in Travel ; or the last days of a philosopher. Fourth edition. London, 1838. i6mo. pp. vi, (3) recto, 264. Fragmentary Remains, Literary and Scientific, of Sir Humphry Davy, Bart., late President of the Royal So- ciety, etc. With a sketch of his life and selections from his correspondence. Edited by his brother, John Davy. London, 1858. Octavo, pp. viii, 330. Davy, John. Notes and Observations on the Ionian Islands and Malta: with some remarks on Constantinople and Turkey, and on the system of quarantine as at present conducted. London, 1842. Two volumes. Octavo, pp. 436; xi, 500. Plates. Dawe, George. The Life of George Morland. With remarks on his works. London, 1807. Octavo, pp. (i), viii, 238, (i). Plates. Deane, Charles. A Bibliographical Essay on Governor Hutchinson's His- torical Publications. Boston, privately printed, 1857. Octavo, pp. 39. 96 Massachusetts Historical Society Deane, Charles (continued). Read before the Historical Society at the February meeting, 1857, and printed in the Proceedings (III, 134-150). First printed in "The His- torical Magazine" (I, 97-102) for April, 1857. Presentation copy, January i, 1859. Dialogue or third conference between some young men born in New England, and some ancient men which came out of Holland and old England; by W. Brad- ford. A Discourse of Virginia. By Edward Maria Wingfield, the first President of the Colony. Now first printed from the original manuscript in the Lambeth Library. Edited, with notes and an introduction. Boston, pri- vately printed, 1860. Octavo, pp. 45. Reprinted from the Archaeologia (IV, 67-103) of the American Anti- quarian Society. Presentation copy. The First Plymouth Patent: granted June i, 1621. Now first printed from the original manuscript. Cambridge, privately printed, 1854. Octavo, pp. 16. Reprinted from the Collections (4th series, II, 156-163) of the Histori- cal Society. Presentation copy, No. 26, January I, 1855, and letter, July 15, 1850. History of Plymouth plantation ; by W. Bradford. Some Notices of Samuel Gorton, one of the first settlers of Warwick, R. I., during his residence at Plymouth, Portsmouth, and Providence : chiefly derived from early manuscripts; with brief introductory memoir. Boston, 1850. Octavo, pp. 41. Reprinted from the New England Historical & Genealogical Register (IV, 201-221) for July, 1850. Presentation copy. Declaration of His Excellencie James Marquis of Montrose. See Great Britain. Decoration. Art of decorative design ; by E. Dresser. Encyclopedia of ornament ; by H. Shaw. Grammar of ornament; by O. Jones. Handbook of the arts of the middle ages and renais- sance, as applied to the decoration of furniture, arms, jewels; by J. Labarte. Polychromatic ornament ; by A. Racinet. Select examples of the Ornaments of the Middle Ages, and the Renaissance Period. Quarto, pp. (4). Plates. Sketches graphic and descriptive &c. for a history of the Waterston Collection 97 Decoration (continued). decorative painting applied to English architecture dur- ing the middle ages ; by E. L. Blackburne. Studies from old English mansions their furniture gold and silver plate; by C. J. Richardson. Two paths, being lectures on art, and its application to decoration and manufacture, delivered in 1858-9; by J. Ruskin. Works of eminent masters, in painting, sculpture, architec- ture, and decorative art. See Arts, Fine. Dedham, Mass. History; by E. Worthington. De Foe, Daniel. The Life and Adventures of Robinson Crusoe. Em- bellished with engravings from designs by Thomas Stothard. London, 1820. Two volumes. Octavo, pp. (i), xcii, 429; v, 415. Plates. The Life and Strange Surprising Adventures of Robinson Crusoe ; of York, Mariner : . . . Written by himself. Twelfth edition. [Volume II. The Farther Adventures of Robinson Crusoe; being the second and last part of his life, . . .] London, 1761. Two volumes. i6mo. pp. 288; 275. De Fonblanque, Edward Barrington. Niphon and Pe-che-li, or, two years in Japan and north- ern China. London, 1862. Octavo, pp. (3), 286, (i). Plates. De Lolme, John Lewis. Rise and progress of the English constitution; by A. J. Stephens. AHMO20ENOT2 AOFflN TMHMA ITPftTON. Demos- thenis Orationvm pars prima: . . . Corrigente Pavlo Manvtio, Aldi Filio. Venetiis, 1554. Three parts, the first and second bound in one volume. i6mo. Three pages of the third part supplied in manuscript. Denmark. Observations on the social and political state of Denmark, and the duchies of Sleswick and Holstein, in 1851; by S. Laing. Dennis, George. The Cid : a short chronicle, founded on the early poetry of Spain. London, 1845. i6mo. pp. (2), 220. Plate. 7 98 Massachusetts Historical Society Dennistoun, James. Memoirs of the Dukes of Urbino, illustrating- the arms, arts, and literature of Italy, from 1440 to 1630. Lon- don, 1851. Three volumes. Octavo. Plates. De Quincey, Thomas. Confessions of an English Opium-Eater. Third edition. London, 1823. i6mo. pp. iv, 206. Detroit, Michigan. History of the conspiracy of Pontiac; by F. Parkman. Devereux, Walter Bourchier. Lives and Letters of the Devereux, Earls of Essex, in the reigns of Elizabeth, James I., and Charles I. 1540-1646. London, 1853. Two volumes. Octavo, pp. xiv, (2), 503, (i); viii, 509, (i). Plates. Devrient, Eduard Philipp. My Recollections of Felix Mendelssohn-Bartholdy, and his letters to me. Translated from the German, by Natalia Macfarren. London, 1869. I2mo. pp. vii, 307. Plate. Dexter, Henry Martyn. As to Roger Williams, and his ' Banishment ' from the Massachusetts Plantation ; with a few further words concerning the Baptists, the Quakers, and religious lib- erty: a monograph. Boston, 1876. Quarto, pp. vi, 146. Diamonds and precious stones, a popular account of gems; by L. Dieulafait. Dibdin, Thomas Frognall. Aedes Althorpianae ; or an account of the mansion, books, and pictures, at Althorp; the residence of George John Earl Spencer. To which is added a supplement to the Bibliotheca Spenceriana. London, 1822. Two volumes. Folio, pp. viii, (3), Ixii, 279, (i); (i), 322, (i). Plates. A Bibliographical Antiquarian and Picturesque Tour in France and Germany. London, 1821. Three volumes. Octavo. Plates. A Bibliographical Antiquarian and Picturesque Tour in the Northern Counties of England and in Scotland. London, 1838. Two volumes. Octavo, pp. xv, (5), (4), 436, xxx, (2); ( i ), (3), 439-1090. Plates. The Bibliographical Decameron; or, ten days pleasant Waterston Collection 99 Didbin, Thomas Frognall (continued), discourse upon illuminated manuscripts, and subjects connected with early engraving, typography, and bibli- ography. London, 1817. Three volumes. Octavo. Plates. The Bibliomania; or, Book-Madness; containing some account of the history, symptoms, and cure of this fatal disease. In an epistle addressed to Richard Heber, Esq. London, 1809. Octavo, pp. iv, 87, (i). Same, a reprint. Octavo, pp. (i), (i), 569-618. Bibliophobia. Remarks on the present languid and de- pressed state of literature and the book trade. In a letter addressed to the author of Bibliomania. By Mer- curius Rusticus. With notes by Cato Parvus. London, 1832. Octavo, pp. 1 02. Bibliotheca Spenceriana ; or a descriptive catalogue of the books printed in fifteenth century, and of many valuable first editions, in the library of George John Earl Spen- cer. London, 1814, 1815. Four volumes. Octavo. Plates. A Descriptive Catalogue of the Books printed in the fif- teenth century, lately forming part of the library of the Duke di Cassano Serra, and now the property of George John Earl Spencer, with a general index of authors and editions contained in the present volume, and in the Bibliotheca Spenceriana and ^Edes Althorpianse. Lon- don, 1823. Octavo, (i), x, 295, (i). Director, a weekly literary journal. An Introduction to the knowledge of rare and valuable editions of the Greek and Roman Classics : . . . Gloces- ter, 1802. I2mo. pp. xii, 63, (i). Same, fourth edition, greatly enlarged and corrected. London, 1827. Two volumes. Octavo, pp. xiii, 562; (i), (2), 579, CO- Plate. The Library Companion ; or, the young man's guide, and the old man's comfort, in the choice of a library. Lon- don, 1824. Octavo, pp. (3), li, 912. Most pleasant, fruitful, and witty work of the best state of a public weal, and of the new Isle called Utopia; by T. More. Of the Imitation of Jesus Christ. Translated from the Latin original. Ascribed to Thomas a Kempis. Lon- don, 1851. Octavo, pp. xiv, 248. Plate. ioo Massachusetts Historical Society Didbin, Thomas Frognall (continued). Poems. London, 1797. Octavo, pp. viii, (i), 117. Reminiscences of a Literary Life. London, 1836. Two volumes. Octavo, pp. xxxii, (i), (i), 556; (i), 557- 982, 44. Plates. Supplement to the Bibliotheca Spenceriana; or a descrip- tive catalogue of the books printed in the fifteenth century, in the library of George John Earl Spencer. London, 1822. Folio*, pp. (i), 322, (i). Plates. Typographical Antiquities; or the history of printing in England Scotland and Ireland : containing memoirs of our ancient printers, and a register of the books printed by them. Begun by the late Joseph Ames, considerably augmented by William Herbert; and now greatly en- larged, with copious notes, and illustrated with ap- propriate engravings; Comprehending the history of English Literature, and a view of the progress of the art of engraving, in Great Britain. London, 1810- 1819. Four volumes. Quarto. Plates. Dickens, Charles. The Personal History of David Copperfield. London. Octavo, pp. vi, 437. Plates. Pictures from Italy. Copyright edition. Leipzig, 1846. i6mo. pp. (2,)recto, 263, (i). Dickinson, John. Letters from a Farmer, in Pennsylvania, to the Inhabitants of the British Colonies. Philadelphia, London, reprinted, 1774. Octavo, pp. 136. New Essay M . . on the Constitutional Power of Great Britain over the colonies in America; with the resolves of the committee for the Province of Pennsylvania, and their instructions to their Representatives in Assembly. Philadelphia, London, reprinted, 1774. Octavo, pp. (i), v viii, 126. Dickson, Walter. Japan being a sketch of the history, government and offi- cers of the Empire. Edinburgh, 1869. Octavo, pp. vi, (0,489. Plates. Dickson, William Purdie. History of Rome; by T. Mommsen. Dictionaries. Comprehensive dictionary of the English language; by J. E. Worcester. Waterston Collection 101 Dictionaries (continued). Dictionary of the architecture and archaeology of the middle ages ; by J. Britton. Dictionary of the English language; by S. Johnson, and by N. Webster. Dictionary of every-day difficulties in reading, writing, and speaking the English language ; by E. Shelton. Encyclopaedia Britannica. General and bibliographical dictionary of the fine arts; by J. Elmes. Rudimentary dictionary of terms used in architecture; by J. Weale. Thesaurus of English words and phrases; by P. M. Roget. Universal pronouncing dictionary of biography and myth- ology; by J. Thomas. Diedo, Francesco. D Francisi : Diedi. Ivriconsvlti. in adventv. Frederici : Caesaris: Tertii : Oratio. Octavo, pp. (23). Manuscript oration, 1468, "greeting Frederic III. of Austria," written in Venice on paper. From the library of Robert Balmanno. Dieulafait, Louis. Diamonds and Precious Stones, a popular account of gems. Containing their history, their distinctive properties, and a description of the most famous gems; gem cutting and engraving, and the artificial production of real and of counterfeit gems. Translated from the French by Fanchon Sanford. New York, 1874. I2mo. pp. xii, 292. Plates. Digby, Francis. KTPOT IIAIAEIA, or the institution and life of Cyrus the Great; by Xenophon. Digby, Ken elm. Observations upon Religio Medici. Third edition cor- rected and enlarged. London, 1659. 32mo. pp. (i), 75> (2). Private Memoirs of Sir Kenelm Digby, gentleman of the bedchamber to King Charles the First. Written by himself. Now first published from the original manu- script, with an introductory memoir. [Edited by Nicho- las Harris Nicolas.] London, 1827. Octavo, pp. Ixxxvi, 328. Religio Medici; by T. Browne. IO2 Massachusetts Historical Society Dircks, Henry. The Life, Times, and Scientific Labours of the second Marquis of Worcester [Edward Somerset]. To which is added, a reprint of his Century of Inventions, 1663, with a commentary thereon. London, 1865. Octavo, pp. xxiv, 624, (i). Plates. Director, The; a Weekly Literary Journal: containing I. Essays, on subjects of literature, the fine arts and man- ners. II. Bibliographiana, account of rare and curious books, and of the book sales in this country, from the close of the seventeenth century [by Thomas Frognall Dibdin]. III. Royal Institution. Analysis of the lec- tures delivered weekly. IV. British Gallery. Descrip- tion [by Mr. Dibdin] of the principal pictures exhibited for sale, with the names of the purchasers. London, 1807. Two volumes bound in one. Octavo, pp. (i), 4,379, CO; (i), 38S (6). Disney, John. The Fitzwilliam Museum, Cambridge, being illustrations and descriptions of the collection of ancient marbles, specimens of ancient bronze, and various ancient fictile vases, in the Fitzwilliam Museum, Cambridge, formerly in the possession of John Disney. In three parts. Lon- don, 1849. Folio. Disraeli, Benjamin. Benjamin Disraeli. Earl of Beaconsfield, K.G. In Up- wards of 100 Cartoons from the Collection of " M r - Punch." London, 1878. Folio, pp. (i), (no). D'Israeli, Isaac. Amenities of Literature, consisting of Sketches and Char- acters of English Literature. Paris, 1842. Two vol- umes. Octavo, pp. x, 340; vi, 344. Curiosities of Literature. Seventh edition, corrected. London, 1823. Five volumes. I2mo. The Literary Character; or the history of men of genius, drawn from their own feelings and confessions. Fourth edition, revised. London, 1828. Two volumes. I2mo. pp. xlviii, 300; viii, 340. Signature of author. Miscellanies of Literature. Including: Calamities of Authors. The Literary Character. [Volume II. In- cluding : Quarrels of Authors. Character of James Waterston Collection 103 D'Israeli, Isaac (continued). the First. Literary Miscellanies.] Paris, 1840. Two volumes. Octavo, pp. xvi, 440; vi, 439. Divine Meditations upon several occasions, with a daily direc- tory. By a person of Honour. Fourth edition. Edin- burgh, 1794. i6mo. pp. viii, 108. Signature of Robert Waterston, February 20, 1795. Dixon, William Hepworth. The Holy Land. Copyright edition. Leipzig, 1865. Two volumes bound in one. i6mo. pp. xvi, 272; xvi, 275, CO- Lady Morgan's Memoirs, autobiography, diaries and cor- respondence. "William Penn. An historical biography. With an extra chapter on "the Macaulay charges." London, 1851. I2mo. pp. xv, 457, (i). Plate. Doblado, Leucadio. See J. B. White. Dobson, Susannah (Dawson). The Life of Petrarch. Collected from Memoires pour la Vie de Petrarch. Third edition. London, 1797. Two volumes. Octavo, pp. xviii, 388, (n) ; (2), 401, (10). Plates. Dodd, James William. Ballads of Archery, Sonnets. London, 1818. i6mo. pp. xxxi, (i), 175. Dodd, Thomas. A Collection of Etchings, by that inimitable artist Stefa- nino della Bella, comprising in number one hundred and eighty pieces, and consisting of landscapes, marine views, animals, friezes, ornaments, ... To which is prefixed a biographical memoir of the artist. London, 1818. Folio, pp. (2), 22. Plates. Doddridge, Philip. Life; by D. A. Harsha. Dodsley, Robert. Essay on fable. [In " Select Fables " of ^Esop, 1761.] Dogs, Anecdotes; by E. Jesse. Don Quixote. See Cervantes. Dore, Paul Gustave. Story of Elaine; by J. S. R. 104 Massachusetts Historical Society Dort, Synod of. Memoirs of Simon Episcopius, the celebrated pupil of Arminius, to which is added, a brief account of the synod ; by F. Calder. Douce, Francis. Illustrations of Shakspeare, and of Ancient Manners: with dissertations on the clowns and fools of Shak- speare; on the collection of popular tales entitled Gesta Romanorum; and on the English Morris Dance. Lon- don, 1807. Two volumes. Octavo, pp. xv, 526; (3), 499, (i). Plates. Dove, Alfred Wilhelm. Life of Alexander von Humboldt; by C. C. Bruhns. Dowden, Edward. Sonnets of William Shakspere. Doyle, James Edmund. A Chronicle of England B. c. 55 A. D. 1485. Written and illustrated by James E. Doyle. The designs engraved and printed in colours by Edmund Evans. London, 1864. Quarto, pp. viii, 462. Doyle, Richard. Bird's Eye Views of Society. Drawn by Richard Doyle. Engraved by the Brothers Dalziel. London, 1864. Oblong octavo, pp. (2), 47, (i). Plates. The Foreign Tour of Messrs. Brown, Jones, and Robinson. Being the history of what they saw, and did, in Bel- gium, Germany, Switzerland, and Italy. London, 1854. Quarto, pp. (i), (i), 80, (i), all recto. A Series of Pictures from the Elf- World. With a poem, by William Allingham. New York, 1870. Folio, pp. (3), 31, all recto. Plates. Drake, Francis. Lives and Voyages of Drake, Cavendish, and Dampier: including an introductory view of the earlier discoveries in the South Sea; and the history of the Buccaneers. Edinburgh, 1831. i6mo. pp. 461. Plates. Drake, Francis Samuel. Dictionary of American Biography, including Men of the Time; . . . Boston, 1872. Octavo, pp. (3), xi-xvi, 1019. Drake, James. Secret memoirs of Robert Dudley, Earl of Leicester. Waterston Collection 105 Drake, Nathan. Shakspeare and his times ; including the biography of the poet, criticisms on his genius and writings ; a new chro- nology of his plays; a disquisition on the object of his sonnets ; and a history of the manners, customs, amuse- ments, superstitions, poetry, and elegant literature of his age. Two volumes in one. Paris, 1838. Octavo, pp. xi, 660. Drake, Samuel Adams. The Heart of the White Mountains, their legend and scenery. New York, 1882. Folio, pp. xii, (i), 318. Plates. Same, tourist's edition. Octavo, pp. xii, (i), 340. Plates. Same, another edition, large paper copy. Historic Fields and Mansions of Middlesex. Boston, 1874. I2mo. pp. xiv, 442. Plates. Old Landmarks and Historic Personages of Boston. Bos- ton, 1873. I2mo. pp. xvii, 484. Plate. Drake, Samuel Gardner. The History and Antiquities of Boston, . . . from its settlement in 1630, to the year 1770. Also, an intro- ductory history of the discovery and settlement of New England. With notes, critical and illustrative. Boston, 1856. Octavo, pp. x, 840. Plates. Drama. Course of lectures on dramatic art and literature ; by A. W. von Schlegel. Memoirs of the Life of William Shakespeare; by R. G. White. Drawing. Cipriani's rudiments; by F. Bartolozzi. Course of lectures on drawing, painting, and engraving, considered as branches of elegant education; by W. M. Craig. Handbook of foliage and foreground drawing; by G. Barnard. Handbook of pictorial art; by R. St. J. Tyrwhitt. Rudiments of landscape: in progressive studies, drawn and etched in imitation of chalk; by S. Prout. Drayton, Michael. The Battaile of Agincovrt. Fought by Henry the fift of that name, King of England, against the whole power 106 Massachusetts Historical Society Drayton, Michael (continued). of the French : vnder the raigne of their Charles the sixt, Anno Dom. 1415. . . . London, 1627. Octavo, pp. (12), 218. Dress. See Costume. Dresser, Christopher.. The Art of Decorative Design, with an appendix, giving the hours of the day at which flowers open (the floral clock) ; the characteristic flowers of the months (both indigenous and cultivated), of all countries, and of the diversified soils. London, 1862. Octavo, pp. xi, 241, (i). Plates. Drisler, Henry. Reply to the " Bible View of Slavery," by J. H. Hopkins. [Loyal Publication Society, No. 39.] Drummond, William. The Poems of William Drummond, of Hawthornden : with life, by Peter Cunningham. London, 1833. i6mo. pp. viii, 336. Druses of the Lebanon, their manners, customs, and history ; by G. W. Chasseaud. Dryden, John. King Arthur: or, the British Worthy. A dramatick opera. Perform'd at the Qveens Theatre by Their Majesties servants. London, 1691. I2mo. pp. (3), (6), 51, CO- Works of Virgil. Dudley, Jane (Grey). Lady Jane Grey and her times ; by F. C. Laird. Dudley, Robert. Secret Memoirs of Robert Dudley, Earl of Leicester, Prime Minister and Favourite of -Queen Elizabeth. Contain- ing an instructive account of his ambition, designs, in- trigues, excessive power; his engrossing the Queen, with the dangerous consequence of that practice, &c. Written during his life, and now published from an old manuscript never printed. To which is added a preface by D r - [James] Drake. London, 1706. i6mo. pp. (i), (30), 118 [218]. Dunbar, William. Message from the President of the United States, com- municating discoveries made in exploring the Missouri. Waterston Collection 107 Duplessis, Georges Victor Antoine Gratet. The Wonders of Engraving. London, 1871. Octavo, pp. x, 338. Plates. Same, without autotypes. New York, 1876. Octavo, pp. 338. Plates. Duppa, Richard. The Life of Michel Angelo Buonarroti, with his poetry and letters. Second edition. London, 1807. Quarto, pp. xi, 468. Plates. Durand, John. Italy, Florence and Venice; by H. A. Taine. Durer, Albert. Albert Durer a Venise et dans les Pays-Bas ; by C. Narrey. Albert Durer, his life and works; by W. B. Scott. Albert Durer's designs of the prayer book; by R. Acker- mann. History of the life; by M.,M. Heaton. Dwight, Nathaniel. The Lives of the Signers of the Declaration of Independ- ence. New edition. New York, 1840. I2mo. pp. (i), (0, 373, CO- Dwight, Theodore. The Character of Thomas Jefferson, as exhibited in his own writings. Boston, 1839. izmo. pp. 371. Dyce, Alexander. Poems of Shakespeare. Specimens of English Sonnets selected by the Rev. Alex- ander Dyce. London, 1833. i6mo. pp. viii, 224. Dyck, Anthonie van. Pictorial Notices : consisting of a memoir of Sir Anthony Van Dyck, with a descriptive catalogue of the etchings executed by him; by W. H. Carpenter. Dyeing. [In " Original Treatises," by M. P. Merrifield.] Dyer, Thomas Henry. Ancient Rome. Reprinted from Dr. Smith's Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography. London, 1864. Oc- tavo, pp. (2), 141, (i). Map. Eadie, John. Early Oriental History : comprising the histories of Egypt, Assyria, Persia, Lydia, Phrygia, and Phoenicia. Lon- don, 1852. I2mo. pp. xiv, 448. io8 Massachusetts Historical Society Earth and man ; by A. H. Guyot. East India Company. Atlas Chinensis ; by J. Ogilby. Embassy from ; by same. East Indies. Travels in the East Indian archipelago ; by A. S. Bickmore. Eastlake, Charles Lock (1793-1865). Contributions to the Literature of the Fine Arts. London, 1848. Octavo, pp. xiii, (i), 396. Goethe's Theory of Colours; translated from the German : with notes. London, 1840. Octavo, pp. xlviii, 423. Plates. Handbook of painting, the Italian schools; by F. Kugler. Materials for a History of Oil Painting. London, 1847. Octavo, pp. xii, slip, 561, (i). Eastlake, Charles Locke (a nephew of Charles Lock Eastlake). Hints on Household Taste in furniture, upholstery and other details. Third edition, revised. London, 1872. Octavo, pp. xviii, 306. Plates. A History of the Gothic Revival. An attempt to show how the taste for mediaeval architecture which lingered in England during the two last centuries has since been encouraged and developed. London, 1872. Octavo, pp. xvi, 427. Plates. Eastlake, Elizabeth (Rigby). Life of John Gibson, R. A. Sculptor. London, 1870. Octavo, pp. ix, 255. Plate. Eaton, Charlotte Ann (Waldie). Rome, in the Nineteenth Century; containing a complete account of the ruins of the ancient city, the remains of the middle ages, and the monuments of modern times. With remarks on the fine arts, the museums of sculpture and painting, the manners, customs, and reli- gious ceremonies, of the modern Romans. Fifth edi- tion. To which is now first added a complete index. London, 1852. Two volumes. i2mo. pp. (i), (3), xviii, 460; ix, (i), 431. Plates. Ecclesiastical History. Ecclesiastical history epitomiz'd ; by J. Shirley. Lambeth and the Vatican. See Lambeth. Lectures on ecclesiastical history; by G. Campbell. Ecclesiastical Vestments. Glossary of ecclesiastical ornament and costume; by A. W. N. Pugin. Waterston Collection 109 Eccleston, James. An Introduction to English Antiquities; intended as a companion to the history of England. London, 1847. Octavo, pp. xii, 485, (i). Echard, Laurence. The History of the Revolution, and the Establishment of England in the year 1688. Introduc'd by a necessary review of the reigns of King Charles, and King James the Second. In three books. London, 1725. I2mo. pp. (i), (9), (3), 271, (8). Signature of Granville Sharp. Echo from the Army. [Loyal Publication Society, No. 2.] Eclipses, Dissertation on the general properties ; by G. Smith. Eddy, Daniel Clarke. Europa ; or, Scenes and Society in England, France, Italy, and Switzerland. With an . historic sketch of France, from the accession of Napoleon III. in 1852, to the destruction of the empire in 1871. Boston, 1871. Oc- tavo, pp. 547. Plate. Roger Williams and the Baptists. An historical discourse delivered before the Young Men's Christian Union, in Hollis Street Church, Dec. 2, 1860. Boston, 1861. I2mo. pp. 146. Presentation copy, Boston, February 15, 1861. Edes, Richard Sullivan. Biographical Sketch of Colonel John May. [In Hist, and Phil. Society of Ohio, new series, I.] Edge, Frederick Milnes. Whom do English tories wish elected to the Presidency? [Loyal Publication Society, No. 69.] Edgeworth, Richard Lovell. Memoirs, begun by himself, and concluded by his daughter, Maria Edgeworth. Third edition. London, 1844. Oc- tavo, pp. (3), 486, (2). Plate. Edinburgh. Literary landmarks ; by L. Hutton. Traditions; by R. Chambers. Edinburgh Review. Contributions; by H. Brougham, and by F. Jeffrey. Essays, selected from contributions; by H. Rogers. Selections from ; by M. Cross. iio Massachusetts Historical Society Edinburgh University. Edinburgh Essays by Members of the University. 1856. Edinburgh, 1857. Octavo, pp. vi, (i), 350. Education. Of education. [In " Poems " by John Milton, 1673.] Proper objects of education ; by J. Priestley. Public education of the people; by T. Parker. Edwards, Edward (1738-1806). Anecdotes of Painters who have resided or been born in England; with critical remarks on their productions; intended as a continuation to the Anecdotes of Painting by the late Horace [Walpole], Earl of Orford. London, 1808. Quarto, pp. viii, xxxix, 327, (i). Plates. Edwards, Edward (1812-1886). Libraries and Founders of Libraries. London, 1865. Oc- tavo, pp. xix, 507. Tables. Memoirs of Libraries : including a handbook of library economy. London, 1859. Two volumes. Octavo, pp. xviii, (i), 841; xxxvii, 1104. Plates. Effigies. Glimpse at the monumental architecture and sculpture of Great Britain; by M. H. Bloxam. Monumental remains of noble and eminent persons; by E. Blore. Egerton, Mary Margaret Stanley. The Book of Costume : or, annals of fashion, from the earliest period to the present time. By a Lady of Rank. New edition. London, 1847. Octavo, pp. (i), xii, 482, Plate. Eggleston, Edward. Christ in Art : the story of the words and acts of Jesus Christ, as related in the language of the four Evange- lists, arranged in one continuous narrative. Illustrated with one hundred full-page plates on steel and wood, executed by Brend' Amour, of Diisseldorf, after the famous designs of Alexandre Bida, together with nu- merous expository engravings in the text by American artists. New York, 1875. Quarto, pp. 295. Egypt. Account of the manners and customs of the modern Egyptians; by E. W. Lane. Waterston Collection 1 1 1 Egypt (continued). Ancient Egypt, her testimony to the truth of the Bible; by W. Osburn, Jr. Ancient Egypt under the Pharaohs; by J. Kenrick. Daleth or the homestead of nations; by E. L. Clark. Diary in the East during the tour of the Prince and Prin- cess of Wales ; by W. H. Russell. Discoveries in Egypt, Ethiopia, and the peninsula of Sinai, in the years 1842-1845; by C. R. Lepsius. Dry Leaves from Young Egypt. By an ex-political. Second edition. London, 1851. Octavo, pp. xx, 378, (i), (i). Plates. Early oriental history ; by J. Eadie. Eastern life, present and past ; by H. Martineau. Egypt and Nubia, their scenery and their people ; by J. A. St. John. Egypt's place in universal history ; by C. C. J. Bunsen. History of Egypt from the earliest times; by S. Sharpe. History of Egypt under the Ptolemies ; by same. Holy Land, Syria, Idumea, Arabia, Egypt and Nubia; by D. Roberts. Journal from Grand Cairo to Mount Sinai, and back again ; by R. Clayton. Monumental history; by W. Osburn. Narrative of the operations and recent discoveries; by G. B. Belzoni. Relation of a journey, 1610; by G. Sandys. Report of the committee of the University of Pennsylvania to translate the inscription on the Rosetta Stone. Travels in Egypt and the Holy Land ; by W. R. Wilson. EIKON BASIAIKH; by J. Gauden. Einheit und Freiheit. [Loyal Publication Society, No. 19.] Elder, William. Biography of Elisha Kent Kane. Philadelphia, 1858. Octavo, pp. (i), 416. Plates. Presentation copy to Leigh Hunt, Philadelphia, January, 1858. Electricity. Experiments and Observations on Electricity, made at Philadelphia; by B. Franklin. Elements of discord in Secessia. [Loyal Publication Society, No. 15.] Elf world, Series of pictures; by R. Doyle. 112 Massachusetts Historical Society Eliot, George (Pseud.). The George Eliot Portfolio being a series of sixty Japanese paper proofs from the original etchings and photo-etch- ings illustrating George Eliot's Works. Boston, 1888. Large folio, pp. (4). Plates. Eliot, Sir John, a biography, 1590-1632; by J. Forster. Elizabeth, Memoirs of the Court of Queen; by L. Aikin. Elliott, Charles Wyllys. The New England History, from the discovery of the continent by the Northmen, 986, to the period when the colonies declared their Independence, 1776. New York, 1857. Two volumes. Octavo, pp. 479; 492. Plates. Ellis, George. Specimens of Early English Metrical Romances, to which is prefixed an historical introduction. On the rise and progress of romantic composition in France and Eng- land. New edition, revised by J. O. Halliwell. Lon- don, 1848. i6mo. pp. viii, 600. Plates. Ellis, George James Welbore Agar. The True History of the State Prisoner [Hercules Anthony Mattheoli], commonly called the Iron Mask, extracted from documents in the French Archives. London, 1826. I2mo. pp. (4), viii, 352. Ellis, Henry. Blair's chronological and historical tables. The Elgin and Phigaleian Marbles of the Classical Ages, in the British Museum. London, 1846. Two volumes. i6mo, pp. (i), (i), 249; viii, 271. Plates. Ellis, William. Visit to the south seas, 1829 and 1830; by C. S. Stewart. Elmes, James. A General and Bibliographical Dictionary of the Fine Arts. Containing explanation of the principal terms used in the arts of painting, sculpture, architecture, and engrav- ing, . . . London, 1826. Octavo, pp. viii, 760. Sir Christopher Wren and his Times. With illustrative sketches and anecdotes of the most distinguished person- ages in the seventeenth century. London, 1852. Oc- tavo, pp. xix, 436. Plate. Ely, England. Description of the cathedral church ; by G. Millers. Waterston Collection 1 1 3 Elyot, Thomas. The Boke named the Gouernour, deuysed by syr Thomas Elyot Knight. 1534. London, 1537. i6mo. pp. (i), (14), 481. The Image of Governance compiled of the actes and sen- tences notable, of the moste noble Emperour Alexander Seuerus, late translated out of Greke into Englyshe, by Syr Thomas Eliot Knight, in the favour of Nobylitie. Anno, MDXLI. London. I2mo. pp. (16), (208). Ornamented initial letters; signatures of James Boswell and John Home Tooke. Emblems. Symbola Heroica M. Clavdii Paradini. Emerson, Ralph Waldo. Correspondence of Thomas Carlyle and Ralph Waldo Emerson 1834-1872; by C. E. Norton. English Traits. New and revised edition. Boston, 1881. i6mo. pp. 236. Essays, Lectures and Orations. London, 1851. i6mo. pp. (i), vi, 568. Poems. Boston, 1847. i6mo. pp. 251. Poems. London, 1847. I2mo. pp. (4), 199, (i). The Prose Works of Ralph Waldo Emerson. New and revised edition. Boston, 1875. Two volumes. I2mo. pp. iv, 566; iv, 491. Plate. Ralph Waldo Emerson; by O. W. Holmes. Selected Poems. New and revised edition. Boston, 1876. :6mo. pp. 218. Encyclopaedia Britannica, or Dictionary of Arts, Sciences, and General Literature. Eighth edition. With exten- sive improvements and additions; and numerous en- gravings. Boston, 1852-1860. Twenty-one volumes. Quarto. Plates. Same. Index. Boston, 1860. Quarto, pp. vii, 232. Engineers, Lives; by S. Smiles. England. See Great Britain. English Language. Anecdotes of the English language, chiefly regarding the local dialect of London and its environs; by S. Pegge. On the origin and ramifications of the English language; by H. Welsford. English Pope. See Great Britain. 8 ii4 Massachusetts Historical Society Engraving. Art gems ; by E. Lievre. Art of engraving; by T. H. A. Fielding. Biographical and critical dictionary of painters and en- gravers; by M. Bryan. Biographical and critical dictionary of recent and living painters and engravers, forming a supplement to Bryan's dictionary ; by H. Ottley. Book of cartoons; by R. Cattermole. Catalogue of engravers, who have been born, or resided in England; by H. Walpole. Cipriani's rudiments of drawing; by F. Bartolozzi. Course of lectures on drawing, painting, and engraving; by W. M. Craig. Curious and rare engravings by the best [Italian] artists of that time, 1580 to 1606, from the works of Antonio Tempesta. Florence, 1555. Large folio. Eighty-two prints ; by F. Bartolozzi. Engravings by A. Meyer after G. Perelle and Melchior Kiisell after John William Baur. Oblong octavo. Plates. Essay on prints ; by W. Gilpin. Handbook of engraved gems; by C. W. King. Handbook of pictorial art ; by R. St. J. Tyrwhitt. Idyllic Pictures drawn by Barnes, Miss Ellen Edwards, Paul Gray, Houghton, R. P. Leitch, Pinwell, Sandys, Small, G. Thomas, etc. etc. London, 1867. Octavo, pp. 203. Plates. Inquiry into the origin and early history of engraving, upon copper and in wood, with an account of engravers and their works; by W. Y. Ottley. Introduction to the study and collection of ancient prints; by W. H. Willshire. Italian school of design; by F. Bartolozzi. Leuchtenberg Gallery at Munich. Naturam referens patet ars sed utrinque magestra ap- presso Teodoro Viero Venezia ; by G. M. Pitteri. Origin and antiquity ; by W. S. Baker. Original designs of the most celebrated masters of the Bolognese, Roman, Florentine, and Venetian schools; by J. Chamberlaine. Outlines. Folio. Print collector ; by J. Maberly. Waterston Collection 115 Engraving (continued). Researches into the history of playing cards; by S. W. Singer. River scenery ; by J. M. W. Turner. Sculptura, or the history and art of chalcography, and engraving in copper; by J. Evelyn. Seventy-three prints; by F. Bartolozzi. Sketches from nature ; by J. H. Hill. Stothard's engravings. Touches of Nature by eminent artists and authors. Lon- don, 1867. Quarto, pp. (3), (loo)recto. Treatise on wood engraving; by J. Jackson. Typographical antiquities ; by T. F. Dibdin. Wonders of engraving; by G. V. A. G. Duplessis. Works of Bartolozzi and Cipriani. ENIATTOE TEPA2TI02 Mirabilis Annus, or the year of Prodigies and Wonders, being a faithful and impartial collection of several signs that have been seen in the heavens, in the earth, and in the waters; . . . Printed in the year 1661. i6mo. pp. (i), (6), 88. Enthusiasm, Natural history of; by I. Taylor. Epictetus. The Works of Epictetus, consisting of his discourses, in four books, preserved by Arrian, the Enchiridion, and fragments. Translated from the original Greek, by the late Mrs. Elizabeth Carter. With an introduction and notes by the translator. Fourth edition. London, 1807. Two volumes. Octavo, pp. v, (9), xliv, 310; (i), (2), 386, (12). Episcopius, Simon. Memoirs; by F. Calder. Erasmus, Desiderius. Adagiorvm Chilia des Des. Erasmi Roterdami qvatvor cvm dimidia ex postrema avtoris recognitione. . . . Basileae [Basel], 1551. Folio, pp. (96), 1071, (i). Christian's Manual, compiled from the Enchiridion Militis Christiani ; by P. W. Crowther. The Complaint of Peace ; to which is added, Antipolemus ; or, the plea of reason, religion, and humanity, against war. Translated from the Latin [by Vicesimus Knox]. First American edition. Boston, 1813. I2mo. pp. 160, (i). The first tome or volume of the Paraphrases of Erasmus 1 1 6 Massachusetts Historical Society Erasmus, Desiderius (continued). vpon the newe testament, conteinyng the fower Euange- listes, with the Actes of the Apostles : eftsones con- ferred with the latine and thoroughly corrected as it is by the kinges highnes iniunccions commaunded to be had in euerie churche of this royalme. . . . 1551. Quarto, pp. (i), (37), (1214), (48). Plate. Esquemeling, John. The History of the Bucaniers of America ; from their first original down to this time; written in several languages; and now collected into one volume. Containing I. The exploits and adventures of Le Grand, Lolonois, . . . II. The dangerous voyage and bold attempts of Capt. Earth. Sharp, . . . written by Basil Ringrose, . . . III. A journal of a voyage into the South Sea . . . 1684, to 1689, written ... by the Sieur Raveneau de Lus- san . . . IV. A relation of a voyage of the Sieur de Montaubon, . . . 1695, . . . London, 1699. I2mo., variously paged. Plates. Esquimaux, Life with ; by C. F. Hall. Essay on the application of abstract reasoning to the Chris- tian doctrines; by I. Taylor. Estray, collection of poems; by H. W. Longfellow. Etchings. Etching and etchers; by P. G. Hamerton. Etchings. Folio. Etchings ; by S. Rosa. Etchings after nature, 1821 ; by F. Becker. Original Etchings from antient and modern masters. Folio. Plates. Pictorial notices, consisting of a memoir of Sir Anthony Van Dyck, with a descriptive catalogue of etchings exe- cuted by him; by W. H. Carpenter. Radirungen, 178 platten; by F. Kobell. Treatise on etching; by M. Lalanne. Eton College. The Etonian. Second edition. London, 1822. Two vol- umes. Octavo, pp. iv, 3-412; 488. History; by R. Ackermann. Memoirs of Etonians, with notices of the early history; by E. S. Creasy. Windsor Castle, and its environs, including Eton College; by L. Ritchie. Waterston Collection 1 1 7 Euripides. The Tragedies of Euripides; translated by R. Potter. London, 1814. Two volumes. Octavo, pp. (i), xiii, . (i), 507; (2), 499- Europe. Diary of an invalid, being the journal of a tour in pursuit of health, in Portugal, Italy, Switzerland, and France, in the years 1817, 1818, and 1819; by H. Matthews. Engravings of ancient cathedrals, etc., in France. Hol- land, Germany, and Italy; by J. Coney. Familiar letters; by C. C. Felton. Foreign tour of Messrs. Brown, Jones, and Robinson; by R. Doyle. Fragments of Italy and the Rhineland ; by T. H. White. History of civilization from the fall of the Roman Empire to the French Revolution; by F. P. G. Guizot. History of Europe from the commencement of the French Revolution in 1789 to the restoration of the Bourbons in 1815; by A. Alison. History of European morals ; by W. E. H. Lecky. History of modern Europe; by W. Russell. History of the origin of representative government in Europe; by F. P. G. Guizot. History of the Western Empire, from its restoration by Charlemagne to the accession of Charles V. ; by R. Comyn. Introduction to the literature of Europe in the fifteenth, sixteenth, and seventeenth centuries; by H. Hallam. Letters from Europe, comprising the journal of a tour through Ireland, England, Scotland, France, Italy, and Switzerland, in the years 1825, '26 and '27; by N. H. Carter. Manual of the history of the political system of Europe and its colonies; by A. H. L. Heeren. Notes of a traveller, on the social and political state of France, Prussia, Switzerland, Italy, and other parts of Europe, during the present century; by S. Laing. Physician's vacation, or a summer in Europe; by W. Channing. State of Christendom, giving a perfect and exact dis- covery of many political interregues and secret mys- teries of state practised in most of the courts of Europe ; by H. Wotton. 1 1 8 Massachusetts Historical Society Europe (continued), Travels of Theodore Ducas ; by C. Mills. View of Europe during the middle ages ; by H. Hallam. Eustace, John Chetwode. A Classical Tour through Italy. Seventh edition, with an additional preface, and translations of the various quota- tions from ancient and modern authors. Illustrated with plans of churches, an index, &c. London, 1841. Three volumes. i6mo. Map. Evans, George William Davis. The Classic and Connoisseur in Italy and Sicily: with an Appendix, containing an abridged translation of Lanzi's Storia Pittorica. London, 1835. Three vol- umes. Octavo. Evelyn, John. Diary and Correspondence of John Evelyn, to which is subjoined the private correspondence between King Charles I. and Sir Edward Nicholas, and between Sir Edward Hyde, afterwards Earl of Clarendon, and Sir Richard Browne. Edited from the original MSS. at Wotton. By William Bray. New edition. London, 1854. Four volumes. i2mo. Plates. Same, new edition, corrected, revised, and enlarged. Lon- don, 1862, 1863. i6mo. Plates. The Life of Mrs. Godolphin. Now first published and edited by Samuel [Wilberforce] Lord Bishop of Oxford Chancellor of the Most Noble Order of the Garter. London, 1847. i6mo. pp. xviii, 265, (i). Plate. The Miscellaneous Writings of John Evelyn, now first collected, with occasional notes, by William Upcott. London, 1825. Folio, pp. xxvi, 849, (i). Plates. Numismata. A discourse of medals, antient and modern. Together with some account of heads and effigies of illustrious, and famous persons, in sculps, and taille- douce, of whom we have no medals extant; and of the use to be derived from them. To which is added a digression concerning physiognomy. London, 1697. Folio, pp. (i), (6), 342, (14). In manuscript on titlepage, " Charlotte Farmor given me by Mama Feb: 1746"; and "A. S. H. July, 1813." Sculptura; or, the history and art of chalcography, and engraving in copper: . . . Second edition. London, 1755. Octavo, pp. (i), (i), xxxvi, 140. Plate. Waterston Collection 119 Everett, Alexander Hill. Critical and Miscellaneous Essays. To which are added a few poems. Boston, 1845. I2mo. pp. iv, 563. Everett, Edward. The Life of George Washington. New York, 1860. I2mo. pp. 348. Plate. Memoir of Anne Gorham Everett, with extracts from her correspondence and journal ; by P. C. Bush. A Memoir of Mr. John Lowell, Jun. delivered as the in- troduction to the lectures on his foundation, in the Odeon, 3ist December, 1839; repeated in the Marl- borough Chapel, 2d January, 1840. Boston, 1840. Oc- tavo, pp. 74. Monroe doctrine. [Loyal Publication Society, No. 34.] Orations and Speeches on various occasions. Fifth edi- tion. Boston, 1859. Three volumes. Octavo. Plate. Letter, January 21, 1863, inserted. Our patriot scholar, discourse, January 22, 1865; by S. Osgood. Exeter, England. History and antiquities of the cathedral church; by J. Britton. Fable for critics ; by J. R. Lowell. Fables. Fables ; by J. Gay. Fables of ^Esop. Fables of La Fontaine illustrees. Select fables of ysop and other fabulists. Select fables, with cuts, designed and engraved by Thomas and John Bewick. Three hundred ^Esop's fables. Fairfax, Thomas. Life of the great Lord Fairfax, commander-in-chief of the army of the Parliament of England; by C. R. Markham. Fairfax correspondence; by R. Bell, and by G. W. Johnson. Fairholt, Frederick William. Costume in England : a history of dress from the earliest period till the close of the eighteenth century. To which 1 20 Massachusetts Historical Society Fairholt, Frederick William (continued). is appended an illustrated glossary of terms for all arti- cles of use or ornament worn about the person. With above six hundred engravings drawn on wood by the author. London, 1846. Octavo, pp. xiv, (i), 618. Fairies. Fairy mythology; by T. Keightley. German fairy tales and popular stories, as told by Gammer Grethel ; by J. L. C. Grimm. Heroes, or, Greek fairy tales for my children; by C. Kingsley. Falconer, William. The Shipwreck. Ninth edition. London, 1796. i6mo. pp. (i), (2), 167. Plates. Falkener, Edward. Daedalus ; or, the causes and principles of the excellence of Greek Sculpture. London, 1860. Octavo, pp. xxiii, 322. Plates. Fanaticism; by I. Taylor. Fanshawe, Anne (Harrison). Memoirs of Lady Fanshawe, wife of the Right Hon. Sir Richard Fanshawe, Bart. Ambassador from Charles the Second to the Court of Madrid in 1665. Written by herself. To which are added, extracts from the corre- spondence of Sir Richard Fanshawe. [Edited by Nich- olas Harris Nicolas.] London, 1829. Octavo, pp. Ixiii, 395. Plate. Faraday, Michael ; by J. H. Gladstone. Fearnside, William Gray. Holmes's great metropolis, or, views and history of Lon- don in the nineteenth century. Tombleson's views of the Rhine. Fellowes, William Dorset. Historical Sketches of Charles the First, Cromwell, Charles the Second, and the principal personages of that period ; including the King's trial and execution: . . . London, 1828. Quarto, pp. (i), (i), (4), ix, 432, xii, Ixxvi. Plates. Fellows, Charles. An Account of Discoveries in Lycia, being a journal kept during a second excursion in Asia Minor. 1840. Lon- don, 1841. Octavo, pp. xii, 542, (2). Plates. Waterston Collection 121 Fellows, Charles (continued). Travels and Researches in Asia Minor, more particularly in the province of Lycia. London, 1852. Octavo, pp. xvi, 510. Plates. Felltham, Owen. Resolves, divine, moral, political. London, 1840. Oc- tavo, pp. vi, x, 385. Felton, Cornelius Conway. Earth and man ; by A. H. Guyot. Familiar Letters from Europe. Boston, 1878. i6mo. pp. (3), 392. Greece, Ancient and Modern. Lectures delivered before the Lowell Institute. Boston, 1867. Two volumes. Octavo, pp. vi, 511; iv, 549. Plate. Fenelon, Frangois de Salignac de la Mothe. The Adventures of Telemachus, the Son of Ulysses. From the French by the late John Hawkesworth. Corrected and revised by G. Gregory, . . . London, 1795. Two volumes bound in one. Folio, pp. xi, (i), v-xxxv, 223; vii, 225-439, (n). Fenn, John. Paston Letters. Original letters, written during the reigns of Henry VI., Edward IV., and Richard III. by vari- ous persons of rank or consequence. . . . New edition, by A. Ramsay. London, 1840. Two volumes bound in one. i6mo. pp. xxiv, 200; vii, 168. Fergusson, James. History of the Modern Styles of Architecture : being a sequel to the handbook of architecture. London, 1862. Octavo, pp. xvi, 538. Plate. Fergusson' s Handbook of Architecture. The illustrated handbook of architecture: being a concise and popular account of the different styles of architecture prevailing in all ages and all countries. Second edition. London, 1859. Octavo, pp. Ivii, (i), 1004. Plate. Rude Stone Monuments in all countries; their age and uses. London, 1872. Octavo, pp. xix, 559. Plates. Few words in behalf of the loyal women of the United States. [Loyal Publication Society, No. 10.] Fielding, Theodore Henry Adolphus. The Art of Engraving, with the various modes of opera- tion. . . . London, 1844. Octavo, pp. vii, (i), 109. Plates. 122 Massachusetts Historical Society Fields, James Thomas. The Boston Book. Being specimens of metropolitan litera- ture. Boston, 1850. I2mo. pp. (i), vii, 364. Filhol, Antoine Michel. Galerie du Musee Napoleon, publiee par Filhol, graveur, et recligee par Lavallee (Joseph) . . . dediee a M. 1'Empereur Napoleon l e . F Paris, 1802-1815. Ten volumes. Octavo. Plates. Fischel, Eduard. The English Constitution. Translated from the second German edition. By Richard Jenery Shea. London, 1863. Octavo, pp. xii, 592. Fisher, George Park. Life of Benjamin Silliman, late Professor of chemistry, mineralogy, and geology in Yale College, chiefly from his manuscript reminiscences, diaries, and correspond- ence. New York, 1866. Two volumes. I2mo. pp. xvi, 407; ix, 408. Plates. Fiske, John Safford. Tour through the Pyrenees ; by H. A. Taine. Fitzgerald, Percy Hethrington. Charles Lamb ; his friends, his haunts, and his books. . . . Second edition. London, 1866. i6mo. pp. vii, 229, (i). Plate. The Life and Times of William IV. including a view of social life and manners during his reign. London, 1884. Two volumes. Octavo, pp. vii, 393; (i), (2), 394. Fitzwilliam, Charles William Wentworth. Correspondence of the Right Honourable Edmund Burke. Fitz^villiam, William Wentworth. The North-west Passage by Land. Being the narrative of an expedition from the Atlantic to the Pacific, under- taken with the view of exploring a route across the con- tinent of British Columbia through British territory, by one of the northern passes of the Rocky Mountains. By Viscount Milton, and W. B. Cheadle. London, 1865. Octavo, pp. xviii, 397, (i). Plates. Flanders. Facsimiles of sketches made in Flanders and Germany and drawn on stone; by S. Prout. Genealogies et anciens descentes des Forestiers et Comtes de Flandre; by C. Martin. Waterston Collection 123 Flaxman, John. Compositions by John Flaxman, sculptor, R. A. from the Divine Poem of Dante Alighieri, containing Hell, Pur- gatory and Paradise. With quotations from the Italian, and translations from the version of the Reverend H. Boyd, to each plate. London, May I, 1807. Oblong- quarto, i p. Plates. The Iliad of Homer engraved from the compositions of John Flaxman R. A., sculptor, London, March i, 1805. Oblong quarto. Plates. Lectures on Sculpture, as delivered before the President and members of the Royal Academy. Second edition. To which are now first added, an introductory lecture, and two addresses to the Royal Academy, on the death of Thomas Banks, in 1805, and of Antonio Canova, in 1822, and an address on the death of Flaxman, by Sir Richard Westmacott. London, 1838. Octavo, pp. x, (0, (3), 33- Plates. The Odyssey of Homer engraved from the compositions of John Flaxman R. A. sculptor. London, March i, 1805. Oblong quarto. Plates. The Theogony Works & Days & the Days of Hesiod engraved from the compositions of John Flaxman R. A. sculptor, London. [London, Jan. i, 1817; engraved by William Blake.] Oblong quarto. Plates. Fletcher, George. Studies of Shakespeare in the plays of King John, Cymbe- line, Macbeth, As you like it, Much Ado about Nothing, Romeo and Juliet: with observations on the criticism and the acting of those plays. Eondon, 1847. Octavo, pp. xxiv, 384. Flint, James. Letters from America, containing observations on the climate and agriculture of the Western States, the man- ners of the people, the prospects of emigrants, &c. &c. Edinburgh, 1822. Octavo, pp. viii, 330. Florence. Italy, Florence and Venice; by H. A. Taine. Makers of Florence, Dante, Giotto, Savonarola, and their city; by M. O. Oliphant. Tableaux, statues, bas-reliefs et camees, de la Galerie de Florence, et du Palais Pitti; -by A. Mongez. 124 Massachusetts Historical Society Folk songs; by J. W. Palmer. Follen, Charles Theodore Christian. Discourse occasioned by the death; by W. E. Channing. Forbes, Charles Stuart. Iceland; its volcanoes, geysers, and glaciers. London, 1860. I2mo. pp. viii, (i), 335, (i). Plates. Forbes, James David. Norway and its Glaciers visited in 1851; followed by journals of excursions in the high Alps of Dauphine, Berne, and Savoy. Edinburgh, 1853. Octavo, pp. xxiv, 349. Plates. Forester, Thomas. Paris and its Environs. An illustrated handbook. Lon- don, 1859. I2mo. xiii, (i), 448. Plates. Rambles in the Islands of Corsica and Sardinia. With notices of their history, antiquities, and present condi- tion. Second edition. London, 1861. Octavo, pp. xxxiv, (i), 450. Plates. Forests. Deliciae sylvarum, or, grand and romantic forest scenery in England and Scotland ; by J. G. Strutt. Park and the forest ; by J. D. Harding. Forster, John. Arrest of the Five Members by Charles the First. A chapter of English history rewritten. London, 1860. I2mo. pp. xxviii, 415, (i). Historical and Biographical Essays. Historical. The de- bates on the grand remonstrance, 1641. The Plan- tagenets and the Tudors. The Civil Wars and Oliver Cromwell. [Volume II. Biographical. Daniel DeFoe, Sir Richard Steele, Charles Churchill, Samuel Foote.] London, 1858. Two volumes. I2mo. pp. xxvii, 336; xxxi, 437. Plate. Memorials of John Hampden ; by G. N. Grenville. Sir John Eliot: a biography. 1590-1632. Second thou- sand. London, 1865. Two volumes. I2mo. pp. xxx, 649; xxi, (i), 766. Walter Savage Landor. A biography. London, 1869. Two volumes. I2mo. pp. vi, 532; vi, 596. Plates. Forster, Simon Andrew. History of the violin, and other instruments played on with the bow; by W. Sandys. Waterston Collection 125 Forster, Thomas Ignatius Maria. Original Letters of Locke ; Algernon Sidney ; and Anthony Lord Shaftesbury. With an analytical sketch of the writings and opinions of Locke and otner metaphysi- cians. London, 1830. i6mo. pp. cxx, 279. Forsyth, Joseph. Remarks on Antiquities, Arts, and Letters, during an ex- cursion in Italy, in the years 1802 and 1803. From the second London edition. Boston, 1818. Octavo, pp. 443. Forsyth, William. Life of Marcus Tullius Cicero. London, 1864. Two vol- umes. I2mo. pp. viii, (2), 310; (4), 299. Plates. Same, third edition. London, 1869. Octavo, pp. xiv, (i), 557. Plate. Fortune, Robert. Three years' Wanderings in the Northern Provinces of China, including a visit to the tea, silk, and cotton countries : with an account of the agriculture and horti- culture of the Chinese. Second edition. London, 1847. Octavo, pp. xxiv, (i), 420, (2). Plates. Fosbroke, Thomas Dudley. Encyclopedia of Antiquities, and Elements of Archaeology, classical and mediaeval. London, 1825. Two volumes. Quarto, pp. xvi, 486; iv, 487-955. Plates. Foreign Topography ; or, an encyclopedick account, alpha- betically arranged, of the ancient remains in Africa, Asia, and Europe; forming a sequel to the Encyclopedia of Antiquities. London, 1828. Quarto, pp. xlviii, 348. Plates. Foster, John. Lectures delivered at Boadmead Chapel, Bristol. Third edition, with additions. London, 1853. Two volumes. i6mo. pp. viii, 390; viii, 411. Foster, Myles Birket. Birket Foster's pictures of English landscape; by T. Taylor. Fox, Charles James. A History of the early part of the reign of James the Second; with an introductory chapter. To which is added, an appendix. Philadelphia, 1808. Octavo, pp. (i), xxxii, 201, (i), cci. i 26 Massachusetts Historical Society Fox, George. A Journal or Historical Account of the life, travels, suffer- ings, Christian experiences, and labour of love, in the work of the ministry, of that ancient, eminent, and faith- ful servant of Jesus Christ, George Fox ; who departed this life in great peace with the Lord, the i3th of the nth Month, 1690. Sixth edition. Leeds, 1836. Two volumes. i6mo. pp. vii, 556, (i); 564. Fox, Gustavus Vasa. Narrative of the mission to Russia, in 1866; by J. F. Loubat. Fox, Henry Richard Vassall. Some Account of the Lives and Writings of Lope Felix de Vega Carpio and Guillen de Castro. By Henry Richard Lord Holland. London, 1817. Two volumes. I2mo. pp. xv, 261, (i) ; vii, 232. Plates. France. Account of a tour in Normandy ; by D. Turner. Architectural tour in Normandy; by H. G. Knight. Bibliographical antiquarian and picturesque tour in France and Germany; by T. F. Dibdin. Brittany and its byways ; by F. B. Palliser. Chronicles of Enguerrand de Monstrelet, containing an account of the cruel civil wars between the Houses of Orleans and Burgundy. Corneille and his times; by F. P. G. Guizot. Court and reign of Francis the First; by J. Pardoe. Court of Napoleon or society under the first Empire with portraits of its beauties, wits and heroines; by F. B. Goodrich. Europa, or, scenes and society in England, France, Italy, and Switzerland; by D. C. Eddy. Feudal castles of France (western provinces) ; by J. C. Byrne. Flemish and French pictures ; by F. G. Stephens. France in 1829-30; by S. O. Morgan. France, social, literary, political ; by W. H. L. E. Bulwer. Franklin in France; by E. E. Hale. French scenery from drawings made in 1819; by R. Batty. History of Charlemagne ; by G. P. R. James. History of the battle of Agincourt, and of the expedition of Henry the Fifth into France, in 1415; by N. H. Nicolas. Waterston Collection 127 France (continued). History of the French Revolution, from 1789 to 1814; by F. A. Mignet. i How we spent the autumn, or, wanderings in Brittany; by M. and R. Wallace-Dunlop. Illustrations of mediaeval architecture in France; by H. Glutton. Lectures on history, French Revolution; by W. Smyth. Lectures on the history of France; by J. Stephen. Letters of William III. and Louis XIV. and of their min- isters; by P. Grimblot. Letters to the Right Honourable Edmund Burke; by J. Priestley. Life and times of Louis Philippe King of the French ; by G. N. Wright. Life in Normandy; by W. F. Campbell. Life of Napoleon Buonaparte; by W. Scott. Life of the Moselle; by O. Rooke. Master [Robert] Wace, his chronicle of the Norman Con- quest from the Roman de Rou. Memoirs of the Court of Marie Antoinette; by J. L. H. G. Campan. Memoirs of the Duke of Sully. Monarchy of the middle classes ; by W. H. L. E. Bulwer. Normandy picturesque ; by H. Blackburn. Observations and Reflections made in the course of a journey through France, Italy, and Germany; by H. L. Piozzi. Outre-Mer, a pilgrimage beyond the sea; by H. W. Longfellow. Painting in France after the decline of classicism ; by P. G. Hamerton. Picturesque tour of the Seine, from Paris to the sea; by J. B. B. Sauvan. Picturesque tour through Holland, Brabant, and part of France; by S. Ireland. Picturesque views of the city of Paris and its environs; by J. Scott. Portraits des Hommes Illustres des dix-septieme et dix- huitieme siecles, dessines d'apres nature, et graves par delink, Lubin, van Schuppen, Duflos et Simonneau, avec une notice sur chacun d'eux. Paris, 1805. Two volumes. Folio, pp. (i), 40; (i), 32. Plates. 128 Massachusetts Historical Society France (continued). Protestant reformation in France, or, history of the Hugonots; by A. C. Marsh-Caldwell. Pyrenees, a description of summer life at French watering places; by H. Blackburn. Records of a route through France and Italy, with sketches of Catholicism; by W. R. Wilson. Reflections on the revolution in France; by E. Burke. Review of the French Revolution of 1848; by F. Chamier. Rights of man ; by T. Paine. Sketches illustrative of the manners and costumes of France, Switzerland, and Italy; by R. Bridgens. Sketches in France, Switzerland and Italy; by S. Prout. Specimens of the early poetry of France ; by L. S. Costello. Studies in Roman law; by T. Mackenzie. Tour through the Pyrenees ; by H. A. Taine. Tour through the valley of the Meuse; by D. Costello. True history of the state prisoner, commonly called the Iron Mask; by G. J. W. A. Ellis. Views in the south of France, chiefly on the Rhone ; by J. Hughes. Francis, Philip (i7o8?-i773). Works of Horace. Francis, Philip (1740-1818). Identity of Junius with a distinguished living character established; by J. Taylor. Junius : including Letters by the same writer, under other signatures, (now first collected.) To which are added, his confidential correspondence with Mr. Wilkes, and his private letters addressed to Mr. H. S. Woodfall. With a preliminary Essay, notes, fac-similes, &c. Second edi- tion. London, 1814. Three volumes. Octavo. Plates. The Letters of Junius. New edition. London, 181 1. Two volumes bound in one. i6mo. pp. (i), xvi, 243; (i), (i), (2), 248. Plates. Memoirs; by J. Parkes. Franklin, Benjamin. Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin. Edited from his manuscript, with notes and an introduction, by John Bigelow. Philadelphia, 1868. I2mo. pp. 409. Plate. Benjamin Franklin, his autobiography ; by H. H. Weld. Experiments and Observations on Electricity, made at Philadelphia in America. To which are added, letters Waterston Collection 129 Franklin, Benjamin (continued). and papers on philosophical subjects. The whole cor- rected, me odized, improved, and now collected into one volume, and illustrated with copper plates. Fifth edition. London, 1774. Octavo, pp. v, (i), 514, (16). Franklin in France; by E. E. Hale. The Life of Benjamin Franklin, written by himself. Now first edited from original manuscripts and from his printed correspondence and other writings. By John Bigelow. Philadelphia, 1874. Three volumes. I2mo. Plate. Political, Miscellaneous, and Philosophical Pieces; ar- ranged under the following heads, and distinguished by initial letters in each leaf: [G. P.] general politics; [A. B. T.] American politics before the troubles; [A. D. T.] American politics during the troubles; [P. P.] provincial or colony politics; and [M. P.] mis- cellaneous and philosophical pieces; written by Benj. Franklin. Now first collected, with explanatory plctes, notes, and an index to the whole. London, 1779. Oc- tavo, pp. xi, (i), 567, (7). Plates. The Posthumous and other writings of Benjamin Franklin, . . . published from the originals, by his grandson, Wil- liam Temple Franklin. Second edition. London, 1819. Two volumes. I2mo. pp. xvi, 493; viii, 523. The Private Life of the Late Benjamin Franklin, late Minister Plenipotentiary from the United States of America to France, &c. &c. &c. Originally written by himself, and now translated from the French. To which are added some account of his public life, a variety of anecdotes concerning him, by M. M. Brissot, Condorcet, Rochefoucault, LeRoy, &c. &c. and the eulogium of M. Fauchet. London, 1793. I2mo. pp. xvi, 324. Plate inserted. Two Tracts: information to those who would remove to America. And, remarks concerning the Savages of North America. London, 1784. I2mo. pp. 39. The Works of Benjamin Franklin; containing several political and historical tracts not included in any former edition, and many letters official and private not hitherto published; with notes and a life of the author. By Jared Sparks. Boston, 1836-1840. Ten volumes. Octavo. Plates. 130 Massachusetts Historical Society Franklin, John. Arctic explorations; by E. K. Kane. Arctic searching expedition; by J. Rici.4 :son. Eventful voyage of H. M. discovery ship " Resolute " ; by G. F. M'Dougall. Last of the Arctic voyages ; by E. Belcher. Narrative of a Journey to the Shores of the Polar Sea, in the years 1819, 20, 21, and 22. With an appendix on various subjects relating to science and natural his- tory. . . . London, 1823. Quarto, pp. xvi, slip, 768. Plates. Same, third edition. London, 1824. Two volumes. 8vo. pp. xix, 370, ( i ) ; ( i ) , iv, 399, ( i ) . Maps. Narrative of a Second Expedition to the Shores of the Polar Sea, in the years 1825, 1826, and 1827. Includ- ing an account of the progress of a detachment to the eastward, by John Richardson. . . . London, 1828. Quarto, pp. xxiv, xxi-xxiv, 320, clvii, (2). Plates. Voyage of the Fox in the Arctic seas; by F. L. Mac- Clintock. Fransioli, Joseph. Patriotism, a Christian virtue. [Loyal Publication So- ciety, No. 24.] Frederica Sophia Wilhelmina. Memoirs of Frederica Sophia Wilhelmina, Princess Royal of Prussia, Margravine of Bareith, sister of Frederic the Great. Written by herself. Translated from the original French. London, 1812. Two volumes. Oc- tavo, pp. (i), (4), 374; (2), 376. Signature of William Wordsworth. Freeman, Edward Augustus. Historical and Architectural Sketches : chiefly Italian. London, 1876. I2mo. pp. x, (i), 315, (i). Plates. A History of Architecture. London, 1849. Octavo, pp. xxviii, 456. Plate. Fremont, John Charles. Life, explorations, and public services; by C. W. Upham. Friedlander, Julius Reinhold. Our benevolent institutions, a discourse occasioned by the death ; by W. H. Furness. Friends. Observations on the Society; by J. J. Gurney. Waterston Collection 131 Friswell, James Hain. Countess of Pembroke's Arcadia; by P. Sidney. Essays in mosaic; by T. Ballantyne. Froebel, Friedrich. Papers on Froebel's Kindergarten; by H. Barnard. Froger, Frangois. A Relation of a Voyage made in the years 1695, 1696, 1697, on the coasts of Africa, streights of Magellan. Brasil, Cayenna, and the Antilles, by a Squadron of French Men of War, under the Command of M. de Gennes. London, 1698. I2mo. pp. (i), (3), (4), 173, (2). Plates. Froissart, Jean. Chronicles of England, France, Spain, and the adjoining countries, from the latter part of the reign of Edward II. to the Coronation of Henry IV. Translated from the French editions. With variations and additions from many celebrated MSS. By Thomas Johnes, Esq. To which are prefixed, a life of the author, an essay on his works, and a criticism on his history. London, 1868. Two volumes. Octavo, pp. xlvii, 768 ; xiv, 733. Plates. Illustrations to Froissart; colored engravings. Folio. Memoirs of the life; by J. B. La Curne. Frothingham, Nathaniel Langdon. The Memory and Example of the Just. A sermon preached on All Saints' Day, to the First Church, by its minister, N. L. Frothingham. Boston, 1840. Oc- tavo, pp. 15. Frothingham, Richard. History of the Siege of Boston, and of the Battles of Lexington, Concord, and Bunker Hill. Also, an account of the Bunker Hill Monument. With illustrative docu- ments. Boston, 1849. Octavo, pp. ix, ( i ) , 420. Plates. Same, second edition. Boston, 1851. Plates. Life and Times of Joseph Warren. Boston, 1865. Oc- tavo, pp. xix, 558. Plate. The Rise of the Republic of the United States. Second edition. Boston, 1873. Octavo, pp. xxii, (i), 640. A Tribute to Thomas Starr King. Boston, 1865. i6mo. pp. 247. Froude, James Anthony. Letters and Memorials of Jane Welsh Carlyle prepared for 132 Massachusetts Historical Society Froude, James Anthony (continued). publication by Thomas Carlyle. New York, 1883. Two volumes. Octavo, pp. vi, 445; (i), (i), 405. Plate. Reminiscences; by T. Carlyle. Short Studies on Great Subjects. New York, 1868. i6mo. pp. 534. Fry, Elizabeth (Gurney). Memoir of the Life of Elizabeth Fry, with extracts from her journal and letters. Edited by two of her daughters. London, 1847. Two volumes. Octavo, pp. xii, 495 ; viii, 524. Plates. Fulgentius, Fabius Planciades. Enarrationes allegoricse fabularum fulgentii placiadis. Milan, 1498. Folio, pp. (82). Marginal notes in manuscript. Fuller, Margaret. See S. M. F. Ossoli. Fuller, Thomas. Good Thoughts in Bad Times. Together with good thoughts in worse times. . . . London, 1657. 321110. pp. (i), (2), 86. Signatures of Isaac Vaughan, May 7, 1719; Edward Langdon, 1748; M. Byles and Margaret Hardisty. Good Thoughts in Worse Times. . . . London, 1657. 32mo. pp. (2), (4), 112. Signature of "Edward Langdon Jun r Sept 1 : 13^ 1748." The Historic of the Holy Warre. Second edition. Cam- bridge, 1640. Quarto, pp. (i), (9), 286, (22). The History of the University of Cambridge, and of Waltham Abbey. With the appeal of Injured Inno- cence. New edition, with notes by James Nichols. London, 1840. Octavo, pp. (4), xxiv, 688. Plates. The History of the Worthies of England. A new edition, containing brief notices of the most celebrated worthies of England who have flourished since the time of Fuller ; with explanatory notes and copious indexes. By P. Austin Nuttall. London, 1840. Three volumes. Oc- tavo. Plate. Fullom, Stephen Watson. History of William Shakespeare, player and poet: with new facts and traditions. . . . Second edition. London, 1864. Octavo, pp. vii, 372. Waterston Collection 133 Funeral customs. [In " Shrines," by R. R. Madden.] Fur die Freiheit Aller! [Loyal Publication Society, No. 72.] Furness, William Henry. Our Benevolent Institutions. A discourse occasioned by the death of Julius R. Friedlander, principal of the Pennsylvania Institution for the Blind, and delivered, Sunday, March 24, 1839. Philadelphia, 1839. Octavo, pp. 24. Furniture, Specimens of ancient; by H. Shaw. Fuseli, Henry. Aphorisms on man ; by J. C. Lavater. Life and writings ; by J. Knowles. Gage, Thomas. The English- American his Travail by Sea and Land : or, a new survey of the West-India's, containing a journall of three thousand and three hundred miles within the Main land of America. . . . London, 1648. Folio, pp. (I), (8), 220, (2). Gage, William Leonhard. A Modern Historical Atlas, for the use of colleges, schools, and general readers. New York, 1869. Octavo, pp. 4. Maps. Gallenga, Antonio Carlo Napoleone. Italy: general views of its history and literature in refer- ence to its present state. By L. Mariotti. London, 1841. Two volumes. I2mo. pp. xxiv, 376; (i), 421, CO- Gait, John. Life of Cardinal Wolsey. Third edition, with additional illustrations from Cavendish's Life of Wolsey, and other sources. London, 1846. i6mo. pp. xx, 444. Plate. The Life, Studies, and Works of Benjamin West, Esq. President of the Royal Academy of London, composed from materials furnished by himself. London, 1820. Two volumes. Octavo, pp. xii, 160; xv, 251. Plate. Same, bound in one volume, with half-titles. Plate. Games. Gamena angel deod, or sports and pastimes of the people of England ; by J. Strutt. Inquiry into the antient Greek game ; by J. Christie. 1 34 Massachusetts Historical Society Gandy, John Peter. Pompeiana; by W. Cell. Gantt, E. W. Prophecy and fulfillment. [Loyal Publication Society, No. 36.] Gardiner, William. The Music of Nature; or, an attempt to prove that what is passionate and pleasing in the art of singing, speak- ing, and performing upon musical instruments, is derived from the sounds of the animated world. With curious and interesting illustrations. Boston, 1837. Octavo, pp. 505. Plate. Garneau, Franqois Xavier. History of Canada, from the time of its discovery till the union year 1840-41 : translated from " L'Histoire de Canada," and accompanied with illustrative notes. By Andrew Bell. Second edition, revised. Montreal, 1862. Two volumes. Octavo, pp. 556; xiv, 17-499. Garrison, William Lloyd. Proceedings at the Public Breakfast held in honour of William Lloyd Garrison, Esq. of Boston, Massachusetts, in St. James's Hall, London, on Saturday, June 29th, 1867. Revised by the speakers; with an introduction by F. W. Chesson, and opinions of the press. London, 1868 I2mo. pp. 96. Presentation copy, Boston, April 29, 1868. Tributes to William Lloyd Garrison, at the funeral services, May 28, 1879. Boston, 1879. 12 mo. pp. 56. Plate. William Lloyd Garrison and his times, or sketches of the anti-slavery movement in America; by O. Johnson. William Lloyd Garrison 1805-1879. The story of his life told by his children [Wendell Phillips Garrison and Francis Jackson Garrison]. New York, 1885-1889. Four volumes. Octavo. Plates. Presentation copy. Gasparin, Agenor Etienne de. Reply to the Loyal National League of New York. [Loyal Publication Society, Nos. 41, 42, 43.] Gauden, John. E'iKcav Boo-iXi/c^. The Povrtraictvre of His Sacred Mai- estie in his solitudes and sufferings. 1648. i6mo. pp. (i), (2), 270. Plate. Waterston Collection 135 Gauden, John (continued). Same. [In " Reliquiae," under Great Britain.] Same. London, 1648, reprinted, 1824. i6mo. pp. (4), 302. Plate. A perfect copie of Prayers vsed by His Majesty In the time of His Sufferings : delivered to Doctor Juxon, Bishop of London, immediately before his death. Also a copie of a letter from the Prince. 1649. i6mo. pp. 16, (i). Gavard, Jacques Dominique Charles. Galeries Historiques de Versailles. Collection de Gravtires reduites d'apres les dessins originaux du grand ouvrage in-folio sur Versailles, publiee par Ch. Gavard, et pre- cedee d'une notice par J. Janin. Paris, 1838. Octavo, pp. (i), 173, (i). Plates. Gay, John. Fables. Fifth edition. London, 1737. Two volumes bound in one. I2mo. pp. (i), (i), (10), 194; (i), (i), (4), 155. Plates. Fables, with a life of the author, and embellished with a plate to each fable. London, 1793. Octavo, pp. (i), xvi, 256. Plates. Geikie, Cunningham. The Life and Words of Christ. New York, 1880. Two volumes bound in one. Octavo, pp. xvi, 588; iv, 670. Cell, William. Pompeiana : the topography, edifices and ornaments of Pompeii, the result of excavations since 1819. London, 1835. Two volumes. Octavo, pp. (i), (7), xxiv, 198; (3), 207, (i). Plates. Same, third edition. By Mr. Gell and John P. Gandy. London, 1852. Octavo, pp. xix, 208. Plates. Rome & its environs, from a trigonometrical survey [map folded in cover]. Octavo. Gems. Antique gems, their origin, uses, and value as interpret- ers of ancient history ; by C. W. King. Artificial gems. [In " Original Treatises," by M. P. Merrifield.] Diamonds and precious stones, a popular account of gems ; by L. Diettlafait. Gems and jewels, their history; by A. de Barrera. 136 Massachusetts Historical Society Gems (continued). Handbook of engraved gems ; by C. W. King. Precious stones and gems, their history and distinguishing characteristics; by E. W. Streeter. Gentleman's Magazine, Selection of curious articles from; by J. Walker. Geographical system of Herodotus examined and explained; by J. Rennell. Georgia. Biographical memorials of James Oglethorpe; by T. M. Harris. Germany. Bavarian highlands; by H. Schmid. Bibliographical antiquarian and picturesque tour in France and Germany; by T. F. Dibdin. Characteristics of Goethe; by S. Austin. Chroniqves des dvcs cle Brabant ; by H. Barlandus. Classified synopsis of the principal painters of the Dutch and Flemish schools; by G. Stanley. Correspondence of the Emperor Charles V. and his Am- bassadors at the Courts of England and France; by W. Bradford. Ecclesiastical art in Germany during the middle ages; by W. Lubke. Fac-similes of sketches made in Flanders and Germany; by S. Prout. Fragments from German prose writers ; by S. Austin. German experiences, addressed to the English ; by W. Howitt. German romance; by T. Carlyle. Germany, England, and Scotland, or recollections of a Swiss minister; by J. H. Merle d'Aubigne. Goethe and his contemporaries; by S. Austin. Hanoverian and Saxon scenery; by R. Batty. Historic survey of German poetry ; by W. Taylor. Hours with German classics; by F. H. Hedge. Memoirs of Elizabeth Stuart, Queen of Bohemia, daughter of King James the First ; by E. O. Benger. Observations and reflections made in the course of a jour- ney through France, Italy, and Germany; by H. L. Piozzi. Rambles in Germany and Italy, in 1840, 1842, and 1843; by M. W. Shelley. Waterston Collection 137 Germany (contin ucd) . Rambles in the Rhine provinces ; by J. P. Seddon. Rhine and its picturesque scenery; by H. Mayhew. Rhine its scenery and historical and legendary associations ; by F. K. Hunt. Rural and domestic life of Germany ; by W. Howitt. Signs of the times, letters to Ernest Moritz Arndt on the dangers to religious liberty; by C. C. J. Bunsen. Sketches of German life, and scenes from the war of lib- eration in Germany; by Varnhagen von Ense. Sketches of Germany and the Germans, with a glance at Poland, Hungary, and Switzerland, in 1834, 1835, and 1836; by E. Spencer. Specimens of the German Lyric Poets : consisting of trans- lations, in verse, from the works of Burger, Goethe, Klopstock, Schiller, &c. Interspersed with biographical notices, and ornamented with engravings on wood, by the first artists. London, 1822. Octavo, pp. (i), ii, iii, 152. Tombleson's views of the Rhine. Tour through Holland, to the south of Germany, 1806; by J. Carr. Upper Rhine ; by H. Mayhew. Views of the ducal palaces and hunting seats of Saxe ' Coburg and Gotha; by D. Morison. Gertrude of Wyoming; by T. Campbell. Gibbon, Edward. The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire. Printed from the edition in twelve volumes. With an introductory memoir of. the author by William Young- man. London, 1837. Quarto, pp. (i), xiii, (16), 1303. Plate. The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Em- pire. With notes by Dean Milman and M. Guizot. Edited, with additional notes, by William Smith. Lon- don, 1862. Eight volumes. Octavo. Plates. Life; by H. H. Milman. The Student's Gibbon. The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire. Abridged. Incorporating the researches of recent commentators. By William Smith. Sixth thousand. London, 1858. I2mo. pp. xxvii, (i), 677. Plate. 138 Massachusetts Historical Society Gibraltar. Gleanings, pictorial and antiquarian, on the overland route ; by W. H. Bartlett. History of Gibraltar from the earliest period to its occu- pation by the Saracens; by I. L. de Ayala. Gibson, John. Life; by E. Eastlake. Gifford, William. Works of Ben Jonson. Gil Bias, Adventures; by A. R. Le Sage. Gilbert, William. Lucrezia Borgia, Duchess of Ferrara. A biography. Illustrated by rare and unpublished documents. Lon- don, 1869. Two volumes. I2mo. pp. viii, 343; viii, 359- Gilchrist, Alexander. Life of William Blake, " Pictor Ignotus." With selections from his poems and other writings . . . London, 1863. Two volumes. Octavo, pp. xiv, ( 0,389, (i); vii, (i), 268. Plates. Gilding. [In " Original Treatises " by M. P. Merrifield.] Giles, John Allen. The Miscellaneous Works of the Venerable Bede, in the original Latin, collated with the manuscripts, and vari- ous printed editions, accompanied by a new English translation of the historical works, and a life of the author. London, 1843. Six volumes. Octavo. Gilfillan, George. Poetical works of George Herbert. The Poetical Works of Johnson, Parnell, Gray, and Smol- lett. With memoirs, critical dissertations, and explana- tory notes. New York, 1855. Octavo, pp. vii, 254. Poetical works of William Lisle Bowles. Gillman, James. The Life of Samuel Taylor Coleridge. London, 1838. Octavo, pp. x, 362, (i). Gilly, William Stephen. Vigilantius and his Times. London, 1844. Octavo, pp. xiv, (i), 488. Gilman, Caroline (Howard). Oracles from the Poets : a fanciful diversion for the Waterston Collection 139 Gilman, Caroline (Howard) (continued). drawing-room. New York, 1847. i6mo. pp. 242. Plate. Gilman, Samuel. Village choir. [In " New England," by J. Abbott.] Gilpin, William. An Essay on Prints. Fourth edition. London, 1792. Octavo, pp. xiii, (i), 174, xi, (i). The Lives of John Wicliff; and of the most eminent of his disciples; Lord Cobham, John Huss, Jerome of Prague, and Zisca. Second edition, corrected and im- proved. London, 1766. i2mo. pp. 10, 272 [372], (7), (2). Plates. Giotto. Makers of Florence; by M. O. Oliphant. Girtin, Thomas. River scenery; by J. M. W. Turner. Glaciers. Glaciers of the Alps ; by J. Tyndall. Norway and its glaciers ; by J. D. Forbes. Gladbach, Ernst. Les Constructions en Bois de la Suisse relevees dans les divers Cantons et comparees aux constructions en Bois de 1'Allemagne. Texte traduit par Mm rs Schacre, archi- tecte, et Henry de Suckau. Paris, 1870. Folio, pp. (3), 62. Plates. Gladstone, John Hall. Michael Faraday. Second edition. London, 1873. I2mo. pp. viii, (i), (i), 179, (i). Plate. Gladstone, William Ewart. "Ecce Homo." [Reprinted from "Good Words."] London, 1868. i6mo. pp. (3), 201. Juventus Mundi. The Gods and men of the heroic age. Second edition. London, 1870. I2mo. pp. xxviii, 551. . Plate. The Rt. Hon. W. E. Gladstone M.P. Cartoons from the Collection of " M r - Punch." London, 1878. Quarto, PP- (5), (O, (40- Plate. Glass, Salomon. Salomonis Glassi, SS. Theol. D. & Ecclesiarum in Ducatu Saxo-Gothano Superintendentis, Philologia Sacra, qua totius SS. Veteris et Novi Testament! Scriptune turn stylus et literatura, turn sensus et genuinae interpreta- 140 Massachusetts Historical Society Glass, Salomon (continued). tionis ratio et doctrina libris quinque expenditur ac tradi- tur. Editio nova. Lipsise [Leipsic], 1713. Quarto, pp. (i), (16), 5-32, (16), (1069), (107). Plate. Glass. Curiosities of glass making; by A. Pellatt. Marvels of glass-making in all ages; by A. Sauzay. Gliddon, George Robins. Indigenous races of the earth ; by J. C. Nott. Gloucester, History and antiquities of the abbey and cathe- dral church; by J. Britton. God in history, or the progress of man's .faith in the moral order of the world; by C. C. J. Bunsen. Godolphin, Margaret (Blagge). Life; by J. Evelyn. Godwin, Parke. A Biography of William Cullen Bryant, with extracts from his private correspondence. New York, 1883. Two volumes. Octavo, pp. xiv, 423 ; xi, 436. Plates. The Poetical Works of William Cullen Bryant. New York, 1-883. Two volumes. Octavo, pp. 358; 372. Prose Writings of William Cullen Bryant. New York, 1884. Two volumes. Octavo, pp. vi, (i), 431; vi, 424. Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von. Characteristics; by S. Austin. Faust: a Tragedy by Goethe. Translated into English verse with notes and preliminary remarks by John Stuart Blackie. Second edition carefully revised and largely rewritten. London, 1880. I2mo. pp. Ixxvii, 296. Goethe's theory of colours; by C. L. Eastlake. Life and works ; by G. H. Lewes. Memoirs of Goethe: written by himself. London, 1824. Two volumes. Octavo, pp. (2), viii, 457, (i); (4), 350. Plate. Poems and Ballads of Goethe. Translated by W. Edmonds- toune Aytoun and Theodore Martin. Second edition. London, 1860. i6mo. pp. xv, 244. Goldsmith, Oliver. The History of Rome, from the foundation of the city of Waterston Collection 141 Goldsmith, Oliver (continued). Rome, to the destruction of the Western Empire. New edition. London, 1823. Octavo, pp. x, 564. The Poems of Oliver Goldsmith. Edited by Robert Aris Willmott. London, 1859. Octavo, pp. (i), xvi, 159, (i). The Traveller. A poem. London. Octavo, pp. (i), (i), 39- The Vicar of Wakefield. A tale. London, 1832. i6mo. pp. (i), viii, (i), 1 68. Plate. Same. London, 1843. Octavo, pp. xv, 306. Goode, William. Two Treatises on the Church. The first by Thomas Jack- son, commended by Dr. Pusey as " one of the best and greatest minds our church has nurtured " ; the second by Robert Sanderson, formerly Lord Bishop of Lincoln ; to which is added a letter of Bishop Cosin, on the validity of the orders of the Foreign Reformed Churches. Phila- delphia, 1844. i6mo. pp. xxxvi, xi, 238. Goodrich, Frank Boott. The Court of Napoleon or society under the first Empire with portraits of its beauties wits and heroines designed from authentic originals by Jules Champagne and en- graved upon steel by Halpin, Rogers, Buttre, G. R. Hall, H. B. Hall, and Hollyer. Third edition. New York, 1858. Quarto, pp. 416. Plates. Goodwin, Alfred. Plato and the older Academy; by E. G. Zeller. Goodwin, Francis. Domestic Architecture, being a series of designs for man- sions, villas, rectory houses, parsonage houses, bailiff's lodge, gardener's lodge, game-keeper's lodge, park gate lodges, etc. in the Grecian, Italian, and old English styles of architecture, . . . Third edition. London, 1850. Two volumes. Quarto, pp. (20) ; 78. Plates. Gordon, Alexander Cornewall Duff. Sketches of German life, and scenes from the war of liber- ation in Germany; by Varnhagen von Ense. Gordon, Mary (Wilson). Christopher North. A memoir of John Wilson. Com- piled from family papers and other sources by his daughter Mrs. Gordon. ' With an introduction by R. 142 Massachusetts Historical Society Gordon, Mary (Wilson) (continued). Shelton Mackenzie. New York, 1863. Octavo, pp. (2), xi, (i), 484- Plates. Gorius, Antonius Franciscus. Dactyliotheca Smithiana Volumen Primum Gemmarum Ectypa et Antonii Francisci Gorii Ennarationes Com- plectens. Venetiis, 1767. Folio, pp. (i), (i), 3, 97. Plates. Dactyliotheca Smithiana Volumen Alterum Historian! Glyptographicam Auctori Antonio Francisco Gorio Ex- hibens. Venetiis, 1767. Folio, pp. (i), ccxcviii. Plate. Mvsevm Etrvscvm exhibens insignia Vetervm Etrvscorvm Monvmenta aereis tabvlis CC. nvnc primvm edita et illvs- trata observationibvs Antonii Francisci Gorii . . . Flor- ence, 1737. Two volumes. Folio, pp. (i), Ixviii; xlii, (i), 471, (i). Plates. Gorton, Samuel. Some Notices of Samuel Gorton, one of the First Settlers of Warwick, R. I., during his residence at Plymouth, Portsmouth and Providence; by C. Deane. Gostling, William. A Walk in and about the City of Canterbury, with many observations not to be found in any description hitherto published. New edition. Canterbury, 1825. Octavo, pp. xxiv, 366, (16). Plates. Gottfriedt, Johann Ludwig. See J. P. Abelin. Government. History of the origin of representative government in Europe; by F. P. G. Guizot. Thoughts upon government; by A. Helps. Graevius, Johan Georg. M. Tvllii Ciceronis Epistolarvm libri XVI. Graham, James John George. Selections from the Prose Works of John Milton with critical remarks and elucidations. London, 1870. Oc- tavo, pp. (i), (3), (i), 338, (i). Graham, John Murray. An Historical View of Literature and Art in Great Britain from the accession of the House of Hanover to the Reign of Queen Victoria. London, 1871. Octavo, pp. xv, 480. Waterston Collection 143 Graham, Maria (Dundas). Memoirs of the Life of Nicholas Poussin. London, 1820. Octavo, pp. xvi, 236. Plates. Grahame, James. The History of the United States of North America, from the plantation of the British Colonies till their assump- tion of National Independence. Second edition, enlarged and amended. Boston, 1845. Four volumes. Octavo. Plate. Granger, James. A Biographical History of England, from Egbert the Great to the Revolution: . . . Fifth edition. London, 1824. Six volumes. Octavo. Plates. Continued under Mark Noble. Grant, Andrew. History of Brazil, comprising a geographical account of that country, together with a narrative of the most re- markable events which have occurred there since its dis- covery ; a description of the manners, customs, religion, &c. of the natives and colonists; . . . London, 1809. Octavo, pp. (8), 304. Signature of William Wordsworth, 1825. Grant, Anne (Macvicar). Letters from the Mountains; being the correspondence with her friends, between the years 1773 and 1803, of Mrs. Grant of Laggan. Edited, with notes and addi- tions, by her son, J. P. Grant, Esq. Sixth edition. London, 1845. Two volumes. I2mo. pp. xx, 287, (i) ; xi, 287, (i). Graves, Richard (1715-1804). Meditations of the Emperor Marcus Aurelius Antoninus. Graves, Richard (1763-1829). Lectures on the four last books of the Pentateuch; de- signed to show the Divine origin of the Jewish Reli- gion, chiefly from internal evidence. In three parts. . . . Delivered in the Chapel of Trinity College, Dublin, . . . Fourth edition. Dublin, 1831. Octavo, pp. xxxi, (i), 486. Gray, Frederick Turell. Chapel hymn book ; by C. F. Barnard. 144 Massachusetts Historical Society Gray, Horace. What are Writs of Assistance? [In " Reports of Cases," by J. Ouincy.] Gray, Thomas. The Correspondence of Thomas Gray and William Mason, with letters to the Rev. James Brown. Edited by the Rev. John Mitford. Second edition,, with additional illustrations. London, 1855. Octavo, pp. xxxviii, 546. Gray's Letters & Ppems, with a life of the author. New York, 1821. i6mo. pp. (i), 212. Plate. Letters and poems. [In " Poetical Works," by J. Milton.] Life and poems. [In " Poetical Works," by G. Gilfillan.] Odes by Mr. Gray. Printed at Strawberry Hill, 1757. Octavo, pp. 21. First edition ; the first book printed by Horace Walpole on his press es- tablished at Strawberry Hill. In a letter to Sir Horace Mann, July, 1857, he says : " I found Gray in town last week. He brought his two odes to be printed : I snatched them out of Dodsley's hands and keep them to be the first fruits of my press." The Poetical Works of Thomas Gray, English and Latin. Fifth edition. Eton, 1854. Octavo, pp. vi, (i), c, 142. Plates. Great Britain. Abbeys, castles, and ancient halls of England and Wales; by J. Timbs. Additional observations on the nature and value of civil liberty; by R. Price. Address of the British Convention, assembled at Edin- burgh, November 19, 1793, to the people of Great Britain. London. i6mo. pp. 16. The Address of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and Commons assembled in Parliament, to the Kings Most Excellent Majesty . . . With His Majesty's most gra- tious answer thereunto. London, 1688-89. Folio, pp. (0,7- Aedes Althorpianae ; by T. F. Dibdin. Ancestral homes of Britain; by F. O. Morris. The Annals of England; an epitome of English history, from contemporary writers, the rolls of Parliament, and other public records. Oxford, 1862-1865. Three vol- umes. i6mo. Annual of British landscape scenery; by L. A. Twamley. The Answer of the Parliament of the Commonwealth of England, to three papers delivered in to the Council Waterston Collection 145 Great Britain (continued). of State by the Lords Ambassadors Extraordinary of the States General of the United Provinces. As also a narrative of the late engagement between the English Fleet under the Command of General Blake; and the Holland Fleet under the Command of Lieutenant Ad- miral Trump. . . . London, 1652. i6mo. pp. 39. Anticipation : containing the substance of His M[ajest]y's Most Gracious Speech to both H[ouse]s of P[ar]l[ia- men]t, on the opening of the approaching session, to- gether with a full and authentic account of the debate which will take place in the H[ous]e of C[ommon]s, on the motion for the address, and the Amendment. With notes. (First published three days before the opening of the session. ) Third edition, corrected. Lon- don, 1778. Octavo, pp. (i), v-vi, (i), 74. An Antiquarian and Picturesque Tour round the southern coast of England, illustrated with eighty-four plates, from drawings by J. M. W. Turner, . . . London, 1849. Folio, pp. viii, 202. Plates. Antiquarian and topographical cabinet ; by J. Storer. Arrest of the five members by Charles the First; by J. Forster. Art in England, notes and studies ; by E. D. Cook. Autograph letters; by J. Netherclift. Autograph miscellany ; by F. G. Netherclift. Autographs of royal, noble, learned, and remarkable per- sonages; by J. G. Nichols. Baronial and ecclesiastical antiquities of Scotland; by R. W. Billings. Baronial halls, and picturesque edifices of England; by S. C. Hall. Battaile of Agincovrt ; by M. Drayton. Bibliographical antiquarian and picturesque tour in the northern counties of England and in Scotland ; by T. F. Dibdin. Biographical history of England, from Egbert the Great to the Revolution; by J. Granger. Biographical history of England, from the Revolution to the end of George Fs reign, being a continuation of the. Rev. J. Granger's Work; by M. Noble. Biographical sketches of the Queens of Great Britain; by M. Howitt. 10 146 Massachusetts Historical Society Great Britain (continued). Birket Foster's pictures of English landscape; by T. Taylor. Bishop [Gilbert] Burnet's history of his own time. Book of the Court ; by W. J. Thorns. Book of the illustrious Henries; by J. Capgrave. Book of the Thames ; by S. C. Hall. Border antiquities of England and Scotland ; by W. Scott. The British Gallery of Contemporary Portraits, being a series of engravings of the most eminent persons now living or lately deceased, in Great Britain and Ireland : from drawings accurately made from life or from the most approved original pictures. Accompanied by short biographical notices. London, 1822. Two volumes. Folio, pp. (i), xx, (151); (i), (147)- Plates. British gallery of pictures; by H. Tresham. "^ Caricature history of the Georges ; by T. Wright. Castles and abbeys of England ; by W. Beattie. Catalogue of the royal and noble authors ; by H. Walpole. Century of painters of the English school; by R. and S. Redgrave. Chronicle of England ; by J. Capgrave. Chronicle of England, 55-1485 ; by J. E. Doyle. Chronicle of the Kings of England ; by R. Baker. Companion to the most celebrated private galleries of art in London ; by A. Jameson. Complete view of the dress and habits of the people of England; by J. Strutt. Constitutional history of England from the accession of Henry VII. to the death of George II. ; by H. Hallam. Continuation of Mr. Rapin de Thoyras's History of Eng- land, from the Revolution to the accession of King George II. ; by N. Tindal. Counties of Chester, Derby, Leicester, Lincoln, and Rut- land, illustrated ; by T. Noble. The Declaration of His Excellencie James Marquis of Montrosse, Earle of Kilcairn, Lord Greme, Baron of Mont-Dieu, Lievtenant Governour of Scotland, and Captaine Generall of all His Majesties forces by sea or land, for that Kingdome. London, 1650. i6mo. pp. (i), 22. Deliciae sylvarum, or grand and romantic forest scenery in England and Scotland; by J. G. Strutt. Waterston Collection 147 Great Britain (continued). Delineations of Fonthill and its abbey ; by J. Rutter. Diary and correspondence of John Evelyn. Diary and correspondence of Samuel Pepys. Diary of the times of Charles the Second; by H. Sidney. Discourse on the love of our country; by R. Price. Ecclesiastical biography; by C. Wordsworth. E'iKGDv /3ao-i\ticr), the povrtraictvre of His Sacred Maiestie in his solitudes and sufferings ; by J. Gauden. E N IKONOKAA2TH2, in answer to a book intitl'd E'lKXTN BA2IAIKH\ the portrature of His Sacred Majesty in his solitudes and sufferings ; by J. Milton. England and Napoleon in 1803; by Royal Historical Society. England's helicon ; by J. Bodenham. English constitution; by E. Fischel. English Forests and Forest Trees, historical, legendary, and descriptive. London, 1853. Octavo, pp. xii, 17- 406. Plates. English lake district; by J. B. Pyne. The English Pope, or a discourse wherein the late mysti- call intelligence betwixt the Court of England, and the Court of Rome is in part discovered. And withall, an account given of the true grounds of this unnaturall, more than civill Warre. . . . London, 1643. i6mo. pp. ^ (i), (4), 44 : , English universities; by V. A. Huber. English women of letters; by J. Kavanagh. Epitome of chronicles; by T. Languet. Essay on the constitutional power of Great Britain over the Colonies in America; by J. Dickinson. Essay on the history of the English government and con- stitution from the reign of Henry VII. to the present time; by J. Russell. Essay on the population of England ; by R. Price. Europa, or scenes and society in England, France, Italy, and Switzerland; by D. C. Eddy. Exodus of the western nations; by W. C. Keppel. Fairfax correspondence, memoirs of the reign of Charles the First; by G. W. Johnson. Fairy legends and traditions of the south of Ireland. Lon- don, 1834: i6mo. pp. vi, (2), 344. 148 Massachusetts Historical Society Great Britain (continued). Fragmenta regalia, memoirs of Elizabeth, her court and favourites; by R. Naunton. Fragmenta vetusta or the remains of ancient buildings in York; by J. Halfpenny. Galleries and cabinets of art ; by G. F. Waagen. Gamena angel deod, or sports and pastimes of the people of England; by J. Strutt. Germany, England, and Scotland; by J. H. Merle d'Aubigne. Glimpse at the monumental architecture and sculpture of Great Britain; by M. H. Bloxam. Half hours of English history, from the Roman period to the death of Elizabeth; by C. Knight. A Hand-book of Travel round the Southern Coast of Eng- land. A picturesque, antiquarian, and topographical de- scription of the scenery, towns, and ancient remains on that part of the coast. London, 1849. Octavo, pp. iv, 324. Plates. Handbook to the cathedrals of England, southern divi- sion; by R. J. King. Handbook to the public galleries of art in and near Lon- don; by A. Jameson. Heads of illustrious persons of Great Britain ; by T. Birch. His Majesties gracious Declaration to all his loving sub- jects for liberty and conscience. By IJis Majesties special command. London, 1688. Folio, pp. 6, (i). Historic doubts on the life and reign of King Richard the Third; by H. Walpole. Historic view of literature and art in Great Britain; by J. M. Graham. Historical and biographical essays; by J. Forster. Historical and descriptive guide to Warwick Castle, and other places; by H. T. Cooke. Historicall discourse of the uniformity of the government of England; by N. Bacon. Historical essay on the Magna Charta of King John; by R. Thomson. Historical essay on the real character and amount of the precedent of the Revolution of 1688; by R. P. Ward. Historical memoirs of his own time; by N. W. Wraxall. Historical notices of events occurring chiefly in the reign of Charles I. ; by N. Wallington. Waterston Collection 149 Great Britain (continued). Historical sketches of Charles the First, Cromwell, Charles the Second, and the principal personages of that period; including the King's trial and execution; by W. D. Fellowes. Historical sketches of statesmen who flourished in the time of George III. ; by H. Brougham. Historic of Great Britaine vnder the conqvests of the Romans, Saxons, Danes and Normans; by J. Speed. Historic of the Raigne of King Henry the Seventh; by F. Bacon. History and antiquities of the seignory of Holderness ; by W. Bade. History of British costume; by J. R. Planche. History of British journalism ; by A. Andrews. History of civilization in England; by H. T. Buckle. History of England ; by T. Keightley, and by P. de Rapin- Thoyras. History of England during the reign of George the Third ; by W. Massey. History of England from the accession of James the Second; by T. B. Macaulay. History of England, from the earliest times, to the year 1588; by J. Mackintosh. History of England under the Anglo-Saxon Kings; by J. M. Lappenberg. History of Great Britain, from the invasion of it by the Romans under Julius Caesar; by R. Henry. History of Scotland; by W. Robertson [Works, I. II.]. History of the Battle of Agincourt, and of the expedition of Henry the Fifth into France, in 1415; by N. H. Nicolas. History of the conquest of England by the Normans; by A. Thierry. History of the early part of the reign of James the Second ; by C. J. Fox. History of the English Revolution; by F. C. Dahlmann. History of the English Revolution of 1640; by F. P. G. Guizot. History of the Highlands, and of the Highland clans ; by J. Browne. History of the life of Edward the black prince ; by G. P. R. James. 150 Massachusetts Historical Society Great Britain (continued). History of the Puritans in England, and the Pilgrim Fathers; by W. H. Stowell. History of the Rebellion and civil wars in England; by E. Hyde. History of the Reformation in Scotland; by J. Knox. History of the reigns of Edward the Sixth, Mary, and Elizabeth; by S. Turner. History of the Revolution, and the establishment of Eng- land in the year 1688; by L. Echard. History of the worthies of England ; by T. Fuller. Homes and haunts of the most eminent British poets; by W. Howitt. Introduction to English antiquities, intended as a com- panion to the history of England ; by J. Eccleston. Ireland, its scenery, character, &c. ; by S. C. Hall. Irish melodies; by T. Moore. Isle of Wight ; by J. R. Ware. Journey to the western islands of Scotland ; by S. Johnson. King Arthur, or, the British worthy; by J. Dryden. King of Saxony's journey through England and Scotland in the year 1844; by C. G. Carus. Lake country ; by E. L. Linton. Land of Burns, a series of landscapes and portraits; by J. Wilson. The Land we Live in. A pictorial and literary sketch- book of the British Empire. Published by Charles Knight. London. Four volumes. Folio. Plates. Landscape-historical illustrations of Scotland, and the Waverley Novels; by G. N. Wright. Leaves from the journal of our life in the Highlands, from 1848 to 1 86 1 ; by Queen Victoria. Legendary cabinet, a collection of British national bal- lads; by J. D. Parry. Letter, commercial and political, addressed to the Rt. Hon. William Pitt; by J. Currie. A Letter to a Bishop concerning the present settlement, and the new oaths. Second edition. London, 1689. I2mo. pp. (2), 36. Letters from Europe, comprising the journal of a tour through Ireland, England, Scotland, France, Italy, and Switzerland, in the years 1825, '26, and '27; by N. H. Carter. Waterston Collection 151 Great Britain (continued). Letters of royal' and illustrious ladies of Great Britain ; by M. A. E. Green. Letters of William III. and Louis XIV. and of their min- isters ; by P. Grimblot. Letters on England ; by A. L. G. N. de Stael-Holstein. Life and times of William IV ; by P. H. Fitzgerald. Life of John Knox, containing illustrations of the history of the Reformation in Scotland ; by T. McCrie. Life of John Milton ; by D. Masson. Lives and letters of the Devereux, Earls of Essex, in the reigns of Elizabeth, James I., and Charles I. 1540- 1646; by W. B. Devereux. The Lives of Eminent & Remarkable Characters, born or long resident in the counties of Essex, Suffolk, & Nor- folk. London, 1820. i6mo. pp. (142). Lives of men of letters and science, who flourished in the time of George III. ; by H. Brougham. Lives of northern worthies ; by H. Coleridge. Lives of the British Reformers, from Wickliff to Fox. London, Religious Tract Society, 1836. i6mo. pp. 504. Plates. Lives of the engineers; by S. Smiles. Lives of the poets-laureate; by W. S. Austin. Lives of the Queens of England, from the Norman Con- quest; by A. Strickland. Lives of the Right Hon. Francis North, Sir Dudley North, and Dr. John North ; by R. North. Love letters of Henry VIII. to Anne Boleyn. Mansions of England in the olden time; by Joseph Nash. Mansions of England, or picturesque delineations of the seats of noblemen, and gentlemen; by J. P. Neale. Manual of British historians to 1600; by W. D. Macray. Master [Robert] Wace, his chronicle of the Norman conquest. Memoirs of eminently pious women ; by S. Burder. Memoirs of Prince Rupert, and the Cavaliers ; by B. E. G. Warburton. Memoirs of the beauties of the Court of Charles the Second; by A. Jameson. Memoirs of the celebrated persons composing the Kit-Cat Club. 152 Massachusetts Historical Society Great Britain (continued). Memoirs of the Court of England during the reign of the Stuarts, including the Protectorate; by J. H. Jesse. Memoirs of the Court of King Charles the First; by L. Aiken. Memoirs of the Court of King James the First; by L. Aiken. Memoirs of the Court of Queen Elizabeth ; by L. Aiken. Memoirs of the life of Anne Boleyn, Queen of Henry VIII. ; by E. O. Benger. Memoirs of the pretenders and their adherents; by J. H. Jesse. Memoirs of the reign of King Charles the First; by P. Warwick. Memorials of John Hampden, his party and his times; by G. N. Grenville. Memorials of the Civil War, comprising the correspond- ence of the Fairfax family; by R. Bell. Memorials of the great Civil War in England from 1646 to 1652; by H. Cary. Memorials of the Stuart dynasty, including the consti- tutional and ecclesiastical history of England; by R. Vaughan. Memories of my time; by G. Hodder. Merrie days of England, sketches of the olden time; by E. MacDermott. Merrie England in the olden time; by G. Daniel. A Message from His Excellency Sir Thomas Fairefax and the Councell of Warre to the Parliament and Common Councell of London. And the copy of a petition of citi- zens, officers and souldiers, sea-men, water-men, and others, gathering hands to be presented to the Lord Mayor, Aldermen, and Commons of London, at a Com- mon Hall. With their engagement and covenant. And a declaration by the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament, proclaiming those that shall promote or signe the same, to be traytors. London, 1647. i6mo. pp. (i), 6. Modern portrait gallery. Monumental remains of noble and eminent persons ; by E. Blore. Mort d'Arthure, the history of King Arthur and of the Knights of the Round Table; by T. Malory. Waterston Collection 153 Great Britain (continued). National portrait gallery. Naval and military heroes of Great Britain; by R. Johns. New Forest, its history and its scenery; by J. R. Wise. Nugae Antiquae ; by J. Harington. Observations on the nature of civil liberty ; by R. Price.- Observations on the state of historical literature, and on the Society of Antiquaries, and other institutions for its advancement in England ; by N. H. Nicolas. Old England : a pictorial museum of regal, ecclesiastical, baronial, municipal, and popular antiquities. London, 1845. Two volumes. Folio, pp. viii, 392; vi, 386. Plates. Original letters relative to the English Reformation, writ- ten during the reigns of King Henry VIII., King Ed- ward VI., and Queen Mary; by the Parker Society. Original letters and papers of state, addressed to Oliver Cromwell; by J. Nickolls. Paston Letters, written during the reigns of Henry VI., and Edward IV., and Richard III.; by J. Fenn. Peerage of the British Empire; by E. Lodge. Perfect copie of prayers used by His Majesty [Charles I.] ; by J. Gauden. Peter's letters to his kinsfolk ; by J. G. Lockhart. Picturesque antiquities of the English cities ; by J. Britton. Picturesque representations of the dress and manners of the English. London, 1813. Octavo, pp. ($2)rccto. Plates. Picturesque tour of the River Thames in its western course; by J. F. Murray. Picturesque views in England and Wales ; by H. E. Lloyd. Picturesque views of the antiquities of Ireland; by R. O'C. Newenham. Political history of England, during the i6th, I7th, and 1 8th centuries; by F. L. G. von Raumer. Popular history of England; by C. Knight. Portraits of illustrious personages of the Court of Henry VIII. ; by E. Lodge. Posthumous memoirs of his own time ; by N. W. Wraxall. Prerogative of Parliaments in England ; by W. Raleigh. Prints. King Charles I. and the heads of the noble Earls, Lords, and others, who suffered for their loyalty in the Rebellion and civil-wars of England. With their char- 154 Massachusetts Historical Society Great Britain (continued). acters engraved under each print, extracted from Lord Clarendon. Taken from original pictures of the greatest Masters, many of them Sir Anthony Vandyke's, and all the heads accurately engraved by Mr. Geprge Verttie. London, 1746. [Fac-simile reprint.] Folio, pp. (15) recto. Plate. Provincial antiquities and picturesque scenery of Scotland ; by W. Scott. Queen Elizabeth and her times; by T. Wright. Recollections of a tour made in Scotland, 1803; by D. Wordsworth. .Refutation of Mr. Palgrave's remarks in reply to " Ob- servations on the state of historical Literature " ; by N. H. Nicolas. Regal and ecclesiastical antiquities of England; by J. Strutt. Reliquiae Sacrse Carolina?. The workes of that great monarch and Glorious Martyr King Charles the I s . 1 both civil and sacred. With a short view of the life and reign of that most blessed Prince from his birth to his buriall. Hague, 1648. i6mo., variously paged. Repertorium Bibliographicum ; or, some account of the most celebrated British libraries; by W. Clarke. Researches into the ecclesiastical and political state of ancient Britain under the Roman emperors; by F. Thackeray. Resources of a nation; by R. Hamilton. Restitution of decayed intelligence, in antiquities; by R. Verstegan. Revolutions in English history; by R. Vaughan. Rise and growth of the continental interests. [In " His- torical Treatises," by A. H. L. Heeren.] Rise and progress of the English constitution; by A. J. Stephens. River scenery ; by J. M. W. Turner. Romantic biography of the age of Elizabeth; by W. C. Taylor. Ruined abbeys and castles of Great Britain and Ireland; by W. Howitt. Rural life of England ; by same. Scenery and antiquities of Ireland; by N. P. Willis. Scotland : her songs and scenery. As sung by her bards, Waterston Collection 155 Great Britain (continued). and seen in the camera. London, 1868. I2mo. pp. vii, (i), 192. Plates. Scotland delineated; by J. P. Lawson. Scottish gallery, or, portraits of eminent persons of Scot- land; by J. Pinkerton. Secret memoirs of Robert Dudley, Earl of Leicester. Shakspeare and his times ; by N. Drake. Shakespeare's home and rural life; by J. Walter. Sir Christopher Wren and his times ; by J. Elmes. Source of the Thames ; by W. B. Clarke. South Kensington museum; by J. C. Robinson. Stanfield's coast scenery. State of the prisons in England and Wales ; by J. Howard. Studies and illustrations of the Great Rebellion; by J. L. Sanford. Studies from old English mansions their furniture gold and silver plate; by C. J. Richardson. Studies in Roman law; by T. Mackenzie. Summer in Scotland; by J. Abbott. Temple Church [London] ; by C. G. Addison. Thames; by W. B. Cooke. Tour in Scotland ; by T. Pennant.' Treasures of art in Great Britain ; by G. F. Waagen. Turner and Girtin's picturesque views, sixty years since; by T. Miller. Two Petitions of the Lords and Commons to His Majestic. Febr. 2, 1641. With His Majesties gracious answer: also His Majesties consent for the Princesse Maries going to Holland, and Her Majestic to accompany her. Together with Her Majesties answer to a message of both Houses. London, 1641. i6mo. pp. (i), 18. Typographical antiquities ; by T. F. Dibdin. Views in London and its vicinity ; by G. Cooke. Views on the Thames; by W. B. Cooke. Visits to remarkable places; by W. Howitt. Wars in England, Scotland and Ireland ; by N. Crouch. Wensleydale, fourteen etchings with descriptive text; by R. S. Chattock. William Lilly's history of his life and times, from the year 1602 to 1681. Winkles's architectural and picturesque illustrations of the cathedral churches of England and Wales. 156 Massachusetts Historical Society Greece. Age of Pericles, a history of the politics and arts of Greece from the Persian to the Peloponnesian War; by W. W. Lloyd. Ancient Greece; by A. H. L. Heeren. Ancient unedited monuments; by J. Millingen. Athenian letters, or, the epistolary correspondence of an agent of the King of Persia, residing at Athens during the Peloponnesian war; by P. Yorke. Charicles, illustrations of the private life of the ancient Greeks; by W. A. Becker. Collected lectures; by B. G. Niebuhr. Dictionary of Roman and Greek antiquities; by A. Rich. Disquisitions upon the painted Greek vases ; by J. Christie. Essay on that earliest species of idolatry, the worship of the elements ; by same. Essay on the ancient weights and money, and the Roman and Greek liquid measures; by R. Hussey. General History of Polybius. Geographical and historical description ; by J. A. Cramer. Greece, ancient and modern ; by C. C. Felton. Greek history from Themistocles to Alexander; by Plutarch. Hellas, or, the home, history, literature, and art of the Greeks; by C. F. W. Jacobs. Historical antiquities of the Greeks ; by E. W. G. Wachs- muth. History of classical literature; by R. W. Browne. History of manners and customs of ancient Greece; by J. A. St. John. History of modern Greece; by J. E. Tennent. Hystory writtone by Thucidides the Athenyan of the warre, whiche was betwene the Peloponesians and the Athenyans. Imaginary conversations of the Greeks and Romans; by W. S. Landor. Inquiry into the antient Greek game, supposed to have been invented by Palamedes, antecedent to the siege of Troy; by J. Christie. Inquiry into the early history of Greek sculpture; by same. Introduction to the knowledge of rare and valuable edi- tions of the Greek and Latin classics ; by T. F. Dibdin. Waterston Collection 157 Greece (continued). Juventus mtmdi, the Gods and men of the heroic age; by W. E. Gladstone. Life of the Greeks and Romans, described from antique monuments; by E. Guhl. Manual of the political antiquities of Greece, historically considered; by C. F. Hermann. On Pericles and the arts in Greece; by Q. Crauford. Plato, and the other companions of Sokrates ; by G. Grote. Select passages of the writings of St. Chrysostom, St. Gregory Nazianzen, and St. Basil; by H. S. Boyd. Tragedies of ^Eschylus. Tragedies of Euripides. Tragedies of Sophocles. Triumphs of ancient architecture, Greece and Rome; by W. H. D. Adams. Green, Mary Anne Everett (Wood). Letters of Royal and Illustrious Ladies of Great Britain, from the commencement of the twelfth century to the close of the reign of Queen Mary. London, 1846. Three volumes. I2mo. Plates. Green, Samuel Gosnell. Pictures from Bible Lands drawn with pen and pencil. New York, 1879. Quarto, pp. x, (2), 203, (i). Plates. Greene, George Washington. Historical View of the American Revolution. Boston, 1865. I2mo. pp. ix, (i), 442. Same, fourth edition. New York, 1876. I2mo. pp. (3), xxxii, 460. Greenhow, Robert. The History of Oregon and California, and the other ter- ritories on the north-west coast of North America; ac- companied by a geographical view and map of those countries, . . . Third edition, revised, corrected, and enlarged. New York, 1845. Octavo, pp. (i), (i), xviii, 492, 7. Greenwood, Francis William Pitt. A Collection of Psalms and Hymns for Christian Worship. Eighth edition. Boston, 1832. i6mo. pp. xxvi, (428). Same, forty-third edition. Boston, 1846. [In " Service Book," by R. C. Waterston.] A good old age. A Sermon, preached at King's Chapel, 158 Massachusetts Historical Society Greenwood, Francis William Pitt (continued). Sunday, March 7, 1841, on the death of Joseph May, Esq., aged LXXXI years. Boston, 1841. Octavo, PP- 23- The Inheritance which a good man leaves to his children. A discourse occasioned by the death of James Freeman Curtis ; and preached at King's Chapel on Sunday, April 21, 1839. Boston, 1839. Octavo, pp. 20. Gregory, George. Adventures of Telemachus, the son of Ulysses ; by Fenelon. Greig, John. Antiquarian and topographical cabinet; by J. S. Storer. Grenville, George Nugent. Memorials of John Hampden, his Party and his Times. By Lord Nugent. Fourth edition, with a memoir of the writer, and a general index [by John Forster]. London, 1860. i6mo. pp. Ixxv, 420. Plates. Some memorials of John Hampden, his party, and his times. By Lord Nugent. Second edition. London. 1832. Two volumes. Octavo, pp. xxviii, 406; vii, 471, ( i ) . Plates. Greswell, William Parr. Annals of Parisian Typography, containing an account of the earliest typographical establishments of Paris; and notices and illustrations of the most remarkable produc- tions of the Parisian Gothic press: compiled principally to shew its general character ; and its particular influ- ence upon the early English press. London, 1818. Oc- tavo, pp. xii, 356. Plates. Greville, Fulke. Maxims, characters, and reflections, critical, satyrical, and moral. London, 1756. I2mo. pp. xvi, 268. Grey, Charles. Some Account of the Life and Opinions of Charles, Second Earl Grey. London, 1861. Octavo, pp. xii, 460. Grey, Jane. Lady Jane Grey and her times ; by F. C. Laird. Grey, Zachary. Hudibras, in three parts; by S. Butler. Grey Friars, London. Rise, progress, and suppression of the convent. [In " His- tory of ... Christ's Hospital," by W. Trollope.] Waterston Collection 159 Griffin, Edmund Dorr. Remains of the Rev. Edmund D. Griffin, compiled by Francis Griffin : with a biographical memoir of the de- ceased, by the Rev. John McVickar. New York, 1831. Two volumes. Octavo, pp. xii, (i), 11-455; 4^6. Plate. Griffin, Richard. Diary and correspondence of Samuel Pepys, secretary to the Admiralty in the reigns of Charles II. and James II., with a life and notes. Griffith, George Bancroft. The Poets of Maine. A collection of specimen poems from over four hundred verse-makers of the Pine-Tree State. With biographical sketches. Portland, 1888. Octavo, pp. viii, 856. Griffith, John William. Chemistry, meteorology, and the function of digestion, considered with reference to natural theology; by W. Prout. Grimblot, Paul. Letters of William III. and Louis XIV. and of their Min- isters; illustrative of the domestic and foreign politics of England from the peace of Ryswick to the accession of Philip V. of Spain. 1697 to 1700. London, 1848. Two volumes. Octavo, pp. xxiii, 544; xv, 573, (i). Grimm, Jacob Ludwig Carl. German Fairy Tales and popular stories, as told by Gammer Grethel. Translated from the collection of MM. Grimm, by Edgar Taylor. London, 1864. i6mo. pp. xii, 306. Plate. Grote, George. Life, Teachings, and Death of Socrates. From Grote's history of Greece. New York, 1859. 321110. pp. 219. The Minor Works of George Grote. With critical remarks on his intellectual character, writing, and speeches. By Alexander Bain. London, 1873. Octavo, pp. xii, 364. Plate. Plato, and the other companions of Sokrates. London, 1865. Three volumes. Octavo. Grotius, Hugo. The Truth of the Christian Religion. In six books. Cor- rected and illustrated with notes, by Mr. Le Clerc. To 160 Massachusetts Historical Society Grotius, Hugo (continued). which is added a seventh book, concerning this question, What Christian Church we ought to join ourselves to. By the said Mr. Le Clerc. Sixteenth edition, with ad- ditions. Done into English, by John Clarke. Oxford, 1823. Octavo, pp. xxxii, 352. Grove, George. Fine arts their nature and relations ; by F. P. G. Guizot. Gruber, Johann Adam. Grundliche An-und aufforderung an die Ehmahlig er- weckte hier und dar zerstreuete Seelen dieses Landes, In oder ausser Partheyen, zur Neuen Umfassung, Glied- licher Vereinigung und gebets-gemeinschaft ; Dargelegt aus drigendem Herzen ernes um Heilung der Bruche Zions angstlich bekummerten Gemuths, im jahr 1736. Philadelphia, Gedrackt und zu haben bey B. Franklin, 1742. Octavo, pp. 14. Gruner, Ludwig. The Caryatides from the " Stanza dell' Eliodoro " in the Vatican, designed by Raffaelle d'Urbino. London, 1852. Large folio, pp. (i), (3). Plates. Presentation copy to W. Grundy, Oct. 14, 1853. Guhl, Ernst. The Life of the Greeks and Romans, described from an- tique monuments. By E. Guhl and W. Koner. Trans- lated from the third German edition by F. Hueffer. New York, 1875. Octavo, pp. ix, (i), 620. Guild, Reuben Aldridge. The Librarian's Manual ; a treatise on bibliography, com- prising a select and descriptive list of bibliographical works ; to which are added, sketches of publick libraries. New York, 1858. Octavo, pp. 10, 304. Guizot, Frangois Pierre Guillaume. Corneille and his Times. London, 1852. Octavo, pp. xix, (0,463, CO- Essay on the Character and Influence of Washington in the Revolution of the United States of America. Trans- lated from the French. [By George S. Hillard.] Sec- ond edition. Boston, 1851. i6mo. pp. 160. Plate. The Fine Arts their nature and relations. Translated with the assistance of the author by George Grove. Second edition. London, 1855. Octavo, pp. xiii, (2), 21 5, (i). Plates. Waterston Collection 161 Guizot, Frangois Pierre Guillaume (continued). The History of Civilization from the fall of the Roman Empire to the French Revolution. Translated by Wil- liam Hazlitt. New York, 1864. Four volumes. I2mo. History of the decline and fall of the Roman Empire; by E. Gibbon. History of the English Revolution of 1640: from the accession of Charles I. to his death. Translated by William Hazlitt. London, 1867. i6mo. pp. xxii, (i), 488. Plate. History of the Origin of Representative Government in Europe. Translated by Andrew R. Scoble. London, 1861. i6mo. pp. xx, 538. Shakspeare and his Times. London, 1852. Octavo, pp. viii, 424. Gumble, Thomas. The Life of Getieral Monck, Dvke of Albemarle, &c, with remarks upon his actions. London, 1671. i6mo. pp. (i), (5), (3), (8), 486. Plate. Gunn, W r illiam. Cartonensia: or, an historical and critical account of the tapestries, in the Palace of the Vatican ; copied from the designs of Raphael of Urbino, and of such of the car- toons whence they were woven, as are now in preser- vation. . . . Second edition, with additions. London, 1832. Octavo, pp. viii, xvi, 212. Gurney, Joseph John. Observations on the Religious Peculiarities of the Society of Friends. First American from the fourth London edition. Philadelphia, 1825. Octavo, pp. viii, 380. Gutenberg, Johann. Gutenberg, and the art of printing; by E. C. Pearson. Guyon, Jeanne Marie Bouvier de la Motte. The Life of Lady Guion, written by herself in French, now abridged, and translated into English, . . . To which are added, remarkable accounts of the lives of worthy persons, whose memories were dear to Lady Guion. Bristol, 1772. Two volumes bound in one. Octavo, pp. xxi, 268; 381, (i). Guyot, Arnold Henry. The Earth and Man: lectures on comparative physical geography, in its relation to the history of mankind. 1 62 Massachusetts Historical Society Guyot, Arnold Henry (continued). Translated from the French, by C. C. Felton. Boston, 1849. I2mo. pp. xviii, 310. Plate. Gymnastics. Hieronymi Mercvrialis Foroliviensis de arte gymnastica. Hackett, William Henry Young. Biographical sketch of the author. [In " Rambles about Portsmouth," by C. W. Brewster.] Haddon Hall, History and antiquities; by S. Rayner. Hahn, August. Biblia Hebraica secundum editiones . . . Lipsiae [Leip- sic], 1833. I2mp. pp. (i), xiv, (3), 1392, (23). Hakewill, James. A Picturesque Tour of Italy, from drawings made in 1816- 1817. London, 1820. Folio, pp. (no). Plates. Hakluyt Society. Select letters of Christopher Columbus. Hale, Edward Everett. Franklin in France. From original documents, most of which are now published for the first time. Part I. The Alliance. Boston, 1888. Octavo, pp. xvi, (i), (i), 478. Plates. Same. Part II. The Treaty of Peace and Franklin's Life till his return. Boston, 1888. Octavo, pp. x, (i), (i), 470. Plates. What Career ? Ten papers on the choice of a vocation and the use of time. Boston, 1878. i6mo. pp. (3), (i),27i. Hale, Nathan. Life; by I. W. Stuart. Hale, Salma. History of the United States, from their first settlement as colonies, to the close of the war with Great Britain, in 1815. London, 1826. Octavo, pp. (i), (i), 467. Halfpenny, Joseph. Fragmenta Vetusta, or the remains of ancient buildings in York, drawn and etched by Joseph Halfpenny. York, 1807. Folio, pp. (3), (i), iii, 10, (19), (3). Plates. Hall, Charles Francis. Life with the Esquimaux : the narrative of Captain Charles Francis Hall, of the whaling barque " George Henry," Waterston Collection 163 Hall, Charles Francis (continued). from the 2Qth May, 1860, to the I3th September, 1862. London, 1864. Two volumes. Octavo, pp. xvi, 324; xii, 352. Plates. Hall, Dominick Augustine. Military despotism, arbitrary arrest of a judge. [Loyal Publication Society, No. 20.] Hall, John Charles. Races of man, and their geographical distribution; by C. Pickering. Hall, Samuel Carter. The Baronial Halls, and Picturesque Edifices of England. . . . London, 1848. Two volumes. Folio, pp. (146); (148). Plates. A Book of Memories of great men and women of the age, from personal acquaintance. London, 1871. Octavo, pp. xiv, (i), 488. The Book of the Thames, from its rise to its fall. London, 1867. Octavo, pp. viii, 207. Plates. Ireland: its scenery, character, &c. New edition. Lon- don. Three volumes. Octavo. Hallam, Arthur Henry. Remains in verse and prose. With a preface and memoir. London, 1863. i6mo. pp. Ix, 305, (i). Plate. Hallam, Henry. The Constitutional History of England from the accession of Henry VII. to the death of George II. Fourth edi- tion. London, 1842. Two volumes. Octavo, pp. xv, 708; (i), v-viii, 601, (i). Introduction to the Literature of Europe, in the fifteenth, sixteenth, and seventeenth centuries. Second edition. London, 1843. Three volumes. Octavo. View of the state of Europe during the Middle Ages. Seventh edition. Paris, 1840. Two volumes. Octavo, pp. viii, v-vii, 459; vi, 380. Same, eighth edition. London, 1841. Two volumes. Octavo, pp. xv, 556; vii, 560. Halleck, Fitz-Greene. In the woods with Bryant, Longfellow, and Halleck; by J. A. Hows. Hallifax, Samuel. Works of the Right Reverend Father in God Joseph Butler. 164 Massachusetts Historical Society Halliwell, James Orchard. The Harrowing of Hell, a miracle-play written in the reign of Edward the Second, now first published from the original manuscript in the British Museum, with an in- troduction, translation, and notes. London, 1840. Oc- tavo, pp. 33. Specimens of early English metrical romances ; by G. Ellis. Tarlton's Jests, and news out of purgatory: with notes, and some account of the life of Tarlton. London, 1844. Octavo, pp. xlvii, 135, (i). Hamerton, Philip Gilbert. Etching & Etchers. London, 1868. Octavo, pp. xxvi, (i), 354, (i). Plate. The Life of J. M. W. Turner. London, 1879. I2mo. pp. xiii, (i), 398. Plates. Painting in France after the decline of Classicism. An essay. London, 1869. Quarto, pp. x, (i), 68. Plates. The Portfolio an artistic periodical. London, 1870-1874. Five volumes. Plates. The Unknown River. Illustrated by the author. Boston, 1871. Quarto, pp. vi, (i), 58. Plates. Hamilton, Alexander. Life and times ; by J. Riethmiiller. Hamilton, Andrew Jackson. Letter to the President of the United States. [Loyal Publication Society, No. 26.] Hamilton, James. Sermons and expository treatises of Isaac Barrow. Hamilton, James Alexander. Constitution vindicated. [Loyal Publication Society, No. 50.] Hamilton, John Church. Coercion completed, or treason triumphant. [Loyal Publi- cation Society, No. 66.] Slave power. [Loyal Publication Society, No. 74.] Hamilton, Rowland. The Resources of a Nation. A series of essays. London, 1863. Octavo, pp. (4), ii, (i), 404. Hampden, John. Memorials ; by G. N. Grenville. Tract entitled true and faithful relation of a worthy dis- Waterston Collection 165 Hampden, John (continued). course, between Colonel John Hampden and Colonel Oliver Cromwell [1643]; by W. Spurstowe. Hampton, James. General history of Polybius. Hancarville, Pierre Frangois Hugues d'. Antiquites Etrusques, Grecques et Romaines tirees du Cabi- net de M. Hamilton. Envoye Extraordinaire de S. M. Britannique a la Cour de Naples. Florence, 18011806. Three volumes. Large folio. Plates. Hancock, John. An Oration ; delivered March 5, 1774, at the request of the inhabitants of the town of Boston : to commemorate the bloody tragedy of the Fifth of March 1770. Boston, 1774. Octavo, pp. 20. Manuscript notes by Mr. Waterston. Handel, Georg Friedrich. Account of the musical performances in Westminster Abbey, 1784; by C. Burney. Handwriting. Origin and progress of the art of writing; by H. N. Humphreys. Origin and progress of writing ; by T. Astle. Universal palaeography; by J. B. Silvestre. Hannah, John. Poems by Sir Henry Wotton, Sir Walter Raleigh and others. London, 1845. i6mo. pp. Ixxv, (i), 136. Harding, James Duffield. Elementary Art: or, the use of the chalk and lead pencil advocated and explained. Third edition. London, 1846. Folio, pp. iv, (2), 97. Plates. Harding' s sketches at home and abroad. London. Large folio, pp. (i), (i), and Plates. The Park and the Forest. London, 1841. Large folio, pp. (i), (i). Plates. Picturesque Selections : drawn on stone. London. Large .folio, pp. (2) recto. Plates. The Principles and Practice of Art. London, 1845. Folio, pp. vii, (i), 156. Hardman, William. Explorations in Australia ; by J. M. Stuart. 1 66 Massachusetts Historical Society Hardy, Nathaniel. Mercy in her Beauty: or, the height of a deliverance from the depth of danger. Set forth in the first ser- mon preached upon that occasion, . . . London, 1653. i2mo. pp. (i), (2), 38. On the redo of a leaf at the end is the title of " Two Mites," by Mr. Hardy, with the same imprint. Hare, Augustus John Cuthbert. The Life and Letters of Frances Baroness Bunsen. New York, 1879. Two volumes bound in one. I2mo. pp. (5) recto, 516; (3) recto, 486. Plates. Walks in London. New York, 1878. Two volumes. I2mo. pp. xxxvi, 480; (3), (i), 511. Walks in Rome. London, 1871. Two volumes. I2mo. pp. xxv, 446; vi, 464. Wanderings in Spain. Third edition. London, 1873. I2mo. pp. xxi, (i), (i), 274. Plates. Hare, Julius Charles. The Life of Luther, in forty-eight historical engravings by Gustav Koenig. With explanations by Archdeacon Hare: continued by Susanna Winkworth. New York, 1857. Quarto, pp. 157. Plates. Harford, John Scandrett. The Life of Michael Angelo Buonarroti. With transla- tions of many of his poems and letters. Also memoirs of Savonarola, Raphael, and Vittoria Colonna. Second edition. London, 1858. Two volumes. Octavo, pp. xix, (i), 347, (i); viii, 415, (i). Plates. Harington, John. Nugae Antiquse : being a miscellaneous collection of origi- nal papers, in prose and verse; written during the reigns of Henry VIII., Edward VI., Queen Mary, Elizabeth, and King James : . . . Newly arranged, with illustra- tive notes, by Thomas Park. London, 1804. Two vol- umes. Octavo, pp. xxxii, 397, (i); viii, 416. Harper's Ferry, Va. John Brown's expedition reviewed; by T. Parker. Harrel, Thomas. Holmes's Great Metropolis. Harrington, John. The Abbey and Palace of Westminster. Photographed by John Harrington. London, 1869. Folio, pp. (3), (44) recto. Plates. Waterston Collection 167 I Harrington, John (continued). Saint George's Chapel Windsor. Eighteen views, printed in permanent pigments by the Woodbury process, with descriptive letterpress. London, 1872. Folio, pp. (21) recto. Harris, George. Civilization considered as a Science, in relation to its es- sence, its elements, and its end. London, 1861. Octavo, xxiv, 442. Harris, Thaddeus Mason. Biographical Memorials of James Oglethorpe, founder of the colony of Georgia, in North America. Boston, 1841. Octavo, pp. xxii, 424. Plates. Harrison, Walter. A New and Universal History, Description and Survey of the Cities of London and Westminster, the Borough of Southwark, and their adjacent parts. London, 1775. Folio, pp. (i), (i), 708. Plates. Harrison, William Henry. Common lot, a sermon on the death and character; by G. Whitney. Discourse on the occasion of the death; by G. Putnam. Harrowing of Hell, a miracle-play ; by J. O. Halliwell. Harsha, David Addison. Life of Philip Doddridge, with notices of some of his con- temporaries, and specimens of his style. Albany, 1865. Octavo, pp. 249. Plate. Hartley, David. Observations on Man, his frame, his duty, and his expec- tations : in two parts : to which are now first added, prayers, and religious meditations. To the first part are prefixed, a sketch of the life and character, and a por- trait, of the author. Fifth edition. Bath, 1810. Two volumes. Octavo, pp. (i), xv, xvi, 527; xvi, 532. Plate. Same, sixth edition. London, -1834. Octavo, pp. xxvii, 604. Hartshorne, Charles Henry. Ancient Metrical Tales: printed chiefly from original sources. London, 1829. i6mo. pp. xxiv, 344. The Book Rarities in the University of Cambridge. Illus- trated by original letters, and notes, biographical, lit- 1 68 Massachusetts Historical Society Hartshorne, Charles Henry (continued). erary, and antiquarian. London, 1829. I2mo. pp. xiv, (i), 559, CO- Plate. Harvard University. Address delivered at the dedication of Dane Law College, October 23, 1832; by J. Quincy. Considerations relative to the Library; by same. Harvard memorial biographies; by T. W. Higginson. Harvard reminiscences ; by A. P. Peabody. History; by J. Quincy. Lectures on rhetoric and oratory ; by J. Q. Adams. Harvest of a quiet eye ; by J. R. Vernon. Harvey, William Woodis. Sketches of Hayti; from the expulsion of the French, to the death of Christophe. London, 1827. Octavo, pp. xvi, 416. Plate. Hatfield, Julia. The Bryant Homestead-Book. By the Idle Scholar. New York, 1870. Octavo, pp. (5), (3) recto, 224. Plates. Haven, Gilbert. Father Taylor, the sailor Preacher. Incidents and anec- dotes of Rev. Edward T. Taylor, for over forty years Pastor of the Seamen's Bethel, Boston.. By Mr. Haven, and Thomas Russell. Boston, 1872. i2mo. pp. 445. Plates. Hawkesworth, John. An Account of the Voyages undertaken by the Order of His Present Majesty for making discoveries in the southern hemisphere, and successively performed by Commodore Byron, Captain Wallis, Captain Carteret, and Captain Cook, in the Dolphin, the Swallow, and the Endeavour: drawn up from the journals which were kept by the several commanders, and from the papers of Joseph Banks, Esq; . . . London, 1773. Three vol- umes. Quarto. Plates. Adventures of Telemachus, the son of Ulysses ; by Fenelon. Hawkins, John Sidney. Treatise on painting ; by L. da Vinci. Hawks, Francis Lister. Narrative of the Expedition of an American Squadron to the China Seas and Japan, performed in the years 1852, 1853, and 1854, under the command of Commo- Waterston Collection 169 Hawks, Francis Lister (continued). dore M. C. Perry, United States Navy, by order of the government of the United States. Compiled from the original Notes and Journals of Commodore Perry and his officers, at his request and under his supervision. New York, 1856. Octavo, pp. vii, 624. Plates. Same. New York, 1857. Quarto, pp. xvii, (i), 537. Plates. Hayden, Ferdinand Vandeveer. Sun Pictures of Rocky Mountain Scenery, with a descrip- tion of the geographical and geological features, and some account of the resources of the great west; . . . New York, 1870. Quarto, pp. viii, 150, (i). Plates. Haydon, Benjamin Robert. Benjamin Robert Haydon: correspondence and table-talk. With a memoir by his son, Frederic Wordsworth Hay- don. With facsimile illustrations from his journals. London, 1876. Two volumes. Octavo, pp. xix, (i), (i), 469; (3), 484. Plates. Painting and the Fine Arts : being the articles under those heads contributed to the seventh edition of the Encyclo- paedia Britannica, by B. R. Haydon, and William Haz- litt. Edinburgh, 1838. I2mo. pp. (i), (i), 227, (i). Hayley, William. The Life, and Posthumous Writings, of William Cowper, Esqr. With an introductory letter to the Right Honour- able Earl Cowper. Chichester, 1803-1804. Three vol- umes. Quarto. Plates. The Life of George Romney, Esq. Chichester, 1809. Quarto, pp. (i), 2, (3), 416, (5). Plate. The Triumphs of Temper ; a poem : in six cantos. Ninth edition, corrected. London, 1796. i6mo. pp. xii, 163. Plates. Same. Twelfth edition, corrected. With new original designs, by Maria Flaxman. Chichester, 1803. i6mo. pp. xii, 165. Plates. Same. Octavo. Hayti. Historical account of the black empire; by M. Rainsford. Sketches ; by W. W. Harvey. Haywood, Francis. An Analysis of Kant's Critick of Pure Reason. London, 1844. Octavo, pp. vi, 215. 170 Massachusetts Historical Society Hazlitt, William. Complete works of Michael de Montaigne. Conversations of James Northcote. London, 1830. i6mo. pp. (2), 328. Plate. History of civilization from the fall of the Roman Empire to the French Revolution; by F. P. G. Guizot. History of the English revolution of 1640, from the acces- sion of Charles I. to his death ; by same. Life of Cardinal Wolsey ; by J. Gait. Life of Luther, written by himself; by J. Michelet. Painting and the fine arts ; by B. R. Haydon. The Spirit of the Age: or contemporary portraits. Lon- don, 1825. Octavo, pp. (4), 424. Hazlitt, William Carew. Hand-Book to the popular, poetical, and dramatic literature of Great Britain, from the invention of printing to the Restoration. London, 1867. Octavo, pp. xii, 701. History of the Venetian Republic : her rise, her greatness, and her civilization. London, 1860. Four volumes. Octavo. Plates. Head, Francis Bond. Descriptive Essays contributed to the Quarterly Review. London, 1857. Two volumes. Octavo, pp. (i), (5), 367; (i), (2), 368. Hearne, Samuel. A Journey from Prince of Wales's Fort in Hudson's Bay, to the Northern Ocean. Undertaken by order of the Hudson's Bay Company, for the discovery of copper mines, a north west passage, &c. in the years 1769, 1770, 1771, & 1772. London, 1795. Quarto, pp. xliv, 458, (2). Plates. Signature, " W. Wordsworth Rydal Mount." Hearne, Thomas. Impartial Memorials of the Life and Writings of Thomas Hearne. By several hands. London, 1736. I2mo. pp. ( i ) , iv, 66. Plate. Heath, Charles. The Holy Gospels with numerous illustrations on wood, engraved under the superintendence of Mr. Charles Heath. London, 1849. Folio, pp. (2), 226. Heath, James. A Series of Engravings, by Heath and Bartolozzi, from Waterston Collection 171 Heath, James (continued). paintings by Stothard, to illustrate the works of Shak- speare and Milton; forming an elegant library ac- companiment to the various editions of those authors. London, 1818. Folio, I p. Plates. Heaton, Mary Margaret (Keymer). Antonio Allegri da Correggio ; by J. Meyer. A Concise History of Painting. London, 1873. I2mo. pp. xiv, (2), 534. Plates. The History of the Life of Albrecht Diirer of Niirnberg. With a translation of his letters and Journal, and some account of his works. London, 1870. Octavo, pp. xv, 340. Plates. Leonardo da Vinci and his works consisting of a Life of Leonardo da Vinci, an essay on his scientific and literary works by Charles Christopher Black, and an account of his most important paintings. London, 1874. Octavo, pp. xiv, (2), 302. Plates. Heberden, William. Letters of Marcus Tullius Cicero to Titus Pomponius At- ticus in sixteen books. Life and letters of Marcus Tullius Cicero. Hebrews. See Jews. Hedge, Frederic Henry. Hours with German Classics. Boston, 1886. Octavo, pp. (3), <0, (0, 53i- Heeren, Arnold Hermann Ludwig. Ancient Greece. From the German. By George Bancroft. Second American edition. Boston, 1842. Octavo, pp. ^ viii, 344. Same. Also three historical treatises, by the same author. . . . New and improved edition. London, 1847. Oc- tavo, pp. xii, 518. Historical Researches into the Politics, Intercourse, and Trade of the Carthaginians, Ethiopians, and Egyptians. Translated from the German. Second edition. London, 1857. Octavo, pp. (i), (6), xxxii, 520. Plates. Historical Researches into the Politics, Intercourse, and Trade of the principal nations of Antiquity. Translated from the German. London, 1854. Two volumes. Oc- tavo, pp. xvi, 448; iv, 472. Plates. Historical Treatises: the Political Consequences of the \J2 Massachusetts Historical Society Heeren, Arnold Hermann Ludwig (continued). Reformation. The rise, progress, and practical influ- ence of political theories. The rise and growth of the Continental interests of Great Britain. Translated from the German. Oxford, 1836. Octavo, pp. (i), (i), 441, (i). A Manual of Ancient History, particularly with regard to the constitutions, the commerce, and the colonies, of the states of antiquity. Translated from the German. Sixth edition. With a biographical sketch of the author. Lon- don, 1854. Octavo, pp. xvi, (i), xxx, 413, (i). A Manual of the History of the Political System of Europe and its colonies, from its formation at the close of the fifteenth century, to its re-establishment upon the fall of Napoleon. Translated from the fifth German edition. London, 1857. Octavo, pp. xxxii, 540. Heermans, J. War power of the President. [Loyal Publication Society, ' No. 32.] Hegel, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich. Lectures on the Philosophy of History. Translated from the third German edition by J. Sibree. London, 1861. I2mo. pp. xxxix, 477, (i). Helen's pilgrimage to Jerusalem ; by G. F. A.- Strauss. Helps, Arthur. Leaves from the journal [by Queen Victoria] of our life in the Highlands, from 1848 to 1861. The Spanish Conquest in America and its relation to the history of Slavery and to the government of Colonies. London, 1855-1861. Four volumes. Octavo. Thoughts upon Government. Boston, 1872. Octavo, pp. viii, 245. Hemans, Felicia Dorothea (Browne). The League of the Alps, the Siege of Valencia, the Ves- pers of Palermo, and other poems. [Vol. I.] Boston, 1826. Octavo, pp. (i), (i), ii, iii, 480. The Forest Sanctuary; and other poems. [Vol. II.] Bos- ton, 1827. Octavo, pp. (i), (2), ii, 253. Hemmerlein, Felix. Felicis Malleoli. vulgo hemmerlein: decretorum doctoris iureconsultissimi. De nobilitate et rusticitate dialogus. sacre theologie: iurium: philosophorum et poetarum Waterston Collection 173 Hemmerlein, Felix (continued). sententiis : hystoriis & faceciis refertissimus. . . . Vixit Foelix iste Malleolus circa annu dm 1444. Folio, pp. (8), (301). Hennepin, Louis. A New Discovery of a Vast Country in America, extend- ing above four thousand miles, between New France and New Mexico. With a description of the great lakes, cataracts, rivers, plants, and animals : also, the manners, customs, and languages, of the several native Indians; . . . with a continuation : giving an account of the at- tempts of the Sieur De la Salle upon the mines of St. Barbe, &c. the taking of Quebec by the English; . . . London, 1698. I2mo., variously paged. Plates. Henry VIII. The Love Letters of Henry VIII. to Anne Boleyn. . . . London, 1823. Octavo, pp. (i), 326-348, (i), 114- 153- Pages from " The Pamphleteer." Memoirs of the life of Anne Boleyn ; by E. O. Benger. Henry, Robert. The History of Great Britain, from the invasion of it by the Romans under Julius Caesar. Written on a new plan. Sixth edition. London, 1824. Twelve volumes. Octavo. Heraldry. Historical Anecdotes of Heraldry and Chivalry, tending to shew the origin of many English and foreign coats of arms, circumstances and customs. Worcester, 1795. Octavo, pp. (i), 3, 316. Plates. Honor rediviuus or an analysis of honor and armory; by M. Carter. Roll of arms of the princes, barons, and knights who at- tended King Edward I, to the siege of Caerlaverock, in 1300; by T. Wright. Herbert, Edward. The Life of Edward Lord Herbert, of Cherbury; written by himself: and continued to his death. With letters written during his residence at the French Court, &c. London, 1826. Octavo, pp. (3), xv, 360. Herbert, George. The Life and Writings of the Rev. George Herbert : with 174 Massachusetts Historical Society Herbert, George (continued). the synagogue, in imitation of Herbert. Lowell, 1834. i6mo. pp. 451, (i). The Poetical Works of George Herbert. London, 1857. Octavo, pp. (i), 256. Same. With life, critical dissertation, and explanatory notes, by Rev. George Gilfillan. New York, 1854. Oc- tavo, pp. xxviii, 328. Same. The text edited by Charles Cowden Clarke. Lon- don. I2mo. pp. xxviii, 328. The Remains of that sweet singer of the Temple George Herbert. [Works, 2d edition, Vol. I.] London, 1841. i6mo. pp. x, cxxiv, 244. Plate. The Temple. Sacred Poems and private ejaculations by George Herbert. [Works, 3d edition, Vol. II.] Lon- don, 1844. i6mo. pp. xxiii, 350. Plate. Herbert, William. Typographical antiquities; by T. F. Dibdin. Hereford, England. History and antiquities of the cathedral church ; byj. Britton. Hermann, Karl Friedrich. A Manual of the Political Antiquities of Greece, histori- cally considered. From the German. Oxford, 1836. Octavo, pp. xiv, slip, 423, (i). Herodotus. Geographical system of Herodotus examined and ex- plained; by J. Rennell. History; by G. Rawlinson. Herrick, Robert. The Poetical Works of Robert Herrick, containing his " Hesperides," and " Noble Numbers." With a bio- graphical memoir by E. Walford. London, 1859. i6mo. pp. xi, 608. Plate. Herschel, John Frederick William. Iliad of Homer. A Preliminary Discourse on the Study of Natural Philos- ophy. New edition. London, 1830. i6mo. pp. vii, (i), 372. Hervey, Thomas Kibble. Illustrations of Modern Sculpture, a series of engravings, with descriptive prose, and illustrative poetry. London, 1834. Folio, pp. (210). Plates. Waterston Collection 175 Hesiodus. Theogony works and days ; by J. Flaxman. Hey, Rebecca. Sylvan Musings; or, the Spirit of the Woods. New edi- tion. London, 1849. I2mo. pp. xvi, 284. Plates. Heywood, Thomas. The Hierarchic of the blessed Angells. Their names, orders and offices. The fall of Lucifer with his angells. London, 1635. Folio, pp. (2), (i), (6), 3-622, (8). Plates. From the library of Leigh Hunt. Hicks, Thomas. Eulogy on Thomas Crawford. Privately printed. New York, 1865. Octavo, pp. 103. Plates. Higginson, Thomas Wentworth. Harvard Memorial Biographies. Cambridge, 1866. Two volumes. Octavo, pp. xix, 477; iv, 512. Hill, Alonzo. A Discourse on the Life and Character of the Rev. Nathaniel Thayer, pastor of the First Congregational Church and Society in Lancaster, delivered at his inter- ment, June 29, 1840. Worcester, 1840. Octavo, pp. 40. Hill, Hamilton Andrews. Memoir of Abbott Lawrence. With an appendix. Boston, 1883. Octavo, pp. xiii, 243. Plate. Hill, J. Henry. Sketches from Nature. Nyack Turnpike, N. Y. Folio, PP- (3)> (0- Plates. Hill, Joseph. Parallel, in the manner of Plutarch ; by J. Spence. Hillard, George Stillman. The Boston Book. Being specimens of metropolitan liter- ature. Boston, 1841. I2mo. pp. 352. Essay on the character and influence of Washington in the Revolution of the United States of America; by F. P. G. Guizot. Life, Letters, and Journals of George Ticknor. Boston, 1876. Two volumes. Octavo, pp. viii, 524; vi, 533. Plates. Memoir and Correspondence of Jeremiah Mason. Pri- vately printed. Cambridge, 1873. Quarto, pp. viii, 467. Plate. 176 Massachusetts Historical Society Hillard, George Stillman (continued). A Selection from the Writings of Henry R. Cleveland. With a memoir. Printed for private distribution. Bos- ton, 1844. i6mo. pp. (i), (2), li, 384. Himalayas, Shooting in the; by F. Markham. Hingeston, Francis Charles. Book of the illustrious Henries ; by J. Capgrave. Chronicle of England ; by same. Historical and literary curiosities; by C. J. Smith. Historical and Philosophical Society of Ohio. Journal and Letters of Col. John May, of Boston, relative to two journeys to the Ohio Country in 1788 and '89. With a biographical sketch by Rev. Richard S. Edes of Bolton, Mass. And illustrative notes by Wm. M. Darlington of Pittsburgh, Penn. [New series, Vol. I.] Cincinnati, 1873. Octavo, pp. 160. History. Course of lectures on modern history; by K. W. F. von Schlegel. Elements of general history; by S. Nares. Epitome of chronicles ; by T. Languet. Essays in history and art ; by R. H. Patterson. Introduction to the study of universal history; by J. Stoddart. Introductory lectures on modern history; by T. Arnold. Lectures on history ; by J. Priestley, and by W. Smyth. Lectures on the philosophy of history; by G. W. F. Hegel. Lectures on the study of history ; by G. Smith. Manual of ancient history ; by A. H. L. Heeren, by G. Rawlinson, and by M. E. Thalheimer. Philosophy of history; by K. W. F. von Schlegel. World in the middle ages; by A. L. Kceppen. Hobbes, James R. The Picture Collector's Manual, adapted to the professional man, and the amateur; being a dictionary of painters, containing fifteen hundred more names than in any other work. Together with an alphabetical arrangement of the scholars, imitators, and copyists of the various masters. . . . London, 1849. Two volumes. Octavo, pp. xxii, 508; (i), (i), 640. Hodder, George. Memories of my time including personal reminiscences of eminent men. London, 1870. Octavo, pp. xx, 420. Waterston Collection 177 Hoey, Frances Cashel. Japan and the Japanese illustrated ; by A. Humbert. Hogg, James. The Queen's Wake: a legendary poem. Fifth edition, Edinburgh, 1819. Octavo, pp. (3) recto, 384. Holbein, Hans. Holbein and his time; by A. Woltmann. Some account of the life and works of; by R. N. Wornum. Holderness, England. History and antiquities of the Seignory of Holderness, in the east-riding of the county of York ; by W. Dade. Holland, Henry. Essays on Scientific and other Subjects contributed to the Edinburgh and Quarterly Reviews. New edition. Lon- don, 1862. Octavo, pp. xi, (i), '504. Recollections of Past Life. New York, 1874. I2mo. pp. Holland, Saba (Smith). A Memoir of the Reverend Sydney Smith. By his daughter. With a selection from his letters, edited by Mrs. Austin. Fourth edition. London, 1855. Two volumes. Octavo, pp. xvi, 486 ; xxiv, 546. Holland. Classified synopsis of the principal painters of the Dutch and Flemish schools; by G. Stanley. History of Holland and the Dutch nation ; by C. M. Davies. Life and death of John of Barneveld ; by J. L. Motley. Memoirs of Elizabeth Stuart, Queen of Bohemia, daughter of King James the First ; by E. O. Benger. Oje Cronycke van Hollandt Zeelandt en Vrieslant beghin- nende va Adams tiden tot die geboerte ons heren Jhu Voertgaende tot de iare M.CCCCC.Ende Ivii. . . . Quarto, pp. (4), (872), (8). Cuts. Picturesque tour through Holland, Brabant, and part of France, made in the autumn of 1789; by S. Ireland. Les principaux Tableaux du Musee Royal a la Haye, graves a'u trait, avec leur description. La Haye, 1826-1830. Four parts. Octavo. Plates. Rhine and its picturesque scenery ; by H. Mayhew. Rise of the Dutch Republic ; by J. L. Motley. Tour through Holland, 1806; by J. Carr. Holland House; by M. Liechtenstein. 178 Massachusetts Historical Society Rollings, James Francis. . The Life of Marcus Tullius Cicero. London, 1839. 321110. pp. xvi, 550. Plate. Hollis, Thomas. Memoirs; by F. Blackburne. Holloway, E. The Celebrated Galleries of Munich, being a selection from the Royal Collections of the Pinakothek and at Schleiss- heim, and from the Leuchtenberg Gallery. With an historic account of the schools of art. Quarto, pp. iv, 165, (i), (i), 180, viii. Plates. Holmes, Oliver Wendell. Ralph Waldo Emerson. [American men of letters, edited by C. D. Warner.] Boston, 1885. i6mo. pp. (4), viii, 441. Plate. Holmes, Thomas. Holmes' s Great Metropolis: or, views and history of London in -the nineteenth century. Being a grand national exhibition of British capital. With historical and topographical notices of each place. Edited by William Gray Fearnside, and Thomas Harrel. London. Octavo, pp. (i), (i), (2), 211. Plates. Homeliarius doctorum. Nuremburg, 1494. Octavo, pp. (I), (482), ( 4 ), (212). Rubricated, with a few ornamented initials. Homer. Homeri Odyssea, . . . Curante Stepheno Berglero, Tran- sylvano. Patavii [Padua], 1777. I2mo. pp. xxiv, 765, (8). Signature of John Flaxman. Homeri Opera . . . Curante Jo. Henr. Lederlino, . . . & post cum Stephano Berglero. Patavii [Padua], 1777. i6mo. pp. xvi, 825, (8). The Iliad of Homer. Literally translated, with explanatory notes. By Theodore Alois Buckley. London, 1851. I2mo. pp. (i), (3), 466. Plate. The Iliad of Homer. Translated into English blank Verse. By William Cullen Bryant. Boston, 1870, 1871. Two volumes. Quarto, pp. xviii, (i), 398; vi, (i), 426. The Iliad of Homer engraved from the compositions of John Flaxman. The Iliad of Homer, translated into English accentuated Waterston Collection 179 Homer (continued). hexameters. By Sir John F. W. Herschel. London, 1866. Octavo, pp. xvi, (i), 549, (i). The Iliad of Homer: translated by Alexander Pope. With observations on Homer and his works, and brief notes, by the Rev. J. S. Watson. London, 1859. 121110. pp. xliv, 459. Plates. The Iliad and Odyssey of Homer, translated by William Sotheby. London, 1834. Four volumes. Octavo. Plates. The Iliads of Homer, Prince of Poets, never before in any language truly translated, with a comment upon some of the chief places. Done according to the Greek by George Chapman. New edition, with introduction and notes, by W. Cooke Taylor. London, 1843. Two volumes. Octavo, pp. 265, ( i ) ; 243, ( i ) . Plates. The Odyssey of Homer engraved from the compositions of John Flaxman. The Odyssey of Homer: translated by Alexander Pope. To which are added the battle of the frogs and mice by Parnell ; and the hymns by Chapman and others. With observations and brief notes by the Rev. J. S. Watson. London, 1859. i2mo. pp. x, 510. Plates. The Odyssey of Homer, with the hymns, epigrams, and battle of the frogs and mice. Literally translated, with explanatory notes, by Theodore Alois Buckley. London, 1851. I2mo. pp. xxxii, 432. Homes of American authors, and of statesmen. See Biography. Hood, Thomas. Poems by Thomas Hood. London, 1871. Quarto, pp. viii, 109, (i). Plates. Hooke, Nathaniel. The Roman History; from the building of Rome to the ruin of the Commonwealth. London, 1825. Three volumes. Octavo. Plates. Hooker, Richard. The Works of that learned and judicious Divine, Mr. Richard Hooker : with an account of his life and death, by Isaac Walton. Arranged by Rev. John Keble. Third edition. Oxford, 1845. Three volumes. Octavo. Table and plate. 180 Massachusetts Historical Society Hope, Thomas. Costume of the Ancients. New edition enlarged. London, 1812. Two volumes. Quarto, pp. xv, 49, (4); (i), (6). Plates. An Historical Essay on Architecture. Illustrated from drawings made by him in Italy and Germany. Second edition. London, 1835. Octavo, pp. xx, 561, (i). Illustrations to Hope's Essay on Architecture; from draw- ings made by the author in Germany, France, Italy, &c. Second edition. London, 1835. Octavo, pp. vii. Plates. Horatius Flaccus, Quintus. Q. Horatii flacci ars Poetica. . . . Heidlebergae, 1576. i6mo. pp. (i), (22), 114, (61). Q. Horatii flacci Poemata : secvndvm optimas quasque editiones accuratissime castigata. . . . Neostadii, 1590. i6mp. pp. (30), 436, (3), 446. Qvincti Horatii flacci venvsini poetse lyrici poemata omnia. Quibus respondet Index Th. Treteri nuper excusus. Antverpiae, 1576. i6mo. pp. 294, 230, (2). Signature of John Glen King, 1816. The Works of Horace rendered into English Prose with introductions running analysis notes and an index. By James Lonsdale and Samuel Lee. Boston, 1873. i6mo. vi, (0,274. The Works of Horace, translated by Philip Francis. To which is prefixed, the life of the translator. London, 1815. 321110. pp. viii, 351. Plate. Home, George. A Commentary on the Book of Psalms; in which their literal and historical sense, as they relate to King David and the people of Israel, is illustrated ; . . . To which is prefixed, a memoir of the life of the author. Philadel- phia, 1822. Octavo, pp. 632. Plate. Home, Thomas Hartwell. An Introduction to the Study of Bibliography. To which is prefixed a memoir on the public libraries of the antients. London, 1814. Two volumes. Octavo, pp. xv, ( i ) , 402 ; ( 2 ) , 403-758, ( i ) , clvi. Plates. Horner, Francis. Memoirs and Correspondence of Francis Horner, M. P. Edited by his brother, Leonard Horner. Boston, 1853. Waterston Collection 181 Horner, Francis (continued). Two volumes. Octavo, pp. xxviii, 554; xvii, (i), 575. Plates. Hotten, John Camden. History of signboards, from the earliest times to the present day ; by L. R. Sadler. Hottinger, Johann Heinrich. Thesaurus Philologicus, seu Clavis Scripturae : . . . Editio tertia. Tiguri [Zurich], 1696. I2mo. pp. (22), 610. Copy once owned by Hon. John Davis, third President of the Historical Society, containing notes by him. Houbraken, Arnold. De groote schouburgh der nederlantsche Konstschilders en Schilderessen. . . . Gravenhage, 1753. Three vol- umes. Octavo. Plates. Houghton, Lord. See R. M. Milnes. Hours, Book of. See Roman Catholic Church. Housman, Robert Fletcher. A Collection of English Sonnets. London, 1835. I2mo. pp. xxxiii, (i), 358, and slip. How the War was commenced. [Loyal Publication Society, No. 46.] Howard, George. See F. C. Laird. Howard, George William Frederick. The Second Vision of Daniel. A paraphrase in verse by the Earl of Carlisle. London, 1858. I2mo. pp. 23. Howard, Henry. The Poetical Works of Surrey and Wyatt. London", 1831. Two volumes. I2mo. pp. cxiii, 190; xii, 290. Plates. Howard, John. Historical Remarks and Anecdotes on the Castle of the Bastile. Translated from the French published in 1774. London, 1780. Octavo, pp. (i), (i), (2), 29. Memoirs of the public and private life ; by J. B. Brown. The State of the Prisons in England and Wales, with pre- liminary observations, and an account of some foreign prisons and hospitals. Second edition. Warrington, 1780. Octavo, pp. (i), (3), (i),449 09)- Howell, James. Epistolse Ho-Elianse. Familiar Letters domestic and forren. Divided into sundry sections, partly historical!, political!, philosophical!. Third edition. With a fourth 1 82 Massachusetts Historical Society Howell, James (continued). volume of new letters, never published before. London, 1655. Four volumes bound in one. i6mo. Same, sixth edition. London, 1688. i6mo. pp. (i), (12), 505, ( 22 )- Howells, William Dean. Their Wedding Journey. With illustrations by Augustus Hoppin. Boston, 1872. I2mo. pp. (3), 287. Howitt, Anna Mary. An Art-Student in Munich. Two volumes bound in one. London, 1853. I2mo. pp. xii, 244; viii, 216. Howitt, Mary. Biographical Sketches of the Queens of Great ' Britain. From the Norman Conquest to the reign of Victoria. Or, royal book of beauty. London, 1856. Quarto, pp. viii, 516. Plates. Howitt, William. German Experiences: addressed to the English; both stayers at home, and goers abroad. Second edition. London, 1844. i6mo. pp. xvi, slip, 352. Homes and Haunts of the most eminent British Poets. Second edition. London, 1847. Two volumes. Oc- tavo, pp. (4) recto, 504; (3) recto, 473, (0- The Northern Heights of London or historical associations of Hampstead, Highgate, Muswell Hill, Hornsey, and Islington. London, 1869. Octavo, pp. xxvi, 590. Ruined Abbeys and Castles of Great Britain and Ireland. Second series. London, 1864. Octavo, pp. (5), 224. Plate. The Rural and Domestic Life of Germany: with charac- teristic sketches of its cities and scenery, collected in a general tour, and during a residence in the country in the years 1840, 41 and 42. London, 1842. Octavo, pp. viii, 520. The Rural Life of England. Second edition, corrected and revised. London, 1840. Octavo, pp. xxiv, 615. Visits to Remarkable Places: old halls, battle fields, and scenes illustrative of striking passages in English his- tory and poetry. London, 1840. Octavo, pp. vii, (i), 526. Same, second edition. Octavo, pp. vii, (i), 528. Same, second series. London, 1842. Octavo, pp. xi, 610. Waterston Collection 183 Hows, John Augustus. In the Woods with Bryant, Longfellow, and Halleck. New York, 1863. Octavo, pp. (i), (3), 28 recto. Presentation copy, December 31, 1862, from Frances Fairchild Bryant Howson, John Saul. Life and epistles of St. Paul ; by W. J. Conybeare. Huber, Victor Aime. The English Universities. From the German. An abridged translation, edited by Francis W. Newman. London, 1843. Three volumes. Octavo. Plates. Hudson's Bay Company. Journey from Prince of Wales' s Fort in Hudson's Bay, to the northern ocean; by S. Hearne. Hueffer, Francis. Life of the Greeks and Romans ; by E. Guhl. Hughes, John. Views in the South of France, chiefly on the Rhone; Same, and "Hughes' South of France." Folio, pp. (3). 8. Plates. Same, and " Hughes' South of France." Folio, pp. (3). 8; (2), v-vi, (i), (i), 267. Plates. Hughson, David. See E. Pugh. Huguenots. Protestant Reformation in France, or, history of the Hugonots; by A. C. Marsh-Caldwell. Hugues, Pierre Francois. See d'Hancarville. Humbert, Aime. Japan and the Japanese Illustrated. Translated by Mrs. Cashel Hoey and edited by H. W. Bates. New York, 1874. Quarto, pp. xviii, (i), 378. Humboldt, Friedrich Heinrich Alexander von. Letters of Alexander von Humboldt to Varnhagen von Ense. From 1827 to 1858. With extracts from Varn- hagen's diaries, and letters of Varnhagen and others to Humboldt. Translated from the second German edition, by Friedrich Kapp. New York, 1860. I2mo. pp. 407. Plate. Same, another edition. London, 1860. Octavo, pp. xxvi, .334- Life; by C. C. Bruhns. Humphreys, Henry Noel. The Coin Collector's Manual, or guide to the numismatic 184 Massachusetts Historical Society Humphreys, Henry Noel (continued). student in the formation of a cabinet of coins : com- prising an historical and critical account of the origin and progress of coinage, from the earliest period to the fall of the Roman Empire; with some account of the coinages of modern Europe, more especially of Great Britain. London, 1853. Two volumes. i6mo. pp. xxiv, 352; (2), 353-726. Plates. A History of the Art of Printing from its invention to its wide-spread development in the middle of the sixteenth century. Preceded by a short account of the origin of the alphabet, and of the successive methods of recording events before the invention of printing. . . . Second issue. London, 1868. Folio, pp. xii, (2), 216. Plates. The Illuminated Books of the Middle Ages ; an account of the development and progress of the art of illumina- tion, as a distinct branch of pictorial ornamentation, from the IVth. to the XVIIth. centuries. Illustrated by a series of examples, ... by Owen Jones. London, 1849. Folio, pp. (i), 20, (i), (31) verso. Plates. The Origin and Progress of the Art of Writing: A con- nected narrative of the development of the art, its pri- meval phases in Egypt, China, Mexico, etc. ; its middle state in the cuneatic systems of Ninevah and Persepolis, to its introduction to Europe through the medium of the Hebrew, Phoenician, and Greek systems, and its subse- quent progress to the present day. Illustrated by a num- ber of specimens of the writing of all ages, and a series of facsimiles from autograph letters from the fifteenth to the nineteenth century. London, 1853. Quarto, pp. viii, 176. Plates. Stories by an Archaeologist and his friends. London, 1856. Two volumes bound in one. I2mo. pp. viii, 247; vi, 240. Hungary. Poetry of the Magyars, preceded by a sketch of the lan- guage and literature of Hungary and Transylvania; by J. Bowring. Hunt, Frederick Knight. The Rhine its scenery and historical & legendary associa- tions. London, 1845. Octavo, pp. (3), (4), 216. Hunt, James Henry Leigh. Imagination and Fancy; or, selections from the English Waterston Collection 185 Hunt, James Henry Leigh (continued). poets, . . . Fourth edition. London, 1871. i6mo. pp. xii, 315, (i). ' Leigh Hunt's London Journal. . . . London, 1834, 1835. Two volumes in one. Folio, pp. iv, 316, 280, Ixxii. Stories from the Italian Poets: with lives of the writers. London, 1846. Two volumes. I2mo. pp. xviii, 417, (i); vi, 515, (i). The Town; its memorable characters and events. St. Paul's to St. James's. London, 1848. Two volumes. I2mo. pp. xii, 300; viii, 311, (i). Plates. Hunt, Robert. Researches on Light in its chemical relations; embracing a consideration of all the photographic processes. Sec- ond edition. London, 1854. Octavo, pp. xx, 396. Plate. Hunt, Thomas Frederick. Architettura Campestre: displayed in lodges, gardeners' houses, and other buildings, composed of simple and economical forms in the modern or Italian style; intro- ducing a picturesque mode of roofing. London, 1844. Quarto, pp. xix, 28. Half a dozen hints on picturesque domestic Architecture, in a series of designs for gate lodges, gamekeepers' cottages, and other rural residences. Third edition, with additions. London, 1841. Quarto, pp. (i), (31). Plates. Hunter, John Dunn. Memoirs of a Captivity among the Indians of North America, from childhood to the age of nineteen: with anecdotes descriptive of their manners and customs. To which is added, some account of the soil, climate, and vegetable productios of the territory westward of the Mississippi. London, 1823. Octavo, pp. ix, 447, (I). Kurd, Fayette. Treasures from the prose writings of John Milton. Hus, Jan. loannis Hus, et Hieronymi pragensis confessorvm Christi Historia et Monumenta . . . Impressa Noribergse, 1558. Folio, pp. (i), (14), (942). Monumentorum loannis Hus, altera pars. Additae svnt Narrationes . . . Apocal. VII. . . . Quae secvnda parte 1 86 Massachusetts Historical Society Hus, Jan (continued). . . . Noribergae, 1558. Folio, pp. (i), (2), (733). Cut. Reformers before the Reformation; by F. P. . B. de Bonnechose. Hussey, Robert. An Essay on the Ancient Weights and Money, and the Roman and Greek Liquid Measures, with an appendix on the Roman and Greek foot. Oxford, 1836. Octavo, pp. x, 254. Hutchinson, Lucy (Apsley). Memoirs of the Life of Colonel [John] Hutchinson, Gov- ernor of Nottingham Castle and Town, . . . Written by his widow Lucy, daughter of Sir Allen Apsley, . . . London, 1806. Quarto, pp. (i), (i), xiv, (i), (i), (3), 446. Plates. Hutchinson, Thomas. Bibliographical essay on Governor Hutchinson' s historical publications; by C. Deane. The History of Massachusetts, from the first settlement thereof in 1628, until the year 1750. Third edition. Salem, 1795. Two volumes. Octavo, pp. 478, x; 452. The Letters of Governor Hutchinson, and Lieut. Governor Oliver, &c. printed at Boston. And remarks thereon. With the Assembly's address, and the proceedings of the Lords Committee of Council. Together with the substance of Mr. Wedderburn's speech relating to those letters. And the report of the Lords Committee to His Majesty in Council. Second edition. London, 1774. Octavo, pp. (i), 142. Huttichius, Johannes. Romanorvm principu effigies : . . . Argentorati [ Stras- bourg], 1552. i6mo. pp. (15), (412). Cuts. Hutton, Laurence. Literary Landmarks of Edinburgh. New York, 1891. i6mo. pp. 80. Plates. Hyde, Edward. The History of the Rebellion and Civil Wars in England, begun in the year 1641. With the precedent passages, and actions, that contributed thereunto, and the happy end, and conclusion thereof by the King's blessed res- toration, and return upon the 29th of May, in the year Waterston Collection 187 Hyde, Edward (continued). 1660. Oxford, 1702-1704. Three volumes. Folio. Plates. " Profusely illustrated with many rare and choice portraits. This copy belonged to the library of the Duke of Buckingham." Has signature of Robert Waterston, who gave the set to the Misses Quincy, April 23, 1863, who in turn gave the volumes to Mr. Waterston on April 17, 1876. Hyginus, Caius Julius. Clarissimi Viri Iginij Poeticon Astronomicon Opus vtil- issimmu Foeliceter Incipit. De Mundi et spherae ac vtriusque partiu declaratioe Liber Primus. Venetiis, 1482. I2rno. pp. (in). Cuts. Hymns. Appendix, containing a number of hymns, taken chiefly from Dr. Watts' s Scriptural collection. [In " New Version," by N. Brady.] Book of praise from the best English hymn-writers; by R. Palmer. Chapel hymn book; by C. F. Barnard. Collection of psalms and hymns for Christian worship ; by F. W. P. Greenwood. Hymnal, of the Protestant Episcopal Church. Hymns of the Spirit ; by S. Longfellow. Hymns for Social and Private Worship, altered to a devotional form. Boston, 1827. i6mo. pp. 150. National hymns; by R. G. White. Sacred poetry, consisting of psalms and hymns, adapted to Christian devotion ; by J. Belknap. Selection of hymns and psalms, for social and private worship ; by J. P. Dabney. Service book, for the Church of the Saviour; by Mr. Waterston. Singers and songs of the liberal faith ; by A. P. Putnam. Social hymn book for the Church of the Saviour; by Mr. Waterston. The Spirit of Praise. A collection of hymns old and new. London. Octavo, pp. (8), 251, (i). Plate. Sunday book of poetry; by C. F. Alexander. Iceland. Iceland, its scenes and sagas; by S. Baring-Gould. Iceland, its volcanoes, geysers, and glaciers; by C. S. Forbes. 1 88 Massachusetts Historical Society Iceland (continued). Story of Gisli the outlaw ; by G. W. Dasent. Travels in the island of Iceland, during the summer of the year 1810; by G. S. Mackenzie. Visit to Iceland, by way of Tronyem, in the " Flower of Yarrow" yacht, in the summer of 1834; by J. Barrow, Jr. Illumination. Art of illuminating as practised in Europe from the earliest times ; by M. D. Wyatt. Illuminated books of the middle ages; by H. N. Humphreys. Imagination, Pleasures of; by M. Akenside. Incunabula. 1444- . 1470? Nuremberg. 1474. Esslingen. 1478. Venice. 1482. Verona. 1482. Venice. 1484. Cologne. 1486? 1487. Argentinen. 1493. Nuremberg. 1494. Nuremberg. 1497. 1497. Basel. 1497. Venice. 1498. Milan. 1498. Venice. 1499. Venice. 1499. Venice. De nobilitate et rusticitate dialogus; by F. Hemmerlein. Sermones dominicales; by J. de Voragine. Postilla fratris; by St. Thomas Aquinas. Biblia Sacra Latina. Blondi Flauii. Clarissimi Viri Iginii [Hyginus] Poeticon Astronomicon. Tabula super totam summam vene- rabilis domini Anthonini directiua. Missal Remain. See Roman Catholic Church. Viola Sanctorum. Registrum huius operis; by H. Schedel. Homeliarius doctorum. Epistelen mit-Glossen. See Bible. Stultifera Navis; by S. Brant. Opuscula; by St. Thomas Aquinas. Enarrationes allegoricse fabularum Fulgentii placiadis. T. Livii Patavini Historici. Fratris Baptistae Mantuani [Spag- nuoli] Carmelitae Theologi. Virgilius cum cSmentariis. Waterston Collection 189 India, Historical disquisition concerning ancient; by W. Robertson [Works, VIII.]. Indian Archipelago. Visit; by H. Keppel. Indians. American antiquities and researches into the origin and history of the red race ; by A. W. Bradford. California and Oregon trail, being some sketches of prairie and Rocky Mountain life ; by F. Parkman. Columbia River, or scenes and adventures during a resi- dence of six years on the western side of the Rocky Mountains; by R. Cox. Expeditions of Capt. John Lovewell; by F. Kidder. History of the conspiracy of Pontiac; by F. Parkman. History of the Five Indian Nations of Canada, which are dependent on the province of New York ; by C. Colclen. Memoirs of a captivity among the Indians of North America ; by J. D. Hunter. Message from the President of the United States, com- municating discoveries made in exploring the Missouri, Red River and Washita. New discovery of a vast country in America, extending above four thousand miles, between New France and New Mexico; by L. Hennepin. Sketches of the history, manners, and customs of the North American Indians; by J. Buchanan. Ten tribes of Israel historically identified with the Aborig- ines of the western hemisphere ; by B. A. Simon. Travels through the interior parts of North America, in the years 1766, 1767, and 1768; by J. Carver. Two tracts, information to those who would remove to America; by B. Franklin. Ingram, James. Memorials of Oxford. Oxford, 1837. Three volumes. Octavo. Plates. Inventions, Century of, by Edward Somerset. [In " Life," by H. Dircks.] Ionian Islands, Notes and observations ; by J. Davy. Ireland, Samuel. A Picturesque Tour through Holland, Brabant, and part of France; made in the autumn of 1789. London, 1790. Two volumes. Folio, pp. xvi, 213; vi, 209. Plates. 190 Massachusetts Historical Society Ireland. See Great Britain. Irish. Discovery of America by the Northmen, in the tenth cen- tury, with notices of the early settlements of the Irish in the western hemisphere; by N. L. Beamish. Irish in America. [In " Sketches," by J. White.] Irish melodies ; by T. Moore. Irvine, George. Bride of Messina; by J. C. F. von Schiller. Irving, Washington. Abbotsford, and Newstead Abbey. London. I2mo. pp. (i), (i), 290. Plates. Discourse on the life, character and genius; by W. C. Bryant. A History of the Life and Voyages of Christopher Colum- bus. London, 1828. Four volumes. Octavo. Maps. Legend of Sleepy Hollow. From " The Sketch-Book." New York, 1864. Quarto, pp. 50. Letter inserted. The Life and Letters of Washington Irving. By his nephew Pierre M. Irving. New York, 1862-1864. Four volumes. Octavo. Plates. Life of George Washington. New York, 1857-1859. Five volumes. Octavo. Plates. The Life and Voyages of Christopher Columbus. London, 1830. 321110. xi, 357, (i). Plates. Rip Van Winkle. A Legend of the Kaatskill Mountains. New York, 1864. Octavo, pp. 32. The Sketch Book of Geoffrey Crayon, Gent. Third edi- tion. London, 1820. Two volumes bound in one. ^ Octavo, pp. vi, (i), 343; (tyecto, 419. Spanish Papers and other Miscellanies, hitherto unpub- lished or uncollected. Arranged and edited by Pierre M. Irving. New York, 1867. Two volumes. Octavo, pp. xv, 466; 487. Plate. Stratford on Avon. From the Sketch Book. New York, 1865. Octavo, pp. 343-370. Plates inserted. Studies of Irving; by C. D. Warner. Isocrates. I2OKPATOT2 AOFOI AI1ANTE2, KAI E-moXai. . . . Isocratis Orationes . . . Basileae, 1561. i6mo. pp. (i), (44), 583- Waterston Collection 191 Istria, Princess d'. See Koltzof-Massalsky. Italy. Art and nature; by E. Benson. Art studies, the "Old Masters" of Italy, painting; by J. J. Jarves. Avanzi della antichita esistenti a Pozzuoli [a town in Naples] cuma e baja. Classic and connoisseur in Italy and Sicily; by G. W. D. Evans. Classical tour through Italy ; by J. C. Eustace. Descrizione e disegno dell' emissario del lago Albano; by G. B. Piranesi. Etruscan researches; by I. Taylor. Europa, or, scenes and society in England, France, Italy, and Switzerland; by D. C. Eddy. Fragments of Italy and the Rhineland ; by T. H. White. Genius of Italy : being sketches of Italian life, literature, and religion; by R. Turnbull. Geographical and historical description of ancient Italy; by J. A. Cramer. Historical life of Joanna of Sicily, Queen of Naples. Historical, literary, and artistical travels in Italy; by A. C. Pasquin. History of Frederick the Second, Emperor of the Romans ; by T. L. Kington. History of Italy during the Consulate and Empire of Napo- leon Buonaparte; by C. Botta. History of painting in Italy ; by L. Lanzi. History of painting in north Italy; by J. A. Crowe. History of the progress and suppression of the Reforma- tion in Italy in the sixteenth century ; by T. McCrie. Illustrations of the passes of the Alps, by which Italy com- municates with France, Switzerland, and Germany; by W. Brockedon. Italian pictures drawn with pen and pencil ; by S. Manning. Italian scenery, from drawings made in 1817; by E. F. Batty. Italian sculptors ; by C. C. Perkins. Italy, a poem ; by S. Rogers. Italy, classical, historical and picturesque; by C. Mapei. Italy, Florence, and Venice ; by H. A. Taine. Italy, general views of its history and literature; by A. C. N. Gallenga. 192 Massachusetts Historical Society Italy (continued). Italy in the nineteenth century; by J. Whiteside. Italy, in transition, 1860; by W. Arthur. Italy, Rome, and Naples ; by H. A. Taine. Italy, Spain, and Portugal ; by W. Beckford. Journals of a landscape painter in southern Calabria, &c. ; by E. Lear. Life and times of Aonio Paleario, or a history of the Italian reformers in the sixteenth century; by M. Young. Life and times of Francesco Sforza Duke of Milan; by W. P. Urquhart. Life in Tuscany; by M. S. Crawford. Memoirs of early Italian painters; by A. Jameson. Memoirs of the Dukes of Urbino; by J. Dennistoun. New history of painting in Italy from the second to the sixteenth century; by J. A. Crowe. Observations and reflections made in the course of a journey through France, Italy, and Germany; by H. L. Piozzi. Observations on Italy; by J. Bell. Outre-mer, a pilgrimage beyond the sea; by H. W. Longfellow. Pictures from Italy; by C. Dickens. Picturesque tour of Italy, from drawings made in 1816- 1817; by J. Hakewill. Rambles in Germany and Italy, in 1840, 1842, and 1843; by M. W. Shelley. Records of a route through France and Italy, with sketches of Catholicism; by W. R. Wilson. Remarks on antiquities, arts, and letters, during an excur- sion in Italy, in the years 1802 and 1803 ; by J. Forsyth. Renaissance in Italy; by J. A. Symonds. Sketches illustrative of the manners and costumes of France, Switzerland and Italy; by R. Bridgens. Sketches in France, Switzerland and Italy; by S. Prout. Stories from the Italian poets ; by J. H. L. Hunt. Travels in America and Italy; by F. A. R. Chateaubriand. True history of the state prisoner, commonly called the Iron Mask; by G. J. W. A. Ellis. Tuscan sculptors, their lives, works, and times; by C. C. Perkins. Twenty-seven etchings illustrative of Italian manners and costume; by B. PinelH. Waterston Collection J 93 Italy (continued). Voyage Pittoresque de 1' Italic. Premier volume. Royaume de Naples. Large folio, variously paged. Plates. Wonders of Italian art; by L. Viardot. Jabet, George. The Poets' Pleasaunce : or, garden of all sorts of pleasant flowers, which our pleasant poets have, in past time, for pastime, planted. By Eden Warwick. London, 1847. Octavo, pp. xvi, 432. Jackson, Catherine Charlotte. Fair Lusitania. London, 1874. Octavo, pp. xii, 406, (i). Plates. Jackson, James. Memoir of James Jackson, Jr., M.D. Written by his father, with extracts from his letters, and reminiscences of him, by a fellow student. For the Warren Street Chapel. Boston, 1836. i6mo. pp. xi, (i), (i), 228. Jackson, John. A Treatise on Wood Engraving historical and practical with upwards of three hundred Illustrations engraved on wood. The historical portion by W. A. Chatto. Second edition. With a new chapter on the artists of the present day by Henry G. Bohn and 145 additional wood engravings. London, 1861. Octavo, pp. xvi, 664. Plate. Jackson, Samuel. Life of Nicholas Lewis Count Zinzendorf; by A. G. Spangenberg. Jackson, Thomas. Treatise of the Holy Catholic Church. [In " Two Trea- tises," by W. Goode.] Jacobs, Christian Friedrich Wilhelm. Hellas : or, the home, history, literature, and art of the Greeks. Translated from the German. By John Oxen- ford. London, 1855. i6mo. pp. xii, 335, (i). Jacquemart, Albert. History of the Ceramic Art. A descriptive and philosoph- ical study of the pottery of all ages and all nations. Translated by Mrs. Bury Palliser. London, 1873. Octavo, pp. (i), (3), (i), (i), 627, (i). Plates. 13 194 Massachusetts Historical Society James I., Memoirs of the Court ; by L. Aikin. James, George Payne Rainsford. The History of Charlemagne; with a sketch of the state and history of France from the fall of the Roman Empire, to the rise of the Carlovingian Dynasty. Lon- don, 1832. Octavo, pp. xviii, 510, slip. Plates. A History of the Life of Edward the Black Prince, and of various events connected therewith, which occurred during the reign of Edward III. King of England. Second edition. London, 1839. Two volumes. i6mo. pp. Ixviii, 428; viii, 431, (i). Map. Jameson, Anna (Murphy). A Commonplace Book of Thoughts, Memories, and Fancies, original and selected. Part I. ethics and character. Part II. literature and art. London, 1854. I2mo. pp. xiv, (2), 371, (i). Same, second edition, corrected. London, 1855. Companion to the most celebrated Private Galleries of Art in London. Containing accurate catalogues, ar- ranged alphabetically, for immediate reference, each preceded by an historical & critical introduction, with a prefatory essay on art, artists, collectors, & connois- seurs. . . . London, 1844. I2mo. pp. xl, 413. Handbook to the Public Galleries of Art in and near Lon- don : with critical, historical, and biographical notices of the painters and pictures. Introduction, National Gallery, Windsor Castle, Hampton Court, Dulwich Gallery, Barry's Pictures, Soane's Museum. New edi- tion, with an index. London, 1845. I2mo. pp. Hi, 628. Memoirs and Essays illustrative of art, literature, and social morals. London, 1846. I2mo. pp. (3), (i),298. Memoirs of early Italian Painters, and of the progress of Painting in Italy, from Cimabue to Bassano. New edition, revised throughout by the author, and with much additional matter. London, 1859. Octavo, pp. xix, 328. Plates. Memoirs of the Beauties of the Court of Charles the Second, with their portraits, after Sir Peter Lely and other eminent painters : illustrating the Diaries of Pepys, Evelyn, Clarendon, and other contemporary writers. Fourth edition. London, 1861. Quarto, pp. ($}rccto, 350. Plates. Peter Paul Rubens, his life and genius ; by G. F. Waagen. Waterston Collection 195 Jamieson, Robert. The Manners and Trials of the Primitive Christians. Edinburgh, 1840. i6mo. pp. 452. Japan. Japan, an account geographical and historical; by C. MacFarlane. Japan and the Japanese illustrated ; by A. Humbert. Japan being a sketch of the history, government and officers of the Empire; by W. Dickson. Keramic art in Japan ; by G. A. Audsley. Manners and Customs of the Japanese, in the nineteenth century. From recent Dutch visitors of Japan, and the German of Dr. Ph. Fr. von Siebold. London, 1841. I2mo. pp. xi, 423. Narrative of the Earl of Elgin's mission to China and Japan in the years 1857, '58, '59; by L. Oliphant. Niphon and Pe-che-li ; or, two years in Japan and northern China; by E. B. De Fonblanque. Recollections of Baron Gros's Embassy to China and Japan in 1857-58; by Marquis de Moges. Japp, Alexander Hay. Thoreau : his Life and Aims. A study. By H. A. Page. Boston, 1877. i6mo. pp. x, (2), 234. Plate. Jarves, James Jackson. Art-hints. Architecture, sculpture, and painting. London, 1855. I2mo. pp. xv, 398. Art Studies : the " Old Masters " of Italy ; painting. New York, 1 86 1. Two volumes. Octavo, pp. xx, 210; (2), 211-504. Plates. Presentation copy to Mrs. Waterston, 1864. Same, another edition. New York, 1861. Octavo, pp. xx, 504. Plates. Jarvis, Charles. Don Quixote ; by M. de Cervantes Saavedra. Great issue. [Loyal Publication Society, No. 75.] Life and exploits of the ingenious gentleman Don Quixote; by M. de Cervantes Saavedra. Jay, William. The Life of John Jay : with selections from his correspond- ence and miscellaneous papers. By his son. New York, 1833. Two volumes. Octavo, pp. viii, 520; (3), 502. Plate. 196 Massachusetts Historical Society Jeaffreson, John Cordy. Brides and Bridals. London, 1872. Two volumes. Oc- tavo, pp. vi, 362 ; vi, 364. The Life of Robert Stephenson, F. R. S. late President of the Institution of Civil Engineers. With descriptive chapters on some of his most important professional works by William Pole. Second edition. London, 1866. Two volumes. Octavo, pp. xv, (0>'363J ix, (i), 335. Plates. Jefferson, Thomas. Character of Thomas Jefferson, as exhibited in his own writings; by T. Dwight. Life of Captain [Meriwether] Lewis. [In " History " by P. Allen.] Notes on the State of Virginia. First hot-pressed edition. Philadelphia June, 1801. Octavo, pp. (i), (2), 436, 56. Plates. Manuscript notes by Mr. Waterston. Jeffrey, Francis. Contributions to the Edinburgh Review. Second edition. London, 1846. Three volumes. Octavo. Jenks, William. The Explanatory Bible Atlas and Scriptural Gazetteer; geographical, topographical and historical: . . . Fourth edition. Boston, 1849. Quarto, pp. 157. Plates. Jerusalem, Helen's pilgrimage; by G. F. A. Strauss. Jesse, Edward. Anecdotes of Dogs. New edition. London, 1870. i6mo. xvi, 491. Plates. Complete angler; by I. Walton. Windsor Castle, and its environs, including Eton College; by L. Ritchie. Jesse, John Heneage. Literary and Historical Memorials of London. London, 1847. Two volumes. Octavo, pp. vii, (i), 448; vi, (i),456. Plates. London and its Celebrities. A second series of literary and historical memorials of London. London, 1850. Two volumes. Octavo, pp. x, 460; vii, 480. Memoirs of the Court of England during the Reign of the Stuarts, including the Protectorate. New edition. London, 1857. Three volumes. i6mo. Plates. Waterston Collection 197 Jesse, John Heneage (continued). Memoirs of the Pretenders and their adherents. New edition, complete in one volume, with a general index, and additional portraits. London, 1858. i6mo. pp. xii, 564. Plates. Jesuits. The Jesuites Policy, to suppress Monarchy, proving out of their own writings that the Protestant religion is sure foundation and principle of a true Christian. Written by a person of honor. London, 1678. Octavo, pp. (8), 27. Also " A Dialogue : between Orthodox a Royalist, and Cacodaemon, one Popishly affected," pp. 1-27. Jesuits in North America in the seventeenth century; by F. Parkman. Life of Mr. [Blaise] Paschal, with his letters relating to the Jesuits. Jesus. Christ in art; by E. Eggleston. Life; by J. E. Renan. Life and words of Christ; by C. Geikie. The Life of Christ, in the Words of the Evangelists. A complete harmony of the Gospel history of our Saviour. New edition. London, 1841. 321110. pp. xii, 298. Plates. Jewels. See Gems. Jewitt, Lewellynn Frederick William. The Wedgwoods : being a life of Josiah Wedgwood ; with notices of his works and their productions, memoirs of the Wedgwood and other families, and a history of the early potteries of Staffordshire. London, 1865. Oc- tavo, pp. xx, 435. Plate. Jews. Commentaries on the laws of the ancient Hebrews ; by E. C. Wines. Connection of sacred and profane history; by M. Russell. Helon's pilgrimage to Jerusalem, a picture of Judaism ; by G. F. A. Strauss. History of Jewish coinage, and of money; by F. W. Madden. Lectures on the four last books of the Pentateuch, de- signed to show the Divine origin of the Jewish reli- gion ; by R. Graves. Oriental customs ; by S. Burder. 198 Massachusetts Historical Society Jews (continued). Prophets of Israel and Judah during the Assyrian Empire ; by R. Williams. Spirit of Hebrew poetry ; by I. Taylor. Ten tribes of Israel historically identified with the Abo- rigines of the western hemisphere; by B. A. Simon. Joanna, Queen of Naples. Historical Life of Joanna of Sicily, Queen of Naples and Countess of Provence; with correlative details of the literature and manners of Italy and Provence in the thirteenth and fourteenth centuries. London, 1824. Two volumes bound in one. Octavo, pp. viii, xv, 401 ; vi, 343, (i). Plates. Joanne, Adolphe Laurent. Les Environs de Paris. Illustres itineraire descriptif et historique. Paris. i6mo. .pp. (i), xvi, 847. Map. Johnes, Arthur James. Philological Proofs of the original unity and recent origin of the human race. Derived from a comparison of the languages of Asia, Europe, Africa, and America. Being an inquiry how far the differences in the languages of the globe are referrible to causes now in operation. Lon- don, 1843. Octavo, pp. Ix, 172, 103, (i). Johnes, Thomas. Chronicles of England, France, Spain, and the adjoining countries, from the latter part of the reign of Edward II. to the coronation of Henry IV. ; by J. Froissart. Chronicles of Enguerrand de Monstrelet. Memoirs of the life of Froissart; by La Curne. Johns, Richard. The Naval and Military Heroes of Great Britain or calen- dar of victory being a record of British valour and con- quest by sea and land on every day in the year. From the Reign of William the Conqueror to the battle of Inkermann. Projected by Major Johns, continued and completed by Lieut. P. H. Nicolas. With chronological and alphabetical indexes. London, 1860. I2mo. pp. xxiii, (i), 660. Plates. Johnson, George W r illiam. The Fairfax Correspondence. Memoirs of the Reign of Charles the First. London, 1848. Two volumes. Oc- tavo, pp. cxl, 405, (i) ; x, (i), 427. Plates. Concluding volumes by Robert Bell. Waterston Collection 199 Johnson, George William (continued). Memoirs of John Selden and notices of the political contest during his time. London, 1835. Octavo, pp. viii, 374. Johnson, J. H. Philips' imperial general atlas. Johnson, Oliver. William Lloyd Garrison and his times ; or, sketches of the anti-slavery movement in America, and of the man who was its founder and moral leader. . . . With an intro- duction by John G. Whittier. New, revised, and en- larged edition. Boston, 1881. Octavo, pp. xxvi, 19- 490. Plate. Johnson, Samuel (1709-1784). Christian morals; by T. Browne. A Dictionary of the English Language ; . . . With numer- ous corrections, and with the addition of several thou- sand words, . . . By H. J. Todd. Second edition. London, 1827. Three volumes. Folio. Plate. Johnsoniana ; or, supplement to Boswell : being, anecdotes and sayings of Dr. Johnson, . . . London, 1836. Oc- tavo, pp. xxii, (i), 530. Plates. A Journey to the Western Islands of Scotland. London, 1775. Octavo, pp. (i), 384, (i). Life ; by J. Boswell. Lives of the most eminent English Poets, with critical observations on their works. With notes corrective and explanatory, by Peter Cunningham. London, 1854. Three volumes. Octavo. Poetical works; by G. Gilfillan. Rasselas. London, 1805. Quarto, pp. (i), (i), iii, 197. Plates. Johnson, Samuel (1822-1882). Hymns of the Spirit ; by S. Longfellow. Jones, Harry. The Regular Swiss Round in three Trips. London, 1865. i6mo. pp. vi, (i), 393. Plates. Jones, Harry Longueville. Memorials of Cambridge; by T. Wright. Jones, Owen. The Grammar of Ornament illustrated by examples from various styles of ornament London. Folio, pp. (i), 157. Plates. 200 Massachusetts Historical Society Jones, Owen (continued). Illuminated books of the middle ages; by H. N. Hum- phreys. Jones, William. The Poems and Life of Sir William Jones. London, 1818. i6mo. pp. xvi, 271. Plate. Jonson, Ben. The Works of Ben Jonson. With a biographical memoir, by William Gifford. New edition. London, 1851. Oc- tavo, pp. viii, 819, (i). Josephus, Flavius. The Lamentable and Tragicall Historic of the Wars and Vtter rvine of the lewes. Comprised in seuen bookes. And newly translated out of the Latin, and French into English by Tho. Lodge. London, 1602. Folio, pp. (i), (i), (8), 812, (27). Judd, Sylvester. Compositions in Outline by Felix O. C. Darley from Judd's Margaret. Junius, Identity; by P. Francis. Jure, Jean Baptiste de Saint. La Vie de Monsievr de Renty. Septiesme edition. Paris, 1664. 32mo. pp. (8), 436. Justinus. lustini Historiae Philippicae, . . . Curante Abrahamo Gronovio. Editio secunda. Lugduni Batavorum [Ley- den], 1760. Octavo, pp. (i), (44), xlii, 1034, (171). Justinus cum notis selectissimis variorum. . . . Amstelo- dami, 1659. i2mo. pp. (i), (2), 547, (72). Trogi Pompei externae hi. toriae in compendivm ab Ivstino redactae. Externorum imperatorum uitae atathore Aemylio Probo. Venice, 1522. i6mo. pp. (408). Juvenalis, Decimus Junius. Ivvenalis. Persivs. [Ivnii Ivvenalis aqvinatis satyra prima; avli flacci Persii in satyras prologvs.] Venice, 1535. i6mo. pp. (155). Mores Hominum. The manners of men, described in six- teen satyrs, by Juvenal : as he is published in his most authentick copy, lately printed by command of the King of France. . . . London, 1660. Folio, pp. (3) recto, (5), (10), (i), 522, (28). Waterston Collection 201 Kane, Elisha Kent. Arctic Explorations: the second Grinnell expedition in search of Sir John Franklin, 1853, '54, '55. Philadel- phia, 1860. Two volumes. Octavo, pp. (i), 464; (i), 467. Plates. Biography; by W. Elder. Kant, Immanuel. Analysis of Kant's critick of pure reason ; by F. Haywood. Kapp, Friedrich. Letters of Alexander von Humboldt to Varnhagen von Ense. Kavanagh, Julia. English Women of Letters: biographical sketches. Lon- don, 1863. Two volumes. I2mo. pp. vi, 331; iv, 353. Keats, John. The Eve of St. Agnes. London, 1859. I2mo. pp. 30. Poetical works. See John Milton. The Poetical Works of John Keats. Edited, with a critical memoir, by William Michael Rossetti. London. I2mo. pp. xxiii, 406. Plates. Same, with a memoir by Richard Monckton Milnes. Lon- don, 1854. i2mo. pp. xl, 375, (i). Plate. Keble, John. The Christian Year. London. 4to. pp. viii, 376. Plate. Works of that learned and judicious Divine, Mr. Richard Hooker. Keightley, Thomas. An Account of the Life, Opinions, and Writings of John Milton. With an introduction to Paradise Lost. Lon- don, 1855. Octavo, pp. xiv, (i), 484. The Fairy Mythology, illustrative of the romance and superstition of various countries. New edition, revised, and greatly enlarged. London, 1850. i6mo. pp. xvi, 560. Plate. The History of England. London, 1839. Three volumes. Octavo. Keller, Ferdinand. The Lake Dwellings of Switzerland and other parts of Europe. Translated and arranged by John Edward Lee. London, 1866. Octavo, pp. x, 418. Plates. Kelly, Walter Keating. History of the Reformation in the sixteenth century, by J. H. Merle d'Aubigne. 2O2 Massachusetts Historical Society Kelly, Walter Keating (continued). Syria and the Holy Land, their scenery and their people. Incidents of travel, &c. from the best and most recent authorities. London, 1844. Octavo, pp. viii, 451, (i). Kelty, Mary Ann. Reminiscences of Thought and Feeling. London, 1852. i6mo. pp. iv., 290. Visiting my Relations, and its results; a series of small episodes in the life of a recluse. Second edition. Lon- don, 1852. i6mo. pp. (i), (i), 315, (i). Kemble, John Philip. Memoirs of the life; by J. Boaden. Kenilworth Illustrated; or, the history of the Castle, Priory, and Church of Kenilworth. With a description of their present state. Chiswick, 1821. Folio, pp. (3) recto, (2), 1 08. Plates. Kenny, Thomas. The Life and Genius of Shakespeare. London, 1864. Oc- tavo, pp. viii, 414. Plates. Same, with additional plate. Kenrick, John. Ancient Egypt under the Pharaohs. London, 1850. Two volumes. Octavo, pp. xiii, (i), 509, (i); viii, 528. Plates. Kent, J. C. Essay on the nature, the end and the means of imitation in the fine arts ; by A. C. Quatremere de Quincy. Keppel, Henry. A Visit to the Indian Archipelago, in H. M. Ship Maean- der. With portions of the private journal of Sir James Brooke. London, 1853. Two volumes. Octavo, pp. xiv, (i), 301, (i); vii, (i), 286. Plates. Keppel, William Coutts. Exodus of the Western Nations. London, 1865. Two volumes. Octavo, pp. xii, 483, ( I ) ; viii, 494. Kett, Charles William. Rubens. New York, 1879. I2mo. pp. vi, (2), 118. Plates. Kidder, Frederic. The Expeditions of Capt. John Lovewell, and his Encoun- ters with the Indians ; including a particular account of the Pequaket battle, with a history of that tribe; and a reprint of Rev. Thomas Symmes's sermon. Boston, 1865. Octavo, pp. 138, (i). Map. Waterston Collection 203 Kindergarten, Papers on Froebel's; by H. Barnard. Kindersley, Edward Cockburn. Very joyous, pleasant and refreshing history of the feats, of the good knight ; by P. du T. Bayard. King, Charles William. Antique Gems : their origin, uses, and value as interpreters of ancient history; and as illustrative of ancient art: with hints to gem collectors. London, 1860. Octavo, pp. Ixiv, 498. Plates. The Handbook of engraved gems. London, 1866. Oc- tavo, pp. xiii, (3), 396. Plates. King, Clarence. Mountaineering in the Sierra Nevada. Boston, 1872. Oc- tavo, pp. (3), (i), 292. King, James. Voyage to the Pacific Ocean, 1776-1780; by J. Cook. King, Moses. Benjamin Peirce. A memorial collection. Cambridge, 1 88 1. I2mo. pp. 64. Plate. King's Handbook of Boston. Cambridge, 1878. I2mo. pp. (i), 292. Plates. King, Peter. The Life of John Locke, with extracts from his corre- spondence, journals, and common-place books. New edi- tion, with considerable additions. London, 1830. Two volumes. Octavo, pp. viii, 447; (i), 375, iv, 144. Plates. King, Richard John. Handbook to the Cathedrals of England. Southern divi- sion. Part I. Winchester.-Salisbury, Exeter.-Wells. [Part II. Chichester.-Canterbury. Rochester.] Lon- don, 1 86 1. Two volumes. I2mo. pp. viii, (i), 290; iv, 293-532. Plates. King, Thomas Starr. Tribute; by R. Frothingham. The White Hills; their legends, landscape, and poetry. Boston, 1860. Octavo, pp. xv, (3), 403. Plate. King's Chapel, Boston. Book of Common Prayer, according to the use of King's Chapel, Boston. Boston, 1850. Octavo, pp. xii, (4), 3-407- 204 Massachusetts Historical Society Kingsley, Charles. Bunyan's Pilgrim's Progress. The Heroes ; or, Greek fairy tales for my children. Third edition. London, 1864. 321110. pp. xx, (i), (i), 255. Plates. Miscellanies. London, 1859. Two volumes. I2mo. pp. (0, (3), 407, (i); (3), 389, (0- Kington, Thomas Lawrence. History of Frederick the Second, Emperor of the Romans. From chronicles and documents published within the last ten years. Cambridge, England, 1862. Two volumes. Octavo, pp. xxvi, 565 ; xviii, 579. Kinsey, William Morgan. Portugal Illustrated. London, 1828. Octavo, pp. xvii, 500, (6). Plates. Kippis, Andrew. An Address, delivered at the Interment of the late Rev. Dr. Richard Price, on the twenty-sixth of April, 1791. London, 1791. Octavo, pp. (i), 5-27. Works of Nathaniel Lardner. Kirkland, John Thornton. Discourse delivered in the Church in Brattle Square, May 3, 1840, occasioned by the death; by F. Parkman. Discourse on the life and character, delivered in the Church on Church Green, May 3, 1840; by A. Young. Kirkstall Abbey. An Historical, Antiquarian, and Picturesque Account of Kirkstall Abbey; . . . London, 1827. i6mo. pp. iv, 227. Plates. Kit-Cat Club. Memoirs of the celebrated persons composing the Kit-Cat Club; with a prefatory account of the origin of the association: . . . London, 1821. Folio, pp. (3), x, 261, (i), slip. Plates. Kitto, John. The Popular Cyclopaedia of Biblical Literature condensed from the larger work. By John Kitto, assisted by Rev. James Taylor, of Glasgow. Boston, 1851. Octavo, pp. viii, 800. Scripture Lands; described in a series of historical, geo- graphical, and topographical sketches. And illustrated by a complete Biblical atlas, comprising twenty-four Waterston Collection 205 Kit to, John (continued). maps, with an index of reference. London, 1850. i6mo. pp. viii, (i), (i), 276, 95, (i). Maps. Knight, Charles. Half Hours of English History. From the Roman period to the death of Elizabeth. London, 1866. Octavo, pp. (i), v, 687, (i). Half-hours with the best authors. Including biographical and critical notices. New edition. London, 1859. Four volumes bound in two. I2mo. Plates. London. London, 1841-1844. Six volumes bound in three. Octavo. Plate. The Popular History of England: an illustrated history of society and government from the earliest period to our own times. Boston, 1873. Eight volumes. Oc- tavo. Plates. Studies of Shakspere. London, 1868. Octavo, pp. (i), 560. William Caxton, the first English Printer: a biography. London, 1844. i6mo. pp. 240. Plate. Knight, Henry Gaily. An Architectural Tour in Normandy; with some remarks on Norman architecture. Second edition. London, 1841. I2mo. pp. xi, (i), 258. Plates. The Normans in Sicily : being a sequel to " An Agricul- tural Tour in Normandy." London, 1838. I2mo. pp. vii, (0, 355- Knight, Sarah. The Private Journal of a Journey from Boston to New York, in the year 1704. Albany, 1865. I2mo. pp. 92. Knights Templars. Knights Templars. Temple Church, London ; both by C. G. Addison. Knowles, John. The Life and Writings of Henry Fuseli, Esq. Keeper, and Professor of Painting to the Royal Academy in Lon- don; . . . The former written, and the latter edited by John Knowles, his executor. London, 1831. Three volumes. Octavo. Plate. Knox, John. The History of the Reformation in Scotland. Edited by David Laing. Edinburgh, 1846-1848. Two volumes. Octavo, pp. xliv, 564; vi, 644. 206 Massachusetts Historical Society Knox, John (continued). Life of John Knox, containing illustrations of the his- tory of the Reformation in Scotland ; by T. McCrie. Knox, Vicesimus. Complaint of peace ; by D. Erasmus. Kobell, Ferdinand. Radirungen. 178 platten. Nebst einem einleitenden vor- worte von Franz Kugler. Stuttgart. Folio, pp. 8. Plates. Niirnberg pasted over imprint. Koehler, Sylvester Rosa. Painting in America. [In " Illustrated Handbooks," by H. J. W.-Buxton.] Treatise on Etching; by M. Lalanne. Koeppen, Adolphus Louis. The World in the Middle Ages : an historical geography, with accounts of the origin and development, the insti- tutions and literature, the manners and customs of the nations in Europe, western Asia, and northern Africa, from the close of the fourth to the middle of the fifteenth century. Accompanied by complete historical and geo- graphical indexes, and six colored maps from the His- torical Atlas of Charles Spruner. New York, 1854. Folio, pp. (3), 232.' Maps. Koltzof-Massalsky, Helena Ghika. Switzerland the Pioneer of the Reformation : or La Suisse Allemande. By Madame la Comtesse Dora d'Istria. Translated from the French, and comprising the chapter suppressed by order of the Imperial Government in the Parisian edition of the work, by H. G. London, 1858. Two volumes. Octavo, pp. xxx, 458; vii, 441. Plates. Koner, Wilhelm David. Life of the Greeks and Romans, described from antique monuments; by E. Guhl. Koran, commonly called the Alcoran of Mohammed. Krummacher, Friedrich Adolph. German Parables. New York, 1833. i6mo. pp. 216. Kugler, Franz Theodor. Handbook of Painting. The German, Flemish, and Dutch schools. Based on the handbook of Kugler. Enlarged and for the most part re-written. By Dr. Waagen, director of the Royal Gallery of pictures, Berlin. Lon- Waterston Collection 207 Kugler, Franz Theodor (continued). don, 1860. Two volumes. Octavo, pp. xxi, 256; (2), 257-548. Plates. Handbook of Painting. The Italian schools. Translated, from the German of Kugler, by a lady. Edited, with notes, by Sir Charles L. Eastlake. Third edition. Lon- don, 1855. Two volumes. Octavo, pp. xxx, 272 ; (2), 273-583- Plates. Radirungen, 178 platten; by F. Kobell. Kiisel, Melchior. Engravings after John William Baur. Kusterus, Ludolphus. Bibliotheca Librorum Novorum collecta a L. Nevcoro. Trajecti ad Rhenum [Utrecht], 1697. Two volumes. i6mo. pp. (i), (14), 572, (36); 446, (7). Plates. Four parts in the first volume and three in the second, with separate titlepages : April, May, 1697; June, July; August, September; October, November, December; January, February, 1698; March, April j May, June. Labarte, Jules. Handbook of the Arts of the Middle Ages and Renais- sance, as applied to the decoration of furniture, arms, jewels, &c. &c. Translated from the French. [By Mrs. Fanny Bury Palliser.] With notes. London, 1855. Octavo, pp. xxxvi, 443. Plate. Laborde, Leon Emmanuel Simon Joseph de. Journey through Arabia Petraea, to Mount Sinai, and the excavated city of Petra, the Edom of the Prophecies. London, 1836. Octavo, pp. xxviii, 331. Plates. Laboulaye, Edouard Rene Lefebvre. Separation, war without end. [Loyal Publication So- ciety, No. 8.] Lace, History; by F. B. Palliser. Lacroix, Louis Paul Benoit Philippe. The Arts in the Middle Ages, and at the period of the Renaissance. London, 1870. Octavo, pp. xix, 520. Plates. Military and Religious Life in the Middle Ages and at the period of the Renaissance. New York, 1874. Octavo, pp. xx, 504. Plates. 20 8 Massachusetts Historical Society La Curne de Sainte Palaye, Jean Baptiste. Memoirs of the Life of Froissart. With an essay on his works, and a criticism on his history. Translated from the French. By Thomas Johnes. London, 1 80 1. i6mo. pp. (i), (i), 211. Lafayette, Gilbert Motier de. Recollections of the private life ; by J. Cloquet. La Fontaine, Jean de. Fables de x La Fontaine illustrees par J. J. Grandville. Nouvelle edition. Paris, 1838. Two volumes. Octavo, pp. (3), xxviii, 292; (3), 312. Plates. The Fables of La Fontaine. Translated into English Verse by Walter Thornbury. London. Folio, pp. Ixiv, 839, (i). Plates. Laing, David. History of the Reformation in Scotland; by J. Knox. Laing, Samuel. The Heimskringla ; or, Chronicle of the Kings of Norway. Translated from the Icelandic of Snorro Sturleson, with a preliminary dissertation. London, 1844. Three vol- umes. Octavo. Journal of a Residence in Norway during the years 1834, 1835, & 1836; made with a view to enquire into the moral and political economy of that country, and the condition of its inhabitants. New edition. London, 1851. I2mo. pp. 306. Notes of a Traveller, on the Social and Political State of France, Prussia, Switzerland, Italy, and other parts of Europe, during the present century. London, 1842. Octavo, pp. xii, 496. Same. London, 1854. I2mo. pp. viii, 284. Observations on the social and political state of Denmark, and the Duchies of Sleswick and Holstein, in 1851: being the third series of the notes of a traveller on the social and political state of the European people. Lon- don, 1852. Octavo, pp. xvi, 446. Laird, Francis Charles. Lady Jane Grey, and her Times. London, 1822. I2mo. pp. vii, 391, (i). Plates inserted. Lalanne, Maxime. A Treatise on Etching. Text and plates by Maxime Waterston Collection 209 Lalanne, Maxime (continued). Lalanne. Authorized American edition, translated from the second French edition by S. R. Koehler. With an introductory chapter and notes by the translator. Bos- ton, 1880. Octavo, pp. xxx, 79. Plates. Lamartine, Alphonse de. Biographical sketch, the poetical meditations, and poetical and religious harmonies of; by W. Pulling. Memoirs of Celebrated Characters. Second edition [first volume]. London, 1854. Two volumes. Octavo, pp. (i), xxxi, 457; (3), 452. CEuvres completes. Paris, 1837. Two volumes. Octavo, PP- (3). 444, (3); (3)^465, (i), (3)- Plates. Lamb, Charles. Charles Lamb, a memoir; by B. W. Procter. Charles Lamb, his friends, his haunts, and his books; by P. H. Fitzgerald. Elia. Essays which have appeared under that signature in the London Magazine. London, 1823. I2mo. pp. (3), (2), 34i. Essays of Elia, to which are added letters, and Rosamund, a tale. Paris, 1839. Octavo, pp. xv, 364. The Essays of Elia. New edition. London, 1853. i6mo. pp. viii, 436. The Letters of Charles Lamb, with a sketch of his life. By Thomas Noon Talfourd, one of his executors. London, 1837. Two volumes. i6mo. pp. x, 335, (i); (2), 338. Plates. The Poetical Works of Charles Lamb. London, 1845. Octavo, pp. viii, 56. The Prose Works of Charles Lamb. London, 1836. Three volumes. I2mo. Specimens of English Dramatic Poets, who lived about the time of Shakspeare. With notes. New edition. Lon- don, 1835. Two volumes. i6mo. pp. xii, 367; viii, 377, CO- The Works of Charles Lamb. New edition. London, 1852. Octavo, pp. xv, 648. Plate. Lambeth and the Vatican : or anecdotes of the Church of Rome of the Reformed Churches, and of sects and sectaries. By a member of the University of Oxford. London, 1825. Three volumes. i6mo. Plates. 14 2i o Massachusetts Historical Society Lamps. A Collection of antique vases, altars, paterae, tripods, candelabra; by H. Moses. Lucernae fictiles Musei Passerii. Lamson, Alvan. The Church of the first three centuries : or, notices of the lives and opinions of some of the early fathers, with special reference to the doctrine of Trinity; illustrating its late origin and gradual formation. Boston, 1860. Octavo, pp. xii, 352. Lamson, Mary Swift. Life and Education of Laura Dewey Bridgman, the deaf, dumb, and blind girl. Boston, 1881. I2mo. pp. xl, 373. Plates. Landor, Walter Savage. Imaginary Conversations of the Greeks and Romans. London, 1853. I2mo. pp. viii, 492. Walter Savage Landor, a biography; by J. Forster. Landscape Book, A, by American artists and American authors. New York, 1868. Octavo, pp. (i), (4), 108. Plates. Lane, Edward William. An Account of the Manners and Customs of the Modern Egyptians, written in Egypt during the years 1833, -34, and -35, partly from notes made during a former visit to that country in the years 1825, -26, -27, and -28. The fifth edition, with numerous additions and improvements, from a copy annotated by the author. Edited by his nephew Edward Stanley Poole. London, 1860. Oc- tavo, pp. xxiii, 619, (i). Plate. Thousand and one nights, commonly called, in England, the Arabian nights' entertainments. Langhorne, John. The Fables of Flora. London, 1794. i6mo. pp. 73. Languages, Enqviries touching the diversity; by E. Brere- wood. Languet, Hubert. Correspondence of Sir Philip Sidney; by S. A. Pears. Lanquet, Thomas. An Epitome of Chronicles conteining the whole discourse of the histories as well of this realme of England, as all other countreis, with the succession of their kynges, . . . Waterston Collection 2 1 1 Lanquet, Thomas (continued). and now finished and continued to the reigne of our soveraine lorde kynge Edwarde the sixt by Thomas Cooper. Anno 1569 [1549]. London. i6mo. pp. ( 4 6), (584), (2). Lanzi, Luigi. The History of Painting in Italy, from the period of the revival of the fine arts to the end of the eighteenth cen- tury : translated from the original Italian. By Thomas Roscoe. London, 1828. Six volumes. Octavo. Same, new edition, revised. London, 1852. Two vol- umes. I2mo. pp. viii, 544; vi, 538. Plates. Same, abridged. [In " Classic and Connoisseur," by G. W. D. Evans.] Lappenberg, Johann Martin. A History of England under the Anglo-Saxon Kings, translated from the German. By Benjamin Thorpe. With additions and corrections by the author and the translator. London, 1845. Two volumes. Octavo, pp. Ixviii, 292; xvi, 371. Lardner, Nathaniel. The works of Nathaniel Lardner. With a life by Dr. Kippis. London, 1838. Ten volumes. Octavo. Larwood, Jacob. See L. R. Sadler. La Salle, Robert Cavelier de. New discovery of a vast country in America; by L. Hennepin. Lassell, Jane and Caroline. Life of Alexander von Humboldt ; by C. C. Bruhns. Latour, Antoine de. Oeuvres de Silvio Pellico. Latter Day Saints. Authentic history. [In " Route," by J. Linforth.] Lauder, Thomas Dick. Sir Uvedale Price on the Picturesque: with an essay on the origin of taste, and much original matter. Edin- burgh, 1842. Octavo, pp. xvi, 586. Plate. Lavall6e, Joseph. Galerie du Musee Napoleon, publiee par Filhol. Lavater, Johan Caspar. Aphorisms on Man. Translated [by Henry Fuseli] from 212 Massachusetts Historical Society Lavater, Johan Caspar (continued). the original manuscript. Second edition. London, 1789. [Volume I.] i6mo. pp. viii, 224. Plate. Lawrence, Abbott. Memoir; by H. A. Hill. Lawrence, Amos. Extracts from the Diary and Correspondence of the late Amos Lawrence ; with a brief account of some incidents in his life. Edited by his son, William R. Lawrence. Boston, 1855. Octavo, pp. viii, (3), ix-xiv, 15-369. Plates. Lawrence, Thomas. Life and correspondence; by D. E. Williams. Lawson, John Parker. Scotland Delineated. A series of views of the principal cities and towns, particularly of Edinburgh and its en- virons; . . . London. Two volumes. Folio, pp. (i), (2), 198; (i), 199-285. Plates. Layard, Austen Henry. Discoveries in the Ruins of Ninevah and 'Babylon; with travels in Armenia, Kurdistan and the Desert: being the result of a second expedition undertaken for the trustees of the British Museum. London, 1853. Two volumes. Octavo, pp. xxiii, 336 ; (i), 337-686. Plates. Ninevah and its Remains : with an account of a visit to the Chaldsean Christians of Kurdistan, and the Yezidis, or Devil-worshippers ; and an enquiry into the manners and arts of the ancient Assyrians. Sixth edition. Lon-. don, 1854. Two volumes. Octavo, pp. xxx, (i), 399, (i) ; xii, 495, (i). Plates. A Second Series of the Monuments of Ninevah ; including bas-reliefs from the Palace of Sennacherib and bronzes from the ruins of Nimroud. From drawings made on the spot, during a second expedition to Assyria. Lon- don, 1853. Oblong folio, pp. viii, 7. Plates. Lear, Edward. Journal of a Landscape Painter in Corsica. London, 1870. Octavo, pp. xvi, 272. Plates. Journals of a Landscape Painter in Albania, &c. London, 1851. Octavo, pp. (3), 428. Plates. Journals of a Landscape Painter in Southern Calabria, &c. London, 1852. Quarto, pp. xx, (i), (i), 284. Waterston Collection 213 Lecky, William Edward Hartpole. History of European Morals from Augustus to Charle- magne. New York, 1869. Two volumes. Octavo, pp. xviii, 498; x, 423. Le Clerc, Jean. Truth of the Christian religion; by H. Grotius. Ledyard, John. Life ; by J. Sparks. Memoirs of the life and travels, from his journals and cor- respondence; by same. Lee, Eliza Buckminster. Memoirs of Rev. Joseph Buckminster, and of his son, Rev. Joseph Stevens Buckminster. Boston, 1849. I2mo. pp. x, (i), 486. Plates. Lee, John Edward. Lake dwellings of Switzerland and other parts of Europe ; by F. Keller. Lee, Samuel. Works of Horace. Works of Virgil. Lee, Sarah. Memoirs of Baron Cuvier. London, 1833. Octavo, pp. (3), 351, (i). Plates. Leech, John. Pictures of Life & Character by John Leech. From the collection of Mr. Punch. London, 1865. Four series bound in two volumes. Oblong quarto, pp. (190); (190). Leigh, James Edward Austen-. A Memoir of Jane Austen. By her nephew. London. 1870. Octavo, pp. v, (2), 236. Plate. Leighton, John. The Life of Man, symbolised by the months of the year in a series of illustrations, and pourtrayed in their sea- sons and phases, with passages selected from ancient and modern authors. By Richard Pigot. London, 1866. Quarto, pp. xii, (4), 240. Plate. Leighton, Robert. The Whole Works of the Most Reverend Father in God, Robert Leighton, Archbishop of Glasgow. To which is prefixed, a life of the author, by the Rev. John Nor- 214 Massachusetts Historical Society Leighton, Robert (continued). man Pearson. New edition. London, 1859. Two volumes. Octavo, pp. 615, (i); 672. Plate. Leighton, Rufus. Lessons from the world of matter and the world of man; by T. Parker. Leitch, John. Ancient art and its remains; by C. O. Miiller. Lennox, Charlotte (Ramsay). Memoirs of the Duke of Sully. Lennox, William Pitt. Drafts on my Memory : being men I have known, things I have seen, places I have visited. London, 1866. Two volumes. Octavo, pp. vii, 381 ; viii, 432. Leonowens, Anna Harriette. The English Governess at the Siamese Court : being recol- lections of six years in the Royal Palace at Bangkok. Boston, 1870. Octavo, pp. x, 321. Plates. Le Prince, Jean Baptist. Divers Ajustements et Usages de Russie . . . Dessines en Russie d'apres Nature et Graves a 1'Eau forte. Quarto, pp. (i), (i). Plates. Lepsius, Carl Richard. Discoveries in Egypt, Ethiopia, and the peninsula of Sinai, in the years 1842-1845, during the mission sent out by His Majesty Frederick William IV. of Prussia. Edited, with notes, by Kenneth R. H. Mackenzie. Second edi- tion, with additions and corrections. London, 1853. Octavo, pp. xvi, 455. Plates. Le Sage, Alain Rene. The Adventures of Gil Bias of Santillane. Translated from the French of Lesage. New edition. London, 1822. Four volumes. i6mo. Plates. Leslie, Charles Robert. A Hand-Book for Young Painters. London, 1855. Oc- tavo, pp. xiii, (i), 313, (i). Plates. Life and Times of Sir Joshua Reynolds: with notices of some of his contemporaries. Commenced by Charles Robert Leslie, continued and concluded by Tom Taylor. London, 1865. Two volumes. Octavo, pp. xvii, 532; vii, 646. Plates. Waterston Collection 215 Leslie, Charles Robert (continued). Memoirs of the Life of John Constable, Esq. Composed chiefly of his Letters. Second edition. London, 1845. Octavo, pp. xi, 363, ( i ) . Lester, Charles Edwards. The Artists of America: a series of biographical sketches of American artists ; with portraits and designs on steel. New York, 1846. Octavo, pp. vi, 257. Plates. Letter to a bishop. See Great Britain. Letters from a farmer [John Dickinson]. Letters from Europe touching the American contest. [Loyal Publication Society, No. 70.] Letters of loyal soldiers. [Loyal Publication Society, No. 64.] Letters written by eminent persons; by J. Walker. Letter-writing. History, from the earliest period to the fifth century; by W. Roberts. Leuchtenberg Gallery, a collection of pictures, at Munich. Lewes, George Henry. The Life and Works of Goethe : with sketches of his age and contemporaries, from published and unpublished sources. London, 1855. Two volumes. Octavo, pp. xx, 423 ; xii, 464. Plates. Lewis, John. The*New Testament of Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ translated out of the Latin Vulgat by John Wiclif. To which is praefixt a history of the several translations of the H. Bible and N. Testament, &c. into English, both in MS. and print, and of the most remarkable editions of them since the invention of printing. London, 1731. Folio, pp. (i), iv, (i), (2), 1 08, 156, viii. Plates. Lewis, John Frederick. Lewis's Sketches and Drawings, of the Alhambra, made during a residence in Granada, in the years 1833-4. London, 1835. Folio, pp. (i), (2). Plates. Lewis, Marie Theresa. Extracts from the journals and Correspondence of Miss [Mary] Berry from the year 1783 to 1852. Lewis, Meriwether. History of the expedition under the command of Captains Lewis and Clarke; by P. Allen. 2i 6 Massachusetts Historical Society Lewis, Meriwether (continued). Message from the President of the United States, com- municating discoveries made in exploring the Missouri, Red River and Washita. Travels to the source of the Missouri River and across the American continent to the Pacific Ocean; by T. Rees. Lewis, Weston. Proceedings of the Common Council [of Boston] at the close of its last meeting, with the address of President Lewis, 1867. Leyden. Beschryving der Stad Leyden ; by J. J. Orlers. Liberty, Observations on the nature of civil; by R. Price. Liberty Bell, The. By Friends of Freedom. Boston : Na- tional Antb-Slavery Bazaar, 1853. I2mo. pp. viii, 315. Libraries. Introduction to the study of bibliography ; by T. H. Home. Librarian's manual; by R. A. Guild. Libraries and founders of libraries ; by E. Edwards. Memoirs of libraries ; by same. Remarks on public libraries ; by G. Livermore. Library Company of Philadelphia. The Charter, Laws, and Catalogue of Books, of the Library Company of Philadelphia. Philadelphia, 1764. I2mo. pp. 26, 150. Lichfield, England. History and antiquities of the see and cathedral church ; by J. Britton. Liddell, Henry George. The Student's Rome. A history of Rome from the earliest . times to the establishment of the Empire. With chapters on the history of literature and art. Thirteenth thou- sand. London, 1860. I2mo. pp. x, 676. Plate. Lieber, Francis. Address on secession. [Loyal Publication Society, No. 77.] Arguments of secessionists. [Loyal Publication Society, No. 35.] Contributions to Political Science, including lectures on the Constitution of the United States and other papers. Being Volume II. of his miscellaneous writings. Phila- delphia, 1 88 1. Octavo, pp. 552. Waterston Collection 217 Lieber, Francis (continued). Lincoln oder McCIellan? [Loyal Publication Society, No. 59.] Lincoln of McClellan? [Loyal Publication Society, No. 7i.] Lincoln or McClellan. [Loyal Publication Society, No. 67.] No party now, but all for our country. [Loyal Publica- tion Society, No. 16.] Reminiscences, Addresses, and Essays. Being Volume I. of his miscellaneous writings. Philadelphia, 1881. Oc- tavo, pp. 534. Plate. Slavery, plantations, and the yeomanry. [Loyal Publica- tion Society, No. 29.] Liechtenstein, Marie. Holland House [Kensington]. Second edition. London, 1874. Two volumes. Octavo, pp. xvi, 289, (i); xi, 259, (i). Plates. Lievre, Edouard. Art Gems. A series of thirty high-class engravings from pictures by the most eminent painters ancient and modern. Produced under the direction of Edouard Lievre, with notices of the artists and their works. London, 1873. Folio, pp. (4), 60. Plates. Light, Researches on, in its chemical relations; by R. Hunt. Lighthouses and lightships; by W. H. D. Adams. Lilly, William. William Lilly's History of his Life and Times, from the year 1602 to 1681. Written by himself, in the sixty-sixth year of his age, to his worthy friend, Elias Ashmole, Esq. Published from the original MS. London, 1715. London, 1822. Octavo, pp. (3), 260. Plates. Lincoln, Abraham. History of Abraham Lincoln and the overthrow of slavery ; by I. N. Arnold. Lincolniana. In memoriam. Boston, 1865. Octavo, pp. vi, (i),346. Memorial, 1865; by the city of Boston. Lincoln's Inn [London], its ancient and modern buildings, with an account of the library; by W. H. Spilsbury. 2i 8 Massachusetts Historical Society Lindsay, Alexander William Crawford. Sketches of the history of Christian art. London, 1847. Three volumes. Octavo. Linforth, James. Route from Liverpool to Great Salt Lake Valley . . . together with a geographical and historical description of Utah, . . . also, an authentic history of the Latter- Day Saints' emigration from Europe. Liverpool, 1855. Folio, pp. viii, 120. Plates. Lingard, John. The History and Antiquities of the Anglo-Saxon Church ; containing an account of its origin, government, doc- trines, worship, revenues, and clerical and monastic in- stitutions. London, 1845. Two volumes. Octavo, pp. xv, 427, (i); xii, 481, (i). Linton, Eliza Lynn, The Lake Country. London, 1864. Octavo, pp. xxxix, (i), 350, (i). Plates. Literature. Amenities of literature ; by I. D'Israeli. American common-place book; by G. B. Cheever. Common-place book ; by A. Jameson. Curiosities of literature ; by I. D'Israeli. Cyclopaedia of anecdotes of literature and the fine arts ; by K. Arvine. Half-hours with the best authors; by C. Knight. Handbook of universal literature, from the best and latest authorities; by A. C. L. Botta. Handbook to the popular, poetical, and dramatic literature of Great Britain; by W. C. Hazlitt. Historical view of literature and art in Great Britain from the accession of the House of Hanover to the reign of Queen Victoria; by J. M. Graham. Lectures on the history of literature; by K. W. F. von Schlegel. Miscellanies of literature; by I. D'Israeli. Pleasures, objects, and advantages of literature; by R. A. Willmott. Sketches of English literature ; by F. A. R. Chateaubriand. Specimens of foreign standard literature ; by G. Ripley. Littleton, Thomas. Littleton's tenvres in English ; by E. Coke. Waterston Collection 219 Livermore, George. Remarks on the Publication and Circulation of the Scrip- tures: suggested by Rev. W. P. Strickland's history of the American Bible Society, and published as a review of that work in the Christian Examiner for November, eighteen hundred and forty-nine. Cambridge, 1849. Octavo, pp. 31. Presentation copy to Mrs. Waterston, Cambridge, July, 1850. Remarks on Public Libraries. From " The North Ameri- can Review" for July, 1850. For private distribution only. Cambridge, 1850. Octavo, pp. 40. Presentation copy, Cambridge, July, 1850. Lives of eminent and remarkable characters; under Great Britain. Lives of the British reformers; under same. Livius, Titus. T. Livii Patavini Historici tertiae decadis [and " quartae decadis"]. Venice, 1498. Folio, pp. (326). Cuts. Lloyd, Hannibal Evans. History of the English Revolution ; by F. C. Dahlmann. Picturesque Views in England and Wales. From draw- ings by J. M. W. Turner, engraved under the superin- tendence of Mr. Charles Heath. London, 1838. Two volumes. Folio, pp. (100); (106). Plates. Lloyd, Lewis. Scandinavian Adventures, during a Residence of upwards of twenty years. Representing sporting incidents, and subjects of natural history, and devices for entrapping wild animals. With some account of the Northern Fauna. London, 1854. Two volumes. Octavo, pp. xxi, 512; xi, 546. Plates. Lloyd, William Watkiss. The Age of Pericles. A history of the politics and arts of Greece from the Persian to the Peloponnesian war. London, 1875. Two volumes. Octavo, pp. xviii, (i), 390; xiv, (i), 416. Locke, John. Life ; by P. King. Original letters ; by T. I. M. Forster. The Reasonableness of Christianity, as delivered in the Scriptures. With a preface by the American editor. Boston, 1811. i6mo. pp. xxx, (i), 256. 22O Massachusetts Historical Society Lockhart, John Gibson. Ancient Spanish Ballads ; historical and romantic. Trans- lated, with notes. A new edition revised. With an in- troductory essay on the origin, antiquity, character, and influence of the Ancient Ballads of Spain : and an analytical account, with specimens, of the Romance of the Cid. New York, 1842. Octavo, pp. vi, (i), 272. Peter's Letters to his Kinsfolk. Second edition. Edin- burgh, 1819. Three volumes. Octavo. Plates. Lodge, Edmund. The Peerage of the British Empire as at present existing arranged and printed from the personal communications of the nobility. To which is added a view of the baronet- age of the three kingdoms. Sixth edition. London, 1837. Octavo, pp. xxxi, 596, (i). Portraits of Illustrious Personages of the Court of Henry VIII. Engraved in imitation of the original drawings of Hans Holbein, in the collection of His Majesty. With biographical and historical memoirs. Published by John Chamberlaine. London, 1828. Folio, pp. (142). Plates. Lodge, Giles Henry. History of ancient art among the Greeks ; by J. Winckel- mann. Lodge, Thomas. Lamentable and tragical! historic of the wars and vtter rvine of the lews; by Josephus. Loebell, Johann Wilhelm. Life and letters of Barthold George Niebuhr. Loftus, William Kennett. Travels and Researches in Chaldsea and Susiana; with an account of excavations at Warka, the " erech " of Nimrod, and Shush, " Shushan the Palace " of Esther, in 1849-52, . . . New York, 1857. Octavo, pp. xvi, 436. Plates. London, England. Anecdotes of the English language, chiefly regarding the local dialect of London and its environs ; by S. Pegge. Annals of S. Paul's Cathedral ; by H. H. Milman. Companion to the most celebrated private galleries of art in London ; by A. Jameson. History of the royal foundation of Christ's Hospital; by W. Trollope. Waterston Collection 221 London, England (continued). Holland House [Kensington] ; by M. Liechtenstein. Holmes's great metropolis, or, views and history of Lon- don in the nineteenth century. Literary and historical memorials of London; by J. H. Jesse. London; by C. Knight. London and its celebrities, a second series of literary and historical memorials of London; by J. H. Jesse. New and universal history, description and survey of the cities of London and Westminster, the borough of Southwark, and their adjacent parts; by W. Harrison. Northern heights of London ; by W. Howitt. Old London; by the Archaeological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland. Portion 'of the journal kept by Thomas Raikes, 1831-1847, life in London and Paris. Some account of London ; by T. Pennant. Survey of. London, written in the year 1 598 ; by J. Stow. Temple Church; by C. G. Addison. Town, its memorable characters and events, St. Paul's to St. James's ; by J. H. L. Hunt. Vestiges of old London, a series of etchings from original drawings, illustrative of the monuments and architecture of London ; by J. W. Archer. Views in London and its vicinity ; by G. Cooke. Walks in London; by A. J. C. Hare. Walks through London, including Westminster and the borough of Southwark, with the surrounding suburbs; by E. Pugh. London Journal ; by J. H. L. Hunt. Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth. The Courtship of Miles Standish, and other poems. Lon- don, 1859. I2mo. pp. (3), (2), 119, (i). Plate. Divine Comedy of Dante AlighieH. TheEstray: a collection of poems. Boston, 1847. i6mo. pp. xiv, (i), 144. Presentation copy. The Golden Legend. London, 1854. I2mo. pp. vi, (i), 224. Same. Boston, 1855. I2mo. Hyperion: a romance Boston, 1853. I2mo. pp. xii, (i), 304- 222 Massachusetts Historical Society Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth (continued). In the woods with Bryant, Longfellow, and Halleck; by J. A. Hows. Life; by S. Longfellow. Outre-Mer; a pilgrimage beyond the sea. New York, 1835. Two volumes. i6mo. pp. (3), 226; (3), 252. The Poets and Poetry of Europe. With introductions and biographical notices. Philadelphia, 1845. Octavo, pp. (i), xviii, (i), 779. Plate. The Song of Hiawatha. Boston, 1860. Octavo, pp. viii, 224. Tales of a Wayside Inn. Boston, 1866. Octavo, pp. iv, (i), (i), 159, (i). Plate. Longfellow, Samuel. Hymns of the Spirit. [By Mr. Longfellow and Samuel Johnson.] Boston, 1864. i6mo. pp. vii, 518. Life of Henry Wadsworth Longfellow with Extracts from his Journals and Correspondence. Boston, 1886. Two volumes. Octavo, pp. viii, (i), (i),433; vl > (*)> 4^1. Plates. Lonsdale, James Gylby. Works of Horace, and of Virgil. Loring, James Spear. The Hundred Boston Orators appointed by the municipal authorities and other public bodies, from 1770 to 1852; comprising historical gleanings, illustrating the princi- ples and progress of our Republican institutions. Bos- ton, 1852. Octavo, pp. viii, 694. Lossing, Benson John. The Home of Washington and its associations, historical, biographical, and pictorial. New edition, revised, with additions. New York, 1866. Octavo, pp. 376. Plate. First issued as " Mount Vernon and its Associations," New York, 1859. The Pictorial Field-Book of the Revolution; or, illustra- tions, by pen and pencil, of the history, biography, scenery, relics, and traditions of the War for Independ- ence. New York, 1860. Two volumes. Octavo, pp. 783 ; 772. Plates. Loubat, Joseph Florimond. Narrative of the Mission to Russia, in 1866, of the Hon. Gustavus Vasa Fox, Assistant-Secretary of the Navy. From the journal and notes of J. F. Loubat. Edited Waterston Collection 223 Loubat, Joseph Florimond (continued). by John D. Champlin, Jr. New York, 1873. Octavo, pp. viii, (i), 9-444. Plates. Lovewell, John. Expeditions, and his encounters with the Indians; by F. Kidder. Historical Memoirs of the Late Fight at Piggwacket. [In " Expeditions " by same.] Low, Nathaniel. An Astronomical Diary; or, Almanack, for the year of Christian yEra, 1777. . . . Boston. i6mo. pp. (24). Lowell, Charles. Sermons : chiefly practical. By the Senior Minister of the West Church in Boston. Boston, 1855. i2mo. pp. ix, 362. West Church and its ministers, fiftieth anniversary of the ordination of Charles Lowell; by C. A. Bartol. Lowell, James Russell. Conversations on some of the old poets. Cambridge, 1845. i6mo. pp. viii, 263. My Study Windows. Twenty-first edition. Boston, 1885. I2mo. pp. (5), 433. Poems. Cambridge, 1844. Octavo, pp. xii, 279. Same, third edition. Poetical works. Complete edition. Boston, 1871. i6mo. pp. ix, 453. Plates. Reader! walk up at once (it will soon be too late) and buy at a perfectly ruinous rate A Fable for Critics; or Better I like, as a thing that the reader's first fancy may strike, an old fashioned title-page, such as presents a tabular view of the volume's contents A Glance at a few of our Literary Progenies (Mrs. Malaprop's word) From the Tub of Diogenes; that is, a series of Jokes By A Wonderful Quiz, who accompanies himself with a rub-a-dub-dub, full of spirit and grace, on the top of the tub. Set forth in October, the 2ist day, in the year '48, by G. P. Putnam, Broadway. i6mo. pp. (2), 78. Lowell, John, Jr. Memoir delivered as the introduction to the lectures on his foundation, in the Odeon, 3ist December, 1839, repeated in the Marlborough Chapel, 2d January, 1840; by E. Everett. 224 Massachusetts Historical Society Lowell Institute. Lectures; by C. C. Felton. Lbwenberg, Julius. Life of Alexander von Humboldt ; by C. C. Bruhns. Lowndes, William Thomas. The Bibliographer's Manual of English Literature con- taining an account of rare, curious, and useful books, published in or relating to Great Britain and Ire- land, from the invention of printing; with biblio- graphical and critical notices, collations of the rarer articles, and the prices at which they have been sold in the present century. London, 1834. Four volumes. Octavo. Lowth, Robert. Isaiah: a new translation; with a preliminary disserta- tion, and notes, critical, philological, and explanatory. Eleventh edition, carefully corrected and revised. Lon- don, 1835. Octavo, pp. iv, Hi, 421. The Life of William of Wykeham, Bishop of Winchester. Collected from records, registers, manuscripts, and other authentic evidences. Third edition, corrected. Oxford, 1777. Octavo, pp. xxxii, 321, li, (i). Loyal Publication Society. Pamphlets issued by the Loyal Publication Society, from Feb. i, 1863, to Feb. I, 1864. Nos. i to 44. New York, 1864. Octavo. No. i. The Future of the North-West : in connection with the scheme of reconstruction without New England. Addressed to the people of Indiana. By Robert Dale Owen. New York, 1863. Octavo, pp. 15, (i). No. 2. The Echo from the Army. What our soldiers say about the copperheads. New York, 1865. Octavo, pp. 7, (i). No. 3. See Loyal Reprints. No. 4. The Three Voices : the soldier, farmer, and poet, to the copperheads. New York, 1863. Octavo, pp. 12. No. 5. Voices from the Army! . . . Octavo, pp. 8. No. 6. Northern true Men and Southern Traitors. Ad- dress on resolutions of the Connecticut soldiers. . . . New York, 1863. Octavo, pp. 8. No. 7. Character and Results of the War. . . . speech by Major-General B. F. Butler. Octavo, pp. 16. Waterston Collection 225 Loyal Publication Society (continued). No. 8. Separation: war without end. By M. Edouard Laboulaye. New York, 1864. Octavo, pp. 19, (i). No. 9. The Venom and the Antidote. Octavo, pp. 4. No. 10. A few words in behalf of the Loyal Women of the United States, by one of themselves. New York, 1863. Octavo, pp. 23. No. ii. No failure for the North. New York, 1864. Octavo, pp. 23, ( i ) . No. 12. An Address to King Cotton [by P. C. E. Pelletan]. Translated by Leander Starr. New York, 1863. Oc- tavo, pp. 19. No. 13. How a free people conduct a long war. By Charles J. Stille. New York, 1863. Octavo, pp. 16. No. 14. The Preservation of the Union, a national eco- nomic necessity. New York, 1863. Octavo, pp. 7. No. 15. Elements of Discord in Secessia [by William Alexander], New York, 1863. Octavo, pp. 16. No. 1 6. No Party now; but all for our country. [Ad- dress by Dr. Francis Lieber, New York, April n, 1863. Revised edition.] New York, 1863. Octavo, pp. 8. No. 17. The Cause of the War: who brought it on, and for what purpose? Speech of Col. Charles Anderson. New York, 1863. Octavo, pp. 16. No. 1 8. Opinions of the early Presidents, and of the Fathers of the Republic, upon Slavery, and upon Negroes as men and soldiers. New York, 1863. Oc- tavo, pp. 19, (i). No. 19. Einheit und Freiheit [von Hermann Rafter]. New York, 1863. Octavo, pp. 16. No. 20. Military Despotism. Arbitrary arrest of a Judge [Dominick A. Hall]. New York, 1863. Octavo, pp. 16. No. 21. Letter addressed to the Opera House Meeting, Cincinnati, by Col. Charles Anderson. New York, 1863. Octavo, pp. 15, (i). No. 22. Emancipation is Peace. By Robert Dale Owen. Octavo, pp. 7, (i). No. 23. Letter of Peter Cooper on Slave Emancipation. New York, 1863. Octavo, pp. 8. No. 24. Patriotism, a Christian Virtue. A sermon preached by the Rev. Joseph Fransioli, at St. Peter's 226 Massachusetts Historical Society Loyal Publication Society (continued). (Catholic) Church, Brooklyn, July 26th, 1863. Octavo, pp.8. No. 25. The Condition of Reconstruction ; in a letter from Robert Dale Owen to the Secretary of State. Letter from Hon. S. P. Chase, ... to the Loyal National League. New York, 1863. Octavo, pp. 24. No. 26. Letter of Gen. A. J. Hamilton, of Texas, to the President of the United States. New York, 1865. Octavo, pp. (2), 1 8. No. 27. Nullification and Compromise; a retrospective view. By John Mason Williams. New York, 1863. Octavo, pp. 32. No. 28. The Death of Slavery. Letter from Peter Cooper to Governor Seymour [New York, Sept. 22, 1863]. Octavo, pp. 7, (i). No. 28. Part II. A Letter from Peter Cooper. To His Excellency Abraham Lincoln. . . . Octavo, pp. 9-12. No. 29. Slavery, Plantations, and the Yeomanry. [By Francis Lieber.] Octavo, pp.. 8. No. 30. Rebel Conditions of Peace and the Mechanics of the South. Octavo, pp. 4. No. 31. Address of the Loyal Leagues of the State of New York to the people of the State of New York. Conven- tion assembled at Utica, October 20, 1863. Octavo, pp.4. No. 32. War Power of the President summary imprison- ment habeas corpus [Hyde Park, Penn., June, 1863, by J. Heermans]. Octavo, pp. 10. No. 33. The Two Ways of Treason; or, the open traitor of the South face to face with his skulking abettor at the North. New York, 1863. Octavo, pp. 12. No. 34. The Monroe Doctrine. Paper by Edward Everett [Boston, Sept. 2, 1863, and letter of John Quincy Adams on the Monroe Doctrine, Quincy, August n, 1837, and the balance of power in Europe, by George Canning (extract from his speech in House of Com- mons, December 12, 1826)]. New York, 1863. Oc- tavo, pp. 17. No. 35. The Arguments of Secessionists. A letter to the Union Meeting, held in New York, September 30, 1863. By Francis Lieber. New York, 1863. Octavo, pp. 7. No. 36. Prophecy and Fulfillment. Part I. Speech of Waterston Collection 227 Loyal Publication Society (continued). A. H. Stephens of Georgia, ... in opposition to seces- sion in 1860. [Delivered November 14, 1860.] Part II. Address of E. W. Gantt, of Arkansas, ... in favor of reunion in 1863. [Little Rock, October 7, 1863.] New York, 1865. Octavo, pp. 22. Same. [Part II. of Gantt's Address with same titlepage.] New York, 1865. Octavo, pp. 24. No. 37. How the South Rejected Compromise in the Peace Conference of 1861. Speech of Mr. [Salmon Portland] Chase, of Ohio. . . . New York, 1863. Octavo, pp. n. No. 38. Letters on our National Struggle, by Brig.-Gen. Thomas Francis Meagher . . . New York, 1863. Oc- tavo, pp. 15, (i). No. 39. Part I. A Reply to the " Bible View of Slavery, by J. H. Hopkins, D.D., Bishop of the Diocese of Ver- mont," by H. Drisler. New York, 1863. Octavo, pp. 20. Same. Part II. The Bible View of Slavery Reconsidered. Letter to the Rt. Rev. Bishop Hopkins, by Louis C. Newman. Octavo, pp. 14. No. 40. The Conscription Act: a series of articles com- municated to the Journal of Commerce. By Ge6rge B. Butler. New York, 1863. Octavo, pp. 22. No. 41. Reponse de MM. De Gasparin, Laboulaye, Martin et Cochin, a la Ligue Loyale et Nationale de New York. New York, 1864. Octavo, pp. 20. No. 42. Reply of Messrs. Agenor de Gasparin, Edouard Laboulaye, Henri Martin, Augustin Cochin, to the Loyal National League of New York, together with the Ad- dress of the League, adopted at the mass inaugural meeting, in Union Square, April u, 1863. New York, 1864. Octavo, pp. 30. No. 43. Antwort der Herren Agenor de Gasparin, Edouard Laboulaye, Henri Martin, Augustin Cochin und anderer Freunde Amerikas in Frankreich an die Loyal National League zu New- York. Octavo, pp. n. No. 44. Proceedings at the First Anniversary Meeting of the Loyal Publication Society, February 13, 1864, with the annual reports, prepared by order of the Society, by the Secretary. New York, 1864. Octavo, pp. 24. Pamphlets issued by the Loyal Publication Society, from Feb. i, 1864, to Feb. i, 1865. Nos. 45 to 78. New York, 1865. Octavo. 228 Massachusetts Historical Society Loyal Publication Society (continued). No. 45. Finances & Resources of the United States. Speech of the Hon. Henry G. Stebbins, in the House of Representatives, March 3, 1864. New York, 1864. Octavo, pp. 22, (i). No. 46. How the War was Commenced. An appeal to the documents. Southern documents especially quoted. . . . New York, 1864. Octavo, pp. 16. No. 47. Results of the Serf Emancipation in Russia. New York, 1864. Octavo, pp. 8. No. 48. Resources of the United States. Report to the International Statistical Congress at Berlin, by Samuel B. Ruggles, Delegate from the United States of America: with the accompanying communication to the State Department, September I4th, 1863. New York, 1864. Octavo, pp. 30. No. 49. Soldiers' and Sailors' Patriotic Songs. By G. P. Putnam. New York, 1864. Octavo, pp. 19, (5). No. 50. The Constitution vindicated. Nationality, seces- sion, slavery. By James A. Hamilton. Octavo, pp. 12. No. 51. No Property in Man. Speech of Hon. Charles Sumner, on the proposed amendment of the Constitu- tion abolishing slavery through the United States. In the Senate of the United States, April 8th, 1864. New York, 1864. Octavo, pp. 23, (i). No. 52. Rebellion, Slavery, and Peace. By Hon. N. G. Upham. New York, 1864. Octavo, pp. 24. No. 53. Wie der Krieg angefangen wurde. Eine beru- fung auf die dokumente. ... [By F. Schutz. ] New- York, 1864. Octavo, pp. 15. No. 54. Our Burden and our Strength, or, a comprehen- sive and popular examination of the debt and resources of our country, present and prospective. By David A. Wells. New York, 1864. Octavo, pp. 39. No. 55. Der emancipate Sklave und sein friiherer Herr. An den Ehrenw. Edwin M. Stanton [by James McKaye, edited by F. Schutz] . New York, 1864. Octavo, pp. aM*>- No. 56. The Assertions of a Secessionist. From the speech of A. H. Stephens, of Georgia, November I4th, 1860. New York, 1864. Octavo, pp. 8. No. 57. Growler's Income Tax. By T. S. Arthur. Oc- tavo, pp. 4. Waterston Collection 229 Loyal Publication Society (continued). No. 58. The Mastership and its fruits : the emancipated slave face to face with his old master. A supplemental report to Hon. Edwin M. Stanton, Secretary of War. By James McKaye, Special Commissioner. New York, 1864. Octavo, pp. 38, (i). No. 59. Lincoln oder McClellan ? Auf ruf an die Deutschen in Amerika, von Franz Lieber. Octavo, pp. 4. No. 60. Peace through Victory : a Thanksgiving sermon, preached in Broadway Tabernacle Church, New York, on Sabbath, September n, 1864, by Joseph P. Thomp- son. New York, 1864. Octavo, pp. 16. No. 61. Sherman vs. Hood " a low tart, inclined to be very sweet " something for Douglas Democrats to remember an appeal to history where Governor Seymour got his " Lessons " on the Chicago surren- der. Octavo, pp. 3, (i). No. 62. The War for the Union. By William Swinton, . . . The first, second, third and fourth years of the war. September 9, 1864. New York, 1864. Octavo, pp. 20. No. 63. Gerrit Smith on McClellan's Nomination and Acceptance. New York, 1864. Octavo, pp. 15. No. 64. Letters of Loyal Soldiers [Generals Grant, Dix, Sickles, Sherman, McCall, Hooker, Wool, and Logan]. [Parts 1-4.] Octavo, pp. 4, 4, 4, 4. No. 65. Part i. The Submission ists & their Record. The Dodges of Mr. Pendleton, Chicago candidate for Vice- President. [From the Evening Post of October 6, 1864.] Octavo, pp. 4. No.. 65. Part 2. The Submissionists and their Record. What a copperhead mayor says of our victories. New York, 1864. Octavo, pp. 4. No. 66. Coercion completed, or Treason Triumphant. Re- marks, by John C. Hamilton, September, 1864. New York, 1864. Octavo, pp. 25, (i). No. 67. Lincoln or McClellan. Appeal to the Germans in America. By Francis Lieber. Translated from the German by T. C. Octavo, pp. 8. No. 68. The Cowards'-Convention [Nos. 1-3, by Charles Astor Bristed]. New York, 1864. Octavo, pp. 16. No. 69. Whom do English Tories wish elected to the Pres- idency. [By F. M. Edge.] Octavo, pp. 4. 230 Massachusetts Historical Society Loyal Publication Society (continued). Na 70. Letters from Europe touching the American con- test, and acknowledging the receipt, from citizens of New York, of presentation sets of the " Rebellion Rec- ord," and " Loyal Publication Society " publications. [By G. P. Putnam.] New York, 1864. Octavo, pp. 27. No. 71. Lincoln of McClellan? Oproep aan die Hollanders in Amerika. Van Francis Lieber. Octavo, pp. 4. No. 72. Fur die Freiheit Aller ! Fur die Einheit des Vater- landes! Reden von Friedrich Schiitz und Weil von Gernsbach. . . . Octavo, pp. n. No. 73. Relief for East Tennessee. Meeting at Cooper Institute, Thursday evening, March 10, 1864. Address of Hon. N. G. Taylor, . . . New York, 1864. Octavo, pp. 32. No. 74. The Slave Power: its heresies and injuries to the American people. A speech, by John C. Hamilton. November, 1864. Octavo, pp. 23. No. 75. The Great Issue. An address by John Jay, Esq. New York, 1865. Octavo, pp. 32. No. 76. Narrative of Privations and Sufferings of United States Officers & Soldiers while prisoners of war in the hands of the Rebel authorities. Being the report of a commission of inquiry, appointed by the United States Sanitary Commission! With an appendix, containing the testimony. . . . Boston. Octavo, pp. 87. Plates. No. 77. An Address on Secession. Delivered in South Carolina in the year 1851, by Francis Lieber. New York, 1865. Octavo, pp. 12. No. 78. Proceedings at the Second Anniversary Meeting of the Loyal Publication Society, February u, 1865, with the annual reports, prepared by order of the Society, by the Secretary. New York, 1865. Octavo, pp. 30. Loyal Reprints. No. 3. The Great Mass Meeting of Loyal Citizens, at Cooper Institute [New York], Friday evening, March 6, 1863. Octavo, pp. 1 6. Bound as No. 3 of Loyal Publication Society. Lubke, Wilhelm. Ecclesiastical Art in Germany during the middle ages. Translated from the fifth German edition with appendix Waterston Collection 231 Lubke, Wilhelm (continued). by L. A. Wheatley. Edinburgh, 1870. Octavo, pp. x, (i), 299. Plates. History of Art: Translated by F. E. Bunnett. Second edition. London, 1869. Two volumes. Octavo, pp. xvi, 466; xi, 473, (i). History of Sculpture, from the earliest ages to the present time. Translated by F. E. Bunnett. London, 1872. Two volumes. Octavo, pp. xii, 409, ( i ) ; viii, 500. Lucanus, Marcus Annaeus. Lvcanvs. [Civilis belli, libri X.] Venice, 1515. i6mo. pp. (274), (6). Lucretius Cams, Titus. T. Lucretius Carus, of the Nature of Things, in six books, translated into English verse; by Tho. Creech, late Fellow of Wadham College in Oxford. London, 1715, 1714. Two volumes. I2mo. pp. (i), (71), 424; (i), (6), 425-822, (34). Plate. Lugar, Robert. Villa Architecture : a collection of views, with plans, of buildings executed in England, Scotland, &c. London, 1828. Folio, pp. x, 34. Plates. Lumisden, Andrew. Remarks on the Antiquities of Rome and its environs: being a classical and topographical survey of the ruins of that celebrated city. Second edition. London, 1812. Quarto, pp. iv, 478, (12). Plates. Luther, Martin. D ris Martini Lutheri Colloquia Mensalia: or, D r Martin Luther's divine discourses at his table, &c. which in his life time hee held with divers learned men (such as were Philip Melancthon. . . . Translated out of the high Germane into the English tongue by Capt. Henrie Bell. London, 1652. Folio, pp. (i), (9), (23), (2), 541, (i). Plates. Life, in forty-eight historical engravings by Gustav Koenig; by J. C. Hare. Life, written by himself; by J. Michelet. Lynam, Robert. The History of the Roman Emperors, from Augustus to the death of Marcus Antoninus. Edited by the Rev. 232 Massachusetts Historical Society Lynam, Robert (continued). John T. White. London, 1850. Two volumes. Oc- tavo, pp. xxviii, 495; xviii, 587. Plates. Lyte, Henry Francis. Biographical sketch of Henry Vaughan. See Vaughan. Lytton, Edward George Earle Lytton Bulwer-. Athens, its Rise and Fall. With views of the literature, philosophy, and social life of the Athenian people. London, 1837. Two volumes. Octavo, pp. xiv, (i), 484; viii, 596. The Pilgrims of the Rhine. London, 1834. Octavo, pp. xxxvi, 341. Plates. Maberly, Joseph. The Print Collector. An introduction to the knowledge necessary for forming a collection of ancient prints . . . London, 1844. Octavo, pp. viii, 211. Plates. Macaulay, Thomas Babington. Critical and Historical Essays contributed to the Edin- burgh Review. New edition. London, 1866. Four volumes. i6mo. The History of England from the Accession of James the Second. London, 1869-1871. Eight volumes. I2mo. Life and letters of Lord Macaulay; by G. O. Trevelyan. The Life and Writings of Addison. New York, 1878. 32mo. pp. 127. Speeches, Parliamentary and Miscellaneous. London, 1853. Two volumes. Octavo, pp. xix, (i), 400; vi, (0, 392. MacClintock, Francis Leopold. The Voyage of the ' Fox ' in the Arctic Seas. A narrative of the discovery of the fate of Sir John Franklin and his companions. London, 1859. Octavo, pp. xxvii, 403. Plates. MacConechy, James. Poetical works of William Motherwell, with a memoir. McCrie, Thomas. History of the Progress and Suppression of the Reforma- tion in Italy in the sixteenth century : including a sketch of the history of the reformation in the Grisons. Second edition, enlarged. Edinburgh, 1833. Octavo, pp. xiv, 496. Waterston Collection 233 McCrie, Thomas (continued). History of the Progress and Suppression of the Reforma- tion in Spain in the sixteenth century. London, 1829. Octavo, pp. viii, 424. Life of John Knox: containing illustrations of the His- tory of the Reformation in Scotland. With biographical notices of the principal Reformers, and sketches of the progress of literature in Scotland during the sixteenth century ; and an appendix, consisting of original papers. Sixth edition. Edinburgh, 1839. Octavo, pp. xvi, 539. The Works of Thomas M'Crie. A new edition edited by his son. Edinburgh, 1855-1857. Four volumes. I2mo. MacDermott, Edward. The Merrie Days of England Sketches of the Olden Time. London, 1859. Quarto, pp. v, (2), 160. Plates. Macdonald, Alexander. Handbook of pictorial art ; by R. St. J. Tyrwhitt. M'Dougall, George Frederick. The Eventful Voyage of H. M. Discovery Ship " Reso- lute " to the Arctic Regions in search of Sir John Franklin and the missing crews of H. M. Discovery ships "Erebus" and "Terror," 1852, 1853, 1854. To which is added an account of her being fallen in with by an American whaler after her abandonment in Barrow Straits, and of her presentation to Queen Vic- toria by the Government of the United States. London, 1857. Octavo, pp. xl, 530. Plates. MacFarlane, Charles. Japan; an account, geographical and historical, from the earliest period at which the islands composing this em- pire were known to Europeans, down to the present time ; and the expedition fitted out in the United States, etc. London, 1852. Octavo, pp. xviii, (i), 435. Plates. MacFarren, Clara Natalia. My recollections of Felix Mendelssohn-Bartholdy, and his letters to me ; by E. P. Devrient. Machiavelli, Niccolo. The Works of the Famous Nicholas Machiavel, citizen and secretary of Florence. Written originally in Italian, and from thence newly and faithfully Translated into Eng- lish. London, 1680. Folio, pp. (3), (i), (18), 528, (15). 234 Massachusetts Historical Society Mackay, Charles. The Poetical Works of Allan Ramsay. With selections from the Scottish poets before Burns. London. Two volumes. Quarto, pp. vi, xliv, 324; vi, 355. Plates. Voices from the Mountains and from the Crowd. Boston, 1853. i6mo. pp. viii, 373. McKaye, James. Der emancipirte sklave. [Loyal Publication Society, No. 55.] The Mastership and its fruits, the emancipated slave face to face with his old Master. [Loyal Publication Society, No. 58.] Mackenzie, Campbell. Reformers before the Reformation; by F. P. . B. de Bonnechose. Mackenzie, George Steuart. Travels in the Island of Iceland, during the summer of the year 1810. Second edition. Edinburgh, 1812. Quarto, pp. xv, (i), (i), 491, (i). Plates. Mackenzie, Henry. The Works of Henry Mackenzie, Esq. Edinburgh, 1808. Eight volumes. I2mo. Plate. Mackenzie, Kenneth Robert Henderson. Discoveries in Egypt, Ethiopia, and the peninsula of Sinai, in the years 1842-1845; by C. R. Lepsius. Mackenzie, Robert Shelton. Christopher North, a memoir of John Wilson; by M. Gordon. Mackenzie, Thomas. Studies in Roman Law, with comparative views of the laws of France, England, and Scotland. Second edi- tion. Edinburgh, 1865. Octavo, pp. xxxv, (i), 403. Mackintosh, James. The History of England, from the earliest times, to the year 1588. New edition. [Volume L] Philadelphia, 1836. Octavo, pp. xviii, 11-465. The Miscellaneous Works of the Right Honourable Sir James Mackintosh. Second edition. London, 1851. Octavo, pp. viii, 829, (i). Plate. Macray, William Dunn. Annals of the Bodleian Library, Oxford, 1598-1867; with a preliminary notice of the earlier Library founded in Waterston Collection 235 Macray, William Dunn (continued). the fourteenth century. London, 1868. Octavo, pp. v, (i), 369, (2). A Manual of British Historians to 1600 containing a chronological account of the early chroniclers and monkish writers their printed works and unpublished MSS. London, 1845. Octavo, pp. xxiii, 109, (i). McVickar, John. Remains of the Rev. Edmund D. Griffin. Madden, Frederic. Universal palaeography, or fac-similes of writings of all nations and periods; by J. B. Silvestre. Madden, Frederic William. History of Jewish Coinage, and of Money in the Old and New Testament. London, 1864. Quarto, pp. xii, xi, 350. Plate. Madden, Richard Robert. The Shrines and Sepulchres of the Old and New World: records of pilgrimages in many lands, and researches connected with the history of places remarkable for memorials of the dead, or monuments of a sacred character; including notices of the funeral customs of the principal nations, ancient and modern. Lon- don, 1851. Octavo, pp. (i), xii, 562; (i), (i), (2), 692. Plates. Magliabecchi, Antonio. A Parallel, in a manner of Plutarch, between a most celebrated man of Florence, and one, scarce ever heard of, in England; by J. Spence. Magyars. Poetry of the Magyars, preceded by a sketch of the lan- guage and literature of Hungary and Transylvania; by J. Bowring. Mahon, Lord. See P. H. Stanhope. Maine. Poets ; by G. B. Griffith. Maintenon, Franchise d'Aubigne. The Secret Correspondence of Madame de Maintenon, with the Princess des Ursins; from the original manu- scripts in the possession of the Duke de Choiseul. Translated from the French. London, 1827. Three volumes. Octavo. Plates. 236 Massachusetts Historical Society Maitland, Samuel Roffey. The Dark Ages; a series of essays, intended to illustrate the state of religion and literature in the ninth, tenth, eleventh, and twelfth centuries. Third edition. Lon- don, 1853. Octavo, pp. xxiii, (i), 520. Major, John. Complete angler, or the contemplative man's recreation; by I. Walton. Major, Richard Henry. Select letters of Christopher Columbus. Mallet, David. The Life of Francis Bacon, Lord Chancellor of England. London, 1740. I2mo. pp. viii, 197. Malone, Edmund. Life; by J. Prior. Malory, Thomas. La Mort d'Arthure. The history of King Arthur and of the Knights of the Round Table. Edited from the text of the edition of 1634, with introduction and notes by Thomas Wright. London, 1858. Three volumes. i6mo. Story of Elaine; by J. S. R. Malta. Gleanings, pictorial and antiquarian, on the overland route; by W. H. Bartlett. History of the Knights of Malta ; by R. A. Vertot. Notes and observations on the Ionian Islands and Malta; by J. Davy. Mamertus, Claudianus. Divi Clavdiani Mamerti vienensis Galliarvm Episcopi, de statv animae, libri tres, Petro mosellano recognitore. Basiliae, 1520. I2mo. pp. 196, (2). Bound with Theophrastus's " Aeneae Platonic!"; vignette, around title, and initial letters, attributed to Hans Holbein. Man, John. Common places of Christian Religion, gathered by Wolf- gangus Musculus, for the use of such as desire the knowledge of Godly truthe, translated out of Latine into Englishe. Hereunto are added two other treatises, made by the same author, one of othes, and another of vsurye. With a most perfecte and plentifull table. London, 1563. Folio, pp. (12), (1174), (i), (55). Waterston Collection 2 37 Man. Earth and man ; by A. H. Guyot. Indigenous races of the earth ; by J. C. Nott. Life of man; by J. Leighton. Observations on man ; by D. Hartley. Races of man; by C. Pickering. Manchester Cathedral. [In " Winkles's Architectural and Picturesque Illustrations."] Mann, Horace. First Annual Report of the Board of Education [Massa- chusetts], together with the First Annual Report [and second to seventh] of the Secretary of the Board. Life of Horace Mann. By his wife. Boston, 1865. Oc- tavo, pp. 602. Same, second edition. Boston, 1865. 8vo. PP- x i> 9-609. An Oration delivered before the authorities of the city of Boston, July 4, 1842. Boston, 1842. Octavo, pp. 86. Slavery: letters and speeches. Boston, 1853. I2mo. xii, 564- Thoughts selected from the Writings of Horace Mann. Boston, 1867. i6mo. pp. (i), 240. Twelve Sermons : delivered at Antioch College. Boston, 1861. I2mo. pp. 314. Manning, Samuel. American Pictures drawn with pen and pencil. London. Quarto, pp. 224. Italian Pictures drawn with pen and pencil. London. Quarto, pp. 214. Spanish Pictures drawn with pen and pencil. London. Quarto, pp. 212. Plates. Mantuanus, Baptista. See Spagnuoli. Manuscripts, early. XII. century? Breviarum Romanum. XIV. century? Book of hours. " ? Bulls and orders of the Popes. " ? Missal. " " ? Puilegium testimonii sup puilegia ordinis Carthusiensium. XV. century? Chain book, 1460? " " D. Francisi Diedi, Oratio, 1468. Missal. 238 Massachusetts Historical Society Manuscripts, early (continued). XV. century? Missal Remain, an early Gothic book of hours, 1486? See for each title under Roman Catholic Church. Manutius, Paulus. Ciceronis de Oratore. M. Tvllii Ciceronis orationvm. Rhetoricorvm ad C. Herennivm; by Cicero. Mapei, Camillo. Italy, classical, historical and picturesque. Illustrated in a series of views . . . with descriptions of the scenes. Preceded by an introductory essay, on the recent history and present condition of Italy and the Italians. Glas- gow, 1856. Folio, pp. (2), ii, 2, cviii, 164. Plates. Mariotti, L. See A. C. N. Gallenga. Markham, Clements Robert. A Life of the great Lord Fairfax commander-in-chief of the Army of the Parliament of England. London, 1870. Octavo, pp. xii, (i), 480. Plates. Markham, Frederick. Shooting in the Himalayas. A journal of sporting adven- tures and travel in Chinese Tartary, Ladac, Thibet, Cashmere, &c. London, 1854. Octavo, pp. xii, 375, ( i ) . Plates. Marlborough, Duchess of. See S. Churchill. Marriage. Brides and bridals; by J. C. Jeaffreson. Marsh, Wilmot. Biblical Versions of Divine Hymns with annotations. London, 1845. Octavo, pp. (2), 758. Marshall, Humphrey, Memorials ; by W. Darlington. Marshall, John. Discourse upon the life, character, and services of; by J. Story. Marshall, William. Jeffery's edition of the Castle of Otranto, a Gothic story; by O. Muralto. Marsh-Caldwell, Anne (Caldwell). The Protestant Reformation in France; or, history of the Hugonots. London, 1847. Two volumes. Octavo, pp. xv, (i), 471, (i); vii, (i), 459, (i). Plates. Waterston Collection 239 Martin, Corneille. Les Genealogies et anciennes descentes des Forestiers et Comtes de Flandre, . . . [edited by Jean Baptiste Vrints]. Anvers [Antwerp], 1608. Folio, pp. (6), 121, (3), (16), 192, (6). Cuts. Also "Chroniqves des Dvcs de Brabant," by Hadrianus Barlandus, 1603. Martin, Theodore. Poems and ballads of Goethe. Martineau, Harriet. Eastern Life, present and past. New edition. London, 1850. I2mo. pp. xvi, 608. Mary, the woman blessed by all generations; by R. Melia. Mason, Jeremiah. Memoir and correspondence; by G. S. Hillard. Mason, Lowell. The Congregational Tune-Book; being a collection of popular and approved tunes, (mostly from the National Psalmist) suitable for Congregational use. By Mr. Mason and George James Webb. Boston, 1848. i6mo. pp. 96. Mason, William. The Correspondence of Thomas Gray, with letters to the Rev. James Brown. Massachusetts. Address to the independent electors, 1815; by J. Quincy. As to Roger Williams, and his banishment from the Massachusetts plantation; by H. M. Dexter. Chronicles of the first planters of the Colony of Massa- chusetts Bay, from 1623 to 1636; by A. Young. Colonial history; by J. S. Barry. The Compact with the Charter and Laws of the Colony of New Plymouth : together with the charter of the Council at Plymouth, and an appendix, containing the articles of confederation of the United Colonies of New England, and other valuable documents. Published agreeably to a Resolve, passed April 5, 1836. Under the supervision of William Brigham. Boston, 1836. Quarto, pp. x, (i), 357. Continuation of the history of the Province of Massachu- setts Bay, from the year 1748; by G. R. Minot. Election sermons; 1706, by J. Rogers; 1710 by E. PembertorL 240 Massachusetts Historical Society Massachusetts (continued). First Annual Report of the Board of Education, together with the first annual report of the Secretary [Horace Mann] of the Board. Boston, 1838. Octavo, pp. 75. Also second to seventh Reports, Boston, 1839-1844 ; signature of Mr. Mann. History of Massachusetts, commonwealth period ; by J. S. Barry. History of Massachusetts, provincial period ; by same. History of Massachusetts, for two hundred years, from the year 1620 to 1820; by A. Bradford. History of Massachusetts, from the first settlement thereof in 1628, until the year 1750; by T. Hutchinson. Map, exhibiting the boundary lines of each town and county, by J. G. Carter. [In " History," by A. Brad- ford.] Material condition of the people of Massachusetts; by T. Parker. Merry-Mount, a romance of the Massachusetts Colony; by J. L. Motley. Puritan commonwealth; by P. Oliver. Reports of cases argued and adjudged in the Superior Court of Judicature of the Province of Massachusetts Bay, between 1761 and 1762; by J. Quincy. Massachusetts General Hospital. Address at the laying of the corner stone ; by J. Quincy. Massachusetts Historical Society. Bibliographical essay on Governor Hutchinson's historical publications; by C. Deane. Dialogue or third conference; by W. Bradford. First Plymouth patent, granted June i, 1621 ; by C. Deane. History of Plymouth plantation; by W. Bradford. Massey, William Nathaniel. A History of England during the reign of George the Third. 1745-1780. London, 1855-1858. Two vol- umes. Octavo, pp. xxviii, 552; xix, 472. Masson, David. Carlyle personally and in his writings. Two Edinburgh lectures. London, 1885. i6mo. pp. (3), (i), (i), 119. Essays Biographical and Critical : chiefly on English poets. Cambridge, 1856. Octavo, pp. viii, 475. Waterston Collection 241 Masson, David (continued). The Life of John Milton : narrated in connexion with the political, ecclesiastical, and literary history of his time. 1608-1639 [-1674]. Cambridge, 1859-1880. Six vol- umes. Octavo. Plates. The Poetical Works of John Milton. With introductions, notes, and an essay on Milton's English. London, 1874. Three volumes. Octavo. Plates. Mather, Cotton. A Christian at his calling. Two brief discourses. One directing a Christian in his general calling; another directing him in his personal calling. Boston, 1701. i6mo. pp. 72. Magnalia Christi Americana : or, the ecclesiastical history of New England, from its first planting in the year 1620, unto the year of our Lord, 1698. In seven books. . . . London, 1702. Folio, variously paged. Map and list of errata wanting ; signature of John Campbell. Mather, Increase. A Discourse Concerning the Grace of Courage, wherein the nature, beneficialness, and necessity of that vertue for all Christians, is described. Delivered in a sermon preached at Boston at New-England, June 5th. 1710. Boston, 1710. i6mo. pp. (i), (2), 44. Remarkable Providences illustrative of the earlier days of American colonisation. With introductory preface, by George Offor. London, 1856. i6mo. pp. xix, (i), (16), 262. Plate. To the Reader, Boston, October 20, 1710; [In "Death," by B. Wadsworth.] Mathias, Thomas James. The Pursuits of Literature, a satirical poem in four dia- logues, with notes. To which are added an appendix; the citations translated; and a complete index. Six- teenth edition. London, 1812. Folio, pp. (^)recto, 542. Plates inserted. Mattheoli, Hercules Anthony. True history of the state prisoner, commonly called the Iron Mask; by G. J. W. A. Ellis. Matthews, Henry. The Diary of an Invalid : being the journal of a tour in pursuit of health, in Portugal, Italy, Switzerland, and 16 242 Massachusetts Historical Society Matthews, Henry (continued). France in the years 1817, 1818, and 1819. Fifth edi- tion. London, 1835. i6mo. pp. xii, 475. Plate. Maundrell, Henry. A journey from Aleppo to Jerusalem at Easter, 1697. The sixth edition, to which is now added an account of the author's journey to the banks of Euphrates at Beer, and to the country of Mesopotamia. With an index to the whole Work, not in any former edition. Oxford, 1740. I2mo. pp. (7), (3), 171. Plates. Same, seventh edition. Oxford, 1749. Maurice, Frederick Denison. Ancient Philosophy: a treatise of moral and metaphysical philosophy anterior to the Christian era; comprising Hebrew philosophy, Egyptian philosophy, Hindoo phi- losophy, Chinese philosophy, Persian philosophy, Gre- cian philosophy, Roman philosophy, the Alexandrian philosophy. Fourth edition. London, 1861. i6mo. pp. xi, 260. Maxims, characters, and reflections ; by F. Greville. May, John. Journal and letters relative to two journeys to the Ohio country in 1788 and '89. [In Hist, and Phil. Society of Ohio, new series, I.] May, Joseph. Good old age, sermon preached at King's Chapel, March 7, 1841, on the death; by F. W. P. Greenwood. Mayhew, Henry. The Rhine and its Picturesque Scenery. Rotterdam to Mayence. London, 1856. Octavo, pp. vi, (i), 386. Plates. The Upper Rhine: the scenery of its banks and the manners of its people. Mayence to Lake Constance. London, 1858. Octavo, pp. xv, (i), 448. Plates. Mayhew, Jonathan. Sermons upon the following Subjects, Viz. on hearing the Word : on receiving it with meekness : . . . Boston, 1755. I2mo. pp. (i), iv, (2), 510, (i). Mazzola, Girolamo Francesco Maria. Sketches of the lives of Corregio and Parmegiano ; by W. Coxe. Waterston Collection 243 Meadley, George Wilson. Memoirs of Algernon Sydney. With an appendix. Lon- don, 1813. Octavo, pp. xv, 400. Meagher, Thomas Francis. Letters on our national struggle. [Loyal Publication Society, No. 38.] Medals. Numismata; by J. Evelyn. Medhurst, Walter Henry. China: its state and prospects, with especial reference to the spread of the Gospel : containing allusions to the antiquity, extent, population, civilization, literature, and religion of the Chinese. London, 1838. Octavo, pp. (i), xv, (i), 582. Plates. Medici, Lorenzo de'. Life; by W. Roscoe. Melancholy, Anatomy of; by R. Burton. Melanchthon, Philipp. Chronica Carionis. Epistolae Pavli Scriptae ad Romanes, enarratio edita a Philippe Melanthone Anno 1556. Witebergae. i6mo. pp. (16), (320). Presentation copy, July 20, 1556. Life; by F. A. Cox. Melia, Raphael. The Woman blessed by all Generations or Mary the object of veneration, confidence, and imitation to all Christians. London, 1868. Octavo, pp. (2), vi, 454. Melmoth, William. Letters of Pliny the Consul. Life and letters of Marcus Tullius Cicero. Melville, Andrew. Life; by T. McCrie [Works, II.]. Memes, John Smythe. Memoirs of Antonio Canova, with a critical analysis of his works, and an historical view of modern sculpture. Edinburgh, 1825. Octavo, pp. xii, 578. Plates. Men of our time. See Biography. Mendelssohn-Bartholdy, Felix. Letters of Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy from 1833 to 1847. Edited by Paul Mendelssohn Bartholdy, and 244 ' Massachusetts Historical Society Mendelssohn-Bartholdy, Felix (continued). Dr. Carl Mendelssohn Bartholdy, with a Catalogue of all his musical compositions. Compiled by Dr. Julius Rietz. Translated by Lady Wallace. New York, 1866. i6mo. pp. vi, 421. My recollections of Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy, and his letters to me ; by E. P. Devrient. Mercuriale, Girolamo. Hieronymi Mercvrialis Foroliviensis de Arte Gymnastica Libri sex: . . . Editio novissima, aucta, emendata, & figuris authenticis Christophori Coriolani exornata. Amstelodami, 1672. Octavo, pp. (i), -(i), (6), 387, (41). Plates. Merivale, Charles. History of the Romans under the Empire. New edition. London, 1865-1868. Eight volumes. I2mo. Merivale, Herman. Memoirs of Sir Philip Francis, with correspondence and journals; by J. Parkes. Merle d'Aubign6, Jean Henri. Germany, England, and Scotland; or, recollections of a Swiss minister. London, 1848. Octavo, pp. xvi, 506. History of the Papacy, political and ecclesiastical, in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries; by L. Ranke. History of the Reformation in the Sixteenth Century. Translated by David Dundas Scott. With notes from the Netherlands edition of the Rev. J. J. LeRoy, of the Dutch Reformed Church. Glasgow, 1845. Four vol- umes. Octavo. Plates. Same, translated from the French by Walter K. Kelly. London. Octavo, pp. (i), 582. Map. Merrifield, Mary Philadelphia. Original Treatises, dating from the Xllth to XVIIIth cen- turies on the arts of painting, in oil, miniature, mosaic, and on glass ; of gilding, dyeing, and the preparation of colours and artificial gems; preceded by a general in- troduction ; with translations, prefaces, and notes. Lon- don, 1849. Two volumes. Octavo, pp. cccxii, 321, (i) ; v, (0, (0, 3 2 5-9i8. Merry-Mount, a romance of Massachusetts Colony ; by J. L. Motley. Waterston Collection 245 Metcalfe, Frederick. Callus, or Roman scenes of the time of Augustus; by W. A. Becker. The Oxonian in Thelemarken; or, notes of travel in south-western Norway in the summers of 1856 and 1857. With glances at the legendary lore of that dis- trict. London, 1858. Two volumes. i6mo. pp. xviii, 317; viii, 328. Plates. Meteyard, Eliza. The Life of Josiah Wedgwood from his private corre- spondence and family papers . . . with an introductory sketch of the art of pottery in England. London, 1865, 1866. Two volumes. Octavo, pp. xxxv, 504; xxiv, 643. Plates. Wedgwood and his Works. A selection of his plaques, cameos, medallions, vases, etc. from the designs of Flax- man and others. Reproduced in permanent photography by the autotype process. With a sketch of his life and the progress of his fine-art manufactures. London, 1873. Folio, pp. viii, (i), 68, (49). Mexico. History of the conquest; by W. H. Prescott. Mexico to-day; by T. U. Brocklehurst. Trip to Mexico; by H. C. R. Becher. Voyage to California, to observe the transit of Venus; by J. Chappe d'Auteroche. Meyer, A. Engravings after G. Perelle. Meyer, Julius. Antonio Allegri da Correggio. From the German. Edited, and with an introduction, by Mrs. Charles Heaton. London, 1876. Octavo, pp. xxxi, 304. Plates. Meyrick, Samuel Rush. Engraved illustrations of antient arms and armour; by J. Skelton. Specimens of ancient furniture; by H. Shaw. Meziriac, Sieur de. See C. G. Bachet. Michelet, Athenais. Nature; or, the poetry of earth and sea. From the French. London, 1872. Octavo, pp. xxxi, 431. Michelet, Jules. The Life of Luther. Written by himself. Translated by 246 Massachusetts Historical Society Michelet, Jules (continued). William Hazlitt. London, 1846. i6mo. pp. xv, 471. Plate. Middle Ages. Dark ages; by S. R. Maitland. History of the Western Empire ; by R. Comyn. Military and religious life at the period of the Renaissance; by P. Lacroix. World in the middle ages ; by A. L. Koeppen. Middlesex County. Historic fields and mansions ; by S. A. Drake. Middleton, Conyers. Life and letters of Marcus Tullius Cicero. Mignet, Frangois Auguste Alexis. ! History of the French Revolution, from 1789 to 1814. London, 1846. i6mo. pp. xi, 424. Plate. Military despotism. [Loyal Publication Society, No. 26.] Milizia, Francesco. The Lives of Celebrated Architects, ancient and modern: with historical and critical observations on their works, and on the principles of the art. Translated from the Italian by Mrs. Edward Cresy. With notes and addi- tional lives. London, 1826. Two volumes bound in one. Octavo, pp. Ixxii, 351 ; (i), 454. Miller, Thomas. Turner and Girtin's Picturesque Views, sixty years since. London, 1854. Quarto, pp. Ix, 164. Plates. Millers, George. A Description of the Cathedral Church of Ely ; with some account of the conventual buildings. Second edition. London, 1808. Octavo, pp. xi, (i), 174. Plates. Millin, Aubin Louis. Dictionnaire des Beaux- Arts. Paris, 1806. Three vol- umes. Octavo. Millingen, James. Ancient unedited Monuments. Painted Greek vases, from collections in various countries principally in Great Britain, illustrated and explained. Series I. London, 1822. Folio, pp. (s)recto, viii, 106. Plates. Ancient unedited Monuments. Statues, Busts, Bas-reliefs, and other remains of Grecian Art, from collections in Waterston Collection 247 Millingen, James (continued). various countries, illustrated and explained. London, 1826. [Series II.] Folio, pp. (i), (i), ii, 40. Plates. Millington, Ellen J. ./Esthetic and miscellaneous works of Frederick von Schlegel. Mills, Charles. An History of Muhammedanism : comprising the life and character of the Arabian Prophet, and succinct accounts of the empires founded by the Muhammedan arms: an inquiry into the theology, morality, laws, literature, and usages of the Muselmans, and a view of the present state and extent of the Muhammedan religion. Second edi- tion, revised and augmented. London, 1818. Octavo, pp. xxi, 484. The Travels of Theodore Ducas, in various countries of Europe, at the revival of letters and art. Part the first. Italy. London, 1822. Two volumes. Octavo, pp. viii, 388; vii, 399. Milman, Henry Hart. Annals of S. Paul's Cathedral. London, 1868. Octavo, pp. xii, (2), 533. Plates. The History of Christianity, from the birth of Christ to the abolition of Paganism in the Roman Empire. Lon- don, 1840. Three volumes. Octavo. History of Latin Christianity ; including that of the Popes to the Pontificate of Nicholas V. Second edition. Lon- don, 1857. Six volumes. Octavo. History of the decline and fall of the Roman Empire; by E. Gibbon. The Life of Edward Gibbon, Esq. With selections from his correspondence, and illustrations. London, 1839. Octavo, pp. xvi, 455, (i). Plate. Milman, Robert. The Life of Torquato Tasso. London, 1850. Two vol- umes, I2mo. pp. iv, 345; iv, 341, (i). Milner, Thomas. The Gallery of Nature. A pictorial and descriptive tour through creation illustrative of the wonders of astron- omy, physical geography, and geology. New edition. London. Octavo, pp. (i), xii, 805. Plates. Milnes, Richard Monckton. Good Night &' Good Morning. Words by Lord Houghton. 248 Massachusetts Historical Society Milnes, Richard Monckton (continued). With illuminations and etchings by Walter Severn Esq r . e London. Quarto, pp. (8) recto. Palm Leaves. London, 1844. i6mo. pp. xxxvi, 202. Poems of many years. New edition. London, 1844. i6mo. pp. xi, 275. Poetical works of John Keats. Milton, John. Account of the life, opinions, and writings of; by T. Keightley. L'Allegro. London. I2mo. pp. (i), (i), 21, (i), (i), all recto. Areopagitica ; a speech of M' John Milton for liberty of vnlicenc'd printing, to the Parliament of England. Lon- don, 1644. i6mo. pp. (i), 40. First edition, with Faithorne's portrait, 1670, inserted as a frontispiece ; described in Masson's " Life of John Milton " (London, 1873, III, 275-291). Comus. A mask. London, 1858. I2mo. pp. (4), 90, (2). Plate. EIKONOKAA2TH2. In answer to a book intitl'd E'lKfTN BA2IAIKIT, the portrature of his Sacred Majesty in his solitudes and sufferings. London, 1649. i6mo. pp. (i), (10), 242. Latin and Italian Poems of Milton translated into English verse, and a fragment of a commentary on Paradise Lost, by the late William Cowper, Esqr. With a preface by the editor, and notes of various authors. Chichester, 1808. Quarto, pp. xxvii, 328. Life; by D. Masson. Milton's L'Allegro and II Penseroso. London, 1859. Quarto, pp. (4), 24 recto. Milton's Ode on the Morning of Christ's Nativity. New York, 1871. I2mo. pp. 44 recto. Plates. Milton's Paradise Lost. London, 1795. Octavo, pp. (i), (2), xlvi, 382. Plate. Milton's Paradise Regained ; with select notes subjoined : to which is added a complete collection of his miscella- neous poems, both English and Latin. London, 1796. Octavo, pp. (i), (2), 428. Plate. Paradise Lost. A poem in ten books. London, 1668. i6mo. pp. (i), (354). This is a copy of the first edition, with the fifth titlepage, described in Masson's " Poetical Works of John Milton " (London, 1874, I, 8, 9). The Dowse Library has a copy of the same edition, with an earlier titlepage. Waterston Collection 249 Milton, John (continued). Paradise Lost: a poem, in twelve books. London, 1794. Quarto, pp. (i), (i), (6), 493. Paradise Lost. A poem in twelve books. The sixth edi- tion, with sculptures. To which is added, explanatory notes upon each book, and a table to the poem, never before printed. London, 1695. Folio, pp. (i), (i), 343, (3). Plates. Paradise Regained. A poem. In IV books. To which is added Samson Agonistes. London, 1671. i6mo. pp. (2), in, 101, (2). First edition, described in Masson's " Poetical Works of John Milton " (London, 1874, II, 2, 3). Same. London, 1695. Folio, pp. (i), 66, (i), (4), 57. Poems, &c. upon Several Occasions. Both English and Latin, &c. Composed at several times. With a small tractate of education to Mr. Hartlib. London, 1673. i6mo. pp. (i), (6), 165, 117. Second edition, printed under the author's own inspection. See Retro- spective Review (XIV, 298) ; and Masson's " Poetical Works of John Mil- ton" (London, 1874, II, 172, 173). Poetical Works; by D. Masson. The Poetical Works of John Milton. Three volumes in one. London, 1840. Octavo. Also Poetical Works of Robert Burns, and of John Keats. The Poetical Works of John Milton. New edition, with notes, and a life of the author [by John Mitford]. Boston, 1834. Two volumes. Octavo, pp. cxxix, (2), 371; (i),ii, 478. The Poetical Works of Milton, Young, Gray, Beattie, and Collins. Philadelphia, 1831. Octavo, pp. xxxii, 170, ^ viii, 208, x, 47, ix, 23, iv, 19. Samson Agonistes, a dramatic poem. London, 1671. i6mo. pp. 101, (2). With his " Paradise Regained," London, 1671 ; first edition, described in Masson's "Poetical Works of John Milton" (London, 1874, II, 2, 3). Same. London, 1695. Folio, pp. (i), (4), 57. Selections from the prose works; by J. J. G. Graham. Treasures from the prose writings of John Milton. [Ed- ited by Fayette Kurd.] Boston, 1866. i6mo. pp. viii, 486. Plate. The Works of John Milton, historical, political, and mis- cellaneous. Now more correctly printed from the origi- 250 Massachusetts Historical Society Milton, John (continued). nals, than in any former edition, and many passages restored, which have been hitherto omitted. To which is prefixed, an account of his life and writings. London, 1853. Two volumes. Quarto, pp. (i), (2), Ixxviii, 688; (i), (2), 710, (26). Milton, Viscount. See W. W. Fitzwilliam. Minnesota and the far west; by L. Oliphant. Minot, George Richards. Continuation of the History of the Province of Massachu- setts Bay, from the year 1748. With an introductory sketch of events from its original settlement. Boston, 1798, 1803. Two volumes bound in one. Octavo, pp. 304; 222. Miracles, Dissertation; by G. Campbell. Mitford, John. Correspondence of Thomas Gray and William Mason, with letters to the Rev. James Brown. Poetical works of John Milton. Moberly, George. The Administration of the Holy Spirit in the Body of Christ. Eight lectures preached before the University of Oxford, in the year 1868, on the foundation of the late Rev. John Bampton, Canon of Salisbury. Oxford, 1868. Octavo, pp. xi, 344. Sermons on the Beatitudes, with others mostly preached before the University of Oxford; to which is added a preface relating to the recent volume of " Essays and Reviews." Second edition. Oxford, 1861. Octavo, Ixxiv, 266. Modern Portrait Gallery, The. London. Quarto, variously paged. Plates. Moges, Marquis de. Recollections of Baron Gros's Embassy to China and Japan in 1857-58. London, 1860. I2mo. pp. viii, 368. Plates. Mohammedans. History of Muhammedanism ; by C. Mills. The Koran : commonly called the Alcoran of Mohammed ; translated into English immediately from the original Arabic; with explanatory notes, taken from the most approved commentators. To which is prefixed a pre- Waterston Collection 251 Mohammedans (continued). liminary discourse. By George Sale, Gent. New Edi- tion, with a memoir of the translator. . . . London, 1850. Octavo, pp. xvi, 516. Plates. Molidre, Jean Baptiste Poquelin de. Oeuvres de Moliere, avec des notes de tous les Commenta- teurs. Paris, 1843. Two volumes. i6mo. pp. xv, 648; (3), 671, (i). Mommsen, Theodor. The History of Rome. Translated with the author's sanc- tion and additions by the Rev. William P. Dickson. With a preface by Dr. Leonhard Schmitz. New edition. London, 1868. Four volumes. Octavo. Map. Monasteries, Visit to, in the Levant; by R. Curzon. Monck, George. Life ; by T. Gumble. Money. Essay on the ancient weights and money; by R. Hussey. History of Jewish coinage; by F. W. Madden. Mongez, Antoine. Tableaux, Statues, Bas-reliefs et Camees, de la Galerie de Florence, et du Palais Pitti dessines par M. Wicar, Peintre, et graves sous la direction de M. Lacombe, Peintre; avec les explications. Paris, 1789. Large folio. Plates. Monroe doctrine. [Loyal Publication Society, No. 34.] Monstrelet, Enguerrand de. The Chronicles of Enguerrand de Monstrelet; containing an account of the cruel civil wars between the Houses of Orleans and Burgundy; of the possession of Paris and Normandy by the English ; their expulsion thence ; and of other memorable events that happened in the Kingdom of France, as well as in other countries . . Beginning at the year MCCCC., where that of Sir John Froissart finishes, and ending at the year MCCCC- LXVIL, and continued by others to the year MDXVI. Translated by Thomas Johnes. London, 1845. Two volumes. Octavo, pp. xxxvi, 639, (i) ; xvi, 552. Montagu, Basil. Essays, or counsels civil and moral and wisdom of the ancients; by F. Bacon. Selections from the works of Taylor, Latimer, Hall, Mil- 252 Massachusetts Historical Society Montagu, Basil (continued). ton, Barrow, South, Brown, Fuller, and Bacon. Fifth edition. London, 1839. i6mo. pp. xvi, 350. Montagu, Elizabeth (Robinson). An Essay on the writings and genius of Shakspeare, com- pared with the Greek and French dramatic poets. With some remarks upon the misrepresentations of Mons. de Voltaire. The sixth edition, corrected. To which are added, three dialogues of the dead. London, 1810. Octavo, pp. xxiii, 296. Montagu, Mary Wortley. The Letters and Works of Lady Mary Wortley Montagu. Edited by her great grandson, Lord Wharncliffe. Paris, 1837. Two volumes. Octavo, pp. (3), 416; (3), iv, 365- Montaigne, Michael Eyquem de. The Complete Works of Michael de Montaigne; compris- ing, the essays (translated by Cotton) ; the letters; the journey into Germany and Italy; now first translated; a life, by the editor ; ... By William Hazlitt. London, 1872. Octavo, pp. (i), (6), xci, ii, 660. Plate. Essays of Michael' Seigneur de Montaigne. In three books with marginal notes and quotations. And an account of the author's life. With a short character of the author and translator, . by a person of honour. Made English by Charles Cotton, Esq. Fourth edition. London, 1711. Three volumes. I2mo. Plate. Montaubon, Relation of a voyage made. [In " History," by J. Esquemeling.] Montelatici, Domenico. Villa Borghese fvori di Porta Pinciana . . . Roma, 1700. i6mo. pp. (i), (i), (n), 321, (7). Plates. Montenegro. Dalmatia and Montenegro ; by J. G. Wilkinson. Monuments, Rude stone ; by J. Fergusson. Moore, Thomas. Irish Melodies. London, 1849. i6mo. pp. xxix, (i), 165, (i). Lalla Rookh, an oriental romance. London, 1849. i6mo. pp. xvi, 287, (i). Memoirs of the Life of the Right Honourable Richard Brinsley Sheridan. Fourth edition. London, 1826. Waterston Collection 253 Moore, Thomas ( continued ). Two volumes. Octavo, pp. viii, 543, ( i ) ; iv, 492. Plates. Moore's Irish Melqdies. New edition. London. Octavo, pp. (3), iv, 280. Works of the Right Honourable Richard Brinsley Sheridan. Moravians. See United Brethren. More, Henry. An explanation of the grand Mystery of Godliness; or, a true and faithfull representation of the everlasting Gospel of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, the onely begotten son of God and sovereign over men and angels. London, 1660. Folio, pp. xxx, 546, (70). More, Thomas. De Optimo reip. statv, deqve noua insula Vtopia, libellus uere aureus, nee minus salutaris quam festiuus, claris- simi disertissimique uiri Thomae Mori inclytae ciuitatis Londinensis ciuis & Vicecomitis. . . . Basel, 1518. Oc- tavo, pp. 355, (i). Plate inserted. Vignette, around title, and illustrations attributed to Hans Holbein. A most pleasant, fruitful, and witty Work of the best State of a Public Weal, and of the new Isle called Utopia; written in Latin by the Right Worthy and famous Sir Thomas More, Knight, and translated into English by Raphe Robinson. 1551. New edition, by Rev. T. F. Dibdin. London, 1808. Two volumes. i6mo. pp. viii, clxxx, 141; (i), 320. Plate. Sir Thomas More, or colloquies on the progress and pros- pects of society; by R. Southey. Morelet, Arthur. Travels in Central America, including accounts of some regions unexplored since the conquest, from the French. By Mrs. M. F. Squier. Introduction and notes by E. Geo. Squier. London, 1871. I2mo. pp. 430. Plates. Morell, Thomas. Elements of the History of Philosophy and Science, from the earliest authentic records to the commencement of the eighteenth century. London, 1827. Octavo, pp. xv, (i), 560. Morgan, Aaron Augustus. Mind of Shakespeare, as exhibited in his works. 254 Massachusetts Historical Society Morgan, Lady Sydney. France in 1829-30. Second edition. London, 1831. Two volumes. Octavo, pp. xii, 527 ; iv, 590. Lady Morgan's Memoirs : autobiography, diaries and cor- respondence. Second edition. [Edited by W. Hep- worth Dixon.] London, 1863. Two volumes. Octavo, pp. viii, 532; iv, 559. Plates. The Life and Times of Salvator Rosa. London, 1824. Two volumes. Octavo, pp. xvi, 405; viii, 379, (i). Plate. Passages from my Autobiography. London, 1859. Oc- tavo, pp. xi, 339, (i). Plates. Morghen, Raffaelle. Opere d'intaglio del cav. Raffaello Morghen raccolte ed illustrate da Niccolo Palmerini. Mori, Arinori. Life and Resources in America. For circulation in Japan. Washington, 1871. 1 2mo. pp. 404, ( i ) . Plate. Presentation copy, April 2, 1873. Morison, Douglas. Views of the Ducal Palaces and Hunting Seats of Saxe Coburg and Gotha. London, 1846. Large folio, pp. (3) recto, (2), vi, 10. Plates. Morland, George. Life ; by G. Dawe. Mormons. Route from Liverpool to Great Salt Lake valley; by J. Linforth. Morris, Francis Orpen. The Ancestral Homes of Britain ; containing examples of its noblest castles, halls, and mansions. . . . London, 1868. Quarto, pp. iv, 90, (i). Plates. Morris, Peter. See J. G. Lockhart. Morrison, Alexander James William. Course of lectures on dramatic art and literature ; by A. W. Schlegel. History of ancient philosophy; by A. H. Ritter. Morse, Jedidiah. A Compendious History of New England, exhibiting an interesting view of the first settlers of that country, their character, their sufferings, and their ultimate pros- perity. Collected and arranged, from authentic sources Waterston Collection 2 55 Morse, Jedidiah (continued). of information, by Jedediah Morse, and Rev. Elijah Parish, of Boston, New England. London, 1808. Octavo, pp. (i), vi, (2), 207. Morton, Nathaniel. New England's Memorial, by Nathaniel Morton, Secretary to the Court, for the Jurisdiction of New-Plymouth. Fifth edition. Containing besides the original work, and the supplement annexed to the second edition, large additions in marginal notes, and an appendix; with a lithographic copy of an ancient map [Hubbard's Wine Hills map]. By John Davis. Boston, 1826. Octavo, pp. 481, (i). Morton, William. To the Reader. [In " Way of Life," by J. Cotton.] Moses, Henry. A Collection of Antique Vases, altars, paterae, tripods, candelabra sarcophagi, &c. from various museums and collections, engraved on 170 plates. With historical essays. London, 1814. Octavo, pp. xii, 61. Plates. Motherwell, William. The Poetical Works of William Motherwell. With a memoir. By James M'Conechy. Third edition, greatly enlarged. Glasgow, 1849. i6mo. pp. (i), Ixviii, 433. Plates. Motley, John Lothrop. History of the United Netherlands: from the death of William the Silent to the Synod of Dort. With a full view of the English-Dutch struggle against Spain, and of the origin and destruction of the Spanish Armada. New York, 1861. Two volumes. Octavo, pp. xii, 532; vii, 563. Plates. The Life and Death of John of Barneveld, Advocate of Holland ; with a view of the primary causes and move- ments of the Thirty Years' War. New York, 1874. Two volumes. Octavo, pp. xv, (i), 389; vii, slip, 475. Plates. Merry-Mount; a romance of the Massachusetts Colony. Boston, 1849. Two volumes bound in one. I2mo. pp. 8, 222 ; 4, 252. The Rise of the Dutch Republic. A history. New York, 1862. Three volumes. Octavo. Plate. 256 Massachusetts Historical Society Mount Vernon, Virginia. Home of Washington and its associations ; by B. J. Lossing. Mountford, William. Beauties of Channing. With an essay prefixed. London, 1849. i6mo. pp. 251, (i). Mozart, Johann Chrysostom Wolfgang Amadeus. The Letters of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (1769-1791). Translated, from the collection of Ludwig Nohl, by Lady Wallace. London, 1865. Two volumes. I2mo.- pp. xv, (i), 341; vii, 311. Plates. Muirhead, James Patrick. The Life of James Watt, with selections from his cor- respondence. Second edition, revised. London, 1859. Octavo, pp. xvi, 572. Plates. Miiller, Karl Ottfried. Ancient Art and its remains; or a manual of the archae- ology of art. New edition, with numerous additions by F. G. Welcker. Translated from the German by John Leitch. London, 1852. Octavo, pp. xv, 636, (i). Miiller, Fr. Die Galerie zu Cassel ; by W. Unger. Miiller, Wolfgang. Diisseldorfer Kiinstler-Album mit artistischen Beitragen . . . i. Jahrgang. 1851. Diisseldorf. Quarto, pp. ( i ), (i), (37). Plates. Mulready, William. Masterpieces ; by F. G. Stephens. Munich. Art student in Munich ; by A. M. Howitt. Celebrated galleries; by E. Holloway. The Leuchtenberg Gallery. A collection of pictures form- ing the celebrated gallery of His Imperial Highness the Duke of Leuchtenberg, at Munich : Engraved by J. N. Muxel, Curator of the Gallery. Frankfort on the Maine, 1852. Quarto, pp. 8. Plates. Payne's book of art with the celebrated galleries of Munich. Muralto, Onuphrio. Jeffery's Edition of the Castle of Otranto, a Gothic Story. Translated by William Marshal, Gent. From the origi- nal Italian. New edition. London, 1800. Octavo, pp. xvi, 152. Plates. Waterston Collection 257 Murillo, Bartolome Esteban. Life ; by E. Davies. Murray, Alexander Stuart. Manual of Mythology, for the use of schools, art students, and general readers. Founded on the works of Petiscus, Preller and Welcker. New York, 1873. i6mo. pp. viii, 399. Plates. Murray, Andrew. The Book of the Royal Horticultural Society. 1862-1863. London, 1863. Folio, pp. (i), (3), (i), (i), (7), 225, (i). Plates. Murray, Henry. Turner and his works ; by J. Burnet. Murray, James. The Fast, a poem, translated from the Prophet Isaiah. i6mo. pp. 24. Signature of Robert Waterston. Murray, John. The Truth of Revelation, demonstrated by an appeal to existing monuments, sculptures, gems, coins, and medals. Second edition. London, 1840. Octavo, pp. (i), (i), (2), 380. Plates. Murray, John Fisher. A Picturesque Tour of the River Thames in its western course; including particular descriptions of Richmond, Windsor, and Hampton Court. London, 1845. Octavo, pp. xii, 356. Plates. Murray, Robert Dundas. The Cities and Wilds of Andalucia. London, 1849. Two volumes. I2mo. pp. viii, 320; vi, 314. Musculus, Wolfgangus. Common places of Christian religion ; by J. Man. Music. Account of the musical performances in Westminster Abbey, and the Pantheon, 1784; by C. Burney. Antiphonarium ad usum Canonicorum Regularium Ordinis. Congregational tune-book ; by L. Mason. General history, London, 1776; by C. Burney. General history, London, 1819; by T. Busby. Gleanings from the history; by J. Bird. History of the violin, and other instruments played on with the bow ; by W. Sandys. '7 258 Massachusetts Historical Society Music (continued). Irish melodies; by T. Moore. Laurel wreath ; by W. O. Perkins. Music of nature; by W. Gardiner. Musical biography ; by J. R. Parker. Select collection of English songs ; by J. Ritson. Mythology. Curious myths of the middle ages ; by S. Baring-Gould. Enarrationes allegoricae fabularum fulgentii placiadis; by Fulgentius. Manual of mythology ; by A. S. Murray. New system, or, an analysis of ancient mythology; by J. Bryant. Universal pronouncing dictionary of biography and myth- ology; by J. Thomas. Polymetis ; by J. Spence. Naples. Avanzi delle antichita esistenti a Pozzuoli cuma e baja. Antiquitatum Puteolis cumis baiis existentium reliquiae. [1762 ?]. Folio. Plates. Also " Descrizione e disegno dell' emissario del lago Albano " by Giovanni Battista Piranesi. Historical life of Joanna of Sicily, Queen of Naples. Italy, Rome, and Naples ; by H. A. Taine. Napoleon. Court of Napoleon or society under the first Empire; by F. B. Goodrich. Galerie du Musee Napoleon, publiee par Filhol. History of the expedition to Russia; by P. P. Segur. Life ; by W. Scott Nares, Edward. Elements of General History, ancient and modern. To which are added, a table of chronology, and a compara- tive view of ancient and modern geography. Ninth edition, corrected, with considerable additions. London, 1825, 1824. Three volumes [third volume, second edi- tion]. Octavo. Maps. Narrey, Charles. Albert Durer a Venise et dans les Pays-Bas. Autobiog- raphic, lettres, journal de voyages, papiers, divers traduits Waterston Collection 259 Narrey, Charles (continued). de 1'Allemand, avec des notes et une introduction. Paris, 1866. Quarto, pp. cxlviii. Plates. Nash, Joseph. The Mansions of England in the Olden Time. London, 1839. Large folio, pp. (i), (i). Plates. Same, second series. Large folio, pp. (2). Plates. National Portrait Gallery, The. London. Quarto, pp. ( i ) , 1 60. Natural history. Botanic garden, a poem ; by E. Darwin. Early spring in Massachusetts ; by H. D. Thoreau. Gallery of nature ; by T. Milner. History natural and experimental ; by F. Bacon. Nature, or, the poetry of earth and sea ; by A. Michelet. Sylva sylvarum ; by F. Bacon. Sylvan musings; by R. Hey. Woodland and wild, a selection of descriptive poetry. Natural religion. Outline of a system ; by G. Crabbe. Systematic analysis of Bishop Butler's complete treatise on the analogy of natural and revealed religion; by J. Wilkinson. Naunton, Robert. Fragmenta Regalia. Memoirs of Elizabeth, her court and favourites. New edition, with notes, and a memoir of the author. London, 1824. i6mo. pp. xxvi, (i), 156. Plates. Neal, Daniel. The History of trie Puritans; or, protestant nonconform- ists; from the Reformation in 1517, to the Revolution in 1688; . . . New edition. Reprinted from the text of Dr. Toulmin's edition. London, 1837. Three volumes. Octavo. Neal, John. Rachel Dyer: a North American story. Portland, 1828. I2mo. pp. 276. Neale, John Preston. The Mansions of England, or picturesque delineations of the seats of noblemen, and gentlemen. From Drawings by J. P. Neale, Esq' e Arranged in Counties. London, 260 Massachusetts Historical Society Neale, John Preston (continued). 1847. Two volumes. Quarto, pp. (i), (202); (i), (198). Plates. Nelson, Horatio. Life ; by R. Southey. Netherclift, Frederick George. The Autograph Miscellany. A collection of autograph letters interesting documents &c. executed in fac-simile lithography. First series. Containing sixty examples. London, 1855. Folio, pp. (3) recto, (51) verso. Plates. Netherclift, Joseph. Autograph Letters, characteristic extracts and signatures, from the correspondence of illustrious and distinguished women of Great Britain, from the XIV'. h to the XIX^ century. Collected and copied in fac-simile from origi- nal documents. London, 1838. Folio, pp. (4) recto. Plates. Netherlands. History of Holland and the Dutch nation ; by C. M. Davies. History of the United Netherlands, from the death of William the Silent to the Synod of Dort; by J. L. Motley. New England. Advertisements for the unexperienced planters of New England ; by J. Smith. Articles of confederation, and other papers. [In " The Compact," of New Plymouth; under Massachusetts.] Compendious history ; by J. Morse. Description ; by J. Smith. Great patent. [In "The Compact," of New Plymouth; under Massachusetts.] History ; by J. G. Palfrey, and by J. Winthrop. Magnalia Christi Americana, or the ecclesiastical history of New England ; by C. Mather. New England and her institutions; by J. Abbott. New England history ; by C. W. Elliott. New England's memorial ; by N. Morton. Remarkable providences ; by I. Mather. New Hampshire. Heart of the White Mountains ; by S. A. Drake. Historical sketches of the discovery, settlement, and prog- ress of events in the Coos Country and vicinity, prin- Waterston Collection 261 New Hampshire (continued). cipally included between the years 1754 and 1785; by G. Powers. White Hills; by T. S. King. New York. History of the Five Nations of Canada, which are depend- ent on the Province ; by C. Golden. Treaty between his Excellency the Honourable George Clinton, and the six United Indian Nations, and other Indian Nations, depending on the Province of New York, held at Albany in the months of August and September, 1746; by C. Golden. New York, N. Y. Great mass meeting of loyal citizens, at Cooper Institute, March 6, 1863. [Loyal reprints, No. 3.] Newcome, William. An English Harmony of the Four Evangelists, disposed after the manner of the Greek; with explanatory notes and indexes, and a new map of Palestine, divided into tetrarchies, and shewing the travels of our Lord Jesus Christ. London, 1827. Octavo, pp. iv, (4), 467, (5). Plates. Newenham, Robert O'Callaghan. Picturesque Views of the Antiquities of Ireland. Vol. I. London, 1830. Quarto, pp. (2), iv, (i), 25, (2), viii. Plates. Newfoundland. Voyage to Newfoundland and Sallee, by M. de Cassini. [In " Voyage," by J. Chappe d'Auteroche.] Newland, Henry Garrett. Forest Life in Norway and Sweden : being extracts from the journal of a fisherman. New edition. London, 1859. i6mo. pp. vi, 418. Plates. Newman, Francis William. English universities; by V. A. Huber. Newman, John Henry. The Office and Work of Universities. London, 1856. i6mo. pp. viii, 384. Newman, Louis C. Bible view of slavery reconsidered. [Loyal Publication Society, No. 39.] 262 Massachusetts Historical Society Newspapers. History of British journalism, from the foundation of the newspaper press in England, to the repeal of the Stamp Act in 1855 ; by A. Andrews. Specimens of newspaper literature, with personal me- moirs, anecdotes, and reminiscences; by J. T. Bucking- ham. Newstead Abbey, Abbotsford and ; by W. Irving. Newton, Isaac. Life; by D. Brewster. Nicaragua. Gate of the Pacific ; by B. Pim. Nichol, John Pringle. The Architecture of the Heavens. Ninth edition, entirely revised and greatly enlarged. London, 1851. Octavo, pp. xiv, (3) recto, 300. Plates. Nicholls, James Fawckner. The Remarkable Life, Adventures and Discoveries of Sebastian Cabot, of Bristol, the founder of Great Britain's maritime power, discoverer of America, and its first colonies. London, 1869. I2mo. pp. xv, 190, (i). Plate. Nichols, James. History of the University of Cambridge, and of Waltham Abbey; by T. Fuller. Nichols, John Gough. Autographs of Royal, Noble, Learned, and Remarkable Personages conspicuous in English History, from the reign of Richard the Second to that of Charles the Second : with some illustrious foreigners ; . . . London, 1829. Folio, pp. xiv, (126), iv. Plates. Nichols, Thomas. A Handy-Book of the British Museum, for every-day readers. London, 1870. Octavo, pp. viii, 426. Plates. Nicholson, James Bartram. A Manual of the Art of Bookbinding: containing full instructions in the different branches of forwarding, gild- ing, and finishing. Also, the art of marbling book-edges and paper. The whole designed for the practical work- man, the amateur, and the book-collector. Philadelphia, 1856. i2mo. pp. 318. Plates. Waterston Collection 263 Nickolls, John. Original Letters and Papers of State, addressed to Oliver Cromwell; concerning the affairs of Great Britain. From the year 1649 to 1658. Found among the political collections of Mr. John Milton. Now first published from the originals. London, 1743. Folio, pp. iv, iv, 164, (8). Nicolas, Nicholas Harris. History of the Battle of Agincourt, and of the expedition of Henry the Fifth into France, in 1415; to which is added, the roll of the men at arms in the English army. Third edition. London, 1833. Octavo, pp. xvi, 404, (i), 1 06. Plates. Memoirs of Lady Fanshawe. Observations on the State of Historical Literature, and on the Society of Antiquaries, and other institutions for its advancement in England ; with remarks on Record Offices, and on the proceedings of the Record Com- mission. Addressed to the Secretary of State for the Home Department. London, 1830. Octavo, pp. x, slip, 212. Private memoirs of Sir Kenelm Digby. Refutation of Mr. Palgrave's " Remarks in reply to ' Ob- servations on the State of Historical Literature.'" Addi- tional facts relative to the Record Commission, and Record Offices. Addressed to the Secretary of State for the Home Department. London, 1831. Octavo, pp. iv, 3-198, (i), xxiv. Nicolas, Paul Harris. Naval and military heroes of Great Britain ; by R. Johns. Nicolls, Thomas. Hystory writtone by Thucidides. Niebuhr, Barthold Georg. The Collected Lectures of B. G. Niebuhr. On Roman history ; ancient history, including the history of Greece ; ancient ethnography and geography. Translated and edited by Dr. Leonhard Schmitz. London, 1852-53. Eight volumes. Octavo. Plates. The Life and Letters of Barthold George Niebuhr. With essays on his character and influence. By the Chevalier Bunsen, and Professors Brandis and Loebell. [Trans- lated by Susanna Winkworth.] London, 1852. Three volumes. Octavo. Signature of J. Mitford, August, 1852. 264 Massachusetts Historical Society Ninevah. Discoveries in the ruins ; by A. H. Layard. Ninevah and its remains ; by same. Second series of the monuments of Ninevah ; by same. No failure for the North. [Loyal Publication Society, No. ii.] Noble, Mark. A Biographical History of England, from the Revolution to the end of George I's reign; being a continuation of the Rev. J. Granger's Work : . . . London, 1806. Three volumes. Octavo. Noble, Thomas. The Counties of Chester, Derby, Leicester, Lincoln, and Rutland, illustrated. From original drawings by Thomas Allom. With historical and topographical descriptions. By T. Noble and T. Rose. London. Folio, pp. 76. Plates. Noel, Robert R. Peter Paul Rubens, his life and genius ; by G. F. Waagen. Nohl, Ludwig. Letters of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (1769-1791). Nollekens, Joseph. Nollekens and his times ; by J. T. Smith. Nordhoff, Charles. California for Health, Pleasure, and Residence. A book for travellers and settlers. New York, 1872. Octavo, pp. 255. Plates. Normans in Sicily ; by H. G. Knight. Norris, John. A Collection of Miscellanies : consisting of poems, essays, discourses and letters, occasionally written. Carefully revised, corrected, and improved by the author. Sixth edition. London, 1717. i6mo. pp. (i), (14), 319. Same, seventh edition. London, 1722. KTPOT IIAIAEIA, or, the institution and life of Cyrus the Great ; by Xenophon. A Philosophical Discourse concerning the natural immor- tality of the soul, wherein the great question of the soul's immortality is endeavour'd to be rightly stated, and fully clear'd. Occasion'd by Mr. Dodwell's late epistolary discourse. In two parts. London, 1708. I2mo. pp. (0, (6), 127. Waterston Collection 265 North, Roger. The Lives of the Right Hon. Francis North, Baron Guil- ford, Lord Keeper of the Great Seal, under King Charles II. and King James II. The Hon. Sir Dudley North, Commissioner of Customs, and afterwards of the Treas- ury, to King Charles II. and the Hon. and Rev. Dr. John North, Master of Trinity College, Cambridge, and Clerk of the Closet to King Charles II. New edition. London, 1826. Three volumes. Octavo. Plates. North America. Travels through the interior parts, 1766, 1767, and 1768; by J. Carver. North Georgia Gazette and Winter Chronicle 1819, 1820. [In " Journal," by W. E. Parry.] Northcote, James. Conversations; by W. Hazlitt. The Life of Titian : with anecdotes of the distinguished persons of his time. London, 1830. Two volumes. Octavo, pp. (2), 399; (2), 384. Plates. Northern true men and southern traitors. [Loyal Publication Society, No. 6.] Northmen. Discovery of America ; by N. L. Beamish. Northwest Passage. Journal of a voyage ; by W. E. Parry. Journey from Prince of Wales's Fort in Hudson's Bay to the northern ocean ; by S. Hearne. Northwest passage by land ; by W. W. Fitzwilliam. Voyage of discovery ; by J. Ross. Norton, Andrews. The Evidences of the Genuineness of the Gospels. Boston, 1837. Three volumes. Octavo. A Translation of the Gospels. With notes. Boston, 1856. Two volumes. Octavo, pp. vii, 443 ; iv, 565. Norton, Charles Eliot. The Correspondence of Thomas Carlyle and Ralph Waldo Emerson 1834-1872. Boston, 1883. Two volumes. I2mo. pp. xii, 368; xiii, 383. Plates. Early Letters of Thomas Carlyle 1814-1826. London, 1886. I2tno. pp. viii, (i), 363. Plate. New life of Dante Alighieri. 266 Massachusetts Historical Society Norway. Forest life in Norway and Sweden ; by H. G. Newland. Heimskringla, or chronicle of the Kings of Norway; by S. Laing. Journal of a residence in Norway in the years 1834, 1835, 1836; by S. Laing. Norway and its glaciers visited in 1851 ; by J. D. Forbes. Oxonian in Thelemarken, or, notes of travel in south- western Norway in the summers of 1856 and 1857; by F. Metcalfe. Scandinavian adventures, during a residence of upwards of twenty years ; by L. Lloyd. Travels through Sweden, Norway and Finmark ; by A. de C. Brooke. Norwich, England. History and antiquities of the see and cathedral church ; by J. Britton. Nott, Josiah Clark. Indigenous Races of the Earth ; or, new chapters of eth- nological inquiry; . . . By Mr. Nott and George R. Gliddon. Philadelphia, 1857. Quarto, pp. 656. Plates. Nowell, Alexander. Life ; by R. Churton. Noyes, George Rapall. An amended Version of the Book of Job, with an intro- duction, and notes chiefly explanatory. . . . Cambridge, 1827. Octavo, pp. ix, (2), 72, 1 1 6. Nugent, Lord. See G. N. Grenville. Nuremberg Chronicle, 1493 ; by H. Schedel. Nuttall, P. Austin. History of the worthies of England ; by T. Fuller. Oakley, Benjamin. Selections from Shakspeare. Oberammergau. Art in the mountains, the Passion Play ; by H. Blackburn. Oberlin, John Frederic. Memoirs of John Frederic Oberlin, Pastor of Waldbach, in the Ban de la Roche. Compiled from authentic sources, chiefly in French and German. London, 1829. Octavo, pp. xx, 352. Plates. Waterston Collection 267 Oberlin, John Frederic (continued). Same, second edition. London, 1830. Same. From the third London edition. With an intro- duction by an American editor [Henry Ware, Jr.], Cambridge, 1832. i6mo. pp. (i), xxiv, 301. Plate. Offer, George. Memoir of William Tyndale, who first printed the New Testament in English. [In " Bible " (New Testament), 1836.] Pilgrim's progress ; by J. Bunyan. Remarkable providences ; by I. Mather. Ogilby, John. America: being the latest, and most accurate description of the new world; . . . London, 1671. Folio, pp. (7), 674, (i). Plates. Map, " A New Description of Carolina," wanting at page 205. Atlas Chinensis : being a second part of a relation of remarkable passages in two embassies from the East- India Company of the United Provinces, . . . [Vol- ume II.] London, 1671. Folio, pp. (i), (2), 723. Plates. An Embassy from the East-India Company of the United Provinces, to the Grand Tartar Cham Emperor of China, . . . Second edition. [Volume I.] London, 1673. Folio, pp. (i), 431. Plates. Oglethorpe, James Edward. Biographical memorials ; by T. M. Harris. Ohio. Journal and letters of Col. John May, of Boston relative to two journeys to the Ohio country in 1788 and '89. [In Hist, and Phil. Society of Ohio, new series, I.] O'Keeffe, John. Recollections of the Life of John O'Keeffe, written by him- self. London, 1826. Two volumes. Octavo, pp. xii, 407, ( i ) ; viii, 428. Oliphant, Laurence. Minnesota and the far West. Edinburgh, 1855. Octavo, pp. xiii, (i), 306. Plates. Narrative of the Earl of Elgin's Mission to China and Japan in the years 1857, '58, '59. New York, 1860. Octavo, pp. 645. Plates. 268 Massachusetts Historical Society Oliphant, Margaret Oliphant (Wilson). The Makers of Florence : Dante, Giotto, Savonarola ; and their city. London, 1876. Octavo, pp. xviii, (i), 395, ( i ) . Plates. Same, second edition. Octavo. London, 1877. Plates. Oliver, Andrew. Letters of Governor Hutchinson. Oliver, Peter. The Puritan Commonwealth. An historical review of the Puritan government in Massachusetts in its civil and ecclesiastical relations from its rise to the abrogation of the first charter. Together with some general reflections on the English colonial policy, and on the character of puritanism. [Edited by Fitch Edward Oliver.] Boston, 1856. Octavo, pp. xii, 502. Omar Khayyam.. Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam, the astronomer-poet of Persia. Rendered into English verse. Third edition. London, 1872. Octavo, pp. xxiv, 36. Opium. China and the Chinese ; by H. C. Sirr. Confessions of an English opium-eater ; by T. De Quincey. Oregon. History; by R. Greenhow. Orlers, Jan Janszoon. Beschryving der Stad Leyden, . . . Erste deel. Amster- dam, 1760. Octavo, pp. (i), (26), 3-404. Ornament. See Decoration. Osburn, William. Ancient Egypt, her Testimony to the Truth of the Bible. Being an interpretation of the inscriptions and pictures which remain upon her tombs and temples. London, 1846. Octavo, pp. x, 242. Plates. The Monumental History of Egypt, as recorded on the ruins of her temples, palaces, and tombs. London, 1854. Two volumes. Octavo, pp. x, (i), 461; vii, (i), 643, ( i ) . Plates. Osgood, Samuel. Our Patriot Scholar. Discourse in memory of Edward Everett, at vespers, in the Church of the Messiah, Waterston Collection 269 Osgood, Samuel (continued). Sunday, January 22, [1865]. New York, 1865. Quarto, pp. 24. Plate. Ossoli, Sarah Margaret Fuller. Memoirs of Margaret Fuller Ossoli. London, 1852. Three volumes. i6mo. Otter, William. The Life and Remains of Edward Daniel Clarke Professor of Mineralogy in the University of Cambridge. London, 1825. Two volumes. Octavo, pp. (8), 500; (4), 486. Plate. Ottley, Henry. A Biographical and Critical Dictionary of recent and living painters and engravers, forming a supplement to Bryan's dictionary of painters and engravers as edited by George Stanley. London, 1866. Octavo, pp. (i), iv, 184. Ottley, William Young. The British gallery of pictures ; by H. Tresham. An Inquiry concerning the Invention of Printing : in which the systems of Meerman, Heinecken, Santander, and Koning are reviewed ; including also notices of the early use of wood-engraving in Europe, the block-books, etc. With an introduction by J. Ph. Berjeau. London, 1863. Quarto, pp. xlii, 377. Plates. An Inquiry into the origin and early History of Engraving, upon copper and in wood, with an account of engravers and their works. . . . London, 1816. Two volumes. 'Octavo, pp. xxii, 478, (2); (i), (i), 479-836. Plates. Ouseley, Gore. Biographical Notices of Persian Poets; with critical and explanatory remarks. To which is prefixed, a Memoir by the Rev. James Reynolds. London, 1846. Octavo, pp. ccxxvi, 387, (3). Owen, John. The Shaking and Translating of Heaven and Earth. A Sermon preached before the Honourable House of Com- mons, in Parliament assembled, April the I9th, 1649. Edinburgh, 1794. i6mo. pp. iv, 68. Owen, Robert Dale. Conditions of reconstruction. [Loyal Publication Society, No. 25.] 2jo Massachusetts Historical Society Owen, Robert Dale (continued). Emancipation is peace. [Loyal Publication Society, No. 22.] Future of the northwest. [Loyal Publication Society, No. i.] Twenty-seven Years of Autobiography. Threading my way. New York, 1874. I2mo. pp. 360. Oxenford, John. Hellas, or the home, history, literature, and art of the Greeks ; by C. F. W. Jacobs. Oxford, England. History and antiquities of the cathedral church; by J. Britton. Oxford University. The Arms of the Colleges and Halls of the University of Oxford, emblazoned. Oxford, 1869. Octavo, i p. Plates. History; by R. Ackermann. Memorials ; by J. Ingram. Oxford English Prize Essays. A new edition brought down to the present time. Oxford, 1830-1836. Five volumes. I2mo. Oxford Essays, contributed by Members of the University. 1856. London. Octavo, pp. vi, (i), 311, (i). Oxford Prize Poems: being a selection of such English poems as have at various times obtained prizes in the University of Oxford. Eighth edition. Oxford, 1834. i6mo. pp. iv, 288. Plates. Page, H. A. See' A. H. Japp. Paget, Francis Edward. Discourse concerning prayer; by S. Patrick. Paine, Robert Treat, Jr. The Works, in verse and prose, of the late Robert Treat Paine, Jun. Esq. With notes. To which are prefixed, sketches of his life, character and writings; by Charles Prentiss. Boston, 1812. Octavo, pp. Ixxxviii, (2), 464, (i). Plate. Paine, Thomas. Common sense; addressed to the inhabitants of America, on the following interesting subjects. . . . Written by Waterston Collection 271 Paine, Thomas (continued). an Englishman. Second edition. Philadelphia, 1776. I2mo. pp. (i), (2), 79. Rights of Man : being an answer to Mr. [Edmund] Burke's attack on the French Revolution. Third edition. Lon- don, 1791. I2mo. pp. x, 7-171. Painters. Anecdotes of eminent painters in Spain, during the six- teenth and seventeenth centuries ; by R. Cumberland. Anecdotes of painters who have resided or been born in England; by E. Edwards. Annals of the artists of Spain ; by W. Stirling-Maxwell. Art of painting, with the lives and characters of above 300 of the most eminent painters ; by R. de Piles. Artists of America ; by C. E. Lester. Biographical and critical dictionary of painters and en- gravers; by M. Bryan. Biographical and critical dictionary of recent and living painters and engravers; by H. Ottley. Biographical memoirs of extraordinary painters; by W. Beckford. Book of the artists ; by H. T. Tuckerman. Celebrated galleries of Munich ; by E. Holloway. Century of painters of the English school; by R. and S. Redgrave. Characters of the most celebrated painters of Italy, by Sir Joshua Reynolds. [In " Life of Raffaelo Sanzio," London, 1816.] Classified synopsis of the principal painters of the Dutch and Flemish schools ; by G. Stanley. Early Flemish painters; by J. A. Crowe. English female artists ; by E. C. Clayton. Famous painters and paintings ; by J. A. Shedd. Flemish and French pictures; by F. G. Stephens. General dictionary of painters ; by M. Pilkington. Illustrated handbooks of art history; by H. J. W.- Buxton. Memoirs of early Italian painters ; by A. Jameson. Picture collector's manual; by J. R. Hobbes. Portraits of celebrated painters, with medallions; by J. Corner. Painting. Anecdotes of painting in England; by H. Walpole. 272 Massachusetts Historical Society Painting (continued). Art-hints, architecture, sculpture, and painting; by J. J. Jarves. Art studies, the "Old Masters" of Italy, painting; by same. Concise history of painting ; by M. M. Heaton. Course of lectures on drawing, painting, and engraving; by W. M. Craig. Epochs of painting; by R. N. Wornum. Essay on the theory of painting ; by J. Richardson. Essays on the anatomy of expression in painting; by C. Bell. Essays towards the history of painting; by M. Callcott Goethe's theory of colours ; by C. L. Eastlake. Hand-book for young painters ; by C. R. Leslie. Handbook of painting, the German, Flemish, and Dutch schools ; by F. T. Kugler. Handbook of painting, the Italian schools ; by same. Hints on light and shadow; by S. Prout. History of painting in Italy ; by L. Lanzi. History of painting in North Italy ; by J. A. Crowe. Lectures on the history and principles of painting; by T. Phillips. Materials for a history of oil painting ; by C. L. Eastlake. New history of painting in Italy ; by J. A. Crowe. On the elements of picturesque scenery, considered with reference to landscape painting; by H. Twining. Original treatises dating from the Xllth to XVIIIth cen- turies; by M. P. Merrifield. Painting and the fine arts ; by B. R. Haydon. Painting in France after the decline of classicism; by P. G. Hamerton. Practical treatise on painting ; by J. Burnet. Principaux tableaux du Musee Royal a la Haye. See Holland. Progress of a painter in the nineteenth century; by J. Burnet. Scottish gallery ; by J. Pinkerton. Treatise on painting ; by L. da Vinci. Wonders of Italian art ; by L. Viardot. Paintings. Book of cartoons ; by R. Cattermole. British gallery of pictures ; by H. Tresham. Waterston Collection 273 Paintings (continued) . English Painters of the present day. Essays by J. Beav- ington Atkinson, Sidney Colvin, P. G. Hamerton, W. M. Rossetti, and Tom Taylor. London, 1871. Folio, pp. (3) recto, 73, (i). Plates. History of art by its monuments; by J. B. L. G. Seroux d'Agincourt. Payne's book of art with the celebrated galleries of Munich. The Portraits of the most eminent Painters, and other famous artists, that have flourished in Europe. . . . London, 1739. Quarto, pp. (i), (6), 63. Plates. Treatise on the knowledge necessary to amateurs in pic- tures ; by F.-X. de Burtin. The Works of Eminent Masters, in painting, sculpture, architecture, and decorative art. London, 1854. Two volumes bound in one. Quarto, pp. (i), (2), 412; (i), (i), 204. Paleario, Aonio. Life and times ; by M. Young. Palestine. Holy Land ; by W. H. Dixon. Holy Land, Syria, Idumea, Arabia, Egypt, and Nubia ; by D. Roberts. Journey from Aleppo to Jerusalem at Easter, 1697; by H. Maundrell. Pictures from Bible lands; by S. G. Green. Relation of a journey begun 1610; by G. Sandys. Scripture lands ; by J. Kitto. . Sinai and Palestine; by A. P. Stanley. Syria and the Holy Land ; by W. K. Kelly. Travels in Egypt and the Holy Land ; by W. R. Wilson. Palfrey, John Gorham. History of New England. Boston, 1876, 1877. Four volumes. Octavo. Plates. Palgrave, Francis Turner. Poetical works of Sir Walter Scott. The Golden Treasury of the best songs and lyrical poems in the English language selected and arranged with notes. London, 1867. i6mo. pp. (3), (8), 332. Same. London, 1870. Same. London, 1880. 18 274 Massachusetts Historical Society Palleske, Emil. Schiller's Life and Works. Translated by Lady Wallace. Dedicated, by permission, to Her Majesty the Queen. London, 1860. Two volumes. I2mo. pp. xx, 436; xii, 452. Plates. Palliser, Fanny Bury. Brittany & its Byways: some account of its inhabitants and its antiquities; during a residence in that country. London, 1869. Octavo, pp. x, 314. Plates. Handbook of the arts of the middle ages and renaissance; by J. Labarte. History of Lace. London, 1865. Octavo, pp. iv, 460. Plates. History of the ceramic art ; by A. Jacquemart. Palmer, John Williamson. Folk Songs. New York, 1861. Octavo, pp. xxxi, (2), 466. Plates. Palmer, Roundell. The Book of Praise from the best English hymn-writers. Cambridge, 1864. i6mo. pp. xix, 480. Palmerini, Niccolo. Opere d'intaglio del cav. Raffaello Morghen raccolte ed illustrate da Niccolo Palmerini socio de varie Accademie. Terza Edizione eon aggiunte. Firenze, 1824. I2mo. pp. (i), (2), 154, (i), (2). Plates. Presentation copy to Dawson Turner ; signature of Morghen. Palmyra. Antiquities ; by A. Seller. Paper-marks. [In " Principia Typographia," III., by S. L. Sotheby . ] Parables, German ; by F. A. Krummacher. Paradin, Claude. Symbola Heroica M. Clavdii Paradini, Belliiocensis ca- nonici. et D. Gabrielis Symeonis. . . . Ltigduno-Bat. [Leyden], 1600. 321110. pp. 319. Cuts. Pardoe, Julia. The City of the Sultan; and domestic manners of the Turks, in 1836. London, 1837. Two volumes. Octavo, pp. xix, (i), 514; x, 500. Plates. The Court and Reign of Francis the First, King of France. London, 1849. Two volumes. Octavo, pp. xxii, (2), 530; xv, (i), 610. Plates. Waterston Collection 275 Pardoe, Julia (continued). Traits and Traditions of Portugal. Collected during a residence in that country. London, .1833. Two volumes. I2mo. pp. xii, 308; (2), iv, 338. Paris. Annals of Parisian Topography; by W. P. Greswell. Environs de Paris; by A. L. Joanne. Maps : Paris Monumental et ses environs ; Paris, ses For- tifications et sa Banlieue, 1852; Galignani's Plan of Paris and Environs; Plan Panorama de Paris fortifie, 1857. Paris and its environs; by T. Forester. Picturesque views of the city of Paris and its environs; by J. Scott. Portion of the journal kept by Thomas Raikes, 1831-1847. Parish, Elijah. Compendious history of New England ; by J. Morse. Park, Mungo. The Journal of a Mission to the Interior of Africa, in the year 1805. Together with other documents, official and private, relating to the same mission. To which is pre- fixed an account of the life of Mr. Park. Second edition, revised and corrected, with additions. London, 1815. [Vol. II. of " Travels."] Travels in the Interior Districts of Africa: performed in the years 1795, 1796, and 1797. With an account of a subsequent mission to that country in 1805. To which is added an account of the life of Mr. Park. New edition. Vol. I. Travels in 1795, 1796, and 1797. With an appendix, containing geographical illustrations of Africa by Major Rennell. London, 1816. Two volumes. Quarto, pp. xviii, (2), 458; xvii, (i), 373. Plates. Park, Thomas. Catalogue of the royal and noble authors ; by H. Walpole. Nugae Antiquae, being a miscellaneous collection of origi- nal papers, in prose and verse; by J. Harington. Parker, Charles. Villa Rustica: selected from buildings and scenes in the vicinity of Rome and Florence; and arranged for rural and domestic dwellings. With plans and details. Sec- ond edition, with corrections and additions. London, 1848. Quarto, pp. iv, (58). Plates. 276 Massachusetts Historical Society Parker, John Rowe. A Musical Biography : or sketches of the lives and writings of eminent musical characters. Interspersed with an epitome of interesting musical matter. Boston, 1825. Octavo, pp. 250. Parker, Nathan. Memoir; by S. E. Coues. Parker, Theodore. The Great Battle between Slavery and Freedom, consid- ered in two speeches delivered before the American Anti- slavery Society, at New York, May 7, 1856. Boston, 1856. I2mo. pp. 93. John Brown's Expedition reviewed in a letter from Rev. Theodore Parker, at Rome, to Francis Jackson, Boston. Boston, 1860. I2mo. pp. 19. Lessons from the World of Matter and the World of Man. Selected from notes of unpublished sermons, by Rufus Leighton. Edited by Frances Power Cobbe. London, 1865. Octavo, pp. xix, 331, (2). Plate. A Letter to the People of the United States touching the matter of Slavery. Boston, 1848. I2mo. pp. 118. The Material Condition of the People of Massachusetts. Reprinted from the Christian Examiner. Boston, 1860. I2mo. pp. 52. The Present Aspect of Slavery in America and the imme- diate Duty of the North : A speech delivered in the hall of the State House, before the Massachusetts Anti- Slavery Convention, on Friday night, January 29, 1858. Boston, 1858. I2mo. pp. 44. The Public Education of the People. An oration delivered before the Onondaga Teachers' Institute, at Syracuse, N. Y., on the 4th of October, 1849. Boston, 1850. I2mo. pp. 59. A Sermon of the Mexican War : preached at the Melodeon, on Sunday, June 25th, 1848. Boston, 1848. Octavo, pp. 56. The State of the Nation, considered in a sermon for Thanksgiving Day, preached at the Melodeon, Nov. 28, 1850. Boston, 1851. I2mo. pp. 38. Theodore Parker's Review of Webster. Speech of Theo- dore Parker, delivered in the old Cradle of Liberty, March 25, 1850. Boston, 1850. I2mo. pp. 26. Tributes, Boston, 1860. Waterston Collection 277 Parker Society. Original Letters relative to the English Reformation, written during the reigns of King Henry VIII. , King Edward VI., and Queen Mary; chiefly from the Ar- chives of Zurich. Translated from authenticated copies of the autographs, and edited for the Parker Society, by the Rev. Hastings Robinson. First portion. Cam- bridge, 1846. Octavo, pp. xi, 376. Same, second portion. Cambridge, 1847. Octavo, pp. xxiv, 377-784. Parkes, Joseph. Memoirs of Sir Philip Francis, K. C. B. with Correspond- ence and Journals. Completed and edited by Herman Merivale. London, 1867. Two volumes. Octavo, pp. xxxiii, (i),458; vi, (2), 566. Plates. Parkman, Francis (1788-1852). A Discourse delivered in the Church in Brattle Square, on Sunday, May 3, 1840, occasioned by the death of Rev. John T. Kirkland, late President of Harvard University. Boston, 1840. Octavo, pp. 30, (i). Parkman, Francis (1823-1893). The California and Oregon Trail : being sketches of prairie and Rocky Mountain life. New York, 1849. i2mo. pp. 448. Plates. France and England in North America. A series of his- torical narratives. Part second [Jesuits in North America in the seventeenth century.] Boston, 1867. Octavo, pp. Ixxxix, (i), 463. Same, part third. [Discovery of the great West. Second edition.] Boston, 1870. Octavo, pp. xxi, (i), 425. Plate. History of the Conspiracy of Pontiac, and the war of the North American tribes against the English colonies after the conquest of Canada. Boston, 1855. Octavo, pp. xxiv, 632. Plates. Parmegiano. See G. F. M. Mazzola. Parnell, Thomas. Poetical works. See G. Gilfillan. Parry, John Docwra. The Legendary Cabinet; a collection of British national ballads, ancient and modern; from the best authorities. With notes and illustrations. London, 1829. I2mo. pp. viii, 436, slip. Plate. 278 Massachusetts Historical Society Parry, William Edward. Journal of a Voyage for the Discovery of a North-west Passage from the Atlantic to the Pacific ; performed in the years 1819-20, in His Majesty's ships Hecla and Griper, under the orders of William Edward Parry, commander of the expedition. With an^ appendix, con- taining the scientific and other observations. . . . Second edition. London, 1821. Quarto, pp. (3), (4), xxix, (i), 310, (i), cccx, xii, 132. Plates. Also a reprint of " The North Georgia Gazette, and Winter Chron- icle," 1819, 1820, printed on one of the vessels. Journal of a second Voyage for the Discovery of a North- west Passage from the Atlantic to the Pacific; per- formed in the years 1821-22-23, in His Majesty's Ships Fury and Hecla, under the orders of Captain William Edward Parry, commander of the expedition. London, 1824. Quarto, p. (i), (4), xxx, (i), 571, (i). Plates. Journal of a third voyage for the Discovery of a North- west Passage from the Atlantic to the Pacific ; performed in the years 1824-25, in His Majesty's Ships Hecla and Fury, under the orders of Captain William Edward Parry, commander of the expedition. London, 1826. Quarto, (i), xxvii, (i), 186, (i), 151, (i). Plates. Narrative of an Attempt to reach the North Pole, in boats fitted for the purpose, and attached to His Majesty's ship Hecla, in the year 1827, under the command of Captain William Edward Parry. London, 1828. Quarto, pp. xxii, (i), 229, (i). Plates. Parsons, Theophilus. Memoir of Theophilus Parsons, Chief Justice of the Su- preme Judicial Court of Massachusetts ; with notices of some of his contemporaries. By his son. Boston, 1859. I2mo. pp. viii, 476. Plate. Parsons, Thomas William. First canticle inferno of the divine comedy of Dante Alighieri. The Magnolia. Cambridge, 1866. Quarto, pp. (i), (i), 58. Given to Mrs. Waterston by Mrs. Parsons, 1867. The Old House at Sudbury. Cambridge, 1870. I2mo. pp. 114. Waterston Collection 279 Pascal, Blaise. The Life of M r - Paschal, with his Letters relating- to the Jesuits. Translated into English by W[illiam] A[n- drews]. London, 1844. Two volumes. Octavo, pp. (i), (13), Ixiii, 228; (i), (2), 320. Plates. Pasquin, Antoine Claude. Historical, Literary, and Artistical Travels in Italy, a complete and methodical guide for travellers and artists by M. Valery. Translated with the special approbation of the author, from the second corrected and improved edition, by C. E. Clifton. Paris, 1839. I2mo. pp. vii, 781. Map. Passavant, Johann Davicl. Raphael of Urbino and his father Giovanni Santi. Lon- don, 1872. Octavo, pp. x, 313, (i). Plates. Passerii, Joannis Baptista. Lucernae fictiles Musei Passerii. Sumtibus Academiae Pisaurensis. Pisauri [Pesaro] 1739, 1743, 1751. Three volumes. Folio. Plates. Passion play, Story of; by H. Blackburn. Paston, letters, written during the reigns of Henry VI., Ed- ward IV., and Richard III. ; by J. Fenn. Paton, Andrew Archibald. Highlands and Islands of the Adriatic, including Dalmatia, Croatia, and the southern provinces of the Austrian Empire. London, 1849. Two volumes. Octavo, pp. xxii, (i),3i4; viii, (i), 308. Plates. Patrick, Simon. A Discourse concerning Prayer, and the frequenting daily public prayers. Edited by Francis E. Paget. New York, 1841. i6mo. pp. 302. The Parable of the Pilgrim : written to a friend. London, 1668. I2mo. pp. (2), (n), 527. Sermon preached at the Funeral of Mr. John Smith, late Fellow of Queen's College in Cambridge, who departed this life, August 7th, 1652. [In " Select Discourses," by J. Smith.] Patterson, Robert Hogarth. Essays in History and Art. Edinburgh, 1862. Octavo, pp. vi, (2), 526. Pauquet Freres. Modes et Costumes Historiques. Paris. Quarto, pp. ( i ) , 3. Plates. 28 o Massachusetts Historical Society Pausanias. IIATSANI'OT'EAAA'AOS IIEPIHrH'2En2 'ATTIKA. Venice, 1516. Folio, pp. 282, (2). Payne, Albert Henry. Payne's Book of Art with the celebrated galleries of Munich. Being a selection of subjects engraved after pictures by old and modern masters with descriptive text together with a history of art. Dresden. Three vol- umes. Quarto. Plates. Payne, James Bertrand. Haydn's Universal Index of Biography from the creation to the present time, for the use of the statesman, the historian, and the journalist. London, 1870. Octavo, pp. (i), (8i), 5 86. Peabody, Andrew Preston. Harvard Reminiscences. Boston, 1888. I2tno. pp. vi, 216. Peabody, Elizabeth Palmer. Record of a School [A. Bronson Alcott's] : exemplifying the general principles of spiritual culture. Boston, 1835. i6mo. pp. (2), vi, 208. Pears, Steuart Adolphus. The Correspondence of Sir Philip. Sidney and Hubert Languet. Now first collected and translated from the Latin with notes and a memoir of Sidney. London, 1845. Octavo, pp. Ixxxii, 240. Pearson, Emily Clemens. Gutenberg, and the Art of Printing. Boston, 1871. I2mo. pp. vi, 292. Plates. Pearson, John Norman. Whole works of the most Reverend Father in God, Robert Leighton. Pecht, August Friedrich. Schiller Gallery, containing characters from Schiller's Works, drawn by Frederick Pecht and Arthur von Ram- berg. New York, 1869. Quarto, pp. 311. Plates. Peck, Francis. Memoirs of the Life and Actions of Oliver Cromwell : as delivered in three panegyrics of him, written in Latin: . . . London, 1740. Octavo, pp. xii, 47, (i), 130, (2), 113. Plates. Peck, John Mason. Annals of the West ; by J. H. Perkins. Waterston Collection 281 Pegge, Samuel (1704-1796). Anonymiana; or, ten centuries of observations on various authors and subjects. Compiled by a late very learned and Reverend Divine ; and faithfully published from the original MS. With the addition of a copious index. London, 1809. Octavo, pp. viii, 527. Pegge, Samuel (1733-1800). Anecdotes of the English Language : chiefly regarding the local dialect of London and its environs; ... in a letter from Samuel Pegge, to an old acquaintance, and co- fellow of the Society of Antiquaries, London. Second edition, . . . London, 1814. Octavo, pp. xvi, 428. Peirce, Benjamin. Benjamin Pierce; by M. King. Ideality in the Physical Sciences. Boston,. 1883. I2mo. pp. (2), 211. Plate. Pellatt, Apsley. Curiosities of Glass Making: with details of the processes and productions of ancient and modern ornamental glass manufacture. London, 1849. Octavo, pp. viii, 146. Plates. Pelletan, Pierre Clement Eugene. Address to King Cotton. [Loyal Publication Society, No. 12.] Pellico, Silvio. Oeuvres de Silvio Pellico. Mes Prisons suivies du dis- cours sur les devoirs des hommes. Traduction de M. Antoine de Latour. Neuvieme edition. Paris, 1853. i6mo. pp. (3), 450. Memoirs of my imprisonments. With a preliminary notice [by Gabriele Rosselli] and notes. New translation. Second edition. London, 1850. i6mo. pp. (i), (i), 9-327, (i). Pemberton, Ebenezer. The Divine Original and Dignity of Government Asserted ; and an advantageous prospect of the rulers mortality recommended. A sermon preached before His Excel- lency the Governour, the Honourable Council, and Assembly of the Province of the Massachusetts-Bay, in New-England, May 31. 1710. The day for the election of Her Majesties Council there. Boston, 1710. i6mo. pp. (2), 1 06. 282 Massachusetts Historical Society Pemberton, Ebenezer (continued). A Sermon Preached in the Audience of the General Assembly, at the publick lecture in Boston, November ist. 1705. Boston, 1706. i6mo. pp. (2), 35. Penley, Aaron Edwin. The English School of painting in Water-Colours : its theory and practice. With the several stages of progres- sion. New and revised edition. London, 1872. Large folio, pp. viii, (2), 130. Plates. Penn, William. Charters of the Province of Pensilvania and City of Philadelphia. Memoirs of the private and public life; by T. Clarkson. William Penn; by W. H. Dixon. Pennant, Thomas. Some Account of London. Second edition. London, 1791. Octavo, pp. vi, (i), 479, (8). Plates. Same, fifth edition, with considerable additions. London, 1813. Octavo, pp. viii, 660. Plates. A Tour in Scotland; MDCCLXIX. Fourth edition. [Volume I.] London, 1776. Octavo, pp. vi, 400. A Tour in Scotland, and voyage to the Hebrides; MDCCLXXII. [Volume II.] Chester, 1774. Oc- tavo, pp. (i), viii, 379. Pennsylvania. The Charters of the Province of Pensilvania and the City of Philadelphia. [By William Perm.] Philadelphia, 1742. Folio, pp. 30. Collection of charters and other publick acts, relating to the Province of Pennsylvania. [In " History of the Five Indian Nations," by C. Colden.] New Essay on the constitutional power of Great Britain over the colonies in America ; by J. Dickinson. Treaty held at the town of Lancaster, in Pennsylvania, by the Honourable the Lieutenant-Governor of the Province, and the Honourable the Commissioners for the Provinces of Virginia and Maryland, with the In- dians of the Six Nations, in June, 1744. [In " History of the Five Indian Nations," by C. Colden.] Pepys, Samuel. Diary and Correspondence of Samuel Pepys, secretary to the Admiralty in the Reigns of Charles II. and James II. Waterston Collection 283 Pepys, Samuel (continued). The diary deciphered by the Rev. J. Smith . . . With a life and notes by Richard Lord Braybrooke. Fifth edition. London, 1854. Four volumes. I2mo. Plates. Percival, James Gates. Life and letters ; by J. H. Ward. Percy, Thomas. Reliques of Ancient English Poetry: consisting of old heroic ballads, songs, and other pieces of our earlier poets; together with some few of later date. New edition. London, 1839. Three volumes. I2mo. Perier, Franchise Gilberte (Pascal). Life of Mr. [Blaise] Paschal. See Pascal. Perkins, Charles Callahan. Italian Sculptors : being a history of sculpture in northern, southern, and eastern Italy. London, 1868. Quarto, pp. xi, 326. Plates. Raphael and Michelangelo: a critical and biographical essay. Boston, 1878. Octavo, pp. xi, (i), 294. Presentation copy, January 9, 1878. Tuscan Sculptors : their lives, works, and times. London, 1864. Two volumes. Quarto, pp. Ivi, 267, (i); vi, (i), (i), 267. Plates. Perkins, James Handasyd. Annals of the West : embracing a concise account of prin- cipal events, which have occurred in the western states and territories, from the discovery of the Mississippi Valley to the year eighteen hundred and fifty. Second edition, revised and enlarged, by J. M. Peck. St. Louis, 1850. Octavo, pp. 808. This belonged to Abraham Lincoln's library ; has his signature, Feb- ruary, 1851 ; given by him to W. H. Herndon, who gave it to Mr. Waterston on June 28, 1866 ; nine photographs relating to Lincoln inserted. Perkins, William Oscar. The Laurel Wreath, for female seminaries, high schools, academies, normal schools, . . . Boston, 1870. Oblong i6mo. pp. 239, (i). Perley, Sidney. The Poets of Essex County, Massachusetts. Salem, 1889. I2mo. pp. 214. On the flv leaf at the beginning is a sonnet by William Page Andrews " To Mrs. Waterston on her birthday," dated June 27, 1889. 284 Massachusetts Historical Society Perry, Matthew Calbraith. Narrative of the expedition of an American squadron to the China seas and Japan, 1852-1854; by F. L. Hawks. Perry, Walter Copland. Greek and Roman Sculpture. A popular introduction to the history of Greek and Roman sculpture. London, 1882. Octavo, pp. xxx, 700. Persepolis. Narrative of a journey. [In " Narrative," by C. J. Rich.] Persia. Biographical notices of Persian poets; by G. Ouseley. Early oriental history ; by J. Eadie. Narrative of a journey into Persia, and residence at Teheran ; by J. M. Tancoigne. Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam. Travels and researches in Chaldaea and Susiana ; by W. K. Loftus. Peterborough, England. History and antiquities of the abbey, and cathedral church ; by J. Britton. Petit, John Louis. Remarks on Church . Architecture. London, 1841. Two volumes. Octavo, pp. viii, (i), vii, 216; (3), vii, 270. Plates. Peto, Samuel Morton. The Resources and Prospects of America ascertained during a visit to the States in the autumn of 1865. London, 1866. Octavo, pp. xv, 428. Plates. Petrarca, Francesco. Life; by S. Dobson. Life and times ; by T. Campbell. The Sonnets, Triumphs, and other poems of Petrarch. Now first completely translated into English verse by various hands. With a life of the poet by Thomas Campbell. London, 1859. i6mo. pp. cxl, 416. Plates. Peucer, Caspar. Chronica Carionis, von anfang der Welt bis vff Keiser Carolum den Funfften. Philadelphia, Penn. Charters of the Province of Pensilvania and City of Philadelphia. Waterston Collection 285 Philadelphia!! Magazine, The, for November, 1789. Vol. II. [also index and errata, and pages from I.]. i6mo. PP.- 57-6o, 377-416, (3), (3). Philbrick, John Dudley. Reports and other papers on the Boston Public Schools [1865-1868]. Philip, George, and Son. Philips' Imperial General Atlas: comprising forty-two maps, constructed from the best authorities, and in- cluding the latest discoveries ; accompanied by a valuable consulting index, by J. H. Johnson, Edinburgh. Liver- pool, 1853. Folio, pp. (i), (i), (8). Maps. Philip van Artevelde, a dramatic romance; by H. Taylor. Phillips, Charles. Curran and his Contemporaries. Fourth edition. Edin- burgh, 1851. Octavo, pp. vi, (i), 595. Phillips, Thomas. Lectures on the History and Principles of Painting. Lon- don, 1833. Octavo, pp. xxxii, 477, (i). Phillips, Wendell. Speeches, Lectures, and Letters. Boston, 1863. I2mo. pp. iv, (i), 562. Plate. Philosophy. Ancient philosophy; by F. D. Maurice. History ; by T. Stanley. Photographs, mounted. Folio. Physics. Astronomy and general physics considered with reference to natural theology ; by W. Whewell. Mechanical philosophy, horology, and astronomy; by W. B. Carpenter. Preliminary discourse on the study of natural philosophy; by J. F. W. Herschel. Piale, Luigi. Hand-Book or new Guide of Rome and the environs accord- ing to Vasi and Nibby. . . . Rome, 1857. I2mo. pp. xlii, 532. Pickering, Charles. The Races of Man; and their geographical distribution. New edition. To which is prefixed, an analytical synop- sis of the natural history of man. By John Charles Hall. London, 1854. i6mo. pp. Ixxii, 445, (i). Plates. 286 Massachusetts Historical Society Picturesque, Uvedale Price on the ; by T. D. Lauder. Pigot, Richard. Life of man ; by J. Leighton. Piles, Roger de. The Art of Painting, with the lives and characters of above 300 of the most eminent painters : containing a complete treatise of painting, designing, and the use of prints. With reflexions on the works of the most celebrated masters, and of the several schools of Europe, as well ancient as modern. . . . Translated from the French. To which is added, an essay toward an English school. Third edition. London, 1754 [?]. Octavo, pp. (i), (14), 439, (0, ( 26 )> J 40. Also " The Lives of the Most Eminent Modern Painters," by John Buck- ridge. London, 1754. Pilgrim Fathers. Chronicles ; by A. Young. Dialogue or third conference ; by W. Bradford. Guide to Plymouth, and recollections of the Pilgrims; by W. S. Russell. Pilgrim Fathers, by Daniel Wilson. [In " History of Puritans," by W. H. Stowell.] Pilgrim Fathers; by W. H. Bartlett Pilgrim's reliquary ; by T. H. White. Pilkington, Matthew. A General Dictionary of Painters ; containing memoirs of the lives and works of the most eminent professors of the art of painting, from its revival, by Cimabue, in the year 1250, to the present time. New edition. Lon- don, 1824. Two volumes bound in four. Quarto. Plates. Same. By Allan Cunningham. London, 1857. Octavo, pp. cxii, 631. Plate. Pim, Bedford. The Gate of the Pacific [Nicaragua]. London, 1863. Octavo, pp. xiii, ( i ) , 432. Plates. Pinelli, Bartolomeo. Twenty-seven etchings illustrative of Italian Manners and Costume, comprising picturesque costumes of Rome, in twelve plates; the Carnival, in five plates; adventures of Massaroni, the brigand, in ten plates. Rome, 1844. Folio, pp. (i), (2). Plates. Waterston Collection 287 Pinkerton, John. The Scottish Gallery; or, portraits of eminent persons of Scotland : many of them after pictures by the celebrated Jameson, at Taymouth, and other places. With brief accounts of the characters represented, and an introduc- tion on the rise and progress of painting in Scotland. London, 1799. Quarto, pp. (i), (i), (102). Plates. Piozzi, Hester Lynch. Observations and Reflections made in the course of a journey through France, Italy, and Germany. London, 1789. Two volumes. Octavo, pp. vii, 437; (i), 389. Piranesi, Giovanni Battista. Descrizione e disegno dell' emissario del lago Albano. 1762. Folio, pp. (i), 19, (i). Plates. Pitt, William. Correspondence of William Pitt, Earl of Chatham. Edited by the executors of his son, John, Earl of Chatham, and published from the original manuscripts in their pos- session. London, 1838-1840. Four volumes. Octavo. Pitted, Giovanni Marco. Naturam Referens Patet Ars sed utrinque Magistra ap-. presso Teodoro Viero Venezia. [Engraved by him and Bartolozzi.] Oblong quarto. Plates. Pitts Street Chapel, Boston. Chapel hymn book ; by C. F. Barnard. Planche, James Robinson. Complete view of the dress and habits of the people of England; by J. Strutt. History of British Costume. London, 1834. i6mo. pp. xx, 376. Plate. Regal and ecclesiastical antiquities of England; by J. Strutt. Plato. Plato and the older Academy ; by E. G. Zeller. Plato, and the other companions of Sokrates ; by G. Grote. Plato's Divine Dialogues, together with the apology of Socrates, translated from the original Greek, with introductory dissertations and notes discovering the source of the Platonic philosophy, and tracing its origin to the inspired word of God. Translated from the French of M. Dacier, 1720. London, 1839. i6mo. pp. (i), (i), 411. Plate. 288 Massachusetts Historical Society Plato (continued). The Republic of Plato. In ten books. Translated from the Greek by H. Spens. With a preliminary discourse con- cerning the philosophy of the ancients by the translator. Glasgow, 1763. Octavo, pp. (i), (6), v-xl, 430. The Works of Plato, viz. his fifty-five dialogues, and twelve epistles, translated from the Greek ; nine of the dialogues by the late Floyer Sydenham, and the remainder by Thomas Taylor. London, 1804. Five volumes. Quarto. Plautus, Titus Maccius. M. Acci Plavti comedias, ex recognitione Jani Grvteri; qui bona fide contulit cum MSS. Palatinis. Accedunt Commentarij Fridrici Taubmanni auctiores ; item Indices rerum & verborum necessarii. [Bamberg ?], 1621. Oc- tavo, pp. (i), (50), 1557, (125). Playing Cards, Researches into the history; by S. W. Singer. Pliny. The Letters of Pliny the Consul. With occasional remarks. By William Melmoth, Esq. Boston, 1809. Two vol- umes. i6mo. pp. 332; 280. Plotinus. Plotini Divini illivs e Platonica familia philosophi de rebvs philosophicis libri LIIII. in Enneades sex distributi, a Marsilio Ficino Florentino e Graeca Lingua in Latinam versi, . . . Basiliae, 1562. Folio, pp. (28), (729), (46). Plutarch. Greek History from Themistocles to Alexander. In a series of lives from Plutarch. Revised and arranged by A. H. Clough. London, 1860. I2mo. pp. xv, 481, (i). Plutarch's Lives. The translation called Dryden's cor- rected from the Greek and revised. By A. H. Clough. Boston, 1859. Five volumes. Octavo. Plvtarchi Opvsvla. LXXXXII. Index Mortalium om- nium, . . . [First edition, Greek text.] Venetiis, 1509. Quarto, pp. (16), 384. Plymouth, Mass. Ancient landmarks of Plymouth ; by W. T. Davis. Guide to Plymouth, and recollections of the Pilgrims [and " Airs of the Pilgrims "] ; by W. S. Russell. Plymouth Colony. Chronicles of the Pilgrim Fathers ; by A. Young. Waterston Collection 289 Plymouth Colony (continued). Compact with the charter and laws of the Colony of New Plymouth, published by the Commonwealth of Massa- chusetts, Boston, 1836. First Plymouth patent, granted June I, 1621; by C. Deane. History of Plymouth Plantation ; by W. Bradford. New England's memorial ; by N. Morton. Plymouth Colony ; by W. T. Davis. Poetry. American common-place book of poetry ; by G. B. Cheever. Ancient metrical tales ; by C. H. Hartshorne. The Beauties of the Scottish Poets, ancient and modern, with biographical sketches of the authors, and notes, illustrative of the ancient poems. Glasgow, 1823. 321110. pp. (i), vi, (2), 288. Plates. Christian lyrics. Christian year ; by J. Keble. Collection of English sonnets; by R. F. Housman. Country life. Early English Poems Chaucer to Pope. Chiefly un- abridged. London, 1863. Octavo, pp. xii, 308. England's helicon ; by J. Bodenham. Essays on English poetry; by T. Campbell. Fables of flora; by J. Langhorne. Farmer's boy; by R. Bloomfield. Fast, a poem translated from the prophet Isaiah; by J. Murray. Favourite English Poems of Modern Times. Unabridged. London, 1862. Octavo, pp. xii, 372. Floral Poesy: a book for all seasons. London. i6mo. pp. viii, 311, ( i ) . Plates. Forest sanctuary; by F. D. Hemans. Gertrude of Wyoming; by T. Campbell. History of English poetry ; by T. Warton. Hobbinol, field sports, and the bowling green; by W. Somerville. Household book of poetry ; by C. A. Dana. Illustrated poetical album ; by J. S. Rothwell. Imagination and infancy, or, selections from the English poets ; by J. H. L. Hunt. Isle of palms, and other poems ; by J. Wilson. League of the Alps; by F. D. Hemans. 19 290 Massachusetts Historical Society Poetry (continued). Life memories and other poems ; by E. S. Rand. Memory and hope ; by M. A. C. Silsbee. Old house at Sudbury ; by T. W. Parsons. Poems of many years ; by R. M. Milnes. Poetical works ; by G. Herbert, R. Herrick, and by H. Smith. Poetical works of Surrey [H. Howard] and Wyatt. Poetry of nature ; by H. Weir. Poets of Maine ; by G. B. Griffith. Poets' pleasaunce; by G. Jabet. Pursuits of literature, a satirical poem in four dialogues; by T. J. Mathias. Queen's wake, a legendary poem ; by J. Hogg. Reliques of ancient English poetry; by T. Percy. Rights of Asses. Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam. Shipwreck; by W. Falconer. Specimens of early English metrical romances ; by G. Ellis. Specimens of early poetry of France ; by L. S. Costello. Specimens of English dramatic poets, who lived about the time of Shakspeare ; by A. de Lamartine. Specimens of English sonnets ; by A. Dyce. Triumphs of temper ; by W. Hayley. Two centuries of song ; by G. W. Thornbury. Voices from the mountains and from the crowd; by C. Mackay. Woodland and wild, a selection of descriptive poetry. Poets and statesmen. See Biography. Pole, William. Life of Robert Stephenson. Polish exiles. Zophiel, or the bride of seven ; by M. G. Brooks. Political Economy. On political economy, in connexion with the moral state and moral prospects of society ; by T. Chalmers. Treatise ; by J.-B. Say. Polo, Marco. The Book of Ser Marco Polo, the Venetian, concerning the kingdoms and marvels of the East. Newly translated and edited, with notes. By Colonel Henry Yule. Lon- don, 1871. Two volumes. Octavo, pp. clxi, 409, (i); xviii, (i), 525. Plates. Waterston Collection 291 Polo, Marco (continued). The Travels of Marco Polo, the Venetian. The translation of Marsden revised, with a selection of his notes. Edited by Thomas Wright. London, 1854. i6mo. pp. xxviii, 508. Polybius. The General History of Polybius. Translated from the Greek by Mr. [James] Hampton. Fourth edition. Lon- don, 1809. Three volumes. Octavo. Same, fifth edition. Oxford, 1823. Two volumes. Oc- tavo, pp. (i), (i), xxiv, 422; (i), (i), 507. Pompeiana, the topography, edifices and ornaments of Pom- peii, the result of excavations since 1819; by W. Gell. Pontiac, History of the conspiracy; by F. Parkman. Poole, Edward Stanley. Account of the manners and customs of the modern Egyp- tians ; by E. W. Lane. Thousand and one nights, commonly called, in England, the Arabian nights' entertainments. Poole, William Frederick. The Popham Colony. A discussion of its historical claims, with a bibliography of the subject. Boston, 1866. Octavo, pp. 72. Pope, Alexander. Essay on the genius and writings; by J. Warton. Iliad of Homer. Odyssey of Homer. Pope, Walter. The Life of the Right Reverend Father in God Seth [Ward], Lord Bishop of Salisbury, and Chancellor of the Most Noble Order of the Garter. With a brief account of Bishop Wilkins, Mr. Lawrence Rooke, Dr. Isaac Barrow, Dr. Tubervile, and others. London, 1697. i6mo. pp. (i), (2), 193, 37. Popes. See Roman Catholic Church. Popham Colony; by W. F. Poole. Portfolio; by P. G. Hamerton. Portland Vase. Portland vase. [In " Botanic Garden," by E. Darwin.] Reprint of a description ; by T. Windus. Portsmouth, N. H. Rambles about Portsmouth; by C. W. Brewster. 292 Massachusetts Historical Society Portugal. Fair Lusitania; by C. C. Jackson. Italy, Spain and Portugal; by W. Beckford. Portugal illustrated ; by W. M. Kinsey. Recollections of an excursion to the monasteries of Alco- baga and Batalha; by W. Beckford. Scenery of Portugal and Spain ; by G. Vivian. Traits and traditions of Portugal ; by J. Pardoe. Potter, Robert. Tragedies of Aeschylus; of Euripides; of Sophocles. Pottery. Ancient unedited monuments. Painted Greek vases; by J. Milligen. Antiquites Etrusques, Grecques et Romains; by P. F. H. d'Hancarville. Collection of antique vases, altars, etc. ; by H. Moses. History of ancient pottery ; by S. Birch. History of the ceramic art ; by A. Jacquemart. Keramic art of Japan ; by G. A. Audsley. Life of Joseph Wedgwood ; by E. Meteyard. Manual of pottery and porcelain for American collectors; by J. H. Treadwell. Portland vase. [In " Botanic Garden," by E. Darwin.] Reprint of a description of the Portland vase, formerly the Barberini ; by T. Windus. Wedgwood and his works ; by E. Meteyard. Wedgwoods ; by L. F. W. Jewitt. Poulson, George. History and antiquities of the seigniory of Holderness ; by W. Dade. Poussin, Nicholas. Memoirs of the life; by M. Graham. Powers, Grant. Historical Sketches of the discovery, settlement, and prog- ress of events in the Coos Country and vicinity, prin- cipally included between the years 1754 and 1785. Haverhill, N. H., 1880. I2mo. pp. 240. Pray, Lewis Glover. The History of Sunday Schools, and of religious education, from the earliest times. Boston, 1847. I2mo. pp. (i), viii, 262. Plate. Prayer, Discourse concerning ; by S. Patrick. Waterston Collection 2 93 Prayer Book, Albert Durer's designs; by R. Ackermann. Precious stones. See Gems. Prentiss, Charles. Works, in verse and prose, of the late Robert Treat Paine, Jun. Prescott, William Hickling. History of the Conquest of Mexico, with a preliminary view of the ancient Mexican Civilization, and the life of the conqueror, Hernando Cortez. Boston, 1859. Three volumes. Octavo. Plates. History of the reign of the Emperor Charles the Fifth ; by W. Robertson. History of the Reign of Ferdinand and Isabella, the Cath- olic. Boston, 1838. Three volumes. Octavo. Plates. Life; by G. Ticknor. Preservation of the Union. [Loyal Publication Society, No. 14.] Price, Richard. Additional Observations on the Nature and Value of Civil Liberty, and the War with America: also observations on schemes for raising money by public loans; an his- torical deduction and analysis of the national debt ; and a brief account of the debts and resources of France. London, 1777. Octavo, pp. xvi, 176. Address, delivered at the interment ; by A. Kippis. A Discourse on the Love of our Country, delivered on Nov. 4, 1789, at the meeting-house in the old Jewry, to the Society for Commemorating the Revolution in Great Britain. . . . Sixth edition. London, 1790. Octavo, pp. (i), x, 51, 44. Discourse on occasion of the death ; by J. Priestley. An Essay on the Population of England, from the Revolu- tion to the present time. With an appendix, containing remarks on the account of the population, trade, and resources of the kingdom, in Mr. Eden's letters to Lord Carlisle. London, 1780. Octavo, pp. v, ( i ), 82. The General Introduction and Supplement to the two Tracts on Civil Liberty, the War with America, and the finances of the Kingdom. London, 1778. Octavo, pp. (i), xxvi, 181-216. Table. History of English poetry ; by T. Warton. Observations on the Nature of Civil Liberty, the Principles 294 Massachusetts Historical Society Price, Richard (continued). of Government, and the Justice and Policy of the War with America. To which is added an appendix, con- taining the state of the national debt. . . . Fourth edition. London, 1776. Octavo, pp. ($)recto, (2), 128. Same, fifth edition. Octavo, pp. (i), (i), (4), I3 2 - Price, Uvedale, on the picturesque ; by T. D. Lauder. Priestley, Joseph. A Discourse on occasion of the Death of Dr. Price; deliv- ered at Hackney, on Sunday, May i, 1791. London, 1791. Octavo, pp. (i), (i),45- Lectures on History, and General Policy; to which is pre- fixed, an essay on a course of liberal education for civil and active life. A new edition, with numerous enlarge- ments : comprising a lecture on " the Constitution of the United States," from the author's American edition; and additional notes, by J. T. Rutt. London, 1826. Octavo, pp. xxxii, 598. Letters to the Right Honourable Edmund Burke, occa- sioned by his reflections on the Revolution in France, &c. Third edition, corrected. Birmingham, 1791. Octavo, pp. xii, (2), 155. The proper Objects of Education in the present State of the World : represented in a discourse, delivered on Wednesday, the 27th of April, 1791, at the meeting- house in the Old-Jewry, London ; to the supporters of the New College at Hackney. London, 1791. Octavo, pp. (i), (i), 52,4. Prince, John. Danmonii Orientales Illustres : or, the worthies of Devon. A work, wherein the lives and fortunes of the most famous divines, statesmen, swordsmen, physicians, writers, and other eminent persons, natives of that most noble Province, from before the Norman Conquest, down to the present age, are memorized. . . . New edition, with notes. London, 1810. Quarto, pp. xxxvii, 784, (12). Plates. Prinsep, Charles Robert. Treatise on political economy ; by J. B. Say. Printing. Annals of Parisian typography ; by W. P. Greswell. Areopagitica, a speech of Mr. John Milton, for the liberty of vnlicenc'd printing. Waterston Collection 295 Printing (continued). Dictionary of printers and printing ; by C. H. Timperley. Early Dutch, German and English printers' marks; by J. P. Berjeau. Gutenberg, and the art of printing ; by E. C. Pearson. History of the art ; by H. N. Humphreys. Inquiry concerning the invention of printing; by W. Y. Ottley. Life of William Caxton, with an account of the invention of printing ; by W. Stevenson. Origin and progress ; by T. Astle. Principia typographia, the block-books, or xylographic delineations of Scripture history ; by S. L. Sotheby. Researches into the history of playing cards, with illustra- tions of the origin of printing and engraving on wood; by S. W. Singer. Typographical antiquities, or the history of printing; by T. F. Dibdin. William Caxton, the first English printer; by C. Knight. Prints, King Charles L, and the heads of the noble earls, lords, and others. See Great Britain. Prior, James. Life of Edmond Malone, editor of Shakspeare. With selec- tions from his manuscript anecdotes. London, 1860. Octavo, pp. xii, 476. Plate. Memoir of the Life and Character of the Right Hon. Edmund Burke; with specimens of his poetry and let- ters, and an estimate of his genius and talents, compared with those of his great contemporaries. London, 1824. Octavo, pp. xxiv, 584. Plates. Procter, Bryan Waller. Charles Lamb : a memoir. -By Barry Cornwall. New edition. London, 1869. Octavo, pp. viii, 252. Plates. Protestant Episcopal Church. The Hymnal revised and enlarged as adopted by the Gen- eral Convention of the Protestant Episcopal Church in the United States of America in the year of our Lord 1892. New York. i6mo. pp. vi, 594. Protestants, Some considerations about union among. Prout, John Skinner. Antiquities of Chester. London. Folio, pp. (i), (i). Plates. Antiquities of York. York. Folio, i p. Plates. 296 Massachusetts Historical Society Prout, Samuel. Fac-similes of Sketches made in Flanders and Germany and drawn on stone by Samuel Prout, painter in water colors in ordinary to His Majesty. Folio, pp. (i), (i). Plates. Hints on Light and Shadow, Composition, etc. as appli- cable to landscape painting. Illustrated by examples, by Samuel Prout, painter in water colours in Ordinary to Her Majesty. London, 1838. Folio, pp. (i), 16, (i), (ij)vcrso. Plates. Illustrations of the Rhine, drawn from nature, and on stone by S. Prout. London, 1853. Folio, pp. (i), (i), Plates. Rudiments of Landscape : in progressive studies. Drawn, and etched in imitation of chalk. London, 1813. Ob- long quarto, pp. 26. Plates. Sketches in France Switzerland and Italy. London, 1839. Folio, pp. (i), (2). Plates. Prout, William. Chemistry, Meteorology, and the function of Digestion, considered with reference to Natural Theology. Fourth edition. Edited by J. W. Griffith. London, 1855. i6mo. pp. xxviii, 419, (i). Proverbs, Polyglot of foreign ; by H. G. Bohn. Prussia. Memoirs of Frederick Sophia Wilhelmina. Psalms. See Bible. Pugh, Edward. Walks through London, including Westminster and the borough of Southwark, with the surrounding suburbs, . . . Forming a complete guide to the British metropolis. London, 1817. Octavo, pp. (i), (4), 368, (12). Plates. Pugin, Augustus Welby Northmore. An Apology for the Revival of Christian Architecture in England. London, 1843. Quarto, pp. (3), (i), (2), 51, (i). Plates. Glossary of Ecclesiastical Ornament and Costume, com- piled and illustrated from antient authorities and ex- amples. Faithfully translated by the Rev. Bernard Smith. London, 1844. Folio, pp. xiv, (2), 222. Plates. The True Principles of Pointed or Christian Architecture: Waterston Collection 297 Pugin, Augustus Welby Northmore (continued). set forth in two lectures delivered at St. Marie's, Oscott. London, 1853. Quarto, pp. (i), (i), (2), 56. Plates. Puliga, Comtesse de. Madame de Sevigne her Correspondents and Contempo- raries. London, 1873. Two volumes. Octavo, pp. xvi, 400; xii, 373, (i). Plates. Pulling, William. A Biographical Sketch, the Poetical Meditations, and Poetical and Religious Harmonies, of M. de Lamartine. With interesting facts from his " Three Months in Power." London, 1849. I2mo. pp. Ixxxviii, slip, 158. Plate. Punch. Volumes I. to LXI. (1841-1871). London. Thirty- one volumes. Quarto. Punch's Almanacks, 1860-1871. Second series. Folio, pp. (252). Purcell, Lyndsey. Course of lectures on modern history; by K. W. F. von Schlegel. Purchas, Samuel. Pvrchas his Pilgrimage, or relations of the world and the religions observed in al ages and places discouered, from the creation vnto this present. In foure parts. . . . Lon- don, 1617. Quarto, pp. (i), (37), 1102, (40). Rare portrait of Purchas inserted. Puritans. History of the Puritans in England, and the Pilgrim Fathers ; by W. H. Stowell. History of the Puritans, or protestant nonconformists; by D. Neal. Pursuits of Literature, a satirical poem in four dialogues; by T. J. Mathias. Putnam, Alfred Porter. Singers and Songs of the Liberal Faith; being selections of hymns and other sacred poems of the liberal church in America, with biographical sketches of the writers, and with historical and illustrative notes. Boston. 1875. I2mo. pp. xxiii, 556. Putnam, George. A Discourse, on the occasion of the death of William Henry Harrison, ninth President of the United States : deliv- 298 Massachusetts Historical Society Putnam, George (continued). ered at Roxbury, April i6th, 1841. Boston, 1841. Octavo, pp. 30. Putnam, George Palmer. Recollections of Irving, by his publisher. [In " Studies," by Charles Dudley Warner.] Soldiers' and sailors' patriotic songs. [Loyal Publication Society, No. 49.] Pyne, James Baker. The English Lake District. Manchester, 1853. Large folio, pp. (i),vi, (25) recto. Plates. Pyrenees. Pyrenees, a description of summer life at French watering places ; by H. Blackburn. Tour through the Pyrenees; by H. A. Taine. Quakers. As to Roger Williams ; by H. M. Dexter. Quarles, Francis. Divine Fancies : digested into epigrammes, meditations, and observations. London, 1633. I2mo. pp. (i), (3), (-3), (4), 206. Quatremere de Quincy, Antoine Chrysostome. An Essay on the Nature, the End, and the Means of Imitation in the Fine Arts. Translated from the French by J. C. Kent. London, 1837. Octavo, pp. xix, 468. Quincy, Edmund. Life of Josiah Quincy of Massachusetts. By his son. Boston, 1867. I2mo. pp. xii, 560. Plate. Presentation copy, September 20, 1867. Same, fourth edition. Boston, 1868. Same, fifth edition. Boston, 1869. Wensley: a Story without a Moral. Boston, 1854. i6mo. pp. (i), 302. Wensley and other Stories. Edited by his son, Edmund Quincy. Boston, 1885. I2ino. pp. xiii, (i), 349. Quincy, Eliza Susan. Memoir of the Life of Eliza S. M. Quincy. Boston, 1861. Octavo, pp. (2), 267. Manuscript notes ; and photographs inserted of Mrs. Quincy from a por- trait by Harding about 1826-7, f Edmund Quincy, and of Helen Ruthven Waterston; presentation copy June i, 1861. Waterston Collection 299 Quincy, Josiah (1744-1775). Reports of Cases argued and adjudged in the Superior Court of Judicature of the Province of Massachusetts Bay, between 1761 and 1772. Printed from his original manuscripts in the possession of his son, Josiah Quincy, and edited by his great-grandson, Samuel M. Quincy. With an appendix upon the Writs of Assistance [by Horace Gray, Jr.]. Boston, 1865. Octavo, pp. vii, 606. Presentation copy to Mrs. Waterston ; signature of Josiah Quincy, De- cember 18, 1772, pasted in. Review of the memoir; by J. Davis. Quincy, Josiah (1772-1864). An Address delivered at the Dedication of Dane Law Col- lege in Harvard University, October 23, 1832. Cam- bridge, 1832. Octavo, pp. (i), (i),27. Address, delivered at the Fifth Anniversary of, the Massa- chusetts Peace Society, December 25th, 1820. Cam- bridge, 1821. Octavo, pp. 32. An Address delivered before the Massachusetts Agricul- tural Society, at the Brighton Cattle Show, October I2th, 1819. Octavo, pp. 15. Address of the Hon. Josiah Quincy, to the City Council, at the Organization of the City Government, May I, 1823. Boston, 1823. Octavo, pp. 8. An Address to the Board of Aldermen, and Members of the Common Council, of Boston, on the Organization of the City Government, at Faneuil Hall, May I, 1824. Boston, 1824. Octavo, pp. 18. Same. January 2, 1826. Boston, 1826. Octavo, pp. 14. Same. January I, 1827. Boston, 1827. Octavo, pp. 20. Same. January i, 1828. Boston, 1828. Octavo, pp. 19. Address to the Board of Aldermen, of the City of Boston, Jan. 3, 1829, on taking final leave of the office of Mayor. Boston, 1829. Octavo, pp. 31. An Address to the Citizens of Boston, on the I7th of Sep- tember, 1830, the close of the second century from the first settlement of the city. Boston, 1830. Octavo, pp. 68. Address to the Independent Electors of Massachusetts, by a meeting of citizens from every part of the state, holden in Boston, 27th Feb. 1815. Boston, 1815. Octavo, pp. 1 6. 300 Massachusetts Historical Society Quincy, Josiah (1772-1864) (continued). Considerations relative to the Library of Harvard Uni- versity, respectfully submitted to the Legislature of Massachusetts. Cambridge, 1833. Octavo, pp. 16. Final Report of the Committee of both branches of the City Council of Boston, on the Extension of Faneuil Hall Market, November 13, 1826. Octavo, pp. 34 [38]. The History of Harvard University. Cambridge, 1840. Two volumes. Octavo, pp. xxiii, (i), 612; xv, 728, (i). Plates. The History of the Boston Athengeum, with biographical notices of its deceased founders. Cambridge, 1851. Octavo, pp. xii, 263, (i), 104. Presentation copy, January n, 1851. Memoir of the Life of John Quincy Adams. Boston, 1858. Octavo, pp. x, 429. Plate. Presentation copy, November 5, 1858. Same. Boston, 1859; and 1860. Memoir of the Life of Josiah Quincy Jun. of Massachu- setts: by his son. Boston, 1825. Octavo, pp. viii, 498. Same, untrimmed. Presentation copy, March 6, 1841, to Helen Ruthven Waterston. Same, 1744-1775. Second edition. Edited by Eliza Susan Quincy. Boston, 1874. Octavo, pp. xv, 431. Plates. Same, third edition. Boston, 1875. Octavo. Plates. A Municipal History of the Town and City of Boston, during two centuries. From September 17, 1630, to September 17, 1830. Boston, 1852. Octavo, pp. xi, 444. Plates. Presentation copy, February, 1852 ; also note, in pencil, February 22, 1871, by Eliza Susan Quincy. An Oration delivered before the Washington Benevolent Society of Massachusetts, on the thirtieth day of April, 1813, being the anniversary of the first inauguration of President Washington. Boston, 1813. Octavo, pp. 29, (3). An Oration, delivered on Tuesday, the Fourth of July, 1826, it being the fiftieth anniversary of American Inde- pendence, before the Supreme Executive of the Com- monwealth, and the City Council and inhabitants of the City of Boston. Boston, 1826. Octavo, pp. 30. Waterston Collection 301 Quincy, Josiah (1772-1864) (continued). Remarks on some of the Provisions of the Laws of Massa- chusetts, affecting poverty, vice, and crime; being the general topics of a charge to the Grand Jury of the County of Suffolk, in March Term, 1822. Cambridge, 1822. Octavo, pp. 28. Speech of Hon. Josiah Quincy, in the House of Represen- tatives of the U. S. January 14, 1811, on the passage of the bill to enable the people of the Territory of Orleans, to form a constitution and state government; and for the admission of such state into the Union. Baltimore, 1811. Octavo, pp. 23. Speech of the Hon. Josiah Quincy in the House of Repre- sentatives of the U. States, January 30, 1811, on the influence of peace and patronage. Octavo, pp. 16. Speech of the Hon. Josiah Quincy, on the Joint Resolutions in the House of Representatives of the U. S. approving the conduct of the Executive, in refusing to receive any further communication from Francis J. Jackson, Esq. To which is added, the Report of the Joint Committee of the Massachusetts Legislature, on the subject of the foreign relations of the United States. Baltimore, 1810. Octavo, pp. 31. Speech of the Hon. Josiah Quincy, in the House of Repre- sentatives of the U. States, February 25, 1811, on the amendments offered by Mr. Eppes to the bill supple- mentary to the " Act concerning the commercial inter- course between the United States and Great Britain and France, and their dependencies, and for other purposes." And which proposed to revive and enforce the noninter- course law against Great Britain. Alexandria, March i, 1811. Octavo, pp. 16. Quincy, Josiah (1802-1882). Figures of the Past. From the leaves of old journals. [Edited by Josiah Phillips Quincy.] Eighth edition. Boston, 1892. i6mo. pp. viii, 404. Quincy, Josiah (1859-). The Coming Peace. Oration delivered before the City Council and citizens of Boston, on the one hundred and fifteenth anniversary of the Declaration of Inde- pendence, July 4, 1891. Boston, 1891. Octavo, pp. 62. Quintilianus, Marcus Fabius. Quintilien. De ITnstitution de 1'Orateur. Traduit par 302 Massachusetts Historical Society Quintilianus, Marcus Fabius (continued). M. 1'Abbe Gedoyn, . . . Paris, 1718. Quarto, pp. (i), (38), 860, (ii). Cut. Quintus Calaber. Quinti Calabri praetermissorum ab Homero Libri XIV. Grsece, . . . Curante Joanne Cornelio de Pauw, . . . Lugduni Batavorum [Leyden], 1734. I2mo. pp. (i), (14), 871, (16). Quotations. Familiar ; by J. Bartlett. Truths illustrated by great authors ; by W. White. R, J. S. The Story of Elaine. Ilustrated in facsimile from draw- ings by Gustave Dore. The text adapted from Sir Thomas Mallory. London, 1871. Folio, pp. (i), (i), 1 8. Plates. Rachel Dyer, a North American story ; by J. Neal. Racinet, Auguste. Polychromatic Ornament. One hundred plates in gold, silver, and colours, comprising upwards of two thousand specimens of the various styles of ancient, oriental, and mediaeval art, . . . Translated from the original French. London, 1873. Folio, pp. (i), (3), (i), 58, (204). Plates. Rae, William Fraser. Westwood by Rail : the new route to the East. London, 1870. i2mo. pp. xiv, 391. Map. Rafter, Hermann. Einheit und freiheit. [Loyal Publication Society, No. 19.] Raikes, Thomas. A portion of the Journal kept by Thomas Raikes, from 1831 to 1847: comprising reminscences of social and political life in London and Paris during that period. Second edition. London, 1856-1858. Four volumes. Octavo. Plates. Same, new edition. London, 1858. Two volumes. i6mo. pp. viii, 489, (i) ; (i), 506. Plates. Rainsford, Marcus. An Historical Account of the Black Empire of Hayti : com- prehending a view of the principal transactions in the Waterston Collection 303 Rainsford, Marcus (continued). Revolution of Saint Domingo; with its antient and modern state. London, 1805. Quarto, pp. xxiii, (i), 467, (9). Plates. Ralegh, Walter. Life ; by P. F. Tytler. Memoirs of the life; by K. Thomson. Poems of Sir Henry Wotton, Sir Walter Raleigh and others ; by J. Hannah. The Prerogative of Parliaments in England : proued in a dialogue (pro & contra) betweene a councellour of state and a justice of peace. Written by the worthy (much lacked and lamented) Sir Walter Raleigh Knight, deceased. . . . Printed at Midelburge, 1628. I2mo. pp. (i), (5), 65, (i). Ralph, John. Lives of the poets-laureate ; by W. S. Austin. Rammohun Roy. Final appeal to the Christian public. London, 1834. [In his " Precepts."] Last days in England of the Rajah ; by M. Carpenter. The Precepts of Jesus the Guide to Peace and Happiness, extracted from the books of the New Testament ascribed to the four Evangelists. To which are added, the first, second, and final appeal to the Christian public in reply to the observations of Dr. Marshman, of Serampore. With a portrait and memoir of the author. Second London edition. London, 1834. Octavo, pp. xxii, vii, 306, xxii, (i), 304. Plate. Ramsay, Allan. Paston Letters, written during the reigns of Henry VI., Edward IV., and Richard III.; by J. Fenn. Poetical works ; by C. Mackay. Rand, Edward Sprague, Jr. Life Memories ; and other poems. Boston, 1859. l6mo. PP- ( 2 ), 5-!76. Randolph, John. Home reminiscences ; by P. Bouldin. RankS, Franz Leopold. A History of the Papacy, political and ecclesiastical, in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries. Translated from the last German edition. With an introductory essay, 304 Massachusetts Historical Society Ranke, Franz Leopold (continued). by the Rev. J. H. Merle d'Aubigne. Edinburgh, 1850. Octavo, pp. Iv, 633 ; iv, 604. Plates. Raphael Sanzio. Book of cartoons ; by R. Cattermole. Book of Raphael's madonnas; by J. P. Walker. Brief sketch of the life and works. [In " Life of Michael Angelo," by J. S. Harford.] Caryatides from the " Stanza dell' Eliodoro " in the Vati- can ; by L. Gruner. The Hours of Raphael in Outline together with the ceiling of the hall where they were originally painted. By Mary E. Williams. Boston, 1891. Large folio, pp. 19, (i). Plates. The Life of Raffaelo Sanzio da Urbino : by the author of the life of Michael Angelo. And the characters of the most celebrated painters of Italy: by Sir Joshua Rey- nolds. London, 1816. I2mo. pp. viii, 230. Raphael and Michelangelo; by C. C. Perkins. Raphael of Urbino and his father Giovanni Santi ; by J. D. Passavant. Raphael Santi, his life and his works; by A. Wolzogen. Rapin Thoyras, Paul de. The History of England. Written in French. Translated into English, with additional notes, by N. Tindal, . . . Third edition. London, 1743. Two volumes. Folio, pp. (i), x, viii, 849, (i) ; 807, (18). Plates. Continued by N. Tindal. Rasselas; by S. Johnson. Raumer, Frederich Ludwig Georg von. The Political History of England, during the i6th, I7th, and 1 8th centuries. Vol. I. From the accession of Henry VII. to the troubles in Scotland, 1637. Vol. II. From the breaking out of the Scotch troubles, to the Restoration of Charles II. 1637-1660. London, 1837. Octavo, pp. xvi, 550; viii, 514. Raveneau de Lussan. Journal of a Voyage made into the South Sea, by the bucaniers or free booters of America, from the year 1684 to 1689. London, 1698. [In " History," by J. Esquemeljng.] Waterston Collection 305 Rawley, William. Certain miscellany works; by F. Bacon. New Atlantis ; by same. Resuscitatio, or, bringing into pvblick light several pieces of the works ; by same. Second part of the Resuscitatio; by same. Sylva Sylvarum, or, a naturall historic; by same. Rawlinson, George. The Five Great Monarchies of the Ancient Eastern World ; or, the history, geography, and antiquities of Chaldaea, Assyria, Babylon, Media, and Persia, collected and illus- trated from ancient and modern sources. Second edition. New York, 1871. Three volumes. Octavo. Maps. The History of Herodotus. A new English version, edited with copious notes and appendices, illustrating the his- tory and geography of Herodotus, from the most recent sources of information; . . . New York, 1859-1861. Four volumes. Octavo. Plates. A Manual of Ancient History from the earliest times to the fall of the Western Empire, comprising the history of Chaldsea, Assyria, Medea, Babylon, Lydia, Phoenicia, Syria, Judaea, Egypt, Carthage, Persia, Greece, Mace- donia, Rome, and Parthia. Oxford, 1869. Octavo, pp. xii, 580. The Origin of Nations. In two parts : on early civiliza- tions. On ethnic affinities, etc. London, 1877. I2mo. pp. xiv, (i), 272. Map. Rayner, Simeon. The History and Antiquities of Haddon Hall. . . . Lon- don, 1836. Folio, pp. (3), (3), 53, (3), (4). Plates. Read, Thomas Buchanan. Poems. New, enlarged edition. Philadelphia, 1855. Octavo, pp. 352. Plates. Letter, Boston, August 22, 1867, on fly leaf at beginning. Rural Poems. London, 1857. i6mo. pp. viii, 167, (i). Presentation copy, Rome, March 12, 1858. A Summer Story, Sheridan's Ride and other Poems. Philadelphia, 1865. I2mo. pp. 154. Presentation copy, Boston, July 28, 1867. Rebel conditions of peace. [Loyal Publication Society, No. 30-] 306 Massachusetts Historical Society v Reconstruction, Condition of. [Loyal Publication Society, No. 25.] Redgrave, Richard and Samuel. A Century of Painters of the English School ; with critical notices of their works, and an account of the progress of Art in England. London, 1866. Two volumes. Octavo, pp. xvi, slip, 543, ( i ) ; xv, 643. Rees, Thomas. Travels to the Source of the Missouri River and across the American Continent to the Pacific Ocean. Performed by order of the government of the United States, in the years 1804, 1805, and 1806. By Captains Lewis and Clarke. London, 1814. Quarto, pp. xxiv, 663. Maps. Reeve, Henry. Democracy in America; by A. C. H. C. de Tocqueville. Reeve, Lovell. Account of shells. [In " Last of the Arctic voyages," by E. Belcher.] Reformation. Historical treatises, the political consequences of the refor- mation ; by A. H. L. Heeren. History of the progress and suppression of the reformation in Italy in the sixteenth century; by T. McCrie. History of the progress and suppression of the reformation in Spain in the sixteenth century ; by same. History of the reformation in Scotland ; by J. Knox. History of the reformation in the sixteenth century; by J. H. Merle d'Aubigne. Life of John Knox ; by T. McCrie. Protestant reformation in France; by A. C. Marsh- Caldwell. Reformers before the reformation; by F. P. E. B. de Bonnechose. Reichel, Oswald Joseph. Socrates and the Socratic schools ; by E. G. Zeller. Reinhard, Franz Volkmar. Plan of the founder of Christianity. Translated from the fifth German edition, by Oliver A. Taylor. New York, 1831. I2mo. pp. xxiv, 359, (i). Religion. Analogy of religion ; by J. Butler. Waterston Collection 307 Religion (continued). Christian's manual ; by P. W. Crowther. Defence of reveal'd religion; by J. Conybeare. Enqviries tovching the diversity of langvages and reli- gions; by E. Brerewood. Essentials and non-essentials; by J. F. Clarke. Events and epochs in religious history; by same. Reasons of the Christian religion; by R. Baxter. Religion of nature delineated; by W. Wollaston. Sacred history of the world ; by S. Turner. Systematic analyses of Bishop Butler's complete treatise; by J. Wilkinson. True and the beautiful ; by J. Ruskin. True intellectual system of the universe; by R. Cudworth. Truth of the Christian religion ; by H. Grotius. Twelve lectures on the connexion between science and revealed religion; by N. P. S. Wiseman. Rembrandt. Life and genius; by J. Cundall. Reminiscences of thought and feeling; by M. A. Kelty. Renan, Joseph Ernest. The Life of Jesus. Translated from the original French by Charles Edwin Wilbour translator of Les Miserables. New- York, 1864. i6mo. pp. 376. Rennell, James. Geographical illustrations. [In " Travels," by M. Park.J The Geographical System of Herodotus examined and explained, by a comparison with those of other ancient authors, and with modern geography. . . . Second edi- tion, revised. London, 1830. Two volumes. Octavo, pp. xxiv, 535 ; vi, 472. Plates. Narrative of a journey to the site of Babylon in 1811 ; by C. J. Rich. Renti, Gaston Jean Baptiste de. La Vie de Monsievr de Renty ; by J. B. de S. Jure. Reresby, John. The Memoirs of Sir John Reresby of Thrybergh, Bart., M. P. for York, &c. 1634-1689. Written by himself. Edited from the original manuscript by James J. Cart- wright. London, 1875. Octavo, pp. xiv, 466. Retrospective Review. London, 1820-1828. Sixteen volumes. Octavo. 308 Massachusetts Historical Society Retzsch, Friedrich August Moritz. Umrisse zu Schiller's Lied von der Glocke, nebst Andeu- tungen von Moritz Retzsch. Stuttgart, 1834. Oblong octavo, pp. (i), 15. Plates. Revelation, Truth of ; by J. Murray. Reynolds, James. Biographical notices of Persian poets ; by G. Ouseley. Reynolds, Joshua. Characters of the most celebrated painters of Italy. [In "Life of Raffaelo Sanzio," London, 1816.] The Discourses of Sir Joshua Reynolds; illustrated by explanatory notes & plates. By John Burnet. London, 1842. Quarto, pp. ( i ) , iv, 279. Plates. Life and times ; by C. R. Leslie. The Literary Works of Sir Joshua Reynolds, first Presi- dent of the Royal Academy. To which is prefixed a memoir of the author ; with remarks on his professional character, illustrative of his principles and practice. By Henry William Beechy. New and improved edition. London, 1855. Two volumes. Octavo, pp. viii, 463; (4), 495- P^tes. Rhetoric and oratory, Lectures on ; by J. Q. Adams. Rhine. The Gossiping Photographer on the Rhine. Quarto, pp. (i), 32. Plates. Illustrations of the Rhine; by S. Prout. Pilgrims of the Rhine ; by E. G. E. L. B.-Lytton. Rhine and its picturesque scenery ; by H. Mayhew. Rhine from its source to the sea; by G. C. T. Bartley. The Rhine, its scenery and its monuments drawn from nature by eminent artists. Executed in coloured litho- tints in imitation of the originals. Accompanied by his- torical and picturesque descriptions. London, 1862. Large Folio, pp. ( i ) , ( i ) , 45. Plates. Rhine, its scenery, historical and legendary associations; by F. K. Hunt. Tombleson's views of the Rhine. Upper Rhine; by H. Mayhew. Rhone. Views in the south of France; by J. Hughes. Ricci, Bartolomeo. Bartholomaei Riccii de imitatione libri tres ad alfonsvm Waterston Collection 309 Ricci, Bartolomeo (continued). atestivm principem, svvm in literis alvmnvm, Hercvlis II. Ferrariensivm principis filivm. Venetiis, 1545. i6mo. pp. (178). Rich, Anthony. A Dictionary of Roman and Greek Antiquities with nearly 2000 engraving's on wood from ancient originals illus- trative of the industrial arts and social life of the Greeks and Romans. Third edition, revised and improved. London, 1873. Octavo, pp. iv, 756. Rich, Claudius James. Narrative of a Journey to the Site of Babylon in 181 1, now first published: memoir of the ruins; with engravings from the original sketches by the author : remarks on the topography of ancient Babylon, by Major Rennell : in reference to the Memoir: second memoir on the ruins in reference to Major Rennell' s remarks : With narrative of a journey to Persepolis : now first printed, with hitherto unpublished cuneiform inscriptions copied at Persepolis. Edited by his widow. London, 1839. Octavo, pp. xv, (i), xlvii, 324. Plates. Richardson, Charles James. Studies from Old English Mansions their furniture gold & silver plate &c. By an architect. London, June, 1841. Folio, pp. (i), (i). Plate. Same, second series. London, May, 1842. Folio, pp. (i), (i), (i2}recto. Plates. Same, third series. London, 1845. Same, fourth series. London, 1848. Folio, pp. (i), (i), (n) recto. Plates. Richardson, John. Account of the fish. [In " Last of the Arctic voyages," by E. Belcher.] Arctic Searching Expedition: a journal of a boat-voyage through Rupert's Land and the Arctic Sea, in search of the Discovery ships under command of Sir John Frank- lin. With an appendix on the physical geography of North America. London, 1851. Two volumes. Oc- tavo, pp. viii, 413, (i); vii, 426. Plates. Narrative of a. second expedition to the shores of the polar sea ; by J. Franklin. Richardson, Jonathan. An Essay on the Theory of Painting. Second edition, 310 Massachusetts Historical Society Richardson, Jonathan (continued). enlarg'd, and corrected. London, 1725. I2mo. pp. viii, 279. Richter, Jean Paul Friedrich. Life of Jean Paul F. Richter. Compiled from various sources. Together with his autobiography, translated from the German. London, 1845. Two volumes bound in one. I2mo. pp. xiv, 230; viii, 235. Ridley, Nicholas. The Way to Peace amongst All Protestants : being a letter of reconciliation sent by Bp, Ridley to Bp, Hooper, with some observations upon it. Licensed, July the 14. 1688. London, 1688. I2mo. pp. (i), (i), 8. Riethmiiller, Christopher James. The Life and Times of Alexander Hamilton, aide-de-camp, secretary, and minister of General Washington. Lon- don, 1864. i6mo. pp. viii, 452. Rietz, Julius. Letters of Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy from 1833 to 1847. Rigaud, John Francis. Treatise on painting, by Leonardo da Vinci. Rights of Asses, The. A poem. Entered in Stationers Hall. Edinburgh, 1792. i6mo. pp. n. Plate. Rimer, William. Illustrations of Thomson's Castle of Indolence. Art-Union of London. 1845. Folio, pp. (i), (i). Plates. Ringrose, Basil. Bucaniers of America. [In " History," by J. Esqueme- ling.] Ripley, George. Specimens of Foreign Standard Literature. Boston, 1838- 1842. Fourteen volumes. I2tno. Ritchie, Leitch. Versailles. London, 1839. Octavo, pp. vi, (i), 256. Windsor Castle, and its environs ; including Eton College. Second edition, with additions, by Edward Jesse. Lon- don, 1848. Octavo, pp. vii, (i), 312. Plates. Ritson, Joseph. A Select Collection of English Songs. London, 1783. Three volumes. i6mo. Plate. Waterston Collection 3 11 Ritter, August Heinrich. The History of Ancient Philosophy. Translated from the German, by Alexander J. W. Morrison. Oxford, 1838- 1846. Four volumes. Octavo. Robberds, John W. A Memoir of the Life and Writings of the late William Taylor of Norwich, containing his correspondence of many years with the late Robert Southey, and original letters from Sir Walter Scott, and other eminent literary men. London, 1843. Two volumes. Octavo, pp. viii, 523 ; iv, 576. Plate. Roberts, David. The Holy Land, Syria, Idumea, Arabia, Egypt, & Nubia. After lithographs by Louis Haghe from drawings made on the spot by David Roberts, with historical descriptions by the Rev? George Croly. New York. Six volumes bound in three. Folio. Plates. Life; by J. Ballantine. Picturesque Sketches in Spain, taken during ye years 1832 & 1833. London, 1837. Folio, pp. (i), (2). Plates. Roberts, Richard. An Autumn Tour in Spain in the year 1859. London, 1860. Octavo, pp. xx, 535. Plates. Roberts, William. History of Letter-writing from the earliest period to the fifth century. London, 1843. Octavo, pp. xxi, (i), 700. Robertson, James Burton. Philosophy of history; in a course of lectures; by K. W. F. von Schlegel. Robertson, William. The History of the Reign of the Emperor Charles the Fifth, with an account of the Emperor's life after his abdica- tion, by William H. Prescott. Boston, 1859. Three volumes. Octavo. Plate. The Works of William Robertson. Eight volumes [I II, Scotland; III-V, Charles V; VI-VIII, America and India]. Oxford, 1825. Octavo. Plates. Robinson, Hastings. Original letters relative to the English reformation. Robinson, Henry Crabb. Diary, Reminiscences, and Correspondence. Selected and 312 Massachusetts Historical Society Robinson, Henry Crabb (continued). edited by Thomas Sadler. Second edition. London, 1869. Three volumes. Octavo. Plate. Robinson, John. The Works of John Robinson, Pastor of the Pilgrim Fathers. With a memoir and annotations by Robert Ashton, secretary of the Congregational Board, London. Boston, 1851. Three volumes. i6mo. Robinson, John Charles. South Kensington Museum. Italian Sculpture of the middle ages and period of the revival of art. A descrip- tive catalogue of the works forming the above section of the Museum, with additional illustrative notices. . . . London, 1862. Octavo, pp. xxxi, 192. Plates. Robinson, Ralph. Most pleasant, fruitful, and witty work of the best state of a public weal, and of the new isle called Utopia; by T. More. Rocky Mountains. Sun pictures of Rocky Mountain scenery ; by F. V. Hayden. Rodd, Thomas. History of Charles the Great and Orlando, ascribed to Archbishop Turpin ; Translated from the Latin in Span- heim's lives of ecclesiastical writers : together with the most celebrated ancient Spanish ballads relating to the twelve peers of France, mentioned in Don Quixote ; with English metrical versions. London, 1812. Two vol- umes. i2mo. pp. viii, 275, (i) ; (4), 331. Rogers, Henry. Essays, selected from Contributions to the Edinburgh Review. London, 1850. Two volumes. Octavo, pp. xiv, (i), 512; (3), 595, (i). Rogers, John. A Sermon Preached before his Excellency the Governour, the Honourable Council, and Representatives of the Province of Massachusetts-Bay in New-England: on May 29. 1706. Which was the day for election of Her Majesties Council for that Province. Boston, 1706. i6mo. pp. (2), 54. Rogers, Samuel. Italy, a poem. Paris, 1840. i6mo. pp. (i), (i), (2), 252. Plate. Waterston Collection 313 Rogers, Samuel (continued). Same, new edition. London, 1854. Octavo, pp. vii, 327. Plate. Letter from him, 1846. The Pleasures of Memory, with other poems. Eighth edition. London, 1796. i6mo. pp. (5), 128. Plates. Poems. New edition. London, 1822. i6mo. pp. (i), (4),3 I 9 > (0- Same. London, 1834. Octavo, pp. viii, 295, (i). Same, new edition. London, 1860. Octavo, pp. Ixiv, 306, (2). Roget, Peter Mark. Thesaurus of English Words and Phrases classified and arranged so as to facilitate the expression of ideas and assist in literary composition. Tenth edition. London, 1860. I2mo. pp. xxxix, (i), 516. Roland, Marie Jeanne Philipon. Lettres Autographes de Madame Roland, addressees a Bancal-des-Issarts, membre de la Convention. Publiees par M me Henriette Bancal-des-Issarts, et precedees d'une introduction par Sainte-Beuve. Paris, 1835. Octavo, pp. lix, (i),356. Roman Catholic Church. Albert Durer's designs of the prayer book; by R. Ackermann. Book of hours. I2mo. pp. (263). Illuminated Flemish manuscript (XIV. century ?) on vellum. Breviarium Romanum. i6mo. pp. (298). Illuminated manuscript (XII. century ?) on vellum. Bulls and orders of the Popes ; and various laws and codes for the management of the Church under Gregory IX. and X. Folio, pp. (554). Illuminated manuscript (XIV. century ?) on vellum ; once owned by the Monastery of St. John the Baptist of Rebdorf, Order of St. Augustine. Caryatides from the " Stanza dell' Eliodoro " in the Vati- can, designed by Raffaele d'Urbino ; by L. Gruner. History of the Papacy, political and ecclesiastical, in the. sixteenth and seventeenth centuries ; by L. Ranke. Life and pontificate of Leo the Tenth ; by W. Roscoe. Missal. i6mo. pp. (492). Illuminated manuscript (XIV. century?), in double columns on vellum. 314 Massachusetts Historical Society Roman Catholic Church (continued). Missal. i6mo. pp. (283). Illuminated manuscript (XV. century ?),on vellum, with borders and full page paintings. Missal Remain, an early Gothic Book of hours. [Paris, 1486?] i6mo. pp. (i), (242). An illuminated work, on vellum, with borders printed from engraved blocks ; full page paintings attributed to Uomenico Ghirlandajo, a cele- brated Florentine painter, 1450-1495. Puilegium testimonii sup puilegia ordinis Carthusiensium his contente. i6mo. pp. (214). Rubricated manuscript (XIV. century ?), on vellum, relating to the Order of Carthusian Monks. Recollections of the last four Popes and of Rome in their times; by N. P. S. Wiseman. Records of a route through France and Italy; by W. R. Wilson. The Scarlet Gown, or the history of all the present Cardi- nals of Rome. Wherein is set forth the life, birth, inter- est, possibility, rich offices, dignities, and charges of every Cardinal now living. Also their merits, virtues, and vices. Together with the carriage of the Pope and Court of Rome. Written originally in Italian, and translated into English by H[enry] C[ogan] Gent. London, 1653. i6mo. pp. (i), (5), (8), i62[i64J, (3). Rome. Ancient Rome ; by T. H. Dyer. C. Svetonivs Tranqvillvs et in eum commentarivs. Collected lectures on Roman history and ancient history, including Greece; by B. G. Niebuhr. Dictionary of Roman and Greek antiquities ; by A. Rich. Essay on the ancient weights and money, and the Roman and Greek liquid measures ; by R. Hussey. Gallus, or, Roman scenes of the time of Augustus; by W. A. Becker. General history of Polybius. Hand-book or new guide of Rome ; by L. Piale. History of Latin Christianity ; by H. H. Milman. History of modern Europe ; by W. Russell. History of Rome; by O. Goldsmith, and by T. Mommsen. History of the decline and fall of the Roman Empire; by E. Gibbon. History of the Roman Emperors ; by R. Lyman. Waterston Collection 315 Rome (continued). History of the Romans under the Empire ; by C. Merivale. History of the twelve Caesars, Emperours of Rome; by C. Suetonius. Imaginary conversations of the Greeks and Romans; by W. S. Landor. Introduction to the knowledge of rare and valuable editions of the Greek and Roman classics; by T. F. Dibdin. Italy, Rome and Naples; by H. A. Taine. Life of the Greeks and Romans, described from antique monuments; by E. Guhl. Polymetis, or, an enquiry concerning the agreement be- tween the works of the Roman poets, and the remains of the antient artists ; by J. Spence. Recollections of the last four Popes and of Rome in their times; by N. P. S. Wiseman. Remarks on the antiquities of Rome; by A. Lumisden. Ritratto di Roma Antica, 1654; by F. Rossi. Roman history; by N. Hooke. Rome ; by F. A. Wey. Rome and the Campagna ; by R. Burn. Rome, in the nineteenth century; by C. A. Eaton. Student's Gibbon. Student's Rome ; by H. G. Liddell. Studies in Roman law; by T. Mackenzie. Triumphs of ancient architecture ; by W. H. D. Adams. Views from the gardens of Rome and Albano; by G. Vivian. Walks in Rome ; by A. J. C. Hare. Romilly, Samuel. The Life of Sir Samuel Romilly, written by himself. With a selection from his correspondence. Edited by his sons. Third edition. London, 1842. Two volumes. i6mo. pp. xxiv, 458 ; xiii, 570. Plates. Romney, George. Life ; by W. Hay ley. Rooke, Octavius. The Life of the Moselle, from its source in the Vosges Mountains to its junction with the Rhine at Coblence. London, 1858. Octavo, pp. xv, 287, (i). Plate. Rosa, Salvator. Etchings. Octavo. Life and times ; by S. O. Morgan. 316 Massachusetts Historical Society Roscoe, Henry. The Life and Times of William Roscoe, by his son. Lon- don, 1833. Two volumes. Octavo, pp. xv, (i), 501, (i); xii, 491, (i). Plates. Roscoe, Thomas. Belgium: in a Picturesque Tour. London, 1841. Octavo, pp. vii, (i), 288. Plates wanting. History of painting in Italy ; by L. Lanzi. Memoirs of Benvenuto Cellini, a Florentine artist, written by himself. Roscoe, William. The Life of Lorenzo de' Medici, called the Magnificent. Seventh edition, revised by his son, Thomas Roscoe. London, 1846. Octavo, pp. xx, (2), 540. Plates. The Life and Pontificate of Leo the Tenth. Third edition, corrected. London, 1827. Four volumes. Octavo. Plate. The Nurse, a poem, translated from the Italian of Luigi Tansillo. Third edition. Liverpool, 1804. i6mo. pp. 31, 89, 34. Rose, Hugh James. A New General Biographical Dictionary, projected and partly arranged by the late Rev. Hugh James Rose, Principal of King's College, London. London, 1853. Twelve volumes. Octavo. Rose, Thomas. Counties of Chester, Derby, Leicester, and Rutland, illus- trated ; by F. Noble. Rosengarten, Abraham. A Handbook of Architectural Styles translated from the German. By W. Collett-Sandars. [Edited by T. Roger Smith.] London, 1878. Octavo, pp. xxii, 509.' Rosetta Stone. Report of the Committee appointed by the Philomathean Society of the University of Pennsylvania to translate the inscription. Ross, John. A Voyage of Discovery, made under the orders of the Admiralty, in His Majesty's Ships Isabella and Alex- ander, for the purpose of exploring Baffin's Bay, and inquiring into the probability of a north-west passage. Waterston Collection 317 Ross, John (continued). London, 1819. Quarto, pp. xxxix, (i), 252 (i), cxliv, slip, (i). Plates. Rossetti, William Michael. Fine Art, chiefly contemporary : notices re-printed, with revisions. London, 1867. I2mo. pp. xx, (i), 392. Poetical works of John Keats. Rossfeld, Johann. Joannis Rosini Antiquitatum Romanarvm Corpus absb- lutissimum. Cum notis Doctissimis ac locupletiff. Thomse Demsteri J. C. Huic postremae editioni accura- tissimae accesserunt Pauli Manutii Lib. II. Lvgdvni Batavorvm [Leyden], 1663. Quarto, pp. (i), (i), (4), 956, (32). Plates. Rossi, Filippo de'. Ritratto di Roma Antica, . . . Roma, 1654. i6mo. pp. (i), (12), 413, (3). Cuts. Rothwell, J. S. S. Illustrated Poetical Album. A choice and varied selection of English poetry. New York. i6mo. pp. xxiii, 384. Plates. Rouen dans la Poche. Rouen. i6mo. pp. (i), (i). Plates. Rowan, Frederica. Life of Schleiermacher, as unfolded in his autobiography and letters. Royal Historical Society. England and Napoleon in 1803 being the despatches of Lord Whitworth and others now first printed from the originals in the Record Office. Edited for the Society by Oscar Browning. London, 1887. Octavo, pp. xi, 307- Royal Horticultural Society, Book of the; by A. Murray. Rubens, Peter Paul. Peter Paul Rubens, his life and genius ; by G. F. Waagen. Rubens ; by C. W. Kett. Ruggles, Samuel Bulkley. Resources of the United States. [Loyal Publication So- ciety, No. 48.] Ruhl, Ludwig Sigismund. Sketches for Shaekespears Plays. Paris. Quarto, pp. (4) recto, (8), (130) recto. Plates. 318 Massachusetts Historical Society Rupert, Prince, of Bavaria. Memoirs of Prince Rupert, and the cavaliers ; by B. E. G. Warburton. Ruskin, John. The Seven Lamps of Architecture. With illustrations, drawn by the author. Second edition. London, 1855. Octavo, pp. xv, (i), (i), 205, (i). Plates. The True and the Beautiful in nature, art, morals, and religion, selected from the works of John Ruskin, with a notice of the author, by Mrs. L. C. Tuthill. Third edition. New York, 1859. I2mo. pp. xxxi, 452. The Two Paths : being lectures on art, and its application to decoration and manufacture, delivered in 1858-9. London, 1859. I2mo. pp. x, (i), 271, (i). Plates. Russell, John. An essay on the History of the English Government and Constitution from the reign of Henry VII. to the present time. New edition. London, 1866. i6mo. pp. xii, 300. Life of William, Lord Russell. Fourth edition. London, 1853. I2mo. pp. xxi, (i), 470. Plate. Russell, John Abraham. Remains of the late Rev. Charles Wolfe. Russell, Michael. A Connection of Sacred and Profane History, from the death of Joshua to the decline of the Kingdoms of Israel and Judah. (Intended to complete the works of Shuck- ford and Prideaux.) New edition, revised, with notes and analyses, by J. Talboys Wheeler. Two volumes. London, 1865. Octavo, pp. xli, 469, (i); (2), 483, ( i ) . Plates. Russell, Rachel (Wriothesley | Vaughan). Letters of Lady Rachel Russell; from the manuscript in the library at Woburn Abbey. To which is prefixed, an introduction, vindicating the character of Lord Russell against Sir John Dalrymple, &c. Third edition, cor- rected. London, 1774. Octavo, pp. (i), (2), cxii, 33 2 - Russell, Thomas. Father Taylor, the sailor preacher ; by G. Haven. Oration delivered before the City Authorities of Boston, on the Fourth of July, 1864. Boston, 1864. Octavo, pp. 37- Waterston Collection 319 Russell, William. The History of Modern Europe: with an account of the decline and fall of the Roman Empire; and a view of the progress of society, from the rise of the modern kingdoms to the peace of Paris in 1763; in a series of letters from a nobleman to his son. New edition, with a continuation, terminating at the death of Alexander, the Russian Emperor, in 1825. London, 1827. Six volumes. Octavo. Russell, William Howard. The Diary in the East during the tour of the Prince and Princess of Wales. London, 1869. Octavo, pp. xv, (i), 650. Plates. Russell, William Shaw. Guide to Plymouth, and Recollections of the Pilgrims [and " Airs of the Pilgrims "]. Boston, 1846. I2mo. pp. xii, 306, vi, 76, xx, (i). Plates. Russia. Divers ajustements et usages de Russie ; by J. B. Le Prince. History of the expedition to Russia, undertaken by the Emperor Napoleon, in the year 1812; by P. P. Segur. Memoirs of the Princess Daschkaw, lady of honour to Catherine II. Narrative of the mission to Russia, in 1866, of the Hon. Gustavus Vasa Fox. POCCIHCKAfl AHIlKXlorm, specimens of the Russian poets, with preliminary remarks and biographical notices; by J. Bowring. Results of the serf emancipation in Russia. [Loyal Publi- cation Society, No. 47.] Rutt, John Towill. Historical account of my own life, with some reflections on the times I have lived in ; by E. Calamy. Rutter, John. Delineations of Fonthill and its abbey. London, 1823. Folio, pp. xxvi, 127. Plates. Sadler, L. R. The History of Signboards, from the earliest times to the present day. By Jacob Larwood, and John Camden Hotten. Sixth edition. London, 1866. i6mo. pp. x, 536. Plates. 320 Massachusetts Historical Society Sadler, Thomas. Diary, reminiscences, and correspondence of Henry Crabb Robinson. St. Domingo. Historical account of Hayti ; by M. Rainsford. St. John, James Augustus. Egypt and Nubia, their scenery and their people. Being incidents of history and travel, from the best and most recent authorities, including J. L. Burckhardt and John Lindsay. London. Octavo, pp. viii, 472. The History of the Manners and Customs of Ancient Greece. London, 1842. Three volumes. Octavo. Map. St. Paul, Life and epistles of; by W. J. Conybeare. Sainte-Beuve, Charles Augustin. Lettres autographes de M. J. P. Roland. Sale, George. Koran, commonly called the Alcoran of Mohammed. Salem, Mass. Lectures on witchcraft; by C. W. Upham. Sales, Francisco. Seleccion de obras maestras dramaticas de Lope de Vega. Salisbury, Stephen. A Memorial of Stephen Salisbury of Worcester, Mass. [Edited by his son.] Worcester, 1885. Octavo, pp. 158, (i). Plate. Letter, Worcester, November 10, 1878, inserted. Salisbury, England. History and antiquities of the cathedral church; by J. Britton. Salter, John William. Account of the Arctic carboniferous animals. [In " Last of the Arctic voyages," by E. Belcher.] Sandars, W. Collett-. Handbook of architectural styles; by A. Rosengarten. Sanderson, Robert. Discourse concerning the Church. [In " Two Treatises," by W. Goode.] Sandys, George. A Relation of a Journey begun An: Dom: 1610. Fovre bookes. Containing a description of the Turkish Empire, Waterston Collection 321 Sandys, George (continued). of ^gypt, of the Holy Land, of the remote parts of Italy, and Hands adioyning. Fourth edition. London, 1637. Quarto, pp. (i), (2), 309. Sandys, William. The History of the Violin, and other instruments played on with the bow from the remotest times to the present. Also, an account of the principal makers, English and foreign. By Mr. Sandys, and Simon Andrew Forster. London, 1864. Octavo, pp. xii, 390. Plates. Sanford, Fanchon. Diamonds and precious stones; by L. Dieulafait. Sanford, John Langton. Studies and Illustrations of the Great Rebellion. London, 1858. Octavo, pp. vi, (2), 630, (2). Sardinia, Rambles in the islands of Corsica and ; by T. Forester. Sargent, John Turner. A Discourse on the death of Hon. William Sullivan, deliv- ered in King's Chapel, Boston, September 15, 1839. Boston, 1839. Octavo, pp. 23. Sauvan, Jean Baptiste Balthazard. Picturesque Tour of the Seine, from Paris to the sea : with particulars historical and descriptive. London, 1821. Folio, pp. (i), viii, 177. Plates. Sauzay, Alexandre. Marvels of Glass-making in all ages. London, 1870. I2mo. pp. xx, 272. Plates. Savage, James. History of New England; by J. Winthrop. Savonarola, Girolamo. [In "Life of Michael Angelo Buonarroti," by J. S. Harford.] Say, Jean Baptiste. A Treatise on Political Economy; or the production, dis- tribution, and consumption of wealth. Translated from the fourth edition of the French, by C. R. Prinsep, with notes by the translator. London, 1821. Two volumes. Octavo, pp. xv, 488; v, 439, (i). Scarlet gown. See Roman Catholic Church. 322 Massachusetts Historical Society Schedel, Hartmann. Registrum huius operis libri cronicarum cu figuris et ijmagTbus ab inicio mudi. Nuremberg, 1493. Folio, pp. (i), (38), (602). Cuts. Scheltema, Pieter. Life and genius of Rembrandt; by J. Cundall. Schiller, Johann Christoph Friedrich von. The Bride of Messina. A tragedy from the German. By George Irvine. London, 1837. Octavo, pp. vi, (i), 172. Correspondence of Schiller with Korner. Comprising sketches and anecdotes of Goethe, the Schlegels, Wie- land, and other contemporaries. With biographical sketches and notes, by Leonard Simpson, Esq. London, 1849. Three volumes. i2mo. Plates. The Life of Friedrich Schiller. Comprehending an exam- ination of his works. London, 1825. Octavo, pp. vi, ( i),352. Plate. Schiller gallery; by A. F. Pecht. Schiller's life and works ; by E. Palleske. Umrisse zu Schiller's lied von der glocke; by F. A. M. Retzsch. Schlegel, August Wilhelm von. A Course of Lectures on Dramatic Art and Literature. Translated by John Black. Revised, according to the last German edition, by the Rev? A. J. W. Morrison. London, 1846. i6mo. pp. viii, 535, (i). Plate. Schlegel, Karl Wilhelm Friedrich von. The Esthetic and Miscellaneous Works of Frederick von Schlegel : . . Translated from the German by E. J. Millington. London, 1849. i6mo. pp. xxiii, 533, (i). A Course of Lectures on Modern History; to which are added, historical essays on the beginning of our history, and on Caesar and Alexander. Translated by Lyndsey Purcell & R. H. Whitelock. London, 1849. i6mo. pp. (3), (0,423, (i). Lectures on the History of Literature, ancient and modern, from the German, now first completely translated, and accompanied by a general index. London, 1859. i6mo. pp. xii, 420. The Philosophy of History; in a course of lectures, deliv- ered at Vienna. Translated from the German, with a Memoir of the author, by James Burton Robertson. Waterston Collection 323 Schlegel, Karl Wilhelm Friedrich von (continued). London, 1835. Two volumes. Octavo, pp. Ixxxvi, 350 , [359] ; iv, 336. Same, fourth edition, revised. London, 1846. i6mo. pp. xii, 498. Plate. The Philosophy of Life, and Philosophy of Language, in a course of lectures. Translated from the German by the Rev. A. J. W. Morrison. London, 1847. i6mo. pp. vi, (0,567, CO- Schleiermacher, Friedrich Ernst Daniel. The Life of Schleiermacher, as unfolded in his autobi- ography and letters. Translated from the German by Frederica Rowan. London, 1860. Two volumes. I2mo. pp. xx, 386; (i), 339. Plate. Schmid, Hermann. The Bavarian Highlands and the Salzkammergut. Pro- fusely illustrated . . . With an account of the habits and manners of the hunters, poachers, and peasantry of these districts by Herman Schmid and Karl Stieler. London, 1874. Folio, pp. viii, 205. Schmitz, Leonhard. Collected lectures of B. G. Niebuhr. Preface. [In " History of Rome," by T. Mommsen.] Schnorr von Karolsfeld, Julius. Die Bibel in Bildern. Leipzig. Folio, pp. x, 34, 4, 20. Plates. School, District, by W. Burton. [In " New England," by J. Abbott.] Schumann, Adolf. An introduction to the Books of the Old and New Testa- ment. Translated from the German, by John Reilly Beard. London, 1849. Octavo, pp. viii, 337, (i). Schiitz, Friedrich. Der emancipirte Sklave und sein friiherer Herr. [Loyal Publication Society, No. 55.] Fur die freiheit aller! [Loyal Publication Society, No. 72.] Wie der Krieg angefangen wurde. [Loyal Publication Society, No. 53.] Schuyler, Eugene. Turkistan. Notes of a journey in Russian Turkistan, Khokand, Bukhara, and Kuldja. New York, 1876. 324 Massachusetts Historical Society Schuyler, Eugene (continued). Two volumes. Octavo, pp.. xii, 411; viii, (i), 463. Plates. Scipio, Publius Cornelius. Memoirs of the life of elder Scipio Africanus; by E. Berwick. Scoble, Andrew Richard. History of the origin of representative government in Europe ; by F. P. G. Guizot. Scotland. See Great Britain. Scott, David. Memoir ; by W. B. Scott. Scott, David Dundas. History of the Reformation in the sixteenth century; by J. H. Merle d'Aubigne. Scott, John. Picturesque Views of the City of Paris and its Environs; consisting of views on the Seine, public buildings, characteristic scenery, &c. London, 1823. Two vol- umes. Folio, pp. (i), (i), (108); (i), (104). Plates. Scott, Thomas. Pilgrim's progress ; by J. Bunyan. Scott, Walter. Abbotsford and Newstead Abbey ; by W. Irving. The Border Antiquities of England and Scotland; com- prising specimens of architecture and sculpture, and other vestiges of former ages, accompanied by descrip- tions. Together with illustrations of remarkable inci- dents in border history and tradition, and original poetry. London, 1814. Two volumes. Folio, pp. (3), cxxvii, 92; (i), (i), 93-209, ci, (14). Plates. Eight engravings in Illustration of Waverley. For the members of the Royal Association for Promotion of the Fine Arts in Scotland. 1865. Folio, pp. (5) recto, (2), (4) recto. Plates. Poetical Works of Sir Walter Scott, Baronet. With a biographical and critical memoir by Francis Turner Pal- grave. London, 1869. i6mo. pp. xliii, 559, (i). Illustrations to the Poetical Works of Sir Walter Scott, Bart. London. Octavo, i p. Plates. Waterston Collection 325 Scott, Walter (continued). The Lady of the Lake. Edinburgh. i6mo. pp. 339. Plates. Same, eleventh edition. Edinburgh, 1816. Octavo, pp. (6) recto, 423 [433]- Plates. Landscape-historical illustrations of Scotland, and the Waverley novels ; by G. N. Wright. Letters on Demonology and Witchcraft, addressed to J. G. Lockhart. Second edition. London, 1831. i6mo. pp. (i),ix, 396. Plate. The Life of Napoleon Buonaparte, Emperor of the French. With a preliminary view of the French Revolution. Paris, 1827. Nine volumes. i6mo. The Lord of the Isles ; a poem. Fifth edition. Edinburgh, 1815. Octavo, pp. (4) recto, 443. Plates. Marmion: a tale of Flodden Field. London, 1839. i6mo. pp. (i), (6), 312. Plates. Provincial Antiquities and Picturesque Scenery of Scot- land, with descriptive illustrations by Sir Walter Scott. London, 1826. Two volumes. Quarto, pp. Hi, 95, (i) ; (i), 97-208, (2). Plates. Six Engravings in Illustration of the Antiquary for the members of The Royal Association for Promotion of the Fine Arts in Scotland. 1867. Folio, pp. (8)recto. Plates. Six Engravings in Illustration of Guy Mannering for the Members of the Royal Association for Promotion of the Fine Arts in Scotland. 1866. Folio, pp. (7) recto. Plates. Six Engravings in Illustration of Old Mortality. For the members of The Royal Association for Promotion of the Fine Arts in Scotland. 1869. Folio, pp. (S)recto. Plates. Scott, William Bell. Albert Durer : his life and works, including autobiograph- ical papers and complete catalogues. London, 1869. Octavo, pp. xiv, (2), 324. Plates. Memoir of David Scott, containing his journal in Italy, notes on art and other papers. Edinburgh, 1850. Oc- tavo, pp. vi, 443. Plates. Scougal, Henry. The Life of God in the Soul of Man. [Preface by Mr. Waterston, December, 1867.] Boston, 1868. i6mo. xi, 128. 326 Massachusetts Historical Society Scriverius, Petrus. Principes Hollandiae, et Westfrisiae, ab anno Christ! DCCCLXIII, & primo Comite Theodorico, usque ad ultimum Philippum Hispaniarum Regem., aeri omnes incisi, ac fideliter descripti, Auspicijs Petri Scriverii. Harlemi, 1650. Folio, pp. (l), (2), 122, (2). Plates. Sculpture. Ancient unedited monuments ; by J. Millingen. Art-hints, architecture, sculpture, and painting; by J. J. Jarves. Daedalus, or, the causes and principles of the excellence of Greek sculpture ; by E. Falkener. Elgin and Phigaleian marbles of the classical ages, in the British Museum; by H. Ellis. Glimpse at the monumental architecture and sculpture of Great Britain; by M. H. Bloxam. Greek and Roman sculpture ; by W. C. Perry. Handbook of sculpture; by R. Westmacott. History of art by its monuments; by J. B. L. G. Seroux d'Agincourt. History of sculpture, from the earliest ages to the present time; by W. Liibke. Illustrations of modern sculpture ; by T. K. Hervey. Inquiry into the early history of Greek sculpture; by J. Christie. Italian sculptors ; by C. C. Perkins. Italian sculpture. [In " South Kensington Museum," by J. C. Robinson.] Lectures on sculpture ; by J. Flaxman. Memoirs of Antonio Canova ; by J. S. Memes. Of statuary and sculpture among the antients; by J. Dallaway. Tuscan sculptors; by C. C. Perkins. Works of eminent masters, in painting, sculpture, archi- tecture, and decorative art. See Arts, Fine. Seamen's Bethel, Boston. Father Taylor, the sailor preacher ; by G. Haven. Seddon, John P. Rambles in the Rhine Provinces. London. Quarto, pp. xiv, (i), 156. Plates. Segur, Philip Paul. History of the Expedition to Russia, undertaken by the Waterston Collection 327 Segur, Philip Paul (continued). Emperor Napoleon, in the year 1812. Eighth edition, revised and corrected, with additional notes. London, 1840. Two volumes. i6mo. pp. xvi, 350; x, 373. Plates. Seine, Picturesque tour; by J. B. B. Sauvan. Selden, John. Lives of John Selden, and Archbishop Usher ; by J. Aiken. Memoirs ; by G. W. Johnson. Seller, Abednego. The Antiquities of Palmyra. Containing the history of the city, and its Emperors, from its foundation to the present time. . . . London, : 1696. I2mo. pp. (i), (i), (44), 382, (2). Sepulchral remains. Collection of antique vases, altars, etc. ; by H. Moses. Glimpse at the monumental architecture and sculpture of Great Britain; by M. H. Bloxam. Monumental remains of noble and eminent persons, com- prising the sepulchral antiquities of Great Britain; by E. Blore. Sepulchres, Shrines and ; by R. R. Madden. Seroux d'Agincourt, Jean Baptiste Louis Georges. History of Art by its Monuments, from its decline in the fourth century to its restoration in the sixteenth ; trans- lated from the French. London, 1847. Three volumes in one. Large folio. Plates. Sevigne, Madame de, her correspondents and contempora- ries; by Comtesse de Puliga. Seward, Anna. Llangollen Vale, with other poems. London, 1796. Quarto, pp. (i), (i), 48. Seward, Olive Risley. William H. Seward' s Travels around the World. New York, 1873. Octavo, pp. xii, 788. Plates. Sexagenarian, or the recollections of a literary life; by W. Beloe. Sforza, Francesco. Life and times; by W. P. Urquhart. Shairp, John Campbell. Recollections of a tour made in Scotland, 1803; by D. Wordsworth. 328 Massachusetts Historical Society Shakespeare, William. The Book of Shakespeare Gems : in a series of landscape illustrations of the most interesting localities of Shakes- peare's dramas. London, 1854. Octavo, pp. (94). Plates. Complete concordance to Shakespere ; by M. V. C.-Clarke. Dictionary of Shakespearian Quotations. Exhibiting the most forcible passages illustrative of the various passions, affections and emotions of the human mind. Selected and arranged in alphabetical order, from the writings of the eminent dramatic poet. Philadelphia, 1868. I2mo. pp. xii, 418. Plate. The Dramatic Works of William Shakspeare. With notes, original and selected, by Samuel Weller Singer, and a life of the poet, by Charles Symmons. Chiswick, 1826. Ten volumes. i6mo. Plate. Essay on the writings and genius of Shakspeare, compared with the Greek and French dramatic poets; by E. Montagu. History of William Shakespeare, player and poet, with new facts and traditions ; by S. W. Fullom. Illustrations of Shakspeare, and of ancient manners ; by F. Douce. Inquiry into the authenticity of the various pictures and prints, which, from the decease of the poet to our own times, have been offered to the public as portraits of Shakspeare ; by J. Boaden. Life; by A. Skottowe. Life and genius; by T. Kenny. Life of Sir John Falstaff ; by R. B. Brough. Memoirs of the life; by R. G. White. Mind of Shakspeare, as exhibited in his works. Second edition. By Aaron Augustus Morgan. London, 1861. i6mo. pp. xxiii, 268. Picturesque Beauties of Shakspeare, being a selection of scenes, from the works of that great author. London. Octavo, pp. (40) recto. The Plays of Shakespeare. Edited by Howard Staun- ton. London, 1858-1860. Three volumes. Quarto. Plates. The Poems of Shakespeare. [Memoir, by Rev. Alexander Dyce.] London, 1832. i6mo. pp. (i), Ixxxix, (i), 288. Plate. Waterston Collection 329 Shakespeare, William (continued). Selections from Shakespeare. By Benjamin Oakley. Lon- don, 1828. I2mo. pp. xxii, (i), 182. Shakspeare and his times; by N. Drake, and by F. P. G. Guizot. Shakespeare-characters ; by C. C. Clarke. Shakspere, his birthplace and its neighbourhood ; by J. R. Wise. Shakespeare's autobiographical poems; by C. A. Brown. Shakspeare's dramatic art, and his relation to Calderon and Goethe; by H. Ulrici. Shakespeare's home and rural life ; by J. Walter. Shakespeare's legal acquirements considered; by J. Campbell. Shakespeare's Library, a collection of the romances, novels, poems, and histories, used by Shakespeare as the foundation of his dramas ; by J. P. Collier. Sketches for Shaekespears plays ; by L. S. Ruhl. The Sonnets of William Shakspere. Edited by Edward Dowden. London, 1881. i6mo. pp. Ixii, 251. Plate. Stratford on Avon, from the Sketch Book ; by W. Irving. Studies of Shakspere; by C. Knight. Studies of Shakespeare in the plays of King John, Cym- beline, Macbeth, As you Like it, Much Ado about Noth- ing, Romeo and Juliet; by G. Fletcher. William Shakespeare; by N. P. S. Wiseman. Sharp, Bartholomew. Bucaniers of America. [In "History," by J. Esquemeling.] Sharpe, Samuel. The History of Egypt from the earliest times till the con- quest by the Arabs, 640. Fourth edition. London, 1859. Two volumes. Octavo, pp. xxxii, 407, (i) ; xx, 411. Plates. The History of Egypt under the Ptolemies. London, 1838. Quarto, pp. (2), v, 220. From the library of Leigh Hunt, whose signature is on the titlepage. Shaw, Henry. Dresses and Decorations of the Middle Ages. Volume the first. London, 1858. Quarto, pp. (i), (94). Plates. The Encyclopedia of Ornament. 1842. Quarto, pp. 6, (2). Plates. Specimens of Ancient Furniture drawn from existing 33 Massachusetts Historical Society Shaw, Henry (continued). authorities. With descriptions by Sir Samuel Rush Meyrick. London, 1836. Quarto, pp. 57. Plates. Specimens of Tile Pavements drawn from existing authori- ties. London, 1858. Folio, (22). Plates. Shaw, Peter. Novum organum scientiarum; by F. Bacon. Shaw, Richard Norman. Architectural Sketches from the Continent. London, 1872. Folio, pp. (3) recto, (7). Plates. Shedd, Julia Ann (Clark). Famous Painters and Paintings. Boston, 1876. Octavo, pp. vi, 326. Plates. Shee, Richard Jenery. English constitution; by E. Fischel. Shelley, Mary Wollstonecraft. Rambles in Germany and Italy, in 1840, 1842, and 1843. London, 1844. Two volumes. I2mo. pp. xx, 280; vii, 296. Shelley, Percy Bysshe. Minor Poems. Boston, 1878. i6mo. pp. x, (i), 396. The Poetical Works of Percy Bysshe Shelley. Edited by Mrs. Shelley. London, 1839. Four volumes. i6mo. Plate. Shelton, Edward. The Dictionary of Every-Day Difficulties in reading, writ- ing, and speaking the English language ; or hard words made easy. . . . London, 1862. I2mo. pp. iv. 364. Shelvocke, George. A Voyage round the World by the way of the Great South Sea, perform'd in the years 1719, 20, 21, 22, in the Speedwell of London, of 24 guns and 100 men, (under His Majesty's commission to cruize on the Spaniards in the late war with the Spanish Crown) till she was cast away on the Island of Juan Fernandes, in May 1720; and afterwards continu'd in the Recovery, the Jesus Maria and Sacra Familia, &c. London, 1726. I2tno. pp. (i), (6), xxxii, (4), 468. Plates. Sheridan, Richard Brinsley Butler. Memoirs of the life; by T. Moore. The Works of the Right Honourable Richard Brinsley Sheridan, with a memoir by James P. Browne, contain- Waterston Collection 331 Sheridan, Richard Brinsley Butler (continued). ing extracts from the life by Thomas Moore. London, 1873. Two volumes. Octavo, pp. (3), li, 292; (3), 316. Plate. Sherman, William Tecumseh. Memoirs of General William T. Sherman. By himself. Two volumes. New York, 1875. Octavo, pp. 405 ; 409. Sherman vs. Hood. [Loyal Publication Society, No. 61.] Shirley, John. Ecclesiastical History Epitomiz'd. Containing a faithful account of the birth, life, and doctrine ; crucifixion and ascension of the Holy Jesus. With the lives of the Apostles, Evangelists, and Primitive Fathers, and other famous men in the Christian Church, . . . Part the first. London, 1682. i6mo. pp. (i), (4), 143. Plate. An Epitomy of Ecclesiastical History. Part II. Contain- ing the exemplary lives, memorable transactions, and couragious sufferings of the first reformers, principal martyrs, and great doctors of the Church, for 300 years past. The extirpation of Popery in England, . . . Lon- don, 1683. i6mo. pp. (i), (5), 230.. Plate. Shore, Thomas Teignmouth. History of Don Quixote ; by M. de Cervantes Saavedra. Shurtleff, Nathaniel Bradstreet. A Topographical and Historical Description of Boston. Boston, 1871. Octavo, pp. (2), ix, 720. Map. Letter, December 13, 1873, inserted. Siam. English governess at the Siamese Court; by A. H. Leonowens. Sibley, John. Historical sketches of the several Indian tribes of Louisi- ana. [In " Message from the President of the United States," February 19, 1806.] Sibree, John. Lectures on the philosophy of history ; by G. W. F. Hegel. Sicily. Classic and connoisseur in Italy and Sicily; by G. W. D. Evans. Normans in Sicily ; by H. G. Knight. Siddons, Henry. Practical Illustrations of Rhetorical Gesture and Action] 332 Massachusetts Historical Society Siddons, Henry (continued). adapted to the English drama: from a work on the subject by M. Engel. Second edition, improved. Lon- don, 1822. Octavo, pp. viii, 393, (15). Plates. Sidney, Algernon. Memoirs; by G. W. Meadley. Original letters; by T. I. M. Forster. Sidney, Henry. Diary of the Times of Charles the Second, including the correspondence with the Countess of Sunderland, and other distinguished persons at the English Court; to which are added, Letters illustrative of the times of James II. and William III., edited, with notes, by R. W. Blencowe, Esq. London, 1843. Two volumes. Octavo, pp. (3), cii, 307; vii, 390. Plate. Sidney, Philip. Correspondence of Sir Philip Sidney and Hubert Languet; by S. A. Pears. The Countess of Pembroke's Arcadia. Thirteenth edition. With his life and death; a brief table of the principal heads, and some other new additions. London, 1774. Folio, pp. (i), (30), 624, (26). Also " A Sixth Book," written by R. B., London, 1774. Same, with notes and introductory essay by Hain Fris- well. London, 1867. i6mo. pp. xxxvi, 476. The Defence of Poesy. To which are prefixed, several copies of verses, by Edward, Lord Thurlow. London, 1811. Octavo, pp. (i), (i), ix, 103. Memoir; by H. R. F. Bourne. Memoirs of the life and writings; by T. Zouch. Sierra Nevada Mountains. Mountaineering in the Sierra Nevada; by C. King. Signboards, History of ; by L. R. Sadler. Silliman, Benjamin. Life ; by G. P. Fisher. Silsbee, Maryanne Cabot (Devereux). Memory and Hope. Boston, 1851. I2mo. pp. xii, 244. Silver Mines, Dissertation on ; by A. Boeckh. Silvestre, Joseph Balthazar. Universal Palseography : or, fac-similes of writings of all nations and periods, copied from the most celebrated and authentic manuscripts in the libraries and archives Waterston Collection 333 Silvestre, Joseph Balthazar (continued). of France, Italy, Germany, and England. Accompanied by an historical and descriptive text and introduction, by Champollion-Figeac and Aime Champollion, fils. Trans- lated from the French, and edited, with corrections and notes, by Sir Frederic Madden. London, 1849. Two volumes. Octavo, pp. v, Ixix, (i), 364; (3), 367-809, (i). Table. Same. London, 1850. Large folio, pp. ( i ); (i). Plates. Sirnms, William Gilmore. The Life of the Chevalier Bayard; . . . New York, 1847. I2mo. pp. xi, (i), 401. Plate. Simon, Barbara Ann. The Ten Tribes of Israel historically identified with the aborigines of the western hemisphere. London, 1836. Octavo, pp. xl, 370. Simpson, Francis. A Series of Ancient Baptismal Fonts, chronologically arranged. London, 1828. Folio, pp. (3), xxvi, 66, (7) recto, (2). Simpson, Leonard. Correspondence of Schiller with Korner. Sinai, Mt. Journal from Grand Cairo to Mount Sinai, and back again ; by R. Clayton. Singer, Samuel Weller. Anecdotes, observations, and characters, of books and men ; by J. Spence. Dramatic works of William Shakspeare. Researches into the History of Playing Cards ; with illus- trations of the origin of printing and engraving on wood. London, 1816. Quarto, pp. xvi, (2), 373, (3). Plates. Sins of a government; by A. L. Barbauld. Sirr, Henry Charles. China and the Chinese: their religion, character, customs, and manufactures: the evils arising from the Opium Trade: with a glance at our religious, moral, political, and commercial intercourse with the country. London, 1849. Two volumes. Octavo, pp. xvi, 447, (i); viii, slip, 443, (i). Skelton, Joseph. Engraved Illustrations of Antient Arms and Armour, from 334 Massachusetts Historical Society Skelton, Joseph (continued). the Collection at Goodrich Court, Herefordshire; after the drawings, and with the descriptions of Sir Samuel Rush Meyrick. London, 1854. Two volumes. Folio, pp. (i), (i), xxiv, (146); (i), (i), (168). Plates. Skottowe, Augustine. The Life of Shakspeare; enquiries into the originality of his dramatic plots and characters; and Essays on the ancient theatres and theatrical usages. London, 1824. Two volumes. Octavo, pp. viii, 360 ; ( i ) , 328. Slavery. American slavery and colour; by W. Chambers. Great battle between slavery and freedom, considered in two speeches; by T. Parker. History of Abraham Lincoln, and the overthrow of slavery ; by I. N. Arnold. Letter to the people of the United States touching the matter of slavery ; by T. Parker. Opinions of the early Presidents, and of the fathers of the Republic, upon slavery, and upon negroes as men and soldiers. [Loyal Publication Society, No. 18.] Pamphlets issued by the Loyal Publication Society. Present aspect of slavery in America and the immediate duty of the North ; by T. Parker. Slavery; by W. E. Channing. Slavery, letters and speeches ; by H. Mann. Theodore Parker's review of Webster. William Lloyd Garrison and his times, or sketches of the anti-slavery movement in America; by O. Johnson. Slidell, Alexander. A Year in Spain. London, 1831. Two volumes. I2mo. pp. xi, (i), 413; vii, 377. Smiles, Samuel. Lives of the Engineers, with an account of their principal works; comprising also a history of inland communi- cation in Britain. London, 1862. Three volumes. Octavo. Plates. Smith, Benjamin George. Great civil war ; by R. Tomes. Smith, Bernard. Glossary of ecclesiastical ornament and costume ; by A. W. N. Pugin. Waterston Collection 335 Smith, Charles John. Historical and Literary Curiosities, consisting of fac-similes of original documents ; scenes of remarkable events and interesting localities; and the birth-places, residences, portraits, and monuments, of eminent literary charac- ters ; with a variety of reliques and antiquities connected with the same subjects. London, 1840. Quarto, pp. (i), (112). Plates. Smith, George. A Dissertation on the General Properties of Eclipses ; and particularly the ensuing eclipse of 1748, considered thro' all its periods. London, 1748. I2mo. pp. 19.^ Smith, Gerrit. Gerrit Smith on McClellan's nomination and acceptance. [Loyal Publication Society, No. 63.] Smith, Goldwin. Lectures on the Study of History, delivered in Oxford, 1859-61. To which is added a lecture delivered before the N. Y. Historical Society, in December, 1864, on the University of Oxford. New York, 1866. I2mo. pp. 269. Smith, Horace. The Poetical Works of Horace Smith, one of the authors of " Rejected Addresses." Now first collected. Lon- don, 1846. Two volumes bound in one. i6mo. pp. iv, 240; iv, 264. Plate. Smith, John (1579-1631). Advertisements for the Unexperienced Planters of New England, or Anywhere ; or, the pathway to erect a plan- tation. With a fac-simile of Smith's map of New England, with additions and corrections as published in 1635. Boston, 1865. Octavo, pp. viii, 72. Map. A Description of New England; or, observations and dis- coveries in the North of America in the year of our Lord 1614. With the success of six ships that went the next year, 1615. With a fac-simile of the original map. Boston, 1865. Octavo, pp. vii, (i), (14), 19-89. Map. Smith, John (1618-1652). Select Discourses : To which is added a sermon, preached at the author's funeral, by Symon Patrick. Containing a brief account of his life and death. Third edition. London, 1821. Octavo, pp. 10, li, (i), 557. 336 Massachusetts Historical Society Smith, John Jay. American Historical and Literary Curiosities; consisting of fac-similes of original documents relating to the events of the Revolution, . . . collected and edited by Mr. Smith, and John F. Watson. Fifth edition, with additions. New York, 1852. Folio, pp. (30). Plates. Smith, John Thomas. Nollekens and his Times: comprehending a life of that celebrated sculptor; and Memoirs of several contem- porary artists, from the time of Roubiliac, Hogarth, and Reynolds, to that of Fuseli, Flaxman, and Blake. Sec- ond edition. London, 1829. Two volumes. Octavo, PP- x > 393 5 vi, 494. Smith, Sydney. Elementary Sketches of Moral Philosophy, delivered at the Royal Institution, in the years 1804, 1805, and 1806. London, 1850. Octavo, pp. xi, 424. Memoir; by S. Holland. Two Volumes of Sermons. London, 1809. Two volumes. Octavo, pp. (3), (2), 436; (6), 424. Plate. Smith, Thomas Roger. Handbook of architectural styles ; by A. Rosengarten. Smith, William. History of the decline and fall of the Roman Empire; by E. Gibbon. Students' Gibbon. Smith, William Sidney. Life and correspondence; by J. Barrow. Smollett, Tobias George. Poetical works. See G. Gilfillan. Smyth, William. Evidences of Christianity. London, 1845. I2mo. pp. (4) recto, xxxv, 392. Lectures on History. Second and concluding series. On the French Revolution. London, 1840. Three volumes. Octavo. Lectures on Modern History, from the irruption of the northern nations to the close of the American Revolution. Cambridge, 1840. Two volumes. Octavo, pp. xx, 433, ^ (i); (i), (4), 494. Same. From the second London edition, with a preface, list of books on American history. By Jared Sparks. Waterston Collection 337 Smyth, William (continued). Cambridge, 1841. Two volumes. Octavo, pp. xix, (3)recto, (10), 433; (3), 502. Smythe, Percy Clinton Sydney. Poems, from the Portuguese of Luis de Camoens. Snow, Caleb Hopkins. A History of Boston, the Metropolis of Massachusetts, from its origin to the present period ; with some account of the environs. Boston, 1825. Octavo, pp. 400. Plates. Society of Antiquaries of London. Vetvsta Monvmenta : qvae ad rervm Britannicarvm Me- moriam conservandam Societas Antiqvariorvm Londini svmptv svo edenda cvravit volvmen tertivm. Londini, 1796. Large folio, variously paged. Plates. Society of Painters in Water Colours. Gallery of the Society of Painters in Water Colours. Lon- don. Folio, pp. (i), (i), (i8)verso. Plates. Society for Promoting the Knowledge of the Scriptures. Two Discourses on the Creation of all things by Jesus Christ ; and on the resurrection of the dead through the man Jesus Christ. Second edition. Cambridge, 1787. i6mo. pp. 12. Society for publishing Religious Tracts. No. XII. Special Directions for a Life of Religion & Happiness. i6mo. pp. 12. Socrates. Life; by G. F. Wiggers. Life, teachings, and death ; by G. Grote. Socrates and the Socratic schools; by E. G. Zeller. Soldiers' and sailors' patriotic songs. [Loyal Publication Society, No. 49.] Some Considerations about Union among Protestants, and the preservation of the interest of the Protestant reli- gion in this nation. London, 1680. I2mo. pp. (i), 15. Somerset, Edward. Century of inventions. [In " Life," by H. Dircks.] Life, times, and scientific labours of the second Marquis of Worcester; by H. Dircks. Somerville, William. Hobbinol, Field Sports, and the Bowling Green. London, 1813. Quarto, pp. (i), (i), (3), 118. 338 Massachusetts Historical Society Sonderland, Johann Baptist. Bilder und Randzeichnungen deutschen Dichtungen er- funden und radirt von J. B. Sonderland. Diisseldorf, Verlag von Julius Buddeus. Berlin, 1844. Folio, pp. (i), (33), (4). Plates. Sophocles. The Tragedies of Sophocles; translated by R. Potter. New edition. Oxford, 1819. Octavo, pp. vii, 408. Same, translated into English verse. By Rev. Thomas Dale. London, 1824. Two volumes bound in one. Octavo, pp. xxxv, 291 ; (3), 386. Sotheby, Samuel Leigh. Principia Typographia, The block-books, or xylographic delineations of scripture history, issued in Holland, Flanders, and Germany, during the fifteenth century, ex- emplified and considered in connexion with the origin of printing. To which is added an attempt to elucidate the character of the paper-marks of the period. A Work contemplated by the late Samuel Sotheby, and carried out by his son. Three volumes. London, 1858. Folio. Plates. Sotheby, William. Iliad and Odyssey of Homer. Soul, Philosophical discourse concerning; by J. Norris. South Sea. Life and voyages of [Francis] Drake. Voyages round the world ; by G. Shelvocke. Southey, Robert. The Book of the Church. Fifth edition. London, 1841. Octavo, pp. xxiii, 572. Chronicle of the Cid, from the Spanish. London, 1808. Quarto, pp. xli, (9), 468. Map. Same, first American edition. Lowell, 1846. Octavo, pp. 486. The Doctor, &c. Edited by his son-in-law, John Wood Warter. New edition. London, 1865. Octavo, pp. xl, 694. Plates. The Life and Correspondence of Robert Southey. Edited by his son, the Rev. Charles Cuthbert Southey. Second edition. London, 1849-1850. Six volumes. I2mo. Plates. The Life of Nelson. London, 1831. i6mo. pp. vii, (i), 352. Waterston Collection 339 Southey, Robert (continued). Same. London, 1854. i6mo. pp. (i), (4), 362. Plates. Same, new edition. London, 1861. Octavo, pp. xii, (i), 400. Remains of Henry Kirke White. Sir Thomas More: or, colloquies on the progress and prospects of society. Second edition. London, 1831. Two volumes. Octavo, pp. xiv, (2), 389, (i); (4), 460. Plates. Southey's Common-place Book. First series. Choice pas- sages. Collections for English manners and literature. Edited by his son-in-law, John Wood Warter. Second edition. London, 1850. Octavo, pp. iv, 596. Same, second series. Special collections. London, 1850. ^ Octavo, pp. (3), (i), 693. Same, third series. Analytical readings. London, 1850. Octavo, pp. vi, (i), 841. Same, fourth series. Original memoranda, etc. London, 1850. Octavo, pp. vi, (i), 748. Spagnuoli, Baptista Mantuanus. Bvcolica fratris Baptistae Mantvani Ordinis Carmelitarvm. Brescia, 1517. i6mo. pp. (71). Fratris Baptistse Mantuani Carmelitae theologi ad claris- simum equitem dominum Lodouicum Gonzalem His- panum . . . Venice, 1499. i6mo. pp. (100). Fratris Baptistae Mant. : 'Carmelitae Theologi . . . Brescia, 1504. i6mo. pp. (8). Spain. Ancient poetry and romances of Spain ; by J. Bowring. Ancient Spanish ballads; by J. G. Lockhart. Anecdotes of eminent painters in Spain, during the six- teenth and seventeenth centuries; by R. Cumberland. Annals of the artists of Spain ; by W. Stirling-Maxwell. Autumn tour in Spain in the year 1859; by R. Roberts. Bridle roads of Spain ; by G. J. Cayley. Charles V. ; by W. Robertson [Works, III.-V.]. Chronicle of the Cid, from the Spanish ; by R. Southey. Cid, a short chronicle, founded on the early poetry of Spain; by G. Dennis. Cities and wilds of Andalucia ; by R. D. Murray. Gleanings, pictorial and antiquarian, on the overland route ; by W. H. Bartlett. History of Charles the Great and Orlando; by T. Rodd. 34 Massachusetts Historical Society Spain (continued). History of the progress and suppression of the refor- mation in Spain in the sixteenth century; by T. McCrie. History of the reign of the emperor Charles the Fifth; by W. Robertson. History of the reign of Ferdinand and Isabella, the cath- olic ; by W. H. Prescott. Italy, Spain, and Portugal; by W. Beckford. Letters from Spain ; by J. B. White. Lewis's sketches and drawings, of the Alhambra. Outre-mer, a pilgrimage beyond the sea; by H. W. Longfellow. Picturesque antiquities of Spain, described in a series of letters; by N. A. Wells. Picturesque sketches in Spain, taken during the years 1832 and 1833; by D. Roberts. Scenery of Portugal and Spain; by G. Vivian. Spain ; by J. C. Davillier. Spanish papers and other miscellanies, hitherto unpub- lished or uncollected ; by W. Irving. Spanish pictures drawn with pen and pencil; by S. Manning. Travelling in Spain in the present day; by H. Black- burn. Wanderings in Spain ; by A. J. C. Hare. Year in Spain ; by A. Slidell. Spangenberg, August Gottlieb. The Life of Nicholas Lewis Count Zinzendorf, Bishop and Ordinary of the Church of the United (or Moravian) Brethren. Translated from the German, by Samuel Jackson. With an introductory preface, by the Rev. P. La Trobe. London, 1838. I2mo. pp. xxxv, 511. Plate. Sparks, Jared. Lectures on Modern History, from the irruption of the northern nations to the close of the American Revolu- tion; by W. Smyth. The Life of John Ledyard, the American Traveller; com- prising selections from his journals and correspondence. Cambridge, 1828. Octavo, pp. xii, 325. Same. [Library of American biography, 2d series, XIV.] Boston, 1864. i6mo. pp. x, 419. Plate. Waterston Collection 341 Sparks, Jared (continued). Memoirs of the Life and Travels of John Ledyard, from his journals and correspondence. London, 1828. I2mo. pp. xii, 428. Works of Benjamin Franklin. Spectator ; by J. Addison. Speed, John. The Historic of Great Britaine vnder the Conqvests of the Romans, Saxons, Danes and Normans. . . . Second edition. London, 1623. Folio, pp. (i), (17), 1258, (84). Plate inserted. " Spence, Joseph. Anecdotes, observations, and characters, of Books and Men. Collected from the conversation of Mr. Pope, and other eminent persons of his time. Now first published from the original papers, with notes, and a life o.f the author. By Samuel Weller Singer. London, 1820. Octavo, pp. xxxix, 501, (i). Plate. A Parallel ; in the manner of Plutarch : between a most celebrated Man [Antonius Magliabecchi] of Florence; and one [Joseph Hill], scarce ever heard of, in England. Printed at Strawberry-Hill. 1758. i6mo. pp. 104. Polymetis: or, an enquiry concerning the agreement be- tween the works of the Roman poets, and the re- mains of the antient artists. Being an attempt to illustrate them mutually from one another. In ten books. Third edition. London, 1774. Folio, pp. vi, 361, (i). Plates. Spencer, Edmund. Sketches of Germany and the Germans, with a glance at Poland, Hungary, & Switzerland, in 1834, 1835, and 1836. By an Englishman resident in Germany. Second edition. London, 1836. Two volumes. Octavo, pp. vii, (i), 365; viii, slip, 371. Spencer, George John. Aedes Althorpianae, or an account of the mansion, books, and pictures, at Althorp ; by T. F. Dibdin. Bibliotheca Spenceriana, or a descriptive catalogue of the books printed in the fifteenth century ; by same. Supplement to Bibliotheca Spenceriana ; by same. Spens, Hary. Republic of Plato. 342 Massachusetts Historical Society Spenser, Edmund. The Faerie Qveen : the shepheards calendar : together with the other works of England's arch-poet, Edm. Spenser: collected into one volume, and carefully corrected. Lon- don, 1611. Quarto, variously paged. Speroni, Sperone. Dialoghi di M. Speron Speroni Nuouamente ristampati, & con molta diligenza riueduti, & corretti. Im Vinegia [Venice], 1544. i6mo. pp. (320). Spilsbury, William Holden. Lincoln's Inn, its ancient and modern buildings with an account of the library. London, 1850. i6mo. pp. xvi, 324. Plate. Spirit of the age ; by W. Hazlitt. Spiritual despotism ; by I. Taylor. Spohr, Louis. Louis Spohr's Autobiography. Translated from the Ger- man. Copyright edition. London, 1865. Octavo, pp. (i), (i), vii, (i), 327, 242[342]. Spooner, Shearjashub. A Biographical History of the Fine Arts ; or, memoirs of the lives and works of eminent painters, engravers, sculptors, and architects. From the earliest ages to the present time. . . . New York, 1865. Two volumes. Octavo, pp. Ixiii, 501 ; (2), 503-1150. Plates. Sports. Ballads of archery ; by J. W. Dodd. Gamena angel deod, or sports and pastimes of the people of England ; by J. Strutt. Hobbinol, field sports, and the bowling green; by W. Somerville. Spotorno, Giovanni Battista. Memorials of Columbus. Spurstowe, William. Tract entitled True and Faithful Relation of a Worthy Discourse, between Colonel John Hampden and Colonel Oliver Cromwell [1643]. Preceded by an explanatory preface. London, 1847. Octavo, pp. (2), viii, (2), 61, (I)- Squier, Miriano Florence. Travels in Central America ; by A. Morelet. Waterston Collection 343 Stael-Holstein, Anne Louise Germaine Necker de. Letters on England. London, 1825. Octavo, pp. (2), v-viii, 339. Plate. Stanfield, Clarkson. Pictures ; by J. Dafforne. Stanfield's Coast Scenery. A series of views in the British Channel, from original drawings taken expressly for the work. London, 1836. Octavo, pp. (i), viii, 128. Plates. Same, second edition. London, 1847. Plates. Stanhope, Philip. Letters of Philip, second Earl of Chesterfield, to several celebrated individuals of the time of Charles II., James II., William III., and Queen Anne, with some of their replies. London, 1829. Octavo, pp. (3), 387, (i). Plate. Stanhope, Philip Henry. The Life of Belisarius. By Lord Mahon. London, 1829. Octavo, pp. xx, 473, (i). Map. Stanley, Arthur Penrhyn. God in history ; by C. C. J. Bunsen. Historical Memorials of Westminster Abbey. London, 1868. Octavo, pp. xxix, (2), 564. Plate. Lectures on the History of the Eastern Church. With an introduction on the study of ecclesiastical history. Sec- ond edition. London, 1862. Octavo, pp. Ixxxviii, 437, (i). Map. Sermons and Essays on the Apostolic Age. Second edi- tion, revised. Oxford, 1852. Octavo, pp. xv, 391. Sinai and Palestine in connection with their history. With maps and plans. Fourth edition. London, 1857. Octavo, pp. Ivii, 550. Plates. The Unity of Evangelical and Apostolical Teaching. Sermons preached mostly in Canterbury Cathedral. London, 1859. I2mo. pp. xvi, 416. Westminster Sermons. Sermons on special occasions preached in Westminster Abbey. New York, 1882. Octavo, pp. ix, 409. Stanley, George. Biographical and critical dictionary of painters and en- gravers; by M. Bryan, and by H. Ottley. A Classified Synopsis of the principal Painters of the Dutch 344 Massachusetts Historical Society Stanley, George (continued). and Flemish Schools, their scholars, imitators, and analo- gists. Including an account of some of the early Ger- man masters, connected with those of Flanders and Hol- land. London, 1855. I2mo. pp. xxxii, 416. Stanley, Thomas. The History of Philosophy : containing the lives, opinions, actions and discourses of the philosophers of every sect. Illustrated with the effigies of divers of them. Third edition. To which is added a life of the author, never before published. London, 1701. i6mo. pp. (i), (33), 658, (12). The History of the Chal[d]aick Philosophy. London, 1701. Folio, pp. (i), (2), 63. Stark, James Henry. Antique Views of ye Towne of Boston. Published by ye Photo-Electrotype Engraving Co. Boston, 1882. Quarto, pp. (2), 378. Plates. Starr, Leander. Address to King Cotton. [Loyal Publication Society, No. 12.] Staunton, Howard. Plays of Shakespeare. Stebbins, Henry G. Finances and resources of the United States. [Loyal Publication Society, No. 45.] Steele, Joel Dorman. Barnes' Centennial History. One hundred years of Ameri- can Independence. New York, 1876. Octavo, pp. (20), 9-664. Stephen, James. Essays in Ecclesiastical Biography. Third edition. Lon- don, 1853. Two volumes. Octavo, pp. viii, 520; iv, '' 507, (0- Same, fourth edition. London, 1860. Two volumes bound in one. Octavo, pp. xvii, 661, (i). Lectures on the History of France. London, 1851. Two volumes. Octavo, pp. xx, 475, (i); iv. 496. Same, third edition, with large additions. London, 1857. Two volumes. Octavo, pp. xii, 518; iv, 527, (i). Stephen, Leslie. Alps or sketches of life and nature in the mountains; by H. A. von Berlepsch. Waterston Collection 345 Stephens, Alexander Hamilton. Assertions of a secessionist. [Loyal Publication Society, No. 56.] Prophecy and fulfillment. [Loyal Publication Society, No. 36.] Stephens, Alexander John. The Rise and Progress of the English Constitution: the treatise of J. L. de Lolme. With an historical and legal introduction, and notes. London, 1838. Two volumes: Octavo, pp. clxxxi, (3), 487; (i), (2), 491-1139, (i). Charts. Stephens, Frederick George. Flemish and French Pictures. With notes concerning the painters and their works. London, 1875. Quarto, pp. x, ( i ) , 280. Plates. Flemish Relics; architectural, legendary, and pictorial, as connected with public buildings in Belgium. London, 1866. Octavo, pp. (3), (i), (i), 178, (2). Plates. Masterpieces of Mulready. Memorials of William Mul- ready. London, 1867. Quarto, pp. viii, (i), 134. Plates. Stephenson, Robert. Life ; by J. C. Jeaffreson. Sterling, John. Life ; by T. Carlyle. Stevenson, William. Life of William Caxton, with an account of the invention of printing, and of the modes and materials used for transmitting knowledge before that took place. Lon- don, 1833. Octavo, pp. 32, (i). Stewart, Charles Samuel. The Visit to the South Seas, in the U. S. Ship Vincennes, during the years 1829 and 1830; with notices of Brazil, Peru, Manilla, the Cape of Good Hope, and St. Helena. Edited and abridged by William Ellis. London, 1833. :6mo. pp. (i), xvi, 440. Plates. Stieler, Carl. Bavarian highlands ; by H. Schmid. Stiles, Ezra. The United States elevated to Glory and Honour. A sermon, preached before His Excellency Jonathan Trum- bull, Governour and Commander in Chief, and the Hon- 346 Massachusetts Historical Society Stiles, Ezra (continued). curable the General Assembly, of the State of Con- necticut, convened at Hartford, at the anniversary elec- tion. May 8th, 1783. Second edition, corrected. Worcester, 1785. I2mo. pp. 172. Stille, Charles Janeway. How a free people conduct a long war. [Loyal Publica- tion Society, No. 13.] Stirling-Maxwell, William. Annals of the Artists of Spain. London, 1848. Three volumes. Octavo. Plates. Stoddart, John. An Introduction to the Study of Universal History. Two dissertations : I. On the uses of history as a study. II. On the separation of the early facts of history from fable. Second edition, rewritten. London, 1850. I2mo. pp. xvi, 332. Stone, Elizabeth. Chronicles of Fashion, from the time of Elizabeth to the early part of the nineteenth century, in manners, amuse- ments, banquets, costume, &c. London, 1845. Two volumes. Octavo, pp. xii, (i), 439, (i) ; xii, 455, (i). Plates. Storer, James Sargent. Antiquarian and Topographical Cabinet, containing a series of elegant views of the most interesting objects of curi- osity in Great Britain. Accompanied with letter-press descriptions. [By Mr. Storer and John Greig.] Lon- don, 1805-1811. Ten volumes bound in five. Plates. Stories by an archaeologist [H. N. Humphreys]. Storrs, Richard Salter. The Early American Spirit, and the Genesis of it. The Declaration of Independence, and the effects of it. New York, 1878. Octavo, pp. (3), 71, 81. Presentation copy, Brooklyn, March 5, 1879. Story, Joseph. A Discourse upon the Life, Character, and Services of the Honorable John Marshall, Chief Justice of the United States of America, pronounced on the fifteenth day of October, at the request of the Suffolk Bar. Boston, 1835. Octavo, pp. 74. Waterston Collection 347 Story, William Wetmore. Rome ; by F. A. Wey. Story of Elaine ; by J. S. R. Stothard, Thomas. Engravings. Octavo. His receipt, January 29, 1794, for four drawings for Akenside's " Pleasures of Imagination," inserted. Life ; by A. E. Bray. Stow, John. A Survey of London, written in the year 1598. New edi- tion, edited by William J. Thorns. London, 1842. Octavo, pp. xii, (i), (2), 222. Stowell, William Hendry. History of the Puritans in England, and the Pilgrim Fathers. London, 1850. i6mo. pp. 508. Plate. Strangford, Viscount. See P. C. S. Smythe. Strauss, Gerhard Friedrich Abraham. Helen's Pilgrimage to Jerusalem. A picture of Judaism, in the century which preceded the advent of our Saviour. Translated from the German, with notes and illustra- tions by the translator. London, 1824. Two volumes. I2mo. pp. xxiv, 371 ; (4), 396. Street, George Edmund. Brick and Marble in the Middle Ages : Notes of a tour in the north of Italy. London, 1855. Octavo, pp. xix, (i), 287. Plates. Streeter, Edwin William. Precious Stones and Gems, their history and distinguishing characteristics. London, 1877. Octavo, pp. (2), 264. Plates. Strickland, Agnes. Lives of the Queens of England, from the Norman Con- quest. Now first published from official records & other authentic documents, private as well as public. New edition. London, 1861. Eight volumes. I2mo. Plates. Strutt, Jacob George. Deliciae Sylvarum ; or, grand and romantic Forest Scenery in England and Scotland. London, 1828. Folio, pp. (3) recto, 12. Plates. Strutt, Joseph. A Complete View of the Dress and Habits of the people of England, from the establishment of the Saxons in 348 Massachusetts Historical Society Strutt, Joseph (continued). Britain to the present time: . . . New and improved edition, with critical and explanatory notes, by J. R. Planche. London, 1842. Two volumes. .Folio, pp. viii, (2), ix-x, cxvii, 117; vi, 279. Plates. The Gamena Angel Deod, or sports and pastimes of the people of England : including the rural and domestic recreations, may-games, mummeries, pageants, proces- sions, and pompous spectacles, from the earliest period to the present time: illustrated by engravings selected from ancient paintings; in which are represented most of the popular diversions. Second edition. London, 1810. Folio, pp. (i),xlix, (6), 357, (i). Plates. The Regal and Ecclesiastical Antiquities of England : con- taining the representations of all the English monarchs, from Edward the Confessor to Henry the Eighth ; . . . New and improved edition, by J. R. Planche. London, 1842. Folio, pp. iv, 152. Plates. Stuart, Isaac William. Life of Captain Nathan Hale the Martyr-Spy of the Ameri- can Revolution. Second edition, enlarged and improved. Hartford, 1856. i6mo. pp. (3), 271, 12. Plates. Stuart, John McDouall. Explorations in Australia. The journals o f John McDouall Stuart during the years 1858, 1859, 1860, 1861, & 1862, when he fixed the centre of the continent and successfully crossed it from sea to sea. Edited by William Hardman. London, 1864. Octavo, pp. xxii, (2), 511. Plates. Studies from old English mansions ; by C. J. Richardson. Submissionists, and their record. [Loyal Publication Society, No. 65.] Sudbury, Mass. Old house at Sudbury; by T. W. Parsons. Tales of a wayside inn ; by H. W. Longfellow. Suetonius Tranquillus, Caius. The History of the Twelve Caesars, Emperours of Rome. Written in Latine. Newly translated into English. Lon- don, 1677. i6mo. pp. (i), (26), 495. Plates. C. Svetonivs Tranqvillvs, et in eum commentarivs, ex- hibente Joanne Schildio. Editio secunda. [De XII. Caesaribvs.] Lugduni Batavorum [Leyden], 1651. I2mo. pp. (i), (38), 850, (82). Cuts. Waterston Collection 349 Sullivan, John. Military services and public life ; by T. C. Amory. Sullivan, William. Discourse on the death of ; by J. T. Sargent. The Public Men of the Revolution. Including events from the peace of 1783 to the peace of 1815. In a series of letters. With a biographical sketch by the author, and additional notes and references by his son, John T. S. Sullivan. Philadelphia, 1847. Octavo, pp. 463. Plate. Sully, Maximilien de Bethune, Due de. The Memoirs of the Duke of Sully, prime-minister to Henry the Great. Translated from the French of Char- lotte Lennox. A new edition, revised and corrected; with additional notes, some letters of Henry the Great, and a brief historical introduction. London, 1810. Five volumes. Octavo. Plates. Sumner, Charles. No property in man. [Loyal Publication Society, No. 51".] Works of Charles Sumner. Boston, 1870-1883. Fifteen volumes. I2mo. Plate. Sunday Schools, History of ; by L. G. Pray. Superior, Lake. Minnesota and the far west; by L. Oliphant. Surnames, Suffolk; by N. I. Bowditch. Surrey, Earl of. See H. Howard. Sweden. Forest life in Norway and Sweden ; by H. G. Newland. Scandinavian adventures, during a residence of upwards of twenty years ; by L. Lloyd. Travels through Sweden, Norway, and Finmark; by A. de C. Brooke. Swinburne, Algernon Charles. Christabel and the lyrical and imaginative poems of S. T. Coleridge. William Blake. A critical essay. Second edition. Lon- don, 1868. Octavo, pp. iv, (i), (2), 304. Plates. Swinton, \Villiam. War for the Union. [Loyal Publication Society, No. 62.] Switzerland. Bogue's guide for travellers. Constructions en bois de la Suisse relevees dans les divers 350 Massachusetts Historical Society Switzerland (continued). cantons et comparees aux constructions en bois de 1'Alle- magne; by E. Gladbach. Europa, or, scenes and society in England, France, Italy, and Switzerland; by D. C. Eddy. The History of Switzerland. London, 1832. i6mo. pp. xx, 360. Illustrations of the passes of the Alps ; by W. Brockedon. Journals of excursions in the high Alps. [In " Norway," by J. D. Forbes.] Journey to Switzerland, and pedestrian tours in that country ; by J. L. R. Agassiz. Lake dwellings of Switzerland and other parts of Europe ; by F. Keller. Regular Swiss round in three trips ; by H. Jones. Sketches illustrative of the manners and costumes of France, Switzerland, and Italy; by R. Bridgens. Sketches in France, Switzerland and Italy; by S. Prout. Switzerland, as now divided into nineteen cantons; by A. Yosy. Switzerland, illustrated in a series of views ; by W. Beattie. Switzerland, its Mountains and Valleys. New York, 1879. Folio, pp. xiv, 487. Plates. Switzerland the pioneer of the Reformation; by H. G. Koltzof-Massalsky. Switzerland, scenes and incidents of travel ; by G. Barnard. Tableaux de la Suisse ou Voyage Pittoresque fait dans les XIII. cantons et etats allies du Corps Helvetique. Paris, 1785. [Estampes, II.] Folio, I p. Plates. Tableaux topographiques, pittoresques, physiques, histo- riques, moraux, politiques, litteraires, de la Suisse. Estampes [I.] Paris, 1780. Folio, pp. 7. Plates. Sydenham, Floyer. Works of Plato. Symmes, Thomas. Historical Memoirs of the Late Fight at Piggwacket, with a sermon occasion' d by the fall of the brave Capt. John Lovewell . . . pronounc'd at Bradford, May 16, 1725. Second edition corrected. Boston, 1725. [Reprint, in " Expedition," by F. Kidder, 1865.] Symmons, Charles. Dramatic work of William Shakspeare. Waterston Collection 351 Symonds, John Addington. Renaissance in Italy. The fine arts. New York, 1879. Octavo, pp. (2), xiv, 550. Synonyms, English ; by G. Crabb. Syria and the Holy Land ; by W. K. Kelly. Taine, Hippolyte Adolphe. Italy, Florence and Venice. From the French. By J. Durand. New York, 1869. Octavo, pp. ix, 385. Italy, Rome and Naples. From the French. By J. Durand. Second edition, with corrections and an index. New York, 1869. Octavo, pp. xi, 363. A Tour through the Pyrenees. Translated by J. Safford Fiske. New York, 1875. Octavo, pp. xvi, 523. Plates. Talfourd, Thomas Noon. Ion; a tragedy, in five acts. Second edition. London, 1836. Octavo, pp. vi, (2), 1 20. Letters of Charles Lamb. Tancoigne, J. M. A Narrative of a Journey into Persia, and Residence at Teheran : containing a descriptive itinerary from Con- stantinople to the Persian capital; also a variety of anecdotes, . . . From the French. London, 1820. Oc- tavo, pp. xvi, 402. Plates. Tansillo, Luigi. Nurse, a poem ; by W. Roscoe. Tapestry. Book of cartoons ; by R. Cattermole. Cartonensia, or, an historical and critical account of the tapestries in the palace of the Vatican ; by W. Gunn. Tarlton, Richard. Tarlton's jests; by J. O. Halliwell. Tasso, Torquato. II Goffredo, ouero Giervsalemme liberata, Poema Heroico del Sig. Torquato Tasso. . . . Venetia, 1620. 321110. pp. 518 [528], 141. Also " I cinqve canti di Camillo Camilli "... Life; by R. Milman. Tate, Nahum. New version of the psalms of David; by N. Brady and Mr. Tate. 352 Massachusetts Historical Society Tatham, Charles Heathcote. Etchings representing the best examples of Grecian and Roman Architectural Ornament; drawn from the origi- nals, and chiefly collected in Italy, before the late revo- lutions in that country. London, 1826. Large folio, pp. 8, 3. Plates. Taylor, Edgar. German fairy tales and popular stories, as told by Gammer Grethel ; by J. L. C. Grimm. Master [Robert] Wace his chronicle of the Norman con- quest from the Roman de Rou. Taylor, Edward Thompson. Father Taylor, the sailor preacher ; by G. Haven. Taylor, Helen. Miscellaneous and posthumous works of Henry Thomas Buckle. Taylor, Henry. Philip Van Artevelde ; a dramatic romance. In two parts. Sixth edition. London, 1852. i6mo. pp. xxviii, 431, CO- Taylor, Isaac (1787-1865). Essay on the Application of Abstract Reasoning to the Christian Doctrines : originally published as an intro- duction to Edwards on the will. First American edition. Boston, 1832. i6mo. pp. 4, 13-163. Fanaticism. London, 1833. Octavo, pp. viii, 515. Fanaticism. New edition, revised. London, 1843. i6mo. pp. viii, 437. Natural History of Enthusiasm. London, 1829. Octavo, pp. viii, 311. The Process of Historical Proof; exemplified and ex- plained : with observations on the peculiar points of the Christian evidence. London, 1828. Octavo, pp. viii, 338. The Spirit of Hebrew Poetry. London, 1861. Octavo, pp. ^ xvi, 347. Spiritual Despotism. London, 1835. Octavo, pp. viii, 500. Taylor, Isaac (1829-1901). Etruscan Researches. London, 1874. Octavo, pp. xii, 388. Taylor, James. Popular cyclopaedia of Biblical literature; by J. Kitto. Waterston Collection 353 Taylor, Jeremy. The Rule and Exercises of Holy Dying. London, 1857. Octavo, pp. xxvi, (2), 327, (i). The Rule and Exercises of Holy Living. London, 1857. i6mo. pp. xvi, 309. Plate. Same. Octavo, pp. xvi, (i), 424. Plate. Taylor, John. The Identity of Junius with a distinguished living character established. Including the supplement, consisting of fac-similes of hand-writing and other illustrations. Sec- ond edition, corrected and enlarged. London, 1818. Octavo, pp. ix, ( i ) , 404. Plates. Taylor, Oliver Alden. Plan of the founder of Christianity; by F. V. Reinhard. Taylor, Richard. EIIEA HTEPOENTA, or the diversions of Purley; by J. H. Tooke. Taylor, Thomas. Works of Plato. Taylor, Tom. Birket Foster's Pictures of English Landscape. London, 1863. Octavo, pp. (i), (3),33ra:to. Plates. Life and times of Sir Joshua Reynolds; by C. R. Leslie. Taylor, William. Historic Survey of German Poetry, interspersed with various translations. London, 1830. Three volumes. Octavo. Memoir of the life and writings; by J. W. Robberds. Taylor, William Cooke. Iliads of Homer. Romantic Biography of the Age of Elizabeth; or, sketches of life from the bye-ways of history. By the Benedictine Brethren of Glendalough. London, 1842. Two volumes. Octavo, pp. ix, (i), 420; (3), 392. Plates. Tempesta, Antonio. Curious and rare engravings. Temple, William. Memoirs of the life, works, and correspondence ; by T. P. Courtenay. The Works of Sir William Temple, Bar* To which is pre- fix'd some account of the life and writings of the author. 23 354 Massachusetts Historical Society Temple, William (continued). London, 1720. Two volumes. Folio, pp. (12), 480; (4)^7*0,585. Plate. Temples, ancient and modern; by W. Bardwell. Tennent, James Emerson. The History of Modern Greece, from its conquest by the Romans B. c. 146, to the present time. London, 1845. Two volumes. Octavo, pp. cxxiii, (i), 446; xxii, 579, (i). Tennessee. Relief for East Tennessee. [Loyal Publication Society, No. 73-J Tennyson, Alfred. Idyls of the King. Boston, 1866. Octavo, pp. vi, (i), 178. Plate. Poems. London, 1859. Octavo, pp. xiii, (i), 375, (i). Thackeray, Francis. Researches into the Ecclesiastical and Political State of Ancient Britain under the Roman Emperors. London, 1843. Two volumes. Octavo, pp. (3), (3), xxiv, 335 (0; (3), (4), 290, (i), (24). Thalheimer, Mary Elsie. A Manual of Ancient History. Cincinnati, 1872. Octavo, pp. 376. Plates. Thames River. Picturesque tour of the river Thames; by J. F. Murray. Views on the Thames ; by W. B. Cooke. Thane, John. . British Autography. A collection of fac-similes of the handwriting of royal and illustrious personages, with their authentic portraits. London, 1819. Three vol- umes. Quarto. Plates. A Supplement to the British Autography, a collection of portraits, with facsimiles of the handwriting of royal and illustrious personages in English history and literature. London, 1819. Quarto, pp. iv, (i), 55-66. Plates. Thayer, Nathaniel. Discourse on the life and character of; by A. Hill. Theatre. Memoirs of the life of John Philip Kemble, Esq. including a history of the stage; by J. Boaden. Waterston Collection 355 Theologiae pacificae, itemque mysticae, ac hujus auctorum, idea brevior. . . . Amstelaedami, 1702. i6mo. pp. (i), (i), (13), 292, (i). Theology. Astronomy and general physics considered with reference to natural theology ; by W. Whewell. Chemistry, meteorology, and the function of digestion, considered with reference to natural theology; by W. Prout. Theophrastus. Aenese Platonici Christiani de immortalitate animae, deque corporum resurrectione dialogus aureus, qui Theophrastus inscribitur, Ambrosio Camaldulensi inter- prete. Athenagoras Atheniensis de resurrectione, Mar- silio Ficino interprete. Xysti Pythagori ci sententise, Rusino interprete. Basel, 1516. I2mo. pp. (86). Vignette, around title, and initial letters attributed to Hans Holbein. Thierry, Jacques Nicolas Augustin. History of the Conquest of England by the Normans : with its causes from the earliest period, and its conse- quences to the present time. Translated from the French. London, 1825. Three volumes. Octavo. Thomas, George Housman. In Memoriam Geo. H. Thomas, Artist. A collection of engravings from his drawings on wood. London. Folio, pp. 192. Plate. Thomas, Joseph. Universal Pronouncing Dictionary of Biography and Mythology. Philadelphia, 1870. Two volumes. Quarto, pp. xii, 5-1236; (2), 1237-2345. Thomas Aquinas, Saint. Opuscula. Venice, 1497. Octavo, pp. (870). Postilla fratris thome de aquino In job feliciter incipit. Esslingen, 1474. Quarto, pp. (213). Rubricated ; printed by Conrad Fyner. Thompson, Benjamin. Essays, political, economical, and philosophical. Fifth edition [Vol. L] London, 1800, 1798. Two volumes. Octavo, pp. (27), 464; (18), 496. Plates. Thompson, Joseph Parrish. Peace through victory. [Loyal Publication Society, No. 60.] 356 Massachusetts Historical Society Thompson, Pishey. The History and Antiquities of Boston, and the villages of Skirbeck, Fishtoft, Freiston, Butterwick, Bennington, Leverton, Leake, and Wrangle; comprising the Hun- dred of Skirbeck, in the County of Lincoln. . . . Boston, 1856. Octavo, pp. xxii, 824. Plates. Thorns, Peter Perring. A Dissertation on the ancient Chinese vases of the Shang Dynasty, from 1743 to 1496, B. c. London, 1851. Octavo, pp. 63. The Original Address presented to His Excellency Hwang, on his being appointed Deputy-Governor of the Province of Canton, . . . London. Broadside. Thorns, William John. The Book of the Court; exhibiting the origin, peculiar duties, and privileges of the several ranks of the nobility and gentry, . . . London, 1838. I2mo. pp. x, (i), 9- 487. Plate. Survey of London, written in the year 1598; by J. Stow. Thomson, James (1700-1748). Illustrations of Thomson's Castle of Indolence; by W. Rimer. The Seasons. London, 1805. Octavo, pp. (i), xvi, (i), 286, (6). Plates. Same. London, 1807. Quarto, pp. (i), (i),236. Plates. Same. London, 1859. i2mo. pp. (i), (6), 228. Thomson, James. Spain; by J. C. Davillier. Thomson, Katharine (Byerley). Memoirs of the life of Sir Walter Ralegh with some ac- count of the period in which he lived. London, 1830. Octavo, pp. x, 496. Plate. Memoirs of Sarah Duchess of Marlborough, and of the Court of Queen Anne. London, 1839. Two volumes. Octavo, pp. xxviii, 475 ; vii, 573. Plate. Thomson, Richard. An Historical Essay on the Magna Charta of King John : to which are added, the great charter in Latin and English; the charters of liberties and confirmations, granted by Henry III. and Edward I. ... London, 1829. Octavo, pp. xxxii, 612. Waterston Collection 357 Thoreau, Henry David. Early Spring in Massachusetts. From the journal of Henry D. Thoreau. Boston, 1881. [Edited by H. G. O. Blake.] I2mo. pp. vii, 318. Thoreau, his life and aims; by A. H. Japp. Thoresby, Ralph. Letters of Eminent Men, addressed to Ralph Thoresby, F. R. S. Now first published from the originals. Lon- don, 1832. Two volumes. Octavo, pp. xii, 448; xii, 491, (i). Thornbury, George Walter. Fables of La Fontaine. The Life of J. M. W. Turner, R. A. Founded on letters and papers furnished by his friends and fellow acade- micians. London, 1862. Two volumes. Octavo, pp. xiv, (i), 416; vi, 425. Plates. Same, new edition. London, 1877. I2mo. pp. xix, 636. Plates. Two Centuries of Song ; or, lyrics, madrigals, sonnets, and other occasional verses of the English poets of the last two hundred years. With critical and biographical notes. New York, 1867. Octavo, pp. xii, 307, (i). Thorpe, Benjamin. History of England under the Anglo-Saxon Kings; by J. M. Lappenberg. Thorwaldsen, Albert. Intera Collezione di tutte le opere inventate e scolpite dal. cav. Alberto Thorwaldsen; by A. Acquistapace. Three voices. [Loyal Publication Society, No. 4.] Thucydides. OTKTAIAH2, META SXOAIflN HAAAION KAI IIANT n^EAIMHN XHPI2 UN, OTK ETHTNE- TO2 O ETITPAET2. Thvcydides cvm commen- tariis . . . Florence, 1506. Folio, pp. (12), (319). The hystory writtone by Thucidides the Athenyan of the warre, whiche was betwene the Peloponesians and the Athenyans, translated oute of Frenche into the Englysh language by Thomas Nicolls Citezeine and Goldesmyth of London. London, 1550. Folio, pp. (446). Signature of James Boswell. Thurlow, Edward Hovell-. Odes of Anacreon. Select Poems of Edward Hovel Thurlow, Lord Thurlow. Chiswick, 1821. i6mo. pp. (i), 92. 358 Massachusetts Historical Society Ticknor, George. Life, letters, and journals ; by G. S. Hillard. Life of William Hickling Prescott. Boston, 1864. Quarto, pp. (2), x, 491. Plates. Tile pavements, Specimens; by H. Shaw. Timbs, John. Abbeys, Castles, and Ancient Halls of England and Wales; their legendary lore, and popular history. London. Two volumes. i6mo. pp. xiii, 590; xii, 580. Plates. Chandos Library. A century of anecdote from 1760 to 1860. London. i6mo. pp. xxxi, 597, (i). Plate. Time-keepers. Mechanical philosophy, horology, and astronomy; by W. B. Carpenter. Voyage to Newfoundland and Sallee, to make experiments, by Count de Cassini. [In " Voyage," by J. Chappe d'Auteroche.] Timperley, Charles H. A Dictionary of Printers and Printing, with the progress of literature, ancient and modern, bibliographical illus- trations, etc. etc. London, 1839. Octavo, pp. vi, 996. Plates. Timpson, Thomas. A Key to the Bible: containing a summary of Biblical knowledge, and a dictionary of all the principal words in the Old and New Testaments. London, 1840. Oc- tavo, pp. xii, cxxxvi, 420. Plates. Tindal, Nicholas. The Continuation [III., IV.] of Mr. Rapin de Thoyras's History of England, from the Revolution to the Acces- sion of King George II. Second edition. London, 1751. Two volumes. Folio, pp. (i), (5), 796; 706, (31). Plates. Tiziano Vecellio. Life; by J. Northcote. . Tocqueville, Alexis Charles Henri Clerel de. Democracy in America. Translated by Henry Reeve, Esq. Third edition. London, 1838. Two volumes. I2mo. pp. xxxvi, 302 ; viii, 325. Map. Todd, Henry John. Dictionary of the English language: by S. Johnson. Waterston Collection 359 Todd, John. The Sunset Land ; or, the great Pacific slope. Boston, 1870. i6mo. pp. 322. Tomasini, Jacopo Filippo. Jacobi Philippi Tomasini Patavini illustrivm virorvm Elogia iconibus exornatea illvstriss. et reverendiss. D.D. lo. Baptistae Agvcchiae . . . Patavii [Padua], 1630. Octavo, pp. (i), (i), (10), 373, (50). Cuts. Signature of Robert Southey, 1824. Tombleson, William. Tombleson's upper Rhine. London. Octavo, pp. (i), viii, 181, (3). Plates. . Tombleson's views of the Rhine, edited by W. G. Fearnside. London, 1832. Octavo, pp. (i), 190, (2). Plates. Tomes, Robert. The Great Civil War. A history of the late Rebellion with biographical sketches of leading statesmen and distin- guished naval and military commanders, etc. Contin- ued from the beginning of the year 1864 to the end of the War. By Benjamin G. Smith, Esq. New York. Three volumes. Octavo. Plates. Tomkins, Pelto William. British gallery of pictures ; by H. Tresham. Tompson, Benjamin. Translated by death, of that holy man of God, Rev- erend Mr. James Allen. . [In " Death," 1710, by B. Wadsworth.] Tooke, John Home. EIIEA HTEPOENTA, or the Diversions of Purley. A New edition, revised and corrected by Richard Taylor, with numerous additions from the copy prepared by the author for republication : to which is annexed his letter to John Dunning. London, 1829. Two volumes. Oc- tavo, pp. xxxiv, (i), (i), (2), 498; (3), (2), 590, (2). Plate. Toulmin, Joshua. History of the Puritans, or protestant nonconformists ; by D. Neal. Towle, George Makepeace. Certain Men of Mark: studies of living celebrities [Glad- stone, Bismark, Gambetta, Beaconsfield, Castelar, Victor 360 Massachusetts Historical Society Towle, George Makepeace (continued). Hugo, John Bright, czar Alexander, emperors William, and Francis Joseph]. Boston, 1880. i6mo. pp. 242. Towns, Christian and civic economy of large; by T. Chalmers. Townsend, George Fyler. Three hundred ^Esop's Fables. Travel. Journey from Prince of Wales' s Fort in Hudson's Bay, to the northern ocean ; by S. Hearne. Travels of Marco Polo. Travels through Sweden, Norway and Finmark ; by A. de C. Brooke. William H. Seward's travels around the world ; by O. R. Seward. Treadwell, John Henry. A Manual of Pottery and Porcelain for American Col- lectors. New York, 1872. Octavo, pp. 161. Trench, Melesina (Chenevix). The Remains of the late Mrs. Richard Trench, being selec- tions from her journals, letters, & other papers. Edited by her son [Richard Chenevix Trench], the Dean of Westminster. London, 1862. Octavo, pp. viii, 525, (i). Plate. Tresham, Henry. The British Gallery of Pictures, selected from the most admired production's of the old masters, in Great Britain ; accompanied with descriptions, historical and critical. By the late Henry Tresham and William Young Ottley. The executive part under the management of Peltro William Tomkins, historical engraver to Her Majesty. London, 1818. Folio, pp. (4)recto, (52). Plates. Same. London, 1818. Large folio, pp. (5) recto, (50). Plates. Trevelyan, George Otto. The Life and Letters of Lord Macaulay. By his nephew. New York, 1877. Two volumes. Octavo, pp. (2), n- 416; 416. Trollope, William. A History of the Royal Foundation of Christ's Hospital. With an account of the plan of education, the internal economy of the institution, and memoirs of eminent Waterston Collection 361 Trollope, William (continued). blues : preceded by a narrative of the rise, progress, and suppression of the Convent of the Grey Friars in London. London, 1834. Quarto, pp. xvi, 358, cxviii, (10). Trumbull, John. Autobiography, reminiscences and letters of John Trum- bull, from 1756 to 1841. New York, 1841. Octavo, pp. xvi, 439. Plate. Truths illustrated by great authors; by W. White. Tryal and examination of a late libel. See Church of England. Tuckerman, Henry Theodore. America and her Commentators. With a critical sketch of travel in the United States. New York, 1864. I2mo. pp. viii, 460. Biographical Essays. Essays, biographical and critical; or, studies of character. Boston, 1857. Octavo, pp. 475. Book of the Artists. American artist life, comprising biographical and critical sketches of 'American artists : preceded by an historical account of the rise and progress of art in America. With an appendix containing an account of notable pictures and private collections. New York, 1867. Octavo, pp. xi, 7-639. Plates. The Boston Book. Being specimens of metropolitan liter- ature, occasional and periodical. Boston, 1836. I2mo. pp. (i), 312. Presentation copy, November, 1835. Tupper, Martin Farquhar. Proverbial Philosophy : a book of thoughts and arguments, originally treated. London, 1838. Octavo, pp. 224. Turkey. Account of discoveries in Lycia ; by C. Fellows. City of the Sultan, and domestic manners of the Turks ; by J. Pardoe. Journals of a landscape painter in Albania; by E. Lear. Narrative of a journey into Persia ; by J. M. Tancoigne. Notes and observations on the Ionian Islands and Malta, with some remarks on Constantinople and Turkey; by J. Davy. Relation of a journey begun 1610; by G. Sandys. 362 Massachusetts Historical Society Turkey (continued). Through Macedonia to the Albanian Lakes; by M. A. Walker. Travels and researches in Asia Minor; by C. Fellows. Turkistan. Notes of a journey in Russian Turkistan ; by E. Schuyler. Turnbull, Robert. The Genius of Italy : being sketches of Italian life, liter- ature, and religion. London, 1849. I2mo. pp. 332. Plate. Turner, Dawson. Account of a Tour in Normandy; undertaken chiefly for the purpose of investigating the architectural antiquities of the Duchy, with observations on its history, on the country, and on its inhabitants. London, 1820. Two volumes bound in one. Octavo, pp. vii, (4), 227, (10) ; (5), 300, (1)^(12). Plates. Architectural Antiquities of Normandy, by John Sell Cot- man ; accompanied by historical and descriptive notices. London, 1822. Two volumes. Folio, pp. viii, 58, (i) ; (0, (0, 59-125, (i). Plates. Turner, Joseph Mallord William. Liber Studiorum: illustrative of landscape compositions. London. Folio, pp. (i), (i). Plates. Life; by P. G. Hamerton, and by W. Thornbury. Picturesque views in England and Wales ; by H. E. Lloyd. River Scenery, by Turner and Girtin. London. Folio, i p. Plates. Turner and his works ; by J. Burnet. Turner, Sharon. The History of the Anglo-Saxons from the earliest period to the Norman Conquest. Fifth edition. London, 1828. Three volumes. Octavo. The History of the Reigns of Edward the Sixth, Mary, and Elizabeth. London, 1829. Quarto, pp. xxiv, 736. The Sacred History of the World, as displayed in the creation and subsequent events to the deluge, at- tempted to be philosophically considered, in a series of letters to a son. London, 1833-1844. Three volumes. Octavo. Tuthill, Louisa Caroline (Huggins). True and the beautiful ; by J. Ruskin. Waterston Collection 363 Twamley, Louisa Anne. The Annual of British Landscape Scenery. An autumn ramble on the Wye. London, 1838. Octavo, pp. 152, ( i ) . Plates. Twining, Henry. On the elements of Picturesque Scenery, considered with reference to landscape painting. London, 1846. Quarto, pp. xii, 375. Plates. Two ways of treason. [Loyal Publication Society, No. 33.] Tymms, William Robert. Art of illuminating as practised in Europe; by M. D. Wyatt. Tyndale, William. New Testament. Tyndall, John. The Glaciers of the Alps. Being a narrative of excursions and ascents, an account of the origin and phenomena of the glaciers, and an exposition of the physical principles to which they are related. London, 1860. I2mo. pp. xx, (i), 444. Plates. Tyrwhitt, Richard St. John. Clarendon Press 'Series. A handbook of pictorial art. With a chapter on perspective by A. Macdonald. Ox- ford, 1868. Octavo, pp. xi, (2), (i), slip, 480. Plates. Tyrwhitt, Thomas. Canterbury tales of Chaucer. Tytler, Patrick Fraser. Life of Sir Walter Raleigh: founded on authentic and original documents, some of them never before pub- lished : including a view of the most important transac- tion in the reigns of Elizabeth and James I. ; sketches of Burleigh, Essex, Secretary Cecil, Sidney, Spenser, and other contemporaries: . . . Edinburgh, 1833. i6mo. pp. 468. Plate. Ulrici, Hermann. Shakspeare's Dramatic Art: and his relation to Calderon and Goethe. Translated from the German. London, 1846. Octavo, pp. xiv, (i), 554. Unger, William. Die Galerie zu Cassel in ihren Meisterwerken. Vierzig radirungen von Prof. William Unger. Mit einer ein- 364 Massachusetts Historical Society Unger, William (continued). leitung von Fr. Miiller und erlauterdem Text von W. Bode. Leipzig, 1872. Folio, pp. (i), (2), 35, (i). Plates. Union University. Address on the fiftieth anniversary of the Class of 1832; by C. E. West. Unitarians. Singers and songs of the liberal faith ; by A. P. Putnam. United Brethren. Life of Nicholas Lewis Count Zinzendorf, Bishop and Ordinary of the Church of the United (or Moravian) Brethren ; by A. G. Spangenberg. United States. Account of the European settlements in America; by E. Burke. Additional observations on the nature and value of civil liberty, and the War with America ; by R. Price. America and her commentators; by H. T. Tuckerman. American pictures drawn with pen and pencil ; by S. Manning. American War. [In "Lectures," by.W. Smyth.] Annals of the West ; by J. H. Perkins. Barnes' centennial history; by J. D. Steele. California and Oregon trail ; by F. Parkman. A Concise Historical Account of all the British Colonies in North-America, comprehending their rise, progress, and modern state; particularly of the Massachusetts- Bay, (the seat of the present Civil War,) together with the other provinces of New-England. To which is annexed, an accurate descriptive table of the sev- eral countries; . . . London, 1775. Octavo, pp. iv, 196. Constitution. [In " Lectures," by J. Priestley.] Democracy in America; by A. C. H. C. de Tocqueville. Discovery of the great West ; by F. Parkman. Essay on the character and influence of Washington in the Revolution ; by F. P. G. Guizot. Exodus of the western nations ; by W. C. Keppel. Extracts from the Votes and Proceedings of the American Continental Congress, held at Philadelphia, on the fifth of September, 1774. Containing the bill of rights, a list of grievances, occasional resolves, the Association, an Waterston Collection 365 United States (continued). address to the people of Great-Britain, and a memorial to the inhabitants of the British American Colonies. Published by order of the Congress. Philadelphia, Lon- don, reprinted, 1774. Octavo, pp. (i), 82. France and England in North America; by F. Parkman. General introduction and supplement to the two tracts on civil liberty; by R. Price. Great Civil War ; by R. Tomes. Great northwest; by H. J. Winser. Historical view of the American Revolution; by G. W. Greene. History; by W. Robertson [Works, VI.-VIII.]. History of Oregon and California; by R. Greenhow. History of the conspiracy of Pontiac, and the war of the North American tribes against the English colonies after the conquest of Canada; by F. Parkman. History of the expedition under the command of Captains Lewis and Clarke; by P. Allen. History of the rise, progress and termination of the Ameri- can Revolution ; by M. Warren. History of the United States ; by G. Bancroft. History of the United States, from their first settlement as colonies, to the close of the War with Great Britain, in 1815 ; by S. Hale. History of the United States of North America, from the plantation of the British colonies till their assumption of national Independence ; by J. Grahame. Journal of the Proceedings of the Congress, held at Phila- delphia, September 5th, 1774. Containing, the bill of rights ; a list of grievances ; occasional resolves ; the association ; an address to the people of Great Britain ; a memorial to the inhabitants of the British American colonies; and, an address to the inhabitants of the Province of Quebec. Published by order of the Con- gress. To which is added, (being now first printed by authority) an authentic copy of the petition to the King. London, 1775. Octavo, pp. (2), 66. Journal of the Proceedings of the Congress, held at Phila- delphia, May 10, 1775. Published by order of the Con- gress. Philadelphia, London, reprinted, 1776. Octavo, pp. (i), 200. Lectures on Modern History, from the irruption of the 366 Massachusetts Historical Society United States (continued). northern nations to the close of the American Revolu- tion ; by W. Smyth. Letters from a farmer in Pennsylvania, to the inhabitants of the British colonies ; by J. Dickinson. Letters from America ; by J. Flint. Life and resources in America; by A. Mori. Lives of the signers of the Declaration of Independence; by N. Dwight. Memoirs of a captivity among the Indians; by J. D. Hunter. Message from the President of the United States, com- municating discoveries made in exploring the Missouri, Red River and Washita, by Captains Lewis and Clark, Doctor Sibley, and Mr. Dunbar; with a statistical ac- count of the countries adjacent. February 19, 1806. . . . City of Washington, 1806. Octavo, pp. 171, (7). Table. Minnesota and the far West ; by L. Oliphant. New discovery of a vast country in America, extending above four thousand miles, between New France and New Mexico; by L. Hennepin. New tracks in North America ; by W. A. Bell. North-west passage by land ; by W. W. Fitzwilliam. Observations on the nature of civil liberty; by R. Price. Oration, Boston, on the one hundredth anniversary of the Declaration of Independence, July 4, 1876; by R. C. Winthrop. Pictorial field-book of the Revolution ; by B. J. Lossing. Private journal of a journey from Boston to New York, in the year 1704; by S. Knight. Public men of the Revolution ; by W. Sullivan. Rebellion. See under Loyal Publication Society. Resources and prospects of America ; by S. M. Peto. Rise of the republic; by R. Frothingham. Route from Liverpool to Great Salt Lake valley; by J. Linforth. Sermon of the Mexican War, preached Sunday, June 25th, 1848; by T. Parker. Sketches from America ; by J. White. Speech of the Hon. Josiah Quincy, 1810, and 1811. State of the expedition from Canada, as laid before the House of Commons ; by J. Burgoyne. Waterston Collection 367 United States (continued). Sun pictures of Rocky Mountain Scenery; by F. V. Hayden. Thoughts on the letter of Edmund Burke, Esq., to the Sheriffs of Bristol, on the affairs of America; by W. Bertie. Travels in America and Italy ; by F. A. R. Chateaubriand. Travels to the source of the Missouri River and across the American continent by Captains Lewis and Clarke; by T. Rees. Two tracts, information for those who would remove to America ; by B. Franklin. Westwood by rail ; by W. F. Rae. United States Sanitary Commission. Narrative of privations and sufferings of United States officers and soldiers while prisoners of war in the hands of the Rebel authorities. [Loyal Publication Society, No. 76.] Universities, Office and work ; by J. H. Newman. University of Pennsylvania. Report of the Committee (Charles R. Hale, S. Hunting- ton Jones, and Henry Morton) appointed by the Philo- mathean Society of the University of Pennsylvania to translate the inscription on the Rosetta Stone [August 3,1858]. Octavo, pp. (i), 136, (24). Plate. Upcott, William. Miscellaneous writings of John Evelyn. Upharn, Charles Wentworth. Lectures on Witchcraft, comprising a history of the delu- sion in Salem, in 1692. Boston, 1831. i6mo. pp. vii, 280. Life Explorations and Public Services of John Charles Fremont. Forty-fifth Thousand. Boston, 1856. I2mo. pp. 366. Plates. Upham, Nathaniel Gookin. Rebellion, slavery, and peace. [Loyal Publication Society, No. 52.] Urbino, Memoirs of the Dukes ; by J. Dennistoun. Urquhart, William Pollard. Life and Times of Francesco Sforza, Duke of Milan. With a preliminary sketch of the history of Italy. London, 368 Massachusetts Historical Society Urquhart, William Pollard (continued). 1852. Two volumes. Octavo, pp. xii, 393; ix, 352. Plate. Ursula, St. The Legend of Saint Ursula and her Companions; with illuminated miniatures taken from the Church of S. Ursula, at Cologne. London, 1869. Folio, |>p. (i), iv, vii, (i), 118, (3). Plates. Usher, James. Lives of John Selden, Esq., and Archbishop Usher; by J. Aiken. Utah. Route from Liverpool to Great Salt Lake Valley; by J. Linforth. Valery, M. See A. C. Pasquin. Vane, Henry. The Retired Mans Meditations, or the mysterie and power of Godlines shining forth in the living word, to the un- masking the mysterie of iniquity in the most refined and purest forms. . . . London, 1655. Octavo, pp. (i), Varnhagen von Ense. Letters of Alexander von Humboldt. Sketches of German Life,, and scenes from the war of lib- eration in Germany. Selected and translated from the Memoirs of Varnhagen von Ense, by Sir Alexander Duff Gordon. London, 1847. i6mo. pp. xii, 340. Vases. Disquisitions upon the painted Greek vases ; by J. Christie. Dissertation on ancient Chinese; by P. P. Thorns. Vaughan, Henry. Silex Scintillans, &c. Sacred Poems and pious ejaculations. [Memoir by Henry F. Lyte.] London. i6mo. xlviii, 247. Vaughan, Robert. Essays and Remains of the Rev. Robert Alfred Vaughan. With a memoir. London, 1858. Two volumes. i6mo. pp. cxiv, (i), 225; iv, 412. Memorials of the Stuart Dynasty, including the constitu- tional and ecclesiastical history of England, from the decease of Elizabeth to the abdication of James II. Waterston Collection 369 Vaughan, Robert (continued). London, 1831. Two volumes. Octavo, pp. xvi, 508; xi, 539- Revolutions in English History. London, 1859-1863. Three volumes. Octavo. Veen, Jan van der. Ian Vander Veens Zinne-Beelden, oft Adams Appel. . . . Amsterdam, 1642. Octavo, pp. (i), (i), (19), 523. Cuts. Vega, Garcilasso de la. The Works of Garcilasso de la Vega, surnamed the Prince of Castilian poets, translated into English verse; with a critical and historical essay on Spanish poetry, and a life of the author. By J. H. Wiffen. London, 1823. I2mo. pp. xxii, (i), 407. Plate. Vega Carpio, Lope Felix de. Seleccion de obras maestras dramaticas de Lope de Vega y Calderon de la Barca; . . . Preparado, revisado, y cor- regido . . . por F. Sales. Boston, 1840. i6mo. pp. xii, 292. Plate. Some account of the lives and writings of Lope Felix de Vega Carpio and Guillen de Castro; by H. R. V. Fox. Venice. History of the Venetian Republic; b^W. C. Hazlitt. Italy, Florence and Venice ; by H. A. Taine. Venom and the antidote. [Loyal Publication Society, No. 9.] Venus, Transit. [In " Voyage," by J. Chappe d'Auteroche.] Vermont. Natural and civil history; by S. Williams. Vernon, John Richard. The Harvest of a Quiet Eye. Leisure thoughts for busy lives. London, [1867?]. I2mo. pp. xiv, 299, (i). Versailles. Galeries Historiques ; by J. D. C. Gavard. Musee de Versailles ou Tableaux deJ'Histoire de France avec un texte explicatif d'apres nos meilleurs historiens Henri-Martin, Michaud, Burette, etc. Paris, 1856. Folio, pp. (3), iv, 114. Plates. Versailles ; by L. Ritchie. Verstegan, Richard. A Restitution of decayed intelligence : in antiquities. Con- 24 37 Massachusetts Historical Society Verstegen, Richard (continued). earning the most noble, and renowned English nation. By the study, and travell of R. V. Dedicated unto the Kings most excellent majesty. London, 1634. i6mo. pp. (22), 338, (12). Vertot d'Aubeuf, Rene Aubert. The History of the Knights of Malta, with Ixxi. heads of the Grand Masters, &c. engraved by the best hands in France, from the original paintings, . . . and a com- plete index to the whole. London, 1728. . Two volumes. Folio, pp. (i), (6), 487, 180; (i), 220, 143, 196, (24), 3, (i). Plates. Vertue, George. Anecdotes of painting in England ; by H. Walpole. Catalogue of engravers, who have been born, or resided in England ; by H. Walpole. Viardot, Louis. Wonders of Italian Art. London, 1870. I2tno. pp. viii, 261. Plates. Victor, Sextus Aurelius. Sex. Aurelii Victoris Historise Romanse Breviarium. Cum . . . Notis. Lugduni Batavorum [Ley den], 1670. I2mo. pp. (i), (3), (10), 341, (7). Also "De Vita et Moribus Imperatorum Romanorvm^' pp. 132, (7), Lugd. Bat. 1669. Victoria, Queen. Leaves from the Journal of our Life in the Highlands, from 1848 to 1 86 1. To which are prefixed and added extracts from the same journal giving an account of earlier visits to Scotland, and tours in England and Ireland, and yachting excursions. Edited by Arthur Helps. London, 1868. I2mo. pp. xv, (3), 315, (i). Plates. Victorius, Marianus. De Sacramento confessionis, seu paenitentiae, historia, . . . Romae, 1566. i6mo. pp. (i), (6), 17-246, (8). Vigilantius and his times ; by W. S. Gilly. Vinci, Leonardo da. Leonardo da Vinci and his works; by M. M. Heaton. Life; by J. W. Brown. A Treatise on Painting, by Leonardo da Vinci. Faithfully translated from the original Italian, and now first di- Waterston Collection 371 Vinci, Leonardo da (continued). gested under proper heads, by John Francis Rigaud. To which is prefixed a new life of the author, drawn up from authentic materials till now inaccessible, by John Sidney Hawkins. London, 1802. Octavo, pp. xcv, 236. Plates. Viola sanctorum. Argentinen, 1487. I2mo. pp. (20), (270).. Rubricated. Violin, History ; by W. Sandys. Virgilius Maro, Publius. Vergilius cum cometariis & figuris. P. Vergilii Maronis Bucolica Georgica Aeneis . . . Venice, 1522. Folio, pp. .(5.68). Virgilius cum comentariis quinque uidelicet Seruii Land ni Anto. Mancinelli Donati Domitii Seruii item errores suis locis annotati. Venice, 1499. Folio, pp. (12), (720). The Works of Virgil rendered into English prose with introduction running analysis notes and an Index. By James Lonsdale and Samuel Lee. Boston, 1873. i6mo. PP- (3). (0, (0,3*0. The Works of Virgil, translated into English Verse by Mr. Dryden. A new edition, revised and corrected by John Carey. London, 1803. Three volumes. Octavo. Plates. Virginia. Discourse of Virginia, by Edward Maria Wingfield, the first President of the Colony; by C. Deane. Notes on the State of Virginia ; by T. Jefferson. Visiting my relations, and its results ; by M. A. Kelty. Vitruvius Pollio, Marcus. M. Vitrvvii Pollionis de Architectvra libri decem, cvm com- mentariis Danielis Barbari, . . . Venetiis, 1567. Folio, PP- (20), 375, (i). Cuts. Signature of Charles Chauncy. Vivian, George. Scenery of Portugal & Spain. London, 1839. Large folio, pp. (4)recto. Plates. Views from the Gardens of Rome and Albano ; drawn by George Vivian, Esq. and lithographed by Mr. J. D. Harding. London, 1848. Large folio, pp. (27) recto. Plates. 372 Massachusetts Historical Society Vizetelly, Henry. Christmas with the Poets : a collection of songs, carols, and descriptive verses, relating to the festival of Christmas, from the Angelo-Norman period to the present time. London, 1851. Octavo, pp. (i), x, (2), 189. Voices from the Army. [Loyal Publication Society, No. 5.] Voragine, Jacobus de. Sermones Dominicales per totum annum. [Nuremberg, 1470?] Folio, pp. (662). Rubricated, with marginal notes in manuscript. Voyages. Account of the voyages undertaken ; by J. Hawkesworth. Arctic explorations; by E. K. Kane. Arctic searching expedition ; by J. Richardson. Eventful Voyage of H. M. Discovery Ship " Resolute " to the Arctic regions; by G. F. M'Dougall. General chart and engravings ; by J. Cook. A General Collection of Voyages : undertaken either for discovery, conquest, settlement, or the opening of trade, from the commencement of the Portuguese discoveries, to the present time. London. Quarto, pp. iv, iv, 518. Plates. History of the Bucaniers of America ; by J. Esquemeling. Journals, 1819-1825; by W. E. Parry. Last of the Arctic voyages ; by E. Belcher. Narrative of a journey to the shores of the polar sea; by J. Franklin. Narrative of a second expedition to the shores of the polar sea; by same. Narrative of an attempt to reach the North Pole ; by W. E. Parry. Narrative of the expedition of an American squadron to the China seas and Japan, 1852, 1853, and 1854; by F. L. Hawks. Narrative of voyages and commercial enterprises ; by R. J. Cleveland. Relation of a voyage made in the years 1695, 1696, 1697; by F. Froger. Visit to the south seas ; by C. S. Stewart. Voyages of a merchant navigator ; by H. W. S. Cleveland. Voyage of discovery ; by J. Ross. Voyage of discovery towards the North Pole; by F. W. Beechey. Waterston Collection 373 Voyages (continued). Voyage of the Fox in the Arctic seas ; by F. L. MacClintock. Voyage round the world; by G. Anson, and by G. Shelvocke. Voyage to the Pacific Ocean ; by J. Cook. Vrints, Jean Baptiste. Chroniqves des dvcs de Brabant; by H. Barlandus. Genealogies et anciennes descentes des forestiers et comtes de Flandre; by C. Martin. Waagen, Gustav Friedrich. Galleries and Cabinets of Art in Great Britain: being an account of more than forty collections of paintings, drawings, sculptures, MSS., &c. &c. visited in 1854 and 1856, and now for the first time described. Forming a supplemental volume to the Treasures of Art in Great Britain. London, 1857. Octavo, pp. vii, 560. Handbook of Painting, the German, Flemish, and Dutch schools ; by F. Kugler. Peter Paul Rubens, his Life and Genius. Translated from the German. By Robert R. Noel. Edited by Mrs. Jameson. London, 1840. I2mo. pp. xxiv, 132. Treasures of Art in Great Britain : being an account of the chief collections of paintings, drawings, sculptures, illu- minated MSS., &c. &c. London, 1854. Three volumes. Octavo. Wace, Robert. Master Wace his Chronicle of the Norman Conquest from the Roman de Rou Translated with notes and illustra- tions by Edgar Taylor. London, 1837. Octavo, pp. xxix, (2), 314. Plates. Wachsmuth, Ernst Wilhelm Gottlieb. The Historical Antiquities of the Greeks. With reference to their political institutions. Translated from the Ger- man by Edmund Woolrych, Esq. Oxford, 1837. Two volumes. Octavo, pp. xxvi, 472 ; ( I ) , 574, ( I ) . Wadsworth, Benjamin. Death is Certain, the Time when Uncertain. A sermon, occasioned by the death of the Reverend Mr. James Allen. Teacher of the First Church of Christ in Boston. Who departed this life, September 22. 1710. Aged 78 years. Prefaced by the Reverend Dr. 1. Mather. To 374 Massachusetts Historical Society Wadsworth, Benjamin (continued). which is annexed, a funeral eulogy on the same occasion. By Mr. B[enjamin] T[ompson]. Boston, 1710. i6mo. pp. (6), 21. Wake, William. The Genuine Epistles of the Apostolical Fathers, St. Bar- nabas, St. Ignatius, St. Clement, St. Polycarp, the .Shep- herd of Hernias, and the Martyrdoms of St. Ignatius and St. Polycarp. Written by those who were present at their sufferings being together with the Holy Scrip- tures of the New Testament, a complete collection of the most primitive antiquity for about a hundred and fifty years after Christ. Translated and published, with a large preliminary discourse relating to the several treatises here put together. Manchester, 1799. Octavo, PP- 2 53- Waldenses. Glorious recovery by the Vaudois of their valleys; by H. Arnaud. Walford, Edward. Poetical works of Robert Herrick. Representative Men in Literature, Science, and Art. Lon- don, 1868. Octavo, pp. (150). Plates. Walker, Edward. Historical Discourses, upon Several Occasions: . . . Lon- don, 1705. Folio, pp. (i), (12), 369, 98. Perfect Copies of all the Votes, Letters, Proposals and Answers, relating unto, and that passed in the treaty Held at Newport in the Isle of Wight, in the months of September, October and November, 1648 . . . London, 1705. [In his " Historical Discourses."] Walker, James Perkins. Book of Raphael's Madonnas. New York, 1860. Octavo, pp. 104. Plates. Walker, John. Letters written by eminent persons in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries: to which are added, Hearne's journey to Reading, and to Whaddon Hall, the seat of Browne Willis, Esq. and lives of eminent men, by John Aubrey, Esq. The whole now first published from the originals in the Bodleian Library and Ashmolean Museum, with biographical and literary illustrations. London, 1813. Two volumes bound in three. Octavo. Waterston Collection 375 Walker, John (continued). A Selection of curious articles from the Gentleman's Magazine. Second edition. London, 1811. Four vol- umes. Octavo. Walker, Mary Adelaide. Through Macedonia to the Albanian Lakes. London, 1864. Octavo, pp. xi, (i), 274. Plates. Wallace, Grace. Letters of Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy from 1833 to 1847. Letters of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (1769-1791). Schiller's life and works ; by E. Palleske. Wallace-Dunlop, Madeline and Rosalind. How we spent the Autumn; or, wanderings in Brittany. London, 1860. i6mo. pp. iv, (i), 342. Plates. Waller, Edmund. Poems, &c. written upon several occasions, and to several persons. Eighth edition, with additions. To which is prefix'd the author's life. London, 1711. I2mo. pp. (i), (6), Ixxxii, (6), 423. Plates. Wallington, Nehemiah. Historical Notices of events occurring chiefly in the reign of Charles I. Edited from the original MSS. with notes and illustrations. London, 1869. Two volumes. I2mo. pp. Ivii, 308; vii, 356. Walloons. Tour through the valley of the Meuse; by D. Costello. Walpole, Horace. Anecdotes of painters; by E. Edwards. Anecdotes of Painting in England ; with some account of the principal artists ; and incidental notes on other arts ; collected by the late Mr. George Vertue; and now di- gested and published from his original MSS. Straw- berry Hill, 1762-1771. Four volumes bound in two. Octavo. Plates. A Catalogue of Engravers, who have been born, or resided in England ; digested by Mr. Horace Walpole from the MSS. of Mr. George Vertue; To which is added an account of the life and works of the latter. Straw- berry Hill, 1763. Octavo, pp. (2), 128, 14, 20, (7). Plates. A Catalogue of Royal and Noble Authors. Two volumes 376 Massachusetts Historical Society Walpole, Horace (continued). in one. Folio, pp. xiv, 247, (4), and (i), 250, (6). Plates. On the blank leaf at the beginning is written " Unique, the title printed at Strawberry Hill." Pages of an early edition '(1757 ?) inlaid on heavy paper with many engravings and portraits inlaid and inserted. A Catalogue of the Royal and Noble Authors of England, with Lists of their Works. Strawberry Hill, 1758. Two volumes bound in one. I2mo. pp. (i), (i), (4), viii, (i), 219, (3); (i), 215, (6). Plate. A Catalogue of the Royal and Noble Authors of England, Scotland, and Ireland ; with lists of their works : enlarged and continued to the present time, by Thomas Park. London, 1806. Five volumes. Octavo. Plates. Historic Doubts on the Life and Reign of King Richard the Third. Second edition. London, 1768. Octavo, pp. xv, 134, (2). Plate. The Letters of Horace Walpole, Earl of Orford : including numerous letters now first published from the original manuscripts. 1745-1797. London, 1840. 'Six volumes. Octavo. Plates. Works of Horatio Walpole, Earl of Orford. London, 1798. Five volumes. Folio. Plates. Walsh, William. Works of Virgil. Walter, James. Shakespeare's Home and Rural Life. London, 1874. Folio, pp. (3), 167. Plates. Walter, Nehemiah. The Body of Death Anatomized. A brief essay concerning the sorrows and the desires of the regenerate, upon their sense of indwelling sin ; delivered at the lecture in Bos- ton. I2d. 7m. 1706. Boston, 1707.' i6mo. pp. (i), 26. Walter, Richard. Voyage round the world, in the years 1840, i, 2, 3, 4; by G. Anson. Waltham Abbey, History of; by T. Fuller. Walton, Izaak. The Complete Angler of Izaak Walton and Charles Cotton : extensively embellished with engravings on copper and wood. . . . To which are added, an introductory essay; the Linnaean arangement of the various river fish delin- Waterston Collection 377 Walton, Izaak (continued). eated in the work; and illustrative notes Second edi- tion. London, 1824. I2mo. pp. Iviii, 416. Plates. The Complete Angler, or the Contemplative Man's recre- ation, of Izaak Walton and Charles Cotton. Edited by John Major. Fourth edition. London, 1844. I2mo. pp. Ix, 418. Plates. Same, edited by Edward Jesse. London, 1861. i6mo. pp. xix, (i), 496, (2). Plates. Same. London, 1825. 321110. pp. 420. The Lives of Dr. John Donne ; Sir Henry Wotton ; Mr. Richard Hooker; Mr. George Herbert; and Dr. Robert Sanderson. To which is now first added, Love and Truth. With notes, and the life of the author, by Thomas Zouch. Third edition. York, 1817. Two volumes. Octavo, pp. x, ( i ), 488 ; (i), (i), 470, (i). Plates. Same, new edition. Oxford, 1824. Octavo, pp. xiii, (i), 390- Same. London, 1825. i6mo. pp. xviii, (i), 503, (i). Plates. Works of that learned and judicious Divine, Mr. Richard Hooker. War power of the President. [Loyal Publication Society, No. 32.] Warburton, Bartholomew Elliott George. Memoirs of Prince Rupert, and the Cavaliers. Including their private correspondence, now first published from the original manuscripts. London, 1849. Three vol- umes. Octavo. Plates. Ward, Julius Hammond. The Life and Letters of James Gates Percival. Boston, 1866. 1 2mo. pp. xiii, 583. Plate. Ward, Robert Plumer. An Historical Essay on the real character and amount of the precedent of the Revolution of 1688: . . . Lon- don, 1838. Two volumes. I2mo. pp. vi, (2), 298; iv. 334- Ward, Seth. Life; by W. Pope. Ware, Henry, Jr. Memoirs of John Frederic Oberlin. 378 Massachusetts Historical Society Ware, James Redding. The Isle of Wight. London, 1869. Octavo, pp. (4), 182. Plates. Ware, William. Lectures on -the Works and Genius of Washington Allston. Boston, 1852. I2mo. pp. iv, (i), (i), 154. Warner, Charles Dudley. American Men of Letters [Bryant, by J. Bigelow; Emer- son, by O. W. Holmes] . Studies of Irving. By Mr. Warner, William Cullen Bryant, and George Palmer Putnam. New York, 1880. I2mo. pp. 159. Warren, George Washington. The History of the Bunker Hill Monument Association during the first century of the United States of Amer- ica. Boston, 1877. Octavo, pp. xix, (i), 426, (i). Plates. Warren, John Collins. The Great Tree on Boston Common. Boston, 1855. Oc- tavo, pp. 20. Plate. Also a plan of " The Town of Boston in New England by Cap? John Bonner 1722," engraved by G. W. Boynton in 1852. Warren, Jonathan Mason. Memoir; by H. P. Arnold. Warren, Joseph. Life and times ; by R. Frothingham. Warren, Mercy (Otis). History of the Rise, Progress and Termination of the American Revolution. Interspersed with biographical, political and moral observations. Boston, 1805. Three volumes. Octavo. Warren, Samuel. Passages from the Diary of a late Physician. With notes and illustrations by the editor. Edinburgh, 1832. Two volumes. i6mo. pp. xii, 388; (3), 409, (i). Warren Street Chapel, Boston. Chapel hymn book ; by C. F. Barnard. Warter, John Wood. Southey's common-place book. Warton, Joseph. An Essay on the Genius and Writings of Pope. Fourth Waterston Collection 379 Warton, Joseph (continued). edition, corrected. London, 1782. Two volumes. Oc- tavo, pp. xiii, 415; (i), 423. Signature of Leigh Hunt. Warton, Thomas. The History of English Poetry, from the close of the eleventh century to the commencement of the eighteenth century. To which are prefixed, three dissertations: i. Of the origin of romantic fiction in Europe. 2. On the introduction of learning into England. 3. On the Gesta Romanorum. From the edition of 1824 superin- tended by the late Richard Price. . . . London, 1840. Three volumes. Octavo. Plate. Warwick, Eden. See G. Jabet. Warwick, Philip. Memoirs of Reign of King Charles the First. Edinburgh, 1813. Octavo, pp. xii, 473, (i). Plate. Washington, George. Epistles domestic, confidential, and Official, from General Washington. Written about the commencement of the American contest, when he entered on the command of the Army of the United States, . . . None of which have been printed in the two volumes published a few months ago. New York, London, reprinted, 1796. Oc- tavo, pp. xvi, 303. Essay on the character and influence of Washington in the Revolution; by F. P. G. Guizot. Home of Washington, and its associations, historical, 010- graphical, and pictorial ; by B. J. Lossing. The Journal of Major George Washington, sent by the Hon. Robert Dinwiddie to the commandant of the French forces in Ohio. New York, reprinted for Joseph Sabin [octavo series, No. i], 1865. Octavo, pp. 46. Map. Life ; by E. Everett, and by W. Irving. Oration delivered before the Washington Benevolent Society of Massachusetts, April 30, 1813; by J. Quincy. The Washingtoniana. Privately reprinted. New York, 1865. Quarto, pp. (2), 399, 7. Plate. Water-colors. English school of painting in water-colours; by A. E. Penley. Gallery of the Society of Painters in water-colours. 380 Massachusetts Historical Society Waterston, Robert Cassie. Annual Report of the School Committee of the City of Boston, 1866. Hymns original and selected. With responsive services for private and public use. Cambridge, 1892. i6mo. pp. vi, 190. Same. Cambridge, 1893. Life of God in the soul of man ; by H. Scougal. Service Book : for the Church of the Saviour. With a col- lection of Psalms and hymns for Christian worship. Boston, 1846. i6mo. pp. 152. Additional stanzas in manuscript by him. Same [and " A Collection of Psalms and Hymns for Christian worship."] Forty-third edition. Boston^ 1846. i6mo. pp. 152, 546. Social Hymn Book for the Church of the Saviour. Boston, 1850. i6mo. pp. (i), 52 ; Thoughts on Moral and Spiritual Culture. London, 1843. i6mo. pp. viii, 219. To Wordsworth. I2mo. i p. From the Christian Souvenir ; five stanzas pasted on the inside of front cover of Wordsworth's poetical works. Watson, John Selby. Iliad of Homer. Odyssey of Homer. Watt, James. Life; by J. P. Muirhead. Weale, John. Rudimentary Dictionary of Terms used in Architecture, civil, architecture, naval, building and construction, early and ecclesiastical art, engineering, civil engineer- ing, mechanical, fine art, mining, surveying, etc. . . . Second edition, corrected and improved. London, 1860. i6mo. pp. xi, 596. Webb, George James. Congregational tune-book ; by L. Mason. Webster, Daniel. The Private Correspondence of Daniel Webster. Edited by Fletcher Webster. Boston, 1857. Two volumes. Octavo, pp. viii, 540; (2), 575. Plates. Theodore Parker's review of Webster. Waterston Collection 381 Webster, Daniel (continued). The Works of Daniel Webster. Eleventh edition. Boston, 1858. Six volumes. Octavo. Plates. Letter inserted. Webster, Noah. A Dictionary of the English Language, explanatory, pro- nouncing, etymological, and synonymous. With an Appendix containing various useful tables. Mainly abridged from the latest edition of the quarto dictionary of Noah Webster. By William G. Webster and William A. Wheeler. New York, 1870. Octavo, pp. xxxii, 560. Wedgwood, Josiah. Life; by E. Meteyard. Reprint of a description of the Portland vase; by T. Windus. Wedgwood and his works ; by E. Meteyard. Wedgwoods ; by L. F. W. Jewitt. Weights and Measures. Essay on the ancient weights and money, and the Roman and Greek liquid measures ; by R. Hussey. Weir, Harrison. The Poetry of Nature. New York, 1868. I2mo. pp. 71, (i). Welcker, Friedrich Gottlieb. Ancient art and its remains ; by K. O. Muller. Weld, Horatio Hastings. Benjamin Franklin : his autobiography ; with a narrative of his public life and services. New York, 1856. Oc- tavo, pp. xvi, (2), 549. Plate. Wells, David Ames. Our burden and our strength. [Loyal Publication Society, No. 54.] Wells, Nathaniel Armstrong. TlTe Picturesque Antiquities of Spain ; described in a series of letters, with illustrations, representing Moorish pal- aces, cathedrals, and other monuments of art, contained in the cities of Burgos, Valladolid,' Toledo, and Seville. London, 1846. Quarto, pp. ix, (i), 437, (i). Plates. Wells, William Vincent. The Life and Public Services of Samuel Adams, being a narrative of his acts and opinions, and of his agency in producing and forwarding the American Revolution. 382 Massachusetts Historical Society Wells, William Vincent (continued). With extracts from his correspondence, state papers, and political essays. Boston, 1866. Three volumes. Octavo. Plates. Wells, England. History and antiquities of the cathedral church; by J. Britton. Welsford, Henry. On the Origin and Ramifications of the English Language. Preceded by an inquiry into the primitive seats, early migrations, and final settlements of the principal Euro- pean nations. London, 1845. Octavo, pp. xx, 351. Wensley, a story without a moral ; by E. Ouincy. Wensley and other stories ; by same. Wensleydale ; by R. S. Chattock. West, Benjamin. Life, studies, and works ; by J. Gait. West, Charles Edwin. An Address on the Fiftieth Anniversary of the Class of 1832, parts of which were read at a Class meeting at Union College, June 27, 1882. Brooklyn, 1882. Octavo, pp. v, 1 1 8, 33. Presentation copy. West Indies. English- American his travail by sea and land ; by T. Gage. Six months in the West Indies; by H. N. Coleridge. Westcott, Brooke Foss. A General View of the History of the English Bible. London, 1868. I2mo. pp. xvi, 427, (i). Westgarth, William. Tracks of McKinley and party across Australia ; by J. Davis. Westmacott, Richard. Handbook oi Sculpture ancient and" modern. Adapted from the essay contributed to the Encyclopaedia Britan- nica. Edinburgh, 1864. Octavo, pp. viii, ( i ), 380. Plate. Lectures on sculpture; by J. Flaxman. Westminster Abbey. Abbey and palace of Westminster ; by J. Harrington. Historical memorials; by A. P. Stanley. The History and Antiquities of Westminster Abbey and Henry the Seventh's Chapel; their tombs, ancient mon- Waterston Collection 383 Westminster Abbey (continued). uments, and inscriptions. Also the most remarkable epitaphs, and notices of the persons interred ; with me- moirs of the Abbots and Deans, from the earliest period to the present time. London, 1856. Folio, pp. (3) recto, (2), xviii, 5-112. Plates. History of the Abbey Church of St. Peter's Westminster; by R. Ackermann. Westmonasterium ; by J. Dart. Weston, Ezra, Jr. Chapel hymn book ; by C. F. Barnard. Westwood, John Obadiah. Palaeographia Sacra Pictoria: being a series of illustra- tions of the ancient versions of the Bible, copied from illuminated manuscripts, executed between the fourth and sixteenth centuries. London. Folio, pp. xvii, (183). Plates. Wey, Francis Alphonse. Rome. With an Introduction by W. W. Story. New York, 1872. Folio, pp. xxiii, 552. Plates. Whately, Richard. Elements of Logic. Comprising the substance of the article in the Encyclopaedia Metropolitana : with additions, &c. Fourth edition, revised. London, 1831. Octavo, pp. xl, 392. Wheatley, Leonard A. Ecclesiastical art in Germany during the middle ages; by W. Liibke. Wheatley, Phillis. Poems on Various Subjects, religious and moral. By Phillis Wheatley, negro servant to Mr. John Wheatley, of Boston, in New England. London, 1773. i6mo. pp. 124, (3). Plate. Wheeler, James Talboys. Connection of sacred and profane history; by M. Russell. Wheeler, William Adolphus. Dictionary of the English language ; by N. Webster. Whewell, William. Astronomy and General Physics considered with reference to natural theology. London, 1852. I2mo. pp. viii, 328. Plate. Same. London, 1834. Octavo, pp. xv, 381, (i). 384 Massachusetts Historical Society White, Henry Kirke. The Remains of Henry Kirke White, of Nottingham, late of St. John's College, Cambridge; with an account of his life, by Robert Southey. Tenth edition. London, 1823. Two volumes. Octavo, pp. Ixxiii, 344; (i), vii, 402. Plate. White, John. Sketches from America. Part I. Canada. Part II. a picnic to the Rocky Mountains. Part III. the Irish in America. London, 1870. Octavo, pp. viii, 373. White, John Tahourdin. History of the Roman emperors ; by R. Lynam. White, Joseph Blanco. Letters from Spain. By Don Leucadio Doblado. Second edition, revised and corrected. London, 1825. Octavo, pp. xii, 432. White, Richard Grant. Memoirs of the Life of William Shakespeare, with an essay toward the expression of his genius, and an account of the rise and progress of the English drama. Boston, 1866. Octavo, pp. xi, 425. Plate. National Hymns. How they are written and how they are not written. A lyric and national study for the times. With, a letter to the Saturday Review. New York, 1862. I2mo. pp. 176. Plate. Presentation copy, September 30, 1863. White, Robert. Treatise on the knowledge necessary to amateurs in pic- tures ; by F. X. de Burtin. White, Thomas Henry. Fragments of Italy and the Rhineland. London, 1841. i6mo. pp. viii, (i), 472. A Pilgrim's Reliquary. London, 1845. Octavo, pp. ix, 448. White, William. Truths illustrated by Great Authors. A dictionary of nearly four thousand aids to reflection, quotations of maxims, metaphors, counsels, cautions, aphorisms, proverbs, &c. &c. In prose and verse. Compiled from Shakespeare, and other great writers, from the earli- est ages to the present time. London, 1852. I2mo. pp. (2), viii, 551, (i). Waterston Collection 385 White Mountains. Heart of the White Mountains their legend and scenery; by S. A. Drake. White Hills, their legends, landscapes, and poetry: by T. ST7" . King. Whitefield, George. The Rev. Mr. Whitefield's Answer. To the Bishop of Lon- don's last Pastoral Letter. London printed, and re- printed by William Bradford in New York, 1739. i6mo. pp. (i), 21, (i). Whitefield, Henry. Strength ovt of weeknesse. See Corporation. Whitelock, R. H. Course of lectures on modern history; by K. W. F. von Schlegel. Whiteside, James. Italy in the Nineteenth Century. New edition abridged and revised. London, 1860. I2mo. pp. Hi, 548. Whitney, George. The Common Lot. A sermon on the death and character of William Henry Harrison, late President of the U. S., preached at Jamaica Plain, Sunday, April 18, 1841. Boston, 1841. Octavo, pp. 19. Voices of the Dead. A sermon, preached before the Ja- maica Plain parish, Sunday Morning, Dec. 20, 1840, by its junior pastor. Boston, 1840. Octavo, pp. 15. Whittier, John Greenleaf. In War Time and other poems. Boston, 1864. i6mo. pp. 152. Introduction. [In " William Lloyd Garrison," by O. Johnson.] Mabel Martin, a harvest idyl. Boston, 1876. 121x10. pp. 72. Plate. Poems. Boston, 1850. Octavo, pp. (i), viii, (4), 9-384. Plates. Snow-Bound. A winter idyl. Boston, 1870. I2mo. pp. 65. Same. Boston, 1892. i6mo. pp. vii, (3), 4$recto. Plates. Whom do English tories wish elected to the Presidency? [Loyal Publication Society, No. 69.] Wie der krieg angefangen wurde. [Loyal Publication Society, No. 530 25 386 Massachusetts Historical Society Wiffen, Jeremiah Holme. Works of Garcilasso de la Vega. Wiggers, Gustav Friedrich. A Life of Socrates. Translated from the German, with notes. London, 1840. i6mo. pp. vi, (i), civ. Wight, Orlando Williams. Lectures on the true, the beautiful, and the good; by V. Cousin. Wight, Isle of; by J. R. Ware. Wilberforce, Samuel. Life of Mrs. Godolphin; by J. Evelyn. Wilbour, Charles Edwin. Life of Jesus ; by J. E. Renan. Wild, Charles. Select Examples of Architectural Grandeur in Belgium, Germany, and France. London, 1843. Folio, pp. 16. Plates. Wilkes, John. The Speech of a Right Honourable Gentleman, on the Motion for expelling Mr. Wilkes, Friday, February 3, 1769. London, 1769. Octavo, pp. 54. Wilkie, David. Life; by A. Cunningham. Practical essays on various branches of the fine arts; by J. Burnet. Wilkin, Simon. Sir Thomas Browne's works. Wilkinson, John. A Systematic Analysis of Bishop Butler's Complete Treatise on the analogy of natural and revealed religion to the constitution and course of nature, on the plan of the Rev. Dr. Mill's analysis of Bp. Pearson's Exposition of the Creed. Oxford, 1847. Octavo, pp. viii, 140. Wilkinson, John Gardner. Dalmatia and Montenegro: with a journey to Mostar in Herzegovina, and remarks on the Slavonic nations; the history of Dalmatia and Ragusa; the Uscocs; &c. &c. London, 1848. Two volumes. Octavo, pp. x, (2), 564; vi, (i), 454. Plates. William of Wykeham. Life ; by R. Lowth. Waterston Collection 387 Williams, D. E. The Life and Correspondence of Sir Thomas Lawrence, K*- President of the Royal Academy. London, 1831. Two volumes. Octavo, pp. xxiv, 473, ( i ) ; viii, 586. Plates. Same, with extra plates. Williams, John Mason. Nullification and compromise. [Loyal Publication Society, No. 27.] Williams, Mary Elizabeth. The Hours of Raphael in outline together with the ceiling of the hall where they were originally painted. Williams, Roger. As to Roger Williams, and his banishment from the Mas- sachusetts plantation ; by H. M. Dexter. Roger Williams and the Baptists ; by D. C. Eddy. Williams, Rowland. The Prophets of Israel and Judah during the Assyrian Empire. London, 1866. Octavo, pp. xviii, 450. Williams, Samuel. The Natural and Civil History of Vermont. Walpole, N. H., 1794. Octavo, pp. 416. Map. Willis, Nathaniel Parker. The Scenery and Antiquities of Ireland, . . . ; the literary portion of the work by N. P. Willis and J. Stirling Coyne. London, 1842. Two volumes bound in one. Quarto, pp. (i), iv, (2), 170; (4), 186. Plates. Willmott, Robert Aris. Letters of Eminent Persons; . . . London, 1839. I2mo. pp. 440. Pleasures, Objects, and Advantages, of Literature. A dis- course. London, 1851. i6mo. pp. xv, 301. Poems of Oliver Goldsmith. The Poets of the Nineteenth Century. London, 1857. Oc- tavo, pp. xv, 397, (2). Same, new edition. London, 1866. I2mo. pp. xvi, 383, (i). Same, new edition. London, [1869?]. i6mo. pp. xviii, ( i),620. Plate. Summer Time in the Country. London, 1858. Octavo, pp. vi, (i), 216. Plate. Wills, William Henry. Sir Roger de Coverley; by J. Addison. 388 Massachusetts Historical Society Wiltshire, William Hughes. An Introduction to the Study & Collection of Ancient Prints. Second edition, revised and enlarged. London, 1877. Two volumes. Octavo, pp. xx, 373; viii, 305. Plates. Wilson, Daniel. Pilgrim Fathers. [In " History of the Puritans," by W. H. Stowell.] Wilson, Jasper. See J. Currie. Wilson, John (1785-1854). Christopher North, a memoir of John Wilson; by M. Gordon. The Isle of Palms, and other Poems. New York, 1812. i6mo. pp. 326. The Land of Burns, a series of landscapes and portraits, illustrative of the life and writings of the Scottish poet. . . . Literary department, by Professor Wilson, and Robert Chambers. Glasgow, 1846. Two volumes bound in one. Octavo, pp. vi, 105; (2), clviii, 72. Plates. The Poetical Works of Professor Wilson. New edition. Edinburgh, 1858. i6mo. pp. vii, (i), 560. Wilson, John. Appendix to the lost Solar System of the Ancients. Lon- don, 1858. 8vo. pp. 26. The Lost Solar System of the Ancients discovered [and appendix]. London, 1856. Two volumes. Octavo, pp. viii, 486; viii, slip, 475, (i). Wilson, William Rae. Records of a route through France and Italy ; with sketches of Catholicism. London, 1835. Octavo, pp. xii, (2), 472. Plates. Travels in Egypt and the Holy Land. London, 1823. I2mo. pp. xi, (i), 544. Plates. Wilton, Countess of. See M. M. S. Egerton. Winchester, England. History and antiquities of the see and cathedral church ; by J. Britton. Winckelmann, John. The History of Ancient Art among the Greeks. Translated from the German, by G. Henry Lodge. London, 1850. Octavo, pp. xx, 254. Plates. Waterston Collection 389 Winckelmann, John (continued). Same, with a life of Winckelmann. Boston, 1856. Two volumes. Octavo, pp. xi, 459; xv, 270. Plates. Windsor, England. Saint George's Chapel ; by J. Harrington. Windsor Castle, and its environs, including Eton College; by L. Ritchie. Windus, Thomas. Reprint of a Description of the Portland Vase, formerly the Barberini; the manner of its formation, and the various opinions hitherto advanced on the subjects of the bas reliefs. London, 1845. Folio, pp. (i), (33). Also plates and pages from " Tht Pictorial Gallery of Arts." Wines, Enoch Cobb. Commentaries on the Laws of the Ancient Hebrews ; with an introductory essay on civil society and government. New York, 1853. Octavo, pp. 640. Wingfield, Edward Maria. Discourse of Virginia; by C. Deane. Winkles, Henry and B. Winkles's Architectural and Picturesque Illustrations of the Cathedral Churches of England and Wales; the drawings made from sketches taken expressly for this work. With historical and descriptive accounts. New edition, with the addition of the Manchester Cathedral. London, 1851. Three volumes. Quarto. Plates. Winkworth, Susanna. God in history, or the progress of man's faith ; by C. C. J. Bunsen. Life and letters of Barthold George Niebuhr. Life of Luther ; by J. C. Hare. Signs of the times ; by C. C. J. Bunsen. Winser, Henry Jacob. The Great Northwest. A guide-book and itinerary for the use of tourists and travellers over the lines of the North- ern Pacific Railroad the Oregon Railway and Navigation Company and the Oregon and California Railroad . . . New York, 1883.' i6mo. pp. 276. Plates. Winthrop, John (1587-1649). The History of New England from 1630 to 1649. From his original manuscripts. With notes ... By James 390 Massachusetts Historical Society Winthrop, John (1587-1649) (continued). Savage. New edition, with additions and corrections by the former editor. Boston, 1853. Two volumes. Octavo, pp. xviii, (2), 514; 504. Plate. Winthrop, John (1714-1779). Two Lectures on Comets, read in the Chapel of Harvard- College, in Cambridge, New-England, in April 1759. On occasion of the comet which appear'd in that month. With an appendix, concerning the Revolutions of that Comet, and of some others. Boston, 1759. I2mo. pp. 44, xviii. Winthrop, Robert Charles. Oration delivered before the City Council and Citizens of Boston, on the one hundredth anniversary of the Declara- tion of American Independence, July 4, 1876. Boston, 1876. Octavo, pp. 96. Letter, January 5, 1880, inserted. Wise, John Richard. The New Forest: its history and its scenery. London, 1863. Octavo, pp. viii, (2), 336. Plate. Shakspere : his birthplace and its neighbourhood. London, 1861. i6mo. pp. (i), (i), (3), (2), 164. Plate. Wiseman, Nicholas Patrick Stephen. Recollections of the last four Popes and of Rome in their times. London, 1858. Octavo, pp. x, 532. Twelve Lectures on the Connexion between Science and Revealed Religion delivered in Rome. First American from the first London edition. Andover, 1837. Octavo, pp. xii, 9-404. Plates. William Shakespeare. London, 1865. Octavo, pp. vii, 80. Witchcraft. Lectures; by C. W. Upham. Letters on demonology and witchcraft ; by W. Scott. Treatise proving spirits, witches and supernatural opera- tions ; by M. Casaubon. Wither, George. Speculum Speculativum : or, a considering-glasse ; being an inspection into the present and late sad condition of these nations; . . . London, 1660. i6mo. pp. (i), (10), 1 66. Wither's Motto. Nee habeo, nee careo, nee euro. Nor have I, nor want I, nor care I. London, 1621. i6mo. pp. (6) , (78). Waterston Collection 391 Wolfe, Charles. Remains of the late Rev. Charles Wolfe, curate of Don- oughmore, Diocese of Armagh. With a brief Memoir of his life. By the Rev. John A. Russell. Ninth edition. London, 1847. i6mo. pp. xxiv, 371, (i). Plate. Wollaston, William. The Religion of Nature delineated. . . . The sixth edition. To which is added a preface, containing a general account of the life, character, and writings of the author. Lon- don, 1738. Octavo, pp. xv, 5-219, (4). Plate. Wolsey, Thomas. Life ; by J. Gait. Woltmann, Alfred. Holbein and his Time. Translated by F. E. Bunnett. Lon- don, 1872. Octavo, pp. xvi, 668. Plates. Wolzogen, Alfred. Raphael Santi his life and his works. Translated by F. E. Bunnett. London, 1866. I2mo. pp. xii, 259. Plate. Womankind in western Europe; by T. Wright. Wonders. ENIATTO2 TEPA2TIO2, mirabilis annus, or the year of prodigies and wonders. Wood, Mary Anne Everett. See M. A. E. Green. Woodland and Wild : a selection of descriptive poetry. From various authors. London, 1868. Quarto, pp. ix, (i), 132. Plates. Woods, Harriet Frances. Historical Sketches of Brookline, Mass. Boston, 1874. I2mo. pp. 430, (i). Woods, Julian Edmund Tenison-. Geological Observations in South Australia : principally in the district south-east of Adelaide. London, 1862. Octavo, pp. xviii, 404. Plates. Woolrych, Edmund. Historical antiquities of the Greeks; by E. W. G. Wachs- muth. Worcester, Joseph Emerson. A Comprehensive Dictionary of the English Language. Revised and illustrated. Philadelphia, 1871. Octavo, pp. 608. Worcester, Noah. Tribute to the memory of ; by W. E. Channing. 39 2 Massachusetts Historical Society Wordsworth, Christopher (1774-1846). Ecclesiastical Biography; or, lives of eminent men, con- nected with the history of religion in England ; from the commencement of the Reformation to the Revolution; selected and illustrated with notes. Third edition. Lon- don, 1839. Four volumes. Quarto. Wordsworth, Christopher (1807-1885). Memoirs of William Wordsworth, poet-laureate. London, 1851. Two volumes. Octavo, pp. xii, 457, (i); viii, 524. Plates. Wordsworth, Dorothy. Recollections of a Tour made in Scotland, 1803. Edited by J. C. Shairp. Second edition. New York, 1874. i6mo. pp. xlviii, 316, (2). Wordsworth, William. Ecclesiastical Sketches. London, 1822. Octavo, pp. x, 123. Our English Lakes, Mountains, and Waterfalls, as seen by William Wordsworth. London, 1868. I2mo. pp. xi, (i), 192. Plates. Pastoral Poems. London, 1860. I2tno. pp. 55. Poems. London, 1807. Two volumes bound in one. i6mo. pp. (i), (4), 158, (i); (i), (3), (3), 170. The Poems of William Wordsworth, poet-laureate. New edition. London, 1851. Octavo, pp. xxiv, 619, (i). The Poetical Works of William Wordsworth. New edition. London, 1836-1840. Six volumes. I2mo. Plate. Same. Paris. Octavo, pp. xvi, 340. Plate. The Prelude, or Growth of a Poet's Mind; an auto- biographical poem. London, 1850. Octavo, pp. x, 374- Same, second edition. London, 1851. i6mo. pp. x, (i), 304. Works of eminent masters. See Arts, Fine. World. Appletons' general atlas. Sacred history of the world; by S. Turner. World in the middle ages ; by A. L. Kceppen. Wornum, Ralph Nicholson. The Epochs of Painting. A biographical and critical essay on painting and painters of all times and many places. Waterston Collection 393 Wornum, Ralph Nicholson (continued). London, 1864. Octavo, pp. xv, (i), 583, (i). Plates. Some Account of the Life and Works of Hans Holbein, Painter, of Augsburg. London, 1867. Quarto, pp. 426. Plates. Worthington, Erastus. History of Dedham, from the beginning of its settlement in September, 1635, to May, 1827. Boston, 1827. Octavo, pp. 146. Wotton, Henry. Poems by Sir Henry Wotton Sir Walter Raleigh and others ; by J. Hannah. Reliquiae Wottonianae, or a collection of lives, letters, poems ; with characters of sundry personages : and other incomparable pieces of language and art. Second edition with large additions. London, 1654. i6mo. pp. (i), (8), (95), SIS-. Plates. The State of Christendom : giving a perfect and exact discovery of many political interregues and secret mys- teries of state practised in most of the courts of Europe. With an account of their several claims, interests, and pretensions. London, 1667. Quarto, pp. (i), (18), 262, (i), 32. Bookplate of "William Penn Esqf Proprietor of Pensylvania 1703," inserted. Wraxall, Nathaniel William. Historical Memoirs of his own time. New edition, revised. London, 1836. Four volumes. Quarto. Plates. Posthumous Memoirs of his own time. Second edition. London, 1836. Three volumes. Octavo. Plates. Wren, Christopher, and his times ; by J. Elmes. Wright, George Newenham. Landscape-historical Illustrations of Scotland, and the Waverley Novels: . . . London, 1836. Two volumes. Folio, pp. (i), (2), 72; 84. Plates. Life and Times of Louis Philippe King of the French. London, 1841. Octavo, pp. (i), (6), 664. Plates. Wright, Thomas. Caricature History of the Georges. Or, annals of the House of Hanover, compiled from the squibs, broadsides, 394 Massachusetts Historical Society Wright, Thomas (continued). window pictures, lampoons, and pictorial caricatures of the time. London, 1867. i6mo. pp. xiii, (i), 639, (i). Plates. A History of Caricature & Grotesque in literature and art. . . . London, 1864. Octavo, pp. xvi, 494. Memorials of Cambridge : a series of views of the colleges, halls, and public buildings, engraved by J. Le Keux; with historical and descriptive accounts, by Mr. Wright and H. Longueville Jones. London, 1847. Two vol- umes. Octavo, pp. viii, 304; viii, 288. Plates. La Mort d'Arthure, the history of King Arthur and of the Knights of the Round Table ; by T. Malory. Queen Elizabeth and her Times, a series of original letters, selected from the inedited private correspondence of the Lord Treasurer Burghley, the Earl of Leicester, the sec- retaries Walsingham and Smith, Sir Christopher Hatton, and the most distinguished persons of the period. Lon- don, 1838. Two volumes. Octavo, pp. xlvii, (i), 514; xix, 527. Plates. The 'Roll of Arms of the Princes, Barons, and Knights who attended King Edward I. to the Siege of Caerlaverock, in 1300; edited from the manuscript in the British Mu- seum, with the translation and notes. With the coat- armours emblazoned in gold and colours. London, 1864. Octavo, pp. viii, 39. Plates. Travels of Marco Polo. Womankind in Western Europe from the earliest times to the seventeenth century. London, 1869. Octavo, pp. xii, 340. Plates. Writs of Assistance, by Horace Gray. [In " Reports of Cases," by J. Quincy.] Wyatt, Matthew Digby. The Art of Illuminating as practised in Europe from the earliest times. Illustrated by borders, initial letters, and alphabets, . . . With an essay and instructions. Lon- don. Octavo, pp. (i), 96. Plates. Wyatt, Thomas. Poetical works of Surrey [H. Howard] and Wyatt. The Poetical Works of Sir Thomas Wyatt. London, 1831. i6mo. pp. xcvi, 244. Plate. Wyclif, John. New Testament ; by J. Lewis. Waterston Collection 395 Xenophon. KTPOT HAIAEIA : or, the institution and life of Cyrus the Great. Written by that famous philosopher and general, Xenophon of Athens. And from the Original Greek made English. The first four books by Francis Digby, the four last by John Norris. London, 1685. i6mo. pp. (i), (3), (10), 214, 190. Plate. Xenophontis Oratoris et Historici, . . . Basiliae [Basel], 1555. Folio, pp. (16), 678, (i). Yates, Richard. An Illustration of the Monastic History and Antiquities of the Town and Abbey of St. Edmund's Bury. With views of the most considerable monasterial remains. London, 1805. Folio, pp. xv, 252, 10, 32, 8. Plates. York, England. Antiquities ; by J. S. Prout. History and antiquities of the metropolitical church; by J. Britton. Yorke, Philip. Athenian Letters: or, the Epistolary Correspondence of an Agent of the King of Persia, residing at Athens during the Peloponnesian War. New edition. London, 1810. Two volumes. Quarto, pp. Ixii, (2), 436; xv, 466. Plates. Yosy, A. Switzerland, as now divided into nineteen cantons; inter- spersed with historical anecdotes, local customs, and a description of the present state of the country. . . . London, 1815. Two volumes bound in one. Octavo, pp. (3), viii, 236; (3), 211, (i). Plates. Young, Alexander. Chronicles of the First Planters of the Colony of Massa- chusetts Bay, from 1623 to 1636. Now first collected from original records and contemporaneous manuscripts, and illustrated with notes. Boston, 1846. Octavo, pp. viii, 571. Plates. Chronicles of the Pilgrim Fathers of the Colony of Ply- mouth, from 1602 to 1625. Now first collected from original records and contemporaneous printed docu- ments, and illustrated with notes. Boston, 1841. Oc- tavo, pp. xvi, 504. Plates. 396 Massachusetts Historical Society Young, Alexander (continued). A Discourse on the Life and Character of the Reverend John Thornton Kirklarid, formerly pastor of the church on Church Green, Boston, and late President of Harvard University, delivered in the Church on Church Green, May 3, 1840. Boston, 1840. Octavo, pp. 104. The Varieties of Human Greatness. A discourse on the life and character of the Hon. Nathaniel Bowditch, de- livered in the Church on Church Green, March 25, 1838. Boston, 1838. Octavo, pp. 119, (i). Young, Edward. Love of Fame, the universal passion. In seven characteris- tical satires. Third edition. London, 1730. I2mo. pp. (i), (10), 175. From library of H. Walpole ; signature of J. Mitford. Poetical works. See J. Milton. Young, M. The Life and Times of Aonio Paleario or a history of the Italian reformers in the sixteenth century. Illustrated by original letters and unedited Documents. London, 1860. Two volumes. Octavo, pp. xiv, 588; xi, (i), 650. Young, William. Picturesque Architectural Studies and Practical Designs for gate lodges, cottages, cottage hospitals, villas, vicar- ages, country residences, schools, village churches, etc., etc. London, 1872. Quarto, pp. viii, 37. Youngman, William. History of the decline and fall of the Roman Empire ; by E. Gibbon. Yule, Henry. Book of ser Marco Polo. Zeller, Eduard Gottlob. Plato and the older Academy. Translated with the author's sanction from the German. By Sarah Frances Alleyne and Alfred Goodwin. London, 1876. I2mo. pp. xiii, 629. Socrates and the Socratic Schools. Translated from the German. By Oswald J. Reichel. London, 1868. I2mo. pp. xiv, 350. Waterston Collection 397 Zinzendorf, Nicholas Lewis. Life ; by A. G. Spangenberg. Z6phiel, or the bride of seven; by M. G. Brooks. Zouch, Thomas. Lives of Dr. John Donne, Sir Henry Wotton, Mr. Richard Hooker, Mr. George Herbert, and Dr. Robert Sander- son ; by I. Walton. Memoirs of the life and writings of Sir Philip Sidney. York, 1808. Quarto, pp. 389, (i). Plate. Manuscripts Aberdeen, Lord. See G. H. Gordon. Adams, Abigail. 1778, February 15, Braintree; to John Thaxter, Yorktown, signed " Portia." Folio, 3 pp. John Adams, and" Master John," yesterday " embarked from this town," at " Hofs Neck," for France; fame of Jacob Duche ; statue to Mrs. Catharine Macaulay; Lord Lyttelton and a monody of his; education of children ; word received from on board the Boston, that her husband and son sailed on Sunday. See Works of John Adams, I. 277. Adams, Hannah. 1794, January i, Medfield. i6mo. 2 pp. Writing a history of New England ; Mr. Thomas may conclude to pur- chase the copyright of one of her works. Adams, John. 1768, March; under J. Otis. 1790, April 19, New York; to Richard Price, framed. Octavo, 3 pp. Speaks of the Revolution in France ; and of his own devotion to a great cause. Signature, pasted under an engraving after G. Stuart. Adams, John Quincy. 1841, September 13; to Mrs. Waterston, framed. I2mo. I p. Verses " To the Sun Dial under a window of the House of Representa- tives of the United States," copied by him for Mrs. Waterston, October 31, 1842. 1843, October 22, Quincy; to Joseph Grinnell, New Bed- ford. Octavo, i p. Will deliver a lecture in Springfield on the 25th instant; and will then proceed with Mr. Grinnell, as proposed, on the next morning for Albany and the west. Aislabie, John. 1718, May ii ; under Great Britain. Albemarle, Earl of. See G. Monck. Albert, Prince. 1844, February 16, Windsor Castle; to Charles Philip York. Octavo, i p. Allein, Francis. 1652-53, February 3; under Great Britain. 400 Massachusetts Historical Society Allibone, Samuel Austin. 1852, May, Philadelphia; signature, in " Francisi Diedi." See page 101. Allston, Washington. 1837, January 23, Cambridge; to Mr. Waterston. I2mo. I p. Signature. Althorp, Viscount. See J. C. Spencer. Anne, Queen. 1713, March 30; under Great Britain. Signature. Arnold, Benedict. 1768, March 26, New Haven; to John Remson, New York; copy. Folio, 2 pp. Desires his order to be paid to Capt. Abraham Bradley; Mr. Riche has nothing to do with their accounts ; speaks of his loss on two voyages. Arnold, Margaret (Shippen). (1803), April 5, London; to her eldest sister, Mrs. Eliza- beth Burd. Octavo, 3 pp. Her son Edward, Cornet of Cavalry, promised the first staff appoint- ment ; son James Robertson, after long and active service in Malta and Egypt, is ordered to the West Indies ; son George being educated at the Royal Military College for the India service ; and her daughter Sophia Matilda has been confirmed and has received the sacrament. Ashhurst, William. 1645, November 18; under Great Britain. Auckland, Lord. See G. Eden. Aubrey, John. 1718, December 24; under Great Britain, May n, 1718. Audubon, John James. Signature, in pencil. Avery, John. 1 788, May 5 ; under Massachusetts. Baillie, George. 1718, May ii ; under Great Britain. 1723-24, January 15; under same, December 19, 1723. Balmanno, Robert. 1842, October, New York; to Mrs. Waterston. Quarto, 4 pp. About a lock of Sir Walter Scott's hair. Banks, Joseph. 1785, November 12, London; to M. L'Heretier, Paris. Octavo, 3 pp. Waterston Collection 401 Barrow, John. 1849, January 10, Admiralty; to William Edward Parry. Octavo, 3 pp. Beattie, James. 1765, June 20, Aberdeen; to Alexander Mitchel, Jr. i6mo. i p. Discharge for ^50 " Scots money " due to him as Professor of Moral Philosophy in Marischal College, and payable out of the " Bishop's rents of Scotland. Beaufort, Francis. 1853, December 28, Admiralty; to William Edward Parry. i6mo. 4 pp. Belzoni, Giovanni Baptista. 1821, July 14, London; to John Murray. I2mo. I p. Bence, Alexander. 1647, April 29; under Great Britain. Bentham, Jeremy. 1813, March 28. I2mo. i p. Specimen of his handwriting, framed. i6mo. i p. Bentinck, Margaret Cavendish (Harley). 1752, May 5; to Emanuel Mendes de Costa. Slip. Bettisworth, J. 1715-16, February 24; under Great Britain, March 20, 1715-16. Black, Adam. Attestation of the handwriting of Walter Scott. Blair, Hugh. 1788, January 3, Edinburgh ; to John Bell, London. i6mo. 3 PP- 1794, April 26, Edinburgh; to Thomas Cadell, London. Octavo, i p. Blake, Robert. 1653, November 14; under Great Britain. Blumenbach, Johann Friedrich. 1829; signature. Bockh, August. 1831, April 12, Berlin; signature on card. Bolingbroke, Viscount. See H. Saint John. Bonaparte, Charles Lucien Jules Laurent. 1825, June 27, Point Breeze. I2mo. i p. 26 402 Massachusetts Historical Society Bonaparte, Joseph. 1818, March 29, Philadelphia; to Messrs. Bayard and Company. Octavo, I p. Bond, Dennis. 1645, November 18; under Great Britain. 1647, April 29; under same. Boston. 1771, September 18; to Paul Farmer. Slip. Request to receive one Patrick M?Lary into the almshouse, signed by John Ruddock, and John Hancock, Selectmen, and by William Greenleaf, one of the Overseers of the Poor. See 23d Report of the Boston Record Commissioners, page 97. Boswell, James. Signature; in "Image," by Elyot. See page 113. Same, in "hystory," by Thucydides, London, 1550. See page 357- Bowditch, Nathaniel. 1833, January 3, Boston; to Henry Ingersoll Bowditch, Paris. Octavo, i p. Introduces James Augustus Dorr (H. C. 1832), who is about to sail for Europe. Brainard, John Gardiner Calkins. Verses in his handwriting. i6mo. I p. Brewster, David. 1830, August 21, Melrose; to Thomas Murray, Edin- burgh. Octavo, i p. Brouncker, William. 1667, October 3; under Great Britain. Brownson, Nathan. 1777, March 25 ; under United States. Bryant, Frances Fairchild. 1862, December 31; signature, in "In the Woods," by J. A. Hows, New York, 1863. See page 183. Bryant, John Howard. 1886, January 28, Princeton, Illinois; to Mr. Waterston. I2mo. 2 pp. 1886, February 7, St. Augustine, Florida; to same. i2mo. 4 pp. Account of his life. 1886, March 26, St. Augustine, Florida; to same. i6mo. 7PP- Waterston Collection 403 Bryant, William Cullen. 1870, May 31, New York; to Mr. Waterston. I2mo. 2 pp. His address on Thomas Sherwin " admirably treats a noble subject " ; sends his own address on Verplanck. 1872, April 26; signature under his photograph, framed. Signature. Buckhurst, Lord. See T. Sackville. Buckminster, Joseph Stevens. 1807, March 8, London; to Mrs. Hannah (Quincy | Lin- coln) Storer. Octavo, 3 pp. Consolation on the death of her husband, Ebenezer Storer (H. C. 1747), on January 6, 1807. 1812, February 27; to Jonathan Chapman. Octavo, I p. Burghley, Lord. See W. Cecil. Burke, Thomas. 1777, March 25; under United States. Burns, Robert. 1786, August, Kilmarnock; to John Kennedy, framed. Octavo, i p. Just after the publication of his first volume of poems. 1794, "Vision of Liberty"; verses to "Tune Cumnock Psalms," framed. Folio, 2 pp. Burr, Aaron. 1820, June 14, New York; to John F. Bacon, Clerk of the Senate, Albany. Quarto, 2 pp. Learns that he has declined to tax his bill in the case of King vs. Bald- win in the Court of Errors. Burton, William. 1653, November 14; under Great Britain. Butler, Lilly. 1715-16, February 24; under Great Britain, March 20, 1715-16. Buxton, Thomas Fowell. Signature. Byles, Mather. Signature, in "Good Thoughts," by T. Fuller, London, 1657. See page 132. Byron, Anne Isabella. 1826, January 8, Brighton; to Mr. Coxe. Octavo, 2 pp. About giving financial help to James Beer and his nephew. 1846, March n, Brighton; to (George?) Colman. i6mo i p. 404 Massachusetts Historical Society Byron, Anne Isabella (continued). Undated; to Mrs. William Benjamin Carpenter. i6mo. i p. and i p. Undated; to Mr. and Mrs. Waterston. i6mo. 2 pp. Byron, Augusta Ada. Signature. Byron, Catharine Gordon. 1804, September 6, Southwell; to John Hanson, London. Octavo, i p. Asks him to " receive Byron for a week to shoot." 1805, September 26, Southwell; to Mr. Birch, London. Octavo, 2 pp. Anxious for her son, Lord Byron's safety ; has not heard from him since he left her on the 23d. Byron, George Gordon. 1813, October 30, London; frank on the address of a letter. 1823, May 19, Genoa; to T. Holmes, engraved fac- simile under the portrait of Byron by Henry Thomas Ryall. See page 447. Undated ; to William Gell, framed. 321110. 2 pp. Fac-simile of corrected print, four lines. Fac-simile of his handwriting at various periods of his life ; I. at Harrow in 1803; II. from the Giaour, 1813, first draft; III. from Lord Byron's Diary, 1821; IV. from Lord Byron's last letter to John Murray, Missalonghi, February 25, 1824. Octavo, 4 pp. Fac-simile signatures of Lord and Lady Byron, at their marriage on January 2, 1815. Byron, John. 1765, February 23, on board his Majesty's Ship Dolphin in Port Famine. Octavo, i p. Appointment of a boatswain on the Dolphin in place of " William Bax- ter, who has quitted"; blank form filled out. Calhoun, John Caldwell. 1822, April 6, Washington; to John Langdon, Ports- mouth. Octavo, i p. Campbell, John. 1723, December 19; under Great Britain. Signature, in " Magnalia," by C. Mather, London, 1702. See page 241. Waterston Collection 405 Campbell, Thomas. 1817, April n, Sydenham; to W. Jarden. i6mo. I p. Sends by Mr. Trivett of the Sydenham stage a copy of " Pleasures of Hope." 1841, November 4, London; signature, in fac-simile. Specimen of his handwriting. Octavo, 3 pp. Canning, George. 1823, January 29; letter. i6mo. 3 pp. Asks about the return of a copy of Dodd's Ecclesiastical History to Sir John Coxe Hippisley. Canova, Antonio. 1820, December 21 ; to Richard Westmacott, framed. I2mo. i p. Canterbury, Archbishop of. See J. Whitgift. Capen, Nahum. 1843, September 14; under J. K. Spurzheim. Signature. Carey, George. 1599, May 10; under Great Britain. Carlyle, Jane Baillie (Welsh). 1846, March; letter. i6mo. 3 pp. Carlyle, John Aitken. 1852, May 15; letter. i6mo. 3 pp. Received two volumes from Theodore Parker, enclosing a note dated December 15, 1851. Carlyle, Thomas. Specimen of his handwriting. i6mo. 2 pp. Carpenter, Lant. Part of a rough copy of his article on mental philosophy. Quarto, I p. Cecil, Robert. 1599, May 10; under Great Britain. Cecil, William. 1588; to one of the tellers of Her Majesties " Receipte." Folio, i p. Allowance to John Carpenter, one of Queen's " Ordynarye messengers." Chalmers, Thomas. 1835, December 5, Edinburgh; to William Collins, book- seller, Glasgow. Octavo, 2 pp. Nahum Capen, in a note, says, " Rec"? of Mr. Collins, of Glasgow, in 1835, & given to Mr. Waterston in 1844." 406 Massachusetts Historical Society Charming, William Ellery. 1833, July i, Boston; to Jean Charles Leonard Simonde de Sismondi. Octavo, 4 pp. Introduces Rev. Joseph Tuckerman and Jonathan Phillips, of Boston ; on politicians and prosperity of the United States. Charles I. Signature, fac-simile. Charles II. 1670, November 4; under Great Britain. 1674, March 27; under same. 1681, December 3, Whitehall; to the Ranger or Keepers of our new Forest. Octavo, i p. Warrant to deliver one brace of fat does of this season. Chauncy, Charles. Signature, in " Vitrvvii Pollionis," Venetiis, 1567. See page 371. Clark, Abraham. 1777, March 25; under United States. Clarke, Charles Cowden. Attestation of the handwriting of Charles Lamb, framed. Clarkson, Thomas. 1844, March 21, Play ford Hall; to John Bowring. i6mo. 2 pp. Asks him to be present at the House of Commons to support " The Eastern Counties Union Railway Bill," embracing the road from Ipswich to Colchester. ( ), October 23, Worcester; to Thomas Wilkinson, Yanwith, Cumberland. Octavo, i p. Clay, Henry. 1840, December 21, Jamaica (Kentucky?) ; to Josiah Quincy. i6mo. i p. Introduces Rev. James Suck, who is selected to take charge of the education of three of Mr. Clay's grandsons. Clayton, William. 1718, May ii ; under Great Britain. Clifford, Thomas. 1670, November 4; under Great Britain. Coates, Mathew. Signature; in "Bible," London, 1603. See page 32. Coleridge, Samuel Taylor. 1818, February 10; to Mr. Chalmers and friend; card of admission to lectures, Royal Society, London, framed. Signature, and three lines of verse, framed. Slip. Waterston Collection 407 Collinson, Richard. 1854, July 4, "Enterprise," Camden Bay; to William Edward Parry. Octavo, 14 pp. Description of his attempt to find missing vessels in the Arctic regions. Colman, George. 1822, August 2; to D. Egerton. Octavo, I p. Sends lines as " a small tribute to the memory of a man of worth & genius [Mr. Emery]." Colquhoun, Patrick. 1794, January 8, London; to Benjamin Walker, New York. Octavo, 3 pp. Affairs of Col. Smith. Combe, Andrew. 1834, May i, Edinburgh; to Nahum Capen, Boston. i2mo. 3 pp. Cooper, Astley Paston. 1814, May; to Dr. Hayward. i6mo. i p. Signature. Cooper, James Fenimore. Signature, and end of letter. i6mo. i p. Coote, R. (1852?), July 20; to Mr. Waterston. i6mo. 2 pp. Copley, John Singleton (1737-1815). 1758, May 20, Boston; to Thomas Fairweather, framed. Slip. Bill for painting a miniature of Thankful Hubbard, one guinea. See Perkins's Copley, page 75. Copley, John Singleton (1772-1863). 1852, June 18; to his sister, Madam Greene. i6mo. 5 pp. Cowper, William. 1793, January 8, Culney; to Samuel Rose. Octavo, i p. Crabbe, George. 1814, December 5, Trowbridge; to the Dean of Lincoln, Grantham, Lincolnshire. Octavo, 4 pp. 1831, February 4, Trowbridge; to his son, Rev. George Crabbe. Octavo, 4 pp. Cranch, William. 1840, April 27; under J. Marshall, February, 1814. Cresswell, S. Gurney. Undated; to William Edward Parry, with Mr. Parry's initials in pencil. i6mo. 2 pp. 408 Massachusetts Historical Society Croker, Thomas Crofton. 1828, July 25, Admiralty; to Robert Balmanno. i6mo. i p. Cromwell, Oliver. 1652-53, February 3; under Great Britain. Cruikshank, George. Undated; to R. Robinson, end of letter, framed. I2mo. i p. Cumberland, Richard. 1808, March 26; to Elizabeth Walker, Eltham. Octavo, i p. Cunningham, Allan. Verses, " The lea will have its lily bells," in his handwrit- ing. i6mo. i p. Cuvier, Georges Leopold Chretien Frederic Dagobert. 1829, February 9, Paris; to Stephen Van Rensselaer, framed. Octavo, i p. Dana, Richard Henry (1787-1879). (1829) ; to Mr. Waterston. I2mo. 2 pp. 1835, July 20; to Robert Waterston. I2mo. I p. 1843, January 12, Boston; to Mr. Waterston. I2mo. I p. Signature. Daru, Pierre Antoine Noel Bruno. 1811, September n ; under France. Davis, John. Signature, and handwriting, in " Thesaurus," by J. H. Hottinger, Zurich, 1696. See page 181. Davy, Humphry. 1808, Stafford; to John George Children. Octavo, 3 pp. Decres, Denis. 1811, September n ; under France. De Quincey, Florence. 1854, October 20, Tipperary, Ireland; to Mr. Waterston. i6mo. 4 pp. Encloses a letter from her father. De Quincey, Thomas. 1852, June 24; letter. i6mo. 4 pp. Specimen of his handwriting. Octavo, 4 pp. Waterston Collection 409 Dick, Thomas. 1846, January 26, Broughty Ferry, near Dundee. i6mo. 2pp. Expects remittance for his work from Harper Brothers, New York ; asks whether the "Narrative of Arthur Gordon Pym" (by Edgar Allan Poe) is authentic. Doddridge, Philip. 1750, May 29, Northampton; to Mrs. Laugher, Worcester. I2mo. 2 pp. Dorset, Earl of. See T. Sackville. Duncombe, John. 1670, November 4; under Great Britain. Ebrington, Earl of. See H. Fortescue. Eden, George. 1846, November 10, Admiralty; to William Edward Parry. i6mo. 2 pp. Edgeworth, Maria. 1831, November 3, Edgeworth Town; to Mr. and Mrs. Greene. i6mo. i p. Edwards, Jonathan (1703-1758). 1739, May 4; to Stephen Williams, Treasurer of the Association. Slip. Receipt for the " Present State of the Republick of Letters." Specimen of his handwriting, from a sermon. 321110. 2 pp. Edwards, Jonathan (1745-1801). 1789, April 2;, to Timothy Edwards, of Stockbridge. i6mo. i p. Surprised at proceedings of B( ) ; church meeting (at White Haven, Connecticut) of yesterday "adjourned for two 'months to offer opportun- ity for me to get advice of Ministers &c. I shall be dismissed, if be in the power of a certain to effect it." Egerton, Thomas. 1599, May 10; under Great Britain. 1605-06, March 7; under same. Eldon, Lord. See J. Scott. Eliot, John, Apostle to the Indians. 1671, June 1 6, Roxbury; end of letter, fac-simile. Entry of admission of Andrew and Thomas Gardiner to the Church. Ellery, William. 1777, March 25; under United States. 410 Massachusetts Historical Society Ellesmere, Lord. See T. Egerton. Elliott, Ebenezer. 1839, January 15, Sheffield; to Luke Palfreyman. i6mo. , I ?' Specimen of his handwriting. Octavo, i p. Ellis, John. 1715-16, February 24; under Great Britain, March 20, 1715-16. Ephinston, William. Signature ; in " Complete Concordance," by C. Cotton, 1635. See page 85. Evelyn, John. 1723, December 19; under Great Britain. Everett, Edward. 1835, August 31, Charlestown; to Mr. Waterston. Quarto, i p. Thanking him for his address before the Sunday School Society of Newburyport. 1845, December 8, Boston; to same. i6mo. 2 pp. Thanking him for a copy of his poem before the Mercantile Library Association. Farmer, Charlotte. 1746, February; signature, in "Numismata," by J. Evelyn, London, 1697. See page 118. Farrer, William. 1715-16, February 24; under Great Britain, March 20, 1715-16. Fenelon, Frangois de Salignac de la Mothe. 1707, January 10, Cambray. I2mo. 2 pp. Ferguson, James. 1769, June 1 6, Norwich; to Rev. ( ), of Yarmouth. Quarto, i p. Transit of Venus ; sends his Luminarium and explains its use. Fergusson, William. . 1760, March 16; under J. Smyth. Fielder, John. 1652-53, February 3; under Great Britain. Flaxman, John. Signature, in Homer's Odyssey, Padua, 1777. See page 178. Waterston Collection 411 Fortescue, Hugh. 1834, August 14, London; to Lant Carpenter. i6mo. 3 pp. Fortescue, John. 1599, May 10; under Great Britain. Fox, Charles James. 1803, May 28, London; a frank cut from the address of a letter. Slip. Fox, Henry. 1760, November 21; to Lord Bateman. Octavo, I p. Fox, Stephen. 1691, April 24; under Great Britain. France. 181 1, September 1 1 ; to Delessert and Company. Folio, i p. Permit to import rice by American ships, signed by Napoleon, Daru, Montalivet, Decres, and Sussy. Francis, Philip (1740-1818). 1802, September 13 ; to Edward Tilghman, London. Oc- tavo, 2 pp. Franklin, Benjamin. 1775, July 5, Philadelphia; to William Strahan. Octavo, i p. Fac-simile, from Sparks's Franklin (Boston, 1857), page 539. 1779, June 2, Passy; to James Lovell. Folio, 4 pp. Signature only ; printed in Sparks's " Works of Benjamin Franklin " (Boston, 1839), VIII, 367-369. Franklin, Jane (Griffin). 1849, January 9; to William Edward Parry. i6mo. 3 pp. Franklin, John. Undated; to Joseph Martineau. i6mo. I p. Franklin, Josiah. 1724, April; to John Leverett, President of Harvard Col- lege. Slip. Bill for candles and suet. Froude,. James Anthony. 1852, February 19; to John Chapman. i6mo. 2 pp. Fry, Elizabeth. 1839, June 10, Upton; to Catherine Steer. Octavo, i p. 1841 ; signature. Slip. Fulton, Robert. 1808, August 9, Washington; to Mr. Brown. Folio, 3 pp. Part of specifications for building a boat. Fuseli, Henry. 1806, January 17; to William Roscoe, end of a letter. 412 Massachusetts Historical Society Gall, Francois Joseph. Signature, on ticket to his " Cours de Physiologic du Cer- veau " No. 16. Garrick, David. (1766?). i2mo. 4 pp. 1774, September 5, Hampton; to Joshua Reynolds. Oc- tavo, 5 pp. George II. King of England. 1741, January ^, St. James. Folio, 2 pp. George III. 1768, May 27; under Great Britain. 1772, February 17, Court at St. James's; to the Governor and Company of Connecticut. Folio, 2 pp. Instructions "that in all the Prayers, Litanies, and Collects for the Royal Family, to be used within Our Colony of Connecticut," the form and order should be " Our Gracious Queen Charlotte, His Royal Highness George Prince of Wales, and all the Royal Family," and that they should cause the same to be observed in all parish churches and places of Divine worship ; bears impression of seal. Godolphin, Sidney. 1691, April 24; under Great Britain. Godschall, Robert. 1739, August 6. Folio, i p. Receipt to the King's Exchequer, signed also by William and John Johnson, and by William Hickeringill as witness, pasted on the back of receipt by R. South. Gordon, George Hamilton,. 1853, November 23; to Lord Stanley. i6mo. I p. Grant, Anne. Undated; to George Ticknor. 321110. I p. Great Britain. 1599, May 10, Court at Greenwich; to Thomas Sackville, Lord Buckhurst, Lord High Treasurer, and John For- tescue, Chancellor. Folio, I p. Warrant to pay Vry Babington and Robert Bromley, Merchants, for more " Sutes of Apparrell " for the forces in Ireland, signed by Charles Howard, Earl of Nottingham, Thomas Sackville, Lord Buckhurst, George Carey, Baron Hunsdon, Thomas Egerton, Robert North, Robert Cecil, John Fortescue, and John Whitgift, Archbishop of Canterbury. 1605-06, March 7, Court at Whitehall. Folio, I p. Warrant for payment of four hundred pounds to Edward Gibbes, " satisfaction for his disbursement," signed bv Charles Howard, Thomas Egerton, Thomas Sackville, Gilbert Talbot, Henry Howard, and Edward Zouche ; upper part wanting. 1623, October 13, to August 30, 1624. Folio, 2 pp. Account with Ambassadors, Henry Wotton, at Venice, and Dudley Carleton, with the States in the Low Countries. Waterston Collection 4 1 3 Great Britain (continued). 1645, November 18, Westminster; to Thomas Faucon- bridge, Receiver General of the Revenue. Folio, 2 pp. Warrant to pay "the Arreares of his Allowance" to John Tombes minister of the Temple Church, London, signed by Thomas Hoyle, Cor- nelius Holland, William Ashhurst, Dennis Bond and Francis Rous ; with the receipt of John Tombes, November 27, 1645. 1647, April 29; to the Commissioners of the Navy. Folio, i p. Order that no Chirurgeons be admitted aboard any of the King's ships, except they have the approbation of the Company of Chirurgeons, signed by the Committee on the Admiralty, Robert Rich, Alexander Bence, Giles Grewe, John Selden, John Rolle, and Dennis Bond. 1652-53, February 3 ; to the Commissioners for the Navy and Admiralty, framed. Folio, i p. Order for 1000 land soldiers to be entered into the pay of the Navy, signed by Oliver Cromwell, Francis Allein, and John Fielder. 1653, November 14. Folio, i p. Order " for speedy furnishing of the Taunton frig 1 .! cornanded by Cap- taine Lions vi^ her proportion of Victual Is & other necessaryes to enable her for p r sent service," signed by Robert Blake, William Burton and Ed: Salmon. 1667, October 3, Navy Office. Folio, i p. Certificate of money due Richard Moore, master of the ship Exeter, for " fetching masts," signed by William Brouncker, William Penn, and Thomas Hervey. Same date. Folio, i p. Certificate of money due William Wilkinson, master of the ship Albe- marle, for " fetching masts," signed by William Brouncker, William Penn, and Thomas Hervey. 1670, November 4, Whitehall; to Commissioners of the Treasury. Folio, i p. Warrant to pay .250 to Col. Thomas Howard, art-ears as Lieutenant of the Guard, signed by Thomas Clifford, and John Duncombe, and King Charles II. 1674, March 27, Court at Whitehall; to the Principal Officers and Commissioners of the Navy. Folio, i p. Warrant for John Shallock to be entered as Master Cook in the " Castle Friggott," with such allowance as is proper, signed by Charles II, and Samuel Pepys. 1691, April 24, Court at Kensington; to the Commissioners of the Treasury. Folio, i p. Warrant to pay to Caspar Frederick Henning a sum not exceeding ten thousand pounds " for the use and service of Our Gardens," signed by William III, Sidney Godolphin, Richard Hampden, Stephen Fox, and Thomas Pelham. 414 Massachusetts Historical Society Great Britain (continued). 1713, March 30, Court at St. James's; to Robert Harley, Earl of Oxford and Earl Mortimer, Lord High Treas- urer. Folio, 2 pp. Warrant and estimate to pay to Thomas Baker money for presents " to the Dey of Algier " and " to the Alcaid of Alcazar in Morocco," signed by Queen Anne and Robert Harley; bearing impressions of two stamps of two shillings sixpence. 1715-16, March 20; to George, Earl of Halifax, Henry Pelham, and other officers. Slip. Warrant (fragment) for money to pay for building fifty new churches, signed by William St. Quintin, Paul Methuen and Thomas Newport; bearing on the other side, Lincoln's Inn, February 24, 1715-16, and signa- tures White Kennett, John Philipps, John Waugh, Isaac Newton, Francis Hare, Lilly Butler, Edward Waddington, John Ellis, William Faner, G. Nayler, J. Bettisworth and J. Meller. 1718, May ii ; framed. Folio, 2 pp. Order for money to be loaned from the exchecquer to Isaac Newton and Hopton Haynes, signed by John Aislabie, George Baillie, and William Clayton, and the assignment of said sum to Francis Hall, Westminster, December 24, 1718, signed by Newton and Haynes and witnessed by John Aubrey. 1723, December 19, Custom House, Edinburgh; to the Lords Commissioners of His Majesty's Treasury. Folio, 2 pp. Presentment of John Stanley " to be Tidesman at Port Glasgow " in place of Alexander Jacklin, dismissed, signed by Thomas Walker, John Evelyn, and John Campbell ; and warrant approving the same, Treasury Chambers, Whitehall, January 15, 1723-24, signed by George Baillie, Charles Turner, and Henry Pelham. 1768, May 27, Court at St. James's; to Sir Henry Moore, Governor of the Province of New York. Folio, 2 pp. Warrant to issue letters patent constituting and appointing John Tabor Kempe, Attorney General of the Province, signed by George III, and Wills Hill, Earl of Hillsborough ; bearing impressions of three stamps of two shillings sixpence. Fac-simile of the Magna Charta, in the British Museum, with the seals of the King's Securities to Magna Charta and shields of the Barons in Arms; framed. Greene, Nathanael. 1777, May 28, Headquarters; to Gen. Benjamin Lincoln. I2mo. i p. Says in reply that he would choose to reconnoitre the ground before any men are posted at Somerset, and that there should be " a couple of Light-Horse with each Picquet." Greenleaf, William. 1771, September 18; under Boston. Waterston Collection 415 Greenough, Horatio. 1845, March 25, Grafenberg; to Mr. Waterston. Quarto, 4 PP- Speaks of the sketch of John Quincy Adams made at Washington from a daguerreotype ; also of the importance of the water-cure for Mrs. Greenough. Undated; to his brother John Greenough, signed H o." i6mo. i p. Grenville, William Wyndham. 1793, November 9; under T. Walpole. Grewe, Giles. 1647, April 29; under Great Britain. Hall, Robert. Undated. 321110. i p. Hallam, Henry. Undated; to Mr. Phillips. i6mo. i p. Halleck, Fitz -Greene. 1865, June 7, Guilford, Connecticut; to William L. An- drews. i6mo. 2 pp. Hamerton, Philip Gilbert. 1868, December 9, Saone-et-Loire, France; to Mrs. Water- ston. I2mo. 4 pp. Hamilton, Alexander. 1778, June 1 8, Headquarters; to Elias Boudinot. 12010. I p. Thanks for intelligence given ; " If the enemy are really gone, try to get some of the inhabitants, on whom you can depend, to pass the Delaware, to watch their motions and convey intelligence. Caution should be used by you all in entering the city." Hamilton, Elizabeth. 1845, September 19; attestation of the handwriting of Martha Washington, framed. Hamilton, William. 1778, September 8, Naples; to Thomas Cadell, London. Octavo, 3 pp. 1781, March 20, Naples; to George Sackville Germain. Octavo, 3 pp. Presents Prince Coramanico ; is " waiting impatiently for Peace." Hammond, William, Jr. Signature ; in " Pseudodoxia," by T. Browne. See page 52. 4i 6 Massachusetts Historical Society Hampden, Richard. 1691, April 24; under Great Britain. Hancock, John. 1765, June, Boston; signature on ticket, No. 3982, in Fanetiil-Hall Lottery, No. five. Slip. 1771, September 18; under Boston. 1771, December 12, Boston; to Hayley and Hopkins, Lon- don. Slip. Bill of exchange to pay to Henry Knox. 1777, March 25; under United States. 1788, May 5; under Massachusetts. Hardisty, Margaret. Signature ; in " Good Thoughts," by T. Fuller, London, 1657. See page 132. Hare, Francis. 1715-16, February 24; under Great Britain, March 20, 1715-16. Harley, Robert. 1713, March 30; under Great Britain. Hastings, Warren. Undated. i6mo. i p. Hawthorne, Nathaniel. 1842, September i, Concord; to Mr. Waterston, Boston. Octavo, i p. Gives permission to print the story of " Samuel Johnson." Haydon, Benjamin Robert. 1821, March 5; framed. Octavo, i p. Haynes, Hopton. 1718, December 24; under Great Britain, May n, 1718. Hazlitt, William. 1809, November 5; to Rev. William Hazlitt, his father, Wem, Shropshire. Octavo, 4 pp. Speaks of the visit of the Lambs, and the preparation of his memoir of Thomas Holcroft. Heber, Mrs. Mary. 1825, April 9, Whitchurch, Salop; to Walter Stirling, and Stirling and Hodsoll, London. Octavo, I p. Speaks of her son, the Bishop of Calcutta. Heber, Mary, Jr. 1819, January 8, Hodnet Hall; to Walter Stirling, Lon- don. I2mo. i p. Waterston Collection 417 Heber, Reginald. 1805, November 30, Hodnet Hall in Shrewsbury; to Thomas Lloyd, London. Octavo, i p. 1818, April 22, Chester; to Walter Stirling, London. Octavo, i p. 1827, March i ; signature on engraving. See page 456. Henry, Robert. 1790, February 15, Edinburgh; to Thomas Cadell, Lon- don. Octavo, i p. Herschel, John Frederick William. 1843, October 7, Collingwood. Slip. First few lines quoted from Milton's Paradise Lost. Hervey, Thomas. 1667, October 3; under Great Britain. Hickeringill, William. 1739, August 6; under R. Godschall. Hill, Wills. 1768, May 27; under Great Britain. Hiller, Joseph. 1 788, May 5 ; under Massachusetts. 1788, December 2; under same, May 5, 1788. Hillhouse, J. A. 1839, March 5 ; to George Ticknor, Boston. Octavo, 2 pp. Signature and verses. Slip. Hillsborough, Earl of. See W. Hill. Holland, Cornelius. 1645, November 18; under Great Britain. Homer, Jonathan. 1776, signature, in " Reasons," by R. Baxter, London. See page 26. 1843, May 9; to Joseph Eckley. I2mo. i p. Account of old bibles, with a note by Rev. John Pierce. Hooker, William Jackson. 1822, June 23, Glasgow; to Stephen Elliott, Charleston, South Carolina. Quarto, 4 pp. Speaks of the Botanic Garden, University of Glasgow, and solicits seeds and roots from America. Howard, Charles. 1599, May 10; under Great Britain. 1605-06, March 7; under same. 27 4i 8 Massachusetts Historical Society Howard, Elizabeth. 1818, September 13, Grantham; to George Clint, London. Octavo, i p. Howard, Henry. 1605-06, March 7; under Great Britain. Howard, John. 1770, July 6, Venice; to Mr. Custerson, Cardington, Bed- fordshire. Octavo, 3 pp. 1789, May 20; fac-simile. Octavo, I p. Signature, fac-simile tracing. Howitt, Mary. 1843, J une !> Clapton; to Rev. Artemas Bowers Muzzey. I2mo. 2 pp. Howitt, William. 1843, October 26, Clapton; to Richard D. Webb, Dublin. I2mo. 4 pp. Hoyle, Thomas. 1645, November 18; under Great Britain. Hubbard, Thomas. 1838, February 8; under B. Silliman. Humboldt, Friedrich Heinrich Alexander. Undated, Potsdam. I2mo. i p. Hume, Joseph. 1808, December 13; to S. Homer. i6mo. I p. Presents the bearer, John Hampton, a young surgeon from Edinburgh. Hunsdon, Baron. See G. Carey. Hunt, James Henry Leigh. ( ), December 27, Chelsea; to his son Thornton Leigh Hunt, Stockport. 321110. i p. Signature, in " Essay," by J. Warton, London, 1782. See page 379. Same, in " History of Egypt," by S. Sharpe, London, 1838. See page 329. Hyde, Lawrence. 1686, May 15; to Robert Howard, Auditor of His Majesty's Receipt of the Exchequer. I2mo. i p. Warrant (fragment) to pay money to Sir Joseph Williamson. Irving, Edward. 1829, May 15, Annan; to Thomas Carlyle. Octavo, I p. Irving, Washington. Signatures, and handwriting. Slips. Waterston Collection 419 James I. Signature. Jay, John. 1 786, May 4, New York ; to John Adams. Octavo, I p. 1795, October 16, New York; to Samuel Bancroft. Oc- tavo, i p. 1806, February 4, Bedford; to Henry Van Schaack. Oc- tavo, i p. Jefferson, Thomas. 1793, September 15, Philadelphia; to John Vaughan, Philadelphia. Octavo, i p. 1808, December; to Kitchoa Geboway, Indian; copy. Address to him and his nation, through Mr. Ryley, Michigan territory, Gen. Isaac Hull, Governor. Jeffrey, Francis. 1845, January 21 to 28. Octavo, 14 pp. Minutes of a case. Undated ; to John Van Buren. 321110. i p. Jeffries, Benjamin Joy. 1863, November 30, Boston; to Mr. Waterston. I2mo. i p. Jenner, Edward. Undated. i6mo. i p. Johnson, John. 1739, August 6; under R. Godschall. Johnson, William. 1739, August 6; under R. Godschall. 1746-47, March 18, Mount Johnson; to Robert Sanders, Albany. I2mo. I p. Request that " the french Prisoner " be sent from Albany to Schenectady. Jones, William. 1780, May 8; to William Adams, Master of Pembroke College. I2mo. i p. Judd, Sylvester, Jr. 1841, June 17, Augusta; to Mr. Waterston. Quarto, i p. Speaks of Miss Jane Williams. Kane, Elisha Kent. Undated; to B. Joy Jeffries. I2mo. I p. Requests his attendance at the lectures in Music Hall. Keats, John. Undated. I2mo. i p. 420 Massachusetts Historical Society Keats, John (continued). Specimen of his handwriting; fac-simile, by Sidney Hall, of part of Hyperion. Slip. Kempenfelt, Richard. 1760, March 4, Bombay Harbor; to the Board of Ord- nance, Great Britain. i6mo. I p. Certificate that John Smyth, gunner on the Grafton, had " Dryed Shifted and Sifted " 332 barrels of gunpowder and never received pay for the same. Kennett, White. 1715-16, February 24; under Great Britain, March 20, 1715-16. King, John Glen. Signature, in "'AIIOAAflNI'OT," Geneva, 1574, and in "Qvincti Horatii," Antwerp, 1576. Seepages n and 180. King, Rufus. 1823, April 2, Jamaica, Long Island; to Benjamin Franklin Butler, Albany. Quarto, I p. King, Thomas Starr. 1849, March 25; to Mr. Waterston. i6mo. I p. Knight, Jonathan. 1838, February 8; under B. Silliman. Knowles, James Sheridan. 1843, October 18. I2mo. 2 pp. Knox, Henry. 1783, March 3, West Point; to Gen. Benjamin Lincoln. Folio, i p. Urges " that everything, respecting the Army, be decided upon before peace takes place." Lafayette, Gilbert Motier de. 1781, December 23; to Henry Knox. i6mo. I p. 1797, October 7; to Mr. Williams, American Consul at Hamburg. i6mo. 2 pp. Written just after his release from the dungeons of Olmtitz. 1833, December 9, Lagrange; to the Marquis de Latour- Marbourg. I2mo. I p. Lamb, Charles. 1814, March 30; to Basil Montagu, signature cut out. Octavo, i p. (1833?); to Thomas Noon Talfourd. i2mo. i p. Undated; to Messrs. B. and E., framed. i6mo. i p. Waterston Collection 421 Lamb, Charles (continued). Undated; to Charles Cowden Clarke, with attestation of the same by him, framed. i6mo. i p. Lamb, William. 1835, December 20, London; a frank cut from the address of a letter. Landor, Walter Savage. Specimens of his handwriting. 2 slips. Langdon, Edward. 1748, September 13; signature, in "Good Thoughts/' by T. Fuller, London, 1657. See page 132. Lansdowne, Marquis of. See W. Petty. Lartin, William. 1699, July 4; under W. Penn. Lavater, John Caspar. 1778, August 27, Zurich. I2mo. I p. Lawrence, Thomas. 1828, January 15; framed. i6mo. I p. Lea, William. 1717, August 7; under W. Penn, July 4, 1699. Lee, Richard Henry. 1778, January 15, Williamsburg. Folio, 2 pp. Strongly suspects infidelity in the Post Office; speaks of "the game that France now plays " ; wishes to have a vigorous army, and necessary sup- plies ; tories to be driven out, they have private riders, and " contrive to corrupt the Post in some places " ; the Assembly have " unanimously and quickly assented to the Confederation." Leigh, Augusta. Undated. 321110. 2 pp. Le Verrier, Urbain Jean Joseph. 1854, October 31, Imperial Observatory, Paris; to Benja- min Apthorp Gould. I2mo. I p. Ley, James. 1624, December 29; to Robert Pye. Folio, I p. Warrant to pay ^500 to " his maiestie his goldesmith," Mr. Acton, "for the reidue of the newe yeares guiftes," signed by James Ley, Lord High Treasurer. Lincoln, Abraham. 1847, December 13, Washington; to William ( ). Quarto, I p. 1855, August 24, Springfield, Illinois; to Joshua Fry Speed. Octavo, 8 pp. Opposes the extension of slavery; speaks of the Nebraska bill, and of Kansas affairs. 422 Massachusetts Historical Society Lincoln, Abraham (continued). 1851, February; signature, in " Annals," by J. H. Perkins, St. Louis, 1850. See page 283. Lincoln, Benjamin. 1777, September 30, Camp near Stillwater ; to Col. Browne. Folio, i p. Thanks to many in the County of Berkshire who rendered public service by reinforcing the army at Pawlet. Lockhart, John Gibson. Signature and handwriting; envelope. London, Bishop of. See R. Lowth. Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth. 1841, September 28; "Excelsior" in fac-simile. I2mo. 4 PP- Signature. Louis XIV. 1662, March 29; to M. de Bezmaux, Governor of the Bastile. Folio, I p. Order for the imprisonment of de Launay, signed also by Michel Le Tellier. Louis Philippe, Duke of Orleans. (1800?); to John Robison, Secretary Royal Society, en- velope, with two wax impressions of seal. Lowth, Robert. 1777, July 26, Fareham; to ( ) Raffles, Westmin- ster. Octavo, 2 pp. About Mr. Miller, of Jamaica ; bears wax impression of seal. Lyttelton, Lady. 1784; four lines of verse in reply to Horace Walpole, framed. i6mo. I p. Mably, Gabriel Bonnot de. Undated ; to John Adams. l6mo. I p. Macaulay, Thomas Babington. 1849, June 6, Albany; to Mrs. George Bancroft. i6mo. i p. 1852, July 10, Albany; to Adam Black, Edinburgh. i6mo. 5 PP- MacClintock, Francis Leopold. 1859, December 17, Dublin; to Captain (R. ?) Coote. i6mo. 2 pp. Waterston Collection 423 McClure, Robert John le Mesurier. 1854, September 2, Baffins Bay; to William Edward Parry. i6mo. 8 pp. McKean, Thomas. 1786, July i, Philadelphia; to John Adams, Minister, at London. Octavo, i p. Introduces Thomas Lee Shippen, son of Dr. William Shippen, and Dr. John Brown Cutting, who are to pursue their studies at the Middle Temple, London. Mackenzie, Henry. 1778, November 10, Edinburgh; letter. Quarto, 4 pp. Affairs in Scotland ; misapplied exertions in raising new levies for the army ; the unlucky adventure " the Douglas Bank." Mackintosh, James. 1820, July 6, London; to Thomas Addis Emmett, New York, address to letter and signature. Undated; to William Roscoe, end of note, framed. Slip. Madison, James. 1805, October 17, Grays near Philadelphia; to Andrew Ellicott, Lancaster, Pennsylvania. Quarto, 2 pp. Speaks of the election in Pennsylvania, and " the tendency of the pre- cedent to endanger that general Union which was the basis of his [the President's] administration, and its bulwark ag s . 1 the warfare so unceasingly made on it." Mann, Horace. 1839, February 13, Boston; to Mr. Waterston. Octavo, i p. 1842, May 20, Boston; to same. Octavo, 3 pp. About Sunday-school instruction and its influence on the common school. 1843, April 4, Boston; to same. Octavo, i p. To sail for Europe the last of the month. Marie Josephine Louise, wife of Louis XVIII. 1799, January 22; signature, and wax impression of seal. Marion, Francis. 1779, March 25, Charleston; letter. Quarto, i p. Has sent prisoners of war agreeably to orders of the Mth instant ; asks orders about General Howe's servants who are left behind to take care of his house. Marmontel, Jean Franqois. 1783, March 8; to John Adams, framed. i6mo. i p. Marshall, John. 1814, February term. Slip. Part of his statement of the case, Pendleton vs. Alexander; with attes- tation of the handwriting by William Cranch, April 27, 1840. 424 Massachusetts Historical Society Massachusetts. 1788, May 5, Salem; to John Norris. Folio, I p. Register of the Brigantine Jane, Samuel Grant, Master, signed by John Hancock, Governor, John Avery, Secretary, and Joseph Hiller, Naval Officer, and John Norris ; also certificate on the back by Joseph Hiller, Salem, December 2, 1788, that Joseph Waters " is now master." Mather, Cotton. 1707, July i ; to John Barnard, now in the Army as Chaplain. I2mo. I p. Uneasiness caused by the retreat from Port Royal ; and satisfaction when their " Return to Port-Royal was resolved." Specimen of his handwriting, leaf from a sermon. i6mo. 2 pp. Maury, James. 1825, September 16; to Moncure Robinson, London, with letter from W. Roscoe to Mr. Maury, September 10, 1825. i6mo. i p. Mayhew, Jonathan. 1747; signature, cut from the fly leaf of a book. 1766, February 20, Boston; to Andrew Eliot. I2mo. i p. Speaks of Election Sermon by Mr. Eliot ; quotes letter from Mr. Hollis about his gift of books to Harvard College. Melanchthon, Philip. 1542, Naoburg. Quarto, i p. Melbourne, Lord. See W. Lamb. Meller, J. 1715-16, February 24; under Great Britain, March 20, 1715-16. Methuen, Paul. 1715-16, March 20; tinder Great Britain. Milner, Isaac. 1812, February 27, Queen's College, Cambridge; to Thomas Cadell and William Davies, London. Quarto, 3 PP- Mitford, John. 1818; signature, in "Sexagenarian," by W. Beloe, Lon- don, 1817. See page 30. 1852, August; signature, in "Life," of B. G. Niebuhr. See page 263. Signature ; in " Love of Fame," by E. Young, London, 1730. See page 396. Mitford, John Freeman. 1798, February 26; under J. Scott. Waterston Collection 425 Mitford, Mary Russell. Undated ; to Miss Sedgwick, New York ; end of a letter. I2mo. i p. Monck, George. 1666-67, February 12, Cockpitt; to John Berkeley, and the rest of the Commissioners of Ordnance. Folio, i p. Warrant for " bandaleers " for his regiment to replace old ones, many of which were spoiled at the time of the fire in London. Monroe, James. 1794, August 22, Paris; to the Commissary of Foreign Relations, France. Octavo, 2 pp. Expresses peculiar satisfaction that the French Republic should " appro- priate a house for my use as Minister of their ally, the United States of America," but declines the offer, because the Constitution forbids his receiving such a favor. Montalivet, Jean Pierre Bachasson de. 1811, September n ; under France. Montgomery, James. 1839, March 13; letter. Octavo, i p. Sends his portrait painted in 1807 by Francis Legatt Chantrey. Moodey, Joshua. 1668, signature, in " Reasons," by R. Baxter, London, 1667. See page 26. More, Hannah. Specimen of her handwriting. Morgan, Lady Sydney (Owenson). 1830; to Robert Gilmore, Dublin. i6mo. I p. Morghen, Raffaele. Signature; in " Opere," by N. Palmerini. See page 274. Morrey, Richard. 1717, August 7; under W. Penn, July 4, 1699. Morris, Gouverneur. 1807, January 20, Morrisania; to Jonathan Dayton, Eliza- bethtown. Octavo, 2 pp. Morris, Robert. 1777, March 25; under United States. 1797, October n, Hills near Philadelphia; to Le Roy, Bayard and McEvers, New York. Octavo, 2 pp. Morrison, Robert. 1824, May 7; to Thomas Wilson. I2mo. 2 pp. Morse, Samuel Finley Breese. 1834, December; signature, framed. 426 Massachusetts Historical Society Mortimer, Earl. See R. Harley. Motley, John Lothrop. 1 86 1, August 1 8, Nahant; to Mr. Waterston. i6mo. i p. Murray, Lindley. Signature. Napoleon. 1806, April 25, St. Cloud; to Due Denis Decres. Octavo, 1 P. 1811, September n ; under France. Signatures, fac-similes. Napoleon III. Specimens of his handwriting. Slips. Naylor, G. 1715-16, February 24; under Great Britain, March 20, 1715-16. Neal, John. 1843, October 23, Portland; to Mr. Waterston. Octavo, 2 pp. Neander, Johann August Wilhelm. 1828, April 27, Berlin. I2mo. I p. Necker, Jacques. 1799, October 7. I2mo. 2 pp. Nelson, Horatio. 1801, January 27, Plymouth Dock; to Lady Hamilton, London, with wax impression of seal. Quarto, I p. Newport, Thomas. 1715-16, March 20; under Great Britain. Newton, Isaac. 1715-16, February 24; under Great Britain, March 20, 1715-16. 1718, December 24; under same, May n, 1718. Newton, John. 1 800, November 1 4 ; to Dr. James Benamon ( ? ) . 1 2mo. 2 pp. Nightingale, Florence. Signature, framed. Norris, John. 1788, May 5; under Massachusetts. North, Robert. 1599, May 10; under Great Britain. Waterston Collection 427 Northampton, Earl of. See H. Howard. Northcote, James. 1809, May ii ; to Thomas Cadell and William Davies, London. Octavo, i p. Received the first number of the Gallery of Portraits. 1825, September 12. Octavo, i p. " Echo and the Parrot " ; specimen of his handwriting. Quarto, i p. Signature. Northumberland, Duke of. See A. Percy. Norton, Caroline Elizabeth Sarah. 1840, March 9; to Mrs. Samuel Carter Hall; signature cut off. i6mo. 3 pp. Nottingham, Earl of. See C. Howard. Oberlin, Jean Frederic. Signature. Specimen of his handwriting. I2mo. 2 pp. Opie, Amelia. 1841, April 4; to Alexander Taylor. Octavo, i p. Otis, James. 1743, June 13, Boston; to James Otis, Barnstable. Folio, i p. 1768, March. i6mo. i p. Agreement in the case between Joseph Doane and Lot Gage, signed also by John Adams. Oxford, Earl of. See R. Harley. Paley, William. 1784, October 22, Carlisle; to the Lord Bishop of Dro- more, Ireland. Octavo, i p. Parr, Samuel. ' ( ), December 24; to Mr. Woods. i6mo. i p. Parry, William Edward. 1846, November 9; to George Eden, Lord Auckland; end of letter. i6mo. i p. 1852, February 12, 13, Gosport; to (Admiral?) Coote, his son-in-law. i6mo. 4 pp. Signature; under S. G. Cresswell. 428 Massachusetts Historical Society Peel, Robert. Undated ; to Dr. Buckland. 321110. I p. Pelham, Henry. 1723-24, January 15; under Great Britain, December 19, 1723. Pelham, Thomas. 1691, April 24; under Great Britain. Pellico, Silvio. 1842, October 23, near Turin; signature. Slip. Specimen of his handwriting. Penn, William (1621-1670). 1667, October 3; under Great Britain. Specimen of his handwriting, and signature, fac-simile. Octavo, i p. Penn, William (1644-1718). 1699, July 4; to John Wilmer, London. Parchment. Oblong octavo, 2 pp. Lease of three thousand acres of land in the province of Pennsylvania between the Susquehanna and Delaware rivers, witnessed by Harb 1 Spring- ett, William Lartin.and William Springett, with two six-penny stamps, and Mr. Penn's seal in wax ; on the back is the receipt of money by Mr. Penn, witnessed by the same persons, and the transfer, August 7, 1717, from John Wilmer to John Budd and Sarah Morrey ; witnessed by William Lea, and Richard Morrey, with Wilmer's seal in wax. Specimen of his handwriting; address of a letter " For James Logan Secret? of Pennsylvania &c: at Philadel- phia." Slip. Pepperrell, William. 1 748, September 2, Kittery ; to William Shirley. Octavo, i p. Pepys, Samuel. 1674, March 27; under Great Britain. Percival, James Gates. Specimen of his handwriting. Slip. Percy, Algernon. 1852, March 24, Admiralty; to William Edward Parry. i6mo. 4 pp. Petty, William. 1782, October 9; to Rev. ( ) Walker. Octavo, 3 PP- 1828, July 21 ; to Lant Carpenter, address, and signa- ture. I2mo. i p. % Waterston Collection 429 Philbrick, John Dudley. 1862, November 5; to Mr. Waterston, in his "Reports," Boston. See page 43. Philipps, John. 1715-16, February 24; under Great Britain, March 20, 1715-16. Phillips, Jonathan. 1845, February 3; to Mr. Waterston. Quarto, I p. Phillips, William (1775-1828). 1812, August 15; to Mr. Playfair. i6mo. 2 pp. Pickering, Timothy. 1795, February 28, War-Office; to Benjamin Lincoln, Boston. Octavo, i p. Clothing to be sent by Lieut. Nehemiah Freeman, of Boston, to Lieut. David Hale at Portland, for recruits there. Pierce, John. Undated; to Mr. Waterston. i6mo. I p. Enclosing a leaf from Solomon Stoddard's sermon. Undated ; under J. Homer. Sermons, 1800-1811. Seventeen in one volume, I2mo. Given to Mr. Waterston by Rev. John Pierce's family. Pinckney, Charles Cotesworth. 1815, June 26, Charleston; to John Vaughan, Philadel- phia. Octavo, 2 pp. Introduces his two nephews Henry and Edward Parker, the latter of whom desires a place with some eminent ship builder to be educated as a naval architect. Pinkney, William. 1808, June 23, London; to Mr. Bromfield. Quarto, 2 pp. Piozzi, Hester Lynch. Specimen of her handwriting; framed. Slip. Pope, Alexander. Undated; to M. Wortley Montagu, fac-simile. Octavo, 3 PP- Undated. I2mo. i p. Specimen of his handwriting. i6mo. 2 pp. Portland, Duchess of. See M. C. Bentinck. Price, Richard. 1771, August 3; to Rev. George Walker, Norfolk. Oc- tavo, 2 pp. 1785, March 25. Octavo, 2 pp. Speaks of his pamphlet on " Observations on the Importance of the American Revolution." 43 Massachusetts Historical Society Priestley, Joseph. 1770, June 2, Leeds; to Benjamin Franklin, London. i'2mo. i p. 1778, March 2, London; to Rev. George Walker, Notting- ham. Folio, 2 pp. Printed in the Proceedings (2d series, III, 15) of the Historical Society for June 18, 1886. 1785, January 6, Birmingham; to Rev. Joseph Bretland, Exeter, England. Octavo, 2 pp. Printed in the same (zd series, III, 15, 16). 1794, August 25, Northumberland; to John Vaughan, Philadelphia. Octavo, 3 pp. Printed in the same (ad series, III, 16, 17). Pulaski, Casimir. 1779, September 13, Mr. Scott's Plantation; to Benjamin Lincoln. Quarto, i p. Moving toward the enemy's lines. Putnam, Israel. 1777, January 29, Princeton, New Jersey; to General Rodney. Wants more soldiers at his post. Quincy, Abigail Phillips. 1876, April 17, Boston; signature, in "History," by E. Hyde, London, 1702. See page 187. Quincy, Edmund. Signature ; in " Life of Samuel Johnson," by J. Boswell, London, 1791. See page 44. Quincy, Eliza Susan. 1871, February 2, Boston. About the mansion of Peter Faneuil, later the residertce of William Phillips, uncle of Josiah Quincy ; a manuscript note, in pencil, written at the beginning of Quincy's History of Boston. 1876, April 17, Boston; signature, in "History," by E. Hyde, London, 1702. See page 187. 1882, June 17; to Mr. Waterston. 321110. 2 pp. Quincy, Josiah. 1818, July 4, Boston. Octavo, 8 pp. Address at the laying of the corner stone of the Massachusetts General Hospital. 1829, Cambridge. Octavo, 60 pp. Address at his inauguration as President of Harvard University. Waterston Collection 43 1 Quincy, Josiah (continued). 1859, August 15, Quincy; to Mr. Waterston. Octavo, i p. Reluctantly declines the honor of serving as Chairman of the Committee to take steps to commemorate the deeds and services of Horace Mann. Signature ; in " Religio Medici," by T. Browne, London, 1659. See page 52. Quincy, Mary Sophia. 1876, April 17, Boston; signature, in "History," by E. Hyde, London, 1702. See page 187. Radcliffe, Thomas. 1582, July 10; signature. Octavo, I p. Rammohun Roy. 1824, February 5, Calcutta; to William Ward, Jr., Bos- ton or Medford. Quarto, 3 pp. Ramsay, David. 1790, May 14, Charleston; to John Vaughan, Philadel- phia. Octavo, 2 pp. Raynal, 'Guillaume Thomas Frangois. (1778?) ; to John Adams, Paris. 321110. i p. Rich, Robert. 1647, April 29; under Great Britain. Richardson, John. 1851, September 27, Wickham; to William Edward Parry. i6mo. 3 pp. 1854, October 2; to William Edward Parry. i6mo. 4 pp. Rochester, Earl of. See L. Hyde. Roebuck, John Arthur. Specimen of his handwriting. I2mo. I p. Rogers, Samuel. 1846; to Mrs. Holland, in his "Italy," London, 1854. 32mo. i p. See page 313. Undated; to Mrs. Baillie. i6mo. i p. Undated. 321110. i p. Undated; in "Specimens," by L. S. Costello, London, 1835. See page 84. Rolle, John. 1647, April 29; under Great Britain. Romilly, Samuel. 1802, March 25, London; to Jeremy Bentham, Westmin- ster. Octavo, i p. 432 Massachusetts Historical Society Roscoe, William. 1809, January 9, Liverpool; to Henry Fuseli, end of letter. Octavo, i p. 1825, September 10, Liverpool; to James Maury. I2mo. 2 pp. Rose, Samuel. 1794, July 21, London; to Thomas Cadell. Slip. Receipt, for William Hayley, for his proportion of the profits upon the last editions of the Triumphs of Temper and of the Old Maids ; with im- pression of a six-penny receipt stamp. Ross, John. 1835, February 21; to J. W. Hobbs. i6mo. I p. Signature. Rous, Francis. 1645, November 18; under Great Britain. Ruddock, John. 1771, September 18; under Boston. Rupert, Prince. 1644, November 4, Oxford; to Major-General George Porter. Folio, i p. About his release. Rush, Benjamin. 1808, June 21, Philadelphia. Quarto, 2 pp. Desires to have the help of our Minister at the Court of France to liberate Dr. Thomas Clark, who has been held prisoner at Verdun, France, since 1803. Ruskin, John. Undated; to John Rollin Tilton. i6mo. 2 pp. Russell, John. 1834, November 5; a frank cut from the address of a letter. Slip. 1835, March 13 ; letter, and a frank on the address. i6mo. 2 pp. 1835, June 8, Whitehall. Octavo, i p. Russell, Thomas. 1871, April 5, Custom House, Boston; to Mr. Waterston. I2mo. i p. Death of " Father Taylor " (Edward Thompson Taylor). Russell, William. 1633-34, March 21 ; to David Cuningham. i6mo. I p. Receipt for part payment of a note. Rutland, Duchess of. See E. Howard. Waterston Collection ' 433 Sabine, Edward. 1855, October 26, Westminster; to Mrs. Coote. i6mo. 3 PP- Sackville, Thomas. 1599, May 10; under Great Britain. 1605-06, March 7; under same. Saint John, Henry. 1713-14, January 6; under C. Talbot. St. Quintin, William. 1715-16, March 20; under Great Britain. Salmon, Ed. 1653, November 14; under Great Britain. Sanders, Robert. 1746-47, March. I2mo. i p. About " the french Prisoner " to be sent to Schenectady to Col. William Johnson. Schelling, Friedrich Wilhelm Joseph. 1835, January 5, Munchen. i6mo. I p. Schiller, Johann Christoph Friedrich. Signature, and specimen of his handwriting; framed. Schleiermacher, Friedrich Ernst Daniel. Signature. Scott, John. 1798, February 26. Folio, 2 pp. Opinion, as Lord High Chancellor, signed also by John Freeman Mit- ford, as Solicitor General, as to whether it is fit to prosecute Richard Doidge. Scott, Walter. Undated; to Robert Pierce Gillies, framed. i6mo. 2 pp. Leaf from Kenilworth, with attestation by Adam Black; framed. Quarto, 2 pp. Proof of pages 135 and 136 of his History of Scotland, with his corrections; framed. i6mo. 2 pp. 1824, September 3, Abbotsford; fac-simile signature, framed. Specimen of his handwriting; framed. Selden, John. 1647, April 29; under Great Britain. Seward, W. 1739, November 16; under G. Whitefield. Seynor, Richard. 1724, May 31; signature, and family record, in "Bible," London, 1603. See page 32. 28 434 Massachusetts Historical Society Sharp, Daniel. 1849, April 6, Boston; to Mr. Waterston. i6mo. i p. Sharp, Granville. 1803, December 6, London; to William Lodge, New York. Octavo, 2 pp. About security from William Hall ; has received news of the dreadful fever raging in New York, Philadelphia, and other places. Signature; in "History," by L. Echard. See page 109. Shelburne, Lord. See W. Petty. Shelley, Percy Bysshe. 1820, August 27, Pisa ; to Mr. Hayward, London. Quarto, i p. Sherman, Roger. J 757> January 31, New Milford; to William Samuel Johnson, Stratford. Quarto, i p. About the execution obtained at Fairfield, Conn., by S. Bowne against Paul Welch, Jr., who had absconded. Sherwin, Thomas. 1865, April 8, Boston; to Mr. Waterston, in " Semi-Cen- tennial," English High School, Boston. See page 43. Shrewsbury, Duke of. See C. Talbot. Shrewsbury, Earl of. See G. Talbot. Siddons, Harriet. 1840, July 1 8, Edinburgh; to Nahum Capen, Boston. i6mo. 2 pp. Siddons, Sarah. Signature ; framed. Specimen of her handwriting, with attestation by Mrs. Henry Siddons; framed. Slip. Sigourney, Lydia Huntley. 1842, September; under W. Wordsworth. Silliman, Benjamin. 1838, February 8, New Haven; to Nahum Capen, Boston. About Dr. Barber's lectures ; lectures to be given by James Silk Buck- ingham ; reference to lectures of George Combe, signed by Jonathan Knight and Thomas Hubbard. Smith, Charlotte. 1796, November 28, Heddington; to Thomas Cadell, Jun. and William Davies, London. Octavo, i p. Undated ; to Thomas Cadell and William Davies, London. Octavo, 3 pp. Smith, Horatio. 1816, December 6; to Thomas Hill. i6mo. 2 pp. Waterston Collection 435 Smith, Sydney. (1815?); to George Ticknor. Octavo, i p. 1844, April 12; signature on envelope. Smyth, John. 1760, March 16, Bombay; to John Michie, Ordnance storekeeper of His Majesty's Squadron in the East In- dies. Folio, i p. Receipt for work on powder, witnessed by William Fergusson ; signed in duplicate. South, Robert. 1711-12, January 3. Folio, i p. Receipt for twelve month's annuity, due on December 27, witnessed by John Walworth. Southey, Robert. Undated letter. i6mo. i p. 1824; signature, in " Jacobi Philippi Tomasini." See page 359- Sparks, Jared. 1860, October i, Cambridge; to Mr. Waterston. I2mo. i p. Spencer, John Charles. 1833, January 2; to George Howard. i6mo. 2 pp. Sprague, Charles. 1843, October 9, Boston; to Mr. Waterston. Quarto, 3 pp. Speaks of the mall laid out round the Common by the City authorities a " few years ago," and how " fifty or sixty tombs in the adjoining burial- ground were shut up and their places supplied by a range of new ones, built in another part of the ground," including his father's. 1847, August 21, Boston; to Mr. Waterston. Quarto, i p. " The Brothers," verses in his handwriting, signed. Quarto, i p. Signature. Sprague, William Buel. 1850, December 19, Albany; to Mr. Waterston. I2mo. 3 PP- Springett, Harb* 1699, July 4; under W. Penn. Springett, William. 1699, July 4; under W. Penn. Spurzheim, Johann Kaspar. Specimen of his handwriting, with attestation, September 14, 1843, by Nahum Capen. Octavo, 2 pp. 436 Massachusetts Historical Society Stael-Holstein, Anne Louise Germaine Necker de. Signature, and specimen of handwriting; framed. Slip. Stewart, Dugald. 1787, September 5, Catrine near Cumnock, Ayrshire; to Benjamin Vaughan, London. Octavo, 3 pp. Stoddard, Solomon. Leaf of sermon, in a very fine hand, by him. i6mo. 2 pp. Storrs, Richard Salter. 1879, March 5, Brooklyn, New York; to Mr. Waterston. I2mo. 2 pp. 1879, April n, Brooklyn, New York; to same. I2mo. 2pp. Story, Joseph. 1831, May ii ; "Lines on the Death of my Daughter." Quarto, 4 pp. 1832, March 5 ; to Mrs. Story, end of letter. Octavo, i p. 1845, May 21, Cambridge; to Mr. Waterston. Quarto, i p. Encloses fifty dollars for monument to Rev. Dr. Joseph Tuckerman. Stothard, Thomas. 1794, January 29; to Thomas Cadell and William Davies. Slip. See page 347. Receipt of ten guineas for four drawings for Akenside's " Pleasures of Imagination." Sumner, Charles. 1854, March 21, Senate Chamber; to Mr. Waterston. i2mo. 3 pp. Speaks of the debate in Congress which began with an attack on Chase and himself ; and memorials of the New England clergy. 1863, October 7, Boston; to same. i2mo. 3 pp. Death of his brother, George Sumner. Sumner, George. 1844, November i, Paris; to his brother, Henry Sumner. I2mo. 4 pp. Speaks of the illness of his sister Mary, who died on October 4, Sussex, Earl of. See T. Radcliffe. Sussy, Collin de. 1811, September n ; under France. Talbot, Charles. 1713-14, January 6. Folio, 2 pp. Account of expenses as Ambassador to France, approved by Henry Saint John, Viscount Bolingbroke. Waterston Collection 437 Talbot, Gilbert. 1605-06, March 7; under Great Britain. Talfourd, Thomas Noon. Undated letter. i6mo. I p. Talleyrand-Perigord, Charles Maurice de. 1795, September 19, Philadelphia; to Le Roy and Bayard, New York. Octavo, 2 pp. Taylor, Emily. 1846, April 25; to Mr. Colman. 321110. i p. Temple, William. 1674, September 21, Hague; to Richard Bulstrode, Brus- sells. I2mo. i p. Thackeray, William Makepeace. Undated; to Mrs. Bancroft. i6mo. I p. Undated; to Mr. Appleton. i6mo. i p. Thatcher, Benjamin Bussey. 1837, September 12; to Mr. Waterston. Octavo, 2 pp. Tholuck, Friedrich August Gottreu. Specimen of his handwriting. Slip. Thomson, Charles. 1780, July 25, in Congress; extract from the Minutes. Octavo, i p. Charles Pettit elected assistant Quartermaster-General to reside near Congress. 1789, March 7, New York; letter. Octavo, i p. " The delegates whom the States appointed to conduct the business of the Union in Congress . . . have not assembled in sufficient number to form a house." Thorwaldsen, Albert. Signature; framed. Tombes, John. 1645, November 27; under Great Britain, November 18. Tooke, John Home. Signature; in "Image," by T. Elyot. See page 113. Tuckerman, Joseph. 1836, March 3, Boston; to Mr. Waterston. 12 mo. 2 pp. 1839, November 25, Boston; to same. Quarto, 2 pp. Turner, Charles. 1723-24, January 15; under Great Britain, December 19, 1723. 438 Massachusetts Historical Society United States. 1777, March 25, Philadelphia; to John Bradford, Conti- nental Agent, Boston. Order by the Marine Committee, signed by John Hancock, Robert Morris, William Whipple, Nathan Brownson, Thomas Burke, Oliver Wolcott, Abraham Clark and William Ellery, to fit out three fast-sailing ships, mount- ing " not exceeding 18 Six Pounders on one deck " ; and the frank of John Hancock. Van Buren, Martin. 1837, February 23; to Benjamin Franklin Butler, Secre- tary of War. i2mo. i p. Requests the published documents, called for by John Jordan Crittenden, in the case against Richard Keith Call. Vaughan, Isaac. 1719, May 7; signature, in "Good Thoughts," by T. Fuller, London, 1657. See pa"ge 132. Victoria. 1855, January 12, Court at St. James's; signature, and embossed seal cut from a document, framed. Slip. Specimen of her handwriting, on royal paper. i6mo. I p. Voltaire, Francois Marie Arouet de. Specimen of his handwriting. i6mo. I p. Waddington, Edward. 1715-16, February 24; under Great Britain, .March 20, 1715-16. Wakefield, Gilbert. 1790, March 6, Nottingham. I2mo. i p. About an appointment in the classical department at Hackney. Walker, Thomas. 1723, December 19; under Great Britain. Walpole, Horace. 1784, November 28, Strawberry Hill; framed. I2mo. i p. Twelve lines of verse to Lady Lyttelton, with her reply in four lines on the same page. 1784, December 2. To Lady Lyttelton, at the College, Ripley, after receiving her verses, framed. I2mo. i p. Walpole, Thomas. 1792, September 2, Munich; to Valentine Green, London. Octavo, i p. 1793, November 9, Whitehall. Octavo, i p. Asks allowance as Envoy Extraordinary at the Court of Munich; al- lowed by William Wyndham Grenville. Waterston Collection 439 Walworth, John. 1711-12, January 3; under R. South. Warwick, Earl of. See R. Rich. Washington, George. 1776, October 7, Headquarters; to Benjamin Lincoln, framed. Octavo, i p. Instructions "to collect all the boats & other small craft on the sound, from Hare Neck downwards." 1788, January i, Mount Vernon; to Henry Knox; framed. Octavo, 3 pp. Expresses pleasure at increase of Federal sentiment; speaks of elec- tion of John Adams as Vice-President. 1788, August 17, Mount Vernon; to John Beale Bordley. Octavo, 5 pp. 1799, July 1 6, Mount Vernon; to The Cashier of the Office of Discount and Deposit, Baltimore, copy, framed. Slip. Check in favor of P. Tilghman for $158. Signature, as President of the Society of the Cincinnati, cut from a document; framed. Specimen of his handwriting; framed. Octavo, i p. Washington, Martha. 1789, November 4; to Mrs. John Adams; framed. Oc- tavo, i p. Undated ; to Elizabeth, wife of Alexander Hamilton, with attestation by Mrs. Hamilton, September 19, 1845, framed. Slip. Waterston, Helen Ruthven. 1857, July 19 and 20, Heidelberg; manuscript extracts from her Journal and letter, in " Memoirs," by E. O. Benger, I. 216. See page 31. Waterston, Robert. 1795, February 20; signature in "Divine Meditations," Edinburgh, 1794. See page 103. 1795, May 14; signature in "Sins of Government," by A. L. Barbaukl, 1794. See page 23. 1863, April 23, Boston; signature, in "History," by E. Hyde, Oxford, 1702. See page 187. Signature; in "Bible," London, 1603. See page 32. Same; in "Complete Concordance," by C. Cotton, 1635. See page 85. Same; in "Fast," by J. Murray. See page 257. 44 Massachusetts Historical Society Waterston, Robert (continued). Same; in "Letter," by J. Currie, Dublin, 1793. See page 91. Waterston, Robert Cassie. 1869, November 24, Boston; to Mrs. Joshua Green, Groton. Thanking her for the privilege of reading two letters about Thomas Sherwin, and speaking of the help given by her son Dr. Samuel Abbott Green in. the preparation of his memorial address on Mr. Sherwin. Waterston family. Record in " Bible," Oxford, 1835. See page 34. Watts, Isaac. 1728, November 7; to Catharine (Lee | Howell) Sewall, wife of Major Samuel Sewall, of Boston. i2mo. 2 pp. First part of letter of condolence on the loss, by drowning, of her two sons ; printed in the New England Historical & Genealogical Register (1, 191, 192) for April, 1847. 1730, September 28, London; to Thomas Prince, Boston. I2mo. i p. " Introduction," in his handwriting, with attestation by J. Watts. i6mo. 28 pp. Waugh, John. 1715-16, February 24; under Great Britain, March 20, 1715-16. Webster, Daniel. 1838, January; signature, initials. Slip. Signature. Slip. Webster, Noah. Handwriting. Quarto, 2 pp. Wellesley, Arthur, Duke of Wellington. ' 1833, May 18, London; to Frederick James Lamb, Viscount Melbourne. Octavo, 2 pp. About training of the Yeomanry. 1842, May 24, London; to the Earl of Hardwicke; framed. i6mo. i p. Wesley, John. 1785, May 6, Cork; to Thomas Carlill, Gainsborough, Lincolnshire. I2mo. i p. Against Sunday baking and selling of bread. Whately, Richard. 1845, J u ty 5 Dublin; to Josiah Quincy. i6mo. 3 pp. Gives to Harvard College a new and enlarged edition of " Lessons on Money-makers." Waterston Collection 441 Whipple, William. 1777, March 25; under United States. White, Henry Kirke. Undated; note. 32010. I p. Specimen of his handwriting. Whitefield, George. 1739, November 16, New York; to Benjamin Colman, Boston. Octavo, 3 pp. Speaks of his desire for the good of the Church ; hopes to be in New England in about seven months ; with a note from \V. Seward added ; with seal in wax. 1758, November 19, London; to Miss Prince, Boston. Octavo, 3 pp. Speaks of the cause of religion in New England and in America. 1768, May n, London; letter. Octavo, 2 pp. Whitgift, John. 1599, May 10; under Great Britain. Whittier, John Greenleaf. " Isabelle of Austria " ; verses, in his handwriting, signed with his initials. I2mo. 3 pp. Wilberforce, William. 1807, August 21, Brighton. i6mo. 2 pp. 1811, February 4; to Jeremy. Bentham. i6mo. I p. 1817, February 12; to General Boyd and Mr. Storer. i6mo. 3 pp. Wilkie, David. 1822, November 26, Kensington; to Mr. Goldsmith. Oc- tavo, i p. William III. 1691, April 24; under Great Britain. William Harel Hendrik Friso, Prince of Orange. 1750, January 31, Gravenhage; to Tyne Hoogheid; com- mission, with seal. Folio, I p. Williams, Roger. Specimen of his handwriting. Slip. Signature, and specimen of his handwriting, engraved in fac-simile, by J. S. Horton, in Collections (I, frontis- piece) of the Rhode Island Historical Society (Provi- dence, 1827). i6mo. i p. Wilmer, John. 1717, August 7; under W. Penn, July 4, 1699. 442 Massachusetts Historical Society Wirt, William. 1823, February 19, Washington; to William Harris Craw- ford. Quarto, 8 pp. Opinion, as Attorney General, on the Memorial of Robert Oliver, of Baltimore, as to whether the amount of debts due to the United States from Lemuel Taylor can be legally retained out of the amount awarded by the Commissioners under the Florida Treaty to Robert and John Oliver as the assignees of Lemuel Taylor. Wolcott, Oliver. 1777, March 25; under United States. 1814, November 8, New York; to Stephen Van Rensselaer, Albany. Quarto, I p. Wollaston, William. 1722, June 6; to Mr. Lockyer. i6mo. I p. Wordsworth, William. 1842, September 6, Rydal Mount; to Lydia Huntley Sig- ourney. I2mo. 2 pp. .Returning thanks for lines written on his birthday ; with a note by Mrs. Sigourney. Signature, in " History," by A. Grant, London, 1809. ^ See page 143. Signature, in "Journey," by S. Hearne, London, 1795. See page 170. Signature, in " Memoirs of Frederica Sophia Wilhelmina," London, 1812. See page 130. Wright, Samuel. 1716, May 28, London; to Benjamin Franklin, " to be left at M- Josiah Franklin's at the Blue Ball Tallow Chandler in Union Street in Boston New England." i6mo. I p. Letter of recommendation to any church, " as he shall desire to joyn with in full Communion," from Mr. Wright, pastor of the Congregation of Dissenting Protestants in Black Fryars, London. Zouche, Edward. 1605-06, March 7; under Great Britain. Engravings Adams, Hannah. By William and John Pendleton, lithographers, Boston, after Chester Harding. Adams, John. By Stephen Alonzo Schoff; framed. After a drawing by Gilbert Stuart. Published by Charles C. Little and James Brown, Boston; framed. Adams, John Quincy. After a drawing by Asher Brown Durand. Albemarle, Earl of. See G. Monck. Albert, Prince of Wales. By Henry Thomas Ryall after William Charles Ross. Allston, Washington. . By Frederick Halpin after bust by Edward Augustus Bracket!, for the United States Magazine and Demo- cratic Review r ; published by J. and H. G. Langley, New York. Althorp, Viscount. See J. C. Spencer. Ames, Fisher. By John Francis Eugene Prud'homme from David Edwin after Gilbert Stuart. Andre, John. By George G. Smith after a drawing by Andre w r ith a pen the day before his execution, which is in the Trumbull Gallery, Yale University. Anne, Queen. By J. Cochran after Sir Godfrey Kneller in the collection of the Earl of Egremont; published by Harding and Lepard, London, June I, 1834, in " National Portrait Gallery" (X.). By Charles Grignion after Henry Gravelot, in memory of her reign, symbolical. By James Heath; published by James Wallis, London, July 8, 1805. 444 Massachusetts Historical Society Anne, Queen (continued). After James Thornhill ; published by J. Lendrum, London. " The Act of Union presented to Queen Anne, by the Duke of Queensbury & Dover," for Russel's History of England. Arnold, Benedict. By George G. Smith after Pierre Eugene du Simitiere. Arnold, Margaret (Shippen). By John Andre; photograph of the original pencil sketch in the possession of Edward Shippen ; framed. Audubon, John James. By Charles Turner after F. Cruikshank ; published, January 12, 1835, by Robert Havell, printseller, London. Bacon, Francis. By Paul Van Somer. Banks, Joseph. By C. E. Wagstaff after Thomas Phillips, in possession of the Royal Society; published by Charles Knight, Lon- don, 1833, under the superintendence of the Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge, in " The Gallery of Portraits" (I, 193). Barbauld, Anna Letitia ; artist unknown. Barrow, John. After John Jackson, 1824, in the possession of John Murray; published by Mr. Murray, London, January 1 6, 1846. Beattie, James. By Thomas Gaugain after Joshua Reynolds ; published by T. Philipe, London, May 16, 1805. Beauveau, Rene Frangois de. By Peter Drevet, 1727, after Hyacinthe Rigaud; framed. Belzoni, Giovanni Baptista. By Guiseppe Marchi after A. Conte; printed by Niccolo Bettoni. By James Thomson ; published by Henry Fisher, London, 1824. Bentham, Jeremy. By Samuel Freeman after W. H. Worthington ; published by Fisher, Son and Co., London, 1832, in " National Portrait Gallery" (IV, London, 1833). Waterston Collection 445 Bentham, Jeremy (continued). Same; framed. Same, 1837. By J. Possel white after Jane (Waldie) Watts, in the pos- session of J. A. Roebuck ; published by Charles Knight, London, 1837, under the superintendence of the Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge, in " The Gallery of Portraits" (VII, 97). By W. H. Worthington after himself; published by Wil- liam Pickering, London, 1823, proof. Bentinck, Margaret Cavendish (Harley). By I. Barlow. Bern. By Isaac Taylor after a drawing by John George Paul Fischer, of " Employment of Female Criminals." Bertrand, Henri Gratien de. By Narjeot after Louis Leopold Boilly. Blair, Hugh. By C. Bestland from drawing by William Evans after Henry Raeburn, in the possession of Sir John Macpher- son; published by Thomas Cadell and William Davies, London, December 4, 1809. By Ridley. Blake, Robert. By James Mollison after picture in the hall of Wadham College, Oxford ; published by Charles Knight, London, 1835, under the superintendence of the Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge, in " The Gallery of Portraits" (V, 77). Bolingbroke, Viscount. See H. Saint John. Bonaparte, Joseph. Published by Richard Bentley, London, 1836. Boullongne, Jean de. By Jean Georges Wille, 1758, after Hyacinthe Rigaud; framed. Bowditch, Nathaniel. By G. F. Storm after an unfinished Gilbert Stuart; copy- righted by Henry Ingersoll Bowditch in 1838, Boston. Bowring, John. By William Holl after B. E. Duppa; published by John Saunders, Jr., London. 446 Massachusetts Historical Society Brainard, John Gardiner Calkins. By James Barton Longacre after Tisdale; published by S. C. Goodrich and Co., Boston, printed by D. Russell. Brewster, David. By "Alfred Croquis" ; published by James Fraser, London. Bryant, William Cullen. By Illman and Sons after a drawing by Charles Martin; printed by J. M. Butler; published by George Palmer Putnam, New York. Photograph; framed. Buckhurst, Lord. See T. Sackville. Buckminster, Joseph. By Thomas Kelly. Buckminster, Joseph Stevens. By David Edwin after Gilbert Stuart. Buonarotti, Michael Angelo. By J. Scarlett Davis of the " Interior of the Studio of Michael Angelo, in the House of Mons- Buonarotti." Burghley, Lord. See W. Cecil. Burns, Robert. By Beyer after Cooper, of " Tarn O'Shanter " ; framed. By Robert Brandard from W. Booth after Thomas Stothard, 1812, of "The Birth-place of Burns"; framed. By William Camden Edwards after Alexander Nasmyth, 1787; framed. By William Home Lizars after a drawing by W. Banks, of " Burns' Monument near Alloway Kirk " ; framed. By S. Ro[gers] from a drawing by Burney after a model by Peter Turnerelli, a design of the monument " in- tended to be erected " to Burns's memory at Dumfries ; framed. By Rogers after Alexander Nasmyth; framed. Burr, Aaron. By G. Parker after John Vanderlyn. Buxton, Thomas Powell. By John Brain after George Hayter; published by John Saunders, Jr., London. Byron, Anna Isabella. By Archibald Dick after William John Newton; published by G. Dearborn, New York. Waterston Collection 447 Byron, Anna Isabella (continued). By W. H. Mote after William John Newton ; published by John Murray and sold by Charles Tilt, London, 1832. Artist unknown. Byron, Augusta Ada. By William Finden after G. Howse; for John Murray's illustrated edition of Childe Harold (pp. 93, 94, canto III.). Byron, George Gordon. By Archibald Dick after George Sanders, 1807; published by G. Dearborn, New York. By William Finden after George Sanders ; framed. By Henry Bryan Hall. By Charles Heath after Richard Westall ; published by John Murray, December I, 1819. By W. H. Mote after Thomas Phillips; framed. By E. Patten after Thomas Allom, of the " Monument to Lord Byron, Hucknall Church, Nottinghamshire " ; pub- lished by Fisher, Son and Co., London, 1837, framed. By Henry Thomas Ryall after T. Holmes, in possession of Mrs. Augusta Leigh ; published for Mr. Holmes by F. G. Moon, printseller, London, September i, 1835. By James Tibbitts Willmore after Lake Price, of " Lord Byron's room in Palazzo Moncenigo " ; framed. Byron, John. By John Swaine; published by Evans and Sons, London, 1857- Calhoun, John Caldwell. By Edwards after a daguerreotype by Brady, New York ; and a cut of the " Outrage on the Chesapeake, 1807 " below. Campbell, Thomas. By Acnille Collas's patent process; published by Charles Tilt, London. By Edward Francis Finden after Sir Thomas Lawrence. Canning, George. By W. Fairland, on stone, from a drawing by Henry Cor- bould after bust by Francis Legatt Chantrey; published by Rudolph Ackermann, London, September 5, 1827, printed by Charles Joseph Hullmandel. Canova, Antonio. After a bust ; framed. 448 Massachusetts Historical Society Canterbury, Archbishop of. See J. Whitgift. Carlyle, Thomas. By J. C. Armytage after Samuel Laurence; published by Smith, Elder and Co., London. By John Sartain after a drawing by Alfred Guillaume Gabriel D'Orsay; for Campbell's Foreign Semi-Monthly Magazine. Published by James Fraser, London. From "The Atlantic Almanac" (Boston) for 1871, page 40. Carpenter, Lant. By Richard Woodman after a drawing by N. C. Bran white; published, November, 1837, and sold by Smallfield and Son, London, and Philp, Bristol. Cecil, William. By R. Martin and Co., lithographers, from drawing on stone by R. J. Hamerton after Mark Garrard (Marcus Gheeraerts) in possession of the Marquis of Exeter; published by Henry Colburn, London, 1838. By Henry Thomas Ryall after Mark Gerard (Marcus Gheeraerts) in the collection of the Marquis of Salis- bury; published by Harding and Lepard, London, July i, 1832. Published, June i, 1803, by John Scott, London. Chalmers, Thomas. By Alexander Hay Ritchie after a daguerreotype by An- toine Frangois Jean Claudet ; published by Robert Carter and Brothers, New York, printed by A. H. Dunnell. Champagne, Philippe de. By Gerard Edelink, 1676, after Champagne by himself; framed. Channing, William Ellery. By John Horsburgh after S. Gambardella, 1839. Charles II. By John Chantry. By Augustus Fox after a drawing by Francis Philip Stephanoff of the " Interview between Charles II. and Sir Henry Lee " ; published by William Pickering, London, October 4, 1828. By A. Hertochs. By Richard Rhodes; published by James Wallis, London, August 20, 1804. Waterston Collection 449 Charles II. (continued). By Worthington after Peter Lely; published by William Pickering, London, and David Alphonso Talboys, Ox- ford, 1827. After Sir Peter Lely. Artist unknown. Charlotte Augusta, Princess. By Thomas Garne^r after Sir Thomas Lawrence in the Royal Collection ; published by James Sprent Virtue, London. Chaucer, Geoffrey. By George Vertue; framed. Clarkson, Thomas. By J. Cochran after Samuel Lane; published by Fisher, Son and Co., London, 1839. Clay, Henry. By W. J. Edwards after Brady ; and cut of " Peace nego- tiations at Ghent " below. By J. N. Gimbrede after a drawing by J. Bingley, of his birthplace, Hanover County, Virginia. Coleridge, Samuel Taylor. By Achille Collas's patent process after E. W. Wyon; framed. By W. Wagstaff after a drawing by Abraham Wivell; published by John Murray, London, 1834, framed. Colman, George. By Edward Scriven from a drawing by John Jackson after Sir Joshua Reynolds, in possession of Earl of Mulgrave; published, March 8, 1813, by Thomas Cadell and William Davies, London. Colonna, Vittoria. By Ernesta Bisi Legnani after Maria Longhi. Colquhoun, Patrick. By Samuel Freeman ; published by Blackie & Son, Glasgow. Cooper, Astley Paston. By W. H. Mote after Thomas Lawrence; published by^ Fisher, Son and Co., London, 1841. Cooper, James Fenimore. By Henry Bryan Hall after a daguerreotype by Brady, New York. Artist unknown. 29 45 Massachusetts Historical Society Copley, John Singleton (1737-1815). By William Camden Edwards after Thomas Gainsborough ; framed. Copley, John Singleton (1772-1863). Drawing of a rose bud and leaf ; framed. By Thomas Woolnoth, after his own drawing; published by Fisher, Son and Co., London, 1846. Cowper, William. By Francesco Bartolozzi after Thomas Lawrence ; pub- lished by Joseph Johnson, London, January i, 1806. By William Camden Edwards after Lemuel Abbott, 1792. Same, later impression, with background; published by Henry Colburn and Co., and Simpkin and Marshall, December 30, 1823. By W. Raddon after a drawing by John Jackson, in the collection of Earl Cowper; published by William Walker, London, January i, 1824. Artist unknown. Crabbe, George. By William Holl after Thomas Phillips in the possession of John Murray; published by Mr. Murray, London, 1851. By Rock and Co., London, of " Birth Place of Crabbe, Aldsborough, Suffolk " ; heading of note paper. Croker, Thomas Crofton. By Engelmann, Graf and Coindet, lithographers, London; published by James Fraser, London. Cromwell, Oliver. By Charles Warren after Peter Lely; published by James Wallis, London, September 17, 1804; framed. Cruikshank, George. By J. Knight ; framed. " Turpin's flight through Edmonton," " Cinderella and the Glass Slipper," " The Fairies tie the Giant up in the Bean Stalk," and " Jack climbing the Bean Stalk " ; framed. . Cumberland, Richard. By Edward Scriven from a drawing by John Jackson after J. Clover; published by Thomas Cadell and William Davies, London, April 12, 1814. Cunningham, Allan. By James Thomson after Henry Room. Waterston Collection 451 Cuvier, Georges Leopold Chretien Frederic Dagobert. By James Thomson after a drawing- in the possession of the Baroness Cuvier, at Paris ; framed. Dana, Richard Henry. By R. W. Dodson after a bust by Edward Augustus Brackett. Davy, Humphry. By Edward Scriven after Thomas Lawrence in the pos- session of the Royal Society; published by Charles Knight, London, 1833, under the superintendence of the Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge, in "The Gallery of Portraits" (I, frontispiece). Deerfield, Mass. Pencil sketch of " Old Indian House," taken down in 1849. Demosthenes. By Hans Withouc, 1 638, after Peter Paul Rubens ; framed. De Quincey, Thomas. By Stephen Alonzo Schoff, from a daguerreotype; pub- lished by Ticknor, Reed, and Fields, Boston, 1851. Dick, Thomas. By W. E. Tucker j published by E. C. Biddle, Philadelphia. Dickens, Charles. By Welch and Walter after Daniel Maclise; published by Lea and Blanchard, Philadelphia, 1840. . Doddridge, Philip. By Robert Cooper after Andrea Soldi; published by J. Robins and Co., London, March I, 1823. Dorset, Earl of. See T. Sackville. Dubois, Guillaume. By Peter Drevet, 1724, after Hyacinthe Rigaud, 1723; framed. Durer, Albrecht ; artist unknown, framed. Durham, Earl of. See J. G. Lambton. Ebrington, Earl of. See H. Fortescue. Edgeworth, Maria. By Mackenzie after a drawing by William Marshall Craig ; published by Vernor and Co., November i, 1808. Edwards, Jonathan (1703-1758). By William Camden Edwards after Rembrandt Peale; published by Westley and Davis, London, 1834. 452 Massachusetts Historical Society Eldon, Lord. See J. Scott. Eliot, John, Apostle to the Indians. For Bancroft's History of the United States. Elizabeth Stuart, Queen of Bohemia. By " Blanchard pere " after Peter Paul Rubens ; framed. Elliott, Ebenezer; artist unknown. Evelyn, John. By Francesco Bartolozzi after a drawing by himself, 1776. By John Swaine; in J. Thane's "British Autography" (HI.). Evelyn, W. I. By M. J. Starling after a drawing by Thomas A Horn, of " Watton House " the seat of W. I. Evelyn ; heading of letter paper. Everett, Edward. After Alonzo Chappel; published by Johnson, Fry and Co., New York, 1863. Artist unknown. Fenelon, Francois de Salignac de la Mothe. By James Thomson after Joseph Vivien ; under the super- intendence of the Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge. Ferguson, James. By R. Page; published by Hunt and Clarke, London. Finch, Heneage (1621-1682). After Sir Peter Lely. Florence, Italy. By J. Scarlett Davis, of the " View of the Palazza Vecchio with the bronze statue of Cosmo, by John of Bologna." Another view, " with the celebrated statue of Perseus, by Benvenuto Cellini." Fortescue, Hugh. By William Holl after George Hayter; published by John Saunders, Jr., London. Fox, Charles James. By I. W. Cook after Sir Joshua Reynolds in the possession of Lord Holland ; published by Charles Knight, London, 1833, under the superintendence of the Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge, in " The Gallery of Portraits" (I, 103). Waterston Collection 453 Fox, Henry. By H. Robinson after Sir Joshua Reynolds, in the collec- tion of Lord Holland. Francis, Philip. By Samuel Freeman after James Lonsdale; from the Gazette of Fashion. Franklin, Benjamin. By Joseph Andrews, after Joseph Siffrein Duplessis in the possession of Mrs. Barnet, Paris; published by Charles Tappan and Charles F. Dennet, Boston; printed by Robert Andrews, Boston. By John Chester Buttre. By R. W. Dodson from James Barton Longacre after an original miniature in possession of William John Duane ; copyrighted by Mr. Longacre, 1835. Franklin, John. By Francis Croll ; from " Portrait Gallery of Hogg's Instructor." By Edward Francis Finden after John Jackson ; published by John Murray, London, 1828. By James Thomson after William Derby; published by Fisher, Son and Co., London, 1830. Same, on India paper, in " National Portrait Gallery " (II, London, 1831). Fry, Elizabeth. By J. Cochran after Charles Robert Leslie ; published by Fisher, Son and Co., London, 1835. Fulton, Robert. By W. G. Jackman. By William S. Leney after Miss Emmett ; published by Kirk and Mercein, New York. By G. Parker after Benjamin West. Pen-and-ink sketch of his steamboat by Mr. Waterston. Fuseli, Henry. By J. Rogers after George Henry Harlow ; published by Fisher, Son and Co., 1834, in " National Portrait Gal- lery" (V, London, 1834). By T. Thomson after Henry Corbould after a bust by Edward Hodges Baily; published by Sherwood, Jones and Co., London, March i, 1825, for the European Magazine (LXXXVII, 101) for February, 1825. Artist unknown. 454 Massachusetts Historical Society Gall, Frangois Joseph. By J. Alais after a drawing by. Rubidge; published by E. Cox and Son, London, June 14, 1823. Garrick, David. By H. Bourne after William Hogarth of " Garrick and his wife," in the Royal Collection ; published in London.. By James Heath after Anna Louisa Lane, with fac-simile of Mr. Garrick's note to Miss Lane, enclosing a lock of hair for the purpose of completing the original minia- ture; published by W. J. White, London, 1819. By Richard Sawyer, fac-simile of a " Pen and Ink, taken by [Philippe Jacques de] Loutherbourg, shortly before M* Garrick's death " ; published May, 1825, by Colnaghi and Co., London. By Phillip Thomas after Sir Joshua Reynolds; published by Thomas Kelly, London, July i, 1829. By Thornthwaite after a drawing by James Roberts of Mr. Garrick and Mrs. Frances Abington " in the Char- acters of Ranger and Clarinda " ; published for John Bell's British Theatre, August 21, 1776. After a drawing by James Roberts of Mr. Garrick and Mrs. Mary Ann Yates " in the Characters of Lusignan and Zara," for the first number of John Bell's British Theatre, April 10, 1776. After a drawing by Thomas Wright of Mr. Garrick, " As Abel Drugger " ; published by Simpkin and Marshall, London, 1821. Geneva. By Edward Francis Finden after a drawing by James Duffield Harding from a sketch by W. Page; published by John Murray, London, April, 1832. George II.; artist unknown. George III. By Henry Meyer after a likeness taken in his 57th year. George IV. By H. Adlard after a drawing by Abraham Wivell ; pub- lished by J. Duncan, London, October, 1830. Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von. By Robert Cooper after a drawing by Ferd. Jagemann; published by J. Robins and Co., London, April i, 1823. Grahame, James. By Joseph Andrews after George Peter Alexander Healy. Waterston Collection 455 Grant, Anne. By James Hopwood, Jr. Great Britain. By George Vertue, 1744, after a curious proof impression in wax of " The Great Seal of the Common-Wealth of England done by Tho[mas] Simon" in the possession of Margaret Cavendish, Duchess of Portland; framed. Greene, Nathaniel. By J. B. Forrest after Col. John Trumbull; copyrighted by James Herring, 1833. Hall, Robert. By William Finden after N. C. Branwhite. Hamilton, Alexander. By John Francis Eugene Prud'homme after Archibald Robertson; copyrighted, 1835. Hamilton, William. By William Thomas Fry after a drawing at Naples by Charles Grignion. By Samuel William Reynolds after Sir Joshua Reynolds in the British Museum. Artist unknown. Hancock, John. By I. B. Forrest from a painting by James Herring after John Singleton Copley in Faneuil Hall. Same, with reference to originals. By J. Rogers ; with cut of " Riot at Boston March 5'." 1770 " below. Hancock House, Boston. By John Adams Whipple ; " crystalotype." Hastings, Warren ; artist unknown. Hastings, William. By William Bromley; published by him, June 29, 1797. Hawthorne, Nathaniel. By T. Phillibrown after Cephas Giovanni Thompson ; pub- lished by Ticknor, Reed and Fields, Boston, 1851. Haydon, Benjamin Robert. By Charles Blair Leighton, lithographer, after a bust by Patric Park ; framed. Pencil sketches from his window ; framed. 456 Massachusetts Historical Society Hazlitt, William. By Marr after a drawing by William Bewick; published by Saunders and Otley, London, May 20, 1836. Heber, Reginald. By Thomas Woolnoth after Thomas Phillips, with the permission of Samuel William Reynolds; published by Fisher, Son and Co., London, March I, 1827, proof with signature. Hemans, Felicia. By Achille Collas's patent process after E. W. Wyon; printed by McQueen. By John Sartain after a bust by Fletcher. Henry, Robert. By I. Caldwell after David Martin. By Samuel Freeman after David Martin; published by Blackie and Son, Glasgow. Hooker, William Jackson. By H. Cook after Thomas Phillips; published by Fisher, Son and Co., London, 1834, in " National Portrait Gal- lery " (V.). Howard, Charles. By Joseph John Jenkins after the original in the collection of the Earl of Verulam; published by Harding, Trip- hook and Lepard, London, April I, 1825, in " National Portrait Gallery " (IV.). Artist unknown. Howard, Elizabeth. By Robert Cooper after John Hoppner. Howard, Henry. By Phillibrown after Federigo Zucchero, about 1574. Howard, John. By H. Adlard. By Samuel Freeman; for the New Evangelical Maga- zine. By Robert Scott; published by George Millar Dunbar. Artist unknown. Pencil sketch of " The birth-place of John Howard, Clap- ton, Middlesex." Same of " The residence of John Howard at Cardington, Bedfordshire." Howitt, Mary ; artist unknown. Waterston Collection 457 Humboldt, Friedrich Heinrich Alexander. By A. H. Payne after Jacobs; published by Brain and Payne, London. Hume, Joseph. By William Holl after George Peter Alexander Healy; published by John Saunders, Jr., London. Hunt, James Henry Leigh. By Henry Meyer after a drawing by J. Hayter ; published by Henry Colburn, London, 1828. Hyde, Lawrence. By Bocquet. In man, Henry. By Burt ; framed. Pencil sketch of a woman's head, 1827; framed. Irving, Edward ; artist unknown. Irving, Washington. By Frederick Halpin after a drawing by Charles Martin, New York, January, 1851 ; published by George Palmer Putnam, New York. After Gilbert Stuart Newton ; published by Lea and Blan- chard, Philadelphia. Jackson, Andrew. By W. A. Staszewski after the last likeness painted on ivory. James I. By Joseph Collyer; published by James Wallis, London, March i, 1804. By Worthington after Paul Van Somer; published by William Pickering, London, and Talboys and Wheeler, Oxford, 1827. After " a Bronze larger than Life, over the principal en- trance in Whitehall " ; published by N. Smith, London, January I, 1793. James II. By Cosmo Armstrong; published by James Wallis, Lon- don, April 7, 1804. Jay, John. By Asher Brown Durand after Gilbert Stuart and John Trumbull. 458 Massachusetts Historical Society Jay, John (continued). Same; copyrighted by James Herring, 1834. By Henry Bryan Hall; published by George Palmer Put- nam, New York. Jefferson, Joseph. By H. J. Morton ; pencil sketch of " Rip Van Winkle." Jefferson, Thomas. By J. B. Forrest after Gilbert Stuart. Jeffrey, Francis. By Samuel Freeman from a drawing by William Evans after Henry Raeburn; published by Thomas Cadell and William Davies, London, March 16, 1812. By G. Parker after Colvin Smith ; published by Fisher, Son and Co., London, 1832, in " National Portrait Gal- lery " (IV, London, 1833). Jenner, Edward. By W. H. Mote after Thomas Lawrence; published by Fisher, Son and Co., London, 1838. Johnson,' William ; artist unknown. Jones, John Paul. By James Barton Longacre after Charles Willson Peale. After Alonzo 'Chappel in possession of the publishers ; pub- lished by Johnson, Fry and Co., New York, 1861. Jones, William. By J. Posselwhite after a picture in the Hall of Univer- sity College, Oxford; published by Charles Knight, London, 1835, under the superintendence of the Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge, in " The Gal- lery of Portraits" (V, 134). Keats, John. By Henry Meyer after a sketch drawn from life by Joseph Severn; published by Henry Colburn, London, 1828. Kemble, Frances Anne. After Sir Thomas Lawrence; published by William Jack- son, New York, printed by Illman and Pilbrow. Kempenfelt, Richard. By H. Robinson after Tilly Kettle; published by Peter Jackson, London. King, Rufus. By Thomas Kelly after Gilbert Stuart. Waterston Collection 459 Knowles, James Sheridan. Published by James Fraser, London. Knox, Henry. By John Francis Eugene Prud'homme from James Herring after Gilbert Stuart, in Faneuil Hall ; copyrighted by Mr. Herring, New York, 1834. Knox, John. By W. Greatbach after Sir David Wilkie, of " Knox preaching before the Lords of the Congregation," in the Collection of Sir Robert Peel. By John Talfourd Smyth after an unfinished painting by Sir David Wilkie, of " John Knox administering the Sacrament," in the collection of John Clow, of Liver- pool ; proof on India paper, printed by Wilkinson. Konigsmarck, Johann Christoph. By Jeremiah Falck, Stockholm, 1651, after David Beck. Lafayette. By Henry Bryan Hall after a French print, 1781; pub- lished by G. P. Putnam and Co., New York, printed by W. Pate. By Cyprien Jacquemin after Ary Scheffer; published by Pagnerre for " Livre de Orateurs." By Louis Marie Normand after James Northcote, of " Lafayette at Olmutz." After a crayon sketch by Maurir. After Ary Scheffer. Lamb, Charles. By Achille Collas's patent process after Henry Weekes; framed. By Archibald Dick; published by Harper and Brothers, New York. Photograph of an engraving. Lamb, William. By H. Robinson after Sir Thomas Lawrence; published by John Saunders, Jr., London. Lambton, John George. By H. Robinson, after a drawing by James Stewart. Landseer, Charles. By G. A. Periam after Charles Landseer, of his " Clarissa Harlowe " ; published in London, printed by Wilkinson. 460 Massachusetts Historical Society Lansdowne, Marquis of. See W. Petty. Lavater, John Caspar. By William Bromley after a drawing made in Zurich in March, 1787; from the European Magazine (XV, i) for January, 1789. Lawrence, Thomas. By James Thomson after Charles Landseer; published by the Library of Fine Arts, London, 1831, framed. Three positions of head; framed. Le Couvreur, Adrienne. By Peter Drevet after Charles Antoine Coypel ; framed. Lee, Richard Henry. By Peter Maverick and James Barton Longacre after a drawing by Longacre from an original miniature. After Alonzo Chappel in the possession of the publishers; published by Johnson, Fry and Co., New York, 1861. Leverett, John (1616-1679). By Denison Kimberly, in Samuel Gardner Drake's " His- tory and Antiquities of Boston" (Boston, 1856), 241. Ley, James. Artist unknown; another impression in John Thane's " British Autography " (I.). Lincoln, Benjamin. By T. Illman from a painting by James Herring after Henry Sargent, in the cabinet of the Historical Society. Lockhart, John Gibson. By Engelmann, Graf, Coindet and Co., lithographers ; pub- lished by James Fraser, London. London, Bishop of. See R. Lowth. London, England. By James Baylis Allen after Samuel Scott, of " London Bridge I745>" from a picture in the Vernon Gallery; published in London, printed by George Virtue. Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth; artist unknown. Louis XIV. By Constant Bourgeois ; published by Furne, Paris. By Delpech, lithographer. By James Parker after Robert Nanteuil; published by John White and John Scott, London, July I, 1808. Artist unknown. Louis XV. By Peter Drevet, 1723, after Hyacinthe Rigaud; framed. Waterston Collection 461 Louis Philippe, King of France; artist unknown. Lowth, Robert. By James Godby from a drawing by William Evans after Robert Edge Pine; published by Thomas Cadell and William Davies, London, March i, 1809. Lyndhurst, Lord. See J. S. Copley. Lytton, Edward George Earle Lytton Bulwer-. By Achille Collas's patent process; published by Charles Tilt, London, printed by J. Yates. Mably, Gabriel Bonnot de. By Delpech, Paris, lithographer. Macaulay, Thomas Babington. By W. Greatbach after E. U. Eddis; published by Long- man, Brown, Green and Longmans. Mackenzie, Henry. By Benjamin Smith from a drawing by William Evans after Henry Raeburn, in the possession of the publishers ; published by Thomas Cadell and William Davies, Lon- don, March I, 1809. McKean, Thomas. By James Barton Longacre after Gilbert Stuart. Mackintosh, James. By J. Cochran after Sir Thomas Lawrence; published by Fisher, Son and Co., London, 1833, in " National Por- trait Gallery" (IV.). By William Finden after a bust by Henry Behnes or Burlowe ; framed. By James Thomson after William Derby; published by Sherwood, Jones and Co., London, July i, 1824, for the proprietors of the European Magazine (LXXXV, 481) for June, 1824. Madison, James. By John Francis Eugene Prud'homme after John Gadsby Chapman, of " Montpelier V. a the Seat of the late James Madison." By T. B. Welch after a drawing by James Barton Long- acre, taken from life at Montpelier, Virginia, July, 1833; printed by H. Quig. Marie Josephine Louise, wife of Louis XVIII. By Delpech, Paris, lithographer. 462 Massachusetts Historical Society Marion, Francis. By J. N. Gimbrede after John Blake White, of " Gen. Marion in his swamp encampment inviting a British Officer to dinner " ; engraved for Godey's Magazine by the permission of the Society of Art Union. After William Ranney, of " Marion crossing the Pedee." Marmontel, Jean Francois ; artist unknown, framed. Marshall, John. By Asher Brown Durand after Henry Inman ; copyrighted by James Herring, 1833. Mather, Cotton. By C. E. Wagstaff and Joseph Andrews after Peter Pelham. Mayhew, Jonathan. By Thomas Moore's lithography, Boston, after a drawing by R. Cooke; in Alden Bradford's " Memoir of the Life and Writings of Rev. Jonathan Mayhew" (Boston, 1838, frontispiece). Medici, Frangois de. By Gerard Edelink from a design by Jean Baptiste Nattier after Peter Paul Rubens; framed. Melanchthon, Philip. By E. Bocquet after Hans Holbein. By C. W. Sharpe after Alexander Johnston, in the collec- tion of F. Bennoch, of " The Visit to Melanchthon." Melbourne, Lord. See W. Lamb. Milner, Isaac. Published by James Asperne, London, May i, 1820, for the European Magazine (LXXVII, 291) for April, 1820. Milton, John. By George Vertue, 1725, of Milton in 1670; framed. By Thomas Woolnoth after a miniature by William Faithorne, 1667, in possession of William Falconer; published under the superintendence of the Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge. Mitford, Mary Russell. By Achille Collas's patent process; published by Charles Tilt, London, printed by J. Yates. Artist unknown. Monck, George. By Edward le Davis. Waterston Collection 463 Monroe, James. By Asher Brown Durand after John Vanderlyn, in the City Hall, New York; copyrighted by James Herring, New York, 1835. Montgomery, James. By James Thomson after John Vincent Barber; published by Fisher, Son and Co., London, August i, 1828. More, Hannah. By William Finden after Henry William Pickersgill; published by Fisher, Son and Co., London, 1831, in "National Portrait Gallery" (II.). By A. Halbert after John Opie, 1786, in the possession of Lady Olivia B. Sparrow. Morgan, Lady Sydney (Owenson). By Achille Collas's patent process after E. W. Wyon. By James Thomson after Rene Theodore Berthon, Paris; published by J. Robins and Co., London, November i, 1825. Morris, Gouverneur. By James Barton Longacre after Thomas Sully. Morris, Robert. By James Barton Longacre after original painting in the possession of Mrs. Morris. Morrison, Robert. By William Holl after George Chinnery in the possession of Mrs. Morrison; published by Fisher, Son and Co., London, 1835. Morse, Samuel Finley Breese. By George E. Ferine, New York, for the Eclectic Maga- zine ; framed. Pencil sketch, " Reminiscence of Italy : Amain, the con- vent from Recollection," signed by Mr. Morse, Decem- ber, 1834; framed. Murray, Lindley. By Gimber after Westoby. Napoleon. By Auguste Bry, lithographer. By Delpech, Paris, lithographer. By William Holl after Frangois Gerard; published by Charles Knight, London, 1835, under the superintend- 464 Massachusetts Historical Society Napoleon (continued). ence of the Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowl- edge, in "The Gallery of Portraits" (IV, 67). By James Hopwood ; published by Furne, Paris. By William Humphrys after a drawing by Frederick Marryat at St. Helena an hour after his death; pub- lished by Colnaghi and Puckle, London, December 12, 1840. By Jacquemin after Paul Delaroche; printed by D. Pas- sigli, 1843. By Mauduison. By H. S. Sadd, New York, after Karl Wilhelm August von Steuben, for the Columbian Magazine, of " The Emperor & the King " ; printed by W. Neale. By C. W. Sharpe after Paul Delaroche, of "The Rock of S- Helena," in the Royal Collection; published by James Sprent Virtue, London. By H. Valentin after the bronze equestrian statue by Armand Leveel dedicated at Cherbourg August 8, 1858; printed by Lemercier, Paris ; framed. By Thomas Woolnoth after a drawing by Heffernan after a statue presented by Napoleon to Barry Edward O'Meara, July 25, 1818. Napoleon III. By D. J. Pound after a photograph. From " The Atlantic Almanac " for 1871, page 52. Artist unknown. Necker, Jacques. By Thomas Cook after Joseph Siffrein Duplessis; pub- lished by W. Bent, September 3, 1785. Nelson, Horatio. By James Baylis Allen after a drawing by George Haw- kins, of " The Nelson Column, Trafalgar Square," London. By William Finden after John Hoppner in His Majesty's collection ; published by Harding and Lepard, London, ^ July I, 1830. Same; proof on India paper, published February I. By W. Greatbach after Ernest Slingeneyer, of " The Death of Nelson " ; printed by George Virtue. By Hopwood ; published by Furne, Paris. By I. T. Wedgwood after John Hoppner; published by Henry 'Brooks, London, August 16, 1841. Waterston Collection 465 Newton, Isaac. By William Holl. By Edward Scriven after Peter Vanderbank in the pos- session of the Royal Society; published by Charles Knight, London, 1833, under the superintendence of the Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge, in "The Gallery of Portraits" (I, 79), framed. By Edward Smith after Sir Godfrey Kneller; published, London, March, 1821. Newton, John. Published by George Virtue, London. Nightingale, Florence. By Sarony and Co., lithographers, from an authentic sketch by Dominic Paul Colnaghi, London; framed. Northampton, Earl of. See H. Howard. Northcote, James. By B. Holl after Abraham Wivell; published (?) by Library of Fine Arts, 1831. By Henry Meyer after himself; published by Thomas Cadell and William Davies, London, November i, 1815. Artist unknown. Nottingham, Earl of. See C. Howard, and H. Finch. Oberlin, Jean Frederic. By Ch. L. Schuler, 1803. Opie, Amelia. By James Hopwood, Jr., after John Opie. Otis, James. By D. L. Glover. Otis, James. After Alonzo Chappel ; published by Johnson, Fry and Co., New York, copyrighted, 1862. Overlaet. By M. and N. Hanhart, lithographic printers, from a drawing on stone by A. Butler of a curious pen drawing executed in a single oval line by Overlaet, Antwerp, of a head bearing a crown of thorns; pub- lished by T. Falser, London, June 12, 1840. 30 466 Massachusetts Historical Society Palestine. By Charles Cousen after William Henry Bartlett of " The River Jordan (Greek Bathing Place)"; published by Daniel Appleton and Company, New York, framed. By S. Fisher after Thomas Allom of " Plain of the Jordan, looking towards the Dead Sea " ; published by Fisher, Son and Co., London, framed. Paley, William. By Robert Graves after George Romney. Parr, Samuel. By John Cochran after Alexarider Chisholm ; published by F'isher, Son and Co., London, 1834. Parry, William Edward. By H. Adlard after George Richmond, 1842; published by Longman and Co., London. By Charles Heath after a drawing by William Henry Brooke; published by Sherwood and Co., London, No- vember 24, 1823. By James Thomson after Samuel Drummond ; published by the executors of the late James Asperne, March I, 1821, for the European Magazine (LXXIX, 95) for February, 1821. Peel, Robert. By Francis Holl after Thomas Lawrence; published by Peter Jackson, London and Paris. Perm, William (1621-1670). By Richard Earlom after Peter Lely; published by S. Woodburn, London, 1811. Penn, William (1644-1718). By J. Bannister after Benjamin West, of " Will 1 ? Penn's Treaty with the Indians, 1682," from Sartain's Magazine. See Proceedings (2d series, XV, 365, 366) of the Historical Society for January 9, 1902. Same, a photograph, reduced. By William Finden. By William Holl from a print by John Hall after Benja- min West ; published by Charles Knight, London. By J. Posselwhite from a print by John Hall after Ben- jamin West; published by Charles Knight, London, 1837, under the superintendence of the Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge, in " The Gallery of Portraits" (VII, 39). Waterston Collection 467 Penn, William (1644-1718) (continued). By John Sartain after the original in the Historical Society of Pennsylvania, painted from life in 1666. Pepys, Samuel. By R. W. Peters, Hugh. Published by William Richardson. Petty, William. By W. H. Egleton after a drawing by James Stewart. Phelypaux, L. See Pontchartrain. Pickering, Timothy. By T. B. Welch from a drawing by James Barton Long- acre after Gilbert Stuart. Pinckney, Charles Cotesworth. By E. Wellmore after a miniature by Edward Greene Malbone. Pinkney, William. By E. Wellmore after Charles Bird King. Piozzi, Hester Lynch. By Edward Francis Finden after Joshua Reynolds; framed. Poisson, Abel Francois. By Jean George Wille, 1751, after John Louis Tocque, framed. Pontchartrain, Louis Phelypaux de. By Jean Georges Wille, 1751, after John Louis Tocque", 1749; framed. Pope, Alexander. By J. Posselwhite after Thomas Hudson, in the possession of the Duke of Buckingham; published by Charles Knight, London, 1835, under the superintendence of the Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge, in "The Gallery of Portraits" (V, 164). Portland, Duchess of. See M. C. Bentinck. Priestley, Joseph. By William Bromley. By William Holl after Gilbert Stuart in the possession of T. B. Barclay, Liverpool ; published by Charles Knight, London, 1835, under the superintendence of the Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge, in " The Gallery of Portraits" (IV, 57). 468 Massachusetts Historical Society Priestley, Joseph (continued). Same, London, 1845, in Lord Brougham's " Lives of Men of Letters and Science" (I, 402). Published by William Darton, London, 1822. Putnam, Israel. By T. Gimbrede, New York, from a drawing- by Miss A. Hall, after John Trumbull ; published by Samuel Avery, Boston. Quincy, Edmund. Photograph, by Warren ; in " Memoir of Eliza S. M. Quincy," by E. S. Quincy. See page 298. Radcliffe, Thomas. By Robert Cooper ; published by Charles Baldwyn, London. By Robert Cooper after Sir Anthony More, in the pos- session of William Radcliffe; published by Harding, Mavor and Lepard, London, August I, 1823, in Lodge's " Portraits of Illustrious Personages of Great Britain " (III, London, 1825). Rammohun Roy. By Annin and Smith. Ramsay, David. By James Barton Longacre from a drawing by Charles Fraser after Charles Willson Peale. Randolph, John. For the Analectic Magazine ; published by M. Thomas. Raynal, Guillaume Thomas Francois; artist unknown. Reni, Guido. Original drawing, Bologna, 1594, from the collection of Prof. Lindner, of Leipzig, previously in the collection of Baron Rumohr in Dresden; framed. Reynolds, Joshua. By A. Roffe after Reynolds ; published by Thomas Kelly, London, 1829. Robinson, William. Photograph of monument and tablet erected to his memory, and to that of his children Ellen Jane and Marianne. Rochester, Earl of. See L. Hyde. Waterston Collection 469 Roebuck, John Arthur. By Henry Robinson after J. Watts in the possession of T. Falconer ; published by John Saunders, Jr., London. Rogers, Samuel. By William Finden after Sir Thomas Lawrence. Romilly, Samuel. By Richard Woodman from an enamel after Sir Thomas Lawrence; published by Charles Knight, London, 1835, under the superintendence of the Society for the Dif- fusion of Useful Knowledge, in " The Gallery of Por- traits " (V, in). Roscoe, William. By James Thomson from a drawing by Miss P. McCreery after a medallion by John Gibson ; published by Thomas Cadell, London, May 15, 1833. After a drawing by "Alfred Croquis" ; published by James Fraser, London. Ross, John. By W. Watkins after a drawing by Thomas Hosmer Shepherd. Rupert, Prince. By J. Cochran after Anthony Van Dyck in the collection of the Earl of Craven; published by Harding and Lepard, London, February I, 1829, in " National Por- trait Gallery " (VIII.). By Charles Knight after Samuel Cooper in the possession of Mr. Edwards, London ; published by John White Fleet and John Scott, London, July i, 1808. After Anthony Van Dyck. Rush, Benjamin. By R. W. Dodson after Thomas Sully in the possession of Richard Rush. Ruskin, John ; artist unknown. Russell, John. By J. Brown. Russell, William. By J. Cochran after Anthony Van Dyck in the collection of the Duke of Bedford; published by Harding and Lepard, London, January i, 1830. After Anthony Van Dyck; similar copy in J. Thane's " British Autography " (II.). Rutland, Duchess of. See E. Howard. 47 Massachusetts Historical Society Sackville, Thomas; artist unknown. Saint John, Henry. By Henry Wallis; published by Charles Knight, London, 1843, printed by Alfred Adlard, in Lord Brougham's "Historical Sketches of Statesmen" (III, 378). Schiller, Johann Christoph Friedrich ; artist unknown, framed. Scott, John. By Henry Robinson after Sir Thomas Lawrence; pub- lished by Fisher, Son and Co., London and Paris. By Henry Wallis after Sir Thomas Lawrence; published by Charles Knight, London, under the superintendence of the Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge, printed by Alfred Adlard. Scott, Walter. By T. Barber after a drawing by Thomas Hosmer Shep- herd, of " Abbotsford " ; framed. By Achille Collas's patent process after Henry Weekes; framed. By R. W. Dodson after Henry Raeburn; framed. By Edward Francis Finden after a drawing by David Roberts, of his " Room at Abbotsford " ; framed. By Joseph Goodyear after Charles Robert Leslie of " Kenil- worth " ; published by Adam and Charles Black, Edin- burgh, framed. By James Barton Longacre after C. R. Leslie ; framed. By C. Rolls after Hart ; framed. By William Walker after Henry Raeburn; published October i, 1826, by Mr. Walker, Edinburgh and Lon- don, printed by McQueen, proof, framed. By Thomas Woolnoth after John Graham; framed. Library, Abbotsford; framed. Selden, John. By Robert Hart after a picture attributed to Sir Peter Lely in the Bodleian Library, Oxford ; published by Charles Knight, London, 1835, under the superintend- ence of the Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowl- edge, in " The Gallery of Portraits " (V, 61). By William Holl after Daniel Mytens in the Bodleian Gallery, Oxford; published by Harding and Lepard, London, October i, 1829. Same; published December i, 1836. By Phillibrown after Daniel Mytens. Waterston Collection 47 1 Sewall, Samuel. By Oliver Pelton after Nathaniel Emmons, 1728, in " The New England Historical & Genealogical Register" (I, 105) for April, 1847, anc ^ Samuel Gardner Drake's " History and Antiquities of Boston" (Boston, 1856), 586. Seward, Anna. By Thomas Woolnoth after George Romney; published by Dean and Munday, March i, 1821. Sharp, Granville. By James Thomson ; published by H. Fisher, Son and Co., London, October i, 1826. By W. Worthington after a model in wax by Miss C. Andras; published by R. Bowyer, January i, 1810. Shelburne, Lord. See W. Petty. Shelley, Percy Bysshe. By William Finden after an original in the possession of Mrs. Shelley; published by John Murray, London, 1833. Sherman, Roger. By Oliver Pelton after Ralph Earle ; published by Perkins and Marvin, Boston. Shrewsbury, Duke of. See C. Talbot. Siddons, Harriet. By E. Smith after Sir Joshua Reynolds. Siddons, Sarah. By William Holl after Joshua Reynolds; published by Charles Knight, London, 1835, under the superintend- ence of the Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowl- edge, in " The Gallery of Portraits " (V, 94), framed. Sidney, Philip. By H. Robinson after Sir Anthony More, in the collec- tion of the Duke of Bedford ; published by Harding and Lepard, January i, 1829. By George Vertue, 1741, after Isaac Oliver in the collec- tion of Philip Dormer, Earl of Chesterfield ; framed. Silliman, Benjamin. By Daggett, Hinman and Co., after H. Willard. Smirke, Robert. By Louis Marie Normand after Smirke, of " The First Age." " Second Age," " The Third Age," " The Fifth Age," " The Conquest," and " Scene from Much Ado about Nothing " ; framed. 472 Massachusetts Historical Society Smirke, Robert (continued). Original drawing of " The Murder of Thomas a Becket " ; framed. Smith, Charlotte. By A. Duncan from a drawing by Georg*e Clint after a painting by John Opie, in the possession of the late William Hayley. Smith, Sydney. By T. A. Dean; published by Longman, Orme and Co., London, May, 1840. South, Robert. By George Vertue; printed for Jonah Bowyer, London, Southey, Robert. By H. Heath after Samuel Lane, Spain. By Suyderhoef after Geraert ter Burch, of Philip IV. re- nouncing his right to Holland by the peace of West- phalia, 1648; framed. Spencer, John Charles. By Edward Scriven after George Hayter; published by John Saunders, Jr., London. Sprague, Charles. By Joseph Andrews; published by Ticknor, Reed and Fields, 1850. Spurzheim, Johann Kaspar. By James Thomson after Henry Corbould; published by Sherwood and Co., London, July i, 1825, for the Euro- pean Magazine (LXXXVII, 485) for June, 1825. Stael-Holstein, Anne Louise Germaine Necker de. By Samuel Freeman after Francois Gerard; published by J. Robins and Co., London, February I, 1823. Artist unknown ; framed. Stewart, Dugald. By Samuel Freeman; published by Blackie and Son, Glasgow. By William Home Lizars; published by Fisher, Son and Co., London, 1847. Story, Joseph. By John Cheney, after a crayon drawing by William Wet- more Story. Waterston Collection 473 Stothard, Thomas. By Beyer after Stothard, of " Pilgrimage to Canterbury " ; framed. By Charles Heath after a drawing by Stothard, of " Irish Melodies"; published by S. Robinson, London, 1824, framed. By Louis Marie Normand after Stothard, of " Boadicea " ; framed. By Edward Scriven after James Green ; published in " Ar- nold's Library of the Fine Arts, 1833," framed. Original sketch of " Irish Melodies " ; framed. Sussex, Earl of. See T. Radcliffe. Talbot, Charles. By J. Cochran after Sir Godfrey Kneller in the collection of the Earl of Shrewsbury ; proof on India paper. Talfourd, Thomas Noon. By William Holl after K. Meadows; published by John Saunders, Jr., London. Talleyrand-Perigord, Charles Maurice de. Published by Fisher, Son and Co., London. Temple, William ; artist unknown. Temple Church, London. By Bluck, aquatint, of an engraving by Pugin and Row- landson; published by Rudolph Ackermann, London, September i, 1809. By James Newton ; published by S. Hooper, London, Janu- ary 12, 1785, interior view. Published by N. Smith, London, May I, 1794, of monu- ment " On the North Wall in the Temple Church." Published by Vernor and Hood, London, May 15, 1804, and by J. Storer and J. Greig. Thackeray, William Makepeace. By John Sartain after Samuel Laurence, for the Eclectic Magazine. Artist unknown. Thomson, Charles. By B. B. E. ; published by R. Wilkinson, London, May 15, 1783- Thorwaldsen, Albert. By Em. Baerentzen and Co., lithographers, 1844, after Antoine Charles Horace Vernet ; framed. 474 Massachusetts Historical Society Thurlow, Edward. By Francesco Bartolozzi, 1782, after Joshua Reynolds; published by Anthony Poggi, London, May 25, 1782; framed. Trafalgar, Battle. By John Cousen after Clarkson Stanfield in the Vernon Gallery. Trumbull, John. By Asher Brown Durand after Samuel Lovett Waldo and William Jewett, in the Trumbull Gallery, Yale Univer- sity, New Haven; copyrighted by James Herring, 1833. Tuckerman, Joseph ; artist unknown. University of Oxford. By Thomas Worlidge after a drawing by himself of the Theatre at Oxford as it appeared at the installation of the Earl of Westmoreland as Chancellor; framed. Unwin, Mary. By H. Robinson from a drawing by William Harvey after Davis, 1750; published by Baldwin and Cradock, Lon- don, 1836, in poem by William Cowper. Vane, Henry. Printed for T. Hinton, London, for the Universal Mag- azine. Victoria, Queen. By Richard Austin Artlett after a bust by Joseph Durham ; published in London. By T. W. Hunt after a statue by John Gibson ; published for the proprietors of the Art Journal. From "The Atlantic Almanac" (Boston) for 1871, page 60. Artist unknown. Vinci, Leonardo da. By Raffaele Morghen after da Vinci of himself in the Real Gallery of Florence ; framed. Voltaire, Franqois Marie Arouet de. By James Mollison after Nicolas de Largilliere, in the col- lection of the Institute of France ; published by Charles Knight, London, 1833, under the superintendence of the Waterston Collection 475 Voltaire, Francois Marie Arouet de (continued). Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge, in " The Gallery of Portraits" (II, 93). Vorsterman, Lucas. By Peter Stent; framed. Wakefield, Gilbert. By Ridley after a drawing by (James?) Green; published by Thomas Bellamy, at the Monthly Mirror Office, Lon- don, May 31, 1798. Walpole, Horace. By W. Greatbatch after a drawing by G. P. Harding. By William Holl. Walpole, Thomas. By Augustin de Saint Aubin, 1764, after a drawing by Charles Nicolas Cochin. Washington, George. By Joseph Andrews after a sketch by H. Morton, of " Washington's Headquarters near Newbury, N. Y." By Achille Collas's patent process ; framed. By Asher Brown Durand, 1833, after Houdon's bust; framed. By Durand after John Trumbull, in the Trumbull gallery, Yale University, New Haven; copyrighted by James Herring, New York, 1834. By G. G. Felsing after Giuseppe Longhi ; framed. By J. B. Forrest after Charles Willson Peale in the pos- session of George Washington Parke Custis ; framed. By G. R. Hall after a statue in Union Square, New York, by Henry Kirke Brown ; published by George Palmer Putnam, printed by W. Pate. By Henry Bryan Hall after a bust by Giuseppe Ceracchi taken from life in the possession of Gouverneur Kemble; for Irving's Washington. By W. Humphreys after Gilbert Stuart in the possession of T. B. Barclay, Liverpool ; published by Charles Knight, London, 1835, under the superintendence of the Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge, in " The Gallery of Portraits" (IV, 128). By John Wesley Paradise from a picture by John Gadsby Chapman after Charles Willson Peale, in possession of George Washington Parke Custis; framed. After the statue by Horatio Greenough. 476 Massachusetts Historical Society Washington, George (continued). After a drawing by Gilbert Stuart ; framed. After a sketch on the spot by J. W. Hill, of " Washington's Head Quarters near Newburgh." Washington, Martha. By John Cheney and J. G. Kellogg after John Woolaston in the possession of G. W. P. Custis. By Cheney after Gilbert Stuart in the possession of the Boston Athenaeum ; framed. By Oliver Pelton after a portrait taken at the age of 21 by Blythe. Waterston, Helen Ruthven. Crayon sketch; framed. Photograph by Allen and Rowell, Bost'on, of the crayon sketch ; in the " Memoir of Eliza S. M. Quincy " by E. S. Quincy. See page 298. Same, by Black and Batchelder, Boston, after the crayon sketch. Same; in "Memoirs" (I, 216) by E. O. Benger. See page 31. Waterston, Robert Cassie. Oil painting, June, 1901, by Rosamund L. Smith, copied at the charge of the Waterston Fund, from the painting, by Otto Grundmann, owned by the American Unitarian Association. Watts, Isaac. By William Holl. By Richard Newton from a drawing by John Thurston after Thomas Gainsborough, in Dr. Williams's, Library; published by William Walker, London, May I, 1822. By George Vertue after Isaac Whood. After a drawing by William Hilton ; published by J. Bar- field, London, March i, 1810. Webster, Daniel. By John Cheney and R. W. Dodson after Richard Morrell Staigg. By Alexander Hay Ritchie after a daguerreotype by John Adams Whipple; published by E. Anthony, New York, and copyrighted by him in 1848, printed by A. H. Dunnell. Webster, Noah. By G. Parker after James Herring; copyrighted by Mr. Herring in 1834. Waterston Collection 477 Weir, Robert W. Photograph; framed. Photograph of his " Embarkation of the Pilgrims," given to Mr. Waterston by Mr. Weir in his studio at West Point, when Mr. Waterston, in company with William Cullen Bryant, last visited him; framed. Wellesley, Arthur, Duke of Wellington. By H. Robinson after Sir Thomas Lawrence. By Thomas Woolnoth after Sir Thomas Lawrence; pub- lished by Fisher, Son and Co., London, 1830. Wesley, John. By William Bromley. By P. Roberts after a drawing by Henry Eldridge; pub- lished by J. Robins and Co., London. By T. S. Woodcock, Brooklyn, L. I. After a miniature by I. Palm (or Palin). West, Benjamin. By Henry Meyer after Sir Thomas Lawrence for the Ana- lectic Magazine; published by M. Thomas. White, Henry Kirke. By Charles Heath ; published by Thomas Tegg, London. By William Holl. Whitefield, George. By Joseph Andrews. Whitgift, John. Artist unknown ; another impression in J. Thane's " British Autography " (I.). Wilberforce, William. By Joseph John Jenkins after George Richmond ; published by Fisher, Son and Co., London, 1835. Wilkie, David. By John Cousen after a picture in the National Gallery of "Peace burial of Wilkie" ; published by James Sprent' Virtue, London. By Cousen after a drawing by D. Kennedy, of " Manse and Church of Cults, The Birth Place of Wilkie." By William Greatbach after Wilkie's " The Penny Wed- ding," painted for George IV.; published by George Virtue, London. By Greatbach after Wilkie's " Reading the Will," in the collection of the King of Bavaria. 4/8 Massachusetts Historical Society Wilkie, David (continued). By T. W. Hunt after Wilkie's "The Senorita and her Nurse," Madrid. February 19, 1828. ByP (?), 1829. By H. Robinson after Sir William Beechey; published by Fisher, Son and Co., London, 1846. William III. Artist unknown ; closely trimmed. By Gerard Valck after Adrian Vander Werf. William of- Nassau, Prince of Orange. Published by William Richardson, London, September I, 1802. William Harel Hendrik Friso, Prince of Orange. By B. van Gerrevink, 1747. Williams, Roger. By L. Fairchield after a drawing by Thomas Frederick Hoppin, of " Landing of Roger Williams." Windsor Castle. By James Baylis Allen after James Duffield Harding ; pub- lished by Longman and Co., London, 1840. By E. Brandard after James Baker Pyne; published in London, printed by Gad and Keningale. Published by J. and F. Harwood, London, June 4, 1842. Wirt, William. By James Barton Longacre after a drawing from life by himself. Wolcott, Oliver. By Joseph Andrews and William H. Tappan after John Trumbull in the possession of Hon. Josiah Quincy, in " The New England Historical & Genealogical Register " (IV, frontispiece) for January, 1850. Wollaston, William. By George Vertue, 1738. Wollaston, William Hyde. By James Thomson after John Jackson; published by Fisher, Son and Co., London, 1829, in " National Por- trait Gallery" (I, London, 1830). Wordsworth, William. By J. C. Armytage after Margaret Gillies; published by Smith, Elder and Co., London. By Achille Collas's patent process; published by Charles Tilt, London, printed by McQueen. Waterston Collection 479 Worlidge, Thomas. By W. H. Worthington after himself; framed. After a sketch of a head by him ; published by B. Pollard, framed. Same, the original sketch; framed. Wotton, Henry. By William Dolle. By William Holl after Cornelius Janssen in the Bodleian Gallery, Oxford; published by Harding, Mavor and Lepard, London, January i, 1824: proof on India paper, in Lodge's " Portraits of Illustrious Personages of Great Britain" (V, London, 1826). Artist unknown. University of California SOUTHERN REGIONAL LIBRARY FACILITY 405 Hilgard Avenue, Los Angeles, CA 90024-1388 Return this material to the library from which it was borrowed. NOV 1 1934 A 000884669