w^^mwmmmwmm^^^^^^^^^^^ Vv'i '.>'•• ^i.'J\ Z 2^9,2 ^/^^^^^ i JOHN HENRY NASH v^ Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2007 with funding from IVIicrosoft Corporation http://www.archive.org/details/californiaOOcoolrich K* BY INA COOLBRITH SAN FRANCISCO THE BOOK CLUB OF CALIFORNIA MDCCCCXVIII * 500 COPIES PRINTED BY JOHN HENRY NASH, SAN FRANCISCO DECORATIONS BY LAWRENCE B. HASTE PORTRAIT BY DAN SWEENEY COPYRIGHT, 1918, BY INA COOLBRITH INTRODUCTION I HAVE always believed that the Poet of the New World— of the World— was to come out of the West— from California. Why not? Would it be more strange that this broad land by the shores of the vast Pacific should produce the Supreme Singer, than that a little Island of the far Atlantic should have given birth to the Bard of Avon— to that kinglier brow than ever wore a crown ? For California is a Poem! The land of romance, of mystery, of worship, of beauty and of Song. It chants from her snow-crested, cloud-bannered mountain- ranges; it hymns thro* her forests of sky-reaching pine and sequoia; it ripples in her flowered and fruited valleys; it thunders from her fountains pouring, as it were, from the very waters above the firmament; it anthems from the deeps of the mightiest ocean of the world; and echoes ever in the syllables of her own strangely beautiful name,— California. The spell of enchantment which she wove about me from the day when— a little child— I entered her bor- ders thro' the rocky mountain-pass from the long trail aaoss the great plains, was not lessened by the after- INTRODUCTION vision of the Southland grape and jig, orange and pomegranate,— or the (so-called) deserts of sand and ca8i, which the spring months covered with a carpet of bloom rivalling the richest dyes of the Persian looms. Rather has it increased with the passing of time. And then she is, as our brothers of France would say, of such a Bigness; is so stupendous! Surely, of her, greatness only should be bom : why not the great- est of all,— the Master Singer? With all this mind-enwoven, it was but natural, when in after years I was asked by the University of California to contribute a poem for its Commence- ment Day, that I should seek to voice my belief How inadequate the expression to the inner song only I may fully realize. Yet am I glad that the first Com- mencement Poem to be mitten by a woman for any university, is of, and bears the name of California. Ina Coolbrith. CALIFORNIA WAS it the sigh and shiver of the leaves ? Was it the murmur of the meadow brook. That in and out the reeds and water weeds Slipped silverly, and on their tremulous keys Uttered her many melodies ? Or voice Of the far sea, red with the sunset gold, That sang within her shining shores, and sang Within the Gate, that in the sunset shone A gate of fire against the outer world? ir'oR, ever as I turned the magic page Of that old song the old, blind singer sang Unto the world, when it and song were young — The ripple of the reeds, or odorous. Soft sigh of leaves, or voice of the far sea — A mystical, low murmur, tremulous Upon the wind, came in with musk of rose. The salt breath of the waves, and far, faint smell Of laurel up the slopes of Tamalpais. . . . CALIFORNIA /\m I less fair, am I less fair than these. Daughters of far-off seas ? Daughters of far-off shores, — bleak, over-blown With foam of fretful tides, with wail and moan Of waves, that toss wild hands, that clasp and beat Wild, desolate hands above the lonely sands. Printed no more with pressure of their feet: That chase no more the light feet flying swift Up golden sands, nor lift Foam fingers white unto their garment hem. And flowing hair of them. For these are dead: the fair, great queens are dead! The long hair 's gold a dust the wind bloweth Wherever it may list; The curved lips, that kissed Heroes and kings of men, a dust that breath. Nor speech, nor laughter, ever quickeneth; And all the glory sped CALIFORNIA From the large, marvelous eyes, the light whereof Wrought wonder in their hearts, — desire, and love I And wrought not any good: But strife, and curses of the gods, and food. And fire and battle-death I Am I less fair, less fair. Because that my hands bear Neither a sword, nor any flaming brand. To blacken and make desolate my land. But on my brows are leaves of olive boughs, And in mine arms a dove! "^EA-BORN and goddess, blossom of the foam. Pale Aphrodite, shadowy as a mist Not any sun hath kissed! Tawny of limb I roam. The dusks of forests dark within my hair; The far Tosemite, For garment and for covering of me. nr CALIFORNIA Wove the white foam and mist. The amber and the rose and amethyst Of her wild fountains, shaken loose in air. And I am of the hills and of the sea: Strong with the strength of my great hills, and calm With calm of the fair sea, whose billowy gold Girdles the land whose queen and love I am ! Lot am I less than thou, That with a sound of lyres, and harp-playing. Not any voice doth sing The beauty of mine eyelids and my brow? Nor hymn in all my fair and gracious ways. And lengths of golden days. The measure and the music of my praise? ""/\h, what indeed is this Old land beyond the seas, that ye should miss For her the grace and majesty of mine? Are not the fruit and vine I CALIFORNIA | Fair on my hills, and in my vales the rose ? The palm-tree and the pine Strike hands together under the same skies In every wind that blows. What clearer heavens can shine Above the land whereon the shadow lies Of her dead glory, and her slaughtered kings, And lost, evanished gods ? Upon my fresh green sods No king has walked to curse and desolate: But in the valleys Freedom sits and sings. And on the heights above; Upon her brows the leaves of olive boughs. And in her arms a dove; And the great hills are pure, undesecrate. White with their snows untrod. And mighty with the presence of their God! n CALIFORNIA ''"JriEARKEN, how many years I sat alone, I sat alone and heard Only the silence stirred By wind and leaf, by clash of grassy spears, And singing bird that called to singing bird. Heard but the savage tongue Of my brown savage children, that among The hills and valleys chased the buck and doe. And round the wigwam fires Chanted wild songs of their wild savage sires. And danced their wild, weird dances to and fro. And wrought their beaded robes of buffalo. Day following upon day. Saw but the panther crouched upon the limb. Smooth serpents, swift and slim. Slip through the reeds and grasses, and the bear Crush through his tangled lair Of chaparral, upon the startled prey ! u CALIFORNIA | '■''LjISTEN, how I have seen Flash of strange fires in gorge and black ravine; Heard the sharp clang of steel, that came to drain The mountain's golden vein — And laughed and sang, and sang and laughed again. Because that 'now,' 1 said, 'I shall be known! I shall not sit alone; But reach my hands unto my sister lands! And they ? Will they not turn Old, wondering dim eyes to me, and yearn — Aye, they will yearn, in sooth. To my glad beauty, and my glad fresh youth!' " What matters though the morn Redden upon my singing fields of corn! What matters though the wind's unresting feet Ripple the gold of wheat. And my vales run with wine. And on these hills of mine n CALIFORNIA The orchard boughs droop heavy with ripe fruit ? IVhen with nor sound of lute Nor lyre, doth any singer chant and sing Me, in my lifr's fitir spring: The matin song of me in my young day? But all my lays and legends fade away From lake and mountain to the farther hem Of sea, and there be none to gather them. """"L-zO ! / have waited long! How longer yet must my strung harp be dumb. Ere its great master come ? Till the fair singer comes to wake the strong. Rapt chords of it unto the new, glad song! Him a diviner speech My song-birds wait to teach : The secrets of the field My blossoms will not yield To other hands than his; :e'',^^' I CALIFORNIA | And, lingering for this. My laurels lend the glory of their boughs To crown no narrower brows. For on his lips must wisdom sit with youth. And in his eyes, and on the lids thereof, The light of a great love — And on his forehead, truth !" . . . Was it the wind, or the soft sigh of leaves, Or sound of singing waters ? Lo, I looked. And saw the silvery ripples of the brook. The fruit upon the hills, the waving trees. And mellow f elds of harvest; saw the Gate Burn in the sunset; the thin thread of mist Creep white across the Saucelito hills; Till the day darkened down the ocean rim. The sunset purple slipped from Tamalpais, And bay and sky were bright with sudden stars. ^J^:S A/ 2^