UC-NRLF III II Cuneiform Texts i\ 1 ' Metropolitan Museum ol Art EDITED AND TRANSLATED I'V A L F R I^ r> !'. M () 1 . 1) 1% N K F. Pi !. D. I'unr.isHFM I'M-; !"! MrsKUM 1 .-^0 ^ GIFT OF HORACE W. CARPENTIER Cuneiform Texts IN THE Metropolitan Museum of Art EDITED AND TRANSLATED i!Y ALFRED B. MOLDENKE, Ph. D. Published for thk Museum NEW YORK »893 • •• • • • , • • • ;• • • • PREFACE TO PARTS I. & II, In undertaking the publication of the cuneiform texts in the Metropolitan Museum of Art of New York City, I was prompted by the desire to render this small but interesting treasure accessible to students of the Semitic languages. These two parts are the first of a series of seven parts to be published as quickly as time permits. The texts referred to, are divided into two collections, known as the " Egihi," and the " Ward" collections. The former was purchased in 1878 from the British Museum, and the latter from the Rev. Dr. W. H. Ward of the Wolfe Expedition, by Gen. C. P. di Cesnola. the Director of the Museum. Part I contains 21 texts of the Egibi, and Part II, 35 of the Ward collection. Part I was published by me in June of this year under the title Babylonian Contract Tablets in the Metropolitan Museum of Art. The causes that led me to republish it here were numerous and weighty. Chief among them I may mention that the volume was published as a doctor's dissertation, and in the hurry to get the book into print, many typographical errors were overlooked, and mistakes that should have been corrected, were left untouched. I trust that in the present voluine all such errors will have been avoided. Another cause was the desire of the Museum authorities to have some publi- cation of their collections to offer to inquiring strangers and to the learned public. I regret that time did not permit me to have the Babylonian equivalents of many of the Assyrian signs cast. With the type at my disposal, however, the cuneiform text has been made to appear as similar as possible to the original writing on the contract tablets. Also in the transliteration many peculiarities will be found, which I have seen fit to discard in succeeding parts. Part I must, in fact, be considered a book by itself, complete and independent of any other part. The indices of Part I have also been incor- porated in the preface instead of being placed at the end as in the first edition. The correspondence of such letter as li, «, k, etc., to Hebrew letters will be readily seen. Part II will be found to be, I trust, an improvement upon Part I. Not only is the type of the cuneiform text exactly similar (excepting peculiarities of hand-writing of the individual scribes) to the original characters on the contract tablets, but the distinction between the transliteration and the trans- lation is brought out more clearly by the use of Italic type for the former , \ 435804 iv Preface to Parts L & 11. instead of Antique Roman. The notes have also been made as short as possible, and they confine themselves to explanations of the text and to refer- ences. They have been relegated to the end. The remaining texts in the Metropolitan Museum of Art have been divided for publication as follows : Part III will contain Nos. i-io of the Egibt, and Nos. 16-45 of the Ward collection, Total : 40 Texts of the reigns of Nebuchad- nezzar, Amelu-Marduk and Nergalsharusur. Part IV will contain Nos. 32-36 of the Egibt and Nos. 66-77 of the Ward collection. Total: 17 texts of the reigns of Cyrus and Cambyses. Part V will contain Nos. 37-56 of the Egibt, and Nos. 78-120 of the Pf'ar// collection. Total: 51 texts, chiefly of Darius. Part VI will contain about 50 undated contract tablets, 5 belonging to the Egibi collection. Part VII will contain all the Assyrian, Babylonian and Accadian texts of the Ward collection not included in any of the other parts. In conclusion I wish to express my most sincere thanks to the Museum authorities, especially to Gen. C. P. di Cesnola and to Prof. I. H. Hall, for their kind and liberal treatment and for the manifold facilities that they have courteously placed at my disposal. Also to my brother, the Rev. Dr. C. E. Moldenke, who is at present publishing a catalogue of the Museum's magni- ficent collection of Egyptian antiquities, I wish to express my thanks for his kind help, especially in the drawing and procuring of the signs that are so frequently used in Part II, and will be required for the publication of the remaining parts. New York City, ) Oct. 1st, 1893. \ A. B. MOLDENKE. PART I. Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2008 with funding from IVIicrosoft Corporation http://www.archive.org/details/cuneiformtextsinOOmoldrich LIST OF BUUKS yUUTKD, AND ABBREVIATIONS. AbbIi ttnd Wikckt.er, Keilschrifttexto ziim Gebraiirh hci Vorlesungen. (Sanhe- ril), Asaihiiddon) Horlin 1800. BeitrJisp ziir Assyriologic und Vcrgleichendon Scmitischeii Sprachwissonschaft. herausgegeben von Fr. Dclitzsch iind P. Haupt. Leipzig 1889 - 1892. . . B A BuirxNOW, R, E„ A Classified List *c. Loydcn 1889, Delitzsch, Fr., Assyrischc Grammatik. Berlin 1889. " Assyrische Lesestflcke. Dritte Auflage. (Sintflutbericht) LeipziK 1886. " Assyrische Studien. Ileft I. Leipzig 1874. Babylonian and Oriental Record. London. ..... BOIt Hoffmann, Ausziige aus syrisohen Aeten persischer Miirtyrer. Leipzig 1880. HoMMEii, F., Geschichte Babyloniens und Assyriens. Berlin 1885-1889. Jensen, P., Die Kosniologie der Babylonier. Strassburg 1890. Lagarde. p., Agathangehis. i Abhandluniren der Koniglichen Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften zii Gottingen, Vol. XXXV) 1887. LOTZ, \V., Die Prisma -In.schrift des assyr. Konigs Tiglathpileser I. Leipzig 1880. . LTP Peiser, F. E., Babylonische Vertrttge des Berliner iluseums. Berlin 1890. . Bab. Ver, " Keilschriftliche Actensttieke. Berlin 1889. PoGNON, H., L'inscription de Bavian. Paris 1879. Sayce, a. H., Lectures on the Origin and Growth of Religion (Hibberd Lectures). London 1877. ScHRCEDER, Phoniclschc Sprache rait Entwurf einer Grammatik. Halle 1869. Sitzungsbericht der Koniglichen Akaderaie der Wissenschaften zu Berlin. 1889. Smith, P., Thesaiu'us Syriacus. Clarendon Press, Oxon. 1879. Smith, .S. A., Keilschrifttexte Asurbanipals. Leipzig 1887 - 1889. STRAS.SMAIER, J. N,, Babylonische Tcxtc, Heft I- VIT. Inschriften von Xaboni- dus, Nabuchodonosor und Cyrus, von den Thontafeln des Britischcn Mu- seums copiert &c. Leipzig 1887-1890. . . , Straus. Nabn., Nhk., Cyr. Strassmaier, J. N., Inschriften im Museum zu Liverpool. Leyden 188.'>. " Verhandlungen des 5 ten Internationalen Orientalisten Congresses zu Berlin. 1881. TaLiLqvist, K. L., Die Sprache der Contractc Nabft-na'ids. Helsingfors 1890. . '/.iMg. TiELE, C. P., Babylonisch-assyrische Geschichte. Gotha 1886-1888. Zeitschrift fur Assyriologie. Leipzig 1883 - 1892. . . . . Z A. Zeitschrift der Deutschen Morgeniandischen Gesellschaft. . . . ZJJMG INDEX OF PUOPEK NAMES. The superior numerals r^rr to the lines of the tablets, while the other numerals refer to the tahlelt. I. CITIES. [dln]Babilu 11 '» '• 12^' " 13 >' ■» 14" 15 M 16 16 >' 17 »♦ 18 la [19 "] 20 "6 21 so aa 9^ >' >' 23 ''■' '* 24 '" 25 '" "" 26 32 3« 27 >' i« as " *' <{0 '" 30 *' " 81 1» Nisannu 26" 28>»29»« Aim 22' 14"' Simanu 30 ' * Dftzu 25 "31 •' Ululu 27" 17* »♦ Babilu 14 " 16 '» 17 » '« 20 »» 24 «♦ 29 " Barsiba 18 • » am Bit-Sar-i 31 » » amKa8-8ur(P)13» II. MONTHS. TaSritu 13 '» Samna 27 ♦ "^ 15 »* Samna-am-a 21 '" Sabatu 19 » 20 * •♦ 23 >' 24 »' Adam 11 '" 12 ^' 16 " 18 " aa" 23' III. GODS. Bll 21»'25>» Ou-la 24 " aarri-lfu 17 " 25 »» Na-na 17 >» .30 ' • Ninip 16 * *^ Sa-maS 18 ' :V. PERSONS. Ai 11 ♦ 22 '' ill! t-a-na-jir 25 » Uu A-ba-ba-ti-la 27 ' Ab-la-a 30" Ab-la-da 18 » Ib-nsra 21 '" 1-gi-bi 12 M4 '« 20 ♦ " 21 ' '» 22 " 23 " 28 ' 29 » 31 ^ » 26 ' '» Idanin-Nabd 18 '» Id-dara 25 * Iddin- 21 » Iddiu-Bil 23 » Iddin-Marduk 17 ' » 18 > 23 »» 24 » 25 » 28 »» 19 » la-ha-ta 21 » Iddin-Naba 20 »' 29 ■" 31 « Iddin-ua-hu-nun-ti-i6-Marduk 28 " Iddin-na-Naba 21 " Aha-ba-ni 17 »« 25 »« t^ir-Marduk 22 " l^ir-fia-na-nim 12 * The Metropolitan Museu/m of Art. U-ka-ga-tu-ra-fiad 30 * »u lUatu-u 11 » 14 " 1-mid-Bu 19 • Amtu 28" t-sag-gil-ai 26 " A-pak-kal-ia 26 " Ipi-ifi-ilu 13 » 14 ' • 22 ' ♦ 30 • « Ikbi-[Marduk] 20 ' I^ifia-apla 26 '• Hfl-Sarapla 17 =" 18 " 23 " 24 » » 26 ♦ 28 31 • A-ra-bi 17 ' Ir-ba-Marduk 14 »« Ardi-ia 29 '■^ Arad-Bil 13 »♦ ""22 '»29" Arad-Marduk 21 •" 22 ' 25 • " Arad-Nirgal 22 •■' 25 '» A-6a-a-na-6ad 25 * It-ik-kal-a 15 » It-ti- 25"' Itti- 29 "• Itti-Marduk- -balat.u 26 ' Itti-Marduk-balat.u 2(i « 27 ' Itti-Nabft-balatu 29 " 31 '" Ba-bu-tu 12 "" 26 « "' Babu-u-tu 27 ' ' Ba-la-$ull '26" BU- 15 " BU-uballi-if 15 '" •» BU-ibni 31 • Bil-iddin 13 » " ''^ " 14 ' 20 ♦ ' "• Bil-di-hir 29" Bil-idanin 28 '^ Bil-zir-ibni 26 '• Bil-afel-iddin 27 " Bil-afeI-i]fe:i-Sa 19 * Bil-^arran 17 " BU-iflr 27 • BU-Hir 31 ' • Bil-Hi-ru 11 • 29 " Bil-kasir 12 '» BU-Marduk 27 • Bll-nayir 25 •'" Bil-apal-iddin 11 '" 19 • 24 » '» Bll-pat-ta-nu 12 ' ' Bll-UfMa 16 "30« » Bil-ri-man-ni 12 " 24 » BilH§um-i«ku-un 23 "* Bll-4u-nu 12 " 19^ 30 » Bani-ia 20 ' * Bani-i-a 11 » 29 « » Bani-um-ma-gu 27 '« Ba-ni-ia 12 " 15 M6 • '• 20 '\?) Bani-a-tu-i-aag-ila 16 • '• Bit^ti-ia 21 ••25" Ou-la-ri-nin-ni 11 M2 ' '• »» Da-bi-ia 13 >• Da-bi-lii 21 " Du-ub-bi 20 ' ' Du-um-mu^ 13 '* Dan-a 11 " Di-na-a .30 •» >'u Dalnu-zir-ibni 30 »• Zir-ai 21 '• Zi-ri-ia 15 " 27 » Zir-ukin 24 " Zir-atu 22 »* Haran-na-'-Su 16 " Hu-nu-ti-ti6-Sama6-bala(u 11 * Hu-pu-u 28 ♦ Ka-di-di 14" Ka-di-nu 12 '» Index of Proper Names, XI Kal-oc-a 21 ■' " ai [-J • " Ku-up-pu-ut-tum 29 • » '" "■•' Ki-rib-ti 21 " La-a-ba-di ~7 ' La-di-pi 30 '» Lu-u|f-a-na-n£lri-Marduk 21 '* Man-di-di 1.1 >♦ .'JO ♦ '« Mu-sal-li-mu 25 ' Mu-sal-lim-mu IT '"' Mi-sir-ai 2(5 '" Mi-sa-tum 22 « Marduk-ban-zir .'U '" Marduk-iddin 21 '' 29 " Marduk-zir-ibni 14 '^'^ Marduk-iti-ir 12 "• 22 ' 25 ' * Marduk-musallim 17 " 24 " Marduk-lpi-iS 21 »♦ Marduk-iki-Sa-an-ni. 11 » 12 " '* 14 '^^ Marduk-irba 14 '"^ Marduk-Sum-ibni 18 '" Marduk-Sum-ufur 28 " Marduk-Sarra-ni 16 * ' Mu-5l-zib-BU 20 ' »» Na-ba-ai 27 * Naba-balat-iddin 20 » Nabft-bala^su-ikbi 29 " Naba-bala^su-[ikbi] 15 ' " Nabft-bani-aha 24 ' Naba-ga-mil 26 " Nabft-iddin 20 » 24 i" " 28 >' Nabtl-zir-iddin 11 '^ '• 16 »' 22 '« Nabii-zir-iki-Sa 25 " Naba-zir-SutlSur 14 •' NabG-afel-bul-lut 14 '" Nabft-a^i-iddiu IJ ' " '» Li '" 14 " 17 " 18 » 20 ' " '" 22 ■' 23 ♦ 26 » 27 " 28 » • 29 ' 31 '' ' Nabfl-ahi-iddin-na 21 ' ♦ " " NabO-alji-irba 11 '- Nabtt-i^lr 15 » » ' Nabfl-ukin- 15 " Nabd-ukin-apla 25 • NabCl-lit-su "'* '' Nabii-mu-u-da 11 '* Naba-musallim 11 '" Naba-mu-Si-ni-ud-da 12 '« 26 » " '» Nabii-na'id 11 •"• 12 •'••' 13 '» 14 •'° 15 '» 16 18 17 5 15 18 i-i 19 11 20 '" 21 "•■' 22 " 23 '* 24 '» 25 '" 26 " 27 " 28 '• 29'" 30 " 31 '' Naba-na^fir 28 '♦ Naba-is-kip 18 » Naba-apal-iddin 11 ' »'" 12 ♦ '• 13 «• Naba-u?ur 26 '« Nab-ik-bi 29" Naba-rimu-lip-tum 23 • Naba-ri-man-ni 25 ' • Naba-iriS 25 " 30 " Naba-u-Su-da-kata 22 * Naba-Sum-iddin 14 •'' 15 » 16"' »• Naba-Svim-uSur 16 » 27 »» Naba-iSip-u§ur 17 ^-^ Naba-itti-apli 28 ♦ JSTu-ub-ta-a 26 ♦ Na-din 23 " 26' '^^ Na-di-nu 15 ' ^ ITa-din-Marduk 24 ' Na-din-Si-bar 15 " Ni-lat-tum 29 " '■"'" Ni-mi-ku 13 >' Nu-u-pu 11 '* xu The Metropolitan Museum of Art. Na^ii-^at- ai 14 ^^ Nttr-i-a 30 « Nlrgal-uballi-it 13 M4 » Nirgal-iddin 14 » Nirgal-itlr 26 ' "' Nirgal-musallim IC '* Nirgal-na'id 11 '* Nirgal-ujur 29 * Nar-Sin 11 »M7 •■' * 18 « 24 » 28 « ' Na-fii-i-Nabft-apla 20 '• Na-iSi-ir-na-a 20 ' Su-ha-ai 14 "' Sin-ga-ga-nim-mi 10 '* Si-nu-nu 16 • Sin-tab-ui 11 " Su-lj;arai 27 •' Pu-na-ni-tum 18 * 9al-a 29" 9il-la-a 15 ' 20''30* '* 9ir-diS-bit 27 " 9a-ti-lu-tum 28 » Kur-bau 11 '* Kur-ban-Marduk 14 >» Kur-ban-ni-Marduk 13 ' Bi-dal-Samad 22 " Harmu-u-a 10 * Rammanu-a^l-uballi( 11 " Raraman-u-ml-i 12 '" Raminanu-6um-iddin 24 '" Rammanu-&uin-ufur 27 " Ri-mut 13 » • 'M4 '• '• 25 » '» Ri-mut-BU 27 • Ri-6ar-tura 29 » ' '* "• 6u-Bu-ba 23* dakan-ium 25 ' Su-la-a 12 • 14 """ 20 * '» 21 ' 23 » • da-am-ma-' 27 " Sa^abti-Au 16 '" Sa-an-na-a -J^ ''«'•'• »• da-na-6i- 11 ' §apik-zir 15 • • 10 '♦ da-aA-Bll-fi 28 * Tab-lu-^u 29 » •• Tab-ni-i 17 " ' Tab-ni-i-a 11 " 18 ' 25 »* •• Ta-ki«-Gu-la 22* . -ufur-bllu-u 12* .-i^-ka 11 " ■ -dum-ukiu-na 21 ' INDEX OF PROPER NAMES ACCORDING TO GENEALOGY. Thtffintt column gitvs the name of the permn, the second that ofhl» father, and the third his family name. Only thoaenames are catalogued here, of which the geneaUtgy is ghvn , orwhich Aeiiv «)»«c special attribute tii distinguish them from other names of the same form. For all other names see preceding inilejc. Iddin-Marduk apal su sa Iki-da-apla apal Nftr-Sin Iddin-Marduk " Iddin-na-^u-nun- (i-i6-Marduk " Scribe of the \%th Tablet. *Iddin-Naba- " Iddin-NabQ Iddin-NabQ Iddin-na-Naba " 1-a-na-^ir " Il^i-fia-apla " Irba-Marduk " .Scribe of the 14 Hi Tablet. Ardi-ia " Arad-Bil Arad-Marduk " Hcribe of the 21 s( and 25 th Tablets. Arad-Marduk " Itti-Marduk-bala^u " Scribe of the 22nd Tablet. Itti-Marduk-bala^u " Itti-Marduk-bala{u " BU-dum-iS-ku-un Nabfl-nasir amilu ^ipu [Bani-ia] •« Du-ub-bi I^l-Sa-apla •• Bil-ibni 9al-a ,, Ib-na-a «. Da-bi-bi Mu-8al-li-mu A-pak-kal-ia .. t-gi-bi Mar-duk-ikl-Sa-an-ni " lllatu-u Itti- « aiiiliu Sakanu Du-um-mulf .« Arad-Bil Bit-ti-ia (amilu t.MASBil 1 amilu fiangu Bil *' Marduk-ifi-ir " Arad-Bil " Nabft-afel-iddin " Naba-abi-iddin amilu fia- tabti -Su A-ba-ba-ti-la 1-gi-bi 17 19 25 t s »28 18 > 24' lit 23 la 28 'U 20 1 1 31 8 29 ■ii 21 16 25 8 26 IK 14 it 29 ■i* 13 14 21 1 s 25 IT 22 s •>•> 1» 22 " 26 « 28 ■* 29 " " 1116 1 » 31 1 6 8 Itti-Nabft-bala^u " " Marduk-ban-zir " BU-i-tlr 31 '" Scribe of the 31 st Tablet. tItti-Nabtl-bala$u *' " Marduk-iddin •• Bil-i-^i-ru 29 " Scribe of the 29 th Tablet. Bil-uballi-it " Na-di-nu 15 " Scribe of the 10 "" iangu Ninip Iti a I* Bani-um-ma-gu " Scrllie uf the it? Ih Tablet. <• Bll-a^l-iddin-na " 9ir-dii-bit 27 ii Da!nu-zir-ibni " " Ab-la-a *• Ipi-li-ilu 30 * Zir-fttu " Nabd-zir- iddin 22 14 Hu-nu -ti-tiS-&amafi- bala^u •' Ai •• Bll-l-^l-ru 11 1 Ki-di-nu " Marduk-l^i-ir " Ramman-u-ml-1 12 la Kal-ba-a fla-ba-ta " |NabQ-abl-iddin «« 1-gi-bi 21 31 1 « > 4 « Iia-a-ba-ft; " Zi-ri-ia *• Na-ba-ai 27 1 La-di-pi " Di-na-a M t Lu-uf-a-na-nftri- Marduk " " Ki-rib-ti •• 1-gi-bi 21 1 Marduk-iddin " " Marduk-ipl-lS " Zi^ai 21 9 Marduk-zir-ibni " " Su-la-a " Nafir-feat-al 14 X Marduk-itl-ir " Hi-mut " Arad-Nirgal 25 4 Marduk-musallim " Scrilie of the l~i th Tablet " Nabtl-&ip-ufur ** A^a-ba-ni 17 4 Marduk-iki-Sa-an-ni" " Bani-i-a •• lllatu-u 11 *Marduk-ikI-Sa-an-ni • " Ba-ni-ia ♦• -ufur-bllu-u 12" 14 Marduk-iarra-ni " •• Bll-iki-fia " da-tabti-$u 16 1 Nabft-balaJ-iddin " " ^il-Ia-a •* Na-iSl-ir-na-a 20' Nabfl-balat-su-ikbi *• " Bani-ia " Bi-&ar-tum 29 > Nab(i-balat-su-[ikbi]" " Zir-ia «« ainllu band 15' Nabd-ban-a^a " " Iki-§a-apla •' Na-din-Marduk 24 = Nabft-ga-mil " " Nabft-mu-6i-ni-ud-da " l-sag-gil-ai 26 ' famUyname Is broken off at tbebef T •Very likely identical with tlie preceding, The winning. hence the latter Is uncertain. Genealogical Index of Proper Names. XV NabA-iddin apalsu s'a Bil-idanin av ,ai amlln ni-fur-gi-na 28 la NabG-iddin " Zir-ukin • • arailu Sangu Quia 24 '• Nabft-iddin " " Mu-6i-zib-BIl • Na-Si-i-Nabd-apla 20 • Nabft-zir-iddin amllu mar Sipri daini 16 «» Nabd-zir-iddin *' •• Nabfl-musalliiii * * Sin-tab-ni 11 '« Nabft-zir-iki-Sa " Sakan-dum 25" Nabfl-zir-Sutifiur " •' Nabd-fium-iddin * • Ka-di-di 14 i I Nabft-afei-bul-lut " *' Marduk-irba ' ' Su-^a-ai 14 "» Nabft-afel-iddin " Su-la-a • ' i-gi-bi 12 T a lA Scribe of the 20 th Tablet. 14" 20' * '"21 "23* NabCl-a^t-iddin-na " Nabft-iriS •• 9il-la-a ' • Man-di-di 30 ' ' » Scribe of them th Tablet. . Nabtl-iriS " Tab-ni-l-a ' • A^a-ba-ni 25 '» Na-din amilu IR. SaL.TAB(?).SA 23 «> Scribe of the 23 rd Tablet. Na-din '* Scribe of the 28 th Tablet. •• Nlrgal-itir • Ba-bu-tu 26 » ■"' Nflr-i-a " BU-ikl-Sa ' a'nilu Sangu Nana 30'" Nixgal-na'id " •« Nabd-zir-iddin ' • -it-ka 11 '* 8u-ka-ai " •' Kal-ba-a ' '•' Babu-u-tu 27" Bi-dal-Samad " " ttir-Marduk • tpi-iS-ilu 22" Bammanu-ahi-uballitS' " Dan-a ' • Ndr-Sin 11 " Ki-mut " '• Ai " Arad-Nirgal 22 " Bi-mut •' NabCl-ukin-apla 25' Ri-mut " " Ni-mi-ku ' ' Man-di-di 13" Ri-mut " •' Kur-ban-ni-Marduk ' • Ipi-ifi-ilu 13 '" 14 >• Bi-mut-Btt " BU-Mardvik • Sa-am-ma-' 27" XVI The Metropolitan Museum of Art. Su-la-a apal Ku sa Iki-ia-apla apal Iddin-Bil 23« Sapik-zir ' " Nabd-ium-iddin '• Na-din-fii-bar 16 « • Sapik-zir ' " " Ifirgal-musallim •• Sin-ga-garnim-mi 16 '• dara$-Bil-fi • " Nabd-itti-apU " Hu-pu-u 2g» /-Tab-ni-l -j • Tab-ni-i-a J • '• Naba-afel-iddin [ amilu iangu «>" Zari^^u \amilu§angu>lu damai 17 11 18 » '^Tabni-i-a amllii dangu ilu Zari^u 25" Tab-ni-1-a ' • " Nabd-mu-u-da " Nu-u-pu 11'^ Scribe of the 11 th TabU-l. -dum-ukin • • •• Iddin- ' •• Id-da-a 21 ' 2S « Thefollomiig Jive naiiuti are those of (lie ivomen uhone genealogy is given in ihme texts. Theij are appetided here, because the persons can thus be more readily found in other texts. Atntu marat Hu sa Marduk-&um-uf ur 28* Bani-a-tu-i-sag-ila ** " Nabft-Sum-iddin 16 ' '• Nabft-u-fiu-da-%:ata " ** Ta-ki6-Gu-la «p«i »ni1lii ijipu 22* Nu-ub-ta-a ** " Nabft-mu-Sl-ni-ud-da " t-sag-gil-ai 26* Ni-lat-tum " " Arad-Bil . I^bi-[Marduk?J 28 • A GLOSSARY OP THE ASSYRIAN WORDS OCCURRING IN THE TEXTS. u and. Very frctjncnt. ainiiu iB-bani carpenter. 21 '" abalu to biing. i(-bal 29 ■ * adi together uith. a-di 14 ' 16 ' 18 » 2S " a-di-i 29" a-di Hi Mn/«. 22' 29" a-di Hi Sa untilthat. 26 »♦ idu hand, side, i-di 26 "• afeu j>or/ion, half, a-fei 13* 15* a-^a-a-ta-Su-nu 25 •' it-ti a-^a-miH uith one another. 28 • Itiru to receive. iHi-ru 17 * i-ti-ni 22 '» 24 ' i-tir-tum 28 ' i-^i-ru pay. 28 ' akalu to eat, c&nstime. ik-kal 13 ' 15 ' ul not. 13»28»29«' >« ilu god. Determinative. Fre(iuent. alft c«7i/. 13 * 31 " ina all u siri in citif and country. 15 * ili ahont. 31 * For other instances see under adi, viltu, ana, and ina. llu to go up, make out. il-li 13 ' il-la-' 12 '* i-'-i-li 12 • i-ti-li 25 ♦ ' ul-ti-la 31 » aladu to bring foHh, tu-li-da 11 ' alaku to go, il-lak (in the phrase nadutti illak) possesses. 13 " il-la-ku ibid. 14* alpu cattle, al-pa 20 ' I-lat to be additional. 13 " 30 » uitu from. 15 ' 21 ♦ ul-tu ili below. 13 ' ultu ili mi-^ir-tu in behalf of. 18 • umft dmj. 11 »» 12 "'13 '» 14 " 15 '« 16 " 17« 16 igu 1910 20 » >« 21^1 22 '• 23'» 24 >« 25 »• 26 " 27 «» 28 »» 29 " 30 »• 31 i» amilu wian. Determinative. Frequent. amiliitu slave, a-ml-lut-tum 29 " ummu mothci-. 26 '• ummi-8u 29 "" amilu l.HLAh priest. 21 >' a.an Added to numerals. &nu not to be, ia-a-nu 13 '" ana a-na to. 11 » 12 " " 15 ' 20 ' 21 " 28 » 29 'SI « • for. 11' 12" « '• 16' 17^ 21 » 25 " 29 ' '• " wi regards. 13 * to the value of 14 »•«»'«"' ^ a-na Hi against. 13 • on account. 25 * ' ina in, at, for, after. 12 ' 13 * • 14 » 15 « » • 17 * 18 •' 19 * 21 " 22 • 24 » 26 '^^ 27 ♦ ^ 30 • ina ili against, to be received of 13 ' 14 * ' 15 » ♦ 16 ' 17 •■• 20 » 22 » 23 ♦ 24 » ♦ 26 ' 27 ' " ina ili-Su ^7 " 27 ' ina ili-iu-nu 26 * ina lib-bi there- upon. 26 " ina kata from, from the hands of 12 ♦ 18 » 19 » 28 * 29 ♦ 30 " an-u8-ti-nu 25 • u.an.tim receipt. 12 " >» 14 ' 28 » 31 » aplu son. construct: apal. Very freijuent. ipidu to receive, acquire, i-pu-fiu 29 * 31 ' i-pu-Su 12 * ip-pu-uS 15 * ip-pu-ufi- Su 13 * i-pu-uS-Sa 28 ' i-pi«-Sa 31 ' i^u viood. Also determinative. Isu i^^u 14 1 » arad iarrfttu An official. 11 "» irsitu land. Determ. following Babilu (not transliterated in this book). Also 31 ' \ amilu IB.SAIi.TAB(?).Sa 23 " iSu to be. i-Sa 23 »« i-Su-[u] 26 >♦ aSabu to sit down, u-iib-u placed. 26 ' a- fia-bi presetice. 26 " * afiiatu icife. addati-Su 16 * ail$at-su 18 * aSfiat-du 26 * sercant. ad-Sat-ti 16 " aS-Sat-su-nu 16 » idtin one. ifiti-in 31 ' iar[a-tu(?)] /. 26 " itti with, it-ti 13 • 28 » it-ti-i 15 * itilfu to take away, i-ti-ik 13 » » utru profit, u-tur 13 ' 15 * balafu to live, bal-tu-u 28 ' amilu band carpenter. 15 ' ' ba«ii to he. ba-Si-1 18 »» XVlll The Metropolitan Musevmi of Art. bltu liouse. 36 'o blt-ia 26 >• blt-8u-nu26 " gabbu all. gab-bi 26 »» gab-bu-tu 16* gabrft rival, another, duplicate, gab-ri 12" gallu male nUirc. gal-la 25 ' ' gal-la gal-la 14 «• amilu gal-la 17 ' gallatu female slave, gal-lat-su 22 " amliu gal-Iat-su 11 ' emilu oiM is to hv road amtiii band car- penter. gamru entire, all. gam-ru-tu 12 * gam- ru-tum fnUncKs. 11 ' gimru vegetables, gim-ru 30 " gind offering, naa'ijice. gi-nu-u 28 * amilu ni-fur-gi-na 28 ''■''♦ (set* note.) gu-ri-nu threshed (?) 14 '* giirru A incasiirn for dry and liquid sul)- stanccs. gur 25 '" giSimmaru dalcpalni. 28 ' DU Sec manzazu. dibbu comj)laint, lawsuit, dib-bi 14 ' da^-^u-tum additional, further demand. 18 '» . ainllu dalDu judge. 23 » dalni 16 '» dannu large, karpatu dan-nu-tu jar, ves- sel. 14 ' dan-nu 14 ' duppu contract tablet. 28 ^ 31 ' dupsaru scribe, dupsar 12 '* dup-sar 23" amilu dupsar 11 " 12 '" 13 »" 14 "♦ 15 •* 16 '* 17 " 20 " 21 '" 22 " 24 •=> 25 " 26 •■" 27 "* 28 '» 29 " 30 >» 31 '• zir-mu-u An iron instniracnt. 14 " zittn portion, share. 15* bubullu intirest. 19 ' 24 • ^ubulla-Su 22 ' ina feubvilli at interest. 18 « 24 » ^tldu pleasure, ^u-ud 11 '' 21 " harranu business. 13 ♦ '" ''^ 14 » " 15 ' ' tu shekel. 11 ' 13 ' ' 14 « « ' lo m n ig n 18 ' 19 ' 20 1 22 • * 24 * 25 '"»•"' 26 ' ' » ■ 27 « 28 ' 30 ' » 31 ♦ » t&bu good. 14' >» kl if. ki-i 27 » iehen. 29" Kl.IiU 28 ' kalalu to be complete, i-kat-lul 29 ' * kam Placed after numerals to form ordi- nals. Very frequent. k&mu instead of. ku-um 11 * ka-pak-i 85 ■ kasd cup. tf) karea-a-ta 14 " kuBBu chair. ';" kusai 14 '• kaspu silver, moneg. Very frequent. ka«pi- ia 26 >■ kaspa-a 11 ' 13 " kaspa.a.an 12 • 22 * karu A mea.sure. kartu-u 25 " ka-ri-iu-nu 26» karpatu dish, vessel. Used as detcrm. 14 ■ 14 not. 18«»23'* 27* libbu heart. lib-bi-«u 11 ' 21 ■ ina lib>bi thereupon. 26 * libittu brieA-. 28 * lUfd to take, il-tl-^u-u 31 ' ma^aru to receive, ma-^ir 28 * ma-^i-ir 30 • ma^-^ir 18 • ultu ill mi-^ir-tu in behalf of 18 ♦ mukinnu tcitncss. amilu mu-kia-nu 11 '• 12 »• 13 >» 14 " 15 «• 16 " 17 • 21 »« 22 >' 23 • 24 • (?) 25 "• 26 •» 28 '• 29 •• 30 «• 31 • wnllu mu-kin 27 • mala Sec the following. mimma tehatcver. 13 * ' mimma ma-la as much as. 13 * 15 * mana A piece of money, ma-na 11 ' 12 * • 14 " 15 ' 10 » 19 » 22 ' » 23 • '» 24 » 26 ' ' 27 ' ma-ni-i 24 • 26 • 27 • manft to count, ma-nu-u 14 * • mandatu hire, wages, man-da-at-tum 16 * manzazu presence, witness. 17 ' 18 ' 19 * maru son. mar Frequent. mar-6u Fre- quent, amilu mar Sipri messenger. 16** maru-u-tu adoption, 21 * mar.bandtu An official. 11 '* mami hatchet, mar-ri 14 " Glossary of Assyrian Words. XIX martu daughter, marat-su 16 " 22 " 2C ' 28 ' 29 • '•• mu-fia^-bi-nu A bronze \itensil. 14 "* madkaQU security, pledge, mad-ka-nu 11 * 16>«22«26'> " ma§aru to leave behind. u-ma5-ii-ru 29 ' '^ matu land, mat Pctorni. Fre(Hient. nadanu to giro, id-din 11 ' 29 " id-di-in 21 » id-di-nu 20 « 29 » iddin-nu 17 " id-i-nu 27 » i-nam-din 20 » 22 * 23 ' 24 « i-nam-di-nu 16 ' 29 '" na-din 24 ' na-din-na-mu 12 ' ' li-nad-nu 21 ' na- da-nu 18 ^ ina-ad-din 27 * u-da-nu- tu 17 ' it-ta-din 29 '^o 31 ' nam^aratu A vessel, nam-^a-ra-ta 14 " namfatu A vessel, nam-sa-a-ta 14 '^ ni-8i-su Indding. (?) 29 >» nafaru to protect, amilu ni-fur-gi-na 28 '* '* (see note.) nadd to rai.te. To bring : nardi 11 ' ' na-Sa- a-tum 29 '^'^ To take: i-na-Su 15 ' 16 " To lend : na-Sa-a-ta 22 ' ' na-aS-fei-ip-ti An iron utensil. 14 '* naSilttu command, commission, bidding, na- aS-ut-tum 12 ' 14 * na-[afi-ut-tuj 29''^ na-afi-ut-ti 31 '" 30 ' nifi-ru 16 ' amilu SA 13 ♦ Bil^a An official. 11 » suliipu date, (ka-lum-ma) 14 ' sipparu copper. 14 '" " 20 ' panu face. To be received from : la-pa-ni ■>K I ■! i lU It To be at the ~o ' ' ina pan z'o ^, disposal of: 14 '• pakiranu An official. 11 '-' parzillu iron, 14 '" " pa-ri-rl-is female sheep. (?) 20 * pi-da-an-na equal. 29 * ainilu pa-fii-ki 15 '" patu certificate, pu-ut 11 » 24 » 29 '^ pu- u-tu 15 * ^abatu to take, fa-bit 25 " ^ab-ta 20 " fibtu j>08«f««t(>H. fib-tum 15 ' ai^ru small, fi-^i-ri 21 * firu plain, field, coiintrji. 25'" ina all u flri in city and country. 15 * ka A measure. 14 * kibtt to speak, say. a]b:-bi 11 ° i^-bu-fiu 21 • iiiniiu klpu guardian, keeper. 22 '" 23 " kakkadu head, capital. 15 " katCl hand, in&kiktk from, from the hands of. 12 * 18 ■' 19 '* 28 " 2i) ♦ 30 « ta-^ata-mi6 See note to 14 ' * raba /(> became great, increase, i-rab-bi 17 • 24 ' 26 » 27 ' u-rab-bu-Su 21 ' amilu rab.ka-a-ri An official 23 * (see note.) ri^tu remaindir. ri-ih-tum 31 ' ri-i^-ti 29" ri-hi-it 23'»" riksu contract, ri-ik-su 12 " riku empty, ri-ku-tu 14 ' da of, which. "N'ery tre(iuent. Su 16' 6a he, it. fiu-u 12 "> 21 '» fii.bar grain. 25 "» Sadd east. 21 '" Sidatum present, fii-da-tum 29 " dafaru to write, fia-ta-ru document. 31 ' fia- ^a-ra in uriting. 29 • ' Sakanu to 2)1 ace, set. fiak-na-tum 11 ^ amilu Sakanu gorernor. 29 ^* Sikaru wine. 14 ' ialamu to be perfect, fia-ta-lam-mu 14 " to be jMtid, hence, to receive: i-§al-li-mu 22 " Sumu name, fiu-mu 15 ' §um-§u 12 ' SImu price. 11 M2 * '" 28 « 29 " 6anii /() change. 6a-a-na-a-na neilhir. 13 " §i-na doul)le. 18 ' fiangu priest. a™'l« fiangu 16 * " 17 '" " 18 " 24 »■•' 25 «=" "* 30 ' « dipru message. «uiilu mar dipri messenger'. 16 »« XX The Metropolitan Museum of Art. *araku to present, i-fiar-rar-ku 29 " Sarru king. 23*" Sar 11 »' 12 "■' 13 '» 14 " 16 '» IG '» 17 » »• 18 >» 19 »» 20 " 21 " 22 »' 23 '« 24 '• 25 "• 2G "♦ 27 '« 28 »' 29"' 30 " 31 " Sattu year. 11 "" 12 "' 13 «» 14 "• 15 • '« 16 7 ID 17 6 i» ig n 19 10 20 '♦ 21 ■•" 22 " 23 " 24 '» 25 »» 26 " 27 '« 28 '• 29 " 30 '• 31 '-^ iatta icery year. 31 ♦ ianati tivo years. 19 * ta Placed after numerals. 14 » " ' « " 19 » ta-l^ata-mii i>ee note to 14 " ta.a.aQ 31' tibnu straic. 14 '* ti-lit-tum amount. {?) 18 * taru to turn, return, u-tlr 29 »• ti-ra 26 "' ti-ra-iu 26 •» NO. 11. FRONT. , ^ ji^l .'I ^111 ^ I t5- ^4- 1-^ -El -TM C-eT r^ 3^ ET- V :e!I V ^ -f I ^ ^I- I --f ^T <> JUT Tini I? I "^11 ^? :^^! (=||y|!= s!4iI4^ ^^- ^! ^T ^ Efe ,„^ llUed with u hard Uluty uutMUmce, reuUerlug the decipherment dilBcult The tour edges are not written upon. Transliteration. 1 Nabtl-apal-iddin apal-&u ia Ba-la-(u apal da-nardi- 2 inal bu-ud lib-bi-6u Qu-la-ri-nin-ni 3 amilu gal-lat-Bu 6a Hu-nu-ti-tid-damai- bala(u 4 apal-£u &a Ai apal BlM-(l-ru ku-um 6 1/3 (u kaspi ma&-ka-nu &ak-na-tum 6 u mar-fiu da ak-bi tu-li-di 7 a-na 1/3 ma-na kaspoA Sim gam-ru- tum 8 a-na [MardukJ-il^l-fia-an-ni apal-ftu &a Bani-i-a 9 apal tllatu-u iddin pu-ut si-^i-i 10 pa-ki-ra-nu arad-6arrQ-tu mar-banA-tu 11 Nabd-apal-iddin naril. 12 amilu mu-kin-nu BU-apal-iddin apal-6u 5a Nabft-a^l-irba 13 apal Kur(P)-ban Rammanu-a^l-uballi( apal-§u 14 da Dan-a apal Nflr-Sin Nlrgal-na'id 15 apal-du da NabO-zir-iddin apal . . . -it-ka 16 Nabtl-zir-iddin apal-du §a NabCl- Tramlation. 1 Nubilapaliddin, the sou of Balatu, the son uf Sbauasbe 2 in the pleasure of his heart, Oularininni ;j his slave, — whom Iiiuiutiiis|ishauia.sh- balatu, 4 the son of Ai, the sou uf Beleteru, In- stea«l of 5 one third shekel of money hh Kccurity had set, — Band her child, wiiom h.- Miid •.In- will give birth to, 7 for one third niana of money, the full price, 8 to Mardukikishanni, the son of Bania, 9 the .son of Kllatu, gave. The certificate of the .sihi, 10 the pakiranu, the arad-sharrutu (and) the nuir-banntu officials, 11 Nabuapaliddin will bring. 12 Witnesses: Belapaliddiu, the .son of >"a- biiahirba, 1.3 the son of Kurban; Itammaniialuuballit, the son 14 of Dana, the son of Nursin; Nergalna'id, 15 the son of Nabuziriddin, the son of . . . itka; 16 Nabuziriddin, the son of Nabumusaliim, Second Tear of Ndbonidus. musallim 17 apal Sin-tab-ni amilu dupsar Tab-ni-i-a 18 apal-du Sa Nabft-mu-u-da apal Nu-u-pu 19 Babilu ara^ Adaru dmu 5 kam 20 dattu S. kam Nabft-na'id 21 6ar ' Babili 17 the son of Sintahni. Scril»»»: Tahnea, 18 the son of Na))»iniu(la, the son of Niipn. 19 Babylon, in the month Adiir, on the 5 th day, ■^0 in the 2 nd year of Nabuna'id, 21 King of Babylon. NOTES. 2. ina ^u-ud lib-bi-Su. A lepra] phrase. See Peiser's explanation in Z. A. Ill, 70. — 3. The space in tlie line indicates an erasure on the tablet by the scribe. He probably, by mistake, also erased the perpendicular wedge that usually introduces a person's name. — 5. §ak-na-tum. This form occurs also Strass. Nabn. 253, 10. — 6. A very condensed expression. It is peculiar to find the form ak-bi used here in- stead of ik-bi. We would expect the third person; the sense evidently rccjuires it: I have therefore translated it thus. The same form occurs in Strass. Nabn. 1113, 18 and 720, 10. I would class it as one of those mistakes so common in collo^ JT tTTTTc Second Year of Nahonldus. } mm -^ Tf I V T -f <^T -m ss I? T -+ ^4f '=1111'= I- ^M ^ «ail T "E=Tn ^1 iv I V T ^n -TH « S: T^ T I^T Xir- m ,v ^^^ i(l-ir 19 apal Ramm^n-u-mi-i u "milu dupsar Bil-ka^ir apal-du 20 da BU-ri-man-ni apal Ba*bu-tu 21 Babilu ara^ Adam iimu 22 kam iattu 2 kam 22 Nabfl-na'id iar BabilL 17 I^lshunu, the son of Kelpattanii; 18 Kidinu, the son of Marduket£r, 19 the 8on of Itamra&nume ; and the itcrib* Belkasir, the Kon 20 of Belrinwnni, the son of Babutu. 21 Babylon, in the month Adar, on the 22nd day, in the 3nd year of 22 Nabiina'id, King of Btibylon. NOTES. 3. In the bi-eak here the last sign would indicate that either Nersral or Marduk has been broken off. — 5. Literally, "he made ", then, "he received". — 6. As it was no concern of lVlardtikiki- ip-pu-u6-fiu a-bi 6 ina u-tur Bil-iddin it-ti Bi-mut 7 ik-kal uMu Hi 1 ^u kaspi 8 fia-a-na-a-na ul i-ti-i^ 9 da i-ti-ilF a-na Ui il-Il 10 Bil-iddin na-ad^ut'ti ia barr&nl 11 il-lak mixnma i-lat ia, Bil-iddin 12 ia-a^nu kaspu ia t>arr&ni ia NabCt-abt- iddin 13 amilu mu-kin-nu Hi-mut apal-iu Sa Ni- mi-ku 14 apal Man-di-di Arad^Bll apal-du ia 15 Du-um-muk apal Arad-Bll 16 amilu dupaar Nabi^pal-iddin apal-du ia Da-bi-la 17 apal Su-ba-al Babilu ara^ l^airitu 18 ftmu 22 kam iattu 4 kam Nab^na'id 19 iar BabiU Tranntalion. 1 X Rhfikel of money which Rimut, the «on of 2 Kurlmnimarduk, the son of Kpe^hihi, 3 1;* to reeeire from Keliddhi, the son of XerjralulialHt, 4 the HOH of the ... In rejjard to bu«i- upss, a.s much an he 5 in the city Ka-^^ur ffaitis, a share C in the profit I'eliddfn witli Uimut Twill consume. B«>low 1 r away, again!«t (him) there ix a debt. 10 Beliddin the command of the huxinesx 11 pos.se»!*es. Whatever is additional, be- longing to Beliddin 12 it IH not. The capital of the businet^H be- longs to Nabiiahlddin. 13 Witnesses: Uimut, the son of Ximeku, 14 the son of Mandidi ,' Atadbel, the son of 15 rikmnnik, the son of Aradbel. 16 !* ►f-T MIEI Tablet of a light brown color, 2 x S'a inches. Tlie upper and lower aides are well-curved, while the ilsf ht and the left sides are perfectly Hat. The signs are very plain and clearly made. There Is a small space after line 27 dividing the writing, otherwise the latter goes around tiie tablet continuously. The hides contain no writing. Tran Alteration. 1 40 karpatu dan-nu-tu ri-^u-tu a-di 2 2 ta nam-f a-arta u 2 ta nam-ha-ra-ta 3 ina, dib-bi 10 dan-nu da iikari tabi »- na 413 [\j:a] 3 (u 3 ^a 1 (u kaspi ma-nu-u Translation. 1 40 empty vessels together with 2 2 vessels; 2 sacrifif 21 .Mardukirba, the son of Siiha; Nab&zir- shutesbur, 22 the son of Nabushumiddin, the son of Kadidi ; >lardukziribni, 23 the son of Shu la, the son of Nasirhat- 24 and the scribe Irbamurduk, the son of Mardukikl^lianni, 25 the son of £llutu. Babylon, in the month Aim, 26 on the 23 rd day, in the 6 th year of Na- buna'id, 27 King of Babylon. SlxtJi Year of Nahonidiis. 13 NOTES. 1. ri^utu must be connected with p"*"! "empty." — 2. namf ata is mentioned also (nam-sa-tum) in Strass., Mabn. 258, 12 ; Peiser, liab. Ver. CXLIII, 11 ; Haupt, B. A. I, 176. nam^arata. Cf . Lotze, TP 1-5. This word occurs again in Stress., Nabn, 258, 13; 787, 13; Cyr. 183, 18; also in Peiser, Bab. Ver. CXLVIII, 14. — 3. dib-bi means "suit, complaint before a cwirt." For other instances see Tallq. p. 63. 6ikari ^abi. Consult Pei- ser, Bab. Ver. p. 249. For the different varieties of wine see Zehnpfund's excellent notes in B. A. I, p. 524, note ***, and his addition to this note on pp. 634, 635. — 4. This line seems to say that the wine shall be rated at a reduced price. — 5. The sign for mail^u is uncertain. Cf. Peiser, K. A. p. 101; Bab. Ver. p. 243. — 9. It seems as if the sign for ^u had been written on the tablet instead of ^arranu at first. — 10. mu-fia^-^i-nu. Tallqvist on page 132 suggests "a utensil of bronze." 6ar-ta-lam-mu must be taken from the root &al4mu "to be perfect." — 11. kaaata may be the Hebrew TQ*Q — 12. mar- ri "hatchet." Tallqvist on page 97 fully explains the derivation and meaning of the word. Zehnpfund, however, in B. A. 1, p. 535 and 636 objects to this translation. He treats marru as a synonym of ungu "ring." nadhipti is some utensil made of iron. The tvord occurs also in Strass., Nabn. 571,15; 784,2; 926,4; Peiser, Bab. Ver., p. 305. 13. zir-mu-u also in Strass., Nabn. 258, 36. tibnu occurs also, but spelled out, in Strass., Nabn. 231, 3. gu-ri-nu may be connected with the Hebrew ?*^J| "threshing floor." Hence tibnu gurinu may mean "threshed straw." — 16. That kata-mi& is added to numerals in order to denote fractions, the denominator of which is one num- ber higher than the given number, and that the latter forms the numerator, is coAclu- sively shown in the "Sitzungsbericht d. Kgl. Ak. d. VVissensch. zu Berlin," 1889, p. 828, Anm. 1. — 17. galla galla is the old way of writing the plural. — 19. Ku.-ban- liarduk is the same person that is mentioned in 13, 2, which see. ina pan is an idiomatic expression, meaning " to be received from," (cf. 25,; but ina pani, here, means " to be at the disposal of, to be the property of." — 20. bul-lu(. The usual form is bul-li^ ; the w of bul has evidently attracted the vowel in luj. — 25. JUlatu-u (also 11, 9) is also given in Strass., " Worterver. z. d. Inschrift. z. Liverpool ," p. 20. — 2C. Undoubtedly na'id, as the first three wedges show. Tablet dated in the year 540 B. C. Nabuahiddin, and Rimut had formed a partnership. They deter- mined to give up their joint business. Nabuahiddin, therefore, makes out a list of the articles and the money that are to fall to the share of Rimut. There we find copper, iron, and wooden utensils mentioned, and their respective values given ; spices, wine, and money added, and all handed over to Rimut. Even Beliddin, their business manager, is compelled to pay back to Rimut the money he loaned from the latter. It is to be regretted that we know so little about the various vessels and implements mentioned here. The value attached to each, however, tshows them to be small and common objects. 14 The Metropolitan Museum of Arf. NO. 15. FSOKT. J? y ETA! J - ciTTTt e:^ - If -TIT Tf -^T JT -^ / t:^E EE -^T I » 8- «=TTTT«= ^^T 5r:TtT ^A }]< ^T T "^II -ll^l Ull .TH V T"=^tTtT-^ J^ IMS „^ -v- lETI "7^ T ^^V\ ^ ^TT a „T"7^<- EElUf £^ Be<'n writ- ten for uffur, but was changed to its present form. — 11. amilu band iQIM). See Tallqvist, p. 57 and 61. — 12. wnliu pa-Ai-ki. For other passages see 'iallqvist, p. 118 ? also his note. — 14. Dated in the year 640 B. C, as the preceding tablet. Shapikzir and Nabueter have made a business venture together. Be- sides the little money they invested, they borrowed as capital to work with a certain amount of money from Bel , the son of Nabushunir usur. Now, there had been some disagreement, and the partners sought to frame this document, as an agreement explaining their relations toward one another. Nabueter is thus shown to be i of a mana in debt to Nabushuraiddin, which sum he covers by real estate in the city and in the country. In the profit derived from their business, both are to have an equal share, excepting that Nabueter is to have an additional amount of two shekels, by virtue of some ser\'ice (not explained in this tablet) rendered. This sum is to be paid upon his name ; that is, he is to give a receipt for this money independent of the tirm-uame, he alone receiving the money. NO. 1 «. FRONT. . II ET ^T H< ^T V <- 1^ T? ^T SfT i^]tj :»imi . Ejt i5- El! W T ^tTtl ►y ►¥■ s-f ^ V ^M ►f-T } m Tablet Is of a dark brown color, the reverse la almt>.st black \\}ixVi Inches, and rectangular. The signs are not very distinct. The left and right sides are not written upon. Transliteratum. 1 1/3 ma-na kaspi 6a Bani-a-tu-t-sag-ila 2 marat-8u Sa Natft-Sum-iddin 3 ina Hi Ba-ni-ia apal-Su da Nabfi-Sum- iddin 4 apal "Jnilu dangu Ninip u Ra-mu-u-a £ aidati-iu kaspu man-da-at-tum TVanslation. 1 X n^ana of money which Baniattiesagila, 2 duujrhter of Nabushiimiddin, 3 is to receive from IJania, the son of Xa- bushiimiddin, 4 the son of the priest of Ninip, and of Humiia, 5 his wife. The money is the wages 18 The MetropoUtau Museum of Art. 6 6a Si-nu-nu aA-sat^ti 10 (u kaspi 7 i-nam-di-nu a-di 3 6u &atta 8 u nifi-ru gab»bu-tu 2 i-na-6u 9 Ho-an-na-'-Su a&-6at-su-au 10 mai^-karnu i^a Bani-a-tu-l-sag-ila 11 ttmilu mu-kin-nu Ma'duk-Aarra-ni 12 apal-§u 6a Bll-iki-6a apal Sa-tab i-du 13 NabQ-zir-iddin nmilu xaki ftipri dalni 14 Sapik-zir apal Nlrgal-musallim 15 apal Siu-ga-ga^nim-mi u xmilu dupsa? 16 Ba-ni-ia apal-.^u 6a Nabii-Suin-iddin 17 apal nil>> 6angu Ninip Babilu ara^ Adaru 18 (imu 6 kam iattu 6 kam Nabft-na'id 10 fiar Babili 6 of Siniinii the xervunt. 10 ttlifkelx yliiii. in the month Adar, 18 on the (Jth day of the 6 th yoar of > a- bftna'id, 19 King of italtylon. NOTES. 1. Baniatu.' A form from tlio root band "to build." Hence, probably, "daughtAT." Compare the Hebrew T\l'2 "to iM'^'et," Gen. xxx : 3. Isagila was the name of the teui- pel of Mardiik at lubylon ,Z. A. H, ).. 179; Tiele, Habyloniscb-AsxyrLiche Geschiclit*-. p. 541 ; Jensen. Cosmologie j). 49^: Hommcl, Babylouis«-h-A««yri«che Genehiehte p. 2;J- mologie p. 4'7(, liowever, doubts it ; also W inckler in A. & W. Keilschritttexte, Schrift- tafel No. C47. Here it is some artiile. If 4u is to be read Aanitu, liania and his wifes«><>m to agree to pay the remaining 10 shekels (1 mana - 60 shekels,)^ mana - 20 shekels; 10 they pay immediately, leaving 10 to be paid) in three installments during the year. For the word §attu see I'ognun, L ' inscription de lUivian, p. 168. — 8. ni4-i-u must have the meaning of '-sum" or "debt" in this passage; cf. Tallq. p. 108. It is curious that the simple numeral, two vertical wedgeiJ, suflices to denote the "two'* persons. — 14. 'Ihe serib*- wrote apal instead of apal-Su 4a; the latter usually pre- cedes the father's name, while the former precedes the family name. Some other rea- son, however, may have prompted this omission. — 18. I>ated in tlie year 549 II. C, as the two preceding tablets*. Bauiatues.igilii had loaned her brother, the prie.»*t of Ninip, and hi.s FJqWi Year of Nahonidus. 19 wife lur slave Sinuiui for "20 sliekels wages. Baiiia was not rich enough to pay the amount iniraediately, so he j>aid 10 shekels at once and promised to pay the reniiiinder during the year. Until this agreement liad been complied with, the sLive of Bania and lils wife was to remain as security with his sister. Even among so closely related members i)l' a family legal forms had to be complied with 1 NO. 17. FliOKT. ,IL T IM }}< -^T T T ^ -J <^ x 2 Inches. The stgrns are plainly and neatly made. All thea- vullable spaco on the tablet i.s used for writing, though the llueK and the individual algiiH lu-e well divided. A large round bole In the middle of line 4. extending Into line 6. and a small brvalc at the end of line 7. are the only things that mar the pc^rfectlon of tuib lltUe tablet. The word« " King of Babylon" are found In the middle of the left side. TrttHtiWtmi'wn. 1 1/3 (mana ' 4 ^u kaapi 6a Iddin-Ma duk apal-6u Aa 2 I^l-6a-apla apal N>>> Za-ri-^u u ^mSlu dupsar " 13 Marduk-musallim apal-6u 6a Nabii- 6ip-i.'8ur 14 apal Aha-ba-ni Babilu arah Ululu 15 amu 28 kam 6attu 8 kam NabCl-na'id 16 6ar Babili TS'nnAaium. 1 X mana 4 >lii-kels of money whielj Id- dinnuirduk, the sou of 2 Ikiximpla, the Mon of N&rsin, from 3 Arabl, the ulave of Iddlnmarduk, 4 tlu" son of Nur^ln, will re«-eive in tli«« nionlli I'liilu, 6 of the 8 th yinir of Nabilna'id, Klujf of liabylon. 6 Ever}' «lay a«ainst lilm it will increase, 7 The money, which for witueiM ^feen; was K>ven, (Arabl) 6 baK ^iven. 9 Witnesses: ndUarran, the son of 10 Musallim, the imn of the prie«t of Nana; 11 Tabn<*, the s then Ihe word Ix'canio a proper name, and we find one Arabi, the son of Bilsunu, the son of the priest of Samafi, mentiont^d in Strass., Cambyses 257, 14. l.'i. (Se«> also note to Isaggilai, 20,(5.) Between lines .3 and 4 apal-du &a I^l-da-apla, his fa- ther's name, is oniitt«'d, and only the family name is given. This is the reason why we tin 8- -^T s«- ::^ If ^TrT vT <: t--E sonc«> of (i Itt'liiliikisliu, 7 the son of Hclshunii ; S and 1i4>la]mli(l(liM, th<> son of *.) Knudsti. In tin* month Sbabat, 10 on the ICtli day, in tlie 9tli your of 11 NaWuna'id, King of l?al)ylon. NOTES. 4. ma-hi-ir. The sijrn for hi is bhirrod and indistinct, and I \va« led to road u in its stead in the first edition of this hook. Now. indeed, the form of the word is clear and t lie sense of the passaire is ol)vious. The same form occurs in ;50, 8.— 5, manzazi. ( onsult note to 18, 7. — 9, As no mention of a city is made, we are led to infer that Bahylou is meant. — 10. This tablet is tliorefore dated in the year 546 B, C. Balatu has loaned a certain sum of money from Iddinmarduk and now, at end of two years, he brings the interest, \ mana and 4 shekels. Or, as a mana contains 60 shekels, he brings 24 shekels. We are not told the rate of interest in this case; and as the latter varied greatly from exorbitant to insignificant rates, we are entirely in the dark, how nmch the sum of money loaned amounted to. NO. J>0. PltOKT. J? ; V T £! -E! n If I ^^\ 4f^ ^ .^! -!I:it he will fjfve 6 the sheep ?\ the ox, and) thecopjKT, 7 which MuHhezibbeJ to 8 Nabnuliiddin gave. 9 Witness's: Nabuitldiu, the s»m of 10 M)i.she/.ilihi-l, the son of NaKbenabdapia; I Ninth and Vtiidh Years of Nabonidus. 27 11 Iddin-Xabd spal-du ka. [Bani-iaJ apal Du-ub-bi 12 u Hmilii dupsar Nabft-abl-iddin apal-du aa 13 Su-la-a apal t-gi-bi Babilu 14 ara^ §aba(u amu 23i P) kam iattu 9 kam 16 Naba-na'id dar BabilL 11 Iddiiinabti, t\w son of Kania, the hoii of Dul)bl ; 12 and the 8crlb«i Nabiiahiddin, the son of 13 Shul&, the son of Egibi. Babylon, 14 in the month Shabat, on Mm 23 rd day, in the 9 th year of 15 Nabftna'id, King of Babylon. NOTES. 2. maru and aplu are trsed indisiTiminately hi the Contract Tablets, — 3. The sign for 6a is a little peculiar. We gem'rally And ttco small vertical wedges above one heavy vertical wedge, here we have only mie. 1 have printed three in oth»T cases, because my type did not contain the sign with two, and because it is more easily recognized. — 6. pa-ri-ri-is I would connect with parratu "a female sheep" ('lallqvist, p. 117; Delitzsch, Asjtyr. Stud. p. 166i. '1 he word, liowever, if read correctly, must be classed among the unknown. — 11. Without doubt Bani-la, as the first signs show. There is room for only two signs. — 13. The form of gl is curious. The other parts of the sign the scribe must have forgotten, as such a sign was not in use among the Babylonians. On tablet vtt), lines 2 and 3, of thisbooli, we find it written in the form of a single vertical wedge. The size of the break in this line will admit of but two more vertical wedges. — 14. I'ablet dated in the year 546 B. €., as the preceding. Nabubalatiddin has lent Nabuahiddin 4 shekels o/ money. The latter In-ing unable to pay, agrees to give instead of cash payment the sheep, th*? «x, and the copper utensils just given to him by Mushezibbel, one of his debtors. Alpu is the general name for cattle ; he therefore might l»;4ve promised a calf or a cow. NO. 21. FHONT. 28 The Metropolitan Museum of Art. :E^ I V T J! -El If !? I :^f -TT4i. :=: Jf -^! E!«= "=!!!!«= ^}*- eTAT M ^^t ,. Elt I W ! <:il scf -T- T? T ^f-f -TTA. ti JiAVK. .Jf T"3^^ If If ni Inch) not used. Also between lines 10 uiid li, the scrltie ha« left a large space. None of the four edges arc written upon. The upper »Hlge of the obverse is broken off at the two corners, the larger break being on the right side. The extreme right of the obverse is also damaged in many places. The signs are large and beautifully made ; and the lines are well spaced. TrannUtrraiion. 1 . . . .&um-ukin-na ma>&u 6a Iddin- . . . ■ 2 ina ^u-ud Ub-bi-fiu Kal-ba-a ma:-du 3 [6a] larha-ta Sa Nabft-ahl-iddin-na [ma -Su] 4 da Na" fl-a^l-iddin-na ul-tu si-hi-ii 5 u-rab-bu-fiu u li-nad-nu 6 u fia ik-bu-Su a-na NatA-ahi-iddin-na 7 m4r-Su da Su-la-a apal t-si-bi 8 a-na maru-u-tu id-di-in 9 Kal-ba-a mar §a Nabfl-ahi-iddin-na 10 Su-u 11 amilii miu-kin-nu Lu-us-a-na-jitl-i- Marduk 12 mar-Su sa Ki-rib-ti apal t-gi-bi 13 Marduk-iddin an»U« IB-banl 14 apal-Su Sa Marduk-ipi-iS 15 apal Zir-ai Iddin-na-Nabd 16 mar-Su Sa It-na^a 17 apal Da-bi-bi 18 u amilu dupsar Arad-Marduk apal-Su Sa 19 Bit-ti-ia apal «milu i-maS Bil 20 Babilu arah Samna-am-a 21 ftmu 4 kam Sattu 10 kam 22 Nabtt-na'id Sar Bablli. TransUition. 1 — . sbumukinna, the son of Iddin 2 in the pleasure of his heart, Kalba, the son of 3 lahata, — whom Nabttahiddinna, the son of 4 Nabuahiddinna, from smallness 5 had made him great, and had indeed given 6 also what he had promised him, — to Nabuahiddinna, 7 the son of Shula, the son of Egibi, 8 for adoption gave. 9 Kalba, the son of Nabfiuihiddinna, 10 is he. 11 Witnesses: Lusananurimarduk, 12 the son of Kiribti, the son of Egibi ; 13 Mardukiddin, the cai-penter, 14 the son of Mardukepesh, 1.5 the son of Zirai ; Iddinnanabd, 16 the son of Ibna, 17 the son of Dabibi ; 18 and the scribe Aradmarduk, the son of 19 Bit'ia, the son of the priest of Bel. 20 Babylon, in the month Marcheshwan, 21 on the 4 th day, in the 10 th year of 22 Nabiina'id, King of Babylon. NOTES. 1. The name does not occur again on the tablet ; we therefore cannot supply the mis- sing links. — 3. That the son bears the same name as his father is very rare. The brea^ at tlic end of the line will admit of only the two signs apal and Su. — 4. 5. "From smallness had made him great" is an expression for which I can find no parallel in any 30 The Metropolitan Museum of Art. <*ontract tablet. The sen-oe, however, is very plain. Kalba had been a slave, and Nabfui« hiddin adopted him, thtix making; him a free man, and ^ivin^ him all the privile get) that freedom implied. TIiIh was, indeed, a leap from Kmallnexs to greatness. — 5. U- nad-nuwith thepreeative li. This ooiturs often. — G. This Xabuahiddin must be the fa- ther, the one mentioned in line 4. — 8. ma litu is the t4'rm n-jfiilarly ust^d to i^ignify "adoption." — 9. 10. These lines give the gist of the whole tul)let. It is a quaint sen- tence and is entirely to tlie point. — 13. IB-banl "earpenter." a provisional transla- tion. — 10. i-maS is an ideogram. The name of this scribe occurs also iu 25, 17. But here his family name is given as apal "'nilu 6angu Bll, thus proving conclusively that l-oiail is a synonym of &angu, and pomibly ought to be read iangu. Tor other paHHogcit where it occurs, see Tallq. p. 4.'>. — £0. It is curious to note how the name of the month Marcheshwan is spelled out. The tirst of the three signs is deemed suftlcient in nearly all the other cases where the name occurs. Cf. L'>, 14; 27, 4. 5. — 21. Dated In tiie year 545 B. C. Nabualiid to adopt the hhive, to whom lie had iui^ --f- ^ „I-y-+<;:^^I If I V i-Piii -y 7 tff „If ^ Sf: ^'A I ^I ^ yn fC^ .,3lf S '='1 H e^^ ►y - wrlUen. excepting the name In the nrst line. It seems a» If something had been broken off In the beginning' of line 16. As the sense Is complete, however, the part effaced may not have contained any writing. TrannUltratiott. 1 l/2ma-naka8pi sa Naba-rimu-lip-tum 2 mar-6u 6a dj-zu-bu 3 uinllu rab.ka-a-.i da ftarri 4 ina ill Nabii-a^i-iddin 5 uiniiu dalnu mar-&u ia da-la-s 6 apal 1-gi-bi ina ara^ Adam 7 i-nam-din 8 aiiiiiu mu-kin-nu d j-la-a B mar-ilu &a It^i-Aa-apla apal Iddin-Bll 10 Iddin-Marduk apal-6u Aa Btl-Aum- i&ku-un 11 apal amilu ^ipu Na-din dup-«ar 12 mar '"»»" IR.SAIj.TABI P .SA Babilu 13 arah saba^u (imu 2 kam iattu 11 kam 14 Natfi-na'ld 6ar Babili 15 ri-^i-it 2 1 2 ma-na kaspi 16 la l-&a &arri TrannUition. 1 I... mana of money which Xuhurcniii- liptiim, 2 the son of Shiizubu, 3 tin- rubkari of the kinjf, 4 is to riH-eive from Nuhiiuhiddin, 5 the indge, the aon of !un of the (^ardian ; Nar tlie w.trl dupsi* ; cf. 11,17; 12, 19 ; 13, 16 ; 14, 24 ; &v. — 12. The reading of the title of the father of the scribe Is very uncertain, amll" IR occurs very often on the tablets (Tallq. ]). .'>0 , Jnit the remain- ing signs are so indistinct, that 1 venture to give them only w ith great reserve. — 13. In the year 544 B. ('. — 15. The whole debt must have consisted of 3 mana, only J^ in-.Mia of which was to be paid in the month Adar ; al)out this remainder there was un- doubtedly another tablet in existence. Naburenmlipttim has loaned Nahtiahidd'm | niaiia, wliich tho latter promises to pay back in the month Adar (March). Nabinemiiliptum nuist have belonged to the household of the king, and the ^ mana must liave been loaned from the king's funds ; for, in lines 1.') and 16, we find a remainder mentioned which did not belong to the king, but was the private propertv of Naburemuliptum. The fact that there is no state- ment to the effect that the ^ mana belonged to the king, is no proof; for Naburemuliptum had lent the money, and he alone was responsible for its return. He also, undoubtedly, kept a private account of his loans and disbursements for the king. The attributes in lines 3, 5, 11, and j)ossibly 12, show that the contracting parties must have been of high standing, and render the above explanation of the tablet very probable. NO. 24. FJIONT. J El V If T? I -^f -f <« -c^Itl A , T "^:rltl Ep ^ in T T ET V If I? I ^I ^^ <^\ . V M-} -<^}t] A I :ei c?: :^f \m}}< ^1 . - iiiiiiiiii ^^stti r-^ii 4f in:ina nf money which Iddinmurdiik. the son of 2 Ikisbiipla, tbe son of Ndrsin, is to re- ceive from 3 Nalmbanalia, tlie son of Ikisbapla, tlie son of Nadinmarduk. 4 Every month (at the rate of) upon one munu 1 Mbekel of money 5 at interest shall increase. Belriinanni. 6 the son of Mardukmusallim, a receipt / ha.s received (and) has given. Every month 8 interest he will give. Elextenth Year of Nabonidus. 37 e [amllu mu-kin-nu] Bll-apal-iddin apal- 6u 6a 10 Nab-f El . — - 'Ihe real interest shall be one shekel on every 44 TTie Metropolitan Mv^eum of Art. mana, that is, \% percent. But to this amount must be added tbe interest spoken of in line 9, which is 2K per cent, making tbe total interest for every month 4 1-6 percent, ma-ni-i. See Tallq. p. S6. — 9. u-i b-u. Strass., Xbk, 137, 11, has the form ui-Sik-u. — 11. 12. ti-ra. A peculiar form from taru. It is in tbe dual, agreeing with tbe subject: Nadin and bis wife, aabta is in the dual for the same reason. — 22. Tbe first signs show that "Nisau" is tbe month mentioned. — 25, 20. Women, as a rule, were not al- lowed to act as witnesses. We therefore find tbe short note simply to mention tbe fart that Nadin's mother, Belitsunu, was also present at tbe signing of tbe cootract, thus sig- nifying her assent to her son's actions. Ittimardukbalatu had loaned Nadin and his wife 36 shekels. These were to increase at the fixed rate of 4 1-6 per cent, about the usual per- centage for that time. Nadin and Nubta had evidently had some busi> ness transaction before with Ittimardukbalatu, for we find a security mentioned in line 11; but, on account of the break, we are debarred from learning of what nature this security was. However, they gave this back, and, in addition, they gave their house as security in retura for the money loaned. NO. 27. FRONT. , - <-ttT 4i. T -ET It' -^T - 2^ Inches. The writing Is very much effaced; in fact, the tablet is ^adually crumbling to pieces. The left side, as In most of these tablets, is not written upon. The above reading is the best possible. JVansliteration. 1 8 ta kaspi i-ti-ru Sa 2 Ka-ti-lu-tum i-tir-tum a-na Amtu 3 marat-su ka. Marduk-dum-u^ur Sa-a&- Bil-ti Translation. 1 8 shekels of money, the pay which 2 Katilutum paid to Amtu, 3 the daughter of Marduksbumusur ; Shashbelti, 48 The Metropolitan Museum of Art. 4 apal-&u fta Nafcfl-itti-aDli apal Hu-pu- u illmu 5 ina ^ata Itti-Marduk-bala(u apal-du 6a Natd-a^l-iddin 6 apal t-g^i-bi ma-^ir 7 i-pu-u6-Sa duppa fia KI.LtT libittu gi- nu-u u gi&immaru 8 a-di u.an.tim &a Nabu of Nab&ittiapli, tbeinm of Hu- ))U, (hi«) price 5 from the hand)* of Ittimtirduklmlatii, the Hon of Nubibihiddin, 6 the son of Egibi, received. 7 They made a tablet concerning , bricks, offerings, and date palms, 8 together with a receipt for Nabftabtd- din. 9 Witli one another not will they live. 10 Witne«M: Iddinnurduk, the Hon of 11 TlvNhApla, the son of XAmin; 12 Xahiiiddin, the Min of Helidanin, tlie Kon of the man ; 1.^ and tlie M-ribe IddinnuhununtiHhmur- diik, 14 the Hon of Nabiinanir, the non of the man. \U lUibylon, in the montli Ninan, on the 14th day, in in the 14 th year of Nabiiua'id, 17 King of Babylon. NOTES. 1. i-$'.--u must be a substantive here, as the sense and every like construction demand. — 2. i-tir-tum, from the sjime root as tlie preceding, though a change in the first vowel has occurred. This form is also found in Strass. Nahn. 6 0, 17 ; 720, 15 ; Peiser, Kab. Ver. XLIII, 17 ; I^XXl, 7. — Sa-aS-Bil-Ji : we would expect 8i-BA-BU-i(. 'I he last sign, however, is indiHtinct on the tablet. -^ 4. Natii-itti-apli : ''May Xebo be with the sons." — 7. i-pu-i:6-6a is in form the 3rd person plural feminine of the preterite. Kut there is no reason why the feminine should be used. I would again, as in 11,6, regard it as a mistake that has crept into this the colloquial language of Babylon. It will be seen at the first glance how much the different cases are coufoimded, especially in the contract tablets. The Babylonian at this stage resembles the Middle Arabic, where the pronunci- ation of the final vowels w iis often kept, but where, in four cases out of five, the wrong ending was used, leading, in the end, to the dropping of all final vowels. KI.LU may perhaps be an ideogram for yiau "sheep.'* gi-nu-u is taken by Tallqvist (p. 62) to mean "sacrifices, offerings." Peiser (Bab. Ver. pp. 258 and 289) takes it a« eiinin;Lr evldt'iitly (I(M's not fit into tliis ))as!4ii;r(>. 12. "nillu ni-8ur-gi-na may incan "tlio muii whti ;;iiiirds the sjuTificial offcrinj; ;" from na^aru "to protect" and ginft in lino 7. 1I«' vvoulil thus be an nttiu-he of tlw temple. — 155. 'I he sij^ns ^u and nun are euriout'ly blended f ojfether. — 1(J. Dated in the year 541 1». C. Tlu' I'xplanation of this text is easy. Katihittim and hor hiisl»an& for money received. And Rishartiim (and) 6 >«ilattum, the daughter of Aradbel, the son of Ikblmarduk, 7 and Beliddui, the son of Baniu, the son of Rishartum, 8 for money, an equal price, and KApput- tum 9 to Ittiniardukbalatu gave ; also 10 Tablutu, the daughter of ShjlnnSs 52 Tlte Metropolitan Museum of Art. 11 a-di-i kaspi-du id-din Itti-Marduk- balatu 12 u-mafi-Si-ru adi Hi nar[a4-ut-tu] 13 da-ta-ra 6a Naba-balaf-su-i^bi apal-iu da 14 Bani-ia apal Bi-Aar-tum i(-bal 15 Itti-Marduk-bala^u ni-si-su i-kat-lul 16 &aran-nar-a u Ku-up-pu-ut-tum a-na 17 6i-dartum ul i-iar-ra^ku ama kaapi 18 ul i-nam-di-nu &a-an-na-a u [Ri]-§ar- tum 19 Itti-marduk-bala(u ki-i u-tir i» ri-^i-ti 20 BU-iddia u Ni-lat-tum uinmi>iu it-ta- din 21 Ni-lat-tum pu-ut daran-na-a u 23 Ku-ui)-pu-ut-tuin na-6a-a-tum 23 ainllu mu-kia-nu BU-di-^ir apal-du ia 24 apal Nab-i^-bi Ardi-ia apal-Au &a Itti- 25 apal »">'>" dakanu Iddin-NabCl apal-6u 6a 9al-a apal 26 Itti-Nabn of 14 Bania, tlie xon of Kisliartum, Itf \\ill bring. 15 Ittimurdukbulatii his bidding hu- fiil- fillod. IC Shanna and K&pp&ttum for IT a prcitent not will he prei«ent (or) for money 18 not will he iiell. Sb&nmi and Kixhurtun) 19 Tttimardukbalatu, when be return* what renutinder (there in), 'JO (Ui) Keliddin and Nihittum, \\ii mother, he will give. 21 Nilaltum the receipt (concerning > Shtiii- nA and 22 Kupputtum will bring. 2y Witnowes: ISeldihir, the i»on of , 24 the son of Nahikbi ; Ardia, the >(>ii of Ittl , 25 the Hon of the overseer: Iddinnabu, the son of Sula, the Mon of ; 28 Ittinabiibulatu, the Mrribe, the M>n of Mardukiddin, 27 the son of Beleteru. 28 Pabylon, in the month Nisan, on tlic 20tbday, 'Z^ in the 14 th year of Nabuna'id, 30 King of Ikibylon. NOTES. 1. a-ml-lut-tum and gallu are used interchangeably. — 4. The determinative Hu "god" is omitted before Nirgal. — 5. The space in the word i-pu — 6u denote* an era-suiv by the seribe on the tablet. "And" must be "supplied at the end of the line, as Hi6artum and Nilattum were two different women. — 8. pi-6a-an-Da-a "equal;" compare the Hebrew DDS "to divide," hence "to divide into equal ijurts," then, "equal." pi-da-an- na in Strass. Xabu. 186, 5; 213, 2 ; 1029, 7 is undoubtedly the same word. — 11. Notiee Fmirteeidh Year of Nahonidus. 63 li<»\v pecuJUirly id-din is written. 'Ihe horizontal wedge lias the value of nad&nu, and the three slanting wedges must here be taken as the phonetic complement din : giving us iis the complete word the form iddin. — 1">. Sa-^a-ra I would take here a^ <«n ad- vi'rhiiil accusative, or as an uccusitive of specification. Compare "Ittw and Ixm. — ■ 14. i^bal. Iftcal of abalu. — lii. ni-si-su. Perhaps this might be a secondary form of nadfltu "bidding" from nadd. That the & should go over into s would not be a strange thing in colloquial language. However, I ofter this only as a suggestion. — 17. &i-da- tum i woidd connect with SidCl -'tribute," cf. Sanh. II, 5,'>. It fits especially well with i-Sar-ra-ku, from Saraku "to give, present," though the former is spelled with k and the latter with ^. — 18. Bi-6ar-tum. Ri Is omitted by the scribe by mistake : also the two combined vertical wedges at the end of the sign tir in line 19. — 20. ana invsr be supplied at the beginningof this line. — 24. Nab-ik-bi, a contracted form of Nal tl- Hfbi. It is strange that the scribe has not recognized this and written the god's name with tlie determinative. I consider this a good exjimple of how the Assyrian proper names were read. I believe that Nabft In proper names was read as it is here, and not, as in other cases, we are accustomed to tnmscribe it. I?ut as Assyrian is a written and not a sjioken language for us, we must transcribe the signs as they stand. — 28. The vSua. s'lrn din is omitted before Babilu. — 29. Dated in the year 541 B. C, as the preceding tablet. The sense of the tablet is briefly the following. Ittiraardiikbalatu has been commissioned by Nabubalatsuikbi to acquire foi aim the three fe- male slaves Shanna, Kupputtura, and Tablutu. Rishartum and Nilattum and Beliddin, who seem to have had some interest in the slave Knpput- tiim, hereby signify their assent to the sale. But Ittimardukbalatu is fii-st required to show on what authority he purchases the slaves. He therefore leaves Tablutu and Shanna behind him as security, and depos- its the money in order to bind the bargain, and goes to obtain a tablet from Nabubalatsuikbi, giving him authority to purchase the slaves. Probably Ittimardukbalatu was no ruspousible person, hence this de- mand was made. He is also required by the sellers neither to present the slaves to anybody, nor to sell them. The latter seem to have had a kind heart, for this condition was made, evidently, in order to protect the slaves from ever obtaining an unkind and cruel master. Ittimarduk- balatu, when he returns the "change" to his employer, will finally hand over the purchase money to Beliddin and his mother, and will receive from the latter a receipt for two of the slaves. About the final disposal of the third slave, the want of room prevented the scribe from giving us any information. We are therefore compelled to wait for another tablet on this sul ject. 54 The Metropolitan Museum of Art. NO. 30. FRONT. ,v T"^f :f:n^ in V T 'Mil ET V .1^ ^ ^jn --f ^T ^T T MtM t^E JU V -W- -El If T? I « ^T«=T 5M AVn I -III 9^ TH V I -^11 ET V .n ^ ^OII -+ -^I ^I - JTtt ,t5- «=III!«= ■:::^M 5^ CU es: v sET A 5w J?:? V .Uff CM H<^T - <-II '<;^} ^ shek- els of money, 6 the remainder, KaIV>a unto Ittimarduk- balatu 7 will give. One document they took. 8 Witness: Iddinnubu, the son of Ikishap- la, 9 the son of Belibnf. 10 Tttinabfibalatu, the scribe, the son of Mardukbanzir, 11 the son of Beleter. In the city Bitshare, 12 in the month Dvizu, on the 23 rd day, in the 16 th year of 13 Nabtlna'id, King of Babylon. NOTES. 4. Satta. Note the insertion of an a between the signs an and na. All four signs must be read as au ideogram. — 5. ul-ti-la for ufitila : Ifteal of ilu, — 7. il-ti-ku-u : Ifteai of liku. — 8. As a general rule two or more witnesses were required for every legal action ; here only one is mentioned. The scribe, however, can be considered the second. — 12. Dated in the year 539 B. C. 68 The Metropolitan Museum of Art. Two brothers, Kalba and Ittiraardukbalatii, enter into an agreement concerning the disposal of certain funds, perhaps left to them by their deceased father. Kalba seems to possess a generous heart, for he prom- ises his brother a yearly support of 10 shekels, besides giving him the remainder left over from the money inherited from his father. PART II. NO. 1. VB VKRHE. , T ►+ «^T 4f ^' I s^^ T? ►^K -f H-V :5??^ !? , T ^tTtT fl^' T? 4V t£ 11! I? ->T T E! -^ ;MT ^ AT? , I? ^u .^ ^1 tt ^ Sif ^ t^ -T-%\ ti IHIiilJT » ! ^11 ^ ■■ f ! -^ -»7 ^ .^ J^t!^! ,„ ! ^t^T^T J.!^ < )li init liun Sum-iddin 2 MarduJc-mumUlhii S'ir- Hil'iddin mf.7- Ir-a-na 7 Bil-ki-'tiir mar I-gi-bi 5 u liil-ka-HV alii Hi-ini-ri (j amh Sabafu [iiinu] 25 hum iulhi \'l kum 10 haUu 12 kain Sriest of liabylon; Dumkia, the son of Gahal; m The Metropolitan Museum of Art. 14 M {nmilu) dupsar Mu-ra^nu mUr I-t/lJji 15 Bafnlu(ld) arah Duzn ftrnw 9 A»m 10 ifUta 16 ham Aimni-ium'ttkln-iut 17 iar JiabUiihu) 14 and the scribe, Muranu, the sou of Egibi. \i} Babylon, iu the uiouth Duzu, on the 9th diiy, 16 in the IGth yenr of Shaniashshum- nkiii, 17 King of Itubylou. The three personn named in lines 1 and 2, have loaned three maim to the tax mentioned in lineK 3 and I. They ure to pay nu interest till the month DAzu (July) arrives. Thereafter they mnst pay the very moderate interest of one shekel per month, that is, 65 per cent per year. If, however, the debtors wish to return the money, they inny pay it to any one of the throe eretlitors, whom they t-an most cou- Teuieutly reach. NO. 4. OB VJiJiSK. ,f ^lit haiul corner of the obvorso is destroyed, au.l the obverse is badly daiims^d throughout by the crumbling off of the clay. The reverse is almost perfect, a few easdy supplied signs at Ihe end of lines 17 and 18 being broken off. 'J'lie signs are very plain. 'J'lioro is no writing on the left edge. 1 yomtln) iiui-klii-n!-i so ina jm-iii-kn- L""] 2 Xivfjal-n-tirit-li! H-li. ;', hiii hit (iiii) S(i-h;i-ii:t iii-i>oi-\i<(-ii/\ 4 Stir-lii->i- i-pi-sd [. D CP 5 r)ial-)ii {ii))iilii) IT hit! (Ihi) Sik-zir-ibiii apul Ir-it-hi 14 Nabu-imir apal Asxxr-Umi IT) Saniai-mu(lamnii-'d' apal (nmibt) JJI.BI If. Bi-bi-i-a apal (am'ihi) HI. HI 17 arah Tairiln inmt 17 kmn xalln Dl k[ain] 18 Kan-ta-Ui-nii xar Ba[bi]i(ki)] 1 These are the witnesses according to whose testimony 2 Nergalushathi with ;' in the temple of the god Sabitbit lived. •1 Hharbi 5 Usurrushi, the of the temple of the god Sabitbit; G IJelmushalui, the of the temple of the god Sabitbit; 7 Eteru, the of the temple of the god Sabitbit; 8 r.eletcr, the of the temple of the god Sabitbit; Ziria, the singer; 10 Asharidn, the son of Shanashishu; 1 1 Shamashuballit, the ; 12 Shamaslmsur, the priest of the city (?) Amatnigaba; 1.1 Mardukziribni, the son of Irani; 14 Nabusur, the son of Ashsluiritmi; 15 Shamashmudammilc, the sou of the ; 1(5 Bibea, the son of the 17 In the month Tashritn, on the 17th day, in the 1.1th year of 18 Kineladanos, King of ]>abvlon. This tablet is evidently a document prepared for use in some suit. It gives the names of the witnesses who could testify that Nergalusliathi and another person, whose name is contained in the break at the end of line 2, bad lived together in the temple of the god Sabitbit for a certain time. What the two words at the end of line 4 mean, I am at loss to say, as the meaning of /. DLT is not known. 70 The Metropolitan MtjUieum of Art. The name of the king, Kineladanos, has been frequently identified with AsKur- banipul, and many Assyriologists argue that the latter, after the overthrew of his brother Shamashshumukin, ruled over Babylon in person, assnming this obRcnre name Kineladanos. But this seems impossible. We cannot understand how an illustrious Acsyrian king should lay aside that illustrious name and assume an insigniticant and unknown one. Kineladanos is most likely the predecessor of Nabo- polassar on the throne of Babylon. NO. «. on VKIiSK 5 lite -^ « n^ Tt! \- ^1 <<jnr 2 pi Snbu-ba-nl o ijnr iUfiiti' na-in in 1 ijur i-tlr-ma 7 74 Ijur yinjal'iHusaWim \i ijar ia 'J ijnr 8 IDUPia M'U-ir.hi 9 31 ijttr }yiinai-aiHil-ufnr 5 ['jur] wi 1 ffiir 10 + -1 ifur yinjal-nnisaUiin I.lJi'l' ia Bii'ii-li'la 25 gur ia 5 ;/«»• 11 .... fjur BU-ifik-ir 15 gur ia S gnr i- tir 12 Marduk-ium-ibni Samaimp'ir 16 gur 2 |>i wt 3 gur 2 pi 13 u Mrgid-ibni I. DIP ia Nab&'na^id 14 -ukiu i.Dl'P 1* ijnr ki 3 ;/»«• 15 yabu-zir-ibni 16 -5« Z.Z)t*P m yabtt-ibni- [zir] 17 -t(*Mr 10 gur ia 2 «7«r 2 j>i 1 Dates still on the tree, belouging to the officers of the city uf Belikbi. 2 In the 8th year uf Nabopolassar, Kiug of Babylou. 3 46 gur 4 pi perfect dales Hhapikzir, 4 as the of Nabubullitauui into the store-houses will give, .j lo gur 3 pi (dates) Airi aud Ahulu- uiur, 10 gur of their palm brauches equivaleut to 2 gur (dates) they will give. 6 71 gur 2 pi (dates) Nabubani, 5 gur of his palm branches equivalent to 1 gur (dates) he will give. 7 74 gur (dates) Nergalmusallim, 9 gur (palm brauches) equivalent to 2 gur (dates), N tlio of Beluirtu, (ho will give). 9 31 gur (dates) Shamashapalusur, G gur (iNilm branches) equivalent to 1 gur (dates, he will give). 10 -|' 21 gur (dates) Nergalmusallim, the of Beluirtu, 25 gur (|)alm branches) equivalent to 5 gur (dateH, he will give). 11 gur (dutesj Belbhakir, 15 gur ((>alm branches) equivalent to 3 gur (dates), he will give. 12 Mardukshumibiii (and) Shamaiihsap* ir, 16 gur 2 pi (palui branches) eiiuivaleiit to 3 gur 2 pi (dates, they will give). 13 aud Nergalibni, the of Nabiina*id. 14 ukin. the 2 gur (palm branches) equivalent to 3 gnr (dates). ].^ Nabiiziribui. 10 bel, the of Nabik. ibnizir. 17 nsur, 10 gur (palm branches) equivalent to 2 gur 2 pi (dates). Eighth Year of Nabopolassar . 75 18 [LD]UP m Sft-Nttbtt-ki-u a (jur m 2 ir 10 12 !/'^ V .<<1t ] J>- T T The nmuimUr of (he line i» ituoicd, thv traces cotrespond to line 11. 76 The Metropolitan Museum of Art. ,„< T <- ^TI If ^ i] 4J Avt Marduk-zir-ib-ni 4 28* pi 4A ka Mnrdukziribni, Ninth Year of Nabopolassar . 11 5 hui nti-iil (iinu 15 hiia (trka ftiini in iinih Shiutmi i-tir 6 75 \pi\ Summ-Ui-ir inn. Inl-Uik unvi 15 kam arkn limit 7 htitnth Nisannu (itiuilii) nia-iu i-tir 8 1(50 f- (This Hue is erased, the traces correspond to line 1 1, beuco probably misplaced.) 15 |/>i] BU-uhntli-it apal (ttmiln) pa- ii-ki 10 II Bdlai-sa una ill Kiulnrra 11 196 [jn] JUiihurzir-gdl-lim 12 fljuit 15 him md-ak-kasn u sil-li i-tir 13 ndpfiara 75^ [jn] Hi Simni-iti-ir 14 5 Igiir] S£. HAH m S^imni-iti-ir 15 «« (nmUii) mnu-'li di inn hit Hi 16 iirah Aihini umn \'.j htm, idlln 8 kam 17 3 har{?)-ra-m m (ftmilu) imiii-di-di 18 1 :/[«>•] ki-is-ki-[rii] in uruh Niaunnu, I'J 10 [pi] Balut-sii (aniUii) ri'a Masallim- apla 'b > ; »■> [ />'] i.-tir 5 in the middle (of the mouth) on the 15th day after the first day of the mouth Siuiunu, paid. G 75 pi Shamasheter, at the end of the 15th day after the first day 7 of the mouth Nisannu (to) the mau, paid. y 15 pi Beluballit, the son of the. 10 and Balatsu for Kudurru (paid). 1 1 196 pi Nabuzirgallim 12 on the 15th day as taxes and rent(?) paid. 13 Altogether 75J pi were received from Shamasheter. 14 5 gur of grain, which Shamasheter 15 for the measurer in the temple of the god (gave\ 16 in the month Adaru, on the 13th day, in the 8th year. 17 3 is the (wages) of the meas- urer. 18 1 gur is sustenance for the month Nisannu. 19 19 pi Balatsu, the shepherd, (and) Musnllimapla (paid). 20 35 pi paid. fhe purport of this tablet is given in the first three lines. It is a list of the debts or tithes that were 2>n'id to the x^nests and temple servants. All these amounts were jjaid at various dates, but before the end of the month JTisannii of the 9th year. There Mardukziribui pays in the middle of Simanu of the previous year; Shamasheter has just 15 days to spare for his 75 pi, and 47 days for his 5 gur. Line 13 seems to be a repetition of line 6, and in the 13tb line half of a pi has even been added to Shamash- eti'r's (piota. Lines 17 and 18 give the amounts of grain paid to the measurers for their work and their keep. 78 The Metropolitan Museum of Art. NO. ». OB VERfiE. .* - ,T ^tltl T? ^ «=£i ^ '>;^} ^ 80 The Metropolitan Museum of Art. Tablet gray, very hard, surface glazed; ljx3 inches. The signs are plainly made. Nuinerons dividing Hues separate the various sentences. The upper, lower, and left edges are not written upon. The right edge contains a few signs of prolonged lines. 1 sLliAHia (ninUn) irriki w< SttiiKiii 2 Hit inn iiliil Murdiik-mr-an-iti ',] {(iiiiua) hit inhuti ha lld-tar llil-ilml 5 582 pi vKi-m-h n 6 iii'i 2 ta ilipjn kti (aniUii) bit ]d/juli 7 IjaiTuiin inii/i-ri-i-lKiu i-du ul im-din 8 347i |/'»1 12 [n'l] fi-kii-lii inn-ii-hu 9 inn I iUinti kn (ntnUn) hit pilj'iii kii jiuiii-lnin 10 IjarrCtiin (tr-ki-i-lmn i-du ul im-ilin 11 435 ma-ii-lja inn Uipin iui A-id->i 12 439 tun ilippi m Xuhii-itir 13 439 iiKi ilippi in BU-iddin ni»il Mu-mi-in 14 429 ina ilippi in liU-vddin niud Na-nir 15 439 inn ilippi in liiliit-mt \6 439 inn ilippi in, Iddin-na-HU-nn 17 363 inn ilippi in Sin-iuntr 18 38t) mniihii (ilu) . . .* ..si-sa 19 uuphnra 4239A \pi] 3 [ku] 20 inn lib-bi 2004 mn-ii-hu n-nn si-knb 21 199 muiifiH {uniUu) duit-sar 22 66 maiiliu (amUu) vutttrdi-di 23 43 i the prefect, which Ratar, lielibni, 1 (and) Shaiuashzirikisbo, brought. .*> .'f82 lueasiires, the size of :i pi, ti in two ships, belonging to the pre- fect, (they brought). 7 In the first business transaction he did not pay freight uionoy. }<> 347 ^.j pi 12 ka, measures of food, '.) in one ship belonging to the prefect, (they brought); this isathisdis- ])OBaL 10 In the second business transact iou he did not pay freight money. 11 4:15 measures in the ship of Alda (they brought); 12 4.'m in the ship of Nabiiet<'r; l:> is.} in the ship of Beliddin, the sou of Mumeshu; 14 429 in the 8hip of Beliddin, the son of Nasir; 15 439 in the ship of Belshuuu; 16 i^fJ in the ship of Iddinnanunu; 17 363 in tJie ship of Siuusur; 18 386 measures sisu (brought). 19 Total 4239i pi 3 ka 20 Thereof 2004 measures are for ; 21 199 measures (for) the scribe; 22 66 measures (for) the measurer; 23 43 (measures) are the freight moneys 24 of the chief 25 The grain belonging to Nabushnm- ishkun, the gardener of Shamash, 26 Ukin (and) Dumukukin brought. 27 300 measures in the ship of Shamash (he brought). 28 Freight money he did not pay. Thereof (however) 1 measure Ninth Year of Nabopolassar 81 20 rt Hrt nhtt kd-hi-xii-Ki-i' UUlhi VtO 'M) i)Hi->ti-lin ga N(thfi--h'-lh»! JU iii-sn-a Ina lib-ln i\0 mn->t'i-hu 32 Jb-nn-n 25 (am flu) dup-ftnr 33 9 {((miht) nuin-tll-iU 3 i-thi-ni 31 were brought. Thereof 30 measures 32 Ibna, (received); 25. the scribe; 32 tlie measurer; 3 for freightage. 34 In the month Abu, on the 0th day, in the 9th j'ear of 35 Nabopolassar, King of Babylon, Marduksharrani, the prefect of the province, has piarcha.sed a large quantity of grain from the gardeners of the temple of Shamash. This grain is to be freighted to him by water. Katar, Bolibni, and Shamashzirikisha are selected to transport the grain. They make use of 10 ships. Three of these belong to the prefect, consequently he has to pay no freightage for these, but for the remaining 7 ships his freightage amounts to 43 measures. It is interesting to note that the total given in line 10, is 50 pi ka below the actual amount: evidently the scribe was no expert matiiematician. From line 20 — 24 the disbursements of the jirefect are recorded. It is interesting also to note what wages or commission were given to the sciibo and to him that measured the grain. The scribe performs intellectual labor, ho therefore receives three times as much as the mere measurer. After all deductions the prefect has remaining 2186^ pi 12 ka. Lines 25 — 29 contain the account of Nabushumishkun; and lines 30 — 33 that of Nabuziribni. The former spends only one measure for freightage; while the latter spends the dispi-oportionate sum of 67 measures, though each receives 300 measures. Money seems to have been banished entirely from all these transactions, each man is paid in grain, and \villingly accepts it. As there are three accounts made out on this one tablet, I think it the most likely supposition to assume that it was made out for the gardeners of the temple, and was kept in the temple archives at Sippara. NO. 10. OBVERSE. .H-ti i-tir 12 Total: 204 niensnros, Dinna, 13 of dates Ktill on tlio tree, received. This tablet seems to be a momorandnm kept in the business house of Dianfi. Nabrt- pudea owed Dinna twelve nioasnros of dates, which ho ought to h ive paid in the harvest; and Nabfishuniiddin oweil him the crop of dates that were unripe at tlie first picking. Neither of these debts was honored. lint Diiinfi did receive the 204 measures that were due him from other creditors. According to Peiser a Hia«i/*»( is equal to 9 itfr; hence the fifth sign in line 8 must be taken as 3 instead of \, in order to make the total 204 measures. NO. II. OB VEHSK .- ^} ^ .11 I T^ ^ ►+ ^T RMVERSK : - Wl ^TI ¥ I ^"^TII \ S^- ^m "^ tX\] J ^ ^^ cc so nis to Imvo cantainptl no writin^^, but iik the upper part iR gone there may have been a few lineK there. The Kigns are rou(i;hly made. 1 nl/m LV.NITA mhl Sip-jutrikx) 2 <(rah Aim fnnn I',) Lain miUit lit k-inn 3 Kahu-apal-uHur iarru 4 «//»u Sl'.r nlpii 'IT. h'Afj jiln {ilii) Saiiiai 5 1 I'tlpuSl'.ri 1 \,i]i>ii rr.h'AL\i. n (ilii) Ai 6 1 I'M 1 I'M ji'ii 'xnhti (y) (.•/.() MK 7 1 l"l 2 I" I ;».'u urn lilu) MarihiU 8 H {llii) Xtir-pa-ni-him 9 1 ["I 1 ["!/'•"» ('^"» r,i^,iU,il 10 ["I 1 ['1 ;'""('■/") liiui S}j>.}^ir(kD 11 1 [ttlpn 'iV.KAL\p^.ii [ilii) HoiiDiuiuit 12 1 1"]p<:m(i7.0'"^-/o 13 II"] P'<» (t/w) A-uuiii 14 1 1'\ p:n {Un) na lo 1 ["] p'n (Uh) In SAL. t. PA li. IIA IG pC.n OTS.DA 19 jifin {Uii) [A-tiii-ui\-{nm 18 and 19 destroyed. 1 (battle (and) sheep; the sacrifices at Sippura. 2 In the month Aim, on the 13th lay, in the l.'Uh year of 3 Naboi>nlaSKar, the King. I A cattle, and a cattle for Shamash ; 5 one one forthegodAi; C one . . , one for tlie de- welling of the g04l Me; 7 one two for the temple of Mardnk S ami Zarpanituni ; 9 one one for the go«l Pnbelbel; 10 one one for Belit of Sippara; 11 one for the go«l Ramniftn; 12 one for the god Shaln; 13 one for the j;od Ann; 14 one for tlie goil Bel ; lo one for the god Ea ; IG for ; 17 for the goddess (Aiinnitnm. This interesting tablet gives ns the list of offerings presented to each of the gods in the great temple of the sun-go^ ^y- A>yy J^ :EyAy :^^y -^ 7ir/! 500 »!»-*'< 1000 [inl] u-x/i 10 mUIii hdSf/t 5 '»00 [m/-ii(] A'/->/ti< n ijiir siiliijiu i-mu- n-ma 6 liti- hill ;«iHi-xi(-)i« l-li-lir 7 1 vin-na H itkln n-ili \0 Miilii kaitpi m k![tfi] 8 liil-m'ol U-Ut-ilin 9 2300 knt ka kitik mi 7;f/-;r)(-[nul 10 hil-haii ii-fxt-' n /-/«- 11 [mt Uh-hl 10]75 VU.HH 1225 [hil] 12 -In Jin Bil-iii-nu a-va 12 Hihi [ka.tpi] 13 a-na Mjh/i* il4a-din 14 500 [rn/-*H] pu-iit zitli ia Su-ln-a o-nn hi 7?(/-»((-jii( 15 i mn-»(i 4 «*/■/»( kaspi a di 12 «///" Av».s[/» IG ««»« A(/» Jiil-.\ii-)iii [H-iii-dinl 15 IG Liimon of the weaver. Linnen into tlie linnds of the Stewarts f dates was the Bam(?) that he paid to them. One mana H shekels, in addition to the 10 shekels of money (paid) for the linnen, lielna'id gave. 2300 kat of linnen, which Belshnnn demanded, and Etn ; thereof 1075 meshn, 1225 kat, which Belshnim for 12 shekels of money (bought), to Shamash he gave. 500 meshn for the joint possession of Shulii, for , Belshunn (acquired); ^ mana 4 shekels of money, in addi- tion to the 12 shekels of money, for the price of the linnen Belshnnn (paid). SeventeenfJi Year of Nabopolcissar. 89 17 arah Aim uinii2G kdin Mta \A kam I 17 In the month Aim, nn the 26th day j iu the 14th year of 18 Xahu-apdl-umr IS Nahopolassar. A weaver brought a certain amount of woven liuueu to the Stewarts or governors of the city Belikbi. This the latter were to dispose of according to contract. Therefore ISelna'id gets 2000 kat. It seems that Shamashahiddin must have been the weaver mentioned in line 1. Of these 2000, 1500 (if we make a mi-iia equal to a /'/< in vahie) cost 10 shekels, and the remaining 500, 3 gur of dates. But to this amount must be added the 8 shekels that Belna'id had already paid, perhaps as earnest money. Then there were 2800 kat, which fell to the share of Belshunu. The text of lines 10, 1 1, and 12 is so fragmentary that we can only guess how this liunen was paid for. These 21)00 kat were divided into 1075 meshn and 1225 kat, for which Belshunu paid 12 shekels into the treasury of the temple of Shamash. Now 500 of these meslni Belshunu seems to have acquired together with Shutla. The above mentioned 12 shekels were probably the commission of the temple. The actual price Belshunu paid for the linncn was J mana 4 shekels, in addition to the 12 shekels commission. Hence Belshunu paid altogether 36 shekels for 2300 kat of linuen, while Belna'id paid for 2000 kat 18 shekels and 3 gur of dates, or about half as much. The latter must therefore have known how to drive a bargain, or must have bought much inferior linncn. This tablet is probably dated at the city of Belikbi, some rich man, who called the city he founded by this name. See No. 7 of this part. NO. 14. O/i VERSE. ,^ -% A f J -+ I ^ ^ <|^ y ^] .^ ^y .1111 f T ^I- S3 - ccur8 iu the middle of the npixir edge. The right side shows the marks of the thumb as the scribe held the tablet while writing upon it. The upi>er aud left edges tire free of writing. A large space at the end is unused. 1 idpa Hin-maHH(inii) ia In 2 p&n {amilu) ir-rii (mii) (wru) gi-nu 8 a-na (nmilu) [mnfju] (llu) A-nn ua-ue (liead of cattle), which Mardiik- iddiu has received from Nur- shamush; 't which Shamashukiuabi ba^ received from Niirsbamasb; (i , which Marduk h:»s received from Kiirshamash (and) 7 Mannudinabi'i, 8 In (he month Abu, on the 22nd thiy, ;t in the 17lh year of Ul Nabopolassar, King of Babylon. This tablet is a receipt for cattle, ))robably tithes, rcceivc«l by the priests of the temple of the gotl Anu. Mardukiddin, Shamasbukinabi, and Marduk are the priests, Ni'irshamash and Manuudinabii are the li(he-paycn>. Kini'lerntlt, Vmr of Niiliopohmsnr. (11 NO. li). OB VKUfiE. .f - -< lU Saf frIT ^T <« ^ , ^ < w ^ I «pf tit! I? *^ t£< ^v <^S:? ^ J V - J I- - .^ IT V i TI T 42^ 4^ ^^ JT IT !r+^'^^T I'l^*-''"' ^ TT <« Tablet browii aud black ; 1x2^ inches. The four edges coutaiu no writiug. 'J'he reverse is erased by the scribe, as lou^; crossing lines show. Lines 6 and 7 are very lightly nride, and it sconis that they just escaped the destructive stylus of the scribe. 1 sidiqiu i-inil-la it a (amdu) dupsur Arad-BU 1 6 apul-m ki Nabu-ahi-iddin apal (amUit) pa-U-ki 17 Sip-pQr{ki) arah Nisannu iimu 25 kam 1 44 gur of grain, 2 Ihe amount (?), which Aradnabn, the son of Nabii , (in the space) 3 from the two sheep-gates of Shanmsb to the i-iver Nikudi, 4 from Aradnubtt, the son of Nabil- ziribni, is to receive. 5 At the end of the month Abu, iu the honse of the chiefs, (j according to the measure of Kimut, the son of Mipi, (that is,) 4 meas- ures 7 as one gur, he will give 8 in the presence of Nergalsbarmillit, the guardian of the , the son of (and) 10 Mushezibmarduk, the priest of Sip- para. 11 Witnesses: Nabuzirlishir, the son of 12 Balatu, the ; , 13 the son ofShula, the son of Iddin- marduk ; 14 Muranu, the son of Liisu nan lire, 15 the son of iShanashishu ; and the scribe Aradbel, IG the son of Nabuahiddin, the son of the 17 Sippara, in the month Nisannu, on the 25th day, 94 Tlie Metropolitan Museum of Art. 18 mUa 3 kam Xabfi-)iu*id »nr JiuhiU(ki) 18 in the 3rd year of Nubonidus, King I of Babylon. Aradnabii is to receive 41 gur of grain from his namesake in the month Abu (August), and at a place soniewlierc between the two gates of the Sliamash temple, called the sheep-gates, and the river Nikudi. Here in one of the government agencies, the second Aradnabii (the two are distinguished by the names of their fathers) will measure out the 44 gur, using the measure of a person named Rimut as a standard. Four of these standard measures shall be considered the eiiuivalent of one gur. At the measuring of the grain Nerg:ilsharuiillit and Mushezibmurduk will be present to see that the measuring is done honestly. The contract Wiiu made in the month Nisannn (.\pril), and hence had four months to run. NO. 47. on VRRSR. .^ 5^- iU H If -^ T ^11 -y ,- tviK ^^ an (ilu) Mar[(luk] 7 \alpu sa .H] nl L U. TV. KA [ /, | 8 [p^ri] {ilu) Marduk 9 pun (Ilu) [Zar]-pa-ni-lum 10 alpu hi [L]U. TV. KA L 11 p!in (ilu) Bilii-mi-tu-ka 12 LU.TU.KAL.LUM 13 p.wi (ilu) Rammanu 14 LU.TU.KAL.lv 15 pun (ilu) A-[7ni]in 16 u (ilu) Bd 17 LU.TU.KAL.LUyr 18 pun (ilu) mariiti hit TU KA L 19 LU.TU.KAL.LUM 20 [pun] (ilu) OAR 21 LU.TU.KAL.LUM 22 p!jn (iiu) A-nu 7}.i-hnn 2] tin S}ppnri(ki) iUjni kirut 24 1 LU.NITA Nir^t BAli ri-hUf,i | 2 giir, 1 pi of ^»rmn, llierdmain- Pii-wi-Jd/) [ iier, risbsliadup, 8 (t-t?/ nrah Tibiln hhUh Q kam Auhi'i- :', until tho month Tehilu of the 6tb "« '« ""»■'■'< year of Nahonidus the King, (will 4 30 ;/«>• hWh hit buMu arnh Tihilu knttn give). d 28 rpir 3 /)(' »»*rt /(j/ limn ariifi 7 (pir iua kfitii Sohii-hnm-UUli 8 ...... kfispv in ka 13 Nahii-fjtib-zu ii-iU iiinn 14 hi-tnl-'inl hid Sru. 3 m hia Hi lAt-a-liu->n ufxil-tiii id liahitu 3 which is to be received of Labashi, 1 the son of Balatu, Ninth Year of Nabonldus. 106 •1 npnl Snij-tjil-id n Tn-' 4 tbo hou i)f Sn^^illai, uuil of Tu', 5 ai>nl-iii m Xahu-ifi'r updl I /r-h[i]- .... 5 thosouof NubiioU'r, tbusuu cif Ikbi . ., Two or iin)re Hues aro clcstrojo»l. 8 Zu-kir iipul ! ^ Ziikir, the son of 9 (aiiiilu) dnpsar Ni-ki(-tiu ttiial-Hn lilt ' 9 Scribe: Nikudu, the sou of 10 TA-Ht-rn ai>al {ainUn) kiDuiii Bit 11 Bnbilu(ki) arah Ahii 12 umn 11 knm tmllii 9 kuin 13 Ndhu-na'id sar BabUi{ki.) 10 Lishirii, the son of the priest of Kol. 1 1 Babylou iu the month Abu, 12 on the 11th day, in the Dth year of 13 Naboiiidus, King of Babylon. Beluballit has in his po.ssession certificates entillitig him to a certain (piantity of grain from Labashi and Tu*. He now proceeds, on the strength of these, to take part of his possessions, and this tablet, duly inscribed with the fuct, is then given to the two latter persons. NO. 53. OB VERSE. , i^ ^ I ►¥ ^-f <:r:^! in y I EI ? inn -^f --f <« .H4ii ^ V- "EI Vi :eii -^' ^ i^ ^ ^ .r "^ EEE ^^ V,^ <:EltI4i rilllEi^^T ,I^^I¥>«f f <:=!^T -^ ^\ TM :e Trtblet dark browu; l|x28 inches. The tablet is in jiorfect condition, with (he exception of the lower part of the left edge, where the signs are very blurred. The right edge is covered by the signs of lines prolonged from obverse and reverae, with the exception of the upper part which is free of wedges, and which contains the number of the tablet. 1 Xii-ur-S(iiii(iJ< n Mu-si-zib-Xabu {(imilu) la-mu-ia-na '2 m yi-din-ttint apal-mL m yabii-kn" ««!(?• a-Hd 2 ma-mi 10 siklu kaspi 3 rt-na Iddin- Marduk (tpal-hx ia Iki-hi- apla apal Nur-Hin 4 nl-tn arah Tah'ihi m iidin 8 kaiii Nnlm-na'id mr liabiU{ki) 5 id-di-nu-nux a-da-an-nu u-di ki-il ka arah Ulida 6 »(t satlu kam a-na Hi ik-ku-nH-ma 7 a-da-an-ha i-U-ik-»m knapu m i-li-nx 8 i.? i-hi Xi-dbi-tiini a-na Iddin-Marduk 9 ik-hi ani'inn kaspn a-na i-tiri-ka 10 III i-hi Xur-Sniuak h Mn-ki-zih- Snhu 11 |«-J>]ft duppi kind fjam-ru-ta a-bu-uk 12 yi-din-tum apal-m ha Nabu-g^r-mnr 13 ina huicd lib-bi iu Xu-ur-§amai \i u Mu-ii-zih-Nabu a-na 2 nui-iM 10 iUdu, kaspi 1 Niir^humash and ^lushcioibnabu, the servants, 2 whom Nidiutum, the sou of Nabii- sharusnr, for 2 mana 10 shekels of money o to Iddinmarduk, the son of Ikishapla, the sou of Nurain, 4 from the month Tashritu of the 8th year of Nabonidiis, King of Baby- lon, on, 5 gave; and the term (of payment) till the end of the month Uluhl 6 of the 9th year on his account be set. 7 His term (of payment) had passed away, and the money which ho should pay 8 there was not. (Then) Nidintum to Iddinmarduk i) said "(Since) money for thy payment (to me) 10 there is not, Nurshamash and Mushe- zibnabu 11 fur a tablet of the ftill price, I will bring; (which tablet shall say) 12 'Nidintum, the son of Nabiishai-usur, 13 of his own free will, Nurshamash 14 and Mushezibnabu for 2 mana 10 shekels of money. 108 The^ MetropoliUui Museum of Art. 15 a-iui Iddin-Marduk uihU-ku ia Jkl-iti- 1 5 nplit ajtal NuT'Siu 16 id-ilbi pa-ul si-hu-hn-ii iHt-ki-na nrxd- Hi har-H-tii 17 '( mlr-liauu-lu iiiwti n 17 Mu-iC-zih-Nnhii 18 «'t ti-U yi-din-tam tui-ii {unutu) mii- 18 kin-na 19 lj(«Mt/t-«ft 20 20 nuinU-mi kn Mniilnk-kain-ibni mud 20 to Iddiuiuardnk, the sou uf Iki- sbapla, the bou of NtirsiD, gave. Againht flight, reclaiuiiug b,v the seller, rticlaiiuiug by the kiug'n officer, aud previous adoptiou, which about Nurshaiuiihh aud Mushe2ibiiabii uiight arise, Nidiutum will be re- Kpousiblu.' " Witnesses: Lnbashi, the sou uf Duuiuk, the kou of Saggillai ; Shakinshuni, the sou of Bhumiisur, the hou of Shigiia; liulmusalliui, the sou uf Ziria, the SOD of Nashuai; aud the scribe Nabushnpikzir, the sou of Balat«u, the sou of TukiM'. Babylon, in the mouth Tashritu, uu the 10th day, in the Dth year of Nabouidus, King uf Babylou. lu the presence of Ebatuui, (he wife of the daughter of Murdukshuuiibui, the son of Shulu. This tablet treats of the sale of two slaves by Nidintuui to Iddinniarduk. A con tract tablet was at first made, acconliiig to which the 2 uiaiia 10 shekels were to be paid at the end of the month UIulu in the V>th year of the reign of Xabonidus. But Iddin- niarduk found himself unable to jMiy at the appointed time. So Nidiutum, immediately iu the begiuuing of the succee<.liiig month, has a tablet made, recording the absttlute sale of the slaves, and allowing (he money to remain as a debt over Iddinmarduk. Wlmt interest, if any, the latter is to pay, is not stated here. NO. 54. on VERSE. ,T '^i: 3:1-1 \'>^< TM f ]^ ^^ }} tK Niii th Year of Nabon idus. 1, 109 ,^ * -H Tf -TI ^Mw^- ^^^T ^ ,^ tf^ ^i: ;PHL yf :eI cSff: - A4f tBsI ^I iU -I- I . ►/- I? V 110 The Metropolitan Museivm of Art. I j4^ \\- \ --m 4i4f sn ^ T ^ *fe? ^ III « ^I f -IIJl H I? ^ Jccordtn. HE VERSE. „2m[hiYlkam'Sa!bu-na*\il\mr\ linhUi{h-i) 15 in tbo rilb year of NabonuluH, Kiuy of Bnbylou. What this tablet purports to say, I nin at ii loss to tell. The only fact iiieulioued, besides tbe dii'c, is t'lat Kurbauniiuanluk is u wituess. NO. Mi. on VMJiSK ma ^ w ^T If ^ I --f ^T -11 1? I f 1 ^^fe' 3 ^1 II I V T k4 ^^+< If I M -4 -< S^^I ill! <^El efm -4 -0 ^ * ^M < 5I-I ^t 3?T f y ^ f^l * -Kslt] I V X^ »^ -+ <:=!^T -f . If I ? I ^tltl Kff If I -^ S^f nimarduk, 8 the son of Mardiikshumibui, the son of Aradnergal, 9 the husband of Nubtil, are made out, 10 (the laltjr) will take, and to Nubta 11 he vtill bring (them). And 4 certifi- cates (?) for the money 12 to Shtimashiddin she will give. T hlrteentli Year of Nabonidns. 115 13 M-an4im (niJ«) *a-na Nu-vh-ia-a 14 i-nam-din (amilu) mu-Artn Itir-Marduk apcU-m 15 m i§um-ukm apul {ilu) Kib^na'id La-a-ba-H IG apal-iiu m Nahu-idanin a pal Mti-kal- hm ^pik-zir 17 {amUit) dupsar ap-*H IT §SM«J-m^^^5SSS5S5$JSSJJSSv<5!MS« 13 T I ► r •t \»--«I it 1 ►T^I »^t JSiSS^58S«SS««8^S „■£!! ^T S!T ^ I SSJ sg Tablet light gmy; at the longest Hide Ij*. nud nt the broodiest 1] iuches. The right edge, with part of the tablet, is totally deatroj'ed. The signs are very blurred and diflii'nlt to decipher. There are no wedgeH on the left and the upper edges. 1 06 (pir ardftpu zeik-pi m .... 2 apal-iu m lialatu niml I-sui^- p'.-nl [ina Ul\ 3 BU-ttir-napiati Marduk- [u\ 4 N(tbii-zir^-aMir ina artih Titiritu S[hit\ 5 ij(nn-ru-ta ina ha'sa-ri i[t-ti] 6 tii-hal-iu lib-bi kas-pa (.») 7 htl4um ki hu-m-hi 8 i-nam-din-nu iSti-in p[u-ut] 1 (>(> gur dates, the planting, which 2 the sou of Balatu, the son of Esag- gillai, (is to receive of) 3 Beletc-rnapshati, Murduk , and 4 Nabuzirkasir. In the month Tashritu, at the 5 full price, during the harvesting, together with gur of 6 unripe dates, for money ^V) 7 talents of date 8 they will give. One receipt Thirteenth Year of Nahonidus. 117 9 \i\-HH-m i( i-l(it rii-[>i)t-ti(] 10 m Hi ^fllrl^uk•^k'(^!^il• {jimilH) 11 Sum-imtr aplu-su m Xttbu-wi-l-yir] 12 (ipol Mi-pi- 1- lildln-iDittpld [api\ l;l tui Iris-liil (tpid lill-i- 14 {amilii) diipsar llti-Xuiifi-htilntii up• Bdhili 9 lie will briug. AutliunkMiliuu ^lero is the balance 10 ill favor of Manlukkasir, the (which) 11 Shuiuusur, the sonof NabiiUHsir, I'i the son Mepe, (uud) Itldiuuaplu, t!ic sou 13 of Ereshbel, the sou of Bite (will give). 14 Scribe: Ittiuabtlbalatu, the sou of 15 In the city Mamilkishu, iu the month Ulnlu, IG on the 1st duy, iu the I3th year of Nabonidus, 17 King of Babylo" Beleteruapshfiti, Mardiik , and Nabuzirknsir, who were farmers or gardeuers, promise to sell 66 gur of dates to the son of Balatu. They will also sell him unripe dates, and something else connected with the dnte-palm (line 7), at a specified price. Now this son of Balatu seems to have purchased the account of Mardukkasir, to whom some dates were due from Shnmusur and Iddiimapla. The last named two men must have stood in some intimate relation with the three mentioned in lines 3 and 4, other- vlse they would not have beeu mentioned on this tablet and in this conueclion. NO. 58. OB VERSE. . -f 22 hheep, as sheep, G from the chief of the priests, 7 not for slaughter 8 Scribe: Shaniashzirgalliiii, the son of Shainashdiira. 10 III the mouth Diizu, on the 10th day, in the 1 r>th year of 11 NaboiiidiiK, King of Babylon. This tablet gives a list of the sheep and of those that offered them, probably iu the temple at Sippara. NO. «0. OB VERSK. .in f I ^11 ^ -^ I? ^ yn -f -< . f -^ ^+ ^ -? ! "^tltT 4^1 « 2: w ^T I . T --f 4ifl ^^ ^^ !U * T --f - ^4f -E! -II ,.£^ m T -^tM ^ f M^ If I i .J -^ I * -^ Tf ^ yn -f- -< „M ^ 2iif -ai ^T «T ^ Tablet dark browu sliadiiig to black; lIXls inches. The tablet has beeu very roughly used, judging by the blurre 1 appjar.vnce of the signs. The left edge contains no writing, the right edge but a few signs of prolonged lines. The edges and comers are perfect; the whole tablrt is preserved. 1 J ma-na 5J iik'ui knspl m 2 Ina 1 siklu, b'U-ka sa Xabii-ri-)nan-ni 3 apdl-hi »-ff- I 5| B itsM itr. ] ^ w '^ 126 The Metropolitan Musevm of A rt. :&•£< i REVKHSE. .air - £Itt I V S ^4^ -+ I H'[a ■Jn ^ ! "^tM jj} ::^ T? ^ frill .2. » st.BAR m-[uUu{?)\ 2 M Siim-ukin npal-kn m Nu- 3 apal Arnd-Bil hui i[li] ^4 lii-mut aptU-iia «« .*> ajw/i I-rji-hi inn nnth Air a \in if til n ...... kaiit^ 1 22 gur 4 pi of gmia, over and abo%'o 2 which Slmiimkin, tlie on of Na...., o the sou of Aradbel, is to receive from 4 llimut, the son uf , 5 the sou of Egibi. In the month Airu, of the . . th year, Reign of N(il>oniduj}. 127 6 hui bubi I\a-lalc-k:u k T-Mtlt! ^-^^ Ti ilftoMt one lint on the obttne, and Itro i[l*$i^^ 2S? ^] t:^TtT s^T I ^ -TUi ^ < Bi 130 The Metropolitan Mu^eiim of Art. ? ^u EI t^i f :m.} %} ^Hm T -4- ^ T% -^ ►^ if:} -^ 11 Hi l l '^•T SSSSSSSSiSSi*'«iiSS!it^^TSI'7^TJT:-T«/] [inn iU] 3 Nabu-apal-iddin apal-m Ha Manluk-irba apal 4 ina arah Duzu kakka pi'ir (mtX), may mean "seedsmen," though there is no reason why the plural should have been used. The Metropolitan Museum of Art. 134 No, S. Line 12. I would take Amai-ni-gab-a with the {ki) broken off as the name of a city, OS every parallel constmction with (amUu) kingu demands. Line 14. Aimr-ihbi. See Briinnow, C. L. 5124. Lines 15, 16. (amiht) HI. HI might be a mistake ou the part of the scribe for {mniiu) III. GA, as only two small perpendicular weiiges are lacking in order to make of At a ijn. Then we mnst read, according to BrUnnow, C. L 8239 {mnilu) tSbi. In line IG amilu is omitted. No, 6, Line 17. The same construction as in 2 ' of this part. No. 7, Lines 5, 6. mi-iin-ua. This word I take with Tallqvist (p. 112) to mean "palm-branches," according to the Heb. D'3ppP Cant. 7:0. But it must be read with the i and not the « sound. I'eiser, (B. V. p. 2t0; K. A. p. 102) believes it to signifiy the portion th;it the Stewart or tenant receives. Lines 8, 10. JiU-u-ir4u "Bel has sent," from *irfi. No, 8, Line 3. The pronanciation of the 4th sign is not known as yet. (anitiu^ Mi'iMiS). See Talhivist, p. 90. Line 5. This is a round-aboutj way of saying "on the 15th day of the month Simanu." Line 6. itU-lak. A t formation from aljku. Line 12. fU-U Heb. SjJ "shade, roof," then perhaps "rent." No, 9, Lino 2. ina puni "to be at the disposal of," and not to be read inn ;>."« "to be received from," as the context shows. Compare line 9. Lines 18, 21, 22. maiihu as I conjecture. Mr. Pinches (Inscribed Babylonian Tablets iu the Posession of Sir Henry Peek, Bart., Port L p. 10) shows that this sign stands for 24 ka. As maiihu was only a general term, the nutii/ni mentioned in this tablet must consequently have contained 24 ka. Lines 23, 33. i-da-a-ta must be the plural of idu. No, 10, Line 2. mi-di-il "measuring," Heb. TIQ "to stretch, to measure." No, 11, Line 5. Aram seems to have been omitted. No, 13, Line 3. kat or kuta hands is taken by Mr. Pinches (Insc. Bab. Tab. Part. I, p. 4) to mean "skeins." No, 14, Line 1. alpu xm-mn-mi (mJ«). "Cattle in great numbers." nmuuinu means "troops, people, army;" but it contains the idea of number, I have therefore rendered it thus here. {See Tallq., p. 43 for examples.) la p.4H ''iSh Compare No 25, line 21 of Part I. Notes to the Second Part. 136 No. 14, Line 5. Th& sign for Nabfi is erased at the end of the line. iVo. IS, Line 7. /<( gam-ru-tu. The la here has the same ideomatic furce as the Hebrew preposition. iVb. 4€, Line 3. bubuni /tint Sauiai. These were evidently the two gates of the temple of the sun-god at Sippara, through which the sacrificial sheep were brought iu. ]jine 16. The perpendicular wedge before amllu is a mistake by the scribe. 3'o, 47. Line 1. ma-kur-ra from the same root as theHebrew ^3)2 "to sell." - T Line 2. i-fm-ru-nui for iJ)u-ru-m(i. Line G. The names compounded with Ilu are not common. A few aro IpiiUu, AnulUu, etc. yo, 48. Line 2. The name LaitH^i is spelled either La-a-ba-ii or iM-ba-a-ii. Line 3. bu-li-ium must be considered a variant for bilium. Line 9. ki-ml "sustenance, support." (Peiser, B. V. XXIlI,j) ,ya-ia»i-m« DT'tr "good, wholesome." Line 13. ku-xir-fu-bu comes from the same root as j^'^i^ (Lev. 7 '.38), and is a by-form of the latter. No, 40. Line 1. LU.TU.KAL is probably to be read phonetically as the phonetic endings ium iu lines 12, 17, 19 and 21, and lu in line 14, show. The L U is probably the prefixed determinant. Compare L U. NIT A . No. 51, Line 14. ki-mi-mi is a lengthened form of ki-mi. Cf. No. 48 ». No. 53. Line 1. (amUu) la-mu-ta-nu. See Tallq. p. 89. Line IG. The scribe by mistake wrote si-hu-hu-a for sirhu-u. and pa-ki-nu for pa-ki-ra-nu. Line 18. «a is evidently a needles repetition. No, 54, Line 9. iikutini seems to be a double plural formation. No, 56, Line 11. rit-tuin must mean something like "certificate." Consult also Peiser B. V. p. 324a. Line 15. {ilu) Kib-tia'id. A. tentative reading. No, 57, Line 6. tu-hal-la lib-bi. Compare iuhal-lum lib-lib-bi, VeiBer, B. V. CXLVII,; also m-bi lih-bi, Strassmaier, Nabn. 271 '« " 385 ' «. No. 59, Line 4. pa-ki-ra-nu. The determinative (amilu) is omitted. No, 60. Liue 7. Marduk-hu-Ut-hu-u-a means "Marduk is my forgiveness." Hebrew root H/D- Line 8. (aiailu) nisi is used here as {amilu) ijalli. No, 61, Line 4. Arad-Bil apal Arad-BU. The two names are distinguished here in writing, though they are pronounced alike. 136 The Metropolitan Museuvi of Art. No, Sl» Line 5. Usually the tens precede the units, but the reverse is the case here. No, 62, Line 1. n-tn-nu occurs also in Strass. Nabn. 558, 10. No, &4, Line 1. u-nu4u "utensils." Consult A. & W. Sanh. I, 28. Line 2. iiiiubu, according to Br&nnow C. L. 11188. Line 14. {amilu) {ilu) Na-[na-a]. iangu is omitted. This a frequent omission on the contract tablets. No, 65, Line 5. pir'u ina-tum is evidently another phrase for &t.ZlR translated by Peiser "seed (field)." Here pir*n is equivalent to M. B All otWiw 1, and inu-lum is added to complete the phrase. BUU-ahruiu (Brilnnow C. L. 11523) "Belit of the Future," "Belit, Goddess of Futurity." Line 14. -in ia seems to be erased in thid line on the tablet, as is indicated by the space. 14 DAY USE RFTURN TO DESK FROM WHICH BORROWED LOAN DEPT. 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