UC-NRLF *C 235 EH3 _J Vi dSlh Co - J ' S a f i — nn | of the D DURING THE VQELD AkZAR d - a X)570 • S3 / oreword VHAT follows is a modest at- tempt to set forth in a crude way \the part the THIRTY-NINTH INFANTRY played in the World War. Numerous photographs and sketches are reproduced with the hope that they will recall to mind in after years many of the lighter as well as the more serious expe- riences undergone. All sketches are by Lieutenant Carlos Harrison, Thirty- ninth Infantry. Photographs of our troops in action and on the march were made by the Eighth Field Signal Bat- talion and are published by permission of the Signal Corps. Robert B. Cole, Major, Thirty-ninth Infantry • Barnard Eberlin, Captain, Thirty-ninth Infantry Editors M138803 COPYRIGHTED IN NINE- TEEN HUNDREDNINETEEN by COL. FRANK C. BOLLES, U. S. A. COMMANDING THE THIRTY- NINTH INFANTRY IN ACTION DURING THE WORLD WAR National and Regimental Colors THE TEX FOLLOWING CHAPTERS BRIEFLY DESCRIBE THE EFFORTS OF THE THIRTY-NINTH INFANTRY IN THE WORLD WAR First Edition The Thirty-ninth in the United States THE Thirty-ninth Regiment of Infantry is not an old organ- ization — its history does not go back to the days of the Civil or Spanish-American Wars. Its fame, glory and reputa- tion was solely made by the officers and men who had been as- sociated with the Regiment since its birth during the World War. In fact the Thirty-ninth Infantry is just a little over two years old, having been officially organized on June i, 1917, at the State Fair Grounds, Syracuse, New York. In compliance with instructions from the War Department, the Thirtieth U. S. Infantry was divided into three parts; one remaining with the parent organization, and the other two forming skeletons for the Thirty-eighth and the Thirty-ninth Regiments respectively. Colonel A. P. Buffington, of the Thirtieth, retained command of the three organizations until regimental commanders were desig- nated for the two new regiments. In the middle of July Colonel William C. Bennett became Regimental Commander of the Thirty-ninth Infantry. The Regiment was at first comprised of only a few officers and men, consequently its early days were devoted to organization. As recruits arrived, the strength of the Thirty-ninth increased to an average of three officers and sixty men per company, and preliminary training was commenced and continued throughout the summer months. On October 27th, the Regiment entrained for Camp Greene, near Charlotte, N. C, arriving there on October 30th. After getting settled, training was immediately resumed, although the shortage of officers and men retarded the progress materially. At the close of the Second Officers' Training Camps a full quota of officers was assigned to the Regiment, but the enlisted personnel still remained far below the authorized strength. 1 1 THE THIRTY-NINTH INFANTRY IX THE WORLD WAR In December, 1917, the War Department directed this Regi- ment to become a part of the Seventh Infantry Brigade, Fourth Division, which was then in the process of organization at Camp Greene. Little did we realize then what an important part the Thirty-ninth Infantry was to play in the Great War, not only as a unit of the Ivy Division, but acting independently as well. However, the wonderful spirit of pride in the organization and determination to succeed w T as evidenced by all ranks from the start, and with such a spirit the Regiment was carried through its hard period of organization and training, and its subsequent glorious career at the battle front. The early period of training was handicapped in numerous ways. The winter of 191 7- 19 18 at Camp Greene was one of the coldest on record in that section of the country. The officers and men lived in tents, and the camp was practically a sea of sticky mud throughout the winter and spring. In consequence, little could be accomplished in the way of training, except indoor instruction. Specialists' schools were established throughout the Division, and instructors from the American and Allied armies conducted courses in the special w r eapons used in this war. Officers and non-commissioned officers attended these schools, and later in- structed their own units in the various specialties. Several officers were also sent to the Infantry School of Arms, at Fort Sill, Oklahoma, where extensive courses in infantry arms were taught, and the successful graduates of this school later became instructors in the Division and Regimental schools. However, the Regiment remained far below the authorized strength until early in March, 191 8, when troops from almost every National Army camp in the country arrived and were assigned to the Regiment; when we sailed overseas the Thirty-ninth was com- posed of men from every State in the Union. On April 9, 1918, Colonel Frank C. Bolles arrived from the Hawaiian Islands and assumed command of the Regiment. The usual spirit, energy and force, which are so characteristic of the Colonel, were immediately taken up by all ranks, and the mold of the Thirty-ninth was cast. The result is now known to all — our Regiment is the Army's finest. The persistent rumors which had been in circulation for some time — that the Fourth Division was to sail overseas — began to materialize in the middle part of April, when steps were taken to prepare the Regiment for the big journey, and towards the latter 12 THE THIRTY- NINTH INFANTRY IN THE WORLD WAR part of the month the glad news had been made known that move- ment orders were actually received. On April 26th and 27th the Regiment entrained for Camp Mills, L. I., N. Y., arriving there at the end of a thirty hour journey. On April 29th an ad- vance party of officers and non-commissioned officers from the Regiment sailed from Hoboken, some as our advance agents, who met us on our arrival in France; others to attend various specialists' schools, who rejoined us a few months later. During our stay at Camp Mills we received replacements, eliminating men who were for physical or other reasons unfit for overseas service; drew new clothing and equipment, and made final preparations for the trip across. The officers and men were granted permission to visit New York, and many of them saw that great city for the last time for many months to come — and some forever. At six o'clock in the evening of May 8th, "I" Company and the Supply Company sailed from Hoboken on board the Es- pagne, and exactly two days later the remainder of the Regiment cleared the same port, Regimental Headquarters, Headquar- ters Company and Machine Gun Company aboard the Duca D'Aosta, First and Second Battalions on the Dante Alghieri, and the Third Battalion (less "I" Company) on the Lenope. An interesting fact of this trip of the Duca D'Aosta was that it was an Italian boat, in charge of the U. S. Navy, fitted out by Eng- lish contractors, transporting American troops, with an infantry colonel (Colonel Bolles) in command of troops of an artillery regiment. The Sixteenth Field Artillery which accompanied us on this trip proved to be very pleasant companions, and the cordial relationship then established ripened into mutual ad- miration and friendship between the two regiments. It was this same regiment which was to give us such gallant support in the actions in which both regiments took part later. As the ships silently left their berths, the troops stayed below decks, undoubtedly occupied with mingled feelings and thoughts of the past, present, but more than anything else — the future. They were off towards the Great Adventure, and as the dark, sinister hulls gained speed, moving quietly over the waters east- ward, the first phase of the existence of the Thirty-ninth Infantry came to a close, and henceforth we became a part of the now famous American Expeditionary Forces. 13 xv\ r Chaptkp. II Our Early Days in France WE were very fortunate in having had excellent weather during our entire trip across the Atlantic, and sea-sick- ness was confined to but a few men. Life aboard ship was far from strenuous, in fact it was a vacation for us, who had spent months in intensive training under very trying conditions, and were to spend many more under actual battle conditions in France. Lifeboat and fire drills were held daily, and occasion- ally several times per day. Every officer and man was assigned to a lifeboat or a liferaft, and when the signal for either boat or fire drill was given, every one would go by the most direct route to his proper station. Some of our men took turns as assistants to the officers on watch and proved to be considerable help to the ship's tired crew. Within a few days every one was well accustomed to the routine life aboard our transports. From the time we cleared New York harbor each of us found a new and inseparable companion in the form of a life preserver, which we wore all day and kept close at hand during our sleep. No lights of any sort were allowed to be shown on ship at night, hence all port holes, doors., etc., were carefully closed or screened, and smoking on decks at night was prohibited. All these precautions were absolutely necessary, for we were crossing a huge body of water infested with enemy submarines, and all ranks realized that their first objective was France. The great convoy of transports, artfully camouflaged, made a wonderful sight during the day on account of the various formations assumed from time to time, and a very impressive ap- pearance in the darkness of the night. Hour after hour, and day after day, on we went towards our, then as yet unknown, destina- tion. We did not know whether we were to land in England or in France, but happy we were at the fact that each hour was bringing us closer to the battlefields. IS THE THIRTY- NINTH INFANTRY IN THE WORLD WAR When we entered what was known as the "Danger Zone" we were required to wear our life preservers at all times, and not to undress when retiring. Very soon after we entered this zone the U. S. Cruiser West Virginia, which convoyed us thus far, was relieved by a few American destroyers. Upon the appear- ance of these small but powerful and speedy boats a feeling of relief permeated all ranks, and many a soldier on board the transports, who in the quietness of his home town had doubts as to the necessity of a large and powerful navy, had now all such doubts removed. The performances of these "Sea Dogs" demon- started to us one of the many important duties, and the won- derful efficiency of our Navy. Later on several more of these destroyers met us, and we then entered on the final stage of our journey. The entire voyage was quite uneventful, and it proved a pleasant disappointment to us not to have encountered enemy submarines. A little after midnight on May 22nd, the troops aboard the Duca D'Aosta experienced a submarine scare. When the alarm was given the monotony of the boat drills was well re- warded by the magnificent manner in which every one went to his post quietly but quickly. There was no noise or confusion, each man knew his job and was prepared for it, but the alarm proved to be unfounded, and the doughboys went back to sleep. However, the discussions overheard the following day were very amusing, and some of the men's imaginations went so far as to believe that they had actually seen the submarine plunge into the deep for the last time, crew and all. Our exultations reached the climax when friendly balloons and aeroplanes welcomed us and when we caught the first glimpse of the shores of France. Our dangerous journey across the Atlantic was nearing its end — and we were at last to set foot on the native soil of Lafayette. All vessels transporting the Thirty-ninth Infantry arrived at Brest on May 23rd, except the fast Espagne, which had already docked at Bordeaux on May 18th. Our arrival in France was saddened by the death of Private First Class James L. Cannon, of "B" Company, aboard the Dante Alghieri on May 24th, by cause of pneumonia, and at this early stage of our stay in France we laid him to rest in Brest. After spending two days in a rest camp near Pontanezan Barracks (on the outskirts of Brest), the Regiment (less "I" Company and the Supply Company), entrained for Calais. 16 THE THIRTY-NINTH INFANTRY IN THE WORLD WAR GETTING "OVER THERE" - Cornel"! "CHOSE 'I^B WHZCTTHET SHOOT THE EEPTH ^WTTH 17 THE THIRTY -XI NTH INFANTRY IN THE WORLD WAR During this journey a German aeroplane dropped two bombs near one of our trains. Fortunately none of our troops suffered casualties from this raid. Sergeant Stanley Norozny, of the Machine Gun Company, however, has a pleasant recollection of this affair, for a fragment of an anti-aircraft shell came through the roof of his car and penetrated his mess kit. We arrived at Calais early in the morning on May 28th, and marched to an English rest camp on the outskirts of the city, where we were cordially and comfortably received by the British authorities. At this camp we turned in to the Quartermaster surplus clothing, and personal property was placed in barrack bags for storage. As we were to be brigaded with the British, our own rifles and bayonets were exchanged for British Lee- Enfield rifles and British bayonets. We also went through lach- rymatory gas chambers and tested out our new British gas masks, which each man had carefully fitted to him by old war veterans. At Calais we were afforded an opportunity to see the effects of war, and of a modern war such as this one. Many buildings were ruined by aeroplane bombs, and it being a favorite city for air raids, not a few enemy bombing planes came over at nights and raided the city and vicinity. The anti-aircraft guns were kept quite busy, and did excellent work. It was pathetic to see women and children desert their homes at dusk for cellars and dugouts where they would remain overnight. Others would be seen standing in the doorways of their homes, watching the skies carefully and with anxious ears alert to detect any signs of approaching hostile aircraft. While we were now in the war zone and still many miles from the front, we nevertheless felt the presence of the enemy. In the afternoon of May 29th the Regiment marched a few miles from the rest camp at Calais to Fontinettes Station, where it entrained. This march, while short in distance, was neverthe- less one which is very memorable to us. At that time we had no transport of our own, and the men had to carry all equipment on their person. The packs contained two blankets, over- coat, slicker, shelter-half, tent pole and pins, underwear, extra O. D. shirt, socks, bed sack, mess kit, bacon and condiment cans, toilet articles, intrenching tool, and extra pair of shoes. In addition to this heavy pack, each man carried his rifle, bayonet, gas mask, steel helmet, cartridge belt, 200 rounds of ammunition, and canteen filled with water. Although burdened with this extremely heavy load, the march discipline was excellent. 18 THE THIRTY-NINTH INFANTRY IN THE WORLD WAR After a three-hour journey, we detrained at Samer, where we were welcomed by a British military band, and had coffee served to us. Several units which remained at Samer overnight ex- perienced another night air raid, which again brought home the grim realities of war. However, there were no casualties incurred. From Samer another difficult march was made to our new training area. Regimental Headquarters was established in Doudeauville, and the battalions were billeted in the nearby villages. "I" Company and the Supply Company entrained at Bor- deaux on May 24th, and three days later reached Le Havre. Here the Supply Company turned in much of the regimental equipment it had brought from the United States. After five days' stay in Le Havre, the two companies proceeded by rail to Samer, where they rejoined the Regiment on June 3rd. In this area we received from the British — animals, trans- port, machine guns, automatic rifles, and ammunition. Assisted by a staff of British officers and non-commissioned officers, our training started. We sent officers and N. C. O.'s to American and British schools to specialize in various subjects, and every one got down to hard work with but one end in view, and that was to make of himself as an efficient part of the Army as possible. On account of the activity of enemy aircraft in this vicinity, it was necessary to do our training at such places as would afford concealment from observation. The general state of apprehen- sion in the Allied world that the Germans would break through to Paris, and the possibility that the Thirty-ninth Infantry might be called on at any time to take part in the defense, keyed up the training. '9 THE THIRTY- NINTH INFANTRY IN THE WORLD WAR FRANCE AT LA5T- T/OTTfiE \2rzra> .sns I/ass aw YYZHZEE JdfSE T r WO jrzmw ntFirEiZjExrciEs ■BE.TVK&&1T VZhrJ?OL*Z& Sr \jzcce& — it zxxa&rr j&LXxr ~vrrr jqoit&b — z=eoz^£js xx3 2xyr 20 Training in France AFTER nine days' stay in the Doudeauville area we re- placed the British equipment (except animals, transport, and gas masks) with American, including the favorite Springfield rifle. After a march of two and a half days, the First and Second Battalions entrained at Maresquel, and the re- mainder of the Regiment at Hesdin — for the Chateau-Thierry front to assist in the resistance of the threatened drive on Paris. The movement from the Doudeauville area commenced on June 9th and was completed on June 15th, when the entire Regiment went into camp in the woods near Acy-en-Multien. Here the Seventh Infantry Brigade was attached for training and defense to the Fourth French Infantry Division. Intensive training was at once resumed. Specialists' schools were estab- lished, and for the first time our men were given an opportunity to fire their rifles on a range. As there was no range available, we at first used tin cans tied to stakes for targets, but in a short time we constructed an excellent range which the Engineers laid out, and fired on ranges up to 500 yards. Despite the fact that our men were mostly recruits and had no preliminary instruction in firing, the marksmanship and enthusiasm displayed by them in this work was very gratifying to all, and the results obtained were surprising to our own and the French officers. We also sent de- tachments of officers and men for a short tour of observation and instruction with the Second Division and also with the French in the trenches. Our training schedule was interrupted from time to time by the so-called "alerts," which meant that the Regiment was marched to, and took up position in, the French trenches near the front, some twelve miles from our training area. The Thirty-ninth Infantry sector extended from the Collinance- Mareuil road, exclusive, to the cross-roads 500 meters east of 21 THE THIRTY-NINTH INFANTRY IN THE WORLD WAR the Autheuil Church, exclusive, with Regimental Headquarters at La Grange-aux-Bois. In the midst of these preparations the Regiment celebrated, in historic fashion, Independence Day. The Thirty-ninth Infantry was designated as one of the two Regiments in the Di- vision to select a battalion to be sent to Paris to take part in the Independence Day parade participated in by various units of the Army at that city. This provisional battalion, composed of representatives of all units in the Regiment, under command of Major Winton, made a most creditable showing and was given a royal reception by the French people in their capital. When these troops returned to the Regiment they found that their com- rades had been sent to the "alert" positions in the trenches dur- ing their absence. Therefore, instead of marching from the train to their camp, they pushed on many miles beyond to take their place in line. On the night of July 6th all units, except the Third Battalion, marched back to camp at Acy-en-Multien, while the Third Bat- talion remained in the trenches until July 7th, and then returned to the same camp. During the Regiment's period of training in the trenches it was subjected to enemy shell fire. Wagoner John Lopes, of the Supply Company, has the distinction of being the first member of the Thirty-ninth Infantry to be wounded in action. While driving his team near Thury-en-Valois, on July 7th, he was struck in the nose by a fragment of a shell. The appreciation of our Allies was evidenced by the follow- ing communication sent on July 14th by the Commanding Gen- eral, Second French Army Corps, to our Brigade Commander: "I feel sure that the fine American Army, which has already shown on the battlefields such brilliant military qualities, will contribute to hasten the day of the final victory. I feel especially proud to have under my command the Seventh Brigade, U. S. A., whose fine battalion I admired last 4th of July; and I beg you, General, to transmit to your officers and troops the wishes which I express for their success and for the greatness of the United States." 22 THE THIRTY-NINTH INFANTRY IN THE WORLD WAR LE GENERAL PHILIPOT le 4 juillet 1918. Mon cher General : Permettez-moi de m'associer a vous en ce jour ou vous fetez l'inde- pendance des Etats-Unis. Mon coeur de Frangais bat a l'unisson du votre: n'est-ce pas aussi pour notre independance que nous combattons depuis quatre ans, n'est ce pas pour nous aider dans cette besogne sacree que vous etes accourus pour partager notre sort? C'est pourquoi j'unis dans une meme pensee et dans une meme affection nos deux pays luttant pour le meme ideal de justice et de liberte. Veuillez agreer, mon cher General, l'expression des vrpux ardents que je forme pour la gloire et le succes de votre belle brigade et de son chef et celle de mes sentiments de haute consideration. Philipot, Commandant le 2 me Corps d'Armee. Note: — An appropriate reply was at once sent by the Commanding General, Seventh Infantry Brigade. — B. A. P. (To Brig. Gen. Poore). (Translation) GENERAL PHILIPOT My dear General : Permit me to join you on this day when you celebrate the Inde- pendence of the United States. My French heart beats in unison with yours; is it not for our in- dependence that we have fought for four years? Is it not to help us in this sacred cause that you have come to share our fortunes? That is why I unite in the same thought and in the same affection our two countries fighting for the same ideals of Justice and Liberty. Please accept, my dear General, the expression of my sincere wishes for the glory and success of your splendid Brigade and for its chief, and my sentiments of high consideration. Philipot, Commanding Second Army Corps- 23 THE THIRTY-NINTH INFANTRY IN THE WORLD WAR HEADQUARTERS SEVENTH INFANTRY BRIGADE AMERICAN EXPEDITIONARY FORCES France, 14th July, 1918. My dear General Philipot: Permit me to extend to you, on behalf of the officers and men of the Seventh Infantry Brigade, our felicitations and best wishes on the occa- sion of your national holiday. It is fitting that France and the United States, the greatest republics in the world, should be engaged and united in an effort to maintain for mankind Liberty and Independence. We regard it an honor to serve under your command, and we hope we shall not be found wanting in any duty we may be called upon to perform. With the hope that your beautiful country will soon be rid of the presence of an enemy, I remain, Sincerely yours, B. A. Poore. To General Philipot, Commanding Second French Army Corps. 24 IS CHAPTh'.U. IV Advance Towards the Vesle River ABOUT 8 130 o'clock in the evening of July 15th, after a very hard day on the target range, orders were received to move " up to the second line (French) positions. The Regiment moved forward, going into camp at ha Villeneuve-sous-T hury and Thury-en-Valois, with Regimental Headquarters at ha Grange-aux-Bois Ferme. This was the same area occupied by the Regiment when previously ordered to the "alert" position. During the entire day units of the Second Division Artillery had been passing Acy on their way to the Soissons front. It was evident to all that the Regiment was soon to see action. On the following day the regimental, battalion and company commanders, the first two accompanied by their staffs, were ordered to Autheuil-en-V alois (Headquarters of the Thirty- third French Division) to make a reconnaissance of the front line. The night of July 16th was spent by battalion and com- pany commanders in reconnoitering the sectors assigned their units. The Second Battalion was assigned the area of Troesnes and Silly-la-Poterie. That night "F" and "G" Companies went into position, "F" Company at Silly-la-Poterie and "G" Com- pany at hes Heureux Ferme. The night following, July 17th, the Regiment completed the relief of the Ninth and Eleventh French Infantry Regiments. The sector occupied extended from the Ourcq River north, along the eastern edge of Troesnes, across the Savieres River, to the heights west of the river at Faverolles, exclusive. Each battalion placed two companies in the front line and two in support. The Second Battalion was on the right between the Ourcq and Savieres Rivers, with "E" Company on the east edge of Troesnes, its right on the river; "H" Company on left of "E," with its left prolonging the line into the quarry marked "Garr." "F" Company was in the Savieres valley in support of "H", and "G" Company was in the Ourcq valley in 25 THE THIRTY-NINTH INFANTRY IN THE WORLD WAR support of "E." The Thirty-ninth Machine Gun Company was assigned to the Second Battalion. The Third Battalion with one company of the Eleventh M. G. Battalion, occupied the center of the regimental sector from the west bank of the Savieres River in prolongation of the Second Battalion line. "M" and "K" Companies were in the front line with "I" and "L" Com- panies in support. The First Battalion and one company of the Eleventh M. G. Battalion held, as its sector, from Bucket Bridge on the right to Oigny Road, inclusive. "A" and "B" Companies occupied the front line, supported by "C" and "D" Companies on the reverse slope of the hill 200 yards to the rear. The relief was made with great difficulty due to the darkness of the night. Owing to the blinding rain the men were compelled to hold on to one another while following the French guides up to the posts in the trenches. With the occupation of the new position as yet incomplete, orders were received during the night to attack early the next morning. The attack was to be made in conjunction with the French for the purpose of capturing the Buisson de Cresnes im- mediately to the front. In the plan of attack, the French were to advance north across the Ourcq River to Noroy, and east from Faverolles across the Savieres River, so as to complete a "pincer" movement between Ancienville and Noroy. The zero hour for the French attack was 4:35 a. m., while the Thirty-ninth was to attack on orders expected approximately one hour later. The mission of the Thirty-ninth was to mop up the Buisson de Cresnes and consolidate its eastern edge. At 4:35 o'clock the next morning the French laid down a heavy artillery barrage. The men of the Thirty-ninth, who had never before been in a front line trench, listened to the incessant whistling of shells over their heads, and impatiently awaited orders to go over the top. The lines in this sector were, at most, only four or five hundred yards apart. The Germans promptly replied to the French bombardment with so severe a counter barrage of artillery and trench mortars that communication became very difficult. It was only by exposing themselves to what seemed certain death that runners maintained liaison be- tween the different units. Not until the afternoon did this enemy barrage slacken, and in the attack, as is often the case, the ex- ecution was far different from the original plan. The French cautiously refused to allow all three battalions to go forward, 26 THE THIRTY -NINTH INFANTRY IN THE WORLD WAR despite numerous protests from the Regimental Commander. On the left the First Battalion was ordered to attack at eight o'clock, while the Third Battalion did not move forward until one o'clock. On the right, the Second Battalion had to wait until late in the afternoon before it started its attack. Peculiar and unexpected difficulties confronted the First Battalion. In its immediate front was the Savieres River, a narrow but deep stream with a quicksand and soft mud bottom. The banks on either side were marshy. A few men waded through, but practically the entire battalion moved forward in a thin line and crossed on logs which had been thrown across the stream. The movement was a success because of its surprise to the enemy. The Germans' main resistance was facing the Ourcq River and not the Savieres, and was directed on the south- ern, not the western, edge of the Buisson de Cresnes. A German sergeant captured later in the day stated that the Germans did not think the Americans would be reckless enough to attack over the swampy Savieres, and had the greater part of their machine guns directed on the Ourcq River. While ascending the hill beyond the river the Regiment captured its first machine gun. German machine gunners, camouflaged in a wood pile, opened fire on the left flank of "A" Company. Sergeant Robert D. Winters discovered the nest, rushed it, throwing a hand grenade. The wood pile fell over, disclosing the startled gunners, who before they could throw up their hands were riddled with bullets. Another machine gun met in the day's advance was in a miniature glass house with sliding windows, built in the top of a tree. The gunner was quiet, waiting for the front line to pass so that he might open fire from the rear. One-half of a company had passed the tree without noticing the gun, when it was dis- covered by Private Fritz Carlson of "A" Company, who calmly placed his rifle to his shoulder, rested against a tree and fired; the enemy gunner pitched forward, headlong to the ground. The First Battalion had orders to clear the left or northern half of the Buisson de Cresnes. After moving out in the morn- ing the battalion had encountered heavy rifle and machine gun fire. This resistance came principally from the right flank at the southern edge of the woods, where the enemy had prepared for an attack from the south. As the Third Battalion was not to come up until later, two platoons from "B" and "C" Companies were thrown in to support "A" Company and cover its right 27 THE T H I R T Y - X I X T H INFANTRY IX THE WORLD WAR 28 THE THIRTY- XI NTH INFANTRY IN THE WORLD WAR flank. The First Battalion then charged the hill, and after two hours' hard fighting had captured one hundred men and several trench mortars and machine guns. Position for the night was taken up on the eastern edge of the Buisson de Cresnes. A part of the battalion occupied a large German Field Hospital which had been elaborately fitted up with furniture captured in the nearby towns. At nine o'clock "K" Company crossed the Savieres River, the other companies of the Third Battalion remaining in posi- tion. At two o'clock that afternoon the battalion moved for- ward with "K" Company on the right and "M" Company on the left of the front line. "I" and "L" Companies were in support. Later "I" Company took position in the front line on the right. Moving forward, the hill directly to the front was taken and nine machine guns captured. The battalion continued the ad- vance until the eastern edge of the Buisson de Cresnes (the regi- mental objective) was reached. Here the position was con- solidated. Not until 3 145 o'clock in the afternoon was the Second Battal- ion sent forward. During the entire morning the enemy had kept up an incessant rifle, machine gun and artillery fire, to which the battalion replied with rifles and machine guns. One machine gun nest that had been causing a great deal of annoyance was captured at noon by a skillfully led patrol from "E" Company under the command of Corporal Mark Reed. Captain Norton with "H" Company put up a stiff fight in the quarry where he was stationed. After jumping off, however, all opposition was overcome and the advance pushed forward. The "pincer" movement which the French had to effect was uncompleted in the afternoon; no French troops were even ap- proaching Noroy from the south. Early in the afternoon, when the Germans had stiffened their resistance, the French expected a counter attack in force and sent a request to Colonel Bolles for assistance in the vicinity of Noroy. At three o'clock Colonel Bolles sent word forward that a glorious Allied victory had been won all along the line, and ordered the Second Battalion to move forward on the right, while the Third Battalion, with the First Battalion in support, was ordered to capture Noroy. Lieut. Colonel Peck ordered "I" Company to advance on Noroy, the remainder of the battalion following in support. Advancing through heavy enemy artillery fire the assaulting troops entered the village, driving the Germans before them. Not until the 29 THE THIRTY-NINTH INFANTRY IN THE WORLD WAR eastern edge of the town was reached was there hand-to-hand lighting. Here the Germans made a determined stand, but were finally routed after both sides had suffered many casualties. "I" Company took up position in Noroy. U K" Company, together with "L" and "M" Companies, moved up to a support position in the northeastern edge of the Buisson de Cresnes. The fall of Noroy closed the gap between the French units on the right and left, and, in connection with the cleaning up of the Buisson de Cresnes, culminated the French plans for this date. The troops remained in these positions during the night of July 18-19. At one o'clock on the morning of the 19th orders were received from the French to resume the attack at four o'clock. The following objectives were assigned the Regi- ment: First objective, 1 1/2 kilometers from the line of de- parture, direction of attack along a line ten degrees east of north; second objective, along road Chouy-la-Sucrerie; third objective, ridge, 1 kilometer southeast of the Chouy-la-Sucrerie road, cov- ering a front of 1 1/4 kilometers. For this attack one battalion from the Twentieth French Infantry was assigned to the Thirty- ninth and acted under orders from Colonel Bolles. In accordance with the French order, Colonel Bolles ordered the Second Battalion and the Thirty-ninth Machine Gun Com- pany, under command of Major Mitchell, to attack on a front of 550 yards, the right following the Ourcq River. The Third Bat- talion with "A" Company, Eleventh Machine Gun Battalion and detachment of one-pounders, Lieut. Colonel Peck commanding, was ordered to attack on a 550-yard front from the left of the Second Battalion. The battalion objectives were the same as the regimental objectives, outlined above. In the capture of the third objective one battalion was to be in the front line with the other two arranged in depth. The First Battalion, "C" Com- pany, Eleventh Machine Gun Battalion and a detachment of Stokes Mortars, under command of Major Terrell, constituted the reserve, and was ordered to march 600 yards in rear of the center of the first line. Headquarters Company (less detach- ments) remained with Regimental Headquarters. No advance was to be made beyond the third objective except upon additional orders from the Regimental Commander. The Second Battal- ion was designated as the base battalion; the rate of march, no yards in three minutes; the direction of march, 45 minutes south of east. The axis of liaison was to be along the Troesnes-Noroy road ; all trains were to be left until further orders. Regimental 30 THE THIRTY-NINTH INFANTRY IN THE WORLD WAR Headquarters was to be at Troesnes before the capture of the first objective, thereafter at Noroy. The zero hour was 4 a. m. Great difficulty was experienced in getting the order dis- tributed to the troops in sufficient time for the beginning of the movement. Despite this the attack was begun as directed. It was discovered later, however, that the French troops on the left which were to attack at the same hour had not received their orders in time to enable them to follow the barrage. In conse- quence of this the French order for the attack was delayed one hour. Unfortunately, this information did not reach us in time to stop our movement. The French barrage which was scheduled to start at four o'clock did not actually begin until one hour later. As a result of this delay our line, which had already begun the advance, was caught in the barrage and suffered many casualties. It was apparent to the troops that something had gone wrong, and that the fire from which they suffered was their own artillery. Although this was only their second experience in battle, their morale was unshaken, and the advance continued as soon as the barrage passed. At four o'clock the Third Battalion with "I" and "L" Companies in the front line, "K" and "M" Companies in support, advanced from Noroy without artillery preparation and captured a battery of enemy artillery in the gulch to the northeast of the town. Later the battalion was caught in the French barrage and suffered casualties. Nevertheless, as soon as the barrage passed, the troops moved forward until held up by machine gun nests in a wheat field to the front. Two nests were directly in front, one on the left flank and two on the right flank. Those in front and on the left flank were wiped out by rifle fire, and the two on the right were destroyed by a platoon from "L" Company. This platoon, led by Lieutenant Notrand, charged across the open field with fixed bayonets and cleaned out the nest, killing the machine gunners at their guns. The wheat field was a net work of signal wires, which when disturbed invariably brought on an intense enemy machine gun fire. Having cleared out the machine gun nests the advance was continued until the Chouy-La Sucrerie road was crossed. Here positions were established on the final objective as shown on the map. The advance of the Second Battalion was over very difficult terrain — marshes, hills, woods and the winding valley of the Ourcq. "E" Company was on the right and "H" Company on the left of the assault line, with "G" Company on the right and 3i THE THIRTY-NINTH INFANTRY IN THE WORLD WAR a F" Company on the left in support. The Germans began a heavy shelling of the area adjacent to the road running south of Noroy as soon as the assault line reached it. a H" Company, nearest the river, advanced through dense woods and was unable to keep abreast of "E" Company, which continued the advance into a swamp, followed by "G" Company. Very soon it was found necessary to move the two companies out of the swamp. They were suffering from German machine gun fire from the front, and our artillery fire from the rear. Lieutenant Gluck- man led "E" Company (less one platoon) well to the front and silenced three machine gun nests. Major Mitchell, the Battalion Commander, with a platoon from "E" Company, supported by Sergeant Curran's machine gun section and "G" Company, and with such other men as he had gathered together while waiting in the swamp, pushed on to a point nearly south of Chouy. While making this advance, the platoon from "E" Company led by Lieutenant Davidson silenced four machine guns in the woods and field to the front. West of an old mill, Moulin de Croutes, much machine gun fire was en- countered. At about the same time a line of Germans advanced over the ridge east of the Moulin de Croutes. When fire was opened on them they retreated down the valley of the Ourcq and surrendered to the French. As the advance continued the Ger- mans retreated with their machine guns to the shelter of the mill, a massive stone tower. Efforts were made to obtain artil- lery fire on the tower, and the lines were drawn back slightly for this purpose. In the meantime automatic rifle teams from "G" Company worked around to the rear of the mill to intercept the Germans when they should be driven out by the bombardment. The artillery failed to respond and the Second Battalion con- tinued the advance with the Third Battalion. On reaching the mill it was found that the Germans had slipped out and sur- rendered to the French in the valley. The Second Battalion halted on the third objective and consolidated its position in support of the Third Battalion. On the left of the Third Battalion, with "C" and "D" Com- panies in the front line, "B" Company in support and "A" Com- pany in reserve, the First Battalion moved forward. Clearing the edge of the Buisson de Cresnes at four o'clock, the advance was continued to the road running north from Noroy, where it was held up for one hour by our barrage. Bearing to the left the battalion continued the forward movement until a wheat field on 32 THE THIRTY-NINTH INFANTRY IN THE WORLD WAR 33 THE THIRTY- N IN TH INFANTRY IN THE WORLD WAR the top of a hill was reached. Here it was temporarily halted by heavy enemy machine gun and artillery fire, until the machine guns could be wiped out. In cleaning up the machine gun nests a number of casualties were suffered. Moving forward, after silencing the machine guns, the battalion advanced through the artillery fire, reaching Chouy late in the afternoon. "B," "C" and "D" Companies remained in the village for the night, "A" Company taking up a position in rear of the bluff to the south of the town. During the night of July I9th-20th the Regiment was relieved and returned to the Buisson de Borny for a rest. The march back was made through the Buisson de Cresnes to Chateau Silly, La Poterie, Silly-la-Poterie, through La Ferte-Milon, arriving at Buisson de Borny Monday morning. Tuesday, Regimental Headquarters was established at St. Quentin. Wednesday night orders were received to march again and to be in reserve positions on a general line from St. Croix to Crissoles at eight o'clock the next morning. At one o'clock the Regiment started via St. Quentin, Dammar J, Neuilly St. Front, Latilly, reaching our destination at the designated hour. While passing Neuilly a German aviator flew over and after a game fight set fire to three French observation balloons. With the other units of the Seventh Infantry Brigade, the Thirty-ninth was assigned as a reserve of the VI Army. On July 22nd the Seventh Brigade was placed at the disposal of the Commanding General Fourth Division. For the first time the Fourth Division was now going into battle under its own com- mander. As the Germans were pushed back to the north and east, our advance was made via Brecy, Artois Ferme, Beuvardes, Four a Verre to the Foret de Fere. A day and night were spent near Artois Ferme. Here the troops were camped in a wooded area and were very much crowded. This stay here will be re- membered by all on account of the numerous false "gas alarms" given. The Regiment remained in the Foret de Fere until August 1st, taking up and strongly consolidating a position on the northern edge of the woods as reserve to the Forty-second (Rainbow) Division. While here the Regiment was subjected to heavy hostile artillery fire and suffered many casualties. On August 1 st the Forty-seventh Infantry of our Division, which was also supporting the Forty-second Division, advanced in full view and captured Sergy ; the Forty-second Division also advanced, capturing Cierges. At eight o'clock that night the 34 THE THIRTY- XI NTH IX FAN TRY IX THE WORLD WAR Regiment was taking up new positions in the Foret de Fere, pre- paratory to the advance the next day. The First Battalion was in column of twos, the platoons ready to move, when a bombing plane came over. Flying almost on a line with the column, the aviator dropped a string of bombs so rapidly that the separate explosions could not be distinguished. The resulting scene of death and horror was worse than battle. Every company in the battalion was hit, the total casualties amounting to 27 killed and 94 wounded. Apparently the success of the enemy aviator was altogether accidental. He was searching for a battery of artillery which had done much damage during the day, and hovered for more than two hours over the woods, dropping bombs wherever he had reason to believe the artillery might be concealed. 35 THE THIRTY-NINTH INFANTRY IN THE WORLD WAR 2 me Corps d'Armee. Etat-Major, ler Bureau No. 2972 C. Au Q. G., le 23 juillet 1918. ORDRE No. 262. La 7 me Brigade Americaine cesse de faire partie du 2 me Corps d'armee. Le General tient a luf exprimer ses remerciments pour l'aide precieuse qu'elle lui a apportee et a lui adresser au nom de tous, ses meilleurs voeux pour la poursuite de sa glorieuse carriere. Le General et les troupes du 2 me Corps n'oublieront pas le bel entrain et la bravoure de leurs camarades americains au cours de la bataille ; ils saluent les officiers et les soldats tombes au Buisson de Cresnes et a Noroy. Les fatigues et les dangers courus en commun ont fait de nos allies d'hier des compagnons d'armes et le souvenir de la Brigade Poore doit rester au 2 me Corps. Le General Commandant le 2 me Corps d' Armee. Philipot P. A. Le Chef d' Etat-Major Rousseau ( Translation) Second Army Corps, General Staff, First Bureau, No. 2972 C. Headquarters, July 23, 1918. ORDER NO. 262 The Seventh American Brigade ceases to be a part of the Second Army Corps. The General wishes to extend to it his thanks for the timely help it brought him and addresses to it his best wishes in the pursuit of its glorious career. The General and the troops of the Second Army Corps will not for- get the fine spirit and bravery of their American comrades in the course of battle; they salute the officers and soldiers who fell at Buisson de Cresnes and at Noroy. The hardships and dangers suffered in common have made of our Allies of yesterday comrades in arms, and the memory of General Poore 's Brigade will abide with the Second Corps. The General Commanding the Second Army Corps. Philipot Official: The Adjutant General, Rousseau 36 THE THIRTY-NINTH INFANTRY IN THE WORLD WAR Grand Quartier General Des Armees du Nord et du Nord-Est Etat-Major Bureau de Personnel (Decorations) ORDRE NO. 10.887 "D" (EXTRAIT) Apres approbation du General commandant en chef les forces expeditionnaires americaines en France, le General commandant en chef les armees francaises du Nord et du Nord-Est cite a l'ordre du Corps d'Armee: 39 eme Regiment d'Infanterie Americaine: "Affecte a une division franchise pour tenir le secteur, a ete appele a prendre part a la bataille le 18 juillet, 1918, des le lendemain de son arrivee. Sous le commandement du colonel Bolles a fait preuve en recevant le bapteme du feu, d'une vaillance admirable. A enleve le Buisson de Cresnes et le village de Noroy; s'est empare d'une batterie ennemie, d'un grand nombre de minenwerfer et de mitrailleuses, et a fait plus de 100 prisonniers." Au Grand Quartier General, le 25 octobre IQ18. Pour extrait conforme: Le General Commandant en Chef, Le Lieutenant-Colonel, Signe-' Petain Chef du Bureau du Personnel. 37 THE THIRTY-NINTH INFANTRY IN THE WORLD WAR (Translation) General Headquarters of the Armies of the North and the Northeast Adjutant Personnel Bureau (Decorations) ORDER NO. 10,887 "D" (EXTRACT) On the approval of the Commander-in-Chief of the American Ex- peditionary Forces in France, the Commanding General-in-Chief of the French Armies of the North and the Northeast cites an order of the Army Corps: The Thirty-ninth Regiment of Infantry, U. S. Attached to the Division to hold the sector, was called on to take part in the battle of the day after its arrival. Under the command of Colonel Bolles gave proof in receiving its baptism of fire of admirable bravery. Took the thicket of Cresnes and the village of Noroy; cap- tured an enemy battery, a great number of Minenwerfers and machine guns, and made more than a hundred prisoners. General Tanant, Commanding the Thirty-third Division. To General Headquarters, 25 October, iqi8. Commanding General-in-Chief , Signed: Petain. For Extract Copies Lieutenant-Colonel, Chief of Personnel Bureau. 38 THE THIRTY- NINTH INFANTRY IN THE WORLD WAR 2 me Corps d'Armee Etat-Major. Au. Q. G., le 19 juillet 1918. ORDRE DU CORPS D'ARMEE NO. 260. Le General en Chef adresse aux troupes toutes ses felicitations pour le beau succes du a l'endurance et a la bravoure de tous. Je suis heureux de vous les transmettre et fier de vous commander. Philipot A la J erne Brigade , U. S. (Translation) Second Army Corps, Adjutant. Headquarters, July 19, 1918. ARMY CORPS ORDER NO. 260 The General-in-Chief addresses to the troops his felicitations for the great success due to the endurance and bravery of all. I am happy to transmit these to you and glad to command you. Philipot To the Seventh Brigade, U. S. 39 THE THIRTY- NINTH INFANTRY IN THE WORLD WAR '** -&P- Major Ralph Slate Major Fred W. Hackett First Lieutenant Archibald R. Gordon 40 Capture of St. Thibaut ON the night of August 2d-3SHEL.L -JUST iilT the jgpAST qaay duttp- :^C^S2^ v— «4s^ -»ft--s. 49 THE THIRTY-NINTH INFANTRY IN THE WORLD WAR HEADQUARTERS FOURTH DIVISION AMERICAN EXPEDITIONARY FORCES GENERAL ORDERS NO. 46. France, August 14, 1918. Officers and Men of the Fourth Division: After twenty-seven days of marching and fighting, our Division has been withdrawn from the front for a hard-earned and well-deserved rest, and for the first time during that period it is now possible to suitably record our achievements. With our training period still unfinished, our infantry and machine guns were rushed into line on the night of July 17th- 18th to take part in Marshal Foch's now famous drive from the Marne. Under the able commanders of the One Hundred and Sixty-fourth Division, Seventh Army Corps, VI French Army, and side by side with our gallant Allies, battalions of the Eighth Brigade drove the enemy from Haute-Vesnes, St. Gengoulph, Chezy, Chevillon, Priez and Courchamps, with such pluck and vigor that over four hundred prisoners, eighteen guns and many mortars and machine guns fell into the hands of General Gauchel, who commended our troops for "splendid dash." At the end of two days fighting, the One Hundred and Sixty-fourth Division was the most advanced in the VI Army. Further north, our Thirty-ninth Infantry, under its own Colonel, took over a sector at night and was later cited in orders of the Thirty- third French Division for "magnificent ardour" and for the capture of the woods of Cresnes, the village of Noroy, an enemy battery, and a great number of trench mortars and machine guns, as well as over one hundred prisoners, including two officers. On July 23rd our troops were withdrawn and concentrated to resume a status of training, but under a sudden change of orders, were immediately marched to join the First Corps, U. S., and placed in second line behind the Forty-second Division, U. S., on the Ourcq. Here two battalions of the Forty-seventh Infantry suffered heavy losses when pushed up to reinforce a portion of the front line. On August 3rd, the Division passed through to the front, and operating for the first time under its commanders, continued the drive as far as the Vesle River. Here the enemy had established himself in force and successfully resisted further Allied advance. The Ivy Division, baptized in full battle, has been christened a fighting unit. It has been tried out and has stood the test. With no preliminary experience in front sector, it took its full share in the greatest attack that has yet been launched by the Allied forces. No soldiers have ever been called upon to stand a more gruelling grind upon their 50 THE THIRTY-NINTH INFANTRY IN THE WORLD WAR fortitude, endurance and morale than has been imposed upon the men of this Division by the fighting in the valley of the Vesle. The Division Commander desires to express, in equal measure, his appreciation of the splendid co-operation of all branches : To the Engineers, who under heavy fire and with heavy losses con- structed bridges over the Vesle and, under shelling, maintained roads that made supply possible. To the Signal Corps, who labored day and night to maintain oui lines of communication. To the Medical Service, whose units were pushed forward to the firing line, working without rest to alleviate the sufferings of the wounded ; and To our Chaplains, with their faithful parties, who carefully buried our dead. He desires to commend in no less degree the personnel of the Trains, who, from the opening of the campaign, have not failed on a single oc- casion to furnish the combatant elements with food and ammunition, and the Military Police, who, by intelligent traffic regulation, made it possible to supply a Division in a congested area over devious and dif- ficult roads. The Division Commander is justly proud to command officers and men who have measured up to the highest standards of Americanism. We mourn our dead. For the living, there is the work of tomorrow. By Command of Major General Cameron : C. A. Bach, ,' Lieut. Colonel, General Staff, Chief of Staff. Official: Howard J. Savage, Capt. A.G.D., N.A., Acting Adjutant. 51 THE THIRTY-NINTH INFANTRY IN THE WORLD WAR Captain Richard G. Plumley Captain Robert W. Norton. Captain William K. Dickson 52 Capture of Cuisy and Septsarges AFTER a two days' rest the Fourth Division moved by rail to the training area north of Chaumont, going into billets L at St. Blin. The Division now became a part of the Amer- ican First Army. Here replacements were received to fill the gaps caused by casualties in the Vesle fighting. Another problem now presented itself, none the less difficult because there was to be no fighting — a problem of reconstruction and rapid reorgan- ization. Training schedules were resumed, but with added interest, the result of experience gained in battle, and knowledge of what was needed to solve the problems of the future. Particular em- phasis was placed upon the essentials of control and discipline of smaller units, and upon target practise. Every one had come to realize to the fullest the value of the rifle in combat. Ranges al- ready constructed were in constant daily use; while under the in- struction of the more experienced, the replacements were making excellent progress. One month in a rest area was usually allowed to complete the work of reconstruction and training. At this time, however, events were moving rapidly, and when orders were received to move on August 31st the Regiment was in splendid condition for active service. On the 1st of September a move by trucks was made to Marats la Grande, where another week was spent in training. While here, on Sunday, September 8th, the Regiment was assembled and Memorial Services held for our comrades who had fallen in battle. Another move by trucks was made on September 9th, the Regiment bivouacking at Bois de Behole, as part of the corps re- serve in the St. Mihiel operation. The Thirty-ninth was not actively engaged in the front lines, but during the night of Sep- tember 1 2th- 1 3th was ordered forward to close a gap in the lines. The advance was made under the greatest difficulties; the night 53 THE THIRTY-NINTH INFANTRY IN THE WORLD WAR WW * \ ifi-A i-- • ■ S •>- A cm- ov 7~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 1 u. • a ;> >n 3 •' * \ ! X r m'i ahF* \ •■ ■ 9 ^ . * fit). m I 5 * '• 54 THE THIRTY -NINTH INFANTRY IN THE WORLD WAR ■ 8 - ft ffi ArS ,-j- * i'%Zi s 4 . \ , r ■t > A- ^ s r YM W?- V * ^ o KM < 2 55 THE THIRTY-NINTH INFANTRY IN THE WORLD WAR was as black as pitch, the rain fell in torrents, and the only road that could be used was blocked by French artillery and transpor- tation moving forward. After having marched approximately eleven miles in seven and one-half hours under these trying cir- cumstances the Regiment reached its destination, Hill 376, west of Les Eparges, at 6:35 o'clock in the morning, September 13th. Before arriving the gap had been closed and the Regiment went into bivouac in the woods in the vicinity of Hill 378, closely sup- porting the first lines. While in this position the men were under constant shell fire. As a result of the success of the assaulting troops the Thirty-ninth was not ordered into action. On the morning of September 14th the Regiment returned to its canton- ment east of Houdainville. Here training was resumed and con- tinued until September 19th, when a move was made to the vicinity of Lemmes. By a series of night marches via Vignieville, Montzieville and Bethelainville the Regiment moved from Lemmes to Esnes — a part of the Meuse-Argonne front. Here forces were being concentrated for the greatest single effort of any American army; here the Allied forces were preparing for the greatest of all offensives of the war. An offensive which before it was com- pleted extended from the North Sea to the Swiss Border, and which before its end was to see the great German military ma- chine wrecked and ruined. The Fourth Division was assigned a sector west of Bethincourt. The advance was to be made from the line Hill Le Mort Homme — Hill 304, passing just east of Malancourt and Montfaucon, skirting Septsarges and Nantillois, thence inclining to the right to its final objective (the army ob- jective), a line through Brieulles and the northern edge of the Bois de Foret. The Seventh Brigade was placed in the front line with the Eighth Brigade in reserve. The Thirty-ninth Infantry, Company "A" Eleventh M. G. Battalion and two platoons "B" Company Fourth Engineers occupied the left of the brigade sector up to and including a line through Bois Eponge to the northern edge of Bois Camard. The Forty-seventh Infantry was on the right of the brigade sector. At midnight, Sep- tember 25th, the Regiment entered the trenches at Esnes and marched three kilometers up communication trenches to the front line on Hill 304. At 2:30 o'clock on the morning of September 26th our artil- lery commenced a bombardment, remarkable for its intensity and accuracy. The enemy positions w T hich had been fortified 56 THE THIRTY-NINTH INFANTRY IN THE WORLD WAR Upper: Evacuating wounded at Esnes. Lower: Looking west from Bois de Septsarges towards Nantillois. 57 THE THIRTY-NINTH INFANTRY IN THE WORLD WAR and strengthened during a period of two years were pounded beyond recognition. Under the protection of the barrage the Third Battalion, commanded by Major Terrell, took up a position in "No Man's Land" with "I" and "M" Companies in the as- sault line; "K" and "L" Companies in support. "F" Company was ordered to mop up for the assaulting battalion. The First Battalion, under command of Major Winton, was placed in sup- port with "A" and "B" Companies in the front line, "C" and "D" in support, and took up position in the front line trenches. The Second Battalion, Major Baylor in command, was in reserve on Hill 304. At 5 130 o'clock in the morning the line moved forward be- hind a rolling barrage. A dense fog obscured the movement of troops and caused great difficulty in maintaining lines of direc- tion and contact with adjacent troops. Despite these drawbacks the assault was made with irresistible energy and determination. Hundreds of prisoners were captured, many machine and much heavy ordnance taken. According to the plan of attack, the Third Battalion was to lead the advance to Cuisy, the intermediate objective. Here the barrage was to rest for thirty minutes to allow the First Battalion to "leap frog" the Third and carry on the fight. In the dense fog the First Battalion had moved to the left and had come up against Montfaucon Hill, east of the village. This position was protected by a mass of barbed wire entanglements and strongly held by machine guns. The third and fourth platoons of "A" Company moved forward through a communication trench on the right, flanked the hill and captured more than one hundred prisoners. At Montfaucon Hill Colonel Bolles and Lieutenant Johnson came up looking for the Third Battalion. Thinking that it had gone forward, Colonel Bolles ordered the two platoons from "A" Company to advance, and moved past Cuisy to Septsarges. In advancing the Colonel had reestablished liaison with the Third Battalion and directed that the advance be continued. Arriving at Septsarges Colonel Bolles established his headquarters there. No sooner, however, had he done this than a number of Germans surrounded the place. Fortunately, Lieutenant Gordon with "L" Company arrived at this time and routed the enemy. After the two platoons from "A" Company had advanced from Montfaucon Hill the Germans came out of their dugouts and manned the trenches with machine guns. Lieutenant Haney 58 THE THIRTY-NINTH INFANTRY IN THE WORLD WAR then led a platoon from each of "C" and "D" Companies around the right and flanked the hill again. The second flanking move- ment was more difficult and more costly than the first. In the fighting "A" Company lost all platoon leaders, all of Head- quarters platoon except one man, and all but six sergeants. How- ever, when the advance was continued at three o'clock a large pile of disabled German machine guns was left on the field. And, although at great cost, our Regiment had made possible the capture of Montfaucon. At the intermediate objective just south of Cuisy the Third Battalion halted, as ordered, for the First Battalion to come up and make the relief. While waiting for the arrival of the First the Third Battalion filtered into the town of Cuisy and cleaned it up, capturing more than six hundred prisoners, one battery of 77's and innumerable machine guns. In advancing over the hill south of Septsarges the left flank was temporarily held up by heavy machine gun and minenwerfer fire from Hill 315 in the northern edge of the Bois de Montfaucon. At the same time the Germans attempted a counter attack from the direction of these woods. The second and fourth platoons of "I" Com- pany with one platoon from "K" Company met the counter at- tack and broke it up. Just after the Germans had been driven back, a patrol from "I" Company led by Lieutenant Hammond •captured fifteen prisoners, and recaptured three men of the First Battalion who had fallen into the hands of the Germans. Before advancing it was necessary to set up machine guns from the Eleventh M. G. Battalion to neutralize the minenwerfer and ma- chine gun fire from Hill 315 and Fay el Ferme. Due to the dense fog and opposition encountered on its ex- posed left flank the relief battalion did not arrive. The necessity for continuing the attack movement was so great that the Reg- imental Commander directed the Third Battalion, despite its losses and fatigue, to move forward as the assault battalion. The advance was continued through the valley just west of Septsarges. Here German machine gun resistance was very strong, the first platoon of "I" Company being practically annihilated. Troops from "I" and "K" Companies immediately pushed forward and after bitter fighting wiped out the machine gun nests that were holding up the forward movement. After clearing the valley of machine guns the battalion advanced to the corps objective (the ridge running east and west one kilometer north of Septsarges) and consolidated the position. "K" Company and one platoon from 59 THE THIRTY-NINTH INFANTRY IN THE WORLD WAR Upper: Battered buildings in Montfaucon. Lower: Barbed wire entanglements on Montfaucon Hil 60 THE THIRTY-NINTH INFANTRY IN THE WORLD WAR the Eleventh Machine Gun Battalion went into position facing west to protect the left flank. While here "K" Company sup- ported by "I" met and repulsed three strong counter attacks made from the Ravin des Cailloux. The halt on the corps objective was made in compliance with a previous Division order. This order required that the attack be pushed vigorously, "regardless of the advance of the Divisions on its (Fourth Division) right and left, to the corps objective, where it will halt and await (if necessary) the arrival, at the corps objective of either the right or center division of the V Corps." The halt for more than one hour at the corps ob- jective led the enemy to believe that the force of the attack had spent itself, and encouraged him to stiffen his resistance. A German battery of six pieces of horse-drawn artillery was dis- tinctly seen moving towards our lines at a distance of 2,500 yards. Rifle and machine gun fire did not serve to arrest the movement. Position under cover was taken 2,000 yards to the front and a heavy fire opened. The Regiment suffered a number of casualties. While leading his troops forward late in the afternoon Major Winton was wounded and the command of the First Battalion fell to Lieutenant Haney.\ The battalions took up position for the night as shown on map. During the day several air battles had taken place between the American and German planes, two machines on each side| having been brought down in flames. In the end, however, our aviators gained the supremacy and forced the Germans to seek their own lines. Early in the morning of the 27th, with the Third Battalion in the front line, the First Battalion in support and the Second in reserve, the advance was continued. "L," "I," "K" and "M" Companies were in the assault line. Troops from the Eleventh Machine Gun Battalion took position on the left to protect that flank. Lieutenant Simpson of this organization was killed while 1 " trying to advance his guns. Soon after the advance began the j left flank and left rear were entirely exposed, and a heavy ma 1 chine gun and artillery fire was put down on the lines from the left, left rear and front. On the right front, from woods and emplacements, a withering machine gun fire was poured into the advancing lines. In spite of this veritable torrent of death, the movement continued until the road running east and west from Nantillois was reached. At this point the machine gun barrage became so intense that 61 THE THIRTY-NINTH INFANTRY IN THE WORLD WAR Upper: Bringing back Boche captured near Cuisy. Lower: Ration dump at Cuisy. 62 THE THIRTY-NINTH INFANTRY IN THE WORLD WAR the advance could not be pushed over the bald hill (Hill 266) to the front. The Third Battalion had advanced to a position beyond the Nantillois road and had begun to dig in along the road and to the north of it. The First Battalion followed in sup- port, took up a position in the rear with some elements crowding into the Third Battalion. This presented a very vulnerable target to the Germans, who evidently had direct observation. At this time Colonel Bolles directed that the line be thinned out from front to rear. Before this operation could be consummated the German artillery on the left flank opened a direct fire with high explosive shells, causing heavy casualties in the line not yet stabilized. This withering fire had a very disastrous effect on the elements of the line on the left flank, and resulted in some of them retiring to more protected positions. The other elements of the line took up the retiring movement, which resulted in crowd- ing many men into the small valley just south of the Nantillois road. Here they were subjected to a heavy German artillery fire, and a number of soldiers were killed. In a short time the greater part of the two battalions had evacuated this position so dearly won. Lieutenant Haney, with great presence of mind, and utter disregard of danger, endeavored to reform the line on the ex- posed position, but without avail. The receding troops continued to fall back until halted on the reverse slope of Hill 295. Here positions were taken for the night. Notwithstanding this retire- ment on the part of many elements, Lieutenant Haney succeeded in holding a portion of his company, together with other bolder spirits, in the position which was being evacuated. A portion of the Eleventh Machine Gun Battalion also maintained its position on the hill until eight o'clock in the evening. At this time the Reg- imental Commander ordered the forward troops to join the Regiment. During the day Colonel Bolles had worked side by side with Lieutenant Haney in effecting a reorganization. By exposing himself to the same dangers as the men, he had inspired them with his indomitable will to fight to the finish. For his "personal example of courage and fearlessness" in this action Colonel Bolles was awarded the Distinguished Service Cross. Lieutenant Haney was also awarded the same decoration for the gallant part he had played in the day's fighting. Brigadier General Poore, noticing the retirement, took his position in the front line, steadied the troops and established the line immediately to the left of Colonel Bolles and Lieutenant 63 Lieutenant Colonel William E. Holliday THE THIRTY-NINTH INFANTRY IN THE WORLD WAR Haney. For his exceptionably able grasp of the situation and his prompt and fearless action, he was later awarded the Dis- tinguished Service Cross. Early in the day's fighting Lieutenant Colonel Holliday was killed while gallantly and fearlessly assisting in the advance. Colonel Holliday had been wounded in the leg by a machine gun bullet, and while receiving first aid treatment on the field so that he might continue the advance with the troops was mortally wounded at the base of the skull. Throughout the day, probably the most severe in the history of the Regiment, the work of General Poore, Colonel Bolles and Lieutenant Haney stood out preeminent and contributed more to the maintainance of the morale and fighting spirit of the men than any other factor. Notwithstanding the ill fortunes of the day before, the Reg- iment went over the top again at seven o'clock on the morning of the 28th. The Second Battalion, which the previous day had been the Brigade reserve, led the attack with "F" and "H" Companies in the assault line. "F" Company on the right was supported by "E;" "H" on the left was supported by "G." The assaulting line was reinforced by one company from the Eleventh Machine Gun Battalion. The Third Battalion was in support of the Sec- ond, the First being Brigade reserve. Although the Germans opened with a curtain of machine gun fire, and followed it with a heavy fire of high explosives the line continued its advance to the railroad bank south of Nantillois. Here the Regiment waited to establish contact with the Seventy-ninth Division on the left. A joint attack on Nantillois by a platoon from a H" Company and one from "M" Company, Three Hundred and Fifteenth Infan- try, forced the enemy to withdraw to the shelter of the Bois de Fay. The attack was then pushed beyond the village of Nantil- lois to a small knoll. Under the shelter of this knoll the line was reorganized and moved to the right oblique to get back in the Di- vision sector, the Regiment having moved to the left to assist the Seventy-ninth Division in its attack on Nantillois. Returning to the sector the advance was resumed and continued to the southern edge of the Bois de Fay, where it was held up by heavy machine gun fire. Strong patrols, however, were pushed two kilometers to the front and forced the enemy to evacuate the woods. Here Colonel Bolles was wounded and forced to retire, the command of the Regiment falling to Major Terrell. Colonel Bolles had molded the Regiment into an aggressive fighting organization, 65 THE THIRTY-NINTH INFANTRY IN THE WORLD WAR and it continued to fight with his do or die spirit after he had been evacuated. His presence on the front line, however, was much missed by all who had become accustomed to seeing him where the fighting was the fiercest, and where by his indifference to personal safety he inspired his subordinates with a fearlessness and a determination to go forward. The Seventy-ninth Division not having advanced as far as the Fourth, the Thirty-ninth Infantry was subjected to heavy flank fire on the left. In spite of this the Regiment clung tenaciously to its position and for two hours endured a terrific bombardment from 77's across the Meuse. Finally orders were received to with- draw to a position south-east of the Nantillois — Brieulles road. A detachment from "F," "G" and "H" Companies under com- mand of Captain Norton remained in the forward position at the south-eastern edge of the woods until nine o'clock, at which time it rejoined the Regiment. It was here that Colonel J. K. Parsons took command. On the night of September 28th-29th the Seventh Brigade was relieved by the Eighth, and on the following morning the Thirty-ninth took up position in the Bois de Septsarges as Divi- sion reserve. While here the Regiment was subjected to heavy artillery fire and much annoyance from enemy aviators. On October ist five planes made an attack in which two sergeants and several privates were killed. Anti-aircraft, machine gun and rifle fire was opened on the hostile planes and this was successful in bringing down four out of the five. In the fighting on the 26th, 27th and 28th the Regiment had advanced eleven kilometers on a front ranging from one to two kilometers, the first five being one mass of barbed wire. In the advance of September 26th the Regiment succeeded in pene- trating the enemy line deeper than other troops engaged. Be- cause of the flanking fire from the left for the greater part of the time the casualties had been heavy. More than one hundred men and officers had been killed and over five hundred wounded. In the three days fighting the Regiment had captured nearly two thousand prisoners, thirty cannon of all calibre, and numerous machine guns, minenwerfer and trench mortars. Corporal James O. Kelly of "A" Company who was wounded and captured during the fighting around Montfaucon Hill on September 26th gives the following account of his experiences: "We went over the top and drove the Germans in a dugout, taking about one hundred prisoners. I brought back twenty of 66 THE THIRTY-NINTH INFANTRY IN THE WORLD WAR Upper: Advancing from Bois de Septsarges to Nantillois. Lower: Crossing Nantillois road. Lieutenant Colonel Holliday was killed here, just north of the road on September 27th. 67 THE THIRTY-NINTH INFANTRY IN THE WORLD WAR them to Colonel Bolles. He told me to go back and get some more; that there were lots of them up there. As I was going back I met Lieutenant Haney with the rest of the prisoners. He told me to go to First Sergeant Keller, who had been wounded, and give him first aid. I had found Sergeant Keller and was giving him first aid treatment when I was hit in the thigh by a machine gun bullet. "The next thing I remember is seeing about fifteen Germans around us. We were carried back to the dugout in which we had captured our prisoners. Sergeant Keller was placed on a stretcher and two of our men, who had been captured, were made to carry it. A German helped me to get along. We traveled until three o'clock in the afternoon, when we reached their first aid sta- tion. Here our wounds were dressed and we were each given a 'shot' in the chest to prevent lock-jaw. We stayed in this dugout all night. "At two o'clock on the morning of the 27th the Americans opened a barrage, which was very severe and lasted for more than two hours. When the barrage stopped the Germans re- treated, leaving us with several of their wounded. Two first aid men were left to care for us. We remained there until five o'clock in the afternoon, when members of the Three Hundred and Thirteenth Infantry (Seventy-ninth Division) came near where we were. The boys came over and were about to throw a grenade at us, until I told them we were from the Fourth Di- vision. Sergeant Keller and I stayed there until September 28th. Early that morning Sergeant Keller died from gas and wounds in the head. I was taken to the American first aid station later in the morning. From there I was sent to the field hospital, and later to a base hospital. I rejoined 'A' Company at Schuld, Germany, on the 27th of December." Corporal John Carman of "M" Company, who was also wounded and captured on the 26th, and who later escaped from a German prison hospital, tells the following narrative: "On the 26th of September I was out with a patrol of four privates on the left flank of the Regiment. About five o'clock the Germans started a counter attack. I was wounded by a machine gun bullet, and as our ammunition was exhausted all five of us crawled in a shell hole. On account of the heavy Ger- man machine gun fire we were forced to stay under cover. "Toward evening the Germans worked their way around to the rear of us, and we were surrounded and captured. Being 68 THE THIRTY-NINTH INFANTRY IN THE WORLD WAR the only wounded one, I was taken to a field hospital, and be- came separated from the other members of my patrol. I stayed in the hospital over night and had my wounds dressed. I was questioned by the Germans about my regiment and division, but refused to give them any information. When they found out that I wouldn't tell anything, one of them got out a book about ten inches thick. He opened it and started telling me about the different units of our army. He said that the Fourth Division was the best body of troops they had fought against. He told me that Colonel Bolles commanded the Thirty-ninth Infantry. He stated that the book was full of such information, and that he could tell me what troops of my division were in the fight and where they were fighting. "The next morning I tried to get away and got about forty yards from the hospital, when I was discovered and carried back. From here I was taken to a railroad station about six miles away, put aboard a hospital train and carried to Eissen. We remained there until about four o'clock the next day. From Eissen I was taken ten kilometers further to Limberg and placed in a large prison hospital. There were about 2,500 prisoners here, the greater part of them French. I remained at this place until the 4th of October. During my stay I talked with a number of prisoners. All stated that they were treated as well as conditions would allow. An American Lieutenant told me that when he first arrived there were sufficient medical supplies, but that they had been used up, and now nothing could be done but dress the wounds. We suffered most from lack of food. All that we got was thin soup with an occasional piece of black bread. As soon as the Red Cross located us we received boxes of food from them regularly. When I became able to walk I was given a pair of crutches and allowed to go out of the hospital. The only guards were those at the front door. A short distance from the hospital was a canteen to which Americans were allowed to go. On account of the numerous escapes, none of the French prisoners except officers were allowed to leave the hospital. "On the 4th of October I decided that it was time for me to leave. About eight o'clock in the evening I went to the canteen. Behind the canteen there was a large hill covered with pines. I went from the canteen to the hill, left my crutches there and went over the hill, where I found a railroad track. Following this, I finally found some French troops and stayed with them two days, when I was sent to the Eighty-fifth Division at Toul." 5 9 THE THIRTY-NINTH INFANTRY IN THE WORLD WAR HEADQUARTERS FIFTH ARMY CORPS AMERICAN EXPEDITIONARY FORCES France, September 16, 1918. GENERAL ORDERS NO. 17 1. The following telegram from the Commander-in-Chief, Amer- ican Expeditionary Force, is published to the command : September 15th, 1918. Major General George H. Cameron, Commanding General, Fifth Corps, Please extend to the officers and men of the Fifth Corps my sincere congratulations for the part they have taken in the first battle of the American Army. Our successes have thrilled our countrymen and evoked the enthusiasm of all Allies. Will you convey to the command my cordial appreciation of their work. I am proud of the accomplishment. Pershing Official: By Command of Major General Cameron: Harry C. Kaefrixg, Brigadier General, Chief of Staff Adjutant General. W. B. Burtt, HEADQUARTERS FIFTH ARMY CORPS AMERICAN EXPEDITIONARY FORCES France, September 17, 1918. GENERAL ORDERS NO. 18 1. The following telegram of the Commanding General, First Army is published to the command : September 15, 1918. Commanding General, Fifth Corps, Number 105 Sec. G. S. The Army Commander directs that the following message from the President of the United States be trans- mitted to you for transmission to all troops of your command : "Washington, September 14th. To General John J. Pershing, American Expeditionary Forces, France. — Accept my warmest congratulations on the brilliant achievements of the Army under your command. The boys have done what we expected of them and have done it in the way we most admire. We are deeply proud of them and of their achievements. Please convey to all concerned my grateful and affectionate thanks. (Signed) Woodrow Wilson." Drum Official: By Co?nmand of Major General Cameron: Harry C. Kaefring, W. B. Burtt, Adjutant General. Brigadier General, Chief of Staff. 70 THE THIRTY-NINTH INFANTRY IN THE WORLD WAR (For Official Circulation Only) (G.O. 238) GENERAL HEADQUARTERS AMERICAN EXPEDITIONARY FORCES GENERAL ORDERS NO. 238 France, December 26th, 1918. It is with soldierly pride that I record in General Orders a tribute to the taking of the St. Mihiel salient by the First Army. On September 12th, 1918, you delivered the first concerted offensive operation of the American Expeditionary Forces upon difficult terrain against this redoubtable position, immovably held for four years, which crumpled before your ably executed advance. Within twenty-four hours of the commencement of the attack the salient had ceased to exist and you were threatening Metz. Your divisions, which had never been tried in the exacting conditions of major offensive operations, worthily emulated those of more arduous experience and earned their right to participate in the more difficult task to come. Your staff and auxiliary services, which labored so untiringly and so enthusiastically, deserve equal commendation, and we are indebted to the willing cooperation of veteran French divisions and of auxiliary units which the Allied commands put at our disposal. Not only did you straighten out a dangerous salient, capture 16,000 prisoners and 443 guns, and liberate 240 square miles of French territory, but you demonstrated the fitness for battle of a unified American Army. We appreciate the loyal training and effort of the First Army. In the name of our country, I offer our hearty and unmeasured thanks to these splendid Americans of the First, Fourth, and Fifth Corps, and of the First, Second, Fourth, Fifth, Twenty-sixth, Forty-second, Eighty- second, Eighty-ninth and Ninetieth Divisions, which were engaged, and of the Third, Thirty-fifth, Seventy-eighth, Eightieth and Ninety-first Divisions which were in reserve. This order will be read to all organizations at the first assembly formation after its receipt. By Command of General Pershing: James W. McAndrew, Chief of Staff. Official : Robert C. Davis, Adjutant General. 71 THE THIRTY-NINTH INFANTRY IN THE WORLD WAR ( For Official Circulation Only ) ( G.O. 1 43 ) GENERAL HEADQUARTERS AMERICAN EXPEDITIONARY FORCES France, August 28th, 1918. GENERAL ORDERS NO. 143 It fills me with pride to record in General Orders a tribute to the service and achievements of the First and Third Corps, comprising the First, Second, Third, Fourth, Twenty-sixth, Twenty-eighth, Thirty- second, and Forty-second Divisions of the American Expeditionary Forces. You came to the battlefield at the crucial hour of the Allied cause. For almost four years the most formidable army the world has as yet seen had pressed its invasion of France, and stood threatening its capital. At no time had that army been more powerful or menacing than when on July 15th it struck again to destroy in one great battle the brave men opposed to it and to enforce its brutal will upon the world and civilization. Three days later, in conjunction with our Allies, you counterattacked. The Allied Armies gained a brilliant victory that marks the turning point of the war. You did more than give our brave Allies the support to which as a nation our faith was pledged. You proved that our altruism, our pacific spirit, our sense of justice have not blunted our virility or our courage. You have shown that American initiative and energy are as fit for the test of war as for the pursuits of peace. You have justly won the unstinted praise of our Allies and the eternal gratitude of our country. We have paid for our success in the lives of many of our brave com- rades. We shall cherish their memory always, and claim for our history and literature their bravery, achievement and sacrifice. This order will be read to all organizations at the first assembly formation after its receipt. John J. Pershing, General, Commander-in-Chief. Official : Robert C. Davis, Adjutant General. 72 THE THIRTY-NINTH INFANTRY IN THE WORLD WAR HEADQUARTERS THIRD ARMY CORPS AMERICAN EXPEDITIONARY FORCES France, October 5th, 1918. GENERAL ORDERS NO. 29 2. The Corps Commander, in General Orders, cites the gallant conduct of the Fourth Division, especially the Seventh and Eighth In- fantry Brigades in the seizure, against great difficulties, of the Bois de Fay and the holding of it against repeated and determined counter at- tacks between September 26th and October 5th. You are there. Stay there. By Command of Major General Bullard: A. W. Bjornstad, Brigadier General, G. S., Chief of Staff. Official : David O'Keefe, Adjutant General. 73 Advance Through Bois de Fay and Bois de Malaumont AS a part of the Division reserve ten disagreeable days were spent in the Bois de Septsarges. The Germans bombarded " the woods regularly and caused a number of casualties. On October 5th a high explosive shell made a direct hit on "I" Com- pany's kitchen, killing one man and wounding several. Cook Albert Bergonzie was killed instantly; Cook John Shoemaker lost a leg, and Lieutenant Slagel and Sergeant Harvey F. Parker were wounded. The kitchen was in a clearing near the area occupied by the Eleventh Machine Gun Battalion. When the shell exploded twelve men from this organization were wounded. While the Seventh Brigade was in reserve the Eighth Brigade had been ordered to capture the Bois de Fay, Bois de Malaumont and Bois de Foret, and thus outflank Brieulles-sur- Meuse. The attack of the Eighth Brigade had advanced to the northern edge of the Bois de Fay when the Seventh Brigade was ordered to relieve the Eighth and continue the attack. On the afternoon of October 9th the Third Battalion, com- manded by Captain Wood, moved forward under the cover of fog and occupied a position in the northern edge of the Bois de Fay, directly south of the Fond de Ville aux Bois. "K" Company was on the right and "M" Company on the left of the assault line; "I" Company supporting "K," and "L" Com- pany supporting "M." The attack was to be made through the Bois de Malaumont, penetrating to the north and establishing the line on Hill 299. At five o'clock the attack was to begin, but at this hour a German barrage was accurately dropped on the forward and support positions of the assault battalion. This combined with the terrific fire from machine guns east of the Bois de Malaumont made it impossible for the movement to progress. The Battalion remained here for the night, but suffered a large 75 THE THIRTY-NINTH INFANTRY IN THE WORLD WAR number of casualties. The First and Second Battalions were ordered to move at seven o'clock under cover of a smoke screen and occupy positions in the Bois de Fay to support the attack. The smoke screen was put down before the designated hour, how- ever,and the Germans began a heavy bombardment with 77's, 88's and 155's of the entire zone between the Bois de Fay, Bois de Brieulles and Bois de Septsarges. Shells were dropped at the rate of twenty per minute on the southern edge of the Bois de Fay, and made it inadvisable for the troops to move forward. Both Battalions remained in their positions in the Bois de Septsarges until after midnight. Early the next morning the Second Battalion was ordered to make the attack with the First Battalion in support. The two battalions moved forward to the northern edge of the Bois de Fay arriving there a little before daylight. Only one path led through the woods to the front; this was strewn with the dead of both sides. In one spot lay more than sixty men and in another place over two hundred. Not only was the march up gruesome, but very difficult on account of the thick grow T th of underbrush and the innumerable trees the Germans had felled across the path. To further impede the progress of the advancing troops the underbrush and trees had been bound together with a mass of barbed wire. Arriving at the northern edge of the forest the Second Battalion took up position preparatory for the attack with "H" Company on the left supported by "F;" and "G" Company on the right supported by "E." The First Battalion moved up in support position. At seven o'clock, October 10th, the attack began, and in spite of spirited resistance the lines moved forward. A few minutes after the advance started, Captain Norton, who com- manded the battalion, had his pipe shot out of his mouth by a German sniper. Early in the day Colonel Parsons and his entire staff were gassed. Captain Plumley, the Regimental Adjutant, although badly gassed refused to be evacuated, and remained in action with the troops until disabled by temporary blindness the follow morning. For his heroism he was awarded the Dis- tinguished Service Cross. To supply Field Officers General Poore sent forward Lieutenant Colonel Middleton of the Forty- seventh Infantry and Major Waltz of the Eleventh Machine Gun Battalion. The trails through the Bois de Malaumont were entirely blocked by fallen trees, and the underbrush, wired together with 76 THE THIRTY- NINTH INFANTRY IN THE WORLD WAR Dun-sur-Meuse — Scale I : 20,000 .dT/r ^Principal Highway -Secondary Roads 11 THE THIRTY-NINTH INFANTRY IN THE WORLD WAR barbed wire, was so dense as to make forward movement prac- tically impossible. The Second Battalion, however, infiltrated as far as the Gunel — Brieulles Road, pushing the attack forward through the Bois de Peut de Faux, where obstructions of fallen trees and wired undergrowth were again encountered. The northern edge of the forest was reached at half past one o'clock. In advancing the units became mixed, and a halt was made in order to reorganize the line. While halted here Sergeant Thomas Norton brought up a one-pounder and put out of action an enemy machine gun that was giving much annoyance to the right flank. At 5 130 o'clock in the afternoon reconnaissance in force in the Bois de Foret was begun. The Germans, however, opened up with such a withering machine gun fire that heavy casualties were incurred and the reconnoitering parties withdrawn. A flanking movement was directed in order to capture the trenches southeast of the Bois de Foret. With a platoon of thirty men, Lieutenant James Edmunds rushed the German position and in the hand to hand fighting which followed cleared the several trenches in that locality. He then started forward in the Bois de Foret to break up the German resistance in the southern edge of the woods. Heavy machine gun fire from Cunel and from the southern edge of the Bois de la Pultiere, however, caused the flanking party to seek shelter in the recently captured trenches. The battalion took position for the night in the northern edge of the Bois Peut de Faux. From eight to eleven o'clock enemy flares made the night as bright as day, and an incessant machine gun fire was kept up to prevent another attempt on their posi- tions. Before daylight Lieutenant Edmunds and the remainder of his party filtered back into our lines, bringing all the dead and wounded. During the night plans were made for a general attack along the entire front. At twenty-eight minutes past seven on the morning of October 1 ith, following closely behind a well-placed barrage, the Second Battalion moved forward and in spite of the terrific machine gun fire and heavy casualties advanced steadily. Two minutes later the entire front line rushed with a yell, that could be heard above the din of battle, taking the German position in the Bois de Foret with the bayonet. The fighting was fierce, but lasted only a few seconds. In that short time, however, two German officers, a number of soldiers, many minenwerfers and a great number of machine guns were captured. On the left, Lieutenant Dickson 78 THE THIRTY-NINTH INFANTRY IN THE WORLD WAR of the Thirty-ninth Machine Gun Company, moved forward with the attacking elements in order to be able to set his guns as soon as the line was established. Getting ahead of the line, Lieu- tenant Dickson with several of his liaison agents succeeded in passing unharmed through machine gun fire, cut an enemy ma- chine gun company in two, capturing twenty-five prisoners and routing the remainder. The Germans abandoned their guns, which were of the light type. "H" Company on the left flank, pressing closely on Lieutenant Dickson, relieved him of his prisoners, mopped up the trenches dug during the night, and advanced to the northern edge of the Bois de Foret. Being slightly ahead of the line, the company halted and waited for the remainder of the Battalion to come up. Reaching the northern edge of the Bois de Foret an attempt was made to establish liaison with the Eightieth Division on the left, but Lieutenant Dickson, who commanded the liaison group (Machine Gun Company and "L" Company) , was unable to gain contact. At three o'clock in the afternoon a heavy counter attack from the Bois de la Pultiere was repulsed by the Thirty-ninth Machine Gun Company. Twice during the afternoon the Ger- mans made attempts to infiltrate our positions, but were driven off with heavy losses. While the Second Battalion was establishing its line in the northern edge of the Bois de Foret, the First Battalion executed a right turn and established a north and south line in the Bois de Foret northwest of Brieulles to resist counter attacks from the east. Later in the afternoon this line was relieved by the Second Battalion Forty-seventh Infantry; the First Battalion then mov- ing up to reinforce the Second. Elements of the Eleventh Ma- chine Gun Battalion, under command of Lieutenant Flynn, also reinforced the front lines. During the day the machine gunners kept up a constant fire on Hill 299 and the German positions on both flanks. The advance rested on the nth with the lines established in the northern edge of the Bois de Foret. During the night several patrols were sent out and succeeded in penetrat- ing beyond Hill 299. On the morning of October 12th "L" Company, One Hun- dred and Thirty-second Infantry, Thirty-third Division, under command of Captain Wise, reported as reinforcement and was used to strengthen the left flank of the Second Battalion. A patrol of fifteen men from this company crawled across "No Man's Land" to a small clump of woods between the forest and Hill 79 THE THIRTY-NINTH INFANTRY IN THE WORLD WAR Upper: Crossing an open field in the advance on Nantillois. Lower: Machine Gunners advancing towards Nantillois. 80 THE THIRTY-NINTH INFANTRY IN THE WORLD WAR 299, and remained there in observation during the day. At eleven o'clock in the morning a counter attack from the Bois de la Pul- tiere was repulsed with ease. Later an enemy movement in force from the woods west of Hill 299 was observed moving in a gen- eral northeasterly direction. Machine guns played upon the troops incessantly and inflicted heavy losses. Twice during the day the enemy in force was seen on the ridge east of Hill 299. On both occasions he was put to rout by the machine guns under command of Lieutenant Flynn. At 12:30 o'clock in the afternoon a heavy artillery barrage was dropped on the front lines, causing a withdrawal to the southern edge of the forest. The barrage lasted two hours and cost the Regiment three hundred casualties. As soon as the barrage lifted the troops moved forward again and occupied the position on the northern edge of the Bois de Foret. At three o'clock forty men from the Third Battalion, under command of Lieutenant de Graft, were sent to fill a gap which had occurred in the line held by the Second Battalion Forty-sev- enth Infantry. At the same time patrols were sent out to recon- noiter the Bois de Foret to its eastern edge. These returned within three hours, reporting that the woods to the east were held in force by the Germans. The remainder of the day was marked by continuous machine gun fire from Cunel, the Bois de la Pul- tiere and emplacements in the vicinity of Hill 299. In the counter attacks attempted in the morning a number of Germans took cover in gravel pits on the southern slope of Hill 299. Sergeant Thompson of "H" Company discovered this, and crawled forward in "No Man's Land," taking a seat with his back against a tree. As soon as a German showed his head in an attempt to rejoin his company, Sergeant Thompson picked him off. Re- maining at his post until darkness fell, the Sergeant "sniped" more than a half hundred Boches. Communication could be maintained only by means of run- ners and that at a great sacrifice of life. With his P. C. in the Bois de Malaumont, Major Waltz was attempting to get a mes- sage through to the front line in the Bois de Foret. After two runners had been wounded in the attempt, Private James (Jim- mie) Wilson of "H" Company volunteered. He succeeded in making the return trip safely, but was killed by shell fire the day following. Thirteen other runners were wounded in the Bois de Malaumont near Major Waltz's P. C. . Private Joe Smith of Company "C" was awarded the Distinguished Service Cross for gallantry in action in these woods. 81 THE THIRTY-NINTH INFANTRY IN THE WORLD WAR On the night of the 12th outposts were established five hun- dred yards north of the northern edge of the Bois de Foret. At nine o'clock it was reported that the enemy was attempting to in- filtrate the position. The outposts were drawn back to the front line and a rocket fired over "No Man's Land." By the light of the rocket several figures were seen approaching from the direction of Hill 299. Machine gun fire was opened and con- tinued for twenty-five minutes. A second rocket was fired, but no enemy could be seen. The outpost line was then reestablished to the north and towards the Bois de la Pultiere, being withdrawn again at dawn. During the night a few shells fell in the area, but caused no casualties. Slight casualties were caused by intermit- tent machine gun fire from the north, east and west. Early in the morning of the 13th the Germans attempted a counter attack from the east through the Bois de Foret. Machine gunners from the Eleventh Machine Gun Battalion, under command of Lieu- tenant Arnett, repulsed it by fire from two Hotchkiss and one captured gun. On the night of the 12th, the front line was the same as on the night of the nth. In both the Bois de Foret and Bois de Malaumont the Ger- mans had elaborate arrangements for comfort and pleasure. Shacks had been erected with dugouts nearby; board walks con- nected the buildings with each other and with the dugouts. Both the buildings and dugouts were lighted by electricity. Moving picture shows and beer gardens were also found. The Thirty-ninth Infantry was now in a deep salient at the Army objective, and as ordered was determined to "stay there." But "staying there" became costly and was a severe test of nerve and morale. Machine gun, minenwerfer and shell fire came from the left flank, front, and right flank. At night gas shells flooded the whole area, the valleys being covered by a dense gas fog. Under these conditions the Regiment "stayed" until relieved on the morning of October 13th. Early on this date troops from the Fourth In- fantry, Third Division, took over the position. The Regiment then returned to the Bois de Septsarges, where another week was spent in trench digging and organizing a defensive position. In the gruelling fighting of October 10th, nth and 12th the Regiment had again lost more than one hundred killed and five hundred wounded and missing. An indication of the fierceness with which the enemy fought is the fact that in this last advance of six kilometers only two hundred prisoners, including four 82 THE THIRTY-NINTH INFANTRY IN THE WORLD WAR Upper: Shell fire on Hill 299. Lower: Returning from Bois de Ogons after being relieved by the 58th Infantry. 83 THE THIRTY- NINTH INFANTRY IN THE WORLD WAR officers, were taken. The captured material included a large number of machine guns, and cannon of various calibre. The Thirty-ninth had now been in the Meuse-Argonne operation for seventeen days, six days of that time (September 26th, 27th, 28th, and October 10th, nth, and 12th) occupying the front line and making vigorous assaults. An advance of eleven kilometers was made in the September fighting, and three kilometers in October, a total advance of fourteen kilometers against a most stubborn and determined enemy resistance. On the 26th of September the Regiment penetrated the enemy line deeper than any other troops engaged, and on the same day had made possible the capture of the important town of Montfau- con. These successes had not been achieved, however, without heavy losses. In the six days' engagements the Regiment lost 1,187 m wounded and 292 in killed. Though depleted in num- bers, the spirit and morale of the troops was never higher. Those who had come through the fighting unscathed were filled with a determination to vindicate their comrades who had so bravely made the supreme sacrifice. In the evening of October 18th the Regiment left the Bois de Septsarges for Raulecourt, marching via Bois de Hesse, Bois de Sivry, Autrecourt, Issoncourt and Lerouville. Arriving at Raulecourt on October 26th, ten days were spent in delousing, re- equipping, and work on the target range. At four o'clock on the morning of November 6th the Regiment marched to Jouy, where it embussed for Bier court. Remaining there for two days a move was made by bus to Vignot. On the day following, November 10th, the regiment moved to the Bois de la Belle Ozieres near Heudicourt, preparatory to participation in the next great American drive which was to begin on November 1 2th, in the St. Mihiel sector, in the direction of Briey. The signing of the armistice on the nth, however, ended the fighting career of the Thirty-ninth Infantry in the World War. On the evening of the 12th the troops bivouacked in a field to the west of the Bois de la Belle Ozieres. The following day a move was made by march to Commercy, where the Regiment went into billets. 84 THE THIRTY-NINTH INFANTRY IN THE WORLD WAR HEADQUARTERS FOURTH DIVISION AMERICAN EXPEDITIONARY FORCES France, 28th October, 1918. GENERAL ORDERS NO. 71. Now that the Fourth Division has been withdrawn from what may be termed the first phase of the Argonnc, it is appropriate to review its achievements. From September 26th to October 13th, 1918, the Fourth Division, as a part of the Third Corps, First American Army, took part in the attack on the enemy positions between the Argonne Forest and the Meuse. These positions were of exceptional strength, having been in existence practically since the beginning of the war, and their natural features had been strengthened with all the skill and ingenuity which the German Army, with years of experience behind it, could bring to the task. On the first day the Division penetrated these defenses to a depth of about seven kilometers. In the days following, its lines were advanced six kilometers, in the face of strong resistance on the part of the enemy. All ground won was held under the most trying and difficult circum- stances ; under fire of all kinds, both from the front and the flanks ; the Fourth Division being at all times in advance of the other divisions of the First Army. During the period when the Division was engaged, it had opposed to it, all or parts of seven German Divisions, two being rated as among the best in the German Army. Of these, the Twenty-eighth Division is known as the Kaiser's Favorite. The Division captured 2,731 prisoners, of whom 71 were officers; 47 field guns of calibre up to 150 mm.; and many minenwerfer and machine guns, as well as a great quantity of small arms and ammunition. It is with deep pride and satisfaction that the Division Commander publishes these results. They have been gained in the face of the most determined resistance and at great cost. No men have borne themselves more gallantly than the men of this Division. No Division in France has more cause to be proud of its achievements. Where all have done so well, it is impossible to single out units or individuals for special com- mendation, infantry, artillery, engineers, machine guns, signal corps, medical service, trains, military police, by splendid team work and single hearted devotion to duty, have all contributed their share to the success we have won. We mourn our dead. Those of us who remain pledge ourselves anew for effort and sacrifice, proud of our privilege of representing the American people in the struggle for world freedom. 85 THE THIRTY- NINTH INFANTRY IN THE WORLD WAR With pride, born of past achievements, the members of "Ivy" Divi- sion look forward to sharing in the great and final victory of our Armies — a victory that cannot long be delayed. This order will be read to each organization at the first assembly after its receipt. By Command of Brigadier General Poore; C. A. Bach, Colonel, General Staff, Chief of Staff. Official: Lon. S. Haymens, Captain, A. G. D., Adjutant. 86 THE THIRTY-NINTH INFANTRY IN THE WORLD WAR (For Official Circulation Only) (G. O. 203) GENERAL HEADQUARTERS AMERICAN EXPEDITIONARY FORCES France, November 12, 1918. GENERAL ORDERS No. 203. The enemy has capitulated. It is fitting that I address myself in thanks directly to the officers and soldiers of the American Expeditionary Forces who by their heroic efforts have made possible this glorious result. Our armies, hurriedly raised and hastily trained, met a veteran enemy, and by courage, discipline and skill always defeated him. Without complaint you have endured incessant toil, privation and danger. You have seen many of your comrades make the supreme sacrifice that free- dom may live. I thank you for the patience and courage with which you have endured. I congratulate you upon the splendid fruits of victory which your heroism and the blood of our gallant dead are now presenting to our nation. Your deeds will live forever on the most glorious pages of American history. Those things you have done. There remains now a harder task which will test your soldierly qualities to the utmost. Succeed in this and little note will be taken and few praises will be sung; fail, and the light of your glorious achievements of the past will sadly be dimmed. But you will not fail. Every natural tendency may urge towards re- laxation in discipline, in conduct, in appearance, in everything that marks the soldier. Yet you will remember that each officer and each soldier is the representative in Europe of his people and that his brilliant deeds of yesterday permit no action of today to pass unnoticed by friend or by foe. You will meet this test as gallantly as you have met the tests of the battlefield. Sustained by your high ideals and inspired by the heroic part you have played, you will carry back to our people the proud con- sciousness of the new Americanism borne of sacrifice. Whether you stand on hostile territory or on the friendly soil of France, you will so bear yourself in discipline, appearance and respect for all civil rights that you will confirm for all time the pride and love which every American feels for your uniform and for you. John J. Pershing, General, Commander-in-Chief ~ Official : Robert C. Davis, Adjutant General. 87 THE THIRTY-NINTH INFANTRY IN THE WORLD WAR (For Official Circulation Only) (G. O. 204) GENERAL HEADQUARTERS AMERICAN EXPEDITIONARY FORCES France, November 13, 1918. GENERAL ORDERS NO. 204. The following communication from the Commander-in-Chief of the Allied Armies is published to the command : G. Q. G. A., le 12 novembre 1918. Officiers, Sous-Officiers, Soldats des Armees Alliees: Apres avoir resoliiment arrete l'ennemi, vous l'avez, pendant des mois, avec une foi et une energie inlassables, attaque sans repit. Vous avez gagne la plus grande bataille de l'histoire et sauve la cause la plus sacree: la Liberte du Monde. Soyez fiers ! D'une gloire immortelle vouz avez pare vos drapeaux. La posterite vous garde sa reconnaissance. Le Marechal de France, Commandant en Chef les Armees Alliees'- F. Foch. By Command of General Pershing: James W. McAndrew, Chief of Staff. Official : Robert C. Davis, Adjutant General. 88 THE THIRTY-NINTH INFANTRY IN THE WORLD WAR (Translation) (For Official Circulation Only) (G. O. 204) GENERAL HEADQUARTERS AMERICAN EXPEDITIONARY FORCES France, November 13, 1918. GENERAL ORDERS NO. 204. The following communication from the Commander-in-Chief of the Allied Armies is published to the command : General Headquarters, 12 November, 1918. Officers, N on-Commissioned Officers, and Soldiers of the Allied Armies: After resolutely stopping the enemy, you have during months, with courage and energy, unfailing attacked without falling back. You have won the greatest war of history and saved the most sacred cause: the Liberty of the World. Rejoice! You have immortal glory for your flags. Posterity will keep your rememberances. The Marshal of France, Commander-in-Chief of The Allied Armies. F. Foch. By Command of General Pershing: James W. McAndrews, Chief of Staff. Official : Robert C. Davis, Adjutant General. 8 9 THE THIRTY-NINTH INFANTRY IN THE WORLD WAR (For Official Circulation Only) (G. O. 232) GENERAL HEADQUARTERS AMERICAN EXPEDITIONARY FORCES France, December 19, 1918- GENERAL ORDERS NO. 232. It is with a sense of gratitude for its splendid accomplishment, which will live through all history, that I record in General Orders a tribute to the victory of the First Army in Meuse-Argonne Battle. Tested and strengthened by the reduction of the St. Mihiel salient,, for more than six weeks you battered against the pivot of the enemy lines on the Western front. It was a position of imposing natural strength, stretching on both sides of the Meuse River from the bitterly contested hills of Verdun to the almost impenetrable forests of the Argonne; a position, moreover, fortified by four years of labor designed to render it impregnable; a position held with the fullest resources of the enemy. That position you broke utterly, and thereby hastened the collapse of the enemy's military power. Soldiers of all of the divisions engaged under the First, Third and Fifth American Corps and the Second Colonial and Seventeenth Corps — the First, Second, Third, Fourth, Fifth, Twenty-sixth, Twenty-eighth, Twenty-ninth, Thirty-second, Thirty-third, Thirty-seventh, Forty- second, Seventy-seventh, Seventy-eighth, Seventy-ninth, Eightieth, Eighty- first, Eighty-second, Eighty-ninth, Ninetieth and Ninety-first American Divisions, the Eighteenth and Twenty-six French Divisions, and the Tenth and Fifteenth French Colonial Divisions — you will be long re- membered for the stubborn persistance of your progress, your storming of obstinately defended machine gun nests, your penetration, yard by yard, of woods and ravines, your heroic resistance in the face of counter- attacks supported by powerful artillery fire. For more than a month, from the initial attack of September 26th, you fought your way slowly through the Argonne, through the woods and. over the hills west of the Meuse ; you slowly enlarged your hold on the Cotes de Meuse to the east and then on the first of November, your attack forced the enemy into flight. Pressing his retreat, you cleared the entire left bank of the Meuse south of Sedan, and then stormed the heights on the right bank and drove him into the plain beyond. Soldiers of all Army and Corps troops engaged, to you no less credit is due ; your steadfast adherance to duty and your dogged determination in the face of all obstacles made possible the heroic deeds cited above. 9 THE THIRTY-NINTH INFANTRY IN THE WORLD WAR The achievement of the First Army, which is scarcely to be equalled in American history, must remain a source of proud satisfaction to the troops who participated in the last campaign of the war. The American people will remember it as the realization of the hitherto potential strength of the American contribution towards the cause to which they had sworn allegiance. There can be no greater reward for a soldier or for a soldier's memory. This order will be read to all organizations at the first assembly formation after its receipt. John J. Pershing, General, Commander-in-Chief ' , American Expeditionary Forces. Official : Robert C. Davis, Adjutant General. 91 THE THIRTY- NINTH INFANTRY IN THE WORLD WAR Roster of Men Killed in Action Aisne-Marne Offensive: Vicinity ofNoroy, Troesnes and Chouy- sur-Ourcq — July iSth to July 2.1st, 1918. Machine Gun Co. ♦2nd Lieut. Strickland, P. S. Private Brekke, John Private Jenkins, Mack M. Company "B" Private Borofski, Roman Private DiBernardino. G. Private Fitzgerald, Thomas Private Gonyea, Frank Private Podlesney, Mike Company "C" Sergeant Mann, Walter T. Mechanic Akes, Harve Private Olsin, Erric J. Company "D" Private Palmer, Basil Company "E" Corporal Bunte, Bernard L. *Corporal Fowler, Almon N. Corporal Bolin, Howard Private 1/c Howell, Jas. E. Company "F" *2nd Lieutenant Weller E. C. Sergeant Larsen, Peter Corporal Singer, Mike Corporal Thomas, L. C. Private Shaffer, Albert L. Company "H" Sergeant Wagstaff, Israel Corporal Shannon, G. M. Private Dodds, Harvey W. Private Fair, Harry W. Private Gecas, Waclowas Private Henderson, D. L. Private Loesser, Alexander Private Rowe, John R. Private Perry, Vithia I. Private Wild, Fred Company "I" Sergeant Friedman, A. Sergeant Grier, John M. Corporal Brown, C. E. Corporal Racine, Joseph Mechanic Patarino, John M. Private Black, Simon Private Craig, Mood Private Palmbi, Mariana Private Patete, Alexander Private 1/c Schreiber, F. C. Private Temple, John Company "K" Mechanic Wright, Ralph W. Private Lilley, Charles C. Private Pedranti, C. Private Skeeter, Jasper Private Shuze, Gustave H. Private Wilie, Frank Private Wells, Lester Company "L" Sergeant Haley, Daniel Corporal Oepen, Ralph. Private Bogsted, Christ Private Graham, Howard Private Hoxie, Sylvanus H. Company "M" Corporal Davies, Owen Corporal Foster, Clifton R. Air Raid at Foret de Fere: Vesle River and Vicinity of St. Thibaut — August istto 12th, 1918 Headquarters Co. Sergeant Kinsey, Maurice Corporal Holloway, Isaac E. Musician Bennett, Edwin R. Private Kahl, James C. Private Lagergren, William Private Lawson, William Private McNutt, Gilbert Private Petrosky, John ♦Private Liford, Arthur W. ♦Private Malooly, Nicholas *Died of wounds. Machine Gun Co. Private McKie, Don A. Company "A" Sergeant Winters, Robert D. Sergeant Greenfield, J. A. Corporal Sullivan, James Private Anderson, Eddie Private Friesenhahn, R. P. Private Harrington, T. A. Private Jurewicz, Joseph A. 94 Private Peters, Henry A. Private Thompson, W. G. Company "B" Private 1/c Murray, John Private Boudreau, Emil Private Franks, Tommy Company "C" 2nd Lieutenant Kelly, J. F. Sergeant Whalen, Thomas THE THIRTY- NINTH INFANTRY IN THE WORLD WAR Corporal Jameson, A. Corporal Kelly, Patrick Corporal Volpe, Valentine Private Anderson, C. M. Private Alsace, Ora Jio Private 1/c Bucler, C. Private Crowe, Elmer Private 1/c DiLoreto, E. Private Dennis, Rover C. Private 1/c Hoskins, Nedd Private Lettiere, Daniel Private Melvin, Trueman Private Rattenburry, H. Private 1/c Smith, C. F. Private Stonestreet, Charles Private 1/c Wachowaik, J.C. Private 1/c Zalabak, W. Company "D" Corporal Marchec, Frank Bugler Mondress, Harry Private Cohen, Daniel Private Crawford, Lewis Private Crowder, John Private Ferguson, Ralph Private Ferris, Sidney Private Roebuck, James *Private Schroeder, Derwin Private Weekley, Ralph R. Company "E" 1st Lieut. Davidson, P. E. Sergeant Reed, Mark Sergeant Jones, Frank Corporal Arruppe, Sefferino Corporal Drew, Frank E. Corporal Lawton, Harry Corporal Lubby, Harry Private Gregorie, Eugene L. Private Gustas, Anton Private Johnson, Olo Private Kessel, Snowden Private 1/c Morrissey, D. P. Private Morrissey, John P. Private Myhre, Willie Private Peetz, Fred Company "F" 2nd Lieutenant Grant, D. S. Corporal Priejeff, Z. Private Aspender, L. Private Boness, George Private Burnor, Nelson Private Bute, Lloyd C. Private Byrne, J. J. Private Ewell, Frank B. Private Gignac, Eugene C. Private Johnson, Charles *Private Kapschull, W. M. Private Lewis, Carl D. Private Miline, Archie Private Mjelde, Obert J. *Private Moore, Allie P. Private Morrison, James Private Morrison, John M. Private Moss, Theodore C. *Private Murphy, F. D. Private Olskevitch, Michael Private 1/c Priejeff, Zosmo Private Putnam, George Private Shutt, Henry Private Surface, Harry C. Private Swan, Ernest Private Wright, William A. Company "G" 2nd Lieutenant Kelly, J. A. Sergeant Murphy, John A. Sergeant Pooley, Mark A. Corporal Gere, James Corporal White, R. G. Mechanic Roy, Harry Private Antrillo, Joseph Private Cheerington, J. N. Private Demel, Adolph Private Duncan, Benton Private Edwards, Prentice Private Hill, George Private Thoman, Henry Private Safford, Paul Private Private Private Private Private Private Private Private Private Haley, Clarence Hertter, Harry J. Marvin, Elbert Manos, Mike Parades, Antone Rooney, Joseph Saley, Leon Shaefer, William Szyjka, Walter Company "I" 2nd Lieut. Funderberg, C. Sergeant Garnett, Walter H. Corporal Masterson, B. W. Private Buchanan, Clyde E. Private DeDionigi, Michele Private Dunn, John M. Private Mann, Thomas Private Miller, Arthur Private Peterson, Harry Private Steeniske, Andreas Company "K" *lst Lieutenant Seipel, A. V. Private Lewis, Austin Private Emerson, Harold Company "L" Corporal Taylor, James F. Private Runge, Charles Company "M" *lst Lieut. Schmidt, T. D. Corporal Bressett, Clinton Corporal Taylor, Gui Corporal Weathers, John Mechanic Gray, S. Private Bayko, Sedor P. Private Cook, Travis D. Private Fish, Arthur G. Private Reano, Joseph Private Thompson, Walter Company "H" Medical Detachm't. Corporal Harding, Jesse C. Private Antrovus, Rome Private 1/c Ische, A. H. Private O'Connel, P. J. Verdun Sector: Meuse-Argonne; Argonne Forest; Vicinity of Cuisy, Bois de Septsarges, Bois de Fay, Bois De Malaumont and Bois de Foret September 26th to October i%th, 1918 Lieut. Col. Holliday, W. E. Headquarters Co. Supply Company Corporal Mercer, Stephen Private Loop, Omer *Died of wounds. Sergeant Grace, Joseph Sergeant Young, Harold O. 95 Corporal Gill, John I. Private Huff, Claude A. Private Thorson, W. R. Private Stevenson, Elmer THE THIRTY-NINTH INFANTRY IN THE WORLD WAR Machine Gun Co. Company "B" 1st Lieutenant Martin, R. A. Corporal Buma, Raymond Corporal Hogan, Charles Corporal Pennings, Alfred *Corporal Sullivan, William Mechanic Gorgen, Peter Private Allen, William Private Brown, Waldo R. Private Call, William D. *Private Case, Sylvester Private Crowl, Stephen Private Cyr, Thomas D. Private 1/c McElfresh, R. F. Private 1/c Evans, John E. Private Fantanella, C. D. Private Hassett, Thomas J. Private Huffman, John M. Private Hyder, William F. Private Jones, Charles C. Private Kuhlmier, Raymond Private Meyers, Harry Private Moon, James Private Olson, Fred Private Robinson, James Private Sanford, Leo Private Wilson, Otis Private Wiseheart, Oral Private 1/c Wotruba A. J. Company "A" Corporal Alkire, Milford Corporal Brating, Einar *Corporal Crow, Glenn Corporal Rauben, Daniel Bugler Able, Manuel Bugler Crider, Charles C. Private Andreas, Roland Private Antonio, Alfred Private Chezum, Richard Private Davis, James Private Dilworth, Joseph Private Dovson, Elmer T. Private Farrel, Patrick Private Fosnaugh, Cecil Private Farina, Salvatore *Private Gross, August A. Private Hanna, Rover C. Private Massera, Angelo Private Mazzello, Pasquale Private Milburn, Ralph Private Sarina, Savatore Private Swirski, Joseph fPrivate Taitas, George Private Trhlik, August Private Urys, John F. Private Welch, William A. Private W T ren, William T. Private Yenner, Jacob A. *Died of wounds. fMissing in action. Sergeant Ambos, Hyman L. Sergeant Morehart, W. A. tCorporal Bronkhorst, John Corporal Haynel, Simon E. Corporal Tipil, Charles J. Bugler Mazzalo, Phillip Private Anderson, Pete fPrivate Barkley, Joseph Private Bauman, Walter F. Private Basel, Ferdinand Private Buckmier, George Private Chambers, William Private Chatterton, C. Private Crumpley, Sam Private Clatworthy, George Private Eisenberg, David Private Guenther, Frank E. Private Holtz, Henry F. Private Huntley, Thomas Private 1/c Kane, John Private 1/c Jerrells, Hennen Private Mangion, T. K. Private McKinney, Samuel Private Nowlin, James Private Paetz, Louis Private Ried, James Private Sannes, Edward M. Private Stockton, L. W. Private Swackhammer, J.W. Private 1/c Warren, L. Private Wholt, Arthur O. Company "C" Sergeant Zell, Lottie A. Corporal Raszeja, Frank Corporal Reber, George W. Corporal Robinson, A. E. Private Adams, Grover C. Private Baker, Alvin fPrivate Beack, Albert Private 1/c Borski, John F. Private Christoph, E. E. Private Conty, James Private 1/c Davis, Amy A. Private Dennis, William Private Gourley, Charles O. Private Kautz, Daniel A. Private Martin, Edward Private Sotello, Santiago Company "D" *2nd Lieutenant Moore, E. L. 2nd Lieutenant Stacker, R. C. Sergeant Collier, Orien Comoral Gedda, Peter Corporal Kozokiecz, W. Corporal Riley, Michael Corporal Weinberg, A. D. Bugler Young, Marshall E. Private Ackerman, L. W. Private Baltus, Walter Private Berg, Fred Private Basarexski, Felikas Private Campbell, Edward Private Corccorrello, L. Private Czerna, Joseph Private Downey, Leo Private Herbert, Charles J. Private Kennedy, Harold G. Private Kent, William Private Kirzinger, Mathew Private Lowery, Edward Private Opgenhaffen, H. C. Private Wiebell, Otto Private Yates, Thomas B. Company "E" 2nd Lieut. Edmond, J. A. Sergeant Gaynor, Frank Private Atwater, William fPrivate Allison, Johnny Private Brown, Joseph C. Private Constantino, Cesare Private Carney, M. F. Private Gauthier, Arthur Private Ifallo, Maetteo Private 1/c Ingber, Sam'l S. Private Lebond, Edmon Private Jensen, Theodore P. Private Keumerle, Fred L. Private Kulfsky, Morris Private Kurloff, Morris *Private 1/c McNew, F. G. Private Morlock, Oliver E. Private Nebbelin, Ralph Private Olson, Alfred A. Private Ruff sky, Morris Private Schneider, W. J. Private Shaff, Norris Private Shussman, Gregory Private Simmons, Ernest Private Thompson, Floyd fPrivate Voll, William H. Private Wright, Edgar Private Zunker, Herman Company "F" Sergeant Calbots, Benjamin Sergeant Hickman, Clyde Sergeant Jones, R. W. Mechanic Kosso, Peter Private 1/c Brinkman, W. F. Private Dobry, Charles Private Foye, Sidney T. Private Holojian, Paul B. Private Huges, Louis Private Koellen, Emanuel Private Mayette, Luke J. Private Petroski, John Private Plant, Ernest Private Poulos, George Private Sobatta, Charles A. 96 THE THIRTY-NINTH INFANTRY IN THE WORLD WAR Private Spencer, Theron M. Private Toombs, Perry ♦Private Wemberly, J. H. Company "G" Corporal Hill, George Corporal Ouhl, Jacob Private Carey, Daniel P. Private Fornaciari, August Private Freer, Ralph Private 1/c Hake, WalterA. Private Kelly, George Private Mallot, Peter A. Private 1/c Murray, Henry Private Overholt, Lester Private Pinnecker, Walter Private Smith, George Private Strong, Robert Private Umbenhauer E. D. Company "H" 2nd. Lt. Montgomery, G. D. Sergeant Dallman, Emil Sergeant Engleman, W. F. Private Barnes, William Private Burkey, Ralph Private Burns, Jesse O. Private Elbus, George J. Private Dearhardt, G. R. Private Koenig, Christ Private Lopario, Francesco Private Michel, Howard Private Phillips, William H. Private Schultz, Arthur Private 1/c Wilson, James Company "I" 2nd Lieut. Graham, W. S. Corporal Clemmons, R. R. Corporal Gilbert, E. A. Corporal Goaltz, Herman Cook Bergonzi, Albert W. Private Attwood, George C. Private Bideau, Adelord Private Blakesly, Eli Private Blough, Forest F. Private Bourdeau, Joseph J. Private Broszys, John Private Byrne, James J. Private Canavan, C. E. ♦Private Donner, August Private Gill, Edward Private Hanson, Eldridge Private Hanson, LeRoy Private Idehar, Frank F. Private Kreuger, Willie A. Private Mason, Alf. Private Nagle, John Private Oats, Stephen Private Obrien, Joe ♦Private Peterson, Harry A. Private 1/c Proszcz, John Private Scheriger, Arnold Private Smith, Walter Private Thorsdon, John C. Company "K" 1st Lt. Parnell, George D. Sergeant Roberts, Joseph B. Corporal Jansen, John Private Bolea, Raffalle Private Brenden, Henry O. Private 1/c Brown, Walter Private Cage, Robert Private Cook, Henry A. Private Crosby, Thomas H. Private 1/c Fedouk, Philip Private Gowan, Herbert Private 1/c Murmane, Hugh Private Ransdell, Edward E. Private Toto, Giovanni Private Wasney, Joseph B. Private Zimmerman, Paul Company "L" Sergeant McKee, John Sergeant Paul, Ora E. Corporal Hendricks, Joseph Corporal Looman, Walter Corporal MaGrane, F. J. Corporal Upton, LeRoy Private Boman, Carl Private Briganski, John Private Brown, John E. Private Dooley, James E. Private Frederick, John C. Private Gallagher, Patrick J. Private Heard, Ross P. Private Hutton, John T. Private Kiser, William C. Private Miller, Morris Private Moon, Allen Private Pettigrew, Luther A. Private Pierce, Charles Private 1/c Schroeder, J. L. Private Stadig, Bertel G. Private Whelar, Marli E. Company "iM" 2nd Lt. Hodge, William G. 1st Sgt. Larman, Walter H. Bugler Goddard, Ralph Corporal Stewart, Paul L. Corporal Wood, Charles Private Abramowitz, A. H. Private 1/c Brizanski, J. J. Private Collins, Julius F. ♦Private Draper, Austin Private Funkhauser, John F. Private Jones, Jesse B. Private Ledregerber, Wm. Private Mitchell, Corbet Private Miller, Samuel Private Moore, George H. Private Mulligan, Robert Private Parry, William Private Puplinski, Claude Private Rains, Hyiam D. Private Reagan, Daniel Private Shager, Stephen F. i'Private Snow, Fred M. Private Turner, Pally Medical Detachm't. Private Kimball, Paul C. *Died of wounds. fMissing in action. 97 THE THIRTY-NINTH INFANTRY IN THE WORLD WAR Wounded in Action — Aisne-Marne Offensive: Vicinity of Noroy, Troesnes and Chouy-sur-Ourcq July iSth to July 21st, 19 18 Major Clement, Joseph T. Captain Fisher, John T. Captain Norton, R. W. 1st Lt. GilHn, George H. 1st Lt. Leo, Carl 1st Lt. Lynch, Joseph A. 2nd. Lt. Cohn, Herbert L. 2nd Lt. Davis, Walter B. 2nd Lt. Emmons, Albert W. Headquarters Co. Corporal Pepper, Joe Private Bollard, Driard Private Chapman, J. M. Private Jackson, John J. Private Dudre, Charles E. Machine Gun Co. Sergeant May, Charles F. Private 1/c Ferrick, T. M. Private Howard, Victor H. Private Robertson, Victor Supply Company Cook Rydicki, Varney Cook Williams, Burt Wagoner Lopes, John Company "A" Corporal Cidado, August Bugler Krider, Charles E. Private Ballard, Dillard Private Boze, Earl Private Ford, Charles Private Wadmausse, Max Company "B" Sergeant Lane, Mercer J. Sergeant Mather, Albert Corporal Cotton, George C. Corporal Kopinski, Joseph Corporal Richards, Thomas Mechanic Pace, Fred Private Adams, Frank Private Allred, Mell Private Baker, Harry Private Broom, Lonnie Private Capabiango Private Chidsey, John Private Cohen, Samuel Private Covey, Leo Private Cziakowski, Walter Private Emmet, Adolph Private Luker, Ray Private Nix, Clyde Private Thompson, Jasper Private Vogt, George Private Zimmerman, A. Company "C" Corporal Krueger, George Corporal Sears, Frasier L. Corporal Tunontuil, Samuel Private Barnes, Frank W. Private Burlson, Henry Private 1/c Campion, Oscar Private Keltner, Thomas L. Private 1/c Late, Herman Private 1/c Morell, Frank Private 1/c Saebert, Oscar L. Private Wilson, Sam Private Zakrawske, Julius Company "D" Corporal Drohm, Oscar Corporal Hennan, Arthur Corporal Pool, Adam Private Bordes, Fred Private Grones, Earl Private Ockerson, Arthur Private Prichard, Edward Company "E" Corporal Blane, Edmund Private Antonetti, Morg Private Brown, Webster Private Collobby, William Private Craven, John B. Private Migloid, Frank Private Olson, Oscar M. Private Scott, Grier Private Wood, George F. Company "F" Private Black, James L. Private Carrol, Marcy Private Dunham, Charles F. Private Fabioni, Lugi Private Ferlick, John Private Gleason, John Private Hyrok, Joseph Private McCloskey, Leo Private Morrelle, Fortynoto Private Shores, Frank Private Timothy, David Company U G"* Sergeant Barry, Michael J. Sergeant Carrington, E. Corporal Reynolds, Francis Private Berg, Hans Private Bonnen, William Private Carey Private Cook, Thomas Private DeRusha, Charles Private Dishno, Henry Private Dixon, George Private Erickson, George Private Evanson, Leonard O. Private Felder, Charles Private Ferguson, Robert Private Fitzsimmons, John Private Gray, Charles Private Hannel, Jacob Private Hetrick, Robert C. Private Harting Private Heikland, John Private Henstis, John Private Horton, Mellard Private Johnson, Thomas Private Kluess, Henry C. Private Luedka, James F. Private Love, George H. Private Marciukus, Joseph Private Milewski, Roman Private Monk, Will C. Private Murry, Joe Private Nogorg, Mirom Private Nellimorem, Joy C. Private Nelson, Francis G. Private Palmerton, Herbert Private Perry, Thomas H. Private Podel, Max Private Rockwell, Guy Private Robynor, James Private Rosenfield, Morris E. Private Stafford, Paul S. Private Smith, Fred L. Private Spoin, Floyd Private Streit Private Stuhlman, Wilson Private Sutton, Floyd Private Taylor, William L. Private Tomi, Albert Private Tracy, Martin J. Private Verberg, John Private Vickers, Frederick Private Walls, Earl Private Welch, George E. Private Wright, George. *Includes men wounded between August 1st to 12th, 1918. IOO THE THIRTY-NINTH INFANTRY IN THE WORLD WAR Company "H" Sergeant Lindberg, Oscar Corporal Devine, LaVerne Private Ackerman, Walter Private Booth, Phillip Private Denzler, Percy R. Private Eledge, Corbit Private Gottwald Private Hoistington, Willis Private Kenney, Richard A. Private Rocesa, Gerard Private McLaughlin, Joseph Private Naumchik, John Private Peterson, Clark Private Robinson, James Private Sinclair, Fred Private Soners, Treon B. Private Shirley, Raymond Private Skaggs, Fred Private Tarch, William Private Trace, Earl J. Company "I" Private Allen, Walter Private Aszuisik, John F. Private Bennett, Fred L. Private Biango, Angelo Private Boldin, William J. Private Clipton, Joseph Private Collins, Joseph Private Cooper, Charles E. Private Coote, Harry Private Doherty, Hugh Private Domingo, John Private Embree, Charles F. Private Derakas, Marinos Private Grier, William O. Private Hoar, Edgar E. Private Kazis, George Private Meir, Walter Private Parent, Arthur Private Placek, Rudolph Private Vogregrsong, C. W. Company "K" 1st Sergeant Butler, T. Sergeant Lavelle, George D. Corporal Fitzpatrick, T. Corporal Laforvitz, Moses Mechanic Wright, T. W. Private Casta, Anton C. Private Eaton, Fred H. Private Hichey, Edward Private Hines, Reuben Private Kupervvitz, W. Private Luley, Charles C. Private Monroe, Seymoure Private Pedronti, C. Private Reese, Elmer G. Private Robinson, Martin Private Robinson, Frank Private Schuertpeter, Emil Private Schultz, Gus H. Private Settles, William Private Private Private Private Private Private Private Private Private Sketers, Jasper Stranch, B. F. Schwertweger, E. Tracasso, Tony Willis, G. W. Wyatt, W. H. Wylie, Frank Wells, Lester Whalen, Phillip Company "L" Corporal Aleidr, Arthur Corporal Leideke, Eni Corporal Parks, Clarence Company "M" Sergeant Lehr, Herbert Corporal Kaevney, Richard Private Davis, Owen Private Delgino, Antonio Private Dow, Vernon Private Fauster, Clifford Private Finley, Jefferson Private Lanberger, Oluf Private Latho, Frank Private Marzonalla, Stychon Private Mayes, Jeff E. Private Norton, Anthony T. Private Partington, George Private Porter, James Private Sparmon, George Private VanHee, Herman J. Wounded in Action — Air Raid at Foret de Fere: Vesle River and Vicinity of St. Thibaut August ist to 12th, 1918 Major Mitchell, M. C. Captain Baylor, C. A., Jr. *Captain Chapman, H. H. Captain Eddy, Manton S. Captain Rausseau, V. P. Captain Slate, Ralph 1st Lieut. Crabtree, H. L. 1st Lieut. Edwards 1st Lieut. Holtslaw 1st Lieut. Lowry, James R. 1st Lieut. Pence, Charles W. 1st Lieut. Schmidt, T. D. 1st Lieut. Seiple, A. V. 1st Lieut. Volmrich, A. F. 2nd Lieut. Carton, W. J. 2nd Lieut. Cohn, II. L. 2nd Lieut. Curry, John L. 2nd Lieut. Gaston, H. B. 2nd Lieut. Kennedy, A. J. 2nd Lieut. Ludlam, C. A. * Died of Wounds. 2nd Lieut. McCauley, A. B. 2nd Lieut. Winters, John F. 2nd Lieut. Mankey, R. L. Headquarters Co. Sergeant Major Rogers, C. Asst. B. M. Berry, Oliver K. Sergeant Brown, John W. Sergeant Cleveland, C. H. Sergeant Peterson, John Sergeant Schwab, C. H. Corporal Baldwin, C. H. Corporal Bollsworth, W. Corporal Bryand, Cyrus G. Corporal Durgin, Leslie S. Corporal Hughes, David Corporal Norris, Walter G. Corporal Richardson, O. A. Musician Bilardo, John IOI Musician Tilken, Charles Mechanic Baumgartner, F. J. Private Augerinos, Peter Private Banks, Charles F. Private Beech, Dallas O. Private Boska, Edward Private Briner, Maurice Private Borkers, Stanley Private Dugan, James Private Durrant, Harold Private Elliot, William Private Ercanbrack, Albert Private Griffiths, C. W. Private Harrigan, George Private Heinbockel, George Private Kurtz, Anton O. Private Lesir, James Private Meckler, John Private Mick, Max Private Miller, Romeo THE THIRTY-NINTH INFANTRY IN THE WORLD WAR Private McParten, Michael Private Olpers, Raymond G. Private O'Niel, Herbert Private Petchet, Otto Private Prentice, William Private Rooney, William Private Rudinish, John E. Private Runge Private Sherburn, Edward Private Skelly, William J. Private Sorenson, Paul T. Private Turner, George A. Private Wajtalik, Stanley Private Weiture, William Private Williamson, L. L. Private Wilson, Clyde Machine Gun Co. Sergeant Kroll, Bernhard Corporal Deaton, Harold C. Private Doran, Joseph M. Private Hoge, Archibald Private Manezurousky, P. Private McCormic, A. L. Private 1/c Robertson, V. Private Schronck, John W. Private Stutthin, Elmer E. Company "A" 1st Sergeant Agnar, John Sergeant Skelly, William J. Sergeant Smith, Thomas D. Corporal Baldwin, Ora A. Corporal Chambers, Thomas Corporal Graffe, Werner Corporal Guse, Richard Corporal Palmer, Charles A. Corporal Richardson, E. L. Corporal Stark, Frank C. Corporal Sullivan, James H. Corporal Zanella, Louis Mechanic Baumgartaner, G. Private Allen, Fred J. Private Alpers, Raymond G. Private Augeines, Peter Private Bartkus, Joseph Private Baske, Edward W. Private Belles, Joseph Private Bradford, Fred J. Private Brooks, Albert Private Clayton, Jepthia L. Private Danelski, Joseph Private Dettloff, Frank A. Private Dolback, David J. Private Durgin, Leslie S. Private Garezyuski, Stanley Private Hoover, Sherman Private Johnson, John O. Private Lemkuil, Ray Private Lisie, James Private Private Private Private Private Private Private Private Private Private Private Martin, Ben Miggett, John Moore, Clyde J. Peters, Henry A. Rudimski, John E. Schmell, Jacob Skully, John M. Williamson, L. W, Werting, John D. Weitner, William Young, Francis Company "B" Sergeant O'Conner, Bernard Corporal Clapp, Norman Corporal Hehr, Fred Mechanic Manseur, Frank Mechanic Taylor, Max Bugler Fournier, Ernest Private Abel, Dan Private Aurand, Edward B. Private Biederbeck, Harley Private Buckley, W. D. Private Conroy, Sherman Private Morgan, James G. Private Panzones, Spera Private Pendell, Sylvest Private Phillips, Alonzo Private Setha, Frank Private Smith, Joseph Company "C" Corporal Burno, John F. Corporal Mitchelf, C. H. Corporal Wilczorsky, F. Bugler Boucher, Ernest Private Beshaw, Joseph Private Blow, Rupert Private Blau, Alvin Private Bois, Dilndonne Private Birmingham, W. J. Private DeGainer, Arthur Private 1/c Dilon, Michael Private Derabossi, Gusceipe Private Fieso, Umbert Private Foust, Paul E. Private 1/c Herring, F. H. Private 1/c Humes, C. V. Private Jacobs, Elmer Private Levassal, Howard Private Loschiavo, August Private Miller, William Private Molino, Emanuel Private Neheim, Albert O. Private Ogen, Heibert Private Poper, Frank M. Private Ponn, John Private Paulson, Henry Private Reily, Frank H. Private Robrigues, Joe Private Rogland, W. R. Private Spraggins, Doro Private Szwedas, John A. Private Urnosky, Brunes Private Walls, Joe W. Private Weisman, Elmer J. Private Whalen, George Company "D" Private Private Private Private Private Private Private Private Private Private Private Private Private Private Private Private Private Private Private Private Private Private Auezak, Stanley Billitz, Frank Borggorm, John Bregger, Peter Briggs, Aubry Bekker, Peter Cizek, Charles W. Coamaya, C. W. Drake, Chester Edmonson, Ralph D. Friedman, Fred Gioeomozzi, A. Hart, Jesse Helms, Hally O. Jackson, Adil W. Jones, Horey Kasberg, Edward Kellogg, H. B. Meiteinger, Pier Rosh, Charles R. VonAlmen, C. C Wells, Thomas A. Company "E" Sergeant Connan, William Sergeant Garrett, Leslie Sergeant Jacques, Claud Sergeant Pridgen, Robert R. Corporal Carrol, Ollie Corporal Davis, Walter Corporal Frederick, W. V. Corporal Nichols, Frank Corporal Varno, Frank Bugler VanOsdel, George Mechanic McFarr, W. E. Private Bolin, John D. Private Brendel, David Private Champutmer, E. Private Champutmer, Leon Private Constantino, Nicola Private Driscoll, Terrance Private Endaley, C. W. Private Farell, Joseph Private Giarmetti, Antonio Private Glodneey, Horace Private Grefario, Francisco Private Greiner, Clarence Private Grosens, Jacob Private Hoalon, Neal Private Hopkins, Amos Private Isaac, Jim Private Imperi, Eggieii Private Knuth, Joseph 1 02 THE THIRTY-NINTH INFANTRY IN THE WORLD WAR Private Kealey, James Private Kelly, Richard Private Nox, Floyd Private Krigg, George Private Lauer, Frederick Private Legera, Pasquale Private Mason, Richard F. Private McCase, George Private Nebbio, Raffaele Private Neier, Cole Private Pavitt, Perry R. Private Peznaitis, Charles Private Rizzulo, Joseph Private Russin, Arthur Private Saunders, Chester Private Schnicht, Alfred M. Private Schrincht, George Private Sherwood, C. A. Private Tighe, Edward Private Trent, Oddis Private Van De More, John Private Verrille, Leondrel Private Waliloski, August Company "F" 1st Sergeant Ryan, Michael Sergeant Johnson, S. W. Sergeant Soffner, Ray Sergeant Stuber, William Corporal Davis, Walter Corporal Day, George Corporal Fredericks, Edwin Corporal Henry, Franklin Corporal Jones, Harry Corporal Stork, Charles J. Corporal Thomas, Harry Corporal Zeal, John Bugler Crestino, John Cook Malone, Pearl Cook McNulty, Frank Mechanic Peterson, H. F. Private Adams, Carol E. Private Adams, Oliver Private Allison, Johnny Private Becker, William Private Bjornsen, Adolph Private Boragno, Giovani Private Baylick, William Private Castell, Arthur Private Cowell, Herbert Private Corrigan, Arthur Private Clayton, George Private Coddington, W. F. Private Cologgi, Egreino Private Cotrsuns, Sorofin Private Church, Emery Private Davis, Lawrence J. Private Delmasso, Joseph Private Divartolomeo, D. Private Earhart, Lee Private Garrett, Forest W. Private Groves, Lewis Private Helman, John Private Hogan, Thomas Private Hopkins, Walter E. Private Jones, Edward Private Kay, James W. Private Klain, Edward Private Kloek, Edward Private List, Clarence Private Laspinoso, Vito Private Lunn, John Private Mahoney, James B. Private Mahoney, Daniel J. Private Manders, Warren Private Martin, Charles T. Private McCullough, James Private McCreary, James Private McGinsey, Jack Private Menitt, Roy Private Moore, Allie Private Mork, James Private Murray, Joseph Private Musik, James L. Private Niedecken, George Private Noll, Fred R. Private Parsons, Edward Private Peterson, Johonnas Private Peterson, William Private Piper, Edward Private Quinn, Edward Private Shockling, William Private Skretos, Louis Private Smith, Charles Private Smith, Stanley H. Private Stegmeyer, Herman Private St. Rock, William Private Tomeo, Antonio Private Udager, Thomas Private Wigtel, Andrew Private Witherspoon, S. Private White, Mancel Private Whitley, John Company "H" Sergeant Creter, Charles L. Sergeant Libertz, Joseph Sergeant Lunberg, Oscar Sergeant Mahon, Louis Sergeant Sessions, Thomas Sergeant Wilson, William Corporal Alley, Charles Corporal Coad, William B. Corporal Dolan, James J. Corporal Headled, Roy L. Corporal McLaughlin, E. F. Corporal Seger, Fred Corporal Spatro, Walter Private Blessing, Charles Private Borburek Private Breen, Charles Private Bucci, Eltore Private Cogswell, James Private Downey, Edsell B. Private Folso, Sempson Private Graefenecker, L. Private Haug, Adolph Private Knipp, Charles C. Private McMillan, W. T. Private Nickolson, Walter Private Nickolson, Lewis Private Pedregon, Thomas Private Pennington, W. Private Reback Private Simpson, William Private Woods, Charles J. Company "I" Sergeant Norton, John Private Clore, Bernard Private DelFranco, Joseph Private Dohlby, Crisp J. Private Ghio, Anton Private Kawalski, John Private Kreuger, Wilbur Private Laugerby, Frank M. Private Nolan, Vernon P. Private O'Connor, Arthur Private Ostrea, John Private Richlefew, Surfell Private Romano, Micke Private Ross, Geny Private Savage, Ezra Private Schwartz, Henry Private Sleinkiste, Andrew Private Sullivan, Joseph J. Private Smith, Willie Private Sobille, John Private Spella, Sam Private Spotto, Vincenzo Private Stanley, Walter Private Swain, Fred Private Travis, James Private Umschueider, W. Private Vesterby, C. M. Private Wandle, Fred Private Wavghop, Clyde B. Private Whitney, James H. Private Zithuss, Antonio Private Zockerdoff, John Company "K" Mess Sergt. Ratcliffe, C. G. Corporal Corey, Rosy S. Corporal Soginski, Stanley Corporal Sheldon, Albert Private Stork, Walter J. Private Kelley, Henry B. Private Arena, Louis Private Doglish, James J. Private Emerson, Harold H. Private Hammond, H. E. IO3 THE THIRTY-NINTH INFANTRY IN THE WORLD WAR Private Kapanke, Fred W. Private Kemper, R. C. Private Lewis, Austin Private Newbauer, Emil Private Percherc, A. Private Pfoff, Frank Private Poteet, Harry Private Robinson, John H. Private Taylor, Oscar V. Private Telia, Frank Private Tonnell, Charles W. Private Turner, Edward W. Private Tracasso, Tony Private Whaltes, David Company "L" Sergeant Roach, Edgar Corporal Cockran, Charles Mechanic Slowry, William Private 1/c Asch, Herman Private Burgess, Walter Private Guiliano, Nicholas Private Grahousky, Harry Private Grote, William Private Manfredi, Anthon Private McMillian, Gordan Private McVea, Willard Private Parrish, Paul Private Payton, Jasper Private Polesimi, Alfonso Private Rossi, Jack Private Sealise, Francisco Company "M" Sergeant Dolton, Will J. Sergeant Donahue, W. E. Sergeant Hans, Walter E. Sergeant Jones, Harry Corporal Babola, Frank Corporal Kroner, Arthur Corporal Long, Albert J. Private Anderson, James Private Ctalonce, Vito Private Chestnut, Ralph Private Cooley, LeRoy Private Cozachuck, Hames Private Dean, Chester H. Private Olsen, Charles Private Parter, Clement Private Peatriea, Geonanne Private Shields, Earl Private Sheriff, Martin Private Shotwell, Frank C. Private Stefano, Donto Private Tustano, Antonio Private Weathers, John L. Private West, William Private Zimmerman, J. C. Wounded in Action — -Verdun Sector: Meuse-Argonne — Vicinity of Cuisy, Bois de Septsarges, Bois de Fay, Bois de Malaumont and Bois de Foret September 26th to October iHth, 1918 Colonel Bolles, Frank C. Colonel Parsons, James K. Major Winton, Roy W. *Captain Plumley, R. G. Captain Slate, Ralph 1st Lieut. Arthur, Joseph N. *lst Lieut. Bradley, C. L. 1st Lieut. Campbell, E. F. 1st Lieut. Campbell, J. R. 1st Lieut. Cain, William R. *lst Lieut. Eddy, John R. 1st Lieut. Fallingim, Henry 1st Lieut. Storey, W. A. *lst Lieut. Trenholm, D. DeS. 1st Lieut. Vandemoer, H. M. *lst Lieut. Wood, Charles H. 2nd Lieut. Baer, Sanford 2nd Lieut. Bradford, F. S. 2nd Lieut. Bond, Edward G. 2nd Lieut. Cohn, Herbert L. 2nd Lieut. Edmond, J. A. 2nd Lieut. Fisher, Carl 2nd Lieut. Galloway, R. N. 2nd Lieut. Harrison, L. B. 2nd Lieut. Hartnett, C. 2nd Lieut. Jacobson, A. S. *2nd Lieut. Johnson, R. 2nd Lieut. Kaminski, T. *2nd Lieut. Weber, Leigh 2nd Lieut. McClelland, Q. J. 2nd Lieut. Mitchell, John J. 2nd Lieut. Murray, A. D. * Gassed. 2nd Lt. Mutzebaugh, R. R. 2nd Lieut. Peace, Alfred N. 2nd Lieut. Schlegal, Ivan G. 2nd Lieut. Sinnott, T. G. Headquarters Co. Sgt. Maj. Franklin, D. B. Sgt. Maj. Sutherland, L. Sergeant Adney, C. D. Sergeant Henry, Leland Sergeant Howard, Henry Sergeant Huddleston, W. A. Sergeant Jewell, A. R. Sergeant Lane, Walter E. Sergeant Pepper, Joe Sergeant Seenctre, E. N. Sergeant Smith, Ralph N. Corporal Allen, Willis Corporal Bishop, Charles B. Corporal Brooklins, John B. Corporal Campbell, C. C. Corporal Coleman, Walter Corporal Crum, Frank J. Corporal Doney, James Corporal Dufore, Arthur C. Corporal Ferguson, Floyd Corporal Goodney, Anthony Corporal Holverson, Harry Corporal House, Robert D. Corporal Iavene, Godrid Corporal Oberlin, F. IO4 Corporal Opel, O. P. Corporal Schoenbauer, J. C. Bugler Andre, Charles F. Bugler Martin, Gerome Private Anderson, C. C. Private Antoni, Alfred Private Archer, Oliver Private Bandoes, Vincent A. Private Barbarie, Carlo Private Capps, Raymond Private Carr, Charles H. Private Caroll, F. A. Private Esunis Private Folliard, William Private Gemiginam, N. Private Gorney, John Private Haggerty, Dan J. Private Heckland, Harold Private Holt, Limerick Private Lamsey, Joseph A. Private Lovenouse, Kagriner Private Loitsas, George Private Langlois, Ovila J. Private Merritt, R. L. Private McLeese, S. L. Private Novock, William Private Ohum, Frank J. Private Olson, Carl Private Owen, Edgar Private Perry, Walter C. Private Pulirim, Nick Private Raymond. Tony THE THIRTY-NINTH INFANTRY IN THE WORLD WAR Private Redigre, John Private Rodder, Louis E. Private Romerman, Addison Private Ruthedge, Robert Private Sobotino, Granocco Private Sorg, Harrison Private Spenander, John C. Private Stout, James W. Private Swearinger, Iwen Private Trisier, Peter B. Private Thurman, Allen G. Private Todd, Ralph S. Private Torino, Salbatoe Private Trainor Private Turner, George A. Private Underwood, T. W. Private Vain, Lawrence Private Wahl, H. G. Private Wait, H. D. Private Wallingford, A. M. Private Wasserman, C. Private Weidenbar, Robert Private Young, Thomas B. Machine Gun Co. 1st Sergeant Jarrett, Milton Sergeant Beard, Tyra Sergeant Booker, Marvin O. Sergeant Hall, Roy Sergeant Hofing, Charles Sergeant Newman, Fred F. Sergeant Yando, Edward Corporal Allen, Wilson Corporal Brand, George Corporal McAlster, R. V. Bugler Strano, James Private 1/c Anderson, W. E. Private Berghins, John Private Brennen, Daniel Private Bullinger, Louis N. Private Case, Sylvester Private Clark, Joseph Private Clemmons, W. Private Coffin, Robert E. Private Cok, Peter Private Conley, Okey D. Private Dewar, Duncan Private Ellett, Jesse J. Private Ferrick, Timothy N. Private Govern, Fred J. Private 1/c Hanson, Henry Private Hedrick, Ward T. Private 1/c Jenkins, W. Private 1/c Johnson, A. E. Private Johnson, C. E. Private Kendel, John Private Kobes, John Private Koberski, Walter Private McLaughlin, F. Private Mides, John W. Private Miller, John W. Private 1/c Olszewski, Dan Private Peterson, Harry Private Pollitt, Doila Private Roupe, James F. Private Richka, Frank Private 1/c Robinson, V. Private Semington, Albert Private Schuse, Daniel Private Schmitt, William Private Smith, Fred J. Private Smith, Orville Private Snead, Ralph L. Private Specht, Edward Private Stever, Nieniel Private Stellaney, Frank Private Strickland, Milton Private Canner, Grover Private Taylor, James B. Private Thunick, Homer Private VanBerger Private Walker, Henry P. Private Williams, George Private Wiseman, Emory Private Withers, John Private Wolfe, William Private Woodruff, James Private Wright, Alta Private Wroblewski, E. Private Garrison, Guy Supply Company Wagoner Hansen, Emil Wagoner Wright. C. D. Company "A" Sergeant Heddleston, W. N. Sergeant Howard, Harry Sergeant Seereiter, E. M. Sergeant Smith, Ralph M. Corporal Allen, Uhlis Corporal Bard, Harold D. Corporal Beker, Charles M. Corporal Crow, Glen Corporal Fergusen, Loyd E. Corporal Frost, Thomas Corporal Ioven, Gabriel Corporal Leonard, R. J. Corporal Lovett, George B. Corporal Parr, Albert Corporal Pepper, Joe Corporal Richmond, Guy A Corporal Shaughnessy, D. Corporal Susearaer, Joseph Mechanic Lighture, Robert Mechanic Orsi, Lugi Bugler Martin, Jerome Private Abbal, Arthur L. Private Abbott, Clyde W. Private Aliva, Leo Private Anderson, C. L. Private Bandols, Vincent A. Private Bothoff, William Private Bradford, Edgar W. Private Bradford, Walter L. Private Bram, George F. Private Campbell, Clyde C. Private Canevora, Louis Private Casper, Nicholas Private Carr, Charles Private Castello, C. J. Private Chezum, Richard Private Clayton, Jepthia Private Coleman, Walter Private Dontas, Disprinzo Private Davis, Ottis A. Private Engley, Morris Private Evans, Roy H. Private Eustice, Richard Private Frost, Howard L. Private Gebile, Charles C. Private Geurimani, N. Private Gladding, E. J. Private Goodney, A. J. Private Grismer, Carl P. Private Grivette, John Private Gross, August Private Gushma, George Private Guissandi, Vincent Private Halverson, Harry Private Harvey, George W. Private Hause, Ribert Private Henderson, T. A. Private Henry, Willa Private Hoggstrom, Carl S. Private Houck, George P. Private Peffery, Oscar Private Kelly, James O. Private Klein, Casper Private Lane, Walter E. Private Lesie, James Private Lillis, Thurman Private Lytsas, George Private Lucas, Charles Private Lutz, Paul Private Mazzelo, Pasquale Private McDaniel, Ralph Private Palmer, Ephriam Private Redinger, John Private Ritchlin, A. J. Private Ronilard, Randal Private Rutlidge, Robert Private Sabotino, Giarrocco Private Schwartz, Jack O. Private Scdj, Frank Private Soloman, Joseph Private Steger, Herman Private Vain, Lawrence Private Wallingford, Henry Private Wokiechowski, F. Private Wuchtre, Albert I05 THE THIRTY- NINTH INFANTRY IN THE WORLD WAR Company "B" 1st Sergeant Preisler, W. S. Sergeant Cullman, Edward Sergeant Parker, A. E. Corporal Birch, Robert Corporal Durling, Albert Corporal Durkin, John Corporal Emerson, Arthur Corporal Franks, John J. Corporal Gallagher, M. Corporal King, Henry J. Corporal Kopinski, Joseph Corporal McDonald, W. Corporal Richards, Thomas Corporal Thomas, G. A. Corporal VanVenRoy, C. Corporal Vogt, George Mechanic Pace, Fred Mechanic Anderson, F. E. Private Adkinsons, W. J. Private Awe, Arthur Private Baxter, James Private Belzung, Leo Private Billieau, Orlean Private Beager, Clarence Private Boney, Adam Private Bregger, Ernest Private Brizzie, Leo Private Brown, Henry Private Caldwell, Basil Private Chambers, William Private Collier, Oran Private Ciofi, Alfred Private Crumley, Norman Private Currj-, Thomas E. Private Crumpley, Sam Private Diforma, Gustino Private Diskin, John Private Eisenberg, David Private Griffin, Paul Private Hahn, Otto Private Hortie, William Private Jensen, Theodore Private Jerrels, Hennen Private Kirby, Gillous Private Krupszak, Mike Private Landers, Arthur Private Leary, Edward J. Private Litwinowich, L. C. Private Maculatis, Nick Private Marty, Herman P. Private Manary, Sidney Private McKinney, Samuel Private Mullins, Thomas Private Neese, Lyle Private North, Everet Private O'Neil, William J. Private Ostapchaks, Dennis Private Palermo, Dominick Private Raymond, Tony Private Riggert, Herman Private Roberts, Charles E. Private Rosson, Heber R. Private Seavy, Charles F. Private Smith, William Private Stankowski, Waclo Private Targazewski, W. Private Thierry, George W. Private Trafton, Joseph Private Verele, Eindreia Private Wertman, R. H. Private Weisle, Edward Private Wolf, Russel Private Zellinski, Bert Private Zimmerman, W. Private Watkins, Richard Company "C" Sergeant McCurty, Harry Sergeant Shopiro, Joseph Corporal Gerdisen, Frank Corporal Loftus, Daniel Corporal Saegert, Oscar Corporal Therstall, Oscar Private Adams, Henry O. Private Avelia, Sabolins Private Alesh, Frank Private Anthon, Peter Private Barton, John J. Private Bell, William S. Private Boughman, David Private Buick, James B. Private Cameronesi, Vincent Private Christoph, Elmer V. Private Crossby, Ralph J. Private Cunningham, M. Private Davis, Ben H. Private Deceasary, Agapito Private Deschenes, E. Private Disney, Oscar B. Private Duchsler, George W. Private Edman, Herman Private Fennell, Charles N. Private Flannigan, T. J. Private Gregone, Ernest Private Gostopon, Carl Private Hergiton, Paul Private Himedough, George Private Jacobs, Mmis Private Johnson, Karl A. Private Katz, Joseph Private Kuntz, Arthur A. Private Kurth, Walter A. Private Kyle, Eben L. Private Lachiro, August Private Lilly, Burr Private Litterall, Elmer V. Private 1/c McCuilough, F. Private McGilvra, Donald Private Monaco, Paul Private 1/c Moyer, Byron Private 1/c Myers, Harrison 1 06 Private 1/c Neyton, John Private Nickerson, Jessor Private Noel, Seymore Private 1/c Palmer, Oscar Private Paulosk, Adam Private Peterson, August C. Private Peterson, Peter W. Private Porto, Dominick Private Pucci, Erico Private 1/c Rodrigues, Joe Private Shubert, Arthur Private Schroder, George Private Shions, Gus Private Sochiavs, David H. Private Slamer, Kasiner Private Southern, Samuel Private Smith, Owen Private Spitz, Robert A. Private Stannett, Frank V. Private Sugal, Samuel Private Tate, Herman Private Turner, Grover C. Private Wade, Ora C. Private Walls, Joe Private Wavinak, Casimer Private White, John Private Williams, Dwight Private Wilson, Charles B. Private Wood, Jesse Private 1/c Wright, James Private 1/c Zolaback, Wm. Private Zolious, Asomis R. Company "D" 1st Sergeant Moore, S. J. Sergeant Hardin, Ralph E. Sergeant Hartin, William D, Sergeant Hoggerty, A. F. Sergeant Manthee, John J. Corporal Alley, Joseph Corporal Bowen, Reaser Corporal Campell, Silas Corporal Carey, Norman J. Corporal Harman, John C. Corporal Hayne, Edgar J. Corporal Henry, Clarence B. Corporal Henry, Clarence P. Corporal Mooris, Frank L. Corporal Wagner, Albert G. Mechanic Falconi, Silnico Mechanic Flood, Edward Mechanic Stevenson, Donald Private Akolois, Joseph Private All red, Amos L. Private Andreysick, Stanley Private Baldwin, Frank Private Barrington, Roy W. Private Blair, Frank E. Private Bouler, Henry J. Private Brown, Joseph C. Private Byrd, Joseph W. THE THIRTY-NINTH INFANTRY IN THE WORLD WAR Private Burkett, William Private Carlson, Tura Private Cizek, Charles W. Private Cracker, Meril W. Private Cudiroftus, George Private Cummings, Fred Private Cusila, Guisseppe Private Dean, Curtis Private Dean, George Private August, Eikman Private 1/c Edwards, Chas. Private Frally, Private Frendla, John L. Private George, Ben W. Private George, John L. Private Gier, Chaucy N. Private Gobetz, Jakor Private Henderson, Robert J. Private Hensley, William S. Private Hoffeins, Charles Private Jelm, John A. Private Kizak, William Private Kihea, George Private 1/c Koechel, H. J. Private 1/c Lemar, Frank Private Larrin, John Private Lauretta, Tony Private Leppis, N. B. Private Logawaskas, Wm. Private Love, Andrew Private Michm, Orville Private McGowan, Charles Private McGuaine, Marshall Private Mettyger, Willam Private 1/c Nillan, Fred Private Norton, Dewitt Private O'Connor, Dennis Private O'Dell, Charley Private Oliv, Samuel F. Private O'Kotis, Joseph Private Personius, Harry Private Pontusco, Anthony Private Powell, Thomas Private Pessel, Ernest Private Rogers, Michael Private Resendes, Fantana Private Rice, Augustus A. Private Roach, Ben T. Private Roach, Charles R. Private Rossetti, Rocco Private Scheible, George J. Private Schwager, Jean W. Private 1/c Snyder, Julian Private 1/c Smith, Nicolas C. Private Saule, Courtney Private 1/c Sous, Robert Private Swanson, Gus Private Swartz, Sterling Private Treola, Anthony Private 1/c Turner, Chas. Private Vieriny, Alfred F. Private Warken, Herman T. Private Private Private Private Private Private Private Private Private Waif rain, Edwin J Weese, Lyle D. Whelan, Earl F. Whitcomb, Louis Wolform, Louis Wormell, Edwin J. Wright, Henry J. Zebronsky, Pete Zuich, Isador. Company "E" Sergeant Nagre, Gus Corporal Ferrick, John Corporal Frederick, Anton Corporal Klein, George Corporal LeCroix, Louis Corporal Price, Edward J. N. Corporal Sittler, Frank Corporal Tiberis, Phillip Bugler Kussner, Joseph Private Adams, James A. Private Apolintz, John Private Bell, Sidney Private Bertalis, Anton Private Belieaux, Joseph Private Block, Shaff Private Caspero, William Private Chrisefski, Tony Private Confer, Claude Private Craig, Charles Private Clary, William J. Private Delberti, Frank Private Delehanty, Mathies Private Eldbridge, James Private Fanis, Ray Private Feni, Gabriel Private Fitzgerald, Mark J. Private Flatrty, Bartholmew Private Fowler, Richard L. Private Gagnos, Stainslas Private Glynn, Joseph Private Gronermever, Wm. Private Graneer, George F. Private Hoffman, Jack Private Hanns, Edward J. Private Hevenor, Everett Private Hitt, Fred Private Howath, Michael Private Hooks, Shuther Private Isenstat, Ciral Private Jeisey, Albert Private Jones, George Private Jordon, Edward M. Private Knenerle, Fred S. Private Kengon, Ferrell, R. Private Kindt, Henry A. Private Kleveland, Bert R. Private Laison, Elmer Private Lebland, Edward Private Lewis, Pearl Private Lieberman, Hayman Private Madvey, Stanley Private Maynard, Arthur Private McCarthy, Chas. J. Private Moples, John Private McGrath, Michael Private Montsinger, Wm. E. Private Morey, Lin A. Private Meyers, Paul V. Private Nelton, James D. Private Newington, Roy E. Private North, John W. Private Olson, Jerker Private Olson, Terfl Private O'Malley, E. G. Private Opolling, John Private Owen, George Private Palmer, Albert H. Private Parlinski, Joseph Private Peterson, Harry Private Phillips, Tiberis Private Pochanic, Charles Private Porter, Loyd T. Private Pristas, Joe Private Rankins, Perry Private Reading, Tames Private Richard, Efein Private Seisinger, Joseph Private Shipman, Joe Private Stadig, Bertie Private Street, Harry R. Private Strong, William Private Smith, Edward Private Smith, George Private Snyder, Charles Private Speropoulos, Wm. Private Tersey, Al. Private Thompson, Andrew Private Wosoloski, Peter Private Williams, Llewelina Private Yarber, Frank Private Zunker, Herman Company "F" 1st Sgt. Haines, Mark H. Sergeant Ferrizzl, Guileppe Sergeant Fish, Floyd, Corporal Andet, Joseph Corporal Brinkman, William Corporal Elsey, Everatt Corporal Hines, Jack Corporal Waluki, Walter Private Albert, Joseph Private Baswell, Lester L. Private Battighein, Frank Private Boley, Henry Private Borbesen, Silvio Private Becker, Ernest Private Calatenti, Peter Private Colett, Sherman Private Carrode, Ghio Private DeDonda, Donitt IO7 THE THIRTY-NINTH INFANTRY IN THE WORLD WAR Private Ford, Everett Private Keefe, J. O. Private 1/c Kinkle, Harry G. Private Klein, William Privatte Kaldo, Joseph Private Lay, William Private Littlefield, Raymond Private Mahoney, James Private Matt, Stephen Private Naussmon, John Private Nenadal, Joseph Private Orr, Hannible Private O'Rourke, John J. Private Palmer, Albert H. Private Parrish, Estele Private Partinori, Paul Private Paulson, George Private Pierce, Jesse B. Private Root, Frank E. Private Shea, George Private Terta, Amiello Private Terrizzi, Guiseppi Private Tillos, Truman Private Vallom, James Private Walsh, Robert E. Private Weidneroot, Robt. F. Private Wooley, William Private York, Marion A. Company "G" 1st Sgt. Bradley, Andrew Sergeant Brasser, Peter Sergeant Clayton, Edgar Sergeant Sickles, Frank Sergeant Warmley, Floyd Sergeant Williams, August Corporal Auhl, Jacob F. Corporal Burns, John J. Corporal Parish, Harry A. Corporal Runge, John Corporal Arthur, W. F. Private Blamer, Paul W. Private Bluses, William Private Bouchard, Fredi J. Private Brown, Ray H. Private Burril, Carl E. Private Carlson, John W. Private Carlson Raymond Private Carrington, Ed. Private Chain, Marion Private Costello, Eugene Y. Private Cressey, Frederick Private Croni, Vigilio Private Divine, Stephen A. Private Dovgosz, Sebastian Private Drew, Walter J. Private Dumis, George Private Elmer, Lewis Private Fadorwitch, Joe Private Ferguson, Robert Private Flynn, John Y. Private Garzolonui, Thomas Private Guenner, Louis B. Private Grayson, Roy Private Griffith, Robert Private Hains, Samuel Private Hand, William Private Heard, George Private Hoke, Walter E. Private Hill, Clarence Private Hocking, Roy Private Hofland, John Private Holland, John Private Irwin, Earl Private Ingle, Bernard Private Kaminski, Alex Private Kaporelous, Dennis Private Kussel, August Private Ladima, Joe Private Lail, Richard Private Lavimer, Isaac Private Leach, Harry Private McGrath, John L. Private Mick, Walter E. Private Miller, V. Private Mooney, Patrick Private Murry, Henry Private Palmer, Herbert Private Pahl, Louis Private Peterson, Harry Private Pruscka, Bartolo Private Pugh, Charles W. Private Reed, Arthur Private Rodney, William Private Schmitz, C. H. Private Sherbert, Albert H. Private Shinkle, Albert W. Private Slack, Allen E. Private Smith, Fred E. Private Smith, George Private Smith, Michael J. Private Smith, Morris R. Private Southerland, Ed. J. Private Strickman, Frank K. Private Strong, Robert Private Stork, John P. Private Suide, Harvey S. Private Talarack, Dominico Private Tompkins, E. H. Private Vaughn, Dennis Private Wagner, Walter A. Private Warvell, A. J. Private Webber, Harold A. Private Welch, George Private Wilson, George Private Wright, Albert Private Wright Robert L. Private Woodward, F. Private Wolds, Tory 1 08 Company "H" Sergeant Brodeur, Clifford Sergeant Debenko, Harry Sergeant Powers, Patrick J. Sergeant Randall, Thomas Sergeant Stewart, Henry A. Corporal Atkinson, Shirley Corporal Coffey, Charles L. Corporal Grannath, Geo. Corporal Jones, Glenn F. Corporal Miller, H. H. Corporal Mizzell, Louis W. Corporal Moon, Walter Corporal Nease, William Corporal Wood, Henel J. Cook Davidson, Frank Private Ackerman, Walter Private Alitto, Giovanni Private Arnold, Horace Private Arsenoult, Lariy Private Beechy, David Private Benzig, Joe Private Bergstrom, Emil Private Brown, Loyd E. Private Chece, Pasquale Private Clinton, Joseph Private Kruser, James Private Cutes, Charles L. Private Delehanty, M. E. Private Gallo, Pdio Private Gearhart, Gotlieb Private Girard, Alphons, J. Private Gorham, Louis A. Private Hart, Stephen T. Private Hutchinson, W. Private Henry, Joe Private Hoenski, John Private Inman, John Private James, John C. Private James, Oliver Private Kampfman, F. J. Private Kimball, W. D. Private Kempf, Frank J. Private Puckman, Harold Private Landen.Arthur Private Laurette, Pasquale Private Lisney, Ole Private Loggia, Angelo Private Long, Harrison Private Merems, Hyman Private Mears, Willie L. Private Miller, Joseph Private Mitchell, Harvey Private Moour, Walter Private Morinana, G. Private Otto, Anthony J. Private Pappel, Charles Private Peeletier, Vergil J. Private Penaligan, W. J. Private Pfiffer, Charles J. Private Palander, Henry Private Pfiffer, Frank THE THIRTY-NINTH INFANTRY IN THE WORLD WAR Private Radford, John P. Private Relham, E. H. Private Relham, Howard Private Ross, Frederick L. Private Sager, Albert E. Private Schultz, Charles Private Sewards, Weltham Prilvate Simpson, William Private Sommers, Neon B. Private Stell, Jesse Private Stevens, Alvin W. Private Sulton, Harley F. Private Van Pelt, Abram Private Van Vyke, Nelson Private Wells, Harold Private Wilson, James Private Wetzell, Buford O. Private Whalalen, J. J. Private Wertz, John H. Private Yonkers, Benjamin Private York, Lester Company "I" Sergeant Babcock, Ray P. Sergeant Codish, Robert R. Sergeant Comfort, Edward Sergeant Corfman, Edward Sergeant Egan, Thomas E. Sergeant Embtree, C. E. Sergeant Heard, Arnold G. Sergeant Howie, Florin E. Sergeant Gorden, Archer Sergeant Seifert, W. E. Corporal Bergman, R. Corporal Law, Kenneth Corporal Lillemo, Conrad Corporal Parker, Henry F. Corporal Polach, Melton Mechanic Joachin Bugler Skinner, Arthur N. Bugler Warga, Vincent Private Anderson, Albert Private Andette, John Private Andrionick, Tony Private Apolines, John Private Bagdon, Herman J. Private Bennett, Fred J. Private Blango, Angelo Private Brown, Bruce D. Private Burmeister, Walter Private Butler, J. Private Cardano, Vincenzo Private Close, Robert Private Confant, Roy R. Private Conolly, John Private DeBreno, Antonio Private Denton, Stoney Private Detaico, Frank Private Bonner, August A. Private Doyle, Frank J. Private Duan, William M. Private Dugan, Andrew Private Esman, Louis Private Fabrick, Edwan^ 3 Private Frederick, Philip Private Gawin, James Private Geltz, William Private Guarnova, P. Private Grubbs, Olve J. Private Garland, Floyd Private Gellespi, John W. Private Grier, William C. Private Grudor, Charles J. Private Horshell, M. Private Jazeneuleiski, F. Private Julian, Cecil E. Private Johnson, Walter E. Private Krkly, Frank C. Private Kilepo, Walter M. Private Kimball, H. L. Private Kramer, Paul Private Krueger, M. F. Private Klump, George Private Langston, Folwag Private Lease, Ray Private Lensinger, Joe Private Lewis, Jesse Private Lipiko, Stanley Private Makers, Herschel L. Private Marino, Louis D. Private McNamarra, M. Private Meyers, Leo Private Milesku, Frank Private Mikulunka, R. Private Mogles, Milus Private Mongers, M. E. Private Motak, Zenon Private Muttson, Harry N. Private Newton, Tull Private Nidoy, Frank R. Private Nolan, Vernon Private Nemuck, Frank Private Oatis, Stephen H. Private O'Connor, A. H. Private O'Sozuxik, John L. Private Packonsi, Alve Private Palidino, Frank Private Parent, Arthur Private Pearl, Thomas Private Permising, Leo A. Private Price, Arthur E. Private Price, John E. Private Ricklefen. Sefeld Private Russe, John Private Sanders, Henry D. Private Schulze, Paul G. Private Schumacher, J. B. Private Sefeld, Racklefen Private Snow 7 , Alfred Private Shulgr, Paul G. Private Shumocker, John Private Staffel, Willie F. Private Stone, Merril T. Private Staney, Donald J. Private Sommers, Jacob Private Tomasyrski, EL Priva* Thomas, CmI WZ- Prfvaft Wigham, James S. Private Waughop, Clyde Private Yarber, Frank Private Zeblesky, Joseph Private Zuzishous, Vincent Company "K" Sergeant Roberts, Joseph B- Sergeant Roberts, James Sergeant Capolanis, G. L. Corporal Carsow, Felix Corporal Coloni, Harold Corporal Daniels, James T» Corporal Delonne, L. E. Corporal Gibbs, Julius Corporal Harrison, George Corporal Jasen, John Corporal Kalvalege, A. C. Corporal Knudsen, Ole Corporal Murphy, Patrick Corporal Nelson, Duglas Corporal Saunders, C. O. Corporal Strom, H. A. Corporal Svggas, Charles Corporal Zigmond, L. Bugler Colbridge, G. Private Alsip, W. S. Private Attansasio, Jimmy Private Bochny, Albert Private Barauschucke, E. Private Bissonelle, E. W. Private Berry, Ralph W. Private Bissenotte, E. W. Private Blowen, O. Private Boles, Raefel Private Brennan, H. O. Private Bronson, Otto Private Brown, Walter T. Private Barnick, Phillip E- Private Burden, Henry O. Private Byrngel, Wordban Private Bush, Claude Private Christianson, A. K. Private Christianson, V. T- Private Chaskati, Caso Private Collini, Frank A. Private Cook, Harry A. Private Coye, Robert N. Private Cummins, Roy E. Private Crosby, Thomas Private Chaski, Eran Private Cunningham, Fred Private Edwald, Alex. L. Private Edwald, Orel L. Private Enea, Peter Private Fischer, Alois Private Foltz, Said Private Foss, Clarence Private Fracasso, Tony Private Goldschmidt, Ike IO9 THE T H I R T Y - X I X T H I X F A X T R Y IX THE WORLD WAR Private Goverovich, J. A. Private Gowan, M. Private Gasso, Salvatore Private Granath, Geo. W. Private Gassick, Stanley Private Henderson, Travers Private James, Stanley Private Johnson, Ernest Private Knockunes, E. W. Private Kaiver, James Private Kratky, Joseph Private Kollalke, Erwin Private Kurbsky E. Private LaCivita, IcrT OX7T ^Q TH£?OW -A TWOS ff?o THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY