THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES IN MEMORY OF MRS. VIRGINIA B. SPORER HENRI RENE GUY DE MAUPASSANT. From the etching by Le Rat A SELECTION /r^;« the WRITINGS iOW i^ '■■^Then the inliabitants of the district were tercor-^ Ized, tiie houses were turned topsy-turvy, the countTy was scoured and beaten up, ov€r and over 'againi but the Jewess did ' not ; seem toi ' have^ ^ left i a i ^single. ^ti-aee of her passage behind heri^sb ti->/,?7iirl hru; .i\u^ .:'f)At-;d When the general iwas told of -it, he gave order*^ to hush' up the affair, feo'a^'nnbt 'to iet ia 'bad example to the army, but he severely censured' -the' dant, who in turn punished his inferiors. The general had said: "One does not go to war in order to amuse oneself, and to caress prostitutes:'' And Graf von Farlsberg, in his exasperation; made up his mrnd to have his revenge on the dist'rlct;;bOt'ds 'he required a pretext for showing severity, he sent for the priest, and ordered him to have the bell tolled at the funeral of Count von Eyrick. Contrary to all expectation, the priest showed him- self humble and most respectful, and when Made- moiselle Fifi's body left the Chateau d'Urville on its way to the cemetery, carried by soldiers, preceded, sur- rounded, and follov/ed by soldiers, who marched with loaded rifles, for the first time the bell sounded its funereal knell in a lively manner, as if a friendly hand were caressing it. At night it sounded again, and the next day. and every day; it rang as much as any- one could desire. Sometimes even, it would start at night, and sound gently through the darkness, seized by strange joy, awakened, one could not tell why. All the peasants in the neighborhood declared that it was bewitched, and nobody, except the priest and the sacristan would now go near the church tower, and they went because a poor girl was living there Mail p. 1—2 l8 WORKS OF GUY DE MAUPASSANT in grief and solitude, secretly nourished by those two men. She remained there until the German troops de- parted, and then one evening the priest borrowed the baker's cart, and himself drove his prisoner to Rouen. When they got there, he embraced her, and she quickly went back on foot to the establishment from •which she had come, where the proprietress, who thought that she was dead, was very glad to see her. A short time afterward, a patriot who had no prejudices, who liked her because of her bold deed, and who afterward loved her for herself, married her, and made a lady of her. AN AFFAIR OF STATE 0"'^ l~^ARis had just heard of the disaster ^^ff^^ 1^ of Sedan. The Republic was pro- claimed. All France was panting from a madness that lasted until the time of the Commonwealth. Every- body was playing at soldier from one end of the country to the other. Capmakers became colonels, assuming the duties of generals ; revolvers and daggers were displayed on large rotund j^, bodies, enveloped in red sashes: common citi- W' zens turned warriors, commanding battalions of '^ noisy volunteers, and swearing like troopers to ^ emphasize their importance. The ve.'-y fact of bearing arms and handling guns with a system excited a people who hitherto had only handled scales and measures, and made them formidable to the first comer, without reason. I'hey even executed a few innocent people to prove that they knew how to kill; and, in roaming through vir- gin fields still belonging to the Prussians, they shot stray dogs, cows chewing the cud in peace, or sick (19) 20 WORKS OF GuY DE MAUPASSANT liorse*; put out to pasture. Each believed himself called upon to play a great role in military affairs. The cafes of the smallest villages, full of tradesmen in uniform, resembled barracks or tield hospitals. Now, the town of Canneville did not yet know the exciting news of the army and the Capital. It had, however, been greatly agitated for a month over an encounter between the rival political parties. l\\^' AN AFFAIR OF SI M^.^ ^^""^^ M «sraitea u'ritil hfs wife had one too; so that' th^ytVifgtvt ^o and hunt up a physician together, 'guided by nhe postman when he should come with the ne^'spaper. Dr. Massarel opened the door, grew 'pale, straight^ ehed himself abruptly and, raising his arms to heaven in a gesture of exaltation, cried out With all his might, in the face 6f the arnkz^d-mstics: "' ' •*' The frightened maid hastened 'in. ''5-16' stuttered,' ^so rapidly did he try 'to speak: *'My boots, myi saber — niy cartridge box — and — the Spanish dagger, which is oh my high! table. Hurry nowK- •J^noqafc The obstinate peasant, 'taking 'advantage 'of the moment's silence, began-again: '/This Seemed ' like some cysts' that hurt nle When I walked. '^'^ < The exasperated physician Shouted: ! "Hdld'yoiiT peace! For Heaven's sake! If you had Washed your feet oftener, it would not have happened."^ Then, seizing him by Xh6 neck, he hissed in.^hi's fgce: "Can you n6t Cohipfehehd that we are living in a Republic, stupid ?'■*->•''-' »J^Y f-'^i •'JI"^ o) vMiiorituL /Aii But professional sentiment calmed him suddenly. 22 WORKS OF GUV DE MAUPASSANT and he let the astonished old couple out of the house, repeating all the time; "Return to-morrow, return to-morrow, my friends: I have no more time to-day." While equipping himself from head to foot, he gave another series of urgent orders to the maid: "Run to Lieutenant Picard's and to Sub-lieutenant Pommers and say to them that I want them here immediately. Send Torcheboeuf to me, too, with his drum. Quick, now! Quick!" And when Celeste was gone, he collected his thoughts and prepared to surmount the difficulties of the situation. The three men arrived together. They were in their working clothes. The Commander, who had ex- pected to see them in uniform, had a fit of surprise. "You know nothing, then? The Emperor has been taken prisoner. A Republic is proclaimed. My position is delicate, not to say perilous." He reflected for some minutes before the aston- ished faces of his subordinates and then continued: "It is necessary to act, not to hesitate. Minutes now are worth hours at other times. Evervthing depends upon promptness of decision. You, Picard. go and find the curate and get him to ring the bell to bring the people together, while I get ahead of them. You, Torcheboeuf, beat the call to assemble the militia in arms, in the square, from even as far as the hamlets of Gerisaie and Salmare. You, Pommel, put on your uniform at once, that is, the jacket and cap. We, together, are going to take possession of the mairie and summon M. de Varnetot to transfer his authority to me. Do you understand?" "Yes." AN AFFAIR OF STATE 2^ "Act, then, and promptly, I will accompany you to your house, Pommel, since we are to work together." Five minutes Inter, the Commander and his sub- altern, armed to the teeth, appeared in the square, just at the moment when the little Viscount de Varnetot, with hunting gaiters on and his rifle on his shoulder, appeared by another street, walking rapidly and followed by three guards in green jackets, each carrying a knife at his side and a gun over his shoulder. While the doctor stopped, half stupefied, the four men entered the mayor's house and the door closed behind them. "We are forestalled," murmured the doctor; "it will be necessary now to wait for re-enforcements; nothing can be done for a quarter of an hour." Here Lieutenant Picard appeared: "The curate refuses to obey," said he; "he has even shut himself up in the church with the beadle and the porter." On the other side of the square, opposite the white, closed front of the mai'rie, the church, mute and black, showed its great oak door with the wrought-iron trimmings. Then, as the puzzled inhabitants put their noses out of the windows, or came out upon the steps of their houses, the rolling of a drum was heard, and Torcheboeuf suddenly appeared, beating with fury the three quick strokes of the call to arms. He crossed the square with disciplined step, and then disappeared on a road leading to the country. The Commander drew his sword, advanced alone to the middle distance between the two buildings 24^ WORKS. .OF, CIJY DB . MAUPASSANT ^A(h^re tbfi enemy, w^s barricade,d i and,, ; waving his weapon, labove iiis head, rqared^at the top >'0f hiS; lungs: "Long live the Flepublic! Death to traitors!"' Then he fell back i where his officers, were. The butcher, the; baker, afid the apothecary, .feeling a little uncertain, put up their .shutters ajidi closed;,, their, Sfhopso The grocery alone. iremained: open* . .i,.t-;'ir\' yiiiyleanwhUe \the" men ofiith©. pvilitianwere arriving, little, by; littk,, variously clothed, but, all 'Wearing, caps,; the; cap/ constituting! the whole Mtmifomii of the icarps. They were armed with their old, rusty guns< guns that! had huragincn ichiulney-piecesi in kitchens for thirty years, and iioked-' quite like a 'detachment; ofi country soldiers. ,' >; ! ini ;.i ■ ; When there!! wereM; about "thirty around him, the Commander, explainedi in- a.tfew words, the state; of affairs. Then,, turning, toward his major, he saidli "Now, we. must! act.^'jij! i i ' ■ !> While the inhabitants collected, talked over and discussed ^he :mUtter,;!the idoictojt • !qui^:;kly formed'; his., plan of. campaign; .. :,; i-i; .: mi •.i:i'.t:Liduteoiant Pic^rd, you- liidvanoe to the Windows of'ithe; raayur's'.hQUse and order ,M.. d6 Varnetot i to turn over the townhall to m.e, ;:in the name of the Republic. ''!r ri.r. :-rn!:)i'h;i!nr h')!\N; ^ to Bijitt'thei^lieutenant was a .masterrraason and re* fused,' .' ,;'. ) !.! j^niiloi tjfll .^.-^Huod "liadj 'jdr'SYoUiiare^ a ^ scamp; yo.u> tare. \ 1. Tiding,;make, a tiarget'of itiSe! . Those. felJOwsiin there are gOod,shotsii you. k^OtWi that,'; No, ,l],^aak$.!.,!;E?ieGmteiiyour.c(i>'Enmish sions yourself!" '/>ni:!', -..ilj ,,,i ^iiiihi-! 1,^; r ,;,. ' oThef. Commander turnedi reds! 'Mbordi^ go i%ithdiiDame of discip-hne;!' said.ihe.'ib .'ilLbnu arij oi U> AN AFFAIR OF STATE 25 yni**il:am not spoiling my features without knowing whyv'' the' lieutenant returnedJ . ujn-i.iii- fi-ivjMai ;Of influence^ inia group neai''' by, were heard laughing. One of -them called out: "■You are right/ Pfcard) it is not the proper time." The doctor, ^uhder his- breath, muttered: ' "Cowards^!;!' , And, ;. placing his sword and his revolver 'in the hitndsOf'a soldier,: he advanced with measured: step, his eye fixed on the windows, as if he expected to; see' a^gun or a cannon pointed at him'. :^'Mi!o-,j !!h,i;-;Ji!->! I 'mIT ^.O'When he was within a 1 few Steps of the building the doors at the two extremities, affording an en- trahce^ tditwo s'chools, opened, 'land' a flood of little of' ■ birds. ;■ Hescarxiely knew what to make, of It. "l !: . ,-!,';, -i^:,,, .!.i Ji As soon as the hst \vere outj the doO^rs -closed. The greater part of the little monkeys flrlally scattered] and then the Commander called out in a loud voice i "Monsieur de Varnetot?" A window in' the first stony bperred Varnetot a pip eared: [/.a -'jH '.i'iThe Commander began:; " Monsieurj you' are aware Of the. great events which have changed the' system of Governnient. ' The party you represent no longer exists. The side I' represent . noW comes into power.' Under these sxid, but decisive' circumstances, i icomd to demand you, in liie name of the Republic, to put rrt en y. hand -the; authority vested ;in you by th^d out- going' paweriflii:J»L i: tiv>i\ rjvi.';l ';'. ; '^Vdrnetot replied: ^^' Doctor Massarel, 1 am mayor of Gunneville, so placed by the proper author- ities) and mayor of Canneville 1 shall remain until the 26 WORKS OF GUY DE MAUPASSANT title is revoked and replaced by an order from my superiors. As mayor, I am at home in the mairie, and there I shall stay. Furthermore, just try to put me out." And he closed the window. The Commander returned to his troops. But, be- fore explaining anything, measuring Lieutenant Picard from head to foot, he said: '"You are a numskull, you are, — a goose, the disgrace of the army. I shall degrade you." The Lieutenant replied: "I'll attend to that my- self" And he went over to a group of muttering civilians. Then the doctor hesitated. What should he do? Make an assault? Would his men obey him? And then, was he surely in the right? An idea burst upon him. He ran to the telegraph office, on the other side of the square, and hurriedly sent three dispatches: "To the Members of the Republican Government, at Paris"; "To the New Republican Prefect of the Lower Seine, at Rouen"; "To the New Republican Sub-Pre- fect of Dieppe." He exposed the situation fully; told of the danger run by the commonwealth from remaining in the hands of the monarchistic mayor, offered his devout services, asked for orders and signed his name, fol- lowing it up with all his titles. Then he returned to his army corps and, drawing ten francs out of his pocket, said: "Now, my friends, go and eat and drink a little something. Only leave here a detachment of ten men, so that no one leaves the mayor's house." Ex-Lieutenant Picard chatting with the watch- maker, overheard this. With a sneer he remarked: AN AFFAIR OF STATE 27 "Pardon me, but if they go out, there will be an opportunity for you to go in. Otherwise, I can't see how you are to get in there!" The doctor made no reply, but went away to luncheon. In the afternoon, he disposed of offices all about town, having the air of knowing of an impend- ing surprise. Many times he passed before the doors of the mairie and of the church, without noticing anything suspicious; one could have believed the two buildings empty. The butcher, the baker, and the apothecary re- opened their shops, and stood gossiping on the steps. If the Emperor had been taken prisoner, there must be a traitor somewhere. They did not feel sure of the revenue of a new Republic. Night came on. Toward nine o'clock, the doctor returned quietly and alone to the mayor's residence, persuaded that his adversary had retired. And, as he was trying to force an entrance with a few blows of a pickaxe, the loud voice of a guard demanded sud- denly: "Who goes there.?" Monsieur Massarel beat a retreat at the top of his speed. Another day dawned without any change in the situation. The militia in anus occupied the square. The inhabitants stood around awaiting the solution. People from neighboring villages came to look on. Finally, the doctor, realizing that his reputation was at stake, resolved to settle the thing in one way or another. He had just decided that it must be some- thing energetic, when the door of the telegraph office opened and the little servant of the directress ap- peared, holding in her hand two papers. She went directly to the Commander and gave 38 WORKS OF GUY DE MAUPASSANT him one of the dispatches; then, crossing' thft'^uire, intimidated by so many eyes fixed upon' he|-, \^1th lowered head and mincing steps^ she* rapped gentlH? at the door of the barricaded house, afe'"ff ighbrant that a pat^t of the army Was concealed there^.'^^^'' ''"*^ r ! The do6r opened shghtly; ' the hahd' 5f' ^ -m'an received the message, and the girl returned',' blushing and ready to weep, from being- stared at. >' ^ '• ' The doctor' demanded, with stirring A^oivtS:^'' "'A little silence, if you please." And, after the pic^^iilade became qiiiet, he continued pibudly:. ''^'^I'^f'"'' "^'1 ' "Here is a communication which 'I have' received from the Government.'" 'And raising the dispatch, he read: • /iv/oMto^ tutiKif j, xi- "Old mayor deposed. Advise us. of what is most . necessary. Instructions later. " '" ' ' '^"•''^ '*^i<''' "For the Sub-Pfefect, '/ttiinp h<-.rt {Mf-n He had triumphed. His heart Was ^beating with joy. His hand trembled, when Picard, 'his " old ■ siub- alterh,' cried out to him from a neighb^niig g!^(9Up: "That's all right; but if the others in 'there Wofl't' go 'Oiiit,i your paper h.nsn't a leg to sta'nd' 'drt.'"'- The doctor grew a little pale. If they would not go' 6ut -^ in fact, he must go ahead now. It Wa's hot ohly his right, but his duty. And h^ looked' knxlotisfy at the house of the mayoralty, hopihg' that 'he might see the door* opeiii and his adversary' show Mrnself. -But the door-rerrtained closed. What'-Was4o be d'one ? The crowd was increasing, surrounding' th'e militii. -Some laughed. '"' i>n.'. bon ">.:|o One thought,; especially, tortured the!'4(bcfor.' Tf "'he should mak6 an assault, he must march' 'at -the head ■m> ;AN :^FfAIR;i Of,: STATE ^^ow 29 of Hsipenp. and as, with him. dead, all contest would, cepse,, it would be at him^ and at him a|one.,that. Mwjide.j V;irrfcetat: aod,-. the:, three! guards would- aira.j And their aim wa3 good, very good! ; Picard hadr^T* minded. hini; of; IhatM jii r !,ij;niiii f.ijninli" :.' But an idea shone in upon him, and turning tp Rommel,' h0 saidt ? Go, quickly, and ask the apoth- ecaryjtjQ send me a.papkin and a pole-," r ..:• ■i: The ! -Lieutenant hurried off. The doctor was ; going to make a. political banner, a white one, that would ,the iheartof thajtiold kgitiipist,( the mayors V- loj Miii ' , JiiMVif'iljni -li-ull Jii jni.; : uPommel !returned with the required linen and a broom; handle. With. some pieces of string, they im-, pnovised'.a , standard, which Massare] seized in both hands. Again, he advanced toward thei ; house of mayoralty, bearing the standard before hini. When in front of the door, he called out: " M.onsiejur, de Varnetot!'' iivnj.- ./.Mynnvn ni;Mi -xif iido;-; },ii/ snTiie.1 door opened sudd^Jnly, and M. d^ .Varnetot and the three;; guards appeared on the threshold. The idoctor. recoiled, instinctively* Then, :he saluted his ■ enemy i' courteously, and announced, almost strangled by emotion: " 1 have come, sir, ; to com- municate to you the instructions I, havei just received." That gentleman, without any salutation whatever^ replied;' "i am .going to withdraw, sir, but you must utideratand. that it is not because of fear, on in obedi-i ence. 10 ;ani( odious government that has usurped the power." And, biting off each word, he declared: "I do not wish; to have the appearance Of i^erving the Republic for a, single day. That iS.^ll.V, iiu v/i. ■! vt. Massarel, - amazed> made no reply; and M. d© 30 WORKS OF GUY DE MAUPASSANT Varnetct, lA^alking off at a rapid pace, disappeared around the corner, followed closely by his escort. Then the doctor, slightly dismayed, returned to the crowd. When he was near enough to be heard, he cried: "Hurrah! Hurrah! The Republic triumphs all along the line! " But no emotion was manifested. The doctor tried again. "Tiie people are free! You are free and in- dependent! Do you understand? Be proud of it!" The hstless villagers looked at him with eyes un- lit by glory. In his turn, he looked at them, indig- nant at their indifference, seeking for som.e word that could make a grand impression, electrify this placid country and make good his mission. The in- spiration came, and turning to Pommel, he said: "Lieutenant, go and get the bust of the ex-Emperor, which is , in the Council Hall, and bring it to me with a chair." And soon the man reappears, carrying on his right shoulder, Napoleon 111. in plaster, and holding in his left hand a straw-bottomed chair. Massarel met him, took the chair, placed it on the ground, put the white image upon it, fell back a few steps and called out, in sonorous voice: "Tyrant! Tyrant! Here do you fall! Fall in the dust and in the mire. An expiring country groans under your feet. Destiny has called you the Avenger. Defeat and shame cling to you. You fall conquered, a prisoner to the Prussians, and upon the ruins of the crumbling Empire the young and radiant Repub- lic arises, picking up your broken sword." He awaited applause. But there was no voice, no sound. The bewildered peasants remained silent. And AN AFFAIR OF STATE ^I the bust, with its pointed mustaches extending beycnd the cheeks on each side, the bust, so motion- less and well groomed as to be tit for a hairdresser's sign, seemed to be looking at M. Massarel with a plaster smile, a smile ineffaceable and mocking. They remained thus face to face, Napoleon on the chair, the doctor in front of him about three steps away. Suddenly the Commander grew angry. What was to be done .^ What was there that would move this people, and bring about a definite victory in opinion? His hand happened to rest on his hip and to come in contact there with the butt end of his revolver, under his red sash. No inspiration, no further word would come. But he drew his pistol, advanced two steps, and, taking aim, fired at the late monarch. The ball entered the forehead, leaving a little, black hole, like a spot, nothing more. There was no effect. Then he fired a second shot, which made a second hole, then, a third; and then, without stopping, he emptied his revolver. The brow of Napoleon disappeared in white powder, but the eyes, the nose, and the fine points of the mustaches remained intact. Then, exasperated, the doctor over- turned the chair with a blow of his fist and, resting a foot on the remainder of the bust in a position of triumph, he shouted: "So let all tyrants perish!" Still no enthusiasm was manifest, and as the spectators seemed to be in a kind of stupor from astonishment, the Commander called to the militia- men: "You may now go to your homes." And he went toward his own house with great strides, as if he were pursued. His maid, when he appeared, told him that some ^ WORKS: OF GUY Dl MAUPASSANT patiants' ;had'ibeen waiting in his office for ' thrfed hours. He hastened in. There were th'e' tw6' varicbsfe^ vein patients, who had returned at dayb'rfeakV'ebstf^ nate^hut patient. ' ;i; :;:ii-i'">t nn r,i l>-^rin'>/ jiyji;: The old man ImniMhtely'^e^m hh ■■'^i(plM'Ai\6ki '-This began by ^ 'feeling like, aifits mnni%' oj^ -and down the legs."'-: "■'.■d !-i uwr'i ni -i.^t-.c;) '...ff ,ii>.a3 -aob orf ftf ■ ■ ;!- ': (it orii tr. '. ■ -'a-ifv. ov/r h'>-)n(;vb{> xjnjvi, ^' ; (I ji i'tufsofn ThJ .( ,(i • ifod ^-jiArl /. ■ ,, ; ■ . •,:,!'! .! .• iTI'^ or? /f.W JlJOrIi ' ■ ' ''^ hfif*")^, ;; '•vi''(>fT! ■ r.t.jtrn ^rf ,:yniqqnt;; •i>M...( ).:i: ')rlJ hfu; .o^.oa ^rft , :i;)i-t.!:7'> r!o??r .«-)i;>rii b')n(s;nt-0i - ! '^ :'i;rh :^rff h^nntt ■ ' i: ■ ■ ■ ' 'jri t ito to,-^] ■ )!j,'!i;i(i(i;rx ) .f>df .tnoffiH/inot-x t .-.- "Mil YKffi i)'^'.'''' : n.:)m . ■'.''/'^ /'.iff f^, •■:'"»* )n-i\itr : 1} rniii ,b9ifi3qq>; ' .mrti iiH THE ARTIST ah! Monsieur," the old mountebank said to me; "it is a matter of ex- ercise and habit, that is all! Of course, one requires to be a little gifted that way and not to be butter- fingered, but what is chiefly necessary is patience and daily practice for long, long years." His modesty surprised me all the more, jL K because of all performers who are gener- v\-^— *» ally infatuated with their own skill, he was the most wonderfully clever one I had met. Certainly I had frequently seen him, for every- body had seen him in some circus or other, or even in traveling shows, performing the trick that consists of putting a man or woman with extended arms against a wooden target, and in throwing knives between their fmgers and round their heads, from a distance. There is nothing very extraordi- nary in it, after all, when one knows ihe tricks of the trade, and that the knives are not the least sharp, and stick into the wood at some distance from Maup. 1—3 (33) 3^ THE ARTIST the flesh. !t is the rapidity of the throws, the gutter of the blades, and the curve which the handles make toward their living object, which give an air of danger to an exhibition that has become common- place, and only requires very middling skill. But here there was no trick and no deception, and no dust thrown into the eyes. It was done in good earnest and in all sincerity. The knives were as sharp as razors, and the old mountebank planted them close to the flesh, exactly in the angle between the fingers. He surrounded the head with a perfect halo of knives, and the neck with a collar from which nobody could have extricated himself without cutting his carotid artery, while, to increase the difficulty, the eld fellow went through the performance without seeing, his whole face being covered with a close mask of thick oilcloth. Naturally, like other great artists, he was not un- derstood by the crowd, who confounded him with vulgar tricksters, and his mask only appeared to them a trick the more, and a very common trick into the bargain. "Me must Ijiink us very stupid," they said. "How could he possibly aim without having his eyes open.?" And they thought there must be imperceptible holes in the oilcloth, a sort of latticework concealed in the material. Il was useless for him to allow the public to examine the mask for themselves before the exhibition began. It was all very well that they could not discover any trick, but they v/ere only all the more convinced that they were being tricked. Did not the people know that they ought to be tricked? WORKS OF GUY DE MAUPASSANT 35 I had recognized a great artist in the old mounte- bank, and I was quite sure that he was altogether incapable of any trickery. 1 told him so, while expressing my admiration to hini; and he had been touched by my open admiration and above ail by the justice I had done him. Thus we became good friends, and he explained to me, very modestly, the real trick which the crowd do not understand, the eternal trick contained in these simple words: "To be gifted by nature and to practice every day for long, long years." He had been especially struck by the certainty which I expressed that any trickery must become impossible to him. "Yes," he said to me; "quite impossible! Impossible to a degree which you can- not imagine. If I were to tell you! But where would be the use.^" His face clouded over, and his eyes filled with tears. I did not venture to force myself into his confidence. My looks, however, were not so discreet as my silence, and begged him to speak; so he responded to their mute appeal. "After all," he said: "why should I not tell you about it? You will understand me." And he added, wilh a look of sudden ferocity: "She understood it, at any rate! " "Who?" 1 asked. "My strumpet of a wife," he replied. "Ah! Mon- sieur, what an abominable creature she was — if you only knew! Yes, she understood it too well, too well, and that is why 1 hate her so; even more on that account, than for having deceived me. For that is a natural fault, is it not, and may be pardoned? But the other thing was a crime, a horrible crime." 36 THE ARTIST The woman, who stood against the wooden target every night with her arms stretched out and her finger extended, and whom the old mountebank fitted with gloves and with a halo formed of his knives, which were as sharp as razors and which he planted close to her, was his wife. She might hav^. been a woman of forty, and must have been fairly pretty, but with a perverse prettiness; she had an impudent mouth, a mouth that was at the same time sensual and bad, with the lower lip too thick for the thin, dry upper lip.. I had several times noticed that every time he planted a knife in the board, she uttered a laugh, so low as scarcely to be heard, but which was very significant when one heard it, for it was a hard and very mocking laugh. 1 had always attributed that sort of reply to an artitlce which the occasion required. It was intended, 1 thought, to accentuate the danger she incurred and the contempt that she felt for it, thanks to the sureness of the thrower's hands, and so 1 was very much surprised when the mountebank said to me: ".Have you observed her laugh, 1 say? Her evil laugh which makes fun of me, and her cowardly laugh which defies me ? Yes, cowardly, because she knows that nothing can happen to her, nothing, in spite of all she deserves, in spite of all that I ought to do to her, in spite of all that 1 wafit to do to her." "What do you want to do?" "Confound it! Cannot you guess? I want to kill her." "To kill her, because she has — " WORKS OF GUY DE MAUPASSANT 57 '' Because she has deceived me? No, no, not that, I tell you again. I have forgiven her for that a long time ago, and I am too much accustomed to it I But the worst of it is that the first time I forgave her, when I told her that all the same 1 might some day have my revenge by cutting her throat, if 1 chose, without seeming to do it on purpose, as if it were an accident, mere awkwardness — " "Oh! So you said that to her?" "Of course I did. and 1 meant it. I thought T might be able to do it, for you see 1 had the perfect right to do so. It was so simple, so easy, so tempt- ing! Just think! A mistake of less than half an inch, and her skin would be cut at the neck where the jugular vein is, and the jugular would be severed. My knives cut very well! And when once the jugu- lar is cut — good-bye. The blood would spurt out, and one, two, three red jets, and all would be over; she would be dead, and I should have had my re- venge! " "That is true, certainly, horribly true!" "And without any risk to m.e, eh? An accident, that is all; bad luck, one of those mistakes which happen every day in our business. What could they accuse me of? Whoever would think of accusing me, even ? Homicide through imprudence, that would be all! They would even pity me, rather than accuse me. 'My wife! My poor wife!' I should say, sob- bing. 'My wife, who is so necessary to me, who is half the breadwinner, who takes part in my per- formance!' You must acknowledge that 1 should be pitied!" "Certainly; there is not the least doubt about that." 38 THE ARTIST "And you must allow that such a revenge would be a veiT nice revenge, the best possible revenge which 1 could have with assured impunity." "Evidently that is so." "Very well! But when 1 told her so, as I have told you, and more forcibly still; threatening her, as 1 was mad with rage and ready to do the deed that I had dreamed of on the spot, what do you think she said.^" "That you were a good fellov/, and would cer- tainly not have the atrocious courage to — " "Tut! tut! tut! 1 am not such a good fellow as you think. I am not frightened of blood, and that I have proved already, though it would be useless to tell you how and where. But I had no necessity to prove it to her, for she knows that I am capable of a good many things; even of crime; especially of one crime." "And she was not frightened?" "No. She merely replied that I could not do what I said; you understand. That I could not do it!" "Why not?" "Ah! Monsieur, so you do not understand? Why do you not? Have I not explained to you by what constant, long, daily practice I have learned to plant my knives without seeing what I am doing?" "Yes, well, what then?" "Well! Cannot you understand what she has un- derstood with such terrible results, that now my hand would no longer obey me if I wished to make a mistake as 1 threw?" "Is it possible?" WORKS OF GUV DE MAUPASSANT 39 "Nothing is truer, I am sorry to say. For I really have wished to have the revenge which I have dreamed of, and which I thought so easy. Exasper- ated by that bad wuman's insolence and confidence in her own safety, I have several times made up my mind to kill her, and have exerted all my energy and all my skill to make my knives fly aside when 1 threw them to make a border round her neck. 1 have tried with all my might to make them deviate half an inch, just enough to cut her throat. I wanted to, and I have never succeeded, never. And always the slut's horrible laugh makes fun of me, always, always." And with a deluge of tears, with something like a roar of unsatiated and muzzled rage, he ground his teeth as he wound up: "She knows me, the jade; she is in the secret of my work, of my patience, of my trick, routine, whatever you may cnll it! She lives in my innermost being, and sees into it more closely than you do, or than I do myself. She knows what a faultless machine I have become, the machine of which she makes fun, the machine which is too well wound up, the machine which cannot get out of order — and she knows that I cannot make a mistake." THE HORLA M V& AT 8. What a lovely day ! I have spent all the morning lying on the grass in front of my house, under the enormous plantain tree which covers and shades and shel- ters the whole of it. I like this part of the country; 1 am fond ot _-^ hving here because 1 am attached to it ~^^^ ' by deep roots, the profound and delicate roots which attach a man to the soil on fr /i)~-s' which his ancestors were born and died, to their traditions, their usages, theif food, the local expressions, the peculiar language of the peasants, the smell of the soil, the hamlets, and to the atmosphere itself. I love the house in which I grew up. From my windows 1 can see the Seine, which flows by the side of my garden, on the other side of the road, almost through my grounds, the great and wide Seine, which goes to Rouen and Havre, and which is covered with boats passing to and fro. On the left, down yonder, lies Rouen, populous Rouen with its blue roofs massing under pointed-. WORKS OF GUY DE MAUPASSANT 41 Gotbic towers. Innumerable are they, delicate or broad, dominated by the spire of the cathedral, full of bells which sound through the blue air on line morn- ings, sending their sweet and distant Iron clang to me, their metallic sounds, now stronger and now weaker, according as the wind is strong or light. What a delicious morning It was I About eleven o'clock, a long line of boats drawn by a steam-tug, as big a lly, and which scarcely puffed while emitting its thick smoke, passed my gate. After two English schooners, whose red flags fluttered toward the sky, there came a magnificent Brazilian three-master; It was perfectly white and wonderfully clean and shining. I sal^l^d it, 1 hardly know why, except that the sight of the vessel gave me great pleasure. May 12. I have had a slight feverish attack for the last few days, and 1 feel ill, or rather I feel low- spirited. Whence come those mysterious influences which change our happiness into discouragement, and our self-confidence into diffidence ? One might almost say that the air, the invisible air, is full of unknow- able Forces, whose mysterious presence we have to endure. I wake up in the best of spirits, with an in- clination to sing in my heart. Why ? I go down by the side of the water, and suddenly, after walking a short distance, 1 return home wretched, as if some misfortune were awaiting me there. Why? Is it a cold shiver which, passing over my skin, has upset my nerves and given me a fit of low spirits? Is it the form of the clouds, or the tints of the sky, or the colors of the surrounding objects which are so change- 42 THE HORLA able, whicn have troubled my thoughts as they passed before my eyes? Who can tell? Everything that surrounds us, everything that we see without looking at it, everything that we touch without knowing it, everything that we handle without feeling it, every- thing that we meet without clearly distinguishing it, has a rapid, surprising, and inexplicable effect" upon us and upon our organs, and through thern on our ideas and on our being itself. Mow profound that mystery of the Invisible is! We cannot fathom it with our miserable senses: our eyes are unable to perceive what is either too small or too great, too near to or too far from us; we can see neither the inhabitants of a star nor of a drop of water; our ears deceive us, for they transmit to us the vibrations of the air in sonorous notes. Our senses are fairies who work the miracle of changing that movement into noise, and by that metamorphosis give birth to music, which makes the mute agitation of natiire a harmony. So with our sense of smell, which is weaker than that of a dog, and so with our sense of taste, which can scarcely distinguish the age of a wine! Oh! U we only had other organs which could work other miracles in our favor, what a number of fresh things we might discover around us! May 1 6. I am ill, decidedly! I was so well last month! I am feverish, horribly feverish, or rather I am in a state of feverish enervation, which makes my mind suffer as much as my body. I have without ceasing the horrible sensation of some danger threat- ening me, the apprehension of some coming mis- fortune or of approaching death, a presentiment which WORKS OF GUY DE MAUPASSANT 4^ is, no doubt, an attack of some illness still unnamed, which germinates in the flesh and in the blood. Maj' iS. I have just come from consulting my medical man, for I can no longer get any sleep. He found that my pulse was high, my eyes dilated, my nerves highly strung, but no alarming symptoms. I must have a course of shower baths and of bromide of potassium. May 25. No change! My stale is really very peculiar. As the evening comes on, an incompre- hensible feeling of disquietude seizes me, just as if night concealed some terrible menace toward me. I dine quickly, and then try to read, but 1 do not un- derstand the words, and can scarcely distinguish the letters. Then 1 walk up and down my drawing- room, oppressed by a feeling of confused and irre- sistible fear, a fear of sleep and a fear of my bed. About ten o'clock I go up to my room. As soon as I have entered I lock and bolt the door. I am frightened — of what ? Up till the present time I have been frightened of nothing. 1 open my cupboards, and look under my bed; I'listcn — I listen — to what? How strange it is that a simple feeling of discomfort. of impeded or heightened circulation, perhaps the irritation of a nervous center, a slight congestion, a small disturbance in the imperfect and delicate func- tions of our living machinery, can turn the most light-hearted of men into a melancholy one. and make a coward of the bravest? Then. 1 go tn bed, and I wait for sleep as a man might wait for tlic execu- tioner. I wait for its coming with dread, and my heart beats and my legs tremble, while my whole body shivers beneath the warmth of the bedclothes, 44 THE HORLA until the moment when I suddenly fall asleep, as = man throws himself into a pool of stagnant water in order to drown. I do not feel this perfidious sleep coming over me as 1 used to, but a sleep which is close to me and watching me, which is going to seize me by the head, to close my eyes and annihi- late me. I sleep — a long time — two or three hours per- haps — then a dream — no — ^a nightmare lays hold on me. I feel that 1 am in bed and asleep — I feel it and I know it — and I feel also that somebody is coming close to me, is looking at me, touching me, is get- ting on to my bed, is kneeling on my chest, is tak- ing my neck between his hands and squeezing it — squeezing it with all his might in order to strangle me. I struggle, bound by that terrible powerlessness which paralyzes us in our dreams; I try to cry out — but I cannot; I want to move — I cannot; I try, with the most violent efforts and out of breath, to turn over and throw off this being which is crushing and suffocating me — 1 cannot! ^ And then suddenly 1 wake up, shaken and bathed in perspiration; I light a candle and find that I am alone, and after that crisis, which occurs every night, I at length fall asleep and slumber tranquilly till morning. June 2. My state has grown worse. What is the matter with me ? The bromide does me no good, and the shower-baths have no effect whatever. Sometimes, in order to tire myself out, though I am fatigued enough already, I go for a walk in the forest of Roumare. 1 used to think at first that the fresh WORKS OF GUY DE MAUPASSANT 45 light and soft air, impregnated with the odor of herbs and leaves, would instill new life into my veins and impart fresh energy to my heart. One day 1 turned into a broad ride in tiie wood, and then I diverged toward La Bouille, through a narrow path, between two rows of exceedingly tall trees, which placed a thick, green, almost black roof between the sky and me. A sudden shiver ran through me, not a cold shiver, but a shiver of agony, and so I hastened my steps, uneasy at being alone in the wood, frightened stupidly and without reason, at the profound solitude. Suddenly it seemed as if 1 were being followed, that somebody was walking at my heels, close, quite close to me, near enough to touch me. 1 turned round sudde-^ly, but I was alone. I saw nothing behind me except the straight, broad ride, empty and bordered by high trees, horribly empty; on the other side also It extended until it was lost in the distance, and looked just the same — terrible. 1 closed my eyes. Why? And then I began to turn round on one heel very quickly, just like a top. I nearly fell down, and opened my eyes; the trees were dancing round me and the earth heaved; I was obliged to sit down. Then, ah! I no longer remem- bered how 1 had come! What a strange idea! What a strange, strange idea! 1 did not the least know. I started off to the right, and got back into the avenue which had led me into the middle of the forest. June ^. I have had a terrible night. I shall go away for a few weeks, for no doubt a journey will ^l me up agam. 46 THE HORLA July 2. I have come back, quite cured, and have had a most delightful trip into the bargain. I have been to Mont Saint-iViichel, which I had not seen be- fore. What a sight, when one arrives as I did, at Avranches toward the end of the day! The town stands on a hill, and I was taken into the public garden at the extremity of the town. I uttered a cry of astonishment. An extraordinarily large bay lay extended before me, as far as my eyes could reach, between two hills which were lost to sight in the mist; and in the middle of this immense yellow bay, under a clear, golden sky, a peculiar hill rose up, somber and pointed in the midst of the sand. The sun had just disappeared, and under the still flaming sky stood out the outline of that fantastic rock, which bears on its summit a picturesque monument. At daybreak I went to' it. The tide was low, as it had been the night before, and 1 saw that wonder- ful abbey rise up before me as I approached it. After several hours' walking, I reached the enormous mass of rock which supports the little town, domi- nated by the great church. Having climbed the steep and narrow street, 1 entered the most wonderful Gothic building that has ever been erected to God on earth, large as a town, and full of low rooms which seem buried beneath vaulted roofs, and of lofty gal- leries supported by delicate columns. I entered this gigantic granite jewel, which is as light in its effect as a bit of lace and is covered with towers, with slender belfries to which spiral staircases ascend. The flying buttresses raise strange heads that bristle with chimeras, with devils, with fantastic ani- WORKS OF GUY DE MAUPASSANT 47 mals, with monstrous flowers, are joined together by finely carved arches, to the blue sky by day, and to the black sky by night. When I had reached the summit, I said to the monk who accompanied me: "Father, how happy you must be here!" And he repHed: "it is very windy, Monsieur"; and so we began to talk while watching the rising tide, which ran over the sand and covered it with a steel cuirass. And then the monk told me stories, all the old stories belonging to the place — legends, nothing but legends. One of them struck me forcibly. The country people, those belonging to the Mornet, declare that at night one can hear talking going on in the sand, and also that two goats bleat, one with a strong, the other with a weak voice. Incredulous people declare that it is nothing but the screaming of the sea birds, which occasionally resembles blcatings. and occasion- ally human lamentations; but belated fishermen swear that they have met an old shepherd, whose cloak- covered head they can never see, wandering on the sand, between two tides, round the little town placed so far out of the world. They declare he is guiding and walking before a he-goat with a man's face and a she-goat with a woman's face, both with white hair, who talk incessantly, quarreling in a strange language, and then suddenly cease talking in order to bleat with all liieir might. "Do you believe it?" I asked the monk. "1 scarcely know," he replied; and 1 continued: "If there are other beings besides ourselves on this earth, how comes it that we have not known it for so long 48 THE HORLA ' a time, or v/hy have you not seen them ? How is it that I have not seen them ? " He replied: "Do we see the hundred-thousandth part of what exists? Lool^ here; there is the wind, which is the strongest force in nature. It knocks down men, and blows down buildings, uproots trees, raises the sea into mountains of water, destroys cliffs and casts great ships on to the breakers; it kills, it whistles, it sighs, it roars. But have you ever seen it, and can you see it ? Yet it exists for all that." I was silent before this simple reasoning. That man was a philosopher, or perhaps a fool; I could not say which exactly, so I held my tongue. What he had said had often been in my own thoughts. July ^. I have slept badly; certainly there is some feverish influence here, for my coachman is suflFering in the same way as I am. When I went back home yesterday, I noticed his singular paleness, and I asked him: "What is the matter with you, Jean.^" "The matter is that I never get any rest, and my nights devour my days. Since your departure, Mon- sieur, there has been a spell over me." However, the other servants are all well, but I am very frightened of having another attack, myself. July 4. 1 am decidedly taken again; for my old nightmares have returned. Last night I felt some- body leaning on me who was sucking my life from between my lips with his mouth. Yes, he was suck- ing it out of my neck like a leech would have done. Then he got up, satiated, and I woke up, so beaten, crushed, and annihilated that I could not move. If this continues for a few days, I shall certainly go away again. WORKS OF GUY DE MAUPASSANT 49 July 5. Have I lost my reason ? What has hap- pened? What I saw last night is so strange that my head wanders when I think of it! As I do now every evening, I had locked my door; then, being thirsty, I drank half a glass of water, and I accidentally noticed that the water-bottle was full up to the cut-glass stopper. Then 1 went to bed and fell into one of iny terri- ble sleeps, from which 1 was aroused in about two hours by a still more terrible shock. Picture to yourself a sleeping man who is being murdered, who wakes up with a knife in his chest, a gurgling in his throat, is covered with blood, can no longer breathe, is going to die and does not un- derstand anything at all about it — there you have it. Having recovered my senses, I was thirsty again, so I lighted a candle and went to the table on which my water-bottle was. I lifted it up and tilted it over my glass, but nothing came out. It was empty! It was completely empty! At fust I could not under- stand it at all; then suddenly I was seized by sach a terrible feeling that I had to sit down, or rather fall into a chair! Then 1 sprang up with a bound to look about me; then 1 sat down again, overcome by astonishment and fear, in front of the transparent crystal bottle! 1 looked at it with fixed eyes, trying to solve the puzzle, and my hands trembled! Some- body had drunk the water, but who? I? 1 without any doubt. It could surely only be I ? In that case I was a somnambulist — was living, without knowing it, that double, mysterious life which makes us doubt whether there are not two beings in us — whether a strange, unknowable, and invisible being does not, Maup. I — i 50 THE HORLA during our moments of mental and physical torpor, animate the inert body, forcing it to a more willing obedience than it yields to ourselves. Oh! Who will understand my horrible agony P Who will understand the emotion of a man sound in mind, wide-awake, full of sense, who looks in horror at the disappearance of a little water while he was asleep, through the glass of a water-bottle! And I remained sitting until it w^as daylight, without ven- turing to go to bed again. July 6. I am going mad. Again all the contents of my water-bottfe have been drunk during the night; or rather 1 have drunk it! But is it I ? Is it I } Who could it be .? Who ? Oh! God! Am 1 going mad.? Who will save me? July 10. I have just been through some surpris- ing ordeals. Undoubtedly I must be mad! And yet! On July 6, before going to bed, I put some wine, milk, water, bread, and strawberries on my table. Somebody drank — I drank — all the water and a lit- tle of the milk, but neither the wine, nor the bread, nor the strawberries were touched. On the seventh of July I renewed the same experi- ment, with the same results, and on July 8 I left out the water and the milk and nothing was touched. Lastly, on July 9 I put only water and milk on my table, taking care to wrap up the bottles in white muslin and to tie down the stoppers. Then I rubbed my lips, mv beard, and my hands with pencil lead, and went to bed. Deep slumber seized me, soon followed by a ter- rible awakening. 1 had not moved, and my sheets were not marked. I rushed to the table. The mus- WORKS OF GUY DE MAUPASSANT 5 1 lin round the bottles remained intact; I undid the string, trembling with fear. All the water had been drunk, and so had the milk! Ah! Great God! I must start for Paris immediately. July 12 Paris. 1 must have lost my head during the last few days! I must be the plaything of my enervated imagination, unless I am really a somnam- bulist, or I have been brought under the power of one of those influences — hypnotic suggestion, for example — which are known to exist, but have hith- erto been inexplicable. In any case, my mental state bordered on madness, and twenty-four hours of Paris sufficed to restore me to my equilibrium. Yesterday after doing some business and paying some visits, which instilled fresh and invigorating mental air into me, I wound up my evening at the Theatre Fran^ais. A drama by Alexander Dumas the Younger was being acted, and his brilliant and pow- erful play completed my cure. Certainly solitude is dangerous for active minds. We need men who can think and can talk, around us. When we are alone for a long time, we people s})ace with phantoms. I returned along the boulevards to my hotel in excellent spirits. Amid the jostling of the crowd I thought, not without irony, of my terrors and sur- mises of the previous week, because I believed, yes, I believed, that an invisible being lived beneath my roof. How weak our mind is; how quickly it is ter- rified and unbalanced as soon as we are confronted with a small, incomprehensible fact. Instead of dis- missing the problem with: "We do not understand because we cannot find the cause," we immediately imagine terrible mysteries and supernatural powers. 52 THE HORLA July 14. Fete of the Republic. I walked through the streets, and the crackers and flags amused me like a child. Still, it is very foolish to make merry on a set date, by Government decree. People are like a flock of sheep, now steadily patient, now in ferocious revolt. Say to it: "Amuse yourself," and it amuses itself. Say to it: "Go and fight with your neighbor," and it goes and figiits. Say to if: "Vote for the Emperor," and it votes for the Enr- peror; then say to it: "Vote for the Republic," aid it votes for the Republic. Those who direct it are stupid, too; but instead of obeying men they obey principles, a course which can only be foolish, ineffective, and false, for the very reason that principles are ideas which are considered as certain and unchangeable, whereas in this world one is certain of nothing, since light is an illusion and noise is deception. July 16. 1 saw some things yesterday that troubleU me very much. I was dining at my cousin's, Madame Sable, whose husband is colonel of the Seventy-sixth Chasseurs at Limoges. There were two young women there, one of whom had married a medical man. Dr. Parent, who devotes himself a great deal to nervous diseases and to the extraordinary manifestations which just now experiments in hypnotism and suggestion are producing. He related to us at some length the enormous re- sults obtained by English scientists and the doctors of the medical school at Nancy, and the facts which he adduced appeared to me so strange, that I de- clared that I was altogether incredulous. WORKS OF GUY DE MAUPASSANT 53 "We are," he declared, "on the point of discov- ering one of the most important secrets of nature, I mean to say, one of its most important secrets on this earth, for assuredly there are sonie up in the stars, yonder, of a different kind of importance. Ever since man has thought, since he has been able to ex- press and write down his thoughts, he has felt him- self close to a mystery which is impenetrable to his coarse and imperfect senses, and he endeavors to sup- plement the feeble penetration of his organs by the efforts of his intellect. As long as that intellect re- mained in its elementary stage, this intercourse with invisible spirits assumed forms which were common- place though terrifying. Thence sprang the popular belief in the supernatural, the legends of wandering spirits, of fairies, of gnomes, of ghosts, I might even say the conception of God, for our ideas of the Workman-Creator, from whatever religion they may have come down to us, are certainly the most medi- ocre, the stupidest, and the most unacceptable inven- tions that ever sprang from the frightened brain of any human creature. Nothing is truer than what Voltaire says: 'If God made man in His own image, man has certainly paid Him back again.' "But for rather more than a century, men seem to have had a presentiment of something new. Mes- mer and some others have put us on an unexpected track, and within the last two or three years espec- ially, we have arrived at results really surprising." My cousin, who is also very incredulous, smiled, and Dr. Parent said to her: "Would you like me to try and send you to sleep, Madame?" " Yes, certainly." 54 IHE HORLA She sat down In an easy-chair, and he began to look at her fixedly, as if to fascinate her. I suddenly felt myself somewhat discomposed; my heart beat rapidly and 1 had a choking feeling in my throat. I saw that Madame Sable's eyes were growing heavy, her mouth twitched, and her bosom heaved, and at the end of ten minutes she was asleep. "Go behind her," the doctor said to me; so I took a seat behind her. He put a visiting-card into her hands, and said to her: "This is a looking-glass; what do you see in it ? " She replied: "I see my cousin." "What is he doing?" "He is twisting his mustache." "And now?" "He is taking a photograph out of his pocket." "Whose photograph is it?" "His own." That was true, for the photograph had been given me that same evening at the hotel. "What is his attitude in this portrait?" "He is standing up with his hat in his hand." She saw these things in that card, in that piece of white pasteboard, as if she had seen them in a looking-glass. The young women were frightened, and exclaimed: "That is quite enough! Quite, quite enough!" But the doctor said to her authoritatively: "You will get up at eight o'clock to-morrow morning; then you will go and call on your cousin at his hotel and ask him to lend you the five thousand francs which your husband asks of you, and which he will ask for when he sets out on his coming journey." WORKS OF GUY DE MAUPASSANT 55 Then he woke her up. On returning to my hotel, I thought over this curious seance and I was assailed by doubts, not as to my cousin's absolute and undoubted good faith, for I had known her as well as if she had been my own sister ever since she was a child, but as to a possible trick on the doctor's part. Had not he, per- haps, kept a glass hidden in his hand, which he showed to the young woman in her sleep at the same time as he did the card ? Professional conjur- ers do things which are just as singular. However, I went to bed, and this morning, at about half past eight, I was awakened by my foot- man, who said to me: "Madame Sable has asked to see you immediately, Monsieur." I dressed hastily and went to her. She sat down in some agitation, with her eyes on the floor, and without raising her veil said to me: "My dear cousin, I am going to ask a great favor of you." "What is it, cousin? " "I do not like to tell you, and yet I must. I am in absolute want of five thousand francs." "What, you?" "Yes, I, or rather my husband, who has asked me to procure them for him." 1 was so stupefied that I hesitated to answer. I asked myself whether she had not really been making fun of me with Dr. Parent, if it were not merely a very well-acted farce which had been got up beforehand. On looking at her attentively, how- ever, my doubts disappeared. She was trembling with grief, so painful was this step to her, and 1 was sure that her throat was full of sobs. 56 THE HORLA I knew that she was very rich and so I contin- ued: "What! Has not your husband five thousand francs at his disposal? Come, think. Are you sure that he commissioned you to ask me for them?" She hesitated for a few seconds, as if she were making a great effort to search her memory, and then she rephed: "Yes — yes, 1 am quite sure of it." "He has written to you?" She hesitated again and reflected, and I guessed the torture of her thoughts. She did not know. She only knev\^ that she was to borrow five thou- sand francs of me for her husband. So she told a He. "Yes, he has written to me." "When, pray? You did not mention it to me yesterday." "I received his letter this morning." "Can you show it to me?" "No; no — no — it contained private matters, things too personal to ourselves. I burned it." "So your husband runs into debt?" She hesitated again, and then murmured: " I do not know." Thereupon I said bluntly: "I have not five thou- sand francs at my disposal at this moment, my dear cousin." She uttered a cry, as if she were in pairj and said: "Oh! oh! I beseech you, I beseech you to get them for me." She got excited and clasped her hands as if she were praying to me ! I heard her voice change its tone; she wept and sobbed, harassed and dominated by the irresistible order that she had received. WORKS OF GUY DE MAUPASSANT 57 "Oh ! oh ! I beg you to — if 3^ou knew what I am suflfering — I want them to-day." I had pity on her: "You shall have them by and by, I swear to you." "Oh! thank you! thank you! How kind you are." I continued: "Do you remember what took place at your house last night?" "Yes." "Do you remember that Dr. Parent sent you to sleep?" "Yes." "Oh! Very well then; he ordered you to come to me this morning to borrow five thousand francs, and at this moment you are obeying that sugges- tion." She considered for a few moments, and then replied: "But as it is my husband who wants them—" For a whole hour I tried to convince her, but could not succeed, and when she had gone I went to the doctor. He was just going out, and he listened to me with a smile, and said: "Do you believe now?" "Yes, I cannot help it." "Let us go to your cousin's." She was already resting on a couch, overcome with fatigue. The doctor felt her pulse, looked at her for some time with one hand raised toward her eyes, which she closed by degrees under the irresisti- ble power of this magnetic influence. When she was asleep, he said: "Your husband does not require the five thousand 58 THE HORlJi francs any longer! You must, therefore, forget <^hat you asked your cousin to lend them to you, and, if he speaks to you about it, you will not understand him." Then he woke her up, and I took out a pocket- book and said: "Here is what you asked me for this morning, my dear cousin." But she was so sur- prised, that I did not venture to persist; nevertheless, I tried to recall the circumstance to her, but she denied it vigorously, thought that I was making fun of her, and in the end, very nearly lost her temper. There! I have just come back, and I have not been able to eat any lunch, for this experiment has alto- gether upset me. July ig. Many people to whom I have told the adventure have laughed at me. I no longer know what to think. The wise man says: Perhaps? July 21. I dined at Bougival, and then I spent the evening at a boatmen's ball. Decidedly every- thing depends on place and surroundings. It would be the height of folly to believe in the supernatural on the He de la Grenoiiilliere.* But on the top of Mont Saint-Michel or in India, we are terribly under the influence of our surroundings. I shall return home next week. July JO. I came back to my own house yester- day. Everything is going on well. August 2. Nothing fresh; it .is splendid weather, and I spend my days in watching the Seine flow past. ■ Frog-island. WORKS OF GUY DE MAUPASSANT 59 August 4. Quarrels among my servants. They declare that the glasses are broken in the cupboards at night. The footman accuses the cook, she accuses the needlewoman, and the latter accuses the other two. Who is the culprit? It would take a clever person to tell. August 6. This time, I am not mad. I have seen — I have seen — I have seen! — I can doubt no longer — / have seen it! I was walking at two o'clock among my rose- trees, in the full sunlight — in the walk bordered by autumn roses which are beginning to fall. As I stopped to look at a Geant de Bataille, which had three splendid blooms, I distinctly saw the stalk of one of the roses bend close to me, as if an invisible hand had bent it, and then break, as if that hand had picked it! Then the flower raised itself, following the curve which a hand would have described in carrying it toward a mouth, and remained suspended in the transparent air, alone and motionless, a terrible red spot, three yards from my eyes, in desperation I rushed at it to take it! I found nothing; it had disappeared. Then 1 was seized with furious rage against myself, for it is not wholesome for a reason- able and serious man to have such hallucinations. But was it a hallucination ? I turned to look for the stalk, and I found it immediately under the bush, freshly broken, between the two other roses which remained on the branch. I returned home, then, with a much disturbed mind; Uir 1 am certain now, certain as 1 am of the alternation of day and night, that there exists close to me an invisible being who iives on milk and on water, who can touch objects. 6o THE HORLA take them and change their places; who is, conse- quently, endowed with a material nature, although imperceptible to sense, and who lives as I do, under my roof — August /. I slept tranquilly. He drank the water out of my decanter, but did not disturb my sleep. 1 ask myself whether 1 am mad. As I was walk- ing just now in the sun by the riverside, doubts as to my own sanity arose in me; not vague doubts such as I have had hitherto, but precise and absolute doubts. I have seen mad people, and I have known some who were quite intelligent, lucid, even clear- sighted in every concern of life, except on one point. They could speak clearly, readily, profoundly on every- thing; till their thoughts were caught in the breakers of their delusions and went to pieces there, were dispersed and swamped in that furious and terrible sea of fogs and squalls which is called madness. I certainly should think that I was mad, abso- lutely mad, if I were not conscious that I knew my state, if I could not fathom it and analyze it with the most complete lucidity. 1 should, in fact, be a rea- sonable man laboring under a hallucination. Some unknown disturbance must have been excited in my brain, one of those disturbances which physiologists of the present day try to note and to fix precisely, and that disturbance must have caused a profound gulf in my mind and in the order and logic of my ideas. Similar phenomena occur in dreams, and lead us through the most unlikely phantasmagoria, without causing us any surprise, because our verifying apparatus and our sense of control have gone to sleep, while our imaginative faculty wakes and works. WORKS OF GUY DE MAUPASSANT 6l Was it not possible that one of the imperceptible keys of the cerebral finger-board had been paralyzed in me ? Some men lose the recollection of proper names, or of verbs, or of numbers, or merely of dates, in consequence of an accident. The localization of all the avenues of thought has been accomplished nowadays; what, then, would there be surprising in the fact that my faculty of controlling the unreality of certain hallucinations should be destroyed for the time being? I thought of all this as I walked by the side of the water. The sun was shining brightly on the river and made earth delightful, while it filled me with love for life, for the swallows, whose swift agility is always delightful in my eyes, for the plants by the riverside, whose rustling is a pleasure to my ears. By degrees, however, an inexplicable feeling of discomfort seized me. It seemed to me as if some unknown force were numbing and stopping me, were preventing me from going further and were calling me back. I felt that painful wish to return which comes on you when you have left a beloved invalid at home, and are seized by a presentiment that he is worse. 1, therefore, returned despite of myself, feeling cer- tain that 1 should find some bad news awaiting me, a letter or a telegram. There was nothing, however, and I was surprised and uneasy, more so than il I had had another fantastic vision. August 8. I spent a terrible evening, yesterday. He does not show himself any more, but 1 feel that He is near me, watching me, looking at me, pene- trating me, dominating me, and more terrible to me 62 THE HORLA when He hides himself thus than if He were to manifest his constant and invisible presence by super- natural phenomena. However, I slept. August g. Nothing, but I am afraid. August 10. Nothing; but what will happen to- morrow ? August II. Still nothing. I cannot stop at home with this fear hanging over me and these thoughts in my mind; I shall go away. August 12. Ten o'clock at night. All day long I have been trying to get away, and have not been able. 1 contemplated a simple and easy act of liberty, a carriage ride to Rouen — and I have not been able to do it. What is the reason ? August ij. When one is attacked by certain maladies, the springs of our physical being seem broken, our energies destroyed, our muscles relaxed, our bones to be as soft as our flesh, and our blood as liquid as water. 1 am experiencing the same in my moral being, in a strange and distressing man- ner. I have no longer any strength, any courage, any self-control, nor even any power to set my own will in motion. 1 have no power left to wtl! any-r thing, but some one does it for me and I obey. August 14. 1 am lost! Somebody possesses my soul and governs it! Somebody orders all my acts, all my movements, all my thoughts. 1 am no longer master of myself, nothing except an enslaved and terrified spectator of the things which I do. I wish to go out; 1 cannot. He does not wish to; and so I remain, trembling and distracted in the armchair in which he keeps me sitting. I merely wish to get up and to rouse myself, so as to think that I am still WORKS OF GUY DE MAUPASSANT 6^ master of myself: I cannot! I am riveted to my chair, and my chair adheres to the floor in such a manner that no force of mine can move us. Then suddenly, I must, I TJiust go to the foot of my garden to pick some strawberries and eat them ■ — and I go there. I pick the strawberries and I eat them! Oh! my God! my God! Is there a God.^ If there be one, deliver me! save me! succor me! Par- don! Pity! Mercy! Save me! Oh! what sufferings! what torture! what horror! August 75. Certainly this is the way in which my poor cousin was possessed and swayed, when she came to borrow five thousand francs of me. She was under the power of a strange will which had entered into her, like another soul, a parasitic and ruling soul. Is the world coming to an end.^ But who is he, this invisible being that rules me, this unknowable being, this rover of a supernatufal race ? Invisible beings exist, then I How is it, then, that since the beginning of the world they have never manifested themselves in such a manner as they do to me? I have never read anything that resembles what goes on in my house. Oh! If 1 could only leave it, if 1 could only go away and flee, and never return, I should be saved; but I cannot. August 16. I managed to escape to-day for two hours, like a prisoner who (Inds the door of his dun- geon accidentally open. I suddenly felt that I was free and that He was far away, and so I gave orders to put the horses in as quickly as possible, and I drove to Rouen. Oh! how delightful to be able to say to my coachman: "Go to Rouen!" 64 THE HORLA I made him pull up before the library, and I begged them to lend me Dr. Herrmann Herestauss's treatise on the unknown inhabitants of the ancient and modern world. Then, as 1 was getting into my carriage, I intended to say: "To the railway station!" but instead of this I shouted — I did not speak, but I shouted — in such a loud voice that all the passers-by turned round: "Home!" and 1 fell back on to the cushion of my carriage, overcome by mental agony. He had found me out and regained possession of me. August ly. Oh! Whcit a night! what a night! And yet it seems to me that I ought to rejoice. I read until one o'clock in the morning! Herestauss, Doctor of Philosophy and Theogony, wrote the his- tory and the manifestation of all those invisible beings which hover around man, or of whom he dreams. He describes their origin, their domains, their power; but none of them resembles the one which haunts me. One might say that man, ever since he has thought, has had a foreboding and a fear of a new being, stronger than himself, his successor in this world, and that, feeling him near, and not being able to foretell the nature of the unseen one, he has, in his terror, created the whole race of hidden beings, vague phantoms born of fear. Having, therefore, read until one o'clock in the morning, I went and sat down at the open window, in order to cool my forehead and my thoughts in the calm night air. It was very pleasant and warm! How I should have enjoyed such a night formerly! There .was no moon, but the stars darted out their rays in the dark heavens. Who inhabits those worlds i WORKS OF GUY DE MAUPASSANT 65 What forms, what Hving beings, what animals are there yonder? Do those who are thinkers in those distant worlds know more than we do ? What can they do more than we? W^hat do they see which we do not ? Will not one of them, some day or other, traversing space, appear on our earth to conquer it, just as formerly the Norsemen crossed the sea in order to subjugate nations feebler than themselves? We are so weak, so powerless, sc ignorant, so small — we who live on this particle of niud which revolves in liquid air. 1 fell asleep, dreaming thus in the cool night air, and then, having slept for about three quarters of an hour, I opened my eyes without moving, awakened by an indescribably confused and strange sensation. At first I saw nothing, and then suddenly it appeared to me as if a page of the book, which had remained open on my table, turned over of its own accord. Not a breath of air had come in at my window, and 1 was surprised and waited. In about four minutes, I saw, I saw — yes I saw with my own eyes — an- other page lift itself up and fall down on the others, as if a finger had turned it over. My armchair was empty, appeared empty, but \ knew that He was there, He, and sitting in my place, and that He was reading. With a furious bound, the bound of an enraged wild beast that wishes to disembowel its tamer, I crossed my room to seize him, to strangle him, to kill him! But before I could reach it, my chair fell over as if somebody had run away from me. My table rocked, my lamp fell and went out, and my window closed as if some thief had been surprised and had fled out into the night, shutting it behind him. Maup. 1 — 5 o6 THE HORLA So He had run away; He had been afraid; He, afraid of me! So to-morrow, or later- -some day or other, I should be able to hold him in my dutches and crush him against the ground! Do not dogs occasionally bite and strangle their masters ? August i8. I have been thinking the whole day long. Oh! yes, 1 will obey Him, follow His impulses, fulfill all His wishes, show myself humble, submissive, a coward. He is the stronger; but an hour will come. August ig. I know, I know, I know all! I have just read the following in the "Revue du Monde Scientifique": "A curious piece of news comes to us from Rio de Janeiro. Madness, an epidemic of madness, which may be compared to that contagious madness which attacked the people of Europe in the Middle Ages, is at this moment raging in the Province of San-Paulo. The frightened inhabitants are leaving their houses, deserting their villages, abandoning their land, saying that they are pursued, possessed, gov- erned like human cattle by invisible, though tangible beings, by a species of vampire, which feeds on their life while they are asleep, and which, besides, drinks water and milk without appearing to touch any other nourishment. "Professor Don Pedro Henriques, accompanied by several medical savants, has gone to the Province of San-Paulo, in order to study the origin and the mani festations of this surprising madness on the spot, and to propose such measures to the Emperor as may appear to him to be most fitted to restore the mad population to reason." WORKS OF GUY DE MAUPASSANT 67 Ah ! Ah ! I remember now that fine BraziHan three-master which passed in front of my windows as it was going- up the Seine, on the eighth of last May ! I thought it looked so pretty, so white and bright ! That Being was on board of her, coming from there, where its race sprang from. And it saw me ! It saw my house, which was also white, and He sprang from the ship on to the land. Oh ! Good heavens ! Now I know, I can divine. The reign of man is over, and He has come. He whom disquieted priests exorcised, whom sorcerers evoked on dark nights, without seeing him appear, He to whom the imagina- tions of the transient masters of the world lent all the Fionstrous or graceful forms of gnomes, spirits, genii, f'liries, and familiar spirits. After the coarse concep- tions of primitive fear, men more enlightened gave him a truer form. Mcsmer divined him, and ten years ago physicians accurately discovered the nature of his power, even before He exercised it himself. They played with that weapon of their new Lord, the sway of a mysterious will over the human soul, which had become enslaved. They called it mesmerism, hypno- tism, suggestion, I know not what ? I have seen them diverting themselves liKe rash children with this horrible power 1 Woe to us! Woe to man! He has come, the — the — what does He call himself — the — 1 fancy that he is shouting out his name to me and I do not hear him — the — yes — He is shouting it out — 1 am listening — I cannot — repeat — it — Horla — I have heard — the Horla — it is He — the Horla — He has come! — Ah! the vulture has eaten the pigeon, the wolf 5p THE HORLA has eaten the lamb; the Hon has devoured the sharp- horned buffalo; man has killed the lion with an ar- row, with a spear, with gunpowder; but the Horla will make of man what man has made of the horse and of the ox: his chattel, his slave, and his food, by the mere power of his will. Woe to us! But, nevertheless, sometimes the animal rebels and kills the man who has subjugated it. 1 should also like — I shall be able to — but I must know Him, touch Him, see Him! Learned men say that eyes of animals, as they differ from ours, do not distinguish as ours do. And my eye cannot distinguish this newcomer who is oppressing me. Why? Oh! Now 1 remember the words of the monk at Mont Saint-Michel: "Can we see the hun- dred-thousandth part of what exists? Listen; there is the wind which is the strongest force in nature; it knocks men down, blows down buildings, up- roots trees, raises the sea into mountains of water, destroys cliffs, and casts great ships on to the breakers; it kills, it whistles, it sighs, it roars,— have you ever seen it, and can you see it? It exists for all that, however!" And I went on thinking: my eyes are so weak, so imperfect, that they do not even distinguish hard bodies, if they are as transparent as glass! If a glass without quicksilver behind it were to bar my way, I should run into it, just like a bird which has flown into a room breaks its head against the windowpanes. A thousand things, moreover, de- ceive a man and lead him astray. How then is it surprising that he cannot perceive a new body which is penetrated and pervaded by the light? WORKS OF GUY DE MAUPASSANT 6q A new being! Why not? It was assuredly bound to come! Why should we be the last? We do not distinguish it, like all the others created before us? The reason is, that its nature is more delicate, its body finer and more finished than ours. Our make- up is so weak, so awkwardly conceived; our body is encumbered with organs that are always tired, always being strained like locks that are too complicated; it lives like a plant and like an animal nourishing itself with difficulty on air, herbs, and flesh; it is a brute machine which is a prey to maladies, to mal- formations, to decay; it is broken-winded, badly regulated, simple and eccentric, ingeniously yet badly made, a coarse and yet a delicate mechanism, in brief, the outline of a being which might become intelligent and great. There are only a few — so few — stages of devel- opment in this world, from the oyster up to man. Why should there not be one more, when once that period is accomplished which separates the successive products one from the other? Why not one more ? Why not, also, other trees with immense, splendid fiowers, perfuming whole regions? Why not other elements beside fire, air, earth, and water? There are four, only four, nursing fathers of various beings! What a pity! Why should not there be forty, four hundred, four thousand! How poor everything is, how mean and wretched — grudgingly given, poorly invented, clumsily made ! Ah! the elephant and the hippopotamus, what power! And the camel, what suppleness! But the butterfly, you will say, a flying flowerl 1 dream of one that should be as large as a hundred JO THE HORLA worlds, with wings whose shape, beauty, colors, and motion I cannot even express. But I see it — it flut- ters from star to star, refreshing them and perfuming them with the light and harmonious breath of its flight! And the people up there gaze at it as it passes in an ecstasy of delight! What is the matter with me? It is He, the Horia who haunts me, and who makes me think of these foolish things! He is within me, He is becoming my soul; I shall kill him! Aiigtist 20. 1 shall kill Him. I have seen Him! Yesterday I sat down at my table and pretended to write very assiduously. I knew quite well that He would come prowling round me, quite close to me, so close that I might perhaps be able to touch him, to seize him. And then — then I should have the strength of desperation; 1 should have my hands, my knees, my chest, my forehead, my teeth to strangle him, to crush him, to bite him, to tear him to pieces. And I watched for him with all my overexcited nerves. I had lighted my two lamps and the eight wax candles on my mantelpiece, as if, by this light 1 should discover Him. My bed, my old oak bed with its columns, was opposite to me; on my right was the fireplace; on my left the door, which was carefully closed, after I had left it open for some time, in order to attract Him; behind me was a very high wardrobe with a looking-glass in it, which served me to dress by every day, and in which I was in the habit of inspecting myself from head to foot every time I passed it. WORKS OF GUY DK jMAlJf'ASSANT 71 So I pretended to be writing in order to deceive Him, for He also was watching me, and suddenly I felt, I was certain, that He was reading over my shoulder, that He was there, almost touching my ear. I got up so quickly, with my hands extended, that 1 almost fell. Horror! It was as bright as at mid- day, but 1 did not see myself in the glass! It was empty, clear, profound, full of light! But my figure was not reflected in it — and I, I was opposite to it I I saw the large, clear glass from top to bottom, and I looked at it with unsteady eyes. I did not dare advance; I did not venture to make a movement; feeling certain, nevertheless, that He was there, but that He would escape me again, He whose impercep- tible body had absorbed my reflection. How frightened 1 was! And then suddenly I be- gan to see myself through a mist in the depths of the looking-glass, in a mist as it were, or through a veil of water; and it seemed to me as if this water were flowing slowly from left to right, and making my figure clearer every moment. It was like the end of an eclipse. Whatever hid me did not appear to possess any clearly defined outlines, but was a sort of opaque transparency, which gradually grew clearer. At last 1 was able to distinguish myself completely, as I do every day when I look at myself. I had seen Him! And the horror of it remained with me, and makes me shudder even now. August 21. How could 1 kill Him, since I could not get hold of Him } Poison .^ But He would see me mix it with the water; and then, would our poisons have any effect on His impalpable body.^ No — no — no doubt about the matter. Then? — thenj* 72 THE HORLA August 22. I sent for a blacksmith from Rouen and ordered iron shutters of him for my room, such as some private hotels in Paris have on the ground floor, for fear of thieves, and he is going to make me a similar door as well. 1 have made my- self out a coward, but I do not care sbout that I ^■■- September jo. Rouen, Hotel Continental. It is done; it is done — but is He dead? My mind is thoroughly upset by what I have seen. Well then, yesterday, the locksmith having put on the iron shutters and door, I left everything open until midnight, although it was getting cold. Suddenly I felt that He was there, and joy, mad joy took possession of me. I got up softly, and I walked to the right and left for some time, so that He might not guess anything; then 1 took off my boots and put on my slippers carelessly; then I fastened the iron shutters and going back to the door quickly I double-locked it with a padlock, putting the key into my pocket. Suddenly I noticed that He was moving restlessly round me, that in his turn He was frightened and was ordering me to let Him out. I nearly yielded, though I did not quite, but putting my back to the door, I half opened it, just enough to allow me to go out backward, and as I am very tall, my head touched the lintel. 1 was sure that He had not been able to escape, and I shut Him up quite alone, quite alone. What happiness! I had Him fast. Then I ran down- stairs into the drawing-room which was under my bedroom, I took the two lamps and poured all the oil on to the carpet, the furniture, everywhere; then WORKS OF CUy DE MAUPASSANT y^ I set fire to it and made my escape, after having carefully double locked the door. 1 went and bid myself at the bottom of the gar- den, in a dump of laurel bushes. How long it was! how long it was! Everything was dark, silent, mo- tionless, not a breath of air and not a star, but heavy banks of clouds which one could not see, but which weighed, oh! so heavily on my soul. I looked at my house and waited. How long it was! I already began to think that the fire had gone out of its own accord, or that He had extinguished it, when one of the lower windows gave way under the violence of the flames, and a long, soft, caressing sheet of red flame mounted up the white wall, and kissed it as high as the roof. The light fell on to the trees, the branches, and the leaves, and a shiver of fear pervaded them also! The birds awoke; a dog began to howl, and it seemed to me as if the day were breaking! Almost immediately two other win- dows flew into fragments, and \ saw that the whole of the lower part of my house was nothing but a terrible furnace. But a cry, a horrible, shrill, heart- rending cry, a woman's cry, sounded through the night, and two garret windows were opened! I had forgotten the servants! 1 saw the terror-struck faces, and the frantic waving of their arms! Then, overwhelmed with horror, I ran off to the village, shouting: "Help! help! fire! fire!" Meeting some people who were already coming on to the scene, I went back with them to see! By this time the house was nothing but a horrible and magnificent funeral pile, a monstrous pyre which lit up the whole country, a pyre where men were 74 THE HORLA burning, and where He was burning also, He, He, my prisoner, that new Being, the new Master, the Horla! Suddenly the whole roof fell in between the walls, and a volcano of flames darted up to the sky. Through all the windows which opened on to that furnace, I saw the flames darting, and 1 reflected that He was there, in that kiln, dead. Dead? Perhaps.^ His body? Was not his body, which was transparent, indestructible by such means { as would kill ours ? If He were not dead ? Perhaps time alone has power over that Invisible and Redoubtable Being. Why this transparent, unrecognizable body, this body belonging to a spirit, if it also had to fear ills, in- firmities, and premature destruction ? Premature destruction ? All human terror springs from that! After man the Horla. After him who can die every day, at any hour, at any moment, by any accident, He came. He who was only to die at his own proper hour and minute, because He had touched the limits of his existence! No — no — there is no doubt about it — He is not dead. Then — then — I suppose I must kill myself! MISS HARRIET HERE were seven of us in a four- in-hand, four women and three men, one of whom was on the box seat beside the coachman. We were following, at a foot pace, the broad highway which serpentines along the coast. Setting out from Etretat at break of day, in ord(T to visit the ruins of Tan- carville, we were still asleep, chilled by the fresh air of the morning. The women, especially, who were but little accustomed to these early excursions, let their eyelids fall and rise every moment, nodding their heads or yawning, quite insensible to the glory of the dawn. it was autumn. On both sides of the road the bare fields stretched out, yellowed by the corn and wheat stubble which covered the soil like a bristling growth of beard. The spongy earth seemed to smoke. Larks were singing high up in the air, while other birds piped in the bushes. (75) 76 MISS HARRIET At length the sun rose in front of us, a blight red on the plane of the horizon; and as it ascended, growing clearer from minute to minute, the country seemed to awake, to smile, to shake and stretch itself, like a young girl who is leaving her bed in her white airy chemise. The Count d'Etraille, who was seated on the box, cried: "Look! look! a hare!" and he pointed toward the left, indicating a piece of hedge. The leveret threaded its way along, almost concealed by the field, only its large ears visible. Then it swerved across a deep rut, stopped, again pursued its easy course, changed its direction, stopped anew, disturbed, spying out every danger, and undecided as to the route it should take. Suddenly it began to run, with great bounds from its hind legs, disappearing finally in a large patch of beet-root. All the men had woke up to watch the course of the beast. Rene Lemanoir then exclaimed: "We are not at all gallant this morning," and looking at his neighbor, the little Baroness of S^rennes, who was struggling with drowsiness, he said to her in a subdued voice: "You are thinking of your hus- band. Baroness. Reassure yourself; he will not re- turn before Saturday, so you have still four days." She responded to him with a sleepy smile: "How rude you are." Then, shaking off her tor- por, she added: "Now, let somebody say something that will make us all laugh. You, Monsieur Chenal, who have the reputation of possessing a larger for- tune than the FJuke of Richelieu, tell us a love story in which you have been mixed up, anything you like." WORKS OF GUY DE MAUPASSANT 77 Leon Chenal, an old painter, who had once been very handsome, very strong, who was very proud of his physique and very amiable, took his long white beard in his hand and smiled; then, after a few moments' reflection, he became suddenly grave. "Ladies, it will not be an amusing tale; for I am going to relate to you the most lamentable love affair of my life, and I sincerely hope that none of my friends has ever passed through a similar experience. I. "At that time I was twenty-five years old, and was making daubs along the coast of Normandy. I call 'making daubs' that wandering about, with a bag on one's back, from mountain to mountain, under the pretext of studying and of sketching nature. I know nothing more enjoyable than that happy-go-lucky wandering life, in which you are perfectly free, with- out shackles of any kind, without care, without pre- occupation, without thought even of to-morrow. You go in any direction you please, without any guide save your fancy, without any counselor save your eyes. You pull up, because a running brook seduces you, or because you are attracted, in front of an inn, by the smell of potatoes frying. Sometimes it is the perfume of clematis which decides you in your choice, or the naive glance of the servant at an inn. Do not despise me for my affection for these rustics. These girls have soul as well as feeling, not to mention firm cheeks and fresh lips; while their hearty and willing kisses have the flavor of wild fruit. Love always has 78 MISS HARRIET lis price, come whence it may. A heart that beats v/hen you make your appearance, an eye that weeps v^'hen you go away, these are things so rare, so sweet, so precious, that they must never be despised. "1 have had rendezvous in ditches in which cattle repose, and in barns among the straw, still steaming from the heat of the day. I have recollections of canvas spread on rude and creaky benches, and of hearty, fresh, free kisses, more delicate, free from affectation, and sincere than the subtle attractions of charming and distinguished women. "But what you love most amid all these varied adventures are the country, the woods, the risings of the sun, the twilight, the light of the moon. For the painter these are honeymoon trips with Nature. You are alone with her in that long and tranquil rendezvous. You go to bed in the fields amid mar- guerites and wild poppies, and, with eyes wide open, you watch the going down of the sun, and descry in the distance the little village, with its pointed clock- tower, which sounds the hour of midnight. "You sit down by the side of a spring which gushes out from the foot of an oak, amid a covering of fragile herbs, growing and redolent of life. You go down on your knees, bend forward, and drink the cold and pellucid water, wetting your mustache and nose; you drink it with a physical pleasure, as though you were kissing the spring, lip to lip. Some- times, when you encounter a deep hole, along the course of these tiny brooks, you plunge into it, quite naked, and on your skin, from head to foot, like an icy and delicious caress, you feel the lovely and gentle quivering of the current. WORKS OF GUY DE MAUPASSANT 79 "You are gay on the hills, melancholy on the verge of pools, exalted when the sun is crowned in an ocean of blood-red shadows, and when it casts on the rivers its red reflection. And at night, under the moon, as it passes across the vault of heaven, you think of things, singular things, which would never have occurred to your mind under the brilliant light of day. "So, in wandering through the same country we are in this year, I came to the little village of Be- nouville, on the Falaise, between Yport and Etretat. I came from Fecamp, following the coast, a high coast, perpendicular as a wall, with projecting and rugged rocks falling sheer down into the sea. I had walked since the morning on the close chpped grass, as smooth and as yielding as a carpet. Sing- ing lustily, I walked with long strides, looking some- times at the slow and lazy flight of a gull, with its short, white wings, sailing in the blue heavens, sometimes at the green sea, or at the brown sails of a fishing bark. In short, I had passed a happy day, a day of listlessness and of liberty. "I was shown a little farmhouse, where travelers were put up, a kind of inn, kept by a peasant, which stood in the center of a Norman court, surrounded by a double row of beeches. "Quitting the Falaise. I gained the hamlet, which was hemmed in by great trees, and I presented my- self at the house of Mother Lecacheur. "She was an old, wrinkled, and austere rustic, who always seemed to yield to the pressure of new customs with a kind of contempt. "It was the month of May: the spreading apple- So MISS HARRIET trees covered the court with a whirling shower of blossoms which rained unceasingly both upon people and upon the grass. "I said: "'Well, Madame Lecacheur, have ycu a room for me?' "Astonished to find that I knew her name, she answered: "'That depends; everything is let; but, all the same, there will be no harm in looking.' " In five minutes we were in perfect accord, and I deposited my bag upon the bare floor of a rustic room, furnished with a bed, two chairs, a table, and a washstand. The room opened into the^ large and smoky kitchen, where the lodgers took their meals with the people of the farm and with the farmer himself, who was a widower. "I washed my hands, after which I went out. The old woman was fricasseeing a chicken for dinner in a large fireplace, in which hung the stew-pot, black with smoke. "'You have travelers, then, at the present time?' said 1 to her. "She answered in an offended tone of voice: "'I have a lady, an English lady, who has at- tained to years of maturity. She is occupying my other room.' "By means of an extra five sous a day, I ob- tained the privilege of dining out in the court when the weather was fine, " My cover was then placed in front of the door, and I commenced to gnew with hunger the lean members of the Normandy chicken, to drink the clear J M WORKS OF GUY DE MAUPASSANT 8l cider, and to munch the hunk of white bread, which, though four days old, was excellent. "Suddenly, the wooden barrier which opened on to the highway was opened, and a strange person directed her steps toward the house. She was very slender, very tall, enveloped in a Scotch shav^i with red borders. You would have believed that she had no arms, if you had not seen a long hand appear just above the hips, holding a white tourist umbrella. The face of a mummy, surrounded with sausage rolls of plaited gray hair, which bounded at every step she took, made me think, I know not why, of a sour herring adorned with curling papers. Lowering her eyes, she passed quickly in front of mc, and entered the house. "This smgular apparition made me curious. She undoubtedly was my neighbor, the aged English lady of whom our hostess had spoken. " I did not see her again that day. The next day, when 1 had begun to paint at the end of that beautiful valley, which you know extends as far as Etretat, lifting my eyes suddenly, I perceived some- thing singularly attired standing on the crest of the declivity; it looked like a pole decked out with flags. It was she. On seeing mc, she suddenly disappeared. 1 re-entered the house at midday for lunch, and took my seat at the common table, so as to make the ac- quaintance of this old and original creature. But she did not respond to my polite advances, was insensi- ble even to my little attentions. I poured water out for her with great alacrity, I passed her the dishes with great eagerness. A slight, almost imperceptible movement of the head, and an English word, mur- Maup. i — 6 82 MliS HARRIET mured so low that I did not understand it, were her only acknowledgments. "I ceased occupying myself with her, although she had disturbed my thoughts. At the end of three days, 1 knew as much about her as did Madame Lecacheur herself. "She was called Miss Harriet. Seeking out a se- cluded village in which to pass the summer, she had been attracted to Benouville, some six months before, and did not seem disposed to quit it. She never spoke at table, ate rapidly, reading all the while a small book, treating of some Protestant propaganda. She gave a copy of it to everybody. The cure him- self had received no less than four copies, at the hands of an urchin to whom she had paid two sous' com- mission. She said sometimes to our hostess, abruptl}'', without preparing her in the least for the declaration: " '1 love the Saviour more than all; I worship him in all creation; I adore him in all nature; I carry him always in my heart.' "And she would immediately present the old woman with one of her brochures which weie des- tined to convert the universe. "In the village she was not liked. In fact, the schoolmaster had declared that she was an atheist, and that a sort of reproach attached to her. The cure, who had -been consulted by Madame Lecacheur, responded: "'She is a heretic, but God does not wish the death of the sinner, and 1 believe her to be a person of pure morals.' "These words, 'atheist,' 'heretic,' words which no one can precisely define, threw doubts into some WORKS OF GUY DE MAUPASSANT S^ minds. It was asserted, however, that this English- woman was rich, and that she had passed her hfe in travehng through every country in the world, because her family had thrown her off. Why had her family thrown her off? Because of her natural impiety.? "She was, in fact, one of those people of exalted principles, one of those opinionated puritans of whom England produces so many, one of those t-oci and insupportable old women who haunt the fal>/cs d'hote of every hotel in Europe, who spoil Italy, poison Switzerland, render the charming cities of the Med- iterranean uninhabitable, carry everywhere their fan- tastic manias, their petrified vestal manners, their indescribable toilettes, and a certain odor of india- rubber, which makes one believe that at night they slip themselves into a case of that material. When I meet one of these people in a hotel, I act like birds which see a manikin in a field. "This woman, however, appeared so singular that she did not displease me. "Madame Lecacheur, hostile by instinct to every- thing that was not rustic, felt in her narrow soul a kind of hatred for the ecstatic extravagances of the old girl. She had found a phrase by which to describe her, I know not how, but a phrase assuredly contemptuous, which had sprung to her lips, invented probably by some confused and mysterious travail of soul. She said: 'That woman is a demoniac' This phrase, as uttered by that austere and sentimental creature, seemed to me irresistibly comic. I, myself, never called her now anything else but 'the demo- niac' feeling a singular pleasure in pronouncing this word on seeing her. 84 MISS HARRIET "I would ask Mother Lecacheur: 'Well, what is our demoniac about to-day?' To which my rustic friend would respond, with an air of having been scandaHzed: '''What do you think, sir? She has picked up a toad which has had its leg battered, and carried it to her room, and has put it in her washstand, and dressed it up like a man. If that is not profanation, I should lik.' to know what is!' "On another occasion, when walking along the Falaise, she had bought a large fish which had just been caught, simply to throw it back into the sea again. The sailor, from whom she had bought it, though paid handsomely, was greatly provoked at this act — ■ more exasperated, indeed, than if she had put her hand into his pocket and taken his money. For a whole month he could not speak of the circumstance without getting into a fury and denouncing it as an outrage. Oh yes! She was indeed a demoniac, this Miss Harriet, and Mother Lecacheur must have had an inspiration of genius in thus christening her. "The stable-boy, who was called Sapeur, because he had served in Africa in his youth, entertained other aversions. He said, with a roguish air: 'She is an old hag who has hved her days.' If the poor woman had but known! "Little kind-hearted Celeste did not wait upon her willingly, but I was never able to understand why. Probably her only reason was that she was a stranger, of another race, of a different tongue, and of another religion. She was in good truth a demoniac! "She passed her time wandering about the coun- try, adoring and searching for God in nature. I WORKS OF GUY DE MAUPASSANT 85 found her one evening on her knees in a cluster of bushes. Having discovered something red through the leaves, I brushed aside the branches, and Miss Harriet at once rose to her feet, confused at having been found thus, looking at me with eyes as terrible as those of a wild cat surprised in open day. "Sometimes, when I was working among the rocks. .1 would suddenly descry her on the banks of the Falaise standing like a semaphore signal. She gazed passionately at the vast sea, glittering in the sunlight, and the boundless sky empurpled with fire. Sometimes I would distinguish her at the bottom of a valley, walking quickly, with her elastic English step; and I would go toward her, attracted by I know not what, simply to see her illuminated visage, her dried-up features, which seemed to glow with an ineffable, inward, and profound happiness. "Often I would encounter her in the corner of d field sitting on the grass, under the shadow of an apple-tree, with her little Bible lying open on her knee, while she looked meditatively into the distance. "I could no longer tear myself away from that quiet country neighborhood, bound to it as I was by a thousand links of love for its soft and sweeping landscapes. At this farm I was out of the world, far removed from everything, but in close proximity to the soil, the good, healthy, beautiful green soil. And, must 1 avow it, there was something besides curiosity which retained me at the residence of Mother Lecachcur. 1 wished to become acquainted a little with this strange Miss Harriet, and to learn what passes in the solitary souls of those wandering old, English dames. 86 MISS HARRIET 11. "We became acquainted in a rather singular man- ner. I had just finished a study which appeared to me to disphiy genius and power; as it must have, since it was sold for ten thousand francs, fifteen years later. It was as simple, however, as that tv/o and two make four, and had nothing to do with academic rules. The whole of the right side of my canvas represented a rock, an enormous rock, cov- ered with sea-wrack, brown, yellow, and red, across which the sun poured like a stream of oil. The light, without which one could see the stars con- cealed in the background, fell upon the stone, and gilded it as if with fire. That was all. A first stupid attempt at dealing with light, with burning rays, with the sublime. "On the left was the sea, not the blue sea, the slate-colored sea, but a sea of jade, as greenish, milky, and thick as the overcast sky. "I was so pleased with my work that I danced from sheer delight as I carried it back to the inn. 1 wished that the whole world could have seen it at one and the same moment. I can remember that I showed it to a cow, which was browsing by the wayside, exclaiming, at the same time: 'Look at that, my old beauty; you will not often see its like again.' "When I had reached the front of the house, I immediately called out to Mother Lecacheur, shouting with all my might: WORKS OF GUY DE MAUPASSANT 87 '"Ohe! Ohe! my mistress, come here and look at this.' "The rustic advanced and looked at my work with stupid eyes, which distinguished nothing, and did not even recognize whether the picture was the reprc'sentation of an ox or a house. "Miss Harriet came into the house, and passed in rear of me just at the moment when, holding out my canvas at arm's length, I was exhibiting it to the female innkeeper. The 'demoniac* could not help but see it, for I took care to exhibit the thing in such a way that it could not escape her notice. She stopped abruptly and stood motionless, stupefied. It was her rock which was depicted, the one which she usually climbed to dream away her time undisturbed. "She uttered a British 'Oh,' which was at once so accentuated and so flattering, that I turned round to her, smiling, and said: "'This is my last work. Mademoiselle.' "She murmured ecstatically, comically, and ten- derly : '"Oh! Monsieur, you must understand what it is to have a palpitation.' "I colored up, of course, and was more excited by that compliment than if it had come from a queen. I was seduced, conquered, vanquished. 1 could have embraced her — upon my honor. "I took my seat at the table beside her, as I had always done. For the first time, she spoke, drawling out in a loud voice:, "'Oh! 1 love nature so much.' "I offered her some bread, some water, some wine. She now accepted these with the vacant smile 88 MISS HARRIET of a mummy. I then began to converse with her about the scenery. "After the meal, we rose from the table together and walked leisurely across the court; then, attracted by the fiery glow which the setting sun cast over the surface of the sea, I opened the outside gate which faced in the direction of the Falaise, and we walked on side by side, as satisfied as any two persons could be who have just learned to understand and penetrate each other's motives and feelings. "It was a misty, relaxing evening, one of those enjoyable evenings which impart happiness to mind and body alike. All is joy, all is charm. The lus- cious and balmy air, loaded with the perfumes of herbs, with the perfumes of grass-wrack, with the odor of the wild flowers, caresses the soul with a pene- trating sweetness. We were going to the brink of the abyss which overlooked the vast sea and rolled past us at the distance of less than a hundred meters. "We drank with open mouth and expanded chest, that fresh breeze from the ocean which glides slowly over the skin, salted as it is by long contact with the waves. "Wrapped up in her square shawl, inspired by the balmy air and with teeth firmly set, the English- woman gazed fixedly at the great sun-ball, as it de- scended toward the sea. Soon its rim touched the waters, just in rear of a ship which had appeared on the horizon, until, by degrees, it was swallowed up by the ocean. We watched it plunge, diminish, and finally disappear. "Miss Harriet contemplated with passionate re- gard he last glimmer of the flaming orb of day. WORKS OF GUY DE MAUPASSANT 89 "She muttered: 'Oh! I love — I love — ' I saw a tear start in her eye. She continued: *I wish I were a little bird, so that I could mount up into the firmament.' "She remained standing as I ha^' often before seen her, perched on the river bank, her face as red as her flaming shawl. I should have liked to have sketched her in my album. It would have been an ecstatic caricature. I turned my face away from her so as to be able to laugh. "I then spoke to her of painting, as I would have done to a fellow-artist, using the technical terms common among the devotees of the profession. She listened attentively to me, eagerly seeking to divine the sense of the obscure words, so as to penetrate my thoughts. From time to time, she would ex- claim: 'Oh! I understand, 1 understand. This is very interesting.' We returned home. "The next day, on seeing me, she approached me eagerly, holding out her hand; and we became firm friends immediately. "She was a brave creature, with an elastic sort of a soul, which became enthusiastic at a bound. She lacked equilibrium, like all women who are spinsters at the age of fifty. She seemed to be pickled in vin- egary innocence, though her heart still retained some- thing of youth and of girlish effervescence. She loved both nature and animals with a fervent ardor, a love like old wine, mellow through age, with a sen- sual love that she had never bestowed on men. "One thing is certain: a mare roaming in a meadow with a foal at its side, a bird's nest full of young ones, squeaking, with their open mouths and qo MISS HARRIET enormous heads, made her quiver with the mo^t vio- lent emotion. "Poor solitary beings! Sad wanderers from tabl^ d'hote to table d'hote, poor beings, ridiculous and lamentable, I love you ever since I became acquainted with Miss Harriet! "I soon discovered that she had something she would like to tell me, but dared not, and I was amused at her timidity. When I started out in the mornmg with my box on my back, she would ac- company me as far as the end of the village, silent, but evidently struggling inwardly to find words with which to begin a conversation. Then she would leave me abruptly, -and, with jaunty step, walk away quickly. "One day, however, she plucked up courage: "'I would like to see how you paint pictures? Will you shov/ meP I have been very curious.' "And she colored up as though she had given utterance to words extremely audacious. "I conducted her to the bottom of the Petit- Val, where I had commenced a large picture. "She remained standing near me, following all my gestures with concentrated attention. Then, sud- denly, fearing, perhaps, that she was disturbing me, she said to me: * Thank you,' and walked away. "But in a short time she became more familiar, and accompanied me every day, her countenance ex- hibiting visible pleasure. She carried her folding stool under her arm, would not consent to my carrying it, and she sat always by my side. She would remain there for hours immovable and mute, following with her eye the point of my brush in its every move- WORKS OF GUY DE MAUPASSANT qi ment. When I would obtain, by a large splatch of color spread on with a knife, a striking and unex- pected effect, she would, in spite of herself, give vent to a half-suppressed 'Oh!' of astonishment, of joy, of admiration. She had the most tender respect for my canvases, an almost religious respect for that human reproduction of a part of nature's work divine. My studies appeared to her to be pictures of sanctity, and sometimes she spoke to me of God, with the idea of converting me. "Ohl He was a queer good-natured being, this God of hers. He was a sort of village philosopher without any great resources, and without great power; for she always llgured him to herself as a being quivering over injustices committed under his eyes, and helpless to prevent them. "She was, however, on excellent terms with him, affecting even to be the confidant of his secrets and of his whims. She said: "'God wills, or God does not will,' just like a sergeant announcing to a recruit: 'The colonel has commanded.* "At the bottom of her heart she deplored my ignorance of the intentions of the Eternal, which she strove, nay, felt herself compelled, to impart to me. "Almost every day, I found in my pockets, in my hat when I lifted it from the ground, in my box of colors, in my polished shoes, standing in the morn- ings in front of my door, those little pious brochures, which she, no doubt, received directly from Para- dise. "I treated her as one would an old friend, with unaffected cordiality. But I soon perceived that she 92 MISS HARRIET had changed somewhat in her manner; but, for a while, I paid little attention to it. "When I walked about, whether to the bottom of the valley, or through some country lanes, I would see her suddenly appear, as though she were return- ing from a rapid walk. She would then sit down abruptly, out of breath, as though she had been running or overcome by some profound emotion. Her face would be red, that English red which is denied to the people of all other countries; then, without any reason, she would grow pale, become the color of the ground, and seem ready to faint away. Gradually, however, I would see her regain her ordinary color, whereupon she would begin to speak. "Then, without warning, she would break off in the middle of a sentence, spring up from her seat, and march off so rapidly and so strangely, that it would, sometimes, put me to my wits' end to try and discover whether I had done or said anything to displease or offend her. "I finally came to the conclusion that this arose from her early habits and training, somewhat modi- fied, no doubt, in honor of me, since the first days of our acquaintanceship. "When she returned to the farm, after walking for hours on the wind-beaten coast, her long curled hair would be shaken out and hanging loose, as though it had broken away from its bearings. It was seldom that this gave her any concern; though some- times she looked as though she had been dining sans cerimonie; her locks having become disheveled by the breezes. • WORKS OF GUY DE MAUPASSANT 95 "She would then go up to her room in order to adjust what I called her glass lamps. When I would say to her, in familiar gallantry, which, however, always offended her: "'You are as beautiful as a planet to-day, Miss Harriet,' a little blood would immediately mount into her cheeks, the blood of a young maiden, the blood of sweet fifteen. "Then she would become abruptly savage and cease coming to watch me paint. But I always thought: "'This is only a fit of temper she is passing through.' " But it did not always pass away. When I spoke to her sometimes, she would answer me, either with an air of affected indifference, or in sullen anger; and she became by turns rude, impatient, and nervous. For a time 1 never saw her except at meals, and we spoke but little. I concluded, at length, that I must have offended her in something: and, accordingly, I said to her one evening: "'Miss Harriet, why is it that you do not act toward me as formerly ? What have I done to dis- please you.^ You are causing me much pain!' "She responded, in an angry tone, in a manner altogether sui generis: "'1 am always with you the same as formerly. It is not trwe, not true,' and she ran upstairs and shut herself up in her room. "At times she would look upon me with strange eyes. Since that time I have often said to myself that those condemned to death must look thus when informed that their last day has come. In her eye 94 MISS HARRIET there lurked a species of folly, a folly at once mys- terious and violent — even more, a fever, an exasper- ated desire, impatient, at once incapable of being realized and unrealizable! "Nay, it seemed to me that there was also going on within her a combat, in which her heart struggled against an unknown force that she wished to over- come — perhaps, even, something else. But what could I know ? What could I know ? III. "This was indeed a singular revelation. "For some time I had commenced to work, as , soon as daylight appeared, on a picture, the subject of which was as follows: "A deep ravine, steep banks dominated by two declivities, lined with brambles and long rows of trees, hidden, drowned in milky vapor, clad in that misty robe which sometimes floats over valleys at break of day. At the extreme end of that thick and transparent fog, you see coming, or rather already come, a human couple, a stripling and a maiden embraced, interlaced, she, with head leaning on him, he, inclined toward her, and lip to lip. '•A ray of the sun, glistening through the branches, has traversed the fog of dawn and illuminated it with a rosy reflection^ just behind the rustic lovers, whose vague shadows are reflected on it in clear silvei. It was well done, yes, indeed, well done. WORKS OF GUY Dli MAUPASSANT 9=^ *'I was working on the declivity which led to the Val d'Etretat. This particular morning, I had, by chance, the sort of floating vapor which was neces- sary for my purpose. Suddenly, an object appeared in front of me, a kind of phantom; it was Miss Har- riet. On seeing me, she took to flight. But I called after her saying: 'Come here, come here, Mademoi- selle, I have a nice little picture for you." "She came forward, though with seemmg reluc- tance. I handed her my sketch. She said nothing, but stood for a long time motionless, looking at it. Suddenly she burst into tears. She wept spasmodic- ally, like men who have been struggling hard against shedding tears, but who can do so no longer, and abandon themselves to grief, though unwillingly. I got up, trembling, moved myself by the sight of a sorrow I did not comprehend, and I took her by the hand with a gesture of brusque affection, a true French impulse which impels one quicker than one thinks. "She let her hands rest in mine for a few seconds, and I felt them quiver, as if her whole nervous sys- tem was twisting and turning. Then she withdrew her hands abruptly, or, rather, tore them out of mine. "I recognized that shiver as soon as I had felt it; I was deceived in nothing. Ah! the love shudder of a woman, whether she is fifteen or fifty years of age. whether she is one of the people or one of the monde, goes so straight to my heart that I never had any difficulty in understanding it! "Her whole frail being trembled, vibrated., yielded. I knew it. She walked away before I had time to say a word, leaving me as surprised as if I had wit- 96 MIGS HARRIET nessed a miracle, and as troubled as if I had com- mitted a crime. "I did not go in to breakfast. I took a walk on the banks of the Falaise, feeling that I could just as soon weep as laugh, looking on the adventure as both comic and deplorable, and my position as ridic- ulous, fain to believe that I had lost my head. "I asked myself what I ought to do. I debated whether 1 ought not to take my leave of the place and almost immediately my resolution was formed. "Somewhat sad and perplexed, I wandered about until dinner time, and entered the farmhouse just when the soup had been served up. "I sat down at the table, as usual. Miss Harriet was there, munching away solemnly, without speak- ing to anyone, without even lifting her eyes. She wore, however, her usual expression, both of counte- nance and manner. "1 waited, patiently, till the meal had been fin- ished. Then, turning toward the landlady, I saidi 'Madame Lecacheur, it will not be long now before I shall have to take my leave of you.' "The good woman, at once surprised and troubled, replied in a quivering voice: 'My dear sir, what is it I have just heard you say? Are you going to leave us, after I have become so much accustomed to you?' "I looked at Miss Harriet from the corner of my eye. Her countenance did not change in the least; but the under-servant came toward me with eyes wide open. She was a fat girl, of about eighteen years of age, rosy, fresh, strong as a horse, yet pos- sessing a rare attribute in one in her position — she WORKS OF GUY DE MAUPASSANT 97 was very neat and clean. I had kissed her at odd times, in out of the way corners, in the manner of a mountain guide, nothing more. "The dinner being over, I went to smoke my pipe under the apple-trees, walking up and down at my ease, from one end of the court to the other. All the reflections which I had made during the day, the strange discovery of the morning, that grotesque and passionate attachment for me, the recollections which that revelation had suddenly called up, recol- lections at once charming and perplexing, perhaps, also, that look which the servant had cast on me at the announcement of mv departure — all these things, mixed up and combined, put me now in an excited bodily state, with the tickling sensation of kisses on my lips, and in my veins something which urged me on to commit some folly. "Night having come on, casting its dark shadows under the trees, 1 descried Celeste, who had gone to shut the hen-coops, at the other end of the inclosure. I darted toward her, running so noiselessly that she heard nothing, and as she got up from closing the small faps by which the chickens went in and out, I clasped her in my arms and rained on her coarse, fat face a shower of kisses. She made a struggle, laugh- ing all the same, as she was accustomed to do in such circumstances. What made me suddenly loose my grip of her? Why did I at once experience a shock? What was it that 1 heard behind me? " It was Miss Harriet who had come upon us, who had seen us, and who stood in front of us, as motionless as a specter. Then she disappeared in the darkness. Maup. 1—7 Oti> MISS HARRIET y "\ was ashamed, embarrassed, more annoyed at having been surprised by her than if she had caught me committing some criminal act. '1 slept badly that night; I was worried and haunted by sad thoughts. I seemed to hear loud weeping; but in this I was no doubt deceived. More- over, I thought several times that I heard some one walking up and down in the house, and that some one opened my door from the outside. "Toward morning, I was overcome by fatigue, and sleep seized on me. I got up late and did not go downstairs until breakfast time, being still in a bewildered state, not knowing what kind of face to put on. "No one had seen Miss Harriet. We waited for her at table, but she did not appear. At length, Mother Lecacheur went to her room. The English- woman had gone out. She must have set out at break of day, as she was wont to do, in order to see the sun rise. "Nobody seemed astonished at this and we began to eat in silence. "The weather was hot, very hot, one of those still sultry days when not a leaf stirs. The table had been placed out of doors, under an apple-tree; and from time to time Sapeur had gone to the cellar to draw a jug of cider, everybody was so thirsty. Celeste brought the dishes from the kitchen, a ragout of mutton with potatoes, a cold rabbit, and a salad. Afterward she placed before us a dish of strav/berries, the first of the season. "As I wanted to wash and freshen these, I begged the servant to go and bring a pitcher of cold water. WORKS OF GUY DE MAUPASSANT 99 "In about five minutes she returned, declaring that the well was dry. She had lowered the pitcher to the full extent of the cord, and had touched the bot- tom, but on drawing the pitcher up again, it was empty. Mother Lecacheur, anxious to examine the thing for herself, went and looked down the hole. She returned announcing that one could see clearly something in the well, something altogether unusual. But this, no doubt, was pottles of straw, which, out of spite, had been cast down it by a neighbor. "I v/ished also to look down the well, hoping to clear up the mystery, and perched myself close to its brink. I perceived, indistinctly, a white object. What could it be ? I then conceived the idea of low- ering a lantern at the end of a cord. When I did so, the yellow flame danced on the layers of stone and gradually became clearer. All four of us were leaning over the opening, Sapeur and Celeste having now joined us. The lantern rested on a black and white, indistinct mass, singular, incomprehensible, Sapeur exclaimed: "'It is a horse. I see the hoofs. It must have escaped from the meadow, during the night, and fallen in headlong.' "But, suddenly, a cold shiver attacked my spine, I first recognized a foot, then a clothed limb; the body was entire, but the other limb had disappeared under the water. "I groaned and trembled so violently that the light of the lamp danced hither and thither over the object, discovering a slipper. "'It is a woman! who — who — can it be? It is Miss Harriet.' iOO MISS HARRIET "Sapeur alone did not manifest horror. He had witnessed many such scenes in Africa. " Mother Lecacheur and Celeste began to scream and to shriek, and ran away. "But it was necessary to recover the corpse of the dead. 1 attached the boy securely by the loins to the end of the pulley-rope; then I lowered him slowly, and watched him disappear in the darkness. In the one hand he had a lantern, and held on to the rope with the other. Soon 1 recognized his voice, which seemed to come from the center of the earth, crying: "'Stop.' "I then saw him fish something out of the water. It was the other limb. He bound the two feet to- gether, and shouted anew: "'Haul up.' "I commenced to wind him up, but I felt my arms strain, my muscles twitch, and was in terror lest I should let the boy fall to the bottom. When his head appeared over the brink, 1 asked: "'What is it?' as though 1 only expected that he would tell me what he had discovered at the bottom. "We both got on to the stone slab at the edge of the well, and, face to face, hoisted the body. "Mother Lecacheur and Celeste watched us from a distance, concealed behind the wall of the house. When they saw, issuing from the well, the black shppers and white stockings of the drowned person, they disappeared. "Sapeur seized the ankles of the poor chaste woman, and we drew it up, inclined, as it was, in the most immodest posture. The head was in a WORKS OF GUY DE MAUPASSANT lOI shocking state, bruised and black; and the long, gray hair, hanging down, was tangled and disordered. ■ "'In the name of all that is holy, how lean she is!' exclaimed Sapeur, in a contemptuous tone. "We carried her into the room, and as the women did not put in an appearance, I, with the as- sistance of the lad, dressed the corpse for burial. "I washed her disfigured face. By the touch of my hand an eye was slightly opened; it seemed to scan me with that pale stare, with that cold, that terrible look which corpses have, a look which seems to come from the beyond. I plaited up, as well as I could, her disheveled hair, and I adjusted on her forehead a novel and singularly formed lock. Then I took off her dripping wet garments, baring, not without a feeling of shame, as though I had been guilty of some profanation, her shoulders and her chest, and her long arms, slim as the twigs of branches. "I next went to fetch some flowers, corn pop- pies, blue beetles, marguerites, and fresh and per- fumed herbs, with which to strew her funeral couch. "Being the only person near her, it was necessary for me to perform the usual ceremonies. In a letter found in her pocket, written at the last moment, she asked that her body be buried in the village in which she had passed the last days of her life. A frightful thought then oppressed my heart. Was it not on my account that she wished to be laid at rest in this place ? "Toward the evening, all the female gossips of the locality came to view the remains of the defunct; but I would not allow a single person to enter; J I02 MISS HARRIET wanted to be alone; and I watched by the corpse the whole night. "By the flickering light of the candles, I looked at the body of this miserable woman, wholly un- known, who had died so lamentably and so far away from home. Had she left no friends, no relatives behind her ? What had her infancy been ? What had been her life? Whence had she come thither, all alone, a wanderer, hke a dog driven from home.? What secrets of suffering and of despair were sealed up in that disagreeable body, in that spent and with- ered hodv. that impenetrable hiding place of a mystery which had driven her far away from affection and from love ? "How many unhappy beings there are! I felt that upon that human creature weighed the eternal injustice of implacable nature ! Life was over with her, without her ever having experienced, perhaps, that which sustains the most miserable of us all — to wit, the hope of being once loved ! Otherwise, why should she thus have concealed herself, have fled from the face of others? Why did she love everything so tenderly and so passionately, everything living that was not a man ? "I recognized, also, that she believed in a God, and that she hoped for compensation from him for the miseries she had endured. She had now begun to decompose, and to become, in turn, a plant. She who had blossomed in the sun was now to be eaten up by the cattle, carried away in herbs, and in the flesh of beasts, again to become human flesh. F^ut that which is called the soul had been extinguished at. the bottom of the dark well. She suffered no WORKS OF GUY DE MAUPASSANT I05 longer. She had changed her Hfe foi that of others yet to be born, "Hours passed away in this silent and sinister communion with the dead. A pale hght at length announced the dawn of a new day, and a bright ray glistened on the bed, shedding a dash of fire on the bedclothes and on her hands. This was the hour she had so much loved, when the waking birds be- gan to sing in the trees. "I opened the windov/ to its fullest extent, I drew back the curtains, so that the whole heavens might look in upon us. Then bending toward the glassy f.orpse, I took in my hands the mutilated head, and slowly, without terror or disgust, imprinted a long, \ong kiss upon those lips which had never before received the salute of love. " ******* Leon Chenal remained silent. The women wept. We heard on the box seat Count d'Etraille blow his nose, from time to time. The coachman alone had gone to sleep. The horses, which felt no longer the sting of the whip, had slackened their pace and dragged softly along. And the four-in-hand, hardly moving at all, became suddenly torpid, as if laden with sorrow. THE HOLE UTS AND WOUNDS WHICH CAUSED DEATH. That was the heading of the charge which brought Leopold Renard, up- holsterer, before the Assize Court. Round him were the principal witnesses, Madame Flameche, widow of the victim, Louis Ladureau, cabi- netmaker, and Jean Durdent, plumber. Near the criminal was his wife, dressed in black, a little ugly woman, who looked like a monkey dressed as a lady. This is how Renard described the drama: "Good heavens, it is a misfortune of which I am the first and last victim, and with which my will has nothing to do. The facts are their own commen- tary, Monsieur le President. I am an honest man, a hard-working man, an upholsterer in the same street for the last sixteen years, known, liked, respected, and esteemed by all, as my neighbors have testified, even the porter, who is not foldtre every day. I am fond of work, I am fond of saving, I like honest men, and (104) WORKS OF GUY DE MAUPASSANT 105 respectable pleasures. That is what has ruined me, so much the worse for me; but as my will had noth- ing to do with it, I continue to respect m^^self. "Every Sunday for the last five years, my wife and I have spent the day at Pussy. We get fresh air, not to say that we are fond of fishing — as fond of it as we are of small onions. Melie inspired me with that passion, the jade; she is more enthusiastic than I am, the scold, and all the mischief in this business is her fault, as you will see immediately. "I am strong and mild-tempered, without a pennyworth of malice in me. But she 1 oh ! la ! la 1 she looks insignificant, she is short and thin, but she does more mischief than a weasel. I do not den}' that she has some good qualities; she has some, and those very important to a man in business. But her character ! Just ask about it in the neighbor- hood; even the porter's wife, who has just ' sent me about my business — she will tell you something about it. "Every day she used to find fnilt with my mild temper: 'I would not put up with this! 1 would not put up with that.' If 1 had listened to her, Monsieur le President, I should have had at least three bouts of fisticuffs a month." Madame Renard interrupted him: "And for good reasons too; they laugh best who laugh last." He turned toward her frankly: "Oh! very well, I can blame you, since you were the cause of it." Then, facing the President again he said: "I will continue. We used to go to Passy every Saturday evening, so as to be able to begin fishing at daybreak the next morning. It is a habit which I06 THE HOLE has become reccnd nature with us, as the saying is, Tiiree 3^ears ago this summer I discovered a place, oh ! such a spot ! There, in the shade, were eiglit feet of water at least and perhaps ten, a hole with a reiour under the bank, a regular retreat for fish and a paradise for any fisherman. 1 might look upon that hole as my property, Monsieur le President, as I was its Christopher Columbus. Everybody in the neighborhood knew it, without making any opposi- tion. They used to say: 'That is Renard's place'; and nobody would have gone to it, not even Monsieur Plumsay, who is renowned, be it said without any offense, for appropriating other people's places. "Well, I went as usual to that place, of which I felt as certain as if I had owned it. I had scarcely got there on Saturday, when I got into 'Delila,' with my wife. 'Delila' is my Norwegian boat, which I had built by Fourmaise, and which is light and safe. Well, as I said, we got into the boat and we were going to bait, and for baiting there is no- body to be compared with me, and they all know it. You want to know with what I bait? 1 cannot an- swer that question; it has nothing to do with the accident; I cannot answer, that is my secret. There are more than three hundred people who have asked me; I have been offered glasses of brandy and liquors, fried fish, matelots,* to make me tell! But just go and try whether the chub will come. Ah! they have patted my stomach to get at my secret, my recipe. Only my wife knows, and she will not tell it, any more than I shall! Is not that so, Melie?" * A preparation of several kinds of fish, with a sharp sauce. WORKS OF GUY DE MAUPASSANT 107 The President of the Court interrupted him : "Just get to the facts as soon as you can." The accused continued: "I am getting to them; I am getting to them. Weil, on Saturday. July 8, we left by the five twenty-five train, and before dinner we went to ground-bait as usual. The weather promised to keep fine, and I said to Mclie: 'All right for to- morrow!' And she replied: 'It looks like it.' We never talk more than that together. "And then we returned to dinner. I was happy and thirsty, and that was the cause of everything. I said to Melie: 'Look here Melie, it is fine weather, so suppose I drink a bottle of Casque a mcche. That is a little white wine which we have christened so, because if you drink too much of it it prevents you from sleeping and is the opposite of a nightcap. Do you understand me,? "She replied: 'You can do as you please, but you will be ill again, and will not be able to get up to- morrow.' That was true, sensible, prudent, and clear- sighted, I must confess. Nevertheless, 1 could not withstand it, and I drank my bottle. It ?X\ comes from that. "Well, I could not sleep. By Jove! It kept me awake till two o'clock in the morning, and then I went to sleep so soundly that 1 should not have heard the angel shouting at the Last Judgment. "In short, my wife woke me at six o'clock and I jumped out of bed, hastily put on my trousers and jersey, washed my face and jumped on board 'De- lila.' But it was too late, for when I arrived at my hole it was already taken! Such a thing had never happened to me in three years, and it made me {tt\ I08 THE HOLE as if I were being robbed under my own eyes. ' said to myself, 'Confound it all! confound it!' An 1 then my wife began to nag at me. 'Eh! Whar about your Casque a tnechel Get along, you drunk- ard! Are you satisfied, you great fool?' I could say nothing, because it was all quite true, and so I landed all the same near the spot and tried to profit by what was left. Perhaps after all the fellow might catch nothing, and go away. "He was a little thin man, in white linen coat and waistcoat, and with a large straw hat, and his wife, a fat woman who was doing embroidery, was behind him. "When she saw us take up our position close to their place, she murmured: 'I suppose there are no other places on the river!' And my wife, who was furious, replied: 'People who know how to be- have make inquiries about the habits of the neigh- borhood before occupying reserved spots.' "As I did not want a fuss, I said to her: 'Hold your tongue, Melie. Let them go on, let them go on; we shall see.' "Well, we had fastened 'Delila' under the willow- trees, and had landed and were fishing side by side Melie and I, close to the two others; but here. Monsieur, I must enter into details. "We had only been there about five minutes M/hen our male neighbor's float began to go down two or three times, and then he pulled out a chub as thick as my thigh, rather less, perhaps, but nearly as big! My heart beat, and the perspiration stood on my forehead, and Melie said to me: 'Well, you sot, did you see that?' WORKS OF GUY DE MAUPASSANT I09 "Just thtn, Monsieur Bru, the grocer of Poissy, who was fond of gudgeon fishing, passed in a boat, and called out to me: 'So somebody has taken your usual place, Monsieur Renard?' And 1 replied: 'Yes, Monsieur Bru, there are some people in this world who do not know the usages of common politeness.' "The little man in linen pretended not to hear, nor his fat lump of a wife, either." Here the F*resident interrupted him a second time: "Take care, you are insuhing the widow, Madame Flameche, who is present." Renard made his excuses: "I beg your pardon, I beg your pardon, my anger carried me away. Well, not a quarter of an hour had passed when the little man caus:ht another chub and another almost imme- diately, and another live minutes later. '•The tears were in my eyes, and then I knew that Madame Renard was boiling with rage, for she kept on nagging at me: 'Oh! how horrid! Don't you see that he is robbing you of your tish ? Do you think that you will catch anything? Not even a frog, nothing whatever. Why, my hands are burning, just to think of it.' "But 1 said to myself: 'Let us wait until twelve o'clock. Then this poaching fellow will go to lunch, and I shall get my place again.' As for me. Monsieur le President, I lunch on the spot every Sunday; we bring our provisions in 'Delila.' But there! At twelve o'clock, the wretch produced a fowl out of a newspaper, and while he was eating, actually he caught another chub! "Mclie and I had a morsel also, just a mouthful, a mere nothing, for our heart was not in it. no THE HOLE "Then I took up my newspaper, to aid my digestion. Every Sunday I read the 'Gil Bias' in the shade like that, by the side of the water. It is Colum- bine's day, you know, Columbine who writes the articles in the 'Gil Bias.' I generally put Madame Renard into a passion by pretending to know this Columbine. It is not true, for 1 do not know her, and have never seen her, but that does not matter; she writes very well, and then she says things straight out for a woman. She suits me, and there are not many of her sort. "Well, I began to tease my wife, but she got angry immediately, and very angry, and so I held my tongue. At that moment our two witnesses, who are present here. Monsieur Ladureau and Monsieur Dur- dent, appeared on the other side of the river. We knew each other by sight. The little man began to fish again, and he caught so many that I trembled with vexation, and his wife said: 'It is an uncom- monly good spot, and we will come here always. Desire.' As for me, a cold shiver ran down my back, and Madame Renard kept repeating: 'You are not a man; you have the blood of a chicken in your veins'; and suddenly I said to her: 'Look here, I v/ould rather go away, or I shall only be doing something foohsh.' "And she whispered to me as if she had put a red-hot iron under my nose: 'You are not a man. Now you are going to run away, and surrender your place ! Off you go, Bazaine ! ' "Well, I felt that, but yet I did not move, while the other fellow pulled out a bream. Oh ! I never saw such a large one before, never I And then my WORKS OF GUY DE MAUPASSANT I if wife began to talk aloud, as if she were thinking, and you can see her trickery. She said: 'That is what one might call stolen fish, seeing that we baited the place ourselves. At any rate, they ought to give us back the money we have spent on bait.' "Then the fat woman in the cotton dress said in turn: 'Do you mean to call us thieves, Madame?' And they began to explain, and then they came to words. Oh ! Lord ! those creatures know some good ones. They shouted so loud, that our two witnesses, who were on the other bank, began to call out by way of a joke: 'Less noise over there; you will pre- vent your husbands from fishing.' "The fact is that neither of us moved any more than if we had been two tree-stumps. We remained there, with our noses over the water, as if we had heard nothing, but by Jove, we heard all the same. 'You are a mere liar.' "'You are nothing better than a street-walker.' "'You are only a trollop.' "'You are a regular strumpet.' "And so on, and so on; a sailor could not have said more. "Suddenly I heard a noise behind me, and turned round. It was the other one, the fat woman who had fallen on to my wife with her parasol. Whack! whack f Melic got two of them, but she was furious, and she hits hard when she is in a rage, so she caught the fat woman by the hair and then, tliitmp, thump. Slaps in the face rained down like ripe plums. I should have let them go on — women among themselves, men among themselves — it does not do to mix the blows, but the little man in the 112 THE HOLE linen jacket jumped up like a devil and was going to rush at my wife. Ah ! no, no, not that, my friend ! I caught the gentleman with the end of my fist, rrash, crash, one on the nose, the other in the stomach. He threw up his arms and legs and fell on his back into the river, just into the hole. "I should have fished him out most certainly, Monsieur le President, if 1 had had the time. But unfor- tunately the fat woman got the better of it, and she was drubbing Melie terribly. I know that 1 ought not to have assisted her while the man was drinking his fill, but I never thought that he would drown, and said to myself: 'Bah, it will cool him.' "I therefore ran up to the women to separate them, and all I received was scratches and bites. Good Lord, what creatures! Well, it took me five minutes, and perhaps ten, to separate those two vira- goes. When I turned round, there was nothing to be seen, and the water was as smooth as a lake. The others yonder kept shouting: 'Fish him out!' It was all very well to say that, but 1 cannot swim and still less dive! "A: last the man from the dam came, and two gentlemen with boat-hooks, but it had taken over a quarter of an hour. He was found at the bottom of the hole in eight feet of water, as I have said, but he was dead, the poor little man in his linen suit! There are the facts, such as I have sworn to. I am inno- cent, on my honor." The witnesses having deposed to the same effect, the accused was acquitted. LOVE THREE PAGES FROM A SPORTSMAN'S BOOK HAVE just read among the general news in one of the papers a drama of passion. He killed her and then he killed himself, so he must have loved her. What matters He or She ? Their love alone matters to me; and it does not interest me because it moves me or astonishes me, or because ■ it softens me or makes me think, but be- cause it recalls to my mind a remembrance f my youth, a strange recollection of a hunt- C^^ ' ing adventure where Love appeared to me, /^» as the Cross appeared to the early Christians, in -^ the midst of the heavens. I was born with all the instincts and the senses of primitive man, tempered by the arguments and the restraints of a civilized being. 1 am passionately fond of shooting, yet the sight of the wounded animal, of the blood on its feathers and on my hands, affects my heart so as almost to make it stop. That year the cold weather set in suddenly to- ward the end of autumn, and I was invited by one Maup. 1—8 (113) 114 LOVE of my cousins, Karl de Rauville, to go with him and shoot ducks on the marshes, at daybreak. My cousin was a jolly fellow of forty, with red hair, very stout and bearded, a country gentleman, an amiable semi-brute, of a happy disposition and endowed with that Gallic wit which makes even mediocrity agreeable. He lived in a house, half farm- house, half chateau, situated in a broad valley through which a river ran. The hills right and left were cov- ered with woods, old manorial woods where mag- nificent trees still remained, and where the rarest feathei-ed game in that part of France was to be found. Eagles were shot there occasionally, and birdy of passage, such as rarely venture into our over-populated part of the country, invariably lighted amid these giant oaks, as if they knew or recognized some little corner of a primeval forest which had remained there to serve them as a shelter during their short nocturnal halt. In the valley there were large meadows watered by trenches and separated by hedges; then, further on, the river, which up to that point had been kept between banks, expanded into a vast marsh. That marsh was the best shooting ground I ever saw. It was my cousin's chief care, and he kept it as a preserve. Through the rushes that covered it, and made it rustling and rough, narrow passages had been cut, through which the flat-bottomed boats, impelled and steered by poles, passed along silently over dead water, brushing up against the reeds and making the swift fish take refuge in the weeds, and the wild fowl, with their pointed, black heads, dive suddenly. I am passionately fond of the water: of the sea, though It is tco vast, too full of movement, impossi- WORKS OF GUY DE MAUPASSANT II5 ble to hold; of the rivers which are so beautiful, but which pass on, and flee away; and above all of the marshes, where the whole unknown existence of aquatic animals palpitates. The marsh is an entire world in itself on the world of earth — a different world, which has its own life, its settled inhabitants and its passing travelers, its voices, its noises, and above all its mystery. Nothing is more impressive, nothing more disquieting, more terrifying occasion- ally, than a fen. Why should a vague terror hang over these low plains covered with water? Is it the low rustling of the rushes, the strange will-o'-the- wisp lights, the silence which prevails on calm nights, the still mists which hang over the surface like a shroud; or is it the almost inaudible splashing, so slight and so gentle, yet sometimes more terrifying than the cannons of men or the thunders of the skies, ' which make these marshes resemble coun- tries one has dreamed of, terrible countries holding an unknown and dangerous secret.'^ No, something else belongs to it — another mys- tery, profounder and graver, floats amid these thick mists, perhaps the mystery of the creation itself! For was it not in stagnant and muddy water, amid the heavy humidity of moist land under the heat of the sun, that the first germ of life pulsated and expanded to the day? I arrived at my cousin's in the evening. It was freezing hard enough to split the stones. During dinner, in the large room whose side- boards, walls, and ceiling were covered with stuffed birds, with wings extended or perched on branches Il6 LOVE to which they were nailed, — hawks, herons, owls, nightjars, buzzards, tiercels, vultures, falcons, — my cousin who, dressed in a sealskin jacket, himself re- sembled some strange animal from a cold country, told me what preparations he had made for that same night. We were to start at half past three in the morn- ing, so as to arrive at the place which he had chosen for our watching-place at about half past four. On that spot a hut had been built of lumps of ice, so as to shelter us somewhat from the trying wind which precedes daybreak, a wind so cold as to tear the flesh like a saw, cut it like the blade of a knife, prick it like a poisoned sting, twist it like a pair of pincers, and burn it like fire. My cousin rubbed his hands: "1 have never known such a frost," he said; "it is already twelve degrees below zero at six o'clock in the evening." I threw myself on to my bed immediately after we had finished our meal, and went to sleep by the light of a bright fire burning in the grate. At three o'clock he woke me. In my turn, I put on a sheepskin, and found my cousin Karl covered with a bearskin. After having each swallowed two cups of scalding coffee, followed by glasses of liqueur brandy, we started, accompanied by a gamekeeper and our dogs, Plongeon and Pierrot. From the first moment that I got outside, I felt chilled to the very marrow. It was one of those nights on which the earth seems dead with cold. The frozen air becomes resisting and palpable, such pain does it cause; no breath of wind moves it, it is fixed and motionless; it bites you, pierces WORKS OF GUY DE MAUPASSANT II7 through you, dries you, kills the trees, the plants, the insects, the small birds themselves, who fall from the branches on to the hard ground, and become stiff themselves under the grip of the cold. The moon, which was in her last quarter and was inclining all to one side, seemed fainting in the midst of space, so weak that she was unable to wane, forced to stay up yonder, seized and paralyzed by the severity of the weather. She shed a cold, mournful light over the world, that dying and wan light which she gives us every month, at the end of her period. Karl and I walked side by side, our backs bent, our hands in our pockets and our guns under our arms. Cur boots, which were wrapped in wool so that we might be able to walk without slipping on the frozen river, made no sound, and I looked at the white vapor which our dogs' breath made. We were soon on the edge of the marsh, and entered one of the lanes of dry rushes which ran through the low forest. Our elbows, which touched the long, ribbonlike leaves, left a slight noise behind us, and 1 was seized, as I had never been before, by the powerful and sin- gular emotion which marshes cause in me. This one was dead, dead from cold, since we were walking on it, in the middle n( its population of dried rushes. Suddenly, at the turn of one of the lanes, 1 per- ceived the ice-hut which had been constructed to shelter us. I went in, and as we had nearly an hour to wait before the wandering birds would awake, I rolled myself up in my rug in order to try and get warm. Then, lying on my back, I began to look at n8 LOVE the misshapen moon, which had four horns through the vaguely transparent walls of this polar house. But the frost of the frozen marshes, the cold of these walls, the cold from the firmament penetrated me so terribly that I began to cough. My cousin Karl be- came uneasy. "No matter if we do not kill much to-day," he said: " I do not want you to catch cold; we will light a fire." And he told the gamekeeper to cut some rushes. We mxade a pile in the middle of our hut which had a hole in the middle of the roof to let out the smoke, and when the red flames rose up to the clear, crystal blocks they began to melt, gently, impercep- tibly, as if they were sweating. Karl, who had re- mained outside, called out to me: "Come and look here!" I went out of the hut and remained struck with astonishment. Our hut, in the shape of a cone, looked like an enormous diamond with a heart of fire, which had been suddenly planted there in the midst of the frozen water of the marsh. And inside, we saw two fantastic forms, those of our dogs, who were warming themselves at the fire. But a peculiar cry, a lost, a wandering cry, passed over our heads, and the light from our hearth showed us the wild birds. Nothing moves one so much as the first clamor of a life which one does not see, which passes through the somber air so quickly and so far off, just before the first streak of a winter's day appears on the horizon. It seems to me, at this glacial hour of dawn, as if that passing cry which is carried away by the wings of a bird is the sigh of a soul from the world! WORKS OF GUY DH MAUPASSANT II9 "Put out the tire," said Karl, "it is getting day- light." The sky was, in fact, beginning to grow pale, and the flights of ducks made long, rapid streaks which were soon obliterated on the sky. A stream of light burst out into the night; Karl had fired, and the two dogs ran forward. And then, nearly every minute, now he, now 1, aimed rapidly as soon as the shadow of a flying flock appeared above the rushes. And Pierrot and Plon- geon, out of breath but happy, retrieved the bleeding birds, whose eyes still, occasionally, looked at us. The sun had risen, and it was a bright day with a blue sky, and we were thinking of taking our de- parture, when two birds with extended necks and outstretched wings, glided rapidly over our head.;. I fired, and one of them fell almost at my feet. It was a teal, with a silver breast, and then, in the blue space above me, 1 heard a voice, the voice of a bird. It was a short, repeated, heart-rending lament; and the bird, the little animal that had been spared began to turn round in the blue sky, over our heads, looking at its dead companion which 1 was holding in my hand. Karl was on his knees, his gun to his shoulder watching it eagerly, until it should be within shot. "You have killed the duck," he said, "and the drake will not fly away." He certainly did not fly away; he circled over our heads continually, and continued his cries. Never have any groans of suffering pained me so much as that desolate appeal, as that lamentable reproach of this poor bird which was lost in space. 120 LOVE Occasionally he took flight under the menace of the gun which followed his movements, and seemed ready to continue his flight alone, but as he could not make up his mind to this, he returned to find his mate. "Leave her on the ground," Karl said to me, "he will come within shot by and by." And he did in- deed come near us, careless of danger, infatuated by his animal love, by his affection for his mate, which I had just killed. Karl fired, and it was as if somebody had cut the string which held the bird suspended. I saw some- thing black descend, and I heard the noise of a faU among the rushes. And Pierrot brought it to me. 1 put them — they were already cold — into the same game-bag, and I returned to Paris the same evening. THE INN IKE all the little wooden inns in the higher Alps, tiny auberges situated in the bare and rocky gorges which intersect the white summits of the mountains, the inn of Schwarenbach is a refuge for travelers v/ho are cross- ing the Gem mi. It is open six months in the year^ and is inhabited by the family of Jean [auser. As soon as the snow begins to ^^.i— =4 fall, and fills the valley so as to make the road down to Loeche impassable, the father, with mother, daughter, and the three sons de- part, leaving the house in charge of the old guide, Gaspard Hari, with the young guide, Ulrich Kunsi, and Sam, the great mountain dog. The two men and the dog remain till spring in their snowy prison, with nothing before their eyes except immense, white slopes of the Balmhorn, sur- rounded by light, glistening summits, and shut up, blocked up, and buried by the snow which rises around them, enveloping and almost burying the little house up to the eaves. (121) 122 THE INN It was the day on which the Hauser family were going to return to Loeche, as winter was approach- ing, and the descent was becoming dangerous. Three mules started first, laden with baggage and led by the three sons. Then the mother, Jeanne Hauser, and her daughter Louise mounted a fourth mule, and set off in their turn. The father followed them, ac- companied by the two men in charge, who were to escort the family as far as the brow of the descent. First of all they skirted the small lake, now frozen over, at the foot of the mass of rocks which stretched in front of the inn; then they followed the valley, which was dominated on all sides by snow- covered peaks. A ray of sunlight glinted into that little white, glistening, frozen desert, illuminating it with a cold and dazzling flame. No living thing appeared among this ocean of hills; there was no stir in that immeas- urable solitude, no noise disturbed the profound silence. By degrees the young guide, Ulrich Kunsi, a tall, long-legged Swiss, left daddy Hauser and old Gas- pard behind, in order to catch up with the mule which carried the two women. The younger one looked at him as he approached, as if she would call him with her sad eyes. She was a young, light- haired peasant girl, whose milk-white cheeks and pale hair seemed to have lost their color by long dwelling amid the ice. When Ulrich had caught up with the animal which carried the women, he put his hand on the crupper, and relaxed his speed. Mother Hauser began to talk to him, and enumerated with minutest detail all that he would have to attend to during the winter. It was the first winter he WORKS OF GUY DE MAUPASSANT 123 would spend up there, while old Hari had already spent fourteen winters amid the snow, at the inn of Schwarenbach. Ulrich KMHsi listened, without appearing to un- derstand, and looked incessantly at the girl. From time to time he replied: "Yes, Madame Hauser"; but his thoughts seemed far away, and his calm features remained unmoved. They reached Lake Daube, whose broad, frozent surfiice reached to the bottom of the valley. On the right, the Daubenhorn showed its black mass, rising up in a peak above the enormous moraines of the Lommeon glacier, which soared above the Wildstru- bel. As they approached the neck of the Gemmi, where the descent to Loeche begins, the immense horizon of the Alps of the Valais, from which the broad, deep valley of the Rhone separated them, came in view. In the distance, there was a group of white, un- equal, flat or pointed mountain summits, which glis- tened in the sun; the Mischabel with its twin peaks, the huge group of the Weisshorn, the heavy Bruneg- ghorn, the lofty and formidable pyramid of Mont Cervin, slayer of men, and the Dent Blanche, that terrible coquette. Then beneath them, as at the bottom of a terrible abyss, they saw Loeche, its houses looking like grains of sand which had been thrown into that enormous crevice which finishes and closes the Gemmi, and which opens, down below, on to the Rhone. The mule stopped at the edge of the path, which turns and twists continually, zigzagging fantastically and strangely along the steep side of the mountain. 124 THE INN as far as the almost invisible little village at its feet. The women jumped into the snow, and the two old men joined them. "Well," father Hauser said, "good-bye, and keep up your spirits till next year, my friends," and old Hari replied: "Till next year." They embraced each other, and then Madame Hauser in her turn, offered her cheek, and the girl did the same. When Ulrich Kunsi's turn came, he whispered in Louise's ear: "Do not forget those up yonder," and she re- plied: "No," in such a low voice, that he guessed what she had said, without hearing it. "Well, adieu," Jean Hauser repeated, "and don't fall ill." Then, going before the two women, he commenced the descent, and soon all three disap- peared at the first turn in the road, while the two men returned to the inn at Schwarenbach. They walked slowly side by side, without speak- ing. The parting was over, and they would be alone together for four or five months. Then Gaspard Hari began to relate his life last winter. He had remained with Michael Canol, who was too old now to stand it; for an accident might happen during that long solitude. They had not been dull, however; the only thing was to be resigned to it from the first, and in the end one would find plenty of distraction, games and other means of whiling away the time. Ulrich Pyunsi listened to him with his eyes on the ground, for in thought he was with those who were descending to the village. They soon came in sight of the inn, which was scarcely visible, so small did it look, a mere black speck at the foot of that enormous WORKS OF GUY DE MAUPASSANT 125 billow of snow. When they opened the door, Sam, the great curly dog, began to romp round them. "Come, my boy," old Gaspard said, "we have no women now, so we must get our own dinner ready. Go and peel the potatoes." And they both sat down on wooden stools, and began to put the bread into the soup. The next morning seemed very long to Kunsi. Old Hari smoked and smoked beside the hearth, while the young man looked out of the window at the snow-covered mountain opposite the house. In the afternoon he went out, and going over the pre- vious day's ground again, he looked for the traces of the mule that had carried the two women; then when he had reached the neck of the Gemmi, he laid him- self down on his stomach, and looked at Loeche. The village, in its rocky pit, was not yet buried under the snow, although the white masses came quite close to it, balked, however, of their prey by the pine woods which protected the hamlet. From his vantage point the low houses looked like paving- stones in a large meadow. Hauser's little daughter was there now in one of those gray-colored houses. In which ? Ulrich Kunsi was too far away to be able to make them out separately. How he would have liked to go down while he was yet able! But the sun had disappeared behind the lofty crest of the Wildstrubel, and the young man returned to the chalet. Daddy Hari was smoking, and, when he saw his mate come in, proposed a game of cards to him. They sat down opposite each other for a long time and played the simple game called brisque; then, they had supper and went to bed. 126 THE INN The following days were like the first, bright and cold, without any more snow. Old Gaspard spent his afternoons in watching the eagles and other rare birds which ventured on to those frozen heights, while Ulrich journeyed regularly to the neck of the Gemmi to look at the village. In the evening they played at cards, dice, or dominoes, and lost and won trifling sums, just to create an interest in the game. One morning Hari, who was up first, called his companion. A moving cloud of white spray, deep and light, was falling on them noiselessly, and burying them by degrees under a dark, thick coverlet of foam. This lasted four days and four nights. It was necessary to free the door and the windows, to dig out a passage, and to cut steps to get over this frozen powder, which a twelve-hours' frost had made as hard as the granite of the moraines. They lived like prisoners, not venturing outside their abode. They had divided their duties and per- formed them regularly. Ulrich Kunsi undertook the scouring, washing, and everything that belonged to cleanliness. He also chopped up the wood, while Gaspard Hari did the cooking and attended to the fire. Their regular and monotonous work was re- lieved by long games at cards or dice, but they never quarreled, and were always calm and placid. They were never even impatient or ill-humored, nor did they ever use hard words, for they had laid in a stock of patience for this wintering on the top of the mountain. Sometimes old Gaspard took his rifle and went after chamois, and occasionally killed one. Then WORKS OF GUY DE MAUPASSANT 127 there was a feast in the inn at Schwarenbach, and they reveled in fresh meat. One morning he went out as usual. The thermometer outside marked eighteen degrees of frost, and as the sun had not yet risen, the hunter hoped to surprise the animals at the approaches to the Wildstrubel. Ulrich, being alone, remained in bed until ten o'clock. He was of a sleepy nature, but would not have dared to give way like that to his inclination in the presence of the old guide, who was ever an early riser. He breakfasted leisurely with Sam, who also spent his days and nights in sleeping in front of the fire; then he felt low-spirited and even frightened at the solitude, and was seized by a longing for his daily game of cards, as one is by the domination of an invincible habit. So he went out to meet his companion, who was to return at four o'clock. The snow had leveled the whole deep valley, filled up the crevasses, obliterated all signs of the two lakes and covered the rocks, so that between the high summits there was nothing but an immense, white, regular, dazzling, and frozen surface. For three weeks, Ulrich had not been to the edge of the precipice, from which he had looked down on to the village, and he wanted to go there before climbing the slopes which led to the Wildstrubel. Loeche was now covered by the snow, and the houses could scarcely be distinguished, hidden as they were by that white cloak. Turning to the right, Ulrich reached the Liimmern glacier. He strode along with a mountaineer's long swinging pace, striking the snow, which was as hard as a rock, with his iron-shod stick, and with piercing 1^8 THE INN 1 eyes looking for the little black, moving speck in the distance, on that enormous, white expanse. When he reached the end of the glacier he stopped, and asked himself whether the old man had taken that road, and then he began to walk along the moraines with rapid and uneasy steps. The day was declining; the snow was assuming a rosy tint, and a dry, frozen wind blew in rough gusts over its crystal surface, Ulrich uttered a long, shrill, vibra- ting call. His voice sped through the deathlike silence in which the mountains were sleeping; it reached into the distance, over the profound and motionless waves of glacial foam, like the cry of a bird over the waves of the sea; then it died away and nothing answered him. He started off again. The sun had sunk behind the mountain tops, which still were purpled with the reflection from the heavens; but the depths of the valley were becoming gray, and suddenly the young man felt frightened. It seemed to him as if the si- lence, the cold, the solitude, the wintry death of these mountains were taking possession of him, were stop- ping and freezing his blood, making his limbs grow stiff, and turning him into a motionless and frozen object; and he began to run rapidly toward the dwel- ling. The old man, he thought, would have returned during his absence. He had probably taken another road; and would, no doubt, be sitting before the fire, with a dead chamois at his feet. He soon came in sight of the inn, but no smoke rose from it. Ulrich ran faster. Opening the door he met Sam who ran up to him to greet him, but Gaspard Hari had not returned. Kunsi, in his alarm, WORKS OF GUY DE MAUPASSANT 12g turned round suddenly, as if he had expected to find his comrade hidden in a corner. Then he relighted the fire and made the soup; hoping every moment to see the old man come in. From time to time he went out to see if Gaspard were not in sight. It was night now, that wan night of the mountain, a livid night, with the crescent moon, yellow and dim, just disappearing behind the mountain tops, and shining faintly on the edge of the horizon. Then the young man went in and sat down to warm his hands and feet, while he pictured to him- self every possible sort of accident. Gaspard might have broken a leg, have fallen into a crevasse, have taken a false step and dislocated his ankle. Perhaps he was lying on the snow, overcome and stiff with the cold, in agony of mind, lost and perhaps shout- ing for help, calling with all his might, in the silence of the night. But where ? The mountain was so vast, so rugged, so dangerous in places, especially at that time of the year, that it would have required ten or twenty guides walking for a week in all directions, to fmd a man in that immense space. Ulrich Kunsi, however, made up his mind to set out with Sam, if Gaspard did not return by one in the morning; and he made his preparations. He put provisions for two days into a bag, took his steel climbing-irons, tied a long, thin, strong rope round his waist and looked to see that his iron- shod stick and his ax, which served to cut steps in the ice, were in order. Then he waited. The fire was burning on the hearth, the great dog was snoring in front of it, and the clock was ticking in Mail p. 1—9 J3Q THE INN its case of resounding wood, as regularly as a heart beating. He waited, his ears on the alert for distant sounds, and shivered when the wind blew against the roof and the walls. It struck twelve, and he trembled. Then, as he felt frightened and shivery, he put some water on the fire, so that he might have hot coffee before starting. When the clock struck one he got up, woke Sam, opened the door and went off in the direction of the Wildstrubel. For five hours he ascended, scaling the rocks by means of his climbing- irons, cutting into the ice, advancing continually, and occasionally hauling up the dog, who remained below at the foot of some slope that was too steep for him, by means of the rope. About six o'clock he reached one of the summits to which old Gaspard often came after chamois, and he waited till it should be day- light. The sky was growing pale overhead, and sud- denly a strange light, springing, nobody could tell whence, suddenly illuminated the immense ocean of pale mountain peaks, which stretched for many leagues around him. It seemed as if this vague brightness arose from the snow itself, in order to spread itself into space. By degrees the highest and most distant Si^r^mits assumed a delicate, fleshlike rose color, and the red sun appeared behind the ponderous giants of the Bernese Alps. Ulrich Kunsi set off again, walking hke a hunter, stooping and looking for any traces, and saying to his dog: "Seek old fellow, seekl" He was descending the mountain now, scanning the depths closely, and from time to time shouting, WORKS OF GUY DE MAUPASSANT 131 Uttering a loud, prolonged familiar cry which soon died away in that silent vastness. Then, he put his ear to the ground, to listen. He thought he could distinguish a voice, and so he began to run and shout again. But he heard nothing more and sat down, worn out and in despair. Toward midday he break- fasted and gave Sam, who was as tired as himself, something to eat also; then he recommenced his search. When evening came he was still walking, having traveled more than thirty miles over the mountains. As he was too far away to return home, and too tired to drag himself along any further, he dug a hole in the snow and crouched in it with his dog, under a blanket which he had brought with him. The man and the dog lay side by side, warming themselves one against the other, but frozen to the marrow, nevertheless. Ulrich scarcely slept, his mind haunted by visions and his limbs shaking with cold. Day was breaking when he got up. His legs were as stiff as iron bars, and his spirits so low that he was ready to weep, while his heart was beating so that he almost fell with excitement whenever he thought he heard a noise. Suddenly he imagined that he also was going to ■die of cold in the midst of this vast solitude. The terror of such a death roused his energies and gave him renewed vigor. He was descending toward the inn, falling down and getting up again, and followed at a distance by Sam, who was liraping on three legs. They did not reach Schwarenbach until four o'clock In ihe afternoon. The house was empty, and the youiig man made a fire, had something to eat, and 132 THE INN went to sleep, so worn-out that he did not think of anything more. He slept for a long time, for a very long time, the unconquerable sleep of exhaustion. But suddenly a voice, a cry, a name: "Ulrich," aroused him from his profound slumber, and made him sit up in bed. Had he been dreaming? Was it one of those strange appeals which cross the dreams of disquieted minds ? No, he heard it still, that reverberating cry, — which had entered at his ears and remained in his brain, — • thrilling him to the tips of his sinewy fingers. Cer- tainly, somebody had cried out, and called: "Ulrich!" There was somebody there, near the house, there could be no doubt of that, and he opened the door and shouted: "Is it you, Gaspard?" with all the strength of his lungs. But there was no reply, no murmur, no groan, nothing. It was quite dark, and the snow looked wan. The wind had risen, that icy wind which cracks the rocks, and leaves nothing alive on those deserted heights. It came in sudden gusts, more parching and more deadly than the burning wind of the desert, and again Ulrich shouted: "Gaspard! Gaspard! Gas- pard!" Then he waited again. Everything was silent on the mountain! Then he shook with terror, and v/ith a bound he was inside the inn. He shut and bolted the door, and then fell into a chair, trembling all over, for he felt certain that his comrade had called him at the moment of dissolution. He was certain of that, as certain as one is of con- scious life or of taste when eating. Old Gaspard Hari had been dying for two days and three nights some- where, in some hole, in one of those deep, untrodden WORKS OF GUY DE MAUPASSANT 133 ravines whose whiteness is more sinister than subter- ranean darkness. He had been dying for two days and three nights and he had just then died, thinking of his comrade. His soul, almost before it was re- leased, had taken its flight to the inn where Ulrich was sleeping, and it had called him by that terrible and mysterious power which the spirits of the dead possess. That voiceless soul had cried to the v/orn- out soul of the sleeper; it had uttered its last fare- well, or its reproach, or its curse on the man who had not searched carefully enough. And Ulrich felt that it was there, quite close to him, behind the wall, behind the door which he had just fastened. It was wandering about, like a night bird which skims a lighted window with his wings, and the terrified young man was ready to scream with horror. He wanted to run away, but did not dare go out; he did not dare, and would never dare in the future, for that phantom would remain there day and night, round the inn, as long as the old man's body was not recovered and deposited in the consecrated earth of a churchyard. Daylight came, and Kunsi recovered some of his courage with the return of the bright sun. He pre- pared his meal, gave his dog some food, and then remained motionless on a chair, tortured at heart as he thought of the old man lying on the snow. Then, as soon as night once more covered the mountains, new terrors assailed him. He now walked up and down the dark kitchen, which was scarcely lighted by the flame of one candle. He walked from one end of it to the other with great strides, listening, listening to hear the terrible cry of the preceding night 134 THE INN again break the dreary silence outside. He felt him- self alone, unhappy man, as no man had ever been alone before ! Alone in this immense desert of snow, alone five thousand feet above the inhabited earth, above human habitations, above that stirring, noisy, palpitating life, alone under an icy sky ! A mad longing impelled him to run away, no matter where, to get down to Loeche by flinging himself over the precipice; but he did not even dare to open the door, as he felt sure that the other, the dead, man would bar his road, so that he might not be obliged to remain up there alone. Toward midnight, tired with walking, worn-out by grief and fear, he fell into a doze in his chair, for he was afraid of his bed, as one is of a haunted spot. But suddenly the strident cry of the preceding evening pierced his ears, so shrill that Ulrich stretched out his arms to repulse the ghost, and he fell on to his back with his chair. Sam, who was awakened by the noise, began to howl as frightened dogs do, and trotted all about the house trying to find out where the danger came from. When he got to the door, he sniffed beneath it, smelling vigorously, with his coat bristling and his tail stiff while he growled angrily. Kunsi, who was terrified, jumped up, and holding his chair by one leg, cried: "Don't come in, don't come in, or I shall kill you." And the dog, excited by this threat, barked angrily at that invisible enemy who defied his master's voice. By degrees^ however, he quieted down, came back and stretched himself in front of the fire. But he was uneasy, and kept his head up, and growled between his teeth. WORKS OF GUY DE MAUPASSANT n5 Ulrich, in turn, recovered his senses, hut as he felt faint with terror, he went and got a bottle of brandy out of the sideboard, and drank otT several glasses, one after another, at a gulp. His ideas became vague, his courage revived, and a feverish glow ran through his veins. He ate scarcely anything the next day, and limited himself to alcohol; so he lived for several days, like a drunken brute. As soon as he thought of Gaspard Hari he began to drink again, and went on drinking until he fell on to the floor, overcome by intoxica- tion. And there he remained on his face, dead drunk, his limbs benumbed, and snoring with his face to the ground. But scarcely had he digested the maddening and burning liquor, than the same cry, "Ulrich," woke him like a bullet piercing his brain, and he got up, still staggering, stretching out his hands to save himself from falling, and calling to Sam to help him. And the dog, who appeared to be going mad like his master, rushed to the door, scratched it with his claws, and gnawed it with his long white teeth, while the young man, his neck thrown back, and his head in the air, drank the brandy in gulps, as if it v/ere cold water, so that it might by and by send his thoughts, his frantic terror, and his memory, to sleep again. In three weeks he had consumed all his stock of ardent spirits. But his continual drunkenness only lulled his terror, v/hich awoke more furiously than ever, as soon as it was impossible for him to calm it by drinking. His fixed idea, which had been in- tensified by a month of drunkenness, and which was continually increasing in his absolute solitude^ pene- 1^6 IHE INN trated him like a gimlet. He now walked about his house like a wild beast in its cage, putting his ear to the door to listen if the other were there, and defying him through the wall. Then as soon as he dozed, overcome by fatigue, he heard the voice which made him leap to his feet. At last one night, as cowards do when driven to extremity, he sprang to the door and opened it, to see who was calling him, and to force him to keep quiet. But such a gust of cold wind blew into his face that it chilled him to the bone. He closed and bohed the door again immediately, without noticing that Sam had rushed out. Then, as he was shivering with cold, he threw some wood on the fire, and sat down in front of it to warm himself. But suddenly he started, for somebody was scratching at the wall, and crying. In desperation he called out: "Go away!" but was answered by another long, sorrow- ful wail. Then all his remaining senses forsook him, from sheer fright. He repeated: "Go away!" and turned round to find some corner in which to hide, while the other person went round the house still crying, and rubbing against the wall. Ulrich went to the oak sideboard, which was full of plates and dishes and of provisions, and lifting it up with superhuman strength, he dragged it to the door, so as to form a barricade. Then piling up all the rest of the furni- ture, the mattresses, paillasses, and chairs, he stopped up the windows as men do when assailed by an enemy. But the person outside now uttered long, plaintive, mournful groans, to which the young man replied WORKS OF GUY DE MAUPASSANT 157 by similar groans, and thus days and nights passed without their ceasing to howl at each other. The one was continually walking round the house and scraped the walls with his nails so vigorously that it seemed as if he wished to destroy them, while the other, inside, followed all his movements, stooping down, and holding his ear to the walls, and replying to all his appeals with terrible cries. One evening, however, Ulrich heard nothing more, and he sat down, so overcome by fatigue that he went to sleep immediately, and awoke in the morning without a thought, without any recollection of what had hap- pened, just as if his head had been emptied during his heavy sleep. But he felt hungry, and he ate. The winter was over, and the Gemmi pass was practicable again, so the llauser family started off to return to their inn. As soon as they had reached the top of the ascent, the women mounted their mule, and spoke about the two men who they would meet again shortly. They were, indeed, rather sur- prised that neither of them had come down a few days before, as soon as the road became passable, in order to tell them all about their long winter sojourn. At last, however, they saw the inn, still covered with snow, like a quilt. The door and the windows were closed, but a little smoke was coming out of the chimney, which reassured old Mauser; on going up to the door, however, he saw the skeleton of an animal which had been torn to pieces by the eagles, a large skeleton lying on its side. They all looked closely at it, and the mother said: "That must be Sam." Then she shouted: " Hi I U8 THE INN Gaspard ! " A cry from the interior of the house answered her, so sharp a cry that one might have thought some animal uttered it. Old Hauser repeated: "Hi! Gaspard!" and they heard another cry, simi- lar to the first. Then the three men, the father and the two sons, tried to open the door, but it resisted their efforts. From the empty cow-stall they took a beam to serve as a battering-ram, and hurled it against the door with all their might. The wood gave way, and the boards flew into splinters; then the house was shaken by a loud voice, and inside, behind the sideboard which was overturned, they saw a man standing upright, his hair falling on to his shoulders and a beard descending to his breast, with shining eyes and nothing but rags to cover him. They did not recognize him, but Louise Hauser exclaimed: "It is Ulrich, mother." And her mother declared that it was Ulrich, although his hair was white. He allowed them to go up to him, and to touch him, but he did not reply to any of their questions, and they were obliged to take him to Loeche, where the doctors found that he was mad. Nobody ever knew what had become of his companion. Little Louise Hauser nearly died that summer of decline, which the medical men attributed to the cold air of the mountains. A FAMILY WAS going to see my friend Simon Ra- devin once more, for I had not seen iiim for fifteen years. Formerly he was my most intimate friend, and I used to spend long, quiet, and happy evenings with him. He was one of those men to whom one tells the most intimate aflfairs of the heart, and in whom one finds, when quietly talking, rare, clever, ingenious, and refined thoughts — thoughts which stimulate and capture the mind. For years we scarcely been separated: 'e had lived, traveled, thought, and dreamed _;ther; had liked the same things with the same liking, admired the same books, comprehended the same works, shivered with the same sensations, and very often laughed at the same individuals, whom we understood completely, by merely exchanging a glance. Then he married — quite unexpectedly married a little girl, from the provinces, who had come to Paris in search of a husband. How ever could that little, (139) I40 A FAMILY thin, insipidly fair girl, with her weak hands, her light, vacant eyes, and her clear, silly voice, who was exactly like a hundred thousand marriageable dolls, have picked up that intelligent, clever young fellow? Can anyone understand these things? No doubt he had hoped for happiness, simple, quiet, and long- enduring happiness, in the arms of a good, tender, and faithful woman; he had seen all that in the transparent looks of that schoolgirl with light hair. He had not dreamed of the fact that an active, living, and vibrating man grows tired as soon as he has comprehended the stupid reality of a common- place life, unless indeed, he becomes so brutahzed as to be callous to externals. What would he be lik.e when I met him again? Still lively, witty, light-hearted, and enthusiastic, or in a state of mental torpor through provincial life ? A man can change a great deal in the course of fifteen years 1 The train stopped at a small station, and as I got out of the carriage, a stout, a very stout man with red cheeks and a big stomach rushed up to me with open arms, exclaiming: "George!" I embraced him, but I had not recognized him, ■and then I said, in astonishment: "By Jove! You have not grown thin I " And he replied with a laugh: "What did you expect ? Good living, a good table, and good nights ! Eating and sleeping, that is my existence ! " I looked at him closely, trying to find the features I held so dear in that broad face. His eyes alone had not altered, but 1 no longer saw the same looks WORKS OF GUY DE MAUPASSANT " 141 in them, and I said to myself: "If looks be the reflection of the mind, the thoughts in that head are not what they used to be — those thoughts which I knew so well." Yet his eyes were bright, full of pleasure and friendship, but they had not that clear, intelligent expression which tells better than do words the value of the mind. Suddenly he said to me: "Here are my two eldest children." A girl of fourteen, who was almost a woman, and a boy of thirteen, in the dress of a pupil from a lycee, came forward in a hesitating and awkward manner, and I said in a low voice: "Are they yours?" "Of course they are," he replied laughing. "How many have you?" "Five! There are three more indoors." He said that in a proud, self-satislied, almost triumphant manner, and I felt profound pity, mingled with a feeling of vague contempt for this vainglorious and simple reproducer of his species, who spent his nights in his country house in uxorious pleasures. I got into a carriage, which he drove himself, and we set off through the town, a dull, sleepy, gloomy town where nothing was moving in the streets save a few dogs and two or three maidservants. Here and there a shopkeeper standing at his door took off his hat, and Simon returned the salute and told me the man's name — no doubt to show me that he knew all the inhabitants personally. The thought struck me that he was thinking of becoming a candi- date for the Chamber of Deputies, that dream of all who have buried themselves in the provinces. We were soon out of the town; the carriage j^2 A FAMILY ' turned into a garden which had some pretensions to a park, and stopped in front of a turreted house, which tried to pass for a chateau. "That is my den," Simon said, so that he might be comphmented on it, and I rephed that it was de- lightful. A lady appeared on the steps, dressed up for a visitor, her hair done for a visitor, and with phrases ready prepared for a visitor. She was no longer the light-haired, insipid girl 1 had seen in church fifteen years previously, but a stout lady in curls and flounces, one of those ladies of uncertain age, without intellect, without any of those things which constitute a woman. In short she was a mother, a stout, commonplace mother, a human layer and brood mare, a machine of flesh which procreates, without mental care save for her children and her housekeeping book. She welcomed me, and I went into the hall, where three children, ranged according to their height, were ranked for review, like firemen before a mayor. "Ah! ah! so there are the others?" said 1. And Simon, who was radiant with pleasure, named them: "Jean, Sophie, and Gontran." The door of the drawing-room was open. I went in, and in the depths of an easy-chair I saw some- thing trembling, a man, an old, paralyzed man. Madame Radevm came forward and said: "This is my grandfather. Monsieur; he is eighty-seven." And then she shouted into the shaking old man's ears: "This is a friend of Simon's, grandpapa." The old gentleman tried to say "Good day" to me, and he muttered: "Oua, oua, oua," and waved his hand. WORKS OF GUY DE MAUPASSANT 143 I took a seat saying: "You are very kind, Mon- sieur." Simon had just come in, and he said with a laugh: *'So! You have made grandpapa's acquaintance. He is priceless, is that old man. He is the delight of the children, and he is so greedy that he almost kills him- self "at every meal. You have no idea what he would eat if he were allowed to do as he pleased. But you will see, you will see. He looks all the sweets over as if they were so many girls. You have never seen anything funnier; you v/ill see it presently." I was then shown to my room to change my dress for dinner, and hearing a great clatter behind me on the stairs, 1 turned round and saw that all the children were following me behind their father — to do me honor, no doubt. My windows looked out on to a plain, a bare, interminable plain, an ocean of grass, of wheat, and of oats, without a clump of trees or any rising ground, a striking and melancholy picture of the life which they must be leading in that house. A bell rang; it was for dinner, and so I went downstairs. Madame Radevin took my arm in a ceremonious manner, and we went into the dining- room. A footman wheeled in the old man's arm- chair, who gave a greedy and curious look at the dessert, as with difficulty he turned his shaking head from one dish to the other. Simon rubbed his hands, saying: "You will be amused." All the children understood that I was going to be indulged with the sight of their greedy grandfather and they began to laugh accordingly, while their mother merely smiled and shrugged her 144 A FAMILY shoulders. Simon, making a speaking trumpet of his hands, shouted at the old man: "This evening there is sweet rice-cream," and the wrinkled face" of the grandfather brightened, he trembled violently all over, showing that he had understood and was very pleased. The dinner began. "Just lookl" Simon whispered. The grandfather did not like the soup, and refused to eat it; but he was made to, on account of his health. The footman forced the spoon into his mouth, while the old man blew energetically, so as not to swallow the soup, which was thus scattered like a stream of water on to the table and over his neighbors. The children shook with delight at the spectacle, while their father, who was also amused, said: "Isn't the old man funny?" During the whole meal they were all taken up solely with him. With his eyes he devoured the dishes which were put on the table, and with trem- bling hands tried to seize them and pull them to him.. They put them almost within his reach to see his useless efforts, his trembling clutches at them, the piteous appeal of his whole nature, of his eyes, of his mouth, and of his nose as he smelled them. He slobbered on to his table napkin with eagerness, while uttering inarticulate grunts, and the whole family was highly amused at this horrible and gro- tesque scene. Then they put a tiny morsel on to his plate, which he ate with feverish gluttony, in order to get something more as soon as possible. When the rice- cream was brought in, he nearly had a fit, and groaned with greediness. Gontran called out to WORKS OF GUY DH MAUPASSANT ij.=, him: "You have ealen too much already; you wil! have no more." And they pretended not lo give him any. Then he began to cry — cry and tremble more violently than ever, while all the children laughed. At last, however, they gave him his helping, a very small piece. As he ate the first mouthful of the pud- ding, he made a comical and greedy noise in his throat, and a movement with his neck like ducks do, when they swallow too large a morsel, and then, when he had done, he began to stamp his feet, so as to get more. 1 was seized with pity for this pitiable and ridic- ulous Tantalus, and interposed on his behalf: "Please, will you not give him a little more rice.^" But Simon replied: "Oh! no my dear fellow, if he were to eat too much, it might harm him at his age." I held my tongue, and thought over these words. Oh! ethics! Oh! logic! Oh! wisdom! At his age! So they deprived him of his only remaining pleasure out of regard for his health! His health! What would he do with it, inert and trembling wreck that he was? They v/ere taking care of his life, so they said. His life? How many days? Ten, twenty, fifty, or a hundred? Why? For his own sake? Or to preserve for some time longer, the spectacle of his impotent greediness in the family. There was nothing loft for him to do in this life, nothing whatever. He had one single wish left, one sole pleasure; why not grant him that last solace constantly, until he died ? After playing cards for a long time, I went up to my room and to bed; 1 was low-spirited and sad, Maup. I— 10 146 A FAMILY sad, sad! I sat at. my window, but I heard nothing but the beautiful watbling of a bird in a tree, some- where in the distance. No doubt the bird was sing- ing thus in a low voice during the night, to lull his mate, who was sleeping on her eggs. And I thought of my poor friend's five children, and to myself pictured him snoring by the side of his ugly wife. BELLFLOWER* ^— t o'clock in the evening and is clear, gay, and fretted with silver; but the one which rises after midnight is red- dish, sadf and desolating — it is the true Sabbath cres- 158 WORKS OF GUY DE MAUPASSANT cent. Every prowler by night has made the same observation. The first, though slender as a thread, throws a faint, joyous light which rejoices the heart and lines the ground with distinct shadows; the last sheds hardly a dying glimmer, and is so wan that it occasions hardly any shadows. In the distance, 1 perceived the somber mass of my garden, and, I know not why, was seized with a feeling of uneasiness at the idea of going inside. I slackened my pace, and walked very softly, the thick cluster of trees having the appearance of a tomb in which my house was buried. I opened my outer gate and entered the long avenue of sycamores which ran in the direction of the house, arranged vault-wise like a high tunnel, traversing opaque masses, and winding round the turf lawns, on which baskets of flowers, in the pale dark- ness, could be indistinctly discerned. While approaching the house, I was seized by a strange feeling. I could hear nothing, I stood still. Through the trees there was not even a breath of air stirring. "What is the matter with me?" I said to myself. For ten years 1 had entered and re-entered in the same way, without ever experiencing the least inquietude. 1 never had any fear at nights. The sight of a man, a marauder, or a thief would have thrown me into a fit of anger, and I would have rushed at him without any hesitation. Moreover, I was armed — I had my revolver. But I did not touch it, for I was anxious to resist that feeling of dread with which I was seized. What was it? Was it a presentiment — that mys- terious presentiment which takes hold of the senses WHO KNOWS? 159 of men who have witnessed something which, to them, is inexplicable? Perhaps? Who knows? In proportion as I advanced, I felt my skin quiver more and more, and when I was close to the wall, near the outhouses of my large residence, I felt that it would be necessary for me to wait a few minutes before opening the door and going inside. I sat down, then, on a bench, under the windows of my drawing-room. 1 rested there, a little disturbed, with my head leaning against the wall, my eyes wide open, under the shade of the foliage. For the first few minutes, I did not observe anything unusual around me; I had a humming noise in fuy ears, but that has happened often to me. Sometimes it seemed to me that I heard trains passing, that I heard clocks strik- ing, that I heard a multitude on the march. Very soon, those humming noises became more distinct, more concentrated, more determinable, 1 was deceiving myself It was not the ordinary tingling of my arteries which transmitted to my ears these rum- bling sounds, but it was a very distinct, though con- fused, noise which came, without any doubt whatever, from the interior of my house. Through the walls J distinguished this continued noise, — 1 should rather say agitation than noise, — an indistinct moving about of a pile of things, as if people were tossing about, displacing, and carrying away surreptitiously all my furniture. I doubted, however, for some considerable time yet, the evidence of my ears. But having placed my ear against one of the outhouses, the better to dis- cover what this strange disturbance was, inside my house, I became convinced, certain, that something l6o WORKS OF GUY DE MAUPASSANT was taking place in my residence which v/as a!l.O' gether abnormal and incomprehensible. I had no fear, but I was — how shall I express it — paralyzed by astonishment. I did not draw my revolver, knowing very well that there was no need of my doing so. I listened a long time, but could come to no reso- lution, my mind being quite clear, though in myself I was naturally anxious. 1 got up and waited, listen- ing always to the noise, which gradually increased, and at intervals grew very loud, and which seemed to become an impatient, angry disturbance, a myste- rious commotion. Then, suddenly, ashamed of my timidity, I seized my bunch of keys. 1 selected the one I wanted, guided it into the lock, turned it twice, and pushing the door with all my might, sent it banging against the partition. The collision sounded like the report of a gun, and there responded to that explosive noise, from roof to basement ot my residence, a formidable tumult. It was so sudden, so terrible, so deafening, that I re- coiled a few steps, and though I knew it to be wholly useless, I pulled my revolver out of its case. I continued to listen for some time longer. I could distinguish now an extraordinary p^attcring upon the steps of my grand staircase, on the waxed floors, on the carpets, not of boots, or of naked feet, but of iron and wooden crutches, which resounded like cymbals. Then I suddenly discerned, on the thresh- old of my door, an armchair, my large reading easy-chair, which set off waddling. It went away WHO KNOWS? iCi through my garden. Others followed it, those of my drawing-room, then my sofas, dragging themselves along like crocodiles on their short paws; then all my chairs, bounding like goats, and the little foot- stools, hopping like rabbits. Oh! what a sensation! 1 slunk back into a clump of bushes where I remained crouched up, watching, meanwhile, my furniture defile past — for everything walked away, the one behind the other, briskly or slowly, according to its weight or size. My piano, my grand piano, bounded past with the gallop of a horse and a murmur of music in its sides; the smaller articles slid along the gravel like snails, my brushes, crystal, cups and saucers, which glistened in the moonlight. I saw my writing desk appear, a rare curiosity of the last century, which contained all the letters I had ever received, all the history of my heart, an old history from which I have suffered so much! Besides, there were inside of it a great many cherished photographs. Suddenly — I no longer had any fear — 1 threw myself on it, seized it as one would seize a thief, as one would seize a wife about to run away; but it pursued its irresistible course, and despite my efforts and despite my anger, I could not even retard its pace. As I was resisting in desperation that insuper- able force, I was thrown ta the ground. It then rolled me over, trailed me along the gravel, and the rest of my furniture, which followed it, began to march over mc, tramping on my legs and injuring them. When 1 loosed my hold, other articles had passed over my body, just as a charge of cavalry does over the body of a dismounted soldier, Mfiup. I — 11 l62 WORKS OF GUY DE MAUPASSANT Seized at last with terror, I succeeded in drag- ging myself out of the main avenue, and in conceal- ing myself again among the shrubbery, so as to watch the disappearance of the most cherished ob- jects, the smallest, the least striking, the least unknown which had once belonged to me. I then heard, in the distance, noises which came from my apartments, which sounded now as if the house were empty, a loud noise of shutting of doors. They were being slammed from top to bottom of my dwelling, even the door which I had just opened myself unconsciously, and which had closed of itself, when the last thing had taken its departure. I took flight also, running toward the city, and only re- gained my self-composure, on reaching the boulevards, where I met belated people. 1 rang the bell of a hotel were 1 was known. 1 had knocked the dust off my clothes with my hands, and 1 told the porter that I had lost my bunch of keys, which included also that to the kitchen garden, where my servants slept in a house standing by itself, on the other side of the wall of the inclosure which protected my fruits and vegetables from the raids of marauders. I covered myself up to the eyes in the bed which was assigned to me, but could not sleep; and I waited for the dawn listening to the throbbing of my heart. I had given orders that my servants were to be surnmoned to the hotel at daybreak, and my valet de chambre knocked at my door at seven o'clock in the morning. His countenance bore a woeful look. "A great misfortune has happened during the night, Monsieur," said he. WHO KNOWS? l6^ "What is it?" "Somebody has stolen the whole of Monsieur's furniture, all, everything, even to the smallest arti- cles." This news pleased me. Why ? Who knows ? I was complete master of myself, bent on dissimula- ting, on telling no one of anything 1 had seen; deter- mined on concealing and in burying in my heart of hearts a terrible secret. I responded: "They must then be the same people who have stolen my keys. The police must be informed im- mediately. I am going to get up, and I will join you in a few moments." The investigation into the circumstances under which the robbery might have been committed lasted lor five months. Nothing was found, not even the smallest of my knickknacks, nor the least trace of the thieves. Good gracious! If I had only told them what I knew — If I had said — I should have been locked up — 1, not the thieves — for I was the only person who had seen everything from the first. Yes! but 1 knew how to keep silence. I shall never refurnish my house. That were indeed useless. The same thing would happen again. I had no desire even to re-enter the house, and I did not re-enter it; 1 never visited it again. I moved to Paris, to the hotel, and consulted doctors in regard to the condition of my nerves, which had disquieted me a good deal ever since that awful night. They advised me to travel, and I followed their counsel. 1 64 WORKS OF GUY DB MAUPASSANT 11 I began by making an excursion into Italy, The sunsiiine did me much good. For six months I wan- dered about from Genoa to Venice, from Venice to Florence, from Florence to Rome, from Rome to Naples. Then I traveled over Sicily, a country cele- brated for its scenery and its monuments, relics left by the Greeks and the Normans. Passing over into Africa, I traversed at my ease that immense desert, yellow and tranquil, in which camels, gazelles, and Arab vagabonds roa.m about — where, in the rare and transparent atmosphere, there hover no vague haunt- ings, where there is never any night, but always day. I returned to France by Marseilles, and in spite of all its Provencal gaiety, the diminished clearness of the sky made me sad. I experienced, in returning to the Continent, the peculiar sensation of an illness v/hich 1 believed had been cured, and a dull pain which predicted that the seeds of the disease had not been eradicated. I then returned to Paris. At the end of a month I was very dejected. It was in the autumn, and ) determined to make, before winter came, an excursion through Normandy, a country with which I was un- acquainted. I began my journey, in the best of spirits, av' Rouen, and for eight days 1 wandered about, passive, ravished, and enthusiastic, in that ancient city, that astonishing museum of extraordinary Gothic monu- ments. WHO KNOWS? 165 But one afternoon, about four o'clock, as I was sauntering slowly through a seemingly unattractive street, by which there ran a stream as black as the ink called "Eau de Robec," my attention, fixed for the moment on the quaint, antique appearance of some of the houses, was suddenly attracted by the view of a series of second-hand furniture shops, which followed one another, door after door. Ah! they had carefully chosen their locality, these sordid traffickers in antiquities, in that quaint little street, overlooking the sinister stream of water, under those tile and slate-pointed roofs on which still grinned the vanes of bygone days. At the end of these grim storehouses you saw piled up sculptured chests, Rouen, Sevres, and Moustier's pottery, painted statues, others of oak, Christs, Virgins, Saints, church ornaments, chasubles, capes, even sacred vases, and an old gilded wooden tabernacle, where a god had hidden himself away. What singular caverns there are in those lofty houses, crowded with objects of every description, where the existence of things seems to be ended, things which have survived their original possessors, their century, their times, their fashions, in order to be bought as curiosities by new generations. My affection for antiques was awakened in that city of antiquaries. I went from shop to shop, cross- ing in two strides, the rotten four plank bridges thrown over the nauseous current of the "Eau de Robec." Heaven protect me! What a shock! At the end of a vault, which was crowded with articles of every description and v/hich seemed to be the entrance to l66 WORKS OF GUY DE MAUPASSANT the catacombs of a cemetery of ancient furniture, ! suddenly descried one of my most beautiful ward- robes. I approached it, trembling m every limb, trembling to such an extent that I dared not touch it. ! put forth my hand, I hesitated. Nevertheless it was indeed my wardrobe; a unique wardrobe of the time of Louis XIII., recognizable by anyone who had seen it only once. Casting my eyes suddenly a little farther, toward the more somber depths of the gal- lery, I perceived three of my tapestry covered chairs; and farther on still, my two Henry II. tables, such rare treasures that people came all the way from Paris to see them. Think! only think in what a state of mind I now was! I advanced, haltingly, quivering with emotion, but I advanced, for I am brave — I advanced like a knight of the dark ages. At every step I found something that belonged to me; my brushes, my books, my tables, my silks, my arms, everything, except the bureau full of my letters, and that I could not discover. 1 walked on, descending to the dark galleries, in order to ascend next to the floors above. I was alone; I called out, nobody answered, I was alone; there was no one in that house — a house as vast and tortuous as a labyrinth. Night came on, and I was compelled to sit down in the darkness on one of my own chairs, for I liad no desire to go away. From time to time I shouted, "Hallo, hallo, somebody." I had sat there, certainly, for more than an hour when I heard steps, steps soft and slow, I knew not where. I was unable to locate them, but bracing WHO KNOWS? 167 myself up, I called out anew, whereupon I perceived a glimmer of light in the next chamber. "Who is there?" said a voice. "A buyer," i responded. "It is too late to, enter thus into a shop." "I have been waiting for you for more than an "hour," I answered. "You can come back to-morrow." "To-morrow I must quit Rouen." I dared not advance, and he did not come to me. 1 saw always the glimmer of his light, which was shining on a tapestry on which were two angels fly- ing over the dead on a field of battle. It belonged to mie also. I said: "Well, comie here." "I am at your service," he answered. I got up and went toward him. Standing in the center of a large room, was a little man, very short, and very f^it, phenomenally fat, a hideous phenomenon. He had a singular straggling beard, white and yellow, and not a hair on his head — not a hair! As he held his candle afoft at arm's length in order to see mc, his cranium appeared to me to re- semble a little moon, in that vast chamber encum- bered with old furniture. His features were wrinkled ard blown, and his eyes could not be seen. I bought three chairs which belonged to myself, and paid at once a large sum for them, giving him merely the number of my room at the hotel. They were to be delivered the next day before nine o'clock. I then started off. He conducted me, with much politeness, as far as the doon 1 68 WORKS OF GUY DE MAUPASSANT I immediately repaired to the coinmissaire's office at the central police depot, and told the comrnissaire of the robbery v/hich had been perpetrated and of the discovery I had just made. He required time to communicate by telegraph with the authorities who had originally charge of the case, for information, and he begged me to wait in his office until an an- swer came back. An hour later, an answer came back, which was in accord with my statements. "I am going to arrest and interrogate this man, at once," he said to me, "for he may have conceived some sort of suspicion, and smuggled away out of sight what belongs to you. Will you go and dine and return in two hours: I shall then have the man here, and I shall subject him to a fresh interrogation in your presence." "Most gladly, Monsieur. I thank you with my whole heart." I went to dine at my hotel and I ate better than I could have believed. I was quite happy now, thinking that man was in the hand:; of the police. Two hours later 1 returned to the office of the police functionary, who was waiting for me. "Well, Monsieur," said he, on perceiving me, "we have not been able to find your man. My agents cannot put their hands on liim." Ah! I felt my heart sinking. "But you have at least found his house?" I asked, "Yes, certainly; and what is more, it is now be- ing watched and guarded until his return. As for him, he has disappeared." "Disappeared?" WHO KNOY.'S? 169 '*Yes, disappeared. He ordinarily passes his even- ings at the house of a female neighbor, who is also a furniture broker, a queer sort of sorceress, the widow Bidoin. She has not seen him this evening and cannot give any information in regard to him. We must wait until to-morrow." I went away. Ah! how sinister the streets of Rouen seemed to me, now troubled and haunted! I slept so badly that I had a fit of nightmare every time 1 went off to sleep. As ! did not wish to appear too restless or eager, I waited till ten o'clock the next day before reporting myself to the police. The merchant had not reappeared. His shop re- mained closed. The commissary said to me: "1 have taken all the necessary steps. The court has been made acquainted with the affair. We shall go together to that shop and have it opened, and you shall point out to me all that belongs to you." We drove there in a cab. Police agents were stationed round the building; there was a locksmith, too, and the door of the shop was soon opened. On entering, 1 could not discover my wardrobes, my chairs, my tables; 1 saw nothing, nothing of that which had furnished my house, no, nothing, although on the previous evening, I could not take a step with- out encountering something that belonged to me. The chief commissary, much astonished, regarded me at first with suspicion. -My God, Monsieur," said I to him, "the disap- pearance of these articles of furniture coincides Strangely with that of the merchant." 170 WORKS OF GUY DE MAUPASSANT;. He laughed. "That is true. You did wrong in buying and paying for the articles which were your own prop- erty, yesterday. It was that which gave him the cue." "What seems to me incompi-ehensible," I replied, **is that all the places that were occupied by my furniture are now filled by other furniture." "Oh!" responded the commissary, "he has had all night, and has no doubt been assisted by accomplices. This house must communicate with its neighbors. But have no fear, Monsieur; I will have the affair promptly and thoroughly investigated. The brigand shall not escape us for long, seeing that we are in charge of the den." ******* Ah! My heart, my heart, my poor heart, how it beats ! I remained a fortnight at Rouen. The man did not return. Heavens! good heavens! That man, what was it that could have frightened and surprised him! But, on the sixteenth day, early in the m.orning, 1 received from my gardener, now the keeper of my empty and pillaged house, the following strange letter: *' Monsieur: "I have the honor to inform Monsieur that something happened, the evening befote last, which nobody can understand, and the police no more than the rest of us. The whole of the furniture has been returned, not one piece is missing — everything is in its place, up to the very smallest article. The house is now the same in every re- spect as it was before the robbery took place. It is enough to make one lose one's head. The thing took place duiing the night Fiiday — Satuiday. The roads are dug up as though the whole fence had WHO KNOWS? l-]! been dragged from its place up to the door. The same thing was ctiserved the day after the disappearance of the furniture. "We are anxiously expecting Monsieur, whose very humble and obedient setvant, I am, Phillipe Raudin." "Ah! no, no, ah! never, never, ah! no. 1 shall never return there!" I took the letter to the commissary of police. "It is a very clever restitution," said he. "Let us bury the hatchet. We shall nip tlie man one of these days." ^ JjC 5|C 2jt -{C SS o^ But he has never been nipped. No. They have not nipped him, and 1 am afraid of him now, as of some ferocious animal that has been let loose behind me. Inexplicable! It is inexplicable, this chimera of a moon-struck skull! We shall never solve or com- prehend it. 1 shall not return to my former residence. What does it matter to me ? I am afraid of encoun- tering that man again, and 1 shall not run the risk. And even if he returns, if he takes possession of his shop, who is to prove that my furniture was on his premises ? There is only my testimony against him; and 1 feel that that is not above suspicion. Ah! no! This kind of existence has become un- endurable. 1 have not been able to guard the secret of what 1 have seen. 1 could not continue to live like the rest of the world, with the fear upon me that those scenes might be re-enacted. So 1 have come to consult the doctor who directs this lunatic asylum, and I have told him everything. After questioning me for a long time, he said to me: 173 WORKS OF GUY DE MAUPASSANT *'WiII you consent, Monsieur, to remain here for some time?" "Most willingly, Monsieur." "You have some means?" "Yes, Monsieur." "Will you have isolated apartments?" "Yes, Monsieur," "Would you care to receive any friends?" "No, Monsieur, no, nobody. The man from Rouen might take it mto his head to pursue me here, to be revenged on me." ******* I have been alone, alone, all, all alone, for three months. I am growing tranquil by degrees. I have no longer any fears. If the antiquary should become mad . . . and if he should be brought into this asylum ! Even prisons themselves are not places of security. THE DEVIL r HE peasant was standing oppo- site the doctor, by the bedside of the dying old woman, and she, cahiily resigned and quite lucid, j^ looked at them and listened to their talking. She was going to die, and she ^'* did not rebel at it, for her life was over — she was ninety-two. *•- The July sun streamed in at the win- dow and through the open door and cast its hot flames on to the uneven brown clay floor, which had been stamped down by four , generations of clodhoppers. The smell of the > fields came in also, driven by the brisk wind, and parched by the noontide heat. The grasshoppers chirped themselves hoarse, filling the air with their shrill noise, like that of the wooden crickets which are sold to children at fair time. The doctor raised his voice and said: "Honore, you cannot leave your mother in this state; she may die at any moment." And the peasant, in great dis- tress, replied: "But 1 must get in my wheat, for it has been lying on the ground a long time, and the weather is just right for it; what do you say about (173) 174 WORKS OF GUY DE MAUPASSANT it, mother?" And the dying woman, still possessed by her Norman avariciousness, replied yes with her eyes and her forehead, and so urged her son to get in his wheat, and to leave her to die alone. But the doctor got angry, and stamping his foot he said: "You are no better than a brute, do you hear, and I will not allow you to do it. Do you understand? And if you must get in your wheat to-day, go and fetch Rapet's wife and make her look after your mother. I will have it. And if you do not obey me, I will let you die like a dog, when you are ill in your turn; do you hear me?" The peasant, a tall, thin fellow with slow move- ments, who was tormented by indecision, by his fear of the doctor and his keen love of saving, hesitated, calculated, and stammered out: "How much does La Rapet charge for attending sick people?" "How should I know?" the doctor cried. "That depends upon how long she is wanted for. Settle it with her, by Jove! But I want her to be here within an hour, do you hear." So the man made up his mind. "I will go for her," he replied; "don't get angry, doctor." And the latter left, calling out as he went: "Take care, you know, for I do not joke when 1 am angry!" And as soon as they were alone, the peasant turned to his mother, and said in a resigned voice: "I will go and fetch La Rapet, as the man will have it. Don't go off while I am away." And he went out in his turn. La Rapet, who was an old washerwoman, watched the dead and the dying of the neighborhood, and then, THE DEVIL 175 as soon as she had sewn her customers into that Unen cloth from which they would emerge no more, she went and took up her irons to smooth the Wnen of the hving. Wrinkled like a last year's apple, spiteful, envious, avaricious with a phenomenal avarice, bent double, as if she had been broken in half across the loins, by the constant movement of the iron over the hnen. one might have said that she had a kind of m.onstrous and cynical affection for a death struggle. She never spoke of anything but of the people she had seen die, of the various kinds of deaths at which she had been present, and she related, with the grreatest minuteness, details which were always the same, just like a sportsman talks of his shots. When Honore Bontemps entered her cottage, he found her preparing the starch for the collars of the village women, and he said: "Good evening; I hope you are pretty well. Mother Rapet." She turned her head round to look at him and said: "Fairly well, fairly well, and you?" "Oh ! as for mc, 1 am as well as I could wish, but my mother is very sick." "Your mother.''" "Yes, my mother ! " "What's the matter with her?" "She is going to turn up her toes, that's what's the matter with her ! " The old woman took her hands out of the water and asked with sudden sympathy: "Is she as bad as all that?" "The doctor says she will not last till morning." "Then she certainly is very bad!" Honore hesitated, for he wanted to make a few preliminary 176 WORKS OF GUY DE MAUPASSANT remarks before coming to his proposal, but as he could hit upon nothing, he made up his mind sud- denly. "How much are you going to ask to stop with her till the end? You know that I am not rich, and I cannot even afford to keep a servant-girl. It is just that which has brought my poor mother to this state, too much work and fatigue I She used to work for ten, in spite of her ninety-two years. You don't find any made of that stuff nowadays ! " / La Rapet answered gravely: "There are two prices; Forty sous by day and three francs by night for the rich, and twenty sous by day, and forty by night for the others. You shall pay me the twenty and forty." But the peasant reflected, for he knew his mother well. He knew how tenacious of life, how vigorous and unyielding she was. He knew, too, that she might last another week, in spite of the doctor's opinion, and so he said resolutely: "No, ! would rather you would fix a price until the end. I will take my chance, one way or the other. The doctor says she will die very soon. If that happens, so much the better for you, and so much the worse for me, but if she holds out till to-morrow or longer, so much the better for me and so much the worse for you ! " The nurse looked at the man in astonishment, for she had never treated a death as a speculative job, and she hesitated, tempted by the idea of the possible gain. But almost immediately she suspected that he wanted to juggle her. "I can say nothing until I have seen your mother," she replied. "Then come with me and see her." THE DEVIL 177 She washed her hands, and went with him imme- diately. They did not speak on the road; she walked with short, hasty steps, while he strode on with his long legs, as if he \\'ere crossing a brook at every step. The cows lying down in the fields, overcome by the heat, raised their heads heavily and lowed feebly at the two passers-by, as if to ask them for some green grass. When they got near the house, Honore Bontemps murmured: "Suppose it is all over.?" And the un- conscious wish that it might be so showed itself in the sound of his voice. But the old woman was not dend. She was lying on her back, on her wretched bed, her hands cov- ered with a pink cotton counterpane, horiibly thin, knotty paws, like some strange animal's, or lil:e rrabs' claws, hands closed by rheumatism, fatigue, and the work of nearly a century which she had ac- complished. La Rapet went up to the bed and looked at the dying woman, felt her pulse, tapped her on the chest, listened to her breathing, and asked her questions, so as to hear her speak: then, having looked at her for some time longer, she went out nf the room, fr^llowed by Honore. His decided opinion was, that the old woman would not last out the night, and h? asked: "Well?" And the sick-nurse replied: "Well, she may last two days, perhaps three. You will have to give me six francs, everything included." "Six francs! six francs!" he shouted. "Are you out of your mind ? I tell you that she cannot last more than five or six hours!" And they disputed angrily for some time, but as the nurse said she would Maup. 1—12 lyS WORKS OF GUY DE MAUPASSANT go home, as the time was slipping away, and as his wheat would not come to the farmyard of its own accord, he agreed to her terms at last: "Very well, then, that is settled; six francs includ- ing everything, until the corpse is taken out." "That is settled, six francs." And he went away, with long strides, to his wheat, which was lying on the ground under the hot sun which ripens the grain, while the sick-nurse re- turned to the house. She had brought some work with her, for she worked without stopping by the side of the dead and dying, sometimes for herself, sometimes for the family, who employed her as seamstress also, pay- ing her rather more in that capacity. Suddenly she asked: "Have you received the last sacrament. Mother Bontemps.?" The old peasant woman said "No" with her head, and La Rapet, who was very devout, got up quickly: "Good heavens, is it possible? 1 will go and fetch the cure"; and she rushed off to the par- sonage so quickly, that the urchins in the street thought some accident had happened, when they saw her trotting off like that The priest came immediately in his surplice, pre- ceded by a choir-boy, who rang a bell to announce the passage of the Host through the parched and quiet country. Some men, working at a distance, took off their large hats and remained motionless until the white vestment had disappeared behind some farm buildings; the women who were making up the THE DEVIL 179 sheaves stood up to make the sign of the cross; the frightened black hens ran away along the ditch until they reached a well-known hole through which they suddenly disappeared, while a foal, which was tied up in a meadow, took fright at the sight of the sur- plice and began to gallop round at the length of its rope, kicking violently. The choir-boy, in his red cassock, walked quickly, and the priest, the square biretta on his bowed head, followed him, muttering some prayers. Last of all came La Rapet, bent al- most double, as if she wished to prostrate herself; she walked with folded hands, as if she were in church. Honore saw them pass in the distance, and he asked: "Where is our priest going to?" And his man, who was more acute, replied: "He is taking the sacrament to your mother, of course!" The peasant was not surprised and said: "That is quite possible," and went on with his work. Mother Bontemps confessed, received absolution and extreme unction, and the priest took his depar- ture, leaving the two women alone in the suffocating cottage. La Rapet began to look at the dying woman, and to ask herself whether it could last much longer. The day was on the wane, and a cooler air came in stronger puffs, making a view of Hpinal, which was fastened to the wall by two pins, llap up and down. The scanty window curtains, which had formerly been white, but were now yellow ana cov- ered with fly-specks, looked as if they were going to fly off", and seemed to struggle to get away, like the old woman's soul. l8o WORKS OF GUY DE MAUPASSANT Lying motionless, with her eyes open; the old mother seemed to await the death which was so near, and which yet delayed its coming, with perfect in- difference. Her short breath whistled in her throat, it would stop altogether soon, and there would be one woman less in the world, one whom nobody would regret. At nightfall Honore returned, and when he went up to the bed and saw that his mother was still alive he asked: "How is she?" just as he had done formerly, when she had been sick. Then he sent La Rapet away, saying to her: "To-morrow morning at five o'clock, without fail." And she replied: "To* morrow at five o'clock." She came at daybreak, and found Honore eating" his soup, which he had made himself, before going to work. "Well, is your mother dead?" asked the nurse. • "She is rather better, on the contrary," he replied, with a malignant look out of the corner of his eyes. Then he went out. La Rapet was seized with anxiety, and went up to the dying woman, who was in the same state, lethargic and impassive, her eyes open and her hands clutohing the counterpane. The nurse perceived that this might go on thus for two days, four days, eight days, even, and her avaricious mind was seized with fear. She was excited to fury against the cunning fellow who had tricked her, and against the woman who would not die. Nevertheless, she began to sew and waited with her eyes fixed on the wrinkled face of Mother Bon- temps. When Honore returned to breakfast he seemed THE DEVIL l8l quite satisfied, and even in a bantering humor, for lie was carrying in his wheat under very favorable cir- cumstances. La Rapet was getting exasperated; every passing minute now seemed to her so much time and money stolen from her. She felt a mad inclination to choke this old ass, this headstrong old fool, this obstinate old wretch— to stop that short, rapid breath, which was robbing her of her time and money, by squeezing her throat a little. But then she reflected on the danger of doing so, and other thoughts came into her head, so she went up to the bed and said to her: "Have you ever seen the Devil?" Mother Bontemps whispered: "No." Then the sick-nurse began to talk and to tell her tales likely to terrify her weak and dying mind. "Some minutes before one dies the Devil appears," she said, "to all. He has a broom in his hand, a .5.aucepan on his head and he utters loud cries. When anybody had seen him, all was over, and that person had only a few moments longer to live"; and she enumerated all those to whom the Devil had ap- peared that year: Josephine Loisel, Eulalie Ratier, Sophie Padagnau, Seraphine Grospied. Mother Bontemps, who was at last most disturbed In mind, moved about, wrung her hands, and tried to turn her head to look at the other end of the room. Suddenly La Rapet disappeared at the foot of the bed. She took a sheet out of the cupboard and wrapped herself up in it; then she put the iron pot on to her head, so that its three short bent feet rose up like horns, took a broom in her right hand and a l82 WORKS OF GUY DE MAUPASSANT tin pail in her left, which she threw up suddenly, so that it might fail to the ground noisily. Certainly when it came down, it made a terrible noise. Then, climbing on to a chair, the nurse showed herself, gesticulating and uttering shrill cries into the pot which covered her face, while she men- aced the old peasant woman, who was nearly dead, with her broom. Terrified, with a mad look on her face, the dying- woman made a superhuman effort to get up and escape; she even got her shoulders and chest out of bed; then she fell back with a deep sigh. All was over, and La Rapet calmly put everything back into its place; the broom into the corner by the cup- board, the sheet inside it, the pot on to the hearth, the pail on to the floor, and the chair against the wall. Then with a professional air, she closed the dead woman's enormous eyes, put a plate on the bed and poured some holy water into it, dipped the twig of Boxwood into it, and kneeling down, she fervently repeated the prayers for the dead, which she knew by heart, as a matter of business. When Honore returned in the evening, he found her praying. He calculated immediately that she had made twenty sous out of him, for she had only spent three days and one night there, which made five francs altogether, instead of the six which he owed her. EPIPHANY h!" said Captain the Count de Garens, "I should rather think that I do remember that Epiph- any supper, during the war I "At the time 1 was quarter- master of cavahy, and for a fort- night, I had been lurking about as a scout in front of the German ad- vanced guard. The evening before we had cut down a few Uhhms and had lost three men, one of whom was that pour little Raudeville. You remem- g^iy ber Joseph de Raudeville well, of course. •^ "Well, on that day my captain ordered me to take six troopers and occupy the village of Porterin, where there had been five fights in three weeks, and to hold it all night. There were not twenty houses left standing, nay, not a dozen, in that wasp's nest. So I took ten troopers, and set out at about four o'clock; at five o'clock, while it was still pitch dark, we reached the first houses of Porterin. I halied and ordered Marchas — you know Pierre de Marchas, (183) l84 WORKS OF GUY DE MAUPASSANT who afterward married little Martel-Auvelin, the daughter of the Marquis de Martel-Auvelin — to go alone into the village and to report to me what he saw. "I had chosen nothing but volunteers, and all of good family. When on service it is pleasant not to be forced into intimacy with unpleasant fellows. This Marchas was as sharp as possible, as cunning as a fox, and as supple as a serpent. He could scent the Prussians as well as a dog can scent a hare, could find victuals where we should have died of hunger without him, and could obtain information from everybody — information which was always re- liable — with incredible cleverness. "In ten minutes he returned. 'All right,' he said; 'there have been no Prussians here for three days. It is a sinister place, is this village. I have been talking to a Sister of Mercy, who is attending to four or five wounded men in an abandoned convent.' "1 ordered them to ride on, and we penetrated into the principal street. On the right and left we could vaguely see roofless walls, hardly visible in th? profound darkness. Here and there a light was burn- ing in a room; some family had remained to keep its house standing as long as they were able; a family of brave, or of poor, people. The rain began to fall, a fine, icy-cold rain, which froze us before it wetted us through, by merely touching our cloaks. The horses stumbled against stones, against beams, against furniture. Marchas guided us, going before us on. foot, and leading his horse by the bridle. '"Where are you taking us to?' I asked him. And he replied: '1 have a place for us to lodge in. EPIPHANY 185 and a rare good one.' And soon we stopped before a small house, evidently belonging to some person of the middle class, completely shut up, built on to the street with a garden in the rear. "Marchas broke open the lock by means of a big stone, which he picked up near the garden gate; then he mounted the steps, smashed in the front door with his feet and shoulders, lighted a bit of wax can- dle, which he was never without, and preceded us into the comfortable apartments of some rich private individual, guiding us with admirable assurance, just as if he had lived in this house which he now saw for the first time. "Two troopers remained outside to take care of our horses; then Marchas said to stout Ponderel, who followed him: 'The stables must be on the left; I s,aw that as we came in; go and put the animals up there, for we do not want them,' and then turning to me he said: 'Give your orders, confound it all!' "Marchas always astonished me, and I replied with a laugh: '1 shall post my sentinels at the coun- try approaches and I will return to you here." "'How many men are you going to take?' " 'Five. The others will relieve them at five o'clock in the evening.' '"Very well. Leave me four to look after pro- visions, to do the cooking, and to set the table, i will go and find out where the wine is hidden away.' "I went off to reconnoiter the deserted streets, until they ended in the open country, so as to post my sentries there. "Half an hour later I was back, and found Mar- chas lounging in a great armchair, the covering of 1 86 WORKS OF GUY DE MAUPASSANT which he had taken off, from love of luxury as he said. He was warming his feet at the tire and smok- ing an excellent cigar, whose perfume filled the room. He was alone, his elbows resting on the arms of the chair, his cheeks flushed, his eyes bright, and looking delighted. "I heard the noise of plates and dishes in the next room, and Marchas said to me, smiling in a beatific manner: 'This is famous; 1 found the cham- pagne under the flight of steps outside, the brandy — fifty bottles of the very finest — in the kitchen garden under a pear-tree, which did not look to me to be quite straigiit, when 1 looked at it by the light of my lantern. As for solids, we have two fowls, a goose, a duck, and three pigeons. They are being cooked at this moment. It is a delightful part of the coun- try." "I had sat down opposite to him, and the fire in the grate was burning my nose and cheeks. '''Where did you find this wood.?' I asked. "'Splendid wood,' he replied. 'The owner's car- riage. It is the paint which is causing all this flame, an essence of alcohol and varnish. A capital house!' "I laughed, for I found the creature was funny, and he went on: 'Fancy this being the Epiphany! I have had a bean put into the goose, but there is no queen; it is really very annoying!' And I repeated hke an echo: 'It is annoying, but what do you want me to do in the matter?' "'To find some, of course.* "'Some women. Women? — you must be mad!' "'I managed to find the brandy under the pear- tree, and the champagne under the steps; and yet EPIPHANY 187 there was nothing to guide me, while as for you, a petticoat is a sure sign. Go and look, old fellow.' "He looked so grave, so convinced, that I could not tell whether he was joking or not. So I replied: 'Look here, Marchas, are you having a joke with me.^' "'I never joke on duty.' "'But where the devil do you expect me to find any women?* "'Where you like; there must be two or three remaining in the neighborhood, so ferret them out and bring them here.' "1 got up, for it was too hot in front of the fire, and Marchas went on: 'Do you want an idea?* "'Yes.' "'Go and see the priest.' '"The priest? What for?' "'Ask him to supper, and beg bim to bring a woman with him.' "'The priest! A woman! Ha! ha! ha!* "But Marchas continued with extraordinary grav- ity: '1 am not laughing; go and find the priest and tell him how we are situated, and, as he must be horribly dull, he will come. But tell him that we want one woman at least, a lady, of course, since we are all men of the world. He is sure to have the names of his female parishioners on the tips of his fingers, and if there is one to suit us, and you man- age it well, he will indicate her to you.' '"Come, come, Marchas, what are you thinking of?' "'My dear Garcns, you can do this quite well, it will be very funny. We are well bred, by Jove! l88 WORKS OF GUY DE MAUPASSANT and we will put on our most distinguished manners and our grandest style. Tell the abbe who we are, make him laugh, soften him, seduce him, and per- suade him!' "'No, it is impossible,' "He drew his chair close to mine, and as he knew my weak side, the scamp continued: 'Just think what a swagger thing it will be to do, and how amusmg to tell about; the whole army will talk about it, and it will give you a famous reputation.' "I hesitated, for the adventure rather tempted me. He persisted: 'Come, my little Garens. You are in command of this detachment, and you alone can go and call on the head of the church in this neigh- borhood. I beg of you to go, and I promise you that after the war, 1 will relate the whole affair in verse in the "Revue des Deux Mondes." You owe this much to your men, for you have made them march enough during the last month.' "I got up at last and asked: 'Where is the par- sonage?' "'Take the second turning at the end of the street; you will then see an avenue, and at the end of the avenue you will find the church. The parson- age is beside it.' As 1 departed he called out: 'Tell him the bill of fare, to make him hungry!' "I discovered the ecclesiastic's little house with- out any difficulty; it was by the side of a large, ugly, brick church. As there was neither bell nor knocker, I knocked at the door with my fist, and a loud voice from inside asked: *Who is there?' to which I re- plied: 'A quartermaster of hussars.* EPIPHANY 189 "I heard the noise of bohs, and of a key being; turned. Then I found myself face to face with a tall priest with a large stomach, the chest of a prize-fighter, formidable hands projecting from turned-up sleeves, a red face, and the looks of a kind man. I gave him a military salute and said: 'Good day, Monsieur le Cure.' " He had feared a surprise, some marauders' am- bush, and he smiled as he replied: 'Good day, my friend; come in.' 1 followed him into a small room, with a red tiled floor, in which a small fire was burning, very different to Marchas's furnace. He gave me a chair and said: 'What can I do for you?' "'Monsieur, allow me first of all to introduce my- self; and I gave him my card, which he took and read half aloud: 'The Comte de Garens.' "I continued: 'There are eleven of us here Mon- sieur I'Abbe, five on grand guard, and six installed at the house of an unknown inhabitant. The names of the six are, Garens (that is I), Pierre de Marchas, Ludovic de Ponderel, Baron d'Etreillis, Karl Massou- ligny, the painter's son, and Joseph Herbon, a young musician. 1 have come to ask you, in their name and my own, to do us the honor of supping with us. It is an Epiphany supper. Monsieur le Cure, and we should like to make it a little cheerful.' "The priest smiled and murmured: 'It seems to me to be hardly a suitable occasion for amusing one- self.' "I replied: 'We are fighting every day, Mon- sieur. Fourteen of our comrades have been killed in a month, and three fell as late as yesterday. That is war. We stake our life every moment: have we not, 190 WORKS OF GUY DE MAUPASSANT therefore, the right to amuse ourselves freely? We are Frenchmen, we like to laugh, and we can laugh everywhere. Our fathers laughed on the scaffold! This evening we should like to bright-en ourselves up a little, like gentlemen, and not like soldiers; you understand me, I hope. Are we wrong?' "He replied quickly: 'You are quite right, my friend, and I accept your invitation with great pleas- ure.* Then he called out: 'Hermance!' "An old, bent, wrinkled, horrible, peasant woman appeared and said: 'What do you want?' "'1 shall not dine at home, my daughter.' '"Where are you going to dine then?' "'With some gentlemen, hussars.' "I felt inclined to say: 'Bring your servant with you,' just to see Marchas's face, but I did not venture to, and continued: 'Do you know anyone among your parishioners, male or female, whom I could invite as well?' He hesitated, reflected, and then said: 'No, I do not know anybody!' "1 persisted: 'Nobody? Come, Monsieur, think; it would be very nice to have some ladies, I mean to say, some married couples! I know nothing about your parishioners. The baker and his wife, the grocer, the — the — the — watchmaker — the — shoema- ker — the — the chemist with his wife. We have a good spread, and plenty of wine, and we should be enchanted to leave pleasant recollections of ourselves behind us with the people here.' "The priest thought again for a long time and then said resolutely: 'No, there is nobody.' "I began to laugh. 'By Jove, Monsieur le Cure, it is very vexing not to have an Epiphany queen, for EPIPHANY 191 we have the bean. Come, think. Is there not a married mayor, or a married deputy-mayor, or a mar- ried municipal councilor, or schoolmaster?' "'No, all the ladies have gone away.' "'What, is there not in the whole place some good tradesman's wife with her good tradesman, to whom we might give this pleasure, for it would be a pleasure to them, a great pleasure under present circumstances.^' "But suddenly the cure began to laugh, and he laughed so violently that he fairly shook, and ex- claimed: 'Ha! ha! ha! I have got what you want, yes. I have got what you want! Ha! ha! ha! We will laugh and enjoy ourselves, my children, we will have some fun. How pleased the ladies will be, I say, how delighted they will be. Ha! ha! Where are you staying ?' "I described the house, and he understood where it was. 'Very good,' he said. 'It belongs to Mon- sieur Bertin-Lavaille. I will be there in half an hour, with four ladies. Ha! ha! ha! four ladies!' "He went out with me, still laughing, and left me, repeating: 'That is capital; in half an hour at Bertin-Lavaille's house.' "I returned quickly, very much astonished and very much puzzled. 'Covers for how many.?' Mar- chas asked, as soon as he saw me. " 'Eleven. There are six of us hussars besides the priest and four ladies.' "He was thunderstruck, and I triumphant, and he repeated: 'Four ladies! Did you say, four ladies?' "'I said four women.' " 'Real women?' 192 WORKS OF GUY DE MAUPASSANT " 'Real women.' "'Well, accept my com.plimentsl' "'I will, for I deserve them.' "He got out of his armchair, opened the door, and I saw a beautiful, white tablecloth on a long table, round which three hussars in blue aprons were setting out the plates and glasses. 'There are some women coming!' Marchas cried. And the three men began to dance and to cheer with all their might. "Everything was ready, and we were waiting. We waited for nearly an hour, while a delicious smell of roast poultry pervaded the whole house. At last, however, a knock against the shutters made us all jump up at the same moment. Stout Ponderel ran to open the door, and in less than a minute a little Sis- ter of Mercy appeared in the doorway. She was thin, wrinkled, and timid, and successively saluted the four bewildered hussars who saw her enter. Behind her, the noise of sticks sounded on the tiled floor in the vestibule. As soon as she had come into the drawing-room 1 saw three old heads in white caps, following each other one by one, balancing themselves with different movements, one canting to the right, while the other canted to the left. Then three worthy women showed themselves, limping, dragging their legs behind them, crippled by illness and deformed through old age, three infirm old women, past serv- ice, the only three pensioners who were able to walk in the establishment which Sister Saint-Benedict mi;n- aged. "She had turned round to her invalids, full of anxiety for them, and then seeing my quartermaster's stripes, she said to me: 'I am much obliged to you EPIPHANY 195 for thinking of these poor women. They have very little pleasure in life, and you are at the same time giving them a great treat and doing them a great honor.' "I saw the priest, who had remained in the ob- scurity of the passage, and who was laughing heartily, and I began to laugh in my turn, especially when I saw Marchas's face. Then, motioning the nun to the seats, I said: 'Sit down. Sister: we are very proud and very happy that you have accepted our unpre- tentious invitation.' "She took three chairs which stood against the wall, set them before the fire, led her three old women to them, settled them on them, took their sticks and shawls which she put into a corner, and then, pointing to the first, a thin woman with an enormous stomach, who was evidently suffering from the dropsy, she said: 'This is Mother Paumelle, whose husband was killed by falling from a roof, and whose son died in Africa; she is sixty years old.' Then she pointed to another, a tall woman, whose head shook unceas- ingly: 'This is Mother Jean-Jean, who is sixty-seven. She is nearly blind, for her face was terribly singed in a fire, and her right leg was half burned off.' "Then she pointed to the third, a sort of dwarf, with protruding, round, stupid eyes, which she rolled incessantly in all directions. 'This is La Putois, an idiot. She is only forty-four.' "I bowed to the throe women as if I were being presented to some Royal Highness, and turning to the priest 1 said: 'You are an excellent man, Mon- sieur l'Abb6, and we all owe you a debt of grati- tude.' Maup. 1—13 194 WORKS OF GUY DE MAUPASSANT "Everybody was laughing, in fact, except Marchas, wiio seemed furious, and just then Karl Massouligny cried: 'Sister Saint-Benedict, supper is on the table!' "I made her go first with the priest, then 1 helped up Mother Paumelle, whose arm I took and dragged her into the next room, which was no easy task, for her swollen stomach seemed heavier thnn a lump of iron. "Stout Ponderel gave his arm to Mother Jean- Jean, who bemoaned her crutch, and little Joseph Herbon took the idiot, La Putois, to the dining- room, which was filled with the odor of the viands. "As soon as we were opposite our plates, the Sister clapped her hands three times, and, with the precision of soldiers presenting arms, the women made a rapid sign of the cross, and then the priest slowly repeated the 'Benedictus' in Latin. Then we sat down, and the two fowls appeared, brought in by Marchas, who chose to wait rather than to sit down as a guest at this ridiculous repast. "But I cried: 'Bring the champagne at once!' and a cork flew out with the noise of a pistol, and in spite of the resistance of the priest and the kind Sister, the three hussars sitting by the side of the three invalids, emptied their three full glasses down their throats by force. "Massouligny, who possessed the faculty of mak- ing himself at home, and of being on good terms with everyone, wherever he was, made love to Mother Paumelle, in the drollest manner. The drop- sical woman, who had retained her cheerfulness in spite of her misfortunes, answered him banteringly in a high falsetto voice which seemed to be assumed, EPIPHANY 195 and she laughed so heartily at her neighbor's jokes that her large stomach looked as if it were going to rise up and get on to the table. Little Herbon had seriously undertaken the task of making the idiot drunk, and Baron d'Etreillis whose wits were not al- ways particularly sharp, was questioning old Jean- Jean about the life, the habits, and the rules in the hospital. "The nun said to Massouligny in consternation: *0h! oh! you will make her ill; pray do not make her laugh like that, Monsieur. Oh! Monsieur.' Then she got up and rushed at Herbon to take a full glass out of his hands which he was hastily emptying down La Putois's throat, while the priest shook with laughter, and said to the Sister: 'Never mind, just this once, it will not hurt her. Do leave them alone.' "After the two fowls they ate the duck, which was flanked by the three pigeons and a blackbird, and then the goose appeared, smoking, golden- colored, and diffusing a warm odor of hot, browned fat meat. La Paumelle who was getting lively, clapped her hands; La Jean-Jean left off answering the Baron's numerous questions, and La Putois uttered grunts of pleasure, half cries and half sighs, like little children do when one shows them sweets. 'Allow me to carve this bird,' the cur6 said. '1 understand these sort of operations better than most people.' "'Certainly, Monsieur I'Abbe,' and the Sister said: •How would it be to open the window a little; they are too warm, and 1 am afraid they will be ill.' "1 turned to Marchas: 'Open the window for a minute.' He did so; the cold outer air as it came in made the candles flare, and the smoke from the 196 WORKS OF GUY DE MAUPASSANT goose — which the cure was scientifically carving, with a table napkin round his neck — whirl about. We watched him doing it, without speaking now, for we were interested in his attractive handiwork, and also seized with renewed appetite at the sight of that enormous golden-colored bird, whose limbs fell one after another into the brown gravy at the bottom of the dish. At that moment, in the midst of greedy silence which kept us all attentive, the distant report of a shot came in at the open window. "I started to my feet so quickly that my chair fell down behind me, and I shouted: 'Mount, all of you! You, Marchas, will take two men and go and see what it is. 1 shall expect you back here in five minutes.' And while the three riders went off at full gallop through the night, I got into the saddle with my three remaining hussars, in front of the steps of the villa, while the cure, the Sister, and the three old women showed their frightened faces at the window. "We heard nothing more, except the barking of a dog in the distance. The rain had ceased, and it was cold, very cold. Soon I heard the gallop of a horse, of a single horse, coming back. It was Mar- chas, and I called out to him: 'Well?' '"It is nothing; Francois has wounded an old peasant who refused to answer his challenge and who continued to advance in spite of the order to keep off. They are bringing him here, an4 we shall see what is the matter.' "I gave orders for the horses to be put back into the stable, and I sent my two soldiers to meet the others, and returned to the house. Then the cure. EPIPHANY 197 Marchas and I took a* mattress into the room to put the wounded man on; the Sister tore up a table napkin in order to make lint, while the three fright- ened women remained huddled up in a corner. "Soon I heard the rattle of sabers on the road, and I took a candle to show a light to the men who were returning. They soon appeared, carrying that inert, soft, long, and sinister object which a human body becomes when life no longer sustains it. "They put the wounded man on the mattress that 'had been prepared for him, and I saw at the first glance that he was dying. He had the death rattle, and was spitting up blood which ran out of the corners of his mouth, forced out of his lungs by his gasps. The man was covered with it! His cheeks, his beard, his hair, his neck, and his clothes seemed to have been rubbed, to have been dipped in a red tub; the blood had congealed on him, and had become a dull color which was horrible to look at. "The old man, wrapped up in a large shepherd's cloak, occasionally opened his dull, vacant eyes. They seemed stupid with astonishment, like the eyes of hunted animals which fall at the sportsman's feet, half dead before the shot, stupefied with fear and surprise. "The cure exclaimed: 'Ah! there is old Placide, the shepherd from Les Marlins. He is deaf, poor man, and heard nothing. Ah! Oh, God! they have killed the unhappy man!' The Sister had opened his blouse and shirt, and was looking at a little blue hole in the middle of his chest, which was not bleeding any more. 'There is nothing to be done,' she said. 198 WORKS OF GUY DE MAUPASSANT "The shepherd was gasping terribly and bringing up blood with every breath, hi his throat to the very depth of his lungs, they could hear an ominous and continued gurghng. The cure, standing in front of him, raised his right hand, made the sign of the cross, and in a slow and solemn voice pronounced the Latin words which purify men's souls. But be- fore they were finished, the old man was shaken by a rapid shudder, as if something had broken inside him; he no longer breathed. He was dead. "When I turned round 1 saw a sight which was even more horrible than the death struggle of this unfortunate man. The three old women were stand- ing up huddled close together, hideous, and grimac- ing with fear and horror. I went up to them, and they began to utter shrill screams, while La Jean-Jean, whose leg had been burned and could not longer sup- port her. fell to the ground at full length. "Sister Saint-Benedict left the dead man, ran up to her infirm old women, and without a word or a look for me wrapped their shawls round them, gave them th^ir crutches, pushed them to the door, made them go out, and disappeared with them into the dark night. "I saw that I could not even let a hussar accom- pany them, for the mere rattle of a sword would have sent them mad with fear. "The cure was still looking at the dead man; but at last he turned to me and said: "'Oh! What a horrible thing!'" SIMON'S PAPA ooN had just struck. The school- door opened and the youngsters streamed out tumbling over one another in their haste to get out quickly. But instead of promptly dispersing and going home to dinner as was their daily wont, they stopped t^ ^ ^^^ paces off, broke up into knots X^s;:;^^::^ ' and set to whispering. fS^'^ The fact was that that morning Sim.on, ^ '• the son of La Blanchotte, had, for the ■?'' first time, attended school. They had all of them in their families heard of La Blanchotte; and although in public she was welcome enough, the mothers among themselves treated her with compassion of a some- what disdainful kind, which the children had caught without in the least knowing why. As for Simon himself, they did not know him, for he never went abroad, and did not play around with them through the streets of the village or along the banks of the river. So they !oved him but little; and it was with a certain delight, mingled with astonishment, (199) 200 WORKS OF GUY DE MAUPASSANT that they gathered in groups this morning, repeating to each other this sentence, concocted by a lad of fourteen or fifteen who appeared to know all about it, so sagaciously did he wink: "You know Simon — well, he has no papa." La Blanchotte's son appeared in his turn upon the threshold of the school. He was seven or eight years old, rather pale, very neat, with a timid and almost awkward manner. He was making his way back to his mother's house when the various groups of his schoolfellows, perpetually whispering, and watching him with the mischievous and heartless eyes of children bent upon playing a nasty trick, gradually surrounded him and ended by inclosing him altogether. There he stood amid them, surprised and embarrassed, not under- standing what they were going to do with him. But the lad who had brought the news, puffed up with the success he had met with, demanded: "What do you call yourself?" He answered: "Simon." "Simon what?" retorted the other. The child, aUogether bewildered, repeated: "Simon." The lad shouted at him: "You must be named Simon something! That is not a name — Simon in- deed!" And he, on the brink of tears, replied for the third time: "I am named Simon." The urchins began laughing. The lad triumphantly lifted up his voice: "You can see plainly that he has no papa." SIMON'S PAPA 20I A deep silence ensued. The children were dum- founded by this extraordinary, impossibly monstrous thing — a boy who had not a papa; they looked upon him as a phenomenon, an unnatural being, and they felt rising in them the hitherto inexplicable pity of their mothers for La Blanchotte. As for Simon, he had propped himself against a tree to avoid falling, and he stood there as if paralyzed by an irreparable disaster. He sought to explain, but he could think of no answer for them, no way to deny this horrible charge that he had no papa. At last he shouted at them quite recklessly: *'Yes, I have one." "Where is he?" demanded the boy. Simon was silent, he did not know. The children shrieked, tremendously excited. These sons of toil, nearly related to animals, experienced the cruel crav- ing which makes the fowls of a farmyard destroy one of their own kind as soon as it is wounded. Simon suddenly spied a little neighbor, the son of a widow, whom he had always seen, as he himself was to be seen, quite alone with his mother. "And no more have you," he said, ''no more have you a papa." "Yes," replied the other, "I have one." "Where is he?" rejoined Simon. "He is dead," declared the brat with superb dig- nity, "he is in the cemetery, is my papa." A murmur of approval rose amid the scape^ graces, as if the fact of possessing a papa dead in a cemetery made their comrade big enough to cru^h the other one who had no papa at all. And these rogues, whose fathers were for the most part evil- doers, drunkards, thieves, and ill-treaters of their 202 WORKS OF GUY DE MAUPASSANT wives hustled each other as they pressed closer and closer to Simon as though they, the legitimate ones, would stifle in their pressure one who was beyond the law. The lad next Simon suddenly put his tongue out at him with a waggish air and shouted at him: "No papa! No papa!" Simon seized him by the hair with both hands and set to work to demolish his legs with i