^^,„ 4 6 4 im THE ARABIC VERSIONS lalifornia gional cility OF THE PENTATEUCH IN THE CHURCH OF EGYPT A STUDY FROM MANUSCRIPT SOURCES (IX— XVII CENTURY) BY JOSEPH FRANCIS RHODE, 0. F. M., DR. PHIL. ET THEOL., S. SCRIPT. LIC. ST. LOUIS, MO. B. HERDER BOOK COMPANY 1921 r •^ ; [THE ARABIC VERSIONS OF THE PENTATEUCH IN THE CHURCH OF EGYPT ^ y /^<'^ A STUDY FROM MANUSCRIPT SOUKCES (IX— XVII CENTURY) BY J(3SEPH FRANCIS RHODE, 0. F. M., DE. PHIL. ET THEOl!, S. SCRIPT. LlC. ST. LOUIS, MO. B. HERDER BOOK COMPANY 1921 THE AEABIC VERSIONS OF THE PENTATEUCH IN THE CHURCH OF EGYPT Ex parte nostra nihil obstat iiuominus imprimatur. Eoroae. die 1<> Martii VJU L. S. Fk, Pacu-icus Mokza. Min. Glis 0. F. M. Imprimatur. Fb. Albebtus Lei'idi 0. P S. P. A. Magister. Imprimatur. Feanciscus Faberi, Vic. Urbis Adsessor. TABLE OF CONTENTS Pago Preface 9 INTRODUCTION The C'liristiau Arabic Versions, a field practically unexplored ... 11 Rise and Development of the Arabic Versions in general 13 The Origin, Age and Nature of the Arabic Versions in Egypt, an obscure and unsolved problem 18 Question must be decided from Study of MS8 23 PART I DESCRIPTION AND COMPARATIVE STUDY OF THE MANUSCRIPTS CHAPTER I GENERAL NOTICE ON THE MANUSCRIPTS OF THE ARABIC PKNTATEUCH A. The Copto-Arabic MSS. of the Pentateuch List of the MSS - 27 What has been Published of these MSS 28 B. MSS. Containing the Pentateuch in Arabic only Catalogue of the More Important MSS 29 a) In the Florentine Library 30 b) In the Vatican Library 30 c) In the Royal Library at Berlin 30 d) In the Imperial library at \'ienna 30 e) In the Royal State Library at Munich 30 f) In the Liljrary of the Leyden Academy 31 g) In the British Museum 31 h) In the Bodleian Library, Oxford 31 i) In the National Library at Paris 32 CHAPTFR II THE COPTO-ARABIC MSS. OF THE PENTATEUCH List of the Arabic and Copto-Arabic MSS. utilized in this Study . 34 List of Abbreviations 34 1) Vatican Library Copt. 1 ^ A 35 2) Vatican Library Copt. 2— 4 = B 42 6 Table of ContctUs Pitge 3) B. K. Paris. Copt. 1 = C id 4) Bodl. Libr. Hunt. 33= D b-2 0) British Museum or. 422 = G 54 CHAPTER ni THE ARABIC MSS. OF THE NATIONAL LIBRAltY AT PARIS 1) B. N. Paris. Ar. 12 = F 57 2) B. N. Paris. Ar. 16 = H 61 3) B. X. Paris. Ar. 9 = L 70 4) B. N. Paris Ar. 10 = M 74 5) B. N. Paris. Ar. 11 = 7.") 6) B. X. Paris. Ar. 18 = P 78 CHAPTER 1\ THE ARABIC MSS. OF THE BODLEIAN LIBRARY AT OXFORD 1) Bodl. Libr. Laud. or. 272 = E 80 2) Bodl. Libr. Pocock. 219 = K 82 3) Bodl. Libr. Marsh. 440 = N 87 4) Bodl. Libr. Hunt. 424= X 89 CHAPTER V THE REMAINING MANUSCRIPTS AND THE PRINTED EDITIONS CONSULTED AND COLLATED IN THIS STUDY 1) Vatic. Libr. Ar. 2 = S 94 Florentine MS. Palat. orient. 112 (XXI) = \ 95 Variants from "Walton's Polyglot" = W 95 2) Printed Editions Consulted and Collated A. Liturgical Books Edited by Tuki = T '. . 97 List of Pentateuch Lections Occurring in the Euchologium . 98 B. Horner's "Service for the Consecration of Church and Altar" = R 99 CHAPTER VI GROUPING OF THE MANUSCRIPTS. THEIR MUTUAL RELATION Two Main Groups of MSS 100 Relation between the MSS. of the First Group 101 Relation between the MSS. of the Second Group 102 CHAPTER VII TEXTUAL AND LITURGICAL DIVISIONS. SECTIONS AND LECTIONS A. Sections Marked in the MSS 106 List of Sections Found in the First Group ("H") 107 List of Sections from MS. B. N. Ar. 4 ("H bis") 109 List of Sections Found in the Second Group ("AS") HI Table of Contents 7 Page B. Lections Noted in the MSS 113 1. List of Lections in Genesis (MSS. of I. grouij) 114 Lections are those of the Melkite Church llo 2. Lections in MSS. of II. grouji are those of the Coptic Churrh 115 List of Lections in Genesis (IMSS. of II. group) 116 CONCLUSION The Results of this Study 117 APPENDIX I Note found on a Double Fly-leaf in MS. B. N. Ar. 12 119 APPENDIX II Last page (fol. 6"^) of the Introduction preceding Genesis in MS. Bodl. Libr. Hunt. 424 120 PART II TEXTS SECTION I Normal Text of Group I. (MSS. H, K, L, M, N, O, P) 3* SECTION II Normal Text of Group II. (MSS. A, B, C, D, E, F, G) 18* SECTION III Text of MS. Vatic. Libr. Ar. 2 (S) 36* SECTION IV Text of MS. Bodl. Libr. Hunt. 424 (X) 50* PREFACE This Study is founded, almost exclusively, on an extensive examination of manuscripts and embodies the results of in- vestigations made whilst pursuing my Semitic studies at the Catholic University of America. The great world-war, which broke out when the first proof- sheets were off the press, has delayed publication for nearly seven years. Yet I hope that even now this treatise will prove, in some small degree, a helpful contribution to the history of the Oriental versions of the Scriptures and that indulgence will be shown to its shortcomings by Semitic scholars. It is my pleasing duty to express my gratitude to Prof. Dr. H. Hyvernat, not only for the constant and manifold encouragement that he has given me in the preparation of this treatise, but also for the uniform care and kindness with which he directed my Semitic studies. To this eminent scholar I owe it that I undertook the work at all, and I have to thank him also for a generous loan of notes and transcripts of portions of the texts. To Prof. Dr. Pk. Coln and to Dr. A. Vaschalde I am indebted for many useful hints and valuable remarks in the class-room. To Dr. Cp. 3.^^>— 362) Coptic Literature, sect. Vll (p. 362— 363) Copto- Arabic Literature. As these articles show, the terms "Copt" and "Coptic" are used by some to designate the Monophysites or Jacobites of Egypt, by others as an equivalent for the native Egyptians in general (as distinguished from the Greek and Roman colonists). Although the latter use is etymologically correct (Copt=kibf or kubt in Arabic, a corruption and adaptation of the Cireek AiyintTtoi), we shall employ the term in its historical more restricted sense and distinguish consistently two branches of the "Church of Kgypt", ^iz. the Melkites and the Copts. In fact, the' Jacobite I'atriarch (residing in Alexandria and later in Old Cairo) laid claim to jurisdiction overall the -Coptic" Christians of Egypt, Abyssinia, Nubia and Barbary (J. M. Woods, 1. c.). 2 See the interesting article by H. Htvermat: "Pounjuoi les ancicnnes collections de manuscrits Coptes sont si pauvres", Kevuc Ijiblique (N. S. tome X) 1913, pp. 422—428. Jnlroihtcdon 19 venturing to determine the century when the different versions originated ', it is no doubt better to adopt the jjrudent reserve ot'H. Htvernat (in his article cited above, p. 18, n. 2) and be contented for the time being witli the general statements, that the translating of the sacred and the liturgical books into the Coptic dialects took place gradually in the first centuries of the Christian era "according to the needs and circumstances of place and time", and that the Coptic period of the Litera- ture of the Church of Egypt extends from about the sixth or seventh to the eleventh or twelfth century respectively. In like manner we consider it a most delicate task to say with any degree of certainty, precisely when the Arabic versions came into vogue in the Church of Egypt. The sources from which to derive explicit information are too scarce, especially since the MSS. of the monasteries and churches of Egypt were so ill preserved, nay even suffered to go to ruin by the owners with unpardonable neglect 2. Evidently there can be no question of Egyptian Arabic versions prior to the subjugation of the country by the followers of the Prophet from Arabic in the seventh century. But it would seem not at all improbable that in the ninth century, perhaps even in the eighth, Arabic versions of the Scriptures, at least ot cer- 1 J. Leipoldt, Geschichte der koptischen Litteratur (iu Geschichte der christlichen Litteratureu des Orients, II. Auflage, Leipzig 1909) p. 139, assigns the Sahidio version to the third or fourth century and the Bo- hairic to the sixth or seventh. A. J. Maas in his article on the Versions (mentioned above, pag. 16) writes ol' the Coptic versions (first section, n. 2): "It is generally admitted that some of the versions, if not all, date back to the second century". Compare also Etienne QuAXKKMEnE, Re- cherches Criti(iues ct Historiques sur la Langue et la Litterature de I'Egypte, Paris 1808, pp. 1 — 44; and H. Hvvernat, Etude sur les versions coptes de la Bible, in the Revue Biblique (.July — October 1896 and Jan. 1897), and the article "Coptic Versions of the Bible" by the same author in The Catliolic Encycl; vol. XVI, pp. 78—80. 2 See H. Hvveknat, Fuurquoi les ancieunes collections etc., cited above, p. 18, n. 2. We think we are justified in extending to other MSS. of the monastery and church libraries what the author asserts explicitly with regard to the Coptic BISS. only. 2* 20 IiUroduction tain books, should have originated in Egypt, though the question is exceedingly obscure and so far entirely unsolved. A plaus- ible theory for its solution may porhaps be derived from a careful consideration of the history of the Church of Alex- andria and of the "needs and circumstances of place and time" under which such versions must have come into use. ' Under the Patriarch Dioscurus (444—451) the Church of Alexandria became unfortunately embroiled in the Monophysite heresy. At the Council of Chalcedon (451) Dioscurus was deposed and banished; but the newly elected orthodox (Catholic) Patriarch was murdered (in 457) by the populace and an open schism ensued, giving rise to two permanent parties: the orthodox or Catholic party, which clung to the Church of Constantinople in their religious tenets and became known eventually as ^lelkites or Royalists (i. e. adherents of the Emperor) because they remained faithful to the decisions of the Council of Chalcedon, which had been declared by Em- peror Marcian the law the Eiupire (whence also "Chalce- donians") and the Monophysitos (or Jacobites) who formed the large majority of the native population, constituting in fact a National Church, and who, therefore, became known after the Arab invasion simply as Kubt (i. e. Egyptians) or Copts. Both parties used the same Liturgy, that of St. Mark; but the contrast betwesu Monophysites and Melkites was ex- pressed in their language: whereas the Monophysites spoke the national language of the country, the Coptic, and adopted it in the Liturgy (just as the Monophysites in Syria and Palestine used Syriac); the Melkites, who for the most part were foreigners, settlers, merchants and officials sent out from ' Compare the articles quoted p. 18, u. 1 ; moreover: Stanlev Lane- Fools, A History of Egypt in tlie Mi Ages, London lilOL especially pp. 2—8, 27sqq.; Fowlek, Christian Egypt, London 1902; Becker, Bei- trage zur (ioschichte .\gypten8 unter dcm Islam, StralJliurg 1903; Reite- HETER, Beschreibung Agyptens in\ Mittelaltor, Leipzig 1903; Fit. Kavseu und E. RoLOi'F, Agyplen einsl und jetzt, Freiburg 1908 (especially pp. 196—198 and 292—314); A. Fortescue, The Lesser Eastern Churches, London 1913. Introduction 21 Constantinople, with only a small fraction of the native po- pulation, retained the Greek. When, however, in the seventh century the Mohammedans had made themselves masters of the country, the relation of the Melkite Church of Egypt with the Church of the Empire was more and more checked, in fact paralyzed and hefore long was cempletely severed, whilst the language of the con- querors (though at first no repressive measures had been used against the vernacular) was with the beginning of the eighth century forced upon the subjugated people i. Is it then sur- prising, or is it not rather a natural consequence, that the Melkite Branch of the Church of Egypt, which had no ver- nacular liturgical language to form a barrier, as it were, against the encroachments of the new idiom, should have adopted at an early date the language of every-day life, the Arabic, even in the Liturgy P^ In the Jacobite Branch of the Church of Egypt, however, matters probably took a somewhat different turn. The cry of "the faith of Cyril, one nature in Christ, no betrayal of Ephesus" really meant "no submission to the foreign tyrant at the Bosporus". And hence this National Church, owing' to its animosity towards the Church of the Empire, had adopted as its liturgical language the current Egyptian vernacular long before the Arab invasion, earlier most likely in Upper Egj'pt, where the Sahidic was the principal dialect, but also in Lower Egypt, where the Bohairic dialect prevailed. The Copts were at first favored by the Arab conquerors, because they had been the abettors and auxiliaries of the Mohammedans against the Graeco-Roman domination, and their national language was not ostracized from public documents in the first century after the invasion; later, however, repressive nLeasures were ' Lane-Poole, 1. c. p. 27: „Governor Abdallab (A. D. 705) ordered Arabic to be used in all public documents, instead of Coptic as here- tofore". 2 Cyril Charon, Histoire des Patriarcata Melkites, Rome 1909, tome III, p. 137sqii. 22 Introduction put in force. Nevertheless the Coptic, so intimately interwoven with the life of the people, continued to hold its own for a long time, especially as the language of literature and of the liturgy. In fact, it is precisely because the liturgical language of the Coptic Church was the native tongue aud for a long time the every-day language of the people ' (and not merely the language of the liturgy, as the Greek was for the Egyptian Melkites) that in the Coptic Branch of the Church of Egypt the Arabic found admission into the liturgy at a comparatively late period, probably not before the tenth century, and then only in the form of -lections" or readings from the Old and the New Testament. Yet it could hardly be otherwise than tiiat the language of the conquerors, the Arabic, owing to common intercourse should have steadily gained ground on the Coptic in every- day life; and especially when, from the eighth century onwards, the Jacobites, were likewise subjected to incessant oppressions from the new masters and the Coptic tongue was banned from public life and official documents ^ it was a necessary con- sequence that before long the people understood Arabic better than Coptic, that Arabic became the universally spoken idiom, the "new vernacular", and tliat the "old vernacular" Coptic was doomed to a slow but certain decline. As a result Arabic versions of the Bible, especially of the more frequently used parts of the same, became a desideratum at first with the ordinary classes of the people and gradually with the higher and educated classes also. And this is the reason why we deem it not at all improbable that private or unofficial versions of portious of the Sacred Scripture may have begun to circulate among the Copts in Egypt from the ninth century perhaps a hundred years or more before they were gi'anted official recognition in the Liturgy alongside of ■ All the more so since the Boliairic, the language of the Jacobite Patriarch, gradually gained predominance over the .Sahidic and other dialects and became practically the vernacular of all the Copts. 2 Compare above, p. 21, n. 1. Introduction ' 23 the Coptic, which declined more and more, until by the four- teenth or fifteenth century it was reduced to a merely liturg- ical "dead" language, practically unknown even to the cultured classes of the Egyptians. Be it rememhered, however, that all this, plausible as it may appear, is only a theory, — an attempt at a satisfactory explanation in default of positive arguments that could settle the question definitely. Whatever may have been the real facts as to the use of Arabic versions of the Scriptures in the two Branches of the Church of Egypt, — if the facts are ever ascertained, — the question will have to be decided from a study of manuscript sources: manuscripts of th(^ Bible proper, manuscripts of liturgical books with their numerous pericopes of Holy Writ, and manuscripts of collections of canons, wherein scriptural passages are frequently quoted. Re- stricting ourselves, then, for reasons already stated to the Pentateuch only (of which we have, moreover, a greater number of MSS. than of any other books of the Old Testament, ex- cepting, perhaps, the Psalms) we shall endeavor in this disser- tation to put before the reader the general results of our study of a large number of representative Egyptian Mss. of the Arabic Pentateuch, without, however, entering for the pre- sent into a detailed discussion of all the obscure and inter- esting questions referred to above as to the age, the origin, the nature and the mutual relation of the Araliic Versions of the Pentateucii in the Church of Egypt. PART I DESCRIPTION AND COMPARATIVE STUDY OF THE MANUSCRIPTS CHAPTER I GENERAL NOTICE ON THE MANUSCRIPTS OP THE ARABIC TENTATEUCH A. Wlieii there is question of fiuding Arabic manuscripts of Egyptian origin, we naturally first turn to those MSS. which contain an Arabic and a Coptic text arranged in parallel columns on the same page, or in which there is sometimes an Arabic text written in miniature characters on the margin beside the Coptic text. As Coptic was never used outside of Egyi)t, the Egyptian origin of the aforesaid iMSS. in practically establislied beyond doubt. Of these bilingual MSS. we have found nine that contain the Pentateuch, in whole or in part, and we have arranged them according to their age as indicated in tlie catalogues. The date of the MSS. refers directly to the Coptic text only, as in at least one instance (Vatic. Copt. 1), the Arabic text was evidently added later. , 1) Vatic. Copt. 1, 10th cent. (Pent.) Mai", Script. Vet. V, part. 2, p. 114. 2) Vatic. Copt. 2—4, 14th cent. (Pent.) 2 Mai, Script. Vet. V, part. 2, p. 115—117. 3) B. N. Paris. Copt. 1, 1300 (Pent.) Chabot^, Invent., p. 6. 4) Brit. Mus. or. 422, 1393 (Pent.) Ckum^, Cat. B. M. p. 315, n. 712. 1 Scriptorum Veterum Nova Collectio e Vaticanis Codieibus. Edita ab Ahqelo Majo. Romae 1831. Tom V, part. 2. See below, chap. II, 1. 2 See below, chap. II, 2. 3 J. B. Chabot, Inventaire Somraaire des Manuscrits Copies do la Bibliothique Nationale. Paris 1906. See below, Obap. II, 3. ■' W. B. (Jrum, Catalogue of the Coptic MSS. in the British Museum. London 1905. See below, chap. II, 5. 28 General notice on the Mamtscripts of the Arabic Pentateuch 6) Bodl. Libr. Hunt. 33, 1674 (Pent.) Ubi«, Copt. 1, p. 318. 6) B. 2s. Paris. Copt. '^7 1676 (Gen., Exod.) Chabot, In- vent., p. 13. 7) Bibl. Angelica, Rome, Copt. 4, date? (Genesis) Guidi^ Cataloghi, p. 78. 8) Leyden Ci>d. 1507, 17r)8 (Levit.) de Goe-ie^, Cat V., p. 77, n. 2366. 9) B. N.Paris. Copt. 100, 1835 (Pent.) Chabot, Invent, p. 16. The Coptic in these MSS. is in the Bohairic dialect; for, by the time that Arabic was so much in vogue that these bilingual MSS. l)ecame a necessity for divine service, as ex- plained above, the Bohairic had replaced nearly all other Egyptian dialects and was practically the vernacular, and cer- tainly the liturgical language, of all the Copts. Of the Arabic text of these double ]\ISS. nothing has ever been published. As to the Coptic <: a) The text of MS. Bodl. Libr. Hunt 33 was edited by David Wii.kins in his "Coptic Pentateuch", Loudon 1731. b) MS. Brit. Mus. or. 422 (Tattam) was utilized (besides the edition of Wilkiks) l)y Paul de Lacjarde, "Der Pentateuch Kojjtisch", Leipzig 1867. c) The throe MSS. (1, 57, 100) of the Paris Natiiuial Library were probably all used by Pallet "La version Cophte du Peutateuque", Paris 1854; but as he pub- lished only the first 27 chapters of Genesis without any introduction or even a key to the abl)reviation marks he employed, his edition is practically useless. ' J. Uri, Bililiotbecae BotUeiaime Oodicum Mauuscriptorum Orieii- talium Catalogus. I'ars I'rima. (>.\ouii 1787. See below, chaji. II, 4. 2 I. GuiDi, C'ataloghi dei Codici Orieiitali dei alcuue BibliotecLe d'ltalia. Firenze 1878. The MS. here mentioned couUins 47 chapters in Coptic, and 7 chapters only in Arabic. 3 M. J. DE GoEjE, Catalogus Codicum Orientalium Bibliothecae Aca- demiac Lugduuo-Batarae, vol. V. Lugduno-Batavoruiii 1893. * Cfr. JI. IIyvernat, Etude sur lus Versions Copies de la Bible (Ex- trait de la Revue Bibhque, July, Oct. 1896, Jan. 1897), p. 38sqq. Part I, Chap. I 29 Briefly, then, we may say that the Copto- Arabic MSS. of the Pentateuch have not been utilized for publication, except Hunt. 33 and Brit. Mus. or. 422 with regard to the Coptic text only. B. Passing from these bilingual MSS. to those that contain merely the Arabic text, the question of determining their Egyptian origin becomes far more difficult, the reason being that statements or notes concerning origin ("i)rovenance") arc, on the whole, but rarely found in these MSS.; and where an attempt at "placing" a MS. is made by the cataloguer, the indication is, as our own experience has proved, not unfre- quently misleading. We do not presume, therefore, to give a list of Egyptian Arabic MSS. of the Pentateuch; we do not even wish to classify as Egyptian all the MSS. which, guided by the sparse notes of the catalogues and occasional remarks of different writers, we have selected for our study on the Arabic Versions of the Pentateuch in the Churcli of Egypt; we refer the reader instead to the following chapters, where- in the nature and probable origin of each of these MSS. is fully discussed. Nevertheless it may not be out of place to give a fairly complete list of the more important MSS. of the Arabic Pen- tateuch in general, as they are found in tiie different libraries of Europe', and to indicate briefly on the authority of the catalogues which we consulted for this compilation, their pi'obable age and the original which the version represents. We shall also indicate, to the best of our knowledge, when and by whom any of these MSS. have been utilized for publication. 1 A. catalogue of the Arabic MSS. of the .Jesuit University at Beyrout, Syria, appeared in the Al-Machriq (Revue catholique orientale bimensuelle, Beyrouth), vol. VII, 1904. On pp. 3:5— ;»8 there is described a manuscript (MS. 1) dated 1690 and certaiuing the greater part of the O. T. The Pentateuch, of which some specimens are given, extends from page 1 to 2;J1. 30 Gentral nolitr nu the Manusrriptx of the Arahic Fentateuch a) In the Florentine Library'. Cod. Palat. orient. VII, Genesis and Exodus, Peshitto — Cod. Palat. orient XII, Pentateuch Hebrew Cod. Palat. orient. XV, Genesis Septuag. — Cod. Palat orient. XXI •■'.Pentateuch Peshitto 1245 b) In the Vatican Library s. Vat. Ar. 1 Pentateuch Syriac, Septuag. 1329 Vat. Ar. II Pentateuch Septuagint^ 14th cent VatAr. CDLXV Pentateuch (Maronite) 17 th cent Vat Ar. CDLX VIII Old Test. (Mekhite) 1579 VatAr. DXXV Pentateuch — 17 th cent Vat. Ar. DCV Pentateuch Syriac 1464 Vat Aa-. DC VI Pentateudi (Coptic) 1344 c) In the Royal Library at Berlin ^ Xo. 10172 Pentateuch Syriac (?) 1280 d) In the Imperial Library at Vienna o. Xo. 1.541 Pentateuch Hebrew — e) In the Royal State Library at Munich'. Cod. ar. 234 (or. 40) Pentateuch Syriac (?) 1492 Cod. ar. 233 (or. 34) Genesis Hebrew 16th cent. ' Steph. Evod. AssEM.\m:s, Bibliothecae Laurentianae et Palatinae Codicum MSS. Orientalium "Catalogus. Florentiuae 1747. 2 First four chapters of Genesis pul)lished liy P. Kahlk. Die ara- bischen Bibelubersetzungen V, p. 13—23. See below, chap. V, 1. - ' Script. Vet. nova Collectio e Vaticanis Codicibus edita ab Anqelo Mud. Romae 1831. Tom. IV. part. 2. '■ See below, chap. V, 1. ■■• W. Ahlwarut, Verzeichiiis der arab. HSS. der ki'inigl. Bibliothek in Berlin, 10 vols.. Berlin 18«7— 1899. vol IX. 6 G. Flugel, Die Araliischen, I'ersischen und Tiirkischeii Hand- schriften der Koniglichen Hofbibliothek zu Wien. 3 vols. Wien 1867, vol. III. ' Joseph Aojieb, Die arabischen Hdss. der K. Hof- und Staatsbiblio- thek in Munchen. Miinchea 18»j(i. See also Orai-, C'hristlii-h-arabische Literatur, p. 25, rarl I, Cluip. 1 31 t) In the Library of the Leyden Academy '. Cod. 236 Scaliger (n. 2361)' Hebrew — Cod. 215 Scaliger (n. 2362) Hebrew(?) — . Cod. 1222 Schultens. (n. 2363)3 Samaritan — Cod. 230 Scaliger (n. 2364) ^ (Carshunic) 1.528 Cod. 377 Warner (n. 2365)^ Hebrew-Syriac 1240 g) In the British Museum 's. 7204 Rich Pentateuch "Catena" (Carshunic) - Harl. .^475 (I) Pentateuch — Uthcent. Harl. 5506 (II) Genesis Hebrew 17 th cent. Add.ll855(XVl[I) Pentateuch Hebrew(?) 13thcent. h) In the Bodleian Library, Oxford '. Hunt. 84 (IJri, Syr. XXVII) Pentateuch "Catena" Carsh. — Marsh 175 (Uri, Syr. XXIX) Pentateuch "Catena" Carsh. — Bodl.Arch.D.51 (Dri, Syr. XXVIII) Pent. "Catena" Carsh 8. — Hunt. 112 (Uri, Syr. XXX) Gen., Exod., Levit., "Cat." Carsh s. — Marsh. 440 (Uri, Syr. XXVI) 9 Gen., Exod., "Catena" Carsh 8. _ Pocock. 348 (Uri, Hebr. XIII) Gen., Exod., Hebrew — Pocock. 396 (Uri, Hebr. XIV) Levit, Numb, Deut., Hebrew — ' M. J. DE GoEjE, Catalog. Cod. Orient. V, cited above. - Published by Erpenids, Pentateiichus Mosis arabice, Leiden 1622. 3 Published by AuR. Kuenen, Arabica versio Peutateuchi Samaritan;i. I.eiden 18.54. * Genesis only published by De Lagakde, "Materialien zur Geschichtc und Kritik des Pentateuehs II", Leipzig 1867. 5 Published by De Laoarde, "Materialien zur Geschichte und Kritik des Pentateuehs I", Leipzig 1867. 8 GuL. Cureton, Catalogus Codicum Manuscriptorum Orientaliuui ipiae in Museo Britannieo asservantur. Pars prima codiees Syriacos et Carshunicos eoniplectens. Pars secunda codices Arabicos complectens. Londiiii 184(5. ' L'ri's Catalogue cited above. Als,o the continuation of the same in two volumes: Partis secundae volunien primum cont'ocit Ai.ex. Nicoll, Oxonii 1821. Partis secundae volunien secundum cdidit E. B. Posey, Oxonii 1835. 8 See Pdsev, p. 444. 9 See below, chap. IV, 3. ."^2 Oentral notice on Uie Jleuiuscripts of the Arabic Pnifnteurh Hunt. 52.? (Uri. Hebr. XLVI) Pentateuch Hel)iew 1317 Hunt. 460 (Uri. Hebr. L) Pentateuch Hebrew — Lauil. or. 272 (Uri, Ar. Christ. I) Pent. Hebrew-Samar. ' 1347 Laud. or. 243 (Uri, Ar. Christ. 11)2 Pent. Septuag. — Laud. or. 258 (Uri, Ar. Christ. Ill) « Pent. Sei)tuag. — Pocuck.21!>(Uri.Ar. Christ. IV) * Pent. Syriac? (Pusey, p. 444) — Seld. 66 (Uri. Ar. Christ. VII) Pent. Peshitto (Pusey. p. 444) — Hunt.424(Uri,Ar.Christ.VIII)*Pent.Hebre\v(Pusey,l.c.,Syr.) — Hunt. 186 (Uri, Ar. Christ. IX) Pent. — (Pusey. I.e., Syr.) — Bodl. 345 (NicoU. p. 1) Pent. Samarit. 1480 Bodl. 296 (Nicoll, p. 10) Pent. ' — 1344 Bodl. 324 (Pusey, p. 444) fi Pent. "Catena" (Carsh.) 1579- i) In the National Library at Paris '. B. N. ar. 1 (Anc. fonds !)« Old Test. Hebr. (Pent.) 1583 B. X. ar. 4 (Anc. fonds 3)» Pent Samarit.(?) 13th cent. B. N. ar. 5 (Anc. fonds 2) '" Pent. Samar.-Syr. 15th cent. B. N. ar. 6 (Anc. fonds 4) '» Pent. Samarit. 1432 B.N.ar. 8 (Anc. fonds 12)1" Pgnt. Samarit. 16th cent. B. X. ar. 9 (Supplement 3) ' ' Pent. Septuag. 1283 ' Cited by Holmes and Parsons "Vetus Test, Graecum" in the vari- ants to the Pentateuch as Arab. 3. See below, chapt. IV, 1. 2 Cited by Holmes and Paf.so.ns "Vet. Test. Graec." as Arab. 1; also by Fr. Field '-Origenis Hexaploruni quae supersunt", Oxouii 1875, as Arab. 1. 3 Cited by Holmes and Parsons as Arab. 2; also by Field. * See below, chap. IV, 2. 5 Cited by Holmes and Parsons as Arab. 4. See below, chap. IV, 4. 6 See below, chap. IV, 2. ' M. DE Slane, Catalogue des manuscrits arabes de la Bibliothdque Xationale. I'aris 1883 — 1887. And: H. Zoxesberg, Catalogue des manu- scrits syriaques et sabeeus de la Bibliotheijue Nationale, Paris 1874. 8 Pentateuch said to be the version of Saadias. Published in the Paris (and London) Polyglot, 3 See below, chap. Ill, 2. Also App. II. '" Described and numerous specimens thereof published by de Sacv, in his famous 'Memoire" on the Samaritan-Arabic version cited above. <• See below, chap. Ill, 3. Fart I, Chap. I 33 B.N.ar. 10 (Supplement 5)' Pent. Septuag. 1330 B.N.ar. 11 (Supplement 4)^ Pent. Septuag. 1331 B. N. ar. 12 (Suppl. 3 bis) 3 Pent. Septuag. 1353 B. N. ar. 13 (Anc. fonds 10) Pent. Septuag. 15th cent. B. N. ar. 14 (Aiic. fonds .5) Pent. Septuag. 16 th cent. B. N. ar. 15 (Anc. fonds 11) Pent. Septuag. 11 th cent. B.N.ar. 16 (Anc.fonds5A)^ Pent. — 1238 B.N.ar. 17 (Anc. fonds 6) Pent. Peshitto 1661 B. N. ar. 18 (Anc. fonds 7) -'Genesis Peshitto (?) — B. N. ar. 21 (Suppl. 6) Genesis "Catena"' Peshitto(?) 1597 B.N. syr.lO (Anc. fonds 4) Gen., Exod. "Catena" Peshitto — We have omitted from our list a number of MSS. which are merely modern copies — made, as a rule, by European writers — of older MSS. Wliile it may be that some MSS. have escaped our notice, we believe tliat, speaking generally, the foregoing list is a fairly complete one of the more im- portant Arabic MSS. of the Pentateuch preserved in the dif- ferent libraries of Europe. ' See below, chap. Ill, 4. 2 See below, chap. Ill, 6. ' See below, chap. Ill, 1. Also App, 1. * See below, cliap. Ill, 2. '•> See below, chap. Ill, fi. RuODB, Arabic Peotateuob in the Churcti of Egypt CHAPTER 11 THE COPTO-ARABIC MSS. OF THE PENTATEUCH From the large number of Arabic and Copto-Arabic MSS. listed in the precgding chapter, eighteen were selected for the purpose of the present study, five of them belonging to the bilingual MSS. We secured photographs of the Book of Genesis, in whole or in part, and of some other portions of the Pentateuch from the following fourteen MSS.: Vatic Libr. Copt. 1 Vatic. Libr. Copt. 2—4 Vatic. Libr. Ar. 2 B. N. Paris. Copt. 1 B. N. Paris. Ar. 9 * B. N. Paris. Ar. 10 B. N. Paris. Ar. 12 British Museum or. 422 Bodl Libr. Hunt. 33 Bodl. Libr. Bodl 324 Bodl. Libr. Marsh. 440 Bodl. Libr. Pocock. 219 Bodl. Libr. Land. or. 272 Bodl. Libr. Hunt. 424 We have been enabled, moreover, through a number of selected notes generously placed at our disposal by Prof. H. Hvverxat', to control the text of MSS. Ar. 4, Ar. 11. Ar. 16, Ar. 18 of the National Library at Paris. ' Tlipse notes were taken by Prof. H. Httkbnat during bis stay at Paris in the autumn of 1911. We are indebted to them for much of our material on the Manuscripts of the Bibliotbdque Nationale. Part I, Chap. II 35 And further we have compared the pertinent texts found in the liturgical books of the Coptic Church edited by Tuki and in Hokner's "Consecration of Church and Altar — Coptic Eite", as well as the extracts given by P. Kahle in "Die arabiscben Bibeliibersetzungen", and for some places the version in Walton's Polyglot. Before entering into details it may be well to give, in alphabetical order, a list of abbreviations used in this study, especially in the text edition which forms the second part of our work. A = Vatic. Libr. Copt. 1 B = Vatic. Libr. Copt. 2-4 C = B. JSf. Paris. Copt. 1 D = Bodl. Libr. Hunt, 33 E = Bodl. Libr. Laud. or. 272 F = B. N. Paris. Ar. 12 G = British Museum or. 422 H = B. N. Paris. Ar. 16 K = Bodl. Libr. Pocock 219 L = B. N. Paris. Ar. 9 M = B. N. Paris. Ar. 10 N = Bodl. Libr. Marsh. 440 O = B. N. Paris, Ar. 1 1 P =B. N. Paris. Ar. 18 R == Text found in Horner's "Consecr. of Church and Altar" S = Vatic. Libr. Ar. 2 T = Text found in the liturgical books edited by Tuki V = Text found in P. Kahle "Die arab. Bibeliibersetzungen" W = Text in Walton's Polyglot X=Bodl. Libr. Hunt. 424 Z = The second Araluc text found on MS. B. N. Paris. Copt. 1 (C). The Copto-Arabic MSS. treated in this study are those designated by A, B, C, D, G. We shall now proceed to describe them singly and in detail. A* 36 The Coplo-Arabic MSS. of tJu PentaUuch 1) Vatic. Libr. Copt 1 = A. This MS. compi-ises i27B folios, written ou parchment, and contains the Pentateuch in Coptic and Arabic. It is evident, however, from the aiTangoment of the text that the MS. was intended originally for the Coptic text only, the first writer having left but a comparatively narrow vacant space both on the outer and the inner margin. The pages are numbered with Coptic numerals; the first and last page of each quire bear on the upper margin an ornament in the form of a cross or rosace flanked with the usual ejaculatories iTu; (Jesus I), n\o (O ChristI). A later hand added on top of the recto the number of the folio in European ciphers. Arabic variants and notes are written in both margins and sometimes over the Coptic text. In several instances (v. g. fol. 6', Gen. 5,3. 6. 11) it seems that a few words of the text were erased and another reading was written above them. We are not directly concerned here with the Coptic text; but we may remark in passing that our own investigation confirms on the whole the statement of Assesiani (Script. Vet. Nova Coll., V, part. 2, p. 114) that the Coptic is an accurate translation from the Septuagint, and follows, as we believe, the Codex Alexandrinus in differential readings (v. g. Gen. 5n, 12. 13). The MS. dates back to the tenth or even to the ninth century >; fol. 1 and fol. 4, however, have been added by a later hand, perhaps in the twelfth or thirteenth century. The ■^ame later scribe seems to have written (with red ink) the Coptic numerals in the margin close to the Coptic text, sometimes in the large initial letters, to indicate,* for each book severally, the number of the sections — J^-«", (▼• g- fol- 1*^, fol. 6» (^. fol. 15 » ig, fol. 23* KK, fol. 61* fjA). These sections, however, are not of Coptic ojigin, but were probably taken over from some other version (possibly Saadias' Arabic version); for the division of « See H. Hyverhat, Album de Paleographie Copte, Paris 1888, PL 5, 11, 18. Part I, Chap. II 37 the Sacred Text into long paragraphs or chapters was not known, as far as we can trace it from other MSS.. in the Coptic Church. Certain it is that the repairer of the MS., besides restoring fol. 1 and fol. 4, also corrected, or rather supplied omis.sions in, the Coptic text', as may be seen fol. 24*' (Gen. 22, 7) and fol. 25^ (Gen. 22, 17). In Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers and Deuteronomy the so-called Jly>l or (JS, i. e. the words of God addressed to Moses or to the Israelites, are counted up — for all five books continuously — with Coptic numerals, in black ink, put in the margin, and this by the original scribe. That the Arabic text was added at a later period, there cannot be any doubt. It has been literally jammed into the narrow outer margin, which was never intended for it; and it speaks well for the calligraphic abilities of the scribe, that he succeeded in bringing the Arabic corresponding to a complete page of the Coptic text into the limited space left at his disposal. In a few instances only, especially towards the end of Deuteronomy, had he to make use of the lower margin also. As the Arabic text throughout is written by the same hand, it must have been added after the missing leaves of the original Coptic MS. had been replaced by new ones. Moreover, as the repairer, we presume, had cut away the lacerated outer margin of fol. 187 and fol. 224; the scribe had exceptionally to put the Arabic text on the inner margin. For no apparent reason he did the same on fol. 275, whilst on fol. 157 ' he had 1 The Coptic text of this MS. has not yet been utilized for publication. David Wilkins claimed to have used for his edition of the Coptic Penta- teuch (London 1731) a Vatican (and a I'aris) MS. among others. But this was called into doubt by Woide in the preface to the Pentateuch in Holmes and Parsons's Vetus Testamentum Graecum (fol. k 4): "credi- bile vidotur Wilkensium textum Cod. Hunt. 33 ploi umque typis expressisse"; and it has been definitely disproved by De Laoarde in the introduction to his own edition of the Coptic Pentateuch (Leipzig 18b7). "Le manuscrit 1 du Vatican, le plus ancien et sans doute le plus correct des six(?) manuscrits connus n'a done pas encore fete utilise" (Hyvernat, Etude sur les Vers. Copt. p. 39). 38 The Copto-Arahic MSS. of the Pentateuch to continue on the inner margin from the middle of the page, because the lower half of the outer margin had already been utilized for some remarks in Coptic. We find no clue to determine the precise date when the Arabic text was put on our MS. But to judge from the writ- ing by the plates in the Arabic Paleograpiiy by B. Morit>:. Cairo and Leipzig lHOo (PI. 125—140) we should say that the approximate age is from the eleventh to the thirteenth century '. Tliis opinion is corroborated by MS. B. N. Paris. Ar. 12, which bears the date 1353 and seems to have been copied from MS. Vatic. Libr. Copt. 1 (see below, cliap. Ill, 1). Fol. l" we read the introductory phrase: ^U.1 <>^lj— >o J.^JJ\ «lJ^Xi> J;M\ y 1\ J^l ,_5~:yc »Uy tJO J1.UJ1 J^\ J^V\. The sections in the Arabic text corresponding to those marked aside of the Coptic are indicated by completely written numerals; v. g. fol. 10» e--UJ> J-oiJ\, fol. 22" s^\ji\ J-oiJ\ ^^^j-ioJ\^ etc. The same band that wrote the Arabic version very likely wrote these numerals also, but only after completing the text proper. The cud of a section (J-ai) had been indi- cated at first by a little black circle which was redrawn later with red ink. But for numerals in the form of head-lines the scribe had left absolutely no space at first; hence he was forced to crowd them between the lines in minute characters and this at times makes them almost illegible. One or the other is not marked, v. g. the 32 d section, chap. 26,1 (fol. SO*"); and the 8 th section (fol. 7") is marked at chap. 6,8 instead of 6,9. The Coptic numeral (il) stands aside of the Coptic text in a line which contains the beginnings of both verse 8 and verse 9. But at verse 9 (hai) a little slanting line is placed to show the real beginning of section 8. The Arabic scribe did not take note of this, and so he placed the mark indicating the new section at the beginning of tlie 8th verse I We refer also to: Specimina Codicum Orieutalium conlegit Edob- Nius TissERAST. Boiinae 1914. Compare PI. 62», 56'— 58. Part I, Chap. II 39 in his Arabic text'. This points to the conclusion that the repairer of the Coptic MS. and the writer of the Arabic text cannot be one and the same person. Genesis ends fol. 65*; the Coptic colophon on the following page tells us that there are 4500 stichi^ in this book: I'GIIOOK; (511 Oipilllll Allllll CTOIVOC A(|>. Fol. 6G°- shows a full-page picture of the Madonna with the Infant; on the verso Exodus begins with the invocation of the name and the help of God, a common practice which is observed in the remaining tlfi-ee books also. The text of Exodus is interrupted by a beautiful pen- drawing3 which represents Moses the Prophet and covers the whole page fol. 97 ^ The nineteenth J-os (i. e. the twenty- fifth chapter) begins on the next folio under the heading: imne riou)^ iiicKTiiii, "de dispositione Tabernaculi". Exodus concludes on fol. 121-^: ecoAOt; eii uipiiiiii tiokuj aiiiiii GTOiA'oc rX" (3600 stichi); above the transverse bar of a pretty plaited cross is written ic vc iiika, and below tnc. nxc Aqo-|>o. Leviticus containing 2700 stichi runs from fol. 121'' to 166", where we read: agtitikoii eii oipiiiiii tojkcju auiiii ctolyo<' B'h. There follows a beautifully written colophon-' containing chiefly a petition to pray for the writer who calls himself Salomon Babylon, without, however, adding any further details to satisfy our curiosity about his person. It should be observed that Lev. 23, 20* (of the Septuagint) is lacking both in the Coptic and in the Arabic. ' We adopted the suggestion as to the right place of this section from MS. Vatic. Ar. 2, where we find the same divisions as in our MS. 2 On the stichi and other text divisions see H. B. Swete, An Intro- duction to the Old Testament in Greek, Cambridge 1902, pp. 341—361. For eajiitulation and stichometry of the Coptic versions compare also David Wilkins' Coptic Pentateuch, Praef. ad finem, and P. de Laqakue, Orientalia, p. 125. 3 See H. Hyverkat, Allium de Paleographie Copte, PI. 19. * ibid. PI. 18. 40 The Copto- Arabic MSS. of the Pentateuch The text of Numbers, which begins fol. 166'', presents some interesting features that deserve to be noticed. On fol. 212'' (chap. 28. 19) and fol. 213" (chap. 29, 13) there are given Coptic variants in the margin "according to a MS. of the Arabic version": ^^^ ^~>j ^^— just as On fol. 7^ and in some other places Arabic variants are cited from the same source '. On the same fol. 213" we encounter a considerable lacuna in the Coptic text: chap. 28, 23 — 29, 5 incl. have dropped out enti- rely. This omission is, howev6r, easily accounted for, since 29. 6 commences with the same words as 2iS, 23, viz., .ytopic ijnr.\i.\ (iy^-iJl ^^jS ^ in the Arabic version). But what is of greater importance is the fact that the whole passage is also missing in the Arabic; nor is there any explanatory note or any remark whatever referring to tlie lacuna, although the text in question is found both in the Hebrew and in all the recensions of the Septuagint. AVe have here, then, it would seem, a strong proof, that the Arabic version on the margin of our MS. was made either directly from the Coptic of this very MS. or, more likely, perhaps, from a Coptic original where this passage had already dropped out. Fol. 219''— 221" contain the thirty-third section of JS'um- bers (chap. 33, 1 — 33, 60). Here we see again that the Arabic version follows the Coptic closely, whereas the latter is not precisely so exact in rendering the Greek original; for a later hand — the one we think that wrote the headings of the dif- ferent sections— inserted into the Arabic text a few supple- mentary readings from the Septuagint The chapter speaks of the stations or halts made by the Israelites in the desert. Our reviser counts up in the Arabic text the number of encamp- ments, or rather— to be exact — the number of "moviugs of the camp", by placing Coptic cursive - figures over the name of the place from which the Israelites started. In v. 16 he adds: U-«— ajJj ^^ 'y-s^j'j (which he designates as twelfth start), words missing in the Coptic, but corresponding to the Greek: ' See beJow, note 1 on page 4.5. ' Oalled Copto-Arabic. Part I, Chap. II 41 Kixl uTT'ipav fK T^s eprjuov "Zeivd. Similarly in v. SG*" he adds, as the thirty-third start, what we read in the LXX: *cai aTrTipay eK T^s eptjuov Sell/ koI Trapevk(ia.\ov d% tijv (pijixoi- 'Papdv. Tha WOrds following: avT>; ea-Tiv KaSr/s are found in the Coptic and in the original Arabic, but our scribe now adds v. 37'': Km dirripav Ik Kuovjs, which he counts as the thirty-fourth start, giving him a total of 42 movings of the camp. Fol. 225" Numbers ends and the colophon attributes 3835 stichi to the book: Apioiioc on Bipiiiiii aim in (rroivoc rtovt; . We may remark at this j)oint, that it is to be regretted there is no indication whatever at the end of Deuteronomy which might serve to complete the list of the number of stichi for the Five Books of Moses from this MS '. Deuteronomy begins fol. 225'' and ends 274'' precisely at the l>ott(im of the page, so that there was no room for any lengthy colophon; merely a few concluding words were added in small characters, but ii\j^\ t-.o;S — .LL^I A_^*^a. — c^^ is all that remains, the rest has been mutilated and cut away. Fol. 274 and 275 are out of order. Fol. 273'' ends with Deut. 32, 52"; the text continues on fol. 275 (recto and verso) and then runs to fol. 274* at Deut. 33, 20 ending at the bottom of fol. 274^ Fol. 276" we read the colophon 2; ^il j}\jL\ ^\ ^^.^ »l_jyJl ;_i.sr^'° li-a J.-vS.\.»;Jl '^S .J>.iJl J..i^\jJI ^UJ\ "lu the name of God the Creator, the Living, the Intelligent, the Only, the Ancient, the Eternal, to Him all glory. This is the Book of the Holy Law which was sent down (revealed) 1 SwETE, 1. c. p. 346 from three Greek MSS. gives 3100, 3300 and 2700, respectively, as the number of stichi for Deuteronomy. 2 Written probably by the same hand that wrote the Araliic text, the numbers of the ij^-^as in the same and also the indication of the respective book in the left hand corner of the upper margin on the verso of each folio, v. g. (J5^' ji.~Jl i_j^^^ -i-^Jl etc. 42 The Copto-Arahic MSS. of the Pentateuch to Moses the Prophet of God, peace be upon lum. And it is [consists of] five books that contain 142 sections." In paren- theses is added: Myf ^yUS'^ ij:^ (sic) U ^^.-tyj. "in them are 186 allocutions" (i. e. of God to Moses or to the Israelites, as we remarked above) written with red ink by another hand apparently. Then follows the number of sections (J^>^) for each single ' book, viz., Genesis 47, Exodus 26, Leviticus 16, Numbers 35, Deuteronomy 18, and — by .another hand in red ink— the number of allocutions (Jlyil) occurring in each of the four last books, viz., in Exodus 78, in Leviticus 37, in Numbers 66, and in Deuteronomy 5. The codex concludes with tlie ordinary prayer: "Let praise be given to the Lord of Glory always without interruption, and His mercy be upon us forever. Amen." We do not intend to discuss here in detail the question as to the nature of the Arabic version found in our MS. It is obvious from even the few instances we have indicated that the opinion of those who believe the Arabic to be a direct translation from the Greek without the intermediary of the Coptic can hardly be correct. On the contrary we hold for certain that careful study will bear out the opinion of Asse- MANi (1. c. p. 114), that the Arabic version corresponds exactly to the Coptic and has been made without any direct reference to the Greek original of the latter. 2) Vatic. Libr. Copt. 2-4 = B. This codex written in the fourteenth century was intended from the first to be a bilingual MS., as is shown by the neat arrangement of the columns of the Coptic and Arabic text. Cod. 2 contains Genesis and Exodus, Cod. 3 Leviticus and Numbers, Cod. 4 Deuteronomy, the three MSS. constituting in contents and form one complete Pentateuch. • AssEMANi, 1. c. J). 115, gives 27 for Exodus— evidently a typogrn- pliical error; just as he assigns 279 folios to the codex instead of 276. Part I, Chap. II 43 The two texts in our MS. were written at the same time, and it seems that the rare Coptic corrections and the nume- rous Arabic variants all come from the hand of the original scribe who was a certain Gabriel, son of Phanus, as is stated at the end of Cod. 4. The Coptic text agress with that in Ms. Vatic. Libr. Copt. 1, although a Coptic Patriarch quoted by AssEMANi (Script. Vet. Nova Coll., V, part. 2, p. 115) says in the Arabic prefatory note, that the Coptic text shows a number of mistakes, but that on the whole the scribe's work was well done ' . The Arabic text is very much like the one that is found on the margin of Ms. Vatic. Libr. Copt. 1; yet it is not iden- tical with the latter. And the question might well be raised (a careful study of the variants given in our text edition — part II of the present work — affords excellent material for suggestions), whether or not the Arabic version underlying these two recensions is really the same, or whether we have two original translations, one from the Coptic and only indi- rectly from the Greek, the other directly from the Greek, with special reference, however, to the Coptic. The codex is made up of quinions, as is clearly shown by the usual Coptic abljreviations (v. g. nATic, ii\u etc.) found on fol. 17*', 18% 27 ^ 28'' etc, and by the Coptic numerals placed on the corresponding pages to show the end of one (v. g. IT on fol. 17 ''j and the beginning of the next (v. g. r on fol. IS'') quire. Tiie first quinion ends fol. 7''; according to this reckoning we siiould suppose that the text begins on the fourth page of the MS. (marked by a later hand with Arabic-European numeral as 1). But in fact the Coptic numerals (of which several are missing, several wrong) marking the pages show (v. g. S*" bears the mark = 12) that the text really begins on the sixth page of the MS. The page preceding fol. 1" is 1 This Patriarch is Matthew, 87 th Patriarch of Alexandria (1382—1405). His "censura" bears the date: 3rd Chiach 1115 A. M. = 1398 A. D. 44 The Cqpto-Arabic MSS. of the Pentateuch ornamented with a largo plaited cross (which, however, is not in itself a sufficient indication of the liturgical use of this MS.), and in tiie four corners formed by the cross-bars we read: iTi-xn-TiT-iTX, Jesus Christ conquers. The Coptic text is arranged in short sections as we find them ordinarily in Coptic MSS. of Scripture, and there is no indication of chapters or longer divisions of any kind in the original text, either in the Coptic nor the Arabic. But a later hand has written on the margin, beside of the Arabic text, the current number of the chapters in European numerals (some of these, however, are missing). On several pages (1*. 4", 27^ 52^ 67'') we find the picture of a bird as the initial Ali>ha, and the common arabesfjue ornament, with the head of a bird, flowers and a trailing stem, used in decorating the margin (v. g. fol. 1" and fol. 86»). In the artistic head-piece fol. 1 " we read the words: cm u(uo. *Ji\ f,-^, and a little lower down the introductory for- umla continues, in (Joptic and Araliic: v ,3>>-~^> iJoJ^\ yL^ J^Vl _^i— Jl ,^^1 ^-^-^ »\jy:J\ ■)[Jl^\ k....^^ ._^j:SJ> Genesis ends on fol. 85'' (por =176 with the words written in heavy capital Greek letters: i'(;iii;t:i(: (uioipiiiiii aiiiiii GTOi\(j(; X"A = 4600. Then follows a Coptic (.'olophon whii'h says: "Bless me, forgive me, my fathers, who will read in this book; I beg and implore you to remember my lowliness in your prayers: and may the merciful God reward you for your labors. Amen, Amen ', Amen'", and this inscription in Arabic: ^^.s::^-^^' A(|) J^Vl Jl^\ \S.a> OLils::^-^^^ >•>■'- ^^^ i^s^^ (j >j^ "it is stated in a MS. that the number of o-t(x<>i of this first book are 4500 o-tixoi." This is precisely the number given in the colophon of MS. Vat. Libr. Copt. 1 (see preceding paragraph). Exodus commences on fol. 86' with a short introductory formula: r^r^' f^-^ **• ilrr^' _w *.^i> (story of Sodom), fol. 28'' io^\ CjLo i^" (story of -the daughters of Lot), fol. 2ii" <^-:^?' 2-< ^.*'x'^ ^-^ (the story of Abraham with Abimelech). Of remarks by the writer we may mention fol. 15'' ^.f^^\ ij ,_y^ IJ-* o*-^ (this Cainan is missing in the Aral)ic), showing that the writer knew an Arabic text translated from the Hebrew'; fol. 23'' he compares 1 Because Gpii. 10, 22 Cainan is actually not mentioned in tlie Hebrew, whereas his name is found in i\w Arabic text of our MS. In this place, as also in MS. Vatic. Copt. 1 fol. 7* and elscwhei'e we hesitated whether we ought to read the variant u-?;* (usually abbreviated ^ in our MSS.) or ^\y^. Yet repeated scrutiny confirmed us in the opinion that the correct reading is (_y>^. It would seem, then, that (_5-?7* denotes an Arabic version made from the Hebrew, perhaps Saadias' translation. This 46 The Copte-Arabic MSS. of the Pentateuch in a variant the Coptic, Arabic and the "correct" text; fol. 77" ,e~^l Ja*? ^i ^-~^ i^i- '"This is missing in some manu- script". Several times, v. g. fol. 3'' (Gen. 2, 4). fol. 6' (Ueii. 3, 24), we find the rem, and closes fol. \lh^ with this remark in the margin: y^ ^^^ i3 3)^^ lilyMI ^s- Vsx^s:^^^ ilsUixi jX> A03 iLUo aj^Ij j^^ "The collation and correction according to the parchment copy • was fiuislied on the eleventh of Tobe in the year 1074" [A. M. = 1358 A. D.]. ' For lalj-^Vl see E. QuAiREMfeRE in Notices et Extraits des Manu- scrits de la Bibliotheque Iinperiale, vol. VIII (Paris 1810), p. 226, note 4. "Le mot l^U'K 'lue j'ai rencontre egalement a la fin du Pentateuque (ms. Copte no. 1) me paroit un pluriel forme du mot Grcc yparf>if\ But may the form not rathor be taken as a singular? Compare Al-Makriki's statement: U^.»\ = ypdipuf, in B. T. Kvetts, The Cliurclies and INIonasteries of Egypt (Anccdotu Oxoniensia, Semitic Series, Part VII — Oxford 1895), p. 250, note 2; also R. Dozr, Supplement aux Dictionnairea Arabes, vol. II, p. 204: |^^-vs\ji = ypiKpeloi'. — For 3^ see Quatremere I. c. 48 T/j* Copto-Arabic MSS. of the Pentateuch In Exodus, Lovit, Numbers and Deuteronomy the times God spoke to Moses are counted up on the margin l>y tlie original writer in Arabic numerals written in blood-red ink. (Compare MS. Vatic. Copt. 1.) The Ten Commandments are similarly distinguished (see below, chap. IV, 1). • The scribe whose work we have before us deserves special notice as a grammarian and a text-critic of no mean order. He seems also to have been very conversant with the Coptic language. Of the grammatical and critical talent he displays we shall instance only two examples: 1) Fol. 5^ Genesis 3. 6 — to the word (Jjha/ epuc| in the text, this annotation is maile in vertical lines in the margin: UyiV <|)IKVr ^i-UI j^j.^^ Ua-^r? 3^ ^5 <|)iiAv v:uj>)Jl ^_^-^-«-»^ <|)iiAi- npoq is derived from niiiAV, "look" (or "glance"); there is no difference between iiiiiat and <|)MA'r, both forms being determined (i. e. having the definite article prefixed); (J)IIAT, however, occurs elsewhere sometimes in the sense of "time". 2)Fol. 5^ Genesis 3,14, referring to the word KujovopTutioK. he tries to explain the difference between the Coptic expression just quoted in the second person singular masculine (to whicii he adds J-ol, "the original") and the feminine in the Arabic. cuil iovai-o. he says, would correspond in Coptic to another form, <;«)?ovopTiieo, i. e. the second person singular feminine, and it refers to the word ("serpent", which is feminine in Arabic), not to the object. Thus also the pronoun >j:^\ refers to ., whicli is feminine, but the J-o\ (the original text, i. e. the Coptic) has correctly the masculine pronoun, as the feminine cannot be used for that whicii is masculine, and in the Coptic the pronoun refers to ni^uii (^^L-aJ), which is p. 225, 1. 3 and p. 226, 1. 12: Jjj «> ^'5 jj.* jiU _^JjJ I .-^.^-.aJ iJ^iJIi _-^JjJ\ J^Ljo \-SJwo ^^IS Lo Witness to his proficiency in Coptic is borne not only hy the frequent variants introduced by 3 (as in A and B), but also by the fact that repeatedly, more especially in the first fifteen pages of his Coptic text, he brings Arabic words above or below the Coptic, not always the word found in the Arabic text but rather an Arabic term expressing more precisely the shade of meaning conveyed by the Coptic. Thus, for example, fol. 7'' (Gren. 4, 13) in Cain's expression of despair: "My sin is too great etc." the Arabic reads: ,_^xjlk^; but as the Coptic has a masculine noun nAiiOBi, our scribe writes below this word a corresponding masculine Arabic noun ^11^4.. — In the following verse: icse vuajitt ("Behold Thou castest me forth") he puts over the letter x the letter k and the Arabic li), to which he adds the remark ^ (= t-o, it is correct). It seems that thereby he wished to indicate the hard (k) pronunciation of the letter v in the word vma and that, per- haps, he had found in some MS. the k written over the v for this very purpose (comp. L. Stern, Koptische Grammatik, Leipzig 1880, p. 17, n. 19.) Again in several places (see chapters IV, V, XVIII) he writes the full words for the Coptic numerals into the margin (sometimes even above the Coptic text) instead of the Coptic ciphers used in the text: at times he adds a remark like the following: J.'oVl ^ ^^Lo (explanation or precise meaning according to the original, Gen. 5, 3, fol. 8"), or: ibLjLc jb J.^\)\ ^J.»* \.s\.^^sr^^ (So far the collation and correction accord- ing to the original— Gen. 4, 20, fol. 7'^), or simply: aJjUL.* jb J.-<»'!J\ ^ (So far the collation according to the original — Gen. 19, 1, fol. 27''). Rhodk, Arabic Peotateucb in the Church of Egypt. 4 50 The Copto-Arabic MSS. of the Fentateuch It remains for us to speak of the most interesting feature of tins remarkable codex. "We have already noted that the scribe frequently endeavors to assign the exact Arabic equi- valent of the Coptic phrase or word in the very Coptic text. Yet this does not seem to have been the original intention of the copyist. He wished to adapt his Arabic version much more closely to the Coptic. For when we turn tu fol. 1 '' of our MS. we are struck by the singular fact that there are two Arabic versions on the margin, one on either side of the Coptic. A careful scrutiny of the two texts reveals the fact that the text on the inner margin, to the right, is a trans- lation made literally from the Coptic. The other text, on the outer margin, to the left, agrees with the version found in MSS. Vatic. Copt. 1 and 2. If we proceed to examine the Arabic text found on the first page of our MS. (in tlie outer margin) we find that it difi'ers from the version of the Vatican codices just mentioned, l)ut agrees literally with the Coptic. Turning to fol. 2", 2'' etc., however, we are again surprised to see that the text is almost word for word that of the Vatican codices. How are we to account for this phenomenon? We venture the following suggestion. The writer of MS. C (or perhaps of its prototype) intended to join to his Coptic text an Arabic translation, which would not so much represent the traditional Arabic version, as serve for a clear under- standing of the Coptic text. For this reason he himself com- posed an Arabic version, which he entered on the main (right) margin of the MS. But before long, when he had written only two pages of his MS., he seems to have encountered some difficulty, either that the task appeared too irksome to him or that his new text was too widely divergent from the customary version employed m the liturgy. In consequence he relinquished his design and from the tliird page onward copied the tradi- tional Arabic translation. But in order that his AVabic text might still be uniform and serviceable for the liturgy, he now wrote on the left narrow margin on the second page (fol, l**) the usual Arabic rendering of the Sacred Text, using red ink tart I, Chap. II 51 for the sake of special emphasis. Oa the first page, however, this completion of the ordinary version was rendered impossible, because on this page the writer had used very large and ornate letters and consequently there was no left margin that might be utilized for another text. From this new difficulty our scribe extricated himself in the best way possible under the circumstances: he simply entered into his own Arabic translation the variants of the ordinary version. On the other hand he is loath to give up his first plan of furnishing an accurate translation of the Coptic; and, therefore, in the course of his work he marks into the Coptic text itself quite fre- quently the Arabic equivalents of Coptic words and phrases that seem to him to call for a more precise explanation. Thus it happens that we have in our MS., beginning with Gen. 1,3, the ordinary Copto-Arabic text as represented by the Vatican MSS. mentioned above. We have, moreover, in the same MS. for the first ten verses of Genesis a version made verbatim from the Coptic '. This second Arabic trans- lation we designate by the letter Z in our collation of texts (Part II, Sect. II). A phenomenon similar to that just mentioned as regards Genesis is noticeable at the beginning of Exodus and Leviticus. There we find but one Arabic version to the right of the Coptic; but this Arabic translation is a literal rendering of the Coptic at least for the first verses of each book 2, and some of the variants are an attempt at a still closer adherence to the original. Compare the first verses of Exodus, fol. 94*: 1^3^)1 C^yo-^ Cr^i) y'^^ l-^' ^i^j^ '*~^ J~^3 i>-r».l^l ^X^U I f-«3-f.-? ^ o'^5 j^^LyOa y.y^\^ >\^^ j»^Lii.J ^\'> OJ^U T^^'-^^.^ ^^.^'o^.? > The Coptic text of MS. B. N. Paris. Copt. 1 seems to differ some- what from that of the Vatican MSS. and to represent a later recension. 2 We are unable to say whether the Arabic version of these books is uniform throughout, because we did not have access to the complete MS. 4* 52 Tlic Cuplo-Arahk- MUS. uf the FenlaUuvh 1) In the margin: ^a )i^*> j), i. e. iiaiik: in the Coptic. 2) In the margin: 'j>^-* 3) In the margin: '^J (he means to say: ._.J-o is not in the Copt.) 4) In the margin: LvJi ^^l.^ • (i. e. another MS. has 70 persons, not 76) Here the attempt to imitate the Coptic is plainly apparent: a) eTA'i"iul)|>iii = Wjj cr?.>>J* b) eoTcon = l-»-;J♦^^ C) IIIOiWI IIIOVAI = j.i>.iyi >Xi..iyi d) puvr>iiii = c^)j e) uA(|\'ii = '^^^y* Fol. 178% the beginning of Leviticus, we read: C^j^^ >^>^^ ^_yX> gx fSS3 ^^\l\ ^U ii>l4,.-iJl J^ i^^yc <»juo fJ^} i^y^y b^ i_.}9 1>1 (►i-^ ^UJ\ JS ^ Ji^ J^j^^ Here again the translator plainly follows the Coptic: a) ovo? AFim; cr/Ai'uu uovl- euovciic; = S-'r'' ^•^^^ b) X(j rendered frequently in these versions by ^')i\ c) The addition ot C->^ to Ub^', corresponding to (jiuTc. The text of Numbers and Deuteronomy diflers but slightly from the ordinary Copto-Arabic version. 4) Bodl. Libr. Hunt. 33 = D. This MS. is of rather recent date; according to a note at the end of Deuteronomy it was finished in the month of Amshir 1390 A. M. = 1(374 A. D. It consists of 495 folios in double columns symmetrically arranged for two texts. The writing is done very neatly; but a careful examination of the text shows (tlie variants in our text edition, J^art II, Sect. II, bear evidence to our assertion), that the scribe must have belonged to the class of copyists rather than a student; for his calligraphy is by no means a test of his critical correctness. Part I, Chap. II 53 The title page with the inscription: kl^yJI ^U.* i^jLiLJI bears the page number b = 2. The next page, however, where the text of the Pentateuch begins beneath an ornamental head-piece, is marked with the European numeral 8, corresponding to tlie Coptic r = 3 and thus the old and new pagination continue. We cannot find any clue in the catalogues or on the rotographs in our possession to explain this defi'erence of five openings between the old and the recent foliation. The quires are distinguished by Coptic numerals and bear on the first and last pages the usual abbreviations (i(3, xv,, vc, uTT, men). The first ends with fol. 15^ the twelfth with fol. 121''; but we notice that the latter page corresponds to 120'' (i>ii) in the Coptic foliation — proof that either eight pages dropped out in the Coptic numbering or that eight pages were counted twice in the modern marking. The arrangement of tlie (piires would then have been by quinions. There are no divisions whatever in the text; but up to fol. 89'' a European (?) hand as added the numbers of our chapters on the margin. There are no marginal glosses, no corrections, no indication of copyist or origin ("Herkunft"). As stated above (chap. I, A) the Coptic text of this MS. was edited by David Wilkins, London 1731. Whether the Coptic text of the MS. really contains the "exceedingly great" number of mistakes spoken of by De Lagarbe (Der Pentateuch Koptisch, p. VII sqq.) as being found in Wilkins' edition, we are unable to say, because this work is exceedingly rare. Certain it is that the Coptic text contains not a few and the Arabic text even a very large number of errors attributable to the negligence of the copyist. In fact both the Coptic and the Arabic version found on this MS. seem to be but a copy, directly or indirectly (i. e. probably through tlie "Tattam" MS. ', see below chap. II, 5j, ' As the first part of MS. Brit. Mus. or. 422, ■'Tattam", is lost, we arc unable to establish with absolute certainty, what seeina to us to be actually the case, viz. that MS. Bodl. Hunt. 33 is a modern copy of MS. Brit. Mus. or. 422. 54 The Copto-Arabic MSS. of the Pentateuch from MS. B. N. Copt. 1 (see above chap, II, 3). The intro- duction to Genesis is literally the same in both, in Coptic as well as in Arabic. The colophon to Genesis (t'ol. 126'', Copt. = piiti = 125'') is very similar to, although not quite identical with, that of the Paris MS., viz.: y«> ^^JJl J^> *_^^-l J..*^^ p ._^\ Ijoc,^ \jo\ Uib A.!) ,.-..^1. .,\UiJ\,. "Finished and completed is the first book, which is the Book of the Creation, with peace from the Lord; and remember 'the poor scribe in mercy and indulgence; and praise be to God for ever and ever and ever. Amen." But there is still a much stronger argument to show that our MS. is in fact a mere transcript from the Paris MS., or at least from the prototype or a copy made from the latter, and a very carelessly and mechanically made transcript withal. For the scribe began to write as his Arabic text the first two verses of his original ("Vorlage") which represent, as shown above (chap. II, 3), the personal translation of the writer of MS. C. He then proceeded to copy the version found on the main (right) margin of MS. C, without noticing that he now had a mixed Arabic text, viz. from Genesis 1, 1 — 10 the version of scribe C, and afterwards the customary Copto- Arabic translation. Another proof of the negligence and the lack of critical acumen on the part of scribe D may be seen in this, that he drops all the variants, remarks and Arabic equivalents of Coptic words wherewith the writer of MS. C had endeavored to render his text more accurate and useful. This character- istic of the work of scribe D is further confirmed by the observation that, in the course of his copying, he is guilty of many omissions and ([uite a large number of erroneous readings and faulty spellings. 5) British Museum or. 422 = G. This Copto-Arabic MS. is the one that De Lagaede used for his edition of tlie Coptic Pentateuch along with the printed Part I, Chap. II 55 edition of Wilktns. It is fully described by him in the preface (p. Ill — IX), and from p. X to p. XXXVIII he gives a long list of variants of this MS. from the readings adopted in his printed text ("Der Pentateuch Koptisch", Leipzig 1867). An extensive description of this MS. is also found in Ceom's Cat. of Copt. ]\rSS. in the Br. Mus. p. 315. The volume was presented to the monastery of Anba Abshai (n^oi) in the Nitrian desert as a "perpetual legacy" (LiS^ ,_j^l LJI ^j--j>jJlJ\ yyJ I^L*), as is frequently noted in the MS. according to Ceum, 1. c. The date given by the copyist fol. 63" at the end of Genesis in Copto-Arabic ciphers is 1109 A. M. = 1393 A. D. (not i.n = 1019, as De Lagaede would have it). For, as Ckum has already remarked, we read there: LijLj»^ IsrrjT.:^'^ ^ iJoUL* jb 1109, Aerae martyrum = 1393 A. D.< There are considerable lacunae in Genesis, Numbers, Deuteronomy, especially at the beginning (almost 19 chapters of Genesis are missing) and at the end (3 chapters of Deuter- onomy) of the volume. The colophon of Genesis is identical with that of MS. B. N. Copt. 1: There are but very few variants in the margin; v. g. Exod. 37,16 (Septuag. = Hebr. 36,38) to the words ovoi u^at there is the variant: eroi ii?out ^^^ cr* •*-:s'^'' 1^*5 • Sometimes a more literal translation of the Coptic is added under the heading ^;.uiJl J^; e. g. Numbers 24,19, where the Arabic text reads: ^yi-ll cr^ ^.j^' '^'-M^^. ("he shall destroy the fugitive from the towns") the remark is made: J^i *.Xiy..Jl j^ UJL=j. l.x^l^ '^^=^.3 Lj^^^' (the text of the Coptic: "he shall destroy every inhabitant out of the city". And in ' HrvERNAT, Etude sur les versions Coptes de la Bible, p. 10, adopt- ing Lagardk's statement, must be corrected accordinglj-. 66 The Copto- Arabic MSS. of the Eentateuch general the text appears to be identical with that of Bodl. Libr. Hunt. .'S3. We shall speak at greater length in a later chapter' of the probable relation of MSS. C, D. and G. Dk Lagahde remarks (1. c. p. IX) that the Arabic translation found in the margin of this MS. is not without interest, that it agrees with the one called by Holmes "Arab. 3"' (see below Chap. IV. 1), and that at least the proper names are taken from a Semitic, not from a Coptic, original. These opinions of the eminent scholar are borne out by a closer study of the text ill question; and although we cannot here discuss exhaust- ively the points in question, we may refer to the variants designated by the letter "G" in the specimens of the text published in this dissertation (Part II, Sec. II) as sufficient proof of the truth of our assertion. > See chap. VI. CHAPTER III. THE AEABIC MSS. OF THE NATIONAL LIBRARY AT PARIS From the Bibliotbuque Rationale we selected for our study the MSS. designated by F, H, L, M, 0, P. 1) B. N. Paris. Ar. 12 = F. Silvestre de Sacy in the last part of his famous monograph on the Samaritan Arabic version of the Pentateuch, cited above (Introduction, p. 12, n. 1) says: "J'examinois, pour un autre objet, les differens manuscrits Arabes de la Bibliotheque nationale qui contiennent des versions des livres de Mo'ise, et je cherchois sur-tout a comparer entre eux ceux qui paroissoient devoir conteuir la version faite sur le grec des Septante" etc. (p. 105). He then continues to say that he hit upon MS. Arabic 12 (of course of the "ancien fonds", now MS. Ar. 8), which he found to contain the Samaritan Arabic version of Abu-Said, supplemented by a Coptic priest from the Hebrew- Arabic version of Saadias in behalf and at the expense of an opulent Jacobite "teacher" (^a-<), Atia Ibn-Fadl-Allah Abyari'. We quote this passage of de Sacy, because it furnishes a clue to the probable author of the lengthy note in French found on a double fly-leaf im MS. B. N. Ar. 12 of which we are now speaking. (We give the anonymous note in Append. I.) ' DE Sacy, 1. c. p. 113, says: "Le titre de Moallein (»J-«-^ iiiontre que c'etoit un laique''. We cannot ascertain on what authority de Sacy bases his statement. j_y>UfJ.6 is used in the sense ol' secular, layman; f-)-*^, however, in Christian-Arabic Literature is the technical term for confessor, just as '>t>-»^" fo"" penitent. Cfr. Fr. ,L Coln, The Nomo- canonical Literature of the Copto-Arabic Church of Alexandria (in The Ecclesiastical Review, vol. LVI [1917]). pp. 113 — 141 ; particularly p. 126). 58 The Arabic MSS. of the National Library at Paris This MS. containing the Pentateuch in Arabic consists of 290 folios (l.'J lines a page) and is written in a very beautiful hand. The ttxt is pointed completely and pretty accurately. The first two pages of Gen. (fol. a*" and 3") bear the following couphic inscription in the artistic framework wrought in gold and difterent colors which embroiders the pages: il^y ^jj J^Vl ^i_wJl ^^j-c JjVl. Similar couphic inscriptions are found at the beginning of the other four books (see de Slane's Catalogue, p. 4). Gen. begins with the words: ^3i>UJ^ ^\ ^^\ <)JJl(^*-o In the margin we read: ,>a.Jl o-r^"^' f^^- j^^ J^^' ?><^' ^^r^ >^^\ ^35 ^'JSJ\ ^^.p j, 1/1^ "Event ('work') of the first day. [To be read) the morning ('at Prime') of Easter Monday. Read it also at the Consecration of Churches and on Christ- mas" — written by the same hand that wrote the text. The same holds true of all the marginal and interlinear variants and notes in this MS. At the end of Gen. (fol. 71'') is found the colophon: In the margin to the right is written in red ink: "Here ends the collation with the original and the confrontation with the Greek, the Hebrew and the Arabic — in the year 754 (of the Hegira = 1353 A. D.) in the middle of the month Sa'ban". According to this epilogue the text of this ^IS. was col- lated with the original (J-«jV1). J-«I signifies the underlying original text ("Urtext"), in contradistinction to ii-*^-' which stands for the copy or model ("Vorlage"') from which a tran- script is made. That original text, it would seem, cannot have been any otlier than the Coj^tic; for the writer says . Part I, amp. Ill 59 that, besides comparing his (Arabic) text with the Greek, the Hebrevif and the (standard) Arabic, he collated it '•with the original". We have here an important clue to the na- ture of the text found in this MS. and in others of the same group. Exodus commences (fol. 72'') with the words: ^.^JiJ^ <*JJ1 ^-^ J,jMl jv^l^L On several pages of this book, v. g. fol. 78* and fol. 8P, it says: ^f>-^'^. *-=jL«^3 Ls^.;^sr^^ iLjULc jJj j_jiL;^l3 ^\y^\^. Fol. 131'' at the end of Exodus we read: \jol U^b AJU. Leviticus opens with the invocation (fol. 132''): _j~b-^JI '^ JuJLill and ends with the colophon (fol. 175"'): yi~^ ^^ cjryo'^ (__Syi j^-« f'^-^ ^^..-05^U^. Similarly the book of Numbers, beginning fol. 176'' (JjMl Jil .t^^^,^^ j^jXi >j.i jj-.^ and in the margin is written in red ink: \.sx^s^^^ iJ^IX* ^. (;)n Fol. 224 there is a long note in the margin 1 supplying an omission from Num. 28, 23-29, 5 incl. Deuteronomy, called iiUiJl S'^ in the couphic inscription, opens fol. 237'' with the words: (»-:^y^ o'-»=^y^ '*^* r~"?- Several leaves in this book are in disorder: fol. 242 should be placed between 240—241, and fol. 246 belongs between 244 and 245, so that the correct order of pages is this: 240, 242, 241, 243, 244, 246, 245, 247. Fol. 289'' and 290'' we read these concluding lines: cuXj ' De Slane and the anonymous writer quoted in Appendix I say . that there is a remark by the copyist declaring that he did not find this passage in the original, but in the Greek and in the Hebrew. Prof. Hyvernat claims, however, in his notes (see above, p. 34, n. 1) that this supplement is added ,J-oM\ ^J^s■. It is interesting to note that in MS. Vatic. Co\>\.. 1 this whole passage is missing, both in the Coptic and Arabic, nor is there any remark whatever that a dilFerent text was found in other MSS. or versions. Compare Chap. II, 1. 60 The Arabic MSS. of the National Library at Paris As we consider the text found in this MS. characteristic of an entire group, we deem it appropriate to give here in consecutive order the beginnings of all the five books of Moses" Genesis (fol. 2''): J=>^M1 -luili-^ J='/-'^5 ^w-JI <>JLM ju^ ,>xJ\ ^• u.^ ;^\ ^\ ^\;5 ^_jyt^_ ^^.l^Jw*o J-:^j^ ''^^ J-*^5 ^a-U JJf »-«3-:;?^ S-l?"^- • L»^ ^--jt.--^.-^ I... a -^ iw-ivii-*-?. u--0^^^;~< \^A ^,^\ ^y'y'^^ g-> . » > Leviticus (fol. 132'): ^Is ii>'^3.-iJ\ i^'cr* ^^i i^y^y S-"/" "^^J isil4;,-iJ\ ids I >'j jjl ~:^ ^ '■'y'5 ' '^"^^ '■*-?-'' C-~* Numbers (fol. 116^): i!ls ^3 \j^^_^ J^^ j. t^^^y <»JU\ ^^ (^3^3j^ i-JLill AJ.*vJl j^ j_jjLiJi y^r-^l ^^ f^_ J^i ,1 li^l^j-iJI 0»f^'. (i"-!:!^ J-r^'r'-'' (_j-^ isUa. i_5'^'^* ^'^ T*^-* J';' c-<-* i-u^ cr?-r^ *^~^' *^~* /^ "-^ r^=-^35r^ »^U--j1 JJ^« j.4»^'-sI Deuteronomy (fol. 2.57''): 5.;;*^ i^j^y* ^. A^ ^-^^ ^UiJIyb \J^ ^.^^1 ^' ^^,^i ^yi^\ JiU- ^^^l j c^>S^\ c;^ J J^^r-' ^y. y^^->^'^ »rrr*~^ ._^J.JI ^'>5^:j*JI« crr^J^ J^y ob^ o^ '^ cxe«rV* ^-^ i ^y/ ^^'•' (i' r^^ J-^^ J^^T^ *> ^r^oy- cr* That the text in this MS. represents the Septuagint version, and not the Hebrew, is beyond doubt (see a number of proofs Fart I, Chap. Ill 61 in the anonymous note, Append. I). In fact the text is identical with that found iu the margyi (if MS. Vatic. Copt. 1 (see above chap. II, 1). Nay we may even venture the assertion, that this Paris MS. v^-as copied from the bilingual MS. just mentioned. We shall speak more at length of the relation of these MSS. when treating of tlie groups of MSS. in a later chapter. We do not intend to enter upon the question whether this Arabic version was made directly from the Greek or from the Coptic, and whether the opinion of the anonymous critic (Ap- pend. I) is to be indorsed, when he holds that the ditl'ereuces from the Septuagint which we find in our MS. show that this translation was made from a Greek text different from ours. Nor are we at present concerned with the nature of tlie variants, of which de Slahe says that they give the reading of the Hebrew text and the signification of certain words (see his Catalogue) — both of which statements, it seems to us, must be modified considerably. All of these questions require se- parate treatment and can be satisfactorily answered only after a comparative study of the text of various MSS. (compare our text edition. Part II, Sect. II). In conclusion, we may remark that the proper names are almost always cited according to a Semitic, not a Greek or Coptic, original (compare Chap. II, 5, at the end); and that the number of sections in Genesis is 47, in Exodus 26, in Leviticus 16, in Numbers 35 and in Deuteronomy 18, just as in MS. Vatic. Copt. 1 (see above. Chap. II, 1). 2) 15. N. Paris. Ar. 16 = H. If DE Slane says in his Catalogue (p. 4) that the first twenty pages of this MS. are by a later hand, this statement needs to be formulated more accurately. For in point of fact this MS. consists of tliree parts. Fol. 1 — 4 are of recent origin; fol. 5 — 20 (also fol. 231 and 232) are older, yet more recent than the bulk of the volume. On fol. 236^ we read in the colophon that the copyist 62 The Arabic MSS. of Ute National Library at I'aris finished his work on the 23 rd day of Barmhat (Phamenoth) 954 A. M. = 1238 A. D. Possibly this is the oldest dated Arabic MS. of the Pentateuch. Neither place nor name of the copyist are given. The precise age of the second oldest pai-t of the MS. is hard to determine. On fol. 192'' there is a note by a reader. Jacob son of George, dated 1209 A. M. = 1493 A. D.; but as it is found on the oldest part, it furnishes us no definite clue. The first four folios are of a still more lecent date. For the guard-leaves fol. 1 and 2 contain the rules for calculating the days of the week when some fixed feasts fall, viz. New Year's day, Christmas, the Baptism of Our Lord (j<>U»», Epiphany); also the number of the Epactae, both solar and lunar, and a list of the days of the month on which certain movable feasts are celebrated, viz. the ^}f^^ y> (the Slaying of the Lamb), the ^^ (most likely the Fast and the Pasch of the Ninivites — four days), the f^i) (the Carnival), the ,-oi (the Pasch) and the J-^yi ^v^ (the Fast of the Apostles). This table extends from the intercalary (iL..^>^) i year 1404 A. M. (= 1688 A. D.) to the year 1423 A. M. ( = 1707 A. D.), and we may reasonably suppose that the scribe wrote in the very same year with which he begins his calcu- lations. Fol. 3 and 4 (belonging to the most recent part of the MS.) comprise Gen. 1, 1—2, 10: fol. 5—20 (the second oldest part) contain Gen. 2, 10— 19, 26. Fol. 21'' bears in the upper margin a note which is of the greatest importance for determining the nature and origin of this MS. It says: (?) JIXJl^ cr:^?^^! ^ cr* J^^-'^ '-^ ^^^^ k-JDI iwJ ^^_o {?)\j^\^ U^I|I j,. This MS., then, is oriyinally a copy from the MSS. of the Melhites. but was completed at the beginning and at the end from the copies used by the Copts. ' These rules and tables of feasts are also found on fol. 236''— 239*'. 2 If this is correct, the word <*■■■>>>._»-•■< must be understood, not of the year to which the sixth Epagmnene day is added, but of the year immediately following, since 1403, not 1404, was intercalary. Part I, Chap. Ill 63 The fact that this remark is found on the first page of the oldest part of the volume, leads one to believe that in the opinion of the scribe (it seems to be the same person that wrote fol. 5—20) the first twenty folios and folios 231 and 232 are taken from a Coptic source. As a matter of fact, however, fol. 5 — 20 are of a difi'erent type, as we shall see further on, and only Gen. 1, 1 — 2, 10 (fol. 3 and 4) are of Coptic origin, as may be seen from these specimen lines: v-ij^^J^ <*JJ' (-^•^ ^j i^yo y^ 3^)^^^ C-oli'^ Jfj'^^S iL,-^\ dJ]\ ,3J-i» i.xJl ^ JU^ i\.^\ ^ Jly ^\ ^3_^3 y^\ Jji ^.JJiJl OJIS'^ i^sr* j^Jl ^JU\ ^^1^^ ("And light was made" is missing) _>^\ o:^ '^^ This text agrees with the one found in MS. Vatic. Copt. 1 (Chap. Ill, 1), literally with the variants, except for the word fL^s^ instead of isjL«.X-^^ (see Part II, Sect. IIj. In con- formity with the ordinary usage in Coptic MSS. there is no mark showing any division of the text, neither inside of the page nor on the margin. It is otherwise in the middle-aged part, fol. 5 — 20 (Gen. 2,10 — 19,26). Here we find the following sections marked apparently by the same hand that wrote the text: fol. 8»— 2d section (^Lc^^)— Gen. 6,9; fol. 13^— 3d section (^Isr^V— Gen. 12,1; fol. ITi-— 4th section (*^lji)2_Gen. 18,1. There are also some titles in the text referring to the matter under them, v. g. at Gen. 5,1; 6,1; !), H; lu, 1. The sections indicated in this second oldest part of the MS. help us to trace the origin of the version this part con- ^Xs^y ' The scribe had first written d^\S; this he struck out and wrote -o\. 2 On the margin in red ink: f'-o _l.sx«o^l\. 64 Tlic Arabic MSK. of the National Library at I'arix tains; for they coincide exactly with the Parasliiyj'ot or the annual pericopes of the Hebrew Pentateuch '. A careful examination of the text of this part shows that it is identical with the one found in MS. B. N. Ar. 4. As to the true nature of this latter MS. Ar. 4 (aucien fonds 3) opinions are divided. Thus de Slane (Catalogue, p. 2) thinks it to be a Samaritan text; de Sacy^ is quite positive that it contains the text of the Septuagint^. For the sake of comparison we here give the beginnings of the five books of the Pentateuch according to this MS. Ar. 4, from which it will appear that the text was translated from the Hebrew or the Syriac, and that it bears a more or less close resem- blance to the renowned MS. Ar. 1 of Paris (from which chiefly, if not solely, is derived the text of the Pentateuch in the Paris and London Polyglots) and to MS. Leyden Cod. 377 Warner, published by De Lagarde in his "Materiahen zur Gesch. und Kritik des Pent. I", Leipzig 1867. Genesis (fol. S--"): OJU^ Jf>J^)\^ ..U-^\ ^>J1 J^l^l ^_^ U--1 sJ^a^ C>^**-^J J-^i) '^^^ J^'5 f-<3-^ i-^J ^ S-l?-^- S'' J-^^ ci' Leviticus (fol. 57-'j: ^sr^--' l^ ^^ a^IjL^ Kj^y° ^^^ ^^i Numbers (fol. 73"): ^:Jl-*3Ml aJj ^ LL;^ ^^L ^k i_3-^^'« -^ill ,J^ J^l^l l_j.o l_5=>-_j^ M i-JLLII ix^ jj i^i-^' yy-^\ o-* ?y. J3* (3 Cjy^} ^4j)6l.«XI J.^jlj.-*il ,_yO >J^ft I ^*» J^ L^ *J^ O^-r^ O-?' Cr* j^^ ^ jy^j^U^l j^ju (,,4j5bl Deuteronomy: ,^ i^^y Ur? (^ o-^* Otd^lsr^-'^ si-a .*4y^l Comparing the three texts in question we uiay draw up the following comparative table: B. N. Ar. 1 B. N. Ar. 4 Leyd. Cod. 377 Different Genesis Similar Different Exodus Identical Identical Leviticus Different Different Numbers Identical Identical Deuteronomy Different Thus MS. Ar. 4 agrees with Leyd. Cod. 377 in Gen., Exod., Numbers, and with MS. Ar. 1 in Levit. and Deuter. Of the Leyden codex De Lagaede says in his preface (1. c. p. IV) that Genesis and Exodus are made from the Hebrew and represent the Saadias' version, Leviticus, Numbers and Deuteronomy, however, from the Syriac (but not from the Syrohexaplar). BuODE, Arabic Pentateuch in tlie Cliurob of Egypt. 5 66 The Arabic MSS. of the National Library at Paris As to the real nature of the text found in MS. B. N. Ar. 1 (or more precisely, ou the Arabic Pentateuch version of the Paris and London Polj-glots) much was written in former times ', and even in oiu- day the question can hardly be said, in the writer's opinion, to have been decided scientifically and definitely. It is generally admitted that MS. Ar. 1 contains the version of Saadus. But there is much conflicting manu- script material that requires careful sifting, before it can be safely decided whether the text found in the Polyglots is the real Saama^*' text, or a revision made by some Hebrew or Christian scholar, or perhaps even a mixture of several Arabic- Hebrew or Arabic-Samaritan recensions. Certain it is, however, that the text in the MSS. mentioned is not the Samaritau-Arabic version, nor is it made from the Septuagint, but from the Hebrew. These remarks were deemed necessary in order to give the reader a fair idea of the nature of the version of MS. B. N. Ar. 4, from which the second-oldest part of MS. Ar. 16 of which we are treating has been taken. And it is further to ,be observed that the numerous cor- rections written between the lines and on the margin of the oldest portion of MS. Ar. 16 are taken from this (Ar. 4) version. On the other hand, w'e notice on the margin of MS. Ar. 4 a number of corrections or variants in Carshunic taken from the version found in the oldest part of MS. Ar. 16; V. g. fol. 53* (Ex. 35,11) the word U.I s'lJiJl ^y^. LJL* ^^^ 1*.xju ^SJ\. "And from here is read tlie thirty-first lesson on the leaf following." Fol. 21* follows the title: 31st lection, and tlieu it says: J\ li^ ^l^^ciXll ^-Jls ,_yXJ\ ^^ ^_j» \JSa. ' Compare "Introduction", page 12, note 1. Also P. Kahle, Die arabischeu Bibelubersetzungen, Leipzig 1904, p. VII— -XI. Part. I, Chap. Ill 67 "Thus in all the copies which 'the Christian' commented". Here the oldest part of the MS. begins (fol. 21—230, 232 — 238). In the margin the same hand that wrote the second-oldest part of the MS. seems to have added the so-called j-;^-«-»J" (com- mentary, exhortation), possibly from MS. B. N. Ar. 11, under the rubric i>JjUw (note, postscript), followed by the words: Jli-Jl J Is, or -JLa-Jl ^i\yQjJ\ J Is. Fol. 59'' Exodus begins and ends on fol. 108''. Fol. IDS'" contains only nine lines, the rest of the page having been left blank. The text takes up again on fol. 106*. This break occurs at Exodus 39,8. Le- viticus extends from fol. 109'' to fol. 145'', Numbers from 146'' to 192'-, Deuteronomy from 193* to 236 ^ Genesis and Exodus in this oldest part are divided into lections (s-elyi) for the time of Lent and some feast days. Genesis comprises 57 lections, Exodus 20. These liturgical indications are almost without lacuna. They are written by the same hand that wrote the text of the bulk of the volume. In Exodus, especially, these remarks are interesting in as much as they mention the Egyptian names of the months, V. g. fol. 60'' at the fourth lection we find the rubric: "to be read on the feast of the Annunciation tind on the 29 th Barm- hat", fol. 76-' we read: "on the 17th Thoth and the feast of the Baptism, ^_yjlk»". Leviticus, too, is divided into lections, thirteen in number, marked in the text. Numbers shows in the text the sectional divisions called Jy«as, in all twenty-two (some, however, are not indicated). We have already remarked, that in Gen. 2, 10 — 19, 26 (the second oldest part of the MS.) we find in the text the indication of three J-s^^, that correspond exactly to the Parashiyyot of the Hebrew Text '. In like manner we find in • Fol. 231'' and 232* bear no indication of section or diWsion of any kind at Deuter. 32, 1 (Paraehah 53), although they are written by the same hand that wrote fol. 5 — 20, and might, therefore, be expected to show at this place the sign _l3a.^o\ or iJ^\^. 68 The Arabic MSS. of the National Library at Paris the maigin of Exodus six _ls^\ indicated (from the 6th to the 11th; the 9th is not expressed but only marked by red dots in tlie margin and a red line under the first words) corresponding again exactly to the Parashiyyot. Turning to MS. Ar. 4 from which, as already stated, MS. Ar. 16 has evidently been supplemented and corrected, we find that Genesis is divided into twelve As^\ and Exodus into eleven ^1-^^^, tliat are, too, just like the I'arashiyyot of the Hebrew Bible. Leviticus and Numbers in Ms. Ar. 4 are, however, divided into twenty-eight and thirty-six _ls^\ respectively, not, indeed, equal in length to the Hebrew Parashiyyot, but corresponding exactly to the sections (_lsr°l) which we find in tlie margin of Leviticus and Numbers in MS. Ar. 16, marked by the same hand that wrote the middle-aged portion of this remark- able MS. And as in MS. Ar. 4 there are no sections at all in Deuteronomy, so also we find no division whatever indicated in the margin of MS. Ar. 16; nor is there any lection (s-tlyi) ■or section (J-«as) marked within the text of Deuteronomy, and only one title is written in the margin, viz. fol. 234'': iS^i \j.* ^_^^, "this is the blessing of Moses". To enable the reader to compare the text of IMS. B. N. Ar. 12 and its group as well as that of MS. B. N. Ar. 4 with the version represented by MS. B. N. A. v. 16, we place here the beginnings of the books of the Pentateuch according to the latter MS., exclusive, however, of Genesis, which, as was stated above, is of later date in its first nineteen chapters. Exodus (fol. m''): \^> ^^^.JJI S^\y^\ ^ U—l ^M^L* \_ji^> <^-^ J-*S H="^ J^=>.l^ J^ <>4r^^ ' >S)^-^. &-* x"^^ i_y^' Tjeviticus (fol. 109"): ii.>Ug.~iJl iJXs j^^ <)^^^ ^.s^y* ^^ '^^5 li\ fi-J^ J^^\ Jj ^ (sic) J^j J^^lj--* or^ (^ -sJ J^S r^b o'j^* cr* f^^'/ c^^L:^ fi>Ur^> cr* ^J^.f s^yj s-y Part J, Chap. Ill 69 Numbers (fol. 14(;''): 1-^^ )^ *j^ ^_;9 i^^^ vy* f^? i_)L^a- J.iL <*.J Jls^ ^^. ^Ls"^ IJl=^ ^3^ Jl 7-»'-«' J-=- (J> '-r^.j-?^ ^^ "^-J^- r^ ,__y--j^ ^ ^^.^ j,^j J^\ j_jia ^.^ ^>U.l j.<3..J:..J\ j, j;j..*»i^l <^X^ That we are dealing with an Egyptian MS. or, at least, with one that was used in the Church of Egypt is beyond all doubt. The dating according to the era of the Martyrs, the names of the months in the colophon fol. 236" (Barmhat) and in a number of rubrics (v. g. Exodus 15,22, fol. 76-' "to be read on the 17th Thoth"; Exodus 41, 1, fol. 107'' "to be read on 25th Athyr"), the Arabic-Coptic numerals used to designate the number of stichoi at the end of Genesis— all these by the same hand that wrote the oldest portion of the MS. — give certain proof that we have before us a manuscript of the Church of Egypt (Melkite Branch, see above in this paragraph), and most likely one that was used for liturgical purposes. Reserving for another chapter (VII, B, 1) a summarized discussion of the rubrics and liturgical notes found in our MS., it only remains to list some of the sub-titles given in the text of Numbers under the indication of the section {^J-<^) and sometimes even taking the place of any other mark of division. Thus we find: Num. 5, 8 -:— iAi> Lil ,_ji* i,L^, law concerning trespassing; „ 5, 11 — isj-^-aJl ^-^.^j law of rancor, jealousy (?); 70 Thf Arabic MSS. of the National Library at Paris Num. 6, 1 - cU..wJ\ a-Uj. tlie law of asceticism; „ 6, 22 — OiiyJl ilw IJofc, this is the law of the blessings; n 7, 1 — ^J-JI o'-J^^^^ »->-J«>. this is the beginning (initiation, dedication?) of the altar; in the margin: LU-^j'^l ^^j ,;^lJi, offer- ings of the chiefs of the tribes; „ 8, 1 — rj**^' i-U^c. law of the lamps; „ 9, 1 — -^aiJl ij.^, law of the pasch; „ 15.17 — ^-La^ J>j\ j, ^^^\riJ\ is^, law of offer- ings (to be made) in the Land of Canaan; „ 15,37 — ■t'^^' aLLw, law of the tassels; „ 19, 1 — _ ^ .tjK";.M AJ.«o, law of jturification; „ 19,14 — <>jJLil^\ j. 0*-»^\ ,jr^ <>J-^. law concerning one who dies in his dwelling-place (tent?); „ 20, 1 — UJ> ysr^, the rock of water; „ 20,23 — c>S/^ z^y^- ''^•^'^^ of Aaron; „ 26,57 — ^>.4^^^j>3 cy^.j^' ■''^ ''^i this is the number of the Levites and their families; „ 31, 8 — f^^ ^*-*-* '^*'-*5' iind these are the names of their kings; „ 33, 1 — fj,^i.^\^^ J^\y^\ j_y;j rij^ '-^5) and this is the departure of the sons of Israel, and their stations. 3) B. N. Paris. Ar. .^ ^^X^ (J, v^) \ |<>->.->^ \ <^JJ I />-*<-^-» "In the name of God, the Ancient, the Eternal. We begin witli the help of God, who made known to His friends His creative works and his laws, to write the Five Booke of Moses, the greatest of the Prophets. Book First. Book of the Creation of the World." Each page contains thirteen lines, and on the top of the page in the centre the number of the chapter found on that page is marked, in our Arabic numerals. Wherever a new chapter begins, this is indicated by a vertical line drawn between the last word of the preceding chapter and the tirst 72 T)ie Arabic MSS. of the Kational Library at Paris of the following one. Otherwise there is no division, section or lection mark in the whole book of Genesis or in the other four books. Only at Deuteronomy 33, 1 do we find the remark: "this is the blessing of Moses", just as in Ar. 16— whicii con- firms our opinion that MS. 9 must liave been copied from a liturgical codex, the r-;^— iJ' and the titles having been omitted. The text, as has already been said, is exactly like that in Ar. 16. But as the latter is defective in its first pages and shows a "Coptic" beginning of Genesis, we deem it opportune to add here the first verses of Genesis from MS. Ar. 9, so that a complete set of opening verses of the different books, as represented by the group to which MS. Ar. 16, Ar. 9 and others belong, may find a place in our work. (See this Chapter, 2.) Genesis: _^ J>J^\ cuilS, J'^^JI^ ^U-Jl iJ^\ jX^ J5MI ^ J^\_5 ^^^ ^^\ J. jy^\ ,^>i ^..^Ikll^ y^\ ^^ dJ}\ .^X^.l« a^^ _.L..>0 /^v^3 «Lm.wC As to the nature of the version found in this MS. de Slake (Catalogue, p. 3) says it is made from the Septuagint. Doubtless, there is much similarity lietween this text and the Septuagint version. Thus, to mention only one point, the age of the Patriarchs at the time when they begot their first born (V. Chap, of Gen.) is given according to the Greek, except in the case of Lamech (v. 28), who is said to have been 182 years old when he begot Noe, in conformity with the Hebrew text, as against the Septuagint, which assigns him 188 years. We cannot here enter into the details of this intricate and inter- esting subject. Suffice it to call attention to the paradoxical fact, that although the text ajjpears to be substantially that of the Greek version', the order of ciiapters and verses is, • Yet we must say that in quite a few instances, especially with regard to the proper names, the text represents a Hebrew original, or rather, yet more accurately, the Syriac version. Compare, for instance, the first verses of Deut., esjjecially Lilj^ f^j — i''-ss»» V-"'' (,'• 6- Kadesh- barnea, in v. 2). Part I, Chap. Ill 73 undoubtedly, that of the Hebrew Bible'. Thus in Gen. 31, 46- 51 (fol. 50'' and 50'') we read: \y-,^\ ^^Isr^V ^^i*i. JUi i^b"^ L(bLi^« i-'i^ ULsiL Lis" 1 5 ^k-oK L*^,--»ai« 'ijisr^ l^.»,s* isjls.^- ^b'il <^J Jli'^ ''l^ljiX^ i^L^^Ij IaU-voI i_jyLso^ !S>L<3-iJI i^U UUo^ ^IaX^j. laU-^ i^JJ-Jj f^-J' '-'■-^5 (_y^? is\>.Alij i^t^Jl sj..* Sycl j!j Jr^-^ '->'^ ^-^^3 U-^-T:^ '*^-'-'* S^--^. J'-* ''jg^-WJI .=tvs:'l i-U\ .liil U^ £J43.-^.U S.s^^ )i^ c.y' '■'^ i^^-"-' '^O* <*.-^a.l^ J-W.4 a) the Hebrew n»bj — b) nsSIp, watch-tower — c) Hebrew: 10«M 3f>»;;^ pb, Syriac: aQ.&:^A. ^^ f»lo. Similarly in Gen. 35, 16— 21, and also Exodus 20, 13— 15, Exodus 35,8—19, Exodus 36, 8-40, 32, of which we quote the opening lines: iliJl JL»b\ "jl^..^^ i—j^XiJl (sicjl^^SL^ J-:^-*^ jX^is ^.a'-t^J I *.>j^li>. j^ llL |^_jy* Vji l^i^s^ LsiX) r=>-"^' 13^^"^^ v_r^-»-=^' .JXilS^ jiL^Jl i3-°-"'^' i3 i3t^^' ^i->i^J\ ci,-..XoU^ (_j !!• ft j^,^..^.^.o-i.» !!«,» a) Throughout tliis passage the verb is put in the plural, as in the Syriac, against the Hebrew. The text itself difl'ers considerably from the Septuagint. Again in Numbers 1, 24-37; 6, 22-26; 26, 15-47. Nevertheless it is but fair to remark that in the beginnings of Exodus, Levit., Numbers and especially of Deuteronomy which we have cited from MS. Ar. 16 (see above, Chap. Ill, 2) the text shows decided discrepancies from the Septuagint reading. Would reference to the Syro-hexaplar and to its ' Comi]. Swete's Introd. to the Old Test, in Greek, Cambridge 1900, p. 231 sqq. - See Field's Origenis Hexaploruni ([uae supersunt, Oxonii 1875, the note at the end of the 36th Chap, of Exodus, Tom. 1, p. 150. 74 The Arabic MSS. of the National Library at Paris Arabic translation (MSS. Bodl. Libr. Land. or. 243 and Laud, or. 2.58). perhaps, furnish a clue to a plausible explanation ot these phenomena ' ? 4) B. N. Paris. Ar. 10 = M. This MS. containing the Pentateuch, with the same y-^f'j^ inserted between the text that is found on the margin of MS. B. N. Ar. 16, is not complete in its original script. The first page has l)een supplied by a later hand and from a text heterogeneous to the rest of the MS. Genesis begins fol. l*" with the invocation of the Trinity: ^^^^ c^^'^i >— '"^* r-*^ u — o *S^^ ^;_,,**..si.j <>>JU\ ^^, j^j.JOJ j^^\^ (sic) i^\ |y>jJJ\ ^^j^\ Ll^ ^^j'. ,_5^' ^i^ ^^oJ-iLJl ii'\^_j;Jl and the first thirteen verses of Chap. I, in a translation difiering somewhat from that of any other MS. mentioned, as is evidenced by the first lines: ^^ J>)^\ C-Jls^ JfJ^'^i '..♦-c^\ <>JJ> ,_3i;». *j^\ ^ iJ]\ ^^^ LU.>s^ ^,^1 dJ\ J6^ \^y ^XJ AiJl JU;^ In fact, however, four pages were missing; and as only one has been replaced, there is a lacuna from Gen. 1,13 to Gen. 2, 21: J-«^3 ^U-il J.^1 S^\^ f'-^i li'L-^ fi\ J.S. Ui, which is the second verse of tlie sixtli lection. The modern foliation did not take account of this gap, and hence there is a difference of three between the old Copto- Arabic and the later European numbering of the pages (thus 2" = 5^ 17" = 20" in the original paging). There is another lacuna between fol. 53 and 54, extending from fol. 57 (old foliation) to fol. 64 (old foliation) inclusively, which covers the end of Genesis, beginning with the 67 th lection, and the beginning of Exodus almost to the end of the 6 th lection (the 7 th lection begins at Exodus 6, 14). Accordingly, Exodus begins on fol. 54" (64" old pagination) with the last two words of Ex. 6, 6: "Judiciis magnis". ' See Hastings. Dictionary of tlie Bible, IV. p. 447' and p. 659. Part I, Chap. Ill 76 There are a number of variants in the margin, inti'oduced now and then by the title: ^^^1 is-^-* ^i,■, but the writinf^, ta'lik ou the whole, in these notes and in fact throughout the MS. is rather poor and indistinct. The other three books bear the profession of faith in the Divine Trinity, and are called by the same names as in MS. Ar. 16: Leviticus (fol. 89'') c^.^\ y^, Numbers (fol. 12n«) and in the colophon (fol. 153'') it is called ^j^»; for there we read: ^ ^j^\y^\ ,_y-o >^t. ^a^ sl^^xJl ^^ ^?>r" yL^l J_»^ *_j' j43-w ^j_;xi ^>L«^JI^ ^^jO)!^ AJi,*o t_aJl .*.X.»^* J-»^ here we expect the date; but the scribe, possibly to look up the exact date of the month, broke off abruptly, and, being, perhaps, detained by some unforeseen circumstance, omitted through forgetfulness to return to his work. Another hand (the reviser's?) has added immediately below : . . . (Jl r^^^ j^-^jJI t_->U5Ul IJob ^i, jJlL sblkiL ^\y-^ ■ ■ ■ ^M ^-"b 3 J'-^. y^i "The humble servant examined this book up to . . . [perhaps iyL\ "its end''?J and he asks every one who applies himself to . . . (the study of the same) ... [to pray?] for the pardon of his sins". 5) B. N. Paris. Ar. 11 = 0. This MS. shows many of the characteristics of MS. B. N. Ar. 16. As in the latter, a considerable part of the original 76 The Arabic MSS. of the National Library at Paris MS. is lost. Fol. 1 — 19 are of recent date'; the verso of fol. 19 is left blank. The older portion of the MS. contains the same text, the same liturgical notes and the same j-:^*-^' that are found in MS. Ar. 10 and Ar. 16 (where the ^~>ij" is put in the margin). Twenty-four folios of the original script had perished; but as the repairer supplied this lacuna from a text without commentary, there is now a difference of five between the old Copto-Arabic and the modern foliation. Almost twenty-one chapters of Gen. are lacking of the old text: for tol. 20'' (Copto-Arabic 25'')— the original portion of the MS. begins fol. 20" — we find the indication of the 33rd lection (5th Friday of Lent), i, e. Gen. 22, 1. Fol. 35 has also been replaced by a new sheet of paper, which, however, remained blank. The same repairing hand is seen fols. 52—63, the end of Genesis and the beginning of Exodus. One leaf between the two books is left entirely blank. Fol. 63" Exodus is intro- duced with the title: 'i\jy^i\ ,^ i^L^' _;•*-- y>5 r^*^' r*-*^ It is interesting to note how this title and also the text on the recent pages of Exodus agree with MS. Ar. 4; whilst the beginning and end of Geuesis, supplied by the same hand, are taken from a different source. Fol. 64", Ex. 2, 5, where the old part begins, we find the liturgical note: "second day of Passion "Week in the evening", iust as in MS. Ar. 10; and the text, too, agrees perfectly with the latter, except that at times Ar. 11 has a faulty reading (or a slight variant) where Ar. 10 has the ordinary and more correct term; viz. Ex. 6, 16 Ar. 10 writes ^_y<--^. Ar. 11 ,,7^-;^. Fol. «7 (blank), 88 and 89 are also recent. At the end of Exodus, fol. Ill*' (old part) we are told that the scribe finished his work on the 22nd Du-'l-ka'da of the 1 First verses of Gen.: Cj'->5 *U-»J* O*^ <*>^t 3^^ i3>^' (3 ..'.»...« y-^^ lu^xi-* -^ iJv"^' Colfj Jfj"^^ ■ 'UJl ^ Jf l-iJl (sic) J.^^ yi~^\ J^i ^>l.^a liXA,-»ixJLI ^^jO)l» rfiji.,/^,vo2 I iul i^.,^ j^_.w-< ^j_yj _-.;xj>.J 1^ As in MS. B. N. Copt. 1 (see above, Chap. II, 3) and in MS. B. N. Ar. 16 (paragraph 2 of this chapter), so also in the older portion of this manuscript the words Jls or ^^i intro- ducing a speech of God to Moses or to the people are written in red ink. Leviticus, fol. 112" (old part) begins with the invocation of the Blessed Trinity, and the text, divided into lections, is exactly like Ar. 10 (and Ar. 16). Fol. 137 and 138 have been inserted later. The thirteenth lection (Chap. 25, 1) bears the sub-title J=;M1 cxj-^ i^vo, and at Cliap. 26, 1 there is a note saying: "from here to be read on New Year's day" (compare Chap. IV, 2: MS. K). We also find a few lines of com- mentary interspersed here and there in this book, but sparsely, just as in Leviticus in MS. Ar. Ki -and MS. Pocock. 219 (Chap. IV, 2). The colophon (just like in Ar. 10) speaks of this "scanty" tafsir, fol. 149'': ^i-^ ^a^ cuJ^l ji.^\ J^ !i_^.»«-a.j ^^y)^. ^^jUriJl *l.M»-iwM ATiT a<^^ Sy^\ bj^ ^,4^ J\. Then follows the name of the donator, hut it has been erased and replaced by another, which cannot be deciphered. The colophon ends with an invocation of the Blessed Virgin and the Evangelist St. Mark. 6) B.N.Paris. Ai-. 18 = P. This MS. contains only the Book of Genesis with a lengthy commentary. The text, both in the older and later (such as fol. 1-9, 229-250) portions of the MS. is identical with that of MSS. B. N. Ar. 9. 10, 16. Only the first verse differs: ^ J>J^\ cJir^ J=.jV\ Ob_5 ^U — II Ob <>JJ\ _5j^ AjS~' JiyS <*«»lkJI^ sJoCL*.^ ^« ii.yh .' Since we liave only parts of MS. 18 at our disposal, we are unable to establish our conclusion with certainty. Part /, Chap. HI 79 in MS. Ar. 18 substantially the same text and the commentary of St. Ephrem, which MS. Marsh 440 contains in Carshunic. As the identity of the text of MS. Ar. 18 with that of MS. Ar. 16 is beyond doubt, de Slane's statement, that the version found in Ar. 18 is made from tlie Peshitto, has been suffi- ciently discussed above (Chap. Ill, 2j when treating of the nature of the version found in MS. B. N. Ar. 16. It may be asked whether the inscription (fol. T') claiming this to be the version of the "I'enowned Abu-'l Barakat" (t.jLxS' i-Jl CJ6yJ\ ^_5J^) isl.ydl ^^ J*i"^' yA.^\) deserves any credit. As it is found on the part added later to the original MS., we may well doubt its genuineness. The verso of the guard-leaf at the beginning of the book l)ears a note by a reader(?) with the date 10:^4 of the Martyrs (A. D. 1307/8). It would seem, then, that the original MS. belongs to the 13 th century. The latter portion of the book (fol. 329 — 353) is of still later origin; in fact, the pages of this part are not all written by the same hand nor are they of the same date. At the end of the book (fol. 348 "■) the scribe tells us that the text is said to comprise 4600 stichoi, just as in MS. B. N. Ar. 16; i_aVTiju^l ^^1 lisA^3 ^ J'-J^j is'^^l ^f^ J«i"^* ,-a-^l J.^S' j.^_ is:***-> (but, alas, no date is given "when he finished copying", the rest of the line left blank!) ^^)\ (Jl \^\ L^\> JJ1 (.-wj AjLJiiLl ^i-^ ^_«. To the left of iiLAil, a little lower, there stands a word wliicli we take to be n'C^sna in Hel)rew cursive characters. Something similar seems to be the case on fol. 55% Genesis 47, 28. There are properly no divisions of the text The first section called r-^^^^ which is rather surprising, is not followed by any other section mark in Genesis; this is also the case in the othei three books (Ex., Levit., Deut.), which begin with the J^"^*. J-^, 110 other Jj-vai follow. Numbers has not even % Part I, Chap. IV 81 this one indication of a chapter- the text begins immediately after the title of the book. Yet it is worthy of mention that in the Hexaemerou, after the work of a day has been described, the closing verse is written each time in larger characters and in a separate line. We notice a similar phenomenon at Gen. 2,4 (fol. 9"): Jpj'^->^} ^U^l XiiiL I iUJ \S.a,. After that it occurs but very rarely that, when there is a change of subject in the text, about one line is written in larger characters. All notes, interlinear or marginal, whether in blue or red or black ink, seem to be of the same hand as the text. The reason for the diversity of inks is not apparent. The notes and variants in this manuscript ai'e not very numerous; some- times they supply omissions in the text or make a correction, at other times they indicate the contents, v. g. fol. 12'' i-ciii ^^^Ls^kJ \ ; generally they are of a liturgical character v. g. fol. 7 '' Gen. 1, 1: >'^-y^i\ ^.y. j,} ^y*iU5Jl ^j^./-'^ ^j^ cj-rr^"^' fS^. '7*-'> fol. 57-' Gen. 49, 33: iL^>l^\ Xs>^l.\ ^^ ij^il ^y,, on Friday of the sixth week [of the Fast], i. e. Friday of Holy Week. From Exodus 3, 3 to Deuteronomy 34, 4 all speeches of God to Moses are counted up from 1 to 18G, in blue ink, Copto- Arabic figures being placed in the margin (compare MSS. A, C, H, 0). Genesis closes fol. 58" with a colophon in four lines enclosed in an ornamental rectangular frame: i*.J^S^ ^^.«.^a-« «^X^lJ"^ <*.JJl ^^-X-J J-0^ from which we see that the MS., as stated above, was com- pleted in the year 1064 of the era of the Martyrs on the last day of the month of Hatur, i. e. November 1347 A. I). Below this is written in a single line: i_-JJ...»J\ j^l-aJl o^>^\ x^ A.sr*L^*J\ JJ^-^, jA^ »_Jb^^xJl iLj!^\ j, ^-til toy. "This was written by the weak and sinful Thomas, the wretchad one among the priests, the monk and he asks for indulgence". Bhode, Arabic Fentateuoli iu the Church of Egypt. 6 82 The Arabic MSS. of the BocUeian Library at Oxford Of thisTMS. H. G. Paulus treats rather extensively in his "Commeutatio Critica", Jena 1789. cited above ("Introduction", p. 12, n. 1). His quotations are at times inaccurate '. "We agree with him, however, in his main contention, that the version found in tliis MS. is made from the Septuagint, as against the opinion of Vei who says in his Catalogue (Vet. Test. Ar. I, p. 29): "Vei-sio plurimis in locis ab editis discrcpans, Hebraeo- Samaritauis potius quam Graecis codicibus videtui" consen- tanea". This remark shows that Uri cannot have made a comparative study of the text. For there is no doubt that we liave here the Septuagint text in an Arabic version (compare our text edition, Part 11, Sec. II). 2) Bodl. Libr. Pocock. 219 = K. This manuscript which consists of 216 folios is "usu et vetustate passim corruptus," as Uei says in his Catalogue (Arab. Christ. IV, p. 30). It contains the Pentateuch divided into lections; at the end of most of the lections of Genesis and Exodus we find short commentaries in the form of homilies. The author's name is not given; neither is' the date nor the place of origin. This codex is of great interest to the student, in as far as > We mention two instances (only) in which his interpretation is not borne out by the manuscript. Gen. 4, 7 (fol. lO"") Paulus quotes wl^Ljo«.U3 vM . ^ .^T^ (1. c. p. 61) and says: "Hie notandum est v. 7 pro iuiapTts versi- onem ponere: in ambitu tuo peccatum tuum, id quod cum hebraeo magis consentit". We must confess our inability to see on what Paulus bases this opinion even in the transcription given by himself. In point of fact the passage reads thus: (.itX^ka. ki)jLJC:k.Lj, i. e. in thy power (or through thy own free choice) is thy sin (compare the variants, below in Part II, Sec. II). Again on page 62 he cites Gen. 6, 14: "Alex. m/3<«;o» » fuXuv Terpayovai'. Versio: ^yi^)) i ■< >•» •* • ^^ '^t^ (sic!) lw>-«J> navem quadra- tarn ex ligno Laisus. ^yi^y quid?'' This ingenious suggestion of "Laisus wood" vanishes when we see in the manuscript that ^^-*o_ "^ are two words, not one. and that the text really roads (fol. 1-J*'): IXis ^y^. M)-^""'*. ,^ \My^^ (make thee) a boat of wood that dt>es not decay. Part I, Chap. IV 83 it supplements the version found in the oldest part of MS. B. N. Ar. 16. The old Copto-Arabic foliation is greatly at variance with the modern reckoning; thus folio 66^ is £a (61-') in tlie original numbering, 67" is £b (62") etc. These Copto-Arabic figures are placed in the left-hand margin of the recto at the top of the page; a little lower to the right we find Syriac numeral letters; v. g. fol. 66" = i (60), fol. 67" = J (61) etc. The reason for this difference in pagination (66" = 61" Copto-Arabic = 60" Syriac) is not apparent. The quires, ^^X which consist of five leaves each, are also counted in Copto-Arabic ciphers, and by a later hand in Syriac numeral letters. Genesis begins on fol. 7'' with the invocation: <*JJl ^-^ (JoU^Xir* »^LXa.M j-r^l ^JJ\ <)JN)l iJ_jj<_o.i ^^^ ^LJ\ ^^ ^J'i^ Then follows a rubric, i. e. two lines in red ink: J^Ml ^i.^\ cy° J^^ o-rr*^"^^ ?^-rr' i^r-'H'. *-^ ci^"^^ Js'lj-JiJl LJ^xll ^^^ ^i_^ il.^ ^XiUJl fy^*- "The First Book. Book of the Creation of the World. The first lection from it. Read on the first Monday of the Holy Fast in the evening". The book is divided into fifty-seven lections. In the fourth we meet three lines of explanation or commentary known as j-y^i^ between Chap. 1, 26 and 1, 27. After the fourth lection, Gen. 2, 3, there follows a j-^^-^iJ' of about a -page, and so generally after each lection an explanation is added, introduced by the word -.y.^JcJ\ written in red. This "homiletic commentary" usually begins with some passage of the text just read; a short moral reflection is made on it; then another sentence from the peri- cope is cited in direct or indirect quotation, explained or developed. Sometimes the commentator passes over to other ' Here follows a sign which looks exactly like the Copto-Arabic cipher for 500 (())). This mark is found repeatedly at the end of the lections or the commentary (sec lection 1, 2, 6, 56, 57). Very often this sign is used in Christian-Arahic MSS. to denote the end of lengthy para- graphs; but we are not able to suggest its special significance. 6* 84 The Arabic MSS. of the Bodleian Library at Oxford sentences of Holy Writ bearing on bis subject, and occasion- ally, but only very rarely, he ventures into the tield of literal exegesis or textual criticism. The commentary is generally written in somewhat smaller characters, and each line is preceded and followed by a red point in the margin. Here are a few brief specimens of this r-y^s^i After the fourth lection, fol. 8'' the coinnientator remarks: UUIj L^Jl^ \j!^\ Jli'^ U^^lj ijr^M^ /i-Jl J)^ UiJ ^1 Jlii .xXs. Ugj U^jS'.b iS'^Jl iS~»> L«3^ Uiy ^^ Uy<:^ ^V^S Jfy^^ ^\ U^jJO.^ Lo After the fifty-seventh lection, fol. 67-^, he tells us: ^ .... (sic) Lw^jJ^ f'^'i A-i-4j j^^>J^ *r*^i y^ '^^^ <^ '— *-**'^. i^b j^ ^\ .jj ^X> ^) ^\ Jvfr^ ^\ ^^\ dSyt ^Xt^ iJL^ ^-^L»J U^.^ l«AJL-oJ ^1 ^J^\y^\ j_yO AJ"j^\ (_y«05l iXSy'l 'j^-— *-~'5^. AJI-^l "Joseph became ruler of Egypt when he was thirty years of age and he remained ruler over it for eighty years. And when he was about to die, he was firmly convinced that the promise of God would doubtless be fulfilled which he had made to the sons of Israel saying": "Behold, I shall lead you out of the laud of Egypt". And on account of his trust in this promise Joseph ordered his brethren the sons of Israel to carry up his bones with them when they themselves would go up etc." There are but few variants noted on the margin; v. g. fol. 66^ (Gen. 50, 2) there is the remark: llLM\ *.«*-•> ^i, referring to ^..-JaIs-»-'* in the text; fol. 68-': ^^».^.-_»*^^ ks:^^ ,^, speaking of the city of Ramasses, called ^^^^^L*^^ in the text. Sometimes rather long omissions, due probably to oversight, may be noticed ; v. g. Gen. 3, 28 is entirely lacking. Genesis concludes on fol. 67'' with the colophon: Jl^\ J.^ \j^j^ \j^\ \^\> ,UJ ^y^\} cr^^y^^^ 4600 stichoi, just as it was stated in the colophon of Genesis in MS. B. N. Ar. 16 (see above, Chap. Ill, 2). Part J, Chap. IV 85 At the commencement of Exodus, fol. 68', we read: <*JJI f-^ (J,^')i\ 'i\yJii\ j-^yi-l j-«->«J _j-*5 i\j^\ ^^ (^jjl-^' .i-^\ f-;;s^y O-o-^y^ ^j-JLJl f_j-«aJl J^l ,^_y^'Ml f^J. It is interesting to note that in this manuscrii^t, too, the words JU and ^ introducing a speech of God to Moses are always written in red ink. - In Exodus, Leviticus and Numbers we notice the same liturgical remarks, indication of contents etc. as in MS. B. N. Ar. 16 — only that the sectional divisions and other notes taken over into MS. Ar. 16 from MS. Ar. 4 are not seen in MS. Pocock. 219. In a few instances a remark is found in our manuscript that is not given in MS. Ar. 16; thus, v. g., at the 26 th chapter of Leviticus we are told that at this place begins the reading for New Year's day (compare MS. B. N. Paris. Ar. 11, in Chap. Ill, 5). Genesis, as has been said already, comprises 57 lections, Exodus 19, Leviticus 13; Numbers is divided into 23 sections (J^>«a9) and Deuteronomy shows no division whatever. Paulus in his "Commentatio Critica" (mentioned above) p. 39 speaking of the Arabic versions derived from the Syriac of the London Polyglot mentions five Bodleian MSS. that con- tain the so-called Arabic "Catenae" on the Pentateuch, and says: "Quintus denique signo Pocock. 219 dignoscendus. Habet et hie suum j-y^-^-sa seu scholia textui intermixta, sed anonymi. Hypographeu aut aliud indicium historicum non inveni in Co- dice nisi hoc: Ed. Pocockium ex dono Georgii Cornewall mercatoris codicem possedisse. Duos posteriores (i. e. Bodl. 219 et Pocock. 219) apud doct. Urium non invenio recensitos". Besides, his words (p. 40): "Tandem cum jam diutius Catenis his Carshunicis immoratus fuissem" etc. seem to imply that also MS. Pocock. 219 is a Cavshunic MS., like the other four MSS. mentioned by him. Evidently the learned author, who did not have the advantage of photographic reproductions, must have mixed up the notes he had taken in the Oxford Library; for MS. Pocock. 219 is clearly no "Carshuuic" MS., and it is distinctly mentioned by Uei in his catalogue as Arab. Ciirist. IV, p. 3n, col. 1. 86 The Arabic MSS. of the BoiUeian Library at Oxford We may also note in this connection, that E. PrsET in his "Catalogi Bodl. Part. II, vol. I" p. 444 speaking of the Carshunic codex Bodl, 324, makes a similar mistake when he says: "foliis 256 constans duplici columna luculenter descriptus"'. This manuscript which we also had photographed for our present study shows no sign of a "douhle column", the lines running over the entire page. It contains a lengthy "catena" of different Fathers and writers on the lections of the Penta- teuch. (Gen. has 65 sections.) But when Pusey says: "Cum textu biblico hujus Catenae proxime consentit is, qui commen- tariis Ephremi illustratur in Bodl. 154 (Uei, Syr. XXVUI), Hunt. 112 (Uki, Syr. XXX), Marsh. 440 (Uri, Syr. XXVI), Pocock. 219 (Uei, Arab. Christ. IV)"— he certainly does not quite hit the mark. As to the close similarity of the Biblical text in these MSS., we do not wish to deny that there is some resemblance between the texts of Pocock. 219 and Bodl. ;524, although there are a very large number of important variant readings; neither are we in position to say anything about the contents of Bodl. 154 and Hunt. 112; but we can- not admit that Pocock. 219 should contain the commentary of St. Ephrem. This is found in Marsh. 440 of which we shall speak in the next paragraph; but the j-^^^-^^ in Pocock. 219 differs greatly from the former; in fact, it does not amount to one-fifth of the commentary given in the Carshunic MS. Marsh. 440. Moreover Pusey is certainly mistaken when he proceeds (1. c.) : "Longius recedunt, sed eandem hand dubie versionem continent Hunt. 1 86 (Uri, Arab. Christ. IX), Hunt. 424 (Uri, Arab. Christ. VIII), Sekl. 66 (Uei, Arab. Christ. VII)". We cannot say anything about Hunt. 186 and Seld. 66; but that Hunt. 424 contains a version altogether different from the one found in Pocock. 219 (and even in Bodl. 324), may be seen by any one who compares the specimen chapters of the two versions in Part II of our work, Sec. I and Sec. IV respectively. As to the statement of Paulus (1. c. p. 36) that the Arabic text of the group under which he classes Pocock. 219 is a Part I, Chap. IV 87 translation of the Syriac version found in the Polyglot, we may remark that possibly this is true of the other four MSS. (see above) mentioned by him in this connection. But if they contain the same text as Pocock. 219, the assertion must be modified considerably. For the Syriac text found in the London Polyglot is the same, substantially, as that of the Eastern Syriac (Urmia edition) and Western Syriac (Lee's edition) Bible, i. e. the Peshitto pure and simple, translated from the Hebrew, though corrected at a later period according to the Septuagint'. This correction and revision, however, docs not go far as regards the Pentateuch. But between the text of the Peshitto and that found in MS. Pocock. 219 there are almost a dozen more or less important differences in the very first chapter of Genesis alone. 3) Bodl. Libr. Marsh. 440 = N. This splendid MS. in folio has just been mentioned in speaking of MS. Pocock. 219. It is a Carshunic MS. of 370 pages containing Genesis and Exodus with an extensive and highly interesting commentary. • The manuscript is of rather recent date, 1799 of the Greeks, 1487 A. D., and was written in the renowned monastery of Kannubin in Syria. It is divided into two volumes of almost equal size, so that Genesis ending on fol. 214'' runs partly into the second volume. We have taken account of this MS., because it represents substantially the same Arabic text as MvSS. Pocock. 219, B. N. Ar. 16 etc., as may be seen from our collation of texts (Part II, Sec I). Moreover, in Genesis the number of lections and the liturgical indications agree almost entirely with those marked on the other MSS. of this group 2. The spelling of the proper names is decidedly Syriac. European numerals in ' DovAt,, R., La Litterature Syriaque, 3. edit., Paris 195)7, p. 33 sqri. 2 Exodus, according to Uri, is divided into 30 lections for the feasts of Oui- Lord, the Blessed Virgin and the Apostles. We have not been able to verify this statement, which would point to an important dift'erence between this 1\LS. and Ar. 16 etc. (E.'c. 19 lections). 88 The A rahic MSS. of the Bodleian Library at Oxford the upper left corner count the pages. The quires are numbered in Syriac letters (at the bottom of the page) at the beginning and end of each quinion. Fol. 3* Genesis begins with the invocation of tlie Trinity: l^o v^oa& vaxo ^ cK^oJII «li-a^^ nlioK.^ ^l-firol ">'«•■ ^ '^ojll ,«"»» >^i<;^ ^po yiLaja^ >>Ojiiiv Vol ^ opla^ v«j1.J)I yo-. After this ex- clamation in Syriac: "Lord, have mercy on me", there follow the first two verses of Genesis, and then v*mBt:Sk. Fol. A^' 2d col., the text is taken up again with the word oIKai^.. Two verses only from Sciipture are quoted, followed by a long „tafsir'', and in this way text and commentary alternate throughout the manuscript. Fol. 2^' seems to have afforded different readers an occasion to indulge their fancy. On top we read: IIoi'Tax)^ ri]v dXriOuav. Then follow some illegible Hues in Syriac characters. The upper and lower outer corners were utilized for Arabic notes and phrases; five or six lines of Syriac are enclosed in an irregular quadrangular frame, aside of which four small circles are painted; below to the rigiit there is a long Arabic note of twelve half-lines, and to the left another reader has trans- literated into Arabic characters the introduction of the Can- shunic text on the next page ( J\ \^J^\ (b-»«o) quoted above. Marginal notes are rare. There is a Syriac philosophical remark on fol. 35^ an indication of contents in Syriac on fol. 36", and an Arabic note on fol. 43'' stating: ^\ JUb,^ *-^ <_s* f^' ("0 verb) U,-^ ,^\ 'ijS.-^^\ "It is said that the tree from which Adam [ate] was a fig-tree". The Carshunic colophon to Genesis, fol. 214^ furnishes us this interesting information: "Know, Father, that the Book of Exodus was (written) before the Book of Genesis; but Moses commanded Joshua, the son of Xun, to write it (Genesis) before the Book of Exodus, for the reason tliat the account (given in Genesis) was one that jjreceded (that given in Exodus). And thus Moses put the Book of Genesis first; but Moses Part I, Chap. IV 89 learned (by revelation) the Book of Genesis only after the Book of Exodus. And the power is with God''. There follows in three lines a prayer in Syriac, which we may aptly quote here: .^«jel ^ v i NsN ^^Av I<:»VS.t aio^^i .sioKftl, ,^»i.^a .J.b.aM,«Xe "With the eternal possessions gladden, God, Thy servant Joseph who wrote and arranged (this book) according to his ability, and the owner and the reader and the hearer and everyone who takes part (in the book). The mercy of God be upon us forever. Amen". 4) Bod). Libr. Hunt. 424 = X. Of this quarto MS. (408 pages) of the Arabic Pentateuch we have had occasion to say a few words when treating of MS. Pocock. 219 (2d paragraph of this chapter). Paulus in his "Commentatio Critica" speaks of it in two places: when dealing with the Arabic versions derived from the Syriac (page 46 and page .50, where he gives a specimen of Gen. 49, 3 — 27, also p. .55), and again when treating of those that represent the Septuagint text (p. 58 and p. 62 — specimen of Gen. 1, 1—5) '. This is owing to the fact that the first and last part of this manuscript (Gen. 1,1—5, 10 and Deut. 32,43—34, 12) present a version made from the Septuagint, whereas the bulk of the volume follows, though rather loosely, the Hebrew text. Uki guided by tlie title: ^\^^m}\ ^^ i.».i>.-X« 'i\j^i\ ^_ilXS ^i^l ^J,\ states that the MS. represents a version made from the Hebrew. Yet he notices the fact that the first ten and the last six pages are of parchment, whilst the rest of the volume is papei-. As far as we can see from our roto- ' To the words j~k^3R-0a j^ of his text Paulus remarks in a foot- note: Jasx-l^? sine pulcritudine, an vero ^^i^X* . — Here both the text given by Paulus and the emendation proposed by him are out af place, for the MS. distinctly writes: A-vJuOo j-^j <)Lt^O-xJ\ ^^ ,i_w »*^ AJL-Jji-I ^k^ J'"^' ,i-.^l ^li-»;l il^—^ We need not give specimens of the text here, because eight chapters (1 — 6, 18 and 50) are found complete in the second part of our work. Sec. IV. We have there tried to make the text readable; the oftentimes unintelligible "readings" of the MS. we have put in the notes below the text. There is no trace of old foliation, nor are the quires numbered. Genesis ends (fol. IDS") with the colophon: J^^ .(.sic) «Xv^l i-J^ And below we read: ,^\S i_i— jy. ^\ ^^J!LLJ\ ,_^»jl> ^i^ ^ISj <*v.^-lj ....a.* u^ ^ ijjfc \j dja\\ J, (sic) JU dOJl Cj^,^ L«.,^.«j P', for im- mediately after the ordinary text begins. Several other words or parts of sentences are also written in red (Gen. 2,8; 2,23; 3,23; 4,25), but in these cases the words belong to the text. When the scribe reached the end of the fourth chapter, fol. 13'', he noticed that he would have about one page too much space; so he wrote the remaining first ten verses of the fifth chapter in distended letters and in lines wide apart (eight on a page), so that the text might cover the next two pages of the MS. If in the first part of the MS. the writing is very plain and distinct; in the second it is very often almost illegible. The scribe was certainly most careless with regard to pointing and also with regard to the consonantal text itself. Omissions and repetitions of letters and words, sometimes even entire sections put iu the wrong place (v. g. fol. 31'' between Gen. 17, 21 and 17, 22 there are about five lines of text belonging to chapter 18,12 — 15, where, however, they are again properly placed) are nothing extraordinary in this portion of our MS. As the chronology of the Patriarchs in Chap. V (besides other distinguishing traits) shows, the new part represents the 92 The Arabic MSS. of the Bodleian Library at Oxford Septuagint version. The first page (fol. 15") of the old part, on the contrary, reveals the fact, borne out by further com- parison, that we have to do with a translation made from the Hebrew. For from verse 11 the chronology agrees with the. Hebrew, save that in the case of Henoch and Methusala their years are wrongly set down as ;t65 and 960 respectively, whereas the sum of the years assigned to them before and after the birth of their first-born is 905 and 969 respectively (the ordinary Hebrew computation). The new part has no sections or headlines whatever; the old part at times shows an indication of contents written in large characters, v. g. ^'J^l i-^ (Gen. G, 14), f^^-^ *-^" (Gen. 18, 16), U^^, i^LJ (Gen. 50, 24). Of this version we may say with PAULrs (1. c. p. 55) that it frequently inserts glosses, gives fitting explanations and cir- cumlocutions, and does not follow the Syriac version literally. To which we may add, that it is certainly not a literal trans- lation of the Hebrew either, but very often a loose paraphrase only, lengthening or shortening even the narration, so long as the main facts are preserved. At times rather odd "exegetical" interpretations are freely interwoven with the inspired text. In this way we explain, for instance, the remarkable story introducing the account of the flood (Gen. 6, 1 — 4; for the text see Part II, Sec. IV), how the sons of Seth living on the summit of the mountain saw the daughters of Kabil (sic), which is (?) the lowest part of Mt. Anhar (?), went in unto them and thus begot the race of giants, "the mighty men of old, men of renown". As an historical curiosity we transcribe here the end of the introduction of this MS. After speaking of the excellency of the Law promulgated by Moses and delivered to the Jewish people, handed down from generation to generation through the prophets, doctors and high-priests, (the "chain" of tradition is linked very carefully, the name of the judge, high-priest or doctor who was the chosen custodian of the Law is given and likewise the name of him to whom the former, before his Part 1, Chap. IV 93 demise, intrusted the Holy Books— 66 persons, we think, fi-om Moses to Caiphas), the writer speaks of the siege and capture of Jerusalem under Titus (70 A. D.), of the atrocities com- mitted by the conquerors, who led large numbers of the people captive from Jerusalem, the Holy City, unto Rome'. Then he continues (fol. 6^): "It is related of him (Titus) that he fed the lions and the wild beasts with them, whilst those who were with him gazed with pleasure upon them, and that he used them as bait for the wild animals— 80000 men out of the total number of the captives. Now Solomon, the son of David, had built a city difficult of access as an arsenal for his possessions (a treasury) whose name was Batir, which, it is said, is now called Balbek. Titus could not take this (city). The priests, therefore, con- veyed the (books of the) Law thereto and entrusted the same to Samayah and Abtalyah, the magistrates of the city of Batir. But then after a long time Hadrian the King (Emperor Hadrian, 117—138 A. D.) besieged Batir and forced it to open its gates to. him. Then the chiefs of the descendants of David took the Law and went to Bagdad, and they are living in Bagdad unto this day. And when the Jews were dispersed into the lands, the sons of David made copies of it (the Law), and sent them to every band (of the Jews). But the High-priests Annas and Caiphas had agreed, be- fore the captivity of Titus, to subtract 1000 years from the history of the lives of the Patriarchs, in order to deny the apparition of the Messias, and they told the Jews that the time in which the Messias woidd appear was not yet complete. And they (the Jews) remain in their error even to this our day." ' For the Arabic text see Appendix II. CHAPTER V THE EEMAINING MANUSCRIPTS AND THE FEINTED EDITIONS CONSULTED AND COLLAT- ED IN TH[S STUDY 1) Vatic. Libr. Ar. 2 = S. This ^rS. of 268 folio pages which contains the entire Pentateuch in Arabic, is assigned by Assemani to the 14th century (Script. Vet. IV, part. 2, p. 2). It was once cod. XI orient, of the collection of the celebrated Peter a Valle, as is still shown on fol. 2'' (original Copto-Arabic foliation), the page preceding the text. This begins fol. 1" of the modern numeration (Copto-Arabic 3") abruptly with the heading J^'ill ,J-.aiJ\. There are fifteen lines on the page, the hand- writing is large and on the whole very distinct. Marginal notes arc rare indeed. Fol. 23 ' (Gen. 18, 28j there is added on the margin j^wcjo^\5 to the i*.^»i\ of the text ('"wilt Thou destroy the whole city for the sake of forty-five?", instead ot "five" as the Hebrew text says). As a rule these words on the margin are nothing else than a supplying of a word or phrase omitted in the text. Fol. 9" (Copto-Arabic 11°) we notice indication of the quire: ^Lill ^\^\. We had this codex photographed being prompted by the notice of Assemani (1. c): "Pentateuchus ]Mosis, versionis aegyptiacae seu alexandrinae, quae ex graeca twv LXX inter- pretttm editione concinnata est." But "dormitat alii]uando et bonus Homerus". The version of MS. Vatic. Ar. 2 is in no wise made from the Greek, but literally from I he Hebrew. All the distinguishing features — omissions, additions, differences in names and in the years of the Patriarchs etc. — clearly show Fart 1, Chap. V 95 that this is a Hebrew- Arabic version. ' In fact it is one of the most literal Araljic versions from the Hebrew we know of. It agrees verbatim with the text in P. Kahle's „Die Arabischen Bibeltibersetzungen" (Leipzig 1904) V, p. 13 — 23, edited from Florent. Cod. Palat. orient. 112 (XXI), where it is called in the superscription "Saadias' version" (see Kahle, 1. c. p. VIII note 2). In Part II Sect. Ill of this dissertation eight chapters of Genesis from the Vatican MS will be found. For the first four chapters edited by Kahle we give the variants, slight ones indeed, of the Florentine MS. (according to Kahle's printed text) below our text. We have designated these variants by "V". In the notes attention is called to a few omissions, vulgar forms and other peculiarities of the text. Since the Paris (and London) Polyglot text of the Arabic Pentateuch is taken from MS. B. N. Ar. 1, and is generally admitted to be Saadias' translation, we give in Chap. L of Genesis (Part II, Sect. Ill) the variants of the London Poly- glot from our Vatic. MS. These variants of "Walton's Polyglot" are designated in the notes below the text by the abbreviation "W". The writer regrets to say that he did not have the text of MS. B. N. Ar. 1 itself at his disposal for the collation of the "Saadias' version" i. We have taken MS. Vatic. Ar. 2 into account in our Study and have even edited some chapters of it, partly because the misleading error of Assemani had to be corrected, but yet more because this version was, it seems to us, used by the Christian Church of Egypt, not indeed as the officially recog- nized text — for this was a version from the Septuagint— but for comparison, corrections, divisions etc. > Compare in this conuection our remarks on the version found in JVI8. B. N. Ar. 4, Chap. Ill, 2; see also "Introduction", page 12, note 1. J. Dbrenbourq, Version Arabe du Pentateuque de Saadia ben Josef Al- Fayyumi, Paris 1893, published "Saadias"' Arabic translation in Hebrew characters from a Yemen MS. and the Constantinople and London Poly- glots, taking no account of the Florentine MS. (and Leyden Cod. i}77 Warner, published by de Lauabde, Materialien I), much less of MS. Vatic. Ar. 2. 96 The remaining Manuscripts and the printed Editions etc. Thus there are a large number of variants, especially in MS. Vatic. Copt. 1 and its group, and also in MS. B. N. Ar. 16 and its likes, marked as "Arabic" (^J^/■ or simply ^), or even without such a title, which poiiit to our translation. For it is not in sense only but often in the very word that these variants agree with the Hebrew-Arabic version found in MS. Vatic. Ar. 2. Again, there can be no doubt (we hinted at this in Chap. 11,1 : MS. A) that the sections or chapters (J^-aj) marked in MS. Vatic. Copt. 1 (frtim whence they passed into MS. B. N. Ai-. 12) are taken from tliis Hebrew-Arabic text. Thus in our MS. Genesis has 47 sections, which agree to the word with the division marks in the margin of MS. Vatic. Copt. 1 (compare oui- remark on the eighth section, Chap. II, 1). Exodus like- wise has 26 sections, Leviticus 16-, Numbers 35 and Deuter- onomy 18.- We are inclined to believe that in this division of the Pentateuch into 142 sections we have before us a division similar in character and purpose to that of the Sedarim or triennial pericopes of the Hebrew Bible. For, if in Hebrew MSS. of the Pentateuch these sections vary in number from 154 to 167, according to the exhaustive study of GiNSBrEG (Introduction to the Hebrew Bible, London 1897, p. 32 sqq.), we may, perhaps, also reasonably suppose that the Jews of Egj'pt, who were forced to accommodate themselves in regard to feast days and religious observances in general to the 2 AssEUANi gives 15 sections for Leviticus; but we think there is a mistake ou his part For, when giving the complete number of sections from the colophon, he assigns the number 132. But if we add the number of sections of the single books, we find 141. We may, therefore, well suppose an error on the part of the scribe or the reader, since it should either have been written or read 142 (not 132). And this difference of one between the actual number of sections and that assigned (most probably) in the colophon, allows us to add one section to Leviticus, making the total number of sections in this book 16 instead of 15. We are confirmed in this opinion on finding 16 sect, in Levit. in MSS. Vat. Copt. 1 and B. N. Ar. 12. Part I, Chap. Y 97 Mohammedan masters of the country, as we know from Makrizi's History and other sources, may have found it ne- cessary to reduce the number of sections by twelve, making four lections less for each year, so as to be able to read tlie whole Pentateuch within three years. This opinion derives additional probability from the fact that in our MS. Vatic. Ar. 2 fol. 8 (Copto- Arabic 10) we find this title at Genesis 6,9: ^..JLiJl iJil^iJI Jjl _j«,^ cj^'-^' J-«^l, "the eighth Section, which is the beginning of the second Parashah". 2) Printed editions cosulted and collated. A. In Sect. II of the second part of our Study we have collated for the first, eighteenth and fiftieth chapter of Genesis the Arabic text as it appears in the Euchologium of the Coptic Church, published by Raphael Tuki in three books, Rome, Pro- paganda, 1736 and 1761 — 62. These three books are generally referred to as the "Missale Copto-Arabice" — "Pontificale Copto- Arabice" (2 vols.) — "Rituale Copto-Arabice" i. GuiDi cited by Hoener (Consecration of Church and Altar, p. V— see below, B) is authority for the statement that Tuki's MS. is lost. It is impossible, therfore, to say from which ancient sources this Coptic bishop drew for his publication. Certain it is, that the Arabic text found in his bilingual litur- gical books belongs to the group represented by MS. Vatic. Copt. 1, MS. B. N. Ar. 12 etc. The version is, in our opinion, made directly from the Coptic, but Tuki has endeavored in numerous places to revise his Copto-Arabic text upon the Greek of the Septuagint. — Tuki's variants we designate by "T". As the Copto-Arabic Missal, Pontifical and Ritual are not furnished with comprehensive indexes, it may facilitate inquiry if we here give a complete list of all the parts of the Penta- teuch that occur in the Euchologium 2. 1 See H. Hyvernat, Egypt-Coptic Church, in the Catholic Encyclo- pedia, vol. V, p. 361. 2 In the Missal we have found only four Scriptural passages, viz. Mt. 26, 26— 29 (p. THA), I Cor. 11, 23— 27 (p. TUI'), Psalm 22, 6 (p. TllAi, Psalm 116, 1. 2 (p. IV in the Anaphora). Rhodb, Araljic Feutateucli in the Churcb uf Egypt. 7 98 The remaining Manuscripts and the printed Editions etc. Gen. 1. 1—2, 3 Consecration of Church Pontif. vol. I p. 505. „ 18, 1—23 "Lakane" (Mandatum) Pontif. vol. II p. 280. 23, 1—24, 1 Woman dying in Holy Week Ritual p. 541. ., 25, 7 — 11 Mourning over a Bishop Ritual p. 313. „ 28, 10—22 Consecration of Church Pontif. vol. I p. 512. „ 28, 10—22 Over the Baptismal Font Pontif. vol. II p. 200. „ 50, 4 — 25 Man dying in Holy Week Ritual p. 534. Exod. 14' "Lakane" (Mandatum) Pontif. vol. II p. 286. „ l.i, 17—30 "Lakane" on the Feast of St. Peter and St. Paul Pontif. vol. II p. 417. 25, 1 — 26, 30 Consecration of Church Pontif. vol. I p. 515. „ 30, 22 — 33 Consecration of "Myron" on Holy Thursday Pontif. vol. I p. 289. „ 30, 17 — 31, 11 Consecration of Church Pontif. vol. I p. 526. „ 39, 43—40, 33" Consecration of Church Pontif. vol. I p. 530. „ 40, 33''— 38 Consecration of Church Pontif. vol. 1 p. 536. Num. 4, 1 — 16 Consecration of Church Pontif. vol. I p. 536. „ 4, 17—32 Consecration of Church Pontif. vol. I p. 541. „ 20, 22''— 29 Priest dying in Holy Week Ritual p. 525. ' This does uot seem to be a iSoriptiual text. I'ari I, Chap. V. 99 Deut. 5, 22—6, 3 Feast of the Adoration of the Holy Cross Pontif. vol. II p. 332. 16, 1—18 Feast of the Adoration of the Holy Cross Pontif vol. II p. 375. „ 31, 14 — 16" Mourning over a Bishop Ritual p. ;]17. „ 32, 39 — 4i Mourning over a Bishop Ritual p. 311. „ 32, 48—52 Mourning over a Bishop Ritual p. 310. B. The Rev. G. Hoener edited in 1902 (London) the „Ser- vice for the Consecration of a Church and Altar according to the Coptic Rite". The text is published from an old MS. (1024 A. M. = 1307 A. D.) presented by the Coptic Patriarch Kyrillos of Cairo to the Bishop of Salisbury in 1898 (see his Introduction, pp. V — X). In tliis Service occur a large number of readings from Holy Scripture, both of the Old and the New Testament. Apart from single verses interspersed here and there in the ritual text, there are consecutive lections from the Pentateuch as follows : Gen. 1, 1—2, 3 p. 81-92 „ 28, 10—22 p. 92—97 Exod. 25, 1—26, 30 p. 97—119 „ 30, 17—31, 11 p. 119-128 „ 39, 43—40, 33 p. 128—135 „ 40, 33 -.38 p. 136-137 Num. 4, 1—16 p. 137—145 „ 4, 17—32 p. 145—150 We have collated this text in Sec. II of the second Part of our Study for the first lection from Genesis (1, 1 — 2, 3). The variants are indicated by the letter "R". (^HAPTEK VI. GROUPING OF THE MANUSCRIPTS. THEIR MUTUAL RELATION Having described the single manuscripts which form the subject of our Study and pointed out the peculiarities of each one of them, we may now classify them according to the nature of the version .they represent. MS. Bodl. Libr. 324 aud MS. B. X. Ar. 4 may be passed over here without impropriety. We have dealt with them sufficiently in Chap. IV, 2 aud Chap. Ill, 2 respectively. The peculiar text of the former entered into our discussion merely incidentally, whilst the version found in the latter is certainly not a "version of the Pentateuch (made or used officially) in the Church of Egypt". Of MS. B. X. Ar. 4. however, we shall catalogue the sections of the text, because these have been copied into MS. B. X. Ar. 16 (see next chapter). MS. Vatic. Libr. Ar. 2 (S) contains an Arabic version from the Hebrew, as was said above (Cliap. V, 1). For reasons there stated we have deemed it advisable to edit a number of chapters from this MS. in Sect. Ill of Part II of our work. Of MS. Bod). Libr. Hunt. 424 (X), the old and new portions of which represent two ditierent versions, we also publish a number of chapters (Part II, Sect. IV) for the reasons set forth in treating of this MS. (Chap. IV. 4) and of MS. Bodl. Libr. Pocock. 219 (Chap. IV, 2). The other fourteen manuscripts, with which we are chiefly concerned, may be conveniently divided into two main groups. The first group comprises seven manuscripts, viz.: MS. B. X. Paris. Ar. 16 = H MS. Bodl. Libr. Pocock. 219 = K Part I, Chap VI 101 MS. B. N. Paris. Ar. 9 = L MS. B. N. Paris. Ar. 10 = M MS. Bodl. Libr. Marsh. 440 = N MS. B. N. Paris. Ar. II = O MS. B. N. Paris. Ar. 18 = P The second group consists liiiewise of seven manuscripts, viz.: MS. Vatic. Libr. Copt. 1 = A MS. Vatic. Libr. Copt. 2 = B MS. B. N. Paris. Copt. 1 = C MS. Bodl. Libr. Hunt. 33 = D MS. Bodl. Libr. Laud. or. 272 = E MS. B. N. Paris. Ar. 12 = F MS. British Museum or. 422 = G As already stated, tliis classification is based simply on the nature of the version found on the several manuscripts. We refer the reader to our text edition, Part II, Sect. 1 and Sect. II, respectively, where the identity of the version contained in the different manuscripts of each group becomes quite apparent. We have there tried to establish a normal te.Kt of both groups for eight chapters of Genesis, viz. Chaps. I— VI, XVIII and L, by collating the seven manuscripts, correcting evident mistakes in one on the authority of the others and thus restor- ing as far as possible the original text of the two versions. The variants we designate by the abbreviation chosen (see above, Chap. II) for the manuscript in which they are found. An Arabic exponent to the right "of the capital letter denotes a variant not found in the main text of the manusci'ipt but between the lines and on the margin. As to the relation which exists between the single manu- scripts of each group, we have already said something when describing the manuscripts. It is difficult however, to say anything definite about the mutual relation of the manuscripts of the first group. Possibly MS. B. N. Ar. 10 in its original state may have been the copy from which MS. Pocock. 219 was transcribed. For not only is the text and the "tafsir" of the two MSS. identical, but they also agree perfectly as to 102 Grouping of the Manuscripts the indication of the lections, the marginal notes and liturgical remarks. MS. B. X. Ar. 9 was, perhaps, copied from MS. B. N. Ar. 16 before the commentary had been added on the margin of the latter. But it seems more probable that MSS. B. .N. Ar. 9 and Ar. 16 are two distinct copies made directly from the same original text. Something similar is most likely to be said of the origin of MSS. B.N. Ar. 10 and Ar. 11. MS- :\larsh. 440 and MS. B. N. Ar. 18 may both have drawn from an ancient manuscript containing the same text as MS. B. N. Ar. 16 but enriched with the commentary of St. Ephrem, In the second group a careful examinatian of the texts and variants leads us the recognize three distinct classes of MSS., viz.: 1) Vatic. Libr. Copt. 1 (A) B. N. Paris. Ar. 12 (F) Bodl. Libr. Laud. or. 272 (E) 2) Vatic. Libr. Copt. 2 ^B) 3) B. N. Paris. Copt. 1 (C) British Museum or. 422 (G) Bodl. Libr. Hunt. 3:5 (D) 1) When treating of MS. B. N. Ar. 12 (F) we made the assertion that this MS. was simply a copy of the Arabic text of MS. Vatic. Copt. 1 (A). In support of this claim we may refer in general to our text edition, where it is shown that the two MSS. agree perfectly, not only as to the text proper, but also almost invariably as to marginal and interlinear variants. Moreover, in MS. F the proper names of towns, rivers, coun- tries, persons (especially in Chaps. V and X of Genesis) are almost always written in Coptic letters above the Arabic names. The spelling of these Coptic words is identical with that used in the Coptic text of MS. A. In the latter MS. we sometimes find in such cases the Arabic equivalent on the margin or between the lines introduced by the letter JJ (Coptic), v. g. Gen. 2, 11 ^^^ iib^l- ^^S' -^ drops these variants, and instead Part I, Chap. VI 103 writes the Coptic equivalent iu Coptic characters over the corresponding Arabic word. Again, the notes, liturgical and critical, of MS. F are almost literally the same as those of MS. A. It happens very rarely that MS. F adds any remark of its own, and still more rarely does MS. F omit anything that is found in the margins of MS. A. Furthermore, MS. F at times puts the readings, or rather corrections, which MS. A has in the margin with the significant note ^-^ ("correct"), directly into the text; so too it not unfrequently inserts into the text itself those omissions which A had supplied in the margin; v. g. Gen. 2, 9, "the tree of the knowledge of good and evil", MS. A writes in the margin i.^^.^' isjjix), which words MS. F simply adopts in the text. Compare also Gen. 1, 22: (^a^Jc;^. Ou the other hand it happens that MS. F omits a word or two which are found in MS. A; v. g. Gen. 1, 25, MS. F lacks the words: ^'M^.i Another strong argument for our contention may be drawn from the fact noted above (Chap. II, 1 and Chap. Ill, note 1), that in MS. A the long passage Num. 28, 23—29, 5 is lacking both in the Coptic and in the Arabic, witliout any notice of the omission either in the text or iu the margin ; whereas in MS. F the same mutilated text had at first been faithfully transcribed without any misgiving, the deficiency being supplied later on tlie margin "according to the Greek and the Hebrew" or J.^M1 ^J.s. Not to speak of the identity of introductory and concluding phrases of the l)ooks of the Pentateuch in these two MSS., we shall adduce but one more proof to show that MS. F must have been copied from MS. A. It was remarked above (Chap. II, 1) that the headlines indicating the sections, J-^aiJl J^Ml etc. (47 iu Gen. etc.), were crowded between the lines in MS. A after the text had already been written. MS. F, however, brings these section-marks written in bold characters in a separate line, and, to leave no doubt as to the correclness 104 Grouping of the Manuscripts of our conjecture, section 8, wrongly placed at Gen. 6. 8 in the Arabic text of MS. A instead of Gen. 9, is indicated in MS. F at Gen. 6, 8 also. Section 32 (Gen. 26, 1) and section 36 (Gen. 32, 1) which are not marked in MS A are likewise not to be found in MS. F, where on account of the prominence of the headlines an omission in the consecutive order of sections could in itself have been detected very easily. The text of MS. Laud. or. 272 (E) seems to us to represent the very same recension as MSS. A and F; most likely the version was copied from MS. A, or from the original whence the Arabic translation in the margin of MS. A was taken. 2) The version found on MS. Vatic. Copt. 2 (B), though substantially the same as that of MSS. A and F, appears to be a different recension, the scribe (or the translator?) having endeavored to correct the Arabic text at times according to the Greek, at times according to the Coptic. A definite con- clusion as to the exact nature of the Arabic text of MS. B can only be reached after a thorough investigation of the origin of the variants found in this MS. 3) MSS. B. N. Paris. Copt. 1 (C), British Museum or. 422 (G) and Bodl. Libr. Hunt. 33 (D) are alike with regard to the Coptic as well as the Arabic text. MS. D may have been copied directly from MS. C or its prototype, as was said above (Chap. II, -i). But it is more likely that MS. G (copied in all probability from MS. C or its prototype) is the original from which the Huntington MS. (D) was transcribed. A few examples from the text of the two MSS. may serve to corro- borate this opinion. In Chap. L of Genesis the word "he wept" is spelled in two different ways in both MSS.. ISj in verse 1, and ^^ in verse 3. In verse 4 of the same chapter MS. D writes Cj^^^^ >^" instead of CjJ^j j\. This mistake is readily explained by an "error of the eye", because in MS. G the next verse begins with the syllable ^, in ^^\3S. Mistakes in the text, faulty spellings, omissions and the like are identic- al in MSS. G and D. Thus in Gen. 50. 18 both write ^lU^^ instead of ^_5^-j; and in Gen. 50, 4 c: — iJo L^ is omitted by Part I, Chap. VI 105 each. At this place MS. G refers by a cross ( + ) to the margin where a correction or addition must have been placed; but of this the last letters only O and perhaps (?) J=> are still distinguishable. MS. D, however, omits this correction entirely, because perhaps the writer never puts any variants or emen- dations in his manuscript, also perhaps because the copyist, writing in 1674 (see above, Chap. II, 4), could not decipher the marginal note in MS. G any better than we can now. Nevertheless, it is somewhat remarkable that in a few in- stances MS. D corrects a faulty reading of MS. G (v. g. Gen. 50, 3 ^.^a^^ instead of ^y>.^^) and substitutes a more ordinary expression for one that is less common (v. g. Gen. 50 22 and 50, 26 'i^J:^ instead of y^). The addition of ^J^ made by MS. D in Gen. 50, 4 is surprising. CHAPTER Vir. TEXTUAL AND LITURGICAL DIVISIONS. SEtrriONS AND LECTIONS. The two main groups into whicli we have classed our manu- scripts are distinguished not only internally by reason of the diiiference of translation and of the original from which the version was made, but also externally l)y tlie diversity of the sections and liturgical readings into which the text is divided. A. As to the division of the text, abstracting from the liturgical rubrics, it may be said that the first group ("MSS. H, K, L, M. N, O, P) presents the following number of sections', indicated in the MSS. mentioned entirely or only in part, in as far as the MSS. comprise either the whole of the Penta- teuch or (inly one or two of the five books 2; Genesis 57 sections i'iAyi), Exodus 19 sections (i^^^yi), Leviticus 13 sections {'i^\yi), Numbers 2:! sections (J-os), Deuteronomy no divisions. At the same time we find other divisions indicated in this first group (i. e. in MS. B. N. Ar. Ifi = H which are taken over from MS. B. N. Ar. 4 (see above, Chap. Ill, 2): Genesis 12 sections (-Irc^l or iiil^), Exodus - 11 sections t-lar^l or iii\^), ' Althougli these sections are called "lections" in the first three books of the Pontateuch in this group, yet they may be considered sinijily as divisions of the text without rpforcnce to the liturgy, because a rubric is added to about onc-lialf of their iiuniber only stating on what day this "lection" is to be "read" at the Divine Service. 2 Compare Swete's Introduct. to the 0. Test, in Greek, Cambridge 1902, chap. VI, p. 34:2sqij. Part I, Chap. YII 107 Leviticus 28 sections (^Is^l), Numbers 36 sections {As^\), Deuteronomy no divisions. In our second group (MSS. A, B, C, D, E, F, Gj the text was not broken up into chapters originally or divisions of any kind (see above, Chap. II, \). Now, however, we find indicated in MSS. A and F a series of sections corresponding exactly to the divisions found in MS. Vatic. Ar. 2 = S (see above, Chap. V, 1, and also Part II, Sec. III). Thus: Genesis contains 47 sections (J-«as), Exodus 26 sections (J-^), Leviticus 16 sections (J-oi), Numbers 35 sections (J--ai), Deuteronomy 18 sections (J-^), We shall now proceed to give a complete list of these "sections, designating those of the first group by the abbreviat- ion we have chosen for the main MS. from which they are taken, i. e. "H"— those of MS. B. N. Ar. 4 as »H bis", since they have been copied into ' MS. H — those of the second gi'oup by "AS" in accordance with the abbreviations used for the chief MS. into which they have been introduced eventually and for the one in which they are found originally (see above. Chap. V, 1, note 2). List of Sections found in tlie First Group ("H"j 2. 8) Gen. 4,8 GENESIS 1) Gen. ],1 2) 71 l,(i 3) H 1,14 4) 11 1,24 5) 11 2,4 «) 11 2,20 "') H 3,21 9) )3 4,].; 10) » 5,1 11) •, 5, 32 (Gr. 6, 1) 12) « 6,9 13) 11 7,1 14) )) 7,6 15) n 7,11 Ki) ,1 8,4 1 See above, Chap. 111,2. 5 This text follows the Hebrew order of chapters and verses. 108 Textual and Liturgical Divi^ons 17) Gen . 8.21'' 53) Gea , 45,17 18) .. 9,8 54) 11 46,1 19) 9,18 55) ji 46,8 20) I? 10,32 56) n 48,1 21) « 11,10 57) 49,33 22) 23) M 12,7 13,12 EXODUS 24) n 14,1 l)Exod. 1,1 25) 11 15.1 2) » 2,5 26) r 15,18 3) n ■2,11 27) n 16,17 4) 11 2,23 28) .. 18,1 5) w 4,18 29) n 18,20 fi) n 4,27 30) n 19,1 ') n 6,14 31) n 19,26 8) 11 8,16 32) V 20,1 9) 11 12,1 33) 11 22,1 10) >i 12,43 34) 22,20 1>) 11 13,20 35) n 24,1 12)- r 15,22 36) 25,1 13) - 19,1 37) M 25,19 - 14) n 20,22 38) -. 27,1 15) n 25,1 39) 11 27,41 1" 16) » 28,2 40) 11 29,1 17) 11 31,18 41) 11 29,32 18) 11 33,1 42) « 30, 25 19) 11 35,1 43) 44) 11 31,3 31,17 LEVITICUS 45) 11 32,3 1) Lev. 1,1 46) 11 33,18 2) 11 4,1 47) n 35,1 3) n 6,12 (Gr.6, 19) 48) 11 35,21 4) 11 7,11 49) 11 37,1 5) 11 11,1 50) « 39,1 6) n 12,1 51) r 40,1 ') 11 13,1 52) 11 43,26 «) 11 15,1 Part I, Chap VII 109 9) Lev. 16,1 ll)Num. 15,17(?) 10) „ 18,1 12) » 16,1 11) „ 21,1 13) 11 19, 1(?) 12) „ 22,1 14) 11 20,2 13) „ 25,1 15) 1) 20,25 16) 11 21,1 NUMBERS' 17) 11 21, 10 1) Num • 1,1 18) 11 22,2 2) „ 1,48 19) 11 27,1 3) „ 2,33 20) 11 27,12 4) „ 3,40(?) 21) 11 32,1 5) „ 5,1 22) 11 35,1 6) „ 7,1 23) 11 36,1 7) „ 9,1(?) 8) „ 10,33(?) DEUTERONOMY 9) » 13,1 No divisions. 10) „ 15,1 List of Sections from MS. B. N. Ar. 4 ("H bis") 2. 6) Gen. 25, 19 GENESIS 1) Gen. 1,1 2) 1, 6,9 3) 11 12,1 4) „ 18,1 5) „ 23,1 7) » 28,10 H) 1? 32,4 9) » 37,1 10) H 41,1 11) » 44,18 12) n 47,28 ' In group I ("H") we have given 23 sections for the book of Numbers. MS. B. N. Ar. 16 (H) itself assigns only 22 J^-^, but it has the inscription "second section" twice, at Num. 1,48 and 2,33. MS. Pocock. 219 (K), which contains the very same text, titles and notes, gives 21 sections for Numbers; but there, too, we find the second section (J-«as) indicated twice, Num. 1,48 and 2,33, and likewise the twenty-first section. Num. 35, 1 and 36, 1. AVe may, safely assume, there- fore, that in each case there is a mistake of the copyist, and that in fact the book uf Numbers, in this group, comprises neither 22 nor 21 but 23 sections. 2 This text follows the Hebrew order of chapters and veraes. i 10 Textual and Liturgical Divisions EXODUS 22) Lev. 23) „ 23,1 24,1 1) Exod. 1, 1 24) » 24,10 i^) n 0,2 25) n 25,1 3) !) 10,1 26) n 26,2 4) 11 13,17 27) !) 26,14 5) n 18,1 28) „ 26,45'' 6) ') n » 21,1 25,1 NUMBERS «) 11 27, 20 1) Num . 1,1 9) n 30,11 2) 1,49 (?) 10) n 35,1 3) n 3,40 11) n 38, 21 4) )! 5,1 LEVITICUS 5) •3) » 5,8 5,11 1) : Lev. 1,1 7) ,, 6,1 2) n 4,1 8) n 8,5 3) n (3,12 (Gr.til9) 9) „ 9,1 4) 1? 7,11 10) H 10,1 5) M 7,22 11) n 10,11 '^) 8,1 12) n 11,1 ') 9,23 13) Ji 12,1 «) « 10,8 14) „ \3,-2 9) 10,12 15) ,5 15,1 10) V 11,1 16) n 15, 17 11) n 12,1 17) „ 15,27(?) U) v 13,1 18) !! 16, 32 (?) 13) 14,1 19) )) 15,37 14) 15,1 20) » 16,1 15) r 15,16 21) n 17,41 16) n 15,18 22) ;i 19,1 1') :; 16,1 23) n 19,14 18) ?) 17,1 24) ,1 20,1 19) •« 19,1 25) ,7 20,14 20) 21,1 26) n 20, 23 21) 22,1 27) )i 21,4 Part I, Chap, vn 111 28) Num, . 21, 10 (?) 34) Num, , 27,15 29) 21,17(?) 35) » 31,1 30) 21,34 36) !1 33,1 31) 32) 22,2 25, 6 DEUTERONOMY -33( 2(i, 1 No divisions. List of Sectious found in the Second Group ("AS"')'. 24) I Geu. 20,1 GENESIS 25) r 21,1 1) Geu. 1,1 26) 11 21,22 2) n 2,4 27) 11 22,1 3) 5) 2,18 28) 11 23,1 4) !) 4,1 29) 11 24,1 5) !) 4,16 30) 11 25,1 6) » 5,1 31) 11 25, 5 ■ ') » 6,1 32) 11 26,1 8) » 6,9 33) 11 27,1 9) )T 8,20 34) 1, 28, 10 10) » 9,18 35) 11 29, 1 11) I) 10, 1 36) n 32,1 12) 11 11,1 37) 11 33,18 13) )) 11,10 38) 11 35,1 14) !1 12,1 39) 11 36,1 15) ?1 13,14 40) 11 37,1 16) )J 14,17 41) 11 38,1 17) 1) 15,1 42) 11 39,1 18) » 16, 1 43) 11 46,8 19) )) 17,] 44) n 47,13 20) )) 17, 15 45) 11 47,27 2J) )) 18,1 46) 11 49,1 22) )) 18, 20 47) 11 50, 15 23) )) 19,30 » This text follows the Greek order of chapters and verses. The same uumbcr of sections as in MS. Vat. Ar. 2 are also found in Florentine MS. Cod. Palat. orient. XXI and in MS. Mxt. 664 of the Imperial Library at Vienna (Flijoel's Catalogue, u. 1541). 1 1 2 Textual and Liturgical Divisions EXODUS 1) Exod • 1,1 2) i» 2,16 3) « 4,29 4) » 6,2 5) 1) 6,14 6) )i 7,« 7) )) 11,1 8) » 12,29 9) n 13,1 10) » 14,5 11) )) 15,22 12) I) 17,1 13) • )) 17, s 14) )) 18,1 15) )i 19,1 16) •>•! 20, 2 17) !) 21,1 18) » 24,1 19) 1) 25,1 20) IJ 31,12 21) 11 32, 25 22) >! 34,1 23) )) 34,21 24) 11 36,8 25) )1 40,1 26) >) 40, 14 LEVITICUS 1) Lev. 1,1 2) n 4,1 3) )) 6,1 4) 11 6,8 5) 11 7,20 6) » 8,1 7) Lev. 9,1 «) .. 9, 23 ^') ,. 11,1 10) .. 13,1 11) ,. 15,1 12) ,. 16,1 13) .. 17,1 14) ,. 19,1 15) ,. 24,1 16) „ 2.5,1 NUMBERS 1) Num . 1,1 2) ,. 3,5 3) „ 3,40 4) 1- 5,1 5) ,. 5,5 6) „ 6,1 ~') 1- 7,1 8) „ 8,1 9) „ 9,1 10) ,. 10,1 11) .. 10,34 12) „ 11,34" 13) .. 13,2 14) ,. 14,39 15) ,. 15,1 16) .. 16, 1 17) .. 16,41 18) ,. 17,1 19) .. 18,1 20) .. 19,1 21) .. 19,6 22) , 20, 14 23) ,. 21,1 24) .. 21.10 Fart I, Chap. VII 11 25) Num. ,22,2 4) Deut . 5, 1 26) H 26,1 5) 11 10,12 27) )) 27,1 6) 11 11,26 28) H 28,1 7) 1) 13, 1 29) 11 30,1 .8) 11 14, 1 30) 11 31,1 9) 11 14,28 31) 11 31,26 10) 11 16, 1 32) 11 32,2 11) 11 16,28 33) n 33,1 12) 11 18, 1 34) 1) 33,50 13) 11 20, 1 35) " 35,9 14) 15) 11 11 21,22 27, 1 DEUTERONOMY 16) 11 31, 1 1. Deut. 1, 1 17) 11 32, 1 2. 11 3,23 18) 11 33, 1 3. 11 4,41 B. It is not our intention to discuss : in detail all th liturgical notes found in the MSS. or even to give a complete summary of them. Still, it may tend to a better understanding of the versions of the two main groups, if we catalogue some at least of the "rubrical matter" we have gleaned from our MSS. "We may premise that in none of the MSS. are these indications of liturgical readings noted without omission or without mistake. But by comparing the different MSS. of the same group we are enabled to establish what appears to be a fairly complete list of lections, at least for Genesis. We shall confine our remarks to the first book of the Pentateuch, because in the other four the "ruljrics" are not so numerous as to allow us to assume that we are dealing with them in their entirety. At the same time, the notes from Genesis alone will suffice to serve the purpose of showing the difference in liturgical use between the versions of the two groups. 1) In our first group, then, we find the following "lections" in Genesis: BaoDB, Arabic Pentateuch in the Church of Egypt. 8 114 Textual and Liturgical Dinisions Monday evening, first week of the Fast. Continuation- of the lesson of Monday evening. Tuesday evening, first week of the Fast. Wednesday evening, first week of tlie Fast. Thursilay evenig, first week of the Fast'. Friday, first week of the Fast. Monday evening, second week of the Fast. Tuesday evening, second week of the Fast. ^^'ednesday evening, second week of the Fast. Thursday evening, second week of the Fast. Friday, second week of the Fast. Ninth hour of Tuesday of Holy Week. Monday evening, third week of the Fast. Tuesday evening, third week of the Fast. Wednesday evening, third week of the Fast. Thui'sday evening, third week of the Fast. Friday, third week of the Fast. Monday evening, fourth week of the Fast. Tuesday evening, fourth week of the Fast. 9, 18—10, 31 Wednesday evening, fourth week of the Fast. 10,32—11.9 Thursday evening, fourth week of the Fast. 11,10—12, 6 Friday, fourth week of the Fast. 13,12 — 18 Monday evening, fifth week of the Fast. 15,1 — 17 Tuesday evenng, fiith week of the Fast. 16,17—17,27 Wednesday evening, fifth week of the Fast. 18,1 — 19 Feast of the Annunciation. IS, 20 — 33 Thursday evening, fifth week of the Fast. 22,1 —19 Friday, fifth week of the Fast. 27, 1 — 41 " Monday evening, sixth week of the Fast. 31,3 — 16 Tuesday evening, sixth week of the Fast. ' MS. Pocock. 219 adds: (ji*^ Sy-^iji} J^ ^JJI i>j».Vl ^^^ Aj r-«aiJ \ i. e. and on the Sunday before Pentecost and over the "water- basiu", i. e. at the so-called "Mandatum". Ajj-^aiJI occurs in thfe Copto- Arabic MS. Zoega 99, where it renders the Copto-Greek word AAK.VMH = pelvis = the basin used at the ceremony of the "Mandatum" or washing of the feet on Maundy Thursday. Gen. 1,1 - -5 „ 1,6 - -13 „ 1,14- -23 „ 1,24- -2, 3 „ 2,4 - -19 „ 2,20- -3, 20 „ 3, 21 - -4,7 „ 4,8 - -15 „ 4,16- -26 „ 5,1 - -31 „ 6, 1 - -4 „ 6,5- -8 „ 6.9 - -22 „ 7,1 - -5 „ 7,6 - -10 „ 7,11- 8,3 „ 8.4 - -21'' „ 8,21" -9,7 „ 9,8 - -17 Parti, Chap. VII 115 Gen. 43, 26 — 45, IG Wednesday evening, sixth week of the Past. „ 46, 1 — 7 Thursday evening, sixth week of the Fast. „ 49,33-50, 26 Friday, sixth week of the Fast. In seeking to trace the origin of these lections, we were for a long time unable to find in the liturgical books of any of the Oriental Churches lessons agreeing with those indicated in the MSS. of this group. Thus they differ considerably from the liturgical readings of the Coptic Church, of which we shall speak presently; and there is also a great diversity between our lections and those given by A. J. Maclean in his "East Syrian Daily Offices", London 1894. In the latter, for example, the lessons for the first week of the Fast are marked thus: Monday, Gen. 1, 1—20 Tuesday, Gen. 1, 20—2, 8 Wednesday, Gen. 2, 8—31 Thursday, Gen. 3,1—20 Friday, Gen. 3,20-24 At last we hit upon a Melkite Lectionary, described in Sachau's Catalogue ', in which the arrangement of the lections seemed to be similar to that on our MSS. Dr. H. Pick of the Royal Library at Berlin was kind enough to send us an excerpt of the lessons of Genesis from this liturgical MS., and we found them to be in every instance (except for two or three less important variants) in agreement with the lections marked in MS. B. N. Ar. 16(H) and its group. Thus the Arabic note on fol. 21-'' of MS. B. N. Ar. 16 stating that the MS. was copied from a Melkite original (see above. Chap. Ill, 2) is indirectly confirmed by the arrangement and extent of the official liturgical readings of the Melkite Church. 2) Of the lections indicated in the MSS. of our second group (especially in MSS. A, B, F) it may be said that they agree in almost every instance with the readings from Scripture 1 Verzeichnis der syrisclien Handschriften der Konigl. Bibliothek zu Berlin, von E. Sachau. Berlin 1899. Part 11, page 876 (no. 320— Sachac 74). See also H. Zotenberq, Catalogue des manuscrits syriaques et sabecns de Ja Bibliotheque nationale, Paris 1874 — Fonda syi-iaque 10 (ancien I'onds 4). 8* 116 Textual and Liturgical Divisions as they are found iu the official liturgical books of the Coptic ClmrchK Taking the different MSS. into account, we obtain a fairly complete list of rubrics. Iu one or two instances only does the remark in the MS. disagree with the rubric in the official books, and even then this seems to be due to the mistake of the copyist. Besides the readings from the Pentateuch, which have been mentioned above (quoting from Tuki"s Euchologium — see Chap. V, 2) and most of which are also noted on our MSS., we may catalogue the following lections from Genesis: Gen. 1,1 — 2.3 Monday of Holy Week, in the morning. „ 2, 16 — 3, 24 Monday of Holy Week, at the ninth hour. „ 6, 5 — 9, 7 Tuesday of Holy Week, at the ninth hour. „ 18, 1 —23 Thursday of Holy Week, -Lakane" (Man- datum). „ 22,1 —18 Friday of the sixth week of the Fast. „ 22,1—19 Thursday of Holy Week, at the ninth hour. „ 24, 1 — 9 AVednesday of Holy Week, at the ninth hour. „ 27, 1 — 4P Monday of the fourth week of the Fast. „ 28, 10—19 Tuesday of the fourth week of the Fast. „ 28, 20—22 Tuesday of the fourth week of the Fast „ 32, l"*— 18 Thursday of the fourth week of the Fast. „ 32, 19—30 Thursday of the foiirth week of the Fast. „ 48, 1 —19 Friday of Holy Week, at the third hour-. „ 49,1 —12 Saturday 2 of the seventh week of the Fast. „ 49, 33—50, 26 Friday of the seventh week of the Fast > On the liturgical lections in the Coptic Church compare : P. de Lagabde, Die koptischen Handschriften der Gottinger Bibliothek, in Ab- handlungen der histor. philos. Klasse der Kgl. Gesellschaft der Wissensch. zu Gottingen, XXIV, 1879; also the "Book of the Holy Pasch" called in Coptic: OV^tOU IITB niHAGVA GBOTAB KA TA •hlASlC IJT6 •|-eKK.\HCIA IJA.\6EAIiApillH Cairo 1899; and the "Katameros" of the Coptic Church, which has lately been published by the "Librairie Helio- pohs", Eue Clot Bey, No. 24, Cairo, Egypt, under the title: Katameros pour tons les jours, les dimanches et les fetes de I'an, 2 vol. in folio in Coptic and 2 vol. in Arabic — about 2000 pages. 2 Called "the Saturday of Lazarus'' = the Saturday before Palm Sunday. CONCLUSION To summarize, then, the results of this our Study from eighteen Arabic and Copto-Arabic MSS. of the Pentateuch, we may draw the following conclusions: 1) There must have been in use in the Church of Egypt two distinct Arabic versions of* the Pentateuch, one in the Melkite, the other in the Jacobite (Coptic) Branch of the Clmrch. 2) These two versions were most likely officially recognized translations, since they are found not only in a large number of representative manuscripts, but also in such manuscripts as bear every indication of having been employed in the Liturgy. 3) For collating and supplementing their sacred volumes, the Christians of Egypt made use of other Arabic versions besides, notably versions made from the Hebrew (Saadias version' and others'); and even the Samaritan-Arabic ^ version was known to them and utilized by them. Moreover, it seems to us that the Arabic version of the Pentateuch in the Melkite Church is older'' than that used by the Copts; for in the MSS. of the latter we find a great number of variants which are manifestly taken from the Melkite version, but not vice versa s. The Arabic translation of the Pentateuch read in the 1 See Chap. V, 1. 5 See Chap. Ill, 2 and Chap. V, 4. 3 See Chap. Ill, 1. * Compare "Introduction", towards the end, where we have pointed out an historical reason why the Melkite Arabic version is probably older than that of the Coptic Church. 5 A detailed discussion of the nature and import of the variant readings goes beyond the scope of our present inquiry. 1 18 Conclusion Coptic Church was made from the Coptic text directly, and only indirectly from the Greek of the Septuagint. This is, vre think, beyond doubt. But as to the Melkite version, the investigation of the original whence this translation was made ' presents various perplexing problems which might well form the subject of a special and interesting critical text-study_. For on the one hand the text agrees in many respects with the Septuagint, especially in Lucian's recension, on the other it shows decided affinities with the Hebrew Bible and with the Syriac of the Peshitto. See Chap. Ill, 2 and 3. APPENDIX I Note I found on a double fly-leaf in MS. B. N. Ar. 12. Ce pentateuque arabe est una version faite sur le Grec. Ainsi les enfants dAdam et ceux de Noe se rapportent pour le temps de leur vie a la supputation des Septante. Au dc- nombrement fait au Livre des Nombres chap. I Gad est place apres Benjamin. Au second chapitre du meme livre le terme Tay/ia "ordo" est conserve dans I'arabe en lui donnant une in- flexion arabe. Abiu fils d'Aaron est appele Abiud comme dans les Septante aussi bien que Gedson au lieu de Gerson. Au 29 vers, du cb. Ill du raeme Livre des Nombres on lit Dael pour Lael et cb. IV v. 2 viginti au lieu de triginta, lorsqu'il est dit dans I'flebreu ques les Levites serviront depuis 30 ans jusqu'a 50. II y a peut-etre quatre ou cinq endroits ou la version arabe suit I'Hebreu; sans doute que le Grec qu'on traduisait avait une autre le^on que le notre. Si I'on voulait marquer tons les endroits ou I'arabe et le Grec sout d'accord et contraires k I'Hebreu on ne fiuirait pas. Ajoute que presque tous les noms propres d'homme ou de ville sont ecrits en caracteres grecs au dessus de I'arabe. On voit souvent entre les lignes des mots arabes qui ne sont que de purs synonymes de ceux sur lesquels ils sont places. C'est I'ouvrage du copiste ou de quelqu'un qui aura 6te possesseur de ce raanuscrit. Les marges sont assez souvent chargees d'ecriture, voici quel en est I'usage. On y marque fort rarement et en deux mots tout au plus le sujet du chapitre. Mais on y met tres souvent une deux et trois expressions synonymes de celles du 1 See Chap. Ill, 1. 120 Appendix I and H texte. On y corrige quelques fautes du copiste. On y rap- porte des opinions des Juifs mais tres rarement. On y fait observer aussi 2 ou 3 fois les differences qui se trouvent entre I'Hebreu et le Grec. On remarque par exemple qu'il n'y a aucun texte hebreu oil on lise Cainan parmi les descendants de Noe, mais on n'y dit rien sur les aunees des patriarches Dans le 29 chapitre' des Nonibres 11 y a une page dont la marge est remplie d'un long texte qui se lit dans I'Hebreu et dans les Septante comme le copiste a soin d'en avertir en ajoutant que ce morceau manquait dans le manuscrit qu'il a copie. II faut observer que la Genese est intitulee Livre Premier dans un titre courant sur toutes les pages et les quatre autres sout comme les Septante, I'Exode, le Levitique, les Nombres et le Deuteronome ces quatre mots traduits en arabe. L'auteur de cette version est Gergis comme ecrivent et prononcent les arabes c'est ;i dire Gregoire - selon notre prononciation. Voici comme il fiuit sa traduction. Super manum intirmae creaturae Dei in scientia et in opere Gergis ben Alcis abil mupadal ben Amil al JNlolouc ,_ycoi.^ >Lk«3J. «4,.^ rr"-^. ly.jiji ^_jk^ li3.s^-°-?. |J i.iLJ-s«j U-vvJ U^il iJLa-?.^ r-ob Uy-ji-^l j-ob A,XjiX^ '■'^3> '■'--'-'^U L^ji.,_»ixJ la^^X,«j» l-^j-vJI i\,^\ <*.,L43iJl l_jj^li 145.^;^^ rt'^'^ l^JM^Jl i^^Wj^^ j^Li*. ijj.^ 0^3 '^■^^ r^ ^^bc^l ^^\ (sic!) -J^^^-U 'y^j i<^*^' )^^ br^-** i_5^=^ b'iil^jUtl PART II TEXTS NOTE ON THE .TEXTS The texts comprise Chapters I to VI, XVIII and L of Genesis. As explained in Part I, Chap. VI, the texts given in Section I anil Section II represent a "normal" text of the two main groups, respectively, a tenta- tive restoration of the original text obtained by collating the several manuscripts. Variants of the different IMSS. are designated by the capital letter which stands for the manuscript in which they are found; variants written above or below the text or on the margin of the MSS. are designated by an Arabic exponent to the right of the capital letter. Thus, v. g.. A' indicates the first (or the only) variant found in MS. A, A' another variant in MS. A; variants with the same exponent, however, need not necessarily have been taken from the same manuscript. For on expla- nation of the "normal'' text see Part I, Cliap. VI; see also List of Abbreviations in Part I, Chap. II. For the peculiarities of language in these texts we refer to G. Graf, Der Sprachgebrauch der iiltcsten christlich-arabischen Literatur, Leipzig 1905. It may be noticed tliat in Group I Hamza is generally not written, while in Group II it is placed fairly consistently; Teshdid is used quite frequently in both groups; I\[edda, however, occurs only exceptionally in any of the MSS. .Section III contains the text of MS. Vat. Ar. 2 (sec Part I, Chap.V, 1); Section IV the text of MS. Bodl. Libr. Hunt. 424 (see Part 1, Chap. IV, 4). SECTION I NORMAL TEXT OF GROUl' I (MSS. H, K, L, M, N, O, P) j^UJ* ^y ^y <^JJ1 J6^ LJl^ *LJI ^^^ vi-oU ^^^^ Ul k^5 .>J^ cr^J <^AJ1 Jli^ 6 (-,-o_j ^L\ cus.-^ i3>>-' ^ ••UJ \ i^j^, ^^ \ ij-'*^^^ ~>S.i.\ i^JJ \ 5-^-0^ 7 ^^IS^ l^*.^ ^(S^ Cf-^i^ ''^Jl <^^( ^_$^rs U-^ ^>-m <^il^ l^J'3 8 ^a.\j j*sr° Jl U.~-J1 CUs:^ ^_,XJ\ sL^Jl e*^f-'^^ <^1 J 1^5 9 j:U-c>JI ^juaP'" ^1 !il^\ c^A.,^;;^!^ cJJjj ji^ ^j-^-^'^ x^'^-t^i .UJI yiJ^ 'IjLs.'' »UJ1 5^15* ^_ji^O| fiUjl ,jr-^l ^^1 5,j«-o\5 l;^J1 j^=^J ^:U\ JLs, 11 5 N ^j^i-*^^ >* ^■ j>)\ ' N jl^V 8 K ^^-vUsw (sic) ■\- Xnrmal Text of Group I |j\\ J-ft ' i~Jlsr^' %s^ <>^» »jy> ^JJl \r^ ;->l-o \h1^ u -kv^ — L«.Jj U--JI jAiw ^i L^-oUi L^.l^ 15 ,_jsr-J^ j^i ^w.y j^-^^i^ jpj'^l J* ^-u;J U->Jl jd^ j, ^i'J» ^j L!,,--;U^IS »UJ\ _,ls^* J ^_^1 »U^1 \^\^ l^_^lj \_^\ Mj.IS l^,v«s^l [Gen. 1,27— 2, 9] Part II, Section I 5* l4,.J.e U^^l^ J>y'^i\ \^\^ \^\^ L.»il ^il» aUI l*.«^^b^ 28 tjx^- t)) ^^-^ ^r^ '^^'^ ?. Ijrj. io^.~^o^ ^Jb lili ''<)^aX-o uI^ <)JJI j^^ 31 ^>L.j f^j r'-C"^ o'^J '■^^'^ 0*^5 U-^^Xo-, ^.^^^^ ^\^^} iU-^vkJl OJ~»^3 1 II »;-oj ^1 <)^JUI Ux>l ^J( ~J( iiia. ''-t_jUJ IJ.A 4 (Jj J=;NH ,^=.5 J^ 1^ J^l ^S^. (J aUI £jNJ ^*^. ^\ J^S ^.^.^i. l..»»jiJ ^LvJ^)\ .Las !(l^\ ^.».»»«J 1 N <>^i\ (sic) 2jv' ^U:.-o. 5.^.»i» 3 N — 1— AjbjJl 1 l:\IN' \JoU> * N l-o 13 L 1 JjUU (sic) 6* Normal Text of Group I [Gen. 2, 10—25] , Ob JJ \ Jvs>. V?. liTUjb. ' ^X-L^gj 1 ,^svi\. j.»J».Ml Ovi^J* '-^^f^. '^^>»} '>^^ Jfj"^^ ^^^ k— ^*>« 12 ^^i^\ J>^\ jk. k^. ^JJl yb^ ^l^^ ^LiJl ^^Jl <^\5 13 Ol>JI 5^yi ;J=r^Jl ^>5 -.^^juJl ^i>ji j, <^X*i^3 «(^iX^ ^jiJl ^j^L»JV\ <}JM\ Jjjll J^lj 15 j.;.^ 5j^5 ^yb. ^1 3^L^NU ^^^...^s-. NJ .^Vl iIj^I -"JUfl 18 ^\^ U^\ ^ Ji^ Jiil ^^^5 J^ J=/J\ ^^ ^Ul ^a^5 19 L<^^*j\ »^9 ^>i\ Jowl Jsji.1^ fUi LiU-^' f^l ^J.fr «)JJ\ ,_yiJU 21 y>\ J,\ L^p^ il^^l fM ^^ »JvrL\ ^JJI ji-^l ,J.JMl iJl,y\ LiJU 22 »l_^l Ujj' sJ^jb ,_j^ 1^ p-i» ^_5-<^ cr^ r'** *^ 0>^^ ?^* (Jl-" 23 ^^0.5 iS\j^h JvoJo., <)Jl3 HgUi J^y\ ^yo. cU> J^\ 10^^ :i4 I (ilosseina 2 N — J^_5^. ^ KL sic; N J^ J^p", lineola appositsi, lit videtur, lul delendum ^ ^.5 (sic J V. supra v. 16) [Gen. 3, 1 - 14] Part II, Section I )is\3 •)> yL^\ j3 L-ioU kiLJ^^ CUji-^-^ JUi 10 j-^^JI ^^ ,_,5-Uk*l ^A ,_jA^ CUJ-Arw ^\ 'i\^\ ^\ f>\ Jlii 12 aJ^jiI* "j^^" viLJls \Xa> C-Jjii M *-^'' <*J'^1 Cjj^\ JLis 14 1 N J-isl 2 M 'i\^^\ 3 N + ;Uj'\ 4 N ;Uj"\ » N - ^ sic omnee, pro jjU n N ^_^Lxi 12 N LB.oi.Ji 13 jj i3\yii\^ 1* N ^V '5 N ii\_;^SU, sic fere semper is N iXJ.1 (j-^-^^-"^* i'' N ,^y^' BaoD£, Arabic feutateuch in the Cbuich uf Egypt, 9 8* Normal Text of Group I [Gen. 3, 15—4, 6] j^^ „* U^ijj cr^i ^^)) orrr^i ''r^* o-:;^5 '^■^'^ "j'"^ f^S ^^ ^.jJJ ^U:^M'o. JJ.^3^"5 ail^=..l J:i\ iy^ J>\ n"\^\U J'JS^ 16 ^\ 'iys^^'^ CJ-* ^^^^"^'5 ^'\^( Or-=> ^^^^--^ ^'il f^"^ J ^5 17 cUL^ fill t:^*^ Ut^ J.S'Ij iJLi^b^ Jii.\ ^-ixt JS'b'^ cU .r-^" ^yLJi\^ viU^\ 18 kr-« C5^' J'.^^' J' >!^' o>^ ^rr^ J^^" -^^^^^i 3f^i 19 J^ Js ^l Uj-Sl \^ ii3\^\ fM Ujsi 20 Uv-r-"!^ >^\ ,^ J<^'^ s^l^M^ f>M <»JM\ Cj^\ s-L-o^ 21 cf^' J^^'^l ^3 J-*^ rrr*-J' ^5V cr* "^^^ S^y' "<)^yi.U 23 ^-ojJDI y^\j «_-^joUI ^^>^ J-?'-'^ d»-.'.5L>oi rj^^i 2"^ iiUi.\ isj.s^ Ji.^ iiki.sr^' iL^JJiJ^l 13^U1 »2v_.^ '^r^5 C-Jl3j '^i>r^^ *^-^J5 v^^^^ ^y> <>^' »;-*J cr* Cr:^-*^ S-''^ f^* "^^ O*^ ^^ 3 'S^ib Ji.0^ J-ol4^ iS]\'^.y^ L«3JU.*jj <)^.»^^LSj1 ^^ J-c^'-* S-''-^5 * viMa^^ ,,r- ^* (J5 >-^j=>- 0;-« 1>UJ cr^.'-*-' ''^■''^' vV J*-" 6 ■4 N i:i\yc\ ^\ i N A;i2^53^ 6 X - Ji^ ' N ^'^ 8 N J^b » N J^L^J "> X ^^^ " K deest v. 23 i> N ^b M KN lijLsxXJ 15 sio semper " L O^lj" bis 18 X Ajb J>^ [Gen. 4, 7—19] Part IT, Section I 9* ^yo. viJ^J j..^! CU^k=Lli (J ^1^ .iLU J^ CU.U^=^1 i^\ 7 14^1 ij-f-*-* ^^'5 *^>^^ (iJJCiii <*.-v:H iJ^L* ^.6 ,^j>^}i ^j.lj> Ll>_^ 1 ^(3 |j|L_.iX^ ijLs?. »2^ls JjU Ji- ^^ cUJ^ ^_^ <0^1 Oyi ^J JUii 15 i>-Ov>w< (_y»-^. i^'^i ry"^ dj^35 '"^'^^'■f^^^ i*.ilj^' j^jJoLs v_9ys5 17 i5j^>|\JLv«3 '^J^.^^J-<=-» -^J^ ''^^^r^^ '^^'j-^ C-?"^^ "^.J^ ^^ U»».^_j O^. >i'^'^5 '^"~? (J* A-5^^3 » L lil*^ (sic), N l-*)lj 10 N deest i^j J»;'^^ '*^j 11 L Ult_^ (sic), N U^Ls 12 N crr^jlJ" 1^. (sic) » K il_^, N jlJ^ n N J-o_\*s.O (sic) 15 N J.^\_j3:\^^ is I, jvliiyu N J.>Jo^AU " N crr:"^"lj^* 18 K M N l*4jj"^>^^ i^ N — sUaJ; videtur esse scribendum: Ai>l , i. e. alia scriptio nominis \>\i, quae ex margine tan- dem iuvecta est in ipsum textum, ideoque delenda 9* 10* Xormal Text of Gronp T [Oeu. 4, 20—5, 8] ^.^i^5 3._^i^i ^s^ ^ j;' j^ .•*5 ' J^t^y. '^^ ^^W 20 «cu=L\. jo.j^l, ^ys^J* ^\^ ->s .*5 •■J-cJy CjJ^J^ :il--»5 22 I'U^U, ^y^ '"^j ^-^^-^^ '■'(j^' J-=^' cy Jy^ ^^^-^' ^,oi-_^- ^M ^;j-< ajU crr^-'^ 0-* r^-^. ^'-»^^' «>j>-;-^ ^^.io. '-'^^jli 24 ,i..^\ c-jijj '■'^LcUi Cj^J^i cuUsi' >;:=- ii.*J-y\ ^>\ sj.fi 25 j^u J JO _^T .jo^ J, fis ^i\ j^\ ^^^ iii.is "=Ju^ ^^\ l^;j. ^>S ^i^ JiyI 5 "f^ "'Ju--^ jJ^j 26 .iJ'iJi Cjj-I> (►•^Ij *y>>^. ^y\ ^ jJloi d^,ui ^.- *> j (_j-^'-* ^—"■CV**' 1^*5 ^ jj«. ^^j-v^L-) j<"^5 ^Lo 5-;-»^ ij^y^^ ^ ^^5 '*''"^ c-~^ '-^'^■c^ 'S'^i '' iijLx^\j, N jUjDIj 1 L J-:r?y., JI J-:^y. N ^;_,^by U>j.\ c L JI Uj«j (M J-n^y) J-^?y. ••^-^^j, N ^M>-»-> cxH'-' ^-^ ^^^-^^^ ■" N »Lv>»-J 8 ^' UvJ *! N (_r> * ' " N J^j ' ' N f y* iJ M ,_y.;-»iaJo (sic) X ^Xi-JL-oXj (sic) la N v. 21: ^l Jj>.\ ,;^-« j^j.*ji,^^ d^sL.^ (_J,\ (sic) ii'-«'^» Cr:>?.'^ hlsL-iJ" i-ja^A^ J^i >« N <^-^») '■'■ X Lol, suprascriptura Ui^ lo L ^-^^-^rr"' " M L«^ 18 <*oL» sic fere omnes semper [Gen.5, 9— 28] Part II, Section I 11* ^^I-LO <*J ■^^^ I ^^.W ^^_^J!..>«0« AiLo |_pjjj' ij^'^'i ^ ^k^wj -,UXft ^,4^.,,tt,?fc.tt <^iLo J,^-**j /^LLo '^^J wXJa l.xjvjl_> ^«'*->l ^_J^^5 1 - l^Lo ^ jjj>*^A-J ■*< q "^.^ ^jLo ^.■h^O l^V' lT** g^.* o *^ tV;^* ^^ j^Lo Ji ^^y «->^; aSLo ^x^ ^ ''o>'^3 ^'^ 9j-,.;JUj'^ A.iU 5^^^ '■'5'-?. •*"' ^S "^l-cJ^JO ^J_^\)^U3.-0 ^1^5 16 CJ-: l!1jLo aJ ^^^4-0 j:_jU^I _jb ^U^ 18 vxlj^ iLl.*v i.iL« '3^1.^ r>'^^ "^ '^■'j '^ '^■^^ k>^ '^j^. ij-'^^i 19 joJ ^<jIj o^'^ '^ 5-:^^ '"C''^5 ^'^ J_i>jX/« <*J >>.J« LovXJO '^^XiLI ^J^^i *JJ^ f^'-*'^" ji^-^l |^.«-..i».l« 22 , ;L>^.^ a *v^-0 ^J i^'aa t M — .LU) 2 jr _ ^ 3 L — j_jiU^ U9i|ue ad J^y )i4^ 9 ML o>^5 '" M O*^ " L Cr«^ '^ M CrT^* '' ^^ cr^ 14 M ^- t -^ 15 M deest v. 25 '6 M gx«o n L Cj^$ 12* Nortnal Text of Group I [Gen. 5, 29—6, 12] MJ\ Ua-^ ^_yXJ^ J=jM\ ^^^ l-^.Jol ^^ L>J »|^ (jJ^s^li OU.--=>- ^1-^1 O'-o s,JjJl yj ^1_^ 2 J^\ ^ yt^J( ^UJ\ ^V J o^5^ C--^^--^" ^ '^^^ S^y^ J^5 3 Ja.\ ^^ ^> J.SU ^^^ J=,_jM\ J.* V^il f^Ml 'ilij (3 0*^5 4 (^ O'^. '-o*^ >y^* ^"-^ J-' *y^^ <>-'^' "r^ "*o* Jpj^J\ ,^, ^^ .JUil=L ^^.JJ\ y±^\ i_j>JJM _,~-»^ 2 L crr-«'3 (sic) ' M c>^ * M 5<-»J » L ^y»^^^ c [j v.iUsbj 7 ]\[ — 14J 8 M in margine ^►.-^^\ ^-o » M + 0-* '" M — ^;^1 11 L M ^-o (sic) 12 L Ji^, M ^;Jl^ i> ^^^l;*-^^, i. e. L ";L'l>.>..i 14 fortasse deest verbum i' L 0-»io 18 sic omnes, i. c. 0^^-^>5 ■' M — <»J'^\ 's lege: ^>_;^' o^ [Gen. 6, 13—22, 18, 1—5] Part 11, Section I 13* O--:^'* CJ-:^^ .x^--ij. ^ ^^o, ^^^^J\ ^ ^^x^ j,.iL«3^l ^ ^^^ 19 ^ ^^5 i.^,J. ^t)U^J\ 3 cr-'^ ^^-;i U-Jl ,^ 3 ^^ 20 »_^^Ajkll cj'^ 'o>'^'^".? 'i^^ C^y^'''^^ ^ • M b^U, sic semper 2 probabilius est glossema 3 IX-JL^o, i. e. cameratara, vel convexam (rectius) ■• M ^ii~sui «_^^j«jJ '■> vel \^JL:otJ? 6 sic omues ^ L ■^^ fij> 8 L L-o^\ a M v_$j*'» ^j-^ (sip) 41 M L ^UiJ 11 M L »U^ 12 M jjii' sic, L JJiJ"? 14* Xormal Text of Group I [Gen. 18, 6—22] ^^\ '^^ J IS. k^Lo Jl Lji.\ J,\ J^>; (►^yl tr'^i 6 ^^^L»J »lk»l^ ''^■^ '^**^J "^^ J^U iy^ lJ,1 (•-r^y^ tj*^^3 ^ ^IS ^«,« lysii (►v' <*^J>-^-^» z^-^ kJ'^^ J-?^ 5 '^i l-U-~- S~^\j 8 Is^j^f^J' .^Ua:' Ui> (^_)b J..;* f-tr-^ '}^ UilS j, 2j^b ^A \iyt L* >,\ \ ^iO\_«\ iijL^ •A !s\Uo C-^AS• j»4j^ljl (i LoiJi. Li-Uj j>,s LilS ii\Lj» ».>ab-i\« 11 i3>^5 Ci"^' (i' *^ L^ O^. vjy' ^^^ Lf„^.JJ ^ CUSLsT^ 12 •Li) »X9 >^\ CUs^l IJsjb >J-^ ij, is\j* rrr*T o^^' i.^ "'AJJI >xii Jjt 14 (»-v*^l (_5-«^ CJ* ''^'-*= UlLo ^_;i-i-^ ,J-«-) tjjjl (JUi 17 Jpj'^l jB-«\ g,. ,-. <>o viJ,L^"« »_<_<.$'« (*-»--Ji* ''i-s^l ^^^. *"^*r?' IB ^►AbLka.* (_^>>-U yXS ^ jy«U<. j,oJ^*o ^';-«o ii^'^ <■ 'jJI J'^5 20 1 L Ow»-uj (sic) s L J^l> 2 M c>>^3 * L M v3y ' 5^<^ cfr. V. 12 5 M — «!aj\ c M *^\ ' M ^^ [Gen. 18,23—33; 50,1—4] Part TT, Section I ' 15* Jul ^^L-i ^^i,\±\ ^ jU\ .iLM^" V JIS^ c^j^' ^■^ 23 J^\ ^ 2_yi.*i- NJ^ jM^sa^'t i^.^xjl ^3 l^b ^3,...*^ ^U ^1 24 LiiiJl IJ..A \J JLis ^.^^1 ^^-^ CjJ^:^3 L-lJli ^^^ r^j?' *-<^ ^'^' 29 j.1^^ ^U ^_;.^MI ^Laij^Jl si-a c:..Jj3 «li\ lil Jij b JLii 32 js^-ixjjl ^J-=^l CJ'° '-*^-^' ^1 (Jbti i(_.i,j. ijJUA ^^^kls:«-J' kis? »b\ l^kls:?. ^^\ ** j-rJaIs:»-J ^ '»->-■r^* '-*^y. y°^ ^ CUi^i ^^j-J^L::»-J ^ ^bl J^$o aJJ^ ^\l Ley. cr:cajj\ ^ ly^^ 3 ^u ^;^i uiu ^;;,^s^ ixji^Nj LJ.--y. J Is b;^i ?bl CUJIju Oi 4 ^-y^^iili Oy'j-* d*^"*^ *3 'y>" *-0-J«-> (IfS'^A-^ (J I L !iU.lii.\ 2 M \^*J' 3 M ^bs. < M JiU. 5 M \yis.\ 6 M t«\M 7 K S'^^i^ (sic) 9 K in margine IXL'^I 9 K cr^J*^ (sic) 16* Normal Text of Group I [Oen. 50, 5— 19] ^iLJi (►~jil Ui' siJbl _-Ji\ j^juot cy^j^ J'-" 6 O lIaa;1^. ^ l9\i ,j\ ^i f.4^1^ ^yu. ^^..--wks <>J.i*"M Cjjl-O. j^Uo j^ c'-^^ i*JC« ^OJ^J>-<»i 9 6>iJLL» i^ui 5^>;V\ ^ (3 ^1 v^ ^^ J"^' ti' 'y'* 10 fbl aa.^ ''^^ 'SLJl ij-»*i *>>-=^ JoJkic S|,^_ji6 *l.a.^ 'doJ* Ob^^ y^ (3 ^>^' r^ O'y"^ »L>\ Ij^-^JLJ \^,xji-D ""'^^JJI AjjiH« -ya^ (j\ i_Lw^ 2^^ 1^ i_i-»i^ ,JjJ lyis vJl;U Jsj" (.Jbb \ ^1 c-Ilx.!^ SjtLI '"^^ Oi 15 ^blj .?. li' V-^ 1^^ j-o.\^\ 21^1 j..;^ jj^^ ^r^b J^"' o''-"^ ^ ^. 'jJ>*» ^i <*J ULs M t_iL«jy. bLJ >i)j.>^ ^ \iy«, ^ \^lJi^ IB Lil ^\ J,\ J^l ^^ \^,JxiJ' ^ eJL-^^. ^ JL« 19 ' K y^a^ (sic saepius) ' N — Jpj\ » N JJi-o^ < K ^U» (sic) ' -^' O^r^* ^ ^' — ^1-^ ' N 4-^" 8 K ^.^Jift ^\y (sic) • N 5(1^ (sic) 10 N iiwUJ\ n \^\ sic omnes; lege: (*)'y, ut in V. 10 iJ N >iU> u N ^-o ^JX* lyjii^ i< X -S^-o s^Jsji-l 15 K in margine: ^y>^ fl^" ^^l '6 N ^^JJ\ " N ^^ (sic) IS N U-^ i« N \.^.^jS so N — <»J si N AJJ\ [Gen. 50, 20—26] Part II, Section I 17* jy;\ ^;:.^ ^b J ;u ^^\i ^b J, '(^-^.^ (^i aij 20 Ij^^ U..^X^ ^^ _i.Lo ^^5 ■• Jl-v:».l iiij' f'ji'ii' I— i-»»J_j^, v3b5 23 (,-ofc^l UUo^J ^_^l j_yXJI Ja^^ll (Jl ^^"^' *^* cy c^-^j^} (j Sjijajj.* s^k-ls? ^^^-L»j 'r**^9 *iLo (^ I yb« i_s.— j^j CJUi 2(j 7-^ J=;' ^ jrr" ^y^' 1 N (►X.fr^UjJ 2 K lylsxj (sic) 3 K N CU-:-J>l 4 N 4- oJj SECTION II NORMAL TEXT OF GROUP II (MSS. A, B, C, D, E. F, G) J=.jM\^ i*U--Jl ,OJ\ JX^ ^wV-Jl t^ 1 I 'i^yjl ^IS, ";^\ 10^^ 5U-^\ 2 B CUiir JsjVlj 3 Fi (A, Z D ^jb 'i^,^ « K A.,Xsrv^ M5 ■• ZZ>DEi ijjkj\ JUifer^ c Z Z" D j* ">^^ ' Z D i3*J>J\ 8 Zi El ^l-f;}, r ^.i^ CUJU^ 9 Ai F' El R Jiy , Zi ^JUV .JUiU, Z Cj^" v:^^ "■' D oy^ I'ZD^y '^ ^^y 13F'_)^>^;>1 u Z o->^>a. -^ol . D l-L»»a. d^\ i-' Z D R ^f^i 16 R — ^-^ n Z D Bi Ei Ui^ 18 Z D <)o\ J^l LvJ\ U'i> OJiJIj ^U3-J\ i9EisU--» » A BRT J5\ fifJ., z J5M\ f^, zi D J5^\ f3-J\ t^ 21 _z ,^^ o^i■ c>i^ o^» »L^1 ia*c^, Z' D idem, sed .xl^ loco CJ^ " deest in R 2' A B E 0^.5 24 z D ^J>^_ Oi^i " ^' ^^^ D IjLJ (sic) 20 Z Zl D R J^^\, 27 D (_^l 28 Z' J-«--\ i.;^U 29 Z OLJJ\ 3" B — ^J^\ etc. 31 Zl Uy i-^Ls 3! z C1j*-^K Ai -\- oUJ^ ^^LSLi 33 Z V. 8: ^^--ow 3; ]) idem, sed J^\ loco O'-r^K et Ulliw l,,oo ^^^--^i^ 3i E R ^K* as C E R + CUi "3« 1) ^LiJ\ (.^\. z j_,iliJ\ f^ Z' LjG Uy. Z2 [Gen. 1,9 — 18] Part 11, Section II 19* ^tt^ Jl 'U-J( •'^sJ" 3^JJ1 2^UJ1 '5*:^^ ^' J^"j !• 19*.^ 18Lr^.3 *U--J\ 29^1^ ^ ^*lrr^^5 ^^ ^Iv^l 33^iu_j ^\j\ 32j^\ ^^.^-^ii* -'c^.^y «»JJ\ 31=^0, 16 „sr-J^ 5X J>JJ\ 33 ^lU-^ _^NJl 32_j^Jl^ 39^> 38^1 ^l_j^ J-i*o\ '^^-r:^'-' ^ Bi Fi Lj«_»i»., Z D p^U-^^ j-o^ e B Aji-e.3i\-o, Bi T >>^1^ 5-o-f^-*! Z ^U-^l 5-^^. R l^^Si-l^ La.*^ ' E j-^ji^.^ » Z D V. 10: g-«-^^-< 5-il^^ i^v"^* '^^ O*^^ ^^ ^^i (Z Wc desinit) 9 D U>U-4«)\ lu B' C R ^y^"^ ^ JS^^ " ^i*' omnes; sed rectius ^;S.-i-^ 12 R — Cj'-^> u K L-i^ft u B — \ji^ i^^ R ^Jj^ "« R >>Jy. n R + o^^. " F' <;j? " T — i^ 20 R desunt omnia ab ^_)^^ (j* in v. 11 ad yj>j^^ ^J■* in fine v. 12 21 T — »jj^ 22 Fi »j^ 23 ci T o'r?:^. K ^r^- '^V' " 1^ '■r^-ii 21 R U^^ 20 A' F' C Bi T O'-*^, R i-<^» 27 D j^^UjJl, R iCixijbL)- 23 K Ij-^. '■■>^%5 29 R "^^ i3 3" R L-^, ^_55^ 31 A' Fi C< Bi T cr?.r?r^. C2 ,;_,.;j,-Jij»J\ cr?. j~^ ^ 3= A' Fi Bi T jXJ\ 33 AiFi B'T i-wliy 31 R L»^^X>i^ 35 R \^^ U.^ 36A'F'Bi \^x«)\_j;oj, R IkX-c^Xjj 37 R ^LoJJj 38 R _ AJJ\ 39 Fi B >^J-> o^ 20* Normal Text of Group I J [Gen. 1, 19- 28] 24L^,^U:».lS' 24^L^J1^ Lv-^U^U J,^\)\ 23ji^^, ,)JJI jXiL^ 25 JS^ -Ol^S- 30j,^^lj ^\i^\y ^l^^\ 29^, 2..^3-J* .iU- ^\^ yi ;t2L,4^^jaiL c)J.j\ i(j_yoj ^l^m\ >Aa. 5S\i c A' \jL^ • R: j;^ *-Xa. ^_,..»jo Js'j aj;ji.^l Uu flyjl 8 Ai B' o'-?'J'>>-'l ' A U4r^iw^\^?) 10 R + Is'^.UJl 11 A F + f^T^^bj 12 c D LU^ow viOi ,UJl ^\_J5 '3 BR ^^jL-^ H DC' |j>-«a cy J^^^^i 2» B c>>3^'5 c^iljs, Bi T ^U^'s f^L"^ 2' J^^ usque ad ^^i ileest in D 22 R •^\yb 23 R Jo^a.^ 2-r>^ -' deest in F 2b R •^\y(i 26 A' Fi Bi R T ULwJl 27Ri^LL«^ 28A1F1B \y^\^^, Bl \^kL-*Xjj 50 R Ji\l>^ jls.\^\ 30 R Jpy^\ Jfj 3> R ' B R ;i>U. 38 J{ (^U,^\ Js'^ 3a R Lj^Lr J.^,M\5 «o B R ^1 f\y,J\, Bl Uk 41 TB3 ^J}s.-Co. 42 B Ji J=.j^ll J* [Gen. 1, 29—2, 9] Part IT, Section IT 21* 3Ji 2lj^ 2y^ ^£5;r* ^y-^ J^ ^ Js'} J:';M1 Ji^^5 f-^»^5 3" s^UJa s_^s 'M5UI '^..^..ixs Jfj iS^ __y-iJ ^JC^ J=_^\)1 J.S ^li-^ ^l-w.^ ^\i^ \l=f. ^^^^^ ^A lolJU ^^ U-Xk .3 ^3^-i^Jl ^S^ 24^>\|\ ^ U^y ^^ iJ^\ J_^\^ 8 J?U\ ij;^^ jJi-UJ\ il«3.ii ii;s^ J? JpjM\ ^^ i^\ CU^i^ 9 iLfU ^ ^^yo ^^^' iyji \i^ 5 K ^^Lt, 6 R CJjJ ^XJ\ flyjl 7 A' Fi B T yii^\ ^.yU-A., R ^.-isLl ,_-.w^ 9 Ai Fi T J-S^, B deest 9 R deest lo R \>\^ n R J^, u B T Uv^J, R (.-«,^.3 13 R i^^.JJl ^U*> 5-;^.^ '< R <.4t*-^ '^ R (►Vi^^ '^ R t---^s 5<^-«^5 in parenthesi 22 A' Fi Di j*j>. 23 jj^ etc. usque ad Js;Ml j^ deest in D 2* A' F' B' c;>>* J^ ■'^^>=>- J=>_;> e-:^?^ ^^**~'* **j -v:;j>-**r:* Ujo^l ^ 11 *^>^-ijJ\^ "^' ^-^ I— ~*ij 12 iL^j.1 ^:>j\ j^^s^ ^3=*-'' y»5 0"^=^ i^"-^' ;^»-^i r^'^i 13 ^^>yj> ^ ^\ f=r-^^ t-::^ ''c^ :yili f>\ ^5 (^'-<=-r" ^■:^=^ f-^' er***'^ ^0 I B A' F' ^y>A >B J-s->JI ^^ ^ y.^ili, A ^;^LsX;ww J-v->J' iu mar- line 3 B notat J-^jJ* J"^* (3* A sub littera ^ (coptice) is^.^l, F id. supra nomen scriptum litteris copticis « A' F' B< j.*a.'^\ (Jj^"^' 5 A' Fi '>^j-?jJ^ J^'^^i ^ ^^ -^' ^' J"*"^^. ' S -^' f'' *^' ^ J-«*r»^* 8 C B' ^)^^ (^3) 11 B 4- j-j-v^' 15 kiUls usque ad Lv~* deest in D 13 Bi 0>^" ^^ '* B ljj>.*^ (sic) 'i I) - <*JV\ 16 Ai Fi y^\ n A' j-~>=>»5 " B (iUj 13 D »U-«>1 2u B My»-»«)l 21 C D E ^y^ 2 J D Ji'^ 23 c ->^y. " I) UJ^ (sic) ■■'s Ai Fi D iS)-^\ ^3ic) [Gen. 2, 22—3, 9] Part ll, Section II 23* 3U^-^^\^ i\jA ^M ^^ 2i;>^UJl t^^\ i<)JN\ '^yi iLixil^ 22 s»l^l ,_j»j.j sjjb ,_5.»i. cr* *^i os-*'^* cr* r'=^ o"^' *'^* f^* J Lai 23 7^^UjM1 '•c'^.i ^ji^^ij i3-^.5 ''^'^ """j' J^r" "^y^- "^^ 2'*' U^l^ \. 10 U^ii^ ^\ J'j^)\ Ji^^j ^•rM^=^ cr- ?^=^' ^^^^ ^'j) 1 III j "^1 _;sA^^ Cj1_^' s-ci*^ o^ '2Q il^J si^i oJLii 2 \3yt ^\3y^ kJ"^ "ilj-JJ A-Iil CUJUi 4 USL^tl Jii-o U3-L. ^;;!ilS'Lj ^J.J1 f_j^l J, ^^1 fr'i^. aJJI c;,^5 5 ajJoi '^o-rr*^' y=^ 'i-li^ J^UJI *-^*i 'fr?^''^ ^* »^^l Cj1^5 -^^ 3^'^-^^ i^\ JSli ^3^5 ^^ J^y 'S^^^Ls U-Cr^l L^is^ n|^«>\)i- U.«3-^»( CUs:^-'U 7 LftlJ>U 4 D L^^ •■' A in margine scriptum est, posteriore raanu, Coptice et Arabice; 0'>^^ -^j-JI ^^ U»->V, P idem Arabice tantum, et supra legitur: (J-«=l, C D UsJ-"-? j^^ ^jjL\ uSa ^"^ 6 J) ^^Uyoj 7 Ai Pi UaUS' 8 A F ^=:^i)i 9 D c>^^.f '" -A-' F' B' Ci E' ^^^L^^a,^. A2B2C2 j;;\!ls.\i.-u. " ^ ^JJ* 12 p U 13B 0-* ^*» i« C UyJljjJu 15 c cxyiJLj D cr:^ 16 El Lv^ " n ^^LxiM\ (sic) »8 A' Pi B' D cP^.f " Ai Pi Bi o-^ 2" A' ^_$>^ RhodS| Arabic Pentateuch in tbe Church of Egypt. 10 24* Xormal Text of Group II faeu. 8, 10—22] ' Ql . « -t, U iSA.\ 3\ »\_^\ .^Lii Ua >_uX*i M>UJ isl_;*iJ >-s S^Jji^l^ 15 ^^.jjo o'r-"^^? ^Jjo^'j "^\^\ '1^1 "»r^ il^ JU-^ 16 J^lj"^ ''.ilUjo j=;Ml cu;-«J U^:^, U^^ jTLi -ii ^1 '3aj_^l jii\ ^..^.Jj^ J^li^ JiJ ^^^Iv^. >il^-i)3 «iU^ 18 OJ^l e.^1 J*^^* J» >jy*i" J^ '^'^^^^ 3;^ ^y^ J>S\3^ 19 *Lo^\JI 5.;^.,^ \\ UJm iM^ dO'yi ^\ ^i\ U>5 20 i'U.43-.*^l5 >^^ ^^ J-;^*/*- ''^^ij'^ f^'^ ^^^ <^j^^ 5-^-«5 21 201^^ jibj iUii iysAJ* J,l »jo. j:^. ^^M\ ,*Lai • A' Fi B C D E CU-^iX^li 2 A' F' B' U^^ ^^^-^^^^ ' A' Fi j^jjix C-jLaa. 4 A' Fi B ,_,^!^^1 * A' F' B' ^ o A< 'aa CUJLsJ M r^'-W* J^ cr" "-^' ii^JLU crtOjSj ^U 7 I) ^\ (sic) 8 A» Fi B' 5-;^l^ ' D E y* 10 A> F' B' (^) ^-^ " A' Fi : j[xS\ ^lJI^;r^\ 3>^M 12 A BFi cr^--rJ> " A' F' 'i^^^^^l " E liLU-sJ 1; A' Fi B (^3) '^^J^$ '« D ^5i>. I' A' Fi B' L^jb[..^^ 18 Ai Fi B' ^^^ '■> A' Fi B' (Jju., B^ ^4^_ 20 A B — U^ [Gen. 3,23—4, llj Part II, Section II 25* ^1 J'^VI ^ J-.J.J f^^\ ^y^ cj- ^'^^ ^y ''»'=^r^'5 23 i_j>^.^ i-jL/t^ 2 ^^^.Li i_Jj«.ij.» «_oi^\ -o^i_i <>.JLo» j2_,^_»*)^ fil rr^i •^^ iuJ^ jys-^ J^.y. ki^E^J 3jU CUsjj C-JL»^ i^plS 0^55 vJ-J^s* s^l^l -11^ f.>\ ^^5 1 IV ijjyj Ub^ ® J';)'^' »7*^' cy cP*^ s-V f^'' "^^ o^ ^^ ^ lojoby;^ •■'L^j.J.t (J^-*-* '-^'j *^^-:A* c>y^- '-^^^J^ ^ '6^3 l^Lo Oi '5JiJ.i J\ (.^-^"-^J <»^> J^U^ Cp^" J^' P 8 (OOii 183^^\ J^U ^ Jj,'^ fU '■ Jiil ( j) + v:UiXy-«, C D + ^ioCUiJo. ^_$JJ\ iiUi (D ^--viJo,!!), Ci + ^( ^iUj (---.1-ICo 4 D E ^jp- '' Ai Fi B Aa.j) 6 A Fi B' J-*-"-?., D O^ (sic) 7 Bi Jsj'iH c3 8 E f/J( 9 Ai Fi Bi yi>i, A2 F2 B' ^ -' ->-" (J 0^5 '^'"^ «-^ wU>*>a.\ ^;;\ (Bi 4- viLJl) A*^j, A2 F2 B2 l-»-^.li ^y^^ (J 0^5 '^*-*^ lJ-^• '-^^-->-**»^* U>L^" "iUJlj ^iU i^\j ixkiU cu^3^\ 13 E — (iUXkiL n Bi Ai ^\ 15 Ai Fi Bi }^\ 16 Ai (J\ n A' Bi iiU.^* (?, *U>^1) 18 E -- i^\ 19 B E *i^;=>-l "> Fi ^j^* 21 D \^j\, Bi Fi ,_^\ ki3=\j (Fi — Lil^) U\ CUi/^ Jjb 22 B o"^*^ " B' 0'>^* 10* 26* Koi-mal Text of Group H [Gen. 4,12—24] iij4,.uu ^^i u^y vi^J^- ^\ iy^ M^ 3>;^\ ^ J.^. 12 J Jsijyo- J ^^.^ ^}^ ^ ^^j' v^yj cP^' J"^ 13 ■^U-i\ i*.^ ^\ji J-^ ^^ Js eUJ-J ,_^ dJ Jjyi JLis 15 ^OoJo. ^1 ^\ si^NJU ^'JJ J*=^ iS'i\ Cjji\i s^UJ ^>i» or* ^^ 'il\^ io.>y Jp,\ J ^J:^-^ oL\ ^>^l ^r-^b >-*-^* U*i 25 Jby C-^lj «Jo.>^>5 cr''^»=^ 26UiLo 'iJ>^\j> b\^ ^jl^^ 22 i6.iL«"i) *UJ b 20^-^,^ U.^^1 ^5 \JU b 2;^-\^._j cU"^ J 1*5 23 ,_^X»kXj UUi^ 2»^_^j^ ^^ CUUS ^1 ,_^^liJ U^\ 1 A' Fi Bi Uis 1 Ai F' Bi ^*J 3 D A-»<^ < A' B ^i^ 5D — f>^\ 6 B" C-w^^ ' B jU-«»\ (sic) 8CDE<»JLo. 9 Ai Fi 'i^\ '0 A F >y 11 A' Fi Bi (J) Jiy\ u F> J'^\f n A' E' M^ F2 ^1* D ^Ij^ i< Ai Fi Ji\^iv-« D J.-o.Uv* 15 A' Fi jvoV 16 ABCF C'U'^ " D UAj.a.\ is D \5^^\^ (sic) 19 E J(y. JO Ai Fi J5> 21 t'D JLsy. " A' Fi C;.Xa.\ 2' CDE yt\j^\ " ACF Cj'jLLJJ\ 25 c Jby D Jb^. 26 CD I^.Lo " D A^l— UJ A' Fi Bi <)^"i^V '8 B ^V** 2» A' Fl ,_yXj -«ai 30 D OJ^ " -A-l F' Oy>JL.-ttfj i-»^^ [Gen. 4, 25—5, 14] Part TT, Section IT 27* ^\i .JJOs ^JJl J-oU 4Jj,^ 3U.^^ J ^ui ,jJJl £,1 dJiiU ^xJjl^ i-lxj *.!)Lo g^^ Hj^Li <3jJ^l ^1 j^ju fi\ ^LTI I'-vJUilS'^ 4 ^^\ i'j.J«U ^-_y^X.4A) ^__y..._^iL» ^2_y.;J.iLo iG^Li;, is^U^ (i rj-;^-i-**J J^*"***? <^Uo ^>v^fcO ^^V' *^5' ^^;' vXjO j^^ ^^i^L^ l^^S'^ t ^V3b*.>J> AJ^ltt ^wL*^ ^^w%,3»-**Ott ^^oL« lT^^' lJ^ i ^ ^_jl^ ft j^>s-0 vXJala ^.^vaO (-^vJ«Jj\^ 22X!>U f,;-^ J.-vSUi,;rXl J.J^I ^\ -'^^JO j^jb^ Lr''^5 -'^^ t._jLOa ^^y>*.0 cXJ^fft ^>^.. Ools'^ 14 I D E .^t^ 2 C D '■^^'^ E ^i-^ij » A2 F2 ^T ^UJ < A' Fi Bi ^^^ biy 5 D l^w)o. (sic) ' D *Jl^)^ A" F" cr?-^^' A2 F2 ii^-ur A3 F3 JK. 7 B U:^3 D -i-^, sed vide vv. 4, 6, 7 12 Ai F' Bi f>\ J^'^i " D >x)5 u c E '^^P '5 omnes ^U UU^ leCDEJx^ nBCDEFJJ^l is D CU^ 19 d — j^^*^ 20 D j-^ j_yo'l 21 B o-r*-*^ " B *-^ (sic semijer) 23 A F t' E ^_y^^^,^^ 24 D ^.JXft 25 D _ ^^i 20 B E D l.*M_»ii.^ 27 F ^J.^U.<3^ et "i) supraserijjtum, igitur (J.-^'ilU^^^xi, sio fere semper 2S ]) 28* Normal Text of Group II [Gen. 5, 15—81] ^jU JLU- iiU C^L^" -^^^-Ijw jJ^l ^;>> Jot? j;,.^ >;b ^^Is^ 19 •> L^ .. ■ > > l^iLt^) ^y^ d>-^..i>.0 ^j_,.;J^.>.0« ■ - Lx^..^.) . 11<>.^L« Jj^yi^ ij^^i 25 i5^.>JU*j, iSU '^ -Uj ^iL«V jJ«l ^1 '3j^ JJ:^^ ^U^ 26 j>jM\ ^^. UJU*! ^^ '-"b:^7^. 'J-* ^^ '^^y -W-)* (_,i-_5 29 22 u,,^^ 2ijbl ■; li'U-y jJ^l ^1 joo ^;_j^ dUV ^It^ 30 ^_jLO* jj!-"^^ «>-*'8. ^w«..vO ^wsJs.««>Ja j^^-Ji-iST * D j:y* » D j^r^* "^ ^ i^^' D iiU-Lj." : d ,_y3 (sic) 8 D ^.r-*^^ 9 B D ,_^'-< '« A' Fi Bi <>^^ A' J!i LXa. i.jtij n A' Fi Bi ^i-i-.) j;^-oUJ'j <)oi.<..u) iiU 12 D J-;-**'? n B C D vXJij ^w« H B ^;^■ D AiU.;^' A' F' B' crrr^^ '^^ ^■^^ " C E oUj^ D <^iUj"^ Fi numeiis copticis: 18:^ " E •^}) A F Jca.^^ (sic) '9 D j.y JO A' U^H^^. A' bojjo. Ji D A .... ■; . A uumeris copticis: ")95 '2 D AJ^ a5I , « . ..i A' Bi numeris copticis: 776, 770, 777 '< E ^ ^ .^.'--..ij I . > . < -^ ^ [Gen. 5, 32—6, 13] Part II, Section II 29* JUib« f'-:*-^ f^ CJ"^ *JUV jJ»U i^-L^ <>J!'..,— .^^^i- j_i ^^IS' »-^5 32 j_j-.ixi CJ ^> ^XjO ^;^5 ^^y\ JJ-J ^ J'^'^' ti-' V^ V'^^b 4 Hj.r:^l -Ji- ^1, J=._j\J J.S. y.^\ Ol^^i-o i^-J^J^l V'r'^y^ ^5 S ^"ill v_IjJ\ (.Lol c*..»jo ^li-j ^^•'"j 8 22^_^_^1^ 'ilyas |3NUlr ^Oljb LiL^I ^y ^IS ^y '''JU-tl Ua^ 9 ^-^ j> J^ o>3 ^^-^ ^^ ^.;'J' ''o> ^J'-*' vLyi >ji 12 I D \^J^\ ^UJ\ lylS'^ 2 D ^^^ ^ oJ^lj 3 Fi i^) LJJ^ ^^LwS. «.(^\ 15*^^ '.JIjL-b rfJJI _^-0 j^ A' *)-o 151 ,^\ )\j^\ * B £)( J,i D (_i\ Ai B' P' C D ^\-^\ Cji-^ CJ"-^ (J* 5 I) — UL-^iw 6 B JUi 'BCD ^:;,i->o 8 A ^M^La 9 A' Fi Bi j^^-^l j.-*^ lo D ^^^y^j 11 Ai Fi B' ^LUl 12 B U E j^'^Jyt '^ Ai F' B' ,;jryir<'-^'^ A^ *byl\ C -\- j^^y^^b D 4- j^^U-^ob u 1) \j^^ is Bi ^j Fi g^«» M oJJl i_-s.-ii^ B' F2 .iiLiiL J, *JJ1 _SL«i 16 B' Fi Si^ n B> Fi v-aJJI is D + (jl^ f^Ur^' " sic onines; B' A.;-^ 20 A' bo>-va 21 B Ai Fi "i^^a. Bi Ay-'ot. 22 Ai Fi Bi ^ ^-^y* 2» Ai Fi Bi 0'->-^ 2) B E J,\ 25 Bi ^^) 28 Ai F' Bi ^►^♦JJi B2 ^_^jS.\S 30* Normal Text of Group 11 [Gen. 6,14—22, 18,1—4] 2CLUJ1 z-^\^ '^r*-?. '"^ ^--i-^ cy ^y ^^^ ^^' ^ f-^^ 14 ^b J^^U A^l^i J* Jjy C^ *<>^; CLX4 2,iUiJ\ J^l^ 16 UJli' LsU,^ LJLi- eisUl, j^i^ ''<»^-r^«- ^3 ^cUiJl liUJ^ J*i ^^t JLJI .jo »^\ U J<)oL< ""'Is^ '-^''-rJ' (J'-=»-j *-iJ^' '^j-ojU ^^^.-L^ J»^» 2 Ja^Vl ^J^ -^-^^J <>0^^>^ v_jb ,^^ l'^o,=> £,^\ ' Bi A' Fi ^^-^\ BJ A»r';U:.-,--iJI (in margine) y.l>^\ u^--i^ ^j^y-^. "SI ^iJl » A' Fi B' CJjve'^* ^ C t*-«aJ' « A" F' Bi U\y> »Ut\ ^»» O^-i ■■ '^ <'^'.=^ " A' LiXu) F' >— ».»'-«^ 7 A' Fi Bi J^.^V « Ai Fi B' (^i\} A2 F^ \V- C^l^ » A' F' B' *4sJv>o A' F2 f.(^Sj>-> 10 A« F' B' cUJl i-ij u B' ^ Sm ■'■^ Ai F' B' j-^-«=5 •' T bl_;-J5 " T *^"t-«^ 'i T IM^ le T »^-vj u A» F' Syaivi A2 F» <*—!_; ^ T (^UJJ 18 C" Fi T O^ b 19 T ^iULc\ A_»ju 0->^» ^-:^— ^ o^ -" '■' -"^ J-S^ " T (J^^l 22 T \^3:^J.yU.j\ 2,1 X — Sjob [Gen. 18, 5—14] Part 11, Section It 31* ^j\ »XL* Ij^s 'M ^ya^ SS> ^jo |^„<5 ^y^LXi Ij-^ 'J-i-l^ 5 CJJi •'US' 'IJ-S.* Jj«i> 2J|.ii ^j,^ ll^ 9L;_v^ SLo^^ Nls* J>-:L1^ !iyo Jl '^^-^ia.!^ 7 *U^^ J^b 15^ U> JUi yb Lil eUi^^^j ii^Uo ^.\ n^ Jlsj 9 is^UJ^ JjlS ^^ '"c;'-'>J> !>>•* J-^ (3 ^1 S^b 1^' isjLti 10 fkiilj U^^^b'l J, U*i,5 U.Li 22^ 21^1^ »V,Lwj 20^,^yij 11 2ni:;-^ 24^Lo Xi 2e^yl ^ils U^- ^ C^s.-^ 25is^L^ 1>LJ J.3 LJI^ 2c^ii.^|j jjT 2H\bli- ^1 jr^_^\ oL«^l U* 2S|3 spi ^^ ^\^s i.jtJ.,a^ 12 T >-*-955 (if^-r^L«\ f4^>^^ isysxiJI iXXiyb 13 Ai F' Bi (►4,--^ l;jL> B^ (►V^ ''>-^*-? A- |j^43-<\3ii A'' f4:ri_JJ!_ 1 jJ. (?) 14 T ^U».li kilo\-^\ ii'^Uo ^_ji,. ^^j\ CIjJI ^ NLfls i5T-)-i(^Uo i6T+<»J I7A1 Fi UjU j^^\ BI JjlXJI j^^l T i(;U^ C^yS>.3 J-^-i^ ?^1 (3 ^::-3yi '8 T l-o\ 19 T Jii-b ^^ ^^iJ^ i^j^ '—jy^-^i^ i_j^ 2u T f-c^^T^' o^i ^' B C F — tils' 22 T — J^9 23 T + ^i-«J '4 T -lio 25 I' ^^^.^ ij ii^,Lui >J:,J^2=1-^ 26 T s>S\ ^II Lia. ^yl 27 Ai Fi Bi ^)}^'- '^^ A' F' Bi £=~lj til J..JLJI fljj\ ^^ >JU9yi (Bi IJjb (3) \J^ y^^\ 29 T O^J\ ja-jLw 32» Normal Text of Group II [Gen. 18, 15—27] ^ laJi-L^ r*='^*-* v'-r^V' *(j-'^5 lykis-?. ^\ ij.3Li ^^ J^Li inyul^j Cj^I j^ ^\ \s.*, jjLii' ^\ uj^ j=._;M\ ^i;> b dJLJii^ ^'-»-'> j-^ 7^ ' (^\ U-^ N ,.( J_^ ^ J-a ^\ ^-^X u A' Bi \yJ»^} lyj«i Ja 0^\ fU\ UilS 17 T fJki;i 19 C <.-rr*^^l liic et deinceps; ct'r. V. 6 19 T + (Jj/J ;o B T ^ilM^. Gen. 18,28—33; 50, 1—8] Part II, Sestion TI 33"* ■^ J'j^ C^^ ^^-^ ->^=^5 o'^ A^' J-*^ v.^-^^ ^. Jl-" 30 J Lis is^,^:^ 14,..^ ^=^^ c^l^ o*^ *r«-" *^* r^"^ J-^ ^JL" 32 (J,' (>-^*ljjl ''?^^5 f-^*^'^^ ^ <>^US' ^^ ^ji LJiJ ij^y t_y^^5 33 AJ-0« <*.-J.6 ''j_jib» (J-^il <^2>.^ ,_^ Ol-cO^ i^Si ^ ^ J^l^-t^l s^ClNJl kls^!ib\ l^ils:?. ^^1 ^;_,.^_kls^-'* »^'>-<^r» '-j^y. ^*3 2 '0^5 «Cr-kIs.-^J* fb"l J.»io ajj^ 3\J U_^. CJ^^^I <^ ^^5 3 L«0 ^i^y^'.Jt^^^ y^a^ ^^^ <^-J>£ >y\_5 ^1 ^>NJ J.*-ol 2l^\Jlj ^M 20JUa ^jjlA-li ''•'J'jW jlJL^^Uxa ^^' *S ^.*.>^ ^v^^rw ^SL^ ^A'O^ sol ^SvX>J c-fi-w y_ vXA^aS / 5>t«.jj.^ .^..-ol CX-o ^.^^.^^^ AJ^Ll^ L_Lcoy '-^-^ '-■'ij^^ J^3 8 1 B + j^j^jijjVl^ ' B + ;_$J^ W. ^ Bi ^to5 4 G iSbj D ilSoj s B' j^^k-is\^l cE j-^s.vXj\ (in margiiie) 'A' -l^'?} -«M d^is s G ^;J,Jl-^ 5 D G — v-IuAiJ UJi 10 T CU-iiiS\ '1 D G pJ^J^ '2 T ^.^3 ^ C--i^ ^;>1 ^Is n D ^ '< T ^S^L1 " Ai F' B' ;3s. ^sl 18 T iiJ-^iJ^ (3 ^Ij 13 D E G T Jpj\ (3 20 T ^b;j> ,^.>\ 21 T + (M 22 T + ^_5j1 23 T f-*j*-'-> '^< T — JJ»\ 25 T ^^^l/i 2G T .:Uil=.io 27 D E G J>;\ (3 34* Xormal Text of Group JI [Gen. 50,9—19] ^b\ i-jLy.^ UjU J» \^Ui 8>lil ^,>..^< ia^LLjl ^UUS' J:.j\ ^l£w ^\;j 11 ^^IJLJI oUi ^,^\ ^_^> oUJJ. ^^^j-.a^\ ioiL».J»6 <)La.Lu (^Lo^ Ui" »^ '3>yj»s^ 12 ii'KLc c-^^l^l »\yJ^\ ^JJl '-'J-ci*^! '^7^' (i '■'''r^>5 13 ^ l»,>>ji-»a j^.JJl f.-^.,.;*.^ <>JJji.\^ ^* r*^^ ci' '—*-"'>?. "?^J5 1"^ d^l ^> JvJL^ -"^»-< <*^( 0^>^ 2'JIS^ .iJli^ J^- LUiar^^ libl ^\ lyU, , J\ 261jls? 16 :'0j:-iJl5 (».<3Xlk^5 (^Lo\ 21.,^ ^1 i_i^^^ \y^- 2S^j^ 17 ^\ »2j,.^^ aij/Loi ^ ^\^ j^li ^•^\^ ^ g^jii ^jji ijijt* ji_(3^Mi' sjjv,;* <— *-^y. ^^1^^ '^'-^' LSI aIi Lil ^M lyl^' NJ i_i-.)y. (^ JUi 19 (sic) 8 A E F G >U>1 T i^\ B iUil a T — »Jj«i lo T IJjb -^h^^ ^_y»i 1J^5 O^j"^* X^ (3 >3->Jl l-^J" y* c^y^"^ •— ■^^^ " A' Bi ^^ 12 T ,jXJ\ sj-a 13 T (iJbUay U/ IJ^i.* iy^> <0 a-^-oj u B iyXi>^ o*-*-^^ >>^)' ti^ »vL»^» 1.' T j^l (-ieUsuJl lo T D cr^'^* " T 5^; r^ ^" '^ '^-^ =' T ^>j UJ 22 T lyl^ \^ Uj 23 T ^5 T->iJ ' Cr* Ui_j6 (■t'K-^J b LU jt^_ 2« B l;^l5b 25 B T + <>^ 26 D G ^fLs^i 2T T ^U 29 B lJ.su, T \JSjt ^\ D E G >iU J^ 29 T + CUil 30 T ^;^'^J 1^ U^^io viU I^ji-Ud ^^'^ 31 T ^ j^l) istw\ 32 Bl T >iUj\ D G GUi 31 T <*o^^U.\j \ylf >\ 35 1) (i y La-j 30 T liU l^jvXaJo [Gen. 50, 20—26] Part IT, Section II 35* ^^\j> J ij^Jx^JI Jju:>. ,OJI^ "y^k ^ 2^^^l^Xi j,Jol lU^l, 20 ■il^is- U.^ ^ ''Oyo. ^_^ ,_^1 IJob ^_^ scuIUil^ (►aIJsj '^"^^^ '■■(^^> 5^^ >^l^ V ^ JU^ 21 ^b^ "^1 ._iJ^\ ^XJI Jp^^Jl J,l J=jNJ\ »ij6 ^^ <^.>.*^.5 S-jy^.5 J^^'i rr?*'^' Sjiji^^ 23^^U;,-c' Cffr^'**' 'V'^i '*"'^'^ "'i3 >*5 '— ''-^>?. O^t^ 26 j^'^l fyJ\ J,l ^^j-o^l 2 A' F' Bi (J, J^ .UJlj p^^ J, ^,-X.».«J6 j-vs?Jb 3 Ai Fi Bi JyiJ. < D G \j^ s i) (; bl^ o T f^yl ^ T> G f^yj^ 8 B' T f-«3-?y^" J* >l iiT^3J.^ivi^ {i.yi.r>. y_^\) 15 T O^'-^ (^jJl ^^" <*^"y>-l i_Lw^. I vkli.^ 16 D + My n T + Ua-^ 's T l^i-^i^U \>[jiSi\ dJJl 19 D — j^^-* 20 E l-ot D G U«^ 21 T j^\ 22 G !Sj^*5 23 T ^1) kisvi SECTION III. TEXT OF MS. VATIC. LIBR. AR. 2 (S). JUj^ <*JJ> ^ljj2 j-^* ^=?-3 ij* f^5 iy=r^*-**'• k'^^U J=)Ml vJUJlS^ 2 ;y ^Ki ;y ^^^ ^\ JLii 3 fUkJl ^^^5 ^^\ j;_y-0 <0JI J-^5 Jvl^ )yJ\ 3' ''^^^ r'^-** 4 fU ^^ *L-o U^U ^^.^5 iUJI k^^ j_j LLvO j^XJ ^} tJ^^ \j\y\ ^ ^^.^ 15 v.AMA.riMJa [Gen. 1,16— 31] Part II, Section lit 37* ^i\^\^ j^\ 1^^ kiLja) yLoV> ^1^ LaoK L<»j. _L*./o cj^i iL*.^ o'^i 1'' .-^ki -Uj. *Jo>. ^^*^ 5^ ^'-«*' s'-r*-'* cr* 5-*^ *-*^' (JL" -" . i.\..f^\ J>U»o iUUs JjjNl ^ L,^^^ f^Ur? U^l-^"^ i^ L»)y>-j J=;'^l rr^'' ''^^ J*"" -■* ,.^^> 3'^ U=iL;-oM ^l^Jl^ *iLLoV J=_)M1 ,_A^^ ''-^l 5^^ 25 kil.»^ ,_^ ^jX*vo U^,.-^^ Loj_j.«aj LJUvJI 2-L/a5 ^sr^J\ l^^jXla- ,_j-iJ\^ \-Si JJiXal. (>-^^l *3?^ '*-'jy^ f*' "^^ (3^^ 27 31^5 =Jp)')\ ^l^^l^ Ij^'l ^OJI Uvl J^5 *JJ' U4=-^ >iJ;lj5 28 ^y^\ j^Uo^ iUf-vv^Jl .>jj^ T*^^ iii.^>-*) ^fr \_jJjXtoU L*yU^\. ij=y"^^ ij-* >^-> L* jiL*.)^ £U--*J\ ^j^ 5-r;-»-=^5 J*^"^' iy'*-^3 ^-^T^i '^" — L— o ^;^6j .eL.^^ 0°3 ''^-^' >^-^^ A.J«X.o Ix ^<^.«.::>. ^\ ^JJ I (»-)^* 31 V J* 2 V u^Lu.N 3 V j:.;^! \y;:e5 l^j-iS'l^ 38* Text of MS. Vatic. Libr. At: 2 (S) [Gen. 2, 1—18] f^' l3 J^^ ^>wJl-U3 ^JJl (Jjuji. JjL-J\ fyj\ ^ dsJJ\ J-^5 '2 <)JJI j-L^ -f^. -^ UiXsL i\ >>y^'i xU-^l ij^^ly ^ iijb 4 ^L^l V5 J=y\)l J* «ONJl ^\ J^. f 0..^>. ^1 J^ ^y^\ dJtXa. ^JJ\ f>l ^U* yl^^ la^ ^^,>j ^j UU^ aJM\ <0J\ ^y^ 8 UJi^U u-^It^ U^,k^ cr^=^ V?^ 3 *-«^"^' ^-0 ^Vl ,OJl CXJU 9 -.liJU r:^' <>>j_s»-c s.s:*^» ^lyLil U..« ^j *v;i^^ *T?^* j^\ »;'^. _>JyJI p J-;^ J»,M1 aJu ._^>^ 12 d.Ju^\ j,j\ 5.;:*^ ^^^' y^5 cJ^^^^ ^'^^ ^Li^M (.^Ij 13 ^4^lj J-*'^' ^L^r^ ^ij_;^>— J* yo^ *-^-^ CU)LiJ\ y^l i;,^!^ 14 OIt*-!' y* t?V k,l^«s-<^j U,.=^-^ C>^ c>'-^ i V*5 f^* \ .jJMI <0J\ _^\j 16 • ' (legendum: J^^y^o^^^a.') V ^J^^y.^ ' V ^y. ' (legendum: [Gen. 2, 19—25; 3, 1—9] Part II, Section III 39* iU-J> ^5 xl^ar^J* ^p.i-_5 5^:>. i^^NJl ^^ <»JM1 \ ,__y»*oli 20 >>.^^ ^ftU-ol ^-f^ jij^a.!^ i-i-ls ^l-ii fi\ ^ IjUx«j (i.J'i)! <*JJ1 fi'^ts iil yM (J\ L<^ j_yU isM^l pM ^^ J.r;.l ^\ fX-^Jl ^Ml cOJl ^^ 22 ^^L>^" U..;^^ iilj-»^ j^UjiXII J lis 4 j;\^ _^k;HJJ il^ri JSLJl iLJj, is'^sA^' ^1 ii'l^^l Oi^ L:Ui 6 UyijLj CUiitl^ OJ^li Uj-Ji' (^-c CjJ^^I iliojUJ !sl^»X* 'iyS^^'^ ^Uil ^sr* ^^ U-i <)^W» <*JJ\ loj^ c^ -^^^^5)5 f^* 1 V 5^^-»3c0 2 V (►iift <^\ 3 V \J>JiJ^ 4 sic; V J-S'Li 10 v *JUs Bhodb, Arabic Fentateacii in the Cliurc)i of Egypt * 11 40* T,j-t of MS. Vatir. Libr. Ar. 3 (S) [Gen. 3, Ui— 24 ; 4, 1] 2^U*iJi 'i\y^\ .::J'-ii 'c:-jo^ \i'-. ii^ dJMi aJJ\ Jls 13 js'J b\y, ai^ ^^.x^ j^5 3i^3^\ j^^ j_^^ f^UrrJ* yb '->i J"*^^*^ 1'"' >"^^M\ ^:,^.JJ3■ ^L:..»j. >iu.»^. viui-i.-* ^^^M 'i^j^ J ^5 16 .iCU4^ ^>Jl ij^-^^ ^ .S^Jili viU^^j Jy .lUJoJi il J'Ji ,>^^ 17 ^^J^r^ JStJ" iLv^ ^^^-^---^ ixJ\)\ ii»jiJ^ 'jjgj^ JSb" M ^IS ^\ ix>Ml Jl ^^; -^-^ J\ ,ULJ1 JSli 6^,^;,^ J^^- 19 J^ 3 ;\ exits UjSl *1^ 3J^.j;, ,M ,_^5 20 U^y^vwJl^ jj^ >— >'-^ '*^-^5)^ r^^ "^"^^ *^* 5-^-^5 21 ^\ AJjj«-« ^3 *L« j^j^l^S' jLo j-j" y» \iyb ^^.» *-^. '>-*^. ^ ^j^. c>^^; x"^^: U^x. J^l ,_yXj\ L,>)i\ JlLJ ^j«i ^U=j. ^;,.x *3:* ''^^Jij ^'i^ "v-S;* "f>'5 1 n' I V (.lUXjii 2 V *^> u-IJUibI » sic; V 6\^ii-oJ\ * sic; V »yj>* ' V — iLss—ojSj « V liCsJI 7 V — ^;r;^a- ' sic; V 1^ « V j_^r^ i»^-Xw\ 10 V i_-CLiC;-« ^J^-~^ " V fj\ >-»j*5 [Gen. 4, 2— 20J Part U, Section III 41* ^U o-^lj'5 c-^ ,_^>j Jjl-* c^*^ J^*^ "^^^^ 0->J>i 0.>_5lji p' :^ ^ '-"^ 3 >jl^ J^Lk=L ^UJJ^ 'cr--=-^- (1 C>S ^==-'^ 'cr-^-- o' ^-'^ ^ aJI (*.-Ji* kLtvJo vJUiU isiLo viX^la JjLa Jl ^li fli- ..1^=^-" j Likf UJls »U.I JjU ^^ilS J^li- p 8 f> CjJ^^s tali CUs^ ^1 *^;>\il ^.^ .JUil ^^*i^ ^Ml^ 11 ^3 0>5o lj6L>^ L»6L>^ Ijtlyi eX^Juo i^LaJ' Us ixi>^)l JJ.!> ^2_jli 12 yiJ^, ^\ ^ ^\ ^3 il\ J:>\i JIS 13 (_y^^^. (jj^^ii C^ ^ O^i cPp^ J. '->-^'-' "^Li ^^1^ 0>^ C^J'^ V J'^W ?^^ *^' ?''^* C--^ C?^^ 2/^5 1*' Ujki ^iJjiX-* i^j-^ *J r?'^ Cj^^J^? cui-».s* «^j^i.«j ^^^lJ 59 U^ 1 7 J-^lii^i« o-J^I J^Us^^ J-t^"-;;*^ '''>-J3> ^^^ ji;^i -^5 P 1*^ 2 V ^JL)i U\ 3 sic; V jX^\ i V JUJJ 11* 42* Te.rt of MS. Vatic. Libr. Ar. 3 (S) [Qen. 4, 21—26; 5, 1—10] _jLi>JJ\^ ^^>JJ»J> J-»a. j^ Jp ^» J'j^. <*-:^* (•—''^ ^1 jo.jJ.\^ tr''^^* A.j>-.;-o I f-'j^ J-*-s-«> cy-''-i^y CjjJj i-^.l ^5 i!:i C-JIS. l-L<-io <»>.«-»j1 »IU6>^ Lo\ OjJ^ "^-^^^ '-^.' f*' ^C*^55 2"' ■j^ls^ Alxs >1 '"'Jj.'-* J>v _r^' '^■'^ "^^^ i_r^}; ^* ''^^ x.^jjo\ JoS.^,.->, J^y( J«l« ^ow> ix^ jjL»j UC»^ i>J»l be Aju ,>\ i_r^^5 'i li' <>wL»j jj_j.-^iXJ'^ <>^.i-e ».v«J L' fb'l g...«s> C>^i ^ Jy >2^yl i-ijJ^b err^ "^r— ^5 ^^ --^r^ ^-^^ 6 (>J^l3 ^^>^>L*o ft^A^a ^Xro /^i-flJ ij^y' ^Xj*i '•'* vX»-> C^^--.-^ ^ob» < Zj <^J.-^ i -.CC^ i_5^^3 '*-'^ <*J^ ^.u^ CZ.-v,<^ f b \ s.^_«.d> ^r~>K» 8 1 V g*«-TO 2 V <^;;^\^ :i sic; V U^b 4 V ^■iii.'^x Si* » V e»y^ 6 sic; V J^U 7 V ^^\S s v U^^ s l.^";>H 10 i»>«-«.«n 11 ^ _, .. < -^^ 12 IjJjli, sequent! lineu ,_yjy " Oniissi sunt vv. 11, 12, 13; sic jjinbabillter supplenda: ^yl ?lj( Z! :' "^ ■— -b^ U CrS*^"**' C)'"^ J^^i '2 i3^" ^' crtj-b-j b .. « -^ , ^ ^J.4u <*jt-o j.^' ^Uj Jj.UJ-«3^ jJ^l bo >Xj«j C>^-^ i_A'*3 !■* J-?.^^'-M»-* jJ«l-i ^^-^->-' ^^Lo* (>^,^k^ tXl«i« ^«*-*o ^.^oo\i» [Gen. 5, 14—32; 6, 1] Part II, Section III 43* xb »>J^li ^v-L»j ^.^^5 ._y^->^ J-^.^-^s-* i^'^J 15 j-.,sj«.i*»j'« L<. c-^ » ^,1*0 ii-c ^U-3 J^.^^'-^i-* ^} 5-v*^ CUiKs 17 ^-j^JLi i>,J«l^ rf^-U^ ^i^ 0>'"*^ Ti^^ ^■xi^ l-^ j,jL5 >)lj ^^'■^ 19 ^^.vo |^.^vX..vj ft U,<»,.» -^ ft d-..^A^ d^X^ kil^o ^ <>-<^» » ^ I ^''^■«>^ d>o oIa 2 3 *, ;Lo* iVj-'*-'^ v-XJ^ift ^wa-*aj ij^b« f''^*-^ fL»*' ^^-5 i^-Jftl i*-L.»j ^^ ^j.<.^.«,r>. j^^l _^ jL.o L^Llj 32 1 1 jJ_5\ 2 i-y^^ ^ *\Lo)ji« 4 ^T*?. ' >J^3 44* Text of MS. Vatic. Lihr. Ar. 2 (S) [Qen. 6,2—15] •^y* r^ o"^ "^-^^ c,-*5 r^."^' ^^^" j> V*-^ ^>>"^' li' ^"^5 ^ ^^ IvJ'S ^JJl »*• 5jl./vi>. «-(^ C!-*-'^ ^L«J\ OL-^ ,j^ -ljiiL.> aU— 'I -'^^i yfcjJI fJwXJ <»-Jji jj »-^'5 ^^^3 J'j^' (3 j^Luo'S)! jX-o il <»JU1 ^jJS H 4^k^i J=y"^> '*^^« J* 0-* ^-^^^i^J^ v^'JJ' ^;jU^V\ '"y^^ "UJl JUs 7 <^l j^Jj Ih-^ ^^^ r^^ ^ cuib^ >'^5 ?'— ' o-r^ <*^.^" jJ^U 10 I'O^U^* '>\ ^^i cr-:^ crr^ir^ -> J^^ '-'^ ->^ C-^ "^^ ^"^ ^^ ^^5 J^l.> ^^— : Iat^* C1.'L«LJ> jL>..,,/o ,_^~:-i. Ijy'j' cU wX^l 14 . , . .. ' - ^\ 1 \^J.s?Jl3 2 y^i ' ^^j^i 4 ^- "exarsit", tandem ex margine iuvectum in ipsum textum' ' \^tsv«l e <».« a -> , sic! " fli., sed cfr. supra V. 32 ' ^J^,>.XLi^ i ^lUJJ^l^ m O-^-^** [Gen. 6, 16—22; 18, 1—9] Part ll, Section III 45* bb I43J r-J^j .^XjJI ^-j^ l^gXCSo *Ui ^'» '■'•t:-^ OybsXJ ;-^^l« 16 L«3.3oUiJ' c:^l_ji'_j ^l_jj'3 J-il-^' Ua-oLa. ^^ ^^j i^ ^^ ^ JU*NJ J=;NJ1 J.» Ul o'^jk^ CjI Lil U5 17 LtL&^ d^^>o js^^mO ft ii> J^'^f'. J^> cr" ^^'53' r^-l' «■:^=^ cy° Cj=- ^ c^i ^9 cU >j,^S^ ^XL.J1 y<>-J'^ ijl (.-^IjjI tr^^ ^ ^^-o ^> Jj>^^ i.J^^ ^Xi\ J-s:*-''^ bLJ^ l-U».w J>.^l p 8 Uil jj ,_5*b«i ijli kiUii..«i3 isjl^w j^_\ lyis I'i 9 ' ^■''-Tr*' ^ CU-Ol^ 3 '^ sequenti linea <>JL;.*o < .>,s.\.*05 46* Text of MS. Vatic. Libr. Ar. 2 (S) [Gen. 18, 10—26] S) li v:;^*^- ^^^~:^ o' ->-*?* *^.^ '^x— »-' j »;-^ "-^^ fiU. Ul U »^U» cr* '->' ^-i^i^^ ^\ J Us 17 "i^Jj ^Uhftsr?. -.Is sj^jo .iJobl. d^^wO .^»-ww^ <>J\ »J>il L)l. 19 ,Jo SJvi. '-< »-0«>l_^V <»JJ1 larS. i^^iLa. »^'5 J>''^W 'y^*-»^ "'^^ l^Xij. i^^.^ h t ,>jJ '^j^jii^ii.. -is' >^U« f^'J>-»^ r'"** ^^^ (JUi "iO ^IkJl »x JLaJl >iU4^' L-Jot J Is, ^yl fJLiUi 23 M JUJ\ j,^,^ ^U.t -iU^ ..luJl JlkJ^ ^U»J\ ^yUi JUJ\ i»^'. j 'J-Lo ^^.. =;. ,..>--■ j ".Ij->-^5 o-' ^^' ''^ J lis 26 « *\^^ » J.»-rf s l ^ha-c- ?. • ,. (j •; .U< !■ deest [Gen. 18, 27—33; 50, 1—9] Part IT, Section III 47* 1^1 (_$>>->. cr-^ fU^\ (^ 0'>^^ ■^ lift* (Jlj^ «— jb\ jj 1 do la.! '27 l^».^^l .^...;-<^ Liliv>> *-«-»iJ. O^-^'J^^. lil-o j^j-o^^il JjJ 28 M JLs oy^J* "^'-^ ^=>-y. C^* i.s-'^* J'-" "^^ '-^.' ■*5'^5 -^ '^ ^^^^, ^^1 ,_j^s _-^li 1 L i^Mi c:JJis^ 6gui 6i_^s-?. ^1 lXlnji i^.y^ >-i--y. ^'5 2 ^\ ^i JIS5 ^_jiy JT i_k--y. 10^ <)^iSo fij.i ^Oj^. dj 4 ^ W-^^S C>**r* (_j-«J^ ^A-i» Uisw 0>X=>-5 ?=m'5 1-5^' c*^'^ ^*^* o^J'^ o^*^ ->^ (3 iJ '■'<*-^./ i:'CUL^ U^ v^Jljl i^^^li >>.3i^l oy'J^ J^* '' > in margine + |^_y.--JOj\^ 2 ^;_,.-vXJj ^^i" ^j,^^ 3 CU^jijI 48* Text of MS. Vatic. Libr. Ar. 2 (S) [Gen. 50, 10-22] ^lj\ *.Jl.«-w L>fi»- ^'-oM S'*-^} l^X^ ■'\_;jiU^^ 1 » _« ht JL«. II AV <.-:^j?l sic semper n W ^JJ/** cr* '^ W + >X*-o n W f-ta^i vib^'i) ^jjtX^ol 1 s \v ^^ jvi,^' ^^ \ viUu«J laW^Lji JO W *U.^ 21 \V AiJ\ ^_sl^\ ,^^1 22 \V »J'j ^ -' W )'^ [Gen. 50, 23— 26j Part II, Section III 49* \JUJ^\ i^\ '_^>;^Lo -"yj Uv.\ :< Lilly 2^.^J r?V^ 'vibj -3 Ja^>5 '^'."(-^I^^J r^"( ^^\ sj'/Jl Jl ^J=_;^-" 'ii^ CJ- f^r>.\ *^J>-»J. " '\\' + (JLaJ 12 W ^xiUkaj la W — Lot ,^ 14 ^^ 15 W 0>?^' SECTION IV TEXT OF MS. BODL. LIBR. HUNT. 424 (X) ri-'cJ^iJ -^-ii-^ ^« ii^sr^ -^ J"^^' C-JIS5 2 ^\ ^IXs ^1 ^JLJ .UJ\ JU5 3 ijJiJlj yiii\ ^_o U-^ i^5 ^ IjJ^ <^;XJ dOJI Jl»5 6 jJil CUS? ^JJ\ i:UJ\ ^..O U-j ^\ J-=^'5 JJ4> <«^l f^^S ' ^u^ ^1 — « ^is^ LL->a. aj> .l,».o *U— Jl i:^s? ^iJl ^UJI .z-*^^} ^SS J6^ i.^U( _;43i^5 iL-oLJl Cjrj^i>} ajkLsT" ,J> » J=,\ * jUI <0J\ L^^^ 10 ^ij>. ^ »^jj lylj ^^i^^^-ioi. '-^LJ J>j^J\ ty^"^ "^^ J^3 ^^ ^ <>JuUo ,_^ ^^ Sjjj \^' gjLo (-..Ju '^^5 <»>~-^-=^ ^i-^ ^ A-^ »;P \;jlj ^ i:..;>i..a. "^Cjl^ J^j"^' ^::-^Jj«^ 12 UJli' 'Lcy_ U.U-0 ^IS_5 *Uw< ^^IS, 13 I i. e. iljJoVl 2 ^y-^^. ' ?^-?. * C^^ ' iJj'--^ [Gen. 1,14—28] Part 11, Section IT 51* ^j_^ [.,^\ jJw^ j, 2^JLJ J,lAi <^;JI JI93, '>J.=w ^ ^\ UaJl-^ij 17 jji isjiUj j^^li^ i-^ t/'?-^ ^^'^•* ^^^^l jr^ "^^ *J^i 20 j=j^J\ ^ ^\ j^^\ ^i^5 /^> ^ U^a. villi j^)l ij.6 iJ\j^\ olfUJI _jiLo ,Jj>3 J>,\)1 *IlS ' rubro colore, glossema 2 ^^^ a probabilius addendum est » ij^b °.f>?. '" rubro colore, glossemu " ^».^J^ 12 \ya\3^ 52* Text of MS. Bodf Libr. Hutd. 4?4 (X) [Gen. 1, 29—31 ; 2, X- n 1 ^^ CjvO ajI> JsJj *U*JI j^ /''-~J5 J'j"^* ^.^=^5 i-y*^} 30 7"=*^' v^-^-^=>- J^5 *4=>- ,,T~*J ''krj'i j ^^ JV"^* *^5 l*4,Xij.j 5-^»=?-^ J'^'^'i iU-^> CU)^3o^ ^^irL J-^ 1 II aUI ^joI Uy. ^^ ^..^ J'J^^^i ^U-^^-ll 0>y '—'^ '-^* 4 Ji C-w^. ^1 J^'3 Jiil iyijL iili' JJLJ.I j ^.^^-oj. ^;^l J^5 5 ^LS- fiN)^ \^ J>y\ J^ ^k-\ L. «)JJ\ ^M >b^l ^^yilLyi^a. >^ ^^\^ <)J^ JS"^J\ jJLs» ^1 Ji^ Ci^ )^ Js j^;jl_)_jj\^ 9 ,_^aJJI J^yi_ >i)Ujb J^-L^^JI jJj Uai> •'^<»5 ' i. e. \S.it^ 2 ^\> J l4^\^ 4 jj etc. usque ad J-^"\ colore rnlji-o scripta sunt ' sic 6 co"loie rubro itorum ' ^1^ (sic) 8 Ujb«>.^l 9 w>J-(^\ jJlj Los\ j_yfc^ glossema [Gen. 2, 12—20; 3, 1] Part II, Section IV 53" k'l^l 5^'y _;43-^* iT^S ^^^^Jl ^5^v» (3 *Xaa.^ i.'iX:L ^i.Jt ^LvJMl y J^ Cr* ^-^*^^" f>> -^J^-"* sV 'i^^5'5 16 Uy, U^.l ^_,i.s ,i^X/* JiLi ^) j^'^ j-f:^* ^j"^. ^J-J' •'^^^ O''^ 1" 2gX.oXJi 5^i>.^ ^LwJ"^\ ^^. c>^ •>-^ ^* ^-~-:J <*J"^-'^ V^y* J'^^ '8 U^l ^^ ^^ \ys^'^^ J'y^'-i t-y-=^ ^) '*^' d^^'i 1^ L^<-».)\ y^jj ^^.-^ L*.J.i \ ^ .^Jlsc-^ ^JJl ^as 21 •H'l^l U3.6J0I5 ^M ^^ »J.^l ^J.Jl jX-iJl ,i^W\ Oyi LjoI^ 22 ^" ^ (3-^^.5 <*^'« ^S'-^' ^LvJVl JyO »_.^,;.-*J\ \J^J«1 Jj».l ^^.,^5 24 Urwlj J..w.:=. ^U)NJI U_jJo.5 J»;Vl (3 ^_,XJI ^5a-y\ g>i.»a. ^^ *Ji»3 ^1 ilil C-ol^3 1 III LJ ii'y\U ili\ cuJUi Uii,\ll ^yi Lvi)^ o^Jl •^J^ ^^ Nbo V (^ I j_j'«33 (sic) - (;_,Jl-a-^ 3 L»JJi 1 i*.t^I>\ s 'i\\y^\ U-laft ' liUJJi usque ad AoI^Ij omittenda s <*^\ » ^>-J^ 54"^ Text of MS. Bodl. Libr. Sunt. 424 (X) [Gen. 3,2-17] ^yyUl j, iiy. iJS ,^ J^li ^1 U^ jS ils^J »\^M\ cuJUi 2 ^Uli V --5 j, ^ ^\ >y^\ »;-*i' or* '^^ 3 Ij^ O^^ '^ is^_j-eVJ ili\ CJLils 4 UpJLUil ^^~-«^' Ua-^ ^IJ" ^y. UjJ Zs,t <*jl viUi^ 5 ..3, ,k^ Ji-\U Ul=j. ''^^l ^\ ls\^^J\ 0_;-Oili 6 ii^^-^ ^w« la,^ Ikli* ^b^U Im>^I ^ji} U*:^ L»j(,T-^' CUsr^->la 7 Ugj ly;^;-^!^ UtlkXi* cr?.;i^ H=-' "^^s c^-^^ Cjya ii».«.<.o» ■'(3*7? l/^J^t'"''^ ij ''')'-• *-^^ Ov^ Lj«.«-»o ^ «. V 8 ^^>_aJI ,^r^ ^-^ U~;i Ua"^1 St-'t'^ "^5 ^bji ^NJ O-^i* ^o.>JJ\ fi, UiiU liUi^-o CUj«.»x«) JUi K) CsiSl all ^J_^ ^by^ viXil ^y^l ^^-^ J^» ]* JJJI \ ilil il_^NJ> >.:uJUi Ua ..UJjii ^ iyUJ <)JJ1 JUi 13 c::J^li j;^ C-ol ii_jj«Jwc IJ^A CUU.S >J->M ^>-^^ U.4.V1 i_l>yi JUi 14 c>)^^ J.S. ^^.^_>i>.»;;i j=jNJl Ji^i^5 ^U> 0^5 (^Ua-JI 5-:^^^ (JoUi ^,X/oJ> CUiU OLwU »>-o_J l^aJ-**^^ L^gJ-wJ^ ^^ojjj o^^^'^i Vtt^ '^7-^--=^5 '^r^ Jr^^ ^y^-^ J ^5 16 ' J^ bis 2 IJ36 = efr. II, 9 < p" etc. usque ad Jj*j?, colore rubro scripta, omittenda ' 5^ * »\\-g r uj Gen. 3, 18— 24; 4, 1—10] Part IT, Section IV 55* JiJ.1 ^,Arr>i^ J^^'j ^^.^..^o, \S^ CU CXUj^ 18 ^■^^^ ^* J!;'J> J' ^^' J J> ^>^ J^^ ^^^^<:^ 6j^.i 19 l.-^VI ^5Lo 5:1 \jj^) k'Ua. djy.! ^:^\ U>3 2(J .A>xJ\ (jl L^^-5 J^'-?.5 isl-ri' ■>_^ i;^ J> -^l .^ sjo v>^' UiJ ^1 J:._;NJ1 J->*.J j..;^^! 'Vy/ Cr^ ^J^J* sV* 3<*^yLls 23 i'L-jLl >^ i3?^ ki.sir^' A.ttk.a.;.„.l I i,^>j^^ \ •''LL»i..X.Mjl iJUJls^ c?-^-'^" ^>^55 OJ-«.s* \_jik. AJ'\-\ ^^ li" 1 IV ^^■j;^^ J='j'^* O't^J 1:^--° '*JJ * ijS i:,--oli ^\ ^LjI J^jo iJjJ,s? .S CUkiuo^ \J.^ ^^yi ^L» slj.l^ (Jl "^5 O-r:?.'^' li' j-^r. ^^3 ^ i_ukiC«j >X3 ^5 Lil^ L«j,»i^ 0;-~» fJ cx4^ ^'^^'^ 'Hr'* Jlji* 6 <».XXiii i-^~^ J^}^ -^^ o' .Ljui.^1 (3 tils' j-«Jl ^_jaI c-^J JUi J^l J-oLa ^* ^\ i:^-^UJ .iJJ\ JUii 9 I l.>ji rubro colore distincta * ^yj\SJ\ s sic 6 ^^ilMs Bhose, Arabic Pentateuch iu tLo Church of Egjit. 12 56* Text of MS. BoHl. Libr. Hunt. 424 (X) [Gen. 4, 11— 26; 5, 1] ^> CUJl^5 UU vJU«=^ 2^1 j>y4\ ^w. ,JUi\ ^yJ- »^MU 11 ci ^r^ o' C-- c^> c^ '»J'-'' sV^ cr^.l^ J^ 13 jJjLo ^;~JlJ> JJJCi j^ Ji IJ.X* ^^ ^_j^ *J"^\ Jjyi JUi 15 ^Lo y^ Cy^-^ '-"-^^ i_r^V^ '*^ 0->J«i ..lUJi-js? '^l4^ ^^5 J^^oM^L^x ^'^^ JJ^^ •l*^^*^ cPy* J5)J5 1^ ^;^-^'^\ <_j,Ua*ll j, ^~^' — U b» ^;^15 IJjb ^ J-Jy. ^' o^ '•^* J'^y ^"^' r^'^ 21 ^IsT^ J«<1* il^Xji. iiiJi^b b\po jUai J-fJy OjJ^ »U-o^ 22 . •»> J~^i>J C-,->.U Jo^xi.\k ^^j^ls <)d;oi ^JJl J-^^-* J»y ^1 ^ii-~-J (J f^^ <*^l >£>* aJj'j ».w\ iyjo ^\ i_,^^^ IjvA ^y^ c-..*-iJ ^L-oj 26 ijy^ f>\ ^yj <*^l 3^^ ^>^* f>rr'* t3 tr**^' v:;i>^ k-i*"*^ \Jub 1 V ^»W (»».i ' d-J)^^*^5 ^ i/^Loli <^ ^55 ^>^-**j i^^>-s»-i*--> tt <^,.Lt^ ^^L* ij^^ lJ^ 5 iJjLo ^ ^yL.uj -xixft (») ^,Lw i)k.!>Lo j-cvo v_)Lols ^l.' L« g.>^r>. jj_>fe« 14 [i^b <^J j-J^j *.-Uj i^,^;^*^^ i.c».^^fi. J.i\IU.«3^ ''lT''^^ 1'^] aJ jJ^^ a.X*v ^Lo i^L^i j.^:L\ <^J >xJ« L« ij^Aj ^^j^ ijb ^'^5 19 ^'^3 C>3-*^ ' 3^>.=»- 2 Hie incipit vetustior pars manuscripti ' Hio versus, fallente baud dubie oculo, praetermissus est in manuscripto * ^^iXi^ 5 ^y>.^'Sy 6 vel »-^? 12* o8* Tfxt of MS. BoiU. JAhr. Hunt. 424 (X) [Gen. 5,22— 32; 6. 1—4] aJ ^j 'w« jo«o ^^ J-''^} ^^ f^'^ ^^-y^ ^y^^^ CJ-'^^i -'- *j_^ '^w;^Xw^ <>..>.>.ir^^ ii>L»i:)j' ^»-^' flj* g..» -^ ^;^ls^ '23 lljfc. U.>.JI ^\ -<)^Jii^^ o ^^~o AJ^-^ r?-^' Cf'**^'^ ^^ Lol <0 jJ*s aJ-^j ^^;^Uj'^ ^-_»-o'\^ ii'oo cUJ 1^1*5 -8 ,UJ\ '^^...oJ ,_^\ ^i^Ml ... .-^^ iiLv- , .'..=^. _v aJ jJ» U >>-jus ..--> viUJ , i>U» 30 A./L>o ,-»..ot->-»i« ^•^'^*' '*i'-< 5-^-*^' i^^-»J ^•^■* '-* g.«; 1 _v> ^;JlS« 32 ^jj\ iij^u^oLo ^j^i Mjti^^iLjicu^ i->jv^: i-^iy^,, 2 t^^ "Ui^'l^ £,^1 iMJj^ '-''c;^--^ c>-^l J-^' J^l ^|_y^;>wC»»--«-J 1 ^J^JI S-SUil 1>V~« ^i"^^ '-***^ 1 ^^.«.>«)^ '- dJujS 3 j^«^L»J^ 4 melius: Lojjo , sed cfr. DofY, Supplement aux Dictionnaires Arabos, 9. v. *i^, consolatio ^ ^y»^>^^^ c desuiit in textii " ^^ ' Jj'^ usque ad O'-^ ,_J-oU : superscriptio duabus lineis in mauuscriplo exprcssa ' J"?^! 10 ^_^ u forsan cr;o,lSV u l^^j u ,_^ u ^\ 1; j^jL-^a. " Cr??.'^ fortasse? [Gen. 6,5— 20] Part II, Section IV 59* 3y>l JJ^ 31 .-^ J^ JyV\ ^1^ aji ^1 ^1,5 12 ^UH i:',iiXi' .iUiJI fX-ol^ i_...-ioi. ^.^ tsai C^\ ^ 5-UsU 14 1^^'". ».T^ ^^^^^^ "db^ iiU-Xlo (i^J^t it.^^^xj^ jXXjUI j-UsI \JX«,« 1o 21Jj.\)l^ k^^NJI^ Ji--o^J> Li'lib'l ^ilAiJI fU-ol^ CSJ '*r^ i^ >-^ '^^^Tr' J'j"^' (J^ '■'• o'-'^i^J* J-**'_j* (j-^^ ^'^ (J=)V1 ^S ( )> L»K >_»■<>. .^ a l.»_^\ ij^^ »L»i.\ ^yi v^jljt^ 'r-i^^-rr*^ cUJJl J^il cf-r^'* cj-r^^ H" ..»'- 4 j^llxl\ jj_j^ i^U L«a Cjb^ ^^w^M <)^x.^ J'^'^J^ vj^ ^^ U^ 0-<5 lv«— ^- i 18 X^j^f his i» b\j>\^> Bic '» ^1 Ji Li*^'j 60* Text of MS. Bodl. Libr. EuiU. 424 (X) [Gen. 6, 21— 22; 18, 1-14] ^_ftJ^\ UjJ J'^i iliiJi J-=^*'' h^ (J* J^-*.5 1*-^*;^* d.T**''^ ^ Jl ,)^>. ^..y^ J^^ Ij^ JUJ\ "^^....^. J\ ;..^^^\ ,_,^5 7 d^jk^^^ CX^5 O '"' ^'^-^^ ^^ (_)-»^ Tt^^ >1^5 1*-^ '"i.T* '"^^ ^ ••• I iliiJI ^ ,^ »4aJ Jli Clj\_^\ is^Uo ^^.l ..>~.>3 jJJ »jJj" Uo^ tjJ^ l-<3-*-«^ *^r^' £LM,^JJi ^^..^.^.^o v^hXJKJ lil^ ^T i6^"l i6^3a.\ CUJIS^ sjLo c,^;^?^ ^ li-r^T?"^ "^^ J'^ 13 s \^h V««iU ' <>J>l9L> (5iir); forsan ^^.l-^. aut ^^'^Xjo^'?) s ^..oI [Gen. 18, 15— 31] Part TT, Section TV 61* J-ail ^^1 jojl U (.-^jJ^ ^>^■^* c-'* (_r*^* "^ JL" 17 ^\ sj>.j>j ^^yo *--^ J-*'^ '^■^■r^ i_y^>?- ^' <*^^ u''' cy° ■^•* ')! fl Jl j-ji-o U^ ^*\ lyjLS L< (c^^J ^,Jii\ J^\ 21 iJJ\ f\S^ Usl^ -.^_^1 0*^5 22 ^li»-J^^ ;\^M1 ai.t.j A:^-!^ :i^^^ij ill; li. Jlj'5 -►.:e'7^' ^■^' 23 >Lc)^ t_)'rJ b\ Up'^ (_5J^ f'^s jJ-S31 1^1 Cj'j^^ ^s ^»_>1 JLii 27 ^^^.^JL>\\^ A <»■ «-i Ua--J ^IS nJ J)l» <> ... «-ti ^;_,^. ^ JUi 31 6 ^b». 7 \^AJIJ S ^^ 62* Text of MS. Bodl. Libr. Hunt. 424 (X) [Gen. 15,32-33; 50, 1-18] dS.^^ i_|L.o yb^ i' AjN Uy. crC^;' ''^ ■'5^=^*5 ^ Ley ,^w.O>.^.«^ r-^^^ t.i^^ ^^^^ ^ 0»*r» J^-^-^ ^j.-oU. i_A»^»J, lj''^5 ^M\ ^ ^5 ,_^JJ\ '^U,\ ^^\ J\ ly\^ 10 ^\ r'"'^ Sj^^. g-OM-)^ <.lU> «-wl ly> viUi J-^l i;j^ 7"^^ J-*^ i.Ji— jy ^^_w< I'l^LL CjL* vXji »Ab\ j^l t_L»>!ni »yH "^'^|) UJ9 li> UiLX.^,^ ?^ ' C.)'-^''^ • iU.1 ^ j»lV » forsan ^JJ> ^--o-* Oj*" ' *tf^ '" il) 11 ylsk. [Gen. 50, 16—26] Part II, Section IV fiS'' LJ J'jj <^^yo J---S ULJi^ ^b\ ^\ ^ ^^^'-^i ^-*--^y. (J' 1^^ 16 _0J.U tMj«^l ,.a. j^.s ' ^^\ pC/o;Jl5 jJl^^Lj ^i_».;^.J IJyi 17 <-A^yi, >SL^ ^ilibl ^OJ\ ^J^ ^i 3j,^^ LJ ^ij^ lie 2_ji.«j" dw.«lj>jl \^>>,3:^* 18 i3>^^. ij-' 1^==^ x"^ ^ ^"^ "^'^ J^ ^ '~^ l_j^.«-»43^ (»X)' I LxJ^2 !S,>.J« <_suw_jj^ 1^'^^ 23 ^^l 1 ■>-"f.5 i3^^'5 f-^r?"^ i-i-J-a. ^J^Jl J'j"^^ (J' J')'^' "'-'^ ^ ti^a.::^^ X^iiXs* I^,^^L*J r<*^3 kiUo ''^^^ I ^^^ i— i.-~>^, Obo« 26 ' forsan ^ fva-ol 2 l^ijij 3 ,>.sxXs? « yo • ^LS' llr^S ' 1 >»jl-i' 9 ^^j..-^! ^JJ ^-;-»»J( f-> xi.«A»o'rv<.5:3&tiiJ&fA.«-> -»•- U^. ' » fOJUm » OlfO^lE'rt^tA.lCMOV- V liilil. Vat, Copt, 2, i<. s M ^ / Printed by W. Drugulin Leipzig (Germany). IRRARV ^^^ 4 ^SOUTHERN teol°! ?'"o""a ericB ^--w_ ,*»fHFR^, 000 464 38' 1 Univers Sout Lit