TD UC-NRLF 7fl MINUTES OF THE CROTON AQUEDUCT BOARD OF THE CITY OFiNEW YORK JULY i 8, i 849, TO APRIL 9, 1870. DEPARTMENT OF WATER SUPPLY, GAS AND ELECTRICITY. July i, 1903 NEW YORK: MAIL AND EXPRESS COMPANY, 203 BROADWAY. 1903. MINUTES OF THE CROTON AQUEDUCT BOARD OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK JULY i 8, i 849, TO APRIL 9, 1870. DEPARTMENT OF WATER SUPPLY,' GAS AND ELECTRICITY. July i, 1903 NEW YORK: MAIL AND EXPRESS COMPANY, 203 BROADWAY. 1903. Department of Water Supply, Gas and Electricity. INTRODUCTORY STATEMENT. By chapter 256 of the Laws of 1834 and amendatory acts the Legislature provided for a Board of five Water Commissioners for The City of New York, to be appoint- ed by the Governor, with the consent of the Senate. It was made the duty of these Commissioners to devise a plan for the furnishing to the City of a supply of pure and wholesome water, which plan, after ratification by the Common Council and by the electors of the City, was to be consummated by the Commissioners under the powers given them for the purpose. Under this Act, the old Croton Aqueduct was planned and constructed, and the Croton water was introduced into New York over High Bridge. In 1841, by chapter 306 of the Laws of that year, the construction of the aqueduct and distributing system below the "Murray's Hill" distributing reservoir was de- volved upon the "Mayor, Aldermen and Commonalty of The City of New York," who undertook to carry out the contracts already made by the Water Commission- ers for the work in question. By chapter 231 of the Laws of 1843, a "water district" was. created, within which all property was subject to "water tax." The "Croton Aqueduct Board" was created by the amended Charter of 1849 (Laws of 1849, chap- ter 187). It consisted of a President, Engineer and Assistant Commissioner, who, unlike the heads of other departments, were not elected by the people, but were nominated by the Mayor and appointed by him with the consent of the Common Council. The Board was given jurisdiction of the water supply and distribution, of sewers and drainage, and of the collection of the water revenues. Its powers and duties were extended by chapter 383 of the Laws of 1849 (passed April n, 1849) to include the preservation of the water supply and, with the consent of the Common Council, the increasing of the same and the constructing of new sewers. The Bureaus o^ the Water Register and Water Purveyor were placed under the Board, a scale of regular rents and extra charges to be fixed by the Common Council was provided for, penalties for non-payment of charges were prescribed, and the Board was given the power to make and enforce rules. In a word, this was the first Water Depart- ment constituting a part of the City's administrative system. The minutes following give the transactions of the "Croton Aqueduct Board/' from its organization in 1849 until it was succeeded in 1870 under the revised Charter 01 that year by the ''Department of Public Works." In them will be found refer- ences to public works long since destroyed, such as the reservoir near Thirteenth street (minutes of February 6, 1850). The dates are given of the planning for and completion of the new Central Park Reservoir, the introduction of water into which on August 19, 1862, was made the occasion of a public ceremony. These minutes have already proved of value to the present Department of Water Supply, Gas and Electricity, by showing the reason and authentic origin of practices which are still followed. It is a matter of regret that the press of departmental business has pre- vented the preparation of an index, but it is hoped that much of interest to students of the City's history will nevertheless be found. The Department of Public Works, under the Charter of 1870, remained in con- trol of the water supply and distribution until succeeded on January i, 1898, under the Charter of 1897 by the Department of Water Supply. The present Department of Water Supply, Gas and Electricity was created by the Charter of 1901, and the Commissioner thereof took office January I, 1902. DEPARTMENT OF WATER SUPPLY, GAS AND ELECTRICITY. New York, July I, 1903. CROTON AQUEDUCT BOARD. Minutes of Meetings of the Croton Aqueduct Board from July 1 8, 1849, to April 9, 1870. July 18, 1849. At a meeting of the Board held at n o'clock a. m. All the members present. Nicholas Dean, President, in the chair. Theodore R. De Forest was appointed Secretary. The President stated that his object for convening the Board was for the organ- ization of the Commission according to the provisions of the State law and the ordinances of the Common Council. The following resolutions were adopted without dissent: Resolved, That this Board report to the Board of Aldermen at their meeting this evening a statement of the back rents due at this office, with the quantity of "water in the reservoir, etc., as required by a resolution of said Board of Aldermen on Mon- day evening, the i6th instant. Resolved, 'lhat this Board visit the Third avenue in order to give directions in relation to the line of pipe now being laid in said avenue and 1 the disposition of the surplus earth, and that when this Board adjourns it shall do so to meet for that purpose to-morrow, Thursday, at 3 o'clock p. m. Resolved, That the subject of the nomination of a Water Purveyor be laid on the table for future consideration, and that the applicants for said nomination be requested to present their recommendations and 1 testimonials. Mr. Edward H. Tracy was requested by the Board to continue in their service in the same capacity as under the late State Commissioners, and a verbal appointment to that effect was tendered to him in person, to which Mr. Tracy assented. Adjourned. THEO. R. DE FOREST, Secretary. 6 CROTON AQUEDUCT BOARD. July 19, 1849- The Board met pursuant to adjournment, and after visiting the Third avenue and examining the progress of the work, adjourned to meet 2oth instant at 12 m. Adjourned. THEO. R. DE FOREST, Secretary. CROTON AQUEDUCT BOARD. Jul" 20, 1849. At a meeting of the Board held this day at 12 m., each member being present, it was, after due discussion, unanimously Resolved, That the name of John P. FJender be presented by this Board to the Board of Aldermen at their next meeting for their approval and confirmation for the office of Water Purveyor. Resolved, That leave of absence from his official duties be granted to Mr. Craven for such time as his health may require. CROTON AQUEDUCT BOARD. July 21, 1849. The President and Assistant Commissioner visited the pipe yard to view the condition and quantity of stock on hand, etc. CROTON AQUEDUCT BOARD. August 2, 1849. At a meeting of the Board held this day at n o'clock a. m., the President and Secretary being present, it was Resolved. That, whereas Bernard See, having been approved of by the Assistant Engineer in charge of the work, that said See be and he is hereby appointed Superintendent of the Aqueduct at the Tarrytown Station, and that he receive the usual salary and privilege attached to that office. Adjourned. THEO. R. DE FOREST, Secretary. 7 CROTON AQUEDUCT BOARD. August 6, 1849. At a meeting of the Board, the President and Secretary being present, it was Resolved, That Alexander F. Dodge be and he is hereby appointed to the office of First Clerk in the Bureau of the Water Purveyor at a salary of one thousand dollars per annum. Adjourned. THEO. R. DE FOREST, Secretary. CROTON AQUEDUCT BOARD. August 24, 1849. At a meeting of the Board, all the members being present, it was unanimously Resolved, That the Water Purveyor has the permission and consent of this Board to employ a Messenger for the Bureau of Water Pipes and Sewers. Adjourned. THEO. R. DE FOREST, Secretary. CROTON AQUEDUCT BOARD. September 19, 1849. The annual exterior examination of the line of the Aqueduct was made on this and the succeeding day by the Common Council, on which occasion they were ac- companied by the members of this Board. CROTON AQUEDUCT BOARD. October 6, 1849. At a meeting of the Board held this day it was unanimously Resolved, That, in consequence of continual neglect of his official duties, that George G. Rich, Accountant in this Department, be discharged from its service. The consent of his Honor the Mayor having been obtained thereto, under the provisions of the Charter, the said George G. Rich was accordingly dismissed. 8 CROTON AQUEDUCT BOARD. October 30, 1849. The Board this day settled the claim of Whiting Raymond for piece of land taken for aqueduct purposes for the sum of ninety dollars, and received therefor a deed of the same. CROTON AQUEDUCT BOARD. November 10, 1849. The Board this day received notice in person from Mr. Richard F. Carman of a claim held by him against the City for damages in the construction and grading of a certain portion of the City line of the Aqueduct, the further consideration of which was laid on the table to afford the proper time for examination, etc. CROTON AQUEDUCT BOARD. November 14, 1849. The semi-annual examination of the Aqueduct was commenced by the Engineers and President, accompanied by their aids, and continued until the same was com- pleted. CROTON AQUEDUCT BOARD. November 22, 1849. The Board was convened this day at the call of the President, who stated the necessity of hereafter meeting regularly and subdividing properly the labour neces- sarily devolving on the members of the Board. He therefore proposed, and the propositions received unanimous assent: First That regular meetings of the Board should be held regularly every Wednesday morning. Second That the questions daily arising on the location and construction ->f sewers and matters incidental thereto be specially intrusted to the Engineer. Third That the general supervision of matters in relation to the collection of water rents in the office of the Register be intrusted to the Assistant Commissioner, and Fourth That the supervision of the whole business of the Department be placed under the direction of the President. Application was made by certain parties residing in Fourteenth street to con- struct a sewer under their own direction, and which paper was sent by the Common Council to this Board with power, being under consideration, it was Resolved, That leave be granted to the applicants for sewer in Fourteenth street to construct the same under and subject to the regulations of this Board and the supervision o'f the Engineer. Application and recommendation of Mr. Johnson as Keeper of the Distribut- ing Reservoir was read and laid on the table. Mr. Craven moved the Hiram A. Maynard be removed from the office of Keeper of the Distributing Reservoir on the ground of inattention to duty, where- upon it was Resolved, That the removal of Hiram A. Maynard as Keeper of the Distributing Reservoir take effect as soon as this Board shall determine on a proper ^erson to take said office, and further that said person when appointed shall be a practical Resolved, That Thomas Cole, Keeper of the Park Fountain, be notified that his services will not be required after the ist of January, 1850, and that said office shall then be abolished. Resolved, That George Armstrong, Night Watch at the Receiving Reservoir, be notified that his services will be dispensed with after ist December, inst., and that his office will then be abolished. A communication was then introduced by Mr. Craven from John H. Kyan, Esq., with his plan for filtering the Croton water, accompanied with a specification for its construction, which was examined, debated and laid on the table for further consid- eration. Adjourned. THEO. R. DE FOREST, Secretary. 10 CROTON AQUEDUCT BOARD. November 28, 1849. A meeting of the Board was held this day. Present Messrs. Dean and De Forest. A petition for a fire hydrant on the northwest corner of Cherry and Corlears Street having been sent by the Common Council to this Board for consideration with power, was referred to the Water Purveyor for examination, and if found necessary, a surface hydrant was ordered therefor. Mr. Kyan's proposition of filtering the Croton water was laid over in conse- quence of the absence of Mr. Craven and the Board. Adjourned. THEO. R. DE FOREST, Secretary. CROTON AQUEDUCT BOARD. December 5, 1849. At a meeting of the Board held this day, all the members present, it was Resolved, That this Board has no means at its disposal with which to test the value of the invention of J. Howard Kyan, Esq., to filter water on a large scale by lateral pressure, and in the present state of the finances of this Department do not fopl authorized to ask for an appropriation for that object. The application of Abraham Craig for the office of Keeper of the Distributing Reservoir, with recommendations. Papers in relation to John Scoto as Keeper of the Water Weir at Sing Sing, and the application of John J. Woodworth for appointment as a Superintendent on i.he Aqueduct, were severally presented, and, after examination, laid on the table. An expression of opinion on the subject of appointments resulted in an agree- ment not to appoint any parties to office whose interests might be made subservient to individuals or particular localities. The application of Mr. Hunt for employment as Draughtsman, with the rec- ommendation of Mr. Jarvis, was received and after consideration it was Resolved, That W. G. Hunt be employed by this Board as a Draughtsman at the salary of one thousand dollars per annum, and that the term of his employment be at the discretion of the Board. II The subject of the appointment of Keeper to the Distributing Reservoir was again brought up, and the merits of Mr. Pomeroy, a candidate for the appointment, canvassed, after which the matter was again laid on the table. Resolved, That the Board adjourn to meet to-morrow morning at 10 o'clock. THEO. R. DE FOREST, Secretary. CROTON AQUEDUCT BOARD. December 6, 1849. The Board met pursuant to adjournment, all the members present. The minutes of the previous meetings were read and approved. The petitions of Hugh Dougherty and of B. J. Carr for compensation for dam- ages for loss of horses, etc., referred by the Board of Assistant Aldermen to this Board for examination, were presented, on which it was Resolved, That the testimony in these cases be taken at a special meeting to be called on Monday, loth instant, at 3 p. m., and that the parties be notified to attend for that purpose. The claim of Mr. O'Brien for compensation for damage arising from the con- struction of the aqueduct through his farm being taken up for consideration, was examined into, and Mr. Craven instructed to offer a compromise of the same. Adjourned. THEO. R. DE FOREST, Secretary. CROTON AQUEDUCT BOARD. December 10, 1849. The residence of Messrs. Dougherty and Carr being unknown to the Secretary, they were consequently not notified to attend the special meeting to be held this da- r according to the adjournment. No business was therefore entered into. 12 CROTON AQUEDUCT BOARD. December I2th, 1849. The Board convened in regular session this day at 10 a. m. All the members present. * The minutes of the preceding meeting were read and approved. An additional paper recommending Mr. Craig as Keeper of the Distributing Reservoir was presented, also several recommending Mr. Simeon Pomeroy for ap- pointment for the same place. The question of the appointment of Keeper again coming before the Board, the whole matter, with the recommendations, were again discussed, and the following resolution was unanimously adopted: Resolved, That the situation of Keeper of the Distributing Reservoir be given to Simeon Pomeroy, he having, in the opinion of the Board, the requisite qualifications to fit him for a proper discharge of the duties of that office, the appointment to take effect on the ist of March, 1850, and that he be notified to that effect. Resolved, That Hiram Maynard be notified that this Board will expect his resignation on or before the ist of March next, and that for the intervening time he will be required to fulfill all the duties appertaining to his office to the satisfaction of this Board. Adjourned to meet at 10 o'clock to-morrow for the examination of the cases of Dougherty and Carr. THEO. R. DE FOREST, Secretary. CROTON AQUEDUCT BOARD. December 13, 1849. The Board convened pursuant to adjournment. All the members present. An examination of H. Dougherty in relation to claim for the loss of his horse from want of care on the part of this Department in leaving trench open between Avenues B and C, in Twelfth street, on the ist of September last, was entered into. Mr. Dougherty was examined on his own behalf, and Mr. St. John, Foreman of the work on the part of the Department. The examination resulted in the adoption of the following: Resolved, That this Board are of the opinion that the applicant has no legal claim for compensation for damages on the City Treasury. Mr. Carr, whose petition was also referred to the Board for examination, not being present, the Board adjourned. THEO. R. DE FOREST, Secretary. 13 CROTON AQUEDUCT BOARD. December 20, 1849. The Board convened in regular session this morning. Present Messrs. Dean and De Forest. No business appearing, the Board adjourned. THEO. R. DE FOREST, Secretary. CROTON AQUEDUCT BOARD. December 26th, 1849. The Board convened in regular session this morning. All the members present. The President submitted the annual report as prepared by him for presentation to the Common Council, which was read and approved of, and the Board adjourned. THEO. R. DE FOREST, Secretary. CROTON AQUEDUCT BOARD. January 2, 1850. A regular meeting of the Board was held 1 this day. Present Messrs. Dean and De Forest. No business of importance being before the Board, it was adjourned. THEO. R. DE FOREST, Secretary. CROTON AQUEDUCT BOARD. January 9, 1850. A regular meeting of the Board was held this day. Prescnl All the members. A resolution of the Common Council appropriating two thousand dollars for the erection of a fountain in the Bowling Green was taken no, and after an examination of a plan for the same presented by Messrs. Fisher and Bird, leave was granted them to store the fountain on the ground, provided Mr. Craven, on exam- 14 ination, shall approve of the same and think that said fountain will n^eet the views of this Board. A petition of the Catholic Half Orphan Asylum for the privilege of opening sewer in Eleventh street for the insertion of two small drains having been referred to this Board, with power, having been taken up. it was Resolved, That leave be granted the Catholic Half Orphan Asylum to make the desired connection on payment of the usual rate. A resolution of the Common Council that a fire hydrant be placed in Great Jones street opposite the engine house of Company No. 4, under the direction of this Board, was then taken up, and it was ordered that the matter be referred to the Water Purveyor for execution. Adjourned. THEO. R. DE FOREST, Secretary. CROTON AQUEDUCT BOARD. January 16, 1850. The Board met in regular session this day. All the members oresent. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved. Bowling Green Fountain Mr. Craven reported that he had projected an im- provement on the plans as proposed by Messrs. Fisher and Bird, and in his opinion the work could be completed 1 for the sum appropriated. The subiect without final action, was laid on the table. Resolutions of the Common Council referred to this Board with power, viz: A fire hydrant in Twenty-fifth street, between Sixth and Seventh avenues. A fire hydrant in Trinity place, between Thames and Rector streets. A fire hydrant near house of Hose Company No. i. were referred to the Water Purveyor for execution. The resolution granting leave to Jacob Vanderpool, Jr., to connect with sewer from station house in Fourth Ward, was referred to the Chief of the Bureau of Sewer? for execution. Resolution for a fountain in Madison square laid on the table. Fountain in Stuyvesant Square Mr. Craven reported that this work was unfin- ished, and that the weather would not allow of its completion at the present time. It was therefore ordered that the contractor have time given him in the spring to finish the work, and that in the interim he shall clear up the grounds and remove his tools. 15 Application was made for permission to tap the air cock at street on the Third avenue, for a supply of water to the premises of Mr. Keyser. Where- upon it was unanimously Resolved, That this Board, being fully impressed with the importance of decided action on this subject, and fully expressed their opinions in a communication made to the Common Council, will not grant permission to any parties to tap pipes ex- pressly excluded from their action by the law of April n, 1849. Adjourned. THEO. R. DE FOREST, Secretary. CROTON AQUEDUCT BOARD. January 23, 1850. At a regular meeting of the Board held this day, all the members present. The minutes of the preceding meeting were read and approved. Bowling Green Fountain This subject was further examined into, and laid on the table. Report of this Board on the water rates, etc., as proposed for the current year was read by the President, approved by this Board, and ordered to be communicated to the Common Council. Communication from the Bowery Insurance Company in relation to a claim for damages to their property near Fifth avenue in 1841, with the correspondence on the part of the then Commissioners, was read and laid on the table. Adjourned. THEO. R. DE FOREST, Secretary. CROTON AQUEDUCT BOARD. January 30, 1850. At a regular meeting of the Board, all the members present. A communication was received from Mr. James Robinson, contractor for sewer in Tenth street, from Fourth to Second avenue, requesting extra compensation for extra rock found in said excavation contrary to the opinion of the Surveyor at the time of entering into the contract. i6 The communication having been considered, it was 4 Resolved, That this Board are of the opinion that the allowance of extra compen- sation in cases of the above character would be prejudicial to the interests of the City, and form bad precedent for the future action of the Board. It therefore dis- allows the claim. Adjourned. THEO. R. DE FOREST, Secretary. CROTON AQUEDUCT BOARD. February 6, 1850. * A regular meeting of the Board was held this day, all the members present. The minutes of the preceding meetings were read and approved. Petition of Hose Compan} r No. I for a fire hydrant, referred by the Board of Aldermen to this Board with power, was read, and after consideration, was re- jected. Petition for a fire hydrant in the vicinity of the house of Hose Company No. 7, which was also referred by the Board of Aldermen to this Board, was read, and after consideration laid on the table. Resolved, That the Water Purveyor be directed to place a fire hydrant in Thir- teenth street, near the old reservoir, in such position as the public interests may require. Adjourned. THEO. R. DE FOREST, Secretary. CROTON AQUEDUCT BOARD. ^February 13, 1850. A meeting of the Board was held this day at 3 p. m. for the consideration of proposals for the supply of pipe, taps and tapper's boxes required for service dur- ing the current year, at which all the members were present. After full consideration the contracts were awarded as follows, to wit: All the 36, 30 and 2O-inch to Governeur Kemble, Cold Spring Foundry. All the 12 and 2,500 6-inch pipe to Choller. Sage & Denham, of West Troy. 17 One thousand 6-inch pipe and six 4-way branches to R. S. & H. Jones, Philadel- phia. All the branches, except six 4-way, to Colwell & Co., Philadelphia. The tapper's boxes to Arnold & Son, Poughkeepsie. One-half of the brass cocks to Johnson & Smith, New York. One-half of the brass cocks to William Johnson, New York. After which the Board adjourned. THEO. R. DE FOREST, Secretary. CROTON AQUEDUCT BOARD. February 20, 1850. A regular meeting of the Board was held this day. All the members present. The minutes of the previous meetings were read and approved. Mr. Craven reported on the subject of the Bowling Green fountain, which had been referred to him, and submitted a drawing of the same, together with the cost of constructing the work by Messrs. Fisher & Bird. The plan as submitted was unanimously agreed to, and the construction ordered. Adjourned. THEO. R. DE FOREST, Secretary. CROTON AQUEDUCT BOARD. February 27, 1850. A regular meeting of the Board was held this day. All the members present. No business presenting, the Board adjourned. THEO. R. DE FOREST, Secretary. i8 CROTON AQUEDUCT BOARD. March 6, 1850. A regular meeting of the Board was held this day. All the members present. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved. Mr. Craven submitted the Surveyor's plan for the sewer in Park place with propositions for an alteration in the construction of the same. After examination by the Board the following resolution was unanimously approved, to wit: Whereas, This Board is impressed with the belief that many of the public sewers are constructed of a larger size than is required to drain the superficial area for which they are required, and also that more materials are used than is necessary to give sufficient strength; therefore Resolved, That the sewer about to be built from Broadway, through Park place and Church street, to connect with the sewer in Barclay street, be made in oval form two feet wide and three feet high, with brick walls four inches thick, laid in cement with the top course of brick thoroughly keyed with slate and grouted with cement, with manholes in each one hundred feet, and ventilators where necessary, to be determined by Mr. Craven, Chief Engineer, and that flushing with water from a hydrant be relied upon to keep it clear. The following resolution was also passed: Resolved, That the Register of Water Rents be directed to allow Mr. Hecker a sum equal to four months' water rent on his premises in Cherry street for the year 1848-9 in a settlement of his account, by reason of losses sustained by him from fire during that year and a consequent disuse of water during that time. Adjourned. THEO. R. DE FOREST, Secretary. CROTON AQUEDUCT BOARD. March 20, 1850. A regular meeting of the Board was held this day. All the members present. The minutes of- the meeting of the 6th inst. were read and approved. A resolution for a fire hydrant, corner of Twelfth street and Avenue C, sent to this Board by the Board of Aldermen, was referred to the Water Purveyor for exam-' ination. A petition of Engine Company No. 42 for a fire hydrant near their engine house received the same reference. 19 A petition of Michael Street and others to have water pipes laid in Twenty- seventh street, from Tenth to Eleventh avenue, referred to this Board by the Board of Aldermen, being under consideration, it was Resolved, That the prayer of the petitioners be denied, except a special appropri- ation for the same shall be made by the Common Council, said street not being in- cluded in the working plan for the year, and the appropriations now made not being more than sufficient for the work proposed in said plan. It was proposed by the President and agreed to by the Board that the truck work and carting to be done for the Department during the present year should be the subject of special contract. Resolved, That the pay of Samuel R. Smith, Foreman of the Sewer Cleaners, be increased to two dollars per day from the first day of April to the first day of De- cember, and that he be allowed to receive no perquisites or pay from any other par- ties for work or examinations made for or under the authority of this Department. Adjourned. THEO. R. DE FOREST, Secretary. CROTON AQUEDUCT BOARD. March 27, 1850. A regular meeting of the Board was held this day. All the members present. The minutes of the preceding meeting were read and approved. A resolution referring the petition of Mr. Elvis and others for a fire hydrant in Thirtieth street, referred to this Board by the Common Council, was sent to the Water Purveyor for examination. The Water Purveyor reported on the subjects referred to him on the 2Oth inst, which report was ordered to be resubmitted to him for amendment and placed on file, and his recommendation approved. The Secretary reported that the books containing the blank receipts for the coming year were all in th hands of the Clerks and nearly completed. It was '' fore ordered that as soon as the work in the hands of each is completed they be discharged. An application was made by Charles ,H. Wheeler for appointment as Foreman of the work (lowering the mains) on the Fifth avenue, about to be commenced, with recommendations as to character, capacity, etc., from Messrs. McAlpin & Stewart, which, after consideration, was laid on the table until the next meeting to allow time for personal interview with Mr. Wheeler. 20 A petition of W. G. Spencer and others for Croton water in East street, re- ferred to this Board by the Board of Aldermen, was considered and laid on the table. The following preamble and resolution was offered and unanimously approved: Whereas, The Board of Aldermen on Monday night last, without any com- munication with this Department, through their Committee on Streets, to whom the subject had been previously referred by resolution, "instructed this Board to adopt some mode by which the public streets may be sprinkled daily by carts em- ployed for that purpose," arid Whereas, This Department had, after much inquiry and thought, determined upon certain regulations which, if adopted, would tend to avoid much of the evil and public loss hitherto growing out of the lavisll manner in which the streets have been watered, and which it was intended to submit to the consideration of the Common Council through a report of the Committee above referred to, but which as it would have involved a small expenditure of money cannot be carried into effect without a previous appropriation therefor, and the precipitate action of the Board of Aldermen having prevented all discussion of the subject with their own committee, the public in the meantime clamorously demanding that licenses for sprinkling the streets be issued; therefore Resolved. That the Assistant Register be and he is hereby directed to issue such licenses in the manner and upon terms similar to those heretofore estab- lished by the late Croton Water Board. Adjourned. THEO. R. DE FOREST, Secretary. CROTON AQUEDUCT BOARD. April 4, 1850. A meeting of the Board was held this day. All the members present. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved. The Board being satisfied with the capacity and character of Mr. Charles H. Wheeler, whose application for appointment as Foreman of the work on Fifth avenue, Resolved, That he be appointed. It was after consideration also Resolved, That William G. Hunt, now employed in the office as Draughtsman in making copies of the ward maps, be allowed, in consequence of ill health, to 21 complete the work at his residence; that he receive a compensation of $500 for the same, and that the President be authorized to make a contract with him to that effect. Adjourned. THEO. R. DE FOREST, Secretary. CROTON AQUEDUCT BOARD. April 17, 1850. At a regular meeting of the Board held this day, all the members present. No business being presented the Board, the meeting was adjourned. THEO. R. DE FOREST, Secretary. CROTON AQUEDUCT BOARD. April 24, 1850. At a regular meeting of the Board held this day, all the members present. No business being presented the Board, the meeting was adjourned. THEO. R. DE FOREST, Secretary. ) CROTON AQUEDUCT BOARD. May 9, 1850! At a meeting of the Board held this day, all the members present. The President presented for the consideration of the Board the draft of a com- munication to the Common Council on the subject of the existing ordinances on contracts, and their action on this Department, also submitting the contract for a sewer in Thirty-third street, with a resolution approving the same and making an appropriation for the work. The communication being approved by this Board was directed to be sent to the Board of Aldermen. 22 Mr. Coutant's claim for the loss of an ox in a gully caused by t a drain from the Aqueduct in Westchester County came up for consideration, and after examina- tion it was Resolved, That the claim be allowed, and that Mr. Coutant be paid the sum of seventy-five dollars on his executing a release for the same. Adjourned. THEO. R. DE FOREST, Secretary. CROTON AQUEDUCT BOARD. May 14, 1850. A special meeting of the Board was convened this day at the request of the President. All the members present. The President communicated to the Board the following, which, after due con- sideration, was unanimously adopted: The President informs the Board that in an interview with his Honor the Mayor this morning he was informed by him that the Committee on Ordinance of the Board of Assistant Aldermen would meet this afternoon, and were making every exertion to amend the ordinance on contracts so as to enable the Departments to carry on the public business without embarrassment, and that in view of such action it was his opinion that this Board ought not to suspend its various operations till a little time was given to enable that committee to report to a special meeting of the Board, which would be call-ed to receive and act upon it; therefore Resolved, That this Board take no further step in the premises to-day, and that in the meantime the President address a communication to the Counsel of the Cor- poration asking him whether in his opinion this Department has the power undter the City Ordinances to procure any supplies or do any work in the daily prosecution of its business without first making a contract therefor in the manner prescribed by that ordinance. Adjourned. THEO. R. DE POREST, Secretary. CROTON AQUEDUCT BOARD. May 28, 1850. The Board this day visited Tarrytown and made personal examination of various encroachments on Aqueduct lands by sundry individuals. 23 CROTON AQUEDUCT BOARD. May 29, 1850. The Board met in regular session this day. All the members present. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved. The President announced that in accordance with the resolution passed by this Board on the i4th instant he had addressed a communication to the Counsel of the Corporation, and on the 2Oth instant received a reply to the same, and which reply fully sustained this Board in the opinion that they could not proceed under the then existing ordinances with any of the public works except by contract, etc. And, further, that the Board of Assistant Aldermen had at a subsequent special session agreed to the amendment to the ordinances as made by the Board of Alder- men, and that he had proceeded in the works in accordance therewith. The following resolution was offered and unanimously adopted, viz. : Resolved, That no person receiving a salary from this Department will be per- mitted to take any compensation or gratuity from any person for services rendered to such person, either in or out of the .office hours, in business relating to the De- partment, or either of its bureaus; not to have any connection with or interest in any contract given out by the Department or its bureaus, and that any violation of the letter or spirit of this resolution will be considered and treated by the Board as sufficient cause of removal from office. The following was offered and unanimously approved: Resolved, That the services of James St. John, Foreman of Company No. 3, be dispensed with after Saturday, June i, 1850. Resolved, That the President address a letter to the Corporation Counsel (H. E. Davies), requesting him to examine into the title acquired by the City to land taken and used for Aqueduct purposes in Westchester County, and whether such title is sufficient to authorize this Board to fence in such land, where in its opinion the public interests require it. The President read an answer to the resolution of Alderman Shaw on the sub- ject of an additional reservoir, as proposed by him, which was approved by this Board, and ordered to be communicated to the Common Council. A resolution of inquiry from the Board of Governors of the Almshouse, in re- lation to supplying Blackwell's Island with water, was received and laid before the Board, which, after consideration, was referred to Mr. Craven, with power. 24 The following resolution was also approved: 4 Resolved, That the Water Purveyor be requested to report to this Board at its next meeting what number of hours in his opinion the men employed in the gang of Mr. St. John actually work each day. Adjourned. THEO. R. DE FOREST, Secretary. CROTON AQUEDUCT BOARD. July 6, 1850. At a meeting of the Board held this day, all the members present. It was ordered that the Water Purveyor cause the public fountains to be played at the hours below specified: Stuyvesant Square West fountain, from 6 to 7 o'clock p. m. during July and August, and from 5 to 6 p. m. during September and October. Union Square During the same hours as above-named for Stuyvesant square. Park From 4 to 5 p. m. during the months of July and August, and from 3 to 4 p. m. during September and October. Bowling Green From 5 to 7 o'clock p. m. during the months of July and Au- gust, and from 4 to 6 o'clock during September and October. St. John's and Grammercy Park Fountains to be used in accordance with ar- rangements to be made with the proprietors of the same. Adjourned. THEO. R. DE FOREST, Secretary. CROTON AQUEDUCT BOARD. July 15, 1850. At a meeting of the Board held this day, in pursuance of a call from the Presi- dent, all the members being present. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved. The following resolution was introduced by the President, and after considera- tion, unanimously approved: Resolved, That freight barges on the North river employed during the season of navigation be charged the following rates for Croton water, viz.: Those making one trip a week, twenty-five dollars; those making two trips a week, fifty dollars, and those running but a part of the season at the rate of seventy- five cents a trip. 25 The case of Johnson & Milligan for performing certain plumbing work at No. 50 Howard street contrary to the regulations of the Board, was then taken up and considered, and the matter resulted in the following decision: That, on Mr. Johnson's submitting to this Board affidavits embracing the follow- ing facts, this Board will take into consideration the propriety of relaxing the usual discipline in this case: First That Mr. Johnson was absent from the city at the time the order was given and during the execution of the work complained of. Second That Mr. Milligan, under whose superintendence the work was done, did not know of the regulation requiring a permit to be obtained from this office previous to the execution of the work. Resolved, That the Water Police report to Mr. Robertson every case where an opening is made for a sewer connection, with the name of the party doing the work, that the same may be duly examined into. Resolved, That the Water Police be required to present themselves at a meeting of the Board to be held on Tuesday (to-morrow) afternoon at 4 o'clock. Mr. Craven introduced the following resolution, which was unanimously ap- proved: Resolved, That the line of the Aqueduct be fenced in every case where the same may pass through any of the villages or fovvns between the city and Croton dam. Adjourned. THEO. R. DE FOREST, Secretary. CROTON AQUEDUCT BOARD. September 14, 1850. At a meeting of the Board held this day, all the members present. The following preambles and resolutions were unanimously adopted. Whereas, During the year 1849, and before this Board came into office, a fence had been erected to protect the line of the Aqueduct where it passes through lands of George B. Butler, Esq., in the County of Westchester, trespasses and injury hav- ing previously been sustained by the rooting of hogs and otherwise; and Whereas, The said George B. Butler considers such fence a blemish upon his grounds and a personal annoyance, which he asks to have removed and abated, and this Board being desirous at all times to meet the wishes of individuals owning lands adjoining the Aqueduct, provided it can be done without sacrificing any of the preat interests committed to its supervision and control; therefore 26 Resolved. That John L. Berrian, the Superintendent of that division of the Aque- duct, be and he is hereby authorized and directed to remove the fence referred to, but with the further direction to replace the same should Mr. Butler, his grantees, lessees or servants, trespass upon or injure the grounds of the Aqueduct passing through his farm and adjoining his lands. Resolved, That a copy of the above be served on Mr. Berrian. Resrlved, That the sum of twenty-one dollars be refunded by the Register to Mr. William S. Duke, such amount, in the opinion of the Board, being an over- charge, and that a copy of this resolution be served on Mr. Hance. Adjourned. THEO. R. DE FOREST, Secretary. CROTON AQUEDUCT BOARD. October 8, 1850. The Board met this day for the transaction of business. All the members present. The first business being an investigation of charges made against Mr. Hanford, an Inspector of the sewer now in course of construction in Twenty-ninth street. Mr. Craven stated the charges to be: First That Mr. Hanford had received pay from the contractor for work done by him on the sewer, and for not insisting that certain work required by the con- tract should be performed by the builder. Second That the number of manholes in said sewer were two less than the specifications required, and that with the knowledge of said Hanford, and that he had been paid for overlooking such neglect in construction. To the first charge Mr. Hanford gave a denial,, accompanied with an explana- tion that he had borrowed at one time thirty dollars, and that two other times five dollars each, to defray the funeral expenses of his child, which died at the time, and that he had 1 since been unable to repay the amount to the contractor, but that he was legally bound to repay the said sums and would do so when able. To the second charge Mr. Hanford pleaded guilty; that the number of manholes were two less than were required, but that he had no knowledge that such was the fact until after the completion of the work, and that the error arose from not having the number and location cf said manholes properly laid out and designated on the plan furnished him by the Surveyor; and, further, that he never either directly or indirectly received any money from the contractor or other party for said neglect or error. 27 John P. Flender, Water Purveyor, stated that he had been informed that Han ford had demanded 1 thirty dollars in addition of Mr. Meggs for services rendered, and on the ground that two manholes required by the contract had been omitted, and that he was led to make the charges against Hanford by general conversation on the subject. Mr. Murray examined. No person being present legally qualified to administer an oath, it was waived by Mr. Hanford. Mr. Murray stated that he was Foreman on the work in question; never saw anything improper on the part of Hanford; saw Meggs, the contractor, lend the thirty dollars to Hanford, and that he never heard any conversation between the parties that would lead him to believe that any transactions of an improper character were had between Meggs and Hanford. The further investigation of the matter was here adjourned until Mr. Meggs can appear before the Board. The bill of Jas. Humes for extra compensation for work done by him was laid before the Board, which, on examination into its merits, resulted in the following resolution, to wit: That the bill of James Humes for extra compensation for work done on the sewer in Avenue A, between Twelfth and Thirteenth streets, amounting to twenty- eight dollars and fifty cents, be and the same is hereby disallowed; but that, in con- sideration of the water pipes having been improperly laid, the cost contingent on the rebuilding of the manholes, amounting to fifteen dollars, be and the same is allowed. The Board then adjourned to Saturday next, I2th inst., at 10 o'clock a. m. THEO. R. DE FOREST, Secretary. CROTON AQUEDUCT BOARD. October 12, 1850. The Board met this day pursuant to adjournment. The parties in the Hanford case not being present, the meeting was adjourned to Tuesday next, I5th inst. CROTON AQUEDUCT BOARD. October 15, 1850. The Board met this day pursuant to adjournment. All the members present. A communication was presented by Mr. James Humes in person, asking a review and reconsideration of his case as passed upon on the 8th inst., which was entered into, and a further allowance of twenty-two dollars in addition to the fifteen previously given, making in all thirty-seven dollars, was agreed to. A communication was read from Mr. Bond claiming damages (as per bill of Simpson Plumber for $12.50) done to his kitchen range by shutting off water without notice, the bill presented being for repairs. It was Resolved, That the sum of nine dollars be allowed, that being the proportion or said bill for the repair of damage properly chargeable against this Department. The case of Mr. Henry Hansfield, late Inspector of Sewer in Twenty-ninth street, laid over at meeting on 8th inst., was then taken up and examination con- tinued. i Mr. Meggs, contractor, examined. Hansfield had not received any money from him for services rendered. Had lent him a check for thirty dollars, and at two sub- se-jrent times given him five dollars while paying off his hands. Hansfield afterward made a demand on him for more money on the ground that he had been a benefit to him of over three hundred dollars; that he had saved three manholes for me. He has not repaid me the amount lent, nor shall I make any demand for it. I told him that if he had been of advantage to me dishonestly I did not even thank him for his services. Mr. Ellis corroborated the statements of Mr. Meggs. The manholes were placed by direction of Mr. Hansfield, who claimed exclusive jurisdiction over the matter. The witnesses then retired and the Board reviewed the matter as presented by the testimony, which resulted as follows: First That Henry Hansfield did borrow money from Mr. Meggs, contractor, and that the amount borrowed was not repaid said Meggs from his wages when received. Second That he received money from Mr. Meggs as a gift contrary to the regulations of this Department. Third That he gave a certificate of the work having been done according to contract, when not so done. Each of which charges having been proved to the satisfaction of this Board, and either of which being sufficient to cause his dismissal, it was therefore Resolved, That Henry Hansfield be and he is hereby discharged from employ- ment as an Inspector of Sewers, and that in future no further employment can be given him on any work under the control of this Department. Adjourned. THEO. R. DE FOREST, Secretary. 2Q CROTON AQUEDUCT BOARD. October 21, 1850. At a meeting of the Board held this day, all the members present. The following business was presented by the President, to wit: A contract made between Garret Storm and Kennedy & Shelton, the latter being the contractors on a sewer now building in Warren street, having been sub- mitted to this Board by which the said Kennedy & Shelton agree to place the last four hundred feet of the sewer nearest Broadway at a greater depth below the curb than their contract with the Mayor, Aldermen and Commonalty had provided, and the sureties of the said Kennedy & Shelton having consented in writing to such modification of the original contract; therefore Resolved, That this Board do and they hereby assent to the same. CROTON AQUEDUCT BOARD. October 31, 1850. At a meeting of the Board held this day, all the members present. The lollowing was presented and received unanimous assent, to wit: Resolved, That the claim of William Bolmer, of Westchester County, for dam- age to his land caused by the opening of a water weir be referred to James R. Whiting, of this City, and Ebenezer Lyons, of, with power if they dis- agree to call in an umpire, the report of any two of whom to be final in the matter, and that the President of this Board be and he is hereby directed to sign a sub- mission to that effect. Adjourned. THEO. R. DE FOREST, Secretary. CROTON AQUEDUCT BOARD. November 29, 1850. At a meeting of the Board held this day in accordance with the call of the President for the consideration of claims for extra compensation made by con- tractors. Present The President and Secretary. 30 The consideration of the claim of Hugh McCabe for relief from loss sustained in building a sewer in Twenty-seventh street was considered, and after deliberation the President was directed to report against the same. The consideration of the claim of Daniel Gallagher for relief from loss sustained in building sewer in Thirty-third street from delays caused by the Department was taken up and the following allegations were made by Mr. Gallagher: First That the sewer is over thirteen feet deep, say thirteen feet six inches, and that the alteration was made to his damage by order of the Engineer and In- spector. Second That the work was delayed for the spaoe of thirty days by reason of the Croton pipe, w r hich interfered with the Construction, not having been removed. Third That the Inspector appointed over the work refused to give the grade lines and a loss of fifteen days was occasioned thereby. Fourth The Inspector has charged full time for the work, although not actu- ally engaged thereon, having been away on fishing, military excursions, etc. Note The extra time charged by the Inspector was seventy-eight days. After consideration the Board informed Mr. Gallagher that the subject should be fully examined into, but that only such allowance could be made him as could be traced and fully chargeable on the acts of the Board or of its members. THEO. R. DE FOREST, Secretary. CROTON AQUEDUCT BOARD. December 20, 1850. At a meeting of the Board held this day, Messrs. Dean and De Forest present. The application of Benjamin G. Roe for an increase of compensation was taken up, and after consideration the following resolution was adopted, to wit: Resolved, That Benjamin G. Roe, Examiner of Property in the Bureau of Water Rents, be allowed an additional compensation of twenty-five cents per day from the first day of May last to the first day of January, 1851, and that the same be paid him on the 3ist inst. Resolved, That the members in the different companies employed by the De- partment have full time allowed them for Thanksgiving and Christmas days, and that Mr. Robertson be instructed to make out the payrolls accordingly. Adjourned. THEO. R. DE FOREST, Secretary. 31 CROTON AQUEDUCT BOARD. January 15, 1851. At a meeting of the Board held this day. Prevent Messrs. Dean and De Forest. The following circular was presented, accepted, ordered to be printed and a copy thereof to be served by the Inspectors of the Department on the occupants of every tenement within the water district. Abstract of corporation ordinances and rules adopted by the Croton Aqueduct Department, regulating the use of water, to which the attention of consumers and all others is earnestly invited. ORDINANCES. Fine for opening a fire hydrant without permission, not less than five, nor more than twenty-five dollars, in the discretion of the Magistrate hearing the complaint. Fine for selling water to shipping, or for any other purpose or object, or offer- ing it for sale, twenty-five dollars. Fine for obstructing access to any stop-cock connected with the water pipes in the streets by placing on it any building materials or other hindrance, fifty dollars; and twenty-five dollars additional for each day the same shall remain after notice for removal. Fine for using street washers, except before 8 a. m., and after 7 p. m. from May to November, and before 9 a. m. and after 6 p. m. from November to May, five dollars for each offence. Rules Adopted by the Board. No owner or tenant will be allowed to supply water to other persons or fam- ilies. No addition or alteration whatever in or about any tap, pipe or water-cock shall be made or caused to be made by any person without permission first had from this Board. All persons taking the water must keep their own service pipes and all fixtures connected therewith in good repair and protected from frost, at their own ex- pense, and shall prevent all unnecessary waste of water. Street washers shall be used only within the hours named in the above ordi- nance, nor must they be converted into jets, or the water suffered to run to waste or leak, or used to wash the filth of the gutters down upon the neighbors, or into the receiving basins of sewers; nor by attaching a hose to wash off horses' legs, carnages 32 and omnibuses; caps must be kept upon them in good order, and not projecting more than three-fourths of an inch above the sidewalk. No hydrant will be permitted on the sidewalk or in the front area, and if standing in a yard or alley attached to any dwelling or building, will not be per- mitted to be kept running when not in actual use; taps at wash basins, water closets, baths and urinals must be kept closed in like manner. Applications for water must state fully and truly all the purposes for which it is required, and when paying the annual charge for it, parties must frankly and with- out concealment answer all questions put to them relating to its consumption. No horse-watering fixtures will be permitted in the street or on the sidewalk, except upon a license taken out for that purpose, and these licenses must be annually rene.ved before the first of May. No yard fountain or jet must be in use more than three hours in each day with- out a special permit for that purpose, and an additional payment beyond the es- tablished rates, and the Board reserves the right to suspend the use or to abolish all private fountains whenever the public exigencies may require it. No ferry boat must permit the transportation of Croton water across the rivers for sale or for the use of any individual or family; nor must any person attached to such ferries take it across either river, for his own use or the use of others or for sale. The officers of the Department personally, and every person delegated by them for the purpose, must have free access, at proper hours of the day, to all parts of every building and steam vessel in which Croton water is delivered and consumed. The penalty for a violation of any of the preceding rules and requirements will be the prompt stoppage of the supply of water, without any further or other prelimi- nary notice; nor will it be restored except upon payment of the expense of shutting it off and putting it on, and upon a satisfactory understanding with the party that no future cause of complant shall arise. A copy of this notice will be left at every tenement, dwelling, store and building within tire water district. The Board begs that it may be read and preserved, and it asks from every citizen his aid and support in carrying out regulations designed to promote the comfort of all, as well as to protect the public against frauds. By order of the Board. NICHOLAS DEAN, President Croton Aqueduct Department. January 15, 1851. Adjourned. THEO. R. DE FOREST, Secretary. 33 CROTON AQUEDUCT BOARD. January 27, 1851. At a meeting of the Board held this day. Present Messrs. Dean and De Forest. The following resolution was adopted, to wit: Resolved, That on the opening of navigation the charges for Croton water to all steam vessels using condensing engines be at the rate of one cent per ton of the vessel's measurement for each trip leaving this port, except ferryboats, which will be a subject of special contract, and that one-half of the season or year be paid in ad- vance when the license to use the water is issued. Adjourned. THEO. R. DE FOREST, Secretary. CROTON AQUEDUCT BOARD. April 15, 1851. At a meeting of the Board held this day the following resolution was adopted and ordered to be served on Mr. Pomeroy, Keeper of the Reservoir: Resolved, That the Keeper of the Distributing Reservoir be directed not to ad- mit children within the enclosure or on the terraces, except when accompanied by their parents or parties responsible for their conduct and behavior. Adjourned. THEO. R. DE FOREST, Secretary. CROTON AQUEDUCT BOARD. New York, June 17, 1851. At a meeting of the Board held this day the following resolution was adopted, to wit: Resolved, That the license of Isaac Swayze be and the same is hereby revoked for violation of the Corporation* ordinance in relation to the sprinkling of streets. Adjourned. THEO. R. DE FOREST, Secretary. 34 CROTON AQUEDUCT BOARD. 4 . August 20, 1851. Simeon Pomeroy, Keeper of the Distributing Reservoir, having expressed a de- sire to be released from his duties as such Keeper in order to pursue another busi- ness which is offered to him, and which he deems more advantageous; therefore Resolved, That he be released, and that Thomas Golden Cooper be and he is hereby appointed Keeper of the Distributing Reservoir. Resolved, That the Keeper have the nut and fruit stands kept at the entrance to the Distributing Reservoir removed entirely from the sidewalk in front, they having proved a great annoyance by introducing through children' and others, on the stair- way and terrace above, nut shells, orange peel, bits of cake and partially consumed fruit, destroying its character for neatness and increasing the daily labor of clean- ing it. CROTON AQUEDUCT BOARD. New York, January 5, 1852. At a meeting of the Board held this day it was unanimously ordered: That Mortimer Wicks, Inspector of the Sewer in Columbia street, from Riving- ton south, be dismissed from employment, he having been convicted on the affidavit of William Gilroy of having received five dollars from said Gilroy on condition that the work on said sewer might proceed without interference from said Wicks. Adjourned. THEO. R. DE FOREST, Secretary. CROTON AQUEDUCT BOARD. New York, February 9, 1852. At a meeting of the Croton Aqueduct Board, held at this office this day. Present Nicholas Dean, President Commissioner; Theo. R. De Forest, Asso- ciate Commissioner; Alfred W. Craven, Chief Engineer, being all the members of the Board. The following resolutions were offered and approved: Resolved, That the President be and is hereby directed to sign all contracts made by this Department, and also all legal notices published by it. 35 Resolved, That all the contracts and notices signed by him have been and they are hereby approved by this Board. The following preamble and resolutions were offered and unanimously approved: Whereas, In the judgment of this Board it has become absolutely necessary to provide the means of storing a greater supply of Croton water on this island by the construction of an additional and larger reservoir, and Whereas, The act entitled "An Act to Create the Croton Aqueduct Department in The City of New York" passed April IT, 1849, confers upon this Board the power of selecting the site and making the necessary purchases of land for reser- voirs, such purchases to be subject to the ratification of the Common Council, and also in and by the I4th section of the same Act authorizes this Board to "take pos- session of and use all such land and real estate and property as may be required for the purpose of making surveys or laying mains or pipes, or constructing reser- voirs, sewers and drains, and the convenient accommodations appertaining to the same, they making compensation therefor in the manner provided in and by the act entitled 'An Act to Authorize the Formation of Railroad Corporations,' passed March 27, 1848, and further providing the mode of appointing Commissioners of Appraisment; and Whereas, The Common Council of The City of New York by a joint resolution approved by the Mayor on the 5th of February, 1851, directed this Department "To purchase without unnecessary delay enough suitable ground for a new reservoir, of capacity sufficient with those already built, to contain a supply for at least sixty days' consumption/' under which resolution this Department has carefully examined the island in order to determine the most suitable site, and caused all the required surveys and drawings to be made preparatory to final action in the matter, and have also in the exercise of its best judgment, determined that the public interests will be promoted by taking the required ground under appraisement made by Commis- sioners in the manner provided in the I4th section of the Act before referred to, instead of purchasing by private contract; Wherefore, in view of all these preliminaries, and after due deliberation had thereon, it is Resolved, That the ground comprised between the Fifth and Seventh avenues, and Eighty-sixth and Ninety-sixth streets, be and the same is hereby appropriated for a new reservoir. Resolved, That in the opinion of the Board the public interests require that the Sixth avenue, between Eighty-sixth and Ninety-sixth streets, and the intersecting streets from Eighty-seventh to Ninety-fifth inclusive, should be closed, and it is fur- ther 36 Resolved, That the area of ground above described be taken by appraisement ifi the manner prescribed in and by the I4th section of the "Act to Create the Croton Aqueduct Department in The City of New York," passed April 11, 1849, and that the Counsel to the corporation, Henry E. Davies, Esq., be and he is hereby requested to take the necessary legal steps to carry these resolutions into effect. Adjourned. , THEO. R. DE FOREST, Secretary. CROTON AQUEDUCT BOARD. March n, 1852. At a meeting of the Board held this day. all the members present. It was Resolved, That the President give written notice to John P. dimming, con- tractor, with certain parties interested, to build a sewer in Liberty .street, that he proceed forthwith to finish the same, or that he, fill up the excavation, repave the street and abandon the work. THEO. R. DE FOREST, Secretary. CROTON AQUEDUCT BOARD. March 13, 1852. At a meeting of the Board held this day, all the members present. The following preamble and resolution were offered by Mr. Craven and adopted: Whereas, On the 5th day of January last this Department, acting under the testi- mony of William Gilroy, that Mr. Mortimer Wicks had accepted a bribe while on duty as Inspector of the Sewer in Columbia street, entered a resolution discharging said Wicks from the service of the Department; and Whereas, This Department has since that time most thoroughly convinced by the counter affidavit of said Wicks supported by the highest testimonials and vouchers for his integrity from gentlemen of the highest standing as will appear from papers on file in this Department; therefore Resolved, That the said Wicks be restored to his position as Inspector, with the fullest confidence of this Department in his character, and that the resolution of January 5 be expunged from the minutes of this Board. THEO. R. DE FOREST, Secretary. 37 CROTON AQUEDUCT BOARD. May 4, 1852. At a meeting of the Board held this day, all the members present. The following preamble and resolutions were offered and approved unanimously: Whereas, The ownership of the lands contiguous to the line of the Croton Aque- duct is constantly undergoing changes, especially in villages, by sale or otherwise; and Whereas, By every such transfer the difficulty of preventing encroachments on the grounds of the City and injury to the work is increasing; therefore Resolved, That a proper regard for the interests of the City committed to the custody and control of this Department makes it absolutely necessary that the lines of the Aqueduct grounds be sufficiently defined to prevent trespasses upon them, and if required to protect them from injury; actually fenced in on both sides with convenient passages left across wherever it intersects lands belonging to an individual for farming and other purposes. Resolved, That Alfred W. Craven, Chief Engineer and a member of this Board, proceed at his earliest convenience to make a personal examination of the whole line, and that wherever he finds trespasses by the erection of buildings the removal of them be required, and undet the direction of this Board if necessary en- forced; that where encroachments are made or making, from which injury to the works may result, fences on the line be immediately erected, and that all trees and shrubbery standing on the Aqueduct grounds, the roots of which are likely to reach and injure the masonry of the Aqueduct, be removed. Resolved, That in enforcing these resolutions a due regard shall be had to the interests of the parties and their rights as owners of adjacent lands, and that in every case where a spirit of accommodation shall be manifested, these resolutions shall only be carried into effect where the public interest absolutely requires it. Adjourned. THEO. R. DE FOREST, Secretary. 38 CROTON AQUEDUCT BOARD. May 7, 1852. At a meeting of the Croton Aqueduct Board, held this day, all the members present. The following preamble and resolutions were unanimously adopted: Whereas, Great inconvenience has arisen in the transaction of business in the Bureau of Water Rents from the practice hitherto allowed of parties not connected with the office using the books of registry for the purpose of making searches, etc.; Whereas, Mistakes have frequently been made and property returned as liable or unpaid in error, and such mistakes having the effect of discrediting the accounts of this office; therefore be it Resolved, That parties unconnected with the office shall not be allowed to make searches therein,, and that all searches hereafter made shall be by the Clerks of the office and verified by the Clerk making the same. Resolved, That the Clerks shall only be allowed to make searches during such hours as they shall be free from their official engagements with the Department, except in cases when the party requiring the search shall be personally interested either in the purchase or sale of the property, and then only on the personal appli- cation of such party. Adjourned. THEO. R. DE FOREST, Secretary. CROTON AQUEDUCT BOARD. May 21, 1852. At a meeting of the Board held this day, all the members present concurring, the following resolution was adopted: Resolved, That the following names be submitted to the Court as suitable ones to be appointed Commissioners of Estimate of the value of the ground to be taken in the construction of a new reservoir between Fifth and Seventh avenues and Eighty-sixth and Ninety-sixth streets, to wit: Daniel Dodge, Samuel B. Rug- gles, Ezra P. Davis, Jacob S. Baker, Jedediah Miller, Anthony J. Bleecker. Adjourned. THEO. R. DE FOREST, Secretary. 39 CROTON AQUEDUCT BOARD. May 24, 1852. At a meeting of the Board held this day, the following resolution was adopted, all the members concurring therein: Resolved, That from and after this day the wages of the men engaged in clean- ing sewers shall be one dollar and twenty-five cents for each and every day engaged in such service. Adjourned. THEO. R. DE FOREST, Secretary. CROTON AQUEDUCT BOARD. May 27, 1852. At a meeting of the Board held this day, all the members present. The following resolution was offered and approved: Resolved, That for every violation of the rules and regulations adopted by this Board for the government of parties using the Croton water, the penalty attached to such violation shall be immediately enforced without notice to the offending party, and the Register be directed to carry the resolution into effect promptly and with- out exception. Adjourned. THEO. R. DE FOREST, Secretary. CROTON AQUEDUCT BOARD. July i, 1852. At a meeting of the Board held this day. Messrs. Dean and De Forest present. It was Resolved, That a charge of fifty dollars be made Teunis Van Brunt for leave to connect a part of his packing establishment, between Tenth and Eleventh avenues, with the sewer in Nineteenth street. Adjourned. THEO. R. DE FOREST, Secretary. 40 CROTON AQUEDUCT BOARD. August i, 1852. At a meeting of the Board held this day, all the members present. The following preamble and resolution was approved: Whereas, The resolution passed by this Board on the 2pth of May, 1850, prohi- biting Clerks and other persons employed in this Department from "receiving any compensation or gratuity from any person for services rendered to such person, either in or out of the office hours, in business relating to the Department or either of its bureaux," has been found prejudicial in its operation by introducing Clerks from other departments of the City Government and other persons into this to make searches for unpaid water rents forming a lien on real estate, which persons by com- ing behind the counter during business hours frequently impede its prompt transac- tion, and who also, if mistakes occur, screen themselves by charging such errors to the Clerks employed in this Department; therefore Resolved, That the Clerks employed in this Department be and are hereby per- mitted, out of office hours, am' certify unpaid water rents affecting the title to real estate, and that the charge for such service be limited to ten cents for each year against every lot for which such search shall be made. Adjourned. THEO. R. DE FOREST, Secretary. CROTON AQUEDUCT BOARD. September 14, 1852. At a meeting of the Board held this day the following preambles and resolution were adopted: Whereas, this Board has received information from the Keeper of the High Bridge that an exhibition has been advertised by public notices posted in the vicinity of that structure that a person is about to leap from the parapet of the Bridge into the Harlem river at 3 o'clock p. m., to-morrow; and Whereas, exhibitions of the like character have heretofore drawn evil disposed and unruly parties to the damage of the work; therefore be it Resolved, That such exhibition as this and at any future time be discountenanced and is forbidden by this Board. Adjourned. THEO. R. DE FOREST, Secretary 41 CROTON AQUEDUCT BOARD, f October 20, 1852. At a meeting of the Board held this day. Messrs. Dean and De Forest present. It was Resolved, That, the consent of the Street Commissioner, having been obtained thereto, leave is hereby given to Ezra P. Davis to construct a sewer from the one now built about 100 feet east of Broadway in Franklin street, to and through Broad- way about 90 feet southerly from Franklin street, the same to be done under the direction and control of the Croton Aqueduct Department. Adjourned. THEO. R. DE FOREST. CROTON AQUEDUCT BOARD. November 22, 1852. At a meeting of the Board held this day, all the members present, it was Resolved (Mr. Craven voting in the negative), That the sewer in Houston street, from Avenue A to Mulberry street, recently built by James W. Smith, be and the same is hereby accepted, notwithstanding the use by the contractor of some brick- bats in the work. Adjourned. THEO. R. DE FOREST, Secretary. CROTON AQUEDUCT BOARD. January 8, 1853. At a meeting of the Board held this day, all the members present. The following preamble and resolution was offered by Mr. Craven and unani- mously adopted, to wit: Whereas. Thomas Davis, an Inspector appointed by this Board to superintend the construction of a sewer in Troy street, from the North river to a point near Greenwich avenue, of which Casey was the contracting builder, has returned his certificate, under oath, that the said 1 sewer was built in conformity with the specifica- 42 tions of the contract, excepting only where the bottom was laid without cement by direction of the Engineer, and excepting also the substitution of vitrified earthen pipes for the culverts from the basins to the sewer: and Whereas, Under an examination by direction of said Engineer, induced by sus- picions of collusion on the part of said Inspector and said contractor, it was found that gross and dishonest departures from said specifications have been permitted in said sewer, such as laying brick work but four inches thick, and the omission of bottom or foundation plank, etc.; therefore, Resolved, That the said Thomas Davis be dismissed 1 with disgrace from the service of this Department, his name be stricken from the list of Inspectors, and that under no circumstances and in no capacity shall be employed again by this De- partment. Resolved, That a copy of this preamble and resolution be sent to each of the other departments of the City government as a safeguard against the employment of one who has proved himself untrustworthy. Note. The last resolution was offered in connection with the first, and was re- jected by the Board, but is inserted in the minutes at the request of the mover. Adjourned. THEO. R. DE FOREST, Secretary. CROTON AQUEDUCT BOARD. January 22, 1853. At a meeting of the Board held this day, the following preamble and resolution was offered and approved: Whereas. In the lease made by the Mayor, Aldermen and Commonalty of The City of New York to "The Association for the Exhibition of the Industry of All Nations" of ground on Reservoir square for the erection of their buildings, the easterly line of such grant was placed 1 parallel with and ten feet westerly from the base of the sustaining wall of the Distributing Reservoir on its westerly side; and Whereas, The said Association finds that th? use of a part of the said reserved ten feet would be a convenience to them in carrying out the purposes of this ex- hibition, therefore, Resolved, That the "Association for the Exhibition of the Industry of All Na- tions" be and are hereby authorized to extend their erection over, and to occupy three feet in width off the westerly side of the said reserved ten feet, and in length from Fortieth to Forty-second street, such occupancy to continue for five years if 43 the exhibition be kept open for that period of time, subject to the following condi- tions and limitations: No door or other passage to open out of the building so to be erected on the space of seven feet left between it and the said sustaining wall; no water or rubbish to be thrown out of the windows on such reserved space, and no nuisance to be created or permitted thereon, and also that the said Association erect a suitable fence across the said reserved space of seven feet on Fortieth and Forty-second street, with a door at each end of at least three and one-half feet in width, secured by a good lock, the key to be left at all times in the custody of the Keeper of the Distributing Resef voir. CROTON AQUEDUCT BOARD. February 16, 1853. At a meeting of the Board held this day, all the members present. The following preamble and resolutions were offered and unanimously adopted: Whereas, Captain Nathan Cobb, of Tarrytown, in the County of Westchester, has constructed fences on the Aqueduct grounds belonging to The City of New York adjoining his property, and has placed a gateway on and maintains and insists upon a right of way over these grounds for all persons interested in or attending an exten- sive school adjacent thereto, and also a right of way for his private tenants occupy- ing a house fronting on the Highland turnpike to and from a privy placed on the easterly side of these grounds, in contravention and defiance of a judgment of the Supreme Court of this State pronounced in the case of the Mayor, Aldermen and Commonalty of The City of New York against Nathan Cobb, in which among other things it was decided: First The plaintiffs have the right to fence any part of the Aqueduct in their discretion, and their acts are conclusive as to the propriety of so doing. This right does not depend upon the statute requiring it to be done at their expense, but ex- isted prior to that statute. Second The right is subject to the duty of erecting and sustaining convenient passes across or under the Aqueduct wherever it intersects land belonging to an in- dividual, for the farming and other purposes of the land, by section 4 of the Act of 1836 (Laws of 1836, page 709). Third The defendant not owning both sides of the Aqueduct, his land is not in- tended within the meaning of the Act, and he is not entitled to any passes across or under the Aqueduct; and Whereas, The convenience of the school referred to would be as great if the en- trance to it were removed easterly off the Aqueduct grounds, and that of his tenant 44 in no way lessened if the privy spoken of were removed to the westerly side of the Aqueduct on ground belonging to the said Nathan Cobb; and Whereas, This Board, in the discharge of the high trusts committed to it, deem it their duty in the protection of the works to abate and restrain these trespasses; therefore Resolved, That Barney See, the Superintendent of that part of the line of the Aqueduct, be and he is hereby directed to put up a good and sufficient board fence from the road northerly, along both the easterly and westerly lines of the Aqueduct grounds to and beyond the grounds occupied by said school on the one side and owned by the said Nathan Cobb on the other; that such fences be commenced within two months of this date and finished by the first day of May next. Resolved, That the outbuildings of Theodore Benedict (immediately adjoining north of the grounds before spoken of), and which now stand partly on the grounds of the Aqueduct, and form an encroachment thereon, be removed by the* said Theo- dore Benedict on or before the said first day of May next. Resolved, That for the purpose of enabling the parties interested to prepare for these arrangements without inconvenience to themselves or others, the said Barney See be and he is hereby directed to serve copies of these preambles and resolutions on or before the 25th inst, if practicable or, if not practicable, as soon thereafter as may be, on the said Nathan Cobb and Theodore Benedict, or their agent or tenant. Adjourned. THEO. R. DE FOREST, Secretary. CROTON AQUEDUCT BOARD. April 10, 1853. At a meeting of the Board held this day, the following was presented and ap- proved, and a copy thereof directed to be sent to the Keeper of the Reservoir: Whereas, The multiplication of fruit stands on the sidewalk of the Distributing Reservoir has become a nuisance and the source of great uncleanliness on the entrance stairs and promenade on the terrace, where orange peel, apple skins, pea- nut shells, etc., are profusely scattered by children and others; therefore Resolved, That the Keeper of the Reservoir be and he is hereby directed to remove such fruit stands from off all the sidewalks about the reservoir, and to in- terdict hereafter their use for that or any similar purpose. THEO. R. DE FOREST, Secretary. Notice of above served in person on I2th inst. 45 CROTON AQUEDUCT BOARD. April 12, 1853. The Board convened at request of Mr. Craven for the consideration of the mat- ter of the Troy streel sewer, from Hudson river to Greenwich avenue. Michael Casey, contractor. All the members present. Edward Pollock and others owning property on the line of the street, having given the Department notice that the sewer was not constructed according to con- tract, the Board caused an examination to be made by Samuel R. Smith, their Chief Inspector of Sewers, who made a return of the facts in writing to this Department, which report, together with the complaint of Mr. Pollock and others, are on file. The Board proceeded with an investigation as follows: Samuel R. Smith, examined: I was requested in January last by Mr. Craven to make an investigation into the state of the sewer in Troy street built by Michael Casey. I made an examination which resulted as follows: I found 8- inch work at the place first mentioned by Pollock. At about opposite to No. 5 Troy street I found 4-inch work in the lower half of the sewer; a sufficient number of bricks were removed to show this fact, and also that there was no bottom plank. I also examined the sewer at a point about 15 feet east of Fourth street; the top was of 4-inch work. Mr. Pollock could point out nothing further. I called on Mr. Pollock, in consequence of information through Mr. Craven, that Mr. Pollock could inform me where the bad work was. In consequence of the information given in the certificate of Smith, the Board directed the defective portion of the sewer to be rebuilt by the contractor, and Thomas R. Frost was appointed Inspector over such rebuilding, Thomas Davis, the original Inspector, having been dismissed. Thomas R. Frost, examined, says: That he was appointed Inspector over the rebuilding of certain portions of the Troy street sewer. As such Inspector he caused such portions of the sewer to be taken down as had been pointed out and certified to be defective by Mr. Smith. In one of the places pointed out I found on excava- tion, eight-inch work, but on following up the trench for some twelve feet I came to four-inch work, which I rebuilt and continued until T reached the next portion of eight-inch work, at a distance of some ten or twelve feet. At the other points I found the work the same as stated by Smith in his certificate of January 7, 1853, being the parts indicated in the original objection of Mr. Pollock and others. I had all the work pointed out as defective rebuilt according to the original specification, and of the best material. I found wherever I cut and made examination that the bricks were laid in cement. After the examination and repair was made, I reported the result 46 to Mr. Craven, and was then sent by him to make examinations on file), the increase to take place from and after the first day of April. Adjourned. THEO. R. DE FOREST, Secretary. CROTON AQUEDUCT BOARD. June 2, 1854. At a meeting of the Board held this day, all the members present. The following were presented by the President, and after discussion were adopted, the President and De Forest in the affirmative and Mr. Craven in the negative: Resolved. That hereafter the instructions to the Water Police in relation to the ordinance prohibiting the use of Croton water for washing streets, etc., be as follows, to wit: That on said officer perceiving any person so using the Croton water, he shall thereupon deliver to the head of the family then present on the premises, or in the absence of such head, to some person of suitable age on the premises, a copy bf the ordinance and inform such person that such use of the water is a violation of such ordinance, and thereafter report to the Water Register in e^ch case of such . 57 use, the street and number, the date, the hour and the manner in which said use of the water was made, and with whom he had left a copy of said ordinance. That the Water Register, on receiving and filing said report, shall enter into a book to be provided for such purpose an abstract of said report, showing in proper columns the street and number, the hour, the date, the manner the water was used, with whom a copy of the ordinance was left, and the name of the officer making the report. And upon any premises being so reported for the second time, that said Water Register then send to the occupant of the premises a notice that a penalty of two dollars has been incurred. That the name of each member of the Board be appended to the notices. CROTON AQUEDUCT BOARD. September i, 1854. At a meeting of the Croton Aqueduct Board held this day, all the members present. The following preamble and resolution was unanimously adopted: Whereas, Among other damage by the freshet in Croton river on the 3Oth of April last, the road bridge at the foot of the dam was totally destroyed, and it being necessary to rebuild the same at the expense of the City, they having agreed to maintain that structure; and Whereas, It is recommended by the Chief Engineer that said bridge shall be con- structed of iron in accordance with Whipple's patent, there being a sufficient sum in the unexpended appropriation for the same; it is therefore Resolved, That this Board concur in the recommendation, and that a proposal for such construction be received from Mr. Whipple. CROTON AQUEDUCT BOARD. March 6, 1855. At a meeting of the Board held this day. All the members present. The following preamble and resolution was unanimously adopted: Whereas, A suit having been commenced against the City by James J. Bevins and others for the recovery of back pay under a resolution of the Common Council, and the same having been settled under an opinion of the Corporation Counsel that the City had no good grounds for defense; and 58 Whereas, Other parties then and now in the employ of the Department have equally good claims for payment, it is therefore Resolved, That the pay awarded to the parties in the said suit shall also be given to the following-named parties, to wit: Elijah F. Ward, Nicholas E. B. Snyder, William Rowe, Tobias Laurence, John Hopper, Israel Stickle, Samuel M. Phillips, Oscar F. Briggs, Clark Vanderbilt and Isaac Scott, and that Mr. Robertson be directed to pay the same on the next regular pay day, taking the individual receipts of the above-named parties for the sum so paid. THEO. R. DE FOREST, Secretary. CROTON AQUEDUCT BOARD. March 10, 1855. Resolved, That the President be and he is hereby authorized to make an advance of 80 per cent, on the amount of iron pipes and branches delivered by the contractors at the pipe yard under existing contracts, which advance is to be made before they are inspected and approved, and the return thereof made to this office by the Fore- man of the yard; but the Water Purveyor shall in each case of such advance furnish a certificate in writing that the said pipes and branches are, in his judgment, of the usual length, thickness and quality. THEO. R. DE FOREST, Secretary. CROTON AQUEDUCT BOARD. May n, 1855. At a meeting of the Board held this day, all the members present, the following preambles and resolutions were unanimously adopted: Whereas, It has hitherto been the practice of the Department in cases where buildings used for manufacturing and other purposes were supplied with water by meter measurement to exempt such buildings and establishments from the regular rates as established by law; and Whereas, By a decision in the Superior Court, all buildings of every class and character are subject to the regular rent as fixed by law and cannot be exempted from the payment of the same; be it therefore 59 Resolved, That the regular rents on all buildings situated on "lots adjoining any street or avenue in which distributing pipes are laid" and from which they are or may be supplied with water, whether through meters or otherwise, shall be col- lected by the Water Register in the manner and at the time prescribed by law; and it is further Resolved, That the rents fixed and chargeable on all such buildings and estab- lishments as may be supplied through meters, shall be at the rate of ten dollars for every twenty-five hundred square feet of ground measurement, and that on the subsequent settlement for extra water there shall be deducted from the meter measure two thousand gallons for each dollar paid as a regular rate, that quantity being allowed for the domestic purposes of the establishment, and the extra rate only shall be charged on the surplus used after the deduction of the said quantity. THEO. R. DE FOREST, Secretary. CROTON AQUEDUCT BOARD. June 18, 1855. At a meeting of the Board held this day, all the members present, the following was presented and adopted: Whereas, Default has been made by the contractors for building the sewer in Division street, from Allen to Chatham square, and in Hammersly street, from Houston street to the North river, in not paving the same in accordance with the stipulations of their several contracts; and Whereas, Due notices have been served on the parties and the same remain unattended to; therefore be it Resolved, That the work be done under the direction of the Water Purveyor, and that the moneys expended in the performance of said work be deducted from the amount now withheld from said contractors in accordance with the agreement mutually entered into between them and the Board. 6o CROTON AQUEDUCT BOARD. August 4, 1855. The Board met for the purpose of considering whether a final certificate should be granted to Charles Devlin, contractor, for sewer in Thirty-seventh street, be- tween Tenth and Eleventh avenues. It having appeared on an examination into the matter that one hundred feet of said sewer was constructed in violation of the stipulations of the contract, and that the Inspector refused to give a certificate for such portion, the Board Resolved, That that portion of the sewer laid down in freezing weather, to wit, about one hundred feet, must be taken up and rebuilt. CROTON AQUEDUCT BOARD. September 25, 1855. The Board met at the call of Mr. Craven for the consideration of a request or* the part of Mr. John Slatery, contractor, for a sewer in Seventy-ninth street, from; Fifth avenue to East river. When it appeared that the work is nearly completed,. the exception being a portion below the avenue where the embankment is some twelve feet above grade, and further that the time under the provision of the con- tract for the execution of the work has long since expired. Mr. Slatery requests that the Inspector be withdrawn until such time as lit shall remove the embankment to grade, he having a contract for grading the same street. The Board in considering the subject can find no good reason for withdrawing the Inspector during good working weather, as such withdrawal will only prolong the time of completion, and as no new obstacle has interposed, the one in exist- ence being well known at the time of making the contract. They therefore refuse to accede to the request. CROTON AQUEDUCT BOARD. New York, December 31, 1855. At a special meeting of the Board held this day, all the members present. A number of petitions for an increase of wages were received, viz.: Keegan and White, Foremen of the Jobbing Gangs; P. Brannagan, Foreman of Pavers; sun- 6i dry persons, Foremen of Sewer Cleaners; sundry persons, Calkers, and from Peter W. Nerfus, in charge of the meters. The first four of which were referred to the Water Purveyor for an examina- tion and report; the last was laid on the table for further consideration and action. The Water Purveyor stated that he required two additional Water Police, which was granted. Mr. Van Schaick named Mr. McArthur of the Twelfth Ward as one of them, which appointment the Board approved of; the other person to be named and appointed by the Purveyor. The salary of John Conklin, Messenger, was, on motion of Theodore R. De Forest, increased one hundred dollars per annum. It was also directed by the Board that the Secretary notify Mr. Edward Greene, Temporary Clerk, that the duties of his appointment having been completed the Board do not require his further service and that the Clerk take his name from the payroll. It was also further ordered that the Secretary inform Mr. Thomas Hook, one of the regular Clerks, that complaint has been made against him of carelessness in the performance of his duties and he cautioned him against further cause of complaint, and that he have a probationary trial of six months, at the end of which time if the cause of dissatisfaction be not removed he should be dismissed from office. CROTON AQUEDUCT BOARD. New York, January 7, 1856. A special meeting of the Board was held this day, all the members present. The Water Purveyor reported on the petitions for increase of wages referred to him favorably as to White and Keegan, and adversely as to the other parties. The salary list was taken up for consideration, and on motion of Mr. Craven, the offices of Messengers and Superintendents were directed to be taken therefrom and placed on the several appropriate heads of expenditure. The wages of Samuel White and James D. Keegan were increased from four- teen to fifteen dollars per week. The salary of George A. Lucas, Assistant Engineer, was increased from $1,250 to $1,450 per annum. The salary of Henry L. Robertson, Clerk to the Board, was increased from $1,200 to $1,400 per annum. The salary of Alexander F. Dodge, Contract Clerk, was increased from $1,000 to $1,200 per annum. 62 The salaries of John M. Morenus, Jacob E. Howard, Edmund E.* Dean, Gilbert H. White, Seymour V. Moody and Thomas Hook were severally increased from $800 per annum to $1,000, and the Clerk was directed to make said alterations on the salary payroll of the Department. CROTON AQUEDUCT BOARD. New York, September 26, 1856. At a meeting of the Croton Aqueduct Board held this day, all the members present. , Mr. Craven presented the following communication from George A. Lucas, As- sistant Engineer, viz: New York, September 20, 1856. Dear Sir I hereby present through you to the Croton Aqueduct Board my resignation of the office of Assistant Engineer, to take effect on the first of October next, or sooner, if practicable. Deeply regretting that at any time during our official intercourse I should have been of trouble to you, I remain yours, etc., G. A. LUCAS, Assistant Engineer. A. W. CRAVEN, Chief Engineer. The resignation was thereupon accepted. Mr. Craven proposed Mr. John C. Winder to fill the vacancy, and presented the following testimonials in his favor: New York, September 25, 1856. Mr. John C. Winder, Civil Engineer, has been engaged with me in the practice of his profession in the Croton Aq Department. Mr. Winder has a good practical and theoretical knowledge of his profession. He is faithful and earnest in the performance of his duties, and I feel great confidence that he will give satis- faction in any position which he may take under the direction of the Croton Board. Yours, etc., GEORGE S. GREENE. 63 Brooklyn, September 25, 1856. Mr. Winder has been for many years connected with me on public works as an assistant engineer, and I bear cheerful testimony to his industry, capacity and suc- cess in every duty which has been intrusted to him. JAMES P. KIRKWOOD, Civil Engineer. Mr. Winder was appointed and the Board adjourned. THEO. R. DE FOREST. CROTON AQUEDUCT BOARD. New York, October 17, 1856. At a meeting of the Croton Aqueduct Board held this day, all the members present. It was Resolved, That as the construction of a conduit or a continuation of the Aque- duct over the High Bridge would not elevate the water in the City, would injure the beauty of the noble fabric, and might in time impair its durability, and would be comparatively expensive, therefore the additional supply from the Aqueduct should be brought over the bridge in perfectly sound, strong and well laid iron pipes, and as the pipe can be laid in a few months, it will not be necessary to ask for an ap- propriation for that purpose until some progress has been made in the construction of the reservoir. The above resolution was passed, Messrs. Van Schaick and De Forest in the affirmative, Mr. Craven in the negative. The following resolution was passed, each nicnilr r voting in favor: Resolved, That it is the duty of this Board to proceed in measures for the construction of the new reservoir for Croton water on the ground appropriated for that purpose between the Fifth and Seventh avenues and Eighty-sixth and Ninety- sixth streets, arid that the plans for its construction be so drawn. The following was also proposed by the President and lost, Mr. Van Schaick in favor and Messrs. Craven and De Forest against: Resolved, That John B. Jervis, Esq., be and he is hereby appointed Engineer on the new reservoir at a salary of $2,000 a year, to commence at a time when an appropriation for the work shall have been made by the Hotf. the Corporation, and for any services rendered by him in the intermediate time he shall be paid at the same rate. 6 4 CROTON AQUEDUCT BOARD. New York, October 22, 1856. At a meeting of the Board held this day, all the members present. The following, preamble and resolution were offered and unanimously adopted, A difficulty having arisen between this Department and the contractor for the construction of the sewer in King street which necessarily called for resurvey of the line and the Department have satisfactorily ascertained that the profile and grade furnished by you as the surveyor of the work has errors so material in their nature, as to compel them to pass the following resolutions: Resolved, That the appointment of Peter H. Dreyer as surveyor on the King street sewer be and the same is hereby revoked and that he be discharged from further employment on said work. Resolved, That the above be communicated to Mr. Dreyer attested by the Secretary. CROTON AQUEDUCT BOARD. May 2, 1857. At a meeting of the Board, all the members present. Mr. Craven officially announced the death of John Geary, Keeper of the Re- ceiving Reservoir. Messrs. Simeon Pomeroy, Ralph Ellis, William Geary were announced as can- dates for the vacancy, and, after due consideration, Ralph Ellis was appointed. The following resolution received the unanimous consent of the board, viz.: Resolved, That on all appointments of superintendents on the Aqueduct, it shall be considered positively requisite that the person appointed shall be a practical mason. Adjourned. THEO. R. DE FOREST, Secretary. 65 CROTON AQUEDUCT BOARD. May, 22, 1857. At a meeting of the Board all the members present, the following resolutions were presented by Mr. Craven and were unanimously adopted: Whereas, The extraordinary size of the new reservoir about to be built makes it of vital importance that all steps taken to insure stability in the work and to prevent the possibility of failure, and whereas in view of these considerations the members of this Board feel that no reasonable precaution should be omitted before the commencement of the work; therefore Resolved, That the specifications for the earth and rock work whjch have been drawn up and submitted to the Board by the Chief Engineer be referred to John B. Jervis, Esq., with a request for his opinion and for any suggestions which he might lay before the Board tending to make the said specifications more perfect. By the same Whereas, The contractor for the grading of the Fifth avenue at and above Fifty-second street is now filling over the entire width of the avenue with large rocks, thereby covering up to a great depth the two thirty-six inch pipes which are the main arteries for the supply of the whole City with water, and whereas such filling might in case of a break in either of said pipes make it impossible to reach them for repairs, except at a loss of time, which might cause immeasurable distress and injury to the entire City; therefore Resolved, That the Street Commissioner be respectfully requested to cause the contractor to leave a space of twenty feet in width over the said two lines of pipes free entirely from rock filling over the said two lines* of pipes, said request being forced upon this Board by a proper regard for their duties in the preservation of a continuous supply of water, and not being intended in anywise to impinge upon or interfere with the duties or prerogatives of the Street Commissioner. Adjourned. THEO. R. DE FOREST, Secretary. 66 CROTON AQUEDUCT BOARD. June 6, 1857. At a meeting of the Board, all the members present. The following preamble and resolution was offered by the President and ap- proved: Whereas, The preparations to construct the new reservoir entirely on its own grounds, in conformity to the resolution of this Board of the I7th day of October last, were not completed in time to commence work on the ist of April, as was con- templated in the last annual report, and a committee from the Commissioners of the Central Park have lately introduced to the Board at this office the subject of the exchange of grounds provided for by an Act of the Legislature, and Whereas, It appears from estimates made by Mr. Green, Engineer in charge, that there will be a saving to the City of from $200,000 to $260,000 in the cost of con- structing the reservoir if the change is made, therefore it is Resolved, That the Board do consent to the change as laid down on the map prepared by the Engineer and this day signed by the members of the Board. CROTON AQUEDUCT BOARD. June 18, 1857. The case of John Slatery, contractor for the sewer in the Third avenue from Seventy-ninth to Eighty-fourth street, being a claim for relief from extra time on the construction of said sewer, the delay being caused by an injunction issued at the instance of the Third Avenue Railroad, from which he was finally relieved by the withdrawal of the injunction by the said railroad company. The following was the unanimous opinion of the Board: "That the case properly belongs to the Common Council for adjudication." CROTON AQUEDUCT BOARD. July 15, 1857- At a meeting held this day, George S. Green was unanimously appointed Engi- neer in charge on the construction of the new reservoir. A hydrographic survey of the basin above Croton Dam was ordered, and Mor- ley was appointed to make said survey. Crosby was appointed to assist, and the necessary instruments to be furnished by the Department. 67 CROTON AQUEDUCT BOARD. October 19, 1857. At a meeting of the Board held this day, at the hour of 12.15 P- m., all the mem- bers present, it was Resolved. That the contract for the construction of the new reservoir, the bids for which were opened on the 26th day of August, be given to Messrs. Fajrchild & ^0. as the lowest legal bidders under the provisions of the Charter. CROTON AQUEDUCT BOARD. At a meeting of the Board the house at Croton dam was directed to be sold at auction to the highest bidder in accordance with the provisions of the Charter. CROTON AQUEDUCT BOARD. April 3, 1858. At a meeting of the Board held this day it was, on motion of the President, Resolved, That the Chief Engineer be requested to go to Albany for the pur- pose of preventing the passage of the bill now before the Legislature by which it is intended to convert the High Bridge into a public or private road. CROTON AQUEDUCT BOARD. April, 1858. At a meeting of the Board it was Resolved, That the salary of George S. Green, Engineer in charge over the new reservoir, be and is hereby fixed at the sum of twenty-five hundred dollars per annum. Said increase to take effect from this date. 68 CROTON AQUEDUCT BOARD. May 21, 1858. At a meeting of the Board held this day it was Resolved, That a surveyor as Inspector of Sewer Connections be appointed at a per diem compensation of two dollars. The appointment and regulation of duty to be fixed at a subsequent meeting of the Board. Resolved, That the Assistant Keeper at the receiving reservoir be kept on duty Sundays, and that he receive pay for such service^ at the same rate as on week days. CROTON AQUEDUCT BOARD. May 29, 1858. At a meeting of the Board held this day, all the members present, it was Resolved, That in future no bills for work and repairs on the dwellings of the Superintendents, or in the improvements of the grounds about them will be allowed unless said work be specially ordered in writing by authority of this Board, and that no bills for workmen or materials be paid unless the entire time and materials charged shall have been occupied or used in the necessary preservation and repair of the Aqueduct property and not in and about the dwellings of the Superintendents. CROTON AQUEDUCT BOARD. June i, 1859. At a meeting of the Board held this day it was, on motion of Mr. Craven, Resolved, That a person be appointed as an Inspector of Sewer Connections whose duty it shall be to be present at each connection made under the authority of a permit obtained from this Department to see that the same is properly made and without injury to the main sewer, and that the instructions for his guidance under this appointment and for the government of Plumbers and Masons be prepared and printed for the use of each. 69 CROTON AQUEDUCT BOARD. June 5, 1855- At a meeting of the Board held this day, all the members present, it was Resoved, That Elijah T. Lewis, Samuel Phillips, Tobias Laurence and William Rowe be discharged from service as Water Police, to take effect on Saturday, the I2lh proxim >. and at a meeting held on the 7th instant the following persons were appointed to r ill the vacancies, viz. : Stephen Bonnel, J. Phillips, John G. Deer and Jacob H. Conklin. CROTON AQUEDUCT BOARD. February 10, 1859. A communication from Mr. P. Dickenson, plumber, of Reading, Pa., respecting a new hydrant, was received and laid on the table. CROTON AQUEDUCT BOARD. May 7, 1859. An application was made by the Central Park Commissioner for the use of a hydrant on Seventy-first street for experimental purposes, which was granted. CROTON AQUEDUCT BOARD. January, 1859. The following communication was received from the President of the Central Park Commission: Board of Commissioners of the Central Park, New York, January 10, 1859. To the Croton Aqueduct Board: I have the honor to transmit herewith a copy of a resolution adopted by the Board of Commissioners of the Central Park at its meeting on the 6th instant and in accordance therewith respectfully request that, as the proposed road around the new reservoir will, if constructed form a feature of the park of great beauty and very at- tractive to the public, and as it can be constructed at a very much diminished expense, 70 that the Croton Aqueduct Board grant permission to the Board of Commissioners of the Central Park to construct a road upon the embankment around the reservoir, ap- propriated for the reservoir under such rules as may be necessary for its safety and the purity of its water. Respectfully, AND. H. GREEN, President. Note No resolution received with the above. CROTON AQUEDUCT BOARD. January 12, 1859. At a meeting of the Board, all the members present, the following was adopted: Croton Aqueduct Department, January 12, 1859. To the Commissioners of the Central Park: Gentlemen: The following preamble and resolution have been this day adopted by the Croton Aqueduct Board: Whereas, The Board of Commissioners of the Central Park have made applica- tion to this the Croton Aqueduct Board for permission to make a bridle road from which all vehicles are to be excluded around and near the top of the bank of the new reservoir, now under construction by the Board; and Whereas, This Board deems it a duty as far as it can be done consistently with the perfect preservation of the works committed to its charge, to co-operate in any measure which will add to the attraction of the park and render it more acceptable to the public; therefore Resolved, That the said Board of Commissioners of the Central Park be and are hereby authorized to construct a roadway upon and over the outer slope of the em- bankment of the new reservoir, and upon the land or ground taken and reserved for the said reservoir, under the following conditions, viz.: First. That the said bridle road shall be used exclusively by persons on horse- back and no wheeled vehicles shall ever be permitted to travel upon it; that it shall not be in width more than feet; that the surface shall be at least 2 feet in elevation below the top of said reservoir embankment, and that its inner boundary line shall not at any point be nearer to the top of the inner slope of said embankment than 25 feet horizontal measurement. Second. That the said Commissioners of the Central Park shall construct and maintain at the expense of said Commission a permanent and well-defined barrier between said road and the said embankment, made as follows: 1 A perpendicular wall of masonry shall bound the side of said bridle road which is nearest to said embankment, and shall act as a retaining wall for said embank- ment when the top thereof shall be widened out to the line of said wall; within this wall and on the top of the reservoir embankment aforesaid there shall be a thick hedge so close to the wall as to cover by its branches the top of it, and to form in connection with it the barrier required. Said wall to be in no case less than two feet above the surface of the bridle road aforesaid, and the aggregate height of the wall and the hedge together not less than six feet above said road surface; said hedge may be made of any shrub that has not large and spreading or deep roots, which may injure the embankment. The said Commissioners of the Central Park may at their .option construct said barrier of other materials than is stated above, provided the masonry wall shall be not less than two feet high as above stated, and the whole barrier not less than six feet high, and be of durable character. Third. That at whatever level the said road may be below the top of said embank- ment, the foundation of the said wall shall not pass the line of the outer slope of said embankment as built or laid out, nor shall any improvement be made or work done which will require the disturbance in any way of the said outer slope. Fourth. That at points sufficiently close to each other for the purpose required, there shall be in the wall aforesaid monument stones designating by figures the distance (horizontal measurement) to the outer line of the reservoir property as de- fined by the exchange made between the Board of Commissioners of said Park and the Croton Aqueduct Board, and as shown on a plan or map signed in triplicate on the day of , and filed in the offices of the Comptroller of the City, of the said Commissioners of the Central Park and the Croton Aqueduct Board, respectively. That within this line the Croton Aqueduct Board shall retain all the control neces- sary to the proper preservation of the reservoir and the purity of its waters, and may at any time enter upon any work necessary for the repair and improvement of its embankment, or the conduit and pipes leading through it, without further refer- ence to the existence of said bridle road than that it shall not be needlessly injured or obstructed, and, further, that within this line there shall be no trees planted, nor shall there be planted any shrubbery other than the hedge above mentioned, and such plants as may be approved by the Croton Aqueduct Board as not likely to in- jure in any way the reservoir embankment. Fifth. That the said Commissioners of the Central Park shall organize and en- force such police regulations as the Croton Aqueduct Board may from time to time decide to be necessary to prevent said road becoming injurious by reason of its proximity to the reservoir. 72 Sixth. That the said Commissioners of the Central Park shall * on sites con- venient to the Gate Chambers of the new reservoir permit the Croton Aqueduct Board to erect dwellings for.the Keepers of the said new reservoir and of the present receiving reservoir. The above resolutions were copied immediately and served on the Central Park Commissioners, who, after some delay, returned the same with objections and amend- ments, through their President, Mr. Green, for which see copy with interlineations in pencil, on file. CROTON AQUEDUCT BOARD. February 3, 1859. The Board met for the consideration of the objections and amendments of the Central Park Commissioners to the resolutions of January 12 ult., all the members present, when the following resolution, with preamble, was presented by Mr. Craven, and adopted: Whereas, On further* consideration of the resolution passed January 12, which acceded to certain propositions of the Commissioners of the Central Park, under certain conditions, the members of this Board are convinced that the interests com- mitted to their charge cannot be properly preserved unless the whole of the reser- voir ground be retained under its absolute control; therefore Resolved, That the resolutions of the I2th instant referred to be and are hereby rescinded. THEO. R. DE FOREST, Secretary. Notwithstanding the above rescission of the Board, the Central Park Com- missioners, through their President, urged a reconsideration of the whole matter, which resulted as follows: March 28, 1859. The Board met again to consider the application urged by the Commissioners of the Central Park for permission to construct a road on the outer slope of the em- bankments for the new reservoir, when, after discussion, the following resolution was adopted: Resolved, That while this Board feel every desire to aid as far as possible in beautifying the Central Park, they are convinced that they are not vested with any authority to part with any portion of their jurisdiction over the Croton Aqueduct Works. THEO. R. DE FOREST, Secretary. 73 CROTON AQUEDUCT BOARD. May 20, 1859. At a meeting of the Board held this day, all the members were present. The following resolution was offered by the Chief Engineer: Whereas, It has been found (by the Chief Engineer) that the excavations within the lines of the new reservoir do not furnish stone of sufficiently good quality to make a suitable facing for the interior slopes, if laid dry, but that the same stone will make a good slope wail if*laid in hydraulic cement; therefore Resolved that the said slope wall be laid in cement to such extent as the nature of the stone may make it advisable, such change and such character of work being provided for in the contract. The above was amended by inserting the words "Chief Engineer," as above in ( X and as amended passed. CROTON AQUEDUCT BOARD. March 9, 1859. Presented by Mr. Van Schaick At a meeting of the Board held this day, all the members present, it was unani- mously Resolved, That the Assistant Commissioner and the Chief Engineer of this De- partment shall examine the certificates which the Engineer in charge of the work on the new grand reservoir may give to contractors according to contract or for the payment of salaries or daily compensation to the engineering corps, and that, being satisfied of the correctness of the prices and quantities charged and the compensa- tion made, they shall sign the said certificates in conjunction with the President in the same manner as the certificates on account of sewers are signed by the Board. THEO. R. DE FOREST, Secretary. 74 CROTON AQUEDUCT BOARD. June 10, 1859. At a meeting of the Board held this day, all the members were present. The following resolution was adopted: By Mr. Craven Resolved, That immediate measures be taken to provide duplicate maps of the pipe distribution of the City, one copy of which to be kept for daily use, and the other in such place of safety, as provision against the contingency of the loss of one of them by fire or otherwise, as the Board may determine. CROTON AQUEDUCT BOARD. July II, 1859. Meeting of the Board, all present. Also Mr. Coleman and Mr. Fairchild. Mr. Craven read the following paper, with the remark of Mr. Green on the subject of the grubbing, with the extracts from the specifications of the contract: Mr. Coleman exhibited the practice as found in contract for original Croton Aqueduct Doc. 55, 1837, in which the grubbing is particularly specified. McAlpin specifications for water works at Albany, in which the grubbing is a separate item, also on Brooklyn Water Works. Keifer, for Water Works in City of Hamilton, page 39. McAlpin, on Canal and Basin at Albany, to new Baltimore. Contract on New York and Erie Canal. Contract on New York State Canal. Albany and 1 Susquehanna road, excavation includes grubbing. Also another specification not named. Mr. Coleman views the concluding sentence in section 5 to include only grub- bing on the ground occupied by the embankments. The contractors make objection at the time of commencing the work of grubbing, as they found it to be more extensive than they supposed. The contractors do not now claim for the grubbing, but for the separation of the material suitable for the embankment from the roots. Remarks of the engineer in charge on written application of the contractors for pay for grubbing, etc. Points in the contract bearing on this subject. 75 Sec. 4. To clear the ground to be occupied by the reservoir and its appur- tenances of all soil and other matter not suitable for embankments. To excavate the interior of the reservoir or basins and, with the proper earth, to form the em- bankments as far as suitable for that purpose. Sec. 5. All soil and all vegetable matter and mud to such depths as the engineer may at any point determine is to be removed from all space within the lines of the water slopes of the reservoir bank and placed in spoil banks, etc. Id. All stumps and roots shall be grubbed out of the ground to be occupied by the embankment, and all wood roots and rubbish shall be removed from the ground and burnt before the puddle or embankments are commenced. Sec. 16. (Last clause). The object is to make the embankments as compact and impervious to water as the nature of the material will admit of, and all work on puddle and embankments must be done in a thorough workmanlike manner with a view to accomplish this object. Prices for work, page IO-E, for all excavation, whether hard pan, quicksand, stones, boulders, or otherwise, excepting solid rock which requires blasting, and excepting boulders more than one-half a cubic yard in capacity, and for disposing the materials .according to the specifications in spoil banks or in refilling excavations, etc. The grubbing was ordered as being required by the letter and spirit of the specifica- tion. Sec. 4, "other matter" clearly includes roots from which the ground was to be cleared. Sec. 5. The latter part of 5 Sec., viz.: "and all wood roots and rubbish shall be re- moved from the ground and burnt before the puddle and embankments are commenced," this was intended to apply to all the reservoir ground and clearly requires the separation of the roots and rubbish. The 16 Sec. requires the work to be done in the most per- fect manner. I think that the above clauses of the, contract clearly justify me in ordering the grubbing to be done. Prices for work (page 10 P). This clause establishes the prices following for, in all respects, completing the work according to the specifications and the requirements of the engineer under them. This clause was depended on for covering the work done in grubbing. The above are the points which I presented to the Board at the former time when the subject was discussed on which Mr. Craven presented as my grounds of decision. GEORGE I. GREENE, Eng. Chg. New Res. July 7- 1857- The above reasons set forth by Mr. Greene as the grounds on which he gave the order for the separation of the roots from the earth, for which the contractors 76 claim extra compensation, are the same which were given by him a*t the time the matter was first brought before our Board. I considered Mr. Greene perfectly justified in giving the order, and think it was a proper and judicious act. At the time the matter was discussed I thought that the contract specifications so far provided for the separation ordered that it was doubtful whether our Board had any right under those specifications to make extra allowance therefor. Further consideration of the question and all the sections bearing on it lead me to the follow- ing conclusions: That the material in question cannot be considered as analogous to that generally understood as material from which roots and perishable matter are to be removed. The ordinary culling of roots, in my view, applies to cases where their occurrence is comparatively occasional or where they occur from bringing material from an improper place or from ground over which the ordinary grubbing has been improperly done. In this there seems to have been a mass of undergrowth extending over a large space, with the roots penetrating and generally worked through the earth to a con- siderable depth below the surface. The contractors allow that they might have been obliged to grub up and remove that mass of roots and all and deposit the whole in such place designed for improper material as the Engineer might direct without ex- tra compensation, but claim that to separate the roots entirely from such a bed was unusual, and was not contemplated by them. In this position I think they have reason on their side. It seems to have been a continuous mass of roots, requiring unusual labor and unusual implements in this separation for the purpose of saving material, and .giving them, in my opinion, ground for claim to reasonable extra compensation. The quantity of good material saved by the operation made it judicious in the Engineer to give the order for separation, even had he been obliged to order it con- fidently in the first place as extra work. A. W. CRAVEN, C. E. 77 CROTON AQUEDUCT BOARD. August 15, 1859. At a meeting of the Board held this day, all the members present. By Mr. Craven- Resolved, That the Assistant Commissioner act as Secretary of the Board. Adopted. Mr. Craven then stated that Mr. Dean, one of the Clerks, had used insulting language to the Register and did not attend to his duties, he being frequently absent from the office, which subject was laid over for future action. By Mr. Craven Resolved, That the formal remarks made by^any member of the Board at its regular meetings be inserted in the Minutes, which Minutes shall be read and ap- proved at its next regular meeting. Adopted. By Mr. Craven Resolved, That Messrs. Chilton and Tracy be invited to accompany the Presi- dent and Assistant Engineer to the Croton lake to make such examinations as they might deem proper and necessary in regard to the unpleasant taste of the water. THOS. B. TAPPEN, Secretary. CROTON AQUEDUCT BOARD. August 22, 1859. At a meeting of the Board held this day, all the members present, the minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved. The subject of allowance for grubbing, etc., to contractors New Reservoir was made the special order for Wednesday, the 24th instant. Application of H. Smith to be refunded moneys paid for street washer was granted when he produced the necessary certificates to entitle him to it. The bills of I. E. Howard for affidavits $89 50 The bills of I. E. Howard for affidavits 38 13 The bills of I. E. Howard for affidavits 108 25 _ $235 88 was deferred for further information. 78 Application of James Coughran for report on meter was referred to the Chief Engineer. Application of Mr. Ludlam for parchment for assessment rolls. By Mr. Tappen- Resolved, That Mr. Dodge procure the necessary paper and parchment for the Surveyors, and the same be charged in the assessment lists by Mr. Craven. Adopted. Resolved, That Messrs. Rea & Pollock be notified to appear before the Board and state why the water closets removed from No. 153 Cedar street were not re- turned in their monthly returns to this Department. Adopted. By Mr. Tappen Resolved, That all bills previous to being sent to the Comptroller's office for payment be passed by the Board. Adopted. By Mr. Craven Resolved, That Edmund E. Dean be and is hereby removed from the office of Clerk in this Department. Adopted. Adjourned. THOS. B. TAPPEN, Secretary. CROTON AQUEDUCT BOARD. August 24, 1859. At a meeting of the Board held this day, all the members present. The following bills were passed: S. P. Ayres, stop cocks $1,787 50 Salaries i ,675 79 Aqueduct reps & imp 1,522 27 Wells and pumps 99. 88 Sewers, repg & cleaning . 1,326 85 Water pipes 2,952 oo Street exp & paving 6,736 83 The contractors New Resr. were heard in relation to their claim for extra grub- bing, seperating, etc., the decision of which was deferred to a future meeting. THOS. B. TAPPEN, Secretary. ' 79 CROTON AQUEDUCT BOARD. August 30, 1859. At a meeting of the Board held this day, all the members present. Mr. Merrill offered to furnish bridge stones for 17 cents. The Water Purveyor was authorized to procure what was wanting, not to exceed two hundred and fifty dollars. By Mr. Craven Resolved, That Mr. Lynch be notified that unless there is an additional force employed in building the sewer for draining Upper Gate House, New Reservoir, the contract will be declared void. Adopted. By Mr. Tappen Resolved, That Alexander D. Renton be appointed General Foreman of Sewer Repairing and Cleaning in place of Mr. S. Smith, resigned. Adopted. By Mr. Tappen Resolved, That the contractors New Reservoir be paid one hundred and sixty dollars per acre for extra grubbing and separating roots and earth excavated from the interior of said reservoir on 31 92-100 acres on their signing a re- ceipt, which receipt shall be in full for all claims for any extra work in grubbing, seperating, burning and carrying away any matter on the grounds of said reservoir; the contractors to receive pay for 23 22-100 acres now done and to be paid at the same rate for the 8 70-100 acres when done and approved by the Engineer. Adopted. Adjourned. THOS. B. TAPPEN, Secretary. CROTON AQUEDUCT BOARD. FSL:. : ; r September 7, 1859. The following bills were passed: Brass stop-cocks $161 84 Water pipes 3,378 19 Street expenses 5,908 97 Sewer repairing and cleaning 1,675 14 THOS. B. TAPPEN, Secretary. 8o CROTON AQUEDUCT BOARD. September 12, 1859. At a meeting of the Board held this day, all the members present. Application of proprietors Lafarge Hotel to have a separate tap for hotel pur- poses. Granted. Chief Engineer to place a meter on Fifth Avenue Hotel for three months, they to pay what the meter may indicate at the usual prices. American Institute to have the water for their fair at one dollar per day. The Chief Engineer was authorized to confer with Counsel in relation to the Gale Houses. Application of Hoboken Ferry Company to have the water cut off and portion of money returned. Granted. William Cowen and I. S. Matthews were appointed Inspectors of Sewer Open- ings and Water Connections at $2.50 per day. John B. MacKean was appointed Clerk in the Bureau of the Water Register in place of Edmund Dean, removed. Adjourned. THOS. B. TAPPEN, Secretary. CROTON AQUEDUCT BOARD. September 20, 1859. The following bills were passed: Sewers, repairing an I cleaning $2,057 55 Water pipes 2,501 14 Street expenses 6,098 45 Wells and pumps 717 71 Salaries 3,459 25 Iron pipes 2 >59 2 THOS. B. TAPPEN, Secretary. 8i CROTON AQUEDUCT BOARD. September 26, 1859. At a meeting of the Board held this day, all the members present. The following resolution, offered by Mr. Craven, was adopted: Resolved, That Aaron B. Rollins be and is hereby appointed Water Purveyor in place of Mr. John P. Plender, removed. Said removal and appointment to take effect on the loth of October, 1859. M r - Craven and Tappen in favor; Mr. Van Schaick declined voting. The proposition of Fairchild, Walker & Co. of September 23, 1859, for building Gate Houses, New Reservoir, was laid on the table. Adjourned. THOS. B. TAPPEN, Secretary. CROTON AQUEDUCT BOARD. October 4, 1859. The following bills were passed: Water pipes $3,696 88 Mr. Colwell (pipes) 2,073 96 Mr. Tuthill 165 17 Extension 2,941 56 Street expenses and paving 5,013 89 Wells and pumps 195 25 Aqueduct repairs 2,336 75 Sewer repairing and cleaning 1,845 4 THOS. B. TAPPEN, Secretary. . 82 CROTON AQUEDUCT BOARD. 4 October 18, 1859. At a meeting of the Board held this day, all the members present. The resolution of the C. C. directing that Mr. Laimbeer be allowed to connect with sewer by a 12-inch drain, and Mr. M. Burns with 6-inch brick drains, were passed, and the following resolution adopted: Resolved, That a communication be prepared by the Chief Engineer for the Board giving reasons for the use of pipe in preference to brick drains, and a table showing the capacity of different size pipe to carry water. By Mr. Tappen Resolved, That Harmon Eldredge be and is hereby appointed General Inspector of Pavements, and James Reed Clerk in the Bureau of the Water Purveyor. Adopted. Resolved, That Thomas Charlock be appointed one of the Water Police in place of J. H. Conklin, who is hereby removed, from November i, 1859. Adopted. Resolved, That David Wood be appointed Inspector in place of I. F. Williams, who is hereby removed, from November I, 1859. Adopted. Adjourned. THOS. B. TAPPEN, Secretary. CROTON AQUEDUCT BOARD. October 23, 1859. At a meeting of the Board held this day, all the members present. Application of Thomas Brady for injury to horse falling in manhole on the i6th day of May, 1859, in Sixth street, 125 feet east of Avenue A, for $150; $75 was allowed on Mr. Brady signing a receipt in full for all damage sustained by the accident. Adjourned. THOS. B. TAPPEN, Secretary. 83 CROTON AQUEDUCT BOARD. October 25, 1859. At a meeting of the Board held this day, all the members present. On motion of Mr. Craven, the pay of John Cornwell was increased to $2.50 per day. By Mr. Tappen Resolved, That Alex. Renton be allowed to keep his horse at the yard. Adopted. Adjourned. CROTON AQUEDUCT BOARD. November 2, 1859. At a meeting of the Board held this day, all the members present. The Water Purveyor reported that the Inspector on Thirty-eighth street was not attending to his duties. He, Mr. Donovan, was removed and W. T. Ryer appointed in his place. The Contract Clerk was directed to notify Mr. T. A. Drewe that unless he does his work, the paving of Forty-first street, in accordance with the contract, his contract will be taken from and the Board will do the work at his expense. The same notice was directed to be sent to Mr. Baird on the paving of Forty-second street. Also to notify Mr. Casey that unless his force is doubled in the sewer in Water street the same action will be taken by the Board. Resolved, That application be made to the C. C. for five thousand dollars additional to the appropriation for water pipes. Adopted. Adjourned 84 CROTON AQUEDUCT BOARD. November 18, 1859. At a meeting of the Board held this day. Mr. Sacchi gave notice that he would stop the travel across his land to the Aqueduct, and offered to sell land to make a road, there being no convenient access but through the lands of Mr. Sacchi. The President made the following proposition: To give $1,200 per acre for so much of the land as might be necessary to make the road, which was adopted and declined by Mr., Sacchi. Adjourned. CROTON AQUEDUCT BOARD. November 23, 1859. At a meeting of the Board held this day, the following resolution offered by Mr. Craven was adopted: Resolved, That the plans for bringing an additional quantity of water across the High Bridge be submitted to Mr. Kirkwood and McAlpin for their opinion as to the best mode of bringing the full capacity of ^he Aqueduct to the City. Adjourned. CROTON AQUEDUCT BOARD. December 7, 1859. At a meeting of the Board held this day, the following resolution, offered by Mr. Craven, was adopted: Resolved, That the resolution passed Nov. 23, 1859, be amended by adding after the word McAlpin the names of Messrs. Chesebro and Francis, and that the Chief En- gineer notify them of the action of this Board. Adjourned. 85 CROTON AQUEDUCT BOARD. December I& 1859. At a meeting of the Board held this day, the following resolutions were adopted: By Mr. Craven Resolved, That the City Inspector be notified that the preservation of the hydrants from frost during the cold weather, as well as the want of proper depth of water in the reservoir, renders it imperatively necessary that until further notice the practice of opening the hydrants by contractors or other persons engaged in sweeping the streets be entirely discontinued. By Mr. Tappen Resolved, That on and after the ist of January, 1860, the Clerks in the Bureau of the Water Registrar shall each keep a book and enter therein the receipts for water on each and every day as the entries are made in the record books, said books to be balanced each afternoon at 4 p. m. and compared with the footings of the Registrar's book. If any discrepancies in either exist, an examination shall immediately be made to make the same correct. Adjourned. CROTON AQUEDUCT BOARD. December 15, 1859. At a meeting of the Board held this day, the following resolution was adopted: By Mr. Craven Resolved, That the bill for Croton water be sent to the St. Nicholas Hotel at 10 a. m. to-morrow, and if not paid or satisfactory security, given that it will be paid that the water be immediately cut off. Application of Mr. E. P. Davis for permission to remove the basin and tulvert on the southeast corner of Duane and Church streets, was referred to Mr. Craven. Complaint against Mr. Gray for loaning his permit was dismissed, there being no evidence against him. Adjourned. THOS. B. TAPPEN, Secretary. 86 CROTON AQUEDUCT BOARD. December 17, 1859. At a meeting of the Board, held this day, an application was received from Mr. Luther M. Marsh, asking for an opinion of the Board in regard to the damages that might be sustained by the City should the injunction be granted in the gate house con- troversy. The following resolution was adopted: By Mr. Tappen Resolved, That an answer be sent to the communication of Mr. Marsh as follows: The suit to which your communication of this date refers having been com- menced by parties not connected with this Department, and being in charge of the Counsel to the Corporation, the Board see no reason for any interference on their part or any communication from them on the subject. Adjourned. THOS. B. TAPPEN, Secretary. CROTON AQUEDUCT BOARD. December 19, 1859. At a meeting of the Board, held this day, the City was divided into districts as follows 1 First District First, Second and Third Wards. Second District Fifth and Eighth Wards. Third District Sixth and Fourteenth Wards. Fourth District Fourth and Seventh Wards. Fifth District Ninth an'd Fifteenth Wards. Sixth District Tenth and Thirteenth Wards. Seventh District Eleventh and Seventeenth Wards. Eighth District Twelfth Ward. f Ninth District Sixteenth Ward. Tenth District Eighteenth Ward. Eleventh District Nineteenth Ward. Twelfth District Twentieth Ward. Thirteenth District Twenty-first Ward. Fourteenth District Twenty-second Ward; 8; and the following-named persons appointed on the water police: Thomas Farren, George Simpson, Peter Rush, Laurence Harvey, John A. Van Boskerck and Russell Newell. On investigation of the charges made against John' Cornwell by P. Chappell and others. It was resolved, that, inasmuch as the evidence taken does not prove any inten- tional wrong on the part of Mr. J. Cornwell, and he having always been attentive in the discharge of his duty, the charges against him be dismissed, and the President directed to reprimand him for carelessness in making out his payrolls, and that he be directed in future to lend no articles to the Department without the sanction of the Board nor borrow from any contractor. Adjourned. THOS. B. TAPPEN, Secretary. CROTON AQUEDUCT BOARD. December 22, 1859. At a meeting of the Board held this day, one hundred and fifty dollars allowed Mr. William H. Mapes for damages to horses and carriage on the 7th inst. in fall- ing into a hole of the carriageway of Twenty-fifth street, near Lexington avenue, caused by break in the pipes. Resolved, That permission be granted to Mr. Green to have a fire hydrant on the premises 13 Spruce street^ without charge, providing he file a bond in this office that the same shall not be used except for fires. Adopted. CROTON AQUEDUCT BOARD. December 28, 1859. At a meeting of the Board held this day the following resolution was adopted: Resolved, That the Assistant Engineer flood the skating pond on Central Park to-morrow morning, if the Commissioners desire it, and report the effect on the reservoir to the Board. Adjourned. THOS. B. TAPPEN, Secretary. 88 CROTON AQUEDUCT BOARD. December 29, 1859. The Assistant Engineer reported that he called on the officers of the Central Park, could not see Mr. Olmstead, and stated to them his business. Their reply was that the pond being in fair condition, they would prefer leaving it for a short time, and would advise him when they wanted the water. He was then directed to make the experiment whenever it was desired. CROTON AQUEDUCT BOARD. January 19, 1860. At a meeting of the Board held this day the following resolutions offered by Mr. Craven were adopted,: Resolved, That the charge of the distributing reservoir with the mains connect- ing it with the upper or receiving reservoirs be included in the duties of the Assistant Engineer as being an appropriate portion of the work under the head of Aqueduct Repairs and Improvements. Resolved, That after the current year all expenditures on the said distributing reservoir and the connecting mains be charged under the head of Aqueduct Repairs and Improvement, instead of Water Pipes and Laying. Adjourned. THOS. B. TAPPEN, Secretary. CROTON AQUEDUCT BOARD. January 21, 1860. At a meeting of the Board held this day the resignation of Jonas N. Phillips as one of the Water Police was received, and George W. Jewitt was appointed in his place. Adjourned. THOS. B. TAPPEN, Secretary. 89 CROTON AQUEDUCT BOARD. January 24, 1860. At a meeting of the Board held this day the following resolution was adopted: Resolved, That iron doors be placed at the entrance to the distributing reservoirs and the gate houses of said reservoir, and that the Chief Engineer procure estimates for the same. CROTON AQUEDUCT BOARD. March 12, 1860. At a meeting of the Board held this day, the following resolution was adopted: Resolved, That no permit for building vaults be hereafter granted to extend be- yond the line of the curb stone excepting wherein contracts have been already entered into for occupying two-fifths of the street, and where any fire hydrants are placed on the sidewalk no vault will be allowed within five feet of said hydrant. Resolved, That application be made to the Common Council for authority to have the upper part of the island surveyed with a view of introducing a proper system of sewerage to be reported to the Common Council for approval. Adopted. Adjourned. THOS. B. TAPPEN, Secretary. CROTON AQUEDUCT BOARD. March 27, 1860. At a meeting of the Board held this day, the following communication was received : To the Croton Aqueduct Board: In carrying on the work of the Central Park during the coming season the Com- missioners of the Central Park will require an adequate supply of water for the various purposes of construction. The system of pipes for irrigating the park is, as far as completed, connected with the syphon over the west wall of the reservoir. It will be a very great convenience if water can, by means of the pipes, be had at various points on the park, as required. 90 The Commissioners of the Central Park respectfully request that the Croton Aqueduct Board give instructions to allow them to draw water from the reservoir by means of the syphon as it is required. Very respectfully, AND. H. GREEN, Comptroller of the Park. The following resolution was adopted: Resolved, That the application of the Central Park Commissioners to draw water by means of the syphon over the west walk of the reservoir be granted, with the reservation on the part of this Board to stop the extra supply whenever the interest of the City should, in their judgment, demand it. Application of the officers of the Tradesmen's Bank to extend vault beyond the curb stone was denied. Adjourned. THOS. B. TAPPEN, Secretary. CROTON AQUEDUCT BOARD. April 2, 1860. At a meeting of the Board held this day, Mr. John P. Cummings sent notice declining to execute the contract for building sewer in Reade street, from Broadway to West Broadway, on account of unnecessary delay in the confirmation of the award. The Contract Clerk was directed to readvertise for estimates for building the above named sewer. Adjourned. THOS. B. TAPPEN, Secretary. CROTON AQUEDUCT BOARD. April 5, 1860. At a meeting of the Board held this day the following resolution was adopted: By Mr. Craven Resolved, If any men employed 1 on the streets are found idling their time, it will be sufficient cause for the discharge of the Foreman. THOS. B. TAPPEN, Secretary. 91 CROTON AQUEDUCT BOARD. April 7, 1860. At a meeting of the Board held this day, the following resolution was offered 1 by Mr. Craven: Resolved, That in consequence of repeated violations of the specifications in the contracts for paving in Fifth avenue, Sixth avenue, Forty-second, Forty-sixth and Fifty-first streets, the several contractors on said streets be respectively notified that, under the authority of Section C of the specifications, this Board directs the work under the several contracts to be discontinued, which was laid on the table, and the following, offered by Mr. Tappen, adopted: Resolved, That the contractors on the above-named streets be notified to be at the office at 2 p. m. on the 9th inst. Adjourned. THOS. B. TAPPEN, Secretary. CROTON AQUEDUCT BOARD. April 9, 1860. At a meeting of the Board held this day, Mr. Craven reoorted that it was necessary to procure a horse and wagon for the Assistant Engineer during the prosecution of the work on High Bridge and Eighth avenue, and offered the follow- ing resolution, which was adopted: Resolved, That the Engineer be authorized to procure a horse, wagon and harness for the use of the Engineer in charge of the High Bridge improvement and lowering the pipes on the Eighth avenue, at an expense not exceeding three hundred and fifty dollars. Adjourned. THOS. B. 1APPEN. Secretary. 92 CROTON AQUEDUCT BOARD. April 19, 1860. At a meeting of the Board held this day, all the members present. Application of Mr. Benson in behalf of the washing establishment in Mott street for an additional supply of water referred for explanation. The regular meetings of the Board to be held on the first and third Tuesday of each month at 2 p. m. Two members of the Board to be a quorum to transact business. Adjourned. THOS. B. TAPPEN, Secretary. CROTON AQUEDUCT BOARD. April 20, 1860. At a special meeting of the Board held this day, Mr. Craven offered the follow- ing resolution: Resolved, That Mr. Young, Inspector on Sixth avenue, be dismissed for gross inattention to his duties, as witnessed by the Chief Engineer. Amended by the President that he be notified to be present at the office at 12 m. on the 2ist inst., and that he be suspended in the meantime. Amendment adopted. Messrs. Stephens and Ta^en, affirmative. Mr. Craven, negative. By Mr. Craven Resolved, That the contractors on Sixth avenue be notified to discontinue all work on their contract on the said avenue in accordance with authority given in Section C of said contract. Amendment by the President: And that said contractors be notified to be at the office at 12 m. on the 2ist inst. Amendment adopted. Messrs. Stephens and Tappen, affirmative. Mr. Craven, negative. The resolution as amended was then adopted. Communication from Daniel McGiven referred to the Corporation Counsel. Adjourned. THOS. B. TAPPEN, Secretary. 93 CROTON AQUEDUCT BOARD. April 24, 1860. At a meeting of the Board held this day for the consideration of the resolutions offered by the Chief Engineer at the last meeting in relation to the inspectors and contractors on Sixth avenue, the Board having visited the several works in progress, found that contractors generally were not fulfilling their contracts in accordance with the specifications, and that the work on said avenue was being done as well as any other work in progress, although found as charged by the Chief Engineer, and there appearing to be a general impression on the part of contractors and inspectors that the specifications were not meant to be carried out, it was deemed advisable, after con- sultation, to give all parties having contracts definite notice that the Board will exact compliance with the specifications on all contracts, and that any material deviation therefrom will be cause for the immediate discharge of the Inspector and the sus- pension of the work in progress. Which was adopted. Mr. Herriman reported that superintending the making connection with sewer in Essex street, opposite No. 162, he found the crown of said sewer four inches thick. Mr. Craven offered the following : Resolved, That Caspar Andes, the Inspector on building sewer in Essex street, be dismissed from further employment as Inspector. Adopted. Resolved, That a contract be entered into with Mr. E. B. Peet for granite for gate houses, for cut range masonry ten dollars, dimension cut stone masonry thirteen dollars and fifty cents, to be delivered at wharf at Hell Gate. Adopted. Adjourned. THOS. B. TAPPEN, Secretary. CROTON AQUEDUCT BOARD. April 25, 1860. At a meeting of the Board held this day, the application of Mr. Benson for a four- inch pipe with three inch meter attached to supply the washing establishment in Mott street was granted. The application of Mr. Doolittle for the privilege of using a portion of the land over the Aqueduct was denied, being contrary to the general rules found necessary by the Board for the protection of the Aqueduct. 94 The Engineer submitted the plans and the report of the Commissioner for bringing an -extra supply of water across the High Bridge. After examination and discussion it was Resolved, That the pipes now on the bridge remain as they are, to be used in case of accident, and that the water be brought over in a wrought iron pipe (gal- vanized) seven and a half feet in diameter, and that the Engineer in charge make the necessary inquiries and report at as early a day as possible when the material and work can be procured to the best advantage. Said pipe to be placed in the centre of the bridge, and two feet from the present pipe, and that the walls be carried up to a proper height, coped and an iron railing placed thereon in accordance with plan shown. The pipe to be arched over and. pavement laid in cement between the said walls so as to make the same water tight, the estimated cost thereof, $188,500. The Engineer was directed to prepare an agreement with Messrs. Fairchild, Walker & Co. to build the gate houses for the new reservoir, they agreeing to do all the work similar to that in the contract for the new reservoir at the same prices as charged therein, and for all other work, being stone masonry and iron work, to re- ceive 5 per cent, on the cost thereof, as full compensation for superintending, furnish- ing labor and all materials, derricks, etc., connected therewith in setting the said stone masonry and iron work. Adjourned. THOS. B. TAPPEN, Secretary. CROTON AQUEDUCT BOARD. May i, 1860. At a meeting of the Board held this day, the Engineer in charge of High Bridge improvement reported, on application of Mr. Cheesebrough for steamboat landing at High Bridge, that all the ground belonging to the Department at High Bridge would be wanting during the progress of the work, and that a dock would be required for the landing of the material for the improvement. The application was therefore denied, it being contrary to the general usage of the Department, they having at all times forbid the use of any portion of the Aqueduct grounds except for the use it was originally intended. Application of Mr. H. Young to build vault beyond the curb sjtone in Leonard street, laid over. Communication from Mr. Peet that he had transferred his quarry to Mr. Stevens,, who was ready to make contracts for granite. (On file.) 95 The following resolution was adopted: Resolved, That a contract be entered into with Mr. Stevens for granite on the same terms as agreed upon with Mr. Peet. Adopted. Adjourned. THOS. B. TAPPEN, Secretary. CROTON AQUEDUCT BOARD. April 3, 1860. At a meeting of the Board held this day Mr. Craven stated that the ground on the corner of Ninth avenue and Ninety-second street that was wanting for a gate house was to be sold at auction this day. He was 'authorized to employ Mr. Dumont to attend the sale and bid as high as $6,000 for three lots. Resolution received from the C. C. directing the Board to grant permit to Henry Solmes to build vault in Clinton street beyond the line of curb stone. Laid over, and the following resolution adopted: Resolved, That a communication be made to the C. C. explaining their reasons for confining the vaults to the width of the sidewalks. Mr. Craven reported that the stone used in paving Forty-second street between Tenth and Eleventh avenues was not such as is called for by the contract, many of them being too large and l?id flat. The pavement not to be received until the stones are replaced with smaller stones. Application of Reservoir Inspector for increase of pay, laid over. By Mr. Tappen Resolved, That the pay of Messrs. Keegan, White, Cornwell, Renton and Wil- liams be two dollars and seventy-five cents per day; also Messrs. Cowan and Herri- man. Adopted. The Water Purveyor was directed to see where drinking hydrants were neces- sary and report to the Board. The minutes of previous meetings were adopted. Adjourned. THOS. B. TAPPEN, Secretary. 96 CROTON AQUEDUCT BOARD. 4 May 7, 1860. At a meeting of the Board held this day, the following communication was re- ceived: Resolved, That the Chairman of the Executive Committee be requested to apply to the Croton Aqueduct Board to pass a resolution granting the right to the Central Park Commissioners to control and use the earth now deposited around the Reser- voir. J. E. M. VAN NEST, Clerk to Commissioner. The following resolution offered by Mr. Craven was adopted: Resolved, That the Commissioners of the Central Park be authorized to make use of the waste material placed outside of the embankments of the New Reservoir, provided that this Board have the right to reserve such portions of it as may be necessary in the completion of the reservoir, and provided further that in the re- moval of the said material by the said Commissioners, proper arrangements shall be Imade that the contractors for said reservoir shall not be interfered with in any degree in the prosecution of their work by the persons employed for such removal. Adjourned. THOS. B. TAPPEN, Secretary. CROTON AQUEDUCT BOARD. May 8, 1860. At a meeting of the Board held this day, the following resolutions were adopted: Resolved, That four additional gangs of men be placed on the repairing of pavements forthwith. Resolved, That Mr. Williams report to the Water Purveyor the name of any party employed on the repairing of the streets that he finds idling his time, and that the Water Purveyor dismiss the parties so named, unless there should be some good reason for not doing so, which reason he shall report to the Board. Adjourned. THOS. B. TAPPEN, Secretary. 97 CROTON AQUEDUCT BOARD. May n, 1860. At a meeting of the Board held this day, the following preamble and resolution was adopted: The Croton Aqueduct Board having been informed by the Superintendent of the Fifth Division that Mr. John Hobbs, of the Village of Yonkers, has removed the .lock from and fastened the gate on the Aqueduct ground; therefore Resolved, That this 'Board deem a gate necessary, and that the Superintendent be directed to open the said gate and secure the same with a suitable lock, and he is hereby directed to notify the said Hobbs that if he again removes the lock or in- terferes with the gate he will be dealt with according to law. Adjourned. THOS. B. TAPPEN, Secretary. CROTON AQUEDUCT BOARD. May 16, 1860. At a meeting of the Board held this day, application of Mr. Bird to extend vault beyond the line of the curbstone, he having executed a lease of the premises in February for five years, as per plans, which show the vault as part of the agreement, the lease and plans being submitted to the Board. The application was granted. Application of Mr. Snooks to build vault in Duane street beyond the line of the curbstone. The said vaults were commenced during the past year and party walls built with owners of adjoining property, but want of means delayed the work. Evi- dence of the above laid before the Board. The application was granted. By Mr. Craven Whereas, A question has arisen as to the legality of the resolutions under which this Board is now proceeding with the improvements at the High Bridge, and the lowering the main pipes on the Eighth avenue by "days' work" instead of by con- tract, Resolved, That until his Honor the Mayor decides whether he will approve of the prosecution of the work in its present form, all the said work at the High Bridge and Eighth avenue be suspended. Adopted. 98 Resolved, That an advertisement for 40,000 pounds pig lead bet inserted in the papers and that a contract for that amount be made. Adopted. Application of Engine Company 12 for a hydrant in front of house. Granted. Application of Foreman of Culverts for increase of pay. Laid over. Resolved, That Alex. T. Renton, General Inspector of Sewers, be directed by the Water Purveyor to visit as often as practicable the sewers in course of construc- tion and report to the Water Purveyor the character of the materials and work, and also report as to the attention of the several Inspectors on duty. Adjourned. THOS. B. TAPPEN, Secretary. CROTON AQUEDUCT BOARD. May 21, 1860. At a meeting of the Board held this day. By Mr. Craven Resolved, That proposals be received for furnishing 648,000 pounds boiler iron for pipe across High Bridge, plates to be six feet by eight feet, and 100,144 pounds flange iron. Adopted. By Mr. Craven Resolved, That a contract be made for laying the four feet pipe in Fourth ave- nue from upper to lower reservoir. Mr. Stephens moved to lay the same on the table and offered the following: Resolved, That a communication be sent to the Common Council at its next meeting stating that a contract has been entered into for four feet pipe for an addi- tional main to the City, and that it is advisable to lay the same by "days' work," and that the necessary authority be granted to do the same. Adopted. By Mr. Craven Resolved. That the Corporation Counsel's opinion be asked whether any action by this Board carrying out the resolution of the C. C. in relation to iron pavement in Cortland would be legal and binding oil the City. Adapted. . 99 By Mr. Craven Resolved, That the pay of Mr. Alex. Renton be fixed at three dollars per day. Adopted. Resolved, That a communication be made to the C. C. asking that the Inspectors' pay on streets be increased to two dollars per day, and also to reorganize the Depart- ment so as to make it in accordance with additional work put upon it. Adopted. Adjourned. THOS. B. TAPPEN, Secretary. CROTON AQUEDUCT BOARD. June i, 1860. At a meeting of the Board held this day. Mr. Craven stated to the Board that on the assumption of work cm sewers in April last the contractor, D. McGinn, of the sewer in Thirty-ninth street, between Eighth and Ninth avenues, was notified to commence his work, and that the said contractor declined to do so until some agreement was made in settlement of claim he had on account of certain extra work alleged to be made necessary by an alleged error in the grade marks given. Mr. Craven further stated that after this refusal was put in writing by said McGinn and presented to the Board, he, Mr. Craven, called on the Corporation Counsel to know whether this Board had authority to make any set- tlement whatever in regard to extra claims, and was told that the Board had no such authority, that the contractor must go on and finish the work and put in his claim afterwards. Much time was los*t after this in trying to induce the contractor to go on, and finally he modified his claim so far as to demand that an agreement of arbitration should be made. To Mr. C.'s inquiries of the Corporation Counsel on this point, answer by the C. C. was given that this Board had no authority to accede to it, but that the Comptroller had certain powers in the settlement of old claims, and that he could make such disposition of the case as in his judgment would be proper. Mr. C. then urged the contractor to see the Comptroller on the subject, and after much time !ost he. the contractor, told Mr. C. that he had sent to or seen the Comptroller, but could get nothing satisfactory from him. After this interview Mr. C. was enabled to see the Comptroller for the first time on the 30th of May, and was told by him that he did not think it a case for present adjustment, and that so far as he was concerned the contractor must finish his contract. Mr. C. then called on the Corpn Counsel, and on a statement of the answer of the Comptroller, ; . 100 was told by the Corpn Counsel that there was nothing left for this Board to do but to notify the contractor to proceed with his work, and on his neglect to do so to readvertise the work. After which statement Mr. C. offered the following resolution: Resolved, That the contractor for the sewer in Fortieth street, Tenth avenue to Ninth avenue, through Ninth avenue to Thirty-ninth st, and through Thirty-ninth street to Eighth avenue, be directed to resume his work on said contract within three days from the service of a notice to that effect, and that should the said contractor refuse or neglect to resume his work as directed that the unfinished portion of his work be readvertised and relet immediately. \ .-.'' Adopted. Mr. Craven laid before the Board a certificate from Dr. I. C. Peters, his phy- sician, stating that in his opinion a change of air had long been necessary for his health, and that now it had become imperatively necessary. Mr. Craven then an- nounced his intention of leaving the City on the 4th of June for about two weeks. John Russell, first; Laurence Langan, second, and James Martin, third, were ap- pointed Inspectors on Sewers, their pay to commence when the works are started. Charles Fredericks was appointed Inspector on State street. John Wolfe was appointed Inspector on Thirty-sixth street, between Fifth and Sixth avenues. The appointment of Inspectors on Amity and Reade streets was laid over. Adjourned. THOS. B. TAPPEN, Secretary. CROTON AQUEDUCT BOARD. June 2, 1860. At a meeting of the Board held this day, communication from the Mayor was received sanctioning the work of lowering pipes on Eighth avenue, which had been stopped. It was then ordered that the Engineer proceed with the work on Eighth avenue with all dispatch. By Mr. Craven Resolved, That a communication be sent to the Mayor stating the necessity of going on with the work at High Bridge and asking whether he will countersign the warrants therefor. Adopted. 101 By Mr. Craven- Resolved, That proposals be received for the mechanical work in constructing tube across the High Bridge, including the cost of receiving the plates from the manufacturers and delivering them at High Bridge. Adopted. By Mr. Craven Resolved. That no Inspectors be appointed hereafter on any work until the same be confirmed by the Common Council. Adopted. By Mr. Craven Resolved, That the Water Purveyor notify the contractor for paving Twentieth street what is necessary to be done to the work before the same can be received, and that he notify Mr. Baird, the contractor on Forty-second street, to clean the street so that he can see what is necessary to be done thereto to make the same in ac- cordance with the contract. Adopted. Application for a new meter on Nos. 22 and 24 Frankfort street. Granted. By Mr. Craven Whereas, A contract has already been entered into for the furnishing of pipe four feet diameter intended for a better connection between the receiving and dis- tributing reservoirs; and Whereas, The necessity for completing the whole of the work contemplated in this connection during the present season is imperative; therefore Resolved, That proposals be at once invited for all the work necessary in grading the bed for the pipe, and in putting the pipe properly down, including all the haulage from the wharves at which it may be delivered by the manufacturers, and all the cost of lead, yarn and other materials necessary for the work. Resolved, That the time for opening the proposals made under the advertise- ment be 12 m. on Monday, the i8th of June,- and that the proposals be at that time opened and the work awarded, unless previous action of the Common Council shall make it necessary to do the required work otherwise than by contract. Which were adopted. 102 By Mr. Craven * Resolved, That I. I. Noble be suspended from duty as Inspector until the Mayor shall have time to investigate certain charges alleged against him. L Adopted. Adjourned. THOS. B. TAPPEN, Secretary. CROTON AQUEDUCT BOARD. June 9, 1860. At a meeting of the Board held this day. Messrs. Stephens and Tappen present. By Mr. Stephens Resolved, That an addition of two men be made to the Water Police and that districts be assigned them by the Water Registrar. Adopted. By Mr. Stephens < Resolved, That Frederick S. Flender be removed as Assistant Foreman at the yard, and Eugene Sullivan appointed in his place. Adopted. Resolved, That James Hope, Wm. H. Cooke, Cornelius Woods and Mortimer Sullivan be appointed on the Water Police, and that John C. Hopper and Stephen Bonnell be removed therefrom. Adopted. CROTON AQUEDUCT BOARD. June 16, 1860. At a meeting of the Board held this day : Mr. Wm. H. Cooke resigned and John Kerrigan was appointed in his place. Adjourned. THOS. B. TAPPEN, Secretary. 103 CROTON AQUEDUCT BOARD. June 18, 1860. At a meeting of the Board held this day, the following resolutions, offered by Mr. Craven, were adopted: Resolved, That proposals be received for the mechanical work constructing tube across High Bridge. , Resolved, That the Corporation Counsel be asked for his opinion whether there is any necessity for the confirmation of contracts by the Common Council made under the resolution authorizing the High Bridge improvements. Adjourned. THOS. B. TAPPEN, Secretary. CROTON AQUEDUCT BOARD. July 6, 1860. At a meeting of the Board held this day, Mr. Craven offered the following pre- amble and resolution : Whereas, On the ist of May last an Inspector was selected by this Board to super- vise the sewer about to be constructed in Sixth avenue between Fiftieth and Fifty-first streets; and whereas his Honor the Mayor (who had already claimed that all Inspectors under this Department should be sworn by him) refused to swear in said Inspector in consequence of certain charges which he stated had been alleged against him ; and where- as, on motion of Mr. Craven, the Chief Engineer, said Inspector was suspended from the work in order to give his Honor the Mayor an opportunity of investigating the said charges, and the ivlayor was duly advised of said suspension; and whereas, by a letter dated June 9, the Mayor informed this Board that the charges against the said In- spector were disproven, but notwithstanding said letter or note and said exculpation, his Honor still refused to swear in said inspector, giving said Inspector as a reason for said refusal that he had promised the contractor on said sewer not to swear him in; and Whereas, Acquiescence in such a reason for dismissal of any Inspector would tend to a total subversion of the ability of this Board to have any of the work committed to its charge performed honestly and according to the contracts made on behalf of the parties assessed; therefore Resolved, lhat the inspector aforesaid be reappointed on said sewer in Sixth avenue, according to the original selection and action of this Board. Said appointment 104 being by virtue of the authority given by the Charter to this Board to appoint Inspectors on all work for the faithful performance of which this Board is, by the same charter, held solely responsible. Mr. Tappen offered the following amendment: Whereas, Mr. John Russell having been appointed Inspector on the above- named sewer, and the Board believing him to be fully competent to have the work performed in accordance with the specifications for the same, they see no reason to change the said Inspector, he. having been appointed without solicitation of either contractor or Mayor. Amendment adopted by the following vote: Stephens and Tappen, affirmative. Craven, negative. Adjourned. THOS. B. TAPPEN, Secretary. CROTON AQUEDUCT BOARD. July 10, 1860. At a meeting of the Board held this day. Stephens and Tappen present. The following resolution was adopted: Resolved, That the Commissioners of the Central Park be allowed to extend the syphon in the reservoir at Eighty-sixth street, providing they put said syphon in charge of the Superintendent of the reservoir, and, as the supply of water is limited, the Commissioner be requested to see that there is no waste, and that no water be put upon the roads, except by the sprinkling carts. Adjourned. THOS. B. TAPPEN, secretary. 105 CROTON AQUEDUCT BOARD. July 17, 1860. At a meeting of the Board held 1 this day, all the members present. The following resolution was adopted: Resolved, That the paving of Thirty-seventh street, between Lexington and Fourth avenue, and Forty-sixth street, between Fifth and Sixth avenues, be received on the contractors executing a bond in the penal sum of one thousand dollars each to do whatever repairs may be deemed nec:ssary by the Board to said pavements within one year from the date of said bond. Messrs. Stephens and Tappen, affirmative. Mr. Craven; negative. Resolved, That no employee, be allowed to leave their duty without the permis- sion of the Board. Adopted. Adjourned. THOS. B. TAPPEN, Secretary. CROTON AQUEDUCT BOARD. July 19, 1860. At a meeting of the Board hekl this day, all the members present, the following resolutions were adopted: Resolved, That all the pipes necessary to be laid in the Central Park to conduct the water to and from the reservoir to the public streets or avenues of the City be laid forthwith, so that the park will not be interfered with after the grading of the same. Resolved, That no Foreman be allowed to receive any present from men in their employ either while the work is in progress or on the completion of the same, and that any Foreman violating the above rule will be dismissed and not employed there- after. Resolved, That no damage having arisen from the delay in completing the sewer from the north gate house, new reservoir, the Board does not deem it just to exact the penalty therefor. Adjourned. THOS. B. TAPPEN, becretary. io6 CROTON AQUEDUCT BOARD. July 26, 1860. At a meeting of the Board held this day, the following preamble and resolution was adopted : Whereas, The Mayor has signified his willingness to countersign the warrants for laying the four-foot main pipe on Fourth avenue in accordance with the resolu- tion of the Common Council, Resolved, That the work be commenced immediately. Adjourned. THOS. B. TAPPEN, Secretary. CROTON AQUEDUCT BOARD. August 2, 1860. At a meeting of the Board held this day, on notice of Mr. Craven, the com- pensation of Mr. Wadleigh as General Foreman on Fourth avenue was fixed at five dollars per day. Adjourned. THOS. B. TAPPEN, Secretary. CROTON AQUEDUCT BOARD. August 7, 1860. At a meeting of the Board held this day. Messrs. Stephens and Tappen present. The following communication was received: Mayor's Office, August 7, 1860. THOMAS STEPHENS, Esq.: Dear Sir I was directed by his Honor the Mayor, when he left town on Fri- day last, that in case the Board of Councilmen should pass a resolution in relation to staying proceedings as to pipe from the distributing to the receiving reservoir to request that you stop action in accordance with the expressed will of this branch of the City Legislature. In. pursuance of these directions, I enclose you herewith a certified copy of said resolutions. I am respectfully, I. ^B. AULD, Clerk. The following notice was directed to be sent to Mr. Greene, the Engineer in charge : . G. S. GREENE, Esq.: Dear Sir You will, in obedience to the above resolution, suspend all operations on the above named work until the further order of this Board. THOS. STEPHENS, THOS. B. TAPPEN, C. A. B. Adjourned. THOS. B. TAPPEN, Secretary, CROTON AQUEDUCT BOARD. September 13, 1860. At a meeting of the Board held this day, all the members present. The communication from the Mayor in relation to signing the warrants for lay- ing the pipe on Fourth avenue was read. It being indefinite, the Board decided that they would not be justified in going on by day's work. The contract was accordingly awarded to A. J. Hackley, he being the lowest bidder. Mr. Daniel D. Miller, claim for demurrage on barge "Hurley," $75, she having been detained five days, was allowed. Adjourned. THOS. B. TAPPEN, Secretary. io8 CROTON AQUEDUCT BOARD. October 3, 1860. At a meeting of the Board held this day, all the members present. The following preamble and resolution was adopted: Whereas, The reports trom trie Superintendent to this Board that the number of visitors to the reservoir on Sunday was so large that he could not restrain them from committing various improper acts. Resolved, That the Central Park Commissioners be requested not to open a communication between the walks in the park and the walks around the reservoir, unless they place a sufficient police force for the proper protection of the water, until further arrangements can be made by this Board. Adjourned. THOS. B. TAPPEN, Secretary. CROTON AQUEDUCT BOARD. October 9, 1860. At a meeting of the Board held this day, all the members present. Notice was sent to the contractors for paving Sixth avenue to omit the paving between the rails, in accordance with the resolution of the Common Council. Mr. Emanuel Burton sent a communication to the Board asking an appropria- tion for his son's funeral expenses, he being in the employ of the Board at the time of his decease, and supposed to have taken cold in making an examination of the in- terior of the aqueduct. The following was adopted: While the Board feel deep sympathy with and would feel inclined to assist him if in their power, they know of no authority that would justify the appropriation of public funds for the object specified. Laurence McNeeny was appointed Inspector on sewer in Fifty-second street; contractor, Wm. Baird. Thomas McDougal was appointed Inspector on Fifty-ninth street sewer; I. Crowley, contractor. Adjourned. THOS. B. TAPPEN, Secretary. IOQ CROTON AQUEDUCT BOARD. November 14, 1860. At a meeting of the Board held this day, all the members present. Application of Messrs. Hopper and Tone for additional compensation for teams was denied, they having been paid the sum allowed. Application of Foremen of paving gangs for compensation for time the gangs were not at work. Denied. The Engineer in charge of laying pipes in Central Park was directed to have the time for working reduced to nine hours during the winter months and that he pay the men accordingly. Mr. Neefus reported a number of Huses meters as being out of order, and he was directed to place the Worthington meter on instead of those now in use. Communication from the Comptroller declining to approve of the sureties for the contractor for building wells in Tenth avenue ordered on file. Adjourned. THOS. B. TAPPEN, Secretary. CROTON AQUEDUCT BOARD. December i, 1860. At a meeting of the Board held this day. Mr. Craven and Tappen present. Application of S. E. Mead relative to the water in the Smithsonian house, denied. Application of Mr. Beekman to be reimbursed for laying water pipes, denied. Messrs. Heckman and Randolph, in behalf of the Warren Foundry, offered to furnish -12,000 feet of 48-inch pipe o f the same quality as those furnished under the contract for $34.38 per ton, and for special castings, $67.20 per ton. Adjourned. THOS. B. TAPPEN, Secretary. no CROTON AQUEDUCT BOARD. December 19, 1860. At a meeting of the Board held this day. Messrs. Stephens and Tappen present. Mr. Matthew D. Green was appointed Inspector of City Railroad. Adjourned THOS. B. TAPPEN, Secretary. CROTON AQUEDUCT BOARD. December 28, 1860. At a meeting of the Board held this day, all the members present. The minutes of the previous meetings were read and approved. Mr. Craven offered the following: Resolved, That M. A. Renton be dismissed for being absent without leave. Amended by Mr. Tappen that he be reprimanded therefor, which was adopted. Adjourned. THOS. B. TAPPEN, Secretary. CROTON AQUEDUCT BOARD. December 31, 1860. At a meeting of the Board held this day, all the members present. Mr. Craven offered the following: Resolved, That the Ninth Avenue Railroad Company be directed to lower their track on Ninth avenue, north of Fifty-second street, in accordance with the grade of said avenue, by the loth inst., and that the Street Commissioner be notified thai said track is not laid in accordance with the grade of the street. Adopted. Resolved, That the contractor and Inspector be notified to stop all work on paving until the loth inst. Adjourned. THOS. B. TAPPEN, Secretary. . Ill CROTON AQUEDUCT BOARD. January 9, 1861. At a meeting of the Board held this day, all the members present. Communication was received from the Brooklyn Water Commissioner asking for a conference in regard to supplying steamboats with water. Agreed to. The Contract Clerk was directed to notify Mr. Devlin that the work he has done on Fifty-fifth street sewer will not be received, and that if he builds any more without the written permission of the Board the contract will be declared void. Adjourned. THOS. B. TAPPEN, Secretary. CROTON AQUEDUCT BOARD. January 22, 1861. At a meeting of the Board held this day, present Messrs. Stephens and Tappen, the following resolution was adopted : Resolved, That Samuel Sneeden and Thos. F. Rowland have the assent of this Board to assign to William Borden and George W. Quintard all or any money pay- able, or which may become payable, for work done or to be done under contract of August 8, 1860, between the Mayor, Aldermen and Commonalty of the City of New York by the Croton Aqueduct Board, and Samuel Sneeden and Thos. F. Rowland, doing business under the name and firm of Samuel Sneeden & Co., for the con- struction of a wrought iron pipe over the High Bridge. Adjourned. THOS. B. TAPPEN, Secretary. 112 CROTON AQUEDUCT BOARD. February 4, 1861. At a meeting of the Board held this day, all the members present. Application of Mr. Baird for remission of overtime on sewer in Seventh avenue. Denied. The bill for breaking pipe on the above sewer was remitted. Application of Mr. Jardine to proceed with the work on the sewer in Ninth ave- nue refused until the weather is suitable for the work. The resignation of Mr. David Wood was received and Mr. Franklin Connor ap- pointed in his place, on Adjourned. THOS. B. TAPPEN, Secretary. CROTON AQUEDUCT BOARD. February 8, 1861. At a meeting of the Board held this day, all the members present. Application of Mr. I. H. McCabe to receive the sewer in Eighty-fourth street, it being all completed satisfactorily, except the grading of the street. Application granted on his filing a bond of two hundred and fifty dollars to grade the street as soon as the weather will permit. Adjourned. THOS. B. TAPPEN, Secretary. IT3 CROTON AQUEDUCT BOARD. February 12, 1861. At a meeting of the Board held this day, all the members present. Mr. Craven offered the following resolution, which was adopted : Resolved, That in all contracts for pavement hereafter to be made the contract shall require that an excavation of twelve inches be made below the pavement and that a layer of broken stone to pass through a two-inch ring, of six inches in depth> be required, and six inches of clean sand, on which the pavement shall be laid. By Mr. Tappen Resolved, That the opinion of the Corporation Counsel be obtained as, to the legality of the resolution extending the time for the building of sewer in Eighty-fourth street. Adopted. Adjourned. THOS. B. TAPPEN, Secretary. CROTON AQUEDUCT BOARD. February 21, 1861. At a meeting of the Board held this day, Messrs. Craven and Tappen present. The bond of C. C. Ellis for constructing sewer in Tenth avenue was approved. The following communication was sent to the Central Park Commissioners : * Croton Aqueduct Department, February 21, 1861. R. M. BLATCHFORD, Esq., President: In the progress of opening the trenches for the pipe in the park we find it neces- sary to relieve the trench from water, and would ask permission to lay a pipe to coij- nect with the pond as shown on accompanying map and profile. Respectfully, THOS. B. TAPPEN, Assistant President.* The resignation of Mr. H. Eldredge was received as Inspector of Pavements, to take effect February 16, 1861. Adjourned. THOS. B. TAPPEN, Secretary. 114 CROTON AQUEDUCT BOARD. March 2, 1860. At a meeting of the Board held this day, all the members present, the following resolution was adopted: Resolved, That the several gas companies of the City make a monthly report of all street openings made for any purpose by them. Mr. Merkle was appointed Clerk to the Water Register in place of M. C. Fleet, to taken effect on the I5th inst. Adjourned. THOS. B. TAPPEN, Secretary. CROTON AQUEDUCT BOARD. March 5, 1861. At a meeting of the Board held this day, Messrs. Stephens and Tappen present. Application of the Central Park Commissioners to draw water through the syphon to sprinkle the roads. Granted. An allowance of fifty dollars was made to Mr. E. D. Truesdell for attending ad- journed sales of land in Sing Sing. The resignation of Mr. H. Eldredge was received, which was accepted. Adjourned. THOS. B. TAPPEN, Secretary. CROTON AQUEDUCT BOARD. March 16, 1861. At a meeting of the Board held this day, Messrs. Stephens and Tappen present, Mr. O. Bright was apoointed Water Policeman in place of Andrew Armstrong, re- moved. William King and Everett Green were appointed Clerks in Bureau of Water Registrar in place of J. E. Howard and Seymour V. Moody, removed, to take effect on the 3ist inst. Adjourned. THOS. B. TAPPEN, Secretary. 15 CROTON AQUEDUCT BOARD. March 19, 1861. At a meeting of the Board held this day, all the members present. By Mr. Craven Resolved, That an inventory be taken of all the tools and stock on hand in the several yards of the Department and in the hands of the Foremen of the gangs. Adopted. THOS. B. TAPPEN, Secretary. CROTON AQUEDUCT BOARD. April 15, 1861. At a meeting of the Board held this day. Messrs. Stephens and Tappen present. The following resolution by Mr. Stephens was adopted: Resolved, That the Foremen on the culverts be allowed two dollars per day. Roger Dowling and Michael McMahon were appointed Water Policemen in place of Tobias Laurence and Clark Vanderbilt, removed, to take effect the 3Oth inst. Adjourned. THOS. B. TAPPEN, Secretary. CROTON AQUEDUCT BOARD. May 10, 1861. At a meeting of the Board held this day, all the members present. The following resolution was adopted: Resolved, That the advertisement calling for proposals for digging the trenches and laying the pipe through the Central Park, from the gate houses of the New Reservoir, together with the proposals received thereon, be submitted to the Cor- poration Counsel for his examination, and that his opinion be requested as to whether under the law passed April 16, 1860 (chapter 449), this Board has not the right to make such selections from the said proposals as they may deem most ad- vantageous to the City, or whether they are precluded from such action by the hw passed April 17, 1861, and also that his opinion be asked whether in case no one oi the parties bidding under this advertisement other than the lowest tan be selected on the terms of his bid as put in, this Board is not at liberty to reject all the bids and proceed to finish the work in such manner as they may deem the interests of the City require. Whereas, The Commissioners of the Metropolitan Police have consented to de- tail eight men as constant guard at the High Bridge to protect it so long as this Board may deem it necessary; therefore Resolved, That the Temporary Watchmen or Special Policemen placed as a night guard at the bridge by this Board be discontinued when said Policemen are so detailed, and the Commissioners of the Police notified thereof. The following correspondence was ordered to be engrossed on the minutes: May 7, 1861. JAMES BOWEN, Esq., Superintendent M. Police: Dear Sir Our Board has deemed it advisable to place upon certain exposed po- sitions of the Aqueduct a sufficient force to protect it from injury during the day and night. The force so employed in this County and on High Bridge amounts to 38 men, including reliefs. They have been sworn in as Special Policemen by your Board. The Comptroller of the City objects to paying men for this service, on the ground that the regular police is sufficiently large to allow special details to protect the public property. Please inform us at your earliest convenience if the above number of men can be detailed from the regular force for special duty on the Aqueduct. Yours respectfully, THOS. B. TAPPEN, Assistant Commissioner. May 8, 1861. T. B. TAPPEN, ESQ., C. A. Board: Sir The Board of Police will afford such general protection to the Croton Aque- duct, in this County, as is extended to other public works and buildings, but it is im- possible with the .present police force to grant the special protection which your Board seems to require for the Croton Aqueduct. Very respectfully, JAMES BOWEN, President. May 8, 1861. R. T. HAWS, Esq., Comptroller: Dear Sir (A copy of the above note). In view of the above, this Board has deemed it necessary to continue the guard that they have appointed on the Aqueduct for the present, but will dispense with them ?iS soon as. in their judgment, it will be safe so to do. Yours respectfully, THOS. B. TAPPEN, Assistant Commissioner. CROTON AQUEDUCT BOARD. May 13, 1861. At a meeting of the Board held this day, Messrs. Stephens and Tappen present. The following resolutions were adopted: Resolved, That an addition of four men be made to the Water Police to attend to lbr street openings, and that Patrick Callahan, Daniel Linn and George Patterson be appointed thereto. Resolved, That James Reed be and he is hereby transferred from Clerk to the Water Purveyor to the Water Police to attend to the street openings. Adjourned. THOS. B. TAPPEN, Secretary. CROTON AQUEDUCT BOARD. June 14, 1861 At a meeting of the Board held this day, all the members present, Mr. Craven offered the following, which was adopted: , The work on the pavement of Thirty-first street, between Sixth and Seventh avenues, and on Fiftieth street, between Second and Third avenues, being suspended on the I3th inst, by order of the Board, on account of violation by the contractor cf the provisions of the contracts, Resolved, That the contractor for said streets be required to take up the pavement now laid, and remove entirely from the ground such blocks of stone as do not conform n8 in dimensions and character to the specifications, and that he also remove from the ground such stone now delivered on the line of the work but not laid, which do not accord with the specifications. That after the objectionable stones are thus removed, and the roadbed properly prepared, the contractor be permkted to go on with the work in accordance strictly with the specifications. Resolved, Tnat should the contractors, after thus resuming work, still continue t< violate the terms of their contracts, that the said contracts be declared void, and that the work be finished by this Board in the manner provided for in said contracts. Resolved, That the provisions of the above resolutions be carried out under the direction of the Water Purveyor. Adjourned. THOS. B. TAPPEN, Secretary. CROTON AQUEDUCT BOARD. June 18, 1861. At a meeting of the Board held this day, all the members present, the following resolution was adopted : Resolved, That the salary of the Engineer in charge of the new reservoir be in- creased to twenty-eight hundred dollars per annum, and that of the Engineer at High- bridge to two thousand dollars per annum. Said increase to date from the first day of June, 1 86 1. Adjourned. THOS. B. TAPPEN. Secretary. up CROTON AQUEDUCT BOARD. June 20, 1861. At a meeting of the Board held this day, all the members present. The following resolution was adopted: Resolved, That the following prices be paid Fairchild, Walker & Co. for laying the pipe from the north and south gate houses to connect with the pipe about being laid by Mr. Brown on the north side and Buckingham & Co. on the south side, in accordance with the specifications for laying pipe south of south gate house: On the north end Rock excavation Earth excavation Embankment Laying pipe ' Unloading and hauling pipe, per ton On the south end Rock excavation 2 oo Earth excavation 30 Embankment 30 Laying pipe * i 75 Unloading and hauling pipe, per ton 2 oo Adjourned. THOS. B. TAPPEN, Secretary. CROTON AQUEDUCT BOARD. August 29, 1861. At a meeting of the Board held this day. Messrs. Stephens and Tappen present. Mr. Thos. Farren was appointed Clerk to the Water Register in place of Mr. I. Howard. Mr. McManus was appointed Water Policeman in place of T. Farren and Peter Tally in place of Mr.. Hopper on the. Water Police. Said appointments and re- movals to take olace on the ist of September, 1861. Adjourned. THOS. B. TAPPEN, Secretary. 120 CROTON AQUEDUCT BOARD. September 6, 1861. At a meeting of the Board held this day, all the members present. Invitation from the Water Commissioners, Jersey City, to examine their works on the i8th inst. Accepted. Mr. Wm. Cowan was appointed Superintendent of Sewers and Repairs in place of A. D. Renton. The Contract Clerk was directed to notify Mr. Lynch to execute the contract for paving the Tenth avenue within two days or he would be placed in default. , Adjourned. THOS. B. TAPPEN, Secretary. CROTON AQUEDUCT BOARD. December 13, 1861. At a meeting of the Board held this day. Messrs. Stephens and Tappen present. Mr. Fisher Weeks was appointed Inspector of Sewer Connections in place of Alex. Renton, to take effect on the i6th inst. Adjourned. THOS. B. TAPPEN, Secretary. CROTON AQUEDUCT BOARD. December 17, 1861. At a meeting of the Board held this day the following communication was re- ceived from the Central Park Commissioners, which was assented to, as follows: Gentlemen I have the honor to submit herewith a plan for the arrangement of the ground at the southwest corner of the old reservoir on the Park, showing the ex- tent of the wall, the removal of which will be required. The assent of the Croton Aqueduct Board to the carrying out of this plan is respectfully requested. The present condition of the Park work in the neighborhood renders it very desirable that the Croton Aqueduct Board take as prompt action in the premises as is practicable. . , Very respectfully, A. H. GREEN, Comptroller Central Park. 121 December 17, 1860. A. H. GREEN, Esq., Comptroller Central Park: Dear Sir The Croton Aqueduct Board assent to the removal of the wall on the southwest corner of the Receiving Reservoir as shown in the map received from you on the nth instant, on the condition that some suitable monument be placed to designate our line, and that no public walk be made thereon and on the further con- dition that if at any time it should be found necessary to occupy the same for reservoir purposes no objections will be made thereto. Yours respectfully, THOS. STEPHENS, President Croton Aqueduct Board. CROTON AQUEDUCT BOARD. December 30, 1861. At a meeting of the Board held this day, Messrs. Stephens and Tappen present. The resignation of Mr. T. Farren as Clerk in Water Registrar Bureau was ac- cepted, and Mr. Wm. King appointed in his place. Mr. Linn having accepted another position, his place on the Water Police was declared vacant, and M. J. Reed was removed. Mr. T. Farren and Mr. Morton were appointed on the Water Police, the said change to take effect on the 1st of January, 1862. Adjourned. THOS. B. TAPPEN, Secretary. CROTON AQUEDUCT BOARD. January 13, 1862. At a meeting of the Board held this day, Messrs. Craven and Tappen present. The claim of Daniel F. Tieman for damages to his stock for overflowing the same by emptying the pipes in Manhattan valley, amounting to $2,586.77, was al- lowed. Adjourned. THOS. B. TAPPEN, Secretary. 122 CROTON AQUEDUCT BOARD. January 28, 1862. At a meeting of the Board hold this dav, Messrs. Craven and Tappen present. On motion of Mr. Craven, Captain G. S. Greene was granted leave of ab- sence for six months, from the ist of February, 1862, without pay, he having accepted an appointment as Colonel in the United States Army. Adjourned. THOS. B. TAPPEN, Secretary. CROTON AQUEDUCT BOARD. February 27, 1862. At a meeting of the Board held this day, all the members present, the following communication was received from the Central Park Commissioners: To the Croton Aqueduct Board: I think it will be practicable to construct the carriage road on the line as shown on the plan heretofore sent to you at the northeast corner of the Reservoir, so that the surplus material now lying on the Reservoir slope at that point may remain un- disturbed, provided the Croton Aqueduct Board will remove a like amount of ma- terial, say from five to six thousand yards, from points to be designated on the Cen- tral Park, to conform the slope of the Reservoir to the park lines, and also put the same amount of muck they propose for the Reservoir slopes on the slopes as ad- justed to the park lines the haul of this amount of material not to be materially, if any, longer than the haul would be to remove the material now at the northeast cor- ner of the Reservoir to the points on the Reservoir slopes where it is required. Will the Croton Aqueduct Board have the kindness to advise me at its earliest convenience whether the above proposition will be acceptable? Februray 21, 1862. Very respectfully, AND. H. GREEN, Comptroller of the Park. A. H. GREEN, Esq., Comptroller, C. P.: Dear Sir In reply to yours of the 2ist inst. the Board have decided that so far as regards the muck on the slopes the proposition be accepted, providing the con- tractors are not delayed in finishing the outer slope. As regards the removal of the material at the northeast corner of the Reservoir, the contractors will be directed to 123 remove a sufficient quantity to give a proper slope to the embankment to such place as you may direct within the limits of the contract. Respectfully, THOS. B. TAPPEN, Assistant Commissioner. The Commissioners of the Park rendered a bill amounting to eleven hundred and seventy-six dollars and seventy-two cents for expenses they claimed to have been put to by laying the pipe through the park to August 31, 1861. Five hundred and fifty- seven 72-100 dollars ($557.72), being considered proper charges against this Depart- ment, was allowed. The salary of Mr. W. S. Dearborn. Eng., in charge of new reservoir and High Bridge, was fixed at twenty-five hundred dollars per annum. The Commissioners of the Park bill to January 22, 1862, amounting to $659.16. The charge for inspection being deducted, the balance, $393.66, was allowed. THOS. B. TAPPEN, Secretary. CROTON AQUEDUCT BOARD. May 2, 1862. At a meeting of the Board held this day, all the members present, Mr. William C. Rhodes was unanimously appointed as Registrar of Water Rents in place of R. C. Hance. deceased. Communication from the Comptroller stating that Edward McGuire was in default at the Street Department, and returning his bid for the sewer in Pearl street which was then awarded to John Duffy, he being the next lowest bidder. The salary of Wm. Cowan was fixed at $3.25 per day as Superintendent of Sewers. The contract for cutting the granite and building the junction gate house was awarded to Pomeroy & Matthews for the sum of four thousand two hundred and forty-three dollars, to be built in accordance with the plans and specifications at the Engineer's office. The painting to be omitted. Mr. Smith made a claim for two hundred dollars for damage to his land in Ninety-second street, which was referred to the Chief Engineer. Adjourned. THOS. B. TAPPEis, Secretary. 124 CROTON AQUEDUCT BOARD. May 15, 1862. At a meeting of the Board held this day, all the members present. Mr. Gough made an application for damages to his property on Fifth avenue, near Sixty-third street, which was denied. Mr. R. L. and A. Stuart, application to extend vaults beyond the curb line. Denied. Mr. Butler, application to lay a leaden pipe across the aqueduct. Granted. Tax bill, $368.12, Yonkers. Ordered paid. Mr. Pomeroys and Matthews, bill for constructing junction gate house was amended to $4,234.95. Contract was made with Mr. S. Stevens for cutting granite for superstructure of gate houses. Joints, 10 cents square foot; Pd. face, 18 cents square foot; Pn. hmd., 18 cents square foot ; Pp. hmd., 25 cents square foot ; bev. arris, 25 cents square foot. Adjourned. THOS. B. TAPPED. Secretary. CROTON AQUEDUCT BOARD. \ May 30, 1862. At a meeting of the Board held this day. Messrs. Stephens and Tappen present. The resignation of Mr. A. Merkle as Clerk to the Water Purveyor was accepted. Mr. John Sigmund was appointed in his place. W. V. Le Count was removed from the office of Accountant to the Water Regis- trar, and Mr. W. King transferred to the place. Mr. G. Howard was appointed Clerk in the Bureau of the Water Registrar. Mr. Tully and Mr. Blauvelt were removed from the Water Police and Mr. Felix McNally and John Mack appointed. Mr. Charles B'oice was appointed Foreman in the pipe yard in place of Mr. F. Flender, removed. Mr. I. Salmon was appointed Assistant Foreman in the pipe yard. The above appointments and removals to take effect the ist of June, 1862. Adiourned. THOS. B. TAPPEN, Secretary. 125 CROTON AQUEDUCT BOARD. June 4, 1862. At a meeting of the Board held this day. Mr. Henry Howard was appointed Inspector of 'Vaults, Areas and Cisterns. A communication was received from the Mayor informing the Board that the Grand Jury had indicted the Mayor, Aldermen and Commonalty of The City of New York for keeping the receiving basins in a filthy condition. The following reply was directed to be sent to his Honor the Mayor: Sir The Croton Aqueduct Board beg leave respectfully to acknowledge the re- ceipt of yours of the 3d inst., informing them of a communication received by you from the District Attorney stating that the Mayor, Aldermen and Commonalty ol the City had been indicted by the Grand Jury of the County for maintaining a nuisance in the Sixth Ward, in that they kept the receiving basins in a filthy con- dition, to the great damage of the good people of that neighborhood. In reply to which, it may be proper to state, that for the keeping of the various sewrs and receiving basins clean and in good repair, we asked for an appropriation of $30,000 for the current year; this, notwithstanding our remonstrance, was reduced to $20,000. Being desirous of keeping the expenditure within this limit, and knowing that during the summer months the necessity for maintaining the sewers and basins in proper cleanliness was of much greater importance than during the remainder of the year, an increase of the force usually employed in these operations was delayed until the first of the present month. Early in the spring, from complaints received at this office, we were satisfied that the persons employed in street cleaning were in the practice of washing a large por- tion of the filth of the gutter into the basins. The attention of the Superintendent of the Police was promptly called to this matter in the hope that the same would be remedied. Should this practice, however, be continued the additional expense thrown on this Department will make an additional appropriation under the head of Sewers, Repairs and Cleaning for the current year imperatively necessary. An additional force, as before stated, is, however, now employed, and the source of the particular complaint referred to will in a few days be removed, and it is hoped that no occasion will in future be found for complaint as to the condition of the sewer and basins in any part of the city. Very respectfully, your obedient servant, THOS. STEPHENS, President. 126 By Mr. Craven That a sufficient force be put on to clean the sewers and basins ^forthwith. Adopted. Adjourned. THOS. B. TAPPEN, Secretary. CROTON AQUEDUCT BOARD. June u, 1862. At a meeting of the Board held this day. Messrs. Craven and Tappen present. Mr. Lanihan, to whom was awarded the contract for building sewer in Thirty- eighth street, between Second avenue and East river, having failed to sign the con- tract, after due notice, he was declared in default and the Clerk directed to readver- tise the sewer. 'ihe price for the excavation for vaults, areas, etc., to be one dollar per square foot for buildings used exclusively for dwellings; for all other purposes, two dollars per square foot. No alteration to be made in the prices unless by unani- mous consent of the Board. Adjourned. THOS. B. TAPPEN, Secretary. CROTON AQUEDUCT BOARD. June 14, 1862. At a meeting of the Board held this day, all the members present. Application of Mr. Joyce for relief as to overtime, he having been delayed by the breaking of the Croton pipes. $250 was allowed as compensation for the detention. By Mr. Craven Resolved, That pipes be laid to conduct the gas from the Fifth avenue to the south gate house, and that the same be lighted at an expense not exceeding four hun- dred dollars. Adopted. Resolved, That sixty dollars be allowed as full compensation to Robert Donnell for the use of tugboat taking skewbacks and rods to the High Bridge. Adopted. Adjourned. THOS. B. TAPPEN, Secretary. I27 CROTON AQUEDUCT BOARD. August 5, 1862. At a meeting of the Board held this day, it was Resolved, That the water be introduced into the new Grand Reservoir on Tuesday, the ipth inst., and that a notice be inserted in the daily papers inviting the public to be present on the occasion. Adjourned. THOS. B. TAPPEN, Secretary. CROTON AQUEDUCT BOARD. August 19,1862. The water was let into the new Grand Reservoir on this day at 3 p. m. The signal was given by the Chief Engineer, Alfred W. Craven, Esq., when the ten influent gates was raised simultaneously, and the Croton flowed through to the delight of the thousands that were present to witness the great event. His Honor the Mayor then introduced Mr. Myndert Van Schaick, who delivered an address, after which Mr. McChesney recited an ode prepared for the occasion, and with an address by Mr. Marsh and music by Mr. H. Dodworth's Band, the ceremonies ended and the assembled multitude dispersed to pay their respects to the contractors, Messrs. Fairchild, Walker & Company, at their office. THOS. B. TAPPEN, Secretary. CROTON AQUEDUCT BOARD. September 15, 1862. At a meeting of the Board held this day, all the members present. Mr. I. F. Dawson was appointed Assistant Superintendent on the eighth division of the Aqueduct at the new reservoir, at a salary of $800 per annum. Claim of Mr. Gough for $289.75 for damages to land and vegetables caused by break in Fifth avenue pipes. Sixty dollars was allowed to settle the above bill in full. Mr. Cuming presented a claim for damages caused by the delay in receiving the pipes for Manhattan valley; said delay being provided for in the contract. The claim was not admitted. Adjourned. THOS. B. TAPPEN, Secretary. 128 CROTON AQUEDUCT BOARD. December 6, 1862. At a meeting of the Board held this day, all the members being present. An application was received from the Central Park Commissioners for permis- sion to plant shrubbery on the slopes of the new reservoir, which was refused. A communication was received from his Honor the Mayor, requesting the Board to stimulate the contractor in the execution of the work of paving Fifth ave- nue, from Forty-second to Forty-ninth street. The Engineer was directed to in- form the Mayor that the contractor would be required to complete the work in the t:me prescribed by the contract, and if he should fail to do so that the penalty provided in the contract would be enforced. An application was received from the Central Park Commissioners for permis- sion to remove the fence inclosing receiving reservoir, which was refused. A communication was received from the Warden of the State Prison at Sing Sing complaining that their supply of water was inadequate and less than formerly. The Engineer was directed to inform him that the head of water in the aqueduct was the same as it had always been. The Engineer was authorized to consult with the Central Park Commissioners with reference to the location of a house for the gatekeeper of the receiving reservoir. Adjourned. .ROBT. L. DARRAGH, Secretary. CROTON AQUEDUCT BOARD. December 13, 1862. At a meeting of the Board held this day, the following resolution was offered by Com. Stephens: Resolved, That the Register be requested to report to this Board which hotels, distilleries and slaughterhouses have, and which have not, got meters attached, and what amount each pay to this Department. Adopted. By Com. Craven Resolved, That this Board consider, after personal examination by all its mem- bers, that the contractors for paving, etc., Chambers street and James slip, from Chatham street to South street, with trapblocks, and parts of the intersecting streets affected by the change of the grades thereof, with cobble stones, are wilfully violating the provisions of their contract and executing the same in bad faith; therefore Resolved, That the contract with Jardine & Johnson for paving, etc., said streets be and is hereby annulled, under the authority so to do set forth in Covenant D of said contract. Adopted. By O m. Craven Resolved, That Chambers street and the intersecting streets, from a point near Batavia street, being the termination of the pavement laid under a contract with Jardine & Johnson, to Chatham street, be put in a passable condition until the resumption of work on trapblock pavements in the year 1863. Adopted. ROBT. L. DARRAGH, Secretary. CROTON AQUEDUCT BOARD. December 15, 1862. At a meeting of the Board held this day, all the members present. By Com. Craven Resolved, That Messrs. Jno. L. Brown, Thos. Crimmins, A. Auchmuty and Matthew Murry be requested to estimate on the work of laying temporary cross walks and rendering New Chambers street passable during the winter. Adopted. By Com. Stephens Resolved, That the Water Register be directed to notify the Water Police that after this date no member thereof will be allowed pay for any day he neglects to re- port himself to the Water Register, except leave of absence be granted by the Board, and that the Water Register furnish each member with a copy of this resolution, to- gether with the rules and regulations established for the government of the Water Police and defining their duties and report to the Board any neglect in carrying out the same on the part of the Water Police. Adopted. ROBT. L. DARRAGH, Secretary. 130 CROTON AQUEDUCT BOARD. December 22, 1862. At a meeting of the Croton Aqueduct Board held this day. Present Thos. Stephens, President; Robt. L. Darragh, Commissioner, and A. W. Craven, Engineer. The following resolution was offered by Mr. Craven: Resolved, That the various applications for water to flood private skating ponds be granted on the following conditions, viz. : First That the permission to be considered to continue only at the will and dis- cretion of the Croton Aqueduct Board; that it shall be stipulated in writing by the applicant that should at any time the Croton Aqueduct Board deem it advisable to discontinue the supply, it shall be made no ground of complaint or of demand for damages by the said applicant or applicants or by any person in their behalf. Second That the price to be paid by the applicant to the Department shall be at the rate of two cents per hundred gallons for all the water used, the amount to be determined by measurement or calculation at the option of the Board. Said meas- urement or calculation to be made by one of the Engineers of the Department, and his report thereon to be received by the consumers or applicant as final and con- clusive. Third That notice be given to the Board by the applicant at such times as he may desire to have a supply of water, and that he shall at no time open a hydrant or draw a supply in any other manner either personally or by his agents, but that the supply granted shall at all times be let on by an agent of this Department and by no other person. Which was adopted. An ordinance entitled "An ordinance for the more effectual protection of the streets of The City of New York" was received and ordered on file. Mr. Stephens presented the following resolution: Resolved, That the wages of John Cornwell, Jas. D. Reegan and Samuel Whi-e be increased to the rate of three dollars, and the salary of Alfred Williams, Black- smith, to the rate of two dollars per day, to take effect from this date. Which was adopted The Board then adjourned. ROBT. L. DARRAGH, Secretary. CROTON AQUEDUCT BOARD. January 10, 1863. At a meeting of the Croton Aqueduct Board held this day. Present Robert L. Darragh, Commissioner, and A. W. Craven, Engineer. The following resolutions were adopted, viz.: Resolved, That the price to be charged hereafter for permission to construct vaults be as follows, viz.: For vaults used exclusively for dwellings, 25 cents a foot. The vaults used partly for dwellings and partly for commercial purposes, 50 cents. For vaults used exclusively for commercial purposes, 75 cents a foot. Resolved, That the blocks to be used hereafter for trapblock pavement shall be of the following dimensions, viz.: In depth, eight inches and no deviation; in width, four inches and not to vary more than half an inch either way, and in length from six to nine inches. Adjourned. ROBT. L. DARRAGH, Secretary. CROTON AQUEDUCT BOARD. January 12, 1863. At a meeting of the Croton Aqueduct Board held this day. Present Thomas Stephens, President; Robert L. Darragh, Commissioner, and A. W. Craven, Engineer. William C. Rhodes, Esq., tendered his resignation as Registrar of Water Rents, which was accepted. It was then Resolved, That Thomas B. Tappen be and he is hereby appointed Registrar of Water Rents, to take effect on and after the I5th inst. Adopted. Resolved, That William C. Rhodes be and he is hereby appointed Assistant Registrar of Water Rents to fill the vacancy occasioned by the decease of William Fardon, Esq., to take effect on and after the I5th inst. Adonted. 132 Resolved, That Matthew D. Green be and he is hereby removed as Inspector of City Railroads of The City of New York, to take effect on and after the I5th inst. Adopted. Resolved, That John H. Brady be and he is hereby appointed Inspector of City Railroads of The City of New York, to take effect on and after the 15th inst. Adopted. Adjourned. ROBT. L. DARRAGH, Secretary. CROTON AQUEDUCT BOARD. February 14, 1863. At a meeting of the Croton Aqueduct Board held this day. Present Thomas Stephens, President; Robert L. Darragh, Commissioner, and A. W. Craven, Engineer. On motion of Mr. Craven, it was resolved that the Board certify to a payment to be made to Messrs. Jardine & Johnson for trapblock pavement, under their con- tract for paving New Chambers street, in accordance with the recommendation of the Corporation Counsel. Adopted. Resolved, That the office of Assistant Superintendent of the Eighth Division of the Aqueduct at the new reservoir, created September 15, 1862, be and the same is hereby abolished. To take effect on and after February 28, 1863. Adopted. Adjourned. ROBT. L. DARRAGH, Secretary. CROTON AQUEDUCT BOARD. March 2, 1863. Resolved, That Rule 9 of the rules and regulations adopted for the government of Plumbers and Masons be amended by inserting after word diameter, "for buildings less than 50 feet front. Seven inches for buildings over 50 feet and under 75 feet front. Eight inches for buildings over 75 feet and under 100 feet front. Nine inches for buildings 100 feet front and upwards," and by striking out on the last line the word "unanimous." Which was adopted. ROBT. L. DARRAGH, Secretary. 133 CROTON AQUEDUCT BOARD. March 25, 1863. At a meeting of the Croton Aqueduct Board held this day. Present Thomas Stephens, Rob't L. Darragh and A. W. Craven.. It was Resolved, That proposals be advertised for completing the paving, etc., of New Chambers street. Resolved, 1 hat the Warren Foundry and Machine Manufacturing Company be notified that unless they deliver the quantity of pipes ordered under their contract on or before the ist of May next they will be considered as defaulters to the Corpora- tion, and hereafter deprived from proposing or contracting for any work required by the Department. Adjourned. ROB'T L. DARRAGH, Secretary. CROTON AQUEDUCT BOARD. April 28, 1863. At a meeting of the Croton Aqueduct Board held this day. Present Thos. Stephens, President; Robt. L. Darragh, Commissioner, and A. W. Craven, Engineer. On motion of President Stephens it was Resolved, That John H. Brady be and he is hereby removed from the office of Inspector of City Railroads, to take effect on and after the 3Oth of April. President Stephens and Craven voting in the affirmative. Commissioner Darragh voting in the negative. President Stephens offered the following resolution: Resolved, That Christian B. Woodruff be and he is hereby appointed Inspector of City Railroads to fill vacancy caused by the removal of John H. Brady. Which was lost. President Stephens voting in the affirmative, Commissioner Darragh voting in the negative and Engineer Craven declining to vote. Adjourned. ROB'T L. DARRAGH, Secretary. 134 CROTON AQUEDUCT BOARD. May 4, 1863. At a meeting of the Croton Aqueduct Board held this day. Present Thos. Stephens, Rob't L. Darragh and A. W. Craven. President Stephens offered the following resolution, viz.: Resolved, That Christian B. Woodruff be and he is hereby appointed Inspector of City Railroads. Which was adopted. President Stephens and Craven voting in favor, and Commissioner Darragh vot- ing in the negative. Permission was granted C. M. Rollins to tap the main pipe at Fifth avenue and Sixty-seventh street. Adjourned. ROB'T L. DARRAGH, Secretary. CROTON AQUEDUCT BOARD. May 16, 1863. At a meeting of the Croton Aqueduct Board held this day. Present Thos. Stephens, Rob't L. Darragh and A. W. Craven. Resolution offered by Mr. Craven: Resolved, That the contractor for building sewer in Third avenue from Seventy- third street to Sixty-ninth street, with a branch in Seventy-first street, be notified to proceed with the work within one week or he will be declared in default. Which was adopted. The Board then adjourned. 135 CROTON AQUEDUCT BOARD. May 29, 1863. At a meeting of the Croton Aqueduct Board held this day. Present Thos. Stephens, President Rob't L. Darragh, Commissioner, and A. W. Craven, Engineer. The following resolution was offered by Mr. Craven : Resolved, That a walk be built on the centre of the bank of the new reservoir, to be eight feet wide, to be built of broken stone trap rock and laid six inches deep. The stones to be one inch in diameter. Which was adopted. By Mr. Stephens Resolved, That a contract for cleaning the basins and culverts throughout the City, commencing June i and ending December 31, 1863, be made with Messrs. Holland & Foster, for the sum of eighteen thousand dollars. Which was adopted. By Mr. Darragh Resolved, That the proposals for paving Beekman street and Forty-seventh street, from Fifth to Sixth avenues, with belgian pavement, be readvertised and that the stone to be used shall be of the same kind and quality as used last year, excepting that the stones shall be from seven to eight inches in depth. Which was adopted. The Board then adjourned. ROBT. L. DARRAGH, Secretary. CROTON AQUEDUCT BOARD. September 4, 1863. At a meeting of the Croton Aqueduct Board held this day, present Thos. Steph- ens, President, Robt. L. Darragh, Assistant Commissioner, and A. W. Craven, En- gineer The following resolution offered by Mr. Darragh was adopted: Resolved, That the contract made with Patrick Lynch for excavating trench, etc., in Broadway, from Fifty-ninth to Seventieth street, be and the same is hereby annulled. 136 Resolved, That Mr. Joseph H. Ferguson be appointed as one of theWater Cutters in place of Mr. A. H. Freeman, deceased. Adopted. The Board then adjourned. ROBT. L. DARRAGH, Secretary. CROTON AQUEDUCT BOARD. October 26, 1863. At a meeting of the Croton Aqueduct Board held this day. Present Thomas Stephens, President; Robt. L. Darragh, Assistant Commissioner, and A. W. Craven, Engineer, and Andrew H. Green, Esq., Comptroller, Board of Commissioners, Cen- tral Park. The following subjects were discussed: First. Relative to a location for a house for the Keeper of the Reservoir, etc. Laid over for the consideration of the Board of C. P. Commissioners. Second. Relative to planting trees on the south side of the old reservoir. Which was objected to by the Croton Aqueduct Board. Third. Relative to the bridal road and hedge around the new reservoir, to which the Croton Aqueduct Board claim that the Board of Central Park Commissioners have not kept good faith. Fourth. Relative to a better approach to the gate houses. Fifth. Relative to the removal of the wall at the southwest corner of the old reservoir. Which was laid over for further consideration by the Croton Aqueduct Board. Sixth. Relative to the removal of the fence around the old reservoir and allowing walks to be constructed on the embankments. Laid over for further consideration of the Croton Aqueduct Board. Seventh Relative to a bridal road and bridge at the South Gate House of the New Reservoir. Decided that the Croton Aqueduct Board cannot pay any portion of the expense. Eighth Relative to planting of trees, etc., around the New Reservoir. Ob- jected to and not allowed by the Croton Aqueduct Board. 137 Ninth Relative to samps at the New Reservoir. Which was decided should remain as they are for the present. Tenth Relative to claims of the Central Park Commissioners against the Croton Aqueduct Board. Which was laid over for further consideration. Adjourned. ROBT. L. DARRAGH, Secretary. _ I CROTON AQUEDUCT BOARD. October 28, 1863. At a meeting of the Croton Aqueduct Board held this day. Present Thos. Stephens, President; Robt. L. Darragh, Assistant Commission- er, and A. W. Craven, Engineer. Petition of Robt. and James Cunningham for payment of damages sustained while building sewer in Seventy-first street, between Third and Fourth avenues, claimed to have been caused by a leak in the water pipes, was considered and pe- tition denied. A communication was received from P. D. De Forest tendering his resignation as Clerk in the Croton Aqueduct Department, which was accepted, to take effect the 3ist instant. Adjourned. ROBT. L. DARRAGH, Secretary. CROTON AQUEDUCT BOARD. October 30, 1863. At a meeting of the Croton Aqueduct Board held' this day. Present Thos. Stephens, President; Robt. L. Darragh, Assistant Commission- er, and A. W. Craven, Engineer. The following resolution was adopted: Resolved, That hereafter all officers and employees of the Croton Aqueduct Department are forbidden either to sell or otherwise dispose of any old material or 138 other property belonging to the Corporation, and that the Clerk be directed to notify the following persons of the passage of this resolution, viz. : Wm. L. Dearborn, Benjamin S. Church, Aaron B. Rollins, Alex. F. Dodge, Foster B. Williams, John Cornwall. Samuel White, James D. Reegan, Jonas Chand- ler, Jr., B. McFarland and William Cowen. Adjourned. ROBT. L. DARRAGH, Secretary. CROTON AQUEDUCT BOARD. November 7, 1863. At a meeting of the Croton Aqueduct Board held this day. Present Thos. Stephens, President; Robt. L. Darragh, Assistant Commission- er, and A. W. Craven, Engineer. The following resolutions were adopted: Resolved, That the Foremen and workmen employed in second and third Com- pany water pipes be allowed full time, and if compelled to work on Sundays that they will be allowed the time actually employed at the regular rate of wages, and that no allowance, be made for work done after the usual working hours on week days. Resolved, That the Foreman of Fourth Company workmen be allowed full time, and when compelled to work on Sundays that he be allowed for the same at the usual rate of wages, but no allowance to be made for extra work at nights, and that the men employed in said company when to work at nights or Sundays shall be al- lowed double time. Adjourned. ROBT. L. DARRAGH, Secretary. CROTON AQUEDUCT BOARD. November 14, 1863. At a meeting of the Croton Aqueduct Board held this day. Present Thos. Stephens, President; Robt. L. Darragh, Assistant Commissioner, and A. W. Craven, Engineer. The following resolutions were adopted, viz.: Resolved, That the Katekeepers and Watchmen on the old and new reservoir be paid from June I, 1863, at the rate of two dollars per day. 139 Resolved, That the pay of the Watchmen on the High Bridge be increased to two dollars per day, to date from November i, 1863. Resolved, That hereafter no pay be allowed the Water Police and several Fire- men in the employ of this Department, excepting the Firemen of the 2, 3 and 4 com- pany water pipes for any legal holiday. Resolved, That when the quantity of water used by any consumer shall exceed ten thousand gallons per day the price shall be one cent per one hundred gallons for such excess. Adjourned. ROBT. L. DARRAGH, Secretary. CROTON AQUEDUCT BOARD. December u, 1863. At a meeting of the Croton Aqueduct Board held this day. Present Thos. Stephens, President; Robt. L. Darragh, Assistant Commissioner, and A. W. Craven, Engineer. Mr. Stephens offered the following resolution: Resolved, That John McCauley be and he is hereby appointed as Sewer Permit Clerk. Which was adopted. Adjourned. ROBT. L. DARRAGH, Secretary. CROTON AQUEDUCT BOARD. January 6, 1864. At a meeting of the Croton Aqueduct Board held this day. Present Thos. Stephens, President; Robt. L. Darragh, Assistant Commissioner, and A. W. Craven, Engineer. On motion of Mr. Craven, it was Resolved, That John Murdock be and he is hereby appointed Clerk to the Water Purveyor in place of Peter D. De Forest, resigned, to take effect as of the first day of January, 1864. Which was adopted. 140 Resolved, That advertisements for proposals be issued for the paving of such streets as may be authorized to be paved at the expense of the property owners. Adjourned. ROBT. L. DARRAGH, Secretary. CROTON AQUEDUCT BOARD. January 15, 1864. At a meeting of the Croton Aqueduct Board held this day. Present Thomas Stephens, President; Robt. L. Darragh, Assistant Commis- sioner. The following estimates were received for furnishing cutting and delivering the granite required for the terraces of the gate houses, new reservoir: Beals & Co., $11,200; Thomas Crane & Co., $9,500; Orchard & Pomeroy, $8,271.40; E. C. Sargent, $7,736. The contract was awarded to E. C. Sargent. Adjourned. ROBT. L. DARRAGH, Secretary. CROTON AQUEDUCT BOARD. % February 17, 1864. At a meeting of the Croton Aqueduct Board held this day, a communication was received from Mr. W. C. Kingsley, asking to have his contract for building a sewer in Fifty-ninth street suspended, under authority of a resolution of the Common Council, dated February 6, 1864, directing this Board to discontinue the construction of the above named sewer, provided the same can be done without detriment to the City; on motion it was Resolved, That the above named work cannot be discontinued without detriment to the City, and that therefore the petition be denied. Adopted. ROBT. L. DARRAGH, Secretary. 141 CROTON AQUEDUCT BOARD. February 22, 1864. At a meeting of the Croton Aqueduct Board held this day. Present Thos. Stephens, Robt. L. Darragh and A. W. Craven. The foliowing proposals were received for cleaning the receiving basins and culverts throughout the City: John Nesbitt, for the sum of $28,000 oo per annum- Selah D. Seaman,, for the sum of 27,500 oo per annum Foster & Holland, for the sum of 25,000 oo per annum On motion of Mr. Stephens, it was Resolved, That a contract be entered into with Messrs. Holland & Foster for the term of three years and ten months, commencing on the ist of March next, at the rate of $24,000 per annum. Adjoin ned. ROBT. L. DARRAGH, Secretary. CROTON AQUEDUCT BOARD. March 23, 1864. At a meeting of the Croton Aqueduct Board held this day. Present Thos. Stephens, Robt. L. Darragh and A. W. Craven, it was Resolved, That James D. Keegan, Foreman of the third company workmen, be allowed to employ a horse and business wagon, at the rate of two dollars and fifty cents per day, for the use of the Department. Mr. William Baird appeared on behalf of the contractors for building sewers, relative to the price to be allowed for excavation in rock where necessary in the construction of sewers ; whereupon it was Resolved, That hereafter the price for excavation in rock in building sewers be inserted in the contracts as three dollars per cubic yard. A communication was received from the American and Foreign Iron Pavement Company, asking permission to take up the iron pavement in Nassau street, be- tween Cedar and Liberty streets, and restore the street to the condition in which it was before the said pavement was laid. Petition granted, provided in the opinion of the Corporation Counsel there is no legal objection to the same. 142 Resolved, That the salaries of the Superintendents at Croton *Dam Aqueduct and Reservoir be increased as follows: Superintendent Croton Dam to the sum of $900 per annum; Superintendents of Sing Sing, Tarrytown, Dobbs Ferry, Yonkers r Fordham and High Bridge to the sum of $800 per annum; Superintendent of Re- ceiving and Distributing Reservoirs to the sum of $950 per annum, said increase to take effect on and after the ist day of April next. Adjourned. ROBT. L. DARRAGH, Secretary. CROTON AQUEDUCT BOARD. May 2, 1864. f At a meeting of the Croton Aqueduct Board held this day. Present Thomas Stephens, President; A. W. Craven, Engineer, and Robt. L. Darragh, Commissioner. On motion of Mr. Craven, it was Resolved, That the salaries of the following Assistant Engineers be increased as follows, viz: W. L. Dearborn, Engineer in Charge, to $3,500 per annum; Geo. R. dishing, Assistant, to $1,800 per annum; George S. Greene, Jr., Assistant, to $1,500 per annum,, and Theodore Weston, Assistant, to $1,800 per annum, said increase to take effect from May i, 1864. On motion of Mr. Craven, it was Resolved, That Mr. William B. Parsons be and he is hereby appointed Clerk in the Bureau of Water Rents, in place of Everett W. Greene, resigned. Adjourned. ROBT. L. DARRAGH, Secretary. 143 CROTON AQUEDUCT BOARD. May 23, 1864. At a meeting ot the Croton Aqueduct Board held this day. Present Thomas Stephens, President; A. W. Craven, Engineer, and Robt. L. Darragh, Commissioner. A blank form -jf specifications for repairing the street pavements by contract was made and approved. A bill of Alderman McMahon for labor, etc., in exhuming the body of a child which was buried by the caving in of a well in front of No. 83 Henry street. Pay- ment denied. Consent was given by the Board for change of road in Westchester County, near Mr. R. F. Carman's place. The change to be in accordance with a plan adopted by the Commissioners of Highways of Westchester County and exhibited to this Board. ROBT. L. DARRAGH, Secretary. CROTON AQUEDUCT BOARD. October 18, 1864. At a meeting of the Croton Aqueduct Board held this day. Present Robert L Darragh and A. W. Craven. ' The Board took up the consideration of the resolution of the Common Council, approved by the Mayor October 13, and received October 15, directing this Board to alter srracle of sewer in Thirty-eighth street, between Eighth and Ninth avenues, "provided that a satisfactory arrangement can be made between the Croton Aqueduct Board, the Comptroller and the contractor." Messrs. Darragh and Craven, together with Laurence Rock, the contractor, called upon the Comptroller to endeavor to make the desired arrangement. The Comptroller said it was impossible to make any arrangement whatever involving expenditure, inasmuch as he had no appropriation from which he could legally draw any money. After some further conversation with this Board, finding it impos- sible to come to any agreement under said resolution, the contractor announced his determination to go on with his original contract, whereupon he was told that he would find the Inspector and the plans of the work ready for him whenever he com- menced work. Adjourned. ROBT. L. DARRAGH, Secretary. 144 CROTON AQUEDUCT BOARD. October 26, 1864. At a meeting of the Croton Aqueduct Board held this day. Present Robert L. Darragh and A. W. Craven. The following resolutions were adopted, viz.: Resolved, That the following prices be allowed as extra compensation for build- ing sewer in Thirty-eighth street, between Eighth and Ninth avenues, in consequence of the alterations in plans by deepening the sewer, viz.: One dollar per foot for sewer, $5 per yard for rock; and the time already made by the Inspector, with fifteen days additional, to be allowed. Resolved, That a description of the two lots of land selected by this Board for the reservoir, engine house, etc., of the water works contemplated at Carmansville for the supply of the upper part of the City with water be entered at length on the minutes of the Board. Description of two lots of land located in The City of New York near High Bridge and selected by the Croton Aqueduct Board as sites for a reservoir, etc. Lot No. i belonging to Eliza B. Jumel. Lot No. 2 belonging to Richard F. Carman. Lot No. i. Commencing at a point on the easterly line of Tenth avenue fifty-two feet south- erly from the point where the line between Richard F. Carman and Eliza B. Jumel intersects the line of said avenue, and running south 34 degrees west 524 8-10 feet to the south line of One Hundred and Seventy-second street; thence south 56 de- grees east 536 8-10 feet on said south line; thence north 34 degrees east 269 4-10 feet to centre of granite post; thence south 56 degrees east 92 7-10 feet to line between Eliza B. Jumel and the west line of Croton Aqueduct lands; thence on said line north 47 degrees 16 minutes east 131 6-10 feet; thence north 25 degrees 12 minutes east 104 5-10 feet; thence north 46 degrees 33 minutes east 13 7-10 feet to line be- tween said Carman and said Jumel; thence on said Carman and Jumel's line north 50 degrees 28 minutes west 109 9-10 feet; thence north 56 degrees west 536 8-10 feet to the first-mentioned bound, containing 7 42-100 acres more or less. Lot No. 2. Commencing at a point marked "D" on the plan, where the line between Rich- ard F. Carman and Eliza B. Jumel intersects the westerly line of the Croton Aque- duct lands near the gate house on the Manhattan end of High Bridge; thence on the. line between said Croton Aqueduct lands and land of Richard F. Carman, north 46 145 degrees 33 minutes east 46 feet; thence on said line between said Carman's land and land of Croton Aqueduct south 78 degrees 13 minutes east 335 feet, more or less, to low water mark; thence north n degrees 47 minutes east 79 5-10 feet; thence north 78 degrees 13 minutes west 392 6-10 feet, to a point near foot bridge; thence south 39 degrees 32 minutes west to dividing line between said Carman and Jumel 893-10 feet; thence south 50 degrees 28 minutes east 825-10 feet to point of starting, marked "D" on the plan, the same containing 34,754 79-100 square feet, or 798-1,000 of an acre. Adjourned. ROBERT L. DARRAGH, Secretary. CROTON AQUEDUCT BOARD. November 9, 1864. At a meeting of the Croton Aqueduct Board held this day. Present Robert L. Darragh and A. W. Craven. On motion of Mr. Craven, it was Resolved, That the resolution in regard to land of Eliza B. Jumel, described in a resolution passed at a meeting of this Board on the 26th day of October, 1864, be amended so as to read as follows: Commencing at a point marked "D" on the plan where the line between the prop- erty of Eliza B. Jumel and the property of Richard F. Carman intersects the line of the property now owned by the City and known as the land appertaining to the Croton Aqueduct near the south gate house of the High Bridge, and running north 50 degrees 28 minutes west 109 9-10 feet; thence north 56 degrees west 536 8-10 feet to the easterly line of Tenth avenue; thence at right angles to last line and along said avenue line south 34 degrees west 4448-10 feet; thence at right angles to last line south 56 degrees east 563 8-10 feet; thence at right angles to last line north 34 de- grees east 189 4-10 feet to middle of granite post at head of the present staircase; thence at right angles to last line south 56 degrees east 92 7-10 feet to land line of Croton Aqueduct; thence on said land line north 47 degrees 16 minutes east 131 65-100 feet; thence on said land line north 25 degrees 12 minutes east 104 5-10 feet; thence on said land line north 46 degrees 33 minutes east 13 7-10 feet to the point of begin- ning, the same containing 6434-1,000 acres, more or less. Mr. Richard F. Carman was present by request to enter into negotiation for the sale of Lot No. 2, described in the resolution of this Board, adopted the 26th day of October, 1864, and selected by this Board as ground necessary for their purposes in 146 the contemplated extension of the water works in Carmansville and the upper part of the City. After negotiation, Mr. Carman stated that the least amount he would accept for said land was four thousand and six hundred and forty-six dollars ($4,646). On motion his offer was laid over for further consideration. On motion of Mr. Darragh, Mr. Craven was authorized to visit Madame Jumel on the part of the Board and obtain from her the terms on which she will sell to the City the ground described in the first resolution of this meeting. Adjourned. ROBERT L. DARRAGH, Secretary. CROTON AQUEDUCT BOARD. November 15, 1864. At a meeting of the Croton Aqueduct Board held this day. Present Robert L. Darragh and A. W. Craven. On motion of Mr. Craven, it was Resolved, That the resolution of the Qth inst, describing land of Mrs. Eliza B. Jumel, required for the purposes of a reservoir, etc., at Carmansville, be amended so as to read as follows, viz.: Lot No. i, commencing at a point marked "D" on the plan, where the line be- tween Eliza B. Jumel and Richard F. Carman intersects the Croton Aqueduct land line, near the gate house, and running north 50 degrees 28 minutes west on said line between Eliza B. Jumel and Richard F. Carman 649 2-10 feet to southeast corner of Tenth avenue and One Hundred and Seventy-fourth street; thence south 34 degrees west 516 8-10 feet on east boundary of Tenth avenue to northeast corner of One Hun- dred and Seventy-second street ; thence at right angles to the last line south 56 degrees east on north boundary of One Hundred and Seventy-second street 580 i-io feet to land line of Croton Aqueduct; thence on said line north 47 degrees n minutes east 346 9-10 feet; thence also on said land line north 25 degrees 12 minutes east 104 5-10 feet; thence also on said land line north 46 degrees 33 minutes east 13 7-10 feet to place of starting, the same containing 305,206 35-100 square feet, or 7 8-1,000 acres, more or less. Adjourned. ROBERT L. DARRAGH, Secretary. 147 CROTON AQUEDUCT BOARD. November 28, 1864. V At a meeting of the Croton Aqueduct Board held this day. Present Thomas Stephens, Robert L. Darragh and A. W. Craven. Mr. Lawrence Rock presented a claim for damages suffered during construction of sewer in Fifty-third street, between Sixth and Seventh avenues, and claimed that said damage was occasioned by a leak in Croton pipe, and amounted to $5,000. The existence of the leak and the probability of damage therefrom was admitted, but the Board decided that it was not in their power to pass any such bill or make an ad- justment. Mr. Rock was told that his only recourse was a suit at law, and that if he commenced proceedings and did not lay claim to more than he was actually entitled to this Board would not interpose any obstacle to his obtaining his just dues. Mr. Patrick Lynch appeared before the Board in reference to his claim for re- mission of 150 days' overtime of Inspector in constructing sewer in Forty-third street, from Eleventh avenue to Hudson river. After discussing the subject Mr. Lynch was informed that no allowance could be made for delay occasioned by the water or the obstructions of the bulkhead, but that if he had been made to excavate lower than the grade established he would be allowed whatever was right. To this end he was told that the Surveyor would be sent up to-day to level the line of the sewer as now con- structed, and see whether any portion of the discrepancy claimed really existed. To this Lynch objected, saying the Surveyor would not be likely to correct himself. He was then told that one of the Assistant Engineers would be sent up also to test the accuracy of the Surveyor's levels. He said that he did not care about bothering men in regard to the matter and would let the assessment list go in as it is would prefer to let it go. Bill of Mr. Moore for rilling well, corner of Mercer and Grand streets, amounting to $18.37, was allowed. A communication was received from Mr. William Cowan asking to have his sal- ary increased. On motion of Mr. Darragh, his salary was increased to the sum of four dollars per day, to take effect on and after the 5th day of December next. On motion of Mr. Craven, the salary of the Engineer appointed to examine steam engines, water meters, etc., was increased from $1,200 to $1,500 per annum, to take effect on and after the ist day of January next. Application of Mr. Sexton (through a resolution of the Common Council re- ferred to this Board with power) to tap the Aqueduct at street, was, on mo- tion, denied. Adjourned. ROBT. L. DARRAGH, Secretary. 148 CROTON AQUEDUCT BOARD. 4 December 5, 1864. At a meeting of the Croton Aqueduct Board held this day. Present Thomas Stephens, Robert L. Darragh and A. W. Craven. The following communication from Mr. Chase was received and read, viz.: Madame Jumel believes that the plot of ground belonging to her situated at High Bridge, consisting of seven acres and 6-icoo of an acre more or less, and which the Corporation of the City of New York propose to take for the purpose of introducing the Croton water into the upper end of Manhattan island, would bring on a sale by auction for cash an average price of six hundred and fifty dollars, say, lots 25 by 100 feet. To avoid the expenses which the City would necessarily have to incur to ascer- tain the value .of the property by Commissioners she would be willing to convey the same to the City at the above-mentioned rate. Washington Heights, Dec. 3, 1864. Which proposition, together with that of Mr. R. F. Carman, made November 9. 1864, were rejected. Mr. Daniel Webster made application to have the price of putting in taps under his contract increased. The Board decided they could not increase the price as long as the contract existed, but were willing to annul the contract and employ him by the day. Where- upon the following resolution was adopted: Resolved, That Mr. Daniel A. Webster be and he is hereby employed by the day to do all the tapping and plugging up of old taps as may be required by the Depart- ment, he to be at the expense of furnishing horse, wagon, men and tools required, and for such service he shall receive the sum of five dollars a day, Sundays and holidays excepted. On motion of Mr. Darragh, it was Resolved, That the charges on all hotels not having meters on shall be increased to such rate as will be equal, when compared with those hotels which have meters on, and pay by such measurement. Adjourned. ROBT. L. DARRAGH, Secretary. 149 CROTON AQUEDUCT BOARD. December 16, 1864. At a meeting of the Croton Aqueduct Board held this day. Present Robert L. Darragh and A. W. Craven. The following claim for damages was rejected, the Board being of the opinion that they had no power to allow such a claim: To Wm. C. Kingsley, Contractor, Dr. For damage sustained on sewerage contract in Fifty-sixth street, Lexington avenue and Fifty-ninth street: Amount of damage sustained by overflow of water on work caused by breaking of main water pipe in Fifth avenue, opposite or near Arsenal in July, 1862, $700. Damage, detention of work, etc., caused by large water pipes breaking in Fifth avenue, between Fifty-eighth and Fifty-ninth streets, in November, 1862, $1,000. Damage, detention, etc., caused by breaking of water main, overflowing works at Fifth avenue and Fifty-ninth street, October, 1863, $850. Total, $2,550. Adjourned. * ROBT. L. DARRAGH, Secretary. CROTON AQUEDUCT BOARD. January 7, 1865. At a meeting of the Croton Aqueduct Board held this day. Present Thomas Stephens, Robert L. Darragh and A. W. Craven. The annual report of the Department for the year 1864 was read and approved. The following resolutions were adopted, viz.: Resolved, That between the hours of 9 a. m. and 4 p. m. all the Clerks in the Department shall be present and ready for their respective duties, and that any violation of this rule not properly accounted for be deemed cause for dismissal. Resolved, That during the hours named the Clerks of the Water Registrar shall not leave the office without permission of said Registrar, or, in his absence, the permission of one of the members of this Board. ISO On motion, the several Clerks named in the resolution adopted 'by the Com- mon Council and approved by the Mayor, December 31, 1864, were classified as fol- lows: Wm. H. King, Chief Clerk to Water Registrar. Gilbert F. White, First Clerk to Water Registrar. Seymour V. Moody, Second Clerk to Water Registrar. Jacob E. Howard, Third Clerk to Water Registrar. Daniel Strain, Fourth Clerk to Water Registrar. Wm. B. Parsons, Fifth Clerk to Water Registrar. James H. Clark, Sixth Clerk to Water Registrar. Edward J. O'Keefe, Seventh Clerk to Water Registrar. John Murdoch, First Clerk to Water Purveyor. John Sigerson Second Clerk to Water Purveyor. Adjourned. ROBT. L. DARRAGH, Secretary. CROTON AQUEDUCT BOARD. January 25, 1865. At a meeting of the Croton Aqueduct Board held this day. Present Thos. Stephens, Robt. L. Darragh and A. W. Craven. The following resolutions were adopted: Resolved, That in the opinion of this Board, based upon a long experience in the management of the Croton Aqueduct Department, the early passage of the bill now before the Legislature authorizing the construction of storage reservoirs in Croton valley is of vital and pressing importance to the entire population of The City of New York. Resolved, That A. W. Craven, Engineer, Commissioner of this Board 1 , be au- thorized to proceed to Albany to give such information as may be required by the members relative to this bill and tend to hasten its passage. Adjourned. ROBT. L. DARRAGH, Secretary. CROTON AQUEDUCT BOARD. February 25, 1865. At a meeting of the Croton Aqueduct Board held this day. Present Thos. Stephens, Robt. L. Darragh and A. W. Craven. Mr. Conklin, Messenger, stated to the Board that he had taken to the Street Department requisitions for ten tons of coal and had only received eight tons. He inquired about it at the Street Department and found they had twelve tons charged against this Department. He then took over another requisition for fifteen tons of coal and had only received ten tons. The balance had not yet been received. Mr. Craven was authorized t* investigate the matter, and after doing so reported that the coal which had been charged to the Croton Aqueduct Department and not de- livered had been delivered to private parties. Adjourned. ROBT. L. DARRAGH, Secretary. CROTON AQUEDUCT BOARD. April n, 1865. At a meeting of the Croton Aqueduct Board held this day. Present Thos. Stephens, Robt. L. Darragh and A. W. Craven, it was Resolved, That the rule of this Board "that licenses for connecting_with sewers or drains only be granted to practical plumbers or masons," be amended by allowing any responsible builder to receive a license. Resolved, That hereafter licenses for sprinkling streets be granted from March I to November i, instead of from April I to October i, as formerly. Adjourned. ROBT. L. DARRAGH, Secretary. 152 CROTON AQUEDUCT BOARD. 4. April 25, 1865. At a meeting of the Croton Aqueduct Board held this day. Present Thos. Stephens, Robt. L. Darragh and A. W. Craven, it was Resolved, That until otherwise ordered the charge for water used by Messrs. Brunjes, Ockerhausen & Company in their premises, Nos. 466, 468, 470 Washington street, Nos. 288, 289 West street and Nos. 5, 7, 7^ Hoboken street be fixed at $1,500 per annum, which shall include all charges, regular and extra rents. Resolved, That the work on the sewer in Forty-seventh street from Eleventh avenue to Hudson river be suspended, and that the contractor be notified to appear before the Board for violation of contract. Resolved, That the Assistant Commissioner be authorized to hire a horse for his use at a cost not to exceed $100 per month, and in case he cannot hire one at that price that he be authorized to purchase one- Resolved, That hereafter the stated meetings of the Board shall be held at 2 o'clock on Tuesday and Friday of each week. Adjourned. ROBT. L. DARRAGH, Secretary. CROTON AQUEDUCT BOARD. May 5, 1865. At a regular meeting of the Croton Aqueduct Board held this day. Present Thos. Stephens, A. W. Craven and Robert L. Darragh. The following resolutions were adopted: Resolved, That the salary, of Mr. E. A. Fuertes, Assistant Engineer, be increased to the sum of $2,500 per annum. Resolved. That meters be placed on all hotels having a tap larger than 5-8 of an inch, except such hotels as are charged on a meter basis. Bill of the Warren Foundry and Machine Company, amounting to $2,598.40, be- ing for Government tax on contract for iron pipes, etc., furnished in 1864, was al- lowed. Adjourned. ROBT. L. DARR'AGH, Secretary. 153 CROTON AQUEDUCT BOARD. May 9, 1865. At a regular meeting of the Croton Aqueduct Board held this day. Present Trios. Stephens, Robt. L. Darragh and A. W. Craven. The following resolution was offered by Mr. Stephens and adopted by the Board, viz.: (So in the original.) CROTON AQUEDUCT BOARD. May 17, 1865. At a meeting of the Croton Aqueduct Board held this day. Present Messrs. Stephens and Darragh, it was Resolved, That Mr. John W. V. Appleton and Mr. John Maguire be removed as Water Police, to take effect from and after this date. Mr. MauriceTDaley and Mr. George H. E. Lynch were appointed as Water PoHce ; to date on and after the i8th inst. Adjourned. ROBT. L. DARRAGH, Secretary. CROTON AQUEDUCT BOARD. May 19, 1865. At a meeting of the Croton Aqueduct Board held this day. Present Messrs. Stephens and Darragh. Mr. John Fenton was appointed as Inspector on sewer now building in Ganse- voort street, between West street and Thirteenth avenue, and Mr. John Prendigrast was appointed as Inspector on sewer now building in Fifty-second street, between Sixth and Seventh avenues, both to commence on Monday next, the 22d inst. Adjourned. ROBT. L. DARRAGH. Secretary. 154 CROTON AQUEDUCT BOARD. 4 June 21, 1865. At a meeting of the Croton Aqueduct Board held this day. Present Messrs. Stephens and Darragh. It was Resolved, That Mr. John McCauley be and he is hereby removed from the office of Sewer Permit Clerk, to take effect from and after this date. Adjourned. ROBT. L. DARRAGH, Secretary. CROTON AQUEDUCT BOARD. July 5, 1865. At a meeting of the Croton Aqueduct Board held this day. Present Messrs. Stephens, Darragh and Craven, it was Resolved, That the charge for the use of the Croton water supplied to Messrs. Lee & Coleman's Marble Works be fixed at five hundred and sixty dollars per an- num until otherwise ordered. Resolved, That Messrs. Carson, Miller & Wood be charged for all the water which can be delivered through the tap used by them, unless they will consent to have a water meter placed on the pipe and pav according to meter measurement. Resolved, That Messrs. West, Bradley & Conry (wire works) be allowed a one-inch tap, and that a meter be placed on the pipe and that they pay for the water by meter measurement. Resolved, That the Board advertise for all the fire hydrants and stopcocks re- quired for the year. Adjourned. ROBT. L. DARRAGH, Secretary. 155 CROTON AQUEDUCT BOARD. July II, 1865. At a meeting of the Croton Aqueduct Board held this day. Present Messrs. Stephens, Darragh and Craven. Specifications and forms of contract for repaying and repairing the streets and for iron pipes and special castings required were approved, and the Contract Clerk or- dered to advertise the same. The following resolution was then adopted, viz.: Resolved, That this Board will agree to pay Mr. Lawrence Rock the following prices for the construction of the sewer in Thirty-eighth street, between the Eighth and Ninth avenues, viz.: For old sewer. $10 per lineal foot, which is to include the cost of making the new connections and keeping them in operation; for rock on the old sewer, $5 per cubic yard; for new sewer, $7 per lineal foot, and $5 a yard for rock. Time allowed, 125 days, and one day additional for every fifteen yards of rock taken out, provided that all trench opened and not built in on the first day of December be filled up, and further, that all claims other than the above be abandoned. Which was declined by Mr. Rock; whereupon it was Resolved, That this Board will make no other terms with said Rock for the con- struction of said sewer. Adjourned. ROBT. L. DARRAGH, Secretary. CROTON AQUEDUCT BOARD. July 14, 1865. At a meeting of the Croton Aqueduct Board held this day. Present Messrs. Stephens, Darragh and Craven. A petition was received from Mr. William Cowan, General Superintendent of Sewers and Drains, asking to have his wagon repaired at the expense of the De- partment, which was granted. Mr. Craven reported that Mr. Lawrence Rock had accepted and agreed to complete the sewer in Thirty-eighth street, between the Eighth and Ninth avenues, on the terms offered by the Board on the nth inst. 156 Resolved, That Mr. William Walsh be and he is hereby appointed Sewer Per- mit Clerk, to take effect on and after the isth instant. Resolved, That Mr. Jonas Chandler be arid he is hereby removed as Foreman of the Pipe Yard, Twenty-fourth street, East river, to take effect on and after this date. Adjourned. ROBT. L. DARRAGH, Secretary. CROTON AQUEDUCT BOARD. July 17, 1865. At a meeting of the Croton Aqueduct Board held this day. Present Messrs. Stephens, Darragh and Craven. Resolved, That a forn, of specification and contract be made for changing the course of the Aqueduct between the Eighth and Tenth avenues and Eighty-fifth and Ninetieth streets. Adjourned. ROBT. L. DARRAGH, Secretary. CROTON AQUEDUCT BOARD. July 8. 1865. At a meeting of the Croton Aqueduct Board held this day. Present Messrs. Stephens, Darragh and Craven. An agreement was entered into with Mr. Thomas Duffy for altering the sewer now being built in Gansevoort street (so as to conform to grade), at two hundred and fifty dollars ($250), the Inspector's time to be omitted from the time the error was discovered until it is completed, so far as the bottom is now laid. Said sum to be paid from the appropriation of "Sewers Repairing and Cleaning." Resolved, That Mr. George Hepburn be and he is hereby appointed one of the Water Police, to take effect on and after the ist day of August next. Adjourne^. ROBT. L. DARRAGH, Secretarv. 157 CROTON AQUEDUCT BOARD. July 28, 1865 At a meeting of the Croton Aqueduct Board held this day. Present Messrs. Stephens, Darragh and Craven. An application from Mr. A. H. Tilton for a reduction of the charge for the use of water was considered, and it was Resolved, That the charge be made on the basis of the report of Mr. Fuertes, the Assistant Engineer, unrfl a meter can be placed on the service pipe. A similar application from Mr. J. F. Remicke was considered, and it was Resolved, That the charge be made on the basis of the report of Mr. Fuertes, Assistant Engineer. An application from Mr. H. Heard for a one-inch tap for the premises known as the Chinese Assembly Rooms was granted, conditional that a meter be placed on the pipe, and that in addition to the water rent to be paid by meter "measurement they shall pay rent for the use of the meter and the sum of one hundred and fifty dollars as a fire risk. Adjourned. ROBT. L. DARRAGH, Secretary. CROTON AQUEDUCT BOARD. July 25, 1865. At a meeting of the Croton Aqueduct Board held this day, present Messrs. Ste- phens, Darragh and Craven, it was Resolved, To contract for constructing a sewer in Sixtieth street, between Fourth and Lexington avenues, and in Lexington avenue, between Fifty-ninth and Sixty-sixth streets. Permission was granted Mr. A. Ross to connect the house northeast corner of Fifth avenue and Thirty-sixth street with the sewer in Thirty-sixth street west of Fifth avenue by an eight-inch earthen pipe. Resolved, That the following-named Water Police be and they are hereby re- moved, to take effect on and after the 3ist inst., viz.: Thomas Beatty, Patrick Calla- han. Jeremiah Kennefick, Joseph Lynch. James Meehan, William Piggott, William F. Ryer, Godfrey Sheehan and Francis Stacom. Resolved, That the following employees be and they are hereby removed, said removals to take effect on and after the 2Qth inst., viz.: Peter Farrell, Inspector Sewer Connections; Timothy McNamara, John J. Brown, William Pierpoint and 158 George F. Oakley, Inspectors Cleaning Receiving Basins; Joseph H. Ferguson and Charles D. Edmonston, Water Cutters. Resolved, That Mr. Thomas B. Tappen be and he is hereby removed from the office of Water Registrar, to take effect on and after the 8th day of August next. Resolved, That Mr. James H. Clark be and he is hereby removed from the office of Chief Clerk to the. Water Registrar, to take effect on and after the 3ist inst. Adjourned. ROBT. L. DARRAGH. Secretary. CROTON AQUEDUCT BOARD. August i, 1865. At a meeting of the Croton Aqueduct Board held this day, present Messrs. Ste- phens, Darragh and Craven, a protest was received from the proprietor of the Frank- fort House against the charge for the use of the water; it was Resolved, That they must pay for the water as charged and that a meter be placed on the pipe. Whereas, It has been reported to this Board that rams and other devices are used on Murray Hill for the purpose of raising the water; therefore Resolved, That Mr. Fuertes, Assistant Engineer, be directed to examine all buildings using such rams and report to this Board the quantity of water used or wasted thereby. Mr. John J. Noble was appointed Inspector of Sewer Connections, to date from to-day. Adjourned. ROBT. L. DARRAGH, Secretary. CROTON AQUEDUCT BOARD. August 3, 1865.' At a special meeting of the Croton Aqueduct Board held this day, present Messrs. Stephens, Darragh and Craven, it was Resolved, To charge the Manhattan House, Nos. Murray street, double the rate for the amount of water as indicated by the meter, as there are two taps to the premises and only one having a meter on. Resolved, That the Turkish Baths, Nos. 13 and 15 Laight street, be charged for all the water delivered through the taps used. Adjourned. 159 CROTON AQUEDUCT BOARD. August 4, 1865. At a meeting of the Croton Aqueduct Board held this day. Present Messrs. Stephens, Darragh and Craven, it was Resolved, That William H. King be and he is hereby appointed as Water Reg- istrar, to take effect on and after the gth inst. Resolved, That Gilbert H. W'hite be and he is hereby appointed as Chief Clerk to the Water Registrar, to take effect on and after the Qth inst. Resolved, That Thomas Gilroy be and he is hereby appointed as 6th Clerk to the Water Registrar, to take effect on and after the date he reports for duty. The following communications were received and ordered at length on the minutes: Office of R. D. Wood & Co, Manufacturers of Cast Iron, Gas and Water Pipes, Etc., No. 400 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, 7th month, 2Qth day, 1865. To the Croton Aqueduct Board: In consequence of the failure to open the proposals for cast-iron pipes, offered by the undersigned on the 27th inst., at the time specified in the advertisement asking for said proposals, we hereby withdraw them. HUGH D. VAIL, of the firm of R. D. Wood & Co. New York, July 29, 1865. THOS. STEPHENS, Esq.. President Croton Board: Sir Having bid for a sewer in Eighty-third street, from Third to Fourth ave- nues, in compliance with your specifications, which requested proposals for the above work at your office until n o'clock a. m. on the 28th inst, at which time would be publicly opened, read and the award of contract made, your Board met and proceeded to open bids and did open a number; at this stage of your proceedings one of the Board absented himself and no further business was transacted, thus ren- dering null and void further transaction in the premises. I demand, sir, the return of my bid. In the event of a refusal, and the work named be awarded to me, I posi- tively decline to accept it or entering into a contract for the work named. With great respect, I am, sir, Your obedient servant, JOHN L. MORRELL, i6o Resolved, That Samuel M. Clark be and he is hereby appointed as Foreman of the pipe yard Twenty-fourth street, to take effect on and after the date he reports for duty. Adjourned. ROBERT L. DARRAGH, Secretary. CROTON AQUEDUCT BOARD.' August 10, 1865, 2 o'clock p. m. At a special meeting of the Croton Aqueduct Board held this day to execute the contract with Messrs. McCool & Warnock for* repairing streets. Present Messrs. Stephens and Craven. Mr. Merwin R. Brewer appeared as counsel for Messrs. McCool & Warnock, and on reading the contract with the supplement, which, in the opinion of this Board, was necessary, in consequence of the delay which had occurred, objected to the em- bodying the supplement in the contract. After consultation it was suggested by Mr. Brewer and agreed to by this Board that the whole matter be postponed until to- morrow, Friday, at 3 p. m. At the request of Mr. Brewer, a note was written to Mr. Devlin, Counsel for .the Corporation, asking him to meet the Board on important business at his office to-morrow at 2 p. m. Messrs. McCool & Warnock were present with Mr. Duffy, one of their pro- posed securities. Mr. Brewer objected to the execution of the contract, as presented by the Board, but asked that Mr. Duffy be allowed to sign as surety in consequence of his, Dufry's, desire to leave the city to-morrow. This was objected to by the Board for reasons given. Mr. Brewer then told Messrs. McCool and Warnock that we would be ready to have them sign by 3 p. m. to-morrow. Mr. McCunn, the other surety named in the bid of Messrs. McCool & Warnock, did not appear. Adjourned. CROTON AQUEDUCT BOARD. August 12, 1865. At a meeting of the Croton Aqueduct Board held this day. Present Thos. Stephens, Robt. L. Darragh and A. W. Craven. A remonstrance was received from Mr. A. S. Jarvis against the construction of a sewer in Tenth avenue and Sixtieth street, from Fifty-ninth street to about 300 feet west of Ninth avenue, whereupon it was Resolved, To withdraw the advertisement for the above named sewer and post- pone the letting. Adjourned. ROBT. L. DARRAGH, Secretary. CROTON AQUEDUCT BOARD. AugUSt 22, 1865. At a meeting of the Croton Aqueduct Board held this day. Present Thos. Stephens, Robt, L. Darragh and A. W. Craven. A complaint was received from the Water Purveyor, stating that the Third Ave- nue Railroad Company were taking up the pavement and changing the grade of the avenue at and in the vicinity of Seventy-fourth street. A note was sent to the Police Commissioners requesting them to cause the arrest of the persons employed in disturbing the pavement above named. A notice was also sent to Mr. Wm. A. Darling, President of the Third Avenue Railroad Company, directing him to desist from said work and restore the pavement to its former condition and grade, and that in default of his doing so this Board would have it done and charge the expense thereof to the company. Mr. Theo. Weston, Assistant Engineer in charge of sewerage system surveys, presented a plan for Districts Nos. I and 5 for adoption, whereupon Mr. Darragh offered the following resolution : Resolved, That the plan of District No. i and 5, for sewerage systems, be amended so as to increase the diameter of all the sewers and pipes therein to the extent of 3 inches. Which was lost, Messrs. Stephens and Craven voting in the negative. 162 Mr. Craven then moved the adoption of the plans as presented, which were adopted, Mr. Darragh voting in the negative. The following notices were sent to Messrs. McCool & Warnock, contractors for repairing street pavements, etc. : Croton Aqueduct Department, New York, August 22, 1865. To Messrs. McCOOL & WARNOCK, Contractors for the Repairs of Street Pave- ments : Sirs Complaints having been received at this office relative to the use by you of improper materials in the prosecution of work under your contract, also as to the careless, irregular and unworkmanlike manner in which the repairs are made, also as to your neglect to make proper repairs to cross-walks, and also as to your failure to employ regularly in the work of repairs a force of not less than three hundred men, exclusive of Foremen, as specified in your contract, this is to advise yoti that this Board holds you to a strict compliance with each and all of the specifica- tions and covenants of said contract, and that failure on your part to comply there- with will cause the prompt annulment of said contract, and the consequent forfeiture of all moneys owing and unpaid to you on said contract or to which you may have any claim under any of the covenants thereof. Yours respectfully, THOS. STEPHENS, ROBT. L. DARRAGH, A. W. CRAVEN. Croton Aqueduct Department, August 22, 1865. To Messrs. McCOOL & WARNOCK, Contractors: Sirs Please to take notice that, in pursuance of the covenants of the contract made with yon for the repairing and repaving of the carriageways in The City of New York, and for the facilitation of the work under the same, this Board has divided the said City into seventeen districts, which are bounded and numbered as shown on a certain map of the City, appropriately indorsed, and filed in this office, a copy thereof being herewith furnished to you. You will further take notice that this Board has determined, and accordingly herewith directs, that until notice to the contrary be given, the proportion of the specified force of 300 men, exclusive of Foremen, which must be regularly employed in each of said districts is as follows, viz.: In each of the districts numbered from one to eleven, both inclusive, a force of eighteen men, and in each of the six other districts a force of seventeen men. In ad- dition to the said force in each of said districts, there must be employed so many horses and carts as may be necessary to keep the force in each of the said districts constantly employed, and to carry out the specifications of the contract. You will further take notice that an Inspector has been appointed by this Board to each of said districts, whose duty it is to see that the men employed by you are competent and faithful, and that all repairs are made in a thorough and workmanlike manner. It is also made their duty to designate the order in which the repairs on any street or streets, or any particular part thereof, shall be undertaken, and also the extent to which the repairs shall be made, and generally to communicate to you or to the persons in your 'employ such special directions as this Board may from time to time give with reference to the performance of the work under your con- tract. Very respectfully, THOS. STEPHENS, ROBT. L. DARRAGH, A. W. CRAVEN, Croton Aqueduct Board. ROBT. L. DARRAGH, Secretary. CROTON AQUEDUCT BOARD. August 24, 1865. At a meeting of the Croton Aqueduct Board held this day. Present Thos. Stephens, Robt. L. Darragh and A. W. Craven. On motion, Mr. George H. E. Lynch was appointed First Clerk to the Water Registrar, to take effect on and after the ist day of August next. On motion, Mr. Benholf was appointed Foreman of the Pipe Yards, to take effect on and after the ist day of August next. Adjourned. ROBT. L. DARRAGH, Secretary. i6 4 CROTON AQUEDUCT BOARD. August 31, 1865. At a meeting of the Croton Aqueduct Board held this day. Present Thos. Stephens, Robt. L. Darragh and A. W. Craven. Messrs. McCool & Warnock presented the following bill, viz.: New York, September i, 1865. The Croton Aqueduct Department, To Messrs. McCool & Warnock, Dr. : For services rendered in repaving and repairing the streets in accordance with the terms of a contract entered into with the Croton Aqueduct Board, which is dated August n, 1865, being from the. ist day of August, 1865, to the 3ist day of August, 1865. $14,500 oo Less one-fifth of $5,000, retained under section 10 1,000 oo $13,500 oo Less 15 per cent., retained under section 10 2,025 $11,475 oo which was rejected for the reason that the bill is made out from the ist day of August, when the contract was not signed until the nth day of August, and the work was not commenced until the I4th day of August. Adjourned. ROBT. L. DARRAGH, Secretary. CROTON AQUEDUCT BOARD. September n, 1865. At a meeting of the Croton Aqueduct Board held this day, present Messrs. Stephens, Darragh and Craven, it was Resolved, That sewers be constructed in the following streets, viz.: Allen street, between Stanton and Houston streets; Eleventh avenue, between Forty-seventh and Forty-eighth streets, and in Robinson street, from the Hudson river to Greenwich street. Resolved, That Messrs. McCool & Warnock, contractors for repairs to street pavements, be notified that the bill rendered by them for work alleged to have been done by them during the month of August, 1865, cannot be considered by the Board, for the reason that one month has not elapsed since the commencement of the work under their contract, the said contract clearly specifying that payments are to be made knonthly, and then only upon the filing of proper certificates to the effect that the work under the contract has been faithfully performed. Adjourned. ROBT. L. DARRAGH, Secretary. CROTON AQUEDUCT BOARD. September 15, 1865. At a meeting of the Croton Aqueduct Board held this day, present Messrs. Stephens, Darragh and Craven, the following resolution was adopted: Resolved, That the contractors for cleaning the streets be notified that complaints have been made to this Board by the Water Police and others that the said contractors do not clean the gutters before applying Croton water to them, but that, on the contrary, dirt and refuse matter are swept into the gutters, and thence washed down into the .basins by streams of water from the hydrants, and that the said contractors be further notified that a repetition of this violation of the rules of this Department will be im- mediately followed by the withdrawal from the said contractors of any further per- mission to use the Croton water. Adjourned. ROBT. L. DARRAGH, Secretary. CROTON AQUEDUCT BOARD. September 23, 1865. At a meeting of the Croton Aqueduct Board held this day, present Robt. L. Darragh and A. W. Craven, the following bill was passed and ordered paid : Croton Aqueduct Department, To Messrs. McCool & Warnock, Dr. : For services rendered in repaving and repairing the streets, etc., in ac- cordance with the terms of a contract entered into with the Croton Aqueduct Board, which is dated August u, 1865, being from the i66 I4th day of August, 1865, to the I3th day of September, 1865, tooth days inclusive $14,500 oo Less one-fifth of $5,000 retained under section 10 1,000 oo $13,500 oo Deduct pro rata amount for men not employed in accordance with the terms of the contract i,i57 04 $12,342 96 Less 15 per cent, retained under section 10 1,851 44 $10,491 52 Adjourned. ROBT. L. DARRAGH, Secretary. CROTON AQUEDUCT BOARD. September 29, 1865. At a regular meeting of the Croton Aqueduct Board held this day. Present Robert L. Darragh and A. W. Craven. On a full consideration of the several sites examined in Westchester and Putnam counties for storage reservoirs, it was Resolved, That the site known and marked on the map as Reservoir G be selected as the one containing all the requisite advantages and as being the most economical in cost. Resolved, That A. W. Craven be empowered on the part of the Board to purchase lands on the said site from the following named persons and at the rates set opposite their names, respectively: Epenetus Ketcham, at $100 per acre; Knox, at $135 per acre; Mcrrick, at $125 per acre; Kirkham, at $135 per acre; J. R. Kelly, at $100 per acre. And, further, that he be empowered to settle with J. R. Kelly for damages by reason of his being cut off from water to an amount not exceeding $1,000. Adjourned. ROBT. L. DARRAGH, Secretary. i6 7 CROTON AQUEDUCT BOARD. October 10, 1865. At a regular meeting of the Croton Aqueduct Board held this day. Present Thomas Stephens, Robert L. Darragh and A. W. Craven. An application to have a sewer built in Thirty-eighth street, between the Tenth and Eleventh avenues, was received and referred to Mr. Weston. Applications were received for free hydrants to be located on the corner of Eighty-third street and Eighth avenue, and Seventy-fourth street and Eighth avenue, which were referred to the Water Purveyor. Adjourned. ROBT. L. DARRAGH, Secretary. CROTON AQUEDUCT BOARD. October 11, 1865. At a special meeting of the Croton Aqueduct Board held this day. Present Thomas Stephens, Robert L. Darragh and A. W. Craven. Mr. Weston presented plans for the sewerage -system of Districts Nos. i, 2, 6 &nd 7, which were adopted, Mr. Darragh voting in the negative. The following resolution, offered by Mr. Craven, was adopted: Whereas, On the 2d day of October, Joseph Moore, contractor for building a sewer in Fifty-second street, between the Sixth and Seventh avenues, has notified this Board in writing that he had abandoned the contract entered into by him; and Whereas, John McQuade and Bernard Riley, sureties on said sewer, were notified on the 7th inst. that unless the work was commenced by Tuesday, the loth inst., the work on said sewer would be readvertised and let; and Whereas, Said McQuade and Riley have not commenced said work; Resolved, That the work thus abandoned be advertised for reletting and notice given to the Corporation Counsel of the said abandonment in order that he take the proper measures against the said sureties. Adjourned. ROBT. L. DARRAGH, Secretary. i68 CROTON AQUEDUCT BOARD. : 4-"-"' October 16, 1865. At a special meeting of the Croton Aqueduct Board held this day. Present Thomas Stephens, Robt. L. Darragh and A. W. Craven, it was Resolved, That De Witt C. Graham be appointed as Secretary to the Bureau of Sewerage, at a salary of $1,500 per annum. Bill of McCool & Warnock for repaving and repairing the streets, etc., from September 14 to October 13, amounting to $11,399.61, was ordered paid. Adjourned. ROBT. L. DARRAGH, Secretary. CROTON AQUEDUCT BOARD. October 23, 1865. At a meeting of the Croton Aqueduct Board held this day. Present Thos. Stephens, Robt. L. Darragh and A. W. Craven. Mr. Jacob Moore was cited before the Board relative to charges preferred against him, and in answer made the following statement, viz.: That the men named on the payrolls of June and July have all received from him the full amount set opposite their names on the above-named payrolls as sworn to by him, and that if there is any discrepancy between the time they actually worked and the time given to them on the payroll, is owing to his mistake occasioned by his con- finement to the house from the middle of June to the middle of August by the illness of his son, and after that by the illness of his daughter, and that on the 25th of this month (October) it will be six weeks since he was out of the house, having been con- fined with typhoid fever himself, excepting on the I9th of this month, when he was out to the gate house for the first time. In addition to this statement Mr. Moore made the following affidavit: City and County of New York, ss. : Jacob Moore, being duly sworn, deposes and says that he paid the men named on the payroll of Aqueduct Repairs and Improvements the full amount as set opposite their names during the months of June and July, 1865, and that he has never received any portion of the same back, directly or indirectly. (Signed) JACOB MOORE. Sworn to this 23d day of October, 1865, before me. (Signed) H. L. ROBERTSON, Commissioner of Deeds. On motion, his case was laid over until the next meeting. i6o Mr. James Berwick also appeared before the Board in answer to charges pre- ferred against him, and made the following statement, viz.: That Dennis Murray commenced work about the middle of June and worked the whole of July. In making up the payroll I copied the names from a sheet on which the time was kept, and copied his name in error. After I had returned the payrolls I was copying the same on my book and discovered the error. The next day I came down to the .office to see Mr. Church, but did not see him. I did not like to speak to Mr. Craven about it. I then thought it would make no difference, as I could return the money after I received it for the men. On motion, his case was also laid over until the next meeting. Adjourned. ROBT. L. DARRAGH, Secretary. CROTON AQUEDUCT BOARD. October 24, 1865. . At a meeting of the Croton Aqueduct Board held this day. Present Thomas Stephens, Robert L. Darragh and A. W. Craven. Resolved, That the Board will not cause any street to be paved with Belgian pavement through which the railroad tracks are laid, unless said tracks are in their proper position. Resolved, That the charge for private fire hydrants be fixed at the rate of fifty dollars per annum. Resolved, That an extra charge of forty dollars per annum be made to all water takers using the Hanson pump. Resolved, That whenever a complaint shall have been made against a licensed plumber or mason in regard to the condition of any repavement laid or omitted by him, and such plumber or mason shall, after notice in writing left at his place of business, omit or neglect during a period of one week from the service of such notice to make such repairs to said repavement as the Croton Aqueduct Board may deem necessary, the license of such plumber or mason shall immediately be either suspended for a definite period or revoked, at the pleasure of said Board. Resolved, As a rule of this Board, that no licensed plumber shall put up in any building any hydraulic ram, engine or other machine requiring for its operation the consumption oi water, without first taking out, a special permit therefor from this Board. Resolved, That a violation of this rule by any plumber shall bet considered suf- ficient cause for a revocation of his license. Resolved, That copies of the above resolutions be printed and a copy sent to each licensed plumber and mason. Adjourned. ROBT. L. DARRAGH, Secretary. CROTON AQUEDUCT BOARD. October 27, 1865. At a meeting of the Croton Aqueduct Board held this day. Present Thomas Stephens, Robert L.* Darragh and A. W. Craven. Mr. Weston, Assistant Engineer, presented maps and plans for sewerage system of District No. 8. Which was adopted. Affirmative Messrs. Stephens and Craven. Negative Mr. Darragh. Resolved, That a public hvdrant be placed on the corner of Sixty-second street and Eighth avenue. Adopted. Resolved, That the pay of the Water Cutters be increased to the sum of two dollars and seventy-five cents per day. to date from the commencement of next pay. Adjourned. ROBT. L. DARRAGH, Secretary. CROTON AQUEDUCT BOARD. October 30, 1865. At a meeting of the Croton Aqueduct Board held this day. Present Thomas Stephens, Robert L. Darragh and A. W. Craven. Mr. Peter Kerrigan appeared before the Board and made the following affidavit, viz.: City and County of New York, ss. : Peter Kerrigan, being duly sworn, deposes and says that he worked upon the Aqueduct and High Bridge under the superintendence of Mr. Moore, and that the following is an account of the time, as made by him, and the amount of money received for each month, respectively, as set forth: February, 1865, 12^ days, at $1.75 $21 87 March, 1865, 6^ days, at $1.75 , n 38 April, 1865, did not work ._ May, 1865, 9^ days, at $1.75 16 63 June, 1865, 17^ days, at $1.75 32 13 July, 1865, ii*/ 2 days, at $1.75 21 oo August, 1865, 14 days, at $1.75 24 50 He further states that he has never had any dispute with or any ill feeling against Mr. Moore. (Signed) PETER KERRIGAN. Sworn to this 3Oth day of October, 1865, before me. (Signed) H. L. ROBERTSON, Commissioner of Deeds. H. L. Robertson stated that he called upon Dr. Jackson, who stated that he at- tended the son of Mr. Moore from May 22 until July 20, and occasionally afterwards, and his daughter from August I for about three weeks; that during a portion of this time it required the whole of Mr. and Mrs. Moore's attention, as the disease assumed a dangerous and critical character. He thought that Mr. Moore could have attended to his business with the exception of say two or three weeks. Resolved, That Jacob Moore be and he is hereby removed from the office of Superintendent Seventh Division Croton Aqueduct. Adopted. Adjourned. ROBT. L. DARRAGH, Secretary. CROTON AQUEDUCT BOARD. November 30, 1865. At a meeting of the Croton Aqueduct Board held this day, present Thos.. Ste- phens, Robt. L. Darragh and A. W. Craven. Bill of Messrs. McCool and Warnock for repaving and repairing the streets from October 14 to November 13, amounting to $10,972.99, was ordered paid. Resolved, That a free drinking hydrant be placed on the northwest corner of Seventy-third street and Eighth avenue. 172 Permission was granted to Mr. Henry Green and others to lay down a separate pipe and put up four fire hydrants in Spruce street, between William and Nassau streets, for the better protection of the property in the neighborhood, the same to be done at their expense. Adjourned. ROBT. L. DARRAGH, Secretary, CROTON AQUEDUCT BOARD. December I, 1865. At a meeting of the Croton Aqueduct Board held this day, present Thos. Ste- phens, Robt. L. Darragh and A. W. Craven, the following resolutions were adopted: Resolved, That all work on sewers be suspended from this date except on excava- tions in rock. Resolved, That the salary of the Assistant Engineer in Charge of the Sewerage Bureau be fixed at $3,000 per annum from the ist of November, 1865, and that the salary of the Second Assistant in the same Bureau be fixed at $2,400 per annum, com- mencing from the ist day of November, 1865. Resolved, That George S. Greene be appointed as Engineer in Charge of the con- struction of the storage reservoirs in Putnam County at a salary of $3,500 per an- num, and that J. J. R. Croes be appointed Principal Assistant on the same work at a salary of $2,500 per annum. Adjourned. ROBT. L. DARRAGH, Secretary. CROTON AQUEDUCT BOARD. December 20, 1865. At a meeting of the Croton Aqueduct Board held this day, present Thos. Stephens, Robt. L. Darragh and A. W. Craven, the following preamble and resolu- tions were adopted: Resolved, That whereas Messrs. McCool and Warnock, the contractors for repairs to street pavements, have, in the opinion of this Board, neglected and omitted to perform their work in accordance with the agreement entered into by them with this Board, and have wilfully violated the specifications thereof, and have prosecuted the work called for by said agreement in bad faith, and are not progressing with said work ac- 173 cording to the terms of said agreement, therefore this Board, under and in pursuance of the authority derived from covenant 8 of said agreement, do hereby declare the said agreement annulled. It is further resolved, That the said contractors be immediately directed to dis- continue all work under said agreement, or any part thereof. Resolved, That the Inspectors employed on the repairs to street pavements under a contract entered into with Messrs. McCool & Warnock be and they are hereby dis- missed, to take effect from and after this date. Resolved, That the salary of Geo. A. Gushing, Assistant Engineer, be fixed at $2,500 per annum, to take effect from the ist day of December, 1865. Resolved, That the Water Purveyor be directed to report the condition of the pave- ments throughout the City. Resolved, That the wages of the Blacksmith employed at the pipe yard be increase^ to $3.50 per day, to take effect from 'and after the i8th inst. Adjourned. ROBT. L. DARRAGH, Secretary. CROTON AQUEDUCT BOARD. January 3, 1866. At a meeting of the Croton Aqueduct. Board held this day, present Thos. Ste- phens and A. W. Craven, the following preamble and resolutions were adopted: Whereas, The Common Council, on the 3ist day of December, 1864, passed a resolution increasing the pay of the Water Police from two to three dollars per day, and as a number of the parties employed have commenced suits for such increase and ob- tained judgments against the City, and have received their money by the hands of the Comptroller, therefore Resolved, That the pay of the Water Police be increased from two to three dollars per day, to date from and after the ist of January, 1866, and that the sum named in the estimate of thisBoard forsalaries of the Water Police for 1866 be increased, from $18,540 to $27,810. Adjourned. ROBT. L. DARRAGH, Secretary. 174 CROTON AQUEDUCT BOARD. January 22, 1866. At a meeting of the Croton Aqueduct Board held this day, present Thos. Ste- phens, Robt. L. Darragh and A. W. Craven, it was Resolved, That the salary of E. A. Fuertes, Assistant Engineer Examining Meters, be and the same is hereby increased from $2,500 to the sum of $3,000 per annum, the same to take effect from and after this date. Adjourned. ROBT. L. DARRAGH, Secretary. CROTON AQUEDUCT BOARD. February 7, 1866. At a meeting of the Croton Aqueduct Board held this day, present Thos. Ste- phens, Robt. L. Darragh and A. W. Craven, it was Resolved, That the Third and Sixth Avenue Railroad Companies be charged fifty dollars annually for each fire hydrant on their premises, to date from the ist day of November, 1865, and to continue said charge until the same are removed and this Board notified of the same. Resolved, That the water from all fountains in the open air, whether public or private, be shut off and continue so shut off until the ist day of May next, and that they be so shut off every year from the ist of November until the ist of May fol- lowing. Adjourned. ROBT. L. DARRAGH, Secretary. CROTON AQUEDUCT BOARD. February 12, 1866. At a meeting of the Croton Aqueduct Board held this day. Present Thos. Stephens. Robt. L. Darragh and A. W. Craven, it was Resolved, That the rule adopted by this Board relative to the paving of streets wherein railroad tracks are laid be suspended so far as relates to paving Third avenue, between One Hundred and Ninth street and One Hundred and Twenty- ninth street, and that the same be advertised for contract. A communication was received from Mr. D. C. Graham asking for an increase of salary, which was referred to Mr. Weston to report on the same. Adjourned. ROBT. L. DARRAGH, Secretary. CROTON AQUEDUCT BOARD. March i, 1866. At a meeting of the Croton Aqueduct Board held this day. Present Robt. L. Darragh and A. W. Craven, it was Resolved, That A. W. Craven be authorized to make an agreement on the part of the Croton Aqueduct Board to purchase from Labon Barret so much of his land as may be required in the construction of a dam for a storage reservoir, provided that the quantity of land taken does not exceed ten acres and the price agreed upon does not exceed $200 per acre, and provided further that the said agreement does not bind the Croton Aqueduct Board to any liabilities in case Reservoir E shall not be selected for construction, and in like manner that A. W. Craven be em- powered to make an agreement with Joseph Carrigan and with Solomon Barrett for a like provisional purchase of their lands, respectively, the quantity and price agreed upon to be limited in the case of Carrigan to ten acres at $100 per acre, and in the case of Solomon Barrett to five acres at $100 per acre. Adjourned. ROBT. L. DARRAGH, Secretary. CROTON AQUEDUCT BOARD. April 7, 1866. At a meeting of the Croton Aqueduct Board held this day. Present Messrs. Stephens and Darragh, it was Resolved, That Mr. Edward J. O'Keefe be removed as Clerk to Water Regis- trar, and that Mr. Maurice Daley be appointed in his place. Resolved, That Mr. Thomas Farren be removed as one of the Water Police, and that Mr. John S. Meredith be appointed in his place, and that Mr. Henry R. Hoffmire be appointed as Water Police in the place of Mr. Maurice Daley. Adjourned. ROBT. L. DARRAGH, Secretary. 176 CROTON AQUEDUCT BOARD. April 13, 1866. At a meeting of the Croton Aqueduct Board held this day. Present Messrs. Darragh and Craven. It was Resolved, That the salary of Mr. Dewitt C. Graham, Secretary of Sewerage Bureau, be increased to $2,000 per annum, to take effect from and after the ist April. Resolved, That the pay of Inspectors on Sewer Connections be increased to $4 per day, to take effect from and after the Qth day of April. Adjourned. ROBT. L. DARRAGH, Secretary. CROTON AQUEDUCT BOARD. April 24, 1866. At a meeting of the Croton Aqueduct Board held this day. Present Messrs. Darragh and Craven. The following resolutions wiere adopted: Resolved, That the pay of the Assistant Engineers in this Department be as follows, viz. : First Assistant Engineers, at the rate of $2,000 per annum; Second Assistant Engineers, at the rate of $1,500 per annum; to take effect from and after the ist April, 1866. Resolved, That the wages of the Water Cutters in this Department be increased to the sum of $3 per day, to take effect from and after the 23d of April, 1866. Resolved, That Mr. William Conghlin be and is hereby removed as one of the Water Police, to take effect on the 3Oth day of April, 1866. Adjourned. ROBT. L. DARRAGH, Secretary. 177 CROTON AQUEDUCT BOARD. May 10, 1866. At a meeting of the Croton Aqueduct Board held this day. Present Messrs. Darragh and Craven. The following resolutions were adopted, viz.: Resolved, That the Inspectors of Pavement or Sewer Construction shall here- after make out their bills in their own handwriting, and shall not leave their work during working hours for the purpose of making affidavit thereto. Resolved, That no bill which is not made out in the handwriting of the Inspector for whose pay it is drawn will be included in the requisition on the Comptroller. Resolved, That no Clerk or employee of this Department shall draw up or copy for any contractor or other person not belonging -to the Department any petition or statement of claims for increased allowance or for damages, which statement or petition is to come before this Board for consideration. Adjourned. ROBT. L. DARRAGH, Secretary. CROTON AQUEDUCT BOARD. May 15, 1866. At a meeting of the Croton Aqueduct Board held this day. Present Messrs. Darragh and Craven. It was Resolved, That the site of the dwelling house for the Superintendent of the Receiving Reservoir, etc., be fixed at the point suggested by the Commissioners of Central Park, viz., between the north wall of the old receiving reservoir and the Park transverse road opposite thereto, provided that the Commissioners of the Cen- tral Park set apart for that purpose a piece of ground, which shall be three hundred and fifty feet in length, along the said north wall, and extending from said wall to said transverse road. Adjourned. ROBT. L. DARRAGH, Secretary. 178 CROTON AQUEDUCT BOARD. 4 May 22, 1866. At a meeting of the Croton Aqueduct Board held this day. Present Thomas Stephens, Robt. L. Darragh and A. W. Craven; it was Resolved, That Geo. Caulfield & Company be licensed to supply all the shipping, steamboats, tugboats, etc., with the Croton water, for the sum of thirty-five thousand dollars per annum, to be paid in equal monthly installments on the first day of each month in advance, the said license to continue and remain in force until the ist day oi May, 1867, unless sooner annulled by this Board. Communication was received from Mr. James D. Keegan asking that the Board would pay for keeping his horse, which was laid on the table. The following proposals were received for constructing, etc., a steam engine for the high service at Carmansville: Henry R. Worthington $49oOO oo C. V. Delamater 51,000 oo W. E. Worthen 47,600 oo Contract was awarded to W. E. Worthen. Mr. Church, Assistant Engineer, stated that Mr. James Berwick, late Superin- tendent of the Fifth Division of the Aqueduct, had taken away and removed certain property belonging to the Department; it was Resolved, That unless Mr. Berwick return the above-named property alleged to have been taken without the consent of the Department, this Board will enter a com- plaint to the Grand Jury to have him indicted for theft. Adjourned. ROBT. L. DARRAGH, Secretary. 179 CROTON AQUEDUCT BOARD. March 25, 1866. At a meeting of the Croton Aqueduct Board held this day. Present Messrs. Stephens, Darragh and Craven. The following resolutions were adopted, viz. : Resolved, That the petition of Thos. Brady for extra allowance for constructing sewer in Fifty-fourth street, between Fifth and Sixth avenues, was referred to Mr. Craven. Resolved, That excepting the' officers of this Department no person be admitted within the railing in the office of the Contract Clerk on any pretense whatever. Adjourned. ROBT. L. DARRAGH, Secretary. CROTON AQUEDUCT BOARD. June 30, 1866. At a meeting of the Croton Aqueduct Board held this day. Present Thomas Stephens, Robt. L. Darragh and A. W. Craven; it was Resolved, That the salaries of the following-named persons be increased as fol- lows, to take effect from the ist day of June, 1866, viz.: W. Howard White, Rodman $90 oo per month Willard A. Nichols. Rodman 90 oo per month James F. Marvin, Axeman 2 50 per day Josiah- Conklin, Axeman 2 50 per day John C. Hopper, Axeman 2 50 per day John M, Wendell, Axeman 2 50 per day Jacob Weber. Axeman 2 50 per day Adjourned. ROBT. L. DARRAGH, Secretary. i8o CROTON AQUEDUCT BOARD. July 2, 1866. At a meeting of the Croton Aqueduct Board held this day. Present Thomas Stephens, Robt. L. Darragh and A. W. Craven. Mr. A. B. Rollins tendered his resignation as Water Purveyor, to take effect on and after the 3ist instant. Mr. William C. Rhodes tendered his resignation as Assistant Water Registrar, to take effect on and after the 3ist instant. Which were accepted. The following resolutions were then adopted: Resolved, That Wm. H. King be and he is hereby removed as Water Regis- trar, to take effect from and after the 3ist instant. Resolved, That Mr. Wm. H. McKinney be appointed as Water Registrar in place of Wm. H. King, removed; that Mr. William Walsh be appointed Water Purveyor in place of A. B. Rollins, resigned; that Alexander McLeod be appointed Assistant Water Registrar in place of William C. Rhodes, resigned, and that Joseph Brennan be appointed Sewer Permit Clerk to fill vacancy, said ap- pointments to take effect on and after the ist day of August next. Adjourned. ROBT. L. DARRAGH, Secretary. CROTON AQUEDUCT BOARD. July 30, 1866. At a meeting of the Croton Aqueduct Board held this day. The following resolution was adopted: Present Thomas Stephens, Robt. L. Darragh and A. W. Craven. Resolved, That the salary of George S. Greene, Engineer in charge of storage reservoirs, be increased to the sum of $4,000 per annum, to date from and after the ist instant. Resolved, That the salary of Wm. L. Dearborn, Engineer in charge of high service at Carmansville, be increased to the sum of $4,000 per annum, to date from and after the ist instant. Adjourned. ROBT. L. DARRAGH, Secretary. CROTON AQUEDUCT BOARD. August 10, 1866. At a meeting of the Croton Aqueduct Board held this day. Present Thomas Stephens and Robt. L. Darragh, it was Resolved, That Daniel Strain be and he is hereby removed as Clerk to the Water Registrar, and that Wm. B. Parsons be and he is hereby removed as Fifth Clerk to the Water Registrar, to take effect from and after the I5th instant. Adjourned. ROBT. L. DARRAGH, Secretary. CROTON AQUEDUCT BOARD. August 14, 1866. At a meeting of the Croton Aqueduct Board held this day. Present Thomas Stephens and Robt. L. Darragh, it was Resolved, That Charles Blauvelt be appointed as Fourth Clerk to the Water Registrar, and that Jesse Fonda be appointed as Fifth Clerk to the Water Regis- trar, said appointments to date on and after the i6th instant. Resolved, That the following named persons* be and are hereby removed from the Water Police, viz.: Mr. M. Farrell, H. R. Hoffmire, Charles Linn, Owen Monaghan, Thos. J. Cavanagli, Wm. J. Hinch, Francis McAnana and N. C. Robertson to take effect on the i8th instant Resolved, That the following named persons be and are hereby appointed as Water Police, viz.: George R. Cole, Anthony Kiernan, Thomas G. Cowan, Peter Murphy, John Quinlan, Daniel W. Bostwick, John Foley, L. Welsch, Henry Rowley. C. H. Cooper, Klbert Robinson, James McCarty and Frank Raymond. Adjourned. ROBT. L. DARRAGH, Secretary. 182 CROTON AQUEDUCT BOARD. 4 October 25, 1866. At a meeting of the Croton Aqueduct Board held this day. Present Robert L. Darragh and A. W. Craven. The following resolution was adopted: Resolved, That, on the completion of the paving of any street under contract and the removal of all surplus material from the surface, the Inspector shall be sus- pended from the work, and if the sand which has been placed over the pavements be not removed within ten days, the Inspector will, at the expiration of the ten days, be placed again upon the work to remain until the sand be removed according to the terms of the contract. Adjourned. ROBT. L. DARRAGH, Secretary. CROTON AQUEDUCT BOARD. November 8, 1866. At a meeting of the Croton Aqueduct Board held this day. Present Thos, Stephens, Robert L. Darragh and A. W. Craven. The following resolution, presented by Mr. Craven, viz.: Resolved, That all contracts let on the i6th day of August which have not been commenced by contractors be annulled immediately, was lost. Mr. Stephens moved that the subject be deferred for the sake of obtaining more information. Carried, A. W. Craven voting in the negative. Mr. Fuertes, Assistant Engineer's report on the quantity of water used in Gramercy Park fountain was read, showing the amount due for each hour the foun- tain runs. Ordered that the water rent on said fountain be regulated at so much per hour, according to the schedule shown in Mr. Fuertes' report. Adjourned. ROBT. L. DARRAGH, Secretary. CROTON AQUEDUCT BOARD. November 21, 1866. At a meeting of the Croton Aqueduct Board held this day. Present Thos Stephens, Robert L. Darragh and A. W. Craven; it was Resolved, That Messrs. Brunjes, Ockerhausen & Company be charged for the use of the Croton water in their sugar refinery at the rate of $2,000 per annum from November i, 1866. Resolved, That General George S. Greene, Engineer in Charge of Storage Reservoirs, be and he is authorized to agree with Mrs. Polly Haight for the purchase of her farm on the site of the storage reservoir in Putnam County on the following terms, viz.: One hundred dollars per acre for as many acres as are actually required for the work, and three thousand four hundred dollars for the dwelling house, barns and all other improvements of whatever character on said farm. Adjourned. ROBT. L. DARRAGH, Secretary. CROTON AQUEDUCT BOARD. December 22, 1866. At a meeting of the Croton Aqueduct Board held this day. Present Thos. Stephens, Robert L. Darragh and A. W. Craven. Mr. Daniel A. Webster made an application for an increase of salary for tapping water pipes; when, after consideration, it was Resolved, That his salary be increased to the sum of seven dollars per day, to take effect from and after the I7th inst. Adjourned. ROBT. L. DARRAGH, Secretary. i8 4 CROTON AQUEDUCT BOARD. January 8, 1867. At a meeting of the Croton Aqueduct Board held this day. Present Thomas Stephens, Robert L. Darragh and A. W. Craven, it was Resolved, That Mr. Charles S. Garrison be appointed as Fourth Clerk to the Water Registrar, and that Francis J. Sigerson be appointed as Second Clerk to the Water Purveyor, in place of Charles Blauvelt and John J. Sigerson, resigned. Adjourned. ROBT. L. DARRAGH, Secretary. CROTON AQUEDUCT BOARD. January 14, 1867. At a meeting of the Croton Aqueduct Board held this day. Present Thomas Stephens, Robert L. Darragh and A. W. Craven. The following preamble and resolutions presented by Mr. Craven were adopted, viz.: Whereas, On or about the night of September 21, 1866, the Croton Aqueduct was secretly broken into and entered near Fordham by parties acting without any permit from this Board ; and Whereas, Such entrance was in violation of the act "To provide for supplying the City of New York with pure and wholesome water," passed May 2, 1834; and Whereas, It has been reported to this Board that the parties guilty of the said violation of the law are as follows: W. B. Jenkins, Foreman John Callahan, Stephen Race, Pat Shanley, Pat Carney and Michael Shanley, Laborers; therefore Resolved, That the District Attorney of Westchester County be requested to take the necessary legal steps to convict the parties above named of misdemeanor, and to punish them according to the terms of the law aforesaid. On motion, it was further Resolved, That Mr. Craven be directed to communicate with the District Attorney of Westchester County on the subject. Adjourned. ROBT. L. DARRAGH. Secretary. CROTON AQUEDUCT BOARD. January 21, 1867. At a meeting of the Croton Aqueduct Board held this day. PresentThomas Stephens, Robert L. Darragh and A. W. Craven, it was Resolved, That the Water Pureveyor be directed to notify all parties (excepting those connected with this Department) occupying any portion of the buildings or yard foot of Rivington street that they must remove on or before the ist February next, and any property stored therein not belonging to the City must also be re- moved by that time. Adjourned. ROBT. L. DARRAGH, Secretary. CROTON AQUEDUCT BOARD. February 8, 1867. At a meeting of the Croton Aqueduct Board held this day. Present Thomas Stephens, Robert L. Darragh and A. W. Craven, it was Resolved, That ( any Mason allowing his name to be used by any person for the purpose of obtaining a sewer permit or allowing work to be done under his name shall forfeit his license. Resolved, That the pay of the Foreman of the yard foot of Twenty-fourth street, East river, and the Foreman of the yard foot of Rivington street, East river, be in- creased from two and one-half dollars to three dollars per day from and after the date of February TO, 1867. ROBT. L. DARRAGH, Secretary. CROTON AQUEDUCT BOARD. February 19, 1867. At a meeting of the Croton Aqueduct Board held this day. Present Thos. Stephens, Robt. L. Darragh and A. W. Craven, it was Resolved, That the salaries of Theo. Weston, Assistant Engineer, Sewerage Bureau, and E. A. Fuertes, Assistant Engineer Examining Water Meters, be in- creased to the sum of four thousand dollars per annum, to take effect on and after March i, 1867. ROBT. L. DARRAGH, Secretary. i86 CROTON AQUEDUCT BOARD. April 19, 1867. At a meeting of the Croton Aqueduct Board held this c'ay. Present Thos. Stephens, Robt. L. Darragh and A. W. Craven, it was Resolved, That the salary of John J. Conklin, Messenger, be increased to the sum of fifteen hundred dollars per annum, and the salary of Jacob H. Conklin, Mes- senger, Engineer's Office, be increased to the sum of twelve hundred and fifty dol- lars per annum, said increase to date from April i, 1867. Adjourned. ROBT. L. DARRAGH, Secretary. CROTON AQUEDUCT BOARD. May i, 1867. At a meeting of the Croton Aqueduct Board held this day. Present Thos. Stephens, Robt. L. Darragh and A. W. Craven, it was Resolved, That the salary of B. S. Church, Assistant Engineer, be increased to the sum of three thousand dollars per annum; that the salary of Alex. McLeod, Assistant Water Register, be increased to the sum of twenty-five hundred dollars per anuum; that the salary of Ralph Ellis, Superintendent of the Receiving Reser- voir, be increased to the sum of twelve hundred and fifty dollars per annum, said several increases to take effect from this date. Adjourned. ROBT. L. DARRAGH, Secretary. Also the following resolution, viz.: Resolved, That the charge for the use of the water for the fountain in Gram- ercy Park be and the same is hereby fixed at the rate of one hundred and fifty dollars per annum. ROBT. L. DARRAGH, Secretary. 187 CROTON AQUEDUCT BOARD. October 2, 1867. At a meeting of the Croton Aqueduct Board held this day. Present Messrs. Stephens and Craven. The following preamble and resolutions were adopted: Whereas, P. F. Maginn, contractor for constructing a sewer in Seventieth street, from the North river to the Tenth avenue, and in said avenue to Seventy- fifth street, has done no work upon said sewer for the last two months, notwith- standing repeated directions from this Board to proceed with his work; Resolved, That said contract be annulled and the work advertised for reletting. Adjourned. ROBT. L. DARRAGH, Secretary. CROTON AQUEDUCT BOARD. October 3, 1867. At a meeting of the Croton Aqueduct Board held this day. Present Messrs Stephens, Darragh and Craven. The following resolution was adopted: Resolved, That James R. Whiting be requested to remove the sand from Fifty- third street, between the Sixth and Seventh avenues, and send bill therefor to this Department and the same will be sent to the Comptroller as a lien against the con- tractor for paving said street. Adjourned. ROBT. L. DARRAGH, Secretary. CROTON AQUEDUCT BOARD. October 4, 1867. At a meeting of the Croton Aqueduct Board held this day. Present Messrs. Stephens, Darragh and Craven. The following preambles and resolutions were adopted: Whereas, W. E. Broderick, contractor for constructing sewers in Forty-seventh Street and Forty-ninth Street, between Tenth and Eleventh Avenues, with branches i88 in the Eleventh Avenue, has, after repeated notices to proceed with his work in the Eleventh Avenue, neglected to do so. Resolved, That said contract be annulled and the said work be advertised for reletting. Whereas, Oscar Taylor, contractor for constructing sewers between Fifty-first and Fifty-sixth streets and between the Ninth avenue and the North river, has stopped^ work on said contract, and, notwithstanding official notice from this Board, has not resumed it; Resolved, That the said contract with said Taylor be annulled and the work advertised for reletting. Adjourned. ROBT. L. DARRAGH, Secretary. CROTON AQUEDUCT BOARD. October 5, 1867. At a meeting of the Croton Aqueduct Board held this day. Present Messrs. Stephens, Darragh and Craven. The following business was transacted: It being proved to the satisfaction of the Board that David Jones has been guilty ot fraud against this Department by having taps put in the pipe surreptitiously and supplying his distillery at Nos. 180 to 198 Sixth street with water therefrom, and representing that he received no water except from taps granted by the Board, it was ordered that the water supply to said distillery be cut off. Adjourned. ROBT. L. DARRAGH, Secretary. CROTON AQUEDUCT BOARD. October 10, 1867. At a meeting of the Croton Aqueduct Board held this day, Present Messrs. Stephens, Darragh and Craven; it was Resolved, That Mathew Murray be employed to repair the Belgian pavement in streets or avenues north of Twenty-third street where they have been disturbed by plumbers or masons, and that the sum of one dollar per yard be paid for said repairs. Adjourned. ROBT. L. DARRAGH. Secretary. 189 CROTON AQUEDUCT BOARD. November 21, 1867. At a meeting of the Croton Aqueduct Board held this day. Present Robert L. Darragh and A. W. Craven; it was Resolved, That the office of Keeper of the Distributing Reservoir be and the same is hereby abolished, to take effect from and after the ist day of December, 1867. Adjourned. ROBT. L. DARRAGH, Secretary. CROTON AQUEDUCT BOARD. December 7, 1867. At a meeting of the Croton Aqueduct Board held this day. Present Thomas Stephens, Robt. L. Darragh and A. W. Craven. The following application of E. S. Dickerson, President of the Third Avenue Railroad, was presented, viz.: New York, December 7, 1867. R. L. DARRAGH, Esq.: Dear Sir We have some wooden stables on the west side of Third avenue op- posite the depot. They are on leased ground. The lease expires ist April, 1868. We have purchased almost the entire front between Sixty-sixth and Sixty-seventh streets on Third avenue, west side, and intend to remove the temporary wooden buildings on to the centre of the property purchased. I have put up fences and in- tend to remove the buildings at once, or at least to take advantage of all the fine days we have this winter to remove. We shall not probably build a permanent building for some years. I have made the application for a tap for water now, for the following reasons: I want it in before the ground is frozen, as I. have to run the pipes to different places in the yard, and wish to do it before I put the buildings on, and because I shall have horses removed from the old stables .before the ist of January, and also I wish to have a place to get water for a small engine as a snow sweeper, to be used only when it snows. The buildings to be removed are about 400 feet long by 27 feet wide, one story. We are not increasing our number of horses merely removing them. We shall stop the use of water on the premises west side of Third avenue, Sixty- sixth to Sixty-seventh streets, on the ist April. 1868. We will give the Depart- ment due notice of any further buildings or uses for water. This Company are willing to pay for all the water used. Please grant us a one- inch tap, or as large as possible. We will pay anything that is right for the in- creased size above the usual size. Please present this to the Board and oblige us with an answer as soon as pos- sible, and much oblige, Yours respectfully, E. L. DICKINSON, Superintendent. Whereupon it was Resolved, That a 34-inch tap be granted until the i May, 1868, on the pay- ment of one hundred dollars therefor, and on the condition that application be made to have the tap now supplying the stables opposite the depot cut off and plugged up on the ist April, 1868. Adjourned. ROBT. L. DARRAGH, Secretary. CROTON AQUEDUCT BOARD. December 9, 1867. At a meeting of the Croton Aqueduct Board held this day. Present Thos. Stephens and Robt. L. Darragh, it was Resolved, That the salaries of the Sixth. Seventh, Eighth and Ninth Clerks in the Bureau of Water Rents be increased respectively to the sum of fifteen hundred dollars per annum on and after the ist dav of January, 1868. Adjourned. ROBT. L. DARRAGH, Secretary. CROTON AQUEDUCT BOARD. December 30, 1867. At a meeting of the Croton Aqueduct Board held this day. Present Thomas Stephens, Robt. L. Darragh and A. W. Craven. The following resolutions presented by Mr. Stephens were adopted: Resolved, That the force known as the Croton Water Police be disbanded on the ist day of January, 1868, and that the Clerk of this Board notify the persons acting as Water Policemen that their services will not be required in this Department after the 3ist inst. 191 Resolved, That the Clerk of this Board be directed to notify Chas. Blauvelt, Fourth Clerk, and Thomas F. Gilroy, Sixth Clerk, in the Bureau of Water Rents, that their services will not be required in this Department after the 3ist inst. Which was laid over. Resolved, That the resignation of William Walsh as Water Purveyor, to take effect on the ist day of January, 1868, be accepted by this Board. Resolved, That James McCarty as Messenger in the Bureau of Water Rents at a salary of one thousand dollars a year, to take effect on the ist day of January, 1868. Adjourned. ROBT. L. DARRAGH, Secretary. CROTON AQUEDUCT BOARD. January 3, 1868. At a meeting of the Croton Aqueduct Board held this day. Present Thomas Stephens, Robt. L. Darragh and A. W. Craven. The following communication was received: New York, December 23, 1867. To the Croton Aqueduct Board: Gentlemen The undersigned contractors for the cleansing of the receiving basins to sewers respectfully beg leave to call your attention to the early expiration of the period for which their contract was made, and in view thereof hereby apply for a renewal thereof for a similar period and on similar terms. They cannot but believe that their faithfulness heretofore in the carrying out of their un- dertaking will be considered as a good guarantee that they will continue to do so in the future. Very respectfully, FOSTER & HOLLAND. Robert Foster, No. 214 East Nineteenth street; Forbes Holland, southwest corner of Fourth avenue and Eighteenth street. John Foster and John O'Donnell, securities. Whereupon it was Resolved, That the Croton Aqueduct Board hereby consents to a renewal for the period of four years from the ist day of January, 1868, of the contract with Holland & Foster for the cleaning of the receiving basins and culverts throughout the City in the manner and for the terms and upon the conditions set forth in the agreement with said Holland & Foster, dated February 27, 1864, upon the express^, understanding that nothing herein or in said agreement contained shall be construed by said Holland & Foster as binding the Mayor, Aldermen and Commonalty of The City of New York to any payment or payments on said contract, excepting to the extent of such means as may be from time to time provided for such purpose by legislative action. Adjourned. ROBT. L. DARRAGH, Secretary. CROTON AQUEDUCT BOARD. January 4, 1868. At a meeting of the Croton Aqueduct Board held this day. Present Thos. Stephens, Robt. L. Darragh and A. W. Craven; it was Resolved, That Jacob S. Freer be and he is hereby appointed a Commissioner under the act (chapter 489) entitled "An Act to provide for the construction of an experimental line of railway in the counties of New York and Westchester," passed April 22, 1867. Adjourned. ROBT. L. DARRAGH, Secretary. CROTON AQUEDUCT BOARD. January 27, 1868. At a meeting of the Croton Aqueduct Board held this day. Present Thos. Stephens and Robt. L. Darragh, it was Resolved, That the salaries of the Water Cutters be increased to the sum of three dollars and fifty cents per day; that the salary of George W. Douglass, Fore- man of the pipe yard, be increased to the sum of three dollars and fifty cents per day, said increase to take effect from this date. Resolved, That Joseph Chappell be appointed as a Measurer at the rate of $3 per day. Adjourned. ROBT. L. DARRAGH, Secretary. 193 CROTON AQUEDUCT BOARD. February i, 1868. At a meeting of the Croton Aqueduct Board held this day. Present Trios. Stephens, Robt. L. Darragh and A. W. Craven, it was Resolved, That the paving of Canal street be suspended until otherwise or- dered by the Board; that the Inspectors employed on said work be withdrawn, and that the Contract Clerk notify Mr. Cummings, the contractor, of the passage of this resolution. Adjourned. ROBT. L. DARRAGH, Secretary. CROTON AQUEDUCT BOARD. February 28, 1868. At a meeting of the Croton Aqueduct Board held this day. Present Thos. Stephens, Robt. L. Darragh and A. W. Craven, it was Resolved, That the following additional regulations in regard to Plumbers be adopted, viz.: First. No service pipe shall be laid from any street main to any building at a less distance below the surface than four feet. In case the street main should not be low enough to admit of the service pipe being at that depth at the point of tapping, the service pipe must be bent down so as to retain the required depth of four feet as soon as possible. Second. In repairing or uncovering service pipes already laid, if a plumber should find that they are not at the specified depth (four feet), he will be required to lower them to that depth before refilling the trench. Third. The failure on the part of any plumber to strictly conform to these regulations will be cause for the revocation of his license. Adjourned. 194 CROTON AQUEDUCT BOARD. February 21, 1868. At a meeting of the Croton Aqueduct Board held this day. * Present Thos. Stephens, Robt. L. Darragh and A. W. Craven, it was Resolved, That the salary of the respective Foremen of Companies Nos. 2, 3, 4, 8, 9 and 10, engaged in laying and repairing water pipes, etc., be increased to the sum of four dollars and seventy-five cents per day, and that no allowance be made for work done at night or on Sundays, said increase to take effect on and after the 24th inst. Adjourned. ROBT. L. DARRAGH, Secretary. CROTON AQUEDUCT BOARD. February 29, 1868. At a meeting of the Croton Aqueduct Board held this day. Present Thos. Stephens and Robt. L. Darragh, it was Resolved, That Chas. Blauvelt be and he is hereby removed as Fourth Clerk to the Water Registrar, and that William Robb be and he is hereby appointed to fill the place. Resolved, That Thos. F. Gilroy be and he is hereby removed as Sixth Clerk to the Water Registrar, and that Geo. W. Oakley be and is hereby appointed to fill the place. Adjourned. ROBT. L. DARRAGH, Secretary. . CROTON AQUEDUCT BOARD. March 9, 1868. At a meeting of the Croton Aqueduct Board held this day. Present Thomas Stephens, Robert L. Darragh and A. W. Craven. Application of Redmond Joyce for extra allowance on contract for sewer in Broadway, near Forty-seventh street, and also to have his work accepted, was re- ceived; whereupon it was Moved, That Mr. Joyce complete that portion of his contract yet unfinished, and that when this is done his application be taken up for consideration. Adjourned. ROBT. L. DARRAGH, Secretary. 195 CROTON AQUEDUCT BOARD. April 3, 1868. At a meeting of the Croton Aqueduct Board held this day. Present Thos. Stephens, Robt. L. Darragh and A. W. Craven, it was Resolved, That Mr. Rosslander's name be taken from the payroll of the Sewer- age Bureau for March, he being unable to discharge his duties in the Department. Resolved, That Mr. Patrick Bradburn be and is hereby appointed temporarily to take the place of Mr. Rosslander, and that the wages be increased to three dollars, and fifty cents per day. Adjourned. ROBT. L. DARRAGH, Secretary. CROTON AQUEDUCT BOARD. May n, 1868. At a meeting of the Croton Aqueduct Board held this day. Present Messrs. Stephens and Darragh. It was Resolved, That Thomas McConkey be appointed General Inspector of Pave- ments for the east side of the City at a salary of five dollars per day. Resolved, That the salaries of Messrs. Noble and Cowen, General Inspectors of Sewers and Pavements, be increased to two thousand five hundred dollars per an- num, and that the salary of Mr. Graham, Secretary to the Bureau of Sewers, be in- creased to the sum of two thousand five hundred dollars per annum, said increase to take effect from and after the 3ist day of May, 1868. Resolved, That the pay of all Foremen and Inspectors employed by the Croton Aqueduct Department at a less rate than three dollars and fifty cents per day be in- creased to that sum, excepting Inspectors on contracts, whose pay was stipulated at three dollars per day at trie time of making the contracts. Adjourned. ROBT. L. DARRAGH, Secretary. 196 CROTON AQUEDUCT BOARD. May 11, 1868. At a meeting of the Croton Aqueduct Board held this day. Present Messrs. Stephens, Darragh and Craven. The following resolutions were adopted: By Mr. A. W. Craven- Resolved, That Mr. Hanford Horton be and is hereby appointed Water Purveyor of the Croton Aqueduct Department at a salary of $3,500 per year, which said sum is to cover all his expenses for transportation or otherwise in the discharge of his duties. Resolved, That the appointment of a Water Purveyor rendering the position now held by Mr. J. O. B. Webster unnecessary, Mr. Webster be notified that his services are not required after the I5th inst., but that if he prefers to remain until th* ist of June to aid the Water Purveyor in becoming acquainted with the details of the water distribution, etc., his present salary will be continued until that date. Resolved, That J. O. B. Webster be allowed and paid the sum of five hundred dollars for his expenses in horse keeping, etc., in the discharge of his duties for the year ending the I5th day of the present month. The following communication was received from Mr. A. W. Craven, Chief En- gineer of the Croton Aqueduct Department: Croton Aqueduct Department, Office of the Chief Engineer, New York, May n, 1868. * Gentlemen I beg leave to tender my resignation of the office of Commissioner and Chief Engineer of the Croton Aqueduct Department. -Having been identified with this Department for very nearly nineteen years, it is needless to say that this withdrawal calls up feelings which cannot well be expressed in a letter of resignation, but it would be unjust to yourselves individually did I not add that I leave you with a con.vict.ion, based upon my experience, that the well-earned reputation of the Board will not suffer under your future management. With best wishes, I remain, Your friend and obedient servant, A. W. CRAVEN. To Messrs. Thomas Stephens and Robt. L. Darragh. Croton Aqueduct Board. Which was accepted, and the following resolution, presented by Mr. Darragh. wa^ adopter 1 : Resolved,' That the resignation of Mr. A. W. Craven as Commissioner and Chief Engineer of the Croton Aqueduct Department be and the same is hereby accepted. 197 The following resolution, presented by Mr. Stephens, was adopted: Resolved, That Gen. George S. Greene be and he is hereby appointed to the office of Commissioner and Chief Engineer of the Croton Aqueduct Department in place of Mr. A. W. Craven, resigned. Adjourned. RCBT. L. DARRAGH, Secretary. CROTON AQUEDUCT BOARD. May 12, 1868. At a meeting of the Croton Aqueduct Board held this day. Present Thos Stephens and Geo. S. Greene. 'The following preamble and resolution was adopted:' Whereas. Alfred W. Craven, late Engineer Commissioner of this Board, in- tends to remain in this City during a few weeks prior to his departure for Europe; and Whereas, This Board deem it advisable to have, during said period, the aid of his skill and experience in the conduct of the engineering business of this Depart- ment; therefore Resolved, That this Board earnestly desires to retain Alfred W. Craven as Ad- visory Engineer during the period of his stay in this City, and that he be respectfully requested to act in such capacity during said period, so far as it may be consistent with his other engagements. Adjourned. RCBT. L. DARRAGH, Secretary. CROTON AQUEDUCT BOARD. May 13, 1868. At a meeting of the Croton Aqueduct Board held this day, present Thomas Stephens and George S. Greene, it was Resolved, That Mr. J. J. R. Croes be and he is hereby appointed as Engineer in charge of storage reservoirs in Putnam County at a salary of four thousand dollars per annum, and that Mr. Thomas A. Emmet be and he is hereby appointed as Princi- pal Assistant Engineer on said works at a salary of twenty-five hundred dollars per annum, said salaries to take effect on and after the I4th inst. Adjourned. ROBT. L. DARRAGH, Secretary. ip8 CROTON AQUEDUCT BOARD. * May 26, .868. At a meeting of the Croton Aqueduct Board held this day, the following rules were adopted: The Croton Aqueduct Board do hereby establish the following rules and regula- tions relative to the supply of Croton water to distilleries and rectifying establish- ments: Rule i. The rates now or which may hereafter be established for the supply of Croton water to distilleries and rectifying establishments shall in all cases be due and payable for the full period of six months in advance, and such rates shall be based on the estimates of the Engineer appointed by this Board for such purpose. Rule 2. No application for the attachment of water meters to premises used or to be used for the purpose mentioned in the preceding rule shall be granted by this Board unless such application shall have been made to them in writing at least thirty days previously thereto, and then only by and with the unanimous consent of said Board. Adjourned. ROBT. L. DARRAGH, Secretary. CROTON AQUEDUCT BOARD. May 27, 1868. At a meeting of the Croton Aqueduct Board, held this day, the following pre- amble and resolutions were adopted: Whereas, In view of the urgent necessity of preventing so far as may be prac- ticable all unnecessary and wanton misuse of Croton water by the detection and the imposition of the proper penalties upon all persons who may be found guilty of violating any of the ordinances of the Corporation or of the rules and regulations of this Department relative to the supply and use of water, and thereby of incidentally affording to the public generally an ample supply of water for all legitimate purposes, and also for the purpose of protecting from injury the public works under the charge of this Department, and with the further view of securing to the City the maximum of the revenues due to it for the supply of water, it is deemed expedient by this Board to create the offices of Inspectors and Measurers of Water, not exceeding forty in number, to be attached to the Bureau of the Water Registrar, the duties thereof to be in accordance with such rules and regulations as this Board may from time to time adopt; and 199 Whereas, In view of the increasing business assigned to the Chief Clerk of this Board and also to the Contract Clerk it is very essential that additional clerical as- sistance be furnished to them; therefore Resolved, That this Board hereby creates the offices, not exceeding forty in number, of Inspectors and Measurers of Water to be attached to the Bureau of the Water Registrar, and who shall receive pay at the rate of three dollars and fifty cents per day for each and every working day they may be so employed; and it is further Resolved, That this Board hereby creates the offices of Assistant Clerk to the Croton Aqueduct Board and of Assistant Contract Clerk, and that the annual salaries of such Assistant Clerks is hereby fixed at the rate of fifteen hundred dollars per annum; it is further Resolved, That this Board will hereafter, as soon as may be practicable, select such persons as in their judgment may be properly qualified for the discharge of the duties of said offices respectively. Adjourned. ROBT. L. DARRAGH, Secretary. CROTON AQUEDUCT BOARD. June 8, 1868. At a meeting of the Croton Aqueduct Board held this day. The following preamble and resolutions were adopted: Whereas, The contractor for sewers in Fifty-fifth and Fifty-eighth streets, between Eighth and Ninth avenues, has failed to comply with the notice heretofore sent to him by direction of this Board, by proceeding with the construction of said sewers in accordance with the specifications of the contract therefor; and Whereas. This Board are of opinion that said contractor is unnecessarily delaying said work and is wilfully violating the conditions and covenants of said contract; therefore Resolved, That the contract entered into by this Board with John Kelly for the construction of sewers in Fifty-fifth and Fifty-eighth streets, between Eighth and Ninth avenues, dated August 15, 1867, be and the same is for the reason set forth in the preceding preamble hereby declared annulled, and that notice of such annul- ment be served forthwith upon said Kelly and his sureties, and that said Kelly be directed to discontinue immediately all work under said contract; and it is further 2OO Resolved, That the Engineer in charge of sewers be directed to prepare speci- fications for the completion of the unfinished work under said contract, and that proposals for such completion be invited by public advertisement at the earliest practicable day. Adjourned. ROBT. L. DARRAGH, Secretary. CROTON AQUEDUCT BOARD. June 9, 1868. At a meeting of the Croton Aqueduct Board held this day. The following resolution presented by Mr. Darragh was adopted: Resolved, That before measuring any pavement, bridge, stone or other work under contracts for any street improvement, that Surveyors be required to have a certificate from the General Inspector appointed by this Board that the work so far as laid is in accordance with the contract, and they are also directed not to measure or return any work other than that which is done on a consecutive line. Adjourned. ROBT. L. DARRAGH, Secretary, CROTON AQUEDUCT BOARD. June 16, 1868. At a meeting of the Croton Aqueduct Board held this day. The following resolution was adopted: Resolved, That wherever any work connected with the Water Pipe Depart- ment is to be done for individuals or ferries' the estimated amount of the cost of such work shall be deposited with the Water Purveyor before such work is com- menced. Adjourned. ROBT. L. DARRAGH, Secretary. 2OI CROTON AQUEDUCT BOARD. June 24, 1868. At a meeting of the Croton Aqueduct Board held this day. The following preamble and resolution was adopted: Whereas, Robert Jardine, contractor for the paving of West street, from Chambers to Watts street, has wilfully neglected to comply with a notice from this Board, served upon him on the 2Qth day of May last, by not taking up and relaying in a proper manner such parts of said pavement as were laid by him under his special agreement, dated December 31, 1867, therefore, Resolved, That this Board will, under and in pursuance of the authority granted to them by said agreement, immediately purchase such materials and em- ploy such laborers and other persons as may be necessary for and in the prosecution of the work so neglected by said Jardine, and that they will deduct and pay such expense as they may incur in so doing out of the certain sum of five hundred dollars which said Jardine has authorized them to retain out of his contract moneys and to expend for such purpose. Resolved, That a copy of the following notice be sent to Mr. Robert Jardine: Croton Aqueduct Department, New York, June 24, 1868. lo ROBERT JARDINE, Contractor, etc.: Sir Please to take notice that the Croton Aqueduct Board are of the opinion, and do hereby certify, that the work under your contract for the paving of Second avenue, from Sixty-first to Eighty-sixth street, has been and is unneces- sarily delayed; that you have wilfully violated the provisions of said contract, and that you are executing the same in bad faith, and that this Board for said reasons have this day declared said contract to be annulled. You are further notified and hereby directed to immediately discontinue all work under said contract. Yours, etc., THOS. STEPHENS, ROBT. L. DARRAGH, GEO. S. GREENE, Croton Aqueduct Board. Adjourned. ROBT. L. DARRAGH, Secretary. 2O2 CROTON AQUEDUCT BOARD. July 7, 1868. Meeting held this day at noon. Application having been made for a sewer in One Hundred and Twenty-second street, between Third and Fourth avenues, it was agreed by the Board to examine into the matter personally. On motion, the name of Thomas McConkey, General Superintendent of Pave- ments, was placed on salary payroll. A communication from Fernando Wood, relative to fencing his farm at Croton Lake, was, on motion, referred to Chief Engineer. An application from the Inspectors of Sewer Connections for increase of salaries was, on motion, denied. Adjourned. ROBT. L. DARRAGH, Secretary. CROTON AQUEDUCT BOARD. July 14, 1868. Meeting held this day at noon. On motion, the license of Geo. J. Clan Ranald, Plumber, was revoked. Adjourned. RCBT. L. DARRAGH, Secretary. CROTON AQUEDUCT BOARD. July 21, 1868. On motion, it was agreed to advertise for proposals for sewer in Clinton street, between Broome and Delancey streets. It was also agreed to employ Professor Chandler to make analysis of water. The following preamble and resolution were, on motion, adopted: Whereas, The work under the contract for paving Twenty-sixth street, between Third avenue and East river, has been and is now wilfully delayed; therefore Resolved, That the Contract Clerk be and is hereby directed to notify the con- tractor for said work that said contract has been this day declared by this Board annulled. Adjourned. ROBT. L. DARRAGH, Secretary. 203 CROTON AQUEDUCT BOARD. July 24, 1868. On motion, it was agreed to direct W. E. Jones to repair pavement in Third Avenue, from One Hundred and Ninth to One Hundred and Twenty-ninth street, where left defective under contract, at a cost not exceeding the balance of the amount retained, viz.: one thousand and nine 70-100 dollars. The following preamble and resolutions were adopted: Whereas, The work under the contract for the construction of sewers between Fifty-first and Fifty-sixth streets and between Ninth avenue and Hudson river has been, in the opinion of this, the Croton Aqueduct Board, for some time wilfully de- layed, and, in fact, virtually abandoned; therefore Resolved, That the Croton Aqueduct Board do hereby declare said contract to be annulled; and, further, hereby authorize and direct the Engineer in charge of sewers to prepare plans and specifications, that the same may be advertised as soon as may be practicable for proposals for the completion of the unfinished work under said contract; and it is further Resolved, That a copy of the preceding preamble and resolution be served upon the representatives of the late contractor for said sewers, and that the Inspectors employed thereon be withdrawn therefrom until further notice. The following resolution was also agreed to: Resolved, That notice be served, by the Engineer in charge of sewers, on Wm. Baird, contractor for sewer in Seventy-fourth street, between Fifth avenue and the East river, requiring him to repair said sewer at the intersection of First avenue and Seventy-fourth street, and that in case of his neglect to make said repairs to the satisfaction of this Board on or before August 13, 1868, that this Board will undertake and complete said repairs at his expense. Adjourned. ROBT. L. DARRAGH, Secretary. CROTON AQUEDUCT BOARD. August 6, 1868. The application from the Commissioners of Charities and Correction for ad- ditional water pipes, free of expense, for the islands under their charge was re- spectfully denied, there being no authority vested in the Croton Aqueduct Board to grant such application. 204 A communication from Richard B. Connolly, Comptroller, was Deceived, ask- ing that the taxes on building No. 101 Bayard street, used as a ward school, be canceled, the terms of the lease being, the Comptroller to pay all water rents, and was referred to Counsel to the Corporation as to the authority of the Croton Aque- duct Board in the matter. Adjourned. ROBT. L. DARRAGH, Secretary. CROTON AQUEDUCT BOARD. August 11, 1868. The license of Geo. J. Clan Ranald was, on motion, restored. The following resolution was adopted: Resolved, That when permits are granted to make any connections or repairs of sewer connections, an Inspector shall be notified to inspect the plumber or mason in doing his work, and the Inspectqr shall in every case report to the Clerk of Permits the result of his inspection, and when any case remains without report for one week, the Clerk shall make a special report of the failure of the Inspector to the Croton Aqueduct Board. Adjourned. ROBT. L. DARRAGH, Secretary. CROTON AQUEDUCT BOARD. August 18, 1868. A communication from John H. Butcher, a plumber, was received, and, on motion, it was agreed by the Board to renew his license on his making an affidavit to the facts stated in his communication. The following resolution was agreed to: Resolved, That the Contract Clerk be instructed to notify W. C. Jardine to proceed with the work of paving Thirty-fourth street, between Tenth and Eleventh avenues, on or before Monday the 24th inst., in default of which said contract will be annulled. Adjourned. ROBT. L. DARRAGH, Secretary. 205 CROTON AQUEDUCT BOARD. August 25, 1868. The following resolution was adopted: Whereas, Wm. C. Jardine, contractor for the paving of Thirty-fourth street, from Tenth to Eleventh avenue, has failed to comply with the notice heretofore sent to him to commence said work on or before Monday, August 24, 1868, therefore, Resolved, That said contract be and it is hereby declared annulled, and that the Contract Clerk be directed to prepare a notice to that effect, to be served upon said Jardine forthwith. Resolved, That Robt. Jardine, contractor for paving Eighth avenue, from Forty-second to Fifty-eighth street, be notified that, inasmuch said pavement was not in good repair at the expiration of six months from the date of its com- pletion, he will be allowed until Monday-, 3ist inst., to commence and complete the repairs for which he is, under his contract, responsible, and that should he fail to commence said repairs within that period this Board will undertake and com- plete the same at his expense i also that William E. Noble will direct him as to such repairs as this Board will require him to make. It was agreed to allow the claim of James Everard for two hundred and fifty dol- lars for extra work on sewer in Pearl street, between Beekman street and Peck slip, occasioned by the change oi the line of the sewer. Application from the Secretary of the Fire Commissioners for the Croton Aque- duct Board to have, painted the northerly and rear sides of the building in the park partly occupied by the Croton Aqueduct Department, was respectfully denied, the Street Department having control of such repairs of buildings and the Croton Aque- duct Board having no appropriation for such purpose. Adjourned. ROBT. L. DARRAGH, Secretary. CROTON AQUEDUCT BOARD. September i, 1868. On motion, it was agreed that the pay for horse and wagon for Foremen of Job- bing Gangs, viz.: Charles Decker, William Arnold and Samuel White, be increased to three dollars per day, to date from August 24, 1868. Adjourned. ROBT. L. DARRAGH, Secretary. 206 CROTON AQUEDUCT BOARD. September 22, 1868. On motion, it was agreed that a copy of a communication received from the Comptroller, dated September 21, 1868, relative to bid of Wm. J. Babcock for paving Second avenue from Sixty-first to Eighty-sixth street, be transmitted to the Counsel to the Corporation, and his opinion asked as to the manner the Board shall proceed in this case or future similar cases. Adjourned. ROBT. L. DARRAGH, Secretary. CROTON AQUEDUCT BOARD. October 6, 1868. The following resolution was adopted: "That no permits for connections with sewers be granted until the sewer is com- pleted and accepted." On motion, the following preamble and resolutions were adopted: Whereas, John P. dimming, contractor for the construction of sewers in Thirty- third street and Tenth avenue, with branches in Thirty-first and Thirty-second streets, and First avenue, under the contract known as No. I of 1867, has failed to prosecute said work in accordance with the covenants and conditions of said contract; therefore Resolved, That this Board do hereby declare said contract to be annulled for wilful delay in its prosecution by the said contractor; and it is further Resolved, That a copy of the preceding preamble and resolution be duly served upon said contractor and that the unfinished work be advertised and relet as soon as may be practicable, and that in the meantime the Inspectors in charge of said work be withdrawn. This order was carried into effect October 8, 1868. The Clerk of the Board was directed to file a copy of plan for Sewerage District No. 3 A, comprising sewers in Thirty-third and Thirty-fifth streets, from Tenth ave- nue to and through Eleventh avenue, with branch in Tenth avenue, with the Clerk of the Common Council, the Comptroller and Street Commissioner of The City of New York. Adjourned. ROBT. L. DARRAGH, Secretary. x 207 CROTON AQUEDUCT BOARD. October 16, 1868. The following resolution was agreed to: Resolved, That the Counsel to the Corporation be requested to advise us whether, in case the injunction order restraining this Board from further action in the matter of the letting of two contracts for Nicholson pavement under the advertisement of July 25 last be dissolved, we can proceed and open the bids received for all the pro- posed Nicholson pavements included in that advertisement without a renewal thereof, the bids having been laid over to this date without formal adjournment of the pro- posed opening from time to time for the specific periods required by the ordinances. Adjourned. ROBT. L. DARRAGH, Secretary. CROTON AQUEDUCT BOARD. October 20, 1868. On motion, the following preamble and resolution was adopted: Whereas, Mathew H. Moore, contractor for the construction of sewers in One Hundred and Twenty-sixth street. One Hundred and Thirty-second street and One Hundred and Thirty-third street, between Fifth and Sixth avenues, has omitted to commence the construction of said sewers in accordance with notices heretofore served upon him by order of this Board, and, whereas, this Board is of opinion that said work has been and is unnecessarily and wilfully delayed; therefore Resolved, That, said contract be and it is hereby declared annulled, and that a copy of the preceding preamble and of this resolution be forthwith served upon said Moore and the sureties to said contract. Mr. Devlin appeared and made statement of a claim for additional work and charges on sewer in Seventieth street and Tenth avenue, from Hudson river to Sev- enty-fifth street, when it was agreed that the matter should lie over for further in- vestigation. The following resolution was adopted: Resolved, That whenever not less than one hundred feet in length of any sewer is so far finished that it can be used for passing sewerage matter, that the Engineer in charge shall so report to the Board, who will at their discretion grant permits for r ch connections as are authorized by the contract. Adjourned. ROBT. L. DARRAGH, Secretary. 208 CROTON AQUEDUCT BOARD. November 12, 1868. On motion, it was agreed by the Croton Aqueduct Board to thermit the Stafford Pavement Company, at their own expense, to lay the Stafford pavement in Wall street, between Hanover and William streets, on the conditions that the wooden blocks be prepared in conformity with the Seeley patent, and the usual bonds be given to keep the pavement in perfect order for one year. Adjourned. ROBT. L. DARRAGH, Secretary. CROTON AQUEDUCT BOARD. November 17, 1868. At the meeting of the Croton Aqueduct Board held this day, the following reso- lution was agreed to: Resolved, That the following named plans of sewerage districts approved by this Board and dated September 25 and 26, 1868, be filed with the Clerk of the Com- mon Council, Street Commissioner and Comptroller of The City of New York, -as required by law: Sewerage District No. n A, comprising sewer in Fourth avenue, between One Hundred and Thirty-second street and Harlem river, with branches in One Hun- dred and Thirty-second and One Hundred and Thirty-third streets. Sewerage District No. 20 A, comprising sewers in Broadway, between Worth and Leonard streets, and between Franklin and White streets. Sewerage District No. 10 A, comprising sewer in One Hundred and Fourteenth street, between Avenue A and First avenue. Sewerage District No. 20 B, comprising sewers in Chrystie street, between Grand and Broome streets; Broome street, between Elizabeth and Mott streets; Jersey street, between Crosby and Mulberry streets, and Wooster street, between Amity and Fourth streets, and in Gay street, between Christopher street and Waverly place. Sewerage District No. 20 C, comprising sewers in Vandam street, between Green- wich and Macdougal streets; Sullivan street, between Broome and Spring streets; Watts street, between Greenwich and West streets, and in Washington street, from Vestry street, to and through Laight street to near Greenwich street. This order was carried into effect November 19, 1868. 209 It was also agreed to authorize the extension of the sewer in Fifth avenue, be- tween Fifty-second and Fifty-fourth streets, within the limits authorized in the con- tract for the same. The Clerk of the Board was directed to call the attention of the Street Commis- sioner to the condition of the pier foot of Twenty-fourth street, East river, at which the water pipes and other heavy castings are delivered for the use of the City, and that this Board desire that such repairs be made to said pier as may be found neces- sary at an early day. The following resolution was also agreed to: Resolved, That John O'Donnell, contractor for the furnishing of cast iron 'man- hole frames and covers under contract dated May 18, 1868, be forthwith notified that unless he immediately upon his receipt of a copy of this resolution notifies this Board in writing of his intention to commence the manufacture and delivery of said castings in accordance with the terms and conditions of said contract, he will be con- sidered as having abandoned it, and it will therefore be declared by this Board an- nulled. Adjourned. ROBT. L. DARRAGH, Secretary. CROTON AQUEDUCT BOARD. November 20, 1868. At a meeting of the Croton Aqueduct Board, held this day. The following preamble and resolutions were adopted: Whereas, The Beach Pneumatic Transit Company, organized under an act of the Legislature of the State of New York, passed June I, 1868, chapter 842, Laws of 1868, have by their President, A. C. Beach, made formal application to this Board for approval of their proposed operations and lines of location, therefore Resolved, That the said the Beach Pneumatic Transit Company have the per- mission of this Board to locate and construct their tube or tunnel from a point on Nassau street, in front of the Post Office, and between Liberty and Cedar streets, through Nassau street, and in the middle of said street, to near Cedar street; thence by a curve to the middle of Cedar street and along the middle of Cedar street to near Broadway; thence on a curve to the middle of Broadway and northwardly along the middle of Broadway to Warren street, with connections with the Post Office and with the building at the southwest corner of Warren street and Broadway, pursuant to the provisions of said act. 2IO The top of the excavation in constructing the said pneumatic tube