ANALYSIS OF TRANSISTOR CLASS A OSCILLATOR by DAVID -1 J. COMERJ Technical Report Submitted in partial satisfaction of the requirements for the degree of MASTER OF SCIENCE i n Electrical Engineering i n the GRADUATE DIVISION of the UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA U. C. BERKOEY UG LIBRARY Approved: ComnriTi ftee i n Charge Degree conferred SUMMARY A simple design procedure tor Class A small signal 123 oscillation has been outlined in the literature. The procedure was verified by constructing a circuit based on this theory and comparing actual results with calculated results* An extension to large signal opera- tion for maximum output power also appears in the same literature* This theory was checked to see if modifica- tion was necessary* It was found that a simple piece- wise linear approximation to the emitter diode character- istic, based on the small signal value of emitter diode resistance, improves the design procedure and allows efficient Class A operation to be realized* Maximum available Class A output power was closely approached, but not fully attained with the methods reported in this paper* INTRODUCTION Of the different methods of oscillator analysis and design, one of the simplest and most general is that based upon a study of the dynamic admittance appearing 1 2 at the output terminals of a two-port network* The basic oscillator circuit is shown in Pig* 1 with a transistor as the active device* FEEDBACK NETWORK TRAN- SISTOR Fig* 1* Basic Oscillator Circuit The output admittance that the network presents to the load can be expressed as a function of the transistor parameters and the feedback network parameters. This admittance for sinusoidal oscillation can be expressed as YG+jB . (1) o o o In order for oscillations to exist at a particular frequency the output susceptance must be approximately zero at that frequency, and the sum of the output conductance and the load conductance must be negative, i.e. B O (2) o G_ + G ^ o ^ (3) These conditions can be examined for any transistor configuration v using the network parameters for that particular configuration. Thus, this method of analysis is quite general with respect to configuration. In this paper, a common base configuration is examined using y- parameters to define the network. This method of analysis utilizes small signal para- meters of the two-port network, to specify conditions for 1) marginal stability; 2) oscillation to the maximum pos- sible frequency with a given load conductance; 3) maximum loading at a given frequency* The analysis can be extended to the design of large- signal class A operation using small-signal linear theory along with the assumption of idealized non-linearity of emitter diode resistance, i.e. emitter resistance constant for forward bias, and infinite for zero or reverse bias. Research for this paper was done with the following objectives: 1) to verify the design procedure for the small signal case; 2) to examine the theory for extension to large signal oscillation and, if necessary, to base a modification of design procedure on experimental results. SMALL SIGNAL THEORY Since the y-parameters of a given transistor configu- ration are specified at a given frequency and bias point, the output admittance of the circuit of Fig. 2 is a function of load susceptance and the feedback network parameters. Fig. 2. Oscillator Circuit with Transformer Feedback An ideal transformer is assumed as the feedback element with a susceptance Z p in series with the input terminal* This feedback network is a very basic form, from which other feedback networks such as the tee or pi can be derived. The output admittance presented to the load can be expressed in terms of the transformer turns ratio T, the susceptance B.,. and the y or h para- r meters* This output admittance (see Fig* 2) is T) (T - h !2> (h 21 22 or in terms of y parameters l! Fig. 9. Output Power vs Load Resistance for Modified Turns Ratio. The peak of the output power plotted against load resistance now occurs at 21,000 ohms which was the cal- culated optimum value. The new value of turns ratio giving these conditions was found to be k times the value calculated from eq. 13. It should be noted that the output power is .2^4mw. whereas the predicted value was . 856mw. This discrepancy came about because the output voltage achieved only a little over one-half of its maximum possible swing. Changing the turns ratio appears to have improved two aspects of circuit performance. First, the power output is much greater than the value achieved before the turns ratio was changed. Second, the power output, which varies 17 The graph of Fig. 10 shows the emitter diode characteristic of the transistor. A straight line is drawn tangent to the curve at 0.5ma. The reciprocal of the slope of this line gives the small signal value of the diode resistance for a bias of 0.5ma. Also drawn through the O.^ma point is the line whose slope gives the piece-wise linear approximation of diode conductance over the full current swing from to 1 ma. The slope of this line is equal to one fourth of the slope of the first line, reflecting the fact that the large signal value of r e iis approximately four times the small signal value. CQ s H r-H rH H E I p o O -p H 6 w 1.2 ! I .!.:!! : ! I i ' > *LJ_i ' ' ! i 0.8 0.4 0.0 ' Slopes 1/r e small signal - tfctfc \^ ^ Slope= l/r e , piece-wise linear approximation over full current swing 120 160 20O Base-Emitter Voltage - millivolts Fig. 1O. Emitter Diode Characteristic IS ADJUSTING THE PHASE OF THE FEEDBACK CURRENT Since the large signal value of r .has increased e f over the small signal value* the phase of the feedback current will be different than in the small signal de- sign case. In the circuit of Pig. 2, the phase of the feedback current is adjusted by the susceptance B_. This susceptance can be calculated from Eq. 23 B, F nR ' + mX ' * * where a * m - j n and h.- R 1 + jX It is seen that B p depends on R 1 f which is also equal R e {j\]Jt and hence the large signal value of B p will differ from the small signal value. Therefore, the extension of theory from the small signal to the large signal case is not complete until B_ is readjusted for max- IT iraum output. With the circuit operating under the conditions which gave the maximum output as shown in Fig. 9 i.e. a load resistance of 21,OOO ohms and an adjusted turns ratio equal to four times the calculated value, the feedback susceptance B_ was varied* The power r output varied as B^ was changed, a relationship that r could be reflected in a plot of B F vs power output. A more informative graph, however, is that of Pig. 11. As B_ was adjusted to a certain value, the output power r reading was taken. In Pig. 11, this power reading is plotted against the value of R 1 which when substituted into Eq. 23 1 will give the value of B p corresponding to that particular output power. All other terms in Eq. 23 remain equal to their small signal value. In effect Eq. 23 was solved to find R 1 in terms of B p and the remaining terms. m/B - mX R m (24) n 19 The power output for a given fiL can then be plotted against R 1 as in Fig. 11. IB this way, the role of R 1 in optimizing the phase of the f wit back cur- rent for maximum power output can be seen. *> 3 C t, 0) * o do! 60 20 00 1R 3R' 4R 1 Resistance Used In Calculating B_ from jq r .v 1 s small signal value of Re > -i R Fig. 11. Power Output Fig. 11 shows that the proper phase for maximum out- is obtained when B- is calculated on the basis of r I eing about 4.4 times the small signal value. 20 The above result tends to substantiate the result of the last section; i.e. the large signal value of R 1 is approximately four times the small signal value. It is seen that correcting the turns ratio makes the peak power output occur at the proper value of load resistance. However, in order to increase the power output such that it approaches the maximum theoretical value, the phase of the feedback current must be cor- rected* Therefore, the design of an oscillator for maximum output power can be based upon the small signal parameters using a simple modification of the emitter diode resistance. This modification can then be used in calculating the turns ratio and the feedback sus- ceptance. The analysis of the oscillator has been carried to the point where nearly optimum results are obtained* More important, element values of the oscillator to obtain these results can be predicted by small signal parameter values and a simple approximation to the diode resistance. CONCLUSIONS The design procedure outlined in the three refer- ences has been verified for small signal operation. The extension to large signal operation gives results which are not optimum. An important reason for these non- optimum conditions is the fact that the emitter diode resistance varies appreciably over the oscillation cycle. A piece-wise linear approximation of this re- sistance, which is more representative of the large signal value, was obtained. This value was found to be about four times the small signal value. Using this modification of diode resistance, the output power was 21 82% of the maximum theoretical output* It should be profitable to continue this research with the objective of obtaining the maximum available output power* APPENDIX Section 1* Equations for obtaining equivalent feedback circuits from basic transformer feedback* a) Transformer - coupled form b) Pi impedance - coupled form c) Tee impedance - coupled for Y p (l - T) - T) - TY p (l.- T) Z L (1 - T) Y 3 - TY F Z C TZ L Section 2. Calculations of element values for maximum output I. / e? /N"" 2 \ I e o e \ 1.95 x 10" 3 4.4? x 10' 41 R e 10" 3 )(52.5) la IV ~LO .715 (6) c = 21,000 ohms . 2 (.5 x 10- 5 )(52.5) <42 . 5<14 x 10 -3 a IV. w .715 T A " 21 e R< T Section 3* Changing T. with Experimental Data K 21 J A 10 , 20 1 T 1 7 1 & 27 , 5. 2 3m 5 6 6 4 6-O - 6.4 Volt* (p-p) Changing R (kilohms) 10 16 18 21 24 30 36 with T Volts (p-p) 4.4 5.3 5.7 6.4 6.4 6.6 7.0 Emitter Diode Characteristic I., ma. V, volts c oe .012 .034 .038 .060 .215 .100 .400 .116 .500- .122 .600 .130 .780 . .135 .900 .140 Power Output vs Feedback Susceptance P R out F.B. raw. (in terms of Bp original) .27 33 .3 . Tt J .56 .60 .70 .70 .64 R' F 4. 11 * R 1 is found from eq. 23. It is the value which when substituted into eq. 23 will give the correspond- ing value of B., _ . r o. REFERENCES 1* D.F. Page and A.R. Boothroyd, "Instability in Two-Port Active Networks," IRE Trans . on Circuit Theory, vol. CT-5, No. 3; June 1958. 2. D.P. Page, "A Design Basis for Junction Tran- sistor Oscillator Circuits," Proc. IRE, vol. 46, pp 1271-1280, June 1958. 3 A.R. Boothroyd, "The Transistor as an Active Two-Port Network," Scientia Electrica Band' VII, Heft 1; pp 3-15 t March 1961. 4. A.R. Boothroyd, Lecture Notes from EE 298 Class, University of California, Berkeley Campus, Spring 19&1. fl|