thuumitu of JVo Division y Shelf fa.Q. Received dt*4&&e*t&: / University of California. <; i KT 03-" WHIT AND HOW TO READ: A GUIDE TO RECENT ENGLISH LITERATURE, CONTAINING A MINUTELY CLASSIFIED LIST OF THE BEST BOOKS PUBLISHED IN ENGLAND AND AMERICA DURING THE PAST FIVE YEARS, WITH CRITICAL REMARKS AND SUGGESTIONS, AND AN INTRODUCTION. NEW YORK: D. APPLETON AND COMPANY, 549 & 551 BROADWAY. 1875. 'V Entered, according to Act of Congress, in the year 1875, BY D. APPLETON AND COMPANY, In the Office of the Librarian of Congress, at Washington. INTRODUCTION. IT is impossible to say any thing absolutely new on the use of books for self -culture. Even the epistolary treatises on the advantages of literature, written by Egyptian scribes two or three thousand years before the compilation of the First Book of Moses, contain, in general terms, the best that can be said now. How- ever, there is always somebody still in his A B C's on some subject or other, and there will be some one also to whom a few words on What and How to Read are welcome advice. We have, fortunately, arrived at an age when book- making and reading is an absolute necessity. Every little addition to the sum of human knowledge is scat- tered broadcast, and every branch of science is made the subject of multifarious expositions, adapted for every variety of intellect. To show a supercilious dis- respect for the daily increasing multitude of books is not to affect superior wisdom, but to display some degree of ignorance. The times are past when it sufficed to sit for a while at the feet of a wise man in order to hear all that was known. Ours is also not an age when a sound iv INTRODUCTION. education, received in one's youth, can keep a man for life afloat in the ever-surging sea of human endeavors and accomplishments. This day there are a thousand voices to teach, and not one teaches the thousandth part of what may be known ; the college-hall is now but the passage-way to the halls of literature no one can give us our education, but at best only some general hints how to educate ourselves through the aid of books. The multitude and excellence of our books do by no means render educational institutions less important. The preserved brains of standard books are to a young mind not half as nourishing as the living voice of able teachers. It may be observed that people, when rich, are more ready to acknowledge that they are self-made men, than, when learned, that they are entirely self- taught. The reason is, that in circles of learning the self-taught but seldom hold though their acquirements be the same a position of equality with those who have passed through a regular course of academic, collegiate, and university training. It is natural to call in ques- tion the depth and accuracy of the information of those who have had to depend entirely on the teaching they could receive from books. \Vhen we ourselves are not connoisseurs of some article we desire to purchase, we look for some one to inform us of its value, and, if pos- sible, to guarantee it. Men of little learning often possess, to a wonderful degree, the power of expressing themselves on the most intricate subjects, with an easy flow of language and a felicitous choice of words ; while INTR OD UQTION. v others of great learning make their statements with a stammering tongue, and in sentences so incoherent that one can hardly follow the thread of their remarks. If there were nothing to testify to the soundness of the one and the unsoundness of the other, there would be many more men in the wrong place than now. But, without taking social standing and public opin- ion into further consideration, no one will doubt that those who have been for years under the teaching of experienced and learned persons, gain, as a rule, a bet- ter understanding of the aims and achievements of a c6rtain branch of study, than those who derive their knowledge of it only from books. Many books bear titles seemingly indicative of great learning, and are written in a style of wondrous self-assurance ; and per- sons reading them without the fundamental education to know when they are getting into wilds of nonsense and bombast, are apt to suppose that, with every sen- tence in them, they acquire valuable information. A man who has been through college, and perhaps in a professional school, is not so much in danger of wasting time on the study of authors who, from ignorance, or for lack of an internal sense of literary honor, mingle fictions with facts, and care little whether they lead astray or aright. Still, all who have kept abreast with the progress made in their own science, or whatever their pursuit may be, must acknowledge that they themselves are in a measure the pupils of books, and hence, self-taught men. As said before, all that can be obtained at col- vi INTRODUCTION. leges and universities is but a safe foundation for self- study ; and if any one received, on graduation-day, a certificate, signed by all the professors of the world, that every part and particular of what is known had been fully mastered by him, the next year alas ! the next day would find him behind the times. Thou- sands are everywhere at work in all the fields of human knowledge, digging up daily something of value, of tjie quantity and quality of which all dili- gent men of science feel the need of instantly receiving exact information, which they can obtain only from books. A Dutch anatomist, it is said, once showed a visitor his dissecting-room as the sole library he possessed ; but to-day a man would only expose himself to ridicule if he pointed to his laboratory as his only source of in- formation. He is wasting time. What he is trying to do in his own workshop, a thousand others, scattered over the world, are trying to do in theirs, and some one else accomplishes first. Not to turn to books to be- come acquainted with every advancement made in one's own line of research, is like preferring for locomotion a Russian swing to a locomotive. Yet nine out of ten of the inventions offered for registration at the Patent-Office are but repetitions of what has been in- vented long ago. The aspirants to wealth and fame then discover that they have been ruining themselves with a long-continued expenditure of time, labor, and psychical force, which might have been prevented by an adequate study of the principal works in which the new INTRODUCTION. vii discoveries and inventions of the nature they intended to make were described. But it is only one of the current fallacies of the day that to know one thing well one should constantly keep studying it, and nothing but it. The fact is, that it is impossible to know one thing well without knowing a hundred subjects, many apparently without relation to it, almost equally well. The interrelations and over- lappings of science as of every thing in the universe are wonderful. We are employed with architecture, and all mechanical and physical sciences contribute to our art. Every stream has hundreds of tributaries, long or short, coming from the northeast, or from the north- west, and entering it either in the north, near the source, or in the south, near the sea. "We study botany, and the cookery-book may state something about the nature of a vegetable that scientific botanical works do not mention: it will happen that Bridget, in the kitchen, has noticed what the eminent naturalist has overlooked. Some dog-day of thought the scientist goes to a book of romances or ballads, to escape from his city of ideas, and regain coolness and vigor of mind in the airy and lofty realms of fancy : and perchance a line of the poet gives him, as from a mountain-peak, a more comprehen- sive view of his subject of inquiry than he ever had before. People should have special branches of study, but they should by no means confine their reading to a single, and, perhaps, infinitesimal subject. So much is certain, at least, that no one should, at the outset, viii INTRODUCTION. restrict his self-culture to any one object. However wide one's course of reading, there will, in time, be developed a decided preference for certain classes of study ; some subject will prove of special interest, and, without the conscious exercise of effort of will, books not related to it will be more and more neglected, and % finally entirely laid aside. The intellect weds itself to a science very much as the heart chooses a companion for life : both may set out in search of what corresponds to their preconceived ideals, but the final selection is made with very little regard to them, and by a process so natural that there is no accounting for what did deter- mine the choice. Men of science, professionals, professors, and preach- ers, who for life adhere to the study of only one branch of science, do it rather from necessity than from choice. A temporary inclination to fathom the depth of some field of human knowledge, or a sudden vanity to become known as a specialist of a certain order, placed them in spheres where the constant pursuit of the same study afterward became a matter of compulsion. They keep on reading the same class of literature because their professional duties compel them to investigate to- day this, and to-morrow another detail of what they are expected to know. What they read greatly depends on the requirements of the hour. Though the advice to make an early choice of a subject for study, and to adhere to it for life, is plausi- bly the best, yet the experience of eminent men proves it to be utterly injudicious. Success but seldom comes INTRODUCTION. ix by life-long planning, and a steady steering for a single aim. All famed self-taught and self-made men passed through careers of wondrous mixtures of occupations, and what they achieved they owed not to extraordi- nary wisdom or circumspection, nor to having had bet- ter opportunities than other men, but to an ever-readi- ness to forsake one pursuit for another, and to engage with heart and soul in whatever momentarily seemed more congenial or remunerative.j Some persons doom themselves to complete and irretrievable failure by summoning moral courage and iron will, as they are pleased to call it, to keep in a line of study for which they have long ago lost all genuine interest. Not everybody is a gold-digger by nature. Promises of immeasurable wealth could not induce some people to spend months or years, at one spot, in blasting and shoveling and digging, to reach some layer deep down, where a valuable vein is supposed to be running. It suits them best to wander from the gold-fields of Cali- fornia to those of Peru, and thence to Australia, and to the diamond-fields of South Africa, with the hope of picking riches from the surface of the soil. If both succeed, the gold-digger and the gold-washer accom- plish the same, though one is described as the rolling stone that gathers no moss. This rule may be laid down for all : read no book of which the subject is not of great interest to you, and of which the language and general treatment are such that you cannot easily understand it. The mental benefit derived from the reading of a book one does not like, is x INTRODUCTION. about as great as the advantage the body has of food repugnant to it. One's pleasure in a book should be such that he lays it reluctantly aside when other occupations call him away. To exercise our force of will to go through a work because somebody we esteem has recommended it to us, and because we do not wish to lower ourselves in his estimation, is partly folly and partly deception. It is true that at school or college the young have often to study books the phraseology and treatment of which are not of a kind to invite their attention, but the teacher's explanations and illustrations on the portion set for a task are expected to ring in the student's ear while studying it. Where there are no teachers to popularize the text-books, or rather to translate them into a child's or youth's language before requiring the study of them, the books used should be so simple that a child or youth could study them with- out a teacher. Young persons are sometimes counseled to read books difficult for them to understand, over and over again, until they do understand them. It is an unprof- itable employment. The first perusal of too scientific a book avails but little; the second renders the subject less interesting, without making it any the clearer ; and at the third, though the words are beginning to fasten on the memory, the interest is wholly gone, and the real meaning is entirely obscured. If a subject chosen for study is extensive and complicated, it is better to read on it three books of a character befitting one's temper INTRODUCTION. XI and understanding, than one book that overtaxes the mind. If it is extremely doubtful that we possess the strength and agility to venture to climb over a rugged, steep, and high mountain, it is better to go around it, though it may take us three times as long. Only in case that a particular study must instantly be made, and no book can be found which meets our special requirements, is there good reason for abandoning the rule. In ordinary circumstances nobody should be en- couraged, and much less compelled, to read a work above his mental capacity. The age we live in has many things justly to be proud of, and one of them is the extensive literature which enables every one to choose, on any subject, just such a book as meets his own purposes, and corresponds to his own intellectual standing. But, considering the fact that every year about five thousand works are published in the English language alone, it is not to be wondered at that even those most interested in a certain subject frequently fail to know the latest and best treatise on it, or some simple and intelligible book to recommend to a friend. People are well assured that whatever book thej" need is most likely to be obtained, but are often at a loss how to reach it, knowing neither by whom nor under what title it has been written. Sur- rounded by the great wealth of recent literature, they exclaim, in their genuine embarras de richesse, " What shall we read ? " They need some one to put order into the seeming chaos, some one to classify the great mass of literature, some one to single out the new books that xii INTRODUCTION. have appeared on the subjects in which they take a special interest. When some one imagines that he answers the ques- tion, " What to read ? " satisfactorily, by naming the Bible and Shakespeare ; or when another urges, in addi- tion to them, the use of a Cruden's " Concordance ; " or when a third says that it would be well for everybody to spend a year on chemistry, another year on botany, and a third on physics ; or when still another thinks he is giving a complete list of the books needed for a good education, by the following : the Bible, Shakespeare, Spenser's " Faerie Queene," Sidney's " Arcadia," works of Sir Thomas Browne, works of Rev. Cyril Jackson, Walton's "Complete Angler," Clarendon's "History," Milton, Chaucer, Jeremy Taylor, South's "Sermons," and Fuller's "Church History," one can but smile piteously at the author's low estimate of the cult- ure demanded by this age. Not one-tenth of the world will now care to read excepting, of course, the Bible and Shakespeare any of the books men- tioned. The times have changed. People want to know more of the history and achievements of hu- manity than a little biblical history, English drama, and theology. The times are past when a dozen books could be made to satisfy the intellectual cravings of a whole generation. The high-schools have ceased to be convents and theological seminaries. The present duty of colleges and universities is to lay before every new generation the general outlines of all the acquire- ments of the past. Their task is to give that training INTRODUCTION. xm which enables the adolescent to be judicious in the selection of a career, and of the means of accomplishing his purpose ; and nothing further. Now the wise edu- cator points to the entire, vast series of books, as the record of all human endeavors, and says : " Pursue what you like, according to your talents and abilities, taking pains to advance, by whatever you do, as well the devel- opment of your own manhood as that of humanity." Centuries ago, when books were few and costly, and not many of them good and accessible, it was possible to refer to a dozen books as containing very nearly all that a cultivated man needed to know. In former times, when scientific and artistic pursuits were far from being multifarious, it was very well to counsel the young to choose one profession rather than another. When it was still a matter of consid- erable expense to attend a school where any thing more than the merest rudiments were taught, those who were rich enough to undertake long voyages for the purpose, and to pay high fees to the professors, and high prices for their books, looked upon what they learned rather as being a pastime, or adornment, than as a foundation for the work of their lives. But at pres- ent, when one's study is to be his bread ; when culture is sought by and afforded to the rich and poor alike, to satisfy their craving for knowledge ; when one's social position and individual happiness depend on his intel- lectual attainments, and when it is in the interest of humanity, as well as one's own, that everybody spe- cially applies himself to those subjects for which his xiv INTRODUCTION. natural endowments qualify him, and in which he is most apt to meet success at present no one should undertake to reply to the question, " What to read ? " by enumerating a list of books. Where is the wise man to select a dozen or a hundred books to give the general public, old and young, ignorant and edu- cated, talented and dull, with the promise that every individual will find in them that which he needs to know- in order to be successful, and become equal to the best in his profession, or trade ; that which will fully answer his own peculiar talents and inclinations, that which will unfold his entire moral, intellectual, and spiritual nature ? A multitude of persons, one differing from another in heart, hand, mind, and aims, if putting one and the same question " What to read ? " must receive a mul- titude of answers. And such a multitude of answers is given with this book. Each list of works of various degrees of scientific treatment, under any of the nearly two thousand headings, is a most direct answer to a special class of persons. On fifty subjects the contents and value of the principal publications are discussed more or less briefly. The numbers prefixed to the authors' names on the left-hand side of the pages ex- press neither praise nor blame : 2 indicates that the book will suit a general reader of ordinary education ; 3, that some higher degree of culture is needed for a full appreciation of it ; 4, that it is written for professional or advanced students of the subject ; and 5, that in scope and treatment it is especially adapted for a book of reference. Only in some cases, where, for INTRODUCTION. xv example, all in a list are intended for reference only, the figures indicate the scientific value and character of the books. If, now, a person knows his own needs and inclinations, and is capable of estimating his degree of culture, he will obtain from this book a most explicit and trustworthy reply to his question, what he shall read ; no matter on what subject art, or science, or whatever pursuit or field of learning. No one should complain that the suggestions here given are so few and so general. That is the best education which lays only the foundation for educating one's self, which provides only the tools wherewith to gather the material for the edifice of culture ; for every- body must build according to the requirements of his position in life, and develop according to his psychical idiosyncrasies. To make men according to an image, though it were conceived by the noblest and loftiest of minds, would rather thwart than foster the general de- velopment of humanity. This is the art of education : to make the pupil conscious of his own powers, and cog- nizant of the various directions in which he may exercise them, without causing him to neglect or check the growth of any of his talents, and without urging him in any direction. On this depends the future of hu- manity : that everybody is allowed to be what he can be, to pursue what he can attain, to seek his own happi- ness where he himself thinks that he shall find it, and to minister to the wants of his fellow-men wherever he thinks that they have need of him, and he can serve them. xvi INTRODUCTION. It is impossible to praise this age too much and too highly, for the facilities which it offers to every one for his culture. No subject of research is so intricate and profound that there is no book to explain it, in its general results and bearings, to persons of the most limited education. When education was yet in the sole charge of the Church, and the movements of science were watched with suspicious eyes, scientific works were never written for the purpose of instructing the larger classes of non-scientific people. The Church set the limits of what the masses should know ; and men of science were aware that, if they wanted to be unmo- lested, they had to keep their wisdom to themselves. The few scientific works that were written were couched in a sort of learned argot, to be understood only by the initiated. But as the ranks of science were filling, and inventions, discoveries, and other achievements multi- plied, learned men took courage to discuss openly, and in a more popular style, the results of their researches. The success which suddenly attended scientific investi- gations, made the Church lose heart to oppose the gen- eral pursuit of learning as firmly as formerly, and caused the control over the educational institutions slowly to pass into the hands of science. When once the learned fraternity had obtained the people for an audience, they composed their works so as to gain their applause, caring little whether they were ordered to swell the Index Librorum Prohibitorum or not. Thus the great watchword of our age "diffusion of knowledge" came to be adopted. The great aim INTRODUCTION. xvii of scientists and philanthropists, the successors of the clergy, is to make education as general and as wide as possible. It would now be deemed a crime to with- hold from the great mass any thing that is known ; and whatever is pretended to be known receives no honor until it has obtained the recognition and approval of the people. And the fraternal manner in which the acquirements of everybody, in all departments of knowledge, are freely and equally distributed among all who open their hands for them, is the most es- sential, and so far the only possible step toward the realization on earth of that ideal spirit of humanity expressed by the three words, " Liberty, Equality, and Fraternity." Countries, small and great, borough and metropolis, rival each other in affording to the young the most thorough and multifarious education. Schools, colleges, universities, and libraries, are opened and sustained everywhere, either by the government, as the representative of the people, or through the largesse of private individuals. Whoever knows any thing of value hastens to share it with his fellow- men ; and whoever supposes that a certain branch of knowledge has not been treated in a manner suffi- ciently clear and agreeable for the information of the less educated, sets to work to popularize it. On the one hand compulsory school-attendance, on the other the general willingness on the part of the most learned to share freely their attainments with the uninformed, by explaining their researches so as to be understood by them these are "signs of the times" that augur xviii INTRODUCTION. the fulfillment of the brightest dreams of humanity ; for, surely, if this dark world is ever to be illumi- nated, it will be by the light that knowledge kindles in man. G. A. F. VAN RHYN. NEW YORK, February 20, 1875. NOTE. ONLY noteworthy books in the English language, published during tbejast five years in England or the United States, are mentioned. New and revised editions of earlier standard works have sometimes been noted, but others, that have not recently passed through a new edition, are not given. Though nearly seven thousand books have been classified under about two thousand heads, many no doubt excellent works could not be brought within the small compass allowed, and many subjects could not receive a separate heading. The Index may be consulted for titles not in the table of contents. If a list of books on some important branch of literature seems proportionately small, it shows that but little has been recently pub- lished on the subject. The numbers prefixed to the authors' names on the left-hand side of the pages express neither praise nor blame : 2 indicates that the book will suit a general reader of ordinary education ; 3, that some higher degree of culture is needed for a full apprecia- tion of it ; 4, that it is written for professional or advanced students of the subject ; 5, that in scope and treatment it is especially adapted for a book of reference. Only in some cases, where, for example, all in a list are intended XX NOTE. for reference only, the figures indicate the scientific value and character of the books. On fifty subjects the contents and literary worth of the principal publications are discussed more or less briefly. English books, not republished in this country, are marked " Lon- don," and the price is calculated at one dollar for every two shillings, the usual charge for importation. American books are marked at prices for the ordinary binding, and generally for the cheapest editions in the market. The price of books is subject to slight modifications. CONTENTS. AGEICULTUEE. FARMING, FRUIT AND FLOWER CULTURE, HORTICULTURE, CATTLE-RAISING, ETC. Agricultural Chemistry, 3 ; Animals, Training of; 8 ; Apples, 9 ; Bees and Bee-Keep- ing, 17; Cattle, 28; Cattle, Diseases of; 28; Cements, 29; Coffee, 38; Cran- berry, 42 ; Dairy Husbandry, 48 ; Dogs, 47 ; Farm Implements, 15 ; Farmers 1 Annuals, 75; Farming, 75; Fish-Culture, 76; Flower-Gardening, 77; Fruit- Culture, 79; Grapes, 84; Horse and Horsemanship, 91; Horseshoeing, 91; Horses, Diseases of, 91 ; Horticulture, 92 ; Landscape-Gardening, 111 ; Ma- nures, 119 ; Mushrooms, 131 ; Peach-Culture, 143 ; Pear-Culture, 148 ; Potato- Culture, 157; Poultry, 158; Kose, Culture of the, 167 ; Silk and Tea, 177 ; Straw- berry, 184; Sugar, 185; Trees, 194; Eose, 167; Wheat, 201. AETS. ARCHITECTURE, DESIGNING, ENGRAVING, MTTSIC, NUMISMATICS, PAINTING, PHOTOG- RAPHY, SCULPTURE, ETC. Alphabets, Collection of, 5; Architecture, 9 ; Art, Collections and Specimens of, 11 ; Art, Dictionaries of Terms in, 11; Art, Essays and Treatises on, 11; Art, His- tory of, 12 ; Art, Sacred, 12 ; Ceramic Art, 29 ; Church Architecture, 35; Colors, 88; Designing, 45; Drawing, 48; Engraving, 70; Gems, 70; Glass Making and Painting, 83; Gothic Architecture, 83; Harmony, 86; Heraldry, 88; Illumina- tion, 94; Lace, 111; Landscape Gardening, 111; Modeling, 129; Monograms, 130 ; Music, Essays and Treatises on, 131 ; Numismatics, 141 ; Ornaments, 143; Painting, Coach, House, Photograph, and Sign, 144; Painting, 144; Photog- raphy, 152; School-House Architecture, 169; Sculpture, 173; Shading and Shadows, 175; Singing, 177; Water-Color Painting, 200. xxii CONTENTS. BIOGEAPHY. COLLECTITB. General, 19; American, 19; American Colleges, 19; Artists, 19; Lawyers, 20; Literary Men, 20; Military Men, 20 ; Musical Composers, 20 ; Sacred, 20; States- men, 20 ; "Women, 21. INDIVIDUAL. Adams, John, 2; Adams, John Quincy, 2 ; Aiken, L. and Channing, "W. E., 3 ; Alex- ander, J. Addison, 4; Alford, Henry, 4; Andre, Major, 7; Arnold, Thomas, 11 ; Asbury, Bishop Francis, 12 ; Audubon, John James, 14 ; Bacon, Francis, 15 ; Bangs, H., 15; Barbauld, Mrs. A. L., 16; Barneveld, John o 16; Batkins, Jefferson S., IT; Bayard, G. D., 17; Beethoven, 17; Berkeley, Bishop G., 17; Besson, Eev. Pere, 17 ; Bismarck, Prince, 22 ; Bonapartes, 22 ; Booth, Edwin, 23 ; Brainerd, Rev. Thomas, 24; Brassey, Thomas, 24; Bright, John, 25; Bronte, Charlotte, 25; Brougham, H., 25; Brute, Et. Eev. Gabriel, 25; Bunsen, Baron, 25; Bunyan, John, 25; Burns, Eobert, 26; Burns, Eev. W. C., 26; Burr, Aaron, 26; Burr, William, 26; Byron, Lord, 26; Csesar, 26; Calhoun, J. C.,27; Camp- bell, Alexander, 27 ; Carlyle, Thomas, 27 ; Carson, Kit, 28 ; Chalmers, Thomas, 26 ; Chambers, Eobert and William, 29; Channing, William Ellery, 29; Choate, Eufus, 82 ; Christ, 82 ; Clarke, D. W., 36 ; Cockburn, Lord Henry, 38 ; Collins, S., 38; Columbus, Christopher, 88; Conant, Mrs. J. H., 39; Cookman, A., 41; Cooper, Anthony Ashley, 41 ; Copley, John L., 41 ; Cortes, Hernando, 41 ; Crit- tenden, J. J., 42 ; Cromwell, Oliver, 42 ; Dahlgren, Ulric, 42 ; Dallas, Alexander James, 43 ; Dante, degli Alighieri, 43; Davis, Jefferson, 44; De Foe, Daniel, 44; Denman, Lord, 44 ; De Quincey, Thomas, 45 : Deutsch, E.,45; Dickens, Charles, 46; Disraeli, Benjamin, 46; Doddridge, Philip, 47; Dryden, 48; Dumas, 48; Dunham, Thomas, 49; Dunster, Henry, 49; Durer, Albert, 49; Edgeworth, Maria, 50 ; Eliot, Sir Jonn, 67 ; Erskina, Lord, 71 ; Evans, WilFam, 78 ; Evelyn, John, 73; Everett, Edward, 78 ; Fairfax, Lord, 74; Faraday, Michael, 74; Fern, Fanny, 75; Fonblanque, Albany, 77; Foote, Andrew Hull, 77; Forbes, J. D., 77; Forrest, Edwin, 77; Franklin, Benjamin, 78; Frederick the Great 78; Galileo, 80; Gallitzin, A. de, 80; Gay, John, 80; Gib, Eobert, 82; Gillray, James, 82; Goethe, 83; Goldsmith, 83; Gottschalk, L. M., 84; Grant, IT. S., 84; Greeley, Horace, 85; Greene, Nathaniel, 85; Greville Memoirs, 86; Guerin, Maurice de, 85; Guthrie, Thomas, 86; Halleck, Fitz-Greene, 86; Hemans, Mrs. F., 88 ; Holbein, 89 ; Holland, George, 90 ; Holland, John, 90 ; Hopkins, J. H., 91 ; Hughes, Archbishop, 92; Humboldt, A. von, 92; Humboldt, W. von, 92; Huss, John, 93; Irving, Washington, 97 ; Jackson, Andrew, 98; Jackson, Stonewall, 98 ; Jefferson, Thomas, 99 ; Jeffrey, Francis, 99 ; Kearney, Philip, 109 ; Keble, John, 109 ; Keith, Mrs. Caroline P., 109 ; Kendall, A., 109 ; Kennedy, John P., 109; Knight, Charles, 110; Knox, Henry, 110; Knox, Eobert, 110; Lacordaire, 111 ; Lamb, Charles and Mary, 111 ; Landon, L. E., Ill ; Landon, Walter Sav- age, 111 ; Landseer. Sir Edwin, 112 ; Las Casas, 113 ; Lee, General Eobert E., 114 ; Lessing, 114; Lincoln, Abraham, 115: Livingston, Edward, 115; Livingstone, Dr. David, 115; Lover, Samuel, 117; Lynch, Thomas T., 117; Lytton, Edward Bulwer, 117; Macaulay, Lord, 117; Maclise, Daniel, 117; Me Vicar, Eev. John, 117; Madison, James, 118; Marlborough, Duke of, 119; Marlowe, Christopher, 119 ; Massinger, Philip, 120; Matthew, Father, 120; May, Samuel J., 121 ; Maz- CONTENTS. xxiii rini, 121; Mendelssohn-Bartholdy, Felix, 122; Mendelssohn and Goethe, 122; Mill, John Stuart, 127; Miller, Hugh, 127; Miller, Samuel, 127; Milton, John, 127; Minto, Lord, 128; Mirabeau, Count, 128; Morse, Samuel F. B., 130; Moscheles, 131; Mozart, 131; Murchison, Sir Eoderick J.,131; Nelson, Lord, 133; Niebuhr, 186; O'Connell, Daniel, 142; Palmerston, Lord, 145; Parker, Theodore, 147; Patteson, John Coleridge, 148 ; Peabody, Francis, 148 ; Peabody, George, 148; Peel, Sir Bobert, 148; Penn, William, 149; Perceval, Et Hon. Spencer, 149; Pickering, T., 154; Pliny, 155; Plunket, Oliver, 155; Poe, Edgar Allan, 155; Potter, Bishop Alonzo, 157; Eandolph, John, 162; Eaphael, 162; Eobertson, Frederick W., 166; Eobinson, Henry Crabb, 166; Eossini, 167; Eousseau, Jean Jacques, 167; Schiller, Friedrich von, 169; Schubert, 169; Schumann, 169 ; Scott, Elder Walter, 173 ; Scott, Sir Walter, 173 ; Scudder, Eev. John, 173; Sedgwick, Catherine, 174; Sevigne, Madame de,175; Seward,W. H., 175; Shelley, 176; Smollett, Tobias, 178; Somerville, Mary, 179; Spinoza, 181 ; Stockmar, Baron von, 184 ; Strauss, David Friedrich, 184; Sumner, Charles, 185; Taney, E. B., Chief- Justice, 188; Tappan, Arthur, 188; Thomas, General George H., 191 ; Thomas, John, 191 ; Thompson, Count Bumford, 191 ; Thor- waldsen, 191; Timon, Eight Eev. John, 191; Todd, 0. S., 192; Vincent de Paul, St., 198; Virgin Mary, 198; Voltaire, 199; Von Hutten, 199; Wagner, Eichard, 199; Warren, John, 199; Washington, George, 200; Webster, Daniel, 200; Wells, John, 200; Wentworth, Thomas, 200; Wesley, John, 200; Willard, Emma, 201; Williams, Eoger, 201; Wright, Edward, 203; Xavier, St. Francis, 203 ; Young, Charles Mayne, 204 ; Zeisberger, 204. CHEMISTEY, METALLUEGY, MINEEALOGY, AND MINING. Agricultural Chemistry, 8; Alcoholic Liquors, 4; Assaying, 13; Blast-Furnace, 22; Blasting, Submarine, 22; Chemical Analysis, 30 ; Chemical Physics, 30 ; Chemi- cal Technology, 80 ; Chemistry, Medical, 31 ; Chemistry, Organic, and Inorganic, 81; Chemistry, Theoretical, Philosophical, and Miscellaneous Treatises, 81; Coal and Coal-Mining, 88 ; Coal-Eegions, 38; Diamonds, 46; Engineering, 67; Gas, 80; Gems (Precious Stones), 80; Geology, 81; Gold and Silver, 83; Iron, 97; Mechanics, 121 ; Metallurgy, 124; Microscopy, 125 ; Mineralogy, 127 ; Mines and Mining Machinery, 127; Steel, 184. EDUCATION. Colleges, American, 38; Education, Essays and Treatises on, 50; Elocution, 67; Etiquette, 78; Gymnastics, 86; Kindergarten, 110; Mnemonics, 129; Oxford, 144; Parent's Aids, 146; Pedagogy, 148; Ehetoric, 65; School-House Archi- tecture, 169; Singing, 117; Teachers' Aids, 50; Voice, 199. EDUCATIONAL WORKS. Education, Essays and Treatises on, 50 ; Algebra, 51 ; Anatomy, Physiology, Hy- giene, etc., 51 ; Arithmetic, 51 ; Astronomy, 52 ; Book-Keeping, 52 ; Botany, 52 ; Chemistry, 52 ; Composition and Ehetoric, 53 ; Dictionaries of the English Lan- xxiv CONTENTS. guage, 53 ; Drawing and Painting, 53 ; Elocution (Speakers, etc.), 54 ; French, 54; Geography, 55; Geology, Mineralogy, and Metallurgy, 55; Geometry, 55; German, 56 ; Grammar, 57 ; Grammars for tne Use of Frenchmen, Germans, and Spaniards, 57 ; Greek, 58 ; Gymnastics and Calisthenics, 59 ; History, 59 ; Italian, 60 ; Latin, 60 ; Literature, 61 ; Logic, 62 ; Mechanics and Engineering, 62; Metaphysics, 62; Music, 63; Mythology and Antiquities, 63; Natural Philoso- phy (Physics), 63; Penmanship, 64; Political and Social Science, 64; Primary Books, 64; Readers, 64; Spanish, 64; Spellers, 65; Zoology, 65. GAMES, AMUSEMENTS, AND SPORTS. Athletic Sports, 14; Base-Ball, 16; Billiards, 18; Boating, 22; Cards, 27; Charades, 29; Chess, 81; Cricket, 42; Croquet, 42; Dancing, 43; Draughts, 48; Field- Sports, 75; Fishing, 76; Game and Gaming, 80; Games and Amusements, 80; Gymnastics, 86; Horsemanship, 91; Hunting and Trapping, 93; Magic, 118; Sporting, 182 ; Swimming, 187 ; Theatricals, 190 ; Velocipedes, 198 ; Whist, 201 ; Yachts and Yachting, 203. GEOGRAPHY, HISTORY, AND TRAVELS. GENERAL. Geography, General and Physical, 81 ; History, Ancient and Modern, 89 ; History Philosophy of, 89 ; Travels around and about the World, 193. General. Africa, 2 ; Africa, Central, 3; Africa, Eastern, 3 ; Africa, South, 3 ; Africa, West, 8. Special. Abyssinia, 1 ; Afghanistan, 2 ; Albert N'yanza, 4 ; Algiers, 4 ; Ashanti, 12; Carthage and Tunis, 28; Dahomey, 43; Egypt, 66; Madagascar, 117; Mo- rocco, 130; Niger, 137; Nile, 137; Nubia, 141*; Zanzibar, 204; Zulu, 205. NOBTH AMEBICA. Canada, 27; Mexico, 125; New Brunswick, 134; Rocky Mountains, 166. UNITED STATES. General. United States, 196. Special. Adirondacks, 2; Alabama, 3; Alaska, 4; Albany City and County, 4; Arizona, 10 ; Arkansas, 11 ; Boston, 23 ; California, 27 ; Catskill Mountains, 28 ; Chicago, 31; Colorado, 28; Delaware, 44; Elizabeth, N. J., 67; Florida, 76; Georgia, 82 ; Hudson River, 92 ; Indiana, 95 ; Iowa, 96 ; Kansas, 109 ; Kentucky, 109; Lake George, 111 ; Lexington, Kentucky, 114 ; Louisiana, 117 ; Maine, 118; Mammoth Cave, 119 ; Maryland, 120 : Massachusetts, 120 ; Michigan, 125 ; Min- nesota, 128; Mississippi, 129; Mount Desert, 131; Mount Washington, 131; Nebraska, 133; Nevada, 133; New England, 134; New Haven, 134; New Jer- sey, 134; New Mexico, 134; New York City, 185; New York State, 136; North Carolina, 187; Ohio, 142; Oregon, 143; Pennsylvania, 149; Philadelphia, 150; Pittsfleld, Mass., 154; Rhode Island, 165; Richmond, Va., 165; San Francisco, CONTENTS. xxv 1C8; Saratoga, 1&>; Sea-side Resorts, 174; Sierra Nevada, 17T; Stamford, 183 ; Summer Resorts, and Watering-Places, 185 ; Susquehanna, 186 ; Tennessee, 189 ; Texas, 190; Utah, 197; Vermont, 198 ; Virginia, 199; Wallingford, Conn., 199; Warwick, Mass., 200; Washington Territory, 200; West Point, 201; West Virginia, 201; White Mountains, 201; Yosemite Valley, 203. CENTRAL AMERICA AND WEST INDIES. Bahamas, 15; Cuba, 42; Havana, 86; Honduras, 91; Jamaica, 93; Nicaragua, 13C; San Domingo, 168; Trinidad, 194; West Indies, 201. SOUTH AMERICA. Amazon, 5; Andes, 7; Argentine Republic, 10 ; Brazil, 24; New Granada, 134 ; Para- guay, 146; Patagonians, 147; Peru, 149; South America, 179. General. Asia, Travels in, 13; Central Asia, 29; the East, 49. Special. Arabia, 9; Asia Minor, 13; Assyria, 13; Babylonia, 15; Bashan, 17; Beloochistan, 17; Bokhara, 22; Caucasus, 28; Ceylon, 29; China, 31; India, 94; Japan, 98; Jerusalem, 99; Jordan, 100; Khiva, 109; Mesopotamia, 123; Moab, 129; Mongolia, 129; Nineveh, 137; Palestine, 145; Pekin, 149; Persia, 149; Phoenicia, 152; Russia, 167; Siam, 176; Siberia, 177; Sinai, 177; South Seas, 179; Syria, 187; Tartary, 188; Thibet, 191 ; Turkey, 195. AUSTRALIA AND PACIFIC ISLANDS. Australia and New South Wales, 15; Fiji Islands, 76; Hawaii, 86; Java, 99; Malay Archipelago, 118; New South Wales, 134; New Zealand, 136; Pacific Ocean and Islands, 144; Polynesia, 157. General. Travels, and Traveler's Guides, 73. Special. Alps, 5; Austria, 15; Anglo-Saxons, 8 ; "Belgium, 17 ; Caucasus, 28; Cre- tan Insurrection, 42; Denmark, 44; England, 68; Etruria, 73; Florence, 76; France, 77; Franco-German War, 78; Germany, 82; Great Britain, 84; Greece, 84; Cyprus, 86; Holland and Belgium, 90; Hungary, 93; Iceland, 93; Ireland, 97; Italy, 98; London, 116; Madeira, 118; Malta, 118; Mediterranean, 122; Netherlands, 133; Normandy, 137; Northmen, 187; Norway, 187; Paris, 146; Pau, 148; Piedmont, 154; Poland, 155; Pompeii, 157; Prussia, 160; Pyrenees, 161; Rhine, 165; Rome, 166; Russia, 167; Scandinavia, 169; Scotland, 172; Servia, 174; Shetland, 176; Sicily, 177; Sinai, 177; Spain, 180; Sweden, 187; Switzerland, 187; Troy, 195; Tunnel, Mont Cenis, 195; Turkey, 194; Tyrol, 195; Vienna, 198. MISCELLANEOUS. American Navy, 6 ; Anglo-Saxons, 8 ; Arctic and Antarctic Regions, 10 ; Atlases, 14 ; Civilization, 88 ; Climatology, 87 ; Crusades, 42 ; Geography, Biblical, 81 ; Hugue- nots, 92; Indians, American, 95; Inquisition, 95; Jesuits, 99 ; Jews, History of the, 99; Mediterranean, 122; Meteorology 124; Middle Ages, 125; Ocean, 142; Reformation, 153; Sea, 173; South Pole, 179 ; Tropics, 194. xxvi CONTENTS. INDUSTE1AL AETS, MANUFACTURES, AND TEADES. Alcoholic Liquors, 4; Arts, Industrial, 12; Dictionaries, 11; Bridge-Building 24; Cabinet-Making, 26; Calico-Printing, 27 ; Canals, 27; Carpentry, 28 ; Cements, 29 ; Ceramic Art, 29 ; Chemical Technology, 30 ; Clock and Watch Making. 87 ; Coal, and Coal-Mining, 38 ; Cotton, and Cotton-Spinning, 41 ; Dairy Husbandry, 43; Dentistry, 44; Designing, 45; Diving, 47; Drawing, 48; Dyeing, 49; Elec- trotyping, 67; Elevations, 67 ; Engraving, 70 ; Fish-Culture, 76 ; Furniture, 79 ; Glass-Making and Painting, 83; Graining, 84; Horseshoeing, 91; Inventions and Inventors, 96 ; Iron, 97; Lace, 111; Landscape-Gardening, 111 ; Life-Boats, 115; Light-houses, 115; Manufactures, 119; Mechanics, 121; Mill-Dams, 127; Mines and Mining Machinery, 127; Painting, Coach, House, Photograph, and Sign, 144; Phonography, 152 ; Photography, 152; Porcelain and Pottery, 15S; Printing, 158; Pyrotechny, 161; Eoad-Making, 166; Rope-Making, 1C7; Sew- age, 175; Ship-building, 176; Silk and Tea-Culture, 177; Soap, 178; Stair-Build- ing, 182; Steam and Steam-Engines, 183; Steam-Boilers, 183; Strains, and Strength of Material, 184; Sugar, 185; Surveying, 1S6; Textiles, 190; Tools and Workshop Appliances, 192 ; Topography, 192 ; Turning, 195; Vinegar, 198; Watchmaking, 2uO; Wheels. 201- Wine, 201; Wood -Carving, 202; Soundings and Dredgings, 179. JUVENILES. For Boys and Girls, 101; for Boys specially, 105; for Girls specially, 106; for Young Children, 107. LANGUAGES. GRAMMARS, DICTIONARIES, ETC. Afghan, 2; Anglo-Saxon, 8; Arabic, 9; Assyrian, 13; Chinese, 32; Dakota, 43; Danish, 43; English, 69; Flowers, 77; German, 82; Greek, 85; Hebrew, 87; Hindustani, 88; Icelandic, 94; Italian, 98; Japanese, 99; Language and Lin- guistic Studies, 112; Latin, 113; New Zealand, 136; Norwegian, 137; Pali, 145; Persian, 149 ; Sanscrit, 168 ; Spanish, ISO. LAW, POLITICAL ECONOMY, AND SOCIAL SCIENCE. General. American Law, 6; Census, 29; Chancery Practice in England, 29; Com- mercial, 39; Common, 89; Constitution of the United States, 40; Crimes and Punishments, 42 ; Currency and Money, 42 ; Diplomacy, 46 ; English Constitu- tion and Laws, 68 ; Finance, 76; Free-Trade, 78 ; Government, 84; Labor Ques- tion, 110 ; Land-Tenure, 112 ; Law Almanacs and Diaries, 113 ; Dictionaries, 113 ; " Law, Miscellaneous Essays and Treatises, 113; Practice and Proceeding, 114; Laws, Conflicts of, 114; Monopolies, 130; Municipal Government, 181 ; Parlia- mentary, 147 ; Pauperism, 148; Pleading, 155; Political Economy, 155; Polyg- amy, 157; Protection, 159; Representation, 164; Eoman Law, 166; Secret So- cieties, 174; Slavery, 178; Socialism, 178; Social Science, 178; Statistics, 188; Statutes, 183 ; Supreme Court Practice, 185. CONTENTS. xxvii Special. Adminstrator's and Executor's Guide, 2; Admiralty, 2; Agency, 3; Ala- bama Claims, 4; Alimony, 4T; Arbitration and Award, 9; Attachment, 14; Bailments, 15; Bankruptcy, 15; Banks and Banking, 16; Business-Laws, 29; Contracts, 40; Conveyances, 40; Corporations, 41; Corporations, Municipal, 41; Covenants for Titles, 41 ; Criminal, 42; Damages, 43; Debtor and Creditor, 44; Descent, 45; Divorce and Alimony, 47; Domestic Relations, 48; Case- ments, 49; Equity Jurisprudence, 71; Estoppel, 72; Evidence, 73; Exchange, 74; Fixtures, 76; Frauds and Mistakes, 73; Frauds, Statute of, 78; Guarantee, 85; Highways, 88; Inianticide, 95; Injunctions, 95; Insurance, 96; Internal Rev- enue^; International, 96; Judgments, 100; Landlord and Tenant, 111 ; Lien Laws, Mechanics 1 , 115 ; Life Insurance, 115 ; Limitation, 115; Magistrates, Juris- diction of, 118; Malpractice, civil, 118; Maritime, 119; Marriage, 119; Medical Jurisprudence, 121 ; Mercantile Hand-books, 123 ; Military, 126 ; Mortgages, 131 ; Negligence, 133; Notaries and Commissioners, 137; Partnership, 147; Patents and Copyrights, 147.; Pension, 149; Personal Property, 149 ; Pilot, 154; Probate, 153; Procedure, 158; Eeal Property, 162 ; Remedies, 1^ : Replevin, 164 ; Sales, 168; Set-off, 175; Sheriff, Duties of, 176; Slander and Libel, 177; Stamp-Acts, 188; Taxation, 188; Tax-Titles, 188; Title to Property, 192; Torts, 192; Town- ship Organization, 192; Trade-Marks, 193; Trusts, 195; Usury, 197; Vendors, 198; Water-Courses, 200; Wills, 201. LITERATURE. (Foreign Classics only in Translations) JSschylus, 2; Alison, 4; Anecdotes, 7; Aristophanes, 10; Bacon, Francis, 15; Berkeley, Bishop, 17; Burlesque, 26; Burns, Robert, 26; Caesar, 26; Calhoun, J. C., 27; Carlyle, Thomas, 27; Chesterfield, Lord, 31; Cicero, 36; Classical Dictionaries, 37; Cyclopaedias, 42; Demosthenes, 44; Dickens, Charles, 46; Disraeli, Benjamin, 46; Dryden, 43; Edgeworth, Maria, 50; English Literature, 69; English Synonyms, 70; Epigrams, 71; Epitaphs, 71; Erskine, Lord, 71; Essays, 71 ; Euripides, 78; Eutropius, 73; Evelyn, John, 73; Everett, Edward, 73 ; Fielding. 70 ; Fuller, M., 79 ; Gay, John, 80 ; German Literature, 82 ; Gillray, James, 82 ; Goethe, 83 ; Goldsmith, 83 ; Gray, 84 ; Greek Literature, 85 ; Guthrie, Thomas, 86 ; Halleck, Fitz-Greene, 86 ; Heine, Heinrich, 88 ; Hemans, Mrs. F., 88; Herbert, George, 88; Herodotus, 88; Hesiod, 88; Holbein, 89; Homer, 90; Hood, Thomas, 91 ; Horace, 91; Humboldt, A. von, 92 ; Hysterology, 93 ; Irving, Washington, 97; Jeffrey, Francis, 99; Josephus, 100; Journalism, 100; Juvenal, 101 ; Keble, John, 109 ; Knox, Robert, 110; Koran, 110 ; Lacordaire, 111 ; Lamar- tine, Alphonse de, 111 ; Lamb, Charles, 111 ; Landon,L. E., Ill ; Landor, Walter Savage, 111; Language, 112 ; Legends, 114; Lessing, 114; Letters and Letter- Writing, 114; Livy, 115; Lover, Samuel, 117; Lytton, Edward Bulwer, 117; Macaulay, Lord, 117; Marlowe, Christopher, 119; Marryat, Captain, 119 ; Mar- tineau, Harriet, 119; Mazzini, 181; Mendelssohn-Bartholdy, Felix, 122; Mill John Stuart, 127; Miller, Hugh, 127 ; Milton, John, 127 ; Montaigne, 130 ; Moore, Thomas, 130 ; Names, 132 ; Novels and Romances, 138 ; Plato, 155 ; Plautus and Terence, 155; Pliny, 155; Plutarch, 155; Poe, Edgar Allan, 155; Pope, 157; Proverbs, Collections of, 159 ; Quintilian, 161 ; Quotations, Dictionaries of, 161 ; Rabelais, 161; Sallust, 168; Satire, 169; Schiller, Friedrich von, 169; Scientific xxviii CONTENTS. Series, 169; Scott, Sir Walter, 173; Sevigne, Madame de, 175; Shakespeare, 176; Shelley, 176; Smith, Sydney, 178; Smollett, Tobias, 178; Sophocles, 198; Southey, 179; Spenser, 181; Spinoza, 181; Stage, 182; Sterne, Laurence, 184; Strauss, David Friedrich, 184; Swedenborg, 187; Swift, Jonathan, 187 : Table- Talk, 188; Tacitus, 188; Talmud, 188; Tasso,188; Temperance Literature, 189 ; Terence and Plautus, 190; Thackeray, W. M., 190; Theocritus, 190; Thomson, James, 191; Thucydides, 191 ; Virgil, 199; Webster, Daniel, 200 ; Wesley, John, 200 ; Wit, 201 ; Wordsworth, 203 ; Xenophon, 203. MATHEMATICS, ENGINEERING, ETC. Algebra, 51; Arithmetics, 10; Astronomy, 13; Book-Keeping, 23; Calculus, 26; Circle, Quadrature of; 86 ; Educational Works, 51 ; Engineering, Dictionaries of; 67; Engineering, Civil, 67; Engineering, Military, 67; Engineering, Railroad and Locomotive, 67 ; Engineering Tables, 68 ; Equation of Payment, 71 ; Ex- change, 74; Geometry, 82; Interest Tables, 68; Logarithms, 116; Mensuration, 123; Navigation, 133; Ready Reckoners, 162 ; Trigonometry, 194 ; Weights and MEDICINE, PHARMACY, SURGERY, ETC. Science, Practice, and Miscellaneous. Anaesthetics, 7; Anatomy, 7; Bath, 17; Biology, 21; Chemistry, 31; Clinical, 37; Diagnosis, 45; Dietetics, 46; Diges- tion, 46; Domestic, 48; Electricity, 66 ; Galvanism, 80 ; Heredity, 88 ; Histology, 89; Homoeopathy, 90; Hospitals, 92; Hydropathy, 93; Hygiene, 93; Infanti- cide, 95; Instinct, 96; Materia Medica, 120; Medical Lexicons, 121; Medicine, Miscellaneous Essays and Treatises, 121 ; Medicine, Science and Practice, 122 ; Mesmerism, 123; Myology, 132; Ophthalmoscope, 142; Orthopedic Surgery, 148; Pathology, 147; Pharmacy, 150; Phrenology, 152; Physiognomy, 153; Physiology, 153; Poisons, 155; Post-Mortem Examination, 157; Psychology, 160; Sewage, 173; Sexes, Relation of, 175; Sleep, 178; Species, 180; Surgery, 185; Therapeutics, 190; Thermometry, 191; Veterinary Medicines and Sur- gery, 198. Special Diseases. Apoplexy, 8; Bladder, 22; Bones, 23; Bowels, 24; Brain, 24; Breath, 24; Bronchitis, 25 ; Catarrh, 28; Cattle, 28; Children, 81; Cholera, 82; Club-Foot,37; Colds, 88; Consumption, 40; Contagious Diseases, 40; Dentis- try, 44; Diphtheria, 46; Ear, 49; Epilepsy, 71; Erysipelas, 71 ; Eye, 74; Fever, 75; Headaches, 86; Heart, 87; Hip, 88; Horse, 91; Hydrophobia, 93 ; Insanity, 95; Kidneys, 110; Liver, 115; Lungs, 117; Mental Disease, 128; Midwifery, 125; Mouth, 131; Nervous System, 138 ; Neuralgia, 133 ; Opium, 142; Ovaries, 144; Paralysis, 146; Pulmonary Diseases, 161; Rectum, 162; Scrofula, 173; Sea-Sickness, 178 ; Sheep, Diseases of, 176 ; Skin, Diseases of, 177 ; Spermator- rhoea, 181; Spine, 181; Stammering, 188 ; Stomach, 183; Tetanus, 190; Throat, 191 ; Urine and Urinary Organs, 197 ; Uterine Diseases, 197 ; Vaccination, 197 ; Venereal Diseases, 198 ; Women, 202 ; Zymotic Diseases, 205. CONTENTS. xxix MILITARY SCIENCE. Anna and Armor, 11 ; Artillery, 12 ; Cavalry Tactics, 23 ; Civil Service and Army, 86; Drum and Fife Instructor, 48 ; Engineering, 67; Guns, 86; Infantry Tac- tics, 95; Military Law, 126; Military Science, 126; Nautical Almanacs, 132; Naval Architecture, 133; Navigation, 133; Ordnance, 142; Rifle-Practice, 165; Signals, Military and Naval, 177; Surveying, 186; Tactics, 188; Torpedo, 192. NATURAL SCIENCE. Animals, Locomotion of; 8; Animals, Training of, 8; Aquarium, 9; Botany, 23; Butterflies, 26; Cage-Birds, 26; Canary, 27; Cats, 28; Cattle, 28; Dogs, 47; Entomology, 70; Ethnology, 72 ; Evolution, 74 ; Ferns, 75; Geology, 81; Mam- malia, 118; Natural History, 132; Ocean, 142; Ornithology, 143; Ovology, 144; Parasites, 146; Rat, 162; Sheep, 176; Snakes, 178; Species, 180; Swimming, 187 ; Trees, 194 ; Walking, 199 ; Zoology, 204. NOVELS AND ROMANCES. List of Recent Works of Fiction, 138. PHILOSOPHY. Autology, 15; Logic, 116; Mental Science, 128; Moral Science, 130; Philosophy, 150; Psychology, 160. PHYSICAL SCIENCE; ALSO ASTRONOMY, METEOROLOGY, ETC. Acoustics, 1 ; Aeronautics, 2 ; Astronomy, 13 ; Chemical Physics, 30 ; Climatology, 37 ; Dynamics, 49 ; Earth, 49 ; Earthquakes, 49 ; Electricity, 66 ; Galvanism, 80 ; Heat, 87; Hydraulics, 93; Mechanics, 121; Meteorology, 124; Moon, 130, Ozone, 144; Physics, 152; Sound, 179; Spectroscopes, 181 ; Spectrum Analysis, 181; Steam, 183; Storms, 184; Sun, 185; Transits of Venus, 193; Ventilation, 198; Volcanoes, 199. RELIGION. Biblical Commentaries. Acts of the Apostles, 2 ; Apocalypse, 8 ; Colossians, 88 ; Corinthians, 41; Daniel, 43; Ecclesiastes, 50; Ephesians, 71; Esther, 72; Ex- odus, 74; Ezekiel, 74; Galatians, 79; Genesis, 81; Gospels, the Four, 83; Hebrews, 87; Isaiah, 97; Jeremiah, 99; Joh, 100; John, 100; Joshua, 100; Jude, 100 ; Judges, 100 ; Kings, 110 ; Leviticus, 114; Mark, 119 ; Matthew, 120 ; Minor Prophets, 128; New Testament, 135; Old Testament, 142; Parables, 146; xxx CONTENTS. Paul, Epistles of, 148; Peter, Epistles of, 150; Philemon, 150; Philippians, 150; Psalms, 160 ; Komans, 166 ; Solomon's Songs, 179 ; Thessalonians, 191 ; T .no- thy, 191 ; Titus, 192. General Biblical Aids. Arabia, 9; Art, Sacred, 12; Asia, Travels in, 13; Asia Minor, Comparative Geography of, 13 ; Assyria, 13 ; Babylonia, 15 ; Bashan, 17; Bible, History of the, 17; Biblical Aids, 18; Biblical and Theological Diction- aries, 18; Christ, Life of, 82; Christian Church, History of the, 32; Christian Church, Theology of the, 33 ; Christianity, Evidences of, 34 ; East, the, 49 ; Egypt, 66; Geography, Biblical, 81; Gospels, the Four, 83; Hebrew Grammars, 87; Hebrew Lexicons, 87 ; History, Biblical, 89 ; Isaiah, 97 ; Jews, History, Religion, etc., of the, 99; Jordan, 100; Josephus, 100; New Testament, Critical English edition, and Expository Works on the, 134; New Testaments Greek Texts, Grammars, and Lexicons, 135; Old Testament, 142; Palestine, 145; Phoenicia, 152; Religion, Philosophy, and History of, 163; Revision of the Bible, 165; Rome, History of, 166; Sinai, 177; Syria, 187. Doctrines of the Christian Church. Atonement, 14; Baptism, 16; Christ, 32; Christian Doctrines and Ethics, 34 ; Christianity, Evidences of, 34; Communion, 89 ; Devotion, 45 ; Future State, 79 ; Holy Spirit, 90 ; Immortality, 91 ; Miracles, 128; Prayer, 158; Prophecy, 159 ; Redemption, 163 ; Regeneration, 163; Resur- rection, 165; Trinity, 194; Virgin Mary, 198; Worship, 203. Miscellaneous Religion* Sects and Subjects. Baptist Denomination, 16; Buddh- ism, 25 ; Christian Church, History of, 32 ; Church and State, 35 ; Church of England, 35; Church of Rome, 35; Congregationalists, 89; Demonology, 45; Divination, 47; Friends, 79; Gnosticism, 83; Infidelity, 95; Inquisition, 95; Jesuits, 99; Jews, History of the, 99; Koran, 110; Lutheran Church, 117; Meth- odist Denomination, 124; Missions, Reports and Treatises on, 123; Mohamme- danism, 129; Monks, 129; Moravian Church, 130; Mormonism, 130 ; Mythology, 132; Ordination, 142; Popes, 157; Presbyterianism, 158; Protestant Episcopal Church, 159 ; Puritans, 161 ; Rationalism, 162 ; Reformed Dutch Church, 163 ; Religion, History, and Philosophy of, 163; Revision of the Bible, 165; Ritual- ism, 166; Scotland, Church of, 173; Sects, Dictionaries of, 174; Shakers, 176; Spiritualism, 181; Swedenborgians, 187; Symbolism, 187; Talmud, 188; Uni- tarianism,195; Universalism, 197 ; Virgin Mary, 193 ; Witchcraft, 202 ; Zoologi- cal Mythology, 204. %F ._*- & Library. Of *QK WHAT A^D HOW TO EEAD. Abolition. See SLAVERY. Aborigines. See names of countries, INDIANS, etc. Abortion, Criminal. See INFANTICIDE. Abstinence. See TEMPERANCE LITERATURE. Abyssinia. See also AFRICA, EGYPT, NILE, etc. Books on foreign lands containing adequate accounts of the human beings inhab- iting them are always more pleasant reading than those which describe only beasts, plants, rivers, and mountains. For this reason Baker's and Blanford's admirable works will be found less entertaining than Hozier's and Markham's. The English Expedition is very much like a foot-note to one of the last pages of history, and the narratives of it bring a fanatic, semi-civilized, and mongrel Semitic race into striking contrast with a Teutonic people, representing the highest culture as yet attained by man. 4. Baker. The Nile Tributaries of Abyssinia $2 00 4. Blanford. Observations on the Geology and Zoology of Abyssinia s ... 700 3. Hozier. The British Expedition hi Abyssinia .V. 3 50 3. Markham. History of the Abyssinian Expedition. Maps. 4 00 Accident Insurance. See INSURANCE. Acclimation. See CLIMATOLOGY. Acoustics* See also SOUND. Great progress has recently been made, especially through the labors of Helm- holtz, toward understanding the laws of sound. Tyndall expounds the experiments connected with them with his customary felicitous ease. Donkin's work shows how the results of these studies may be utilized. 4. Donkin, W. F. Acoustics each part 3 00 3. Tyndall, J. On Sound 2 00 Actinism. See CHEMISTRY, PHOTOGRAPHY, and SPECTRUM ANALYSIS. Actors and Actresses. See BIOGRAPHY, COLLECTIVE. 2 ACTS OF THE APOSTLES. Acts of the Apostles. See also NEW TESTAMENT, and other portions of Scripture. 3. Alexander. Acts of the Apostles explained. 2 vols $4 00 4. Lange. Commentary on the Acts of the Apostles. 8vo . . 5 00 2. Norris. A Key to the Narrative of the Acts of the Apos- tles. 16mo 1 00 Adamites. See CHRISTIAN CHURCH, HISTORY OF THE. Adams, John* 3. Life of, by C. F. Adams 2 00 3. Life of, by C. F. & J. Q. Adams. 2 vols. . 3 00 Adams, John Quincy. 3. Memoirs of, by C. F. Adams. 3 vols each 5 00 Adirondacks. 4. Colvin. Topographical Survey of Adirondack Wilderness 1 50 2. Headley. The Adirondacks; or, Life in the Woods 1 75 2. Stoddard. Adirondacks Illustrated 1 00 Administrator's and Executor's Guides* 4. Clifford. A Guide for Administrators, Executors, and Guardians 2 50 4. Matthews. Guide to Administrators and Executors hi Virginia 75 Admiralty* See also MARITIME LAW, and PRIZE. 5. Benedict. The American Admiralty : Its Jurisdiction, etc. 7 50 5. Parsons. The Law of Shipping and Admiralty. 2 vols. . 15 00 5. Roberts. On Admiralty and Prize 7 50 Adulteration. See FOODS. Adventures* See names of countries. Aeronautics. 2. Glaisher, J. Travels in the Air London 12 50 2. Marion. Wonderful Balloon Ascents 1 50 ^Eschylus. Translated by Copleston. Ancient Classics for English Readers 1 00 .Esthetics. See ART, ESSAYS AND TREATISES ON. Afghanistan, and Afghan Language. 4. Kay. History of the War hi Afghanistan. 3 vols. London 13 00 5. Trumpf. Grammar of the Paste Language of the Afghans London 10 50 Africa* See also ABYSSINIA, EGYPT, NILE, etc. The study of the origin, growth, and decline of civilization finds in this division of the globe the richest and best material. Accounts of the primitive ways and customs of any group of its inhabitants teem with valuable suggestions in regard to the earliest stages of our own social institutions and intellectual achievements. The charm of books on African travel is sometimes heightened when the explorer enters the wilds with some definite aim ; as Livingstone desiring to reach the sources of the Nile, or Stanley undertaking to recover the lost Livingstone. ALABAMA. 3 2. Day. African Adventure $1 60 2. Ferguson. Five Weeks in a Balloon ; or, Journeys and Discoveries in Africa 1 50 2. Kelly. Miambi Land 1 75 3. Kingston. African Travel ; from Mungo Park to Living- stone and Stanley London 3 75 2. Livingstone, and his African Explorations 1 50 3. Nassau. Crowned in Palm-Land. Story of African Mis- sion Life. Illustrated 1 75 3. Reade, W. African Sketch Book. 2 vols London 12 00 2. Stanley, H. M. How I found Livingstone 5 00 Africa, Central. 2. Du Chaillu. The Country of the Dwarfs 175 3. Schweinfurth. The Heart of Africa, 2 vols 8 00 3. Skertchly. Dahomey as it Is London 10 00 2. Taylor. Lake Regions of Central Africa 1 50 3. Thomas. Eleven Years in Central Africa London 3 75 Africa, Eastern. 3. New. Life, Wanderings, and Labours in Eastern Africa. London 5 25 Africa, South. 2. Diamond Fields of South Africa 1 50 3. Lindley. After Ophir; or, Search for the South African Gold Fields. Illustrated 3 50 2. Taylor, Bayard. Travels hi South Africa 1 50 Africa, West. 3. Blyden. From West Africa to Palestine London 2 25 3. Rogers. Campaigning in Western Africa London 2 50 Agency. 4. Edwards, J. An Essay on Brokers and Factors 2 00 5. Story, J. Commentaries on the Law of Agency 7 50 Agreements. See FRAUDS. Agricultural Chemistry. See also FARMING, HORTICULT- URE, etc. 4. Corfield. Treatment and Utilization of Sewage 3 50 2. Johnson. How Plants Feed. Illustrated 2 00 2. Johnson. How Plants Grow. Illustrated 2 00 3. Johnston. Agricultural Chemistry and Geology. .. London 3 25 Agriculture. See FARMING, FLOWERS, FRUIT, GARDENING, etc. Aiken, L. and Channing, W. E. 3. Correspondence of 2 00 Air. See CHEMISTRY, HYGIENE, PHYSICS, VENTILATION, etc. Air-Pump. See MECHANICS. Alabama. 2. Appletons' Hand-book of American Travel Southern Tour 2 00 4. Pickett History of Alabama. 2 vols 3 00 4 ALABAMA CLAIMS. Alabama Claims. 5. Argument at Geneva. Forensic Discussions $3 50 Alaska. 2. Bell. Quiddities of an Alaska Trip 3 50 3. Ball. Alaska and its Resources, Illustrated 7 50 2. Whymper. Travel and Adventure in Alaska 2 50 Albania. See GREECE, SOUTHERN EUROPE, TURKEY, etc. Albert N'yanza. See also AFRICA, NILE, etc. 4. Baker. The Albert N'yanza Great Basin of the Nile 2 50 Albany City and County. 4. Collections of the History of Albany, from its Discovery. 4 vols 30 00 4. Early Records of the City and County of Albany, and Col- ony of Rennsclaerswyck, 1656-'75. Translated 10 00 4. Pearsons, J. First Settlers of the Ancient County of Albany 5 00 Albnms. See special subjects, as, PHOTOGRAPHS, POSTAGE- STAMPS, etc. Alchemy. See CHEMISTRY, PHYSICS, etc. Alcohol, Uses of. See TEMPERANCE LITERATURE. Alcoholic Liquors, Manufacture of. See also INDUS- TRIAL ARTS. 4. Duplais. Manufacture and Distillation of Alcoholic Liquors. Translation 10 00 Alexander, J. Addison, D. D. 3. Life of, by H. C. Alexander. 2 vols 5 00 Alford, Henry, D. D. 3. Lite, Journals, and Letters of 5 00 Algiers. See also AFRICA. 3. Herbert, Lady. Search after Sunshine, or Algiers in 1871 8 00 Alimony. See DIVORCE. Alison. 3. Miscellaneous Essays 2 50 Allopathy. See MEDICINE. Almanacs. Atlantic Almanac 50 Fuller, J. E. Calendar for Every Year from 1428 0. S. to 1900 N. S 75 Haverty's Irish- American Almanac 25 Lady's Almanac 50 New York Herald Almanac 25 Observer Year-Book 1 00 Tribune Almanac 20 World Almanac 20 Whitaker's Almanac ... 76 AMERICA, TRAVELS, ETC. 5 Almanacs, Comic* Josh Billings's Farmers' Alminax. Illustrated $ 25 Leslie, Frank, Comic Almanack. Illustrated 15 Nast's Almanac 25 Alphabets, Collection of. See also DESIGNING, LETTER- ING> etc. 4. Copley, F. S. The Various Hands of Modern Use, and Designs for Titles, Monograms, etc 3 00 4. Esser, H. Draughtsman's Alphabets 1 50 4. Monogram and Alphabet Album 6 50 Alps* See oho SWITZERLAND. The three books mentioned answer in turn the demands generally made by those who visit this famous region. Ball tells how to save time and money, Whymper how to enjoy the scenery, and Tyndall how to explain the phenomena which con- stantly delight the eye of the traveler. 2. Ball. New Alpine Guide London 1 25 8. Tyndall. Hours of Exercise in the Alps. Illustrated 2 00 2. Whymper. Scrambles among the Alps 2 50 Alumni. See BIOGRAPHY and COLLEGES. Amazon. It is a curious fact that the course of the Amazon is not accurately known. The "Note-Book of an Explorer" has much that will prove of interest to the general reader. The " Naturalist," however, is not quite as scientific as the title of his work seems to suggest. Orton's book on " The Andes and the Amazon " may after all be the most agreeable work to students of foreign lands. 3. Bates. Naturalist on the Amazon. 2 50 3. Keller. The Amazon arid Madeira Rivers. Sketches and Descriptions from the Note-Book of an Explorer. Folio. Y 50 2. Orton, J. The Andes.and Amazon. Map and Illustrations 2 00 America, Discovery and Early History of. See also UNITED STATES, the various Countries, and States. When and by. whom this continent was actually discovered for the first time Anderson and Goodrich do not determine, and it is doubtful that it is worth the time carefully to examine their hypotheses. Baldwin's discussions of the origin and date of the antiquities of America, or of the architectural and other remains of the tribes and nations subjugated or displaced by European conquest and settlement, though not of a high order of learning and ingenuity, better deserve the attention of the educated. It must be acknowledged, however, that the time has not come for trustworthy guides through the early history of America. 2. Anderson. America not discovered by Columbus 1 00 3. Baldwin. Ancient America 2 00 2. Goodrich. Character and Achievements of the so-called Christopher Columbus 3 50 America, Travels, and Travelers' Guides. See also the various countries, UNITED STATES, the States, Summer Resorts, and Watering-Places. Whoever has neither the leisure nor the purse to travel, and examine the condi- tion of his country, should at least find the time and money to read descriptions of 6 AMERICA, CENTRAL. his native land. Those who travel and examine for themselves often fail to consult Guide-Books, and consequently leave unnoticed many things, each worth all the journey to come and see. Appletons' Guides will teach many an old resident curi- ous facts about his own town and its vicinity. Those who have to be content with reading of the East, "West, North, and South, will be best pleased with the vivid accounts of Hall, Rae, and Kusling, and perhaps also with the " Eemiuiscences of Two Englishmen." 2. Appletons' Hand-book of American Travel. Northern and Eastern Tour $2 00 2. Southern Travel 2 00 2. Western Travel 2 00 2. Picturesque America subscription 2. Atlantic Coast Guide 1 00 2. Disturnell. Sailing on the Great Lakes 3 00 2. Gardner, H. C. Glimpses of our Lake Region 1 50 2, Hall, Rev. N. From Liverpool to St. Louis 2 00 2. Humason, W. L. From the Atlantic Surf to the Golden Gate 40 3. Keller. The Amazon and Madeira Rivers. Illustrated. Folio : 7 50 2. Lester. From the Atlantic to the Pacific 1 50 2. Middle States 2 00 2. Morford. Short-Trip Guide to America 1 50 2. Ocean to Ocean. The Pacific Railroad and Adjoining Ter- ritories 50 2. Parker, N. H. Hand-book of the Great West 1 00 3. Rae, W. J. Westward by Rail. New Route to the East . 2 00 3. Reminiscences of America hi 1869, by Two Englishmen. . 3 75 2. Rusling, J. F. Across America 2 00 America, Central* See CENTRAL AMERICA. American Biography. See BIOGRAPHY, COLLECTIVE. American Law* See also special subjects of Law. 4. Bouvier. Institutes of American Law. 2 vols 12 00 5. Kent, J. Commentaries on American Law. 4 vols 20 00 4. Powell. Analysis of American Law 4 50 4. Walker. Introduction to American Law 7 50 2. Wells. Every Man his own Lawyer 2 00 American Navy. See also NAVY. 3. Boynton, Rev. C. B. History of the American Navy dur- ing the Great Rebellion. 2 vols 8 00 Americanisms in Language* See ENGLISH LANGUAGE, STUDIES IN. Amphibia. See ZOOLOGY. Amusements. See GAMES AND AMUSEMENTS. Analysis. See CHEMICAL ANALYSIS, ENGLISH, GEOMETRY, MILK and other substances, MINERALOGY, SPECTRUM ANALYSIS, etc. ANGLING. 7 Anaesthetics. 3. Simpson. Anaesthesia, Hospitalism, etc $3 00 Anatomy. Begin with works on Descriptive and Surgical Anatomy, in order to become acquainted with the relations of organs to each other and with the distinct systems which perform the functions of the organism. Then read on General Anatomy, explanatory of the tissues which compose the organs, and pass over to Minute, Chemical, and Microscopic Anatomy, which analyzes the atomic and cell structure of the tissues, and the fluids and their contents. Marey's book on " Animal Mech- anism" and Huxley's "Anatomy of Vertebrate Animals" may be read to test one's taste for these studies. The authors are lucid, terse, and forcible writers, who do not crowd their pages unnecessarily with technical terms. Anatomy, Human. 5. Gray, H. Anatomy, Descriptive and Surgical 6 00 3. Hartshorne. Human Anatomy and Physiology for Stu- dents. 12mo 1 75 4. Hassall, Microscopic Anatomy 6 00 2. Martindale. Human Anatomy 1 50 Anatomy of Invertebrates. 4. Siebold, C. Th. v. Anatomy of the Invertebrata 5 00 Anatomy of Vertebrates. 5. Chauveau. Comparative Anatomy of Domesticated Animals 6 00 3. Hux ley. Anatomy of the Vertebrated Animals 2 50 3. Marey. Animal Mechanism 1 75 4. Owen. Anatomy of Vertebrate Animals. 3 vols 30 00 Ancient Architecture. See ARCHITECTURE. Ancient Classics. See Names of Authors. Ancient History. See HISTORY. Andes. 2. Bishop. One Thousand Miles' Walk across South America, over the Pampas and the Andes 1 50 3. Myers. Life and Nature under the Tropics 2 00 Andre', Major. 2. Life of. By Sargent 2 50 Anecdotes. See also BURLESQUES, CARICATURES, etc. Burton. Cyclopaedia of Wit and Humor. 8vo 7 00 Hood's Own ; or, Laughter from Year to Year. 2 vols 10 50 Kirkland. Cyclopaedia of Commercial and Business Anec- dotes. 8vo 5 00 Manson. The Jokers' Dictionary 1 00 Percy Anecdotes 3 50 Railway Anecdote-Book 50 Tin Trumpet, The ; or, Heads and Tales for the Wise and Waggish..., 1 50 Anglican Church. See CHURCH OP ENGLAND. Angling. See FIELD SPORTS, FISHING, etc. 8 ANGLO-SAXON LANGUAGE. Anglo-Saxon Language. See also ENGLISH LANGUAGE, STUDIES IN. 3. Corson, H. Anglo-Saxon and Early English $3 00 4. March, F. A. Comparative Grammar of Anglo-Saxon . 2 50 2. Introduction to Anglo-Saxon 1 50 Anglo-Saxons, History of. See also ENGLAND, GERMANY, HISTORY OF. yS- Palgrave. History of the Anglo-Saxons London 3 00 4. Thorpe. Diplomatarium Anglicum Jivi Saxonici. With a Translation 6 00 Animal Instinct. See INSTINCT. Animal Magnetism. See ELECTRICITY and MESMERISM. Animals. See NATURAL HISTORY, and names and classes of animals. Animals, Domestic. See CATTLE, DOG, HORSE, INSTINCT, NATURAL HISTORY, etc. Animals, Locomotion of. See also NATURAL HISTORY. 3. Marey, E. J. Animal Mechanism 1 75 3. Pettigrew. The Locomotion of Animals 1 75 Animals, Training of. See also CATTLE, DOG, HORSE, etc. 2. Berkeley. Fact against Fiction. Treatment of Animals, practically considered. 2 vols London 15 00 2. Haney. Art of Training Animals 1 00 Annuals. See under name of Denomination, or Pursuit. Antarctic Regions. See ARCTIC AND ANTARCTIC REGIONS. Anthropology. See ETHNOLOGY, MAN, PRIMITIVE MAN, etc. Antilles. See WEST INDIES. Antiquities. See Countries and Subjects. Apocalypse. See also NEW TESTAMENT, and other portions of Scripture. 3. Cowles. Revelation of John, with Notes 1 00 3. De Pui. Exposition of the Apocalypse 1 50 5. Lange. Revelation of John. Commentary 5 00 2. Litch. David and the Apocalypse 1 50 2. Macduff. Memojrs of Patmos 2 00 Apocrypha. See BIBLES and BIBLICAL COMMENTARIES. Apoplexy. LIDELL, J. A. On Apoplexy, Cerebral Haemorrhage, etc 4 00 Apostles, Acts of. See ACTS OF THE APOSTLES, BIBLE and BIBLICAL COMMENTARIES. Apostolic Age. See CHRISTIAN CHURCH, HISTORY OF. \postolic Church. See CHURCH OF ENGLAND, CHURCH OF ROME, and PROTESTANT EPISCOPAL CHURCH. ARCHITECTURE. 9 Apostolic Fathers. See BIOGRAPHY, COLLECTIVE. Apparatus. See PHYSICS, SURGERY, TELEGRAPHY, etc. Apparitions. See MAGIC and SPIRITUALISM. Apples, Cultivation of. See also FRUIT CULTURE, GARDEN- ING, etc. 2. Todd. The Apple Culturist $1 50 Appliances, Mechanical. See MECHANICS, TOOLS, and WORKSHOP APPLIANCES. Applied Chemistry and Mathematics. See CHEMISTRY, MATHEMATICS, etc. Aquarium* 2. Gosse. Aquarium. London 3 75 2. Life beneath the Waves. Description of the Brighton Aquarium London 1 25 Arabia. 3. Maughan. The Alps of Arabia London 6 00 4. Palgrave. Journey through Central and Eastern Arabia. . 3 00 2, Taylor, Bayard. Arabia. With Illustrations 1 50 Arabic. 5. Caspari. Grammar of the Arabic Language. Translated by Wright. 2 vols London. Each 5 25 Arbitration and Award. 5. Morse. Arbitration and Award. ... 7 50 Archaeology. See Countries and Subjects. Architecture. See also CARPENTRY, CHURCH ARCHITECTURE, FARMING, GOTHIC ARCHITECTURE, LANDSCAPE, SCHOOL AR- CHITECTURE, SHIP-BUILDING, VENTILATION, etc. The following list has been compiled principally for those practically interested in house-building, and Downing's, Eassie's, and Lefever's books will be a great help to them. But architecture, the poetry of space, is important also as an historical study ; for within certain limits a people's culture may be gathered and estimated from the buildings it has produced. Herein neither amateur nor professional stu- dent will discover in English any thing superior to Fergusson's works. However, ars tonga est, vita brems, and universal histories even on special subjects are some- what unmanageable. By studying the plastic art of the Greeks, the architecture of the Middle Ages, the paintings of the Renaissance, and the music of the present day, the periods in which the four principal branches of art in turn burst into bloom, the general reader will be sure to become acquainted with some of the best flowers of art. Hence Street's "Brick and Marble in the Middle Ages" should not bo overlooked. Atwood. Country and Suburban Homes. Illustrated 1 50 Bicknell. Village Builder. Illustrated 10 00 Birch. Country Architecture London 21 00 Boston, The, Architectural Sketch-Book. By the Portfolio Club. Vol. 1. 1873-'74 7 50 Bullock. American Cottage Builder 3 50 10 ARCHITECTURAL DRAWING. Bullock. Rudiments of Architecture $3 50 Cleveland and Backus. Cottage and Farm Architecture 4 00 Downing. Cottage Residences 6 00 Architecture of Country Houses 6 00 Draper & Croffut. Helping Hand for Town and Country. ... 4 25 Eassie. Healthy Houses 1 00 Sanitary Arrangements for Dwellings 2 25 Fergusson. History of Architecture in all Countries from the Earliest Times to the Present Day. 4 vols. Illustrated. London. Each 15 75 Hallett. Specifications for Frame Houses 1 75 Harney. Barns, Out-Buildings, and Fences. Illustrated.... 1000 Hibbard. Rustic Adornments for Homes of Taste. Illustrated 9 00 Holly. Designs for Country Seats, Country Churches, City Buildings, Railway Stations, etc 5 00 Horton. Architecture for General Students 1 50 Lefever. Beauties of Modern Architecture. Illustrated 6 00 Monckton. National Builder 12 00 Pugin. Specimens of the Architecture of Normandy. London 21 00 Richardson. House-Building 3 50 Riddell. Architectural Designs for Model Country Residences. Folio 15 00 Scott. Suburban Home Grounds 8 00 Sloane. City Homes, Country Houses, and Church Archi- tecture 6 00 Street. Brick and Marble Architecture in the Middle Ages. London 13 00 Taylor and Cresy. Architectural Antiquities of Rome. London 31 50 Architectural Drawing. See DESIGN and DRAWING. Arctic and Antarctic Regions. 3. Blake. Captain Tyson's Arctic Adventures. Map and Illustrations 4 00 3. Hartwig. The Polar World 3 75 3. Hayes. The Open Polar Sea 2 50 4. Koldeway. German Arctic Expedition, 1869-'70.. London 17 50 4. Markham. Threshold of the Unknown Regions. . .London 8 00 3. Sargent. Arctic Regions 2 50 Argentine Republic. 2. Mulhall, M. G. & E. T. The Argentine Republic 4 00 2. Page. La Plata and Argentine Confederation 5 00 Aristophanes. 3. Birds. Translated into English Verse London 3 00 3. Works. Translation. By Lucas Collins. Ancient Classics for English Readers 1 00 Arithmetics, Business* See also READY RECKONERS. 3. Bryant & Stratton. Business Arithmetic 2 50 3. Fairbanks, L. Practical Business Arithmetic 1 50 Arizona. 2. Pumpelly. Across America and Asia, and Residence in Arizona. 8vo 5 00 ART, ESSAYS AND TREATISES ON. 11 Arkansas. 2. Thorpe, T. B., Field, J. M., etc. Scenes in Arkansas. Il- lustrated $1 75 Arms and Armor. See also ARTILLERY, GUNS, MILITARY SCIENCE, etc. 4. Hewitt. Ancient Armor and Weapons. 3 vols. . .London 27 00 3. Lacombe. Arms and Armor in Antiquity and the Middle Ages 1 50 Arnold, Thomas, of Rugby. 3. Life and Correspondence. By A. P. Stanley. 12mo 2 00 Art, Collections and Specimens of Masterpieces. Beautiful Pictures by British Artists London 10 50 British Landscape Painter. 16 Steel Engravings. Folio 10 00 British Portrait Painters. 16 Steel Engravings. Folio 10 00 British School of Sculpture. Folio 10 00 Dore Gallery, The. Folio 60 00 Purer. Fac-similes of 13 Engravings. Heliotype. Folio 1000 Etty, Pictures by. 16 Steel Engravings. Folio 10 00 Gallery of Landscape Painters. American Scenery. Folio... 1800 Great Works of the Flemish and Dutch Schools of Painting. Fol. 10 00 Italian Painters and their Pictures. 16 Steel Engravings. Fol. 10 00 Landseer, Pictures by. 20 Steel Engravings. Folio 1500 Lee. The Illuminated Christian Year 12 00 Leslie, Pictures by. 9 Steel Engravings. Folio 7 50 Liibke. Monuments of Art 45 00 Maclise, Pictures by. 11 Steel Engravings. Folio 7 50 Murillo and the Spanish School of Painting Folio 10 00 National Gallery, Selections from its Pictures 16 00 Pecht and Von Ramberg. The Goethe Gallery 20 00 Pictures by Old Masters 10 00 Portfolio of Cabinet Pictures 15 00 Raphael's Madonnas. Heliotype. Folio 25 00 Rembrandt. 13 Best Etchings. Heliotype. Folio 10 00 Toschi Engravings. 24 Heliotypes. Folio 25 00 Turner Gallery. 60 Engravings. Folio London 100 00 Art, Dictionary of Terms in. 3. Fairholt, F. W. A Dictionary of Terms in Art 2 50 Art, Essays and Treatises on. See also ARCHITECTURE, PAINTING, etc. Who wants to read about art and artists for the sake of culture and pleasure, rather than for the sake of gaining knowledge professionally serviceable, should select the books of Chorlev, Hamerton, and Buskin, and bear in mind that the last is to the orthodox school of art what Strauss is to orthodox theology. Dwight, Long, and Torrey, have written for more practical purposes. 2. Bascom. ^Esthetics 1 75 1. Cave, Mme. E. Color 100 3. Chorley, H. F. Recent Art and Society 2 00 2. Dwighi Introduction to the Study of Art 2 50 3. Hamtrton, P. G. Thoughts about Art 2 00 3. Jeffrey. Essay on Beauty 2 00 13 ART, HISTORY OF. 2. Long, S. P. Art : Its Laws, and the Reasons for them. . . $2 50 2. Roberts, L. A. High Art 1 60 3. Ruskin, J. Lectures on Art 1 00 2. Smith, W. Art and Education 6 00 3. Taine, H. A. Philosophy of Art 1 25 3. Torrey. Theory of Fine Art 1 50 2. Wyatt, Sir M. D. Fine Art: Its History, Theory, Prac- tice, etc 3 00 Art, History of. Winckelmann's work is very scientific, and excellent as a book of reference ; Taine's books have the advantage of being most charming reading; but, select- ing a period of the history of art with which to begin its study, it is best to choose the age of the Eenaissance, and read Lacroix. The illustrations render this book somewhat costly ; but it is impossible to teach art without pointing to speci- mens of art. The eye has a share in the study at least as large as the mind's. 2. D'Anvers. Elementary History of Arts 4 50 4. Lacroix, P. The Arts in the Middle Ages. Illustrated.. . 12 00 2. Scott. Half-Hour Lectures on the History and Practice of Fine and Ornamental Arts London 4 25 3. Taine, H. Art in the Netherlands. Translation 1 25 3. Taine, H. Art in Greece. Translation 1 25 2. Tyrwhitt. Art-Teaching of the Primitive Church 3 00 5. Winckelmann. History of Ancient Art. Translation. 4vols Each 4 50 Art, Sacred. 2. Otis, C. N. Sacred and Constructive Art 1 25 Articles, Thirty-nine. See CHURCH OF ENGLAND, and PROTESTANT EPISCOPAL CHURCH. Artillery. See aho CAVALRY, INFANTRY, MILITARY SCIENCE, etc. 4. Artillery Tactics, U. S. Army, assimilated to Infantry and Cavalry Tactics 2 00 4. McKenzie. Instruction for Militia Artillery London 7 50 5. Owen, C. H. Modern Artillery London 7 60 Artists. See BIOGRAPHY, COLLECTIVE. Artisans. See LABOR QUESTION. Arts, Industrial, Dictionaries of. See also 2. Cooley, A. J. The Book of Useful Knowledge. 1 50 2. Dodd, G. Dictionary of Manufactures, Mining, Machinery, and the Useful Arts 2 00 5. Ure. Dictionary of Arts, Manufactures, and Mines. 3 vols. 15 00 Asfoury, Bishop Francis. Biographyof. By Janes 200 Ashanti. 2. Bowditch. Mission from Cape Coast Castle to Ashantee. London 2 50 2. Boyle. Through Fantee Land to Comassie London 3 50 ASTRONOMY. 13 3. Brackenbury. Ashanti War. 2 vols London $12 50 3. Hay. Ashanti and the Gold Coast London 2 50 3. Henty. The March to Coomasie London 7 30 2. Stanley. Coomassie and Magdala London 8 00 Asia, Travels in.. See also names of countries. 3. Bickmore. Travels in the East Indian Archipelago 5 00 2. For.bes. Empires and Cities of Asia.. . 2 50 2. Freeze. The Old World : Palestine, Syria, and Asia Minor 2 00 4. Humbert. Japan and the Japanese. Illustrated 21 00 3. Pumpelly. Across America and Asia 5 00 Asia Minor, Geography of. See also ASIA, TRAVELS IN ; GREECE ; TURKEY, etc. 4. Ritter, C. Comparative Geography of Palestine and the Sinaitic Peninsula. Translated. 4 vols 1400 3. Van Lennep. Travels in Little-known Parts of Asia Minor. Maps and Illustrations. 2 vols 6 00 Assaying. See also GOLD AND SILVER, METALLURGY,, etc. 5. Mitchell. Practical Assaying 10 00 Assurance* See INSURANCE. Assyria. See also ASIA, the EAST, and the names of adjacent countries) The last two decades have not produced in English any thing equal to Layard's admirable works on the ruins of Nineveh and Babylon. Kawlinson's series of " Monarchies of the Ancient World," of which the first volume is thirteen years old, is at present somewhat out of date in matters of Assyriology. Philip Smith's "An- cient History," which is ten years younger, is excellent, but compressed. There is therefore reason to be thankful for the translation of Lenormant's work, which gives an adequate idea of the great success which has attended the vast labors of recent Oriental research, though one must always remain on his guard not to be carried away into the bold hypotheses sprung from the enthusiasm of the learned Frenchman. However, many of the documents on which his assertions are based may be found, literally translated, in "The Eecords of the Past," and in George Smith's " History of AssurbanipaL" 3. Lenormant and Chevalier. Ancient History of the East. Translation. 2 vols 800 3. Rawlinson. Five Great Monarchies. 3 vols 21 00 4. Records of the Past. From Assyrian and Egyptian Monu- ments London. Each volume 1 75 5. Smith, George. History of Assurbanipal 14 00 3. Smith, Philip. Ancient History of the World. 3 vols 10 50 Assyrian Language. 5. Norris. Assyrian Dictionary. London. 3 vols., each 14 00 4. Sayce. Assyrian Grammar London 3 75 Astronomy* 2. Brewster. More Worlds than One 1 50 4. Drayson. Supposed Proper Motion of the Fixed Stars. London 5 25 3. Ennis. Origin of the Stars 200 14 ATHEISM. 4. Forbes. The Transit of Venus $1 25 3. Guillemin. The Heavens 4 50 3. Herschel. Outlines of Astronomy 4 00 2. Miller. Romance of Astronomy 1 25 3. Ortnathwaite. Astronomy and Geology compared 1 00 3. Proctor. Light Science for Leisure Hours 1 75 3. Other Worlds than Ours 2 50 3. The Expanse of Heaven 2 00 3. Essays on Astronomy 4 50 3. The *Sun 5 50 3. The Moon 5 00 3. The Universe and the Coming Transits. 4. Transits of Venus, Past and Coming, from 1639 to 2112. Atheism* See INFIDELITY. Athletic Sports. See also BASE-BALL, CRICKET, FIELD SPORTS, etc. 2. Depping. Wonders of Bodily Strength 1 50 3. Maclaren. Training in Theory and Practice London 3 25 2. Wheelwright, S. T. Indian-Club Exercise 1 00 Atlases, General Geographical. See also MAPS, special countries and states, ANATOMY, and other science*. 3. Appletons' General Atlas of the World 3 00 3. Hand Atlas of Modern Geography 2 50 2. Bartholomew. Portable Atlas of Modern Geography 1 00 5. Black. General Atlas of the World. Folio 22 50 4. Collier and Schnritz. International Atlas 6 00 3. Johnson's Atlas of the World. Folio 20 00 5. Johnston. Royal Atlas of Modern Geography. Folio. London 50 00 3. Schmitz. Atlas of Classical Geography 1 50 4. Smith, W., and Grove. Ancient Atlas. 5 parts Each 7 00 4. University Atlas of Classical and Modern Geography. Fol. London 15 75 Atonement. 2. Barry. The Atonement of Christ 1 00 3. Campbell. The Nature of the Atonement 2 50 4. Crawford. Doctrine of Scripture respecting the Atone- ment London 6 00 3. New York Bar, A Member of. The Divine Human in the Incarnate and Written Word 1 50 4. Sweaton. The Doctrine of the Atonement, as taught by the Apostles 5 25 Attachment. 5. Drake. Suits by Attachment 7 50 5. Hinkley and Mayer. Law of Attachment in Maryland .... 4 00 Aiidubon, John James. 3. Life of. Edited by his Widow 250 BANKRUPTCY. 15 Australia. See also NEW SOUTH WALES and NEW ZEALAND. 4. Ranken. Dominion of Australia London $6 00 3. Rowell. Australia and New Zealand : Homes for the Old Country 21 00 Austria, History of. See also EUROPE, GERMANY, etc. 4. Coxe, W. History of the House of Austria 1218 to 1848. 4 vols 1200 2. House of Austria in the Thirty Years' War 1 00 3. Hozier. The Seven Weeks' War. Maps and Plans 250 Austria. 3. Appletons' European Guide-Book 6 00 3. Baedeker. Southern Germany and Austria. Guide 3 50 Authors. See BIOGRAPHY, COLLECTIVE. Authorship* See PATENTS AND COPYRIGHTS. Autology. See also PHILOSOPHY, etc. 3. Hamilton, D. H. Autology: A System of Mental Science. 5 00 Bacon, Francis. 3. Letters and Life, including all his occasional works. By Spedding. 7 vols London 42 00 3. Works of. Edited by Spedding, Ellis, and Heath. 15 vols 33 75 Babylonia. See also ASSYRIA, and the EAST. 3. Layard's Nineveh and Babylon , 4 00 3. Lenormant and Chevallier. Ancient History of the East. 2 vols 8 00 3. Rawlinson. Five Oriental Monarchies. 3 vols. ... London 21 00 Bahamas. See aho WEST INDIES. 2. Bacot. The Bahamas : a Sketch London 76 Bailments. 5. Redfield. The Law of Carriers of Goods and Passengers, etc. 6 50 5. Story. Commentaries on the Law of Bailments 7 50 Ball. See BASE-BALL, GAMES AND AMUSEMENTS. Ballooning. See AERONAUTICS. Ballot. See REPRESENTATION. Bangs, H. 3. Autobiography and Journal of 1 60 Bankruptcy. 5. Avery, E., and Hobbs, G. M. Bankrupt Law of the United States 4 50 5. Bump. The Law and Practice in Bankruptcy 7 50 5. Gazzam. American and English Bankruptcy. 2 vols. ... 15 00 16 BANKS AND BANKING. 4. Gazzam. Bankruptcy Law of the United States.. . .* $4 50 3. Treatise on the Bankrupt Law for Business Men . . 250 5. Robson. Treatise on the Law of Bankruptcy London 17 00 Banks and Banking. See also FINANCE. 3. Gibbons. Banks of New York, Dealers, Clearing-House, and Panic 2 50 4. Gilbart, J. W. On Banking 5 00 4. Grant. Law relating to Bankers and Banking Companies. London 14 00 4. Hankey. Principles of Banking London 3 00 5. Morse, J. T., Jr. Treatise on the Law of Banks and Banking. 6 00 5. United States National Bank Act 2 00 Baptism. See also REGENERATION. 4. Dale, J. W. The Use of Baptizo, and the Nature of Judaic Baptism 3 50 2. Hutchings. Mode of Christian Baptism 1 50 2. Kirtley. Design of Baptism 125 4. Krauth. Infant Baptism 1 00 3. Wilson. Doctrine of Baptisms 1 00 Baptist Annual. American Baptist Year-Book 50 Baptist Denomination, History of. See also CHRISTIAN CHURCH, HISTORY OF THE. 3. Cramp. Baptist History ; to the Close of the Eighteenth Century 2 25 3. Ray. Baptist Succession. A Hand-book of Baptist History. 2 00 Baptist Divines, Lives of. See BIOGRAPHY, COLLECTIVE, and names of persons. Baptist Theology. See also CHRISTIAN CHURCH, THEOLOGY OF THE. 3. Adams. Experiences of the Higher Christian Life in the Baptist Denomination 1 25 4. Dale. The Usage of Baptizo, and the Nature of Judaic Baptism 3 50 2. Gardner. Church Communion as practised by the Baptists 1 00 2. Hiscox. Short Method with Inquirers and Opponents. ... 65 Barbary States. See AFRICA, ALGIERS, MOROCCO, TRIPOLI, and TUNIS. Barbanld, Mrs. A. L. 3. Lite of. ByG. A. Ellis. 2 vols 500 Barn-yard Fowls. See POULTRY. Barneveld, John of. 3. Life and Death of. By Motley. 2 vols 14 00 Barometer. See METEOROLOGY, and PNEUMATICS. Base-Ball. See also GAMES, SPORTS, etc. 2. Chadwick. The Base-Ball Player's Book of Reference ... 25 BIBLE, HISTORY OF THE. 17 Bashan. See also PALESTINE, SYRIA, etc. 3. Porter. The Giant Cities of Bashan, and the Northern Border-Land $ 90 Bath* See also HYGIENE, MINERAL WATERS, SUMMER RESORTS, and WATERING-PLACES. 3. Dunlop. Philosophy of the Bath London 2 60 2. Miller. How to Bathe 30 Batkins, Jefferson S. 3. Life of. By himself and the author of the " Silver Spoon." 2 00 Battery. See ARTILLERY, ELECTRICITY, etc. Battles* See the various countries. Bayard. G. D. 3. Life of. By S. J. Bayard 1 75 Bavaria* See GERMANY. Bees and Bee-keeping. 2. Lardner. Bees and White Ants. . . London 1 00 3. Pettigrew. The Handy-Book of Bees 2 26 3. Quimby. Mysteries of Bee-keeping explained 1 75 Beethoven. 3. Life of. By A. Schindler. Translated 2 00 3. Life of. By Richard Wagner. Translated 150 Belgium. See also HOLLAND. 3. Baedeken. Belgium and Holland, Hand-book for Travellers 1 75 3. Lees. A Few Days in Belgium and Holland London 2 25 Beloochistan. See also INDIA. 3. Bellew. From the Indus to the Tigris London 7 00 Berkeley, Bishop G. 3. Works of, with Prefaces, Life, etc. By A. C. Fraser. 4 vols. 24 00 Besson. Rev. Pere* 3. Life of. By the author of Tales of Kirkbeck 175 Bible. History of the. See also JEWS, HISTORY OF THE. The history of the Bible is a study of enormous dimensions, and the mastery of the entire list of books below can at best give only a general idea of its tasks. ' William Smith's works are the fullest and most trustworthy for the periods embraced by the Scriptural accounts themselves to the time of the settlement of the canon of the New Testament. For this subject no better guide can be had than Westcott. ,The other books mentioned do not so much aim at scientific accuracy as to promote the general knowledge of the revisions and alterations to which the Scriptures have been subject. 2. Bissell. Historical Origin of the Bible 2 50 2. Blunt, J. H. A Plain Account of the English Bible 1 50 2. Leathes. Structure of the Old Testament 1 25 2. Rogers. Superhuman Origin of the Bible 2 00 3. Smith, W. History of the Bible. Illustrated 4 75 3. Smith, W. A Smaller Scripture History. Illustrated 1 00 18 BIBLE AND THE SCHOOLS. 2. Walden, T. Our English Bible and its Ancestors $1 50 4. Westcott. History of the Canon of the New Testament. . 3 60 Bible and the Schools* See EDUCATION, TREATISES ON. Bible Chronology. See CHRONOLOGY. Bible, Revision of. See REVISION. Biblical Aids. See also OLD and NEW TESTAMENT, and other portions of Scripture. 2. Barrows. Companion to the Bible 1 50 2. Blunt. Key to the Knowledge and Use of the Holy Bible. 1 00 3. Old Testament Companion 1 50 2. Dunn. The Study of the Bible 1 50 2. Gray. The Biblical Museum 2 50 3. Hessey. Moral Difficulties connected with the Bible 1 25 2. Newton. Bible Wonders 1 25 3. Plumtre. Bible Education. 2 vols each 3 00 3. Stevens. The Parables of the New Testament 3 00 4. Wood. Bible Animals 5 00 Biblical and Theological Dictionaries. The " Dictionary of the Bible," edited by William Smith is the best, and even as abridged by Barnum it is as trustworthy as any other in the English or American market. In conjunction with it may be used Blunt' s " Dictionary of Doctrinal and Historical Theology," and the two will in many respects form a satisfactory sub- stitute for the large work edited by McClintock and others. 4. Barnum. A Comprehensive Dictionary of the Bible, W. Smith's abridged. Illustrated. Royal 5 00 3. Blunt. Dictionary of Doctrinal and Historical Theology.. 1200 2. Boutell. A Bible Dictionary *. . . 9 00 3. McClintock and Strong. Cyclopaedia of Biblical, Theologi- cal, and Evangelical Literature 4. Smith, W. Dictionary of the Bible. 4 vols each 6 50 2. Treasury of Bible Knowledge 3 00 Bibliography. See CATALOGUES. Bigamy. See POLYGAMY. Billiards. See also GAMES AND AMUSEMENTS. 3. Phelan. Game of Billiards 1 50 Bills of Exchange. See EXCHANGE. Biography, Collective. See also the names of individuals. Prattle of literary anecdotage, and reminiscences of eminent men of other men, and of things and events worth remembering, are pleasant reading in hours of self- gratification. It is difficult to say what will surely prove interesting. The tidbits of the tt Bric-a-Brac " series, Field's " Memories of Many Men," Hamilton's " Remi- niscences," Parton's " Men of Progress," accounts of the graduates of various colleges, Yasari's " Lives of Eminent Painters, Sculptors, and Architects," Proctor's " Bench and Bar of New York," Holland's " Recollections of a Past Life," Barnard's " Tone- Masters," Baring-Gould's " Lives of the Saints," Goldwin Smith's " English States- men," and Jameson's or Strickland's " Lives of Female Sovereigns and Illustrious "Women." are sure to bring the spare hours of persons in the proper mood, and of a BIOGRAPHY, COLLECTIVE-ARTISTS. 19 certain culture, swiftly to an end. Biographical dictionaries are never absolutely- trustworthy. Allibone's, Appletons', Lippincott's, and "Maunders, are serviceable works. Biography, Collective General. 2. Ames. Outlines of Men, Women, etc $1 50 2. Bateman, H. Biographies of Distinguished National Men. Vols. 2. Book of Wonderful Characters. Illustrated 3 75 3. Bric-a-Brac Series. Edited by R. H. Stoddard. Vols. each 1 50 2. Ellis. Mothers of Great Men. Crown. London 3 00 3. Field. Memories of Many Men 2 00 2. Hall. The Great Men and Women of the Age. Illustrated 10 60 3. Hamilton. Reminiscences ; or, Men and Events at Home and Abroad 5 00 2. Hawks. Album of Genealogy and Biography 4 00 3. Maceuen. Celebrities of the Past and Present 1 50 2: Martin. Hand-book of Contemporary Biography 2 00 2. Mathews. Great Conversers 1 75 2. Maunder. Treasury of Biography 3 00 2. Men who have made Themselves. Illustrated 1 50 3. Parton, James, Taylor, Bayard, and others. Sketches of Men of Progress 6 00 Biography, Collective American. 4. Allibone. Dictionary of English Literature, and British and American Authors. 3 vols 22 50 2. Barrett. The Old Merchants of New York City. 5 vols. . 6 00 2. Drake. Dictionary of American Biography 6 00 3. Hotten. Emigrants from Great Britain to America, 1600- 1700. 10 00 3. Lossing. Lives of the Signers of the Declaration of Ameri- can Independence. . . 1 50 2. McConkey. American Fathers < 1 50 3. Stuart. Lives and Works of Civil and Military Engineers of America .* . . . 5 00 Biography, Collective American Colleges. 3. Armstrong and Ludlow. Hampton and its Students 1 50 3. Durfee. Biographical Annals of Williams College 5 00 3. Pen-and-ink Sketches of Yale Celebrities. By Squills. . . . 3. Sibley. The Graduates of the Academic Department of Harvard University Vols. each 6 00 Biography, Collective Artists. 3. Duyckinck. Portrait Gallery of Eminent Men and Women of Europe and America. 2 vols 25 00 3. Oilier. Our British Portrait Painters 10 00 3. Passavant. Raphael of Urbino and his Father Giovanni Santi. Illustrated. Royal 12 00 3. Princes of Art. Engravers, Painters, Sculptors, and Archi- tects. Translated. Illustrated 2 00 2. Redgrave. Dictionary of Artists London 8 00 3. Thompson, S. The Old Masters Folio, London 36 75 20 BIOGRAPHY, COLLECTIVE LAWYERS. 3. Tytler. Modern Painters $1 60 3. Old Masters 1 50 3. Vasari. Lives of the most Eminent Painters, Sculptors, and Architects. Translated. 5 vols 15 00 Biography, Collective Lawyers. Campbell. Lives of the Chief-Justices of England. 4 vols. Each 3 50 Lives of the Lord Chancellors of England. 10 vols 35 00 Foss. Biographia Juridica. A Biographical Dictionary of the Judges of England, 1066-1870 6 50 Proctor. The Bench and Bar of New York 5 00 Westminster Hall, Memories of. 2 vols 7 00 Biography, Collective Literary Men. 4. Allibone. Dictionary of English Literature, and British and American Authors. 3 vols., royal 22 50 3. Coleridge. Biographia Literaria. 2 vols 5 00 2. Davidson. Living Writers of the South 2 00 3. Fields. Yesterdays with Authors 2 00 3. Griswold. Prose Writers of America. Illustrated 5 00 3. Hedge. Prose Writers of Germany. Translated. Illus. . 5 00 3. Holland, Sir H. Recollections of a Past Life 2 00 2. Scott, Sir W. Lives of the Novelists 2 00 Biography, Collective Military Men. 2. Chesney. Military Biography 2 50 2. Kaye. Lives of Indian Officers. 3 vols., crown .. .Each 2 50 2. Wilson. Sketches of Illustrious Soldiers 2 50 Biography, Collective Musical Composers. 3. Barnard. The Tone-Masters. Mozart and Mendelssohn ; Handel and Haydn ; Bach and Beethoven. Illustrated. 3 vols .' Each 1 25 4. Gallery of Great Composers 10 00 Biography, Collective Sacred. 3. Ars, J. D'. Brothers of the Christian Church 4 00 3. Baring-Gould. Lives of the Saints. 6 vols Each 2 50 3. Burrows. Worthies of all Souls 5 00 2. Clarke. The First Heroes of the Cross. Illustrated 1 50 2. Conyngham. Lives of the Irish Saints 2 50 2. Donaldson. Apostolical Fathers 3 00 2. Fastre. Acts of Early Martyrs 1 50 2. Fox. Book of Martyrs, abridged. Illustrated 60 2. Martyn, Mrs. S. T. Women of the Bible. Illustrated 3 50 2. Stenhouse, T. B. H. Rocky Mountain Saints 5 00 2. Tayler, C.B. Memorials of the English Martyrs. Illustrated 1 75 Biography, Collective Statesmen. 2. Armor. Governors of Pennsylvania 3 00 2. Martin. The New Administration : Grant and his Cabinet 50 2. Phelps. Lives of Grant and Wilson 1 00 BIOLOGY. 21 3. Smith, Goldwin. Three English Statesmen : Pym, Cromwell, and Pitt $1* 50 2. Welles. Lincoln and Seward 1 50 Biography, Collective Women. 2. Adams, H. G. Cyclopaedia of Female Biography 2 00 2. Child, Mrs. L. M. Married Women. Biographies of Good Wives 1 25 3. Ellis. Mothers of Great Men London 3 00 2. Jameson, Mrs. A. Lives of Celebrated Female Sovereigns and Illustrious Women. 12mo 1 60 2. Lancelot. Queens of England and their Times. Illus- trated. 2 vols 400 2. Memorable Women 1 50 2. Our Excellent Women of the Methodist Church 5 00 2. Raymond, Ida. Biographical Sketches of the Living Fe- male Writers of the South. 2 vols 6 00 2. Strickland. Lives of the Queens of England. 6 vols 24 00 2. Women of Worth Series. 3 vols 3 75 2. Young Ladies' Biographical Library. 5 vols 5 00 Biology. See also EVOLUTION, NATURAL HISTORY, PHYSICS, etc, Introductions to biology, like Nicholson's, are highly valuable ; but the general reader may at once take up the book with which Darwin introduced the subject again to public notice, and continue his studies with the later publications of the same author. Bastian's " Beginnings of Life " is capital reading for those who are not easily tired by minute microscopical investigations, and not afraid of the doc- trine of spontaneous generation. Mivart and Henslow have written to prevent confusion in the speculations of science and theology. For biology, rather philo- sophically than experimentally considered, it is best to turn to Spencer, the facile princeps in this domain. 3. Agassiz. Structure of Animal Life 1 60 4. Bastian. The Modes of Origin of Lowest Organisms 1 25 4. Beginnings of Life. 2 vols 5 00 4. Beale. Diseased Germs 4 00 4. Protoplasm; or, Life, Matter, Mind. Illustrated.. 3 00 3. Chapman. Evolutions of Life 2 75 3. Clark. Mind in Nature ; or, Origin of Life 3 50 3. Darwin. Descent of Man, and Selections in Relation to Sex. Illustrated. 2 vols 4 00 8. Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection . . 2 00 3. Emotional Expression of Man and the Lower Animals 3 60 3. The Variation of Animals and Plants under Do- mestication. 2 vols 6 00 2. Gosse. Evenings at the Microscope ; or, Researches among the Minuter Organs and Forms of Animal Life. . . 1 60 2. Henslow. Evolution of Living Things 250 2. Homo vs. Darwin. Examination of Darwin's " Descent of Man." 1 00 2. MacGinley. Introduction to Biology 75 3. Marey. Animal Mechanism 1 75 22 BIOPLASM. 3. Mivart, St. George. On the Genesis of Species $1 75 3. Nicholson. Introduction to Biology 75 4. Spencer. The Principles of Biology. 2 vols 5 00 4. Spontaneous Generation and the Hypothesis of Physiological Units 25 3. Wallace, A. R. Contributions to the Theory of Natural Selection 2 00 2. Winchell. Doctrine of Evolution 1 00 Bioplasm. See BIOLOGY. Birds. See CAGE-BIRDS, CANARY, ORNITHOLOGY, etc. Bismarck, Prince. 3. Private and Political Life of. By J. G. L. Hesckiel. Trans- lated. Illustrated 3 00 Bladder, Diseases of. 4. Gant. Irritable Bladder 2 50 Blast-Furnace. See also ASSAYING, METALLURGY, MINING, etc. 3. Gruner. Blast-Furnace Phenomena 2 50 Blasting, Submarine. 4. Foster. Submarine Blasting in Boston Harbor. Illustrated 3 50 Blow-pipe Analysis. See MINERALOGY. Boating. 2. Annual Illustrated Catalogue and Oarsman's Manual 6 50 2. Engelhardt. American Rowing Almanac 50 2. Macmichael, W. F. Oxford and Cambridge Boat-Races. . . 3 00 2. Yale and Harvard Boat-Racing 50 2. Yale Nautical Almanac 35 Boccaccio's Decameron. 3. Translated by Kelley 1 40 Boilers. See STEAM-BOILERS. Bokhara. See oho CENTRAL ASIA. 3. Vambery. History of Bokhara London 9 00 Bonapartes. See also FRANCE, HISTORY OF. 2. Joseph Bonaparte, History of. By John S. C. Abbott 1 20 3. Napoleon!. By Chafa 150 3. Napoleon I. By Hazlitt. 3 vols Each 1 50 3. Napoleon L, Memoirs of, Court and Family. By Duchess d'Abrantes. 2 vols .5 00 3. Napoleon L, Life of. By Laurent de 1'Ardeche. Trans- lated. Illustrated. 2 vols. hi 1 300 3. Napoleon L, Correspondence of, with his Brother Joseph . 2 00 4. Napoleon I. By Lanfrey. 2 vols Each 350 2. Napoleon III., History of. By Abbott 3 50 3. Napoleon IIL By Haswell 3 75 4. Napoleon IIL, Life of. By Blanchard Jeirold. 4 vols. Each 9 00 BOTANY. 23 Bonds, Municipal. 6. Coler. Law of Municipal Bonds. 3 vols Each $5 00 Bones, Diseases of. 5. Markoe. Diseases of the Bones 4 60 6. Norton. Osteology. 2 vols London 3 75 Book-Keeping. 2. Crittenden and Groesbeck. Inductive and Practical Trea- tise on Book-Keeping 2 75 2. Folsom. Logical Book-Keeping 2 00 3. Haswell. Book-Keeping by Double Entry. Royal 3 50 Book-Trade Directories. See also CATALOGUES. 2. Dingman. Directory of Publishers, Booksellers, etc., and List of Libraries in the United States and Canada 3 00 2. Publishers and Stationers' Uniform Trade Directory 5 00 2. Reference-Book of Booksellers, Stationers, etc 25 00 3. Trade Circular Annual, including the American Catalogue. 2 50 Booth, Edwin. 3. In Twelve Dramatic Characters. Drawn in Costume. By W. J. Hennessey. Biography by Winter. 4to 10 00 Boston. 2. Boston. Illustrated 1 00 2. Carleton. Great Boston Fire 1 00 2. Coffin. The Story of the Boston Fire 75 2. Copeland. Improvement of Boston 50 3. Drake. Old Landmarks of Boston 3 00 3. Frothingharn. Siege of Boston 3 50 2. Gilmore. History of the National Peace Jubilee, June, 1869. Elustrated 5 00 3. Kidder. History of the Boston Massacre, March 5, 1770.. 3 00 4. Shurtleff. A Topographical and Historical Description of Boston. Ancient Maps and Plans 5 00 Botany. See also FLOWER CULTURE, FRUIT CULTURE, etc. It is unnecessary to extol the wonderful gift of Figuier for compiling works on scientific subjects, whose attractiveness for beauty of style, arrangement, and illus- tration, is nowise impaired by that want of accuracy usually to be regretted in books prepared for popular use. Though books, intended specially for the instruction of the young, are rigidly excluded from these lists, Miss Toumans's introductory books of botany are here mentioned, for the reason that young persons already " turned out" will delight to obtain from them a severely scientific training in the gentlest manner possible. In connection with Asa Gray's works, Pettigrew's " Physiology of the Circulation in Plants" should be read ; and, as a handy book of reference, Lindley and Moore's may be used, or London's " Encyclopa;dia of Plants " for those indigenous to, cultivated in, or introduced into, Britain. 4. Decaisne and Naudin. Hardy Trees, Shrubs, and Her- baceous Plants 7 50 3. Figuier. Vegetable World. Illustrated. 500 350 24 BOWELS, DISEASES OF. 4. Gray, Asa. School and Field Book of Botany $2 50 4. Field, Forest, and Gauden Botany 2 00 5. Henslow. Botanical Charts 18 00 3. Hulme. Plants : Their Natural Growth and Ornamental Treatment 10 50 6. Le Maout, E., and Decaisne. System of Botany 25 00 5. Lindley, J., and Moore, T. Treasury of Botany 6 00 5. Loudon. Encyclopaedia of Plants London 21 00 2. Marion. Wonders of Vegetation 1 50 4. Pettigrew, J. B. Physiology of the Circulation in Plants, etc. 4 00 4. Pollock, A. Botanical Indexes 1 50 1. Youmans, Eliza A. The First Book of Botany 1 00 1. The Second Book of Botany 1 60 1. Young, M. J. Familiar Lessons in Botany 2 00 Bowels, Diseases of. 3. Bird, S. B. Constipated Bowels. Causes and Means of Cure 1 00 Brain* See also BIOLOGY, MENTAL DISEASE, PHYSICS, etc. 3. Barnard. Asserted Indentjty of Mental Powers with Physi- cal Forces 50 4. Davis. The Temple. Diseases of the Brain and Nerves. . 1 60 4. Elam. On Cerebria 2 50 4. Laycock. Mind and Brain ; or, the Correlation of Con- sciousness and Organization. 2 vols 7 00 4. Politzer. The Membrana Tympani in Health and Disease. Illustrated 2 50 Brainerd, Rev. Thomas, D. D. 3. Life of. By M. Brainerd 3 00 Brassey, Thomas. 3. Life of. By Helps. With Introduction by the Author. 12mo 3 00 Brazil, Travels in. See also SOUTH AMERICA. 4. Agassiz. Journey in Brazil 5 00 2. Codman. Ten Months in Brazil 1 25 4. Hartt. Geology and Physical Geography of Brazil. Ulus. 5 00 Breath. 3. Howe, J. W. The Breath and the Diseases which give it a Fetid Odor 1 00 Bridge-Building. 4. Baker. Long-Span Railway Bridges 2 00 4. Bow. Bracing, and its' Application to Bridges 1 50 4. Chanute and Morison. The Kansas City Bridge. Illus- trated. 4to 6 00 4. Haupt. Theory of Bridge Constructing. Illustrated 3 50 4. Merrill Iron-Trass Bridges for Railroads. Illus. 4to.. 500 4. Tower. Modern American Bridge-Building 2 00 4. Whipple. An Essay on Bridge-Building 4 00 BURIAL. 25 Bright, John. 3. The Life of. By John MacGilchrist, in Representative Biographies $ 50 Bright's Disease. See KIDNEYS. British Dominions. See CANADA. Broadsword Instruction. See CAVALRY, MILITARY SCI- ENCE, etc. Brokerage and Brokers' Laws. See AGENCY. Bronchitis. See also CONSUMPTION, PNEUMONIA, etc. 4. Greenhow. On Chronic Bronchitis 2 25 3. Hall. Bronchitis and Kindred Diseases 1 50 3. Hunter. A Popular Treatise on Bronchitis 75 5. Meyhoffer. On Chronic Diseases of the Organs of Respira- tion. 3 vols Each 3 00 Bronte, Charlotte. 3. Life of. By Mrs. Gaskell 1 50 Brooklyn. See NEW YORK. Brougham, H. 3. Life and Times of Lord Brougham, by Himself. 3 vols. Each 2 00 Brute, the Rt. Rev. Gabriel, First Bishop of Vincennes. 2. Life of 1 25 Buddhism. See also RELIGIONS, HISTORY OF. The lives of founders of religions called supernatural generally become unhis- torical. But, to gain information in regard to the present tenets and practices of a given body of believers, it would be a circuitous route to take up the study of the life of their founder, or even the study of their scriptures. If Occidental scholars had written more about the actual state of Oriental religions, there would be less of that mischievous undervaluing of their doctrines so common even in our edu- cated classes. Alabaster's and.Schlagintweit's works, however, will tend to correct the erroneous opinions generally entertained on Buddhism. 3. Alabaster. Wheel of the Law ; Buddhism. Illustrated. . 7 00 4. Beal. Catena of Buddhist Scriptures from the Chinese. . . 7 00 4. Coomara Tathavainsa ; or, History of the Tooth-relic of Gotama Buddha London 3 00 3. Hardy. Legends and Theories of the Buddhists 3 75 3. Schlagintweit. Buddhism in Thibet London 21 00 Bulwer. See LYTTON. Bunsen, Baron. 3. A Memoir of. By Baroness Bunsen. Illustrated. 2 vols. 7 50 Bunyan, John. 3. The Life of. By D. A. Harsha 1 50 Burial. 2. Gaume, M. Christian Cemetery in the Nineteenth Century. 1 50 26 BURNS, ROBERT. Burns, Robert. 3. Prose Works of. $1 50 Burns, the Rev. W. C. 3. Memoir of. By I. Burns 2 50 Burr, Aaron. 3. Life of. By Davis. 2-vols 4 00 3. Private Journal. 2 vols 4 00 Burr, William. 3. Life of. By J. M. Brewster 1 00 Burlesque. See also ALMANACS, COMIC ; CHARADES ; SATIRE ; WIT, etc. 2. Phoenix. Phoenixiana ; or, Sketches and Burlesques 1 25 3. Wright, T. Caricature History of the Georges 3 75 Business Hand-Books. See MERCANTILE HAND-BOOKS. Business Laws. See also COMMERCIAL LAW. 5. Parsons, Hon. T. Laws of Business for all the States of the Union 4 50 Butterflies. 2. Adams. Beautiful Butterflies. Illustrated 1 75 2. Edwards. Butterflies of North America 2 50 Byron, Lord. 3. Recollections of, by the Countess Guiccioli. Portrait 1 75 3. Letters and Journals, with Notices of his Life. By Thomas Moore. Illustrated.. . 3 00 Cabinet-Making* See also CARPENTRY, DESIGNING, etc. 4. Cabinet-makers' Album of Furniture. 48 Plates. Oblong. 5 00 4. Gothic Album for Cabinet-makers. 23 Plates. Oblong. . 3 00 4. Stokes. Cabinet-makers' and Upholsterers' Companion. . . 1 25 Cable. See TELEGRAPH. Cage-Birds. 3. Buist. Birds, their Cages and their Keep 1 75 Caesar. 3. Works. Translated by Anthony Trollope. Ancient Clas- sics for English Readers 1 00 3. Histoire de Jules Cesar, par Napoleon III. 2 vols 2 50 Calculus. 3. Greene. The Theory of the Calculus 2 00 3. Explanation of the Theory of the Calculus 60 3. Peck. A Practical Treatise on Calculus 1 75 4. Strong. A Treatise on the Differential and Integral Cal- culus 2 00 5. Todhunter. Calculus of Variations .. 350 CARLYLE, THOMAS. 27 Calendars. See ALMANACS, and names of denominations and professions. Calhoun, J. C. 3. The Works of. 6 vols $15 00 Calico-Printing. See also DESIGNING, DYEING, etc. 4. Crookes. Hand-book of Dyeing and Calico-Printing . Lon. 21 00 5. O'Neill, A. Dictionary of Dyeing and Calico-Printing 600 4. Shepard. Calico-Printing 2 00 California. See also SAN FRANCISCO, and YOSEMITE VALLEY. 2. Bancroft's Tourist's Guide. The Geysers 75 3. New Map of Central California 75 2. Brace, C. L. The New West ; or, California in 1867-'68.. 1 75 2. Dunbar, E. E. The Romance of the Age ; or, the Discov- ery of Gold in California. Illustrated 1 25 2. Hall, F. History of San Jose and Surroundings. Map and Engravings 3 50 3. Hittell, J. S. Resources of California 1 50 3. Hutchings, J. M. Scenes of Wonder and Curiosity in Cali- fornia. Illustrated 3 00 3. Nordhoff. California. A Book for Tourists and Settlers. . 2 50 3. Northern California, Oregon, and the Sandwich Islands 2 50 Campbell, Alexander. 3. Life of. By R. Richardson 4 00 Canaan. See GEOGRAPHY, BIBLICAL ; PALESTINE ; SYRIA, etc. Canada. 3. Adams. Field and Forest Rambles ; with Natural History of East Canada 7 00 3. Carlile and Martindale. Recollections of Canada. Folio. 10 50 3. MacMullen, J. History of Canada from its Discovery. ... 3 50 3. Parkman. Conspiracy of Pontiac, and the Indian War after the Conquest of Canada. 2 vols 5 00 3. Parkman. The Old Regime in Canada 2 50 Canals. See also ENGINEERING and names of canals. 5. Stevenson. Canal-Engiueermg 6 00 Canary. See also CAGE-BIRDS. 2. Avis. The Canary ; its History, Varieties, Management, etc. 50 Cannon. See GUNNERY and ORDNANCE. Canon. See BIBLE, HISTORY OF THE. Capital Punishment. See CRIME AND PUNISHMENT. Cards. See also GAMES AND AMUSEMENTS, WHIST, etc. 3. Taylor, History of Playing-Cards. Illustrated London 3 75 Carlyle, Thomas. 3. Works of. People's Edition. 38 vols Each 90 28 CARPENTRY. Carpentry. See also CABINET-MAKING. 3. Gould. Carpenters' and Builders' Assistant $3 00 4. Plumer. The Carpenters' and Builders' Guide 1 00 4. Riddell. Practical Carpenter and Joiner 10 00 4. Tredgold. The Elementary Principles of Carpentry. Il- lustrated. 4to 15 00 Carriage-Painting. See PAINTING. Carriers. See BAILMENTS. Carson, Kit. 3. Life of, by Ch. Burdett 1 75 Carthage and Tunis. 3. Perry, A. Carthage and Tunis, Past and Present 4 50 Catalogues of Books and Periodicals. Sec also BOOK- TRADE DIRECTORIES. 4. American Catalogue 1 00 3. Kelly, James. American Catalogue, 1866-' 71 7 50 4. Sabin. Dictionary of Books relating to America, each part 2 50 4. Steiger. Periodical Literature of the United States 4 00 Catarrh. See also COLDS. 3. Allen. Aural Catarrh 2 00 3. Wyman. Autumnal Catarrh 2 25 Catholic Church. See CHURCH OF ROME. Cats. See also other domestic animals. 3. Stable-Cats, their Points, etc London 3 50 Catskill Mountains. 2. Rockwell The Catskill Mountains. With Map 125 Cattle. See also HORSE, PIG, SHEEP, VETERINARY SURGERY, etc. 2. Allen. American Cattle, their History, Breedings, and Management. Illustrated 2 00 2. Hanover. Law of Horses and Live-stock 3 75 2. Hazard. Jersey, Alderney, and Guernsey Cow 1 75 Cattle, Diseases of. 4. Bourguignon, A. On the Cattle-Plague; or, Contagious Typhus in Horned Cattle 1 25 2. Clater, F. Every Man his own Cattle-Doctor. Illustrated 6 00 3. Fleming, G. Animal Plagues; their History, Nature, and Prevention 4 00 2. McClure, R. Diseases of the American Horse, and Cattle, andSheep 1 75 Caucasus. See also CENTRAL ASIA, RUSSIA, etc. 4. Cunynghame. Travels in Eastern Caucasus, etc. . . London 9 00 3. Mounsey. Journey through the Caucasus, etc. . . .London 7 00 Cavalry Tactics. See also ARTILLERY, INFANTRY, MILITARY SCIENCE, etc. Upton. Cavalry Tactics, U. S. Army 2 00 CHARADES. 29 Celebrities. See BIOGRAPHY, COLLECTIVE. Cements, Manufacture of. 4. Gilmore. Limes, Cements, etc $4 00 4. Reid. The Manufacture of Portland Cement. Illustrated. 7 00 Cemetery. See BURIAL. Census. See also STATISTICS. 3. Lewis. Digest of the English Census of 1871 2 00 3. Walker. Compendium of the Ninth Census (June 1, 1870) 7 50 Central Africa. See AFRICA, CENTRAL. Central America. 3. Humboldt, Alexander Von. The works of. 9 vols 36 00 2. Morelet, A. Travels in Central America. Translated. Illustrated 2 00 Central Asia. See also INDIA, RUSSIA, and names of special and adjacent countries. 3. Dilke. The Russian Power. 2 vols London 18 00 3. Vambery. Central Asia, etc London 3 75 3. Von Hellwald. Russians in Central Asia London 6 00 Ceramic Art. See also PORCELAIN, POTTERY, etc. 3. Burty. Cbefs-d'CEuvre of Industrial Arts, Pottery, etc.. . . 5 00 4. Champion. Two Centuries of Ceramic Art in Bristol 21 00 3. Jacquemart. History of the Ceramic Art. Translated... 21 00 3. Palliser. China Collector's Pocket Companion. . . . London 2 50 Ceylon, Travels in. 3. Baker, Sir S. W. Eight Years' Wanderings in Ceylon 1 50 Cerebral Affections. See BRAIN, MENTAL DISEASES, etc. Chaldee. See HEBREW. Chalmers, Thomas. 3. A Biographical Study. By J. Dodds 1 25 Chambers, Robert and William. 3. Autobiography and Memoir 1 60 Chancery Practice in England. 5. DanielL Pleading and Practice of the High Court of Chan- cery. 3 vols 22 50 4. Tyler, S. History and Practice of the High Court of Chan- cery 4 00 Channing, Win. Ellery. 3. Correspondence of, with Lucy Aiken, 1826-'42, edited by L. Breton " 4 50 Charades. Nugent. Burlesque and Musical Acting Charades 50 Nugent. Country-house Charades for Acting. Illustrated. . . 3 00 30 CHARTS. Puzzledom, An Original Collection of Charades, Conundrums, Puzzles, and Games $ 50 Charts. See MAPS. Charities. 3. De Liefde. Charities of Europe London, 2 50 Chase, Chief-Justice S. P. 8. Life and Public Services, by Schuckers 5 00 Chatterton. 3. A Biographical Study, by D. Wilson 2 50 Chemistry. See also AGRICULTURAL CHEMISTRY. For a clear and comprehensive view of the new facts developed during trie last ten years, facts which have given the science an entirely new aspect, and for a prophetic vision of facts at present unknown but soon to be ascertained! Cooke's "New Chemistry" is beyond question the one to read. On the philosophy or theory of chemistry it is complete and accurate as to the past, and full of hopeful inspiration as to the future. On the other divisions, technical, practical, and analyti- cal chemistry, it is difficult to point out a good work within the reach of general readers, as books on these subjects are intended for those ready for the instantia crude. The list of works on Chemical Physics and Physiology, however, will admit of arm-chair study. Chemical Analysis. 4. Crafts. A Short Course in Quantitative Chemical Analysis 1 50 4. De Koninck and Dietz. Chemical Analysis and Assaying 2 50 4. Elderhorst. Qualitative Blow-pipe Analysis 2 50 4. Elliot and Storer. Manual of Qualitative Chemical Analysis 1 50 4. Galloway. Qualitative Analysis 2 50 4. Hill. Lecture Notes on Qualitative Analysis 75 5. Hoffmann. Manual of Chemical Analysis. . . . . 3 50 4. Nason. Reactions for Qualitative Chemical Analysis .... 63 5. Plattner. Qualitative and Quantitative Analysis with the Blow-pipe. Translated 7 50 5. Rammelsberg. Quantitative Chemical Analysis 2 25 4. Thorpe. Quantitative Chemical Analysis 1 75 4. Will. Tables for Qualitative Chemical Analysis 1 50 Chemical Physics. 3. American Hand-book of Chemical and Physical Apparatus 1 50 5. Cooke, J. P., Jr. Chemical Physics 5 00 4. Hinrichs. Chemistry and Molecular Physics 2 50 4. Miller, W. A. Chemical Physics 4 00 4. Pynchon. The Chemical Forces : Heat, Light, and Elec- tricity. Illustrated 3 00 Chemical Physiology. 4. Thudichum. Chemical Physiology 2 25 Chemical Technology. 5. Wagner, R. Hand-book of Chemical Technology 5 00 CHINA. 31 Chemistry, Medical. See also PHARMACY. 4. Rand. Elements of Medical Chemistry 2 00 Chemistry, Organic and Inorganic. 5. Bloxarn. Chemistry Inorganic and Organic $6 50 3. Elliot and Storer. Manual of Inorganic Chemistry 2 50 3. Fownes. Manual of Elementary Chemistry 3 25 2. Roscoe. Chemistry. Science Primer 50 4. Woehler. Organic Chemistry ' 3 00 3. Youmans, E. L. Class-book of Chemistry 1 75 3. Youmans, E. L. Chart of Chemistry 8 00 Chemistry. Theoretical, Philosophical, and Mis- cellaneous Treatises. 3. Cooke. The New Chemistry 2 00 3. Hunt, T. Sterry. Chemical and Geological Essays 3 00 4. Liebig. Complete Works on Chemistry 4 00 3. Rodwell. Birth of Chemistry 1 25 Chess. 3. Agnel. Book of Chess. A Complete Guide. Illustrated. 200 3. American Chess-Player's Hand-book 1 50 4. Gossip. Chess-Player's Manual 3 00 2. Kenney's Manual of Chess 50 Chesterfield, Lord. 3. Letters 1 25 Chicago. 2. Chamberlin. Chicago and its Suburbs 2 50 2. Colbert and Chamberlin. Chicago and the Great Con- flagration 2 50 2. Sheanan and Upton. History of the Great Conflagration. Illustrated... 2 50 Children, Diseases of. 4. Guersant. Surgical Diseases of Children 2 50 5. Holmes. Surgical Diseases of Infancy and Childhood. ... 9 00 5. Meigs and Pepper. Practical Treatise on the Diseases of Children 6 00 4. Smith. Wasting Diseases of Infants and Children 2 50 5. Tanner. Diseases of Infancy and Childhood 3 50 4. Vogel. Practical Treatise on the Diseases of Children. ... 4 50 4. West. Diseases of Infancy 4 75 4. On the Nervous Diseases of Children 4 00 China. See also ASIA, JAPAN, and MONGOLIA. 3. Hawks. Perry's Narrative of the Expedition to the China Seas and Japan. 1852-'54. Illustrated 5 00 2. Nevins. China and the Chinese 1 75 3. Williams. The Middle Kingdom. Plates and Map. 2 vols. 4 00 4. Williamson. Journeys in North China, etc. 2 vols 10 50 3. Thompson. Illustrations of China and its People. 4 vols.. . . .Each 31 50 32 CHINESE LANGUAGE. Chinese Language. 4. Edkins. China's Place in Philology $5 25 5. Lanetot. Chinese and English Phrase-Book 1 25 Chloroform. See ANAESTHETICS. Choate, Ruins. 3. Life of. By S. G. Brown 2 50 Cholera. 3. Murray. Pathology and Treatment of Cholera 1 00 Christ, Life of. To recommend the reading of one Life of Christ rather than another is a matter of preference on theological grounds ; for all the Lives, so far written, and perhaps all that ever will be written, are developments of doctrinal views. Since the appearance of Seeley's luminous " Ecce Homo," which seeks to bring into promi- nence the human basis of the Redeemer's life, several books, as " Ecce Deus " and " Ecce Ecclesia," aiming chiefly to demonstrate the divine foundations of Christ and his Church, have been published. The best among the more voluminous works, replete with hermeneutical and historical theology, are Farrar's and Deems's. But these also present one aspect only the former the divine, and the other the human ; and, further, they are specially addressed to one class of readers Farrar's to those already within, and Deems's to those still without, the pale of the Church. 2. Beecher. Life of Jesus the Christ Subscription. 3. Crosby. Jesus, his Life and Works 4 50 3. Deems. Jesus 5 00 2. Ecce Deus 1 50 2. Ecce Ecclesia 1 75 2. Eddy. Immanuel 3 50 4. Farrar. Life of Christ. 2 vols 7 00 2. Hanna, W. Life of Christ 6 vols 15 00 3. Seeley. Ecce Homo 1 50 Christian Church, History of the. The study of Van Oosterzee's " Theology of the New Testament," and Ber- nard's disquisition on its growth and progress, as traceable from Matthew to the Apocalypse, is an indispensable foundation for an intelligent course of reading on the history of the Church and of doctrines. Few will be ready to undertake to read exhaustive works, consecutively, on every period and phase of the Church and her creeds. A diligent student of the Primitive Church, and of the events and motives of the Reformation, however, will gain an insight into the history of the Church sufficient to bridge over the intervening and subsequent periods. " The Early Years of Christianity," by De Pressence ; " The History of Latin Christian- ity," byMilman; "The Conversion of the Northern Nations," by Merivale, and "The History of the Eeformation in the Time of Calvin," by Merle d'Aubigne," are trustworthy authorities, possessing qualities of diction which render their perusal rather pleasurable than irksome. 2. Ballow. Primitive Christianity and its Corruptions 1 50 4. Bauer, W. Religious Life in Germany during the Wars of Independence. 2 vols 4 00 3. Blunt, J. H. The Reformation of the Church of England. 6 00 4. Butler, C. M. Ecclesiastical History 3 50 CHRISTIAN CHURCH, THEOLOGY OF. 33 3. Darras. General History of the Catholic Church. 4vols. $12 00 2. Ellis, W. The Martyr Church. Illustrated 2 00 2. Fastre. Acts of the Early Martyrs. First and Second Series Each 1 50 4. Guericke. A Manual of Church History. Translated. Vol. 1,3 00 ; voL 2, 2 50 4. Hagenbach. History of the Church hi the Eighteenth and Nineteenth Centuries. 2 vols 6 00 2. Hardwick. History of the Christian Church. Middle Ages 3 00 2. History of the Christian Church during the Refor- mation 3 00 4. Hefele, C. J. History of the Christian Councils to A. D. 325. Translated 6 00 3. Hunt, J. Religious Thought in England. 2 vols 10 00 3. Mahan. Church History 4 00 3. Merivale. Conversion of the Northern Nations 1 50 3. Merle d'Aubigne. History of the Reformation in the Time of Calvin, 5 vols 10 00 3. Milman. History of Latin Christianity. 8 vols Each 14 00 4. Mosheim. Institutes of Ecclesiastical History, Ancient and Modern. Translated. 3 vols 5 00 3. Neale. History of the Holy Eastern Church. The Patri- archs of Antioch London 5 25 3. Pressence, De. The Early Years of Christianity. 2 vols. Each 1 75 3. Robertson, J. C. History of the Christian Church. 8 vols Each 2 25 2. Sewell. History of the Early Church. 16mo 1 00 4. Stoughton. The Ecclesiastical History of England. 5 vols London 28 50 4. Van Antwerp. Principles of Church History 2 25 3. Walmesley, C. Christian Church History 1 25 2. White. The Eighteen Christian Centuries 2 00 Christian Church, Theology of the. See also BIBLICAL AIDS, BIBLICAL DICTIONARIES, commentaries on the NEW TESTAMENT, OLD TESTAMENT, and other portions of Script- ure, RELIGION, etc. 3. Bernard. Progress of Doctrine in New Testament 1 75 4. Blunt. Dictionary of Doctrinal and Historical Theology. . 16 25 3. Dick, J. On Theology 3 00 3. Estes, H. C. Christian Doctrine of the Soul 1 25 3. Garbett. The Dogmatic Faith 2 25 3. Hazard. Freedom of the Will 2 00 4. Hodge, C. Systematic Theology. 3 vols Each 4 50 2. Lord. Christian Theology for the People 4 00 4. McElhinney. The Doctrine of the Church. A Historical Monograph 3 00 3. Murphy. Scientific Bases of Faith 5 00 4. Reuss. History of Christian Theology in the Apostolic Age. 2 vols. London Each 6 00 34 CHRISTIAN DOCTRINES AND ETHICS. 4. Shedd. A History of Christian Doctrine. 2 vols $5 00 4. Van Oosterzee. the Theology of the New Testament 2 00 4. Christian Dogmatics. 2 vols 6 00 Christian Doctrines and Ethics MEDITATIONS AND MINOR WORKS. 3. Arnold. The Christian Life. 2 vols. '. 4 00 3. Augustine and others. Mighty Works of our Lord Jesus Christ. Illustrated 4to 6 00 3. Blunt. A Key to Christian Doctrine and Practice 1 00 3. Boston Lectures, 1870. Christianity and Skepticism. ... 2 00 2. Brown, J. E. A. Thoughts through the Year 1 00 3. Browning, H. B. Words in Season 1 00 3. Christian Truth and Modern Opinions. Sermons by Prot- estant Episcopal Clergymen 1 25 2. Christlieb. Modern Doubt and Christian Belief 75 2. Clark, A. Work-day Christianity 1 50 2. Harsha. The Song of the. Redeemed 175 3. Hopkins. The Law of Love, and Love as a Law 1 75 3. Keble. The Christian Year 7 00 3. Lewes. Problems of Life and Mind. 2 vols Each 3 00 3. McCosh. Christianity and Positivism 1 75 3. Method of Divine Government 2 50 3. MacLeod. Christus Consolator 1 75 3. Oxenden. Words of Peace ; or, The Blessings and Trials of Sickness 75 3. Thoughts for Lent 1 25 2. Phelps, A. The Still Hour ; or, Communion with God ... 1 00 2. Savage. Christianity the Science of Manhood 1 50 3. Schmid. Principles of Christian Ethics 1 00 2. Sears. Sermons and Songs of the Christian Life 2 00 2. Stork. The Unseen World in the Light of the Cross 1 00 2. Treasury of Christian Thought, Example, and Solicitude. . 80 2. Tyng. Christian Titles 1 25 3. Vaughan. Christ satisfying the Instincts of Humanity ... 125 Walker. Philosophy of the Plan of Salvation 1 50 3. Woolsey, T. D. Helpful Thoughts for Young Men 1 50 3. Wuttke. Christian Ethics. 2 vols 3 50 2. Yonge. Musings over the " Christian Year," and " Lyra Innocentium." 2 00 Christianity, Evidences of. 3. Bulfinch. Studies hi the Evidence of Christianity 1 50 2. Cocker. Truth of the Christian Religion 1 50 3. Dodge. Evidences of Christianity 1 50 3. Peabody. Christianity and Science 2 00 3. Whately. Introductory Lessons on Moral and Christian Evidences 1 50 Chronology, Dictionaries of. 3. Haydn. Dictionary of Dates 9 00 CHURCH OF ROME, POLEMICS. 35 2. Synchronology of the Principal Events in Sacred and Pro- Yane History $2 50 3. Woodward and Cates. Encyclopaedia of Chronology 15 00 Church and State. 3. Brownson. Conversations on Liberalism and the Church. 1 25 3. Hovey. Religion and the State 1 25 3. Stanley. Essays on Church and State 8 00 3. Thompson. Church and State in the United States 1 50 Church Architecture. 4. Holly. Church Architecture 10 00 4. Sholl. Ten Working Designs for Catholic Churches. .... 15 00 4. Upjohn, Ren wick, and others. Rural Church Architecture. Thirty-six Plates. Long folio 12 00 4. Withers. Church Architecture 20 00 Church Calendar. See name of denomination. Church of England, Doctrines, Practices, and Rit- uals of. 2. Annan. High-Church Episcopacy 1 00 2. Bailey. Jurisdiction and Mission of the Anglican Episco- pate 1 00 4. Church of England. A Defence of Holy Orders. folio 15 00 3. Haddan. Apostolical Succession in the Church of England 2 00 4. Jelf. Articles of the Church of England explained 6 50 2. Reasons for returning to the Church of England 175 2. Seabury. Church Calendar 2 50 Church of Rome, Almanacs. 2. Catholic Family Almanac 25 3. Sadlier's Catholic Directory, Almanac, and Ordinances. ... 1 00 Church of Rome, Doctrines, Practices, and Ritu- als of. 3. Cathcart. The Papal System 3 00 2.' Formby. Book of the Holy Rosary 4 00 2. Franco. Devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus 1 00 2. Muller. Holy Mass 2 50 2. Noethen. A Compendium of the History of the Catholic Church 2 00 4. O'Kane. Rubrics of the Roman Ritual regarding Sacra- ments 3 00 2. Phillippe, Br. Meditations on Our Last Ends, on Sin, and the Sacrament of Penance 1 50 2. Preston. Devotion to the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus 1 00 3. Wiseman. Doctrines and Practices of the Catholic Church. 2 vols 3 00 3. Offices of Holy Week 1 50 Church of Rome, Polemics. 2. Al verger. Monks, Popes, etc 1 50 36 CICERO. 3. Coleman. The Apostolic and Primitive Church $2 00 3. De Concilio. Catholicity and Pantheism 2 00 2. Graves, Mrs. A. C. Seclus-avel ; or, The Arts of Romanism 1 50 3. Manning, H. E. The Vatican Council and its Definitions. . 1 25 3. Pope. The Council of the Vatican and the Events of the Times 2 00 3. Stone, J. K. The Invitation heeded 1 50 2. Van Dyke. Popery the Foe of the Church and of the Republic 2 00 Cicero. 3. Translation by Lucas Collins. Ancient Classics for Eng- lish Readers 1 00 Circle, Quadrature of. 4. Myers. Quadrature of the Circle, etc 2 00 4. Parker. Quadrature of the Circle 2 60 City Architecture. See ARCHITECTURE. Civil Engineering. See ENGINEERING, MENSURATION, etc. Civil Government. See GOVERNMENT. Civil Service, and Army. 3. Henry. Army and Civilian Appointments . . . each volume 5 00 Civilization, History of. See also ETHNOLOGY, HISTORY, and the various countries. He who studies the course of civilization will discover that it is not one of steady development and progress. The history of culture is one of rises and collapses, and the latter are always more or less general, and give an impulse in new directions. The pioneer work, and also the master- work of all histories of civilization, is Buckle's. The animosity shown it on its first appearance has greatly subsided, and even Guizot's admirable work has not been able to supplant it. Books like Lecky's " History of Morals," luminous expositions of the origin and incrustation of customs are conceived only in ages like our own, and will serve as an introduction to the re- ligious philosophy which has gained a birth-right among the intellectual achievements of our day. In works like Lubbock's and Tylor's, which attempt to portray from the condition of existing uncultured races the kind and degree of culture possessed by the earliest and prehistoric peoples, one may obtain an adequate idea of the long ages needed to reach our own civilization, though the calculation has to be made without the factors of the breakdowns which presumably happened also in those first phases of human culture. 3. Buckle. History of Civilization in England. 2 vols 6 00 2. Dean. History of Civilization. 7 vols Each 4 00 3. Guizot. History of Civilization. 4 vols 6 00 2. Harris. Civilization considered as a Science 1 50 3. Lecky. History of European Morals. 2 vols 6 00 3. Lubbock. The Origin of Civilization 2 00 3. Tylor, E. B. Primitive Culture. 2 vols 5 00 2. Wikoff. Four Civilizations of the World 1 5'0 Clarke, D. W. 3. Life of. By D. Curry 1 50 COACH-PAINTING. 37 Classical Dictionaries. See also GREECE and ROME. Not one of these dictionaries, which are the best in the English language, em- bodies the vast and important philological researches of the past twenty years; but as this is a defect not easily remedied, and a choice must be made, it is advisable to take one of Smith's Dictionaries, or abridgments of them ; or, if a hand-book of the antiquities only of Greece and Koine is needed, the compact volume of Eich. 4. Anthon. Classical Dictionary $6 00 4. Anthon's Smith's Classical Dictionary 5 00 4. Anthon's Smith's Dictionary of Antiquities 6 00 4. Rich. Dictionary of Roman and Greek Antiquities 4 00 6. Smith, W. Dictionary of Greek and Roman Biography and Mythology. 3 vols 30 00 5. Smith, W. Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography. 2 vols 20 00 4. Smith, W. Dictionary of Greek and Roman Antiquities. . 10 00 4. Smith, W. Classical Dictionary of Biography, Mythology, and Geography t . . 8 00 3. Smith's Smaller Classical Dictionary 2 50 3. Smith's Smaller Dictionary of Greek and Roman Antiquities 2 50 Classics. See name of author, as C.ESAR, GOETHE, HOMER, SHAKESPEARE. Climatology. 3. Bennet. Winter and Spring on the Shores of the Mediter- ranean * 3 50 3. Shove. Life under Glass. Formation of Artificial Climates 1 00 Clinical Medicine. 4. Claiborne. Clinical Reports 3 00 4. Davis, N. S. Clinical Lectures 3 00 4. Graves. Clinical Lectures on the Practice of Medicine ... 6 00 4. Hamilton. Clinical Electro-Therapeutics 2 00 4. Hammond. Clinical Lectures on Diseases of the Nervous System 3 50 4. Jahr. The Clinical Guide 3 00 4. Sturges. Introduction to Clinical Diseases 1 25 4. Tanner. Manual of Clinical Medicine 1 50 5. Trousseau. Lectures on Clinical Medicine. 2 vols 10 00 Clock and Watch Making. 4. Booth. Clock and Watch Maker's Manual London 4 50 4. Beckett. Clocks, Watches, etc London 2 75 Clubs. 3. Timb's Clubs and Club-Life in London. Illustrated. London 3 75 Cloths. See TEXTILE FABRICS, and DESIGNING ON CLOTH. Clnb-Foot. 4. Adams. Club-Foot. Its Causes, etc London 7 50 3. Sayre. Practical Manual of the Treatment of Club-Foot. . 1 00 Coach-Painting. See PAINTING. 38 COAL, COAL-MINING. Coal, and Coal-Mining. 4. Danvers. Coal, its Screening and Transportation .. London $5 25 3. Leifchild. Coal at Home and Abroad London 2 25 3. Smith, W. W. Rudimentary Treatise on Coal and Coal- Mining London 1 75 Coal-Regions. 3. Anstie. Coal-Fields of Gloucestershire and Somersetshire. London 3 00 3. Huldeman. Coal-Fields of Great Britain 8 00 3. Macfarlane. Coal-Regions of America 5 00 Cockburn, Lord Henry. 3. Journal of. London 2 50 Code, Military. See MILITARY SCIENCE. Coffee. 3. Hewitt. Coffee ; its History, Cultivation, and Uses 2 50 3. Stainbanks. Coffee in Natal London 1 00 Coins. See NUMISMATICS. Colds. 3. Hall, W. W. Coughs and Colds 1 50 Collective Biography. See BIOGRAPHY, COLLECTIVE. Collected Works. See names of authors. Colleges, American. See also BIOGRAPHY, COLLECTIVE. 0*3. Alexander. Princeton College in the Eighteenth Century. 2 50 *(*3. Tyler. History of Amherst College Subscription Collins, S. 3. Autobiography 1 00 Colorado. 2. Bowles. A Summer Vacation in Colorado 1 00 2. Greatorex, Eliza. Summer Etchings in Colorado 12 00 4. Wallichan. Rocky Mountain Directory and Colorado Gazetteer 3 00 Colors. See also ART, ESSAYS, AND TREATISES ON, PAINTING, etc. 4. Riffault, Vergnaud, and Toussaint. Manufacture of Colors for Painting 7 50 Colossians, Epistle to the. 5. Lange. Commentary on Galatians, Ephesians, Philippians, and Colossians 5 00 2. Wilson. Expository Letters on Colossians 1 00 Columbus, Christopher. 2. Character and Achievements of the so-called Christopher Columbus, by Aaron Goodrich 3 50 3. Life. ByDeLorgues 200 3. Life. By Helps 2 75 3. Life and Voyages. By Irving 1 50 3. Life. By Lamartine 1 00 CONIC SECTIONS. 39 Commentaries* See NEW TESTAMENT, OLD TESTAMENT, the minor divisions of the Jfible, LAW, and legal subjects. Commercial Dictionaries. 3. McElrath. Dictionary of Words and Phrases used in * Commerce $6 00 2. Webster. Counting-House and Family Dictionary 3 00 Commercial Law. 3. The Commercial Laws of the States 3 00 4. Townsend. A Compendium of Commercial Law 4 00 2. Tracy. A Hand-book of Law for Business Men. 5 50 Commercial Registers. See MERCANTILE HAND-BOOKS. Commission Merchants. See AGENCIES. Commissioners. See NOTARIES. Common Law. 5. Broom. Common-Law Commentaries 6 00 4. Chamberlin. American Common Law 4 60 4. Smith. Manual of Common Law 4 00 Commune. See FRANCE, HISTORY OF, and PARIS. Communion, Eucharist, and Real Presence. 2. Lacy. Doctrinal and Ritualistic View of the Holy Eucharist 1 50 3. Moberly. Administration of the Holy Spirit hi the Body of Christ 2 25 4. Scudamore. Notitia Eucharistica 10 00 3. Thorold. The Presence of Christ 1 50 3. Wiseman. Presence of Christ in the Eucharist 150 Comparative Anatomy. See ANATOMY. Composers. See BIOGRAPHY, COLLECTIYE, or the name of the individual. Composition. See RHETORIC. Conant, Mrs. J. H. Biography of 1 50 Concordances of the Bible. 3. Cruden. A Complete Concordance to the Holy Scriptures. All sizes and prices 5. Hudson and Hastings. A Critical Greek and English Con- cordance to the New Testament 2 50 Confectionery* See COOKERY. Congregationalists. 2. Clarke. Orthodox Congregationalism 1 50 2. Dexter. Congregationalism 1 25 2. Good Things from the Congregaiionalist and Boston Re- corder, 1868-'70 1 25 Conic Sections. See GEOMETRY. 40 CONSTIPATION. Constipation. See BOWELS, DISEASES OF; DIETETICS, HY- GIENE, etc. Constitution of the United States. See also ENGLISH CONSTITUTION. 5. Cooley. Constitutional Limitations, which rest upon the Legislative Power of the States: $7 50 3. Farrar. Constitutional Manual 3 50 2. Flanders. Exposition of the Constitution of the United States 1 75 5. Hough. American Constitutions. 2 vols .each 7 50 4. Littlejohn. Constitutional Amendment 1 00 3. Stearns. Concordance to the United States Constitution .. 100 3. Towle. History and Analysis of the Constitution of the United States. Crown 5 00 3. Townsend. Analytical Chart of the Constitution of the United States 5 00 Consumption. 3. Bennet. Treatment of Pulmonary Consumption 1 50 2. Both. Consumption 2 00 2. Logan. Consumption : its Pathology and Treatment 1 00 4. Niemeyer. Clinical Lectures on Pulmonary Phthisis. Translated 1 25 3. Williams. Pulmonary Consumption: Its Nature, Varie- ties, and Treatment. Demy 3 00 Contagions Diseases. 3. Morgan. On Contagious Diseases 1 75 Contracts, Law of. 5. Bingham. Law of Executory Contracts 7 50 5. Chitty. On Contracts. .2 vols 15 00 5. Billiard. Law of Contracts 15 00 5. Parsons. Law of Contracts. 3 vols 22 50 5. Smith, J. W. The Law of Contracts 5 50 Conveyances, Law of. 5. Bump. Fraudulent Conveyances 7 50 4. Curtis, G. T. The American Conveyancer 2 25 Cookery. See also DIETETICS, DOMESTIC ECONOMY, HOUSEHOLD RECEIPTS, HYGIENE, etc. 2. Beeton. Every-Day Cookery-Book 1 60 2. Blot. Hand-book of Practical Cookery 1 75 2. Bouvier. National Cook-Book 1 75 3. Bowman, Anne. The New Cookery-Book. Illustrated ... 3 00 2. Elliott, Mrs. S. A. Mrs. Elliott's Housewife 1 50 4. FrancatellL Modern Cook 5 00 4. Gouffe. Royal Pastry and Confectionery-Book London 17 50 2. Hale, Mrs. New Cook-Book 175 2. Henderson, W. A. How to Cook, Carve, and Eat 1 50 2. Howard, B. C. Fifty Years in a Maryland Kitchen 1 50 2. Leslie, Miss. New Receipts for Cooking 1 75 COVENANTS FOR TITLES. 41 3. Levy, Mrs. Esther. The Jewish Cookery-Book $2 00 3. Parloa. Appledore Cook-Book 1 25 2. Porter, Mrs. M. E. New Southern Cookery-Book 1 75 2. Soyer. Modern Domestic Cookery 125 2. Young Wife's Cook-Book 1 75 Cookman, A* 3. Life of. By H. B. Ridgeway 200 Coomassie. See ASHANTI. . * Cooper, Anthony Ashley, FIRST EARL OF SHAFTESBURY. 3. Life of. By W. D. Christie. 2 vols 8 00 Copartnership* See PARTNERSHIP. Copley, John L. 3. Life of. By A. T. Perkins 3 00 Copper. See METALLURGY. Copyright* See PATENT AND COPYRIGHT. Coral. 4. Dana. Corals and Coral Islands 4 00 3. Darwin. Structure and Distribution of Coral Reefs. London 3 75 Corinthians, Epistles to the. 2. Barnes. Notes on First Corinthians 1 50 5. Lange. Commentary on Epistles of Paul. Translated 5 00 4. Lightfoot. Saint Clement of Rome. The Two Epistles to the Corinthians. Text and Notes 3 50 Corporations, Law of. 5. Angell and Ames. Law of Private Corporations Aggregate 7 50 3. Root. Law of Corporations 1 50 Corporations, Law of Municipal. 5. Dillon. Municipal Corporations 7 50 6. Ohio. Law of Municipal Corporations in Ohio. 8vo 3 50 Cortes, Hernando. 3. Life of. By Helps. 2 vols London 750 Cottages. See ARCHITECTURE. Cotton, and Cotton-Spinning. See also TEXTILE FABRICS. 3. Donnell. History of Cotton 5 00 4. Leigh. Science of Modern Cotton-Spinning. 2 vols., folio. London 42 00 3. Lyman. Cotton Culture 1 50 Coughing. See COLDS. Counter- Claim. See SET-OFF, LAW OF. Country Architecture. See ARCHITECTURE. Covenants for Titles. 5. Rawle. Law of Covenants for Title. .. 760 42 CRANBERRY CULTURE. Cranberry Culture. 3. White, J. J. Cranberry Culture $1 26 Creation. See BIOLOGY, EVOLUTION, GEOLOGY, etc. Creditor. See DEBTOR AND CREDITOR. Creed. See name of denomination. Crests. See DESIGNING, LETTERING, etc. Cretan Insurrection. 3. Stillman. The Cretan Insurrection of 1866 1 50 Cricket. 3. Pycroft. Cricket-Field London 1 75 Crimes and Punishments. 4. Beccaria. Crimes and Punishments 3 00 3. Bovee. Christ and the Gallows ; or, Reasons for the Aboli- tion of Capital Punishment 2 00 Criminal Law. 5. Bishop. Commentaries on Criminal Law. 2 vols 15 00 5. Statutory Crimes 7 50 5. Wharton. On Criminal Law. 3 vols 22 60 Crittenden, J. J. 3. Life of. By his Daughter, Mrs. Coleman. 2 vols 10 00 Cromwell, Oliver. 3. Life of. BySouthey 50 Croquet. See also GAMES AND AMUSEMENTS. 2. Croquet, as played by the Philadelphia Club 20 2. Randolph. Laws of Croquet 25 3. Reid, Captain M. Croquet, with Notes and Commentaries 50 2. Rover. Croquet, its Principles and Rules. Illustrated. . . 10 Crusades. See also CHRISTIAN CHURCH, HISTORY OP THE. 3. Cox, G. W. The Crusades 1 25 3. Procter. Illustrated History of the Crusades 2 50 Crustacea. See NATURAL HISTORY. Cuba. 2. Diary of a Spring Holiday in Cuba 1 00 2. Rambles in Cuba, by an American Lady 1 50 2. The Stranger in the Tropics. Guide-Book for Cuba, Puerto Rico, and St. Thomas 1 50 Culture. See EDUCATION, or CIVILIZATION, HISTORY OF. Currency and Money. See also FINANCE. 4. Sumner, W. G. History of American Currency 3 00 Cyclopaedias. See also Dictionaries of special subjects. The value of books of reference greatly, if not entirely, depends on the fullness and freshness of their contents. Articles of historical or scientific research ten DANTE DEGLI ALIGHIEEL 43 years old necessarily lack the most interesting and valuable portions. In choosing a cyclopaedia it is therefore a matter of supreme importance to select the latest and largest, bearing in mind, however, that one which sacrifices space to mere defini- tions of technical terms, or to bare explanations of words of rare occurrence, or to thousands of villages of ten or twenty inhabitants, and possessing neither historical nor commercial interest, does nowise supersede the use of a Webster's or Worces- ter's " Unabridged," or of a gazetteer embodying the latest census. Considering these facts, there is no doubt that Appletons' " American Cyclopaedia " ranks highest. 4. American Cyclopaedia. 16 vols.. Each $5 00 3. American Annual Cyclopaedia 5 00 3. Chambers's Encyclopaedia. 10 vols Each 5 50 3. Iconographic Cyclopaedia. 6 vols. 4to 60 00 2. Johnson's New Universal Cyclopaedia. 3 vols Each 12 75 1. Zell's Encyclopaedia and Dictionary. 2 vols 14 75 Dahlgren, Ulric. 3. Memoir of. By Rear-Admiral Dahlgren 1 75 Dahomey. See also AFRICA. 3. Skertchly. Dahomey as it is. Illustrations and Map. London 10 00 Dairy Husbandry. See also CATTLE, FARMING, etc. 3. Flint, C. L. Milch Cows and Dairy Farming 2 50 3. Flint, C. L. Grasses and Forage Plants 2 50 3. Williard. Dairy Husbandry 3 00 Dakota Language and Missions* 3. Riggs and Williamson. Hymns hi the Dakota Language. . 35 3. . The Gospel among the Dakotas 1 50 4. Roehrig. The Dakota Language U. S. Government Dallas, Alex. James* 3. Life and Writings of. By G. M. Dallas 5 00 Damages. 5. Sedgwick, T. On the Measures of Damages 8 50 Dancing. 2. De Walden. Ballroom Companion 50 2. Ferrero. Dancing or Etiquette of the Ballroom 50 2. Hillgrove. Ballroom Guide 75 Daniel, Book of. 2. Birchmore. Brief Explanation of Daniel and St. John ... 1 50 3. Gaussen. Daniel the Prophet explained. Translated. London 2 25 4. Strong. Lectures on the Book of Daniel London 1 00 Danish Language. 3. Peterson, C. J. P. Norwegian-Danish Grammar 1 25 Dante Degli Alighieri. 3. Divina Commedia. Translation by Ford. London 6 00 4. Divine Comedy. Translation by Longfellow. 8 vols 6 00 4 44 DARWINISM. 4. Divine Comedy. L Canto. Translation by Parsons $6 00 4. Divine Comedy. I. Canto. Translation by Rossetti. London 2 50 3. Inferno. Literal Prose Translation. By Carlyle. London 7 00 2. Inferno. Translation by Gary. Illustrations by Dore. London 2:> 00 3. Biographical Guide. By Lacock London 1 25 3. A Shadow of Dante. By Rossetti 2 .V> 3. Dante and his Circle. By Rossetti 1 00 Darwinism. See BIOLOGY and EVOLUTION. Dates. See CHRONOLOGY, DICTIONARIES OF. Da Vinci, Leonardo. By Mrs. Heaton London 15 75 Davis, Jefferson. 3. Life of. By E. A. Pollard 3 00 3. Prison-Life of. By Craven 2 00 3. Life of. By Alfriend 3 00 Debt, National. See FINANCE. Debtor and Creditor. 5. Holcombe. Law of Debtor and Creditor in the United States and Canada. 4 00 Declaiming. See ELOCUTION. Decorations. See DESIGNING. De Foe, Daniel. 2. Works of, and Life 2 50 Delaware. 4. Acrelius. History of Xew Sweden ; or, Settlements on the River Delaware 4 00 Deluge. See GEOLOGY. Demonology. See also MAGIC, SATAN, WITCHCRAFT, etc. 4. Kernot, Henry. Bibliotheca Diabolica 50 3. Reville. The Devil : His Origin and Greatness. Trans- lated London 1 75 Demosthenes. 3. Translated. By Leland. 2 vols 1 50 2. Literally translated. By Kennedy. 2 vols 3 00 Denman, Lord. 3. By Arnold. 2 vols London 16 00 Denmark. See also DANISH LANGUAGE, NORTHERN EUROPE, etc. 3. Bushby. Danes sketched by Themselves. Translated. 3 vols 15 75 4. Engelhardt. Denmark hi the Early Iron Age. Illustrated. London 15 75 Dentistry. 2. Arthur. Treatment and Prevention of Decay in Teeth. Illustrated 1 50 DIAGNOSIS, MEDICAL. 45 4. Coles. Dental Mechanics $2 60 5. Harris. Principles and Practice of Dentistry 6 60 3. Leber and Rottenstein. Dental Caries 1 60 2. Meredith. The Teeth, and how to save Them. Illustrated. 1 25 6. Tomes. Dental Surgery 6 60 4. WedL Pathology of the Teeth 4 50 De Quincey, Thomas. 3. Collected Works of. 16 vols London. Each 2 25 Dermatology. See SKIN, DISEASES OP THE. Dervishes. 3. Brown. History of the Dervishes ; or, Oriental Spiritualism. 3 60 Descent, Law of. 6. Bingham, A. A Treatise on the Law of Descent 6 00 Descriptive Geometry. See GEOMETRY. Designing* See also DRAWING, LETTERING, etc. 4. Ashton, F. T. Art of designing Fancy Cotton and Woolen Cloth 10 00 4. Challen. Monogram-Book for Stationers 3 00 4. Croft. Original Designs for Front-Entrance Doors, etc. Illustrated 5 00 4. Dearborn. Scrolls, Monograms, Ornaments, Crests, etc. Folio 2 50 3. Dresser. Decorative Design 3 50 4. Forsyth. Designs for Headstones, Mural and other Monu- ments. 4to 6 00 3. Hoyce, A. P. Modern Ornamenter 8 50 4. Lienard. Specimens of Decorations, etc Each part 2 00 De Se*vigne", Madame. See SEVIGNE, DE. De Stael. Corinne 1 75 Dent sch, E. Literary Remains of 4 00 Development. See EVOLUTION. Devotion, Books of. 2. Clare. Devotions to the Ecclesiastical Year 1 60 2. Clarke. The Cottage Prayer-Book and Helps to Devotion. 75 2. Fisher, S. R. Family Assistant 1 25 2. Huntington. Helps to a Holy Lent 1 25 3. Mountford. Euthanasy ; or, Happy Talk toward the End of Life 2 00 2. Spurgeon. Evening by Evening ; or, Readings at Eventide 175 Diagnosis, Medical* See also MEDICINE, PHYSIOLOGY. 5. Da Costa. Medical Diagnosis, with Special Reference to Practical Medicine. Illustrated 6 00 4. Fen wick. Guide to Medical Diagnosis 2 25 46 DIALOGUES. Dialogues. See ELOCUTION and EDUCATIONAL WORKS. Diamonds. See also GEMS ; AFRICA, SOUTH ; and MINERALOGY. 3. Dieulafait. Diamonds and Precious Stones. Translation. $2 00 2. Emanuel. Diamonds and Precious Stones 2 75 Dickens, Charles. Life of. By Mackenzie 200 Life of. - By Forster. 3 vols Each 200 Life and Works of. By F. B. Perkins 1 00 Works of. Popular Library Edition. 6 vols 10 50 Works of. Cheap edition Each vol. 25 Works of. Handy Volume Edition. 14 vols 10 00 Dictionaries. See Languages and Subjects. Dietetics. See also DIGESTION, HYGIENE, and MEDICINE, DO- MESTIC. 2. Beard. Eating and Drinking. Manual of Food in Health and Disease 75 3. Bellows. The Philosophy of Eating 2 00 3. Breakfast, Dinner, and Tea, viewed classically, poetically, and practically , 2 00 2. Holbrook. Eating for Strength 1 75 3. Smith, Edward. Foods 1 75 Differential Calculus. See CALCULUS. Digestion. See also BOWELS, DIETETICS, HYGIENE, STOMACH, etc. 3. Chambers. The Indigestions ; or, Diseases of the Digestive Organs, functionally treated 3 00 2. Lewis. Our Digestion 2 00 3. Pavy. The Functions of Digestion, its Disorders, and their Treatment 2 00 Diphtheria. 4. Diphtheria, Dysentery, Causation of London 3 75 2. Gaillard. Diphtheria 50 3. Neidhard. Diphtheria in the United States 1 75 Diplomacy. See also POLITICAL ECONOMY. 3. Ottley. Errors and Mischiefs of Modern Diplomacy. London 2 00 3. Kussell. Recollections and Suggestions of Public Life. 1813-'73 London 3. Ward. Experiences of a Diplomatist 3 00 Diseases. See name or character of disease. Dispensatories. See PHARMACY. Disraeli, Benjamin. His novels are distinguished for brilliancy of style, and are valuable as pictures of the aristocratic life of England. Some of them contain also striking illustrations of the character of the Jews, and accurate descriptions of their condition in the East 3. Novels and Tales. 10 vols . . 7 00 -DOMESTIC ECONOMY. 47 3. Bentinck. Biography London $3 00 3. Author, Orator, and Statesman. By John Mill 3 75 Divination* See also MAGIC, SPIRITUALISM, and WITCHCRAFT. 3. Barker. The Mendal: A Mode of Oriental Divination. London 3 75 Diving. 3. Siebe. Conquest of the Sea. History of Divers and Diving. Illustrated London 2 25 Divorce and Alimony. 5. Browne, W. H. Divorce and Alimony \ 6 50 5. Woolsey. Divorce and Divorce Legislation 1 75 Doddridge, Philip, D. D. 3. Life of. By D. A. Harsha 1 50 3. Life and Labors of. By Stoughton London 1 00 Dogs. 2. Morris, F. 0. Dogs and their Doings. Illustrated. Small 4to 1 75 3. Stonehenge. Dog in Health and Disease London 5 25 3. Dogs of the British Islands. 4to London 8 00 3. Webb. Dogs : Points and Peculiarities London 3 00 Domestic Economy. See also COOKERY, DOMESTIC MEDICINE, HOUSEHOLD RECIPES, etc. Though the grief that the good old times, when every thing was cheap, are gone, will always be ours, there is this consolation, which also may ever remain with us, that our own times may be rendered equally good and cheap by the practice of economy. Some of the works on Domestic Economy, given below, professedly intended for those desirous to " save the penny," etc., advise what, if experimented on, would prove neither profitable nor enjoyable, even to those willing to let their means control their tastes. Every hour and every person has special requirements, and the only way of obtaining from books counsel to meet them, is to consult Beeton, Eastlake, Gardner, and Sedgwick, in succession, with the intent of follow- ing the best of the four. 2. Aikman. Life at Home : or, the Family and its Members. 1 50 2. Beecher, C. E., and Stowe, H. B. Principles of Domestic Science 2 00 2. Beecher, Mrs. H. W. Motherly Talks with Young House- keepers 2 00 3. Beeton, Mrs. Book of Household Management 3 50 3. Cassell's Household Guide. Encyclopaedia of Domestic and Social Economy. 4 vols. 4to Each 3 00 2. Cornelius, Mrs. The Young House-keeper's Friend 1 50 3. Eastlake. Hints on Household Taste 5 00 2. Gardner. Homes, and how to make Them 2 60 2. Harland. Common-Sense in the Household 1 75 2. Mason. Young Housewife's Counselor 1 50 3. Sedgwick, Drs. The House We live in : How to keep it in Order 2 50 3. Todd, S. E. Country Homes, and how to save Money... . 1 50 48 DOMESTIC MEDICINE. Domestic Medicine. 4. Buchan's Domestic Medicine and Family Physician $4 00 4. First Help in Accident and Sickness 1 60 3. Gleason. Everybody's Own Physician 3 00 3. Howe. Emergencies, and how to treat Them ...... 3 00 Domestic Relations. See also DIVORCE AND ALIMONY. 5. Schouler, J. The Law of Domestic Relations 7 60 Domingo. See SAN DOMINGO. Dominion of Canada. See CANADA. Draughts. See also GAMES AND AMUSEMENTS, etc. 2. Scattergood. Draughts or Checkers simplified 60 3. Spayth, Game of Draughts 1 50 2. Draughts or Checkers for Beginners 75 Drawing. 4. Andre. Draughtsman's Hand-book of Plan and Map Drawing London 7 60 3. Delamotte. The Art of sketching from Nature. Illus- trated London 31 50 3. Metz. Drawing-Book of the Human Figure. Folio 7 50 4. Smith, R. S. Topographical Drawing 2 00 4. Worthen. Architectural Drawing and Design 2 00 4. Engineering Drawing 2 00 4. Mechanical Drawing and Design 2 00 4. Perspective and Isometrical Drawing 1 50 4. Practical Drawing-Book 2 00 4. Topographical Drawing 2 00 Dreams. See also MENTAL SCIENCE. 3. Dendy. Phenomena of Dreams London 2 00 3. Seafield. Literature and Curiosities of Dreams. 2 vols. London 6 00 Dress. See also TOILET. 2. Gale. Hints on Dress 75 Drinking. See DIETETICS, and TEMPERANCE LITERATURE. Drum and Fife. 3. Strube. Drum and Fife Instructor 1 50 Dryden. 4. Poetical Works of. With Memoir. 1000 4. Poetical Works of. Gilfillan's edition. 2 vols . . 7 00 4. Complete Works. 2 vols 4 00 Dueling. 4. Millengen. History of Dueling 2 vols London 4 50 3. Sabine. History of Dueling 1 75 4. Steinmetz. History of Dueling. 2 vols London 8 00 Dumas, Alexandra. 2. Novels and Romances. 18 vols... . 15 00 EAST, THE. 49 Dunham, Thomas. 3. Memoir of. By J. Arnold. 2 vols $7 00 Dnnster, Henry. 3. Life of. By J. Chaplin 150 Diirer, Albert. 2. The Artist's Married Life. By L. Schefer. Translation. . . 1 25 3. Life of; with Translation of his Letters and Journals. By Mr. Charles Heaton. 12 00 Dutch Reformed Church. See REFORMED DUTCH CHURCH. Duties. See TARIFF-LAWS. Dyeing. See also CALICO-PRINTING, DESIGNING, etc, 4. Love. The Art of Dyeing, Cleaning, etc 5 00 4. Napier. A System of Chemistry applied to Dyeing 5 00 5. O'Neill, C. Dictionary of Dyeing and Calico-Printing 6 00 3. Smith, D. The Dyer's Instructor 3 00 Dynamics. See also BIOLOGY, ELECTRICITY, EVOLUTION, ME- CHANICS, PHYSICS, etc. 3. Faraday. On the Various Forces of Nature 2 00 3. Grove. Correlation of Physical Forces London 7 50 3. Helmholtz and Others. Correlation and Conser- vation of Forces. Edited by Youmans 2 00 2. Guillemin. Forces of Nature 12 50 3. Stewart. The Conservation of Energy 1 50 2. Winslow. Force and Nature. . 5 00 Ear, Diseases of. See also EYE, PHYSICS, SOUND, etc. 3. Dalby, Diseases of the Ear 1 50 4. Roosa. Diseases of the Ear 5 00 4. Troltsch. Treatise on the Diseases of the Ear 4 50 4. TurnbulL Diseases of the Ear 5 00 Early English. See ANGLO-SAXON. Earth. See also GEOLOGY. 4. Ogilvy. New Theory of the Figure of the Earth. London 5 25 4. Proctor. Sun- Views of the Earth. 4to 3 00 3. Reclus. History and Phenomena of the Earth. 2 vols. London 13 00 Earthquakes. See also GEOLOGY. 4. Zurcher and Margoll. Volcanoes and Earthquakes. Trans. 3 75 Earthworks. See MENSURATION, MILITARY SCIENCE, etc. Easements, Law of. 5. Goddard. A Treatise on the Law of Easements 5 50 5. Washburn. American Law of Easements 7 50 East, The. See also EGYPT, INDIA, PALESTINE, etc. 3. Bryant. Letters from the East 1 50 2. Burt. The Far East. Letters from Egypt 1 75 50 EAST INDIES. 3. Fitzgerald. Egypt, India, and the Colonies London $2 00 3. Lenormant and Chevallier. Ancient History of the East. 2 vols 8 00 3. Russell, W. H. Diary in the East. Illustrated 5 00 East Indies* Sec INDIA. East Indian Archipelago. See ASIA. Eating. See COOKERY, DIETETICS, HYGIENE, etc. Ecclesiastes. 3. Dale. Ecclesiastes, the Authorized Version, with Com- mentary and Paraphrase London 375 Ecclesiastical Art. See ART, SACRED. Ecclesiastical History. See CHRISTIAN CHURCH, HISTORY OF. Economy. See DOMESTIC, or POLITICAL ECONOMY. Edge worth, Maria. 3. Tales and Novels. 10 vols 30 00 3. Tales and Novels. 4 vols 3 00 3. Novels. 10 vols Each 150 Editing. See JOURNALISM. Education, Essays and Treatises on. See also KINUER- gARTEN, TEACHERS' AIDS, etc. 3. American Educational Annual Each vol. 2 00 2. Brackett. Education of American Girls 1 75 3. Clarke. Sex in Education 1 00 3. Classical Studies. By a Scotch Graduate 50 3. Donaldson. Lectures on the History of Education in Prussia nd England London 1 75 3. Duffey. No Sex in Education 1 00 2. Eggleston. How to educate Yourself 75 2. Gow. Morals and Manners 1 25 3. Hailman. Lectures on Pedagogy 75 3. Hart. German Universities for American Students 1 50 2. Howe. Sex-and Education 1 25 3. Kiddle, Harrison, and Calkins. How to Teach 1 25 3. Kingsley. Health and Education 1 75 3. Kriege. The Child ; its Nature and Relations 1 00 3. Northrop. Education Abroad 1 50 2. Orton. Liberal Education of Woman 1 50 3. Porter. Thoughts on School and College Education 1 50 3. Quick. Essays on Educational Reformers 2 00 3. Quin. On Some Defects in General Education 1 50 2. Record of Mr. Alcott's School ] 50 3. Rigg. National Education 4 50 4. Rosencranz. Pedagogics as a System 1 50 3. Russell. Systematic Technical Education London 8 00 2. Sedgwick. A Talk with my Pupils I 25 3. Sewell. Principles of Education 2 50 EDUCATIONAL WORKS. 51 3. Smith, Walter. Art Education, Scholastic and Industrial. Illustrated $5 00 3. Spencer, Herbert. Education, Intellectual, Moral, and Physical 1 25 3. Stetson. Technical Education 1 25 3. Todhunter. Conflicts of Studies, and Essays on Education 3 50 3. Youmans, E. L. Culture demanded by Modern Life 2 00 Educational Works. (SCHOOL-BOOKS, etc.) I. ALGEBEA. Dalton. Rules and Examples in Algebra 1 00 Davies. Elementary (Old or New), and Key Each 1 25 University and Key Each 1 50 Bourdon's and Key Each 2 25 Perkins. Elementary 1 60 Treatise.... 2 00 Shoup. Elements 1 50 Todhunter. Algebra 2 25 Key 3 00 Algebra for Beginners 1 25 Key 2 25 Venable. Elementary 1 50 Key , 1 00 Higher II. ANATOMY, PHYSIOLOGY, HYGIENE, ETC. Balfour. Vegetable Anatomy and Physiology, Elementary. . . 75 Advanced 1 50 Cleland. Animal Physiology 1 50 Coming. Class-Book of Physiology 1 75 Companion 60 Ford. Questions hi Anatomy 1 00 Hitchcock. Anatomy and Physiology 1 60 Hotze. First Lessons in Physiology 1 00 i Huxley and Youmans. Physiology and Hygiene 1 75 - Nicholson. Introduction to Biology 75 HI. ARITHMETIC. Appleton. (Quackenbos's) Primary Arithmetic 30 Elementary 50 Mental 45 Practical 1 00 Key 20 Higher Burnham. Primary 30 MacVicar. Hand-book of Arithmetic 1 50 Fourteen Arithmetic Charts 5 00 Test Example Cards. Box 2 00 Newman. Primary 30 Perkins. Primary 30 Elementary. 75 52 EDUCATIONAL WORKS. Perkins. Elementary, Practical and Key Each $1 25 Higher 1 75 Walton and Cogswell. Arithmetic Charts 2 50 Problems 2 60 Same and Key 76 IV. ASTRONOMY. Fay. New System of Astronomy Lockyer. Elementary Astronomy 1 75 Questions 50 Norton. First Book in Philosophy and Astronomy 1 00 Proctor. Elementary Astronomy 50 Searle. Outlines of Astronomy 2 00 V. BOOK-KEEPING. Ellsworth. Single and Double 1 50 Four Blanks for Single 75 Five Blanks for Double. ... 75 Blanks for both 2 00 Chart, 300 Haswell. Commercial 3 50 Marsh. Single Entry 200 Blanks 1 50 Double Entry 2 50 Blanks 1 60 VI. BOTANY. Balfour. Systematic Botany 75 Advanced 1 50 Vegetable Anatomy and Physiology. 75 Advanced 1 50 Green. Primary 1 25 Class-Book 2 00 Henslow (Miss Youmans's). Botanical Charts 18 00 Hooker. Child's Book of Plants 90 Le Maout and De Caisne's System of Botany 25 00 Lankester. L. Maout's Flower Object-Lessons 75 Youmans, Miss. First Book of Botany 1 00 Second Book 1 50 VII. CHEMISTRY. Barff. Elementary Chemistry 75 Beilstein. Analytical Chemistry 75 Bloxham. Laboratory Teachings 2 25 Cooke. Chemical Philosophy 3 50 New Chemistry 2 00 Cooley. Hand-book of Experiments De Koninck and Dietz. Chemical Analysis 2 50 Dewar. Organic Chemistry 1 50 Hoffman. Manual of Chemical Analysis 3 60 Miller. Introduction to Inorganic Chemistry 1 50 EDUCATIONAL WORKS. 53 Science Primer of Chemistry $ 50 Thorpe. Inorganic Chemistry. 2 vols 3 00 Quantitative Chemical Analysis 1 75 Youmans. Class-Book 1 75 Household Science. (School edition) 1 75 Chemical Chart 800 Chemical Atlas 3 oO VIII. COMPOSITION AND EHETOKIC. Anderson. Mercantile Letter- Writer 1 25 Bam. Composition and Rhetoric 1 75 Bigsby. Manual of English Composition 50 Drew. How to write, etc 60 First Steps in English Composition 25 Frost. How to write a Composition 30 Letter-Writer 1 60 Quackenbos. First Lessons in Composition 90 Advanced Composition and Rhetoric 1 50 IX. DICTIONAKIES OF THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE. Reid. Dictionary of the English Language 1 25 Webster. Dictionaries : Primary 63 Common School 94 High-School Dictionary 1 25 Academic 2 20 New University Dictionary 2 80 Royal Octavo 5 00 Quarto, unabridged 12 00 Wedgwood. Dictionary of English Etymology 8 00 Worcester. Dictionaries : School 62 Elementary 1 50 Comprehensive 1 80 Academic 2 25 Universal 4 37 Quarto 10 00 Pocket 75 X. DEAWING AND PAINTING. Bouvier. Hand-book of Oil-Painting 2 00 Coe. Drawing-Cards. 10 Nos Each 30 Drawing-Lessons, 4 Nos Each 30 and Schell. Elementary Drawing. 3 Parts. Complete 80 Each 30 Cornell. Cards for Map-Drawing 50 Enthoffer. Topographical Drawing 15 00 Kriisi. Inventive Drawing. Synthetic Series. 4 books. Each 20 Manual 75 Analytic Series. 6 books Each 25 Manual 75 Perspective Series. 4 books Each 30 Otis. Easy Lessons in Landscape-Drawing 3 50 54 EDUCATIONAL WORKS. Otis. Easy Lessons in Landscape Drawing. Parts I. to III. Each $ 45 Parts IV. to VI Each 60 Drawing-Book of Animals 3 50 Parts I., II Each 50 PartHI 60 Parts IV., V , Each 75 Patterson. Map-Drawing and Scale 20 Pellegrin. Linear Perspective 1 00 Worthen. Rudimentary Drawing 75 Practical Drawing-Book (Geometrical) 2 00 Mechanical Drawing 2 00 Architectural 2 00 Engineering 2 00 : Shading and Shadows 1 50 Topographical Drawing 1 50 Perspective and Isoperimetrical 1 50 XI. ELOCUTION (SPEAKERS, ETC.). Alden. Natural Speaker 1 25 Campbell and Root. Columbian Speaker 75 Hows. Shakespearian Reader 1 50 Lyons. American Elocutionist ] 65 Mandeville. Reading and Oratory 1 25 Course of Reading. 1 25 Marshall. Book of Oratory 1 50 First Book 1 25 Model Dialogues 1 50 Sanders. School-Speaker 1 50 Union Speaker 90 Elocutionary Chart 4 00 Sargent. Original Dialogues 1 50 XII. FKENCH. Ahn. French Method 75 Andrews. French Instructor 1 50 Pronouncer and Key 1 25 Barbauld. French and English Lessons for Children 75 Breymann. French Grammar 1 75 Chouquet. Conversations and Dialogues 75 Ladies' Guide to Composition 1 25 Collot. Dramatic Reader. 1 50 Comment on Parle Francais a Paris 1 50 Coutan. Choix de Poesies 1 50 De Fivas. Elementary Reader 75 Classic French Reader 1 50 Grammar of French Grammars 1 25 Fenelon. Telemaque, Le Brun's 1 25 Surenne's 75 Gerard. Cabinet des Fees -. 1 50 Havet. French Manual 1 25 Jewett. Spiers's Dictionary 3 50 EDUCATIONAL WORKS. 55 Jewett. Spiers's Dictionary. School edition $2 50 Marceleau. Orthographical Exercises 50 Mastery Series : French 50 XIII. GEOGRAPHY. Appleton. (Butler's) Hand Atlas 2 50 Collier. Historical Atlas 1 50 Classical and Historical Atlas 2 50 and Schmitz. International Atlas, Political, Classical, and Historical 6 00 Cornell. First Steps 45 Primary 90 New Intermediate 1 50 New Grammar School 1 75 High School 1 00 Atlas 2 00 Physical 1 60 Outline Maps The set 15 00 Key 50 Gage. Modern Historical Atlas 3 50 Geikie. Physical Geography 50 Koeppen. Historical Geography 3 50 Maps 4 50 Putz and Arnold. Ancient Geography and History 1 50 Mediaeval 1 50 Modern 1 50 Schmidt. Ancient 1 25 White. Manual of Physical Geography 75 Whitney. Hand-book of Bible Geography 1 50 XIV. GEOLOGY, MINERALOGY, AND METALLURGY. Bloxam. Metals 1 50 Elderhorst. Blow-pipe Analysis and Determinative Miner : alogy. Revised by Nason and Chandler 2 50 Kerl. Metallurgy: vol. 1, Lead, Silver, Gold, etc.; vol. 2, Copper and Iron ; vol. 3, Steel, etc Each 10 00 Lyell. Elements of Geology 3 50 Nicholson. Geology 1 50 Overman. Metallurgy 5 00 Science Primer of Geology 50 Woehler. Mineral Analysis 3 00 XV. GEOMETRY. Angel. Practical, Plane, and Solid Geometry 75 Crosby. First Lessons in Geometry 50 Cuthbertson. Euclidian Geometry 1 75 Da vies. Elementary Geometry and Trigonometry 1 40 Descriptive 'Geometry 2 75 Calculus, Differential and Integral 2 00 Analytical Geometry 2 00 Analytical Geometry and Calculus 2 50 56 EDUCATIONAL WORKS. Davies. Legendre's Geometry . . $2 25 Shades, Shadows, and Perspective 3 75 New Surveying 2 50 Dodgson. Treatise on Determinants 8 50 Evers. Navigation (Elementary , 75 (Advanced) 150 Gillespie. Practical Surveying 3 00 Higher .* 2 50 Kelland and Tait. Introduction to Quaternions 3 00 Perkins. Elementary Geometry 1 25 Plane and Solid Geometry 2 00 Plane Trigonometry and Surveying 2 00 Phillips. Elements of Geometry \ 200 Tait. Quaternions 7 00 Todhunter. Elements of Euclid 1 25 Mensuration for Beginners 1 25 Trigonometry for Beginners 1 00 Key 3 00 Elementary Equations 2 25 Plane Trigonometry 1 75 Spherical Trigonometry 175 Plane Coordinate Geometry 2 25 Differential Calculus 3 50 Integral Calculus 3 50 Examples of Analytical Geometry 1 50 Conic Sections 2 25 Theory of Equations 2 25 Calculus of Variations 3 25 Venable. Legendre's Plane Geometry 1 25 Analytical Plane Geometry Watson. Descriptive Geometry 7 00 XVI. GERMAN. Adler. German Dictionary 6 00 Abridged 2 50 Reader 1 50 Literature 1 50 Ahn. German Grammar 1 00 Comfort. German Primer 75 First Book 1 00 First Reader 80 German Course 2 00 Part I 90 Teacher's Companion 75 Reader 2 00 Conversation 1 50 Eichhorn. Grammar 1 50 Heydenreich. Elementary Reader 1 00 Mastery Series. German 50 Oehlschlaeger. Pronouncing Dictionary 1 50 Pronouncing Reader 1 25 EDUCATIONAL WOEKS. 57 OllendorflTs Method (Adler's) $1 25 Key 1 00 Roehrig. Shortest Road to German 1 50 Roemer. Polyglot Reader and Key Each 1 50 Schlegel and Grauert. Grammar for Beginners 1 25 Advanced Whitney. Grammar with Exercises 1 75 Exercises. Separately 25 Reader with Notes and Vocabulary 2 00 Reader. Separately 1 50 Notes 1 00 Worman. Collegiate German Reader 2 00 Elementary Reader 1 25 German Echo (Conversations) 1 25 Wrage. German Primer 40 First Reader 50 Practical Grammar 1 50 Key 1 00 XYII. GEAMMAE. Baker. Guide to Parsing 20 Butler. Practical and Critical Grammar 1 00 Champlin. Grammar 50 Covell. Digest of English Grammar 90 Hadley. Lessons in Language 60 and Lee. Grammar 1 00 Holbrook. Training Lessons in Grammar 60 Complete English Grammar 90 Latham. English Language 1 75 Long. First Lesson hi Grammar 25 Marcet. Mary's Grammar 1 25 Morris. English Accidence 1 75 Specimens of Early English. Part 2 3 50 Mulligan. Grammatical Structure 2 00 Quackenbos. Primary Grammar 50 Grammar 90 Ricord. Youth's Grammar 38 Siglar. Combined Exercises in Spelling, Analysis, etc 90 Tenney. Grammatical Analyzer 1 50 XVIII. GBAStMABS FOE THE USE OF FEENCHMEN, GEEMANS, AND SPANIAEDS. Badois. Grammar for Frenchmen 1 50 Key 50 Bryan. Grammar for Germans. , Mantilla. Grammar for Spaniards. Ollendorff. Method for Germans. , 25 25 60 00 BO 00 Robertson. English Course for Spaniards 3 00 Wrage. Grammar for Germans 1 50 Key Method for Spaniards. Key. 58 EDUCATIONAL WORKS. XIX. GREEK. Arnold. First Greek Book $1 25 Prose Composition 1 . 50 Second Prose Composition 1 50 Key 25 Reader 1 50 Boise. Prose Composition 1 50 Xenophon's Anabasis 2 00 Notes on First Three Books of Anabasis 1 50 Buttmann. Greek Grammar 2 50 Grammar of the New Testament, Greek 3 50 Cambell and Abbott. Sophocles's (E iipus Tyrannus 75 Champlin. Short Greek Grammar 1 25 Crosby. Grammar 2 00 Lessons 1 00 Tables 60 Xenophon's Anabasis 1 25 Sentential Analysis 10 Lexicon to Anabasis 1 25 Compendious Grammar 1 50 Sophocles's (Edipus Tyrannus 1 50 Gurtius and Smith. Greek Series Students' Greek Grammar 2 00 Smaller Grammar First Greek Course Geldart. Modern Greek Language 1 25 Hackett and Tyler. Plutarch on Delay of the Deity 1 50 Hadley. New Greek Grammar 2 00 Elements 1 50 Hahn. Greek Testament 2 00 Harkness. First Greek Book 1 50 Jelf. Greek Grammar. 2 vols 12 00 Johnson's Herodotus 1 50 Kendrick. Greek Ollendorff 1 75 Kiihner. Elementary Grammar 1 60 Questions 50 Large Grammar 2 00 Liddell and Scott. Greek-English Lexicon (Drisler) 6 00 London Edition 12 Abridged 3 00 Morris. Greek Grammar 1 75 Novum Testamentum ( Vatie) 4 00 Owen. Greek Reader. Homer's Iliad 2 00 Odyssey 2 00 Xenophon's Anabasis 2 00 Cyropaedia 2 50 Act of Apostles 1 75 Thucydides 2 50 Robbins. Xenophon's Memorabilia 2 00 Silber. Greek Lessons 1 25 Simcox. Demosthenes and JSschines on the Crown.. 6 00 EDUCATIONAL WORKS. 59 Smead. Sophocles's Antigone $1 50 Snow. Theocritus 1 30 Sophocles. Modern Greek Grammar 2 50 Greek Lexicon of the Roman and Byzantine Periods . 10 00 Tyler. Plato's Apology and Crito 1 50 Plutarch 1 50 Whiton. First Lessons in Greek 1 50 XX. GYMNASTICS AND CALISTHENICS. Ravenstein and Hulley. Gymnastics and Athletics 3 30 Robinson. Physical Training in Schools 50 Roth. Gymnastic Exercises 50 XXI. HEBEEW, SYEIAC, AND SANSCRIT. Deutsch. Hebrew Grammar 2 50 Key to Pentateuch. Part I 1 50 Driver. Tenses in Hebrew 3 25 Fuerst. Hebrew and Chaldee Lexicon 9 00 Gesenius. Hebrew and Chaldee Lexicon (Robinson's) 7 50 (Tregelles) 7 50 Hebrew Grammar. By Conant 3 00 By Stuart -. 1 25 Green. Hebrew Grammar 3 50 Elementary Grammar 1 50 Chrestomathy 2 00 Uhlemann. Syriac Grammar 4 00 Williams. Sanscrit Dictionary 40 00 . Grammar 7 00 Wilson. English. Hebrew and Chaldee Lexicon 1000 Winer. Chaldee Grammar 75 XXII. HISTOEY. Arnold. History of Rome 3 00 Modern "History 1 50 Child's First History of America 50 Dew. Digest of History 250 Eliot. United States 1 88 Revised edition Gahan. Church History 1 25 Geldart. History of England 1 00 Gilman. First Steps in General History 1 25 Green. Middle Ages 1 50 Guizot. History of Civilization 1 50 Hows. Historical Reader 1 50 Hunt. History of Italy 1 00 Kirkland. George Washington 1 75 Kitchen. History of France 5 00 Lossing. ' Primary United States 1 00 Grammar School United States 1 25 Pictorial United States 2 00 Common School United States. . . 1 75 GO EDUCATIONAL WORKS. Lossing. Outline United States History $1 00 Mangnall. Historical Questions 1 50 Markham. School History of England 1 50 Mylius. History of England 1 25 Pennell. History of Ancient Greece 1 00 Quackenbos. Primary United States 90 Elementary United States 75 Illustrated School United States 1 75 Sewell. Greece 75 Rome 75 Smith. Old Testament History 2 50 New Testament History 2 50 Taylor (Bayard). History of Germany. Tegg. Dictionary of Chronology 3 00 Tuft. Questions on the History and Geography of Greece. . . Questions on the History and Geography of Rome. . . 35 XXIII. ITALIAN. Fontana. Elementary Grammar 1 50 Foresti. Italian Reader 1 50 Meadows. Italian Dictionary 2 00 Millhouse. Dictionary. 2 vols. 6 00 Nuovo Tesoro 1 75 Ollendorff's Method 150 Key 1 00 Primary 75 Roerner. Polyglot Reader and Key Each 1 50 XXIV. LATIN. Allen. Latin Grammar Composition 1 25 Lessons Lexicon Primer 1 25 Reader 2 50 Allen and Greenough. Latin Grammar Latin Selections 1 56 Shorter Course of Latin Prose 2 50 Cicero's Select Orations 1 75 Cicero de Senectute Virgil 1 ?5 Sallust's Catiline 1 00 Virgil's JEneid Caesar's Gallic War Selections from Ovid Andrews. Freund's Latin-English Lexicon 6 00 Arnold. First and Second Latin Book Prose Composition. 1 25 Key . 25 Cornelius Nepos Latin Testament 1 2 ^ EDUCATIONAL WORKS. 61 Bullions and Morris. Latin Lessons $1 00 Grammar I 50 Butler. Sallust 1 75 Crosby. Quintius Curtius Rufus 1 50 Curtius and Smith. Latin Series Principia Latina. Part I. (First Course) 75 Part II. (Reader) 1 25 Part III. (Prose Composition) Student's Grammar. Smaller Grammar. Frieze. Virgil's ^Eneid 2 00 Quintilian 1 50 Gardner. Latin Dictionary 3 25 Harkness. Introductory Latin Book 1 25 Elementary Latin Grammar 1 25 First Latin Book 1 50 Second Latin Book and Reader 1 25 New Latin Grammar. 1 50 New Latin Reader 1 50 Introduction to Latin Prose Composition 1 50 Caesr's Commentaries 1 50 Cicero's Select Orations 1 50 Johnson. Cicero's Select Orations 1 50 Kaltschmidt. Latin and English Dictionary 2 50 Lee- Warner. Extracts from Livy. Parts L and II Each 75 Candine Disaster 75 Hannibal's Campaign , 75 Lincoln. Horace 1 75 Livy 1 75 Madvig. Lathi Grammar 3 00 Morris. Compendious Latin Grammar 1 75 Probatio Latina 34 Lathi Reading-Book 1 50 Nixon. Parallel Extracts, English and Latin 1 50 Riddle and Arnold. English and Latin Lexicon 5 00 Spencer. Caesar's Gallic War 1 50 Thatcher. Cicero de Officiis 1 25 Tyler. Tacitus's History 1 75 Germania and Agricola 1 25 XXV. LITERATFKE. Arnold. Manual of English Literature 2 50 Bascom. Philosophy of English Literature 1 75 Cathcart. Literary Reader 1 60 Coppee. English Literature as the Interpreter of English History 2 25 Spalding. English Literature 1 50 Sprague. Masterpieces in English Literature 2 25 Class-Room Edition 1 25 Underwood. English Literature. British Authors 2 50 American Authors.. . 2 50 62 EDUCATIONAL WORKS. White. Shakespeare Scholar $2 50 Yonge. Three Centuries of English Literature 2 00 XXVI. LOGIC. Bain. Deductive and Inductive Logic 2 00 Fowler. Deductive Logic 1 00 Inductive Logic 1 50 Hamilton. Logical Lectures 3 50 Logic, by Day 1 25 Hedge. Elements of Logic 75 Mill. System of Logic 2 00 Tappan. Elements of Logic 1 50 Wilson. Treatise on Logic 1 50 XXYIL MECHANICS AND ENGINEERING. Ernst. Practical Military Engineering 5 00 Ever. Applied Mechanics 75 Goodere. Elements of Mechanism 1 50 Henck. Field-Book for Railway-Engine 2 50 McAlpine. Modern Engineering 1 50 Morin. Practical Mechanics . * 3 00 Reynold. Applied Mechanics 1 50 Rossiter. Theoretical Mechanics 75 Applied Mechanics 75 Tait. Theoretical Mechanics 1 50 Tait and Steele. Dynamics 3 50 Todhunter. Mechanics for Beginners 1 50 Analytical Statics 3 50 Wilson. Treatise on Dynamics 3 00 Worthen. First Lessons in Mechanics 75 XXVIII. METAPHYSICS. Alden. Intellectual Philosophy 1 25 Bam. Moral Science ". 1 75 Mental Science. 1 75 Carpenter. Mental Physiology 3 00 Cousin. Modern Philosophy 4 00 The True, the Beautiful, and the Good 2 00 Hamilton. Philosophy. By Wight 2 00 Hickok. Moral Science 1 60 Mental Science -1 60 Rational Psychology 2 80 Lewes. Biographical History of Philosophy 3 50 Mansel. Metaphysics 1 75 Munsell. Psychology 2 00 Peabody. Moral Philosophy 1 25 Ribot English Psychology 1 50 Schwegler. History of Philosophy. By Seelye 1 50 Spencer. Classification of the Sciences 25 First Principles 2 50 Essays 2 50 EDUCATIONAL WORKS. 63 Spencer. Psychology. 2 vols $5 00 Philosophy of Style 50 Yinet. Outlines of Philosophy 3 75 Winslow. Moral Philosophy 1 50 Intellectual Philosophy 1 65 XXIX. MUSIC. Blackman and Whittemore. Graded Singers. No. 1 25 No. 2 50 Daniell. The Voice and How to Use It 1 00 Humphrey. Art of Reading Music 1 00 Ludden. School for the Voice 3 50 Thorough Bass 1 50 Murray. School-Chimes 50 Ryan. School Harmonist. Vocal 90 '- Vocal and Instrumental .... 1 25 Stewart. Merry Voices 50 Warner. Rudimental Lessons 1 00 XXX. MYTHOLOGY AND ANTIQUITIES. Bojesen and Arnold. Greek and Roman Antiquities 2 00 Cox. Mythology 1 00 Hodgon. Mythology 1 25 Keightley. Mythology of Greece and Italy 5 00 Greece and Rome 75 Murray. Manual of Mythology 3 00 Smith. Smaller Classical Dictionary 2 50 Dictionary of Antiquities 2 50 XXXI. NATURAL PHILOSOPHY (PHYSICS). Atkinson. Ganot's Natural Philosophy 3 00 Cooley. Easy Experiments in Physical Science 75 Elements of Natural Philosophy 1 00 Text-Book of Natural Philosophy 1 50 Hand-Book of Apparatus Davis. Acoustics. Light and Heat 1 50 Microscopic Objects 1 25 Deschanel. Natural Philosophy. 4 Parts Each 1 75 Complete in 1 volume 6 50 Kohlrausch. Introduction to Physical Measurement 2 50 Lewes. Physiology of Common Life. 2 vols 3 00 Loomis. Natural Philosophy 1 50 Norton. First Book hi Philosophy and Astronomy 1 00 Elements of Natural Philosophy 1 50 Phears. Elementary Hydrostatics 2 00 Pickering. Elements of Physical Manipulation 3 00 Quackenbos. Natural Philosophy 1 75 Renwick. First Principles of Natural Philosophy 90 Robbins. Guide to Knowledge 1 00 Science Primer. Introductory 50 Physics 50 64 EDUCATIONAL WORKS. Swift. Natural Philosophy. Parti $ 50 Part II 56 Tate. First Lessons 94 Natural Philosophy 1 50 Thomson and Tait. Natural Philosophy. Vol. 1 3 00 XXXII. PENMANSHIP Ellsworth. Penmanship : Text-Book .' 1 50 Two Blackboard Charts on Rollers Each 1 25 Copy-Books. 12 Nos., per dozen 1 80- Stated Copy-Books. 3 Nos., per dozen 5 00 Owen. Practical Penmanship. 3 Parts Each 20 Shader. National System. 5 Nos., per dozen 2 40 Williams and Packard. Gems of Penmanship 5 00 XXXIH. POLITICAL AND SOCIAL SCIENCE. About Hand-Book of Social Economy 2 00 Bastian. Essays in Political Economy 1 00 Bryant and Stratton. Commercial Law 4 00 Hadley. Introduction to Roman Law 1 50 Hamilton. Social Science 2 00 Mill. Political Economy. 2 vols 6 00 Spencer. Descriptive Sociology 5 00 Young. First Book on Civil Government 60 Government Class-Book 1 50 First Lessons hi Civil Government 1 25 XXXIV. PEIMAEY BOOKS. First Thoughts 50 Longley. American Phonetic Primer 10 First Reader 20 Pomeroy. Introductory Spelling-Book 25 Wright. Primary Lessons 25 XXXV. EEADEES. Douai. Rational Readers. First 30 Second . . 50 Third 80 Mandeville. Readers. First 20 Second 40 Third 60 Fourth 60 Fifth 1 00 Courses of Reading 1 25 Roemer. Polyglot Reader (English) 1 50 XXXVI. SPANISH. Ann. Easy Method 1 00 Key , 25 Belief. Compendio de la Gramatica Castellana 50 Butler. Spanish Teacher. 60 EDUCATIONAL WORKS. 65 Carrefio. Manual de Urbanidad $1 50 Compendio 50 Cervantes. Quijote 1 50 De Belem. Spanish Phrase-Book 37 De Tornos. Spanish Method 1 75 Key 75 De Vere. Spanish Grammar 1 50 Iriarte. Fabulas 50 LeSage. Gil Bias 150 Libro Primario de Ortograf ia 50 Mandevil. Libro Primario 25 Segundo 35 Tercero 50 Mantilla. Reciprocal Spanish or English Grammar 125 Mastery Series. Spanish 50 Morales. Spanish Reader 1~ 50 Nuevo Tesoro de Chistes, Historias, etc 1 50 Ollendorff. Method of Spanish 1 50 Key 1 00 Quackenbos. History of the United States (Spanish) 1 80 Roemer. Polyglot Reader 1 50 Key 1 50 Tolon. Elementary Spanish Reader 1 00 Velasquez. Spanish Reader 1 50 Introduction to Spanish Conversation 50 Spanish and English Dictionary 6 00 Abridged 1 75 XXXVII. SPELLEKS. Jacob's Learning to Spell, etc 75 Monroe. First Steps hi Spelling 25 Sanders. New Speller, Definer, and Analyzer 25 Test Speller 25 Old Spelling-Book 25 Union Primary Speller 20 Union Speller 25 Sargent. Primary Spelling-Book 24 Standard 38 Pronouncing 32 Siglar. Combined Exercise ha Spelling, Analysis, and Com- position, by Symbols 1 00 Tweed. Grammar-School Speller 30 Webster. Elementary Speller 15 Wolford. New Practical Speller 25 Young Catholic's Speller 25 XXXVIII. ZOOLOGY. Agassiz. Structure of Animal Life 1 50 Cecil's Book of Birds 1 25 Beasts 1 25 Insects 1 25 66 EGGS. Nicholson. Text-Book of Zoology $1 75 Manual of Zoology - . 2 50 Ruschenberger. Mammalogy 45 Herpetology 45 Conchology 45 Entomology 45 Ornithology 55 Tenney. Manual of Zoology 3 00 Natural History of Animals 2 00 Tablets. Colored 12 00 Eggs. See OTOLOGY. Egypt. See also AFRICA ; EAST, THE ; NILE, etc. 2. Adams. The Land of the Nile 1 50 3. Baker. Ismaili'a 5 00 3. Bryant, W. C. Letters from the East 1 50 2. Burt. The Far East ; or, Letters from Egypt, etc 1 75 3. De Lanoye. Egypt 3,300 Years ago. Translated 1 50 2. Grey, Mrs. W. Journal of a Visit to Egypt 1 50 2. Harman. Egypt and the Holy Land 1 75 2. Laporte. Sailing on the Nile 1 50 3. Lenormant and Chevallier. Ancient History of the East. 2 vols 8 00 2. Roberts. From the Nile to the Jordan. Illustrations 6 00 3. Sharpe, S. The History of Egypt till A. D. 640. 2 vols. . . 9 00 3. Taylor, Bayard.- Egypt and Iceland in the Year 1874 1 50 4. Werner. Nile Sketches. Chromo-Lithographs. 2 series. Each 28 00 3. Wilkinson. Manual of Travel in Egypt. Murray's Hand- books London 7 50 Electricity. 2. Baile. Wonders of Electricity 1 50 3. Deschanel. Electricity and Magnetism 1 75 2. Fonvielle. Thunder and Lightning 1 50 3. Jenkin. Electricity and Magnetism 1 50 4. Maxwell. Electricity and Magnetism London 4. Thomson. Electrostatics and Magnetism 9 00 3. Tyndall. Notes on a Course of Seven Lectures on Electri- cal Phenomena and Theories 75 3. Light and Electricity 1 25 Electricity. MEDICAL AND SURGICAL. 4. Althaus. Treatise on Medical Electricity 5 00 4. Beard and Rockwell. Medical and Surgical Uses of Elec- tricity 4 50 4. Duchenne. Localized Electrization. Translation 3 00 3. Hamilton. Clinico-Electro Therapeutics 2 00 5. Meyer, Moritz. Electricity in its Relation to Practical Medicine. Translation 4 50 4. Reynolds. Clinical Uses of Electricity 1 50 Electric Telegraph. See TELEGRAPH. ENGINEERING, MILITARY. 67 Electro-Magnetism. See ELECTRICITY. Electro-Metallurgy. See METALLURGY. Electrotype. See aho PRINTING. 4. Roseleur. Galvano-Plastic Manipulations $6 00 Elevations* 4. Toner. Dictionary of Elevations, etc 3 75 Eliot, Sir John. 3. Life of. By Forster. 2 vols London 15 00 Elizabeth, X. J. 4. History of. By Hatfield 3 00 Elocution. See aho EDUCATIONAL WORKS. 2. Alden. The Natural Speaker 1 25 3. American Eloquence : A Cyclopaedia. 2 vols 7 00 2. Bacon. Manual of Gesture 1 75 3. Boutain. Art of Extempore Speaking ." 1 50 2. Bronson. Manual of Elocution 2 00 2. Clark. School-Day Dialogues 1 50 2. Comstoek. Elocution 2 00 2. Hamill. Science of Elocution 1 75 2. Lyons. The American Elocutionist and Dramatic Reader. 1 65 3. Mcllvaine. Elocution. The Sources and Elements of its Power 1 75 2. Sypher. The American Popular Speaker 1 50 3. Wiley. Elocution and Oratory 1 75 Emblems. 3. Bunyan. Emblems London 1 50 3. Gatty, Mrs. Book of Emblems, with Interpretations. Lon. 225 2. Quarles. Emblems 75 3. Whitney. Choice of Emblems London 12 50 Engineering. See also EDUCATIONAL WORKS. 5. Spon. Dictionary of Engineering. 3 vols., royal. . London 52 50 Engineering, Civil. 4. Mahan. Civil Engineering 5 00 3. McAlpine. Modern Engineering 1 50 3. Templeton. Mechanic's, Millwright's, and Engineer's Pocket Companion 2 00 4. Trautwine. Civil Engineer's Pocket-Book 5 00 4. Stevenson, David. Canal and River Engineering. .London 7 50 4. Stevenson. Thomas. Harbors: their Designs and Con- structions London 7 50 Engineering, Military. See also ARTILLERY, MILITARY SCIENCE, etc. 4. Ernst. Military Engineering 5 00 4. Gillmore. Engineer and Artillery Operations 5 00 3. Head : An Essay on a New System of Fortification 1 00 5 68 ENGINEERING, RAILROAD, ETC. 4. Mahan. Treatise on Field Fortifications 83 50 4. Elements of Permanent Fortifications 6 50 Engineering, Railroad and Locomotive. 6. Colburn. Locomotive Engineering and the Mechanism of Kailways. 2 vols 16 00 5. Grover. Iron and Timber Railway Superstructure. London 21 00 3. Harrison, J. Locomotive Engine 2 50 5. Vose. Manual for Railroad Engineers 20 00 Engineering Tables* 4. Rankine. Useful Rules and Tables London 4 50 5. Rice. Tables for calculating Excavation and Embank- ment of Regular and Irregular Cross-Sections. Folio... 1000 4. Templeton. Mechanic's, Millwright's, and Engineer's Pock- et Companion 2 00 England, Church of. See CHURCH OF ENGLAND. England, Constitution of. See ENGLISH CONSTITUTION. England, History of. 3. Bradlaugh. Impeachment of the House of Brunswick .... 125 4. Buckle. History of Civilization in England. 2 vols 6 00 4. Freeman. Norman Conquest. 4 vols 16 00 4. Old English History 1 75 3. Froude. History of England. From Wolsey to Elizabeth. 12 vols. 8vo, each, 3 00. 12mo * Each 1 25 3. Hallam. Student's Constitutional History of England 2 00 4. Hume. History of England. 6 vols 9 00 3. Knight. Popular History of England. 8 vols 25 00 2. Lancelot. Queens of England and Their Times. 2 vols. Illustrated 4 00 4. Macaulay. History of England. 6 vols 7 50 3. Molesworth. New History of England. 3 vols 7 50 3. Palgrave. History of Normandy and of England. 4 vols. Each 6 50 3. Smith. History of the English Institutions. 12mo 1 50 2. Strickland's Lives of the Queens of England. 6 vols 24 00 3. Towle. History of Henry the Fifth 2 50 3. Yonge. Cameos from English History, vol. i., from Rollo to Edward II. ; vol. ii., The Wars in France Each 1 75 England, Travels in. 3. Hawthorne, Mrs. N. Notes in England and Italy 2. Jewitt and Hall. Stately Homes of England. 4to. Ulus. 7 50 3. Taine. Notes on England. Translation 2 50 English Constitution and Laws. 4. Bagehot. English Constitution 2 25 5. Blackstone. Commentaries on the Laws of England. Edited by Cooley. 2 vols 13 00 4. Creasy. Rise and Progress of the English Constitution ... 1 50 4. Freeman. English Constitution 2 00 ENGLISH LITERATURE, STUDIES IN. 69 English Dictionaries* See also EDUCATIONAL WORKS. 2. Grimshaw. Handy Dictionary $ 90 2. Household English Dictionary 75 2. Jenkins. Handy Lexicon 1 00 2. Reid's New English Dictionary 1 25 3. Webster. Dictionary of the English Language 12 00 2. Pocket Dictionary 75 3. Worcester. Dictionary of the English Language 10 00 2. Pocket Dictionary 75 English Language, Studies in. See also SLANG. The study of words and the niceties and disputed points of our language has received a great impetus within ten years past. No one in this country has done more to popularize it than Richard Grant White, whose essays are exceedingly sug- gestive, whatever fault may be found with some of his dicta. The highest au- thority on this subject is undoubtedly Maetzner, the German savant. Frequent consultation of Smith's " Synonyms Discriminated " will lay a good foundation for an accurate use of words. General reviews of the literature are also becoming numerous, and the reader has a wide choice between the vast discursive essay of Taine and the hand-books intended especially for students. In the matter of selections from classic authors, Knight's " Half-Hours " is the earliest of our present standard collections, and still remains one of the best. The u Little Classic " series contains many articles of very recent date. Dana's " Household Book of Poetry " still stands at the head of poetical collections, though some others of high merit are in the market 3. Abbott and Seeley. English Lessons for English People. . 1 50 4. Carpenter. English of the Fourteenth Century 1 75 3. De Vere, Schele. Americanisms 3 00 3. Drew. Pens and Types 100 3. Earl, J. The Philology of the English Tongue 3 00 2. Five Hundred Mistakes in Speaking and Writing Corrected 80 2. Johnson. The Meaning of Words 1 25 3. Hall, T. Modem English 2 50 2. Larrabee. 1001 Mistakes Corrected 1 00 3. Mackay. Lost Beauties of the English Language 1 75 5. Maetzner. English Grammar. Translated. 3 vols 15 00 2. Meredith. Every-Day Errors of Speech 75 3. Trench. English Past and Present 1 25 2. Vulgarisms and Other Errors of Speech 1 25 3. White, R. G. Words and their Uses 2 00 3. Wilson, John. Treatise on English Punctuation 2 00 English Etymology, Dictionaries of. 2. Dictionary of Derivations 1 00 4. Wedgwood. Dictionary of English Etymology 8 00 English Literature, Studies in. See also NOVELS AND ROMANCES, and specialty the names of authors for classical works. 3. Arnold. English Literature 3 00 3. Bascom. Philosophy of English Literature 1 75 70 ENGLISH SYNONYMS. 3. British Novelists and their Styles $2 00 3. Dana. Household Book of Poetry 5 00 3. Day. Study of English Literature 2 25 3. Forsyth. Novels and Novelists of the Eighteenth Century 1 50 3. Griffin. Studies in Literature 1 50 3. Griswold. Poets and Poetry of England in the Nineteenth Century 5 00 3. Hazlitt. Old English Plays. 5 vols 525 3. Hunt. Literature of the English Language 250 3. Johnson, Rossiter. Little Classics. 12 vols Each 1 00 8. The British Poets, from Chaucer to Morris. With Biographical Sketches. 3 vols. ; 15 00 3. Johnston and Browne. English Literature 1 50 3. Kendrick. Our Poetical Favorites 2 00 3. Knight, Charles. Half-Hours with the Best Authors. 4 vols 15 00 3. Morley. Sketches of English Literature. 3 vols. London. Each 1 75 3. Shaw. New History of English Literature 1 50 3. Skeat. Specimens of English Literature 3 00 3. Sprague. Masterpiece in English Literature. Illustrated 2 25 4. Taine. English Literature. 2 vols 7 50 3. Underwood. Hand-book of English Literature 2 50 3. Hand-book of English Literature. American Authors 2 50 3. Whipple. The Literature of the Age of Elizabeth 1 75 3. Yonge. Three Centuries of English Literature 2 00 English Synonyms* 3. Smith, C. J. Synonyms Discriminated 6 00 3. Soule. A Dictionary of English Synonyms and Synonyms of Parallel Expressions 2 00 Engravers. See BIOGRAPHY, COLLECTIVE. Engraving. 4. Blanc. Grammar of Painting and Engraving 6 50 3. Gebbie. Origin and Antiquity of Engraving 2 00 3. Hamerton. Etcher's Hand-book 2 00 Ethics. See CHRISTIAN CHURCH, DOCTRINES AND ETHICS ; and MORAL PHILOSOPHY. Engravings. See ART, COLLECTIONS OF SPECIMENS OK. Entomology. See also BIOLOGY, NATURAL HISTORY, etc. 4. Blanchard and Duncan. The Transformation of Insects . . 7 50 3. Figuier. Insect World 8vo. 5 00. 12mo. 3 50 3. Lubbock. Origin and Metamorphoses of Insects 1 25 3. Packard. Our Common Insects 2 50 2. Van Bruyssel. Population of an Old Pear-Tree; or, Stories of Insect-Life 1 50 3. Wood, J. E. Insects at Home 5 00 3. Insects Abroad. Illustrated . . . .London 10 50 ESSAYS, CRITICAL, LITERARY, ETC. 71 Ephesiaiis, Epistle to the. 2. Barnes* Notes on Ephesians , $1 50 6. Lange. Commentary on Galatians, Ephesians, Philippians, and Colossians 5 00 Epistles. See NEW TESTAMENT, and names of portions of Scripture. Epigrams. 3. Booth, John. Epigrams, Ancient and Modern .... London 3 00 2. Carey, C. S. Commonplace Book of Epigrams London 1 75 3. Dodd. Epigrammatic Literature, Ancient, Mediaeval, and Modern London 5 25 Epidemics. See names of epidemic diseases. Epilepsy. 5. Echeverria. On Epilepsy 5 00 Epitaphs. 3. Cansick. Collection of Epitaphs in Cemeteries of St. Pan- eras London 3 75 3. Fairley. Epitaphiana; or, Curiosities of Churchyard Lit- erature London 2 50 2. Loaring. Epitaphs, Quaint, Curious, and Elegant .. London 1 75 3. Northend. Book of Epitaphs London 3 75 Equation of Payment. 4. Ware. $10,000 Prize Rule for Equation of Payment 1 25 Equity Jurisprudence. See also INJUNCTIONS. 5. Adams. Doctrine of Equity 7 50 6. Bispham. Principles of Equity 7 50 5. Curtis, G. T. Equity Precedents 7 50 5. Story. Commentaries on Equity Jurisprudence. 8vo. 2 vols 15 00 Erskine, Lord. 3. Speeches. With Life. By Walford. 2 vols 8 00 Erysipelas. 3. Minor. Erysipelas and Childbed Fevers 2 00 Essays, Critical, Literary, and Social. See aho ART, ESSAYS ON, etc. 3. Chorley. Recent Art and Society 2 00 3. Holcombe. Literature in Letters 2 00 3. Holland, Sir Henry. Recollections of Past Life 2 00 3. Holmes. Parties and their Principles 1 50 2. Hopkins, Mary. Strength and Beauty. Discussions for Young Men 2 00 3. Houghton. Monographs, Social and Personal 2 00 3. Jerrold, Douglas. Barber's Chair. London 3 75 3. Moscheles. Recent Music and Musicians 2 00 3. Mountford. Euthanasy ; or, Happy Talks toward the End of Life... 2 00 72. ESTOPPEL, LAW OF. New York Nation. Critical and Social Essays. Reprinted.. $1 50 3. Spencer. Recent Discussions in Science, Philosophy, and Morals 2 00 Estoppel, Law of. 6. Herman. Treatise on the Law of Estoppel 7 50 Esther, Book of. 3. Lawson. Exposition of the Books of Ruth and Esther. .. 2 50 Ethnology. See also BIOLOGY, NATURAL HISTORY, PHYSIOLOGY, names of countries, etc. Ethnology, including Anthropology, is the science of all things relating to man, as a product of Nature, as well as a producer of religion and institutions, science and art. Darwin's, Haeckers, and Huxley's works attempt to explain the origin and development of man as a zoological being; Argyll's, Dawkins's, Figuier'a, Fos- ter's, Lubbock's, Quatrefages's, and Tylor's, the origin of civilization, and the geological age in which man must have first appeared upon earth; and Buech- ner's, Burgess's, and Mivart's, discuss the degrees of probability attached to these theories. 3. Argyll. Primeval Man 1 50 3. Bancroft. Native Races of the Pacific States of America. 5 00 2. Brown. Races of Mankind. 5 vols Each 3 50 3. Buechner. Man in the Past, Present, and Future 4 00 2. Burgess. What is Truth? Antiquity and Unity of the Human Race 2 00 3. Darwin. Emotional Expression of Man 3 60 3. Descent of Man. 2 vols 4 00 4. Dawkins. Cave-Hunting 10 50 3. Figuier. Primitive Man. Translated 4 00 3. Human Race. Translated 6 00 2. Fontaine. How the World was Peopled 2 00 2. Foster. Prehistoric Races of the United States 3 50 3. Haeckel. History of Creation. Translated by Ray Lankester. 2 vols 3. Haeckel. The Evolution of Man. Translated and edited by G. A. F. Van Rhyn 8. Hinton. Man and his Dwelling-place 1 75 2. Hopkins. Outline Study of Man 1 75 3. Huxley. Man's Place in Nature 1 25 2. Jeffries. Natural History of the Human Race 4 00 3. Lubbock. Origin of Civilization, and the Primitive Condi- tion of Man 2 00 3. Lubbock. Prehistoric Times 5 00 3. Lyell. Antiquity of Man 500 3. Mivart. Man and Apes 1 50 S.Nicholas. The Pedigree of the English People London 800 3. Quatrefages. Natural History of Man. Translated by Miss Youmans 2. Thompson. Man in Genesis and Geology 1 50 3. Wood. The Natural History of Man 7 00 2. Woodward. Treatise on the Nature of Man 375 EVIDENCES. 73 Etiquette. 2. Bazar-Book of Decorum $1 00 2. Cazenave and Feydeau. Female Beauty and the Art of Pleasing .' 1 50 2. Good Society. A Complete Manual of Manners 1 75 Etrnria. 4. Crawford and Balcarres. Etruscan Inscriptions. ..London 6 00 3. Taylor. Etruscan Researches 7 00 Eucharist. See COMMUNION. Euripides. 3. Translated by W. B. Donne. Ancient Classics for English Readers 1 00 Europe , Guides to* 3. Appletons' European Guide-Book 6 00 3. Appletons' Short-Trip Guide to Europe 2 00 3. Harpers' Hand-book for Travelers in Europe and the East. 7 00 2. Satchell. Guide for Europe 2 00 Europe, History of. See HISTORY, and names of countries. Europe, Travels in* See also names of countries. 3. Bennet. Winter and Spring on the Shores of the Mediter- ranean. Illustrated 3 50 2. Brown, J. H. Sights and Sensations in Europe 3 00 3. Buffum. Experiences of an American Journalist in Europe 1 50 2. Guild. Over the Ocean ; or, Sights and Scenes in Foreign Lands 2 50 4. Hoppin, A. Ups and Downs on Land and Water. The European Tour in a Series of Pictures. Oblong folio ... 10 00 2. Latrobe. Hints for Six Months in Europe 1 50 3. Proctor, E. D. A Russian Journey 1 50 2. Urbino, Mrs. S. R. An American Woman in Europe 1 50 2. Watson. Trip to Europe with Cook's Educational Party. . 1 50 Eutropius. 3. Seven Books of. By Bradley 1 25 Evans, William. 3. Journal of the Life and Religious Services of. 3 00 Evelyn, John* 3. Life and Writings of. Edited by William Bray 2 50 Everett, Edward. 3. Orations and Speeches on Various Occasions. 4vols. Each 3 00 Evidence, Law of. See also MEDICAL EVIDENCE. 3. Famous Cases of Circumstantial Evidence 8 00 5. Starkie. Treatise on the Law of Evidence 7 50 4. Wills. Circumstantial Evidence 2 00 Evidences. See CHRISTIANITY, EVIDENCES OF. 74 EVOLUTION, DOCTRINE OF. Evolution, Doctrine of. See also BIOLOGY, ETHNOLOGY, NATURAL SCIENCE, PHYSICS, etc. Darwin. Origin of Species by means of Natural Selection. . . $2 00 Descent of Man, and Selection in Relation to Sex. 2 vols 4 00 Fiske. Outlines of Cosmic Philosophy. Based on the Doc- trine of Evolution. 2 vols " 6 00 Gill. Evolution and Progress 1 50 Haeckel. The History of Creation. Translated by Ray Lan- kester. 2 vols Haeckel. The Evolution of Man. Translated and edited by G. A. F. Van Rhyn Exchange. See also BANKS AND BANKING, FINANCE. 5. Byles, J. B. Law of Bills of Exchange 6 50 3. Cohn, M. Exchange Tables, England and France, etc. London 5 25 3. Crump, A. Exchange, Yield, and Share Tables. ..London 1 75 3. Nicholson. Science of Exchanges 2 50 Executors. See ADMINISTRATORS. Exodus. 2. Cook, F. C. Exodus, with Commentaries 1 50 . 2. Jacobus! Notes on Exodus 1 00 2. Nevin, Notes on Exodus 1 50 Eye, Diseases of. See also EAR. 4. Angell, H. C. Homoaopathic Treatise on Diseases of the Eye 3 00 3. Jeffries. The Eye in Health and Disease 1 50 4. Lawrence and Moon. A Handy-book of Ophthalmic Sur- gery. Illustrated 2 75 4. Lawson, George. Diseases and Injuries of the Eye 2 50 4. Macnamara. Eye Diseases 5 00 4. Phillips. Ophthalmic Surgery, with Advice on the Use of Spectacles. Illustrated 500 4. Salomons. Hand-book of Diseases of the Eyes 2 00 5. Stellwag. Diseases of the Eye 7 00 3. Wells. Long, Short, and Weak Sight, and the Use of .Spectacles 3 00 Ezekiel, Book of. 3. Cowles. Ezekiel and Daniel, with Notes 2 25 3. Henderson. Commentary, Critical, Philological, and Exe- getical on Ezekiel 2 25 Factors. See AGENCY. Fairfax, Lord. 3. Life of the Great. By C. R. Markham. Illustrated 500 Family. See DOMESTIC RELATIONS, LAW OF. Faraday, Michael. 3. Life. ByGladstone 90 FIELD SPORTS. 75 Farm Implements. See also FARMING, etc. 3. Thomas. Farm Implements and Machinery : their Con- struction and Use. 12mo $1 50 Farmer's Annuals. 2. American Horticultural Annual 75 Farming* See also AGRICULTURAL CHEMISTRY, DAIRY, FLOWER CULTURE, FRUIT CULTURE, etc. 2. Allen. New American Farm-Book 2 50 2. Beecher, H. W. Fruits, Flowers, and Farming 2 00 2. Brill. Farm-Gardening and Seed-Growing 1 00 V 2. Caird. Prairie Farming in America 50 3. Decaisne and Naudin. Hardy Trees, Shrubs, and Herbace- ous Plants 7 50 2. Greeley. What I Know of Farming 1 50 2. Hyde. Agriculture 1 50 Fathers, Apostolic. See BIOGRAPHY, COLLECTIVE. Federacy. See GOVERNMENT. Federal Enactments. See UNITED STATES. Fencing. See DUELING and MILITARY SCIENCE. Fenianism. See IRELAND. Fern, Fanny. 3. Memorial. By J. Parton 2 00 Ferns. 2. Beautiful Ferns. With Ten Colored Plates 50 Ferrotype. See PHOTOGRAPHY. Fever. 4. Hudson. Lectures on the Study of Fever 2 50 4. Lord. Intermittent Fever and Malarious Diseases 3 00 4. Moore, J. W. Lectures on Fever London 7 50 3. Wood. Thermic Fever 1 25 Fiction. See NOVELS AND ROMANCES. Field Sports. See also FISHING; GAMES AND AMUSEMENTS; GUNNING; HORSE AND HORSEMANSHIP; HUNTING AND TRAPPING. 2. Bogardus. F,ield, Cover, and Trap Shooting. 2 00 2. Bumstead. On the Wing 2 50 2. Castlemon. Sportsman's Club Afloat 1 25 2. Sportsman's Club among the Trappers 1 25 2. Sportsman's Club in the Saddle 1 25 2. Gillmore. Prairie and Forest. Illustrated 1 60 3. Gun, Rod, and Saddle 2 00 3. Lewis. The American Sportsman 2 75 3. Long. American Wild-Fowl Shooting 2 00 3. Plain Directions for Shooting on the Wing 75 76 FIELDING, HENRY. 3. Racing and Chasing; Road, River, and Hunt. Folio. London $3 75 3. Stonehenge. Rural Sports of Great Britain. Illustrated. . 9 00 2. Warren. Shooting, Boating, and Fishing. Illustrated... 100 Fielding, Henry. 3. The Writings of 2 50 Fiji Islands. 3. Britten, H. Fiji in 1870. Letters of "Argus.". ..London 1 25 3. Smythe. Ten Months hi the Fiji Islands 3 75 3. Williams, T. Fiji and the Fijians. Missionary Labors. London 3 00 Finance. See also BANKS AND BANKING, and EXCHANGE. 4. Colwell. Ways and Means of Payment , 2 50 3. Gibbons. Banks of New York : Dealers, Clearing-House, and Panic 2 50 3. Green. How to pay the National Debt 1 50 3. Kelley. Speeches, Addresses, and Letters, on Industrial and Financial Questions 3 00 2. Mann. Paper-Money the Root of Evil 2 00 2. Science of Money a Great Truth. By Nomistake 1 75 3. Richardson. Public Debt of the United States 2 00 Fire Insurance. See also INSURANCE, LIFE INSURANCE, etc. 5. Bennett. Fire Insurance Cases of England, Ireland, Scot- land, and America. 3 vols Each 7 50 5. Flanders. Law of Fire Insurances 7 50 Fish Culture. 3. Francis. Fish Culture. Practical Guide London 1 00 3. Fry. Complete Treatise on Artificial Fish-Breeding 125 3. Green. Trout Culture 125 3. Slack. Trout Culture 1 50 3. Stone. Domesticated Trout 2 50 Fishing. See also FIELD SPORTS. 3. Clericus. Facts and Fancies of Salmon-Fishing, with Anec- dotes London 3 00 2. Davy. Salmonia ; or, The Days of Fly-Fishing. Illustrated 1 50 3. Dick. Flies and Fly-Fishing .' London 2 25 2. Forrester. Fishing with Hook and Line 1 00 3. Hallock. Fishing Tourist 2 00 2. Scott. Fishing hi American Waters. Illustrated 3 50 Fixtures, Law of. See also LANDLORD AND TENANT. 3. Hill. Manual of the Law of Fixtures 2 00 Florence. 3. Homer. Walks in Florence. 2 vols London 10 50 4. Trollope, T. A. History of the Commonwealth of Florence. 4 vols London 30 00 Florida. See also LOUISIANA. 3. Appletons' Hand-book of American Travel. Southern Tour 2 00 FRANCE, HISTORY OF. 77 2. Brinton. Guide-Book to Florida and the South $1 50 4. Fairbanks. History of Florida, from its Discovery to 1842 250 Flower-Gardening. See also BOTANY, ROSE, etc. 2. Henderson. Practical Floriculture. Illustrated 1 50 3. Hibberd. The Amateur's Flower-Garden. Illustrated 2 50 2. Johnson, Mrs. Every Woman her own Flower-Gardener.. 50 3. Maling. Hand-book for Ladies on In-Door Plants, etc. ... 1 25 3. Rand. Seventy-five Popular Flowers, and how to cultivate them. Illustrated 1 50 Flowers, The Language of. 2. Flora's Pocket Dictionary 50 2. Ingram, J. Flora Symbolica 3 75 3. Miller. Poetical Language of Flowers London 1 75 Flowers in Wax. See MODELING. Foublanque, Albany. 3. Life and Labors of. By E. B. De Fonblanque London 8 00 Food. See also COOKERY, DIETETICS, HOUSEHOLD RECEIPTS, HYGIENE, etc. 3. Atcherly, R. J. Adulterations of Food, with Processes for their Detection London 1 25 3. Letheby. Our Food 2 50 3. Smith, Edward. Foods... 175 Foote, Andrew Hull, Rear-Admiral, I . S. X. 3. Life of. By J. M. Hoppin. Illustrated 3 50 Forbes, J. D. 3. Life and Letters of 6 50 Forestry. See TREES. Forrest, Edwin. 3. Life of. By James Rees 200 Fortifications. See ENGINEERING, MILITARY. France, History of. For Commune and War with Ger- many see below, and PARIS. 3. Adams. Democracy and Monarchy in France .' 2 50 2. Chambers, W. France: Its History and Revolutions 1 75 2. Challice. Memories of French Palaces. Illustrated 450 3. Cousin. Secret History of the French Court under Riche- lieu and Mazarin. Translated 1 25 3. French Home Life. Reprinted from Blackwood's Magazine 1 50 3. Guizot Popular History of France. Translated. Illus- trated Each part 50 3. Lester. The Napoleon Dynasty 2 50 3. Michelet. France before Europe. Translated 1 00 3. History of France. 2 vols 4 00 3. Renan. Constitutional Monarchy in France. Translated. 75 2. Ritchie. Romance of History France. Illustrated 2 60 78 FRANCO- GERMAN WAR. 3. Smiles. Huguenots in France after the Revocation of the Edict of Nantes $2 00 2. Tenot. Paris in December, 1851 ; or, The Coup d'Etat of Napoleon IIL Translated 2 50 3. Thiers. French Revolution. Illustrated. 4 vols., 8 00 ; 2 vols., 8vo 5 00 3. White. History of France to 1848 3 00 Franco-German War. 2. Brockett. The Year of Battles ; or, The Franco-German War of 1870-'71. Illustrated 2 50 3. Daily News Correspondence of the War between Germany and France. Illustrated 2 50 2. Evans. History of the American Ambulance in Paris .... 8 00 2. Inside Paris during the Siege 2 00 2. Landon. The Franco-Prussian War in a Nutshell 2 00 2. McCabe. History of the Late War between Germany and France 3 50 3. Sumner, Charles. The Duel between France and Germany 50 Franklin, Benjamin. Autobiography of. By Bigelow 2 50 Fraud and Mistake, Law of. 5. Kerr. Law of Fraud and Mistake 6 00 Frauds, Statute of. 5. Browne, C. On the Construction of the Statute of Frauds . 7 50 5. Throop. The Validity of Verbal Agreements, as affected by the Statute of Frauds. 2 vols Each 7 50 Frederick the Great. 2. History of. By Abbott. Illustrated 5 Od 3. History of. By Carlyle. 6 vols 12 00 Free-Hand Drawing. See DRAWING. Freemasonry. 3. Findel. History of Freemasonry 5 25 2. Hall. Masonic Prayers 2 00 3. Mackey. Encyclopaedia of Freemasonry 9 00 3. Mackey. Symbolism of Freemasonry 2 25 2. Masonic Token, The. A Gift-book. Illustrated 3 00 2. McClenachan. Book of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry. Illustrated 5 00 3. Paton, E. J. Freemasonry: Its Symbolism London 2 75 2. Rituals of Freemasonry. Illustrated 6 00 2. Sackett. Masonic Service for the Burial of the Dead 1 00 2. Taylor. Monitor of Freemasonry 1 50 2. Text-Book of Freemasonry 1 00 Free Trade and Protection. 3. Bastiat. Sophisms of the Protectionists. Translated 30 2. Sophisms of Free Trade 1 25 2. Sullivan, Sir E. Protection to Native Industry 1 50 GALATIANS, EPISTLE TO THE. 79 Friends, Society of. 3. Beck and Ball. The London Friends' Meeting. Being a History of the Rise and Fall of the Society of Friends in London $2 50 2. Biographical Sketches and Anecdotes of Members of the Society of Friends 1 25 Fruit Culture. See also FARMING and names of fruits. 3. Barry. Fruit-Garden 2 50 2. Downing, A. J. Fruits and Fruit-Trees of America. Illus- trated. 8vo 7 50 3. Downing, C. Selected Fruits from Fruits and Fruit-Trees of America. Illustrated. Crown 8vo 2 50 3. Du Breuil. Culture of Fruit-Trees. Translated. Illus- trated. 16mo 200 4. Nova Britannia. Offering most Excellent Fruits by Plant- ing in Virginia. Small 4to 5 00 3. Thompson. Fruit Culture under Glass London 3 75 Fruit in Wax. See MODELING. Fruit-Trees. See FRUIT CULTURE AND TREES. Fuel. 2. Leavitt. Peat-Fuel 50 Fuller, M. 3. Works of. 6 vols Each 1 50 Furnace. See ASSAYING, BLAST-FURNACE, MINES, etc. Furniture. See also CABINET-MAKING. 3. Eastlake. Hints on Household Taste in Furniture, etc. London 7 00 4. Talbert. Gothic Forms applied to Furniture, Metal- Work, and Domestic Decorations. Folio 15 00 Future State* See also ATONEMENT, RESURRECTION, etc. 3. Abbot, E. The Literature of the Doctrine of a Future Life 2 00 3. Alger. A Critical History of the Doctrine of a Future Life 3 50 2. Beecher. The Heavenly State and Future Punishment. . . 25 2. Dick. The Philosophy of a Future State 1 00 2. Figuier. Day after Death; or, Future Life revealed by Science London 3 00 3. Fletcher. Theories of the Annihilation Doctrine 1 25 Gaelic. See IRISH. Galatians, Epistle to the. 3. Godwin. Paul's Epistle to the Galatians. New translation. London 2 50 5. Lange. Commentary on Galatians, Ephesians, Philippians, and Colossians 5 00 4. Lightfoot. Epistle to the Galatians 3 00 80 GALILEO. Galileo. 3. Private Life of. By Freeman $1 60 Gallitzin, A. de. 3. Life of. By Brownson 2 50 3. Life and Character of. By Heyden 75 Galvanism. See also ELECTRICITY. 3. Hall. New Theory of Galvanism London 1 75 3. Haskins. Galvanometer and its Uses 2 00 Galvano-Plastics. See ELECTROTYPE. Galvano-Therapeutics. See THERAPEUTICS. Game and Gaming. See also FIELD SPORTS. 3. Brandt. Gaming and Gamester-Law London 2 00 2. Gillmore. Prairie and Forest. Illustrated. 1 50 3. Morris. British Birds and Wild-Fowl London 22 50 Games and Amusements. See also ATHLETIC SPORTS, BASE- BALL, BILLIARDS, CHARADES, CHESS, CROQUET, DRAUGHTS, FIELD-SPORTS, WHIST, etc. 2. American Boy's Book of Sports and Games 3 00 2. Cheney. Social Games 1 00 2. Cremer. Hanky Panky. Easy Tricks London 2 25 2. Evening Amusements 1 50 2. Paget. Paradoxes and Puzzles London 3 00 2. Popular Recreator. In and Out-door Amusements. Full of Illustrations 5 00 2. Smith, Mrs. C. S. American Home-Book of In-door Games and Amusements, etc 1 50 2. Valentine, Mrs. Games for Family Parties 1 25 2. Wood, J. G. Modern Playmate 4 50 Gardening. See FARMING, FLOWER-GARDENING, FRUIT-GAR- DENING, HORTICULTURE, etc. Gas. 4. Hughes. A Treatise on Gas-Works London 2 00 4. Michael and Shiress. Law of Gas and Water Supply London 9 00 Gastronomy. See COOKERY and DIETETICS. Gay, John. 2. Fables ; Memoir London 1 75 2. Poetical Works. 2 vols 2 50 Gazetteers. 4. Brookes, R. General Gazetteer London 6 00 3. Lippincott's Gazetteer Gems. See also DIAMONDS. 3. Castellani. Notes from Gems 3 75 3. Emanuel. Diamonds and Precious Stones. Illustrated. London 3 00 4. King. Antique Gems and Rings. 2 vols London 21 00 GEOLOGY. 81 3. King. Hand-book of Engraved Gems. Illustrated .. Lond. $3 00 3. Westropp. A Manual of Precious Stones and Antique Gems London 3 00 Generation, Spontaneous. See BIOLOGY. Genesis* 3. Alford. Genesis and Part of Exodus revised London 6 00 2. Browne, G. H. Genesis, with Commentary 1 50 3. C. H. M. Notes on Genesis 1 12 2. Davies. Genesis Disclosed 1 60 5. Lange. Commentary on Genesis 5 00 3. Murphy. Commentary on Genesis 2 60 2. Spooner. Ten Minutes' Reading in Genesis London 1 00 Genius. 3. Galton. Hereditary Genius 3 50 Geography, Biblical. See also ASIA MINOR, ASSYRIA, EGYPT, PALESTINE, and SYRIA. 2. Atlas of Scripture Geography 76 2. Burt. The Land and its Story ; or, The Sacred Historical Geography of Palestine. 4to 3 60 2. Gage. Studies in Bible Lands 2 00 3. Maughan. Alps of Arabia 6 00 3. Palmer. The Desert of the Exodus 3 00 Geography, General and Physical. See also EDUCATION- AL WORKS, GAZETTEERS, and names of countries. 3. Geikie. Physical Geography 50 3. Guyot. Physical Geography 2 25 3. Maury. Manual of Geography, Mathematical, Civil, and Physical Geography. 4to 2 25 4. Smith, Dr. W. Historical Atlas of Ancient Geography. folio. Part IV London 10 60 2. Treasury of Geography, Physical, Historical, etc 3 00 2. Warren. Physical Geography. 4to 1 50 Geology. See also CHEMISTRY, EARTH, and EDUCATIONAL WORKS. 2. Adams. The Earth and its Wonders 1 50 3. Dana. Manual of Geology , 6 00 4. Figuier. Earth and Sea. . ". 4to 8 00 3. Geikie. Geology 50 3. Great Ice Age 2 50 3. Lyell. Geological Evidences of the Antiquity of Man 3 00 3. Principles of Geology. 2 vols 8 00 3. Elements of Geology 3 50 2. Nicholson. Geology , 1 50 3. Ormathwaite. Astronomy and Geology compared 1 00 3. Reclus. The Earth 5 00 ; 2 vols. 10 00 4. Rendu. Theory of the Glaciers of Savoy. Translated. London 3 75 3. Sherman and Lyon. The Hollow Globe ... 2 00 82 GEOMETRY. 2. Walker. Cyclical Deluges $1 75 2. WinchelL Geological Chart. (Key, 25 cents.) Rollers.. 10 00 Geometry. See also EDUCATIONAL WORKS. 4. Hallo well. Geometrical Analysis 2 50 4. Jackson. Geometrical Conic Sections 2 00 4. Riddell. Mechanic's Geometry 5 00 4. Sestini. Geometrical and Infinitesimal Analysis 1 50 4. Warren. Descriptive Geometry. Illustrated 4 00 5. Watson. Descriptive Geometry 7 00 4. Wilson. Solid Geometry 1 25 Georgia. '2. Appletons' Hand-book of American Travel. Southern Tour 2 00 3. Stevens. History of Georgia. 2 vols 5 00 German Dictionaries. 3. Adler's German-English and English-German Dictionary 12mo 2 50, 8vo, unabridged 6 00 3. Fliigel's German-English Dictionary. 2 vols London 10 50 2. Gerlach. German and English Dictionary London 1 50 2. Tafel. English-German and German-English Pocket Dic- tionary 1 50 2. Thieme. German and English Dictionary London 1 50 2. Williams. German and English Dictionary. . , . . . . London 1 25 German Language. 2. Ahn's. German Grammar 1 00 3. Whitney. Compendious German Grammar 1 75 2. Wrage. Practical Grammar of German Language 1 50 German Literature. See also names of authors. 3. Gostwick and Harrison. Outlines of German Literature . . 2 50 3. Hedge. Prose Writers of Germany London 10 50 Germany, Guides to. 2. Appletons' Guides 2. Baedeker. Northern Germany. Guide 2 50 2. Southern Germany and Austria 3 50 Germany, History of. 2. Bryce. Holy Roman Empire, and New German Empire . . 3 00 2. Gardiner, S. R. Thirty Years' War London 1 25 3. Hozier. The Seven Weeks' War , 2 50 2. Kohlrausch. Complete History of Germany 2 50 3. Lewis. History of Germany 2 50 2. Peake. History of German Emperors 3 00 2. Taylor, Bayard. History of Germany 1 75 Gib, Robert, Lord of Carribber. 3. Life and Times of. By G. D. Gib. 2 vols London 15 00 Gillray, James. 3. Works of. With Story of his Life and Time. By Wright. Illustrated,. ..London 15 75 GOTHIC ARCHITECTURE. 83 Glass-Making and Painting. 4. Gollingham. Glass-Embossing, etc London $2 50 3. Sauzay. Wonders of Glass-Making from the Earliest Times 1 50 Winston. Memoirs illustrative of the Art of Glass-Painting. . Gnosticism. See also CHRISTIAN CHURCH, HISTORY OP. 3. Mansell. The Gnostic Heresies of the First and Second Centuries London 3 00 Goethe. 3. Goethe and Mendelssohn. By Karl Mendelssohn. Trans- lation 2 00 3. Conversations with Eckermann. Translation 1 60 3. Life, Story of. By Lewes 1 50 2. Poems and Ballads. Library of Foreign Poetry 1 50 2. Faust. Translation. By Anster 1 25 3. Translation. By Taylor. 2 vols 10 00 3. Elective Affinities. 16mo. Leisure Hour Series 1 25 3. Works. Translated by Various Hands. 5 vols 15 00 Gold and Silver. See also FINANCE. 3. Browne. Resources of Pacific Slope 3 00 3. Raymond. Silver and Gold 3 50 4. Phillips. Mining and Metallurgy of Gold and Silver. .Lon. 15 75 Goldsmith. 3. Vicar of Wakefield. Illustrated.. 12mo 1 00; 32mo 38 3. Essays 38 3. Works of. With Introduction. By Masson 1 50 3. Poetical Works of 3 75 Gospels, The Four. See also NEW TESTAMENT, and other portions of Scripture. 2. Barnes. Notes Explanatory and Practical on the Gospels. 2 vols Each 1 50 2. Gardiner, A. Harmony of the Four Gospels 2 00 2. Hall, C. H. Practical and Expository Notes on the Gos- pels. 2 vols 3 00 2. Hinsdale. Genuineness of the Gospels 1 25 2. Mimpriss. Gospel Treasury. 2 50 3. Norris. A Key to the Narrative of the Four Gospels 1 00 4. Pieritz. Gospels from a Rabbinical Point London 1 50 3. Ryle. Commentary on the Gospels. 7 vols 10 50 3. Seiss. Lectures on the Gospels. 2 vols Each 1 75 3. Strong. Harmony and Exposition of the Gospels 5 00 3. Warren. Commentary on the Gospels 1 60 4. Westcott. Study of the Gospels London 5 75 Gothic Architecture. 3. Davidson. Gothic Stone-Work London 1 50 3. Eastlake. History of Gothic Revival in Architecture. London 15 75 4. Modern Examples of Gothic Architecture. 60 Plates. 4to 15 00 4. Morris. Gothic Roofs and British Carpentry London 3 25 84 GOTTSCHALK, L. M. Gottschalk, L. M. 3. Life and Letters of. By Hensel $1 50 Government. See also POLITICAL ECONOMY. 3. Bagehot. Physics and Politics 1 50 2. Crowell. Republics ; or, Popular Government an Appoint- ment of God 1 00 3. Dillon. Historical Evidence related to the Government of the United States 2 00 3. Freeman. Comparative Politics 3 00 3. Gillet. The Federal Government 2 00 3. Helps. Thoughts upon Government 2 25 2. Sterne. On Representative Government 1 75 3. Yeaman. The Study of Government 5 00 Graining. See also PAINTING. 3. American Grainer's Hand-book 1 50 4. Pickert. Art of Graining 10 00 Grammars. See name of language and EDUCATIONAL WORKS. Grant, U. S. 3. The Military History of. By Badeau 4 00 Grapes, Culture of. See also FARMING, FRUIT CULTURE, GARDENING, etc. 3. Flagg. Three Seasons, in European Vineyards 1 50 3. Loubat. American Vine-Dresser's Guide 1 50 3. Mead. American Grape-Culture and Wine-Making 3 00 Gray. 3. Poetical Works London 2 50 Great Britain. See also ENGLAND, IRELAND, SCOTLAND, etc. 2. Bradshaw's Tourist's Guide London 2 75 4. Coventry's Chronicles of Great Britain and Ireland. London 2 50 3. Harcourt. Rambles through the British Isles 1 75 3. Poole. Pictures of Cottage-Life 2 00 2. Sargent. Skeleton Tours through England, etc 1 00 2. Shaw. Tourist's Guide to Great Britain 4 00 Greece. See also CLASSICAL DICTIONARIES, ROME, etc. 3. Adams. Tombs, Temples, etc., of Ancient Greece, and Rome 1 50 2. Arnold. History of Greece London 3 00 4. Cox. History of Greece. 3 vols. London Each 7 00 4. Curtius. History of Greece. 12 vols Each 2 00 3. Dwight. Grecian and Roman Mythology 3 00 3. Felton. Greece, Ancient and Modern 5 00 3. Freeman. Historical Essays. 2d series 2 50 3 History of Federal Government. Rome 6 00 4. Grote. History of Greece. 12 vols Each 2 00 3. Mahaffy. Social Life in Greece 1 60 2. Murray. Hand-book for Travelers London 2 75 8. Tuckerman. The Greek of To-Day 1 50 2. Van Lennep. Ten Days among the Greek Brigands 1 25 GUNS. 85 Greek Language. See also NEW TESTAMENT, GREEK; and EDUCATIONAL WORKS. 3. Blackie. Horae Hellenics. Essays on Greek Philology and Antiquity $4 00 3. Curtius. Student's Greek Grammar 2 00 4. Donaldson. History of Greek Philology. 2 vols. London 11 60 3. Hadley. Elements of the Greek Language 1 60 4. Peile. Introduction to Greek and Latin Etymology 3 50 3. Veitch. Greek Verbs, Irregular and Defective 4 00 Greek Language, Lexicons of. See also NEW TESTAMENT, GREEK ; and EDUCATIONAL WORKS. 5. Liddell and Scott. Greek-English Lexicon. 4to, 12 00 ; abridged 3 00 4. Sophocles. Greek Lexicon of the Roman and Byzantine Periods 10 00 4. Yonge and Drisler. English-Greek Lexicon 7 00 Greek Literature. See also names of authors. 3. Boise and Freeman. Selections from Greek Authors 2 50 4. Louage. A History of Greek and Roman Classical Literature 1 25 3. Symons. Studies of the Greek Poets London 2 75 Greek Concordances. See CONCORDANCES and NEW TESTA- MENT, GREEK. Greek Testament. See NEW TESTAMENT, GREEK. Greeley, Horace. 2. Life of. By Cornell 1 50 2. By Ingersoll 250 3. By Parton 3 00 Greene, Nathaniel. 3. Life of. By G. W. Greene. 3 vols Greville, E. F. 3. Memoirs of. By H. Reeve. 2 vols 4 00 Guano. See MANURES. Guarantee, Law of. 5. Fell. On Guarantee 6 50 Gnerin, Maurice de. 3. The Journal of. With an Essay by Matthew Arnold 125 Guides, Travelers'. See names of countries. Gunning. See FIELD SPORTS, GAME, RIFLE-PRACTICE, etc. Guns. See also ARTILLERY, MILITARY SCIENCE, RIFLE PRAC- TICE, etc. 3. Gillner. Modern Breech-Loaders London 3 75 3. Whitworth. Guns and Steel ..London 375 86 GUTHRIE, THOMAS, D. D. Gnthrie, Thomas, D. D. 3. Life of. Chiefly in his Own Words $ 75 3. Autobiography of Each 2 00 3. Works of. 9 vols 13 60 3. Autobiography. By his Sons. 1 vol London 5 25 Gymnastics. See also ATHLETIC SPORTS, GAMES AND AMUSE- MENTS, etc. 3. Howard. Gymnasts and Gymnastics London 3 00 2. Kingsley. Health and Education 2 00 3. Price. Sparring and Wrestling 1 25 3. Ravenstein and Hulley. Gymnastics and Athletics 3 30 2. Watson. Manual of Calisthenics 1 25 2. Welch. Physical Culture 200 Gypsies* 3. Borrow, G. Gypsies of Spain London 2 50 2. Leland. English Gipsies and their Language 1 75 3. Smith, H. Tent-Life with the English Gypsies in Norway . 10 50 Hades. See FUTURE STATE. Hair. 4. Godfrey. Diseases of the Hair 1 50 Halleck, Fitz-Greene. 3. The Complete Poetical Works of. Edited by J. G. Wilson. 12mo, 2 50; 18mo 1 00 3. Life and Letters of. By Wilson 260 Hand. See also ANATOMY ; ANIMALS, LOCOMOTION OF ; PHYSI- OLOGY, etc. 3. Bell. The Hand, its Mechanism London 4 50 Harmony. See also Music. 4. Baker. Theoretical and Practical Harmony 2 00 4. Hamilton. Harmony and Thorough-Bass London 3 75 4. Sechter. Fundamental Harmonies ; Fundamental Basses and their Inversions, etc 2 00 4. Stainer. Theory of Harmony London 3 75 Havana. 3. The Stranger in the Tropics. Guide-Book for Cuba, Puerto Rico, and St. Thomas , 1 50 Hawaii. 3. Hopkins. Past, Present, and Future of 3 00 3. Nordhoff. Northern California, Oregon, and the Sandwich Islands 2 50 2. Thomes. A Whaleman's Adventures in the Sandwich Islands 1 50 Headaches. 3. Wright. Headaches, their Causes and Cures 1 25 HEBREWS, EPISTLE TO THE. 87 3. Latham. Nervous, Sick-Headaches London $1 60 4. Liveing. Sick-Headache and Megrim London 7 50 Headstones. See DESIGNING. Health. See HYGIENE. Heart, Diseases of. 4. Dobell. Affections of the Heart London 3 25 4. Flint. Diagnosis, Pathology, and Treatment of Diseases of the Heart 4 00 5. FothergilL The Heart and its Diseases 5 00 3. Hale. Lectures on Diseases of the Heart 2 00 5. Haviland. Heart-Disease London 5 25 4. Mainett. Treatise on Heart-Disease. London 2 00 Heat. See also MECHANICS, PHYSICS, etc. 2. Cazin. Wonders of Heat. Translated 1 50 3. DeschaneL Heat 1 75 4. Maxwell. Theory of Heat 1 50 4. Stewart. Treatise on Heat 2 50 2. Teft. Curiosities of Heat 1 25 3. Tyndall. Heat as a Mode of Motion 2 00 3. Radiant Heat 5 00 Heavens. See ASTRONOMY. Hebrew Grammars. See also EDUCATIONAL WORKS. 3. Arnold. First Book in Hebrew London 3 75 3. Deutsch. Hebrew Grammar 2 00 3. Driver. Use of Tenses in Hebrew 3 25 4. Gesenius. Hebrew Grammar 3 00 4. Green. Elementary Hebrew Grammar 1 50 3. Jones. Elements of the Hebrew Language 1 75 3. Mason. Exercise-Book. 2 vols London 8 00 3. Vibbart. Guide to Hebrew Text 1 25 4. Yonah. Book of Hebrew Roots London 10 00 Hebrew Lexicons. 4. Davies. Student's Hebrew Lexicon 6 00 5. Fuerst. Hebrew and Chaldee Lexicon 9 00 3. Potter. English-Hebrew Lexicon 2 00 Hebrews. See JEWS. Hebrews, Epistle to the. 3. Dale. The Jewish Temple and the Christian Church. Dis- . courses on Hebrews 2 00 3. Junkin. Commentary on Hebrews 2 00 5. Lange. Commentary on Thessalonians, Timothy, Titus, Philemon, and Hebrews 5 00 2. Phillips. Heroes of Faith, Eleventh Chapter of Hebrews. . 1 25 2. Plumer. Commentarv on Hebrews. -. . .... 4 00 88 HEINE, HE1NRICH. Heine, Heinrich. Book of Songs $1 50 Scintillations 1 26 Hemaus, Mrs* F. 3. Poetical Works 3 50 Heraldry. 3. Boutell. Heraldry, Ancient and Modern London 3 75 3. Cussans. Hand-book of Heraldry. Illustrated ... London 3 75 4. Grazebrook. Heraldry of Worcestershire. 2 vols., 4to. London 21 00 4. Nichols. Herald and Genealogist. 8 vols. Illustrated. London 64 ,00 3. Planche. Pursuivant of Arms. Founded upon Facts. Illustrated 3 75 4. Smith, F.M. Heraldry of Smiths of Scotland. 4to. London 1 75 Heredity. See also BIOLOGY, EVOLUTION, etc. 3. Galton. Hereditary Genius 2 00 3. Ribot. L _jleredity 2 00 Hell. See FUTURE STATE. Herbert, George. 3. Poetical Works of. Edited by Cowden Clarke 1 50 Herodotus. 3. By Beloe. 3 vols 2 25 3. By Gary 150 4. By Rawlinson. 4 vols 10 00 3. By Swayne 1 00 3. Life and Travels of. By Wheeler 3 50 3. Notes by Johnson 1 50 Herrick, Robert. 3. Hesperides: Poems and Other Remains. By Hazlitt. London 4 00 Hesiod. 3. Translated by Davies. Ancient Classics for English Readers 1 00 Highways. See ROAD-MAKING. Highways, Laws of. 4. Cook. Manual of the Highway Laws of New York 2 50 Hindustan. Sec INDIA. Hindustani. 3. Holroyd. Hindustani Made Easy London 3 75 4. Platts. Hindustani Grammar London 6 00 Hip, Diseases of. 4. Adams, Hip-Joint. A New Operation London 1 25 4. Taylor. Diseases of the Hip-Joint 1 00 HOLBEIN. 89 Histology. Frey. Histology of Man. In press. 5. Barley. Histological Demonstrations $5 00 5. Rindfleisch. Pathological Histology. Translated 6 00 4. Tyson. Introduction to Practical Histology 75 History ; Ancient, General, Miscellaneous, and Modern. See also names of countries. 2. Anderson. Manual of General History 2 00 2. Arnold. Lectures on Modern History 1 50 2. Baldwin. Prehistoric Nations 1 75 2. Carter. The Elements of General History 1 50 2. Dew. Digest of Ancient and Modern History 2 50 2. Epochs of History Each volume 1 00 3. Freeman. Unity of History 1 00 3. Historical Essays. 2 vols 6 00 2. Irving, Jos. Annals of our Time (1 837-'71) . . . . 6 00 2. Labberton. Outlines of History 3 50 3. Lenormant and Chevallier. Ancient History of the East. 2 vols 5 50 4. Mahaffy. Prolegomena to Ancient History 7 00 3. Michelet. History of the Nineteenth Century. Translated. 3. Rawlinson. History of Herodotus. 4 vols 10 00 3. Five Great Monarchies. 3 vols 15 00 3. Sixth Great Monarchy 8 00 3. Seventh Great Monarchy 8 00 2. Manual of Ancient History 2 50 3. Smith, Ph. Ancient History to the Fall of the Western Empire. 3 vols 10 50 2. Swinton. Outlines of the World's History 225 2. Taylor. Manual of Ancient History 2 00 2. Manual of Modern History 2 00 2. White. The Eighteen Christian Centuries 2 00 History, Biblical. 3. Baring-Gould. Legends of Old Testament Characters 2 00 3. Cowles. Hebrew History 2 00 3. Freeman, J. M. Bible Manners and Customs 2 50 2. Leifchild. Remarkable Facts, illustrative of Holy Script- ure 1 50 2. Maclear. Outlines of Old and New Testament History. 2 vols Each 90 2. O'Leary. Bible History 1 50 3. Rawlinson. Historical Illustrations of the Old Testament . 1 25 3. Smith, Wm. Old Testament History 2 50 3. New Testament History 2 50 History, Philosophy of. 4. Flint. Philosophy of History in Europe London 7 50 Holbein. 3. Life and Works of. . . . 10 00 90 HOLLAND AND BELGIUM. 3. And His Time. By Woltmann. Translation London $15 75 3. Some Account of his Life and Works. By Wornun. . Lond. 15 75 Holland and Belgium. 2. Appletons' European Guide-Book 6 00 2. Baedeker. Belgium and Holland, Hand-book London 2 50 4. Pritchett, R. T. Brush-Notes in Holland. Folio. . London 52 50 3. Sperling. Holland, Belgium, and France, 181 3-' 16. London 1 25 Holland, George. 3. Life of 3 00 Holland, John. 3. Life of. By Brammall London 7 50 Holy Land. See GEOGRAPHY, BIBLICAL; EGYPT; PALES- TINE, etc. Holy Spirit, Doctrine of the. 2. Bickersteth. The Spirit of Life 1 25 2. Formby. Sacrum Septenarium ; or, The Seven Gifts of the Holy Ghost 1 25 2. Richardson. Office of the Holy Spirit 1 50 3. Seabury, S. Nature and Work of the Holy Spirit 1 25 3. Walker, J. B. Doctrine of the Holy Spirit 1 50 Homer. Bryant. Iliad. 2 vols 16mo, 5 00 ; 8vo 10 00 Odyssey. 2 vols 16mo, 5 00 ; 8vo 10 00 Collins. Ih'ad 1 00 Odyssey 1 00 Cowper. Iliad 500 Owen. Ih'ad 2 00 Owen. Odyssey 200 Homes. See ARCHITECTURE, DOMESTIC ECONOMY, HYGIENE, etc. Homiletics. See also ELOCUTION. 2. Broadus. Preparation and Delivery of Sermons 2 00. 3. Hervey. Christian Rhetoric 3 50 3. Parker. Pulpit Notes 2 00 2. Potter. The Spoken Word ; or, The Art of Extemporary Preaching. 12mo 1 50 Homoeopathy. 4. Annual Record of Homoeopathic Literature 3 00 3. Baehr. Science of Therapeutics, according to Homoe- opathy. 2 vols 10 00 3. Boenninghausen. Homoeopathic Therapeia 2 25 2. Breyfogel. Epitome of Homoeopathic Medicines 1 50 4. Franklin. Science and Art of Surgery. 2 vols 17 00 4. Grauvogel. Text-Book of Homoeopathy 7 00 3. Guernsey. Application of Homoeopathy to Obstetrics. Illustrated 9 00 3. Homoeopathic Domestic Medicine 2 50 HORSES, DISEASES OF. 91 3. Gentleman's Hand-book of Homoeopathy $1 00 2. Hempel. Science of Homoeopathy 1 75 2. Johnson. Homoeopathic Treatment of Acute Diseases 1 25 2. Laurie. Homoeopathic Domestic Medicine 5 00 4. Manual of Homoeopathic Veterinary Practice 5 00 3. Ruddock. Ladies' Manual of Medicine 5 00 2. Shipman. Homoeopathic Family Guide 2 00 Honduras* See also CENTRAL AMERICA. 3. Squier. Honduras, Descriptive, Historical, and Statistical 2 00 Honey* See BEE-KEEPIXG. Hood, Thomas. 3. Complete Works of. 7 vols 15 00 3. Poetical Works of 3 75 Hopkins, J. H. 3. Life of 5 00 Horace. 3. By Th. Martin. Ancient Classics for English Readers .... 1 00 3. Works of. With a Commentary. By Wickham 6 00 3. Works of. With Notes. By T. Chase 1 50 2. Odes and Episodes. A Metrical Translation, with Latin Text 1 75 Horse, and Horsemanship. 4. Bruce. American Stud-Book, containing Full Pedigrees. 2 vols Each 10 00 3. Droyer. Seats and Saddles, Bits and Biting 2 00 4. Hanover. Law of Horse and Live-Stock 3 00 4. Herbert. Frank Forester's Horse and Horsemanship, con- tinued to 1871 15 00 3. Hunt. England's Horses for Peace and War London 2 50 3. McClure. Gentleman's Stable Guide, 1 50 3. Rarey. Art of Taming Horses London 1 00 2. Wallace. American Trotting Register 5 09 3. Walsh. Every Horse-Owner's Cyclopaedia 3 00 The Horse in Stable and Field London 6 25 3. Youatt. The Horse 4 00 Horseshoeing* 3. Douglas. Horseshoeing as it is, and as it should be. .Lon. 3 75 2. Fleming. Practical Horseshoeing 75 4. Gamgee. Treatise on Horseshoeing London 7 50 4. Miles. Modern Practical Farriery London 21 00 Horses, Diseases of. See also VETERINARY MEDICINE AND SURGERY. 2. Forrest. De Witt's American Farrier and Horse-Doctor. . 50 3. Maybe w. The Illustrated Horse-Doctor 3 50 3. Wharton. Treatment of Horses .. 1 25 92 HORTICULTURE. Horticulture. See also FARMING, FLOWER-GARDENING, FRUIT CULTURE, etc. 3. Barnard. Gardening for Money $1 50 3. Henderson. Gardening for Profit 1 50 2. May's Garden 1 50 3. Quinn. Money in the Garden 1 50 2. Rand. Window-Gardening 1 00 3. Scott, Frank. Suburban Home Grounds 8 00 Hospitals. 4. Bellevue and Charity Hospital Reports. Edited by W. A. Hammond, M. D 4 00 4. Duncan. Mortality of Childbed and Maternity Hospitals . . 2 50 4. Galton. Principles in the Construction of Hospitals 1 50 House-Building. See ARCHITECTURE. House-Painting. See GRAINING, PAINTING, etc. Household Receipts. See also COOKERY, DOMESTIC ECON- OMY, DOMESTIC MEDICINE, etc. 2. Cooley. Cyclopaedia of Practical Receipts 12 00 2. Dick. Encyclopaedia of Practical Receipts 5 00 2. The Household Treasury. A Manuscript Receipt-Book. . . 2 00 2. Youmans. Dictionary of Every-Day Wants 5 00 Hudson River* 4. Bardsen. Sailing Directions of Henry Hudson, and the Discovery of the Hudson River 2 00 2. Miller's Hudson River - 1 00 Hughes, Archbishop. 3. Life, Correspondence, and Writings 3 00 Huguenots* 3. Agnew. History of the French Protestant Exiles. 3 vols. London 12 00 3. Blackburn. Admiral Coligny and the Rise of the Hugue- nots. 2 vols 375 2. De 1'Orme. Huguenot Times in France London 1 75 2. Foote. The Huguenots, or Reformed French Church 2 00 3. Hanna. Wars of the Huguenots London 2 50 3. Smiles. Huguenots in France after the Revocation of the Edict of Nantes London 5 25 Human Anatomy. See ANATOMY. Humboldt, A. Ton. 3. Life of. 2 vols 10 50 8. Worksof. 9vols 36 00 Humboldt, W. von. 3. Letters to a Lady 1 25 3. Lives of Alexander and William 1 50 Humor. See ANECDOTES, BURLESQUES, etc. ICELAND. 93 Hungary. See also AUSTRIA, HISTORY OF. 4. Patterson. Magyars, their Country and Institutions. Lond. $9 00 Hunting and Trapping* See also FIELD SPORTS. 3. Bower; Hunting-Box Notes London 7 50 2. Hunter, S. J. Manual for Hunters and Trappers 1 50 2. Newhouse. The Trapper's Guide. 2 00 Husbandry. See FARMING, HORTICULTURE, etc. Huss, John. 3. Life and Times of. By Gillette. 2 vols 7 00 Hydraulics. See also MECHANICS, etc. 4. Box. Hydraulics, Practical Rules and Tables London 2 50 4. Bresse. "Hydraulic Motors. Translation 2 00 4. Deschanel. Mechanics, Hydrostatics, and Pneumatics. ... 1 75 3. Ewbank. Hydraulic and other Machines for raising Water 5 00 4. Francis. Lowell Hydraulic Experiments. 4to 15 00 3. Glynn. The Power of Water as applied to Hydrostatic Engines 1 25 Hydropathy. 3. Smedley. Practical Hydropathy London 1 25 2. Smedley, Mrs. Ladies' Manual of London 1 00 2. Willien. Modern Hydropathy London 1 00 Hydrophobia. 4. Fleming. Hydrophobia and Rabies London 7" 50 Hydrostatics* See HYDRAULICS. Hygiene. See also DIETETICS, DOMESTIC MEDICINE, etc. 2. Black. Ten Laws of Health 1 75 2. Bourgeois. Passions in their Relations to Health 1 25 2. Dirix. Woman's Guide to Health 2 00 3. Eassie. Healthy Houses 1 00 3. Fothergill. The Maintenance of Health 5 00 4. Gordon. Lessons in Hygiene and Surgery London 5 25 3. Hall. Sleep, or the Hygiene of the Night 1 50 3. Hinton. Health and its Conditions 1 50 3. Huxley and Youmans. Elements of Physiology and Hy- giene 1 75 3. Kingsley, Rev. Charles. Health and Education 1 75 4. Ordronaux. Preservation of Health in Armies 38 4. Parkes. Practical Hygiene 6 00 Hysterology. 4. Chapman. Hysterology 4 50 5. Strieker. Manual of Hysterology 10 00 Ice Age. See GEOLOGY. Iceland. 3. Nordhoff. Stories of the Island World 1 00 94 ICELANDIC LANGUAGE. 3. Taylor, Bayard. Egypt and Iceland in the Year 1874 $1 50 3. Waller. Six Weeks in the Saddle. Illustrated 1 75 Icelandic Language* 3. Bayldon. Icelandic Grammar London 3 75 5. Vigfusson. Icelandic-English Dictionary London 33 50 Idiocy. See INSANITY and MENTAL DISEASES. Illumination. 3. Delamotte. Primer of the Art of Illumination. 4to. Lond. 4 50 3. Ward. Practical Treatise of the Art of Illuminating. Lond. 2 50 3. Wyatt. Art of Illuminating 3 00 Immortality. See also CHRISTIAN DOCTRINES. 2. Evans. Curse of Immortality 2 00 2. Goodwin. Mode of Man's Immortality 1 25 2. Hall. Triumphing over Death 1 00 3. Perowne. Immortality 1 50 2. Whitmore. Doctrine of Immortality 1 00 Implements, Farm. See FARM IMPLEMENTS. India. A lifetime is too short to master the history of India, with its accessories of religions, languages, literatures, and arts, and whoever is not of a temperament to appreciate the poetry of it all, will not find it a very interesting study. Kaye's, MacJeod's, and Tjevelyan's books recount the dire story of the events which led to the horrors of Lucknow, and the works of Colchester, Prichard, and Walker indicate by their titles that they contain summary accounts of the history of the English in India. As a consecutive narrative of the fortunes and misfortunes of the race, whose pride it is to have engendered all the civilized nations of Europe and America, Wheeler's "History of India" is to be especially recommended for its great display of erudition, delicate critical judgment, and high-toned diction. 3. Butler. The Land of the Veda 4 00 4. Colchester. History of the Indian Administration of Lord Ellenborough London 9 00 4. Elliot. History of India as told by its own Historians. 4 vols London 40 00 3. Jungles of Mysore. 2 vols London 12 00 2. Jacolliot. The Bible in India. Translation 1 50 3. Kaye. History of the Sepoy War. 2 vols London 19 00 3. Letters from India and Kashmir. 1870. Annotated, 1873. London 15 75 2. Macleod. Days in North India. Illustrated 2 00 3. Prichard. Administration of India from 1859 to 1868. 2 vols 7 00 2. Thompson. Trye's Year among the Hindoos 1 25 3. Trevelyan. Cawnpore, Nana Sahib, and the Indian Mutiny. London 3 00 3. Trotter. History of India 3 00 2. Walker. The Indian Question 1 50 4. Wheeler. History of India from the Earliest Ages. Lond. 9 00 INSANITY. 95 Indiana. 2. Appletons' Hand-book of American Travel. Western Tour $2 00 3. Young. History of Wayne County, Indiana 5 00 Indians, American. 3. Bancroft, H. Native Races of the Pacific States. Each volume 6 00 3. Jones, Antiquities of the Southern Indians 6 00 3. Kelly, Mrs. My Captivity among the Sioux. Illustrated. 1 50 3. Ruttenber. Indian Tribes of Hudson's River 3 50 3. Walker. Indian Questions , '. . 1 50 3. Whipple and others. Taopi and his Friends 1 00 Industrial Arts* See special subjects and ARTS, INDUSTRIAL, DICTIONARIES OF. Infant Baptism. See BAPTISM. Infanticide. 2. Hodge. Fceticide ; or, Criminal Abortion 30 2. Van de Warker. Criminal Abortion 50 Infantry Tactics. See oho ARTILLERY, CAVALRY, MILITARY SCIENCE, etc. 2. Emory. New System of Infantry Tactics 1 00 2. Scott, General W. Infantry Tactics. 3 vols 3 00 3. Upton. Infantry Tactics 2 00 Infants, Diseases of. See CHILDREN. Infidelity. 2. Barker. Modern Skepticism 1 75 2. Christlieb. Modern Doubt and Christian Belief 3 00 3. Ellicott. Modern Skepticism London 3 75 3. Farrar. Critical History of Free Thought 2 00 3. Lecky. History of the Rise and Influence of the Spirit of Rationalism hi Europe. 2 vols 4 00 3. Manning. Half Truths and the Truth 2 00 3. Somerset. Christian Theology and Skepticism 1 00 Injunctions, Law of. 5. High, J. L. Law of Injunctions 7 50 5. Billiard. Law of Injunctions 7 50 5. Joyce. Law of Injunctions. 2 vols 22 50 5. Kerr. Law and Practice of Injunctions in Equity 7 50 Inorganic Chemistry. See CHEMISTRY, NATURAL PHILOSO- PHY, etc. Inquisition. 4. Rule. History of the Inquisition from the Twelfth to the Nineteenth Century. 2 vols 10 50 Insanity. See also MENTAL DISEASES. 3. Blandford. Insanity and its Treatment. 3 25 2. Fisher. Plain Talk'about Insanitv. . 1 50 96 INSECTS. 3. Hammond. Insanity in its Relations to Crime $1 00 3. Sheppard on Madness 2 50 3. Storer. The Causation, Course, and Treatment of Reflex Insanity in Women 1 50 Insects. See ENTOMOLOGY and NATURAL HISTORY. Instinct. See also BIOLOGY, DOGS, NATURAL HISTORY, etc. 3. Hamerton. Chapters on Animals 2 00 3. Miller, Hugh. Notes and Anecdotes of Animals 1 50 3. Watson. Reasoning Power of Animals 3 00 Insurance. See also FIRE INSURANCE, LIFE INSURANCE, etc. 5. Bigelow. Reports of Life and Accident Insurance Cases prior to 1871 ". 7 50 5. The same for 187l-'72 7 50 4. Bliss. The Law of Life Insurance 7 50 2. Currie. United States Insurance Almanac 2 00 4. May, J. W. Law of Insurance 7 60 5. State Laws of Insurance Corporations 10 00 Integral Calculus. See CALCULUS. Interest Tables. 2. Julian. Interest Tables on all Sums up to $10,000 1 00 2. Law. Simplified Interest Tables 3 00 2. McPheeter. Interest Table on Any Amount for from 1 to 360 Days. 4to 1 00 3. Smith. Interest Tables, with Useful Business Tables 150 2. Thelin, W. T. Decimal Interest Tables. 4to 3 50 Internal Revenue. 4. Bump. Internal Revenue Law 5 50 International Law. 3. Field, D. D. International Draft 5 00 4. Phillimore. Commentaries on International Law. Lon- don. 4 vols , 61 50 3. Woolsey. Introduction to the Study of International Law 2 25 Inventions and Inventors. 2. Fisher. Inventions and Discoveries : Curious Facts, etc. London 1 25 4. Smiles. Lives of Engineers from the Earliest Times. With Account of their Principal Works. 8 vols. London. Each 3 75 3. Threvithick. Inventions and Life of Inventors. 2 vols. London 18 00 2. Timbs. Inventors and Discoverers 1 50 Iowa. 5. Conklin and Bissell. The Iowa Justice 7 50 2. Fulton. The Free Lands of Iowa. With Map 75 5. Miller, Hon. W. E. Pleading and Practice in Iowa 6 00 2. Whyte, C. A. Physical Geography of Iowa 75 ISAIAH. 97 Ireland. See aho ENGLAND. Irish history is a tangled web, whether taken up at the question of the origin of the Gaedhilic race, or at the time of Wentworth, Cromwell, and James II., or where its meshes are netting our own country into the intrigues of Fenianisin. If anywhere, the reader has to use his " grain of salt " here, as well as in the books of the friends of the Irish, as in those of their enemies. Burke, Froude, Godkin, Lecky. and Thebaud, should be read together, each one to amplify and correct the statements of the others ; but if entertainment only, or insight into Irish character And customs, is sought, the volumes of Carleton will afford a pleasant hour. 3. Burke. The Case of Ireland $1 50 3. English Misrule in Ireland. . . 50 4. Calendar of State Papers relating to Ireland. James I. London 7 50 3. Carleton. Traits and Stories of the Irish Peasantry. 2vols. 12 00 2. Clare, Sister Mary. Compendium of Irish History. 12mo. 1 50 2. Cusack. The Patriot's History of Ireland. Illustrated. . . 125 3. De Vinne, D. History of the Irish Primitive Church, with Life of St. Patrick 1 50 3. Froude. The English in Ireland in the Eighteenth Century. 3 vols Each 2 50 3. Giles, Henry. Lectures on Irish and other Subjects 2 00 3. Godkin. The Land War hi Ireland 3 00 3. Religious History of Ireland London 6 00 3. Hall, S. C. Sketches of Irish Character. Illustrated.... 800 2. History of the War of Ireland, 1641-'53 1 50 3. Lecky. Leaders of Public Opinion in Ireland 1 75 2. Legends and Fairy Stories of Ireland. Illustrated 2 00 3. Macauley, J. Ireland in 1872 London 3 75 2. McGee. Popular History of Ireland. 2 vols 3 00 3. M'Cutchan. Irish Church and the Irish Nation. . .London 1 75 2. Meagher. On the Legislative Independence of Ireland. . . 1 50 3. Mitchell. History of Ireland 3 50 3. O'Callaghan. History of the Irish Brigades in France 5 00 2. O'Leary. Ireland among the Nations 1 00 2. Thebaud. The Irish Race in the Past and the Present. . . 3 50 Irish Language. 2. Bourke. Easy Lessons in Irish 1 50 3. Crowe. Irish Language London 3 75 Iron. See aho METALLURGY. 4. Kohn. Iron and Steel Manufacture. Illustrated 15 00 3. Percy. Manufacture of Russian Sheet-Iron. Illustrated.. 50 3. Pumpelly. Iron-Ores of Missouri and Michigan 20 00 3. Truran. Iron Manufacture of Great Britain. Illustrated. 10 00 Irving, Washington. 3. Works of. 2 vols 32 00 3. Life and Letters of. By P. M. Irving. 3 vols 3 75 Isaiah. 4. Birks. Commentary on Book of Isaiah London 6 00 3. Cheyne. Book of Isaiah, Chronologically Arranged 2 25 98 ITALIAN LANGUAGE. 3. Cowles. Isaiah $2 25 8. Delitzsch. Isaiah ; a New Translation 1 50 2. Fraser, D. Synoptical Lectures on the Books of/ Holy Scripture. Second Series. Isaiah Acts 2 00 2. Gemmel. The Gospel in Isaiah London 2 50 Italian Language. See also EDUCATIONAL WORKS. 3. Foutana. Elementary Italian Grammar 1 50 3. Foresti. Italian Reader 1 50 3. Volpe. Italian Grammar London 2 25 3. Meadows. Italian-English Dictionary 2 00 3. Millhouse. Italian-English Dictionary. 2 vols 600 2. OllendorflTs Italian 1 50 2. Key 1 00 Italy. 2. Abbott, Italy, and the War for Italian Independence 2 50 3. Baedeker. Northern and Southern Italy Guides. 2 vols. Each 2 50 3. Castelar. Old Rome and Xew Italy. Translation 1 75 3. Hawthorne, Mrs. N. Notes in England and Italy 5 00 2. Hunt. History of Italy '. 1 00 3. Lushington. The Italian War, 1848-'49 2 00 3. Pressense, De. Rome and Italy at the Opening of the (Ecumenical Council. Translation 1 50 2. Sketches of Life in Italy 1 75 3. Taine, H. Italy : Rome and Naples, Florence and Venice. Translation. *2 vols . .Each 2 50 Jackson, Andrew. 2. Life of. By Cobbett 75 Jackson, Stonewall. 3. Life of. Abridged from Dabney's London 1 75 3. By John Esten Cooke 2 00 Jamaica. 3. Gardner. History of Jamaica London 3 00 3. Letters from Jamaica London 2 25 James, Epistles of. 2. Johnstone. Lectures Exegetical and Practical 2 25 4. Lange. Commentary on James, Peter, John, and Jude. . . 5 00 Japan. It is difficult to write a good history of Japan. This is not owing to any lack of material, but to the great difference between the Japanese and ourselves physically, morally, and psychically. Even mere books of travel lack that sympathy with the country, the people, and their institutions, which alone can make such books inter- esting and trustworthy. Adams's " History of Japan," though but an outline of the leading incidents which have mainly determined the fortunes of that great empire of islands, is characterized by more fairness toward the Asiatics than previous works have exhibited, and in Humbert's " Japan and the Japanese " is shown a JEWS, HISTORY, RELIGION, ETC. 99 kindly appreciation of their odd ways which is quite refreshing after the thunder- storms of political, ethical, and religious criticisms so common in earlier narratives of personal experience and travel. 4. Adams. History of Japan. 2 vols London $10 50 3. Hawks. Perry's Narrative of the Expedition of an Ameri- can Squadron to the China Seas and Japan 5 00 3. Hiibner. A Ramble round the World. Translation 200 4. Humbert. Japan and the Japanese 15 00 3. Mitford. Tales of Old Japan. Illustrations by Japanese Artists. 2 vols 5 00 2. Mori. Education in Japan 1 00 3. Mossmann. New Japan 7 50 2. Taylor, Bayard. Japan in our Day. Illustrated 150 Japanese Language. 4. Hepburn, J. C. Japanese-English and English-Japanese Dictionary 3 00 Java. 3. Bickmore. Travels in the East-Indian Archipelago 5 00 3. Nordhoff. Stories of the Island World. Illustrated 1 00 3. Seward. Travels round the World 5 00 4. Wallace. Malay Archipelago. Studies of Man and Na- ture 3 50 Jefferson, Thomas. 3. Domestic Life of. By his Great-granddaughter 2 00 3. Life of. By James Parton 3 00 Jeffrey, Francis. 3. Life of. Bv Cockburn London 2 50 3. Essays../. 250 Jeremiah. 3. Cowles. Jeremiah and his Lamentations 2 00 4. Lange. Commentary on Jeremiah, Lamentations, etc. ... 5 00 Jerusalem. 3. Field. Stones of the Temple. Illustrated 2 50 2. Howe, F. The True Site of Calvary. Map of Jerusalem . 1 00 3. La Grange. Last Days of Jerusalem 1 25 3. Warren. Jerusalem, Ancient and Modern 1 25 3. Wilson and Warren. Recovery of Jerusalem. Illustrated 3 50 Jesuits. 2. Glimpse of the Great Secret Society .London 1 25 3. Parkman. Jesuits in North America in the Nineteenth Century 3 00 4. Rose. Ignatius Loyola and Early Jesuits London 8 00 3. Smith, R. Society of Jesus London 2 00 Jews, History, Religion, etc., of the. 3. Cowles. Hebrew History. From the Death of Moses to the Close of the Scripture Narrative 2 00 4. Ewald. History of Israel. 5 vols London 30 00 100 JOB, BOOK OF. 3. Gutheim. The Temple Pulpit $2 00 2. Home and Synagogue of Modern Jews 2 00 3. Lewin. What is Judaism ? or, a Few Words to the Jews. 1 00 3. Raphall. History of the Jews from 420 B. c. E. to 70 c. E. 2 vols 400 3. Strachey. Jewish History and Politics (in the Times of Sargon.) 6 00 4. Wines. Commentaries on the Laws of the Ancient He- brews 2 50 Job, Book of. 4. Green. Argument of Job Unfolded ..... 1 75 4. Lange's Commentary on Job. Translated by Tayler Lewis 5 00 John, the Gospel and Epistles of St. 2. Bruce. Commentary on the Gospel of St. John 3 00 2. Inglis. One with Christ in Glory. Thoughts on John xvii 4 50 4. Lange. Commentary on Epistles of James, Peter, John, and Jude 5 00 4 Commentary on the Gospel of John 5 00 2. Ryle. Expository Thoughts on the Gospels. Vol. 3. St. John 1 50 3. Sanday. Authorship and Character of the Fourth Gospel. 3 50 Jordan. 3. Jordan and its Yalley, and the Dead Sea. Illustrated. ... 50 3. Tristram. Land of Moab. Travels and Discoveries on the East Side of the Dead Sea, and the Jordan 250 Josephus. 3. Translation. By Whiston. 2 50 3. Works of. Edited by Isaac Taylor 18 00 Joshua. 3. Crosby. Expository Notes on the Book of Joshua 1 00 4. Lange. Commentary on Joshua, Judges, and Ruth 5 00 Journalism. 3. Grant, J. The Newspaper Press. Its Origin, Progress, and Present Position. 2 vols 15 00 3. Hudson. Journalism in the United States 5 00 Jude, Book of. 4. Lange. Commentary on James, Peter, John, and Jude. . . 5 00 Judges, Book of. 2. Dod's. Israel's Iron Age London 2 50 4. Lange. Commentary on Joshua, Judges, and Ruth 5 00 Judgments, Law of. 5. Freeman. Law of Judgments 6 50 2. Lawyer's Docket and Transcript of Judgments, etc. 4to . . 4 00 Jury. 4. Ram. Facts as Subjects of Inquiry by a Jury 5 00 2. Reilly. The Juror. Revised by Sharpley 50 JUVENILES. 101 Justification. See ATONEMENT and REDEMPTION. Juvenal. 3. Hart's Maclean's Translation $1 50 3. By Leverett 1 25 3. Bv Simcox 1 50 3. By Walford. Ancient Classics for English Readers 1 00 Juveniles. I. FOE BOYS AND GIRLS. Abbott, Jacob. The Jonas Books 4 50 William Gay 3 00 John Gay 3 00 Abbott, Rosa. Tommy Hickup 1 00 Young Detective 1 00 Alexis, the Runaway 1 00 Jack of All Trades 1 00 Pinks and Blues 1 00 Upside Down 1 00 Alcott, Louisa M. Morning Glories 1 50 Little Women.. . , 3 00 An Old-Fashioned Girl. Little Men My Boys . Aldrich, T. B. Story of a Bad Boy. Marjorie Daw. 50 50 00 50 50 A. L. 0. E. Silver Keys 75 Andersen, Hans Christian. Stories and Tales 2 25 ; 2 50 Christmas Story-Book 1 50 Wonderful Tales 1 25 Danish Story-Book 1 25 Famous Tales 1 25 Little Rudy 90 The Story-Teller 90 Little Ellie 90 Christmas Greeting 90 Picture-Book without Pictures 90 Story-Book 1 25 Appletons' Juvenile Annual 2 00 Arabian Nights' Entertainments 1 50 Arthur, T. S. Idle Hands 200 Atlantic Library. Illustrated. 7 vols 7 00 00 50 50 50 50 Bache, R. M. The Young Wreckers of the Florida Reef. Baker, George M. Running to Waste Ballantyne, R. M. The Floating Light of the Goodwin Sands Deep Down. Erling the Bold. Fighting the Flames 1 50 Black Ivory-Worker 1 75 The Pioneers 1 00 Gascoyne 1 25 102 JUVENILES. Ballantyne, R. M. The Wild Man of the West $1 25 The Dog Crusoe 1 25 The Gorilla-Hunters 1 25 Shifting Winds 1 25 Freaks on the Fells 1 25 Bible Stories in Bible Language 1 25 Brooks, Charles T. Max and Maurice 1 25 Brothers Grimm. Popular Tales 2 50 Burnand, F. C. The New History of Sanford and Merton ... 1 75 Bussey-Fables. Original and Selected, with History of Fable Illustrated 2 50 Camden, Charles. When I was Young 125 Castlemon, Harry. The Sportman's Club in the Saddle 1 25 Frank in the Mountains 1 25 Frank among the Rancheros 1 25 Frank at Don Carlos's Rancho 1 25 Frank on a Gunboat 1 25 Frank on the Prairie 1 25 Frank before Vicksburg 1 25 Frank on the Lower Mississippi 1 25 Frank in the Woods 1 25 Go Ahead 1 50 Tom Newcomb 1 50 No Moss 1 50 Channing, E. P. Adventures of a German Toy 75 Chellis, M. D. Father Merrill 1 50 Child-Life in Italy 1 50 Child-Life hi Europe ; a Sequel to Child-Life in Italy 1 50 Children's Magazine 1 25 Christopher, Fanny H. The Young Hero of Wiirtemberg. Cincinnati 50 Clarke, Mary Cowden. Yarns of an Old Mariner 1 50 Cobden, Paul. Who will win ? 1 25 Going on a Mission 1 15 The Turning Wheel 1 25 Continental Library. 6 vols 4 50 De Foe, Daniel. Robinson Crusoe. With Memoir of the Author 1 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 Fire in the Woods 1 50 Treasure of the Seas 1 50 Diaz, Abby Morton. The William Henry Letters 1 50 William Henry and his Friends 1 50 Du Chaillu. Stories of the Gorilla Country 1 60 Wild Life under the Equator 1 50 De Liefde, John. The Postman's Bag De Mille, Prof. James. Among the Brigands. The Seven Hills. The B. 0. W. C. . Lost in the Fog. . Picked up Adrift. The Boys of Grand-Pre School. JUVENILES. 103 Du Chaillu. Lost in the Jungle $1 50 My Apingi Kingdom 1 50 The Country of the Dwarfs 1 50 Eiloart, Mrs. The Boy with an Idea 1 75 Estelle. Stories about Dogs 50 Everett, William. Changing Base 1 25 Double Play 1 25 Fantastic History of the Celebrated Pierrot. Rendered into English by Munro 3 00 Fireside Library. 8 vols 7 00 Happy Child's Library. 18 vols 9 00 Howitt, Mary. Series of Popular Juvenile Works. 14 vols. 7 00 Johnson, Helen Kendrick. Roddy's Romance 1 00 Kellogg, Elijah. The Spark of Genius. , 28 26 25 25 25 25 21; 25 The Turning of the Tide. The Whispering Pines The Sophomores of RadclifFe. The Young Deliverers The Young Shipbuilders.. . . , . Winning his Spurs Lion Ben of Elm Island Charlie Bell 1 25 The Ark of Elm Island 1 25 The Boy Farmers of Elm Island 1 25 The Young Shipbuilders of Elm Island. 1 25 The Hardscrabble of Elm Island 1 25 Arthur Brown 1 25 A Stout Heart 1 25 John Godsoe's Legacy 1 25 Kingsley, Charles. The Heroes 1 50 Kingston, W. H. G. Adrift in a Boat 1 25 Washed Ashore 1 50 Schoolboy Days 1 50 Off to Sea 1 50 Le Sage. Gil Bias, Adventures of. Translated. Illustrated 3 00 Leslie, Mrs. Jack the Chimney-Sweep 1 50 Low, Lieutenant. Tales of Old Ocean 1 50 Malot, Hector. Remain Kalbirs 1 50 Mannering, May. Billy Grimes's Favorite 1 00 The Cruise of the Dashaway 1 00 The Little Spaniard 1 00 Salt-Water Dick 1 00 Marryat. Juvenile Stories 3 00 Mathews, Julia A. Our Four Boys 1 10 Mclntosh. New Juvenile Library. 7 vols 3 00 M. E. B. Clement's Trial and Victory 1 10 Mills, Lucy. Jack Masters. . . v 1 50 Nieritz, Gustav. Erna, the Forest Princess Rochester 60 Oliver Optic. Outward Bound 1 50 Palace and Cottage 1 50 Field and Forest.. . 1 25 104 JUVENILES. Oliver Optic. Plane and Plank $1 25 Desk and Debit 1 25 Cringle and Cross-Tree 1 25 Battle and Bivouac. Sea and Shore . . Poor and Proud. Proud and Lazv. 25 25 25 45 50 25 Red Cross ; or, Young America in England and Wales Rich and Humble Robinson Crusoe, Jr 45 Seek and Find 1 25 Shamrock and Thistle ; or, Young America hi Ireland and Scotland 1 50 Sunny Shores ; or, Young America in Italy and Austria 1 50 Switch Off. 1 25 The Boat-Club 1 25 The Do-Somethings 45 The Gold Thimble 45 The Picnic Party 45 The Starry Flag 1 25 The Way of the World 1 50 The Yacht-Club 1 50 Through by Daylight 1 25 Try Again 1 25 Uncle Ben 45 Up the Baltic ; or, Young America in Norway, etc. . . 1 50 Watch and Wait 1 25 Work and Win 1 25 Young Voyagers 45 The Sailor Boy 1 60 The Soldier Boy. The Yankee Middy The Young Lieutenant. Brave Old Salt. . O'Reilly, Eleanor. Giles's Minority Parley, Peter. Fagots for the Fireside Wanderers by Sea and Land Parley's Present for all Seasons Poole, L. E. Johnnie, the Railroad Boy. . . Porter, Jane. Scottish Chiefs. Illustrated 50 50 50 50 25 50 50 50 15 50 Power, P. B. Truffle Nephews 1 00 Reid, Mayne. The Castaways 1 25 Roche, R". M. Children of the Abbey 1 50 School Life of Ben and Bentie 90 Sedgwick, Miss. Facts and Fancies 1 00 Morals of Manners 1 00 Swiss Family Robinson. Illustrated 1 50 Thurston, Louise M. How Charley Roberts became a Man . . 1 00 Home in the West 1 00 Trowbridge, J. T. Jack Hazard and his Fortunes 1 50 A Chance for Himself. . 1 50 JUVENILES. 105 Trowbridge, J. T. Doing his Best $1 50 Verne, Jules. Twenty Thousand Leagues under the Sea 3 50 ; 4 00 Tour of the World in Eighty Days 1 50 ; 3 00 The Fur Country 3 50 Five Weeks in a Balloon 2 00 Dr. Ox 1 00 From the Clouds to the Mountains 1 50 In Search of the Castaways. 3 50 ; 4 00 Baltimore Gun-Club 1 50 Journey to the North Pole 1 50 Field of Ice 1 50 Adventures in the Land of the Behemoth 1 50 Journey to the Centre of the Earth 3 00 ; 1 00 ; 75 From the Earth to the Moon 3 00 Meridiana 75 Floating City, and Blockade-Runners 3 00 Vieux Moustache. Boarding-School Days 1 50 Two Lives in One 1 60 Our Fresh and Salt Tutors 1 50 Winter Evening Library for Young People. 8 vols 12 00 Yonge, Miss. Lances of Lynwood 75 Kichard the Fearless 75 Ben Sylvester's Word 60 The Stokesley Secret 60 Friarswood Post-Office 60 Young American's Library. 9 vols 4 50 II. FOE BOYS SPECIALLY. Aldrich, T. B. Story of a Bad Boy 1 50 Edgar. History for Boys 1 20 Boyhood of Great Men 1 20 Footprints of Great Men 1 20 Sea-Kings and Naval Heroes 1 20 Wars of the Roses 1 20 Finley, Martha. An Old-Fashioned Boy 1 50 Foa, Eugenie. Boy Artists 1 00 Howitt, William. A Boy's Adventures in the Wilds of Aus- tralia 1 50 Hyde, Anna M. American Boy's Life of Washington 1 25 Lee, Miss. Historic Tales for Youth 75 Miller, Emily Huntington. Royal Road to Fortune 1 50 Reid, Mayne. Scalp-Hunters 1 50 War-Trail 1 50 Hunter's Feast 1 50 Tiger-Hunter 1 50 Osceola 1 50 The Quadroon 1 50 Rangers and Regulators 1 50 White Gauntlet 1 50 White Chief. . . 1 50 106 JUVENILES. Reid, Mayne. Headless Horseman $1 50 Lost Lenore 1 50 Wood-Rangers 1 50 Wild Huntress 1 50 The Maroon 1 50 Rifle Rangers 1 50 WildLife 1 50 Ships and Sailors. Ancient and Modern. Illustrated 1 50 Smiles. Round the World, by a Boy 1 50 Tuttle, Rev. E. B. Boys' Book about Indians 1 50 Yieux Moustache. Boarding-School Days 1 50 Two Lives in One 150 Our Fresh and Salt Tutors 1 50 Willis, Julia A. WhataBoy! 125 Wright, Julia McNair. Two Boys 1 50 III. FOE GIELS SPECIALLY. Abbott, Jacob. The Lucy Books . . . 4 50 Mary Gay 3 00 Alcott, Louisa M. Little Women 3 00 Old-Fashioned Girl Berry, M. E. Celesta Channing, E. P. Aunt Zelpeth's Baby. Cheney, E. D. Sallie Williams Chesebro, Caroline. Amy Carr. Child, L. Maria. The Girl's Own Book. Children of Mount Ida. Diaz, Abby Morton. Lucy Maria , Douglas, A. M. Kathie's * Three Wishes . Kathie's Summer at Cedarwood. Kathie's Soldiers . In the Ranks Kathie's Harvest-Days, Farquarharson, Martha. Elsie Dinsmore. Elsie's Girlhood. 50 25 00 50 15 00 25 50 00 00 00 00 00 50 50 Holidays at Roselands 1 50 Finley, Martha. Lillian 50 Guernsey, Lucy Ellen. Our Tabby 1 00 The Orphan Nieces 85 Upward and Onward 85 Hosmer, Margaret. Lily's Hard Words 75 Kinmont, Mary. Afternoons with Grandma 1 25 Leslie, Mrs. The Motherless Children 1 50 Manners, Mrs. Hester and 1 60 Mathews, Joana H. Fanny's Birthday Present 1 25 May, Sophie. Little Prudy ' 75 Little Prudy's Sister Susy 75 Little Prudy's Captain Horace 75 Little Prudy's Cousin Grace 75 Little Prudy's Story-Book 75 JUVENILES. 107 May, Scphie. Little Prudy's Dotty Dimple $ 75 Dotty Dimple at her Grandmother's 75 Dotty Dimple at Home 75 Dotty Dimple out West 75 Dotty Dimple at Play 75 Dotty Dimple at School 75 Dotty Dimple's Flyaway 75 Little Folks Astray 75 Prudy Keeping House 75 Aunt Madge's Story 75 Little Grandmother 75 Little Grandfather 75 Miss Thistledown 75 Payne, A. M. Rhoda's Corner 1 25 Pollard, Josephine. Gipsy's Early Days 80 Shipley, Mary E. Jessie's Work \ 1 50 Thurston, Louise M. How Eva Roberts Gained her Educa- tion 1 00 Children of Amity Court 1 00 Townsend, Virginia F. Only Girls 1 50 Under the Lime-Trees ; or, Grandmother's Stories at Hurst Farm 2 00 Waring, Susie M. Diamonds and Rubies 40 IV. FOE YOUNG CHILDREN. Alden, Joseph, D. D. The Cardinal-Flower 50 The Lost Lamb 50 Henry Ashton 50 The Light-hearted Girl 50 Audubon, Harriet B. Popular Fairy Tales hi Words of One Syllable 1 50 Favorite Fairy Tales in Words of One Syllable 1 50 Aunt Fanny. Story-Book 75 The Six Mitten Books 5 00 Nightcap Series. 6 vols 5 00 Bispham, H. C. Papa's Book of Animals 1 50 Brown, H. F. M. Our Children 75 Captain Wolf, and Other Sketches of Animal Biography. Il- lustrated. . 2 00 CasselPs Colored Toy-Books Each 50 Chester, Sarah. Roly and Poly in the Nursery 75 Roly and Poly at Aunt Merciful Graticap's 75 Roly and Poly at Pinkville 75 50 50 50 50 Cousin Alice. Home Series .1 00 Child, L. Maria. Rainbows for Children. Coolidge, Susan (Sarah C. Woolsey). The New- Year's Bargain What Katy did. What Katy did at School Cousin Carrie's Sun-Rays, Keep a Good Heart. 00 00 108 JUVENILES. Cridge, Annie Den ton. Crumb-Basket $ 50 Dana, Mrs. Young Sailor 75 De Fontaine, Mrs. F. G. Wisdom Teeth for Little People ... 60 Dickens, Charles. Dickens's Little Folks 9 00 ; 10 00 Douglas, Marian. Picture Poems for Young Folks 1 50 Dodge, Mary Mapes. Rhymes and Jingles. 4to 3 00 Fell, Archie. Apron-Strings 1 25 Godolphin, Mary. One-Syllable Books Robinson Crusoe, Swiss Family Robinson, Evenings at Home, Pilgrim's Progress Each 1 25 Gorham, Elsie. Rainy Day in the Nursery 75 Gourand, Julie. A Little Boy's Story 1 50 Grandmother's Library. 6 vols 4 50 Gray, Hester. Kitty Barton ' 60 Hallowell, Mrs. S. C. Bee's Bed-Time 125 Hamilton, Gail. Child- World. Part 1 1 00 1 50 Child-World. Part II 100 150 Little Folk Life 90 Huber, Anne S. The Nursery Rattle 2 00 Ingelow, Jean. Stories told to a Child 2 50 Poor Matt 60 Leal. Fables for Little Folks 85 Lee, Leila. Wee-Wee Songs 75 Ledyard. Yery Young Americans 1 00 Leslie, Mrs. The Motherless Children 1 50 Howard and his Teacher 1 50 Little Folks Series. 3 vols 275 Little Mother 2 50 Little Rosy's Picture-Book 1 50 Little Rosy's Travels; or, Country Scenes in the South of France 2 50 Lowell, Mrs. A. C. Posies for Children 75 Mannering, May. Climbing the Rope 1 00 Martha's Hooks and Eyes 50 Mary's Garden : and Where the Flowers Went 1 50 May's Own Boy 1 25 M. L. R. S. Oakhurst 85 Laurence Listen, Jr 85 Moulton, Louise Chandler. Bed-Time Stories 1 50 Mouser, Mrs 1 25 Mulock, Miss. Little Sunshine's Holiday 90 Is it True ? 90 Our Little Pet's Own Picture-Book 1 00 Palmer, Lynde. Drifting and Steering 1 25 One Day's Weavings 1 25 Archie's Shadow 1 25 John-Jack 1 25 Helps over Hard Places 90 Phelps, Elizabeth Stuart. The Trotty-Book 150 Trotty's Wedding Tour 1 50 Prescott, Mary N. Matt's Follies 1 50 KHIVA. 109 Raymond, R. W. The Children's Week $1 25 Sanford, Mrs. Pussy Tip-Toe's Family 2 25 Sedgwick, Miss. Stories for Young Persons 75 Stahl, P. J. Little Chatterbox. Illustrated. Translation. 4to 75 Master Caesar. Illustrated. Translation. 4to 75 Hector's Adventure. Illustrated. Translation. 4to. 75 Master Tom's Transformation. Illustrated. Transla- tion. 4to 75 Strickland, Agnes. Tales from English History for Children. 1 25 Sybil and her Snowball. Illustrated 50 Theodore Thinker's Stories for Little Children 5 00 Walker, Mrs. E. A. Pilgrim's Progress in Words of One Syl- lable 1 50 Ward, Marcus. Royal Illuminated Legends. 4to Each 50 Wright, Henry C. A Kiss for a Blow 150 Kansas. 2. Appletons r Hand-book of American Travel. Western Tour 2 00 2. Copley. Kansas and the Country beyond 1 00 2. Hutchinson. Resources of Kansas 1 50 Kearney, Philip. 3. Personal and Military History of. By J. W. De Peyster. . . 3 00 Keats. 3. Eve of St. Agnes. Illustrated by Foster 2 50 3. Poetical Works 2 00 Keble, John. 3. Memoir of. By Coleridge. 2 vols 4 00 3. Musings over the " Christian Year " and " Lyra Innocen- tium ; " with Recollections of Friends 2 00 Keith, Mrs. Caroline P. 2. Memoir of 1 50 Kendall, A. 3. Autobiography 5 00 Kennedy, John P. 3. Life and Letters of. By Tuckerman 2 00 Kentucky. 2. Appletons' Hand-book of American Travel. Southern Tour 200 2. Drake. Pioneer Life in Kentucky 3 00 Khiva. See also CENTRAL ASIA. The highest authority on the history and ethnology of the countries of Central Asia is unquestionably Vambery, the Hungarian professor ; but in regard to politics his statements are less trustworthy, as they are ordinarily actuated by a seemingly inherent, antipathy for every thing Eussian. MacGahan, a correspondent of the 110 KIDNEYS, DISEASES OF. New York Herald, who was present with the Eussian army at the recent capture of Khiva, has, according to general acknowledgment, given a very impartial account of the campaign, and made of it a very entertaining volume, full of accurate infor- mation. 3. Ker. On the Road to Khiva London $6 00 3. MacGahan. Campaigning on the Oxus, and the Fall of Khiva. Illustrated 3 50 3. Spalding. Khiva and Turkestan. Translation 4 50 4. Vambery. Central Asia and Anglo-Russian Frontier Ques- tion London 3 75 4. Wood. Source of the Oxus London 6 00 Kidneys, Diseases of. 3. Basham.. Renal Diseases 2 00 3. Biichner. Morbus Brightii 1 25 4. Johnson. Lectures on Bright's Disease 2 25 4. Rusham. Disease of the Kidneys. . .* 2 00 3. Stuart. Practical Treatise on Bright's Disease of the Kid- neys 3 50 Kindergarten. See also EDUCATIONAL WORKS. 2. Douai. The Kindergarten 1 00 2. Hailman. Kindergarten Culture 75 2. Kriege. The Child 1 00 3. Peabody. Moral Culture of Infancy 1 25 3. Wiebe. * The Paradise of Childhood 3 00 Kings, The Books of. 5. Lange. Commentary on the First and Second Books of Kings 5 00 3. Yonge, C. M. Scripture Readings ; Kings and Prophets . . 1 50 Knight, Charles. 3. Passages from the Life of. 2 50 Knox, Henry. 3. Life of. By Drake 3 00 Knox, Robert, the Anatomist. 3. Life and Writings of. By Lonsdale 2 50 Koran. See also MOHAMMEDANISM. 4. Sale. The Koran London 4 25 3. Weil. The Bible, Koran, and Talmud. Compiled from Arabic Sources, and compared with Jewish Traditions. . . 1 00 Labor Question. See also MONOPOLIES, POLITICAL ECON- OMY, and SOCIAL SCIENCE. 3. Brassey. Work and Wages 3 00 3. Cassagnac, Gamier de. History of the Working and Bur- gher Classes 2 50 2. Le Play. Organization of Labor in Accordance with Deca- logue. Translation 2 00 3. Ruskin. Fors Clavigera 1 00 LANDSCAPE GARDENING. HI 3. Thornton. Labor, its Wrongful Claims and Rightful Ones. $4 50 3. Wright. Practical Treatise on Labor 2 00 Lace. 4. Palliser. A History of Lace 10 50 4. Tread win. Antique, Point, and Honiton Lace London 5 25 Lachrymal Affections. See EYE, DISEASES OF. Lacordaire. 3. Conferences on Life 3 00 3. Conferences on God 3 00 3. Conferences on our Lord Jesus Christ 3 00 3. Conferences on the Church 5 00 3. Life of 3 00 Lake George. 3. Butler. Lake George and Lake Champlain from the First Discovery 1 75 2. Da Costa. Lake George ; its Scenery, etc 1 00 3. Stoddard. Lake George 1 00 Lamartine, Alphonse de. 3. Additional Memoirs of my Youth 25 4. Celebrated Characters. 3 vols 4 50 3. Genevieve 25 4. Girondists. 3 vols 4 50 3. Memoirs of my Youth 25 3. Past and Present 1 00 3. Raphael 1 25 3. Stone-Mason of Saint-Point 1 25 Lamb, Charles. 3. Complete Works, with Portrait. 4 vols. Moxon's edition 16 00 3. Complete Works, with Portrait London 3 76 Lamb, Mary and Charles. 3. Poems, Letters, and Remains of. 3 00 Lamentations. See JEREMIAH. Landlord and Tenant. 2. Landlord and Tenant's Lawyer 2 00 4. Smith & Soden. Law of Landlord and Tenant 5 00 4. Taylor. Landlord and Tenant Law 7 50 Landon, L. E. 3. Complete Works of 3 50 Landor, Walter Savage. 3. Biography of. By Foster 3 50 3. Works of. 2 vols London 10 50 Landscape Gardening. 2. Cleveland. Landscape Architecture 1 50 3. Scott. The Art of Beautifying Suburban Homes. 4to. . . . 8 00 112 LANDSEER, SIB EDWIN. 3. Weidenmann. Beautifying Country Homes. A Hand-book of Landscape Gardening. 4to $15 00 Landseer, Sir Edwin. 3. Memoir of. By F. G. Stephens London 10 50 3. Pictures, Descriptions of. By Dafforne. Folio.. . .London 16 75 Land-Surveying. See SURVEYING. Land Tenure. 3. Sigerson. Land Tenures, etc., of Ireland London 3 75 3. System of Land Tenure in Various Countries. Essays. ... 4 00 Language, and Linguistic Studies. See also ENGLISH LANGUAGE, STUDIES IN, and names of languages. The study of language, as any means of communicating thought, and especially as any form of articulate speech, and not as the study of one language, or several, has recently been extended to enormous dimensions. The science of language inquires into the origin of language, into the laws of the development of one, or several, or all languages ; into the reasons of the diversities or similarities of lan- guages ; into the causes of the grammatical and syntactical constructions peculiar to each, and into the relations which various languages hold to each other. To attain a general knowledge of the portent of these questions, and of the progress which has recently been made toward the solution of the multitude of problems arising from them, one can do no better than read the " Lectures on the Science of Language," by Max Muller, and the essays on " Language and the Study of Lan- guage," by W. D. Whitney. It is advisable to read the works of both eminent scholars, as their opinions on some important subjects are directly opposed to each other. 3. Andrews. The Primary Synopsis of Universology and Al- wato 1 50 3. Bleek. On the Origin of Language 50 4. Caldwell. Comparative Grammar of the Dravidian or South Indian Family of Languages London 15 00 2. Hall, F. False Philology 1 00 2. Johnson. Meaning of Words 1 25 3. Key, T. H. Language; its Origin and Development. Lond. 7 00 4. Liancourt and Pincott. Primitive and Universal Laws of the Formation of Language London 6 25 2. Marcel. The Study of Languages brought back to its True Principles 1 25 Muller, Max. Lectures on the Science of Language. First Series 2 50 Second Series 3 50 Sandford. Names and their Meanings 75 4. Sayce. Principles of Comparative Philology London 5 25 4. Schleicher. Compendium of the Comparative Grammar of the Indo-European, Sanskrit, Greek, and Latin Lan- guages. Translation. Part I London 3 75 3. Whitney. Oriental and Linguistic Studies 2 50 3. Language and the Study of Language 2 50 Language of Flowers. See FLOWERS, LANGUAGE OF. LAW, MISCELLANEOUS, ETC. 113 La Plata. See ARGENTINE REPUBLIC. Larynx. See THROAT. Las Casas. 3. Life of. By Helps London $3 00 Latin Grammar. See also EDUCATIONAL WORKS. 2. Arnold. First and Second Latin Book 1 25 2. Latin Prose Composition 1 25 3. Harkness. Elements of Latin Grammar. 12mo 1 25 3. Madvig. Latin Grammar. 3 00 4. Roby. Grammar of Latin Language. Part II 3 50 Latin Language, Dictionaries of. See also EDUCA- TIONAL WORKS. 4. Smith and Hall. Copious and Critical English-Latin Dic- tionary 6 00 3. White. Complete Latin-English and English-Latin Dic- tionary for Junior Students 4 50 Law. See special subjects. Law Almanacs and Diaries. 2. Annual Law Almanac 2 00 2. Lawyers' Diary 1 00 Law Dictionaries. 5. Bouvier. Law Dictionary 12 00 5. Cowdery. Pacific Law Encyclopaedia 7 60 Law Directories. 3. Hubbell. Legal Dictionary for Lawyers 2 50 3. Martindale. United States Law Directory 6 50 Law, Miscellaneous, Essays and Treatises on. 3. Amos, Sheldon. The Science of Law 1 75 2. Anthony. Law Student 3 50 Y-2. Bradwell. Examinations of Law Students 60 V"4. Brown. Legal Maxims 7 50 2. Bryant and Stratton. Commercial Law for Business Men . 4 00 2. Butler. Lawyer and Client 1 00 3. Carey. Unity of Law 3 50 3. Cox. The Old Institutions 5 00 2. Heard. Curiosities of Law Reporters 1 50 4. Jameson. Constitutional Conventions. History, Powers, and Modes of Proceeding 5 00 3. Maine. Ancient Law 2 50 3. Early History of Institutions. Continuation of Ancient Law .London 3. Markly. Elements of Law 2 50 S.Montesquieu. The Spirit of Laws. Translated. 2vols.. 600 3. Noye. Maxims of the Laws of New England 2 00 4. Ram, J. Science of Legal Judgments 5 00 2. Riddle. Law Students aud Lawyers, etc 2 00 114 LAW PRACTICE AND PROCEEDINGS. 3. Sewell. Pension, Bounty, and Prize Laws $8 00 3. Shurswood. Lectures introductory to the Study ot Law. . 1 50 2. Thayer. The Law considered as a Progressive Science ... 30 2. Wells. Every Man his own Lawyer 2 00 Law Practice and Proceedings. 4. Baylie. Law and Practice 5 00 4. Hill. Common-Law Practice. 2 vols , 15 00 4. Murray. Court Proceedings , . 3 00 4. Wait. Practice at Law and Equity 7 50 Laws, Conflict of. 4. Story, J. Conflict of Laws 7 50 3. Wharton. Conflict of Laws 150 Lee, General Robert E. 3. Keminiscences, Anecdotes, and Letters of. By Rev. J. William Jones. Illustrated 3 50 3. Life of. By John Esten Cooke 5 00 Legends* 3. Collins, H. Cistercian Legends of the Thirteenth Century. London 1 75 3. Gould-Baring. Legends of Patriachs and Prophets 2 00 3. Knatchbull-Hugesson. River Legends ; or, Father Thames and Father Rhine. Illustrated by Dore London 3 75 3. Strange. Legends of the Old Testament traced to their Primitive Sources 3 50 3. Ward. Royal Illustrated Legends. 4to Each 50 3. Four Legends 2 50 Lent. See CHURCH OF ENGLAND. Le Sage 3. Gil Bias. Translated. Illustrated . 3 50 Lessing. 3. Nathan the Wise 1 50 3. Life and Works. By A. Stahr. 2 vols 6 00 Lettering. See DESIGNING. Letters and Letter-Writing. 2. Anderson. Practical Mercantile Letter- Writer 1 25 2. Holcombe. Literature in Letters 2 00 2. Useful Letter- Writer. 32mo, 38mo, 24mo 75 Leveling. See SURVEYING. Leviticus, Book of. 3. Murphy, J. G. Leviticus. With a New Translation 2 50 Lexington, Kentucky. 3. Ranch. History of Lexington 4 00 Libel. See SLANDER. LIVT. 115 Lien Laws, Mechanics'. 4. Guernsey. Mechanics' Lien Laws for New York $4 50 4. Phillips. On Mechanics' Liens 7 50 Life-Boats. 2. Forbes. Life-Boats 1 00 3. Gilmore. Storm Warriors of Life-Boat Work on the Good- win Sands London 3 00 3. Lewis. History of the Life-Boat and its Work . . .London 2 50 Life Insurance. 4. Bliss. Law of Life Insurance 7 50 4. Sharpstein. Insurance Cases 3 00 3. Willey. Treatise upon the Cost of Life Insurance 2 00 Ligation. See SURGERY. Light. 3. Deschanel. Sound and Light 1 75 3. Phipson. Phosphorescence ; or, Emission of Light by Animals, Plants, etc 1 75 4. Spottiswood. Polarization of Light 1 00 2. Tyndall. Lectures on Light 1 00 3. Light and Electricity 1 25 Lighthouses. 3. Elliot. European Lighthouse Establishment 4. Stephenson, T. Lighthouse Illumination London 6 25 Limitation, Law of. 5. Angell. Treatise on the Limitations of Actions at Law, etc. 7 50 4. Well Law of Limitation 5 00 Lincoln, Abraham. 3. Lifeof. ByArnold 400 3. Life of. By Thayer 1 50 Literary Criticisms. See ESSAYS. Literary Men. See BIOGRAPHY, COLLECTIVE. Literature. See name of language or author, and NOVELS AND ROMANCES, and POEMS AND BALLADS. Liver, Diseases of. 2. Habershon. Diseases of Liver 1 50 4. Murchison. Functional Derangement of the Liver 2 50 3. Ward. Affections of the Liver 3 00 Livingston, Edward. 3. Life of. By Hunt 4 00 Livingstone, Dr. David. 3. Life History of. Illustrated 2 00 Livy. See also EDUCATIONAL WORKS, LATIN. 2. With Notes. By Lincoln 1 75 3. Translated. By Owan London 2 00 7 116 LOCK-JAW. Lock- Jaw. See TETANUS. Locomotive-Engineering. See ENGINEERING. Logarithms. See also EDUCATIONAL WORKS. 3. Pierce. Elements of Logarithms $1 00 Logic. Wilson takes the ground that logic deals, not with ideas, but with things, repre- sented by words under the aspects in which the mind contemplates them ; Jevons holds that induction is but a form of deduction, and that we cannot obtain any insight into the notion of things by which we can attain necessary truths and axioms; McCosh considers logic to be based upon " the notion" and the nature and relation of terms as the foundation of all reasoning; Mill belongs to the sensational school, and does not make logic an a priori science ; Bain conceives and treats logic as Mill does, and enters upon discussions of the modern generalization of the correlation or indestructibility of force or energy ; the Hegelian logic is a portion of the general scheme of absolute idealism ; Tappan's logic follows the Kantian system, and it depends on the state of the reader's logical discipline which work he shall choose to read next. 2. Alden. Elements of Intellectual Philosophy 125 3. Bain. Logic, Deductive and Inductive 2 00 3. Balmes. Elements of Logic 1 00 4. Boole. Laws of Thought 600 2. Champlin. Text-Book of Intellectual Philosophy 1 50 3. Everett. Science of Thought ". 2 00 4. Hegel. Logic. Translation 7 00 4. Jevons. Principles of Science. A Treatise on Logic and Scientific Methods 5 00 4. Locke. Human Understanding 4 50 3. McCosh. Logic. 1 50 4. Mill. A System of Logic 3 00 3. Porter, Noah. Elements of Intellectual Science 3 00 3. Tappan. Logic 1 50 3. Wilson. Elementary Treatise on Logic 1 50 London. 2. Ainsworth. Pictorial Tower of London 2 50 2. Becker. Scientific London London 2 50 3. Greenwood. The Wilds of London. Illustrated 3 00 3. London. Old and New 5 00 2. Pascoe. London Directory for American Travelers 2 00 Lord's Prayer, The. See also GOSPELS, PRAYER, etc. 2. Baldwin. The Model Prayer 1 50 2. Veith. The " Our Father." Translation. 1 50 2. Wilson. Our Father in Heaven 1 25 3. Worcester. Sermons on the Lord's Prayer 1 25 Lord's Supper. See COMMUNION. MADAGASCAR. 117 Louisiana. 4. French. Historical Collections of Louisiana and Florida . . $4 00 3. Gayarre. Romance of the History of Louisiana 1 00 Lover, Samuel. 3. Life of. By Bayle Bernard 2 00 3. Political Works of 2 00 Luke, Gospel according to St. 5. Lange. Commentary on Mark and Luke 5 00 3. Nevin. Popular Commentary on the Gospel according to Luke 2 50 3. Van Doren. Commentary on Luke. 2 vols 3 00 Lungs, Diseases of. 4. Buhl. Inflammation of the Lungs. Tuberculosis and Con- sumption. Translated 1 75 Lutheran Church. 3. Bernhein. History of German Settlements and the Lu- theran Church in North and South Carolina 3 00 3. Sprague. Annals of the Lutheran Pulpit 2 00 Lynch, Thomas T. 3. Memoir of. Edited by White London 3 75 Lytton, Edward Bnlwer. 3. Speeches, Spoken and Unspoken ; with Memoir of. By his Son. 2 vols London 12 00 3. Novels and Tales. 22 vols 35 00 Macaulay, Lord. 3. Biographical Sketches 1 00 3. Complete Works. Edited by his Sister, Lady Trevelyan. 8 vols. $32 00. 4 vols. 9 00 3. Essays, Critical and Miscellaneous. 7 vols 8 75 3. 1 vol 250 3. History of England. 5 vols 7 50 Machines, Construction of. See HYDRAULICS and ME- CHANICS. Maclise, Daniel. 3. Memoir of. By W. J. O'Driscoll 2 75 McVicar, Rev. John. 3. Life of. By W. A. McVicar 2 00 Madagascar. The rapid progress of Madagascar in civilization, through the influence of its sovereigns and the higher classes, who have embraced Christianity, render this country of special interest at the present time. Ellis gives a succinct account of the establishment and growth of the missions there, while Sibree deals more generally with the country, and the manners and customs of the people. The two books should be read in connection. 118 MADEIRA. 3. Ellis. Martyr Church in Madagascar London $1 75 3. Sibree. Madagascar and its People 3 00 Madeira. 2. Madeira, Portugal, and the Andalusias 1 50 Madison, James* 3. The Life and Times of. By Hon. W. C. Rives. 3 vols. . . 10 50 Madness. See INSANITY. Magic. See also GAMES AND AMUSEMENTS. 3. De Vere. Modern Magic 2 00 2. Magician's Own Book London 2 25 2. Salverte. The Philosophy of Magic. Translated. 2 vols. 2 00 Magistrates, Jurisdiction of. 4. Binns. Justice ; or, the Magistrate's Daily Companion. 8vo. 6 00 4. Cowan. Civil Jurisdiction of Justices of the Peace in New York. 2vols. 8vo 1000 4. Haines. Powers and Duties of Justices of the Peace, Magistrates, and Constables 7 50 5. Langdon. Jurisdiction of Justices of the Peace, and Du- ties of Sheriffs and Constables 8 00 Magnetism. See ELECTRICITY. Maine. 3. De Costa. The Northmen in Maine 1 50 2. Gould. History of the First, Tenth, and Twenty-ninth Maine Regiments 5 00 3. Kingsbury. The Maine Townsman 2 00 4. Maine Historical Society, Collections of Each 5 00 4. Virgin. The Maine Civil Officer 3 50 Malay Archipelago. 3. Wallace. The Malay Archipelago. Illustrated. Crown.. 3 50 Malpractice, Civil. 3. McClelland. Civil Malpractice 2 00 Malta. 3. Porter. Malta and its Knights London 7 75 Mambi Land. See AFRICA. Mammalia. Seee also NATURAL HISTORY, ZOOLOGY, etc. 3. Figuier. Mammalia; their Various Orders and Habits. Illustrated 5 00 3. Flower. Introduction to the Osteology of Mammalia 2 50 3. Hamerton. Chapters on Animals 2 00 2. Jones. Mammalia. Illustrated London 3 75 4. Scammon. Marine Mammals of the Northwest Coast of North America 10 00 3. Wolf and Elliot. Life and Habits of Wild Animals .. .1050 MARTINEAU, HARRIET. 119 Mammoth Cave. 2. Binkerd. Mammoth Cave and its Denizens ; a Descriptive Guide $1 00 2. Forwood. Narrative of the Mammoth Cave of Kentucky, and the Eyeless Fishes. Illustrated 2 25 Man* See BIOLOGY, ETHNOLOGY, HUMAN ANATOMY, PHYSIOL- OGY, etc. Manners and Customs. 3. Lacroix. Manners and Customs during the Middle Ages. . 12 00 Manufactures. 3. Napier. Manufacturing Arts in Ancient Times .... London 3 00 4. Ure. Dictionary of Arts, Manufactures, and Mines. 3 vols. 15 00 Manufacturing Laws. 3. Manufacturing Laws of the State of New York 50 Manures. 4. Ville. School of Chemical Manures 1 25 Maritime Law. See also ADMIRALTY. 4. Tudor. Leading Cases on Mercantile and Maritime Law. 2 vols 15 00 4. Wendt. Maritime Legislation London 7 50 Mark, Gospel of St. 2. Alexander, A. Gospel of Mark Explained 1 25 3. Burgon. Gospel of St. Mark London 6 00 2. Clark, G. N. Notes on Mark 1 60 4. Lange. Gospel according to Mark 1 50 5. Commentary on Mark and Luke. ... 5 00 3. Morison. Commentary on Mark London 7 00 2. Owen. Commentary on Mark 1 00 Marl borough, Duke of. 3. Coxe. Duke of Marlborough. 3 vols 9 00 Marlowe, Christopher. 2. Works of. With Notes by Cunningham London 3 00 Marriage. 2. Bingham. Christian Marriage Ceremony 1 75 4. Bishop. Law of Marriage and Divorce. 2 vols 15 00 2. Bolles. Holy Matrimony 100 2. Evans. The Christian Doctrine of Marriage 2 50 3. Malcolm. The Christian Rule of Marriage 75 3. Opinions concerning the Bible Law of Marriage 1 50 Marry at, Captain. 3. Life of. By his Daughter. 2 vols 400 2. Works of. 12 vols Each 125 Martial Law. See MILITARY LAW. Mart in eau, Harriet. 3. Biographical Sketches 2 50 120 MARTYRS. Martyrs. See also BIOGRAPHY, COLLECTIVE. 3. Ellis. Martyr Church in Madagascar London $1 76 3. Foxe. Book of Martyrs London 1 75 Maryland. 4. Alexander, J. J. British Statutes in Force in Maryland . . 10 00 3. Goldsborough. The Maryland Line in the Confederate 2 00 Army 2 00 3. McSherry. Early History of Maryland, Mexico, etc 1 25 3. Neil, Terra Maria. Threads of Maryland Colonial History 2 00 2. Scharf. Chronicles of Baltimore 5 00 Masonry. See FREEMASONRY. Massachusetts. 4. Fowler. Local Law in Massachusetts and Connecticut 1 00 3. Haynes. Pictures from Life 4. Historical Society, Proceedings of the Massachusetts. Illustrated 3 50 3. Lectures on the Early History of Massachusetts 4 00 3. Schouler, W. History of Massachusetts hi the Civil War. 3 vols Each 5 00 Massinger, Philip. 3. Plays of. From Text of Gifford London 3 00 Materia Medica. See also PHARMACOPEIAS, THERAPEUTICS, etc. 4. Biddle, J. B. Materia Medica 4 00 4. Burt, W. H. Characteristic Materia Medica, HornoG- opathic 3 00 4. Garrod. Essentials of Materia Medica London 6 25 5. Hempel. Materia Medica and Therapeutics. 2 vols 12 00 3. Muter. Key to Organic Materia Medica London 2 75 4. Pereira. Materia Medica and Therapeutics 7 00 3. Throwgood. Student's Guide to Materia Medica 2 50 4. Waring. Manual of Materia Medica London 6 25 Material, Strength of. See MECHANICS. Maternity. See MIDWIFERY ; SEXES, RELATION OF THE ; WOM- EN, DISEASES OF, etc. Mathematics. See CALCULUS, EDUCATIONAL WORKS, GEOME- TRY, LOGARITHMS, etc. Matrimony. See SEXES, RELATION OF THE. Matthew, Father. 3. Life of. By John Francis Maguire 2 00 Matthew, Gospel of. 2. Abbott, L. Commentary on Matthew. In Parts for Sun- day Schools Each 25 2. Alexander. Gospel according to St. Matthew Explained . . 2 00 2. Clark, G. W. Notes on the Gospel of Matthew. 12mo. . 175 2. Johnson. Gospel of Matthew 1 25 MEDICINE, TREATISES ON. 121 4. Lange. Commentary on Matthew. Royal $5 00 2. Owen. Commentary on Matthew 1 25 2. Williams. Notes on the Gospel according to Matthew. ... 1 75 May, Samuel J. 3. Journal and Letters of. 2 00 3. Memoir of ... 1 50 Mazzini. 3. His Life and Writings 1 75 3. Life and Writings. 6 vols London. Each 4 50 Mechanics. 2. Amateur Mechanic's Workshop London 3 00 3. Anderson. Strength of Materials 1 50 3. Ball. Experimental Mechanics . . . 6 00 4. Barnard. Report on Machinery. Industrial Arts, and Apparatus of Exact Sciences 5 00 4. Bartlett. Analytical Mechanics 5 00 3. Deschanel. Mechanics, Hydrostatics, and Pneumatics. ... 175 3. Fairbanks. Principles of Mechanism 2 50 2. Goodeve. Elements of Mechanism 1 50 3. Mechanism applied to Mechanics London 1 75 4. Joynson. Designing and Construction of Machine-Gearing 2 60 3. Peck. Elementary Treatise on Mechanics 2 25 4. Ranken. Strains in Trusses 2 50 4. Rankene, W. J. M. Manual of Machinery and Mill-work. London 6 25 4. Reynolds. On Hand-Railing 2 00 Manual of Applied Mechanics London 6 25 3. Templeton. Mechanics 2 00 4. Van Buren. Formulas for Strength of Parts of Machinery 2 00 3. Warmell. Elementary Course of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics London 2 00 4. Willis. Principles of Mechanism 6 50 3. Worthen. First Lessons in Mechanics 75 Medical Jurisprudence. See also MALPRACTICE. 4. Brown, J. H. B. Medical Jurisprudence of Insanity 4 50 5. Elwell. Malpractice and Medical Evidence 7 50 4. Ordronaux. Jurisprudence of Medicine 4 00 4. Ray. Medical Jurisprudence of Insanity 6 00 4. Taylor. Manual of Medical Jurisprudence 5 00 5. Principles and Practice of Medical Jurisprudence 10 00 5. Wharton and Stille. Medical Jurisprudence 12 00 Medical Lexicons. 2. Cleveland. Pronouncing Medical Lexicon 1 25 4. Dunglison. Medical Lexicon 6 50 2. Roosa. Vest-Pocket Medical Lexicon 1 00 Medicine, Miscellaneous Essays, and Treatises on. See also names of special diseases. 3. Beale. Disease Germs : their Supposed Nature 1 75 122 MEDICINE, SCIENCE AND PRACTICE OF. 4. Bucknill and Tuke. Psychological Medicine London $12 50 2. Chambers. Restorative Medicine 1 00 4. Clarke and Amory. Action of Bromides of Potassium and Ammonium 1 50 3. Clymer. Epidemic Cerebro-Spinal Meningitis 1 00 3. Cooley. Compound Medicine 1 25 4. Dieulafoy. Pneumatic Aspiration of Morbid Fluids, etc . . 4 00 3. Duncan. Perimetritis and Parametritis 2 50 2. Flint, A., Jr. Severe and Protracted Muscular Exercise . . 2 00 3. Gardiner. Household Medicine London 6 00 3. Husband. Student's Hand-book of Medicine London 3 00 3. Examination Questions 1 25 4. Ross. Graft Theory of Disease 4 00 4. Sansom. Antiseptic System. Carbolic Acid and its Com- pounds 5 00 2. Savory. Compendium of Domestic Medicine London 2 50 3. Scudder. Specific Medication and Medicine 2 50 3. Thompson. Diseases of the Prostate 3 75 3. Preventive Treatment of Calculous Diseases 1 00 Medicine, Science and Practice of. See also HOM 2 50 3. Perowne. Sermons. . 3 00 SHADING AND SHADOWS. 175 3. Punshon, W. W. Lectures and Sermons $2 50 3. Robertson, F. W. Sermons. 4 vols. 3 50 3. Sadler. Abundant Life, and Other Sermons 2 00 3. Segneri. Lenten Sermons. 2 vols i 2 50 3. Shedd, W. G. T. Sermons on the Natural Man 2 50 4. Sketches and Skeletons of Five Hundred Sermons 2 50 3. Spurgeon. Sermons. . .Per Series 1 50 3. Stanley, A. P. Sermons and Travels in the East 1 50 3. Swing, D. Sermons. 1 50 3. Talmage. Sermons. 2 vols Each 2 00 3. Taylor, Thomas House. Sermons preached in Grace Church, New York. 1846-'67 300 3. Temple, F. Rugby. Sermons Per Series 1 50 3. Trench, R. C. Sermons 3 50 3. Wadsworth, Charles. Sermons 2 00 3. Wainwright. Sermons. 3 00 Servia. 4. Myatorics. History of Modern Servia London 5 25 Set-off, Law of. 4. Waterman. Law of Set-off, Recoupment, and Counter- claim 7 50 Sevigne, Madame de. 3. Letters to her Daughter and Friends. 12mo 2 00 Sewage* 4. Burke. Hand-book of Sewage Utilization London 1 75 4. Corfield. Digest of Facts relating to Utilization of Sewage. London 6 25 4. Latham. Sanitary Engineering: a Guide London 15 00 3. Scott. Sewage Question. Two Parts Each 40 3. Waring. Earth-Closets and Earth-Sewage. Illustrated. . . 50 Seward, W. H. 3. Life, Character, etc., of. By C. F. Adams 50 Sexes, Relation of the. 3. Bergeret. Preventive Obstacle; or, Conjugal Ouanism. Translated. 1 50 3. Duncan. Fecundity, Fertility, Sterility, and Allied Topics . 6 00 3. Gardner. Conjugal Sins against the Laws of Life and Health 1 50 3. Grindon. Sex in Nature 1 25 3. Keckeler, Mrs. T. H. Thaleia: Woman and Maternity. . . 3 00 3. Verdi. Maternity ; for Young Wives and Mothers 2 00 3. Wedlock ; or, the Right Relations of the Sexes 1 50 3. Wilder. What Young People should know 1 50 Shading and Shadows. See also DESIGNING, DRAWING, etc. 3. Worthen. Treatise on Shading and Shadows 1 50 176 SHAKERS. Shakers. 2. Extraordinary Visitation of Departed Spirits, etc., through the Shakers $ 50 3. Evans. Shakers and Shakerism 1 00 Shakespeare. 3. Abbott. A Shakespearean Grammar 1 50 3. Campbell. On Shakespeare's Legal Acquirements 1 00 3. Clarke, Mary Cowden. The Girlhood of Shakespeare's Her- oines 2 00 3. Craik. The English of Shakespeare. 1 75 3. Furness. Concordance to Shakespeare's Poems . 4 00 3. Ruggles. Method of Shakespeare as an Artist. 175 3. Schmidt, A. Shakespeare Lexicon. (In preparation.) Lon- don Each part 8 00 2. Stearns. Shakespeare Treasury of Wisdom, Wit, and Knowledge 2 50 Sheep, Diseases of. See also CATTLE, HORSE, PIG, etc. 2. Clok. Diseases of Sheep, with the Proper Remedies 75 3. Reid. Sheep, History, Management, etc London 1 75 3. Spooner. History, Structure, etc., of Sheep London 3 00 Shelley. 3. Life of. By MacCarthy London 3 75 3. Poetical Works of. With Memoir, by Lowell 3 00 3. Poetical Works of 4 50 Sheridan, Richard Brinsley. 3. Complete Works of. Illustrated 3 75 Sheriffs, Duties of. 4. Crocker. Duties of Sheriffs, Coroners, and Constables 7 50 4. Rorer. On Judicial Sales 6 00 Shetland. 3. Cowie. Shetland, Descriptive and Historical London 2 25 Ship-building. 4. Brady. The Kedge- Anchor 3 50 3. Lewis. History of the Life-boat and its Work 1 75 4. Reed. Ship-building in Iron and Steel. Illustrated 15 00 4. Wilson. Ship-building. 7 50 Short-hand. See PHONOGRAPHY. Shrubs. See BOTANY, FARMING, FRUIT-GARDENING, TREES, etc. Siam. See also ASIA, TRAVELS IN. 2. Leonowens, Anna H. The English Governess at the Siam- ese Court. Illustrated 3 00 2. Romance of Siamese Harem-Life London 7 00 3. McDonald. Siam; its Government, Manners, Customs 1 25 2. Vincent Land of the White Elephant 3 50 SLANG. 177 Siberia. See also ASIA, MONGOLIA, and other adjacent coun- tries. 3. Bush. Reindeer, Dogs, and Snow-shoes. Illustrated $3 00 3. Kennan. Tent-Life in Siberia. Map 2 00 3. Knox, T. W. Overland through Asia. Pictures of Sibe- rian Life, etc London 7 00 Sicily. See also ITALY, MEDITERRANEAN, etc. 4. Lloyd. History of Sicily London 7 00 Sierra Nevada. See also MEXICO, ROCKY MOUNTAINS, etc. 3. King. Mountaineering in the Sierra Nevada 2 00 Signals, Military and Naval. 3. Myer. Signals for Use hi the Field, and for Students. Il- lustrated .* 5 00 4. Signal-Lights 1 25 Sign-Fainting. See PAINTING. Silk and Tea, Culture of. 4. ' Kendo. Silk and Tea Culture, and other Asiatic Industries. Adapted to California 1 25 Silver. See GOLD AND SILVER, METALLURGY, MINING, etc. Sinai. See also BIBLICAL GEOGRAPHY, PALESTINE, SYRIA, etc. 3. Maughan. The Alps of Arabia London 6 00 3. Palmer. The Desert of the Exodus 3 00 Singing. See also Music, VOICE, and MUSICAL and EDUCA- TIONAL WORKS. 4. Gautner. Art of Singing London 7 50 4. Leiler. The Voice hi Singing. Translated London 3 75 Skepticism. See INFIDELITY. Skin, Diseases of. 4. Anderson. Diseases of the Skin 1 75 4. Bartholow. Hypodermic Medication 1 50 4. Damon. Structural Lesions of the Skin 3 00 4. Photographs of Diseases of the Skin. Twenty-four Photographs. 4to 1200 Fox. Skin-Diseases. Illustrated 5 00 Jeffries. Parasites of the Skin and Hah- 1 00 Diseases of the Skin 1 00 Nayler. Treatise on Diseases of the Skin 2 50 Neumann. Hand-book of Skin-Diseases. Illustrated 400 Wilson, E. Lectures on Dermatology London 5 26 Slander and Libel. 4. Townshend. Slander and Libel 7 60 Slang. See also ENGLISH LANGUAGE, STUDIES IN. 3. Slang Dictionary London 3 25 178 SLAVERY. Slavery. 3. Baker, Sir S. W. Ismailia. Narrative of the Expedition to Central Africa for the Suppression of the Slave-Trade. $5 00 2. Benton. Dred Scott Case 63 2. Colomb. Slave-Catching in the Indian Ocean London 10 50 3. Guinnard. Three Years' Slavery among Patagonians. London 5 25 3. Haven. Sermons on Slavery and its War .... 2 50 4. Jenkins. Rights and Wrongs of the Coolie. Notes on British Guia~na London 8 00 3. Still. Underground Railroad. Record of Facts of Escapes of Slaves 5 00 3. Sullivan. Dhow-Chasing in Zanzibar Waters London 8 00 4. Wilson. Rise and Fall of the Slave Power in the United States. 3 *ols 5 00 Sleep. 3. Coppie. Causation of Sleep, a Physiological Essay. Lond. 1 25 2. Hall. Sleep ; or, the Hygiene of Night London 2 25 3. Hammond. Sleep and its Derangements 1 75 Small-pox. See VACCINATION. Smith, Sydney. 3. Selections from his Writings, Letters, and Table-Talk 2 25 3. Works of. 3 vols 4 50 Smollett, Tobias. 3. Works, with Life 2 50 3. Complete Works 2 50 Snakes. 4. Fayrer. Thanatophidea of India, a Description of the Ven- omous Snakes of the Indian Peninsula. Illustrated. London 73 50 Soap. 4. Dussauce. Manufacture of Soap, Theoretical and Practi- cal. Illustrated 10 00 4. Morfit. Practical Treatise on the Manufacture of Soaps. Illustrated 20 00 Socialism* 3. Kaufmann. Socialism: its Nature, its Dangers, and its Remedies London 3 75 3. Nordhoff. Communistic Societies of the United States 4 00 3. Noyes. The History of American Socialisms 3 00 Social Science. See also LABOR QUESTIONS. 3. About Social Economy ; or, the Worker's ABC 2 00 2. Brace. Dangerous Classes of New York 2 50 3. Brassy. Work and Wages practically illustrated 3 00 3. Hamilton. Social Science 2 00 3. Henry. Considerations on some of the Elements of Social Welfare... 1 25 SOUTH SEAS. 179 2. King, Mrs. Social Evils. Their Causes and Cures $ 25 3. Lecky. European Morals. 2 vols 6 00 2. Logan, W. The Great Social Evil London 1 25 3. Maurice, F. D. Social Morality. Twenty-one Lectures. London 5 25 3. Rogers. Social Economy 75 3. Spencer, Herbert. The Study of Sociology 1 50 3. Social Statics 2 50 3. Descriptive Sociology. Folio Each Part 4 00 Sociology. See SOCIAL SCIENCE. Soldiers. See BIOGRAPHY, COLLECTIVE. Solomon's Songs. 4. Lange. Commentary on Proverbs, Solomon's Songs, etc. . 5 00 3. Withington. Solomon's Songs 2 00 Somerville, Mary. 3. Personal Recollections of. By her Daughter. Portrait. . . 2 50 Sophocles. 2. Translation. By Collins. Ancient Classics for English Readers 1 00 3. (Edipus Tyrannus. By Crosby 1 50 3. Antigone. By Smead 1 75 Sound. 4. Airy. Sound and Atmospheric Vibration London 4 50 3. Buckmaster. Acoustics. Light and Heat London 1 00 3. Saeltzer. Treatise on Acoustics in connection with Venti- lation London 2 50 3. Taylor. Sound and Music, a Non-mathematical Treatise. London 4 25 Sounding and Dredging. 4. Meriwether. Soundings 1 50 4. Thomson, Depths of the Sea ; Dredging-Cruises 9 00 South America. See also names of countries. 2. Meyers. Life and Nature under the Tropics 2 00 2. Pictures of Travel in Far-off Lands. South America 1 25 2. Waterton. Wanderings in South America London 1 75 Southey. 3. Complete Poetical Works of 3 50 South Pole. 3. Kingston. At the South Pole London 2 50 South Seas. See also MALAY ARCHIPELAGO, PACIFIC OCEAN, etc. 3. Brenchly. South Sea-Islands London 21 00 3. Palmer. Kidnapping hi the South Seas. Illustrated 4 00 3. Stoddard. Summer Cruising in the South Seas. Illustrated. London 3 75 180 SPAIN. Spain* 2. Anderson. In Spain and Portugal $1 75 3. Batuk, Azamat. Spain and the Spaniards. 2 vols. Lond. 10 60 3. Borrow. Bible in Spain. London 2 50 3. Gipsies of Spain London 2 50 3. Bryant. Letters from Spain 1 25 3. Caballero. Elia; or, Spain Fifty Years ago. Translated. 1 50 3. Elwes. Through Spain by Rail. 1872 London 5 25 2. Field, Kate. Ten Days in Spain 1 50 3. Hare. Wanderings in Spain. Illustrated 2 00 3. Herbert, Lady. Impressions of Spain . Illustrated 2 00 3. Peddie. Dawn of Second Reformation in Spain. . .London 2 50 3. Ramsay. Summer in Spain London 7 50 3. Spain and its People, with Historical and Topographical Notes London 6 25 2. Spanish Pictures. Illustrated by Dore and others 3 75 3. Stone. A Tour with Cook through Spain London 3 00 " 3. Thieblin. Spain and the Spaniards. 2 vols London 10 50 4. Wyatt. An Architect's Note-Book in Spain. 4to.. London 26 25 Spain, History of. 2. Abbott. Romance of Spanish History. Illustrated 200 3. Froissart. Chronicles of England, France, and Spain. 2 vols London 12 50 2. Kirkpatrick. Spain and Charles VII London 1 00 3. Prescott. Reign of Ferdinand and Isabella. 3 vols.. Each 225 3. Reign of Philip II Spanish Language, Grammars and Dictionaries of. See also EDUCATIONAL WORKS. 3. De Tornos. Combined Spanish Method 175 3. De Vere. Grammar of the Spanish Language 150 2. Velasquez. Spanish Dictionary 2 50 2. Wessely and Girones Spanish-and-English Dictionary 1 00 Speakers* See ELOCUTION, and EDUCATIONAL WORKS. Species. See also BIOLOGY, EVOLUTION, ZOOLOGY, etc. The question of the nature, extent, and limits of what has to be understood as constituting a kind or species, is one of great importance in the study of organisms. Even the Doctrine of Evolution would meet with little opposition, if people could be made to see that species is only a convenient term in grouping or classifying the forms of Nature, and not the fiat of God to create animals only in the classes of groups in which man is please to put them. The most instructive book on this subject is Hackers " History of the Evolution of Man." It teaches the evolution of every organic form from some other form closely resembling it, and generally somewhat inferior to it. In one instance that of calcareous sponges Mr. Hackel shows, from facts gathered by personal observation, that, if the general ideas of species are adhered to, these small organisms evolved in the course, of a few years so large a number of forms, and so greatly varied, as would be grouped into more than a hundred genera and species. The bearing of the works of Darwin and Huxley on this point is too well known to call for an explanation. Mr. Mivart, a Roman Cath- SPIRITUALISM. 181 olic priest, and an amateur naturalist, is not in favor of all the logical consequences of recent discoveries in Nature, and, as he cannot dispute the facts, he assails the philosophical deductions. However, his works are worth reading, if only for the mere purpose of seeing how much of the doctrine of Evolution is now so amply verified that even those who are bound to the ancient interpretations of the Bible cannot dare gainsay it. 3. Darwin. Origin of Species $2 00 3. Variation of Animals and Plants under Domestica- tion. 2 vols 6 00 3. Hackel. The Evolution of Man. Translated and edited by G. A. F. Van Rhyn. (In press.) 3. Huxley. On the Origin of Species 1 00 3. Mivart. On the Genesis of Species. Illustrated 1 75 Spectroscopes. 3. Lockyer. The Spectroscope and its Application. Illus- trated. Crown 1 60 Spectrum Analysis. 4. Roscoe. Spectrum Analysis. Six Lectures. Illustrated. . 9 00 4. Schelleru Spectrum Analysis 6 00 3. Spectrum Analysis explained 1 50 4. Watts. Index of Spectra, with Preface. By Roscoe. London 3 75 Spermatorrhcea. 3. Bartholomew. Spermatorrhoea; its Causes, Symptoms, Treatment, etc 1 00 3. Milton. Spermatorrho3a, its Results and Complications. London 2 00 Spenser. 3. Poems of 1 25 3. Poetical Works of. Gilfillan's edition. 5 vols 17 50 3. Poetical Works of 2 50 Spine, Diseases of. 4. Bigg. Curvature of the Spine and its Mechanical Treat- ment London 1 25 4. Lee. Treatment of Spinal Curvature 1 00 Spirit. See HOLY GHOST, REDEMPTION, etc. Spinoza. 3. Life, Correspondence, and Ethics of. By R. Willis. ..... 9 00 Spiritualism. 3. Cox, E. W. Spiritualism answered by Science 50 3. Crosland. Apparitions. An Essay London 1 25 3. Crooks. Inquiry into the Phenomena called Spiritualism. London 2 50 2. Crowell. Identity of Primitive Christianity and Modern Spiritualism 2 75 2. Davenport Brothers. Biography and Adventures in Eu- rope and America 1 50 182 SPORTING. 3. Davis, Andrew Jackson. Death and the After-Life $ 75 3. The Inner Life 1 50 2. Flashes of Light from the Spirit-Land 1 50 3. Hammond. Physics and Physiology of Spiritualism 1 00 3. Hardinge. History of Modern American Spiritualism 3 75 2. Hints for the Evidences of Spiritualism London 1 25 2. Hull. The Question settled, a Careful Comparison of Bib- lical and Modern Spiritualism 1 60 2. King. Heal Life in the Spirit-Land 1 00 2. Lum. The Spiritual Delusion 1 50 2. Marvin. Philosophy of Spiritualism 1 00 3. Massey, Gerald. Concerning Spiritualism London 1 00 3. Owen. The Debatable Land 2 00 2. Park, Mrs. Instructing Communications from Spirit-Life, written through the instrumentality of her Spirit-Hus- band 1 25 3. Peebles. Seers of the Ages ; or, Spiritualism, Past and Present , 1 75 3. Report on Spiritualism of the London Dialectic Society, with the Evidence London 7 50 3. Sampson. Physical Media in Spiritual Manifestations .... 125 2. Strange Visitors, a Book from the Spirit- World 150 3. Tuttle. Arcana of Spiritualism 2 00 3. Tuttle and Peebles. Year-Book of Spiritualism 1 25 2. Where are the Dead ? or, Spiritualism explained. .London 1 50 3. Wolfe. Starling Facts in Modern Spiritualism 2 50 3. Zerffi. Spiritualism and Animal Magnetism London 1 75 Sporting. See also FIELD SPORTS, and HUNTING AND TRAPPING. 3. Apperly. Chase, Turf, and Road London 3 75 3. Barry. Sporting Rambles and Holiday Papers. . . . London 1 25 3. Bogardus. Field, Cover, and Trap Shooting 2 00 2. Greenwood. Wild Sports of the World London 2 50 3. Harting. Hints on Shore-Shooting 1 75 3. Long, J. W. American Wild-Fowl Shooting 2 00 3. Maxwell Sports and Adventures in the Highlands . . Lond. 1 00 3. Over Turf and Over Stubble London 5 25 3. Plain Directions for acquiring the Art of Shooting on the Wing 75 3. Randall. Old Sports and Sportsmen ; or, the Hilly Country. London 3 75 3. Sporting Sketches at Home and Abroad. By the "Old Bushman " London 3 75 Stage. See aho THEATRICALS. 3. Brown. History of the American Stage. Portraits 3 00 3. Fitzgerald. Romance of the English Stage. 2 vols. Lond. 12 00 3. Smith (Sol). Theatrical Management for Thirty Years. Illustrated 2 00 Stair-Building. 4. Cupper. Universal Stair-Builder. Illustrated. 4to 6 00 4. Reynolds. Treatise on Hand-Railing. Twenty Plates 2 00 STEAM-BOILERS. 183 4. Riddell. New Elements of Hand-Railing. Forty-one Plates. Folio $7 00 Stamford. 2. Huntingdon. History of Stamford, Connecticut. Portraits. 3 00 Stammering. 3. Science of Stammering, and its Cure 1 25 Stamp Acts. 4. Bump. United States Stamp Laws. With the Judicial De- cisions, etc 1 25 3, United States Stamp Duties as now in Force 50 Statistics. 2. Ruggles. Agricultural Property, etc., of the United States. 50 2. Schem. Statistics of the World 50 Statute of Frauds. See FRAUDS. Statutes. 5. Dwarris, Sir F. General Treatise on Statutes 7 50 Steam and Steam-Engines. 4. Auchineloss. Practical Application of the Slide-valve and Link-motion to Stationary, Portable, Locomotive, and Marine Engines. Illustrated 3 00 4. Bourne. Catechism of the Steam-Engine. Illustrated. ... 1 75 4. Hand-book of the Steam-Engine. Illustrated 1 75 4. Treatise on the Steam-Engine. 4to. Illustrated. . 20 00 4. Treatise on the Screw-Propeller, etc. Illustrated. . 24 00 4. Burgh. Practical Treatise on the Condensation of Steam. London 12 50 4. Cotterill. Notes on the Theory of the Steam-Engine. London 1 25 4. Evers. Steam and Steam-Engine 1 25 4. Harrison. Locomotive-Engine 2 00 4. Hopkinson. Working of Steam-Engines explained. Lond. 1 25 5. Houpt. Improvement in Steam-Engines 2 00 4. Kauffer. Steam in the Engine London 1 25 3. Lardner. Steam London 1 00 4. Le Chatelier. Railway Economy. Use of Counter-press- ure. Steam in the Engine as a Brake. Translated 125 4. Perry. Steam 1 50 4. Rankine. Manual of Steam-Engine London 6 25 4. Roper. Catechism of High-pressure 1 75 4. Hand-book of the Locomotive 2 50 4. Non-condensing Steam-Engine 1 75 4. Salter. Economy hi the Use of Steam 1 60 Steam-Boilers. 3. Marten. Records of Steam-Boiler Explosions London 2 50 4. Robinson. Explosions of Steam-Boilers 1 25 184 ' STEEL. 3. Van Nostrand. Steam -Boiler Explosions $> 50 4. Wilson. Treatise on Steam-Boilers, their Strength, Con- struction, etc London 3 00 Steel. See also IRON. 4. Ede. Management of Steel 1 50 4. Gruner. Manufacture of Steel 3 50 4. Kirkaldy. Experimental Inquiries into Mechanical Proper- ties of Steel. 4to London 6 25 4. Overman. Manufacture of Steel 1 50 Stenography. See PHONOGRAPHY. Sterne, Laurence. 3. The Works of 2 50 Stimulants. 2. Beard. Stimulants and Narcotics 75 Stock-raising. See CATTLE. Stockmar, Baron von. 3. Memoirs of. 2 vols 8 00 Stomach. 2. Eyre, Sir James. The Stomach and its Difficulties 75 4. Fox. Stomach Diseases 3 00 3. Lewis. Talks about People's Stomachs 1 50 2. Trail. Digestion and Dyspepsia 1 00 Storms. See also METEOROLOGY. 3. Bassnett. Mechanical Theory of Storms . . 2 00 Strains, and Strength of Material. 4. Anderson. Strength of Materials and Structures 1 50 4. Dietrichs. The Theory of Strains 5 00 4. Humber. Calculation of Strains in Girders and Similar Structures 2 50 4. Ranken. Strains in Trusses 2 50 4. Shreve. Strength of Bridges and Koofs 5 00 4. Storey. Strains in Girders 15 00 4. Van Buren. Formulas for Strength of Parts of Steam Ma- chinery 2 00 4. Vinton. Strength of Materials 3 00 Strauss, David Friedrich. 3. The Old Faith and the New 7 2 00 3. In his Life and Writings. By Zeller. Translation 2 50 Strawberries, Culture of. See also FRUIT CULTURE. 3. Merrick. The Strawberry and its Culture. Illustrated. ... 1 00 Stuttering. See STAMMERING. Submarine Blasting. See BLASTING, SUBMARINE. Suburban Architecture. See ARCHITECTURE. SURGERY. 185 Sugar. 4. D'Aligny. Beet-root Sugar, and the Cultivation of the Beet. Illustrated $3 00 4. Soames. Treatise on the Manufacture of Sugar. London 6 25 4. Wray. Practical Sugar-planter London 5 25 Summer- Resorts and Watering-Places. See also AMER- ICA, TRAVELS, and TRAVELER'S GUIDE. 2. Hall. Tourist's Pocket-Guide to American Watering-Places. 1 00 2. Norton. American Sea-side Resorts 1 25 2. Stone. Guide to Saratoga Springs 50 2. Rockwell. Catskill Mountains and the Region around. ... 1 50 Sunnier, Charles. 3. Life. By J. and J. D. Chaplin 1 50 3. Life. By C. E. Lester 375 3. Life. By E. Nason 1 50 3. Life. ByR.B. Warden 550 Sun. See also ASTRONOMY. One of the main achievements of the past five or ten years is a true knowledge of the atmosphere of the sun. We can tell thanks to the simplicity of Mr. Hug- gins's " open slit " the rate at which the sun's vapors are moving toward us or from us. We are on the way using the words of Mr. James Stuart to contemplate matter under conditions different from any obtainable by terrestrial temperatures, and probably in a state of chemical dissociation (whatever that may mean perhaps the primordial matter of chaos, as yet unspecificated by any particular molecular aggregation). And last, but not least, we have been put in possession of the ele- ments of discoveries which appear likely to raise spectrum analysis to the rank of a quantitative as well as of a qualitative science. All these subjects will be found unfolded in the volume of J. Norman Lockyer, by the hand of one who has him- self taken a leading part in the momentous discoveries therein detailed. Guillemin has also exercised his great talent for stating scientific matters in a style at once simple, lucid, and fascinaiing, on this field of research ; and Proctor's admirable power of exposition has likewise been employed to put the subject within the reach of a larger circle of educated persons. 3. Benson. My Visit to the Sun. Vol. I. Physics 1 50 3. Guillemin. Treatise on the Sun. Translated 1 50 4. Lockyer. Solar Physics 10 00 3. Proctor. The Sun ; Fire, Light, and Life of the Planetary System. Illustrated. Crown 550 Supreme Court Practice. 4. Phillips. The Statutory Jurisdiction and Practice of the Supreme Court of the United States 5 00 Surgery. 4. Ashurst. Principles and Practice of Surgery. Illustrated . 6 60 4. Billroth. Surgical Pathology and Therapeutics. Illustrated 5 00 4. Brown, B. Cases in Orthopedic Surgery. Illustrated 2 00 4. Bryant. Practice of Surgery 6 25 4. Bryne. Electric Cautery in Uterine Surgery 1 25 4. Clark. Outlines of Surgery 4 25 186 SURGICAL ANATOMY. 3. Davis. Conservative Surgery $3 00 3. Erichsen. Science and Art of Surgery 7 50 4. Farabeuf. Legation of the Arteries 1 75 4. Franklin. Science and Art of Surgery. Illustratad. 2 vols. 17 00 4. Gant. Science and Practice of Surgery. Illustrated 7 60 4. Garretson. Oral Surgery 10 00 4. Gross. System of Surgery. 2 vols 15 00 4. Hamilton, A. McLane. Galvano-Punceture applied to the Treatment of Aneurism 50 4. Hamilton, F. H. Surgery 7 00 4. Surgery of the War. 2 vols 6 50 4. Practical Treatise on Fractures and Dislocations. Illustrated... 5 75 4. Helmuth. System of Surgery 10 00 4. Hewson. Earth in Surgery 2 50 4. Holmes. System of Surgery. Illustrated. 5 vols 9 00 4. Hood. On Bone-Setting. ... 150 4. Howe. On Surgical Emergencies 3 00 4. Maunder. Operative Surgery 2 60 4. Norris. Practical Surgery 4 00 4. Packard. Hand-book of Operative Surgery. Illustrated.. 500 4. Paget. Lectures on Surgical Pathology 7 50 4. Peugnet. Gunshot- Wounds in the Abdomen 1 25 4. Rockwell and Beard. Clinical Researches in Electro-Sur- gery 1 25 4. Swain. Surgical Emergencies 1 75 4. Van Buren and Keyes. Practical Treatise on Surgical Dis- eases 5 00 4. Walter. Conservative Surgery. Adaptation to Traumatic Injuries of the Limbs 2 50 Surgical Anatomy. See ANATOMY. Surgical Obstetrics* See MIDWIFERY. Surveying. 4. Alston. Nautical Surveying London 1 25 4. Burt. Key to the Solar Compass, and Surveyor's Compan- ion, ". 2 50 3. Clevenger. Government Surveying 2 60 4. Davies. Elements of Surveying and Leveling. Illustrated. 2 50 4. Gillespie. Leveling, Topography, and Higher Surveying. . 2 50 4. Practical Treatise on Surveying 3 00 4. Jeffers. Treatise on Nautical Surveying. Illustrated .... 5 00 4. Merrett. Land-Engineering and Surveying London 6 25 4. Murray. Land-Surveying 2 00 2. Paterson. Military Surveying and Reconnaissance . London 2 25 4. Plane Table in Topographical Surveying. Illustrated 3 00 4. Ray. Surveying and Navigation 2 25 4. Richards. Military Surveying, and Field-Sketching . Lond. 7 00 Susquehanna. 3. Blackman. History of Susquehanna .... SYRIA. 187 Sweden. See also NORWAY AND SCANDINAVIA. 3. Murray. Sweden and Denmark. Hand-book London $7 50 3. Otte. Scandinavian History 3 00 3. Sleeper. Sweden and Norway. Sketches 1 25 Swedenborg. 3. Works of. 19 vols 32 50 3. Heaven Opened 1 25 3. True Christian Religion. 2 vols 5 00 Swedenborgians. 2. Ager. Order of Services of the New Church 1 00 2. Beswick. Swedenborg Rite, and Great Masonic Leaders of the Eighteenth Century -1 50 3. Glowes. Outlines of Swedenborg' s Doctrines London 1 75 3. Gould. Swedenborg and Modern Biblical Criticism 1 00 3. James. The Secret of Swedenborg. 2 50 3. Keyes. Wesley and Swedenborg 1 00 Swift, Jonathan. 3. Works of. Portrait 2 75 Swimming. Marey. Animal Mechanism 1 75 Pettigrew. Animal Locomotion 1 75 Steedrnan. Manual of Swimming London 1 75 Switzerland. 2. Baedeker. Switzerland Guide 2 50 2. Berlepschand, Kohl. Switzerland and Southern Germany. London 3 00 2. Black. Guide to Switzerland and Italian Lakes. . . London 1 25 3. Bonney. Lake and Mountain Scenery. Swiss Alps. Twen- ty-four Photographs London 31 50 3. Cook. Tourist's Hand-book to Switzerland via Paris 3. Dixon, Hep worth. The Switzers London 7 50 2. Murray. Hand-book to Switzerland, Savoy, and Piedmont. London 5 00 3. Practical Swiss Guide London 1 25 3. Whymper. Swiss Pictures 3 75 3. Zincke. A Month in Switzerland London 2 50 Symbolism. See also WORSHIP. 3. Inman. Ancient Faiths. 2 vols London 30 00 3. Tyrwhitt. Christian Art and Symbolism 2 00 3. Westropp and Wake. Ancient Symbol- Worship 2 00 Synonyms. See ENGLISH, STUDIES IN ; and other languages. Syphilis. See VENEREAL DISEASES. Syria. See also PALESTINE. 4. Benin. Tradition of Syriac Church London 10 50 3. Burton and Drake. Unexplored Syria. 2 vols. . .London 16 00 10 188 SYRIAC. 3. Collins. Missionary Enterprise in the East London $3 00 2. Miller. Eastern Sketches London 2 25 Syriac. 4. Thesaurus Syriacus London 10 50 3. Uhleinann. Syriac Grammar 4 00 Table-Talk. 3. Russell. Book of Table-Talk 1 75 8. Talmage, T. D. W. Around the Tea-Table 3 00 Tacitus. 3. Germania and Agricola 1 25 3. History. By Church and Brodribb 2 50 3. Histories of. Notes by Tyler 1 75 Tactics. See also ARTILLERY, CAVALRY, INFANTRY, MILITARY SCIENCE, etc. 4. Artillery Tactics. United States Army 2 00 4. Lyman. Tactical Studies 1 25 3. Upton. Tactics for Non-Military Bodies 1 00 Talmud. 3. Deutsch, E. The Talmud, Islam, the Targums, and Other Literary Remains 3 00 Taney, R. B., Chief. Justice. 3. Memoir of. By S. Tyler. Portrait 5 00 Tap pa n, Arthur. 3. Life of. By L. Tappan 2 00 Tariff-Laws. 3. Hyel. Duties on Imports, 1872 3 00 3. Morgan. United States Import Duties 1 75 Tartary. See also CHINA, MONGOLIA, etc. 3. Hue. Tartary, Thibet, and China London 10 50 3. Knox. Overland through Asia : Pictures of Siberian Life. London 7 00 3. Shaw. Visit to Chinese Tartary, etc London 8 00 Tasmania. See AUSTRALIA and VAN DIEMEN'S LAND. Tasso. 3. Poems of. 1 25 Taste. See ESTHETICS, ART, ESSAYS ON, etc. Taxation, Local. 4. Goschen. Local Taxation 3 00 4. Wells. Collection of State and Local Taxes 50 Tax Titles. 4. Bolster. New England Law of Tax Titles. . . 4 50 TENNESSEE. 189 Taylor, Samuel Harvey, LL. D. 3. Memorial of. By his Last Class $1 75 Tea. 3. Wanklyn. Tea, Coffee, and Cocoa. Treatise on Analysis of London 2 50 Teachers' Aids. See also EDUCATION, ESSAYS AND TREATISES ox; PEDAGOGY, etc. 2. Holbrook. School-Management 1 50 2. Orcutt. The Teacher's Manual 1 00 2. McLeod. Talking to the Children 1 25 3. Raub. Talks with Teachers and Parents 1 50 2. Record of a School. With Note by Louis* M. Alcott 125 2. Sypher. Art of Teaching ; 1 50 3. Teachers' Cabinet. On Biblical and Educational Topics. 2 vols. Each 1 25 Teeth. See DENTISTRY. Telegraphy. See also ELECTRICITY. 3. Bloomer. Commercial Cryptograph 5 00 3. Bolton. Telegraph Code. A Telegraph Dictionary. 4to. 40 00 3. Bond. Hand-book of the Telegraph London 1 50 4. Clark and Sabine. Table for Telegraph Operators and In- spectors London 6 25 4. Culley. Hand-book of Practical Telegraphy. Illustrated. 5 00 4. Hosklaer. Guide for Electric Testing of Telegraph-Ca- bles London 2 25 3. Larrabee. Cipher and Telegraph Code 1 00 3. Morse. History of Telegraphy and Telegraphic Apparatus. Illustrated 2 00 3. Pope. Modern Practice of Electric Telegraph. Illustrated. 2 00 4. Scott and Jarnagin. Law of Telegraphs 6 00 4. Shaffner. Telegraph Manual. Illustrated 6 50 Temperance Literature. 2. Anstic. Uaes of Wines in Health and Disease 50 2. Chellis. Wealth and Wine.. 1 25 2. Digging a Grave with a Glass of Wine. Illustrated 1 25 ^ 3. Fiske, John. Tobacco and Alcohol 1 00 2. Jocelyn. Manual of the Templars of Honor and Temper- ance. 12mo 1 50 2. Lees. Text-Book of Temperance 1 50 2. Lizars. Use and Abuse of Tobacco 60 3. Miller. Alcohol ; its Place and Powers 75 2. Powell. Bacchus Dethroned 1 00 <- 2. Prescott. Strong Drink and Tobacco-Smoke. Illustrated. 3 00 2. Temperance Sermons .1 50 2. Temperance Speaker 75 Tennessee. 2. Appletons' Hand-book of American Travel. Southern Tour 2 00 190 TENURE. Tenure. See LAND TENURE. Terence and Plautus. 3. Ancient Classics for English Headers. Translated by W. L. Collins $1 00 3. Andria and Adelphoe. By Crowell 1 25 Testament, New. See NEW TESTAMENT. Testament, Old. See OLD TESTAMENT. Testaments. See WILLS. Testaments, Greek. See NEW TESTAMENTS, GREEK. Tetanus. 4. Roemer. Tetanus and Tetanoid Affections 4 00 Texas. 2. Appletons' Hand-book of American Travel. Southern Tour 2 00 3. Baker. History of Texas 1 25 2. Brady. Glimpses of Texas : its Divisions, Resources, etc. With Map 2. Texas Almanac and Emigrant's Guide. With Map 1 00 Textiles, Manufacture of. 4. Leroux. Manufacture of Worsted and Carded Yarns. ... 5 00 4. Scott. Practical Cotton-Spinner London 6 00 Thackeray, W. M. 3. Complete Works. 22 vols 100 00 Theatricals, Amateur. 2. Baker. Dra wing-Room Stage 1 50 2. Boxer. Sacred Dramas 1 50 2. Frost. Tableaux and Shadow-Pantomimes 50 2. Gill. Parlor Tableaux and Amateur Theatricals. Illus- trated 1 50 2. Howard. Dra wing-Room Theatricals 50 2. Venable. Amateur Actor 1 50 Theocritus. 3. Translated by Calverley London 1 75 Therapeutics. 4. Bell. Homoeopathic Therapeutics 1 75 4. Hamilton. Clinical Electro-Therapeutics 2 00 4. Hughes. Manual of Therapeutics 2 00 4. Johnson. Therapeutic Eey 1 50 4. Napheys. Modern Therapeutics 2 25 4. Neftel. Galvano-Therapeutics 1 50 4. Tilt. Hand-book of Uterine Therapeutics 3 50 4. Ringer. Hand-book of Therapeutics 4 00 4. Stone. Epitome of Therapeutics 4 00 4. Waring. Practical Therapeutics 5 00 TIMOTHY. 191 4. Wood. Therapeutics, Materia Medica, and Toxicology. . . $5 50 3. Year-Book of Therapeutics. Per annum 2 50 Thermic Fever. See FEVER. Thermometry, Medical. 3. Seguin. Manual of Thermometry for Mothers, Nurses, Hospitals, etc 1 75 3. Wunderlich and Seguin. Medical Thermometry, and Hu- man Temperature 2 00 Thessalonians. 3. Barnes. Notes to Thessalonians, Timothy, Titus, and Phil- emon 1 50 4. Lange. Commentary on Thessalonians, Timothy, Titus, Philemon, and Hebrews .- . . 5 00 Thibet. 3. Cooper. Mishmee Hills ; an Account of a Journey. .Lond. 5 25 3. Hue. Tartary, Thibet, and China London 10 50 Thomas, General George H. 3. Oration on the Life of. By J. A. Garfield 50 Thomas, John. 3. Life of. By C. B. Lewis 4 00 Thompson, Count Rnmford. 3. Memoir of. By G. E. Ellis. Illustrated 5 00 Thomson, James. 3. Poetical Works 1 50 Thorough Bass. See HARMONY. Thorwaldsen. 3. Life and Work of. From the French by Hoey London 12 50 Throat, Diseases of the. 4. Cohen. Diseases of the Throat 5 00 4. Mackenzie. On Growths in the Larynx. Illustrated 3 00 4. Pharmacopoeia for Throat-Diseases 1 25 4. Use of Laryngoscope London 3 00 4. Norton. Affections of the Throat and Larynx .... London 2 00 4. Thyrotomy for Kemoval of Laryngea. Illustrated 50 Thucydides. 3. History of the Peloponnesian War. Translated by Craw- ley London 10 50 3. Translated by Owen 2 50 Timon, Right Rer. John. 3. Life of. By C. G. Deuther. Portrait 2 50 Timothy. 3. Barnes. Notes to Thessalonians, Timothy, Titus, and Philemon.. . 1 50 192 TITLE TO PROPERTY, LAW OF. 4. Lange. Commentary on Thessalonians, Timothy, Titus, Philemon, and Hebrews $5 00 Title to Property, Law of. 4. Gerard. Titles to Real Estate in New York 5 00 4. Title to Streets, Wharves, etc 6 00 4. Eawle. Covenants for Title 7 50 Titus. 3. Barnes. Notes to Thessalonians, Timothy, Titus, and Phil- emon 1 50 4. Lange. Commentary on Thessalonians, Timothy, Titus, Philemon, and Hebrews 5 00 Tobacco* See TEMPERANCE LITERATURE. Todd, C. S. 3. Memoir of. By Griffin \ 1 50 Toilet. 2. Cooley. Hand-book of the Toilet 1 50 2. Frost, Miss. The Art df Dressing Well 50 2. Gale. Hints on Dress 75 2. Ugly-Girl Papers. Hints for the Toilet 1 00 Tools, and Workshop Appliances. 3. Sawyer. Fret-Sawing and Wood-Carving 1 50 3. Shelley. Workshop Appliances 1 50 3. Spon. Workshop Receipts, for the Use of Manufacturers and Mechanics. Illustrated London 2 50 2. The Amateur Workshop London 3 00 4. Watson. Modern Practice of American Machinists and En- gineers. Illustrated 2 50 3. Young Mechanic. Use of all Kinds of Tools 1 75 Topographical Drawing. See DRAWING. Topography. See also SURVEYING. 4. Enthoffer. Manual of Topography. With an Atlas. Folio. 15 00 4. Gillespie. Leveling, Topography, and Higher Surveying. . 2 50 4. Plane Table in Topographical Surveying .* 3 00 Torpedo. 4. Barnes. Submarine Warfare. Illustrated 5 00 4. Harvey. Instructions for Management of Sea-Torpedo. London 2 50 Torts, Law of. 4. Addison. The Law of Torts 3 50 4. Billiard. Remedies for Torts 7 50 4. Underbill Summary of the Law of Torts London 3 00 Township Organization. 3. Gross. Township Organization 1 25 3. Haines. Township Organization Laws 1 50 3. Herrick. Powers, Duties, and Liabilities of Towns and Parish Officers hi Massachusetts, etc 3 00 TRAVELS, ETC. 193 Toxicology. See POISONS. Trade-Marks. See also PATENTS AND COPYRIGHT. 4. Adams. Treatise on the Law of Trade-Marks London $2 50 4. Browne. Law of Trade-Marks 6 00 4. Cox. American Trade-Mark Cases 8 00 4. Ludlow and Jenkins. Law of Trade-Marks and Trade- Xames London 3 00 Transits of Venus. 3. Forbes. Transit of Venus 1 00 3. Proctor. The Universe, and the Coming Transits . . London 8 00 3. Transits of Venus: Past and Coming, from 1639 to 2112. Illustrated. Crown London 425 Trapping. See HUNTING. Travelers' Guides. See names of countries and States. Travels around or about the World. See also names of countries. 2. Adams. Voyage round the World 1 25 2. All round the World. Edited by Ainsworth. Illustrated by Dore and others. Six Maps 13 00 2. Barker. Traveling About over Old and New Ground. London 3 00 2. Bowles. Across the Continent. A Stage-ride over the Plains to the Rocky Mountains 1 50 2. Our New West. Records of Travel. Maps and Portraits 3 50 2. Brooks. A Seven Months' Run up and down, and all around the World 1 75 3. Carlisle. Round the World. 1870 London 375 3. Coffin. Our New Ways round the World 3 00 3. Darley. Sketches abroad with Pen and Pencil. Illus- trated 3 50 3. Darwin. Journal of Researches on a Voyage round the World .' 2 00 3. Galton. The Art of Traveling in Wild Countries. .London 3 75 2. Haskins. Six Weeks abroad 1 00 2. Hoppin. Crossing the Atlantic 5 00 3. Hiibner. A Ramble round the World. Translated 2 50 2. Hunt. BitsofTravel 150 3. Illustrated Travels. Record of Discovery. 5 vols. London. Each 7 50 3. Kingsley. Tales of Old Travel re-narrated 2 00 3. Macgregor. " Rob Roy" on the Jordan, Nile, etc. London 7 50 4. Marco Polo. Concerning the Marvels of the East. .London 10 50 2. Meline. Two Thousand Miles on Horseback 1 50 3. Milner and Bierly. " The Galatea " round the World hi 1867-'68 8 00 2. Montgomery. Our Admiral's Flag abroad 3 50 3. Prime. Around the World.. . 3 00 194 TREES. 3. Pumpelly. Across America and Asia. 8vo $5 00 2. Seward. " Travels around the World 5 00 3. Simpson. Meeting the Sun: a Journey all round the World 3 00 3. Yerne. Tour of the World in Eighty Days 3 00 Trees. 8. Bryant. Forest-Trees for Shelter, Ornament, and Profit. . . 1 50 4. Decaisne and Naudin. Hardy Trees, Shrubs, and Herba- ceous Plants 7 50 4. Downing. Fruits and Fruit-Trees of America 7 25 3. Du Breuil. Culture of Fruit-Trees London 2 25 3. Grindon. Trees of Old England London 1 25 4. Hemsley. Hand-book of Trees and Shrubs London 10 50 3. Kirby, M. and E. Chapters on Trees London 2 50 2. Yosemite Valley and the Trees and Geysers of California. Illustrated 75 Trials. 4. Benson. Remarkable Trials 5 00 2. Benton. Dred Scott Case 1 25 4. Billiard. Law of New Trials 7 50 3. Woodall. Collection of Celebrated Trials. Yol. I. Lond. 3 75 Tricks. See GAMES AND AMUSEMENTS. Trigonometry. See also GEOMETRY, LOGARITHMS, etc., and EDUCATIONAL WORKS. 4. Frome. Method of conducting a Trigonometrical Survey. London 8 00 3. Hall. Elements of Plane and Spherical Trigonometry. London 1 00 3. Perkins. Plane Trigonometry and Surveying 2 00 3. Pierce. Tables of Logarithmic and Trigonometric Func- tions. 4to 75 4. Seaver. Formulas of Plane and Spherical Trigonometry. . 80 3. Walmsley. Course of Plane Trigonometry and Loga- rithms London 1 25 Trinidad. 3. Wickham. Rough Notes on a Journey from Trinidad. London 7 50 Trinity. 2. Burris. The Trinity 1 50 2. Egar. Threefold Graces of the Holy Trinity 1 50 Tropics. 3. Hartwig. The Tropical World. Illustrated 6 00 3. Myers. Life and Nature under the Tropics 2 00 2. Pike. Sub-Tropical Rambles in the Land of the Aphanap- teryx. Illustrated 3 50 2. The Tropics 1 25 UNITARIANISM. 195 Troy. 4. MacLaren. The Plain of Troy described. Illustrated. London $3 75 3. Schliemann. Troy and its Remains London 10 50 Trusts, Law of. 4. Perry. Law of Trusts and Trustees 7 50 4. Zinn. Law of Trusts t 6 50 Tunnel, Mont Cenis. Its Construction and Probable Consequence London 2 50 Turkey. 3. Bradshaw. Turkish Empire. Hand-book. 2 vols. Lond. 10 00 3. Farley. Modem Turkey London 7 00 3. Harvey. Turkish Harems and Circassian Homes. .London 750 3. Murray. Hand-book for Travelers London 3 75 Turning. 3. Elphinstone. Patterns for Turning. 4to London 750 4. The Lathe and its Uses ; or, Instruction in turning Wood and Metals. Illustrated London 8 00 4. Savory. Geometrical Turning London 10 50 Typography. See PRINTING. Tyrol. 3. Busk. Valley of Tyrol London 6 75 3. Gunther. Tales and Legends of the Tyrol London 2 50 3. A Month at Gastein ; or, Footfalls on the Tyrol. . .London 3 00 Unitarianism. O. B. Frothingham does not claim any connection with the Unitarian Society, but his views coincide in many respects with those of its more radical fection. Dr. Bartol is as decidedly radical as Dr. Sears is decidedly conservative. The sermons by the representative Unitarian ministers are also of a rather conservative charac- ter ; and the book of Mr. Savage, who is a recent convert from Congregationalism, belongs to the same category. James Freeman Clarke occupies a position somewhat midway between radical and conservative Unitarianism. In "Orthodoxy: its Truths and Errors," he eliminates from the Christian system, and its errors, that which is alone essential and true ; in his " Ten Great Keligions " he compares the doctrines of various religions with those of the Christian Church, to show the high degree of harmony existing among them all, and the deficiencies of each. 3. Bartol. The Rising Faith 2 00 3. Radical Problems 2 00 3. Christianity and Modern Thought. Sermons by Represent- ative Unitarian Ministers 1 25 3. Clarke, J. F. Orthodoxy; its Truths and Errors 1 25 3. Common-Sense in Religion 2 00 3. Steps of Belief. : 1 25 3. Ten Great Religions 2 00 3. Frothingham. The Religion of Humanity 1 50 3. The Safest Creed 1 50 196 UNITED STATES, HISTORY OF. 3. Putnam, A. P. Singers and Songs of the Liberal Faith. . . $3 00 3. Savage, M. J. Christianity, the Science of Manhood 1 50 3. Sears. Sermons and Songs of the Christian Church 2 00 United States, History of. See also names of States, Presi- dents, military leaders, etc. S.Bancroft. History of the United States. 10 vols. . .Each 250 4. Bernard, Sir M. Historical Account of the Neutrality of Great Britain during the American Civil War 8 00 3. Boynton. History of the Navy during the Rebellion. 2 vols. 8 00 3. Brownson. The American Republic 3 00 3. Buchanan. Administration on the Eve of the Rebellion. . 1 00 2. Conyngham. The Irish Brigade and its Campaigns 1 50 3. Drake. The Five Years' French and Indian War in New- England and Parts adjacent. 4to 4 00 3. Draper, J. W. History of the American Civil War. With Maps. 3 vols 3 50 2. Ely. Journal of a Prisoner of War in Richmond 1 00 2. Englishman's Guide to the United States and Canada. Il- lustrated 1 00 2. Estvan. War Pictures in the South 1 25 2. Gillett. Democracy in the United States 1 50 3. Glazier. Three Years in the Federal Cavalry 2 00 3. Goddard, S. A. Letters on the American Rebellion 1 50 2. Great Industries of the United States 3 00 3. Greene, G. W. American Revolution 150 3. Hamersley. Records of Living Officers of the United States Navy and Marine Corps. With History of Naval Operations during the Rebellion. 1861-'65 . . . 5 00 3. Harrison. Pickett's Men. Fragment of War History 2 00 3. Higginson. Army-Life in a Black Regiment 1 50 3. Letterman. Medical Recollections of the Army of the Po- tomac 1 00 3. Lossing. Pictorial Field-Book of 1812 7 00 4. Johnston. Narrative of Military Operations during the LateWar 500 3. Ludlow and Hughes. The United States from Indepen- dence to Secession 2 50 3. Mason. A Brief History of the Pequot War, 1637 1 75 4. McPherson. The Political History of the United States during the Period of Reconstruction 5 00 3. McKnight. Old Fort Duquesne 2 50 4. Neill. History of the Virginia Company of London. 5 00 3. Newcomb. Financial Policy during the Rebellion 1 00 3. Parkman. Discovery of the Great West 2 50 3. France and England in North America. 7 vols. 17 50 3. Patton. History of the United States of America. 3 00. With Portraits 5 00 2. Peet. History of the United States of America 1 50 2. People's History of America 6 50 3. Richardson. Yellowstone Region explored in 1870-'71. London 2 25 VEDA. 197 4. Ruttenberg. Indian Tribes of Hudson River $3 50 2. Soldiers of Indiana in the War for the Union. Maps. Il- lustrated. 2 vols 10 00 3. Soraers. The Southern States since the War. Maps 250 3. Stevens, G. S. Three Years in the Sixth Corps, Army of the Potomac ". . . 3 00 2. Stevens. History of the United States 1 50 2. Stoughton. Heroes of Puritan Times 1 25 3. Swinton. Campaigns of the Army of the Potomac 4 00 3. Wilson. History of the American Revolution 1 50 Universalism. 3. Ballou. Ancient History of Universalism 1 50 3. Brooks. Our New Departure 1 75 3. George. Universalism not of the Bible 1 75 3. Universalism against Itself 1 50 3. Universalist Church Memorial 2 50 Urine and Urinary Organs. 4. Beale. Urinary Deposits. Two sheets each London 1 25 4. Black. Diseases of the Renal, Urinary, and Reproductive Organs 2 50 3. Flint. Chemical Examination of Urine in Disease 1 00 4. Gouley. Diseases of the Urinary Organs 3 75 3. Harley. Urine and its Derangements 2 75 4. Legg. Examination of the Urine 75 4. Piffard. Urine Examinations 1 25 4. Roberts. Urinary and Renal Diseases 4 50 4. Van Buren and Keyes on the Genito-Urinary Organs 5 00 Usury. 4. Tyler. Law of Usury 7 50 Utah. 2. Codman. The Mormon Country 1 50 2. Simpson. The Shortest Route to California. Map 1 50 2. Tucker. Origin, Rise, and Progress of Mormonism, Biog- raphy of its Founder, and History of its Church 1 20 Uterine Diseases. 4. Byford. Inflammation and Displacements of the Uterus. illustrated 3 00 4. Cutter. Versions and Flexions of the Uterus 50 4. Tilt. Hand-book of Uterine Therapeutics 3 50 Vaccination. 3. Both. Small-Pox and Vaccination 75 3. Constable. Doctors, Vaccination, and Utilitarianism. Lond. 2 50 3. Schieferdecker. Horrors of Vaccination 30 Vapor. See STEAM. Variations. See CALCULUS. Veda. See INDIA. 198 VELOCIPEDES. Velocipedes. 2. Velocipede. Its History, Varieties, and Practice. Illus- trated $ 75 2. Velocipedes, Bicycles, and Tricycles ; how to use them.. . . 50 Vendors, Law of. 4. Sugden. Law of Vendors. 2 vols 15 00 Venereal Diseases. 4. Acton. Functions and Disorders of the Keproductive Or- gans 3 00 3. Berjeau. Homeopathic Treatment of Syphilis, etc 2 00 4. Bumstead. Pathology and Treatment of Venereal Diseases. Illustrated 5 00 3. Gunn. Venereal Diseases 2 25 3. Henry. Venereal Diseases 1 00 4. Hill. Syphilis, and Local Contagious Disorders 3 25 4. Lewin. Treatment of Syphilis 2 25 4. Parker. Treatment of Syphilitic Diseases 1 50 Ventilation. 3. Gouge. A New System of Ventilation. Illustrated 2 00 4. Leeds. Treatise on Ventilation 2 50 3. Lectures on Ventilation. Illustrated 1 00 3. Saeltzer. Acoustics and Ventilation 2 00 Vermont. 3. Hall. History of Vermont, to its Admission into the Union. Map 400 4. Vermont Historical Gazetteer Each vol. 6 00 Vertebrates. See ANATOMY OF VERTEBRATES, ZOOLOGY, etc. Veterinary Medicines and Surgery. See also HORSE, SHEEP, etc. 4. Beasley. Druggist's Receipt-Book. Veterinary Formulary 3 50 4. Dun. Veterinary Medicines 6 00 4. Homoeopathic Veterinary Surgery, Manual of. 5 00 4. Manual of Homoeopathic Veterinary Practice 5 00 3. Moore. Outlines of Veterinary Homoeopathy London 2 00 5. Williams. Veterinary Surgery 12 00 Vienna. 2. Bucher and Weiss. Guide to Vienna. Translated. .. Lond. 200 2. De Bernardy. Tourist's Hand-book to Vienna 1 50 2. Graphic Guide to Vienna London 1 00 Vincent de Paul, St. 3. Life of. With Introduction. By Crake 1 75 Vine-dresser. See GRAPES, CULTURE OP. Vinegar. 4. Dussauce. Treatise on the Manufacture of Vinegar 5 00 WARREN, JOHN. 199 Virgil. 3. JEneid, translated by Rev. John Conington $2 25 3. Collins. Ancient Classics for English Readers 1 00 Virgin Mary. 2. Barthe. Litany of the Most Holy Virgin, with Meditations. Translation 1 50 2. Clay. Virgin Mary and the Traditions of Painters. .Lond. 3 00 2. Divine Life of the Virgin Mary 1 50 3. Orsini. History of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Translated. 4 vols London. Each 2 00 2. Philip. Meditations on the Blessed Virgin 2 00 Virginia. 2. Appletons' Hand-book of American Travel, Southern Tour 2 00 4. Hariot. Newfound-land of Virginia 30 00 3. Magill. History of Virginia 1 25 4. Neill. History of the Virginia Company of London 5 00 3. Pocahontas and her Companions 1 00 2. Pollard. The Virginia Tourist. Sketches of the Springs and Mountains of Virginia. Illustrated 2 50 2. Slater. Virginia. With Maps London 1 25 Voice. See also Music, SINGING, etc. 3. Durant Hygiene of the Voice. Its Physiology and Anat- omy 2 00 3. Seller. The Voice in speaking. Translated 1 50 3. Streeter. Theory for Voice-Building 1 75 Volcanoes. See also EARTHQUAKES, and GEOLOGY. 3. Scrope. Volcanoes. Character of their Phenomena, etc. London 7 50 Voltaire. 3. By John Morley 3 50 Von Iliitten. 3. Life and Times of. By Strauss. Translated London 5 00 Wages. See LABOR QUESTION. Wagner, Richard. 3. Autobiography and Essays. Translated by Edward L. Burlingame 2 00 3. The Music of the Future. By F. Hueffer. Translation. . . 3 50 Walking. 3. Pettigrew. Locomotion of Animals in Walking, etc 175 Wallingford, Conn. 4. Davis. History of Wallingford, Conn. Portraits 5 00 Warren, John. 3. Life of. By E. Warren 5 00 200 WARWICK, MASS. Warwick, Mass. 4. Blake. History of Warwick, Mass $2 00 Washington, George. 3. Life and Times of. By W. Irving. Illustrated 5 00 3. Student's Life of. By W. Irving. Illustrated 2 25 3. Personal Memoirs of. By Mrs. Kirkland. Illustrated 1 75 3. Story of. By F. M. Owen 1 75 2. The Farmer-Boy ; or, The Life of George Washington 1 50 3. Words of. Selected by J. Parton 1 25 3. Memoir of. By E. Phelps - 1 50 Washington Territory. 3. Swan. The Northwest Coast ; or, Three Years' Residence in Washington Territory 1 50 Watchmaking. 2. Kemlo. Watch-Repairer's Hand-book 125 2. Watchmaker and Jeweler's Manual 50 Water-Color Fainting. 3. Leitch. Water-Color Painting 2 50 3. Murray. Modern System from the Living Model 50 2. Sully. Hints to Young Painters 1 00 Water-Courses, Law of. 4. Angell. Common Law in Relation to Water-Courses 7 50 Watering-places. See AMERICAN GUIDES, and SUMMER RE- SORTS. Waters, Mineral. See MINERAL WATERS. Wax-Modeling. See MODELING. Weather. See METEOROLOGY. Webster, Daniel. 3. Life of. By G. T. Curtis. 2 vols 10 00 3. Popular edition. 2 vols 6 00 3. Life and Works of. Edited by Everett. 6 vols. . 18 00 3. Correspondence of. By T. Webster. 2 vols 7 50 Weights and Measures. 2. Coignon. Chart of Metric System 5 25 3. Davis. The Metric System 1 50 3. Gregory. British Metric System: Decimal Assimilation. London 2 50 Wells, John. 3. Memorial of the Life, etc., of. By T. G. Wells 2 00 Went worth, Thomas. 3. Life of. By Cooper London 5 25 Wesley, John. 3. Wesley his own Historian. By E. S. Janes 1 50 3. Life of. By Tyerman. 3 vols Each 2 50 WIT. 201 3. Wesley and the Evangelical Reaction. By Julia Wedge- wood $2 50 3. Works. 14 vols London. Each 160 West Indies. 3. Goodman. Pearl of the Antilles ; or, an Artist in Cuba. London 2 75 3. Hazard. Cuba with the Pen and Pencil. London 7 50 3. Santo Domingo. Past and Present. With a Glance at Hayti 3 50 West Point. 4. Boynton. History of West Point. Illustrated 3 50 West Virginia. 2. Appletons' Hand-book of American Travel. Southern Tour 2 00 Wheat-Culture. See also Farming, etc. 2. Todd. The American Wheat Culturist 2 00 Wheels. See also MECHANICS. 4. Cullen. Construction of Water- Wheels London 6 25 Whist. 3. Cavendish. New and Complete Treatise on Whist 75 3. Pole. Theory of Whist 1 00 White Mountains. 3. King.' The White Hills, their Legends, Landscapes, etc. Illustrated 3 50 3. Willey, B. G. History of the White Mountains. 12mo. . 1 50 Willard, Emma. 3. Life of. ByJ.Lord 200 Williams, Roger. 3. Footprints of. By Z. A. Mudge 1 25 Wills, Law of. 4. Hawkins. Construction of Wills 5 00 4. Redfield. The Law of Wills. 3 vols Each 7 50 Wine. See also GRAPES, CULTURE OF, etc. 3. Druitt. Cheap Wines of France and Germany .London 1 25 4. Griffin. Chemical Testing of Wines and Spirits . . . London 2 50 3. Thudichum and Dupre. Wine. Its Origin, Nature, and Varieties 9 '00 Wit. See also ALMANACS, COMIC ; BURLESQUE, etc. 2. Bennett and Brough. Character Sketches London 10 50 2. Besant. French Humorists 2 50 2. Burton, N. E. Wit and Humor. Illustrated 7 00 2. Galaxy of Wit and Wisdom ; or, Choice Sayings of Many Minds.. 1 25 3. Hood's Own; or, Laughter from Year to Year. Illus- trated. 2 vols. . . 10 50 202 WITCHCRAFT. 2. Hupfeld. Wit and Wisdom. Over Nine Thousand Anec- dotes $4 00 3. Timbs. Anecdote Lives of Wits and Humorists. 2 vols . . 3 00 Witchcraft. See also MAGIC, SALEM WITCHCRAFT, etc. 3. Drake. Annals of Witchcraft in the United States 6 00 Woman. See also SEXES, RELATION OF THE. 2. Andernon, William. Model Woman London 2 50 2. Beecher, C. E. Women's Profession as Mother and Edu- cator 1 25 2. Bishop. Law of Married Women in the Several States. 2 vols. 8vo 15 00 2. Claflin, Tennie C. Constitutional Equality a Right of Wom- en 2 00 2. Hamilton, Gail. Woman's Worth and Worthlessness 1 50 2. Landels. Woman ; her Position and Power 2 50 2. Linton, L. E. Ourselves. A Series of Essays on Women. 1 75 2. Lawrence. Disabilities of American Women married abroad 1 50 3. Mill, J. S. The Subjection of Women 1 00 3. Reply to John Stuart Mill on the Subjection of Women.. . 1 25 3. Napheys. Physical Life of Woman 1 00 2. Orton. Liberal Education of Women 1 50 2. Proffatt. Woman before the Law 1 00 2. Tedder. Man and Woman, in their Relations to Each Other. 12mo 1 00 2. Webster, T. Woman Man's Equal 1 25 2. Woolson. Woman in American Society 1 50 Women, Diseases of. See also UTERINE DISEASES. 4. Agnew. Lacerations of the Female Perinaeum 2 00 4. Atlee. Ovarian Tumors 5 00 3. Atthill. Diseases peculiar to Women 2 25 4. Barker. Puerperal Diseases 5 00 4. Byford. Diseases and Accidents incident to Women 5 00 3. Dillinberger. Women's and Children's Diseases. (Vienna School.) Translation 1 75 4. Hewitt. Diseases of Women 6 00 4. Ludlam. Diseases of Women. . . 7 00 3. Minor. Erysipelas and Childbed Fevers 2 00 3. Morrill. Physiology of Woman 1 50 4. Peaslee. Ovarian Tumors 5 00 *3. Simpson. Diseases of Women 3 00 3. Taylor. Diseases of Women 2 00 4. Thomas. Diseases of Women. Illustrated 5 00 3. Tilt. Change of Life, in Health and Disease 3 00 4. Hand-book of Uterine Therapeutics 3 50 4. Wells. Diseases of the Ovaries 4 50 Wood-Carving. 2. Illustrated Carvers' and Gilders' Guide 1 25 4. Richards. Wood-cutting Machines London 12 50 YOSEMITE VALLEY. 203 2. Rogers. Art of- Wood-Carving London $1 25 2. Sawyer. Wood-Carving 1 50 2. Sorrento. Wood-Carving. What it is. How to do it. ... 25 Wordsworth. 3. Poetical Works of 1 50 Working-Classes. See LABOR QUESTION. Workshop Appliances. See TOOLS AND WORKSHOP APPLI- ANCES. Worship. See also DEVOTION, PRAYER, RITUAL, SYMBOLISM, etc. 2. Beecher, H. W. Morning and Evening Devotional Exer- cises. Portrait.. 2 00 2. Buck. Second Motette Collection. Selected Pieces for Di- vine Worship. Oblong 4to 2 50 2. Buddington, Wm. J. Responsive Worship 60 2. Burritt, E. Prayers, etc., from the Psalms of David 1 00 2. Family Worship. A Series of Prayers 2 50 2. Henry. Household Liturgy ; or, Order of Daily Prayer. . . 50 2. Household Worship 1 25 2. Jay. Family Prayers 1 00 2. Public Worship 1 25 2. Thompson. Home- Worship for Every Day in the Year. 4to. 4 00 2. Tweedie. Daily Prayers and Daily Meditations 1 75 2. Union Prayer-Book. A Manual of Public Worship 2 50 2. Vaughan. Family Prayers 1 50 2. Wills. Pater-noster. Whom and how to worship. Thir- teen Lectures London 1 25 Wright, Edward. 3. Incidents in the Life of. By E. Leach 1 50 Xavier, St. Francis. 3. Life and Letters of. By H. J. Coleridge. 2 vols. .London 9 00 Xenophon. Ancient Classics for English Readers 1 00 Translation by Sir A. Grant 1 00 Yachts and Yachting. See also BOATING. 3. Marett. Yachts and Yacht-Building London 6 25 2. Olsen, American Yacht-List. Per annum 1 00 Year-Books. See under name of denomination or pursuit. Yosemite Valley. 2. Bancroft. Yosemite, San Francisco, and around the Bay. . 75 3. Hutchings. Scenes of Wonder and Curiosity in California. Illustrated 3 00 3. Kneeland. Wonders of Yosemite Valley and California. Illustrated.. . , 4 00 204 YOUNG, CHARLES MAYNE. 2. Richardson. Wond-ers of the Yellowstone $1 50 2. Whitney, J. D. Yosemite Guide-Book 5 00 Young, Charles Mayiie, the Tragedian* 3. Memoir of. By J. C. Young. 2 vols 2 25 Zanzibar. 3. Burton. Zanzibar City, Island and Coast. 2 vols. . .Lond. 15 00 Zeisberger, David. 3. The Western Pioneer and Apostle of the Indians. Life and Times. By E. De Schweinitz 3 50 Zoological Mythology. See also MYTHOLOGY. 4. De Gubernatis. Zoological Mythology. 2 vols 8 00 Zoology. See also BIOLOGY, MAMMALIA, NATURAL HISTORY, etc. If anybody desires to acquaint himself with the entire field of zoology for the special purpose of gaining a general survey of the history of the animal kingdom from the lowest to the highest organisms, and through the various phases of the history of the earth, he will be at a loss to find better works for his instruction than Hackel's " History of Creation," and " History of the Evolution of Man." Of course, they elaborate the doctrine of Evolution, which some hold in no high esteem. " But, when all is said and done in the way of objection, the ' History of the Evolution of Man ' is a real live book, full of power and genius, and based upon a foundation of practical original work, to which few living men can offer a parallel. If anybody can read it without profiting by the abundant information and fertile suggestions of new lines of thought which it contains, all I can say is, that I envy him ; and, if anybody can read it without being struck by its clearness and methodical compre- hensiveness, and without being convinced that the general line of argument is sound, whatever may be thought of the details, all I can further say is, I do not envy him." So says Huxley. 2. Anderson. The Lion and the Elephant London 7 50 3. Blackwall. Researches in Zoology London 3 75 2. Blake. Catechism of Zoology London 1 00 2. Broderip. Zoological Recreations London 2 50 4. Clemens. Tineina of North America. Notes by Stamton. London 6 25 2. Cupples, Mrs. G. Singular Creatures, and how they were found 1 50 2. Gosse. Evenings at the Microscope ; or, Researches among the Minute Organs and Forms of Animal Life 150 3. Hackel. The History of Creation. Translated by Ray Lankester. (In press. ) 3. The History of the Evolution of Man. Translated and edited by G. A. F. Van Rhyn. (In press.) 4. Hincks. History of British Hydroid Zoophytes. Illus- trated. 2 vols .London 42 00 2. Jager. Class-Book of Zoology 60 2. Jones, T. R. Animal Creation : Introduction to Zoology. Illustrated. . . .London 3 75 ZYMOTIC DISEASES. 205 2. Jones, T. R. Outline of Organism of Animal Kingdom. Illustrated London $15 76 ^- 3. Jordan. Key to the Mammals, Birds, Reptiles, Batrachi- ans, etc., of the United States, east of the Rocky Moun- tains 1 50 2. Nicholson. Text-Book of Zoology 1 75 2. Manual of Zoology 2 50 2. Rod well. The Rat : its History and Destructive Character. London 1 00 3. Rolleston. Forms of Animal Life 6 00 3. Scammon. Marine Mammals of the Northwestern Coast of North America. 4to 10 00 Zulu. 3. Calvert. Vazeeri Rupi ; the Silver Country of the Vazeers in Zulu London 8 00 Zymotic Diseases. 4. Wolff. Zymotic Diseases: their Correlation and Causa- tion.. . . .London 2 50 INDEX. PAGE Abolition. See Slavery 178 Aborigines. See Indians 95 Abortion, Criminal. See Infanti- cide 95 Abstinence. See Temperance Liter- ature 189 Abyssinia 1 Accident Insurance. See Insurance 96 Acclimation. See Climatology 81 Acoustics 1 Actinism. See Chemistry 80 See also Photography 152 Actors and Actresses. See Biogra- phy, Collective 19 Acts of the Apostles 2 Adamites. See Christian Church, History of the 82 Adams, John, 2 Adams, John Quincy 2 Adirondacks 2 Administrator's Guides 2 Admiralty 2 Adulteration. See Food 77 Adventures. See names of coun- tries, as Africa 2 Aeronautics 2 ^Eschylus 2 ^Esthetics. See Art, Essays and Treatises on 11 Afghan Language 2 Afghanistan 2 Africa 2 Africa, Central 3 Africa, Eastern 3 Africa, South 3 Africa, West 3 Agency ' 3 Agreements. See Frauds 78 Agricultural Chemistry 3 Agriculture. See Farming 75 Aiken, L 3 Air. See Chemistry 30 Air-Pumps. See Mechanics- 121 Alabama 3 Alabama Claims 4 Alaska.... 4 PAGK Albania. See Greece 84 Albert ITyanza 4 Albany City 4 Albany County 4 Albums. See Postage Stamps, Al- bums for. 157 Alchemy. See Chemistry 30 Alcohol, Uses of. See Temperance Literature 183 Alcoholic Liquors, Manufacture of. . 4 Alexander, J. Addison 4 Alford, Henry 4 Algiers 4 Alimony. See Divorce and Ali- mony. 47 Alison 4 Allopathy. See Medicine 121 Almanacs 4 Almanacs, Comic 5 Alphabets, Collections of. 5 Alps 5 Alumni. See Biography, Collective, American Colleges 19 Amazon 5 America, Discovery of 5 America, Early History of 5 America, Travels in 5 America, Traveler's Guides 5 America, Central. See Central America 29 American Biography. See Biogra- phy, Collective 19 American Law 6 American Navy 6 Americanisms. See English Lan- guage, Studies in 69 Amphibia. See Zoology 205 Amusements. See Games and Amusements 80 Analysis. See Chemical Analysis.. 30 Anaesthetics 7 Anatomy, Human 7 Anatomy of Invertebrates 7 Anatomy of Vertebrates 7 Ancient Architecture. See Archi- tecture 9 208 INDEX. Ancient Classics. See names of au- thors, as ./Eschylus 2 Ancient History, See History 89 Andes 7 Andre, Major 7 Anecdotes 7 Anglican Church. See Church of England 35 Angling. See Field-Sports 75 Fishing 76 Anglo-Saxon Language 8 Anglo-Saxons, History of 8 Animal Instinct. See Instinct 96 Animal Magnetism. See Electricity 66 Animals. See Natural History 132 Zoology 205 Animals, Domestic. See Cattle 23 Animals, Locomotion of 8 Animals, Training of 8 Annuals. See name of Denomina- tion, or Pursuit, as Baptist 16 Antarctic Regions. See Arctic Re- gions 10 Anthropology. See Ethnology 72 Antilles. See West Indies 201 Antiquities. See countries, as Greece 84 Apocalypse 8 Apocrypha. See Bible 18 Old Testament 142 Apoplexy 8 Apostles, Acts of. See Acts of the Apostolic Age. See Christian Ch'ch, History of Apostolic Church. See Church of England Apostolic Fathers. See Biography, Collective Apparatus. See Physics Apparitions. See Magic ... Apples, Cultivation of Appliances, Mechanical. See Me- chanics Applied Chemistry. See Chemistry Applied Mathematics. See Mathe- matics Aquarium Arabia Arabic Arbitration Award Archaeology. See countries, as Greece Architecture Architectural Drawing. See De- signing Arctic and Antarctic Regions Argentine Republic Aristophanes Arithmetic, Business Arizona Arkansas '. Arms and Armor Arnold, Thomas Art, Collections and Specimens of Masterpieces Art Dictionary of Terms in Art, Essays and Treatises on ....... 11 Art, History of. ................... 12 Art, Sacred ....................... 12 Articles, Thirty-nine. See Church ofEngland .................... 85 Artificial Climates. Sec Climatology 87 Artillery .......................... 12 Artists. See Biography, Collective, Artists ....................... 19 Artisans. See Labor Question ..... 110 Arts, Industrial, Dictionaries of ---- 12 Asbury, Bishop Francis ........... 12 Ashanti ........................... 12 Asia, Travels in ................... 13 Asia Minor, Geography of. ......... 13 Assaying ......................... 13 Assurance. See Insurance ........ 96 Assyria ........................... 18 Assyrian Language ................ 13 Astronomy ...................... . 13 Atheism. See Infidelity ........... 95 Athletic Sports .................... 14 Atlases, General Geographical ...... 14 Atonement ....................... 14 Attachment ....................... 14 Audubon, John James ............. 14 Australia ......................... 15 Austria, History of ................ 15 Austria ........................... 15 Authors. See Biography, Collective 19 Authorship. See Patents and Copy- rights ........................ 147 Autology ......................... 15 Bacon, Francis Babylonia Bahamas Bailments Ball. See Base-Ball Ballooning. See Aeronautics Ballot See Government. ........ 84 Also Representation ............. 164 Bangs, H ......................... 15 Banking .......................... 16 Bankruptcy ....................... 15 Banks ................... ; ........ 16 Baptism .......................... 16 Baptist Annual ................... 16 Baptist Denomination, History of. . 16 Baptist Theology .................. 16 Barbary States. See Africa ....... 3 Barbauld, Mrs. A. L ............... 16 Barn-yard Fowls. See Poultry ____ 1.^ Barneveld, John of. . ......... ". ---- 16 Barometer. See Meteorology ...... 16 Base-Ball ......................... 16 Bashan ........................... 17 Bath ............................. 17 Batkins, Jefferson S ............... 17 Battery. See Artillery ............ 12 Also Engineering. Military ....... 67 Also Military Science ............ 12(i Also Electricity ................. 6ti Also Galvanism ................. 80 Battles. See the various countries, as Germany ................... 82 Bayard, G. D ..................... 17 INDEX. 209 Bavaria. See Germany 82 Bee-Keeping 17 Bees 17 Beethoven 17 Belgium 17 Belooehistan 17 Berkeley, Bishop G 17 Besson, Rev. Pere 17 Bible, History of the 17 Bible and the Schools. See Educa- tion, Treatises on 50 Bible, Revision of. See Revision .. 165 Biblical and Theological Dictionaries 18 Bibliography. See Catalogues 28 Bigamy. See Marriage 119 Also Polygamy 159 Billiards 18 Bills of Exchange. See Banks and Banking 16 Also Exchange 74 Also Finance 76 Biography, Collective 18 Biography, Collective General 19 Biography, Collective American. . . 19 Biography, Collective American Colleges 19 Biography, Collective Artists 19 Biography, Collective Lawyers 20 Biography, Collective Liter'y Men 20 Biography, Collective Military Men 20 Biography, Collective Musical Com- posers 20 Biography, Collective Sacred 20 Biography, Collective Statesmen . . 20 Biography, Collective Women 21 Biology 21 Bioplasm. See Biology 21 Birds. See Cage-Birds 26 Bismarck, Prince 22 Bladder, Diseases of 22 Blast-Furnace 22 Blasting, Submarine 22 Blow-pipe Analysis. See Mineral- ogy 127 Boating 22 Boccaccio's Decameron 22 Bokhara 22 Bonapartes 22 Bonds, Municipal 23 Bones, Diseases of. 23 Book-Keeping 23 Book-Trade Directories 23 Booth, Edwin 23 Boston 28 Botany 28 Bowels, Diseases of. 24 Brain 24 Brainerd, Rev. Thomas 24 Brassey, Thomas 24 Brazil, Travels in 24 Breath 24 Bridge-Building 24 Bright, John 25 Bright's Disease. See Kidneys 110 British Dominion. See Canada 27 Broadsword Instruction. See Cav- alry 28 Brokerage and Brokers 1 Laws. See Agency 3 Bronchitis 25 Bronte, Charlotte 25 Brooklyn. See New York 135 Brougham, H 25 Brute, Rev. Gabriel 25 Buddhism 25 Bulwer. See Lytton 117 Bunsen, Baron 25 Bunyan, John 25 Burial 25 Burns, Robert 26 Burns, Rev. W. C 26 Burr, Aaron 26 Burr, William 26 Burlesque 26 Business Hand-books. See Mercan- tile Hand-books 123 Also Telegraph-Codes 189 Business Laws 26 Butterflies 26 Byron, Lord 26 Cabinet-Making. . . . 26 Cable. See Telegraph 26 Cage-Birds 26 Caesar 26 Calculus 26 Calendars. See Almanacs 4 Calhoun, J. C 27 Calico- Printing 27 California 27 Campbell, Alexander 27 Canaan. See Geography, Biblical... 81 Also Palestine 145 Also Syria 1S7 Canada.... . 27 Canals 27 Canary 27 Cannon. See Artillery 12 Also Guns 85 Also Military Science 126 Canon. See Bible, History of the. . 17 Capital Punishment. See Crimes and Punishments 42 Cards 27 Carlyle, Thomas 27 Carpentry 28 Carriage-Painting. See Painting... 144 Carriers. See Bailments 15 Carson, Kit 28 Carthage and Tunis 28 Catalogues of Books and Periodicals 28 Catarrh 28 Catholic Chnrch. See Church of Rome 35 Cats 28 Catskill Mountains 28 Cattle 28 Cattle, Diseases of. 28 Caucasus 28 Cavalry Tactics 28 Celebrities. See Biography, Collec- tive 18 Cements, Manufacture of 29 Cemetery. See Burial 2 210 INDEX. Census 29 Central Africa. See Africa, Central 3 Central America 29 Central Asia 29 Ceramic Art 29 Ceylon, Travels in 29 Cerebral Affections. See Brain 24 Also Insanity 95 Also Mental Disease 123 Chaldee. See Hebrew 87 Chalmers, Thomas 29 Chambers, Robert 29 Chambers, William 29 Chancery Practice in England 29 Channing, Wm. Ellery 29 Charades 29 Charts. See Atlases 14 Charities 30 Chase, Chief- Justice S . P 80 Chatterton 80 Chemical Analysis 30 Chemical Physics 30 Chemical Physiology 30 Chemical Technology 30 Chemistry, Medical 31 Chemistry, Inorganic 31 Chemistry, Organic 31 Chemistry 30 Chemistry, Theoretical, Philosophi- cal, and Miscellaneous Treatises 31 Chess 31 Chesterfield, Lord 31 Chicago 31 Children, Diseases of 31 China 81 Chinese Language 32 Chloroform. See Anaesthetics 7 Choate, Eufus 32 Christ, Life of. 32 Christian Church, History of the. . . 32 Christian Church, Theology of the.. 33 Christian Doctrines 34 Christian Ethics 34 Christianity, Evidences of 34 Chronology, Dictionaries of 34 Church and State 35 Church Architecture 35 Church Calendar. See name of De- nomination, as Church of Eng- land 35 Church of England, Doctrines of . 35 Church of England, Practices of . 35 Church of England, Rituals of. . . 35 Church of Rome Almanacs . . . .35 Church of Rome, Doctrines of. . .85 Church of Rome, Polemics 35 Church of Rome, Practices of. . . 35 Church of Rome, Rituals of 35 Cicero 36 Circle, Quadrature of 36 City Architecture. See Architec- ture 9 Civil Engineering. See Engineer- ing 67 Also 2*&-Educational Works 62 Civil Government. See Govern- ment... . &4 Civil Service, and Army 36 Civilization, History of. 86 Clarke, D. W 36 Classical Dictionaries 87 Classics. See name of Author, as Climatology Clinical Medicine Clock and Watch Making Cloths. See Textile Fabrics Club-foot Clubs Coach-Painting. See Painting Coal Coal-Mining Coal-Regions Cockburn, Lord Henry Code, Military. See Military Sci- ence Coffee Coins. See Numismatics Colds Collective Biography. See Biogra- phy, Collective Collected Works. See names of Authors, as Dickens Colleges, American Collins, S Colors Colossians, Epistle to the Columbus, Christopher Commentaries.. See New Testa- ment Commercial Dictionaries Commercial Law Commercial Registers. See Mer- cantile Hand-books Commission Merchants. See Agency Commissioners. See Notaries and Commissioners Common Law, , Commune. See France, History of Communion, Eucharist, Real Pres- ence Comparative Anatomy. See Anat- omy Composers. See Biography, Collec- tive ; the name of the Individ- ual, as Beethoven Composition. See Educat'l Works Also Rhetoric Conant, Mrs. J. H Concordances of the Bible Confectionery. See Cookery Congregationalists Conic Sections. See Educational Works - See Geometry Constipation. See Bowels, Diseases of Constitution of the United States .. Consumption Contagious Diseases Contracts, Law of Conveyances, Law of Cookery Cookman, A 31 87 37 37 8T 87 144 88 88 IS 3S 123 3 187 89 77 INDEX. 211 Coomassie. See Africa 8 Also Ashanti 12 Cooper, Anthony Ashley, First Earl of Shaftesbury 41 Copartnership. See Partnership.. 147 Copley, John L 41 Copper. See Metallurgy 124 Also Mineralogy 12T Copyright. See Patents and Copy- right 147 Coral 41 Corinthians, Epistles to the 41 Corporations, Law of Municipal 41 Cortes, Hernando 41 Cottages. See Architecture 9 Cotton 41 Cotton-Spinning 41 Coughing. See Colds 38 Counter-Claim. See Set-off. 175 Country Architecture. See Archi- tecture 9 Covenants for Titles 41 Cranberry Culture 42 Creation. See Biology 21 Creditor. See Debtor and Creditor 44 Creed. See name of Denomination, as Church of England 85 Crests. See Designing 45 Cretan Insurrection 42 Cricket 42 Crimes 42 Criminal Law 42 Crittenden, J. J .-r: 42 Cromwell, Oliver 42 Croquet 42 Crusades 42 Crustacea. See Natural History. . . 132 Also Zoology 204 Cuba 42 Culture. See Education, Essays on 50 Currency and Money 42 Cyclopaedias 42 Dahlgren, Ulric .43 Dahomey 43 Dakota Language 43 Dakota Missions 43 Dallas, Alex. James 43 Damages 43 Dancing 43 DanieLBookof 43 Danish Language 43 Dante, degli Alighieri 43 Darwinism. See Biology 21 Dates. See Chronology, Diction- aries of. 34 Da Vinci, Leonardo 44 Davis, Jefferson 44 Debt, National See Finance 76 Debtor and Creditor 44 Declaiming. See Educational "Works 54 See Elocution 67 Decorations. See Designing 45 DeFoe,DanieL 44 Delaware 44 Deluge. See Geology 81 Damonology 44 11 Demosthenes 44 Denman, Lord 44 Denmark 44 Dentistry 44- De Quincey, Thomas 45 Dermatology. See Skin, Diseases of...:!;. 177 Dervishes 45 Descent, Law of. 45 Descriptive Geometry. See Educa- tional Works 55 Also Geometry. 82 De Sevigne, Madame. See Sevigne, de 175 Designing 45 De Stael 45 Deutsch, E 45 Development. See Evolution. 74 Devotion, Books of. 45 Diagnosis, Medical 45 Dialogues. See Educational Works 54 Also Elocution 67 Diamonds 46 Dickens, Charles 46 Dictionaries. See Languages, as English 69 Dietetics 46 Differential Calculus. See Calculus 26 Also Educational Works 56 Digestion 46 Diphtheria. 46 Diplomacy 46 Diseases. See name, or character of Disease, as Consumption .... 40 Dispensatories. See Pharmacy.... 150 Disraeli, Benjamin 46 Divination 47 Diving 47 Divorce and Alimony. : 47 Doddridge, Philip 47 Dogs 47 Domestic Economy 47 Domestic Medicine 43 Domestic Eelations 48 Domingo. See San Domingo 168 Also West Indies 201 Dominion of Canada. See Canada.. 27 Draughts 48 Drawing 48 Dreams 48 Dress 48 Drinking. See Dietetics 46 Also Temperance Literature 189 Drum and Fife 43 Dryden 43 Dueling. 48 Dumas, Alexandra 48 Dunham, Thomas 49 Dunster, Henry 49 Durer, Albert 49 Dutch Reformed Church. See Re- formed Dutch Church 163 Duties. See Tariff Laws 188 Dyeing 49 Dynamics 49 Ear, Diseases of. 49 212 INDEX. PACK Early English. See Anglo-Saxon .. 8 Also English Language, Studies in 69 Earth 49 Earthquakes 49 Earthworks. See Mensuration 123 Easements, Law of 49 East, The 49 East Indies 50 East Indian Archipelago. See Asia 18 Eating. See Cookery 40 Also Dietetics 46 Also Digestion... 46 Eccclesiastes 50 Eeclesiatical Art. See Art, Sacred . 12 Ecclesiastical History. See Chris- tian Church, History of. 82 Economy. See Domestic Economy 47 Also Political Economy 155 Edgeworth, Maria 50 Editing. See Journalism 100 Education. Essays and Treatises on 50 Educational Works 51 Algebra 51 Anatomy, Physiology, Hygiene, etc 51 Arithmetic 51 Astronomy 52 Book-Keeping 52 Botany 52 Chemistry 62 Composition and Rhetoric 53 Dictionaries of the English Lan- guage 58 Drawing and Painting 58 Elocution 54 French 54 Geography 55 Geology, Mineralogy, and Metal- lurgy 55 Geometry 55 German 56 Grammar 57 Grammars for the Use of French- men, Germans, and Spaniards.. 57 Greek. 58 Gymnastics anfl Calisthenics 59 Hebrew, Syriac, and Sanscrit 59 History 59 Italian 60 Latin 60 Literature 61 Logic 62 Mechanics and Engineering 62 Metaphysics 62 Music 63 Mythology and Antiquities 68 Natural Philosophy 68 Penmanship 64 Political and Social Science 64 Primary Books 64 Readers 64 Spanish 64 Spellers 65 Zoology 65 Eggs. SeeOvology 144 Also Poultry 153 Egypt 6(; Electricity 66 Electricity, Medical and S orgical ... 66 Electro-Magnetism. See Electricity 66 Electro-Metallurgy. See Metallurgy 124 Electrotype 66 Elevations 67 Eliot, Sir John . 67 Elizabeth, N. J !... Elocution 67 Emblems 67 Engineering 67 Engineering, Civil 67 Engineering, Military 67 Engineering, Railroad and Locomo- tive 63 Engineering Tables 68 England, Church of. See Church of England 85 England. Constitution of. See Eng- lish Constitution and Laws 68 England, History of 68 England, Travels in 68 English Constitution 68 English Dictionaries 69 English Language, Studies in 69 English Etvmology, Dictionaries of 69 English Laws 6S English Literature, Studies in 69 English Synonyms 70 Engravers. See Biography, Collec- tive 18 Engraving 70 Engravings. See Art, Collections of Specimens .of. 11 Entomology . . '. 70 Ephesians, Epistle to the 71 Epistles. See name, as Romans.. . . 166 Also New Testament 135 Epigrams 71 Epidemics. See names of Epidemic Diseases, as Cholera 82 Epilepsy 71 Epitaphs 71 Equation of Payment 1 Equity Jurisprudence 71 Erskine, Lord 71 Erysipelas 71 Essays, Critical 71 Essays, Literary 71 Essays, Social 71 Estoppel, Law of 72 Esther, Book of 72 Ethnology 72 Ethics. See Christian Church, Doc- trines and Ethics of 34 Also Moral Science 130 Etiquette 73 Etruria 73 Eucharist. See Communion 2 Euripides 7 Europe, Guides to 78 Europe, History of. See History.. 89 Also Special Countries, as Ger- many 82 INDEX. 213 Europe, Travels in 73 Eutropius 73 Evans, William 78 Evelyn, John 73 Everett, Edward 73 Evidence, Law of 73 Evidences. See Christianity, Evi- dences of 34 Evolution, Doctrine of 74 Exchange 74 Executors. See Administrators. ... 2 Exodus 74 Eye, Diseasesof. 74 Ezekiel, Book of. 74 Factors. See Agency 3 Fairfax, Lord 74 Family. See Domestic Relations, Lawof 48 Faraday, Michael 74 Farm Implements 75 Farmers' Annuals 75 Farming 75 Fathers, Apostolic. See Biography, Collective 18 Federacy. See Government 84 Federal Enactments. See Govern- ment 84 Also United States 196 Fencing. See Dueling 48 Fenianism. See Ireland 97 Fern, Fanny 75 Ferns 75 Ferrotype. See Photography 152 Fever 75 Fiction. See Novels and Eoman- ces 133 Field-Sports T5 Fielding, Henry 76 Fiji Islands 76 Finance 76 Fire Insurance 76 Fish-Culture 76 Fishing 76 Fixtures, Law of 76 Florence 76 Florida 76 Flower-Gardening 77 Flowers, The Language of 77 Flowers in Wax. See Modeling. .. 129 Foeticide. See Infanticide 95 Fonblanque, Albany 77 Food 77 Foote, Andrew Hull, Bear-Admiral U.S.N T.... 77 Forbes, J. D 77 Forestry. See Trees 194 Forrest, Edwin 77 Fortifications. See Engineering, Military 67 Also Military Science 126 France, History of. 77 Franco-German War 73 Franklin, Benjamin 78 Fraud and Mistake, Law of 78 Frauds, Statute of. 78 Frederick the Great 78 Free-Hand Drawing. See Drawing 48 Also Educational Works 53 Freemasonry 78 Free-Trade 78 Friends, Society of. 79 Fruit-Culture 79 Fruit in Wax. See Modeling 129 Fruit-Trees. See Fruit-Culture 79 Also Trees 194 Fuel 78 Fuller, M 79 Furnace. See Assaying 13 Also Metallurgy 124 Furniture 79 Future State 79 Gaelic, See Irish 97 Galatians, Epistle to the 79 Galileo 80 Gallitzin, A. de 80 Galvanism 80 Galvano-Plastics. See Electrotype. 67 Galvano-Therapeutics. See Thera- peutics 190 Game 80 Gaming. 80 Games and Amusements 80 Gardening. See Farming 75 Also Flower-Gardening 77 Also Horticulture 92 Gas 80 Gastronomy. See Cookery 40 Gay, John 80 Gazetteers 80 Gems 80 Generation, Spontaneous. See Bi- ology 21 Genesis .* 81 Genius 81 Geography, Biblical 81 Geography, General 81 Geography, Physical 81 Geology 81 Geometry 82 Georgia. 82 German Dictionaries 82 German Language 82 German Literature 82 Germany, Guides to . ; 82 Germany, History of 82 Gib, Robert, Lord Carrebber 82 Gillray, James 82 Glass-Making 82 Glass-Painting 82 Goethe 83 Gold and Silver 83 Goldsmith 83 Gospels, The Four. 83 Gothic Architecture 83 Gottachalk, L. M 84 Government 84 Graining. 81 Grammars. See name of Language, as German 82 Grant, U. S 84 Grapes, Culture of. 84 Gray 84 214 INDEX. Great Britain 84 Greece 84 Greek Language 84 Greek Language, Lexicons of 85 Greek Literature 85 Greek Concordances 85 Greek Testament. See New Testa- ments, Greek. . .' 135 Also Old Testament 142 Greeley, Horace 85 Greene, Nathaniel 85 Greville, E. F., Memoirs 85 Guano. See Manures 119 Guarantee, Law of 85 Guerin, Maurice de 85 Guides, Travelers 1 . See names of Countries, as Germany 82 Gunning. See Field-Sports 75 Also Hunting 93 Guns 85 Guthrie, Thomas 86 Gymnastics 86 Gypsies 86 Hades. See Future State 79 Hair 86 Halleck, Fitz-Greene 86 Hand 86 Harmony 86 Havana 86 Hawaii 86 Headaches 86 Headstones. See Designing 87 Health. See Dietetics 46 Also Hygiene 98 Heart, Diseases of. 87 Heat 87 Heavens. See Astronomy 18 Also Moon 130 Also Sun 185 Also Transits of Venus 193 Hebrew Grammars 87 Hebrew Lexicons 87 Hebrews. See Jews 99 Hebrews, Epistle to the 87 Heine, Heinrich 88 Hemans, Mrs. F .' 88 Heraldry 88 Heredity 88 Hell. See Future State 79 Herbert, George 88 Herodotus 88 Herrick, Robert 88 Hesiod 88 Highways. See Road-Making 166 Highways, Laws of. 88 Hindustan. See India 94 Hindustani 88 Hip, Diseases of 88 H istology 89 History, Ancient 89 History, Biblical 89 History, General 85 History, Miscellaneous 89 History, Modern 89 History, Philosophy of. 89 Holbein... . 89 Holland and Belgium 90 Holland, George 90 Holland, John 90 Holy Land. See Geography, Bibli- cal 81 Also Palestine 145 Holy Spirit, Doctrine of the 90 Homer 90 Homes. See Architecture 9 Homiletics 90 Homoeopathy 90 Honduras 91 Honey. See Bees and Bee-Keeping 17 Hood, Thomas 91 Hopkins, J. H 91 Horace 91 Horse 91 Horsemanship 91 Horseshoeing 91 Horses, Diseases of 91 Horticulture 92 Hospitals 1*2 House-Building. See Architecture 9 House-Painting. See Graining 84 Also Painting 144 Household Receipts 92 HudsonRiver. 92 Hughes, Archbishop 8 Huguenots 92 Human Anatomy. See Anatomy . . 9 Humboldt, A. von 92 Humboldt, W. von 92 Humor. See Anecdotes 7 Hungary 93 Hunting and Trapping 93 Husbandry. See Farming 75 Huss, John 93 Hydraulics 93 Hydropathy 93 Hydrophobia 93 Hydrostatics. See Hydraulics 9 Hygiene 93 Hysterology 93 Ice Age. See Geology 81 Iceland 93 Icelandic Language 94 Idiocy. See Insanity 95 Mental Diseases 123 Illumination 94 Immortality 94 Implements, Farm. See Farm Im- plements 75 Also Ttols, and Workshop Appli- ances 192 India 94 Indiana 95 Indians, American 95 Industrial Arts. See Special Sub- jects, as Calico-Printing 27 Infant Baptism. See Baptist 16 Infanticide 95 Infantry Tactics 95 Infants, Diseases of. See Children, Diseases of. 81 Infidelity 95 Injunctions, Law of 95 INDEX. 215 Inorganic Chemistry. See Chemis- try, Inorganic 81 Inquisitions '. . . 95 Insanity 95 Insects. See Entomology 70 Instinct 96 Insurance 96 Integral Calculus. See Calculus ... 26 Also Educational Works 55 Interest Tables 96 Internal Eevenue 96 International Law 96 Inventions 96 Inventors 96 Iowa 96 Ireland 97 Irish Language 97 Iron 97 Irving, Washington 97 Isaiah 97 Italian Language 97 Italy 97 Jackson, Andrew 97 Jackson, Stonewall 98 Jamaica 98 James, Epistles of. 98 Japan 98 Japanese Language 99 Java ;.. 99 Jefferson, Thomas 99 Jeffrey, Francis 99 Jeremiah 99 Jerusalem 99 Jesuits 99 Jews, History 99 Jews, Religion 99 Job, Book of. 100 John, Epistles of 100 John, The Gospel of 100 Jordan 100 Josephus 100 Joshua 100 Journalism 100 Jude, Book of. 100 Judges, Book of. 100 Judgments, Law of. , 100 Jury 100 Justification. See Atonement 14 Also Redemption 162 Juvenal 101 Juveniles 101 1. For Boys and Girls 101 II. For Boys Specially 105 III. For Girls Specially. ..\ 106 IV. For Young Children 107 Kansas... .. 109 Kearney, Philip 109 Keats 109 Keble, John 109 Keith, Mrs. Caroline P 109 Kendall, A 109 Kennedy, John P 109 Kentucky 109 Khiva 109 Kidneys, Diseases of 110 Kindergarten 110 Kings, Book of. 110 Knight, Charles 110 Knox, Henry 110 Knox, Robert 110 Koran 110 Labor Question ... . . 110 Lace Ill Lachrymal Affections Ill Lacordaire Ill Lake George Ill Lamartine, Alphonse de Ill Lamb, Charles Ill Lamb, Mary Ill Lamentations. See Jeremiah 99 Landlord and Tenant Ill Landon, L. E Ill Landor, Walter Savage Ill Landscape-Gardening Ill Landseer, Sir Edwin Ill Land-Surveying. See Surveying.. 186 Also Educational Works 56 Land-Tenure 112 Language 112 Language of Flowers. See Flowers, Language of 77 La Plata. See Argentine Republic 10 Laryngoscope. See Throat 191 Larynx. See Throat, Diseases of .. 191 Latin Grammar 113 Law. See special subjects, as Land- lord and Tenant Ill Law Almanacs 113 Law Diaries 113 Law Dictionaries 113 Law Directories 118 Law, Miscellaneous, Essays and Treatises on 113 Law Practice.., 113 Law Proceedings 113 Laws, Conflict of 114 Leo, General Robert E. 114 Legends 114 Lent. See Church of England, Doc- trines, Practices of 85 Le Sage 114 Lessing 114 Lettering. See Designing, 45 Letters 114 Letter- Writing 114 Leveling. See Surveying 186 Leviticus, Book of. 114 Lexington, Kentucky 114 Libel. See Slander 114 Lien Laws, Mechanics 1 115 Life-Boats 115 Life Insurance 115 Ligation. See Surgery 185 Light 115 Light-houses 115 Limitation, Law of 115 Lincoln, Abraham 115 Linguistic Studies 112 Literary Criticisms. See English Literature, Studies In 69 Also Essays 71 216 INDEX. Literary Men. See Biography, Col- lective 18 Literature. See names of Language, asEnglish 69 Liver, Diseases of 115 Livingstone, Edward 115 Livingstone, David 115 Livy 115 Lock-jaw. See Tetanus 190 Locomotive Engineering. See En- gineering, Kailroad and Loco- tootive 63 Logarithms 116 Logic 116 London 116 Lord's Prayer, The 116 Lord's Supper. See Communion . . 39 Louisiana 117 Lover, Samuel 117 Luke, Gospel according to St 117 Lungs, Diseases of 117 Lutheran Church 117 Lynch, Thomas T 117 Lytton, Edward Bulwer 117 Macaulay, Lord 117 Machines, Construction of 117 Maclise, Daniel 117 McVicar, Rev. John 117 Madagascar 117 Madeira, Portugal, and the Adalusias 118 Madison, James 118 Madness. See Insanity 95 Also Mental Diseases 123 Magic 118 Magistrates, Jurisdiction of 118 Magnetism. See Electricity 67 Maine 118 Malay Archipelago 118 Malpractice, Civil 118 Malta 118 Mambi Land. See Africa. 8 Mammalia 118 Mammoth Cave 119 Man. See Biology 21 Manners and Customs 119 Manufactures 119 Manufacturing Laws 119 Manures 119 Maritime Law 119 Mark, Gospel ofSt 119 Marlborough, Duke of 119 Marlowe, Christopher 119 Marriage 119 Marryat, Captain 119 Martial Law. See Military Law ... 126 Martineau, Harriet 119 Martyrs 120 Maryland 120 Masonry. See Freemasonry 78 Massachusetts 120 Massinger, Philip 120 Materia Medics 120 Material, Strength of. See Mechanics 121 Also Strains, and Strength of Ma- terial 134 Maternity. See Midwifery 125 TARE Mathematics. See Calculus 26 Matrimony. See Sexes, Relation of the 175 Matthew, Father 120 Matthew, Gospel of. 120 May, Samuel J 121 Mazzini 121 Mechanics 121 Medical Jurisprudence 121 Medical Lexicons 121 Medicine, Miscellaneous Essays ami Treatises on 121 Medicine, Science of. 122 Medicine, Practice of 122 Mediterranean 122 Mediums 122 Mendelssohn-Bartholdy, Felix 122 Mendelssohn and Goethe 122 Meningitis. See Medicine, Miscel- laneous 121 Mennonite Church 1 22 Mensuration 128 Mental Diseases 123 Mental Science 123 Mercantile Hand-books 123 Mesmerism 123 Mesopotamia 123 Metallurgy 124 Meteorology 124 Methodist Denomination 124 Metric System. See Weights and Measures 200 Mexico . , 125 Michigan 125 Microscope 125 Middle Ages 125 Midwifery 125 Military Law 126 Military Men. See Biography, Col- lective 126 Military Science 126 Milk 127 Mill, John Stuart 127 Mill-Dams 127 Miller, Hugh 127 Miller, Samuel 127 Milton, John 127 Mineral Waters 127 Mineralogy 127 Mines 127 Mining Machinery 127 Minnesota 128 Minor Prophets 123 Minto, Lord 128 Mirabeau, Count 128 Miracles 128 Missions, Reports 123 Missions, Treatises on 12 s Mississippi 12:i Mnemonics 129 Moab 12.> Modeling !:! Mohammedanism 129 Monarchy. See Government 84 Monastics. See Monks 129 Money. See Finance 76 Mongolia 129 INDEX. 217 Monks 129 Monograms .. 180 Monopolies 130 Montaigne 130 Moon 130 Moore, Thomas 130 Moral Science 180 Moravian Church 180 Mormonism 130 Morocco 180 Morse. Samuel F. B 130 Mortgages, Law of 181 Moscheles 131 Moses 131 Mount Desert 181 Mount Washington 131 Mouth J 131 Mozart 131 Murcbison, Sir Roderick J 131 Mushrooms 131 Music, Essays on 181 Music, Treatises on, 131 Myology 132 Mythology 132 Names 132 Napoleon. See Bonaparte 22 Natural History 132 Nautical Almanacs 133 Naval Architecture 133 Navigation 188 Nebraska 133 Negligence, Law of. 133 Nelson, Lord 133 Nervous Svstem, Diseases of. 133 Netherlands 133 Neuralgia 133 Nevada 133 New Brunswick 134 New Church. See Swedenborgians 187 New England 134 New Granada 134 New Haven 134 'New Jersey 134 New Mexico 134 New South Wales 134 New Testament, Critical English Editions 184 New Testament, Expository Works on the 184 New Testaments Greek Texts. ... 135 New Testaments Grammars 135 New Testaments Lexicons 135 New York City 185 New York State 136 New Zealand 186 New Zealand Language 186 Newspaper Annuals, Catalogues, etc. 136 Nicaragua 136 Niebuhr 186 Niger 1ST Nile 1ST Also Abyssinia 1 Nineveh 13T Normandy 1ST North Carolina 187 Northmen 187 PACK Norway 187 Norwegian Language 137 Notaries and Commissioners 137 Novels and Romances 138 Nubia 141 Numismatics 141 Nursing 141 Oarsman. See Boating 22 Obstetrics. See Midwifery 125 Ocean 142 O'Connell, Daniel 142 Ohio 142 Old Testament 142 Ophthalmic Surgery. See Eye 74 Ophthalmoscope 142 Opium 142 Optics. See Eye 74 Oratory. See Elocution 67 Also Homiletics 90 Also Ehetoric 165 Orchard. See Fruit-Culture 79 Also Trees 194 Ordination 142 Ordnance 142 Oregon 143 Ores. See Metallurgy 124 Organic Chemistry. "See Chemistry 81 Organisms. See Biology 21 Ornaments 143 Ornithology 143 Orthopedic Surgery 143 Osteology. See Anatomy 7 Ovaries 144 Ovology 144 Oxford 144 Ozone 144 Pacific Islands ... 144 Pacific Ocean 144 Pacific Slope 144 Painters. See Biography, Collective 18 Painting, Coach 144 Painting, House 144 Painting, Photograph 144 Painting, Sign 144 Painting 144 Palestine 145 Pali Language 145 Palmerston, Lord 145 Papacv. See Church of Rome 85 Paper-Making 146 Paper-Money. See Finance 76 Parables 146 Paraguay 146 Paralysis 146 Parasites 146 Parent's Aids 146 Paris 146 Parker, Theodore 146 Parliamentary Law 146 Parsees. See Persia 149 Partnership, Laws of 147 Patagonians ...... 147 Patents and Copyrights, Laws of... 147 Pathology 147 Patriarchs 148 218 INDEX. Patteson, John Coleridge 148 Pace 148 Paul, St 148 Pauperism 148 Payment. See Equation of Pay- ments 71 Peabody, Francis 148 Peabody, George 148 Peach-Culture 148 Pear-Culture 148 Pedagogy 148 Peel, Sir Robert 148 Peerage and Baronetage 148 Pekin 149 Penmanship 149 Penn, William 149 Pennsylvania 149 Pension 149 Pentateuch 149 Perceval, Et. Hon. Spencer 149 Persia 149 Persian Language 149 Personal Property, Law of. 149 Peru 149 Peter, Epistles of. 150 Petroleum 150 Pharmacy 150 Philadelphia 150 Philemon 150 Philippians 150 Philosophy 150 Phoenicia 152 Phonography / 152 Photography 152 Phrenology 152 Physics 152 Physiognomy 158 Physiology 153 Pickering, T 154 Piedmont 154 Pig 154 Pilot Laws 154 Pindar 154 Pisciculture. See Pishing 154 Pittsfield, Berkshire County, Mass.. 154 Plato 155 Plautus and Terence 155 Pleading, Principles of. 155 Pliny 155 Plunket, Oliver 155 Plutarch 155 Poe, Edgar Allan 155 Poisons 155 Poland 155 Polar Magnetism. See Electricity. 66 Polar Seas. See Arctic Eegions 10 Political Annuals 155 Political Economy 155 Political Manuals 155 Polygamy 157 Polynesia 15T Pompeii 15T Poor, The. See Pauperism 157 Pope 167 Popes, Office and History of 157 Porcelain 157 Portuguese 157 Post-Mortem Examinations 157 Postage-Stamps, Albums for 157 Potato-Culture 157 Potter, Bishop Alonzo 157 Pottery 158 Poultry 158 Prayer, Thoughts on 158 Prayers 158 Preaching. See Homiletics 90 Prehistoric Man. See Ethnology. .. 72 Prehistoric Times. See Ethnology 72 Presbyterianism 158 Primitive Christianity. See Chris- tian Church, History of 82 Primitive Man. See Ethnology 72 Printing 158 Probate Law 158 Procedure 159 Prophecy 159 Prophets 159 Prophets, the Minor. See Minor Prophets 128 Protection 159 Protestant Episcopal Church 159 Protoplasm. See Biology 21 Proverbs, Collections of. 159 Proverbs, The Book of 160 Prussia 160 Prussian War. See Franco-German War 78 Also Germany 82 Psalms 1 60 Psychology 160 Public Debt. See Finance 160 Pulmonary Diseases 160 Pulpit. See Homiletics 90 Punishment, Capital. See Crimes and Punishments 42 Purgatory. See Future State 79 Puritans 161 Pyrenees 161 Pyrotechny 161 Quakers. See Friends, Society of. . 79 Qualitative Analysis. See Chemical Analysis 80 Quantitative Analysis. See Chemi- cal Analysis 80 Quarantine 161 Quintilian 161 Quotations, Dictionaries of. 161 Eabelais 161 Eailroads 161 Eandolph, John 162 Eaphael 162 Eat 162 Eationalism 162 Eeady-Eeckoners 162 Eeal Property, Law of. 162 Eeceivers. See Bankruptcy 15 Eecitations. See Elocution 67 Eectum 1 62 Eedemption 162 Eeformation 163 Eeformed Dutch Church 168 Eegeneration 168 INDEX. 219 Religion, Philosophy and History of 163 Remedies, Legal 163 Replevin, Law of 163 Representation 163 Representative Government. See Government 84 Reptiles. See Zoology .. 204 Republics. See Government 84 Respiration, Diseases of. See Bron- chitis 25 Restoratives. See Medicines, Es- says and Treatises on 121 Resurrection 165 Retailer's Guide-Books. See Mer- cantile Hand-books 123 Revelations of St. John. See Apoca- lypse 8 Revision of the Bible 165 Rhetoric 165 Rhine, The 165 Rhode Island 165 Richmond, Ya 165 Rifle-Practice 165 Bio Grande do Sul 165 Rites. See Worship 203 R itualism 166 Road-Making 166 Robertson, Frederick W 166 Robinson, Henry Crabb 166 Rocky Mountains 166 Roman Antiquities. See Classical Dictionaries 37 Roman Catholic Church. See Church of Rome 35 Roman Law 166 Romans, Commentaries on 166 Rome t 166 Rome, History of. 166 Rope-Making 167 Rose, Culture of the 167 Rosetta Stone 167 Rossini 167 Rousseau, Jean Jacques 167 Russia, History of. 167 Russia, Travels in 168 Salem "Witchcraft 168 Sales, Law of 168 Sallust 168 Salvation. See Atonement 14 San Domingo 168 Sandwich Islands. See Hawaii 86 San Francisco 168 Sanscrit 1 68 Saratoga 168 Satan 168 Satire 169 Scandinavia 169 Schiller, Friedrich Ton 169 School-house Architecture 169 Schubert 169 Schumann 169 Science Annuals 169 Scientific Series 168 Scotland, History 172 Scotland, Travels, etc. 172 Scotland, Church of. 173 Scott, Elder Walter Scott, Sir Walter 173 Scriptural. See Biblical 18 Scriptures. See Bible 18 Scrofula 173 Scudder, Rev. John 173 Sculpture 173 Sea, The 173 Sea-Sickness 173 Sea-side Resorts 174 Secret Societies 174 Sects. Dictionaries of 174 Sedgwick, Catherine M 174 Selection. See Biology 21 Self-Made Men. See Biography, Collective 18 Senegambia. See Africa 3 Septuagint. See Old Testament ... 142 Sermons, Collections of 174 Servia 175 Set-off, Law of 175 Sevigne, Madame 175 Sewage 175 Seward, W. H 175 Sexes, Relation of the 175 Shading and Shadows 175 Shakers 176 Shakespeare 176 Sheep, Diseases of. 176 Shelley 176 Sheridan, Richard Brinsley 176 Sheriffs, Duties of. 176 Shetland 176 Ship-building 176 Short-hand. See Phonography 152 Shrubs. See Botany 28 Siam 176 Siberia 1 7T Sicily 177 Sierra Nevada 177 Signals, Military and Naval 177 Sign-Painting. See Painting 144 Silk and Tea, Culture of 177 Silver. See Gold and Silver 83 Sinai 177 Singing 177 Sioux. See Indians 95 Skepticism. See Infidelity 95 Skin, Diseases of 177 Slander and Libel 177 Slang 177 Slavery 178 Sleep 178 Small-pox. See Vaccination 197 Smith, Sydney 178 Smollett, Tobias 178 Snakes 178 Soap 178 Socialism 178 Social Science : 178 Sociology. See Social Science 1 78 Soldiers. See Biography, Collective 18 Solomon's Songs 178 Somerville, Mary 179 Sophocles 179 Sound 1 79 Sounding and Dredging 179 220 INDEX. PAGE South America 179 Southey 179 South Seas 179 Spain 180 Spain, History of 180 Spanish Language, Dictionaries of. . 180 Spanish Language. Grammars of. . 180 Speakers. See Elocution 180 Species 180 Spectroscope 181 Spectrum Analysis 181 Spermatorrhoea 181 Spenser 181 Spine, Diseases of 181 Spinoza 181 Spirit. See Holy Ghost 90 Spiritualism 181 Sporting 182 Stage 182 Stair-Building 182 Stamford 183 Stammering 183 Statistics 183 Statute of Frauds. See Frauds 78 Steam 183 Steam-Boilers 183 Steam-Engines 183 Steel 184 Stenography. See Phonography. . . 152 Sterne, Laurence 184 Stimulants 184 Stock-raising. See Cattle 28 Stockmar, Baron von 184 Stomach 184 Storms 184 Strains and Strength of Material 184 Strauss, David Friedrich 184 Strawberries, Culture of 184 Stuttering. See Stammering 183 Submarine Blasting. See Blasting, Submarine 22 Suburban Architecture. See Archi- tecture 9 Sugar 185 Summer-Kesorts and Watering- Places 185 Sumner, Charles 185 Sun 185 Supreme Court Practice 185 Surgery 185 Surgical Anatomy. See Anatomy. . 185 Surgical Hand-books. See Physi- cian's Hand-books 1 86 Surveying 186 Susquehanna 186 Sweden 187 Swedenborg 187 Swedenborgians 187 Swift, Jonathan 187 Swimming 187 Switzerland 187 Symbolism 187 Synonyms. See English Studies in 69 Syphilis. See Venereal Diseases .. 198 Syria 187 Byriac 1 88 Table-Talk 188 Tacitus 188 Tactics 188 Talmud 188 Taney, B. B., Chief- Justice 188 Tappan, Arthur 188 Tariff-Laws 188 Tartary 188 Tasmania. See Australia 15 Tasso 188 Taste 1S8 Taxation, Local 188 Tax-Titles 188 Taylor, Samuel Harvey 189 Tea 189 Teachers 1 Aids 189 Teeth. See Dentistry 44 Telegraphy 189 Temperance Literature 189 Tennessee 189 Tenure. See Land-Tenure 112 Terence and Plautus 190 Testament, New. See New Testa- ment , 134 Testament, Old. See Old Testa- ment 142 Testament. See Will, Laws of. 201 Testaments, Greek. See New Tes- taments, Greek 135 Tetanus 190 Texas 190 Textiles, Manufacture of. 190 Thackeray, W. M 190 Theatricals, Amateur 190 Theocritus -. 1!>0 Therapeutics 190 Thermic Fever. See Fever 191 Thermometry, Medical 191 Thessalonians /. 191 Thibet 191 Thomas, General George H 191 Thomas, John 191 Thomson, James 191 Thorough Bass. See Harmony 86 Thorwaldsen 191 Throat, Diseases of the 191 Thucydides 191 Timon, Eight Eev. John 191 Timothy 191 Title to Property, Law of 192 Titus 192 Tobacco. See Temperance Literafre 189 Todd, C. S 192 Toilet 192 Tools, and Workshop Appliances. . . 192 Topographical Drawing. See Draw- ing 48 Topography 192 Torpedo 192 Torts, Law of 192 Township Organization 192 Toxicology. See Poisons 155 Trade-Marks 193 Transits of Venus 198 Trapping. See Hunting 98 Travelers' Guides. See names of Countries, as England 68 INDEX. 221 Trawls around or about the World. 198 Trees 194 Trials 194 Tricks. See Games and Amuse- ments 88 Trigonometry 194 Trinidad 194 Trinity 194 Tropics 194 Troy 195 Trusts, Law of 195 Tunnel, Mont Cenis 195 Turkey 195 Turning 195 Typography. See Printing 15S Tyrol 195 Unitarianism 195 United States, History of 196 Universalism 19T Urine, and Urinary Organs 197 Usury 19T Utah 197 Uterine Diseases 197 Vaccination Vapor. See Steam Variation. See Calculus Veda. See India Velocipedes Vendors, Law of Venereal Diseases Ventilation Vermont Vertebrates. See Anatomy of Ver- tebrates Veterinary Medicines Veterinary Surgery. Vienna Vincent de Paul, St Vine-Dresser. See Grapes, Culture of Vinegar Virgil Virgin Mary Virginia Voice Volcanoes Voltaire Von Hutten 199 199 199 Wages. See Labor Question 110 Wagner, Eichard 199 Walking. 199 Wallingford, Conn 199 Warren, John 199 Warwick, Mass 200 Washington, George 200 Washington Territory 200 Watchmaking 200 Water-Color Painting 200 Water-Courses, Law of. 200 Watering-Places. See American Guides 5 Waters, Mineral. See Mineral Wa- ters 127 Wax-Modeling. See Modeling 129 Weather. See Meteorology 124 Also Storms 184 Webster, Daniel 200 Weights and Measures 200 Wells, John 200 Wentworth, Thomas 200 Wesley, John 200 West Indies 201 West Point 201 West Virginia 201 Wheat-Culture 201 Wheels 201 Whist 201 White Mountains 201 Willard, Emma 201 Williams. Roger 201 Wills, Law of 201 Wine 201 Wines, Uses of. See Temperance Literature 189 Wit 201 Witchcraft 202 Woman 202 Women, Diseases of 202 Wood-Carving 202 Wordsworth 203 Working-Classes. See Labor Ques- tion 110 Workshop Appliances. See Tools.. 192 Worship 203 Wright, Edward 208 Xavier, St. Francis 208 Xenophon 208 Yachts and Yachting 208 Year-Books. See under name of denomination or pursuit, as Po- litical Annuals 155 Yosemite Valley 203 Young, Charles Mayne, the Trage- dian 204 Zanzibar 204 Zeisberger 204 Zoological Mythology 204 Zoology 204 Zulu 205 Zymotic Diseases 205 THE END. OCT \ UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY