Pennsylvania, Laws, statutes, An act to establish a general system of education by common schools a r y- -- •■.■/■- .' :-.•'••■ '-.• 3 ■; B UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA AT LOS ANGELES AN ACT TO ESTABLISH A eneral System ofJSducaiion BY COMMON SCHOOLS. HARRISBURG; fKISTED BY HXrfRY WE13H- 1S3J. IN THE SEN \Ti:, March 22, 1834. On motion of Mr. Brock and Mr. Math Ordered, That fifteen hundred copies in the Edj : mge, and five hundred copies in the German language, of ?r .titled "An act to establish a general system of education by common sch be printed in pamphlet form for the use of the Senate. Extract from the Journal. HENRY BUEHLER, Clerk. L \Q2 AN ACT TO ESTABLISH A General System of Education, r iu h i-* absence, thai out) shall bo | director of the said board. It shall bo tta duty of lb rector^ to communicate to such ok the common school i of the dial be considered by such meeting : tad it gba . tl^i said meeting to decide, by a majoritj raise for the current year a sum in addition t<> that determined on by the delegate meeting aforesaid, to be applied to the common sch of the ich mepting shi such additional sum, it shall be the duty of the the same to th • supervisors of the township, or the town coun the borough, as the case may be, whose dutj it shall !>• to ad ; increase upon the assessment pr tax oftl and thi' same shall be collected as township or borough rates and le- vies are b) law collected. Si:< i ro> 6. It shall he the duty of th 'school di- rector rmine the number ■ • w d in tb< : ve districts; to pause suitable buildings to i- or hin!. i appoint capqbl liberal to adni i sch( lars ; to have the general superintendence of the scl of their respective districts ; to pay the nee ;rrcd thereby, by orders drawn on urerofthi tin" proqideut, and countersigned by t : boards. Provided, That no school director shal ment, whatever, for his services, except when serving as a del irding to the provisions of this act ; but he shall I- opted dur- ing 'lie performance of the duties of >^' from militia uV serving in anv other township or borough <.•.' Section 9. Whenever it may b tablish a school out of two or more adjoining »>l di- rectors from each of such adjoining mav establish and regulate such school : ami th»- eapen* - shall be divid og tp the numb scholars each district may tend to such sen i ( tio\ 10. Whereas, manual labour may bo advant connect* 1 with intellectual and moral it. »( hools, it shall be I fthe school direct' - I Buch connection in their res ■ shall tak- and i shall have power to purchase ma- terials and ample-] ip tb r es of Ihe mechai ;' - . ch conn-. shall lake place in any common school, unless four out of the six di- rectors of the di?triet shall agree thereto. Section 11. It shall be the duty of each hoard of school directors, by two or more of their number, to visit every school within their sebool district, at least once in every month, and cause the result of said visit to be entered in the minutes of the board ; and it shall be their further duty, to make an annual and full report to the district inspectors, to be appointed as hereinafter directed, of the situation of each school in their district, the number of scholars, the studies pursued, and whether in connection with manual labour, the number of months in the year the schools shalT have been opened, the expenses attending each school, salary of the teacher, and his or her qualifications and general con- duct, together with such information as may be beneficial, in forming a just estimate of the value of such schools ; and this report to the said inspectors shall be made on or before the first day of October in each year. Section 12. The several courts of Quarter Sessions in this Com- monwealth shall, annually, at their first session after the election of school directors within their respective counties or divisions, appoint two competent citizens of each school district, to be inspectors of the public schools therein established by this act, who shall be exempt during the performance of the duties of their said office, from militia duty, and from serving in any township or borough office. Section 13. It shall be the duty of the school inspectors, to visit every school in their respective districts, at least once in every three months, and as much ofiener as they may think proper ; to inquire into the moral character, learning and ability of the several teachers employed therein ; they shall have power to examine any person wishing to be employed as a teacher, and if found qualified and of good moral character, shall give him or her a certificate to that effect, naming therein the branches which he or she is found qualified to teach, which certificate shall be valid for one year from the date thereof, and no longer; and no person who shall not have obtained such certificate, shall receive from the county treasury, or from the treasury of the commonwealth, any compensation for his services. •Section 14. The inspectors of any school division, may meet at such times and places as they may deem expedient, and adopt such rules for the examination of teachers and schools, and prescribe such forms for certificates, as they may deem necessary to produce unifor- mity in such examinations and certificates, throughout the school di- vision ; and they may, if they deem it expedient, appoint days for the public examination of teachers, and require all teachers to be examined in public ; and said inspectors, or any one of them, may visit all dis- trict schools in th^ir school divisions, and examine the same. Section 15. Whenever the inspectors meet together as they are empowered by the preceding section, they shall organize themselves for the proper transaction of business, and each inspector shall be go- verned by the rules then adopted, in his examinations, and observo such forms in his certificates, as shall be prescribed by the majority of III'! II. ualu -i i : !.l ! ..l , ill an iiiiiaml report to the superii ifthe publ ibru il.i' tie .t ftlonda) in N< their i report oi the respi '-:i\' shool .:.: the teachers ; the u i several scho< Is under their inspection ; - ,J gbt in each fclio I; the number of months in the yeardur hi'-hr >ul shall ll8 ;>t M|>t-li ; '.In- . for building, renting or r ■ have tr-n incurred in main districts ; and also shall ui\ isk>n, at 't, ■ Ski riD.N ] 7 . The S ealth shaii intendenl ofalJ the public schools established by • :;i the ftilli I. Prepare Shd submit an annual report to the i a nig a Statement eftfje condition of the common schools ■■ ;, j-'a.-iS (or ti.- in in on sell his ofl .; and to :: .n schools, as he Bhall deem il expedient to communical II. He shall prepare suitable blank I tions lor making district reports, and for cond id ng the . proeeedmt/s under his jurisdiction, -'.nil lw shall cause thn sai r with all such in!" further improvement of the schools, h> I to the *- toarda of directors. I IF. He shall sign fill orde of moneys into the county school funds, but no all b> drawn until 'he county commissioners shal. a oertiheai ■, which they arc hereby required to • school tax required by this act. ha>ii the provisions thereof. IV. If any controversy shall arise in relation to th- the pa the duties of tl ' . .m appeal t made. v. hois her tie and adjust without cost all mone\ r him in this, and other matters apj tv as superintendent, ■ hall auditor general, and paid out ( Section 18. The County commissioners shdll transmit an abstract of the accounts, audited by the proper officer, to the superintendent, once every rear, on or before the first day of November. Section lft. Seventy-five thousand dollars are hereby appropria- ted out of the school fund, for the year one thousand eight hundred and thirty- five, which amount shall be annually thereafter appro- priated and paid as hereinafter directed, until the year when the school fund shall yield an interest of one hundred thousand dollars annually, when that sum shall be distributed in each year amongst the school divisions created by the adoption of this act, n manner following: — The superintendent of common schools shall give notice, in at least one public newspaper in every school division within this Common- wealth, for the space of three weeks,, of the sum to which such divi- sion may be entitled, haying reference in such distribution tq the num- ber of taxable inhabitants in said division ; and these funds shall be again distributed to the different districts, in proportion to the taxable;- of said districts, according to the provisions of this act; and as soon as practicable thereafter, the said superintendent shall cause the dis- tributive share of each school division entitled thereto, to be paid to the county treasurer, which share shall be apportioned amongst the respective districts of the several divisions, according to the said prin- ciple of distribution prescribed for the superintendent ; and the same rule shall be observed in the distribution of the proceeds of the tax im- posed upon the county for the same purpose, by the delegate meeting hereinbefore provided for. Section 20. All moneys that may come into the possession pf tlie county treasurers, for the use of any school district or districts within their respective divisions, shall be paid over by the said treasurers to the treasurers of the said districts respectively, at such time* as the commissioners of the respective counties shall order and direct. And the bond of a county treasurer shall be forfeited, by any failure to comply with the duties enjoined upon him by this acx. Section 21. The treasurers of the respective townships and bo- roughs, where such officers are appointed, shall be treasurers for their respective school districts, and all moneys belonging to a district for the support of schools, whether the same be derived from appro- priations by the state contributions, from the county treasury, private donations, or otherwise, shall be placed in the custody of the treasurer thereof, and shall be paid out on orders drawn by the president of the board of direetors, by Order of said board ; and the accounts of the said board shall be audited and adjusted, as other aecoiutfs of the townships and boroughs are directed by law to be audited and adjust- ed ; and the said treasurer shall be required to give to the board of directors, good and sufficient security for the safe keeping and- faithful application of the funds entrusted to his care, in all oases where the said treasurer shall be appointed by the said board of directors : Provided, That the several duties of district treasurers in tho cities of Philadelphia, Lancaster and Pittsburg, shall be performed by 2 p. of the respective counties, an I • shall be ■ The count; eomra iwealth, shall h ive power to take and ho or personal, whi< h iha or pei within the said county. Section 28. Tin: supervisors of every town •I of every borough forming a school to purchase, hold and roci ive real and personal pro tions, that may 1><: ne< >rt of schools, and th • i inic to soil, alien and dispose of, whenever it shall be no longer required for the uses aforesaid. And in all r.-i real estate is held by trustees, for the gericral use of ' hood, as a school house or its appendages, it shall b- said trustees, the survivor or survivors of them, to convey the same to the supervisors or town council of the proper district : and from thenceforth, the said supervisors or town council shall hold the said property, for the same term and for the same uses for wh was granted to the said trustees. Section 24. That it shall be the duty of the treasurer of each county for the time being, to receive all the moneys, from whatever sources they may arise or become due, that are to be distributed and applied to the support of schools created under the provision of this act, within said county, to keep a just and true account of al receipts and payments, which the auditors of the county shall audit, settle and adjust, in like manner as they shall audit, settle and adjusl his accounts as county treasurer, which accounts, so audited shall be transmitted to the superintendent of common schools, by the co commissioners, as directed by this act. And the said treasurer's ac- counts shall contain a true statement of all moneys received during the year, fir the use of any school or schools of any division o: district of his county, designating in said accounts, from what source- moneys hive been derived,and such account shall be sworn or affirmed jo by him. Section 25. Upon settlement of the account of such treasurer, if any balance is found due by him, the transcript of such balance may be filed in the court of common pleas of the proper county, the i shall be a lien upon the real estate of such treasurer, in like manner as balance due by him to the county and commonwealth are made liens by act of assembly. Section 26. So much of any act of the General Assembly as is hereby altered o: supplied, is hereby repealed, except the act and its supple- ments now in operation in the city and county of Philadelphia, enti- tled "And act to provide for the education of children at the public expense within the city and county of Philadelphia," which is made concurrent with the provisions of this act, and is in no wise to be con- 11 sidered as altered, amended or repealed, except so far that the citizeui of said city and county shall be entitled to receive their due proportion and share of any money which may be appropriated out of the school fund, by the legislature, in pursuance of the provision of this act. Section 27. Immediately after the passage of this act, the Secre- tary of the Commonwealth shall cause circular letters, with the said act attached thereto, to be addressed to the sheriff of each county, and it shall be the duty of the sheriff aforesaid, to publish the same in two or more newspapers in his county, if so many be published therein, for three successive weeks, in such manner as shall secure the timely organization, under this act, according to the provisions thereof, the expense to be defrayed out of the county treasury. WM. PATTERSON, Speaker of the House of Representatives. THO'S. RINGLAND, Speaker of the Senate. Approved — The first day of April eighteen hundred and thirty- four. GEO: WOLF. THE UNIVERSITY LIBRARY Tin | book i < DUE on the i d l"low Form L-P aom-l,'i UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA AT Los angel: LIBRARY e.i An act to establis] system education bv immon scfroi 009 H3£ lllllllllL ' If %/////r- 579 214 LB 2529 P38 1834 a