University of California Berkeley PUBLIC DISCUSSION OF THE ISSUES BETWEEN The Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints AND The Church of Christ [Disciples] HELD IN KIRTLAND, OHIO Beginning February 12, and Closing March 8, 1884 BETWEEN E. L. KELLEY, of the Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints AND CLARK BRADEN, of The Church of Christ MODERATORS E. B. BOND, of Kiitland, Ohio, - - . Chairman. W. H. KELLEY. of Coldwater, Mch.,- . . For Mr. Kelley. A. B. DEMING, of Kirtland, Ohio, . . For Mr. Braden. PROPOSITIONS I. Is the Book of Mormon of divine origin, and are its tcchin s entitled to the respect and belief of all Chris- tian people? MR. KELLEY, Affirmed. II. Is the Church of which I, Clark Braden am a member, the Church of Christ, and identical in faith, organ- ization, ordinances, worship t nd practice, with the Church of Christ as it was left perfected by the Apostles of Christ? MR. BRADEN, Affirmed. in. Is the Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, in fact, the Church of God, and accepted with h:m? MR. KELLEY, Affirmed. Published by THE HERALD PUBLISHING HOUSE, Lamoni, - Iowa 1913 PREFACE. It is not necessary to detail all that led to the debate in Kirtland, Ohio. Suffice it to Bay that it was held by mutual agreement between Mr. Kelly of the H. C. of J. C. of Latter Day Saints; and Mr. Braden of the Church of Christ, known as Disciples in the East and North, and as Christians in the West and South. The following were the Rules of Discussion between Clark Braden and E. L. Kelley. 1. The discussion shall be held at Kirtland, Lake County, Ohio, commencing 1 February 12, 1884, and shall continue for the time of sixteen sessions of two hours each to be held each day as the parties shall determine. 2. Each session shall be occupied by two speeches each, bv the disputants, of one half hour each. The affirmative shall open and the negative shall close the debate on each proposition, but in the closing speeches no new matter shall be introduced without mutual consent. 3. Each party shall choose a moderator, and they too shall choose a third if necessary the duties of whom shall be the usual duties of moderators of such assemblies. 4. Eight sessions of two hours each shall be given to the first proposition, and four sessions of two hours each shall be given to each of the others. 5. Each session shall be opened and closed by prayer, by the parties alternately, or by selection. 6. The parties shall be governed by Hedge's Rules of Logic in this discussion as follows : Rule 1st. The terms in which the question in debate is expressed, and the precise point at issue, should be so clearly defined that there can be no misunderstanding respecting them. Rule 2d. The parties should mutually consider each other as standing on a footing of equality in respect to the subject in debate, each should regard the other as possessing equal talents, knowledge and desire for truth, with himself and that it is possible therefore that he may be in the wrong and his adversary in the right. Rule 3d. All expressions which are unmeaning, or without effect, in regard to the subject in debate, should be strictly avoided. All expressions may be considered as unmeaning which contributes nothing to the proof of the question, such as desultory remarks, and declamatory expressions, all technical ambiguities and equivocal expressions. Itule 4th. Personal reflections on an adversary should in no instance be indulged in. Whatever his private character, his follies are not to be named, nor alluded to iu controversy. Personal reflections are not only destiiute of effect in respect to the question in discussion, but they are productive of real evil. Rule 5th. No one has a right to accuse his adversary with indirect motives. Rule 6th. The consequences of any doctrine are not to be charged on him whp maintains it, unless he expressly avows them. Rule 7th. As truth and not victory is the professed object of controversy, whatever proofs may be on either side should be examined with fairness and candor, and any attempt to ensnare an adversary by arts or sophistry, or to lessen the force of hie reasoning by wit, caviling, or ridicule, is a violation of the rules or honorable controversy. The Following are the Propositions agreed upon by Disputants, and their Order 1 Is the Book of Mormon of divine origin, and are its teachings entitled to the respect and belief of all Christian people? KELLEY, AFF. 2. Is the church of which I, Clark Braden, am a member, the church of Christ, and idenHcal in faith, organization, teaching, ordinances, worship and practice with the church of Christ as it was left perfected by the Apostles? BRADEN, AFF. 3. Is the Re-organized Church of Jesus Christ, of L. D. S. in fact the Church of God, and accepted with him? KELLEY, AFF. In the discussion of the questions the Bible is to be the standard of evidence, but either party has the privilege Of also using whatever proofs tie may bring from Historical, Ethnological, Scientific or other works. (Signed.) CLARK^BRADEN. E. L. KELLEY. By mutual consent the time to the first proposition was extended two evenings and hence the entire discussion was 18 instead of 1H sessions as provided by the foregoing rules. Nearly all of tho matter presented in debate was read from manuscript on both sides, hence the matter in tho Book is almost vc,rbul . b< ar record of it; Wherefore, to be 'obedient unto the cominan ments of (, wo bear 'testimony of these things. And we know that if we are fa thful in Chri.-t, we shall rid our garments of 'the i lood of nil men. and be found spoil ss befor-- the 'judgment seat of Chi ist, and sln.ll dwell with him 'eternally In the heavens. And ihe honor lie to :he 'Father, and Sou, and the Holy Ghost, which is oue ' " Ameii. "OLIVER COWDFRY,* " DAVID WHITMER." "MARTIN HAI:K:S." Third, The testimony of eight witnesses. Like the three before referred to, thes*e were men who confessed there belief in the authenticity of the work, by afterwards making it a part of their faith, and trans- mitting their testimony unimpaired to their posterity. It is as follows : "Be it known unto all nations kindreds, tongues, and "people, unto whom this work shall come, that Joseph "Smith, Jr., the translator of this woik, has shown "unto ns the plates of which hath been spoken, which "have the appearance of gold; and ns mmy of the "leaves as the said Smith has translated we did handle "with our hands; and we al-o saw the engravi:isrs "thereon, all of which has the appearance f ancient "work, and of curious workmanship And this we "bear record with words of soberness, that the said 'Smith ha shown unto us, (or w hav seen and 'hefted, and know of a surety, that the said Smith has 'got the plates of which we have spoken. And we 'give onr names unto the worl I to witness unto the 'wo'ld that which we hav seen; and we lie not. God 'bearing witn ssodt." Signed. "Christian Wh tmer, "Hiram Page, "Jacob Whitmer, Joseph -mith, Senior. 4 Pet-T \Vh : tmer, Junior, Hyrnm Smi'h, "John Whitmer.- Samuel H. Smith. To support the element relating to the manner in which the work comes to us I have now introduced the positive declara- tions of twelve witnesses, a sufficient num- ber to maintain any c uy "the p wt-r of the Holy Ghost ye may know the truth "of all tiling*. And whatsoever t hi: K 1* Rood, IK just "and tiue: wherefore, nothing that is pood deuieth "the Christ but acknowledged that he is." JRemember, my friends, you are not asked to first accept the book as true, nor to do those things commanded in the book but the will of God ; if you are in doubt, sim- ply go aside and pray, with a sincere heart and honest purpose, and the statement is made fearlessly, and without regard to the fact that if it was a deception upon the people it might be at once detected by the first honest enquirer who should go before the Lord, for it says : " If ye shall ask "with a sincere heart, with real intent, "having faith in Christ, he will manifest " the truth of it unto you, by the power of " the Holy Ghost." The statement is not that of a cunning deceiver, but certainly of a person who has absolute confidence in the cause which he represented. I am a believer in the Bible. I am ready at all times to come forward and stand in defense of the divine authenticity of its claim. But, while I am a believer in the Bible, I am at the same time equally a be- liever in the divine authenticity of the record that was given to the people who lived upon this continent. And I believe that its truth can be proven to the world, whether attacked by a professor of religion, theologian of whatever rank, or the most gifted skeptic. Believing this, and that the evidences of such proof are susceptible of demonstra- tion, I may truly say that I stand up in the effort to defend it to-night, as a work that has been committed to man by Jehovah himself, and that my reward for so doing will be the reward of all those who shall " have kept the word of God." Taking up the record as it has been presented to the world and examining it, I find that in hold- ing forth its truths to 'the world, I make no attack, either directly or by implication, upon the Christian religion. I make no at- tack upon the Bible. I make no attack upon anything that people should believe in, and that they do believe in and accept, if they believe in and accept the sacred scriptures. But I hold forth a work con- firmative of the truths revealed in the Bi- ble, and containing a record also in its com- pleteness of the gospel set forth in the Bi- ble, and evidently prepared of the Lord as a means in his hand to stay the tide of infi- delity which he must have foreknown would come rolling in like a flood to destroy his work. And this record not only being sus- ceptible of clear proof from the Bible, but also from the scientific developments of the age and discoveries in archeology made since the publication of the book, it is, as I firmly believe, notwithstanding the warfare against it since the first communication of the light to the boy in 1823, destined to yet become one of the most important factors in the evangelization of the human race. If the work is a good one its teachings and principles will be good : "For every tree is known by his own fruit. For of "tho-ns men do not gather figs, nor of a bramble bush "gather they grapes. A good man out of tne good "treasure of his heart bringeih loith that which is "good : and an evil man out of the evil tr -asure of his "Wart biingfth forth that which is evil: for of the "abundance of the heart his mouth spt-aketh " Luke 6: 44 and 45. THE BRADEN AND KELLEY DEBATE. So it must prove of this work whether written by men, or indicted by the Holy Spirit through them from time to time. To show you what its teachings are I will read a few specimen paragraphs, which I claim are in perfect keeping with all the teach- ings of the book ; and if they are not I shall expect my opponent during the discussion to point out and read to you others of a con- trary character. And if any of the audi- ence think they can find something con- trary to the teachings that I shall read, I want you to buy a book and make the ex- amination for yourselves as a couple of gen- tlemen did to-day, who were not afraid to examine. Page 99. "And, again, the Lord God hath commanded that "men should not mu'der; that they should not lie; "that they should not steal ; that they should not lake "the name of ihe Lord th ir God inviiin; that they "should not envy ; that ihey should not have malice ; "that they should not contend one with another; that "they should not commit whoredoms; tnd that they "should do none of these t ings ; for whoso doeth them, "shall perish; for m-ne of these iniquities come of the "Lord ; for he doeth that which is good among the "children of men ; and he doeth nothing save it be "plain unto the children of me ; and he In viteth them "alto come unto him and partake of his goodness; "and he rth the coming of the Pon of God, his suffering and "death, and also the resurrection of the dead." Again from the instruction on page 224, paragraph 4. " And now my beloved brethren, I have said these " unto you, that I might H waken yon to a sense "of your duty to y miracles of creation, he was preparing for man. Or as the condition of the full grown man is superior to that of the unde- veloped child. Or as the condition of our country under our completed constitution, and government in accordance with it, is superior to the condition of our nation, while the constitutional convention was in session, framing the constitution. I am careful to define and elaborate these differences, because this is the key note to the whole discussion. This is the crucial issue in this debate. My opponent bases his claim that Joseph Smith was a true prophet of God; that the Book of Mormon was given by inspiration of God. that it " contains the fulness of the Gospel " that the Book of Mormon and other pre- tended revelations stand related to the New Testament, as the New Testament stands related to the Old Testament, that his people possesses these miraculous pow- ers and spiritual gifts, on a claim that the promises of Joel and other prophets, of John the Baptist, of Jesus, of Peter and the apostles, concerning spiritual gifts, were to be enjoyed by the church in all ages. If my position, that these promises refer only to the apostolic age, and were enjoyed only in the apostolic age, and that they were to remain only until the Word of God was completed in the New Testa- ment. that in the New Testament, God completed this miraculous work, and the exercise of spiritual gifts, in a perfect re- velation of a complete system of universally applicable and eternal truths and princi- ples be true, it utterly demolishes the claim of my opponent, by showing that revela- tions, in addition to those in the Bible, are needless, and contrary to the teachings of God's Word, and therefore his Book of Mormon and pretended revelations are base frauds, and Joe Smith a vile impostor. We both believe that all followers of Christ, should be united ai.d stand on the divine platform, laid down for such union, in Ephesians. IV. (A.) One God the Father. I shall, in the right place, prove that the teachings of the system of my opponent, in regard to the one God, are gross materialism and idolatry. (B.) One Lord ; Jesus of Nazareth ; the Christ, the only begotten Son of God the only Divine Propnet, or source of all teaching in religion the only Divine Priest, or sac- rifice and atonement for the sins of all men the only mediator between God and man the only Divine King, the only source of all law in religion, and the only one whose commands we are to obey, in religion. I shall, in the right place, expose the gross sensualism of my opponent's system in re- gard to the origin and character of the Son of God. My opponent claims that Joe Smith was a prophet of God, whose teachings are to be obeyed, accepted as " the fullness of the gospel," and as much superior to those of Jesus, as the teachings of Jesus, are superior to those of the proph- ets of the Old Testament ; and whose com- mands are as much superior to the New Testament, as the New Testament is to the Old Testament. I believe that Joe Smith was a base imposter, a wicked deceiver, whose silly fabrications should be despised as contemptible frauds. (C.) One Holy Spirit, who inspired the men whose in- spired acts and utterances are recorded in the Bible. My opponent believes that the Holy Spirit inspired Joe Smith, and others who have accepted him as a true prophet of God, and that he inspires men now, I believe that all inspiration and miraculous powers ceased in the apostolic age, having accomplished their purpose, in giving to mankind, a completed revelation of genera] and universally applicable truths ; Mid that the Holy Spirit now influences ir MI, in the only way in which one iutellig* v THE BRADEN AND KELLEY DEBATE. can exert a moral influence over another, that is through the truth contained in his utterances recorded in the Scriptures, and through the teaching that 'is in accordance with the truths revealed by the Holy Spirit, in the Scriptures. (D.) The one faith the faith the teach- ing the Word of God, the scriptures " the faith once delivered to the Saints." My opponent would add to this " one faith " delivered to the Saints to God's Word, the Book of Mormon, and other pretended revelations of Joe Smith, and of others who accept Joe Smith as a prophet of God. I reject all of these as base fabrica.- tions of imposters, or as silly vagaries of fanatical visionaries. (E.) One baptism immersion into water in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit into the re- mission of sins. My opponent teaches these errors in regard to baptism. I. Bap- tism for the miraculous gift of the Holy Spirit. II. That baptism in the Holy Spirit was universal in the church, in the apostolic age, and that it can be enjoyed now, and exists in his organization. III. The farce of baptizing the living as proxies for the dead. I believe that in the days of the apostles only those of the baptized re- ceived the miraculous gifts of the Holy Spirit, to whom an apostle imparted them by the imposition of his hands. I believe also that there were never but two occasions of baptism in the Holy Spirit, one on the day of Pentecost in Jerusalem the other at the house of Cornelius in Csesarea that both were miraculous direct miracles from Heaven, and never were, and never will be repented. The baptism for the dead I re- gard as a farce resulting from a blunder in regard to an obscure passage of Scripture. (F.) One hope remission of sins to the penitent believer, who is baptized into Christ union with God and his Holy Spirit, so long as the Christian, in a holy life, makes his body a fit temple for such union and such a guest; and eternal life if men are faithful unto death. My opponent includes in this hope, miraculous spiritual gifts, in this life, and he debases the eter- nal hope into a materialistic sensual reigniug of Mormons over Gentiles, in a materialistic sensual state, like the Para- dise of tne Mahommedan. (G.) One body "The church of God" or "The church of Christ." Christ is the head of the body, and all believers are living stones, members in this body, this tem- ple. In this church are Evanglists who proclaim the good news ; Overseers who take care of the flock Servants who min- ister unto the church ; and members who are not called to such work. My opponent adds to this simple statement of the New Testament presidents,.councillors, apostles, twelve apostles, three seventies of apos- tles, traveling bishops, presiding elders, quorums, patriarchs, seers, prophets, pas- tors, teachers, translators, revelators, un- til not even an inspired Mormon knows how many more, and about one-third of the men are officers of some sort. He asserts that all of these should exercise miraculous powers, and divides them into the Mel- chisedec priesthood, and the Aaronic priest- hood, and tells us that the Aaronic priest must be a literal descendant of Aaron." That caps the climax of absurdity. (H.) One name "Christian" for all individuals who are followers of Christ ; and "Church of God" or "Church of Christ " for the one body composed of these followers of Christ or Christians. My op- ponent calls his people " Latter Day Saints of Jesus Christ." Shades of the apostles what an Ashdodish lingo! He calls his 'organization " The Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints." Where in the World of God does he find such a rigmarole as that? He may find such a jargon in the Book of Doctrines and Cove- nants, or Joe Smith's Book of Abraham, but not in the Scriptures. Such an Ash- dodish Babel is not found in the pure speech of Canaan, in God's word. Such is a fair statement of the points concerning which we agree, and also those concern- ing which we disagree. My opponent summarizes his teachings in his proposi- tion : " The Book of Mormon is of divine origin and entitled to the confidence of all Christian people" My first and cardinal objection to my op- ponent's position is that the Bible teaches that the work of inspiration ; miracles and revelation, was completed in the revela- tions of the Son of God, that he give in person, and through his apostles, in tho New Testament, in which there is given to mankind, a system of eternal truths, uni- versally applicable principles, which man can not outgrow, for which there can be no substitute, and to which there can be no additions. That as inspiration and miracle had accomplished their work in completing revelation, they ceased when the last person died to whom an apostle had imparted spiritual gifts, by the imposition of his hands. If this position be true, the Scrip- tures teach that such a claim as my oppo- nent makes for his Book of Mormon, is absolutely impossible. It was not given, or translated by inspiration, for the Bible teaches that inspiration and miraculous power ceased nearly 1,800 years before it appeared. This is the crucial question, the vital issue of this discussion. If my posi- tion be Scripturally true, my opponent's affirmatives are utterly unscriptural and utterly untrue, according to what is the standard of truth in this debate. We in- tend to hold our opponent right to the work on this point. If he does not meet and overturn my position, his claim for the Book of Mormon is " as baseless as the fabric of a dream." The first vital query then is " What do the Scriptures teach in regard to inspira- tion, miracles and revelations in regard to when they first appeared their purpose their history and development now long they were to continue ? What was their pur- pose, and how long did that purpose make it necessary for them to continue ? What THE BRA DEN AND KELLEY DEBATE. 11 do the Scriptures teach in regard to the continuance ol' inspiration, miracle and revelation? And their completion and cessation? The Scriptures teach that the Father has spoken, in the hearing of man, only three times. At the baptism of Jesus, Mathew, III. 17. At the transfiguration. Mathew, XVlI, 5. When Jesus prayed and the multitude heard the answer. John, XII, 28. On all other occasions, the Father has spoken through representatives, the Word the Christ the Holy Spirit angels Inspired men. The Word spoke to men through angels, or through men inspired by the Holy Spirit. The Word was the God of the Old Testament, John, I. Col- assians, I. Hebrew, I. The Word the God of the Old Testament spoke through angels, Acts, VII, " Ye received the word through the ministry of angels." Gal. III. " The law was ordained through angels, by the hand of a mediator" (Mose's). While on earth Christ, spoke to men. Angels spoke to men as representatives of Jehovah, the Word, and of Christ, after his ascension. Rev. I. " The revelation of Jesus, the Christ, which God gave to him, to show to his servants, the things which must short- ly come to pass, and he sent his angels to his servant John, and made them known unto John, and John bear witness of the word of God." In Exodus, III, we read in- terchangeably, "Jehovah said," and "the angels said," showing that Jehovah spoke through his angels that represented him. In several places Jehovah says, to Moses through his angel that represented him. " I send my angel before you. I have put my word in his mouth. Hear him," etc. Isaiah, LXI, we read that the Mosaic dispen- sation was givon by " an angel of the face of Jehovah " pi a messenger from his pres- ence. We might illustrate this idea by many other passages, but these will suffice, for probably our only dispute will be over the work of tho Holy Spirit. Both parties agree that the Holy Spirit inspired all : me n who acted, spoke, or wrote under inspirat on, from Adam to Malachi; that he inspirsdall who acted, spoke, or wrote under Inspiration from Zachariah, the father of ."ohn the Baptist, until the last person di M! to whom an apostle im- parted spirituf 1 gifts, by the inposition of his hands. My opponent claims that the Scriptures teach that these spiritual gifts were to remain in the church until the end of time, that it is the law of God that they should now e::ist, that they do now exist in his organization, that as a result of euch existence of these gifts Joseph Smith was inspired, was a true prophet of God. and therefore the " Book of Mormon," that he gave (o the world, is a revelation from God. I claim that the Scriptures teach that these miraculous powers of the Holy Spirit were given for a specific purpose, the levelation of a plan of re- demption thai they were to exist until that purpose was accomplished in complet- ing the New Testament that they ceased \fnen choy accomplished this purpose, in completing this revelation, in the New Testament. I claim that the law of God ordains that they were to exist for a certain purpose, the revelation of the scheme of re- redemption,- and they were to continue until that object was accomplished. The purpose for which God ordained their ex- istence and continuance, has been accom- plished, in completing the New Testament; and they have ceased, having accomplished their object, and being no longer necessary. The issue is not one of power, but of fact and law. Not whether God can im- part gifts now, but whether it is his law that they should exist now. Or is it his law that they should cease with the apos- tolic age, having accomplished their ob- jects. As a question of fact, did Joseph Smith possess these powers ? Do his fol- lowers now possess them? Proving that they can be exercised now, would not prove that Joseph Smith possessed them, nor that his followers do possess them. A man may be able to practice law, but that does not prove that he does so. The fact that God can impart such powers now, does not prove that he does so. God can have apples grow as tubers on the roots of trees, but that does not prove that he does. The question of fact remains, " How do apples grow ? " The fact that God imparted these powers to persons in former ages, does not prove that he does so now. God once brought animals and plants into existence by miracle of direct creation. That does not prove that he does so now. As a mat- ter of factj we know that he does not, but that he brings them into existence through operation of natural law. Let me here expose the vital error of my opponent's position, by an illustration. God exerted his miraculous power in crea- tion, to prepare the way for natural law, the law of reproduction, and the world is in a higher and more perfect condition under the operation of natural law, than when God exerted miraculous power, in bringing animals and plants into being, by creation. Miraculous power, in creation, was only temporary, and provisional, and exerted only to prepare the way for the higher and more perfect, natural law. In like manner, God exerted his miraculous power in connection with revelation, only to prepare the way for the higher and per- manent, a completed system of divine rev- ealed truth, in the completed word of God, in the completed New Testament. Mirac- culous power in revelation, ceased when that purpose was accomplished ; just as miraculous power, in creation ceased when it had prepared for, and introduced the higher and the permanent, the opera- tion of natural law. Miraculous power in connection with revelation, was inferior to the work of the completed word of God, just as miraculous power, in creation, was inferior to the operation of natural law. God is in the operation of his completed word of truth, in a higher and more perfect manner, than he ever was in the highest exercise of miraculous power, just as he is 12 THE BE ADEN AND KELLEY DEBATE. In the operation of natural law. in a higher and more perfect sense, than he ever was in the exercise of miraculous power in creation. In each case the method em- ployed at first, was provisional and tem- porary, and was employed only to intro- duce the higher and permanent, for which it prepared the way. There is no evad- ing the conclusion that the operation of natural law and the influence of the re- vealed truths of God's completed word, are superior to the highest exercise of miraculous power, either in creation or revelation. We do not remove God out of nature, or his word ; but we show that, in each case, he acts in a higher and more perfect man- ner. We do not remove a single thing God created, nor a single truth of revelation. Miraculous power was not a part of the things created, but the means of creating them, and ceased when that was done, and gave way to the operation of a higher and more perfect means of accomplishing the same end. Miraculous power was not a part of the truths revealed, but the means of re- vealing divine truth, and ceased when that work was done, and gave way to a higher and more perfect work, and presence ot'God, in the moral influenceof the divine truths revealed. The idea of my opponent, that the posses- sion of miraculous power is the thing to be desired above everything else, and that the condition of the church, when it was exer- cised, was the highest condition of the church, and far superior to its condition now, when it does not exist, and the church exerts only moral power resident in perfect truth, is a contradiction of the Scriptures, of reason, and of fact. Such a state of the church was the childhood of the church. The exercise of such gifts was necessary, be- causeitwasin its childhood. They were aids to childhood, that ceased when the church "laid aside such childish tilings " The church is now in its manhood, and governed by "the perfect law of liberty" the com- pleted Word of God. The moral power of divine truth, appealing to reason and con- science of men as rational beings, is far superior to miracles, appealing to the child- ish wonder of children. A vital query is suggested here. How can one intelligence influence another? How can one spirit, the Holy Spirit, influence another spirit the spirit of man? Man can influence his fellow man in two ways. I. By utterances or acis that convey ideas to the minds of the persons addressed. This is the only moral power or influence that one spirit can exert on another. II. An abnormal psychological influence, called mesmerism or psychology. This is not a moral influence for it leaves the mind influ- enced no wiser, no better In like manner the Holy Spirit has exerted two influences over the spirit of men. I. A miraculous influence, psychologizing the spirits of men, BO that they uttered the words he wanted them to utter ; or performed the acts that he wanted them to perform. II. The ordi- nary influence, that he has exerted on. the minds of those who heard or read the utter- ances of those he psychologized, or saw 01 read the acts they performed. In the mirac- ulous work of the Holy Spirit he has always exerted two influences. I. The miraculous psychological influence exerted on thehearts of those inspired by which he caused them to do or say what he wanted to reveal to others. II. The ordinary and moral influ- ence that he exerted on the minds of those who heard or read their revelations. We desire now to emphasize a thought that we do not want to be lost sight of for one moment, in the discussion ot the issues before us. "The miraculous influence of the Holy Spirit never, in a single instance, exerted one particle of moral power, on the spirit of the person influenced by it ; never in a single instance produced one particle of moral change, in the person influenced by it." The cases of Baulam, Saul King of Israel, Jonah and Caiaphas show that the person influenced, often uttered what was entirely opposed to his own wishes. That he did not know what he would say before he was influenced. Nor what he was saying when the influence was upon him. When the influence left him he knew no more about the meaning of what he had uttered GENTLEMKN: I call the attention of the au- dience to the fact that instead of the nega- tive following and trying to answer the affirmative, he has seen fit to try to prove some ofcher thing true, in the hope that thereby he might prove that what I have stated 'is not true. It is customary in dis- cussions for the negative to follow and an- swer the arguments of the affirmative, unless he is willing to admit that he can- not move them. If that is the position of the negative on this question, and he is willing to admit that he cannot move my position, but claims that there is something else true that he can prove outside of the line of the affirmative, and which may be termed an alibi, that will show that the position of the affirmative cannot be true because there is a contrary truth to such, then he has the right I suppose and the option to do so. But he cannot play upon both positions and keep within the law or rule of evidence or argument. If he has an alibi let him make the proper admission or plea, admitting my positions and setting up his claim, and then I can follow him in his lead, as he will thus place himself fairly in the affirmative and I can answer accord- ing to the rule, and the debate will go on orderly. Will you do this? But I will first notice one or two of his positions, in order to show their fallacyto the audience, and then pro- ceed with my affirmative arguments, as I shall not be drawn away from the main question under consideration to discuss side issues. I am here for the purpose of showing you the divine origin of this book, and shall show it before the eighth evening returns, I promise you that. It is said that the views and belief of the people who be- lieve in this book are erroneous. Now, suppose that I was discussing with an infidel friend at this time with regard to the divinity of the Holy Scriptures, and when I should take my position in order to show that the scriptures as delivered to the human family were of divine origin, my infidel oponent would arise and say, yes, your positions are all right; I cannot move those. But then your people have not been doing right. The people who be- lieve in the Holy Scriptures are not in ac- cordance with them in faith and doctrine. Would that interfere in the least or be ap- plicable to the question of whether the Scriptures are true or not ? And so it is with the question under discussion. The ques- tion is, as to the divine authenticity of this book, in regard to the teachings of this book ; but he has sought to answer here and to throw 'into the minds of the audience the assertion that the people who believe in this book are not doing right, has called in question the character of some of the persons who have believed in it. by his lan- guage and a few set phrases. In the first place, this is no argument nor can it have a particle of weight, so far as that is con- cerned, towards impeaching the divinity of the record that is before us. I might ask him if he believes in the Proverbs and Ecclesiastes, written and compiled by Solo- mon ? Yet after Solomon had written these books he bowed down to wood and stone; gods made with men's hands. And yet I could hurl in his face that these books that were the compilation of the wise king ought not to be tolerated, because, forsooth, Solomon afterwards turned from the things therein and did evil in the sight of the Lord. He believes in the Psalms. Yet David had his hundreds of wives and concubines ; and not only had many wives and concubines, but took a poor soldier's wife when he was in the front of war, battling for his country, and then afterwards had the soldier put in the front of the battle and murdered in order that he might carry out his designs. But because of this shall I say that the divinity of the Scriptures is at all called in question? Such fallacy of reasoning as this ought to be patent to any man that has come here for the purpose of investigat- ing truth. I place the matter in the shape of a separate and distinct proposition. How shall we canvass this subject? How shall we go to work in order to canvass this book, and arrive at a correct conclusion as to its merits? There are many ways in which you may fail to do it. There were many ways in which the people in the first age of Christianity undertook to canvass the claims with regard to whether Jesus was what he claimed to be or not. And there were true ways to canvass it then, and there were false ways to canvass it. And remember that the majority of the people undertook to canvass it upon the false issues and in the false ways. Why, I have only to open my Bible here and show you the conflict in this regard by turning to the 7th chapter of John. And it was a conflict not unlike the conflict that is presented here. In the 7th chapter of John and the 12th verse I read this : "And there was 'much murmuring among the people con- 'cerning him : for some said, He is a good 'man : others said, Nay ; but he deceiveth 'the people. Howbeit no man spake open- 'ly of him for fear of the Jews." Now here was a question in regard to deciding upon the divine claim of that man, and therfr was a right way to proceed, and there was a wrong one. Some, instead of investigat- ing the principles that he brought, and the truths that he presented, said standing behind the cloak of the persons that had THE BRADEN AND KELLEY DEBATE. 15 told the stories around about Jerusalem with reerard to him, he is "a deceiver ;" and not only a deceiver, but "a gluttonous man;" *"a wine bibber ;" and he is palm- ing upon the people something for truth that is not truth. Was there any argument in that? Is there any argument in the bare assertion that Joseph Smith was a false teacher, or that he was a deceiver? And I call my friend's attention to the fact that he has made him out a false prophet and a false teacner by his language before the audience, before he has offered even a scrap of evidence to you to prove him such. Is it E roper, in the consideration of the question ere, to call a man false before he is proven false? I wish to have him present the argument here, if he wishes to take up that line, and show that he is a deceiver, a false prophet, and a very wicked man. Then after he shall have done that, if I am not able to meet him and show to the contrary, it may possibly be proper for him to use the language with regard to him that he has used. I have not said anything in regard to the point of order raised by the chairman which was certainly proper, because if my opponent in this' discussion wishes to make a poor use of his time and thus throw it away in regard to the question at issue, I propose to let him do that, so far as I am concerned. But I shall not be drawn from the main subject under consideration my- self. Then how shall we canvass this question ? By an examination into the history and character, supposed faith and failings of the ones presenting it? Do you think that a fair examination could be made in such a way ? This, as I said before, was the man- ner of those who sought or tried in a certain way to destroy the divine mission and character of Jesus. Why, you cannot palm that man off on us for the Messiah ! "For is he not the carpenter's son ? Is not his mother Mary, and are not Joses and James and Simon and Judas his brothers ? " Such a rule of investigation adopted as that, was calculated to deceive the people, and to keep all those deceived who engaged in it, rather than to bring light to them. Afterwards when the apostles went out to preach to the world, there was a rule laid down whereby men might come to a correct conclusion with regard to the things that were presented by the apostles. And cer- tain individuals saw fit, instead of following the true rule, to make war upon the char- acter of the apostles. But was that a true way to examine into their faith ? I ask my opponent in this discussion to answer a question with regard to that Does he ap- prove the course of the Jews in testing the truth and divinity of the message presented by John and Jesus in searching for stories as to their characters ? Tracing out their father and mother, and their brethren, etc. ; instead of investigating from the stand- point of the message that was brought, and chat was shown forth in the claim itself? After he has answered these, then I ask him to state to this audience whether he approves the act of the wicked Jews In in- vestigating the claims and the teachings of the apostles themselves as they went forth to the world to carry that message, by in- quiring into the character of Paul and of Peter, and by listening to the stories tint were being told all around about them in Jerusalem and elseAvhere instead of coming up like fair men and weighing and canvas- sing the words that they presented and comparing them with the Scriptures that they claimed to believe in ? It seems to me_^ that if we are to canvass the question under" consideration, there is some proper way by which we must do it. How shall it be done ? Is there any rule laid down ? I be- lieve that the Bible is the standard in controversy, as stated by my opponent. He stated many things to you that were true, and many things with regard to my belief that were untrue, and so many of them are not true, that the only answer that I will make to them at this time, is the answer that General Ro-secrans telegraphed back to Washington on the occasion of the re-union of the soldiers at Cincinnati last Fall in reference to a statement made in the newspapers at Washington of a purported interview. He said, "there is so "much falsehood mixed in with the little truth in the publication, that I send back a telegram that the whole is false." Now, I do not use the term falsehood in a deliberate sense in regard to my opponent, but certainly he has misconceived the positions that I take and that my people take with reference to our belief in the scriptures and in the reve- lations. And on many other things that he stated before you he is as ignorant, if he has stated what he really believes, as the majority, no doubt, of this audience. But it is my place to enlighten him, and I will try to do so before this discussion closes. When Jesus had been examined under a wrong rule by the wicked Jews in his time, he gave the apostles a correct rule by which they mignt try men. and that cor- rect rule is stated in direct language when he refers them to the teaching of Moses and the prophets. He says to them, "If ye be- lieved in Moses and the prophets, ye would believe in me, for Moses wrote of me." And again, as you will find recorded in the 8th chapter and 46th verse of John : "Which of you couvinceth me of sin ? And if I say the truth, why do ye not believe me?" Now, the Jews were standing there, some saying that he was the son of Joseph, some saying that he was the son of Mary and that these men around here were his brethren, and that he was a deceiver and a wine bibber and a gluttonous man. But Jesus says to them, "If I say the truth, why do you not believe me?" That was the proper ground upon which to decide wheth- er he was an impostor or not, or whether his message came from heaven or not. Afterwards he lays down a distinct and positive rule for his disciples to go by. My friend claims to be a Disciple. Will he go by it, and will he answer to this audience whether it is a true rule or not? He says, 16 THE BRADEN AND KELLEY DEBATE. "Which of you convinceth me of sin ? And if I say the truth, why do ye not believe me?" "He that is of God 'heareth God's words : Ye therefore hear them not because ye are not of God." John 8:46,47. Again, a further exposition of this rule by one of his apostles afterwards. You will find it recorded by John in his second epis- tle, 9th verse, wherein he states that "who- soever transgresseth, and abideth not in the doctrine of Christ, hath not God." That is the way to try men. I have pre- sented you my case this evening 1 , and told you that I believed in the doctrine of Christ, and that so far as the revelation on the other continent was concerned, I was in agreement with it. I take up the reve- lation made on the other continent, and it says, "He that abideth in the doctrine of Christ, he hath both the Father and the Son." And what am I answered with? " Oh, they are deceivers ! They are fanat- ics ! He is a false prophet." There was one position that was taken by the negative in his argument that I will examine in due time, but I will not leave the subject at this time to do so. That with reference to the cessation of miraculous gifts of the Holy Spirit, or inspiration, or the confining of them to the first century. If I cannot snow that they were not confined to the first century, why, certainly I ought to be able to, if this is true in this book, m one sense. But then this book might be true in a certain sense, too, and still they be con- fined, so far as the people on the eastern continent are concerned, to the first cen- tury. However, I will examine that when the time comes, and will make it explicit and clear to the audience. We have the rule as stated by the Apostle John, in accordance with the rule laid down by the Master him- self: "Whosoever transgresseth, and abi- deth not in the doctrine of Christ, hath not God. He that abideth in the doctrine of Christ, he hath both the* Father and the Son." Now, will you investigate my char- acter in order to know whether lam teach- ing the right kind of doctrine or not this evening ? Or would such a course be perti- nent to the question ? So with any other character. If that was the test, I could overthrow, by taking the testimony of ene- mies and the testimony of friends, every writer that is contained in the Bible, and sink them so low that no man could ever resurrect them. But, I repeat, it is no test. In the next verse to the rule already quo- ted the apostle says : " If there come any unto vpu and bring not this doctrine, re- ceive him not into your house, neither bid him God speed." But, instead of examin- ing the question in regard to the presenta- tion of the book under investigation, in that line, he sees fit to go back and ask in regard to the character of the people, what their enemies said about them preferring the stor- ies of their enemies, to the truth. But I leave the matter thus far with you, and pro- ceed with my main affirmative argument. Having generally introduced the subject under discussion, I shall proceed at once to marshall the testimony found in the Bible that is fairly applicable to my positions. It may be properly arranged under the following general divisions : 1. That of a general nature, showing that it is in harmony with the general law rela- ting to the race of man, that God makes known his will to him wherever and when- ever man will put himself in condition to receive instruction ; regardless of caste or na- tionality, and making it possible and proba- ble, that nations other than the Jews of Palestine, have received instruction from Him. 2. Such testimony as is contained in the Scriptures which specifically refers to the fact of a people settling the American con- tinent from the orient ; definitely setting forth who they were ; the reason arid object of their coming ; the results of the migra- tion, and the character and nature of the revelations God from time to time made to them. 3. The prophetic writings contained in the Bible which refer to the decadence of the people who came here, the bringing to light of their history and Record, and the im- portant part that Record is to fill in the purposes of the Almighty as an ensign to the people, and a means of leading rnen and women to the knowledge of the true God. Under the first of these divisions the statement of the Apostle Paul is directly in support. Acts 17: 26 and 27 : "And [God] hath made of one blood all nations of men for to dwell on all the face of the earth, and hath determined the times before appointed, and the bounds of their habitation : That they should seek the Lord, if happily they might feel after him, and find him, though he be not far from every one of us." Whatever may be our views and precon- ceived notions with regard to the dealings of the divine hand with the human family, it was made clear to the gifted mind of the apostle, that God did have something to do in fixing the bounds of the human habita- tion, and that He did it for the purpose that they might seek Him ; not only this, but that they might also "find him," which finding is to be brought into such relation- ship with him as to actually know him, to have a knowledge of their acceptance from him of their work and hence a communica- tion of his will. . The testimony of the apos- tle Peter is in perfect agreement with the thought, acts 10: 34 and 35, when he de- clares : " Of a truth I perceive that God is no re- spector of persons : But in every nation he that fearetn him, and worketh righteous- ness is accepted with him." It had been with the Jews up to Peter's time as with the great mass of the people denominated Christians to-day, an idea that God would have nothing to do with any people except the few who congregated aoout Jerusalem so far as communicating his will or accept- ance to them was concerned, and that all had been said by him to the world through them that was necessary, or that he had to THE BRADEN AND KELLEY DEBATE. 17 communicate : But when the light of truth was sent from on high and dawned upon Peter's mind, he woke up to the grand fact that with our common Father and Creator there was no partiality, that his will and desire extended everywhere to aid and bless the creature, the same that was subjected in hope. His acceptance ou this occasion was the same as made all along through the history. That same comforter which was shed forth at the acceptance of Jesus, when He said, "This is my beloved Son," and of which Jesus had said, " If I go away I will send him," was shed forth ; and fall- ing upon those of the uncircumcisiou, " They heard them speak with tongues and magnify God." And the apostle and those who were with him from the manifestation of God to the people recognized that there was an acceptance. Jesus is the next witness I offer upon the point of the existence of another people, than the Jews, who had been in communi- cation with the father at the date he per- sonally presented the gospel to the people: John 10, 14 and 16 : " I aru the good shep- "' herd, and know my sheep, (people), and ' am knowu of mine. As the Father kuow- 1 eth me even so know I the Father : and I ' lay down my life for the sheep. And other 'sheep, (people), I have, which are not of 'this fold: (the fold of Jerusalem), them 'al3O I must bring, and they shall hear my ' voice ; and there shall be one fold and one ' shepherd." To have been sheep, the people referred to by Jesus in this scripture, mast have at some time had the will of God made known to them and also believed the same, or else have been of Israel, made so by reason of the promises. Otherwise, they could not have been sheep ; for says Jesus : " My sheep hear my voice, and 1 know them and they follow me." They like Abraham of old had heard and recognized the inspired voice as had also the Jews when he led them along through the difficulties of life and who had hearkened in a manner to his precepts; and although at that time far separated from the fold from whence they had been led, (Jerusalem), yet, they, as the Jews to whom the address was then made, were to hear the voice of that same shep- herd. These citations establish the fact certainly of the first proposition, that there were at the time Jesus was ministering upon the earth, another people than those at the fold of Jerusalem who were, or had been acceptable in their worship with God. But this is but one fact established ; the second, pointing out the people referred to, must be shown, ero we can apply with un- derstanding to the particular people, the Master's declaration. Turning to Math. 10, 6, 6, we find a descriptive statement of the kind or class of people who were termed by Jesus, sheep: "These twelve Jesus sent 1 forth and commanded them, saying, Go ' not in to the way of the Gentiles, and into ' any city o? tbo Samaritans enter ye not. ' But go TAtb fi to the lost sheep of the 'house of If /ael." Here then is another mark of distinction by which the sheep of whom he spoke may be known. In addition to being a people who have hearkened to his teachings, they were of the house of Israel ; of the tribes of which Judah was but one, that had under the promises sprung from Jacob, (Israel), and hence of the house of Israel. The prophet Ezekiel in speaking of those in the 34th chapter of that book gives us instruction as to where we might expect to look for this house of Israel: "My sheep wandered "through all the mountains, and upon ev- "ery high hill ; yea, my flock was scattered "upon all the face of the earth, and nono "did search or seek after them." And again, verse 11. "For thus saith the Lord "God: Behold I, even I, will both search "my sheep and seek them out." It is clear then that in our search to find the people denominated sheep of whom Je- sus spoke, and that he was to search after, we are not necessarily bound to confine our- selves to any particular part of God's heri- tage; for, "they were scattered upon all the face of the earth;" and although men who have termed themselves the wise and learned of the world, may have thought that the little country of Palestine is the only one wherein Jesus' voice had been heard, inspiration unmistakably points to the contrary, and no person should be sur- prised to find that in the faithful examina- tion of these things the inspired writings, shall have been found correct. Taking up the Record forming the basis of this discus- sion, I read on page 451, of a claim made that the language of Jesus made at Jerusa- lem was with the understanding that ho knew of these on this continent, as also others in a different part of the earth : "And behold, (says Jesus to these), "this is the land 'of your inheritance ; and the Father hath given it 'unto you. And not at any lime liath the Father 'given me commandment that I should tell ittoynur 'brethren at Jerusalem; neither at any time hath the 'Father given me commandment that I should tell it 'unto them concerning the other tribes of the house of 'Israel, whom the Father hath led away out of the 'land. This much did the Father command me, that 'I should tell unto them, that, other sheep I have, 'which are not of this fold ; them also I must bring, 'and they shall hear my voice ; and there shall be one 'fold and one shep erd. And now because of stiff- 'neckedness and unbelief, they understood not my 'word; therefore I was commanded to say no more of 'the Father concerning this unto them. But, verily, I 'say unto you, that the Father hath commanded me, 'and I tell it unto you, that ye were separated f <>m 'among them because of their iniquity ; therefore it is 'because of their iniquity that they know not of you. 'And verily. I say unto you again, tht the other tribes 'bath the Father separated from them; and it is be- 'cause of their iniquity, that they know not of them. 'And verily, I say unto you, that ye are they of whom 'I said, other sheep I have which are not of this fold ; 'them also I mnst bring, and they shall hear my 'voice: and there shall be one fold and one shep- herd." But, says the objector, what evidence is that, that these were the people referred to? Only this ; in the singularity of the state- ment which the record makes, and the new fact brought to light, if it shall upon inves- tigation be found to be a fact, at a time in the world's history when it was supposed by scriptorians everywhere that Jesus re- ferred to another thing, and which view is 13 THE BRADEN AND KELLEY DEBATE. found to have been erroneous when exam- ined closely from a Bible standpoint in the light that is newly thrown upon the world by this record. And further it bears evi- dence in this, being a circumstance in the chain of evidence which unites to form a complete connection with this people and that at Jerusalem. And it is of value pro- viding, the other links in the chain accord therewith, and harmonize, and thus indeed form a chain, the which, no other reasona- ble view is adverse. Do not understand me, or misrepresent me as jumping at the conclusion that be- cause of the expression of Jesus on the other continent, found in John's gospel, therefore the book of Mormon is true ; nor because the language is contained in the book from which I have read, therefore, it is true. I think I understand and compre- hend the rules of logic as well as those of evidence too we.l to make any such blun- dering, or startling leap, at conclusions as that ; and wi^h you to take only things for evidence after they shall have fairly been shown to be such. Whether I believed in the words read from the Record I have before me or not, there would hang to mind the singularity of the statement of Jesus at Jerusalem, ta- ken in connection with the other fact that it seemed to have been so wholly ignored and misunderstood by those to whom it was 'addressed. No one even to ask, Lord to whom do you refer? Indeed it is singular knowing as we do, that the Gentiles are not and never were reckoned as sheep. The same stolid indifference still manifest by that people and that seems to have hung by them so long before and after, that to them nothing was of worth or interest out- side of Judah and the little country on the east of the great sea. Returning to the line of evidence, I take up the testimony of the scriptures which relate to the establishment of a people in the land as claimed in this record : Genesis, 49, 22, Jacob, ( Israel), the head of the tribes in his last blessing upon the twelve sons whose children should figure so wonderfully in the history of the world, says, in his blessing of Joseph : " Joseph is a fruitful bough, even a fruitful bough "by a weil; whose branches run over the wall:" "The archers have sorely grieved him and shot at "him, and hated him: But his bow abode in strength "ami the arms of his hands were made strong by the "handsof the mighty God of Jacob; (from thence is the "Bh< pherd the of Israel): "Even by the God of thy father, who shall help thee "and by the Almighty, who shall bless theu with bless- ings of heaven above, blessings of the deep that "lieth under, blessings of the breasts, and of the 'womb: the blessings of thy father have prevailed! 'above the blessings of my progenitors unto the ut- 'most bound of the everlasting hills: they shall be on 'the head of Jo eph, and on the crown of the head of 'him that was separate from his brethren." Whatever may, or may not have been the former entertained or expressed views of the meaning and application of this prophetic blessing, one thing must be ad- mitted by all the intelligent, and that is, that the prediction clearly shows a change of place of residence and habitation at some period of time, of the posterity of Joseph. Also their settlement and inheritence of a country far greater in extent, and more wonderful for richness and desirableness than the country of Palestine, or that ad- jacent. The prophecy reveals what is to be the history of the descendents : "Whose 'branches run over the wall." "The ' blessings of thy father have prevailed 1 above the blessings of my progenitors 'unto the utmost bounds of the everlasting 1 hills." The blessing of Jacob's progeni- tors, Isaac and Abraham, consisted in the promise of the country east and south of the great sea (Mediterranean), from the River of Egypt to the Euphrates, including the whole of Canaan. This is clearly establish- ed by the following references : Gen. 12:7 - 1 : 8 ; 15 : 7 & 18 ; 26 : 3 & 4 ; 28 : 4, and 48 : 4. But in the prophetic blessing of Joseph the statement is emphatic that the branch- es (daughters, children, posterity), of Jo- seph were to extend above this, beyond Canaan and the country of the Mediterra- nean, even "unto the utmost bound of the everlasting hills." Far from the country of Palestine, to a land teaming with the first things of earth, honored with the choicest of blessings and one to be desired above that of Canaan. I invite you to candidly and fairly enter upon the search for this "promised" land, and to be only as confident in the same as the history and prophetic writings shall fully and fairly warrant. Turning to Deut. 33 : 13 to 18, we find a further account and description of this same country, and also a prediction with reference to this same branch of the human family. It is the lan- guage of Moses, the great civil and eccle- siastical lawgiver of ancient times, and "the prophet." to whom even reference is made in pointing out a likeness of the great char- acter of Jesus. Upon these words we may rely if we are to place implicit confidence in any state- ments of the divine record. (Time called.) THE BRADEN AND KELLEY DEBATE. 19 MR. BRADEN'S SECOND SPEECH. GENTLEMEN MODERATORS, LADIES AND GENTLEMEN: We return now to the rest of Joel's promise, and what was also included in the Saviour's promises. Joel's promise was to all flesh, without exception. It in- cluded every human being. Our Saviour in his last great commission to Iris apostles lim- ited Joel's promise to "as many as should believe " on him through the preaching of the apostles. His language includes all believers, without exception. But as our Saviour limits the promise of the Holy Spirit in Joel, so the Holy Spirit in Peter on the day of Pentecost, limits our Saviour's promise to "as many as the Lord our God shall call." There is no conflict, but merely a gradual development, by the Holy Spirit, in successive revelations, of the law of spir- itual gifts. Joel's promise was limited by our Saviour to believers ; and the Holy Spirit, in Peter, limits the promise of Joel and Jesus to those among believers " whom the Lord our God should call." Only those whom the Lord our God should call were to receive the Holy Spirit as a gift, or were to receive miraculous power through the Holy Spirit. When God ceased calling persons to the exercise of these gifts, they were to cease. The all-important question then is : " How did God call men to the en- joyment of the gift of the Holy Spirit, to the exercise of these miraculous powers, con- ferred by the Holy Spirit, called spiritual gifts ? How long did he continue to call men to the exercise of these gifts ? When did he cease to call men to the exercise of these miraculous powers ?" I claim that he called them to the exer- cise of spiritual gifts, in every instance, ex- cept tne Baptism of the Holy Spirit by the imposition of an apostle's hands in that way alone. None but an apostle could call men to the exercise of these gifts. This power to bestow these gifts was " the sign of apostleship." When the apostles ceased to call men, God ceased to call men, to the exercise of these gifts, for his appointed and only means of calling men to these spiritual gifts ceased. Then as many, out of all flesh, out of believers, as God called by his only appointed means, the imposi- tion of an apostle's hands to the exercise of these spiritual gifts, and no others re- ceived them. Outside of the Baptism in the Holy Spirit no one ever enjoyed these Drifts, except those on whom an apostle laid his hands, to impart them. Acts, VIII. Philip, who exercised wonderfui spiritual powers, could not impart spiritual gifts. " Now when the apostles, who were at Jerusalem, heard that the Samaritans had received the word of God, they sent unto them Peter and John, who when they were come down prayed for them, that they might receive the Holy Spirit, for as yet he had not fallen on any of them, only they had been baptized in the name of the Lord Jesus." My op- ponent's claim that baptism is for tne re- ceiving of the Holy Spirit, is at fault here. These persons had been baptized, and had not, and could not receive the Holy Spirit until an apostle had laid hands on them, for the account proceeds : " Then they laid their hands on them and they received the Holy Spirit. Simon saw that the Holy Spirit was given through the laying on of the apostle's hands." Here it is declared, as clearly as human speech can make it,, that the Holy Spirit was received through the laying on of an apostle's hands. That he was imparted in that way alone, for the apostles had to come down from Jerusalem, and lay their hands on them, before they could receive him, although tb.ey bad been baptized, and Philip the mighty wonder- worker, who was full of the miraculous power of the Holy Spirit, was with them. If Philip could not bestow the Holy Spirit, no one outside of an apostle could. Acts, IX. Saul's case is supposed to be an exception. He was in Damascus, hun- dreds of miles from any apostle. As prophets, who were not Levites, sometimes offered sacrifices as prophets, when TJO Le- vite was present to officiate, so here, God called and miraculously commissioned and appointed Ananias to act as special apostle, in this case, to confer on Saul tho HoJy Spirit. He declares: "The Lord Jes-iS sent me to you, that you may receive the Holy Spirit." This case no more sets to one side our law than the act of Elijah in offering sacrifices as prophet, when there r/as no priest to officiate^ sets to one side God's positive law that no one but a Levite could offer sacrifices. Acts, XIX. Paul baptized the twelve disciples of John, at Ephesus. " Then he laid hands on them and they received the Holy Spirit, and spoke with tongues and prophesied. Tim. 1-6." "Stir up the gift of God that is in you, through the laying on of my hands." These are all of the instances of the imparta- tion of spiritual gifts, in the Scriptures, out- side of the Baptism in the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit was imparted, in every instance, by the imposition of an apostle's hands. These Scriptures prove beyond cavil that no one but an apostle could con- fer these gifts, and that they were con- ferred in that way alone. None but an apostie could call to the exercise of these gifts. These gifts never descended to a third person. I challenge an instance where they descended to a third person. That any one ever exercised spiritual gifts but one called by the imposition of an apos- tle's hand. When the last person to whom an apostle had imparted these gifts, by the imposition of his hands, died these gift* THE BRADEN AND KELLEY DEBATE. ceased from earth. God ceased calling men to the exercise of these gifts when his only appointed means of calling them ceased. Thus wo utterly demolish every claim of inspiration for Joe Smith or any of his fol- lowers ; every shadow of claim of inspira- tion for the Book of Mormon ; all claim that it is of divine origin. The Scriptures clearly teach that these miraculous powers were exercised to give to man a completed revelation of a scheme of salvation from sin, and that when that ob- ject was accomplished, they ceased. We nave already used the illustration of crea- tion. God brought animals and plants into existence by miracle of direct creation. But when that was done he ceased miracles of creation, and now operates in a higher and more perfect manner, by natural law. So he gave rsve^ ion by means of inspiration until he had completed a perfect system of revelation universally applicable, and eternal truths. Then he ceased revelation and miracle, and operates now through a higher and more perfect law, the moral power of these divine truths, thus revealed and completed. The Bible speaks of the unfolding of the scheme of redemption as being similar to the growth of each person, from infancy to manhood. As the child lays to one side the discipline of the school and the parent, and enters on the duties of life, in which he uses what parents and teachers have taught him, so the Bible teaches that mankind have laid to one side the instrumentalities employed in child- hood and youth, and now, as men, use the truths God has imparted and perfected. There was a time when the settlers of America had no government. Then they obtained from home government colonial governments. This was followed by the revolutionary government. Then came gov- ernment under the Articles of Confedera- tion. Under these a constitutional conven- tion was held, and a constitution offered to the people. They adopted it and estab- lished a complete government under it. All constitutional convention work then ceased. The Antediluvian Dispensation, from Adam to the flood, might be com- pared to the settlers before they had a regular government. The Patriarchal Dispensation, from the flood to the law of Sinaij might be regarded as the period of colonies and governments under the parent government. The Mosaic Dispensation might be compared to our revolutionary government. The preparatory work of John and our Saviour to government under the articles of confederation, when the con- stitutional convention was established and did its work. The apostles and the work under them might be compared to the work of the constitutional convention, and the organization of our government in accord- ance with the constitution. The apostles were appointed by our Saviour to give to the church its constitution the New Testa- ment, just as the people chose delegates to the constitutional convention, through their representatives, and empowered them to frame the constitution. Now mankind adopt the New Testament, form churches under it, and live in accordance with its principles, just as our people accept our constitution, form states under it, and live in accordance with the general laws and principles of the constitution. Just as the constitutional convention ceased it work, when it had framed the constitution, so the apostles and revelation ceased their work, when the New Testament was completed. Togo back under direct revelations would be as absurd as to go back under aconstitu- tional convention. Direct revelations were as much inferior to the operation of the completed word of God, as the constitu- tional convention was to government under the constitution. In all of the former dis- pensations, when miraculous powers were exercised, the condition of mankind was as inferior to our condition now, under a completed revelation, as all former condi- tion* of our people were inferior to our present condition. Not only so but revela- tion in all dispensations speaks of the dispensations, when miraculous powers existed, as imperfect provisional, and pre- paratory to something higher and better. They speak of the work of Christ and his apostles as that which is perfect and com- plete. They never speak of anything that is to succeed it, of anything that is to be better than the Gospel. John speaks of the work of Jesus as perfect. The apostle speaks of this work as the perfection of the work of revelation, as that which is per- fect. That which is to have no successor. They speak of what the Gospel will do, but not what something higher and better, that is to replace it, will do. The Scriptures teach clearly and positively, not that these miraculous gifts were to remain as a con- stituent and perpetual element in the Gos- pel, the church and their workings, but that they w T ere the means of revealing the Gospel, the New Testament, and when that was done they were to cease. These n. lacu- lous powers were no more a part of the Gospel than the exercise of miraculous powers exercised in creation was a part of things created. Just as miraculous power in creation was only the means, and ceased when it had accomplished its work, so miraculous power in revelation, was the means of revealing the word of God, and not a part of that word and ceased when revelation was completed, and did not re- main a part of what it had introduced and completed. Constitution making is only a im aus of making the constitution, and not ti part of it. It ceased when it had done its work in giving the constitution It does not remain as part of what it has made. My opponents position is as absurd as it would be to claim that God must now bring animals and plants into being by miracle of creation or that a constitutional conven- tion must set forever, and be forever mak- ing constitutions. The teachings of the New Testament harmonize exactly with our position and illustrations. Eph., IV: "Christ gave THE BBADEN AND KELLEY DEBATE. miraculous gifts to men. He grave some to be apostles, some to be prophets, some to be evangelists, some to be shepherds and some to be teachers." These apostles and prophets, were extraordinary powers in the church. Their work was necessarily one accomplished by inspiration, miraculous power from the Holy Spirit. The evange- lists, shepherds and teachers were endowed with miraculous powers (hen, for such power was essential to their work, in the condition in which the church then was. All these had miraculous powers, spiritual gifts. How long were they to continue? For what pur- pose were these miraculous powers given ? .Paul answers: "For the perfecting of the saints, unto the work of the ministry, for the building (the work of the ministry in building) of the body of Christ" or com- pleting the organization of the church ''until we all come in to the unity of the faith ind of the knowledge of the Son of God" or until ''the faith" the word of God the New Testament is completed. This pas- jage of Scripture explains, definitely and ilearly, for what purpose these gifts were jiven, and how long the}' were to continue. They were given to furnish the saints for the work of the minisfry in building up the organization of the church, and were to re- main until that work was done, or until all attained to the unity of the faith, and the faith is perfected. Then they ceased, hav- ing accomplished their purpose. There can be but one answer to this. My opponent must show that the "until" refers to some- thing else than the completion of the organ- ization of the church, and the completion of the word of God the New Testament, and show that the work of these gifts was not accomplished iu these works, and that it is needt-d now. My position is still more fully taught in I. Cor, XII, XII, XIV. The apostle in XII, 8, 9, 10, and 28, 29, 30, enumerates the gifts that the Holy Spirit bestowed on persons in the church: I. Word of wisdom. II. Word of knowledge. III. The faith the word of God. IV. Gifts of healing. V. Working of powers. VI. Prophecy. VII. Discerning of spirits. VIII. Speaking in different tongues. IX. Power to interpret different tongues. These miraculous gifts made persons : I. Apostles. II. Prophets. III. Teachers. IV. Miraculous powers. V. Gifts of healing. VI. Helps. VIE. Wise counsellors. VIII. Speaking in diff- erent tongues. IX. In te-pretation of diff- erent tongues. He then says: "Desire earnestly the best of these spiritual gifts" while it is the order in the church to exer- cise these gifts "but nevertheless I show unto you a more excellent way" than the ex- ercise of the best of these spiritual gifts. Ob- serve carefully that Paul, after exhorting his brethren to desire the best of these spiritual gifts while it is the order of the church to exercise spiritual gifts, declares positively that there is a more excellent way than the exercise of the very best of these spiritual gifts. In this he flatly contradicts the central idea of Mornaonism, which teaches that the highest condition of the church is the exercise of these spiritual gifts, and that the state of the church, when they are not exercised is, not as Paul declares " the more excellent way," but an apostate con- dition. Paul proceeds to unfold this more excel- lent way in what is the XIII, chapter in our English Bible this way that is more excel- lent than the exercise of the very best of these spiritual gifts, which my opponent makes the all iu all in Christianity. He declares that Christian love, Christian character and spirit, are the great purpose of the religion of Christ. All things the highest and best spiritual gifts, are woi 1 1- less unless they aid iu producing Christian love, Christian spirit and character; and are valuable only as they aid in producing such results. He then unfolds a way of producing Christian love, Christian spirit and character, that is better than the exer- cise of the highest and best of these spirit- ual gifts, that my opponent regards as the alpha and omega of Christianity. He de- clares that Christian love, Christian charac- ter and spirit, shall remain forever, for they are the gr^at object of the religion of Christ. "But prophesy ing'' all utterances by inspir- ation ''shall cease" "speaking in different tongues, shall ce;ise" that is all miraculous powers that are mere siirns, of the presence of superhuman power shall cease. "Knowl- edge" all knowledge by inspiration "shall cease," or in other words, when that more excellent way than the exercise of tiie best of these spiritual gifts obtains, all miracu- lous powers shall cease. Paul then gives the reason why they shall cease, and tells when they shall cease- We come now to a passage of scripture that is more frequently perverted and worse perverted than almost any other in the word of God. Paul is discussing the condi- tion of the church, and if the ordinary in- terpretation be true, he leaves the church entirely, and goes up into heaven, in his discussion, and contrasts, not two different states of the church, as common sense de- mands, but the church and heaven. Outside of the Bible, such an idea would be regard- ed as preposterous nonsense. But men seem to lay one side all sense, when study- ing the Bible. It is not to be understood as any other book ; but is to be made as unnat- ural and fantastic as possible. No conceit is too farfetched, too unnatural to be inject- ed into Bibical interpretation. I insist that Paul is contrasting two conditions of the church. One when spiritual gifts are exer- cised, the other when they are not exercised. Both states are states of the church, and of course here on earth and before Christ gives up his Messiahship, and the church ceases to exist as an institution, on earth, for the salvation of man from sin. The passages following have not the slightest reference to heaven, or to anything but a condition of the church on earth. The apostle declares: "For now" that \ during the exercise of these spiritual gifts, the present state of the church "we know 22 THE BRADEN AND KELLEY DEBATE. in part" that is the knowledge imparted by these spiritual gifts is but partial but a fragment of revelation each time they are exercised "and prophesy in part" that is speaking by inspiration, gives but a frag- ment of revelation each time it is exercised ' b it when that which is perfect is come" when the ''-perfect law of liberty" of James when that which makes perfect the man of God, the scriptures, are completed in the New Testament "then that which is in part" the exercise of these spiritual gifts these partial revelations through them "shall be done away." The apostle then re- turns to the figure used in the XII chapter, where he compared the church to the human body, and personifies the church by his own body, and its development by his own growth. He declares that just as he "per- ceived as a child, felt as a child, spoke as a child, when he was a child," so the church, during the exercise of these spiritual gifts, "perceives as a child, speaks as a child, "for for all revelations under such circum- stances must be fragmentary and broken. But as he "put away childish things when he became a man" so the church will put away these childish things, the exercise of these spiritual gifts when it passes out into the condition of manhood, when it is under "the perfect law of liberty" the completed Testament a law of universal truths, suit- ed to the liberty of manhood. This agrees exactly with the apostle's teaching in Eph. IV, ?>s we have already seen. The apostle continues: "Now" that is during the exercise of these spiritual gifts "we" that is all believers "see as in a mirror dimly" these partial revelations, through the exercise of these spiritual gifts, give imperfect knowledge "but then" that is when the word of God is completed in the New Testament "we shall see face to face." As James declares : "the perfect law of liberty," the New Testament is a is a mirror, arid if a man looks into it and is a doer of what it requires he is blessed. "Now," continues the apostle that is dur- ing the exercise of these spiritual gifts "I know in part" that is the fragmentary re- velations, given through the exercise of spiritual gifts, imparts out partial knowl- edge "I prophesy in part" that is inspir- ed speaking through these spiritual gifis is partial and fragmentary "but then" that is when the word of God is completed in the New Testament "I shall know even as I am known" that is the church shall know what it ought to be, just as the Holy Spirit knows what it ought to be, for the Holy Spirit will then have made a perfect revela- tion of the matter. The apostle closes by declaring that "faith," the faith, God's perfected word "hope" God's perfected promises "love"christian spirit and char- acter, that are the object of revelation, "shall remain forever, but the greater of these is love, Christian spirii and charac- ter" the great aim and purpose of all religion. I have been careful to unfold this important revelation, because it cuts up by the roots, all claim of inspiration for Joe Smith, and all claim that the Book of Mor- mon is of divine origin. I might rest my case here. We will clinch the matter however by putting Mormonism to the test it challenges. Has Mormonism revealed a single new idea, not contained in the Bible? Has it given a better expression to a single idea revealed in the Bible, than is given by the Bible? Man is constitutionally a religious being. Without any revelation his religious nature would have, and ever has had its expression in religious ideas and system of religion. Into these systems of religion man has wrought certain catholic religious ideas of his religious nature. Religions differ in the number of these ideas that they contain, and in their expression of them. All human systems of religion are faulty in these par- ticulars. I. They do not contain all of the catholic ideas of man's nature. II. They do not express these ideas perfectly. III. They do not expand them into universally applicable principles. All human religions are national or race religions. They are not religions for all mankind. IV. They do not unite these ideas into a harmonious system. V. They do not expand the sys- tem into a universal and absolute religion. VI. They corrupt these ideas with error and evil. VII. They incorporate error and evil into the system as cardinal ideas. We claim for Christianity I. It contains every catholic religious idea of mail's religious nature. II. It expresses each and every idea perfectly. III. It expands each and every idea into an eternal truth, a univer- sally applicable principle. IV. It unites all of these ideas into a harmonious system. V. It strips these ideas and the sys'tem of all error and imperfection, with which human systems has polluted them. VI. It expands the system into an absolute religion, a religion for humanity. If this position be true, then a man can not outgrow Christianity. It is the work of all study to reach universally applicable principles, such as the law of gravitation, or theCoperuican law of the universe. When research has attained to such principles, it has reached the ultimate in that direction. It can never outgrow such a principle. It will never need anything in its stead. It can only learn more of the scope and grasp, the ramifications of these universal truths, throughout the infinite universe, but it can never outgrow them. It will never need anything in their stead. In Christianity, we have a system composed of such eternal truths, such universally applicable prin- ciples. Man can never outgrow them not even a "Re-organized Mormon." He will never need new truths, new revelations in addition to them, nor in their stead. If man progresses throughout eternity, he may be able to understand the scope and grasp of these eternal truths, the^e univer- sally applicable principles better, but he will never outgrow them, nor will he need something in their stead, no more than he will outgrow the law of gravitation, and need something in its stead. This forever THE BRADEN AND KELLEY DEBATE. 23 silences and renders absurd the claim- of Mormon revelations. .The catholic ideas of man's religious nature are these, I. The self-existent, independent, self-sustaining, eternal and absolute Being, the origin of all derived existences, and the cause of all phenomena, is Absolute iSpirit, or God. Has Mormonism any idea to take the place of this? Does it give a better rev- elation of it than is given in the Bible? II.. This Absolute Spirit created, controls and sustains all things in the boundless universe. Has Mormonism a revelation to take the place of this truth ? Does it gi ve a better revelation of this truth than is given in the Bible ? III. Spirit existence. God who is absolute spirit; Christ who is a divine spirit; the Holy spirit, a divine spirit; angels; spirit in man. Has Mormo- nism any ideas to take the place of the teachings of the Bible on this subject? Does it give a better revelation of them than we find in the Bible? IV. The immortality of man's spirit and all spirits. Has Mormon- ism given us any new ideas on this topic? Does it reveal any truth not in the Bible, or better than it is expressed in the Bible? V. Freedom of volition in all acts of the spirit. Has Mormonism any new revelations on this topic, not in the Bible? Or does it express the truth better than the Bible? VI. The division of all things into good or evil j nil ideas into true or false; all acts into right or wrong; all characters into righteous or wicked. What new revelations has Mormon- ism given us on these matters, that better ex- press this truth? VII. Clear, simple, in- fallible standard for deciding what i.s right and wrong, trueand false. Has Mormon ism given us a single new idea in regard r,o this matter? VIII. Responsibility to God? Has Mormonism added a single thought in regard to this ? IX. Accountability to God? What light have we from Mormonism, on this topic, not in the Bible? X. Retribu- tion here and hereafter. Has Mprmonism given us a single new idea on this important topic? XI. God's providence, as our Fath- er in heaven. Has Mormonism added a ghost of an idea to our knowledge on that subject? XII. Prayer and answer to pray- er. What new revelations has Mormonism given us on that question ? XIII. Revela- tions from God, of truth man unaided could not attain. What new idea in regard to revelation does Mormoni&m give to man ? XIV. Inspiration of chosen men as medi- ums of revelation. What new light have we from Mormonism on this topic? XV. Miracles as proof of inspiration and revela- tion. What new truth has Mormonism in regard to miracles? XVI. Prophecy. What new ideas in regard to prophecy has Mormonism given to the world? XVII. Sacrifice for sin. What light have the pre- tended Mormon revelations thrown on this topic? XVIII. The expiation or, atone- ment that Christ made for mankind. Have Mormon pretended revelations given us one new thought on this central idea of Christian- ity? XIX. The mediatorship of Christ. Has Mormonism given to the world one particle of light on that topic, not in the Bible? XX. A leader in religion and redemption. What light from MIT non revelations here? XXI. A perfect embodiment of teaching, and example in life. Has Mormonism Driven, us a ray of additional lijfht on the subji-ct? XXII. An object of faith devotion and love? What light does Mormonism add to the teachings of the Bible.' XXIII. Incarna- tion of Jesus as divine sacrifice, md : i<>r, and object of lov and devotion. I> Mor- monism add a single thought on tlii - : ,>io ? XXIV. iSin as a fact in man's life a >d ex- perience. Its nature, its results. ior- monism thrown one particle of aUiiiuonal light over this dark theme? XXV. Regen- eration of life, spirit and character. Have we any additional light on this glorious idea of Christianity, from the jack-o-lantern of Mormonism? XXVI. Forgiveness of sin on repentance and reformation. What new revelations on this cheering truth, have w from Mormonism? XXVII. A life of right- eousness moulded and directed by religion. Does Mormonism give us new revelations here? XXVIII. The life of each individ- ual, the family, s ciety in all relations, nations, mankind, are to be regenerated by the pure religion of Christ. Do we owe any- thing to Mormon revelations on this subject? XXIX. The regulation of all thought, action, and life, in every relation of life, and sphere of action, by this religion. What new ideas does Mormonism give us here? XXX. Each person elevates himself in love and righteousness, by giving himself in loving self-sacrifice for others. Does Mor- luonisin give a new revelation on this thought? XXXI. Man is to be a co-worker with Mod in the great work of redemption. What new revelatin have we from Mormon- ism on this topic? XXXII. Man in the mental and moral likeness of God. What new revelations here? We ask Mormonism. XXIII. Endless growth, development and progress of all intelligences, i towards the absolute perfection of their Creator. What new revelations have we here? We ask the Mormon. XXXIV. The resurrection and glorification of man's nature. What new revelations on this theme have we from Mormonism? XXXV. The universal l-a- therhood of God. What new light does Morrnonism give us in regard to this topic? XXXVI. The universal brotherhood of man. What new revelations on t! is i lu-nie has Mormonism given us? XXXVII. A. system of truth to be believed, of worship to be performed, of rules of life to be lived. Has Mormonism in its pretended revelations added the ghost of an idea to what is in t he Bible? XXXVIII. The church of Christ as a perfect organization, for the maintainanco of this religion, and man's culture in it. What new truth has Mormonism given us here? Will our opponent answer these ques- tions? He dare not contradict common sense and Gods word, in claiming that all of the pre- tended revelations of Mormonism, have sug- gested a ghost of a new truth, in regard to one of these great ideas revealed in the THE BRADEN AND KELLEY DEBATE. Bible. There is left for him one refuge. He may say that he does not claim that revela- tions are needed to add to the truths re- vealed in the Bible, or to express them bet- ter, but the spiritual gifts are needed to enable man to do the work that the religion of Christ and the revelations of the Bible demand of him. That inspiration and new revelations are needed to aid man in such work, and to enable him to do it. That human wisdom is not always sufficient to the task of developing and applying the univers- ally appiicabe truths of revelation. Nor to the task of deciding what should be done in applying them. That revelations, inspir- ation, spiritual gifts, are needed to supply this want of human weakness. Also to authenticate and establish th divine origin of Christianity. That as spiritual gifts were needed as helps and a sign of the divinity of the rel'gion of Christ anciently, so they are needed now. This Is the only refuge left him. Should he attempt refuge there, we will soon drive him out of that last hid- ing place. Now will our opponent meet these two po- sitions. I. The Scriptures te^ch that inspir- ation revelation and miraculous power ex- isted for a definite purpose, the revelation of a perfect system of truth. That system of truth was completed in the New Testa- ment. Inspiration revelation and miracle ceased having accomplished Iheir purpose. Therefore all claims of later revelations is absurd and unscriptural. II. Cb.ristianily contains all religious ideas and expresses them perfectly. Further revelation is need- less. Will he grapple with these positions like a man and cease his jingling interpreta- tion of prophecies that have not more refer- ence to Mormonism than the frauds of a gang of counterfietera. TILE BRADEN AND KELLEY DEBATE. 25 THIRD SPEECH OF MR. KELLEY. GENTLEMEN MODERATORS, LADIES AND GENTLEMEN : When my time was called upon last evening I was citing proofs from the scriptures, relative to the establishment and occupancy of a people upon the Ameri- can continent. I turn and read again from Deuteronomy 83 : 13-18 : "And of Joseph he said, Blessed of the Lord be his "laud, for the precious things of heaven, for the dew, "and for the deep that coucheth beneath, and lor the "precious fruits brought forth by the sun, and for the "precious things put forth by the moon, and for the "chief things of the ancient mountains, and for the "precious things of the lasting hills, and for the pre- "cious things of the earth and fullness thereof, and for "the good will of Him that dwelt in the bush: let the " blessing come upon the head of Joseph, and upon the "top of the head of him that was separated from his "beihren. His glory is like the flrstlingof his bullock, "and his horns a: e like the horns of unicorns: with them **he shall push the people together to the ends of the "earth: and they are the ten thousands of Ephraim, "and they are the thousands of Mauasseh " Here we have such a full and definite description of Joseph's land where the branches posterity of Joseph were to pass to, and inherit, that it is hardly possible to make a mistake in applying it to the country, unless we shall while trying to do so be determined in our minds at all risks to preserve to our souls some cherished and petted theory or selfish institution, rather than to approach fairly and openly the light. It is a land of broad fields and ex- tended territory. Of great diversities of soil, climate and temperature. It must ex- tend through and occupy in the different zones. Here are the products of the earth set out in their fulness. Celebrated for its fruits and luxurious vegetation, " put forth by the sun and moon." A land of the chief minerals, " chief things of the ancient mountains;" for the wealth and products of its lakes and rivers, "the deep that coucheth beneath ; " and for the blessings of heaven, the revelations of God verse 16, 'i For the good will of him that dwelt in the bush ; " and then it was far away from Canaan, " to the utmost bounds of the ever- lasting hills." Associate this description now, with the promised blessing upon the children of Joseph, Ephraim and Manasseh, Gen. 48: 15-20, where the land is located in the midst of the earth ; which, when we remember that the patriarch stood in the country lying on the Mediterranean and near to Canaan, could not with any sense of justice or fitness to the statement be made to apply to that land, and it will be possible to in- telligently point it out. The children also were to " grow into a multitude." Wherever the land is, a mul- titude of people will doubtless be found who are the descendants of Joseph of Egypt. " And he blessed them that day, Baying, " In thee shall Israel bless, saying, God make thee as Ephraim and Manasseh." This accords with the description of the blessing of Joseph's land by Moses. It is one greatly to be desired ; choice above every other land, as was the blessing of the lads : so much so that it would be the high- est thing to bless others as was the blessing of these children. The other sous of Jacob had their blessing and inheritance in Can- aan, and how could it ever be truly said, "God bless thee as Ephraim and Manas- seh," if theirs was thus confined to Canaan also? Pursuing the examination however, in search of this promised land and the hue of Joseph, I next refer you to the prediction with reference to the departure from Jeru- salem of the people who evidently were led to the land spoken of by these inspired meu and the manner and time of their coming. Jeremiah 48 : 32, " O vine of Sibmah, I will " weep for thee with the weeping of Jazer : 11 Thy plants are gone over tlte sea, they " reach even to the sea of Jazer : the spoiler "is fallen upon thy summer fruits, and " upon thy vintage." Here is introduced under the figure of a choice vine the dis- persion of the line of Israel's beloved, and an introduction of the fact that they should pass from the then inheritance to the sea, and over the sea ; as is also more specifically set forth by the prophet Isaiah 1G : 8, where it is evident the same event is referred to of which Jeremiah has given evidence, lit says : " For the fields of Heshbon languish, "and the vine of Sibmah : the lords of the " heathen have broken down the principal " plants thereof, they are come even unto " Jazer, they wandered through the wilder- " ness : her branches are stretched out, they " are gone over the sea." Now pass in your mind over the sea, from the old country of Jazer on the east of the- Mediterranean, in either direction ( so as to puss over the sea), and tell me what land you shall find and the only one you can lind that answers the description of Joseph's land as foretold by Israel and Moses . The phrase, "vine of Sibmah," may be understood by comparing it with the saying of the Lord in the second chapter, 20uii and 21st verses, of Jeremiah : " For of old time "I have broken thy yoke, and burst thy " bands ; and thou saidest, thou wilt not "transgress; when upon every high hill "and every green tree thou wanderest "playing the harlot. Yet I had planted " thee a noble vine, wholly a right seed : "How then art thou turned into the dege- " nerate plant of a strange vine unto me '/ " Sibmah refers to that to be desired, pleas- ant, choice. And the "-vine of Sibmah," is properly interpreted, "a noble vine," "a right seed," which was true of Ephraim ) and Mauusseh. 26 THE BRADEN AND KELLEY DEBATE. Turning again to the evidences upon the main thread of our search, I refer you to the 49th of Jeremiah, 30th to 33rd verses inclu- sive ; where he gives the excited and hur- ried warning which God had commanded him to deliver, just a short time before the king of Babylon brings desolation upon the country of Jerusalem. The language of the prophet fully discloses the troublous scenes which suddenly followed : " Flee, get you far uif, dwell deep," (that is go unobserved, secret), "O ye inhabitants of Razor, saith the Lord : for Ne- bucnadnezzar king of Babylon hath taken counsel 'a ainst you, and hath conceived a purpose against 'you Arise, pet you up unto the wealthy na- 'tion that dweljeth" without care, saith the Lord, 'which have neither pa es nor bars, which dwell alone. Ami their camels shall be a booty, and the 'nuiltitii''e of their cattle a spoil: and 1 will scatter 'into all winds them that are in the utmost corners ; 'and I will bring their calamity from all sides thereof, 'saith the Lord. And Ilazor shall be a dwelling for 'drapi'iis. and a desolation forever: there siiall no 'man abide there, nor any son of inttn dwell in it." The warning to these people was to get out of the reach of the King of Babylon who at that time held complete sway in the countries of the east, and they were prom- ised that if they would obey the voice and hearken unto the Lord, they should be led to a wealthy nation, a land descriptive of Joseph's land, and which, had been afore- time inhabited and whose inhabitants dwelt without bars ; with nothing to pre- vent persons who should go thereof taking possession, showing that the cattle and camels would be a prey to be had for the taking. Such a country as this existed at some Rlace upon the earth at the time of the de- vering of the warning prophecy and of the captivity referred to, unless the prophecy is false. Where was it? The Book of Mor- mon comes in with the new light reflected in 1829, and shows that at the time, such a country existed upon the American con- tinent. It had to that date been inhabited by a people who were led here from the plains of Shinar at the time of the confounding of the languages ; and who had been greatly blessed and enriched and had builded cities and towns and earthworks, and had been rich 111 cattle and camels and all kinds of animals, and in mines and mining. But had l>een at this time hurriedly gathered together by their leaders from every part of the land", leaving their cities unkept, the ores in process of removal in the mines, their herds and their flocks free to wander, while they engaged in mortal combat, stir- red to the most desperate frenzy by animo- sity and revenge, until the country had become desolate of inhabitants. Ah ! but says my opponent, this comes from the Book of Mormon, it is notevidence. But I shall not leave the testimony here. I refer to it to show you that so early as 1829, when the book went into the hands of the publisher, this work cast the new light upon the nation and peoples of the world, when all were in ignorance and darkness; not only with regard to the former habita- tion of the continent, but also the interpre- tation of these prophecies. For my proofs, I shall bring before you the corroborative testimonies which have come to light through the explorations and archaeological discoveries of the continent, as set forth and published in the first scientific and historical works of the times, and which could not have been known to the author of the Book of Mormon if it is claimed to be the work of man only. Upon last evening it was repeatedly chal- lenged, to point to a new thing whicb reflected light to the people from the work. I had nevertheless just referred him to the new light thrown upon the prophecy of the Master at Jerusalem. Here is another that stands out boldly and sublime as though flashed by the inspired shaft from the heavenly realms ; and were it material to the maintenance of the authenticity of the work, I could gather from its brilliant pages ten thousand reflections of its rays, which are for the elevation of man, the encourage- ment, consolation and spiritual growth of the Christian as he wrestles with the evils of life, and which are not attained by the reading of any other work. But suppose I could not show a single new truth. How could it affect the argument as to whether God revealed himself to the people -upon this jaontinent, and that the result of such revealment were not teachings, "entitled to the respect and belief" of all the people who believe in the partial record that is left to us of the will of heaven as y their prophets, on plates of gold, brass, and ore (what ev- er that nondescript substance may mean). These plates were religiously preserved by divine direction. The Book of Mormon tells us, on almost every page, with painful iteration and reiteration, of plates, of how they were prepared, preserved and revised, handed down from generation to genera- tion how careful the Lord was to see that this was done, until they fell into the hands of one Mormon, who about A. D. 384 made an abridgement and buried the originals, together with certain relics, in a hill which is now near Manchester Ontario Co., New York. He handed this abridgment "these few plates" to his son Moroni, providently leaving a few pages for him to use in finish- ing the abridgement. Moroni finishes, by en- graving on the few pages left by his father, what happened after his father revised his record. Then he writes, and on nothing, for he tells us that his plates are full, and he had nothing to make plates of and is alone, an abridgment of the history of the Jarad- ites. Moroni then boxes up these few plates containing the abridgment made by his father, and his appendix to it, written on the few pages his father left him for that purpose, and buries them in a hill, Cumo- rah, that was in what is now Manchester. N. Y. He buried only "these few plates," and nothing with them for Mormon had bur- ied everything else years before, in an in- tirely different locality. 'ifThese few plates" remained in this box, till September, 22, 1823, when Moroni, then an angel appeared to Joe Smith, and re- vealed to him the existence of these plates, their place of burial, and a summary of their contents. September, 22, 1827, Moro- ni delivered the plates to Joe Smith, who by means of a peep st^ne that he had stolen from the children of Willard Chase, trans- lated them, and gave their contents to the world, in the Book of Mormon. The Book of Mormon mentions a perfect museum of relics that are "hid up" some- where near Palmyra, New York. We give the list that our readers may see how care- ful the Lord was to have the records and relics preserved. We cite the pages of the Book of Mormon, English edition, where they are mentioned. It shows with what iteration and reiteration "plates" are men- tioned, and how much pains the authors take to convince the sceptical, that these records were so carefully preserved, there can be no doubt about the accuracy of the Book of Mormon. I. Plates of Laban. pp 9 11 144 145. II. Brass genealogical plates, p 11. III. Brass plates of Lehi, afterwards abridged by Nephi, pp 3 44 62. IV. Brass plates of Nephi containing "the more part of the history" (shades of Murray what English) pp, 16 -138. V. Brass plates of Nephi containing "the more part of the ministry" (shades of Addison, forgive the English of the fullnes of Mor- mon inspiration) pp, 16 144. VI. Ore (what nondescript substance is that?) plates of Nephi "containing mine own prophecies" p 44. VII. Plates of Zarahemla containing genealogy, p, 140. VIII. Plates of Mor- mon, containing an abridgment of Nephi's plates that contained "the more part of the ministry," p, 141. IX. Plates containing a record from priest Ja.^ob to king Benjamin, p 141. X. Plates containing; record ofZe- niff, p 161. XI. Golden plates of Ether, pp, 161, 312 516. XII. Plates containing Alma's account of "his afflictions," p, 196. XIII. Plates Jared "brought across the great deep," p, 530.. XIV. Copies of Scriptures "out of which the sons of Mosuah studied 14 years," pp, 255 271. XV. Many records kept by people "who went north-west," pp, 394395. XVI. Twelve epistles by different prophets on different themes. The Book of Mormon gives us only an abridgment of these. The originals are "hid up." XVII. The liahona the sacred brass globe called the brass compass or brass director-of Lehi. pp, 38314. XVIII. The record of Laban, pp, 145 143 145. XIX. The engraved stone of Coriantumer p, 140. XX. The six- teen stones that God touched with his fin- gers, p, 20. XXI. The two stone interpre- ters of Moroni, pp, 162204. XXII. The two stone interpreters of Jared's brother, pp, 522-523. XXIII. A white stone Gaxelme. p, 212. XXIV. A brass breastplate found with Ether's plates, p, 161, Besides all these Smith and other Mormons describe- articles different from these enough to in- crease the number indefinitely. Mor- mon tells us p 492, - that he hides all of these relics, and hands only "these few plates" containing his abridgment to his son Moroni. They are "hid up" no one knows where. The reader will observe we have piles of plates, a score of them, men- tioned scores of times. No one dare deny the accuracy of records kept on metalic plates, imperishable material, with such constant care, and by divine direction, aud inspiration. It is our purpose to prove that the Book of Mormon originated with Solomou Spaulding, was revamped by Sydney Rig- don, and given to the world by Impostor Joe Smith. We shall give first a sketch oi Spaulding, and his work until he came in contact with Rigdon. Then a sketch of Rigdon and of his work, until he confeder- ated with Impostor Joe, to give his stolen fabrication to the world, by means of his stolen peepstone. Solomon Spaulding was born in Ashford Conneticut in 1761. He graduated at Dartmouth College in 1785, with the degree of A. B. He studi- ed theology and graduated in theology in 1787, and received the degree of A. M. He preached until after 1800. On account .of failing health he went into business in Cherry Valley, New York. He failed in merchandizing and moved to Conneaut, Ohio, in 1807 or 8. Here he went into the foundery business and failed again. There were in the township of Conueaut a great THE BRADEN AND KELLEY DEBATE. 85 many mounds and other relics of an ex- tinct race of people. Mr. Spaulding be- came very much interested in these anti- quities. In 1809 he began a romance, in which he assumed that the ancestors of the Indians were Romans. After writing forty or fifty pages, he abandoned this idea, because as he said, the Romans were too near tne time in which he was writing. This MS was the only one Philastus Hurl- but said he found in the trunk, supposed to contain all of Spaulding's MS'S, when they examined the trunk at Mr. Clark's house, In 1834. This MS we will designate as Roman MS or MS No 1. Ever since the European missionaries be- gan to labor among the Indians, as early as the year k00, Spanish, French, English and Portugese Missionaries had observed certain things among the Indians, that led some of th&ea to believe that the Indians were of Israelite origin, descendants of the Ten Lost Tribes of Israel. Such ideas can be found in the writings of Spanish Port- ugese, and French Monks, and in the writ- ings of Elliott, Cotton Mather and scores of American writers, before the commence- ment of the present century. Mr. Spauld- ing was a firm believer and earnest advo- cate of this theory. He began to write a romance, in which he assumed, that the aborigines of America, and the authors of its mounds and other antiquities were Is- raelites. He commenced writing this MS as early as 1809. His brother, J. Spauld- ing, certifies that he visited his brother Solomon in 1810, and found him writing a book which he called, "The Manuscript Found," which he intended to publish, and hoped by the sales to pay his debts. He described it as follows: ' It was a historical romance of the first settlers of America, and endeavored to show that the American Indians are the descendants of the Jews, or the Ten Lost Tribes. It gave a detailed account of their journ- ey from Jerusalem, by land and sea, until they arrived in America, under the command of Lehi and Nephi. They afterwards had quarrels and contentions, and separated into two distinct nations, one of which he denon,in>ited Nephites, the other Lamanites. Cruel and bloody wars ensued, in, which great multitudes were slain. They buried their dead in large heaps which caused the mounds, so common in this country. Their arts, sciences and civilization were all brought into view, in order to account for all the curious antiqui- ties found in various parts of Northern and Southern America I well remember that he wrote in the old Btyle, and commenced almost every sentence with, "And it came to pass," or "Now it came to pass." I will leave it to the reader, if the aver- age Mormon can give a better synopsis of the historical part of the Nephite portion of the Book of Mormon, then John Spauld- ing gives in describing his brother's ro- mance the "Manuscript Found." Martha Spaulding, wife of John Spauld- ing, and sister-in-law of Solomon Spauld- ing, testifies: "1 was at the house of Solomon Spaulding shortly before he left ConeHUt. He was then writing a his- torical novel founded on the first settlers of America. He represented them as an enlightened and warlike people. He had for many years contended that the ab- origines of America were the descendants of some of the Lost Tribi s of Israel; and this idea he carried out in the book in question. The mpse of time which has Intervened prevents my recollecting but few of the leading incidents of his writings; but the names Lehi and Nephi are yet fresh in my memory as being the prin'-ipal heroes of his tale. They were officers of the company which first came off from Jerusalem. He gave a particular account of their journey by landand by sea, till they arrived in America, after which dis- putes arose between the chiefs, which caused them to separate into bands, one of which was called Laman- ites the other Nephites. Between these there were re- counted tremendous battles, which frequently cover- ed the ground with slain and these being buried in large heaps, was the cause of the many mounds in the country. Some of these people he represents as be- ing very large." Again, I ask the reader if an average Mor- mon could give a better outline of the his- torical part of the Nephite portion of the Book of Mormon than Mrs. Spaulding gives in describing the "Manuscript Found" of her brother-in-law Solomon Spaulding. Henry Lake, Solomon Spaulding's busi- ness partner testifies: Solomon Spauldin g frequently read to me from a man- uscript which he was writing, which he entitled the "Manuscript Found,," and which he represented as- being found in this town. I spent many hours in hear- ing him rea_d said writings, and became well acquaint- ed with their contents. The Book represened the Amer- ican Indians as being the descendants of the Lost Tribes of Israel, and gave an account of their having left Jerusalem, and of theircontentions and wars, which were many and great. I remember telling Mr. Spauld- ing that so frequent use of the words: "And it came to pass, ' ' Now it came to pass," rendered the book ridic- ulous." Aaron Wright testifies: "One day when I was at the house of Solomon Spaulding, he showed and road to me a history he was writing ot the Lost Tribes of Israel, purporting that they were the first settlers of America and thnt the Indians were their descendants. He traced their journ- ey from Jerusalem to America. He told me his object was to account for the fortifications etc. that were to be found in this country, and said that in time, it would be fully believed by all except learned men and historians " Oliver Smith testifies: 'So^mon Ppaulding boarded at my house six months. All his leisure hours were occupied in writ- ing a historical novel, founded upon the first settlers Of this country. He said he intended to trace their Journey, from Jerusalem by land and sea till their ar- rival in America, and give an account of their arts, sciences, civilization laws and contentions. In this way he would give a satisfactory account of all of the old mounds, so common in this country. Nephi and Lehi, were by him, represented as the leading charac- ters, when they first darted for America. Their wain object was to escape the judgements which they sup- posed were coming on the old world." Nahum Howard testifies: "In conreisation with Solomon Spauldfng I express- ed my surprise that we had no account of the people once in this country, who erected the old forts mounds etc. He told me he was writing a history of that peo- ple." Artemus Cunningham testifies: "Solomon Spaulding described to me his book. He said that it was a fabulous or romantic history of the first inhabitants of this country, and it purported ^o be a record found buried in the earth, or in a cave. He had adopted the ancient or Scriptural style of wriiing. He then read from his manuscript I remember the name of Nephi, who appeared to be the principal hero of the story. The frequent repetition of the phrase "1 Nephi" I remember distinctly as though it were yes- terday. Heattempied to account for the numerous antiquities which are found upon the continent." John N. Miller who was a member of Solomon SpauJ ding's household for many months testifies: "I perust d Spaulding's manuscripts as I had leisure more particularly the one he called his "Manuscript Found." It purported to be a history of the first set- tlers o America. He brought them off from Jerusa- lem, under their leaders detailing their travels by land and by sea." THE BRADEN AND KELLEY DEBATE. MR. KELLEY'S FOURTH SPEECH. Gr;NTT,KMEN MODEUATOKS, LADIES AND GKNTI,KMKN : By way of reminding- you of the fact that sometimes a man gets frighten- ed at his own evil surmisings I call attention to the statement of my friend, "That he was not going to he scared down." Tliis was cer- tainly uncalled for. Who has tried to scare him down ? Have I, or has a single person in this audience? Now, I take this as the simple upbraidings of his own conscience. It reminds me of the story of the boy that got terribly scared upon a certain occasion. His hair began to stand up right lively, and the cold chills coursed down his hack. Fin- ally he gathered up a little courage and edged up a Httle toward the object of his fright and after straightening up, he stam- mered out, "Who's afraid?" It turned out that the boy had only been stuffed with a few ghost stories and was frightened at nothing. And it seems to me this is the true condition of my opponent. There is no necessity of being afraid here. I hope my friend is not afraid. I can say truly to you that I am not. What is he afraid of? I want him in this discussion to bring the strongest evidence he can. To do his worst, as well as best. Only let him state facts? He makes a statement with reference to the prophecy of Jacob in the 49th chapter of Genesis where in blessing Joseph, he tells him his " branches," (daughters), " should run over the wall," and says that men have read it for thousands of years and never thought of applying it as I have in this dis- cussion. Is that an argument against the force of my position? On the contrary it occurs to me to be an argument in favor of it. When men have read it, scanned it, for thousands of years, and no one conceived the idea of applying it to its proper place until it was made known as we claim by the revelation of God, it argues in favor of the divine knowledge. It is something that was not likely to be spontaneous in the heart of man, but let down from heaven as were many other things that I will be able to show you dui ing this discussion. And yet will he deny that the Book of Mormon has given a single new truth to the world? Another thing he has refer red to as an argu- ment, is the sermons of the "notorious Stephen Burrows," using his language. He seems to have been a faithful student of Burrows. Now, his sermons may be good, as he claims from his or the Disciples' ( Carnpbellites) standpoint of judging ; but I wi;l state to this audience fairly and can- didly that no such man as he says he was, could preach good sermons from the stand- point of the Latter Day Saints, nor the standpoint of the Bible; and they are not good sermons. I invite him to produce the sermons now, and I will examine them be- fore you and show that they are not good. Another thing. He said that he could show that the prophecies of the Bible which I have quoted refer as much to the Koran as the Book of Mormon. Why does he not do it then? What is he here for but to show what they apply to? Let him doit. I deny that he can select a single one that has a like or similar application, and demand the proof. When hr- tal bodies by His Spirit that dwelleth in you." Rom. 8: 11-10. This is also limited THE BRADEN AND KELLEY DEBATE. 37 by the theory of the negative. Yet, it is cfear from the texts themselves, that these promises and experiences were, and are, for the doers of the word, the faithful in Christ in every age. John said, " I indeed baptize you with water unto repentance ; but he that conieth after me is mightier than I, whose shoes I am not worthy to bear : he shall baptize vou with the Holy Ghost and with fire." Matt. 3:11. And Jesus in keeping with this says, " Except a man be born of water and the Spirit, he cannot enter into the Kingdom of God." John 3: 5. These texts prove that the influence and power of the Spirit was to follow the baptism by water. But my opponent limits the baptism of the Spirit, and holds on to the water. But u pon what authority ? A vain assumption evidently thought necessary to bolster up his Campbellite theory. His arguments prohibit salvation to the race after the apostolic age. Jesus taught, "Except a man be born of water and the Spirit he can- not enter into the Kingdom of God." Yet, Mr. Braderi says, there is no birth or bap- tism of the Spirit now. There would be more consistency in abandoning both bap- tisms as they are both taught by the same persons and at the same time. In his mad- ness he not only wars against the claims of the Book of Mormon and the Latter Day SainfcSj but all Christians who hold to a ChrioUan experience under the divine ener- gies oi the Holy Ghost. Every Catholic, Episcopalian, Presbyterian. 'Methodist, Friend, Independent, or what not, \vho has testified of tasting the heavenly gift the joy of the Holy Ghost shed abroad in the heart, in any age or time since the Apos- tles, -has witnessed falsely. Their expe- riences are but vain things and they, de- ceivers of themselves. There is no Spirit- ual communion, so Mr. Braden claims, except through the medium of the word. His is but a first step in Atheism. It de- stroys or removes God out of the world, if not out of the universe. Inspiration is not only confined to the early church, but God, and Christ, and the Holy Ghost, are barred out; limited and confined to the Apostles alone and can no longer move upon the Christian's heart. But thank God, we are assured of better things : Says Paul, "And hope maketh not ashamed ; because the love of God is shed abroad in the heart." How ia the love of God shed abroad in the heart? "By the Holy Ghost which is given unto us." Rom*. 5:5. "Who hath also sealed us, and given the earnest 'of the Spirit in our hearts." 2 Cor. 1 :22. "And because you are son 8. God hath sent forth the Spirit of his Son into your hearts, cry- ing, Abba Father." " Iii whom ye also trusted after that ye heard the word of truth the gospel of your salvation, in whom also after that ye believed ye were sealed with that Holy Spirit of promise, which is the earnest of our inheritance until the re- demption of the purchased possession, unto the praise of his glory." Eph. 1 : 13. This was not attained through the medium of the word as my opponent would have you believe, for the Apostle says, verse 13, "After ye heard the word of truth, after that ye believed, ye were sealed with that Holy Spirit of promise." The Holy Ghost is the Spirit of promise the same which Jesus said, " When he is come he will tes- tify of me." This promise of the Spirit to burn in the heart of the Christian in fact, was to continue until the redemption of the purchased possession, and is the evidence of the right of possession. But Braden's theory confines all this to the apostles' time/ and all the experience, and knowl- edge, that men can have of God now, is through the written word. Jesus says, "Go ye into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature. He that believ- eth and is baptized shall be saved and he that believeth not shall be damned ; and these signs shall follow them that believe. In my name they shall cast out devils. They shall speak with new tongues," etc. Mark lf>. This message included the entire world of believers. The promise is, "He that believeth and is baptixed shall be saved," and "These signs shall follow them that Wlieve." Wherever the message was to be obeyed, the signs were to follow. Where the signs are limited, the duties en- joined by the message are limited. This proves too much for my opponent's theory and faith, for he professes great faith in the water part of the message. But if he con- fines the result of obedience to the &ge of the apostles, he must confine the obligation to obey the ordinance of baptism to that age, and per consequence the duties prece- ding it, faith and repentance, which are necessary to prepare one to obey the ordi- nance of baptism. Thus he not only limits the Holy Ghost to the age of the, apostles, but faith, repentance and baptism also. Hence he has God and Christ and the Holy Ghost out of the world, and so far away that neither can commune with Christians, and the essential feature of the gospel itself is confined to the apostolic times and peo- ple. But Peter held to a better faith. Said he, " For the promise is unto you, and to your children, and to all that are afar olf, even as many as the Lord our God shall call." This promise was to be realized when they accepted the gospel message as is shown in verse 38. of Acts, second chap- ter. " Repent and be baptized every one of you, in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost." Nothing is more certain than that the obedient doer of the word was to receive the gift of the Holy Ghost wherever the gospel message WHS sent, as is clearly shown by these texts. It is not limited to Pentecost day, nor to that age. Whenever, and wherever, the remission of sins took place in all the world, in every ae, "ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost." Hence Paul says, " Ky one Spirit are we all baptized into one body, whether we be Jews or gentiles, whether we be bond or free ; and have been all made to drink into one Spirit." 1 Cor 12:13. 38 THE BRADEN AND KELLEY DEBATE. This body to which he refers, is the church, the body'of Christ, so termed. Those who joined in this relation became " fit temples for the indwelling of the Holy Ghost." If these powers and blessings were limited to the early apostles' time, then the body of Christ, the church of God on earth was limited to that age. Paul foreseeing that such a theory would be foisted upon the world in the fu- ture from his day. raised a warning voice to the people, declaring, "that in the last days perilous times shall come," by men, "having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof." The advice that fol- lows this announcement is most striking and cheering: "From such turn away." 2 Tim. 3:5. The apostle Peter also, as if on purpose to put the question beyond cavil- ing, and at rest, says, "The promise is un- to you, and to your children, and to all that are afar off, even as many as the Lord our God shall call." To all who are called to repentance and salvation, and not to miraculous power, as has been stated; but called to Christ Jesus. God thus calls all men in every age. "In every nation he that feareth God and worketh rightonsness is accepted with him." "Come unto me, all ye ends of the earth," says God, "And be ye saved." But my opponent says, Christ limited Joel's prophecy made to all flesh, to Pentecost day, and that Peter meant when he said, "Even as many as the Lord our God should call," "That all should receive the Holy Ghost on whom the apostles laid their hands." This is evidently a subterfuge, and false rendering, for there is not a statement in the Bible anywhere to the effect that none were to receive the Holy Ghost but those on whom the apostles should lay their hands. This is gotten up out of whole cloth and added to the word of God in order to sup- port a weak theory. But my opponent Beems to be driven to the last ditch here. He assumes to turn Jesus against his pro- phets. Bays he, "Christ limits Joel's pro- phecy to those on whom the apostles should lay their hands." Why does he want Joel limited? Ah I Joel speaks too loud for his theory. Let me read it : "And it shall come to pass afterward." (after the time of the re-gathering of Israel when they shall never again be ashamed ), "That I will pour out my Spirit upon all flesh ; and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, your old men shall dream dreams, your young men shall see visions: And also upon the servants, and upon the handmaids in those days I will pour out my Spirit. And I will show wonders in the heavens and the earth, blood and lire, and pillars of smoke." Joel 2:28-30. When shall this be? In the "last days," when God shall have set his hand a second time to gather his people. "When Jacob's (Israel's) face shall no longer wax pale;" "afterwards." All the prophets agree as to the time Not on Pente- cost day ; nor at the time when the apostles laid on hands during their ministry. Not on a few on Pentecost day, and those upon whom the apostles should lay their hands ; but "upon all flesh." In the period of the world's history when God should "show wonders in heaven above, and signs in the earth beneath ; blood and fire and pillars of smoke." When, "The sun shall be turned into darkness, and the moon into blood be- fore the great and notable day of the Lord comes." This prophecy was not fulfilled on Pentecost day. Nor does the apostle so state. He says, referring to the Holy Ghost that had then rested upon and imbued the disciples, "This is that which was spoken by the prophet Joel," the Spirit that Joel referred to which should be poured out in the last days, by which men should see visions, dream dreams and prophesy. Not the accomplishment of what Joel said would take place, but the presence of the Spirit the agency by which it would be accom- plished. Joel prophesied of certain things to take place in the "last days." My oppon- ent's position is that Christ corrected him and says, no prophesying in the "last days;" this is to be confined to Pentecost and those on whom the apostles shall lay their hands. Who is right? Joel or my opponent? He gays again, that no one received the Holy Ghost save under the apostles' hands. But Ananias, who was not an apostle, laid his hands upon Saul that he "might receive the Holy Ghost," and be healed. This shows that the authority to lay on hands for the healing of the sick and the bestowing of the Spirit, was vested in the same class of offi- cers. Jesus says, "They shall lay hands on the sick and they shall recover." Mark 16. James also tells us who shall lay hands on the sick, showing the practice under the Savior's instruction: "Is there any ^sick among you? Let him call for the elders of the church, "&c. James 5: 14. Hence, Paul addresses Timothy, "Neglect not the gift that is in thee, which was given thee by prophecy, with the laying on of the hands of the presbytery." 1 Tim. 4 : 14. Here the presbytery, body of elders, officiated in lay- ing hands upon Timothy, and a gift was manifest by prophecy through the ordin- ance. But the negative in his ramblings goes from bad to worse. He says that the Christian Institution under Christ and the apostles was a little boy, playing with toys, compared \vith the excellency, perfect! on t and power that followed after. How won- derful! Then they had apostles, prophets, the gift of the Holy Ghost, communion with God, and the visitation of angels, thehealing of the sick and the love of God shed abroad in the heart by the Holy Ghost which they received; yet he stands before you and claims that this is nothing to be compared with the condition of the church that fol- lowed in after ages and is now ex ant almost universally, and from which all of this heavenly clothing and adornment has been stripped, as the woman going into the wilderness was shorn of her beauty and heavenly power. One is inclined to think he is joking here, rather than talking in earnest; the absurdity is so palpable. The Church of THE BRA DEN AND KELLEY DEBATE. Christ was to be "a habitation of God through the Spirit." This new theory leads fco the conclusion that the world is better off and religion more excellent not to have God in either. When God talks with men. and the Holy Ghost fills their souls, and they have the testimony of Je- sus and certainty in religion, it is a dark and trying time; "a boy with his toys;" but when neither God nor Christ, nor the Holy Ghost, nor the prophets nor apostles are known in the church, or in the world; and division, and discord and contention, distraction and uncertainty everywhere reigns, the full grown man appears, with all his captivating influences and enticing graces. The gifts having passed away, he says, we have love, joy, peace, etc. But did not they have all this and God, and Cirist besides in the "toy day," that he refers to? To support this hallucination he refers to 1 Cor. 13, and endeavors to show that there is a "more excellent way," than to have communion with Gotf, th'rough the Holy Spirit, and the realization of the gifts in the church. "Charity never faileth." Right; but it is found in and enjoyed most by those exercising the gifts of the gospel. Charity is love, the pure love of God. It is for the saints here, and in the future world, when they shall reign with God. <( But whether there be prophecies they shall fail; whether there be tongues they hall cease; whether there be knowledge it shall vanish away." When shall these things cease? My opponent says, in the age of the apostles, i. e. t when the apostles died and there was no one to lay on hands; and thus from sheer necessity. But this proves too much for him. If it was because the apostles died, it could not have been because, "that which is perfect is come;" unless the killing of the apostles brought perfection. Knowledge, prophe- cies, and tongues are classed together, and if he takes it that these are to cease with- out reference to the "part" exercise of them as explained by the apostle himself, all are mustered out together, and become things of the past at the same time. It would scarcely do for me to tell such a towering light as rny opponent; that knowl- edge ceased in the apostolic age; tha,t was the age ;f boys, the "tcy age." But his theory forces him to do so. If iu is said that this reieis to miraculous knowledge, I ask what kind is that? Certaimy it does not come under that classed as learning "erudi- tion, scholarship. &c. Nor "cognition, no- tice," &c. It must be then of "apprehen- sion, comprehension, understanding, dis- cernment, judgment." Will he take the position that this kind of knowledge has ceased from the church? No wonder things looked dark to Mr. Wesley. Let us permit the apostle to be his own* interpreter here. Verses 9 and 10, " For we know in part, and prophesy in part, but when that which is perfect is come, chen that which is in part shall be done away." What shall be done away? Doing in part. Knowledge in part prophesying m part ; speaking in Jamrtuures only in part. When shall it be done away? Answer: "When that wniek is perfect is come: " and this is when part prophesying and knowing in part will cease. My oppo- nent says, Paul is contrasting two states of the church : One under the spiritual gifts, the other under a " perfected" state without spiritual gifts, or communion with God except as may be received through the writ- ten word : that is from reading the Bible. This is another of his fallacies. Paul is con- trasting the state of the church and saints here with the condition that is to be attained in the future world, at the coming of Jesus the second time. "Now, (in this life this side of a time of perfection,) I see through a glass darkly; but then shall I know, even as I am known." When this perfect time shall come then Paul will know as he is known ; until that time he sees through a a glass darkly walking by the light of pro- phesying in part, and knowing only in part. There is nothing more clear, than if Paul with his spiritual vision, knowledge and prophecy, could know only in part, there has been no state of the church since his day when man attained to a more perfect knowledge And more especially must this be conceded by my opponent, when he and his Campbellite Church, assumes that all that men can know of God, and religion now, is by reading the Bible written in part by Paul himself, and wholly, so far as its divinity is concerned, when men were blest with the spiritual gifts and had communion with God. The facts are these : The light of God only comes to earth in part. The Saints of old knew in part and prophesied in part ; but they looked forward to the future when the knowledge in part should be a thing of the past, and they would know as they were known. My opponent says, this was after the apostles passed away and the church became a full-grown man. But who can believe him when he further says that the Christians, or the world, knows more of duty and the light of heaven, and are in a higher, more advanced and perfect state than when the spiritual gifts, were extant and there was communion with God? The gifts were to continue until the day of perfect knowledge should come. " The day of Christ." 2 Thess. 2 : 2. Paul says in the Ephesian letter, fourth chapter- " And he gave some, apostles ; and some, prophets and some, evangelists; and some pastors and teachers." What for? "For the per- fecting of the Saints the work of the minis- try, for the edifying of the body of Christ," or the church. How long was this inspired ministry to continue? The apostle answers in the next sentence. " Till Ve all come in the unity of the faith, and of the knowledge of the Son of God, unto a perfect man, unto the measure of the statum of the fulness of Christ." And all this for the purpose: " That we henceforth be uo more children tossed to ' and fro, and carried about with every wind of doc- ' trine, by the sleight of men and cunning craftiness, 'whereby they lie in wait u- deceive; but -peakirnj the 'truth in love, m y grow up unto him in all things, which is .the head, even Christ. From whom the 'whole body iitly joined together and compacted by 'that which every joint supplicth. according to the 40 THE BRADEN AND KELLEY DEBATE. "effectual working in the measure of every part, mak- "eth increase of the body unto the edifying of itself in "in love." 11 to 16 verses. This scripture confirms the opinion that the apostles and prophets were designed to continue in the church, that the people might be "no more children tossed to and fro and carried about with every wind of doctrine." But Mr. Braden reverses it, and says the apostles and gifts ceased that we might be no more children, but full grown men. That was "the children or toy day" of the church. However the apostle further tells us, that they were to continue till we all come to, "the knowledg-e of the Son of God, unto a perfect man, unto the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ." Again, "God hath set some in th-e church, first apostles, secondly proph- ets, thirdly teachers, after that mir- acles, then gifts of healings, helps, govern- ments, diversities of tongues," 1 Cor. 12:28. "God has set the members every one in the body as it hath pleased him." This body in which he placed thes members is his church ; and he placed them in the body, the church, to edify the same and to contin- ue therein, until "we all come to the knowl- edge of the Son of God;" -but now we are gravely told that they are not necessary or essential to the proper growth ot the body, and that they are not to continue "till we come to the knowledge of the Son of God." But since it is by this same Holy Spirit that wa manifest on Pentecost day, and by which the signs followed the believer, and which God gave by gift to the ministry, and poured out upon all the believers, that we may at all attain to the knowledge of Christ, will he now be so kind as to tell us whether he expects by banishing the means of knowledge, to ha've the people become enlightened? "No man can say that Jesus is the Lord." [come to the knowledge of him], "but by the Holy Ghost." 1 Cor. 12:3. He says again, the "Mormons baptize for miraculous gifts." But he also told you, they got their baptism through a Campbel- lite preacher, Sidney Bigdon. Do THEY baptize for miraculous gifts? The Saints do not now, nor never did baptize for miracu- lous gifts. That is out of whole cloth. They baptize "for the remission of sins," and then say as the apostles taught, that the obedient doer or' the word is entitled to, the Holy Ghost by reason of the "promise." Again, he claims that, the Book of Mor- mon is an addition to the Bible. This is in- correct. The Book of Mormon stands alone, as a work or as a revelation from Deity and is complete of itself; as the Bible 'stands alone and is complete, (so far as the book is concerned and a record of God's will as re- vealed upon the Eastern continent), so is the Book of Mormon of a like history and of that same will, as revealed, upon the Wes- tern continent. The Book of M i :mon is? in no true sense an addition to the Bible : no such claim is, or has ever been, made for it, by the book itself, or its friends. But it con- firms the Bible in its testimony, and this is answer enough if we had no other as to the good of the work. The Bible is a record of the Jews and their religion. The Book of Mormon is a record of the people who came to and lived upon the Western continent and their religion. It is not true as assert- ed, that the Latter Day Saints hold the revelations in the Book of Mormon in high- er veneration than they do the revelations of the Bible With them a revelation from God, given to the world in Palestine, is just as worthy of consideration and respect, as one given in America ; and one from a similar source in America, just as good as one given in Palestine. Neither is age a consequence as to the truth or applicability of it. God over all is rich, and none can limit His pow- er of giving and revealing. If a church that denies to its members the light and gift of the Holy Spirit, of communion with God, through the Comforter, and an approach to the life of the church of the First Born, and Jesus the Mediator, is not a Jack o'lantern light to the world, then there is no faint and dim glimmering anywhere. Now I wish to refer hurriedly to what he stated last evening by way of an illustration, using the American government, or the compact of the Constitution and the framers, in a comparison, to the apostles and their work, or to those whom he says gave us the Bible. The trouble with his illustration is, that it is not a parallel case as used by him. The framers of the American Constitution were selected by the American people, and au- thorized by them to meet and in their own wisdom frame a constitution which should, if ratified, be the ^roveming or fundamental law. In the word of God, as committed to the world, the apostles are not the framers, or makers, neither the ones to ratify as well as devise or institute. They could approve or reject as they chose, but this action could not affect the law, only themselves, as wit- ness the act 'f Judas. 'They were the means simply of communicating that knowledge to the world that was framed and devised by Deity himself. And when my opponent seeks by his illustration to reason apostles out of the world, he makes the blunder of placing the apostles in the position occupied by Deity himself, to the New Testament, and his illustration legitimately, instead of showing that apostles were to cease, puts God out of the Universe and out of the church, instead of the apostles. This is why I object to his theory. It is but on n par with his other argument, wherein ho has sought to shut the Holy Ghost, the lifo and power of the gospel out of the church. God gave the covenant or constitution ot the 'Christian Church, and it was not the work of the apostles. The apostles were the means of teaching this constitution to the world; "ambassadors" to publish the glad news. The publication of the constitution of the United States, was not by the fram era, but by means of another's agency, tho press, and public, criers selected for that purpose. The framers of the constitution so far as their work was concerned, would THE Bit A DEN AND KELLEY DEBATE. 41 bear a likeness to De/ty, who framed and gave the gospel law. Says Jesus in his de- livery of the law ; "The Father which sent me, he gave me a commandment, what I should say, and what I should speak." John 12:49. The apostles are, in the com- parison, in fact but the publishers, ambass- adors, preachers. For God to give direction how he would have these laws carried out, would not necessarily either, be making "new constitution every day ;" any more than he was making new constitution every day in the time of Paul and John. Who will say that because we have a constitution or first basis in our government, we shall have no more laws. The only restriction is, that the laws shall not conflict with the con- stitution. The next objection I shall take up and examine, is that profound and doubtless scholarly argument, based upon the mirac- ulous in the creation of the world. That since God created the earth by miraculous power, therefore he says, I would have him continue to keep a miracle going all the time, in order that we might have miracu- lous things or new animals and plants. But he forgets that when God created the earth by miraculous power, if he wishes to call it miraculous, he at the same time established in the same miraculous manner, for aught my opponent can tell, a law by which those things which were created, that he calls miraculous, were to be repro- duced. And we have the miraculous plants aud animals now' by virtue of .that law. Just the same as he ordained in the first age of Christianity by the law of the Holy Spirit that apostles should continue if men kept the faith, and if they kept not the faith, then they should not continue; and if we have not the fruits by the ordination of the law of the Holy Spirit, it is because the law has not been kept, for God has not changed. Will my opponent now stop to tell us whether the law by which the natural cre- ation is now continued is not the same by which God originally wrought when it first germinated? When did Deity change, or at what time did the new law take the place of the old? Make the comparison, and follow it to its conclusion and you will see that instead of supporting his theory it destroys it. God in the creation of the world brought forth certain things, and ordained a means by which they should continue and they continue as at the first by that means, and as the law provided, to the just and unjust alike. In the establishment of his church he did many things which showed the proper fruits of his law, by means of the Holy Spirit. He ordained that they should con- tinue by means of the same agency and power, to the, believer, the doer of the word, for this law was limited to such, and not as the other, made alike to the just and the unjust. Do they continue? Has God changed ? The law governing should as in the order of creation cause the same effect, and bring to the believer, knowledge, wis- dom, faith, prophecies, tongues and heal- ings. These are the legitimate fruits of the law of the Holy Spirit to the believer. But my opponent says no. Why? The simple reason is his people do not have the fruits, and the application will show that they are not " doers of the word." Now I call your attention to the real im- port of the story he related, which certainly displayed his ingenuity in taking an eco- nomical way of meeting my arguments. I have several times called your attention to the fact that he was not debating properly this question, and that he had abandoned any defense, so far as meeting my argu- ments is concerned ; and now, he comes in and admits it in his story of the boy, that he says was only waiting for something sufficient to roll up so that he could have something to kick at. He is waiting for my arguments to roll up. This reminds me of another boy. He saw an object in the path and at first sight he concluded he would kick it out. As he neared it, the object looked a little firmer than at first, but he thought he would kick at it any way. Finally he drew quite close and the object looked as if it was bundled up so tightly, that if he kicked he might get his toes hurt, and so he did not kick at all ; and this seems to me to be the true reason why he has not foot-balled my argu- ment. (Laughter and applause.) (Time ex- pired.) 42 THE BRADEN AND KELLEY DEBATE. MR. BRADEN'S FOURTH SPEECH. GENTLEMEN MODERATORS. LADIES AND GENTLEMEN: Mrs. Matilda Spaulding, Solomon Spaulding'8 wife testifies, after stating that Mr. Spaulding was very much interested in the antiquities found around Conneaut : "Mr. Ppaulding conceived the Idea of writing a his- tory of the long lost race that produced these antiqui- ties. Their extreme antiquity lead him to write in the most ancient style, and as the Old Testament was the oldest book in the world, he imitated its style, as much as possible. As he progressed in his narrative, the neighbors would come in from time to time, to hear portions read, and a great interest in the work was ex- cited among them. It claimed to have been written by one of the lost nation, and to have been recovered from the earth. The neighbors would often ask how Mr. Spaulding progressed in deciphering the manuscript, and when he had a sufficient portion prepared, he would inform them, and they would assemble to hear it read. He was enabled, from his acquaintance with the classics and ancient history to introduce many sin- gular names, which were particularly notified by the people, and could easily be recognized by them." Let us say in passing that " Mormon " is one of those names. It is from the Greek and means literally a " bug-bear, a hobgob- lin." Miss Martha Spaulding, now Mrs. Kins- try, Spaulding's daughter testifies : " My Father read the manuscript I had seen him writing to the neighbors and to a clergy- man a friend of his who came to visit him. Some of the names he mentioned while reading to the people I have never for- gotten. They are as fresh in my memory as though I had heard them but yester- day. They are Mormon, Moroni, Lamanite and Nephi, etc., etc." Joseph Miller of Amity, Pa., who was in- timate with Spaulding while he lived in Amity, nursed him in his last illness, and heard him read much from his manuscript, says : "Mr. Spaulding seemed to take great delight in read- Ing from his manuscript written on foolscap. I heard him read most if not all of it; and had frequent con- ve sations with him about it. Some time ago I heard most of the Book of Mormon read. On hearing read the account of the battle between the Amlicites (Book of Alma, chapter II. ), in which the soldiers of one army placed a red mark on their foreheads, to distin- guish them from their enemies, it seemed to reproduce in my mind not only the narrative but the very words, as they had been imprinted on my mind by reading Spaulding's manuscript." Ruddick McKee of Washington D. C. tes- tifies : "I was a boarder at Spaulding's tavern in Amity, Pa., in the fall of 1814. I recollect quite well Mr. Spaulding spending much time in writing on sheets of paper torn from an old book, what purported to be a veritable history of the nations or tribes that inhabited Canaan. He called it 'Lost Manuscript' or some such name. I was struck with the minuteness of its details and apparent sincerity and truthfulness of the author 1 have an indistinct recollection of the passage referred to by Mr. Miller, about the Amlicites making a cross with red paint in their foreheads to distinguish them from their enemies in the confusion of battle." Mr. Abner Jackson of Canton Ohio who heard Spaulding read the MS. to his father in Conneaut, just before his removal to Fittsburg, testifies : "Spaulding frequently read his MS. to the neighbors and commented on it as he progressed. He wrote it in Bible style, 'And it came to pass' occurred so ofte. that some called him ' Old come to pass.' The names. Mormon, Moroni, Nephi, Nephite, Laman, Lamanite, etc., were in it. The closing scene was at Cumorah, where all the righteous were slain." We propose now to introduce Sidney Rig- don himself. Rev. John Winter, M. D. waa teaching school in Pittsburg, and was a member of the First Baptist church wheu Rigdon was its pastor and was intimate with Rigdon. He testifies that "In 1822 or 3 Rigdon took out of his desk In his study a large MS. stating that it was a Bible romance pur- porting to be a history of the American Indians. That it was written by one Spaulding a Presbyterian preach- er whose health had failed and who had taken it to the printers to see if it would pay to publish it. And that he (Rigdon) had borrowed it from the printer as a curiosity." James Jeffries, an old and highly respect- ed citizen of Churchville Hartford Co. Ma- ryland, testifies, in a statement he dictated to Rev. Calvin D. Wilson, Jan. 20th 1884, in the presence of his wife and J. M. Finney, M. D. ; and attested by Dr. Finney, Rev Wilson and Mrs. James Jeffries : "Forty rears ago I was in business in St. Louis. The Mormons then had their temple in Nauvoo Illinois. I had business transactions with them I knew Sidney Rigdon. He acted as general manager of the business of the Mormons (with me) Rigdon told me several times, in his conversation with me, that there was in the printing office with which he was connected in Ohio, a MS. of the Rev Spaulding, tracing the origin of the Indians from the lost tribes of Israel. This MS. was in the office several years. He was tamiliar with it. Spaulding wanted it published but had not the means to pay for printing. He (Rigdon) and Joe Smith used to look over the MS. and read it on Sundays. Rig- don said Smith took the MS. and said 'I'll print it,' and went off to Palmyra New York." " Forty years ago " would be the fall of 1844, just after Rigdon had been driven out of Nauvoo. The Times and Seasons assailed him bitterly, that fall and winter, for ex- posing Morinonism. On his way from Nau- voo to Pittsburg, he called on his old ac- quaintance, Mr. Jeffries, in St. Louis, and, in his anger at the Mormons, he let out the secrets of Mormonism, just as he told the Mormons he would, if they did not make him their leader. George Clark, son of Jerome Clark of Harwicke, N. Y., testifies that Mrs David- son left the trunk containing her first hus- band's MSS. at his fathers, before she went to Munson Mass, to live with her daughter. He says : "Shortly before Hurlbut got the M3. from fathers, during a visit to fathers, Mrs Davidst n gave to my wife to read, a MS. written by her first bus baud, Spaulding; remarking as she handed her the MS. : 'The Mormon Bible is almost a literal copy of this MS.' " It was this MS. Hurlbut obtained from Jerome Clark, and which he never deliv- ered to Howe. He retained it and gave to Howe a few leaves, the beginning of an entirely different MS. Scores of witnesses who would have cor- roborated the above could have found TJUS BRADEN AND KEI/LEY DEBATE.* wnere the Book of Mormon appeared, but these are enough certainly. We wish now to call the attention of the reader to these facts. 1. We have proved by sixteen witnesses of the highest char- acter, one Solomon Spaulding's brother, another his sister-in-law, another his wife, another his daughter, another his business Eartner, another one who was an inmate of is family for many months, another one with whom Spaulding boarded for months, and the others intimate acquaintances, that between the years 1809 and 1816 Solomon Spaulding spent much of his time in pre- paring manuscripts for a book he intended to publish called the "Manuscript Found." II. That from reading it and hearing him rend it they became more or less familiar with the contents of his manuscript. III. Their description of his manuscript is as ac- curate an outline of the historic portion of the Nephite part of the Book of Mormon, in the plot of the story, the starting point of the history, its leading incidents, jour- neys, wars etc., the names of the principal chaiacters, as any average Mormon can give. IV. They mention only the Nephite portion of the book of Mormon, with one exception which we will soon give. V. They all declare that there was no religious matler in his manuscript. VI. Oliver Smith testifies that Spaulding told him just before going to Pittsburg, that he would prepare the manuscript for press while there, living a retired life for that purpose. VII J. N. Miller testifies, that in explain- ing his book to him, SpauJding told him that he lauded the people at the Isthmus of Darien which he called Zarahemla. From all these facts we gather these conclusions. That Spaulding wrote, at first only tlie historic part of the Nephite portion of the Book of Mormon. This was his second manuscript which we will call manuscript No II. or Mormon manu- script No. I. It was this small manuscript that Mrs. Martha Spaulding his daughter saw in the trunk at W. H. Sabins her uncles in Onadago, Valley. N. Y. about the year 1823. From the amount of writing Spaulding did during the seven years, and from Miller's description, it is evident that he prepared a more complete manuscript adding the Zarahemla emigration. This we wilt call manuscript No. III. Mormon m -nuscript No. 2. In 1812 Spaulding mov- ed to Pittsburg, for the purpose of publish- ing his book, intending, as he told Oliver Smith to lead a retired life and rewrite it for the press. He showed it, his daughter testifies to Mr. Patterson, a publisher in Pittsburg who told him to rewrite it for the press and he would publish it. He did so and added the Jaredite emigration. Mrs. Spaulding, his wife, and Miss Spaulding his daughter, testify, that he sent the manscript to Patterson's publishing house. 'Mr. Miller, Mr. McKee and Dr. Dodd of Amity, Pa., testify that Spaulding told them he had done so. In 1814 Spaulding then in very poor health went to Amity, Washington Qo., Pa. His wife kept tuveru and supported the family. Spanldinsf continued to write on his manuscript and read it to all who would listen to him un- til his death Oct. 20th 1816. His wife and daughter put his manu- script and papers that they found, into a trunk and took it with them to the resi- dence of a brother of Mrs. Spaulding W. H. Sabiu, Onandago, Valley, Onandago county, N. Y. lii 1820 Mrs. Spaulding went to Pomfret Conn. Sometime after- wards she married a Mr. Davidson of Hart- wicke, Otsego, county N. Y.and went there to live. She left her daughter Miss Mar- tha Spaulding with her uncle Mr. Sabin, and left the trunk containing the manu- scripts in her care. M BS Spaulding testi- fies that she read one of die manuscripts, a small one, either Spaulding's first draft of the story, or his Mormon manuscript No. 1. the one he wrote in 1809-10. She also testifies that while she was at her uncles, Joseph Smith worked as teamster for her uncle, and learned of the existence of the manuscript. Impostor Joe places his first vision concerning the plates, Sept. 1823. As this is his way of dressing up his first knowledge of the manuscript he worked for Sabin in September, 1823, and learned of the existence of the manuscript then. Sometime after her moving to Hartwicke, and after Sept. 1823, Mrs. Davidson sent for tlie trunk and it was sent from Onandago, Valley, to the house of Mr. Davidson in Hartwicke. In 1828 Miss Martha Spaulding married Dr. McKinstry and went to Mun- son Mass, to live. 1830 Mrs. Davidson left Hartwicke and went to Munson to live with her daughter Mrs. McKinstry. She left the trunk containing the manuscript and papers that is all she and her daughter found after Spaulding's death, in care of her brother-in-law Jerome Clark, in Hart- wicke. Here it stayed until it was opened by Philastus Hurlbut and Jerome Clark in 1834. Hurlbut had visited Mrs. Davidson, and Mrs. McKinstry in Munson, and ob- tained an order from them authorizing him to open the trunk, and examine its contents. We are ready now to introduce the per- son who was instrumental in giving to the world the " Book of Mormon." Sidney Rig- don was born St. Clatr township, February 19, his father until the death of the latter in 1810; when Sidney was 17 years old. All the education .he obtained he got in a log school-house near his home. After hia father's death he still made his home at his mother's pretending to work on the farm and to farm the land part of the time, but was, bib neighbors say, too lazy or too proud to worfc. A dispute has arisen over the ques- tion whether he was in Pittsburg before he went there in 1822, to take charge of the first Baptist church. His friends assert that he did not life' In Pittsburg till that time. A dispute arises over the question whether he learned the printers' art in early life. Also whether he worked in the oil ice of Patterson, when Spauldiug's mauu .BOOK or Mormon." eianey Jttig- rn near the village of Library in wnship, Allegany county, Pa., ), 1793. He lived on the farm of 44 THE BRADEN AND KELLEY DEBATE. script was taken there to be published. His friends deny this, and persons employ- ed in Patterson's office before and after that time, say they remember no such employee of the office, and Rigdon denied it most em- phatically. Mr. Patterson remembers noth- ing of him. On the other hand Mrs. Davidson, Spaulding's wife, declares posi- tively that he was connected with the office. Mr. Miller of Amity, Mr. McKee, and Dr. Dodd testify that Mr. Spaulding so inform- ed them. There must have been some foundation for such positive impressions on the part of Mr. and Mrs. Spaulding, and many others. I think Mrs. Eichbaum who was clerk in the post office, in Pittsburg, from 1812 to 1816, gives the key to the matter. A young man by the name of Lambdin was in Mr. Patterson's employ and became his partner in 1818. She states thatRigdon and Lamb- din were very intimate and that Mr. Engle foreman of Patterson's printing office com- plained thatRigdon was loafing around the office all the time; that Rigdon was work- ing in a tannery at the time. The explana- tion then is that Rigdon was intimate with J^ambdin one of the leading employees of Patterson, while he was working in a tannery in Pittsburg, and from this intim- acy, persons supposed that he was in Patterson's employ; especially when he was around the office so much. Rigdon was then a young man, noted for his gift of gab, and fondness for discussion, especially on religious topics. We are now ready to prove that Rigdon came in contact with the Spaulding manuscript. Joseph Miller of Amity. Pa., who took care of Spaulding in his last illness, testifies : " My recollection is that Spaulding left a transcript of the manuscript with Patterson for publication. The publication was delayed until Spaul- ding could write a preface. In the mean time the manuscript was spirited away, and could not be found. Spaulding told me that Sidney Rigdon had taken it or was suspected of taking it. I recol- lect distinctly that Rigdon's name was mentioned in connection with it." Mr. McKee says that Rigdon was mentioned to him by Spaulding as the employee of Pat- terson. Dr. Dodd who took care oi Spaul- ding in his last illness declared that Spaulding's manuscript had been trans- formed into the Book of Mormon, and that Rigdon was the one who did it. He made this statement years before Howe's book appeared, the first public statement of such a theory. He did it on account of what he had heard of the Spaulding manuscript, and what Spaulding had told him. Mrs. Spaul- ding positively declares that Rigdon was connected with Patterson's office, when the manuscript was there, and that he copied it. That the manuscript was a subject of much curiosity and interest in the office. That it was well known that he had a copy of it. We can now collate the evidence. Rig- don was intimate with J.ambdin a prom- inent employee in the office. He Inafed about the office so much that Mr. Engle the foreman complained of it. His fond- ness for religious discussion and love of the strange and marvelous, caused him to take a deep interest in the Spaulding manu- script. It was just what would interest such a cast of mind as his. The manuscript was missed. He was blamed with spiriting it away. Mrs. Spauldmg thinks he copied it. She, in the course of her husband's last ill- ness did not learn all the facts, or did not remember clearly. She was mistaken in regard to his copying it and that it was re- turned, as Miller, McKee and Dr. Dodds statements, in regard to Spauldings own statements show. We have now traced the manuscript that Spaulding prepared for publication into Rigdon's hands. The statement of his friends that he staid on the farm till he went to Pittsburg, in 1822, they contradict themselves. It does not harmonize with Rigdon's character. Mrs, Eichbaum's statement is confirmed by the fact that Rigdon went to work in a tannery, when he quit preaching in 1824. He had learned the trade in 1812 to 1816. That Rig- don was in Pittsburg, when Spaulding, manuscript was in Patterson's office learn- ing the tanner's trade. He was intimate with Lambdin, an employee of Patterson. He was about the office so much that En- gles complained that he was always hang- ing about. He was just such a person as would be excited over Spaulding's manu- script. He took great interest in it. That was what made him hang around the office. The manuscript was stolen, and Spaulding said that Rigdon was suspected of taking it. Rigdon joined the Baptist church on Piney Fork of Peters creek May 31, 1817. He studied theology during the years 1818- 19 with a Mr. Clark a Baptist Preacher of Beaver, county, Pa. He was licensed to preach by the Connequessing Baptist church in 1819. He went to Warren Trum- bull county Ohio, where his uncle was a prominent member of the Baptist church and joined that church, March, 4th, 1820. He was ordained to preach as a regular Baptist Preacher by that church, April, 1st, 1820. He preached for that church and other churches in that vicinity during the years 1820 and 21. He married Phebe Brooks in Warren, in 1820. In January 1822 he moved to Pittsburg and was made Pastor of the Fir&t Baptist church Jan. 28th 1822. He embraced many of the teachings of Camp- bell and Scott. His church and Scott's often met together in worship. He was ar- raigned for such doctrinal errors and ex- cluded Oct. 11, 1823. He preached for his adherents in the court house till in the sum- mer of 1824. Then for two years did no regular preaching. He says he studied the Biole and worked in a tannery. We will now prove that he had the Spaulding manuscript in his possession at this time. Rev. John Winter M. D. who was a member of Rigdon's congregation when he was pastor of the First Baptist church, and very intimate with him testi- fies; that Kigdon in his presence in hU THE BRADEN AND KELLEY DEBATE. 45 house took out of a desk a manuscript and remarked that a "Presbyterian minister Spaulding whose health had failed brought this to a printer to see if it would pay to publish it. It is a romance of the Bible and he got it from the printer to read as a curiosity." Here we have clear proof that Rigdon had Spauldinf's manuscript in kis possession in 1823. In the winter of 1826 Rigdon moved to Bainbridge, Geauga, coun- ty Ohio. Soon after he was visited by his niece now Mrs. A. Dunlap of Warren, Ohio. She testifies : "That in her presence her uncle went Into his bed- room and took from a trunk which he kept carefully locked, a manuscript and come back seated himself by the fire and be^an to read. His wife came into the room and exclaimed: "What you area studying that thing again? I mean to burn tht paper.'' Rigdon replied : " No indeed you will not. This will be a great thine: someday." When he was reading this manu- script he was so completely occupied that he seemed entirely unconscious of anything around him." We have now proved that Rigdon had the Spaulding manuscript in his possession , and that he expected to make some great thing out of it and spent much time over it. In June 1826 Rigdon was invited to preach the funeral sermon of Warner Goodall of Mentor Ohio, and so pleased the congrega- tion, that they chose him their preacher, and he became a Disciple Preacher. He was now 33 years old. He had barely what was a common school education of those days, and was never a student or reader, except of the visionary and mysterious. He had a wonderful command of language, an ex- travagant imagination and a marvelous power of word painting. He excelled in declamation and in a kind of pulpit power, that arouses revival excitement. He never was regarded as a reasoner, or a man of profound thonght. He was relied on as a revivalist rather than as a regular preacher. His favorite theme was the millennium, on which he was fond of declaiming, and entertained the ideas now found in the Book of Mormon. He was always talking of some great time, coming, some great thing going to happen. He brought with him many of his Baptist ideas, and never accepted all Disciple teaching. His power in revivals and his love of revival excitement, inclined him to the idea then popular in all churches, except the Disciples of direct and immediate or miraculous power of the Holy Ghost. His extrava- gancies and eccentricities gave constant annoyance to the Disciples, who overlooked them on account of his power as a revivalist. They would often say: " Oh well it is Rigdon. It is one of Rigdon's oddities." His imagination and love of the marvelous lead him constantly into exaggerations, that often were absolute falsehoods. Those who who watched him closely were soon con- vinced, that he lacked logical mental power and moral stamina, and was unreliable in his statements, and wanting in moral prin- ciple. He was a vain showy pulpit orator but never was a trusted preacher axrong the Disciples. We propose now to show that Rigdon knew of the appearance of the Book of Mormon before it appeared, and knew of and de- scribed its contents. Adamson Bently Rigdon's brother-in-law and one of the most reliable men that Ohio has ever known, declares in the Millennial Har- binger of 1844, page 39 : "I know that Sid- ney Ki/rdon told me as much as two years before the Mormon Book made its appear- ance, or had been heard of by me, that there was a book coming out, the manuscript of which was engraved on gold plates." Alexander Campbell whose word not even sectarian hatred ever dared to impeach, clinches the matter by adding his testi- mony: "The conversation alluded to In Brother Bontly's letter, was in my presence, as well as his. My recol- lection of it led me, some two or thiee years ago, 10 interrogate Bro. Bently concerning his recoiled ions of it. They accorded with mine in every particular, ex- cept in regard to the yBiir in which it occurred. He placed it in the surnnx;r of 1K27. I placed it in the summer of 1826. Rigdon, at the sarco time, observed that on the plates dug UD in New York, there was an account, not only of the aborigines of this continent, but it was stated also that the Christian religion had been preached on this continent, during the first cen- tury just as we were then preaching it on the Western Reserve." That clinches the matter. We will now introduce Darwin At water of Mantua, who testifies : "Sidney Rigdon preached for us when the Mormoa defection eai he on us. and notwithstanding his extra- ordinary wild freaks he was held in high repute by many. For a few months before his pretended conver- sion to Mormonism, it was noted that his wild extrav- agant propensities had been more marked. That he knewbef jrehandof the coming of the Book of Mormon, is tome certain, from what lie had said during the first of his visits to my father's some years before (in 182''), He gave a wonderful description of the mounds and other antiquities found in some parts of America, and said that they must have been made by the aborigines. He said there was a book to be published containing an account of these things. He spoke of them in his eloquent enthusiastic style as being a thing most ex- trHordin.-iry. Though a youth 1 took him to task for expending so much enthusiasm on srch a subject in- stead of the things of the gospel. In all my intercourse with him wfterwards he i ever spoke of the antiquities or of the wonderful book that should give an account of them till the Book of Mormon was real'y published. He must have thought that I was not the man to reveal to." That is true. Darwin Atwater was no*, Parley P. Pratt was. He was the right man for Rigdon's schemes. Rigdon made a convert of Pratt then teaching school in Lorairi county Ohio. Pratt began to preach for the Discipleg. Rigdon let him into his scheme and Pratt entered heartily into it. We will now prova that Rigdon was away from home, engaged in getting out his manuscript, that he told his wife would be a great thing some day. Zebulon Rudolpho Mrs Garfield's father tes- tifies : " During the winter previous to the appearance of the Book ot Mormon, Rigdon was In the habit of spei ding weeks away 'rom houie, going no one knew whither. He often appeared preoccupied and he would indulge in dreamy visionary talks, which puzzled those who listened. When the Book of olormon appeared and Rigdon joined in the advocacy of the new religion the suspicion was at once aroused that he was one of th framers of the new doctHne, and that probably he was not ignorant of the authorship of the Book of Mor- mon." John Rudolph, brother to Z. Rudolph says: "For two years before the Book of Mormon &p- THE BRADEN AND KELLEY DEBATE. peared, Rigdon's sermons were full of declarations and prophecies that the age of miracles would be restored, and more complete revelations, than those in the Bible, would be given. When the Book of Mormon appeared, all who heard him were satisfied that he referred to it. 1 ' Alrnon B. Green, well known in Northern Ohio, says : "In the Annual Meeting of the Mahonlng Associa- tion held in Austimown in August, 1830, about two months before Sidney Rigdon's professed conversion to Mormonism, Rigdon preached Saturday afternoon. He had much to say about a full and complete restora- tion of the ancient gospel. He spoke in his glowing style of what the Disciples had accomplished but con- tended that we had not accomplished a complete resto- ration of Apostolic Christianity. He contended such restoration must include community of goods holding all in common stock, and a restoration of the spiritual gifts of the apostolic age. He promised that although we had not come up to the apostolic plan in fall yet as we were Improving God would soon give us a new and fuller revelation of his will. After the Book of Mormon had been read by many who heard Rigdon on that oc- casion they were perfectly satisfied that Rigdon knew al! about that book when he preached that discourse. Rigdon's sermon was most thoroughly refuted by Bro. Campbell, which very much offended Rigdoii." Scores of others who were present have made similar statements hundreds of times. Eri M. Dille testifies : "In the autumn of 1830 Sidney lUgdon held a meet- ing in the Baptist meeting-house on Euclid Creek. I was sick and did not attend the meeting, but my father repeatedly remarked while it was in progress that he was afraid that Rigdon was about to leave the Disci- ples for he was continually telling of what marvelous things he had seen in the heavens and of wonderful things about to happen and his talks indicated that he would leave the Disciples. We will now prove that Rigdon came in contact with Smith in 1827-28-29. while Smith was getting out the Book of Mormon, Pomeroy Tucker, a native of Palmyra, New York, an intimate acquaintance of Impos- tor Joe, who read much of the proofs of the Book of Mormon says : " A mysterious stranger now appears at Smith's and holds intercourse with the famed money digger For a considerable time no Intimation of the name or pur- pose of this stranger transpired to the public, not even to Smith's nearest neighbors. It was observed by some that his visits were frequently repeated. The sequel of the intimacies of this stranger and the money dig- ger, will sufficiently appear hereafter. There was great consternation when the 118 pages of manuscript were stolen from Harris for it seems to have been im- possible, for some unaccountable reason, to retranslate the stolen portion. The reappearance of this myste- rijus stranger at Smith's at this juncture was again the subject of inquiry and conjecture by observers, from whom was withheld all explanation* of his identity and purpose. When the Book of Mormon appeared Rigdon was an early convert Up totLls time he had played his part In the back-ground and his occasional visits to Smith's had been observed by the inhabitants as those of the mysterious stranger. It had been his policy to remain in concealment until all things were in readiness for blowing the trumpet of the new gospel. He now came to the front as the first regular preacher in Palmyra." Mrs. Eaton, wife of Horace Eaton D. D. for thirty-two years a resident of Palmyra says: "Early In the summer of 1827 a mysterious stranger seeks admission to Joe Smith's cabin. The conferences of the two are most private. This person whose coming immediately precede') a new departure in the faith was Sidney Rigdon a backslidden clergyman, then a Camp- bellite preacher In Mentor, Ohio. J. H. McCauley, in his history of Franklin County, Pennsylvania, slates : "As a matter too well known to need argument that Joseph Smith, the founder of Mormonism and Sidney Rigdon were acquaintances for a considerable time before Mormonism was first heard of." Abel Chase, a near neighbor of the Sniith'e, testifies ; I saw Ris-don at Smith's at different times with con- siderable intervals between thorn." This disproves the statement that Rigdon never was at Smith's but once and that after the hook appeared. He was there several times and some visits must have been before the book appeared. Lorenzo Saunders, another near neighbor, testifies : "I saw Rigdon at Smith's several times, and the first visit was more than two years before the Book ap- peared." We have now brought Rigdon the second character in the origination of the Book of Mormon, in contact with the Imposter Joe Smith the third and last character in orig- inating the fraud. This acquaintance could have been brought about in two ways. Parly Pratt the school teacher in Lorain county Ohio, that Rigdon converted, had been a peddler in Central New York, and was ac- quainted with every noted character in it. When Rigdon let him into the secret of his scheme, he could have suggested to Rigdon that the seer and famous money seeker of Manchester.with his wonderful peep-stone, would be the very person to introduce his fraud to the world, as a revelation by mira- cle. Or it could have occurred in another way. The work of Smith and his gang in digging over a large scope of country in southern New York, and northern Penn- sylvania, had been extensively commented on by the press. Rigdon could have learned of this wonderful seeker after treasure, and his wonderful peep-stone through the press, and it occurred to him that here was the one to give his stolen manuscript to the world as a new revelation, by miracle, trans- lating pretended plates with his peep-stone. We are now ready for a sketch of Imposter Joe. Imposter Joe was born Dec. 23, 1805, in Sharon, Windsor county Vermont. The minister employed by the Home Missionary Society, to labor in Vermont 1809-10-11-12-13 says, in his autobiography, that in 1812 a religious imposter created an excitement in the neighborhood of the Smith's. He taught that miraculous spiritual gifts could and should be enjoyed now, and claimed to ex- ercise them. He claimed to be a prophet, and then a Messiah, Christ in his second advent. Among the most active of his fol- lowers was Impostet Joe's father and mother, especially his mother. She proph- esied, at the time, that Joe, then seven years old, would be a prophet, and give to the world a new religion. Joe was raised with this idea before him. All the family were taught and believed it. Joe's father used to speak of Joe as the " genus," as he termed it, of the family. This accounts for Joe's peculiar gravity when but a child, and as a youth. He was to be a prophet, and he must not act as other children and boys did. In 1815 the Smiths moved to Palmyra N. Y. and in 1813 they squatted on an unoccupied piece of land, belonging to minors and lived there until they went to Ohio in 1830. Soon after coming to Pal- myra, in a revival excitement, Joe showed THE BKADEN AND KELLER DEBATE. 47 some interest In religious matters, and joined the class of probationers on proba- tion, and was soon left off " on suspicion" as the Yankee expressed a similar experi- ence of his own. This is all there is of 'he long story that Imposter Joe wrote in 1843, twenty three years afterwards, of his wonderful vision, of his going to the Meth- odist preacher with queries, that would be in character, had the querist been a person of mature mind, well versed in the contro- versies of the age, but were utterly out of character in the mouth of an ignorant illiterate boy of fifteen, that was remark- able chiefly for his power of exaggeration and falsehood, and not for thought. The ideas that he said he had then, he never dreamed of -until he learned them from Sidney Rigdon, years afterwards. In Sep. 1822, while digging a well for Willard Chase, Imposter Joe's father found a singularly shaped stone of cloudy quartz, strangely resembling a child's foot. Impos- ter Joe, who was loafing around was very much interested in the stone and finally stole it from Mr. Chase's children. This stone is the Urim and Thummim of Mormonism. Rigdon had stolen the "Book of Mormon." Now Imposter Joe steals the Urim and Thummim, with which he pretended to translate Ridgons stolen manuscript. In Sept. 1823 Imposter Joe worked for W. H. Sabin, in Onandago Valley N. Y. Here he learned of the existence of the Spaulding manuscript then at Mr. Sabins in the care of Martha Spaulding, Solomon Spauld'ng's daughter. During the year 1823-24-25-26- 27, Imposter Joe was engaged in loafing around, strolling over the country, pretend- ing to find water by witching fur it with a witch-hazle rod, and pretending to find lost property, buried treasurers, and minerals, by means of the stone he had stolen from Mr. Chase's children. He had, a part of the time, with him, a gang of idle superstitious men, who dug holes over a large scope of country, in several counties in southern New York, and northern Pennsylvania. His knavish tricks, and frauds, had attracted to him great notoriety. His proceedings with a gang of dupes were published and com- mented on in several of the papers of New York and Pennsylvania. By this means Rigdon who was still looking around for some means to publish his stolen manu- script heard of the Seer of Manchester, and his wonderful peep-stone. It occurred to him that here was the means of getting his new revelation his "Golden Bible" before the world. MR. KELLEY'S FIFTH SPEECH. GENTLEMEN MODERATORS, LADIES AND GENTLEMEN : This evening I shall intro- duce first, some of the unmistakable corrob- orative evidences of the truth of the Book of Mormon as found contained in the re- ports and records of eminent travelers, explorers, scientists, historians and archae- olegists, of the world. The Spaulding Romance no doubt will still b& the means of entertaining you upon the part of the negative, as it seems to be a much easier task for him to spin out that yarn, than to attempt to answer the argu- ments of the affirmative. I will promise you one thing however, that is, that the Spaulding tale shall not go unanswered, if the arguments of the affirmative are. I will show you before the close of the dis- cussion of this question, if the negative holds put the time agreed upon, that, that thing is so rotten and deceitful in concep- tion, so false and malicious in publication, BO absurd and ridiculous in belief, that you shall in your hearts feel ashamed that you ever entertained the thought, that there m!g-hfc be something in it. In the mean- time carefully follow him- he is a good rc.wder and hns the story well rehearsed. But to the facts : In 1827 and 1828, when the greater part of tJ e Book of Mormon was translated and put, in manuscript, and in the year, 1829, whe.i it was put in the hands of the printer, very little was known as to the peoples, ancient races and civili- zation, of the American continent. Taken in the light of what is known of these an- cient peoples to-day with the later devel- opments, there was comparatively nothing known at that time. There were then spec- ulations and theories afloat as to the prob- abilities of an older people than the Indians in a few cases, brought out by the finding of a few relics of rude implements and or- naments together with some bones, &e.> unaccounted for, and in a few instances speculation as to the cause of certain mounds of earth, whether such showed higher state of civilization and was the re- mains of an older people than was then to be found among the savages of the forest. But there wr.s no one who for a moment thought that the country had been inhab- ited by a people whose state of civilization and enlightenment had equalled, if not surpassed, that of Europe itself. IP the arts and the sciences ; in agriculture and 4S THE BRADEN AND KELLEY DEBATE. mining; In masonry and architecture; In painting arid sculpture; in engineering and mecnanical skill , in physics and medicine and in mathematics and astronomy. Not only this, but to that time no one specula- ted in all the domain of history, science or literature, that the continent had been suc- cessively inhabited by different peoples of a high state of civilization, who in turn had become extinct or dwindled into barbarism. It was also at that tvme a speculative be- lief that the continent was settled from the north, the people gradually making fo the south when it was settled, and that proba- bly some of the rude tribes which inhab- ited northeast Asia had at some period wandered across Behring's strait and grad- ually made their way southward upon the continent. It was a.^o speculated that perhaps at some time some of the daring and hardy seamen of maritime Europe had discovered the country and formed small settlements which were afterwards de- stroyed by the more powerful nations, for the relics discovered up to 1829, were only in certain places, which would only indi- cate the landing of a ship's crew at the point ; and again, that the Chinese had been cast upon its shores in some accidental manner and the Indians were descended from them ; and later by some, that the "Ten tribes of Israel," that were carried away captive from Samaria by Shalman- esar, King of Assyria^ may have made their way to the continent and after a time fallen into idolatry and a state of savagery. But in turn every one of these theories have given way as the light of discovery and research has been thrown upon them, and now none find a support as demonstrable facts. At the time be- fore referred to however, there was pub- lished to the world by a young man in the State of New York, a record claiming to give a positive and correct account of the peoples who had formerly inhabited this continent. The places from whence they came ; the different times of their coming ; the countries of first settlement ; the varied states of civilization ; their knowledge of the arts, sciences, agriculture, languages and literature. The manner of settlement, leading from south to north. The extent of settlement and the magnitude of the population. Giving^ a general account of their hundreds of cities and the glory and grandeur of them ; of the industries, pur- suits and character of the people, ana their final overthrow. And singular as it may seem, every statement with reference to these matters is in harmony with the facts which have been developed by the later researches of science. And upon nearly every one of its marvelous revelations as to these people, the result of the work of the archaeologist has been to furnish cor- roborative evidence of their truthfulness. Notwithstanding the fairness and candor in which the statements of this record have been published to the world, from the day it met the public eye, self-constituted lead- ers, theologians, and paltry politicians have taken it upon themselves to Inform the public mind of their views of its teachings, always careful, however, to, if possible, keep the record itself in the background Ifest it reveal their perversions, until at this time, I think I may safely assert and keep vithin the bounds of truth, that there is not published in America, a single Ency- clopedia, Gazetteer, Geography, History, History of the Religious Denominations, Review 01 Expose which has spoken of the work and undertaken to give its state- ments, unless such publication was mado by the friends of this record, that does not contain a false, garbled and perverted ac- count of what it contains and teaches. I ask in the broad world of books every- where, for one. Why is this my audience? If the book is a bad one will it not be suffi- cient to prove it so by giving its statements without perversion? Has it come to this! That men are compelled to resort to false- hood and trickery in order to overcome a ud put down an evil thing? In the apostle**' time the injunction was, " to be not over- come of evil, and overcome evil with good." But perhaps this with the other good things of the New Testament was confined to the apostles, and "to those upon whom they laid their hands." The truth is my friends that there is method in this madness. SomeDody is just afraid that if the light is turned on they may be discovered to be sitting in darkness. It may be said as of olden time: "Every one that doeth evil hateth the light, neither cometh to the light, lest his deeds should be reproved." ''But he that doeth truth cometh to the light that his deeds may be made manifest that they are wrought in God." It was stated by my opponent last night that Sidney Rigdon said in 1823, that a book would be published someday, "and be a big thing, "And, "says he, "it is a big thing." Well it seems to me he makes Rigdon out a prophet, and a true one too, rather early in the career. According to this Rigdon was a prophet while he belonged to the Baptists, and after he was with the Disci- pies ; and I make my guess right here that if he had not found out they were not in accordance with the Bible and left them he would be accounted such with them to this day ; yes, and the grandest and ablest of them all ; making no exception to Camp- bell, or Scott or Barton W. Stone. It is much like the case of Saul of Tarsus, wno while he was a Pharisee was hail fellow well met. But when he became converted to the full light of the gospel, and after- wards preached good to the people and told them how many bad things he did when a Pharisee. "They cried out, Away with such a fellow, he ought not to be permitted to live upon the earth." But to return to the " big thing." This work my friends will prove to be a big thing to this age yet ; not to the destruction of Christianity, but to its full establishment. Why ! do you not know that I can go side by side with the scientist and the skep- THE BRADEN AND KELLEY DEBATE. 49 tic into the National Museum of our country and corroborate that work by the collec- tions, from the rude arrow-head of the In- dian to the cities of the clitf-dwellers which are there set out in full representation, simply by turning 1 to the wonderful history in this book ? And not only in these but in the fossil and other collections from the time you strike the bones of the mastodon till you come to those of the common do- mestic animals. It is truly an ensign set up bearing the most indisputable tidings that Jesus was the .Son of God and that God is, who created the heavens and the earth and revealed himself to man upon this as upon the other continent; and this fact alone ought to be a sufficient answer to the question, "Of what use is the book?" Since it is brought to light in an age of the world when whole multitudes disbelieve in the existence of God, and millions whose fear toward him are taught by the precepts of men, believe in him only as a God of the past, but not now having any especial thing to do with the human family, the use of it is as apparent as any known thing in the universe. Opening this record (the Book of Mormon), I hurriedly cite some of its pages upon the civilization of the con- tinent. First of the civilization which came out from Babel four thousand years ago. Page 620 of the record : "And the whole face of the land northward, [that Is from the straits, from what we terra the Isthmus of Panama northward], was covered with inhabitants; and they were exceeding industrious, and they did buy and sell and traffic one with another that they might get gain. And they did work in all manner of ore, and they did make gold, and silver, and iron, and brass, und all manner of metals; and they did dig It out of the earth: wherefore they did cast up mighty heaps of earth to get ore, of gold and of silver, and of iron and of copper. And they did work all manner of fine work. And they did have silks, and fine twined linen; and they did work all manner of cloth that they might clothe themselves. And they did make all manner of tools to till the earth, both to plough and to sow, and to reap and to hoe, and also to thrash. And they did make 11 manner of tools with which thoy did work their beasts. And they did make all manner cf weapons of war. And they did work all manner of work r the fibres out of the crevices. The paint is very perfect, and ha* preserved the stone, which makes it more to be re- gretted that it is broken. The altar is buried with the top barely visible, which, by examination we made out to represent the back of a tortoise." Before Mr. Stephens visited Central America and in a manner he was under the auspices of the government of the Uni- ted States he had visited all of the distin- guished countries of the Eastern continent, and examined their cities, and had written or given partial accounts of them He was a man well calculated to look closely into these cities of Ancient America and give a reliable account and description of them. I next refer you to page 310 of his second volume. In his description of the temple of Palenque another ruin city of Central America he says : "It stands on an artificial elevation of an oblong form, forty feet high, three hundred and ten feet in front and rear, and two hundred and sixty feet on each fide. This elevation was formerly faced with stone, which has been thrown down by the growth of trees, and its form is hardly disiinguishable. The building stands with its face 10 the east, and measures two hun- dred and twenty-eight feet front by one hundred and eighty feet deep. Its height is not more than twenty five feet, and all around it had a broad projecting cor- nice of stone. The front contained fourteen doorways, about nine feet wide each, and the intervening piers are between six and seven feet wide. On the left (in approaching the palace), eight of the piers have fallen down, as has also the corner on the right, and the ter- race underneath is cumbered with the ruins. But six piers remain entire, and the rest of the front is open. The building was constructed of stone, with a mortar of lime and sand, and the whole front was covered with stucco and painted. The piers were ornamented with spirited figures in bas-relief." On page 346 we have this further descrip- tion : "The principal subject of this tablet," that is one of the sculptured figures that was found there, called 'the tablet of the cross,' "is the cross H is sur- rounded with a strange bird, and loaded with inde- scribable ornaments. The two figures are evidently those of important personages. They are well drawn and in symmetry of proportion are perhaps equal to many thai are carved on the walls of the ruined tem- ples in Egypt. Their costume is in a style different from any hereto ore given, and the folds would seem to indicate that they were of a soft and pliable texture like cotton. Both are looking toward the cross, and one seems in the act of making an offering, perhaps of a child; all speculations on the subject are of course entitled to littlo regard, but perhaps it would not be wrong to ascribe to these personages a sacerdotal character. Tin- hieroglyphics doubtless explain all. Near them arc other hieroglyphics, which reminded us of the Egyptian mode for the recording the name, history, office or character of the persons represented. This tablet of the cross has given rise to more learned peculations than perhaps any others found at Palen- que." On page 356 we have this statement of the author in the conclusion of his descrip- tion of the fallen city : "Here were the remains of a cultivated, polished, and peculiar people, who had passed through all the stages incident to the rise and tall of nations; reached their golden age, and perished entirely unknown." I refer you next to the late work of Mr. John T. Short, entitled, The North Ameri- cans of Antiquity. On page 387, he says of Palenque : "The accompanying cut shows Waldeck's drawing (employed by Mr. Bancroft). Four hundred yards south of the palace stands the ruins of a pyramid and temple, which at the time of Dupaix's and of Waideck'a visits were in a good state of preservation, but quite dilapidated when seen by Charny. The temple faces the east, and on the western wall of its inner apart- ment, it~e_lf facing the eastern light, is found, (or rather was. for it has now entirely disappeared), the most beautiful specimen of stucco relief in America. Mr. Waldeck, with the critical insight of an experienced artist declares it 'worthy to be compared to the most beautiful works of the age of Augustus.' He therefore named the temple Beau Relief. The above cut is a re- duction from Waldeck's drawing used in Mr. Bancroft's work, and is very accurate. However, the peculiar beauty of Waldeck's drawing is such that it must be seen in order to be fully appreciated. It is scarcely necessary for us to call the reader's attention to the details of this picture, in which correctness of design and greceful outlines predominate to such an extent that we may safely pronounce the beautiful youth who sits enthroned on his elaborate and artistic throne, the American Apollo. In the or ginal drawing the gra e of the arms and wrists is truly mHtchless, and the muscles are displayed in the most perfect manner." I hope the audience will not overlook the fact of the high order of art here set out. This is the latest work on American anti- . quities, bearing the date of 1882. Fifty three years after the Book of Mormon was in the publisher's hands, and yet every line of these grand descriptions are in per- fect keeping with the high attainments of the people set out in that book most full and complete. On page 392 of the same works he says : "The stuccoed roofs and piers of both the temples Cross and Sun rm\y be truly pronounced works of art of ahigh order. On the former Stephens observed busts and heads approaching the Greek models in symmetry of contour and perfectness of proportion. Mr. Waldeck has preserved in his magnificent drawings some of these figures, which are certainly sufficient to prove beyond coniroversy that the ancient Palenqueans were a cultivated and artistic people. In passing to Uxmal the transition is from delineations of the human figure, to the elegant and superabundant exterior ornamenta- tion of edifices, and from stucco to sione as the material employed. The human figure, however, when it is represented, is in statuary of a high order, The elegant square panels of grecqnes and frets which compose the cornice of trteCasa *el Gobernador delineated in the worlrs of Stephens. Baldwin and Ban- crott, are a marvel of beauty which must excite the admiration of the most indifferent itudeut of the subject." (Time expired). 52 THE BRADEN AND KELLEY DEBATE. MR. BRADEN'S FIFTH SPEECH. MODERATORS, LADTES AND GENTLEMEN: A stock argument of Mormons in proof of the inspiration of Imposter Joe, and that the Book of Mormon is true and a revelation, is stated, "The Book of Mormon based on the idea that the aborigines of is America were Israelites Such an idea was not thought of or advocated, until years after the Book of Mormon appeared. Some years after its appearance, scientific research demonstrated the truth of the basic idea of the Book of Mormon. Joseph Smith was an unlearned man He could have ob- tained such an idea by revelation, and in that way alone." Young men who were as great readers as Joseph Smith was, have originated as startling ideas, without inspir- ation. But we will now utterly explode this impudent falsehood I have here two books. One is " The Wonders of Nature and Provi- dence," written by Josiah Priest, and copy- righted by him June 2d. 1824, in the office of R R.Lansing, Clerk of the District of Northern New York, and printed m Roch- ester in 1824 The other is the 'Book of Mor- mon," copyrighted by Josepti Smith in the office of the same R R. Lansing, Cierk of tne same district, June 10th 18^9 printed in PaL- nayra, twenty miles from Rochester, in 1830 On the 297th page of "The Wonders of Nature and Providence," begins an article by Mr. Priest, the author, in which he ar- ues at, great length, that the Indians are escendants of the Israelites. Not only so, but, he quotes from Oavigero. a Catholic Missionary, who advocated the same idea in the seventeenth century. From Wm. Pnnn, who advocated it in 1788. From a work published by Mr. Adair of New Jersey who advocated this theory in 1774. From a ser- mon of Dr Jarvis preached before the American Historical Society in I81i. Jarv-.s quotes from books of Sewali, Willard and several New England historians. Priest quotes further from Menasses Ben Israel, from Dr. Boudinot, from Dr Edwards, from Charlevoix, Du Pratz's History of Louisiana, from Lock and Escarootus Dr Williams, Governor Hutchison, Dr Beatty McKenssie, Maraez, Col. Smith's History of New Jersey, and many others. Priest quotes in all from over forty writers, of whom over twenty were Americans, wno advocated the idea that the aborigines o* America were Israelites. Most of tnese lived and wrote before Smith was born He proves that it was the almost universal opinion of the ministers of New England and the Middle States. That it nad been, from the time of Elliott until Priest's own day. Not only is this true, but Priest, in his argument, quotes nearly all of the passages of scripture quoted by Mormons to prove the theory. It was from Priest's book that Rig- don and the Pratts stole their arguments. We show then that a book copyrighted in the same office as the Book of Mormon, published within twenty miles of Smith, circulated all over New York, Western Pennsylvania and Eastern Ohio, years be- fore the Book of Mormon appeared, advo- cated the idea upon which it is based, and urged the same arguments in favor of the theory that Mormons use That ends all ciaim that Joe Smith must have ob- tained the idea by revelation It shows that not only did Rigdon steal the book, and Joe steal the peep stone to translate it, but Mormons stole their arguments to sus- tain it from Priest. We will now take up my opponent's long array of prophecies. I might let them pass untouched, for he did not make an applica- tion of them, to the aborigines of America, that was worthy of notice There was pub- lished in London, a few years ago. a work by a Mohammedan quoting and applying most of the same prophecies to tne Ishmael- ites to the Arabs and to the Koran. I have before me an argument, applying the same prophecies to the Anglo-Saxon race. Tne stick of Ephraim is England, of Judah. America There 13 an organization, with many societies, that publishes a paper, ad- vocating this idea. Scores of publications have been published, and they make a much better argument than Kelley has made. This shows the absurdity of such farfetchel perversions of the poetic language of proph- ecy If we admit that the prophecies ex- tend beyond Palestine. I defy my opponent to quote one prophecy that is not met by tne dispersion of Israelites over the old con- tinent. Israelites were scattered into Spam, Italy and the islands of the Mediterranean, in to Morocco. Congo, in west Africa, and over northern Africa into Egypt and Ethiopia. Also into China, India, and over cent' a) and southern and western Asia .1 defy my op- ponent to name one prophecy that extends beyond these countries to America Now- here is a fair challenge and test Until ne meets this hie prophecies arc worthless. Isaiah. XVI 8 refers tc the dispersion of Moao has not the least reference tt israei. Jeremian XX XXI refers to dispersion in Assyrian Empire Has no reference r-o America. So of every quotation from Jere- miah Isaiah xi 11 The 16 verse reads "There shall be a highway for the remnant of his people, which shall be left, from Assyria like it was to Israel in the day he came up out of Egypt." This snows that it refers to Israelites in the Assyrian Empire, and has no reference to America. We now come to the pet passage of Mormonism. Kzok. xxxvii the sticks of Ephraim and Judah. The Book of Mormon declares in several places the Nepmtes were Mauassehitea. THE BRADEN AND KELLEY DEBATE. 53 and the people of ZarahemlaJudahites. The stick of Ephraim can have no reference to them. Stick does noc mean a book. The stick of Judah is not tne Bible. The stick of Ephraim is not a book. Numbers, xvii. Aaron is told to take twelve rods or sticks and write on them jusc as Ezekiel is told to take two sticks and write on them. Aaron wrote the name ot a tribe on a stick, writ- ing twelve names, using twelve sticks Ezekicl wrote the name of a tribe or a na- tion on a stick for Juaah represented the southern kingdom and Ephraim the north- ern kingdom using two sticks Gen xhx the rod. staff, sticK or scepter of Judah is mentioned We read of the rod, staff or fetick cf Aaroc That budded, that Moses used Then stick is a symbol of power Wnat the prophet's act meant was that the northern kingdom or Ephraim, and the eouthern kingdom or Judah should be united again, after the captivity, as they were before the rebellion of Jereboam In verse 23 the prophet declares these Israel- ite? were scattered in captivity fo: s:n Lehi and Nepm were taken by the Lord from Jerusalem because they were so good to save inem The prophecy cannot refer to the Nephites Verses 26-2~ declares the Lord wiii bring Israel or Judah from tneir enemies lands "not from, into their own iand and leave none in tneii enemies lands We m;gnt examine every passage ana show that they have no reference to America car, have none That the context confines the prophecy tc Asia, North Africa, and tnat it refers to the return, under Ezra and Nehemiah , but this is sufficient. Isaiah xxix In the first verse the prophecy Is against the city where David dwelt, Je- rusalem In the seventh verse the pro- phecy is confined to Jerusalem It has no reference to America. It speaks of the ig- norance of the people of Judah, their fail- ure to understand the prophets. It ha not a gnost ol reierence to America We have tlr^wc that the prophecies need no*; extend beycn-1 tne old world. We defy our oppo- nent 10 name one tnat need extend beyond tne old world. We have proved oy the con- text that in every instance tney refer to the eid world and usually to the immediate neighborhood of Palestine. We are now ready for our opponent s Holy Ghost speech, a speech that the audi- ence will hear a dozen times before w are oone. My opponent charge? the Disciplea w-tn denying tne power of godliness, the power ol God, tne power of the Spirit cf God. The Bible declares that God has ac- complished all things i\y his Spint and by his word, in these is all power that God has exerted in the Universe. There are four different exercises ot power by the Holy Spirit mentioned in the Bible I. The miraculous power, as seen in inspira- tion, and in spiritual gilts, including all miraculous power mentioned in the Bible. This the world, sinners, cannot receive. John XIV: Ib-i7. "The Father will give you (the apostles) the Comforter, whom the world can not receive." This is not con- verting or sanctifying power, for the sinner can not receive it to convert him It is not sanctifying power, for it was to theapostles alone, and was to endow them with mirac- ulous power for their mission, and not to sanctify them. It did not descend on the apostles at Pentecost, nor was it imparted to the Samaritans nor to John's disciples at Ephesus to convert them, for all these had been converted before. II. Convert- ing power. Roman 11.16: "The Gospel is the power of God into salvation to all who believe." John IV. 36. "The words which I speak untc you, they are spirit and life." Peter 1.5- "We are kept by the power of God through faith unto salvation ready to be revealed in the last time." Ill Indwel- ling power Gal. IV 6 : "Because ye are sons, God has sent forth the Spirit of his Son into your hearts." Because by the converting power, the Gospel, you have been made sons. God has sent the indwel- ling power into youi hearts. Eph 1:13- "Having believed in Christ, you were sealed with that Holy Spirit of promise that i? the earnest of ycur inheritance " John XIV :23 ' Jesus said 'If a man love me he will keep my words and my Father will love him and we will come unto him. and make our abode with him ' '' Eph. 111:15-17; "I pray thai you be strength- ened with might in the inner man. that Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith." 1 John II 24. "If that which you have heard from the beginning abide in you you shall continue in the Sou and the Father." John III.: 23-24 "This is the commandment of God, that we should believe ou the name of his Son Jesus Christ, aud love one another, atd.he that keepetc hi? commandments, dwelleth, in God, and God m him' 1 IV.. 15-16: " Whosoever shall confess that Jesus is the Son of God, God dwelletb in him, and he in God! God is Jove. He that dwelleth in love, dwelleth in God, and God in him." Col III.: 16. ''Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly in all wisdom." IV. Resurrecting power Romans viii " If the Spirit of him that raised up Christ from the dead, dwell in you. He that raised up Christ from the dead, shall also quicken yout mortal bodies, by fhe Spirit of Christ that dwells in you '' When? I Thess. 14- 15-16 ' ll we believe that Jesus died and rose again even so those also who sleep in Jesud w.r God bring witn him. For the Lord himsell shall descend from heaven, wnn a shout, and witn the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God, and the dead in Christ shall rise first." So also I Cor. xv. 51-52 We have proved that there are four manifestations of power of the Holy Spirit 1 The miraculous. This is not converting power, tor the sinner cannot re- ceive it to convert him. The apostles and others who received it were already con- Virted. II. Converting power. This is the Gospel, the word of God, which begets, makes alive, converts. III. Indwelling Sjwer. This is not miraculous power. If by and through faith, belief, by the wort 54 THE BRADEN AND KELLEY DEBATE, of God. God and his Spirit dwells in us, when his word dwells in us, and we live it out in life. IV. Resurrecting power at the general judgment. My opponent, with the Book of Mormon and all of Joe Smith's rev- elations, and with the inspiration of a Mor- mon Elder, and with all his miraculous illu- mination, is so grossly ignorant as to quote and jumble together passages in which these four manifestations aremeritioned; and is as ignorant as a dead man of these palpable distinctions. The miraculous power has ceased. The resurrecting power is to come. The converting and indwelling power that are exerted through the truth remain, and we believe in them as God's word teaches, and not as Mormon ignorance and delusion teach. That is the difference be- tween us. The miraculous power was not a moral influence. It was given to wicked men, and even to animals, to Baalam's ass. It was given regardless of character. It made men no wiser or better, when it had passed away from them, as the cases of Baa- lam, his ass, Saul, Jonah and Caiaphasshow. It converted no one, unless it be Baalam's ass, and if Mormons belong to that class, they may be converted by it, as the other ass was ; but men nover we're converted by it. We will now take up the miraculous pow- er of the Holy Spirit. We showed that there is one baptism in the church, in \va- ter, into the name of Father, Son and Spirit, it is a memorial and symbolical institution. There can be no other baptism, and baptism in the Spirit which was a miracle, ceased. My opponent can not touch this. We said ih&t Joel's promise was to all flesh. That Christ's was to believers alone. That Peter's was only to believers that God should call. That is just what the Bible says. We said an apostle had to lay hands on believ- ers, before they could receive the miracu- lous power of the Holy Spirit. That is just what the VIII chapter of Acts declares. We said that this power never descended to a third person. He has not found a case. We said that there is a more excellent way than the exercise of the best of these mi- raculous powers. That is just what Paul says. I said that prophecying, or speaking by inspiration, miraculous knowledge or revelations, speaking with tongues or mir- acles, signs were to cease. That is just w hat Paul says. Kelley asks who believes It? All who believe the word of God believe it. I said that the partial was the inspira- tion, the revelation imparted by this mirac- ulous power. It was but a fragment of the truth, only that could be uttered at a time. The whole, that which is perfect, is the complete word of God. So says common sense. So says the word of God. The word is perfect, makes Christians perfect. I said that as one of the members of the compar- son, the imperfectwasastateofthechurch the state when these gifts, these fragment- ary revelations were given ; the other mem- ber is a state of the church, when the word of God is completed, and these gifts; these frag- ments of revelation do not exist. So say Paul and common sense. He quotes "ask." I inquire how? "Seek " task how? "Knock." I ask how? In accordance with God's law and word. If weask for miraculous power, we ask contrary to God's law. "If any man lack wisdom let him ask." How? In ac- cordance with God's word. If he asks for miraculous power, heasks contrary to God'a law. "We will manifest ourselves to him." How? Not in miraculous power, for tor that is contrary to God's word. "We will abide in him." How? In miraculous power? No, for that has ceased. "If two or three are gathered I will be in the midst." How? In miraculous power? No, for that has ceased. "Witness of Spirit." "The Spirit witnes- ses." How? In miracles? No, for he can- not utter teaching in that way. In his word, the word of truth, the only way one intelligence can testify to another "Born of Spirit." How? By miraculous power? No, "He that believes is born of God." "Chris- tian experience." Must it include miracu- lous power? No, for that has ceased. "Son of God will dwell in our hearts." How? By miracle? No, for it can not be done in that way. We love him because he loved us. By learning his love for us. "Holy Spirit in Christian." How? In miraculous power? No, for that has ceased. When his word dwells in us richly. "By one Spirit are we baptized." Yes, in obedience to command of one Spirit, just we are begotten of Christ in obeying his word. My opponent does not know enough to know that there is a difference between being baptized in the Spirit, and being bap- tized in obedience to the command of the Spirit. He says I deny the power of the Spirit. No. I do not confound the four powers of the Spirit as he does. I separate them as the word of God does, and believe that the miraculous power has ceased, as the word of God teaches. I remove God from men and religion now, he says. No. I believe that as God is not in the work of bringing animals and plants into being by creation now, but in the operation of nat- ural law, so he is not in men and religion now, in miracle, but in the operation of his word. I no more remove God from religiou than I remove him from nature. I believe he is present in a higher sense, r.ud in a higher way. That miracle in each c^so was only preparatory to this higher operation of divine power. My opponent assumes that the only power of God in both cases must be miraculous. How are apostles and prophets ana ihe Holy Spirit in the church now? Just as Christ is present in the church. ]Te is not present in person, OB earth. He is in hea- ven. He is present in his word smd law. The apostles are present in their words. The Holy Spirit in his '.vord. lie blunders over the illustration 01' the constitutional convention. The people vio< "ot Ui the convention iu person, yet jho c"isMrution says: " We, the people, cr-'ain uuis r-jusMtu tion." How did they ordvu** Tnrough THE BRADEN AND KELLEY DEBATE. their appointed delegates. God in person never spoke to men but three times. He speaks through his representatives. God organized the church, gave its constitution, the New Testament, through the apostles, just as the people ordained the constitution and government through their representa- tives. The apostle says "in Christ's stead- God in us through us." They teach that they were God's representatives. His blun- dering in comparing apostles to trees is ridiculous. Miraculous power created the first trees, but miraculous power was no part of the things created. The apostles gave the constitution, the New Testament, and organized the church under it ; but were no more a part of the church that they organized than delegates that framed our constitution are a part of the govern- ment they organized for us. Can my oppo- nent understand that ? We want to call our opponent's attention to a defect in his stock argument on Mark XVI Let us read it : "Afterwards Jesus appeared unto the eleven as they (the eleven) sat at meat, and upbraided them (the el'-ven) becanse they (the eleven) believed not. He Bid unto them (the eleven), 'Go yp (tne eleven) into all the world, and preach, etc. He that believeth and is baptised shall be saved. He that believeth not shall be condemned. These signs shall follow them (the eleven again) who shall believe,' After the Lord had spoken unto them (the eleven) he was rereived into heaven, and they (the eleven) went forth preaching the word, the Lord working with them (the eleven) con- firming the word (of the eleven) with signs following." The language itself extends no farther than the eleven. They were the ones who were to preach. Those of them who be- lieved and went forth and preached should have these signs. They believed, went forth and the signs followed their preach- ing. The promise does not necessarily or logically include a single human being ex- cept the eleven who were upbraided with unbelief, and who were to preach, and were told that if they believed and preached the signs would follow, for the conclusion says they (the eleven) went and preached, and the signs followed, the Lord working with them (the eleven). We will now resume our history of the Book of Mormon. Rigdon visited Smith in the spring of 1827. The two concocted their scheme. Smith was to pretend to have a "Golden Bible," a book made of plates' of gold, and pretend to translate it with his stolen peep stone. Spaulding had intended to pretend that his fabrication had been found in a mound, or in a cave, in MS. He intended to call his fraud "The Manuscript Found." From 1818 to 1827 there had been published accounts of finding glyphs or metallic plates, with strange characters on them, in mounds and old ruins in America. This suggested to Rigdon to claim that his fraud had been found in that way. A hoax started in 1827, that a pile of such plates, called ' The Gold- en Bible," had been found in Canada, sug- gested the name. Rigdon always spoke of his fraud, when prophesying of its appear- ance, as a " Golden Bible." Smith, how- ever, in publishing it, changed the name to the " Book of Mormon." But from the time the Smiths began to talk of Impostor Joe's wonderful revelations, they spoke of it as a " Golden Bible," and did so until about the time it was published. In their conferences Imposter Joe told Rigdon of the existence of the other Spaul- ding manuscripts, then atHartwicke, New York, in the house of Mrs. Davidson, for- mally Spaulding's wife and widow. The two concocted a scheme to steal them a.nd thus destroy all likelihood of detection of the theft of the Spaulding manuscript, and exposure of the fraud. Smith was loafing in Hartwicke, in the summer and early fall of 1827, superintending a gang of men, who were trying to find a silver mine, on the farm of Mr. Stowell. He dug some wells in the town also, one for Stowell. Septem- ber 21-22, 1827, Smith succeeded in stealing some of the Mormon manuscripts of Solo- mon Spaulding, perhaps Mormon manu- script No 1, the one Miss Martha Spaulding had read a few years before at her uncles when the trunk was in her care, and the first one Spaulding wrote, the one he read to most of the witnesses who lived in Conneaut, also Mormon manuscript No. 2, the one he told Smith he was writing before he left Conneaut, the one of which he read a portion to J. N. Miller the one to which he added the Zarahemla portion. This theft of the manuscripts is the true interpretation of Smith's wonderful visions of September 21-22, 1827. Smith's neigh- Dors say that he never mentioned his vis- ions of 1820 and 1823 while in the state of New York, and his visions of September 1827. as first told, have no resemblance to his final version. The version quoted by Mor- mons was written in 1843 or 1844. In it he fabricated the first vision. He dressed up his hearing of the existence of the Spauld- ing manuscripts into his second vision of September 1823. He dressed up his theft of the manuscripts from Mr. Davidson's house into his third vision of September 1827. Having in possession they supposed all means of exposing their fraud the confed- erates now went to work. Smith sat behind a blanket, pretending to look through his ptolen peep stone, which was placed in his hat. He claimed that God, by miracle, caused one word at a time to appear before his vision. He announced this to a scribe who sat on the other side of the blanket, who wrote it, and then it disappeared, and another appeared. Some old Mormons say he handed out sheets of manuscript to the scribe who copied them. What he actually did, was to read from Rigdon'a manuscript which was a remodeling of Spaulding's Manuscript No. Ill, which he had concealed behind the curtain. He may have handed out leaves of this manuscript at times. Martin Harris was his first chief scribe. It is said his wife and his brother-in-law wrote a little each. After 118 pages had been, copied by Harris and others, Imposter Joe gave Harris the leaves to take home with him, to use in making converts, dupes or 66 THE BRADEN AND KELLEY DEBATE. confederates, in the scheme. Mrs. Harris took the manuscript and burned it, one night while her husband was asleep. There was dire consternation, and Rigdou appears on the stage. I want to call the reader's attention to a singular coincidence here. Mr. Lake, Spaulding's partner testifies that when Spaulding read to him his romance, Mormon Manuscript No. 1, he pointed out an inconsistency in the story o^Laban which Spaulding promised to correct, butthesame blunder is in tho TRoo lr * Murinon. That can be explained. Spaulding no doubt did correct it in the manuscript prepared for the press, but when Mrs. Harris destroyed the 118 pages, Rigdon had to restore the stolen portion from an older manuscript, in which the blunder had not been corrected, hence we have it in the Book of Mormon. It took Rigdon soine months to remodel another manuscript to replace the stolen portion, and translation did not begin till the next June or the three I'd. Joseph says it began in March. MR. KELLEY'S SIXTH SPEECH. GENTLEMEN MODERATORS, LADIES AND GENTLEMEN : While I am on the subject of American antiquities, I shall refer you to one or two statements made by my oppo- nent with reference to my argument of last evening, and at another time take up and answer them more particularly. The first statement, or misstatement ra- ther, was that Mormons continually claimed that it was in favor of their book because nobody ever claimed that the aborigines of this continent were of Israelitish origin be- fore its publication. I had just stated to you, however, in my argument that such claims were made long before. Now, why he will make such a statement as that be- fore you when I had stated to the contrary, is a question for this audience to answer. Is that the way to argue questions to get up and state something as the claims of an opponent's people which they do not nor never did believe, and say that that is their faith or position, and attack it? I stated to you in the beginningof this part of my argu- ment, fairly and fully, thatone of the theories and speculations long prior to the year 1830, with regard to the settlement of the Ameri- can continent was. that the "lost ten tribes," as they are termed, came to the continent; and that is what is referred to in Mr. Priest's work ; but it is not what the Book of Mormon refers to, or teaches. There is where these would-be critics and story tellers are mistaken, and have been all the time. Pursuing now my argument from the po- sition of the scientific discoveries as left when my time was called, I cite the work of J. D. Baldwin, page 156, entitled, "An- cient America." He says : " The evidence of repeated reconstructions in some of the cities before they were deserted has been pointed out by explorers. At Palenque as at Mitla, the oldest work is the most artistic and admirable. Over this feature of the monu- ments and the manifest signs of their difference in age, the attention of the investigators has lingered in speculation. They find in them a significance which is stated as follows by Brasseur deBourbourg: 'Among the edifices forgotten by time in the forests of Mexico and Central America, we find architectural character- istics so different from each other. tha< it is as impos- sible to attribute them all to the same people as to believe they were all built at the same epoch. " Here are the two different civilizations, both of a high order and cultivation. That fact was never known or published to the world until years and years after the publication of the Book of Mormon, and you cannot find it in any work or record prior to the publication of that book. If you can, bring your record here and read it to the audience, any time. I come here claiming to be armed with facts, and will be only too glad to have them weighed and sifted to the bottom. But Mr. Baldwin proceeds : "In this view, the substructions of Mayapan, some, of those at Tulha. and a reat part of those at Pa- lenque. are among the older remains. These are not the oldest cities whose remains are still visible, but they may have been built, in part, upon the founda- tions ol cities much more ancient" Remember that these are highly civilized nations that he is writing of, not a barbar- ous nation coming upon and occupying the land where a civilized nation had dwelt, but one highly cultivated and enlightened nation following and inhabiting upon the the ruins of another. He says: " No well considered theory of these ruins can avoid the conclusion that most of them are very ancient, and. that to find the origin of the civilization they repre- sent, we must go far back into the ' deeps of antiquity.' On all the fields of desolation where they exist, every, thing perishable has disappeared. Wooden lintels are mentioned, but these can hardly be regarded as con- stituting an exception when the character of the wood, and the circumstances that contributed to their pre- servation are considered. Moreover, wooden lintels oeemtohave been peculiar to Yucatan, where many of the great edifices were constructed In the later times, and some of them of perishable materials. Ev- erywhere in the older ruins, nothing remniiis but the artificial mounds and foundations of ea r th. the stone, the cement the stucco hard as marble, a other imper- ishable materials used by the builders.' Next in this investigation I introduce the work entitled, American antiquities, by Josiah Priest. The book that I have was THE BRADEN AND KELLEY DEBATE. published in 1833, and the earliest publica- tion that I have ever seen of the work was made in the year 1831. If Mr. Braden has an earlier copy than that, as he claimed be- fore this audience, I will examine his copy and see what it contains, and if there is anything in it of these marvelous works, which the Book of Mormon describes, I will give due credit to it on to-morrow evening. But I state here without fear of contradic- tion that it does not contain the remarkable things that the Book of Mrmon sets out, neither as to the habitation, extent of civ- ilization, or anything else. Neither does the book I have before me, which was published in 1833. But there is an account of a few interesting things in this. Turn to page 170, an account and description of ar- ticles obtained from a mound in the state of Ohio. One, "The handle either of a small sword or large " knife, made of an elk's horn ; around the end where " the blade had been inserted, was a ferule of silver, " which, though black, was not injured by tinu-; though "the handle showed the hole where the blade had " been inserted, yet no iron was found, but an oxide " or rust remained, of similiarshapeand size " "About "twenty feet to the north of it was another skel- " eton, with which was found a large mirror, about "throe feet in length, about one foot and a half in "width, and one inch and a half in thickness; this " was of isinglass, (mica membranacea). On this minor " was a plute of iron, which had become an oxide ; "but before it was disturbed by tru- spade, resembled " a plate of cast iron. The mirror answered the pur- ' pose very well for which it was intended." "The ' knife or sword handle was sent toPeale's museum, 'Philadelphia.'' "On the south side of this tumulus, ' and not fur from it, was a semicircular fosse, or dilch, ' six feet deep ; which, when examined at the bottom, 'was found to contain a great quantity of human ' bones, which ii is believed, were the remains of ' those who had b> en slain in some great and dcstruc- ' live battle ; because they belonged to persons invar- ' iably who had attained their full size, while those 'found in the mound adjoining, were of nil sizes, ' great and small, but laid in good order, while those 4 in the ditch were in the utmost confusion." "The mirror was a monstrous piece of isinglnss.alucid "mineral, larger than we recollect to have ever heard " of before, and used among the rich of the anoieuts, "for lights and mirrors. A mirror of any k nd in " whicn men may be enabled to contemplate their own "form, is evidence of a con-iderable degree ofad- " vancement in the arts, if not even luxury itself." Passing from this important discovery as published by Mr. Priest, I call your atten- tion to the work of Mr. Stephens, vol. 1, page 105. Speaking of the remains which he had examined in his explorations of these peoples' cities he says : "Architect- ure, sculpture, and painting, all the arts which embellish life, had flourished in this overgrown forest ; orators, warriors, and statesmen, beauty ambition, and glory, had lived and passed away, and none knew that such things had been or could tell of their past existence." Now I will call your attention to some authorities touching the nativity of this last people who inhabited Ancient America, showing their common origin with the Asi- atic race known as Hebrews. First, the work of Mr. George Catlin, published by H. G Bohn, York Street, Covent Garden, London, in the year 1857, and entitled : "North American Indians, vol. 2, page 231: "The North American In.dians and all the inhabitants of the South S;% Islands. speaking some two o; throe huudj <.,! d' ier- ent languages entirely dissimilar, may have all sprung from one people." "ISRAELJTISH EXTRACTION.'' He proceeds with the following thoughts: "I believe with many others that the North Ameri- ' can Indians are a mixed people. That they have ' Jewish blood in their veins, though I would not ' assert as some have undertaken to prove, that they 'are Jews, or that they are the ' ten lost tribes' of ' Israel. From the character and composition of their ' heads, I am compelled to look upon them as an nmal- 1 gam race, but still savages, and from many of their ' customs, which seem to me peculiarly Jewish, as well ' as from the character of their heads, I am forced to 'believe that some part of those ancient tribes who ' have been dispersed by Christians in so many ways, ' and in so many different eras, have found their way 'to this country where they have entered among the 'native stock." " I am led to believe this from the very many customs 'which I have witnessed among tiiem'that appear to ' be decidedly Jewish, and many of ifiem so peculiarly 'so that it would ,-eem almost impossible, or at all ' events exceedingly improbable, that two peoples in a ' state of nature should have hit upon them and prac- ' ticed them exactly alike." " The first and most striking fact among the North ' American Indians that refers us to the Jews is that 1 of their wor>hiping in all parts, the 'Great Spirit,' ' or Jehovah, as the Jews were ordered to do by divine ' precept, instead of a plurality of gods as ancient ' pagans and heathens did, and the idols of their own ''formation." Ibid., page 232 Mr. Catlin then offers "TWELVE REA- SONS" why he accepted the idea that the American Indians are descendants from the Israelites in some way, and, as his investi- gations contain many facts which enter into this discussion, I offer them for your consid- eration. 1. "The Jews had their Sanctum Sancto- rum, and so it may be said the Indians have, in their council, or medicine houses, which are alwnys held as sacred places." 2. "As the Jews had, they have their High Priests and their Prophets." 3. " Among the Indians as among the an- cient Hebrews, the women are not allowed to worship with the men, and in all cases also, they eat separately." . 4. "The Indians everywhere believe that they are certainly like those ancient people, persecuted, as every man's hand seems raised against them." 5. " In their marriages, the Indians, as did the ancient Jews, uniformly buy their wives by giving presents, and in many tribes, very closely resemble them in other forms and ceremonies of their marriages." 6. "In their preparation for war, and in peacemaking, they are strikingly similar." 7. " In their treatment of the sick, burial of the dead and mourning, they are also similar." 8. " In their bathing and ablutions, at all seasons of the year, as a part of their r lig- ious observances having seiaiale | hu-<.-s for men and women to perform these inr- mersions they resemble again." 9. "The custom among the women of ab- senting themselves during the lunar infiu- ces, is exactly consonant to the Mosaic law." Id. "After this season of separation, pu- rification in running water and anointing, precisely in accordance with the Jewish command, is required before she can enter the family lodge." THE BRADEN AND KELLEY DEBATE. 11. "Many of them have a feast closely resembling the annual leasts of the Jewish Passover, and amongst others, an occasion much like the Israelitish feast of the Tab- ernacle, which lasted eight days (when his- tory tells us they carried bundles of willow bows and fasted several days and nights), making sacrfices of the first fruits and best; of everything, closely resembling the sin offering and peace offering of the Hebrews (See this history in vol. 1. pp. 159. 170 of '.Religious ceremonies of the Mandarins. 1 )" 12. "Amongst the list of their customs, however, we meet a number which bad their origin, it would seem, in the Jewish ceremo- nial code, and which are so verv peculiar in their forms that it would Pf-em o,ujte im- probable, and almos< impossible that two different peoples should have hn upon them fllike, without some knowleder of each other. These I consider go further than anything else as evidence, and carry in my mind, ronciusive proof that these people are tinctured with Jewisn blood." Jiid., vol. 2, pp 232 to 235. In keeping with these facts and ded'ic- tions of Mr. Catlin, are other authorities equally positive Mr. Bradford, in his rn- *-earche? into the origin or the Red race, adopts the following conclusions with re- gard to the ancient occupants* 01 mi? conti- nent: 1 "That they were of the sam origin, '^riches of the game race, and possessed of Milar customs and institutions." 2 'That they were populous aud occu- p^u a great extent of territory." 3. "That they had arrived at a consider- able degree of civilization were associated in large communities, and lived hi exten- sive cities." 4. " That they possessed a use of many of the metals, such as lead, copper, gold, silver, and probably the art of working in them." 5. "That they sculptured in stone, and sometimes used that material in the con- struction of their edifices." 6. " That they had the knowledge of the arch, of receding steps ; and the art of pot- tery producing urns and utensils formed with taste, and constructed upon the prin- ciples of chemical composition ; and of the art of brickmaking." 7. "That they worked the salt springs, and manufactured that substance." 8. "That they were an agricultural peo- ple, living under the influence of regular forms of government." 9. " That they possessed a decided system of religion, and a my thology connected with Astronomy, which with its sister science, Geometry, was in the hands of the priest- hood." ' 10. " That they were skilled in the art of fortification." 11. "That the epoch of their original set- tlement, in the United States is of great antiquity," and lastly, "That the only indications of their ori- gin to bo gathered from the locality of their -uined monuments, point toward Mexico." Thus far I have read copiously from these celebrated authors, and yet their pages are filled with unnoticed and untouched corrob- orative proofs of what I have stated to you of the greatness and grandeur of the an- cient civilizations of this continent I hav* also gathered in running through the works of various authors upon these things brie? statements which will aid you in determin- ing to some extent the certainty of the ap- plications of my arguments to these ancient peoples as reflected in their own history, as F claim, set ou, in tne Book of Mormon. They are as follows: 1.*' They had a ptandard or measure- ment and had a means 01 determining an- gles. " Baldwin p U4. 2 ''Thes*- turns w*r>i nor bull' *>y the Egyptians." (Stephens, vol 2, p 441 . Yel of * figure in Palenque Mr Short, in his work p .'tf)2. dales ' Th* head .Iresa has teeu pronounced Egyptian r>v au wno havt> seen it 4 They had Priests ." S-tepneas vol. C p 447 i Divmers and Priests. 1 loid. vol. I. r 175 t> Tnev w?r towei \>t Bat,el Bhort kW. 10. "Possessed a knowledge o< % the tr.i- ences, and nieials* aucf u.-sed tools 01 por- phyry." Baldwin, pp tt) y the best minds of every age, and so the mes- sages of the prophets, is not true, if he means by this what the worl 1 called best in their time. What (he worl 1 called the best minds, did not accept God's messages through the prophets when brought, in any age. Scarcely a household received the message sent by Noah, and doubtless there were many plausible reasons hatched up, and set afloat, by the cunning craftiness and deception of malicious men, and ren- dered plausible, in order to feed the vain and foolish minds of the lovers of false- hood; and thus they were 16d along iu blindness and darkness to destruction. Under the vile array of slander and fdUc- hood, the masses were marshaled against Elijah the Prophet, and they sought his life, and he was compelled to flee his coun- try for safety ; and in the wilderness, he was fed by a .bird of the forest. Moses was derided and falsely accused in the very camp of Israel, and it was necessary that THE BRADEN AND KELLEY DEBATE. God open the earth and swallow up his ma- ligners Isaiah was sawn asunder. Some- thing was hatched up by the enemies of the truth, and made the basis of an accusation, which inflamed and encouraged this vile attack, or it never could have beeu made. Jeremiah was accused as a traitor to. his country, was imprisoned, and put in a pit of mire and filth, and left to die; aud only escaped &r> by :t miracle. Indeed, o uni- versally liad iho prophets been opposed, slandered, misrepresented, and lied about, lrorr f war- far? from Adam to Christ,- When Jesus Christ came with a message from God, the> aiuli-deceiver appeared upon tho field of J.-aftli armed with the old weapons of slau Jff and misrepresentation. The accuser always feigned great piety and love and reverence tor all past prophets and hea- venly messages. Ho did this in order to more readily gull the pious. Among their tir*l moves, they camo to Phrist and said : ' Master, we would see a Mgu from tlieu.'' But he replied, "A 1 evil a.:d adulterous generation seeketh aftei a .sign." Indicat- ing that honest meu beheva the truth from other evidences, They were soon in counsel seeking to in- vent a scheme by which to destroy him, Matt. 12:14. They sent a committee to catch him in his words, and failing iu this they assailed his character and filled Jeru- selem with slanderous etories. When ho dM a good deed it was in their view, by the inspiration of the devil, "Beelzebub." They accused him of being born of fornica- tion, of low parentage and of coming from a low city. Called him a "glutton and a wine bibber, 1 ' and accused him of being a friend of publicans and sinners ; he was BO defamed, black mailed, slandered, and lied about by certain >f the people, that the masses were blinded and marshaled against him, aud demanded his life; all from the etories of lying lips. This, too, while they were making great pretensions to piety and reverence for the ways of God and the prophets of the past. Jesus discovering their hypocrisy, re- torts : "Woe onto you Scribes and rharisees. hypocrites! 'because ye build the tombs of 'he prophets, and gar 'nish the sepulchres of the riuhteous and say. If we 'had been in the days of our fathers, we would not have 'been partakers with them of the blood of the proph- 'ets. Wherefore ye be witnesses yourselves that ye 'are the children of them that killed thi prophets. 'Fill ye up the meHsure of your fathers. Ye serpents, "ye generation of vipers, how can ye escape the dam- "nation of hell. Behold, I send unto you prophets and "wise men and scribes, and & me of them ye shall "kill and crucify and some of them shall ye scourge "in your synagogues and persecute from city to city," etc Their great pretensions to the love of the cause of God was feigned, that they might more easily blind and influence the multi- tude against Christ. Did they assail his doctrine f oh no ; that was too hard tor tbetu. Moving in the dark, among the masses, peddling hatched up stories was the effectual way of procedure This ungodly method oi warfare against the grandest being thai ever lived was carried oi> until Jerusalem was moved to join hands aud de- mand the life of the Christ, and failnij. to make out a just case, they falsely accused him, aud suborned witnesses to testify against him, and he was condemned tod th and crucified "Many bore false witness against him ' Mark 14 . 66. The death of Christ did not relieve him from the false charges of his enemies While his body lay in Joseph's new tomb, then went they to Pilate saying. ' Sir we remember that that deceiver said, while b* was yet alive, after thre- days I wti rise again. Command therefore that the sepulcher be mads sure until tru tni rd day, lest bis disciples come by night an<1 steal him away, and say unto thr people H- H risen from the dead, so th^ last error shall bv worse than the first." Matt- 27 . 83. 64. All this took place while thrt witnesses of Je^us were in the midst of the people, ready t> vindicate hi* character, but they had no ears to hear them. They loved stone?, and inventions and what tnco'rf neighbors said, rat-hei than truth. Finally, whom Jesus bad arisen from the dead according to his did not fo 1 ' th persistency of hie ememies. or assuape their malice or hate , PO they circulated the story, " His diciples came ty night, and stole him away while we 6lept;''aud, they ave tho soldier? large sums of mouey to circulate this story, with the promise, that if it came to tho "Governor's ears, we will persuade him and secure you " Matt. 28 12, 13, 14. But the misrepresentations, cu rung inventions, and slanders against the cause of Christ, did not stop here; they followed the apostles wherever they went, and called them "blasphemers," "pestilent," "and movers of sedition among the Jews through- out the world." Acts 25 : 5. This was so widely circulated that it was said, "As concerning this sect, we knoiu that it is everywhere spoken against." Acts 28 : 22. Later, in the time of the grandson of St. Luke, this same unjust course was followed, and they were published and vilified every- where. But, says my opponent, they were false stories. Who said they were false? Their enemies or their friends ? Why, the descendants of the enemies to this very day maintain that the stories were true, and that the Christians were deceivers. And in the narative of such a learned his- torian as Gibbon, we have an account that in 'the time of these grandsons, before re- ferred to, the Emperor of Rome sent a com- mittee to interrogate them and spy out the THE BRADEX AND KELLEY DEBATE. probable damage they might likely be able to iuflict upon his kingdom, if Jet live, and the messenger returned the answer, that they were men who were settled on a little spot of ground, and had hard, rough nands from working as slaves for a livelihood, and not worth noticing Before this, a like in- terview had been had with the apostle Paul by one of the most noted scholars of the age-, and he returned the answer to his Emperor that, "Paul entertained no opin- ions that were calculated tointerestor bene- fit men of attainments and culture." Great <3ocl ! I couid reproduce such stories which Veie affirmed to be true tor hundreds of years after Jesus' time against the early Christians, until I might arouse theindisr- nation if this au-.Iience against them, were I disposed to stoop to gathering garbage for weapons. The books are so laden, that when Gibbon had gone through them, although before a devoted Christian, it nauseated his hope in Christ, and he turn- ed from worship, saying it seems to me that if the great things told of in the scriptures are true tj;ey aught to be had by the people now as then, and I " find by run- ning through the history of the world, that mankind have been more ready to accept the history as correct of what'occured in their forefather's time, than to believe the evidences of their own senses." He there- fore came to the conclusion that no miracles were ever performed as claimed by Jesus and the apostles. The quotation is made from memory, but I am su'-e if not the exact wording, the t;ue thought and idea is carefully preserved and presented. Volumes might be adduced to show that the work of scandalizing, has been the method pursued by the enemies of truth and progress in every age ; not only to meet prophets and religious truth, but scientific truth as well ; and the battle has been waged almost in every instance when a new message has been sent to man, or a new truth revealed. With such a history before the world, is it not strikingly strange that in the blaze of the light of the nineteenth century, that men professing as profound a reverence for Jesus and the apostles, as the Jews did for Moses and the prophets, will accept this method of warfare, and scour the universe to hunt stories and gossip, to meet the claims and argument of a people, rather than accept the gage of fair and honorable warfare, and investigate their claims in the light of the facts presented. Strange as it may appear, this is all the kind of warfare that has ever in the least succeeded against the message brought by the Hook of Mormon, and believed by the Saints. It is much easier to call Joseph Smith an "infamous scoundrel," and a "fraud," than to prove his message false. It is easier to assert that Sidney Rigdon was "fanatical" and "lazy," than to prove the doctrine of the Latter Day Saints untrue. It is far more suitable to perverted tastes to drink a little satisfaction from a misuse of the words, Mormon, Mormonism, and "it came to pass," than to accept the word of God. Stories, slander, the traducing of charac- ter is the method adopted by my opponent. This is not new, but an "old system of attack ; but the only one that ever did succeed even momentarily against the truth. Now, ladies and gentlemen, did you ever listen for so long a time, to such a dark and misty web as was spun by my opponent last night? The whole material of which was gathered from the ebony cloud of goss?p, tattle and scandal. Somebody said that one Spaulding wrote a romance. Some one els'e said that they had heard it read. It would seem from one of the stories, that Spuuiding made a business of going around and reading it to his neighbors. In process of time it was left with a printer. It was not seen afterwards. Sidney Rigdon was in the tanning business in that city; he was awful lazy, however; and of course he must have stolen it. The printer Patter- son, said no such manuscript was ever there, but that is nothing, the story runs on just as glibly. Then there were some old trunks, over in Pennsylvania and York States, left in back-rooms and by-places, etc., etc. One Rigdon reads a book on one occasion and wou'd not let his niece see it. This was in Ohio. P^inal'-y a stranger is seen in Palmyra, N. Y. No one knows indeed who, and there is no evidence in fact that there was one there. Finally the Book of Mormon was published in March, 1830, and in the fall of the same year Sidney Rigdon came in contact with the latter Day Saints, believed their message, and, there- fore he is the author of the Book of Mormon and Joseph Smith is the cat's paw by which it is to be foisted upon the world under the inspiration of a peep stone which is stolen from one of his neighbor's children. Won- derful indeed ! He did not tell us whether Joseph could really see anything extraor- dinary in the stone or not. If so, there might be something in the seeing business after all. If not what inducement was there for Joseph to steal one in order to perpetrate a fraud, when he had but to stoop down to pick one up and run no risks. It matters not however, which horn <>f the dilemma my opponent takes, his story will run on just the (Time expired). THE BRADEN AND KELLEY DEBATE. 61 MR. BRADEN'S SIXTH SPEECH. GENTLEMEN MODERATORS, LADIES AND GENTLEMEN: Mr. Kelley started out with the assertion that at the time the Book of Mormon appeared, no one had thought of certain facts in archaeology, ethnology, phi- lology and antiquities of America, that are assumed and stated as facts in that book. Therefore if scientific research has demon- strated, since the Book appeared, that these statements and assumptions are true, the Book must be true. It is either a revelation of such truths, for it stated them before they were learned by any human means ot learn- ing, or an actual history of them He claims that it is an actual history given to Joe Smith, by revelation, and translated by him by inspiration. The Book of Mormon may be divided into two portions : I. Cer- tain assumptions and statement in archaeol- ogy, ethnology, philology and the antiqui- ties of America. II. Certain historical statements based on these assumptions, in- archaeology, ethnology, philology and the antiquities of America, that assume to ac- account for the antiquities of America, and to explain its archaeology, ethnology and philology. My opponent's argument has been an attempt to establish the truth of the first >v art. He has never touched the second. ..*' we prove that all of the first part was well known long before the Book of Mormon appeared we refute his proof. I have before me a work entitled "At- lantis," by I. B. Donnelly. In it he traces certain legends such as the Deluge, and certain stories all over America, and shows that they are found in Europe, in Asia, and Africa. He traces resemblances between the arts and antiquities of the O'd World and the New. He traces resemblances in philology or languages, between peoples of America and peoples of Asia, Africa and Europe. He traces ethnological affinities between the tribes of America and the Celts, the Scandinavians, Basques, Iber- ians and other Europeans the Egyptians, ancient Africans, and the Negroes, the Chinese, Hindoos, Persians and Malays. He traces resemblances in arts, civilization, sciences, literature, customs between the peoples of America and peoples of P^urope, Asia and Africa. A larger portion of the authorities he quotes were written before the Book of Mormon appeared. It has been known from the conquest of Mexico by Cor- tez, that there were three civilizations in Mexico, three immigrations into that coun- try, the Toltecs, the Chicemas and the Az- tecs, and that the first Mere very highly civilized. It has been known since the con- quest of Peru by Pizarro that there had been three or more civilizations there, that of the Incas being the last. It had been known for more than one hundred years before the Book of 'Mormon appeared, that mounds, fortifications, ruins, antiquities and relics had been found all over North America. It had been decided that they had been the work of races that were in America before the Indians, if this is denied we will give the names of the authors. It had been a prevalent idea that the Indians were of Israelite origin. Affinities of some tribes to the Scandinavian, Welsh, Tartars, Hindoos. Chinese, Persians. Israelites and Egyptians, had been observed and published My opponent makes mucn of tne cities of Central America. Cabrina and others had published descriptions of these long before the Book of Mormon appeared. It was such books and not the Book of Mormon that caused Stephens Squiers and others to ex- plore Central America. Not only so biu Cortez in his conquest of America conquered Central America, then a part of the Aztec Empire, and conquered these very cities, and his companions who wrote of his con- quests describe them. They were inhabited when Balboa, another Spanish adventurer, explored the Isthmus and countries around it. So declare Herrer - and other Spanish writers quoted by Wilson Prescott and other American writers. Baron Humboldt visited Central America and described these ruins and his book was published in England and America in 1806. Spaulding was familiar with it. The Book of Mormon agrees literally with Humboldt. Where he is right, it is right. Where late research proves that he is in error, it is in error. That is all we need to say in regard to his long lingo in regard to antiquities. We have proved that Solomon Spaulding was an enthusiast in American antiquities, believed that the Indians were descendants of the Israelites. As an earnest advocate of such theories, and as an enthusiast in American antiquities, he was well versed in the literature of the subject. Seventeen witnesses of rhe highest character testify that he wrote his "Manuscript Found" assuming all these facts and theories, pre- tending to give a history of the people who were the authors of these ruins and anti- quities several years before the Book of Mormon appeared. That Rigdon stole hia manuscript and interpolated the religious matter. I challenge my opponent to name one theory or assumption in the Book of Mormon that research has sustained, that I cannot prove to have been weli known before the Book appeared. This overturns his entire argument. Let him prove that the Jaredites, Nephites and Zarahemlites came to America and had such a history as recorded in the Book of Mormon. All that he quotes from the Book of Mormon was well known before it appeared. If he will Krove the truth of its historic statements e will sustain his book. Proving that certain asssumptions are true, no more prove that his book is true, than proving 62 THE BHADEN AND KELLEY DEB VTE. thai; similar assumptions in Scott's novels are true, proves that those novels are teal. I will agree to take Scott's novels and prove that a far greater portion of Waverly or Ivanhoe is true in archaeology, antiqui- ties, etc., than my opponent can prove to be true in the Book of Mormon. Not only so, but I will prove that its characters were real persons in a majority of instances, its places real, its battles real, and yet they are novels. He can not prove that a per- son, a place, or a battle of the Book of Mormon is real. I can offer ten fold as much proof of the very kind he offers, to prove the truth of the Book of Mormon, for Ivannoe, and of the same kind. His line of proof is absurd to idiocy. He takes the romance written by Spaulding, in which he assumed certain things well known, as the basis, and claims it is alJ true, because these facts so assumed as the basis are true. I will prove Robinson Crusoe to be true and of divine origin in the same way. We will now resume our history of the Book of Mormon. We have come down to the time of publication. In the fall of 1829 Martin Harris, one of the gang, mortgaged his farm, and E. B. Grandin of Palmyra, began the publication of the Book. The manuscript was carried by several of the gang, a small portion each morning, and removed at night, for weeks. At last they were less careful. Mr. Gilbert says that the Imposter was very particular to insist that the manuscript be set up ex- actly as written. The translation had been done by inspiration, and it would be blas- phemy to alter one iota. But as there was no punctuation, but little use of capitals, and as it abounded in mispelled words, and the most outrageous grammatical blunders, the printer absolutely refused to allow such an atrocious affair to go forth with his im- print on it. The printer was allowed to correct some blunders in the manuscript. When one reads the book, and sees the thousands of blunders in it, after all the printer's care, the query arises " What must the manuscript have been?" What a pity the printer interfered with inspiration, in the way he did. If the manuscript had been printed exactly as it carne from the inspired lips of Joe, and as it was penned by the inspired Oliver, who had special di- vine commission and unction to do his work, no doubt the world would have been con- verted long ago by such sublime evidences of inspiration. That printer robbed the w6rld of " the more part " of the inspiration of the Book of Mormon. In the meantime Rigdon was preaching and working constantly to prepare the way for his scheme. He preached extravagant ideas of the millenium, such as are in the Book of Mormon community of goods restoration of miraculous gifts new revela- tions and that something wonderful was going to happen. In private he approached persons as he did D. Atwater. A portion of the Kirtland Church of Disciples that was organized by him and made up Krgely of his converts formed a common stock com- ! rouniry and practiced feet-washing, another Mormon peculiarity at the beginning. They did this under the direction of Rigdon and Titus Billings, who became a Mormon with Rigdon. In June, 1830, Rigdon attended the Annual Meeting of the Mahoning Associa- tion in Austintown. In an address he pre- sented his hobbies in regard to return to community of goods, and restoration of spiritual gifts, a restoration of everything in the apostolic churches. He was signally defeated, in discussion by Campbell. He left the Association soured and disap- pointed, declaring that he ''had done as much for the Restoration as Campbell and Scott, yet they got all the honors." Tradition tells us that, by advice of Camp- bell, Rigdon was put up to preach on Lord's Day, as a plaster to his wounded egotism. He discoursed on "Envy," and took the conduct of Haman towards Mordecai as an illustration of the meanness of envy. All understood what he meant. Campbell and Scott were the Hamans, who, although mounted on the King's horse of public honor, were envious of Rigdon, the Morde- cai sitting in the gate. When he came to a description of Haman's triumphal pioces- sion on the King's horse, the horse ran. away with Sidney. He mounted that horse and cavorted miraculously for someminutes. He turned him into a veritable Pegasus, and, like Bellerophon, he cleft the skies, and soared among the stars. As he was sky- scraping in his description of King Ahasue- rus' horse, Walter Scott took aim at him, and brought him down from among the stars by roaring out in his broad Scotch, "Glory to King Ahasuerus' horse!" Rig- don had gone up like a rocket; Scott brought him down like a stick. Rigdon returned home to Mentor. He sent for Pratt who came through Mentor in August, and went from Rigdon straight to Manchester, in the wilds of New York, thirty miles from any public thoroughfare, and Imposter Joe's mother says he arrived Saturday night, all worn out after an ex- cessive day's journey, and was converted that night'and made a preacher of the New Dispensation the next day, doubtless, "ac- cording to previous appointment," as the preachers say. Pratt visited his brother Orson and enlisted him in tne scheme. Then he and Cowdry and Whitmer returned to Mentor. After weakly pretending to be ignorant of the scheme, and to oppose it, Rigdon is miraculously converted, by a vis- ion, embraces Mormonism, goes to New York, he and Imposter Joe have a revela- tion, that Joe is the Moses, Sidney the Aaron of the movement, and that Kirtland is to be possessed by the saints forever, and Smith and his adherents, made up chiefly of confederates in his money-digging frauds and schemes, and confederates in the new fraud, the Book of Mormon, move to Ohio Rigdon takes his new brethren around to tha congregations for which he had preached, and which he had industriously prepared for his move, and the Rigdonites in these churches embrace Mormonism and tho frud THE BRADEN AND KELLEY DEBATE. was fully inaugurated in Kirtland, Ohio, in 1831. We have thus traced the origin of the Book of Mormon. We have proved that JSolomon Spaulding was the author of the historic portion. Sidney Rigdon the author of the religious portion, and that Impostor Joe gave it to the world by means of his stolen peep-stone. It was begotten by Spaulding in sin, conceived by Rigdon in iniquity, and brought forth by Impostor Joe in depravity and pollution. It has spoken lies from its birth, and has lived on fraud and fanaticism, and has resulled in delusion and ruin to thousands. It has gone to seed in Utah, in pollution that would disgust Priapus himself, and horrify a satyr. Priapus Young and He-goat Kim ball are the ripened fruit of the infamy. We will now take up the detection of the fraud. In an article published in the Bos- ton Journal, May 13, 1829, Mrs. Matilda Davidson, formerly Solomon Spaulding's wife and widow, testifies : "In 1834, a Mormon preacher. In a meeting In Con- neaut, Ohio, read copious extracts from the Book of Mormon. The historical part was immediately recog- nized, by all the older inhabitants, as the identical work of Mr. SpMUlding, in which they had been so deeply interested years before. John Spaulding was present, and recognized perfectly the work of his brother. He was annoyed and afflicted, that it should have perverted to so wicked a purpose. His grief found vent in ' a flood of tears, and he arose on the spot and expressed to the meeting his sorrow and re- gret that the writings of his deceased brother, should he used for a purpose so vile and shocking. The ex- citement in Conneant, became so great that the inhabi- tants held a meeting, and deputised Dr. Phila.nus llurlbut, one of their number, to repair to tnis place and obtain from me the original manuscript of Mr, Simulcling. for the purpose of comparinu it with the Mormon Bible, to satisfy their own minds, and to prevent the friends from embracing an error so delu- sive." We wish to call the reader's attention to this statement, that narrates an occurrence attracted great attention at the time. Ic was published in the papers of the West- ern Reserve, and all over the United States. The citizens of Conneaut, in 1834, assembled to hear for the first time a Mormon preach- er. They hear the first words of the Book of Mormon that any of them ever heard. Scores of them, and among the number Solomon Spaulding's brother, his sister-in- law, his business partner, one who had boarded in his family many months, one who had boarded him many months, and other acquaintances, without any expecta- tion or previous concert of action on their part recognized in the Book of Mormon, the historical romance of Solomon Spauld- ing with which they were so familiar from 21 to 25 years before. Now let us hear some of their testimony. John Spaulding testifies: "I have read the Book of Mormon, and to my great surprise I find nearly the same his- torical matter, names, etc., as were in my brother's writings. I well remember that he wrote in the old style, and commenced, nearly every sentence: 'And it came to pass ' or 'Now it came to pass' the same .s in the Book of Mormon. To the best of my recollection the book of Mormon is the same as what my brother, Solomon Spauld- ing wrote except the religious matter." Mar- tha Spaulding, wife of John, and sister-in- law of Solomon, testifies: " I have read the Book of Mormon, which brought fresh to my recollection the writings of Solomon Spaulding. I have no manner of doubt that the historical part of the book of Mor- mon is the same that I have read and heard read more than 20 years ago. The old obso- lete style and the expressions: 'Arid now it came to pass, 'etc., are the same." Henry Lake, Solomon Spaulding's business part- ner, testifies: "When my wife read to me from the Book of Mormon, she had read but a few minutes before 1 was aston- ished to find the same passnges in it that Solomon Spaulding had read to me more than 20 yenrs before from his Manuscript Foun I. I have examined the Book of Mormon and have no hesitation in saying that the historical part of it is principally if' not wholly taken from the Manuscript Found. I well recollect telling Mr. Spaulding that so frequent use of the words: 'And it came to pass.' 'Now it came to pass,' rendered the book ridiculous. One time when he was readme: to me the tragic account of Laban I pointed out to him wht I considered an inconsistency which he promised to correct, but on examining the Book of Mormon, to my surprise I find it stands just as he read it to me. He left here in 1813, for Pitts- burg, to get his book published, but I heard no more of his writings till I saw them in the Book of Mormon. Mrs. David-on remarked to Mrs. George ('lark, when she handed her the manuscript of Spanlding's Manu- script Found to read: The Mormon Bible is almost a literal copy of that manuscript." J. N. Miller, who boarded months in Spaulding's family, testifies: " I have ex- amined the Book of Mormon, and I find in it the writings of Solomon Spaulding from beginning to end, but mixed up with Scrip- ture and other religious matter, which I did not meet in the " Manuscript Found." Many passages in the Mormon book are verbatim from Spaulding, others in part. The names Nephi, Lehi, Mormon, and in fact all the principal names are brought fresh to my recollection by the "Golden Bible." Aaron Wright testifies: " Spauld- ing traced the journey of the first settlers of America from Jerusalem to America, as it is given in the Book of Mormon, except the religious matter. The historical part of the Book of Mormon, I know to be the same as I read and heard read from the writ- ings of Solomon Spaulding, more than twenty years ago, the names especially are the same without alteration. In conclu- sion I will say that the names and most of the historical part of the Book of Mormon, were as familiar to me, before I read it as most modern history." Oliver Smith tes- tifies : " When I heard the historical part of the Book of Mormon, I at once said it was the writing of Solomon Spaulding. Soon after I obtained and read the book, on read- ing it found much of it the same as Spauld- ing had written twenty years before." Na- than Howard testifies: "I have read the Book of Mormon and believe it to be the same as Spaulding wrote, except the relig- ious part." Artemus Cunningham testi- fies: "I have examined the Mormon Bible and am fully of the opinion that iSoIomon Spaulding had written its outlines before leaving Conneaut." Joseph Miller of Am- ity, Pa.., who took care of Spaulding in his last sickness, and familiar with his maim- 64 THE BRADEN AND KELLEY DEBATE. script says: "The longer I live the more firmly 1 am convinced that Spaulding's manuscript was appropriated and largely used in getting up the Book of Mormon. I believe that, leaving out of the book, the portions easily recognized as the work ol Joe Smith and his accomplices, Solomon Spaulding may be truly said to have been its author. I have no doubt of it." Rud- dick McGee, who boarded with the Spauld- ings and became familiar with Spaulding's manuscript, says that "the Book of Mor- mon was founded on and largely copied from the romance of Solomon Spaulding." Dr. Dodd who attended Spaulding in his last illness, declared years before Howe's book appeared, that "Spaulding's manu- script had been transferred into the Book of Mormon, and that Sydney Rigdon had done it. This declaration was based on his knowledge of the manuscript, and what Spaulding had told him about Rigdon's stealing his manuscript. Rev. Abner Jackson declares : "The Book of Mormon follows Spaulding's Manuscript too closely to be a stranger to it. In both many pas- sages appear, having the same names, found nowhere else. Such as Moroni, Mormon, Nephite, Laman, Lamanite, Nephi, etc. In the second romance called the Book of Mormon, we are told the same story of the same people traveling from the same place in the same way, having the same difficul- ties and destination with the same wars, same battles and same leaders and same results, such as the Mormon account of the battle of Comorah in which all the right- eous are slain. How much this resembles the closing scene in "Manuscript Found." Mr. Jackson, who was in the meeting at Con- neaut, when the Mormon preacher read the Book of Mormon, says that Squire Wright shouted out, "Old-come-to-pass has come to life again." Mrs. McKinstry, Spaulding's daughter, declares that the Book of Mor- mon is largely her father's Manuscript Found. His wife declares that it is a wicked remodeling of her husband's work. We might add scores of names who heard the Spaulding manuscript and recognized it in the Book of Mormon. The testimony of these seventeen witnesses, who were famil- iar with Spaulding's Manuscript Found" prove that the historical portion of the Book of Mormon what we charge Rigdon with stealing, is an almost verbatim repro- duction of that "Manuscript Found." If my opponent were on trial for his life, one quarter of his testimony would hang him higher than Hainan. He must do one of three things : [. Prove that these witnesses never so testified. II. Impeach them. III. Or disprove their evidence by rebutting testimony. Or lose his case. There has been some controversy over Spaulding's motives and object in writing his Manu- script Found. His wife and daughter stren- uously insist that he wrote it merely to while away his time in declining health. That ho had no intention of publishing it. That he refused to have it published, when Mr. Patterson offeied to publish it. It is Erobable that he so told his wife. He may ave had two reasons for it. He had failed in business continually. His wile sup- ported the family and he might have feared that she would oppose the idea of publica- tion as one of his visionary projects. For the preservation of peace and that he might pursue his purpose unopposed, he doubt- less told her what she says he did. Again she seems to have been a "woman of decided moral convictions, and he may have feared that she would regard such a scheme as very questionable if not a downright fraud. But there can be no doubt about his inten- tions to publish it. His brother says he wrote it for that very purpose, hoping to make money by it. So say Lake, Smith, both the Millers, McKee, John Spaulding, his wife, and Cunningham. Joseph Miller and McKee say he prepared a manuscript for publication and took it to the publish- ing house for that purpose. There can be no doubt that he wrote it for the sole purpose of publishing it and that he expected to make money by publishing it. There isnothing wrong al out this. But that his motives, he knew, were some of them wrong, is eviden t from the fact that he kept them from his wife and daughter, and also lied to them in regard to his object in writing the manuscript. Some of his ex- pressions show that his motives were very questionable. He intended to assert that his book was copied from a manuscript dug out of the earth, or found in a cave. He expected to deceive the world except the learned few, and cause them to believe this falsehood that he intended to palm oft' on them; and also to induce all, but the learned few, to believe his book to be veritable his- tory as much so as any history. So he de- clared to Miller of Conneaut, Wright, Cun- ningham and others. No wonder he con- cealed his purpose from his wife and daughter. Howe says on page 289, of his history, that he has a letter in his possession that proves that Spaulding was sceptical in his last days. If so we can understand his caricaturing the Bible in the way he did, in his romance. The Book of Mormon \v as in its inception a deliberate fraud, conceived by a backsliden preacher, who intended to foist onto the world, the fraud by falsehood, stolen by another renegade preacher, who increased the blasphemy of the fraud by plagiarising the Bible, so as to deceive the world by it as a revelation. Joe Smith, a money hunting, fortune telling impostor and infidel, gave it to the world by means of his' peep-stone which he stole from Chase's children. We repeat that the whole affair was begotten by Spaulding in sin, conceived by Rigdon in iniquity and brought forth by Impostor Joe in depravity and corruption, and it has thrived on ignorance, fanaticism and pol- lution, and has culminated in Utah, iu. infamy that would make devils blush. Mrs. Davidson declares that Hurlbut wrote to her from Hartwicke that he found the Manuscript, and would return it to her. when through with it. He came to Howe THE BRADEN AND KELLEY DEBATE. 65 with a lie and told him he only found a portion of an entirely different manu- script. He sold the manuscript to Rigdon and Smith took the money and went to Western Ohio and bought a farm, and Mrs. Davidson and her daughter, Mrs. McKin- stry, could never get a word of reply from him although they sent several letters to parties who wrote; they gave the letters to Hurlbut. This answers the Mormon " Why did not the Spaulding publish the Manu- script Found?" Because Mormons had:ot- ten it into their possession by bribing Hurl- but. This careful analysis of evidence enables us to brush to one side the fog that Mor- mons have^raised over Rigdon's copying the manuscript. He did not, he stole it. Over the size of the manuscript, Miss Spaulding read at her uncles. She read only the small manuscript, the first draft of the book, her father made. Also the fog over the fact that the manuscript brought by Hurlbut was not what the one's sending him to search the trunk expecting him to bring. It explains how the 116 pages of stolen manuscript, was replaced. They were re- placed from another Spaulding manuscript, probably Mormon manuscript No. II. This accounts also for the length of time that Spaulding spent in writing. He began in 1809 and closed in 1816, a period of time of seven years, and even after Rigdon stole his last manuscript he wrote on till he died. It accounts also for the differences in the descriptions of the witnesses Most of them heard read Mormon manu- script No. I. Miller heard portions of Mor- mon No. II. Writing different manuscripts, and adding additional port'ons willaccount for discrepancies and contradictions. Such as Moroni saying his plates were full, and then writing the Jaredite portion. Spaulding added the Jaredite portion and forgot that he had made Moroni close the book with the destruction of the Nephites. Also the contradiction, which places Ethers plates in the hands of King Benjamin when they did not come to the knowledge of the Nephites until years after King Benjamin's death. The gross contradiction . which makes Coviantumu the last Jaredite, die among the people of King Zarehemla about 200 years B. C., when the battle of which he was sole survivor occurred more than 600 years B. C. Either he was over 400 years old or the Jaredites were not exterminated until 200 B. C. instead of 600. SUMMARY OF EVIDENCE. Let us now review the evidence we have presented, and settle several questions. I. Are the witnesses competent? II. Are they worthy of belief? III. What is estab- lished by their testimony? In determining the first and second queries there are sev- eral points to be weighed. I. Is the point at issue one that can be settled by testi- mony? No question is susceptible of clearer proof. The facts to be determined are I. Did Solomon Rpaulding write a certain MS. II. What were its contents? II. Did they have adequate means of knowing these facts? No witnesses ever had better. Mr. Spaulding was a preacher, in poor health and out of employment, the very man that would attract company, and have much company, and of the highest charac- ter and intelligence. There was much ex- citement and curiosity over certain mounds that had been opened. Spaulding had taken great interest in the matter. He was writing an unusual book concerning this exciting topic. He was very fond of reading his productions to all who would listen to him. All this would secure him a ciicle of intelligent hearers. The singularity of his theme would cause his hearers to remember what they heard. To such hearers Spauld- ing read large portions of his MS. III. Were they competent in inteliigenceV No one can read their testimony and tail to see that they were persons of unusual intelli- gence the very class of persons that such a man as Spaulding would attract around him that would be interested in his theme the very ones to whom he would read his work and who would talk with him. IV. Were they persons of good char- ter for truth and veracity ? Their character cannot be excelled. Compare them with the gang of loafing, money-hunting knaves and dupes, upon whose testimony the Book of Mormon stands. Their intelligence is infi- nitely above that srang of ignorant, super- stitious, illiterate, ignoramuses. V. Were they interested in the points at issue ? Tn noway whatever. On the other hand me witnesses to the Book of Mormon all ex- pected to make money out of the fraud, and had gotten it up for that purpose. VI. Is there any collusion in their testi- mony? There is absolutely none. Never were witnesses more independent and in- dividual in their testimony. Each tells his story in his own way tells what he knows, in his own way is careful to tell no more is careful where not certain to say so. Had they fabricated their testimony they would have stated more than they did. Contrast their evidence with that oif the eight wit- nesses to the Book of Mormon. Those wit- nesses do not testify separately, but s^n a statement prepared for them by Impost - Joe. They testified to what they did no know, and could not know. There is ever) evidence of collusion and perjury. The three witnesses are worse, for they testify to what an angel told them ; the charac- ter of the entire twelve has been 5een taken back upon his profession of re- pentance as I will show you by the church publications at the time, and: was again cut off; and a few others at Conneaut, -Ohio, of a like stamp, got together in 1833, with the Book of Mormon in their hands and vengeance and hatred in their hearts, and got up some affidavits as to a story which it was surmised had been written before by Solomon Spaulding, a broken down clergyman of that place.- Afterwards they found a confederate in Mr. Howe, of Painsville,' Ohio, who was terribly mad and jealous because his wife and sister had joined the church here in Kirtland, and so (between Hulburt and Howe and these testifiers, they published their tale between the years 1834 and 1841, years after the publication of the Book of Mormon and with that book in their hands from which to make their garbled statemenis. There- fore, he concludes the thieving Joseph Smith who was always an honest and honorable man. stole the Book of Mormon from the Spaulding story and made of the theft a Bible. This is logic for you with a rush ! Who again will doubt that my op- ponent is a profound logician? But I have yet to give you the rich part of his tale. A few of the best citizens of Ohio, at Con- neaut, got together one night and appointed one of their beloved number, to wit, the said Dr. Hulburt, who had before been ostracised from the Latter Day Saints for an open insult to a young lady in Kirtland. to go to New York, Pennsylvania, and other places, to get statements from other first citizens of the country (like to them- selves), and .get up a story to beat the Book of Mormon. Did you ever before hear of so many of the first citizens of the country living near by you, who were never known outside of their neighborhood, ex- cept by the work of evil they did by signing false statements ? His idea of best'citizen is from the standpoint of whether they are on "our side ;" not from a single truth he knows. But let me right here call your attention to the fact that he has not even presented the testimony of a single one of these best citizens he refers to in full. Not a single statement. Not even the poor show of reading to you a written statement in full of a single one of them. Not even the offer to read you a single affidavit of one of these "best citizens." I am here to examine the evidence in this discussion, and if he has any statements, or affidavits, I want him to read them here, and give the people a chance to judge and me a chance to examine them. I deny, sir, that you can produce affidavits or respectable statements proving the statements and assertions you read last night ; and demand the evidence. Not a few lines from the witnesses but the testimony. I call attention to the fact that this opponent is the first I ever met who would stand before an audience and tell and rehearse what he says, somebody else said, old mother Grundy said about what somebody else said and did^ and then ask his audience to take it for evidence. What would you think of an attorney, who after rehearsing his case to the jury or judge, without ever offering to introduce a wit- ness or read a record except in extracts, would stand up and claim he had put his evidence in, and ask for a verdict in his, fa- vor? Can you not see, ladies and gentlemen, he has not proven a single thing? What evidence has he presented to you upon any matter? Mention, any of you who can. Oh, says one, he gave us Mr. Rudolph's testimony. Did he ? I have not seen it or heard it read. I heard what Braden said Rudolph said Sidney Rigdon did ; -but what do you know about it? Mr. Rudolph is near here, if he knows anything, put him on this stand : you claim him as one of your own men, a Disciple Preacher. I want to examine him if his name is to be used, since he is near by and can be had. The only request I will have in the matter is that the evidence shall be taken on extra time ; and that we do not take up the hour named for discussion. I deny here that Mr. Rudolph knows a single fact which can in the remotest degree connect Sidney Rig- don with Joseph Smith or the Book of Mormon, prior to the time when Sidney Rigdon was converted to the faith of the Saints in the last part of the year 1830. And I make this statement fearlessly, after having had a conversation with Mr. Ru- dolph on the subject of the book myself last summer. Another thing: I state fearlessly before you that Mr. Howe of Painsville, who rlrst published the Spaulding story and the affi- davits which were gotten up to blacken the character of Joseph Smith, f-idney Rigdon, et al., and whose book is the key note from which all subseauent works have taken 70 THE BRADEN AND KELLEY DEBATE. their music, does not know one thing 1 , not a single fact that can be made in the least to connect that Spaulding story with the Book of Mormon or show that Joseph Smith's character was bad ; or that a single affida- vit in his book is true. Will you put him on the stand here for examination ? I will bear the expense of bringing him here as he is a little farther away than Mr. Rudolph. I do not make these assertions for bluff', or effect ; but for the reason that the world has thought Mr. Howe knew something about the matter, or he would not have published the book which forms the basis of all other lying works; and if he does know anything now is the time to find it out. One other thing. It has been asserted here that he has a chain of evidence. A chain of evi- dence! What is it to make a chain of evidence? Can you use broken or pieces of links? Has Mr*. Braden debated all his life and has not yet found out that to form a circumstance or truth, that the evidence of such circumstance or truth must be com- plete within itself and independent of anoth- er fact or circumstance which he claims to form another link? Each must be com- plete of itself to be evidence and constitute a chain. For illustration : It is said here by him that at one time a niece of Sidney Rigdon once saw him go to an old trunk, take out a manuscript, go to the fire place ami read it, and that he would not let her f e i it. Suppose this is all true as the story Oes ; what of it? Is it pertinent to the issue until they in some manner connect that same manuscript with the one claimed by Spaulding? Why! Rigdon might have had a hundred manuscripts and read them, and taken them from an old trunk, and put them back without first having given them to his niece to read, and each and eveiy one of them altogether different from the Spaulding manuscript; and if any such unconnected statement was offered as evi- dence in any court to sustain the most trivial case, it would instantly be ruled as improper Before this can be made evidence the parties must also show by some other fact, or thing, that the rnanui-cript which he is said to have read and would not let his nie e we wax Ifir Span I ding Romance, and then they may use it all as a link to show that Iligdon 'did have an opportunity of copying the Spaulding manuscript. Don't you know that if Sidney Rigdon did have the Spat Iding manuscript it is just posii .e he had another besides: mother Grundy's manuscript, a manuscript sermon, or manuscript a-t'<.|r for publication, and tha at the time his n'ce saw him he was reading mot er Grundy or one of the other manuscripts inau;i.u o. paulding? What then would be the true position of my opponent in this argument? Mr Braden offering to show that Risrdon had the Bpaulding manuscript by citing the time he read mother Urundy's manuscript, and offering ihe people a false thing as evidence and asking them to accept it as true instead of accepting the facts Take another one I of his uroofs (?). Mr. Iludolph says, so Braden says, that one time during the year 1827, Sidney Rigdou, who was their pastor at Mentor, Ohio, went off some place and was away two or three weeks and they did not know where he went to. It might have been over to Hiram, down to Mantua, to Cleveland or Cincinnati ; but no difference to him ; he will have it at this very time he was in the wilds of Pennsylvania or New York, concocting the Book of Mormon with Joseph Smith. Where is his witnesses showing where Rigdon was at this time, or that he was in New York? There is none, nor never has been. Now according to their idea Smith has no rights that even a rogue is bound to respect ; and soif they can show that their pastor Rigdon was out on a spree. Smith will have to bear the blame. My friends, don't you know that it \vould sink any man, prophet, priest, or king, to under- take to make of him a scapegoat to carry away the sins of many pastors of the Campbellite Church. But I have only been arguing the matter in this suppositions form sifting it; when I come to ask for the evidence, I find out the whole thing is trumped up to defeat Sidney Rigdon because he left their church. I shall now present to you a supposable case upon facts proven, arid ask you to compare the two methods of argument. Upon the part of the affirmative I have shown that John the Revelator, in the 14th chapter and 6th verse oT his book, says: "And I saw another angel fly in the midst of heaven having the everlasting gospel to preach unto them that dwell on the earth, and to every nation, and kindred, and tongue, and peo- ple, saying with a loud voice, Fear God, and give glory to him ; for the hour of his judgment is come: and worship him that made heaven, and earth, and the sea, and the fountains of waters." I use this to sup- fort the truth of my claim. But how? 1. show by it, the time that is referred to, " The hour of God's judgment." 2. That it was to be after John's time, or the year A. D. 96, by turning to the preceding chapters. Rev. 1 : 19, 4 : 1, and 22 : 6. 3. That the hour of the judgment is the same as defined in. Matt. 13 by Jesus. And it is "just afore the harvest," the same time referred to in Isaiah 18, when the ensign is lifted up ; and that the ensign of God is the gospel of Christ; this is what he calls men to look to, saying, " Repent ye and believe the gos- pel ;" and since it is the gospel and lifted up at tne same time that John saw the angel bringing it, I must conclude they are the same in teaching at least, for there is but one gospel. 4. Then, when I notice that the same time arid event is spoken of in both, as in Isaiah 29, and Ezekiel 37, where the message and event is represented as a book that should be brought to light which should contain "doctrine," and (connected with its publication), understanding at- tained, and the power of God brought to light, as was the gospel when it was in the world in its fullness before, as Paul says: "Our gospel came not unto you in word only, but in power aud in the Holy Ghost, THE BRA DEN AND KELLEY DEBATE. 71 and in much assurance;" (1 Thess 1:5), and tliat tliis is the same work specifically set forth as in the other texts, time, place and conditions each being complete of them- selves and agreeing in all their phases, and that there is no reasonable interpretation or application of the prophecies agreeing with any other time, place, thing or event, I con- clude that they all refer to the same thing, and that that thing is the gospel which is to be again committed to the eatth at the time, "just afore the harvest;" in "the hour of His judgment," and hence committed again sometime after the apostles' time, and which may be in our own time, and must be in this or hereafter, for the harvest spo- ken of has not yet come. Having made such a connected chain as this, every link beiiiir in itself complete, since they all refer to a like, or the same thing, and that thing has a complete likeness in the coming forth and teaching of the Book of Mormon, and no other book known to men will answer to the fulfillment as this, and the time in the his- tory of the world as predicted has arrived for the fulfillment, I say it is logical to con- clude, and the evidence irresistible as show- ing that this is the prophetic work, not- withstanding Satan's old cry of deceiver. How about his Spaulding story as com- pared with this logical deduction from ad- mitted facts? In the argument of a propo- sition or the trial of an issue, there is what is termed an affirmative and a negative ; a plaintiff and a defendant. One who affirms the truth of a matter and who must bring evidence to sustain this, and one who de- nies the sufficiency or application of the evidence, or else, admitting the statements of the one who affirms to be correct, he denies the conclusion, for the reason that some- thing else is true which must destroy the correctness of the plaintiff's conclusion. This other tiling or averment is what is termed an alibi, and may properly be made the defense in certain cases. But in other cases it cannot. For illustration : I set forth my claim and title to a certain piece of land, showing patent from the govern- ment, all due and legal transfers by proper conveyance ; show that this patent and all transfers and steps of entry and possession are strictly in harmony and keeping with the law, it would hardly be worth while for another to bring a suit to oust me under the plea that, it is true, he is properly entitled under the chain of title and I cannot break that claim, but then John Doe had a correct chain of title too, at one time, to a piece of land, and it is defendant's belief that plain- tiff ought to be kept out of possession for the reason that John Doe now does not know what kind of land his was nor where it is. No judge would for a moment hesitate to say that not even an issue had been formed by such a plea. If my chain of title could not be broken, no amount of alibi's would help the matter in the case. That which is conclusive to the proving of a fact, which fact establishes the conclusion of a proposi- tion, cannot be overcome by an attempt to prove some other fact : for the reason that it is a contradiction to suppose that two facts exist and one the opposite of the other. To defeat my title to the laud then, tha defendant would be compelled to break the chain, and this would form a direct contest. In the discussion of the proposition before this audience, as the one affirming, T had the right to set out my claim ; chain of title; make it full and complete urder the law; and my opponent's right was to break this chain, and under the law he must do so or fail; for the conclusion of the law is, that he who comes bringing this chain is true, for no man can get hold of the chain unless he is the true and accepted one. God has set this seal upon it; man un- derstands the things of man by the spirit of man which is in him; "even so the things of God knoweth no man, but the Spirit of God." I Cor. 2:11. For this reason in determining who are of God and who are not, you may safely rely upon the rule, "He that abideth in the doctrine of Christ, he hath both the Father and the Son." 2 John, 9th verse. He has established a law that man without the Spirit of God cannot look into his truth which is from above, and so select from it as to impose upon the people and at the same time conform to the truth. Jesus recognizes the rule as being correct in the 28th chapter of Mat- thew's gospel, wherein he tells his diciples, if they teach all things whatsoever he has commanded them he will be with them to the end of the world. He did not even promise to be with Peter, and James, and John unless they proved their mission by abiding in the doctrine Not a part of it, but all of it, for this rule was to be given to his people and the world to tebt the true from the false ; true teachers from faise teachers ; true prophets from false prophets. "If any man think himself a prophet or spiritual," says the apostle, 1 Cor. 14:37, "let him ac- knowledge that the things that I write unto you are the commandments of the Lord." Not acknowledge by mouth through dissimulation simply, but let his teachings conform to the established test, and agree in all things with that which rtiul had written. " He that is of God hearetn God's words;" and in all things. "Beware of false prophets who come to you in sheep's clothing; by their fruits you shall know them." Not judging their public acts by their doings in private life, nor by the lives of their followers; for this would destroy the entire list: Noah, Moses, Sam*on, David, Solomon, Elijah, Peter and Paul ; and judging simply by the fruits of tin fol- lowers, it would also prove an false, .Ie-us and the apostles ; for all, except the i i v'e went back at one time ; Judas, OIH- <;i i use, turned traitor and sold Je^us : another, denied him and cursed and swore ; H ' re- turned to their nets ; and Thomaf ao far gone that he said he would not Ix-iieve, unless "he should first thrust his hands into his side," while some in the chisn-nfj in a short timo were guilty of such H Domi- nations as were not known, the a Paul says, among: the Gentile*. ,->./. 72 THE BRADEN AND KELLEY DEBATE. of those in Asia, Jesus signifies to his ser- vant John, that some were so wicked and corrupt, that unless they repented they Bhould " be brought down to hell." To fudge them then in this way would be wrong; contrary to the word of God. I will show you the way to judge men by their fruits. If those principles they teach are bad ; or men or women are bad who are living "in accord with, and carrying out in their lives the principles taught, then it will prove the one bringing the message to be bad, and at the same time prove themes- sage bad. The argument is often made that the Christian religion is bad because those professing Christianity are bad. This is not a correct premise. Before the conclu- sion follows, it must be further shown that, in bringing forth this bad fruit, they who call themselves Christians did these bad things by conforming to the principles and teachings of the Christian religion. Now, in this discussion, from the first, my opponent has chosen to leave the arguments of the affirmative and follow his own course; and he has attempted to crush me under the weight of the stories he had at his command against the character of Mr. Smith. What a ridiculous position ! If my claim is true it is true, and no number of alibi's could affect it gotten up on life or character. But by taking this course he virtually admits the position of the affirmative to be unmovable ; because if he could move me what is the useof Ms alibi ? I am * affirming and must make my case. He simply denies ; he does not in the proposition set up a counter case, claim, or tii Jig. And yet he has chosen to introduce the alibi of the old Spaulding Romance ; (and romance it is), and to rely upon that, either as a counter proof suffici- ent, or as a means of prejudicing the people against an investigation of the facts. What- ever the object it matters not to me; but I take it that by so doing he has admitted as true the position of the plain tiff in the con- test and now rests his case upon character, and the " Spaulding Romance." Does he not know that his very act in doing this is in itself another evidence of the truth of the Book of Mormon? and in this- making certain the application of another part of the prophecy in Isaiah, 29th chapter, the conditions of which I claim are complete in the Book of Mormon. The book spoken of there to come forth is to be fought in such a way. If the opposition was from a different standpoint the predic- tion would be incomplete. The prophecy sets out sufficient to show that it might have been properly tried under the rule, for it is to contain the doctrine of Christ ; no mistaking this; verse 24: "They also that erred in spirit shall come to under- standing, and they that murmured shall learn doctrine." But notwithstanding this, it is shown conclusively in verses 15, 16, 20, and 21, that those who opposed the book would do so by turning things upside down ; revers- ing the order of trying things under God's law, and use works which were "in the dark;" "scorn" the claims made by the one bringing the book, and "watch for ini- quity ;" try to find something against his character ; "make a man an offender for a word," "and lay a snare for him," for it was to be a work reproving the people for leaving the law ; and finally, they were to " turn aside the just for a thing of nought." Preferring to the great facts of God's law and the justice exemplified there- in, those things that are of little account, a tissue and a refuge of lies as referred to in the fifteenth verse of the 28th chapter, or in other words the " Spaulding Story." Now, singular as it is, I have never met a man as yet, in the consideration of this question, who has not tried the book from this standpoint. It was said of Jesus that "he was numbered with the transgressors," to fulfill the prediction of the prophet, made long before ; and if the certain ty of agreement of prophecy and its fulfillment is such, that he who was the upright and true, the humble and meek, the forgiving and pure of the city of Nazareth, must be charged with disobedience to law, stirring up of sedition, and treason to the State, and suffer the final affliction of death be- tween two thieves, why should I complain to suffer to the contest of lies, and ways that are dark, which the prophet speaks of as being brought to oppose at some day the "Lord's work. (Time expired.) THE BRADEN AND KELLEY DEBATE. MR. BRADEN'S SEVENTH SPEECH. GENTLEMEN MODERATORS, LADTKS AND GENTLEMEN: We wish to call the attention to a fact strangely overlooked by former writers that Spaulding wrote several man- uscripts. Our reasons for such a position are: I. The length of time he spent in wri- ting his book. He begun in 1809, and the manuscript was taken to Patterson's office in 1814. He spent five years on it. II. Mrs. 8. Spaulding, his wife, Miss Spaulding, his daughter, and J. N. Miller, declare that he had many manuscripts. III. The witness- es in Coneaut, with one exception, describe only the Nephite portion, showing that he had only written that, when reading to them. The Zarahemlite and Jaredite por- tions were not written when he read to them. IV. Spaulding stated to J. N. Mil- ler that he would lead a retired life in Pitts- burgh, and re-write his manuscript. Mil- ler is the only one who describes the Zare- hemlite per lion. He had added that to his second Mormon manuscript. V. Patterson told him to rewrite it and prepare it for press. Jas. Miller says he did, and left this copy with Patterson, and that it was this, or his third Mormon manuscript, that Rigdon slole VI. The manuscript that Miss Spaulding read at the residence of her un- cle, W. H Sabin, was not large enough to constitute such a work as the publishers would publish. It was his first draft on Mormon I. VII. The contradictions between these portions as we will show, prove that they were written in different installments, and added to each other. VIII. When Mrs. Harris destroyed 118 pages Rigdon was sent for and he re- placed them from another Spaulding man- uscript, one of the ones stolen by Smith from Mrs. Davidson's house in Hartwicke in 1827. IX. Even after he failed to get his manuscript published and the copy he pre- pared had been stolen by Rigdon, he con- tinued to write on to the last. X. Spauld- ing's care in preserving his manuscript is seen in the fact that even the few leaves of his Roman manuscript were preserved, and found in his trunk in 1834. This removes the quibbling of Mormons about Rigdon's copying so much manu- script. He did not, he stole it. Spaulding so declared in 1815-16. Rigdon showed the manuscript to Win ters, and stated that it was the manuscript that Spaulding wrote that Spaulding had left it at Pattersons that he borrowed it not copied it. Rigdon told Jefries he took the manuscript from the printing office. It settles also all quibbling about size of the manuscript Miss Spauld- ing read at her uncles. Rigdoii had the one her father had prepared for press. She read the first draft or manuscript No. II Mormon manuscript No. I. it also puts an end to the three Id Josephh's talk that Soauldinff's heirs had the manuscript Jn their care all the lime. It puts an end to the challenge of Mormons "Why did not the Spauldings bring out the manuscript and prove the theft and pla- giarism by publishing the original manu- script?" Rigdon had stolen Mormon man- uscript No. Ill that Spaulding had prepar- ed for press, Smith, in 1827 had stolen other manuscripts. Did Rigdon steal Spaulding's manuscript? We have proved that he was learning the tanner's tradein Pittsburg, when the manu- script was at Patterson's by Mrs. Echbaum. That he was intimate with Lambdin and was about the office so much that Englea the foreman complained of it. That he was much interested in the Spaulding manu- script that was a great curiosity in the of- fice, by Mrs. Spaulding. That the manu- script was stolen and Spaulding blamed Rigdou, by Jas. Miller, McKee and Dr. Dodd. That Rigdon showed the manu- script to Dr. Winters in 1823 declaring it was Spaulding's manuscript, left with a printer, that he borrowed it, and told what it contained, by Dr. Winter. That he had it in 1826, and declared it would be a great thing some day, by his niece Mrs. Dunlap. We have proved that he knew of the publi- cation of the Book of Mormon, long before it appeared, and described it, by D. Atwater, A. Bently, Alexander Campbell, Green and Dille. We have proved that he was often absent from home while it was being pre- pared for press, by Z. Randolph, and oth- ers. That he was seen at Smith's while it was being prepared for press, by Tucker, Mrs. Eaton and McCauley, Chase and San- ders. We have proved that he prepared his congregation for the reception of the book and his ideas, and that his adherants went into Mormonism. We will, when we come to analyze the Book of Mormon, prove that there are Rigdonisms on nearly every page, and several on many single pages. I do not know how a stronger case can b made. The constant jabber of Mormons, calling on persons to tell when and hi>w Rigdon came in contact with and obtained posses- sion of the Spaulding manuscript, and when and how Rigdon and Smith came to- gether, and concocted this scheme, and brought out this book, is an insult to com- mon sense and every principle of law. If a man is arrested with stolen property in his Possession, all the state has to do is to prove . The rightful owner of the property. II. That it has been feloneously taken out of his possession. III. That it was found in the possession of the accused. That is suf- ficient to convict him of being a thief, or a receiver of stolen goods, that the law holds as guilty as the thiet. The state does not have to prove that the accused stole the property. Having convicted him of having 74 THE ERADEN AND KELLEY DEBATE. stolen property in his possession, he has to prove that he came by it innocently, or be committed as thief or receiver of stolen goods. We have proved that Spaulding owned the Manuscript Found, that it was found in pos- session of Rigdon, that it was offered to the public as his own property by Imposter Joe. Unless Mormons can prove that Rig- don and Smith came by it innocently, they are convicted as thieves, or as receivers o'f stolen goods. As lawyers the three Id Jo- seph and his man Kelley ought to know this. But we have gone far beyond what is necessary in order to convict Rigdon and Smith. Let me illustrate our work. Sup- pose that a man lives for years in Kirtland, who has a museum of rare relics. There are absolutely no duplicates of any of them. He is a sort of monomaniac over his museum, takes everybody to see it that he can in any way induce to look at it, and is constantly talking about it. and describing it. He moves away, and some years afterwards a couple of fellows come along and advertise a wonderful museum, that they claim an angel gave by miracle to one of them. People of Kirtland flock out to see this miraculous museum. No sooner do they cast eyes on it, than a shout goes up, "why this the collection of 'Old-come-to-pass,''" a nick-name they had given to their former neighbor. The two fellows are arrested for theft. The heirs of the old neighbor are looked up. They say the collection is in a certain trunk. When the trunk is ex- amined it is found that not a single article of the collection is in it. The trial comes on. The former neighbors of the original owner come in and testify, describing the articles in the collection of their old neigh- bor, and describe nearly all the leading articles in the museum. The museum is placed before them. They pick out all the leading articles, but reject some, saying, "he did not have these." The thieves would go to the penetentiary, unless they could show that they came by them honestly. But suppose the state proceeds to prove that the owner took his collection to a certain place to be prepared for exhibition. That one of the thieves was constantly around there, took great interest in them. That just before the owner's death, these relics disappeared, and that the owner and others blamed this fellow with stealing them. That a few years afterwards he showed them to persons saying that they were the deceased man's relics, that he had left to be prepared for exhibition, and that he had borrowed them from the one who was to prepare them for exhibition, in order to examine them. That he was seen with them in his possession and examining them years afterwards, declaring, "they would be a big thing some day." That soon afterwards he began to exhibit certain peculiar articles of his own manufacture, and to prophesy that an angel would give to the world a museum, with certain articles in it. describing- the articles of the deceased man . That he was seen in company with his confederate. That the confederate began to tell that an angel had given to him a museum of such articles, and in a short time the two began to exhibit the museum containing the relics of the deceased, and the articles the first fellow had been ex- hibiting. The case would be made out as clearly as if a thousand men swore that they saw the theft. We have proven that Solomon Spaulding exhibited for years, in Conneaut, and in oth- er places, a cabinet of curiosities, that were absolutely nowhere else except in his Man- uscript Found. That he was a sort of mo- nomaniac over his Manuscript Found, forc- ing it on all he could get hold of, holding them like Coleridge's Ancient Mariner. That his mania had caused persons to nick- name him, "Old come to pass." We have proved that when the Book of Mormon was exhibited in Conneaut, that those who had, through Spalding's mania, been made fa- miliar with his Manuscript Found, recog- nized the Manuscript Found in the Book of Mormon. Squire Wright shouting out, " Old come to pass has come to life." His brother arose and denounced the theft and fraud on the spot. His old neighbors sent a messenger to his widow, who sent them to the trunk, where the manuscript was supposed to be, and it was not in the trunk. It had been stolen. We have introduced the clear positive testimony of seventeen witnesses, who, in describing the Manu- script Found, give a better description of the Book of Mormon the historic part than the average Mormon preacher can give from memory. We have presented them the book of Mormon and they unite in picking out the historic portions as part of the Manuscript Found and in rejecting others as not in the Manuscript Found. We have proved that one of the accused, Rigdon, was around the place where the manuscript Spaulding had prepared for the press was last seen. That he took a deep interest in it. That Spaulding told James Miller and McKee and Dr. Dodd that his manuscript had been stolen and Rigdon was suspected of the theft. We have proved that Rigdon in 1822 or 3 showed the manuscript to Dr. Winters, stating that it was a manuscript that Spaulding a Presbyterian preacher had left with a printer, for publication, and that he had borrowed it from the printer to read as a curiosity. It was a Bible romance, pur- porting to be a history of the American In- dians. That he told Jeffries he took it from the printing office and gave it to Smith to publish. That he spent so much time over it in 1826. as to cause his wife to threaten to burn it, to which he replied, "that it would be a great thing some day." We proved by Alexander Campbell, A.Bently, and D. Atwater that Rigdon years before the Book of Mormon appeared stated that such a book would appear, it was dug out of the ground, was engraved on gold plates, contained a history of the aborigines of this continent, gave the history of the peo- THE BRADEN AND KELLEY DEBATE. 75 pie who construed the antiquities of America, that it taught that the gospel was preached in America, in the first centuries of our era, as the Disciples were then preach- ing it on the Reserve. We have proved that Rigdon preached the religious portions, the part that our witnesses did not recognize as Spaulding's. We have proved that Rig- don was away from home during the time that Smith was working on his pretended plates. That he was seen with Smith. That right after he began to visit Smith the latter began to tell about finding the plates and began his pretended translation of them. We have made our case. MORMON CHRONOLOGY. 1761 Solomon Spaulding was born in Ash- ford, Connecticut. 1785 Solomon Spaulding graduated with the degree of A. B. at Dartmouth Col- lege. 1787 Solomon Spaulding graduated in Di- vinity. He received the degree of A. M. from Dartmouth College. 178( Solomon Spaulding preaches as Con- gregational preacher till compelled to stop by ill health, in 1800. 1793 Sidney Rigdon was born Feb., 19th near the village of Library, St. Clair townshio, Alleghany county, Penn- sylvania. 1796 Joseph Smith, 8en., and Lucy Mack married in Tun bridge, Vermont. 1800 Solomon Spaulding moves to Cherry Valley, New York, and engages in merchandizing till 1805, and marries MatildaSabin. 1805 Imposter Joe Smith born Dec. 23, in Sharon, Windsor county, Vermont. 1807 Solomon Spaulding having failed in business moves to Coneaut, Ohio, and engages in business. 1808 He becomes very much interested in the mounds around Coneaut, and has several opened. He begins a histor- ical romance, assuming that their builders were the descendants of ship- wrecked Romans. His Manuscript No. 1. His Roman Manuscript. 1809 He abandons this idea as too near his own time and begins his Manuscript No. II. Mormon Manuscript No. I. He assumes that the aborigines of America were Israelites from Jerusa- lem. He fails in business and an- nounces to his creditors, his purpose to pub ish his romance, as " Manuscript Found," and pay his debts. 1610-11-12 Spaulding continues to write on his romance, and to read to all that he can induce to listen to him. His monomania causes his neighbors to nick-name him " Old come to pass" on account of the absurd frequency of that expression in his manuscript. He begins Manuscript No. Ill, Mor- mon Manuscript No. II, adding the Zarahemla portion. He moves to Pittsburg to prepare his manuscript for publication. A religious impostor in Vermont. creates much excitement in the neigh- borhood of the Smiths. Mr*. Smith is very active in the *citement, and prophecies, that Joe, then a lad of seven, will be a prophet, and found a new religion. Joe is reared with that idea constantly before him. The family are all taught it. 1813-11 At the ad vice of Patterson, Spauld- ing prepares for press his Manuscript No. IV, Mormon Manuscript No. III. It is carried to Patterson's office for publication. Sidney Rigdon is learning the tannors trade in Pittsburg. He is very inti mate with Lambdin a leading em ployee of Patterson. He is around the office so much, that Engles, the foreman, complains of it. He takes great interest in Spaulding's manu- script. Spaulding moves to Amity, Washing- ton county, Pa., and his wife keeps tavern. 1815 The Smith's move to Palmyra, New York. 1816 Spauldinginforms Jas. Miller, McKee and J r. Dodd, that his manuscript has been stolen from Patterson's office, and that Ripdon is blamed with the theft. Spaulding died Octo- ber 20th, 1818. His widow collects his papers that she can find and takes them with her, in a trunk, to the residence of his brother, W. H. Sabin, Onondajja county, New York. 1817 Sidney Rigdon joins the Baptist Church on Piney Fork of Peters' Creek, May 31st. 1819 The Smiths squat on a piece of land belonging to minors in Ontario County, New York. Rigdon studies theology with Rev. Clark of the Regular Bap- tist Church in Beaver County, Pa. 1819 Rigdon is licensed to preach by the Connequessing Baptist Church. 1820 Rigdon goes to Warren, Trumbull County, Ohio, where an uncle is prominent member of the Baptist Church. He joins that church March 4th. He is ordained to preach by that church April 1st. Marries Phebe A. Brooks. Mrs. Spaulding, Spaulding's widow, goes to Pomfret, Connecticut. Rigdon preaches for the Baptist Church in Warren, and for others in the vicin- ity. 1821 Rigdon continues to preach for the Baptists in Warren. In this year, or in the year following, Mrs. Spaulding marries Mr. Davidson of Hartwick, Otsego County, New York, and goes there to live. 1822 Rig don moves to Pittsburg. Is elected pastor of the First Baptist Church Jan. 28. During this year or the year following, he shows to Dr. Winter, a prominent teacher in Pittsburg, a Baptist preacher, and an intimate acquaint- ance, Spaulding's Manuscript No. IV, 76 THE BRADEN AND KELLEY DEBATE. Mormon Manuscript No. III. He says: " It is a Bible romance, purporting to be a history of the American Indians, that a Presbyterian preacher named Spaulding wrote, and left with a printer for publication. I borrowed it to read through curiosity." In digging a well for Willard Chase, Joseph Smith, senior, the father of Imposter Joe, found a stone of cloudy quartz, that singularly resembled a child's foot. Imposter Joe who was loafing around, stole it from Chase's children. This is the famous peep- s tone of Imposter Joe, the Urhu and Thummim of Mormonism. Rigdon had stolen its Bible, now, Im- poster Joe stole its Urim and Thum- mim. 1823 Rigdon preaches for the Baptist Church until Oct. llth when he is excluded for doctrinal heresies. He goes to the Court House and preaches to his followers. Imposter Joe begins his course as im- poster. He pretends to witch for water with a witch hazel rod, and to find lost property and hidden treas- ures and mines with his stolen peep- stone by putting it into his hat and holding his face into his hat. In September, while working for W. H. Sabin, where Miss Spaulding, Spauld- in-j's daughter was living, with her father's papers in her care, Joseph Smith learns of the existence of the Spaulding manuscripts. This is the true interpretation of his wonderful vision of Sept. 23, 1823, when Moroni, now an angel, appears to him, and reveals to him the existence of the plates he Moroni had buried hun- dreds of years before, and lets Joe have a peep at them. Joseph Smith manufactured that story twenty years afterwards in 1843. He told of no such vision then. The true interpretation is he learned of the Spaulding manuscript while working for Sabin in Sept. 1823. 1824 Mrs. Davidson has the trunk contain- ing her husband's papers sent to her in Hartwicke, N. Y. Rigdon preaches for his adherents until in the summer, in the Court House. He then quits preaching and works in a tannery, and begins revising his stolen manuscript. It was a period of great religious excitement and new parties were springing up continually. The excitement of the movement of the Campbells was beginning to be the chief topic in Western Pennsylva- nia. Rigdon had adopted some, but not all of their ideas He saw he could not be a leader, in competition with them if he went into it. He con- ceived the idea of remodeling the Spaulding manuscript by interpolat- ing portions of the Bible, and his own peculiar religious ideas, pretending that it was a record kept by the Israelites, who came to America, just as the Bible was kept by Israelites ir> Asia, and was as much a revelation as the Bible. He intended by such fraud to start a new religious movement with himself as prophet, and his stolen manuscript thus revised as its new revelation. 1825 Rigdon continues his revision of his stolen manuscript and works in the tannery. Smith is in the height of his glory as imposter, He has a gang of loa'fing dupes and knaves digging through southern New York and northern Pennsylvania for buried treasures, mines of precious metals that he pre- tends to see through his stolen peep- stone. He extends his operations to Harmony, Pa. He makes the ac- quaintance of Emma Hale. Asks her hand in marriage. Is decidedly re- fused by her father on account of his bad character. 1826 In the latter part of winter Rigdon moves to Bainbridge, Geauga county, Ohio. He spent so much time on his stolen manuscript that his wife threatened to burn it. He replied; " that the manuscript would be a great thing some day." Smith is in full blast as imposter. He extends his operations until the extreme parts are 150 miles apart. The doings of Smith and his gang, and the peep-stone of Smith are ex- tensively commented on by the press of the region. In June Rigdon preaches the funeral sermon of Warner Goodali in Mentor; He pleases the church, and it selects him as pastor and he becomes a Disci- ple preacher. 1827 Smith goes to Harmony, Pa., in the absence of Mr. Hale, runs oft' with his daughter and marries her in South Bainbridge, N Y. The ceremony is performed by Tarbell, J. P., .Jan. 18th. Rigdon tells Darwin Atwater that a book will soon appear giving an ac- count of the aborigines of this conti- nent and the origin of American antiquities. He tells A. Bently that a book was about to be published that was found engraved on plates of gold. A. Camp- bell testifies that he said also that it was dug out of the earth in New York . It contained an account of the abori- gines of this continent. That it said that the gospel had been preached in America just as the disciples were then preaching it on the Reserve, dur- ing the first centuries of our era. Rigdon preached during this and the three succeeding year, the peculiar ideas that are in the Book of Mormon. He indoctrinated all of his hearers, that he could, with these ideas, and prepared for the coming of his new revelation. In the spring of 1827 a stranger was ob- THE BRADEN AND KELLEY DEBATE. 77 served at Smith's house. Shortly after he made his appearance, the Smiths be:an to tell of the golden bible. People of Mentor began to notice that Rigdon was often absent from home for days, and no one knew where. Spaulding had in tended to assume that his romance was a translation of a manuscript found in the earth. From 1818 tc 1827, the papers contained ac- counts of finding glyphs of metallic plates, covered with unknown charac- ters. In the spring of 1827, a story was started that a book of such glyphs had been found in Canada, and that it was called a "Golden Bible." SJgdon adopted this idea, and the scheme was concocted to pretend that Smith had found a book of gold plates called the "Golden Bible." Smith was to pretend to translate it with his peep stone, stolen from the Chases children. He was in reality to use Rig'don's revision of the manuscript he had stolen from Spaulding, and pretend that it was a translation of the plates that he pretended that he had found. Smith informs Rigdon of the place where the rest of the Spaulding manuscripts could be found. The confederates dare not publish their fraud while they were in existence. In September, 1827, Smith was loafing around Mrs. Davidson's neighbor- hood, superintending a gang, digging for a silver mine, on the place of Stowell, and also a well or two were dug in the neighborhood. September 22 he succeeded in stealing some of the Spaulding manuscripts. This is the true interpretation of his wonderful vision of September 21-22, 1827. They had now, they supposed, all the Spaulding's Mormon manu- scripts in their possession, and they supposed all means of detection were destroyed. Smith then began his pretended trans- lation of his pretended plates. In the fall Smith moved to Harmony, Pennsylvania, to his father-in-law. While on Cfie road his goods were searched twice for stolen property. His father's house was searched about the same time. 1828 Martha Spaulding, Spaulding's daughter, marries Dr. McKinstry and moves to Munson, Massachusetts to live. Rigdon makes a convert of P. P. Pratt, a teacher in Lorain county, Ohio, who begins to preach for the Disciples. He lets Pratt into his scheme, who goes into it and eventually becomes the Paul of Mormonism. Smith begins to translate. Martin Har- ris is his scribe. In July Smith let Harris have 118 pages to take back to Manchester to use in making dupes and enlisting con- federates, in the fraud. Mrs. Harris who was bitterly opposed to the fraud, burned the 118 pages, without her husband's knowl- edge. Great consternation ensues. Rigdon comes and gets the Spaulding manuscript that Smith had stolen and reconstructs from this the portion that had been burned. Smith has a long revelation telling what had been done by malicious persons telling what no one had done or dreamed of doing. Smith did not know what had been done, and the Mormon God concocts a plan to cir- cumvent a scheme that had never been even dreamed of. Smith returns to Waterloo, New York, in the fall. The angels plow seven acres of wheat and sow ten acres of plaster to enable Whitmer to go and move Srait h. (1S29). In March Oliver Cowdery is made Smith's scribe. Rigdon comes and gives Smith what he has revised of the Spaulding manuscript, and translation proceeds. May 5th, John the Baptist appears to Joseph and Oliver, and gives to them the keys of the first priesthood, etc. Smith has a cave dug in which to hold levees with angels. Smith gives Harris a scrawl to take to Anthon in New York City. Harris returns and publishes a false statement about the interview. Early in June the translation is complet- ed. In about two months Oliver Cowdery, an inexperienced blacksmith, wrote out at least two thousand foolscap pages, or an average of over thirty pages per day. 78 THE BRADEN AND KELLEY DEBATE. MR. KELLEY'S EIGHTH SPEECH. GENTLEMEN MODERATORS, LATHES AND GKNTI,EMEN : I know you have been enter- tained with the story and the gossip that has been brought forward. The wonderful amount of testimony, too, that you have heard from those fourteen witnesses ! Have you not heen anxiously waiting- here, and listening, and watching to have something read in the shape of evidence? Yet, you have not heard one single affidavit read, one single statement read, one single thing read that could with any show of truth be properly called evidence. It is the first time I ever heard a man get up and state what he had culled from statements, or pur- ported affidavits, to an audience and ask them to take it as evidence, without hear- ing the entire statement of the party read, or if it is printed giving the reader the privilege of reading the entire evidence for himself. I will pick it out and select just what I want the audience to hear, and thus in fact stand as judge for the audience. That is the position of my friend before you. I will say, however, with regard to his story, (and he has made out his case he says,) he is done now; just understand that: that ifc is, with one exception, the most singular thing that I ever saw or heard. There is one gotten up that is a fair parallel to it, however, one just like it. I have it in a book in my house, and intended to have brought it over to-night and exhib- ited to you, but forgot it. It was published by Alexander Smythe in Chicago in 1880. Instead, however, of being against the Latter Day Saints, it is against the early, or former day saints. The author sets out by making the apostle Paul the hero of the Christian religion. He plays him as the master mind of the whole scheme trans- acted in Palestine. He concocted the plan in order to establish a church and found a new religion in the time in which he lived. As a starting point and for the purpose of awakening the people to the scheme, this man says, that Paul procured a poor crazy fanatic, called John the Baptist, and sent him into the wilderness of Judea and had him preach a while to tell them that one who was then pending in their midst would soon come, and h-> r ould be the Messiah and restore all thing* to them. After a while that one tha,* to be the Messiah is brought out to play his part, according to the tale. He was a relative of John the Baptist, he says. It happens, too, that the party mixed in a grain of truth here in order to deceive, as Christ was a relative. Then the story proceeds to the effect, that, ai'cer a while when the apostle Paul thought that he had used John the Baptist all he wanted to, he puts up a job on John and has Herod behead him. Then he has Jesus play the Messiah until the time that he thinks things are about ripe for to spring some great excitement in the world. All the time this author cunningly represents the apostle as playing behind the scenes, until Jesus has made himself well known, then he foists some horrid stories upon the ears of the populace in Jerusalem against the Messiah, and just at a time when he is approach- ing the city, (Jesus not knowing anything about Paul's perfidy,) and the excited peo- ple rise and put him to death. The Apostle Paul then steals his body and makes away with it ; so the story goes. And after he had done that he starts down to Damascus, and all of a sudden the apostle gets con- verted to the new religion by a great mira- cle, and goes back in order to make a great sensation in the world, telling his wonder- ful experience; and from that time becomes the " ringleader." You take that book, my friends, and read it, published in the nine- teenth century, in the year 1880, and ob- serve the things that it takes from the Bible, excerpting here and there, in order to make a show of truth, and notice the in- genuity with which the false statements are thrown in between, and then compare with his Spaulding story, and you will find that it is a far more plausible story than he has presented to you in trying to account for the origin of the Book of Mormon. But he has chosen in this discussion to rely upon as a defense, as I was just saying before my time was called, the Spaulding stori/^ and character; either as a counter proof suffi- cient or as a means of prejudicing the peo- ple against an investigation of ihe facts. But whatever the object it matters not to me, for I shall canvass the story itself, and see what truth if any there is in it. Prop- erly it does not belong to this question ; as foreign to it in fact as were the stories and false charges of "deceiver," "gluttonous man," "wine bibber," &c., to ascertaining the truth of the mission of Jesus. Not- withstanding this, some want it examined, and I assure you it is but an easy task to drag it to the bottom. How bad indeed according to my oppo- nent's arraignment was this Smith crowd. The old man, the old lady, the boys and the girls. One would gather from his talk that they had been under the general espionage of the secret service department all along down the previous century. Yet, no crime was ever even charged against one of them, ex- cept in the old women's tales and gossip, spun by the pious (?) of the neighborhood. From before the time they left the State of Vermont they were thought to be squeam- ish. Yet, the old lady brought with her to New York State, a certificate of good stand- ing in the Presbyterian church. Were Presbyterians, and especially those of the old New England stock, in those times, immoral, impious, and Sabbath breakers? In New York, their sons Hyrum and Sam- THE BRADEN AND KELLEY DEBATE. 79 uel and their daughter Sophronia also Joined the Presbyterian church and were in pood standing in that church during this time ; yet they were awful bad folks. They quietly remained members of this body, which was considered one of the straightest sects, up to theyear 1827, when they deliber- ately withdrew from it themselves because of their conversion, as they claimed, to the restored gospel. Joseph, an attentive list- ener at the Methodist church, and he is just about to be taken in as a member, when he happens to think that he will go and pray ; ask God what he shall do; for he is in a confusion of mind over what to do. My friends, have any of you ever been in such a state! and if so did you go to your heavenly Father to ask his advice? Now this is the sum total of the crime of the fourteen-year-old boy at this time. He went and asked God for wisdom, and said the Lord spoke to him and told him what to do. It would never have been of note in the world about his asking, had he not stated that at the time he received an answer; and such an answer. What was it? "That the churches were not right." This was before Mr. Campbell ever left the Baptist church, sir, and while Charles and John Wesley were singing, "Almighty God of love, Set up the a t active sign. And summon whom thou dost approre For messengei s divine. From Abram's favored seed, The new apostles choose; Go sprend throughout the earth around. The dead reviving news." Was it any worse for young Joseph Smith to say these churches were wrong, and did not meet in full the measure of the Alraigty than others ? Ah ! but he said God told him so, in answer to prayer. Well, did he never tell my friend anything in answer to prayer. Answer me that, and do not forget it as you did at Wilber ! ! If Jesus or his mes- sengers, did not tell him this, where did he get it? He was not the learned and schol- arly man that you claim for Mr. Campbell; nor in a part of the world where he could gain from the wisdom of the Wesleys. Yet, he is the first of the age to come out boldly and frankly and say, "none of them are right." Not that they were wrong in all things, for he recognized that there was some good in each and all of them. But that none were all right acknowledged of God. Sixty-three years have passed away and now who says it among the religious teachers ? Mr. Campbell soon did ; Walter Scott, Sidney Rigdon, Henry Ward Beech- er Dr. Thomas, Dr. Cheeney, Prof. Swing. W. H. H. Murry, and a host of others. Ana this, too, notwithstanding the great refor- mation wrought under Campbell. His might be termed the water reformation ! Young Smith, as any young boy would have done under such circumstances, with confidence in his heart and faith in the justice of his cause, goes directly with his answer to his preacher, the pastor; states tis case; and what would you have sup- posed the reception under the circum- stances, of a person of his age going to the pastor with the story. "The Lord showed me in the vision that'the churches were all wrong." Now take the opposite view. Suppose the answer to Smith had been, You join the Methodist Church, (there was no Campbellite Church in the world to this time), as that is more acceptable to me than the Baptist or Presbyterian. Do you think the Methodist preacher would have called the boy a liar, and said he had no such vision ? No, you all know, he would have put young Joseph at the head of the con- verts, and had him testify every night. It makes a big difference whose ox is gored sometimes. Why I remember well last winter reading an account of a lady in the Methodist church inColdwater, Michigan, who claim- ed to be actually healed by the power of faith in that church, and the church ac- cepted it. While the Saints at the same place for the last twenty years had been affirming that God so wrought with them and that they had had many instances of such blessings, yet they were looked upon as fanatical, unorthodox, superstitious, be- cause of this belief. Is it because it did not happen in our church that we are to say : "Oh, it is all stuff; they are a set of fana- tics." But there is another thing that young Smith said the angel told him, that is more remarkable, if made up, than the other ; it was a prophecy : "That his name should be both good and evil spoken of among all nations, kindreds, tongues and people." How did this young boy know that his name should be spoken of among all people, every nation ; by his friends as being a good man and by his enemies as being an evil man ? The prophecy is clear and distinctj the fulfillment is complete no one to gainsay it. The wonderful state- ment made by the then boy and the sub- sequent fulfillment should cause the most incredulous to stop and think before he condemns. How did he know this? Take the greatest villain on the earth or the most worthy man, are their names, even in this later time of the easy transmission of news, known among all nations, kindreds, tongues and peoples. Strike the heart of Africa and the Mohammetan country, and they have all heard of Smith, and they hold him in one relation or the other. But go to the heart of these same countries and they have not even heard of the terrible charac- ter that struck down our President, who, Ml seems, in his iniquity, would have been known all over the world if any one pos- sibly could by this means. And yet this young boy stated early in 1823 that the angel said to him that his "Name should be both good and evil spoken of among all nations, kindreds, tongues and people. Can you point me to a prophecy in the Bible that has been more literally fulfilled? Now I propose to examine my opponent's- alibi, as he has rested his whole case upon that, and you watch and see if he is not driven from his "SPAULDINO STORY" AND. 80 THE BRA DEN AND KELLEY DEBATE. CHARACTER!! I referred to the fact that this old falsehood was met and vanquished when it was first circulated in 1835 and 1836, and later in 1839 and 1840 ; but he replies that I must meet it here and not tell abcut what has been done. Very well, my affirm- ative arguments being in no way answered, lean well afford to meet it here; so now for the Spauidirtg story as a theory. Will you reply to my arguments upon this? We will see. The following are the claims made for that: first, That one Solomon Spaulding, a Presbyterian clergyman, about the year ]811, lived at Conneaut, Ohio, and being in poor health, for diversion in his invalid state, wrote a story and left it in manuscript form, which was like the present Book of Mormon, except as to errors. Second. That from Conneaut, Ohio, he removed to Pittsburg, Pa., in 1812, and while there handed the manuscript of this tstory to a publisher by the name of Robert Patterson for examination and publication. Third, That the manuscript instead of being published was returned to Mr. Spauld- ing, and in the year 1814 he left Pittsburg and went to Amity, Pa., where he died in the year 1816, when his effects, including the manuscript, fell into the hands of his widow. fourth. That at the time the manuscript was in the office of publisher Patterson, one Sidney Rigdon was engaged at, or in some way connected with said printing office, and in some way got the manuscript and purloined the same. fifth, That Sidney Rigdon at the time, knew of Joseph Smith and had opportunity to get this manuscript to him, and Sixth, That Rigdon being a preacher at the time did this in order to start a new church and have a basis for his scheme. Before, during this discussion, I showed by the illustration of "a chain of title" to property, if the chain was perfect in all its parts it would stand the test, but if faulty or disconnected by a single transfer it would not. In the examination of one's title if you are able to show that one link in the chain is not a true one, forged, or obtained through fraud, the whole thing is void. But in this pretentious claim of the Spauld- ing Manuscript, which he has set up, I am not only able to prove that one link is at fault, but that the entire chain is bad, and every link at fault; from the inception by Philaster Hulburt, who had been twice, as I have before shown, excommunicated from the Latter Day Saints for immoralities, to the conclusion of it as published and eom- gleted by Howe of Painsville, who had the paulding manuscript destroyed while in his hands. I enter upon the investiga- tion with the hope that I shall have your candid and unbiased judgment in the con- sideration of the evidence. First, did Spaulding ever write such a manuscript? I claim that he did not; and for proof of this refer you first to their own witnesses. 1. The manuscript Spaulding is said to have written was too meager a thing to in any sense compare with a manuscript that would make a book the size of the Book of Mormon. 2. The character of the "Manuscript Found," which is the oneall rely upon as the romance, was entirely different to the Book of Mormon. 3. He was such an invalid at the time It is alleged he wrote his manuscript, that it would have been impossible for him consid- ering his circumstances in life, together with his broken constitution, to nave writ- ten such a manuscript had it been possible for any man of his own knowledge to write such a one as the Book of Mormon, which I deny. Taking up the first reason it will at once be clear to you that a manuscript written in the English language, as they concede Spaulding's was, to contain the amount of matter that is included in the strictly his- torical part of the Book of Mormon, would cover at least fifteen hundred pages of fools- cap paper. Was the "Manuscript Found" such? The statements of those who claim they saw the "Manuscript Found," place it beyond doubt that it was no such. Mrs. McKinstry, the daughter of Solomon Spauld- ing in her evidence says, that she, "Read the manuscript frequently when she was about twelve years of age, and that it was about one inch in thickness." She read it frequently, so it could not have been very large. Then their other trumped up wit- nesses all, or nearly all, say they heard it read. Henry Lake heard it read. John N. Miller heard it read from beginning to end. Aaron Wright heard Spaulding read it, etc. Mrs. Matilda Spaulding, wife of Solomon Spaulding, states in her testimony published in the Illinois Quincy Whig, that it was about a third as large as the Book of Mormon and that her daughter (Mrs. McKinstry) read it frequently. Hulburt who was commission- ed by Henry Lake, John Miller, Aaron Wright, et al. (Bradeu's witnesses), to go and get the Spaulding writing, went and got it he says, and the only one in Spauld- ing's hand writing which the widow had. That he delivered it to E. D. Howe of Pains- ville, who was writing the book to break down the Mormons, and Howe says, page 288, of his book in describing it, that, "The trunk referred to by the widow was subse- quently examined and found to contain only a single manuscript book in Spauld- ing's hand writing, containing about one quire of paper." Then according to the description of the manuscript itself by those who actually saw it, it must have been a very small affair in deed in comparison to the historical portion of the Book of Mormon. In fact there was no comparison of the one, to the other, what- ever. But Howe goes further with his descrip- tion and shows the style, subject, matter, history, and all different. This brings ua to notice that the second proposition in my statement is true. This agrees with Mrs. THE BRADEN AND KELLEY DEBATE. 81 Spaulding's description of the "Manuscript Found." In the letter to the Boston Re- corder, she says: "He (Mr. Spaulding) was enabled (while writing this manuscript) from his acquaintance with the clappics and uncient history, to introduce many singular jiames which were particularly noticed by people and could readily be recognized by them." Page 43, Smucker against the Mormons. Then in the same letter she says: ''Mr. Spaulding had a brother John Spaulding, residing in the place at the time, who was perfectly familiar with the work arid re- pcatedly heard the whole of it read. 1 ' What an easy thing my audience for a man to read repeatedly, a manuscript of two thou- sand pasres: besides it must have been the most enticing novel ever written Just to think of repeatedly reading such a manu- script! Now I hope the friends won't be back- ward again about giving me their names for a copy of this enticing book, that can be had for only one dollar and a quarter And thrown in this letter is Braden's the- ory that Mr Smith did all this copy- ing, working, digging for money, travel- ing, studying, planning, delving. what a lazy boy ! in order to start a church. Ridicu- lous! Did you ever hear of such a theory? For men to work for years and years, and labor and hire men, and dig holes, and mine and sweat in order to get an excuse for starting a new church ? Did not Mr. Campbell start a new church without any such an excuse ? Did not Mr. Smith and Mr. Rigdon have as good a right to start a new church without all this as Mr. Campbell or Mr. Wesley or Mr. Luther or near a thousand others who have started new churches since the time of Christ? It seems tome that starting new churches is not confined simply to a few individuals; we have too many to admit of such an idea. And look everywhere you may and you cannot tell which* is right un- less you accept the doctrine which is taught in the New Testament, and abide by the rule, "If any of you lack wisdom. let him ask of God, who giveth to all men liberally and upbraideth not, and it shall be givon him." But my friend does not accept lliat doctrine. Then again, " the old neighbors were ena- bled to identify it by reason of the names taken from the classical authors and an- cient history." Were enabled to identity it by reason of these historical and classical names ! Here you have set out by Mrs. Spaulding herself how they were enabled to identify the work. What name have they got? Why he found one the other night, I believe it was " Mormon." It was a Greek word. Will you show me the word 'Mormon" in Greek as used in the Book vf Mormon? Mr. Braden : Yes sir. Mr. Kelley: You say you will but you will never do it. Mr. Braden : That is to be seen. Mr. Kelley: There is such a term as Mormo that they think that the Greeks used just the same as we use the word "Mor- mon." But to any person who will think a moment it is evident there is not and never was the slightest connection. The word Mormo was used to denote a hobgoblin, bug- bear, object of fright, etc Mormon was simply a man's name as used in the Book of Mormon, the name of a place of pleasure, etc., and in no sense as the Greek word Mormo was used The similarity of sound between the two when they are written in English argues nothing I can show that words of similar sound, so far as that is con- cerned in different languages have no rela- tion whatever either in derivation or mean- ing, and are never used by the people to in- dicate the same or similar things That idea about the Greek word Mormo being the root of the word Mormon as found in this book is simply ridiculous. A thing gotten up by certain persons and tried to apply to the word as used in the Book of Mormon to deceive the ignorant. But I will see when Mr Braden brings it But again : " Spaulding's manuscript represented an idolatrous people," they say. The Book of Mormon does not The Spauld- ing "Manuscript Found" was delivered into the hands of this Dr. P. Hulburt who had got up all these lying affidavits, about Smith and the Book of Mormon and he takes it to Howe of Painsville, Ohio, the very place where they are trying to destroy the authenticity of the Book of Mormon Howe because he was mad about his wife and sis- ter joining the church, and Hulburt be- cause he had been cut off from the church, they take the manuscript under promise to Mrs. Davidson that they would publish and send her a copy and divide proceeds ; and when she gets no returns she writes to them about it and they answer her: "It did not read like we expected and we did not use it." How about the manuscript now? Traced right into the hands of the bitterest opposers of the Book of Mormon by your own witnesses, and long after the publication of the Book of Mormon This is the manuscript story which they are claiming was in the hand-writing of Solo- mon Spaulding who died before the publi- cation of the Book of Mormon and whose hand writing could he identified by hia manuscript sermons, as Mrs Spaulding and Mrs McKinstry testified ; and from such a manuscript as this ten words preserved in Mr Solomon Spaulding's hand-writing would have been sufficient to have identified the two, if the Book of Mormon was> the same, beyond all dispute whatever and these opposers with their statements and affidavits in their hands, deliberately de stroythe "Manuscript Found," which they got from Mrs. Spaulding (Davidson) and maliciously publish their statements Here is "old come to pass," right in their own hands in the year 1834. Now who is the imposter ; the deceiver? But further, when it is first published that Mrs. Spaulding (Davidson) claimed the Book of Mormon was a copy of the manuscript a gentleman from Illinois, Mr. Jesse Harper, visits at once Mrs (Spaulding) Davidson, Mrs. 82 THE BRADEN AND KELLEY DEBATE. McKinstry, and Dr. Ely, in Massachusetts, and interviews these persons, and writes his account to the Quincy (111.) Whiff, a bitter anti-Mormon journal , stating that in the interview he asked and received answers to the following questions, to wit: Q. "Have you read the Book of Mormon? A. I have read some of it. Q. Does Mr. Spaulding's manuscript and the Book of Mormon agree? A I think some of the names are alike. Q. Does the manuscript describe an idola- trous or a rergious people? A An idolatrous people. Q Where is the manuscript? A. Dr. P Hulburt came here and took it, said he would get It printed and let me have one-half of the profits. Q. Has Dr. Hulburt got the manuscript printed? A. I have received a letter stating that it did not read as they expected and they should not print it. Q. How large was the manuscript ? A. About one-third as large as the Book of Mormon." (To Mrs. McKinstry.) Q. "How old were you when your father wrote the manuscript? A. About five years of age. Q. Did you ever read the manuscript? A When I was about twelve years of age 1 used to read it for a diversion. Q. Did the manuscript describe an idola- trous or a religious people ? A. An idolatrous people. Q Does the manuscript and Book of Mormon agree? A. I think some of the names agree. Q. \re you certain that some of the names agree? A I am not. Q Have you ever read the Book of Mor- mon ? A I have not." Then the following interview with Mrs. McKinstry on April 4th, 1882, in Washing- ton City Q. "Mrs. McKinstry, have you the Man- uscript Found, Mr. Solomon Spaulding is said to have written, in your possession? A. I have not. Q. What became of it? A. My Mother delivered it up for pub- lication to a Mr. Hulburt who came to our house in Mass, for it, bearing letters of in- troduction from my uncle, a Mr. Sabine, a Jawyer in New York State. Q. Why do you not get the manuscript again ? A. I have sent for it but Hulburt claims hedil not get any. Q. Does Hulburt say he did not get any manuscript from your mother? A. That is what he claims now. Q. How do you account for the fact Mrs. McKinstry that your father, while being such a good man and a minister, should '" Hte such a bad book as the Buok of Mor- mon ? A. Well we never could account for that. Q. Could you identify the manuscript was it now produced ? A I don't think I could. Q. Have you any of the old writings and manuscripts of Mr. Spaulding? A. Yes. I have some leaves of his ser- mons. Q. And with these you think you could not identify the manuscript? A. No, sir, I think not. (Mrs. Col. Seaton, who is present at the in- view.) Why yes, mother, if you have his writ- ing you ousrht to identify it. Mrs. McKinstry: Well, perhaps I could. Q Was it written on common foolscap paper or the clergymen note paper? A. It must have been written on foolscap as they had no clergymen note paper in those days. Q. How do you come to rememher any of the names that were in that manuscript? A. Well, I suppose I should not, but Mr. Spaulding had a way of making a very fancy capital letter at the beginning of a chapter and I remembered the name Lehi, I think it was, from its being written this way." That is the way she identified it on account of the word Lehi beginning with a very fancy capital letter. Suppose instead of being Lehi the word had been Levi. Would not the capital letter bave been just the same and mignt there not have been the same fancy about it? And still a different thing altogether. Instead of being Levi, suppose it had been Lincoln. There would have been the same fancy capital letter. But perhaps I ought to read the evidence without comment, and make my comment afterwards, so I return to that. The ques- tion is asked : Q. " When did you first think about the names in the Book of Mormon and the man- uscript agreeing? A. My attention was first called to it by some parties who asked me if I did not re- member it, and then I remembered that they were." These parties were the old neighbors; Aaron Wright, Miller, etc. Did you ever have a case in court, my friends? If so, did you ever know the man on the other side to go to certain parties and say, "Now, see here, you are a good friend of mine and I am in a little trouble and I guess you know something to help me out. Don't you remember that a certain fellow upon a certain day said a certain thing? And I will tell you what it was now, and see if you don't remember it?" Why! there is so much evidence manufactured in this country in that way that corruption is be- ginning to rule insomuch that it is thought that never in the history of the world De- fore, did so much evil creep into courts of justice, by reason of ihe manufacturing of testimony and suborning oi witnesses. I again call your attention to the thought: After her attention was called toil by these good, estimable, best citizens, etc.. then she thought she remembered it. THE BRADEN AND KELLEY DEBATE, 83 Q. "Was you acquainted with Joseph Smith? A. No. I never heard tell of him till I heard of the Book of Mormon. Q,. Was Sidney Rigdon ever about your father's house? A. No, I never saw him." August, 1883, is another important inter- view. I will give the evidence of Mr. Howe, but not claim it as evidence if my friend upon the other side of the question will put him on the stand here for cross-examination. I want you to listen to his examination. It is as follows : Q. "Mr. Howe, did Hulburt bring the manuscript to you he got of Mrs. (Spauld- ing) Davidson? A. Yes, he brought one ; but it was not the one we wanted ; it only told about some tribes of Indians and their wars along the lakes here and pretended to be the writing of some shipwrecked crew. It was the wars of the Winnebagoes, Chicagoes or Niagaries, I believe. Q,. Why did you not publish it? A. Because it did not do us any good." Now, who has got the stolen property that he has made such a parade over? These other parties who are seeking for evidence in order to show that Mr. Smith has stolen property in his possession go and get the original manuscript the manuscript in the handwriting of Solomon Spaulding in the penmanship of Solomon Spaulding, and they bring it here to Painsville, Ohio, and it is traced into the hands of Mr. Howe and Mr. Hulburt, the ones that are determined to crush out the faith of the church : And what do they do? Publish it? Keep it? Preserve it? 'Oh, no ! "They did not use it." Why did they not use it? The reason is too evident to require naming. Ten words preserved in Mr. Spaulding's handwriting would have been sufficient to have identi- fied the two if the Book of Mormon was the same. And these opposers, both sworn ene- mies of Mr. Smith and the Book of Mor- mon with their affidavits in their hands, deliberately destroyed the "Manuscript Found," which they ?ot from Mrs. (Spauld- ing) Davidson, and published their state- ments and affidavits, instead of the manu- script that they got. Mind you they got the " Manuscript Found," and the only oneever so called in fact, and 1 will show that they did. I know that Mr. Howe tried to make a dodge afterwards and say that Spaulding had another manuscript called the "Roman Manuscript," so my opponent says ; but Mr. Howe last summer did not give it as the Roman Manuscript, and I am prepared to prove that he said it treated of some Indian wars along the lakes here, too. And pre- pared to prove it with such testimony as will impeach him, so that if he will 'put himself under oath, I can send him to the penitentiary of Ohio for it. I have asked you (Mr. Braden) to put him on the stand here for examination and you dare not. I make these statements fearlessly, because I want the truth of this ; one witness that heard him make such statement is upon the stand here now. Now, who is the imposter, the deceiver? But I will continue with Mr. How e's state- ment of last summer : "What do you know personally about the Book of Mormon and the Spaul ding story being the same? A. I don't know anything. Q. Why did you publish a work claiming that the Book of Mormon was the Spaulding Romance? A. Because I could better believe that Spaulding wrote it than that Joe Smith saw an angel. Q. Are those your grounds? A. Yes, sir, they are ; and I want you to understand that you can't cram the Book of Mormon down me." No, sir! Not down him. He is on Mr. Braden's side. Q. "Do you swallow the Bible? A. That is my business. Q. Have you not published a pamphlet which does not endorse the Bible? A. Yes, I hare" (Time expired.) 84 THE BRADEN AND KELLEY DEBATE. MR. BRADEN'S EIGHTH SPEECH. GENTLEMEN MODERATORS, LADIES AND GENTLEMEN: It is pretended that the plates were shown to three witnesses ear- ly in June, and shortly after to eight more. A contract is made with E. B. Grandin of Palmyra, to publish the bookj Harris mort- gages his farm to pay for printing, and in return has a monopoly of the new revela- tion, that is "the fullness of the gospel." He intends "to make money out of it even If it is a lie" he tells his wife. The manuscript is carried to the printer with a great deal of torn foolery. Smith has two guards to protect his sacred person. The manuscript is to be seen only by the printer, and the elect. It is all to be taken out of the office each night by the elect. Rigdon preaches more wildly than ever. Is absent from home much of his time. Some of his adherents in Kirtland adopt his com- munity of goods* and organize a communi- ty, wash feet, etc. 1830 The Book of Mormon comes from the press in the latter part of the winter, with the name of Joseph Bmith on it as "Auther and Proprietor." April 6th the first Mormon church is organ- ized at Smith's in Manchester, N. Y. In June the first Mormon conference is held in Fayette, N. Y. Rigdon attends for the last time the Disciple Association of Mahoning, held in Austintown. Here he makes his last effort to engraft his hobbies on to the movement of the Disciples. Campbell exposes their extravagant unscriptural character. Rigdon preaches his famous sermon on "King A hasuerus' horse" and leaves the Dis- ciples forever, utterly soured and dis- appointed. He remarks to Mr. Aus- tin of Warren : "I have done as much for tbe Reformation as Camp- bell or Scott, yet they get all the glory." He goes back to Mentor, and sends for Pratt, who comes through Mentor in August, and goes from Rirdon straight to Smith, thirty miles off all public thoroughfares, travels a great dis- tance, and reaches Smith's Saturday night, just as meeting begins, is con- verted, on the spot, and made a preacher of Mormonism the next day. In October, Pratt, Cowdry and Whitmer come to Mentor. Rigdon pretends to be ignorant of the whole affair, and to oppose it for a day of so, then is miraculously converted by a silly vision. In December he goes to Smith in New York, preaches the first and only Mormon sermon ever preached in Palmyra. Is recognized as the "mysterious stranger" who has been visiting Smith during the last two years. Mrs. Davidson, Spaulding's wife and widow, goes to Munson, Massachu- setts, to live with her daughter, Mrs. McKinstry. She left the trunk that contained her husband's papers, all that she had of them, in her posses- sion, in the care of her brother-in- Nw, Jerome Clark, of Hartwicke, New York. 1831 Joseph and Sidney get a revelation that the Mormons should move to Kirtlaed, Ohio, which is to be theirs forever. May 17th the Elders were sent out by twos June 7th the first endowment given. The Rigdonites all over the Western Reserve fall in with Mor- monism, and the imposture is in full blast. June 17th, in obedience to direct revela- tion, Joseph Smith and a party start for Western Missouri to locate "Zion." August 3rd Joseph locates the corner of the Temple of Zion, three hundred yards west of the Court House in Independence, Missouri. Floods of revelations are poured out. A city with golden streets, a Temple that never had been equalled, and other wonders were to spring up in that generation. 1832 February 16th, Rigdon and Smith have a sky-scraping revelation. Rig- don mounts "King Ahaauerus' horse" and cavorts miraculously and gener- ally all over the universe. March 22, Rigdou and Smith are tarred and feathered in Hirom, Portage county, by persons that have been swindled by their lies and for Smith's amours. Joseph Smith visits Missouri. It is high time. By their threats and boasts, the Mormons had aroused the Missourians. They were also in a general row among themselves, over Rigdon's pet idea community of goods. 1833 March 8th. In order-to keep Sidney quiet, who finds that Joseph Smith, whom he expected to use as his tool, has gobbled all the results of their fraud, Rigdon is made councillor with root and herb quack, F. G. Wil- liams, and the first Presidency is organized. July 23, Joseph Smith lays the foundation of Kjrtland Temple. Citizens of Missouri extort a promise from Mormons that half of them will leave before January 1st, 1834, the rest before April 1. Octo- ber 30th Missourians destroy ten Mormon houses. Mormons kill two Missourians and shed the first blood in the war. 1834 Feb. 20th. Joseph Smith starts on a fool's crusade, with a band of men to Missouri. They find a skeleton in a mound in Pike county, Ills. Joseph THE BRADEN AND KELLEY DEBATE. 85 Smith has a grand old time reye- lating over it. This crusade which began and was carried on amid a flood of revelations so-called, and had been attended with suffering, sick- nessand death, ends in a fizzle in cen- tral Missouri. The fools that were not dead begged their way home. Joseph Smith, whose head had been made giddy by his elevation from a loafing money hunter to that of a pro- phet, began to talk about the saints conquering the world, spoiling their enemies, ruling over the Gentiles, and announced that he would be the Mo- hammed of the century. July 29th. Joseph Smith returns to Kirtland and finds the saints in a mis- cellaneous row. Sidney had just smashed things in his absence. He wanted the saints to build him as fine a house as the prophet had, and to give him a gold watch, and rig him up generally as fine as they had the prophet. During this year a Mormon preacher had preached in Conueaut, Ohio, and read from the Book of Mormon. Sol- omon Spaulding's old acquaintances recognized his Manuscript Found. Squire Wright shouted out: "Old come to pass has come to life." There was great excitement over the discov- ery of the theft. D P. Hurl but who was getting up an expose of Mormon- ism, was sent by the citizens of Con- neaut to Mrs. Davidson, to get the manuscript of her former husband, Solomon Spaulding. She gave Hurl- but an order authorizing him to go to Clark's, in Hartwicke, N. Y., where she left the trunk with her husband's papers, and get them. Hurlbut gets a manuscript of the Man- uscript Found, writes to Mrs. David- son that he got it. He gives to those who sent him an entirely different manuscript. Liesand says that is all he obtained. He sells the manuscript of Manuscript Found to Mormons kr $400 and goes to western Ohio and buys a farm. Never answers the let- lers of Mrs. Davidson and her daugh- ter in regard to the manuscript he obtained. 1835 Feb. 14. The first quorum of apostles were ordained in Kirtland, and Young and Kimball were among the holy number. Classes of instruction and schools of prophets were established. Orson Pratt invents a new celestial alphabet for the saints. Why did he not adopt the reformed Egyptian from Smith's plates? Mormons have a craze of studying Hebrew. What need was there for that among people who had the gift of tongues? Rigdon delivers six lectures on faith. All their sense and the scriptural ideas in them are what he heard among the Disciples. They are about the only sensible thing iu Mor monism that is after Rigdon 's Mormon stuff had been thrown out. Mormons have tried to rob Rigdon of the credit of being author of these lectures, and give it to Joseph Smith. Rigdon did the lion's work in bringing down the game and Joseph took the lion's share, and scarcely left to Rigdon the borie* that the lion leaves for the jackal. 1836 Kirtland Temple finished at a cost of $40,000, dedicated March 29. Smith pretends that he sees the house full of angels that a pillar of fire was seen on the temple that outsiders heard a great noise that caused them to flock - to the Temple. That the Mormons spoke with tongues. That Jesus. Moses, Elias, who was he, and Elijah appeared to him, gave him keys of priesthood, which had been promisea years before. June 29. The Mormons in Clay county, Missouri, are requested to move to Davis, Jackson, and Caldwell counties, because they had been impudent, dom- ineering, and had encroached on the rights of the rest of the citizens. They wisely decided to move and do so, and are kindly treated by the Missourians. 1837 In January, Orson Hyde and Kimball are sent to England as missionaries. In the spring the Mormon Wild Cab Bank is started in violation of law without a charter. The Mormons have a big hotel, tannery, mill, fac- tory, big stores and big things general. Jy. Smith and other leaders build fine houses, live like nabobs and dress like fops on other peoples' money and goods obtained by credit, fraud and rascality. Things are booming in Kirtland. In November Joseph's Wild Cat Bank, his printing office, his big store, his mills, his big land speculation, blew up generally. Rigdon and Smith are fined one thousand dollars each for their swindling bank frauds. Print- ting office levied on and Smith de- clared insolvent with all his revela- tions. The printing office sold. The Mormons burn the printing office and the Meth- odist church. 1838 January 12th, Smith and Rigdon ligh^ out in the night to escape the peni- tentiary for swindling and fraud. They arrivein Missouri in Marfh. They scatter the saints over several counties in order to obtain political ascendency. The Missourians begin to be alarmed, when they see that the Mormons elect none but Mormons, and that their property and rights are taken from them, and Mormons will give them no protection. Smith who had tried to seduce a woman in Pennsylvania, and who had much trouble iu Kirtland about his intrigues with beautiful sisters, now began to fell his confidents that he had received THE BRADEN AND KELLEY DEBATE. arevelation In favor of spiritual wifery, Rigdon's doctrine. 'Rigdon, Smith, Cowdery and other lead- ing Mormons had practised lewdness and adultery and Rigdon defended it with his spiritual wifery. Now Smith told his intimates that hehad received a revelation sanctioning it. He did not reduce his revelation to writing but he practised its ideas more openly. This was one objection that Missouri- ans urged to Mormons. Their loose conduct and family relations and the illegitimate children among them. July 4th. Rigdon delivers his bom- bastic harangue, that the Mormons call "Sidney's Salt Sermon." He mounts King Ahasuerus' horse and cavorts, breathing defiance and de- struction to Missouriansand apostates. The Danite Band is organized with Smith's sanction and authority, under David Patton, one of the twelve apos- tles. Dr. Arvard, a leading Mormon, instructs them that it is their mission to defend Mormons in their crimes, by lying, stealing, perjury, profanity and murder. Oliver Cowdery, Martin Harris and David Whitmer, the three witnesses charging with lying, stealing, counter- feiting and defaming Smith are cut off. Orson Hyde, T. B. Marsh, W. W. Phelps and many other leading Mormons apostatize. They accuse the Mormons of stealing, murder and other crimes. Tney accuse Smith with planning and being active in the outrages of the Danites and the rest of the Mormons. Sidney Rigdon and 84 other Mormons retort by accusing the apostates with many infamous crimes. Outsiders conclude that rogues have fallen out and decent people are learning the facts. That both sides tell the truth on each other. Several quarrels occur between Missou- rians and Mormons. The Mormons steal eighty stand of arms at Rich- mond, Mo. They fire on the inhabi- tants at Crooked River, and kill sev- eral. The inhabitants return the fire and kill Patton, the Mormon Com- mander. Sept. 30. In retaliation for the murder of their companions, the militia mas- sacre and outrage Mormons at Hahn's Mill. The Mormons are driven out of Mis- souri. Are given homes, food, cloth- ing and sympathy by the people of 11 linois. This should be remem bered. 'The citizens of the Western Reserve, Ohio, treated them kindly until Mor- mon conduct exasperated them be- yond endurance. The Missourians were glad to see their country settle up until Mormon out- rages, insolence and crime enraged them. Then their conduct became outrageous, but Mormons began the trouble, The people of Illinois were lavish in their kindness and favors. No emi- grants were ever loaded with favors as were the Mormons by the people of Illinois. Smith was arrested by the militia, who were determined to shoot him. He and leading Mormons handed over to civil authorities. They allow them to escape believing that to be the best way to get rid of them. 1839 March 25, Brigham Youngand others relay the corner-stone of the Temple. The Elders cut off many that had been leading Mormons, for crimes they charged them with. MM.V 9. Smith goes to Commerce, Illi- nois. Dr. Galland gives him a great tract of land. Smith immediately gets a revelation that Zion is on his land. He calls the Mormons to his land, and sells to them what was given to him, and becomes uncommonly rich for that day and country. September, Brigham Young and Kim- bull are sent to England. Orson Pratt does not go although revelation said he would. October. Smith goes to Washington to get redress from the general govern- ment for wrongs to the Mormons in Missouri. 1840 A pril 21. The name of Commerce is changed by revelation to Nauvoo, which in Smith's reformed Egyptian means beautiful. The Mormons began to build a temple at Nauvoo, although revelation had declared that a temple should be built in no other place than at Zion, near Independence, Mo. October, Mormons petition for a char- ter. It is granted, They are given a charter granting them powers thatno government but an absolute despotism exercises. 1841 February. The charter goes into op- eration. Nauvoo is organized an in- dependent nation almost under it. Nauvoo Legion is organized with Smith as Lieutenant General, and with as many Major Generals, Brigadier Gen- erals and Colonels, as would have officered both armies in our civil war. April 6. The corner-stone of Nauvoo Temple laid with great military pa- rade, by Smith, although he had de- clared not ten years before that the oialy Temple that should be built and that speedily, was at Zion near inde- pendence, Mo. 1842 Smith sends his Danite assassin, Port Rockwell, as he said, ' to fulfill prophecy "in assassinating Ex-Gov. Boggs of Missouri. Smith and other leading Mormons prac- ticed spiritual wifery still more open- ly. It leads to trouble between him and his wife. She drives his concu- bines out of the house. 1843 in January Smith uses Jacobs as a cat's-paw to try the mass of uninitia- THE BRADEN AND KELLEY DEBATE ted Mormons, in regard to polygamy. Smith and Jacobs select all passages of the Old Testament that refer to polyg- amy, and publish them in the "Wasp" a Nauroo paper, with comments, and special pleading justifying polygamy. It creates great excitement among the Mormons, that are not admitted be- hind the curtain of its mysteries. May 11, 1843, Smith sealed to Eli/a Pat- ridge, Emily Patridge, Maria Law- rence, and Sarah Lawrence, in the presence of Emma Smith, his wife, and Lovinia Smith his brother Hyram Smith's daughter, by James Adams a High Priest of Mormonism. Smith hypocritically denied any con- nection with the doctrine avowed by Jacobs, and denounced it. But he had taught it to too many had practiced it too long, and with too many had sealed too many in polygamy, too many leading Mormons had practiced it too long, and too much for it to be concealed. Too many others had learned of the practice and were eager to gratify their lusts as Smith had done, and as other leaders had done. Smith's wife and others had to be pacified and qui- eted. July 12. Smith dictated to Wm. Clay- ton the infamy, that he blasphemous- ly called "A Revelation in liegard to Celestial Marriage." Joseph C. Kingsbury and N. K. Whit- ney took a .copy of it. Then it was showed to Joseph's wife. The indig- nant and outraged wife denounced it as from hell and burned it. Kim ball, Hyram Smith, Hyde, and at last the Pratts accepted it. August 12. The revelation is accepted and indorsed by the twelve in High Council. 1844 February. Smith announces himself as candidate for the Presidency of the United States, to the great delight of the Saints. Trouble had been brewing between the Mormons and the people of Illinois, who received them so generously and kindly. The Mormons elect Mor- mons only to office in Hancock county. They had the entire control of all ad- ministration of justice in Nauvoo. The rights of citizents were outraged and they could get no redress. They lost property and traced it to Nauvoo, and their attempts to recover it only exposed then 1 to danger in Nauvoo, and to retaliation and injury from the Mormons. Mormons were insolent and tried to drive Gentiles out of the entire coun- try that they had control of. The law and the rights of the others were trampled on by Mormons, until the outraged people of Illinois rose in arms in self-defense. In addition to this the tstimony of , Martha Brotherton and scores of others in regard to the pollutions of Smith and the leading Mormons in the Endowment Rooms, and their polygamy or spiritual wifery, in- creased the indignation of an incensed people. April. Smith tries to seduce Nancy Rigdon the daughter of Sidney Rig- don the author of the doctrine of spiritual wifery the wife of Wm. Law the wife of Dr. Foster and others. The incensed husbands and fathers start a paper the "Nauvoo Expositor" to expose Smith and his confederates in their infamies. June. The first number contained the affidavits of sixteen ladies of the highest standing in Nauvoo, testify- ing that Smith and his confederates in infamy, leading Mormons, had tried to seduce them into lewdness called spiritual wifery. Smith gets his tools in the council to pronounce it a nuisance and orders its destruction. Law, Foster and others flee for their lives, Dr. Foster flees to Carthage for his life pursued by Danites. He sues out a writ for Smith's arrest. Mormons prepare to resist. Smith refuses to obey the writ. The State military forces propose to enter Nauvoo and take Smith. He flees. Marks and Smith's wife indig- nantly call him back. Smith goes to Carthage declaring that his hellish spiritual wife doctrine had brought him into the condition in which he stood and would cost him his life. The consience-smitten guilty wretch meets his fate by assassination June 27, in Carthage jail. The mass of the Mormons follow the lead of the Twelve Apostles and that of Priapus Young and migrate to Utah. Bmall bands follow the lead of Rigdon, Law, Cutler, Strang, and others during the years from 1844 to 1852. 1850 William Smith, brother of Joseph, calls a conferance in Covington, Ken- tucky. 1852 June 1. A conference held in Beliot, Wis. through the efforts of J. W. Briggs. In October a conference held in La- fayette county, Wisconsin. 1853 In January the Committee of Elders of the Josephites issue a manifesto to reject polygamy. April 16. Conference in Lafayette county, Wisconsin. Nothing special seems to have been done. I860 In April at the conference at Am boy, Illinois, Joseph Smith, son of the prophet so called took his father's place in that portion of the Mormons who called themselves; "The Reor- Eunized Church of Jesus Christ f atter day Saints," who reject Pria- pus Young and his polygamy. 88 THE BRADEN AND KELLEY DEBATE. I860 to 1884 the record is merely a record of Conferences and no important or startling events are to be recorded. Unless it be the visit of Joseph III to Utah and his discussion in his paper with the Brighamites over the issue 11 Was Joseph Smith II the author of polygamy, and the revelation in favor of so called celestial marriage dated July 12, 1843. In this decussion Joseph III comes out badly worsted. While one may sym- pathize with his desire to rescue his father's name from infamy, the facts of history are against him. QUESTIONS FOB KELLEY. T. Do you deny the clear and positive declaration of Mrs. 8. Spaulding, Miss Martha Spaulding, John Spaulding, Mrs. John Spaulding, Lake, J. N. Miller, Smith, Wright, Howard, Cunningham, Joseph Miller, McKee. Dr. Dodd, Jackson, and Sidney Rigdon to Dr. Winter, that Solomon Spaulding wrote a historical romance in Bible style? If you do, on what ground do you deny it? Do you deny that the witnesses gave such testimony? Do you impeach the witnesses ? Do you rebut the testimony. II. Do you deny the statement of the witnesses concerning the plot of the romance? That it was precisely as they stated it, the plot in one other book, and only one other, the Book of Mormon? III. Do you deny the positive statements of Mrs. S. Spaulding, Miss Spaulding, J. Spaulding, Mrs. J. Spaulding, Lake, J. N. Miller, Smith. Wright, Howard, Cunning- ham, Jas. Miller, McKee, Dr. Dodd, Jack- son and Rigdon to Winter, that it pur- ported to be a veritable history of the aborigines of America? IV. Do you deny the positive statements of Mrs. S. Spaulding, Miss Spaulding, J. Spauldiug, Mrs. J. Spaulding, Wright, Howard, Smith, Cunningham, that it at- tempted to account for the construction of the antiquitea of America, by giving a veritable history of their construction ? V. Do you deny the statements of J. Spaulding, Mrs. J. Spaulding, Lake, Smith, J. N. Miller, Wright, Cunningham, Jack- son, that it attempted to prove that the Israelites were the aborigines of America, by giving the history of such aborigines? VI. Do you deny the statement of J. Spaulding, Mrs. J. Spaulding, Lake, J. N. Miller, Wright, Smith, and Jackson, that Spaulding gave an account of their leaving Jerusalem, to start their migration ? VII. Do you deny the statement of J. Spaulding, Mrs. J. Spaulding, Lake, J. N. Miller, Smith and Jackson, that he delin- eated their journey by land and sea, until they reached America? VIII. Do you deny the statement of Miss Spaulding, J. Spaulding, Mrs. J. Spauld- ing, Smith, Cunningham, and Jackson that he represented Lehi ai-d Nephi to be their leaders? IX. Do you deny tne statements of Mrs. J. Spaulding, J. Spaulding and Jackson, that tney quarreled and divided into tw parties, the Nephites and Lamanites? X. Dp you deny the statements of J. Spaulding, Mrs. J. Spaulding, and Jackson, that in the wars between the Nephites and Lamanites and between the parties into which these nations divided, there were awful slaughters, such as are unprecedent- ed in any other wars ? XL Do you deny the statements of J. Spaulding, and Mrs. J. Spaulding that tney buried their dead after the awful slaughters in great heaps, which caused the mounds, found in America? XII. Do you deny the statement of Mrs S. Spaulding and Jackson that after these slaughters, persons who were sole sur- vivors wrote a record of their people? XIII. Do you deny the statement of Mrs. S. Spaulding, Lake, and Jackson that the survivors buried the records in the earth? XIV. Do you deny the statement of Mrs. S. Spaulding, Lake and Cunningham, that this history was found in the earth, where it had been buried : XV. Do you deny the statement of J. Spaulding, Mrs. J. Spaulding, J. N. Miller; and Smith that it gave an account of the civilization, arts, sciences, laws and cus- toms of the aborigines of America? XVI. Do you deny the statement of J. Spaulding, Mrs. J. Spaulding, Lake, Wright and Rigdon to Winters, that these aborig- ines were the ancestors of our present In- dians? XVII. Do you deny the statements ol Miss Spaulding, J. Spaulding, Mrs. J. Spaulding, Lake, Smith, Wright, J. N. Miller, Cunningham, and Jackson, that it contains the names Nephi, Lehi, Laban, Nephite, Lamanite, Mormon, Moroni, Zara- hemla, etc.? XVIII. Do you deny the statement that in every instance the names were the names of the same places and persons, with the same characteristics and history, as the names in the Book of Mormon? XIX. Do you deny the statements of Mrs. S. Spaulding Miss Spaulding, J. Spaulding, Mrs. J. Spaulding, Lake, Jas. Miller, Smith, Cunningham,. Jack&on, and Rigdon to Win- ter, that it was written in scriptural style? XX. Do you deny the statement of Mrs. S. Spaulding, J. Spaulding, Mrs. J. Spauld- ing, Jas. Miller, Lake, and Cunningham that the manuscript was rendered absurd by its beginning nearly every sentence w'ith: "And it came to pass," "Now it came to pass"? XXI. Do you deny the statement ol Jackson that Spaulding got the nick-name of " Old come to pass " from this absurdity ? XXII. Do you deny the statement of Smith that one party left Jerusalem to es- cape divine judgments about to fall on the Israelites? XXIII. Do you deny the statement of J. N. Miller that one party landed at the Isth- mus of Darien, and called the land of Zara- hemla, and traveled across the continent to the northeast? XXIV. Do you deny the statement of Jas. THE BRADEN AND KELLEY DEBATE. 89 Miller and McKee, that in a battle between the Amlicites and Lamanites the Amlicites marked their foreheads with red crosses to distinguish them from their enemies? XXV. Do you deny the statement that the Spaulding manuscript could have been used for a pretended revelation, an addition to the Bible? XXVI. Do you deny the fact that there never have been but two books, the Spauld- Ing Manuscript Found and the Book of Mor- mon, that had these features, that ever had a single one of them? How do you account for the fact that these two books agree in all these great features, and in all particu- lars, except the religious portion, as accu- rately as any author can reproduce from memory his manuscript, and more accu- rately than most authors, with but very rare exception could reproduce their manu- script? Do you claim that by miracle Spaulding wrote exactly what Joseph Smith had given to him by the angel twenty years afterwards? XXVII. Do you deny that when a Mor- mon preacher read to a Couneaut audience portions of the Book of Mormon, that Spaulding's old acquaintances recognized his Manuscript Found? Do you deny that Mrs. Davidson declared as she gave the MS of the Manuscript Found to Mrs. George Clark to read that the Mor- mon Bible was almost a literal reproduction of that manuscript? XXVIII. Do you deny that Spaulding in the seven years prepared several MS sev- eral drafts of the story? That as James Miller, Miss Spaulding and Rigdou declare that he prepared and sent to the printer for publication a copy of his story? XXIX. Do you deny Mrs. Eichbaum's statement that Rigdon was intimate with Lambdin and hung around the office of Patterson, where Spaulding's MS was taken, until Engles, the foreman, complained of it? XXX. Do you deny the statement of Mrs. S. Spaulding that he took great interest in the story? XXXI. Do you deny the statement of Jas. Miller, Dr. Dodd and McKee that Spaulding said that his MS had been stolen and that Rigdon was blamed with the theft? XXXII. Do you deny the statement of Dr. Winter that Rigdon showed him the MS in 1822 or '3 stating that it, was a Bible romance, written by Spaulding. a Presby- terian preacher, and left by Spauldiug at a printers, and that he had borrowed it, as a curiosity? XXXIII. Do you deny Mrs. Dunlap's statement that her uncle Rigdon had the MS and spent so much time on it that his wife threatened to burn it, and he replied, 'It will be a great thing some day. Do you deny Jeffrie's statement that Rig- don told him that he took Spaulding's MS from the printers and gave it to Smith to publish? XXXIV. Do you deny that Rigdon fore- told the publication of the Book of Mormoa years before it appeared, to A. Campbell, A. Bently and D. Atwater that it was dug out ol the earth, engraved on gold plates, was a history of the aborigines ot this continent, gave a history of the origin of American antiquities that it said that the gospel had been preached in America in the first century of our era just as the Disciples were then preaching it on the Reserve? XXXV. Do you deny the positive state- ment of Z. Rudolph and other old acquain- tances that Rigdon was frequently absent from home for weeks while the Book of Mormon was being prepared for the press, and gave no account of where he had been? XXXVI. Do you deny the statement of old acquaintances and neighbors of the Smiths, Tucker, Mrs. Eaton, Chase, San- ders and McAuley that Rigdon was seen at Smith's residence before the Book of Mor- mon appeared? XXXVII. Do you deny that Rigdon preached as his peculiar hobbies the pecu- liar features of the Book of Mormon", the community of goods, restoration of spiritual gifts, milleuial ideas, his old baptistic op- position to secret societies, etc., as Green J. Rudolph, Dille and others state? XXXVIII. Do you deny that the Book of Mormon approves of what Rigdon ap- proved of before its appearance, and con- demns what he condemned? XXXIX. Do you deny that where he dif- fers from the Disciples the Book of Mormon differs from them, and that it is peculiarly bitter on those points? XL. Will you tell us: Did Rigdon bymir- iclo preach the doctrines of the Book of Mor- mon before it appeared? Or did he interpo- late his hobbies into the MS he had stolen from Spaulding, when he was preparing it to be used as a pretended revelation? XLI. On what ground do you assail the evidence? Do you deny that the witnesses so testified? If so, specify what witness? XLII. Do you assail theii character or at- tempt to impeach them? If so, specify what witness? On what ground? XLIII. D"> you try to rebut their testi- mony? If so, what witness do you attack? What rebutting evidenee or witnesses do you introduce? XLIV. Do you attempt tp show defects in their testimony? If so, what witness do you assail? What are the defects in the tes- timony of each? Until Mormons answer these queries let them stop their brazen sneers at the ''Spaulding story" that are almost idiotic in their lack of reason or argument. Kelly will not, dare not answer these queries. The Prophet, the three I'd Joseph dare not publish them in his paper and answer them in order one by one. THE BRADEN AND KELLEY DEBATE. MR. KELLEY'S NINTH SPEECH. GENTLEMEN MODERATORS, LADIES AND GENTLEMEN : In the concluding speech of my opponent on last evening he undertook to show you that he had been fair in read- ing from his papers as I have been in my argument. I claim that he ought to pre- sent in full his important statements and affidavits, especially so, since they ought to be in the argument if published, as they are not accessible to but few people; and that if the statements in full are presented I claim they bear the stamp of condemna- tion upon their face. To permit him to read a small portion here, and then run the entire thing in the book would not be fair either, as that would give him an undue advantage in space, (and time consequent- ly) in the discussion. Besides, it would not be his matter in fact and I would have no opportunity of reviewing it here, and a statement or affidavit which he relies upon and wishes his hearers to, in making his affirmative statements good I claim he ought to introduce in full. He turns around and says: " Kelley has done that all the time, Hasn't be read a bit here and another bit there from the Bible?" Now if I did that, without read- ing or introducing sometime the full con- nection, I did not do right. But I deny that I have scrapped in this manner. When I have read to you from the Bible I have read to you the full connection. But this is different from his affidavits or statements in more ways than one. All persons have the Bible at hand so that when a passage is cited they can turn and read for them- selves. Again there is no contest on the Bible here. We have agreed that it is the standard of investigation, and I abide by it as heartily as he. Not so with his pur- ported statements and affidavits. They are not admitted, but absolutely denied, and to come then and stand the test as evidence they must appear in full, with time, place, circumstances, and reasons for making, etc. At best, they are such a doubtful class of proofs that the rules of evidence regard them with grave suspicion from any standpoint, and courts pay very little if any regard to them. They are not in their character to lie con- sidered in the naturo of reliable evidence. Then we ought to have in this discussion a full, fair look at th* ngle manucript book in Bpaulding's handwriting, contain* ing about one quire of paper. This is a romarce purporting to have been translated from the Latin, found on 24 rolls of parchment in a cave on the banks of Conneant creek, but written in modern style, and giving a fabulous account of a ship's being driven upon the American coast while proceeding from Rome to Britain, a khort time previous to the Christian era, this country then being inhabited by the Indians. This old manuscript lias been shown to severol of the foregoing witnesses who recognize it as Spaulding's, he having told them that he altered his first plan of writing, by going farther back with dates, and writing in the old scripture style, in order that it might appi ar more ancient. They say that it bears no resemblance to the 'Manuscript Found.' " It was never taken back to Mrs. Spauld- ing, the widow, or to Mrs. Mc-Kinetry, the daughter, from whom it was obtained, and the only persons in existence competent of identifying the ' Manuscript Found,' but carried up to a few of the ' old neighbors,' who were at war with the Saints, and who said they heard the 'Manuscript Found,' read twenty-three years before, for identifi- cation. They say, says Howe, it bears no resem- blance to the manuscript. But it is evident .that they lied, if they said so, for Howe who read it says : "This is a Romance, pnrportir g to have been trans- lated from the Lat n, found on 24 rolls of parchment in a Cave on the batiks of Conneaut Creek, but written in modern style, and giving a fabulous account of a ship's crew being driven upon the American coast while proceeding from Rome to Britain a short lime previous to the Christian era, this country then being inhabited by the Indians." "Found in a cave." This is the very manuscript remember, that they have claimed all the time that Rpaulding wrote, traced right into Mr. Howe's hands the one that was "found in a cave," so said. It proves itself to be the Manuscript Found, the very one they got, and the very one they made way with, as I will show you, lest it should spoil their little game. The truth of the matter is very clear ; Hulburt and Howe in their madness had before this, skulked down to Conneaut, and over into Pennsylvania with statements for a few of these ready witnesses who \\ ere embittered against the Saints, (for a large number of people had accepted the faith about Conneaut, Mantua and other places, and thus made the sects rage), got the parties to sign their stuff which they had garbled from the Book of Mormon, and afterwards when they got the Spuulding manuscript they went back to see what the trouble was, it did not read right. As might have been supposed the witnesses were caught; they could not deny that it was Spaulding's manuscript, too clear a case for that ; Hulburt had been and got it right from the Mrs. Solomon ( Spauldiug) Davidson herself: What do they do? In- vent another lie to get out of the first, by saying: "Spaulding told them that he had altered his first plan of writing by going farther back with dates, and writing in the old scripture style in order that it might appear more ancient." Did you ever ! I Right out of the book that Brad en fats on ! ! ! Spaulding is made to go to each one of these witnesses, or they come to him, that he may tell them he altered his first plan of writing and he a stranger to them as it were, for all the time he was in that part of the country was but two years. Well, had they known his first style? If so, why did they not state something about it before they were caught? And how came it that they never struck upon this modern style while they read the Spaulding manuscript so much, which they try to foist upon the world? A man that will take up and believe this con- tradictory and abominable stuff gotten up by a set of conspiring fanatics and tools more than three years after the publi- cation, and sale of a work they are trying by this very means to break down, and with that work right in their hands to draw their names from as admitted in their statements, see Wright's, Miller's, Lake's, etc., is doomed to hopelessly fall in with the class of people the apostle speaks cf, as living in the last times when such a message of truth as the Book of Mormon contains should be presented to the people, who would oppose the work, the truth: "With all deceivablenessof n^rlghteonones* In them that perUh : because they received ii"t the love of the truth that they might hi- av*-d. Ai'<1 lor this cause God shall send them strong delusion thnt tln-y should believe a Hi-: Tha- iht-y all might be dimmed who be- lieved ut the truth but* had pleasure in unrighteous- ness." 2 Tbe^. 2: 10. 11. 12 TILE BRADEN AND KELLEY DEBATE. Men must examine a message from the true standpoint, God's standard : "He that ahideth hi the doctrine of Christ, he hath both the Father and the Son." Don't break God's law by speaking mean and slanderous things against those who dif- fer from you in religion ; there is neither sense nor argument in it. "Speak evil of no one." "Whatsoever ye would that men should do unto you. do ye even so to them;" and know assuredly, that, "whosoever transgresseth [this law] and abideth notin the doctrine of Christ, he hath not God." o says the apostle John, and so say I! The Book of Mormon is presented to the world and claims to be the truth; it is presented to the people as such and demands a fair inves- tigation. As in every age of the world when God has sent a message, Satan can't stand to see the word, the truth, take root in the heart ; so he begins on stories, and char- acter, manufacturing and multiplying scheme after scheme, falsehood after false- hood, until in this instance the Spaulding "Romance." came along, not even claiming to be a thing of truth, but a speculative lie, theory; and the people who are too self-righteous and fanatical to believe the truth, at once drink in the theory of the *'Jlomance." The evidence from their own witnesses is complete in showing one thing, that is, that Spaulding never wrote an article of any kind that would in size, character, style, sense, taste, sentiment, or in any manner compare with the Book of Mormon. But how about "old come to pass," says one. Like the pretended remembrance of the names Lelii and Nephi, the false sto- ry of it was put into these witnesses' mouths and they thought it a smart thing to say; that is evident to a man who will think. Why should they so persistently call Spaulding "old come. to pass?" Turn to the Bible, In almost every part it abounds with the expression. In some parts of St. Luke's gospel it is as frequent as in the Book of Mormon. How could it receive the title of "old come to pass," from singularity, when the expression was already a familiar one? Such a statement is only equaled by the brazenly one put into the mouth of Henry Lake of the La- ban account. "I pointed out to him what I considered an inconsistency, which he promised to correct ; but by referring to the Book of Mormon, I find to my sur- prise that it stands therejust as read to me then." Did you ever hear the like my friends? YVV.O i s the inconsistency this wise man pointed out, who although he had not seeu ^r heaid anything in the Spauld- ing Romance in twenty years, pretends it twenty minutes reading to detect it by the same passages which Mr Spaulding had read to him ; only think, just read tr him, more than 23 years befoie. Takean- other of Braden's witnesses, John N Mil lei, the fellow who worked for Lake, anothei o r their holy crowd. Twenty-two years pass- ed away with no word from the inaim- script, and then ho remembers the namop Nephi, Lehi, Moroni, Zarahemla, (the en- tire book they have here ; the first part, middle, and last part where the name Mo- roni is found) and he has the history so well that Braden says, "the average "Mormon preacher," and I suppose he refers to me by this, "could not to-day give it better." No, sir ! But this smart John Miller can give it from having read it in the old manuscript twenty years before. And Braden drinks it down ! What a wonder- ful Miller this was! Can't you give us a further clue to his life and services to his country? But stop, my friends ! He fur- ther testifies. . Let me read: "He (Spauld- ing) said that he designed it as a historical novel, and that in after years it would be believed by many people as much as the his- tory of England." There! Can you beat that ? And yet there is to be no more prophets ! This is Braden's prophet. I might thus lake up and show the duplicity, cheek, falsehood and spuriousness of every one of these, said to be statements, but I shall not so dispose of my time. They are all effectually, fully and completely set out and accounted for beyond a doubt by any man who wants the truth in another man- ner, and which I shall soon present you. I am asked to answer the question, How will you dispose of them ? "Attack their char- acter ?" What! Don't he yet know me well enough to know, that I will not make of myself a bird of carrion to pass over all proper and respectable waj's of testing a matter, to gather from the sepulchre of the dead and rotten ? I too highly respect the Bible and the Christian religion, as well as myself, for this. If character is to be the test and that proven by one's enemies, our Bible is not worth a straw ; the entire list of writers will go down in the mire. And should we test the issue of Bible writers on character by the admissions of friends, one half of our inspired men of the Bible would go down. No sir; I have from the first tak- en such grounds, that I could maintain my faith clear through, in the Bible as well as the Book of Mormon. Consistency is a jew- el to be admired. Who is so blind as to not see that if character is to be the test, that is to try the faith of the Saints, and that character proven by their enemies, the same rule must be followed in trying others also. The position is more desperate than was entertained by ancient heathens. "The good that men do" says Mark Antho- ny over the dead body of Cresar, " lives alter them, the evil is oft interred with their bones ; so let it be with Caesar." But Braden says, let us find some evil and perpetuate that. Character ! What would he accept as good under his rule? Nobody ever lived of prominence in God's work who has not been slandered and berated. Doubtless many things, too, were true against the early Christians; they were true in part; so admitted in the Bible. But I am not a teacher of the doctrine of infalli- bility hi mankind. I believe with Jesus th:- J .lone are good, (except God), "no. not one.'-' Ko w hi long abuse and misrepre- THE BRADEN AND KELLEY DEBATE. 93 sentation of the characters of Mr. Smith, Rigdon and others last evening is entirely foreign to the question under discussion. Suppose they did do wrong and many ab- surd and foolish things ! what weight can that have in determining whether the part God is said to have done is wrong? Try this matter upon its merits. I do not, nor does the church of which Mr. Smith was un- der divine Providence the founder, claim for these men perfection. Many of the things that he stated about these men and what they did may be true; but as to the majority 1 am satisfied they are as false as hell itself. And the list which he calls his " Mormon Chronology," is dotted about oc- casionally with a, fact, that he may thereby hide the deformity of a hydra-head, which he ho,x*s to force upon the people. But his chronology as a whole is a brazen piece of deception and of false statements, drawn from such works as Howe, Tucker, &G. Suppose I take up Mitchell's history of the United States and read the infamous story recorded against the character of John Wesley in Georgia, charging a crime against that religious teacher more heinous than any ever made against Smith, how would it affect the Methodist religion? Suppose I take John Calvin, who permitted one of his own adherents to be burned at the stake because he differed \rith him on relig- ion. Suppose I take the case of the great reformer Luther, and the noble Melancthon, and show that they consented to one of their members entering into polygamy, the great Luther actually performing the mar- riage ceremony ! Shall I thrust it in the face of the Lutheran Church upon a trial of their faith? I know this was done by cer- tain parties this last Fall upon the return of the 400th anniversary of the " Pious monk," but how despicably mean and spite- ful it seemed to thinking men and women ! The rule is wrong. We must get upon a higher plane. Who wants to take the office of " the accuser of the brethren?" Gathering and sowing the evils spoken against men. Enter the mission of Satan in tne world ! No, sir; not me. Don't need to ask me, if I will try to hunt up your wit- nesses' character, unless I had those same witnesses where they could face the ones they are accusing, and they in turn could face their accusers. This is demanded in decency. Why! do you suppose if I was debating with an infidel I would rake up the past life of Col. Ingersoll? Is that what you call impeaching character? To go and rake up all you can find about a man and peddle it send it forth publish it. That is the way they slander men, but not the way they impeach them. Suppose an infi- del should attack the character of the wri- ters in the Bible in the same way, and they often do, would I then resort' to such a course? No, sir. Such a contest would be decided upon the ground of who could get hold of and tell the biggest falsehood, and I would engage in no such littleness. But t have already devoted more time to this than it deserved. It has been because I did not know but possibly some one present might think there was a little argument in such a tirade as we heard from the nega- tive last night, and for that reason only, I have noticed it. As for myself I could lis- ten for weeks at such abuse and villifica- tion if necessary with simply a sense of pity and shame for the one who spins it. But I shall now finish my review of the "Spaulding Romance," and every one of his witnesses' testimony, and then each evening I shall have new matters of evi- dence on the question under discussion, and many that have never been presented to any audience. Here I might ask the ques- tion, Do you still want proof that Spauld- ing never wrote a manuscript like the Book of Mormon, in any sense, or feature? The total basis for all of their huge stories and false statements about "Spaulding's manu- script," was this one thing: Spaulding, who came to New Salem, now Conneaut, Ohio, and remained for about two years, first representing himself as a preacher, then a dealer in real estate, and thirdly un- dertook to erect a "forge," (in all of which he failed, -and suddenly left, leaving his debts unpaid, so stated by their own wit- nesses), at one time during his stay at New Salem, told some parties that he had found an old manuscript in a cave on Conneaut creek, which gave an account of a long lost shipwrecked crew on the American coast, and it would be greatly interesting when published, and he would be able to make a raise of enough money to pay all his debts and be independent. He wanted a little more money out of them so he could go to Pittsburg and have it published. He roped in a few and leflt. but instead of getting up the startling publication, he stayed but a short time in Pitfcsburg and went to Wash- ington county Pennsylvania, where he died in 1816. He never, however, reported to his creditors and they were left in the suds, waiting for a check from the broken- down clergyman. Twenty-one years pasa away, and no tidings. In the meantime the Book of Mormon is published and is making a great excitement in the world, and these duped creditors of Spaulding's begin to think of the startling shipwreck tale, of which Spaulding had told them he would make his fortune ; and they got hold of a copy of the Book of Mormon and the base Hiilburt, who had been cut off from the Church of the Latter Day Saints; got out their statements and sent Hulburt after the Spaulding manuscript. This they found carefully laid away in the trunk of Spauld- ing's widow, and it is brought back by them and put into the hands of Editor Howe, of Painesville, Ohio, who reads it and finds no resemblance whatever to the Book of Mormon. Howe says, page 2$8 of his book entitled "Mormonism Unveiled:" "This is a romance, purporting to have been trans- lated from the Latin, found on twenty-four rolls of parchment, in a cave, on the hanks of Conneaut creek, but written in modern style, and giving a fabulous account, of a ship's being driven upon the American 94 THE BRADEN AND KELLEY DEBATE. coast while proceeding from Rome to Brit- ain, a short time previous to the Christian era, this country then being inhabited by the Indians." Here is the Spaulding tale in a nutshell ! The whole thing entirely different from the Book of Mormon ; the style, dates, names, peoples, and all. The whole thing as foreign to the Book of Mormon as heaven to hades, but it is the little nit from which the enemies of Mr. Smith hatched this terrible " Spaulding Story." This i? his alibi. How I ask you, does his evidence stand upon the first point ? Did Solomon Spaulding ever write a manuscript like the manuscript of the Book of Mor- mon in any sense ? I say the evidence from his own witnesses is against him and ask him to now meet the issue he has made. But he does not only have to show this, but to show also : 2nd. That Rigdon and Smith in some way stole it and that Smith used it. 3d. That Rigdon knew of Smith and the Book of Mormon before the book was pub- lished in 1830, and was connected with the two in some way. 4th. That Parley P. Pratt did not bring a a copy of this book and present it to Rig- don while Rigdon was a Disciple Preacher, and then and there, in 1830, Rigdon first knew the contents of said book. In beginning upon the second prop- osition, I am reminded of the story that is told of the absent juror. He had been subpoenaed to attend a session of court; but when the day arrived and court was called, he was not there ; and the judge abruptly demanded to know the reason. The juror's friend arose and said there were several reasons. And proceeded to give them. The first is, he said, that the man is dead. There! that is enough, said the judge, you need not give any more. Now it seems to me that if I have shown you clearly that Spaulding never wrote such a manuscript as the Book of Mormon, or one that had any resemblance to it, from their own witnesses, that ought to be enough on this ; but lest some one may yet have a doubt I will produce some further evidence. First a letter from Sidney Rig- don to the editors of the Boston Journal. "COMMERCE, May 27th, 1839. ME--SRS. BAKTLET AND SUUVAN : T.iere was no man by the name ef Patterson, during my residence in Pittsburg, who had a printing office: what might have been before I lived there I know not. Mr. Rol ert Patterson, I WHS told, had owned a printing office before I lived in that city, but had been unfor- tunate in business and failed before my residence there. This Mr. Patterson, who was a Presbyterian Preacher, I had a very slight acquaintance with during my residence In Fittsburg; he was then acting under an agency in the book and stationery business and was the owner of no property of anv kind, print- ing office or anything else, during the time I resided in the city. If I were to say that I ever heard of the Rev. Solomon Spanlding and his wife, until Dr. H. Hulburt wrote his lie about me, I should be a liar like unto themselves." Rigdon is emphatic, when he talks, you know, oecause many of you used to hear him talk. " Why was not the testimony of Mr. Patterson ob- tained to give force to the shameful tale of lies ? The only reason is, that he was not a fit tool for them to work with; he would not lie for them; for if he were called on, he would testify to what I have said. This Hulburt once belonged to the Methodist Church, but was excluded for immoralities. He afterwards im- posed himself upon the church of Latter Day Saints, and was excluded for uiing abscene language to a young lady, a member of said church, who resented his Insult with Indignation, which became both her character and profession. After his exclusion he swore for he was vilely profane that he would have re- venge, and commenced his work. He soon found assistance; a pious old deacon of the Campbellito church, by the name of Onis Clapp, and his two sons, Thomas W. Clapp, and Matthew 8. Clapp, both ^-imp. bellite preachers, abetted and assisted by her Campbeliite preacher, by the name of Adamson re itly. Hulbart went to work catering lies for the company. Before he got through, his conduct became so scandal- ous that the company utterly refused to let his young before the Book of Mormon was published? A. Yes, he was young. Q. This Saunders down here don't talk like a great many people ; he seems to think the Smiths were very good people ; we have been there to-day. A. Oh I don't think the Smiths were ttd bad as people let on for. Now Tuikpj it his work told too many big things ; cct-^dy could believe his stories. Q. What kind of a man was Martin Har- ris? A. He was a very honest farmer but very superstitious. Q,. What was he before his name was con cected with the Book of Mormon ? A. Not anything I believe. He was a kind of skeptic. Q. What do you mean by his being super- stitious? Was he religious? A. Well, I don't know about that but he pretended to see things. Q. What do you think of th Book of Mormon as a book ; you are well posted in it? A. Oh, there is nothing taught in the book but what is good ; there ia DO dtnying that ; it is the claim of being fror* Ood that I strike at. Q. Well, is it any more wonderful than that God gave the Bible? A. No, not a bit, and there is a good deal more evidence to show that that is divine than there is for some of the books in the Bible. Why, it is all nonsense to think that Moses wrote some of the books attributed to him in the Bible. Q. Then you don't believe the fish story, either, Mr. Gilbert? A. No, nor that Jonah swallowed the whule. Q. How about Samson catching tLe three hundred foxes and the firebrands? A. Yes ; that is a good one , you fellows will do. Q. Much dbliged, Mr. Gilbert. A. You are quite welcome; I wish I could give you more than I have." Next! refer you to the statements made by three of the Jackaways at Palmyra, es- pecially to show you about the stories of money digging, how they started, &c., and that they had no foundation in fact. The following among other questions were asked these parties : Q. "Where was Joe when he was translat- ing his book ? A. At home; it was translated in the farm house. Q. Mr. Gilbert across here, said it wan done in a cave ; now you don't agree. What does Tucker say? (reading Tucker.) A. They all differ. Now Tucker ha* a statement from Willard Chase in his book, and Chase said Tucker never called on him at all to find out what he knew. Lady. Yes ; f have heard Willard Chase say Tucker never even asked him for what he knew, and Chase lived next, door to him, too. Chase is now dead. Q. Well, did you ever see HuJburt or Howe, who published a work against the Mormons ? A. Yes ; Hulburt cans* around first, I be- lieve, soon after the thins started, and they had gone to Kirlland. Ohio, trying to find things against them , and there have been a good many around trying to connect Sid- Ct-y Rigdoo with them." Q. "Howfardid you live from town when thfr Smiths were in this country? A One-half mile south of Palmyra. Q Were you acquainted with Joseph Smith and his early followers ? A. Yes. I knew them; seen them a many a time old Joe and young Joe. Q. How far did you livt fro a* them? A. It was about a mile. Q. You knew about their digging for money, so Mr. Gilbert said ; he seut us to you. A Oh, yes; J can show you the places now . there are three places over there where they dug. Q. Well, we wnt to see them. Did you help them dig? A. No. i never helped them. Q. Well, you saw them digging? A. No; I never saw them digging. Q. How do you know they dug tb<* holes you refer to ? A. 1 don't know they dug them, but tne holes are there. Q,. Did anybody else dig for money at that time there? A. I believe there were some others that dug, but I did not see them. Q. Do you know any of them? A I only know one now ; he lives up at Canandaigua." I next introduce the evidence f Dr. John Stafford, of Rochester, N. Y., son of Wil- liam Stafford, made so conspicuous by 104 THE BRADEN AND KELLEY DEBATE. Tucker In his work against the Mormons. In answer to a question as to the character of Joseph Smith. Dr. Stafford said : " He was a real clever boy. What Tucker said about them was false, absolutely. Q. What about that black sheep your father let them have 9 A. I have heard that story, but don't think my father was tnere at the time they say Smith got the sheep. I don't know anything about it. Q,. You were living at home at the time, and it seems you ought to know if they got a sheep, or stole' one from your father? A. They never stole one, I am sure ; they may have got one some time. Q. Well, doctor, you know pretty well whether that story is true or not that Tucker tells. What do you think of it? A. I don't think it is true. I would have heard more about it if it had been true. I lived a mile from Smith's. lam 76 years old. They were peaceable among them- selves. The old woman had a great deal of faith that their children were going to do something great. Joe was illiterate. After they began to have school at their house he improved greatly. Q. Did they have a school at their house ? A. Yes, sir ; they had school in their house and studied the Bible. Q. Who was their teacher? A. They did not have any teacher; they taught themselves. Q. Did you know Oliver Cowdery? A. Yes ; he taught school on the Canan- daigua Road, where the stone school house now stands, just three and a half miles from Palmyra. Cowdery was a man of good character." Thomas Taylor at Manchester said when interrogated about Mr. Smith and family as follows : " Yes ; I knew them very well ; they were nice men, too; the only trouble waa they were ahead of the people, and the peo- ple as in every such case, turned out to abuse them because they had the manhood to stand for their own convictions. Q. What did the Smith's do that the people abused them so? A. They did not do anything. Why! these rascals at one time took Joseph Smith and ducked him in the pond that you see over there, just because he preached what he believed and for nothing else. And if Jesus. Christ had been there they would have done the same to him. Now I don't believe like he did; but every man has a right to his religious opinions, and to advo- cate his views too; if people don't like it, let them come out and meet him on the stand and show his error. Smith was always ready to exchange views with' the best men they had. Q. Why didn't they like Smith? A. To tell the truth, there was something about him they could not understand ; some how he knew more than they did, and it made them mad. Q. But a good many tell terrible stories about them being low people, rogues and liars, and such things. How is that? A. Oh ! they are a set of liars. I have had a home here, and been here, except when on easiness, all my life ever since I came to this country* and I know these fel- lows ; and they make these lies on Smith because they love a lie better than the truth. I can take you to a great many old settlers who will substantiate what I say, and if you want to go, come to my place across the way, and I'll go with you. Q. That is very kind Mr. Taylor ; but we are first going to see these fellows, who, so rumor says, know so much against him? A, All right; but you will find they don't know anything against those men when you put them down to it ; they could never sustain anything against Smith." I have read you the foregoing interviews for the reason that they were taken down as they came from the lips of the parties and may be relied upon. To my knowl- edge there has never been a single contra- diction of one of these statements by a single one of the parties whose testimony I have just read except Gilbert's, and at the proper time if the question is raised I will examine his. This thing which they got up about the Saints is an entire fraud, and I will prove It by comparing the work, that from which my opponent draws his testimony, this Howe and Hulburt history, with our works, and show you that they nave deliberately garbled and falsified, and moat mischiev- ously perverted our works. Where our works are plain and distinct, they have, in order to make them ridicu- lous, taken out words and clauses, taken out entire sentences, to present the teach- ing as bad. Yet, this is the book that h has commended to you and been reading his statements and affidavits from. I will show you further in the discussion that what are called affidavits or statements of John Spaulding and Martha Spaulding were never made by them, and that in fact he has no such : and if I don't prove all of this, then I want you to denounce me be- fore this audience. Mr. Braden : Why, you are getting ex- cited, my friend. Mr. Kelley: Not at all, not at all, Bro. Braden. 1 am emphatic and positive in my positions, and if you have any evidence, bring it on. Entering upon an examination of this work of Hulburt and Howe, I cite you first some of their false representation* and spu- rious quotations, contrasting what they pre- tended to quote from our works with the true reading. 1. Howe, page 27 says: "He repre- sents Nephi as making plates in the wil- derness with no ore." Book of Mormon, Palmyra Edition, page 43, shows the plates were made after the people arrived upon this continent, and after they had found ore with many other things. 2. Howe, same page, "Has a command- THE BRADEN AND KELLEY DEBATE. 105 ment from tue Lord to make plates for the special purpose of making a record of his own ministry and his own people." Book of Mormon, page 17 "I have re- ceived a commandment from the Lord that I should make these plates for the special purpose that there snould be an account engraven o( the ministry of my people." S.Howe again: "Our hero introduces himself *s a minister." Book of Mormon, page 17: "And now I, JSephi. proceed to give an account upon tnese plates and of my proceedings and my reign and ministry." 4. Howe, page 32. "It brought them all safely or. the borders of the Red sea, with the exception of Ishmael." Book of Mormon, page 42 "And we did sojourn for the space of many years, yea, even" eight years, in the wilderness. And we aid come to the land which we called bountiful, because oi its much fruit. And we beheld the sea, whicn we called Irean- tum, which being interpreted is many wa- ters." Notice There is no Red sea about it. 5. Howe, page 35: ''Whether the ship was propelled by oars, or oy a current, or by the wind, or by the power of the spin- dle, we cannot inform our readers, for it is not stated." Book of Mormon, page 48: "And it came to pass that after we had all gone down in to the ship toiid taken with us our provi- sions and things which had been com- manded us, we did put forth into the sea, and were driven forth before the wind to- wards the promised land." 6. Take another specimen of his professed truths : Howe, page 38, states that there is an exact copy of the 48th and 49th chapters of Isaiah to be found in the Book of Mor- mon ; and that they are introduced with the same words that commence the chap- ter in the Bible, intending thereby to show that they were copied from the Bible after it was divided into chapters and verses. This is wilfully false ; for on comparison, it is found that the wording of the prophesy is different in its very introduction, and there are numerous differences between the two books, in words, sentences and- verses. Neither can one tell where the division for a new chapter should be made in the read- ing of the Book of Mormon, save by noting the last word found in the 48th chapter of Isaiah, until he gets to the close of the 49th chapter, where the subject of theo two chaptets ends, and anew subject is intro- duced, and there the writer of the Book of Mormon left off writing. The claim is false. and made obviously to deceive. They are not alike, as claimed by Howe. Book of Mormon, page 52 to 56. 7. Again Howe says, page 42 : "The Nephites warred with each other until they exterminated the whole race except three, who were immortalized." Book of Mormon, pp. 493 to 496 : "Yea, even all my people, save it were those twenty and four who were with me, and alto a few had escaped into the south countries. and a few who had dissented over unto the Lamanites, had fallen and their flesh and bones and blood lay upon the face of the earth " 8. By way of an argument it is again stated: Howe, page 44. "The Book of Mormon is hard to understand." "Would it not be reasonable to conclude that any book whose author was the Holy Ghost, would be clear and perfect in all its parts so plain that the wayfaring man need noterr." I suggest that Mr. Braden try John's Revelation by this rule, and see how long ne can endorse his backer Howe. But I proceed with the contrast. 9. Howe, png-o .52: 'iWe are likewise told in the same discourse that the plates or book would be sealed up, and should finally be found by an uulearned man, whosliould see then, and show them to three others." Here is found the great bugbear, sought to bi kept before the people to deceive. How different, however, it is from the true reading. Book of Mormon, page 110: "Wherefore, at that dny when the book shall be de- livered unto the man of whom I have spoken, the book shall be hid from the eyes of the world, that th yc-s of none shall behold it, save it lie thnt three wi neuet thall beholdit, by thepowerof 6Vxi, besides him to whom the book shall be delivered, and they shall testify to the truth of the book and the tilings tbi rein. And there is none others which sha'l view it, save it be a few according to the will of God. to bear testimony of hi* word unto tiie children of men." 10. Another illustration, Howe, p. 65: " And if Christ had not risen from the dead or have broken the bonds of death, that the ^-ave should have no victory, and that death should have no sting, there could have been no resurrection. " He endeavors to prove by the tens* of the verb here, that it was written after the cru- cifixion of Christ, and to deceive quotes only a part of the text. Book of Mormon, page 169: "And now If Christ had not come into the world, speak- ing of things to come as though they had already come,"&c. This he deftly leavei out. But again, 11. Howe, pp. 68, 69: Mosiah causes all records to be revised, and "transcribes" th plates of brass brought out from Jerusalem." Book of Mormon, page 216 : "Now Kin? Mosiah bad no one to confer the kin;, dom upon, for there was not any of his sons which would accept the kingdom; therefore he took the rec- ords which were engraven upon the plate* of brass, and also the plates of Nephi, and all the things which he had kept and preserved according to the command- ments of God, and after having translated and caused to be written the records which weie on t e plate* 91 gold, which had been found by the people of Limhi which was delivered to him by the baud of Lirnhi, and this he did because of the great anxiety of hia people, for they were desirous beyond measure, to know concerning those people which had been de- stroyed. And now he translated them by means of those two stones which were fastened into the two run* of a bow." 12. Howe, page 77 : "Smith used a stone in a hat for the purpose of translating the plntes. The spectacles lUrim and Thummim) and plntes were found together, but were taken from him and hid up again before he bad trans- lated one word, and be has never seen them nince." "This is Smith's own story." The following is the account by Mr. Smith himself: 106 THE BRA DEN AND KELLEY DEBATE. "I copied a considerable number of them, and by means .if the Urim and Thummim 1 translated some of them, which I did between the time I arrived at the bouse of ray wife's father, in the mouth of December, 1827. and the Fi bruary following." Again, see his own history by himself: "Bv the wisdom of God they (the plates Urim and Thummim and breast-plate.) remained safe In my bands until I had accomplished by them what was re- quired at my band, when according to arrangements the messenger called for them; I delivered them up to him and he has them in his charge until this day, being the second day of May, 1838." Pearl of Great Price, page 44. See also Cowdery's statement : " Day after day I continued, uninterrupted, to write from his month, as he translated with the Urim and Thummim, or. as the Nephites would have said, Inter- preters, the history or record called the Book of Mor- mon." Ibid, page 46. 13. Here is still another glaring perver- sion and misrepresentation. Howe, page 89 : " The whole record being handed down and altered according to our manner of speech." Book of Mormon, page 538: "And now we have written this record according to our knowledge in the characters, which are called among us reformed Egyptian, being handed down and altered by us according to our manner of speech." The writer says the characters which they used in writing had been changed ; Howe says, the record was changed. 14. Again, Howe, page 90 : " God marched before them in a cloud." Book of Mormon, pp. 541, 542, and 48: "The Lord did go before them, and talked to them while he stood in a cloud, and gave directions whither they should travel." 15. Howe, page 90 : "They make a hole in the top to admit air and one in the bottom to admit water ; in each hole was put a molten stone, which when touched by the finger of Jesus became as transparent as any glass and gave them light under the mountain waves. Two of these stones were sealed up with the plates according to a prediction before Abraham was born. " Thou shalt make a hole in the top there- of and in the bottom thereof, and when thou shalt suffer for air, thou shalt un.stop the hole thereof and receive air. And if it so be that water come in upon thee thou shalt stop the hole." " And he did put forth the stones into the vessels which are prepared, one in each end thereof." Howe, page 90: "The Lord commanded him that he should seal up the two stones which he had received and show them not." Not a word about Abraham. 16. Howe, page 124: "Even their wine they used for communion they were ordered to make from cider and other materials." Book of Covenants, page 102: " You shall not purchase wine, neither strong drink from your enemies, wherefore you shall partake oi none save it is made new among you." Nothing about cider and other materials as said by Howe. 17. Again, Howe, page 129: "If thou lovest me, thou shalt serve me and keep my commandments; and behold fehou shalt con- secrate all thy properties, that which thou hast, unto me, with a covenant and a deed which cannot be broken." The true reading of the Book of Cove- nants, page 143 : " If thou lovest me, thou shalt serve me and keep all my command- ments. And behold, thou will remember the poor, and consecrate OP thy properties for their support, that which thou hast to impart unto them, with a covenant and a deed which cannot be broken ; and inas- much as you impart of your substance unto the poor, ye will do it unto me." .Howe says, "Thou shalt consecrate all thy properties, that which thou hast, unto me." Tue truth is they were required to consecrate of their properties that which they were able to donate for that purpose ; and the promise was, " inasmuch as ye im- part of your substance unto the poor,ye will do it unto me." (Time expired.) THE BRADEN AND KELLEY DEBATE. 107 MR. BRADEN'S TENTH SPEECH. GENTLEMEN MODERATORS, LADIES AND GENTLEMEN: The Books of the Bible were written on papyrus, parchment, perishable material; and they had to be copied and re- vised to preserve them ; and this was done by uninspired men liable to err. The Book of Mormon was engraved by inspired men, on plates, imperishable material.and needed no copying. If the Bible was revised or arranged, it was done by uninspired men. The Book of Mormon was revised, abridged, by inspired men. The manuscripts of the Bible were written, preserved, and handled by uninspired men. The plates of the Book of Mormon were engraved, preserved and handled by inspired men. The Bible has come down to us without any miracle in its production, except in the inspiration of its inspired men. The Book of Mormon was written by miracle, preserved by miracle, Its existence revealed to Smith by mir- acle. Our translation as made by uninspired men. They had to determine which of the various readings is the true one, which of the various meanings of Greek and Hebrew words is the right one in each passage, then the meaning of the passage, from the mean- ing and use of its words, its context, its grammatical structure, and this was the work of uninspired learning. But Smith had to compare no various readings. He had the exact words, that the inspired Mormon en- graved. He did not have to search lexicons, and grammars for meanings and uses of words. He looked into his interpreter and God himself by miracle caused the word to appear before Smith's vision. If there is any mistake God made it not Smith. The only chance for error was that Smith could not read the word correctly, or that his scribe did not understand the word as Smith gave it to him ; but as Smith was inspired he could make no mistakes and as Cowdrey was directly called and qualified, according to the revelation in the Book of Doctrines and Covenants, he could make no mistake. We can see how mental peculiarities and lack of education could affect the writers of the Bible, and understand that they should appear in the books of the Bible ; but Smith's illiteracy, iiis mental peculiarities, and style, ought not, could not, appear in the Book of Mormon, for God, by miracle, placed the word before Smith, and all Smith did was to read it and repeat it to Cowdrey, and all Cow- drey did was to write it. Smith and Cow- drey had no more to do with the words, style, truth, literary character, of the Book of Mormon, than a speaking trumpet, or a telephone, or phonograph have with what a man utters through them. The angel Moroni declares in the inspir- ed preface, which is a direct revelation from the angel God authorized to give this revelation to the world, that it is "written by 'way of commandment and by thespiritof 'prophecy and revelation, written and seal- 'ed, and hid up by the command and inspir- 'ation of God ; to come forth by the inspira- 'tion and power of God; and theinterpreta- 'tion (by Smith) was by thegift of God." It was all done by inspiration, by God him- self. Not only so, but the three witnesses testify "We know that the records hav "been translated by the gift and power of "God for his voice declared it unto us, "wherefore we know of a certainty that the "word, the Book of Mormon is true." Why? Because God's voice declared that it was true. The only opportunity there is for human error in the Book of Mormon, is in typo- graphical errors, and there can be none of these, for it was proofread by inspired men; and the caveat that it is pretended Moroni issued in the preface "If there be fault it be the mistake of men," is a deliberate lie, since God inspired the speakers, actors, and wri- ters, as fully as he did the apostles, since he inspired and superintended all copying, since he gave every word himself, by direct miracle in the translation, as Moroni himself tells us in the same preface, since he said, with his own voice, to the three witnesses that the translation was his own work; and that the Book is true. There can be no mis- take of man, for man had no more to do with it than a telephone has with what it utters. The statement of Moroni is as remarkable for its morality as for its grammar "If there be fault it be the mistake of men." The Almighty, in his last and most perfect reve- lation, sends out faults, a bundle of false- hoods with the truth that he gave to the world word by word by Joe ; and which he commanded the three witnesses, with his own voice, to declare all nations and tongues to be true. We are now ready to examine this revela- tion we affirm : 1 . That God would not give, in so wonder- ful and entirely miraculous a manner, a book that did not commend itself to the common sense and reason of men, as worthy of him, and divine. 2. He would give it in a manner worthy of himself and such a miraculously given book. 3. The person through whom it was given would be worthy of such a wonderful mission. 4. The surroundings should be worthy of such a. work. 5. Its utterances should agree with all established truths. 6. They should agree with other revela- tions in the Bible. 7. They should agree with other revela- tions in the Book of Doctrines and Covenants and all other revelations of Joseph Smith, or any other inspired men. 108 THE BRADEN AND KELLEY DEBATE. 8. They should agree with the Inspired translation of Joseph Smith. 9. They should agree with themselves. 10. They should be as much superior to the Bible, as their origin was superior to the origin of the Bible. The first edition of the Book of Mormon had on the title page written by inspira- tion, "Joseph Smith jr., Author and Propri- etor." Joe's egotism led him to tell the truth, a part of the truth, for he did not give credit to Spaulding and Rigdon, but he fearfully contradicted the declaration of inspiration, in the Book which declares that Mormon and Moroni are the authors. Inspired Joe noticed this contradiction and corrected it in all later editions. According to this inspired title page, Jehovah gave, in the most miraculous mariner possible, a revelation higher and better than all he had ever given before for the salvation of the human race and constituted ignorant, lazy, loafing, lying, drinking, swearing, lewd, fortune- telling, money-hunting Joe Smith Its sole proprietor and sole sharer of its profits. He gave to Imposter Joe, under the seal of R. R. Lansing, District Clerk of Northern New York, the sole right to vend this revelation that is the fulness of the Gospel. In the introduction to the first edition it seems that the Mormon God had not found out what Lucy Harris did with the 116 pages that she burned. The Mormon God issues a long manifesto to guard against a trick that no one ever dreamt of trying. The Mormon God undertakes to circumvent any persons trying a trick that never was imagined, by telling Joe to publish a deli- berate lie. He is to translate the plates of Nephi, until he comes to the same event as the one with which the translation from the plates of Lehi in ttie stolen pages ended, and finish with the plates of Lehi. He then is to publish the whole as a translation of the plates of Nephi, and tell a lie. How did Joe know when be reached that point, as he did not have the plates? Why could not the Mormon God re-translate from the plates of Lehi, as well as translate from the plates of Nephi, since he had both? The truth is that Lucy Harris burnt the 116 pages of Spaulding's Mormon Manuscript No. III., and that much was gone beyond recovery. Rigdon had to re-model a portion of Mormon Manuscript No. IT. to take the place of what had been burnt. We will now begin our analysis of the matter in the book itself. On page 1, Nephi, an Israelite born and reared in Jerusalem, as his fathers before him had been for gen- erations, tells us that he writes his record in the language of his fathers, which con- sists of the learning of the Jews and the language of the Egyptians. There are four ridiculous blunders in these few words. I. The writer evidently meant to imitate Stephen, who says "Moses was learned in all the wisdom of the Egyptians." He gets it the learning of the Jews, when they were inferior to the Egyptians in learning. He meant, perhaps, the learning of the Egyptians. II. The tena Jew is not in th original of the Bible. It is an English nick- name, just as "Yank" is a nickname for Yankee. The term Judahite or Judean was not national, the name of a people till after the return from captivity. III. The preposterous idea that an Israelite raised in Jerusalem, where only the Hebrew was spoken whose fathers had lived in Jerusalem, where only the Hebrew was spoken could say that the language of his fathers was Egyptian, a language that the Israelties abhorred, as they did everything Egyptian. The superstitious reverence of the Israelites for the Hebrew is well known ; yet the language of Nephi, Hebrew of He- brews, was Egyptian. IV. The idea that Jehovah spoke to an Israelite in Egyptian, when he never used in his revelations to them any language but the Hebrew. It also contains a falsehood, for Nephi's fa- thers were not Jews, but Mannassehites the learning of his fathers was not that or the Jews. We could drop the Book of Mormon right here. None but an ignoramus like Rigdon, an ignoramus in biblical literature, would have committed four such blunders as those we have given. No Israelite ever did. On the succeeding pages from 2 to 9, we are told that Lehi was compelled by persecu- tion to flee from Jerusalem, leaving every- thing behind, and taking nothing but hi family, some tents and provisions. By com- mand of the Lord Nephi is seen returning to Jerusalem to obtain certain plates in the possession of his kinsman Laban. Nephi offers Laban his father's property for the plates. Laban refuses, and drives NephJ and his brothers out, taking their property by violence. Nephi returns, makes Labat drunk, murders him, lies to his servants gets the plates and returns to his father who has a shouting time over the results o murder and lying. This account is fullo/ absurdities and contradictions. I. It assert* that the writing material of the Israelites was metallic plates. They used papyrus, tanned leather, parchment, vellum, linen smeared with gum, tablets smeared with wax, but never used metallic plates. We read of metallic plates but once in the Bible in the Book of Job, who was not an Israelite, and nearly 1,000 years before this time. II. The idea that God approved of Nephi's making Laban drunk, murdering him, lying to his servants, and robbing him of his property. III. On page 8 we have a talk of a Church and Brethren 600 years be- fore Christ. Sidney Rigdon's gross ignor- ance is manifest in such a blunder. Let us see what these five men carried away : (A.) The books of Moses on metallic plates. (B.) The records of the Jews from the begin- ning. That is, all who spoke Hebrew were called Jews, from the beginning. As well say that all who spoke English were called Yanks from the beginning. This would take an enormous pile of plates, (c.) The writings of all of the prophets and writers of Israel from the beginning. All the Old Testament written before Zedekiah. All THE BEADEN AND KELLEY DEBATE. 100 the books it mentions that were used In writing the Books of Kings and Chronicles. All the works of the prophets mentioned In the Book of Mormon, but not mentioned in the Bible. Doubtless many prophetical writings never mentioned. (D.) Genealogi- cal tables from Joseph to Laban. All this voluminous literature, which would have made a wagon-load if on parchment, was engraved on plates and not on papyrus, the only material then in use, and was carried off by five men, who were dodging round to save their lives, when it must have re- quired a caravan of teams to have hauled it. This rigmarole represents copies of the Pentateuch and the Scriptures as being common, well known, in open use with their tables of genealogy. Not a hundred years before they were almost unknown ; and in the days of Zedekiah's father so little were they known that reading a copy found by accident revolutionized the nation. This enormous load of plates was carried by Lehi in all his journeyings. Laban's sword was steel, when it is a notorious fact that the Israelites knew nothing of steel for hundreds of years afterwards. Who but as ignorant a person as Rigdon would have perpetrated all these blunders? When Lehi saw that caravan-load of plates, got- ten by making the owner drunk, by murder, robbery and lying, he revelates and pro- phecies that these plates of Laban shall go forth to all nations. As not a single plate of Laban has ever gone forth to anybody, the Mormon God was mistaken when he inspired Lehi with that prophecy. On page 14 we have a beginning of a se- ries of violations of the most positive re- quirements of the law of God. Manasse- hites begin offering: sacrifices in flagrant violation of the law of God. On page 16 the Mormon God commands Nephi to make plates to receive the record of the ministry of his people. Although Lehi had brought with them only tents and provisions, Nephi digs ore, smells it, casts plates, makes tools to do all this, and engraves on them in a wilderness where a dozen persons are alone with only tents and provisions. From page 17 to page 32 Rigdon makes Nephi and Lehi talk like preachers of the nineteen century. They foretell the history of John the Bap- tist, Mary the mother of Jesus, and the ministry of Jesus, giving the names of per- sons and places with great minuteness; also what they should do and say. The prophets of Israel never did any such proph- ecy ing. They rarely give names of persons or places, and never foretell the exact lan- guage persons will use. Rigdon makes Nephi and Lehi discourse like Disciple preachers. They discuss all the leading topics of the gospel as Disciple preachers do, and discuss many themes of modern theol- ogy. They plagiarize Paul's parable of the olive tiee. Lehi declares he has the Holy Spirit in the name of Christ and through faith in Christ 800 years before (Jurist came. Rigdon airs one of his hobbies that he re- tained from the Baptists and in which he differed from the Disciples. John tells us that the Holy Spirit was not given in that way till after Jesus was glorified. Jesus declares that the Holy Spirit would not be fiven in his name till after his ascension, ut Lehi knew better than Paul and Jesus. Paul declares that these gospel themes were mysteries until the apostles of Jesus re- vealed them. Paul was mistaken, for Rig- don tells us that Lehi and Nephi knew all about them 600 years before Paul lived. Not only so, but God revealed to Lehi and Nephi far more than he ever did to the apostles of Jesus. He revealed to them all about the Romish Apostacy, its errors and crimes, the peculiar doctrine of Luther's reformation, settles several questions of modern theology, and always in harmony with Rigdon's ideas. One of the most monstrous absurdities in the Book of Mormon is the Liahoni, Lehi's brass director or compass. We are told that Lehi had given to him by miracle, direct from the workshop of the Mormon God doubtless a brass ball of curious workman- ship. The reader will admit that it was of most curious workmanship when he hears it described, " and it was of fine brass, and within the ball were two spindles, and one pointed out the way we should go in the wilderness." How could they see the two spindles inside of a hollow biass globe? "One pointed the way they should go." Of what use was the other? It pointed the way they should not go, I suppose. Page 36: "These spindles (inside of a brass globe) worked according to the faith of the pos- sessor." If they worked as the possessor wanted them to point, of what use were they? How did they see how they pointed if they were inside of a brass globe? By faith and the power of God I suppose, as Imposter Joe saw the translation of the Book of Mormon in the crown of his old hat as he was peering into his stolen peep- stone; but as the possessor knew they pointed the direction he wanted them to point, it did not make any odds whether he saw them or not. "On these spindles was written " on two fine spindles inside of a brass globe where nobody could see "a new writing." It must have been an ex- tensive writing that was all on two fine spindles. "Plain to be read." Yes it must have been very plain on two fine spindles and inside of a brass globe where nobody could see, " and it gave us instructions con- cerning the ways of the Lord," all on two fine spindles and inside of a brass globe where nobody could see; "and it was writ- ten and changed from time to time" yes all on two fine spindles or needles inside of a brass globe where nobody could see it. Then Sidney remarks with exceeding unc- tion, "Thus we see that the Lord accom- plishes great things by small means." Yea, verily, Sidney; and when the Lord gave the fulness of the gospel to the world through such a lying, extravagant ignoramus as you, in such balderdash as the above he ac- complished the greatest work with the smallest means ever tried. Next Nephi is told to build a ship and 110 THE BRADEN AND KELLEY DEBATE. showed in a vision where to find material. Lehi left Jerusalem with nothing but tents ami provisions, for he fled for his life and is away in a wilderness and without tools. Ni- phi alone.for the rest opposed and ridiculed him, and there were only 15 men and wo- men in all, digs ore, builds furnaces, forges and machine shops, smelts ore, casts im- plements, forges, tools, "every tree to cut down," cuts the trees and builds the ship "all his own self," as the boy boasted he accomplished his task. But then Nephi tells us that he did not construct it after the fashion of men. but after a manner that the Lord showed him. I am so glad that he told us that, or we might not have be- lieved his story. I suppose the Lord's plan or patent on ships don't require any work. What a pity that he did not leave the plan, by which one man can, all by his own self, do the work of hundreds and in next to no time. If it be said that this was done by miracle, then what need of Nephi's doing anything? Why was not the ship fur- nished ready made, like Lehi's wonderful brass compass? Lehi and his host set sail in this wonder- ful ship made after the Lord's plan. Not- withstanding this wonderful series of mir- acles that Nephi had worked before their eyes, Nephi's brethren rebel and bind him, and "lo and behold," to use the celestial language of this Divine translation of Re- formed Egyptian, the wonderful brass compass gets balky and refuses to work, and tho rebels know not whither to steer the ship, "inasmuch that there arose a great storm, yea, a great and terrible tem- pest." Awful, Sydney! perfectly awful! Now whether the tempest so great and terrible, was caused by the compass ceasing to work, or by their not knowing which way to steer, is not plain, but the language de- clares "it was one or tother." The ship is driven back ; now if they did not know which way they were going how did they know whether it was driven back, or for- ward, or sideways. Nephi is released and the compass points the way they should eo? No, the way Nephi wants it to point. That compass was as valuable as the Cali- fornia hog scales. It is said that out there they used to lay a rail across a log, put the hog on one end and a pile of stones on the other, until they balanced, and then guess at the weight of the stones. If it be said that Nephi knew what course they ought to go. then of what use was the compass to him? If the compass showed him, how did he know when it ceusctl to work? And how did it show him when he made it point the way that he wanted it to point? That compass was as serviceable to Nephi as the man's snuffers who snuffed the candle with his fingers and put the snuff into the snuffers. Kinally they reach the land of promise, and they find in the wilderness both the "cow" and the "ox." Now here is a miracle which ends all cavil as to the divine origin of the Book of Mor- mon. Cow and ox cannot mean two differ- ent species of animals, and as one is suffi- cient to designate the genus bos,' ox means the male upon which an operation has been performed to change him from a bull into an ox. Now, as man had not been in this land, we have the blasphemous ludicrous insinuation that the miraculous power of the Almighty had been exerted to change these animals from bulls into oxen to pre- pare them for Nephi's use. Now we know of a certainty, Sidney, that the Book of Mormon is of Divine origin. While thev were in the wilderness before building the ship Nephi was told to make brass plates One of two things is certain, either he had to dig up copper and zinc, smelt them and manufacture brass plates, and that with- out tools to do it, for they had fled from Jerusalem with nothing but tents and pro- visions, or he wrote on nothing or made the plates out of nothing. On landing in America, the Mormon God is so cai .ful about having Impostor Joe get these plates that he orders Nephi 10 make some more plates gold, silver and copper are mentioned, but no zinc ; J.ut Nephi has got used to making things out of nothing, and it was no trick at all for him to make copp-r without zinc, build furnaces, work mines and make machine shops without tools, and nothing to do it with. On page 44 it is declared that the dark- ness at the death of our Saviour shou.M cover the whole earth and last three days. The Bible says it was only over the land ia which he was crucified, and was only tbree hours ; but hyfalutin spread-eagle Sidney never did things by halves ; he had it ovei the whole earth and three whole days none of your cheap little miracles for Sid- ney ; they might dp for the Bible, but they wont answer for miracles in the "Fulness of the Gospel." On page 56, Lehi, in a sermon, quotes whole sentences of Paul's writings more than 600 years before Paul wrote : "By the law no flesh is justified. He offereth himself a sacrifice for sins which layeth down his life according to the flesh'and taketh it up according to the spirit that lie may bring to pass the resurrection of the dead being the first to rise." Which shall we believe, that an Israelite in the wilds of America quoted Paul's language, whole sentences, 600 years before Paul was born, or that the Disciple preacher Rigdon inter- polated Paul's language into the romance he stole from Hpaulding when he was re- modelling it to be used as a pretended new revelation? From pages 59 to 60 is a pretended proph- ecy of the Patriarch Joseph concerning Im- Eoster Joe. "He is a choice seer." Verily e was ! He shall bring forth the Nephite Word of God. He will be of the seed of the Patriarch Joseph, the Son qf Jacob. His name shall be Joseph, His father's name shall be Joseph. Now here is a dilemma. The Nephites were all exterminated ; the only descendants of Lehi and Joseph in America are the Lamanites. They were cursed with a skin of blackness and became THE BRADEN AND KELLER DEBATE. in Indians. Did Imposter Joe come from the Nephites that have not existed for 1400 years, or from the Indians? Of what tribe is he the "big injun?" Perhaps he is one of the three Nephites that never died. The Patriarch Joseph prophesied of Sidney Rigdon also. The Lord was to raise up of the fruit of the loins of the Patriarch Jos- eph a spokesman for that seer. Again we are in trouble. Did Sidney Rigdon come from the Nephites that have been extermi- nated 1400 years, or is he "Bir Injun" of some tribe of Lamanites? Perhaps he is one of the Nephites that never died, and Imposter Joe's father, who was of the seed of Joseph, was the third. Is this prophecy or is it a fraud of Sidney Rigdon? Page 62 we have a long soliloquy that Nephi engraved on the plates made up of patches of the Psalms and Jeremiah badly put together. Then Nephi marches off into the wilderness with all of the company except two sinners, Laman and Lemuel, and their rebellious seed, who remain be- hind and are cursed with a skin of blackness and became Lamanites Indians. Nephi and his company, however, keep the law of the Lord according to the statutes of Moses. We shall see how well they do it. Now we encounter a blunder that is sufficient to brand the Book of Mormon as the most blunderingly constructed fraud, the most transparent lie ever told. The largest estimate that we can possibly put on this company, will not make it more than ten married couples all of whom, ex- cept Lehi, are married after leaving Jeru- salem ; yet, already they are divided into two nations, and Nephi teaches one of these mighty nations how to make weapons and defend themselves against the mighty na- tion of Lamanites, two men, two women, and their children born during twenty years. This mighty nation of Nephites composed of not more than eight adults, four men and four women, and their children born during twenty years, erect in the wilderness of America a temple like unto the temple of Solomon ; they work in iron these eight men and women, erect furnaces, forges and machine shops, work in copper and gold, yes, and in brass and steel, which Mormon inspiration tells us are native ores. The origin of the American Indians has puzzled all ethnologists; but Sidney Rigdon ex- planifies the whole matter. To prevent the Nephites from mixing with the wicked Lamanites, the Lord wrought a stupendous miracle he cursed the Lamanites with a skin of blackness. There now you have a great scientific problem solved by inspira- tion. I commend this wonderful scientific explanation to Kelley as the crowning evi- dence of the Divine origin of the Book of Mormon. After asserting that they kept the com- mandments oi God, according to the law of Moses, Nephi coolly tells us that they erected a temple in America instead of at Jerusalem consecrated priests out of the tribe of Manasseh instead of Levi. And these usurper priests offered sacrifices in the wilderness of America instead of at Jeru- salem in a temple built in violation of God's law. God blessed these sacrilegious viola- tors of his law far above the most favorite obedient Israelite in Palestine, revealed to them the Gospel, and conferred on them its blessings as fully as on the most favored apostles of Christ 600 years before Christ came. God terribly punished Koran, Dath- an and Abiram for violating his law, though they did not violate is as flagrantly as did these Nephites, and placed far above all mankind these sacrilegious Nephites who trampled nearly every precept under foot. These Nephites preached the Gospel of Christ as clearly as Sidney Rigdon could preach it, and as he preached it ; and en- joyed every blessing of the Gospel as fully as Rigdon could, yet Nephi declares that ' notwithstanding we believe in Christ, we obey the lawofMoses." What a falsehood, for he tells us they violated all its great principles and "look steadfastly unto Christ until the law be fulfilled." The law was to prepare a way for the knowledge of Christ, and then became useless having fulfilled its purpose. The Nephites obeyed the law for 600 years after they knew all about the Gospel, and obeyed it when the law was useless to them, and they could not obey it for they were obeying the Gospel. This blundering, unscriptural introduction of the Gospel 600 years before Christ who alone was to reveal and introduce it, is in flat contradiction of every idea of God's word. But Rigdon was bound to have his Nephites far greater fellows than their brethren in Palestine, even if he did contradict God'a word in doing it. The Nephites who violate God's law far excel Jeremiah, Isaiah, Ezekiel and Daniel in prophesying. They quote whole chap- ters of the Old Testament, whole paragraphs and sentences of the New, quoting tho ex- act language hundreds of years before the ones who uttered it lived. "They that are filthy are filthy still. They shall go away into everlasting punishment. He com- mandeth all men that they must repent. Where there is no law there is no punish- ment, and where there is no punishment there is no condemnation." These are a few of scores of instances that could be cited. Who is such a sodden idiot as to be- lieve that men in America preached all the doctrine of Christ and his apostles 600 years before they uttered it, in the exact words in. which they uttered it, rather than that Sidney Rigdon interpolated these quota- tions into the manuscript he had stolen from Spaulding when he was remodeling it to make a " big thing of it" as a new revelation ? It is perhaps necessary that we repeat our answer to our opponent's endless talk about American antiquities. We will con- cede that if he can prove that Joseph Smith gave to the world a single fact or truth re- garding American antiquities or archaeology or the history of the aborigines of America that was not known before his day, or that scientific research has discovered sine? his 112 THE BRADEN AND KELLEY DEBATE. day, that he was inspired and the Book of Mormon is of Divine orjjin. Our opponent cannot ask more than that of us. Will he meet the issue and prove that Joseph Smith has done so? We have proved that from the days of Cortez and Pizarro until Solo- mon Spaulding, scores of writers had pub- lished every idea in regard to American antiquities to be found in the Book of Mor- mon that more than a score of such publi- cations were issued during the lifetime of Solomon Spaulding in the United States that Spaulding was well versed in these theories and an earnest advocate of them that where the works of his day were cor- rect his ideas In the Book of Mormon are correct where they were in error his ideas in the Book of Mormon are erroneous. My opponent tries hard to make some- thing out of the fact that Priest published his works after Spaulding's death, and the last work after the Book of Mormon was published. Unfortunately for his effort, the authorities that Priest quotes in both works were published before Spaulding died and some of them before Smith was born. I de- fy my opponent to name a single idea in the Book of Mormon in regard to American an- tiquities that was not published before Spaulding wrote his Manuscript Found and most of them before Spaulding was born. They had been published in the United States and were the belief of most preach- ers in New England and the Middle States when Spaulding wrote his Manuscript Found. Sir Walter Scott wrote his histor- ical novels and incorporated into them cer- tain facts of Scotch antiquities, archaeology and Scotch history. His novels agree with the results of scientific research into Scotch antiquities to a vastly greater extent than the Book of Mormon agrees with the results of scientific research into American antiqui- ties. Not only so but they contain innumer- able facts of Scotch History, many accurate pictures of persons well known in Scotch History ^ud innumerable incidents in theiv lives. The Book of Mormon does nothing of the kind: not a historic incident or character in it can be found outsidt ot the Book of Mormon except what it plagiarizes from the Bible. Now to argMe as Mr. Kelley does that the Book of Mormon is true, a veritable history, and ol Divine origin because it harmonizes with certain ideas in regard to American an- tiquities that had been current in the Uni- ted States before its author was born is in- finitely more absurd than it would be to claim that all of Scott's historical novels were true, veritable histories, and of Divine origin, for they contain vastly more con- cerning Scotch antiquities that is true than the Book of Mormon contained concerning American Antiquities; and they contain al- most innumerable facts of Sco'tch history, multitudes of real historic characters, ith accurate descriptions of them and innumer- able facts from their lives, while the Book of Mormon does not contain a single hist6r- ic fact or character or incident. All that part of it is pure fabrication. Its history is as pure fabrication as Gulliver's travels or Baron Munchausen's Tales. The truth is s,imply this that as Scott incorporated cer- tain facts of Scotch antiquities that were known in his day in to his historic romances so Spaulding incorporated into his historic romance the Manuscript Found certain ideas in regard to American antiquities that were current in his day. But Spaulding was not nearly as accurate as Scott and did not incorporate into his romance one hun- dredth part as much truth as Scott did. II Spauldiag was inspired and the Book ot Mormon stolen from him a revelation 'Scott was an hundred fold more inspired. Until my opponent clearly proves that there is a single fact or truth in the Book of Mormon thatwafc not well k:>o\vn before ita,p red his ar'-h-oological argument for its di me origin is colloaal in its impudence and ab- surdity. THE BRADEN AND KELLEY DEBATE. 113 MR. KELLEY'S ELEVENTH SPEECH. 4 GENTLEMEN MODERATORS, LADIES AND GENTLEMEN: There are but two more evening's upon this question. [The original agreement was for eight sessions, but after this evening was extended to ten.] I am glad again of this privilege of standing be- for you to advocate the divine sanction claimed for the Book of Mormon, because I think it is God's truth ; I not only think it is true, but I am confident I know that it is as claimed. I do not give you my per- sonal knowledge, however, that you may take it for evidence in this discussion ; but I offer you the knowledge from God's word, and if that is in accordance with my posi- tions, I wish you to take that. This evening I shall first take up and con- clude my review of the kind of evidence Mr. Braden has offered you to prove his case, and asked you to rely upon, viz: through the book of witness, (he says law- yer), Howe. Don't deceive yourselves, my friends, by imagining that he is a lawyer. I have never known a lawyer yet, who would de- liberately publish for truth what purported to be extracts from the works of a body of people in order to bemean them, and to ac- complish this end would publish garbled, wicked and lying statements. I have known of many low and mean things resorted to by priests and people in order to try to make the Saiiits out monsters of crime and ini- quity, but not many so brazen and impu- dent as to deliberately pretend to make a quotation from their books and then cor- rupt it, in order to keep it from knocking in. the head their malicious scheme. When I concluded last evening I was contrasting Howe's spurious quotations with the genuine, on the charge that he was trying to make out, that the early au- thorities of the church were after the peo- ple's property. Howe, as I was before reading, pretends to quote: "Thou shalt consecrate all thy properties, that which thou hast, unto me.'" Page 129. The true reading Is, and I read from the first publication of the Book of Covenants, here in Kirtland, published five years be- fore Mr. Howe's work: " Thou shalt remem- ber the poor and consecrate of thy proper- ties for their support, that which thou hast to impart unto them." Sec. 13, par. 8. 18. Again, Howe says : "He (the bishop) shall appoint every man a steward over his own property." Here Howe, to carry out the evil purpose of misleading the reader, misquotes and makes the bishop appoint a steward for every man. The record is : " Every man shall be made accountable unto me [Christ], a steward over his own property." In the record a man is made a steward over his own by Christ, and is held respon- sible by Christ the head of the Church, and to no one else. 19. Again, Howe: "He that sinneth and repenteth not shall be cast out, and shall not receive again that which he has conse- crated unto me ; for it shall come to pass, I will consecrate the riches of the Gentiles unto my people which are of the house of Israel." Here he wants to prove the lying asser- tions so often made that the Saints expected to get other people's property. A false as- sertion, as I have before stated. Hear the record upon this : ' He that sin- neth and repenteth not shall be cast out of the church, and shall not receive again that which he has consecrated unto the poor and needy of my church, or in other words, unto me ; for as much as ye do it unto the least of these ye doit unto me; for I will consecrate of the riches of those who em- brace my gospel among the Gentiles, unto the poor of my people who are of the house of Israel." Then is there any foundation for the as- sertion that has often been thrown to the world by these perverters of our faith, that we expected to consecrate of the property of the Gentiles? It is so represented by those who have perverted the faith, and have garbled it, in order to misrepresent us to the world. The rule laid down and the notice given as to getting back donations of property made, is precisely according to the law of the land, and differs as to other denomina- tions in this: The Saints are plainly told before giving they cannot expect to get their properties back if they should at some futue time be severed from the church ; on the ground that it will have likely been disposed of, for the purposes for which it was given, to wit: the poor and needy. Thus every man is put fully upon his guard when the gift is sought that he may not be deceived. Whereas, in other churches they take the monies without ever hinting that they can't get them back if the donors are cast out afterwards. And because they have .not been given back when asked afterwards, I have known, and doubtless all of you have, a large number of law-suits against other churches to reclaim such properties and donations, on the ground of bad faith. The custom of the Saints is fairer and less likely to deceive than any other church with which I am acquainted. The people are fairly and fully notified before they give to the church that they cannot get anything back that they give to the poor or for the good of the church. But are you notified oy anybody else in that way? Notice is fairly given that a man shall account unto Him (Christ) and render in the final day of summons 114 THE BRADEN AND KELLEY DEBATE. as to the stewardship over his own prop- erty. Every man was recognized & steward over his own property, to de as he pleased with it. But Mr. Howe makes it read the bishop appointed men stewards over the property of others. Mr. Howe says, " that after the bishop received the property of the church, that it cannot be taken from the church." The revelation says, that while men are acting as stewards over their own property, and; shall see fit to conse- crate "of them" unto the " poor" etc., and the bishop shall receive" testimonies" con- cerning the consecration of the properties of the church, they cannot be taken from the church. The revelation leaves every man free to do as he pleases with his prop- erties; to be his own "steward," to give to the poor as ne may feel prompted ; but when once given, it cannot be withdrawn; while Mr. Howe teaches that the bishop appointed men stewards over their own property and that they were required to consecrate "all of their properties," etc. Do you discover a disposition here to be fair, or present only facts? 20. Continuing upon page 130, Howe in order to make his case out against the Saints, attacks with the same wicked and vehement spirit Jesus and the early Chris- tians. He says; " If Smith and all his wit- nesses were to now come forward and say that his pretensions were a wicked decep- tion, they (the Saints), would not believe a word of it because [they claim] the Spirit had shown that it was true." " Here " he says, " Is the sure refuge, the fast hold of every imposter. This something which is the Spirit or Holy Spirit, has been the standing, unequivocal, incontrovertible and true witness for at least twenty-four false Messiahs, for Mohammet who is consid- ered the prince of impostors, and for nearly fifty others who have come with pretended commission from heaven." Here is fairly shown the grand sequel of Howe's bitterness against the Saints : They claim that there is such a thing as " (he Spirit" or " the Holy Spirit;" and whoever in the world's history according to Howe, has made such a claim, was a deceiver and an " imposter." How do you like your witness now who attacks the Savior, Christ, as vehemently as he does the Book of Mormon? 21. Again, says Howe: " His [Smith's] predictions are always found far off' equiv- ocal, and ambiguous, and always relate to some events which everyone supposes to be quite probable." Then hegoes on to falsify as to what some of these prophecies were as has been proved was the manner of his other v. bling. But let us examine Smith's statements and show the roguery of the assertions : 1. That his "name should be had for good and evil among all nations, kindreds and tongues ; or that it should be both good and evil spoken of among all people." Is there anything ambigious or equivocal about that? And again, page 105, Book of Mormon ; "And because my words shall hiss forth, many of the Gentiles shall say, A Bible, a Bible, we have got a Bible and there cannot be any more Bible." What do you see equivocal or ambiguous about this? The Book of Mormon was published to the world under the title of the Book of Mor- mon. The title of Bible is not by it, nor by its friends, ever been claimed for it ; neither by them the term used for the plates from which it was translated. Yet, the predic- tion is a literally true one ; it is far and near,, by the enemies of the Saints, called a Bible, and perhaps there never was more than a dozen, if even so many as two, Campbellite preachers in the state of Ohio, who did not thus in calling it the Mormon Bible con- tribute to the truth of the prophecy in regard to it, at the same time they misrepresented the people and denounced the whole thins: as false. This prophecy was given or the statement made by Joseph Smith two years before the book was published and sent to the public, that when the book should go to the world the people would say. "A Bible." What dp you see equivocal or am- biguous about this? Another one, Book of Mormon page 496: "And it [ the book] shall come [forth to the world], in a day when the blood of the Saints shall cry unto the Lord because of secret combinations and the works of dark- ness." Where is the ambiguity here? How did Mr. Smith know, or how could he fore- see, except by the illuminating light of heaven, that in this land with a constitu- tional guarantee of religious freedom, his people should be slain oy wicked hands ; that men who had warred for freedom in the great revolution should be hewn to the ground by religious bigots without mercy ; that men, women and innocent children should be butchered without mercy ; and finally that a state should be permitted to rob thousands of its citizens, and banish them as exiles, to die upon other territories through the hardships and rigors of a fear- ful winter. Aggressors did you say? Turn to the official address of Major-General Clark of the forces that were sent to aid the mob in Missouri when the Saints were defending their homes and their wives and children ajjainst the efforts of the grandest set of rascals the world ever saw, to drive them from the state, and then say aggressors if you dare! Says he, to as faithful and true men and women as ever graced God' earth, as good and noble citizens, and as loyally patriotic as the Republic ever produced, as they were then deprived of the comforts of their hearth and homes: and encamped upon the bleak prairies of north Missouri: "It now devolves upon you to fulfill the treaty that you have entered into, the leading items of w filch I now lay before you. The first of these you have already- complied with, which is that you deliver up your lead- ing men to be tried according to law. Second, that you deliver tip your arms this ha^ been attended to. The third is that you sign over your properties to defray the expenses of this war this you have also done. Anniher thing yet remains for you t* comply with that i that you leave the State forthwith ; and whatever your fielinir* concerning this affair, whatever your in >'>*. ft ig nothing to me.'' THE BRA DEN AND KELLEY DEBATE. 115 Can you point to a grander outrage In all the annals of the world's history than this against a people? "Whatever your inno- cence, it is nothing to me." You shall not even be permitted while you are in the midst of the mobocrats to retain the arms with which you could defend yourselves from their vengeance of death. No, like them of old they cry out, " Crucify him ! Crucify him! But release unto us Barrabas," the robber. I could mention the relatives who have been in the halls of Congress of men who were hewn down there, and as able men as there are in America to-day, if I would take up my time to do so. And yet, such actions are defended here by a pious-mind- ed, high-toned elder of the Camp belli te Church. Ladies and gentlemen, I begin to see why it was that when they could not cope with Mr. Smith and Rigdon over at Hiram, in argument, they "got rid of them" by the old way of applying the argument of "tar and geese feathers." But let me tell you here and now, that if ever in my life-work I shall meet with such a case of rapine and oppression, or unlaw- ful vengeance against any people of any denomination, or any party, whether Chris- tian or infidel, I shall not fail to exert every power within me to protest against it ; and it is a cardinal principle of the faith of the Saints, and ever has been, that they should be as ready to stand for and defend the rights and privileges of others as them- selves. I know how Col. Lovejoy and an associate was shot down in the streets of Alton, 111., because he dared to express his political opinions and stand for the princi- ple of the freedom of the press in this coun- try ; and it was a like evil and cowardly crew that has been defended in this con- troversy by the negative, who destroyed men and women for religious opinions' sake. But to return to the examination of Howe, as a witness (lawyer), and the Spaulding romance. The prophecies he says are so ambiguous. Take another, same page: "It shall come to pass in a day when there shall be heard of fires and tempests [tempest is a violent wind as the now familiar cyclone], and va- pors of smoke in foreign lands [like to the great disturbance of the earthquake last fall, which the scientific say so filled the atmosphere of the world that it has occa- sioned the crimson red phenomena of the sun's appearance], and there shall also be heard of wars and rumors of wars, and earthquakes in diverse places : yea, and it shall come in a day when there shall be great pollutions upon the face of the earth ; there shall be murders and robbings and lyings and deceivings,and whoredoms, and all manner of abominations, when there shall be many who will say, do this, or do that, and it mattereth not for the Lord will uphold such at the last day." I could in this manner read to you the entire hour, of the certain, unmistakable and definite prophecies in this book, many of which have already had a complete and literal fulfillment. Why Is it, then, that this deceiving work of Mr. Howe is sent forth to the world? No wonder he don't want to put Mr. Howe upon the stand for examination. I will ask him where he got his compilation from, and if he did not know he was misrepresenting the faith of this people. I have met many men in my time who could stand up and with all the powers of dissimulation of innocence and modesty tell to others what I believed ; pretend to give my belief from the Bible and other books, when there was not a shadow of truth in what they were saying. Turning over the book I shall pass at thia time tne terrible mess set out in the letters of Ezra Booth, and notice the pretended affidavits of Peter Ingersol, Wm. Stafford. Barton Stafford, purporting to be signea before a judge of the Court of Wayne county N. Y., Thomas P. Baldwin, which upon the face is shown to be a humbug, for there is not one in due form of law hart the fficer properly signed, and had there been such ; but upon dilligent inquiry I failed to find that even the officer existed as such. Having my doubts arroused as to the mat- ter through an article in the Chicago Inter- Ocean a short time ago, I wrote to the clerk of the courts of Wayne county, N. Y., and received the following reply : "OFFICE OF THE CLERK OF WAYNK Co., N. Y., JOHW McGoNiOAL, CLERK, LYONS. N. Y., Feb'y. 1st '84. K. L. KELLKY, ESQ., Dear Sir: Yours of the 31st Instant duly received, and In reply will say that I have looked for the name of Thomas P. Baldwin as an officer in the county and fail to find his name at all. Looked back to the time the count v was organized. (1823). Very Respectfully, JOHN MCGONIOAL. Again, not quite satifised, thinking per- haps he might be mistaken, I wrote to him again, asking him who was the County Judge in 1833, when these purported affida- vits of Mr. Howe say that they were signed byThos. P. Baldwin County Judge. He answers me February 7th, 1884: "In reply to your favor of the 6th ult., will say that David Arne, Jr., was County Judge in 1833." Very Respectfully, JOHN McGowiGAV. [Since the conclusion of the debate of this proposion, the clerk has written to Mr. Braden stating that he overlooked the officer when examining the records at my request. And upon this I claim nothing upon the point that Baldwin was not a Judge. KELLEY.] Do you blame me, then, ladies and gen- tlemen, for stating before you I cannot take as evidence anything that has passed through such hands as Mr. Hulburt and Howe, unless I have the original statement to compare, or it can be proven outside in some way thai these statements that he has been referring to but never reading in full to you are unaltered and genuine? Here is where he gets his John Spaulding, Mar- tha Spaulding, Henry Lake, John Miller, Aaron Wright, Oliver Smith and Nahum Howard. Do you want me to swallow their contradictory, self-accusing, wholy improbable, malicious falsehoods, rather than accept the truth of God.? Could any- 116 THE BRADEN AND KELLEY DEBATE. thing pure and Immalculate have passed through that sewer of filth and come out worthy of the palate of decent men and women? Answer for yourselves. But I proceed further with the examination. I now call your attention to the letter of Mrs. Matilda Davidson, another of his witnesses, to a Boston newspaper and published May, 1839, this a person too, better informed upon these matters, who had a better oppor- tunity to be so than all the others he has re- ferred to; and she also manifests a terrible feeling against the people that I represent, fche says, "That any sane person should rank it higher than any other merely human composition is a matter of the greatest astonishment, yet it is received as divine by some who dwell in enlightened New England, and even by those who have sus- tained the character of devoted "Chris- tians." Yes, and right here I might say, that when I traveled through "enlighten- ed New England" but about four months ajro, I found many churches of the same peo- ple, and hundreds of good, faithful, God- fearing and worshiping men and women in them/all the way from Providence, R. I., to Addison, Me. But she continues, and I read extracts, for the letter is very long and in great part but conclusions which are in no sense evidence, and which would not interest you: "It [the manuscript] claims to have been written by one of the lost nations and to have been recovered from the earth." [Got out of the cave on Con neaut Creek], "and assumed the title of *' Mamuscript Found." Assumedit? How? By writing its own title on its back? No, certainly not? Evidently by these parties who we next hear about whom Spaulding told that " he got it out of a cave on Con- neaut Creek." "The neighbors would often inquire how Mr. Spaulding progressed in deciphering the manuscript, [Translat- ing from the Latin as he claimed,] "and when he had a sufficient portion prepared he would inform them and they would as- semble and hear it read. He was enabled from his acquaintance with the classics and ancient history, to introduce many singular names, which were particulorly noticed by the people, and could be easily recognized by them." "Mr. Spaulding had a brother John Spaulding, who repeatedly heard the whole of it read." Repeatedly heard 'he whole of it read, which abounded in " names from the classics and ancient history." Ah! yes; here it is identified beyond a doubt ; the same old scrap of forty or fifty pages that was said to have been found in a cave, and which she gave to Hulburt, who gave it to Howe, who destroyed it, lest it destroy the affidavits he and Hulburt had gotten up. Howe now says Hulburt wrote the affidavits. But she proceeds : " He, Mr. Spaulding, exhibited his man- uscript [same one] to Mr. Patterson, (at Pittsburg,) who was very much pleased with it. and borrowed it for perusal. He retained it for a long time, and informed Mr. Spaulding that if he would make out a title page and preface, he would publish it r and it might be a source of profit. This Mr. Spaulding refused to do." Refused to make out a title page and to have it published for profit, although Braden's witnesses make out that he was to pay his debts out of this. Spaulding did not go back and pay his debts, as Smith and Harris did with Saunders in New York. No ; he was a pious Presbyterian minister. But she continues : " At length the manuscript was returned to its author, and soon after we removed to Amity, Washington county. Pa., where Mr. Spauming deceased in 1816." Notice, that she says that they went to Amity, Pa., where he died in 1816. Left Pittsburg, then, before Sidney Rigdon was ever there according to their own testi- mony. "The manuscript then fell into my hands," she says, "and was carefully pre- served." Did I not tell you I would expose the fraud by witnesses that were from the other side ? But again : "It has frequently been examined by my daughter, Mrs. McKinstry, of Munson, Mass, [the same whose testimony I have before introduced in this discussion], with whom I now reside, and by other friends." Again: "A woman preacher appointed a meeting there [at New Salem], and in the meeting read and repeated copious extracts from the Book of Mormon." "Mr. John Spaulding was present. His grief found vent in a flood of tears, [Here is where these witnesses bring the lachrymose John in,] and he arose on the spot .and expressed to the meeting his sorrow apd regret that the writings of his deceased brother should be used for a purpose so vile and shocking. Oh, how his feelings were hurt ! " The excitement in New Salem became so great that the inhabitants had a meet- ing and deputed Dr. Philastas Hulburt, one of their number, [yes, one of their number, citizens of Kirtland ; but the same who had been banished from our society for an insult to one of your lady citizens], " to repair to this place and to obtain from me the orig- inal manuscript of Mr. Spaulding for the purpose of comparing it with the Mormon Bible^ to satisfy their own minds" [Re- member, they were not satisfied before] " and to prevent their friends from embrac- ing an error so delusive. This was the year 1834. Dr. Hulburt brought with him an in- troduction and request for the manuscript, which was signed by Messrs. Henry Lake, Aaron Wright and others. I am reading from her letter all the time. "Henry Lake, Aaron Wright and others." Who are these Henry Lake, Aaron Wright and others that send a letter to Mrs. (Spauld- ing) Davidson for the purpose of getting the manuscript? The same ones that he Eointed put as the best men, or among the eat citizens, of Geauga county, "old Geauga county!" Wondered if I would say any thing against them ! Not personally against their character. I do not assail men in that way. Don't have to, these men. THE BRADEN AND KELLEY DEBATE. 117 These are the same parties whom he has introduced as witnesses from Howe. "Thus an historical romance, with the addition of a few pious expressions and extracts from the sacred scriptures (Ah ! Smith and Rigdon did not put them in then, they were in the original), has been construed into a new Bible and palmed off upon a company of poor deluded fanatics as divine. I have given this brief narration that this work of deep deception and wick- edness may be searched to the foundation, and the authors exposed to the contempt and execration they so justly deserve. MATILDA DAVIDSON." My friends, are you still wanting evidence as to where the Manuscript Found went? Positively and certainly traced into the ranks of its friends, and with this in the hand-writing of Solomon Spaulding, who was dead before the Book of Mormon was published, ten identical words and express- ions of which, as I have before stated, would have been sufficient to have identified it if there was any such thing written as these witnesses tell about, and yet they destroy the manuscript and publish their lying statements; What do they do? Send Hul- burt back to tell Mrs. Davidson she gave him the wrong manuscript and to get the rightone? Oh no! she never hears of them until she writes to know what they did with it. and Howe and Hulburt write back word, ' It did not read as we expected, and o we did not use it." Nor do they in this letter to her ask if she did not have another manuscript or extra original leaves of the "Manuscript Found" which their witnesses had sworn to. Had the one sent been an- other than the true one, ten chances to one It would have been similar in words, phrases, and often sentences, to any other Spaulding ever wrote, had another been written by him, and a few words in his hand-writing would have fully tested the matter. .But no, they destroy it. The only first evidence under the sun to detect the fraud, if there was a fraud, and this right in the hands of the lawyer, Braden's law- yer ! ! A man who will, after he has all of the facts before him, believe such a story as this, must be ready to gulp down the most egregious tale that it is possible for the most depraved and licentious to weave an'd concoct against an innocent and God-fearing people. I might further call your attention to the fact that aside from these contradictions by Mrs. (Solomon Spaulding) Davidson of the statements of John and Martha Spaulding, relatives, neither of their purported state- ments bear any date, time or place of mak- ing, or by whom made; that they are quoted from something else and not the original statement as they show upon their face, and in such a way as to neither make John, Martha or any one else responsible for them. This is the testimony he so pomp- ously thrust in my face the other evening; the best he has. How do you like to swal- low it, my friends? The publication by Howe of these pur- ported statements and garbled extracts from our works in his History of Mormon- ism, shows that the enemies of the Book of Mormon had nothing of truth to sustain their wicked attempt to overthrow it, or they would have used it. It shows, too, that the term falsifier is a tame enough word to apply to any one so base as to falsify a people's faith by such great garbling and trickery, and present it to the world for truth; and shows further the kind of com- pany one is liable to be found in if he essays to peddle such stuff in order to destroy the character of honest men. All of the statements he has referred to have now been examined except those ot" Mr. Campbell and Adamson Bentley this Bentley the one Rigdon referred to in his letter that I read on last evening to you. (Time expired.) 118 THE BBADEN AND KELLEY DEBATE. MR. BRADEN'S ELEVENTH SPEECH. GEXTLKMEN MODERATORS, TMDIES AND GENTLEMEN :- 1 will notice first a mis- etatement made by ny opponent Saturday night. I said on Friday night, after read- ing a series of questions, that I would have them copied in type-writing and give them to my opponent* I did so before noon on Saturday, and he had them in his posses- sion eight or nine hours before the debate began on Saturday night. He has had them inliis possession ever since, and has them now. Yet he said Saturday night that he did not have them. If he claims that he referred to another portion of my speeches, I remind him that he has had everything that he has asked of me. I think that after giving him my speeches to examine at his leisure, and prepare himself to reply to them a thing no other opponent would do I deserve at least fair treatment, and should not have false statements made about me. When the reader reads in Kel- ley's speeches that I did not give names, and that I gave persons testimony in my own words ; and then turns back and reads the names of the 29 witnesses and their tes- timony in different type from the rest of the matter, and in their own words verbatim, he will see to what desperate straits my opponent must be driven, when he will make such reckless assertions. His desper- ation can be seen in his pettyfogging and misrepresentation. He repeats the statement that we have ex- posed several times, that the manuscript of Spaulding's Manuscript Found was brought to Howe. He says that Howe and Hul- burt skulked over to Conneaut and got wit- nesses to sign what they wrote. The truth is, a Mormon preacher visited Conneaut and preached his first sermon and read ex- tracts from the Book of Mormon. John Spaulding and others arose and exposed the thelt of the Manuscript Found. It was in a meeting of citizens of Conneaut and not in a Mormon church meeting. It was a Mormon preacher, and not a woman preacher. That is a misprint in Schmucker's book; as other books, that I have, show. This detection of the theft was published in the papers. Hulburt heard of it. He went to Conneaut, and such men as Judge "Wright, Lake, a leading business man, and others of the best citizens of Conneaut wrote out their statements and gave them to him. There never was a number of affi- davits more marked with independence and individuality. Contrast them with the joint statements of the witnesses to the Book of Mormon written out by Impostor Joe and signed by his confederates. Con- trast their courteous testimony with Rig- don's blackguardism, the worst of which Kelley dared not read. He says they never mentioned the Roman manuscript until Hulburt brought it from Hartwick. No, nor did they mention Spauld- ing's sermons, and the 'stories he wrote for his children. There was no occasion for so doing until it was presented to them. He assails Miller's recollection of names. Readers of the debate will decide whether Miller's clear, rational and straightforward story is reasonable or not. I asked him whether he impeached the character of witnesses for truth and veracity, and he affected a holy horror of the thought, that is ridiculous, after his assaults on Howe andHulburt. He, with a silliness that is id- iotic, denies that Spaulding wrote the man- script of the Manuscript Found, in the face of the clear testimony of 17 witnesses, one of whom is Rigdon himself. He blunders over Smith's working for Sabine. He says Mrs. Spaulding and her daughter left Sabine's in 1820, and that the trunk was taken from Sabine's in 1820. In 1820 Mrs. Spauldiug left Sabine's, leaving her daughter with the trunk in her care at Sabine's, and went to Connecticut. Some time afterwards she married Mr. Davidson in Pomfret, Connec- ticut. Some time after this she returned to Hartwick, N. Y., to live. Some time after this she sent for the trunk. It was years after 1820, and it may not have been until near the marriage of her daughter to Dr. McKinstrey in 1828, that she sent for the trunk. Miss Spaulding was married at her uncle's in 1828, and afterwards went to Munson, Mass. Mrs. McKinstrey posi- tively says that Smith worked for her uncle while she was there with the trunk in her care ; and that ends all Kelley 's impudent denials. He reads Rigdon's denial. Of course a man who would steal would lie in order to lie out of it. Criminals are not allowed to swear themselves clear. The same is true of Pratt his confederate. Kelley deliberately falsifies my statements. I did not say that Smith stole the manuscript and brought it to Rigdon in Ohio. I said Rigdon stole the manuscript Spaulding prepared for press, remodeled it to suit his purpose and took it to Smith in New York. Then Smith informed Rigdon of the rest of the manuscripts in the posses- sion of one who had been Spaulding's wife, and stole all of them that he could, to pre- vent detection of the fraud, and exposure of the cheat. He says that Tucker did not see Willard Chase before publishing his state- ments. Wonderful! Tucker used an affi- davit that Chase had sworn to, when the events were fresh in his memory, and I quo- ted the same affidavit, and not from Tuck- er. I will attend to David Whitmer's tes- timony in good time. What bearing has his attack on Howe'8 analysis of the Book of Mormon, on the truthfulness of the testi- mony of the witnesses and other parts of Howe's book. He reads an affidavit from Mrs. Salisbury, Joe Smith's sister. In order THE BRADEN AND KELLEY DEBATE. to make out that she must have known it, If Rigdon visited Smith, she said that Joe lived at their father's from 5827 tol 830, and while he was translating toe plates, and translated them at their father's Lucv Smith, her mother, Joe Smith, David Whit- mer, P P. Pratt and others say that Joe moved to Pennsylvania, over one hundred miles away, in the fall of 1827: and Lucy Smith says that Joe took the horse and wasron of one who came to move him to Pennsylvania, to get the plates He went right after finding the plates and before any translation, to Pennsylvania Mrs. Smith and Whitmer and Joe and others say he returned to New York after wheat sowing in 1823. He was in Pennsylvania a year. Whitmer says he returned to Whit- mer's father's and finished the translation. Mrs. Smith says he lived away from home, and that the plates were shown to the three witnesses away in another neighborhood. None of the translating was done at Joe's father's. Joe was not at his father's, but over one hundred miles away, for over a year, and was in another neighborhood, and not at his father's during the rest of the time. If Mrs. Salisbury Tied, as we have proved she did, in saying that Joe was at their fathers, when he was not there, she would lie in saying Rigdon was not there, when he was. Tucker, Mrs. Eaton, McAu- ley, Chase and Saunders say that he was there, and some say at least eighteen months before the Book appeared. Finally we have a long reading from the SainVs Herald of June 1881. In the Weekly News, of Cadilac, Mich., of April 6th, 1880, the Rev. C. C. Thorn, of Manchester, N. Y., publish- ed an article asserting that old acquain- tances of Joe Smith, in Manchester, N. Y. made these statements : "I knew Joe Smith, personally to some extent, saw him ' frequently, knew well his reputation, he was a lazy 'drinking fellow, and loose in his habits in e> ery ' way." Danford Booth "Smith's reputation was bad. ' I was acquainted with Oliver Cowdrey. He was a 'low pettifogger, the cat's paw of the Smiths to do 1 their dirty work." Orrin Reed" I knew the Smiths ' but dises He hng read the article in the CadilLat Weekly flews of April 6th. 1860. respecting ' Cowdery and the "Smith family,' over the signature of C. C Tborue. "The intervie'w therein mentioned between deponent ''aii'l Thorne did take place The matters therein set 'forth, alleged to hare been stated by the deponent "to Thorne, were so stated by deponent to Thorne. He has read also in a paper called the Saint's Herald, "of June 1st, 1881, an article purporting to give what "was said in an Interview between W. H. Kelly anti "another party and the deponent, in which His stated ''that deponent informed said partiei that deponent "and Thorne never had an interview as alleged by "Thorne. Deponent declares that be did not so inform "said parties, and that he has no recollection of such ft "question being asked him by them. (Signed) DANFORD BOOTH. "Sworn to and subscribed before me. July 1st. 1881, (Signed) N. K. COLK, J. P. ' "Orrln Heed, of the township of Manchester, countr "of Ontario, N. Y., being duly affirmed, deposes: His ''age is 77. He was born in the town of Farmlngton. "about four miles from what is called 'Mormon Hill.' "During the last 46 years he has resided in the town of "Manchester, and in the same school district in which "Joseph Smith and family, of Mormon notoriety, re- "sided, andtnree-fourths of a mile from 'Mormon Hill.' "He has read an article published in the Cad llae Nev>9 "of April 6th, 1880, respecting 'Cowdery and the Smith family,' over the signature of C. C. Thorne. The 'matters therein set forth and alleged to have been 'stated by deponent to Thorne were so stated by depo- 'nenr. at the time and in the manner stated in said 'published article. (Signed) ORRIN REKD. "Affirmed and subscribed before me June 29th. 188L (Signed) N. K. COLE, J. P." "Amanda Reed, being duly affirmed, deposes : Phe ! 'the wife of Orrin Reed. She heard the conversation "tween her husband and C. C. Thorne. The statement "mHde in the article published by Thorne in the Cadil- "lac New? of April 6th. 1880, respecting Cowdery and "the Smith family, were in fact so made. The Ian "gnage employed by her husband ws substantially as "th' rein stated. (Signed) AMANDA REKD." Affirmed and subscribed as above. "John H Gilbert, of the town of Palmyra. Wayne "county, N. Y., being.duly sworn, deposes: That in the "article published in the Saint's Herald, at Piano. 111., "June 1st, 1881, over the signature of W. H. Kelly, pur- "porting to give an Interview with the deponent on "Mormonism, the deponent Is grossly misrepresented "In almost every particular. Words are put in the "month of the deponent that he never uttered. The "pretended answers to questions that the deponent did "answer, are totally at variance with the answers that "the deponent really gave. The deponent believes "that such misrepresentation was done designedly. (Signed) JOHN H. CILBKRT." "Sworn to and subscribed before me July 12th. 1881. "M. C. FINLEY, J. P." The originals are on file in the Clerk's office in Canandaigua, Ontario County, New York. I object to Mr. Kelley's playing pettifogger and witness any more in this case. I have impeached the witness. "When we come to introduce witnesses on the character of the Smiths, I shall not allow the impeached witness to testify. Readers can see how much dependence can be placed on his statements concerning what Howe and Mrs. McKinstrey said. I could read a letter from Howe, if necessary, deny- ing his statements. We will now resume our analysis of the Book of Mormon. Nephi follows Lent, quoting 13 chapters of Isaiah, and he ex- plains its fulfillment in the ministry of Christ, as only Sidney Rigdon, with the New Testament open before him, could do it. He uses the exact language of Christ and his apostles, 600 years before they 120 THE BRADEN AND KELLEY DEBATE. uttered it. We have 20 pages of Rigdon's preaching, and in it he rells us that these plates shall be hid up and found by "an unlearned man," and shown to " three wit- nesses ; "not thirteen remember as Mormons now tell us and then hid up again. Rig- don's Nephites know all about the Gospel, and obey it, and still obey the law of Moses, while they are trampling it under foot, ana are blessed of God, above all that have ever Jived, while violating his law ; and he would lain have us believe that God revealed the entire Gospel to them, in violation of every principle of the Bible This absurd, un- ecriptural, blundering fraud is the "Fulness of the Gospel." On page 118 King Jacob tells us that a tundreth part of the wars, contentions and exploits of the Nephites could not be en- graved on his plates. About forty yeari before this, six women left Jerusalem but one was then married. Their posterity, in about forty years, have divided into two nations, and one nation has built a temple like Solomon's, built cities, and even the in- spired Jacob can not engrave one hundreth part uf their exploits on his plates. Sidney never did things by halves when he mounted King Ahasuerus' horse. On page 119 King Jacob, alias Sidney, preaches, and has a perfect knowledge of the atonement and modern theological spe- culations concerning it, and the resurrection and the world to come. The Apostle Paul declares that these things were mysteries, hidden from even the angels, until revealed to the world by the apostles of Christ. Poor Paul did uot know what the Lord had done for the ancestors of Imposter Joe, and manuscript-stealing Sidney in the wilds of America, 600 years before his day ; although they habitually trampled under foot nearly every precept of his law. King Jacob, alias Sidney, now gives a parable from the Mor- mon prophet Zenos. The terse, beautiful parables of our Savior concerning the un- fruitful tree, the husbandman and his vineyard, and Paul's parable of the olive tree, that would cover not a page of the Book of Mormon, are diluted, caricatured, and mixed and spread' over eight pages, as only hifaluting Sidney could doit. In his awkward attempts to imitate the authorized version in style, he begins thirty sentences on theseSyages with "anditcametopass," thirty-one with " Behold." " Beheld " and " Beholdest " occur nearly a score of times each. "Wherefore" and " thereof " nearly as many times. These cant words of the writer com pose a large portion ot the parable from Zenos. An eccentric, illiterate char- acter, popularly called Lord Timothy Dnxter f wrote a book and compelled the printer to print it exactly as he wrote it. There was not a capital letter, nor a mark of punctuation, nor any division of matter into paragraphs or sentences in it. The book was eagerly bought up as a curiosity. In printing a second edition Dexter stated in an appendix that some had found fault with his book, because there were no capitals or punctuation marks in it ; and for their benefit he added the appendix. Then followed many pages, some covered with capital letters, in all conceivable styles, each style having several lines given to it. Then followed whole pages of commas, then serai colons, until every conceivable printers' mark was printed in this way. The author remarked at the close that each reader might take as many and such capital letters and punctuation marks, as he pleased, and place them to suit himself. I would advise the printers of the Book of Mormon to print several thousands of " And it came to pass" " Behold ""Wherefore " " Therefore " "Thereof" and other cant words, and let readers do, as Lord Timothy Dexter advised his readers to do, select such cant words aa they pleased, and as many as they pleased, and place them where they pleased. Let us quote a sentence or two of this " Fulness of theGospel," that is to the New Testament as the New is to the Old. "And jt came to pass that he pruned it, and digged "about it, and nourished it according to his word" (nourishing a tree according to the word!) "And it 'came to pass that after many days it began to put 'foith somewhat, a tender little branches." Who doubts that it took inspiration to bring forth that sentence ? Again, "Ye shall clear away the branches which brings 'forth bitter fruit, according to the strength of the good, and the size thereof, and ye shall not clear the 'bad thereof, all at once, lest the roots thereof be too 'strong for the graft thereof, and the graft thereof 'perish." As Imposter Joe declares in his revela- tions- about stores and land offices "Lo here is wisdom." The wisdom of God is manifest in such stuff as that, doubtless! Who dares to doubt that it took the highest display of inspiration ever made among men to indite such twaddle as that? Seriously is it not transcendant blasphemy to even suggest that Jehovoh inspired 'a man to steal the sublime, parables of the Son of God, and the Great Apostle to the Gentiles, hundreds of years before they were uttered, and to torture their terse and beautiful language into such balderdash as that, then inspired another to engrave it on plates which he preserved miraculously, and then sent an angel to Imposter Joe to tell him where the plates containing such stuff were to be found, and put the climax to this series of miracles, by doling out to Imposter Joe, as he peeped through his his stolen peep stone into the crown of his old hat, this gibberish, word by word, so precious was this " fulness of the Gospel," the power of God unto Salvation? In the next chapter Jacob explains this wonderful parable of the Mormon prophet Zenos, in what would be a good Disciple exhortation, if there were more sense in it, it, and closes with this characteristically Rigdonian sentence "Finally Brethren I bid you farewell, until I shall meet you be- fore the pleasing ' bar of God,' which bar striketh the wicked with awful dread and ' fear.' " The Nephite Jacob, 500 years before Christ, knew all about the English legal idea or phrase "bar." at which a criminal is arraigned. He Knew all about THE BRADEN AND KELLEY DEBATE. 121 the general Judgment, hundreds of years before it was revealed by Christ and his apostles. What a consistent metaphor is the expression " the pleasing bar of God " which strikes with awful dread and "fear." King Ahasuerus' horse got away with Sidney's good sense that time. In the next chapter we have a debate between Jacob and a Deist, in which the mediatorship of Christ, the attonement, and kindred New Testament ideas and modern theological speculations, are discussed, very much after the manner they were, in controver- sies between Rigdon and a sceptical Justice of the Peace in Beaver county, Pa., to which my father listened about sixty years ago. There is an awkward caricature of the miracle of Paul's striking Ely mas blind, and there is more talk about " plates" and how they were to be kept, so that no reader of the Book of Mormon could have any doubtabout Impostor Joe's plates. On page 137 we have another miracle. Mosiah, a Nephite, discourses to the people of Zarahemla Judahites who left Jerusa- lem eleven years after Lehi's departure They had lost all knowledge of God, and were atheists, for they denied his existence, and their language had become so changed that they could not understand Mosiah , yet these atheists, who could not understand Mosiah, rejoiced exceedingly when he told them what they did not believe, and what they could not understand. Now we will call attention to one of the most gigantic of blunders in this bundle of blunders, the Book of Mormon. We are told, on page 137: " And It came to pass that after tbe people were taught the language of Mosiah Zarahemla (their chief) gave a genealogy of his fathers according to hla memory, as they were written, (what the fathers I) but not on these plates. And it came to pass that the peo- ple of Zarahemla (the chief) and Mosiah (the chief) did unite together, and Mosiah (the chief) was ap- pointed to be their King And it came to pass in the days of Mosiah there was * large stone brought unto him with the engravings on it. and ha did interpret the engravings by tbe gift and power of Ood. And they gave on account of one Ooriantamui and the slain of his people And Conantamur was discovered by the people of Zarahemla (the Chief) and he Dwelled with them (the subject of the chief Zarahmla) for the space of nine moons." If this language means anything it means that Coriantamur died among the subjects of the chief Zarahemla in Zarahemla's time. That was about 150 years before Christ. Turn to the Book of Ether and we learn that Coriantamur was the last of the Jared- ites, who were all slain but Coriantamur 600 B. C. Mormons may take which horn of the dilemma they please. If the Jaredites were slain before Lehi came to America, Coriantamur was 600 years old when he came among the subjects of King Zara- hemla. Or the Jaredites and the Nephites inhabited the same country for 450 years, living together, knowing nothing of each others existence ! King Benjamin, alias Rigdon, declares in a sermon, 150 years before Christ, " Behold I come to declare unto you glad tidings of "great joy. Behold the time cometh when the Lord "shal' come down from heaven with power, and shall *' dwell among the children of men, in a tabernacle of " clay, and shall go forth amongst men, working mighty "miracles, such as healing the sick, raising the dead. * causing the lame to walk, the blind to receive their 'sight, the deaf to hear; and curing all manner of ' diseases, and shall cast out devils and evil spirits "which dwellin the hearts of the children of men: And he shall suffer temptations and hunger, and ' thirst, and fatigue and pain of body even more than ' man can suffer, except to be unto death, for behold 1 blood cometh from every pore" (You see King Ben jainin knew all about the physiology of the blood 2000 years before Harvey) " BO great shall be his anguish for the sins and abominations of his people. Ami " he shall be called Jesus Christ, the Son of God, the ' father of heaven and earth, the Creator of all things, 'from the beginning, and his mother shall be called 'Mary, and lo He cometh to his own that salvntion ' might come to the children of men, even through ' faith in his name; and even after all this, they shli 'consided Him a man, and say that He bath a devil, ' and shall scourge Him, and crucify Him, and He shall ' raise the third day from the dead, and behold He " standeth to Judge the world." Did Isaiah, who stands among the proph- ets of the Old Testament, as the prophet of the Messiah, ever utter such prophecies as these? Rigdon interpolated the his- tory of Christ, as he took it from the New Testament, into Spaulding's romance, when he was remodelling it so that he could make a "big thing out of it" as a new rev- elation Benjamin, alias Rigdon, proceeds. Re- member Benjamin is an Israelite, living un- der the law, 150 years before the birth of Jesus. " Salvation cometh to none except it be through " repentance and faith on the Lord Jesus Christ. There " shall be no other name given under heaven, nor any " other means whereby salvation can come unto the ''children of men, only through the name of Christ. " Except they humble themselves, and become as lit. " tie children, and believe that salvation was and is " and is to come (a Disciple Idea) in and through the " atoning blood of Christ (One of Rigdon's revival *' expressions.) For the natural man is enmity against " God and baa been since the fall of Adam (Mont "modern theology.) But if he yields to tbe enticing* " of the Holy Spirit (one of Rigdon's revival isms) " and putteth off the natural man and becometn a " Saint through tbe atonement of Christ oui Lord, and " becometh as a child, submissive, humble, meek. " patient, full of love, willing to submit to the thing* M which the Lord seeth fit to inflict on him even as a "child doth submit to bis father." Seriously, now, as persons of sense, shah we believe that an Israelite, under the law of Moses, preached in that way, 150 years before the birth of Christ? Or that Rigdon interpolated these sentences from tbe New Testament, these phrases from modern the- ology, these revivalism? of his own, into the MS he stole from Spaulding when he was fixing it up to make "a big thing" out of it as a new revelation? In the sermon of a prophet, Abinadi, which is as much like one of Rigdon's ser- mons as the sermons of King Benjamin , Rigdon completely "gives himself away," as the slang expression has it. Page 174. "If Christ had not risen from the dead, or have broken the bonds of death (Shades of Murray, what grammar), that the grave should have no victory, and that death should have no sting, there could have been no resurrection. But there is a resurrec- tion from the dead, therefore the grave hath no victory, and the sting of death is swal- lowed up in Christ." Rigdon forgot that he was trying to put the resurrection of Christ into the mouth of an Israelite be- 122 THE BRADEN AND KELLEY DEBATE. lore it occurred, which demands the future tense, and used such language as the real speaker, Kigdon, should use, and spoke of it as a past event, saying, "had risen, "has broken." On page 277 we have doctrine taught that is as clearly the work of Rigdon as is his blackguard letter to the "Boston Journal," or his glorification of King Ahas- uerus' horse Immersion for the remission of sins is preached over 100 years before John the Baptist, and in the name of Christ, more than 150 years before the day of Pen- tecost, just as Disciple preachers preach it; and to clinch the matter, that it is Rigdon, immersion in the name of Christ is for the miraculous gift of the Holy Spirit, what Rigdon believed and brought from the Bap- tists, and the Disciples do not believe. Ob- serve the teaching agrees with the Disci- ples as far as Rigdon agreed with them, and disagrees with them, just where hedif- fered from them. Converts were added to the church, which was completely organized and in full operation more than 150 years before Jesus said, "I will build my church," proving that it did not then exist. Here again we have an instance in which Rigdon differed fiom the Disciples On pages 192, 193, 194 and 195 we have description? of churches of Christ, Christian teaching Christian ordinances Church discipline, all in accordance with Rigdon's ideas of what these things should be A wicked eon of a preacher is converted, just as men were converted under Rigdon's preaching, a regular miraculous Baptist "experience." This was followed by a regular series of Rigdonish revivals, under preachers preach- ing like Rigdon, the gospel in all of its ful- ness, according to Rigdon's notions. On page 233 we have a long extract from one of Rigdon's sermons : Ye must repent and be born again, for the spirit " faith (where except in John III in the exact wi.rdii " of Jesus) if ye are not born again ye cannot enter the "kingdom of God ; therefore cme and be baptized " unto repentence. that ye may be washed from your "sins, that ye rc^y have faith on the Son of Mod, 'that taketh away the sins of the world, who is mighty ' to save and toc)rnse from .ll unrighteousness: Yea *J say unto you come and fear not. lay to one side ' every sin \vhich doth to easily beset you whirh doth ' bind you down to de-dructioii, yea come and go forth 'and show unto your God that you are willing to ' repent of your sins, and enter into a covenant with 'Him, to keep His commai'dments, and manifest it unto Him this day, by going down into the waters of baptism, and whosoever doeth this, and kPtpeth the commandments of God. from this time forth, the same will remember that 1 have sai * unto him thaf he shall have eternal life according to the Holy Spirit which testifietb in me. Let me ask any person of common sense which do you believe, that an Israelite, un- der the law of Moses, preached in that way, in the exact words of Christ and his apos- tles, more than 10f> years before Christ? Or has Rigdon interpolated one of his exhor- tations into the manuscript he stole from Spaulding when he was making "a big thing," in the shape of a new revelation out of it? Old acquaintances of Rigdon in this audience can slmost hear hifalutin, spread eagle Sidney in one of hi revival exhortations, as they hear that language. MR KELLEY'S TWELFTH SPEECH- GENTLEMEN MODERATORS, LADIES AND GENTLEMEN Before entering upon my main argument I will notice one or two ob- jections that have been made by my oppo- nent. First, with regard to the purported affida- vits th>it he read. Take and read the state- ment showing the manner of interviewing the witnesses I introduced, when the lan- guajre was taken down at the time the parties own words and compare it with the manner of running around and getting up an affidavit when the other fide is not there and you will soon discover who has the truth. Mr Braden : Was Mr. Thorn present when you mterviewpd those parties? Mr. 'Kelley: I have not presented any affidavits, sir. I have given their exact lan- guage taken at the time; written in their presence. That is the manner of getting this, and it is so stated here. I will read from the conclusion of the intervit : ' These facts and interviews are present d to the ' readers of the Herald impartially, just a they oe- " curred the good and bad side by side, and Hllowing " tor a possible mistake or error from a misappreheu- " sion or mistake in taking notes, it can be relied up- " on as the opinion and gossip had about the Smith "family and others among their old neighbors. It "will be remembered that all the parties interviewed "are unbelievers in. and some of them bitter ene- mies to the faith of the Saints; aiid it is not unreason- able to suppose that th>-y all tId the worst (hey knew So we sui mil it to the Herald readers, without 'comment, with the expectation of sending each one ' of the parties interviewed a copy when published." When this was published each of the parties was sent a copy of the Herald with the interview, and not one from whose af- fidavit Mr. Braden has read has had the manliness to write to Mr. Kelley of CId wa- ter, Michigan, and say that he was misrep- resented. But somebody can run around and get up an affidavit that does not men- THE BRADEN AND KELLEY DEBATE. 12S tion a single material contradiction, and a couple of them sign it. How many affida- vits did he have from the witnesses I read from last night? From nobody but from Major Gilbert and Major Gilbert fails to point out a single thing in which he is mis- represented. Did you not notice that? He saye that he was misrepresented, but he does not state wherein he was misrepre<-ent- ed. The fact is, Major Gilbert, if he made that affidavit, lied, and I know that he did. I am willing to face him In Palmyra, or any other place, and say that it is not true because I know his language was taken at the time. As far as the contradiction is concerned I do not care anything about it. I wantea it to come before this audience. I knew what Gilbert had done when he found he was caught; and what Braden had to bring, but I wanted to show this audience how easy it was to run around and get affidavits and statements' from persons and prove things, when you write 'hem up yourself and have them signed The way it started, this Mr. Thorn, a Presbyterian preacher was living there in the neighborhood, and he heard of Elder Kelley's preaching at Cadi lac, Michigan, and he went to these parties 10 get their evidence, and he sent it over to Cadilac, Michigan, to publish It there in order to defeat Elder Kelley's preaching. Elder Kelley, instead of saying "O! you're another," went directly to the parties them- selves, and there upon the ground took their statements, and took them down m writing and sent their statements back to them afterwards. Mr Thorn never did any such thing with Mr Kelley, nor with these witnesses, when they said they had made other statements, as Mr. Braden represents. I leave it then, for the honest and candid thinkers, and those who love truth rather than falsehood, to decide who has told the falsehood and who has told the truth, if there is any antagonism between tnese parties. There is, in fact, no worthy con- tradiction of W. H. Kelley's report of the interview, as yet. Major Gilbert does not ptate a single thing wherein he has been misrepresented. Was it in the statement that he had been trying for fifty years to collect evidence against the Book of Mormon .' Was it in that he said he had a way out of the difficulty now he thought; that he had spoken to Baunders to testify that Rigdoa was there, and afterwards had written nim, but Saunderd had not received it? Was it in that he is reported as disbelieving in the Bible? He is the only witness whose testi- mony I read before you, who has said he was misrepresented. The majority have stood by their evidence as published in the interview. The others I could say some- thing about, but I will not at this time. Here I will refer to one or two other matters and then proceed with my argu- ment. First, wiih regard to the "woman E readier" referred to in Mr. Bpauld'ng's jtter, as found in Smucker's History Does he not know that that is the original sta te- nant from which all the rest of these histories of Mormonism go to for their material, and yet the rest of them have struck out the word "woman." What right had they to dojthat? Mr Braden: "When was Smucker's book copyrighted ? " Mr. Kelley : "I do not care when Smuck- er's book was copyrighted? Mr. Braden- "In 1878?" Mr. Kelley; "1 did not get it from Mr. Smucker. I got it from a hook that was published long before Smucker. Mackey's History of the Mormons, published in England. I will hand you the book any time you may wish to examine. It is a book published long before Smucker, and it has the words 'a woman preacher;' and it is the oldest work that I have seen that con- tained the letter. These others have taken it out of the letter because it killed them so easily. You quoted from works that had deliberately garbled the letter and have used such before this audience. 1 was, in a former speech, speaking of these purported statements of John and Martha Spaulding, as set out by Howe, showing that they are quotations from something and not the original. He does not give any date to these statements; no time or place, or party by whom they were taken. They are put in quotations in the book, and they do not, in any sense, amount to statements. If they did, they are so contradictory to what Mrs. Spaulding her- self states, that they could not possibly be relied upon. This is the testimony he so triumphantly threw into my face the other evening the best he has. How do you like to swallow it down? The publication by Howe of these purported statemen's, and the garbled extracts from our works in his "History of the Mormons, or Mormon- ism Unveiled," shows that the enemies of the Book of Mormon had nothing of truth to sustain their wicked attacks and over- throw it, or they would have used it. All of the statements which he has pro- duced have now been examined, except that of Mr Campbell and Adamson Bea 1 ;- ley, the last of these the one whom Rigdon referred to in the letter that I read to you last evening. I did expect to refer to Mr Campbell's this evening. I guess I ehall. as I am in this connection also Mr. Bent- ley's. Mr Campbell, you remember, mentioned in his statement that he was not positiv* with regard to this ; that is, that he thought that he would like to see what brother Bentley had to say about it before he gav his testimony It is not independent evi- dence by either of these parties This Adamson Bentley is the same party wh> was referred to by Sidney Rigdon ; who. from the outset (18H1) undertook to destroy him; and Mr Campbell says, as you will find by reading his letter, "that the con- versation alluded to in Bro. Bentley 'a let- ter, in 1841. was in my presence as well as in his. My recollection of it led me, som two or three years ago, to interrogate Bro. Bentley concerning his recollection of it." 1.24 THE BRADEN AND KELLEY DEBATE. Put T will produce the article and state- men*-! of tin parlies in full, so that all n< . roper l.y ., dge them : iuleunial Harbinger for 1844 page Sb - Mr. Campbell heads these articles as fol- lows : "MISTAKES TOUCHING THE BOOK OF MOR- MON." He then publishes an article entitled "Mormon" The means by which it stole the 'True Gospel," taken from the Evan- gelist, one of their own papers, then edited by Mr. Scott. The article is as follows : "It is well ktiwn that the Mormons preach the true ' gospel, and plead for immediate obedience to it on "the part of the hearers, as the advocate of original '('hristinnity. This was not an original measure of "Morrnor.ism for, indeed, baptism for the remission of "sins is a phrase not found in their book. A few of "their lenders took it from Rigdon at Euclid, on the "Western Reserve, as may be learned from Brother " account of their first visit 10 Kirtland, pub- lished in a preceding volume of the Evangelist, Rig- 'don we were perfectly aware, had possessed him- "seil of our analysis, and the pleafor obedience raised "thereupon, tut nt choosing to rely on my own re- "collection of the means by and the times at which "they were imparted to him, we wrote to Mr. Bentley, "who is his brother-in-law, for the necessary informa- "lion. Mr. Bentley's letter shows, not only whence he "received his knowledge of the true gospel, but also "that, coward that he was, he had not the indepen- dence necessary to preach it in his own vicinity after "he had received it. Thus the knowledge of ordering "and pleading the elements of the true gospel by that 'people, is seen to arise near the same time, and' from "the same source, as that of our own reformation. Mr, "Bentley's letter is as follows : " SOLON, January 22. 1841. " Dear Brother Scott. Your favor of the 7th of Decem- "her is received. I returned from Philadelphia, Pa., "on the 10th, and the answer to your acceptable letter "has been deferred. I was much gratified to hear from "you and family, but would be much more to see you "one* 1 more in the flesh, and talk over our toils and "anxieties in the cause of our blessed Redeemer. "You request that 1 should give you all the informa- "tion I am in possession of respecting Mormonism. I "know that Siduey Rigdon told me there was a book "coming out (the manuscript of which has been found "engraved on gold plates) as much as two years before "the Mormon book made its appearance in this coun- "try, or had been heard of by me. The same I com- "municated to brother A. Campbell. The Mormon "book has nothing of the baptism for the remission of "sins in it: and, of course, at the time Rigdon pot Solo- "mon Spaulding's manuscript he did not understand "the Scriptures on that subject" [Of course he did not. He was in the Campbellite Church then and they never understood the Scriptures as they ought to have done] "I cannot say he learned it from me, as "he had been about a week with you in Nelson and "Windham, before he cf>me to my house. I, however, "returned with him to Mentor He stated to me that "he did not feel himself capable of introducing the sub- "jectin Mentor, and would not return without me if "lie had to stay two weeks with us to induce me to go. "This is about all that I can say. I have no doubt hut "that the account given in Mormonism Unmaoked (this is's book "Mormonism Unveiled," which lie refers to. They all go back to that for their infor- mation] is about the truth, ft was trot up to deceive "the people and obtain their property, and was & "wicked contrivance with Sidney Rigdon and Joseph "Smith, Jr May God have mercy on the wicked men, "and may thev repent of their great wicked ess! May "the Lord bless you brother Scott, and family. "Yours most affectionately. "ADAMSON BENTI.EY.'' This is a genuine Campbelhte letter, as it has all of the ear-marks. He wants to tell omething, when it is evident without the least comment that he knows nothing at all. He is Sidney Rigdon's brother-in-law, and since Rigdon has left his church wants to give him a dab, and he does not care how so that he is not caught. He had been intimate with Rigdon all along during the years 1823, 24, 25, 2G, 27, 28, 29 and 30: the two working together, preaching together; and Bentley knew perfectly well that fJig- don could have had no more to do in get- ting up the Book of Mormon than he had; and yet because Rigdon had united with the Saints he was mad and wanted to de- stroy him. He indorses Howe's book as no doubt being "about the truth." This ia the book which I showed you so perverted, misquoted, garbled, and wickedly falsified our works iii order to write down something against them. Bentley drinks it down. And the " May the Lord bless you, brother Scott." That was the spirit that marked the career of this man, at the time, to a dot. Never mind anybody else. No differ- ence what their claims. Hound them down because they do not follow us. But the Lord bless us ! me and my wife, my son John and his wife, brother Scott and his wife, us poor, and no more. I reserve comment upon this statement of Scott's and letter of Bentley till after presenting the review of it, and the evi- dence, as Mr. Braden has termed it, of Mr. Campbell. You will observe at once that this letter of Bentley's was too brazenly absurd for Campbell to swallow for a mo- ment. Mr. Campbell says : "Brethren Scott and Bentley arc both mistaken us to "the fact of baptism for the remission of sins not b a v- "ingbeen found in the Book of Mormon; and ont of "them in the inference contained in the note append- "ed to Elder Bentley's letter " [Here, then, are two mil- takes, at least, and by both on one of the points.) "The conversation alluded to In Brother Bentley'i "letter of 1811, wns in my presence as well as his." [This is a third, for Bentley says, "I communicated it to brother A Campbell."! "and my recol ection of it led "me, some two or three years ago to interrogate broth- "er Bentley. touching his recollection of it," [Here is a fourth contradiction of brother Bentley, for he said, he 'communicated to brother A. Campbell. ] ''which "accorded with mine, except the year in which It "occurred, he placing it in the year 1827, and I in the "summer of 1826." [This is the fifth contradiction.] "Rigdon. at the time observing thai in th plates dug "up in New York there was an account, not only of the "Aborigines of this country, butalso it was stated that "the Christian religion had been preached in thii "cnnntrv iusf as we were preachingit on the Western "Reserve " Here is the sixth ; and a very essential difference. Mr. Campbell says" that Ilig- don was telling them about an account that was contained upon plates dug up in New York, but Mr. Bentley puts it in his letter " the manuscript of which had been found engraved on gold plates." Here Bentley is convicted of deliberately lying in order, if possible, to make a show of connection between the " Spaulding Manuscript," which at this time, was in the possession of Howe, and the Book of Mormon: and so he wickedly puts the word "manuscript" into his letter to mislead. Mr. Campbell proceeds: .une JIKS iwo years according u> r.mer nrmiey, HIIU ''three years according to me after snid conversa< ' ;iou (and certainly it was not less than two years), th THE BRADEN AND KELLEY DEBATE. 125 'Inference of brother Scott touching the person upon 'Whom the theft was committed would be plausible if *'it was a fnct that biiptism for remission of sins is 44 no part of the Book, but something snper-mldt'd sinre "from the practice in Ohio in the end of 1827 and begin- 'nlngof 1828; a year or more after Rigdon made the 'aforesaid statement." Mr. Campbell proceeded then to make quotations from the Book of Mormon, to show that Messrs. Scott and Bentley were wrong and over conclusive, quoting from pages 240, 479, 581 and 582 of the book, and then says : "Certainly this is testimony enough without further 'readings. The note on the text of brother Bentley's 'letter shows how easily men may reason wrong from 'fulse fa'-ts, or from assumed premises. If the Editor 'of the Evangelist were not above the imputation of 'envy, jealously, or vanity, the whole affair might be 'construed disadvantageous!? , but as it is it seems to 'show the necessity of a scrupulous exami"ation of 'the premises before we presume on such grave cou- 'clusions." Just so. There are a great many ear- marks visible to the naked eye about this alleged conversation with Mr. Rigdon, show- ing "the necessity of a scrupulous exami- nation of the premises before we presume on such grave conclusions." Mr Campbell, undoubtedly, made a large number of his followers wince when he struck these two conclusionists that little blow ; and had he on this occasion heeded the advice tendered to others, another erroneous, yet "grave conclusion" would not have been arrived at. The only remarkable thing about this statement of Campbell's at all, is the fact that any man can be so blind as not to see that there is not a shadow of proof in it that in the least points to Sidney Rigdon aa a party having any connection with the origin of the Book of Mormon. Suppose that the memory of Mr. Campbell to be entirely correct in giving this conversation at least ten years after the time fixed for its occurrence (and he shows it is not, by himself stating that he first asked Mr. Beutley about it to see if he had it right), and what have we? Simply that Sidney Rigdon stated in his presence in the year 1826 or '27 that there was a claim made by some person in New York State, not even the name of the party then known to him it seems, that some plates of gold had been dug up in that State, giving an account of the aborigines of this country, and stating that the Christian religion had been preached in this country just as we (Camp- bell, Rigdon, Scott and Bentley) were preaching it on the Western "Reserve. This same claim (with the exception of the words "just as we were doing upon the Western Reserve"), doubtless, to this time had been repeated by more than ten thou- sand people in the United States ;. for the laim was in the public press before this, the announcement being made as early as 1823, and the plates were obtained in Sep- tember, 1827 ; and would it be a strange thing or proof of guilt for Sidney Rigdon to also talk about it with others? Indeed, when you turn the thought over, the strength of the evidence is the other way, for had Rigdon been connected with this in any wise he would not have spoken of it to Mr. Campbell and Mr. Bentley But, says one, why did he use the words "just as w were doing on the Western Reserve?" I answer, because he did not know anything about it, for had he, he could not have so spoken The record from the plates did not teach as they were teaching on the Western Reserve, but in nine-tenths of all its prin- ciples taught the reverse. Mr. Higilon could not have made the statement had he been connected in any manner in getting up the Book of Mormon. All through, that book contains doctrinal principles entirely different to the teachings of Mr Campbell and these preachers of the Western Re- serve. When Joseph Smith first announced that the angel said to him that there was a record of the ancient inhabitants of this continent written upon gold plates and de- posited, to be brought forth in the cwn due time of the Lord, itn mediately all the good old deacons and pious preachers of Man- chester and Palmyra, New York, started the story of a "Gold Bible." It was pub- lished over the country ; and since Qampbell and Rentley can not agree within a year of the time when they say Rigdon spoke of the notice, who will dare to say the conversa- tion was not in 182, or even 1830, instead of 1826 or 1827. They can not agree within one year of the time themselves ; yet, they pre- tend to give such certain testimony, as they would have you believe, although your salvation may be shadowed in the grand hereafter by it, for having rejected the truth. Persons who will take such statements for evidence do so because they love that which appeals to their own selfishness and evil desires, and which is fallacious, rather than God's*word, which says, "To the law and to the testimony ; if they speak not ac- cording to this word it is because there is no light in them." And again; "He that abideth in the doctrine of Christ, he hath both the Father and the Son " Well, but Mr. Braden says, "the devil may come abiding in the doctrine." When did you ever know of him coming and abiding in the doctrine of Christ? It is the New Testament my opponent attacks upon this, and not me. Are we not to prac- tically rely upon John's statement, where- in he says- " If any come bringing not this doctrine, receive him not?" the con- verse of which is, if any come bringing this doctrine, no difference who; he may be good, although called bad, him receive. It is founded upon the certain ground that the devil will not come preaching the truth, for it would destroy him ; it would be contrary to his own existence-. "A house divided against itself cannot stand." For this reason Satan "abode not in the truth from the beginning," says Jesus I am surprised that a professed minister of the (Jospel should take the indefensible ground that you must denounce a thing whether it con- tains the doctrine of Christ or not. In ihia he gives the entire Christian religion away THE BRADEN AND KELLEY DEBATE. The standard is "Though we, or an angel from Heaven preach any other gospel," [anything other than the truth or doctrine of Christ] "let him be accursed." But my opponent would have you give them a little cursing if they do bring the Gospel. My friends, you need never be afraid that the Devil will come around abiding in the doctrine of Christ. He might teach one thing. He might teach for instance, baptism by water only ; but he will never teach baptism by water and of the Holy Spirit, to the believer, because God alone can give the Holy Spirit, and the Devil could not teach that, without soon being detected and exposed in the deception. Do not understand me as referring to my op- ponent or the Disciples as Satan. I was only making the argument by way of an illustration. (Laughter). I have all of his questions here : forty-two questions, 1 believe. He said I would nev- er look at or examine them ; but I have and find no basis to them whatever, except the false statements, as I have shown, that he referred to at the first. I need not say to you that I do not have to take up my time in examining each one of them separately after having shown that the basis of every- one of them is false. Let him get upon a true basis and argue the facts essential to this case if he can. I think, perhaps, he might do better had he a different case. But, in the name of common sense what has he ac- complished by the forty questions present- ed ? Simply changed the form of Chestate- mentof what heclaims his witnesses say and puts it interrogatively. Do I have to take up this same evidence which I have shown be- fore to be entirely unreliable and examined it because now he has revamped it and put iuin the shape of questions? You would certainly call me silly to so waste my time. I have, by showing the falsity of the state- ments upon which his questions are based, struck his foundation down, and what care I now for the twists he takes in the debris. It he has anything to offer in support of his foundation, or any new evidence, I shall gladly take the time to examine it. I have already examined all of his testimony, ex- cept, possibly, a few of the parties referred to by Patterson in his pamphlet. Should I find the statements of any others than whom I have examined I shall refer to them hereafter. Now I will proceed to the argument upon the main question, taking up first and an- swering objections made. My opponent, on the last evening of the discussion said that all the good there was In the Book of Mormon Smith and Rigdon etole from the Disciples, alias the Campbel- lites, but this is a thing to be proven, if true. I confess, viewing the matter from ne standpoint, that it seems as though there might have been some tampering with the Campbellite faith, some time, if there was ever any special good in it, as it seems to be quite barren ot any good thing now ; but whether it was stolen from them by the Latter-Day Saints remains . to be shown. He says: "It is all balderdash," to ar- gue that "whosoever abideth in the doc- trine of Christ he hath both the Father and the Son." Yet this is the emphatic state- ment of the word of God. Remember it is not the language of myself, but he calls it balderdash. He says that bad men and the devil might come around abiding in the doctrine, but they would not have the Fath- er. Then the apostle must have missed it. It is not true that bad men or the devil ev- er did or ever will abide in the doctrine. Of the devil it is distinctly said "he abode not in the truth." Abiding in the doctrine is one rule given by John to test true teach- ers from false ones. The tru3 ones abide in the doctrine ; the false ones do not. Mr. Braden and his Disciple friends do not abide in the doctrine, as I will show more particularly in discussing the next proposition; and they also argue that God cannot be with them- mly in the word ; hence they have neither the Father, Son nor Holy Ghost. He is fighting the inspired evangelist, not me. Again, he says when Mormonism is at- tacked by showing the bad character of those engaged in it that'I retort by dragging the Bible down to the level of the Book of Mormon, attacking it. My opponent knows too well the tendency of the kind of argu- ment that is resorted to by him to defame and destroy the Book of Mormon and blast the reputation of its friends ; but if the argument is good against the Book of Mor- mon and its adherents, as showing that God did not inspire or direct them, the same argument is good against any other class of men making similar claims. All of you can see that if the Book of Mormon is to be rejected because somebody slandered the character of those who brought it to light, that the New Testament must be under the same hypothesis; that if it be true that God would only select pure and ex-lted characters, such as would at no time of life do a wrong thing, through whom to reveal his will, then pretty much all of the Bible is to be rejected, for Noah, Abraham, Moses, David, Solomon, Peter and Paul, those with whom God is said to have communed, were not men of such exalted and perfect charac- ters. There was none good, so far as tha* term is used, "no, not one." When my opponent accepts them as mediums through whom God revealed himself, what becomes of his position taken here, that if he can show that if some of the leaders who brought to light under divine guidance tne Book of Mormon did things some time in their lives that was not just right, he has proven the Book of Mormou false. Among the first things which Moses did was to kill an Egyptian and hide him in the sand and then flee his country. Abra- ham, the father of the faithful, had a con- cubine, "Sarah's ni.-iid." Noah got drunk soon after he tourli i dry land, after the great flood. David had wives and concu- bines too numerous to mention; 8olom->M the same, combined with the sin of being an idolater. Abijah, after five hundred THE BRADEN AND KELLEY DEBATE. 127 thousand had been slain in battle before him, the Lord being with him, waxed mighty and took 14 wives and begat 22 sons and 16 daughters. 2 Chron. 13 . 21, 22. Ho- sea went and took a woman of whoredoms and lived with her, and then took his friend's wife ; but still went on prophesy- ing, and my. friend claims to believe the Erophesy. Peter cursed and swore, denied is Lord, and yet who would discard his epistles ? Saul assented to stoning Stephen to death, and afterwards he wa. an apostle and had many trials and temptations, and yet the list is not lull. All ol this is m the Bible My opponent assumes *o believe in the inspiration of pretty much all here men- tioned, just because their names occur h the Bible, not because they did no bad things during their lives . yet he endeavors to sink the Book of Mormon by connecting something to the lives of Joseph Smith and Sidney Rigdon that is not just right He can see that if such arguments will destroy the Book of Mormon's claims to being di- vinely inspired it destroys that of the Bible also, and while he fats in bringing an array of accusations against Smith and Rig- don and others, which he has failed to prove , with him it is dragging the Bible (which he claims to believe in) down, to apply to it in an argument the same Rind of warfare. For the fak of the argument. T might admit (that which is not true) that Smith. Rigdon et al were as bad as he repre- sents them to have been, they would then be entitled to a respectable standing among the very best of those whom he admits that God revealed himself through. He has only got beside himself. It does not drag the Bible down to tell the truth about it. Et must stand on its merits just like the Book of Mormon. I am a believer in both. It is consistency, truth and fairness that we want. He objects to the Book of Mormon because one of the writers says : " If there be faults in it they are the mistakes of men ;" claim- ing that if it is inspired there should be no faults. But the Book of Mormon does not claim to be wholly inspired any more than the Bible claims to be wholly inspired. The writer says he writes according to his knowl edge in the characters ; confessed that they had an imperfect language and that they could not write as well as they could speak When done his record, he asked that men might read the book with chanty in their hen ts, and not condemn it on account of finding some fault; and then the writer g es on and says : " If there are faults they are the mistakes of men ; but I know of n'o faults." He then exhorts not to condemn the things that are of God. This is the honestly declared statement of the writer As I examine these objections it becomes more and more apparent that brother Bra- den has not made any criticism on the Book of Mormon yet that will stand the test of examination ; neither will he. That you may see how much his assertions are worth, just note the fact that he said, on the last evening of the discussion, that the word "Jew" was not known to Bible writers until after the Jewish captivity. In II Kings, xvi. 6, the King of " Syria drove the Jews from Elath." This was about 742years before Christ, and 120 years before the Jew- ish captivity. The word Jew is found in Jeremiah xxxiv. 9, 590 years before Christ, and long before the return of the Jews from their captivity. The word was in use 710 y ;ars before Christ, in the time of Hezekiah, King of Judah, II Chron., chap, xxxii. 18. 1 1 was applied to all Israelites 580 years be- fore Christ. Dan. viii. 12. Again, he asserts as an objection to the Book of Mormon that it speaks of stel and its uses, and that the Jews knew nothing of steel , that it was not known in old Bible times; only mentioned, he says, once, and that in the Book of Job That should have been enough to remove his objections . but he is keen to find fault, and " a drowning man will catch at straws " In 2 Saml 22*35, it is stated, "He teacheth my hands to war , so that a bow of steel is broken in my arms.' This was only 1018 years before the time of Christ. The same thing occurs in Psalms of David, chap. 18, v 34, as well as in Job 20 24 ; and this is said to be the oldest book in the Bible My opponent does far better with hli stories than he does in dealing with things that can be tested right here in this discus- sion If he wishes to succeed he had better go on telling his yarns, and not undertake to handle edged tools. Again, he says, the Israelites did not! make and write on plates which would have ' been the case if Lehi could bring plates from Jerusalem. Very true , now let us see. In I Kings, 7 30 we are informed that they made " Plates of brass." These plates were used in building the temple, and the 36th verse says : "Graved [engrav- ed] cherubims, lioas and palm trees" on them. In Exodus, 39: 3 we read: "They did beat the gold into thin plates." They wrote, or engraved, also on gold plates. " And thou shalt make a plate of pure gold and grave upon it like the gravings of a sig- net, Holiness to the Lord!" That which was the most highly prized, beautiful and sacred they wrote on gold plates. Ex 28: 37, Ex, 39:30. They made a plate of pure gold, and wrote upon it a writing like the engraving of a signet, Holiness to the Lord " The Israelites not only engraved upon gold and brass plates, but also upon stones of various kinds, see Ex.28 9. 11, 21. and 30* 6, 19 But working in brass and iron commenced with Tubal-cain. Gen. 4 22, and the art of engraving on hard substances was known 1700 years oefore Christian era. See Gen. 38; 18, 25. So much for his objection to the Book of Mormon because they wrote on gold plates and brass plates. Again, he ridicules the Idea of God giv- ing Lehi the " Liahona," or compass ; and says that "one spinnel pointed the way they should go ; the other the way they 128 THE BRADEN AND KELLEY DEBATE. should not go," of course; but the record eays nothing about the way they should not go. He thinks they could not read a writing on the spindle in a brass globe, but the writing was on the spindle and they could see the spindle. This is too marvelous a story for my opponent to believe ; but he can swallow Jonah and the whale and then be ready for more like it. He can believe that God wrote the tables of the law and went before the Israelites and fed them on manna for 40 years ; when they got hungry for fresh meat God would send a shower of quails, and when they were thirsty the water would roll out of a dry rock to quench their thirst. He can gaze with delight and the utmost rapture at the spring of water as it gushed from the jaw-bone of an ass in Samson's hand, and drink them all in and then think them but common things, and still be ready for more like it. But when the Book of Mormon claims that God guided the Jaredites and the Nephites by miracle it is not to be believed ; it is all one of Joe Smith's fables gotten up to deceive. Whether Smith stole this part of the Book of Mormon, (the big stories), from the Campbellites or not, remains to be proven along with the rest. Now there is not as astounding and miraculous things stated in the Book of Mormon as there is in the Biblo; yet, my opponent objects to the Book of Mormon because it states that God by miracle aided the people who came to this continent, notwithstanding the huge miraculous accounts that are to be found in t"fie book which he admits to be true. Nephi does not say, as asserted by my pponent, that he made plates in the wilder- ness where there was no ore ; but that after they had arrived at the promised land they found " ore of gold," aud here lie made his first plates. So much for his statement that they made plates out of nothing. He objects to the Book of Mormon because the word church is used in it before the Christian era. Church means an assembly of worshippers. The Book of Mormon is a translation into English. No matter what an assembly of a like kind may have been called in old time it would be called a a church when translated into English. Besides Stephens says, Acts, 7: 38 that t* >re a "Church in the wilderness," iir \ie time of Moses. He objects to the Boa of Mormon because it says the gospel is preached on this continent before the tiue of Christ. It was preached to Abraham, Gal. 3 8, and to Moses and the Israelites, Heb. 4: 2. He objects to the Book of Mor- mon because the Nephites professed to have the Holy Ghost before Pentecost Day ; and said the Holy Ghost was not given until af- ter Jesus was glorified. Peter says "Proph- esy came not in old times by the will of man, but holy men of God spake as they were moved by the Holy Ghost." 2 Peter, 2:21. This Holy Ghost inspired all of the prophets and saints from Adam to Christ ; why not the Nephites? After Christ commenced his ministry on earth, his disciples were not to receive the Holy Ghost until after the ascension. He says : "If I go not away the Comforter will not come." While he was in the world he was the es- pecial light of the people. That is the way it was, Mr. Braden. There is noclash herewith the Book of Mormon. The Holy Ghost and the gospel were enjoyed before the Savior's ministry on earth, and they kept the law of Moses, also. (Time expired.) MR BRADEN'S TWELFTH SPEECH. GENTI/EMEN MODERATORS, LADIES AND GEN - ! -M.;N. On page 234 we have a de- scription of many kinds of coin, and some of them were very large. Why have we never found any of these coins in America? In ruins in the old world millions of coins have been found. Why not on this con- tinent V On page 235 a Nephite preacher solves all the disputes of modern theon gy concerning the resurrection, and 100 years '.eiMt?\ hrist. Men may differ in their interpretation of of the general truths taught by Christ and his apostles, but there can be no dispute over the minute, dogmatical revelations of the Nephite prophet, who, stransre to say, gives by inspiration the exact ideas of Rig- don 1800 years before Rigdon lived to preach them. " N'OW there is a death which is called a temporul ' dewb and the death of Christ shall loose all bonds of this temporal dvath, that all shall be raised from this temporal death. The sp rit and the body shall b<- re united again in its perfect form, both limb and joint shall be restored t-uts propei form, even as they ' now are at this time, and shall be brongh to stand ' before the bar of God, knowing as we now know." There, that settles the vexed question in favor of a literal resurrection. God inspired the Nephite Amalek, long before the birth of Christ, to explain the ressurrectipn and temporal death and spiritual death, just as Rigdon believed. On page 238 a soul-sleeper is silenced with THE BRA DEN AND KELLEY DEBATE. Rigdon's ideas on eschatology. On page 289 we have the modern term '-Dissenter" a word never used until men dissented from the creed and practice of the church of .England. On the page we have a de- scription of Episcopalians, and the Lord's day is mentioned. This is followed by pages of preaching in which nearly every idea of modern theology, even the most abstruse, is discussed and settled in a manner that utterly eclipses the general teachings of Christ and his apostles; and what is more miraculous, these Nephites always agree exactly with Rigdon's theology In their revelations. On page 280 we have the Church of God described, and it is de- scribed as having perfect Christian teaching concerning topics the New Testament de- clares were mysteries until revealed by Christ and his apostles. On page 326 we read: "He prayed for blessings of Christ to rest on the 'brethren so long as there should be a band of Chris- ' tinns to possess the land, for thus were all true 'believers of Christ, who belonged to the Church of 'God called by those who did not belong to the 'Church. And those who belonged to the Church 'were fxithful, yea all those who were true believers * of Christ, took upon them gladlv the name of Christ 'or Christians as they were called, because of their belief in Christ." The New Testament declares that the disciples of Christ were first called " Chris- tians" at Antioch over one hundred years after the Book of Mormon declares they were called Christians universally in America. I wish now to call attention to one of those little things that speak volumes. There was ft difference of opinion among the co-adjutors of Campbell concerning what should be the name of the followers of Christ. Campbell, Sheppard and others insisted that they should be called "Discip- les of Chris*." Walter Scott and others insisted that they should be called "Chris- tians," and that the Church should be called "the Church of God" or "Church of Christ." Rigdon agreed with Scott. Ob- serve that bis ideas are repeated several times in the above extract. By inserting into his stole?? manuscript his ideas, he con- tradicted the New Testament concerning the time the name Christian was first given and made his "big thing" a tissue of ab- surdities. According to the Book of Mormon there were great numbers of Churches of God and multitudes of Christians hundreds of years before Christ came. They had a perfect knowledge of his Gospel and the most abstruse ideas of modern theology, all settled by revelation, long before Christ; and the most singular fact is that the Lord Agreed with Rigdon in all of these revela- tions that he gave these highly favored Nephites. How highly favored these old prophets were in receiving, by inspiration from God, all of Rigdon's theology 1800 years before the advent of Sidney. We come now to another of those little things that speak volumes. Rigdon as a regular.Baptist prercher, had a bitter prej- udice against all secret societies. In the days of the anti-Masonic excitement of the time extending from 1824-5 to 1834-5 Rig- don was a rabid anti-Mason. On page 382 he gives the Masons a dig and airs his anti- Masonic ideas. Gadianton and a band of robbers have a Masonic lodge and act just as anti-Masons said Masons acted. Again on pages 365-6 he airs his anti-Masonic ideas. A band of cutthroats have a secret society with oaths, grips, signs, pass words, and swear to protect, each other in crime. On page 399 and on several pages following we nave a repetition of Rigdon's anti-Masonio ideas. Seriously, isthisthe work ofaNephite before Christ, or is it the work of the anti- Masons, Spaulding, Rigdon, or Smith one or all of them? Page 474 a prophet tells the Nephites that on the night our Savior Is born it will be as light as day all night. The sun will set and rise, but the light will not be diminished in the least. The Bible flatly contradicts such stuff*. On page 415 we are told again that the darkness at our Savior's crucifixion will last three days. The Bible says three hours. Page 422 we are told that it remained as light as mid-day (Sidney never does things by halves) all one night and a star was seen, the night our Savior was born. What sort of a star could be seen in mid-daylight we are not told. Perhaps all the Nephites had peep stones and looked into their hats and saw the star. For some years Gadianton 's wicked Masons vex the righteous anti- Masonic Ne- phites terribly but at last the righteous anti- Masons prevail and exterminate these vile Sons of Darkness the Masons and righteous- ness prevails all over the land as the result. Page 431 Mormon, who informs us that he is a fully developed Christian, says that he cannot write all that he wants to write be- cause of the imperfection of the language. The Almighty has inspired a man to engrave a revelation on brass plates and suddenly finds himself balked by the imperfection of the language that he has in his ignorance chosen. As the Mormon God is not infin- ite he might make such a blunder. Then follows a description of the three days of darkness, and Hdney just cavorts on King Ahasuerus's horse in depicting the horrors of that time, that ac- cording to the Bible never was. After this was heard the voice of our Savior, and it was heard over all North America. Sidney's miracles are always something worth while; none of your little miracles such as the Son of God wrought in Pales- tine,nothingbutsky-splittingand universe- shaking miracles will do for Sidney. Then a small voice not a loud voice is heard that pierces their frames and causes their hearts to burn ; and our Savior, speaking in this small voice, says to the Nephites on this continent, "I am the Alpha and the Omega." Let the reader stop fora moment and think of the absurdity of the Son of God saying to Nephites on this continent, who knew nothing at all about the Greeks or their language, *' I am the Alpha and the Omega," the first and the last letter of the Greek alphabet. He might as well have 180 THE BRADEN AND KELLEY DEBATE. used the first and last letters of the Chero- kee alphabet. After this our Savior, who had been res- urrected at Jerusalem, appears on this con- tinent and preaches one of Sidney Rigdon's discourses to them, and commands them to use Sidney Rigdon's baptismal formula, "Having authority given me of Jesus Christ I baptize you in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost." By the way, Sidney dropped the Disciple peculiar- ity of saying "Spirit" instead of "Ghost," and went back to his old Baptist formula. Who is such a simpleton as to believe that our Savior visited America after his ascen- sion into heaven, in violation of the New Testament that declares his next coming after his ascension will be at the end of his dispensation ; that his mission was to preach one of Sidney Rigdon's sermons to the aborigines of America, and to give as the law of heaven, by solemn revelation of the glorified Son of God, that they must use Rig- don's baptismal formula. On page 444 we have one of Rigdon's idiotic extravaganzas. Our Saviour commanded doubting Thomas to thrust his fingers into the nail prints in his hands and feet, and into the side that had been pierced. Such a simple natural affair as that would not do for the hifalutin spread- eagle glorifier of King Ahasuerus' horse. He tells us' that the entire multitude went forth and each thrust his fingers into the nail prints in his hands, into his feet, and into his pierced side. We learn from a fol- lowing page that there were at least 2,500 of them. It would be very rapid work for a person to go up and put a finger in to a nail print in each hand, each foot, and into the pierced side, in fifteen seconds. Sup- pose they did the work as expeditiously as that, it took ten hours and twenty minutes to go through this farce. The Son of God came down from heaven, stood ten mortal hours while 2,500 persons filed past him, thrusting fingers into a nail print in each hand, each foot, and into his pierced side. Our humorous papers used to have cartoons caricaturir? Grant's hand-shaking when he shook hands with a few hundred for an hour or two; but this "beats Grant." If those who raised the cry " Any tning to beat Grant" had called on Sidney he could have beat him all hollow and not half tried. Our Saviour, after this idiotic tomfoolery is finished, delivers a discourse made of badly arranged scraps of his discourses re- corded in the New Testament. We cannot say that his glorification has improved his revelations. Rigdon can tell bigger yarns than the truthful history of the New Tes- tament, but when it comes to making revela- tions that is another thing. It is to be ob- served that our Saviour follows King James' version. Even the obsolete English words, style, and mistranslations are fol- lowed exactly. He appoints twelve apos- tles and Nephi baptizes himself, and then the eleven, and the scenes of Pentecost are outdone. Jesus did not come back from heaven on the day of Pentecost, but poured out the Holy Spirit. But then Sidney's Nephites were always far above their breth- ren back in Palestine. Our Saviour exam- ines Nephi's plates, so as to have everything fixed for Imposter Joe, and corrects one error. The plates did not contain the pro- phecy that the multitudes would arise in America at our Saviour's resurrection. The Nephites admit that the prophet did say so, and declare that prophecy had been ful- filled. Observe, again, how these Nephites of Sidney outdo their brethren in Pala- tine. In Palestine a few arise at the cruci- fixion ; in America great multitudes at the resurrection of Jesus. We have then a spe- cimen of Mormon extravagance of ignor- ance. Our Saviour in rebuking Peter, tells him that if he were to order that John should remain on earth till his second coin- ing, it is no concern of his, and that he is to attend to his own work. John further de- clares that our Saviour did not say that he should remain. Here was something that just suited Mormon ignorance and folly. Rigdon makes our Saviour tell three Neph- ites that they shall never see death, and re- main till he comes avain. Sidney's Nephites are blessed again above all others. There is no doubt here. Our Saviour says three shall remain instead of one. He bestows a boon he did not bestow upon his beloved disciple John. Imposter Joe and Oliver Cowdery have a revelation, on parchment- from John that he did not die, and did re, main on earth, in flat contradiction of God's word. Just such silly wonders as these are what Mormonism feeds on. The book closes with a prophecy of the coming forth of the Book of Mormon, and denounces fearful woes on-all who do not receive the tomfool- eries of Sidney Rigdon, Solomon Spauld- ing and Imposter Joe. The Book of Nephi, the son of Nephi, ia an unimportant one. It tells us on page 481 that masonry revived, and that Satan was let loose and iniquity did fearfully abound. Sidney must have been exceedingly malig- nant against the Masons. Moroni takes up Mormon's work and he informs us that Masonry shall be prevalent when the Book of Mormon appears; and that churches shall be worldly and proud and that it will be a time of unmeasured apostacy. Above all men shall deny that miracles and revela- tions are possible. Then Sidney goes for the Disciples who would not accept the Baptist idea of a direct and miraculous influence of the Holy Spirit. We have Sidneys ideas for several pages and one of hia exhortations in his most approved camp meeting style. We find another of these incidental mat- ters that expose the fraud in this Book of Mormon. WP Have proved that c-paulding wrote several ma mscripts. To his second Mormon man. script he added the emigra- tion of the Z.arahemlites, closing his manuscript with the book called the " Rook of Mormon." He very appropriately haa Moroni declare that he finishes the record of his father; and that he has only a few things to write, a few things that his father has commanded him to write on *he fe\;r THE BRADEN ANP KELLEY DEBATE. 131 pages left on the plates. He declares his father made the record and declares its intent. He then says he would write more if he had room on the plates but he cannot for the plates are full and he has no ore to make any more and is alone. He then adds the few pages he declared he would and the book appropriately closes. When Spaulding went to Pittsburg, at Patterson's request. he rewrote the romance, writing Mormon Manuscript No. Ill, and adding the Jaredite portion. He overlooked this language of Moroni, with which he had appropriately closed the Manuscript No. II. and as the Book of Mormon now stands, Moroni wrote 56 pages the whole of the Jaredite portion, no nothing, for his, plates were full, and he could write no more. That one blunder is enough to con- tisrxm this fraud. la this Jaredite Portion, written on noth- ing, and with nothing as a basis for it, we havo a wonderful series of stories. Mor- mon Has buried all the plates except "these few plates." that he handed to Moroni, the Plates of E\her with the rest years before. Where did Mo/oni get the plates of Ether to use in writing the 56 pages he wrote on nothing? He wiote on nothing and had nothing to write. The Book of Ether says that the speech of tha Jaredites was not confounded at Babsl. The Bible declares that the speech of all mankind was con- founded. If time would permit we could multiply almost indefinitely such contra- dictions. We will now give an idiotic caricature of the history of iN"oah and the aark and defy anyone, outside, or ixiside of a lunatic asylum to equal it. North took eight persons into the ark. Jared took with him twenty-two grown persons and thfeir fami- lies. Noah took with him into ths ark. at most, two of all animals and fowls that could not subsist in or on the water: Jared took two of all animals and fowia, swarms of bees and wonder of wonders, two of all kinds of fishes and all kinds of seeds. Sidney never does things by halves. Jared was to take food and water for this large company of persons, for all his fowls, and fishes, and flowers for his 'bees. If the cubit used was the sacred cubit, as was doubtless the case, the ark was 60 feet, long, 100 feet wide, and 60 feet high. Jared built eight cigar shaped canoes, and each was small, set light ou the water, was sharply pointed at each end, and as tight as a dish, for we are told "the top thereof "was as tight as a dish, and the sides "thereof was as tight as a dish, and the 11 bottom therefore was as tight as a dish." Each of these barges was tiie length of a tree and not more than 75 feet. Since the ends were sharply pointed, the ark would hold as much as 2000 such barges or 250 fleets of such barges. All kinds of animals could enter the ark; there were many that could not enter one of those canoes. Noah was told to have a system of windows in the ark tor that is the meaning of the Hebrew word. Jared made his as tight as a dish. He took into thee oight canoes, sharply pointed at each end, not longer than a tree, twenty- two grown persons with their families, two of all kinds of animals, two of all kinds of fowls, two of all kinds of fishes, swarms of bees, and food and water for all for 3-14 days, and then shut down the door. No wonder he halloed to the Lord for Jight and air, shut up with such a crowd in a tight little canoe, as tight as the inside of a jug with the cork in. The Lord finds that he has made a mis- take in ordering Jared to make the canoes after the Divine pattern. He seems to have forgotten that animal life needu light and air. How does he remedy it? With infi- nite wisdom he tells Jared to knock a hole in the top and another in the bottom of each barge. Now, being an unbelieving Gen- tile, and not a spiritually enlightened and inspired Mormon, I can see that the hole in the top would let in the air and light, if it was big enough, and it would let in water and drown them all in a storm also, but for the life of me I cannot see what that hole in the bottom was for, unless it was to let in water and drown them. With ordinary mortals, holes in the bottom of such heavily loaded canoes would send every soul of them to "Davy Jones's Locker" quicker than you could say Jack Robinson, with your mouth ready puckered, as the Yan- kee expressed it. But something like Mormon inspiration seizes me ; I see it all as clear as mud. An Irishman's boots had holes in the toes. Pat sagely cut a hole in each heel. When asked what that was done for, he replied. "Why, to let the wather out at the hael when it comes in at the toe, sure." As Jared's canoes were to go plunging and diving through the water, much of the time under water, the hole at the bottom was to tet the water run out, when it ran in at the top. Having provided ventilation on the most approved scientific principles, and hav- ing guarded, in the most scientific manner, agramst drawing by the water let in at tho ventilating hole, the Lord then provides light foi t N hem,and his mistakes are all corrected. "And Jared did moulten out of a rock" (shades of Johnson, whatEnglish)! "sixteen small stones, and they were all clear like glajs ' another scientific discovery glass at ih-s time of Babel. He brought them to thfc Lord, and the Lord touched them with hfs finger, and immediately they let out a tlood of light, and Jared did not have to use kerosene, and he was inde- pendent of the SUkd*rd Oil Company. Jared placed one of these stones in each end of each canoe, and the Lord jnd Jared got out of all of these scrapes ex<>ept one small mys- tery. How did the Lord *nd Jared get sev- eral times as much as Notth took into the ark into less than one two hundred and fiftieth part of the space, and how did they get into one of these canoes, anunuls that must have been much taller than a canoe was deep ; and then what about thai big tank of fish, or did the fish get along with- out water to live in, and were then takon 182 1'HE BRA DEN AND KELLEY DEBATE. into the canoes to save them from bein<* drowned? But then such questions will spoil . the best revelations in the world, even the revelations of Sidney Rigdon. Two of the stones mentioned above were the stone interpreters of Jared's brother, and imposter Joe found them with the plates buried by Moroni, although Moroni never had them, and never buried them, and no Nephite ever saw them, and they were never to come forth until the Gentiles were all converted. On page 509 Moroni prophecies that the one who finds these plates shall show them to three persons. Joe showed them to eleven. David YVhitmer, says Moroni, showed them to his mother, and Emma Smith says she saw them for days on the table and handled them only covered with a thin cloth, and, strange daughter of Eve that she was, she never "peeked" under that cloth. With all our respect for the "Elect Lady" we can not swallow such a miracle as that. On the same page we have this balderdash " Jared's brothers did put forth these stones into the vessels which were prepared, one into each end thereof, and behola they did give light unto the vessels thereof." "Thereof" means of it or of them. The vessels thereof then means the vessels of the ends, for that must be what "thereof" refers to. Such balderdash as that is the "Fullness of the Gospel," given by inspiration the fullest inspiration man has ever known, was pre- served by miracle, revealed by miracle, and given to the world, word by word, so precious is it, by direct miracle of Almighty God. Who dares to stand up and blaspheme the Almighty by such an assertion ? At last the 'Jaredites set sail. Their canoes wers in the depths of the sea, far under the water, and not a drop of water ran in through these two holes, one in the top and the other in the bottom of each canoe, and they had air with these holes under the water. Bah! Let us stop! If, as Imposter Joe tells us, God saves the world by folly, there is idiocy enough in that one scrap of Mormon "P'uilness of the Gospel" to eternally save a whole universe of Mormons. On page 514 we are told that Masonry broke out among the Jaredites and of course Satan was let loose. We have a combina- tion of Herodias and Tullia, Herod and Tarquin. Jared, a murderous conspirator, promises the hand of his wicked daughter to Akish if he would bring him the head of the king, Jared's father. Akish starts Masonry among the Jaredites to accomplish bis infamous purpose, and then "they all did swear unto Akish, by the God of Heaven, and also by the heavens, and also by the earth ; and also by their own heads," ( What a fearful job of cussing they did do), "that who should vary from the assistance that Akish desired" (what English) "should lose his head, aud whoso should divulge what Akish made known unto them, the same should lose his life." Ordinary mortals would suppose that when a man loses his head, he lost his life ; but then Mormon inspiration is a wonderful thing. The difference between losing his head and losing his life is as great as the Irish Justice of the Peace discovered when he declared, "It makes all the differ in the wurruld, in the eyes of the law, whether he said, 'Come out of the hoos McCarty,' or 'McCarty come out of the hoos.' " "And Akish did admin- ister unto them the oaths which were given to them of old, who also sought power, which had been handed down even from Cain, who was a murderer from the begin- ning." There you have it Cain was the first Mason! "And they were kept up by the power of the devil," ( The devil origin- ated the first Masonic Lodge) "to administer those oaths unto the people and keep them in darkness, to help such as sought power, to gain power and to murder and to plunder and to lie and to commit all manner of wickedness and whoredoms. Now it was the daughter of Jared who put it into his heart to search up these things of old. and Jared put it into the heart of Akish, where- fore Akish administered it unto his kindred and friends, leading them away by fair promises, to do whatever he desired, and it came to pass that they formed a secret combination, even as they of old, which combination is most abominable and wicked above all things in the sight of the Lord." There Masons put that in your pipes and smoke it. The Lord is not a Mason, "for the Lord worketh not in secret combin- ations." "Neither doth he will that man should shed blood, but in all things hath forbidden it from the beginning of men." The Lord is an anti-Mason, and don't you forget it. " And I, Moroni, do not write the manner of their oaths and combinations." He is not a Morgan, then, "for it hath been made known unto me they are had among all people and they are had among the Laman- ites, and they have caused the destruction of this people of whom I am writing, and also the destruction of the Nephites." What an awful thing this Masonry has been, and now listen : " Whatsoever nation shall uphold such secret combinations to get power and gain, until they spread over the land, behold they shall be destroyed, for the Lord will not suffer the blood of his saints shall be shed by them ; they shall al- ways cry unto him from the ground for ven- geance upon them, and yet he avenge them not." Now listen, Masons: "Wherefore, O ye Gentiles, it is wisdom in God thai these things snail be shown unto you, and that thereby ye may repent of your sins and suffer not that these murderous combi- nations shall get above you which are built up to get power and gain, and the work, even the work of destruction shall come upon you, even the sword of Justice of the Eternal God shall fall upon you." Won't they catch it, though ! ! "To your over- throw and destruction if you shall suffer these things to be, wherefore God com- mandeth you when you shall see these things come among you that you shall awake to a sense of your awful condition " THE BRADEN AND KELLEY DEBATE. 133 one of Rigdon's revival expressions "be- cause of this secret combination which shall be among you all. Woe be unto it, because of the blood of them that hath been slain, for they cry for vengeance upon it, and also upon those who built it up, for it cometh to pass that whoso buildeth it up seeketh to overthrow the freedom of all lands, nations and countries." The anti- Mason rant of 1825 to 1830. " And it bring- eth to pass the destruction of all people, for it is built up by the devil." There, Masons, you have it the devil is the founder of Masonry, and Cain was the first Mason! "Who 'is the father of all lies." There, Masons, that cooks the Masonic goat to a cinder! ! Page 517 King Heth turns Mason, and, of course, plots to murder some one. Page 522 Masonry breaks out in a new spot and Satan is let loose of course. In all there were over a score of stabs at Masonry, cov- ering several pages. Every charge made against Masonry in the years 1825 to 1830 \a reiterated several times. When we learn from Mrs. Spaulding that Spaulding was & rabid anti-Mason, and remember that Rig- don, a regular Baptist preacher, was fanat- ically opposed to secret societies and was a ranting anti-Mason, and that Smith was an anti-Mason, all this rant and abuse is just what is to be expected. But who is such a sodden fool as to believe that Israelites, in the wilds of America, 1400 years before the anti-Masonic excitement in the United States, uttered repeatedly all the anti- Ma- sonic abuse of Masonry ? This one feature is enough to condemn the claim of the Book of Mormon and to expose it as a transparent fraud. MR. KELLEY'S THIRTEENTH SPEECH. GENTLEMEN MODERATORS, LADIES AND GENTLEMEN : The Spaulding story upon examination has been fully shown to be a ftory; a wonderfully large one, too, for its time. That thing was thoroughly answered and put to shame by Sidney Rigdon as early as January, 1836. His slaughter of that through a published article in the Messen- ger and Advocate, a paper printed here in Kirtland, was sufficient to put all honest men at the time upon their guard. Mr. iligdon showed that there was not only no truth in the general statement connecting him with Joseph Smith and the publication of the Book of Mormon, but further, that each and every one of the statements and allegations said to have been made by the parties (the very same ones Braden has brought up and cited as his witnesses in this discussion) were false. This was long prior to the death of Mr. Patterson, the Presbyterian preacher, in Pittsburg, whom Mr. Rigdon, in his letter of 1839, refers to as not lending himself "to the infamous plot to blacken his [Rigdon's] character." A man of no sympathies in common with the Latter Day Saints, and whom Rigdon's enemies had held out as the one to whom Spaulding delivered his manuscript for pub- lication in Pittsburg, and as knowing cer- tain things connecting Rigdou with the ro- mance manuscript. But these persons never get his (Patterson's) statement, although he lived twenty years after they had started the story, and eighteen j'ears after it had lieeu publicly challenged and put to shame by the Saints. However, Wm. Small, of Camden, N. J., in the meantime, goes to this same Patterson in Pittsburg, and he makes affidavit to the fact that he never knew anything about such a manuscript as these parties had told about. But this don't in the least dash these story-tellers ; they lie low for a time till Patterson dies ; and then, like them of old who said to the sol- diers, " Say that his disciples came and stole him away by night while we slept," they revive and start other theories in order to carry out their nefarious work. If it was so easy in the first century to get the guard to lie with reference to the resurrection of Jesus, after they had beheld the heavenly messenger and had fallen back as dead men, would it be remarkable that in the nineteenth century men would be able to get parties to spin falsehoods, to fill up the measure of crime as to this Spaulding tale? But these fair and full denials of this story were made when the professed ''Man- uscript Found," was in the hands of Howe at Painesville, only nine miles away from Kirtland and consequently, while' there was access to the first, and only sufficient evidence they ever had for such a story, if ever such a story had existed in fact ; and with the challenge of the truth of the story in tneir very faces, and a demand made for the proof, by one of the men assailed, too, with others, and in the very midst of the parties who claimed to know, Hulburt and Howe and these men, (said to be witnesses), 134 THE BRADEN AND KELLEY DEBATE. fail to put forth a single statement that can in any view of the case be looked upon as evidence, burned the manuscript they had received of Spaulding, s admitted by them- selves and began in an underhanded and insidious manner to publish their stories through the ready newspapers for such things, and in 1840, after the Saints were far away from this part of the country, in the States of Missouri, Illinois and Iowa, Howe gets out his slanderous and disrepu- table work of " Mormonism Unveiled," or "History of the Mormons." This was four years after Sidney Rigdon through the Kirtland publication had shown the falsity of the story ; one year after his letter in the "Boston Journal," which played such havoc among the des- poilers of his good name ; one year after the full and clear examination and plain contradiction of the story by Parley P. Pratt, in the New Era, a New York paper; and five years after the story had been pub- licly met and put to shame in various parts of the United States and Canada, by the elders of the Saints, and notwithstanding all of this, Howe and Robert Patterson, this last a little fellow now livingover here at Pittsburg (who would like to do some- thing to destroy the faith of the Saints, if he only could rake up something to do,) brazenly put out for the truth, the state- ment that their story was never denied till just lately. Men who will deliberately or ignorantly make such false claims as these, and ask you to believe them, cannot be re- lied upon in any feature of the case by hon- est men. Before a person publishes a thing as true, he should know it to be such, and he cannot justify himself afterwards upon the ground, or plea of ignorance. Another point do not forget. All the time, from 1834 to 1840, this same Howe had the Spaulding manuscript in his hands, and at the same time he had it in his hands, Mesdames Davidson and McKinstry, the widow and daughter of Solomon Spauld- ing, were claiming it was in fact, the genuine article that Spauldiug wrote ; the "MANU- SCRIPT FOUND." And Howe writes Mrs. Davidson a letter in the meantime, saying, "It did not read as we expected, and we did not use it ;" but never the once hints that it was the wrong manuscript, or not the "Manuscript Found," as claimed by these parties, who were the only persons under the sun wno could possibly tell whether it was the "Manuscript found' 1 or not. He never once in his letter to them asks If they did not have another manuscript some where of Spaulding's, or if they had any means of telling whether he had the right one; or whether Hulburt had played off on him and given him the wrong one. No ; Howe knew he had the Spaulding Manuscript in his possession, and that story in his control, with all advantage in his favor ; and as the coward that strikes down his innocent victim at the time he thinks no whisper of the deed can ever fall upon mortal ear, so, brooding in jealousy and in- cited through the lies and tales which had been poured into his ready mind, he puts forth his hand to consign to the past the first and only evidence of this Spaulding tale, while, with the weapons of false state- ments and stories hawked about by the vile and depraved, he essays to destroy an innocent and noble people. He knew at the time of his writing that he ought to have a different class of evidence to meet these things with and make good his assertions than that which he had, and he states in his book that he will furnish depositions for this purpose, and which, he says, "will sink these people." Oh! yes; sink them; that was the object of Howe and Hulbert ; but he fails, however, to publish, or give in all of his writings or works, * single deposition of any person whatever, notwithstanding this boast. But what does he do? Answer : 1. He publishes spurious, garbled, per- verted and false things under the claim he was making quotations from the works of the Saints. 2. He publishes the questionable state- ments of a few persons, the quoted state- ments of two others' ; all of which are positively contradicted by Mrs (Solomon Spaulding) Davidson, Solomon Spaulaing's daughter, Mrs. McKinstry, Sidjoey Rigdon, Parley P. Pratt, and Patterson, the Presby- terian preacher at Pittsburg; besides the fact that they so clearly and unmistakably bear upon the face the stamp of inconsist- ency and falsehood. They hold the idea throughout that these testifiers, who did not pretend that they had heard of or seen Spaulding's writing for more than twenty years, were so familiar with a manuscript, (which, to have been what they claim for it, must have contained from fifteen hundred to two thousand pages,) that they could, after twenty years' lapse of time, give names that were at the time strange and new to them; and never spoken by them for all of this time ; and other little things which it is plain the copiers of the pre- tended statements must have taken from the Book of Mormon, as this was four years after its publication, and done when they have the book before them, this last fact being clearly disclosed in the statements themselves. The absurdity, however, does not rest alone upon all of these things ; but their statements were emphatically, directly and flatly contradicted by the manuscript then in Howe's possession, and which claimed for itself to be the one Spaulding said was fonnd in a cave, and which was truly the " MANUSCRIPT FOUND." These statements so directly contradict- ed, together with a few fraudulent affida- vits which Hulburt got up in New York, and which I have fully shown were fraud- ulent, is the entire stock in trade of Mr. Howe to form his basis of belief and cause him to so severely and viciously attack the faith of the Saints and make them appear odious, except the bare disbelief of himself in God, the Scriptures, and the fact that THE BRADEN AND KELLEY DEBATE. 135 there was any such thing in the universe of God, or history of man, as the Holy Spirit, in which the Saints believed and claimed to rejoice. Ah! The secret is unfolded in his own words: "I could betler believe that Spaulding wrote it than Joe Smith saw an angel." And so he wrote as Voltaire, Hume and Thomas Paine from the stand- point of his unbelief, without the honesty of these others. I might introduce here as cumulative evidence on this question the additional statement of Mrs. McKinstry, who had a better opportunity of knowing, and did know the manuscript of her father better, than either John or Martha Spauld- ing and who as late as the year 1880, pub- lished, (so stated by the compiler, Mrs. Dickenseii), an affidavit in the Scribner Monthly, still claiming and reaffirming that thii H'ulburt did get the "Manuscript Found." The statement of this Robert Patterson, of Pittsburgh, who is trying to find some terrible thing against the Saints, to Hulburt 4 years ago, in the presence of Mrs. Hulburt, "that his father, [Mr. Pat- terson, the preacher,] always claimed that he did not believe there was ever such a manuscript as the parties claimed the 'MAN- USCRIPT FOUND,' to be, about their printing office in Pittsburgh." And notwithstand- ing this, this same Robert Patterson, in 1882, suppresses in his publication this claim of his father, and gives the purported statement as obtained from one, Rev. (?) Samuel Wil- liams who wrote up a list ofstories for pub- lication against the Saints, when the first three lines of the statement clearly show that it is a fraud, and that Patterson never had anything to do with it whatever. It is as follows : "R.Patterson had in his em- ployment Silas Engles at the time, a fore- man printer," etc., then, signed at the bot- tom, "Robert Patterson." This is certain- ly enough on this. The statement of Mrs. Hulburt, made on Tuesday, February 5th, 1884, I now submit to you : She said that, "Mr. Hulburt never obtained but one manuscript from Mrs. Davison. That one he let E. D. Howe have. When Mrs. (Spaulding) Davison let him have it. he said he promised to return it; and when he let Howe have it Howe promised to restore it to Mrs. Spanlding, but he never did. Hulburt *pent about six mnths tinie and a good deal of money looking up the Spaulding manuscript and other evidence, but he was disappoint- ed in not finding what he wanted. This was the rea- eon he turned the whole thing over to Howe. He nev- er was satisfied with what he found, and while on his death-beil he would have givpn everything he had in the world could he have been certain there was ever a "Manuscript Found," as claimed, similar to the Book of Mormon." This is overwhelming proof, showing there was never any such manuscript as they claimed Spaulding wrote, and that they got the quire of paper upon which he did write. It is the confirming proof, too, of Howe's guilt. Why did he not do as he agreed, send the manuscript which he got back to Mrs. Davidson? The reason is too plain to be concealed for a moment. He is eo anxious to have it destroyed that he vio- lates his agreement to return "as soon as used." Why did he not return it when "it did not read as they expected," at the time he wrote to Mrs. Davidson? Shame on such trickery ! I might also introduce the emphatic state- ment of Mrs. Emma Smith, wife of Joseph Smith the Seer. She positively states : "That no acquaintance was formed between Sidney Rigdon and the Smith family till after the church was organized in the year 1830." "That neither" her husband nor herself "ever saw Sidney Rigdon until long after the Book of Mormon was in print." This is the statement of one of the most honored and esteemed ladies of Illinois, and who, after the murder of her husband, con- tinued a resident of the State, raising her family, and departing this life but a short time ago in a ripe age, loved by all who knew her. Also the positive declaration of David Whitmer, made at Richmond, Mo.. April, 1882, in answer to a question asked him in the presence of a number of persons, by President Joseph Smith of Lamoni, la., to which he gave this answer : "That the Rook of Mormon was published long before Sidney Rigdon was known to our (the witness), family, or the Smiths ; that I know that the story told of the Spaulding romance in con- nection with the Book of Mormon is false." I will, in this connection, again call your attention to the affidavit of Mrs. Salisbury, to which Braden was so hasty to speak of last evening as being a lie, and therefore the witness could not be believed. Let us ex- amine it and see who lied. She says. "That at the time of the publication of said book, my brother, Joseph Smith, Jr., lived in the family of my father in the town of Manchester, Ontario county, N. Y." That, you will not certainly say, is con- tradicted. Now look at the next: " That he had, all of his life to this time, made his home with the family." Do you say this is contradicted? Where was his home to this time? Notice, she does not say he was at home all the time, but "made it his home with the family." To the year 1827, he was a young man, and his home was with the family, although he at times worked away from home. There are thousands of poor boys who have to Jo this, and my observation of humanity tells me that they are just about as apt to be honorable and truthful as those who stay at home and don't have any work to do ; or, if they do have, do not do it. In this year he gets married, (steals his wife, Braden says,) although he was in his 22d year. ;uid the lady he marries was in her 23d. Well. it rather strikes my mind that she wanted to be stolen. Besides, it is a proof that their Campbellite preacher, Rigdon, did not steal everything that came into Smith's possession. But Mr. Smith says in his history, that after the marriage he went to his father's and remained, living in the family a year and farmed with his father. Here is his home till 1828, certain, and without any contradiction of any witnesses. And it is certain from all, that all the time during the year 1827 he was here in his father's I SB THE BRADEN AND KELLER DEBATE. family, and this is the time Tucker, Hul- burt, etal., tried to fix, as the time when the " Mysterious Stranger," (a wicked falsehood deliberately made by them,) ap- peared. Mrs. Salisbury and Mrs. Emma Smith are both right upon the spot then, and know who visit there, and no such person as Sidney Rigdon or any other mys- terious stranger, is about their place, or visiting with Joseph Smith. Braden is caught here and he knows it; that is the reason he charges against the positive knowledge and testimony of Mrs. Salis- bury. Mr. Smith receives the plates in Septem- ber of this year, and a few months after he got them, he was compelled through the persecution of those who were trying to get them from him, to go elsewhere for a time, and he goes to his wife's father's place in Pennsylvania: (the same from which they say he stole his wife.) The lies of Smith's enemies are so thick about this time that a man in that country could hear anthing he wanted to. While here also, the history states: " We had been threatened with being mobbed, from time to time, and this too, by professors of religion. And their intentions of mobbing us were only coun- teracted by the influence of my wile's father's family, (under divine Providence.) who had become very friendlvtom'e, and who were opposed to mobs, and were willinsr that I should continue the work of translation without interruption ; and therefore, offered and prom- ised us protection from all unlawful proceedings as far as in them lay." It will do well to think, my friends, of the " Screen and blanket" stories, the '/peep stones," the story he has told of 11 Smith being shut up in a cave," and all such ridiculous stuff set afloat by the " high-toned" gentlemen, who gave infor- mation to Hulburt, Howe, Tucker, et al.; and then, find him down at his wife's father's, (Mr. Hale's), steadly and persist- ently doing his work, right in the house of those who did not believe with him and who were terribly prejudiced against hia work. Here is where Oliver Cowdery visited him and wrote for him, right in the house of Mr. Hale for weeks from the 15th of April to the 1st of June. About the 1st of June of this year by reason of the continued and increased persecution in the neighborhood of his wife's father, he was compelled to go to another place. This he found for a time at a gentleman's by the name of Whitmer, and from here he returned home to his father's at Manchester, New York. The records agree then. His home wasat his father's, and he was here in 1829, when the manuscript was given to the printer, and remained till 1830, but in the spring of 1830 left Manchester and returned to Whitmer's. What does the witness Mrs. Salisbury say: "That she knew the friends of the family and the friends and acquaintances of Joseph Smith, her brother, who visited at her father's house. That prior to the letter part of the year 1830, there was no person who visited with, or was an acquaintance of, or called upon the said family, or any member there- of, to my knowledge, by the name of Sidney Rigdon." Will you again Mr. Braden insult common decency by saying she lied, and is contra- dicted by all others? Or that she did not tell the truth and the whole truth? Bring forward some of your strong evidence, if you have so much that is contradictory and let us hear it read. This lady does not pretend that she was with her brother all of this time, every day or month. But that at her father's house was her brother's home and the place where he brought his friends ; was there the greater part of the time himself, and she says, "that to the extent of her knowledge, no such person as Sidney Rig- don was known to the family or any mem- ber of the same." Here then, is the positive and direct knowledge that there was no such person as Tucker tried by deception and inuendo to make the people believe of a "mysterious stranger," being at the residence of the old gentleman Smith or an acquaintance of Joseph Smith. Here then, are the positive and certain declarations of Sidney Rigdon, P. P. Pratt, Catherine Salisbury, Emma Smith and David Whitmer upon the question as to whether Rigdon was ever an acquaintance of the family of Mr. Smith, and knew of the Book of Mormon, except as a rumor in the world, possibly, as many other people prior to its publication, and they all agree that he was not known to the family or the translator of the Book of Mormon in any sense. Add to this the statement of Braden 's witness, Gilbert, who said in my pres- ence, that he had tried for fifty years or near that long to find out something that would connect Rigdon and Smith together in some way, he living at Palmyra, N. Y. t all this time as shown in his testimony, and who stated at the same time, that "they could not find out that Rigdon was ever about here or in this state until sometime in the fall of of 1830," and it makes a clear and positive case against his Spaulding story. Compare my testimony upon this point now, with the loose statements got up by Howe and Hulburt and peddled by Braden here, and you have the actual status of the case. These tales and stories when summed up are truly but tersely put by a writer who has lately canvassed them as follows : "Rev. Kirk says that Dr. Winters told him that Mr. Rigdon told him Dr. Winters' daughter says her father said that Rig- don got Spaulding's manuscript Rev. Bonsall heard Dr. Winters say so and so And the impression of these three is that Dr Wintert wrote out his recollections and therefore of course he did. Mrs. Amos Dunlap saw Rierdon reading a manuscript, therefore it was the Spaulding Romance. Pomery Tucker says a mysterious stranger visits Jo- seph Sm'ith, therefore Sidney Rigdon is the man. Mrs. Horace Eaton makes use of a similar statement ssumiiig it as a matter of course." These, with what Tucker said some one else said, and all of which Hulburt and Howe got up, is Braden's stock in trade, and the only things offered to prove this Spaulding Romance. It seems to me that if there is anyone in this audience, or any person outside, who shall hereafter be found with these facts in THE BRADEN AND KELLEY DEBATE. 137 their possession, still trying 1 to gossip the Spaulding story down people's throats, it will be because they are wholly given over to evil, and terribly addicted to that kind of a business. To such, I would advise in the language of the apostle Paul: "But refuse profane and old wives' fables, [gossip of the 'old neighbors,' silly fables or falsehoods,] and exercise thyself, rather unto Godliness." , 1 Tim. 4: 7. Ladies and gentlemen, you have now found what there is in fact to this Spanld- ingtale. I have carefully examined this thing, although I need not have noticed it in order to have maintained successfully the proposition. I have done it, because I knew it to be the means hy which satan sought to blind the eyes of the people by gossip, and story, and tale and falsehood, to prevent them from honestly investigat- ing this book in the manner God wants them to investigate all things. But what has he proven as a fact of thia story? Did he prove that Solomon Spaulding ever wrote such a manuscript as was that of the Book of Mormon? Has he sustained the burden of proof, showing that Sidney Rigdon and Joseph Smith were ever acquainted in any way till after the publication of the Book of Mor- mon? Has it" been shown that Rigdon was ever known to Spaulding in Pittsburg? Did he prove that Sidney Rigdon took the manuscript in order to start a church? Has he proved that Rigdon, in fact, ever knew anything of what the Book of Mor- was, till it was presented to him by P. P. Pratt, November, 1830? You know all of these questions must be answered in the negative. The only thing he has fairly proven with regard to this Spaulding story to my mind, is the fact, that he had no evidence when he began. He refused to try to answer my arguments and struck out upon his alibi, where the burden of proof fell upon him, and his alibi has gone down and left him sitting with nothing under him. But he is still plucky, and up and attacks the Book of Mormon for what he deems objectionable in it. This is a proper way to debate ; and if he can find anything bad in it, let him turn it out here. I shall not complain so he don't mis- quote, or mis-state the book. He has made a few Bible objections which I shall notice in this connection. Isaiah lfi:8, he says, "Refers to the disper- sion of the Moabites." But why does he say so? To whom does the prophet re- fer as leaving this land as being the "vine of Sibmah;" "principal plants?" The peo- ple who were the desire of the Lord ; pleas- ant to him? Will he say what people of the land of Moab was referred to? There were many. Jeremiah 31, " Refers to the dispersion of Israel in the Assyrian empire," he says. But what right has he to say so? The proph- ecy is emphatically against such an idea. It says, "Behold, I will bring them from the north country, and gather them from the coasts of the earth." Neither of these places refer particularly to Assyria. Isaiah 11:11, he takes up and quotes just part of the verse, and says : "This shows it refers to the Israelites in the Assyrian empire." Had he quoted the verse it would have been sufficient to prove him wrong without a word from me. Notice, while I read : "From Assyria, and from Egypt, and from Pathros, and from Cush, and from El am, and from Shinar, and from Hamath, and from the islands of the sea." (12, verse). "And he shall set up an ensign for the na- tions, and shall assemble the outcasts of Israel, and gather together the dispersed of Judah from the four corners of the earth." Was it indeed limited to Assyria? Is this the best be can do towards a refutation of my positions? He takes up what he considers the pet passage of Mormonism, Ezekiel 37, and thinks to make you believe that staff, rod and stick are used interchangeably in the Bible and mean power. I know we read of the rod of Aaron and scepter of Judah, but they are in no way used in the sense of a stick. We can well speak of the scepter of the king as meaning power, but not the stick of the king as meaning power. The words are not used interchangeably in the English, neither are the originals in the Hebrew so used in a single instance. But in his interpretation he overlooks entirely the writing upon the sticks which I partic- ularly called attention to. Did this mean the kingdoms too? Give us an exposition once or confess you cannot. But read it now substituting kingdom for stick, and you have the ridiculous position of uniting the kingdoms in the 19th verse, and uniting them again in the 21st, without any idea of the writing upon the stick or kingdom. Now I shall answer the objection made by him, that none of Ephraim came to America. How does he know? Well, he says the Book of Mormon says they were of the tribe of Manasseh. Mr. Smith, he thinks, (or rather the equestrian Ahasuerus, Rig- don), made a great mistake here. If Mr. Smith had just sent over to Andover, or down to Hiram, or waited till the endow- ment of Bethany, before committing him- self, it would have been all right. But he thinks he is clearly caught here. Let us examine the position : Does the Book of Mormon say all who came to this continent were of the tribe of Manassah? No, it does not. But it says Lehi was, and that is enough for Braden. He can soon make the objection. His objection is, then, that the book of Mormon did not trace Ephraim here by lineage. But had it done so an objection would clearly have lain against it, as we shall see from the prophecies. It is written in Hosea v. 14 : " For I will be unto Ephraim as a lion, and as a young lion to the house of Judah ; I, even I, will tear and go away; I will take away and none shall rescue him." 138 THE BRADEN-AND KELLEY DEBATE. H?re the thought is presented by the pro- phet thai; Ephraim, for some cause or the othe^, is to be broken up, torn to pieces, scattered. By turning to verse 3, of the same chapter we will readily discover the reason icr this, which is clearly on account of their evils and abominations. In the prophecy of Jeremiah, vii. 15, the Lord says : " And I will cast you out of my sight as I have cast out all your brethren, even the whole seed of Ephraim." It is clear from this instruction that Ephraim had, brought upon him a great and terrible judg- ment by reason 01 his rebellion and trans- gressions. What was the penalty to be ? Utter de- struction annihilation ? O, no. Turn with me tor the answer to Hosea ix. 11, 12. The Lord there saj's: "As for Ephraim, their glory shall fly away like a bird, from the birth, and from the womb, and from the conception. Though they bring up their children, yet will I bereave them, that there shall not be a man left. Yea, woe also to them when I depart from them ! " Here the problem of .Ephraim is made more plain. "Their glory,'' as a people is at some time and in somti way to be taken away. They were to be taken as from early birth and separated one from another, and thus destroyed as a nation, as predicted by the prophet and scattered among the people. Ibid. 7:8. "F.phraim, he hath mixed himself among thw people ; Ephraim is a cake not turned." Evidently not well baked then, so when taken up, it is readily broken to pieces; or, as in verse 11, pre- figured, he falls apart of himself. "Epbraim also is a silly dove without heart ; they call to Egypt ; they go to Assyria." His attach- ments are to be broken and he left to wander everywhere, and not seek a place with any one particular people. Mixed in Egypt and Assyria his blood will afterwards not only be found among the tribes, but among the Gentile nations also. Ephraim is thus set forth in the prophetic history of the Bible ; and yet, the objection is made by my opponent, and was long before made by John Hyde, and other short sighted theologians, that in the Book of Mormon the line or lineage of Ephraim is not traced to America, therefore, it is a terrible blunder. Ah! out the blunder is again upon the side of these self-constituted critics. Had the tribe been traced by lineage, there would have been a conflict with the prophecies. The Lord does not contradict himself in his own work, that is quite clear. Ephraim then, is mixed with the people everywhere ; and per consequence over here, as well as with the other nations. Turning to the Book of Mormon, I find that witn Lehi who came to this country, there was the family of Ishmael, and Zoram ; and although it had been common in Jerusalem to keep the genealogy of all the people, it eeems none was kept of these. Why, we are not informed ; nevertheless, we are in- formed that Ephraim should not be able to keep his lineage or "glory," nor even desire to do so, but that he should be "mixed among the people." So it was that when Mulok came out from Jerusalem he brought "a company" with him, but the lineage of the company is not given. However, we are plainly informed in the book that the descendants of Joseph in Egypt were upon this land ; "of the seed of Joseph," and not simply through Manas- seh. And in Genesis, 49th hapter, it reads, " whose branches, " not branch, bub "branches," (daughters), "run over the wall" "pass co the utmost bounds of the- everlasting hills, above," (over, beyond), the blessing of my progenitors, of Abraham and Isaac. Both, also, as spoken of by Moses in Deuteronomy, go to the promised land and inherit together; he sets this out in the blessing, which we have shown could only refer to the land of America. In Gene- sis 48th, they are made "to grow into a multitude in themidstof the earth." In the Book of Mormon we find them traced here through the older brother, Manasseh, who had not lost the birth-right; but Ephraim as is clearly shown by the prophets would be the case, is yet, "mixed among the people ;" and hence, his lineage not traced. Then the book is still fonnd to accord with the Bible and truth, notwitstanding the ob- jections of some of the self-wise of the age. In the last days, Epbraim is to come out from among the people, and do hjs work and in his hand, in the inauguration of this work is the "stick of Joseph," the "En- sign," which is to be put with the Bible, or "stick of Judah," and with the two, as with the power, or "horns of the unicorn," "he shall push the people together to the ends of the earth." Hence, in speaking of the gospel work of restoration in the last days, the prophet Jeremiah, says : "They shall come with weeping, and with supplications will I lead them: I will cause them to walk by the rivers of waters in a straight way, wherein they shall not stumble. For, I am a father to Israel and Ephraim is my first born." Ephraim is to be first in the work in the last time ; he never has been before f but his lineage being lost, when he is brought to light it will be as in the time of Nehemiah, through the instrumentality of a prophet standing up with the Urim and Thummim. The Psalmist in the 80th num- ber, exclaims aright then, when he says: "Give ear, O Shepherd of Israel, thou that leadest Joseph like a flock ; Thou that dwel- lest between the cherubim, shine forth. Be- fore Ephraim and Benjamin and Manasseh stir up thy strength, and come and save us." This part of the work of Ephraim with others i-i so plain that it is hardly possible to go amiss if you take the Bible for your guide. And the prophecies are fulfilled in every condition, so far as the work has pro- gressed, in the coming forth of the BOOK of Mormon. Here is where Mr. Braden rested his great objection to the Book of Mormon, and his objection to the application of the prophecy in the 37th of Ezekiel to that book. Now, I want to see him stand up to the THE BRADEN AND KELLEY DEBATE. 139 work and answer me upon this, if he can. There is an issue here, and if he can show that I am wro >g in my position of Ephraiin being "mixed among the people," and "scat- tered.upon all the mountains of Israel : upon the face of the whole earth," but to be re- vealed in the last day by the light of rev- elation to inaugurate and "push to the ends of the earth" the work of salvation among the people, let him do so. (Time called.) MR. BRADEN'S THIRTEENTH SPEECH. GENTLEMEN MODERATORS, LADIES AND GENTLEMEN : My opponent quotes from the Book of Mormon the declaration that men will say in regard to the Book of Mor- mon, " We have the Bible and that is suffi- cient." There is no prophesy in that, for the Disciples had been saying that to Rig- don, the author of the book, for years, when he was trying to prepare them to accept new revelations and his book. The word "Bible" was first applied to the scrip- tures in the fourth century by Chrysostom. We have here a Nephite in America using it hundreds of years before another mira- cle. As I have never read a word that Howe said, and have not made him a wit- ness, Kelley's attacks on Howe's analysis of the Book of Mormon is a nonsensical waste of time. As a lawyer will he tell me what effect his attacks on Howe's analysis of the Book of Mormon has on the testi- mony of the witness recorded in another part of the book ? I have sent for legal evi- dence that T. P. Baldwin was Judge of one of the courts of Wayne county, N. Y., in 1833. When it comes I will settle that cavil of my opponent. I have explained that Spaulding concealed from his wife and daughter his purpose to publish his book, and that he told his creditors that he in- tended to publish it and pay his debts. Mrs. Eichbaum, clerk in the post office in Pittsburg, from 1812 to 1816 inclusive, testi- fies that Rigdon was in Pittsburg in 1814-15, or during the time the Spaulding manu- script was taken to Patterson's office ; that he was learning the tanner's trade and was intimate with Lambdin, one of Patterson's printers, and was about the office so much that Engles, the foreman, complained of it. That settles that matter. My opponent said last night that Mrs. Davidson said there were passages of scrip- ture in her husband's Manuscript Found. She does not. She says the passages of scripture and religious talk were added to the romance to get up the Mormon fraud. I have proved that Spaulding wrote sev- eral manuscripts, and my opponent's jabber on the assumption that he wrote only one is absurd. His attack on the testimony I presented is absurd and puerile. My oppo- nent seems to think that his course in inter- viewing parties, and then going off and writing off what he says they said, was far more honorable than Mr. Thome's course in foing to the parties and having them go efore a magistrate and testify in their own words and say what they pleased. The witnesses swear that he falsified their state- ments. ,He objects that Major Gilbert does not specify in what particulars he is mis- represented. It was not necessary, for, he says, it is all misrepresentation, deliberate falsehood. He objects that there is no date to the testimony of Conrieaut witnesses. There is none to most of what he reads. There is neither date nor place to the testi- mony of the witnesses for the Book of Mor- mon ; and they do not si preached. It is the most transparent Ciuudering /raud ev- er attempted By actual careful count the plagiarisms from the New Testament of paragraphs, phrases and sentences ar? over 500 The quotations of phrases amount to hundreds. There are over ten in each page of Rigdon's sermon against infant Baptism. Pages 3JO 340,341. Whole chapters are auoted. Isaiah \\ to XIV. xxr. XLVIII. L LIE. LIV. Malachi III. Matthew V VT. VII. II Corinthians XIII. One-eighteenth ol the Book is stolen by chapters. If we add to this paragraphs and verses fully one-twelfth : if we add phrases fully one-eight; if we enumerate ideas stol- en, adapted or imitated, we have the entire religious portion of the Book except its Rigdonisms. MR. KELLEY'S FIFTEENTH SPEECH] GENTLEMEN MODERATORS, LADIES AND GENTLKMEN : Whon I closed my remarks last evening, it was with a record of some of the discoveries of this rountry that I claim to be corroborative evidence of the truth and divinity of the Book of Mormon. The author from whom I was reading gives cuts, representations and descriptions of many of those cliff dwellings and cities which are in direct connection with my proofs here, but I will not take the time to read farther at present, as I wish to examine the objec- tions so far as presented by my opponent, and present also another line of proofs ob- tained by the researches of explorers and scientists, and introduce others touching particularly upon the individual identity of the tribes of Ephraim and Manasseh, which it is claimed lived in a highjy civilized and enlightened state upon this continent. Von Humboldt in his Equinoctial Regions of America, vol. 1, pages 16 and 269, refers to the finding of the bones of the megathe- rium and megalonyx on this continent, but reports them as extremely scarce. He also states in same work : "That natulraist, M. Cuvier, has also recognized two new species of mastodons and an elephant among the fossil bones of quadrupeds which we brought from America.'' Prof. Winchell, in his Sketches of Crea- tion published in 1874, pages 356 and 357* says : " In the United States we detect also some evidences of the co-existence of man and extinct species of quadrupeds. Dr. Koch, the reconstructor of the Tertiary Zeuglodon, insisted long ago that be had found in Missouri such an association of Mastodon and Indian remains as to prove that the two had lived cotemporaneously. "I have myself (says the author) ob- served the bones of the mastodon and ele- phant imbedded in peat at depths so shal- low that I could readily believe the animals to have occupied the country during its pos- session by the Indians, and g'av, ,>ublicatiou to this conviction in 1862." " More recently (he says) Prof. Holmes, of Charleston, has informed the Academy ol Natural Sciences of Philadelphia that he finds upon the banks of the Ashley river a remarkable conglomeration of fossil remains in deposits 164 THE BRADEN AND KELLEY DEBATE. of post-tertiary age. Remains of the hog, horse, and other animals of recent date, to- gether with human bones, stone arrow- heads hatchets and fragments of pottery arp tfcere lying mingled with the bones of the mastodon and extinct gigantic lizzards. Cotemporary with these American animals, but not yet found associated in their re- mains with the relics of the human species, lived in North America horses much larger tnan the existing species, grazing in com- pany with wild oxen (another of Braden's miracles ; this is Alex. Winchell, LL. D., Prof, of Geology, Zoology and Botany in the University of Michigan who discovers this rmracle) and herds of bisons and shrub- Joving tapirs. The streams were dammed by (he labors of gigantic beavers, while the lorests afforded a range for a species of hog, and a grateful dwelling-place for numerous edentate quadrupeds related to the sloth, tut of gigantic proportions." Short, in his North Americans of Antiqui- ty) page 530, published in 1882, says : " The question as to whether man and the masto- don, were cotemporaneous in America has long been a matter of dispute, as the reader is aware." Then he cites the elephant pipe discovered six or eight years ago by a farmer living on the line 'dividing Musca- tine and Louisa counties, Iowa. He says : " The finder, who had no idea of its archaeo- logical value, kept it with a number of ' In- dian stonjes,' as he termed them, until last year (1878), when it became the property of the Davenport Academy." Dr. Farquarson says: "The ancient mounds were very abundant in that vicinity (Louisa county), and rjoh in relics, which are deposited *on the surface of the soil, not in excavations." " Then," says the author, "the pipe, which i? of a fragile sandstone, is of the ordinary mound-builders' type, and has every ap- pearance of its age and usage of its gen- uineness I have no doubt. .Together with the elephant mound of Wisconsin, the ele- phant head of Palenque depicted in Lord Kingsborough's work, our pipe completes the series of what the French would call 1 documents,' proving the fact of the cotem- poraneous existence on this continent of man and the mastodon." I might, in this connection, refer you to the late article in the Chicago Advance, by Professor Wright, of Oberlin College, upon the "Animal mounds," ancient earthworks of Wisconsin, particularly describing, *mong others, the elephant mound before referred to, and from certain features which are presented it seems that the Professor is doubtful as to whether he should believe it was intended to represent the elephant or some other animal. "The mound is 135 feet long, 60 feet broad (from the bottom of his feet to his back), with a trunk or proboscis 30 feet long. The head Is large, and the proportions of the whole are symmetrical." Now it is just possible after all that the difficulty in identifying this mound arises from the fact that one of the other animals referred to in th6 Book of Mormon in con- nection with the elephant is that repre- sented ; but, whether this or the elephant, it is true that the existence of all of these animals, and the fact that they were co- temporaneous with man, was published boldly to the world in 1830, in the Book of Mormon, when these things were unknown to the world, and no scientist has since made discoveries which are at variance with it. The force of this corroborative testimony will be readily seen when we consider for a moment the overwhelming evidence which subsequent developments had bioughl against the book, had it in its full and clear statements upon like things omitted to have even mentioned the sheep, the horse, the ox, the elephant, the curelom, thecum- mom, and many others, or had given an en- tirely different class of animals from these. 1 tell you, my friends, that with this work in my hands, I can substantiate the faci that God is, and that there is truth in th9 narrative that Jesus Christ was his Bon, and came into the world to help fallen hu- manity. Is this a bad thing for Christian- ity? is it not well entitled to the respect and belief of all Christian people? I am well aware of the fact that for the past 50 years people have been crying out deceiver and imposter, and trying to ridicule and laugh this people down ; and even went so far in Missouri and Illinois as'to try to put them down by force. But in comparing men with men as I have found them in all grades of society in this country and in all the industries and professions of life, I unhesitatingly state before you, that for ability of thought, clearness of perception and honesty of purpose and determination, I have met with none who excel this same people, and but few societies that will equal or compare with them. The day of silly stories, fabricated falsehoods, and old wives, tales is of the past. If there are objections worthy of consideration, we have plenty of men and women who are able and willing to examine them ; and I call upon this giant in debate to stop his spinning of yarns told about the Saints, and bring forward one argument or proof that he is willing to stand by. Returning to these corroborative scien- tific evidences, I again refer you to Sketches of Creation, page 362: "The primeval in- habitants of North America were Asiatics in their features, their language and their arts, and tradition speaks of them as mov- ing from the direction of Asia. These move- ments of human populations like radiating streams from the western part of Asia, cer- tainly afford a presumption that the only people of whose movement we have neithe'r history, tradition nor buried monument, proceeded also from the direction of the orient. From the same quarter of the world proceeded most of our domestic animals and plants, and in the same quarter of the world the perpetually uttered prophecies of the geologic ages proclaimed that the line of animal life should have its culmination." These are the thoughts of the learned. Now, who is ready to say that the critio THE BRADEN AND KELLEY DEBATE. 155 Ism of Mr. Braden was a smart one against the book for bringing the domestic animals, the fish, and the seeds of the earth, to a cer- tain extent across the broad ocean. He would have you believe that these animals came over themselves. Especially the fish. "Just listen to the nonsense," he says ; "took the fish in the boat to keep them from being drowned in the water." When he produces the example of a fresh water fish from the old world swimming the briny ocean and safely landing on the coast of America, it will be time enough for the facetious ridicule of the eight vessels or barges which brought the Jaredites and certain animals and fish to the continent. Then the eight "vessels or barges" are ridiculed ; spoken of as a canoe, the reflec- tion made that they were dug out of a tree. I will read it : "The Lord said, go to work and build after the manner of barges which ye have hitherto built." How did these people build them before? Turn back to page 02, where we have the account of their departure and journey to- ward the sea. "And they did also lay snares and catch fowls of the air [not every one as he represented to you] ; and they did also prepare a vessel in which they did carry with them the fish of the waters ; [any- thing strange about that? Have we not got fish commissioners in almost every State in the Union, whose business is to transplant fish and stock the many lakes and rivers?] "and they did also carry with them deseret, which, by interpretation, is honey bee ; and thus they did carry with them swarms of bees and all manner of that which was upon the face of the land, seeds of every kind." Here then we have the first vessel built, and it is no canoe, but sufficient to hold for a short time many things; not everything, however, as he represented. Turning back now to the vessels, the length of which "was the length of a tree," I read : "And the door thereof, when it was shut, was tight, like unto a dish." How many canoes with doors did you ever see? In his anxiety to get "the bottom thereof tight and the sides thereof tight," ( what is the use of laboring to make them tight if it is a dug out?) "and the ends thereof peaked," heinnocently forgets that "the dooi thereof" must be large enough for this mighty man whose name he would like to know, to go in at ; and for such ani- mals as were to be inmates thereof to go in at, whether the camel, the elephant or the whale. The larger the animals he puts in, the larger he must make the door, and the larger the door the larger the vessel. I will now read to you what the book says, page 510: "And it came to pass that when they had prepared all manner of food that thereby they might subsist upon the water, and also food for their flocks and herds and whatsoever beast or animal or fowl that they should carry with them." "Whatso- ever beast, animal or fowl that they should carry with them." They did not carry all then? Oh no; well, is that the way you understood Braden? Why did you try to make this audience think they brought everything as fully as Noah had in the ark? But neither you, nor any other man caii show but what these eight vessels would hold more than the ark. Then what be- comes of the criticism. O, he says, it had a hole in the top and a hole in the bottom ; how large he don't know, yet he speculates upon it as though he did. It would be presumed that a person who knew enough to build a boat would also know enough to put a hole in it, if directed, in proportion to the size of the same and the use to be made of the opening ; and in the bottom as well as the top. This description of these vessels is in favor of the inspiration of the book rather than against it. There is not a pro- bability in favor of the idea that as early as 1829, there was a man in ten millions who was able to read and write and who was getting up a work of fiction, who would have ever thought in describing a boat of such a thing as putting a hole in the bottom. Yet in the time of fifty years it has become quite common. Our best Life-boat is made upon that principle. I have seen it myself. And the bottom thereof was tight like unto a dish, and the sides thereof were tight like unto a dish, and the ends thereof were peaked ; and the manner of building it is, that after it is built the holes are made in the vessel and in the bottom too; and suffi- ciently large to empty itof the water if filled, in a few seconds ; and the length thereof was not quite the length of a tree. And it is the very boat that is used by the United States Signal Service, altogether on the Pacific coast, so stated by the gentleman in charge of the Signal Service Department in Washington to me when he showed me the boat, and not only is it used in the United States Signal Service, but in the British Signal Service also. Yet his sportive de- scription of a like ressel in the Book of Mormon, is the best that can be said against the book to prove it is not of divine origin and not entitled to the respect and belief of all Christian people. Ah! hut he has made another objection, a terrible one. What is it, you ask ? This is it: There is so much of the Campbellite faith in it. Yes ; but you will see, my friends, how much Campbellite faith there is in it before these discussions are over! There is in truth hardly to be found so much as was left of the Jaredites, after they had "fit, and fit, and fit, and fit." Tell me the faith that is a living active principle as taught in the Book "of Mormon was taken from the CampbellitfS ! They never believed or taught the principle of restoration in repentance as set forth in the Book of Mor- mon : Nor did Sidney Rigdon till after his conversion to the faith the last part of the year 1830. They never taught nor believed In the baptism of the Holy Spirit except as a thing of the past, nor did Rigdon till after 1830. They never believed in contending for the faith once delivered to the Saints as 166 THE BRA DEN AND KELLEY DEBATE. that book teaches; but they contended for only a part of it, a very small part at that ; neither did Ri.srdon till after his conver- sion in 1830. They never belie>ed in a divine call to the ministry, nor do they now, claim that their ministers are so called; nor did Sidney Rigdon till after his conver- sion in 1830. They do not believe in the laying on of hands for the gift of the Holy 8pirit, nor did Rigdon till after his conver- sion in 1830. They do not believe hi God answering the penitent child for wisdom by any communication directly to him, or by the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, nor did Rigdon till 1830. They do not believe in the signs of the Gospel as spoken of by Jesus attending the believer, nor did Rig- don till 1830. They do not believe in the organization of the C&iLrcb as spoken of in the 12th of Cor., lOtb of Matt., and 4th of Eph., nor did Rig. don till 1830. The Book of Mormon teaches all of these things; that God not only is, but is willing to shd forth his Spirit in the heart crying Abba, Father ! and many more things I might mention which Rig- don nor none of the Campbellite Church believed till after the publication of this work. Then will he still, without a shadow of proof, continue to assert, " Rigdon did it?" Because, forsooth, he left Braden's Society and sought one whose faith is more nearly in accord with the Bible, and man- fully fought his way in life for what he hon- estly from the heart believed to be true, and died as he lived, taught his friends and his children the faith as he received it in 1880 will Braden, because of vengeance and spite, continue the assault upon his dead bones? My opponent will never make a case by such a course that will stand the test. Not even as much will be left of it as was left of the "Kilkenny cats." He may have a couple of tails left, but they are shown to be putrid and rotten ones. But he says the book teaches that two nations existed here and killed each other in their reat battles. So it does, and so does science. It teaches that the enlightened were slain. So do scientists and archaeologists. It teaches that they had their battles and de- fenses, and signals for alarms and watch- towers from the Ohio to New York, and nearly all over the country : so does scien- tific research. Mr. Short, in his North Americans of Antiquity, page 50, says: "The military works of the mound-build- ers, other than those previously mentioned as existing on the lakes and in western New York State, are of a two-fold chaiacter, consisting first, of fortified eminences, of which an instance is found in Butler county, Ohio." He then describes this and others, among which is the remarkable one known as Fort Ancient, Ohio, on the Little Miami river, a description of which was given to the public by Professor Locke in 1843. The whole circuit of this work is between four and five miles. The number of cubic yards of excavation may be approximately esti- mated at 628,800. The embankment stands in places twenty feet in perpendicular height. The most interesting and valuable Kiper on this work is that by Mr. L. M. osea, of Cincinnati, in the Quarterly Jour- nal of Science, October, 1S74, page 287, et eq. Judges Dundery and Force, the latter in a memoir on the mound-builders, (1872,) estimate the period at a thousand years while Mr. Hosea thinks several thousand years would be required to produce the nu- merous little hillocks and depressions which mark the spot where trees have fallen and decayed. These men of science place it a thousand years back as the time when that fort must have been last occupied, and that is not a great way from the time the Book of Mor- mon fixed in 1830. " Fort Ancient, which would have held a garrison of 60,000 men with their families and provisions, was of a line of fortifica- tions which extend across the State, and served to check the incursions of the sav- ages of the North in their descent upon the mound-builders' country." Don't talk of families, gentlemen, or Mr. Braden will have you arming the babies ! "The second class of military works is exceedingly numerous on all the water courses existing not only on the Ohio and Mississippi, but on all their tributaries, especially on the Muskingum,Scioto, Miami, Wabash, Illinois, Kentucky, and minor streams are mounds which served as out- looks." Squire and Davis remark on this subject, that, "There seems to have existed a system of defenses extending from the source "of the Alleghany and Susquehanna in NewYork, diagonally across the country, through central and northern Ohio, to the Wabash. Within this range the works which are regarded as defensive are largest and most numerous. The signal system, we have reason to believe, was employed through- out the entire extent of this range of works." Shall I claim your time further to show what was stated in the book years before to have been since corroborated ? But he calls them " fools " for fighting so. Well, that don't help the matter. The Book of Mormon don't endorse their work as having been right. The question is, did they so live, and fight, and destroy each other ? The book says they did, and that there was not only one nation, but two, who came to a similar end in this very country ; and after the people have tried to laugh the idea down for fifty years, explorers and scientists have come in and say they are facts. Then do they not corroborate the history as given in the book, aud place it beyond any doubt that the book must stand? Will he not answer to the arguments instead of standing like a schoolboy and talking about Kilkenny cats ? FIRST HISTORICAL PUBLICATIONS. I will now briefly refer you to the time in which Ancient America began to be known through the reports of archaeologists to the world. Of their journey to Guatemala in 1839 and 1840, Stephens says, page 124: THE BRADEN AND KELLEY DEBATE. 157 H We did not know that the country was so completely secluded ; the people are less accustomed to the sight of strangers than the Arabs around Mount Sinai, and they are much more suspicious. Col. Galindo was the only stranger who had been there before us and he could hardly be called a stranger, for he was a Colonel in the Cen- tral American service, and visited the ruins under a commission from the Government." These are the remarks of Mr Stephens, who with Mr. Catherwood, was under the auspicies of the United States Government, and they required this backing to get the aid of the Central American Government as far as it could give, to protect them in their explorations as late as 1839 and 1840, in exploring and describing the very country and its cities, described in the Book of Mormon in 1828 and 1829. He says that no stranger except Col. Galindo had been there before. And yet my opponent wants to make you believe that Sidney Rig- don, Solomon Spaulding, or Joseph Smith knew all about these ruins and cities and peoples so as to place it in the Book of Mor- mon ; that book placing the landing of one portion of the people that came to this country in Yucatan, the very country that is spoken of by this eminent traveler. Referring to the explorations of Captain Del Rio, he says : "The report of Captain Del Dlo, with the commen- tary of Dr. Paul Felix, of New Guatemala, deducing n Egyptian origin for the people, through either the suplneness or the jealousy of the Spanish Government, vag loekecl'up in the archives of Guatemala until the *!rne of the revolution, when by the operations of liberal principals the manuscript came into the hands of an English gentleman, long a resident of that country, and an English translation was published at London in 1823. This was the first notice in Europe of the discovery of these ruins; and instead of electrify- Jng the public mind, either from want of interest in the subject, distrust, or some other cause, so little notice was takan of it, that in 1834, the Literary Gazette, a paper of great circulation in London, announced it as a new discovery made by Col. Galindo." Now for a research for the publication of Captain Dupaix. His expeditions were made in 1805, 1808, and 1807, the last of which was to Palenque. The manuscript of Dupaix, and the designs of his drafts- man were locked in the Cabinet of Natural History in Mexico till 1828, when M. Baradere took them from the museum, "where," says Stephens, "But for this accident they might still have remained, and the knowledge of the existence of this city again been lost." " Afterwards the work was first published in France in 1834 aud 1835.V About this time Lord Kingsborough pub- lishes his works, which, says Stephens, "so far as Palenque is but a reprint of Dupaix, and then his works iu Paris were four hun- dred dollars per copy." Stephens, etc., 297, 298. Then he says, with reference to his own work, the materials for which were gathered in 1840 and 1841, " My object has been, not to produce an illustrated work, but to present the drawings in such an in- expensive form as to place them within reach of the great mass of our readers." Page 310, vol. 2. Speaking of these buried cities in another place he says, " that even Humboldt had never heard of, much less seen." Do I still, my friends, have to convince some in this audience, or even Mr. Braden himself, that there was no general knowl- edge known to the world to be gathered to form the basis to make the history con- tained in the Book of Mormon in 1828 or 1829, much less 1810 and 1811, when it is claimed by Braden that Solomon Spaulding wrote? The work therefor? is not the work of man alone, and has a higher authority, which proves its divinity. Continuing the question of individual identity of the remnants of the tribes of Ephraim and Manasseh, who formerly lived in a civilized state upon this continent, and Israelitish tribes of the old world, I intro- duce the analogical evidence of identity of the family, as set forth by Mr. Delafield, page 65. He finds that there is a resemblance: In language, anatomy, mythology, uses of writing, knowledge of astronomy, and hab- its of burial of their dead. The effrontery exhibited in standing be- fore an audience and asserting without the least shadow of proof that there are no such proofs of similarity, is only equaled by the audacity of the statement that there are no proofs of the remains of the horse on the continent, or if there were horses, as he argued at Wilber, they were not like our horses. Does the Book of Mormon say that they were like our horses'! Prof. Winchell, in his "Sketches of Creation," page 210, says : "It is a curious fact that so many generl, now extinct from the continent, but living in other quarters of the globe, were once abundant on the plains of North America. Various species of the horse have dwelt here for a<;es, and the question reasonably arises whether the wild horses of the Pampas may not have been iudiginous. Here too the camel found a suitable home." This is the way our scientific men, per- sons who are posted upon these things talk. In 1877, there were discovered in the fos- sil beds of Lake County, Oregon : "Fossil bones of theelephat, camel, horse, elk and reindeer. The horse being much more abundant than either of the others. Also bones of other animals larger than the elephant." There are now in the museums of this country, of Yale College and the (Smithson- ian Institute, skeletons of two kinds of animals which formerly lived upon this continent, either of which is larger than the elephant. Do I have to call your attention, to the fact of the discoveries of Prof. Marsh, who in the "Chicago Times Expedition" to the west three years ago, found in the peat beds of Wyoming, the bones of the mas- todon ? The Book of Mormon, in the year 1830, was published, and on page 577 it mentions with the horse the fact of the existence upon the continent of "elephants, cureloms, and cumoms ;" and placing them in their order as to size, and giving the nature of the animals also, as to disposition, struct- 158 THE BRADEN AND KELLEY DEBATE. ure, &c., by saying they were "useful unto man." Are these bold statements of a work claiming for itself ENTIRE credibility, anything like the musings of Gulliver's travels, which we have been referred to? But the objection is further made that It is like Gulliver's travels as there was no beginning point, no directions, no stopping places by which to test it. The trouble is the assertion is not true. From the outset it begins with giving the names of the parties setting out upon the journey described. The very spot known to the world from which they migrated. The very time and names known to the world at the 1 time and found in history and the Bible, to-wit, Lehl, La- ban, Lemuel, Ishmael, &c. Giving a full genealogy of the prominent parties of one tribe, running all risks of being caught by reason of historical or other contradictions, or by reason of disclosures of history or discoveries in science : Takes these fami- lies from Jerusalem, giving direction of trav- el, distance, naming number of days of trav- el in each direction, definitely, distinctly, and clearly see pages 2, 4, 33, 35, 3fi, 41, 43 of the book giving a description of the country, the rivers crossed, deserts passed and mountains reached, until it lands them upon the sea shore. And yet it is persist- ently stated before you that the account is on a par with Gulliver's travels a work of fiction that pretends to give no time, place, country, or people or fact. Has he repre- sented it fairly or truthfully t Is there not time, place, people, destination, race, char- acteristics, habits, customs and the exact present status of descendants all given? (Time called.) MR. BRADEN'S FIFTEENTH SPEECH. GENTLEMEN MODERATORS, LADIES AND GENTLEMEN : Kelley told you last night how Rigdon exploded the Spaulding story in the Messenger and Advocate. Would it not have been better to have repeated the explosion, than to have given his unsup- ported assertion that Rigdon performed such marvels. He repeats the story already ex- posed as a fabrication of his own at least twice that Hunbut got the Manuscript Found from Mrs. Davidson, and Mrs. Mc- Kinstry. They only gave him an order to search a trunk for it. He repeats his falsi- fication of the language of Hurl but ; that he says he got the Manuscript Found. Hurl- but says he did not get it, but a part of an en- tirely different manuscript. He repeats that Howe says they got the Manuscript Found, and it was not what they expected it to be. Howe says no such thing. He says the manuscript Hurlbut brought to us was not what he expected. It was not what they expected, because it was not the Manuscript Found. The assertion i/hat either Howe or Hurlbut said they obtained the Manuscript Found, and it was not what they expected, is a deliberate fabricaiion of Kelley. Hurlbut did get the Manuscript Found, H wrote Mrs. Davidson that he did. But he did not give it to Howe. He sold it to the Mormons. Mr. Patterson does say that he knew but little of the man- uscripts jaken to the printing office. En- glee, the foreman, attended to them. But Patterson's ignorance, however, does not set to one side the clear testimony of other witnesses. My opponent undertakes to ridicule the evidence I introduced as heresay "Rev. Bonsali Winter's stepson ; Mrs. Irwin, his daughter, and Rev. Kirk said that Winter told them." Let us retort. "Kelley says that Joseph III. says that Emma Smith says. Kelley says that Ho we said. That Gilbert said. Kelley says that the Quincy Whig says, that Nichols says, that Ely says, that Mrs. Davidson said." Does he not know that he commits murder on his own testi- mony when he resorts to such pettifogging? My opponent has not offered a scintilla of evidence that an Ehpraimite ever entered America. He tries to get out of that ridh-- ulous blunder about oxen. I know tha cow is used as a generic name for the genus bos ; so is ox. But where both are used to- gether, neither is generic; but both are tl.o names of a class of the genus. ''Cows" means the females of the genus, when used with ox and "oxen" means an unnatural class of the genus when mentioned with cows. Suppose instead of saying ''sheep" the Book of Mormon had said "ewes" and "wethers." Would they be generic names? Come, sir, you can't get out of that idiotic blunder in any such way. As the Book of Mormon says in one place that darkness shall cover the earth three days after the crucifixion, and the Bible declares that it was only three hours and over the land about Jerusalem, he cannot pettifog away the contradiction. If it was as light as mid-day all night how could a star be seen in mid-day light? My opponent has not explained'! t Low the Nepnites foretold the exact language Christ would use to such an ex leu t, that whole pages are so foretold. THE BRADEN AND KELLEY DEBATE, 159 Nor how they come to speak of the language as then in the Scriptures, hundreds of years before Christ and the apostles uttered it. He asks me if I know what was in the 40 books known and unknown, quoted or re- ferred to by the Bible. I don't. But until he proves that the language was in those books, he cannot prove that his Nephites quoted from them. Again if it was, it would only change the absurdity from the Book of Mormon to another book. Finally, we find the language in the New Testament and we know that neither Nephite or anyone else could quote it until it was uttered, any more than they could quote Shakespeare or Pope. Did these unknown prophets quote from Shakespeare and Pope thousands of year? before they Jived, EO that Sydney's Nephites could quote such language from them 1 I. read from the Book of Mormon denunciations of secret societies, their oaths, grips, signs, pass-words, all the denuncia- tions uttered by anti-masons when the Book of Mormon first appeared. This shows that it was written in that excitement. Science says that the Asiatic species of our domestic animals were not iu America un- til introduced by Europeans. The Book of Mormon says they were a flat contra- diction. Another fraud in this affair, Oliver Cow- dery began his work of writing down the translation of the BOOK of Mormon, the Book of Doctrines and Covenants de- clares, April 17th, 1825. The translation was finished, Mrs. Smith says, early in June. The copy-ri^ht was taken out June 10th. Just to think of a man writing as dictated to him slowly word by word the manuscript of a book as large as the Old Testament, or about 2000 pages of foolscap in less than sixty days, thirty-three pages per ok as a ridiculous blund- ering fraud? Would it not be as clear as day? In precisely the same stolidly ignorant manner, the fabricators of the Book of Mor- mon have put into the mouths of Israelites in America, not only the Hebraisms that are in the King James' version of the Old Testament, but the Hellenisms of th Greek of the New Testament, that appear in King James' translation; and what is idiotically absurd the Anglicisms, the Iftft THE BRADEN AND KELLEY DEBATE. brogue of King James' translators. Think ot Israelites in America, thousands qf years go, using the brogue of King James* translators, thousands of years before such brogue was spoken by the English them- selves. Not only so, but they have imi- tated the incorrect readings of the manu- scripts used by those translators, as any one can see who compares the plagiarisms from the Bible, in the Book of Mormon, with King James* version and the late Canter- bury version. The Lord in giving the translation, word by word, to Joe Smith, slavishly followed the incorrect readings of the manuscripts, from which King Jame's translators made their translation, just as they appear in that translation. Not only so but he actually copied their mistranslations also, as one can see by com- paring the plagiarisms in the Book of Mor- mon with King James' version and the Canterbury version. Let me give two noted instances. The Lord in doling out word by word, I Cor. xiii. 4, copied the blunder of King James' translators and inserted the word "easily" and translated the Greek " Charity is not easily provoked;" when every scholar knows, whether the Mormon God does or not, that "easily" is is not in a single Greek manuscript known to exist. In like manner in doling out Isaiah, xviii, 10, he copied the blunder of King James' translators and gave it to Joe, "The Lord God and His Spirit* hath sent me" when every scholar knows, whether the Mormon God does or not, that it should be "The Lord God hath sent me and His Spirit," i. e., " He hath sent me and hath sent His Spirit." This is sufficient. We might give many more. The fabricators of the Book of Mormon have copied the obsolete words, the obso- lete grammar, the violations of grammar, and the punctuation of King James' ver- sion, showing that they were as ignorant as the man in our illustration. They have copied the blunders of King James' trans- lators as Simon Pure Hebraisms, just as he copied the blunders of the Irishman. They are like the Chinaman that a lady employed to make some plates to fill out a set of chinaware. She had but one plate to give him as a pattern and it was cracked and nicked. To her amazement and amusement when John brought to her the two dozen plates she had ordered, every one was cracked and nicked just as the plate she gave him. He copied everything, suppos- ing it to be a part of the pattern. Just so the fabricators of the Book of Mormon have copied every crack and nick in King James' version. Another thing that proves that the pecu- liarities of the Book of Mormon are awk- ward attempts to imitate i, . ....i they are such a blundering caricature of King James* version. They are as much of a caricature and as awkward as the attempt of a New England \ ankee to imitate the brogue of an Irishman. The paddyisms are exagger- ated until the attempt is a caricature. The 41 Beholds," "Wherefores," "Therefores," "Thereofs," and "Now it came to pass," in the Book of Mormon, are ridiculously fre- quent and most awkwardly used. By actual count nearly 1,700 sentences have "Behold" at the beginning of them or near the begin- ning. Nearly 1,400 have " And it came to pass." Nearly 700 have "therefore." Nearly 500 have "wherefore;" and "lo," "yea," and "thereof" are most awkwardly fre- quent. The awkward use of the brogue of King James' translations betrays them just as the hackdriver's blunder betrayed him. A great Quaker convention was assembling in Philadelphia. Quakers patronized tlieir own people. To get customers one limb of the world put on drab and a broad brim. He looked all right, but when he asked an old Quaker, "Where is thee's baggage?" the Quaker retorted, " Away with thee for a cheat." The same is true of the jargon of the Book of Doctrines and Covenants. It is no more like the brogue of King James' version than the talk of the stage Irishman is like the brogue of the genuine Paddy right from the"ould sod." Mormons ab- surdly seem to think that the brogue, the lingo of King James' translations, is the genuine dialect of heaven, and that angels and the Lord cannot or do not talk in any other. The Lord and angels spoke to Egyp- tians in Egyptian, to Philistines in their dialect, to Chaldeans in their tongue, to the Hebrews in Hebrew, and when the Israelites ceased speaking Hebrew, Aramaic,Greek, or whatever was the speech of the people they were addressing ; but they affected no an tique brogue, or rather caricature of it If the Lord had translated the Books Oi Mor- mon for Joe Smith he should have put it in decent English of the nineteenth century, and not in the obsolete brogue, granmiati' cal blunders and atrocities of King Jaraes* version, or rather in a most absurd, disgust- ing caricature of them in an ignoramus s effort to imitate them. Hardshell Baptists think that preaching is not preaching unless in the nasal sing-song whine called "the holy tone," and that the most idiotic bal- derdash is equal to the preaching of angels, if in that twang. So Mormons seem to think that revelation is not revelation unless it is in the brogue of King James' transla- tors, and that the most idiotic twaddle ia equal to the seraphic strains of Isaiah, if in that lingo. In their attempts to imitate it they come about as near to it as the Yankee schoolboy does the genuine Hardshell sing- song when he attempts to declaim "A Harp of a Thousand Strings." Mormons attempt to parry these objec- tions, by appealing to faults in the Bible. We reply 1. The blunders of King James' translators, their brogue, is no part of the original, as Mormons are so ignorant as to suppose. 2. The messengers of God in the Bible never used an old obsolete brogue, or rather a most awkward, absurd caricature of it. Nor did the Holy Spirit make the persons inspired perpetrate such idiocy 3. The uneducated Amps did not use the polished Hebrew of Isaiah or Jeremiah. Nor did Peter use the classic Greek of THE BRADEN AND KELLEY DEBATE. 161 Thuoydides. But neither Amos nor Peter violated all laws of grammar and speech, in their writings. Their language is terse and blunt, but not such an atrocity as the balderdash of the Book of Mormon and Mormon revelations. Will our opponent give us such a list from the original as we have given from the Book of Mormon? It may be asked if Spaulding, an educated man, and a person like Higdon were authors of the Book of Mormon, how could it be full of such errors? How could they put such errors in it? Would not they know enough to avoid them, and would not they do so? We reply: 1. Spaulding has been very much overrated. His education could not have been what it is claimed it was or he never would have been so grossly ignorant as to suppose that the brogue of King James' translators was the oldest dialect he could find, as his wife tells he did. His ridiculous imitations of the brogue of King James' translators, his awkward imitation that caricatured it, until his neighbors ridiculed it and nicknamed him "Old- came-to-pass," and his stolidly retaining such an ignorant blunder to the last, shows that he has been very much overrated. He was doubtless a dull visionary prosy pedant who undertook a work for which he was utterly incompetent. 2. Rigdon was very illiterate as his letter to the Boston Journal proves, by its misspelled words, violations of grammar, and utter ignorance of punctu- ation, as the publishers describe it. His education was obtained in a log school house. He was never a reader except of the visionary and extravagant. He was a rant- ing, spread-eagle, highfaluten declaimer, who mistook bombast for eloquence, fustian for rhetoric, extravagance for sublimity. We have then the blunders that such a man aslSpaulding would makein writing on such a theme. His prosy dull repetitions and awkward imitations of the Bible, that made his stuff what Mark Twain calls it "chloro- form in type." Then the ignorant blunders ofsuclyan illiterate person as Rigdon and his rant, fustian, spread-eagle and bombast. The blunders that an ignoramus like Smith would makein reading such a manuscript to another, and the blunders that an illiterate blacksmith like Cowdery would make in copying, then the blunders a printer would make in setting up such unusual stuff, espe- cially when he dare not strike out what seemed wrong to him, as he might mar the inspiration by striking out its cant and its brogue. If it had been decent English, the printer could have corrected it. But it \vaj like Josh Billings spelling. The wit in Josh is the bad spelling. So the inspiration in the Book of Mormon was its butch-ering of the people's English, The atrocities of speech were the divinity that was in it. Still one is compelled to admit that with all of these causes of error, each cause of error, wrought a stupendous miracle, to have gotten up such a monstrosity as the Book of Mor- mon. We have proved by historic evi- dence that Rigdon remodeled Spaulding's manuscript, interpolating the religious Dor- tions so as to fit it to be used as a pretended revelation. We have proved by the Rigdon- isms in the Book of Mormon that it is his work. His belief in immersion, believer's baptism, baptism for the remission of sins, free grace, opposition to infant baptism, opposition to the doctrine of total heredi- tary depravity that borders on Pelagian- ism These were the ideas of the Disci |>les then. His opposition to secret societies, denunciation of Sectarianism. When he agreed with the Disciples we have Disci pies teaching, but when he differed, their teaching is bitterly opposed. He contends for community of goods. He retained the Baptist idea of direct and miraculous power of the Holy Spirit. This led him to con- tend for baptism of the Holy Spirit, bap- tism to receive miraculous gifts of the Holy Ghost. Imparting spiritual gifts by lay- ing on of hands. Restoration of mira- cles, revelations and spiritual powers of the Apostolic church. We have also the fall down power of Rigdon's revivals, and that he was subject to himself When he agreed with the Disciples the Book of Mormon agrees with them. WhttL he dif- fers from them it differs bitterly. Take for instance his bitter denunciation of those who say, "We have the Bible, we need no new revelation." He is especially bitter over this, and his book is full of instances of the miraculous power of the Holy Spirit, such as he contended for. We have his pet expressions, his revivalisms, his baptismal formula, his rant against infant baptism. The child is not more clearly the offspring of his parent than the religious portion of the Book of Mormon is the workol Sidney Rigdon. Rigdon committed an absurd blunder in using the words "baptize" and "immerse" as he did. On page 444 he represents Christ as making baptism and immersion two en- tirely different things. He commands men to baptize, and tells them to immerse in doing it. Our Savior used but one word, and that meant to immerse and that alone. He committed another absurd blunder when he represented immersion as univer- sal among the Nephites, hundreds of years before Christ. Immersion was utterly un- known as a religious rite, except the bath- ings of the law of Moses, until John the Baptist. He made the blunder still more absurd when he represented the Nephites as immersing in the name of Christ. That was never done until it was done by the apostles of Christ. He magnified his blun- der still farther when he represented them as immersing for the remission of sins. That was never done until it was done by John the Baptist. He capped the climax of this tissue of absurdities when he rep- resented them as immersing for the mirac- ulous gift of the Holy Spirit, and he flatly contradicted the word of God. He coolly tells us that these Nephites^had all spiritual gifts, and every miraculous power of the Holy Spirit, to an extent utterly unknown, even to the apostles. John vii. 38, Jesus said "He that believeth 162 THE BRADEN AND KELLEY DEBATE. on me. as the scriptures have said, out of him shall flow rivers of water. But this he spake of the Spirit which they that be- lieved on him should receive. Fo'r the Holy Spirit was not yet given because Jesus was not glorified." John xv. 7, "Nevertheless I tell you the truth, it is best for you that I go away. For if I go not away the com- forter will not come urito you, but if I go away, I will send him unto you." Eph. iv. When Jesus ascended, then he gave spirit- ual gifts unto men. Had Rigdon been there he would have told Jesus, "Nevertheless "you are telling a falsehood. The Holy " Spirit, in your name, has been enjoyed by "my Nephites over 600 years, and to an " extent that no human being ever did or " ever will enjoy, outside of my Nephites." This stuff" of Rigdon contradicts the teach- ings of the Bible, that the revelations that constitute the sacred scriptures were given in Palestine and in connection with the Israelites in Palestine. Rigdon has a higher and far better dispensation, over in Amer- ica, and different from the one in Palestine, for the priesthood is in Manasseh, not in Levi, and the scepter is in Manasseh, not in Judah, thus abrogating the Mosaic dis- pensation entirely. The Nephites had the gospel so fully and completely that there was nothing left for Jesus to reveal; nothing for him to do but to fill the programme that Nephite prophets had marked out for him, as minutely, word for word, act for act, as Shakspeare has written out the part of the one who plays the part of Hamlet. The law of Moses was to prepare the way for the teachings of Christ, just as the Ter- ritorial Government prepares the way for the State Government. Rigdon has a more perfect State Government than even the apostles instituted in full blast hundreds of years before the Territorial is abolished, or the Constitutional Convention held, or the State organized. He has the people living under the State Government and claiming all the time to be living under the Territorial' Government, every feature of which they are trampling underfoot. One is inclined to ask Sydney " why did not God give prophets and reve- lations and the Gospel to the Israelites in Africa, India, or China?" There were great multitudes of them, with great schools, in all of these places. Why was not the Gospel revealed, and the baptism in the name of Jesus, and the Holy Spir t and all spiritual gifts, in Christ's name, enjoyed among such prophets, as Ezekiel, Daniel, Malachi in Palestine as well as among your Nephites in America? Why did not Jesus go to Spain, India, or China, after his resurrection, as well as to your Nephites? This lying fabrication of Rig- don contradicts Christ's commission to his apostles. The Gospel was to go forth to the world through his apostles, and through them alone. They were to go to all nations, give the Gospel to every creaiure. It contradicts the claim of the apostles, " To us is commit- ted the ministry of reconciliation. We were chosen to do this work." It con- tradicts Isaiah and Micah ; ''The law of Christ was to go forth from Zion, his word from Jerusalem." "The gospel was to be preached among all nations, beginning at Jerusalem." It teaches that Manasseh took the priesthood from Levi, before the Messiah, the Melchesidec priest, and the scepter from Judah, before Shiloh came. The rebellion of the Ten Tribes was a sin. The conduct of Rigdon's Nephites was rebellion, apostasy, and yet God blessed them, even above faithful Judahites and Levites. Rigdon, in the case of his Jaredites, flatly contradicts Gen. xi. 9. At the Tower of Babel the Lord confounded the language of all the earth. Sidney declares that his Jaredites were top smart for the Lord and ran away from him, and the Lord did not dp what he thought he did or said he did. Sidney pretends that his Jaredites, who came to America 250 years before A braham, had a higher and more perfect knowledge of the Gospel than any Israelite, known to the Bible, had before the advent ol Christ, and in some particulars better than any have ever had, except his Nephites. Why did not Christ make his ad vent among these Jaredites 2,000 years before he came ? They were better prepared than he found the Israelites in Palestine when ne did come. Why did he not make his advent among the Nephites, hundreds of years before he came? They were better prepared for him, and indeed he and his apostles did not leave the Israelites and Gentiles on the old conti- nent in as highly favored a condition as these Nephites were hundreds of years be- fore he came. Why did not God make Jared's brother the father of the faithful instead of Abraham ? If the Book of Mormon be a revelation Jared's brother so far excelled Abraham hundreds of years before Abraham lived that he is the real father of the faithful, and Abraham only a pretender. He was favored above all Israelite prophets except Sidney's fictitious Nephites. The apostles were not so highly favored and all to no purpose for he was to seal it up. The time that the Lord said they were to go forth is not yet come. After all the work of Christ and his apostles the world is not yet ready for the revelations that God gave to Jared's brother long before Abraham's day. If the Nephites had our Bible, or as much of it as was in existence before they left Jerusalem, why was not it buried instead of Moroni's plates? Why do not we have an abridg- ment of it on the plates as well as what is given on them? If it is because they had the Bible, then why did the book of Mor- mon steal so much from the Bible? We have neither the historical part of the Bible nor an abridgment of it in the Book of Mor- moii, but the religious portions of the Book of Mormon are stolen from the Bible and mixed with Rigdon's notions. If we need the Book of Mormon in addition to our Bible, it must be because it contains addi- THE BRADEN AND KELLEY DEBATE. 163 tional truth. What single new idea, what single better expression of a biblical idea have we in the Book of Mormon? We are told on pages 505-506 that Jared's brother (I wonder if that fellow really had no name, if he was always anonymous?) said that Christ was literal flesh and blood, that Jesus showed himself to him as he did to the Nephites, after his resurrection, with his body of flesh, bones nnd blood. This flatly contradicts the positive declarations of the Bible, that he first tabernacled in flesh, became incarnate, in the person of Mary. That he took on him the seed of Abraham. That his human nature was of the seed of Abraham, was a lineal descends ant of Abraham. That his body was pre- pared for him when he came to do God's will, or in the person of Mary. Here we are told that he showed that body to this anonymous fellow of Sidney Rigdon's cre- ation, hundreds of years before Abraham or any of his seed existed, and thousands of years before he became incarnate, according to the Bible. We are further told that man's body is an exact image or copy of God's body. Then God has a literal body of literal flesh, blood and bones, notwith- standing Jesus says " God is a Spirit," and " spirit has not flesh and bones." Of course, then, God has organs of eating, digesting, evacuation, procreation, and uses tnem, or he eats, digests, evacuates and procreates like man, and Priapus Young's Adam-God theory is true according to the Book of Mormon. MR. KELLEY'S SIXTEENTH SPEECH! GENTLEMEN MODERATORS, LADIES AND GENTLEMEN: I will first call your atten- tion to one or two things that have been mentioned, as objections, and then go on with my argument. 1. That it is not probable that any per- sons could have been led to this continent as claimed at the time of the confusion of languages without the same being known to the people of the old world. Gen. 11: 8 states: "So the Lord scattered them abroad from thence upon the face of all the earth: and they left ofF to build the city. Therefore is the name of it called Babel ; be- cause the Lord did there confound the lan- guage of all the earth ; and from thence did the Lord scatter them abroad upon the face of all the earth." It seems to me that they did know it on the old world. Josephus says, that they were scattered abroad upon all the earth, and that some of them "went over the sea." The Book of Mormon tells about a colony that came out from there composed of a few families, and Mr. Braden thinks it could never have hap- pened. In fact, however, it is improbable to the Bible-believer that God should not have taken steps to the colonization of all the earth, since he had created man for the purpose of dwelling thereon. It is said, here that the language of all the earth was confounded, and Mr. Braden objects again, for the reason that the Book of Mormon states that there was a family who were permitted to retain their speech so that they could understand each other. The history of it in the Book of Mormon is as follows: That at the time of the confounding of the language of all the earth, the brother of Jared went and asked that the Lord would remember him in his mercy, and that He would permit that these brothers and their families might understand each other ; and he prayed, and the Lord granted his prayer as to himself and Jared and a few others. Now, is it in fact unreasonable, or does it contradict the Bible in any particular? The language was confounded so that the people could not work together to build th tower there and that they should go abroad and inhabit the whole earth. That was the object of it. And a few were per- mitted, and we don't know but what doz- ens of families, or hundreds even, were per- mitted in the same way to understand one another of which we have no record. But he objects because the family, first of Jared and then of Jared's brotiier, or the broth- er of Jared and then Jared himself, were permitted to first converse about this and understand each other. Mr. Braden makes his mistake in supposing that the work of confounding the language was all of a sud- den, a thing similar to a stroke of light- ning. There is no sense in supposing that in this God did not work like himself, and use some proper means to perform this work and warn too, the people. Again, he says that the Jaredites ran away from the Lord so he could not con- found their language. But where did he get it? When a man says a thing he ought to have some foundation for it. The Book of Mormon states that the Lord led them away. He did not get it out of that Book. Where did he get it? Where did you get the statement that Jared ran away so the Lord could not do it? The Book of Mormon does not say either that the Lord could not do it, but on the contrary that the Lord 164 THE BRADEN AND KELLEY DEBATE. cnuld dolt, but that he had compassion and pity on these parties because they cried un- to him. Do you understand that God is not such a being that he will answer when peo- ple cry unto him ? But, he objects again that Jesus did not come to this continent, because if he did why did he not go to Spain and other places also. How does he know but what he did? It may be that he did. Heappeared, says Paul, to five hundred brethren at one time after his resurrection, and doubtless to many that we did not have any account of on the Kastein Continent. And how does he know but what he went to Spain and China and the islands of the sea ? If it is an argument in his favor to interrogate upon something lie knows nothing about, it is an argument in mine. That is the logic of it. '2. Then he gives to us a reminiscence of Sidney Rigdou's bitter denunciation, as lie says, of those who clung to the Bible while he was a Campbellite preacher. What has that or anything else Rigdon did while a Campbellite to do with the question under discussion? Do you believe that while he \vas a Campbellite, preaching here in North- ern Ohio, and converting so many upon the "Western Reserve, nay Campbellite friends, that he was denouncing those who claimed to believe in the Bible? Was that his man- ner? Mr. Braden says it was. Yet you kept him for your preacher and he was the ablest p-eaclier you had. He made more converts than any other two preachers on the Western Reserve. This is shown in your own history. And still Braden asserts this man was denouncing everything that was good at the same time that he was mak- ing these converts. Is that the way to make converts to the Campbellite faith? If not, where is the sense in such statements, my friends? 3. Again, he objects to the Book of Mormon because somebody prophecied he should re- ceive the Holy Spirit in the name of Christ, or through Christ. I would like for him to tell this audience two things. 1. In what way did the people of olden time receive the Holy Spirit? How did Elijah and Malachi, or any of the proph- ets? I asked him the question upon a for- mer evening. Let him answer that ques- tion. 2. Turn to the Rook of Mormon and show where they claimed to have received the Holy Spirit through Christ, or in a different manner over here than is represented in the Bible. There is not an instance in the Book of Mormon where it teaches the receiv- ing of the Holy Spirit in a different sense to the Bible. This is all Braden's imagina- tion. Do not misrepresent the book to the audience. Note his answers to these, will you please? 4. Another thing. He says that my testi- mony of the three witnesses to the Book of Mormon is precisely like his, because I refer- red tothe fact that Mr. Howe's purported statements from John Spauldingand Martha Spaulding had no time, place, or date, nor were they original testimony ; that is, that they were quoted from something else and not genuine. Now if you will turn to the back part of Mr. Howe's book, you will find, in- stead of giving the statement itself, he gives a quotation from a statement. That is not like the testimony I offered. When I turn to the testimony of the three witnesses, my criticism, he says, "is the club that knocks me in the head." But the testimony of the three witnesses which I read is their state- ment, not a quotation from the statement of the witnesses. There is no pretention to a quotation here, but the witnesses send it forth themselves as their testimony. "Be it known unto all nations, kindreds, tongues and people." This is our testimony. Can you find anything like that in Howe's quo- ta! ion from the purported statements of John Spaulding and" Martha Spaulding? The cases are not parallel in any sense. There is not nor never has been a question or reason to suppose that the statement in the Book of Mormon was not that of the three witnesses. All three of the witnesses have voluntarily since confirmed this fact ; I have read you some of these later state- ments of them. While the others (these quotations found in Howe's book), are ques- tioned, and they show doubt upon the face of them. Those of the three witnesses he thinks were written up by Joseph Smith. Will some of you take the trouble and ex- amine them, and then tell me if a man who could write those statements up could be justly called an "ignoramus," if you please, that he has been calling Joseph Smith. Mr. Braden has used that language of Joseph Smith from the first. Again, he tells us that Joseph the third says thatErnma says, and all of this. Ah! yes ; but all there is to it, Joseph Smith wrote his mother's tes- timony down as she gave it. Now his evi- dence, so far as being direct and explicit, don't compare with this at all. So, also, of David Whitmer's evidence: it is upon record, and we quote from his evidence as given by himself, published by himself over his own signature. Braden's state- ments are objected to because they are not given by the parties directly. But, he says, Mr. Bonsall says, that somebody else told him so; and they thought Dr. Winters put it in writing, and they did not have the original statement. Mrs. Dunlap Rig- don's niece, who was a member of Bradeu's church, is said to have said, &c. That is what I object to sir ; and if you can pro- duce the original statements of these par- ties or a reliable publication of them, do so, and then the argument upon that point will cease. But I deny that you have any evi- dence from Dr. Winters, Abel Chase, John Spaulding, &c. Bring on your evidence and I will examine it, if you have any. Patter- son and Howe won't do to put up evidence for me. 5. Next I notice that he has raised the old objection that the Book of Mormon contains in it the idioms which peculiarly belong to the translation of the Bible. That is a valid objection, if true to any extent, and now will he dare examine it candidly with me. THE BRADEN AND KELLEY DEBATE. 165 I say it is not true and ask him to cite instances which he is willing to rest his ar- gument upon. If I do not answer objections of that nature before the conclusion of the discussion, there will be one point against roe. It is a valid objection if the idioms or words peculiar to the translation of the Bible have been copied in the Book of Mor- mon from the Bible in a reckless, blundering way, as he says, and it is an objection that I will meet on to-morrow evening, and I want you all here to hear it, too. At this time I will proceed with my main argument. The Book of Mormon states that the last civilization which came to this continent landed here about 590 years before the time of Christ, and existed in a civilized state here till the close of the fourth century; giving specific statements of dates, places and conditions which are quite sufficient by reason of their completeness, to either con- demn or corroborate the narrative in the subsequent developmentof the relics, ruins, etc., of that ancient people, through the independent line of evidence brought for- ward by archseologists. This was in 1827 to 1830; the developments have been made since. Do they contradict or confirm this state- ment bofdly and fearlessly made? I refer you to the latest accounts given of the dis- coveries in this direction. S. B. Evans, of Ottumwa, Iowa, published through the Chicago Times, 1881, his explorations, con- clusions, etc., from travels on the continent and examinations of works, and from these concludes that there have been at least two civilizations that have lived and dwindled away on the continent prior to the Aztecs or Toltecs, of Mexico; the last of -which must have ceased to exist at least from a thousand to fifteen hundred years ago, ,nd occupied the time of at least one thousand years of civilization here. Take his time and conclusions and compare with the positive declaration of the Book of Mor- nion made over fifty years before without the aid of these examinations and the published accounts of researches and dis- coveries now attainable, and you must begin to fnel that its work was not that of the guesser. The civilization must have ceased to exist according to the best scien- tific theories the fourth or fifth century of 'the Christian era. The Book of Mormon says 400 years after Christ. A thousand years back from the fourth or fifth century, again gives about the time that Lehi left Jerusalem according to the record. If Mr. Smith was guessing, did he not guess well? Do you still believe he was guessing? Oh ! but Braden says he did not write in a perfect language, and before he will receive anything as of divine origin it must be in a perfect language. He asks me to state whether Peter or Paul, or any of the prophets wrote in an imperfect language. My answer to this is, that, there is not a scrap of gospel manuscript under the sun within two hundred years of Peter or Paul. Mr. Braden nor no other man can tell whether they wrote in pure Greek, or pure Hebrew, or in the Syrian, or the Syrio-Chaldaic or what they wrote in. He does not even know what particular lan- guage they did write in, imperfect as it must have been ; and it is in dispute at the present time as to the particular languagt> Jesus himself used when he was here. And yet, I am asked to furnish something in the exact original writing of Peter, Paul, or John, so as to prove to Braden that what they wrote was not perfect grammer. Let us examine this silly nonsense a mo- ment. It is the old objection of Howe, and Hyde, and as might have been ex- pected without any foundation. What language known toman is perfect? Will he tell this audience what language known to man now, or that has ever been known or in use since the time of Enoch that was perfect? Can any of you think of one? Mr. Braden can you? Don't you know there has never been such since Babel's time at least. So that if you require a perfect language, God could never have spoken to the -world. We will take the English language, as that is the one more nearly connected with the question under consideration. Three hundred years ago what would have b'een considered good English is not now the language is continually changing. The great Shakespeare, the master, says "I had rather," while our school ma'ams turn up their noses at it now, and correct the little one to say " I would rather." I could give you many such instances from such writers as Spencer, Cowper, etc., could I take the time here, showing great changes day by day and year by year of the English lan- guage. Pope tells us that the language changes as do the fashions. This of itself ought to be a sufficient answer to the objec- tion that it is not in good English. The American Bible Society, I understand, claims 23,000 inaccuracies so far as minor points of language, use and construction are concerned, found in King James' transla- tion of the Bible, and yet at the time of the translation it was put into English by the masters of literature the best scholars of the realm. Only last night we were saluted with the remark, " Suppose Joe Smith had as good a right to make a word as Web- ster." Certainly he had. According to the history of the English language, Mr. Smith or any one in this audience hasijust as good a right to make a word as Webstei er any other man ; and I can cite hundreds of instances of words that have been manu- factured, not by the scholarly of the age, but by men that were in indifferent cir- cumstances in life. Don't you remember that a few years ago, only in 1840, I believe it was, in a great political convention held at the time that Henry Clay was a candi- date for the Presidency, a gentleman in the convention from Tennessee a common farmer too who got tired of the noise and rattle in the convention, said that he be- lieved that they ought not to tolerate the "outsiders" in there any longer; and from that very time the word "outsider" was \66 THE BRADEN AND KELLEY DEBATE. coined into the English language, and we now use it, and it is admitted to be a proper word coined by a man that was among those not scholarly, as he thinks was the position of Joseph Smith. I could tell you of a hundred such cases, and taken right from the works upon the English language. If he is acquainted with the literature of the English language he knows the state- ment to be entirely correct. But the objection is further urged that the Book of Mormon was translated by in- spiration and should have been in a perfect language. Think a moment! For God to look ahead and use language In advance of the times would make it incomprehensible to the persons to whom it was given, and too, imperfect when compared with their language as a standard, no difference how much better in fact it might have been. This is the logic he offers. God must talk in perfect language when he speaks, al- though he speaks through men. Perfection so far as our language is concerned is deter- mined by the usage of the times. The usage changes, hence perfection changes. Therefore, if God speaks, he must so speak, that it will be good English to-day, according to the language, and good Eng- lish next year, according to the standard, although the standard has changed. The lallacy of the position must be apparent to all. We must conclude that the language is but the medium through which the thought is convened, and the Lord uses the medium w'0lrSveT The question is not one of perfect language or imperfect language. No claim is made to giving a perfect language to the world. The only sensible criticism to be made as to the language used in the book is from the standpoint of whether it is in such language as all people may understand it, who are conversant with the language in which it is given; for the message claims to be sent to all. Has he made the objec- tion that it is in such language that all may not understand it? Everyone; whether high or low, rich or poor, the educated or the uneducated? Oh, no. His objection is, that it is not in the vocabulary of we giants in the world of language and litera- ture. If he will turn to I Cor. 1 : 26, he find that "Not nia.,y wise men after the flvsh, not many mighty, not many noble are called. But God hath chosen the fool- ish -things of this world to confound the wise, and the weak things to confound the things which are mighty ; and base things 3f the world, and things which are drspixed, hath God chosen, yea, and things which are not to bring to riaught things that are." God's ways are not Braden's ways. That is clear. Braden's view is. just to think of the grand, good, and noble characters of the last three hundred years ; of Calvin, Luther, Wesley, Camp- bell, etc. And then, think of the Lord choosing as an instrument the likes of Joseph Smith. No; the Lord says, "not many noble," after the ways of the world ; but Braden's Idea is, let us have what we cat/ noble. The untutored Galileans and poor fisher- men of Judea stand a poor show with the great "Scalper of Robert Ingersol." But I will continue farther to notice the criti- cism. Is this an objection in fact, or is it only an imaginary one? Will not the im- perfections of an original language in a strictly literal and true translation appear in the translation. If you take the writ- ings of Xenophon, or of any of the great Greek scholars, or the speeches of Cicero in the Latin, ana put them in the English language, will they not read differently from the speeches and writings of the ur learned made in the same time and in the same language in which those scholars lived and wrote ! They will read differently, although they have been correctly trans- lated into the English language, And so it would be, too, if the original writers of the Book of Mormon did not have a perfect language, or did not speak or write cor- rectly ; the imperfection would crop out when it was put into the English language ; nor would it be in the fine literature that it might have appeared in, had they been scholarly men, which they say themselves they were not, as I have before shown you from the book wherein one of them states they were not mighty or efficient ;iu writing even as in speaking. In their writings then we might expect to find many imperfections. If so, it would crop out, and the unskillful work and style be reflected in the translation into English, as it would if made from the Hebrew, the Greek, or the Latin. It is not difficult even for a novice to detect these interjected anachronisms in language in many authors. Let us examine the strength of the argu- ment from the other standpoint: Suppose the Book of Mormon was in fact in the smooth and finished speech of a graduate of Dartmouth college, as is claimed for Mr. Solomon Spaulding, and then you should find the expression therein, that the origi- nal language in which tne book was written , was a very imperfect one, as is the admis- sion in the Book of Mormon ; would not my opponent say at once that it was an irrecon- cilable inconsistency? And would he not have a more reasonable basis upon which to make the claim that the. book was the work of the cultured clergyman of New England? There can be no doubt of it. - Every position Mr. Braden takes against this book on account of its unenticing style, language, address, and compilation, exposes more fully the utter unreasonable- ness and absurdity of his Spauldiug tale, "old come 'to pass," and all. But I will examine the work of some New Testament writers: Mark was as much inspired as Matthew, but his language of recording the gospel is quite different. Luke's style and language is not that of John, and it is easy to see that the untaught Peter is such a character from his inspired Epistles; while Paul's characteristics of culture shine out in his. But Braden thinks that, if the Lord should use Joseph Smith and inspire his mind to use the means he THE BRADEN AND KELLEY DEBATE. 167 had prepared to translate a language, he must not use the vocabulary of Joseph Smith. The Lord, in translating the book through Joseph Smith, would certainly use the lan- guage of Joseph Smith so far as that vocab- ulary would reflect truthfully the original. If it was deficient, then of course it must have been supplied, but not otherwise. "What vocabulary would he use? Of some learned gentleman who was president of Harvard or Dartmouth? Why, how would Joseph Smith understand it after he had translated, according to that? And then Satan would find some argument for his Spaulding story. Was not the message to Mr. Smith as well as to the others of the human family, and could he understand it if not, in great part, in his vocabulary? Was it not also most proper that he first of all understand this message? All must answer these questions the same. Then why object to the work upon this ground? It is but reasonable to expect that we should find in the translation the language in great part in use and understood by the translator at the time of the translation. I might refer also to the fact that there are hundreds of works written in the English language that were correct according to the best usage at the time in which they were writ- ten, but which are poor English to-day; and not only this, but the very vocabulary of those works is altogether unlike the vo- cabulary of other works that were in good English, written at the same time. Need I cite you to the common work that is known all over Christendom, published in England a few years ago, known as Bunyan's Pil- grim's Progress ; thought to be a model yet, in many things, of good English, for the reason that the words that are used in it are so simple that everybody can under- stand it ; but because of this does it follow that other works written at the same time, but in a widely different vocabulary, were not in proper form and style also? Mr. Braden's reasoning is like this : Joseph Smith was an unlearned boy, with a limited vocabulary of words, as the vocabulary of all unlearned persons is of few words when compared with the scholarly. The Book of Mormon is in the language of such an un- learned and illiterate boy ; Sidney Iligdon and Solomon Spaulding were educated, able and well-informed men, and ministers one a Presbyterian and graduate of Dart- mouth College, the other belonging to the church of which " I, Clark Brad en, am a member," orator of the great Mahoning Association, a city pastor, etc., their vocab- ulary of the English language was of the best at the time, rich, and especially Spaul- ding's, who was 'classical and scholarly. Therefore the learned and scholarly Spaul- ding wrote the Book of Mormon, in common phrase language, and the eloquent and gifted Sidney (Bro. Braden's pastor) stole it and gave it to Joseph Smith, an un- learned, illiterate, low, mean, drinking, shiftless, lazy, thieving, rascally boy, who lived hundreds of miles away, in the forests of the State of New York, at the time when they had no news, lines, railroads, or easy conveyancing as now, and when from the very surroundings of the case it was impos- sible that Rigdou could, from his station in life, ever have noticed that there was such a boy living in the world so far as having anything to do with him was concerned. How do you like it? Sidney Rigdon, so far as the use of language is concerned, was one of the most eloquent men that this na- tion has ever produced. I can read you passages from his speeches, his sermons, and from his presentation of the case of this people before Congress and the world, tbat equal anything that I have ever seen in tne writings'or addresses of Calhoun, Webster or Clay. And yet persons will try to make out, in order to if possible connect him with the authorship of the Book of Mormon, that he was such a poor, illiterate "ignoramus" of a fellow that he did not know anything. His language was all of this clap-tiap "nonsense," of unusual "verbosity," and abounding in "vulgarisms," and such as that. Well, now, it is not true. All of you who have heard Sidney Kigdon, and theie are many in this audience, know it is not true. You know that he was a man who could talk, and talk eloquently ; talk in one-half hour more than Braden, or-I either, can talk in two days, so far as the use of fine and eloquent language is concerned. That is the kind of man he was and what he could do. And yet Mr. Braden will have it that these two ministers, Sidney Rigdon and Solomon Spaulding, made the Book of Mormon. It seems to me that his argu- ments will not tally at all when you begin to examine and weigh them. Paul says, "And I came not with excellency of speech," and yet he was inspired of the Lord, and so may'be the case of Joseph Smith. My friends, can you not all now see that such objections are really frivolous, and that the work must be tested upon its mer- its; of what it is; of its teachings, its doctrines, its principles, and not upon the false objections that have been rais- ed. "He that abideth in the doctrine of Christ, he hath both the Father and he Son." Not if their message is in good language "with excellency of speech," pure Greek, Hebrew or English ; but is it so as to be understood, and when un- derstood is it according to the doctrine of Christ. Can you see the point ? I think my audience can. But all the good there is in the Book of Mormon is borrowed from the Bible he says. Does that make it bad because it is borrow- ed from the Bible? Why don't he point out the bad to this audience and show where that came from? That is what you are waiting for him to do. Does he sup- pose you will go home and begin to kick the Book of Mormon if he leaves it like the Bible? Would it not be entitled to the re- spect and belief of Christians, if it did come out of the Bible? Jesus said "every good and perfect thing came from God." But again, the claim is made that the er- 168 THE BRADEN AND KELLEY DEBATE. rors of King James' translation were copied In the Book of Mormon when it was trans- lated. Now this I deny. It is an assertion that cannot be made good. If they are let him rpa.'f the passages to this audience and give me page and paragraph ami prove it. That is the way to debate. Select a few he can stand by and let us have an issue. What is argument? For the negative to copy out all day what he finds in thos^ works writ- ten against the people he has assailed, without regard to the question, or what the affirmative has produced, and then to stand and read it off at night? If that is the way I respectfully suggest that hereaf- ter when you want to discuss with the Saints that instead of getting a professed minister of the gospel, you just buy one of Howe's or John Hide's books against the Mornjons, and when our minister has mtide his argument you just arise and read the stories from Hide, or Tucker, or Howe, or Kidder, or Smucker, or Beadle, or Ann Eliza, or John D. Lee you can't go amiss they are all directly to the point. No difference what the question is, they will testify. But in contradiction to such a course I suggest that if my reasons are not good he ought to show such facts, and which he can well afford to do, if they are bad. But here I will now take up my affirma- tive proofs. It is well known that for the iniquity of the ten tribes of Israel, God gave them into the hands of Shalmaneser, and he carried them into Assyria, since which time they have not been known in the history of nations. The tribes of Judah and Benjamin, with remnants of tribes, remained at Jerusalem until about seventy yean aftor the coming of Christ, when Je- rusalem was beseiged by the Romans, the city was taken and destroyed together with the magnificent temple, and the Jews were scattered among the nations. Since that, neither Judah nor Israel has been an inde- pend i,L .lotion in the earth. As nations they have been blotted out from the knowl- edge of the world. They (they Jews) are only known in their scattered state. Their city and coveted land has, for Jo, those ages, been under the feet of their enemies. This has been so truly the case that it has been a current belief in the world that they would never again be restored to their land or become a great nation. That the Lord has utterly rejected them. But Paul cor- rected that idea in his letter to the Romans 11:1-2: "I say then has God cast away his peo- ple ? God forbid ! For I am an Israelite of the seed of Abraham, of the tribe of Ben- jamin. God has not cast away his people which he foreknew." Paul was right, for God had declared as an unalterable decree, as fixed as the ordi- nances of heaven, that they should be re- membered, and not cease to be a nation for- ever. Jer. 31 : 35, 40. "Thus saith the Lord, which giveth the sun for a light by day and the ordinances of the moon and the stars for a light by night, which divideth the sea when the waves thereof roar; the Lord of Hosts is his name." Verse 36: " If those ordinances depart from before me, saith the Loid, then the seed of Israel also shall cease from being a nation before me forever." Verse 37 : " Thus saith the Lord, if heaven above can be measured and the foundation of the earth searched out beneath, I will also cast off all the seed of Israel for all that they have done saith the Lord." Verse 38: " Behold the days come saith the Lord, that the city shall be built to the Lord from the tower of Hananeel to the gate of the corner." Verse 39 : "And the measuring l*ne shall yet go forth over against it upon the hill Gareb, and shall compass about to Goath." They were to be scattered and peeled ; " become a hiss and a by word among the nations," but they were to be gathered again in God's own due time: hence Paul says, "God has not forgotten his people." But when will their restoration commence? The learning of men is not able to answer. But God by his prophets has made it quite clear. As if on purpose to correct this popular error, Paul writes : " For I would not my brethren have you ignorant of this mystery, lest ye should be wise in your own conceits ; that blindness in part has happened to Israel, until the fullness of the Gentiles be come in. And so all Israel shall be saved, as it is written. There shall come out of Sion the Deliverer, and shall turn away ungodliness from Jacob : For this is my covenant unto them, when I shall takeaway their sins." Rom. 11 : 25, 26. When the time comes that God will take away the sin of Israel, about the time that the fullness of the Gentiles should come in, by their turning away from un- godliness, or hardness of heart he will make a covenant with them. Jesus fixes this event at the same time with Paul, and says, "Jerusalem shall be trodden down of the Gentiles." But how long? He-con- tinues, " Until the times of the Gentiles be fulfilled." Luke 21: 24. Jerusalem was to be in the. hands of the Gentiles until these predictions of Christ and Paul should be fulfilled. Then God would renew his cove- nant with them. But when is the time when Jerusalem shall cease to be trodden down of the Gentiles, and God shall take away the sin of Israel and renew his covenant f Let the prophet answer. Jere- miah says : "Behold the days come, saith the Lord, that I will perform the good things which I have promised unto the house of Israel and the house of Judah. In those days, and at that time, will I cause the branch of righteousness to grow up unto David, and he shall execute judgment and righteous- ness in the land. In those days shall Judah be saved, and Jerusalem dwell safely." That is the age and time when God will begin the work that is to effect the restora- tion of Israel to their ancient homes ; when their sins shall be pardoned, and God's covenant established among them. THE BRADEN AND KELLEY DEBATE. 169 It is the same time referred to by both Paul and Jesus. So the prophet goes on to state : " Behold the days come saith the Lord, that I will make a new covenant with the house of Israel and with the house of Judah. Not according to the cove- nant that I made with them when 1 took them by the hand to bring them outof the land of Egypt: which my covenant they brake, although I was a husband- man unto them saith the Lord. But this shall be the covenant that I will make with the hou~e of Israel after those days saith the Lord. I will put my law in their inward parts and write it in their hearts, and I will be their God and they shall be my people, and they shall teach no more every man his neigh bor, mid every man his brother. Buying, Know the Lord; for they shall know me from the leastof them (o the greatest of them, saith the Lord ; for I will forgive their iniquity, and I will remember their sins no more." Nothing need be made plainer than this prediction in order to be well understo >d. When God takes away the "sin" of Israel he is to "remember their iniquities no more." He is to make with them a cove- nant, and the law is to be written in their hearts, not on tables of stone. "Moreover, I will make a covenant of peace with them ; it shall be an everlasting covenant, with them, and I will place them, and multiply them, and will set my sanctuary in the midst of them forever more." Ezek. 37:26. In view of accomplishing this event, it is written : " Behold the days come, saith the Lord, that it shall no more be said the Lord liveth that brought up the children of Israel out of the land of Egypt; but the Lord liveth that brought up the children of Israel from the land of the north ; and from all the lands whither he had driven them; and I will bring them again unto the lands that I gave nnto their fathers. Behold I will send for many fishers and they shall fish them, and aiti-rwards will I send for many hunters and they shall hunt them from every moun- tain and from every hill, and out of the holes of the rocks." Ezek. 16 : 14-16. And in order to accomplish their restora- tion, as thus pointed out, the Lord says : "I will direct their work in truth, and I will make an everlasting covenant with them. And their seed shall be known among the Gentiles and their offspring among the people." Isaiah 61:8,9. Here Israel is to be revealed among the Gentiles, and their offspring among the peo- ple. Their lineage is to be discovered. And how? Evidently as in old time, when doubts, or no certainty was had concern- ing the lineage of certain of the tribes, who sought to be registered among those who were reckoned by genealogy, but they were not found; "they were not to eat of the most holy things, till there stood up a priest with Urim and Thummim." Ezra 2:63. Neh.7:65. As the "Urim andThutn- mim" was the means by which ancient Israel and their lineage was revealed, it will doubtless be the means that God will employ to make their "seed known among the Gentiles, and their offspring among the people." God will work like himself; "He will reveal his secrets to his servants the prophets." Amos 3:7. (Time called.) MR. BRADEN'S SIXTEENTH SPEECH. GENTLEMEN MODERATORS, LADIES AND GENTLEMEN: \Vewill now call your at- tention to a radical difference between the Book of Mormon and the Bible. In the Bible the miraculous power of God was sparingly exerted, and revelations were sparingly given. God never did for man what he could do for himself, for such help would have been injurious, just as doing every- thing for a child ruins him. With his ten- dency to exaggeration, extravagance and falsehood, Rigdon, in his fiction, the Book of Mormon, has miraculous power exerted on all occasions, even the most trivial and in the most extraordinary manner. He is constantly loading his miraculous cannon to shoot some flea of difficulty. Miraculous power was as common among the Nephites as the use of speech. Their miracles are so much more wonderful than those of the Bible. At the birth of Christ the Bible tell us that a star appeared. Rigdon tells us that it was as light as mid-day all night. At the crucifixion the Bible tells us that darkness covered the land around Jerusa- lem for three hours and there was an earth- quake in Asia Minor. Rigdon tells us a horrible darkness covered the whole earth three days and three nights or until Christ arose all the time he was in the tomb. The Bible tells us that some saints arose during the earthquake at the crucifixion. Sydney tells us multitudes arose three days after, at the resurrection. Rigdon lets King Ahasuerus' horse run away with him every time he gets to fabricating miracles, Rigdon regarded miracles as the all in all of revelation, as such an extravagant vision- ary fabricator of lies would naturally do. The Bible teaches us that they are merely a means to an infinitely higher end, and worthless except as they accomplish that purpose, and will cease when it is accomp- lished. It teaches that the Corinthian Church that excelled all others in its won- ders, was the most imperfect Church in l* days of the Apostles. That is true to day. Th*e lowest displays of religion are among the negroes of the South, Spiritists, Mor- mons, and in meeting and revivals wher J70 THE BRADEN AND KELLEY DEBATE. there are the most claims made to super- natural power. Spiritism is a low system. Negro religion is a disgusting caricature. So is Mormonism with the gibberish called speaking with tongues, its pretended reve- lations, its rubbing with sweet oil. It is a childish superstition. It substitutes won- ders for divine truth. The supernatural of the Bible differs from Mormonism in every particular. The his- tory of the Bible occurred in the midst of the worlds history and was a wonderful part of it. There is no getting off into Utopia, Nowhere, as in the case in the Book of Mor- mon. No studious avoiding the crucial test of connection with the world's history. No hiding plates in the ground. No clumsy contrivance of plates and bungling machinery of stone interpreters. No hid- ing behind blankets. No handing plates down out of heaven, that are of no conceiv- able use. For their contents are not read from them but are given word by word in the crown of an old hat, and seen by peeping through a stolen peepstorie. No hiding of plates or manuscript when copied or trans- lated. No concealment. No contradictory absurdities. None of the surroundings that imposture always throws around itself. There were no surroundings of pre- vious imposture vagabondism and crime. Compare Mormouism with all other frauds and it has every objectional feature of all them, exaggerated. The prophecies of the Bible are majestic outlines surrounded by the clouds of unrevealed mysteries out of which they appear. They arouse expecta- tion, they cheer with promises, or warn with threats, but they give only grand out- lines. The prophecies in the Book of Mor- mon are as minute and exact, and as full and set forth the event as completely as the first machine exhibits every detail, of all other machines made just like it. In noth- ing is this more apparent than in the proph- ecies concerning Christ. If all prophecies in the Old Testament that are claimed to be prophecies of Christ, were real Messianic prophecies, they would not foretell as much concerning him as a meagre table of contents tells of what is in a book. When we reduce the list to its proper proportions, about twenty Messianic prophecies, they do not foretell more of his career than a title page does of a book. The prophecies in ;he Book of Mormon begin with Christ's mother's name, and they foretell every inci- dent of his career with the minuteness of history. They even foretell his exact lan- guage, a thing the Bible does not do in a single instance, and close with his ascen- sion. We have as exact history as we have in the New Testament. Rigdon was deter- mined that his prophecies should excell the Bible, and he copied the New Testament to such an 'extent that the fraud is as impu- dent as it would be to introduce a child to his father, or a man to his wife. The writers and speakers of the Bible give their message to the world with the dignified confidence of conscious truth and inspiration. They do not stoop to hedging against doubt and unbelief. They declare their message and leave it with the reader or hearer without argumentor excuse. The writer of the Book of Mormon begins hedg- on the first page, and his last page closes- with hedging against objections and unbe- lief, anticipating them and trying to pre- v nt them, and to answer them. We are- told with painful iteration and reiteration, on nearly every page, how the Lord com- manded them to make plates, to record on them this and that. What care the Lord took to have the plates preserved. How they were revised and corrected by the Lord. How they were hid up unto the Lord. How interpreters were provided and preserved. That "if there be fault, it be the mistake of men." We are besought not to condemn the record on account of imperfections. That they would have done better if they had had more time, or if they had written in another language. That a more perfect account is yet to be brought to light. The arguments of those who contended, as the Disciples did with Rigdon, that we have a perfect revelation in the Bible, are elabor- ately stated and answered with all the bit- terness that Rigdon felt against the Disci- ples because they rejected his fanatical hob- bies. All the objections that it is thought will be urged against Imposter Joe are an- ticipated and discussed. A language that no one ever heard of is fabricated as the language in which the plates were written. They are miraculously preserved and the records are engraved on plates in the most imperishable manner. In all this we see the conscious fear and guilt of the impostor hedging against detection in his fraud. It is as different from the Bible as falsehood is from truth. We propose now to show that the Book of Mormon is destitute of every particle of evidence necessary to sustain an uninspired book. What must be proved to sustain the Book of Mormon? I. That the family of Jared emigrated to this continent from the Tower of Babel, escaping the confusion of tongues. II. That Jared's brother and Ether did, by Divine command and inspira- tion, engrave on plates the history of these people. III. That Limbi and King Benja- min obtained these plates and handed them down, so that Moroni abridged them. IV. That Lehi and his family emigrated to this country from Jerusalem in the first year of the reign of Zedekiah. V. That Lehi, Nephi and other prophets by Divine command, and inspiration kept a history and engraved it on plates. VI. That members of the fam- ily of Zedekiah migrated from Jerusalem to the land near the Isthmus of Darien. VII. That they were discovered by the Nephites during the reign of their King Zarahemla. VIII. That Zarahemlites and Nephites were united. IX. That their his- tory was kept by a succession of prophets by Divine command and inspiration. X. That Mormon, by Divine command and in- spiration, abridged these records. XI. That Moroni finished the abridgment and buried it. XII. That in the form of an angel Moroni THE BRADEN AND KELLEY DEBATE. 171 appeared to Joe Smith and gave him the plates he had buried. XIII. That Joe Smith by inspiration translated the plates. XIV. That we have that translation and an abridgement of the history of Nephites, Zarahemlites and Jaredites in the Book of Mormon. Such is the claim. What attempt is made to sustain it? How do we sustain the claims of any ancient book? Xenophon's Anabasis for instance? I. We show that it is the. uni- versal belief of the world, learned and crit- ical as well as unlearned, that Xenophon wrote the Anabasis, and that we have in it what he wrote, and that he wrote. the truth. II. We show that such has been the uni- versal belief of each generation until we reach the generation in which it is claimed that Xenophon lived and wrote. III. We then show that the people of that genera- tion, in their literature, mention Xenophon, his book, and that they accepted it as true. IV. We show that other writers of that age record the same events, mention the same persons and events. V. We show the places, customs, surroundings that it men- tions are true ; that it interlocks truthfully in geography, customs, literature, etc., with the surroundings and with the age that it describes. Such is the course we pursue to sustain the claims of an uninspired book. How much of this proof has the Book of Mormon? I. It is not universally received by this generation, learned and critical and unlearned, as what it purports to be. II. We can trace it no further back than Joe Smith, in 1830. III. Before he gave it to the world, not a soul had heard or knew one particle of the Book of Mormon, or its contents, or a single incident in its pre- tended history. IV. Not another genera- tion or book knows a particle about it or its pretended history. V. From the Tower of Babel to 1830 not a human being knew of the Book, or knew a single particle of its pretended history. VI. Mormons cannot appeal to a single book, fact, custom or place back of Joe Smith. VII. Its pre- tended history interlocks with no other, does not even touch it. Its places, customs, persons and events are utterly unknown to all geography, history or literature. VIII. We have neither coins, inscriptions, ruins, or any relics that can be traced to its per- sons or pretended history. IX. It stands upon the assertion of Joe Smith as entirely, and it is unsupported by anything else, as the Mosaic account of the creation stands upon the inspiration of Moses. Even more so, for science has shown that the Mosaic account is a correct outline of the course of evolution in creation. But there are no rel- ics, no remains, no fossils to sustain the Book of Mormon. If it claimed to be writ- ten without inspiration, like Champollion's translations of Egyptian papyrus, ft has no evidence to sustain it such as he produced. He showed the papyrus. By comparing his translation with Greek records of the same events, he proved that he had translated correctly. He proved by an appeal to other history, to literature, to customs and sur- roundings, that his translation and iti statements were sustained. No one but the few witnesses ever claimed to have seen Im poster Joe's plates. No one ever knew whether he translated correctly or not. No one ever knew an idea tha't would sustain his translation or its state- ments. All the proof we have is certain assertions. I. Imposter Joe asserts that an angel gave him certain plates. II. That he translated them by the gift and power of God. III. That what is in the Book of Mormon is that translation. IV. The three witnesses declare that by a miracle they were showed certain plates. V. That the voice of God declared to them that Joe's translation in the Book of Mormon is true. VI. The eight witnesses declare that they handled certain plates. All they say be- yond that is an assertion of what they did not know. The appearance of Moroni to Imposter Joe was a miracle. So was his giving Imposter Joe the plates. Of this we have not one scrap of evidence but that of Imposter Joe. The translation of the plates was a miracle. That the Book of Mormon contained the translation thus miraculously made we have the testimony of four per- sons Imposter Joe, Martin Harris, Oliver Cowdrey and David Whitmer. We may as well dispose of impostor Joe first. The questions we have to settle are : I. Is the point to be established suscepti- ble of proof? We will concede that as far as Imposter Joe is concerned he is compe- tent. II. Are the witnesses of sufficient in- telligence to be competent? We will con- cede that Joe is. III. Is he worthy of be- lief? Is he of good character for truth and veracity? We will impeach Imposter Joe under this test. IV. Was he disinterested in the issue? We will impeach Imposter Joe under this test. V. Was there collus- ion ? We will impeach Imposter Joe un- der this head. VI. Has his testimony the consistence, harmony and appearance of truth? We will impeach Imposter Joe under this test. Is Imposter Joe worthy of belief? For years before he told the story about the revelation and its inspiration he had spent his time in witching for water, pretending to find lost property, buried treasures and mines of precious metals. This is the uni- versal testimony of his neighbors. It is ad- mitted by his mother in her history (Pages 96, 97) and by the editor supposed to be W. W. Blair, an apostle in the Reorganized concern. That this was a fraud and decep- tion no one will question. If Joe lied in his pretended marvelous hunting for water, &c., he lied in his pretended miraculous re- ception of plates and translation of them. Smith lied concerning the fictitious stone vault in which he said he found the plates. Smith lied concerning his pretended trans- lation of the papyrus, now in the book of Abraham. If he perpetrated a fraud in that book and translation he did in the Book of Mormon and the pretended translation of it from pretended plates. Fifty -one neighbors and acquaintances testify that Imposter Joe was universally considered to be entirelj 172 THE BRADEN AND KELLEY DEBATE. destitute of moral character, addicted to vi- cious habits, and utterly unworthy of belief. Eleven more testify that he was intemperate and unworthy to be believed. Over twenty more testify in separate affidavits to the same effect, among these his father-iu-law and his brother-in-law. Henry Harris testifies in an affidavit that he was on a jury before which Smith testified, and that in their deliberations the jury threw out Smith's testimony because they regarded it as utterly unworthy of be- lief. All these 80 odd persons were inti- mate acquaintances. Was Joseph Smith in- terested ? He was sole author and propri- etor of the Book of Mormon, according to copy-right. He repeatedly declared that he would make money out of it. He was practicing a fraud for money, just as he hunted for water, lost property, and hidden treasure, and precious metals, for money, as a fraud. Was there collusion ? As we will show the pretended revelations of June 1829 were fabricated in 1835, and dated back and the testimony of the witnesses shows that Imposter Joe wrote the revelation and both affidavits and certificates. Are Smith's statement* consistent and worthy of belief? At first he told his neighbors he had found plates and mention- ed nothing else. In his autobiography he adds "and a breast-plate worn by the an- cients." In the Book of Doctrines and Covenants he adds Lehi's compass and La- ban's sword. Which of these statements are to be believed? Imposter Joe told Peter Ingersoll that his whole story was a hoax. He had no such book. He did not believe there was any such book ; but "he had got the damned fools fixed and he should carry out the fun." He told Willard Chase he was to keep his book two years and not let any one see it but himself. He told his father-in-law, Isaac Hale, the first one to see it was a young child. He told N. C. Lewis that he should see the plates and lied, for he could not show him any. He told his brother-in-law that after keeping the plates 18 months he would show them to the world. He told Henry Harris that no one could tee the plates but himself and wife. He promised his broth- er-in-law, Alva Hale, he would show him the plates, got mad, and lied, and could not show any. He told Levi Lewis that the reason he did not show him the plates, according to promise, was that God had de- ceived him. He told Sophia Lewis that the plates could only be opened by his first child, which would be a male child, it was still born. We might continue his lies indefinitely. W shall show that his revelations are contradictory false, the frauds ot a low trickster. That he lied in them. His pretended traiisiat: :>n of tho book of Abraham was a tran.paient fraud. He bought some Egyptian ipummies. He pretended to translate tre papyri found with them, ami published the translation, claiming that, the papyrus was written by Abraham, and the translation is now in "The Pearl, of Great Price" as one of his greatest revelations and achievements. A French scholar has translated the papyri a portion of them and proved that his pre- tended translation is a fabrication, every word of it. He lied in his Book of Abra- ham. He lied in his tale about the Book of Mormon. The pretended facsimile of what was engraved on the plat 4 **, that he gave to his dupes, is a most transparent fraud, made up of the letters and numerals of the Eng- lish alphabet, inverted or reversed. Out of 68 characters 64 are palpably copies of our alphabet, figures and punctuation marks. But it would be an insult to follow this work further. We will next examine the three witneses. We object to their testimony. i. If the Book of Doctrines and Covenants be true before they pretend to have seen the plates Impostor Joe presents them with a pretended revelation in which they are told just what they shall testify. The words they use in their testimony are iden- tical with the words in this "pretended revelation. II. In March 1829 Imposter Joe presents Harris with a pretended revelation in which the identical words of the testimony of the witnesses occurs. III. In that revelation Harris is com- manded to lie, to say that he had seen the plates when he has not se^n them and is reminded that he had promised Joe that he would tell such a lie. t IV. The testimony is not like the evi- dence presented to prove that Spaulding wrote the Manuscript Found, a series of independent statements, but a joint state- ment without date, written by Joe Smith as comparison with his two pretended revelations just named will show. It has every mark of fraud and collusion. It is prefaced by two pretended revelations, in one of which one of the witnesses is com- manded to lie. And is reminded that he had promised to lie. It tells them what they shall say, and it is written out by Imposter Joe and signed by his three confederates in fraud. The witnesses are interested in the issue. Harris had his farm staked on its succes. Cowdery had months of time staked on it. Harris declares "If the whole affair was a fraud he expected to make money out of it." All expected to make money out of it. Harris was bought with 'the promise of a monopoly of the sales of the book. He ex- pected to clear over $3,000.00. Harris was noted for his absurd marvelous stories. He said that he had see Jesus and " he was a beautiful young man." "He had seen the devil and he was a jackass with hair like a mouse." He proph- ecied that the nation would be destroyed in four years if they did not accept Mor- moaism. If other witnesses tell the truth Harris lied to Amthon about how the trans- laliuq was done. He lied about what Amtht n said to him. Joe in a revelation reminds Harris that he had promised to lie and commands him to do so. In a revela- Joe jvarns him against adultery and THE BRADEN AND KELLEY DEBATE. 173 murder. He used to beat his wife. He sat by her bedside as she was dying, wrote a letter to a woman he intended to marry, brutally told his dying wife what he was doing, married his Leman in less than two weeks after his wife's death. He lived in adultery with a tenant's wife. It was this that Joe warned him against and against murdering her husband. Harris declared repeatedly that he had as much evidence for a Shaker book he had as for the Book of Mormon. He told Deacon Morley, Maj. Gilbert, Mr. Mark- ell, Mrs. Mil liken, Mr. Milliken, Mrs. Whitney, Mrs. Hansbury, and many others that he did not see the plates with his natural sight. He saw them by faith. That is he did not see them, but thought or believed he saw them. He told Mr. and Mrs. Hansbury that he did not see the plates. He saw the box that they were in and heard them rattle. He knew Joe had them. In the Elder's Journal of August, 1838, page 49, Imposter Joe denounces him "as so far beneath contempt that a notice of him would be too great a sacrifice for a gentleman to make. The church exerted some restraint on him, but now he has given loose to all kinds of abominations, lying, cheating, swindling, with all kinds of debauchery." That disposes of Mart in Harris. We will now take up Oliver Cowdery. David Stafford testifies that "Oliver Cow- dery proved himself to be a worthless fel- Jow, not to be trusted or believed when he taught school in this neighborhood." Dan- foid Booth says he was a low pettifogger, a cat's-paw of the Smiths to do their dirty work. Imposter Joe is constantly warning him in revelations of his selfishness, his ambition, his desire to be some big person. In a pretended revelation of November, 1831; Imposter Joe bears this testimony to Oliver's character: "Hearken unto *me, saith the Lord your God, for my servant Oliver Cowdery's sake: It is not wisdom that he be entrusted with the moneys which he shall carry into the land of Zion unless some one shall go with him who shall be true and faithful." In Vol. I. of Times and Seasons, Hiram Smith charges Oliver Cow- dery with forging a note against himself (Hiram Smith), robbing his father (Joseph Smith, Sr.,) and plundering Joseph Smith's house. Pages 22-3, Vol. I, Times and Sea- sons, Hiram Smith says : " Persons came to my house while I was in prison and ransacked it and carried off money and my valu- ables. Among tho*e who treated me thus I cannot help making particular mention of Lyman C wdery, who In connection with his brother Oliver Cowdery took from me a great many things, and to cap the climax of his iniquity compelled my age i father, by threatening to bring a mob upon him, to deed over to him or his brother Oliver about 160 acres of land to pay a note which he said I had given to Oliver for $165. Such not e 1 confess I was. and am, entirely entirely ignorant of, and after mature consideration I have to say that I believe it must be a forgery." Witness Oliver a robber, a thief, a forger! Joseph Smith says, in Times and Seasons, Vol. I, page 80 : " About this time there were several persons living In the Far West who were cut off from the church Thv*e eh arsi-toi swore svn'iiously engaged in emula- ting f. ilse and slanderous reports against (he Saints to stir up oar enemies to drive us from our homes and enjoy the spoils together. They are as fallows : Oliver Cowdery, David Whitmor, etc." These liars plotting robbery are witnesses to the Book of Mormon. In a circular letter addressed to Oliver Cowdery, David Whitmer and others, signed by Sidney Rigdon and 84 other lead- ing Mormons a circular that was authenti- cated in a District Court before Judge King, and which is further authenticated in a report of a committee of the United States Senate and published in the report by au- thority of the United States Government, constituting Congressional Document 189, A. D. 1841, Oliver Cowdery is charged with stealing, lying, perjury, counterfeiting, and that he was a leader of a gang of scoundrels of the blackest dye. After he abandoned Mormonism he openly declared his testi- mony was a lie. In a piece of poetry pub- lished in the Times and Seasons, occur these lines : " Or prove thf>t Christ was not the Lord Because that Peter cursed and swore, Or Book of Mormon not his word Because denied by Oliver." In this doggerel the Mormons themselves declare he repudiated his testimony. He committed adultery with a hired girl in Kirtland. He lived in adultery also in Nauvoo. Such is the Apostle Cowdery witness Cowdery. He died an apostate, a drunken sot, a beastly wreck. David Whitmer next. He destroys his testimony by the yarns he tells, and his contradictions. He tells that Joe took him into a field, on Whitmer's father's farm, and showed him the plates lying on the ground. He tells us that the angel showed them to his (Whitmer's) mother. That the angels sowed eleven acres of plaster to ena- ble him to go to Pennsylvania to move Joe (Lucy Smith's history, pp. 144, 145). That he was miraculously enabled to do two heavy days' work in less than one day (id.) That the angels plowed seven acres for him in the night (autobiography of Joe Smith, p. 740). That Moroni trudged alongside of the wagon as he was moving Smith, sweat- ing like an old tramp, lugging the plates. The person who will be fool enough to have any confidence in the stor,y of such a man after reading such monstrous and silly lies, may do so, people of sense will not. In Times and Seasons, Vol. I., pages 81 , 82, 83, 84 as quoted above. Imposter Joe declares that Cowdery and Whitmer were studiously en- gaged in circulating false and slanderous reports and plotting fo rob the Saints. Rig- don and 83 other leading Mormons, as quoted above, denounce Whitmer as being a mem- ber of a gang of thieves, counterfeiters and blacklegs of the deepest dye. Page 83 of the Times and Seasons Imposter Joe says : "Poor Phelps, who professes to be much of a prophet, has no other dumb beast to ride but David Whitmer, or to forbid his mad- ness when he goes up to curse Israel. But this ass (not being of the same kind as Baalam's), therefore notwithstanding the 174 THE BRADEN AND KELLEY DEBATE. angel appeared unto him, yet lie c&tmot sufficiently penetrate his understanding, but that he ( Whitmer) brays out curses in- stead of blessings. Poor ass, whoever lives will see him and his. rider perish like those who perished in the gainsaying of Noah." A sweetscented witness, according to God's vicegerent Jmposter Joe. Whitmer has re- peatedly stated to his neighbors in Rich- mond, Mo., that his statement was a lie. That the only angel he saw was a man by the name of Angell. We are now ready for the eight witnesses. Their testimony is worthless. They testify they saw and handled certain plates that Joe showed them. That the plates had on them characters of ancient workmanship, and were of ancient and curious workman- ship. That they saw as many plates as Smith had translated. How did they know that he had translated the plates before them? How did they know that Joe had translated any plates? That the plates had been given to him by an angel? That the Book of Mormon was a translation of the plates before them, or of any plates ? The only thing they could testify was that Joe had showed them certain plates. All the rest they could not know, and lied when they said they did know. Another fatal objection to the testimony of both the three witnesses, and of the eight, is they are all of the gang of low, villainous followers of Smith, and interested in the fraud. The thirteen are as follows : Imposter Joe, au- thor of the fraud ; old Joe, his father, a notorious drunkard, liar and thief; Hiram Smith, his brother, afterwards a leader in Mormonism ; S. H. Smith, another; old Mrs. Whitmer, David Whitmer, Christian Whitmer, Peter Whitmer, John Whitmer, Oliver Cowdery, Hiram Page, brother-in- law of the Whitmers, Martin Harris, old Mrs. Whitmer and Emma Smith, Joe's wife. Six Whitmers, one member of the family, four Smiths, Oliver Cowdery and Martin Harris. One afternoon a number of persons were playing town ball in the flat on the bank of the creek in Kirtland, while the Mormons were there. There was whiskey on the ground, and Bill Smith, brother of Imposter Joe, got so drunk that he had to sit down between the roots of a stump and lean back against the stump to sit up. Some of the Mormons reminded him that he was an- nounced to preach the next day, and that he would not be allowed to preach if he made such a display of himself. He roared out, " I'll be d d if I wont preach. If they don't let me preach, by O d I will tell all I know about them plates." He preached. On another occasion, while riding with Mr. Markell, he began to sing an ob- scene song. Mr. Markell reminded him that he was a preacher, and was to preach the next Sunday (Bill and Joe were in a quarrel then). 'Smith replied: " I am not going to preach any more. The whole thing (meaning Mormonism) is a d d humbug. I am going to tell all I know about them plates." G. B. Frost swears in an affidavit made in Boston, Mass., Sept. 16th. 1S42, before Bradford Sumner, J. P., that Bill wanted some money of Joe, who re- fused him until Bill threatened to tell what he knew about the origin of Mormonism. Then Joe gave him the money. Of the three, all three apostatized, and five of the eight witnesses apostatized. This is suffi- cient to show that their testimony was all a fabrication, gotten up by Imposter Joe and signed by 'them as confederates in a fraud that they abandoned when it ceased to be profitable to them. Another objection: In the first edition of the Book of Mormon, the eight call Imposter Joe "Author and proprietor" of the Book of Mormon. Now it reads "Translator." They allowed the testimony to be doctored to suit the point to be established. They allowed it to be fab- ricated by Imposter Joe, and perjured them- selves by swearing to it. The two testimo- nies contradict each ether and Mormon rev- elations. The Book of Mormon declares that Joe shall show the plates to three wit- nesses. He showed them toeleven. The Book of Doctrines and Covenants declares that to three and none other will God give 'this privilege. It was given to twelve besides Imposter Joe. It required a wonderful mir- acle and an angel to enable the three to see the plates. It required no angel, no mira- cle to enable the eight. They saw and han- dled them like shingles. So did Emma Smith, according to he r story, only the/ were covered with a " thin cloth." THE BRADEN AND KELLEY DEBATE. 175 MR. KELLEY'S SEVENTEENTH SPEECH. GENTLEMEN MODERATORS, LADIES AND GENTLEMEN : Last Saturday evening Mr. Braden made the statement that not one of the Smith family ever belonged to the Pres- byterian or any church, except as he says, the Mormon. I have intended to correct it a number of evenings, but each time it has escaped my mind, so I will do so now. The history is as follows: "I was at this time in my fifteenth year." This is the history written by Jo- seph Smith himself. "My father's family was proselyted to the Presbyterian faith, and four of them joined that church, name- ly, my mother, also my brothers, Hyrum, and Samuel Harrison, and my sister Bophronia." That is in accordance with the statement that I made to the audience at the time he took occasion to deny it, and the statement is borne out through the history of the church; and I ca^ll for the reading of the evidence he has, if' he had any foundation for the statement which he made to the contrary. Last evening I was just reading to you an argument based upon the work that the Lord would begin to accomplish or perform in the last days, and should begin with Ephraiin ; and I had called your attention to the fact that in the restoration of this work and the bringing to light of the seed of Ephraim himself, the Urim and Thummim must be restored again, as was stated by the prophet Nehemiah, (7 : 65) which was necessary in that time also to the restora- tion of certain ones before the Lord ; also, that when this was done -it would be through the means of the Lord working throughjthe instrumentality of a prophet. I shall this evening first follow out these won- derful predictions of the prophets, and as I trust, interest you in one of the most hope- ful and encouraging promises God has ever made to his children. As a priiicipaland initiatory means of in- augurating the great work of revealing the seed of Israel as they exist among the na- tions, and the restoring of them to their promised land, Isaiah says, when "God shall set his hand again the second time to recover the remnant of his people which shall be left, he will set up an ensign for the nations and shall assemble the out- casts of Israel, and gather together the dis- persed of Judah from the four corners of the earth" 11:12. The outcasts of Israel are the "ten tribes;" the dispersed of Judah are those scattered in the year seventy by the Roman Army. But the promise is that both Israel and Judah shall return. "That Ephraim shall not envy Judah, and Judah shall not vex Ephraim." "The adversaries of Judah hall be cut off." This kiL tiever been. A "highway is to be cast up." And God !s to smite the Egyptian sea in the seven streams and cause men to go over dry shod. The first event to transpire in this series of events, is the setting up of an "ensign to the nations." Isa. 61:10, says, "Go through, go through the gates ; prepare ye the way of the people ; cast up, cast up the high- way ; gather out the stones ; lift up a stand- ard for the people." This is just to precede the coming of the Son of God, and is the preparatory work to be performed before his coming. 'But what is this "ensign" or "standard" that is to be raised up? It is evidently the warning voice brought by the angel, "And I saw another angel fly in the midst of heaven, having the everlasting gospel to preach un- to them that dwell on the earth, and to every nation, kindred, tongue and people, saying with a loud voice, fear God, and give glory to him, for the hour of his judgement is come." It is in the gospel that the revelation and establishment of the everlasting covenant is made which is to be written in the hearts and put in the inward parts of Israel, when "God takes away their sin." Hence Paul says, "Written, not with ink, but with the Spirit of the living God ; not in tables of stone, but in fleshly tables of the heart." 2 Cor. 3:3. It was the blood of Christ that sanctified this covenant. Heb. 10:29. It is the gospel, that is God's standard or en- sign to the people; and Isaiah says that he will "set it up." Isa. 11: 12. Jesus said in the age of preparation that should precede the coming of the Son of Man, "And this Gospel of the Kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations, and then shall the end come." Matt. 24 : 14. After the Gospel shall have been preached to all nations for a witness, then the Savior will come, "Taking vengeance upon all those that know not God and obey not the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ." But, when the Lord comes he is to find Judah restored to Jerusalem: Zach. 14. Who is to take the lead in this restoration of the tribes, and the bearing of this "standard?" Let inspiration answer. "Hear the word of the Lord, O ye nations, and declare it in the isles afar off and say, He that scattered Israel will gather him, and keep him as a shepherd does a flock." "They shall come with weeping and with suppli- cation will I lead them ; I will cause them to walk by rivers of water in a straight way, wherein they shall not stumble: for I am a father to Israel, and Ephraim is my first-born." Jer. 31 : 9, 10. Ephraim was not the first born of Joseph's sons, but the second ; and for his iniquity God declared that he would blot him out aa 176 THE BRADEN AND KELLEY DEBATE. a nation, or tribe, to the world and his lineage should be unknown. "His root dried up." Hos. 9:16. He was to be mixed with the people, but not "utterly forgotten." The Lord says, " My heart is turned within me, my repent- ings are kindled together ; I will not execute the fierceness of mine anger, I will not return to destroy Ephraim." Hosea 11 :8, 9. Not utterly destroyed, but mixed among the people. But when God makes the seed of Israel "known among the Gentiles and their offspring among the people," Ephraim is to be revealed ; for they are the ten thousands of Ephraim, and the thousands of Manasseh." Deut. 33. Ephraim is the first-born in the great work of restoring Israel in the last days ; the first revealed, and commissioned to "bear the "ensign," or the "standard," to the nations, which God will set up. Ezekiel says, referring to the same work : " Behoid I will take the stick of Joseph which is in the hand of Ephraim and the tribes of Israel his fellows, and will put them with him even with the stick of Judah, and make them one stick, and they shall be one in mine hand." "And say unto them, thus saith the Lord God: Behold, I will take the children of Israel from among the heathen whither they be gone, and will gather them on every side and bring them into their own land. And I will make them one nation upon the mountains of Israel, and one king shall be king to them all ; and they shall be no more two nations, neither shall they be divided into two kingdoms any more at all.-" Ezekiel 37. The Bible, the Old and New Testaments, are by the ablest critics acknowledged to be the stick of Judah, containing the things of God written " to Judah and his fellows." The stick of Joseph in the true interpreta- tion must be another record containing the great; things of God's law written to him and his fellows, that at one time is to be in the hand of Ephraim, removed and joined with the stick of Judah. But where is Joseph's record, or the stick of Joseph? I answer, in Joseph's land. Where is that? To the " Utmost bounds of the everlasting hills," from Palestine or Egypt. "Utmost" signifies the farthest off. The "utmost" land from Goshen in Egypt is North and South America. Hence Moses says : 'Blessed of the Lord be his (Joseph's) land ; for the precious things of heaven, for the dew and the deep that coucheth beneath. And for the precious fruit put forth by the sun, and for the precious things put forth by the moon. For the chief things of the ancient mountains, and precious things of the lasting hills, and for the precious things of the earth and the fulness thereof." This landed blessing was to come upon the head of Joseph. Joseph's sons, Manasseh and Ephraim, inherited this land of right; God gave it to them. These children were to grow into a multitude in the midst of the earth." Gen. 48:H>. The younger brother was to be the greater, verse 19. This being their land of inheritance, God was able to bring them here. That they came here about fiOO years before Christ I showed on a previous evening. Hence we can under- stand the prophet when he declares that "When the Lord roars'" the children of Ephraim "shall tremble from the west." Hosea 11:10. When shall the Lord roar? "The Lord shall roar out of Zion, and utter his voice from Jerusalem, and the heavens and the earth shall shake, but the Lord will be the hope of his people, and the strength of the children of Israel." Joel 3:15. Then it is that Ephraim shall be in the west, be- cause he is on Joseph's land, in his inheri- tance. But the "stick of Joseph" does not mention Ephraim as coming to the inheri- tance, but Manasseh only, it is objected. True, but Ephraim was to be destroyed in his identity as a tribe, his lineage cease to be counted and he be mixed among the peo- ple ; and be utterly lost among the nations of the earth until he should be revealed in the last days to become the first born in commencing lue work of restoration. It was on this, Joseph's land (the land of America) that the "ensign" was to be raised in the last days, or the "standard set up." Isaiah says, "Ho to the land shadowing with wings which is beyond the rivers of Ethiopia." Stretched out in the shape of wings not as a bird with wings but as two wings stretched or spread out. Now when you stand at Jerusalem and look beyondthe rivers of Ethiopia, beyond the Niger, Grande and Mezurado, which ex- tend to the west coast of Africa, the first and only land that comes to view is North and South America. Theprophetcontinues : "All ye inhabitants of the world and dwellers on the earth see ye when he lifteth up an ensign on the mountains ; and when he bloweth the trumpet hear ye." Isaiah 18. In the land shadowing with wings the ensign was to be raised ; and the gospel trumpet to be blown. And as all other prophets have testified, it was to be "just afore the harvest," or "end of the world." From this land shadowing with wings the messengers were to be sent to a people "'scattered and peeled," whose land the rivers, or nations, " had spoiled ;" because of the decree, "Jerusalem shall be trodden down of the Gentiles, until the time of the Gentiles be come in." Then, "Thus saith the Lord God, behold I will lift up mine hand to the Gentiles, and set up my standard to the people, and they, shall 'bring thy sons into their arms, and thy daughters shall be carried upon their shoulders. And kings shall be thy nurs- ing fathers, and their queens thy nursing 1 mothers." Isaiah 49:22. "Andhewill Uftf up an ensign to the nations from far, and will hiss (call) unto them from the end of the earth." Isaiah 5: 26. Standing at Jerusa- lem and lifting up an "ensign from far" at the "ud of the earth," and we are brought again to see Joseph's land. The Book of Mormon does not say that Ephraim came to America along with his elder brother to receive his inheritance; neither does it say that he did not come; but it THE BRADEN AND KELLEY DEBATE. 177 does say, that a number came whose gen- ealogy is not given : and as Ephraiih had equal rights of inheritance with his brother Manasseh, and his tribal name was to be blotted out, " his glory to fly away like a bird from the birth," and be mixed among the people and his name lost, until the mighty work of God should commence in the last days, it is clear as to whyEphraim's lineage is not recorded in that work. When the stick of Joseph was taken from the hand of Ephraim and put with the stick of Judah, and this standard raised up, then the work that is to result in the restoration of Israel is to commence. God says, "I will take them from among the heathen and gather them on every side, and bring them into their own laud. And I will make them one nation and they shall defile themselves no more." The stick of Joseph says : " But behold there shall be many at that day, when I shall proceed to do a marvelous work and a wonder among them, that 1 may remember my covenant which I have made unto the children of men, that I may set my hand again the second time to recover my people which are of the house of Israel. And my words shall hiss forth unto the ends of the earth for a standard ttnto ray people which are of the house of Israel. And because my words shall hiss forth many of the Gentiles shall say, A Bible, a Bible, we have got a Bible, and there cannot be any more Bible. Thou fool that shall say a Bible, we have got a Bible and we need no more Bible. Know ye not that there are more nations than one? Wherefore murmur ye because ye shall receive more of my word ? Because that ye liave got a Bible ye need not suppose that it contains all my words, neither need ye suppose that I have not caused more to be written: And it shall come to pass that my people which are of the house of Israel shall be gathered home unto the land of their posessions, and my word also shall be gathered into one. And I will show unto them that fight against my word and against my people who are of the house of Israel, that I am God, and that I covenanted with Abraham that I would remember his seed forever." Pages 105. 106. Now, it is thought by some that possibly some man might have been smart enough in the inauguration of the work of the last days to have conformed his work to all of the precise prophecies in the Bible respect- ing that work. Can you believe that there is or has been any in the world's history who could take from the Bible the prophe- tic evidences in regard to the restoration of the work in the last days, and so bring forth a work and establish it in every par- ticular, that the work itself, that he brought forth would completely and fully fulfill all the predictions that the prophets had made with regard to the same work? Yet you are called upon to believe that, " ignoramu- ses," as they have been termed before you, have been able to do this. " For after the book of which I have spoken (so this book nays) shall come forth and be written unto the Gentiles, and sealed up unto the Lord, there shall be many who shall believe the words which are written ; and they shall carry them forth unto the remnantof our seed. And then shall the remnant of our seed know concerning us, how that we came out from Jerusalem. And it shall come to pass that the Jews which are ecattered also shall begin to believe In Christ, and they hall begin to gather in upon the face of the land." How did Joseph Smith and Sidney Rig- don know this, and know that the work should go forth unto all nations and be ac- cepted by many, peopl when it was pub- lished to the world and before any one had accepted it? They did not know that it would be any more of a remarkable thing in the world than ten thousand other works that have been published within the same time, and yet you have never even heard the names of those works. "And it shall come to pass that the Lord God shall commence his work among all nations, kindreds, tongues and people to bring about the restoration of his people on the earth." Book of Mormon, pages 106, The sign given that the time had come when the work of the Father should com- mence to effect the restoration of Israel and the renewing of the covenant with them, should be the coming forth of this work and its publication to the world. Book of Mormon, pp. 103-8. To this all the proph- ets of the Bible who have written concern- ing it testify. Ezekiel, in his 37th chapter, states emphatically, as already shown, that w.hen the record of Joseph should be taken and put with the record of Judah, that then should commence the work that would even- tuate in the gathering of Israel. Isaiah, in his 29th chapter, is specific upon this same point, and the manner in which the record should be brought forth to the world. He states that a nation which would be unto him (God) "as Ariel," should have forts raised against them, besieged and camped against, and "Thou shalt be brought down, and shalt speak out of the ground, and thy speech shall be low out of the dust ; and thy voice shall be-, as one that hath a famil- iar spirit, out of the ground, and thy speech shall whisper out of the dust." Verse 4. This could only take place by a nation's history -being written and hid up in the earth, which after the nation had passed away and should be recovered, and then the nation would speak through its record out of the ground. This was to take place when God should remember the covenant made to the house of Jacob : and Jacob's lace was to be no longer pale; but the favor of God and prosperity should be upon him. Verse 22. David refers to the same thing, the com- ing forth of the record out of the earth, and as preceding the restoration of Israel in his 85th Psalm, as follows: "I will hear what God the Lord will speak, for he will speak peace to his people and his Saints." "Mercy and truth are met together; right- eousness and peace have kissed each other. Truth shall spring out of the earth, and righteousness shall look down from heaven, yea the Lord will give that which is good, and our land shall yield its increase. Right- eousness shall go before him, and shall set us in the way of his steps." Here it is shown that just before Israel ia set in the way of God's steps, and the land of Israel shall yield its increase, that truth shall spring out of the earth. And that this shall be a means of setting them in the way of his steps." What is this truth? David says again : "Thy law is the truth." "Thou art near, O Lord, and all thy com- mandments are truth." Psalms 119, 142, 157. And Jesus says, "Sanctify them 178 THE BRADEN AND KELLEY DEBATE. through thy truth, thy word Is truth." John 17:17. Isaiah says, "Let the skies pour down righteousness; let the earth open, and let them bring forth salvation." 45:8. Here it is shown that a record of a peo- ple should be brought out of the ground ; they should "whisper out of the dust," just previous to the laud of Israel yielding its increase. It wa to come at a time when men would be "drunken, but not with wine ; stagger, but not with strong drink." Be- cause "the Lord had poured out upon them the spirit of deep sleep, and closed their eyes." They had no prophets nor seers. All these are thought to have been "done away." Then it is that the "vision of all is become unto you as the words of a book that is sealed, which men deliver to one that is learned, saying, Read this, I pray thee, and hesaith, I cannot, for it is sealed." Isaiah 29:10, 11. Now it is well known that when the record of Joseph (or Book of Mor- mon), was brought to light, that some of the characters were copied and sent to Prof. Anthon and Dr. Mitchell, of New York city. The message was taken by Martin Harris. Pearl of Great Price, page 45. TESTIMONY OF MARTIN HARRIS. "I went to the City of New York, and presented the characters which had been transcribed, with the trans- lation thereof, to Professor Anthon, a gentleman cele- brated for his literary attainments. Professor Anthon stated that the translation was correct, more so than any he had before seen translated from the Egyptian. I then showed him those that were not translated, and he said that they were Egyptiari. Chaldaic, Assyriac and Arabic, and he said that they were the true char- acters. He gave me a certificate certifying to the peo- ple of Palmyra that they were true characters, and that the translation of such of them as had been trans- lated was also correct. I took the certificate and put it into my pocket, and was just leaving the house when Mr. Anthon called me back and asked me how the young man found out there were gold plates in the place where he found them. I answered that an angel of God had revealed it unto him. He then said unto me, Let me see the certificate. I accordingly took it out of my pocket and gave it to him, when he took it and tore it to pieces, saying there was no such thing now as ministering of angels, and that if I would bring the plates to him he would translate them. I informed him that part of the plates were sealed, and that I was forbidden to bring them. He replied, I cannot read a sealed book." This statement of Mr. Harris is corrobo- rated and confirmed by Mr. Anthon, show- ing that he did make the trip to New York, and presented him with the characters. In the history of the Mormons, by Howe, who wrote to Mr. Anthon and claimed to get his answer, page 272 of his work, he says, as follows: " Some years ago a plain, appa- rently simple-hearted farmer " yes, that is Mai tin Harris "called on me with a note from Dr. Mitchell of our city, now dead, requesting me to decipher if possible a pa- per which the farmer would hand me, and which Dr. M. confessed he had been unable to understand." Don't overlook the confession of Dr. Mitchell, which is almost invariably left out of the letter of Prof. Anthon by all au- thors who wish to make a case against the book, whether by foul or fair, means, al- though this is the original publication of it. " When I asked the person who brought It how he obtained the writing, he gave me, as far as I now recol- lect (notice the language, 'as far as I now recollect') the following account; A 'gold book,' consisting of a number of plates of gold fastened together in the >hape of a book, by wires of the same metal, which had been dug up in the northern part of the State of New York, and along with the book an enormous pair of 'gold spectacles.' These spectacles were so large that if a pereon attempted to look through them his two eyes would have to be turned toward one of the glasses merely, the spectacles in question being altogether too large for the human face. Whoever examined the plates through the spectacles was enabled to not only read them, but understand their meaning. All this knowledge, however, was confined at that time to a young man who had the trunk containing the plates and spectacles in his sole possession. He put on the spectacles, or rather looked through one of the glasses, and deciphered the characters in the book, and having committed some of them to paper, handed copies to a person outside. This paper was in fact a singular scroll. It consisted of all kinds of crooked characters, disposed In columns, and had evidently been prepared by some person who had before him at the time a book containing various alphabets. Greek and Hebrew let- ters, crosses and flourishes, Roman letters inverted, or placed sideways, were ranged in perpendicular col- nmns, and the whole ended In a rude delineation of a circle, divided into various compartments, decked with various strange marks, and evidently copied after the Mexican calendar given by Humboldt." Thus the learned man admits that he was waited upon by a " simple hearted farmer," who presented him with the characters, whatever may have been his opinion about them, and the learned man's statement, though an attempt is made at derision, is in favor of the claims of the Book of Mormon, and has also been confirmed by the finding of plates fifteen feet under ground in the State of Illinois, in 1843, with characters resembling those described by Prof Anthon . These plates were found by Mr. Robert Wiley. They were four inches in length, and one and three-fourths inches wide at the top and two and three-fourths inches wide at the bottom and covered with " Hieroglyphics." A fac-simile of which is here presented; ( the fac-simile is shown to the audience). I now show you a fac-simile of those plates that were found seventeen years after the publication of the Book of Mormon, with characters similar to the ones shown to Prof. Anthon, and not found by Latter Day Saints either not found by Joseph Smith or Sidney Rigdon and they are now in the possession of scientists. And yet Joseph Smith must be called a liar and a thief and everything else if he says that he got any plates, because, forsooth, he says at the same time that he saw an angel, and there are no angels in this age of the world ; so Mr. Braden would have you believe. Here it has been shown that the prophecy of Isaiah was literally fulfilled so far as the characters being taken to learned men are concerned, and they not being able t interpret them, as confessed by both parties. But the book was to be delivered "to him that is not learned, saying, read this I pray thee, and he saith, I am not learned." The book was to be delivered to the unlearned and he was not able to read it by his own wisdom. Therefore the Lord said verse 14, "I will proceed to do a marvellous work among this people, even a marvellous work and a wonder ; for the wisdom of their wise men shall perish, and the understanding of their prudent men shall be hid." THE BRADUN AND KELLEY DEBATE. 179 How was the wisdom of the .wise and prudent to be confounded? By God pro- ceeding to do his own work. He would take the illiterate man and cause him to do that which the most learned and scholarly men of the age could not do. That is, read the book. Bring it to light. For the " dear were to hear the words of the book." Verse 18. That Joseph Smith was such an illiterate youth, is con- fessed by every one ; and himself and other witnesses testify that he translated the book. But when was this book to be re- vealed? In a day when men should deny that such a thing as a revelation from God could be. When people would draw near to the Lord, "with the mouth," and with "their lips honor him," but with hearts far from him, the same as the Jews once acted in the time of Christ. But the fear of God "would be taught by the precepts of men." A dead form, "lip service," without any heart in it, all under the direction of the wisdom of men was to be the spirit of the time. Verse 13. It was to come forth just before " Lebanon should be turned into a fruitful field." Just before Palestine should be restored from its sterility to the receiving of the early and the latter rains, in order to send forth vegetation for " my people, Israel, for they are at hand to come." This sealed book, the Record of Joseph, the stick of Ephraim, was to be brought out of the ground, taken in the hand of Ephraim and put with the stick of Judah and raised as an " ensign," or " standard," upon the land shadowing with wings, just as God should commence the great work among the nations of the earth for the restoration of scattered Israel to Palestine again. God was to reveal his secret to his servants, the prophets, concerning the time when tnis work should commence, for the wisdom of men could not divine the time. The coming of the angel. Rev. 14 : 6, and the raising of the Gospel standard to be preached to every kindred, tongue and people, inaugurated the great era declared by Paul to be the "dispensa- tion of the fullness of times." Ephesians 1 : 10. Or the dispensation that shall wit- ness the bringing about of these things spoken by the prophets, and be crowned with the coming and glory of Jesus Christ, and the resurrection of the saints. This last dispensation is the time referred to by Peter when he said, "The heavens must retain the Son of Man, until the time of the restitution of all things spoken by all the holy prophets since the world began." Acts. 3. It is the era predicted by Jesus and Paul in which the fullness of the Gen- tiles would be come in, and Jerusalem should cease to be trodden down. It is the era 01 dispensation in which the angel would restore the Gospel to be preached to every nation, kindred, tongue and people, saying with a loud voice, "Fear God and give glory to him ; for the hour of his judgment is come." It is the time when " This Gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness to all nations, and then shall the end come," as declared by Jesus. It is the time when the stick of Joseph should be taken from its resting place and be put with the stick of Judah, and in the hands of divinely commissioned officers raised as a standard with authority from God to say to all Israel that the day of their redemption is nigh, and God will re- move the curse from their land and remem- ber the covenant that he had made that they should not cease to be a nation before him, forever. It is the day, when the angel would say, "Run and speak to this young man, saying, Jerusalem shall be inhabited as towns without walls, for the multitude of men and cattle therein ; for I, saith the Lord, will be unto her a wall of fire round about, and be the glory in the midst of her." Zach. 2:4. There is no work on earth that answers to these prophecies or can claim to be a fulfillment of the same as pointing out the time, and the nature and character of the work that should reveal the dispensation of the fullness of times, and commence tht great work of restitution, but that brought forth by the young man, Joseph Smith. (Timf.rxf.ired.) L80 THE BRADEN AND KELLEY DEBATE. MR. BRADEN'S SEVENTEENTH SPEECH. GENTLEMEN MODERATORS. LADIES AND GENTLEMEN : The question has often been asked: Did Joe Smith have any plates? Some think that Joe found some glyphs, like those said to be found in Kinderhook. Ills., while pretending to hunt for buriea money. Some think that Rigdon obtained some glyphs and furnished them to Joe. Some think that Rigdon or Joe had some manufactured, and exhibited them to the witnesses. I assert positively that Joe nev- er had a plate, and never one to anybody : that Joe and his witnesses delib- erately lied from beginning to end. We have proved that Joe was a liar about his t water-witching and money-hunting: that* he lied about his book of Abraham : that the/ac simile of what was on the plates was a wholesale fraud: that he said he had no plates. Pomeroy Tucker tells us that two young men, Van Dreuverand Hussey, were allowed, by Joe, to look into his box, and see what he said was the Book of Plates covered with a cloth. That, by a quick move- ment, Hussey snatched off the cloth, and found that it covered only a brick. The entire gang of witnesses had gone into the fraud with Joe.^'to make mo:iey by deceiving the world. They lied to help carry out the fraud. If Joe had ever had any plates they would have been exhibited most ostenta- tiously to the world, like the pretended fac simile, and the papyri that it is pretended were translated in the Book of Abraham. Joe and his twelve confederates lied. He never had anything but Rigdon's manu- script which was a revision of Spaulding's manuscript. This he read as he sat behind the curtain, or handed portions of it out at other times. I assert that the entire gang engaged in carrying out the fraud, were a pack of liars on account of their contradictory yarns. I defy my opponent to take the stories of the fourteen witnesses separately, and select an important statement in the testimony of any of the fourteen that I caunot show that it is contradicted by other witnesses, and that in almost every instance the wit- ness contradicts the statement elsewhere. I. Material of the plates. We are told they re "Pure Gold." "Gold." "Looked like fold." "Were brass." II. Description of the Book of Plates. Impostor Joe says they were fastened to- gether at the back by three rings, each ring running through every plate, and that a Eart were sealed. David Whitmer says they ad been cut across the middle, and the half of each plate next the rings was solder- ed to the others. He does not tell us whether the loose half was fastened to the half from which it had been cut or not. Martin Harrris gave a dozen different de- scriptions. The eight witnesses tell us that the leaves Joe had translated were loose, separated from what he had not translated. That they hefted, saw and handled what he had translated, and did not see the rest. S. H. Smith says the whole i book was together, as Impostor Joe and Whitmer declared and he saw it weigh- ed. Emma Smith says they lay loose on her table covered with a cloth, not fastened together nor sealed, nor soldered, and she felt of them in that condition. III. Where were they kept ? Joe's mother says he kept them in a hollow tree, a box, in a cooper shop, in the woods, buried in the ground. Joe had them in his possession all the time ; then again he did not. The angel brought to him the entire pile when he began translating, and took it away as he ceased, each time. The angel brought each piate as Joe began to trans- late it, and took it away as he finished it. Joe had the plates in the book by him as he translated ; he had the plates lying loose under a cloth ; he did not have them by him ; they were in his trunk ; in the woods ; in the ground ; in the care of the angel ; noboby knew where. He had them and showed them to the eight witnesses he did not have them and an angel had to bring them from heaven, or some other place, and show them to three witnesses. It required a miracle, a wonderful miracle, to enable the three to see them. The eight saw, handled and hefted, without any angel or miracle. Joe could show them as he could a pile of his wife's dinner plates. Emma Smith saw them covered with a cloth, and felt of them as she did of her tin pans. It was death to look on them, unless prepared, by miracle for the sight. Emma Smith saw them under a cloth, felt of them. Whitmer saw them lying in his father's field. Old Moroni let his (Whit- mer's) mother have a squint at them in the barn. The eight saw, handled and hefted them, like shingles, and nobody " hurted." When outsiders wanted to see the plates, Joe told them the angel had them. He only had them while translating, or he had only one plate at a time, while translating. Or the Lord would not let him show them. Or it was death to look on them. Or it required a miracle to enable one to see them. When the Mormon's are lying and telling that they saw them and knew all about them, then Joe had them all the time, they saw them, and handled them, felt of them, saw them weighed ; they lay on the table and were handled like dinner plates. IV. Joe at first only told of finding plates. This was his tale for months. Then a breast-plate, and interpreters. His mother says breast-plate and interpreters. She says the breast-plate was gold, Joe says brass. Then Joe told of breast-plate, interpreters, brass compass and sword. The story kept growing all the time. Had THE BRADEN AND KELLEY DEBATE. 181 Joe lived long enough he would have added the entire twenty-four articles mentioned in the Book of Mormon, and manufactured a perfect museum in addition. V. What the three witnesses saw. They declare they saw the plates. They men- siou nothing else in their testimony. Joe in his revelation, fabricated in Kirtland in 1835, declares that they shall see the brass director, the interpreters, the breast-plate, and sword. Whitmer says afterwards they saw all this and piles of plates and other things besides. Harris says the sword was gold. The Book of Mormon says it was steel. VI. Whose interpreters did Joe use? Joe sa>d, the interpreters of Jared's brother. The Book of Mormon says they were not to come forth until after the conversion of the Gentiles. That Mormon had Mosiah's interpreters, not Jared's brother's. That Mormon buried Mosiah's interpreters years before Moroni buried Jew's plates and in another place. VII. Description of the stone interpre- ters. Granny Smith says they were three- pointed diamonds, set iu glass plates glass at the time of confusion of tongues the plates set in silver spectacle bows spec- tacles at the Tower of Bable. Harris and others say that they were two cloudy stones, so large that a man could look through only one, and could look through one with both eyes, set in gold spectacle bows, making an enormous pair of spectacles. Emma Smith says it was Joe's peep-stone that he used in peeping for treasure. Her father says the same. Impostor Joe told Willard Chase that it was the peep-stone he stole from his children. VIII. How translation was done. Neigh- bors declare that they were told when it was going on, that Joe sat behind a screen, a blanket. So Harris told Anthon. So all Mormons said at first. Emma Smith says lie did not. He sat in her kitchen, at her kitchen table. Whitmer says that Joe looked through one of those opaque stones of the big spectacles, at the plates, as they lay before him. Emma Smith says that he looked into his peep stone placed in his hat. Her father says the same. She says the plates lay beside him on the table. Whit- mer says before him, and he read them through the stone in one of The rims of the big spectacles. Others say that he did not have the plates by him. His father-in-law says that Joe said they were were in the woods, and he peeped into his hat crown through his peep stone. Some say the an- gel gave him one plate at a time, and he read it. Others, he had all of the book. Some ,say that as he looked into his peep stone the .Lord caused the translation to appear one word at a time. When Joe called it out it disappeared, and another, word ap- peared. That was the most common yarn. Harris said Joe. copied the characters him- self, as he sat behind the screen, and handed out the leaves to, an outsider. 8. H, Smith says he announced each word as it appeared, by miracle, before him, and the scribe copied it. Some say he sat behind a screen and called out. Emma Smith says he sat at her kitchen table. IX. Where the plates were found. Im- postor Joe said in a hole where he had dug for treasure ; sometimes one, sometimes another. Finally, years afterwards, he tells us of a strong stone vault around the plates. Where is that vault now? Where are those stone slabs? Did anyone ever see them, o: tell of them until twenty years after Joa should have had his first vision? X. Joe never told of his first vision in 1823, or until he began to tell of his second vision in 1827. XI. He said at first he went alone and got the plates and told no yarn about an as- sault on him. Then he said his wife was with him. That he and his wife went in a wagon, and that he carried his spade and crow-bar that he used in digging for treasure. His mother says he went with his wife in Mr. Knight's wagon. Then Jos says he went alone, on foot, and was as- saulted by two ruffians. One had a club, and he knocked the ruffian down. His mother says he was assaulted some time af- terwards, as he was changing the hiding place of his plates, and one of the ruffians had a gun, and knocked Joe down with it, and he was crazy for some hours after it. Orson Pratt says he used a rail to pry off the stone top. Joe said nothing at first about a stone cover or vault, and when he did, he said he used a crow-bar. XII. Size of the plates. Joe says thev were seven inches by eight, and the thick- ness of common tin. The Book of Mormon covers 545 closely printed pages of solid Minion. It would require at least 2,000 closely written pages of foolscap to contain it. It would require one page of the plates to each page of the manuscript, if half oi the plates were sealed, as Whitmer de- clares ; or it would require 1,000 plates if none were sealed to contain the Book of Mormon.. That would be a pile of plates over four feet high. If we reduce it by half, it would be a pile over two feet high. If gold, it would weigh 750 pounds. If brass, about 250. If gold, it would be worth $75,000. Joe tells us that he carried this pile of plates, a sword, a monstrous breast- plate, brass compass, the big spectacles, all hid in his frock ; fought off two men, one armed with a club, knocked oue down, and ran two miles, with a load of more than half a ton, if plates, breastplate and sword were gold ; or more than three hundred pounds if they were brass. According to his mother, Pratt, Impostor Joe, his wife and other Mormons, this pile of plates, weighing hundreds of pounds, worth nearly a hundred thousand dollars, with gold sword, a huge gold breastplate, were in a, box, a trunk, in a hollow tree, a barrel of beans, in the woods. The plates were in the field, on the table, lying around loose. If they lay around, and Joe could show them so freely, why did he not hand them down to others? Why cannot we see them as we can the papyrus 182 THE BRADEN AND KELLKY DEBATE. of the Book of Abraham ? Why not the plates instead of a scrawl fabricated and called a fac simile of what was on them? If Joe ever had any plates they would be on exhibition like the papyrus of the Book of Abraham in the fac simile scrawl. We repeat our assertion that Joe lied when he said he found any plates. His ftbsurd and grossly contradictory stories )>rove it. The fact that he never showed them to any one proves it. The fact that they are not on exhibition with the papyrus of Abraham shows it. He did buy a papy- rus. It is on exhibition. The three wit- nesses deliberately lied. Their character, their interest in the fraud and their con- tradictory stories prove it. The eight wit- nesses lied. Their character, their in- terest in the fraud, and their subsequent lies and contradictory stories prove it. Whitmer's mother lied when she said Moroni showed her the plates, or he lied when he said she said so, as he lied when told of seeing the plates in a field, and told of angels sowing plaster, plowing land and tugging plates around. Emma Smith lied when she said Joe translated in her kitchen, and the plates lay on the table covered with a thin table-cloth, and she felt of them, and, strange daughter of Eve that she was, never peeked ! Or those lie who say she told such a story. Every wit- ness is contradicted in every statement by other witnesses, and contradicts his own story in almost every particular. The Book of Mormon lacks every parti- cle of evidence that a book claiming inspir- ation should have. Let us contrast it with the Bible. The Book of Genesis is com- posed of thirteen old books. In all of the oldest religions of the world are found fragments of these books. In some instan- ces the books almost entire can be quoted from old religions. These fragments can be traced to the confusion of tongues. There is nothing of the Book of Mormon that can be traced beyond Joe Smith, Sid- ney Bigdon and Solomon Spaulding. The Pentateuch has been attributed to Moses by Israelite literature for over 3,000 years. It has been attributed to Moses in Gentile literatue 2,500 years. In its names, places, customs and description of surroundings it interlocks with the history, surroundings and literatuie of the age to which it is ascribed. There is nothing of this kind in the Book of Mormon. Israelite customs, religion, government, and life were a series of monumental institutions, based on its events, especially its supernatural events. Nothing of the kind do we observe in the Book of Mormon. The historical books, Joshua, Judges, Samuel, Kings, Chroni- cles, Ezra, Nehemiah recorded a history that interlocks with surrounding geography history customs and literature. Nothing of this kind is there in the Book of Mormon. Its literature, Ruth, Esther, Job, Psalms, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, and Solomon's. Song, refer to surrounding nations, geography, customs, literature, and quote the Israelite history and the Book of Moses. There is nothing of this in the Book of Mormon. Israelite history was a wonderful element in the world's history, prominent in it, interlocking with it at every point. The Book of Mormon is the exact reverse of this. Our Saviour and his apostles appeared in a learned, sceptical, and critical age. They lived and worked in the most open public manner. Their work and writings were quoted by enemies, discussed, attacked by enemies, until they can be reproduced largely from them. The life and course of millions were formed by them. They revo- lutionized the world. As a message to the world, they were delivered in the world. Monumental institutions based on their miracles have existed from their day. The Old and New Testament contain many wonderful prophecies. Great numbers of eye witnesses of the miracles of the Bible died for their testimony. Those who claimed inspiration in the Bible wrought miracles, prophesied, displayed divine knowledge of what unaided reason could not know. Not a particle of this can be claimed for the Book of Mormon. Though full of miracles, of such a character, that Bible miracles are child's play, and meagre in number, in comparison ; they are all put back into the wilds of America, and have no more connection with anything else in the world's historv, or career of humanity, than Vernet's " Trip to the Moon" and its description of the wonders and the inhabi- tants of the Moon. The Book of Mormon has every feature of a fraud. Mohammed, like all impostors, avoids all contact with the actual life of men, in his visions. He avoids all tests. He tells us what he saw in vision, or what was revealed to him. No one else knows anything about it. So does Impostor Joe. Swift in his "Gulliver's Travels ;" Baron Munchausen ; Moore in his "Utopia," Wil- kins in his " Flying Islanders :" all avoid mentioning a place, a person or an incident of which anyone knows a particle. They a^oid contact with history, geography, lit- erature, known surroundings. So does the Bock of Mormon. Spaulding dropped th fiction that the aborigines of America wer Romans, as dangerous; because it brought him too near to actual history. The absurd talethftt plates were hid by Divine direct- ion, re vaaled by Divine revelation, to suck a character as Joe Smith, in such surround- ings, stamps it as a fraud. The clumsy ma- chinery of plates, the clumsy contrivance of stone interpreters, their needless use, the needless contrivance of plates, when each word was caused to appear before Joe by a miracle, stamp it as a clnmey fraud. Why did God not give it by inspiration, as he did the Bible to its prophets? Or reveal it in vision ? What need of plates when Joe did not look on them at all ? According to some he did not have them in the house with him. What need of stone interpreters when a miracle gav* the translation we rd by word ? It is evident that finding jf lyj he cugr>td THE BRADEN AND KELLEY DEBATE. 183 the idea of pretending to find plates. That Joe's lying tricks, with his stolen peep stone, suggested the ideaof pretending to translate the plates by means of the peep stone, which was enlarged into Jared's interpre- ters, two great diamonds, worth hundreds of thousands of dollars, set in plates of glass, before glass was dreamed of, and and these set in spectacle bows, thousands of years before such contrivances were thought of. Such is Granny Smith's yarn. The atmosphere of fraud, money-hunting, lying, and contradictions in which the Book of Mormon began, stamps it as a fraud. The trickery of concealment behind a cur- tain, the use of a peep stone, the lies about Elates, that never existed, Joes lying ieve- itions to keep up the cheat to keep his dupes and confederates at work, the absurd lies of Joe, of his mother, of his father, of the Whitmers, of Harris, show that it was a fraud of the lowest and clumsiest charac- ter. Spiritism resorts to cabinets, dark cir- cles, concealment, tricks, and every device of fraud. Impostor Joe resor ted to machin- ery, concealment, and every device of fraud. Spiritism has its dark circle, its cabinet. Joe had his blanket screen. Spiritism has its tin horns to whisper through, its wri- ting in the dark, its mediums to act through. Joe had his needless plates, his needless in- terpreters, and his lies about the impossi- sibility of persons seeing plates or interpre- ters, just as spiritism has its lies about spirits not being able to manifest them- selves in the light. There are just the same evidences of lying, fraud, concealment, self- ishness, meanness, desire of gam, power and gratification of lust, in Moinaoui&m that there is in every fraud. Was Joe Smith a'prophet? O<(J ^R Dis- play superhuman power? We defy our opponent to give a single instance. Did he display superhuman knowledge ? I defy my opponent to mention one prophecy, one idea that he gave to the world, that it did not have. Did he attest his work by mi- racles? Not a single one. Does prophecy foretell him or his work? JNot in a single instance. Does he fulfill prophecy? Not unless it be that which dec. ares that liars and deceivers shall arise and deceive men. Was his character such as God would choose to inaugurate work, a Noah, an Abraham, a Moses, a Samuel , an Elij. h, an Isaiah, an Ezra, a John the Baptist, a Paul, a Luther, a Cal\in, a Wesley, a Campbell ? Did God choose as his last and greatest agont to give to the world the last and best dispensation a lazy, loafing, lying, drunken, stealing, swearing, money-hunting fraud, an igno- ramus, a notorious liar, vender of absurd petty ghost stories, an obscene blackguard, a notorious libertine ? Did Jehovah through such a character give revelations about Joe's house, his wife's work, his stores, farms, and every contemptible little emergency ag the"Fullness of the Gospel?" Was Jehovah the lackey of Joe Smith to keep him supplied with scribes, a house, to transact his busi- ness, to run stores, shops, land offices arid speculations, printing houses, taverns? Who will da,re to blaspheme the infinita Jehovah by suggesting such blasphemy? While Smith waa living in Kirtland, a showman visited Kirtland wih soms Egyp- tian mummies There were papyrus rolls and other articles with Egyptian characters on them, that had been found with the mummies. As soon as he saw them Joe was seized with a spell of revelation. He declared that one of the mummies was Pharaoh's daughter. Joe had evidently not learned that Pharaoh was no more a proper name, than Czar is a proper name of a Bussian Emperor. He announced that one of the papyri was written by Abraham. He once gave as proof of this, the statement that papyrus had not been used since Abra- ham's days. Joe translated one of the papyri. The showman, who knew as much about it as a goat, gave Joe a certificate that he had translated it correctly. Joe gave the showman a certificate that his mummies were genuine, and the farce was completed, when Showman Joe bought of the other showman his mummies, and sent his mother out to exhibit them and lecture on them. Joe published, under the title of the " Book of Aoraham," his pretended translation of the papyrus. Unfortunately he published with it fac-similes of certain cuts and paint- ings that he had translated. An Egyptol- ogist got hold of it and shows that Joe'a translation is a humbug and not correct iu a single particular. Joe's Book of Abraham is a shameless fraud, and so is nis Book of Mormon. Mormonism has been can Mainly and con- stantly revising this work of inspiration. The work was engraved on the plates by the Divine command of the Lord. Its engravers assure us that they were inspired, full of the Spirit, in this work of engrav- ing. The Lord, by miracle, gave each word of the translation to Impostor Joe. Inspired Joe announced each word separ- ately to Inspired Oliver, who wrote each word down. Inspired Joe, Oliver and Hyram read the proofs. If ever a work should be perfect it should be this Book of Mormon. But Mormons have been revis- ing it, in every edition, and will continue such revision until Mormonism is dead. On the ti^e page of the Palmyra edition we have " Joseph Smith, Jr., Author and Pro- prietor," also "Printed for the author." The revised edition reads, " Translated by Joseph Smith, Jr." The copyright of the Palmyra edition says Joseph Smith is " Author and Proprietor," and he signs himself " Author" to the preface. He is call "author and proprietor" in the testi- mony of eight witnesses. Thus In four instances, written by Smith himself, he is called " Author" in flat contradiction to the assertion that he is merely translator. This blunder of Inspired Joe is corrected. Moroni's epistle or introduction is, in viola- tion to all printer's rules, put on the title page. This was done by Divine command against the protest of the printer. That blunder of Inspired Joe has been corrected. In Moroni's introduction we have nine 184 THE RRADEN AND KELLEY DEBATE. words altered. Second line, Palmyra edi- tion, "which; 1 revised edition, "who" The Lord is learning grammar. End of paragraph 1st, Palmyra ed., "Book of Ether;" rev. ed., "Gift of God." Second paragraph, 1st line. Palmyra ed., "which," rev. ed., 2d line., "who.'' Palmyra ed., 4th Jine, "how;" rev. ed., 5th line, "what." Palmyra ed., 7th line, "be fault ," rev. ed., 9th line, "are faults." Palmyra ed , 8th line, "it be the mistake;" rev. ed., 9th line, "they are the mistakes." In the testimony of the three witnesses, Palmyra ed., 6th line, "his;" rev. ed., 6th line, "their." Pal- myra ed., 7th line, "which;" rev. ed., 7th line, "who." In the testimony of the eight witnesses, 2d and 3d hues., "Joseph Smith, Author and Proprietor;" rev. ed., 3d line, "Translator." In the Palmyra edition is a ridiculous, blundering "Preface," by the inspired ' Author. ," The Mormon Deity had not yet learned what had become of the 116 pages lost. He inspired Joe to tell how he circumvented a trick nobody ever thought of by substituting a translation of the plates of Nephi for the translation of the plates of Lehi, that had been stolen, until hie reached the point in the plates of Lehi where the stolen translation ceased, and then finishing with the pltes of Lehi and telling a barefaced lie in publishing the whole as a translation of the plates of Ne- phi. The Mormon Deity has learned that Lucy Harris burnt 116 pages, and that he had made a fool of himself in his lying trickery, and that lying blunder is revised out. The revised edition has an index of eight pages, a caption over the first book, para- graphs are numbered, and at the top of each page the chapter is printed. The Mormon Deity is learning the printer's trade as well as grammar. Chap. 1st, in the heading, 17th line, Palmyra edition, "They call the place;" rev. ed., "they called the name of the place." First para- grah, 10th line, Palmyra ed., " to be true ;" rev. ed., "is true." Seventieth paragraph, 6th line, Palmyra ed., "is;" rev. ed., "are." Nineteenth line, Palmyraed., "after that I;" rev. ed., "after I." Paragraph ten, 5th line, Palmyraed., "is over all them;" rev. ed., " are over all those." Eleventh paragraph, 2d line, Palmyra ed., "sayeth;" rev. ed., "said." Paragraph thirteenth, Palmyra ed. f "and he departed;" rev. ed., "and departed." Palmyra ed., 7th line, " which was :" rev, ed., "which are." Fourteenth paragraph, 2d line, Palmyra ed; " beside a river;" rev. ed., " by the side of a river." Palmyra ed., 4th line, "he made ;" rev. ed., "made." Fifteenth paragraph, 9th line, Palmyra ed., " because that he was ;" rev. ed., " because he was." Palmyra ed., 10th line,""that he had led ;" rev. ed., "and had led." Palmyra ed., 10th line, "and to per- ish ;" rev. ed., ''to perish." Palmyraed., 20th line, "sought;" rev. ed., "who sought." Paragraph 16th, 5th line, Pal- myraed., "did do;" rev. ed., "do." We have now cited each change of a word, with other changes, and many important changes, and we have not finished the fourth pajje. If the changes continue in the same ratio throughout the book, they would amount to over 5,000. Think of the Almighty ro- vising himself in any such style the Al- mighty learning grammar and composition. Some of the blunders thus corrected would be outrages on the good sense of a savasje Paragraph 40, Chap. III. of the Book of Nephi, Palmyra ed., reads that the Lord will not suffer that the Gentiles shall de- stroy the Nephites ; nor that the Gentiles remam forever "in that state of awful woundedness which thou beholdest." In the rev. ed. it reads " awful state of blind- ness." The sense is changed as well as the words, and the blunder could not b a printer's mistake, but Is one of Sydney's spread-eagle blunders. Palmyra ed,, page 382, has "the numerority of our forcs ;" 387, "the enormity of our numbers;" 260, " if ye do arrest the scriptures." These atrocities that were given word by word to Joe by the Mormon Deity the Mormon Deity has corrected. The truth is that the igviora- muses Rigdon and Smith perpetrated Uiese atrocities, and would not allow the printer to correct them. In their intercourse with men they learned better, and the assailants of the book pointed them out, and Joe and his successors have revised them ou t This one fact that over 5,000 correction* have been made in grammar, composition, thought and teaching in the Book o! Mor- mon, explodes the idea that it was Britten by inspired men and translated by Inspira- tion. Couple with this the fact that after all this revision the book still r*tnains a monstrosity in its errors, and the claim of inspiration iu writing and translating is transcendent blasphemy. THE BRADEN AND KELLEY DEBATE. 1S5 MR. KELLEY'S EIGHTEENTH SPEECH. GENTLEMEN MODERATORS, LADIES AND GENTLEMEN: T will first call your atten- tion to one or two things that have been mentioned by the negative, and then pro- ceed to finish my argument, and take up afterwards and more fully examine the ob- jections that have been made. It seems to me that the difficulty with my opponent is that he is not himself con- ve'rsant with what is in the books. For in- stance, he makes considerable sport of the fact that glass should be referred to so far back as the time when the Book of Mor- mon places it. Why, I took up Dr. Smith's Bible Dictionary to-day and opened at the word glass, and he put it at the time of Jo- seph in Egypt the first, thing, and said that doubtless it went back farther than that ; but to that time they were positive having discovered the means that were used as far back as that for blowing glass. And yet, Mr. Braden is making objections here. It seems to me that if he will be a little more critical and inform himself better on some- of these points, it will be more to the satis- faction and edification of the audience. Again, he estimates that a book written closely, (after the manner of the English language, of course), would comprise two thousand pages of manuscript. He forgets Jo tell you that the plates did not pretend to be written in the English language, and that it was a phonetic system of writing used. Now to contain all of the books, all of the words, that were upon those plates in the phonetic system that the Re- porter before me is using, or some other phonetic system, it would not take two thousand pages nor any thing like two thou- sand pages. Yet, that is the way he gets his muie's load. But how about Spauld- ing's 48 sheets, if it would take two thou- sand pages? I asked him to explain this before by showing the inconsistency in the Spaulding claim, but he has never noticed it. I have showed clearly from Howe's own words that this 48-page manuscript which came into Howe's hands, was the "Manuscript found." It purported to have been found. I did not misrepresent the language of either Howe orHulburt. Bra- den misrepresented me that is all there is to that. Another way he gets his mule's load is this : He estimates a chunk of solid gold to be so much. Well were the thin leaves ol the plates solid gold? And would a book of gold leaves weigh like solid gold ? In order to et his 250 pounds he stretches every- thing. Then he starts out with his mule's load, (250 pounds) and wonders if there is any man in the world that could have done as Joseph Smith says he did. At the same time he takes up the Bible and reads where Samson carried off the gates of Gaza, where he slew his thousands and tens of tlou- ands, where he leaned against the pillar and the whole edifice .*n which they were came down ; and he swallows that down easily, and that is certainly a thousand times bigger thing than the 250 pounds load. But he says, there has been so many stories told about this : Well here is the trouble with Mr. Braden. He hunts up these stories that have been told about how they got the plates, and how the plates were translated ; goes to all the persons he can find who will tell stories, ( but who know nothing) instead of opening the standard works and accepting the statements of those who do know something about it. I could go around and hunt up stories enough that have been told by one people or de- nomination against others in this country when there has been a conflict, to sink any- body ; because when a person gets a little miffed at somebody, it is quite natural to begin to tell stories about him. I remember meeting a gentleman a short time ago, as I was going to Willoughby, (there was also, in the company a Baptist and a Congrega- tionalist Minister,) who was berating Alex- ander Campbell, and telling all kinds of stories about him ; and in order to prove that Campbell was bad, he said that when he went back to Scotland to visit his own home, they would not even allow him to preach in their churches. I said to them, "That is no evidence to me against Mr. Campbell, for as good men as ever lived have been traduced and prohibited from preaching to old neighbors when there was nothing against them." But lean find men who will tell stories about Ihis one and about that one, and often persons who prefer to believe them to the truth, and there are right here persons who have told me since last evening, that some of the parties to whom he referred last evening as knowing certain things against the Saints, they would not believe on oath ; but is that any reason that I shall drag their characters be- fore this audience and begin to berate them in that way ? That is not the manner to dis- cuss questions properly. Neither is it prop- er to even make attacks upon the charac- ter of parties from stories ; because, as you have been shown time and again, the facts of history are such as to show that as soon as you assume that position you destroy the foundation of the Bible which is the agreed standard of truth in this contro- versy. Now there were and are now, just as many different stories told with regard t the resurrection of Jesus, and the way thafc the Disciples moved along in their work as ministers after his resurrection, as there is about the plates and the angel that visited Mr. Smith. There were many different stories told about what Paul said when he was converted, and we have two different stories as to some things which occurred then handed down in the Bible. And yet 186 THE BRADEN AND KELLEY DEBATE. he wants one straight forward story with regard to the plates from which the Book of Mormon was translated, notwithstand- ing the fact that the same evil power is in the world to make stories to-day as in the first century. I could take up the seventh chapter of Kings and read to you a story from that single ch'apter, which is in fact bigger than any in any two chapters in the Book of Mormon. It states that Elisha died and after he was dead he prophesied to the king and got mad because the king did not do to suit him. There was more power in his bones after he was dead than there was when he was alive, because they let a dead man down into his grave, and the corpse touched the bones of Elisha, and the man arose and stood upon his feet as soon as the bones of Elisha touched him. It makes Elisha out to have died twice. Makes him talk after he did die to the king who came to visit him. Gives to his dead bones more power than it did to them while alive. And yet we have "stories." That is no ar- gument, no way to debate. The things that I cite are in the standard the Bible. I am yet with that. If Mr. Braden's style of telling stories aud asserting is the way that this question is to be tried, I might as well go away from my argument and the clear proofs that I have brought, because all the answer he makes to them is, why there is not a prophecy that says anything about it, right in the face of the fact that I have cited more than 40 prophecies that are directly in point, and he has not shown that I have misapplied a single one of them. Another thing: He says that David Whitmer told different stories. I deny that he ever did. I know persons say that he did tell different stories, but* they are the same kind of per- sons who told different stories about Joseph Smith. They believed that he was an im- postor, and in order to put it down they believed that anything that they could do against him would be proper ; and they were ready to lie or even steal, and willing to hatch and tell stories to put the impostor as they called him down, or to do anything else to put him down, no difference how or what it was. I will now read you the statement of David Whitrner made quite re- cently, and you will see that the statement that he once denied his testimony is entire- ly false. The statement that Oliver Cowdery de- nied his testimony and he did not confirm it upon his deathbed too, is wholly false. The statement that Martin Harris had denied his testimony at some time was false. Martin Harris ever stood by his testimony, and confirmed it the last act and speech of his life. David Whitmer's statement September 15th, 1882, to Wm. H. Kelley, G. A. Blakeslee, of Gallen, Michi- gan, and others is as follows : " Elder Whitmer remarked that he did not feel irmch ' like talking as he had not been feeling well for >ome | time. He appeared feeble. He is now upwards of seventy-six y.-ars of age, hflvinir been born January ' 7th, 1805. He is of me lium height, and rather of a ' ft slender build ; but this appearance may be on ac- " count of age and recent illness. He has darldsh ' brown eyes, and his luiir is white and thin. Has a ' good head and honest face. He talks with ease and ' seemed at home with every subject suggesied; and ' without an effort, seemingly went on to amplify upon 'it, so that we had nothing to do but question, sug- ' gest and listen. His intellect is far more vigorous ' and retentive than we expected to find. He is care- 'ful in his speech, for he studies to express himself ia 'such a way as not to be misrepresented. A reporter 'called to see him some time ago, asked a few qnes- ' tions and went off and published that he had denied ' his testimony concerning the truth of the Book of ' Mormon. This hurt him so that he is very careful 1 now to have some known friends present when stran- ' gers call to see him. This accouuts for the presence ' of others when we were there." Speaking of Joseph Smith the Seer, he said, and this is very nearly his wording: " It makes no difference what others say. I know "Joseph Smith was a prophet of God, and he trans- " lated the Book of Mormon by the inspiration of Go* " from the plates of the Nephites." Let me say in this connection that alt these assertions that there was a curtaia between these parties, and that he was secluded, are false in all their particulars, and the statements that one told this thing to a certain one, and that thing to a certain one, are simply the lies that were conjured up against these parties in New York by those who wished to injure them. The parties never told- any such -thing aa that themselves. And yet that is what we "have before this audience. He further said : " Some people think if they can only make it appear " that Joseph's life and character were not perfect, and " that he had human weaknesses, that it would prove " that be was not a prophet, yet the same persons wiH " believe that Moses who killed the Egyptian, and, " David who had Uriah killed, and who took a multi- " tude of wives, and Solomon who was a polygamist " aud idolator ; and Peter who lied and cursed, ect., *' were all prophets, and should be honored and re* "spected. What the individual life of Joseph Smith "was after he translated the Book of Mormon, bus "nothing to do with the question as to whether he " was, or was not inspired to bring that book forth." "Do you know anything against his character?" " I know nothing against him. I have heard some- "things, these I know nothing about. I have nothing " to say about the character of any one only aa I know. " It is not my mission to talk about the character of " any My mission is to testify concerning the truth of " the coming forth of the work of God." " What kind of a man was he when yom knew him personally?" " He was a religious and straitforward man. He h4 " to be ; for he was illiterate and he could do nothing " of himself. He had to trust in God. He could not " translate unless he was humble and possessed the " right feelings towards every one. To illustrate so "you can see. One mdVning when he was getting "ready to continue the translation, somethii g went " wrong about the house and he was put out about it. ' Something that Emma, his wife had done. Oliver ' and I went up stairs and Joseph came up soon after ' to continue the translation, but he could not do ' anything. He could not translate a sinule syllnble. ' He went down stairs, out into the orchard, and made ' supplication to the Lord ; was gone about an hour 'came back to the house, asked Emma's forgivness ' and then came upstairs where we were and then the ' translation went on all right. He could do nothing ' save he was humble and faithful." He could do nothing save he was humble and faithful as reputable a man as there is in the United States to-day David Whitmer as I shall show you by the state- ment of more than twenty-five witnesses, a Judge of the Courts of the State of Mis- souri, and men living where he lives ia Richmond, Kay county, Mo. THE BRADEN AND KELLEY DEBATE. 187 His statement concerning the vision they had of the plates and the angel was as follows : " I was plowing In the field one morning, and Joesph and Oliver came along with a revelation, stating that I was to be one of the witnesses to the Book of Mor- mon. I got over the fence and we went out into the woods, near by and sat down on a log and talked awhile. We then knelt down and prayed. Joseph prayed. We then got up and sat on the log and were tMlking, when all at once a light cnme down from above us and encircled us for quite a little distance ' around; and the angel stood before us." This was in the day time. No jugglery, no slight of hand about this. Martin Har- ris was not present at this time, and he was not present when the other two saw what they declare here. Now he describes the angel. " He was dresied In white, and spoke and called me 'by name, and said : ' Blessed is he that keepeth his ' commandments.' This is all that I heard the angel ' say. A table was set beforp us, and on it the records ' were placed. The records of the Nephites from ' which the Book of Mormon was translated, the brass ' plates, the ball of directors, the sword of Laban, and ' other Plates. While we were viewing them, the ' voice of God spoke out of heaven saying the book ' was true and the translation correct." I now offer you the irrefutable testimony of David Whitmer as published in the Chicago Times in the year 1881, which will fully refute the false and slanderous stories which so many have sought to circulate against him, and which my opponent deals so largely in. Also what the first men of the county in which he lives say about him. It is headed " A Proclamation, 11 and reads as follows : " Unto all Nations, Kindred, Tongues and People unto whom these presents shall come: It having been represented by one John Murphy, of Polo, Cad well county, Missouri, that I in a conversation with him last summer, denied my testimony as one of the three witnesses to the Book of Mormon. To the end, therefore, that he may understand me now, if he did not then, and that the world may know the truth, I wish now, standing as it were in the very sunset of life, and in the fear of God, once for all, to make this public statement: That 1 have never at any time denied that testimony or any part thereof, which has so long since been pub- lished with that book, as one of the three witnesses. Those who know me best, well know that I have always adhered to that testimony And that no man may be misled or doubt my present views in regard to the same, I do again affirm the trut,h of all my state- ments as then made and published. " He that hath an ear to hear let him hear ; It was no delusion! What Is written is written, and he that readeth let him understand. And that no one may be decleved or misled by this statement, I wish here to state that I do not endorse poly gamy or spiritual wifeism. It is a great evil, shock- ing tc the moral sense, and the more so because prac- ticed in ihe name of religion. It is of man and not of God, and is especially forbidden in the Book of Mor- mon itself?. And if any man doubt, should he not carefully and honestly read and understand the same, before pre- suming to sit In judgment and condemning the light which shlneth in darkness, and showeth the way of eternal life as pointed out by the unerring hand of God. In the Spirit of Christ who hath said : "Follow thou me, for I am the life, the light, and the way," I sub- mit this statement to the world. God in whom I trust being my judge, as to the sincerity of my motives and the faith and hope that is in me of eternal life. My sincere desire is that the world may be benefited by this plain and simple statement of the truth. .And nil the honor be to the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost, which is one Qod. Amen. DAVID WHITMEK, SB. RICHMOND, Mo., March 19th, 1881. TESTIMONIAL OF CITIZENS. We. the undersigned citizens of Richmond, Ray county, Missouri, where David Whitmer, Sr., has re- sided since the year 1838, certify that we hare been long and intimately acquainted with him and know him to be a man of the highest integrity, and of un- doubted truth and veracity : A W. Doniphan. G. W. Dunn, Judge of the Fifth Judicial Circuit. T. D. Woodson, President of Ray Co. Savings Bank. J. T. Chiid. Editor of Conservator. H. C. Garner, Cashier of Ray Co. Savings Bank, W. A. Holman. County Treasurer. J. S. Hughes, Banker, Rickmond. James Hughes, Banker, Ricomond. D. P. Whitmer, Attorney at Law. Jas. W. Black, Attorney at Law. L. C. Cantwell, Postmaster, Richmond. George I. Wasson, Mayor. Jas. A. Davis, County Collector. C. J. Hughes, Probate Judge and Presiding Jus- tice of Ray County Court. George W. Trigg, County Clerk. W. W. Mosby, M. D. Thomas McGinnis, ex-Sheriff, Ray County. J P. Queseni ery. Merchant. W. R. Holman, Furniture Merchant. Louis Slaughter, Recorder of Deeds. Geo. W. Buchanan, M. D. A. K. Reyburn. Given at Richmond, Mo., this March 19th, 1881." Also the following terse statement from the Conservator, a newspaper published in the State of Missouri, and opposed to the religion of Mr. Whitmer : AN EXPLANATION. " Elsewhere we publish a letter from David Whit- " mer, Sr.. and old and well known citizen of Ray, a "well as an indorsement of his standing as a man " signed by a number of leading citizens of this con- "munity, in reply to some unwarranted aspersions " made upon him. " There is no doubt that Mr. Whitmer, who was one " of the three witnesses to the authenticity of the gold " plates from which he asserts that Joe Smith trans- "lated the Book of Mormon (a fac-simile of the charac- " ters he has now in his possession with the original " records), is firmly convined of its divine origin, and "while he makes no efforts to obtrude his views or " beliefs, he simply wants the world to know that so " far as he is concerned there is no variableness or 'shadow of turning. Having resided here for nearly ' a half a century it is with no little pride that he ' points to his past record with the consciousness that ' he has done nothing derogatory to his character as a ' citizen and a believer of the son of Mary, to warrant " such an attack upon him, come from what source it ' may, and now with the lillles of seventy-five winters * ' crowning him like an aureole and his pilgrimage on " earth well nigh ended, he reiterates his former state- " ments, and will leave futurity to solve the problem " that he was but a passing witness of its fulfillment. " His attacks on the vileness that has sprung up with " the Utah Church must have a salutary effect upon ' those bigamists who have made adultery the corner " stone in the edifice of their belief." Conservator, March 24, 1881. Let me call your attention now to another thing that has been stated with regard to the manuscript of this book, as it was when carried to the printer, and it was Major Gilbert's statement, so Mr. Braden said. I snowed you what Major Gilbert's state- ment was as it was published two years ago. Yesterday I telegraphed to David Whit- mer, who has in his possession the original manuscript from which the Book of Mor- mon was printed, and asked him to examime that manuscript and telegraph to me whether in it the proper names and the sentences began with capital letters, and whether there was any punctuation marks j and this is his answer: RICHMOND, Mo., FKBRUABY 20. "E. L. Kelley, Kirtland, Ohio: There are capiia* " letters beginning proper names and sentences and aM " neceasary punctuation marks in the original manu- " script. (Signed) DAVID WHITMKB." 188 THE BRADEN AND KELLEY DEBATE. And yet, we have been told here that there was no such thing, and a witness cited to prove taat. Itmakes no difference how many stories have been told about this, by one person and another, when a man goes and looks at the original manuscript, that was in the printer's hands he can certainly tell how it was, unless the telegram gets crooked on the way. I had just closed with Paul's declaration of the fullness of times that is to be ushered in, recorded in Ephesians 1 : 10, or the dis- pensation that should be crowned with the coming and glory of Jesus Christ and the resurrections of the Saints ; and was sshow- J rj g by the prophets the time of this handing out of God's word and will, or dispensation, when my time expired. This argument I will novv conclude. The stick of Joseph was to be brought to light in a day of storms and tempests, and Hoods and fires, and wickedness all over the land; and of earthquakes and famines and disease; of distress and perplexity; of pride and vanity, of wickedness and de- fiance of God ; of denying the principle and the power of true religion. A day when the sea and the waves would roar and sweep beyond their bounds, and men's hearts would fail them for fear, looking after those things coming on the earth. Bad men may scoff and slander and devils may oppose, but the decree of God is, it shall go forth, and "none shall hinder it/' Lebanon has already begun her increase, and the work described must be in progress some place, unless the entire prophecies have failed. This evening I will introduce the evidence I referred to upon a previous occasion upon the fact of the return of '-'the early and latter, 1 ' rains to the country of Lebanon, showing that within the last few years the event spoken of in the prophecies must have taken place. The "ensign," -'the standard," ''the stick of Joseph," "the everlasting gospel," the book which would contain this Gospel has been published with the message, "Fear God and give glory to him, for the hour of his judgment has come." This is the message of the Book of Mormon. Is it a bad thing? The following is the statements of good authorities upon the condition of Palestine : "It (Palestine) has the same bright sun and un- 1 clouded sky, as well as the early and latter rain, ' which, however, is diminished in quantity owing to ' the destruction of the trees." Chambers Encyclo- pedia, vol. 7. page 11, Palestine. "I arrived in Indiana a few days since, from the ' Eastern continent. I stopped at Joppa for nearly the ' whole winter. For my part I was well pleased with ' the country. It is certainly a land of most wonderful 'fiuitfnlness, with a delightsome climate, producing 'everything, if properly cultivated, and from two to 'three crops a year. They have grain, fruits and ' vegetables a 1 the year round; in fact I never was in ' such a country before. I have seen much good 'country in Europe and America, but none to compare 'with Palestine: its fruitfulness is uncommon, and 'the climate is the most delightsome; even in the ' winter I did not see the least sign of frost, and vege- ' tables of every sort were growing in profusion in ' gardens It IP &fact thai the rain and dew are restored; ' refe"tly in 185S, the former and the latter rains were ' restored to the astonishment of the n lives. The Jews ' have been returning to the Holy Laud for some time and are increasing, going to their beloved Canaan from many parts of Europe. Asia and Africa. They are making preparations to rebuild cities and (build') railroads. The fruit in Palestine is better than in Europe and America They have camels, mules horses, asses, cattle, sheep and goats; but I saw no hops. The natives are generally friendly." Louis Van Bnren, Sen., Nov. Hth. A. D. 1867. These are ample to satisfy the most skeptical upon this point. Now I will take up the supposed objec- tions that he has cited and examine them, and should I omit a single one that you wish still further examined and considered, any person in the audience will do me a favor by calling attention to the fact, and I shall yet notice it. I have already shown the weaknef s of the criticism upon the word "thereof," that he has tried to make against the book. Wherever it is used it is plain to be understood, and the worst criticism that can be made against it, is that the brother of Jared in his description of the vessels and narration of what he did, does not seem to have conformed to Mr. Braden's ideas of "excellency of speech." Evidently the brother of Jared was a true mechanic as he As represented in the book. It don't make any difference to Braden what habits of talk'ng or writing the brother of Jared had, whether he used a superfluous, modifying or other word ; wheH it is translated into English the correction must be made in the original. Now, sir, I will show the absurdity of this profound criticism upon the translation of the Book of Mormon. I will ark you this question: Had the translator a right to leave out a word, put in a word, o<" change anything in the original, that it might appear with "excellency of speech" in English? Agaia, had it been done, could :uot the translation have been questioned wi*h more propriety and upon stronger grounds, than in its present shape? And wofe > THE BRADEN AND KELLEY DEBATE. 189 word "thereof," as translated is not the English word corresponding to such original word. By a careful reading of the Book of Mormon we readily see that this is the correct position. Where there is given a description or narration of a matter by the writer in his own language, we are met with common expressions upon which so much silly criticism has been made. But where we have the translation from other records as the prophecy of Isaiah which the people brought with them to this continent, " the words of Jesus," etc., as given in his own language, the errors do not appear, unless per chance there was an error also in the writing down of the original. The trans- lation in the Book of Mormon of Isaiah's words, was not from the Bible original remember, but from an original made about the same time the Bible original was made ; whether a copy, duplicate, or how taken, wearenot told, nor does it matter; certainly they are sufficiently distinct in translation to show clearly to a critic that one was not copied from the other. Take the 48th chapter of Isaiah which has been referred to; if copied either by Smith or Rigdon, they being the poor scholars that Braden claims that they were, they would have most certainly copied the words thrown in by the translators of King James' version. But upon a comparison there is found to be a*difference of nearly fifty words in this single chapter, and in the verse he cited you to prove the copying, there is a differ- ence of eight words. Yet the language in the Book of Mormon that he claims was opied or changed by these unlearned, illit- erate persons is strictly proper and correct English. I will read a single specimen and com- pare the two : 1. From the Bible. "I have not spoken Jo secret from the beginning ; from the time that it was, there am I." 2. The Book of Mormon. "I have not spoken in secret from the beginning ; from the time that it was declared have I spoken." Here, the idea sought to be expressed, is krought out full and clear ; and it is evi- dent that something had been changed or expunged in the Bible original, or that the translation of the sentence was an improper one. The translation by Robert Lowth, D. D., Bishop of London reads : " From the beginning I have not spoken to secret : Before the time when it began to exist I had decreed it." The Bishop of London agrees with the translation in idea and sentiment as in the Book of Mormon. And yet he claims that these " ignoramuses," put it in the Book of Mormon, and makes his objection upon that. Isaiah then was not cooied into the Book of Mormon from King James' trans- lation of the Bible. Try again Mr. Braden. Why does he object then to the rendering of the remainder of the sentence the same as it is in King James' translation, since those who translated it believed they did so correctly, and they were doubtless as good, if not better Hebrew scholars than we have now, and especially, since the senti- ment is correct, and he knows nothing to the contrary than that it accords strictly with the original from which it was' taken. Then he still insists that I shall point out where Peter, or Mark differed in their style in the original, and did not at all times write and speak correct Hebrew. Let him put in my possession some Hebrew written by Peter, or Mark, or Luke, and then it will be time enough to make his wise test. The idea that is thrown out to this audience that any book of the Bible can be traced away back to the writer is one that cannot be maintained, and he knows that very well. The best that we have is the copies that have been handed down, none of which extend back to within a hundred and fifty years of the writers. And when I quoted from the same persons, through whom they came, on the doctrine of "Lay- ing on of hands" atiWilber, Neb., the same parties in part who must have copied the manuscripts, he denounced the men, and would not believe their statements in his- tory. The gospels were transcribed by learned men and put in to the Greek, and Latin, and in some things changed in the original, in doing so, as I believe and can prove, and will in ^he proper place. Notwithstanding this, scholars can still detect a difference in the writers in the use of language, etc. Adam Clark in the manuscripts he was able to examine could detect the difference in style and language, and they were the copies which passed for original; and Paul, though a learned man says, " When I came unto you it was not with excellency of speech, or enticing words of man's wis- dom ;" and this is enough to show me that the language, or speech, of Joseph Smith will not condemn him, nor stand as a criti- cism against the Book of Mormon. Paul .talked under the power and inspira- tion of the Holy Uhost to those very people, and yet he says it was not with " excel- lency of speech," in fine style after man's wisdom. Oh no, but brother Braden wants excellency of speech in the Book of Mormon. "Not with enticing words of man's wis- dom," Paul says. But we must reject the Book of Mormon if not in that style of lan- guage, according to Braden. Again it is claimed that the errors, angli- cisms or idioms peculiar to King James' translation of the Bible are copied in the Book of Mormon. This I deny, and will prove to you it is not true. it is claimed by the Book of Mormon that they had the writings of Moses, Isaiah, etc.. on the brass plates which were brought from Jerusalem. If so, in translating into English, the same English word might be used if correct in the translation of th same as used in the Bibl->, providing the two originals were alike. In translating the Bible *' re had to be words supplied in order to make smooth English, wnich wer 190 THE BRADEN AND KELLEY DEBATE. not in the original language from which the translation was made. Any of you taking your Bibles will soon see what they are, for they are the italicised words. These itali- cised words were supplied by the transla- tors intb the English, and were not found in the original. Now in the translation of Isaiah, or the words spoken by Jesus upon this continent, these words, supplied by our Bible translators, are not used by the trans- lator of tne Book of Mormon in such a man- ner as to indicate copying in the least. I have diligently compared chapter after chapter in the Bible and Book of Mormon, and found that such words are very seldom the same in both, and when so, it is in such cases as different scholars translating from . the same language, although not known to each other, would necessarily use the same. Besides, evidently the originals slightly differed. In the comparison the proportion of use of such supplied words was forty- eight dissimilar to eleven similar, and nearly every one of the eleven were the pronouns in the first person, or the present tense of the verb to be words which would have been selected the same, by independent translators, whether they lived as far apart as the continents. The test proves beyond a doubt to the honest examiner that there was no copying unless done by a person thoroughly conversant with both languages, and then it was not a copying of the trans- lation. The scholar who will take and dili- gently compare the words of Isaiah as translated in the Book of Mormon, with the same book in the Bible, must come to the conclusion that there was no copying and changing unless it was done by a person who was versed in both languages, and he has claimed that neither Smith nor Rigdon were scholars. He must again fall back upon his pious Presbyterian preacher to copy and change the prophecies of Isaiah. The translations show they were independ- ent. And remember, the common expres- sions of "more history part," etc., do not occur in the translations of the words of Moses, Isaiah, or Jesus, but of the language Moroni used when he was copying the ac- count of the history of the Nephites. Yet, notwithstanding the difference in the word- ing of the translation in the Book of Mor- mon and the Bible, the teaching does not differ. What scholar put it in this elegant language? My friends, compare the two for yourselves and you will find that I am right. Then the idea that there are quotations in there from Hebrews and other parts of the New Testament before they were given is not correct. It might be expected that if the same Holy Spirit worked with men and spoke through them on this continent, as wrought upon men on the Eastern, it would in all instances teach like things, and in many give the exact words ; and so he may find in scrapping and dividing verses and ' sentences that there are in a few instances those in the Book of Mormon as in the Bible, or a line in Shakespeare or Cowper; but that proves nothing. In the New Tes- tament we often find words and expres- sions that were before used by the philoso- phers and teachers of other nations, and our infidel friends claim them to have been borrowed. But does he believe it? Did Jesus take the sentiment, and in great part the wording of the golden rule from the great Chinese philosopher who lived and wrote 600 years before ? I think not. God may reveal a like thing or sentiment to two different persons in the world, and does often, as in the instances of Cornelius and Peter, and Paul and Ananias, and this is a proof and a sure test of a correct claim to inspiration, instead of being against it, But, he says, actually they had the English word Bible before it was in existence. But how? Had he done his duty in stating how, I should not have had to refer to it again. The prophet foresees what \vould be the mind of the people toward the Book of Mormon, and makes the prediction that when it is brought to light in the last days that its enemies would call it a "Bible; " see Book of Mormon page 105. Not its friends, but its enemies and how could he have seen otherwise, were he a true prophet? Could it have been a truth had he said they would call it an almanac, or a dictionary ? Is not the prophecy a true one ? How did Smith know when he was the means under God of translating the plates, and when the work was to be sent forth under the name and title of the " Book of Mormon," that the people would change- the title and call it a Bible? What becomes then of his assertions that Isaiah 2, 14, 21, 48, 50, 52, 54, and Malachi 3 were copied in the Book of Mormon ? The statement is entirely without foundation, and contrary to the facts, and untrue; and he had the means in his hands of proving it untrue if he had only compared them with a view of ascertaining the truth of it, in- stead of trying to find an objection. But, he says, Matthew 5, 6 and 7 are copied. Why ? Because the Book in giv- ing Jesus' instruction on this continent gave it the same as it was given upon the other, and it appears the same, with a few slight changes in the wording. But would he have Jesus talk differently on this con- tinent from what he did on the other? He mentions I Cor. 13 as another; but this does not appear in the Book of Mormon, nor does any quotation from the New Testa- ment Scriptures appear there; nor is there a quotation in the Book of Mormon from any part of the Bible. There are quota- tions by these writers from their own writ- ings, which, in some instances, were the same as those in the Bible. And these they had as good a right to use as did Peter or Paul, when they quoted from them. The question is, while in using these like words was the sentiment preserved, and is it in all things in harmony with the teach- ings in the Bible. Here is where the fallacy of his pretend- ed argument lies, upon these quotations. He jumps at the conclusion that God never spoke to any person except to the Jews on the other continent, and from that wrong conclu* THE BRADEN AND KELLEY DEBATE. sion he makes the argumept that there has been copying. Remember the conclusion itself is in dispute, and under controversy here, and he has only wasted his time in that supposable, logical argument. When he shall have proven that God never spoke to anybody but the people called Jews, on the other continent, no one will ask him to take up his valuable time comparing to see if there lias been copying or quotations made. Such a course of mak- ing assertions without a particle of evi- dence, as he has done, may be argument to Messrs. HnUnirt and Howe, or to some one who does not know, nor does not want to know how to reason ; but it will hardly do for this audience. It is to be presumed that if there was inspiration on this conti- nent, the same God speaking here as upon the other, and by the same Spirit, there would be like wordings and sentiments in the co'mmunications ; and it would have been a proof that the Book of Mormon was not inspired had it claimed to have had the same Holy Spirit through which its inspi- ration was committed as the Bible/, anr" there had been found therein no resemb lance in language, sentiment and prhrasec logy. (Time expired.) MR. BRADEN'S EIGHTEENTH SPEECH. GENTLEMEN MODERATORS, LADIES AND GENTLEMEN: Kelley gives the statement of Joseph III, of what Emma Smith said. We have Whitmer's statement. We have Mrs. Salisbury nee Smith's statement, in regard to Rigdon's presence at Smith's in New York. Would it not be well to introduce some one not interested in the fraud ? Give us some- body besides Smith's and Whitmer's, for if what these two gangs tell of each other be true, as we shall show by reading their state- ments, the testimony of all the Smith's and Whitmer's would not establish a claim to a "yaller dog." Their testimony that they did not see Rigdon, will not set to one side the statements of Chase and Sanders that they did. Mrs. Salisbury, to show that she had means of knowing whether Rigdon visited Smith or not, says that Smith was at his father's all the time he was translat- ing, and did the translating there. That is a he, if her mother, Joe himself, P. P. Pratt, and Whitmer tell the truth. Lucy Smith says he went to Pennsylvania in the fall of 1827 and before he began his transla- tion, so say Pratt and Whitmer ; Lucy Smith and Whitmer says that he went back to New York after wheatsowing in 1828, or one year afterwards. Whitmer says be brought Smith to Whitmer's father's. Mrs. Smith says to Waterloo, and that Whitmer lived in Waterloo. She says that Joe finished the translation in Waterloo and showed the plates to the witnesses there. Joe did not translate a word at his father's. He did not live there while translating, but miles away, part of the time over one hundred miles away. If Mrs. Salisbury lied, as we have proved in saying Joe was where he was not, she would lie in saying Rigdou was not where he was. Impostor Joe gave Martin Harris a scrawl that he said was a/ac simile of some of the writing on the plates. Harris carried it to Prof. Anthon of New York City. Prof. Anthon describes it: "It was indeed a sin- gular scrawl. It consisted of all kinds of crooked characters, disposed in columns, and had evidently been prepared by some person who had before him at the 'time, a book containing various alphabets. Greek and Hebrew letters, crosses and flourishes, Roman letters inverted or placed sideways, were arranged in perpendicular columns, and the whole ended in a rude delineation' of a circle divided in various compartments, decked with various strange marks, evi-, dently copied after the Mexican calendar given by Hum bold t." There used to be in the archives of the church in Kirtland and Nauvoo, a scrawl, that is now in Utah, pretending to be a fao simile of a couple of lines or columns of the writing on the plates. There are 68 char- acters. Any one can see by examining them, that 64 of them are merely our alpha- bet, our numerals and marks of punctua- tion varied a little, or placed in unusual positions. If Joe lied in these scrawls, if his/ac simites were frauds, belied in regard to the plates and the Book of Mormon. The whole thing is a fraud. In 1830 Smith and Rigdon began a trans- lation and correction of the Scriptures. It was finished in 1833. Mormons say it was done by direct revelation of God. It was done by inspiration. Every word in il is the word of God, as much as what h en- graved on stone for Moses. It changes King James' version in thousand of places. It adds phrases, sentences and whole para- graphs to King James' version. Where it adds to king James' version, Mormons claim that version was faulty in the origi- rial text. Where it changes the translation that version is a mistranslation. By corn- 92 THE BRADEN AND KELLEY DEBATE. paring the quotations from the Bible in the Book of Mormon, with the inspired trans- lation, and King James' translation it will be seen that the Lord in revealing the Book of Mormon, in scores of places, copied King James' version, and did not correct the errors, as he did afterwards in the Inspired Trans- lation. The Lord inspired Joe to translate the Book of Mormon. In it the Nepbites and Jaredites, quote from King James' ver- sion, which is erroneous, if the inspired translation be true. In his speech to tne Nephites, our Savior quotes over thirty such errors of King James' translation, if the In- spired Translation be correct. Yet my op- ponent has the audacity to declare that the Book of Mormon does not quote the errors of King James' translation. Will he ex- plain this ? The Inspired Translation changes names and language in some places, and leaves them unchanged in others. In his speeches last night, my opponent told you that Jared's barges, as long as a tree, and sharply pointed at each end, were so large that the eight excelled the capacity the ark. If sharply pointed, and seventy or eighty feet long, they could not have been more than ten or twelve feet wide, and high in the center. It would take over 2.000 such barges to equal the ark. The preposterous idea that these idiotically con- structed barges, were constructed like -ur scientific life-boats, is too ridiculous for re- futation. Will my opponent tell us how many families, animals of all kinds, fishes, birds, together with food for all for 344 days, can be put into eight life-boats, not more than seventy feet long, and sharply pointed at both ends ? How did his eight barges keep together for 344 days? He took I/he dodge I expected him to take? He claims that Jared took only domestic animals and fowls with him. Why should he taketho horse, ass, sheep, hog, and cows, and oxen, and animals /or the use of man, when the country was full of them already? Had the Mormon Deity, when he got over Into Asia, in his troubles over Jared's barges, and his corrections of his mistakes in regard to ventilation and light, forgotten that there were horses, cows, sheep, asses, hogs, and all animals for man's use in America, and that by miracle he had changed a portion of the cattle into oxen for Jared's use. If he had not forgot- ten this, vhy burden poor Jared, with pro- viding fof.d for them, feeding them, and the inconven) mce of the effluvia in his barges, all needlossly. for the land was full of them before ho got there. My opponent says the Book of Mormon does spoak of rivers, lands and seas. Does it give the name of a river, sea, mountain, er city that is found in ancient geography or describe them so they can be identified? The Bible says, as a fact, that the speech of all was confounded at Babel. The Book of Morm >n says that the speech of part was not confounded. A flat contradiction. My opponent says that the statements and affidavits in Howe are m^r quotations. On the contrary, the affidavit nuat cities ; that his com- panions and other Spaniards, such as Diaz and Herrera, describe great cities that were inhabited at the time of the conquest of Yucatan ; that educated men who had read the history of the conquest of Mexico and Peru knew these facts; that Spaulding knew them. He had his people come to America from Southwestern Asia, by sea. He had them land at the Isthmus of Darien, which he called the laud. of Zarahemla. This the witnesses prove. We have proved that all that ray opponent can cite in the Book of Mormon, as sustained byresearch, is just what the witnesses say Spaulding knew and put into his romance. The witnesses are not witnesses that manufactured their evidence, as was the case with Mrs. Salis- bury and the witnesses of my opponent, or th-ey would have claimed to know more than they did. They repudiate the relig- ious portion of the Book of Mormon as an addition to Spaulding'g romance. They do not mention the Jaredite portion ; but one mentions the Zarahemlite portion. They do not exaggerate their recollection of the historic part of the Nephite portion. If ever there were cautious, conscientious witnesses they are. This explodes all his archaeological read- ing. He has sustained those general as- sumptions of the Book of Mormon that are common to all civilized people that need no proof, certain facts that were well known . before the Book of Mormon appeared. But he has not furnished one particle ot proof for those things that need proof the his- tory, the historic statements in reference to persons, places, battles, etc. If necessary we could show, as Mr. Ward of Denver did in his controversy with Joseph III, that American archaeology flatly contradicts many statements in the Book of Mormon, but it is not needed. My opponent tries to deny that the absurd statement of arming children is in the Book of Mormon. On page 531 we are told "All that were on the face of the land were gathered into two armies," not a soul left behind, and it adds, "both men, women and children being armed with weapons of war, having shields, breastplates and headplates, and being clothed after the manner of war, they did march forth against one another to battle." If that does not declare that children were armed with headplates, breastplates, shields and weapons of war, and went out to battle, language cannot make such a statement. It is idotic nonsense, but that is just what the Book of Mormon Utters. My opponent made a poor out in howling over the objection that the Book of Mor- mon, in quoting the Bible, quotes King James' version, the only one Rigdon who interpolated the religious portion into the romance of Spaulding knew That it pun into the mouths of Nephites who lived 2,000 years before King James' translators, the brogue, the errors of King James' transla- tors. We give two instances, one from Cor. 13-5. King James' translators interpolatt<* blunder of King James' translators, ana says "The Lord and his Spirit hath sent me," instead of "the Lord hath sent me and his Spirit." Instead of quoting only read- ings of the original, that were in existence before A. D. 400, when Moroni buried the plates, it quotes readings found in King James' translation, that have come into existence since Moroni's day. It quote the punctuation of King James' version. Not only so but it quotes the misquotation* 194 THE BRADEN AND KELLEY DEBATE. that were common In Rigdon's day, Chap- ter 5, paragraph 26, lines 33 to 36, we have "fiery flying serpent." The serpents refer- red to were "flying." The "fiery" is a popular misquotation, Page 540 we have "bonds of iniquity," instead of "bond of iniquity." Another universal misquota- tion. We have "sins of the world" instead of "sin of the world." These expressions are quoted as Scripture. They are not. Doubtless it was the fact that he had heard them quoted as Scripture and thought they were, that led Rigdon to quote from Shakes- peare's Hamlet, "from whence no traveller can return," and from Pope's Essay on Man, "look through nature up to nature's God." This quotation of the errors of King James' version, in original, in translating, in punctuation, its obsolete grammar, its obsolete words, its obsolete style, proves that Rigdon used that, because he knew no other. Why did not the Lord use some other version, especially where they are correct and the version of King James is not? Why did not he correct that version? Why did he use an erroneous version, in this fullness of the gospel, and then correct its errors afterwards, in the Inspired Trans- lation? Why did he not give the correct ver- sion in the Book of Mormon. Why corrupt it with errors? The fact that the Book of Mormon contains perversions of the Bible common in Rigdon's days shows that it belongs to that time. I did not urge that the language should be perfect in the Book of Mormon, but I urged that the Lord would not dole out word by word such atrocities as we find in the Book of Mor- mon. Since the Lord, by miracle gave it. word by word, Joe's illiteracy could affect it no more than a telephone or an echo can put blunders into what it utters. The illiteracy of Joe has nothing to do with it. If there are blunders the Mormon Diety made th.em. My opponent, with a fatuity that is mi- raculous, tells us that language changes, and that what is correct in one generation is incorrect in another. That is true, and his Mormon Deity in giving a revelation does not use a language that is correct in the time of the translation, but goes back and uses language of two hundred years before that time, that has become grosslv incor- rect, and exaggerated and caricatures into a monstrous burlesque, those errors. Why did not the Lord use what was correct when he made the translation? Why did he use what had become grossly incorrect? The reason is evident, Spaluding and Rig- don wanted to imitate the Hebrew idiom. They were so ignorant that they did not know that a large proportion of the peculi- arities of the Bible were the brogue of the translators, and they inserted into their fraud and into the mouths of Israelites, in America, the brogue of the English of King James' translators, hundreds of years before there was any English language. We have proved that the Lord has been improving his grammar, has corrected thousands of errors. Why did he not make it right at first? My opponent can not see the difference between Rigdon's blunders in English? Joe's blunders in English and errors in the original. I do not think the Nephites made blunders in English. The blunt Greek of Peter, the blunt Hebrew of Amos are not full of atrocities in grammar and composition. Let us have a list of such atrocities in the Hebrew 0.1 the Greek of the Bible. Bunyan wrote a clear, simple style, but it is free from gram- matical atrocities, and atrocities in compo- sition. His style is a model for simplicity, purity and accuracy. All these excuses are utterly bootless. These features of the Book of Mormon show that it is an attempt of an ignoramus, to imitate the Hebrew idioms of the Bible, who blunderingly car- icatured the brogue of King James' transla- tion, as Simon Pure Hebraisms. There are one or two contradictions of the Bible that we will give. The Book of Mormon claims to be the " fulness of the Gospel." The Bible says " Christ came in the fulness of the times. That the fulness of the God- head dwelt in Christ bodily. All authority in heaven and earth was his. The church contains the fullness of him that fills all in all. The church is perfected to the fullness of the stature of Christ. Christ gave to the apostles all things that pertain to life and Godliness " The Book of Mormon claims to be the fullness of the Gospel, and to be added to what the apostles had. It is a flat contradiction of God's word. Mormons claim revelations, visions, prophesy now. Daniel ix. "Seventy weeks are determined upon thy people, and upon thy holy city, to finish the trans- gression, to make an end of sins, to make reconciliation for iniquity, to being in ever- lasting righteousness, and to seal up the vision of the phrophecy, and to anoint the most holy. " they are spirit and they are life." Ohe*' en to the >rds v 11 bring forth the life, L the idea V nght. '1 know that the commandment if lif everlasting," says Jesus again. Not if a man has it and does not keep it, however, but if he keeps it, it will bring him into life. It is the royal road. So of the spirit. If he follows the commandments he will receive the spirit, the seal of adoption shed abroad into, the heart by Jesus Christ as a comfort and acknowledgment for having 1 kept the word. But if he hears and be- lieves the word and then does not comply therewith, he does not get the spirit shed abroad from on high, and enabling us to cry "Abba Father" any more than if he be- lieved the word and will not comply there- with he will get the life spoken of therein by Jesus. Mr. Braden objects to the Book of Mor- mon because of the use of the word "arrest." Do not try to arrest the scripture. Yes, arrest. Webster says, in defining the word, "anything by power, physical or moral.'' And Bishop Taylor uses the word in that sense: "Were sad arrests to his troubled spirit." You can select a more appropriate word according to the usage now, but the idea conveyed is the same if the other is used. He still, for want of argument, infringes upon the modesty of this audience with his smart turn, borrowed from Howe, on the word ox; but I took up your school diction- ary to-day and copied as follows: "When wild animals are spoken of (such animals as are found in the woods) ox is very often applied to both male and female." When I quoted this the other night he shook his head. But that is nothing. He has shaken his head at a number of other facts during this discussion. The audience, I judge, can likely see the points made during the de- bate without he or I having to shake our heads at them. So much for his jack and bull criticism. But he says, that Joseph Smith said some hard things about the actions of David Whitmer and Oliver Cowdery in 1838. Yes, he wrote a letter after lying in jail for weeks surrounded by as wicked and foul-mouthed a guard as, perhaps, ever kept any man, and from which he suffered abuse each hour, and at a time when there had been a misunderstanding between these parties and some others, as to the proper thing for the church to do; there bad, likewise, arose a division, and a hot one too. just like it was between Paul and Barnabas at Antioch, when they got so mad at each other they would not travel the same road ; likeElisha 2 Kings, 13:19: "And the man of God was wroth," but he is there repres- ented to be prophesying all the time ; and when the friends of one of these parties had told their side of the story to Joseph and Hyrum Smith while they were thus jailed and treated as dogs, it was more than humanity could endure ; and they right lively retorted back. But what haa that to do with the truth of the Book of Mormon, or to show that Mr. Smith was trying to build up a rotten -hm- 'i. He fearlessly turned his own witnesses out when they were charged with doing things which, years THE BRADEN AND KELLEY DEBATE. after, were proven to be entirely false so far as implication in counterfeiting, roguery, etc., was concerned. A little different to the way some churches do now, I know. They keep those charged with bad conduct for fear of an exposure. Mr. Smith must have been honest or he would have feared an expose too, from them in the matter of their testimony. He would not have dared to do what he did, had this their testimony not been true. They were honest in their testi- mony, or they would have gone back upon it after this treatment ; and- so, instead of being an argument against the credibility of the testimony of the witnesses to the Book of Mormon, it is in its favor and highly BO. These men had every inducement possible offered them to make them go back upon their testimony: Money, popularity, political fame, etc., but they would not; and they have, through as terrible persecu- tions as the world has ever seen since the days of the spike and the rack, maintained the truth of their statement and taught it to their children's children ; their families to-day being members of the church, and abiding in the doctrine of Christ as set out in their testimony of being contained in the Book of Mormon and the Bible. Every trying circumstance in which these wit- nesses have been placed is a standing monument, attesting the truth of their testimony as first given to the world ; for they have stood the test as does the solid rock. There is nothing in the argument then as to what Joseph Smith may have said about these witnesses for Braden's side. Here, I will notice that "gordian knot" of his. It is simply misstatements and misrep- resentations that confuses my opponent, however, in this. The brother of Jared was not commanded to bury his record up in the ground, as my opponent stated, but to seal it up. It does not say that Jared's history should not be made known until the Gen- tiles were converted. It was brought to light after Christ had been crucified. The account was re- written by the Nephites on plates and sealed up along with the record of the Nephites. It was this part of the plates, or book, that Joseph Smith did not translate, and is not to be translated until the Gentiles repent. My opponent has the two distinct periods and writings and cir- cumstances confounded, which, by the way, is quite a habit he has of doing things dull scholar that he is. The people of Limhi did not get the plates that were sealed up by the brother of Jared, or the interpreters so far as we have an account, but they obtained the record of Ether written on twenty-four plates. The last Jaredite king lived a long time with the Mulukites, and Mosiah discovered them at Zarahemla. From Coriantumr, the last Jaredite king, the plates of the brother of Jared and interpreters came into the pos- session of the Mulukites, and from them to Mosiah. This appears evident from the i<*ct that the inter pr< era are not spoken of until that time. The Book of Mormon does not state just how the sealed part fell into the hands of the Nephites, but this is the way in which it could very naturally have come in to their hands. There are many things that were not written ; indeed, the record only claims to give an abridgement of the things done. The interpretation of engravings by the "gift and power of God," Book of Mor- mon, page 137, is the same as translating by stones, page 200. The stones were of no benefit only as God would manifest his power and wisdom in the same. Just as with theUrim andThummim, a stone which was in Aaron's breast-plate, that shone by the power of God and through which the high-priest obtained revelations. Josephus says: "It ceased to shine one hundred and fifty years before Christ," i. e., the power of God ceased to accompany the stone ; hence no revelation; and in that. case the stone was worthless as an interpreter or instru- ment through which to gain knowledge. Is this his only "Gordian Knot fr " But he next objects, that the book ought not to be believed because the printer did not do his duty : There are typographical errors, and gramatical errors and errors " et punctu-at-em." Just so. I begin now to see that my opponent means business. Did any of you ever see a book that did not contain such errors ? I never have. When last in Chicago I paid nearly $10 for the best Oxford print Bible, printed upon silk paper and with all the care, it seems, that could possibly have been taken to get it correct; with the advantages of all the various editions of that book, and skilled help, at the command of the publishers, and I have noticed in it since my return home a typographical error. I refer to this to apprise you to begin with, of the diffi- culty in the way of issuing a publication of the size of this book, and having it abso- lutely correct. The Book of Mormon was printed at a small office in a little village of Western New York, 55 years ago, by men who were not scholars, and not much printers either ; and he expects to find everything just right even when examined in the light of the progress in these things, made since that time. My opponent has his mark set high. He wants to see one of the impossibles. He says he can find two thousand mis- takes in the book. Suppose he can, what of it? The American Bible Society make the claim, so I understand, that there are twenty-three thousand errors in the Bible of this character; but does this interfere with the divine claim of that book, or so change the sentiment, or reading that it was not entitled to the respect and belief of all people? Certainly not. In the publication of the Book of Mor- mon he wants God to furnish the means of translating the work ; then to write down the translation as made into English, set up the type, read the proof, and be respon- sible for all poor or worn out type, blunders of copyists, etc., and then, doubtless, he would have the heavy press work done by inspiration. '-Just to think," Bra- THE BRADEN AND KELLEY DEBATE. 201 den says, " of the Lord correcting him- self; revising his own proof reading." He certainly ought to be reasonable if he is not. Does he not know that the chances are ten to one against the scribe of Mr. Smith getting all of the words just as they came from the lips of the translator, to say nothing of the copy from this. The transla- tor had to change scribes often during the time of translating, on account of the per- secutions against him, the violence of mobs and to not have had many mistakes of words and punctuation, would have required a miracle each day equal to that of the rais- ing of Lazarus. Before he has made any point at all against the translation he must show that the original manuscript was wrong and that, too, in sentiment and doctrine. Not simply in the dropping of a word, or the misuse of a word. Such an objection is entirely frivolous when consid- ered by thinking people. The process of translation, as described by those who witnessed it, is clear and reasonable. The power of inspiration was with the unlettered, yet humble boy, during the work of translation. It was as Aaron gazed upon the Urimand Thummim when he received the divine will. But it did not write down the words. Mr. Smith had to procure a scribe who did this. Is it an argument against the truthfulness of it that he did so? The result of the work is a translation that is plain, simple, easy to be understood ; correct in sentiment and thought; pure and elevating in teaching; fully instructive and enlightening, in mor- ality and religion, to both the unlearned and the wise. Who shall demand more ? He has presented no mistakes of teach- ing or thought, neither has my opponent shown a single material difference in the corrections in thought or sentiment in the later editions. There have been correc- tions of grammatical and typographical errors. Again, he states, that Martin Harris told somebody, so somebody told him, that he (Harris) saw the plates by the eye of faith. Suppose he did, what of it? Did he mean by that to convey the idea that he did not see them? On no! he wanted to show that a person was only privileged to see them through the exercise of faith in God. Does any man object to that? That is the way Peter, James and John were permitted to be the especial witnesses of the transfigura- tion in the Mount, and is certainly sensible. Remember that Martin Harris never went back on his testimony in regard to his view- ing the plates and witnessing the manifest- ation of the power of God upon the occa- sion, but affirmed the truth of the same, and the truth of the work all through his life to his enemies and his friends, his neighbors and his own family. But I ask, What is the point to be gained in this dis- cussion by so viciously attacking the char- acter of these witnesses, and that of Joseph Smith, or Sidney Rigdon? Has it been pertinent in answering my argument? Have I attempted to cram you with what any of these parties said about it, and thereby undertaken to prove the Book of Mormon true? Have the Saints ever so held out the claim to the world that men and women should believe in this book be- cause these witnesses said it was true? Does the book so hold? No, sir. All these questions must, in truth, be answered in the negative. No more have we done so than the apostles asked the people in their time to believe in the religion they brought, simply from their statements. The witnesses were for the purpose, of offering to the people a prima facie case, such as would require them, if honest, to hear and investigate the matter, and be sufficiently forcible to hold them responsi- ble for refusing to entertain and consider the message. But their testimony was not all that the people were to be able to test the matter by far from it. That would have been the way for most men to work, but not our Heavenly Father. He says, "To the law and to the testimony ; if they speak not according to this word it is be- cause there is no light in them." Isaiah 8:20. This is the divine rule, and minis- ters ought to abide it. The apostles so proved their faith by the law already be- lieved in by the people, besides being wit- nesses, and thus presenting a prima facie case to the world. Hence Paul says of the citizens of Berea, "These were more noble than those in Thessalonica, in that they re- ceived the word with all readiness of mind, and searched the scriptures daily whether those things were so." Acts 17:11. And Jesus says : "They (the scriptures) are they which testify of me." The true test, then^ of the faith of a peo- ple, is not in the stories told about them by their enemies, or the false witnesses that are so often set up to destroy a good man, as witness the 6th of Acts, 12 to 15 verses; but it is in the consideration of princi- ples, and by the attainment of knowledge through the divine promise. "If any man will do his will he shall know of the doctrine whether it be of God" a higher, grander and more exalting plane than that of hark- eiiing to the voice of the slanderer, or fol- lowing in the trail of the tale-bearer. .202 THE BRADEN AND KELLEY DEBATE. MR. BRADEN'S NINETEENTH SPEECH. GENTLEMEN MODERATORS, LADIES AND GENTLEMKN : Was Joe Smith the origina- tor of Mormon polygamy? The last argu- ment that we present in refutation of our opponent's claim that Joe Smith was a true prophet of God, and that the Book of Mor- mon that he gave to the world is of Divine o igin, aud worthy to be accepted as a reve- lation, is the damning fact that Smith was the originator of the abomination Mormon polygamy, and the author of that blas- phemy entitled, "A Revelation in Regard to Celestial Marriage." This damning fact that after wallowing in lewdness for years, without even the pretended sanction of that profanation of marriage, polygamy, he gave to the world that infamy, blasphemously entitled "A Revelation in Regard to Celes- sial Marriage," and was the originator cf that abomination Mormon polygamy, is enough to sink him and every pretended revelation from him below the vilest depths of the most infamous corner of the lowest hell. On no other topic have the "re-organ- ized" done so much lying to the square inch as in denying that Smith was the origina- tor of Mormon polygamy I propose to end the controversy for ever on that topic. Dr. Mclntyre, family physician of the Smith's in Manchester, N. Y., declares that the house of Joseph Smith, Sr., was a perfect brothel. Ezra Pierce, Samantha Payne and other schoolmates and associates of* the Smith's, testify that Smith was lewd, and so were the family and the entire money hunting gang, and that the digging was done at night by a gang of low men sur- rounded by lewd women, who loafed in the daytime and prowled around at night, and that the Smiths were the worst of the gang. A sister of Joe left New York enceinte and unmarried. Levi Lewis testifies that while Smith was Eretending to translate his pretended plates e tried to seduce Eliza Winters and de- fended his infamous attempt, declaring that adultery was no sin. Dr. John Stafford, a schoolmate, testifies that Joe was a great admirer of Mohammed and the Koran, and defended Mohammed's polygamy and the Koran in teaching it ; and that he heard him repeatedly declare that polygamy was right, and that nature and the Bible taught it. In March, 1832, Smith was stopping at Mr. Johnson's, in Hiram, Ohio, and was mobbed. The mob was led by Eli Johnson, who blamed Smith with being too intimate with his sister Marinda, who afterwards married Orson Hyde. Brigham Young, in after years, twitted Hyde with this fact, and Hjyde, on learning its truth, put away his wife, although they had several chil- dren. Lyman Jonnson, another brother of Marinda Johnson, and a leading Mormon, repeatedly declared that he knew that poly- gamy was practiced by Smith and others in Kirtland. Martin Harris told J. M. Atwater r Mr. Clapp and many others that polygamy was taught and practiced by Smith anil in Kirtland under the name of "spiritual 'wifery." Lewis Bond and Ezra Bond have repeatedly stated that their father and mother, who were amongst the first Mor- mons in Kirtland, repeatedly declared that Smith practiced polygamy in Kirtland, and that he followed a girl into a privy and committed fornication with her. Mrs. Bond made such declarations to Mrs. Hansbury and others. Lewis Bond says his fathej is so disgusted with the dishonesty of the Josephites in denying what he knows to be true, that he will not affiliate with them. Fanny Brewer testifies that Smith had serious trouble in Kirtland, arising from his seducing an orphan girl living in his family, and that Martin Harris told her that Smith was notoriously lewd and untruthful. Mr. Moreton one of the first Apostles, told hi daughter, Mrs. Hansbury, and her hus- band thatEmma Smith detected Joe in adul- tery with a girl by the name of Knight^and that Joe confessed the crime to the officers of the Church. W. W. Phelps stated that while Smith was pretending to translate the papyrus, for his book of Abraham, he declared that polygamy would yet be a- prac^ce of the Saints. Martin Harris told J. M. Atwater, that the doctrine of spiritual wifery was first positively announced as a> revelation, by Rigdon, before a meeting of the officials of the Church, in an old build- ing that used to stand southwest of the Temple, W. S. Smith and others testify that the practice of pealing women to men wa so much talked of at Kirtland, while Smith was there, that it became a by-word on the streets ; and that common report said, that a bitter quarrel between Rigdon and Smith shortly before they left Kirtland was be- cause Smith wanted to have Nancy Rigdon a girl of 16 sealed to him. In the article on marriage on pages 239, 330, Book of Doc- trines and Covenants, adopted, Mormons say by the annual conference in Kirtland, April 1834, we read: "Inasmuch as this Church of Christ has been charged with for- nication and polygamy." This proves that the acts and utterances of Mormons had been such, before April, 1834, that outsiders charged them with polygamy. R. M. Elvin and other leading Josephites have admit- ted that Rigdon' and. Smith have taught Spiritual wifery^or "sealing women to men in time for eternity." They claim that it confers none of the privileges of marriage, but when a woman allows another man, besides her husband, toge't such control over her, as to be sealed to him in marriage call it spirit- ual, or celestial, or what not she will allow him the privileges of terrestial marriage. Such was the result in Smith's case always. In the "Elders' Journal," edited by Joe THE BRADEN AND KELLEY DEBATE. Smith, No. 2, page 38, published in Kirt- land, November 1837, in an editorial, Smith publishes some questions that he says "Were asked daily and hourly, by all clas- ses of persons while we were traveling." The 7th is "Do Mormons believe in having more wives than one?" Smith himself con- fesses that the acts and utterances of Mor- mons had been such, that all classes of per- sons asked him daily and hourly, while he was journeying- between Kirtlandand Far West. "Do Mormons believe in having more wives than one?" Scores of persons who were prominent among the Mormons in Missouri, have declared that Smith confid- ed to his confidants, that he had received a revelation in favor of polygamy, but that it was not prudent to make it public. The time had not come to make known the will of the Lord. In Nauvoo, while discussing the extraordinary power conferred by the char- ter they intended to ask from the Illinois Jegislature, Smith said that they needed such extraordinary powers, for the Turk, with his harem, would come toNauvoo, and they must have power to protect him in polygamy. Smith declared in a sermon he preached in 1840, that polygamy was right'. It was right, in the sight of God, for a man to have as many wives as he pleased. Peo- ple of polygamous countries would be con- verted and want to come to Zion, and Mor- mons must have polygamy as an establish- ed institution, and then they could bring their polygamous wives with them. He made the same argument from the Bible that Brighamites now make. This sermon raised such a storm he became alarmed, and tried to lie out of his revelation of polyga- my, by declaring that he was only trying them (the Mormons). But he rebuked them for their rebellious spirit in daring to oppose what he said, and told them that their hardness of heart prevented the will of the Lord being revealed and carried out. He practiced polygamy himself and taught it to other leading Mormons, who also practiced it in secret and taught it to others. His intimacy with Julia Murdoch, his adopted daughter, caused trouble with his wife, who sent the girl to her father. At one time he had in the Mansion House eleven girls, that he called his daughters, saying that he had adopted them to take care of them. His wife left the house and he had to dismiss his harem, to silence the fecandal, and get his wife back. Rushton, who was a sort of factotum about the Man- sion House, testifies that while Mrs. Smith was in St. Louis on business, the wife of a leading Mormon took her place in Joe's bed, and that he saw her there when he went to Joe's room for some keys. The complais- ant husband was made an apostle for his submission to the will of the Lord. Did space permit we could give the sworn state- ments of Orson Pratt's wife, Wm. Law's wife, Dr. Foster's wife, Wm* Mark's daugh- ter, Nancy Rigdon, Martha Brotherton, Melissa SoLindle, and a score more of as re- spectable women as ever lived in Nauvoo. that Smith tried to seduce them into spirit- ual wifery. We could quote the affidavits 'of scores of men and women that positively swear that they knew of his lewedness with scores of women. We could quote the rev- elations of Van Duzen and his wife and others in regard to the orgies of the Endow- ment House. The fact that these revelations made before the death of Smith, are an ex- act description of the orgies of the Endow- ment House as practiced in Utah, proves that they were practiced in Nauvoo before Smith's death, as these parties declare, and that Smith was their author as Utah Mor- mons now declare. In the fall of 1842 Joe secretly performed the first plural marriage ceremony. He married Wm. Noble to his first plural wife, and Noble united Joe to his sister. Joe had had scores of spiritual wives be/ore this, but without the farce of a ceremony of marriage. Soon after he took the beautiful wife of B. H. Jacobs as a plural wife as she and otherg testify. In the winter of 1843 Smith gave to 8. H. Jacobs an article presenting the usual arguments for polygamy. Jacobs pub- lished it in the "Wasp" and in pamphlet form. Joe was trying the Saints again. The opposition to the infamy alarmed him again, and he tried to lie out of it, and pre- tended to oppose polygamy. He told the peo- ple again that their rebellious spirit would not let the will of the Lord be made known. In the spring of 1843, however, matters had gone so far, so many had gone into polyg- amy, Joe's wife was making so much oppo- sition to his course, that he could wear his mask no longer. June 12th, 1843, he dicta- ted to William Clayton "A Revelation in Regard to Celestial Marriage." N, K. Whitney, who has done more of Mormon official writing than any other man, de- clares he heard it dictated to Clayton, and that he copied it from the copy taken down by Clayton. Joseph C. Kinsbury testifies that he heard it dicta ted and copied it also. When the original copy, taken down by Clayton, was presented to Smith's wife, she declared it was from the devil and burned it. David Fullmer and others who were Apostles and high Councillors testify that Hyram Smith presented the revelation to the Apostles and the Council, and that it was adopted and sanctioned. In the Spring of 1844 Marks, Higbee, Law and otherg seceded and held meetings. In these meetings, ladies of the highest character, positively testified that Smith and other Mormon leaders had tried to seduce them into polygamy. Scores testified to the poly- gamy of Smith and Mormon leaders, and to the abominations of the Endowment House, and other secret meetings of the Mormons. In June 1844 the malcontents issued a paper called the "Nauvoo Exposi- tor." In it were affidavits of sixteen ag respectable ladies as were in Nauvoo, that Smith and other Mormon leaders had tried to seduce them into polygamy. Joe's answer was to send a mob of his tools to destroy the press and compel the publishers to flv for their lires. They swore out war- 204 THE BRADEN AND KELLEY DEBATE. rants for the arrest of Smith. He was put In jail at Cartage and murdered, not by Missiourians and Illinoisians, but by men ' whose wives and daughters he had tried to ruin. He fell, not as a martyr to religion, but as a victim to his own crimes, as he himself declared when going to Carthage. Such are the facts in regard to the career of Smith in his connection with Mormon polygamy. We prove our statement by the testimony of intimate acquaintances of Smith in New York, leading Mormons and citizens in Kirtland, leading Mormons in Missouri, leading Mormons in Nauvoo. We have cited the statements and certificates of scores. We prove that Smith was the author of the revelation in favor of Poly- gamy by Clayton to whom he dictated it. Whitney and Kingsbury who heard it dictated and copied it. By Fullmer and other apostles and councillors to whom Hyram Smith presented it, and by whom it was sanctioned. We cite the testimony of Edwin Hunter, presiding bishop of Utah church, in an affidavit dated Salt Lake City, September 1st, 1883. He solemnly swears, "Since 1842 he has held most intimate re- lations, personal and official, with the lead- ing men of the Church. President Joseph Smith was his warmest personal friend, he was herald and armor-bearer to Joseph. From this very intimate and personal rela- tion and intercourse he knows that Joseph Smith both taught and practised the celes- tial and eternal order of marriage from the beginning of our acquaintance to the time of his death." This is but one of scores that can be cited, scores to whom Smith taught polygamy. The testimony of Eliza R. Snow, Eliza Par- tridge, Emily Partridge, Lucy Walker, Mrs. Jacobs and others to whom Smith was married in polygamy. The testimony of others who saw him married in polygamy among the rest, the oath of his niece, the daughter of Hyram Smith, that she saw him married in poly- gamy. The oaths of persons for whom he performed the ceremony of plural marriage. W. Noble, J. B. Noble, J. D. Lee, and others. The reply to all this array of evidence is an impudent denial, without one particle of rebutting testimony, and abuse of the witnesses as liars and per- jurers. As the persons who now pour out such abuse did not make such denials when the facts were recent, and make them now when they think the evidence can be weak- ened by such denials, on account of lapse of time, these denials are merely the retort of the cornered ruffian, "You are a liar." It is amusing to read the weak efforts of the Josephites to get rid of the damning fact that Impostor Joe was the originator of those abominations, Mormon polygamy and the revelation in favor of it. They remind one of the lawyer who was defending a man charged with stealing a kettle and failing to return it. He said I. The plain- tiff never had a kettle. II. We never bor- rowed his kettle. III. We returned the kettle. IV. The kettle was worthless. V. We paid for the kettle. VI. The kettle was ours in the first place. In like manner, I. T. W. Smith suggests that in giving Im- postor Joe that revelation in favor of poly- gamy, the Lord did not do different from what he did in his revelation to David through Nathan; thus tacitly admitting that Joe did have such a revelation and that it is all right. II. The leading editorial in the first number of the Saints' Herald says that the Lord gave that revelation to Joe to punish Joe and the Mormons. III. In the same number Isaac Sheen says Joe had such a revelation and that it was from the devil. IV. Joe lied and said he received such a revelation, when he did not. V. It is a lie and a forgery gotten up by Utah Mormons. VI. It is a lie told by the Gentiles. As the "clodings" peddler tells us, "you takes which you likes." It is all the same material lie throughout. When the Jo- sephites started, they did not dare to deny that Joe was the originator of Mormon poly- gamy, and the author of that revelation. The facts were too recent and there was too much evidence to be lied down. Forty years have elapsed since the revelation was given and over fifty since Joe first taught and practised polygamy. Now they impudently try to lie out of it. We will stop all such lying attempts by quot- ing their own testimony, given when they started, and when the facts were recent and the evidence so palpable that they freely admitted the truth themselves. On page 26 of the Saints' Herald, Vol. 1, No. 1, William Marks, one of the leaders iu there-organization movement, one of their founders and a leader till his death, declares that June 1844 he was presiding elder of the Stake at Nauvpo, and presiding officer of the High Council. At that time the Church had in a great measure departed from the pure doctrines and principles of Jesus Christ, it was revealed to him that the only way to purify the church was to dis-organize it. A few days after this revelation to him, the Prophet Joseph sought an interview with him, and said to him in these words, verba- tim, for they were indelibly impressed on his memory : " He had for a long time desired to have an Interview 11 with me on the subject of polygamy. It would prove ' the overthrow of the church and we would have to ' leave the United States on account of it. He would ' go before the congregation and proclaim against it. ' 1 n must go before the High council and proclaim against it. He would prefer charges against those ia 'transgression, and I must sever them from the * Church, if they would not make complete satis- faction. ' From this clear, positive and circumstan- tial evidence of one who was high in au- thority at Nauvoo when Smith's influence as a prophet was omnipotent in the church one who was intimate with Smith one who knew perfectly all that was going on in the church one who was one of the founders of the Re-organization and a leader till his death, as given in the first number of the official organ of the Re-organized, we prove : THE BRA DEN AND KELLEY DEBATE. 205 I. That while Smith was living, and when his influence as a prophet was omnip- otent in the church, this abomination was so prevalent that Marks, presiding elder at Nauvoo, declared that the only way to pu- rify the church was to dis-organize it. II. That this abomination, polygamy, prevailed to such an extent that its author, Smith, became alarmed and declared that it would be the ruin of the church, and that the Mormons would be driven out of the United States on account of it. III. The testimony of Marks and of Smith himself substantiates the charges of the witnesses we have cited, that polygamy was prevalent in the church when it was nnder the control of Smith, and when his influence as prophet was omnipotent in it. Also the statements of witnesses in regard to the orgies of the Endowment House and other secret meetings in Nauvoo. The church had become corrupt in polygamy and lust. Marks does not state how far Smith was responsible for the horrible state of affairs that so alarmed him, but as he had been and was the great prophet, and as his influ- ence was omnipotent, so startling an inno- vation as polygamy could not have become so prevalent unless, as hundreds of wit- nesses testify, he was the originator of it. Josephites appeal to Marks' statement that Smith told Marks that he and Marks must oppose it. True, but it was because he found that the people of the United States would drive the Mormons out of the country on account of it, and thus ruin Mormonism. We quote from page 27 of the first num- ber of the official organ of the Josephites a statement of Isaac Sheen, one of the found- ers of the Re-organization, and one of the leaders till his death : "Joseph Smith repented of his connection with this doctrine (polygamy) and said it was from the devil. He caused the revelation on that su) ject (polygamy) to be burnt. When he voluntarily came back to Nauvoo and surrendered himself into the hands of his enenves, he said he was going to Carthff> to die. At that time he also said that if it bad not been for that accursed spiritual wife doctrine be never would have come to that" (condition.) By this positive statement, published with approval in the first number of the official organ of the Josephites, and made by one of the editors, a founder of the Jo- sephites and a leader till his death, we prove: I. That Joseph was the author of the vile pretended revelation in favor of poly- gamy. II. That the statement made by Mor- mons in Utah is true, that the original of the revelation was burned. Sheen tries to give Smith credit for burning it. Utah Mormons tell the truth and say that his wife burned it. III. That Smith publicly and openly confessed that he was the author of it, and that the death he feared would be caused by his crimes in polygamy. We will now clinch the matter by quoting from the leading editorial in the first num- ber of the official organ of the Re-organized, written, it is said, by Z. H. Gurley, one of the founders of the Josephites and a leader in that body, and an editor of that official organ from which we quote, pages 8 and 9 : "This adulterous spirit" (of polygamy) "had so captivated their hearts" (the hearts of the Mormons), "that they" (the Mor- mons) "desired license from God to lead away captive" (in polygamy) "the fair daughters of his people." Could the Lord do anything more or less than Ezekiel hath prophecied? The Lord hath declared by Ezekiel what kind of an answer he would give them. Therefore he answered them according to the multitude of their idols. Paul had also prophecied "for this cause God shall send them strong delusions that they might believe a lie, and that they all might be damned." In Ezekiel the Lord also says "I will set my face against that man, the prophet, and I will cut him off from the midst of my people, and ye shall know that I am the Lord." The death of the prophet (Joseph Smith) is a fact that has been realized, although he repented of :his iniquity (polygamy), "and abhorred it before his death." By this leading editorial of the first num- ber of the official organ of the Re-organized, written by one of the founders and leaders of the Josephites, one familiar with Smith, and what transpired in Nauvoo we prove. I. That Smith was the author of the revelation in favor of polygamy, and that his death by violence was caused by his connection with the iniquity of polygamy. II. That Smith repented of this iniquity before his death. This confirms Sheen's testimony. These three declarations of founders of Josephites made in the first number of their official organ ought to palsy the tongues of the Josephites with shame, when they are trying to lie out of the truth in regard to Smith's polygamy. The Josephites assert that these men have since retracted their statements. If that were true it would merely show that in the first number of the "Saints' Herald," when the facts were re- cent, they stated what was true, because the evidence could not then be gainsayed ; and that since then, when they think that the evidence has disappeared, they are try- ing to lie out of the truth they once con- fessed. But we defy Josephites to produce evidence that-they have ever retracted these statements. These statements stood for years unquestioned and admitted. Now Josephites try by cheek and impudence to lie out of the damning fact that Joe Smith was the originator of Mormon poly- gamy. The evasions of Josephites when forced to face this crushing array of testi- mony are contemptible in their weakness. They heap abuse on the one who presents the evidence. That is as sensible as it would be for a pettifogger to abuse the law- yer whose array of evidence he could not meet. It matters not what the lawyer may be. That does not affect one particle the evidence of the witnesses he presents. They abuse and villify the witnesses. They ar liars, slanderers, &c., although they are 206 THE BRADEN AND KELLEY DEBATE. most ef them Mormons, and were leaders among the Mormons before they gave their testimony. Calling them names will not get aside their evidence. They appeal to the denials of Smith and others. The cheek displayed in such a plea colossal. On the same ground every scoun- drel arraigned for crime should be declared innocent because he denies it. If persons who accept such denials were judges in criminal trials, they would set every scoun- drel free the moment he set up the plea, "not guilty." If men commit so infamous a crime as polygamy, they will not hesitate to lie out of it. The Pratts, Taylor, Richards and others, who united with Smith in such denials, now admit that they and Smith were practicing polygamy, when the deni- als were made, and that th- and Smith lied in denying it, because it not then prudent to avow it. Smith's revelations and teachings contain many instances where concealment and deception were com- manded under similar circumstances. Smith's character for fraud, lying, cheat- ing and deception were notorious all his life. The impudence of persons who will appeal the denials of such a person in the face of hundreds of witnesses whose testimony is clear and direct, is idiotic it its silliness. When the clear positive testimony of O. Pratt, P. P. Pratt, Taylor, Richards, Kings- bury, Clayton, and scores of others is quoted to the Josephites, that they saw Smith unite in plural marriage many per- sons, that they saw him married in plural marriage, that he united them to other men and women in plural marriage; that he dictated, in their presence, the revelation in favor of plural marriage; they howl "Brighamite" " Polygamist ", and sneer at the one quoting the testimony, for uniting with Utah polygamistsin defaming the character of martyred Joseph. The Josephites publish and use as their stand- ards, the works of the Pratts and other Utah Mormons. They quote their testi- mony in their books, and accept it un- questioned, on all topics, except their positive declaration that Smith was the originator of polygamy. If these men and women are worthy of perfect credence on all other topics, as the Josephites show, by the way they quote them, they are worthy of as much credence, when they declare that Smith was the author of p'ol.vgamy. The course of the Josephites in this is ab- surdly contradictory, and is an insult to the good sense of all people of sense. They quote these parties with absolute confidence on all other matters, and they cannot reject their evidence on this topic merely because it contradicts their lying attempt to lie out of Smith's connection with polygamy. Young Joseph appeals to what he says his mother told him. If Emma Smith ever made such statements to him she lied in the face of what she knew hundreds knew Of her troubles with Joe in New York, over Eliza Winters, and in Kirtland over the Knight girl and several others, that she herself charged Joe with adultery in Kirt- land, and that he confessed it to her and the Church, that she sent Julia Murdoch to her father because of Joe's intimacy with her, that she left the Mansion House in Nauvoo on account of Joe's harem of girls, and that she knew of his polygamy, and was present at his marriage to four of his plural wives. She either lied in the face of all this evidence, or young Joseph lied in manufacturing that evidence. I have heard several persons who were intimate with her and her history, make this statement. Finally they appeal to the teachings of the Book of Mormon and the Book of Doctrines and Covenants. The Book of Mormon condemns secret societies in scores of instances, far more positively than it does polygamy, yet Rig- don, Smith, and leading Mormons become members of such societies, and instituted them, in the face of these scores of positive condemnations of them. Several as glaring violations of the teach- ings of the Book of Mormon can be cited. The teachings of the standards of the church do not amount to a feather's weight in the face of such an array of evidence of the facts ; especially when Smith trampled them under foot in scores of instances. But the Book of Mormon leaves the door open to polygamy. Immediately after t e passage quoted to prove that it condemns polygamy, occurs this language. After de- claring that the people must keep the com- mandment against polygamy, just given to them, it adds, "For if I will raise up a seed unto me, saith the Lord of hosts, I will command my people. Otherwise they shall keep my commandments," (against poly- gamy). This means just this, "If I will raise up a seed unto me, I will command my people to practise polygamy. Until then they are to keep my present commandment against polygamy," That this is what it means is evident from the fact that in the pretended revelation in favor of polygamy the great object of polygamy is declared to be to "raise up a seed unto the Lord." In that sentence following the commandment against polygamy the door is left open for polygamy, when Rigdon and Smith chose to introduce it. This is confirmed by Smith's language in an entry in his diary under date of October 5th, 1843. " Gave instructions to try those persons who were ' teaching, practising and preaching the doctrine of ' plurality of wives. For according to the law; I hold ' the keys to tliis power (to teach and practise poly. 1 gamy ) in the lust days, for there is never but one ' on the earth, at a time, on whom this power ( to teach and practice polygamy), or its keys are conferred. ' And I have constantly said, that no mnn shall have ' but one wife at a time, unlets the Lord orders other- ' wise." Smith does not order persons to be dealt with because polygamy is wrong, but be- cause they are rushing ahead with it without authority from him. They are making it too public and leading others into it, when he alone has that power. He teaches that men shall have but one wife, unless the Lord, through him, gives permission to THE BRADEN AND KELLEY DEBATE. 207 have more than one. Joe had given the revelation in favor of polygamy, but he had not allowed it to be publicly taught yet. Persons could avail themselves of the license it gave, only as he, in person, allowed them to do so. Such are the facts in the case in regard to Smith's polygamy. There is not as clear evidence in favor of any pretended revelation Joe ever gave, as in favor of this revelation in favor of poly- gamy. The Josephites have no more warrant to reject this, than any other revelation. We defy the Josephites to present as clear evidence that Smith dictated any other re- velation, as we have presented for this. As clear evidence that he gave any other revelation, or as clear evidence that Smith practised any other practice, as we have given that he practised polygamy. Let them select the revelation cr practice and undertake it. As intelligent a Mormon as the writer ever met declared to him that she was disgusted with the duplicity of the Josephites in denying the palpable facts of history. The only true course was to acknowledge the truth that Smith was guilty of licentiousness and polygamy, and was the author of the revelation in its favor, and then claim that it no more affected the Book of Mormon than Solomon's poly- gamy affected his writings. Will Joseph Smith and his followers cease to deny the plainest facts of history and own the truth in regard to Smith's connec- tion with polygamy. They are lying for no purpose, for no one believes them, and the only result is to cover them with infamy for their impudent falsehood. KELLEY'S CLOSING SPEECH ON FIRST PROPOSITION. GENTLEMEN MODERATORS, LADIES AND GENTLEMEN : It is with no little gratifica- tion and pleasure that I am again permitted to claim your attention in the consideration of the question, "Is the Book of Mormon of Divine origin, and are its teachings entitled to the respect and belief of all Christian people?" This is also my last thirty minutes upon the proposition, and after answering the ob- jections and assertions last presented by my opponent, I shall pass to a review and general summary of the arguments and positions upon the questions by both dis- putants. I am surprised to find my opponent at this late time in the discussion, telling the audience how much he can prove. He has now had ten evenings in which to do this, and he has not done it. I suggest that it will look better for him to first do some- thing if he can towards proving his stories, or meeting the argument of the affirmative, and then tell you what he has done. I have been waiting and listening with patience too, these ten evenings for some testimony to meet, or arguments to reply to, but nothing has fallen upon my ears ex- cept bundles and scraps of the most dog- matical assertions, bound up with state- ments of what he can Drove by Mr. Ru- dolph, or by witnesses" from Mr. Howe's book, or Mr. Tucker's ; or what Mr. Camp- bell, Mrs. Amos Dunlap or somebody else has said. Of these persons named by him, are Mr. Rudolph, a minister of his own de. nomination, who lives but three miles away, and Mr. Howe who lives but nine. Of these I took the firm position from the very first, that I had myself had conversations with both within the past few months, and that neither of them in fact knew a single thing that was in the least contradictory to my positions upon this question, and invited him to put them upon the stand here for examination, the latter at my expense. Has he done so? Has he tried to have them appear? Will I find him after this discus- sion has closed, traveling the. country through, and telling what he can do, or what his witnesses knew? But he says now, that he don't claim Mr. Howe as a wit- ness, only as a lawyer who compiled the evidence. But I have attacked the compi- lation itself, the manner of the work and what it contains. Shown the gross perver- sions and misquotations in it, and demand- ed that' Mr. Howe first satisfactorily ac- count for this, and the destruction of the originals of the purported statements and affidavits contained in that book, and the original manuscript of Mr. Spaulding before it is proper under any view of the case to use them before this audience. This is the only basis Mr. Braden has for these stories. All pretended authors, in all their publications of these, either took them from Howe's book or some other work that had taken them from his book, and the en- tire list when examined, have gone down as having been concocted in the same spirit and manner as the story of the guards of the sepulchre who were made to say, "His dis- ciples came by night and stole him away while we slept." But he now has anothei witness on what Rigdon said in 1820. 208 THE BRADEN AND KELLEY DEBATE. Suppose it to be true that Sidney Rigdon did take the position in 1826, or 1827, that the Apostolic religion could not be intro- duced in full, unless it was with the gifts accompanying and following the believer in Christ, what of it? Was it not a truth readily ascertained from the reading of the New Testament? He would not in this have been adverse to Charles Wesley. The same doctrine was taught by Mr. Wesley. And yet he could not claim for a moment that Mr. Wesley had anything to do in connection with Mr. Smith in getting up the Book of Mormon. Such statements as this which he has placed before you for argument, only lay bare the terrible weakness of his positions. Again he has tried to run something in the discussion this evening at the last hour in the hope that he might possibly be able to throw me off the main argument and get me to leave the question under dis- cussion, as he has done, and debate a new issue. What other reason could he have had for charging polygamy at the last hour? Was it because he thought I had not the time to answer him, and also make a summary of my arguments, and he would thus further prejudice your minds against Mr. Smith? What has polygamy to do with the debate upon the present question? Does he suppose that I cannot answer the false and slanderous charge of polygamy against Joseph Smith? and does he not know that I have answered in this country abler men, and those better posted upon that charge than is Mr. Braden or any preacher of the so-called Christian church ? (Applause.) Those, too, who have had far better opportunity for knowing as to the truth of the charge. It is a comparatively easy matter to answer to that charge under a proper question and at a proper time. I have only to refer to my books and the many citizens of Kirtland here to show that the parties who have been peddling on the outside that theSaints believed in polygamy while here in Kirtland, or any kind of mar- riage in any relation contrary to the one lawful wedlock in monogamy, have told absolute falsehoods having no reasonable basis whatever for such assertions. The people of Utah themselves who be- lieve in and practice polygamy, pretend to no such thing. And persons' who are so given to tale-bearing as to insidiously hawk about such things against a people innocent of any such charge are in a far more deplora- ble condition than any classes of the Saints whom it has been my lot to meet. The law of the church was then, and is now, specific upon this question. In para- graph 2 of section 42, in a Revelation to the church in 1831, the instruction is emphatic: "Thou shalt love thy wife with all thy heart, and shall cleave unto her and none else, and he that looketh upon a woman to lust after her shall deny the faith and shall not have the spirit ; and if he repents not he shall be cast out." Again, in section 49, paragraph 3, it is written : "I say unto you that whoso forbiddeth to marry is not ordained of God, for marriage is ordained of God unto man; therefore it is lawful that he should have one wife, and they twain shall be one flesh, and all this that the earth might answer the end of its creation; and that it might be filled with the measure of man. according to his crea- tion before the world tvas made. 1 ' This is the strongest sentence expressive of but a single person of each sex in proper wedlock that I have ever met with in any book, and it came in a revelation to the church here in Kirtland, through Joseph Smith. Yet he seeks to lug into this dis- cussion the question of polygamy to arouse the mean sense of prejudice of the people. His own arguments, however, completely decapitate him. He says that "Elder Wm. Marks stated in a letter that Joseph Smith told him in the year 1844, just before his death, that he (Smith) would prefer charges against those in transgression, and that he wanted him (Marks) to cut them off from the churcii." That being true, it certainly could not be true what ho stated but a few moments before, that Joseph Smith was in transgression while here in Kirtland. It was six years before this that Mr. Smith was in KirUand, and yet he has him makiug charges against the transgressors. Braden wants you to believe that Mr. Smith was himself in transgression and was to prefer charges against himself. The absurdity of that conclusion has only to be referred to in order that it be exposed. Who does not know that Mr. Smith could not have been guilty of any such a thing for" six years while right with these parties without their knowledge? And such being the case, it is perfectly absurd to think that he would have dared to instruct Elder Marks, the President of the High Council in Nauvoo, that he would prefer charges against the transgressors and Elder Marks should cut them off. And to do also as he did in Feb- ruary of that same year, cut a man off from the church for that same crime, publicly and fearlessly. In connection with Elder Z. H. Gurley of Iowa, I met this question of the origin of polygamy among the Latter Day Saints be- fore the Judiciary Committee of the House of Representatives during the first session of the 47th Congress, and we were able there, and in our "memorial," and "argu- ment," presented to the President and each Senator and Representative, to maintain our case in opposition to those versed in the theory of those people who believe in poly- gamy ; and do you think I could not sustain my position here? Mr. Bradeu : Do it, do it. Mr. Kelley : I am ready and prepared to do it if you 'wish to take up that question. But I shall not leave the question now un- der consideration to do it. I am in the affirmative here. Suppose that Mr. Smith did have more wives than one, what has what he did, after the oublication of the Book of Mormon, to do with the question of whether it is true THE BRADEN AND KELLEY DEBATE. 209 or not? There is no dispute by anybody of the fact that his first, and as we claim his only marriage, took place in the year 1827, the same year he began the translation of which this book is the result. He was then but twenty-one years of age. But further, I open the Book of Mormon here at page 116, and read as follows : "For behold, thus saith the Lord, this people [the ancient Inhabitants] begin to wax in iniquity; they understand not the scriptures, for they seek to excuse themselves in committing whoredoms, because of the things which were written concerning David and Solo- mon, his son. Behold, David and Solomon truly had many wives and concubines, which thing was abom- inable before me, saith the Lord ; wherefore, thus saith the Lord, I have led this people forth out of the land of Jerusalem, by the power of mine arm, that I might raise up unto me a righteous brunch from the fruit of the loins of Joseph. [Joseph in Egypt.] Wherefore I, the Loid God, will not suffer that this people shall do like unto them of old. Wherefore my brethren, hear me, and hearken to the word of the Lord : for there shall not any man among you have, save it be one wife, and concubines he shall have none: For I, the Lord God, dclighteth in the chastity of women and whoredoms are an abomination before me: Thus saith the Lord of Hosts " Polygamy then is clearly condemned by this book under discussion. I open to other works of the church and I find that it is absolutely denounced ; and I fail to find a single word, scratch of the pen, or fully established act of Joseph Smith, in any place during his life, where he ever in any manner or way approved or counten- anced in any form at any time a sentiment or thought contrary to, or in disregard of, the veritable teaching of Jesus Christ upon the sacred rite of marriage, wherein he says: "Have ye not read, that he which made them at the beginning made them male and female; and for this cause shall a man leave father and mother, and shall cleave to his wife ; and they twain shall be one flesh." Matt. 19:4, 5. Some pretend to believe that he practiced polygamy privately; but after a careful and candid examination of what they have claimed as evidences for this, I have found that they have invariably fallen far short of what would honestly be called, under the laws of evidence, proofs. Whereas, on the other hand, I have also noticed that the claim has either been made by persons who would like to have it so, in order to ( in a manner) excuse their own evil practices, or by those who desired it BO, in order that they might have a weapon with which to assail the faith of the Saints. Then there is no foundation for, or reason In any shape why Mr. Bradeu should make his polygamic assault here to claim my attention. Now there have been a great many stories told here by him ; and a great many things asserted and reasserted with regard to character, and he has jumped from one conclusion to another, in order to dodge the real question at issue, prejudice your minds, and save his failing cause. But in fact he has only succeeded in proving one instance to this audience as yet, to show that there has been lying and stealing going on, as he has charged ; and that was the instance where he proved that his Campbellite Minister, whom he put upon the stand ( Mr. Moss ) stole a revelation from Martin Harris' Hat. ( Applause.) When my time was called I was discuss- ing the manner of honorable debate and showing you how persons might lespect- fully prove or disprove the claims of the Book of Mormon, or any other work making a claim to inspiration. Showing that these things are brought to the attention of the people : First: In the form or character of signed statements, or petitions which are properly used to set forth the truth of a matter, and when in harmony with established rules may be said to establish a primes facie case. This is not such a class of evidence howev- er, as will enter with any degree of force in determining the truth of a matter at issue. Second. The evidence to be afterwards in- troduced to prove the case set forth in these statements, or duly prepared petitions. The joined issue is ascertained by an exam- ination of the points in these orderly state- ments. The positions taken and the claims made by the parties. But, in this discus- sion, my opponent has tried to make the is- sue upon the characters of the signers ; which position I have certainly proved can- not be tolerated under the divine rule, as it makes no difference in the argument wheth- er a man comes from the mean city of Naz- areth, is called a "wine bibber, "glutton- ous," "stirer up of sedition," or a "deceiv- er," the rule is: "If I say the truth why do you not believe?" Never mind if they do say I am the carpenter's son, and Mary is my mother, and Joses and Simon, and Judas and James are my brothers ; nor whether I eat with "publicans and sinners," or wash before or after eating. "Which of you convinceth me of sin," (by the word.) "He that is of God heareth, (receiveth, abideth in, judgeth by,) God's word." But aside from this I told you from the outset of this discussion that I offered the statements signed by these witnesses for the purpose of setting forth the object, character, and claims of the work, under the rule requiring me to present my case. I showed in this way that I had upon all points complied with the law in this regard and then proceeded to bring the evidence as provided in the law to prove my case. There were three ways in which I could do this, and prove it beyond a reasonable doubt; I could follow one or all; but if I proved it in either way, I would be entitled to the verdict, which would be, that the Book of Mormon is of divine origin, and its teachings are entitled to the respect and belief of all Christian people. 1. By the internal evidences of the book itself. Examining them under the rule in the constitutional and accepted standard, the Bible: "Whosoever transgresseth and abideth not in the doctrine of Christ hath not God. He that abideth in the doc- trine of Christ, he hath both the Father and the 8011. If there come any unto you and bring not this doctrine, receive him not in- to your house, neither bid him God speed." 210 THE BRADEN AND KELLEY DEBATE. From the first I read copiously from the Book of Mormon to show that in doctrine and teaching it was absolutely in harmony with the New Testament, and that whoso- ever in faith and doctrme was a believer in the principals taught in the Bible, was al- ready a believer m the doctrine and faith set forth in this book. Further I affirmed that the sentiments which I read were in perfect harmony and keeping with all oth- er sentiments contained in the Book and held out as a rule of faith and practice ; and called upon my opponent to produce a single paragraph of bad instruction contain- ed in the book if he could. What was his answer to these proofs? "Impostor Joe," and a "set of rascals." "Mormon ism, and the Mormon Deity," "We have all the revela- tion God ever intended the world should have in the Bible." We think God spoke to Peter and Paul, but as for t'his book we don't want it. Just because ! That has been his strongest argument all the way through the entire ten evenings. Then when this was stale he referred you to what Aaron Wright said what he heard read twenty years before he said it. And. ditto, Henry Lake, John Miller, et al, in Howe's book, beautifully closing the argument with "and it came to pass." 2. The second way in which I could under the law prove my case was by taking the things written in the lav? prophetically, and prove my claim by comparing it with the prophetic utterances, and if the book in its object and charcter was in agreement with them, and no other reasonable inter- pretation of these prophecies was adverse, I would be entitled to a judgment of having sustained the question upon that. I cited these prophecies and showed their fulfilment, and that thebo:k was well for- tified with these from Gent sis to the Apoc- alypse, a summary of which I will give you this evening, and he answered me with "the Koran will apply as well to the passages." And then it was Sidney Rigdon, and again the character of the witnesses to the Book of Mormon, and the Spaulding story." What had all of this to do with my argu- ment upon the prophecies? I was not ask- ing him to take what the witnesses said abuut it. I only offered them as the signers to a respectable paper showing that I had a prima facie case. What has he to say about the evidences I bring from the prophecies in support of the work ? "If you believe in Moses and the prophets ye would believe in me, for they wrote of me." This is the po- sition of the Savior upon the question of how to test a case by the prophecies. My claim here and the claim of the Saints for this book is strictly in harmony with this in- struction of Jesus and it should be so exam- ined: Moses and the prophets, and Jesus Christ, and some of the apostles spoke and wrote of it. 3. The third line of proof was by the prophetic evidence contained in the book Itself and demonstrated to be such : First. By showing that the statements made in the record of the habitation, char- acter, condition, nativity, enlijarhtenmant and final termination of the ancient races of man (and in many instances of classes of animals), of the continent were such that if true, the work must be of a divine ori- gin, for when published a knowledge of these things had not been attained by the world. This could be attested by the intro- duction of such evidences as have, since the publication of the book, been brought to- light through research and discovery. Second. By the occurrence of certain re- markable events in fulfillment of prophetic statements made in the book, and which have taken place within the knowledge of the people since the publication. To sub- stantiate this I presented the attested greatness of the ancient civilizations of America by their works, monuments and ruined palaces and cities, discovered and explored since the publication of the Boo.k of Mormon. And secondly, gave the his- tory and narration of certain things which had occurred in fulfillment of predictions in the book, showing that as predicted therein on page 103, tne blood of the Saints had gone up into the ears of the Lord of Sabaoth in the diabolical butchery of their men, women and children in Missouri and Illinois ; that the devouring fire, and fierce and vivid lightnings, earthquakes, and smoke in foreign lands, so as to crimson the rays of the suu itself, had taken place as foretold by one of the prophets on page 496 ; that the book from the first had been fought as and called a Bible by its enemies as pre- dicted in it on page 105 ; that the historical early and latter rains had returned to re- freshen and bless Palestine, and prepare for Israel's return there soon after its pub- lication, as foretold on pages 102 and 107; that the peculiar work of the cyclone had taken place to the astonishment of all peo- ple, as declared in the book in the figure of the "tempest," and many other predictions and the fulfillment that I might name. To all of this what has been his answer? 1. That Joseph Smith could have gained this knowledge of the habitation, greatness and civilizations from things already known, to the world of the antiquities of America, and as a proof, cited Priest's work that was published before the Book of Mormon, he said. I took his (Priest's) work, and showed that what he had cited you as a prior pub- lication of Mr. Priest was not a work upon antiquities at all, but a book of tales entit- led, "The Wonders of Nature and Provi- dence." He made a great display of the names of authors Priest quoted from, men- tioning Boudinot, Edwards, Elliot, Cotton Mather, et al. ; but failed to read to you a single thing these men had said upon the subject; and, indeed, they had said nothing except as to enter their speculations upon the subject of whether the American In- dians? were the descendants of the "lost tribes of Israel." I had preceded him, how- ever, in this, showing there were such spec- ulations ; but what had all this to do with the great civilizations, works of art, loca- tion of cities, skill and mechanism, towering THE BRADEN AND KELLEY DEBATE. 211 e hope of your naming, (one hope through the name by which you are called), one Lord, one faith, one baptism, one Ood and Father of all. who ia over all and through all and in all." Paul lays down eight items, eight planks in the platform forChristian union. 1. One God, the Father. 2. One Lord Jesus, the Christ. 3. One Holy Spirit. 4. One faith, the faith, one system of belief and teaching, the Scriptures. 5. One baptism. 6. One hope. 7. One body, the Church. 8. One name for believers, "Christian." One name for the Church, "The Church of God," "The Church of Christ." We will now analyze these eight items, specifying wherein we agree with the religious world, and wherein we disagree, and our reasons for such disagreement. My opponent will criticise our position in two ways. He will object to some thing we teach. He will object that we do not teach certain things, that he regards as essential to the Church of Christ. The first criticism we will notice. The second we will let rest until he begins his affirmative. 1. One God the Father. One self-exist- ent, independent, self-sustaining, eternal, absolute Spirit, the author of all other ex- istences, and the cause of all phenomena. In this we differ from others, only in refus- ing to speculate as to whether God is with- out form, body or parts, or has form, body and parts. Obeying the apostolic injunc- THE BRADEN AND KELLEY DEBATE. 223 tion, "avoid untaught questions," we are pilent on a matter on which the Bible is cilent. 2. One Lord, Jesus of Nazareth, the only begotten son of God ; Deity manifest in flesh; the Divine Prophet, source of all teaching religion. We reject Joseph Smith as a orophet. Divine Priest, the one who made an expiation for the sins of every human heing. Divine King, the only one whose commands we obey in religion. And his commands are all divine. Not one is a non-essential. We teach that Christianity is loyalty to Christ, a Divine person. We do not teach eternal Sonship, nor anything about essences, substances, etc., for the Bible says nothing about them. We reject all the speculations of Trinitarian- ism, Arianism, Socinianism, Unitarian ism. and the thousand other isms, that attempt to be wise above what God has revealed. We speak only where theBible speaks, and as it speaks. We are silent when it is silent, and reject the confusion of the theological Babel, and the jargon of Ashdod, and use only the pure speech of Canaan. 3. One Holy Spirit. We teach that there is such a Divine being or person as the Holy Spirit. We say "Spirit," not "Ghost." He, his and him, not it. That He inspired all persons that the Scriptures declare spoke, wrote and acted by inspiration from Adam to Christ; that he was given to men in the baptism in the Holy Spirit, on the day of Pentecost ; and at the house of Cor- nelius. That he was imparted by the im- position of the apostles' hands in the gifts that our Savior promised in the last chap- ter of Mark, and in other places, those spiritual gifts that existed in the apostolic churches. That he inspired the divine truths in the Scriptures. That wherever and whenever these divine truths influence the spirits of men, the Holy Spirit influ- ences the spirits of men, through the di- vine truths that he has revealed in the Scriptures. We differ from the otner people in reject- ing these three dogmas: 1. That portion of the religious world that arrogates to itself the exclusive right tothe titles "orthodox" and "evangelical" teaches that in convict- ing and converting the sinner, and in com- forting and sanctifying the Christian, the Holy Spirit exerts, on the hearts and spirits of men, a direct and immediate influence, in addition to and distinct from any that He exerts through the divine truths that He has revealed through the Scriptures. 2 Some of this party claim that the Holy Spirit is given in the baptism in Holy Spirit, now as He was on the Day of Pente- cost, and at the house of Cornelius ; and that the baptism that is for remission of sins, that our Savior declares saves, etc., is baptism in the Holy Spirit. 3. The Latter Day Saints teach that the gifts of the Spirit that our Savior promised to his apostles and disciples, and that existed in the apostolic churches, should exist in the Church of Christ now We reject the first dogma for these reasons: 1. There is not a sentence in the bible that even hints thatin convicting and converting the sinner, or in comforting and sanctifying the Christian, the Holy Spirit ever did'in a single instance, ever will, or does now exert any such direct and immediate influence, in addition to and distinct and different from what He exerts through the divine truths that He has revealed in the Scrip- tures. 2. An honest, careful i-nvestigation of the Bible shows that all work that is ascribed to the Holy Spirit, except His miraculous influence, is ascribed to the Word of God, or the truth, proving that the Holy Spirit exerts all influence, except the miraculous influence, through thedivine truths that He has revealed in the Scriptures. 3. Conviction, conversion, sanctification and comforting are moral influences, in which man is a free moral agent. Such influences can be exerted only through motives presented to the spirit of man in the truth. Man is convicted and sanctified through hearing, believing and living the truth, as the Scriptures teach. 4. If conviction, conversion and sanctifi- cation are to any extent the results of a direct influence of the Holy Spirit, in addition to what is accomplished through motives presented in the truth, and not the result of a free choice of the truth, by man's spirit, they are so far the acts of the Holy Spirit, and not of man's spirit, and man is not responsible for the absence or presence any more than a machine is responsible for whatmansstrength accomplishes through it 5. If su<^h an influence of the Holy Spirit is what converts and sanctifies men, if God is impartial He will exert it on all men, and save all men, and Universalism is true. Or if He does not, he is partial, and exerts it on only part, and elects them to eternal life, and passes by the rest and reprobates them to eternal death, and then Calvinism is true. No Arminian can be consistent and believe such a dogma. 6. Such an influence renders all preaching of the Gospel needless, for man is converted by an influence of the Spirit, distinct from preaching ; and absurd, for it can do no good ; and presumptuous, for man tries to accomplish, by preaching the Gospel, what Ged alone can do and does by the direct influence of His Spirit. 7. If there are in the mind of one on whom such an influence is exerted, two sets of impulses, the impulses of the Holy Spirit, and the impulses of his own spirit, man cannot distinguish between the im- pulses of his own erring, sinful spirit, and the impulses of the Holy Spirit. The result has ever been, that believers in such influ- ences have mistaken the impulses ol their own spirits, for impulses of the Holy Spirit, and every delusion, folly, absurdity, and crime, have been mistaken for the influence of the Holy Spirit. The insanity and absur- dity of what is called " the power " " sanc- tification," "second blessing," "higher life" has led to insanity, folly, crime, and infamy. 224 THE BRADEN AND KELLEY DEBATE. 8. If men appeal to their feelings as a proof that the Spirit exerts such a power, we reply that they measure themselves by themselves, and sanction their own folly, and not by the word of God, that condemns all such fanaticism. All enthusiasts, urge the same proof as confidently. The lives of those who make the loudest professions of such an influence, are the most defective of all professed Christians. The lives of the apostles of this dogma are the most defective of all ministers. This delusion has loaded Chistianity with the most infamous fanat- icism and crime, and caused more infidelity than all other causes combined. It has led to Shakerism ; the Oneida Community ; Free Love and pollution. We reject all idea of any baptism in the Holy Spirit except on the day of Pentecost and'at the house of Cornelius, for these rea- sons: 1. The baptism in the Holy Spirit was a promise, not a command. A promise is received, not obeyed. There is but one baptism In the church. Eph.4:5. Christ commanded men to baptize others. This baptism that he commanded is the one bap- tism in the church. It is not Holy Spirit baptism, for Christ could not command men to baptize men in the Holy Spirit any more than he could command them to create a world. 2. Men were commanded to baptize oth- ers. This is the one baptism that is in the church. Man can no more obey a command to baptize in the Holy Spirit than he can create a world. It is not Holy Spirit bap- 'm that is the one baptism that is in the church. 3. The baptism that Christ commanded, and that is the one baptism that is in the church, was in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. The baptism in the Holy Spirit was not in any name. The baptism in the Holy Spirit is not the one baptism that was commanded by Christ that men vvere to obey, and that was in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. It is Dot the one baptism in the church. 4. Holy Spirit baptism was a promised miracle. The one baptism in the church is not a miracle. And miracles have ceased. 5. Holy Spirit baptism was attended by miracles and miraculous power. The one baptism in the church is not attended by miracles or miraculous power. All ouch power has ceased. 6. Christ was the administrator of the Holy Spirit baptism. It was from heaven. Man is commanded to administer the one baptism in the church. Holy Spirit bap- tism is not the one baptism. 7. The scriptures never hint that more than two occasions were baptisms in the Holy Spirit. Peter declares, Acts xi. 15, 16, 17, that two occasions, the descent of the Holy Spirit on the apostles at the beginning or on the day of Pentecost and the descent of the Holy Spirit on the Gentiles at the house of Cornelius, are baptisms in the Holy Spirit. Not a passage of scripture hints that any other occasion was a baptism in the Holy Spirit. 8. Persons who claim a baptism in the Holy Spirit, and to speak as the Spirit gives them utterance, utter nonsense, contradict the word of God, contradict each other. Such a claim is blasphemous, and an insult to the Holy Spirit, on whom they palm such nonsense, and contradictions of sense the Bible and each other. 9. The one baptism that is In the church, that is in the name of Father, Son and Holy Spirit, is water baptism, for it is com- manded and men are to obey it. Holy Spirit baptism, that was a promise, not a command; that was received, not obeyed; of which Christ was the administrator, not man ; that was not in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit ; that was a miracle that was attended by miracles, is not the one baptism in the church. All claim to it now is unscriptural and absurd. The claim of the Latter Day Saints that the gifts promised by our Savior, and that existed in the church in the days of the apostles, should he in the church now, we will examine when we refute our opponent's affirmation in the third proposition. In re- gard to the trinity and the nature of the union of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, and how they are one, we are silent, for the Bible is silent. It is an untaught question. We utterly discard the jargon of triuita- rianism and unitarianism alike, for the Bible knows nothing of either. They are attempts to be wise beyond w hat is revealed . and are plain violations of the command "to avoid untaught questiors." We stop with the words of the scriptnres. THE BRADEN AND KELLEY DEBATE. 225 MR. KELLEY'S FIRST SPEECH ON SECOND PROPOSITION. GENTLEMEN MODERATORS, LADIES AND GENTLEMEN.: I shall first notice in my ar- guments this evening some of the things which have to be determined, in order for us to progress so as to receive any light whatever in the discussion of this propo- sition. It is said in the question that "the church of which I, Clark Braden, ana a member, is, In faith, doctrine, teaching, organization, practice and ordinanceSj in accordance with the Church of Christ as it was left perfected by the apostles." By what rule are we to determine how the Church of Christ was left by the apostles? You will doubtless form in your minds a conclusion as to how that is to be determined. What record do you go to in order to find out how it was left ? The affirmative has said, in the application of this principle to his church, and in the definition that he hasgiven to "The church of which T, Clark Braden, am a member," that it is like the congregations that were left scattered in different parts of the earth after the apostles had fallen asleep. If that is true, where do we find the history of those congregations, that will show us just where and how they were left? I judge that my opponent will not dispute that, so far as the apostles' work was concerned in perfecting the Church, if they did perfect it, the history of their work as recorded in the New Testament is the proper history to go to in order to find out what those congrega- tions were as they were left. The only way then by which we can tell how the congre- tious were left will be to turn to our New Testaments and ascertain from the situa- tion and history as given therein, of the es- tablishment of the churches, and of what the apostles did, thus learning from the record how the congregations were left, and whether they then filled the standard of perfection in faith and the attainment in the gifts of the Holy Spirit which theapos- tles so much desired they should enjoy. Now, it is one thihg to assume, as my op- ponent has, that there were congregations of believers left in the world without any presiding officers or duly authorized minis- ters, but instructed that they might make their own presiding officers and ministers, by authority of the congregation, and it is another thing to prove it. It is a little like the presumption on his part, that the Holy Spirit has ceased its miraculous power or work, for the reason, as he says, that the Holy Spirit, so far as miraculous power was concerned, was a miracle, and as miracles have ceased, therefore the Holy Spirit has ceased to operate upon the people. You Bee both of these are conclusions without any proper basis. They are not legitimately drawn from the New Testament Scriptures. There is, therefore, no argument in a single one of them. He starts out upon a false premise'. That is, that the miraculous manifestations of the spirit have ceased. That is a false premise. That they ceased with the apostles, too! It is false when we examine it in the_ light of the history as written just subse- quent to the apostles' time, and false from the prophetic history in the New Tes- tament. When we turn to Mosheim and oth- er historians they tell us that the miracu- lous manifestations of the Spirit was known until the close of the third century, at least; and yet all of the apostles had fallen asleep long before this. Then, if all the apostles had fallen asleep, and still the spiritual gifts and miraculous manifestations were in the church, it will be a false assumption if he shall infer or state to the audience, as the ba- sis of an argument, that they were not to con- tinue after the apostles' time and that therefore, we are not to have any thing of that that nature, because, as he says, there are to be no more miracles. The argument turns upon the point: Where does he get the "be- cause?" If he could take up the New Tes- tament Scriptures here and read to us that there were to be no more miracles after thn first age of Christianity, then his first prem- ise would be good, because he would have a "because" upon which to base it. But he makes his premise, which is not good, and proves it by a false presumption that the gifts were to cease, when he has not a single passage of scripture which he can stand by to base it upon. Thus he stands before the audience upon a false premise to begin with, and from this he draws his false conclusion. Now let us examine and see if this is not correct. Unless he can show that there is some passage of Scripture, showing that miracles were to be confined to the first age of Christianity, he fails. In the first place, Jesus says, in Mark 16th chapter, "Go ye into all the world, and preach the Gospel to every creature. He that believeth and is baptized snail be saved, but i:e that believeth not shall be damned. And these signs shall follow them that believe." Not you to whom I am talking, but the believer in the words that you shall bear. Well, who were to believe? Those who were to be saved, evidently. Is there any promise broader than that in the whole Bible with regard to salvation? "Preach the Gospel to every creature, and (every creature) that believeth and is baptized shall be saved ; and these signs shall follow (every creature) that believeth." Now, if he can show from the Bible that there is another passage some place saying that this statement of Jesus referred to the first ag^ of Christianity only, and that after the first age of Christianity there were to be no miraculous gifts, Gospel preached, true believers or anything of that nature, tben he may truly state to this 226 THE BRADEN AND KELLEY DEBATE. audience, that there were to be no miracu- lous manifestations of the Holy Spirit, or baptism of the Holy Spirit. But let us first have some proof, and then it will be time enough for assertions. He says that he (his church) rejects the baptism of the Holy Spirit, for the reason that they do not consider it a means enter- ing into the conversion of the sinner; that these miraculous manifestations have no in- fluence in the conversion of the sinner, or in changing his moral state in any manner. He rejects the views of the Saints for that reason. And then he rejects the baptism of the Holy Spirit as believed in by the ortho- dox world, he says, because that has nothing to do with the conversion of the sinner either. Why does he make a difference, then, in rejecting the baptism of the Holy Spirit as we believe it, as it is manifested in the different. gifts and signs, and the baptism of the Holy Spirit as believed by Mr. Wesley and others? This distinction evidently is for the purpose of keeping up a supposed difference between the views of the Saints and others, when, in fact, it does not exist. It seerns to me, that, if he rejects it in their way, because it does not enter into the conversion of the sinner, as he thinks, that ought to cover also the rejec- tion with regard to us, because we do not claim it enters into the conversion of the sinner in the sense, in which he seeks to apply it. We claim, as far as that is con- cerned, that the baptism of the Holy Spirit and the miraculous manifestations of the Holy Spirit are for the purpose of confirm- ing the believer in the Word of God and adding the graces to his faith, and that was what it was for in the first age of Christian- ity. Why do you reject it for yourself for then, Mr. Braden? Answer me that ques- tion. Because it is not to be used in the conversion of the sinner, you say, when it was never given for that specific purpose; and truly you might ask, if it had been given for the conversion of the sinner only, why was it poured out upon the believers on Pentecost day? You reject it, because it is not given for the conversion of the sinner, and yet Jesus gave it for a different purpose. Why do you not k^ep it to answer the purpose for which Christ placed it in the church? Answer that question as you proceed. Now, upon Pentecost day the Holy Spirit was poured out upon the believers. And I ask, for what purpose? Evidently as a blessing; and for the purpose of confirm- ing those in the Word, who had already accepted of Jesus and John's teaching. John the Baptist came teaching, of which you are well aware, as stated in the history, saying, "I indeed baptize you with water unto repentance ; but he that corneih after me is mightier than I, whose shoes I am not worthy to bear: he shall baptize you with the Holy Ghost and with fire." In the preaching of John the Baptist and of Jesus there was something more to be attained and sought, than simply baptism of the water. There was something that the Christian was pointed to, that waa higher and more, excellent and enduring than simply going down into the water and coming up out of the water. And this ex- cellent thing, that which formed the great central thought of the Christian religion, was the baptism of the Spirit ; or the fact that men and women might attain unto the Spirit of God in order that, in their. lives, they might be comforted, and that they might have that Spirit to confirm and establish them in the faith and keep them unspotted from the evils of the world. Now, this promise was fulfilled and veri- fied to the disciples of Jesus on the day of Pentecost by the outpouring of the Holy Spirit. We read in the second chapter of the Acts of the apostles : " Now when they heard this [the preaching of the apostle Peter], they were pricked in their heart, and said unto Peter and to the rest of the apostles, Men and brethren, what shall we do? Then Peter said unto them, Repent, and be baptised every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the re'mission of, sins, and ye shall receive the gilt of the Holy Ghost." What was the gift of the Holy Ghost? The same thing that they had just witnessed as having been received on the day of Pentecost. "Ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost." And yet, Mr. Braden stands before you and declares em- phatically that that was the only instance in which this gift of the Holy Spirit was manifested or given except at the house- hold of Cornelius. If hi position is true, then the Apostle Peter, while speaking un- der the influence of the Spirit of God, told those people they should receive' this same gift of the Holy Ghost when it was not for them, and they did not, and consequently he told what was not true. Now, will you please clear this up? Peter told them that they should receive the gift of the Holy Ghost, and there was the farnw day 3,000 added to the church. Did they afterwards receive it, or did he tell them that they should receive something that they could not receive? But let me read further: "For the promise is untoyou and toyourchiJ- dren, and to all that are afar off, even as many as the Lord our God snail call. And with many other words did he testify * d exhort, saying. Save yourselves from thi; untoward "generation." "And they went forth and preached everywhere, the Lord working with them, and confirming the word with signs following." Following the believer in the gospel of Jesus Christ, and thus they were "signs" indeed. The sign of the true believer. IVow, it seems that the signs did not go beforehand in order to convert men. The signs did not go beforehand in order to make men believe the truth. Nor was that the manner of procedure in the establish- ment of the churches in the first age of < Christianity to any extent. Nor is it the manner of the establishment of the doc- trine and faith of the Latter Day t-ainta (the saints of t.o-dsty ), or those who belong to the Chim-h ot Jesus Christ of Latter Day THE BRADEN AND KELLEY DEBATE. 227 Saints; we use the term Latter Day Saints to distinguish the church from former day Saints. Right here I will notice the argument and "claim made for his church on the point that all should take the name of Christ. What name? Does it mean the entire name of Christ, or simply the name Christ, or God? Our Winebrenarian friends say just, Church of God. Braden says, Church of Christ. I take it, from the third chapter of the Epistle of Paul to the Ephesian saints, that he means that they shall take the full name; the name of Jesus Christ, after whom the whole family, both in heaven and on earth, is named. The epistle does not say Christ simply, but "Jesus Christ." Let me ask, why do you strike off the name Jesus and say, " We will just call our church Christ Church? What is your au- thority for suppressing the name Jesus? Please answer that question and show the audience that if a church takes the name of " Jesus Christ," it does not have the name of Christ? Tell us how it comes that a church that takes the name of Jesus Christ is not as likely to be called after the name of the, Only begotten of the Father and of whom the whole family in heaven and earth are named, as a church that simply takes the name of Christ, or the Christian, or Disciple church? I am now upou the negative, and shall expect some proof forth- coming. There are a few other things that were mentioned in the beginning of the remarks of Mr. Braden that I wish to call your at- tention to, and shall dp so, because I wish to have an understanding as we proceed in this matter, so that we can come to a fair issue in the argument. There is a difference of understanding, it seems, with regard to Just what should be in the church. He thinks that I will differ with him in regard to things that ought to be In the church, and claim some things that he has not in his church. Well, what are some of those things? Possibly it is in some of the articles of fail.h, possibly in the organ- ization of the church. Whatever, let him point them out, or the features not in his, that were in the church in the time of the apostles, and tell us why not? If his is stricly with the organization of the church as it was left perfected by the apostles, and we go back to the record of the apostles to find what they did to perfect It, his church will have in it, as is recorded here in the twelfth chapter of the Epistle of Paul to the Corinthian saints, the officers connected with the church as God set them in the same. Because how can we get the organization of the church as it was left perfected by the apostles without turning back and reading what was in theirs, and what the apostles did? It is said in this twelfth chapter of 1 Corinthians: "Now ye are the body of Christ, and members in particular. And God hath set some in the church, first apostles, secondarily prophets, thirdly teaches; after that miracles, then gifts of healing, helps, governments, diver- sities of tongues. Are all apostles? Are all prophets? Are all teachers? Are all workers of miracles? Have all the gifts of healing? Do all speak with tongues? Do all interpret?" He argues there that God has given a number of spiritual gifts for the purpose of aiding in the perfecting of the saints here, in the work of the ministry, and among these he has set in the church the gift, or office, of an apostle. Now, when I turn back to the record of the apostles, and wish to compare that record with the church of which my opponent is a member, I ask him to state whether his church is in agreement with the record there, and if not, why not? Doyouhaveapostlesas first officers in your church as they were first officers in the church of Christ as it existed in the first century? If not, why not? Do you have prophets also? Do you haveevan- gellists, and pastors, and teachers inspired men to perform duties as set in the church as recorded in the twelfth chapter of Paul's letter to the saints at Rome? If not, why not? The Apostle says : " For as we have many members in one body, and all mem- bers have not the same office, so we, being many, are one body in Christ, and. every one member one of another. Having then gifts differing according to the grace that is given to us, whether prophecy, let us prophesy according to the proportion of faith ; or ministry, let as wait on our minis- tering; or he that teacheth, on teaching: or he that exhorteth, on exhortation: he that giveth, let him do it with simplicity," etc. Here it is distinctly stated that so far as the office of each individual in the church was concerned, they were to magnify the office in accordance with the spiritual gift that God had given to them by which to work in the church. Now, is that the way that you Campbellites do? Is that the way you found these organizations left after the apostles had fallen asleep? Or did you not find that there were officers placed in tho organizations as Paul states as recorded iu the twentieth chapter of the Acts of the Apostles, wherein he teaches that he ordained men as the Holy Ghost had called them: "Take heed therefore unto your- selves, and to all the flock, over the which the Holy Ghost hath made you overseers." He is talking to the elders, teaching them, "To feed the Church of God, which He hath purchased with His own blood. For I know this, that after my departing shall grievous wolves enter in amoung you, not sparing the flock. Also of yourselves shall men arise, speaking perverse things, to draw away diciples after them. Therefore watch, and remember, that by the space of three years I ceased not to warn everyone night and day with tears." The apostle is warning them against, the very thing Braden is contending for, viz., making ministers of their " own selves." Right in this connectiou, another thing that my opponent stated before the audience needs to be examined iu order that you may see it as it i. He took up the history aa 228 THE BRADEN AND KELLEY DEBATE. contained in the Bible, dividing it into periods after this order : from the time of Adam to the flood ; from the flood to Abra- ham or to the Mosaic economy ; from the Mosaic institution of things to the time of Malachi ; and from Malachi to the day of Pentecost ; afterwards, from the day of Pentecost to the present and futurity, as though, ever since the day of Pentecost, there had been an effulgent light in the heavens, and that the people had been drawing nigh to this and gathering know- ledge from that great light which had arisen, and that the world ever since that time had been in the ascendency, so far as truth is concerned and the enjoyment of the highest blessings to be attained in the Christian economy. Do you mean that, Mr. Braden ? Then you do not believe that the apostles prophesied truly when they were writing their knowledge of things here and warned the people that after their time there would come a falling away; and that the church here should not be a church perfected, but a church that would be im- perfect ; and that, as reported in Revelations of the seven churches of Asia, many of which had so far gone out of the way that God would not recognize them any more as in the light, but gives them to understand that unless they repent He would utterly cast them out of His sight. The apostle Paul, here in the 20th chap- ter of the Acts of the Apostles, predicts that very thing, viz: that there is to be a falling away from the faith. The apostacy was plainly working then, and when we come to view the lives ana teachings and true characters of those men who are called Reformers, who have labored and wrought to restore to its original and pristiee beauty, Christianity as it was at the first; to at- tain the apostolic doctrine, as taught by Peter and Paul ; they have taught us very clearly that the falling away was so great that they had hardly a dead form left. Mr. Wesley says that they had hardly a dead form left. And the reason he gives is, that tbu j world turned heathen again after the death of the apostles and that for this cause raith was taken from the earth and Christians had no more faith than the rest of the world ; therefore, there was no longer the spiritual blessing in the church as in the first age of Christianity. See 94, and 95, sermons of Wesley. I might refer also to Mr. Calvin for authority upon this. When he began the work of what after- wards proved to be the organization of churches of his peculiar principles, he said : "Our only object is to restore the doctrines of the primitive church, which have been corrupted by the Papal authorities." That was the object as expressed in his own language with regard to the beginning and object of his work, to restore, to reinstate, the pure principles of the doctrine of Christ from which there had been a falling away. So it was with the Reformers all through. They recognized clearly the fact that dark- ness had sprung up instead of light and that men were without God in the world. But let me call your attention to the fact that while one of these Reformers has tried to reach and restore the rituals and ordi- nances of the church, another has tried to attain to the spiritual life and the comfort- ing influences of the Holy Spirit, as enjoyed by the saints at the first ; and charged upon others that they had shut out the light of God by laying too much stress upon rituals and conforming too much to the order of things in the world, until it has come to a state as confessed, at the synod of the Pres- byterian church the past year, that they have squeezed the entire life out of the church by adhering to their forms and con- ventionalities, instead of contending for the life and religion of the Holy Spirit as it was given in the beginning, and realized for two centuries by the early saints. Now the position that I occupy before you is this : That so far as the ordinances, rituals, forms and rules are concerned, as laid down in the new testament, found en- joined in the word, we ought to conform to them but not have them take precedence of everything else ; and that so far as the spiritual light and life is concerned, which is spoken of in this word, we ought to con- form to that and have it also. It is a kind of a golden mien between the extremists who have worked on either side of the question Of what shall be reformed in the church. You remember that Mr. Fox, at the time when he started out had seen so much of wrong perpetrated in the world because of institu- tions that adhered only to the rituals of the church, and discarded any and all actual spiritual life, that he threw away these and contended for the spiritual influences only : striking out everything in the shape Of organization, and rituals, and everything that would require persons to do anything towards conforming to the forms and cere- monies established in the first age. When it came to Mr. Campbell's turn he went off on another tangent and his followers to-day adhere closely to the ordinances of baptism that can be performed by an individual in water, because they say that, that was a command ; but they leave out the baptism of the Holy Spirit, as my friend, Mr. Bra- den, here, this evening. He says it was not a command for us to perform ; that we should not receive the baptism of the spirit because it was not a command and bethinks that because it was not a command to do, therefore, we could not baptize men with the Holy Spirit and should not seek it. Well, let us see. Is eternal life a com- mand? No, and yet we are all to seek eter- nal life, and the Campbellites, I suppose, are seeking eternal life also; either in the right or wrong way. If we were not to seek eternal life because it is not a command, it seems to me that the great object and pur- pose of Christianity would be lost entirely. But is it nota command to seek this spiritual baptism? My opponent has overstepped the bounds in both directions. Paul says hre in the 14th chapter and 1st verse of his Corinthian letter: "Follow after charity and desire spiritual gifts, but rather that yi THE BRADEN AND KELLEY DEBATE. 229 may prophecy." Is it not a command, then,, to follow after these things? Again, " For he that speaketh in an un- known tongue speaketh not unto men but unto God: for no man understandeth him; howbeit in the spirit he speaketh mysie- ries." It is right, then, to seek this spirit, C conclude. In the 12th chapter the apos- tle gives us to understand that for the hope . and spiritual development of those who un- dertake to worship Christ and follow him, 41 a manifestation of the spirit is given to every man to profit withal." This mani- festation of the spirit is given to the man who is unlearned, to the woman who is not as much of an adept as another, for the purpose of enlightenment and instruction through this their particular gift from God that they may profit, not only to their own, but to the advantage of the entire church ; thus the church may be built up and may be made a fit temple for the indwelling of the Holy Ghost by reason of this spirit that is to be poured out upon each member, and thus it becomes "even a habitation of God through the spirit." And remember that it is not miraculous influences only, so far as outward manifestations are con- cerned, in tongues, prophecy, healing, etc., that come by reason of this Holy Spirit, but it is such manifestations and gifts as -the church must absolutely have in order to grow in the graces and knowledge of Christ of wisdom, knowledge and faith. I under- stand that the church of my opponent has none of these gifts of wisdom, knowledge find faith. Am I right? Now I ask him to answer these questions as we proceed : First, whether the spiritual gifts spoken of in the eighth, ninth and tenth verses of the twelfth chapter of Paul's first letter to the Corinthians is desired in his church, or are any of them attained to in his church ; whether the wisdom spoken of there is ; whether the knowledge is; whether the faith is ; whether the other things that are spoken of in those verses as belonging to the early saints are with them, and whether they desire them at the present time, and are they considered necessary by his church in order to guide men and women aright? The apostle teaches, "For to one is given by the spirit the word of wis- dom; to another the word of knowledge by the same spirit; to another faith by the same spirit; to another the (rifts of healing by the same spirit; to another the working of miracles; to another prophecy; to another discerning of spirits; to another divers kinds of tongues; to another the interpretation of tongues; but ell of these worketh that one and the self-same spirit dividing to every man severally as he will." Second, now is this wisdom which was given to the church by the spirit of God to irect the church then, to be the guide of the church to-day, as it was anciently ? or do you claim that it was miraculous wis- dom? Third. If you claim it was miraculous wisdom, will j'ou jusc please stale to the audience what kind of wisdom is miracu- lous, and what is not? And so of knowl- edge? Fourth. If you answer these questions in the negative, will you stop and tell us in what respect your church resembles the early church? I claim that so far as manifestations of the Spirit to the church are concerned, that the baptism of the Holy Spirit, that is promised by Jesus and by John, was not to those who were gathered together on Pentecost day only, but "to as many as the Lord our God should call," as Peter says. Not call to the miraculous gifts or power, as Braden has it, but call to salvation. "The prom- ise is unto you and to your children and to all that are afar off, even as many as the Lord our God shall call." Not extending to the end of the Jewish age only, as he has interpreted Joel's prophecy, but extending, as that prophecy did, to the time, "when the knowledge of the Lord should cover the earth, as do the waters the sea." Was that accomplished in the end of the Jewish age? Will you please answer that question as you go along? And not only that, but whether the following has ever taken place : "It shall come to passin the last days, sailh God, that I will pour out my Spirit upon all flesh; and your sons and your daughters shall prophecy, and your old men shall dream dreams, and your young men shall see visions, and on my servants and on my handmaidens I will pour out my Spirit, and they shall prophecy." Was all that fulfilled at the end of the Jewish age ? Or has it ever been fulfilled since then? If it has not been fulfilled, nor will not be, who limited it? Please tell us, so we can have an opportunity of comparing the pattern as set forth in the Bible with the views of your church. I next call your attention to some things with regard to the continuation of practices and ordinances in the church. Now, I under- stand that he claims that he believes in the church as it was left perfected by the apos- tles, whatever that may mean. In the first place then, I suppose he believes in the church that practiced the ordinances as the apostles practiced them ; doubtless as found recorded in the eighth chapter of the Acts of the apostles, fifteenth to twentieth verses ; where Peter and John went down to Samaria, after that the people had re- ceived the word through the preaching of Phillip ; and when they were come down prayed for them that they might receive the Holy Ghost. Then laid they, their hands on them, and they received the Holy Ghost." Also, the practice of . the early church as shown in the instance of Ananias, who was not an apostle, putting his hands on Saul, as recorded in the ninth chapter and seventeenth verse of the Acts of the apostles, where another instance is record- ed of the manifestation of the Holy Ghost through this ordinance of the laying on of hands. Will you answer this question? Was Paul ever baptized of the Holy Spirit? and if so, when and where ? Since you say only those at Pentecost and Samaria were so baptized, and Paul was not in either place. Afterwards we have a clear and de- cisive illustration of the practice of Paul in 230 THE BRADEN AND KELLEY DEBATE. his ministry, as recorded in the nineteenth chapter of the Acts of the apostles, where he, at a certain time, carne to Ephesus and found a certain people who were called "cer- tain disciples," and who said they had re- ceived the baptism of John, but had not re- ceived the Holy Spirit. This gives a fair il- lustration of the difference between Mr. Braden's teaching and mine, and the wide difference existing, as I claim, between the teaching of him and his church, and the Bible, and the examination of this differ- ence is doubtless what this audience wants to listen to just now. It was not difficult for the apostle to find out whether these per- sons calling themselves disciples, were in fact such. I will read you the history : "And it came to pass [here It 'old come-to-pass> f "again, rigut in the New Testament], that while ' A polios was at Corinth, Paul having parsed through ' the upper coasts, came to Ephesus and finding cer. ' tain disciples, h said unto them, have ye received the Koly Ghost since ye believed? And they said unt him, wehnvo not so much as heard whether there be any H< ly Ghost. And he siid unto them. 'unto what then were ye baptized; and they said, 1 unto John's baptism. Then said Paul, John verily baptized with the baptism of repentance, saying nnto 'the people that they should believe on him which ' should come after him, that is on Christ Jesus. ' When they heard this, they were baptized in the ' name of the Lord Jesus. And when Paul had laid ' his hands upon them, the Holy Ghost came on them : ' and they spake with tongues and prophesied. And ' all the men were about twelve." This, my friends, establishes fully the practice of the early church. The first in- quiry of the minister of Christ was, "Have ye received the Holy Ghost, since ye be- lieved?" and when he was answered, no; he proceeded to put them in the way to receive it. I present this as showing a direct contrast between the practices of the New Testament church and the church of which, "I, Clark Braden, am a member ; " and as showing the fact that, instead of being in harmony with the New Testament church, the so-called Christian, Disciple or Campbellite church is in direct antagonism to that, as revealed in the record. (Time called). MR. BRADEN'S SECOND SPEECH. GENTT-EMEN MODERATORS, LADIES AND GENTLEMKN : We will continue our defini- tion of our views: IV. One faith, one system of belief, one system of teaching "the faith once deliv- ered unto the Saints." The Scriptures. We have sufficiently explained itm matter. V. One baptism. We have a I ready proved that the one baptism is in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, is a command, is to be obeyed, is to be performed on men by Christians and is baptism into water. We practice immersion into water for these reasons. I. Not a sentence can becited in the Bible that even hints that God ever authorized in any way, pouring, or sprinkling, the ele- ment water on any human being in a sin- gle instance for any ceremonial, moral or religious purpose 1 utterly defy any one to find such a passage. II Baptiam is a form, a type, a symbol, a figure of Christ's burial and resurrection It is an object setting forth and teaching Christ's burial and resurrection It is a like- ness of Christ's burial and resurrection It is a memorial of Christ's burial and resur- rection. It is a monumental institution, a monument of Christ's burial and resurrec- tion. Pouring and sprinkling are utterly out of the question, as much as calve's-foot jelly for the bread, and buttermilk for the wine in the Lord's Supper They utterly destroy the symbolical, the memorial, the monumental power of baptism. They de- stroy baptism and are no more baptism than Romish Mass is the Lord's Supper. Immersion alone is appropriate, it alone is baptism. III. Baptism is an object lesson, setting forth the sinner's death to his past sinful life, and resurrection to a new and right- eous life. Pouring and sprinkling utterly destroy this lesson and destroy baptism. They are not baptism. Immersion alone teaches this lesson. It alone is baptism. IV. In baptism persons went down into the water. Idiotic if they were merely sprinkled or poured. Persons of common sense never go down into the water for such acts. They do and must to be immersed. Immersion is baptism. Pouring and sprinkling are not. V. Persons como up out of the water after baptism. They never do after pour- ing and sprinkling. They always do after immersion. Immersion is baptism. Pour- ing and sprinkling are not baptism: VI. Jesus was baptized in Jordan. A cor- rect rendering would be "into the Jordan." He was immersed Pouring and sprinkling are out of the question. VII Baptism was where there "wa much water." It is needed for immersion. It is not for sprinkling or pouring. Per- sons were immersed, not poured or sprink- led VIII Baptism is likened to a birth. Pour- THE BRADEN AND KELLEY DEBATE. Z'dl ing and sprinkling are utterly out of the question. Immersion is like a birth. IX. Baptism is called a burial. Persons are buried in immersion. Not in pouring or sprinkling. X. An overwhelming of sufferings is called a baptism. It was not a sprinkling or a pouring of sufferings. XI. Baptism is called a bath, a laver. Immersion is such. Pouring and sprinkling are not. XII. In every instance in which the ele- ment water alone was used in the ceremo- nies of the Israelite ritual or religious acts, it was used in immersion alone. Blood and the cleansing water, or lye, alone were sprinkled. For these reasons we reject pouring, or sprinkling, and accept only immersion. All pai'ies in creed and practice accept immer- sion as baptism. We are orthodox and caiholic and accept what is catholic and uni ersal, and that alone. We teach that a person who believes the gospel with his whole heart who has re- pented of his sins with that godly sorrow which needs not to be regretted who has confessed Christ with his mouth is a scrip- tural subject for scriptural baptism, and he alone. Some teach that an infant that is too young to believe the gospel with the whole heart, to repent with a godly sorrow for past sins and to confess Christ with the mouth, is a scriptural subject for scriptural baptism. We reject such a dogma for these reasons: I. Not a sentence of scripture can be found that even hints any authority for the baptism of an infant; not a command, not a teaching, not an example, not a hint of it. II. In every case of baptism recorded in the Bible, the narrative shows that the persons baptized were believing penitents. III. The design and object of baptism Utterly forbid all idea of infant baptism. I v . The most wretched, far-fetched, spe- cial pleading and pettifogging in human speech is the attempt to sustain infant bap- tism. V. Infant baptism has not a shred of warrant in reason, common sense or scrip- ture. VI. The absurd and contradictory rea- sons urged for infant baptism show its utter fallacy. We teach that the gospel of Christ is the power of God unto salvation to all who be- lieve it. Romans 1:16. That men must hear the gospel of Christ. "How shall they believe on him of whom they have not heard." Romans 10: 14. And "Faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God." Romans 10:17. That "With the heart man believes unto righteousness." Romans 10: 10. That "God commands all men everywhere to repent." Acts 17:30. That men should repent of their past sins that " Godly sorrow that works a reforma- tion not to be regretted." II Cor. 7 : 10. That " with the mouth confession is made tin to salvation." Rom. 10:10. This is be- lieved by all parties. We teach also that the one who has been begotten by the spirit through the word in believing, is born of the water and spirit in baptism ; that the one who has believed and been baptized is saved from his past sins ; that penitent believers must be baptized into the remission of past sins ; that peni- tent believers must arise and be baptized, washing away their past sins, calling on the namje of the Lord ; that penitent believ- ers are baptized into the death of Christ; that they are buried with Christ in baptism; that they are buried to sin in baptism ; that they arise out of baptism to a new life ; that penitent believers are made free from sin when they obey, in baptism, the figure, form, symbol or type of the teaching, the burial, the resurrection of Christ delivered unto them. That men are children of God through faith when they put on Christ in baptism. That baptism now saves us in the sense of pardon of past sins, as the answer or re- quirement of a good conscience toward God. Our position is this : The gospel law of pardon was first preached on the day of Pentecost. That it is the duty of men to preach it as it was then preached in all and every instance. That since the day of Pen- tecost, when persons have been properly instructed in the Jaw of pardon, immersion in water, into the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, is a condition of the re- mission of past sins, to one who has believ- ed the Gospel of Christ, with the whole heart, who has repented of -past sins with a godly sorrow, and who has confessed Christ with the mouth. We teach it for these reasons. I. In the first transgression, in Eden, man became a sinner through hearing falsehood, believing falsehood, desiring the results of falsehood and obeying the teachings of falsehood, in violating the positive command, "Thou shalt not eat." He returns by retracing his steps, hearing the Gospel, believing the Gospel, repenting, confessing Christ, and obeying the truth in obeying the positive command baptism. II. The en tire man is changed in each case. Believing falsehood changed man's beliefs; desiring the re- sults of falsehood, changed man's desires' his heart ; disobeying a positive command, changed man's volitions, his conduct; punishment changed his condition, his state. In like manner believing the truth changes man's beliefs ; repentance, his heart ; confession, his position before men and divine law ; baptism changes man's vo- lition, his conduct ; pardon changes his state. III. The entire man is tested in each case. Beliefof falsehood wasatestof mind, reason, judgement; desiring the results of falsehood was a test of the heart ; disobe- dience of a positive command was a test of the will. In like manner belief of truth tests man's mind, reason, judgment. Re- Eentance tests his heart, and baptism tests is will. IV. Disobedience to a positive command was before and in order to pun- ishment, in the first transgression. Obe- THE BRADEN AND KELLEY DEBATE. dience to a positive command is before and in order to the removal of punishment in man's conversion. V. In John's work pre- paring for Christ, baptism was into refor- mation, into remission. VI. Jesus said men are begotten by the Spirit, through hearing his words, and believing the truth; and born of the water and Spirit in baptism. VII. Jesus said, "he that believes and is baptized shall be saved" from his -past sins. In Matthew's account of the same discourse he tells us that this baptism was into the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. It was water baptism. VIII. Peter said to converted believers "Repent and be bap- tized unto the remission of sins." IX. The penitent praying Saul was told to "Arise and be baptized, and wash away thy sins calling on the name of the Lord." X. Peter who has to tell Cornelius "what he must do to be saved," preached, Cornelius believed Peter commanded him to be baptized in water in the name of the Lord. XL The jailor asked Paul what he must do to be saved. Paul told him to believe, and bap- tized him. XII. Baptism is recorded as an essential element in every conversion as much so, as faith. On the day of Pente- cost, Lydia, Saul, the Eunuch, the Sa- maritans, Cornelius, the jailor, the house- holds of Stephanas, Crispus, Gains, the Romans, Corinthians, Epbesians, Colossi- ans, the language of Paul to Titus, the language of Peter. XIII. The Romans were baptized into Christ's death. The blood of Christ is met in hit, death. Were united with Christ in baptism, in the likeness of his death. Were buried to sin in baptism and rose to walk a new life. Were made free from sin in obeying, in baptism, the symbol of the doctrine delivered to them, the burial and resurrection of Christ. XIV. The Galatians put on Christ in being bap- tized into him. XV. The Ephesians are loid that Christ cleansed the church by the washing the laver, bath of water, baptism, through the word. XVI. The Colossians were buried with Christ in baptism, and rose through faith, to walk a new life. XVII. As the Israelites were freed from Fiiaroah and came under Moses in the bap- tism unto Moses in the cloud and sea, so we are freed from sin and come unto Christ in being baptized into Christ. XVIII. We aie saved by the washing, laver, bath of re- generation, baptism, and the renewal of the Holy Spirit in belief, being begotten by the Spirit through the word. XIX. Baptism saves us as the answer or requirement of a good conscience towards God. XX. If we arrange the teachings of the Scriptures in pairs we can see what they are. Persons are begotten by hearing the words of the Spirit (faith) and born of water and Spirit (baptism). He that believes (faith) and is baptized (baptism) is saved. Believing penitents (faith) are told to be baptized into remission (baptism). Believing Saul (faith) is told to arise and wash away his sins (washing of regeneration baptism) in bap- tism. Cornelius believed (faith) and was baptized in water in the name of the Lord (baptism) as what he was todo to be saved. The eunuch believed (faith) and was bap- tized (baptism). The Samaritans believed (faith) and were baptized (baptism). The jailor believed (faith) and was baptized (baptism). The Romans believed (faith) and were baptized into Christ's death united with him in the likeness of his death (in baptism), obeyed (in baptism) the sym- bol of the doctrine, the burial and resurrec- tion of Christ. The Ephesians were cleansed by the laver bath of water, (baptism) through the word (faith). The Galatians were children of God through faith having put on Christ in being baptized into Christ. The Colossians were buried with Christ in baptism rose to a new life through faith. We are saved by the laver both washing of regeneration (as Paul washed away his sins in baptism) and the renewal of the Holy Spirit in faith. Baptism, as an act of faith, saves us as the answer or requirement of a good conscience towards God. XXI. The baptism mentioned in- these couplets is water baptism. It-was into the name of the Father, Son and the Holy Spirit, in the name of Christ in water in the name of the Lord here is water a laver a bath a washing a command administered by man, not miraculous, not attended with miraculous power. It was the one baptism. Baptism in the Holy Spirit that is a miraculous promise, not a command ; received, not obeyed ; that is administered by Christ alone was a miracle and attended with miraculous power, is utterly out of the question. XXII. Then we teach that obedience to a positive ordinance baptism occupies the same posi- tion, in order, in man's return to God, that disobedience to a positive ordinance, "Thou shall not eat," did in man's departure. That obedience to a positive ordinance is before and in order to a removal of punish- ment, in the same sense that disobedience to a positive ordinance was before and in order to infliction of punishment in the transgression. That as man was not punish- ed when he believed falsehood, nor when he desired its results, and not until he had arrayed his will against God's positive com- mand ; and in his actions violated his positive command; so in conversion, the penalty is not removed when man believes or for faith only, nor when he repents, but when he submits his will to God's will, in his posi- tive ordinance baptism, and by his acts obeys this ordinance and is born into the Kingdom of God, saved from his past sins, baptized into remission, washes away his sins, is made free from sin, is baptized into Christ, is saved by the laver of regeneration, is cleansed by it, saved by baptism in meet- ing the requirements of God's law and has a good conscience toward it. We teach that faith is a means of man's justification. We reject the dogma that man is justified by faith only, for these reasons: I. The Scriptures nowhere declare that man is justified by faith only. The "only" is an interpolation. II. The Scrip- tures nowhere declare that man is justified THE BRADEN AND KELLEY DEBATE. 233- by faith without works of obedience to the law of Christ. Deeds of law have no refer- ence to deeds of the law of Christ. III. The Scriptures declare that man is justi- fied by ten different things and faith in one of them. IV. Faith is an act of obe- dience to the law of Christ, a work as much as baptism. V. The word of God declares, "Man is justified by works, and not by faith only." We believe this and not sectarian theology which flatly contradicts God's word in saying, "Man is not justified by works, but by faith only." The sixth item or plank is one hope though the name of Christ. It embraces hope of pardon and the Spirit through the word in the case of the sinner eternal life and the resurrection and heaven in the case of the Christian, who is faithful in a holy, righteous life to the end. The seventh item or plank is the one body or "The Church of Christ." We find that there were two classes of persons in the church in the apostolic age. There were two kinds of work. One required miracu- lous powers ; the other did not. The miraculous was extraordinary, temporary, to endure until the New Testament church was perfected, and the perfect word of God was completed in the New Testament. Then this miraculous power and all its work ceased ; and the men who possessed it ceased out of the church. This removes apostles, prophets, who preach by inspira- tion, and all miraculous work and persons possessing miraculous power. It leaves evangelists, who, as uninspired preachers, proclaim the Gospel, that was perfected by the inspired apostles, to the world. Then overseers and servants or deacons. These two classes of officers are generally termed "Elders," because chosen from old men. They and the evangelists are called "shep- herds," because they fed the flock. We reject episcopacy over more than one con- gregation, and all orders not embraced in evangelists, overseers and deacons. We reject creeds, councils and all ecclesiastical hierarchies. The local congregation is the master of its own affairs in all matters of faith 1 , practice and discipline. The eighth plank is the one name. Indi- vidual followers should bear this one name, the name of Christ, in being called " Christ- ians." The Church should bear this one name of Christ in being called " The Church of Christ," or, " The Church of God." Thus we stand on the divine platform of eight planks laid down by Paul, so we proclaim these eight items to the world. We do not preach Trinitarianism because it is an attempt to be wise beyond what is written. We reject unitarianism because it denies the divinity of Jesus, that he was divinity manifest in human form. We have rejected total hereditary depravity because unscriptural and absurd. We are not Pelagians, for we 1 elieve in inherited depravity of man's physical, mental and moral nature. We reject all idea of inherit- ed sinfulness or guilt, and the idea that inherited depravity can be total. We have rejected all idea of veiigefulness on the part of God, and all horrible pictures of punish- ment, gross ideas of hell aud punishment, but are not Universalists. We believe that there is punishment of sin here and here- after, and that the finally impenitent will be eternally lost. We have rejected absurd- ities of human inability, that man can do nothing in hearing and obeying God's word ; ideas of substitutionary righteousness in the sense that Christ's righteousness and obedience will be accepted instead of what we should and can do. Yet we believe that Christ died for us, made an atonement for us, and is our mediator and expiation. But that he did this, not to do our righteousness for us, but to enable us to be pardoned and do our own righteousness, and by obeying Him, grow up into the character we should have. We have rejected the absurd ideas tha.t conversion is a miracle. Also absurd ex- periences, and relying on our own feelings for evidence of pardon. We take God at His word. We obey Him and we take Hia Sromise of pardon as the evidence of pardon, ur evidence is divine, not human. We reject mourners' benches, seekers' circles, mourning for days or years, all idea that God has to be converted by penance on th part of the sinner, before he will pardon. We hold our protracted meetings just as the apostles held theirs. Preach the same ideas. Tell persons the same things. Proclaim the same commands. Make the same promises. We tell persons believe the Gospel, believe with the whole heart, repent with a Godly sorrow, confess Christ, with the mouth be baptized into remission. We organize them into churches exactly aa the apostles did, with the same officers and services. Break the loaf on each first day as they d id. Build each other up in Christian knowledge and life, by teaching, exhorta- tion, songs, prayers, reading the scriptures, and live as tiie scriptures require. Thus I prove that we are identical in faith, ordi- nances, organizations, teaching, worship, practice, and duties with the Church of Christ as left completed by the apostles of Christ. We will notice briefly some things said by my opponent. I will first remind him that the New Testament is our authority in regard to the Church of Christ. Not the traditions of what are called "the fathers." There is no issue that there were miracu- lous powers in the church in the days of th apostles. The issue is this : "Did the apos- tles, in giving the constitution of the church, the New Testament, ordain that they should remain in the church as a permanent fea- ture of the church they ordained in the New Testament?" There is no disputing the fact that Jesus promised that signs should attend certain persons. The issues are, " were they to attend the preaching of more than believing apostles? Were they to re- main perpetually in the church?" We are glad to hear him say that miraculous power wag not given to convert those to whom it was given. See If he does not back out of 234 THE BRADEN AND KELLEY DEBATE. that before we are done. " The last days " in Joel's promise were the last days in the Mosaic dispensation. Peter declares that " this " series of events at which you are so amazed "is that" series of events "that was promised by Joel," and that Christ had shed forth that series of miraculous dis- plays which they saw or heard. Peter de- clared that Joel's promise was to persons among all flesh that "God should call." That they should receive the Holy Spirit as a gift. There were two manifestations of this miraculous influence, baptism in the spirit, poured forth by Christ on two occasions, and spiritual gifts received by the imposi- tion of apostle's hands. There is no dis- pute that there were spiritual powers in the Corinthian church ; nor tnat tlley were ex- horted to desire the best of these gifts while they remained in the church. I be- lieve Paul when he says "there is a more excellent way " than exercising the best of these spiritual gifts. My opponent does not. I desire " the more excellent way." He does not. We have apostles in our church, just aw we have Christ in our church, by their words, their law, their inspired utter- ances. We have prophets in the same way. We do not substitute Joe Smith's fraud, the Book of Mormon, as the "fullness of the- gospel," for Christ's law, the New Testa- ment. Nor do we substitute Mormon im- postors for the apostles and prophets of the- New Testament. We have evangelists, shepherds and teachers in our church, who take God's word as their sole guide, for it "makes them perfect, and thoroughly fin- ishes them to all good works." We do not have Mormon impostors who pretend to be inspired, and we refuse to follow the lying vagaries of such instead of the perfect word of God. Baptism in the spirit was a prom- ise. We learn from the history of Christ's administration of it that it ushered in tho proclamation of the gospel to Jews on the day of Pentecost, and the proc- lamation of the gospel to Gentiles at the house of Cornelius. We learn from the Bible history its period of existence. W learn from the context the meaning of Paul's language ; the wisdom and knowl- edge that were to pass away, were the wis- dom and knowledge imparted by inspira- tion, mentioned in the previous context. MR. KELLEY'S SECOND SPEECH. GENTLEMEN MOHEJIATORS, LADIES AND GENTLEMEN: I am medium of the word and under an apostle's* hands only ? Here are three flat contradic- tions to your order in one case. Then I call your attention again to the- household of Cornelius, where " the Holy Ghost fell on them which heard the word," and was not imparted through the medium of the word ? I next invite your attention to the church record as given by the best historians sub- sequent to that time, to show that this was not only the order during the New Testa- ment times, but that it continued to be the order for a long time subsequent, and that they actually received the Holy Ghost by conforming to the ordinances as they were- placed in the church, and not simply through the medium of the word. The following are the authorities showing the order of doctrine of the laying on of hands, as it was practiced in the early church upon baptized believers, and the manner of reception of the Holy Spirit in the church as left perfected by the apostles, if ever perfected. First. Tertulliau, A. D. 200. de Bapt. c.6. "After baptism the hand is imposed by blessing, and calling, and inviting of the Holy Spirit, who willingly descends from the Father on the bodies that are cleansed and blessed." Further upon this in chapter 8 he says : " It is the fleshly, or outward act of bap- tism that we are dipt in water ; the spirit- ual effects that we are freed from our sins. Tiien follows laying on of hands, the Dis- penser, inviting the Spirit of God by prayer, And being cleansed by baptismal water we are disposed for the Holy Spirit under the hands of the Angel of the church." Speaking concerning the order and state of the church at this early time, after the death of the apostles, he says, (de Script. Cap. 36) : "She belieyeth in God, she signs with water, (that is baptizeth,) she clothes with the spirit, (viz., by the Imposition of hands,) she feeds with the Eucharist, (ad- ministers the emblems of the Lord's body,) and exhorts to martyrdom, (to faithfulness, and the keeping of the law of God even unto death,) and against this order or Institution she receives no man." This is the declared practice of the church as it was left by the apostles. I call my opponent's attention to it particularly, and ask him to explain how it is, that it is not the order in his church too, since he affirms his "is in accordance with the church of Christ as it was left perfected by the apos- tles." I have shown you that under the immediate supervision of the apostles that this was the order and practice, and now that it was still the order in the century which immediately followed. And I want some evidence that will support your bold assertions to the effect that your church, call it Christian, Church of Christ, Cainp- bellite, Disciple, or what you may, it mat- ters not, is either in faith, doctrine or prac- tices, in accord with the church as it was THE BE ADEN AND KELLEY DEBATE. 237 under the apostles, or in the immediate time subsequent. Second, But I have other evidence to offer from the history of the early church. Eusebius, (not the Pope of that name,) but Eusebius Pamphilus, who lived about three hundred years after Christ, in his work (Book 7, c. 2). certifies that: "The ancient manner of receiving mem- bers into the church was with prayer, and the laying on of hands." Again he says, ( Book 6, c. 26) : " That one Novatius being sick was bap- tized, if it may be called a baptism which he received, for he obtained not after his recovery that which he should have done by the 'canon of the church, to-wit, con- firmation by the hands of the Bishop, which having not obtained, how can he be sup- posed to have received the Holy Spirit." This was about the year 260. And it must not either be supposed to have been derived from the practice afterwards of Crossing, or Chrysni, for the writer makes no mention of these in his work. Third, Cynrian, in A. D. 250, and against whom none will bring an accusation, in his 73d letter, when referring to the fact of the apostles going to Samaria to confirm those that Phillip had baptized, says : " Which custom is also descended to us, that they who are baptized, might be brought by the rules of the church, and by S'ayer of in position of hands to obtain the oly Ghost." Again in Ep. 72: "It is of no purpose to lay hands on them to receive the Holy Spirit, unless they re- ceive the baptism of the church." Fourth, Hierom in answering this ques- tion, viz: "Why he that is baptized in the church doth not receive the Holy Ghost but by the imposition of hands?" answers (Dial ad Lucifer) : "This observation for the honor of the priesthood, did descend from the Scrip- tures. IfyouasKme where it is written ? 'Tis answered, in Aetibus Apostolorum, in the Acts of the Apostles." Fifth, The testimony of Chrysosfom, who wrote during the fourth century. He says: "That confirmation gives us the Holy Ghost." Sixth, Augustine, of the same century, writes : " Still we do what the Apostles did, when they laid their hands on the Samaritans and called down the Holy Ghost upon them." With these I might also cite Mosheim's Church History, Vol. 1, page 91 ; and Gahiin's Church History, page 93. These give you an unmistakable history of the church upon the doctrine and prac- tice of the reception of the Holy Spirit^ and the laying on of hands, down to the fourth century from the time of Christ. These historians are some of the same parties through whom we received the record of the Scriptures themselves. The practices and teachings of the church by the apostles as I have shown, were not only different from Braden's church, but also that of the church after the apostles, whether perfected or not. What has he to answer, I again ask him, to thia emphatic testimony? I cite these to show you that after the apostles' time the churches that were left, (these congregations that have been referred to), practiced the same things that we have recorded in the New Testament Scriptures, and that this is the highest and most cor- rect history and account that we have with regard to the practices of the church after the time of the apostles. This is the his- tory as handed down of the doings of those chnrches after the apostles' time. Now I hurriedly invif.e your attention to a description of the doctrine of Christ as set forth in the sixth chapter of Hebrews, and call the attention of my opponent to the fact that in describing the faith of his church this evening, he left out one of the first or foundation principles here named by the apostle Paul, and not only by Paul, but by others of the apostles; and as I have shown, was held to be the practice and doc- trine of the church as handed down after- wards until the fourth century, at least af- ter the apostles' time. The apostle says : " Therefore leaving the principles of the doctrine of Christ, let us go on unto perfec- tion, not laying again the foundation of re- pentance from dead works, and of faith to- ward God of the doctrine of baptisms, and of laying on of hands." Now, you did not enumerate this last as one of the doctrines of your church, and one of the things you believe in. Do you believe in it for any purpose, and practice it for any purpose, in your church, either for the ordination of the minister setting apart of the minister, or anything else? Do you for anything? You may answer these questions to-morrow night. The record continues : "And of resurrection of the dead and of eternal judgment. And this will we do if God permit." Remember these are principles in the foundation of the structure. Do you accept all as being in the foundation of your struc- ture? If you do not, then answer the fur- ther question, and show your authority in the scriptures here, something upon which we may safely rely, for your people taking that out of the New Testament so far as your practicing it is concerned. Just give us one passage of scripture to-morrow even- ing showing that that passage is not as the apostle used it, one of tne first, fundamental, foundation principles of the doctrine of Christ, and that .it should be taken out of the New Testament. Not only that, bub to-morrow evening will you please answer this question, for I wish time enough to ex- amine your answer : Where and how da you receive authority to teach and admin- ister the ordinances as established by Christ for these, as you say, congregations which jwere left after the apostles' time? Second* who were left over these congregations, and 238 THE BRADEN AND KELLEY DEBATE. from whence did they receive their author- ity ? Third, and when Mr. Campbell organ- ized his church in this century, where did he get his authority to organize, if 'the au- thority is vested in the congregation ? And fourth, had he any more authority to or- ganize a church at the time that he did than I have to organize a church, or you have to organize a church ? Please answer all these questions to-morrow evening. I shall call your attention in this connec- tion to the claims made by him with refer- ence to the continuance of the Holy Spirit as manifested upon the day of Pentecost, and spoken of by Peter as belonging by promise not only to that people but " to all that were afar off, even as many as the Lord our God shall call." Was this indeed a fulfillment of the prophecy of Joel? 1 will read it carefully, because I wish you to un- derstand and comprehend the full instruc- tion given. Acts 2: 38: "Then Peter said unto them, repent and be baptized, every one of you in th name of Jesus Christ for the re- in ission of sins and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost, for the promise is unto you and to your children, and unto all that are afar off, even as many as the Lord our Hod shall call. And with many other words did he testify and exhort, saying. Save yourselves from tiiis untoward generation." The promise he says of this gift of the Holy Ghost is " unto you and to your chil- dren, and unto all that are afar off, even as many as the Lord our God shall call." Called to the laying on of the apostles' hands, or called to miraculous power? Could the apostle -Peter have had in his mind at the time that the promise " to you and your children, and to all that are afar off, even as many as the Lord our God shall call," was only to those that the apostles could lay their hands upon? Was the call to stop with those? Jesus had ordained a certain Seventy before this time, as you will find by turning and reading the tenth chapter of Luke. " After these things the Lord appointed other seventy also, and sent them two and two before his faoe into every city." Seventy elders, besides the apostles, cer- tainly, and i he reading is such that it is claimed to show LVO {Seventies, making 140 that we know of that were in existence at that time, and recognized by Christ besides the apostles ; and these went out preaching. and there were many of them preaching and teaching as is shown by reference to other passages in scripture. Did the promise made by Peter extend to those who should accept the faith under these others, or did they only follow the eleven apostles whom Jesus . met after his resurrection ? Peter says, verses 32 and 33: "This Jesus hath God raised up, whereof weallare witnesses. Therefore being by the right hand of God exalted, and having received of the Father the promise of the Holy Ghost, he hath shed forth this which ye now see and hear." This is connected with the sixteenth verse of the same chapter, where he refers to the prophecy of Joel. "For these are not drunken as ye suppose, seeing it is but the third hour of the day. But this is that " now what do " this" and "that" refer to? The word " this " all must agree refers to the thing poured out upon that occasion the Spirit. The argument of the apostle is, For this that you see, that which seems to make this audience stagger, or act different- ly from what they would act at other times, is not strong drink, " seeing it is but the third hour of the day." " But this [Spirit] is that [Spirit] which was spoken of by the prophet Joel; and it shall come to pass in the last days, saith God, 'I will pour out of my Spirit upon all flesh ; and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, and your young men shall see visions, and your old men shall dream dreams'." Now let me examine it as Braden wishes you to take it. This is the fulfillment of the prophecy made by Joel. Can't you see that that is a different thing entirely from a mere reference to that Spirit that Joel said would be poured out in the last days? The true antecedent or substantive is Spirit, and not the " fulfillment of Joel's prophecy." Hence he says : This is that [Spirit] which was spoken of by the prophet Joel, "and it shall come to pass in the last days, saith God, I will pour out of my Spirit upon all flesh." This is the Spirit of God, then. Peter is giving them to understand upon that day that it is the Spirit of God that is made manifest before their eyes, and not a fulfillment of Joel's prophecy, because he could not have truthfully made them believe it was a fulfillment of Joel's prophecy, for Joel's prophecy included seeing visions and dreaming dreams. Was thereany body there that fell asleep and had a dream that you have any account of? Was there anything poured out there "On my servants and on my handmaidens?" etc. Was it poured out upon all flesh there? It is not only to be poured out upon certain persons w'heu the prophecy is fulfilled, but upon all flesh. Then is the time when the lamb and the lion shall lie down together, when all shall be at peace, and when the earth shall be full of the knowledge of the Lord, as the waters fill, or cover, the sea. I know that Mr. Braden thinks it will be when the lamb is inside of the lion that they will lie down together, but that is not according to the prophecy. The prophets declare that they shall lie down together at a time when they should not molest each other, and a little child even should lead them, etc., and we ought to believe fully in the predictions and in the prophecies being actually fulfilled at some time, for these prophets spoke as they were moved upon by the Holy Ghost. Here I shall take up his idea of the Spirit being received only through the word, and cite passages of scripture to show that the Spirit is not given through the word, the letter of the law, as the Campbellites hold. 1 Peter 1 : 1012: " Of which salvation the prophets have Inquired and searched diligently, who prophesied of the grace (hat should come unto you. Searching what, or what manner of time the Spirit of Christ which was in them did signify, when it testified beforehand the suffering" of Christ, and the glory ttmt should follow. UnU whom it was revealed, that not unto themselves, bu unto us, they did minister the things whicb are no THE BRA BEN AND KELLEY DEBATE. 239 reported unto yon by them that hare preached the Gospel unto you with the H"ly Ghost sent down from heaven, which things the angels desire to look into." Now the persons who before this time received the Holy Ghost as "sent down from heaven," the apostle Peter says re- ceived it, not as it came through the word, the dead letter, but direct from heaven. There is no such thing in the Scripture, either that the Holy Ghost was given for the purpose of perfecting the word. The word, as I understand, was perfected as it emanated from God. It was perfect then. Do you think Jesus gave the Holy Spirit in order to make the word more perfect? So far as that is concerned, it was perfect in the Psalmist's day. "The law of the Lord is perfect, converting the soul." Was it perfect in the sense that my opponent would have you believe now, so far as to include all that God should ever give? Not at all. This is only a false theory among the peo- Kle. James speaks of the "perfect law of berty." That perfect law of liberty that he was speaking of was the law that they had then, and that they were commanded to teach, and they had all the law that was in a sense requisite to salvation, from the time when the great commission was given by Jesus, when he said, " Go ye into all the world and preach the gospel to every crea- ture." Mark 16. "Go ye, therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost ; teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you." Did he tell them to teach anything else than what he had commanded? Yet, notwithstanding the fact that they were instructed to teach just what Jesus had commanded them, afterwards they received word upon word, line upon line, and pre- cept upon precept, and we have this in part here in the New Testament, and it com- prises the greater part of the New Testa- ment all received, so Braden would have us believe, after they had enough close the portals we have got a Bible; we don't want any more Bible. But the men inspired of God never thought of such a thing, yet they were commanded to teach just what Jesus had commanded. If he says now the word is perfected, I say it was just as per- fect at the time that Jesus taught the eleven disciples upon this occasion, and raised up his hands and blessed them. The perfec- tion of the word does not consist in the amount of the word, but it consists in the fact that the word emanated from God. Because;if you say it consisted in the amount, there are several of these writings in the Bible made after the time that Jesus speaks of "the perfect law of liberty." And Jude says, "(Jon tend for the faith that was once dtlwered to the saints." Do you say it was this faith that is con- tained in the writings of the New Testa- ment that he exhorted them to contend for? The faith that is contained in the New Testament is a system of religion, and was not compiled in Jude's time. Do you aay that it meant the powerful faith, 'the active faith, the principle by which men and women cou ! d do wonderful things by the Spirit'of God that he exhorted them to contend for? If so, why do you not contend for it? Just answer these questions, arid answer them one way or the other, so we may know your position. The apostle Jude wrote in the year 66. Many of the Epistles found in the New Testament, were written after his time. Yet he exhorted them to contend for the faith "once delivered," already done, not that which is to be de- livered to the Saints. But let us examine more particularly the position taken that these epistles and reve- lations were given for the purpose of perfect- ing the word of God. It occurs to me that there are no grounds for this, and that it is but a false assumption on the part of my op- ponent. He assumes that the apostles were placed in the church for the purpose of perfecting the word of God. Now, I open the Bible to ascertain whether this wt*s for the purpose of perfecting the word of God or not, and turn to the fourth chapter of Ephesians and read as follows : "And he gave some, apostles ; and some, prophets ; and some, evangelists ; and some, pastors and teachers." For the perfecting of the word of God: Did you read it that way, Mr. Braden ? The Bible reads, verse 12, "For the perfecting of the Saints." And yet he had it for the perfecting of the word of God. Again, "for the work of the minis- try" doing the preaching and administer- ing under the word, and yet he has it for the perfecting of the word. Again, "For the edifying of the body of Christ." No, Braden says, to edify the word. And now let me call attention to the fact that when he said, "How shall they believe in him of whom they have not heard?" He did not quote the full text, which also says : "And how shall they hear without a preacher? and how shall they preach except they be sent?" Why did you not quote the entire verse there? "How shall they believe in him of whom they have not heard?" Very true; but what is the balance? See tenth chapter of Romans: "And how shall they hear with- out a preacher? And how shall they E reach except they be sent? as it is written, ow beautiful are the feet of them that preach the gospel of peace and bring glad tidings of good things." O, the true mes- senger from God brings something of value then. He does not only relate history, but he brings to the craving heart the like rest and peace of which he reads. God has something to do with such a preacher of his word, and hence the calling of men in order to do this preaching, to dispense this word to the people. They cannot believe except they shall hear. So this is the idea for the giving of the apostles, and prophets, and elders, and teachers, etc., and not that these apostles and preachers were given for the purpose of perfecting the word of God as Braden interprets it. In contradistinction the apostle says they were given for the perfecting of the Saints, (those who believ- 240 THE BRADEN AND KELLEY DEBATE. ed in Jesus Christ and had undertaken to become his children and walk in his ways,) "for the work of his ministry, for the edi- fying of the body of Christ." They were there for the purpose of exhorting them, instructing them, and to this end they received knowledge from time to time, so as to be able to rightly divide the wora and build up the church ; and thus their work was in perfecting the church, instead of perfecting the word. Braden's church has not only changed the officers and prac- tices of the church, but actually changed the object and effect of the work done, and of those who did it. And yet he pretends to affirm that his church is in accordance with the New Testament pattern in faith, doctrine and practices, organization, etc. Wherein is it similiar? Will he please tell us so that we can discover any similarity whatever, in fact, aside from the represen- tation that Paul makes to Timothy that at sometime there should a people arise claim- ing to be the Church of Christ, "Having a form of Godliness, but denying the power thereof ;" but of this class the apostle says, "from such turnaway." The apostle seems to clearly foresee that somebody would try to take one of the foundation principles out of the structure, and discard the means or- dained, for giving access to the power, and he warns Timothy to be careful : "Take heed unto yourself, and unto the doctrine; continue in them: For in doing this thou shalt both save thyself and them that hear thee." He could not dispense with one, two, three, or all the principles of the doctrine of Christ except baptism in water, and be justified. But was to "observe these things without preferring one before another, doing nothing by partiality." 1 Tim. 4: 16, and5:21. (Time called.) MR BRADEN'S THIRD SPEECH. GENTLEMEN MOPERA TORS, LADIES AND GENTLEMEN : Last night I gave you a de- tailed account of the faith, organization, teaching, ordinances, worship and practice, of the church of which I am a member. I compared these features with the church of Christ, as organized and completed by the apostles, and established perfect ident'ty. There were open to my opponent three lines of criticism. I. I did not describe my church accurately. He has not urged this objection and has conceded the accuracy of my description. II. There were features In my church that were not in the apostolic church. He has conceded that the apos- tolic church had all of the features of my church. Mormons usually tell us, "You Campbellites are all right as far as you go ; but you don't go far enough." III. There were features, elements, in the apostolic church that are not in my church. This is the criticism that he has made. On this alone do we differ. He has conceded that we are right in our teaching in re- gard to the one God in regard to the one Lord. His first attack is on our teaching in regard to the work of the Holy Spirit. We are agreed that there is a divine person, the Holy Spirit. That he has exerted two influences on men, direct in inspiration and mediate through the medium of the truth he has revealed. We are agreed that the direct influence was exerted in inspiration, miracles, evolation. We both believe that this influence was exerted in the inspira- tion of men that the Bible says were in- spired, from the days of Adam until the days of the apostles. We both believe what the Bible teaches in regard to the inspira- tion of men during that period, and that they wrought miracles, g^ave revelations, acted, spake and wrote by inspiration. We are both agreed that this influence was not exerted in conviction, conversion, sanctifl- cation and comforting. We are agreed that it was to reveal truth, attest such revela- tions, do benevolent work in miracles of mercy, and to aid man in emergencies in which human wisdom was not adequate. We are agreed that in the conviction and conversion of the sinner, and in the sancti- fi cation and upbuilding of the saint, t-he Holy Spirit accomplished his work through the truth revealed in his word, or preached in accordance with it. My opponent claims that it is a part of the permanent constitu- tion of the church, that believers should enjoy the direct influence of the Holy Spirit, as it was enjoyed in the apostolic churches. That this direct influence will constitute persons, apostles, prophets, etc.. in the church now, and thus the church should en- joy all the powers and possess all of the works that the apostolic church possessed, inspiration, prophesying, speaking with tongues, working signs, revelations. There is no difference between my oppo- nent and myself as to whether these spirit- ual powers were in the Apostolic Church. The sole issue is this, " Does the constitu- tion of the Church the New Testament ordain that they are to remain in the THE BRADEN AND TELLEY DEBATE. 241 Church? Does it make them a permaneni constituent element as it constitutes aud organises the permanent organization of the Church?" My opponent need not read to me Joel's promise. I believe that. We differ as to its extent and time of con- tinuance. Nor the promises of John and Jesus of the baptism of the Holy Spirit. I believe that. We differ as to its extent and continuance. Nor the promise of Jesus that his apostles should receive the Comforter. I believe that. We differ as to its extent and continuance Nor the promise that his apostles, when before magistrates, should be inspired, nor that those who be- lieved on Him should have inspiration, like rivers of water. I believe that. We differ concerning thd extent and con- tinuance. Nor His promise to His apostles that they should be endued with power from on high, and that signs should follow their teaching. I believe that, but differ as to its extent and continuance. Nor Peter's promise on days of Pentecost. We differ as to its extent and continuance. He need not read accounts of the baptism in the Holy Ghost. I believe that. We differ as to ita extent and continuance. He need not read to me accounts of the apostles conferring the Holy Spirit, nor of the apostles working miracles, nor of persons working miracles who possessed spiritual gifts. I believe all that. We differ as to its extent and con- tinuance. Heneednotreadtomel Cor. XII xiii. xiv. and Eph. iv., and other passa- ges. I believe all that. We differ only Concerning extent and continuance of such S'fts. He assumes that the baptism in the oly Spirit was a general gift in the Church. I assert that there were only two occur- rences of it. He asserts that it was to re- main as a constituent element in the church. I assert that it ceased with the two sole occasions of such baptism. He asserts that the promises of our Saviour of the Comforter were to all Christians. I assert they were to the apostles alone. He asserts that the promise of signs in Mark xvi. was to all believers I assert it was to the apostles who believed. He asserts that Peter's promise was to all believers. I assert that it was ,011 ly those whom God called in his appointed "way, the imposition of an apostle's hands. He asserts that others than those on whom an apostle had laid his hands possessed these spiritual gifts. I assert that only such possessed them. He asserts that the persons possessing these powers as des- cribed in 1 Cor. xii. xiii. xiv. and Ephesians iv. were, by the constitution of the Church, placed in the Church as permanent offices, a permanent element in the Church. I assert that they were provisional, the constitution making power of the Church, and ceased when the constitution, the New Testament, was completed, and the Church was organized under it ; and that the con- stitution did not ordain them as a perma- nent constituent element of the Church, organized in accordance with the completed constitution. That the constitution ordains that the Church is to be governed by the perfect word of God in the New Testament, aud that we need no new revelations. That it ordains that evangelists, pastors, teachers, officers, servants, without direct influence of the Spirit or constitution making power, shall rule the Church, in accordance with the perfect law of God, completed in the New Testamen t. The issue then is whether miraculous powers, such as existed in the Apostolic Church, and such as are described in 1 Cor., Eph. and other epistles shall be a permanent constituent element of the Church ? Or were they merely provisional, constitution making powers that ceased when the constitution was completed and the Church was organized under it and were not part of the Church. We will now review my opponent's talk and answer his questions. In I Cor. xii, the apostle explains to the Corinthians the spiritual gifts in the church. He says, "de- sire earnestly the best spiritual gifts, never- theless I show unto you a more excellent way" than the exercise of the spiritual gifts. He then explains what that more excellent way is. It is the condition of the church, after spiritual gifts have ceased, and the church is under the perfect word of God. He then closes by telling them to desire spiritual gifts as long as they are to remain in the church. It is not, however, the most excellent way, but the way he had discussed in the eleventh chapter. Moses gave laws to the Israelites when in the wil- derness suited to their condition. He tells them what will be their condition in the land of Canaan, and often returns to their present condition and tells them how they are to conduct themselves until they reach the land of promise. So Paul tells the Cor- inthians how to act under spiritual gifts; then describes a more excellent way than the best of these gifts, when they shall cease ; then he returns to his first thought, and tells them how to exercise the gifts till that more excellent way obtains. He no more describes the permanent of the church than Moses describes the permanent of the Israelites in similar language. My opponent says I would not ask con- verts "nave ye received the Holy Spirit after ye believed." No, I wouldnot. Iwould know that the indwelling of the spirit they had received, and that the miraculous power of the spirit, such as Paul inquired about, they could not receive, for the Bible so teaches. The baptism of the spirit is one thing, the gifts imparted by the Holy Spirit is another. To receive the Holy Spirit in baptism from Christ is one thing, to receive him in spiritual gifts by an apostle's hands is another. Those baptized at Samaria had received the indwelling of the spirit. The miraculous influence of the spirit could only be imparted by the imposition of an apos- tle's hands. Will my opponent tell me? Had these Samaritans been born of water and spirit before the apostles laid hands on them? Were they saints or sinners? If sinners, how could they receive the spirit? Jesus says the world cannot receive him. The Holy. Spirit in miraculous power was 242 THE BBADEN AND KELLEY DEBATE. not through the word. It was by imposition of apostles' hands. But the indwelling was through faith, belief of the word. " After ye believed, because ye were sons, God has given you his spirit." Ananias was a spe- cial apostle, just as persons sometimes offered sacrifices who were not priests when a priest was not present. So Ananias was a special apostle sent by God to impart the spirit to Saul. He challenged me to explain the birth of the water and the spirit. I will cheerfully do so. The Greek has one word, gennaoo, that is used of both male and female. When used of the male it means " beget ;" when used of the female it means " to bear, to bring forth." When James says "He begat us by the word of truth" he used this word. When Paul says "I begat you through the gospel" he uses it. When'Peter says " We are begotten through the truth" he uses it. Then God, the Spirit and Paul begat the believers through the truth. When it is asked "Where is he that is born King of the Jews?" it is this word. "Those born of woman " it is the same word. In a birth there are two parties, the father who be- gets. God or his spirit begets through the truth. There is the mother of whom the person is born. When we speak of both together we say a man was born of his mother and father, or born of his mother to his father, because he must be born of his mother before he is born to his father. The word pneunia occurs in the Greek New Tes- tament 287 times. It is translated "spirit" in every case except one, in John iii, 8, when it is said " the wind bloweth where it listeth, and thou nearest the sound thereof, and thou canst not tell whence it cometh nor whither it goeth ; so is every one that is born of the spirit." If it should read "The wind bloweth," it should read also "be born of wind " in the same sentence, which is absurd. If it is "born of spirit" it should read the "spirit breathes." There is no sense in giving such different mean- ings to the same word in the same sentence. Wind in every other case in the New Testa- ment is a translation of anemos. Our Savior told Nicodemus that unless a man be born again he could not see the Kingdom of God. Nicodemus did not un- derstand, and asked him to explain what he meant. Our Savior did so. He did not make it still more mysterious^ but he told Nicodemus just how a man is born again. He said, "Except a man is born of water and the Spirit, he cannot enter the King- dom of God." "It is not the natural birth that I mean," he explains to Nicodemus. He then tells how men are begotten by the Spirit. "The Spirit breathes" (in inspira- tion) "where he pleases, and you hear his voice." (The words he inspires, the Word of God.) "You cannot tell whence he comes or whither lie goes. In this way (by hear- ing the word of God) "is every one (begot- ten) that is begotten of the Spirit." Then men are begotten by the Spirit through the word, and born of the water and Spirit in baptism. The fact that in twenty cases we cited last night, belief and baptism are so coupled together, proves that this is correct. Hebrews VI. refers to the Mosaic law that these Hebrews were not willing to lay to one side. The Mosaic law was the foun- dation of the gospel, prepared the way for it. The gospel of Christ is that which is perfect. The writer exhorts them to lay to one side Mosaism and go on to perfection in the gospel. We lay hands on evangel- ists, overseers and servants of the Church, to induct them into office, and not to impart spiritual gifts. He wants to know what offices were left in the Church ? Evangel- ists, overseers, servants, who acted as pas- tors, teachers. Where do they get their authority? From the constitution of the Church, the New Testament. Where did Campbell get his authority ? From the constitution of the Church, the New Testa- ment, just where those who went preach- ing the word got theirs ; just where Aquilh* and Priscilla got theirs when they taught Apollos the word of the Lord more perfectly. He wants to know if the Seventy did not impart spiritual gifts. The Li ble does not say they ever did. It does say the twelve did, so did Paul the Apostle to the Gen- tiles ; so did Ananias, a special apostle. The word was given perfectly to the disci- ples. They gave it to the world complete. First spoken, then written. Even if it had not been all written when Jude wrote, it had been spoken. Then it was reduced to writing. We will now teach our opponent another Bible lesson. In Gen. xvii, we read that circumcision in the flesh is the token of the inheritance, the land of promise, to all who are born of Israel's seed after the flesh. I, Chron. xvi, 15, declares that the land of Canaan was the inheritance that the cove- nant gave to them. Circumcision in the flesh of a descendant of Israel was a token that he, under the covenant, was entitled to a share of the land, the inheritance. In Gen. ix, the bow in the cloud is called a token of the covenant not to drown tt,e earth. It is so called three times. Ti> token and the covenant are not the sanj* thing. The token binds a verbal covenant , as a seal does a written covenant, or a signing a written covenant binus it. Ro- mans iv., 2. "Circumcision is a sign, *. token, and a seal of the covenant God mad* with Abraham." Saints are born of th* water and the Spirit. John iii, 5. lit Galatians iv., and following verses th* apostle speaks of those under the law o Moses as born after the flesh Their tokeu was in the flesh, and their covenant wa after the flesh, and so was the inheritance. He speaks of those who are born of th Spirit. Their covenant is after the Spirit, their inheritance is after the Spirit, their token or earnest is after the Spirit. Eph. i, 13-14. "After you believed, you were sealed with the Holy Spirit of promise who is the earnest of our inheritance. II. Cor. I. "God has sealed us and given us the earnest of the Spirit in our hearts." Rom. v, 5. "The love of God is shed abroad in- THE BRADEN AND KELLEY DEBATE. 243 jur hearts by the Holy Spirit who is given unto us." Gal. iv. "We receive the adop- tion of Sons in believing the Gospel of Christ and being baptized into him. Then because we are sons God has sent forth the Spirit of his Son into our hearts." Col. ii, 2. " Wo are circumcised in Christ with the circumcision made without hands, by the circumcision of Christ in putting off the body of the sins of the flesh." Romans ii, 28-2*9. "He is not a Jew who is one out- wardly, neither is that circumcision which is outward in the flesh; but he is a Jew who is one inwardly, and circumcision is that of the heart, in the Spirit, and not in the letter, whose praise is not of men but of God." My opponent confounds. the indwel- ling of the Spirit, which is without hands, with the impartation of the Spirit by bauds. He confounds the Spirit as the earnest of our inheritance, with the impartation of the Spirit by hands to confirm acts of inspira- tion and revelation. He has admitted that the direct miraculous influence is not ex- erted in conviction, conversion, sanctifica- tion, upbuilding. Yet, he quotes passages where the convicting, converting, sanctify- ing, upbuilding influence is spoken of as the present privilege of the sinner and saint, to prove that the miraculous power that he ad- mits has nothing to do with conviction, con- version and sanctiflcationis also a privilege of the church. If he will learn to rightly di- vide the word of truth he will not blunder so. Let us now learn the object of miracu- lous power and miracles. John, xv, 26, 27. The apostles and the Holy Spirit were both to testify of Christ, bear witness. Mark, xvi, 20. "And the apostles went forth ana preached everywhere, the Lord working with them and confirming their words by signs, that followed their preaching, i, Cor. ii, 4. Paul's preaching was in a demon- stration of the Spirit and power. I, Thes., i, 5. The gospel came not unto you in word only, but in power and the Holy Spirit and in much assurance. Rom. xv, 18. Paul had preached the gospel over the Roman em- pire, through mighty signs and wonders, through the power of the Spirit of God. I, Cor., xiv, 22. "Tongues or miracles are for a sign to those that believe not, and not to those that believe." Hebrews, ii. "The gospel was first spoken through Christ, and confirmed unto us by those that heard Christ, God bearing witness with them, by signs and wonders, and manifold powers, and by distributions of the Holy Spirit, ac- cording to his will." If necessary, we can trace the signs God gave to Moses and to Pharoah and Israel to demonstrate that Moses was his servant. The signs he gave to Gideon and others. These miracles are a testimony that God gives that the person is inspired a demonstration, an assurance, a confirmation. When the word was com- pleted in the new Testament, inspirations and revelations were no longer necessary, and miraculous powers, signs of revelation and inspiration are not needed. After God has authenticated his word, when he gave it, was it necessary for him to continue to authenticate it by working miracles all the time? After the government of the United States has authenticated a law by govern- ment seal, must it authenticate it by a new sealing, every time the law is used? My opponent would have God stand on the wit- ness stand for ever. He would have him pub the seal of miracle to his revelations in the Bible, every time a man reads or preaches it. We say that the seal of heaven put once on the law of God, the teaching of the apostles is sufficient. My opponent wants the seal used every time he opens his mouth to read the word of God. It is not faith but lack of faith, as in the case of doubting Thomas. Did my opponent stop to think that if miracles were the never failing accompaniment of preaching, in all ages, they would cease to be miracles, and become the order of nature, an ordinary, a common event? Will my opponent tell me what confirmation an event that always at- tends preaching gives to it? What sort of a sign would it be ? The difference between my opponent and myself then is this: I believe that God inspired the men that the Bible says were inspired. I believe that he confirmed their inspiration by signs, miracles; I believe that God's seal onceset to their teaching is sufficient. My opponent wants the Almighty to stand at his elbow, like a lackey, to apply the seal to his talk, every time he reads the Bible, or preaches its truths. The law of God does not sanction such nonsense. It is utterly opposed to it. My opponent blunders over I. Peter 1, 10, The apostle declares that the Spirit that wag in the prophets testified of the glory that should follow. He declares that the Holy Spirit, sent down from heaven, preached, through the apostles, the Gospel. My op- ponent blunderingly jumbles these two manifestations as he does everything he touches. My opponent blunders over "the faith once delivered unto the Saints " in Jude. Romans iii, 3. "Shall the unbelief of men make the faith, the Gospel of God of no effect?" Gal. iii, 2. "Receive ye the Spirit by works of law or by the hearing of faith which should afterwards be revealed." Eph. iv, 5. "One faith, the faith, the Gos- pel, the word of God." Then the faith once delivered unto the Saints is the Gospel, God's word. It had been delivered in preaching before it was committed to writ- ing. I. Corinthians xv, t. "I delivered unto you the Gospel." In I. Corinthians xiii, Paul dsclares "Though I have faith, (miraculous faith) so as to move mountains it is DO profit unless I have Christian love." Our Savior says, Matt, xvii, 20: "If you have faith (miraculous faith) as a grain of mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, 'Le plucked up and cast into the sea,' and it shall be done." Has Kelley or any Mormon miraculous faith as a grain of mustard seed? Let us see him pluck up a Kirtland hill and cast it into the lake. Belief of the faith the Gospel, saves, converts, sanctifies. Miraculous faith that my opponent regards as the all in all of the religion of Christ, does not have one particle of moral influence. 244 THE BRADEN AND KELLEY DEBATE. MR. KELLEY'S THIRD SPEECH. GENTLEMEN MODERATORS, LADIES AND GENTLEMEN: Last evening I waited pa- tiently for my opponent to lead out upon his proposition, and show the similarity and agreement in teaching, organization, prac- tice and doctrine of his with the New Tes- tament church ; but the longer I waited the less I was able to gather either a compari- son of the features of his church with the New Testament, or of an explicit statement of the teaching of either, so that the audi- ence could compare. I noticed, however, that he took particular pains to compare his views with what he thought the views of the Latter Day Saints were, and with what the views of other churches were, not for- getting the Spiritualists, Buddhists, etc. ; and, strange as it may seem, always with a favorable opinion in his own mind of the superiority of his little system over all oth- ers. It called to my mind the prayer of one of old, "Lord, I thank thee that I am not as other men." Now will he please tell us to-night what bearing all of this had upon the question under discussion ? Whose faith is it that is called in question, and is now under discussion here? Anybody else except that of " the church of which I, Clark Braden, am a member?" Yet almost all denominations and beliefs are dragged in here by him, and men and women as- sailed upon the right and left, although t hey are not permitted under the rules to offer a word in reply or defense, and whsr I can- not be expected to answer the charges, be- cause they are not in the least touching the question. Does he show a disposition of fairness toothers in this? I call attention to this particularly because the manner adopt- ed by him through the first proposition in two-thirds of his work had as little applica- tion to the question under consideration as the polygamy practiced by Nicholas and the body of Christians under him in the first century had to do with the faith which Jesus and Paul preached. Don't you forget the question under discussion, my friends. if Braden does. I noticed last evening that a wonderful change had come over him since the discussion of the first proposition; in that, because the Book of Mormon spoke of the Holy Spirit being enjoyed before Christ was manifest in the flesh, he said it contradicted the New Testament, for that said " thj Holy Ghost was not yet given ;" and it \vas no consequence to him that I showed that the prophets before received it and spoke by it no, sir; he insisted it was a flat contradiction. But now he confesses. Last night he had the Holy Ghost inspiring all the prophets, from Adam's time to that of Malachi. My few remarks upon that seem to have completely revolutionized him. But he has not yet told us whether they received it through Christ or some man, a question asked him five evenings ago. The idea thrown out by him that the Disciples go to the Bible for information but other churches go to their creeds, when presented in this false light looks very plausible for his side, sprinkled over as it is with a good deal of sophistry ; and this makes it look very bad for others. The in- ference is that others go to their creeds for precepts, whether based upon the Bible or not, for the reason that tbey have a written statement of what they believe, uotwith- standing, as they think, taken from the Bible, while the Campbellitex go to the Bible. What is the difference between a written statement and an unwritten one, so far as a comparison with the Bible doctrines is concerned ; and if there is a difference, would it not be in favor of the written, so that men could with more certaiiHy com- pare with the Bible? I am aware that there are formulas of faith and disciplines in the world, and interpretations of the inspired writings, but when I come to examine crit- ically, I find among them Mr. Campbell's Christian System; and in many things ifc comes as far short of standing on the Bible and the Bible alone, as many others. Why did he not arraign his own creed instead of going out of the way in this discussion to attack others? I take up this work of Mr. Campbell and read upon page 11 of tho pro- face, "Our aim is now to offer to the pubU/ a more matured view of such cardinal prin- ciples as are necessary to the right inttrpr - tation of the Holy Scriptures, both IJQ ac- acquiring and communicating a correct knowledge of the Christian institution.' It sevtms from this that these professed Pible-alone-people have something to go to also, so that they may know first what Mr. Campbell thought about it. Turn to page 85, chapter 26, and you have the fifteen points of their discipline duly arranged. I call Mr. Braden's attention to it for the reason that when I simply re- ferred to the matter in the Wilber-Nebraska debate he got terribly beside himself. I have the book now, so that ii he disputes me I can soon decide the matter. The chapter is headed : "THE CHRISTIAN DISCIPLINE," And contains the points of discipline of the so-called Christian, Disciple, Church of Christ or Campbellite Churchj as fur- nished by Alexander Campbell himself for that body. In this discipline I find a different order introduced and held out as a rule of prac- tice to the Bible order. It is the formal, or "hand-shaking" order, or the plan of re- ception of members into the church after baptism. This evidently takes the place- of confirmation under the hands of the eldership that was practiced in the early church. Mr. Campbell, on page 86, makes this- THE BRADEN AND KELLEY DEBATE. 245 tormal reception out to be a "necessity," Although he has not a word of sanction for tin the Bible; yet, it is pretended here by ny opponent that they go to the Bible alone for their precepts, and are thus peculiarly different from others. But this bauble I shall fully puncture at another time, and this evening will take up at once those prominent points of difference that ar so apparent between "the church of which I, Clark Braden, am a member," and theNew Testament, and examine them ; for the rea- son that the general differences are so many it would hardly be possible to enumerate and make the reference of an argument to them in a single evening. The great trouble is to find in what they do resemble. Take out the doctrine of bap- tism lor the remission of sins, which Camp- bell began fully to teach in 1828, but which was plainly set forth in the Gospel as con- tained in the record Mr. Smith received of the ancient inhabitants of America in 1827, and Mr. Campbell's church will be as hard to identify with theNew Testament church as would some of the organized benevolent societies of our time. Good enough in their places, but not calculated to point out the straight and narrow way that leadeth unto life. In their order then I take up : I. The name of the church, "Christian, Disciple, Church of Christ." I referred to the fact that the word Christian was only used three times in the Bible. 1. In Acts 11:26, where the saints were called Christians at Antioch. 2. Where Paul was dragged before the king for his faith, and Agrippa says, "Al- most persuadest thou me to bea Christian." Very similar to the way I have been treated time and again, when I had placed before persons the hope of my promise in Christ, and reasoned with the people from the Bible, the answer would be returned: "Well, I don't see anything bad in what these Mormons teach after all." Why do they have to nick-name us, cast derision, as those out of Christ did the saints in Paul's time? 3. The last is in I Peter, 4:16: "Yet if any man suffer as a Christian, let him not be ashamed." Don't be ashamed, if they do nick-name you, who are Saints, and call you Cnristians, because you have a hope well founded in the Messiah. Nick-names con- tain no argument, and if you are not of the world, you will certainly be nick-named by them. This is the sum and substance of the teaching of Peter upon that. But what were the people of God called? Disciples? That showed no distinguishing feature between Jesus' disciples and Plato's disciples. Disciple simply means a learner, a follower, etc. And may be applied to learners and followers outside of religion as in. The true and distinguishing name of the children of God is that of Haints. soused both in the Old and New Testament, and they are to be known as such when Jesus brings them with him in his second advent. When he comes the Saints will be with him, and none others at that time. Not Saints only after they are dead and ?one, but Saints here. Upon this I hastily oifer my authorities: 1. "Israel in the wilderness called Sain ts." Deut. 33 : 2-3, 2. "Precious in thesightof the Lord is the death of his Saints." Ps. 116:15. 3. "And the graves were opened and many bodies of the Saints which slept arose." Matt. 27 : 52. 4. "Saints at Lydia." Acts 9 . 32. 5. "Many of the Saints shut up in prison." Acts 26 : 10. 6. "For God is not the author of confusion, but of peace as in all the churches of the Saints," 1. Cor. 14:33. 7. "Collection for the Saints." 1 Cor. 16:1. 8. "Fellow-citizens with the Saints." Eph. 2:19. 9. "For the perfecting of the Saints." Eph. 4:12. Showing that they were not perfect beings, but to be perfected through the instruction and teaching of a spiritual ministry not by persons versed in man's wisdom only if so they would have their hope in men instead of the power and wis- dom of God. 10. "The prayers of the Saints." Rev. 5: 8. 11. "The Saints are refreshed by thee, brother." Phil. 7th verse. 12. "Salute all the Saints." Heb. 13:24. Besides the name Saints, they also are named after Jesus Christ; Eph. 3:14- 15; he being not ashamed to call them brethren; and hence we have the Church of Jesus Christ cf the Saints; cal- led Saints, and Latter Day Saints, in distinction of Former Day Saints. The Church Re-organized (since the or- ganization in 1830) and hence properly called The Re-organized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, or the Church of Jesus Christ, it being his formal organi- zation of the Saints. Leaving the name, I pass to the second difference. He says Jesus established no church before his death or the day of Pente- cost. Let us examine this ; for it is clear from the New Testament that if he did not, he did not establish any at all. Matthew 16: "Upon this rock I will build my church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it." "And I will give unto thee the keys of the kingdom of heaven." These were to enable Peter to act authorita- tively here on earth in the church ; the kingdom of heaven being represented and established here under the name, style and title of the church. 18th chapter, 17th verse: '-And if ho shall neglect to hear them, tell it unto the church." And 18th verse, "Verily I say unto you, whatsoever ye shall bind on earth shall be bound in heaven." Showing Peter's work in the church, the kingdom of heaven then in existence, as referred to, when he says, "The Kingdom of God is [now] within you." In your midst, among you. Then established and men pressed into it. Luke 16:16. 240 THE BRADEN AND KELLEY DEBATE. "The law and the prophets were until John, since that time the Kingdom of God is preached, and every man presseth into it." How did they get in, if there was none? But the Kingdom, the v Church, was within them. Not the kingdom as it was in heaven, for "flesh and blood" could not inherit up there, but the kingdom as repre- sented in the church on earth. Matt. 11 : 12. "And from the days of John the Baptist until now the Kingdom of Heaven suffereth violence, and the violent take it by force." And also 12: 28: "But if I cast put devils by the Spirit of God, then the Kingdom of God is come unto you." But how come? I answer emphatically that it was under the figure and name of the Church. Jesus the King was there; He gave .them the laws of the Kingdom then and there, as also his servant John taught before. He had chosen officers to carry out and minis- ter these laws and bring men and women into the kingdom, and they were then and there doing it, viz.: "Translating them into the Kingdom of His dear Son," by administering the" laws of the Kingdom, properly bringing them into the Church. Col. 1 : 13. Thus forming, in fact, the family of God, making them heirs of the Kingdom, the body of Christ, " which is the Church," Col. 1: 24. Hence Jesus could call them brethren. "They*are not of the world, even as I am not of the world." John 17: 16. This is why Paul said in the 1st Corinthian letter : "And God hath set some in the Church, first apostles." When was it done? After Pentecost day? No, long before, as shown by Luke 6: 13. After the day of Pentecost no Apostles were set in the Church except the calling of others to fill the vacancies made by death, or otherwise. Braden says the law of Moses extended to Pentecost day, and Jesus kept this law in all things. But Matthew and Luke say " the law and the prophets were until John," and that Jesus said, "Before Abra- ham was, I am." That he went through the fields on the Sabbath day, and plucked the ears of corn ; and told His disciples, "Except your righteousness exceed the righteousness of the Scribes and Pharisees," (these persons who kept the law of Moses and their traditions), "ye can in no wise outer into the kingdom of heaven." Refer- ring evidently to that kingdom which was from above, of which the church on earth was the figure, type or representative; and hence his disciples were not of the world because they imbibed, yielded obedience to, had partaken of the laws which were from above the laws of Christ's Church, "Therefore the world hateth you." Acts 2: 41: "Then they that gladly receive the word were baptized, and the same day there were added unto them About three thousand souls." Added to whom? To the children of God there, the Church, see verse 47, same chapter, " And the Lord added to the Church daily such as should be saved." What church? The church then In existence, and which had existed from the time Jesus organized it, for no act had been done towards further organizing it, so far as the history shows to this time, except to fill the vacancy in the church caused by the death of Judas Iscariot. God hath set in the church "first apostles," said Paul. And now when this Judas falls, it is from the church ; for his office was in the church, and his place, or office, which is etill in the church, is filled by another. This is the sentiment taught by Jesus, the great Head of the Church, in John, 15th Chapter, "I am the vine," " ye are the branches," an i now, not hereafter ; and if branches, they were members in the family of God, the body of Christ, "which is the Church," and which was in existence then and there. Jesus even before John's time had a church. " This is He that was in the < b, irch in the wilderness with the angel that spake to Him in the mount Sinai ; and with our fathers who received the lively oracles to give unto us." Acts 7: 38. This is the reason we find elders in Moses' time the 70 elders they were officers in the church. But says ;Braden, "The gospel law of pardon was first preached on the day of Pentecost." What does he wish to teach by this ? That there are two gospel laws ? That peo- ple received forgiveness of sins after Pen- tecost differently from what they did be- fore ? Lt us see. Luke i, 76 and 77, speak- ing of the work of John says: "For thou B halt go before the face of the Lord to pre- pare his ways ; to give knowledge of salva- tion unto his people by the remission of their sins." Was this any different gos- pel than that preached afterwards? Mark 1:4: "John did baptize in the wilderness for the remission of sins." This seems to me was freeing men from their sins before the day of Pentecost in some other way than by the sacrifice of the dove, the lamb, and the pigeon. Here, "the church of which I, Clark Braden, am a member," is clearly shown not to be in accord with the New Testament pattern in doctrine and faith. "The law and the prophets were until John." Not John's birth; but till John was commissioned by the Most High to teach the principles of the Kingdom of God, and came preaching the Gospel law, in con- tradistinction to the Mosaic, and saying, "Repent for the kingdom of heaven is at hand;" proclaiming a law which superceded the old ; and when the new came in the old was displaced, and for that reason nailed to the cross. Not nailed to the cross while it was in force and operative, but after it had performed its work and God had abol- ished it. 4. Now I approach the fourth difference and distinction between his church and the New Testament church ; vix., the baptism of the Holy Spirit. In this book by which we are to try his church, there is such a baptism taught as the baptism of the Holy Spirit; the Comforter, of which Jesus speaks when he says: "It is expedient for vou that I go away : for if I go not away, the THE BRA DEN AND KELLEY DEBATE. 247 Comforter will not come." Teaching the necessity of its coming; and not only for those with him there, "but for them also who shall believe on me through their word." This Comforter which Jesus was to send was the Holy Ghost, verse 26th, 14th chapter ; and for this they were to wait at Jerusalem that they might receive this Holy Ghost, which was "the promise of the Father," Luke24:49: "and behold I send the promise of the Father unto you : but tarry ye in the City of Jerusalem until ye are endowed with power from on high." This power from on high was the promise made by John and Jesus when they taught, "Ye shall be baptized with the Holy Ghost not many days hence." Not simply to en- able them to do signs and wonders, for they did those things before; but to comfort them, and guide them into all truth, so they would not have, or take, erroneous views as to his teachings and God's word. The same is spoken of also by Jesus as the Baptism of the Spirit. "Except ye be born of the water and of the Spirit." It was in the hour in which "the true worrshippers shall worship the Fath- er in Spirit and in truth; for the Father seeketh such to worship him." This Spirit which he wanted them to have, the Holy Ghost Religion, shall be in them a well of water, "springing up into everlasting life" referring to the giv- ing of the Holy Ghost. Again, Jesus says : 'My words, they are Spirit and they are 'ife." Not that the word itself is spirit dis- connected with anything else ; any more than the word is life itself disconnected with anything else. My opponent will hard- ly take the ground that a man just taking up the word and reading it, or even eating it would have the Spirit spoken of there, or the life spoken of ; but as Jesus interprets it in John 12: "My commandments are life everlasting." "He thatloveth mekeepeth my commandments ; and if ye keep my commandments, I will send the Comforter;" (John 14 : 15 and 17,) which is the Spirit of truth ; this having come because they obey- ed the word, and which will make com- plete the new birth, and "spring up into eternal life," and thus only is the word, "spirit and life;" and for this cause the "manifestation of the Spirit is given to ev- ery man to profit with all." I Cor. 12:7. The wish of the Savior was that all should partake of this spirit. Hence, we are saved "by the washing of regeneration and re- newing of the Holy Ghost." Titus 3: 5. Those on the day of Pentecost did not re- ceive the Holy Ghost through the medium of the word ; but by reason of having obeyed the word; hence the apostle de- scribes the giving of the Holy Ghost as be- ing that "which He shed on us abundantly through Jesus Christ our Savior." Titus, 3:6. This is also the idea conveyed in Ephesians 1st chapter : "In whom ye trust- ed after that ye heard the word of truth, the gospel of your salvation." "Where- fore I also, after I heard of your faith I ceased not to give thanks for you, that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of Glory may give unto you the spirit of wis- dom and revelation in the knowledge of him. They did not get it through the medium of the word, for they had long before had that, but through Jesus Christ and the ordinance of "laying on of hands." Acts 8:17, 18. "Then laid they their hands on them, and they received the Holy Ghost. And when Simon saw that through the laying on of the apostles' hands the Holy Ghost was given, he offered them money saying, Give me also this power that on whomsoever I lay hands he may receive the Holy Ghost." Thus we readily discover the sixth dif- ference between Mr. Braden's church and the New Testament church. But these persons, he says, were not bap- tized with the Spirit. Oh no, only those on Pentecost day and the household of Corne- lius. It makes no difference to him that Peter said that which was shed forth on Pentecost day, they should receive who were repentant and obedient ; and althoug he takes up the prophecy of Joel and shows that "the promise is unto you, and unto your children, and unto all that are afar off, even as many as the Lord or God shall call," and this was the baptism of the Holy Spirit, to which Peter refers ; nor what has been said upon this by the great apostle of the Gentiles, who too, speaks emphatically upon this question, 1 Cor., 12:13: "For by one spirit are we all baptized into one body, whether we be Jews or Gentiles, whether we be bond or free; and have been all made to drink into one spirit." Remember not baptized by water into the one body, or into the spirit, but baptized by "the spirit into one body, and which is equivalant to drinking into one spirit." Paul agrees with Jesus, "Born of the water and of the spirit," and both disagree with Braden's church ; therefore the church "of which I, Clark Braden, am a member," is according to the pattern ! Now, is not this wise logic? There is not a ghost of a hint that there is such a thing taught in the Bible as where the spirit is given through the medium of the word. When Peter taught the Gentiles it fell on them inde- pendently, and so it came to the Ephesian saints after they had believed the word and had complied with the ordinance of "lay- ing on of hands." Just so at Samaria, and on Pentecost day; for before this Jesus had "lifted up his hands and blessed them." Paul says: "Icame not to you in word only, but in power and the Holy Ghost." "He therefore, thatministereth to' you the spirit, and worketh miracles among you, doeth he it by the works of the law, or by the hearing of faith." Now I come to the Hebrew letter which he claimed referred to the law which they had before Christ. It reads : "Therefore leaving the principles of the doctrine of Christ, let us go on to perfection." [It is not the old law then, but the principles of the doctrine of Christ,] of faith, repentance, baptisms, fof water and the spirit] and of 218 THE BBADEN AND KELLEY DEBATE. laying on of hands, and of resurrection of the dead, and of eternal judgment." Heb. 6: 2 and 3. "Who were these Hebrew saints to whom the apostle is addressing this letter? I answer Those of Jerusalem ; and who had before this accepted of the principles of the doctrine of Christ; but had forgotten to build upon them aa they should. The apostle, however, exhorts them to go on and perform the work to which they had given adherence: "Not laying again the foundation." And then in verse 4, they are told, " For it is impossible for those who were once enlightened and have tasted of the heavenly gift, and were made partakers of the Holy Ghost, and have tasted of the good word of God, and the powers of the world to come, if they shall fall away, to renew them again unto repentance." This is the language the apostle uses towards these Hebrew Saints, and no wonder. They were among those, doubt- less, who had tasted of the heavenly gift on Pentecost day and at Samaria, and they should not have to lay again, the second time, the foundation principles of the doc- trine of Christ, of faith, repentence, bap- tisms, laying on of hands, resurrection of the dead, and eternal judgment. Ah! the reason is evident why "baptisms" is, as it is put by the apostle in the plural, they had been " born of the water and of the Spirit," as Jesus had directed, and thereby tasted of the heavenly gift. Then Paul in closing his letter could well say, for he is talking to those who had accepted these first, or foundation principles: "And I beseech you, brethren, suffer the word of exhortation, for I have written a letter unto you in few words." But he did not wish them to keep doing their first works over again, remember, first works in the Gospel of Christ but " go on [in the Gospel of Christ] unto perfection." Please look back three verses : " For when for the time you ought to be teachers, [they had not progressed and improved as they ought to have done, hence] ,ye have need that one teach you again, which be the first principles of the oracles of God." Heb. 5 : 12. Certainly there were never positions more secure than I have taken on these texts. Baptisms, then, and laying on of hands, are foundation principles in the doctrine of Christ. But Mr. Braden's church is just the reverse in doctrine and practice. He has neither the baptism of the Spirit nor the practice of the laying on of hands in his church, therefore, he concludes that he stands on the Bible, and the Bible alone. No creed in his church. O, no! Turn now toEphesians 4: ft. ''One Lord, one faith, one baptism." By this one baptism they are baptized into one body, of course, for Paul again says, " by one Spirit are we all baptized into one body." 1 Cor. 12: 13. Ah! Then if the word baptism in Ephe- siana 4 : 5, refers to the elements of the new birth, it cannot exclude the Spirit. There i a baptism of the Spirit. No nn can successfully deny this. " Ye shall be tlzed with the Holy Ghost, (the Spirit), not many days hence." Acts 1: 5. "Verily, verily, I say unto thee, except a man be born of the water and of the Spirit, he cannot enter into the Kingdom of God." John 3: 5. "Not by works of righteousness which we have done, but according to His mercy He saved us, by the washing of regen~ eration, and renewing of the Holy Ghost, which He shed on us abundantly, through Jesus Christ our Savior." Titus 3 : 5, 6. Not through|the medium of the word, remember. This baptism, then, is used in the sense in which the same apostle refers to it in the Galatian letter, as well as the Hebrew. "For as many of yon as have been baptized into Jesus Christ have put on Christ." Gal. 3:27. Here are twe acts referred to; the baptizing into, and the putting on "wash- ing of regeneration, and renewing of the Holy Ghost." What is it to put on Christ? Simply to go into the water ? No. That act is only for the cleansing, freeing from sin : thus men may be swept and garnished, but after this, shall the house be left empty? No, not in Christ. Hence he has ordained the supply of grace in the heafrt by means of the baptism of the Holy Spirit. "I will not leave you comfortless," says Jesus, but "I will pray the Father, and he shall give you another comforter, that he may abide with you forever, even the Spirit of truth ; whom the world cannot receive, because it seeth him not, neither knowethhim; but ye know him ; for he dwelleth with you, aud shall be in you." John 14-16, 17. These were to receive the "baptism of the Holy Ghost not many days hence." While Jesus was with them in person, they might en- dure without it, but not otherwise. There- fore they afterwards received the renewing of the Holy Ghost, as did Israel, who were "baptized unto Moses in the cloud and in the sea, and did all drink of that spiritual rock, which rock was Christ." Why, says one, they partook of Christ, then, did they? Certainly. ThatwasonlyoneofMr. Braden's whims in criticizing the Book of Mormon, because they enjoyed Christen this conti- nent. Peter says, referring to those before Christ: "Searching what, or what manner of time the Spirit of Christ which was in them did signify, when it testified before- hand the suffering of Christ and the glory that should follow." 1 Peter 1:11. This is sufficiently emphatic, showing that the Nephite prophet was right, and my oppo- nent wrong, and just so upon this point of the baptism of the Holy Spirit after Christ. Those who are "born of the water and of the Spirit are made complete in one birth by the "washing of regeneration, and the renewing of the Holy Ghost." Thus they have given to them a deed, "earnest" of their inheritance in the king- dom of God, which "earnest," or deed, is the "gift of the Holy Ghost." There ia none in Mr. Braden's church, however, but there was in the apostolic church. There- fore my opponent believes that Mr. Camp- bell was a restorer, (Time called.) THE BRADEN AND KELLEY DEBATE. 249 MR. BRADEN'S FOURTH SPEECH. GENTLEMEN MODERATORS, LADIES AND GENTLEMEN : My opponent wants to know why we do not use the term "Church of Jesus Christ," instead of "Church of Christ." He may ask the Holy Spirit why, in Romans 16-16, he did not say "The Churches of Jesus Christ" or "The Re-or- ganized Churches of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints." Let him settle it with the Holy Spirit. He wants to know if men can not seek for the baptism of the Holy Spirit, even if it is a promise. Yes, all to whom God has promised it, can seek it. But my opponent can not dodge in that way. We have proved, and he dare not deny it, that there is but one baptism in the church. He dare not deny that the one baptism that is in the church, is a command, not a promise, is in the name of the Father, Son and the Holy Spirit, and is in water. Holy Spirit baptism, that is not a command, but is a promise, is not in the name of Father, Son and Holy Spirit, and is not unto remission 3f sins, is not the one baptism that is in the church. That ends that matter. My op- ponent blunders outrageously over Peter's language in Acts 2. Peter does say that this event, this occurrence at which you are astonished, is that event or occurrence of which Joel prophesied, when he said, and quotes Joel's promise. In the 34th verse Peter declares that Jesus has shed forth, this series of wonders that you see and hear. Not the Spirit, for they did not see him. Let us now narrow down our contest to as narrow a compass as possible. We have given ten reasons why we do not believe that the baptism in the Spirit is in the church now. My opponent has not noticed them, although stated twice, and he has been challenged twice to notice them. We need not re-state them. We have given our reasons for believing that the promise of the Comforter was to the apostles alone. My opponent and myself agree that it refers to the miraculous influence of the Spirit. Until he notices our arguments, he confesses that the promise was to the apostles alone. My opponent dare not deny that ' Jesus says that believers alone shall enjoy Joel's promise. We have given our reasons for confining it to the apostles. He had re- buked the apostles for their unbelief. He told them (theapostles) to preach. He said the signs should follow those who went out preaching, believing what he said. The context declares, the apostles went forth preaching; the Lord did confirm the preaching of theapostles, and the signs did follow the preaching of the apostles, who believed and preached. My opponent will not deny that Peter says that such believers as the Lord should call, will receive the Holy Spirit as a gift. We are agreed that it refers to the miraculous power of the Holy Spirit, and that alone. "The prom- ise" is Joel's promise, just quoted above, the only promise Peter quotes or refers to. How did God call believers? By the case of the Samaritans, who had believed and were baptized, were saints and had the in- dwelling of the Holy Spirit, but who could not receive the miraculous power until the apostles laid hands on them, although the mighty wonder-worker, Philip, full of the miraculous power of the Spirit, was with them ; by the case of Saul, who could not receive the Spirit until Ananias, a special apostle, laid hands on him ; by the case of the disciples at Ephesus, who could not re- ceive the Spirit until the apostle to the Gentiles had laid hands on them ; by the case of Timothy, who received the gift of the Spirit through Paul's hands as one of the Presbytery, and at the order of the Presbytery, we learn that no one received, or could receive, the Holy Spirit as a mirac- ulous gift except by the imposition of an apostle's hands. When my opponent points to a single case outside of the baptism in the Spirit that received the Holy Spirit in any other way than by the imposition of an apostle's hands, he proves his case. I am not to prove that no one did. Let him prove that one did. I am not to prove a negation. He need not jabber about Saul of Tarsus, for he received the Holy Spirit, and could only receive it through one spe- cially and miraculously sent by the Spirit. a special apostle for that purpose. All the cases he quotes, the Samaritans, Saul, the household of Cornelius, the dis- ciples at Ephesus, the events in the church at Antioch, are all cases of the miraculous power of the Holy Spirit.. The issues are, "Did any enjoy the baptism of the Spirit except at Pentecost and at the house of Cor- nelius?" We have proved that no one ever did, except on those occasions. Did any enjoy the gifts of the Spirit, outside of bap- tism in the Spirit, on whom an apostle had not laid hands? Let him cite a case. Lastly the great issue is, " How long were these gifts to continue?" I was amused at my opponent's dodge over Eph. iv. He reads that apostles, prophets and evangelists, with miraculous powers, and pastors and teachers with miraculous pow- ers, were given for the perfecting of the saints unto the work of the ministry. I accept all that. They were given to perfect the saints for such work of ministry" as the churches then needed. Also for the up- building of the body of Christ. I believe that. All these workers with miraculous powers were needed to build up the body, to give to the church government and con- stitution, and to guide it until that was done. There is not a word of difference over that. The issue is, how long were apostles and prophets that were miraculous to continue? How long were miraculous 250 THE BRADEN AND KELLEY DEBATE. powers to be given to the evangelists, pas- tors and teachers? How long were miracu- lous powers to continue? "Forever." as Rellev says? No! Paul says, "Until;" Until when, Paul? "Until we all attain to the unity of the taith and of the knowledge of the Son of God." Or until the one faith, of which Paul spoke is completed. Until the word of God is completed. "Until we attain also unto a fullgrown man, unto the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ." Or until the new man, composed of Jew and Gentile; the body of which Christ is the head, the church is completed in organiza- tion. These miraculous powers are to con- tinue until then; then they cease. If my opponent will read all the context and rightly divide the word, it will utterly ex- plode his cavils and quibbles. My oppon- ent nibbles around the argument based on 1 Cor., 12-13-14. Having been once landed high and dry, with it through his gills, the fish nibbles cautiously. We agree that the Corinthian church had in it nine spiritual gifts. That these gifts constituted powers, nine miraculous powers in the church. Paul compares the church to the human body. Christ is the head. These spiritual powers are the members, not the trunk of the body. My opponent will not deny that Christ is still the head of the church, ai- thongh in heaven, and not in the church, &3 he was among men before his ascension. Christ is in the church, in his word, his law, his government, his Holy Spirit. Not miraculously, but in the indwelling of the Holy Spirit. The Apostles, prophets, and all miracu- lous powers are in the church, just as Christ is in the church, in the New Testament, in their words and acts recorded there, for our example, in what they left on the pages of the New Testament as the embassadors and representatives of Christ. We no more remove the apostles of Jesus, nor his inspired imbassadors, his represen- tatives, his delegates out of the church, when we say that they had no successors, then we remove Christ out of the church, when we say he had no successor. We no more need persons to succeed the persons who exercised the spiritual powers in the church, than we need a person to succeed Christ. We no more need the con- stant presence and ministry of men with the nine gifts, that were in the Corinthian church, than we need that Jesus should stay on earth, and be in the church in person. The Holy Spirit is present in his indwell- ing power, though the truths he revealed by inspiration, just as God is present in the operation of natural law, that took the place of miracles of direct creation. We no more remove the Holy Spirit from the church than we remove God from nature. There is no more need of miracu- lous power of the Holy Spirit, and miracles of revelation, and signs in religion, than there is need of miracles of direct creation in nature. The apostle speaks of the exercise of spir- itual gifts, as analogous to the exercise of miraculous power in creation. It was pro- visional and preparatory to a higher and better law, and would pass away when it had prepared the way for that higher and better, and would be succeeded by it. He declares, "desire earnestly the best spiritual gifts," while they are the order of the church. "Nevertheless, I show unto you a more excellent way," than the exercise of the best of these spiritual gifts. The apostle is contrasting two states of the church. One is the exercise of the best of these spiritual gifts. Theother is more ex- cellent than that.. In the eighth verse fol- lowing he declares prophesying, all utter- ance by inspiration shall cease. Knowl- edge imparted by miracle shall cease. Tongues, all miracles that are signs shall cease. That is the more excellent way. Or that shall be the state of the church, when that more excellent way has prevailed. That is as clear as sunlight. He confirms it when he says "That under these spirit- ual gifts, knowledge and prophesying are but fragmentary in each exercise, they are partial, can only give a part at a time." He declares that when that which is per- fect has come, the partial shall pass away. This is not heaven or the future state. There is notareferenceto heaven or the future state in the chapters. Paul is talking of the state of the church under the Christian dispensa- tion. The partial childish formative state is the condition of the church under theoe spiritual gifts. Its state when it is a man, when that which is perfect is come, is when the word of God, that which makes Chris- tians perfect and thoroughly furnishes them to all good works, is completed ; and the body, the church, the new man, of which. Christ is the head, is completed in organi- zation. This is plain common sense. Both members of the comparison are states of the church, and both are states under the Christian dispensation. He then resumes his former exhortation, "Desire the best gifts, but above all to prophesy, to teach by inspiration, while spiritual gifts are the order, and until the word is completed, then prophesying will cease." He describes the condition un- der gifts, just as Moses described the con- dition of the Israelites in the wilderness. He then speaks of a better state than the exercise of such gifts, as Moses spoke of a better condition, of the Israelites in Canaan, better than the condition in the wilderness. He then returns to directions how they were to exercise these spiritual gifts, while they were the order of the church, and until that better way is ushered in, just as Moses resumes directions to the Israelites how to live until they enter Canaan, or while they are in the wilderness. There is no more three states in one case than in the other. That sets to one side that little quibble. We have called bur opponent's attention to the fact that our Savior constituted the apostles his representatives, embassadors, THE BRADEN AND KELLEY DEBATE. 251 delegates, to organize the church, first pro- visionally, during which time spiritual gifts prevailed, and to give to it the consti- tution, the New Testament, and to organize it permanently under that constitution, and tn accordance with it. His claim that these spiritual powers, these provisional powers, and these constitution-making powers, these delegates, should be forever in the church, is as absurd as to claim that the old govern- ment under the Articles of Confederation, and the Constitutional Convention should forever remain in session and be forever making constitutions. He would either never have the govern- ment ordained by the constitution, for the old government, and the convention would not give way to it. Or if the government ordained by the constitution and the con- stitution ever were in full force, he would have the farce of a form of government from which all authority had been taken, and a constitution-making convention that had nothing to do/ and could do nothing, for a constitution had already been made and was in force. If he contends for new revelations he im- peaches the word of God. If he contends for miracles to confirm the word of God, already .perfect in the New Testament, he has the farce of God's sealing forever that to which he once put a seal. If he does not have new revelations of truth in addition to those in the Bible, he has God eternally engaged in the farce of confirming what he has once confirmed. In no way can he show that inspiration, miracles and revela- tions are necessary, unless the New Testa- ment is imperfect and incomplete, as the Old Testament was incomplete. If the work of the Son of God was incomplete, as was the work of Moses, and if he stands related to Joe Smith as Moses did to the Son of God, then we need Joe Smith, new revelations, inspired men to give them, and miracles to confirm them. Will he take that position? If Jesus does not stand related to Joe Smith as Moses did to Jesus ; if the New Testament does not stand related to the Book of Mormon as the Old Testament does to the New; if the spiritual powers of the days of Jesus and the apostles do not stand related to the spiritual powers of Joe Smith and Mormonism as the spiritual power of the Mosaic dispensation stands related to the spiritual powers of the Christian dis- pensation, what need of Joe Smith, the Book of Mormon, and Mormon spiritual powers and revelations and miracles to suc- ceed those of the Christian dispensation, as they succeeded the Mosaic dispensation? What need of instruction and tutors for children if the church became a man in Christ? What need of an everlasting con- stitution-making convention? What need of an eternal sealing of God's word by mira- cles? If such a course were pursued, would not they cease to be miraculous? My oppo- nent's position is a contradiction * of all scripture and common sense. He would have God continue to bring animals and plants Into existence by miracle of creation after preparing the way for and establish- ing the control of natural law. My opponent wants to know why nob have the perfect word of God and miracu- lous gifts now, both in the church. Because such is not now the decree of the constitu- tion, God's word. He undertakes to find fault with the course I have pursued in my argument. I have presented frankly what we, as a people, teach and practice. If it Is so like the New Testament teaching that he can find no fault with it, the fault is ia his attempt to assail it, and not in my pre- sentation of it. My opponent confounds two operations, two influences of the Spirit. The Spirit, as enjoyed in inspiration before Christ, ana that higher manifestation that was not given till after Christ was glorified, which was sent forth in the name of Christ. John 14:26. We differ from people who have v, ritten creeds in this. They decide cases of faith and discipline by an understanding of an understanding of the Bible, the creed. We decide them by our understanding of the Bible itself, found in every instance by original investigation of the Bible itself, and not by an investigation of our under- standing of the Bible, a creed. "Saint" is a name for children of God in all ages. "Christian" is the name of saints who are followers of Christ. In that name they are called after Christ, are called by his name. Saint would not call them after his name ; it would not call them by his name. He admits that Paul never heard of "Lat- ter Day Saints," nor of "Re-organized" Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, f Paul had heard of "Christian" and gloried 'in it. He had heard of "Church of God" and "Church of Christ." "Paul I know, and Jesus of Nazareth I know, but who are ye." The Bible knows no such Ashdodish lingo. Our Savior told his apos- tles when announcing to them the law of the church, and instructing them in it, that when the church was organized by them, members in certain cases should lay certain things before the church. That no man proves that the church was then in exist- ence than his telling them what they should do after they were endued with power from on high, proves that they were then endued with power. The kingdom was not then in existence, for after the death of Jesus, Joseph of Arimathea was still waiting for the kingdom. Kingdom has a variety of meanings. The kingdom is spoken of in a variety of aspects. The Kingdom was among the Israelites in Christ's day, in promises, in preaching that announced that it was at hand, ap- proaching, and not as an established insti- tution, for Jesus himself said it was only at hand, approaching. The law and prophets were preached until John. John preached that the Kingdom was at hand. Not that it was in existence, and he in it. He was not, for the least that was in the Kingdom, when established, was greater than John. My opponent must be hard pushed when 252 THE BRADEN AND KELLEY DEBATE. he quotes Colossians 2:13, "hath trans- lated us into the Kingdom," written thirty years after the death of Jesus, fo prove that the Kingdom was in existence before his death. The apostles were in the kingdom as soon as selected, he tells us. They were selected at the beginning of the ministry of Jesus. Just before his death, not six weeks before, Jesus said, "I will build my church ; " and my opponent admitted it was still future at that time. Will he explain how the apos- tles werein the Kingdom, three years before that time, when the Kingdom 'was future, was not in existence at that time? He read "added to them," "added to the church," said of what happened on and after the day of Pentecost. If he will read such language in regard to events before the day of Fente cost, he will prove that the church existe* before that day. There was an Israelitt congregation in the wilderness, but not th "church of Christ." Not a soul had beei baptized in to Christ. They had been bap tizedinto Moses. As themiraculous influence of the spirit is no part of conversion, by hit own admission, it is no part of the birth ol the water and spirit. That ends that mattei if he does not back out of the truth he ad- mitted. We receive the Holy Spirit now a f tei that belief and obedience that makes ut sons of God. "Because we are sons of God, he sends forth the Spirit into our heaite," the indwelling of his Spirit. MR. KELLEY'S FOURTH SPEECH. GENTLEMEN MODERATORS, LADIES AND GENTLEMEN : It seems that if there is any- thing to be attached to the manner of one of the disputants in a debate, I should not have anything to say this time. My oppo- nent has finished up the argument closed the thing down. He says, "There is only one baptism in the church, and that one is not the baptism of the Spirit, and that settles it." What is the use of argument? Braden can settle it alone without any trouble. Just because. Now can't you see the point, my friends ? Inbtead of giving you an interpretation of the passage, he says, I assert that there is but one, and that is not by the Spirit. But Jesus said. "Born of the water and of the Spirit." "Ye shall be baptized with the Holy Ghost not many days hence." Peter says, "Repent and be baptized every one of you, and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost." And this was the baptism of the Spirit, so admitted by Mr. Braden. Those at Pentecost and those of Cornelius' household received the baptism of the Spirit, he says, only. But why should God give it to. them, if not in the church? Again Paul says, ''By one Spirit are we all bap- tized into one body, whether we be Jews or Gentiles; whether we be bond or free; and have been all madetodrink intooneSpirit." Here the authority of Jesus, Peter and Paul settles the question adversely to Mr Bra- den, for they say there is a baptism of the Spirit in the church. The passage in Ephesians 4:5. which Mr. Braden professes to rely upon, I showed fully in my last speech did not, when properly understood, exclude the baptism of the Spirit from the Christian system. But my opponent thinks they had no use for the baptism of the Spirit after tbe first century, for the reason that they hud the word after that, and Jude said, "contend for the faith," etc. But whom did he tell to contend for the faith ; those of the second and third centuries, or those of the first? Jude is exhorting the saints in his time, who also have these spiritual gifts, having been baptized with the Holy Spirit, to "con- tend f n f the faith delivered (then) to the saints. They had both then. So also had the Corinthian Saints. Paul says, I Cor. 15:1, "Moreover, brethren, I declare unto you the Gospel, which I preached unt< you which also ye have received and wherein ye stand." Here these people are plainly shown to not only have the law, the Gospel in word, but also the gifts. Enjoying both at the same time, and having both more fully than the people have either now ; yet, we are gravely told that all this spiritual endow- ment was to cease when the word came. At the same time too, he says the Spirit, what little we have, comes through the medium of the word. But if that is true, would it not also follow that they who have the most word would have the most Spirit and vice versa. Whichever way Mr. Braden turns in this net, he winds himself just that much tighter. He says now, that I have conceded certain things were all right. O yes, Kelley has given away his case. But did he show you wherein? Take out the baptism in water that he holds to, and in what other thing is he with the Bible? John the Baptist preached and administered that rite; but there is now, as theu, something 1 else to seek after. A greater baptism than that of THE BRADEN AND KELLEY DEBATE. 2J3 water. "I Indeed have baptized you with water," says John; but this was not the great central thought in the religion of Christ. Mark 1:8, "He shall baptize you with the Holy Ghost." This was the great central thought of both John's and Jesus' preaching, besides that of all the apostles after them. Hence we find Paul the first thing enquiring at Ephesus, "Have ye re- ceived the Holy Ghost since ye believed ? " But again, he says the Mormons believe so and so, pretending to tell you what I believe. The question under discussion now is not what I believe, or what the Mormons be- lieve, if he wishes to nickname the Saints that ; but what does Bradeu and the so- called Christian, Disciple or Camp belli te church believe. What the Saints believe, and how far that, belief agrees with the Bible, we will consider under the third question, and I shall not attempt to avoid the issue. He takes up the plain declaration of Jesus in John 3:5, and undertakes to translate. The word Spirit, he says, is from the Greek word Pneumatos. Well, suppose it is, does that make any difference? Is his position upon this, that the word means breath, or wind, as some of our Adventist friends claim, and therefore Jesus did not mean baptism of the Spirit, but of breath or wind? Mr. Braden : 1 said it was Spirit, not wind. Mr. Kelley: Why do you refer to the word wind at all, then, in giving your in- terpretation? In your use of the word wind, breath, etc.,"y u make it appear as though Jesus referred to the wind. Mr. Braden : I said the translation of the 3d of John was wrong. Mr. Kelley : You will have a chance. I am arguing that it is not wrong, but right, and consistent with all other teachings of Jesus and the apostles. The Greek word Pneumatos is properly translated Spirit, signifying the Holy Ghost. I Cor. 2:10, "But God hath revealed them unto us by his (Pneumatos) Spirit. For the (Pneumd) Spirit searcheth all things, yea the deep things of God." Again, Rom. 8:16, "The Spirit (from Pneuma again) beareth- wit- ness with our spirit (pneumati) that we are the children of God." These are texts, and I might give many others, where even Mr. Braden himself could not claim that the word Spirit was a mis-translation. What argument then is there in trying to re-tianslate John by put- ting a different word there? Suppose we translate the word Pneumatos to mean simply an element and not spirit; in what will it benefit the matter? Read it thus, fixed up: "Born of the water, and of" what? The element of water again? Breath, air, wind, or what? Spirit is the most consistent, and it is true, and that is what Jet!. ess them directly. Being the head of t) * *.iurcu, he can, and does communicate with ihe body and in an intelligent, reason- able manner. My opponent pretends to have Christ along, but it is only as a kind of a silent partner. It is a more absurd position than if he would say, Jesus was not in the church at all. For he places him in his church where he must observe the evil, and then by his creed, binds the Master so he is not permit- ted to speak, or in any way protest against their unlawful works. Do not deceive yourselves my friends; where Jesus is, there his power will be felt. "If I by the power of God do these things, then the kingdom of God is come." The converse of the propo- sition is : If the power is not made mani- fest, to wit: In the healing of the sick, casting out devils, speaking with spiritual gifts, and preaching the Gospel in power and the Holy Ghost, then the king- dom, or the church of Christ in fact, is not represented. But, there is simply an or- ganization "Having a form of Godliness, but denying the power thereof." 2Tim.3:5. I ask my opponent to point out a single instance in the world's history, where Christ has ever had a church on earth, one that was acknowledged and accepted of him in any way, when he had not inspired men in the same, and the people were not I lest with the presence of this power? Wheie they had not the gifts of the Holy Spirit; and the sick were not healed; men blest with prophecies, tongues, visions, wis- dom, knowledge, faith, discernment of spirits and interpretations. In which too, there was not either an apostle or prophet? Can he mention a single time within the past five thousand years of the history of the race when such an anomalous thing took place? Yet he pretends to say his church is Christ's church. But don't he know hundreds of others that are widely different from his, are claiming the same thing? Is Christ divided? What reason is there in claiming that a church which de- nies all communication of Christ to it; that rejects the idea of present inspiration of Jesus ; that rejects the idea of the manifestations of the spirit that Jesus prom- ised to be with his children is in fact Christ's church? The idea is preposterous. In the language of the apostle, I feel like saying to such: "Awake thou that sleepest, aud arise from the dead, and Christ shall give thee light." But it is claimed that the Campbellites have apostles in their church. Ah ! do thev ? How do they have them ? So as to speak and act in the church, "for the work of the ministry," as they did in the church established by Jesus. 'Oh no. It is only a turn Braden has. He wants to carry the idea that they have dead apostles and prophets in their church. What are they in there for then, and who are they? It is not Peter, or Paul, or James, I assure you, for they are in the church Triumphant they said they were going, ere they left. "If our earthly house of this tabernacle were dissolved, we have a building of God, an house not made with hands, eternal in the heavens." 2 Cor. 5:1. "Knowing that shortly I must put off this my tabernacle, THE BRA DEN AND KELLEY DEBATE. 255 ven as the Lord Jesus Christ hath showed rue 1 ' 2 Peter 1:14. But says Braden, Is jiot Christ in the church, and he died too? Yes, Christ is in his church; but how? Answer, by the presence of the Holy Spirit. "I will pray the Father, and he shall give you another Comforter, that he may abide with you forever, even the Spirit of truth ; whom the world cannot receive, because it seeth him not, neither knoweth him. But ye know him ; for he dwelleth with you and shall be in you. I will not leave you comfortless. I will come. unto you." John 14 : 16-19. Here i? fully set out* the manner of Christ's presence in his church, but not BO the apostles. This is the Spirit that Jesus shed forth upon them on the day of Pentecost. It is that which Jesus speaks of in the 2'ith verse of the same chapter : "But the Comforter, which is the Holy Ghost, whom the Father will send in iny name, he shall teach you all things, and bring all things to your remembrance whatsoever I have said unto you. " But Braden has already disclaimed the ideaofit being in the church now, hence it is shown beyond all controversy that Christ can not be in his church. The apostles were set in the church for a purpose, to edify the church ; not forever, as Braden said*, I believed , but till the church is edified, "and we all come to a unity of the faith, to a perfect man in Christ." That is what I said, and that is what is written. Again, he thinks I am wrong as to Joel's prophecy, because he says they could not see the Spirit, and Peter says, ''this which ye see and hear." Could not see the Spirit ! Who said so? My opponent, that is all. The record says they both saw and heard it. "And suddenly there came a sound from heaven as of a rushing, mighty wind, and it filled all the house where they were sitting. And there appeared unto them cloven tongues like as of fire, and it sat upon each of them. And they were all filled with the Holy Ghost, and began to speak with other tongues as the Spirit gave them utterance." Acts 2: 1-5. Then they did both see and hear the Spirit. And John beheld the "Spirit like a dove descending and lighting upon him." Yes, the Spirit can be seen and heard. So much for another one of Braden 's wise ex- positions of Scripture. This is like his posi- tion as to the Spirit being in the church. O yes, he says, I believe in the Spirit. Kelley misrepresents me. But he wants it in a modified form, a different thing alto- gether from what was in the church then. That is the reason I say he has none. When he changes its form, purposes, powers, operations and fullness, he has a different thing. He thinks it a terrible thing, if he he;irs of the Methodists sprinkling with a little water for baptism, changing the ordi- nance Jesus instituted. He says, it is no baptism at all. But at the same time he comes in and says, just give us as little of the Spirit as possible. A very little will do now. Can he not see that it is a greater evil to the Christian system to try to limit the baptism of the Spirit, than to limit the baptism of water to limit Spirit in baptism than to limit water in baptism? But the question of authority has been, raised, and he says that Mr. Campbell claimed the word of God as his authority. Very well ; if he did we will go to the word of God and see what it says : 1. Acts 20:28: "Take heed to yourselves and to all the flock of Gpd, over which the Holy Ghost hath made you overseers." Plere the word of God gays the Holy Ghost made persons overseers, ministers of the word ; but Mr. Campbell said there was none now calling ministers into the church ; be was certainly not the restorer as to this part of the gospel then. 2. Actsl3:2, the word speaks again : "And the Holy Ghost said, Separate me Barna- bus and Saul for the work whereunto I have called them. And when they had fasted and prayed and laid their hands on them, they sent them away." Here again the Holy Ghost is the agent and authority for the calling of the minis- ter, and the laying on of hands the ordi- nance used to convey the authority. 3. Again John 20:21: "As my Father hath sent me, even so send I you." How was Jesus called and sent? Heb. 5:5, 6. "So also Christ glorified not himself to be made an high priest ; but he that said unto him, Thou art my son ; to-day have I begotten thee. As he saith also in another place, Thou art a priest forever after the order of Melchisedec." No, not even Jesus would take the honor from the word, and undertake to administer in the house of God. 4. Again we are told: "No man taketh this honor unto himself, but he that is called of God as was Aaron." Heb. 5,4. Aaron was called by the Lord communi- cating his will in the* matter to Moses, and directing the ordination by his Spirit as in. other cases. Numbers 28:1. Where is it. then, Mr. Campbell finds any authority for his acts in the word ? Let me examine further. 5. 1 Cor. 7:17: "But as God hath distri- buted to every man, as the Lord hath called every one, so let him walk. And so ordain I in all churches." Here it is again. God does his work through the Holy Spirit, as Mathias was chosen. And they prayed and said, "Lord, show which of these twothou hast chosen." Acts 1:24. Again I ask if Mr. Campbell is with the record as he claims, where did get his authority since he re- jected the inspiration of the Holy Ghost that our other Christian friends had been long praying for, and God answered him not by this Holy Spirit, neither hy prophets, nor by dreams, nor by Urimand Thummim? I will answer it, as my friend seems to be ignorant on the topic. You will find it in Barton W. Stone's his- tory, about page 175: " We concluded if we had authority to preach we had authority to baptize." "If we had authority to preach." Here it Is! Their whole church hang* 256 THE BRADEN AND KELLEY DEBATE. upon an if. Man-made from foundation to top. And yet they are going about, or at least Braden is, calling the Saints blasphe- mers because we promise the people that they may have a realization of the bless- ings of God's kingdom here if they obey him so they may have a firm assurance of their acceptance with him ; and thus they can find out whether we are impostors here for themselves. But the Disciples go about promising the greatest gift of God, which is eternal life, if they will only conform to their water baptism ; but their converts, they say, shall not hear from God upon this highest of all matters to their being, so they may know whether their preachers are impostors or not. They make them wait till they get to that " bourne from whence no traveler returns " before they let them know anything about it, and, of course, they receive no deed to this prom- ised inheritance. Now who is the most consistent? Yet he tells you my doctrine is blasphemous. Why is it? Because it differs from the Bible? No. For Jesus Bays, "These signs shall follow them that believe," and that is what we promise to the believer. It is for the reason that we differ from him that he talks that way. That is all. Whether he hugs it to his bo- som or not, it is the outcroppings of that spirit of intolerance that is adverse to ihe great Christian system as reflected by Christ, and this is another grand distinctive difference between his church and the New Testament church as left by the apostles. This makes ten differences to begin with, broad ones, too. It was rather amusing on last evening to hear my opponent state that Mr. Alexander Campbell was not a reformer, but a re- storer. If a restorer he must have brought back something that was lost. That is, the S erfect church that was established by esus Christ and his apostles. Notwith- standing this wonderful claim made by my opponent that their church is the restored one, yet he don't say that theirs is the only true church. This is another strange diver- sion. There is but one other person who has lived in this age who claims to have been a restorer, and that was Joseph Smith. All others who have gone forward in church organization only made the claim of being reformers. Now before it becomes neces- sary to restore the church it must be lost. This restoration my opponent, in the person of Mr. Campbell, claims to have effected. If so, then it is the true church, and all this talk that they don't say that they are the only true church is some of his " balder- dash," unless he accepts the Latter Day Saints as another true one; for if necessary to restore, all not restored must in some sense be lacking, hence not true. But he makes faces at the Church of the Latter Day Saints, and calls it nasty, and "gone to seed." Where is the other true one ex- cept the one "of which I, Clark Braden, am a member." Please name one. Mr. Hmith was honest in his claim, and said that God had restored the true church by his hands through the administration of an angel, just as it was to be restored as shown in prophecy, and that all others were in some particulars wrong, not excepting Mr. Camp- bell's restored church. Because of this claim, a great many got mad at Mr. Smith, including Mr. Campbell's followers, who were claiming to be in a restored church, and in order to meet his claims and refute his positions, a number of them gathered together, including a large number of Mr. Campbell's restored Disciples, now prac- ticing the doctrine of love, and, "As ye would that men should do to you do ye even so to them," and put " tar and feathers" on Joseph's bare back and told him to "git." Of course this was the restored churclfand restored Disciples that did this. Smith was consistent, and stuck as tight to his claim as did the tar and feathers to his bare back. But my opponent is inconsistent when he says that Mr. Campbell restored the true church, and notwithstanding all his labor and effort at restoring, it is no more right than others ; yet Braden affirms it is just like the church that the old time Saints were identified with when Paul ministered to them. That there would be a necessity for a restoration was clearly predicted by Paul, and John and others, and this is admitted by all reformers, and the restorer, Mr. Campbell. Paul says the coming of the Sou of Man will not take place "till there comes a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed." 2 Thess. 2. And John the rev- elator says: "And it was given unto him to make war with the Saints and overcome them; and power was given him over all kindreds, and tongues, and nations." Rev. 13. The history of the church confirms these predictions, and others of like import. By reason of these statements and the history of the doctrine of Christian light and civil- ization, all reformers say there was an apos- tacy ; hence, it made it possible for them to be reformers. Mr. Campbell united in this belief and declared as follows : "The day of light so illustrious In its beginning, i.e., the gospel in the time of the apostles, became cloudy. The Papacy arose and darkened the heavens for a long period, obscuring the brightness of the risen glory of the Sun of righteousness, so that men groped in dark- ness. By the reformation of the 17th century that dark cloud wasbroken in fragments, and though the heavens of gospel light are still obscured by many clouds the sects of various names the promise is that at evening time it shall be light The primitive gospel, in its effulgence and power, is yet to shine out in original splendor to regenerate a world." Hay den's History of the Disciples in the Western Reserve, page 36. Mr. Campbell gave expression to this in 1826. It was after that date that the "prim- itive gospel in its eTulgence and power" was to shine out. If he was ever a restorer, it was after that date- for it was after this that the gospel was to shine. The "Sects," the reformed churches, the Episcopalian, Calvinists, Presbyterians, Methodists and others, are represented by him as obscur- ing the "heavens" like so many dark "clouds." If they were dark clouds then.and are now as then, how many true churches are there besides the one of which "I, Clark Braden, am a member?" THE BRADEN AND KELLEY DEBATE. 257 These are the utterances of this wonder- ful apostle of restoration. About four years after this date the "primitive gospel did shine out," by the authority of the angel's message; but Mr. Campbell got mad at it and set about being a restorer himself. Walter Scott had been preachiugall through the Western Reserve baptism for the remis- sion of sins, as a member of the Mahoning Association, and that they should receive the gift of the Holy Ghost that there was a Millennium day spoken of, and contend- ing that they should have Christianity as it was. Sidney Rigdon was the great ora- tor and leader of this great Mahoning Bap- tist Association. Scott and Rigdon and Osborn and Alexander Campbell were all contending in 1826 for the reinstating of "primitive Christianity." It was not then revealed, says Mr. Campbell. In 1830 the ospel began to be preached in New York tate and over the Western Reserve. A number who labored in the Reform move- ment investiga'ted and accepted it, and among them Mr. Rigdon. All that they had been praying for, for years, was pre- sented to them. Some accepted and some rejected. Among those who rejected, was Mr. A. Campbell; and he told Mr. Scotland Mr. Osborn not to preach, "You shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost." any more; so they Jid not. Page 75 of Hayden's history. Now they began to blacken lligdon's char- acter. He had dwelt right here on the Reserve for years. Was preaching con- stantly. Well-known by every one. Com- muning with members of the Association on the Sabbath, and considered worthy beyond question. But when he espoused the new faith, that he and Scott and Camp- bell h:id been praying for and talkingabout, and which was too formidable for them to overthrow, he soon became, according to their vocabulary, all that was bad, even ac- cused afterwards of having been in league with Smith for several years in order to get up a new faith ; and Smith over in New York State and but just a little upwards of 14 years of age. It is much easier, and a thousand times more reasonable, to believe in miracles and angels than to believe that under the circumstances Rigdon and Smith could have been in communication with each other; and this story never would have been hatched up, had it not been that Smith was illiterate, and they hoped to give some plausible answer for not accepting the truth. For it is well known that, if the faith of the Saints is not true, that Sidney Rine that has'been tried at all points like as we, yet wiihout sin. Let us therefore <1 raw m>ar with bold'ucss to the throne of grace, that we may find grace to help us in every time of need." Observe it is Christ that is the great high-priest. " For every hfgh-prlest taken from among men is ordained for men in things pertaining to God, that he may offer both gifts and sacrifices lor sins; who can have compassion on the ignorant and them that are i-ut of the way, for he himself is also compassed with in- firmity. And by reason thereof he ought, as for the people so also for himself, to offer for sin. And no man tnkeih his power." What power? Acting as high priest, offering sacrifice for the people, "But he that was called of God as was Aaron. So also Christ glorified not himself to be made a high priest, but he that said unto him (unto whom? Unto all Mormon impostors? No. unto Christ), "Thou art my Son : this day have I begotten thee." And he saith in another place (to Mormon impostors? No, to Christ), "I hou art a priest forever, after the order of Melclmedek." Then Christ is the only one who was called to the high priesthood as Aaron was. Aaron was called by the voice of God to the posi- tion of first high priest of the Aaronic priest- hood. Christ was called to the Mek-hizedek priesthood by the voice of God as Aaron was, and Christ alone. He had no predeces- sor in his office of high priest, and he has no successor. Measure, if you can, the blas- phemy of Kelley and other Mormon impos- tors claiming to be called as Christ was called, as Aaron was called. Placing them- selves on an equality with the Son of God. Christ alone was called as Aaron was. W T e are called to be kings and priests unto God as the persons Peter addressed were called, by the obedience of faith. We were made kings and priests unto God when Christ washed us from sin. As kings and priests made by Almighty God and not by Joe Smith or Mormon impostors, we have divine authority for all, and every act a king and a priest unto God can perform. We lay hands on some of our kings and priests who have the qualifications that the law of God requires, not to impart miracu- lous power, not to impart authority, for they have already as kings and priests unto God received the authority from the Al- mighty; but to set them apart to a certain work. All are equal in authority, but they are set apart to a certain work. Peter de- clares in II Peter, i,3: "God's divine power has given to us" the apostle and the Chris- tians of his day "all things that pertain to life and godHness toroiigh the knowledge of him that has called us" the apostle and all Christian* in hip day "to glory and virtue." Here the apostle declares that all things that perta ; u lo life and godliness had already been given, and through knowl- edge, 'through the truth revealed. If all things had already been given all that per- tain to life and godliness, Mormon revela- tions are humbugs and impostures. I will stake the issue of the debate on that one passage. Will my opponent read it and tell us where his Mormonism comes in. IS CAMI'BELLISM THE OKIOIN OF MORMON- ISM? The statement is often made as a reproach to the Disciples that Campheilism is the parentof Mormonism. Mormonism isCamp- bellism gone to seed. We propose to vindi- cate the Disciples from such a reproayh. While it is true that there are things in the Book of Mormon that no one but a DiH|.le Ereacher would have written at the time the ook appeared ; and that there are one or two features in which the Disciples and Mor- mons agree ih differing from the orthodox religious world; it is also as true that it was not what Rigdou took from the Disci- THE BRADEN AND KELLEY DEBATE. 261 pies that gave origin to Mormonism. On the contrary, it was the points on which he differed from the Disciples that gave rise to Mormon ism. Had Sydney Rigdon accepted all of the teaching of the Disciples, and had he been loyal to them, the Book of Mormon and Mormonism would never have been dreamed of by him. The vital difference be- tween the Disciples and the so-called ortho- dox world is the dogma that the orthodox re- ligious world make the central idea of their teaching, the dogma that in the conviction and conversion of the sinner, and in the comforting and sanctification of the saint the Holy Spirit exerts a direct and immedi- ate influence, distinct and different from, mid in addition to any that he exerts through the truth, that he has revealed in the Scrip- tures. Some regard this influence as mirac- ulous. Others say that it is not miraculous. The Disciples teach that all direct and im- mediate influence was miraculous, was not, and could not bea moral influence, and had not one particle of moral influence on the party influenced. Its work was to inspire, to reveal truth, to work miracles, and it can form no part of conviction, conversion and sanctification. They teach that all the moral power that an intelligence, like the Holy Spirit can exert on another intelligence like man's spirit, is resident in ideas, moral influ- ences, presented to the spirit influenced in words or acts. They teach that conviction, conversion and sauctiflcation are accom- plished by moral power alone, resident in truth and acts. They believe the Bible de- clarations that "the gospel is the power of God unto salvation to all who believe." II Peter, i. "Divine power has granted unto us all things that pertain unto life and godli- ness through knowledge." That all "men are begotleu by the word of truth." That ruen are sanctified by God's word as Jesus declares They reject all direct and immedi- ate influence of the Spirit in conviction, conversion and sanctification, for such influ- ence was all miraculous, and it did not and could not produce one particle of moral in- fluence or change. Because the Bible never ascribes one im tance or particle of conver- sion to such direct influence. Because it invariably ascribes it to the gospel the word of God, the truth. Such is the great differ- ence between disciples and others. Sidney Rigdon brought from the Baptists to the Disciples and agreed with the Disci- ples in : I. Immersion alone is baptism. II. Penitent believers alone are scriptural subjects of baptism. He accepted from the Disciples : I. Rev- elation alone should be the creed of Christ- tians. II. The religious world had de- parted from the apostolic Christianity and should return to it. III. What are called "first priuciples " by the Disciples. IV. Baptism is unto the remission of sins. Not one of these would have even hinted the Book of Mormon or Mormonism. He brought from the Baptists and never agreed with the Disciples. I. Opposition to secret societies. That is in the Book of Mormon. It is full of it. II. The orthodox idea of a direct, immediate and miraculous influence of the Spirit in -conversion. While a Dis- ciple preacher he would often get so excited in his preaching, as to have whai is called " the power," and often claimed that he had visions and revelations in that state. He was always extravagant in his preach- ing, and had much trouble and difference with the Disciples over this idea. He tried to get the Disciples to accept this idea, and that a full restoration of apostolic Chris- tianity must restore inspiration, spiritual gifts, and revelations. The orthodox idea of direct and miraculous influence of the Spirit that he retained was simply this claim of Rigdon, the idea that was Rigdon'3 special hobby, and that was rejected by the Disciples. He brought from the Bap- tists the orthodox idea of a direct and im- mediate influence of the Holy Spirit in ad- dition to and distinct from any influence that he exerts through the truth. Like all who believe this notion, he regarded it as the sum and substance of religion Ha was consistent and logical, however, and the orthodox world are not. He asserted, and truthfully, that this direct and imme- diate influence ever had been and ever must be miraculous and attended with mi- raculous power, inspiration and revelation. He came into the Restoration with that hobby and with the intention to engraft it on to the movement, and when he had gotten the Disciples to accept it, he could then get them to accept new revelations, and bring forward his "Golden Bible" that he had fabricated out of Spaulding's "Manu- script Found," and make of the Restoration what Mormonism now is. Accordingly he was constantly talking and preaching that a full return to apostolic Christianity must include a restoration of the spiritual gifts, mirculous powers, the inspirations and revelations of the apostolic age. He had large numbers of the congre- gation, for which he preached indoctrinated with these ideas, and some had adopted his idea of community of goods and feet washing. These he had prepared for Mor- monism, and when he pretended to be con- verted to Mormonism that he himself had originated, and had used Smith as a tool to publish for him, these persons who had accepted his hobbies went with him, and this accounts for the wonderful rapidity with which converts were made to Mor- monism in the churches where he had preached, and had great influence. His teaching in regard to new revelations led them to expect such revelations and they were ready to accept the Book of Mormon as a revelation. Here again the admirable scri ptural knowledge and admirable sense of the Campbells saved the Restoration from shipwreck, as it did in regard to his millen- nial vagaries and the community of goods. The long and unanswerable series of articles on the Holy Spirit in "Christianity Re- stored," clearly separated, the miraculous and extraordinary influence of the Spirit, in inspiration, revelations and miracles, which was the direct and immediate in- 262 THE BRADEN AND KELLEY DEBATE. fluence of the Spirit, from the ordinary influence which was only through the truth. These articles showed that this dirf one. They pause! At last a thought struck one of them. He was ready to cut the goruian knot. Said he, "//" we have authority to preach we have authority to baptize." That was the electric bolt. They thought they had it, and they went to work; minister* baptized ministers, and then the people. So the restoration commenced with all the authority of an IF. When the church of Christ was established in the time of the apostles, it took a divine commission, a word from heaven, the ministering of angels and the inspiration of the Holy Ghost, apostles and prophets to set it up; but af- ter the dark day of apostacy, and the church of God could not be found on earth, Mr. Campbell, and Mr Stone and Mr. Scott and some others restored it over in Ken- tucky in all its splendor, without a word from heaven, from the Son, Holy Spirit, or angels, apostles or prophets, while stand- ing on the "Bible alone, "and restored it on the most doubtful of words, if. The only wonder is that it has not taken the world before this time. From that time to this they hold that one person has just as good a right to preach and baptize as another. That ordination even amounts to nothing; and upon that ground I understand that my opponent refused to let any of the brethren in this wonderful restoration lay hands on him, down at Carbondale a few years ago. Am I not correct? Or have you changed your mind upon this since you put so many of your preachers to rout on this at Carbondale' 111.? He, like all those who ministered at the birth of this institution, was already authorized. That is if, and if. Their is a great deal of certainty in their theory of religion (?) The Disciples say they built fheirChurch on "The Bible and Bible alone." But Jesus Christ built Hi* upon a different foundation altogether. Seethe following: " And Jesus answered and said unto him. Blessed art thou, Simon Bar Jona, for flesh and blood hath not revealed it unto thee, [that I am the Christ] but my Father which is in Ht-aven. And I say also unto thee, that thou art Peter, and upon this ock I will build my Church, and thegatesof hell shall not prevail against it." " Upon this rock" says Jesus, "I will build my Church." Upon what rock? Upon the Bible and Biblealone? Not upon that, but upon the rock of revealing, the means and power of obtaining the knowledge that Jesus Christ is the Son of God. This communication from the father is that which antedates all gospel preaching, and is the inspiration and rock upon which the whole Christian institution rests. Hence Jesus says, 20.4 THE BRA DEN AND KELLEY DEBATE. 'when he, the Holy Ghost, Is come, he will testify of me." "He will take of the things of the Father and show them unto you." The whole superstructure was to partake of the essence of the Rock upon which the foundation rested ; hence, Paul says, the church was.a "habitation of God through theSpirit." Thefoundation was laid by the declared fact that Jesus is the Christ ; hence it is written: "Other foundation can no man lay, than that is laid which is Jesus Christ." And again it is declared, "Are built upon the foundation of the apostles and prophets, Jesus Christ himself being the chief corner stone. In whom all the building fitly framed together, groweth unto an holy temple in the Lord. In whom ye are builded together for a habitation of God through the Spirit." Eph.2: 20-22. Here we have an insight into the nature of the church building, as to what consti- tutes the foundation, and the rock upon which it rests. The revelation of God, not that of the past, but present, is the inspira- tion, underlying strata of the church of Christ, and that upon which it rests. But Mr. Campbell started his on the " Bible alone," so claimed. There is not an in- stance from Genesis to Revelations where God ever authorized any man or angel to build his church on theBiblealone. What is the New Testament? It is the constitu- tional law that governs in the church, and giving also a history of the formation and provisions of the church, and rights of the citizens in order to its perpetuity. This constitution says God placed the officer* in the church as "it pleased Him;" Fist apostles, secondly prophets, then gi-ta of healings," &c., 1 Cor. 12. For these officers our constitution (the New Testament) provides, and no promise is made for any other kind of organization or officers. But Mr. Campbell and others in the great res- toration made, while standing on the Bible alone, did not see fit to put any of these in his restored church. They moved out upon the hypothesis that if they could preach they could baptize, and if they could baptize, perhaps they could organize Christ's church without apostles, and so went on "restoring." Seeing that the New Testament was against their presum- tuous work, they arose to explain: "That apostles were all right until the New Tes- tament was written , then the Bible stood In the place of apostles and prophets, and all of the inspired ones," and there was nothing to take the place of the overseer and deacons, so they retained them. This restored church, bu'ilton the"Biblealone," expunged all the officers that Christ put in the only church of which the New Testa- ment gives any account that he ever built, and it then whipped around and squared itself for battle, declaring that it was the ancient church "restored." Braden says so. But let us examine that idea, that after the Christian constitution was written thev needed no more chief officers to carry on the work of the church. In the organiza- tion of our government there was a consti- tution formed. It stands related to the state as the New Testament does to the church. By constitutional provision there are certain officers appointed in thegovern- ment, and the rights and privileges of the citizens declared. But who is fanatical enough to believe, that after the constitu- tion was written aad Washington's term of office had expired, that there was to be no more Presidents or V ice-Presidents, Sena- tors or Judiciary, or delegates from the peo- ple to constitute the house of Representa- tives. That they were no longer needed in the government; that the constitution, Con- stable and Justice of the Peace were all that were needed to run the government. Is it not a fact that the constitution pro- vides for a line of presidents, vice-presi- dents, senators, etc., and a government according to the constitution cannot exist without them? The constitution of the government is all essential and so are its officers in order to its perpetuity. To destroy the officers is to destroy the govern- ment. To organize another not just as pro- vided for in the constitution is to establish a new and strange government, not known to the people or the constitution. This is true in church as well as state. The New Testament is the constitutional enactment to govern in the Christian church. To build by that is to build aright. That constitu- tional lav/ says that the first officer in the church of God is an apostle. The church of which Mr. Braden is a member has no such officer The constitution says the second officer is a prophet. The church which Mr. Braden represents here, has none. Why has he the presumption to say then, that the church he represents is the ancient church "restored?" But he says there was to be a change. Apostles were to cease. Let us see. When Judas Iscariot went and hanged himself after he had betrayed his Lord, there were but eleven apostles left. What was done ? Just what is done in our govern- ment when the President, or a Senator or any other officer dies or is removed for other cause; another was appointed in his stead, and "he was numbered with the eleven." The only difference in the appointment is that in the church God appoints, and in the state the people appoint. By and by the wicked Herod killed James, another apos- tle, and there is another vacant seat; and just over the leaf a ways we read Paul, the apostle, and so on until we reach about nineteen apostles named in the New Testa- ment. As if to settle this question forever, Paul says these apostles were given "for the work of the ministry ; " (after Jesus ascend- ed upon high) "for the edifying of the body of Christ;" and to continue "until we all come into a unity of the faith, to a knowl- edge of the Son of God, that we be no more tossed to and fro by every wind of doctrine." Eph. 4. And this side of the house will not be moved by my opponent's gust of wind, that he imagines to himself is a raging Nebraska blizzard. These ministers are called to their several offices by direct reve- THE BRADEN AND KELLEY DEBATE. 26ft lation from God, without which they had no right to act. Hence, up at Antioch, the Holy Ghost said, "Separate unto me Bar- nabas and Saul for the work whereunto I have called them." "Then laid their hands on them and sent them away." Acts 13. 41 As God hath distributed to every man, as the Lord hath called every one, so let him walk. And so ordain I in all churches." Paul did not presume to send any one until the Lord spoke; but Mr. Braden denies the necessity of a divine call to the ministry. Ail of his church are called when they are born. Don't need any laying on of hands to authorize them. But in Mr. Bradeu's mind this is Christ's church come again restored ; but it came to life, if it has any, in a different way than the church of Christ was instituted, and they have left out ail of the leading officers, and none of them are sent of God or have any authority, only IF they can preach they can baptize. This would be about the position of Mr. Campbell when truly illustrated. Thepeo- ple of the United States, by reason of some extraordinary event, find themselves with- ont a set of officers to execute the laws, without any government. Mr. Smith takes up the constitution of the United States and says: "The means is provided herein for officers by the calling of an election, get- ting the voice of the people, for that is the highest authority." Mr Campbell says no, not that. "Here Is our constitution perfected by our fathers. No use of the authority any longer. r lhe former organization was only for the pur- pose of perfecting this law. I will be your president." Ah ! but says Mr. Smith, you may not suit the people. Never mind that, says Mr. Campbell. The people, who are the recognized author- ity, have nothing more to do with it. The word, the Constitution, gives me the right to act. Of course my right can't be traced in it; but never mind; if I have authority to read the constitution and tell my neighbor about it; I have a right to act as president without a call or election by the people, as provided by the constitution, and I will not wait till lam elected. Of course some one else may claim the same right, and their claim would be just as good as mine, and thus we may create division and anarchy amongthepeopleofa country who formerly had one government, one system, one se't of officers at a time. But what of it? But Mr. Smith stands before the people at the same time and claims that when the constitution was ordained there wa* a provi- sion made therein for the filling up of va- cant offices, and that before the constitu- tion can become operative this provision of it must be put in force as any other, and that it will not do to permit any person who sees fit, to force himself into the place of one of the officers, seeing that under it, one man has as good a right as another to do that, and if this assumption is permitted we will destroy the constitution, the liber- ties of the people, and consequently all hope of a true Republic ite/', and change it into a monarchy and have a system of another type and different government altogether. Which is the sounder position? Mr. Braden and myself agree that we have the constitutional law given for the regulation and government of the church. We both urge the adoption of this constitu- tion on the part of the people yes, every- body says, it is a good thing; let us adopt it. But how adopt it? As an instrument telling what the organization of the true church once was? "What the true teach- ings once were? Or as a rule of faith and practice by which to regulate the church now? He says it gives a true account of the organization as it once was, the practices as they once were ; but that we are not to have the same now, because certain of these officers are done away by reason of the per- fecting of the constitution, and that we must pattern after the church as left per- fected after this time, instead of the church as reflected in the constitution itself. At the same time he claims Mr. Campbell as a restorer of the church under the constitu- tion of the apostolic religion. But a re- storer means to produce the thing not to produce something which is not the thing, neither something that might have existed after the thing. I take the ground and state to you that it, the constitution, gives a true account of the organization as it once was, the practices as they once were, and that they are the same that ought to be in the church now, and would be if anarchy had not reigned since the true officers fell asleep, and a change was effected iu the gov- ernment. That there is a means provided in the constitution for the calling of officers, and when called in that way they will act and administer the laws as "did the original offi- cers, and, if not, the government itself is chanered, and hence a different church, and instead of being the church as provided in the conslitution, it is a new thing, unknown to the constitution ; that his man (Mr. Campbell; is uot the restorer, for the reason that he has not produced the thing in or- ganization, practice or teaching as included in and was a part of the original ; that among the things provided in the constitu- tion are : 1. That men may attain to wisdon and knowledge by the teaching and instruction of the Holy Spirit. "Hmybeit. when he the Spirit of truth Is come, he will guide you into all truth ; for he shall not speak of himself; but whatsoever he shall hear that shall ho speak, anrl he will show you things to come." John 16:13. " This is eternal life that they may know th. e the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom ihou hast sent." 76fdl7:3. Again, " No man can say that Jesus is the Lord, but by the Holy Ghost."! Cor. 12:3 "After I heard of your faith in the Lord Jesus and love unto all the Saints, I ceased not to make mention of ynu in my prayers that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of gl<>ry, may give unto you the Spirit of wit- dom and revelation in the knowled. e of him. That ye may know what is the hope of his calling " Eph 1, 15. 2. That the officers under this constitu- tion are to administer, as called to act in the work by the head of the church, Christ, through the Holy Spirit. 266 THE BRADEN AND KELLEY DEBATE. 3. That in the church itself are placed certain gifts for the 'jualification of persona for the work of perfecting of the tSaiuts, carrying on the ministerial work, the in- struction of the body the church, ''Till we should all ^ome to the unity of the faith, to the fullnt-si- of the measure of the stature of Christ." Were these provisions of the constitution respected there would be the full means of carrying on the work as there is under our election system of filling the vacant places in the government. And when I stand with the constitution and in- sist that officers must be chosen in a proper way, and that way is by the inspiration of the Spirit, the only answer he gives me is the old one used against the Saints in the first century, that only a few fanatics be- lieve in revelation. But shall I drop the Bible and go into the grand scramble for the spoils in the anarchy of confusion, and say I have as good a right to elect myself as any one? " It is only a few fanatics who believe in revelation." O yes, certainly. But it has been only a few persons who were falsely called fanatics who have believed in revela- tion in the history of the race. Noah was the fanatic in his time, so the people claimed. He believed in revelation. Abraham was the next prominent fanatic; then came Moses, Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, Daniel and Zechariah, most all of whom the people thought so fanatical that they were vilely treated or killed. After them comes Jesus, and he is set down with the fanatics ; then Peter, James, John and Paul all fanatical, according to the rage of the people in their time, and terribly maltreated and abused. Now, it is only a " few fanatics " that be- lieve in revelation. It is the Latter Day Saints this time. Does anybody else? No. That is the reason they call them fanatics. They are the only ones that "contend for this faith once delivered -to the Saints." And hence, we are called fanatics. My friends, are we not yet in good company, with Noah, Abraham, Moses, Isaiah, David, Job, Jesus, and all of the apostles and prophets of the world? The constitution of the Christian Govern- ment clearly provides for an uninterrupted line of apostles to be continued in the church and the step was taken to carry out this provision by the filling of the seat of Judas Iscariot, and that of the apostle James, &c., all having been appointed by the great head of the church, Christ. By the constitution of our country there are certain rights and privileges belong- ing to the citizen, that is, the right of suf- frage ; the right of representation; the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness ; and the right to worship God according to the dictates of his own con- science. These rights are guaranteed by the constitution. To deny them to the citi- zen is to take away their constitutional rights and destroy the force of the consti- tution itself. So long as this government is to be continued, and the constitution ad- hered to, these rights must lemainwith the citizens. This is true also ... tLe constitu- tion of the church. It provides for the re- ceiving of foreigners into the fold, and specifies the way, and lays down the rules by which they are to be received, which are : 1st faith, 2nd repentance, 3d baptism, 4th the laying on of hands. These rules are stipulated and ordained by the consti- tution itself, and these rules originated with God, and not with man ; men have not the right to abrogate any one of them, or change them in the least unless it can be shown that the constitution itself is not in force, but has been 'set aside and another established by the great head of the church to take its place. The constitution further provides, for certain blessings and privil- eges to be enjoyed by the citizens ; and all are equal under the constitutional law m the church, as well as in state. The bless- ings in the chureh are : 1. The gift of the Holy Ghost, of which there is but one ; but it manifests itself in. different ways, but it is the same Spirit ; and everyone has the right to enjoy it as really in the church as they have the equal right of representation, or worship, in the state. "For there are differences of ad- ministration, but the same Spirit." 1 Cor. 12. "The manifestation of the Spirit is given to every man." "Ye may all prophe- cy one by one." 1 Cor., 14:3*1. In their adoption each one is entitled to the Holy Ghost as the seal of his adoption. Hence, "After tliat ye believed ye were sealed with the Holy Spirit of promise." This is the Holy Spirit which Jesus said he would send if he went away. Said he, "When he in come he will testify of me," and the "tes- timony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy." Rev. 19 : 10. This is all the spirit that was ever promised to the believer, either as in- dwelling or as outdwelling. The attempt to make it appear that there are two Holy Spirits, the miraculous and non-miracu- lous; or the miraculous and Indwelling, is sheer cant, and without warrant in the Scriptures. 2. To the citizen is guaranteed by the constitution, that if any are sick, they may send for the elders of thechurch, (not apos- tles of the church), and let them pray over them, anointing them with oil. and the " prayer of faith shall save the sick; and the Lord shall raise them up." James, 5 ir >. Hence, Jesus says, "They shall lay handp on the sick and they shall recover." Mark 16. This privilege is guaranteed to the citizen in the constitution of the church equally with the right to vote by the constitution of the state. And you can no more destroy these rights in one, and retain the goven ment in tact, than you can in the other. But Mr. Campoell in his "restored church," claiming to stand on and pattern after the old Christian constitution, discarded the doctrine of "baptism and the laying on of hands," and retained one baptism and nr> laying on of hands claimed that the gift of the Holy Ghost was quite an unneces- sary thing to be enjoyed so Long a time THE BRA DEN AND KELLEY DEBATE. 207 after the writing of the constitution. The constitution was good, but its promises are of no account. That a great many repeals have been made, or the provisions ignored, and new regulations and provisions provid- ed, but of course it is the old "church come again." Let us see. The ancient church was built by divine revelation from heaven by men authorized to act as ambas- Badors; Mr. Campbell said, "If we can preach we can baptize " The ancient church had apostles and prophets; Mr. Campbell had none. If they could preach they could baptize, and if they could bap- tize, may be they could get along without apostles or prophets, and they put only elders and deacons into their church But it is the same old church restored. That is as clear as mud. The ancient church taught the laying on of hands for the receiving of the Holy Ghost; but Mr. Campbell said that if they could preach they could baptize; and if they could baptize, may be they could put ail of the apostles out and put In the elders and deacons (without God saying anything about either), and perhaps the laying on of hand? was not needed, so it was left out of Mr. Campbell's restored church. What a restoration ! The ancient church enjoyed the snft of the Holy Ghost in faith, and wisdom, and knowledge, and tongues, and prophecy, and visions, and dreams, and healings, by which they received the testi- mony of Jesus and the seal of their inheri- tance. But Mr. Campbell with an "if," and a "perhaps." and "may be," had pro- ceeded thus far in restoring the ancient church, and having done so well, he thought that it was likely they could get along wiih- out any Holy Ghost at all vision, dream, prophecy, healing or revelation. It was the old church "restored," however, so says Mr. Braden. But they must hold on to the old constitution, "stand on the Bible alone" no doubt about that. This so forcibly reminds me of the politician's story of grandfather's old gun, that I will ask the audience to indulge me in relating it. The guu was one that was said to have come down through the wars. It had been re- vamped and remodeled, so much, however, that it wag difficult to trace the antiquity. The gifted little son had inquired and found out that the old gun had a new stock, new barrel, new lock and new ramrod ; and he was puzzled. Finally, he looked up to his father and asked: Why, I don't see why you call it grandfather's old gun? You little fool, said the father, don't you see that touch-hole? That is the same that was in your grandfather's old gun. Now I have been looking for this old gun since Mr. Braden brought out his faith, and I have found that he called his people by a differ- ent name from the Saints, had a different kind of faith, different baptism, changed tne laying on of hands, had a new kind en- tirely of church officers, a different Holy Spirit. Christ e worfc in the church differ- ent, a different kind of apostles and proph- ets (dead instead of live ones), a different way of calling tneir ministers, their church on a different rock from the ancient cnurch, and I begin to look around to see why he calls it, the old church "restored," and lam pointed to, "baptism for the remission of sins." (Applause). Thus with scarcely a single important provision of the old con- stitution to be found in their new tangled "restored church," they have the unquali- fied presumption to come before the world with the claim that they are standing solid on the old Christian constitution, or "Bible, and Bible alone." Or in other words, while professing to carry in tact "grandfather's old gun," they take the absurd position and make the absurd statement that there was a more excellent church than the one the constitution made special provision for, and cite us to the following to support it: "But covet earnestly the best gifts, and yet show I unto you a more excellent way." (Time called) 2(58 THE BUADEN AND KELLEY DEBATE. MR. BRADEN'S SIXTH SPEECH. GENTLEMEN MODERATORS, LADIES AND GENTLEMEN : Mormonism takes from or- thodoxy, this key note of orthodoxy, this direct and immediate influence of the spirit, in addition to and distinct from any that he exerts through the truth. Having claimed the cause, it claims the necessary effects, inspiration and revelation. By means of new revelations, Mormonism can introduce any new dogma, and if consis- tent, orthodoxy cannot reject such dogma. As revelation from the days of Adam to the writing of the last book of the New Testa- ment was constantly adding new ideas, and new revelations as the New Testa- ment was added to the Old, Mormonism, says the book of Mormon, and the revela- tions of Joseph the Seer have been added to the New Testament, and if orthodoxy is logical to its admission of a direct and im- mediate influence of the spirit, distinct from, and in addition to any through the truth, an influence that is miraculous, it cannot reject this claim of Mormonism. Through this wide door, thrown fully open by orthodoxy, Mormonism enters with its new revelations. It can change the name of "Christian" to "Latter Day Saints" and claim revelation for so doing new revela- tions a claim that no one can make for changing Christian into any human name. It can change the name of the church from the simple Scriptural title ''The Church of Christ" into the Ashdodish lingo of Babel "The Re-organized church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints" and make the same claim a thing that no one can do for any name worn by the churches. It can teach baptism for the dead, pre-existence of souls, confirmation, blessing children, and add to the simple officers of the church a score of officers unknown to the Bible, and change the church into a hierarchy in which nearly every man is an officer, and claim revelation for it. Such claim cannot be made for the corruptions that orthodoxy has introduced into Clmstianity. Nay, it can through this dogma of orthodoxy, a di- rect and immediate influence of the spirit, since such influence must be miraculous, and inspiration, claim to give the world a new revelation in favor of spiritual wifery and polygamy, calling it "celestial marri- age " This dogma of a direct, immediate and miraculous influence of the spirit, is the sole and only parent of Mormonism, and every new and peculiar feature in it. It is an insult to common sense, and a deli berate falsehood, for the orthodox religious world to vociferate that "Campbellism is the par- ent of Murmonism." The clear, scriptural teaching of what they call "Campbellism," that all direct and immediate influence of the spirit was miraculous and ceased with miracles, and that the spirit now influences men only through the truth he revealed is utterly destructive of Mormonism, and! drove Rigdon out of the Restoration. As- well say that Christianity was the parent of papacy. Orthodoxy is the parent of Mormonism; of all that is peculiar to it. The orthodox notion, that is the key note of orthodoxy the direct and immediate in- fluence of the spirit, the miraculous influ- ence of the spirit, is the sole and only parent of Mormonism Mormon revelations, in- cluding the revelations in favor of polyga- my, revelations in favor of all other Mormon- vagaries are simply that key note of ortho- doxy gone to seed. This central idea, this key-note of ortho- doxy, is the Trojan horse by means of which those lying Greeks, Mormon revelations and vagaries were introduced into the Scriptural ideas, that Mormonism in com- mon with what is called "Campbellism 1 * accepted from the Bible; and which, like Aeneas, the Disciples rejected as falsehoods of the enemy. It is by means of this Trojan horse, fabricated by orthodoxy, that the pure teachings of the Bible, that what i called "Campbellism" taught; and that Mormonism accepted at first have been de- stroyed. Had Rigdon, Smith and the lead- ers of Mormonism accepted the clear Scrip- tural teaching of the Disciples, that all di- rect, immediate and miraculous influence of the Spirit ceased when it had accom- plished its work in completing the work of God, Mormonism would never have cursert the world. No immediate, miraculous in- fluence ; no new revelations, no baptizing the living for the dead, no pre-existence of souls, no spiritual wifery, no polygamy, no Mormonism. But they rejected the clear Scriptural teachings of the Disciples and took up the orthodox idea of a direct, im- mediate and miraculous influence of the Spirit, in addition to and distinct from any he exerts through the truth he has revealed, and logically claimed that when they had the cause they had the necessary effect, inspiration and new revelations ; and gave us revelation after revelation, until this immediate, miraculous influence of ortho- doxy culminated in spiritual wifery, celes- tial marriage, polygamy; in pollution that would disgust a Grecian satyr. It is a fact that has puzzled many persons, thatalmost, invariably claims of direct influence of the Spirit, inspiration and miraculous power, sanctiflcation and holiness end in infamous lewdness. Let one examine a history of the various parties and sects that have arisen in human history that have claimed this direct influence as a constant influence of their followers, and have laid special claims to revelations, inspiration, holiness, sanctification, second blessing, higher life, and in every instance delusion, fanaticism, crime, and especially lewd ness has attended them. The most infamous scenes in human THE BRADEN AND KELLEY DEBATE. 2G9 history have been the result of such vaga- ries and movements. There is not a church that believes in this direct and immediate influence, that has not had trouble with in- famies and pollutions growing out of it. The fanatics that troubled the apostles and the fathers, the visionaries of all ages the monsters of Munster, the perfectionists of the last hundred years, the sanctification- ists, and holiness fanatics of all ages, religions and lands, have invariably ended in lewdness, as perfectionism ended in the Oneida pollution, and Mormon claims of inspiration ended in polygamy. As a class the persons who make such claims are the most spasmodic, fanatical, inconsistent members in the church. The preachers who preach it are of the same character. The poorest specimens of daily Christian life are the preachers, the persons, the churches who make the loudest claims to perfection, sauctification, holiness, second blessing, higher life, direct influence of the Spirit, Inspiration, revelations, etc. They mistake such fanaticism for Christianity, and think that because they have this frenzy they do not need to trouble them- selves about pure living, and often think that because they act constantly under the influence of the Spirit, what they are in- clined to do, no matter what, must be right. It is not their excited, frenzied appetites and lusts that move them, but a direct in- fluence of the Spirit, therefore it must be right. The Mormon claims, and logically, that if he is under the influence of the Spirit, and feels Mke polygamy, it is the Spirit that makes him feel so, and it must be right. There is a reason for this lewdness of these frenzies. All abnormal excitements of the nervous system, such as are caused by ether, opium, hasheesh, alcohol, etc., generally excite the base of the brain, and especially amativeness and combativeness, hence the drunkard is obscene, profane and quar- relsome. A disordered condition of the nervous system, and generally the organs of sex. especially in females, is present in nearly every instance of such frenzy, and is generally its exciting cause. Mesmerism, its trances, somnambulism, catalepsy, and abnormal conditions of the nervous system, are generally based on and caused by, or at least attended by disordered condition of certain organs. The result is that just as the drunkard is lewd, these parties display lewd inclinations, and mistake such frenzy for the Influence of the Holy Spirit. As disordered condition of certain functions is the cause of such frenzy, it is attended by lewdness. The entire teaching of the Bible is utterly opposed to the idea of a constant enjoyment of this miraculous influence, by every one. As it was not a moral influence it could uot so be enjoyed. Then we repeat that the most dangerous delusion that has ever cursed the church has been this vagary of a direct and immediate influence of the Spirit. It has been the Pandora's box out of which has come only delusion, fanaticism and pol- lution. The polygamy of Mormonism is its last and foulest product, but it is the legi- timate fruit of the orthodox dogma of direct and miraculous influence of the Spirit. The Oneida abomination and the pollutions of Utah are onJy that dogma gone to seed. It is irrational, utterly unscriptural, the off- spring of a diseased* imagination or nervous system, and its results are delusion, fana- ticism, lewdness, infamy and crime. Sanc- tification and perfection ended in the Oueida abomination, and direct and imme- diate influence of the Spirit and revelations ended in polygamy among Mormons. Such parties overlook two facts. The direct am! immediate influence of the Spirit was not a moral influence and exerted no moral power. Its purpose was to reveal truth. It was not an influence imparted to all followers of God, but only to those whom he used as mediums of revelation. It was not a con- stant influence with them, but was exerted only while they were revealing the truth. It was not poured out prodigally, but was sparingly used. It was used only when necessary. It was not a tool of the one en- joying it to be used constantly for every trivial purpose like the pretended inspira- tion of Joe Smith and other visionaries, but was used sparingly and only when neces- sary, and no longer than to accomplish its immediate object. Not only is it true that the clear, common-sense, scriptural teach- ings of the Disciples are utter destruction of this vagary and all of its foul progeny, but the Disciples alone can meet Mormons in discussion and overturn it. The Disciple appeals to the word of God, and that alone. He shows that it teaches that there have been two influences exerted by the Holy Spirit. One immediate, direct, miraculous, that was torevea] truth and attest its divine origin. That was not a moral influence, was given for a certain purpose. That pur- pose has been accomplished. It has ceased. This cuts off all the Mormon claim to direct, immediate, miraculous influence of the Spirit, miraculous powers in revelation. Ifc is a death blow to all such claim. This is why the Mormons of Wilber were so much opposed to debating with a "Camp belli te," that they went to the Hon. S. 8. Alley and wanted him to write to me and persuade me not to accept the invitation of Mr. Luse, to debate with their champion. They knew that our clear, common-sense, scriptural teaching took the very ground from under their feet. No one who believes and admits the orthodox claim of direct and immediate influence of the Spirit can meet a Mormon. Let a man who believes it undertake to debate with one. The Mormon demands, "Do you believe in a direct influence of the Holy Spirit a direct call by the Holy Spirit to preach that regeneration is a miracle, and in the baptism of the Holy Ghost ? '* "I do," fervently responds our orthodox brother, "and blessed be God, thousands can testify they have experienced all of them." "Then," coolly retorts the Mor- mon, "that is just what we claim, only w are consistent, and you are uot. We claim 270 THE BRADEN AND KELLEY DEBATE. this direct influence, tis yon do, and no more than that, but we are consistent. As it is miraculous, we claim miracles. We claim a call by the Hol.v Spirit to preach, and we claim to speak by inspiration as the Spirit give.* usutterance. Claiming that wespeak as the Spirit gives us utterance, we are con- sistent and claim that our utterances are revelations, as all utterances of the Holy Spirit are and must be. Claiming the bap- tism of the Holy Ghost, we claim its miracu- lous power and' miracles. If you admit this miraculous influence, you should admit that its utterances now are as much revelations, as they were in the apost'es' day. We claim that God called men who were poly- garnists and gave men more than one wife ; and that he did no more in giving the poly- gamy revelation to Smith than he did anciently. In short, we unite with you in claiming thecausedirect, miraculous power, and you cannot claim the existence of the cause and deny its necessary effect, any more than you can admit the law of gravi- tation and deny the fall of an unsupported body." To such a claim orthodoxy can make no reply. No believer in the key note of orthodoxy direct, miraculous influ- enctt of the Spirit, can meet a Mormon in discussion. We will now notice some of my oppo- nent's talk. I have proved Joe Smith to be a base impostor, and I call him such. I have proved Mormons who claim inspiration to be impostors, and I call them such. All that Christ has washed in his blood and has made kings and priests have a right to preach and baptize. John said Christ had made them kings and priests, and such have a right to preach and baptize. Jonn said Christ had made them kings and priests. He did not say n* witt. Peter said that all Christians were kings and priests then, not tnai they wou:a oe It took mi- raculous power to reveaj trutn and confirm it to g:ve the constitution. Those made kings and priests oy the constitutioc need no constitution-matting power. The church is built on Cnrist on his- Messiahship, on aposties and prophets. There is no conflict It. such expressions. We denounce Joe Smith as an impostor because he pretended to be a constitution maker, when God de- clares that such work is done and has ceased. When the world departed from the constitution Mr. Campbell said to it, "The constitution is perfect and divine, let us or- ganize in accordance with it." His author- ity was in the constitution that made him king and priest. Joe Smith and Mormons got up a bogus constitutional convention, made a lot of trash they call " the fullness of the gospel," and undertake to substitute it for the constitution given by God's con- vention, the apostles. QUERIES FOR MR. KELLEY. I. "Does not the inspired Paul say that there is but one baptism in the church? Eph. iv, 5. II. Did not Jesus command his apostles to baptize converts? Matt, xxviii, 2tt. ill. Were not they to baptize in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit? IV. Was not this baptism unto the re- mission ol sins? Acts ii, 38. V. Was it not in water? VI. Is it not this baptism that Jesus com- manded the apostles to perform, that is, in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, that is unto remission, that is in water, the one baptism that is in the church ? VII. Is not baptism in the Spirit a prom- ise? Is not Christ alone the administra- tor? VIII. Is it a command ? IX. Is it in the name of Father, Son and Holy Spirit? X. Is it unto remission of sins? XI. Can Holy Spirit baptism, that Id u promise, not a command, that is not in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spiri% of which Christ alone is the administrator, that is not unto remission of sins, be the one baptism that is in the church? XII. If there is but one baptism, which is that baptism, water baptism or Holy Spirit baptism ? Xlir. Do you give the lie direct to the Holy Spirit in saying there are two bap- tisms ? XIV. Or do you insult common sense by denying that each of these is a baptism, separate and distinct from the other? XV. Did not Jesus say that he would leave the apostles, and that the Comforter would take his place with the apostles ? XVI. Does the Holy Spirit take the place of Jesus with any one now, after Jesus has left any person now? X VII. Did not Jesus declares that the Holy Spirit would recall to the minds of the Apostles what he, Jesus, had said to the apostles? XVIII. Does the Holy Spirit recall to the mind of any person now what Jesus said to such persons? XIX. Then is not this promise as personal to the apostles as the promise that Jesus made to the apostles that he would m^efc them, the apostles, in Gallilee? XX. Did the apostles have to V hands on the Samaritans before they TOUtd re- ceive the Holy Spirit, in miracul^uo o' w ei ? XXI. Were not these Samaritans "VQO believed and had been baptized children of God? XXII. Had not they been born 01 fchfe water and the Spirit? XXI II. If they were children of G'.d, had not God sent the indwelling Spirit into their hearts? XXIV. Did not John preach that the king- dom was at hand, approaching? XXV. Could he then be in it? XXVI. Did not Jesus preach that the kingdom was at hand, approaching? XXVII. Could he then be in it? XXVIII. DM n >t Jesus declare that per- sons to whom he was talking would see the kingdom come with power? XXIX. Was it then in existence? Was he in it? Were his apostles? Wasanyone? THE BRADEN AND KELLEY DEBATE. 271 XXX. Did not Jesus say only about six weeks before his death that he would build his church ou the truth, his Messiahship ? XXXI. Was it not still future? Was he or any one in it? XXXII. Could his Messiahship be laid as the foundation, as a demonstrated truth, until he had, by his resurrection, demon- strated his Messiahship? XXXIII. Could the church be in exist- ence before itsonly foundation had been laid? XXXIV. Was not Joseph of Arimathea etill waiting for the kingdom after Jesus was dead ? XXXV. Could it be in existence? Was it not future? Could any one be in it? XXXVII. W^re not the apostles to be endued from on high? Was not this the case after the resurrection of Jesus? XXXVIII. Were not the apostles still to receive power when the Holy spirit fell on them justa few moments before theascen- sion of Jesus ? XXXIX. Did not they receive this prom- ise on the day of Pentecost? XL. Did not the Holy Spirit fall on them at the beginning of the kingdom as an. ac- tual fact on the day of Pentecost? XLI. Was not that when the kingdom came with power? XI, II. Does not Paul say in Eph. iv. that miraculous powers are to remain until the children of God attain to the unity of the faith, until they attain to a perfect man, a perfect body of which Christ is the head? XLITI. Where is your Scripture for con- tinuing them beyond that period. XLIV. Does not Paul say to the Corinthi- ans, who had nine spiritual powers in their church, "Desire earnestly the best spiritual gifts, nevertheless I show unto you a more excellent way?" XLV. Does he not mean a way more ex- cel lent than the exercise of the best spiritual gifts. XLVI. Does not Paul say that prophecy, all utterance by inspiration, knowledge, or inspiration, or knowledge imparted by in- spiration, tongues, all signs of inspiration, and revelation shall cease. XLVII. Does he not say that such pro- phecying, such knowledge was partial, when given by the exercise of these spir- itual gifts. XLVIII. Does not he mean that such ut- terance, in each instance, can only be part the word of God, a part of revelation. XLIX. Does not he say when that which is perfect is come, then partial revelation under spiritual gifts shall pass away? Is not that which is perfect complete revelation ? If the partial is a part of God's word is not the perfect the whole of God's word? Then does not Paul declare that when God's word is perfected, these partial pro- phecies, revelations and miracles to attest them shall cease? Did not the apostles complete God 's word ? Did not revelations, iuspiration, and miracles cease then ? Has Mormonism given one new idea? A better expression, a single idea. MR. KELLEY'S SIXTH SPEECH. GENTLEMEN MODERATORS, LADIES AND GKNTL.KMEN : It seems that my opponent got so worked up on last evening that he has not yet descended from that high horse of Ahasueras. The trouble with him is, that under the soured state of his feelings he concludes there is more argument in the use of mean terms and unbecoming expres- sions than in a true and manly way of de- bate How ridiculous for a man to come before an audience with the name and reputation of a clergyman, debater and logician, and to then have him employ the means of slan- der, vituperation, and expressions without meaning to meet his opponent. Here on his own question he has left entirely the issue and :one back to his pet theory of howling -'Joe Smith," "Impostor"' "Mor- mon Deity," ''great fraud," "blacklegs," "rascals," "villains," "scoundrels," etc. Now, ladies and gentlemen, he Is quite welcome to all the argument there is in those terms, so far as I am concerned. I could, had I the disposition, answer him very effectually by returning the fire with like polite and refined language; but I will say here that I shall not so lower my stand- ing as a minister, nor the great cause of Christ's truth which I represent, by de- scending to any such plane. (Applause.) The first points discussed by my opponent I shall take up and answer fn their place. But all of that relating to Sidney Kigdon and what Braden calls Morraonism, I shall pay no attention to, it being in no sense connected with the question under discus- sion. It is the faith, doctrines, practices and organization of Braden 's. or the Campbell- ite church that is under consideration now, and I shall not be drawn away from the 272 THE BRADEN AND KELLEY DEBATE. ques Ion before you, whatever the disposi- tion jr the other side, but proceed to show tha' his little building is upon a sandy fou idarion. After first concluding the line of trgument which I was upon last eveu- in ;, I shall take up and examine partieu- 1? ly his positions. L had just introduced the text, "And yet f iow I unto you a more excellent way." i Cor. 12:31. Paul at the time of using this iad just devoted a whole chapter to de- jcribing the church, its officers, how they were placed in the church, the gifts of the Spirit and the manner in which the Spirit was manifest, together with the object of luch manifestations. When through with ill of this labor, was he ready, as Braden nrould have you believe, to tell them in the eery last verse of the chapter that there was another and better system than that which he had just been'pointing out to them, " a more excellent way ?" Why did he point out the one not so good .instead of this ''more excellent?" and, what is stranger still, he never in a single epistle after- ward set forth a different order than the one mentioned in 1 Cor. 12. Then where is the trouble? The whole difficulty is with the interpretation of Mr. Braden himself. In his great anxiety to do away with the order of the church established by Christ, and at the same time endeavor to make the people believe that it was restored by Mr. A. Campbell and aids of which he is a rep- resentative, he explains that the apostle would give them another order. If the or- der specified in the New Testament was limited, and some other system was to take its place, when did the old lose its force? Was it in the year 70, 90, 100, 150, or when? When did the new order begin? Where is its constitution and order, and what right has Mr. Campbell to be harping that they are standing on the old constitution, when they refuse to build by its provisions? But what did Paul mean by "yet show I unto you a more excellent way?" I shall here particularly examine this, the 81st verse of the l'2th chapter of the Corin- thian letter that has given my opponent an imaginary covering at every step of this in- vestigation, when he has been brought into the light of God's word as reflected from every part of the New Testament. Is it a fact, my friends, that, notwithstanding the promises made by Jesus and John that "ye shall be baptized with the Holy Ghost not many days hence." and that due prepara- tion for tne reception of this out-pouring of the Spirit had to be made before it could be received, of "prepare ye the way of the Lord, make his paths straight," and that afterwards it was. the embodiment of the promise which Jesus made to his followers o< the Comforter that should be in his stead personally, to them who loved him, that those who received it were made no better thereby? Brought no closer to him who is the head of the church and raised no higher in the advancing plane of the divine life? Do you accept Braden 's proposition as sound wherein he represents that the pres- ence of the Spirit of God in power has not a tendency to make men better? That it is not a moral agent or such an agency that acts upon men so as to build up and main- tain a true character and expurge the evil? This cherished position of his I shall try and notice minutely and strip it of its de- formity; for throughout the discussion of these questions he has taken the position that where there was an absence of all the manifestations of the Spiritof God, and con- sequently the immediate presence of divine instruction, that there, was the higher Christianity and the greater Gospel light. According to this the disciples before Pentecost were better Christians than after; because they had not thecomf<>rter, and consequently these gifts of the Holy Spirit, as they had afterwards. Down at Samaria where Philip had preached the word and they who believed him had been baptized by water, and had great rejoicing because of having found the truth, they were pretty fair Christians, until Peter and John went down and laid their hands upon them that they might receive the Holy Ghost; but upon this the Spirit ot God was poured out upon them, and they were at once lowered in the Christian scale and fit only to be classed with such persons as the Corinthian church, the Latter Day Saints and the negroes, according to Braden. Afterwards the Lord tells Cornelius to send to Joppa for Peter, and that he would receive good therefrom. Cornelius obeys, sends for Peter and when the apostle comes down and" be- gins speaking to the people, the Holy Ghost falls upon them and they begin to speak with tongues and magnify God. Here the Spirit of God, according to my opponent's talk (I will not call it argument) lowers the household of Cornelius in the Christian scale and they must be classed along with persons of such a low form of religion as the Corinthian Saints, or the Latter Day Saints, according to Braden. But I proceed. Paul passing through the upper coasts comes to Ephesus ; he finds certain disciples ; he en- quires if they had received the Holy Ghost; no, they said, they had never heard of such a thing, they had only heard the word, and but part of that. These persons were in a pretty high state of church civilization, according to Braden and Mr. Campbell. But this im- petuous Paul takes them and baptizes them. They had only gone through the form of baptism before, some person officiated who had no authority, and Paul knew it, because he did not teach tha people about Christ and the Holy Spirit. Then Paul lays his hands upon them and the Holy Ghost comes down on them, "and they" spake with tongues and prophesied. 1 ' Went right back to the low ievfll Mr. Braden placed the i 'or- inthian and Mormon churches. Again Jesu.s is resurrected; ascends in to the heavens far above all. What does he do? "And (he) gave gifts unto men," "And he gave some apostles, and some prophets and some evangelist* and some pastors and teachers, for the perfecting ot the saints, for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body THE BRADEN AND KELLEY DEBATE. 273 [church] of Christ. Till we all come into the unity of tho faith and the knowledge of the Son of God unto a perfect man, unto the measure of tho stature of the fullness of Christ." All of these gifts were imparted to the early church. They are among the gifts exercised by Uie Corinthian church ; Jesus bestowed them as his especial favor upon his children after he had gone into the heavens. These were the highest things he could bestow upon his people that were calculated to make them better, and not- withstanding this, according to Brad en and Mr. Campbell, those receiving this Spirit and gift wore placed by them in such a low state of Christian attainments, that they could never with these, equal the exact standing in Christian perfection of "us pop- ular se^ts " of the 19th century, who cannot even follow the injunction, '"Whatsoever ye would that men should do to you, do you even so to them." That rule was given as one of the first things for the early dis- ciples to pattern after. These things to some extent were the inevitable result of the birth of the Spirit, the renewing of the Holy Ghost, the seal of adoption, the bap- tism of the Spirit, which Jesus referred Nicodemus to, the same bein<* a fact, a birth of the Spirit, a transition into a new and higher life, a partaking of the nature of thekingdom that was nofmeatanddrink," as some had in Paul's time foolishly sup- posed, as he says ; " but righteousness, and peace, and joy in the Holy Ghost." Thus in the 3d of John, Jesus says, "Except a man be horn of water and of the Spirit," referring to the complete birth by the two elements, as in the citation, "There are three that bear witness in earth : the Spirit, the water and the blooii, and these three agree in one." Braden I know undertook to explain this birth of the water and Spirit in John, but did one of you get hia idea? The trouble with him was, that he did not understand it himself, and jf course could not explain it for others. He wanted to get the birth independently of the Holy Spirit. But this cannot be done. There is in Christ's church a baptism of the Spirit as well as of water. " Ye shall be baptized with the Holy Ghost not many days hence;" receive the outpouring of the Spirit of God that shall fill them and bring them in rap- port with higher things; clothe them with the new life which Jesus should shed forth; hence become new creatures with the com- pleteness of the new birth. Mr. Braden confounds these with " begotten by the word," as he says. Does he mean to imply a birth by this? That here is where they are born of the Spirit? Are they born of the Spirit before they are of th water, Mr. Braden? If not, why are you talking about begotten of the word? It reads "born of water and of the Spirit." Turning to the "more excellent way," which Paul refers to, my opponent says, "a more excellent way than thespi ritual gifts." Here is where he makes a mistake at the outs tart. iSot a more excellent way than the spiritual gifts. He confounds at once the trueantecedent. It is a more excellent way than one person having, and exercis- ing, all of tho spiritual gifts. Read back just two verses : "Are all apostles? are all prophets ? are all workers of miracles ? have all the gifts of healing? do all speak with tongues? do all in terp-et?" No; Paul has shown a more excellent way than this. Notice the 8th, 9th and 10th verses of the same chapter. " For to one is given by the same spirit, the word of wisdom, to another the word of knowledge, by the same spirit ; to another faith by the same spirit; to another the gifts or healing by the same spirit," etc. Here it is fully set out, and hence, when he repeats by interrogatory in the 29th, and 30th verses, as he does, "are all apostles?" etc.; and then refers to the "more excellent way," he refers to this one as being of a more excellent way than that of one person having all of these gifts which he had already referred to in the 8th, 9th and 10th verses, and not a more excellent way than the instruction by the gifts themselves. By such an interpre- tation as Braden gives, Paul is made to appear as teaching one thing at one time, and an adverse thing at another time and still a different one at another. For before this Braden will not deny that he taught the use of the gifts ; then he has him teach that they shall not use them in the 13th chapter ; and afterwards in the 14th chap- ter, he teaches, "Follow after charity and desire spiritual gifts but rather that ye may prophecy." This kind of an interpretation shakes up Paul considerably and places Paul versus Paul. But it is not the worst part of it: it places Paul versus Jesus, the master and head of the church. Jesus, when he had ascended upon high, gave gifts unto men ; but Paul, according to this w ; ise inter- pretation of Braden, was to show them a more excellent way than this. Jesus, before he ascended, said: "And these signs shall follow them that believe;" but Paul is to show a more excellent way than this. Peter says, "This, the spirit which ye now see and hear, he hath shed forth ; " but Paul, according to the profound? interpretation of Braden, will show a more excellent way. Is it not plain that Braden can't give the true solution of this? Now let us examine the 31st verse. "And yet show I unto you a more excellent way. "Yet," is from the Greek word eti, and means still, hitherto, yet, and does not of itself denote something to follow in the future, as notice examples : "While he yet spake," (still spake), Mark 14:43; "While the other is yet a great way off" (now siill, etc.). Luke, 15:20, " When I was yet with you " ( hitherto, before ) ; 2 Thess., 2 : 5. Whatever was the cause or may be the reason, it is plain there has been a transposition of the clause here, either by tne transcribers of the origi- nal, or the English translators. Let me read: "Have all the gifts of healing? do all speak with tongues? do all interpret?" "Yet, (still) I show (point out) to you a more excellent way," lhau this. He had 274 THE BRADEN AND KELLEY I EBATE. already in the letter, which he was writing, pointed out a better way than all speaking with the same gift, the more excellent way. Hence, the instruction comes, therefore "covet earnestly the best gifts." Why? Because Paul would show them a better way than spiritual gifts ? Not at all ; but because Paul had told them in this letter, now, all could not have the same gift, but that God divided these lo them as he would, as they were worthy, and as the Lord saw it would be for their good, and the good of his work. The verb in the original is not in the future tense. Paul don't say, I will show you a more excellent way. That is made so to read by the translator into the English. Now, let me read to you the letter of Paul as he wrote it ; beginning with 12th chapter, 7th verse I read: "But the manifestation of the spirit is given to every man to profit with all. For to one is given by the spirit the word of wisdom; to another the word of knowledge by the same spirit : to another faith by the same spirit; to another the gifts of healing by the *anie spirit; to another the working of miracles; to another prophecy; to another discerning of spirits: to another diverse kinds of tongues; to another he In- teipretntion of tongues. But all these worketh that self-same spirit, dividing to every man severally as he will." . Pass on now to verse 29 : "Are all apostles? Are all prophets? Are all teachers? Have all the gifts of haling? Do all speak with tongues ? Do all interpret?'* No: "For (literally) a more excellent way I point out. show." Not in the future, but now ; already done. Hence, properly translated : 'For I have shown unto you a more excellent way ; therefore, covet earnestly the best gifts." This interpretation agrees with all that Paul is at this time writing, and that he wrote at any other time: & u d is the only cor- rectone. Wherehad he shown the moreexcel- lent way? Answer, as set out in the7,8,9, 10, 11, '28, 29, and 30, verses of this same chapter. Now read what follows upon thesame point in the 14th chapter, first verse: "Follow after charity and desire spiritual gifts, but ralher that ye may propnesy." Verses 39 and 40: "Therefore, brethren, covet to prophesy and forbid not to speak with tongues. Let all things be done decently and in order." Such an interpretation as this harmonizes with all other instruction upon these things. Il is not a proper interpretation of the Bible or any other thing, where you make a con- flict by the interpretation, or render a part of the instrument unnecessary or void. The rule is that the entire word, teaching, shall have its full force and effect when it can be done; and if it could not be done in Bible interpretations, who would take the responsibility of believing a part was in force and not the. other part also? The sense and meaning of the apostle here is as clear as the noon-day sun. He is not teach- ing them two or three laws : good, belter, best; or bad, ill, worse ; but one law, that of Jesus Christ. It was the Gospel law, and he says himself, "Though we, or an angel from heaven, teach any other law than that you have received, let him be accursed." Is it so uncertain that Paul himself was double- tongued in teaching it? No, ladies and gentlemen, the trouble has been in the man interpretation, and as in that verse, an at- tempt at interpolation ; but of this last I shall speak paiticularly hereafter. Now, I proceed to examine the 8th verse of the 13th chapter. "Whether there be pro- phecies they shall fail, whether there be tongues they shall cease; whether there be knowledge it shall vanish away." This is a prophecy of Paul's; not instruction to the saints at Corinth, telling them how they shall do as to prophecy. To what extent is it and how far does it relate? Does he mean that the time is coming when we shall have no more prophecies, no more knowledge, no more languages (tongues), through which we are to be able to commu- nicate thought? Certainly not. What does he mean then? Let Paul answer; he is the one that uses the language and the proper one to explain it. He says, (verse 9), "For we know in part and we prophesy in part, but when that which is perfect is come, then that which is in part shall be done away." What shall be done away? Paul answers, "That whicU is in part." How? By us having less proph- ecies, less knowledge, less power to speak with different tongues than now ? No, no. By ushering in the perfect time "when we shall see as we are seen, and know as we are known ; " and hence, the seeing in part and knowing in part is done away. Being brought to the state of positive knowledge and, like Jesus, understanding all things, that which was miraculous an