UC-NRLF Sflh ft A R p* / V OF THESAURUS SILURICUS. THE FLORA AND FAUNA OF THE SILURIAN PERIOD. WITH ADDENDA (FROM RECENT ACQUISITIONS). BY JOHN J. BIGSBY, M.D., E.G.S., FORMERLY BRITISH SECRETARY, CANADIAN BOUNDARY COMMISSION; MEMB. AMER. PHILOS. SOC. PHILAD. ; CORRESPONDING MEMB. ACADEMIES OF NAT. SCIENCES, PHILAD. AND ST. LOUIS ; OF THE LYCEUM, NEW YORK. HONOR. MEMB. ROYAL BOHEMIAN MUSEUM, PRAGUE. " The boldest and happiest generalizations must depend on details." Dean CONYBEARK. LONDON: PUBLISHED BY JOHN VAN VOORST, PATERNOSTER ROW. MDCCCLXVIIL EARTH SCIENCES LIBRARY The Author begs to thank the Royal Society for a grant of One Hundred Pounds in aid of the publication of this work, on the condition that the Royal Society receive One Hundred Copies for distribution among its Foreign Members, and those of the Geological Society of London. TO SIE RODERICK IMPEY MUKCHISON, BART,, K.C.B., MEMBER OF THE INSTITUTE OP FEANCE, DIEECTOE-GENEEAL OF THE GEOLOGICAL SURVEY OF GREAT BRITAIN AND IEELAND. &c. &c. &c. DEAR SIR, I thank you for permission to dedicate the THESAURUS SILURICUS to you. It was a request equally natural to make and to grant. I need not say that your kind approval of the execution of this humble but laborious work is of the greatest value to me. The enjoyments of elegant life you early chose to abandon, preferring to wander for many successive years over the rudest portions of Europe and Asia regions new to Science in the hope, happily realized, of winning new truths. By a rare union of favourable circumstances, and of personal qualifications equally rare, you have thus been enabled to become the recognized Interpreter and Historian (not without illustrious aid) of the Silurian Period the grandest of all the Periods, and, as yet, apparently the seed-time of all succeeding life. I do not now speak of your brilliant services in other fields of geological research : my sole present object is to give expression to my abiding gratitude for the active interest you have been pleased to take in the THESAURUS SILURICUS. I am, dear Sir, Respectfully and faithfully yours, J. J. BIGSBY. Gloucester Place, Portman Square. 1868. 33V NOTICE. Double insertions corrected (from synonymy chiefly). The localities attributed to both insertions are to be placed under the species retained. Some recent acquisitions are added. ERASED. Tetradiuin columnaris RETAINED. Chaetetes columnaris. Arachnophyllum typus. Alveolites annulatus. Favosites pyriformis. Cyatbophyllum truncatum. articulatum. Heliolites tubulatus. Syringophyllum organum. Favosites fibrosa. Ompbyma canina. Streptelasma profundum. ERASED. Athyris bella .. . . RETAINED. Meristella bella. ,, Circe. Ehynchonella depressa. Meristella didyma. Merista nitida. Meristella tumida. Ehynchonella sequiradiata. Pentamerus brevirostris. Meristella didyma. Ehynchonella nitida. phoca. robusta. Cryptonella (Hall) eximia,L.H.G. Spirifera exporrecta. trapezoidalis. Trematis cselata. Eichwaldia corallifera *, Hall, concinna *, gibbosa*, reticulata *, Lingulella unguicula. Meristella arcuata. bella. cylindrica. laevis. nitida. oblata. tumida, Trematospira Ella. Orthis flabellites, Hall. Camerella reversa. , Drthisina Tcheffkini. Eetzia cuneata. tfucleospira pisum. Discina crassa. punctata. striata. Acervularia Baltica Circe . Aulopora (inserted). Chsetetes annulatus depressa didyma Aspera pyriformis nitida Strephodes vermiculoides tumida Cladocora sulcata Atrypa scquiradiata Propora tubulata brevirostris ... Sarcinula organum didyma . ... Stenopora fibrosa nitida Omphyma turbinata nucleus, phoca. ... . . Petraia profunda robusta. Palseaster Phillipsii Echinocystites Phillipsii. Agnostus brevifrons. Homalonotus Brongniarti. Basilicus Guettardi. Homalopteon -longifrons. radians. Bronteus laticauda. Illsenus Barriensis. carinatus. Maccullumi. Cyrtometopus afflnis. tumidus. Phacops Dujardini. incertus. limulurus. obtusicaudatus. proavius. sclerops. truncato-caudatus. Asaphus affinis. Homfrayi. ,, lowensis. Not in Wales. Olenus alatus. Discina ctelata Arionellus acutangulus. Asaphus Brongniarti Lingula unguicula , Guettardi Barrandia longifrons Merista arcuata bella , cylindrica , laevis , nitida , oblata , tumida OrthisElla limulurus Pentamerus reversus proavia . ... Platystrophia Tcheff kinii Ehynchonella cuneata truncato-caudata Spirifera pisum Trematis crassa punctata , , lowensis striata Sao hirsuta Anodontopsis perovalis Modiolopsis perovalis. Axinus securiformis. Area Edmondiaeformis. Eedonia Anglica. Modiolopsis Nerei. Area primitiva. Lingulella unguicula. securiformis Ctenodonta Edmondiasformis . . . Cucullella Anglica Primitia rugulifera. sigillata. Beyrichia Salteriana, Jones. Primitia Solvensis, Ceratiocaris umbonatus. Stylonurus megalops. scorpioides. Leperditia brachynotus, Schmidt. fonticula, J. Hall. obliqua, Schmidt. punctatissima, Salter. Pterygotus ranicepa. Eurypterus punctatus. Mytilus Nerei Orthonota primitiva Tellinomya lingulicomes n+u K Cytherina Baltica. alta. Cyrtotheca Isevis Ecculiomphalus laevis. Scoticus. ,, Scotica Calyptraea caly ptrata Acroculia calyptrata. Metoptoma Canadensis. Murchisonia corallii. Eunema trilineata, Hall. Trochonema triporcata. Ophileta uniangulata. Holopsea striatella. Helicotoma anglica. Murchisonia angulata. inflata. Trochonema latifasciata. Scalites lenticularis. Murchisonia Prycese. subrotunda. ,, turrita. Platychisma helicites. Murchisonia corallii. Trochonema tricincta. Chiton Canadensis Cyclonema corallii Pterygotus Anglicus. punctatus. Euomphalus triporcatus Helicotoma uniangulata Litorina sti'iatella Ophileta anglica Pleurotomaria angulata Graptolitbus gracilis inflata Cladograptus gracilis. Graptolithus Beckii. Eastrites triangulatus. Graptolithus Hisingeri. Diplograptus bullatus. Dichograptus octobrachiatus. Tetragraptus bryonoides. Cyrtograptus hamatus. Diplograpsus sextans. Climacograptus bicornis. Graptolithus bicornis. Climacograptus rectangularis. teretiusculus. Tetragraptus Headii (Canada). Propora incepta. latifasciata lenticularis ,, lobiferus Sedgwickii } triangulatus J ' ' tsenia subrotunda turrita Climacograptus bullatus D ichograptus aranea Didymograpsus caduceus . ,, bamatus sextans Actinoceras conoideum Discoceras conoideum. Orthoceras annulatum. ibex. tenuiannulatum. tracheale. Phragmoceras pyriforme. Cycloceras arcuoliratum. Endoceras cancellatum. Cyrtoceras Brateri. Diplograpsus bicornis ,, nociosus , , tenuiannulatum tracheale , , rectangularis teretiuscuhis Eetepora incepta Gomphoceras pyriforme Orthoceras arcuoliratum . * Twentieth Eegents' Eeport, New York, 1868. P.S. These Corrections will add to the accuracy of the Specific Numerical Relations although the difference made is only 1-4 per cent, on the whole Silurian life. The double insertions are useful to beginners. PREFACE. THIS attempt to exhibit in a clear and concise form the leading features of Silurian life has arisen from my own deeply felt want of such a record or muster-roll of the constituent members of this early portion of extinct Zoology a great and varied zoology, prophetic of the grand outlines of all succeeding organic beings, and unequalled in magnitude and other points of interest. This has been rendered a favourable moment for such an undertaking by recent publications of singular value, but which are difficult of access. The new facts they contain may now be added to the accumulations of the last thirty years, brought together by the highly meritorious labours of private individuals, and especially by the Professors and Students of Colleges in many parts of the world. But the largest contributions have come from public surveys, in North America especially. These surveys have been conducted by men of great ability and zeal. When, therefore, a national exploration has been set on foot, the effect has always been, in an extraordinary degree, that sterility in facts mineral and organic has become abundance, and obscurity has been exchanged for light. As there is here required not only a common acquaintance with Silurian life, but also an exactitude and a critical skill in palaeontological determinations much beyond the ordinary student, I obtained, after my materials were well put together, the very valuable aid of Mr. J. W. Salter, late Palaeontologist to the Museum of Practical Geology. I was then, through the kindness of Sir R. I. Murchison, Bart., K.C.B., allowed to submit my manuscript to Robert Etheridge, Esq., F.R.S.E., the present Palaeontologist to the Institution over which Sir Roderick presides with so much father-like wisdom. To the continued superintendence of these eminent naturalists I am indebted for corrections and suggestions of the greatest value, and particularly as relates to Britain and the Old World. My matter has been principally found in the voluminous and truly priceless writings of Angelin, Barrande, Billings, Davidson, De Verneuil, Eichwald, Hall, M'Coy, Murchison, Phillips, Portlock, Salter, Sedgwick, Shumard, Sowerby, and many other authors of scarcely inferior merit*. My best acknowledgments are due to Sir Roderick Murchison for the fourth edition of ' ' Siluria " : much new information has been derived from it. I have been favoured with many unpublished contributions from my friends Mr. Billings (the learned Palaeontologist of the Canadian Geological Survey) and Principal Dawson, F.R.S., Montreal. Also, through the kindness of Mr. Salter, large additions have been received from Col. Strachey (Himalayas, E. I.), from Dr. Milligan (West Tasmania), from Henry Hicks, Esq. (South Wales), and from the late Mr. Wyatt-Edgell of the 13th Regiment of Infantry. In regard to the obligations conferred on me by M. Joachim Barrande, silence, were it possible, * Agassiz, Belt, Beyrich, Bronn, Brongniart, Carruthers, Conrad, Dalman, D'Orbigny, Vicomte d'Arcliiac, Dawson, Emmerich, Emmons, Fischer, E. Forbes, Goldfuss, Green, Harkness, Hisinger, Ilaime, Honeyman, T. Rupert Jones, Ketley, Kutorga, Lawrow, Linnaeus, Love"n, Lonsdale, Marcy, M'Chesney, Meek, Meneghini, Milne-Edwards, Morris, Nicholson, Owen, Pander, Romer, Rouault, Sars, Safford, Shaler, Sharpe, Swallow, Triger, Vanuxem, Von Buch, Volborth, Wahlenberg, Winchell, &c. b vi PREFACE. would be a happy escape from the vain attempt to express them. How can the gift of more than 2000 Molluscan species, determined by the first palaeozoic naturalist of the age, be worthily acknowledged ? M. Barrande will be fully content to find his reward in any usefulness of the work he has so largely benefited. Under the head of " authorities quoted," there will be placed in the Appendix a list of books and memoirs employed in building up this general view of Silurian life, to which, accordingly, has been given the name of " Thesaurus Siluricus." As long as an individual Mollusk remains unregistered it loses a great part of its usefulness in natural history ; and we remain ignorant of its place in Creation ; but even then it may reveal an important fact just as the Trilobite speaks of the Palaeozoic period, and the Nummulite of the Tertiary. Until some such record as the present is available, the labours of investigators (many of the greatest are still rejoicing us with their presence) will rest comparatively fruitless. It has hitherto not been possible to contemplate widely scattered existences in the aggregate. Many facts have been stored up separately, but generalized truths rarely attained. The work now undertaken has not been yet done for any one epoch not even for the Cretaceous period by Mr. Gabb of California, although he has done much and well. The elaborate and highly valuable labours of Mr. Etheridge in this direction, on the Jurassic Fauna and Flora, I am happy to say are only waiting for the printer. There are Societies in London who would do themselves great honour by undertaking their publication. The Thesaurus Siluricus deals principally with the external circumstances of the Mollusca, and is in the form of a Table. The different subjects are taken alphabetically. After registering a genus of the Order under consideration, with its author, and the date of its establishment, the species, few or many, are successively named and treated under four or more heads, along one and the same ruled line. First comes the subdivision of the stage in which it occurs ; then, in a given order, its author, and locality, in the column indicative of its proper stage. Immediately at the commencement of this Table is placed the stratigraphy of the principal countries concerned, together with an explanation of the abbreviations used in the Table. From this seemingly unattractive catalogue of existences the reader has it in his power to people a multitude of localities and horizons with groups of life as picturesque, and as full of movement, as those which Charles Darwin found in the Straits of Magellan : such groups or communities are plentiful in the palaeozoic strata of New York, Wales, Bohemia, &c. Besides the use of the ' Thesaurus ' for reference in the closet and the quarry, it furnishes a vast body of facts leading to generalizations in vital statistics ; it provides a high station from which the student may descry the Silurian populations of the whole earth, as far as they are now known. It assists in tracing the extent, shape, and varying depths of basins. By its aid we compare remote horizons, detect regional affinities and differences, and, moreover, we note the curious changes of many kinds which take place while the epoch is passing through its succession of ages. It will place under examination numberless communities of life, their constituents, wants, habits, migrations, duration, and extinction. The attention of the student is particularly directed to the geographical summaries of life appended to some of the orders. The " Thesaurus " contains 8997 species, and therefore is an ample field of study ; but it probably does not tell us of one tenth part of the Silurian life still lying buried in Arctic, Subarctic, and Southern America, in Northern Europe, Australia, India, and many other regions. What a splendid promise to the future explorer ! FACTS AND OBSEBVATIONS, Having deemed the completeness and accuracy of the ' Thesaurus ' itself to be beyond all com- parison my principal duty, and having found this to be a labour, however agreeable, not a little protracted, it has become impossible in the following pages to present more than a simple analysis of a few Silurian orders, and some of the more obvious facts and inferences to be derived from the body of the work. Those, it is trusted, have their interest, and will invite a broader, more leisurely, and more able study than is in my power to bestow. The subjects will fall under the following heads : 1. The Gasteropoda. 2. Trilobita. 3. Echinodermata &c. 4. The Primordial Stage. 5. The Bohemian Area. 6. Universality. 7. Locality. 8. First appearance. 9. Duration or longevity, and extinction. 10. Migration. 11. Recurrence. 12. Divergence. Before proceeding to treat on these subjects, it is encouraging to contemplate the progress of Silurian Palaeontology during the last twelve years, as shown in Table A. TABLE A. Silurian Life. Plantae. Amorphozoa. Foraminifera. Coelenterata. Echinodermata. Annelida. Cirripedes. Trilobita, Entomostraca. 'o PM Brachiopoda. Monomyaria. I fi 4 o o 1 1 1 Gasteropoda. 4 o 1 S _g 1 5 Total. Prize Essay, 1856 18 19 168 93 10 425 8 76 579 14 151 63 151 299 10 9 2093 Thesaurus, 1868 82 136 25 507 500 154 8 1611 318 441 1650 168 541 358 895 1454 37 12 8897 This Table is taken from the late Prof. Bromr's well-known and truly admirable Prize Essay of 1856, and from the present work. It shows that within the last twelve years the number of known, well-determined species has been more than quadrupled opening to the naturalist nothing less than a new world of life. GASTEROPODA. This class of Mollusks consists of 51 genera and 895 species. The geographical summary placed in the body of the Thesaurus contains much information which need not be repeated here. Almost all tolerably examined Silurian countries are found possessed of Gasteropoda, but in very different proportions, and of very different kinds. This is in part dependent on the amount of search bestowed. If the results of a resolute search be small, we must, perforce, take for granted that the Gasteropoda are few. Their office is then performed by representatives. The following little Table shows in a striking manner the several and extremely various amounts of Gasteropodal species found in some of the great Silurian districts of the earth. For further matter see Thesaurus, p. 169. Geographical Summary of Species. * a T1 ;! r* s-, -u a d crt 03 a OJ ' 03 OJ e! c^ 'So C- ^ Arctic Am Wisconsin t o 13 o Tennessee. Pennsylvai New York Canada W Anticosti I M G ci '?f 1 Newfound^ "o o 02 O Ireland. England. ? 'S 1 Bohemia. Sardinia. O '-S 3 oj 5 V. Sweden. r s _d 02 1 OQ I T3 q ^0 7 25 18 3 14 9 152 100 41 25 39 8 60 65 77 4 3 244 2 51 38 27 13 5 7 13 9 V1U FACTS AND OBSERVATIONS. A certain number of these species are repeated in more than one country ; but the " repeats " cannot be removed without more time than is at my command. These numbers, therefore, sometimes represent appearances *, as denned. Incomparably the larger number of species appear, respec- tively, only in one area ; nevertheless exceptions are common. Here are a few. Murchisonia bellicincta . Pleurotomaria umbilicata Murchisonia bicincta . ; gracilis . . perangulata tricarinata . Platychisma helicites . Countries. . 10 . 8 . 6 . 5 . 5 . 5 5 Countries. Euomphalus alatus ...... 5 funatus 5 Holopella obsoleta 5 Cyclonema bilix 4 trimarginatus ... 4 Murchisonia articulata . 4 But going back to genera, Table B (below) shows that the eight following genera have the widest and most complete range ; and it is great. The reason may be that the Gasteropoda are not nice in their food, that they can exist on several kinds of sediments, and frequent the moderate depth which allows of the freest travel. TABLE B. Genera. Species. Countries inhabited. Genera. Species. Countries inhabited. Pleurotomaria ... 171 34 Raphistoma 19 20 132 30 Subulites 20 17 Euomphalus 86 21 Loxonema 32 13 Acroculia t 123 - 17 Most of these countries are exceedingly large ; so that for 171 species of Pleurotomaria to exist only in thirty-four countries would seem to imply moderate range; but many of these regions would well bear subdivision, when the apparent spreading would be greatly extended. The fossi- liferous area (Silurian) of Canada alone is 60,000 to 80,000 square miles. Of the 51 genera of this order, 19 are confined each to one district, which is very credible, seeing that 12 genera have only one or two species each. Among the other 32 genera there are degrees of dispersion. Taking the whole class, there are 894 species and 1254 appearances, or one quarter more appearances than species ; but if we look down the list of individual genera, appearance and species are the same in 31 ; in other instances the former exceeds the latter by one half, one third, or one fourth in Murchisonia by one third, in Rhaphistoma and Platychisma by one half. Trilobites are liable to a smaller amount of dispersion than this. The specific appearances of the Gasteropoda are 658 in the Old World and 595 in the New World, the former number being greatly increased by M. Barrande's discoveries in the Prague area. Twenty-two genera, and nine or ten species, are common to Europe and America, the species J of course being greatly in the minority. As to the increment and decrement of species in time, every large area must have its own ; but there is a common feature almost everywhere, such as we see in the following Table, which exhibits the British Silurian Gasteropoda in their rise and decline. * By the word " appearance " is meant, in these pages, only the presence in any area of a particular species or genus which may or may not exist elsewhere. One species may, and often does, make many " appearances ; " for example, Orthis sericea is in many areas. '' Appearance " applies to horizons as well as to areas. t The United States of America (latitude 40-42) and Bohemia are both very strong in Acroculia ; there are 47 species in each. J They are : Clyclonema ventricosa, New York and Wales ; Euomphalus angulatus, Pennsylvania, Norway ; Mur- chisonia angustata, Wisconsin, Wales ; M. bellicincta, New York &c., Silesia, Scotland ; M. tricarinata, New York &c., Sardinia; Ophileta compacta, New York &c., North Scotland ; Raphistoma lenticularis, New York &c., Wales &c. ; -R. qualteriata, Labrador, Russia, &c. ; Subulites elongatm, Canada, Esthonia j Trochus helicites, Nova Scotia, England. FACTS AND OBSERVATIONS. TABLE C. Progress in British Gasteropoda. IX Primordial. Llandeilo. Caradoc. Llandovery. Wenlock. Lower Ludlow. Upper Ludlow. 03 i bo I PH 3 o H 2 7 34 35 17 23 10 2 130 We here begin and end with two species, or more truly with four different species ; but the majority of the Gasteropoda are about the middle of the mass of beds, as is usual. The Llandovery beds become rich by borrowing six species from the lower stage. The names of the species referred to in the above Table can be had by reference to Murchison's ' Siluria/ 4th edition, pp. 531 &c. In so extraordinarily rich a district as Central Bohemia it is worthy of notice that out of the whole fifty-one genera of this order it has only twenty-three, and these are poor in species. It is, however, the richest area of all, England coming next, with twenty genera ; one only in common, Acroculia. The interesting Table D, here subjoined, exhibits the proportions in which the species of the Gasteropoda are found in the four stages of the Silurian epoch, according to our present knowledge. TABLE D. Genera. Primordial Stage. CD 1 02 1 3 Middle Stage. si 1 02 fe & PH O Genera. Primordial Stage. Carinaropsis 6 Hormotorna ... . 9 Rotella 5 Cerithium 9 Litorina 1 1 Scalites . .. 1 3 Chemnitz ia 1? Loxonema 1 a 9 93 Scoliostoma i Chiton 1 1 1 Macrocheilus 2 1 <\ Siphonaria 1 Cirrus 7 Metoptoma 11 15 Stomatella 1 Cleodora 9, Murcliisonia 94 51 ^0 31 Straparollina 1 Clioderma 6 Natica 5 1 15 Straparollus 1 4 2 Clisiospira a Naticella 1 4 Stropliostylus 6 Cyclonema i 91 11 11 Ophileta 19 f> Subulites 8 9 9 9 Delphinula ? 7 Patella 6 5 Trochonema 1 7 a 1 Dentalium 3 Phasianella 1 Trochus 3 3 16 Eunema i 5 1 Pilidion 4 Tubina 1 7 Euomphalus 3 95 9 43 Platychisma . 1 4 Turbo 2 7 2 98 Gyrotrema 5 Platyostoma 1 10 Turritella 1 2 Helicotoma 7 8 Pleurotomaria 39 73 14 50 Vermetus ? 9 5 21 12 1 1? 2 Total 13 29 85 i30 22 110 25 97 02 280 74 356 There are several things worthy of notice in this Time-table of the Gasteropoda. The species augment with the progress of the epoch, those of the upper stage being nearly four times as many as the Primordial. The poverty observed in the Middle Silurian is due to well-known circumstances, and is incident to almost all areas. We have in the Primordial stage 121 appearances, which are, except eight, all distinct species. Only one of these species passes into a higher stage, the Pleurotomaria Progne (also of Black-River and Trenton Limestones). The genera in the four stages we have adopted are in number 19, 17, 3, and 12 respectively; and the species, taken in like succession, are 113, 329, 85, and 430. G FACTS AND OBSERVATIONS. That the very earliest phase of this epoch should contain so large a body of Gasteropoda implies a large amount of maturity in the conditions of the time, as well as of adaptation of organic structure. We also find them even then associated with Cephalopoda of high rank, such as Clymenia and Orthoceratites ; while the Gasteropoda maintain themselves vigorously, with organs of great power. We must, perforce, be greatly struck by this outburst of new and complex forms of life after an apparently long arrest of creative energy. (See p. xx, on the Primordial Stage.) Nearly all of these many Primordial Gasteropoda are natives of North America, the exceptions being only five, i. e. Ophileta compacta and Euomphalus matutinus in N.W. Scotland, Acroculia Cantabrica, A. sp. ind. of Spain, and Helicotoma Anglica from South Wales. Bohemia has not a single Primordial Gasteropod, remarkably numerous though they be higher up. Only two small genera stop within the Primordial beds ; most of the others pass, in the form of new species, freely up to the summit of the epoch. The Table E, subjoined, shows the comparative numbers with which the species of this class people the sediments of the Silurian epoch. TABLE E. i ai J H ^ l | g 00 fcf-2 r3 5 I OQ 'C 3 05 S 1 B ?-S * B 3 S ^^ s i * J02 go s 8 P IM O o 8 OQ I -2 00 fe^ |1 O^ S || -s d g ^ ffg CS M * I 42 S- s s 3 P. Wales* 1858 84 11 14 18 32 24 14 13 27 5 158 The appearance of the same species in more than one sediment (which has been called " divergence") is frequent in Wales; for eighty-four species make 158 appearances in more or fewer of the ten kinds of sediments of the Table; many frequent more beds than two. There are 115 appearances in calcareous beds, but only 43 in non- calcareous beds. We see very few Gasteropoda in limestone which is pure, or nearly so ; and this holds good with most other Silurian Mollusca. In the State of New York the preference of Gasteropoda for sediments containing some lime is eight times as strong as for non-calcareous beds t ; that is, out of ninety-three Gasteropoda, eighty-three are in calcareous beds. Of the ninety-seven Silurian Gasteropoda known in Britain and Ireland in 1868, twenty species are recurrent ; but six of these are only transferred from the Llandovery stage to the Wenlock. Euomphalus sculptus, however, and Platychisma simulans are in four stages (Caradoc, Llandovery, Wenlock, Ludlow) ; Euomphalus funatus and Holopella cancellata are in three, the rest being only in two stages and thus indicating a weak power of recurrency. TRILOBITES. Of the 119 genera which form this order, 74 make their first appearance in the Primordial stage of the epoch, and they present at one period or other of their existence 998 species, as we are taught by the ' Thesaurus/ These Primordial genera are nearly two-thirds of all those contained in Silurian beds. Forty- six of these genera never leave this the earliest of the four stages. Not one of their 235 species is seen in Caradoc, Pleta, Trenton, or any other part of the epoch ; but twenty-seven genera push upwards, arid always by new species, leaving the old ones behind. These genera in their transit through the successive stages become exceedingly rich in species, and several are rich within the Primordial limits (Bathyurus, Agnostus, Olenus, Dikelocephalus , &c.). A Primordial species usually has a considerable vertical range within its native stage, and there only. The Primordial Trilobites vary in amount and kind with the country examined, and not so * See Hutchison's ' Siluria,' 4th edition. t Journ. Geol. Soc. Lend. vol. xv. p. 308. FACTS AND OBSERVATIONS. much in accordance with the size of the country as with the original impress of the Creator and with the nature of the strata. We already have materials from almost all parts of the Silurian scale of rocks to show, with some force (M. Barrande), that life began earlier and more abundantly in the valleys of the St. Lawrence and Mississippi than in Europe. Thus the Primordial Trilobites of these valleys comprehend 208 species, in 40 genera, and very much assembled in two broad quasi- foci, Wisconsin being one, and parts of Lower Canada the other. In Sweden there are in this stage 56 species, in 18 genera ; in Great Britain and Ireland, 33 species, in 11 genera ; in Bohemia, 28 species, in 8 genera ; space has little to do here. The influence of the Primordial stage on molluscan life, the abundance and typical forms of its species, cannot well be over-estimated and reflected upon. The dates of the appearance and disappearance of all the Silurian Trilobites, together with their facies stage by stage, their increment and decrement, should now follow ; but as this is not a monograph, and is intended to be an invitation to labour rather than a completed task, all mention of them will be omitted. For Prague and its environs this has been done admirably. The number of species now known and registered is 1677, and their appearances in the several regions are 2169, the former being rather less than four-fifths of the latter. The difference (492 appearances) becomes the measure of their dispersion; and it is less than that of most of the molluscan orders of this period. Very unexpectedly the species of this order in North America are much fewer than in Europe, being only about one-third of the whole. This may, by possibility, arise from the prevalence of sandstone over limestone in North America. In New York State the limestones are only 600 feet thick, but the sandstones are 3000 feet thick ; and there is little reason to think things are different in other parts of that continent. In both cases neither the superficial areas nor the research bestowed upon them differ much. The geographical summary here subjoined gives the number of species of Trilobites found in each of the forty-eight districts, as far as is known. To most of the areas interesting details are attached, which are to be found in the ' Thesaurus ' and elsewhere. The totals of species and appearances in America and Europe are inserted separately. TABLE F. TRILOBITA (Geographical Summary). AMERICA. OJ B 09 Appearances (Specific). Bolivia, South A a Oi Jl 1 O a a Hi jn t* (U d N.W. Michigan. Minnesota. Wisconsin. oj i o Missouri. Dacota Territory Illinois. Indiana. c5 .= Kentucky. EH Tennessee. '1 Pennsylvania. 5 x Canada West. Canada East. Vermont. Massachusetts. i\ew Brunswick. Nova Scotia. Anticosti Island. 8 -i a a, 1 Labrador. Newfoundland. lotal Appearanc (America). I CO "3 1 a 6 6 3 8 23 72 6 1 1 14 2 y 2 10 11 4 14 73 3<, 104 17 2 1 12 23 L5 5 58 540 405 EUROPE &c. 'sT | S" Appearances (Specific). bo a 1 a) GO O 5, fly U o> m 00 Ireland. Scotland -o 1 15) o> i I France. A 1 C3 SO S PH Sardinia. Bohemia E^ 1 Bavaria. .2 02 Podolia. Baltic Ri A Sweden. cS* E fc .S Australif &< p "o "^ Number 98 44 100 208 9 49 47 17 1 404 20 29 1 10 70 104 t279 GO 8 11 1629 1272 The great total for both hemispheres is 1677 species. xii FACTS AND OBSERVATIONS. We know 57 American genera ; of these 16 belong exclusively to that hemisphere ; while the European genera are 118, 69 of these being never seen out of that quarter of the globe. Some genera have many species, more abundantly than the Echinodermata, but much less so than the Gasteropoda, and still less than the Cephalopoda. Phacops has 96 species, Illcenus 92, Asaphus 90, Lichas 79, Cheirurus 77, &c. Thirty-one genera have each only one species ; and they never leave their native area, save in one instance (Polyeres, Bohemia, France) . Forty-one genera are only seen in one country or area respectively, although each may have three, four, or six species, their associated genera meanwhile spreading far and wide. A curious example of wide diffusion we have in the genus Cromus, which has been met with in Bohemia, the Arctic seas of America, and in Belgium. The largest genera have been subject to the widest dispersion. Thus Dalmania is seen in twenty-one separate regions, Lichas in twenty-four, Phacops in twenty-five, Cheirurus in twenty- six, Illcenus in twenty-eight, and Calymene in twenty-nine. Isotelus with seven species occupies fourteen countries*. It is to be feared that no general conclusions can be made from these facts until we know more of the physiological conditions of these animals. Some rich genera are very local, such as Cyrto- metopus, Bathyurus, Dikelocephalus, Dionide. The sixty-one species of Proetus are each typical of one area, except Proetus concinnus, P. latifrons, P. Stokesii. Only three of the Primordial genus Conocoryphe are in two countries : C. coronata, Spain and Bohemia ; C. depressa, Wales and Texas (U. S. A) ; C. minuta, New York and Wisconsin. Twenty of the species belonging to this genus are in Wisconsin, eleven in Wales, and the rest are scattered. The species of Bronteus are prin- cipally massed within the Bohemian basin (forty-three out of fifty-six), three being typical of one country only. The same species may inhabit many regions. Encrinurus punctatus is in eight, and is in two quarters of the globe. Dysplanus centrotus is in six countries, Bumastus Barriensis in ten, while Calymene Blumenbachii and C. senaria are each in seventeen. Instances of great migration from east to west, and from west to east are many, and about equal in number ; but the particulars about the time-stages have not yet been fully ascertained. Other directions are not uncommon. Calymene Blumenbachii is only seen in the Trenton limestone, in America ; but in Europe it reappears in the Wenlock of Wales. Encrinurus segmentatus is in the Hudson- River group of the Island of Anticosti, to revive in the Wenlock of Dudley &c. Many such examples are at hand. This may be called recurrence by migration. Recurrence among Trilobites is rather weak, seven per cent, in species, computing from the sum of all at present known ; that is, 115 recurrents out of 1677 species. The largest genera have the most recurrent species. They are Acidaspis, Cheirurus, Lichas, Phacops, Proteus. The majority of the smaller genera have either only one or none ; but some of even the most prolific have none, such as Ogygia, Amphion, Megalaspis, Remopleurides. The same species in these four genera * The following are some examples of genera with few species, yet seen in several countries : Sp. Cos. Pharostoma 4 5 Plesiocoma 2 3 Polyerea 1 2 Polytomurus 1 2 Sp. Cos. Rhodope 3 3 Triarthus , 5 6 Sp. Cos. Actinopeltis 3 7 Basilicus 4 7 Dysplanus 3 6 I Bumastus 6 12 FACTS AND OBSERVATIONS. Xlll never leaves its native level. The genera possessing recurrent species are placed in the foot-note *. They are taken from the ' Thesaurus '. Out of 224 species of Trilobites in Great Britain and Ireland, as known in 1867, thirty-two exhibit some amount of vertical range, or about 14 per cent. ; but two-thirds of these recurrents occupy contiguous stages, and so may only occupy transition-beds. They may all be found in 1 Siluria/ 4th edition, pp. 514 &c. As my own later- collected materials for ascertaining the relations of Trilobites to their sedi- ments are not yet ready for use, I have formed, from what was known in 1858, the following Table. As the organic material of this Table was taken from ' Siluria/ 3rd edition, and as its sediments have passed under the eye of Mr. J. W. Salter, it may be supposed that considerable accuracy has been attained. The sediments are arranged under eleven heads, which is being as minute, and at the same time as comprehensive, as is required. TABLE G. Trilobites (British) appearances and their sediments (1858). Genera. Number of British Species. Siliceous Conglomerate. Siliceous Grit. Siliceous Sandstone. 8 5 1 02 I 3 Argillaceous Sandstone. Calcareo-argi llaceous Shale. Mudstone. Carbonaceous Shale. Argillaceo-calcareous Shale. Argillaceous Limestone. Limestone. Number of Sediments. Acidaspis 13 2 K. I 1 i 7 jEglina 4 \ I 3 1 ... 4 Agnostus 5 2 I g 1 4 Ampyx 4 1 2 2 2 4 Angelina 2 jjj 1 Asaphus 6 1 2 3 5 i j o 2 q Bronteus 2 1 1 2 Calymene fi 3 2 2 5 I i o g Cheirurus 6 3 1 I Q 4 5 Conocephalus 1 I 1 Cybele 2 9, <} 9, 2 4 Cyphaspis 2 1 1 1 1 4 Cyphoniscus i 1 1 Deiphon i 1 1 Ellipsocephalus i I 1 Encrinurus 5 1 1 1 ft 4 3 2 2 3 2 10 Harpes ?, 1 Homalonotus 5 1 3 3 2 1 1 6 Illaenus 7 1 9 1 2 2 3 1 7 Lichas 9 1 3 9 2 8 8 6 Ogygia . . 5 1 2 8 8 1 1 6 Olenus 5 1 1 5 3 Paradoxides 1 1 1 Phacops Proetus 17 2 J 11 1 8 1 10 1 4 1 6 1 5 9 2 7 7 Remopleurides 7 3 7 1 2 1 6 Sphasrexochus 2 1 1 1 1 4 Staurocephalus .. a 9, 1 1 1 4 Stygina 9 1 1 9 Tiresias 1 1 1 Trinucleus 8 1 1 1 8 3 6 7 4 3 2 1 11 26 4 4 14 39 41 54 31 32 30 48 6 * Trilobite genera possessing recurrent species in the following numbers : Acidaspis .... 6 ^Eglina 1 Ampyx 1 Aretnusina .... 1 Asaphus 4 Bronteus 3 Calymene . .. . . 6 Harpes Cheirurus Cybele 10 2 Holonietopus . . Homalonotus . . Cyphaspis . . . . 4 Illsenus Dalmama 7 Tsocolus Encrinurus . . 3 Isotelus . Lichas 16 Phacops (exclu- sive of varieties) 15 Platymetopus . . 2 Proetus 10 Sphserexochus 4 Sphserocoryphe 1 Staurocephalus 2 Stygina 1 Trinucleus .... 2 115 xiv FACTS AND OBSERVATIONS. We learn from this Table that, of the whole 293 appearances (1858) of this order in the British Isles, 167 took place in highly calcareous strata, 63 where lime was in smaller quantity, and 63 where that earth was entirely absent. Clay and sand being almost always in considerable propor- tions, we deduce that Trilobites lived in seas of moderate, and even shallow depths, seeing that they are also in pure siliceous sand and grit. Calcareous strata, then, are the richest in Trilobite life, and especially calcareo-argillaceous shale (fifty-four species), pure or nearly pure limestone being very poor. Argillaceous limestone contains twenty-two genera and forty-eight species. Certain genera, Asaphus, Encrinurus, and Trinucleus, occupy nine, ten, eleven beds; but eight have each only one bed, the average in thirty-one other genera being four. Acidaspis with thirteen species inhabits six, and Encrinurus with five species is in ten beds ; so that the number of beds inhabited mainly depends on the peculiar structure of the genus itself. The simpler this is, perhaps the easier the Crustacean conforms to new conditions ; yet Trinucleus, so elegant in form and so charged with ornament, is in all the eleven beds. The comparative organic rank of these genera, a most interesting study, has yet to be worked out. The plan and object of these pages renders it necessary to omit all notice of eight orders, Amorphozoa, Coelenterata, Polyzoa, &c. They all, however, present points of interest which are indispensable to a proper exhibition of Silurian life. A rapid sketch, not the results of a leisurely study, of some leading particulars of three orders, Cephalopoda, Brachiopoda, and Echinodermata, will now follow. CEPHALOPODA. It is impossible to think on the subject of the Palaeozoic Cephalopoda without expressing, with Sir Charles Lyell and all geologists, the greatest thankfulness, mixed with astonish- ment, for the three splendid quarto volumes, recently issued by M. Barrande on this order, an order of beings often gigantic, always formidable, and in numbers, form, habits, and powers well worthy of our closest attention. For accuracy of description, as I judge, for sound palaeontology, and for almost incredible diligence, there is nothing in geological bibliography at all comparable with these single-handed labours of M. Barrande. We need merely call attention to the exquisite plates, representing many hundred species and varieties. It is delightful to observe that, during nearly forty years of exile, the master and friend of M. Barrande still continues to Mm his patronage. These and other volumes of equally exalted merit are gifts to his age worthy of a king. This order contains thirty-one genera and three subgenera in 1419 species (see Geographical Summary, p. 191) . In Europe these make 1284 appearances, and in North America 442 appear- ances. The number of species in each hemisphere has not yet been obtained ; but in Europe the number of species and appearances differs little. The summary just referred to supplies such details as are now known ; and they are many and curious. The irregularities in distribution there remarked are partly due to the different degrees of attention paid to the several districts ; but in certain of these the Cephalopoda are really few : it is presumed that their office is performed by other orders. The Cephalopoda are apparently universal. Every known Silurian district has its representa- tiveArctic America, Tasmania, India, Franconia, Russia, Ireland, &c. The following countries possess the greatest number : Bohemia (minute in size) has 826 species \ New York and Canada (1200 miles by 400) 242 appearances-, Britain with Ireland 77 species (168 appearances) ; Russia 130 species (mostly) ; Wisconsin (U. S. A.) 50 species. Fourteen genera are not seen in America, and four are not in Europe. These are all feeble in species five of the American genera only containing one ; but we must except the important Bohemian genera, Clymenia (6 sp.) and Goniatites (17). The genera confined to America have fourteen species; so that the oneness of the two hemi- spheres in this order is almost perfect. Twenty-eight species of Bohemian Cephalopoda exist in FACTS AND OBSERVATIONS. other countries. They make seventeen appearances in Great Britain, six in France, five in Russia, and four in North America, several other appearances being scattered singly here and there. The very beautiful genus Actinoceras is widely distributed; it is in eleven great American districts, and in seven European. Cyrtoceras is in twenty-two countries. Speaking of Europe and North America, it is in eleven each. In Bohemia it is surprisingly numerous. The Discosurus of Lake Huron, the State of New York, and Prince Rupert's Land is exclu- sively American. It is remarkable for the flat, nummulite-like form of its septa, and their very rapid diminution in size. The seventeen species of Goniatites only exist in Bohemia. None of them are in passage- beds ; live of them are in fauna F, the others are in G. The genus Lituites is seen in twenty-three countries, thirteen being European. A Nautilus (sp. involvens) has a singularly wide dispersion. It is found in Niti of the Himalayas (India), in the valleys of the Mississippi and the St. Lawrence, in Newfoundland, Bohemia, Russia. The Orthoceratites are found in thirty-nine great countries, in 708 species, 304 of these being in the little area of Bohemia, a circumstance most extraordinary, but perhaps being partly capable of explanation by the probable increase there of the plutonic heat at the time, as well as by the favourable nature of the sediments. The simplest form in this order is that of Piloceras, S alter ; and it is found associated with the genera Cyrtoceras, Lituites, Nautilus, Orthoceras in Newfoundland, the Mingan Isles (G. St. Law- rence), and Canada. It also forms part of the Primordial community, composed of American species, settled on the north-west extremity of Scotland. That there should be in these Primordial times animals of such a high rank as these, suggests, with no small urgency, the probability of their being the remains of a large and lost fauna. The abundance of these large and voracious sea-creatures implies an abundance of prey, a sea full of life, now out of our observation. They are usually found buried in many deposits. Of this a tolerably accurate idea may be formed from the following Table, made out from Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc. Lond. xv. p. 334. It may be allowed to speak for other countries, as well as for other Orthoceratites, besides those already inserted. TABLE II. The sediments in which seven British genera are found. a 1 3 i*6 23 "2 4 1 1 2 0> 1 02 fe PH &, (3 28 62 17 5 3 21 4 62 4 20 Genera. Lower Primordial. Upper Primordial. 02 S i >3 c5 1 CQ S> -3 ii Upper Stage. Genera. Lower Primordial. L T pper Primordial. Lower Stage. Middle Stage. f OQ 1 b P Acrotreta 2 i 7 27 1 2 6 4 6 St. forward. . . Meganteris 23 27 193 73 226 4 18 11 2 4 7 80 2 44 2 "2 5 12 121 St. forward. . . Rhynchospira. .. Siphonotreta ... Skenidium 61 62 456 1 4 1 18 1 188 23 2 3 1 30 540 4 1 2 95 1 4 10 58 2 8 2 Atrvpa 1? Merista 1 4 2 8 Aulonotreta ... 1 Meristella ... Spirifera Camerella Chonetes 2 6 Nucleospira 1 Spirigerina Obolus 6 9 9 4 3 6 24 1 6 1? 186 15 4 42 1 21 Stricklandinia. . . Strophodonta. . . 2? Crania Obolella Orthis . Cyrtia Strophomena . . . l c 57 10 Discina 8 28 Orthisina Pentamerus . . . Pholidops Trematis Eatonia . Trematospira. . . Eichwaldia . . . Leptaena Leptocelia ... . "2 2 56 1 52 16 4 10 Trimerella Platystrophia... Porarabonites... Rensselteria . . . ... 6 10 1? 1 Triplesia 6 1 1? 1 1 Tropidoleptus.. Zvgospira . . Lingula 14 5 v 10 6 Lingulella 1' 1" 29 39 61 65 J56 249 727 32 27 193 73 226 61 62 456 188 540 They are not so much massed in one or two beds as the Cephalopoda are in Trenton Lime- stone, Pleta, or Fauna E. e. 2 of Bohemia. a The Table gives 37 as the number of countries inhabited by the Orthides ; but we now find it to be 41. Dis- crepancies of this limited kind will be found elsewhere in the ' Thesaurus.' They are almost inseparable from the progressive nature of the work, b Ehynchonella Corinthia. c Strophomena Aurora. FACTS AND OBSERVATIONS. xvii Like all other Mollusca, these 1658 species did not inhabit the Silurian sea at once, but at distinct times, and separately, in consecutive communities. It is only as genera that this order permeates all stages. We shall see, when speaking on this subject, that these populations were renewed at very short intervals, a few survivors being permitted to escape upwards, in ways to be afterwards mentioned. In Table I is visible at a glance the opulence and .poverty, more or less, of the different stages. We see that the Brachiopoda had a vertical (by strata) maximum and minimum these seemingly capricious fluctuations in quantity being caused by conditions acting upon a tender structure, often incapable of undergoing modification. One genus arrives at its maximum in the Primordial, ten in the Lower Stage, none in the Middle Stage, and seventeen in the Upper. The Middle Stage is more abundant in this order perhaps than in any other. The seven richest genera (Disclna, Lingula, Orthis, &c.) begin in the Primordial, and push their representatives into the uppermost beds of the period. Fourteen genera, all feeble, except Athyris and Spirifer, are first seen in the Lower Stage, only one in the Middle, and seven weak genera in the Upper. Three Primordial genera never pass the limits of their native stage. Three other genera belong to the Lower Stage alone. The Primordial Stage, the Table informs us, has 126 species of Brachiopoda, in fourteen genera an unexpectedly large supply of food for the carnivorous animals that prevail in this stage. The elder Primordial has eleven genera, all, save one (Lingulepis) , crossing the boundary into the stages above. The upper division of this part of the column has six, which do the same. The number of Orthides (thirty-three species) in the Primordial stage is remarkably large. That there should be twenty-four species of Lingula we were better prepared for. That a Nucleospira (Hall) should be met with in the Primordial is new, but the authority on which the fact rests is too good to allow of its being rejected. M. de Koninck, in his Memoir on the genus Chonetes, only enumerates two Silurian species. There are now thirty-one in the ' Thesaurus/ i There is some little recurrent movement in the two divisions of this Primordial Stage ; but their organic connexion is slight, being kept up by, at most, two or three species in common. The same species is often found in several beds of the Quebec group ; but few pass the limits of the true Primordial. The mixed effects on the number of appearances from horizontal and vertical range are very considerable, but there has not been time to disentangle them. The appearances exceed the species, each genus having its own proportion. In some few there is equality, or an approach to it. TABLE I. Proportion of Appearances to Species. Appearances. Total of Species. Observation. Genera. America. Europe. Total. These extracts from Tables might be much extended. Atrypa . . . 102 7 214 123 7 4 97 39 389 179 3 199 46 603 302 10 4 113 31 331 175 10 4 Chonetes Orthis Rhynchonella Leptoccelia . . . Megan teris xvm FACTS AND OBSERVATIONS. ECHINODERMATA. The following little Table represents, numerically, the geographical distribu- tion of the three forms of the class Echinodermata. It is short, but contains much matter. TABLE K. Class Echinodermata (Geographical Summary) . AMERICA. EUROPE &c. Orders. Arctic America. Wisconsin. 1 Missouri. Illinois. Indiana. ^o Kentucky. 9 9 X I J Maryland. Pennsylvania. New York. Canada West. Canada East. Anticosti Island. Nova Scotia. Newfoundland. I 1 j fij Q} 'o Ireland. Scotland. England. France. e 'I n Sardinia. Harz (Germany). Podolia. Bohemia. Baltic Kussia. Kussia. Sweden. rt '-3 Australia. Total Appearances (Europe &c.). Great Total Appearances. Number of Species. Number of Countries inhabited. Crinoidea Cystidea I 10 3 17 12 5 4 42 1 4 71 4f> 1.-) 4 2 245 6 1 53 8 2 ... 1 1 3 1 18 .",2 23 7 1 2 158 403 315 30 12 i 2 1 2 2 ... 12 1914 1 66 4 10 24 ... 2 12 7 18 ID 1 94 160 136 19 Asteriada o ft' .> 1 5 13 3 I 1 1 32 1 10 7 1 3 g Q 1 36 68 61 18 1 .r. i 7 18 12 8 4 45 3 4 *s 77|32 6 1 3 343 10 1 88 39 3 2 1 1 3 16 27 f>2 M4 8 1 2 288 631 512 Table L, subjoined, shows the numerical proportions in which the species of this class occupy the successive stages of this epoch. TABLE L. Order. Primordial Stage. Lower Stage. Middle Stage. Upper Stage. Total. Crinoidea 2 106 8 187 303 Cystidea 3 76 3 45 126 Asteridea 1 30 2 25 58 Its contents require no remarks. Crinoidea. The order Crinoidea contains 78 genera and 315 * species. Thirty genera have each only one species ; and these in only five cases occupy two countries. Fifteen genera have three species, and ten have two, the geographical range being here also short. A few genera are com- paratively rich in species. Thus Glyptocrinus has nineteen species, and is found in fourteen distinct areas ; and Actinocrinus has fourteen species, and inhabits fourteen areas ; Hypantho- crinus, with twenty- three species, is seen in ten districts. Together with great beauty, Crinoids are very sensitive to conditions, and therefore they have but a limited geographical range. The Table K will show how few Crinoids there are in many countries, such as Nova Scotia, Newfoundland, Iowa, Scotland, Spain, India, Tasmania, &c. Crinoidea have in North America two principal foci or places of concentration. There are likewise in Europe two similar chief seats. They are all singularly rich. These concentrations are in America some hundreds of miles apart : that on the west occupies Tennessee, Illinois, Wisconsin ; and that on the east is met with around the City of Ottawa (Canada West) and North New York, the adjacent state of the North- American Federation. The chief seats in Europe of this order are England with Wales, and Russia with Sweden, and this in a very striking manner. These remarkable assemblages are probably due to appropriate sediments and other favourable conditions (deep sea &c.) . A genus may be confined to a very few square miles, as in the case of the subgenus Cupellcscrinus * 315, from late acquisitions. FACTS AND OBSERVATIONS. xix with its nine species. It is confined to Decatur County, Tennessee *. On the other hand, although the species of a genus may be few, they may, contrary to rule, be widely scattered. In this way the three species of Scyphocrinus are found in New York, Sardinia, and Sweden. Crinoidal species are very local, with a few exceptions. Thus the single species Marsupio- crinus ccelatus lived in the Silurian seas of England, New York, and Tennessee. Calliocrinus, Crotalocrinus, &c. present similar facts. In this order zoological connexion between areas is chiefly maintained by genera. Twenty-one genera are common to the western and eastern hemispheres a fact of weight; thirty-five are exclusively American ; and twenty-three are European. Two hundred and forty-five species are North- American, and one hundred and fifty-eight are European, which reverses the usual proportion of fossil life in these two great divisions of the earth. Recurrence is rare among Crinoidea. I only know of twelve instances, six of which are given in the footnote f- Many of them are in coterminous beds. Cystidea. The Tables K and L, just referred to, contain much information respecting this beautiful and curious order. It consists of 32 genera and 136 species. Until within the last thirty years little was known about it. Since then this order has been illustrated in an admirable manner by Von Buch, Forbes, and Billings. Its genera Palaocystites, Protocystites, Trochocystites are found in Primordial strata at Phillipsburg (Canada East), at the head of Lake Champlain, at Montreal?, in the Mingan Isles (Gulf of St. Lawrence), in South Wales, in Spain, and Bohemia. It abounds in the Trenton Limestone of America, in the Caradoc beds of Britain generically and specifically, passes freely into Upper Silurian, and then into a Devonian Limestone. In both hemispheres the Cystidea have the same two headquarters as the Crinoidea; but America exhibits fewer species than Europe. Edward Forbes, by way of directing particular atten- tion to these gatherings, calls them polarizations. The Cystidean genera are rather more prolific than the Crinoidea ; but eight have each only one species, even after a close inquiry for them. The geographic range of species is less also. Out of thirty-three countries inhabited by Crinoids, in only twenty have Cystidea been observed. The proportion of appearances in different lands to species is as six to five. Here again, the genus Holocystites, with its seven species, never leaves Wisconsin, with the exception of H. sphcericus, which we have at Chicago (Illinois), a bordering state. Nine genera are common to Europe and America, ten being exclusively American, and eleven exclusively European. At present Cystidea have not been brought from India or Australia. Apiocystites Huronensis affords the only known instance of vertical range in this order ; and it is short and doubtful. Asteridea. This order contains fourteen genera and sixty-one species, or four to a genus; while in Brachiopoda it is thirty species to a genus, in Cephalopoda thirty-three. Palaaster contains fourteen species as the richest genus, Edrioaster and Palcechinus having each one only. This order is only seen in nineteen Silurian areas. Europe and North America have five genera in common ; five others are the sole property of America, and four of Europe. In America we find, again, the chief abode of the Asteridea to be around the City of Ottawa (Canada West) and in North-west New York State (twenty-one out of thirty-three species) . Else- where the species are scattered singly or in pairs, in Indiana, Ohio, Illinois, Canada, Newfoundland. * Genera and species may seem far apart geographically, when in reality they are close together, as on the oppo- site sides of a boundary river, the St. Lawrence or the Mississippi. Thus two species of Stephanocrinus are on the same sheet of rock, but are catalogued as in two separate countries. t Ctenocrinm typus, Cyathocrinus exilis, Melocrinites Icevis, Pleta, Corall. Lst. ; Dictyocrinus squamifer, H. R. G., L. H. G. ; Glyptocrimis decadactylus, Primordial (Geinitz), H. R. G., CL. ; Periechomnus moniliformis, Llandov., W.L. FACTS AND OBSERVATIONS. In Europe, the British Islands contain twenty-seven out of thirty-three species ; of the six not found there, five are in North-west Europe, and another is French. This order is but small ; this, however, is not for want of due search, for their size and beauty render them attractive to collectors. THE PRIMORDIAL STAGE. Waiting for the results of the investigations now taking place in Canada as to the exact relations of the Quebec Group with the Primordial Stage, it will be better not to dwell long on this part of the Silurian epoch, especially as the present ideas on these rela- tions do not give entire content. The very name has ceased to be appropriate. The ' Thesaurus ' amply manifests the great extent, or even the universality, of the numerous correspondences and the organic riches of the Primordial of BarrandC) the Taconic stage of Prof. Emmons. It is indissolubly Silurian by almost every possible tie by facies, materials, strati- graphy, and organic contents, according to De Verneuil, Hall, Murchison, Logan, Billings, &c. The mineral characters of this stage are exceedingly diversified, and indicate the complicated nature of the processes then in full operation. It presents the alum-slates of Sweden, the soft blue clays of Russia, the clayey schists and conglomerates of Bohemia, the arenaceous and metamor- phosed schists of Britain, the displaced schists, limestones, and conglomerates of Quebec, the soft calcareous sandstones of Central North America, among other varieties of composition and of stratigraphy. The Primordial Stage did not start forth, Pallas-like, at once, in full maturity. The quantity, variety, and high rank of its fauna shut us up from any other conclusion than that it is only part, and a rich part, of an already established flora and fauna, lying undetected at present, and perhaps for ever, but which may be any day discovered in some of the many countries not yet examined. The Eozoon of Canada &c. belongs to an anterior and unconformable deposit. Excepting the four orders Echinodermata, Coelenterata, Monomyaria, and Dimyaria, all the others are in great force, those of high organization in particular. Crustaceans of very large size were numerous in Canada, and seem to have overspread large districts with their coprolites. TABLE M. Primordial Life, as known in 1868. Orders. America. 1 1 'E "o 03 (4 q 3 3 i j 1 1 PM ^ o ^ H W PH PQ & p W o O PH H J-T I" Quebec Grou p 9 9 91 96 8 44 49 Q 19 57 34 33^ PP r - 1 Calciferous Sandstone ... 6 5 1 3 6 3 6 1 5 39 19 ? 94 Lower. Potsdam Sandstone 5? 8 1 4 74 6 1 31 5 3 ... 138 Total 11 99 3 1 9ft, 176 12 45 79 6 99 99 53 564 This stage is here divided into Lower and Upper Primordial, the former being represented by Potsdam sandstone, and the latter by the enigmatical Quebec group and Calciferous sandstone, and having superadded a few bottom layers of the Chazy beds of Lake Champlain. This separation is based on mineral, as well as on very striking organic characters. The Table shows the latter at a glance. We there find seven important orders altogether absent from the Potsdam sandstone, five very poor in species, while the Crustacea and Brachiopoda are numerous. Speaking in general of the valleys of the St. Lawrence and the Mississippi, the Calciferous sandstone overlies Potsdam sandstone conformably, but differs from it, chiefly, by containing more lime or magnesia, and often more of both at once. The characteristic fossils of these beds, in the districts here referred to, are not at all those of Potsdam rock, but are Gasteropoda and Cephalo- poda in considerable numbers, and full of life and movement. It is poor in the other and simpler orders. Of six it is altogether destitute. If we pass north-eastwards, from Quebec to the Mingan Isles in the Gulf of St. Lawrence, we there find in this bed sixty-three fossils not often connected with those of the Quebec group. To the south, in the Mohawk Valley, or to the west, in the valley of the Mississippi, we find the same that is, numerous organic remains typical of place as well as of bed, 375 altogether. The Calciferous sandstone agrees with its associate strata in having neither Echinodermata nor Monomyaria. The fossils of the subdivision Chazy, met with in the Quebec group, or its equivalent, about XX11 >ACTS AND OBSERVATIONS. Phillipsburg (Lake Champlain), belong to its base, because its arenaceous beds very soon change upwards into a compact mass of crushed Crinoids, Cephalopoda, &c. (143 species), all quite new, and therefore the product of new conditions. Wholly independent of the Quebec group, the Chazy beds spread over vast tracts on the Ottawa, the Upper St. Lawrence, and the Mississippi valleys, and lie conformably upon Calciferous sandstone. It is extremely difficult to separate them. In other words, in America there seems to be no sharp line dividing the Primordial from the beds above it a condition of things, of course, affecting their upper zoological limits. As far as is now known, this line is rarely transgressed in Europe by Silurian life *. Many of the Chazy mollusca are really of the Calciferous age, and go no farther than the Chazy, while many which first show in this last bed freely mount up into the higher, strata, Trenton, &c. The mineral character of the Chazy beds is unsteady in its best exposures, as seen in the Gulf of St. Lawrence, the Mississippi valley, &c. It may consist of various sandstones, brown shale, and of dolomitic and argillaceous limestone. On the River Ottawa it is a sandstone fifty feet thick, resting, conformably, on a few feet of grey limestone (Calciferous sandstone). The presence in some localities of the Chazy layers is indicated by the disappearance of all the Trilobita, except two species of Asaphus. Great interest attaches to the Quebec group on account of its zoological contents, its doubtful stratal position, the displacements it has suffered, and the controversies it has occasioned. It is clearly on or near the horizon of the Calciferous sandstone, and some of the lower layers of the Chazy rocks. The fauna of the Quebec group is very peculiar ; it embraces 332 species at Quebec and in West Newfoundland the life, however, of these two districts being very different specifically, although for 1677 feet (Divisions N, O, P) the same words would describe the strata of both (300 miles apart) . Its numerous forms of life are almost all of very high organic rank, such as Cephalopoda, Gasteropoda, Trilobita, &c. (see Table N). Although there are forty-four Polyzoa well known in the Quebec group (several of them also met with in Australia and England), there are only two Crelenterata upon our present list. All these fossils are in great numbers individually as well as specifically, with the exception just named. Our acquaintance with the recurrents of this stage is as yet imperfect. Those which move from bed to bed within the Primordial stage are numerous, and their range is great ; but of those which escape upwards into the Black-River or Trenton group of North-east America, into the stage D of Bohemia, or the Upper Llandeilo of Britain, the number is small, and perhaps doubtful. Table O exhibits this flora and fauna under a general aspect, and arranged as they occur in Lower or Upper Primordial. To these are attached corresponding horizons, in whose columns the recurrents are enumerated, their names being placed alongside. They are fourteen in number. Since they are vouched for by the best and most recent authorities, it is not easy to give a reason for their rejection. The transition which is effected at Hof in Bavaria, as recently announced by M. Barrande in a letter to myself, by means of Trilobita and Brachiopoda, is strongly in favour of a far closer connexion between the Primordial and the higher stages than hitherto entertained. ' As recurrence is active within the Primordial mass, it will probably be found, after a time, to exist about its upper limits. We may be on the eve of receiving further evidence, enabling us to estimate more accurately the distinction between Cambrian and Silurian stages. These facts are taken from the 'Thesaurus ;' but this very interesting portion of it is the gift of Barrande, Emmons, Hall, Logan, Billings, and is the fruit of their summer toil and winter studies. * According to the late determinations of M. Barrande, this transgression takes place, to some extent, at Ilof in Bavaria. FACTS AKD OBSERVATIONS. XXlll TABLE O. The Primordial Flora and Fauna and their Recurrents (1868). Kingdom and Orders. Species. Primordial Stage. Primordial. ^Recurrent Species. Lower. Upper. Horizons. Horizons. Lower. Upper. 2. 3. 4 5. 2. 3. 4. 5. Plantae 12 12 21 2 4 9 16 8 48 74 6 2 1 184 9 21 1 2 35 11 25 31 48 7 37 21 1 1 1 Ischadites, sp. ind., L. Llan., Carad. ? Buthotrephis succulens, P. and Tr. Diastopora? consimilis, P. and U. Llan. ; Graptolithus Nilssoni, Llan., E. e. 1. Stenopora fibrosa, Queb. 0-., CS., CH., &c. Agnostus princeps, P., U.Llan. Dikelocephalus Celticus, P., U.Llan. Lingulella lepis, P., U.Llan. Murchisonia scalaris, Llan., Carad. ? Pleurot. Progne, Queb. G., BL., Tr. Orthoc. Allumettense, Queb. G., CH., BL. ; O. proteiforme, CS., Tr. ; O. Brongniarti, Llan., Carad. ; O. laqueatum, CS., Carad., Tr., W., L. Amorphozoa Annelirlq. Hetero-Pteropoda 1 Polyzoa Coelenterata 1 Crinoidea 1 2 Cystidea ... Asteridea Trilobita . ... 226 16 8 Entomostraca Brachiopoda : Orthis 1 1 Rhynchonella Strophomena All other species... 51 1 1 1 6 Dimyaria Gasteropoda : Murchisonia Pleurotomaria .... 1 All other species 2 1 1 Cephalopoda : Cyrtoceras Orthoceras All other species ... 7 362 596 8 3 1 We owe the rich Primordial harvest gathered in Newfoundland and Anticosti Island to the enterprise and skill of Mr. Richardson, as directed by Sir W. E. Logan. THE SILURIAN BASIN OF CENTRAL BOHEMIA. After premising a few necessary remarks, it is intended here to give a rapid sketch of the principal features of the Bohemian Basin ; then, 1st, some statements will be made as to the places where its fauna make their first appearance ; 2ndly, its zoological relations with other countries will be noticed ; and, 3rdly, there will follow a short account of one of its great Molluscan communities. The scope of these observations forbids any allusion to several other interesting subjects of a kindred nature. This abundant life M. Barrande has exhumed and described with consummate skill and alone, treading for thirty years the solitary and toilsome path appointed for every great workman. M. Barrande entered on his palseontological studies with a preparedness and breadth of view very rare at that time (1838). Availing himself of the little already done by his predecessors, he has ascertained the external limits and true subdivisions of his fossil-bearing territory. Its organic contents he has grouped according to place and stratum, noting their natural relations, their movements, vertical and horizontal, following out also their several structural developments. There are particulars included within these heads of descriptive natural history which are absolutely necessary to any good generalization, but which previously had been almost unthought of. It is by such enlightened and prescient labours that M. Barrande has been able to examine so successfully a district of xxiv FACTS AND OBSERVATIONS. singular interest, and to bring within our view much that is new in the history of Silurian species, their time of appearance, duration, classification, &c. The Silurian beds near Prague enjoy a zoological opulence surpassing all previous experience, taking into consideration their very small extent, which bears no kind of comparison with the size of other basins. "Within an oval space (mostly on the west of this city) fifty miles long by twenty-five broad, 2800 species of marine remains have been collected, and 2093 have been described by M. Barrande. Of course, individuals are in millions incalculable. Four-fifths of this fauna are furnished by the four orders Cephalopoda, Trilobita, Brachiopoda, and Gasteropoda, and chiefly in the small parishes of Lochkov, Kozorz, Butowitz, Konieprus, and Mnienian. Further, the conditions of this Silurian area are in discrepancy with some of our established notions. It is a close basin with an immense variety of life a basin with very small foreign interchange. During a short time its gates were opened thrice, and then closed almost totally, and for ever. It abounds, except in its Primordial beds, with powerful Carnivora, the lower forms being very scarce, while its higher strata (H. h. 1) give out two land plants, unhesitatingly pronounced to be such by M. Barrande. The area has been frequently overflowed by thick and by thin sheets of trap and porphyries, from what sources I know not, but without a single marked boss or upheaval of any kind. This whole Silurian district is 100 miles by 44 in its greatest dimensions, and is a long oval ; perhaps a third of the size of Wales. The accompanying Sketch Map represents about one half of the area, and that which is richest in fossils. Easy access is obtained to good sections by means of quarries, ravines, and watercourses. The strata repose in synclinal conformableness, zone upon zone, except in a few cases of local derangements, and an occasional change of dip. At the bottom of this succession are M. Barrande' s stages A and B, wholly azoic, principally schists, abutting directly on granite and gneiss. These same schists, as they ascend, at length betray Primordial life, and are then distinguished by the letter C. They are 900 to 1200 feet thick, thin and close-packed on the south-east, but much separated on the north-west by intercalated porphyries and conglomerates. The next stage upwards is that of D (56 miles by 9 to 12 miles) . In its lower half it is made up of alternating schists, quartzites, and conglomerates, followed above by very thick beds of coloured schists. This stage has been subdivided thus : 1. At the base, schists with conglomerates. 2. The quartzite band of Mount Drabow, with conglomerates both together forming half of the whole stage. 3. Black foliated schists. 4. Very micaceous schists. 5. Yellowish-grey schists, supporting the trappose base of stage E next succeeding. These schists, 3, 4, 5, are 3000 feet thick. Stages C and D contain no limestone. In this stage D, in d. 3, 4, 5, are the celebrated colonies, twenty in number (M. Barrande, MS.), lying along a certain zone. Eight have been described (see sketch) . They consist of traps inter- leaved with graptolite schists, holding calcareous concretions, pretty full of organic remains. The presence of these colonies indicates a general but slight disturbance, of which few other signs remain. A great peculiarity in their life is that they are precedent (prophetic of) and not posterior, as recurrents, to the great normal fauna about to appear. The stage E (Upper- Silurian) is based upon broken sheets of trap, alternating with graptolite schists. These traps form a true girdle, about 300 feet thick, to the upper stages E, F, G, and H, which correspond in great measure with the Upper Silurian of England and other parts of the world. The stage E, with its trappose base, consists of argillo-calcareous nodules long, flattened spheroids, imbedded in argillaceous schists, which (nodules), the te*p 'disappearing in the ascent, gradually coalesce into compact fetid limestone. The whole stage is 450 to 900 feet thick. M. Barrande has separated this stage into two parts, E. e. ] and E. e. 2, both of them singularly abundant in marine life. FACTS AND OBSERVATIONS. XXV The stage F is also in two parts, F. f. 1 and f. 2. It consists of pale and dark-tinted lime- stone, neither concretionary nor fetid, but with much chert, either disseminated or in kidneys. Organic remains become much fewer here, with the exception of Brachiopoda, which are numerous. The stage G is 1000 feet thick, and in three divisions. It is composed of argillaceous lime- stone in thick beds and with chert (as in stage F), with calcareous lumps lying in clay schists, which last, increasing in quantity, gradually excludes the calcareous element, and ends in stage H. The stage H is 850 feet in average thickness, and is in three parts. This highest stage is principally clay schist, grey, green, black, alternating with beds of impure quartzite. The tran- sitions from part to part and from stage to stage are very always gradual. The Silurian population about Prague is unique; no other country can show anything resembling it. . So great is the buried multitude, that this vicinity might be supposed to be the common sepulchre of marine life for a thousand miles round ; but it is not so, most of the species are at home, they are indigenous : one-tenth may be strangers ; and some of these are in the colonies, and appear to have come from opposite quarters, i. e. from the north-east and south-west, and at different times. The most crowded parishes, according to our present information, are those of Lochkov and Kozorz. They are neighbours, and may extend over the space of four to six square miles. Of course the strata are only exposed to view in patches, so that we have no access to many of the contained organic remains. Within about ten miles from the city of Prague, very nearly the whole series of beds belonging to the Silurian epoch are, at one place or other, largely and clearly brought into view, some few being removed from the top of stage H. In many parishes, such as Hlubocep, Konieprus, Dvoretz, &c., the several stages are seen in their proper stratigraphical relations, while in most other countries hundreds of miles must be traversed in order to see such a succession of fine exposures. The following lines give a numerical abstract of all the Bohemian life, as at present determined, with sufficient accuracy. Plantse .... Species. 5 Cirripedes . . Trilobita . . . Entomostraca . . Polyzoa .... Species. . 7 . 369 . 33 31 Pteropoda . . . Gasteropoda . . Cephalopoda . Pisces .... Species. . 93 . 234 . 851 5 Amorphozoa . Coelenterata Crinoidea . . . Cystidea Asteridea . . . Annelida . . . . 8 . 36 . 1 . 10 . 3 . 9 Brachiopoda . Monomyaria . . Dimyaria . . 289 . 22 . 83 Class uncertain Total species described . 4 2093 This brief account of the leading features of this basin I have ventured to give by way of immediate assistance to the student in what now follows. It may be all had more at large in the works of Barrande and of Murchison. On the Place of first Appearance of Bohemian Mollusks. All Silurian life is divisible into the indigenous or native} d the derived or foreign, while every order has some species so ubiquitous that they may be called universals (see p. xxxiii). The first class we have seen to be exceedingly numerous ; and the second, although very much fewer, present many points of interest. It is useful to distinguish the indigenous animal from the guest ; it enables us to study the conditions appropriate and natural to all Mollusca that is, the sediments, food, depth, temperature, &c. Curious and instructive particulars also arise in basins from the presence or absence of a tendency there to migrate. At this moment I know of 202 Bohemian species which occur in other countries ; there are doubtless many more. Of these 202 species, three-quarters (149) inhabit several horizons, while 51 of the remainder, wherever they are met with, are typical of only one horizon. I proceed to 9 XXVI FACTS AND OBSERVATIONS. trace them to their several birthplaces, and so to point out the relations they establish between Bohemia and those birthplaces *. It is an accepted truth that the earliest bed in which any form of life is found is its birth- place (a word convenient and short), although an occasional correction may become necessary. Thus, until better taught, we take a fossil of any of the Bohemian faunae E, F, G, H, to have first existed in Wales, if we find it there in Llandeilo or Caradoc and nowhere else, unless actually seen. We know how a change of residence can be effected. Bohemia has vital relations of this kind with many countries, but none so remarkable as those lying on the edge of the Atlantic, or on the Mediterranean. With these and with the other areas it is connected by means of mollusks which are known only in the two areas concerned (save the uni- versals) a fact which gives precision and speciality to the connexion. We will enter into the following particulars 1 Amorphozoa. Of the five species of Stromatopora in Bohemia, only one occurs elsewhere ; and that is in Lake Huron, in the Hudson- River group, while the Bohemian species is Upper- Silurian (E. e. 2). Its birthplace seems to have been in the distant West. The Ischadites Kcenigii is in Shropshire in Llandeilo as well as in Upper Silurian; in Bohemia it is in E. e. 2, and is not a native. Ccelenterata. Adding the Crelenterata lately received from M. Barrande to those already in hand, we at present only know of twenty species in Bohemia ; of these, twelve are foreign and eight native. Of the foreign, three are everywhere (in Bohemia &c.) on the same horizon, and nine vary in this respect, eight being in the Llandeilo and Caradoc beds of Britain, and one Lower- Silurian both in Canada and Esthonia the whole of them being Upper-Silurian in Bohemia, where they are therefore strangers. The native Bohemians are all of the upper zones. The particulars of these statements are easily found in the ' Thesaurus.' Of the seventeen species of Bohemian Echinoderms which, through the kindness of M. Barrande, are found in the ' Thesaurus/ all, excepting two, belong to the earlier part of the Lower Silurian stage ; for this reason, as well as because they are nowhere seen in any other stage, these Crinoids are probably natives. We cannot at present determine the place of first appearance in the cases of * It is easy to see that several useful inferences might flow from the facts, gathered into a series of tables, of which the imaginary one subjoined might be the first (it gives the native and foreign species of all the orders, for the whole area concerned, France, Britain, Canada, &c. ; other Tables might do the same for the separate stages ; others, again, might show the zoological relations of area with area, American, Australian, European : a very little zeal might here open a wide door) : A Form of Table exhibiting the Native and Foreign Fauna of certain Silurian Districts. Orders. France. Britain. Spain. Bohemia. Sweden. Russia. Wiscons. N. York. Canada. &c. i "eg ft 4 1 fr CD g 'i to i 1 PR i bo ' 1 1 i i I " fc .1 9 b i d > Is fc 19 16 13 49 | 9 1 t 1 fc 3, 1 1 a ft on ' 1 Plantse 3 50 41 23 27 &c. 7 7 9 6 3 &c. 5 39 52 29 60 &c. 2 7 11 6 19 &c. 3 12 13 11 19 1 2 2 3 13 4 7 9 15 260 3 1 2 3 30 5 21 17 20 79 2 7 3 4 7 "3 5 4 7 9 17 15 &c. i 2 3 &c. 49 6 15 Amorphozoa Coelenterata Annelida Trilobita &c. It should be here stated that the change of horizon often effected by species is called " recurrence ; " and it is greatly facilitated by the power that species possess of living on several kinds of sediments, and by migration subjects to be treated on in the sequel. FACTS AND OBSERVATIONS. xxvii Trochocystites Bohemicus in the Primordial of Bohemia and Spain, and of Scyphocrinites elegans in the Upper Silurian of Sweden and Bohemia. Of the seven species of Annelida (Bohemian) seen in other basins, two belong to the derived class, and tliree or four are native (see ' Thesaurus ') ; Spirorbis Lewisii, also in Bohemia, is of doubtful origin. Of the forty-three species of Bohemian Trilobites (out of 369) which have inhabited other regions, it may be assumed that thirty-five are native. Pour of these are Primordial ; and for the others we can detect no earlier first appearance in other countries. Five species of the forty-three are in the same zone in all places ; no one birthplace can be assigned to them. May they not be from distinct acts of creation ? Five Bohemian Trilobites, Calymene Baylei, C. complicata, C. Blu- menbachii, Phacops apiculatus, and Sphcerexochus mirus, seem to be strangers. Whether the Bohemian beds be the argillaceous slate of the lower stage, or the argillaceous lime- stone of the upper, Trilobites found there a congenial habitat. Very few migrated, and almost as few entered the district from other parts. Of the nine Polyzoa in Bohemia (not Graptolites), none are known out of the Bohemian strata ; and these have been very recently determined by M. Barrande. The Graptolitidae are far more freely and widely dispersed than any other kind of Silurian life many species being common to Australia, Europe, and America *. The Bohemian Graptolitidee are also largely distributed over the world. Only three of its twenty-six species are restricted to their own native area a circumstance not observed in any other Silurian order. In eight species the priority of appearance is doubtful, the dates being the same in the various countries. Fourteen species are foreign ; for their earliest appearance has taken place not in Bohemia, but in Australia, England, France, &c.f Brachiopoda, Bohemia possesses 321 species of this order ; and, except seventeen, they are all native. Sixty-seven are met with in other parts of the world ; and of them fifty are either natives or are undistinguishable from them. The seventeen foreigners are all in parts of the lower stage, except two, which show first in the middle stage J. More Bohemian Brachiopoda may be expected in other areas ; but I have not as yet had time to follow them. Monomyaria. Only one Bohemian species of this order has been seen out of Bohemia. It is known also at Dudley and other places in England, and on the same horizon as in Bohemia, and therefore of doubtful birthplace. Dimyaria. Of the sixty-six Bohemian Dimyaria, only four are known elsewhere, viz. : Cardiola fibrosa (Wales, Ireland, &c.) without change of horizon ; C. interrupt a, in Caradoc in Lancashire, * Natives. Acidaspis Buchii, ^Eglina rediviva, M. speciosa, Agnostus rex, Arionellus ceticephalus, Asaphus nobilis, Bronteus thysanopeltis, Calymene brevicapitata, C. diademata, C. incerta, C. pulchra, Cheirurus claviger, C. insignis, Conocoryphe coronata, Cyphaspis Burmeisteri, Dalmania Hausmanni, D. Phillipsii, D. proavia, D. socialis, Deiphon Forbesii, Harpes venulosus, Illaenus Salteri, Paradoxides spinosus, Phacops breviceps, P. proaevus, Placoparia Zippei, Polyeres Dufresnoyi, Polytomurus euglypta, Remopleurides radians, and five Trinuclei. t Native. Graptolithus Bohemicus, G. chimaera, G. Romeri. Doubtful. Graptolithus Linnaeus, G. peregrinus, G. Proteus, G. spiralis, Climacograptus bicornis, Dictyonema Bohemica, D. gracilis, Diplograpsus Linaei. Foreign. Graptolithus Beckii, Scotland ; G. colonus, France ; G. Halli, Scotland ; G. latus, Skiddaw ; G. Nilssoni, Skiddaw ; G. nuntius, Scotland; G. priodon, Scotland; G. Sagittarius, Scotland; G. testis, France; Diplograpsus ovatus, South Australia; D. palmeus, Thuringia; Rastritea peregrinus, Scotland; Retiolites Geinitzianus, France; R. venosus, Wales. J Foreigners. Atrypa compressa, Britain; A. marginata, Britain and America ; A. imbricata, Ireland; Leptaena sericea, Spain fyc. ; L. transversalis, Britain ; Discina reversa, Esthonia, Bohemia, fyc. ; Merista naviformis, New York : Orthis elegantula, Britain ; O. hybrida, Ohio ; O. Lusitanica, Portugal ; 0. orbicularis, Baltic ; Pentamerus linguiferus, Wales; Rhynchonella cuneata, Scotland; R. navicula, England; R. Wilsoni, Britain; Strophomena pecten, Britain; S. funiculata, Sardinia. xxviii FACTS AND OBSERVATIONS. elsewhere in the Upper Llandovery, or higher ; England therefore appears to be its birth-place ; Conocardium, sp. ind., may be French, but we wait for more information ; Ribeiria pholadiformis is in Caradoc in Portugal, but it is in D. d. 1, still lower down, at Vosek and Zahorzan in Bohemia, where, therefore, we place the first appearance of this species of Dimyaria. Hetero-Pteropoda. Of the thirty-eight species in Bohemia, by far the majority are natives. In the rare instances where the same species is found in other regions, the stratal zone is the same, as in the cases of Betterophon acutus, B. bilobatus, B. trilobatus, and Theca simplex. The first three of the above species show themselves in so many and such distinct countries, that we feel inclined to explain the facts by the notion of multiple creations. Gasteropoda. Of the fifty-one Silurian genera of this order, Bohemia contains twenty-two, in 245 species ; but only the five inserted in the footnote are met with in other parts of the world t, and of these the two species of Acroculia only seem to be foreigners. The positive rarity of Mollusca under any form coming from other regions is a very strong indication of the Prague basin being with difficulty accessible from without, except on a few remarkable occasions. In the bays and sounds of the present seas the Mollusca change but little, and are peculiar. Cephalopoda. It is a singular fact that Bohemia contains more than half of all the known Orthoceratites (396 out of 696), nearly all the species being typical of that country. Thirty Cephalopoda have relations with other regions. Nine Bohemian Orthoceratites originate in Spain, France, Britain, and Ireland J, in the extreme west of Europe, where they are in the Caradoc and its equivalent stages, while they are in the third fauna in Bohemia ; three of these (marked *) are also in the Lower Silurian of Russia and Norway. Six Orthoceratites, in the same way, are derived from the North and N.N.W. that is, from Russia and Norway. Orthoceras pelagicum is both in France and Bohemia, and probably on the same horizon, like Bactrites nanus, Cyrtoceras Iceve ?, 0. bullatum ?. Orthoceras dulce (Sweden, Britain), 0. originate (Britain), O. styloideum (France, Thuring.), O. tumidum (Ireland), are native Bohemian species, together with the great body of this order in that basin. We add a few words on this order. The Goniatites of De Haen (having their maximum in quantity &c. in the Devonian epoch), seventeen in number, abound in many parts of the environs of Prague, especially at Hlubocep, making their first appearance as low down as F. f. 2. It is probably in the little contiguous parishes of Lochkov and Kozorz, a few miles west of Prague, that the crowd of Orthoceratites is the greatest. Seventy-one species, each consisting of individuals past enumeration, are in Lochkov, overflowing into Kozorz ; and forty-three species, mostly distinct, are in Kozorz. There are thirty-two species at Dvoretz, nearer Prague, almost all peculiar to Dvoretz. Further inquiry would, I know, show something like the same state of things in other parts of this Silurian deposit. This genus is also remarkable in its vertical distribution. It makes 345 appearances in Bohemia (with others elsewhere) . There are none in the Primordial stage (Fauna C) ; but in D we find 24 ; in E. e. 1, 52 ; in E. e. 2, 203 ; in F, 22 ; in G, 40 ; in H, 4. Here we remark scantiness at the top and bottom, with an extraordinary opulence in E. e. 2, a limestone m4a*e--erHhgss~CpnnGotod~-with trappose rooks, as in the British Gasteropoda. Recurrence is common; it occurs in 126 species, and especially from Fauna E to Fauna G. t Acroculia haliotis, Sowerby, (Llan.) Scotland, (Upper Silurian) Bohemia ; A. rostrate, Eichwald, (Pleta) Baltic Russia, (Faunae F, G) Bohemia ; Euomphalus monoplectus, E. substriatum, E. trochleatum, Bohemia and Franconia (Upper Silurian). | Orthoceras ibex *, 0. calamiteum, O. irregulare, 0. gregarium, O. lineare *, O. Ludense *, 0. nummularium, O. subannulare, O. tenuicinctum. Orthoceras distans , 0. annulatum, 0. Ibex, 0. Ludense, 0. regulare, O. lineare. FACTS AND OBSERVATIONS. XXIX Five Orthoceratites (0. capillosum, loricatum, originals, pseudo-calamiteum, rigescens) permeate almost the whole succession of the upper strata of Bohemia. The Bohemian Orthoceras annulatum is in the State of New York and Britain, and the Bohe- mian 0. bullatum is in West Canada and Australia, facts which once would not have been believed ; but geological zoology not only deepens into the past, but widens unto the uttermost parts of the earth. The 302 species of Cyrtoceratites never leave their native stage, and only ascend eleven times into the next subdivision of that stage. Other genera of Cephalopoda crowd these same parishes in abundance, Cyrtoceras in particular; but we have not space for further details. We are opening out a condition of things in this well- worked basin which is utterly irreconci- leable with the hypothesis of natural selection. We now pass on to make some brief remarks on the zoological relations of the Bohemian basin with some other parts of the earth. It remains for the present a singular fact that these relations are by much the closest with the Silurian districts in the extreme west and north-east of Europe, at a distance of 800 to 1200 miles. We speak of Ireland, Great Britain, France, Spain, Russia, &c. These countries have 207 species in common with Bohemia, and in the following proportions : England . 81 Wales 66 Scotland ........... 32 Ireland 47 France 48 Spain (little examined) 25 Baltic Russia 32 Russia 28 Sweden 47 Norway 35 The Harz 41 The above little list tells its own story ; but a still closer insight into the relations of these countries is afforded by the subjoined Table. TABLE P. Direction from Bohemia. Ctelenterata. c 1 & Trilobites. 1 I Brachiopoda. Monomyaria. 1 a p Gasteropoda, Heteropoda. Annelida. Cephalopoda. Total Appearances. England W.N.W. 8 fi 5 35 1 ?, 3 ?, 4 15 81 Wales 7 8 7 9,fi 1 1 2 3 11 fifi Scotland " 5 ft 5 10 1 ?, i 4 39 Ireland 4 ft 9, 18 1 1 3 1?, 47 France Spain w.s'.w. s.w. "i 1 17 14 4 15 3 ... 3 ft ... 1 3 1 7 ?, 48 9,5 Sardinia s i 9 f> 1 q Harz N.W i 9, 10 17 3 8 41 Baltic Russia PI 4 15 1 1 6 39, Russia Proper n ] 15 fi ?8 Sweden N. *> fi 9, 9,fi 1 1 fi 47 Norway 5 1 a 18 1 1 1 6 35 " Total Appearances . . . 48 1 68 39 203 2 7 9 12 18 84 491 The appearances enumerated in this Table are 491 against 207 species, showing that the same species is used to people several regions. Instances will be given hereafter of the same species inhabiting thirty or more countries. xxx FACTS AND OBSERVATIONS. Every one of these affiliated areas (and many more will in future be added to them) is con- nected with Bohemia by different groups of extinct life, different in the connecting genera and species both in kind and proportions these peculiarities being regulated by local circumstances. England, Wales, and Ireland are remarkable for the great number of their Brachiopoda and Cephalopoda identical with species in Bohemia. If from these western frontiers of Europe we cross the Atlantic, we shall find in North-east America forty-three species of Mollusca identical with those of Bohemia, a very suggestive fact, on which the space allotted here will not allow me to speak. In Great Britain, France, and Spain the Bohemian species are much the same, but each country has a few peculiar to itself. Scotland has Calymene brevicapitata, Rhynchonella cuneata, &c. Wales has Chonetes minima, Leptaena aquila, Orthis lineata, a Calymene, an Agnostis and a Remo- pleurides. France has Graptolites testis, Orthis redux, Rhynchonella Ceres, a Homalonotus, a Bronteus, &c. In every region the nature of the fauna depends on the fact of deposition or non- deposition of certain beds, and on the effects of denudation. M. Deshayes shows very forcibly how close are the vital relations of these portions of the Silu- rian deposit of Europe, by asserting that any two basins have intim*ate relationship when they each possess twenty identical species, for a still larger identity of genera is sure to follow. But there are areas coeval, or nearly so, which have scarcely a species in common, because peopled under different conditions such as Canada East (Quebec) and Western Newfoundland, such as the eastern and western ends of the Clinton group (New York) . The connexion of the Prague basin with others appears to be much closer than could have been expected, looking at distances and the ever active influence of locality. The Bohemian species in England and Wales must be considered a very large number. The Table P shows their distribution. Hitherto Scotland has not yielded its full tribute of life ; it therefore exhibits a less prominent amount of unity with Bohemia. The similarity of the Silurian life of France, Spain, Portugal, and Sardinia to that of Bohemia is very striking, and it is rendered the more so by the imperfect manner in which these countries have been searched. France came under the careful survey of very eminent men at atime when organic remains were little regarded. Since that period MM. De Verneuil, Rouault, Triger, Caillaud, and Bureau have made considerable collections, not wholly published. At the time when the Silurian mollusks of Spain and France were deposited the Pyrenees did not exist, and one great Silurian ocean, filling those two broad regions, occupied much of the interval between these western frontiers of Europe and Bohemia, stretching with many a devious shore of Laurentian and other rocks far into the east and north. Table N shows that the most remarkable points in the fauna of Spain and France are the abundance of Trilobites in species identical with those of Bohemia, the paucity of identical Bra- chiopoda and Cephalopoda, and the absence of Gasteropoda. Two species of Spanish Trilobites met with in Bohemia are Primordial (an Arionellus and a Conocoryphe) ; and eleven or twelve of them are of the Caradoc age, the equivalent, more or less exactly, of the Bohemian stag% D. But in France no Primordial Trilobites are known; while thirteen of its species are in the stage D, just mentioned, and two, Bronteus Thysanopeltis, Cyphaspis Burmeisteri, are Upper- Silurian in Bohemia and France. The places of first appearance of these species are therefore mostly doubtful at present. These two great regions are apparently poor in the other Silurian orders. Spain at present only yields twenty-five Bohemian species, but France, having been better worked, gives forty-eight numbers, however, which are merely temporary. Russia maintains her connexion with Bohemia only by a few Brachiopoda, one Trilobite, six Coelenterata, and six Cephalopoda, and this not for want of research ; for a celebrated visit of three distinguished geologists made palaeontology fashionable in Russia. Baltic Russia is nearly as poor in Bohemian life. FACTS AND OBSERVATIONS. xxxi Instead of only four Bohemian orders, as in Russia, England contains nine orders, Norway eight, Sweden and Ireland each seven together, in each country, with a plentiful supply of species. If we are to believe that the Bohemian sea overspread a large portion of Europe in the early stages of the Silurian epoch, it shows the same amplitude and magnificence of design which is exhibited by the Silurian areas of North-east America, whether we regard their more complete exhibition in the valleys of the Mississippi and the St. Lawrence, or the vast expanse of Upper Silurian strata in Northern and Arctic America, where it-is, meat pfe&ftbte4htct the Lower Silurian stages aevor existed. ^~ <* 2 -^ fl Communities. The natural history of the communities of this epoch has not as yet received due attention. Professor M'Coy and Mr. Billings have given several interesting skeleton lists of this kind, but they have gone no further. Neither analysis nor conclusions belonged to their immediate duties. Instructive instances of these groupings lie ready in every land. Some of the earliest life with which we are acquainted is found to be in societies, consisting of individuals drawn together by their instincts, and retained for a longer or shorter time by a sense of ease and safety ; but no mollusk is absolutely fixed to any one community. Removals are common, andt hey are called acts of migration or of recurrence. What species or genera can or cannot coexist in the same community, the incompatible^ and compatibles, from powers, wants, or external conditions, is only partially ascertained. The bed e. 2 of the Bohemian stage E possesses unusual interest from the number, diversity, and rank of the life it contains. Of the sixteen * subdivisions established in this basin by M. Barrande, that which he has named E. e. 2 (the seventh from the bottom) is by far the most prolific. Of the 2093 marine forms held by the whole basin, nearly one-half (921) are in this bed, of no great thickness (150 feet ?), and principally within a space of fifteen miles by seven. They evidently form one society ; for there are no barriers between different parts of the subdivision, and there never were any. About Kozorz and Lochkov, and for seven miles around these villages, the rocks are the most crowded (see Map), and especially by Cephalopoda, distributed with some irregularity : the Bra- chiopoda often at Dlauha Hora, Lodenitz, Luzetz, &c. ; the Gasteropoda at Lochkov, Karlstein, Dlauha Hora, Dvoretz, &c. ; the Dimyaria at Dvoretz, Karlstein, &c. ; and so on, still on the same horizon, E. e. 2. The Cephalopoda and Gasteropoda are in numbers especially astonishing when we remember that each species brings its thousands or millions of highly endowed individuals. These two orders give us 714 species, or about four-fifths of the organic remains of this bed (E. e. 2). The parishes of Lochkov and Kozorz seem to be the headquarters of the Cephalopoda. They have seventy -five species in common ; while Lochkov has 220, and Kozorz 102, exclusively its own. The following Table (Q) gives, in a condensed form, the known population of fauna E. e. 2 (numerically) . 2 C- L- ; * Fauna D, 5 ; fauna E,>L; fauna F, 2 ; fauna G, 3 ; fauna H, g ; = 16. XXX11 FACTS AND OBSERVATIONS. TABLE Q. Bohemian Life as exhibited in Fauna E. e. 2. Orders &c. Species. Total. Genera, with their Species. Plantee none. Amorphozoa 5 Ischadites, 1 ; Stromatopora, 4. Coelenterata 12 Cystiphyllum, 2 ; Favosites, 3; Halysites, 1 ; Heliolithus, 5 ; Omphyma, 1. Cystidea 1 Scyphocrinites, 1. Annelida 1 Cornulites, 1. Cirripedes none. Trilobita 76 Acidaspis, 20 ; Arethusina, 1 ; Calymene, 4 ; Cheirurus, 7 ; Bronteus, 7 ; Cromus, 2 ; Deiphon, 1 ; Cyphaspis, 5 ; Harpes, 5 ; Illasnus, 2 ; Phacops, 6 ; Proetus, 7 ; Lichas, 5 ; Spharexochus, 2 ; Staurocephalus, 1 ; Trilobita, 1 . Entomostraca ... 4 Ceratiocaris, 2; Eurypterus, 1 ; Leperditia, 1. Polyzoa 5 Dictyonema, 2; Fenestella, 1 ; Eetepora, 1 ; Retiolites, 1. Brachiopoda 46 Atrypa, 11 ; Chonetes, 3; Discina, 1 ; Lingula, 1 ; Orthis, 4; Pentamerus, 3; Po- rambonites, 1 ; Mimulus, 2 ; Retzia, 1 ; Rhynchonella, 2 ; Spirifer, 1 1 ; Stro- phomena, 5 ; Trematis, 1. Monomyaria 7 Avicula, 7. Dimyaria 36 Antipleura, 2 ; Astarte, 1 ; Cardiomorpha, 1 ; Cardiola, 4; Cardium, 4 ; Cypricar- dium, 3 ; Hemicardium, 3 ; Isocardia, 3 ; Lucina, 3 ; Lunulacardiuni, 3 ; My- tilus, 4 ; Pholadomya, 2 ; Silurina, 3. Pteropoda 13 Conularia, 1 ; Cyrtolites (Bellerophon), 8 ; Ecculiomphalus, 2 ; Phragmotheca, 1 ; Pterotheca, 1. Gasteropoda 125 Acroculia, 29 ; Calyptraea, 1 ; Cirrus, 6; Delpbinula, 3 ; Euomphalus, 18 ; Gyro- trema, 2 ; Loxonema, 4 ; Murchisonia, 8 ; Natica, 4 ; Naticella, 4 ; Patella, 1 ; Pilidion, 1 ; Porcellia, 3 ; Pleurotomaria, 9 ; Rotella, 2 ; Subulites, 1 ; Trochus, 9 ; Tubina, 4 ; Turbo, 12 ; Turritella, 4. Cephalopoda 590 Ascoceras, 10 ; Aphragmites, 2 ; Glossoceras, 2 ; Cyrtoceras, 199 ; Gomphoceras, 59 ; Nautilus, 5 ; Orthoceras, 252 ; Phragmoceras, 25 ; Trochoceras, 36. Class uncertain ... 1 Lobolithus, 1. Total . 922 This Table contains 94 genera and 922 species. It is difficult to discover any mutual dependence among the numbers of this community as at present open to our examination. The carnivorous animals could not have subsisted on what we now see, unless they fed on each other ; for they greatly outnumber the herbivorous or infusorial feeders, contrary to the usual pro- portions. I have twice found Bellerophons in the chambers of Orthocera ; M. Barrande has found young Orthocerata there. The simpler organisms are in this bed exceedingly few. The Brachiopoda are in patches, the genera very poor in species, except Atrypa and Spirifer. M. Barrande expressly states that there is not the vestige of a plant in all the beds (Defense des Colonies, 1865, p. 304). Compensation must have been found in animals of a soft structure, which of course have left no traces. The five orders Trilobita (sixteen genera), Dimyaria (thirteen genera), Brachiopoda (thirteen genera), Gasteropoda (twenty genera) , and Cephalopoda (nine genera) exhibit remarkable variety in their forms of life, and the last two are wonderfully abundant ; and we miss among others the large order Echinodermata. If we look at the species in this subdivision, we find the genera Calymene and Phacops but poor, and the others, except Acidaspis, very poor. Orthis, Rhynchonella, Penta- merus, and some more Brachiopodal genera are slenderly represented. M. Barrande's new genera Mimulus, Antipleura, Gyrotrema, and Silurina are here. It is evident from the argillaceo-calcareous nature of the sediment, from the predominance of free-swimmers, and from the absence of vegetation and of the Annelida, that the Silurian sea was then deep, but not too much so for the coexistence of numerous Dimyaria and Gasteropoda. Although the mineral passage from any one of M. Barrande's subdivisions into the next is always insensible, or at least slow, the species belonging to bed E. e. 2 very rarely ascend into i*-et~3-er*4, while it is very common for a species first appearing in E. e. 1 to find its way into E. e. 2, and then to disappear for ever. FACTS AND OBSERVATIONS. sxxiii It is well to add here that the ground occupied by the Upper Silurian strata near Prague, now spoken of, is somewhat irregular, and even rather hilly ; so that a large proportion of the parishes show, each of them, several horizons, belonging to stages E, F, G, and H. M. Barrande has enumerated eighteen parishes in which this occurs. Of these I shall only name Lochkov, Dvoretz, Konieprus, Hlubocep. In the foregoing observations we only deal with the one community residing on the bed E. e. 2. UNIVERSALITY. In the spirit of the following definition it would appear that the Silurian system of rocks is universal in extent (that is, it overspreads the whole earth more or less com- pletely, covering up its predecessors), and that its component parts were laid down at a proximate time, and in like manner ceased to be laid down, statements approved by M. Barrande. (Bull. Soc. Geol. de France, n. s. xii. 361.) Definition. A formation may be considered to be universal when it occupies large and small areas in very many parts of the earth, often remote from, and even antipodal to each other, when it is always of like stratigraphical relations, is composed of like materials, and contains numerous genera of existences in common, together with some representative and some identical species. In support of our applying this definition to the Silurian system, the l Thesaurus ' exhibits the widest possible distribution of its fauna a fauna, it must be remembered, which is pure from admixture with that of any other epoch which might possibly have been progressing at the same time. But we have to except, it must be recollected, the few members of the prior period which have strayed into ours. The ' Thesaurus ' contains many examples of the same species of mollusk being in from twenty to twenty-five different countries, countries extensive and far apart, the same creature or creatures marking the route from land to land. This is greatly aided by the power enjoyed by very many mollusks of living on several sediments. In this way the Theca triangularis is found in all the many sediments of the Hudson-River group of America. From a Table drawn up under the inspection of Mr. Salter, we find (in 1866) 195 species common to regions very remote from each other, some of them being antipodal a fact which tells the more for- cibly from the tenacity with which the larger part of Silurian life clings to locality as well as to horizon. Two hundred and ten species are common to Europe and America. Sixty Silurian genera (truly European) have been brought from South Australia by Mr. Selwyn, the Chief Geological Surveyor of that colony; and Professor M'Coy has met with in that country a Siphonotreta, a Phacops, and eighteen species of G-raptolites absolutely identical with those of North America and of Europe. The Professor strongly expresses his surprise and delight. According to M. Barrande, Orthoceras bullatum (Sowerby) is at Melbourne (South Australia), in Ireland, Bohemia, Germany, and Russia ; Conocoryphe depressa is in Wales and Texas (N. A.) . Western Tasmania, the Himalayas, Russia, South and North America, and many other large divisions of the earth afford ample evidence of the general presence of the constituents, zoological and mineral, of this period. The following Silurian remains are so widely distributed that they may almost be said to be universal : Calymene Blumenbachii, Orthoceras annulatum, 0. ibex. 0. nummularium, Graptolithus priodon, G. Sagittarius, Leptana depressa, L. sericea, Orthis testudinaria, 0. elegantula, 0. hybrida, O. Wilsoni, Atrypa marginalis, A. reticularis, Pentamerus galeatus, P. Knightii, P. oblongus, Stro- phomena pecten, S. rhomboidalis, Bellerophon bilobatus, Conularia Sowerbyii, Cornulites serpularius, Tentaculites Anglicus, &c. The Silurian beds, it must be borne in mind, are usually visible in mere shreds and remainders in the best-worked places. They are apt to consist in any one place of a stage or a part of a stage, the other portion being removed by denudation, or covered up by later deposits for hundreds of square miles ; or they never existed, the locality in the last case having been in a state of emergence during certain periods. xxxiv FACTS AND OBSERVATIONS. It is in the Arctic seas of America, South-eastern Hudson's Bay, Sardinia, Spain, and such like imperfectly known countries that certain important stages are said to be wanting "*. But the visible geographic spread of these strata is often very great. So extensive are the easily traceable Silurian areas of North America (2000 miles across) and the more disturbed and fractional areas of Western Europe (1200 miles across ?), that it only needs a short and easy step in advance to induce a belief in a former universal prevalence and external domination of this system. Sufficient territory resting on Silurian rocks has been spared from oscillatory action to enable us to trace it, in one or other of its parts, over a large part of the earth. We follow it, with many a bend and gap, from England, through France or Spain, into Germany, Turkey, Russia, and so on, to India and Australia. Or we arrive in North America, the interspaces being filled up either by sea, by newer rocks, or by kindred Palaeozoic rocks, which themselves irresistibly bespeak our strata near at hand. Here, as well as in South America, this period is in abundant display. More than fifty great terrestrial spaces, scattered over the whole earth, are occupied with some por- tion of the Silurian succession of rocks, with their proper stratigraphical habitudes, connexions, &c. This is only a very small fragment of the argument in favour of the universality of epochs as defined above. It is a great fact, and it enables us to apply to one end of the earth information and reasoning gathered at another. LOCALITY. The ' Thesaurus ' brings conspicuously into view the great influence of locality on the nature and amount of life. It is a power, in the strongest sense of the word, universal and great ; or rather we ought to say that it operates by a concentration of powers peculiar to itself. We shall see in some thousands of instances that localities had exclusive privileges in regard to life, as far as we now know. In every considerable region the collector finds much that is new and peculiar, the union with other Silurian districts being often mainly generic. And it is so at the present day. Every tolerably large space of sea-bottom has its own conditions and its own fauna. The exact nature of that sea- bottom cannot be safely predicated ; for it is only to be learnt by actual examination. The physical state of land and sea was and is as local as the population ; for it is produced by plutonic and other agencies, all limited in space. So the dwellers among these local changes must be local too, and subject to removal at any moment. Thus, if we suppose a rocky islet to be placed to-day in the sea, then immediately a new set of actions begin to operate upon materials around, organic and inorganic. Most of the old things and conditions disappear. New shore-lines, new currents, new depths, and new life appear. The first occupants of any portion of the globe who shall point out ? The maximum of life is usually local, meaning, by that expression, the largest combination of abundance, variety, and rank. It may show itself in any country, in any part of an epoch, or of a stage, in the middle or at the end of either, being governed principally by the nature of the sediment. The rich Primordial beds of Western Newfoundland and of Quebec, the crowded Pleta beds of Esthonia and Russia, the Trenton limestone of the State of New York, the Bohemian beds E. e. 1, 2, some of the Welsh beds near the same horizon as those of Prague, the Lower Helderberg rocks of New York, are all striking examples of localization in time and place. Parts of the Middle Silurian of Wales and New York present great dearth of life, and for a well-known reason. Even the rich Silurian strata of Bohemia are occasionally only so in the form of oases, the sediments around them having scarcely a single tenant. The Potsdam sandstone of the St. Lawrence and Mississippi valleys gives no signs of life for many thousand square miles, except in patches, peopled chiefly with Lingulse in incalculable myriads. North-east Central America (the United States and the Canadas) has probably received in an equal degree with Europe the attention of the palaeontologist ; but the latter, up to the year 1866, * Dr. Hayes is said to have met with a patch of Lower Silurian in the Arctic seas. PACTS AND OBSERVATIONS. XXXV has proved the richer by about 1200 species. This is to be attributed partly to the nature of the two regions *, and partly to the successful labours of M. Barrande f. The Table (R) placed below is intended to show this. TABLE R. The Silurian Fauna and Flora of North America and Europe, as known in 1866. Orders. America. Europe. Orders, America. Europe. Species. Species. Plantae (Kingdom) 56 58 20 64 25 98 144 177 245 156 63 29 Brought forward 1045 396 75 678 78 181 421 321 2? 4 1021 1008 170 721 56 241 274 861 34 2 Amorphozoa * {SS= Brachiopoda Foraminifera Annelida 36 96 203 262 249 56 29 Hetero-Pteropoda Monomyaria Polyzoa Dimyaria Coelenterata Gasteropoda Echinodermata Cephalopoda C ystidea . . . Pisces Asteridea 1045 1021 Total 3201 4388 Although this Table contains 1500 species less than the number with which we are now (1868) acquainted, it is believed that the reader will be led into no serious error by adopting it. We see from it that the Cephalopoda, Crustacea, Brachiopoda, and Annelida of Europe largely exceed in number of species those of North America, while in nine orders the two hemispheres are about equally provided. America surpasses Europe in the number and variety of its Echinodermata and Gasteropoda, as well as, to a smaller extent, in the Polyzoa and Coelenterata. There are also here other particulars worthy of note. I am not prepared with any inferences from these facts. We know, however, that the mineral constitution and the external influences of these several parts of the earth were different not that the first is of so much importance as was supposed. Many species are marked as undefined in the ' Thesaurus,' because they are often only known by fragments. Out of 9030 species of marine creatures now (1868) registered as belonging to the Silurian period, 4628 are only set down as met with in one locality of a certain radius. This has been ascertained by careful search into the writings of the most accredited palaeontologists ; and it is applicable to the works of Barrande, Billings, Hall, M'Coy, Sowerby, Salter, and many others, especially to those of the very able explorers of the United States (Conrad, Shumard, Meek, &c.). There has been no further inquiry into the number of places (ranging from one to twenty-five or more) inhabited by the same species, excepting among the Cephalopoda of Bohemia ; of these, 190 more appear, each only in two places. From our total flora and fauna, therefore, there remain 4402 species to people the Silurian strata, each in two and many more places ; this they do amply. In 4628 species typical of one place, we hear little about varieties or transitional forms, although the former of these are common. Neither can it be safely said that natural selection in these cases has perfected its work ; for these species usually belong to communities consisting of several genera. Such a very great number of species being each restricted to a single locality, is an important fact. They are so many specific centres, and probably will never be much curtailed. It indicates that * Some countries yield a smaller harvest than others because the rocks are accessible with difficulty, as in all forest-lands, plains, and all hills buried in sand (Africa) where the coasts are flat, the rivers few, and their banks low where metamorphism has been active, as in the interior of Newfoundland (Murray) where no rock-sections are made for public purposes. t Large additions to the fauna of Bohemia have been most kindly sent to me by M. Barrande since Table R was constructed. XXXVI FACTS AND OBSERVATIONS. when species are common to two sets of beds more or less apart, the connexion between the latter is closer than has been hitherto thought, and, further, that the absence of identical species in the two beds does not forbid considerable relationship. Edward Forbes goes further, and says that a large proportion of all known species of fossils are founded on a single specimen, &c. (Proc. Geol. Soc. Lond. vii. 52). It certainly seems that there was considerable stagnation of move- ment in those times a great arrest, cosmic, because universal. Multiple creation is implied, going on everywhere, and affecting every form of life. The grand mystery of creation has been in operation all through the epoch in thousands of places. Ordinarily the Crinoid and the Cephalopod found graves in argillaceous limestone, the Lamellibranchiate in a mixed sandy mud, and so on. When we find a species only in one set of conditions, we obtain but a partial acquaintance with its habits and modifications ; we appear to be only at the beginning of our work. By way of bringing these facts before the reader in some little detail, the following Table (S) has been prepared. Compared with the totals given in p. vii, it will be seen that in each order the tendency of the species inhabiting only one place is to one-half of the whole number. The Trilobita, Bra- chiopoda, Gasteropoda, and others fall short of it ; while Crinoidea and Entomostraca (as might be expected), together with Dimyaria, are all three in excess of their respective moieties. All the species of Pisces and incertee sedis belong each to one separate place. TABLE S. Exhibiting the number of Silurian species known only in one place. Orders. Nos. Orders. Nos. Orders. Nos. Plants (kingdom) ... Amorphozoa 47 92 Brought forward. . . Cirripedes 812 6 Brought forward. . . Dimyaria 2775 287 Ccelenterata 220 Trilobita 708 Pteropoda 210 Crinoidea 229 Entomostraca . . . 198 Gasteropoda 454 Cystidea 90 Polyzoa 265 Cephalopoda 858 Asteridea 46 Brachiopoda 699 Pisces 26 Annelida 88 Monomyaria 87 Incertse sedis 10 812 2775 Total 4620 We will proceed to mention a few of the more striking facts connected with locality. Silurian fish are only spoken of as existing in Bohemia, Britain, Russia, and the State of New York ; but they must be in other countries. Out of our sixty species of the genus Asaphus, only one is known in Bohemia and no Olenus, a large genus elsewhere. The genus Dikelocephalus (Trilobita) contains thirty species, but only three exist in two areas ; twelve are near Quebec, and there only ; nine others are in Minnesota ; and Texas with Vermont have each one, all distinct species. Each of the twenty-seven known species of Maclurea is confined to one spot. Twenty are American only; and of these, eleven are seen on the western coast of Newfoundland, and principally at Point Rich. Together with many members of other orders, at least 112 species of the genus Cyrtoceras, twenty-seven of the genus Trochoceras, and thirty species of Orthoceras are huddled together in the adjoining little parishes of Lochkov and Kozorz, near Prague. As with the many other Mollusca placed there, these species are unknown elsewhere ; migration seems to have been impossible. Most of the Bohemian Brachiopoda are in the rocks around Konieprus and Mnienian, and are peculiar to them. Out of the general body of the Orthides, numbering 331 species, only two are supposed to be in Nova Scotia. Of the 132 species of Murchisonia, again, but two species are there, and not one of the 171 species of Pleurotomaria, a conspicuous shell. On the other hand, Nova Scotia holds one half of the genus Cleidophorus, and Tasmania is singularly rich in the FACTS AND OBSERVATIONS. xxxvii Pal&arcee, while the shales of Point Levis, near Quebec (and the shales only), are crowded with various species of Graptolites, seen for the most part nowhere else. These singularities in the geographical distribution of the Mollusca will be explained at the same time with those of the present fauna of Australia, South America, Madagascar, &c. ; but the manner of so doing is still to be wished for. The sedimentary strata containing our 9030 organic remains exhibit ample traces of localiza- tion. Upon this subject our space admonishes us to be very brief. The sedimentary strata consist of a few simple forms, about eleven in number, varying in the proportions of their ingredients, in aggregation, and in mass ; but still the limestones, schists, &c. of the most distant countries, and of different parts of the epoch, may be undistinguishable. Many a time, of hand specimens from the Silurian, Triassic, and Jurassic periods, &c., the same may be said. All strata and masses of rock are local, as well as their mineral variations, in breadths of greater or less size. Here a bed is missing, there another, while intercalations, overlaps, and breaks are not unfrequent. Beds being local is not perceived and acknowledged except when they are so small as to permit of being easily traced. In North-east America the Oneida conglomerate, the Onondago-salt group, and the Oriskany sand- stone are striking instances of intercalation of beds only occupying portions of a basin. Doubtless the same occurs in the Old World. The Oriskany sandstone is particularly worthy of our study. It is now known to extend to the south of New York, and very far to the north-east of that State (Dana) . It is composed of the unaltered debris of granite, gneiss, and mica, in the form of sand, gravel, and lumps, largely infiltrated with lime. Usually without organic connexion with the limestones below, it indicates the beginning of a new period, and is in fact the base of the Devonian. FIRST APPEARANCE. This may be considered, practically, only another term for the date of its creation, liable indeed to mistake in individual cases, which, however, sooner or later meets with correction. While I give my full belief to the sublime utterance of the prophet, " / have made the earth, the man and the creatures that are thereon, by my great power " (Jer. xxvii. 5), the present observations rest wholly on natural-history facts derived from the ' Thesaurus ' and similar sources. By far the most important part of a geological formation is its life. Mineral substances, always few in number, are simply ministerial to life. The first appearance of individual existences seems to be a normal transaction, not a casual, as it appears to be ; for the great result is beneficial and harmonious. It takes place (we know not how ; no eye saw it) among conditions prearranged for healthy subsistence, and not by transmutation. Life started into being, necessarily, in societies both composite and simple ; the composite at once, in the beginning of a stage or at any other time Radiata, Mollusca, Annelida, Articulata, all showing themselves simultaneously, or nearly so, for they subsist on each other. The sporadic method is common to all parts of an epoch ; for there has always been a sowing of solitary forms, together with considerable retention of the old population ; and there was a growth in numbers until a change in conditions came. All this is well known. It is a very striking fact that the great majority of the Silurian fauna made their first appearance on the same horizon that is, everywhere on, proximately, the same stage or subdivision of the epoch. The same strata can occasionally be traced with accuracy, and often with little change of constitu- tion, for more than 1000 miles (Potsdam sandstone), but oftener not. In this manner we learn that the conditions were similar in these regions. The recurrent species form the exceptions. The lowest traceable place in the succession of strata in which a mollusk is found must be held to be that of its origination or first appearance ; and the fact may be reasoned from with tole- rable safety. Thus we all believe in the various periods at which the Goniatite, Ammonite, Tri- gonia, and Helix first showed themselves. When treating on recurrency, this subject will receive further consideration. k xxxviii FACTS AND OBSERVATIONS. ON THE DURATION OF SPECIES (chiefly). This is an important part of vital statistics, which, running up the whole scale of existences, reaches and deeply interests man himself. This subject introduces us to masses of time beyond our conception, but not beyond the vital force of some genera and species to endure. Families and orders are little affected by the flux of time, or of con- ditions, but genera more so some, however, living through many periods. We shall see that, with certain exceptions, the life of a species is far shorter, while that of an individual is incomparably so. So numerous are their generations, that it is idle to speak of them as less than hundreds of thousands. Continually liable to unforeseen occurrences, the duration of Molluscaii communities is very precarious ; it may be stopped by the loss of a genus. Oscillation is the parent of many of the direct causes interfering with organic existence of all classes. As a general law, the viability of a species is in the inverse ratio of its organic rank each species, nevertheless, having its own quantity of endurance. With individuals this law is reversed ; the higher the rank the greater the viability. While the wants remain the same, the means of satis- fying them are more effective. The points of contact with external things less expose them to damage, than they are means of support and safety. The individual man lives longer than the monkey, the horse than the fowl, the bird than the oyster. The duration of individual life may perhaps be mea- sured by the rate of development (M. Dufo). This subject is yet in its infancy. We suppose the various stages, whether Primordial, Oslo, Caradoc, Wenlock, or Niagara, to have occupied a deal of solar time, while individual life was short. It might have been, as at present, a day, a season, a year, or a term of years periods very brief in comparison with a stage, a subdivision. The simpler organization of the Protozoa and Diatomacea, but especially their extreme fecundity, enables them to resist successfully all the agents of extinction. Passing by the several vague opinions on this subject previously put forth, I shall only mention that of Prof. Bronn and Mr. S. P. Woodward (with the priority here I am not acquainted). They have concluded that a species generally lives through one-third or one-half of the duration of the set of beds in which it appears. Although this statement wants precision, it was an approach to the truth. M. Bronn, after much consideration, tells us that only a quarter or a sixth of the fauna of a stage has a duration equal to that of the "terrain" containing it (Prize Essay, p. 357), and in further proof quotes an interesting table from Mr. Searles Wood's Monograph on the Crag fossils (Palseontograph. Soc. 1848) . This Table, with others, proves that the species ordinarily thought to represent a " terrain/' or a fauna, only continue through a part of it. Darwin (Origin of Species, p. 293) says that insuperable difficulties prevent any just conclusions on this point. Whatever may be thought of the above paragraphs, M. Barrande has poured a flood of light upon us. For Bohemia he has given us a true relative measurement of organic duration, and therefore more or less applicable to all other countries. M. Barrande has supplied the great want a careful assignment of fossils to their proper places in their one or more stage-subdivisions. He subdivides all the fossiliferous strata of Central Bohemia into parts 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, according to observed peculiarities : see pp. xxiv, xxv. M. Barrande shows that of 396 species of Bohemian Orthoceratites, thirty-two began and ended their existence in the first subdivision (E. e. 1), thirty-eight more passing into E. e. 2, there to perish, and that one hundred and ninety-six appeared in E. e. 2 exclusively, not a single Ortho- ceratite reaching E. e. 3, a subdivision entirely destitute of them (and of Cyrtoceras}. Fauna F. f. 1 has only five typical species ; F. f. 2 has seventeen, G. g. 1 has twenty-three, while G. g. 2 has three, and G. g. 3 thirteen, H. h. 1 having only two. All cease to exist with their respective little group of beds. Some recurrents have been omitted, but not many. The genus Cyrtoceras of Bohemia exhibits the following remarkable evidence of the brief life allotted to its species. In fauna E. e. 1 there are twenty-seven species appearing and disappearing within that subdivision, save ten, which ascend into E. e. 2, but no further ; while in E. e. 2 alone FACTS AND OBSEKVATIONS. xxxix there are 199 which are never seen elsewhere. The remaining thirty-two species, which make up the 258 existing near Prague, are scattered about in faunas F. f. 1, 2, and G. g. 1, 3 each species in one subdivision only. The Bohemian Brachiopoda are 321 in number as known at present. Out of this aggregate, 223 species (my stock until within a few weeks), only thirty- nine live in one horizon, or about one- sixth ; but the determinations being sometimes imperfect, this statement is only partially reliable. Ninety-eight more species from the same generous hand have reached me recently. They are in fourteen genera. Of these only four species appear in more than one part of a subdivision. The Bohemian Trilobita are in 352 species ; respecting half of them there are good data. Of this half (189 really), 127 live only in one part of a subdivision, thirty-four go into the next stage, and twenty-eight into several parts of the same faunal subdivision. The Bohemian species of Pteropoda are ninety-seven in number. Seventy-seven do not out- live their native subdivision, such as D. d. 5, E. e. 2, or F. f. 2, &c. This Prague area has 248 known species of Gasteropoda. Of these, 232 die out at the close of their respective subdivisions, in whatever stage they may be. An examination of the other orders, Dimyaria &c., would only lead us into a repetition of the above statements. We see that, leaving the recurrents out for the present, a species only exists in Bohemia during a part of a stage-subdivision, and that the organic separation of part from part is very sharp leaving but a brief interval for the exercise of natural selection. The fauna of the earth appears in these times to have been renewed incomparably more frequently than has been supposed. In a Presidential Address by Prof. Ramsay (Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc. vol. xx. p. 59) are many valuable statements on this subject. They were arranged and pre- pared by E/. Etheridge, Esq., F.R.S.E., and, although directly applicable to the Oolitic formations, agree in the main with the observations just made on the Silurian fauna of Bohemia. Every geo- logist should make himself familiar with this address. We can only stop for the present to draw two important conclusions. The act of creation was continuous and frequent throughout every part of every stage of an epoch, conditions permitting. Some species had a prodigious duration ; that of the greater number we have seen to be short relatively. Measured by solar time, by the vast extent of molluscan dispersion, and by the rate of sedimental accumulation in recent times, this duration was always great. EXTINCTION. All beings are made finite by the action of two laws. The great First Cause has impressed upon all creatures a certain rate of progress (during youth), maturity, and decadence, ending in extinction. Then, again, all beings are subject to external conditions, favourable and unfavourable, which assist in the production of an average longevity. These may be called the laws of impress and of conditions. Extinction of life is commonly slow, continuous, individual, and sometimes is more rapid than replacement from without or than by acts of creation. Sudden acts of extermination are exceptional, brief in time, and limited in space. The extinction of an order is veiy rare : it implies the lapse of more than one epoch or era. In the same way the disappearance of a genus is of more importance than that of a species, because it tells of a greater change of conditions. Local groups consisting of one species are not uncommon ; but the great bulk of animal life is formed into societies more or less complex, their members living in a state of mutual dependence. A number of their species, or even of their genera, may disappear without the dissolution of the society, because compensations may arise from various sources. Examples of these societies are numerous in the great work of Sedgwick and M'Coy (Benson Knot, Dudley, &c.), in the writings of Mr. Billings (to whom I owe so much) , and others ; but they may be constructed in almost any number, with singular exactitude, from the Silurian basin of Bohemia *. * Mr. Lycett (Journ. Geol. Soc. Lond. vol. iv. p. 42) gives an interesting example of a community from the Great Oolite near Minchinhampton. xl FACTS AND OBSERVATIONS. The causes of extinction are in universal operation. They are cosmical. Silurian life was discontinued everywhere at the same time, proximately. There is no example, as far as I know, of a Silurian community rising, by migration or other- wise, into Devonian or Carboniferous strata ; but single species do, and somewhat largely, just as we see in every epoch up to the present. Little appears to suffice for extinction, so obscure, delicate, and slow are some of its causes. They are of course of a mixed nature, as was observed at the beginning of these remarks. The chief of those which are mechanical is oscillation. Oscillation alters the form and the proportions of land and sea, changes sea-bottoms, depths, currents, and temperatures, and this in various degrees of intensity, from merely occasioning uneasiness, to the infliction of immediate death. Examples of all this are plentiful. Under the last mentioned state of things the oscillation is irresistible. After a period of confusion and agony, existence ceases, except in cases where the summons to depart was instantly obeyed. This fatality happened to the beautiful Devonian Crinoid, Hypanthocrinus, on the Pennsylvanian shore of Lake Erie ; it was suffocated by a sudden mud -flow. In palaeozoic times changes in climate were probably rare ; but a lowering of temperature is always a powerful cause of extinction. When the change of level is moderate, life may be continued with diminished energies. Readjustments, reparations, and slow accretions of new life now take place. Oscillation does not permanently lessen the amount of Silurian or other life ; it changes its forms, and perhaps the precise locality. It may confer new food and shelter, take away or modify either. As long as levels are stationary, genera and species make healthy and happy use of their instincts, with but few intrusions or desertions ; but a change of level brings both. When sea-levels are being depressed, all the zones of life are in distress, in proportion to the rate and .extent of the process. It is a process which is always visibly going on now, in some part of the earth or other. The whole marine population then move upwards, with some few exceptions. In times of elevation the general life-movement is downwards, the littoral mollusks being left high and dry to perish ; the red- weed-loving animals are ill at ease on the new littoral, covered with rotting algse, and the nullipore-browsers are equally so in their new place ; probably the deep-sea mollusks lose in quietude, nourishment, and temperature ; so that let there be oscillation, and all animated existence is set in motion, not only within, but beyond the disturbed area ; for wanderers will inconveniently crowd the outer residents in quiet seas. But this unstable area may become a place of rest, when it will be gradually peopled by suitable organizations, driven from troubled homes, and glad to occupy the void. This new peopling sea- bottoms from a distance need not perplex the naturalist ; it is an affair of causes, all within the epoch. No form of life alien from the existing epoch can enter, except a few recurrents. There is no mingling of epochs. The first Great Cause has granted to all His creatures great liberty of action. Zones of residence are very broad, except for a few. Neither depths nor sediments are adhered to very strictly by the Silurian or any other fauna, the sediments themselves (sea-bottoms) being formed at almost every level. After this digression, we add a few words on the vital or physiological causes of extinction. The genus, species, or individual may exhaust its term of life. We see this term (average viability) in all animals. In conformity with it each dies, if permitted by external events. The life-term of species varies exceedingly. By far the larger number of them we have seen to have a very brief existence. The species simplest in point of structure, the Amorphozoa, Coelenterata, Polyzoa, &c., do not enjoy any peculiar longevity, if we are to believe the ' Thesaurus 3 with certain exceptions. The mutual relations of the members -of a molluscan community have great influence on its preservation or destruction. The carnivorous portion may be too active, or the herbivorous too few ; and the same may happen to other branches of it. Epidemics arise, touching only one form of life, but nevertheless fatal to the whole. The population may become so large as to press severely on subsistence, when one of two things, or both, will take place an unusual fatality, or a forced PACTS AND OBSERVATIONS. xli migration. This is very liable to happen if two or three species (or genera) reach their maximum of quantity and power at the same time and at the same place ; the equilibrium between want and supply is destroyed. Deaths may exceed the births in number, from an unusually hot or cold season, from scanty food, or from a change in the mineral ingredients in the sea ; it may have become brackish, fresh, or too salt. Instances of such conditions abound. The operations of man have but slight effect on marine life. MIGRATION. Any considerable removal of a living creature from place to place is called migration, whether directly by its own act or not. It is called transport when life has ceased. At present we speak only of the inhabitants of the Silurian sea. Migration has always been a great fact, and must often occur to an animal of fixed wants living among varying conditions. It colonizes unoccupied spots by swarming from crowded places, throws foreign life into old com- munities, thereby conferring variety, perhaps together with some advantages. The processes of nature are in ceaseless operation ; portions of the sea- grounds are continually being made unfit for the occupation of organic beings, and then again are restored to their use : so it has always been. Here migration comes into play and builds up comparatively permanent societies. A living individual is set in motion by external agencies ; and sooner or later it fixes upon some one spot, there it remains, and it either dies, languishes, or prospers. Living, it spreads by reproduction; meanwhile it is joined by other individuals in growing numbers. Some of these, finding appropriate conditions, flourish, and a community is eventually established, which divides and subdivides, and flits about (within narrow limits, it is true) in search of food, shelter, and other necessaries. Communities (genera and species) take action, and remove when necessary ; but the impulse is from the individual : it is in his interest. Migration in Silurian times must have been hazardous, but more so now, when exterminating agencies are more numerous. In those times (as now) there must have been failure upon failure in changing their abodes, down the measureless flow of time from the Silurian to the Permian formation; and we know of generic forms which have made this long voyage. We usually trace the march of the migrant but imperfectly, but at other times pretty well, from land to land, because it often forms settlements as it goes. Every free animal is by nature a wanderer in search of pasture and security, the lowest forms having the greatest migratory power. This process may be in abeyance ; for a community may be stopped by great depths, hedged in by high sea-cliffs or by sea-deserts of sand and shingle, impassable, especially by the herbivor just as some of the Bohemian Trilobites occupy small patches in the midst of an untenanted waste. Extent of dispersion is in proportion to these and other obstacles, as well as to viability. Or the creatures may have been content with their quarters ; for the individual stops on the instant that his wants are supplied, the next move perhaps being made by his uneasy progeny. Communities sometimes leave their abodes all in a body : they are either swept away by a high tide, or some such strong current, or, as must often happen, the herbivorous division move away in search of food and shelter, and the carnivorous must go with them necessarily. Each act of migration has its own direction, distance, and method, about which something will be said in the sequel. Whole communities have been known to return together to the country they had long abandoned. Mr. Godwin- Austen gives a remarkable instance of this kind of repossession in the Palaeozoic rocks near Boulogne (France) . Here alternations of level have introduced into the same area, successively, distinct assemblages of suitable marine life, one or two of them actually accom- plishing a repetition of occupancy (Journ. Geol. Soc. Lond. Ix. 244). The only entirely satisfactory proof of a fossil having begun to exist in another place or horizon than that in which it is first seen is its being so found ; but the following marks taken together (more or fewer) will leave little room for mistake. The migrant is apt to be solitary, with no kindred, young or old, around it. It may be in a coarse foreign sediment, travel- xlii FACTS AND OBSERVATIONS. stained, abraded, or greatly damaged. The facies of the new neighbourhood and its fauna may be inconsistent with the idea of the new fossil being a native. In the power of migration the Mollusca vary greatly. Many mollusca, fixed during the early portion of their life, are free to rove at pleasure afterwards, and vice versa. They travel much in the ova, or as fry. In the Lake of the Woods (Rupert's Land) great numbers of minute, yet delicately elaborated, trilobites were found in a Ludlow rock. The same occurred in Wales to Mr. J. W. Salter. These creatures were easily transportable. The sum of migratory power seems pretty equably distributed among the several orders, except the Echinodermata and one or two more, the sources of this power, it is to be recollected, being of different kinds. The Brachiopoda, Coelenterata, and other sea-life are swept away by currents, and take their chance of survival at new stations. The oceanic free swimmers, Cephalopoda, Pteropoda, &c. travel far and near, Gasteropoda beginning life in the Pteropod form (E. Forbes, Edin. Phil. Journ. xxxvi.). The many modes of migration over sea-bottoms, active and passive, are well known. The faculty of sustaining great bathymetric range must essentially assist the migrant ; and it was common and powerful in the Silurian epoch, as we learn from the numerous " grounds " frequented by many of its faunae. This is well shown in Table xix. (Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc. Lond. vol. xv. p. 315) *, as corrected by Mr. J. W. Salter. Together with the accompanying text this Table contains much matter concerning Silurian nature, which need not be repeated here. Here that portion of the fauna which, from their wide distribution, have been called " uni- versal " are found in eight, nine, and ten different sediments. In proof of this I subjoin the following little Table. It is merely a selection of some of the more striking instances in the several orders, neglecting the number of sediments below seven. Where the mollusca can exist in health on many sediments, they can travel far ; for considerable changes of depth are implied. TABLE T. Species. Sediments. Species. Sediments. Species. Sediments. 10 9 9 8 7 8 7 Favosites alveolaris . . . Cornulites serpularius Beyrichia Klcedeni . . . Atrypa reticularis Orthis elegantula * * * * * Asaphus tyrannus Encrinurus punctatus Stenopora fibrosa + + + + + Theca triangularis + + + 4- 4- Pterinasa retroflexa Cyclonema crebristria . . . Orthoceras subundulatum Graptolithus priodon . . . Bellerophon bilobatus Tentaculites anglicus... Mollusca, except free swimmers, are slow travellers ; but like the Crustacea, with a sufficient allowance of time they move to great distances when assisted by shore-lines and some steadiness of ocean depths. The fauna of the north-east coast of North America, from Nova Scotia to Virginia, is nearly the same. The directions taken by Silurian mollusks in leaving their birthplace must have often depended, as now, on oscillatory movements. They had to follow the level most advantageous to them ; neglecting this they mast have suffered, and perhaps perished. The Silurian areas in both the New and the Old Worlds were so extraordinarily large that their inhabitants had very free range. The directions taken by the majority are easily obtained from the 'Thesaurus/ through a knowledge of their points of origin. There are many modes of treating the subject of direction in migration. We have already taken Bohemia as a fixed point of centre, and ascertained the directions from which, and to which, * On the habitats of the fauna of Wales. FACTS AND OBSERVATIONS. xliii various species came and went. This might be done profitably with Great Britain, Esthonia, or any other tolerably worked country. But here we have not space for what can easily be done by any student from the ' Thesaurus/ We shall now trace the directions pursued by the 210 species which are common to North-east America and Europe (western especially). They are set down in the following Table (U). TABLE U. The Directions (east and west) of Species in transitu between North America and Europe, together with the Isozonals of both Hemispheres. Directions. Plantse. Amorphozoa. Ccelenterata. Echinodermata. Annelida. Trilobita. Entomostraca. 8 (^ 1 Brachiopoda. Monomyaria. Dimyaria. Heteropoda. Gasteropoda. Cephalopoda. 5 9 S Uncertain Class. 1 From Europe to America (W.) 2 2 7 2 8 1 6 4 3 35 From America to Europe (E ) ... 1 4 1 3 14 1 2 1 3 30 The Isozonals in both hemispheres... 1 2 6 15 1 30 52 4 8 10 7 9 145 Total . 3 5 17 24 4 31 70 5 8 16 g 15 210 But first some necessary observations must be made. The sedimentary differences between the hemispheres, persistent more or less through the whole succession, together with the great interval between the areas, and the size of these latter, forbid the idea of there being very intimate fossil connexion in this case. The differences begin in the Primordial sediments, which are remarkably dissimilar ; while in the lower stage the ingre- dients, quantities, mechanical condition, and time of deposit agree but little, and the like must be said of the middle and upper stages. The summit beds of the British Upper Silurian are arenaceous mudstones, with a little lime, all capped by a red ferruginous sandstone (Devonian). Those of New York and the British pro- vinces are mostly argillaceous or shaly limestone, covered up with a vast coating of crystalline grit, from the detritus of granite, gneiss, and mica-slate, unaltered, except in being saturated with cal- careous matters (Oriskany sandstone) . The influence of sedimentary differences, although it has been exaggerated, is still very great. The Atlantic ocean possibly contains Silurian areas, and also possibly conceals migrant stations along the route across. Both sides of this broad sea exhibit long stretches of Silurian coasts. Norway gives up twenty- six American species, and Sweden thirty-eight many of the latter country being Norwegian also. Ireland has several remains characteristically American. The Silurian strata of the north- west end of Scotland are notorious for being intensely American. They contain some of the most remarkable and rarest fossils of the West, of the genera Piloceras, Maclurea, Ophileta, &c. The half of specific Silurian life being at present only known at one place, we are compelled therefore to look to the other half for the migrants. From these also, for certain reasons, a further deduction of 400 species at least must be made ; so that we have little more than 4000 to deal with. The Table U, although seemingly on a small scale, is extremely interesting. Every known area * has been searched ; and most parts of Europe send their quota. Each order being kept apart, every species going east or west is in its proper place in the Table, together with the Isozonals, by which expression is signified that numerous body the species of which are scattered over the world on the same level. * Many Australian Graptolitidea also are plentiful in Canada, but they have not been inserted in the Table, in order to preserve oneness of subject. xliv FACTS AND OBSERVATIONS. The Isozonals in the Table U are more than double the number of the migrants, these latter being somewhat few, because of the distance traversed, and because this is only one of many such lines of molluscan journeying. We remark that the number of migrants from America to Europe is less than that of those going in the opposite direction, so that the exchange is against the West an unexpected and dis- appointing conclusion ; and we see that the orders likely or unlikely to travel behave as might have been expected, Coelenterata, Trilobita, and Brachiopoda being the most active of all, while the two last, together with Polyzoa, most abound with isozonal species common to the two hemispheres. This Table contains six orders having no species making this traverse, not even the Dimyaria, an order holding 526 species. In 1866-7, before I received further contributions from M. Barrande, the species registered were 7767, and the appearances were 10,447. But as it has already been explained that we have to do only with half the former number, it results that every species which moved at all passed into two other countries, or nearly (3883 species, 10,447 appearances), because the appearances were in very numerous instances not set down for want of space. But this statement affords a very imperfect view of Silurian migration or dispersion ; for a certain number of species of almost every order are planted east, west, south, and north, in 5, 7, 10, 15, 22 countries, almost belting the world; whether by radiation from a common centre, or by ordinary migration, is not yet known. This is true of the quasi-universal species already mentioned, and of many others. As a rule, but with exceptions, this scattered fauna is always on the same stratigraphical level, whether that be of the lower or of the upper stage. A Montreal fossil we trace southwards to Pennsylvania, westwards into Minnesota, and east- wards to Anticosti ; Minnesotans are found in the Texas &c. The Australian Diplograpsus pristis (Hisinger) also nourished in Britain and Canada on the same zone. The Illeenus crassicauda, Favosites Gothlandica, several Leptcena, Orthides, and other genera mark with their presence lines 6000 miles long, attracting notice first in Canada, Russia, or Britain, &c. RECURRENCE OR VERTICAL RANGE. What can be more unexpected or more wonderful than the upward passage of a mollusk by successive generations, through stages and epochs, during centuries almost countless ? What a vast train of descendants must have followed the first ancestor ! And it is a fact which grows in importance as we ascend the sedimentary column to its present summit. The doctrine of limited duration in species must sometimes require an elastic interpretation. " Recurrence," a phrase of one of my masters, Prof. John Phillips, is simply the reappearance of a plant or animal in a zone of rocks higher than that in which it was first observed. It implies progress upwards, either on the same spot or on another by migration. Instances of both kinds are plentiful. Recurrency is the more worthy of our attention, because Edward Forbes * thinks " that there often prevails an extreme and unwholesome tendency on the part of many palaeontologists to insist on the real distinctness of the species found in different stages, and to force their diagnoses accord- ingly." A few years ago many of our best naturalists forbade, the belief in vertical range, except in rare cases M. Agassiz asserting that the number of supposed instances was daily diminishing with advancing knowledge ; but a far greater latitude is now very generally granted to this operation. Thomas Davidson, F.R.S., a very high authority, remarks f, " It is now acknowledged that many species have lived through several stages of the Silurian system, and are even perpetuated beyond it; and this applies equally to palaeozoic and Jurassic fossils. To narrow too strictly the strati- graphical limits of species is to expose ourselves to adopt even false and puerile characters in fossils * Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc. Lond. vol. x. p. 40. f Bull. Soc. G6ol. de France, vol. v. n. s. p. 310. FACTS AND OBSEKVATIONS. xlv when they are found in two different stages/' These statements favour the present inclination to obliterate all sharp lines of demarcation. Beautiful examples abound in Wales and New York of these transitions, by minute and prolonged shadings, mineral and organic. We have a striking instance of this in Pennsylvania, in the passage of the Devonian series into Coal-measures (H. D. Rogers). Recurrence usually deals with life, but it may be effected after death, by means of transport, without our knowing it. When organic transition is sharp and sudden, between con- formable strata, denudation may be suspected, as we see in the Black-River limestone of the Mohawk valley (New York) ; but when it is seen in discordant rocks, there has been a positive break. Species are the principal time-tests ; genera and families run through so many stages and epochs that they characterize none. Thus Lingulidae, Craniadse, Asteridae, Aviculidse, Nautilidse, &c. have dwelt in the beds of almost every age (S. P. Woodward). In this point of view recurrents are often of little value ; but they may be, nevertheless, essential to the well-being of a community. Thus a ravenous Gasteropod in the course of his upward range, or a legion of them, may be sent in to prevent the herbivorous class from exhausting the public store of food. The Table (X) now subjoined, presents a synoptical view of Silurian life in relation to the subject in hand, as far as was known in 1865. It shows that out of 5968 species, whose places are well known, 784 are recurrents, or 13 per cent. This leaves 5184 species faithful to one horizon. Primordial recurrency has been left to another occasion ; it grows in importance. TABLE X. A Synoptical View of Silurian Life in reference to Vertical Range or Recurrency known in 1865). The Primordial stage is treated apart. as Kingdom, Classes, Orders, Genera, and Species. Species typical of one horizon. Species Recurrent. A a P3 F 3 o H GO 'S 8 m OQ TJ 1 % PH (J H ^ a T3 .2 13 3 S 1 ^ ^02 11 *% 31 H Lower Silurian. Middle Silurian. Upper Silurian. Horizons. Horizons. Horizons. 2. 3. 4. 5. 2. 3. 4. 5. 2. 4. 5. Plantse 37 56 34 98 149 97 99 64 17 7 8 9 26 35 10 2 4 43 4 12 22 9 80 5 25 6 11 23 58 225 96 105 t 25 26 38 64 179 132 31 21 59 88 68 145 239 311 241 97 49 845 174 181 115 53 595 102 363 69 87 325 78 296 319 285 4 1 5 11 13 32 38 70 26 2 4 139 10 37 25 25 94 19 57 21 17 29 4 18 65 23 8 11 16 12 14 18 9 2 8 14 5 17 18 32 14 16 14 23 16 8 5 6 17 8 6 4 4 1 1 9 13 1 1 1 4 4 4 8 1 2 3 1 21 17 30 13 | 21 i / 24 5 29 18 3 1 6 12 3 1 2 2 5 7 o/t 1 1 Trilobita 538 55 113 20 oc 216 27 211 37 56 171 4 36 128 111 *>M 15 1 8 2 8 13 3 6 5 2 14 2 2 7 2 1 1 2 3 27 2 3 2 115 56 73 15 299 70 127 26 20 131 16 35 95 69 Brachiopoda : Orthis 1 2 2 4 1 2 4 4 1 1 1 All other species 1 19 3 8 1 6 1 1 1 2 1 19 6 6 Dimyaria 1 10 4 2 Gasteropoda : Murchisonia Pleurotomaria . 15 12 2 7 28 11 1 5 1 All other species . 1 1 7 3 Cephalopoda : Gomphoceras 2 Cyrtoceras 9 9 Orthoceras 10 1 5 2 5 1 3 14 All other species 8 2410 842 1932 5184 354 98 44 5 95 29 3 138 15 3 784 L3 average. This Table may be looked upon in several important aspects. The typical species of different kinds are placed in succession, numerically, in their proper stages, together with their various m xlvi FACTS AND OBSERVATIONS. amounts. The recurrents are treated in like manner, but the number of horizons which they occupy is also shown. Thus, of recurrent Trilobites in the lower stage sixty-nine are seen in two horizons, fifteen are in three, and two in five ; while the middle and upper stages are similarly treated. Recurrent Trilobites are 14 per cent, of the whole order. In like manner Table X gives the percentage of recurrent species throughout the entire Silurian fauna. We have not yet learnt always to distinguish a recurrent from a typical species ; but this may sometimes be done from its retaining the peculiarities of the native stage, and from the marks of migration it may carry. The individual we happen to take in our hands may not have changed its horizon, being the offspring of old residents, partaking, however, of the epigenic alterations passed through by the deposit holding it *. The vegetation of the Silurian epoch enjoys some vertical range, but chiefly affecting its genera. Table X shows that out of fifty-nine species (known in 1866), five pass into other stages, but only into such as are coterminous. Generically plants enter many horizons. Of the genus Palceophycus, ten species are in the Primordial of Labrador, New York, &c. ; others arrive at the middle stage ; and one has been discovered in the Upper Silurian of the Baltic sea. Among the Annelida, Buthotrephis has four Primordial forms, most of the others being Middle- Silurian, while B. succulens, according to Prof. Geinitz, is in the Primordial at Lobenstein (Reuss, Germany), and in the Trenton limestone of New York. The three species of Rusophycus occupy (each separately) the Chazy beds, the Clinton group, and the Eurypterus-limestone of North-east America, three horizons of very different dates. The conditions favouring recurrence, or rendering it possible, are simplicity of structure, fecundity in reproduction, longevity, the power of locomotion, facility of transportation, and con- ditions continuous, or nearly so. While sediment is slowly accumulating, generations mount up with the increasing thickness, until they often find themselves among strange life, and they them- selves are called recurrents. All this is greatly aided by a steady medium like the sea, and an occasional failing in power on the part of opposing circumstances. Recurrency in marine life, ancient or modern, is universal, and is common to all forms of organic existence, and to every part of time, the act growing in frequency through every succeeding epoch up to the present day. Mollusks may have recurred in companies, as they must often travel in groups ; but instances are unknown to me, nor are they easy of detection. The fact which we are discussing shows that a marine creature is not necessarily confined to any one community, but that both it and its young may find good homes in several successively. Recurrence is a measure of viability, that is, of capacity for enduring change of food, pressure, temperature, &c. ; and the number of recurrents becomes a measure of new conditions, the more numerous the recurrents the less being the change. By far the greater number of derived fossils congregate about the first layers of new strata! subdivisions, and then are replaced by the Autochthones of Agassiz, the native mollusks. This is well exemplified in the Trilobites of Bohemia. Pennsylvania and New York exhibit similar facts, together with a remarkably great intermingling of fossils in the contiguous beds of two stages. In Tennessee, the Niagara and Lower- Helderberg groups, so widely apart in New York, are inseparable in their molluscan life and mineral condition for the thickness of thirty feet f ; but under these circumstances we cannot be said to be dealing with full and true recurrency. * It is well to give a summary of these alterations (rnetamorphisms). Many rocks are apparently barren which certainly once contained extinct life. They and their contents have been more or less transformed, and the latter even obliterated. The rock has become hardened by assumed cleavages or crystalline forms. It may now be vesicular, have received magnesia, lime, iron, sulphur, &c. by way of addition to its original composition ; and it may have developed new minerals. t Bull. Soc. Geol. de France, xviii. ; Canad. Journ. i. 220, ii. 138 ; Geol. Report Tennessee, Prof. Safford ; Geol. Report Pennsylvania, H. D. Rogers j Geol. Report, Logan, 1857, pp. 152, 156. FACTS AND OBSERVATIONS. xlvii In Bohemia and some other countries appearance and disappearance of species go on so rapicllj that the life at the top and bottom of a stage would be completely dissimilar but for the recurrents ; and opportunities for vertical range are constantly occurring in the dispersion and reconstruction of societies, a state of things which leads to new abodes, new combinations, and perhaps to increased well-being. The Upper- Silurian fossils which people the Prague colonies in fauna D. d, except as they come from another area, are not recurrents, are not the posterity of Bohemian mollusks. They are the precursors of an identical and larger coming fauna. Signs are not wanting that they came from a country where the Silurian epoch was more advanced than in Bohemia ; and they become of great value by indicating local inequality of progress in the act of deposition during this epoch suggest- ing, moreover, that any of the Silurian stages may be in process of formation about the same time with another in different parts of the world. Recurrents tolerate many sediments. This has always been a common and useful property of marine life. So it is with the greater portion of our present marine fauna. This they are enabled to do by the fact that different plants are able directly or indirectly to furnish acceptable food for the same animal. The orders which are under disadvantage in this respect are the Echinodermata, Entomostraca, and some Gasteropoda. Some recurrent species enjoy enormous longevity, but we may treat on this subject more fully elsewhere. When found in very distant areas they are often ultra-epochal (or serial), and they start up when least expected ; but there are terms of arrest, or horizons of finality, above which neither single nor grouped existence can pass (Bronn, Deshayes, &c.). Recurrence varies in its amount with the locality, because no two localities are at all points alike. It is common in Sweden and Canada, and still more abundant in Wales, where the interval between the Lower and Upper Silurian is tolerably well supplied with life. In the Wenlock and Ludlow beds of that district and its vicinity eighty-nine of the fossils are the same (1858) . Vertical range is feeble in Bohemia and Russia, which in the latter country is strange, because no disturbing causes seem to have been present, and none of much power in Bohemia. In one region a species may be restricted to a single set of beds, without being so in another. We have this exemplified in the Silurian fauna of Britain and Bohemia, as in the following Table. TABLE Y. Some Fossil Species Typical or Recurrent, according to their Basin. Fossil Species. Bohemia. Wales. Fossil Species. Bohemia. Wales. E. F. G. H. L. Silurian. Wenlock. Ludlow. r I E. F. G. H, L. Silurian. Wenlock. Ludlow. o be % I Cardiola interrupta * b Euomphalus funatus ft ft Merista tumida * * * * Graptolites priodon ? ft * * % * * * * ,> Rhynchonella Wilsoni * * * Staurocephalus Murchisoni ... Atrypa marginata ? * n navicula ft * * Strophomena euglypha * * * * funiculata * * * * These restricted or typical fossils, except one, are from the Upper- Silurian stage E, mainly because it is the principal depository of fossils, G and H having comparatively few. A few species, on the contrary, are recurrent in Bohemia, and confined to one stage in Wales. Among others may be mentioned Lepteena euglypha, which is in Caradoc in Wales, and in both E and F in Bohemia. Some are recurrent in both these basins, but not always beginning on the same zone. The same genus recurs differently in different countries, and necessarily. Thus of forty Llandovery. b Middle Silurian. FACTS AND OBSERVATIONS. species of Orthoceratite in New York, one eighth outlive their native deposit, while in Britain twice that number do (twelve species out of fifty-one) . In Britain all the Pleurotomaria are constants ; but in other areas many make short runs upwards. The species and genera probably differ, in their tendency to recur, according to the stage in which they make their first appearance ; and it is believed that considerable diversities of behaviour are discernible in them. Time has not permitted the recurrency of the higher portions of the Silurian system to be looked at with sufficient care ; but we see it to be large, and to become doubly interesting from the near approach of the Devonian system, and of the extra-epochal or serial recurrents it initiates. The question may arise whether a fossil apparently recurrent be not in truth a new and independent creation not a recurrent, but the identical species of a past horizon, brought into existence a second time. The possibility of such an occurrence is denied by most of the authors of the present day. But on such a subject it is better not to be too confident. Creation is a mystery which all our efforts to penetrate, as Elie de Beaumont says, have only raised a very small corner of the thick veil under which nature has concealed her immense work. It is the opinion of Agassiz that animals undistinguishable from each other may appear, without tie or connexion of any sort, in different fauna (Proc. Acad. Nat. Science, Philad. 1859, p. 186). Dana (Ann. Nat. Hist. 2nd ser. vol. xvii. p. 43) affirms and advocates the doctrine of independent creations. Bronn, from reasons altogether different from Dana, broadly states that " there is no doubt but that the return of iden- tical life-conditions can cause groups of animal species to appear a second time " *. Analogous observations relating to the Oolite near Cheltenham f, and to the Cornbrash near Cirencester J, are in accord with this. The mixed beds of Petite Coeur in the Tarentaise, and consisting of Carbo- niferous, Liassic, and Jurassic rocks, as investigated by Elie de Beaumont , Mortillet ||, Heer ^[, and others, greatly favour the opinions of the Heidelberg and Newhaven Professors. I beg to express a waiting belief in this hypothesis, without being quite able to conceive the possibility of any organism resisting the plutonic and other agencies so terrible and so active during the long interval with which we are dealing. But Edward Forbes, Pictet, Deshayes, and a numerous company of good naturalists, who do not believe in a second creation, doubtless have offered strong reasons in support of their incredulity. DIVERGENCE. A few words on this subject may be useful. By this expression is meant a change of residence made by any member of a molluscan fauna from ground to ground, once or more than once. With sediment, in fact, its connexion is often indirect and at second hand. Divergence is rendered possible by a pliable organization, and it is necessary in order to enable mollusks to travel (migrate) , to pass over and feed on a plurality of grounds, and also to tolerate changes in the nature of their habitats. The present state of the ocean -floor, as far as inorganic matter is concerned, I believe, reflects very tolerably that of any part of the earth's history. The materials and the agencies have always been much the same ; but with living beings it is different. Although a sediment may be, and often is, the same in two or more epochs to every test of the chemical analyst, each of these epochs, as was taught by Mr. S. P. Woodward, had its own appointed and very different forms of life. Composed of few mineral substances, sediments still vary in the proportions of their ingredients so much and so frequently as often to break up the bottoms into small and irregular areas. Of course any quantitative mineral analysis has only a very limited application as to place. * Bronn, Essai pour la Prix, 1856, Acad. des Sciences ; Comptes Eendus, torn. ii. p. 724. t Lycett, Morris, Ann. Nat. Hist. 1848, vol. ii. p. 248 &c. Paljeontogr. Soc. 1850-3. Brodie, Geol. Journ. Lond. vol. vi. p. 239. J Buckman, Ann. Nat. Hist. vol. xii. p. 324 (1853). Bullet. Soc. Geol. de France, vol. xii. pp. 534, 676. || Bullet. Soc. Ge'ol. de France, vol. x. p. 18. ^ Jahrbuch f. Mineral, 1850, pp. 657, 674. FACTS AND OBSERVATIONS. xlix An inquiry into the nature and position of sea-grounds, conducted with considerable care, results in the fact that every kind of ground, except rock, exists at one place or other at almost all depths, small and great the nature of the successive depths being, in a rough way, that which has been adopted in Table Z. The exceptions are numerous. The following are instances of the greatest ; the others I must neglect. Blocks of stone at 200 fathoms (Greenland, Dr. Wallich). Shingle at 1675 fathoms (Capt. Dayman). Gravel at 2330 fathoms (Atlantic Telegraph route, Dayman). Sand at 954 fathoms (Atlantic Telegraph route, Dayman). Brown mud, clays principally, at 180 fathoms (.ZEgean Sea, Forbes) . Weed; Dr. Wallich has met with no " Algae proper " below 200 fathoms. NuUipore at 130 fathoms (Algiers, Milne-Edwards) . Shelly ground at 54 fathoms. Coralline at 145 fathoms, at which depth Mr. Gwyn Jeffreys finds Chiton cinereus and Trochus granulatus. White mud ; this ground in an especial manner belongs to the deepest parts of the sea, but it is found at all levels in areas of smaller sizes. The presence of this or that ground may usually be accounted for by local circumstances by ocean depths, contours of and distance from land, by the constituents of the nearest coasts, by the presence or absence of headlands, of great rivers, of steady, variable or conflicting currents, by pre- vailing temperatures, and other well-known influences. These are all cosmic agencies. The causes of divergence, as they now occur to me, are the following : 1. Currents (tides &c.) driving the fauna from their grounds. 2. Changes of level, damaging or removing their grounds, rendering them in fact less desirable for shelter or pasture. 3. Injurious changes in the nature of the faunal community ; the carnivorous mollusca have devoured all the herbivorous, or the latter all the plants. 4. The free swimmers, Cephalopoda and Pteropoda, are dropped in a dead state into various grounds, because they live independently of all sediment. We now lay before the reader the Table Z. It exhibits, with a certain degree of accuracy, the distribution of a large number of marine species of mollusks among the principal sea-grounds of the present day, as seen in eleven large regions. TABLE Z. Molluscan Sea-grounds. T3 Li & i a- o T3 **H ^ M 02 a c3 J, <0 o -S ^ S fe ^ > GO 'v 1j> a >> P s ^8 ^^ 1 1 02 1 _s CO 1 o n 3 & CQ | I O 3 S ^1 IM* K |.S ^ 8 ^' * Edward Forbes, N.W. Scotland 9 111 197 154 997 177 194 100 1099 410 66 344 * S.& W.England 81 115 99 140 97 25 ... 61 618 225 48 177 * The ./Egean Sea .... 54 4 ^ 8^ 1'>9 108 9 77 4 5 463 411a 287 124 t J. G. Jeffreys, British Seas 43 46 33 1 97 31 31 17 10 1 310 2136 99 114 f M'Andrew, N.E. Atlantic 84 74 51 475 193 99 91 8 3 938 664 66 598 J Vigo Bay. Spain 6 5 71 59 1 1 90 163 156 134 22 Carthagena Bay 59 46 19 94 1 142 82 44 38 ,, Norway ^0 1 T>S 81 59 >s 57 4 368 232 95 137 || Cuming, E. & W. Pacific 54 94 7 9, 79 974 17 94 1 552 441 111 330 ^f C. B. Adams, Panama, S. America 41 113 2 28 ' 18 2 17 2 223 193 95 98 ** Hinds, West Pacific i 4 95 75 9 9 1 111 tH- 1 f\f\ 11 S0/ 9 Marine Fauna 313 528 538 256 1364 1161 357 75 333 63 9 4987 3138 1145 1993 (a) In twenty-three cases grounds are omitted by the authors. (6) In fifteen here also. * Eeport British Association, 1850. J Reports British Association, 1850 and 1856. || Ibid. 1856. f Ibid. 1856. t British Conchology, 1863. M'Andrew & Barrett, ibid. ** Ibid. 1866. n 1 PACTS AND OBSERVATIONS. This Table gives the results of 5000 acts of dredging (minus two), as performed by experienced naturalists in eleven large districts, in eleven sea-bottoms. Edward Forbes, M 'Andrew, and Gwyn Jeffreys conducted these operations as their only object, as also did Cuming ; but both Cuming and Hinds passed rapidly over large spaces of sea in irregular pursuit of the animals only, and not as investigators of any district. Adams evidently moved over littoral and other small depths, for he was often among rocks and stones. Forbes laboured in laminarian and medium depths; for gravel, shingle, sand, and weeds figure largely in his lists, while there is little mention of rock, and none of white mud. Hinds worked a good deal over the same level, but rested nowhere, so that most of his species are constant to two, often intermixed, grounds. Perhaps Forbes, M f Andrew, and Cuming swept over the largest extent of sea. Every one of these eleven districts carries with it its own interpretation, and deserves an indepen- dent study. Some were nearly closed basins ; others ran down latitudes along shores oftenstraight ; others, again, consisted of open sea. They presented many other differences, local and climatal. T^Jie object of this Table (Z) is to show, to measure, the extent of modern divergence in 3137 species of marine life taken in the mass, throwing aside for a moment any .further artificial arrangement. Taking the sums total of the grounds, it points out the comparative faunal occupancy of each over large regions. Rock presents 313 appearances, for instance, one sixteenth of the whole appearances ; stones and gravel a tenth ; shingle one twentieth ; sand considerably above a quarter. By inference it tells the extent and importance to living creatures of these grounds, their depths, and other particulars. The total number of appearances in this Table (as already defined) is 4987, being 1849 above the actual species, an excess spread irregularly over all the grounds. The species constant to one ground are 1145; to what particular grounds especially, I do not know. The divergent species (1993) are nearly double this number a fact of great importance, as assisting in the act of migra- tion, our main concern here. The constant and divergent mollusks vary in number with the kind of sea they inhabit. In the open sea the former are few and the latter are numerous ; in close waters this is reversed. Thus we see in Vigo and Carthagena bays, and perhaps on the British coasts, the constants are many, and wanderers are seldom seen. In support of this statement we find that in the above-named bays, of 141 Gasteropoda, 94 are constants; and of 117 Acephala, 100 are constants. These two orders represent the bulk of the animal life of the localities. Here M f Andrew worked assiduously for fourteen weeks. Brown mud (argillaceous) with some siliceous sand, or a little lime, is the seat of one-third of the marine population of Table Z ; and quartzose sand, more or less pure, contains a still larger fauna. Stones and gravel are well frequented ; rock, weed, and nullipore much less so (in these lists), and about equally. White mud is barely mentioned by five of the dredgers. As the following Table (2 A) occupies very little space, and brings to view many noteworthy particulars, I venture to insert it. TABLE 2 A. Molluscan Orders. South and West Coasts of England. North and West Coasts of Scotland. Number of Species. Grounds. i o H Number of Species. Grounds. 3 o H 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 1. o 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Gasteropoda Acephala 90 105 26 11 25 8 25 19 3 27 22 4 14 18 7 4 10 3 3 5 T 84 99 26 125 100 18 37 17 7 27 21 8 15 13 2 13 13 1 8 12 12 15 8 6 'i 120 98 18 Echmodermata ... 221 44 47 53 39 17 8 i 209 243 61 56 30 27 20 27 14 1 236 FACTS AND OBSERVATIONS. li It is constructed from the Dredging- Tables of Edward Forbes, for certain parts of the coast of Great Britain. We see that the majority of the three orders, selected on account of their numbers, inhabit 1, 2, 3, 4 grounds. An Echinoderm (Ophiocoma rosula], an order in palaeozoic times rigidly confined to one or two calcareous grounds, is found now in seven. POSTSCRIPT. I. Time and space will only permit the introduction into these pages of the foregoing twelve short sketches, almost entirely unaided by illustrative remarks drawn from palseozoic literature. It is probable that a calmer and more deliberate examination of the lights scattered throughout the ' Thesaurus' would have suggested some still more striking truths which therefore remain yet latent. For this an apology has been already offered. The following further list of geological subjects, partly already treated of in MS., will show how important are the omissions we know of. Full and comprehensive as the standard works are, the rapid progress of the science has left even now more to be said. ADDITIONAL SUBJECTS. Oscillation, its effects on life. Silurian areas of Europe and America compared in strata, and their contents, country with country, stage with stage. The Silurian selvages of N.W. Scotland and Ireland, peculiarly American, carefully examined. Silurian and recent sea-beds compared. The bathometry of molluscan life in the Silurian and present periods. The increment and decrement of Silurian life, species, and genera, separately tabulated for all countries. The greater or less synchronism of strata far apart ; measured, where possible. Was America inhabited before Europe &c. ? as seems probable. During the existence of an epoch may the foreshadowing of the next become perceptible ? We see this in Nova Scotia (Devonian) and in Pennsylvania (Carboniferous formation). The transport or removal of dead organisms from place to place ; the " remaniement " of the French. Extra-epochal recurrence is of all time and place, and full of interest. II. An Extract from an Address to a Meeting of Geologists at Chambery, Savoy, 1844. " II n'y a qu'un demi- siecle, un orateur chretien, se defiant des hommes de la science leur disait : ' Arretez-vous enfin, et ne creusez pas jusqu'aux enfers. Aujourd'hui, Messieurs, rassures sur Finebranlable Constance de notre foi, nous vous disons : creusez, creusez encore : plus vous descendrez, plus vous rapprocherez du grand mystere de Fimpuissance de Fhomme et de la verite de la religion. Creusez done, creusez : et quand la science aura donne son dernier coup de marteau sur les fondements de la terre, vous pourrez a la lueur du feu qu'il fera jaillir, lire encore Fidee de Dieu et contempler Fempreinte de sa main ' " *. Monseigneur Rendu, Bishop of Annecy, Savoy. * Bullet. Soc. Geol. de France, n. s. tome i. p. 857. lii FACTS AND OBSERVATIONS. Eocystites primsevus, Billings. Lingula Matthewi, Hartt, MS. n. s. Obolella transversa, Piscina Acadica, Orthis Billingsi, ,, n. s. Conocephalites Baylei, Matthewi, Kobbii, Orestes, Ouangondia- nus, ,, N.B. There are III. Primordial Fossils (26) from New Brunswick (N. A.}. (See Acadian Geology, J. W. Dawson, 2nd Edit. p. 641.) Coldbrook, St. | Conocephalites tener, Hartt, MS. Aurora, Thersites, gemini-spi- nosus, ,, Hallii, quadratus, neglectus, formosus, ,, Microdiscus Dawsoni, Billings. Agnostus Acadicus, ,, similis, Paradoxides lamellatus, micmac, Coll. Hartt, John's. Coldbrook. Eatcliffe's Mill, Hartt. Coldbrook. Eatcliffe's Mill. St. John's Slates. Eatcliffe's Millstream. and St. John's. Eatcliffe's Mill. Coldbrook. Eatcliffe's Mill. St. John's. Eatcliffe's Mill. Coldbrook. Eatcliffe's Mill. Coldbrook. St. John's. Eatcliffe's Mill. St. John's ? St. John's. several other undetermined species, and some orders of Mollusca not yet examined. (Received August 26th, 1868, J. J. B.) NOTES ON " FACTS AND OBSERVATIONS." PAGE xxvii. Calymene complicata should be C. duplicate,. Phacops apiculatus must be erased, xxvii (note*). Polyeres Dufresnoyi = Acidaspis Buchii. Polytomurus euglypta=Dionideeuglypta. xxviii. The three species of Euomphalus must be erased. xxxi. The 2093 species mentioned are those which are already described (1868). xxxi (note). The subdivisions are: in stage (fauna) C, 1 ; D, 5 ; E, 2; F, 2; G,3; H, 3; =16. xxxii. Erase the 17th and 18th lines from the bottom of the page. Two lines from the bottom also, /or E. e. 3 or 4 substitute F. f. 1. xxxiii. M. Barrande does not vouch for Orthoceras bullatum being in Bohemia, xxx vi. There are two species of Asaphus in Bohemia. Errata in Sketch Map. Colony Zippe (Bruska) is on the north of the River Moldau. Colonies Branik, and Haidinger near Radotin, are both outside of the boundary line of stage E. ABBREVIATIONS IN NOMENCLATURE. CANADA AND THE ADJACENT UNITED STATES OF AMEEICA. BOHEMIA. Stages. Parts of Stages. Abbreviations. Stages. Parts of Stages. Abbreviations. Lower. Upper. Primordial. Second Fauna. Third Fauna. H. h. 1,2.3 G. g. 1, 2, 3. F. f. 1, 2. E. e. 1, 2. D.d. 1,2,3,4,5. C. c. 1 . B. A. PrTmordfal. Lower ' Middle ' U PP er ' fUp.Pentam.Lst.~j ""*]!?.& [WaterlineGr.... | The Guelph Series (Le Clair and Gait Limestones). Onondaga-Salt Group L. H. G. Guelph. O. S. G. Cor. Lst. Sch. Niag. CL, M. Sa. O.C. H. R. G. U.S1. Tr. BL. B. CH. CS. Queb. G. Potsd. Upper Limestone Middle Limestone Lower Linestone Quartzite c^C C oralline Limestone of Schoharie Niagara Series (Racine or Le Clair, Illinois). Clinton Group Medina Sandstone Oneida Conglomerate Hudson-River Group (Blue Lst. Ohio) UticaSlate=ShalesaboveTr.(D.D.Owen) Trenton Limestone (Galena Limestone) Black-River Lst. (Buff Limestone) Azoic Schists (Clay Slate) Bird's-eye Limestone Barrande, 1846, 1852, 1862. Chazy Limestone (and Sandstone) Calciferous Sandstone SWEDEN. ( Chazy L. (part)... ] Calciferous Sa. ... I Point-LeVis Rocks J Potsdam Sandstone Upper. Lower. 3 1 2 1 o r & 1 a J Regiones F, E, ED. D, C, CB. B, A. Regiones Divisi ANTICOSTI ISLAND. MIS and the Equivalents. Geology of Ca Divisions 4, 3=Mayhill, J. W. Salteri 2, l=Llandovery, nada, 1863. A. Gr.= Anticosti Group. RUSSIA. Primordial.Lower.Upper. Coralline Limestone (base) Corall. L. Inflam. Sch. Pleta. P. BEITATN. Brandschiefer Schist . 1 Primordial.Lower. Middle. Upper. Upper Ludlow (Tilestone) U.L. L. W. U.Llandov. L.Llandov. Carad. U.Llan. L.Llan. P. Pleta = Orthoceras Limestone Lower Ludlow Obolus Sandstone? "1 Wenlock Upper Llandovery (Mayhill) Blue Clay '. J Lower Llandovery NORWAY. 3 Groups. Upper Malmo= Wenlock and Ludlow. 4 ,, Lower Malmo= Llandovery. 3 Oscarsal= Caradoc. 3 ,, Upper Oslo = Llandeilo. Lower Oslo = Stiper Stones. (Kjerulf, Journ. Geol. Soc. Lond. xiv. 36.) Caradoc (Bala)= American (Tr.) Upper Llandeilo Lower Llandeilo, Skiddaw Slates, Arenig Stiper Stones,Tremadoc Slate, Lingula] Flags, Harleck Grits, Llanberris V Slate .... Specimen of the Catalogue of the Primordial Fossils of Western and Northern Newfoundland, as represented by letters. Edw. Billings, Palaeontologist. (Sir W. E. Logan's Report, 1863.) Species. Potsdam. = Calciferous Sandst. Not BL. or Tr. Slightly-JDH. = Point L6vis. 2020 feet. 1839 feet thick. 1084 feet. 1677 feet. A. B. C. D. E. F. G. H. I. X. L. M. N. O. P. + Leptsena decipiens. . . . Eopteria typica + + Holopea Ophelia Bathyurus perplexus, + &c. &c. &c. KINGDOM PLANTS. Subdivision. Genera, Species, and Author. Lower Stage. Middle Stage. Upper Stage. ILL Actinophyllum, Phill . plicatum, Phil] ips, 1847 (a calciphyte alliec to Acetabularia, J.W.S.' England. (Doubtful.) England and Wales (Down- ton beds, passim). sle Oesel (Baltic). M Sa Arthrophycus, Hall, If Harlani, Hall sp. ind. Beatricea, Billings, 185' nodulosa, Billings undulata, ,, Buthotrephis, Hall, 18 antiquata, n. s. Hall asteroides, Emmons biplex, Eichw ? flexuosa, Emmons gracilis, n. s. Hall var. crassa, n. s. var. intermedia, n. s. impudica, n. s. palmata, n. s. ramosa, n. s. rigida, Emmons subnodosa, n. s. Hall. succulens sp. ind. Williamson. Dictyolites, Hall, 1838. Beokii, Hall. [chnophycus, Hall, 185 iridactylus, n. s. Hall. Laminarites, Sternb., 1 antiquissimus, Eichw. Lepidostrobus ?, Brong porangia of,=Packytheca sph&rica, Hooker. liicrophycus, Billings. brmosus, Billings, liltonensis, ludsonicus, vagans, minor, robustus, Ottawaensis, NTullipora, (the name of jerebralis, Eichw. Palaecchorda, M'Coy, 1 major, M'Coy. narina, Fitch, ninor, M'Coy. enuis, Fitch. ( eres, Harkness. ( Palaeophycus, Hall, 18^ cicula, Eichw. irticulatus, Winchell. ~\ Beauharnoisensis.Billings. ( 3everleyensis, ( ongregatus, ( uniculus, ,, ( ncipiens ,, ( I SSL (Y. York) Eochester, &c. Canada W., Pennsylv. Virginia, Mifflin co. (N. York) Orleans county Anticosti I., Div. 1. (N. York) Oneida county (N. York) New Hartford. )> (N. York) Orleans county. |N. York) Oneida county. ) H. E. G., M. Sa 1 , a Eugose Coral. Anticosti Isle(Gulf St.Lawr. Anticosti Isle, Lakes St. Join (C.E.) and Huron (C.W. 46. (N. York) Clinton county. Georgia Township (Vermt.) Lyckholm, &c. (Esthonia). Georgia Towns. (Vermont) (N. York) Washington co Pennsylv. (N.Y.)Herkm. co H. E. G cs P Marly Lst H. E. G Tr., CL. ... CL. . P."... Georgia Towns. (Vermont). N. York) Lewis county, N.W. Michigan. (N.York) Glens' Falls, N.W. Michigan. (Wales) Dolgelly. H. E. G Tr P. LingulaFL... M. Sa CL 2 - P. Blue Clay ... j. passage-beds.. H. E. G 838. St. Petersb., Czarskoe-selo, &c. (Eussia). n. (only the spores are know 1862. (Anticosti) English head. (L.Huron) Is.St.Jos.(C.W.). ^L.Huron)Manitouline Isles. ^Anticosti) West End. ;C.W.) Ottawa city. 'Anticosti Isle) English hd (C.W.)Ottawacity, W.shore. of Lake Ontario, a, sea-plant, J.W.S.). Poulkova (Eussia). 349. (These are filled Annel Kirkfell,Douglas(Is.ofMan), Scawgill (Westmoreland), D'Erras, &c. (Esthon.). jreorgia Township( Vermt.). Jndercg.(Westmd.),Scawgl. 3orgia Township (Vermt.). S.W. Scotl.) Barlae Quarry. 17. d-burrows, J.W.S.) ...I B., BL., Tr.... H. E. G Tr H. E. G Tr Pleta.... j ?. (Vermt. slate) i Llan i ?. (schists) 1 Llan t ] Surypterus L. . . . a P. Potsd. Sa. ...8 CS 1 Wisconsin. Canada E.) Beauharnois. Canada W.) Beverley. N. Vermont) Highgate, (Canada E.) St. Armand. Canada W.) Napierville,&c. Labrador) Straits of Belle- isle, Anse au Loup., Swan- ton, N.W. Vermont. P. Potsd., CS ...I P.CS f P. Potsd i Subdivision. Genera, Species, and Author. Lower Stage. Middle Stage. Upper Stage. P. Potsd informis, Winchell M^isconsin. cs irregularis, n. s. Hall (N.York) Mohawk Valley ,&c Tr obscurus, Billings C.W. Ottawa city. CL rugosus, n. s. Hall simplex, n. s. striatus, n. s. (N.York)Middleville, &c. (N. York) Herkimer county (N. York) Oneida county MSa tortuosus, n. s. (N.York)GeneseeE mouth p OS tubularis, n. s. (N. York) Mohawk Valley H. E. G virgatus, n. s. N.W. Michigan. (N. York) Washington. CL sp. ind. (N. York) Oneida county H. E.G New York. P Palaeotrochis, Emmons major, Emmons 1856. N. Carolina, Washington B minor, Phycodes, Earner. circinatus, Ecemer Fhytopsis, Hall, 1846. tubulosum, Hall N. York county. Thuringia. N. York, Mohawk Valley, BL., B cellulosum, ,, N.W. Michigan. N.York,Mohawk V., Canada. CL Rusophycus, Hall, 1852 bilobatus, n. s. Hall. (short species of Cruziana, J.W.S.). (N. York) Oneida county clavatus, n. s. Eurypt. Lst embolus ? Eichw. Isle Oesel (Baltic) Eoodzi- CH Grenvillensis, Billings. (C.E.) Lower Ottawa Eiver. pudicus, n. s. Hall. (N. York) New Hartford. " subangulatus, n. 8. (N. York) Oneida county. H. E. G Sphenothallus, Hall, 1 angustifolius, n. s., Hall. 846. (N. York) Mohawk Valley. UL atifolius, n. s. Spongarium, M.-Edw., aequistriatum, M'Coy 'N. York) Schoharie. L839 (a calciphyte : the name remains, J.W.S.). Benson Knot Kendal W.L Edwardsi, Murch Dinas Bran (N ^^ales) UL nterlineatum, M'Coy. Aymestry (England). Kendal Benson Knot Brig- nterr upturn, steer, &c. Kendal Spital (\Vestmorel ) Trichoides, Harkness, 1 ambiguus, Harkness. Vexillum, RouauK,l850. )esglandi, Eouault. Halli, Jabechii, 355 S. W. of Scotland. 3ain, &c. (France). Soulevache, &c. (France). Goven, Bain, &c. (France). Summary (Geographical). Species. Species. America. Europe. Common. America. Europe. Common. Actinophyllum 1 18 1 Arthrophycus ... 2 Palicotrochis 2 Beatricea 2 Phycodes . . . 1 Buthotrephis 12 2 Phytopsis .. 2 Dictyolites 1 5 1 Ichnophycus 1 Sphenothallus 2 Laminarites 1 4 Lepidostrobus 1 1 Licrophycus 7 Vexillum 3 1 2 3 *>fi on TVT KINGDOM ANIMALIA. STJBKINGDOM PEOTOZOA. PROVINCE ASTOMATA. CLASS AMORPHOZOA. Subdivision. Genera, Species, and Author. Lower Stage. Middle Stage. Upper Stage. Llandov Acanthospongia, M'Co Siluriensis, M'Coy. Achilleum, Schweigger, cerasus, Eichw. oleraceum, Amphispongia, Baiter, sp. ind y, 1846. Galway (Ireland). rantia, Bowerbank, J.W. S.). Pentland Hills (Edinburgh). Tennessee, Decatur county (most abundant). (Tennessee W.) Decatur co. >! l (Tennessee W.) Decatur co., Sweden, (Indiana) Wald. (Tennessee W.) Decatur co. Ludlow, Shropshire. Dudley, Worcester. J.W.S.). Shropshire. Chicago (Illinois). Shropshire. Dudley (England). Marly Lst 1840?, Goldf. Poulkova (Russia). 1865 (a sponge allied to G Orthoc. L., Pleta. P. Potsd Archaeocyathus, Bittin Atlanticus, n. s. Billings Minganensis, n. s. profundus, n. s. sp. ind. Astraeospongia, Earner, echinoides, Eichw. meniscus, Safford. Astylospongia, Earner, castanea, Rcemer. imbricato-articulata, incisa, inciso-lobata, parvula, Billings, pilula, Roemer. prsemorsa. stellatim-sulcata, Calathium, Billings, 18 affine, n. s. Billings. Anstedi, n. s. Canadense, n. s. Fittoni, n. s. formosum, n. s. ,, pannosum, n. s. paradoxicum ? Caunopora, Phillips (see iunciformis, Hall. Cliona (= Vioa), Portlock antiqua, Portlock. prisca, M'Coy. sp. ind. Salter. Cnemidium, Gold/., 18 radiatum, Eichw. rimosUTP, l-TiRing. gs, 1861. (Labrador) Forteau Bay, Straits of Belleisle. (Labrador)PorteauBay,Min- gan Isles (G. St. Lawr.). (Labrador) Strts. of Belleisle. N. W. Vermont. 1860. Poulkova (Russia). i) Orthoc. L., Pleta. Niag ? 1860. Sadewitz (Lower Silesia). Niae.... ? .:. ........ Sadewitz (Lower Silesia). Sholes Hook? (Low. Silesia). (C.W.) Ottawa city. Sadewitz (Lower Silesia). Popova (Russia), L. Silesia. Carad., Niag. ... Tr ? Pleta, W Niag P. CS. Queb. G... i) CH 65. (Newfoundland, N. shore), Cape Norman. (Newfoundl.N.)Schooner Isl. Mingan Isles (G. St. Lawr.). (Newfoundl. W.) Pt. Rich. (Newfoundl. N.) C. Norman. Port Levi, Quebec, C.E. Mingan Isles (G. St. Lawr.). Stromatopora). N. York. J.W.S.). Malvern (England). P.Div.KQueb.G. CS. Queb. G. ... Queb. G CS CL Carad (a boring sponge in shells, (Tyrone) Desertcreate. L. '.'. Compact L 30. Wesenberg (Esthonia). Poulkova (Russia). Orthoc. L W. (Shale) . #nue, Lonsdale. Soscinium, Keyserling, labellatum, Billings, proavium, Eichw. Coscinopora, Goldfuss, sulcata, D. D. Owen. Daedalus, Rouault, 1850. Newtoni, Eouault Konincki, sp. ind. Salter. sp. ind. Rouault. Eospongia, Billings, 186 Rcemeri, Billings, varians, Intricaria, Defiance, 182 obscura, Portlock. reticulata, Hall. Ischadites, Kcenig, Mur antiquus, Salter. Eichwaldii, Schmidt. Koenigii, Murchison. tessellatus, Salter. tessellatus, Winch.&Marcy. sp. ind. CH., B., BL, Tr. Pleta. CH 1846= Clathropora. Canada. Pentam. Lst.; Borkholm (Esthonia) ? formed sponge with roots, 1830. Upper Mississippi? (France) Guichen. Normandy; Budl. Salt". (De- vonian pebbles). Normandy. Mingan Isles (G. St. Lawr.). 2 (probably a Vioa, J.W.S.). Tyrone (Ireland). [N. York) Jefferson co., Can. ch. 1839 (clearly a regularly N. Wales. Wesenb. Haljal. (Esthonia). Carad Tr. ? ( Areniff") . . Orthoc. Lst L Niafif. L. .:..:..::.. LLlan., Car W. Garn.E.ofArenig(W.),Swed. [AMORPH. Subdivision. Genera, Species, and Author. Lower Stage. Middle Stage. Upper Stage. Woolhope Orthoc. L., Pleta i L.Llan., U.Llan dor. Niae. sp. (Grindrodi), Salter Manon, Goldf.,l830= V deforme, Eichw globosum, sulcatum, verrucosum, ,, Nidulites, Salter, 1851 (a favus, Salter Palaeomanon, Earner, 1 cratera, Rcemer Protospongia, Salter, 18 diffusa, Salter flabella, Hicks fenestrata, Salter sp. ind. Receptaculites, Defr., Australis, Salter Bronni, Eichw calciferus, Billings Canadensis, elegantulus, fungosus, Hall ijlobularis, Billings hemisphaericus, Hall insularis, Billings, ^nfundibulum, Hall, infundibuliformis, Eaton. Jonesi, Billings, [owensis, D. D. Owen. Murchisoni, Eichw. Neptuni, Murch. occidentalis, Salter. orbicularis, Hall, orbis, Eichw. Oweni, Hall, ubturbinatus, ulcata, D. D. Owen, p. ind. Hall. Eletioulites, Eichw. ,1829. joletiformis, Eichw. Leformatus, lhabdaria, Billings, 18 'ragilis, Billings, urcata, ,, Scyphia, Oken, 1815. 'onula, Eichw. pygmtea, ,, eticula, Siphonia, Parkinson, Go "ylindrica, Parkinson. excavata, Goldf. prcemorsa excavata. Sphaerospongia, Salter. lospitalis, Salter. moscularis, melliflua, sp. ind. stromatcpora, Goldfuss Canadensis, Billings, compacta, concentrica, Hall. constellata, nummulisimilis, Lonsdale. rugosa, Billings. Woolhope, Dudley, Walsal' Malvern, Mayhill, &c. (Tennessee W.) Decatur co. Wisconsin (U.S. America). N. York. Gaspe (Canada E.). Ludlow (England). N. York. rrucospongia, D'Orb. Poulkova, &c. (Eussia). >> reticular, flat plate ; cups o Pembrokeshire (Wales). ... 860. n both sides, J.W.S.). Haverfordwest, (S.W. Scotland) Dalquharran Up. Tremad., P. L. Ling. Sa. )> Pleta 63. St. David's (S. Wales). 1827 (a Ehizopod ?). Yarradong (N.S. Wales). Anticosti Island (Canada" Eeval (Bait.), Eopscha, &c (E.). Mingan Isles (G. St. Lawr.) OS Mid. Sil '... cs Mingan Isles (G. St. Lawr.) Wisconsin (U. S. America). Galena = Tr. ... Niae. Div. 1. A Gamache Bay, Anticosti. L. H. Gr Galena = Tr. ... y .. Jpper Iowa (U.S. Amer.). Eussia, Tr.,L... L.St. John, Malbay(Can. E.). L. St. John (C.E.), Mid- Ottaw. (C.W.), N. York, Lake Winnipeg, Eupert's Land. N.York? Jopscha (E.), Isle Odins- holm, Eeval (Baltic), llinois, Wisconsin. B., BL., Tr Tr Orthoc. Lst Galena =Tr. ... Niasr. Tr Missouri) Salt Eiver Bluff, owa (U.S. America). IsleOesel,Arensbourg(Balt.), Dennessee W. Tennessee W. (Eoemer). acalcareous sponge, J.W.S.). N. York) Schoharie co., N.W. Mich.(L.S.),Gothld. N. York) Schoharie co. Engl.)Aymest., Malvern,&c. Galena L Orthoc. L CS 'oulkova (Eussia). 3zarskoe-selo (Eussia). 55. Mingan Isles (G. St. Lawr.). >> Cirna (Esthonia). Poulkova, &c. (Eussia). Dolomite? Pleta Corall. Lst ? Llandeilo. Pyro- xenic quartz ? Niag dfuss, 1811. Czarskoe-selo, St. Petersburg (Eussia). Pyroxenic quartz, Niag. Carad St. Petersburg (Eussia), Ee- val, &c. (Baltic, Esthonia), Shropshire. Niti, Himalaya (E.I.). Thibet. (Bronn ?), 1830=Caunapor Canada. Newfoundld. W.) Pt. Eich. Isle Dago. a,PM. ; Aulopora, Goldf. ( (N.York) Lockport H E G P.Queb.G.Div.L. CL.,Niag.,Corall. 3orall.Lst., Scho- harie. W. shale, Lst. .1. CS., CH., B., BL., Queb. G. Div. G. Newfoundl. N.) Cape Nor- man, Highgate Springs, N.W. Vermont. AMOKPH.] Subdivision. Genera, Species, and Author. Lower Stage. Middle Stage. Upper Stage. Car.W.Tr.,Niag., Onon.St.Group BL striatella, D'Orb. sp. ind. Hitchcock. Stromatocerium, Hall, rugosum, Hall, sp. ind. Salter. Tetradiiun, Hall, Dana ? apertum, Safford. cellulosum, Hall, columnaris, fibratum, Safford. minus, ,, Tetragonis, Eichw., 185 Danbyi, M'Coy Murchisoni, Eichw. parvipora, sulcata, sp. ind. M'Coy Trachium, Billings, 18 cyathiforme, Billings, rugosum, ,, Trichospongia, Billing sericea, n. s. Billings, Verticillopora, Defranc abnormis Lonsdale. Anticostilsle, N. York, Can., (Wales) Llanwddin, Mont- gomeryshire, Britain. N. & S.Wales, Scotl., Dudley, Walsall, N. York, L. Te- matsk., Esthon., Ural, &c. N. Vermont (U. S. America). Kendal (Westmoreland). Kendal (Westmoreland). Britain, Pyrton Passage, &c. 1846 (closely allied to Stro S.W. Scot. ?, N. York, Ten- nessee, L. St. John (C.E.), (Cand.W.) Mid-Ottawa E. Tasmania West. | Mid-Tennessee, Kentucky. (Canada W.) Ottawa Eiver. N. York. Tennessee (CanadaE.) Mon- treal, Murray Bay. Mid-Tennessee, Kentucky. 9. matopora, J.W.S.) -Tr B., BL., Tr. ... Tr., MSa Tr L Orthoc. Lst Keval (Baltic), Eopscha (Eussia). Eeval (Baltic). Kirna (Esthonia). (Pleta) Orth.Lst. Dolom. OrtLLst. L G.Div., CS OS 65. (Newfoundland) C. Norman. s, 1865." Mingan Isles (G. St. Lawr.). e, 1828. W Summary. (Geographical.) Genera. Species. Genera. Species. America. 1 H Common. America. PH 2 a H KS.Wales. i H Tasmania. Common. Acanthospongia 1 2 1 ... 26 1 35 ... 3 Achilleum . . . Amphispongia . ... 4 4 2 Archseocyathus 4 18 1 ... ... Astrajospongia 1 6 7 t 5 "2 Astylospongia 9, Calathium 3 2 1 4 1 Caunopora .... .. 1 3 4 "i 1 "i i Cliona 3 3 1 "i Sphserospongia Cnemidium 8 1 5 Coscinium 2 1 Stromatocerium Coscinopora Daedalus . ... 4 "i 8 4 1 ... Tetragonis 2 9, 5 2 1 1 Trachium 1 Ischaditcs... Verticillopora 1 Nidulites 69 62 1 4 i 6 26 35 3 [ACTINOZOA. RHIZOPODA. Fig. 9. Rotalia palffioceras ? Nonionina. 10. Dexiospira triarchsea ? Globigerina. 11. ,, hexarchaea 12. Aristerospira octrachaea 13. Nonionina archetypus '/ 14. Spirocerium priscum ? ? Rotalina. ? Rotalina, Ehrenberg's Lower- Silurian Foraminifera, 1858= Fig. 1. Vaginulina? ? Eozoon. 2. Nodosaria ? 3. Textularia initialis ? 4. Polymorphina Abaira ? Bulimina. 5. ,, avia ? Bulimina. 6. Guttulina Silurica ? Bulimina. 7,8. Rotalia palaeotrias ? Globigerina. There is not one of the above determinations that can be definitely accepted. Some of the grains are possibly parts of Eozoon. They can only be spoken of as Textulariform, Rotaline, and such like ; but of course Prof. Ehrenberg's names can be put in a catalogue as being really Foraminifera. Prof. T. Rupert Jones. Monatsbericht der Kon. Preuss. Akad. der Wissens., p. 445, 1861. Prof. Ehrenberg finds, near St. Peters- burg, in the Lower-Silurian clayey green sandstone, the following Infusoria : Panderella silurica. depressa. lobata. Panderella crepusculum. Cymbulia ? brachiospira. vetustissima. Tiedemannia ? antiquissima. ? silurica. ? lunata. Criseis ? falx. ? hemicyclus. ZOOPHYTES. SUBKINGDOM C(ELENTERATA=2bop%to, Lwn.=Anthozoa, Ehrenb. CLASS ACTINOZOA. SUBCLASS COBALLAPJA, ~EAw.=Actinoidea, Dana. OEBEES ZOANTHAEIA EUGOSA, Z. TABFLATA. Subdivision. Genera, Species, and Author. Lower Stage. Middle Stage. Upper Stage. Car., Woolh., W. Llandov., W. . . . Corall.Lst.,WlL, W. W ^.cervularia, Schweigg A.nanas, Linn. ntiqua, M.-Edw. Ealtica, Lonsd. =arachnophyllum typus, uxurians, M.-Edw. & H. Alveolites, Lamarck, 18 nnulatus, Eichw. apiculatus, Fougti, M.-Edw. & H. ?r, 1820 = Lithostrotion (p ars), D' Orbigny (Astrsea, S ow.). Dudley, Staffordsh. ,Ledbury, Herefordsh., Finl., Gothl. Petehora (Russ.). (Engl.) Aymestry &c., Irel. Isle Oesel (Bait.), Dudley, Gothl., Dalecarlia. Gothland. Dudley, Wenlock. Dudley, Westmorel. ?, (Irel.) Ferriter's Cove, Dingle, (Russ.) Hapsal, Reval. Aymestry, Dudley (Engl.), Canad., Tennessee, De- catur co., Kentucky. Dudley, Wenlock Edge, Walsall (Engl.). Guelph (Canad. Central). Tennessee, Wayne co.W.(De- vonian,test. M.-Edw.& H.) (Amer. Arctic Seas) Welling- ton Channel. Ireland, Aymestry, Dudley, Wenlock, Walsall, May- hill, &c. (N. York) Lockport &c. Dudley, Walsall, Gothland. N.W.Michigan(N.Y.)Lockp. (Nova Scotia) New Canaan, (N. York) Lockport &c. Isle Oesel (Baltic). (N.York) Lockport &c. Nova Scotia, New Canaan, N.W. Michigan, Drummond I., L. Huron. M'Coy. 01. Poulkova (Russia). Poulkova, Popowa (Russia). Jrayi, M.-Edw. lemisphsericus, Eichw. jabecbii, M.-Edw. obatus, Meningh. jyriformis, Eichw. repens, Lamarck, =millepora. serrato-poroides, M.-Edw. Amplexus ? Smverby, 18 ' cingulatus. Billings, axatus, ,, Anisophyllum, M.-Ed Agassizi, M.-Edw. & H. Arachnophyllum, Dan Bichardsoni, Salter. typus, M'Coy. =Acervularia-Baltica. Astrocerium, Hall,1852. constrictum, Hall, mitratum, Hising. parasiticum, Hall pyriforme, reticulatum, Eichw venustum, n. s. Hall. Aulacophyllum, M.-L Bolboporites, Pander Americanos, Billings mitralis, Pander Orthoc. Lst U. Llandov.., W. Div. I. A. G. ? Orthoc. L Carad.,Pleta.,W. W Poulkova (Russia). Wales, Galway, Ireland (W.), (Anticosti) South- west Point &c. Norway, Wales Sardinia. Poulkova &c. (Russia). ReVal, Hapsal (Baltic) Guelph 14. Bay of Chaleurs, Gaspe. L. H.G w. $H., 1850. W a, 1846. Niag W. Niag Orthoc. L., Pent L., Corall. L. Niag Lyckholm (Esthonia) Kattentack (Esthon. ) CH dw. Sc H., 1850= mitratum 1830. Canada. Ropscha, Zarskoe-selo, &c. (Russia). (W.), Gothland, Dudley Walsall. Orthoc.L. = Pleta ACTINOZOA.] Subdivision. Genera, Species, and Author. Lower Stage. Middle Stage. Upper Stage. Orthoc.L. = Pleta LS.? semiglobosus, Pane stellifer, Eichw triangularis, Pander uncinatus, Boliviana, Salter, 1861. bipennis, Salter melocactus, proboscidea, ,, Calceola, Lamarck, 1809 americana, Earner Gothlandica, Helmers plicata, Conrad subconica, Kutorga Tennessee-ensis, Earner Campophyllum, M.-E flexuosum, Calapoecia, Billings, 18 Anticostensis, Billings Kopscha, Czarskoe-selo (E.' Poulkova &c. (Eussia). Eopscha, Czarskoe-selo (E/ Valley of Unduava, Bolivian Andes, south side (S.A.). Aceromarka Vail., Illiman Andes (S.A.). Tennessee West. Gothland. (CentralN.York) Herkmr.co. Poulkova (Eussia). TennesseeW.,Norw.,Sweden. Pyhalep, Isle Daga (Baltic). (N. York North) Lockport. (N. York). Mackinaw (L. Huron). Wellington Channel, Arctic America. Canada, N. York. Dudley (England). Dudley, Sedgeley, Westml. Canada. Dudley (England). N. York &c. W Del. Sh. L Pleta W Pleta.,Corall.Lst Div.l.A.G.(Llan.) BL. . . dw, if H., 1850. Eeval (Baltic) 35. Gamache Bay, Anticosti. 3anadensis, ,, [luronensis, ,, Callopora, Hall, 1852. aspera, Hall elegantula, lorida, aminata, nummiformis, sp. ind. Calophyllum, Sana 1 )hragmoceras, Salt Uannopora, Hall, 1852. unciformis, Hall Chaetetes, Fischer, 1837 alveolaris, Vern annulatus, Eichw. apiculatus ,, aspera, D'Orb. avosites. 3owerbankii, M.-Edw. columnaris, Hall etradium. Dalii, M.-Edw. & H. iliaea, monticulipora. ) i) (N. York) Lockport, Can.W. (N.York)Lockport, Kentuck. (N.York) Lockport, Canada W., Tennessee. (N. York) Lockport. Grirusby (Can. West), (N. York) Lockport. Pyhalep, Isle Oesel (Baltic). (Tennessee) Perry county. Pyhalep, Isle Oesel (Baltic). ii (Arctic Amer.) Beechey Isle. Shropshire (England). (ArcticAmer.)Griffith'sI. &c. Ledbury,LincolnHill,Abber- ley Hills, Dudley (Engl.V N. York (U.S.A.). Engl., Presteign (Wales), Norway. (N. York) Lockport. Dudley, Presteign, Mayhill, Aymestry, Wilna (Euss.), Ireland. Presteign, Mayhill, Dudley, Ireland, Wilna (drift), (Euss.), Gothland. Dudley. (N. York) Lockport. Dudley, Kamenetz, Podolia, Isle Oesel (Baltic), Lode, Sweden. Isle Oesel (Baltic) Hohen- eichen. (N. York) Niagara co. Dudley (England). (Arctic Seas, Amer.) Grif- fith's Island &c. (N. York) Schoharie co. Guelph (Canad. Central). Gothland. Eussia (course from the W.). Arctic Seas (America), Gar- nier Bay, &c. Upper Mississippi. (N.Y.) Lockp. &c., N.W.Mic. w Nia? > Nia2 Tr (N. Wisconsin) E. Escanaba. Niae. Corall. Lst Corall. Lst 846. W W Coenites, Eichw., 1820 clathrata, Sow. enata, Hall. Tuctuosa, Steininger. 'ruticosa ? Hall, mtertextus, Eichw. uniperinus, abrosus, M.-Edw. & H. aciniatus, Eichw. aminata, n. s. Hall, inearis, M.-Edw. & H. Linnaei, Eichw. nodulosus, ramulosus, n. s. Hall, strigatus, M'Coy. sp. ina. Salter. Columnaria, Gold/., 18 alveolata, Hall & Billings. Blainvilli, Billings. erratica, incerta, inajqualis, n. s. Hall. Galtensis, Billings. Goldfussi Gothlandica, De Vern. (LIMARIA, Steininger'). W Niag U. Llandov., W., Corall. Lst. Woolh., W U. Llandov., W., Corall. Lst. ... = Carad (Norway) Malmo Isle. . . . Wales Wesenberg,D'Erras(Estho.). Anticosti Isl. (G.S.L.) ... CL., Niag W Corall. Lst Corall. Lst Niag.... W. BL 26. C.E., Murray Bay,EedEiver, Fort Gurry, (C.W.) Mid- Ottawa. (N. York) Mohawk Valley, (Tenn.) Wisconsin, Nash- ville, Highgate Springs, N. Vermont, and N. York, Watertown, Chazy Village, Madison(Indiana),&c. &c., Lake St. John (C.E.). Lake St. John (C.E.). (Canad. E.) Lower Ottawa. Canada. M. Sa Tr. CH Corall.Lst.,Scho- harie. Guelph H. R. G.? CH St. John Lake (C.E.). parva, Billings, rigida, f Billings, stellata, Safford. sulcata, De Vern. Sutherlandi, Salter. sp. ind. D. D. Owen. Conophyllum, Hall, 18 Niagarense, Hall. Canada. Lake St. John (C.E.). Stone's Eiver, Tennessee. N. York Canada H E. G. .. CH., BL Niag >i 52. ACTINOZOA.] Subdivision. Genera, Species, and Author. Lower Stage. Middle Stage. Upper Stage. Low. Sil Constellaria,-Dwa, 1849. antheloidea, Cincinnati, Dayton, Oxford (Ohio),Madison(Indiana), Lowville (N. York). 867. Dobbs'Linn &c.,Moffat(Df.). 1846. Gothland. Kendal (Westmoreland). Le to other genera, but left here for convenience of re- farence, J.W.S.). Dudley, &c. (Engl.), (Swed.) Mt. Klinteberg, Esthonia, Eussia,ArcticSeas(Amer.), Pybalep (Isle Dago), &c. N. York, Wise., Chicag. (IU.) Isle Oesel (Baltic), Ficht. Gothland, Isles Dago and Oesel (Baltic), Wenlock, Malvern, &c. (Irel.) Fer- riter's Cove and Dingle. Wren's Nest near Dudley, Gothland. (Isle Oesel, Baltic) Lode. Dudley, Gothland. (Tennessee W.) Perry co., (L. Huron) Portage Bay, Manitoulin Island. (France) Lower Loire. (Shropshire) Wenlock, Dud- ley, Malvern. Shrops. MuchWenlock,Dud- ley, Irel., (Gothl.) Holme- strand, Buss. (Isle Dago), Lod<. (ArcticAmer.) Beechey I. &c. (N. New Brunswick) Eesti- Corynoides, Nicholson,] calicularis, Nicholson. Cyathaxonia, Michelini, Dalmani, M.-Edw. & H. Siluriensis, M'Coy. CyathophyHum, Goldf. angiistum, Lonsdale. Anticostiense, n. s. Billings. articulatum, Wahlenb. = Cladocora sulcata. raespitosum, Hall, coralligerum, Eichw. Eriphyle, n. s. Billings. Euryone, n. s. lexuosum, Lonsd. interruptum, n. s. Billings. W. TIL. LLlandov., W.... Div. 4=Mayhill A. G. LLlandov., W.... Niaff 1826. (Under this head are many species truly referab Lickey(Engl.),Llan.(W.) S.W. Point Anticosti Isle (G. St. Lawr.). Corall. Lst j Div. 4=Mayhiil A. G. Orthoc. L.,W.... W. Bay of Chaleurs (Gaspe). (C.E.) The Jumpers (Anticosti). EeVal (Baltic) Russia Bay of Chaleurs (Gaspe). Loveni, M.-Edw. & H. nymphale, n. s. Billings. Pasithea, n. s. Delagicum, n. s. Pennanti, n. s. Dileolus, Eichw. eeurvum, M.-Edw. Shumardi, BxEmer. solitarium, Billings, spiriferens, Caillaud. :urbinatum, Sow. truncatum, Linn. = Strephodes vermiculoides, Wahlenbergii, n.s. Billings sp. ind. Salter. Billings Cyclolites, Lamarck, 18 rotuloides, n. s. Hall Cylindripora, Eichw., 18 serpuloides, Eichw tubus, Cystiphyllum, Lonsd. brevilameUatum, M'Coy = cyatho-ang^tatumjjons cylindricum, ? excavatum, Keyserling Grayi, M.-Edw. & H helianthoides ? Huronense, Billings impunctum, Lonsd maritimum, n. s. Billings obliquum, Keyserling Siluriense, Lonsd turbinatum, Eoemer sp. ind. Duncan sp. ind. Salter sp. ind. Hall Corall. Lst. W. Bay of Chaleurs (Gaspe). Anticosti I. (G. St. Lawr.), Becsie Eiver Bay. Bay of Chaleurs (Gaspe'). CL., Niag. Devon. ? ... (L.Huron) Manitoulin Isl. Bala W. Prolimoor Well Woolh.,W Mayhill M'Coy. (Anticosti) East Pt. CL. .. . 01. (N. York) Oneida Co. gouche'. Wilna, Eussia (drift). (Isle Oesel) Arensbourg. Shropshire (England). (Engl.) Benthall Edge, Dud- ley, (Isle Oesel) Lode. Irel., Benthall Edge (West- moreland), Isle Oesel. Dudley. North Gothland. (L. Huron) Huronia P*. Dudley (England). Thuringia. Arctic Seas(Amer.) Griffith's Island, S.E. Wisconsin. Dolom., Corall.L W 59. 1839. Llandov., W., Co- rall. Lst. W. Galway (Ireland) Waschkina (Petschora). . . . CL., Niag Pentam. Lst.?... ? Llandov., W (L. Huron) Cockburn Isl. (Pentam.Lst.) Bogoslofsk, Ural. Bay of Chaleurs (Gaspe). Galway (Ireland) Petschora, N. Eussia. Tasmania West. 10 [ACTINOZOA. Subdivision. Genera, Species, and Author. Lower Stage. Middle Stage. Upper Stage. Sil. Inf. Dania, M.-Edw. $ H., 18 luronica Jekayia, M.-Edw. $ H., ispera, M.-Edw. & H. Dendropora, MicMini, uffruticosa, Menenghi. Dianulites, Eichw.,18^. letritus, Eichw. 'astigiatus, ,, Diplophyllum, Hall, 1 3a?spitosum, n. s. Hall. joralliferum, lexuosum, D'Orb. irregularis, Billings. 3p. ind. ,, Discophyllum, Hall, 18 peltatum, Hall, sp. ind. Jiphyphyllum, Lonsd Dmmonsia, M.Edw. $ lemispherica, M.-Edw.&H. ' cylindrica Snallopora. ? 3hartersi, n.s. Meneghini. Eridophyllum, M.-Edw ugosum ? M.-Edw. Vennori, Billings. Favistella, Hall, 1847 alveolaris, Blainville. alveolata, Goldfuss. 'avosidea, Hall. avosa, Franklini, Salter. 9. sle Drumm., Lake Huron. 1851. Cincinnati, Ohio, De Vern. 845 (Ehabdopora). ardinia. > oulkova,Popova,&c.(Euss.) Reval (Baltic). 352. N.York) Lockport, N.W. Michigan. N. York) Schoharie Co. )udley ?, Malvern.Ferriter's Cove (Ireland), jhielph (Central Canada). S.E. Wisconsin ? Ohio) Springfield, (Tennes- . ? Pleta Niag.(Dev.Engl.) Cor.L., Schoharie W Guelph H E G N. York) OneidaCo. &c., Ohio. 46. N. York. H. E. G N. York, m). CL Cliff Lst ale, 1845 (see Cyathophyllu H., 1851. CL see) Perry county. Wisconsin (Castelnau auct.), (Kentucky) Louisville. Gothland. Arctic Amer.) Beechey Isle. Griffith's Isl. ^Engl.) Aymestry, Wenlock, Ireland, Wales, Bohemia, Norway, Gothland, Ie Sea, (Euss.) Altai. (Wales) MarloBay&c.,(Irel.' Ardaun &c.,(Sw.)Malmoe. Dudley,Malverns,Aymestry, Woolhope, &c. (Bohemia) Hlubocep. Thorold (Canada S.W.). (Tenn.) Decatur co., Gothl., Dudley, Wenlock, Eeval, Hapsal. (Esthonia)Katchukof, Oura (Euss.), Tennessee (Can. W.), L. Tematscaming, L. Huron, West end, Upper Mississippi Eiver. (Tennessee W.) Decatur co. Gothland,Dalecarlia,I.Oese Dudley, Wenlk.,Tortwort., Benthal Edge (Westml.). Tennessee, Decatur county (U.S.A.). Sardinia. H., 1850. klanitouline L, L. Huron. Wales) Mathyrafal, Pen- y-Craig. (N.Y.) Eochest.,Wayne co Carad Dana, 1846?). N. & S.Wales) Glyn Ceriog, Meifod, &c. Can. E. & W.) Pt. St. Clair, Tennessee, L. Winnipeg, Eupert's Land. B., BL., Tr H. E. G Vlanitouline I., Lake Huron H. E. G reticulata, stellata, Hall Favosites, Lamarck, 1816 acanthopora, Goldfuss alveolaris, Goldfuss var. a. multipora, Lonsdale aspera, D'Orbigny =ch(etetes. Bohemica, Barr capax, Billings constricta crassa, M'Coy cristata, Blumenbach favosa, Hall, Billings fibrosa, Goldfuss Forbesii, M.-Edw. & H var. discoidea, Eoemer Anticosti (G. St. Lawr.), N York, Tennessee, Indiana Upper Mississippi Eiver N.W. Michigan. = Calamopora, Goldf. ? S.W. Scotl., Coniston (Lan cashire), Montgomery co (S. Wales), Norway, Ee val (Baltic). (Engl.) Tortworth &c. (Wales)Llandov,,Pen-y lan,Oberpahlen(Livon.] Wales, Tortworth, May hill, &c. (Scotl.) Kilbride, Fennern (Livonia). Car., L.ULlan- dov., W., L. Carad., Llandov. W.,L.,Pentam. Corall. Lst. G. g. 1, 3 ^Wales)Cefn-y-Garrig,Powi Castle. Niag Anticosti Isle, West end. Carad Coniston (Lancashire), S.W Scotland. Malverns, Galway (Irel/ (Anticosti) The Jumpers. W., L Mayhill,H.E.G. MSa., &c. Tr., Niag Anticosti Isle (Portugal) Busaco, (Can.E. Lorette. Corall. Lst., L."C Lkndov.,W.,L (Engl.) Tortworth, Glou cestershire, Galway. 11 Subdivision. Genera, Species, and Author. Lower Stage. Middle Stage. Upper Stage. Carad., Llandov., W., Corall. Lst. Tr., H. E. G., MSa., Niag.,W. Carad., L.ULlan- doT.,W.,Corall. Lst. Niag. Gothlandica, Linn niagaren&is, Hisingeri, M.-Edw. & H Lycoperdon, Billings, megastomum, Haughton. multipora, M'Coy. niagarensis ?, Hall. oculata, Goldfuss. patellaria, Kutorga. perplexa, Salter. polymorpha, Goldfuss. prolificus, Billings. ramosa, De Vern. reticulata, Blainville. Troosti, De Vern. venusta, Hall, sp. ind. Salter. Selwyn. Duncan. Fistulipora, M'Coy, 184 decipiens, M'Coy. Fletcheri, M.-Edw. $ H., tubifera, M.-Edw. & H. Goniophyllum, M.-Ed Fletcheri, M.-Edw. & H. pyramidale, Hising. zic-zac, M'Coy. sp. ind. Halysites, Fischer, 1813 agglomerata, Hall. approximata, Eichw. catenulatus, Linnaeus. = Catenipora escharoides. communicans, Lamarck, dissiniilis, Eichw. exilis, jracilis, Hall, .abyrinthica, Goldfuss. Heliolites, Dana, 1846= elegans, Hall. "avosus, M'Coy. Grayi, M.-Edw. & H. mordinatus, Lonsdale (N.Wales)Llangollen, (Irel.) Maam, Tortworth (Glou- cestershire). Montreal, Mid. Ottawa E. N. York, Pennsylv., Mis- souri.EedEiv. , (Huds.Ba. ) (Anticosti) passim, Kil- bride, Tortworth, Gal- way, Mayhill, Talkhoff (Livonia). Tortworth, Anticosti AnticostiIsle(G.St.Lawr.) (N. York)Lockport, Indiana, Wisconsin, Chicago, (111. Tennessee,DecaturCo.,Up. Mississippi Eiver, Canada, ArcticAmerica,FortGarry, EedE.,Gaspe,Canada,New Brunswick, Eestigouche, (Engl.) Dudley &c., Irel., Swed.,Norway,Euss.,Thu- ring., Bohemia, Esthonia. Norway, Sweden, Eussia. Arctic Seas (Amer.) Fury Ft Malvern, Mar ls.Bay( Wales), Bogoslofsk (Petschora). (N. York) Niagara Falls, Schoharie county, N.W. Michigan, S. Wisconsin. Aymestry(EngL), Gothland. Arctic Seas, America. (Can. W.) Guelph,Isle Oesel, Lode, (Baltic), Petschora (Arctic Eussia). Eussia. I.Oesel (Balt.),Petschora(E.) Iowa (U.S.A.). N.York (U.S.A), Chicago. (ArcticAmer.)Beecheyls. &c. Griffith's I. &c. Aymestry (Shropshire). Gothland. Dudley, Wenlock (Engl.). Wales, Gothland. (N. & S.E. Wisconsin) Mil- waukee, (N. York) Ogden, Sweden Town, Monro co. Wales, Sweden, Eussia, Li- thuania, Esthonia, Arme- nia, KingWm. Isle (Arctic Amer.), L. Tematscaming (C.W.), Thorold (C.W.), S. & N. Wisconsin, Ken- tucky, L. Huron. Dudley, Shropshire, Here- fordshire, ^ova Scotia, N. York, Thorold (Can. West). Dudley (England). ?erriter's Cove, Doonquin (Ireland). ? Tennessee, Decatur co., Ca- nada, N.York, Irel., Scotl., Malverns, Bohem., Swed. Aymestry (England). S.E. Wisconsin)Milwaukee. Canada, S. Wisconsin, Isle Oesel, Hoheneichen, Nor- way, Dudley (England). Norbury, Haverfordwest (Shropsh.), Quarry Hope (Wales) Craig-Gwyddon &c., Gal way, Mayhill Fennern (Livonia). W G-uelph, E. e. 1 ?, Pleta, Corall. Lst., Pen tarn. Lst., W., L. Mayhill &c., H. E. G. &c. ? Pleta, CoralLLst. Niaa. Esthonia. Polkova (Eussia), D'Erras (Esthonia). Anticosti Isle, passim Oberpahlen (Livonia), Bo- hemia. Anticosti Isle, passim. Eeval,Wesenberg(Esthonia) ? W Victoria (Australia). Tasmania West. 9. Llandov., W. ... Llandov 1850. w. $ H., 1850. Galway (Irel.) Galway. -Tr Tasmania West. = CATENIPORA, Lamarck. Niae. Pleta Isle Dago (Baltic). Anticosti,CanadaE., N.York, Up. Miss., Ireland, Wales, S.W. Scotl., I.Dago,Norw. Bohemia, Fennern (Livo- nia), Norway. Kattentack, Esthonia. Hapsal, Esthonia. Wales Llan.,Car., Llan- dov., W. ? Pentam. Lst. ... H. E. G Wilna (Eussia), drift. Wisconsin (U.S.A.). Norway, Wales. PORITES. Llan., Carad., Llandov., W. W. . S.W.Scotland Esthonia (Schmidt)? Llan., Car., U Llandov., W. (Drift) (Wales) Pembrokeshire, Eo- beston, Wathen. dower Silesia. Wales) Llangoll., Scotland, Ireland, Eussia, Sweden. Coniston (Lancashire) Ireland ? Eichw. interstinctus, Wahlen. var. subtubulata, M'Coy. macrostylum, Hall. niega8toma,Billings,M'Coy. Vfayhill,Llandov., Mathy- rafal, &c. (Wales), An- ticosti. Llandeilo, Car., Llandov., W., Pleta. Car., W Niag. Eussia ? Car., Llandov., W., Corall. Lst. Anticosti, Can., Norw.,Euss., ^Wales) Mathyrafal, Mal- verns, Esthonia Wales) Glen Ciriog, &c., Coniston (Lancashire). [ACTINOZOA. Subdivision. Genera, Species, and Author. Lower Stage. Middle Stage. Upper Stage. Corall. Lst microporus, Eichw. Murchisoni, M.-Edw. & H. petaliformis, Lonsd. porosus, M.-Edw. & H. pyriformis, Hall sparsus, EilHngs. speciosus, spinipora, Hall, subtilis, M'Coy. tenuis, Billings. tubulatus, Lonsd. = Proper 'a. tubulosus, M'Coy. vetustus, Hall, sp. ind. Salter. =inordinatus"i Helopora, Hall, 1852. armata, Billings, bellula, ,, Circe, ,, concava, fragilis, Hall. var. Acadiensis, formosa, Billings. irregularis, lineata. lineopora, micropora, Eichw. nodosa, Billings. striatopora, ,, strigosa, varipora, sp. ind. Hall. Heteropora, Blainvitte, erassa, Lonsdale. Labechia, M.-Edw, SfH., conferta, Lonsd. dendrosa, Billings. radula, Eichw. Sternbergii, Lonsd. Laceripora, Eichw., 185 cribrosa, Eichw. Lithostrotion, Lhwyd, antiquum, M.-Edw. & H. Lonsdaleia, M'Coy, 184 Wenlockensis, M'Coy. Lyellia, M.-Edw. $ H., 1 Americana, M.-Edw. & H. glabra, D. D. Owen, sarcinula. Millepora, LinnS (not at Bohemica, Barr. repens, Sow. sp. ind. Barr. Myriolites, Eichw., 1859. fastigiatus, Eichw. Nebulipora, M'Coy, 184 Bowerbanki, M.-Edw. dendrosa, Billings. Hapsal (Estlionia). Dudley (Engl.), Gothland, Tennessee. Dudley ,Walsall, &c. (Engl.), Ireland. Isle Dago (Baltic), N. York, Arctic America. Bohemia, Norway, Sweden, (Wales) Marloes Bay, (Engl.) Dudley, Gothland, Upper Mississippi Eiver, S. Wisconsin, Tennessee. (Iowa) Turkey Eiver, (N.Y.) Lockport,L.HotCreek, Ne- vada, California, (L.Hur.) Drummond's Island,N.W. Michigan. Dudley , Aymestry, Gothland, Bohemia. (Arctic Amer.) Griffith's Isl. Arisaig (Nova Scotia). )> Benthal Edge. Wenlock, Benthal Edge, &c. (Engl.), (Isle Oesel) Ho- heneichen. Kamenetz (Podolia). Isle Oesel, Hoheneichen (Baltic). Petschora, Eiver Oukhta (Eussia). Dudley (England). Iowa (U.S.A.) tes, J.W.S.). 'Bohemia) Chotecz. Dudley (Engl.), Coalbrook Dale, &c. ^Bohemia) Chotecz. England ? Niag., W Car,, Llandov., W. Corall. Lst Car Niag. Coniston (Lancash.), Man- dinam (W.). Wales, Shropshire (S.W. Scotl.) Mulock HiU. (Mayhill)DiT.4, A. G. (Mayhill) Div. 1, AG. Niag Chicotte E., Anticosti. (Anticosti) Junction Cliff. Car., L.ULland. Lland. = Div. 1, A. G. Car., W (S.W. Scotland) Mulock. ... S.W. Scotland. Gamache Bay, Anticosti Is. Golengoed ? (Wales) (S.W. Scotl.) Mulock, Llan- fyllin (Wales), Coniston (Lancashire). (S.W. Scotland) Girvan. (N. York) Jefferson county. Tr Div.2,A.G.,Llan. Div.2,3,A.G.... Div.3A-G.Mayh. Div. 2, 3, Llan., Mayhill. CL., L. H. G. ... Div. 2, 3, A. G., Ireland. (Anticosti) East Point. South Pt. &c. Jupiter Eiver. East Point &c. (N. York) Eochester &c., Canada West. (Anticosti) East Point. ,, ChalloupeEiv. Junction Cliff. Jupiter Eiver. Jupiter, E. &c. near S.W. Pt. Junction Cliff. East Pt. &c. (Nova Scotia) Arisaig. Llan., Mayhill. Div.3,A.G.Mayh. Div.l, A.G. Llan. Div.3,A.G.Mayh. ? Div. 2, 3, A. G. Llan., Mavhill. Div.3,A.G.Mayh. Div.l, A.G. Llan. Div. 1,2, 3, A. G. Llan., Mayhill. W Lower Silesia (drift). 1830. Llandov., W. .. Tr 1851 ; MONTICULARIA, Lons dale. England, Galway Lake St. John (Can. East). Corall. Lst > i W Esthonia. 9. 1699 ; Fleming, 1827. 9. G. g. 1... 851. (Ti. Huron) Drummond's Island. all likely ; one of the Mill eporidcB ; probably Chtete w, G. e. 1... Pleta Poulkova (Eussia). 9; MONTICULIPOKA, D'Orb., 1850; MONTICULARIA. Tr (CanadaW.) Mid. Ottawa E. ACTINOZOA.] 13 Subdivision. Genera, Species, and Author. Lower Stage. Middle Stage. Upper Stage. Carad explanata, M'Coy. = Monticulipora. favulosa, Phill. var. lens, M'Coy. = Monticulipora. ovulum, Eichw. papillata, M'Coy. = Monticulipora. Petropolitana, Pander, sp. ind. Duncan. Oldhamia, Forbes, 1850. antiqua, Forbes, discreta, Kinahan. radiata, Forbes, sp. ind. Wyatt-Edgell. Omphyma, Eafinesqiie $ canina, Billings. = turbinata, Linn, congregata, Billings. discus, Eichw. Drummondi, M.-Edw.&H. fastigiatum, grandis, Barr. = Cyathophyllum. Murchisoni, M.-Edw. & H. = Cystiphyllum. septigerum, Eichw. subturbinatum, D'Orb. turbinatum, Goldf. verrucosa, M.-Edw. Orbipora, Eichw., 1856. distincta, Eichw. fungiformis, ,, Pachyphylhiin, M.-Ed f'bberosum, Eichw. alaeocyclus, M.-Edw.^ Fletcheri, M.-Edw. mitreolus, Eichw. porpita Linn, prseacutus, Lonsd. rugosus, M.-Edw. & H. False ophyllum, Billing rugosum, Billings. Petraia, Munster, 1839; sequisulcata, M'Coy. angulata, Billings. aperta, bina, Lonsdale. Bohemica, Barr. calicula, Billings, corniculum, Hall. costata, Meneghini. elongate, Phill. latuscula, Billings. Coniston (Lancashire), N. Wales. (N. & S. Wales) Llan Mill, Dolwyddelan, &c. (Wales) Horderley, Bala, &c., Scotland, Ireland,&c., Leisley (Westmoreland). Poulkova (Eussia) Talkhof (Livonia). Dudley, Kendal (Westmore- land). Dudley (England). Lake Huron, Cockburn Isl. Hoheneichen, Isle Oesel (Baltic). Lake Huron, Cockburn Isl. Ficht, Isle Oesel. (Bohemia) Beraun. Wenlock, Dudley (England). Lode 1 , Isle Oesel (Baltic). Lode", Ficht, Oesel I., Ural (Eussia), Gothl. Djupvi- ken, (Engl.) Ledbury &. Wenl.Edge,Dudley,Westml. (Engl.), Wales, Gothl. (Lake Huron) Drummond's Island. Hoheneichen, I.Oesel(Balt.). Dudley(England), Kamenetz (Podolia). Dudley, Shropsh., Gothland. Dudley. Dudley, Isle Dago (Baltic), (drift). Downton (Shropsh.), Moel Seisiog, Presteign, Fury Point, Arctic America. (Bohemia) Vavrovitz, Hlu- bocep, &c. Thorold (Can. W.).(N.York) Lockport, Walcot, Esthon. Llan. ULlan., Carad. Pleta, Pent. Lst. Car., W., UL.... Tr Coniston Flags (Lancash.). (Can.W.)Mid. Ottawa Eiver. Tasmania West. Wicklow (Ireland). Wicklow, St.David's (S.W.). Clifford, 1820 ; M.-Edw., 18 51. Longmynd Car. Llandov.W. CL., Niag Corall. Lst CL., Niag W Huronia Pt , Lake Huron (Canada W.). L. Huron, Cockburn Isl. Corall. Lst Pleta, W Eeval (Baltic) Car.,U.Llandov., W. Pleta (Wales) Llangollen,Westml. (Wales) Cefa, Marloes Bay &c. Poulkova (Eussia), Wesen- berg (Esthonia). Popowa(E-), I.Dago(Balt.). w. $ H., 1850. Corall. Lst Pleta,Corall.Lst., W. Pleta H., 1849. Poulkova (Eussia) Mayhill, Tortworth,Malv. Marloes Bay, Malvern. . . . U.Llandov,W.... W. '.'. '.'.." Tr s, 1858. Lake St. John (Canada E.). TURBINOLOPSIS, Phill. ; ST Westmoreland, Lancashire, (N. Wales) Glyn Ceriog, (S.W. Scotl.) Mulock. Anticosti Isl. west end (G. St. Lawr.). Mid-Ottawa E.(CanadaW.). Malvern (Engl.), Horderley (W.), (Engl.) Shropshire, Hope Quarry, Lancashire. REPTELASMA, Hall. (Wales) Builth. Mayhill, Malvem,Galway, Car., U.Llandov. H. E. G B.,BL Car., Llandov., L. G. ff. 1, 2 Niag Tr., H. E. &. ... Car., Llandov., W. Llandov., May- hill=Div. 2, 3, 4, A. G. L. St. John (Can. E.), Mid- Ottawa (Can. W.), N.W. Michigan, New Mexico, Missouri. Sardinia. Tyrone ?, (Wales) Bala ?. . .. S.W.Scotl.,(Wales)Pen-y- lan&c., (Engl.) Tort- worth. White Cliff &c., Anticosti Isle (G. St. Lawr.). 14 [ACTINOZOA. Subdivision. Genera, Species, and Author. Lower Stage. Middle Stage. Upper Stage. Tr Ottawa-ensis, Billings profunda, Hall pulchella, Billings pygmsea, reticulata, Salter rugosa, Phill rustica, Billings, selecta, subduplicata, var. crenulata, Salter. uniserialis, M'Coy. var. gracilis, ziczac ? sp. ind. Menegh. Selwyn. Phacites? Wakknberg. 3-othlandica, Wahlenb. Plasmopora, M.-Edw. Sf "ollis, Rcemer. petaliformis, M.-Edw.&H. scita, Propora, M.-Edw. $ H., conferta, De Vern. tubulata, Lonsd. Protarea, M.-Edw. Sf H., Verneuili, M.-Edw, & H. vetusta, Hall. PtychophyUtun, M.-Ed Uanadense, Billings. contrarium, Salter. patellatum, M.-Edw. & H. Ottawa City (Can. W.). Wisconsin, Mid-Ottawa R (Can. W.). Anticosti (G. St. Lawr.) White Cliff &c. (Anticosti) Challoupe R. (Wales) Pen-y-lan, Llan- dovery. (Wales) Penlas, Llando- very. Anticosti, Gamache Bay. (N.& S.Wales) Cefn, Pan- y-lan, Shropshire. (Wales) Denbighshire &c Pen-y-Craig, Llangynyw &c. (Wales). (Wales) Llandovery. Ardaun, Galway (Ire,l.) Victoria (Australia). (Wales) Plas Madoc. Gothland. (Tennessee W.) Perry anc Decatur counties. Dudley, Walsall, (Ireland) Egool &c., Lake Huron, Drummond's Island. Dudley (England). Borckholm &c. (Esthonia). Shropshire, Dudley, N. & S. Wales, Gothland, (Bohe- mia) Beraun. Arctic America. (Irel.) Doonquin, Dudley, Malvern, Gothl., Norway. (Lake Huron) Drummond's Island. (Arctic America) Griffith's Isle. New York. New York. Gothland. Upper Mississippi River. Norway, Dudley, Westmore- land, Isle of Worms, Hap- sal (Esthonia). Isle Dago, Pyhalep (Baltic), Gothland, Esthonia. BL., Tr Llandov Div 1 A. G. ULlandov Car., Llandov.... H R. G (N. Wales) Peniarth, Castel Craig &c. Lake St. John (Can. E.). AnfrioOBt'i, West purl H. E. GK, Div. 1, A. G., Llan- dov. Car.,TLLlandov., W., L. Carad. &c Car., L.ULlan- dov. L.ULlandov. ... ? Niae (S.W.ScotL)Mulock, (West- morel.) Leisley, Pullscar (Westmoreland). (Wales) Cyrn-y-Brain. (Wales) Denbighshire. (Wales) Montgomeryshire. Sardinia. H., 184Q=Pal Kentucky) Louisville, Oer- nant &c.. Kendal (West- morel.), Llangollen (W.). hicago (Illinois, U.S.A.). Wisconsin) Racine, Wau- kesha, Indiana. Griffith's Island &c. (Arctic America). choharie Co., N. York. >> N. York. Wisconsin. (N.York) Helderb. M t8 &c. Norway, Gothland. (Tennessee) Decatur Co. )) ); , ,, Lockport (N. York). Tennessee) Decatur Co. Lockpt.,(Tennessee) Decatur Co., Grimsby (Can. W.), Chicago (Illinois), Ken- tucky. N. York. Engknd. ^Indiana) Waldron. (England) Dudley. (Tennessee W.) Perry and Decatur Counties. ems in mud, J.W.S.). England. Marcy ULlandov., W.. CH ameswell, Ulverston (Lan- cashire). N. York) Chazy Village. Niag CH anada, N. York. ? Delth. Sh.L. ... Scutella Lst., L. H. G. L. Pleta with green grains. L. Pent. Lst. ... L. Pleta with green grains. CH Victoria (Australia). 843 (see Pterocrinus). J oulkova (Russia). 'oulkova (Russia). 1845. Canada ? . s, 1859. Canada E.) Montreal. 9. Delth. Sh. L. ... Tr 47. France) Vitr6, La Couyere. 1857. Ottawa City (Can. W.). OttawaCity(Can.W.),or An- ticosti, Charleton Point. Ottawa City (Can. W.). H. R. G Tr NlBff '' " CL., Niag Niar Lockport(N.York),South east Wisconsin. 59. Pleta Popova, Poulkova (Russia). Poulkova (Russia). Wesenberg (Esthonia), Poul- kova (Russia). . W Niag W., Niag Niag Tr 57. (Canada) Ottawa River. )> 852." (N. York) Lockport. CL Niag 60. Orthoc. Lst UL 1859. Bogolowsk (Ural), the markings made by .the ransverse motion of the CRINOIDEA.] 19 Subdivision. Genera, Species, and Author. Lower Stage. Middle Stage. Upper Stage. Delth. Sh. Lst... Corall.Lst.,Pleta Orthoc. Lst. Orthoc. Lst. = Pleta. > Orthoc., Corall Lst. W. Cor oncer in us, Hall, 185 polydactylus, n. s. Hall Crotalocrinus, Austin, } rugosus, Salter sp. ind. Cryptocrinites, Von Bi cerasus, VonBuch Isevis, Pander Ctenocrinus, Bronn, 18 notatus, Eichw punctatus, ,, stellaris, Eoemer typus, Bronn Cyathocrinus, Miller, 1 arthriticus, Phillips capillaris, Cora, Hall exilis, Eichw. goniodactylus, Phill. ornatus, Billings, penniger, De Vern. pinnatus, Goldf. Polyxo, Hall. pusillus, 9. Schoharie Co. (N. York). Eussia, Sweden, Norway, Isle Oesel (Baltic), Esthonia, (England) Dudley. (Arctic America) Wellington Channel. (Isle Oesel, Baltic) Mouste Pank. Dudley &c. (England). Dudley. (Wisconsin) Eacine. (Isle Oesel, Baltic) Ficht. Dudley. Canada West. Eussia. (Isle Oesel) Ilpen &c. (Indiana) Waldron, Niagara, Eacine, Wisconsin. (Tennessee West)Decatur Co. D (N. York) Lockport Shale. (N. York) Schoharie Co. Dudley (England). )> Bogoslowsk, N. Ural ? (N. York) Albany Co. Dudley (England), Sweden. Dudley (England). 843. Russia oh, 1845. Popova,Poulkova &c.(Euss. ) Popova, Poulkova (Eussia). 40. Poulkova (Eussia). )! !> Eeval, D'Erras (Bait.), Poul- kova (Eussia). 821. Niag Pleta, Corall. Lst W. Poulkova (St. Petersburg Eussia). Niag. Corall. Lst Niag Waukoma, Hall. ? sp. ind. Selwyn. Cyclocrinus, Eichw., 185 globosus, Billings. Halli, Sparki, Eichw. Cystocrinus, Bcemer, 18 Tennessee-ensis, Eoemer. Dytocrinus, Earner, 186 sevis, Eoemer. Tr Victoria (Australia). 7). 9 (PASCEOLUS, Billings, 185 Ottawa Elver (Can. W.). Anticosti Isle (G. St. Lawr.) St. Petersburg and Eeval. 60. Mid.-Silurian ... Low. Silurian ... Niag 0. Orthoc. Lst. ( = Pleta). Tr Cupressocrinus, Goldf., Dentaporus, Eichw. Dendrocrinus, Hall, 18 acutidactylus, Billings, angulatus, conjugans, cylindricus, jregarius, ,, lumilis, Jewetti, atibrachiatus, ,, ongidactylus, n. s. Hall, jroboscidiatus, Billings. rusticus, ,, similis, , ner, ,, Dictyocrinus, Conrad, squamiferus, n. s. Hall. Dimerocrinus, Phillips, decadactylus, Phillips, cosidactylus, Echinocrinus, Agassiz, striatus, Edriocrimis, Hall, 1859. jocilliformis, n. s. Hall. Enallocrinus, D' Orbign >unctatus, Hising. icriptus, ,, Eugeniacrinus, Miller, mespiliformis, Goldf. 1832. Sarva, Poulkova and Gdow (Eussia). 52. Ottawa City (Can.W.), Mon- treal ?, Shum. Ottawa City (Can. W.). Montreal (Can. E.). Ottawa City (Can. W.). Montreal (Can. E.), Ottawa City. Quinte Bay, Lake Ontario. (Anticosti Isle) Charlton P*. H.E.G Niag. . Tr. Ottawa City (Can.W.) Mon- treal. Ottawa City (Can. W.). Anticosti, West end. 1841. New York H. E. G H.R.G., Delth. Shaly Lst. W 1839. ? Corall., Dolom. Lst. H. E. Or., Delth. Shaly Lst. W 1841. New York y, 1847. W.,L 1821. F 2 20 [CRDfOIDEA. Subdivision. Genera, Species, and Author. Lower Stage. Middle Stage. Upper Stage. Carad. &c Glyptocrinus, Hall, 184 basalis, M'Coy. Carleyi, Hall. decadactylus, expansus, Phillips, imbriatus, Shumard. lacunosus, Billings, marginatus, nobilis, Hall, ornatus, Billings, plumosus, Hall. ariscus, Billings, quinque-partitus, ramulosus, siphonatus, Hall, sp. ind. Winchell&Marcy. Hall. Salter. ,, Portlock. Grammocrinus, Eichw., clathratus, Eichw. ineatus, ,, 7=SAGENOCRiNUs, Austin, 1 Wales, Shropsh., Horderley. 843. Wales. (Indiana) Waldron, Chicago (Illinois). England. Cape Grirardeau (Missouri). Racine (Wisconsin). N. York. Chicago (Illinois, U.S.A.), Waukesha (Wisconsin). (N. York) Reynale's Basin. (Wales) Mwdwl Eithin, Plas Madoc &c. Isle Oesel (Baltic). (N. York) Lockport &c. Cape Girardeau (Missouri). N. York, Lockport. Schoharie and HerkimerCos. (N. York). (N. York) Lockport, Wau- kesha (Wisconsin). Chicago (Illinois). Decatur Co., (Tennessee). Mae H. R. G (Can. W.) Humber R.,(Can. E.) Montreal, (Ohio) Cin- cinnati,Madison(Indiana), Kentucky. New York, Pennsylvania. W Tr Ottawa City (Can. W.). ! Tr Ottawa City (Can. W.). (N. York) Medina, Ca- nada West. CL. Tr Mid-Ottawa (Can. W.). Ottawa River (Can. W.). (Can.W.) Ottawa R. (lower). B., BL Niaff ULlandov (Wales) Llangadock. W. Corall. Lst Orthoc. Lst 1859. Poulkova (Russia). 1834 ; Rcemer, 1863. Poulkova (Russia). 859. Reval (Baltic). R6val (Bait.), D'Erras (Es- thonia). 47. (Can. W.) Ottawa River. (Canada) Mid-Ottawa River. (Illinois) Kendall Co. (N. York) Lake Saratoga. (N. York) Lewis Co. &c., (Ohio) Cincinnati, Upper Mississippi, Rockingham. (Canada) Ottawa River. Cincinnati (Ohio). (Canada) Montreal, N.York, River Ottawa, Cinc.(Ohio). Cincinnati (Ohio) (Canada) Ottawa River. Pennsylvania. Montgomeryshire, Meifod. (a most simple form ; 5 ar (N. York) Herkimer and Lewis Counties. ms, J.W.S.). Haplocrinus, Steininger, annularis, Eichw. monilis, Heliocrinites, Eichw., 1 Balticus, Eiohw. echinoides, De Vern. echino-sphferites. radiatus. Eichw. Heterocrinus, Hall, 18 articulosus, Billings. Canadensis, crassus, Meek & Worthen. rracilis, Hall, leterodactylus, inaequalis, Billings. Pleta " Inflamm. Shale. Tr H. E. G " ? incurvus Meek&fWorthen simplex, Hall. subcrassus,Meek&Worthen. tenuis, Billings, sp. ind. Rogers. Salter. Homocrirms, Hall, 1852 alternatus, Hall. cyh'ndricus, n. s. depentas, D. de Leuchtenb. flexuosus, Shumard. parvus. n. s. Hall, polydactylus, Christie, scoparius, n. s. sp. ind. Swallow. Hybocrinus, Billings, 1 conicus, Billings, pristinus, tun lid us, ,, Hypanthocrinus, Phill armosus, n. 8. cselatus, Hall. Chicago-ensis,Winch.&Mar conicus, Troost. Tr. H. R. G Carad. . ... Tr Niag., Tentacu- lite Lst. Pleta, Infl.Schist. L.Held. G Niag Poulkova (Russia), D'Erras (Esthonia). H. R. G Richmond (Indiana). Tentaculite Lst... Tr Missouri. 857. (Can. W.) Ottawa River. (Can. E.) Montreal Isle. (Can. W.) Ottawa River. ips, 1839 = EUCALYPTOCRINC Racine (Wisconsin). s, Goldfuss, 1826. Tr. CH. Tr Racine Lst UL Niag. CBINO IDEA.] 21 Subdivision. Genera, Species, and Author. Lower Stage. Middle Stage. Upper Stage. Niag cornutus, Hall. crassus, decorus, Phill. extensus, Troost. ^ibbosus, ,, Goldfussi, *ranulatus, Lewis, .aevis, Troost. Nashvillae, obconicus, Hall, ornatus, ovalis, Troost. papullosus, Hall. Phillipsii, Troost. polydactylus, M'Coy. ramifer, Ecemer. rosaceus, Goldf. splendidus, Troost. Tennesseese, Ichthyocrinus, Conrad, ? Clintonensis, Hall, corbis, Winchell & Marcy. .aevis, Conrad. jyriformis, Phillips. subangularis, Hall. = corbiSi Lampterocrinus, Same .nflatus, Hall. Tennessee-ensis, Ecemer. Lecanocrinus, Hall, 185 caliculus, Hall. elegans, Billings, laevis, macropetalus, Hall. ornatus, pusillus, Winchell&Marcy. simplex, Hall. Lepocrinus, Conrad, 184 Gebhardii, Vanuxem, Waukesha, Eacine (Wis- consin). Waldron, Eacine (Wis consin). Dudley, England, Norway, N. Gothl.,Can.W., (N.Y) Lockporfc, Eochester &c., Decatur County (Ten- nessee). Decatur Co. (Tennessee). Walsall (England). Decatur Co. (Tennessee). Eacine (Wisconsin). New York, Wisconsin, Chi- cago (Illinois), Gothland. Decatur Co. (Tennessee). (N. York) Monro Co. Decatur Co. (Tennessee). Dudley (Engl), Norway. (Tennessee W.) Decatur Co. England,Scotland ?, Norway, Sweden. (Tennessee) Decatur Co. es, J.W.S.). Chicago (Hlinois). (N. York) Lockport, South Wisconsin, N.A. Dudley, Kendal, Under- barrow (Westmoreland), New York. Waldron (Indiana), Chicago (Illinois). Eacine (Wisconsin). (Tennessee W.) Decatur Co. (N. York) Lockport Shale.' Chicago (Illinois). (N. York) Lockport. (N. York E.) Cherry Valley &c., Cumberland (Mary- land). (N.York) Lockport,Grimsby (Can. W.). (Wisconsin) Waukesha. (N. York) Lockport. (Indiana) Waldron. arms, J.W.S.). Schoharie County &c. (N. York). Herkimer Co. (N. York). Schoharie Co. &c. (N. York). (N. York) Herkimer Co. Dudley (England). Herkimer Co. (N. York), England, Sweden ?. Schoharie Co. (N. York). Shalkar, Spiti, Himalaya (E.I.). CL.,Niag.,UL.... Niae. " w Niag Niag., Waterlin Group. " W W CL 1842 (a very compact Crin oid: no intermediate plat (N. York) Wayne Co. Niag W., UL Niaff. r, 1860. " Niag.,Corall.Lst., Schoh. Tr. 2. (Canada W.) Ottawa Eiver. (Canada W.) Ottawa City. Niag.,Corall.Lst., Schoh. Niae. Niag.. Schoh.Lst. Subgenus of Rho- docrinus. Niasr. (or LEPADOCRINUS). Conrad. Lyriocrinus, Hall, 1852 dactylus, Hall. sculptilis, ,, Macrostylocrinus, Hal ornatus, Hall, striatus, ,, Mariacrinus, Hall, 1859 macropetalus, Hall. nobilissimus, pachydactylus, paucidactylus, penniger, Salter. plumosus, Hall. ramosus, ,, stoloniferus, sp. ind. Oldham. (MAKSUPIOCRINITES, Hall, 1 843, non Phill., 1839. I, 1852. " UPentam.Lst.... Pentam. ... Pentam. L. H. G. )) w (near to PEEIECHOCRINUS, but with more compound MSS Pentam. Lst. Sh., L. H. G. L. H. G. Delth. Sh. L. ... ? 22 Subdivision. Genera, Species, and Author. Lower Stage. Middle Stage. Upper Stage. ttarsupiocrinus, Philli hiatus Phillips os (allied to HYPANTHOCRIN us, J.W.S.) Dudley (Engl.), Tennessee, Megistocrinus, Owen $ Shumard. New York. Chicago (Illinois). Niag " PlAtn Pol-nil Trfst yielocrinites, Goldfuss, 1826 (MELOCRINUS). Kirna and Kattentak (Es- sle Oesel, Ficht (Baltic) Pentam. Lst. fYlrall T,st thonia). (Podolia) Orynine. sle Oesel (Baltic), Eicht. iValdron (Indiana). N. York) Lockport. n )ecatur Co. (Tennessee). Ittyelodactylus, Hall, 1 352. N. York) Lockport. " ... . ' )> Tr fucleocrinus, Hall, 186 p. ind. Hall. 2 ; Conrad, 1843. New York. CH ?achyocrinus, Billings, rassi-basalis, Billings. 1859. Canada E.) Montreal. Tr Palaeocrinus, Billings, 1 angulatus, Billings. B59. Montreal (Canada E.). pulchellus, Ottawa City (Canada W.). " . " triatus, Montreal (Canada E.). Pentremites, Say, 1820 Reinwardtii Troost. = PENTREMATITES, Rwmer, 1 860. Tenness. ) Decatur Co. ^Ken- W ?eriech.ocrinus, Austin, articulosus, Austin. 1843 (the large cup-like pe; vis, and long snake-like st tucky) Louisville, ems are very conspicuous on the slabs of Dudley Lime- stone, J\W.S.). Dudley (England). Llandov W W Upper part of Lower Silu- Llandovery (W.) Dudley, Norway (Sweden), Llandov. . . . p. ind. rian), (Engl.) Gt. Barr Staffordshire. Hoburg &c. ULlandov. , Salter. Tortworth, Gloucestersh. Pleta Phialocrinus, Eichwald, mpressus, Eichw. 1859. Poulkova (Russia). Niae Pisocrinus, Koninck, 18 Anne Dixoni Troost 58. Decatur Co. (Tennessee). W ... ornatus Koninck. Dudley (England). Woolh W Corall. Lst. . Platycrinus, Miller, 182 nsularis Eichw. I =ACTINOCRINUS. Isle Oesel (Baltic), Ilpen. Pentam Lst Herkimer Co. (N. York). L. H. G. L H. G.,Pentam plumosus , , Herkimer Co. (Tennessee). Lst. (Shale). W retiarius Phillips (England) Dudley. Pleta. . . . stellatus Eichw D'Erras (Esthonia) (Isle Oesel) Taggamois. Niag. Tennessee-ensis, Roemer (Tennessee W.) Decatur Delth. Sh.Lst... tentaculatus, Hall County. SchoharieCo. (E. New York). sp. ind. Salter Shropshire (England). Niag Meek & Worthen CupELLffiCRiuus (subgenus Buchii, Troost Illinois, of Platycrinus),Troost, 1850 Platycrinus, Ro3mer,1860 Decatur Co. (Tennessee.) corrugatus, " inflatus, , laevis, , magnificus, , pentagonalis, , rosseformis, , stellatus, , striatus, , Tr Poteriocrinus, Miller, 1 alternatus, n. s. Hall 821. (N. York) Herkimer Co. &c '' '< Pleta biblex, Eichw Poulkova (Russia). W crassiformis. Eichw Dudleyensis, Austin Dudley (England). Tr Cyathocrinus. gracilis, Hall (N. York) Herkimer Co. Niagr. pisiformis, Roemer (Tennessee W.) Perry Co. CRINOIDEA.] 23 Subdivision. Genera, Species, and Author. Lower Stage. Middle Stage. Upper Stage. H. E. G Porocrinus, Billings, 185 crassus, Meek & Worthen. conicus, Billings. pentagonus, Meek&Worth. Protocrinus, Eichw., 185 foveolatus, Eichw. fragum, ,, Leuchtenbergii, Volborth. oviformis, Eichw. Pterocrinus, Billings ? Retiocrinus, Billings, 18 fimbriatus, Billings. stellaris, Rhodocrinus, Miller, 18 asperatus, Billings. Halli, Lyon. Melissa, Hall, microbasalis, Billings, pyriformis, Billings, quinquangularis, Miller, tesseracontadactylus, Goldf. sp. ind. Eouault. Saccocrinus, Hall, 1852. speciosus, Hall. Sagenocrinus, Austin, 1 giganteus, Austin. Schizocrinus, Hall, 184 nodosus, Hall. striatus, sp. ind. Scyphocrinus, Hall, 18 heterocostalis, Hall. elegans, Zenker. sp. ind. Meneghini. Sphenocrinus, Eichwal obtusus, Eichw. Stephanocriims, Hall, angulatus, Conrad. gemmiformis, Hall. 7. Kendall Co., Illinois. (Can. W.) Ottawa Eiver, Montreal, near Quebec. Dixon (Illinois). 9. Poulkova (Eiissia). Czarskoe-selo (Eussia). Popowa, Poulkova (Eussia). Spitham (Esthonia), Narva (Eussia). 59. (Anticosti Island) Charleton Point. (Can. W.) Ottawa Eiver. 21 (THYSANOCRINUS). (It is (Can. E.) Montreal. rather doubtful whether these be Bkodocrini, J.W.S.) Jefferson Co. (Kentucky). Waldron (Indiana). (N. York) Lockport Shale, (Tennessee) Decatur Co. Dudley (England). (N.York) Lockport, Grimsby (Can. W.), and Thorold. (N. York) Lockport. (Tennessee W.) Decatur Co. Kendall, Highthorns, Under- barrow (Westmoreland). Dudley, Gothland. Dudley, Eussia, Sweden. Dudley, New York. Dudley (England). (N. York) Lockport. I! V )> Gothland. Tr Pleta H. E G Tr CH. . L. H G Niagr. Tr Middle Ottawa (Can. W.). Ottawa City (Can. W.). England (or Wales). St. Petersburg(Euss.),Estho. Vitre &c. (France). B., CH Llan. Fl., Carad. Pleta Niasr. W 843. Tr 7. (N.York) Mohawk Valley &c., Wisconsin,EiverEscanaba, Mid-Ottawa, Canada W. (N. York) Middleville. (N. York) Lewis Co. 47 (non SCYPHOCRINUS, Ze (N. York) Herkimer Co. nker). Sweden. (Shales) Tr ? Tr ? Orthoc. Lst. with green grains. Niag Sardinia. d, 1859. Poulkova (Eussia), Odins- holm Isle (Baltic). 1852; Conrad, 1842. Niag., Corall. L., Schoharie. Niag Synbathocrinus, Phitti Tennessee-ensis, Eoemer. Syringocrinus, Billings, paradoxicus, Billings. Taxocrinus, Phillips, Orbignyi, M'Coy. simplex, Phillips, tesseracontadactylus, His. tuberculatus, Miller. ps, 1839. Tr 1859. Beauport, Quebec (Can. E.). 1843. UL W W = Cyafhocrinus. Tetrameocrinus, Austi formosus, Austin. Thysanocrinus, Hall, 1 aculeatus, Hall, caniculatus, immaturus, ., lilliiformis, Hall, microbasalis, Billings, pyriformis, Billings. Trochocrimis, Portlock, Gothlandi, Pander, laevis, Portlock. n, 1843. Subgenus of Eho- docrinus. Niag 852. " Niag Tr Ottawa City (Can. W.). Ottawa Eiver (Can. W.). 1843 (probably only GRYPT OCRINUS, J.W.S.) W Carad Desertcreate (Tyrone). 24 [OSTIDEA. Summary. (Geographical. ) Genera. Species. Genera. Species. America. 1 1 Australia. Common. America. 1 g p W Australia. Common. Actinocrinus 6 3 1 1 3 "2 1 Continued 95 3 50 2 Asterocrinus Hypanthocrinus 19 3 9 5 1 1 1 Balanocrinus Ichtbyocrinus 1 Brachiocrinus 1 I/ecanocrinus 7 Calliocrinus 1 1 ... Lepocrinus 1 Calyx Lyriocrinus . a Carabocrinus 3 Macrostylocrinus 2 Caryocrinus 6 2 8 1 6 Mariacrinus 7 1 3 3 1 2 1 Clieirocrinus Marsupiocrinus Cleiocrinus Megistocrinus Closterocrinus 1 Melocrinites 3 3 2 Coccocrinus 1 Myelodactylus Condylocrinus 1 1 Nucleocrinus 1 Cophinus . . Pachyocrinus 1 Coronocrinus 1 Palueocrinus 4 1 1 2 4 6 1 1 Pentremites 1 Cryptocrinus Periechocrinus 3 1 2 4 Ctenocrinus Phialocrinus Cyathocrinus . ... 5 2 1 Pisocrinus . . Cyclocrinus Platycrinus 6 3 Cystocrinus Porocrinus Cytocrinus . 1 9 Poteriocrinus 3 3 4 Cupellaecrinus Protocrinus Cupressocrinus ... ... 1 Reteocrinus 2 Dendrocrinus 1? Rhodocrinus 5 1 3 Dictyocrinus . 1 Saccocrinus Dimerocrinus 2 1 "2 1 4 2 2 3 1 1 Sagenocrinus 1 Echinocrinus Schizocrinus 8 Edriocrinus 1 Scyphocrinus 1 2 1 Enallocrinus .... Sphenocrinus Eugeniacrinus Stephanocrinus 2 1 Glyptocrinus 15 Svnbathocrinus f}-raTnmrv>.riniis Syringocrinus 1 Haplocrinus ... . Taxocrinus 1 4 1 1 Heliocrinites . .... Tetramerocrinus TTpternp.ri n us 9 7 Tbysanocrinus 6 Homocrinus . . Trochocrinus 2 95 50 2 193 93 2 6 ANNULOSA. PKOVINCE ANNULOIDA. CLASS ECHINODERMATA. ORDER CYSTIDEA. Subdivision. Genera, Species, and Author. Lower Stage. Middle Stage. Upper Stage. Tr Amygdalocystites, Bil florealis, Billings, radiatus, tenuistriatus, ,, Anomalocystites, Hall, cornutus, Hall. Apiocystites, Forbes, 18 Canadensis, Billings, elegans, ,, Gebhardi, Dana. Huronensis, Billings. lings, 1854. Ottawa City (Can. W.). 1859. (N. York) Herkimer Co. (Central Can.) Grimsby. (N. York) Lockport only. (N.York)Ukter & Schoh. Co. Cabots Head (L. Huron). (Wisconsin) Eacine. Dudley (England). New York, Gothland. (Can. W.) L. Huron, Mani- touline Isle, South Bay. (Tennessee W.) Decatur Co. Pentam. Lst., L. H. G. Niag 48. L. H. G. .. CL., Niag Cabots Head (L. Huron). Niag. . imago, Hall, pentremitoides, Forbes, scriptus, Hising. Tecumseth, Billings. sp. ind. Eoemer. W Niag CYSTIDEA.] 25 Subdivision. Genera, Species, and Author. Lower Stage. Middle Stage. Upper Stage. Tr Ateleocystites, Billings Huxleyi, Billings sp. ind. Salter Callocystites, Hall Jewettii, n. s. Hall var. Caryocystites, Von Bi< cylindricus, Hall Davisii, M'Coy granatum, Wahl =granatum, Forbes pumilus, Eichw testudinarius, Durocher Comarocystites, Billing punctatus, Billings Shumardi, Meek & Worth var. obconicus, Crinocystites, Hall, 1 chrysalis, Hal rectus, Cryptocrinites, Von B .sevis, Pander var. cerasus, Von Buch var. regularis, Uyclocystoid.es, Bitting Davisii, Salter Halli, Billings luronensis, sp. ind. Salter Vtarstoni, Salter 1858. (Can. W.) Mid-Ottawa E. England. (N. York) Lockport, (Can. W.) Grimsby. N. York. Wisconsin, Chicago (Illin.). ons not yet clear, J.W.S.). [Jeintwardine. ichwald ; ECHINOSPII.ERITES, Pander. (Engl.) Walsall, Malvern. (Engl.) Dudley. covered all over with pore- channels, J.W.S.) s, J.W.S.) w 1852. , ch, 1845 (a subgenus of E( HINOSPH^RITES, J.W.S.). Carad Yspatty Evan (Wales), Co- niston (Lancashire). Dalecararh'a (Sweden). Poulkova (Eussia). Sweden, Norway. s, 1854. Mid-Ottawa (Can. W.). Cape Girardeau (Missouri). 64. Eacine, Wisconsin. wcA,"l845. (Eussia) St. Petersburg, &c. (Eussia) Poulkova, Narowa. Eussia. s $ Salter, 1858 (a most an * omalous genus; its relat (Wales) Eadnorshire. Malvern (England). Orthoc. Lst Tr. Niae. f Pleta ... . ULlandov Tr (Canada) Ottawa Eiver,Lak St. John. Lake Huron (N.A.). Horderley (Shropshire). N. Wales. Thompson, 1861. H. E. a Carad Echinocystites, Wyv Phillipsii, Forbes )omum, Wyv. Thompson iva, ,, Echino-encrinus, Von anatiformis, n. s. Hal] angulosus, Pander, arenatus, Forbes. L Tr., H. E. G. .. Pleta Meyer, 1826=SYcocYSTiTES (Can.E.) Montreal, (N.York Lewis Co., Upper Missis sippi Eiver. Poulkova, Popova &c., St Petersburg. VonBiich; GONOCRINUS,^ W Kiccatus, ? fenestratus, Verneuil. jiganteus, ,, ntermedius, Eichw. Senkenbergii, ,, triatus, Volborth. p. ind. Hall. Echinosphaerites, Wah rachnoides, Forbes, ranea, Schloth. urantium, Wahlenb. Gyllenhall. Jalticus, Vern. =granatus, Wahlenb. itrus, Eloden. Llipticus, Eichw. ranulatus, M'Coy. lurchisoni, Verneuil. )omum, Gyllenhall. unctatus, Forbes, adiatus, Gyllenhall. Wahlenbergii, Esmark. 3-lyptocystites, Billing torbesi, Billings, jogani, var. gracilis, Pleta Russia, Tennessee ? (Troost). Russia. ^Eussia) Ontolowo nearPau- lowsk. (Eussia) St. Petersburg. Eussia) Poulkova, Popova. ST. York. lenberg, 1821 = Si'HJSRONiTES (S. Wales) Pembrokeshire. (Esthon.) Eeval, D'Erras. S. Wales) Pembrokeshire, Norway, Sweden, Esthon., Poulkova &c. (Eussia). Ireland, (N. Wales) Llan- fyllin, Norway (Esthonia), Eeval &c., Paulowsk (Eus- sia). Sweden, leval (Baltic). Oarrickadaggan (Ireland). Spain)Eomeral,Almadeno8. J oulkova, Tosna (St. Peters- burg),(Swed.) Isle CEland, E6val, (Esthonia). V. & S. Wales. i Vorway. , 1854 (allied to ECHINOCRI Montreal (Can. E.). Can. E.) Caughnawaga. Montreal (Can. E.). Hising. 1837. (Surface } us, but with many rhom Ut. Slate Carad Carad., Orthoc. Lst. Carad., Pleta ... Carad.? Pleta Carad Pleta ; Carad CH Tr " 26 [CTSTIDEA. Subdivision. Genera, Species, and Author. Lower Stage. Middle Stage. Upper Stage. Carad sp. ind. Salter. multiporus, Billings. Glyptosphaerites, Mill pomum, Miiller. Gomphocystites, Hall, clavus, Hall. glans, tenax, ,, Hemicosmites, Von Bu extraneus, Eichw. oblongus, Pander. porosus, Eichw. pyriformis, Von Buch. squamosus, Forbes. subglobosus, Hall, verrucosus, , Eichw. sp. ind. S. P. Woodward. Hemicystites, Hall, 185 parasitica, Hall. Heterocystites, Hall, 1 armatus, n. s. Hall. Holocystites, Hall, 186 abnormis, Hall, alternatus, cylindricus, ovatus, scutellatus, ,, spha3ricus,Winchell & Mar. Winchelli, Hall. Lepadocrimis, Conrad, Gebhardi, Conrad. Malocystites Billings, 1 Barrandei, Billings. Murchisoni, Palaeocystites, Billings, Chapmanni, Billings. Dawsoni, pulcher, ,, tenui-radiatus, Hall. Pleurocystites, Billings, Anticostiensis, Billings. elegans, exornatus, filitextus, robustus, ,, Rugeri, Salter. Glyptocystites. sp. ind. squamosus, Billings. Protocystites, Salter, 18 sp. ind. Salter. Prunocystites, Forbes, 1 Fletcheri, Forbes. Pseudocrinites, Pearce, bicopula-digiti, Garnet, bifasciatus, Pearce. magnificus, Forbes, oblongus, ,, quadrifasciatus, Pearce. Denbighsh., Cerrig-y-Druid n . Montreal,Beauport(Can.E.), Ottawa City (Can. W.). ler, 1854. (Eussia) Poulkoya, Sweden. 1864. Eacine, Wisconsin. Lockport (N. York). s as rows of pores, the canals ed by a shelly plate, J.W.S.) Eacine (Wisconsin). AGELACRINUS ; but the whole base seems attached, J.W.S.) (N. York) Lockport. Eacine (Wisconsin). > Eacine andWaukesha(Wis.). Waukesha (Wisconsin). Chicago (Illinois). Waukesha (Wisconsin). Schoharie Co. &c. (N. York), Cumberland (Maryland). plated, the upper largelv plated, J.W.S.) W.S.) Dudley (England), carried back and covered with J.W.S.) Staffordshire? Dudley (England). i > Tr Pleta L Pleta ch, 1840. (The pore-chann Spitham (Esthonia). Sholes Hook (W. Pembroke- shire). Czarskoe-selo (Euss.), Hap- sal (Esthonia). Ehiwlas, Bala (N.W.), Sholes Hook (Pembrokeshire), (Eussia) St. Petersburg. Bala (N. W.), Montgomery- shire, Llanfyllin. els only show at their end themselves being cover Carad Pleta Carad Niaar. Pleta Presquisle Nouk (Esthonia). North Shore, Lake Superior (N. America), (drift). 2. (Probably a sessile Star N.York? fish of the same genus as Tr.,Niag.,Cor.L. of Schoh. Nias? 852. 1. " " " " Pentam. Lst., L. H. G. CH 1840 (LEPOCRINITS). (A C ystid, J.W.S.) 858. Montreal Island (Can. E.). 1858. Clarence (Can. W.). Montreal (Can. E.). Canada. Montreal(Can.E.), N.E. New York. 1854. (A prone species, th Isle Anticosti (G. St. Lawr.), Charleton Point. Ottawa City (Can.W.), Mon- treal (Can. E.). Ottawa City (Can.W.), Mon- treal. Ottawa'city (Can. W.). e lower surface minutely Llandovery (Wales), th three rhombs only, J. CH " H. E. a Tr " Carad Carad Ehiwlas (Bala). Ottawa City (Can.W.), Mon- treal (Can. E.). 65. St. David's (Wales). 849. (Subglobular, small, wi Tr L.Lingula W w 1842 ; Forbes, 1848. (Bod ies compressed, arms 2-4, tentacles, 3 rhombs, ASTERIDEA.] 27 Subdivision. Genera, Species, and Author. Lower Stage. Middle Stage. Upper Stage. L. H. G. Sphserocystites, Hall, 1 multifasciata, Hall. Sphieronites, Hisinger, aurantium, Wahlenb. Spharocystites, Gyllenh. Leuchtenbergi, Volborth. Litchi, . Forbes. munitus, , punctatus, , pyrifbrmis, , stelliferus, , Sycocrinites, Austin 18 Sycocystites, Von Buck. angulosus, Yon Buch. = Senkenbergii. ^ranatus, ,, Trochocystites, Barr. Bohemicus ? Barr. 859. Cumberland(Maryl. U.S.A.). llated plates, J.W.S.) W.S.) Pleta 1828-37. (Globular bodie Dalecarlia, Isle Seller. (Russia) Popova, Poulkova. (N. & S. Wales) Merioneth, Bala, Sholes Hook. Rhiwlas (N. Wales). Sholes Hook'(S. Wales). 43. [Russia) Poulkova. (Sweden) (Eland. (The oldest known Cystide Bohemia, (Spain) Almaden. s consisting of many tesse an save PROTOCYSTITES, J. Carad Primord Summary (Geographical). Genera. Species. Genera. Species. America. rimaeva, Forbes, rigida, Billings, rugosa, ,, stellata, Petraster, Billings, 1858. ' antiqua, Troost. jellulus, rigidus, Wilberanus, Meek & Hayd. Protaster, Forbes, 1849. Forbesi, Hall, eptosoma, Salter. (Can. E.) Falls of Montmor. L 59. H E. G 1. (Flat, discoid Starfish, J. W.S.) Cincinnati (Ohio). L Tr Ottawa City (Can. W.). Anticostilsle.CharltonPoint. Ottawa City (Can. W.). Davidson Co. (Tennessee). H. E. G Tr Niag. Tr. Mid-Ottawa (Can. W.). (N. York) Oswego, Kendal Co. (Illinois). (Long-armed Ophiurid-loo dng Starfishes of the grou Tr. or H. E. G. L. H. G L Vliltoni, Salteri, Forbes. Sedgwickii, Stenaster, Billings, 185 Huxleyi, Billings. pulchellus Salteri, Tasm.aster,Billings, 1 858. cylindricus, Billings, spinosus, ,, Carad (Wales)Denbighshire,Cerrig -y-Druidion. W., L Div. 1. Queb. Gr. Tr 8. (Closely allied, if not id Newfoundland W.) Port Eich. Mid-Ottawa (Can. W.). Belleville, Lake Ontario, (Can. W.). (Very like Protaster, J.W. Dttawa City (Can. W.). Montmorenci Falls ( Can.E. ), (Can. W.) Ottawa Eiver. entical with PalcBoster, J. S.) ANNELIDA.] 29 Summary (Geographical). Genera. Species. Genera. Species. America. 1 2 a W Common. America. 1 a f=3 Common. Agelacrinites 3 1 2 1 1 Continued 14 21 2 2 "4 1 Bothriocidaris Palscodiscus .. Edrioaster 1 4 5 4 1 3 2 Glyptaster Petr aster . Lepidaster 2 9 1 5 Pro taster 4 Palaechinus Tasniaster .. Palsjocoma 2 25 29 1 14 21 1 STTBKINGDOM ANNULOSA. PROVINCE ANNULATA. CLASS ANNELIDA. Subdivision. Genera, Species, and Author. Lower Stage. Middle Stage. Upper Stage. Aphrodita ? IAnn, Vermiculites 1 Myrianites 2 39 100 1 7 14 48 4 TRILOBITA.] 33 STTBKINGDOM ANNULOSA. PROVINCE ARTICULATA. CLASS CRUSTACEA. ORDER TRILOBITA. Subdivision. Genera, Species, and Author. Primordial. Lower Stage. Middle Stage. Upper Stage. W Acanthopyge, Corda anglica, Acerocaxe, Angelin, 18 ecorne, Angelin Acidaspis, Murchison armatus, Boeck Barrandii, Ketley Angel bispinosus, M'Coy Brightii, Murchison Buchii, Barr callipareos, Wyv. Thorn Caractaci, Salter coronatus, crenatus, Loven dama, Salter & Fletcher Danae, D. D. Owen derelictus, Barr desideratus, Dormitzerus, Corda Dufrenoyi, Barr dumetosus, Salt. & Fletch Geinitzianus, Barr. granulatus, Angel jrrayii, Barr. Elalli, Shumard. lamatus, Conrad. Elawlei, Barr. Iloernesi, ,. 1847. (England) Dudley. Sweden, Norway. Dudley (England). Sweden. Wales, Shropshire, Dudley. Ludlow, Vinnal Hill, Dudley. Gothland, (England) Dudley, Ludlow, Isles Moon &Oesel. (England) Dudley. U. Mississippi Eiver, Chicago (Illinois). (Bohemia) Hostin, Hlubocep, Tetin, Pekarkovitz. (England) Dudley. (Boh.) Dlauha Hora. (Bohemia) Listice. U. Mississippi Eiver. (N.Y.) Albany Co. &c. (Bohemia) Listice. (Bohem.) Wilkocilka, Mnienian, Hostin. Chicago (Illinois). (Bohem.) Konieprus, Mnienian. (Bohem.) Mnienian. Bohemia) Dlauha Hora,Borek,Koled- nick, Tachlowitz, Dworetz, St. Iwan &c. Sweden) Gothland. Bohemia) Dlauha Hora, Kolednik. Bohemia) Dworetz, Lochkov. Sweden) Gothland. P. regio A. Norw. Eeg.E... W 52 (see OLENUS). (Sweden) Scania. 1839. regio E Carad (Ireland) Kildare. (Wales)Glyn Ceiriog Blain-y-Cwm. (France) Angers &c. (Bohemia) Moun Drabow, Winice Trubin, Zahorzan &c. (S.W. Scotl.) Girvan Wales, (Shropshire Gretton. (Wales) Llandovery &c., Glyn Ceiriog. Car.,U.Llandov W., L D. d. 3 Llandov Carad W., LL Corall.Lst., W. Low. L., Eeg E. W Niaff. .. Fauna G. g. 1,2 E. D E.e.l. .. W (Bohem.) Coly.Motol (Bohemia) St. Iwan. (Bohemia) St. Iwan Kolednik,Lodenitz. Fauna E EegioD E. ... Mounts Olleberg anc Mosseberg ( Vestro- gothia). Fauna E Delth. Sh.L.... Fauna E F. Gr.g. 1 Tr rlorani, Billings. lystrix, Wyv. Thomson. Ida, Winchell & Marcy, 3ape Tourment, St. Lawr. Eiver, L. St. John (Canada E.). (S.W. Scotl.) Ayrsh. Upper Bala . . . Niag Llan. Flags. ... VeryMicac.Sch., Fauna D. F Tamesii, Salter. Keyserlingii, Barr. aceratus, Jalage, Wyv. Thomson. Japortei, Corda. jeonardi, Marklini, Angel, minutus, Barr. mirus, monstrosus, Barrande. multicuspis, Angelin. Irel.) Newton, Wa- terford Co., and Duncannon, Wex- ford Co. (Bohemia) Beraun, Lodenitz &c. Carad Scotl. (S.W.) Ayrsh. S.W. Scotland. .Fauna F E,F.... Eeg.E Fauna E E.e.l.... a. g. i Bohem.) Tachlowitz, Butowitz &c. Eeg. E 34 [TKILOBITA. Subdivision. Genera, Species, and Author. Primordial. Lower Stage. Middle Stage. Upper Stage. Keff E ectinatus, Angelin. ectiniferus, Ban*. J ortlocki, Corda. 'revostii, Barr. rimordialis, ropinquus, uadrimucronatus,Murch. uinquespinosa, Fletcher, adiatus, Barr. ebellis, !>cemeri, ,, uderalis, elcana, Eoemer. olitarius, Barr. pinigerus, n. s. Hall. ubter-armatus, Barr. iremendus, ,, )rentonensis, Hall, ricornis, Barr Tuncatus, Corda .uberculatus, Hal] Verneuilli, Barr vesiculosus, p. ind. Hal' Acontheus, Angelin, 18 acutiangulatus, Angelin. Actinopeltis, Corda, 18 clavifrons, Dalman. ,, Sars globosus, Barr uvenis, Salter .SCglina, Barrande,\^o binodosa, Salter Boia, Hicks caliginosa, Salter grandis, major, mirabilis, Forbes oblongula, Ange' pachycephala, Barr prisca, ,, Sweden) Gothland. Bohemia) Kozel. Bohemia) Listice. Bohem.) Lodenitz, Kozel, Sedletz. )udley (England). Bohemia) Dlauha Hora, Mnienian. Bohemia) Listice. Bohemia) Tetin. ^uringia. Bohemia) Dlauha Hora. Bohemia) Mnienian, Konieprus. Bohemia) Dlauha Hora, Kolednik. (Bohemia) Mnienian. (N.York) Albany and Schoharie Cos. (Bohem.) Wohrada, Konieprus, Mnie- nian &c. (Bohem.) Konieprus, Lochkov &c. (Sweden)MountMos- seberg. ohemia ? " E. e.'l... D. d. 3, 4,5. E Bohem.) Tachlowitz, Borek, Hinterco- panina &c. 3ohem.) MountDra- bow, Praskoles Wraz, Lodenita, Beraun &c. W Fauna E F. E E.e. 1... G.g.l... E Tr Bohemia) Lodenitz. N. York) Mohawk Valley, (Canada^ Montreal. Fauna P TeryMicac.Sch., Fauna D. Tr Bohemia), Praskoles, Lodenitz. Canada, B. of Quinte, Lake Ontario. Bohemia ? Fauna E F Delth. Sh. L.... Fauna E.e.l &c. F CL (Bohemia) Butowitz New York. Kee. B. . 52 (ARIONELLTJS ?). Andrarum, Scania. t7 (CHEIRURUS). Sweden, (Irel.) Kil. dare, (Wales) Bala (Westmorel.) Ap plethwaite Comm. Norway. Carad D. d. 3, 4, 5... Carad (Bohemia) Konigs hof, Karlshiitte Lieben &c. Ireland, S.W. Scotl (Wales) Denbighs Bala,Cerrig-e-Dru idion. (Shropshire) west o Stip. Stones, Outer side near Coldgate Cumberland. (N.Wales) Ty-obry. St. David's Head (S Wales). (N. Wales) Glan-y gors, Anglesea. (Ireland) Portrane. 1 j I Jan Arenig rock . LLlan., Carac Llan Eamsay Isl., White sand Bay, St. Da vid's (S. Wales). Llan., Carad.. Reg. E D. d. 4 D.d. 1 (Bohemia) Trubin Winice &c. (Bohemia) Eokitzau TRILOBITA.] 35 Subdivsion. Genera, Species, and Author. Primordial. Lower Stage. Middle Stage. Upper Stage. D. d. 3,4, 5. ... Fauna D. d. 1, 4,5. D. d. 1,5 ....'.. Potsd. Sa rediviva, Barr. ^Bohemia) Winice, Lodenitz, Trubin. Swed., (Bohem.) K6- nigshof,Karlshutte. Bohemia. us). ( Sweden)Gudhem &c. (Sweden) Fagelsang, Eussia. (Ireland) Wexford. (N.York)Troy, Penn- sylvania. (S.&N.Wales)Builth, (Shropsh.) Shelve. Biv.Amour(Kamsk.). (Eussia) Poulkova. !) (Bohem.) Karlshiitte, Beraun, Konigshof. | speciosa, Angelin. Corda. sulcata, Barr. Agacanthus, Angelin, Aglaspis, Hall, 1863. Barrandii, Hall. sp. ind. ,, Agnostus, Brongniart, aculeatus, Angelin. Americanus, Billings. Barrandei, Salter. Dibullatus, Barr. Dituberculatus, Angelin. brevifrons, = nodiger. Canadensis, Billings. Colorado-ensis,B.F.Shum. Davidis, Salter. disparilis, Hall. exsculptus, Angelin. Fabius, Billings. Galba, glabratus, Angelin. gjlandiformis, aranulatus, Barr. birundo, Salter. integer, Barr. Josepha, Hall. IsEvigatus, Dalm. lentiformis, Angelin. limbatus, Salter. lobatus, Hall. Maccoyi, Salter. Morei, Salter. nodiger, Eichw. nudus, Beyr. Orion, Billings. paradoxus, Eichw. var. Shumard. parilis, Hall. pisiformis, Linn. planicauda, Angel, princeps. punctuosus, reticulatus, ,, Eex, Barr. scutalis,. Salter. tardus, Barr. 1852 (see AEIONELL (Minnesota) Minisca, Mazomania. (Wisconsin) Black E. 1822. (Sweden) Andrarum. Point Levi (Can. E.), in Lst. No. 1 . StDavid's (S.Wales). (Bohemia) Skrey. Sweden, Andrarum. (Sweden) Andrarum, Okhotzk, Kamskat. Point Levi (Can. E.). Texas, Clear Ch. (S.Wales) St.Davids. (Upper Mississippi) Oceola Mills. (Sweden) Andrarum. (Newfoundland W.) Portland Creek &c. (Swed.) Mt. Mosseb. (Sweden) Andrarum. (Bohemia) Skrey, Gi- netz. Whitesand Bay and EamsayIsl.(S.W.). (Bohem.) Skrey, Gi- netz. (L.Pepin, Wisconsin) Trempaleau. Keg. B. ., Queb. G Menevian Gf. ... Fauna C Eeg B. . Lst. 3, Queb. G. Potsd Ling. Flags ... Potsd Eeg. B Div.N.P., Queb. G. Div. M/N. P., P. L., &c. Eeg. D. ., B (Sch.) Fauna C. ArenigKocks... P. Sch., Fauna C. Potsd Eeg. C Carad H. E. G U.Llan Llan Stiper Stones (Shrop- shire) , Skiddaw, N.E . Westmoreland. Pleta Fauna C Lst. No. 1, Queb. G. Pleta Skrey (Bohemia). Point Levi (Can. E.). Potsd. Sa Wisconsin. Lake Pepin (Up.Mis- sissippi Eiver. (Sweden) Andrarum, Malvern (Engl.), (Wales) PenCerrig, Builth, Dolgelly. (Sweden) Andrarum. England, (Wales) P.- y-Ehaw, Maent- wrog, Festiniog, Criccieth, Dolgelly &c. (Sweden) Andrarum. (Bohem.)Skrey, (W.) Dolgelly. (Wales) St. David's. Alum Schists, Eeg.A., Pleta. Eeg. B L. & U. Ling., U. Tremad. Eeg. B? A Fauna C P. L. Lingula Flags. Fauna D,d. 1-5. 36 [TRILOBITAc Subdivision. Genera, Species, and Author. Primordial. Lower Stage. Middle Stage. Upper Stage. P. Carad Ling. Flags .... Reg. B rinodus, Salter. risectus, ,, uberculatus, Angel. ). ind. Salter. (many), De Vern. Salter. iinphion, Pander,l83Q. ctinurus, Dalman. arrandei, Billings. aenevolens, Salter. anadensis, Billings, ay lei, ,, onvexus, ?ischeri, Eichw. msularis, Billings, ulius, Lindaueri, Eichw. Barr. Hathesii, Angel, matutinus, Hall. >auper, Salter. )seudo-articulatus, Portl. lalteri, Billings. Westoni, p. ind. De Prado. Casiano fcjnphytrio, Corda (see Ampyx, Dalman, 1827 arinatus, Angel ostatus, Boeck oveolatus, Angel Halli, Billings eviusculus, atus, M'Coy mammillatus, Sars costatus, Boeck. nasutus, Dalman normalis, Billing nudus, Murcl parvulus, Forbe pinnatus, Salte Portlockii, Bar praenuntius, Salte rostratus, Sar Rouaulti, Barr )olgelly (Wales). ... [alvern (England). Sweden) Andrarum. t. David's (Wales). ewfoundland, Irel., (N.&S.Wales)Rhi- wlas &c. antabrian Mounts., Spain, ^i-hirion (Wales). Bala Lake (N.Wales). Swed.) Ostrogothia. 'reland. Oanada.Mingan Isles. Sorw., Swed., (Russ.' Humelasaari &c. near Czarskoe-selo, L. Ladoga. Russia) Poulkova. ^Bohem.) Horzowitz, Rokitzan. Swed.) Vestrogothia reland. Sweden) Mt. Kinne kulle. Sweden) Mount Os mundb., Dalecar New York (Highgat Springs), N. Ver mont, Canada. Builth (Wales). (Ireland) Waterford (Wales) Garn,Are nig, (Engl.)Dufto Pike, Westmorel Sweden, (Norway Christiania. (Norway) Christiania Sweden, Englanc (Russ.) Czarskoe selo, Popowa &c. Builth (Wales), Tr Gil, Llandeilo. England. (Engl.) Onny Rive Shropshire. (Bohem.) Konigsho Sweden, Norway, Ir land, Scotland. (Engl.) Abberley. . (Boheniia)Borek, Bu towitz, Tachlowit &c. ! L. Ling. Flags. L. Llan "Res. C. . Div. I, K, L, M, N,P, Queb. G-. Carad. Newfoundland W.] Cowhead. CH Queb. G Eeg'.'c., Pleta... Div. G. (OS.), Queb. G. Div. P., Queb. G. Pleta ?oint Levi (Can. E.). taubridge (Can. E.). Newfoundland W.) Port au Choix. Newfoundland West. D. d. 1 Potsd N. Wise.) Trempa- leau. Carad OS., Queb. G... P " 'hillipsburg, Oxforc (Canada E.) Stanbridge (Can. E.) 1 Spain) Leon Sabero (REMOFLEURIDES ). (Boulder) Beg. D. a Eeg. D.E CH Queb. G Carad (Newfoundl.) Table head. Carad., Eeg. D a.? Pleta, Carad. .. Div. N,P, Queb G. Llan Newfoundland W. . (Newfoundland W Tablehead. Carad., W., L. Carad Fauna D. d. 5. U.P.,Tremad.S Carad Fauna E. e. 1. (Wales) Penclogwyn TKILOBITA.] 37 Subdivision. Genera, Species, and Author. Primordial. Lower Stage. Middle Stage. Upper Stage. Queb.G- rutilius, Billings. Salteri, Hicks. semicostatus, Billings. tetragonis, Angel, tumidus, E. Forbes. Aneuacanthus, Angeli Angelina, Salter, 1853. Sedgwickii, Salter. subarmata, ,, Anomocare, Angelin, 1 aculeatum, Angelin. acuminatum difforme, excavatum, limbatum, microphthalmum, Anopocare, Angelin, 18 pusillum, Angelin. Anopolenus, Salter, 18 Henrici, Salter. Salteri. Hicks. Arethusina, Barrande, Koninckii, Barr. nitida, Arges, Goldfuss, phlyctamodes, Hall. Arionellus, Barrande, Newfoundland, Port- land Creek. Whitesand Bay and Eamsay Isle (S. Wales). (Newfoundland W.) Tablehead. (Swed.) Mt. Mosseb. ( Wales) Montgomsh., Llangynnog. LUS). arrande. Bohemia (Bohemia) Dlauha Hora, Beraun, &c. (Bohemia) Kozel. (N.York) Albion, Or- leans County. Sweden ? Div.N=Pt.Levi, Arenig Hocks. Div. N, P,Queb. Gr. Eeg. D Carad Up. Tremad. Slate. Eeg. B n, 1852 (see ARIONEL (Wales) Penclogwyn, Garth, Dendraeth, Dolgelly, Trema- doc &c. 852= ARIONELLUS, B (Sweden) Andrarum. &c. &c. 52 (OLENUS). (Sweden) Andrarum. 63. St. David's, Dolgelly (Wales). St. David's (Wales). 1846. Eeg. A Lingula Flags... D,E. e. 1 E. e. 1 Mag 1839. P 1852. Sweden. Wisconsin. Boot E.,Minnesot.&c. (Spain) Leon Sabero, (Bohem.) Slap, Skrey . Point Levi (Can. E.). Dacota Territory, N. America. Burnet Co., Texas. Point Levi (Can. E.). Burnet Co., Texas. Wisconsin. .-.-^ Texas, U.S.A. I 2(HARPES). j'., (Swed.)Mt.Olleberg. LUS, BASILICUS, &c.). Norway, Sweden,Eus- sia, Esthonia. Eeval, Kunda (Bait.), Poulkova &c. (Eus- sia). Bohemia. N.W. Michigan, St. Mary's Eiver (L. Superior). Bolivia (S. America). (Normandy) May. LakeHuron, East end (Canada E.). Potsd. Sa Mid. Potsd. ... Fauna C bifurcatus, B.F.Shumard. bipunctatus, ,, ceticephalus, Barr. cylindricus, Billings. Oweni, Hayden ? planus, B. F. Shumard. subclavatus, Billings. Texanus, B. F. Shumard. sp. ind. Hall. B. F. Shumard. Arraphus, Angelin, 185 corniculatus, Angel. Asaphus, Brongniart, 1 acuminatus, Boeck. affinis, M'Coy. angustifrons, Dalm. auriculatus, Barr. Barrandei, Hall. Boliviensis, D'Orb. brevicaudatus,E.deBeaum. Brongniarti, Canadensis, Chapman, canalis, Billings. Lst.No.l, Queb. G. (Agraulos)Ptsd. Sa. Lst.No.l,Queb. Gr. (Bathyurus) Potsd. Sa. Eeg. D, E Pleta, Eeg. C... Up. Tremad. . . . Pleta 822 (including ISOTE (N. Wales) Portma- doC; Cae-Ednyfydd &c. ..^., Carad U. Slate Div. F, Gr, H, I. K,L,Queb.G., cs. Newfoundl.W., Point Eich, Kitley(Can. W.). 38 [TEILOBITA. Subdivision. Genera, Species, and Author. Primordial. Lower Stage. Middle Stage. Upper Stage. Ut Slate? caudatus, Chapman Collingwood Town Pleta centron, D. de Leuchtenb ship (Canada W.) St.Petersb ,Paulowsk Cianus (Eussia). (Spain) Huerto de contractus, Vern Llano. (Sp.)CiudadEeale&c - ) cornutus, Eussia. Queb. G curiosus, Billings (Can.) Standridge. Delphinus, Lawrow Eussia. Desmaresti, Sharpe (Portugal) Vallongo. Pleta devexus Vern., Eichw. (Portugal) Vallongo Pleta dilatatus, Eichw. I. Odinsh. (Bait.). I. Odinshohn (BaJt.) Emodi, Salter Himalaya,Niti (Ind.) Emoryi Hall New Mexico. expansus, Wahlenb (referred to CRYPTO- Siles., Sweden, Nor- B., Tr. extans, ,, NEMUS). way, (Euss.) Eops- cha, Tosna &c., Es- thonia, Isles Eoog and Odinshohn. N.W. Michigan, New extenuatus, Dalm York, Canada W. (Ostrog.) Heda, Hus- Eeff. C fallax, byfjol, &c. Sweden, Ljung. T"~"~ frontalis, ,, (Ostrogoth) Ljung. glabratus, Salter. (Spain) Ballesteros, Lst. 3, Queb. G. P., Eeg. A, B. Carad goniurus, Billings, grandis, Sars. Guettardi, Brongn. Point Levi (Can. E.). Norway. W.Asturia, Portug. (France) Normandy, Ut. Slate . ... Halli, Billings. May,(Portug, )Val- longo. Canada. Heros, Dalman. Esthonia, Husbyfjol Ut. Slate Hincksii, Billings. (Ostrog. ),(Dalecar- lia) L. Siljan. Canada. Up.Tremad. SI. (P.). Div.N Pt. Levi, Homfrayi, Salter. Huttoni, "Billings, N. Wales, Penmorfa, Garth, &c. Canada,(Newfoundl. ) Queb. G. Pleta ayorrhmus, Vern. Tablehead. (Euss.) Humelasaari, Lst. 3, Queb. G-. Fauna D. d. 3. . . illsenoides, Billings, ingens, Barr. Point Levi (Can. E.). Eopscha. (Bohemia) Wesela on Carad intermedius, ,, Mount Drabow. Cramore (Waterf.). Tr.? lowensis, D. D. Owen. Iowa) Turkey Eiver. Kowalowski, Lawrow. Russia. Carad Iseviceps, Dalm. Sweden, Ireland. Eeg. D, W laevigatus, Angel. Sweden) Vestra, Be- Llan laticostatus, M'Coy. storp. Wales) Builth. Ut. Slate ? latimarginatus, Hall. ^ew York. Pleta latus, Pander. Eussia) Tosna, Eop- scha, &c. mammillatus, D.D.Owen. Jp.Mississippi Eiver. CH., BL marginalis, Hall. N.York)ChazyVill. Carad Marstoni, Salter. Shropshire. Tremad Div.N, P.=Pt. Levi, Queb. G. Menevia, Morrisii, Billings, nivalis, Salter. lamsaylsle.Tremain- here (S. Wales). Newfoundland West, Tablebead &c. Himalaya (India). ^^ D. d. 2, 3, 4, 5. nobilis, Barr. Bohem.) Lieben, Lo- Tr. ... nodostriatus, Hall denitz, Neumatel, Trubin, Wolmitz &., (Spain) Puenta de las Ovejas, Chil- lon, &c. H. E. G notans, Billings. Anticosti) Engl. Hd. Anticos.)GamacheB. CH., BL obtusus, ,, palpebrosus, Dalm. (N.York)ChazyVill. Ostrogo.) Husbyfjol. TEILOBITA.] 39 Subdivision. Genera, Species, and Author. Primordial. Lower Stage. Middle Stage. Upper Stage. Pleta parallela, Eichw Russia. Llandeilo, Builth, & (Wales). (Can.W.)HumberE (Can. E.) Murra Bay, (Anticost: English Head, Eu sia, I. Dago (Bait. Testrogoth)Mt.Mos seberg &c. ^Eussia) Poulkova (Sweden) Kinne kulle, GHand. (Wales) Bala &c (Ireland) Louth. Sweden, (Euss.)Pou] kova,Tosna &c.,Es thonia. 'Ireland) Desertcrea Swed.) Ostrog.,Hus byfjol. lussia. ^Eussia)Tosna, Eops cha&c., (Esthonia Eeval, D'Erras,&c Ireland) Tyrone. . . . ^Wales) Tahirion, Arenigbach. CEland (Sweden). Sew York, lussia ?, Corndon Hills (England). Russia) Popowa &c., Isles Odinsholm, Dago, Gatchina. Russia) Popowa &c. Jedbury (Hereford- shire). Jp.MississippiEiver. Div. P, Poin Levi, Queb. G Ling. Fl CH.,B.,BL.,Tr. Ut.Sl.,H.E.G Pleta t Pelops, Billing . peltastes, Salte , platycephalus, Stoke >latynotus, Dalm platyurus, Ange quadrati-caudatus, Bil radiatus, Salter raniceps, Boeck =expansus var. raniceps Dalman rectifrons, Portlock rimulosus, Ange] Newfoundland, Isl. Orleans, N.E. en (Canada E.). St. David's, S. Wale Div. N, P,Queb G. Newfoundland Wes Tablehead &c. Eeg.C Reff O Pleta rotundifrons, Hoffman. Schlotheimi, Eichw. scutalis, Salter. Selwynnii, Solvensis, Hicks. Sulzeri ? Dalm. vetustus, Hall. Vulcani, Murch. Weissii, Eichw. Worthii, p. ind. Shumard. Whitney. Atops, Emmons, 1844. >unctatus, Enimons. rilineatus, ., Uractopyge, Corda, ] 3arrandia, M'Coy, 184 Cordai, M'Coy. longifrons, Salter. .ongissima, radians, M'Cov. Basilicus, Salter, 1849 Ghiettardi, Brongn. lybridus, Salter. Powisii, Murch. yrannus, Bathyonotus, Hall. lolopyge, Hall. Bathyurellus, Billings, ibruptus, Billings. sxpansus, ,, Tremad. ?leta,Dolom. L. Pleta olva (S. Wales). L. H. G. ? > [ot Creek, Nevada (California). W.)Builth,Eadnors. outh Wales. Wales. Jrittany ) Angers, Vi- tre, (Port.)Oporto. ardigansh. (Wales). Wales) Moel Siabod, Penmachno, (West- moreland) Eaven- stone Dale. Wales) Lampeter,E. Towy &c., (Eussia) Czarsk.-selo, (Dale- carlia) Lake Siljan, (S.W. Scotl.) Pee- bles-shire. N.York)Wasbington Co., Vermont ? 47 (see CYBELE). . Llan .bereiddy Bay, Pem- brokeshire. jlan., Carad.... ASAPHUS). "- P ermont (N.W.). 865. ewfoundl. W. and Keppel Island, anbridge (Can. E.). Div. F, G, H, Queb.G. = CS. 40 [TRILOBITA. Subdivision. Genera, Species, and Author. Primordial. Lower Stage. Middle Stage. Upper Stage. Div.P, Queb.G. -08. Band D, " Div.F, G, H... P, Queb. G.=CS. ',', L, CS formosus, Billings. fraternus, litoreus, ,, marginatus, nitidus, ,, rarus, validus, ,, Bath3rurus, Billings, ampli-marginatus, Bill. Angelini, arcuatus, armatus, ,, bi-tuberculatus, breviceps, capax, caudatus, conicus, Cordai, Cybele, depressus, B.F.Shumard. dubius, Billings, extans, a;regarius, ,, Minganensis, ,, Nero, ' ,, oblongus, parvulus, perplexus, perspicator, quadratus, Saffordi, senectus, Smithii, solitarius, ,, spiniger, strenuus, ,, Timon, vetulus, Brachyaspis, Salter, 18 rectifrons, Portlock. ^Newfoundland W.) Cowhead. Point Levi (Can. E.). Newfoundland W., Keppel Island &c. ^Newfoundland W.) Cowhead. Point Levi (Can. E.). (Newfoundland W.) Point Rich. 1859. Mingan Isles (G. St. Lawr.). Lower Ottawa River (Can.E.).GrenviUe. Mingan Isles, Beau- harnois (Can. E.), Lower Ottawa (Ca- nadaE . ),NewYork, Vermont. Deschambault (C.E.). Mingan Isles (G. St. Lawr.). (Can. W.) Peterbor., Lake Ontario. (Can. W.) Lindsay Township. Ireland. us). . CH Queb.G Lst.No.l,Queb. G. Div.G.H, " Lst. 3. 4, Div. G, H, CS. Div. P, CS NT. Queb.,St.Antoine. Point Levi (Can. E.). ^Newfoundland W.) Tablehead. Point Levi (Can. E.). (Newfoundland W.) Port au Choix. Newfoundland, Beau- harnois (Can. E.) &c.,(N.York) Corn- stock's Landing. Point Levi, Phillips- burg (C. E.), New- foundland, Cow- head. CS. P Burnet Co., Texas. Point Levi (Can. E.). Lst. 3, Queb. G. Tr P 5? ewfo undlandSouth . CS. Div. F, G, H, Queb. G., CS. InLst.No.2, P.Potsdam ... Potsdam Queb.G Div.P, Queb. G. P., Potsd B., BL Newfoundl. N. & W., Keppel Island &c. Point Levi (Can. E.). Straits Belleisle, For- teau Bay (Labrad.) Bonne Bay, New- foundland W. St. Antoine, Quebec (drift). Point Levi (Can. E.). Point Levi and Phi- lipsburg (Can. E.), Newfoundl. N.W., Cowhead. (Labrador) Straits Belleisle, Forteau Bay. Queb. G B.,BL.,Tr. ... Queb.G Div.G.H, Queb. G., CS. Div. B, C, P. Potsdam. Newfoundland, Hare Bay (drift). St. Antoine, Quebec (drift). Newfoundl. W., Port au Choix. Newfoundland W., Bonne Bay. 66 (see ASAPHUS). Brongniartia, Salter, 1 865 (see HOMALONOT TRILOBITA.] 41 Subdivision. Genera, Species, and Author. Primordial. Lower Stage. Middle Stage. Upper Stage. Fauna F Pentam. Lst., L. H. G. Gr.S.l . Bronteopsis, Salter, M Thomsoni, Salter. Bronteus, Goldfuss, angusticeps, Barr. Barrandei, n. s. Hall. Billingsii, Barr. BischofH, Eoemer brevifrons, Barr Brongniarti, campaniferus, Beyrich Canadensis, Billings Clementinus, Barr co?lebs, ,, Dormitzeri, Edwardsii, elongatus, ,, extremus, formosus, ,, furcifer, Corda. gracilis, ,, ranulatus, Eichw. Haidingeri, Barr. Hawlei, ,, Hibernicus, Portl. infaustus, Barr. insularis, Eichw. Billings. Kutorgai, Barr. laticauda, Wahl. signatus, Phill. lepidus, Barr. Loveni, unatus, Billings. S. 1865. S. Scotland. (Bohem.) Konieprus, Mnienian. (N.York) Schoharie County. (Bohemia) Chotecz, Luzetz. Lower Harz (Giebel). (Bohemia) Lodenitz, Konieprus, Mnie- nian. (Bohemia) Mnienian, Listice, Luzetz, Da- mily, &c. (Bohemia) Mnienian, Konieprus. Gasp6 (Canada). (Bonem.)Wiskocilka. ,, Konieprus. ,, Mnienian. DlauhaHora. ,, Konieprus, Mnienian. (Bohem.) Tetin. ,, Dvoretz, Loch- kov, Slivenetz,Wis- kocilka. Schvagerka, Chotecz. Bohemia. Konieprus. Dvoretz,(Esthon. W. ) Isle of Worms. (Bohemia) Bubowitz, Lodenitz. Bohemia. (Bohem.) Lochkov. Bohemia. (N.York) Niag. Falls. ^Bohem.) Mnienian. Chicago (Illinois). Bohemia. (Bohem.) Konieprus, Mnienian. ^Bohemia) Wohrara, Lochkov, Lodenitz, Kozel, &c. Bohem.) Kozel, Ea- tinka, St. Iwan, &c. (Sweden) Gothland. (Bohem.) Mount Da- mily, Tetin. (Boh.) Tetin, Slichow. Bohem.) Luzetz. Bohemia. Bohem.) Konieprus, Mnienian. Ssthonia,(Engl.) Ay- mestry. Bohem.) Listice. Bohemia) Prague, Schvagerka ? 1843. Fauna F F, G.g.l F . G.g. 1 .. F F. f E.e.2 ... F (Bohemia) St. Ivan' , G.g.l ... j> G Pentam.Lst.?... Fauna E. e. 1... F Carad Altai? (Bohemia) Butowitz. (Irel.) Desertcreate. Fauna G. g. 1... Corall. Lst. ... Div. 4, A. Gr... Fauna F Carad. ~- Anticosti Island. Sweden. Fauna G Tr."...." Nova Scotia, (C. W.) Ottawa City,(C.E.) Murray Bay. Fauna G.g. 1... G Niag magus, Barr. Vfemnon, ,, STiagarensis, Hall, nuntius, Barr. oblongus, Corda. occasus, Winch. & Marcy. Orbignyanus, Barr. palifer, Partchii, 3lanus, Corda. Dlatyactin, Angel, jolyactin, Dorosus, Barr. pustulatus, ,, Fauna E. e. 1... F Niag 'Bohem.) Butowitz. Fauna G F E.e. 1,3 " E. e. 1 ? Eeg. E (Bohem.) Butowitz. ^Bohem.) Lodenitz. Fauna G. g. 1... F, G.g.l G.g.l... G Elichteri, sculptus, Sieberi, ,, signatus, Phill. = laticauda. simulans, Barr. spiniferus, ,, F W Fauna E G.g.l... 42 [TEILOBITA. Subdivision. Genera, Species, and Author. Primordial. Lower Stage. Middle Stage. Upper Stage. Fauna H uperstes, Barr. .enellus, .hysanopeltis, ;ransversus, Corda. ambelliferus, Barr. /"iator, Zippei, Bumastes, Murchison, 1 Barriensis, Hall. carinatus, Salter. nsignis, Hall. [Jindstromi, Angel. M'Cullumi, Salter, Prentonensis, Emmons. Burmeisteria, 1865 Ualymene, Brongniart, actinura, Dalm. aculeata, Angel. Arago, Rouault. Saylei, Barr. >ellatula, Sow. Slumenbachii, Blumenb. var. AUportiana, Salter. Cambrensis, Salter Caractaci, Niagarensis, Hall. pulchella, Dalm brevicapitata, Portlock callicephala, Green camerata, Hall Christyi, Hall Clintoni, conophthalma, Boeck Davisii, Salter Bohemia. ^Bohem.) Konieprus. (Bohem.) Konieprus, (Franco)Low.Loire. ^Bohem.) Mnienian. (Bohem.) Wonoklas, Slivenetz, Lochkov, Dvoretz, Karl- stein, &c. ^Bohem.) Dvoretz, Lochkov, Slichow. Bubowitz, Mnie- nian &c. ^Bohem.) Konieprus. Sardinia,Engl. (West- morel.), Scotl., An- ticosti, Canada (L. Huron, East end), N.York (Rochester &c.),Tennessee (De- catur Co.), N. & S. Wisconsin. (Engl.) Malvem. England, Upper Mis- sissippi. Gothland. Spain? GoldenGrove(Wales) N. Gothland, Russia. Esthonia, Russ., Swe- den, Norway, (Bo- hem.) Slichow &c., France, (Esthonia] Isle Oesel,England, Ireland, Scotland, (Wales) Craig-hir &c., N. Brunswick, Nova Scotia, Ten- nessee, &c. Dudley. Wisconsin, U.Misssis. (N. York) Schoh. Co. Pennsylvania. Builth (Wales). F .. . Yellowish Lst., Fauna F Fauna F Niae. 839 (ILL^ENUS). w Ree. E ., ? Tr Scotland (S.W.). Canada, (N. York) Hogansburg. 'Ostrogothia) Berg. Sweden. (France) La Mauche, St. Leonard, La Sarthe &c., Spain, Portugal, (Bohem.) Rokitzan. (Wales) Tre Gib, Llandeilo. Fauna D. d. 1, Carad. Carad.,W.,E.e.2 FaunaE. e. 4, F, Llan., Carad., Llandov., W., L. Corall. Lst. Carad 'see HOMALONOTUS). 1822. (Bohemia) Wahrada &c. (France)Loire River, England, Ireland, S.W. Scotl., Pent- land Hills, (Wales) Dolwyddelan &c., Onny River, Nova Scotia, New York, Anticosti Isle. New York, Pennsyl- vania, Anticosti, (Britain) Wrekin, Cefn, Llandovery &c. (N. & S.Wales) Craig- y-Glyn, Shropsh. Ireland, (Wales) Ma- thyrafal, Scotland, Shropshire. Norway. Bohemia, Ireland, Shropshire, West- moreland, Esthon., (N. Wales) Den- bighshire, Wrex- ham &c., S.W.Scot- land, Girvan. New York. FaunaD.Carad. Llandov., W. CoraU. Lst., Schoharie. H. E. G (Ohio)Cincinnati,Ox- ford (Canada E.). (N.York) Herkimer Co., Cayuga Co. CL., Niag W Poulkova (Russia). TKILOBITA.] 43 Subdivision. Genera, Species, and Author. Primordial. Lower Stage. Middle Stage. Upper Stage. Fauna D. d.3... Pleta declinata, Corda. denticulata, Eichw. diadernata, Barr. subdiademata, M'Coy. duplicata, Murch. Fischeri, Vern. incerta, Barr. interjecta, macrophthalma, Murch. =Portlockii. mammillata, Hall, minuta, Salter. multicosta, Hall. nivalis, Salter. ornatsi, Dalm. parvifrons, Salter. var. Murchisoni, parvula, Barr. pediloba, Eoemer. polytoma, Dalm. pulchella, Hising. pulchra, Vern. punctata,. Brongn. Bamseia, Salter. Salteri, Eouault. senaria, Conrad. senex, Salter. spectabilis, Angel, tenera, Barr. transiens, Verneuil. Tristani, Brongn. tuberculosa,Brongn.&Salt. vexata, Salter. sp. ind. Hall. (2) M'Coy. HaU. (Bohemia) Beraun, Kosow. Poulkova (Eussia). Acton, Scotl., Leint- wardine, Shropsh., (Bohem.) St.Iwan, Listice, Lodenite, Wiskocilka, Wah- rada. Bohemia. (Bohemia) Lochkov, Luzetz, Damily, Dvoretz. Norw. .Dudley (Eng. ). (Gothl.) Djupyiken. N. Gothland, Eussia. Sweden, Esthonia. (Engl. )Underbarrow, Kendal, Aymestry, Ludlow, (Wales) Usk, Spain ?. (Canada W.) Gait. L.Lud.,Faun. E Llan., Carad., Fauna E. Fauna D.d. 3,4,5. F.G.g.1 w Abereiddy Bay (S. Wales). Wales (Fencer rig, Builth), Ireland. (Eussia) St. Petersb., (Ostrogoth.) Ljung &c. (Bohemia) Praskoles, Wotmitz, (Belg.) Gembloux, Lieben. Eadausch, &c. B Wisconsin, N.A. England. (N.York)Lake Cham- plain. Himalaya.Niti (E.I.). (Ostrogothia) Hus- byfjol. (Wales) Merioneth- shire, Shropshire. Stiper Stones (Shrop- shire), (N. Wales) Taihirioh &c. (Bohem. )Mt.Drabow. _. ? Eussia. Periver Quarries, Cornwall. (Spain) Ciudad Eeal. Low. Sil Carad L.Llan Fauna D W., L Tremad Carad Ramsey Isle &c. (S. Wales). (France) Vitr6, La Hunandiere. Ireland, Engl., Can. W., N.York, Ohio, N.W. Michigan, Penns., L. St. John (Can. E.),Montmo- renci, Missouri, Wisconsin, Eed E., Eupert's Land. (England) Budleigh Salterton(pebbles). Tr.,H. E. G.... Carad E. e. 1, 2 Carad (Bohemia) Dlauha Hora. (Spain) Toledo Mns., Eomeral, &c. (France) Angers, La- manche, Mt.Eoule, Cherbourg, La Sar- the, May, (Spain) W. Asturia, Ciudad Eeal, Sierra Mo- rena, (Portugal) Vallongo, England. Woolh.,W.,L... Tremad U.Slate .. Eamsey I., Tremain- here,&c. (S.Wales). (N.Y)MohawkValley. Victoria (Australia). Victoria (Australia). ? O. S. Gr. 44 [TBILOBITA. Subdivision. Genera, Species, and Author. Primordial. Lower Stage. Middle Stage. Upper Stage. p. ind. Jermyn St.Museu ,, Barr. Selwyn. Hall. Cannon, Barrande, 185 nautilus, Barr. Celmus, Angelin, 1852 Tanulatus, Angel. Centropleura, Angelin, angusticaudata, licraeura, Angel, errata, Sars. Ceratopyge (see OLEN Ceraurus, Green, 1832 Chariocephalus, Hall, Whitfieldii, Hall. Chasmops, M'Coy (see Cheirurus, Beyrich, 18 aculeatus, Eichw. affinis, Angel. Apollo, Billings approximates, Eichw. 3eyrichii, Barr rifurcatus, ,, nmucronatus, Murch var. centralis, Salter cancrurus, ,, claviger, Beyrich conformis, Angel yordai, Barr Durocheri, Rouault enurus, Kutorga Eryx, Billings. exsul, Angel. Beyrich. Frederici, Salter. gelatinosus, Portl. gibbus, Beyrich. var. interrupta, Barr glaber, Angel gladiator, Eichw s;laucus, Billings Hawlei, Barr Icarus, Billings insignis, Beyrich Hall insocialis, Barr macrophthalmus,Kutorga Marianus, Vern Mercurius, Billings minutus, Barr mitis, Salter neglectus, Barr m Oorvan Haven, Corn jembloux(Belgium) . /"ictoria (Australia). rail. Arisaig (NovaScotia). Bohemia. Bogoslofsk, L T ral. ^Bohemia) Dlauha Hora. N". York, (Tennessee) Decat. Co., Dudley, Ledbury (Engl.), Ireland. Dudley (Ketky). Gothland. (Bohem.) Konieprus, Kozor, &c. (Bohem.) Konieprus, Listice, &c. Bohemia. (Bohemia) Lochkov. (Bohemia) Hostin. Eeff C 0. = PROETUS, Steining r. Swed.) Ostrogothia. fcLOCEPHALCS, (in par (Esthonia) D'Erras. Russia) Poulkova, (Baltic) Reval. ) PARADOXIDES]. B, C 1852 [ = (in part) Dm Norway. Sweden. Norway. us). (see CHEIEURUS). 1863. Trempaleau (Wis- vonsin). PHACOPS). 15 ; Billings, 1845. i : Potsd. Sa Inflamm.Scbist. Lst. No. 2, Queb. G. Red Lst Fauna E ... Point Levis(Can.E.). E.e.l... Carad., ULlan- dov., W., LL. w (Bohemia) St. Iwan Ratinka. (England) Newbury Malv.,(S.W.Scotl.) Girvan, (Wales) Castell, Craig- Gwyddon. (Engl.) Leisley, West- moreland, N. & S Wales, Bala Lake Sholes Hook. Carad (Irel.) Chair of KM (Bohemia) Wohnitz Wesela, &c., (Brit- tany) Vitre &c. Fauna D Res. E Fauna F Queb. Gr Pleta&c.,Reg. C Up.Tremad. .. Carad (Brittany) Vitre &c. Russia. (Swed.) (Eland, (Es thon.)Re>al,D'Er ras, Odinsholm. Baltic Drift. (Irel.) Tyrone, (S.W Scotl.) Craighead. Point Levis (Can.E.) Phillipsburg? Tremadoc, Llanerch &c. F,G.g,l F, G Compact Pleta Reg. D, E Pleta (Sweden) Dalecarlia (Bait.) Isle Dago. Odinsholm, I. Reval Bohemia ? Queb. Gr Fauna E H. R. G D.d. 4, E CL., W.. A. Gr Yellow-grey Sc fauna D. Pleta Stanbridge (Can. E.) Canada Anticosti, S.W.Point (Bohemia) Tobolka Kolednic, &c. Anticosti. (Bohemia) Colonie Bruska, Motol Gross-Kuckel. (Bohem. ) Kosow Mts (Russia) Poulkova Kopscha, Reval &c (Spain) Ciudad Real Div.P,Queb. G G. g. 1 . (Newfoundland W. Cowhead. Yellow-grey Sc fauna D. Himalaya,Niti (Ind." (Bohem.) Konigshoi TRILOBITA.] 45 Subdivision. Genera, Species, and Author. Primordial. Lower Stage. Middle Stage. Upper Stage. Div. 3, A. Gr. Mayhill. E. e. 1 nuperus, Billings, obtusatus, Corda. octo-lobatus, M'Coy. ornatus, Angel. pauper, Barr. pectinatus, perforator, Billings. pleuxanthemus, Green. Polydorus, Billings. Pompilius prolificus, ounctatus, Angel, ^uenstedti, Barr. satyrus, Billings, scuticauda, Barr. scutiger, Eichw. Sedgwickii, M'Coy. sol, Billings, solitarius, speciosus, Rising. Dalman. Sternbergii, Boeck. tumescens, Barr. tumidus, Angel. vigilans, Hall. Vulcanus, Billings. WiUiamsi, M'Coy. Zembnitzkii, Eichw. sp. ind. M'Coy. Salter. Swallow. . Selwyn. Conocephalus (see Co Conocoryphe, Corda, 1 abdita, Salter. Adamsi, Billings. anatina, Hall. antiquata, Salter. applanata, Hicks, arenosa, Billings, bufo, Hicks. Billingsii, Shumard. binodosa, Hall. Chippeway-ensis, coronata, Barr. Zenker. Dalmanni, Angel, depressa, Salter. 'Anticosti )EastPoint. ^Bohemia)Luzetz,Lo- denitz, Tachlowitz, Wiskocilka. Bohemia, (Sweden) Husbyfjol. (Bohemia) Mnienian, Luzetz. Sweden. (Bohemia) Dlauha Hora, Luzetz, Tach- lovitz, Wohrada, Hinter - Kopanina, Wiskocilka. Sweden. (Bohemia) Dlaura Hora, Konieprus, Davoretz, Branik, Hluboceps, Cho- tecz, Bubowitz, Karlstein, &c. Missouri (U.S.A.) Carad Ire!., Scotl., (Wales) Ehiwlas, Cerrig- y-Druidion. F.G.g.l L.Llan Shelve, CefnGwynnle. N. York, (Can. W.) Mid-Ottawa Eiver, Tennessee, Mis- souri^. Wisconsin, Anticosti. Mingan Isles (G. St. Lawr.). Sweden (Anticosti) Junction Cliff. Div.N, Queb. G. Div. 1, A. Gr., BL., Tr., Ut. Slate, H.K.G-. Div. N, P.Queb. G. CH. orBL. ... Chazy & Queb. Gr. Eeg. D-E (Newfoundland W.) Tablehead. (Newfoundland W.) Tablehead. ^Newfoundland W.) Cowhead, Can. E. Fauna E CH Montreal (Can. E.). (Bohemia) Winice. 'Esthonia) D'Erras. (Wales) Builth, Pem- brokeshire. Black foliated Schist,faunaD Inflamm.Schist. Llan Div. N,P, Queb. G. = Pt.Levis. Eeff. E ., (Newfoundland W.) Tablehead. St. Antoine (drift), Quebec. E,F,G.g.l,2, H Fauna D Pleta Eeval (Baltic). Bohemia (Bohemia) Trubin, Exmow, &c. (Eussia) Narva &c., Borckholm (Esth.). (N.York)Middleville. Golengoed, Myddfai (Wales). (Eussia) Poulkova. Victoria (Australia). Tr Queb. G Up. Bala Pleta Stanbridge (Can. E.), (Newfoundl.) Cow- head. ? Up.Ling. Flags. Div.B,C, Potsd. Sa. Potsd. Sa LingulaFlags... Potsd. Sa (Portugal) Vallongo. Victoria (Australia). NOCOHYPHE). 847 = CONOCEPHALITE (Wales) Griccieth. Highgate, Swanton, N.W. Verm. (U.S.). Trempeleau, L. Pepin (Wisconsin). N.W.Vermont(U.S-). (S.Wales) St.David's. N.W.Vermont(U.S.). (S.Wales) St. David's. (Texas) Burnet Co. s, Zenker. Ling. Fkgs ... Potsd. Sa ? Fauna C Eeg. B Up.Mississippi Eiver, Oceola Mills. Up.Mississippi Eiver, Eiver Chippeway. (Spain, Leon) Sabero, (Bohemia) Skrey. Norway ? (Wales) Tremadoc, (Texas) Burnet Co. L. Tremad. . . . 46 [TRILOBITA. Subdivision. Genera, Species, and Author. Primordial. Lower Stage. Middle Stage. Upper Stage. Potsd. Sa. d iademata, Hall. !f . Wisconsin) Kick- apoo Marine Mills, River St. Croix. .orsalis, p.MississippiRiver. Fauna C ] Smmerichii, Barr. ohemia. Potsd. Sa ] Sos, Hall. \ .Wisconsin ) Trem- peleau. ; Sryon, 'S.Wisconsin) La Crosse, Trempe-j leau. Eeff B sjlabrata, Angel. or way. Potsd. Sa lamulus, Hal] ^.Wisconsin) Me- nisca, Trempeleau. Ling. Flags ... mmerosa, Hicks. S.Wales) St. David's.; U.Ling. Flags... invita, Salter. Wales) Penmorl'a Church. L-Potsd. Sa. ... [owensis, Hall. owa, (Wise.) Trem- peleau, RiverRoot. minor, Shumarc Wisconsin) Black River .Trempeleau. ,, minuta, Bradley. Ceeseville (N. York), Vermont? N.Wis- consin. Potsd. Sa misera, Billings. Labrador) Belleisle Straits, Forteau Bay &c. ,, nacta, Hal Wisconsin. 71! I Sill a, ,, Kickapoo R. Up.Tremad, ... olenoides, Salter Wales) Garth, Port- madoc. Potsd. Sa optata, Hal North Wisconsin, }J Oweni, (N.Wiscons.) Marine Mills, St.CroixRiv. Pattersoni, N.Wisconsin) Trem- peleau. Perseus, (N.Wisconsin) Chip- peway and Kick- apoo Rivers. Up.Ling. Flags. Plantei, Salter ^Wales) Moel Gron. P Ribeiro, Barr Spain, Leon) Sabero. Potsd. Sa Shumardi, Hal N.Winscons.) Kick- apoo Marine Mills. y socialis, Billing Canada. Fauna C striata, Bar (Bohemia) Slap, Gi- netz, Czilla. n Sulzeri, Bohemia) Czilla, Schloth Skrey, Ginetz, &c. var., C. de Prad (Spain, Leon) Sabero. Div.B.C.Potsd. Teucer, Billing Vermont (U.S.A.), Sa. Swan ton. Ling. Flags ... variolaris, Salte Porth-y-raw (S. W.) Up.Tremad. ... verisimilis, ^Wales) Tremadoc Penmorfa. > vexata, f> Potsd Vulcanus, Ha ^Vermont) Highgate Swanton. Winona , ^"Wisconsin) Blacl River. Wisconsensis, Shumar (W^isconsin) Trem peleau, Chippewaj r River. Lst.No.l,Queb . Zenkeri, Billings PointLevis (Can.E.) G. sp. ind. Barr Hof (Bavaria). Potsd. Sa Shumarc Texas (U.S.A.). >^^ Billing Newfoundland. i) Missisquoi, L. Cham plain (Can. E.) L.Ling. Flags.. Salte Criccieth (Wales). TJ.Ling.Flags.. !> !! Plan Moel Gron (Wales). Reg. B .. Corynexochus, Ang . spinulosus, Ange n, 1852 (in part onlj (Scania) Andrarum. ' =AKIONELLUS, J.A7 S.). , C umbonatus, ,, (Scania) Fagelsanjj Crepicocephahis, D D. Owen, 1852. Potsd. Group. . . miniscaensis, D. D. Owe ( Minnesota )Miniska TBIIOBITA.] 47 Subdivision. Genera, Species, and Author. Primordial. Lower Stage. Middle Stage. Upper Stage. Potsd Wisconsensis, H. B. Rogers sp. ind. Hall Cromus, Barrande, I8i Beaumontii, Barr Bohemicus, ,, inter costatus, ,, ;ransiens. ,, sp. ind. 2rotaltirus, Volborth, 1 Barrandei, Volborth. Wisconsin Pennsyl (Bohem.) Butowit (Bohemia) Lochkov, Tobolka, &c. (Bohemia) Kozor, Loehkov, W ohracla, &c. vania. N. Wisconsin. 2. Fauna E E. e. 1 &c E. e. 1 (Bohemia) Butowitz ^Bohemia) Reporyje Leiskow, Wohrada Dlauha-Hora. Norway, Dalecarlia Osmond berg. Norway. Lochkov. BishopsCastle,Shrop- shire. Dudley (England). Dudley, (W.)Builth? Bohemia) Mnienian, Lochkov, Slichow, Hostin, Tetin.* France)Lower Loire. Bohemia) Mnienian. Dvoretz, Lochkov. Bohemia) Vavrovitz. Mnienian. weden, Isle Oesel, Karral(Balt.),Dud- ley (Kef ley MSS.), Malvern. Missouri (U.S. A.). Bohemia) Dlauha Hora. 2ngl.) Dudley, Lud- low, Abberley. Carad Gembloux(Belgium" us). _ Russia. RUS and ASAPHUS). Ireland) Carrie! Adaggan. Swed.,Poulkova (R.) 858 (see SPH^REXOCI Uryptonomus, Eichwal Cybele, Loven, 1845= A arenosa, M'Coy jellatula, Dalm )revicauda, Angel dentata, mrallela, Eichw junctata, Hall Fletcher, ugosa, Portlock. excostata, Salter. ariolaris, Brongn. errucosa, Dalm. p. ind. Salter. Uyphaspis, Burmeister, Jarrandei, Corda. urmeisteri, Barr. Cerberus, onvexus, Corda. oronatus, ,, )avidsoni, ,, epressus, ,, egantulus, Loven d, 1825 (see ENCRINU TRACTOPYGE, M'Coy. ? Reg. D-E ....'. ? Pleta&c CL., W Russia) Poulkova D'Erras (Esthon.) (N.York) MedinaVil lage, Reynal's Ba- sin. Carad 'Lancash.) Coniston, (Westmorel.) Ra- venstone Dale,(Ire- land)Carrick Adag- gan, Swed.. (Wales) Meifod &c. Bak,Rhiwlas (N.W). Carad., L.Llan- dov. Llan STorway, Swed.,(Irel.' Dublin.Waterford, S.W.Scotl.,(Shrop- shire) Acton Scott, W.)CarneddDafydd. irenig Hills, S. side, S. Wales. )enbighsh., (Wales' Cerrig-y-Druidion. Carad Faunae F,G.g.l D,E.... Fauna F 1843. 3ohemia( colony, Be- ranka), ( Spain)Ciu- dad Real. Bohemia) passim. G.g.l... G.g-2.. F E ....... Coral! . Lst.,W. L.Held. G Bohemia) Listice, Tachlowitz, Woh- rada, &c. Angel. -irardeau-ensis, Shumard. [alii. Barr. umillimus, Barr. ydrocephalus, Romer. tnegalops, M'Coy. Fauna E Carad., Llan., W., L. Bohemia) Listice. England, (Ireland) Galway. ^uringia ( Giebel). England, Shropshire, Morrell's Wood, Scotland, Sholes- hook, Haverfordw. (S. Wales). 48 [TKILOBITA. Subdivision. Genera, Species, and Author. Primordial. Lower Stage. Middle Stage. Upper Stage. Fauna E . ovellus, Barr. Bohemia) Dlauha- Pleta lanifrons, Eichw. D'Erras (Esthonia). Hora, Wohrada. Carad., W. ygmreus, n. s. Salter. Wexibrd (Ireland)... England) Malvern, Carad . . Uyphoniscus, Salter, 1 ocialis, Salter. 52. Ireland) Chair of Eastnor Castle. Ree C . Cyrtometopus, Angeli ffinis, Angelin. , 1852 (CHEIRURUS). Kildare. Swed.) Ostrogothia. lavifrons, Dalm. ,, &c D Vestrogothia c ii acanthus D oveolatus, Munkester. c Husbyfjol. D Mount Kin- * nekulle. c Scania. D a? Norway. c umidus, Ostrogothia. Tr )almania, Emmerich, 1 Achates, Billings. 845 (PiiAcors)=AcA TE Goldfuss. Canada W.) Ottawa ffinis, Salter. Eiver, Marmora. Ch. Stretton (Shrop- Very Mica Sch., Anfelini, Barr. shire). Bohem. ) Popowitz, . -^ fauna D D d. 1 . tava, ,, Stromky, Gross- Kuchel. Bohemia) Eokitzan. G. g. 1 uriculata, Dalm. (Bohemia) Karlstein, Trent Bebrix, Billings. Canada W.) Ottawa Luzetz, Hostin,&c. callicephalus, Hall. City, Marmora, N. York. N. York, Missouri. Cor. Lst., Niag., audata, Briinn. (Esthon. ) Wesenberg Irel., Engl., Scotl., Pleta, W. G. e. 1 .. J hacops. cristata, Corda. Jewe. I. Oesel, Chesaare- Pank, (Canada W.) Welland Canal, Tennessee. (Bohem.) Lochkov. Danae, Meek & Worthen. Thebes, AlexanderCo. D d. 3 ... . Deshayesii, ,, (Bohemia) W^inice (Illinois). D. d. 2, 4 dubia, Barr Trubin. (Bohem.) Zarhorzan Dujardini, Eouault Lodenitz, Ea dausch, Stromky Sterboholy. (France) Angers, La Inflamm. Shale exilis Eichw Couyere, (Spain' Peralejo,SierraMo rena. D'Erras and Tolks GK g. 1 .. Fletcheri, Barr (Esthonia). (Bohemia) Karlsteiii, F, GKg. 1 Hausmanni, Dalm. ? Dworetz, Lochkov, Luzetz. (Bohemia) Dworetz, D. d. 2 Hall. Hawlei, Barr (Bohemia) W^esela. Wiskocilka, Loch- kov, N. York &c. Carad incerta, Deslongchamps (France) Domfront Tr., CL., MSa. limulurus, Hall Budleigh Saltert. Devonshire. New York New York, Isle Fitz L. H. G Logani, ,, william, L.Huron East end. Arisaig (Nova Scotia). G. s. 1. . Maccoyi, Barr (Bohemia) Karlstein, Div. 1, A. Gr tnacroura ? Angel (Anticosti) Junction Luzetz,Schvagerka. Llandov. meta, T). D. Owen N. Wisconsin. Cliff. Delth. Shale A micrura, Hall, Conrac (New York E.) Al- Pentam. Lst. D. d. 5 Morrisiana, Barr (Bohemia) Kosow bany &c. Cos. Mountain. TlULOBITA.] 49 Subdivision. Genera, Species, and Author. Primordial. Lower Stage. Middle Stage. Upper Stage. Delth.Sh.Lst... Carad. . . nasuta, Conrac obtusicaudata, Salter orba, Barr Phillipsii, Barr pleuropteryx, Hall oroavia, Emmerich Reussi, Barr rugosa, Corda (N. York E.) Coey- man's &c. Cos. Helderb. Mountains. (N. York) C.Gaspe. ^Bohemia) Konvarka, Mt. Damily, Loch- kov, Tetin. ^Bohemia) Damily, Dvoretz, Tetin. (Bohem.) Viskocilka, Hinter, Kopan. Lockhov &c. (N. York) Schoharie County. (Missouri) Cape Gi- rardeau. Jow.Harz, Germany. Wisconsin. Nova Scotia)Arisaig. Victoria (Australia). Coniston (Westmore land). (Bohemia) Borek. E. e. 1 Fauna D. 1, 2 3, 4, 5. Delth. Shale & Pentam. Lst. F, G.g. 1-3 .. F,GKg.l Pleta . (France)Angers,(Sp. AsturiaWest, Gua dalmos, Chillon (Bohern.) Moun Drabow, Praskoles Zahorzan, Koa nigshof. France, Spain, Bo hernia. sclerops, Dalm socialis, Barr solitaria, pinifera, Torrubias, Verneuil, ridens, Hall, ridentifera, Shumard, ;risulcata, Hall, runcato-caudata, Portl. ;uberculata, Giebel. Vetillarti, Eouault. igilans, Hall, p. ind. M'Coy. Gosselet, Barrand. C. de Prado. Swallow. Deiphon, Barrande, 185 ?orbesii, Barr. lobifrons, Angel, sevis, Minctatus, ,, Dikelocephalus, D. D. Sims, Billings. Belli, Delticus, Salter. Centroplura. Oorax, Billings. ristatus, ,, Russia) Eiver Lena (Asia) Poulkova. (France) La Manche Vitre, Trebauf (Spain) Almaden Ballesteros &c. (Bohemia) passim Bohemia) Lodenitz Gross-Kuckel, Lie- ben. D. d. 2, 3, 4, 5 D (Mica Sch.). G. g. 1 . Delth. Sh. Lst... M.Sa. &c Spain) Ballasteros, Puenta de las Ove- gas. C.W.)MamboroTP. Pleta, Carad.... Carad. Esthon. ) Wesenberg, Tyrone, (Shropsh." Church Stretton, (Wales) Blain-y- cwm. Prance) Vitre, An- gers, (Spain) Bal- lesteros &c. Niag. .. W., Fauna E... Eeg. E 3ondros (Belgium), lierra Morena (Sp.). Missouri). 0. ley, Malvern &c., (Bohemia) St.Ivan. Lodenitz, Listice. Beraun &c. 3-othland. Sweden) Dalecarlia. ii D, E Lst.No.2,Queb. G. Lst. No.l,Queb. G. U. Ling. Fl. ... Lst.No.l.Queb. G. Owen, 1852. Point Levis (Can.E.). Wales) Ogof ddu, Criccieth. Point Levis (Can.E.). 50 [TEILOBITA. Subdivision. Genera, Species, and Author. Primordial. Lower Stage. Middle Stage. Upper Stage. Lst.2, Queb. G U.Ling. Flags Up. Tremad. . . Potsd. Sa Lst. 1, Queb. G Potsd. Sa Lst. 1, Queb. G- Potsdam Devinei, Billings discoidalis, Salter Centroplura. furca, ,, granulosus, D. D. Owen Hisingeri, Billings lowensis, D. D. Owen latifrons, B. F. Shumard limbatus, Hall magniflcus, Billings megalops, ,, Miniska-ensis, D.D.Owen Minnesotensis, var. limbatus, var. a, misa, Missisquoi, Billings Osceola, D. D. Owen Oweni, Billings pauper, . Pepinense, D. D. Owen planifrons, Billings Roemeri, B. F. Shumard selectus, Billings Sesostris, D. D. Owen spiniger, Hall sp. ind. D. D. Owen Salter Dindymene, Corda, 18 Frid-Augusti, Corda Haidingeri, Barr Dionide, Barrande, 184 atra, Salter euglypta, Angel, ibrmosa, . Barr. serplexa, Billings. Diplorrhina (see AGNO Dolichometopus, Ang convexus, Billings. gibberulus? raras, Suecicus, Angel. Dysplanus, Burmeister. centaurus, Dalm. centrotus, Portl. muticus, Volborth. Point Levis (Can.E.) (Wales) Criccieth. ,, Moel-y-Gest Penmorfa. Minisca R. (Minnes.) Point Levis (Can.E.) Black River, near Mountain Island (Mississ.) Wiscon Wisconsin. N. Wisconsin. Point Levis (Can.E.) (Minnesota) Miniska River, Pennsylva nia. (Minnes.) Mazoma nia, La Grange M^Madison^Wis consin)L.La Croix Still water. (Minnes.) La Grange Mountain. 51 Trempeleau, Miniska (Minnesota). Philipsburg(Can.E.) Osceola Mills (Wis consin). Point Le vis (CanJE.) Pennsylv., La Grange Mtn. (Minnesota). Point Levis (Can.E.) Texas, Burnet &c. Point Levis (Can.E.) Up.Mississippi,Point Levis (Can. E.). Trempeleau, Wis- consin. S. Wisconsin. Criccieth (Wales). 47. (Bohemia) Beraun. (S. Wales) Ty-obry, Portmadoc. Sweden (Boh.) Winice, Ptak, Trubin, Sweden. Anticosti) The Jumpers. Sweden) Andrarum. OS., Potsd Potsd Queb. G Potsd. Sa Lst. l.Queb. G Potsd. Sa. '.'..... Lst. No.l, Queb G. Potsd. Sa Lst. No.l, Queb G. Lst. No.l, Queb. G., Potsd. Calcar.Magn.S., Potsd. Sa. U.Ling. Flags.. Yellow-grey Sh., Fauna D. L.Llan. Flags... Faun. D (Boh.). Div.4, A. Gr... Div.G,OS.,Queb. G. J) 51 Keg', E ...'.'..... 6. STUS). elm, 1852 (see ARION ^Newfoundland W.) Port au Choix. (Newfoundland W.) Port au Choix, (Can. E.) Oxford. Phillipsb. (Can.E.)? ELLUS). Llan.Fl.,Eeg.C. Up. Bala, Pleta. 1843. . Swed., (Norw.)Chris- tiania, (Wales )Ber- wyn Mountains. Wales) Berwyns, Sweden, (Norway) Christiania, Irel., (Russ.)St.Petersb., (Esthon.) Jewe,Isle Odinsholm. lussia. TKILOBITA.] 51 Subdivision. Genera, Species, and Author. Primordial. Lower Stage. Middle Stage. Upper Stage. Taconic Group Ling. Flags. ... Fauna C L. Held. a. ... Div. 4, A. Gr. W Eccoptochyle, Corda, Ellipsocephalus, Zenk asapkoides, Emmons. depressus, Salter. Germari, Barr. Hoffi, Pradoensis, Verneuil. sp. ind. De Praclo. ,, Barrande. Encrinurus, Emmerich, arcticus, Salter. deltoideus, B.F.Shumard. elegantulus, Billings. Ketleyanus, Salter. Isevis, Angel. mirus, Billings, multisegmentatus, Portl. punctatus, . Wahlenb. var. arenaceus, Briinn. rex ? Nieszk. sexcostatus, Salter. variolaris, Brongn. vigilans, Hall. sp. ind. Billings. Ketley. Hall. Salter. Worthii, Eichw. Endymionia, Billings, Meeki, Billings. sp. ind. Barr. Erinnys, Salter, 1865 ( venulosus, Salter. Eryx, Angelin, 1852 ? taticeps, Angelin. Euloxna, Angelin, 1852 Lseve, n. s. Angel. ornatum, Eurycare, Angelin, 185 angustatum, Angel, brevicauda, camwricorne, latum, Boeck. Goniopleura, Corda, 1 Harpes, Goldfuss, 1841. antiquatus, Billings. 1847 (see CHEIVUEUS er, 1833. New York. (W.)Wern. Penmorfa (Bohem.) Slap.Skrey. ,, Ginetz, ,, Toledo ? (Spain). Spain. Hoff, Bavaria. 1845 (includes CKYP ) TONEMUS, in part, J. W.S.). Gothland ? Arctic Seas (America). Up.MississippiKiver. pers. Dudley (England). Sweden, Arctic Seas (America). (Engl.) Dudley, Usk,, Malvern, Ireland, N. & S. Wales. Dudley (England). Griffith's Island &c. (Arctic America). (Anticosti) The Jum Div. N,P, Queb. G. Carad., Lland., W., L.Pleta, Cor. Lst. Carad (Newfoundland W. & N.)PistoletBay&c. (Wales) Montgomsh., Tyrone, Ferma- nagh (Ireland). Coniston (Lancash.), (Wales) Pwllheli &c., (Eussia) L. Ladoga, (Esthonia) Wesenberg, Great Barr, Staffordsh. (Anticosti) Junction Cliff, Galway (Ire- land), (Wales). Mathyrafal, Galway, (Engl.) Norbury, Malvern,(Anticos.) East Point, &c. (Wales) Pen-y-Cau, Mayhill, Malvern, Wooltack,&c.(Eng- land). Dudley, Usk &c. (Engl.), Norway. Isle Oesel (Baltic), Walsall, Dudley, &c.(Engl.),(Wales) Marloes Bay. (Wales) Mwdwl Ei- thin, Plas Madoc. D'Erras, Odinsholm, Wesenberg, &c. (Esthonia). (Wales) Bala, Haver- fordwest, S.W. Scotland. W CL Lake St. John (Can. E.), Canada, New York. Shickshoch Moun- tains (Can. E.). W. Pleta .... Wisconsin (U.S.A.). Poulkova, Popova (Russia), Eeval (Esthonia). Point Levis(Can.E.), Newfoundl. N. & W., Point Rich, &c. Gembloux(Belgiuni). (Sweden) Berg, Os- trogothia. Sweden, Mount Hun- neberg, (Norway) Opslo. Mingan Isles, (G. of St. Lawr.). Div. N,P, Queb. G. Ling. Flags . . . Bee. B ., 1865. HARPIDES). Britain, St. David's. (Scania) Andrarum, Sweden. ^CALYMENE). , C B, C A . 2 (OLENUS). Andrarum (Sweden). & Westro- gothia. 847 (PKOETUS). " " CH 52 [TEILOBITA. Subdivision. Genera, Species, and Author. Primordial. Lower Stage. Middle Stage. Upper Stage. Div. 4, A. Gr., Mayhill. Eeg. D, E E . Bischoffii, Eoemer. consuetus, Billings. costatus, Angel, crassifrons, Barr. Dentoni, Billings. Doranni, Portlock. Escanabise, Hall. Flanagani, Portlock. Grantii, Billings, megalops, M'Coy. Montagnei, Corda. Naumanni, Barr. Orbignyanus, Ottawa-ensis, Billings. parvulus, M'Coy. primus, Barr. pustulosus, Hall, reticulatus, Corda. Scanicus, Angel. Spaskii, Eichw. ungula, . Barr. venulosus, Corda. vittatus, Barr. Wegelina, Angel, sp. ind. Salter. ,, Harkness. Harpides, Corda, 1847. atlanticus, Billings. breviceps, Angel, concentricus, Billings. desertus, Hall. Grimmi, Barr. rugosus, Angel. Zenkeri, Billings. Hemicryptums, Cord Holocephalina, Salter, primordialis, Salter. sp. ind. Holometopus, Angelin, aciculatus, Angel. Angelini, Billings. elatifrons, Angel, limbatus, ornatus, Thuringia. (Sweden) Dalecarlia, Osmundberg. Dudley (Engknd). (Bohem.) Konieprus, Suchomast. (Bohem.) Lodenitz. Dvoretz. (Bohem.) Konieprus. Mnienian. Sweden ? Lower Loire, La Fe- ronniere (France). (Bohemia) Konie- prus,Chotecz,Mnie- nian. Sweden. (Anticosti)S.W.Point (Bohem.) Kozel, Lis- tice, Viskocilka. Tr Mid-Ottawa Eiver (Can. W.). England, (Ireland) Desertcreate, Den- bighshire, Llangol- len, &c. (Irel.) Tyrone, De- sertcreate. Carad Potsd. Sa.? ... Carad N.W. Michigan (TJ. S.A.). Queb. G Phillipsburg(Can.E.) w Fauna F E ,. G.g.l... H. E. G Ottawa City (C. W.), (Anticosti) Wreck Point, English Hd. (S.W. Scotl.) Wrae Quarry. (Bohemia) Eokitzan. (N.York)Watertown. Carad D. d. 1 BL Fauna 4, F ... Eeg. C Pleta Eeval (Baltic). Bohemia. Dlauha-Hora. (Bohemia) Butowitz, Lochkov. Fauna E E, F, G. g. 1... E Eeg. D, E Div.P, Queb. G. Eeg. B (Sweden) Dalecarlia. Merioneth,Bala Lake. Leisley(Westmorel.). (Sweden)Mount Kin- nekulle. Fagelsang (Scania). (Vestrogothia)Mount Kinnekulle. V . (Swed.) Vestrogothia. \ Canada ?, Newfound- land W., Portland Creek. Andrarum (Sweden). (Newfoundland W.) Cowhead. (Can. E.) Bedford, Pike Eiver. (Bohem.) Przibram. (Norway) Opslo, (Sweden) Mount Hunneberg. (Can. E.) PointLevis. a, 1847 (see ASAPHUS). 1864. England, (S.Wales) Port-y-Ehaw, St. David's. (Wales) Maentwrog and St. David's. 1852. Div.P.Queb. G. )> D Fauna D.d. 1... Eeg. B, C Queb. G ... Ling. Flags ... Eeg. D, E Div. N, P.Queb. G. Eeg. B, C C Point Levis (Can.E.), Newfoundland W., Pt. Eich. (Swed.) Mt. Hunneb. * . - D, E TRILOBITA.] 53 Subdivision. Genera, Species, and Author. Primordial. Lower Stage. Middle Stage. Upper Stage. Car.,Llandov.. Homalonotus, Konig, bisulcatus, Salter 1820. (N. Wales) Garnedd var. j8 minor, Meifod, Capel Gar mon,Tremadoc,&c. (Shropsh.) Acton Scott,(Westmorel/ Ravenstone Dale. (N. Wales) Bala Fauna D. d. 2.. Bohemicus, Barr Westmoreland. 'Bohem^Mt.Drabow brevicaudatus, Deslongch Normandy (Budleigh Carad Brongniarti Deslongch Salt.) Devonshire (pebbles). (Erance)Mav,(Engl ) Dawsoni, Hall BudleighSalterton (Spain) Almaden Ballesteras. Arisaig(Nova Scotia). W delphinocephalus, Green (N. York) Herkime (England) Dudley, Carad Edgelli, Salter (Engl ) Shropshire. Co. Woolhope, (Wales Usk, Canada, (N. York)Lockport&c., Pleta elongatus, Eichw Isle Dago (Baltic). Pennsyl., Virginia L Johannis Salter (Engl.) Usk.Malvern L. H. G., Up Knightii, Konig. (Westmorel.)Kendal, Ludl. Linares, Salter. Ludlow, Middle- ton Park, (Wales) Radnorsh., Here- fordshire, Golden Gr., Builth, (Nova Scotia) Arisaig, (Hanover) Harz. Bolivia, S. America. L Ludensis, Murch England, Wales. =^ Knightii. minor, Homer. Thuringia. Tremad Reg. D, E monstratus. Salter. platynotus, Dalm. Ramseyl.&c. (S.W.). (Swed.) Vestrogothia, Sweden. Carad.jFaunaD rarus, Barr. Mts. Mosseberg & Olleberg. (Bohemia) Mt. Dra- Reg. E rhinotropis, Angel. bow, (Spain) Alma- den, Brittany, Nor- mandy, May. (Swed)Scania,Elinta, Carad rudis, Salter. (Wales) Capel Gar- Gothl.. Horburg, = Schusteri ? Sedgwickii, ,, mon, Denbighsh., NantYr.&c.,(Eng- land) Shropshire. (Engl.)Budleigh Sal- Burevick, &c. Delth. Sh. Lst. Vanuxemi, Hall. terton, Devonsh. ?. (N.York) Helderberg Carad Ticaryii, Salter. (Engl.) Budleigh Sal- Mns., Albany & Llan. Tulcani, Murch. terton, Devonsh. (Engl )Corndon Hills Herkimer Cos. Carad Winwoodii, . Salter. Budleigh Sal- p. ind. terton, Devonsh. Illampu Mountain, .... -;*.... , Capel Garmon (Den- B olivia (S.Amer.). bighshire). Engl )Budleigh Sal- Tremad lamsey I.(St.David's terton, Devonsh. W (W.) Mwdwl, Eithin. Carad ,, Green. New York? ,, Dawson. Arisaig (Nova Scotia). Ij.Ijiiiidov Homalopteron, Salter, ongifrons, W.-Edgell 865. Fauna C =JBarr 'andia. Portlockii.j Salter. radians, M'Coy, p. ind. W.-Edgell. Hydrocephalus, Barr arens, Barr. aturnoides, Wexford (Ireland). Builth 'embrokesh. ande, 1846. Boh.) Skrey Schists. n 54 [TRILOBITA. Subdivision. Genera, Species, and Author. Primordial. Lower Stage. Middle Stage. Upper Stage. ILlaenopsis, Salter, 18Q5. Thomsoni, Salter. niaenurus, Sail, 1863. quadratus, Owen, Hall. OCTOILL-fiNUS, SaTT. Illaenus, Dalman, 1826 semulus, Salter. =Dysplanus, Americanus, Billings. angusticollis, Arcturus, Hall arcnatus, Billings. armatus, allied to, D. D. Owen, atavus, Eichw. =Actinobolus atavus. Bailyi, Salter. Barrandei, D. D. Owen. Barriensis, March. Bayfieldi, Billings. Beaumonti, Kouault. Bouchardii, Barr. var. minutus, Corda. Bowmanni, Salter. = Dysplanus. brachyoniscus, Salter. carinatus. centaurus, Dalm. clavifrons, Billings, conifrons, Conradi, consimilis, consobrinus, ,, cornutus, Eichw. crassicauda, Wahlenb. (Engl.) W. of Stiper Stones, Shelve, &c. Bohemia. LANUS, &C.). (Shropshire) Pres- teign, Eadnorshire. (Can. W.) Ottawa City, Lake Huron. (Can.E.) Low.Ottawa Eiver, Michigan, St. Joseph's &c., Lake Huron. (N.York) Chazy Vil- lage, (Can. W. ^id- Ottawa, (Can. E.) Mingan Isles. Chirbury,Shropshire. Potsd Osceola Mills, St. Croix Eiver. Carad.,LlandoT. Tr ^see BUMASTUS, DYSP BL Tr CH..B..BL.... Queb. G. Niaff Chicago (Illinois). (England) Bogmine, Woolhope, Led- bury, Dudley, Mal- vern, Onny Eiver, (Euss.) L. Ladoga, (Bait.) Isles Oesel & St. Jean, New York, Wisconsin. Isle Oesel, St. Jean (Baltic). Winning's Quarry, Malvern, Dudley (England). (Newfoundland W.) Cowhead. Pleta Lake Winnipeg (Eu- pert's Land). Baltischport^Estho. ), (St. Petersburg) Kopsha. Ireland (S.) Duna- brattin Head. U. Mississippi River. Malverns Carad ? Corall.L.,Niag., Llandov., W. CH (Can. E.) Mingan Isles, Montreal. [Fr.)Angers,Vitre,&c. (Bohem.)St.Iwan &c. (Wales) Llandovery, Gwyddon, Chir- bury, Shropshire. Corall.L., E.e.l. !i >i Carad.,Llandov. W. (Wales)Haverfordw., Berwyns, &c., Kil- dare (Irel.), (S.W. Scotl.) Drummuck. Himalaya, Niti Pass, East Indies. CH., B., BL.... B..BL ((Eland) Aleboke. Vlingan Isles. Can. E.) Eiver Achi- gan, Mingan Isles. Can. E.) E. Achigan, Hull,Ottawa Eiver. Eopscha (Eussia). . (Esthon.) E6val, We- senb., Lyckhobn, &c., Norway, Swe- den, (Eussia) Lake Ladoga, Eopscha, &c., Angers, LaHu- nandiere (France), Mingan Isles (G. St.Lawr.),EedEiv. (Eupert's Land), Missouri,Prairie du Chien (Wiscons). BL., CH Div. L, M, N, Queb. G. Div. P, Queb.G. Pleta Newfoundland W.) Cowhead. CH., Tr. TRLLOBITA.] 55 Subdivision. Genera, Species, and Author. Primordial. Lower Stage. Middle Stage. Upper Stage. ,, Carad. ... Pleta, Carad.... Very Micaeous Sch., D. d. 4. Div. L, N, P, Queb. G., Pt. LeVis &c. Carad Dalmani, Volborth Davisii, Salter Desmaresti, Eouault distinctus, Barr. 7 raternus, Billings. giganteus, Burm. globosus, Billings. grandis, EEisingeri, Barr. EEispanicus, Verneuil. mperator, D. D. Owen, ncertus, Billings, nsignis, Salter. Katzeri, Barr. Eussia. (Engl.) Westmorel. (Wales) Corvan Ehiwlas, &c. (S.W Scotland) Stinchar Eiver &c. (Fr.) Vitre", D'Erce Angers, (Portugal Vallongo. (Bohemia) Wraz, Be- raun. (Fr.) Brittany, Vitr6, &c. (La Sarthe), Portugal (Vallon.), Spain. Can. E.) Montreal, Murray Bay, Min- gan Isles. Canada (Anticosti, passim). Bohem.) Konigshof, Karlshiitte. Spain) Ballesteros, Chillon, S.Morena. Canada (Anticosti, passim). Wisconsin (U.S.A.). Chicago (Illinois), Dudley (England). (Newfoundland W. & N.W.)Pt.Eich&c. CH Div. 4, A. Gr., H. E. G.,MSa. Fauna D. d. 5. Niag Queb. G Stanbridge (Can. E.). Niag., W D.d. 1 Bohemia) Eokitzan. Dalecarlia) Osmuns- berg. lumulassari &c. (Eussia). N.York)Watertown. S.W. Scotl.) Wrae. Wales) Oswestry. Portugal) Vallongo. S.W. Scotl.) Girvan, Ayrshire. pan. E.) E. Achigan, Lower Ottawa Eiv. , L. Huron, St. Joseph Isl. Ilingan Isles (G. St. Lawr.). Wales) Llandeilo, Coniston, Grug, Birds' Hill, Water- head (Lancashire). Girvan (S.W. Scotl.). Canada, Anticosti, Gamache Bay, &c. Pleta aticauda, Hising, aticlavius, Eichw. atidorsatus, . Hall, atus, M'Coy. =Bowmanni. Jewisii, Salter. =Panderia. [jusitanus, Sharpe. =giganteus. M'Cullumi, Salter. =Bumastus. Hilleri, Billings. Manganensis, Hurchisoni, Salter. nexilis, oblongatus, Angelin. ocularis, Salter. orbicaudatus, Billings. ovatus, Conrad. Panderi, Barr. ParMnsoni, Eichw. jerovalis, Murch. Portlooki, Salter. )unctulosus, Tr Carad Llandov B., BL.,Tr. ... Carad Llandov Pleta j.Ladoga &c.(Euss).. Chair of Kild. (IreL). Anticosti Isle Carad Div. 1, 2, 3, 4, A.Gr.,H.E.G., MSa. H. E. G., B., BL Can.E.)Hull,Ottawa Eiver, (Wisconsin) Mineral Point. Bohem.) Sterboholy, Wotmitz, Bracz, Czernin, &c. ?oulkova&c.(Eussia), Isle Odinsholm. Irel.)Tyrone, Desert- create, limalaya, Niti Pass (India). D.d. 3, 4 Pleta L.Llan Corndon Mt. &c., Shropsh., Abereidy Bay, Pembrokesh., and St. David's. Carad 56 [TRILOBITA. Subdivision. Genera, Species, and Author. Primordial. Lower Stage. Middle Stage. Upper Stage. Pleta, Up. Bala. losenbergii, Eichw. var. minutus, ludolphi, Salteri, Barr. Sancbezi, Verneuil. Schmidtii, Volborth. imulator, Billings, ardus, Barr. auricornis, Kutorga. aurus, D. D. Owen. ?homsoni, Salter. =IZl D. b D, E Fauna E, 3 .. W. L Dolom. L. witi Orthoc (Esthonia) Isles o Worms and Dago (Russia) Gratchina Silesia. TRILOBTTA.] 57 Subdivision. Genera, Species, and Author. Primordial. Lower Stage. Middle Stage. Upper Stage. Pleta aries, Eichw. Barrandei, Fletcher. Bigsbyi, Hall. Boltoni, Bigsby. Bucklandi, Salter. bulbiceps, Hall. Canadensis, Billings. cicatrosus, Loven. coelorrhinus, Angel. concinnus, conformis, coniceps, D. de Leucht. convexus, Angel, cucullus, Meek & W. Dalecarlicus, decipiens, W. & Marcy. deflexus, Sjogren. depressus, Angel. Eichwaldii, Nieszk. eriopis, Hall. armatus. gibbus, Angel. Gothlandicus, ,, grandis, Hall. Grayii, Fletcher. Haueri, Barr. Heberti, Rouault. heteroclytus, Barr. Hibernicus, Portlock. hirsutus, Fletcher. Hispanicus, Verneuil. Hybneri, Eichw. incola, Barr. Jukesii, Billings. Kaiserlichi, Hoffmann, laciniatus, Dalm., Wahl. laevis, Eichw. laticeps, Angel, latifrons, ,, laxatus, M'Coy. macrocephalus, Eichw. Minganensis, Billings. (Russia) Poulkova. Dudley, Ledbury (England). (N. York) Coeymans, Carlisle &c. Cos. Canada W., (N.York) Wolcott, Lockport, Sweden. Whitecliff (Ludlow), Dudley. Gaspe (Canada E.). Sweden. (Sweden) Gothland. (Sweden) Dalecarlia. Sweden ? Chicago (Illinois). Russia. New York. (Sweden) Gothland. Ledbury, Dudley (England). (Bohem.) Konieprus, Mnienian, D voretz , Slichow. (Bohemia) Kozolup. Dudley (England). Russia. (Sweden) Gothland. w .... DelthSh. L. ... TCia? W., L.Ludl. ... Carad Div. 4, A. Gr., Mayhill. Eeg. D, E C&c (Ireland) Chair of Kildare. (Anticosti) E. Point. (Sweden) Dalecarlia. ,, Ostrogothia, Smoland &c. (Esthon.) Wesenberg. (Sweden) Dalecarlia. (Russia) Hummulas- saar and Poulkova. (Swed.)Ljung, Ostro- gothia. Alexander Co. (Illi- nois). Sweden, (Russ.)Poul- kova, Esthonia. Pleta, Eeg. E... Reg. D, E Pleta (Sweden) Dalecarlia. Reg. C . Tr Pleta, Reg. D,E "NTiaff Reg. D. a? ... Pleta &c Swed., Aland (drift). Norway, ,, ,, (Russia) Poulkova, (Esthonia) Reval, D'Erras, Kirna, Isle Odinsholm. Reg. E C Russia, Gothland. ? Carad., W Faunae F, G. g.l E (France) Poligne, Bain, &c. (Irel.) Dublin, Por- trane, Chair of Kil- dare, Tyrone, De- sertcreate. W Pleta (Spain) Ciudad Real. Russia, (Esthonia) Reval. (Bohemia) Rokitzan. D. d. 1 Queb. & Pleta, Reg.D.E, Carad. Dolom. L. with Platystrophia. Reg. E (Newfound!.) Cow- head, Stanbridge (Can. E.). Coniston (Westmore- land), (Swed.) Ves- trogothia, Mount Olleberg &c. (Esthonia) Kirna. ? Carad., L. & U. Llandov. Pleta Dufton ( Westmorel.), Denbighsh., Bala, Cerrig -y-Druidion . &c., S.W.Scotland, Shropshire, Acton Scott, (Irel.) Wex- ford, Kildare. (Russia) Poulkova. Mingan Isles (G. St. Lawr.). (Ayrshire) Mulloch's Hill. Shropshire. CH. or BL. ... 58 [TKILOBITA. Subdivision. Genera, Species, and Author. Primordial. Lower Stage. Middle Stage. Upper Stage. Carad. Nereus, Hall, nodulosus, Salter. Norvegicus, Angel. Alandicus, ornatus pachyrrhinus, Dalm. palmatus, Barr. Patriarchus,Wyatt-Edgel] polytomus, Angel. propinquus, Barr. N. York (U.S.A.). Eussia (Esthon. )Ker- kau,(Swed.)Gothl. Chicago (Illinois). Gothland. (N. York) Albany & Schoharie Cos. Dudley (England). (Bohem.)Wiskocilka, Wohrada, Eatmka, Kozel, Listice, St. Iwan, &c. Malvern, Dudley, (England). Lower Harz (Giebel). (Bohemia) Dlauha- Hora. Mayhill, Worcester Eailway, Malvern. (Wales)Pont-y-Glyn, Corwen. Norway. (Sweden) Aland, Isle Dago, (Esthonia) D'Erras, Jelgi- maggi. Sweden Eeg. C? Compact Pleta, Eeg. C, In- flamm. Schist. Dolom., Corall. Lst., Eeg. C. Eeg. C Ostrogothia, Husbyfjol. (Bohemia) Wohrada, Wiskocilka. (S. Wales) Pont La- dies, Llandeilo. (Swed. ) Vestrogothia, Mount Ollenberg. Coniston Waterhead (Lancashire). Bohemia. Fauna: D, E ... Llan Eeg. D, E Carad Niae. pugnax, Winch. & Marcy. pusillus, Angel, pustulosus, Hall. rotundifrons, ,, Salteri, Fletcher, scabra, Beyrich. scuticauda, Salter (MS.). sex-lobatus, Eomer. sex-punctatus, Hoffmann, sex-spinus, Angel, simplex, Barr. Tibetanus Salter. Trentonensis, Billings. verrucosus, Eichw. Salter. sp. ind., Selwyn. Salter. Liostracus, Angelin, 18 aculeatus, Angel, costatus, ,, muticus, Loganellus, Devine, 18 Logani or Q.uebecensis. Lonchocephalus, I). Chippewa-ensis, D. D. Owen, hamulus, Lonchodcmus, Angeli affinis, Angelin. crassirostris, ,, domatus, jugatus, Sars. longirostris, Eichw. Megalaspis, Angelin, 1 acuticaudata, Angel, excavato-zonata, explanata, ,, extenuata, Wahl. Eeg. E L H. G. w Fauna D, E ... Eeg. D? Bohemia (colony) ... Norway, Eussia. Norway. E B.,BL.,Tr. ... Woolh., W. ... Pleta (E. India) Niti Mtns. (Pennsylvania) Carl- isle^. W.Michigan, (N.York) Middlevi Canada,(Ohio)Cin- cinnati. (Esthonia) Eeval. lie, (Sweden) Ljung ? Carad Victoria (Australia). Denbighshire, Cerrig- y-Druidion. JiUS). Norway. Sweden? Norway. [Sweden )Boda, Alan- dia. Sweden, Norway, Isle Odinsholm (Bait.), Eussia. Sweden) Alandia. Sweden. Sweden, (Eussia) L. Ladoga, (Esthon.) Wesenberg. Eeg. A 52 (see ELLIPSOCEPHA (Sweden) Alandia. Ostrogothia. Alandia. 65. Point Levis (Can.E.). D. Owen, 1852. Chippewa Eiver, L. Pepin (Mississ:). [Minnesota) Miniska Biver-mouth. n, 1852 (see AMPYX). Queb.G.A.L. 3 P Eeg. D. a.? ... D. a.? ... B, C [Sweden) Mt.Hunne- berg, (Norw.)Opslo. C Pleta Eeg. C 852 (see ASAPHUS). Pleta TRILOBITA.] 59 Subdivision. Genera, Species, and Author. Primordial. Lower Stage. Middle Stage. Upper Stage. Pleta igas, Angel, leros, Dalm. ate limbata, Angel, imbata, ongicauda, D. de Leucht. multiradiata, Angel. )lano-limbata, emigium, Eichw. otundata, ,, udis, Angel. tenorhachis, ,, onata, Lawrow. p. ind. Menocephalus, D. D. globosus, Billings. VKnnesotensis,D.D.Owen. Salteri, Devine. Sedgwickii, Metopias, Eichwald, 18 Microdiscus, Emmons, junctatus, Salter quadricostatus, Emmons Ellens, Dalmann, 1826 aifinis, Billings armadillo, Dalm Beaumonti, Eouault rlomerinus, Dalm ineatus, Angel weden. (Eussia) L. Ladoga, Gov. St. Petersburg.Wassil- kowa. Iweden. Sweden) Scania, Fa- gelsang, &c. Sweden, (Euss.) Gos- tilitzy, &c.,(Estho.) Eeval. Sweden. Swed.) Olstrop, Os- trogothia. lapsal (Esthonia). Sweden. Sweden) Heda &c., Ostrogothia, (Eus- sia) Tosna &c. Sweden. Sweden) Alandia. Russia, (Sweden) Heda, Berg &c. (Eussia)Hume lasaari & Poulkova Trance) La Couyere Sweden. [Swed.) Vestrogothia Olstorp. Eussia. (Sweden) Husbyfjo' Olstorp, &c. (Swed.) Ostrogothia Olstrop. (Swed.) Ostrogothia Heda, Ljung, &c. Tosna(Euss.),(Swed Heda &c., Ostro gothia. (Sweden) Mt. Mosse berg, &c., (Eussia Tzarskaya, Slaw janka. Poulkova, Eopscha Pontylowa, Lak Ladoga (Eussia). PIS). Eeg. C Pleta Ees. C ., Pleta Eeg. C... Eeg. C Lst. 1, Queb.G. P Owen, 1852. Point Levis (Can.E.). Wisconsin. Point Le"vis (Can.E.). 42 (see LICHAS). 1855. (Wales) Maentwrog near St. David's (S.Wales)Dolgelly Virginia, Augusta Co (U.S.A.). Isle Orleans(Can.E.) (Newfoundl. W. Cowhead. Lst. A. 3, Queb G. Lst. 1, Queb. G P., L.Ling. Fl. Queb.G Div. P., Queb G., Pt. Lullata, Salter. sullina, ,, Corndensis, Murch. Davisii ?, desiderata, Barr. Desmaresti, Brongn. dilatata, Briinn. Edwardsi, Eouault. Murchisoni, Murch. peltata, Salter. Portlockii, M'Coy. radians, cutatrix, Salter. Selwynii, Ogygiocaris, Angelin, dilatata, Briinn. Olenus, Dalmann, 1827 acanthurus, Angel, aciculatus, ,, aculeatus, ,, alatus, Boeck. asaphioides, Emmons. attenuatus, Boeck. )isulcatus, Phill. cataractes, Salter. lagellifer, gibbosus, Wahlenb. lolopyga, Hall lumilis, Phill impar, Salter [atus, Boeck Logani, Billings micrurus, Salter paradoxides, Wahl pecten, Salter scarabaeoides, Wahl var. obesus? Sedgwickii, Salter serratus, ,, spinulosus, Dahn scarabaoides. ^Spain)Almaden &c., (France) La Cou- yere, Bain, (Wales) Llandeilo, Builth, Shropshire, Isle Odinsholm (Bait.). ^England) Corndon, Shelve. Carneddan,Builth,&c. Bohemia) Eokitzan. (France) Angers &c., Spain. Russia, Sweden. (France) La Couyere i . Whitesand Bay, St. David's (S.Wales). Mus. Pr. Geol., Llan. Fauna D. d. 1 . . . L.Lland., Tre- mad. Llan Bain. !few Eoss, Co. Wex- ford. (Wales) Ehiwlas Builth, Llandegley &c., (Irel.) Newton Head, Waterford. (Engl.) Lord's Hill &c., Shelve &c., Shropshire,(Wales) Tai-hirion, Dol- gelly, &c. &c.). (S.Wales) St. David's. P., Llan., U.&L. Tremad. L.Llan (Wales) Garth, Pen- morfa, &c. Keg. B. a 1852. Norway. (SpHjEROPHTHALMUS Scania) Sandby. Sweden) Andrarum. Wales)Penmorfa &c ^N. York) Greenwich Washington Co. (Sweden) Andrarum. 'England) Malvern (Wales) Dolgelly. [N. Wales) Maent- wrog, Criccieth Treflys, DolgeUy. (Wales) Borth &c. (N.Wales) E. Mawd- dach,Dolgelly,Nor- way (Scania). (Vermont, U.S.A.) Georgia T p . (England) Malvern (Wales) DolgeUy. (S.Wales)Portmadoc Penclogwyn. Norway. (Can. E.)PointL6vis (Wales) Tremadoc Maentwrog, Festi niog, Snowdon Trawsfynydd, &c. (Swed.) Scania, An drarum. Malvern (England). Malvern, (Wales Moel Gron, Borth &c., Swed. passim Norway. (Wales) Portmadoc. (N. Wales) Cerrig wen, Borth. (Scania) Andrarum (Wales) Dolgelly. , A U.Ling. Fl. &e. Taconic Eee. A . L.Ling. Flags... L.Ling. Flags, Keg. A. QuebG Ling. Flags ... U. Tremad Alum Slates ... Queb. Gr L.Ling. Flags, Llan. Alum Slates ... Llan Ling. Fl., Llan Tremad Ling. Flags .. Mid.Ling. Flags TKHOBITA.] 61 Subdivision. Genera, Species, and Author. Primordial. Lower Stage. Middle Stage. Upper Stage. Reg. A sphenopygus, Angel subarmatus, Salter = Thomaoni ? Tessini, Dalm = Paradoxides. truncatus, Briinn undulo-striatus, Hall sp. ind. Salter Barr Olenellus, Billings, 186 Thompsoni, Hall Vermontanus, ,, Palaeopyge, Salter, 185 Eamsayi, Salter Panderia, Volborth, 186 Lewisii, Salter minima, Volborth triquetra, Volborth. Parabolina, Salter, 184 serrata, Salter spinulosa, Angel Paradoxides, Brongnia asaphoides, Emmons Aurora, Salter. Bennettii, Bohemicus, Barr. Davidis, Salter. desideratus, Barr. expectans, Forchhammeri, Angel. Earlani, Green, fficksii, Salter. mperialis, Barr. nflatus, Corda. [Joveni, Angel. Lyelli, Barr. macrocephalus, Emmons. orphanus, Barr. Pradoanus, De Prado, )usillus, Barr. rotundatus, rugulosus, Corda. Sacheri, spinosus, Boeck. Cessini, Linnaeus. Thompsoni, Hall. Vermontanus, Peltura (see OLKNUS). Pemphigaspis, Hall, 1 mllata, n. s. Hall. Phacops, Emmerich, 18 aequicostate, Angel. (Sweden) Andrarum. N. Wales. (Vestrogoth.)Olstorp Carlsfors. (Swed.) Aland, Sca- nia, Andrarum. (N. York) Saratoga Lake. Hof (Bavaria^. Sweden) Gothland. Ling. Flags .. Alum Slate ... Eeg. A H. E. G. U.Ling. Flags... ? Potsdam Sa Div. B, C. !! Harlech Grits Ling. Flags. ... Potsd. Gr Taconic G (N. W.) Cerrig-wen. 5. Vermont (U.S.), La- brador, Anse au Loup. i) 6. (Shropshire) Callow Hill, Longmynd. 3. Wales. Eussia. Eussia. 9 (OLENUS). N. Wales. (Swed.)Gudhem,Os- trogothia, Mount Hunneberg. rt, 1822. (N. York) Washing- ton Co. (S.Wales) StDavid's. Newfoundland. (Boh.) Ginetz Schists. (S.Wales) St.David's, Dolgelly. 'Bohemia) Ginetz. Skrey. Sweden, Scania, An- drarum. Massachus. (U.S.A.), Braintree. (S.Wales) St.David's, Dolgelly, &c. (Boh.) Ginetz Schists. Skrey Schists. [Sweden) Scania, An- drarum,Thuringia. (Bohemia) Ginetz. 'N- York) Washing- ton Co. (Bohemia) Skrey. [Spain, Leon) Sabero. [Bohemia) Skrey. Skrey, Slap- Teyrzowitz. 'Bohem.) Skrey, Slap, &c. (Bohemia) Felbabka. Thuringia, Pennsylvania,Mas- sachusetts. [Swed.) Ostrogothia, Aland. Swanton (Vermont, U.S.), Bradore and Forteau Bays, La- brador. Swanton (Vermont, U.S.), Bradore and Forteau Bays. 863. (Wise.) Trempaleau. 39. Ling. Flags ... Fauna C . . L.Ling. Flags. . . Fauna C Ling. Flags ... Primord. Slate L.Ling.Flags . . . Fauna C j> j) > Potsd.low. beds. Eeg. E 62 [TKILOBITA. Subdivision. Genera ' SP 60168 ' and Author. Primordial. Lower Stage. Middle Stage. Upper Stage. Carad alifrons, Salter. amphora, anchiops, Hall. angusticeps, Giebel. apiculatus, Salter, appendiculata, Salter. Bailyi, Salter. Boeckii, Barr. jreviceps, Angel. Barr. Brongniarti, Portlock. Bronni, Barr. jucculeata, Sjogreni. Bucephali, Wahl., Port- lock, bulliceps, Barr. callicephalus, Hall, caudatus, Briinn. var. aculeatus, Salter. var. nexilis, var. tuberculato-cau- datus, ,, cephalotes, Corda. conatus, Salter (MS.). ... (N. Wales) Meifod, Llanrwst, Conway, &c. ^W.)Grug, Llandeilo. Up. Mississ. River. Lake Huron W. and Mackinae, L. Harz. L. Harz (Thuringia). (Bohemia) Dvoretz, Hostin, Mnienian, &c. (Sweden) Konieprus, Slichow, Mnienian. (Bohemia) Butowitz, Mnienian, Tetin, Dvoretz, Luzetz. (Bohemia) Dlauha- Hora, Kolednik, Kozel, Wohrada, Butowitz, Wisko- cilka. (S. Scotland) Lam- mermuir, (Engl.) Gt. Barr, Stafford- shire, Dudley,Led- bury, Ludlow, Bo- denham, (Wales) Moel Seisiog, Plas Madoc, Mid-Goth- land, Victoria (S. Australia). Dudley (England). Ludlow, Malvern, (S. Scotl.) Lam- mermuir. Malvern (England. (Bohemia) Dvoretz, Lochkov, Hostin, &c. England ? Dudley, Malv., Led- bury,Kendal(West- moreland), (Wales) Plas Madoc,Merch- lin, &c., Arisaig (Nova Scotia). FaunaD.Carad., Llan. Flags. Carad ^N.Wales)Merioneth- shire,Pwllheli,Car- narvonsh., Treior- with, &c., (Engl.) Church Stretton, Shropsh., (Bohem.) Peraver, Gorwan- haven. (N.Wales) Bala. Tramore (Waterford) ^ - Fauna F.G.g.l Keg. E, F Fauna F 'Irel.) Bardahissiagh, Chair of Kildare, &c., England, (N. Wales) Bala &c. Carad FaunaE.F.G.g.l Carad Sweden (drift). Ireland. Reg. E B., BL., Tr., H. E. G. Llan., Llandov., W.,L.,Reg.E, Aymestry Lst. W Lake St. John (Can. E.),Mid-Ottawa R. (Can .W.), N.York, Tennessee, N.W. Michigan. (S.Wales) Llandeilo. (England) Malvern, (Wales) Usk &c. Fauna G. g. 1 ? Llan., Carad., Reg. C. Llandov.,W.,L. Carad S.W&lea(Ed.-Wyatt). Ireland, (England) Gretton, Carding- ton, (N. Wales) Carnarvon,Bettws- y-Coed, &c.,(Russ.] Poulkova, (Estho.) D'Erras &c., Swe- den, Norway. conicophthabnus, Boeck. constrictus, Salter cryptophthalmus, Emmer. Dalmanni, Portlock Diops, Green Downingiae, Murch. England? Thuringia, (Irel.)Tyrone, Ennis- corhy, Wexford. Tennessee (U.S.A.). Llanwrst (Wales), (Brittany) Bain &c., Sierra Morena (Spain). Bogmine, Norbury, &c. Carad., U.Llan- dov., W., L H. G. TRILOBITA.] 63 Subdivision. Genera, Species, and Author. Primordial. Lower Stage. Middle Stage. Upper Stage. W Dudley (England). " W,L.L. Dudley (Ketley}, and LL Ludlow. Dudley (England). Q macrops " " " Wales. " Dujardini, Rouault. (Portugal) Bussaco, Fauna P (France) d'llle et Vilaine, &c. (Bohemia)Konieprus. Reg. E (Sweden) Scania. Fauna E F, G, (Bohemia) Dlauha- H. Fauna G. g. 1 ... Hora, Kolednic, Kozorz, Butovitz, Wohrada, Mnie- nian,Lochkov,Rob- lin, &c. (Bohemia) Luzetz. D, E ... Glockeri Barr. (Bohemia, colonies) (Bohemia) Kozel, Loose Schists... Motol and Krejci. Wohrada, Luzetz, Butowitz. (Sweden) Vestrogo- L. H. Gr thia. New York (U.S.A). Fauna E, G. g. 1 Hoeninghausii Barr. (Bohemia) Dvoretz, Delth. Sh. Lst. Hudsonicus, n. s Hall Lochkov, Luzetz, &c. (N. York) Becraft's U Llandov. &c. (England) Malvern, Mountain, Penn- sylvania, Tenness., Wayne Co., Vir- ginia. Reg. E .. OdontocTiyle. imbricatus , Mayhill, Sweden. (Sweden) Gothland. Llandov., Carad, ' incertus, Salter. Budleigh Salterton Fauna F intermedius, Barr (Devonshire). (Bohem.) Mnienian, Carad Jamesi, Port Jock (Irel.) Knockmahon, Bubowitz. Carad Jukesii, Salter. Waterford. England, (Wales) Tr. laticauda ?, Hall. Gelli Grin. (N.York) Lewis Co. ? Pent am. Lst. Esthonia ? . . .' (Esthon. ) Wahhokull, limbatus, Eichter. Thuringia ? Isle Dago?, Altai (N. Russia). CL.,Niag imulurus, Hall. Pennsylv., Virginia. (N. York) Lockport. D.Sb.L.,L.H.G. Logani, Hall. (N.York,C.&E.) Cats- Fauna D, W., ongicaudatus, Murch. Shropshire, Brittany kill, Carlisle, &c., CapeGaspe (C. E.). (Shropsh.) Ludlow, Carad., L. W var. armiger, Salter. (Bain),CheneyLon- gueville, Poligne, Bohemia, (Portug.) Braziela. Dudley, Melbourne (Austral.), (Wales) Powell Hall. Dudley (Shropshire). Grindrodianus, Malvern (England). Pleta macrophthalmus, Brongn. France, (Russ.) Poul- Carad. ... macroura, Sjogren. kova, Humelasaare, &c. England, Scotland, Llan affinis, Salter. mimus, Salter. (Wales) Llangollen &c., (Esthon.) We- senberg & Erras, Norway, Sweden ..(drift). (Cornw.) St. Austel Fauna F. miser, Barr. (Bohemia) Lochkov. G. g. I. modestus, Barr. ,, Chotecz. Reg. E, Carad., mucronatus, Brongn. Sweden, England, U.Llandov. Bala (Wales) 64 [TEILOBITA. Subdivision. Genera, Species, and Author. Primordial. Lower Stage. Middle Stage. Upper Stage. Carad Murchisoni, Portlock. Musheni, Salter. Nicholson!, ,, nudus, obtusicaudatus, Odini, Eichw. Orestes, Billings. prosevus, Emmerich. protuberans, Barr. juaterlineatus, Angel. Boemeri, Volborth. Geinitz. sclerops, Dalm. signatus, Corda. socialis, Verneuil. Sternbergii, Corda. Stokesii M.-Edw. (Ireland) Tyrone. Gunwick Mill (Al- frick). (England) Dudley, Walsall. Ireland. (Gothland) Wisby. Thuringia. (Bohem.) Mnienian, Konieprus. (Bohemia) Dvoretz, Viskocilka, Luzetz, &c., Lower Harz (Giebel). S.W. Scotl., (Engl.) Aymestry, Dudley, Great Barr, Staff., Ludlow, (Wales) Llangynyw, Irel., Nova Scotia. Britain. (Bohem.) Listice, Ko- lednic,Wiskocilka. (S. Amer.) Bolivia. W., U.L L 1 > a 11 Whiteside, Keswick (Cumberland). W Carad Ambleside, Coldwell (Lancashire). (S.W.Scotl.) Peebles- shire, ( Livo. )Kirna, Fennern, &c., (Es- thonia) Be"val, Isles Odinsholm, Dago, (Buss.) L. Ladoga. (Can. E.) Shickshock Mts.,Anticosti Isle, East Point. Llann.?, Pleta Div. 3, A. Or., CL. Fauna 2 Portugal, Spain, Bo- hemia. Bohemia. Bee E Fauna F Bussia. (Sweden) Dalecarlia &c., Busssia (Euro- pean and Asiatic). Fauna G. g. 1. Llan., Carad., W.,L., L.H.G. (Spain) Sierra Mo- rena &c. (S.W. Scotl.) Girvan &c., Mayhill. subduplicatus, Salter. sublaevis, M'Coy. Portlockia. trapeziceps, Barr. ;risulcatus, Hall, truncato-caudatus, Portl. ;umidus, Angel. Verneuilii, D'Orb. vetusta, Hall. Volborthi, Barr. sp. ind. Shumard. Weaveri, Salter. L Llandov . . Ardaun. Cong, &c., Gal way. Fauna E U.GreenSh.,CL. Carad Gretton, Acton Scott (Shropshire). Tyrone, Desertcreate, Killey(Irel.), (Lan- cashire) Coniston. (Swed.)Scania (drift). Poligny, Vitre (Fr.). New York (U.S.A.). New York. Llan. . Fauna E. e. 1... U.Llandov., W. Delth. Sh. Lst. Beg. C . (Bohemia) Butowitz, Lochkov. Up.Mississippi Biver. Tortworth, Gaspe Bay (Can. E.). Sweden. (Engl.) Tortworth, (Wales) Marloes Bay, Presteign. Fharostoma, Corda, 18 ? Alandicum, Angel, pulchra, Barr. Placopaxia, Corda, 184 Tournemini, Bouault. Zippei, Corda. Platymetopus, Angelin lineatus, Angel, planifrons, 47 (CALYMENE). (Sweden) Aland. (Bohem.) Praskoles, Wesela, Wotnitz, (Spain) Almaden, (France) Bennes. (Spain) Almaden, (France) May, An- gers, Domfront, Orne. (Portugal) Vallongo, (Bohem.) Beraun, France. (Sweden) Dalecarlia. Fauna D. d* 3 Beg. D, E 7. , 1852 (LICHAS). TKILOBITA.] 65 Subdivision. Genera, Species, and Author. Primordial. Lower Stage. Middle Stage. Upper Stage. 9 Fauna D Eeg.D Platynotus, Conrad, 1 Plesiacoma, Corda, 184 Kieneri, Eouault rara, Murch Pliomera, Angelin, 185$ Polyeres, Eouault, 184 Dufresnoyi, Eouault Polytomurus, Corda, 1 euglypta, Barr ProetVLS,Steinmffer, 1831 Alaricus, Billings. Archiacus, Barr. Ascanius, ,, Astyanax, ,, 38 (see LICHAS). 7 (HOMALONOTUS). France. ,, Spain, Bohem (France) Brittany Anjou, Poligne Bohemia. DIONIDE). Bohemia, (Sweden) Vestrogotliia, Mt Mosseberg. ; FORBESIA, M'Coy. Canada (Anticosti) English Head, &c (B.)Dlauha-Hora &c (Bohem.) Mnienian. Konieprus. ,, Mnienian, Butowitz, Lode- nitz, &c. Sweden. (Bohem.) Konieprus, Mnienian. Mid-Gothland, Es- thonia, Eussia, Isle Oesel, Ficht, Ilpen, &c. Sweden. (N.York) Lockport. (Bohem.) Mnienian. (Bohem.) Konieprus. Konieprus, Mnienian. Dudley (England). (Bohem.) Kotis, near Konieprus. ^Bohem . )Chotecz,Ko- nieprus. Malvern, Dudley. (Bohemia) Loch'kov. Konieprus. Dlauha- Hora, Kolednik. Bohem.) Mnienian. (England) Woolhope, Dudley, Ludlow, Kendal, (Wales) Usk, Glenkerry, Derrymore. Bohemia) Lochkov, Dvoretz. Bohemia) Hostin. Konieprus. Tetin. Lochkov. ,, Konieprus. Mnienian. Konieprus. Mnienian, Mount Kotis. j. Harz (Germany). ^Bohem.) Konieprus, Mnienian, &c. N. York E.) Albany Co. ,=AMPHION. 7. 847 = PoLYTOMA (see H. E. G Fauna E. e. 1 F )) >! Corall. Lst. ... Niag. ; J^ONIA, Burmeister Bohemicus, jrevifrons, Verneuil. complanatus, Barr. concinnus, Dalm. conspersus, Angel, corycasus, Hall, curtus, Barr. decorus, lepressus, Shumard. eremita, Barr. 1 excavatus, Angel, 'allax, Barr. letcheri, Ketley. rontalis, Barr. gracilis ,, 3-rindrodianus, Salter. leteroclytus, Barr. nasquicostatus, , nsons, ntermedius, atens, atifrons, M'Coy. epidus, Barr. joveni usor, lemnoni, ,, micropygus, moestus, myops, atator, neglectus, rbitatus, arviusculus, Hall. )ictus, Giebel. )lanicauda, Barr. )rotuberans, Hall. Sweden, Eussia Esthonia Fauna F E.e.l... L.Tremad Fauna F (Bohern.) Tachlowitz Butowitz, Hinter- Kopanina, &c. (N.W.) Port Madoc (Sweden) Andrarum W Fauna F F.G.g.l W Fauna F ;; E :::::: F Bohemia ? U.Llandov.,W., L.U.L. Fauna F, G. g. 1 g- 1 F 'England) Malvern, (W.) Craig Gwyd- don, &c., (Ireland) Egool, Mayo Co., Newfoundland. G. g. 1 E, F ... F TJohem.) Kolednik, Dvoretz. )> i) H. E. G ? Faunas F.G.g.l Pen tarn. Lst., L. H. G. Ohio) Cincinnati. 66 [TBILOBITA. Subdivision. Genera, Species, and Author. Primordial. Lower Stage. Middle Stage. Upper Stage. Fauna F troflexus, Barr. yckholtii lutiferus, ? ulptus, Barr. rus, tokesii, Murch. riatus, Barr. uperstes, uberculatus, nguloides, ,, Sohemia) Mnienian. ritain. Bohemia) Hostin, Sous Chotecz. Bohemia) Mnienian. weden, (N. York) Lockport, (Engl.) Shropsh., Dudley, Ludlow. Bohemia) Dlauha- Hora,Wohrada,&c. Bohem.) Hlubocep, Vavrovitz, Pekar- kovitz. Bohemia) Mnienian. Bohemia) Mnienian, Slichow. Arctic Seas (Amer.) llampu Mountain, Bolivia (S. Amer.) E. e. 1 W Johemia) Dlauha- Hora, Butowitz. Fauna G. g. 1 F Niag., Llandov., W., LL. Fauna E GL g- 2, H. h. 1. Fauna F i) i> E Llan. . weden, (Engl.) Mal- vern, Norbury, &c. enustus, ). ind. Salter. >i M'Coy. *rosopiscus, Salter, 18 minor, Salter. Psilocephalus, Salter, nflatus, Salter. inotatus, >tychaspis, Hall, 1863. Jarabuensis, Winchell. ranulosus, Hall. linisca-ensis, Minnesot-ensis, var. limbatus, subclavatus, Billings, sp. ind. Hychopyge, Angelin, aciculata, Angel angustifrons, Dalman. Boh.) Dlauha-Hora. Victoria (Australia). 6. Himalaya, Niti(E.L). Sweden) Aland. Sweden) Husbyflo Heda. Tosna, Tzarskaya Slawjanka. (Sweden) Fagelsang Scania. (Sweden) Mt. Kinne kulle,Vestrogothia Eleval (Baltic). (Swed.) Scania, Rop cha (Russia). (Swed.) Aland, (Rus sia) Poulkova. ^Sweden) Scania, Fa gelsang. Sweden. (Swed.) Aland, Dale carlia, (Russ. )Govt St. Petersburg. (Russia) Poulkova. (Sweden) Mt. Kinn kulle. (Swed.) Draggo-br Dalecarlia. (Sweden)Strapperu Scania. (Swed.) Draggo-bro Mt.Kinnekul] 866. Wales) lago, Borth- wood, Portmadoc. Wales) Llanerch, Penmorfa, &c. i Wisconsin)RiverBa raboo. (Wisconsin) Trempa leau,Minisca River ^. Wisconsin, Penn sylvania. )f. Wisconsin. (Can.E.) Point Levis Trempaleau 852 (ASAPHUS). Potsdam ii i) Res. C . Pleta. D applanata, Angel elliptica, glabrata, Angel lobifrons, Eichw ata, Angel imbata, media, multicostata, punctata, ,, rimulosa, Rhaphiophorus, Ang conulus, Eichw culminatus, Ange depressus, Scanicus, setirostris, tumidus, 'sle Odinsholm (Rus sia), (Sweden) M Kinnekulle, Ves trogothia. Pleta Reg. C, Pleta. II >J JS ' Pleta, Reg. C. Pleta lin, 1852 (AMPYX). Reg. D. a ... i) > D D. a?... D. a ... TKILOBITA.] 67 Subdivision. Genera, Species, and Author. Primordial. Lower Stage. Middle Stage. Upper Stage. Queb. G Remopleurides, Portlo affinis, Billings. Canadensis, Colbyi, Portlock. dorso-spinifer, lateri-spinifer, longicapitatus, ,, longicostatus, longispina, ,, nanus, Due de Leuchtenb. ,, Lawrow. obtusus, Salter. Panderi, Billings. platyceps, Barr. quatuor-lineatus, Angel. radians, Schlotheimi, Billings, sexlineatus, Angel. sp. ind. Salter. Rhodope, Angelin, 1852 lata?, Angel. lineata, oblongata ?, Salteria, Wyv. Thomson. involuta, Wyv. Thomson, primseva, ,, Sao, Barrande, 1846. hirsuta, Barr. Shumardia, Billings, 18 glacialis, Billings, ^ranulosa, Solenopleura, Angelin, brachymetopus, Angel. caniculata, ,, holometopa, Angel. ? stenometopa, Sphaerexochus, Beyri angustifrons, Angel. Boops, Salter. calvus, M'Coy. Canadensis, Billings, clavifrons, Sars. cephaloceros, Niekowski. conformis, Angel. coniceps,D. de Leuchtenb. cranium, Hoffman (or Kutorga). cA, 1843. Stanbridge (Can. E.). Clarence (Can. E.). (Irel.) Tyrone, De sertcreate, &c., (N Wales) Bala. (Irel.) Tyrone, De sertcreate, Water ford, &c. (Irel.) Tyrone, De- sertcreate, &c. (Irel.) Tyrone, De sertcreate. (Irel.) Tyrone, De- sertcreate, Kildare (Irel.) Tyrone, De- Eussia. Isle Oesel (Baltic). (Sweden) Mts. Olle- berg and Mosse- berg, Dalecarlia. Sweden. CH Carad Pleta sertcreate, (Wales' Bala Lake. (Eussia) Poulkova. Silesia (drift) . .. Carad. . Desertcreate, Tyrone (Ireland), Ehiwlas (N. Wales). Wexford &c. (Irel.). Sweden (drift), Mt Kinnekulle. (N. W.) Bala, Ehiw- las, (Bohem.) Be- raun, Carlshiitte. Sweden (drift), Mt Kinnekulle. Merionethsh.,Bala L. (Sweden) Mt. Mosse- berg, Vestrogothia, (Eussia) Poulkova. (Swed.) Ostrogothia. (Swed.) Aland, (Nor- way) Christiania. Waterford (Ireland). Girvan, Ayrshire (S.W. Scotland). Div. N, Point Levis, Queb.Q-. Carad . (Newfoundland W.) Tablehead. 1 Fauna I), d. 3, Car. 3, highest N.P.,Queb.G.? Carad. 2 Carad . (Newfoundland W.) Tablehead. Pleta, Corall.L., Eeg. C. Ee2 C (ILL^ENUS). D Llan ULlan Fauna C Div. P, Queb.G. Queb.G. ...... Bee B (Boh.) Skrey Schists, (Wales) Dolgelly. 65. Newfoundl., N. & W. (Can.E.) Point LSvis. 1852 (CONOCEPHALTJS) (Sweden) Scania, An- drarum. (Sweden) Aland, Os- trogothia. ch, 1845. A Eeg. D, E Llandov Div. 4, Anticos. Eeg. D, E (S. W.) Sholes Hook. Chair of Kildare (Ireland). Anticosti, S.W.Point. Norway, Sweden, Isle Dago, Pyhalep (Baltic). Eussia. 'Sweden) Dalecarlia. ^Bussia) Poulkova. 68 [TRILOBITA. Subdivision. Genera, Species, and Author. Primordial. Lower Stage. Middle Stage. Upper Stage. Keg. C?... deflexus, Angel granulatus, hemicranium, Hoffman idiotis, Salter juvenis, Portl., MS latifrons, Angel mirus, Beyrich parvus, Billings platycranium, Hoffman (or Kutorga) scabrides, Angel Wegelini, sp. ind., Gosselet, Bar- rande Selwyn Sphaerocoryphe, Ange aries, D. de Leuchtenb dentata, Angel jranulata, ,, Salteri, Billings. Sphaerophthalmusf O alatus, Boeck. )isulcatus, Phill. flagellifer, Angel. mmilis, Phill. >ecten, Salter. retifrons, Angel. Staurocephalus, Barr clavifrons, Angel. )avisii, Salter. globiceps, Portl. Maclareni, W. Thomson, kfurchisoni, Barr. unicus, Thomson. Acidaspis. Stygina, Salter, 1852. atifrons, Portl. Hurchisoni, Murch. Husheni, Salter. sp., Symphysurus, Goldfu jreviceps, Angel. aeviceps, Dalm. jalpebrosus, Telephus, Barrande, 1 Americanus, Billings. Mcuspis, Angel, fractus, Barr. granulatus, Angel. Wegelini, (Swed.) Ostrogothia. ,, Dalecarlia .. Sweden. Sweden. Dudley, Malvern, Walsall (England), Chicago (Illinois), (Tennessee) Deca- tur Co. (Sweden) Gothland. Sweden. . Sweden ? Sweden. Sweden. Sandbanks, Presteign (Wales). 'Bohem.) Kolednik, Listice, Kozel, St. Iwan, Lochkov, Lo- denitz, &c. D, E Carad (Russia) Pulkova. Himalaya, Niti Pass (E.I.). Chair of Kildare (Ire land). Reg. E Col.Zippe.E.e.l CL., Niag.,Ca rad.,Llandov. W. CH Chair of Kildare, Wa- terford (Ireland). Mingan Isles (G. St Lawr.). (Russia) Poulkova. (Ohio) Springfield (Indiana) Madi- son, (Boh.) Kozel Listice, Wohrada St. Iwan, &c. Eeg. E D, E ? D, E Div. 1, A. G. Llandov. Reg. A . (Sweden) Dalecarlia. Condros (Belgium). Victoria (Australia). lin, 1852 (CHEIRURUS (Russia) Poulkova. Sweden Dalecarlia . . . (Anticosti) Junction Cliff. LENUS). ^Sweden) Andrarum, Norway, (Wales) Dolgelly. Moel Gron (Wales). England?, (Wales) Dolgelly, (Sweden) Andrarum. Rhiwfely Slates (N. Wales), ilalvern (England), MoelGron(Wales). (Sweden) Andrarum. ande, 1846. (Sweden) Mt. Olio- berg, Vestrogothia. U.Ling Reg. A . U.Ling. beds . . . Black Shale ... Reg. A Reg. D, E Woolhope Carad S.W.Scotland, (Irel.) Desertcreate. Piedmont Glen(S.W. Scotland). Rhiwlas (Wales), Ch. of Kildare (Irel.). S.W. Scotland. Tyrone, Desertcreate (Ireland). Carmarthen,Pensarn, (S. Wales). Shropshire (drift). Sholes Hook, Haver- fordwest(S.Wales). ^Sweden) Vestrogo- thia, Olthorp. Sweden. (Sweden) Scania. Norway. (Bohemia) Lodenitz, Konigshof. STorway. ^Sweden) Dalecarlia. W.,Reg.E. (Ireland) Galway. Carad., U.Llan- dov. LI mi. Carad. Reg C? 88, 1843. Reg. C Div. N, P.Queb. G. Reg.D.a? Fauna D, very Micac. Schists yellow-grey. Reg.D.a? ... D. a 852. (Newfoundl. W.&N!) Pistolet Bay &c. TRILOBITA.] 69 Subdivision. Genera, Species, and Author. Primordial. Lower Stage. Middle Stage. Upper Stage. Carad Tiresias, M'Coy, 1846. insculptus, M'Coy Trapslocera, Corda, 18 Barrandei, Salter, Fletcher bicuspis, Angel ? breviloba, Portlockii, Barr Verneuilli, ,, vesiculosa, Triarthrelltis, Hall, 18 Aurora, Hall Triaxthrus, Green, 184 Beckii, Green 3anadensis, Smith Fischeri, Billings glaber, spinosus, Trilobites, Schloth. 182 acicularis, Angel, alatus, Boeck. depressus, Angel, elegans, Boeck. elliptifrons, Esmark. ems, Barr. brficula, Angel, nchoatus, Barr. nfaustus, ,, yra, Boeck. musca, Barr. nautilus, ,, ornatus, orphanus, jusillus, Sars. Sternbergii, Barr. ungula, ippe, Primerus, Green, 1832 Trinodus, M l Coy (see A Trinucleus, Lhwyd, 16 aiRnis, Angel. Johemicus, Barr. )ucculentus, Angel. Jucklandi, Barr. Caractacus, Murch. arinatus, Angel, eriodes, Barr. oncentricus, Eaton. (IreL)CliairofKild Dudley (England). (Sweden) Gothland. Dalecarlia. Bohemia. (Bohemia) Listice. Bohemia) Eatinka. / w 47 (ACIDASPIS). Eeg. E D, E Potsdam * 63. _N. Wisconsin) La Grange Mountain. 5. (New York) Middlev &c., Pennsylvania Ohio, (C. E.) Mon treal, E. St. Anne Henrysville, (Can W.)Bussell. (Can. W.) Whitby. (Newibundl.W&N. Pistolet Bay &c. (Can. E.) L. St. John Grondines. (Can. E.) Gloucester Township, (Can W.) Eussell. Sweden. . Tr., Utica Slate H. E. G. Utica Slate Div.N,P,Queb G. Utica Slate ... Eeg. B, C Alum Slates ... Fauna E Eeg. B, C . . ) (Genera dubia). Sweden. Norway. Sweden. Bohem.) Konigshof. Trubin. Konigshof. Bohemia. Bohemia ? Fauna D Eeg. B,"c '.'.'.'.'.. Fauna D ", "?;;" E Alum Slates ... Fauna D? ,, ,.? Eeg. D. b Fauna D Eeg. B. a Fauna D >i Up. Bala Eeg. D. a Fauna D. a ... Tr., H. E. G., Llan., Carad. Sweden. Norway. Bohemia. 9. Sweden) Dalecarlia. ]Boh.) Colony Zippe. Bohem.) Konigsbof, Swed., Engl., Irel. Johemia, (France) Normandy, St.Bri- gitte. England) Malvern, (W.) Meifod, Alt- y-Anker, &c.,Wex- ford,Tyrone(Irel.). Swed.) Mt. Kinnek. Swed.) Kinnekulle, (Norw. )Christiania. lighg. Springs (Vt.), N.York, Pennsylv., (Can.E.&W.)Beau- port, Murray Bay, Montreal, L. Sim- coe, (Irel.) Tirnas- kea, S.W. Scotland, (Engl.) Chirbury &c., Coniston Lake, (W.) Bala, Pen-y- Craig, Llangywyw, Glandwr, &c., Boh. see HOMALONOTUS). GNOSTUS). 98; Murchison, 183 Sweden, Norway. 70 [THILOBITA. Subdivision. Genera, Species, and Author. Primordial. Lower Stage. Middle Stage. Upper Stage. Carad .. var. elongatus, ,, favus, latus, M'Coy. ,, Portlocki, Salter. coscinorhinus, Angel. liscors, avus, Salter. Lmbriatus, Murch. bveolatus, Angel, gibbifrons, M'Coy. Gibbsii, Salter. Goldfussii, Barr. ranulatus, Wahlenb. Jloydii, Murch. MEurchisoni, Salter. ornatus, Sternberg. Pongerardi, Rouault. Pragensis, Barr. quatuor-lineatus, Angel, quatuor-spinus, radiatus, Murch. Reussii, Barr Sedgwickii, Salter seticornis, Hising Thersites, Salter ultimus, Barr Wahlenbergi, Rouault =granulatits, Lov6n sp. ind. Gosselet Barr Zethus, Pander, 1832 biplicatus, Eichw rex, Nieszk sp. ind. Barr Irel.) Bardahessiagh. Wales)Maerdy bach, Cornden Grits, &c. N. Wales. >eland. Sweden) Scania, Fa- gelsang. Norway. Che Berwyns, and N. & S. Wales. Wales. i Re? C D. a U Llan Llan Ireland) Wexford, Tyrone, (Wales) Badnorsh., Builth, Bala, Welchpool. Norway. Wales) Pen-y-Craig, Tre Gill, &c. Bohem.)Mt.Drabow, (Spain) Sierra Mo- rena, N.York, Can. (Sweden) Dalecarlia. (Wales) Builth, Lan- gadock,&c. , (Shrop- shire) Chirbury. (Engl.) Shelve, (W.) Cefn Gwynlle. ^Bohem.) Trubin, Lo- denitz, &c., Bel- gium, (Fr.) Angers ^Brittany) Poligne Vitre, &c. (Boh.) Colony Zippe Sweden. Sweden ?, Norway. (Ireland) Wexford Tyrone, Shropsh. (W.) Welchpool Dinas, Mowddy Merioneth. (Bohem.) Bokitzan. (Wales)Bala,Tynant &c., (Irel.) Water ford, Tyrone, Wex ford, S.W.Scotland Sweden, Bohemia (Belg.) Gembloux. (Irel.) Tramore, Wa terford. (Bohem.) Konigshof. (Sweden) Mts.Mosse berg, Olleberg,Bil lingen. Condros, Namur(Bel gium). Gembloux (Belgium) (Russia) Poulkova Popoya. (Esthonia) D'Erras Wesenberg, Isle Odinsholm. (Belgium) Gembloux Eeg. D. a Carad. W... t L.Llan (Wales) St. Dayid's Head. Fauna D. 2, 4,5 Han Fauna D Ree. D?..., Llan., Carad.... D. d. 1 L.Llan. (Wales) Festiniog. Carad., D. d ... Carad Fauna D. d. 4 Reg. D. b Pleta? Inflamm Schist. Acidaspis. 71 TBILOBITA. The following important addition to the list of Trilobites is due to the great kindness of M. Barrande. Six- teen species have been omitted because they are already registered from M. Barrande 's several " Defenses des Colonies " recently published. A TABLE OF TEILOBITES DISCOVERED IN BOHEMIA SINCE 1852. Stage. Genus, Species, and Author. Locality. Stage. Genus, Species, and Author. Locality. E. e 2 Acidaspis, Murch. carens, Barr. Bubowitz. D. d. 1 .... Cheirurus, Beyrich. pater, Barr Wosek D. d. 5 peregrina, ,, Leiskow. D.d.5 pectinifer, Konigshof, Leiskow. F f 2 .... nisTB. Mnienian. D.d. 1 vinculum, St. Benigna. E. e. 2 rara, ,, Lodenitz. Balmanites. Emmer. F. f.2,G.g. 1... spoliata, Mnienian, f. 2, Branik, D. d. 1 oriens, Barr. St. Benigna. F. f.2 Ursula, g-1- Mnienian. perplexus, Dindymene, Barr. Wosek. Gel. victima, ,, Branik. D.d. 1 Bohemica, Barr. W osek. D. d. 5 .ffiglina, Barr. armata, Barr. Leiskow. D. d. 1 . Harpes, Goldf. Benignensis, Barr. St. Benigna. gigantea, Konigshof. H. h. 1 transiens ,, Srbsko, Hostin. D.d. 1 princeps, ,, St. Benigna. Homalonotus^owz^. Agnostus, Brongn. D. d. 5 .. inexpectatus, Barr. Konigshof, Leiskow. D d 1 . ... caducus, Barr. St. Benigna. D.d. 4 medius, ,, Zahorzan. )> D. d. 1 perrugatus, ,, similaris, ,, Amphion, Pander. senilis, Barr. Wosek. >t D.d. 1 minor, Illaenus, Dalm. advena, Barr, aratus, Wraz. Wosek. St. Benigna. D.d. 5 Ampyx, Dalm. gratus, Barr. Leiskow. Bohemicus, calvus, ,, Wosek. tenellus, ,, D. d. 5 . ... hospes. Konigshof D.d.5 Areia, Barr. Bohemica, Barr. Leiskow. oblitus, puer, Kosow. Wosek, St. Benigna. D. d. 1 margaritata, Asaphus, Brongn. alienus Barr. Nussle. Wosek. D.d. 1 Zeidleri, Lichas, Dalm. avus Barr Loiskow. M^osek. quidam, ,, G. g. 1 Branikensis, Branik. Bohemilla, Barr. " D.d.5 rudis, ,, Leiskow. D.d. 1 stupenda, Barr. St. Benigna. Ogygia, Barr. Bronteus, Goldf D.d. 1 crassa, Barr. St. Benigna, Q.s.l . acupunctatus, Barr. Branik. discreta, Wosek. F f 2 asperulus Srbsko. D.d.5 sola, ,, Konigshof. E. e. 2 expectans, Dworetz. Placoparia, Corda. G. e. 1 Gervilleicans, Lockhow. D.d. 2 grandis, Barr. Trubskow. F.2 indocilis, Srbsko. Proetus, Steininger. iniiocuus, G. g. 1 comatus, Barr. Branik. perlongus Mnienian. D. d. 5 perditus, ,, Leiskow. Rhinoceros, D.d. 1 primulus, St. Benigna. Scharyi, " D.d.5 solus, ,, Konigshof. E. e. 2 Sosia, Kolednik. vicinus, ,, Branik. D. d. 2 Calymene, Brongn. bifida, Barr. Trubsko. Sphaerexochus, Beyrich. D. d. 5 desolata ,, Kosow. E. e.2 Bohemicus, Barr. Listice. Carmen, Barr D.d.5 latens, ,, Konigshof. D. d 1 . primus Barr St. Benigna. F. f. 2 ultimus, Mnienian. D d 1 Cheirurus, Beyrich. Wosek. D.d. I Trinucleus, Lhwyd. Reussi, Barr. Wosek. D.d. 2 completus, , Mount Drabow. Trilobites indetermi- D. d. 5 fortis, , Konigshof. nate. D. d. 1 . Fritschi St. Benigna. D. d 1 contumax, Barr. Wosek. D.d. 5 fiTVDhuS. Leiskow. D.d. 5 expectatus, Konigshof. neuter, , Butowitz. The Table subjoined, showing the vertical Distribution of Trilobites in Bohemia, greatly enriches the ' Thesaurus.' It has been drawn up by M. Barrande, and by him presented for insertion here. Its principal object is position and vertical range ; but he has also inserted the stages of many species with a particularity beyond my power. The ' Thesaurus' usually supplies the localities. Stage. Genus, Species, and Author. Stage. Genus, Species, and Author. Stage. Genus, Species, and Author. D. d. 1,2,3,4,5 D d 5 Acidaspis, Murch. Buchii, Barr. desiderata (Col.), ,, Dormitzeri, Corda. Geinitziana, Grayi, Barr. Hawlei, F.f. 2, G. g. 1... D. d. 4 Hoernesi, Barr. Keyserlingi, ,, lacerata, Laportei, Corda. Leonardi, Barr. minuta, mira, E. e. 2 orphana, Barr. pectinifera, ,, pigra, Portlocki, Corda. PreTOsti, Barr. primordialis, propinqua, F.f. 2' F. f. 2 E e 2 E. e. 2, F. f. 1, 2 E. e. 2 E. e. 2 E e. 1, 2 D.d. 2,3,4 E. e. 1, 2 Acidaspis. 72 TRILOBITA. Stage. Genus, Species, and Author. Stage. Genus, Species, and Author. Stage. Genus, Species, and Author. E. e. 1, 2; F. f. 2 E. e. 2 radiata, Goldfuss rebellis, Barr Boemeri, solitaria, subterarmata, tremenda, tricornis, truncata, Corda Verneuilli, Barr vesiculosa Beyrich -SSglina, Barrande. pachycephala, Corda rediviva, Barr speciosa, Amphion, Pander. Lindaueri, Barr. Ampyx, Dalman. Portlocki, Barr. Arethusina, Barr. nitida, Barr. Bronteus, Goldfuss. angusticeps, Barr. asperulus, brevifrons, Brongniarti, ,, campanifer, Beyr. coelebs, Barr. Dormitzeri, Ed ward si, elongatus, Haidingeri, Hawlei, ,, Kutorgai, oblongus, Corda. jalifer, Beyrich. Partschi, Barr. jlanus, Corda. justulatus, Barr. iieberi, Corda. simulans, Barr. tenellus, .hysanopeltis, ransversus, Corda. umbellifer, Beyrich. viator, Barr. Zippei, Calymene, Brongn. Arago, Rouault. 31umenbachi, Brongn. declinata, Corda. diademata, Barr. interjecta, Corda. parvula, Barr. pulchra, tenera, Cannon, Barrande. mutilus, Barr. Cheirurus, Beyrich. Beyrichi, Barr. bifurcatus, claviger, Beyrich. Cordai, Barr. gibbus, Beyrich. s;lobosus, Barr. Hawlei, insignis, Beyrich. insocialis, Barr. neglectus, obtusatus, Corda. F.f. 2, G. g. 1... E. e. 2 .... pauper, Barr Quenstedti, ,, scuticauda, Sternbergii, Boeck tumescens, Barr Cromus, Barrande. Beaumonti, Barr Bohemicus, Cyphaspis, Burm. Barrandei, Corda Burmeisteri, Barr Cerberus, Davidsoni, depressa, ,, Halli, humillima, novella, Dalmanites, Emmer. Angelini, Barr cristata, Corda Hawleyi, Barr orba, perplexus, Reussi, rugosa, Corda. solitaria, Barr, Deiphon, Barrande. Forbesi, Barr. Dindymene, Barr. Frederici-Augusti, Corda. Haidingeri, Barr Dionide, Barrande. formosa, Barr. Harpes, Goldfuss. crassifrons, Barr. Montagnei, Corda. Naumanni, Barr. reticulatus, Corda. ungula, Sternberg. venulosus, Corda. vittatus, Barr. Harpides, Beyrich. Hom.a.loiiat\is,Kdniff. rarus, Corda. Illaenus, Salman. Bouchardi, Barr. hospes, Panderi, ,, Salteri, ;ardus, ;ransfuga, Wahlenbergianus, Lichas, Dalman. ambigua, Barr. Haueri, icteroclyta, salmata, rudis, scabra, Beyrich. simplex, Barr. Ogygia, Barrande. desiderata, Barr. Fhacops, Emmerich. Boecki, Corda. breviceps, Barr. Bronni, E.e. 1,2 ... bulliceps, Barr. emarginatus, ,, fecundus, Glockeri, intermedius, miser, ,, signatus, Corda. trapeziceps, Barr. Volborthi, Phillipsia, Portlock. parabola, Barr. Placoparia, Corda. Zippei, Corda. ProetUS, Steininger. Archiaci, Barr. ascanius, Corda. Astyanax, Bohemicus, ,, complanatus, Barr. curtus, ); decorus, ,, eremita, fallax, frontalis, Corda. gracilis, Barr. heteroclitus, ,, insequicostatus, ,, insons, intermedius, latens, ,, lepidus, lusor, , micropygus, , moestus, , myops, , natator, , neglectus, , orbitatus, , planicauda, , retroflexus, Ryckholti, serus, superstes, , tuberculatus, , unguloides, , venustus, , Remopleurides, Portlock. radians, Barr. Sphaerexoch.us,.Z%r mirus, Barr. Staurocephalus, Barrande. Murchisoni, Barr. Telephus, Bvrrande. Tactus, Barr F. f.2 F. f. 2 D. d. 3 E. e. 2, F. f. 2, G g. 1, 2, 3. D.d.4, 5, Col. E e. 1, 2, F.f. 2 E. e. 2, F. f. 1, 2, G.g. 1,2. D. d. 2, 3, 4, 5... E.e. 2 D. d 4 E. e. 2 F. f. 2 F. f. 1 .. . E. e. 1, 2 F. f. 1, 2, G. g. 1 D.d.5,Col.E.e.l,2 F.f. 2 F.f. 2 ... . F. f. 2 E.e. 2 D. d. 3, 5 D. d. 5 D. d. 1,3,4, 5... D. d. 1,5 E.e. 2 D. d. 1 D. d. 1 )> D. d. 5... E.e. 2 .... D. d. 5 F.f. 2 . E. e. 2 F.f. 2, G.g. 3... F. f. 2 . F. f. 2 G. g. 1 D. d. 2 3 F.f. 2,G. g. 1... F. f. 2 D.d.5, Col.E.e.l D. d. 1 E. e. 1, 2, F. f. 1 F.f. 2 F. f. 2, G. g. 1, 3 F. f. 2, G. g. 1... j F.f. 2, G.g. 1... F.f. 1 E.e. 2 D. d. 4, 5 . ... E.e. 2 F.f. 2 F.f. 2 D. d. 5 . .. E. e. 2 .. . E. e. 2 F.f. 2 D. d. 1, 5 F. f. 2 . . i> E. e. 1,2, 3 E.e.2,F.f.l,G.g.l F.f. 2 D. d. 1, 3, 5 E.e. 2 .. E. e. 2, F. f. 1 ... F.f. 2 E. e. 2 F.f. 2, G.g. 1... F.f. 2 F.f. 2, G. g. 1... E. e. 2 . ..'.'. F. f. 2 E.e. 2 F.f. 2 F.f. 2 E. e. 2 F. f. 1 E. e. 2, F. f. 1, 2, G. g. 1. E.e. 2 E.e. 1, 2 F. f. 2 . F. f. 2, G. e. 1. D. d. 2 G.g.2,H.h.l... F.f. 2 F.f. 2 D. d. 1 ... E. e. 2 E.e. 1,2 .... E.e. 2, F. f.2... D. d. 3,5... D.d.5. .. D- d. 5 .... E.e. 2 D. d. 2, 3, 4, 5... D d 3 4 5 F. f. 2, G. g. 1 D.d.4,Col.E.e.2 E. e. 2 .. . . D. d.2,4 E. e. 2 D. d. 1, 2, 4 D. d.2,4 E.e. 1,2 D.d.5 D. d. 5 E. e. 2 ... . D. d. 5 E. e. 2 .. F.f. 2, G.g. 1... E.e. 2 D. d. 5 Trinucleus, Lhwyd. Bucklandi, Barr. 3-oldfussi, ,, ornatus, Sternb. ultimus, Barr. Trilobites undeter- mined, contumax, Barr. expectatus, 'nchoatus, mfaustus, musca, ,, E.e. 1,2 D. d. 5,Col E e 2 D. d. 2, 3, 4 F.f. 2 D.d.5 D. d. 2,3,4 D d. 3 4 D. d. 5,Col.E. e. 2 F. f. 1, 2, G. g. 1 D. d. 4,5 E. e. 2 D. d. 4, 5 D. d. 1 D. d. 1 .. E. e. 2 D. d. 4, Col. E. e. 1,2. D. d.4 F.f. 2, G.g. 1... F. f. 2 . D.d.5 D.d. 3... E. e. 2 E. e. 2, F. f. 2, G. g-1. D. d 5 . TKILOBITA. 72* so^uno^ToTqaxn^ saioadg jo aaqum^r ~~^*^%%^v~n^~^%<^*o>^~^%- ilCOCl^ T 1 . < CO 1 "* t- i I i-H i i CO C^(M 05 OO (odoang) saouBJisaddy j^oj. T i T-H 1^ I-HC5CO ;OlCO*-HC^CDi-HC ; lC ; lC ; l CCOi-nO 'OO5 T-HT-Hi-HC'lOS^DG^i-HCO 'CDt^d iO T i ^ d CO I-H . 1C T < CO - GO. COCO * Gf . " OIC^ I:;::;;:;:::;;:::;:::::;:;;;::;*'-;; ;r-> "Bipuj A'-GMao^j irapaAig T-ICO-HT-KM cxjcot- :OT-I ; : :-H-H-* : :-' : : : : : :) ::::;:::: T-H I-H T-H ::;; Tti ;;::::: T-H OS co CO xo 05 I a *i AMERICA. "Bt^OOg BAOJJ 'BIUBAT^SUliaj 'jf5[On^U8^ aassauuaj; sioumi ; ; T (; :'': CO CD T-H oo co CD "BMOJ puB^j s^jadny; 'Boucainy oi^ojy "BOIJ8Uiy 'g ''BIAI^Og * CO co T 1 1 1 i i ; ^-^^^^^<^^ O O O O O O O TEILOBITA. ^ ^3 * O, fr o3 2 s s pa^tqi3i[ni sauqunog jo aaqran^f i^N^THOcq^woo^c^rHrtirti^TtiocNetico^i^i^rtCO'^TtH^^i^rtC^^oooi^TiHcoi^o C^ i i i ^-i (M i i .C5<^ 1 ^ I ^<^Ttl r ^^C<>ir2Ci^ ( ^ 1 ^ r ^Ort|^ O 3<^ c C> 1 ^C^ i I1QCQ COCO OO i I i ICO 1 saouBaeaddy JO P^OX, 1B8J.9 r^rMOO^^^OO5OI>'eOi^r^COOCOO5CO^C5Ttoco -ooco I-H i- os I-H o r-i -~^ ... ^^ ' ' CO ' ^^ ' ..... ^^ ^Q o : co i-i>-ic} o --^iio t-n o I-H . ... cq i i . : .-H -HCO ::: ':::::: t-: : 01 ico r-i: ; :;: ::: >- .. : I-H : : : : *-< :::::::::: <- :I-H : "-" : :::::: : : : I-H : : : .. ;i-< ::::.:::::O--'I-H I-H--CO-:- : c^:Tti;i I; i : i i i i : co * . .11 . . .11 . . .11 . . . : 356,682120! 5 2? pirepjj (Bouaury) saouujBaddy JBIOJ, puBjpunojA\afl; i i c^ : ; i i ; ;i i ;c ; j ; ; CM r-i -10 -cq -10 G>J : o :-H ;i-i < *i ;i-icoo : i : com :-I ; : -r-ir-i ;t^ -o -r-!-* ^i-c* ; ; ** CM-CO- .11 . . j i . . : 10 i iii i . ... :::::; CM ; i i ii -c^ - r i ^i -r-t j -co CM i i 3 * IM XO r 1 CM sajsj ITBUIJ\[ pUBjsj psooiimy . "BpOOg BAOJJ '''.''.'.'.'.'.'.'. '"i '.'. 1 '.'. I '. '.CG '. '. ' r- < '. I '"'.''''. i ''.''. '. : '-' : . i 1 - 1 : : : eo : : : : :CM ::::;:; ;-i ::>- | :'*::c >; i::s v i>-i::::i ieo:f-H:;:::co I-H CM:I-H:::CO:!-H:::::I-H : : co ::::: ;i-i : : : : ;CM : : II-H :; o 1-1 <-*:.::: : :<35 : : : : : ;i II-H : : : : :-H ; ; ;co : : : :co 1-1 t-':'::::: - :: - - CM '.'."'.'<'.'''.''.''. '.''< CM i i i i ; :: -.::::::::::::::::::::::: :-H';;;::::: ; CO t^ a t^ i i S co co CM lH lO cq uisuooeijYV W)osauuij\[ UBSiqotjj ^Y-^; puwj s/jjadivg; "Bouaray opoay "BiAijog; I ij: :: c^ : cs ::::; I-H :::.:;;: ri Tt< N : : : : i-i ::::::::: :::: o ::::: I-H :::::::; i * i (CO- iCOCOOCO s saioadg jo jaqtun^; CMOi CDl-Hr-l CM I-I -l gq pj saouiiiBaddy jo I^oj; yaaxjQ r-iCOCMCMi^COCDCON^CMCM^i-iCMt-OCDCMiCiCMCMCMTtHCD^r-iOS^COiCi-iCOi-HOeO-^lCO CO lO t- i I CM CO i i i i CM t- is (adoang;) saouBjeaddy pnoj; i-iCOCMCM O5 CO CO CM * CM CM 1C rH CM ; lO CO O5 O JM CM ; * O CO i-i O5 * CO * I-H CO CO 1> CO CM CM CD i i i i co i i : : csj co : : : : CM : : : : : ;i-i :::::::::: ;i-i 4 jf'BMJO^J : : i i * CM I-H : CM : ;r-iio ; ; ;OIOCMCO : : : * co : : : : ;co ;I-H ; -co : -CMi i -I-H 05 I 1 co CO (eouaray) o I-H O5 ; ; ; ;o : :t- : :co : -CM -coi-n -i i -I-HO i CO AMERICA. puBjsj i^sooi^uy "Bl^OOg BAO^J "ItlOCCLia A 'ISB^T 'Bp'BUBf) CM ::::::::::::::::::::::::::: co CM : -CM : co : : : : : :co :::::::::::::::::::: :-< CM ::: I-H ; CM :::::::::::;::::::::::.:::;: I-H ,-H :;:: CM ::::::::::::::::;::::::::::::::: co ^* CO co i i t- CO ^H 25 oiqo siourm "e;osautnj\[ Bouamy oipjy : i < : I-H ;:;:::: i < : : : r 1 : 1-1 I-H :::::::: ;co :::::::::: 4 ::::::::::: i i ISII.SIStl. I"! T i i i;::;::::::::::::::::::::: illllljl^iii^l l r fill 1 ^-iiil IPplfl o I Oil ilflltfllll co I-H 00 CM CM I-H I 72 [PHYLLOPODA & OSTBACODA. SUBKINGDOM ANNULOSA. PROVINCE ARTICULATA. CLASS CRUSTACEA. ORDERS : 1. PHYLLOPODA (MEROSTOMATA, Dana) ; 2. OSTRACODA. Subdivision. Genera, Species, and Author. Lower Stage. Middle Stage. Upper Stage. U.L. Bonebed.... i) i) ) )> Corall. Lst L. H. G Astacoderma, Harley, 1 jicuspidatum, Harley. declinatum, ,, var. depressum, expanso-accumina- tum, Harley. ,, expansum, planum, var. monotuberculatum, Harley. trituberculatum, Harley. remiforme, ,, serratum, Gnathodus, Pander. spinosum, Harley. terminale, triangulare, undulatum, ,, Bairdia, M'Coy, 1844. protracta, Eichw. Beyrichia, M'Coy, 1850. sequilatera, Hall, affinis, Jones Atlantica, Billings. Barrandiana, Jones. bipunctata, Bohemica, Barr Buchiana, Jones Bussacensis, Salter clathrata, Jones complicata, Salter var. decorata, Jones concinna, Dalmaniana, decora, Billings Forbesii, Salter gibba, Jones ? granulata, Hall Kloedeni, M'Coy var. antiquata, Jones torosa, lata, Vanuxem, Hall Maccoyiana, Jones notata, Hall var. ventricosa, ,, oblonga, obsoleta, oculina, Hall ovata, Pennsylvanica, Jones plagosa, pustulosa, Hall Ribeiriana, Jones rugulifera, semicircularis, sigillata, Jones 861. judlow, Norton (Shropsh.). ! )> !) Ludlow. Ludlow, Norton (Shropsh.). >! l> ^Kamenetz-Podolsk) Ory- nine. Arisaig (Nova Scotia). Scandinavia. (Arctic Amer.) Beechey Isl. Arisaig (Nova Scotia), Ca- nada, Gothland. Scandinavia. Illampu Mountain, W. side, Bolivia (S. America). Slate Mills, Pembrokeshire., (N. York) Schoharie Co., (Wales) Llanfair,Mechlin. Dudley, Ludlow, Woolhope, Kendal, Downton (Engl.). (W.) Garth, Montgomerysh. Stapleton,nr. Presteign(W.). Pennsylvania. 9 Sweden, N.York, Pennsylv. ? (N. York) Herkimer County. Sweden, N. Germany (drift). i> (N. York) Schoharie County. Sweden, N. Germany (drift) Pennsylvania, N. York. (Arctic Amer.) Beechey Isl. Arisaig (Nova Scotia). (Arctic Amer.) Beechey Isl. Sweden, N. Germany (drift). (Arctic Amer.) Beechey Isl. Llan 'Irel.) Waterford, Tramore. (Newfoundl. W.) Tablehead. England, Beddgelert (North Wales). HeUpool, Wyford, Builth. ? P. Div. L, Queb. G. L.Llan., Carad... Llan ? Llan., Carad., L. Llandov. Div. 3, 4, May- hill, A. Gr. W (Portugal) Bussaco, near Coimbra. (N. & S. Wales) Ciln Park Twllddu,Pont-y-Meibion &c., England. Abermarchnant (Wales). (Wales) Mathyrafal. (Can.W.)Mid. Ottawa Eiver (Anticosti) East Point &c Pentam. Lst., L. H. G. Llandov., W., TJ. L. CL., Niag. ...... Onondag. S. Gp. Delth. Sh. L. ... L Isle Oesel, Baltischport (Es thonia), (S. Wales) Gaer Fawr &c. (Irel.) Boscaun, Galway. (N.York)Sodus &c.,Oneida County. Pentam. Lst., L. H. G. Onondag. S. Gp. L. H. G W (Portugal) Porta de Louza Coimbra. PHYLLOPODA & OSTRACODA.] 73 Subdivision. Genera, Species, and Author. Lower Stage. Middle Stage. Upper Stage. Tr., W., L siliqua, Jones. Cytheropsis, symmetrica, Hall, trisulcata, tuberculata, Kloden. var. antiquata, ventricosa, Hall, venusta, Billings. Wilckensiana, Jones, var. plicata, sp. ind. Selwyn. Bonissent. (2) Honeymau. Salter. Bunodes, Eichwald, 1860. lunula, Eichw. rugosus, Nieszk. sp. ind. Salter. Caryocaris, Salter, 1862. Salteri, M'Coy. Hymenocaris. Wrightii, Salter. Ceratiocaris, M'Coy, 18 aculeatus, Hall, acum hiatus, ,, brevicauda, Salter. cassia, debilis, Barr. ellipticus, M'Coy. gigas, Salter. inornatus, M'Coy. insperatus, Salter. latus, legumen, ,, leptodactylus, M'Coy. Maccoyanus, Hall. Murchisoni, M'Coy, Agass. papilio, Salter. perornatus, robustus, Salter. solenoides, ,, solen-rectus, M'Coy. Stygius, Salter. vesica, umbonatus, Cythere. sp. ind. Hall. Billings. Hall. (5) Bonissent. Climactichnites, Logan Wilsoni, Logan. Cythere, Mutter, 1785 (L Phaseolus, Hising. sublaBvis, Shumard. umbonata, Salter. Ceratiocaris. sp. ind. Swallow. Cytherina, Morris, 1854 alata, Verneuil. alta, Conrad. Baltica, Hising. Allumette Island (Mid-Ot- tawa River). ^Engl.) Malvern, Onnibury, Ludlow, Woolhope. N. York (U.S.A.), Lockport. Tennessee,(N. York, central] Herkimer County. Gothland, Norway.Esthonia, Isle Oesel, N. & S. Wales, Ireland, (Engl.) Dudley, Kendal, (S. Scotl.) Lam- mermuir. Gothland,Norway, Esthonia. New York (U.S.A.). England, Russia, Esthonia. Scandinavia. Arisaig (Nova Scotia). Roodzikulle, I. Oesel (Bait.) Shropshire, Hereford. (N.York)Oneida,Waterville. (N. York, N.W.) Buffalo. Trippleton, Ludlow. Bohemia. (Eng.) Kendal(WestmoreL). Danefield, Kington (Rad- norshire). (Engl. )Kendal,Benson Knot. Wales? (Engl.)Kendal(Westmorel.), Leintwardine, Shropshire. (N. York, N.W.) Buffalo. Ludlow (Shropshire),Combe Wood, Presteign. (W. Scotland) Lesmahago. Benson Knot, Kendal. Leintwardine (Herefordsh.). Benson Knot (England). Kendal. Logan Water, Lesmahago (W. Scotland). Leintwardine (Herefordsh.). (Can. W.) Jones's Tract. New York. ? Sweden. [N.Y., centre) Cherry Valley. N.Gothl.,TimanRange,Russ. Tentac. L., L. H. G. Corall. Lst Delth. Sh. L. ... Div. 3, 4, A. Gr., Mayhill. ? L. H. G.,U.L.... Carad (Anticosti) Chaloup River &c. Victoria (Australia). Angers (France). (N. Wales) Bala Lake. Eurypt. Lst UL L.I ,1:111 Victoria (Australia). Skiddaw (Cumberland). 50 ; LEPTOCHELES pars, M' Coy. Water!., L. H. G. Wales. L.L. U.L... L.L U.L L. & U. Tremad. U. Tremad L.L Penmorfa, Portmadoc (W.). Garth (Wales). Waterlime, L. H. G. U.L tw " " " L.L., U.L Llan., Up.Bala? CL Bala, Corwen, &c. (Wales). New York (U.S.A.). L H. G ? Carad La Manche (France). , 1861. Near Perth (Can. W.). EPERDITIA). Chair of Kildare (Ireland), Leisley (Westmoreland). Missouri (U.S.A.). (N. Wales) Bala, Conway Falls, &c. Missouri (U.S.A.). (LEPERDITIA). Tr Carad Tr. Tentac. Lst., L. H. G. 74 [PHYLLOPODA & OSTBACODA. Subdivision. Genera, Species, and Author. Lower Stage. Middle Stage. Upper Stage. MSa. . cylindrica, Hall, iabulites, Conrad. ' hetnisphserica, Eicht. intermedia, Homer, irunella, Barr. spinosa, Hall, subrecta, Portl., Geinitz. Cytheropsis, M'Coy, 18 Aldensis, M'Coy. concinna, Jones, siliqua, Beyrichia. ugosa, ,, Dictyocaris, Salter, 186 Eamsayi, Salter. Slimoni, sp. ind. Discinocaris, H. Woodw Browniana, H. Woodw. Dithyrocaris, Scouler, 1 aptychoides, Salter. longicauda, Sharpe. Murchisoni, Entomis, Jones, 1861. divisa, Jones. ;uberosa, ,, Eurypterus, Dekay, 182 abbreviatus, Salter. acuminatus, ,, Bohemicus, Barr. cephalaspis. Salter. chartarius, Dekayi, Hall. Fischeri, Eichw. Imhoffi, Eeuss. lacustris, Harlan. var. robustus, Hall. lanceolatus, Salter. lateralis, linearis, megalops, , , nanus, microphthalmus, Hall. pachycheirus, pustulosus. pygmseus, Salter. remipes, Dekay. tetragonophthalmus, Fisch. (N. York) Medina Village. Thuringia ? Thuringia. (N. York) Lockport. Gotliland.Arisaig (Nova Sco- tia). Pentland Hills (Scotland). Lesmahago (Lanarkshire). > Sazes (Bussaco, Portugal). (England) Ludlow, Kington. (England) Ludlow. KirkbyMoor, Kendal (West- moreland). Scotland, (Lanarkshire) Les- mahago. (N.W.NewYork)BlackEock. Kamenetz-Podolsk, Eoodzi- kulle (I. Oesel), Livonia. Eussia ? (N.W. New York)Williams- ville, Buffalo. (N.W. New York) Buffalo, Erie County. England,(Scotl.)Lesmahago. Ludlow Eailway. (Engl.) Kington, Ludlow, Ludford. (Engl.) Kington, Ludlow. South Gothland. (New York) Cazenovia. (N.W. New York) Buffalo. Black Eock, near Buffalo (N. York). (Engl.) Kington, Ludlow. (Can. W.) Bertie, (N.York) Herkimer County. Eussia &c., Poland, I. Oesel. Kington, ^Radnorshire. (N.W. New York) Buffalo. Isle Oesel. Leintwardine (Herefordsh.). !) Shropshire. Leintwardine, Downton, Shropshire. Leintwardine. Dudley (England). Lesmahago. W- Scotland. Tr ^Wisconsin) Mineral Point, N.W.Michigan(L.Super.). D. d. 1.5 Bohemia. Niaff Tr &c Tyrone, Gunzenberg (Sax.). 55. Aldeans, Ayrshire (S.W. Scotland). AUumette Island, E.Ottawa. L U.L Carad ard, 1866. Moffat Shales, Dumfries. 835. Duffkinnell, Dumfriesshire. ? U.L Ebendaselbst. Builth. Mocktree Hill, Builth. 5 (ElDOTHEA, SCOULERIA, Do LICHOPTERUS, Hall). L.Llan Passage-beds . . . Fauna E Bohemia. L., U.L L (Waterlime)L.H. G. Eurypt. Lst. ... U.L (Waterlime)L.H. G. U.L Passage-beds . , U.L.. L (Tentacul.) L. H. a. (Waterlime) L.H. G. U.L (Waterlime) L.H. G. Passage-beds ... L..U.L sp. ind. Salter. Subgen. DOLICHOPTERUS, H macrocheirus. Hall. Exapinurus, Nieszk, 185 Schrenkii, Hemiaspis, H. Woodwa limuloides, H. Woodward, optata, Salter. Salweyi, sperata, tuberculata, ,, sp. nova. H. Woodward. Himantopterus, Salter, acuminatus, Salter. all, 1849. 9. rd, 1865. U.L W UL 1856 (PTERYGOTUS). PHYIIOPODA & OSTKACODA.] 75 Subdivision. Genera, Species, and Author. Lower Stage. Middle Stage. Upper Stage. U.L Banksii, Salter bilobus, perornatus, var. plicatissimus, Hymenocaris, Salter, 1 vermicauda, Salter Leper ditia, Eouault, 185 alta, Conrad. amygdalina, Jones. Anna, Anticostiana, ,, Arctica, Baltica, Hising. var. Arctica, Jones. Biensis, buprestis, Salter. Canadensis, Billings. var. Anticostinia concinnula cylindrica, Hising. ISOCHIUNA, Jones, 1858. foveolata, Eichw. gigantea, Eomer, F. jracilis, Jones. Isochilina. grandis, Schrenk. Hudsonica, Hall. Jonesi, Josephiana, Billings, var. fabulites, gibbera, labrosa, ,, Louckiana, nana, Jones. Paquettiana, Bill, scalaris, Maccoyana, Jones, marginata, Keyserling. minuta, ornata, Eichw. Ottawa-ensis, Jones. Isochilina. ovata, ,, ovulum, Eichw. parasitica, Hall. Kington, Eadnorshire. Lesmahago (W. Scotland). (Can. W.) Cayuga, N. York, ^i > EiTer Onny, Shropshire. " Carad W Carad W " Carad Pembrokeshire, Baltic Pro Tinces (Eussia). Shropshire, Baltic ProTinces (Eussia). W. Carad Shropshire, (Portugal) Bus saco. Coniston Waterhead (Lan cashire), Dufton (West morel. ),BalaLake( Wales) Esthonia. Pembrokeshire, Eobeston Wathen. (Wales) Sholes Hook, Ha Terfordwest. W L W P., Potsd. Sa. .. > > Sandstone P., Potsd. Sa. .. Dolom. Lst. .. Eurypt.Lst.jPas sage-beds. U.L 852. (Can. E.) Beauharnois &c. !> (S.W.' Scotl.) Eoxburghshire (Can. E.) Beauharnois &c. 859? 4 (including HIMANTOPTERU s). U.L.Passage-bed > PHYLLOPODA & OSTEACODA.] Subdivision. Genera, Species, and Author. Lower Stage. Middle Stage. Upper Stage. (Waterlime L.H H. G. Downt. Sa., U.L (Omitted in ' Si- luria,' 4th ed.). Passage-beds .... (Waterlime) L. H. G. L.L . Cobbi, Hall i*igas, Salter lanceolatus, ,, Ludensis, ,, macrocephalus, Hall. Osborni, ,, oerornatus, Salter. var. plicatissimus, 3roblematicu8, Agass. Dunctatus, Salter. stylops, Saerichnites, Billings, \ abruptus, Billings. Slimoriia, Page, 1856. acuminata, Salter. maxima. >unctata, corpioides, Salter (MS.). Stylonurus, Page, 1855. piniceps, Page. Logani. ["urrilepas, H. Woodwar Wrightiana, De Koninck. (N.W. New York) Buffalo. Kington (Eadnorshire). Lesmahago (W. Scotland). Ledbury Tunnell, Kington, Ludlow, &c. (Central N. York) Water- vine, Herkimer Co. (N. York) Oneida County. Lesmahago (W. Scotland). and Kington. Kington, Dudley, Ludlow, Hagley Park. (Engl.) Kendal, Leintwar- dine. Kington(Eadn.),Herefordsh. Lesmahago (Lanarkshire). Church Hill, Leintwardine (Shropshire). Lesmahago (Lanarkshire). (W.Scotl.) Lanarkshire, Les- mahago. Dudley (England). Llan.?,W.,U.L. LL Malvern Tilestone H. E. G 866. ^Anticosti Isl.) Otter's Cove, Observation Bay, &c. UL. L UL. W. d, 1865 (CHITON). Summary (Geographical). Genera. Species. Genera. Species. America. s, 1 1 03 1 S.Australia. Common. America. dj Pn g a H g 3 S.Australia. Common. Astacoderma 14 1 22 3 1 14 "i "i 3* Bro ught forward 47 91 5 1 31 3 1 3 1 2 26 I 1 7 2 4 "]* Bairdia Himantopterus Beyrichia 24 Hymenocaris Bunodes . . Leperditia 14 Limuloides Ceratiocaris 6 1 Lingulocaris Climactichnites . . .... Myocaris Cythere ... 2 2 Parka Cytherina 4 3 6 Peltocaris Cytheropsis Primitia 5 6 Dictyocaris ... 3 1 2 1 15 1 5 "i* Protichnites Discinocaris Pseudoniscus Dithyrocaris Pterygotus 3 1 Entomis ... . Sserichnites 7 Slirnonia 3 1 1 Stylonurus Hemiaspis . ... 47 91 2 4 76 178 2 5 * To Europe and America. 78 STTBKIJTODOM MOLLUSCA. PROVINCE HOLLTJSCOIDA. CLASS POLYZOA. Subdivision. Genus, Species, and Author. Lower Stage. Middle Stage. Upper Stage. Tr. , Alecto, Lamouroux, 182; inflate, Hall Archseopora, Eichwald acerosa, Eichwald angulosa, ,, lamella, punctata, radicans, Arthroclema, Billings pulchella, Billings Berenicea, Lamouroux, consimilis, Lonsd. heterogyra, M'Coy. irregularis, Lonsd. Cellepora, Gmelin, 1789. 'avosa, Goldf. . (Minute creeping frond State of N. York, Oneida Co 1859. on stones or shells, J. W (Livonia) Fennern. S.). Ficht (Isle Oesel, Baltic), Kamenetz-Podolsk. J.W.S.). Dudley, Mayhill (England). Dudley, Benthal Edge (Eng- land). Dudley (Engl.), Gothland. (N.York) Lockport Shale. W.S.) Dudley (England), Dudley, Ledbury (England). England. Dudley (England). (N. York) Lockport, (Illi- nois) Chicago. (N. York) Lockport. N. York) Lockport, (Illi- nois) Chicago, (Kentucky' Louisville. N. York) Lockport Shale. )> > Chicago (Illinois). N. York) Lockport. Dudley (England). Pentarn. Lst. .. Pleta Poulkova (Russia), Wesen berg (Esthonia). Czarskoe-selo (Eussia), We senberg, D'Erras. St. Petersburg, Governmen Gdow (Eussia). Poulkova (Eussia), Wesen berg (Esthonia). 1865. Ottawa City, Peter boro T (Can. W.). 1821= DIASTOPORA, Lamou Pleta, Coral! .Lst roux (flat, creeping fronds Tr w Carad :. . Coniston Waterhead, Lan cash. (Engl.), Merioneth shire, Bala Lake. W Niaff Ceramopora, Hall, 1852. foliacea, Hall, imbricata, incrustans, socialis, Eichw. Ceriopora, Goldfuss, 182 affinis, Goldf bicornis, Eichw foraminosa, Meneghini granulosa, Goldf. limarioides, Meneghini. oculata, Goldf. Favosites. punctata, Chasmatopora, Eichwal tenella, Eichw. Cladopora, Hall, 1852. ffidilis, Eichw. fibrosa, HaU. macrophora, multipora, reticulata, ,, seriata, Clathropora, Hatt, 1852. alicornis, Hall, labellata, D. D. Owen, "rondosa, Hall, ichenoides, Winch. & Mar. verticillata, ,, ,, Pleta Poulkova (Russia). like branching corals, J W 6. (Thin cylindrical fronds Pleta Poulkova (Eussia). Sardinia (Island). ? W ? Sardinia. Pleta d, 1856. Baltisch Port and Spitham (Esthonia). Wesenberg (Esthonia). Pleta Niag Pentam.L.,Niag. Niag Zmeinogorsk (Altai). ... Tr. (N. Wiscon.)EscanabaEiver. Niag. ? Dolom.Lst., Sp, lynx. Orthoc. Lst., Do- lom. Lst. Llan Coccoseris, Eichwald, 18 approximate, Eichw. Dngerni, Corynoides, Nicholson, 1 jalicularis, Nicholson. Diamesopora, Hall, 185 Jichotoma, Hall. Diastopora, Lamouroux, Oiplastrea, Eichwald, 18 liffluens, Eichwald. Discopora, Lamarck, 18 mtiqua, Lamarck, favosa, Lonsd. 59. Grna (Esthonia). Kirna, Borkholm (Estho- nia). Lyckholm (Esthonia) B67. . Dobb's Linn &c., Moffat, Dumfries. 2. Niag. . Fixed on Lep- < tcena imbrex. : W 1821 (see BERENICEA). 59. Wesenberg (Esthonia). 16. ! 79 Subdivision. Genus, Species, and Author. Lower Stage. Middle Stage. Upper Stage. W squamata, Disteichia, Sharpe, 1852 reticulata, Sharpe Escharapora, Hall, 18-5 Escharina?, Lonsdale, 1 angularis, Lonsd Fenestella, Lonsdale, 18 acuticosta, Romer assimilis, Lonsd bipinnata, Billings capillaris, Portl colonus, Meneghini cribrosa, Hall. elegans, exilis, Eichw. gracilis, Hall, incepta, Billings Lonsdalei, D'Orb. Milleri, Lonsd. patula, M'Coy. prisca, Sowerbv, Billings. Dudley &c., Shropshire. Dudley (England). s, J.W.S.} (W. Tenness.) Decatur Co. Dudley (England). (N. York) Kochester &c. Isle Oesel, Ficht (Baltic). Dudley (Engl.), Wales, Dor- mington Wood. Dudley, (Wales) Denbigh. Dudley. Dudley, (Can. W.) Dundas. Dudley, Dormington Wood, Gothland. Dudley (England). Dudley &c. (Engl.), (Wales) Denbighshire. N.York, (Can.W.)Flamboro. ^New Brunsw.) Restigouche. N. York) Lockport. Leopold'sl. &c.(Arct.Amer.). with two rows of cells, J. W.8.). Dudley, Shropshire, Here- fordshire, Malvern, Lud- low, &c. OGRAPSUS, Geinitz, 1853. one side of axis, J. W.S.) Bohemia. Finnal Hill (Ludlow). (reticulated branches ; man Bussaco (Portugal). ?=PTILODICTYA. 836. y rows of pores, J.W.S.). Niag 39. (Frond reticular ; the b ranches connected by bar Carad., U.Llan- dov., W. Carad (Engl.) Harnage, Westmore- land, Wales, Chair of Kil- dare (Ireland). Isle Anticosti (G. St. Lawr.) Desertcreate (Tyrone). Sardinia Island. Norway, (Wales) Llan- dovery. Zmeinogorsk, Altai, (N. York) Lockport. Zmeinogorsk, Altai CL CL., Niag Corall. Lst CH., BL New York. Mingan Isles (G. St. Lawr.). North Wales Carad., W (Wales) Blain-y-cwm, Glyn Ceiriog &c. W CL prisca ?, Hall, regularis, Portlock. reticulata, Lonsd. rigidula, M'Coy. striolata, Eichw. subantiqua, D'Orb. antiqua. tenuis, Hall, tenuiceps, undulata, Portl. sp. ind. (2), Salter. Billings. Hall. Salter Glauconome, Lonsdale disticha, Goldf. Graptolithus, Linnaus alatus, Hall, antennarius, Meneghini. arcuatus, Hall. Barrandei, Scharenburg. Beckii, Barr. See lobiferus. oelophorus, Meneghini. Bohemicus, Barr. Bryonoides, Hall. chimsera, Barr. 21intonensis, ,, colonus, (N. Y.) Wayne Co., (Can. W.) Flambro' Head. Carad Kildare, Desertcreate, &c. (Ireland). W Pentam. Lst., si- liceous. Carad.,L.U.Llan- dov., W. CL., Niag Talkhof (Livonia). (Wales) Mayhill, Mathy- rafal. (N. York) Wayne Co. ... Lockport. (Wales) Denbighshire, Cer- rig-y-Druidion &c. Carad Desertcreate (Tyrone). Bala Lake, Llanfyllin, Car- nedd, Daf, &c. Niag 3arad., Llandov., W. P., Queb. G. ... ? Carad., Col. Hai- dinger. D, E, Col. Hai- dinger. P., Div. P, Queb. G. Fauna IS. e. 3 ... CL. =PTILOPORA, M'Coy. (Fro (Wales) Glyn Ceiriog &c., Westmoreland. GRAPTOLITIDE, (Hall), 1751 ; including MON Point Levis (Can. E.). nd pinnated, each pinna i^ales, Shropshire fL OPRION, Barrande; MON (Frond simple, cells on (Isle of Sardinia) Goni. N.E. end of Sardinia. Point Levis (Can. E.). Christiania (Norway). Thuringia, (Saxony) Wils- druff, Bohemia, S.W.Scotl. Bohemia. (Can. E.) Point Levis, (New- foundland W.) Cowhead. N\ York, Rochester, &c., Arisaig, Merigomish (Nova Scotia). Faunae D,E ; Col. Haidinger, LL. (Brittany) La Manche, An- gers, Poligne, La Couyere, (N.E. Sardinia) Goni, Bo- hemia, (Saxony) Gunzenb. 80 [POLYZOA. Subdivision. Genus, Species, and Author. Lower Stage. Middle Stage. Upper Stage. P., Queb. G. ... Carad constrictus, Hall, convolutus, Hising. Conybeari, Portl. denticulatus, Hall distans, Portl. falcatus, Meneg flaccidus, Hall. Flemingii, Salter. flexilis, Hall, fruticosus, Billings Gonii, Meneg. gracilis, Hall. Greistonensis, Nicol. Halli, Barr. hamatus, Baily. coronoides. Headi, Hall. hemiprestis, Meneg. Hisingeri, Carruthers. Sagittarius, Hisinger. Huebneri, Geinitz. incisus, Harkness. indentus, Hall. Isevis, Hall. LaMarmora, Meneg. latus, M'Coy. laxus, Nicol. Linnaeus, Barr. lobiferus, M'Coy. Ludensis, Murch. var. minor, Milesi, Hall, millipeda, M'Coy. multifasciatus, Hall. Murchisoni, Beck. mutuliferus, Meneg. Nicoli, Harkness. Nilssoni, Barr. nitidus, Hall. nuntius, Barr. peregrinus, Barr. personatus, Scharenburg. priodon, Bronn. Proteus, Barr. Point Levis (Can. E.). Lockerby (S.W. Scotland), Fermanagh, Tyrone, Tip- perary (Irel.), (Sweden) Furudal,(Saxony)Eonneb. Fermanagh, Tyrone, Desert- create (Irel.). Newfoundland W., Point Levis (Can. E.). Tyrone(Irel.),S. W.Scotland (Sardinia) Goni. Balmae, Kirkcudbright (S. Scotland). (S. Scotland) Lammermuir, Balmae, Aymestry, Builth (Wales), South Australia. (Portugal) Bussaco. Llangynwyw (Montgomery- shire). \. Ludlow, Builth, Ulverstone, Tipperary and Kerry(Ire- land). Carad OS., CH., Div. P, Queb. G. Carad ? Utica Slate Lake St. John (Can. E.). W Queb. G Point Levis (Can. E.). Newfoundland W. (N.E. Sardinia) Goni. Bohemia, Eonneburg &c. (Saxony). (N.E. Sardinia) Goni. (N.E. Sardinia) Goni. Bohemia. Chambery (Savoy), Sar- dinia. Div. P, Queb. G. ? Llan., H.E.G... Carad (S.W. Scotl.) Dumfrieshire, Belvoir, Clare (Irel.), S Australia,Canada,N.York. (S.W. Scotl.) Greiston, Pee- blesshire. E. e. 1 Llan Ireland. Point Levis (Can. E.), New- foundland N.W., Point Eich &c. Div. P, Queb. G. ? Same localities as " Sagitta- rius." Plauen (Saxony). (S.W. Scotl.) Moffat &c. Point Levis (Can. E.). Lewis County (N. York). Queb. G. Utica Slate Llan Builth (Wales), Skiddaw (Westmorel.), Thuringia (Saxony), Grafenwarth, S. Australia. Thornielea, Selkirkshire (Scotland). Bohemia, (Saxony) Hein- richsruhe. Lockerby, Mofiatt, Dumfries (S.W. Scotland). S. Australia, Long Sleddale (Westmoreland). Carad Llan. (not in 4th ed. ' Siluria'). Carad.,Llandov., W., L. CH N.E. Vermont (U.S.A.). Dumfries (S. Scotland), Oel- nitz &c. (Saxony). New York. Pont Seiont (Carnarvonsh.), Welchpool (Wales), (Nor- way) Christiania. (N.E. Sardinia) Goni. Dumfriesshire (S. Scotland). Braithwaite Brow, Skiddaw (Engl.),Bohemia,(Saxony) Oelnitz &c., Dumfries- shire, Thuringia. Wales. Point Levis (Can. E.). (Saxony) Wilsdruff, N.York, S. Scotland. Heinrichsruhe &c. (Saxony), Bohemia. (Norway) Christiania. S.W. Scotland, Westmorel., (Denbighsh.) Nantyr &c., (Saxony) Wilsdruff. ^Saxony) Zwickau &c., Inu- ring..^., Swed.,Bohem. Bohemia ?. Bohemia. Bohemia. (Sardinia) Flumini, Mag- giore, Goni, Bohemia, Mayh., Tortw., Wrekin, (Eadnor) Cefn Grugos &c., Mandinam. Carad H. E. G Carad ? Fau. E.e.l, Llan. Queb. G Fauna E. e. 1.... Car., L.U.Llar- dov., W., L.L. Col. Haidinger. POLYZOA.] 81 Subdivision. Genu8, Species, and Author. Lower Stage. Middle Stage. Upper Stage. Col. Haidinger.. UticaSl.,H.E.G. Llan., Carad. U.Llan., W. Llan quadri-mucronatus, Hall Eoemeri, Barr Sagittarius, Hising Hisingeri, Carruthers Salteri, Geinitz scalaris, Hall Sedgwickii, Portl Bastrites triangulatus. serratulus, Hall spina, Murch spiralis, Geinitz tasnia, Salter tenuis, Portl cestis, Barr. triangulatus, Harkness. Rastrites. Airriculatus, Barr. virgulatus ?, Beck. Whitfieldii, Hall, sp. ind. Leymerie. Salter. ? Buthograptus, Hall, 18 axus, Hall. Callograptus. Hall, 186 elegans, Hall. Salteri, ,, Cladograpsus, Hall, 186 jracilis, Hall. .inearis, Carruthers. Clixnacograptus, Hall, antennarius, Hall, jicornis, mllatus, Salter. mrvus, Hall, scalaris, Linnaeus, ypicalis ,, Coronoides, Nicholson, 1 calicularis, cyrtograpsus, Carruthers. lamatus, Baily. Vlurchisoni, Carruthers. Dendrograptus, Hall, 1 arbuscularis, Salter. diffusus, Hall, divergens, erectus, ,, lexuosus, ruticosus, furcatulus, Salter Lake St. John (Can. E.). Bohemia. S. Australia, Skiddaw (Cum berl.),(S.Scotl.)Duff,Kin nel, (Irel.) Eeaffada, Tip perary, (Swed.) Furudal (Norway) Heinrichsruhe (Sax.)Thuring., ( W.)Llan faelrhys, (N.York )Albany Britain. (N. York) W. Canada Creek (Scania) Fogelsang &c. Heinrichsruhe(Saxony), Ire land, (S.W. Scotl.) Eae Hills &c., Thuringia. New York (U.S.A.). Thuringia. Saxony . . . Bohemia (Wales) Moel Seissiog. Bohemia. Bohemia. i irregular, J.W.S.} H. E. G Llan., Carad. ... H. E. G Llan., H. E. G., Carad. H. E. G., fauna E. e. 1. (S.W. Scotl.) Wigtownshire Lockerby, Mof fat, &c., (Irel.) Tipperary Tyrone, Desertcreate, S Australia, Wrekin, Shrop- shire, Skiddaw, Keswick (Engl.), New York. N. York, Brittany, (France) Angers, Neuvillette, &c. S.W. Scotland, Wilsdruff (Saxony). Thuringia (Saalf 4 , Saxony). Christiania (Norway). Albany (N. York). Luchon (Pyrenees). Skiddaw (Westmoreland). Barf, Keswick (Westmorel.' 62? Jf. York, N. Winconsin. 5. Gros Maule, near Quebec, Newfoundland. Gros Maule, near Quebec. 1. [r eland. S. W. Scotland. 1865. Point Levis (Can. E.). Eaverfordwest, Penmorfa (S. Wales), N. York, (Can. E. & W.) Montreal, Ohio, &c., Bohemia ?. Ardwell (S.W. Scotland). Canada. Moffat (Dumfries). Canada. 867. Moffat Shales. Fauna E. e. 1 ... H. E. G L.Llan Tr P., Div. P, Queb. G. H i> Llan CH L.Llan.,H.E.G. Carad Llan., Carad. ... H. E. G Llan Carad w Moffat Shales. 365. (Frond ramose, bushy, Whitesand Bay and Eamsay Isle (S. Wales). Point Levis (Canada E.). )> Point Levis (Can. E.), New- foundland. (N.Wales)Ty-obry,Penrhyn. Point Levis (Can. E.). 'Wisconsin) Osceola Mills. ? Point Levis (Can. E.). Whitesand Bay and Eamsay Isle (S.Wales), (N.Wales) Ty-obry, Portmadoc. P., Arenig rock. P., Queb. G. ... Queb G . . P., Queb. G. ... j) L.Llan P., Queb. G. ... Potsd. Sa ^racilis, Hall. ETallianus, Prout. entus, Carruthers. striatus, Hall. sp v ind. Salter. Carad P., Queb. G. ... P., Arenig rock. 82 [POLYZOA. Subdivision. Genus, Species, and Author. Lower Stage. Middle Stage. Upper Stage. P.,Queb. Gr. ... Llan Dichograptus, Salter, 1 abnormis, Hall, aranea, Salter. bifidus, Hall. Bigsbyi, extensus, extenuatus, gracilis, intricatus, Salter (MS.). Logani, Hall. var., ,, octobrachiatus, M'Coy. octonarius, Hall, patulus, ,, pennatulus, quadribrachiatus, M'Coy. ramulus, Hall. Eichardsoni, rigidus, ,, Sedgwickii, Salter (MS.). similis, Hall, sp. ind. Salter. ? Dictyonema, Hall, 1852 Bohemica, Barr. fenestrata, Hall, flabelliformis, Pander. gracilis, Hall, irregular is, Murrayi, ,, Neenah, D. D. Owen. quadrangularis, Hall, retiformis, Billings. robusta, Hall, sociale, Salter. Graptopora. Websteri, Dawson. sp. ind. Didymograpsus, M' Co anceps, Nicholson. caduceus, Salter. denticulatus, M'Coy ? divaricatus, Hall, flaccidus, Nicholson. Hall. Forchhammeri, Geinitz. furcatus, Hall. geminus, Salter, Hising. hamatus, Baily. hirundo, Hising. Moffatensis, Carruthers. Murchisoni, Beck. 361, including GRAPTOMTHU on one side of the rachides Point Levis (Can. E.). Skiddaw (Cumberland). Point Levis (Can. E.). Albany (N. York), Mel- bourne (S. Australia). Skiddaw (Cumberland). Point Levis (Can. E.), Mel- bourne (S. Australia). Point Levis (Can. E.). Mel- bourne (S. Australia). Point Levis (Can. E.). Braithwaite (Cumberland). Point Levis (Can. E.). Keswick (Cumberland). Skiddaw. =GRAPTOPORA, Hall. (Fro s, Hall, in part. (Frond onlj.J.W.S.) nd reticulate, like FENEST repeatedly branched ; cells ELLA, J. W. 8.) Bohemia, New York ?. Mackinac (Lake Huron), N. York. (N. York, central) Lockport Shale, Bohemia. (S. Wisconsin) Chicago, (N. York) Lockport.Eochester &c., Grimsby (Can. W.). (Nova Scotia) Kentville. 11, 1865 ; CLADOGRAPTUS, Geinitz. (Frond once branched from the base, J.W.S.) P., Queb. G. ... >> H. E. G., Auri- ferous Shales. Llan P., Queb. G. ... ? P., Queb. G. ... Fauna E. e. 2, 'Niag. Onond. S. Gp. ? Alum Slates ... Fauna E, Niag... P., Queb. G. ... Tr .'.' St. Petersburg (Eus.), Swe- den, Esthonia, Lower Si- lesia (drift). Point Levis (Can. E.). Upper Mississippi, N. Wis- consin. Point Levis (Can. E.). P., Queb. G. ... Niag., Onond. S. Gp. P., Queb. G. ... U.Ling. Fl Niaff Point Levis (Can. E.). (N.Wales) Gelli-fwyog, Fes- tiniog, &c., Malvern. P., Arenig rocks. S. Wales. y, 1851 ; TETRAGRAPSUS, Sal Dobbs's Lynn, Moffat (S.W. Scotland). Point Levis (Can. E.), Wex- ford (S.E. Irel.), Keswick (Westmorel.), Melbourne (S. Australia). Melbourne (S. Australia). Albany County (N. York). Dobbs's Linn &c., Moffat (S.W. Scotland). Kilnacreagh,Clare Co.(IreL). Albany Co. (N. York), Mel- bourne (S. Australia). (Swed.) Aher, Eussia, (Nor- way) Christiania, (West- morel.) Eggbeck, (Shrop- shire) Shelve. Eeaffada, Garrangrena, Tip- perary Co. (Westmorl.) Ellengill &c., Sweden, S. Wales. (Scotl.) Moffat Beds, (Shrop- shire) W. of Stiper Stones. (Irel.) Bellew's Town.Meath, (Wales) Abereiddy Bay, Caernarvon, Builth. ter; DICRANOGRAPTUS, Ha Queb. G., Carad. H. E. G.?, Au- riferous Shales. H. E. G Llan H. E. G Llan Ut. Slate Llan L. & U.Llan. ... POLYZOA.] 83 Subdivision. Genus, Species, and Author. Lower Stage. Middle Stage. Upper Stage. Llan quadri-mucronatus, Nich. ramosus, Hall serratulus, Hall, M'Coy. sextans, Hall. Whitfieldii, Nicholson, sp ind. Selwyn. ,, Bonissent. Diplograpsus, M'Coy, 1 acuminatus, Nicholson, amplexicaulis, Hall. angustifolius, barbatulus, Salter. bicornis, Hall. jullatus, Salter. dentatus. ciliatus, Emmons. cometa, Geinitz. dentatus, Brongniart. distichus, Eichw. foliaceus, Murch. Dobbs'sLinn,Moffat (Scotl.) Canada, N. York, Loch Evan (S.W. Scotland). Albany (N. York), Mel- bourne (Australia). Albany (N. York), Kilma- creagh &c., Clare (Irel.) L. Eyan (S.W. Scotland), (England) Braithwaite Skiddaw. Glenkiln, Dumfries, N.York. Victoria (Australia). (France) Angers. 850. (Two opposite rows o Dumfriesshire (S.W. Scotl.). (N. York) Middleville, (Can. E.) Montreal, Tennessee, N.W. Michigan. N. York, Canada. (N. Wales) Ty-obry, Garth. S.W.Scotland,(N.&S.Wales) Ty-obry, Melbourne (Au- stralia), (Can.W.)Humber Valley, Ohio, L. Huron, N.E., (Can.E.)E.St.Anne, I. Orleans. Ayrshire, Ardwell,&c. (Scot- land). N.York, (Virg a ) Augusta Co. Heinrichsruhe &c. (Saxony). Weckensdorf (Saxony). Eussia, I. Odinsholrn(Balt.). (Cumberl.)Skiddaw, (Shrop- shire) Meadow's Town, (N. Wales) Corwen &c., (S.W. Scotl.) Dumfriessh. Melbourne( Australia), (Swe- den) Furudal, (Norway] Christiania, (S.W. Scotl.) Lockerby &c., (Irel.) Fer- managh, (Cumberl.) Skid- daw. Thuringia. Hartfell,Moffat(S.W. Scotl.) Point Levis (Can. E.). Albany County (N. York). (Can.W.)Pt.Eich, L. Huron, Albany Co. (N.York),Mel- bourne (Australia), Lake St. John (Can. E.), (Engl.) Skiddaw, (S.W. Scotland) Hartfell&c.,(S. & N.Wales) Builth, Ty-obry, &c. (S.W. Scotl.) Dumfriesshire, Bran Burn. Melbourne (Austr.), Schleiz (Saxony), Thuringia. Thuringia, Bohemia, Schleiz (Saxony). [sle Odinsholm (Baltic). (S.W. Scotland) Dumfries. f cells on one rachis, /. W. 8.) Pentre, Montgomeryshire. Ut.Slate, H.E.G H. E. G Llan., Ut.Slate, H. E. G. 9 Llan Tr Llan Llan., H.E.G... Carad P. or H. E. G... ? Pleta Llan., Carad., L. Llan., Carad. ... Llan pristis, Hisinger. blium, Hising. EEarknessi, Nicholson, nutilis, Hall, marcidus, mucronatus, nodosus, Harkness. ovatus, Barr. jalmeus, Tar. lata, jaradoxus, Eichw. sennatus, Harkness. pennula, Eichw. Bohemia. Talkhoff (Livonia). P., Queb. Gp. ... H. E. G Llan., Ut. Slate. Llan Fauna E. e. 1 . . . Col. Haidinger. Pleta Llan. Pentam. Lst. ... U.L.Llan., Car., L.Llandov. ? Deosta, Hall, jristis, Hising., Hall. Wisconsin, New York. (N. York) Albany Co. &c., (Can. E.) Eiver St. Anne, Montmorency,EiversMar- souin and Magdalen, Mel- bourne (Australia), Loch Eyan (S.W. Scotl.), (West- moreland) Ireleth Moor, (Irel.) Belvoir, Clare Co, &c., (N. & S. Wales) Tahi- rion, Conway, Tremadoc, (Shropsh.) Soudley, Stiper Stones, Norway, (Saxony) Schleiz. 84 [POLYZOA. Subdivision. Genus, Species, and Author. Lower Stage. Middle Stage. Upper Stage. P., Queb. G. ... H. E. G var. j3, Hall, jristiniformis, ,, mtillus, [uadri-mucronatus, ramosus, rectangularis, M'Coy. secalinus, Eaton, sextans, Hall. spinulosus, ectus, Barr. eretiusculus, Hising. var. a. secundus, Schar. b. distichus, ,, c. contractus, ,, tricornis, Carruthers. tubuliformis, Nicholson, tumidus, Eichw. Whitfieldii, Hall, sp. ind. Meneghini Sraptotheca. Geinitziana, Hall. )lumosa, punctata, junctulata, Rastrites, Barrande, 185 Barrandei, Harkn., Hall. 'ugax, Barr. *emmatus, Linei, maximus, Carruthers peregrinus, triangulatus, Harkness sp. ind. ,, Retiolites, Barrande, 18 ensiformis, Hall Eucharis, Billings foliaceus, Geinitz Geinitzianus, Barr venosus. gracilis, Earner tentaculatus, Hall venosus, Tetragrapsxis, Baiter, IS bryonoides, Salter crucialis, Salter crucifer, Hall Helopora. Hall 1852. formosa, Billings New York, Builth (Wales). PointL6vis,Bolton(Can.E.). Iowa (U.S.A.) Lake St. John (Can.E.), Ayr- shire (S.W. Scotland). Can. E.) Eiv. St. Anne &c., Albany Co.(N.York), Mel- bourne (Australia), (S.W. Scotl.) Cairn Eyan, West- moreland, (N. & S. Wales) Ty-obry &c., Anglesea. Victoria (Australia), (Scotl.) Dumfries, Lockerby. (N. Y.) Baker's Falls, (Ver- mont) Georgia Township. (S.W. Scotl.) Cairn Eyan, (N. ?ork) Albany. 'N. York) Albany County. Bohemia. Saxony) Heinrichsruhe &c., Thuringia, Sweden, (Nor- way) Christiania, (N. & S. Wales) Anglesea, Ty-obry &c., (S.W. Scotl.) Glen- kiln &c. Norway) Christiania. >l > Moffa't Shales. (S.W. Scotl.) Wamphray. Talkhoff (Livonia). Church Hill. Leintwardine. e convex side, J. W.S~) ande, 1850. (Frond reticu- laronly, J.W.8.) Norway, (Engl.) Ulverstone, Eadnorshire (Wales). England? Llan., Ut. Skte L.Llan.,H.E.G. Llan CH Ut. Slate H. KG Fauna D P., Alum Slate, Llan., Carad. L.Llan Llan Silic.Pentam.Lst. Llan (N.York)AlbanyCo., Britain. N. York) Albany County. Sardinia. Point Le"vis (Can. E.). Point Levis (Can. E.), New- foundland (Div. P.), ? ? P., Queb. Gp. ... )> LL. Llan. (not in ' Si- luria,' 4th ed.). Fauna E. e. 1 . . Llan., Fan. E. e.] Llan >. (Spiral, with very thin S.W. Scotland. ^Bohem.) Col. Haidinger ... rachis, and the cells on th Bohemia. Hall ; GLADIOLITES, Barr Bohemia, New York (Wales) Pen-y-lan, Llan- dovery, Bohemia, (New York) Eochester. S.) led). (Anticosti) East Point. Col. Haidinger (Bohemia), Britain. S.W. Scotland. Bohemia, Thuringia, (S.W. Scotland) Dumfriesshire, Bran Burn, Moffat, &c. (S.W. Scotland) Moffat. S.W. Scotland. 50 ; includes EETIOGRAPTUS, Point Levis (Can. E.). Lake St. John (Can. E.). Montgomeryshire (Wales). Bohemia, Brittany, (Saxony] Eaitshain &c., Thuringia. Sadewitz (Lower Silesia). Point Levis (Can. E.). Faunae D, E. e. 1 , Llan. Llan.,Carad. (not in ' Siluria,' 4th ed.). P., Queb. Gp. .. Ut. Slate ? Fauna E.e.2,CL. Llandov.,Wool hope, W. P., Queb. Gp. .. CL., U.Llandov W.,Fau.E.e.l Llan 63. (Four branches, J.W Frozen Gill (Westmorel.). Keswick (Westmoreland). Point Levis (Can. E.). POLYZOA (contini P., Queb. Gp. .. Div. 2, A. Gr. Llandov. .POLYZOA.] 85 Subdivision. Genus, Species, and Author. Lower Stage. Middle Stage. Tipper Stage. CL fragilis Billings lineata, Heteropora, Blainville, ? crassa, Lonsd foraminosa, Eichw gibbosa, ,, Hornera ?, Hall, 1852. dichotoma, Hall Inocaulis, Hall, 1852. plumulosa, Hall Intricaria, Defrance, 182 obscura, Port! reticulata, Billings Lichenalia, Hall, 1852. concentrica, Hall Mastopora, Eichwald, 18 concava, Eichw Micropora, Eichwald, 18 cyclostomoides, Eichw sjracilis, rhombica, Phaenopora, Hall, 1852 costellata, Hall ensiformis, explanata, multipora, ,, Phyllopora, King, 1849 Hisingeri, M'Coy sroseva, Salter (Ptilodictya). sp. ind. (2), Polypora, M'Coy, 1844 ( ? crassa, Lonsd dichotoma, Hall Hornera. urcata, Eichw Tracilis, Billings ncepta, Hall Eetepora. Protovirgularia, M'Coy dichotoma, M'Coy. Eteropora, Eichwald, 18 exilis, Eichw. jennula, ,, Ptilodictya, Lonsdale, 1 acuta, Hall. var. minor. Alcyone, Billings, arguta, Canadensis, ostellata, M'Coy. rassa, Hall. (Can. W.) Dundas, (New York) Lockport &c. (Anticosti) Junction Cliff J.W.S.) (England) Benthall Edge. Isle Oesel (Baltic), Ficht. (N.York, central) Eochester, Lockport, &c. (N.York) Eochester, (Illi- nois) Chicago. Dudley (England). New York. N. York) Eochester &c., Chicago (Illinois). 847. (Leaf-like expansions, branching or simple, with two rows of opposite cells attached to a central plate, J.W.S.). Can. W.) Flambro' Head, Lake Ontario. Div.l,A.G.,Llan dov 1830. (Perhaps a sponge W Corall. Lst (Pleta)Orth.Lst CL Poulkova (Eussia). (N.York) Eochester,Lock port. Carad 2. Tyrone (Ireland) ?. ^Canada E.) Montreal. Tr Niag Pleta 59. Eeval (Baltic), D'Erras, We senberg. 59=EsciiARA, Eichwald. Wesenberg,D'Erras (Estho.) Eeval &c. (Baltic), Iswoss St. Petersburg. Reval, &c. (Baltic). (N. York) Wayne Co. &c New York, (Canada W. Flambro'. (N. York) Lockport &c. (Can. W.) Flambro'. le, not Lamouroux). " CL M.Sa., CL CL Tr (N. Wisconsin) Escanaba E Coniston Waterhead (Lan cashire), (N. Wales) Glyn Ceiriog &c. Wales, Corntown, Wexforc (Ireland). ^Montgomerysh. )Llanwddn including HORNERA, Lonsda Carad W Niag Inflam. Cl. Slate. Niaer. D'Erras (Esthonia). Canada. Llan., Carad. ... Carad 1855. [jockerby, Dumfries, Gries- ton, Peebles, Thuringia. 59. D'Erras (Esthonia). Esthonia, )Spitham(Baltic). 839 ; STICTOPORA, Hall, 184 lighgate Springs, N. Ver- mont, Montreal, Lake St. John (Can. E,), Canada, W. Missouri, Wisconsin, New York, Pennsylvania, Wales,Ireknd,S.W.Scotl., Eussia, Chair of Kildare (Ireland), jlanfyllin, Montgomery- shire (Wales). 6; ESCHAKOPORA, Hall, 1 Ssthonia. Anticosti) Chicotte Eiver. Anticosti) Cape Sandtop Bay. Wales) Mathyrafal. N. York) Wayne Co. &c. B., BL., Tr., Ut. Slate, H. E. G-., M.Sa., Car.,U. Llandov. Carad Div.4,A.G.,Mayh. Div. 2, Llandov., A. Gr. H. E. G Charleton Pt., Anticosti Isle. S.W. Scotl.) Girvan, Den- bighshire, Llansaintffraid, &c., Sardinia. Car., L., ILLlan- dov. CL [POLYZOA. Subdivision. Genus, Species, and Author. Lower Stage. Middle Stage. Upper Stage. H. E. G decipiens, Meek & Worth, dichotoma, Portl. elegantula, Hall, snsiformis, Billings. Madison, Eichmond (Indi- ana). Chair of Kildare, Desert- create(Irel.), ( Wales)LJan- fyllin &c., Scotland, (Eng- land) Westmoreland. (N. York) Mohawk Valley, N.W. Michigan, Chair of Kildare (Ireland). Cong (Galway). Dundas (Canada W.). (Norway) Christiania, Isle Oesel, (Wales )Llangynyw. (Engl.) Malverns, Shrop- shire, Clungunford, Ay- mestry. Thuringia, Lower Silesia (drift). (N. York) Lockport, (Illi- nois) Chicago. (N. York) Eochester. Dudley, Martley, Linsway Bay (Pembroke). Columbus (Ohio, U.S.). North Vermont (U.S.). W.8.) Llan., TJ.L.Llan- dov., Carad. Tr Niag Antic., Divs. 1,2, 3,4. Carad.,. H. E.G., U.Llandov. Pleta Anticosti Isle, Jupiter E., Gamache Bay &c. Canada, (Wales) Mathy- rafal. [Anticosti) Junction Cliff. Anticosti, Divs. 1, 2, 3. (Wales) Pen-y-Craig &c., (Engl.) Tortworth, (Es- thonia) Borkholm, Gal- way (Irel.). explanata, M'Coy. exserta, Eichw. fenestrata, Hall. errea, Salter. labellata, Eichw. ragilis, Billings, ucoides, M'Coy. gladiola, Billings, jlomerata, Hall. abyrinthica, anceolata, Lonsd., Goldf. obata, Meneghini. multipora, Billings, nitida, jinnata, Eomer. jlumula, Salter. aotamogeton, Eichw. Coniston (Westmoreland), (N. Wales) Wrexham &c., Anticosti (West end). (Baltic) Eeval, (St. Peters- burg) Dhow. Canada, (N.Vermont) High- gate Springs, New York, N.W. Lake Huron, Camp d'Ours, N.W. Michigan (Lake Superior). Niti Pass, Himalaya Moun- tains (E. I.). Isle Dago (Baltic). [Anticosti) Charlton Point. 3-elli Grin, Llansaintffraid, Bala, Denbighsh. (Wales). Anticosti Light House B..BL., CH. ... CompactOrthoc ? Lst. H. E. G. &c. ... Carad H. E. G. &c. ... CH (N. York) Chazy Village, (Vermont) Granville. (Can. W.) Camp d'Ours, L. Huron, (N. York) Clinton County. Sardinia, Coniston (West- morel.),N.York,Lyckholm (Esthonia), Anticosti Isle (West end). 'Sardinia) Fontana Mare. 3amp d'Ours, L. Huron. Anticosti, Point Charleton. B., BL Carad., Llandov., W.L., H.E.G., Pleta, Cor. Lst. B BL ? Xiti Pass, Himalaya Moun- tains (E. I.). (Isle Dago) Hohenholm. (Esthonia) Isle Dagden. >rismatica, Meneghini. jroeva, Jermyn Cat. 3ulchella, Verneuil, Hall, junctipora, Hall, ramosa, ,, (Sardinia) Fontana Mare. Yspatty Evan (Wales). [Eussia) St. Petersburg Niag Tr., CL N.W. Michigan, New York. (N.York) Eochester,(Can. W.) Flambro'. New York. (Anticosti) The Jumpers Malverns (England) (Anticosti) The Jumpers. Becsie Eiver Bay &c (Anticosti). Gamache Bay (Anticosti) CL., Niag Tr raripora, Hall, recta, Meneghini, Hall. var. nodosa, Hall, reticulatum, ? rustica, Billings, scalpelliformis, Eichw. scalpellum, D. de Leucht. scalpellum, Lonsd. simplex, Meneghini sulcata, Billings superba, tenera, variabilis, Prout sp. ind. Hitchcock Hall Ptylopora, M'Coy, 1844 disticha, Eichw Sardinia, Isle Dago, N.York, Missouri, (Can.W.) Moira Eiver, (Can. E.) Mont- morenci Falls, N. Wis- consin, Kildare (Ireland). (N.York) Herkimer County. Tr., CL Tr Div.4,A.G.,Mayh Pleta Eeval, D'Erras (Esthonia). Poulkova (Eussia). Norway ?, (Euss.) Wotchana, St. Petersburg, &c., Lower Silesia (drift). Fontana Mare (Sardinia). U.Llandov.,Pleta Woolhope., W Div.4,A.G.,Mayh > Inflam. Clay SI N.W.Michigan (Lake Sup.). (A variation of FENESTEI D'Erras (Esthonia). LA, with a central rachis, J. POLYZOA.] 87 Subdivision. Genus, Species, and Author. Lower Stage. Middle Stage. Upper Stage. CL., Niag Retepora, Lamarck, 181 angulata, Hall. asperato-striata, Clintoni, Vanuxem. diffusa, Hall. ienestrata, Safford. ? foliacea, Hall, gracilis, ,, .ncepta, ,, infundibulum, Lonsd. 6. (All Silurian RETEPOR M belong to other gener (N.York) Sodus, (Can.W.) Flambro' Head. a, but it is convenient to re- tain this common name for those which cannot be properly referred, J. W.S.) (Can. W.) Flambro'. (N. York) Lockport Shale. (N. York) Lockport Shale. (England) Dudley. (France) He Ronde, Brest. Gothland. (N. York) Lockport, Dundas (Can., central). (Can. W.) Flambro'. (N. York) Rochester shale and Lockport. New York (Lockport sliale). N. York (Lockport shale). New York (Lockport shale), Rochester. New York (Lockport shale). Niag CL New York. Niag Tr Tennessee, New York. (N. York) Lewis County. Clinton Co. (in Lst.). Galway and Clinton Counties, Pennsylvania. CH W ? Cky Sh. in Obo- lus Sandstone. Pentam. Lst. . . . CL., Niag Niag retiformis, Verneuil. reticulata, Hising. Rhabdinopora, Eichwal labelliformis, Eichw. undulata, ,, Rhinopora, Hall, 1852. iuberculosa, Hall, tubulosa, Billings, verrucosa, ,, SagoneUa, Hall, 1852. membranacea, Hall. Synocladia, King, 1849. lypnoides, Sharpe. Lmsitanica, ,, Thamniscus, King, 184 jifidus, Eichw. Trematopora, Hall, 185 aspera, Hall, coalescens, colliculata, Eichw. granulifera, Hall, ostiolata, punctata, d, 1859. Czarskoe-selo,Narwa(Russ.), Reval (Baltic). Fennern (Livonia). 'N. York) Wayne County. (Can. W.) Dundas ... Niag., CL Niag Inflam. Clay SI., H. E. G. Niag Bussaco (Portugal). 9. D'Erras (Esthonia). 2 OrthocLst.,Pleta Niag. Reval (Baltic). solida, sparsa, spinulosa, striata, superba, Billings, tuberculosa, Hall, tubulosa, sp. ind. (2), Shumard. Urceopora, Eichwald, 18 arbuscula, Eichw. urcata, Vincularia, Defrance, 1 ? megastoma, ? nodulosa, Eichw. New York (Lockport shale). ,, and Clinton Co. (Green shale). Cape Girardeau (Missouri), i Kamenetz (Podolia). Isle Oesel (Baltic). CL., Niag Cabot's Head (L. Huron). Niag. L. H. G Corall. Lst Pleta 59. Nyby (Esthonia). 829. (Most likely these are CEREOPORA, J.W.S.) Pentam.Lst.,Cor. Lst. Pentam. Lst. ... Talkhof (Livonia). [BRACHIOPODA. Summary (Geographical). Genera. Species. Genera. Species. 4 1 a ^ <& i- g H 4 M i 4 a ! i o J E 1 o 1 H 03 ^3 i i .s 1 CD 3 <) o 1 a Alecto i Brought forward 19 93 18 2 17 2|| Archseopora . 5 Phyllograptus** 5 a 2 ... i Ptilograptus Berenicea . ... 2 1 1 6 1 5 ... ... "i Rastrites 4 4 2 "i Cellepora 5 1 IS Ceramopora 3 Tetragrapsus Ceriopora Helopora Chasmatopora Cladopora 1 5 Heteropora 3 Hornera 1 1 2 Diamesopora 1 Intricaria Diastopora 2 1 Lichenalia 1 1 3 ... Diplophy Hum 1 3 1 1 1 17 1 32 ... 3 "3 2* Phajnopora 4 3 3 3 1 Porpora 12 Protovirgularia 1 2 19 1 3 2 "2 ... 41 Glauconome Graptolithus . ... 22 1 2 Ptilodictya 28 Ptylopora Buthograptus . ... Retepora 7 Callograptus . Cladograpsus . 2 2 1 4 Sagonella Coronoid.es .... 4 1 2 5 8 19 ... "3 5 7 "st "4* 4 Synocladia 2 1 1 2 2 ... Dendrograptus '. 8 17 9 6 18 Thamniscus Dichograptus. ... 14 TJrceopora Didyinograpsus Vincularia Total 201 184 2 20 24 112 123 18 17 * Common to America, Europe, and Australia. t Common to America and Australia. J 1 common to Europe, Australia, and America ; 2 to Europe and America ; 1 to America and Australia. Common to Europe and Australia. I Australia and America : one species common to Australia, America, and Europe. 1" America and Europe. ** See Errata, STTBKINGDOK HOLLUSCA. PEOVINCE MOLLUSCOIDA. CLASS BRACHIOPODA. OBDEBS: 1. ARTICULATA; 2. 1NARTICULATA. Subdivision. Genus, Species, and Author. Lower Stage. Middle Stage. Upper Stage. P., Queb. G. ... Pleta Acrotreta, Kutorga, 184 gemma, Billings. subconica, Kutorga. sp. ind. Logan. Athyris, M'Coy, 1844. bella, Hall. Merista. borealis, Billings, cassidea, Dalm. 7. Newfoundland W. (Div. P.), Portland Creek. Poulkova (Russia). Point Levis (Canada E.). New York State, (Can. E.) St. Helen's Island. Isle Oesel (Baltic), Moustel Pank Lode, &c. (Bohem.) Konieprus, Mnie- nian, (Engl.) Walsall. (Wales) Presteign &c., Deer Hope Burn, Pentland Hills (Scotl.), Tirnaskea, Tyrone (IreL) Canada, Anticosti Isle (CL). (Can. W.) Thorold. (Can. W.) Dundas. Malvern, Walsall (Engl.), Gothland. P., Queb. G. ... Delth. Sh. L. ... H. E. G. Lake St. John (Can. E.). Fauna F, W. ... w Circe, Barr. Merista ? compressa, Sowerby. congests, Bill. (MS. 1866). crassirostra, Hall cylindrica, ? depressa, Sowerby Bhynchonella. CL., Niag Niasr Canada CL Carad., W BKACHIOPODA.] 89 Subdivision. Genus, Species, and Author. Lower Stage. Middle Stage, Upper Stage. Pleta, Corall.Lst W.L didyma, Dalm didvma, Sower by Ehynchonella. ephemera, Barr Ferroneciensis, Verneuil. granulifera, Barr. Headi, Billings var. Anticostiensis, inelegans, Barrande. Julia, Billings. Junia, ,, Juno, Barr. laevis, Billings. Lara, melonica, naviformis, Hall ? nitida, Merista ? nucella, Eomer. obolina, Barr. obovata, Sowerby. passer, Barr. Philomela, Prinstana, Billings. arisca, Giebel. securis, Barr. solitaria, Billings. tumida, Dalm. Meristetta. ;umidula, Billings. turgida, Shaler. umbonata, Billings. undata, Defrance. ungula, Eichw. vultura, Barr. sp. ind. ? Atrypa, Salman, 1827 ; acutirostra, Hall. Tjquiradiata, altilis, Angelina ? Lindstrom. Arimaspus, Eichw. aspera, Schloth. reticularis. Barrandei, Davidson. )idens, )identata, Hall. jisulcata, Vanuxem. Hall. )revirostris ?, camura, ,, cassidea, Dalm. circulus, Hall. Isle Dago (Baltic) (Isle Oesel) Ficht. Faunas E,F ? Fauna F Bohemia hope, &c. (Engl.). (Bohemia) Beraun, St. Ivan. bray. (Bohemia) Koniepr us, Mnie- nian. (Bohemia) Mnienian. (Bohemia) Beraun, Kozel, Wohrara, &c. (Bohem.) Konieprus, Mnie- nian, Thuringia. (Can.W.)Flambro' Head &c. Thorold, Bohemia. Lower Harz (Giebel). Bohemia ? Ledbury, Malvern (Engl.), (Bohem.) Prague, I. Oesel. (Bohemia) Mnienian &c. Lower Harz (Germany). (Bohemia) Mnienian. (Engl.) Dudley, Tortworth, Malvern, Woolhope, Lud- low, &c., (Gothland)Djup- viken, (I. Oesel) Lode&c., (Irel.) Ferriter's Cove. Brest (France) (Frapotti). '\s\e Oesel) Hoheneichen. ^Bohemia) Mnienian. interchange species, J.W.S.] Wisby (Gothland). Bohemia, Bogoslofsk, Oural. Irel.) Ferriter's Cove, Doon- quin, &c., (Engl.) West- morel., N. York, Sweden, (Gothl.) Korpeklint &c. Elayhead, Walsall, Dudley (Engknd). ^N. York) Lockport, Goth- land, Dudley. New York. (Lockport shale). ' (Lockport). H E. G. ... (Can. E.) St. Gregoire, An- ticosti, Three, Eivers, St Lawrence, Lake St. John (Anticosti Isle} English Head. Fauna F Div.2, 3, 4, A.Gr. Fauna E. e. 1, 3 L. H. G (Anticosti) The Jumpers. Otter Eiver, The Jumpers, &c. (Bohemia) Beraun Cape Gaspe". (Anticosti) Gull Cape. Div. 2, A. Gr., Llandov. Fauna F CL., Niag Niag (Can. W. ) Dundas Fauna E Bohemi a W., L.L Fauna F. f. 1, G Fauna E Bohemia. Prinster Bay (Anticosti Isle). Div. 1, A. Gr., Llandov. Fauna F Div. 4, A. Gr., May hill. Corall. L.,W., L. Div. 3, A. Gr., Mayhill. Div. 1, A. Gr., Llandov. Pleta, Corall. L. Fauna F Anticosti, S.W. Point. (Anticosti) Jupiter B. &c. Ellis Bay. Junction Cliff. Isle Oesel (Baltic). U.Llandov CH Nash Scar, Presteign. tris genus and EETZIA often ^N.York) Oneida County. SPIRIGERINA, D'Orbigny. (T 'N. York) Clinton, Saratoga Co., N.W. Michigan (L. Superior). CL. . CH N.W. Michigan, (N.York) Clinton County. ? W CL (N. York) Lockport. Niaff. Tr (N. York) Jefferson County. Tr Ostrogothia) Borenshiilt. (N. York) Middleville. 2 A 90 [BEACHIOPODA. Subdivision. Genus, Species, and Author. Lower Stage. Middle Stage. Upper Stage. Car., W., fau. F. L H. Qt. compressa, Sowerby. concentrica, Hall, congesta, Conrad. corallifera, Hall, cordata, Lindstrom. crassa, Hall. crassirostra, Conrad, cylindrica, lentata, deflecta, didyma, Dalman. disparilis, Hall. Leptocelia. dubia, emacerata, Dawson, Leptocelia ? exigua, ibrosa, Billings, ilitexta, Hall, labella, Shaler. hemispJuerica. galeata, Bomer. Sowerby. glabella, HaU? 3-rayi, Davidson. Headii, Billings, var. anglica, Davidson. leraiplicata, Hall, lemisphserica, Sowerby. var. Scotica, M'Coy. mbricata, Sowerby. var. lamellosa, Loven. nflata, Vanuxem. ntermedia, Dawson. nterplicata, Hall, lacunosa, Conrad. Sowerby. laevis, Mather. limseformis, Hall, marginalis, Dalman. marginiplicata, Giebel medialis, Hall modesta, naviformis, Hall neglecta, Coniston Flags (Lancashire). Engl.)Dudley, Wales, (Irel.) Tirnaskea, Bohemia. New York. CL., Div.3, A.Gr. Niaff. N. York) Eochester, Me- dina, (Can. W.)Flambro', Anticosti, S.W. Point, N. Y.) Lockport, Eochester. Mid-Gothland, Isle Oesel (Baltic). (N. York) Lockport. (Engl.) Dudley, Malvern, Ledbury, (Wales) Llan- sannan,(Gothland) Frojel, New York. (N. York) Wolcott County. Tennessee W., (N.York) Fort Plain. Wenlock Edge, Aymestry, Shropshire. Wisby (Gothl.), (Engl.)Wal- sall, Dudley. South Wales. (Norw.) Christiania, Mid- Gothland, Baltic, Eussia. (Gothland) Wisby &c. (N. York) Herkimer County. (N. York) Lockport. .. Cherry Valley. (Ireland) Ferriter's Cove, (England) Ludlow &c. New York, Ferriter's Cove, (Ireland). (New York) Schoharie. Tennessee.NewYork, (Engl). Mayhill, Dudley, Wales, (Gothl.)Klinteberg&c.,Bo- hemia, (Esthonia) Nyby, Isle Dago, &c., Ural. Lower Harz (Germany). (N. York) Cherry Valley. (N. York) Lockport, Wol- cott, &c. Llandov ?efn Ehyddw, Haver ford - west (Wales), Lockport, Eochester (N. York). Niaff. CL N. York) Niagara Co. Glasnevin (Irel.), Llan- dovery (Wales). Tr New York) Lewis County. Llandov., W., L. Niafir. CH. :. N. New York)ChazyVillage. (N. York) Oneida County, (Nova Scotia) Arisaig. tfew York, (Anticosti I.) S.W. Point &c. CL Tr New York) Lewis County. Canada. Missouri (U.S.A.). ? H. E. G Up. Civ. E., CL. W. L Tr New York. ? 9 Car. , Llandov. , W. H. E. G ^ake St. John (Can. E.) Grangegeeth, Meath (Ire- land). L. St. John (Can. E.), Ten- nessee, Upper Mississippi. (Wales)Pwllheli &c., (Engl.) Malvern &c., (S.W. Scotl.) Girvan &c. (S.W. Scotland) Girvan. Chair of Kildare (Irel.). ... Carad Tr. Carad.,Divs. 3, 4, A. Gr., CL., Niag., L.U. Llandov. Carad Anticosti) The Jumpers, (W.)Llangadoc,Builth, &c., (Irel.) Galway Co., Canada W., (N. York) Wolcott &c., (England) Mayhill &c. Bohemia Fauna E, L.&U. Stages. Delth.Sh.Lst... CL (N. Scotl.) Arisaig, Iowa, Ohio, (N. York) Lock- port, Pennsylvania, S. Wisconsin. Niag L. H. G Llandov., ILL... Delth. Sh.Lst... Cor. Lst., Schoh Car., L.Llandov. Cor. Lst., One- ida Conglom. ? Niag., CL Tr., U.S1., H. E G. CL Boocaun, Cong (Galway) (Wales)Diffwys,Corwen &c. (IreL)Chair ofKildare&c. (Yorkshire) Dent &c., Si- lesia, Eussia, Esthonia. (Anticosti) Junction Cliff Ural, Ireland, Scotland (Wales) Llanfyllin &c., (England) Chirbury. New York New York, Ohio, Indiana Kentucky, Up. Mississipp Eiver, Tennessee. (N. New York) Sodus. (N.York) Eeynale'sBasin Niag BKACHIOPODA.] 91 Subdivision. Genus, Species, and Author. Lower Stage. Middle Stage. Upper Stage. Niag nitida, Hall var. oblata, nodostriata, nucella, Dalman nucleolata, Hall nucleus, obovata, Sowerby obtusiplicata, Hall palmata, Morris peculiaris, Hall ? phoca, Salter (N.York) Lockport, Wol- cott, &c. (N. York) Monroe County. (N.York) Lockport, Chicago (Illinois). (Ostrogothia) Husbyfjol. (N. York) Schoharie County. (Isle Oesel) Lode, Malvern. S. Winsconsin, (N. York) Lockport. Pennsylvania. Arctic Seas (Amer.), Gamier Bay. (Can. W.) Flambro'. (N. York) Wolcott County. (N. York, central) Herkimer County. (Gothl.) Frojel, Ostergarn. S. & N. Gothland, I. Oesel, Sandel, &c. (Baltic), Nor- way, Russia, (Boh.) Tetin, Harz, (Wales) Usk &c., (Scotl.)Ayrshire, Pentland HiUs, (England) Dudley, Walsall, &c., (Irel.) Fer- riter's Cove &c., Ural, (Can. E.) Gaspe, N. New Brunswick, (Can.W.)Tho- rold, Pennsylvania, New York.NovaScotia, Canada, Tennessee, Indiana, S. Wis- consin, N.W. Michigan (L. Superior ),AmericanArctic Seas, Australia. Britain. (England) Wenlock Edge, (Wales) Llanfyllin. Lower Harz (Germany). (N. York) Lockport shale. (Bohemia) Mnienian. N. York) HerkimerCounty. jower Harz (Thuringia). South Gothland. N. York) Cherry Valley. tf . Gothland,Malvern,Fown- hope, &c. Bohemia. Gothland) Mt. Klinteberg. New York) Lockport. N.York) Schoharie County. Vtissouri (U. S. America). Wales) Mercklin. Cor. Lst., Schoh Tr (N. York) Jefferson County Corall. Lst Niag 9 L. H. G .'. Falkland Isles (S. America) H. E. G., CL. Niag. OS., CH M.Sa Bhynchonella. plano-convexa, Billings Dlena, Hall plicata, West Bay, Manitouline I (Lake Huron). N.W. Michigan, (Can. E.) L. St. Louis. (Can. W.) Thorold (N. York) Lockport. Niag 3licatella? Terebratula. plicatula, prisca, Conrad CL., M.Sa Tr (L.Huron) Manitouline I. (N. Y.) Reynale's Basin Protea, Hall prunum, Hising New York. Norway CL quadricostata, Hall reticularis, Linn (New York) Lockport. Canada, (Nova Scotia Arisaig,(Anticosti)S.W Point, Ireland. Britain. Pleta, L. H. G. fau. D, E, F, G g. 1, Llandov. W., L. Llandov., W. ... CL Bohemia, Russia impressa, Shaler. var. aspera. orbicularis. robusta, Hall, rotunda, Sowerby. rotundata, Giebel,Munster. rugosa, Hall. ? Scotica, M'Coy. semiorbis, Barr. semiplicata, Vanuxem. socialis, Giebel. ubtrigonalis, Hall, ulcata, Lindstrom. ulcata, Conrad, enuistriata, Sowerby. ?hetis, Barr. ;umidula, Hising. p. ind. Hall. Stuchbury. Swallow. , (2), Selwyn. , Salter. Aulonotreta, Kutorga, 1 >olita, Kutorga. Apottinis. culpta, antiquissima. ^New York) Lockport. W U.Pentam.Lst... Niag Ardaun, Gal way L.Llandov Fauna F Mulloch, Girvan (S.W. Scotland). L.Pentam. Lst.... ? Faunae E, F Tr N. York) Lewis County. Bohemia New York New York) Lockport . . . N. York) Middleville. Niag Cor.L.,Schoharie Delth. Sh.Lst.... ? W Jerrigal (New South Wales). /"ictoria (Australia). P., Obolus Sand- stone. Pleta 359; UNGULA, Pander; OB Tambourg, Podolova, Lake Ladoga (Russia), 'oulkova (Russia), Reval (Esthonia), OLUS, Eichwald. 92 [BRACHIOPODA. Subdivision. Genus, Species, and Author. Lower Stage. Middle Stage. Upper Stage. L. H G. Camarium, Hall, 1859. elongatum, Hall. ;ypum, Camerella, Billings, 186 antiquata, Billings. )reviplicata, calcifera, ,, costata, extans, ? icmiplicata, enticularis, (Species separated, in 1858 from MERISTA, Hall, /. W.S.} Cumberland Co. (Maryland). J.W.S.) ^Bohemia) Konieprus. Middle Gothland. New York. (Bohemia) Mnienian. (Bohemia) Hostin, Luzetz, Chotecz. Norway, Thuringia, S.W. Scotland, (Irel.) Ferriter's Cove, (Wales) Llangadoc, (Engl.) Benson Knot,Lud- low, &c. Sweden. Wales, (Engl.) Clungunford, Ludlow, Malvern. (Bohemia) Prague, (Wales) Llantsilio, (Engl.)Dudley. Arisaig (Nova Scotia). (Bohem.) Trzebotow, Hlu- bocep, Kozorz, Vavrovitz, Pekarkovitz. Lower Harz (Germany). Eussia, Bohemia. (Scotland) Pentland Hills, Gothland, (Podolia) Ory- nine, (Eussia) Ural. Middle Gothland. (Bohemia) Hlubocep, Ko- zorz, Vavrovitz, Chotecz. Nictaux, East Eiver (Nova Scotia). (Bohemia) Mnienian. Lower Harz (Germany). P., Potsd P., Queb. G. ... Div. P, OS., Queb. Qt. Div. P, Queb. G. H. E. G ). (Variously referred to A N.W. Vermont) Swanton. Stanbridge (Can. E.). Newfoundl. W.) Cowhead, Point Levis, Beauharnois, Phillipsburg (Can. E.). Stanbridge (Can. E.), New- foundland. St. Antoine (Can. E.). (Can. E.) Montreal, N.York, Newfoundland ?. TKYPA and EHYNCHONELLA Anticosti) Eeef Point. ^Anticosti I. )The Jumpers, South-west Point. Anticosti Isle. Tr Div. 1, Llandov. CH ongirostra, nucleus, Atrypa. Ops, Panderi, jarva, jolita, jroductoides, M'Coy. reversa, Billings. Brachymerus, Shaler. varians, Billings. Volborthi, . sp. ind. B. F. Shumard. Shonetes, Fischer, 1837. Bohemicus, Barr. Boulangeri, Eouault. cingulata, Lindstrom. complanata, Hall, cornuta, Strophomena. elegantula, embryo, Barr. Eostinensis, .ata, Von Buch. lepisma, Dalman, ievigata, Sowerby. minima Sowerby nana ?, Verneuil striatella, Dalm. Nova-Scotica, Hall novella, Barr semicircularis, Bomer squamatula, Barr striatella, Dalm var. cingulata,Lindstr6m tarda, Barr tenuistriata, Hall Verneuilli, Barr sp. ind. Morris & Sharpe Selwyn Giebel Newfoundl. ?, Mingan Isles. Tr Canada, (N. York) Jefferson County. Div.4,A.G.,May- hill. B., BL (Can. E.) Montreal, Murray Bay. (Newfoundl. W.) Tablehead, Portland Creek, [sle of Orleans, Stanbridge (Can. E.). (Irel.) Tramore, Waterford. P., Div. N, Queb. G. P., Queb. G. ... Carad ? Div. N, P, CH. B.,BL (Newfoundland W.) Table- head, New York, Mingan Isles (Gulf St. Lawr.). (Canada E.) Montreal. Burnet County (Texas). P., Potsd Fauna F. f. 2 ... ? L. H. G. .. (France) Gahard. CL (N.York)Sodus,WayneCo. Tr.,H.E. G.?... Fauna F (Can.W.) Toronto, (N.York) Jacksonsburg. Fauna G. g. 1 . . . Llandov., W., ILL. W., L.L Norway (Wales) Welchpool, De- vil's Bridge. Bohemia?, Beraun Fauna E, F, W. Pleta &c (Eussia) Popova &c. L. H. G Fauna G. g. 2, 3 ? ? Pleta, Llandov. L. Faunae E, F, G g. 1, 2, 3. CL., L. H. G. .. Fauna F (Eussia) Popova, Poulkova (Spain) Almaden. (Norw.) Christiania, Talk- hoff (Livonia). Nictaux (Nova Scotia). . . ? ? ? Falkland Isles (S. America) Victoria (Australia). BEACHIOPODA.] 93 Subdivision. Genus, Species, and Author. Lower Stage. Middle Stage. Upper Stage. Carad Crania, Betzius, 1781 ; O Acadiensis, n. s. Hall, antiquissima, Verneuil. catenulata, Salter. craniolaris ? M'Coy. Spondyloboliis. depressa, Eichw. divaricate, M'Coy. ? Grayii, Davidson, implicata, Sowerby. papillata, Eomer. planissima, Eichw. ? Sedgwickii, Davidson (n Cryptonema, Hall. Siluriana, ,, Cyrtaena (see SPIKIFEUA). Cyrtia, Dalman, 1827. Dahnani, Hall. exporrecta, Dalm. myrtea, Billings, trapezoidalis, Dalm. Discina, Lamarck, 1817 Beckettiana, Davidson. Bischofi, Eomer. Bohemica, Barr. Buchii, Verneuil. cselata, Hall. Circe, Billings. Conradi, Hall, crassa, ,, deformata, depressa, Barr. discus, Hall, elliptica, Kutorga. elongata, Portlock. Blosa, Billings. Forbesii, Davidson. Orbiculoidea. 2;ranulata, ? inutilis, Hall, [abiosa, Salter. lamellosa, Hall. lingulseformis, ? microscopica, B. F. Shum. Morrisii, Davidson, oblongata, Portlock. var. laevigata, ,, subrotunda, obsoleta, Barr. ovata, Hall. Pelopsea, Billings, perrugata, M'Coy. pileolus, Salter. RBICULA, PSEUDOCRANIA, M' Coy, 1851 ; PAL^OCRANIA Arisaig (Nova Scotia). (Wales) Builth Bridge. (Engl.) Dudley, Walsall. Eussia ?, (Wales) Presteign, (Engl.) Walsall, Ledbury, (Scotl.) Deer Hope, Pent- land. (Engl.) Walsall, (Gothland) Wisby. Falfield (England ?). (N. New Brunswick) Eesti- gouche, (New York, east) Helderberg Mountains. Wales (Llandeilo), Malvern, Adderley, Gothland. England, Djupviken (Goth- land), Bohemia. 7. Dudley, Malvern. Lower Harz (Germany). (Bohem.) Konieprus,Hostin. (Eastern N. York) Becraft's Mountain. (Bohem.) Lochkov, Hostin, Kolednik, Listice, &c. (Eastern N. York) Becraft's Mountain. (Engl.) Walsall, Malvern, Dudley, Dormingt. Wood, Mid-Gothland,Thuringia, Wales, (Engl.)Dudley.Leint- wardine, &c. !few York. Poulkova &c. (Eussia), (Es- thonia) Wesenberg &c. Ireknd. W Pleta Eeval, Odinsholm I. (Bait.). (Wales) Bala, Corwen, &c., (Irel.) Chair of Kildare. Llan., Carad. ... W Carad., TJ.Llan- dov., W., L., U.L. ? Pleta (Wales) Mandinam n). Silesia (drift). Esthonia, D'Erras, Eeval, Silesia (drift), Eussia. ot a brachiopod, T. Davidso W (Subg. SPIRIFER). Delth. Sh. Lst.... Div. 4, A. Gr., Mayhill. W., L., fauna E. W (Anticosti) S.W. Point. =ORBICULA, Cuvier ; ORBI CULOIDEA, If Orbigny, 184 Faunae F, G. g. 1 P., Obolus Sand- stone. Tr.,H. E. G. ... Tr Podolova, Eiver Ischora, St. Petersburg (Eussia), Es- thonia. (Can.E.)Montreal, (N.York) Troy, (Ohio) Cincinnati. (Can. W.) Belleville, (Can. E.) Lake St. John. Delth. Sh. Lst.... Carad., H. E. G. CH (N. York) Troy, (Wales) Builth, Pinnhapple, Glen Ayr (S.W. Scotland). New York. Faunas E, F, G. g-1- Delth. Sh. Lst.... Pleta ^Eussia) Popova, Poulkova. Irel., Shropsh. (Horderley). Lake St. John (Canada E.). Shropshire ? Carad Ut. Slate W. Carad Horderley (Shropshire). North Wisconsin. (South Wales) St. David's. (Can. E.) Lake St. John &c., (N. York) Middleville. Chair of Kildare (Ireknd). (Texas) Burnet County. P., Potsd. Sa. ... P., Low.Ling.Fl. Ut. Slate, Tr. ... Carad P., Potsd. Sa. ... W L Carad (Ireland) Pomeroy, Tyrone, (Wales) Horderley. Desertcreate, Tyrone. Llanfyllin ( Mon tgomeryshire) . (Bohemia) Beraun. " Fauna D Delth. Sh. Lst.... Tr (Canada E.) Montreal. (Irel.) Tyrone, Desertcreate, Kildare, &c., (S.W. Scotl.) Girvan. (South Wales) St. David's. Hong (Galway). Carad., Llandov. P., Low.Ling.Fl. V B 94 [BRACHIOPODA. Subdivision. Genus, Species, and Author. Lower Stage. Middle Stage. Upper Stage. P., Potsd. Sa. ... P >ilidium, Lindstrb'm. )rima, D. D. Owen. >rimaeva, Verneuil. >unctata, Sowerby. e versa, rugata, Hall. Siluriana, Davidson. inuata, D. de Leuchtenb. ola, Barr. quamosa, ,, triata, Sowerby, Ketley. subrotunda, Portlock. ubtruncata, Hall, tarda, Barr. tenuilamellata, Hall. var. subplana, truncata, Barr ungula, Barr ungula, Eichw. Vanuxemi, Hall. Verneuilli, Davidson sp. ind. Schmidt. Shumard Salter Stuchbury Barr Hall Selwyn Salter Eatonia, Hall, 1857. eminens, Hall medialis, seculiaris, Conrad singularis, Hall Eichwaldia, Billings, 1 Anticostiensis, Billings subtrigonalis, Leptsena, Dolman, 1827 acutistriata, Giebel alternata, Conrad aquila, Barr armata, Beirensis, Sharpe bipartita, Hall Bischofi, Eomer ^South Gothland) Hoburg. (Bohemia) Konieprus. 3eer Hope Burn, Pentland Hills (Scotland), (Kendal) Benson Knot, Shropshire, Usk (Montgomeryshire), Ireland, Lower Harz. Arisaig (Nova Scotia). (Bohemia) Tetin, Chotecz. (Engl.)Dudley, HagleyPark, Delbury, Westmoreland, Benson Knot. [Bohem.) Trzebotov, Hlubo- cep, Kozorz, Chotecz, Va- vrovitz. (N. York) Lockport, (Nova Scotia) Arisaig. (Nova Scotia) Arisaig. Bohemia. (Central N. York) Manlius Square. (England) Ledbury. Tennessee (U.S.A.). (N. York, eastern) Helder- berg Mountains. (Can. E.) Cape Gasp6, (N. York) Hudson, Maryland, &c. (N. York, eastern) Helder- berg Mountains, Wayne County, Tennessee W. W.S.) Lower Harz (Germany). Bohemia (Konieprus). (New York) Schoharie. Lower Harz (Thuringia). Minnesota)Fallsof St.Croix. Spain, Leon) Sabero. 3hatwell, Shropshire. Ireland, (Eussia) St. Peters- Carad Pleta ... Llandov., U.L.... L burg, Esthonia, L. Harz. Mayhill (England) Carad lorderley, Marshbrook (Shropshire). (Eussia) Popova, Poulkova. Fauna G. g. 1 ... ' D&c. ... W UL Bohemia) Beraun. Carad Tyrone &c. (Irel.), Mont- gomeryshire, Llanfyllin. New York) Loraine &c. H. EG Fauna G.g. 1,2,3 Niag.,L. H. G... Orthoc. Lst (Bohemia) Beraun ? Eeval (Baltic). WaterlimeGr.... W L.Llandov P Esthonia. Texas. ^Wales) Quakers' Burying Ground, Welchpool, Victoria (Australia). Berrigal, New South Wales Hof (Bavaria). North Wisconsin. ? L.Llandov Shropsh.W. of Stiper Stones L. H. G., Delth. Sh. Lst. H. E. G 858. West-end Lighthouse, Anti- costi Isle (Gulf St. Lawr.) (Can. E.) Montreal, Eiver Ottawa. (Much confused with STR OPHOMENA by authors, J B., BL., Tr. .. Tr., Ut. Slate, H E. G., CL. Fauna D Ohio, Canada W., (N.York) OswegoCo., Pennsylvania Missouri, N.W. Michigan N. Wisconsin, (Eupert's Land) Bed Eiver, (Euss.' Petschora, Gatehina, (Es thonia) Paggart, (S.W Scotl.)Girvan,Balmae,&c. Shropshire. Wales, (Bohemia) Beraun. Talkhof (Livonia), Penn- sylvania ? Cor. Lst., Schoh (Portugal) Bussaco. BRACHIOPODA.] 95 Subdivision. Genus, Species, and Author. Lower Stage. Middle Stage. Upper Stage. Faunae E, F F var. Bohemica, Barr borealis, Boueii, calcarata, M'Coy camerata, Hall clausa, Verneuil comitans, Barr concava, Hall consobrina, Barr convexa, Pander convoluta, Hall cornuta, Hall corrugata, Goldfuss Portlock costulata, Barr cratera, Salter crenistria, Hall ? cuspidata, Barr decipiens, Billings detrita, Salter. elongata, Vanuxem. enigma, Verneuil asciata, Hall. ?ischeri, Davidson. Jletcheri, ,, blium, Barr. ugax, *emella, Eichw. Jrayi, Davidson. Haueri, Barr. (Bohemia) St. Ivan, Eonie- prus, Mnienian. Thuringia. Bohemia, (France) Derbray. Llan., Carad. .. Tr Slieve Eoe, Wicklow, Ennis corthy, Wexford. (New York) Trenton Falls. Faunae E, F, G g. 1, 2, 3, H. Delth. Sh. Lst... Faunas F, G Pleta in Spain.) (Bohem.) Trzebotov, Hlubo- cep.Vavrovitz, Hostin, &c. (N. York, east) Albany Co. (Boh.) Konieprus, Mnienian. ^Bohemia) Mnienian. New York. ^Sweden) Osmundberg,Dale- carlia. Sweden) Grotlingbo. Sweden, Norway, (England^ Dudley. ^Boh.) Mnienian, Konieprus. Dudley, Ludlow (England). Gothland, England. New York (U.S.A.). Bohemia) Mnienian. Wales)Gwyddelwern, (Eng- land) Ledbury, Ludlow. !f. York (northern). )oonquin, Ferriter's Cove (Kerry County). Sweden) Gothland, tfid Gothland. S'ew York. Cape Girardeau (Missouri, U.S.A.). Wales) Gwyddelwern, Riv. Dee, &c. !)ape Girardeau (Missouri). STantes (France). (Devonian in Spain.) Bohem.) St. Ivan, Beraun, Lower Harz (Thuringia). Bohemia) Mnienian. Poulkova (Buss.), Sardinia. Fauna F CL New York. (N. York) Rochester, So dug, Wolcott. Bohemia. STew York. (Bohemia) Beraun. U.Bala Golden Grove, Llandeilo (Wales). Fauna E CL Niti Pass, Himalaya (E. L). Fauna E. e. 1 .... Div. P Point L6vis (Can. E.), (New foundl.W. )PortlandCreek Niti Pass, Himalaya (E. I.). L.Pent. Lst CH N.York) Clinton & Saratoga Counties, N.W. Michigan. Carad., Llandov., W. Fauna D. d. 5... F ? ? lonigshof, Mt. Kosow. Pleta 3 opova, Poulkova (Russia) Llangadoc (Wales) U.Llandov., W., L.L. Fauna E Bohemia. CH lumboldti, Verneuil. gnava, Sharpe. mbrex, Davidson. mpressa, Hall, nconstans, Barr. ncrassata, sevigata, Sowerby. Ckonetes, aevis, Emmons. aevissima, M'Coy. atieosta, Hall, joveni, Verneuil. margaritacea, Angel, membranacea, Hall ? mesacosta, Shumard. minima, Sowerby. miranda, Barr. rfissouriensis, Shumard. Hurchisoni, Verneuil. Safedyevi, Eichw. nasuta, Emmons. alternata. nebulosa, Barr. leutra, ,, Mhonia, (Russ.) St. Peters- burg, Mingan Isles (Gull St. Lawrence). Portugal, Bussaco. River Volkof (Russ.), Reval L.Pent. Lst Fauna F (Baltic). CH N. York) Clinton Co., Ten- nessee, Pennsylvania. Devil's Bridge (N.Wales), Buildwas, &c. U.Llandov., W. B., BL W CH !f ew York. L. H. & W Fauna E Bohemia) St. Ivan. L. H. G Pleta J oulkova, Tosna, &c.,(Russ). !f. York, Poulkova (Russ.). Fauna F D. d. 5... Carad., Pleta ... nuntia, ,, aux, Salter. Dblonga, Pander. [onigshof, Mt. Kosow. ^"iti Pass, Himalaya (E. L). J oulkova, L. Ladoga (Russ.), Esthonia, Wales ? 96 [BRACHIOPODA. Subdivision. Genus, Species, and Author. Lower Stage. Middle Stage. Upper Stage. CL obscura, Hall. Orbignyi, Davidson, ornata, Eichw. orthididsea, Hall. Ouralensis, M. v. Keys. patenta, Hall, Rogers. patricia, Barr. Phillipsii, plicata, M'Coy. Leptagonia. plicifera, Hall. Polleti, Eouault. productoidea, Meneghini. profunda, Hall. pseudoloricata, Barr. pyron, Eichw. quadrilateralis. Shaler. Stropkomena rhomboidalis. quinquecostata, M'Coy. recta. Hall, rectilateralis, Vanuxera. repanda, Salter. robusta, Romer. rugosa, ,, Dalman. sarcinulata, Schloth. scissa, Salter (MS.). segmentum, Angel, sericea, Sowerby. var. a, rhombica, M'Coy. var. b, spinangula, Phill. solitaria, Barr. sordida, Billings. Stephani, Barr. striata, Hall. ? sublaevis, M'Coy. subplana, Romer. tenera, Barr. tenuicincta, M'Coy. tenuissime-striata, M'Coy. tenuistriata, Hall. (N.York)OneidaC y ,Utica. Wales, (England) Dudley. (Eussia) Oural, River Sere- brianka, &c., Bohemia, Presteign (Wales). [Bohem.)Mnienian,(France) Derbray. Llangynyw (Montgomery- shire). New York. Thuringia. Tennessee W. (Gothl.) Klinteberg, (Dale- car Ua) Osmondberg &c. Hagley Park (Engl.), Lam- mermuir (S. Scotland). Mid Gothland. Pomeroy, Derrymore Glen, Kerry (Ireland). (Bohemia) Konieprus. (Boh.) Konieprus, Mnienian. (N. York) no place given. (New York) Wolcott, &c. Norway, (Bohem. )Mnienian. Pleta Poulkova &c. (Euss.), Lower Silesia (drift). (N. York) Oneida County. LL CL Pennsylvania, (N. York) Medina Village. ^Bohemia) Beraun, &c. Fauna E. e. 1 ... F Carad (Ireland) Kildare &c. (New York) Chazy Village. (France) Vitr6. Sardinia. (N.York)Lockport, (Can.) Anticosti Isle. [Anticosti) Ellis Bay. Llandovery CH Carad CL Fauna D (Bohem.) Beraun, Praskoles. Reval &c. (Baltic). Pleta ? Llan., Carad., U. Llandov.?, W. L.Pentam. Let... Carad., U.L. ... Carad., TJ.Llan- dov. Tr., Ut. SI., H. (Esthon.) Paschlep, Ireland, (S.W. Scotland) Ayrshire, (Yorksh.) Dent, (Wales) Cefn Rhyddan, Garn, &c. Mineral Point (Wisconsin). Niti Pass, Himalaya (E. I.). Russia Desertcreate, Tyrone, Me- rionethshire, Bala Lake, &c. (Wales). (Wales) Haverfordwest, Builth,&c., (Engl.) Nor- bury. Esthonia, (Euss.) Poulkova &c., Norw., Swed., Thrace, Saalfield, (Spain)Almaden, (Engl.) Acton Scott, Ire- land, Scotland, (Wales) Builth, Moel Uchlas, &c., Isle Anticosti, L. St. John, Montreal (Can. E.), To- ronto (Can.W.), C. Smyth, L. Huron, Pennsylvania, Ohio, Tennessee, Missouri, (Illinois) Dunleith, S.Wis- consin, N.W. Michigan. (Wales) Meiford &c., Horton (Yorkshire). Bala &c. (Wales). Dong, Galway, (Wales} Haverfordwest, Mathy- rafal, Canada, (Bohem.' St. Ivan, Anticosti (Div. L). E. G., Carad., Llandov., W., U.L., Pleta, &c. Carad Queb. G Point Levis (Canada E.). Fauna F Car., L.Llandov. Tr., Niag Fauna F Chair of Kildare (Ireland). Tennessee ?,Can. ?,Anticos. ?. Galway. Norway Llan., Carad. ... Llan., Car.,Pleta, Inflam. Schist. Tr (Irel.) Chair of Kildare, (W.) Llanfyllin.Montgomerysh. Cerrig-y-Druidion, &c. (Wales) Llanrwst, Llan- deilo, Bala, Shropsh.,Con- iston (Lancash.), France, D'Erras (Esthonia). Indiana, (Ohio) Cincinnati, (Kentucky) Maysville, (N. York) Jefferson Co. &c., N.W. Michigan, (S.W. Scotl.) Peeblessh., (Wales) Glyn Diffwys &c. BBACHIOPODA.] 97 Subdivision. Genus, Species, and Author. Lower Stage. Middle Stage. Upper Stage. Carad var. Sowerby. transversa, Verneuil. ;ransversalis, Dalm. Pleotambonites araz,Shaler P. tenera, var. undulata, Duvalii, Davidson. Sowerbyana, Barr. rilobata, D. D. Owen, trimera, Meneghini. ungula, M'Coy. Leptagonia. Verneuilli, Barr. Vicaryi, Salter. Waltoni, Davidson, sp. ind., Hall. D. D. Owen. Logan. D. D. Owen. )> > Swallow. Meneghini. Stuchbury. ,, Selwyn. Leptocelia, Hall, 1856. concava, Hall. Duboisii, Murchison. flabellites, Hall ? hemisphaerica, Murchison. Sarbeth (Pembroke), Mar- loes Bay &c. (Wales). Russ.) St. Petersburg, Bal- tishport, &c. Wales) Bala, Glyn Ceiriog, (Lancashire) Coniston. (Wales) Alt-y- Anker, Mei- fod, &c. (Anticosti) S.W.Point,Bo- hemia, Norway, Ural, Ireland, England, (An- ticosti) East Point &c. (W.) Mathyrafal, Builth &c. Esthonia, (Gothland) Wisby &c., Bohemia, Thuringia, (Ireland) Ferriter's Cove, (Wales) Plaa Madoc &c., (Engl.) Dudley, Malvern, &c.,PentkndHills(Scotl.), Thorold, (Can. W.) Anti- costi, (NewYork) Wolcott, &c. Engknd. Bohemia. (Bohemia) Mnienian. Wenlock, Falfield (Engl.). (N.York) Schoharie County. Missouri (U. S. America). (N. York, E.) Schoharie &c. Cos., (Can. E.) C. Gasp<. (Canada E.) Cape Gasp6. (N. York, E.) Schoharie Co. (North New Brunswick)Ees- tigouche County. (Poknd) Lagoff near Kielce. Pleta Carad., U.Llan- dov., W., Pleta, Niag., Div.2,3, 4, A. Gr. Carad. Turkey Eiver,Iowa (U.S.A.). Sardinia. Wales) Denbighshire, Llan- saintffraid,Llangollen, &c. Fauna F W France) May, Caen, Bud- leigh Salterton. Corall.L., Schoh. Tr Lower Missouri Eiver. Point L6vis (Canada E.). Port Garry (Kupert's Land). Lake Winnipeg P., Quebec Gr... Tr Delth. Sh. Lst... > ? Delth. Sh. Lst.... L. H. G Sardinia. Berrigal (New SouthWales). Victoria (Australia). Esthonia. CL. Arisaig, Nova Scotia, &c. L. H. G Atrypa flabella, Shaler. imbricata, Hall, intermedia, iepida, Goldfuss. plano-convexa, Hall, sublepida, Murchison. sp. ind. Billings. Lingula, Bruguibre, 178 acuminata, Conrad. acuti-angula, Hall ? acuti-rostra, sequalis, ,, ampla, D. D. Owen. anatinseformis, Pusch. ancyloidea, Shumard. ancyloides, Salter. antiqua, Hall. attenuata, Sow., Barr. Aurora, Hall. var. Bechei, Salter. Belli, Billings brevis, Portlock CL Arisaig (Nova Scotia), Germany ?. New York. ? CL ? U.L Eussia. P.,Div.D, Potsd., CS. P 9 (includes many genera, J. (Newfoundl.) Hawkes Bay, (Can. )Bastard,Lansdowne, &c., Upper Missouri. New York, Texas (Homer). W.S.). New York. CL Tr N.W.Michigan (L.Superior). E. St. Croix and Trempeleau (Minnesota), Wisconsin. p Potsd. Corall. Lst H. E. G (Missouri) Louisiana Bluffs. Niti, Himalaya (E. I.). Nebraska (U.S.A.), Upper Missouri Eiver, (Can.W.) Bastard, Lansdowne,N.W. Michigan,(N."Y.)Jefferson. (Bohem.)Beraun, (N.Wales) Bala, Golden Gr., Shrop- shire, Chirbury. (Wisconsin) Mazomania. D Marloes Bay (Wales). (Can. E. & W.) Montreal, Middle&Lower Ottawa E. (Tyrone) Desertcreate, (Wa- terford) Tramore. (Bohem.) Beraun, Cong, Galway. P., Potsd. Sa. .. FaunaD.d.4.E Llan. P.,U.Potsd. .. U. Potsd U.Llandov CH Carad 2c 98 [BRACHIOPODA. Subdivision. Genus, Species, and Author. Lower Stage. Middle Stage. Upper Stage. Carad Brimonti, Eouault (Normandy) May, Guichen (Silurian, Davidson.) Tr. Brisefs, Billings Bain, Budleigh Saltertor (pebbles). (Can. E.) Eiver Bayonne H. E G. Canadensis, , Portneuf. Isle Anticosti, Black Poin Delth. Sh. Lst. centrilineata, Hall (G. St. Lawr.). (N. York, eastern) Albany Tr. Cobourgensis, Billings (Can.E.) Bay St. Paul, (Can County. Faunae G. g. 3, cornea, Sowerby W.) Cobourg, (L. Huron Collingwood. Doonquin (Kerry Co.), Es- H. h. 1, U.L. Tr crassa, Hall (New York) Middleville. thonia, (Bohem.) Hostin, Trzebotov, (Engl.) Lud- low, Malvern, Downton, Kington, Benson Knol Wales, Lesmahago (S.W. Scotland). TJ L/landov crumena, Phillips Howler's Heath, Malvern MSa cuneata, Hall Kinley (Shropshire). (N. York) Medina, Eo Ut. SI., Tr curta, Conrad (Can. E.) Montreal, N.York Chester, Canada, Penn sylvania. Div. P, Queb. G. Tr cyane, Billings Daphne, Billings Pennsylvania, Builth &c. (Wales). (Newfoundl. W.) Portland Creek. (Can. E.) Montreal. dubia, D'Orbigny elongata, Hall Bolivia (South America). (Can. E.) Bay St. Paul, (N B.,BL.,Tr Pleta Eva, Billings exunguis, Eichw York) Lewis County. (Can. E.) Malbay. Eeval (Baltic), Poulkova(St H. E. G., M.Sa. H. E. G Lland., Bala ... Fauna G. g. 1. ?orbesii, ragilis, Shumard. granulata, Phillips, gratiola, Barr. Petersburg Gov*). (IsleAnticosti) EnglishHead Grassy Eiver, Missouri (U S.A.). Uandeilo, Dynevor Park Tregib, &c. (Wales). 'Isle Anticosti) Junction Cliff. (Bohemia) Chotecz. stone. BL..CH limalensis, Salter. Huronensis, Billings. leigh Salterton (pebbles) Niti, Himalaya (E. L). Can. W.) St. Joseph, (Lake Silurian, Davidson.) Div. 1, A. G nsularis, ,, Huron) Lower Ottawa Eiver. (Anticosti) White Cliff &c. Llandov. Div. P, Queb. G. CS ole, rene, ,, (NewfoundlandW.)Portlanc Creek. Can. E.) Montreal (drift), P.,Lst.2,Queb.G. BL ris, Billings, fali, Salter. Kingstonensis, Billings. Point Levis. Point Levis (Can. E.). tfiti, Himalaya (E. I.). Can. W.) Kingston, Long CL., Niae amellata, Hall Island. N. York) Oneida County. N. Y.) Lockport, Eochester. Carad., L. ata, Sowerby Plas-hen, Pwllheli (Wales), ^ales, (Shropsh.) Ludlow, Pleta ,, Pander. Desertcreate (Ireland). Popova &c. (Eussia). Woolhope, &c., Leintwar- dine,DeerhopeBurn,Pent- Carad Lesueurii, Eouault. Normandy)May, Caen, Gui- land Hills (Scotland). Fauna F, W., L., Lewisii, Sow., Barr. chen. Outerard, Cong, Galway. Dingle (Ireland), Avmestry, ILL. Fauna G g 1 ingua, Barr. Shropsh., Ledbury, West- moreland, Bohem., Wisby (Gothland), Eadnorshire, Herefordshire, Malvern. Bohemia) Hostin. Pleta, Carad. ... CH ongissima, Pander ? Lyelli, Billings. Wales) Chirk, St. Peters- burg (Eussia), Sweden, (Esthonia) Baltishport. Can. E.) Lower and Middle Ottawa Eiver. BRACHIOPODA.] 99 Subdivision. Genus, Species, and Author. Lower Stage. Middle Stage. Upper Stage. P., CS Mantelli, Billing (Can.E.) Point Levis, Lowe y marginata, D'Orb minima Homer Ottawa Eiver. Bolivia (South America). Thuringia ( Jasche, duct ). UL Sowerby P., Potsd. Sa. . Mosia, D. D. Owen Muensterii, D'Orb nana Eichw La Grange Mountain (Min nesota), N. Wisconsin. Bolivia (South America). low, Delbury, &c., (S.W. Scotland) Lanarkshire. I. Oesel Eoodzekulle (Bait ) Div. N, Queb. G CL nympha, Billings (Newfoundl. W.) Tablehead (N.York) Sodus, Wolcot oblonga Pennsylvania, (N. York Pleta ,, Pander (Russia) Poulkova &c. Cayuga Co., Arisai (Nova Scotia). Llan., Bala, Tr Pleta obtusa, Hal orbicularis, Eichw (N.York) Herkimer County Llandeilo (Wales), (Can E.) St. Paul's Bay. (Esthon.)Presqu'ile deNeuk Ling. SI., Carad ovata, M'Coy parallels Phill Tremadoc, Bala, Llanfyllin &c.(N.Wales),Wexford&c (Ireland), Dufton (West moreland), &c. Wrekin, Shropshire, Mai Delth Sh Lst vern (England). (New York, eastern) Albany CL perovata, (New York) Eochester. &c. Counties. BL 3 erryi, Billings Highgate Springs (N. Ver Tr Philomela, mont). Can.E. )Montmorenci Falls, P., Potsd pinnaBformis, D. D. Owen. Montreal, St. Paul's Bay. Eiver St. Croix (Minnesota). P., Potsd jolita, Hall. Oboklla ? prima, Conrad. Jpper Mississippi Eiver. N. York) Keeseville, Tequa- Tr., Ut. SI Pleta, Inflam.Sh. P., Black Shales. Div.l,A.G.,Llan- dov., H. E. G. Div. P., Queb. G. 'rogne, Billings. )usilla, Eichw. jygmsea, Salter. uadrata, Hall. uebecensis, Billings. Elamsayi, Salter. menon Bay, L. Superior. Can. E.) Montreal, (Can. W.) Collingwood,. Lake Huron. Esthonia) D'Erras &c. Halvern Hills (England). Can. E.) Montreal, Beau- port, N.W.Michigan, Mis- souri (Ohio), (Iowa) Du- buque, (N. York) Trenton Falls, Eussia. Newfoundl. W.) Cowhead, Point Levis (Can. E.). Wales) Pembrokeshire, Abe- Anticosti)Charlton Point. Presteign (Wales). Delth ShalyLst reidy Bay. N. York, eastern) Schoharie Tr iciniformis, Can. E.) Portneuf (St.Lawr. &c. Counties. Carad var. sequalis, Rouaulti, Salter. Eiver ), (N.York) Herkimer County. 'Sew York) Middleville &c. Trance, Budleigh Salterton Silurian, Davidson). Armorican Sa.... L H G Salteri, Davidson, pathulata, TTn.11 (Devonshire, pebbles), udleigh Salterton,Devonsh. New York, eastern) Helder- Delth Sh Lst (sphathata). berg Mountains. N. York, eastern) Becraft's lollyb. Sandst. W L quamosa, [alvern, Worcestershire. Mountain, Hudson. Shropsh.) Aymestry, Lud- Pleta ubcrassa, Eichw. D'Erras, Lyckholm (Estho.). low, &c. i'auna D. d. 1 ... U.Llandov., W., ulcata, Barr. ymondsii, Salter. Bohemia) Eokitzan. en-y-lan (Wales), Man- iVales,Dudley,Ludlow, Mal- L. nuigranulata, M'Coy. iVales) Meifod, Hirnant, dinam. vern, Presteign, &c. (Eng- land). Tr. extilis, Salter. rentonensis, Hall. Llanwddyn, Dufton, West- moreland, &c. iti, Himalaya (E. I.), ennsylvania. 100 [BRACHIOPODA. Subdivision. Genus, Species, and Author. Lower Stage. Middle Stage. Upper Stage. Aymestry Lst P Potsd nguicula, Salter. Linguktta. iVinona, Hall. ). ind. Abich. Hall. Verneuil. Salter. Verneuil. Barrande. Shumard. Meek & Hayden. (many), Selwyn. D. D. Owen. Lingulella, Salter, 1865. Davisii, M'Coy. Iskriggii, Hicks, 'erruginea, Salter. epis, )etalosa, Hicks, nguicula, Salter. p. ind. Lingulepis, Hall, 1863. rinnasformis, Owen, Hall. Ling, antigua. >rima (Conrad), Hall. MEeganteris, Hall, 1856- sequiradiata, Hal] lliptica, sevis, mutabilis, Merista, Hall, 1860= CA arcuata, Hall Meristetta. bella, risulcata?, ,, Calypso, Barr crassirostra, Hal cylindrica, lecate, Barr lerculei, ntermedia, Hal aevis, ,, seviuscula, Sowerby Meekii, Hal naviformis, nitida ?, var. oblata, nucleolata, ,, oblata? scalprum, Barr subquadrata, Hal sulcata, tumida, Dahn sp. ind. Rogers Hal MeristeUa, Hall, 1860. angustifrons, M'Coy arcuata, Hal S.W. Scotland) Lesmahago. irarat (Armenia). J.W.S.) If ew York, >) )> (New York, eastern) Helder- berg Mountains. (New York, eastern) Helder- bergMountains,(Tenness. Wayne County. STew York, Missouri. Bohemia. Sew York. New York? Bohemia (very rare). [Bohemia) Mnienian &c. [N. York, east and central Herkimer and Schoharie Counties. 'Tennessee W.) Wayne Co. New York, Bohemia, Eng- land?, Sweden, (Can. W.) Dundas. New York. n (N.York, eastern) Schoharie and Carlisle Counties. New York. Bohemia, New York, Mic Gothland,Norw.,Englam Pennsylvania. New York. (N.York.east.) Schoharie Co. Jancing (Iowa). U.Llandov p ew York, ardinia. Wooltack Park,Pembroke. Victoria (Australia). >y having a pedicle-form ? rance. [of (Bavaria). Missouri (U.S. America). rt Laramie, Upper Mis- souri Biver. P., Potsd ? Tr ? jake Winnipeg (Eupert's Land). (Distinct from LINGULA, 'S. Wales) Eamsay Isl. &c., (N. Wales) Borth, Maent- wrog.Bangor, Festiniog,&c. St. David's (South Wales). St. David's (South Wales). Wales) Borth, Moel-y-Gest, Tahirion, Penrhyn, &c. Whitesand Bay, Eamsay I. (South Wales). Whitesand Bay, Eamsay I., St. David's. ?alls of St. Croix ^(Minne- sota), Black HiUs (Da- cotah, N.A.). Black Hills (Dacotah, N.A). 57. L.Ling. Flags, U. & L.Tremad. itenevian Hocks. L TJ! a 1 1 L. &U.Ling.Fl., U.Tremad. Arenig Eocks ... L.Lingula Flags. > P., Potsd. Sa. ... U.Pentam. Lst. Delth. Sh. Lst... L H. G MARIUM, Hall. Delth. Sh. Lst.. Niaff.? ... Faunae E, F .. Fauna F CL New York (U.S. Amer.). Delth. Sh. Lst... L. H. G ? CL, L. H. G. . CL. ? CL. ? New York ? New York. CL L H. G Bohemia. UXlandov. (E Niag. TLPentam. Lst. Carad., Llando L. H. G Mayhill (England) (S.W. Scotl.) Girvan &c. . Norway, England, (S. W Ehayader. BKACHIOPODA.] 101 Subdivision. Genus, Species, and Author. Lower Stage. Middle Stage. Upper Stage. L. H. a bella, Hall Circe, Barr ? crassa, Sowerby cylindrica, Hall didyma, Dalman furcata, Sowerby. Iffivis, Hall. Maclareni, Haswell. nitida, Winch. &Mar., Hall. oblata, princeps, subundata, M'Coy. tumida, Dalm. Nucleospira, Hall, 1859. concentrica, Hall. elegans, jisiformis, ,, pisum (Spirifer). ventricosa, sp. ind. Meek & Hayd. Obolus, Eichwald, 1829. antiquissimus, Eichwald. Apollinis, polita, Kutorga. Bowlesi, Verneuil. Canadensis, Billings. Davidsoni. chromatica, ,, Javidsoni, Salter. var. transversus, ,, ,, Woodwardii, 3-altensis, Billings, ngricus. Eichw. ntermedius, Salter (MS.). jabradoricus, Billings. Murrayi, ,, culptus, Kutorga. Siluricus, Eichw. ?homsoni, Billings. Vermontana, ,, p. ind., Salter. ? ,, Hayden. ,, Owen. New York. (England) Dudley, Walsall, Malvern, (Boh.) Prague. New York. (Engl.) Ledbury, Dudley, (Wales) Usk Ac., N.Goth- land, New York. New York. Deer Hope, Pentland Hills (Scotland). (N. York) Wolcott, Indiana, Canada, (Engl.) Walsall, Dudley, (Ireland) Cahir- conree. New York. (N. York, eastern) Helder- berg Mountains, (Can. E.' Gaspe. (Wales)Bryn-Craig &c.,Deer w Llandov (Wales)Shelve,CefnRhyd dan, &c. New York CL., Niag Llandov., W., L Carad., Llandov L. H. G Glasnevin(Ireland), Llan deilo, Malvern, &o. Bogmine, Shelve (Shrop- shire), The Wrekin. Bogmine (Shropshire) W. Shale W., Mag CL., Niag New York U.Pentam.Lst.. . Llandov Baltischport (Esthonia). . . Mathyrafal, Llanfyllin (Waks). Wales, (Bohem.) Prague (Norway) Christiania. U.Llandov., W., L., Niag., Fauna E.e. 1. Delth. Sh. Lst.... W., Niag Hope, Pentl. Hills (Scot- land), (England) Abberley Hills &c., Gothland, New York. (Tennessee W.) Decatur Co., (N. York)Helderberg Mts. (N. York, central) Cherry Valley, (Maryland) Cum- berland County. (N. York) Wolcott, (France) Debray, (Engl.) Dudley &c.,(Scotl) Pentland Hills, Gothland. ^N. York, central & east)Hel- derberg Mountains, (Ten- nesseeW.) Wayne County, (Maryl.) Cumberland Co. Walsall (England). (England) Dudley, Ledbury, Ferriter's Cove (Ireland), (Gothland) Wisby, Faroe. (England) Dudley, Malvern, Ledbury. Shropshire, Woolhope, &c. (Canada W.) Gait. Walsall. Sngland. L. H. a P., Potsd. Sa. ... Pleta Nebraska (U. S. America). (UNGULA, Pander.) Russ.)Poulkova, (Esthonia] Reval. Jp.MississippiRiver, (Russ.) Podolova, Yambourg,Lake Ladoga, S. Ural, Esthonia. Spain) Sierra Morena, Bal- lestera. (Can.W.) Mid.0ttawa Eiver. StraitsBelleisle(N.America). Obolus Sa., Llan. B., BL,, Tr., W. P .. Mayhill (England) Llandov., W. ... Woolh. Lst., W. Guelph Obolus Sa P., Potsd. Lst.... Queb. Gr. ? Russia) Podolova &c. 3traitsBelleisle,Anse auLoup (Labrador). 'Newfoundl. N.) Hare Bay. Russia. Reval (Bait.), Baltischport. Labrador (Straits Belleisle). Pyroxenic Sa. or Orthoc. Lst. Queb. G .". P., Potsd L.L . ETellpool, Wyeford, Builth. Fort Laramie (Upper Mis- souri). Pennsylvania, Wisconsin. P. Potsd. P 2 B 102 [BRACHIOPODA. Subdivision. Genus, Species, and Author. Lower Stage. Middle Stage. Upper Stage. P., Potsd.Saiidst. P.,Potsd Obolella, Billings, 1861 chromatica, Billings. cingulata, Kutorgina. desiderata, ,, Ida, maculata, Salter. nana, Meek & Hay den. Pbillipsii, Salter. var. Salteri, Holl. plicata, Hicks. plumbea, Salter. ? polita, Hall, jretiosa, Billings. sagittalis, Salter (MS.). Salteri, Billings, p. ind., Meek & Hayden. (2), Salter. Orbiculoidea, D'Orbign Orthis, Dolman, 1827. Actoniae, Sowerby. acuminata, Billings, acuta, Lindstrom. Eequivalvis, Davidson. uberis, Shaler. alata, Sowerby. Shaler. alternata, Sowerby. retrosistria. anomala, Verneuil. apicalis, Billings, armanda, assimilis, Hall. Australis, Salter. Aymara, Barabuensis, Winchell. sasalis, Dalm. testudinaria. Battis, Billings Baylei?, Roua It bella-rugosa, Conrad Berthoisii, Rouault bidens, Wyatt-Edgell biforata, Schloth var. terebratuliformis, M'Coy fissicostata, Bisrsbvi. Salter or 1865. Jp. Mississippi Eiver, For- teau Bay, Straits Belleisle (N. America). Vermont) Swanton, Straits Belleisle, Forteau Bay (N. America). Point Levis (Canada E.). S. Wales) St. David's. Black Hills, Up. Missouri (U.S.A.). Malvern (Worcestershire). Ramsay Isle &c., St. David's (S. Wales). ^Wales) Portmadoc, (Shrop- shire) White-grit Mine, Shelve. ^Minnesota) Trempaleau, Black River, &c. Quebec, Carouge, (Can. E.) Isle of Orleans. S. Wales) St. David's. Canada, lendal County (Illinois). Wales) Llanfaelrhys. S. Wales) St. David's. y, 1847 ; SCHIZOTRETA, Kut (Wales) Penmachno, Garn, Arenig, Shropshire, Acton Scott, &c., Coniston, Lan- cashire, Ribblesdale, York- shire, Ireland, (Esthonia) Hohenholm, (Russ.) Poul- kova. ^Can. E.) Caughanawaga. orga, 1847-48. (See Disc (Wales) Mathyrafal &c. INA.) Wisby (Gothland). (Engl.) Walsall. (N. York, E.) Schoharie Co, (Andes) Bolivia, Millepaya Valley. Wisby &c. (Gothland). (Engl.) Bogmine, Dudley, Walsall, (Gothl.) Wisby. P., Queb. G. ... P", L.Ling.Fl.... p.? P.,HollybushSa. P., Black Shales P., Tremad CS., &c., L.Llan. P., L.Llan Queb. Gr P., L.Ling. Fl... L.Llan L.Ling. Fl Llan., Car.,Llan- dov. CH Tr., Llandov.,W. Llan N. York, (Ohio) Cincinnati. Shropsh.,W.of Stiper Stones. Salt Lake Bay (Anticosti I.). (Wales) Bala, Penmachno, &c., (Shropshire)Harnage, Church Stretton, West- moreland, Dufton, (Irel.J Waterford County. Russia, (Baltic) Reval. 'Can. E.) Point Levis. Phillipsburg (Can. E.). Cong &c., Galway. Up. Div. D Carad Pleta P., Queb. G. ... P., Queb. G.?... U.Pentam. Lst. . . Tr Tasmania West. Carad., W Queb. G ^Wisconsin) River Baraboo. Bala, Glyn Ceiriog (Wales) ^Can. E.) Point L6vis &c. (France) Gahard ?. (Can. E.) Lake St. Louis, N York, (Wisconsin) Mi- neral Point, Tennessee. (Portugal) Bussaco, Spain (France) La Couyere, Vi- tre, La Manche. Westmoreland. S.W. Scotland, (Wales) Are- nig Mountains &c., Shrop- shire, (Irel.) Chair of Kil- dare, (Yorkshire) Dent Ohio, Wisconsin. Ireland. (Wales) Bala Lake, Meifod &c. Tasmania West. (Wales) Mathyrafal, Pen- y-Craig, Norway. Tr Carad U. & L. Llan., Carad., Llan- dov. p W. Tr. BBACHIOPODA.] 103 Subdivision. Genus, Species, and Author. Lower Stage. Middle Stage, Upper Stage. Carad., Llandov., W. Tr biloba, Linnaeus var., Lindstrom bisulcata, Emmons borealis, Billings Bouchardi, Davidson Bussacensis, Sharpe. caduca, Barr. calligramma, Dalm var. calliptycha, M'Coy. Davidsoni, Vern. alata, Shaler. orthambonites, Pander, ovata, ,, plicata, Sowerby. proava, Salter simplex, M'Coy virgata, Sowerby ,, Walsallensis, Davidson, canaliculata, Lindstrom canalis, Sowerby Caransii, Salter Carleyi, Hall. 3ava, Jt5arr. centrilineata, n. s. Hall. cincta, Eichw. circulus, Hall. Clytei, Coloradensis, F. Moore, compressa, Barr. compta, Salter. concentrica, Portlock. concinna, Hall, conflnis, Salter. convexa, ,, Corinna, Billings, costalis, Hall, costata, Sowerby. crassa, Lindstrom. crispa, M'Coy. crispata, Emmons. Danjoui, Eouault. Davidis, Bonissent. Davidsoni, Verneuil. calligramma. decipiens, Barr. deflecta, Conrad, deformis, Hall. (Wales) Denbighshire, Glyn Ceiriog,EobestonWathen &c. Middle Gothl., Deer Hope, Pentland Hills (Scotl.). (Gothl.) Wisby, Ledbury, Buildwas (Shropshije). Middle & South Gothland, (Shropsh.) Benthall Edge. Pentland Hills (Scotland) ?, Malvern, Dudley, (Wales Usk. Wales, Shropshire, (Baltic) Isle Oesel, Wisby (Goth- land). (South & Middle Gothland) Hoburg &c. (Maryknd, USA.) Cum- New York (north). (Can.E.) Low. Ottawa Eiver Belleville, Lake Ontario. (Wales) Cilgwyn CH., Tr L.Llandov., W. Llan., Car.,Llan- dov., W. Carad (Portugal) Bussaco. (Bohemia) Beraun. Cong, Galway (Irel.\Ha- verfordwest, &c. (W.). Canada, Esthonia, (Anti- costi) The Jumpers &c., (Wales) Builth, Pres- teign, (Engl.) Malvern, Mayhill. Wales (N. &S.)? (Norway) Christiania (N. York) Niagara Co. (Spain) Huerta del Llano (Euss.) Petschora, S.Ural, N. Gothland, (Ostrogoth/ Skarpaden, ( Wales) Angle- sea &c., Britain paxsim, (Irel.) Kuockmahon. (Wales) Llansaintffraid &c. Div. 4, A. G., U. Llandov., May- hill. Carad Eussia, Wales. Sweden. England, Wales, Ireland. Llanerchymedd, Anglesea. Ireland, Wales, Scotland. Cwm-gwynen-uchaf, Mont- gomerysh., (Irel.) Bally- vorgan. England, N. & S. Wales ... U.Llan Carad Lltii i . .... P., Tremad Penmachno, Conway Falls (Wales). Eamsay Isle &c. (S. Wales). (Ohio) Oxford County.- ^Bohemia) Beraun. ^N. York) Jefferson & Lewis Counties. Popova, Poulkova (Eussia). H. E. G Fauna D H. R G Pleta CL H. E. G Kentucky (U.S.A.). ^Texas) Burnet County. (Engl.) Shelve, Shropshire, (Bohem.) Beraun. tf iti & Mamrang Passes, Hi- malaya Mountains (E. I.). Tirnaskee (Tyrone), Tramore (Waterford). P., Potsd Carad.,Fauna D Delth. Sh. Lst.... Carad (S.W. Scot!.) Girvan &c., (Wales )Gaer Fawr, (Corn- wall) Gorrans. N'iti Pass, Himalaya (E. I.). (Can. E.) Stanbridge. (N.York,N.E.)ChazyVillage. Ireland) Pomeroy, (Wales) Welchpool. * berland County. MiddleGothland,Woolhope. Shropshire. (Gothl.) Wisby, High Hill, Manitouline Island, Lake Huron,(Can.E.)P. Daniel. (Bohemia) Konieprus. New York, eastern) Helder- berg Mountains. P., Queb. G. ... CH Carad w. UJBala, Carad.... H. E. G (N. Wales) Bala, Bettws-y- Coed, (Westmoreland)Ire- leth Moor, Kendal, (Irel.) Tramore. ^ew York (north-east). Trance) Angers, Polign6. France) La Manche. South Bay, Manitouline Isl., Lake Huron. Anticosti, S.W. Point .... Llan M.Sa., Niag., W. Fauna 3? B., BL Tennessee, N. York, Canada. Delth. Sh. Lst... 104 [BRACHTOPODA. Subdivision. Genus, Species, and Author. Lower Stage. Middle Stage. Upper Stage. Divs.M,P,Queb. G. lelicatula, Billings, lemissa, Dalm. Newfoundl.,W.&N.) Table- head, Portland Creek. Eussia?, (Gothl.) Hoburg, Fauna D, Pleta Tr Lepressa?, Portlock. Lesiderata, Barr. iichotoma, Hall. Ireland, iomarow (Bohemia), St. Pe- tersburg (Eussia). (Ohio) Cincinnati. Oeland, Bodahamn. Delth. Sh. Lst . . . iiscus, ,, (New York, eastern) Catskill Fauna F lisparilis, Conrad, iistorta, Barr. Minnesota, Michigan, N.W., (N. Wisconsin) Mineral Point,N.York,(CanadaE.) Mingaa Isles, L. St. Louis. v ' &c. (Bohemia) Konieprus. Divs. H, I, OS., Queb. G. Fauna E,F,CL., Niag., Llan., Carad., U.Llan- dov., W., L. Delth. Sh. Lst.... )uriensis, Sharpe. Plectra, Billings. elegantula, Dalm. Tar. eminens, Hall. (Portugal) Vallongo,-, Sar- dinia. (Newfoundl. W.) Pt. Eich &c., Phillipsburg, Missis- quoi Bay (Can. E.). Wales) Madryn Park, Caer- narvonsh., &c., S.W. Scot- land, Cornwall, Sweden, Norway, Sardinia, Gretton (Shropshire), (Irel.) Clare County. Mulloch's Hill (Ayrshire), New York, Canada, Ire- land, (Wales) Mathy- rafal, (Engl.) Mayhill, Norbury, Norway. ^Wales) Craig-hir, Merchlin, &c., (Ireland) Derrimore Glen, Kerry, Thuringia, Bohemia, Eussia, (Estho. IsleOesel, Ficht,Lode,&c., Mid. Gothland, N. Wis- consin, Canada, N. York, Pennsylvania, Tennessee, Missouri, Arctic Seas (A.), Pentland Hills (Scotland). (N. York, eastern) Schoharie W L ,, orbicularis, Dalm. &c. Nova Scotia, (Engl.) Dudley, H. E. G. . parva, Pander. Ella, Hall. [reland, S. Scotland, Wales, Spain, Portugal, Czarskoe- selo (Eussia). (Ohio) Cincinnati Canada. Tortworth, Buildwas. Fauna D ellipsoides, Barr. (Bohem.) Beraun, Praskoles. F .. elliptica, Billings. (Can. E.) Lake St. John. elongata, Barr. Bohemia. H. E. G emacerata, Hall. (Ohio)Cincinnati Iowa Wis- D Queb. G ? erratica, Eudocia, Billings. consin. (Can.W.) L.Ontario(STOz^), (N.York) OswegoC. Point L6vis (Can. E.). P., Queb. G. ... Pleta Eurydice, Whiteaves. Euryone, Billings. Evadne, ,, exornata, Sharpe. extensa, Pander. (Canada E.) Montreal ?- Point LeVis (Canada E.). 'Portugal) Bussaco. Poulkova &c. (Euss.), (Es- Carad basalts. fallax, Salter. thonia) Lyckholm, Eeval, &c. (Ireland) Pomeroy, Tyrone, Niaff. fasciata, Hall Desertcreate. (New York) Eochester &c. Carad filicera, Eouault Sardinia Bohemia (France) Tr fissicosta Hall Vitre". Portugal? N York Ohio Niag fissiplicata Eomer Tennessee West Carad., Llandov. Niaer. labellum, Sowerby. var. ?, Hall. (Westmorel.) Applethwaite, Pull Scar,Yorkshire,Dent, &c., Malvern, (W.) Bala, Bettwys, &c., Norway?. Cong, Galway. (New York) Lockport, Eo- W Fletcheri, Davidson. chester, &c. 'Engl ) Bentliall Edge Wal- P., Queb. G. ... Fauna F formosa, D. D. Owen gemmicula, Billings Gervillii, Barr Turkey Eiver (Iowa). (Can. E.) Point Levis. sall, Gothland. CH., BL., Tr... Pleta gibbosa, Billings hemipronites, Von Buch (Can. W. & E.) Belleville, Montreal, Lake Huron, Middle Ottawa Eiver. St. Petersburg, Popova &c P., Menevian .. P., Queb. G. .. Carad Hicksii, Salter Hippolyte, Billings Hirnantensis, M'Coy (Eussia). St. David's (S. Wales). (Newfoundl. W.) Cowhead. (Wales) Bala Aber Hirnant Llangedwin. BRACHIOrODA.] 105 Subdivision. Genus, Species, and Author. Lower Stage. Middle Stage. Upper Stage. Faunas D.d. 5, E Carad., Llandov. W.,L.L.,Faunsc E, F honorata, Barr Huxleyi, Billings hybrida, Sowerby imperator, Billings inflata ?, Salter inflexa, Pander insculpta, Hall. insignis, ., insularis, Eichw. intercostata, Portlock. interplicata, M'Coy. interstriata, Hall. Ipbigenia, Billings. Jamesii, Hall, jugata, Wahlenb. jugosa, Swallow. Kankakensis, M'Chesney. Kennicotti, lamellosa, Logan, lata, Sowerby. Laurentina, Billings. Lenaica, Verneuil. lenticularis, Dalm. leptaenoides, Emmons. Lewisii, Davidson. Loveni, Lindstrom. lunata, Sowerby. Lusitanica, Salter. lynx, Eichw. macrostoma, Barr. Maria, Billings. media, Shaler. var. elegantula? Menapia, Hicks. Merope, Billings. Michelini, Koninck. Miniensis, Sharpe. minima ?, Hall. Minna, Billings. Bohemia. ?Bohemia,(Wales)Buildwas, (EngL)Abberley, Worces- tershire, Dudley, Middle & S. Gothland, Norway, Isle Oesel (Baltic), N. & S. Wisconsin,(Can.W.) Tho- rold, (N. York) Schoharie County, Tennessee. (N.York) Helderberg Mns. (N. York) Schoharie County. England, (Dalecarlia) Os- mondsberg. Dudley, Wenlock Edge, &c., Shropshire, Wales, Pent- land Hills (Scotland.). (Wales) Dinas Bran, Horeb. Chap., (Engl.) Malvern, Aymestry, Ludlow, &c., (Westmoreland) Benson Knot, (Bohemia) Konie- prus, (France) Brest ?. Tennessee (U.S.A.) Anticosti, Junction Cliff White Cliff, Ellis Bay. (Wales) Mathyrafal, Ire land, Bohemia. (Ohio) Cincinnati (Can. W.) Lower Ottawa (Hawkesbury). Lowick, Crake (Lancashire) St. Petersburg(Euss.),Odins- holm. (N. York) Watertown, (Can W.) Middle Ottawa Eiver Cape Smyth, L. Huron. CH Carad Pleta Tr., H. E. G. ... Delth. Sh.Lst.... Carad., L.Llan- dov. Carad N. York, Eussia, Isles Dago and Odinsholm (Baltic), Norway, Silesia (drift).Ch of Kildare (Irel.), (Wales) Llangynyw, Garn, (Lanca- shire) Coniston. (Ireland) Tyrone, Oswestry Moelydd. (Irel.) Kildare, Wales. (S. Wales) Mathyrafal, Norway. Cor.L.,Schoharie Tr (Can. W.) Ottawa City. (Ohio) Cincinnati. H. E. G H. E. G Missouri (U.S.A.). Wilmington (Illinois). Cincinnati (Ohio). Lake St. Louis (Can. E.). ... Norway. Llandovery, Golengoed Penkn (Wales), Wool- tack Park, Pembrokesh Anticosti Isle (G. St. Law- Tr L.Llandov Div. 1, A. Gr., Llandov. ? P., U.Ling.Fl.... Tr Russia. Sweden, (Wales) Penmorfa, Criccieth, &c. (N.York, northern) Jefferson County. rence), Junction Cliff. W W., L. &U.L.... H. E. G. &c. ... Fauna D Wisby (Gothland). (Portugal) Vallongo, Sar- dinia. Ssthonia, S. Scotland, (Can. E.) Lake St. John, (Can. W.)CapeSmyth, L.Huron, Upper Mississippi Eiver, Lake Winnipeg (Eupert's Land), Isle Anticosti. Bohem.) Beraun, Praskoles. Anticosti, McCasty Bay. . . . 'Anticosti) South Point &c. Jamsaylsle &c. (S. Wales). Can. W.) Ottawa City. Anticosti, Junction Cliff (Div. 1). Anticosti Isle, Gamache Bay. Div. 1,A. Gr.,H. E. G., Middle Llandov. Divs. 3, 4, A. Gr. Tremad., &c. ... Tr Niag. ? P Portugal) Vallongo, Sar- dinia. Canada. Stanbridge (Can. E.). Queb. G 106 [BRACHIOPODA. Subdivision. Genus, Species, and Author. Lower Stage. Middle Stage. Upper Stage. w ninuta ? Haswell. Missouriensis, Shumard. noesta, Barr. noneta, Eichw. nonilifera, (Mus.Pr.Geol.). [onnieri, Eouault. monticula, Salter. multistriata, Hall. mulus, Barr. iundae, Sharpe. lycale, Billings, eglecta, Barr. itens, Vanuxem. octilio, Sharpe. ovem-radiata, Hall, blata, var. emarginata, btusa, Pander. var. eminens, expansa, ,, quinque-radiata ,, occidentalis, Hall. occlusa, Barr. orbicularis, Sowerby Orthambonites, Bill.,Pand calligramma (var.). Osiliensis, Schrenck umbraculum ? Oswald!, Eomer )alliata, Barr Panderi, Billings ,, Verneuil mrva, Pander patera, Salter patula, M'Coy pectinella, Conrad var. semiovalis, Hal] peduncularis, pentamera, Meneghin: pepina, Hal peregrina, Barr perelegans, Hall perveta, Conrad piger, Billings 3 entland Hills (Scotland). Cape Girardeau (Missouri). New York, eastern) Helder- berg Mountains. Bohemia) Konieprus. Sew York. N. New Brunswick) Eesti- gouche, (Can. E.) St. He- len's Isl., (N.York.eastern) Hudson &c., (Tennessee W.) Wayne County. Maryland, U.S.A.) Cumber- Fauna D. d. 1, 4 Oslo Gp., Pleta Carad [Bohemia) Eokitsan. Norway, Poulkova (fee., St. Petersburg (Eussia), Dale- carlia, Isle Soller. vhair of Kildare (Ireland). Normandy, May, Eennes, Gahard? yitiPass(HimaL), Damchen. U.Pen tarn. Lst... Fauna E. e. 1 ... Lst. 2, Queb. G. Fauna F Bohemia) Beraun. [Portugal) Bussaco. [Can. E.) Point Levis. OneidaConglom. Delth.Sh. Lst.... Orthoc. L., with green grains. H.'k G. .. '.'..... [N. York) Wayne County. [Portugal) Bussaco, Vallon- go, Sardinia. E. Volkoff, St. Petersburg (Eussia), Esthonia. Esthon.) Eeval &c., (Euss.) Grafskaya-Slavj auka. lussia, Esthonia, passim. Cape Smyth, West Bay, Ma- nitouline Island,L.Huron New York. land County. (Bohemia) Konieprus. [N. York) Schoharie County, Bohemia, Esthonia, Swe- den, Eussia, (Engl.) Hag- ley Park,Shobden Hill, &c. Russia, (Esthonia) I. Oesel Moustel Pank. [Boh.)Konieprus, Mnienian. Eussia. Canada ?. (New York, eastern) Helder- berg Mountains. (Bohemia) Konieprus. (New York, eastern) Hudson and Catskill Counties. Fauna F Delth. Sh. Lst., H. E. G., W. U.L. Lst. 2, Queb. G Corall. Lst Fauna F France, N.W. Michigan (L Superior), Cornwall, Ger- ran's Bay. (Can. E.) Point Levis, Eus sia, Reval, &c. Lower Silesia (drift). Tr., Carad Carad Anticosti Island (G. St Lawr.), Junction Cliff. (Engl.) Eibblesdale, Corn waU, Ireknd, (Scotl.) Gir van, (Wales) Llansaint ffraid &c., (Eussia) Gat china &c., (Esthon.) Beva &c., Sweden, Spain, (Por tugal) Bussaco, N. York Ohio. Sardinia, (N. Wales) Bala (Shropshire) Hopesay. Wales ?, Sardinia. Caughnawaga, L. St. John Murray Bay (Can. E.) Canada W., Pennsylvania (N.Y.) Watertown &c,, Ten nessee, Missouri, N.W Michigan. Canada i Tr Delth. Sh. Lst. P., Potsdam.... Fauna F Sardinia. Lake Pepin (Mississippi E.' Osceola MiUs, E. St.Croix Delth. Sh.Lsfc.. CH.,Tr CH (New York) Chazy Village (Canada) Montreal, Ten nessee,(Wisconsin)Minera Point, Mingan Isles (G. St. Lawr/ BRACHIOPODA.] 107 Subdivision. Genus, Species, and Author. Lower Stage. Middle Stage. Upper Stage. Fauna F pinguissima, Barr. pisum, Hall. plana, Pander. planissima, Eichw. ? plano-convexa, Hall, platys, Billings. plicata, Sowerby. plieatella, Hall. polygramma, Murch. Atrypa. porcata, M'Coy. anticostiensis, Shaler. var. occidentalis, Hall. ,, retrorsa, * Salter. sinuata, Hall. subjugata. ,. ,, terebratulaformis, M'Coy. Porcia, Billings, primordial is, C. de Prado. protensa, Sowerby. var. lata, . pseudopecten, M'Coy. psittacensis, Durocher. pulvinata, Salter. punctata, Verneuil. puncto-striata, Hall. pusilla, Hising. pyramidalis, Hall. IJuebecensis, Billings, quinque-radiata, Eichw. radians, Sowerby. redux, Davidson, Barr. regularis, ? remota, Salter. retroflexa, Portlock. retrosistria, M'Coy. alternata. rever.sa, Salter. rhynchonella-formis, Shal. Eibeiro, Sharpe. rigida, Davidson. Eomingeri, Barr. (Bohemia) Konieprus. (New York) Wolcott, N.W. Michigan (L. Superior). (New York, eastern) Helder- berg Mountains. Cornwall ', Cherry Valley (N. York). (Isle Oesel) Ficht. Dudley, Tirnaskea (Tyrone). New York, (Can. W.) Gait, Lake Huron, S.Wisconsin. (Gothl.) Hoburg,Wisby, &c. ^New York) Lockport (lime- stone). Temple Nas (Gothland). ^New York) Lockport. Mandinam, Llandovery, Mal- vern, Chirbury (England), Galway (Irel.), (S. Scot.) Mullock. England, Wales. L. H.a.,Niag.... L. H. Gf Poulkova, St. Petersburg (Eussia). (Esthonia) E6val, D'Erras. CH (Can.W.)Kingston, (Can.E.) Montreal &c., Highgate Springs (N. Vermont). (Wales) Galli Grin, Alt-y- Anker, &c., Howgill Scar, Westmoreland, Bibbles- dale, Yorkshire. Ohio, Kentucky, Indiana, Canada, N. York, Norway, Scania, Gothland, &c. Powis Castle (Wales). Ottawa City (Can.W.),Ohio, Indiana, Ellis Bay (Anti- costi), Westmoreland, Lo- wick (Lancash.), Norway, (Irel.) Desertcreate &e., (Wales) Wrexham &c. (Can.W.) L. Huron, Western New York, (N. Illinois) Wad dam's Grove, Iowa, Missouri, New Mexico, N.W. Michigan. Ottawa City (Can.W.), Lake Ontario (N. side), (Ohio) Cincinnati, Wales, passim. Canada, Wiscons., Tennessee. New York, N.W. Michigan (Lake Superior). Portugal, Sweden?. (Canada E.) Montreal. (Spain, Prov. Leon) Sabero. (Irel.)Wexford and Wicklow Counties. (Irel.) Meath, Knockmahon, and Waterford. Norway. (France) Caen, Budleigh Sal- terton, Devonsh. (pebbles). L. H. G., TLBala, W. CoraU.Lst., Tr... Carad (Wales) Blain - y - Cwm Eidge, (Anticosti) Ga- mache Bay. Wales, Ireland, S.W.Scot- land, Norway, Eussia, Thuringia, Livonia, Ca- nada, New York, Ten- nessee, Wisconsin. New York. Llandovery, Mathyrafal, Golengoed, &c. (Wales), Ashgill(Westmoreland). Llandovery (Wales). Tr., H. E. G., M. Sa., Carad., U. Llandov., W. CL. &c H. E. G. &c. ... CH P Carad Llandov Carad Davidson, Devo- nian. Niag Niag P., Queb. G. ... Pleta 'Canada E.) Point L6vis. ^Euss.) Popova, Pontilova, (Esthon.)Baltischport &c. Tramore (Waterford), Go- lengoed (Wales). (France) Normandy, May, La Manche, Beraun(Boh.). [sle Soller, Dalecarlia. N. Wales, Whitesand Bay, Eamsay Isl., S. Wales. Chair of Kildare (Ireland). Carad Fauna D P., Arenig rocks. Carad U.Llandov Carad., W P., fauna C ^Anticosti, east end) Gull Cove. Coimbra (Portugal). ^Wales) Gaer Fawr, Bryn Melyn. ^Bohem.) Ginetz, Skrey, &c. North and South Wales... 108 [BRACHIOPODA. Subdivision. Genus, Species, and Author. Lower Stage. Middle Stage. Upper Stage. Tr rugosa, Goldfuss. ruida, Billings. rustica, Sowerby. var. a, Lindstrom. Sadewitziana, Eomer. Sagittifera, M'Coy. Salteri, Billings. Sardoa, Meneghini. sarmentosa, M'Coy. semicircularis, Eichw. Sowerby. simplex, M'Coy. sinuate, Hall. sinuosa, Durocher. socialis, Barr. sol, sola, Billings, spiriferoides, M'Coy. striatella, Dalm. striatocostata, Salter. striatula, Conrad. strophomenoides, Hall, subsequata, Conrad. subcarinata, Hall, subdivisa, Salter. subquadrata, subtilis, Eichw. Sulivani, Morris & Sharpe. tenuidens, Hall, tenuis, Morris & Sharpe. tenuissime-striata, M'Coy. terebratulina, Durocher. testudinaria, Dalm. Tibetica, Salter. N.York, Esthonia, Sweden ?. Gamache Bay (Anticosti). Wales Ferriter's Cove &c., Kerry, Wenlock, Walsall, &c. (Engl.), Mid Gothland. 1,8. Gothl.) Hoburg, (Ester- garn. Norway. Bohem., Dudley (Barrande). (Gothland) Hoburg. (N. York) Helderberg Moun- tains. (Tennessee W.) Wayne Co., (New York) Helderberg Mountains. Div. 1, A. Gr., Llandov. Carad., W L.Llandov.?, Car. ? Carad (Wales) Meifod, (Esthonia) D'Erras, Bull's Head (Kerry). Silesia (drift). (Wales) Bala, Aber Hirnant, &c. Wales. (Isle Anticosti) Junction Cliff. Tennessee, New York. Sardinia. (Wales) Llyn Ogwen, Bala, Eathdrum, Wicklow (Ire- land). Popova, Poulkova (Eussia), (Esthonia) Lyckholm &c. ^Irel.) Wexford &c., Corn- don or Shelve (Shropsh.). ^Ireland) Chair of Kildare, Wexford, (Wales) Bala Lake. ^Ohio) Oxford &c., (Indiana) Madison , (Kentuck.)Mays- ville, Wisconsin, Canada. Carad H. E. G., CL.... Fauna D. d. 1 ... Faunae E, F ... H. E. G 'Bohem.) Eokitzan, Wosek. Bohemia (Anticosti Isle) Salmon Eiv. (N. Wales) Arenig Moun- tains, Welchpool, &c. * Llan., Carad. ... ? L.&U.Llan.,Tr., Niti Pass, Himalaya Moun- tains (E. I.). (Can. E.) Montreal, (N.Scot- land) Durness, Shelve ?, Shropshire, (Wales) Caer- marthen. Cefn Ehyddan, Llando- very (Wales). L.Llandov. Delth. Sh. Lst... Tr (Can. W.) La Cloche, Lake Huron, Tennessee, Mis- souri, (Wisconsin)Mineral Point. Delth. Sh. Lst... Tr., H. E. G. ... Pentam. Lst. . . . ? CL Mamrang and Niti Passes, Himalaya, Kalajowar. Indiana, Missouri, Wiscon- sin, Ohio, Kentucky (Can. E.), (Anticosti) Charlton Point, Lake St. John. (Esthonia) Kirna, (Livo- nia) Laisholm. N. York, Oneida County. Canada, Wales, Norway, Nova Scotia. Falkland Islands (S. Amer.). ? Carad Falkland Islands (S. Amer.). Eathdrum (Irel.), Coniston ( Lancash. ), Llan saintffraid &c. (Wales). Sweden. Lake St. John (Can. E.), Hot Creek,Nevada( California), Anticosti, N. York, Penn- sylvania, Missouri, Iowa, N.W.Michigan, Tennessee, (Spain) Almaden, Fonta- nosas (Normandy), May, Sardinia, Bohemia, Thu- ringia, (Ireland) Kildare, (England) Hollies Farm &c., Shropshire, Scotland, (Wales) Llan Mill, Nor- way, (Euss.) S. Ural &c., Saalfeldt.Dagden (Baltic). Niti, Kumaon, Himalaya (E.I.),Bompras,Eimkin,&c. Tr., TJtica Slate, H.E.G.,Carad., Llandov. BRACHIOPODA.] 109 Subdivision. Genus, Species, and Author. Lower Stage. Middle Stage. tipper Stage. Llan., U.Llan- dov. ? Carad., Tr Pleta thakil, Salter var. convexa, ,, ,, striato-costata, ,, subdivisa, ,, trifida, transversalis, Von Buch triangularis, Sowerby tricenaria, Conrad trigonula, Eichw ;rinucleus, Hall iritonia, Billings ;runcata, Dalm tubulata, Lindstrom ;ubulo-striata, Hall tumida, Kutorga turgida, * M'Coy uberis, Billings cequivalva, Shaler. umbella, Barr. uncata, Salter. unguis, Sowerby. Jralensis, Verneuil. varica, Hall. vaticina, Salter. venustula. Barr. Verneuillii, Eichw. vespertilio, Sowerby. virgata, calligramma. Visbyensis, Lindstrom. onata, Dalm. p. ind. Giebel. Barr. B. F. Shumard. Billings. Abich. Salter. Hector. Logan. Stuchbury. Coquand. (2) Swallow. Niti & Mamrang Passes, Hi malaya (E. I.). Sweden. (Irel.) WexfordCo., (Wales Marrington Dingle. Murray Bay, Lake St. John (Can. E.), Mid Ottawa E. La Cloche, Lake Huron (Can. W.), Middleville (N.York), Tennessee, Mis souri, (Wisconsin) Minera Point, (S.W. Scotl.) Pied mont Glen. Poulkova &c.(Euss.),(Esth.) Lakesberg Mountain. Llandovery, Castell-Craig Gwyddon. La Cloche, Lake Huron. (N. York) Wayne County South Gothland. (N. York) Albany County, (North New Brunswick Eestigouche. Bohemia. (N. York, eastern) Helder- berg Mountains, Tennes- see, Wayne County. Bohemia. Tennessee. Wisby, Gothland. irarat (Armenia). Vlillapaya Valley, Illampu (South America). Sew Zealand (Salter). lissouri. CL P., Queb. G. .. Delth. Sh. Lst.. Llan., Carad. ... Fauna F (Can. E.) Point Levis. Norway. Poulkova (Eussia), Wesen- berg &c. (Esthonia). [N. Wales) Craig-y-beri &c. Mayhill, Gloucestershire. Anticosti Isle. Carad tfiti Pass, Himalaya (E. I.) >retton &c., Shropshire. Jral Mountains. 9 Delth. Shale ... L.Ling. Flags ... Fauna E 'enmorpha, Criccieth(N. W. ] Pleta &c. Eeval (Baltic) Isle Dago .. Car., Llandov. ? Carad reland, (Wales) Blain-y- cwm, Gelli Grin, (Engl.' Shropshire.Hope, Dowgil] Scar, Horderley, Malvern, Yorkshire, Dent, France, (Spain) Ballesteros. Salahir Mountains, Lossicha (Eussia), Chair of Kildare (Irel.) and Co .Waterford. Wales. P Ostrogothia,Skarpasen, Nor- way, jower Harz (Thuringia). lof (Bavaria). 'Texas) Burnet County, farteau Bay (Labrador). Norway. Potsd P., Queb. G. .' J oint LeVis (Canada E.). lerrigal (New South Wales). 3euta (Morocco). Delth. Sh.Lst.... Pleta , Selwyn. Orthisina, D' Orbigny, 18 ' sequirostris, Verneuil. nomala, scendens, Pander. pronites, Von Buch. Victoria (Australia). 19. Eussia) Tosna? [Norway) Christiania, (Es- thonia) Ee"val, Lyckholm, Eussia, North Holland (drift). [Wales) Corwen, Wrexham, &c., (Esthonia) D'Erras &c., (Eussia) Gatchina &c. Carad., Pleta. ... 110 [BBACHIOPODA. Subdivision. Genus, Species, and Author. Lower Stage. Middle Stage. Upper Stage. Pleta Asmussii, Verneuil var. sequalis, deformata, distincta, Eichw. festinata, Billings. grandseva, ,, hemiaster, Winch.& Marcy. inflexa, Davidson. intermedia, Meneghini. pellico, Verneuil. plana, Pander. radians, Eichw. Scotica, M'Coy. var. calligramma. Tcheffkini, Verneuil. terebratuliformis, Menegh. umbracuhim, Von Buch. ? Eichw. vaticina, Salter. Verneuillii, deversa, Shaler. sp. ind. Meneghini. Billings. Pentamerus, Sowerby, 1 acuto-lobatus, Barr. arcuosus, M'Chesney. Australis, M'Coy. Barrandei, Billings. Baschkiricus, Verneuil. Disinuatus, M'Chesney. xwealis, Eichw. jrevirostris, Hall. Atrypa. bubo, Barr. caducus, Uhicagoensis, Winch.&Mar. conchidium, Dalm. crassoradius, M'Chesney. Esthonus, Eichw. brnicatus, Hall, jaleatus, Dalm. globosus, Sowerby. innocens, Barr. integer, interplicatus, Hall. He" val, Wesenberg, Lyckholm, &c., (Russia) Tosna. Russia. ReVal &c. (Baltic), (Eussia) Tosna. Canada, Straits of Belleisle (N. America), N. Vermont (U.S.A.). Mingan Isles (G. St. Lawr.). Chicago (Illinois, U.S.A.). Moustel Pank (Isle Oesel). [Bohemia) Konieprus. Milwaukee (Wisconsin). [Ural) Satkinsk-pristan &c., (Altai) Sakhir. Baley's Harbour, Door Co. (Wisconsin). Esthonia, Livonia, North Russia. [New York) Lockport shale. (Bohemia) Prague, Konie- prus, Sweden. [Bohemia) Prague, Beraun. Chicago (Illinois). (Gothland) Klinte, Norway, Russia, Cornwallis Island (Arctic America). Milwaukee (Wisconsin). Maryland, New York, Penn- sylvania, Tennessee, Up. Mississippi, N.W. Michi- gan, (Can. E.) CapeGasp<, France, Thuringia, Bohe- mia, Russia, Podolia, N. and Mid. Gothland, Ural, Norway, (Engl.) Dudley, Malvern, Ludlow, &c., (Wales) Usk, (Irel.) Fer- riter's Cove &c. (Bohemia) Tetin. Bohemia) Konieprus &c. P.,Poted. &c. ... cs Niaff Pleta Sardinia, (Russia) Poulkova &c., (Esthonia) Reval &c. Sardinia. (Spain, Leon) Sabero. Poulkova &c., Wassilkowa (Russia), (Esthonia) We- senberg, ReVal, &c. Poulkova &c. (Russia). (S.W. Scotl.) Ayrshire, Gir- van, Colmonel. Wales (Salter), St. Peters- burg (Russia). Sardinia. P Pleta Carad ? Dolom. Cor. Lst. H. R. G. &c. ... P Anticosti Isle. 'Spain, Leon) Sabero. Canada W., (Esthonia) Ho- henholm &c. Sardinia. Forteau Bav (Labrador). 813. [Anticosti) Gamache Bay &c. Pleta, B., BL., H.R.G.,M.Sa. Potsd Fauna F . Niag Mayhill Sa Div. 2, A. Gr., Llandov., CL. Niag Niaff. [Australia) Victoria. [Can. E.) Becscie Bay, An- ticosti Isle. [Esthonia)Raicks, Jorden, &c., (Livonia) Fennern. Faunae F, G, H E,F ... Niae. Niag. ? CL Mid. Gothland,(Esthonia) Kattentack. [New York) Lockport. Norway. .. Fauna F, W., L., Delth. Sh. Lst. L. & U.Llandov. Fauna G. g. 1 ... F [Engl.) Malvern, Ireland, (Wales) Llandeilo, Car- marthen, &c., Bohemia, France, (Thuring.)Saal- feld. ? Brest Roads (France), Ebray. CL New York. BRACHIOPODA.] Ill Subdivision. Genus, Species, and Author. Lower Stage. Middle Stage. Upper Stage. Faunae E,F; W. L. H. E. G., Llan- dov., &c. Llandov., w'.' .. Llandov., W. FaunseE.F.G g.1,2. U.Llandov Car.,U.Llandov., CL., Niag.,Div. 3, 4, A. Gr. Llandov juglans, Bomer Knightii, Sowerby laevis, X^,}^ STRICKIlANI)U inguiferus, Sowerby Lower Silesia (drift). (Can.E.) Port Daniel ?, Ten- nessee, (Eupert's Land] L. of Woods, (England' Mocktree, Aymestry, Led- bury, &c., Wales, Harz. Bohemia, (Irel.) Creagli- martin,Sweden,Thuringia. Ural. Thuringia. (Engl.) Malvern &c., Wales, Thuringia, Eussia, Mid. Gothland, (Bohem.) Hlu- bocep, Chotecz, Hostin, Mnienian, &c. ^Tennessee) Hardin County, New York. ffigh Hill, Manitouline Isle, Lake Huron, Thorold, Hamilton (Can. W.). Guelph Township (Can. W.). Bohem.) Konieprus, Tetin. Euss.) Eivers Yega-Lagra and Jezem. Bohemia) Tetin, Luzetz, Karlstein, Dworetz. Bohemia) Konieprus. N. York) HelderbergMoun- tains, Canada. Territer's Cove (Irel.), Wen- lockEdge,Malvern(Engl.), (Gothland) Wisby. I. Vaschina (Arctic Eussia). Mid. Gothland. Bohem.) Konieprus, Mnie- nian, &c., Lower Loire (France). Bohemia) ut supra. North Ural) Bogoslovsk. Boh.) Konieprus, Dvoretz. lid. Gothland. Milwaukee (Wisconsin). Tennessee W.) Wayne Co., (New York) Helderberg Mountains. Fhuringia, (N. & E. Ural)! Petropaulofsk &c. LJral) Krasnoglasova &c. Ohio(TJ.S.A.), (Wales) Pwll heli, Penlan, Shropshire Soudley. Upper Mississippi River (Norway) Franconia (Wales) Cefn, Cyrn-y brain, Norway. England, Wales, Franco nia, Esthonia, (Norw. Christiania. Littoni, Hall microcamerus, M'Coy multicostatus,D. D. Owen ? oblongus, Sowerby. var. (Pent, lasvis, Sow.) oficidentalis, Hall. (See Ort var. porcata. optatus, Barr. Ostiacus, Keyserling. ovalis, Hall. )elagicus, Barr. )roblematicus, jseudogaleatus, Hall. >umilus, Eichw. eversus, Billings. camerella. Brachymerus, Shaler. otundus, Sowerby. It. Hilairii, Eouault. Samojedicus, Keyserling. culptus, Walmstedt. Sieberi, Barr. var. triatus, Eichw. stryx, Barr. benuistriatus, Walmstedt. risinuatus, M'Chesney. ndatus, Sowerby. ferneuilli, Hall. fogulicus, Verneuil. var. minor, ' Mandinam, Carmarthen shire, Mayhill, Glouces tershire. Engl.)Malvern, Norbury &c., (Wales) Pen-y-lan &c., Gal way (Ireland] S.Scotland, Eussia,Nor way,Thuringia, Livonia Canada, Anticosti, S Point, &c., New York Iowa, N.W. Michigan L. Huron, Tennessee Wisconsin. Wisconsin (U.S.A.). Mingan Isles (G. St. Lawr.) his occidentalism) Onond. Salt Gp. Faunae F, G. g. 1 CL N. York) N. Hartford, Oneida County. Faunae F, G. g. 1 Fauna F U.Pentam. Lst... Llandov Livonia) Talkhof. Anticosti, Junction Cliff. Galway (Ireland) Llandov., W. ... ? 9 Fauna F France) Gahard. ? Faunae F, G. g. 1 Niag North Ural Car., L.&U.Llan- dov. Delth. Sh. Lst.... ? 3hiilsfield (Welchpool) Wales) Mathyrafal, Pen- lan, &c., (Shropshire) Builth. 112 [BRACHIOPODA. Subdivision. Genus, Species, and Author. Lower Stage. Middle Stage. Upper Stage. ? U.Llandov. . . . sp. ind. Giebel D. D. Owen Selwyn ? Pholidops, Hall, 1859. ovatus, . Hall squamiformis, Platystrophia, King, 18 chama, Eichw costata, Pander recta, regularis, Shaler Orthis lynx. striata, Pander Spirif. Panderi, Verneuil Tcheffkinii, Verneuil Orthisina. tenuicosta, Eichw Porambonites, Pander, sequirostris, Schloth Capewelli, Davidson Retzia? crassa, Sowerby. Atrypa ? deformatus, Eichw. hamifera, Barr intercedens, Pander. linea, Sharpe. Ottawaensis, Billings. reticulatus, Pander. Ribeiro, Sharpe. Salteri, Davidson, teretior, Eichw. sp. ind. Salter. Pseudocrania, M'Coy, Rennselaeria, Hall, 185 sequiradiata, Hall. elliptica, ^aevis, mutabilis, ? ovoides, Retzia, King, 1849. Barrandii, Davidson. Baylei, var. Bouchardi, cuneata, Dalm. Rhynchonella. deflexa, Hall? Saidingeri, Barr. Lewisii. Davidson, membranifera, Barr. ninia, Salter. multistriata, Hall. Salteri, Davidson. toreno, Verneuil. Harz. Upper Mississippi River. Victoria (Australia). Nash Scar, Presteign. (N. York) Albany County. 'Lockport &c. (Isle Oesel) Kiddemetz. (Engl.)Malvern,Walsall,&c., Wales, (N.York)Lockport, (Gotbl) Wisby, Mid. and South Gothland, Hoburg, &c. Isle Oesel (Baltic). (N. York, east and central) Cherry Valley &c. (Y.Nork, east) Schoharie Co. (N. York) Albany County. (N. York, east) Albany &c. Counties. (Can. E.) Cape Gasp6. Benthal Edge (Shropshire), Bohemia, S. Gothland. (S. Gothl.) Hoburg, Oster- gam, Benthal Edge, Oese] Isle (Baltic). (Gothl.) Wisby &c., Malvern, Dudley, &c. 'Wales) Plas Madoc. STew York. ^Boh.)Konieprus, Mnienian. Wales. Bohemia) Mnienian. Canada. (England) Sedgley, Dudley, Lincoln Hill, &c., (Isle Oesel) Ficht &c., (Wales) Llandeilo, Gothland. France) Lower Loire, De- bray. Delth. Sh.Lst.... Niag Pleta 49. (ORTHIS.) Spitham (Esthonia) Popova, Poulkova, &c. (Rus- sia), (Isle Oesel) Hohen- holm. (Russia) Popova, &c. (Anticosti) Junction Cliff. ? Pleta & Lst. with pyroxene. Pleta Poulkova (Russia). St. Petersburg (Russia). (Esthonia) Spitham, Odins- holm Isle. 1830. Reval (Baltic), Poulkova (Russia). Pleta w Pleta Westmoreland, Wales. Baltischport, Reval, &c. (Es- thonia). (Bohemia) Beraun. (S. Scotl.) Wrae, Wales Sweden, Russia. Fauna D Llandov. BL (Portugal) Bussaco. (Can. W.) Middle Ottawa River. Poulkova (Russia). (Portugal)Bussaco,Brittany Pleta with py- roxene. Corall. Lst Pleta Gatchina, Poulkova( Russia) Wichterpahl &c. (Estho.). Caracl U.Pentam. Lst... Delth. Sh. Lst.... L. H. G. '.' '.'.'. Salterton (Devonshire). 1851. (See CRANIA.) Fauna F, W. ... W Fauna F South Scotland Faunae E, F ... Tr Tasmania West (Milligan). L. H. G Corall. Lst., W... Spain ( upper stage ? ) BRACHIOPODA.] 113 Subdivision. Genus, Species, and Author. Lower Stage. Middle Stage. Upper Stage. Delth. Sh. Lst.... Corall. Lst Delth. Sh. Lst.... Corall. Lst Delth. Sh. Lst.... Carad Rhynchonella, Fischer, abrupta, Hall. acumen, Eichw. dcuminata ?, Hall. acutidens, Eichw. cicutiplicata, Hall. acutirostra, ,, temula, sequiradiata, Atrypa. asquivalvis. ,, Alecto, Barr. altilis, Hall. altiplicata, Amalthaea, Barr. ainbigena, angustiformis, M'Coy. Anticostiensis, Billings. apiculata, ? aprinis, Verneuil. Terebratula. argentea, Billings. Baucis, Barr. >ellula, Giebel. Berenice, Barr. ? bialveata, Hall. ' bicarinata, Lindstrom. Didens, Hall. Didentata, Hising. Terebratula. Bischofi, Romer. Disulcata, Emmons. Dorealis, Schloth. Sharpe. brevisrostrum, Hall. calyptycha, ? Campbellana, Hall. camura, capax, Conrad. Ceres, Barr. comata, compressa, ,, Corinna, Barr. Corinthia, Billings. crebricosta, Sowerby. Wilsonl t 1809. HEMITHYRIS, VOrbi gny. (N. York, east) Albany Co. &c. (Isle Oesel) Ficht. (New York, east) Schoharie County &c. Kamenetz (Podolia). (New York, east) Schoharie County, Gasp6 (Can. E.). (New York) Oneida County. (New York) Helderberg Mountains. Bohemia. (New York, east) Albany Co. &c. (Bohemia) Konieprus, Mnie- nian. (N. York) Lockport, (Russ.) River Vindau, Esthonia. (Bohemia) Mnienian. Lower Harz (Thuringia). (Bohemia) Beraun. (N. York, east) Albany Co. Middle Gothland. (Podolia) Jarouga, Lower Harz, (Gothl.) Djupviken, North Holland (drift). Lower Harz (Germany). (Wales) Presteign, Mercklin, (EngL)Malverns, Dudley, (Irel.) Derrymore Glen, Ferriter's Cove, Kerry. (N. York) Schoharie, (Penn- sylvania) Tioga. (Engl.) Woolhope &c. (New York, east) Helderberg Mountains. (Canada W.) Dundas. (France) Lower Loire, De- bray, (Bohemia) Mnie- nian. (Bohem.) Konieprus, Mnie- nian. Pentlands, Hare Hill (Scot.). (Bohem.) Mnienian, Konie- prus. New York. Chair of Kildare, Desert- create (Irel.), Craighead (S.W. Scotland), Cerrig-y- Druidion (Wales). Arisaig (Nova Scotia). . . . L. H. G., CL. ... L.Pentam Lst.... Fauna F CH New York. Delth. Sh. Lst.... Fauna F D (Bohemia) Beraun. Mulock, Girwan (S.W. Scotland). Russia ... L.Llandov H. R. G Anticosti, Gulf St. Lawrence (English Head &c.). Chair of Kildare (Ireland). Carad Niae Div. 4, A. Gr., Mayhill ? Fauna F (Anticosti) Challoupe Ri- ver. Fauna E, F Delth. Sh. Lst.... CL (New York) Lockport. Tr., Ut. Slate, H. R. G., W. ? U.Llandov., W., U.L. Delth. Sh. Lst.... M.Sa., W Carad N. York, (Ohio) Cincinnati &c.. Indiana. New York, Canada. (England) Chirbury, Mal- vern, &c. (Can. W.) Nelson, Col- lingwood, Lake Huron. LlanMill,Narbeth(S.Wales). Delth. Sh. Lst., Scutella Lst. Niag H. E. G. Anticosti, English Head, &c. (Eichardson}, (Can.E.) St. Gregoire, Ohio, (Indiana) Madison, (Can. W.) West Bay, Manitouline Island (L. Huron), Savannah &c. (Illinois). Fauna F L.L Fauna F Div. N, P, Queb. Gp. W Newfoundland West. (Wales) Tynewidd, Llan- dovery. 2o 114 [BHACHIOPODA. Subdivision. Genus, Species, and Author. Lower Stage. Middle Stage. Upper Stage. W ' ... crispata, Sowerby. cuneata, Hising., Dalm. Atrypa. Cybele, Barr. Daphne, ,, Davidsoni, M'Coy. hemisphcerica. decempiicata, ,, deflexa, Sowerby. dentata, Hall, depressa, Sowerby. Diana, Barr. (MS.) digitata, D. de Leuchtenb. diodonta, Dalm. dubia ?, Hall. Woolhope, Radnorshire. (Wales) Radnorshire, Plasi Madoc, &c., (EngU Dud- ley &c., (Scotl.) Pentland Hills, Ireland, (Bohemia) Mnienian, (Gothl.) Wisby' &c., (Podolia) Laskofski, (N. York) Lockport. (Can. W.) Thorold. (Norway! Christiania, Wisconsin. (Bohemia) Beraun. Wales, (Shropsh.) Wenlock. Wales. Wales, (Engl. )Walsall, Dud- ley, &c., Middle & South Gothland, Bohemia. Wales, (Malvern) Crewe's Hill. (Bohemia) St. Ivan. (I. Oesel) Hohenheim. Lode, (Gothland) Klinteberg, Slitsharnn, Faroe, Lansa. (France) Lower Loire, Bo- hemia. New York, east) Helderberg Mountains. (Boh. ) Mnienian, Konieprus. ,, Konieprus, Mnienian. (Gothland) Wisby. (Bohem. ) Prague, Konieprus. (N. York, east) Helderberg Mountains. (Irel.) Creaghmartin, Derry- more Glen. (Bohem.) Prague, Carlstein. (Boh.) Konieprus, L. Harz. Isle Oesel (Baltic), Ficht. (New York) Albany County. New York. Malvern, Wenlock (Shrop- shire). (N. York) Schoharie County. Llandov., W. ... Fauna; E, F Fauna E. e. 1 ... UL (S.W. Scotland) Ayrshire. Bohemia (Bohemia) Beraun. U.Llandov.,W... Fauna E, Delth. Sh. Let., W., L. Pleta.Mid.Sil.... Carad., W Fauna F. f. 2.... Pleta (Wales) Presteign, (Engl.) Malvern, Chirburv, &c.. Reval (Baltic). ^ew York, Tennessee, Re- val (Baltic, Eichwald}. 'Wales) Merioneth, Brun- bedwog. North Oural. Poulkova (Russia). (N.Wales) Yspattv, E van ,&c., Kirkcudbright,' S.W. Scot- land? New York (U.S.A.). (Norw.) Christiania, May- hill sand of Victoria, S. Australia. (New York) Sodus,Roches- ter, &c. Carad., Corall. Lst. CL Delth. Sh.Lst.... Fauna F .. emaciata, Barr. eminens, Hall. Eucharis, Barr. Eurydice, ,, Eva, Billings. '? exigua, Liudstrom. famula, Barr. formosa, Hall. fringilla, Billings, "urcata, Sowerby. glacialis, Billings, globosa. Eichw. Harpyi, Barr. Hebe, hemiplicata, >Salter. Henrici, Barr. increbrescens, Hall. interplicata, Sowerby. interstitialis, Eichw. inutilis, Hall. Janea, Billings. lacunosa, Vanuxem. Linn6. lamellata, Hall, latesinuata, Barr. j Div. 3, A. Or., Mayhill. Faunae E, F Delth. Sh.Lst.... Div. 2, A. Or., M.Sa. Carad. ' (Anticosti) East Point. Anticosti Isle, Gull Cape (Gulf St. Lawrence). England, (Wales) Build- was &c. (Anticosti Isle) Ellis Bay, Gull Cape. (Bohemia) Beraun. Div. 2, A. Gr., Llandov., M.Sa. Green-grained L. Fauna E. e. 1 ... Fauna E, F !Tr Kipenet, Poulkova, &c. (Rus- sia), Isles Oesel and Dago, Reval, &c. ^Can. E.) Lorette, Beauport. Fauna F Tr., H. R. G. ... Llandov (Can. E.) L. St. John, Mon- treal, (Can. W.) L. Huron West, Moira River, Hum- ber River, (N.W. Verrat.) Highgate Spring, New York, Ohio, Indiana. Ten- nessee, Wisconsin, Michi- gan, Fort Garry (Rupert's Land). Delves Green, Woolhope. Corall. Lst. . . . Delth. Sh.Lst.... Div. 1, A. Gr.. Llandov. W (Anticosti) Gamache Bay. Cor. Lst., Schoh. Fauna E. e. 1 ... (Bohem.) Prague, Beraun. BRACHIOPODA.J 115 j Subdivision. Genus, Species, and Author. Lower Stage. Middle Stage. Upper Stage. Fauna; F, G. g. 1 Carad., L.Llan- dov., W. Fauna F Latona, Barr- Lewisii, Davidson. linguata, Von Buch. Livonica, Von Buch, Barr. Llandoveriana, Davidson. Mansoni, Salter. matercula, Barr. Megasra, ,, mica, Billings. (Bohemia) Tetin, Branik. Konieprus. Middle and South Gothland, (Engl.) Dudley, Walsall. &c. Bohemia. Norway, Bohemia. (Arctic Seas, America) Wei lington Channel. (Bohemia) Konieprus. (Bohemia) Prague. ,, Konieprus. (N. York) Helderberg Mts., (Tennessee, W.) Wayne County, Gaspe (Can. E.) Middle and South Gothland. Norway, (Wales) Cefn, Barog, Dinas, Bran, &c., Kendal. (Can. E.) Port Daniel, (Can. W.)Dundas,Arisaig (Nova Scotia), New York, Wis- consin, Indiana. (New York) Lockport, Wol- cott, Wales, Gothland. (New York) Albany County &c., Pennsylvania. (Can. E.) Port Daniel. (New York") Schoharie and Albany Counties. (England) Kington, Hagley Park, &c., (Scotl.) Pent- lands, (Irel.) Derrimore Glen, Kerry, ( Wales^lan- rws^HoreDChapel, Russ., &c., Esthonia, Sweden, N. York ?. (Bohem.) Mnienian, Konie- prus, (France) Low. Loire, Debray, Norway, Lower Harz. (France) Lower Loire, De- bray, Bohemia. (Bohemia) Kozorz, Borek, Lodenitz, &c., (England) ? Ledbury, Dudley, &c. ^Bohem.) Hlubocep, Dwo- vetz, Lochkov. Konieprus. Wales, Sweden, (Shropshire) Church Stretton. Deer Hope, Pentland Hills (Scotland). Arctic Seas (America), Cape King &c. (New York, east) Albany County. Mathyrafal, Meifod (W.). E Carad., Llandov. Fauna F South Wales Galway, passim. ,. E. e. 1 ... Div. 4, A. Gr., Mayhill. Fauna E Bohemia. (Anticosti) The Jumpers. (Bohemia) Beraun. (Bohemia) Beraun. Minerva. Barr. modesta, Billings. modica, Barr. monaca, Barr. monas, ,, mutabilis, n. s. Hall. nasuta, M'Coy. navicula, Sowerby. neglecta, A'rypa. Niobe ?, Barr. nitida, Hall. Atrypa. nobilis, ,, nodostriata, ? nomacla, Eichw. micella, Dalman. nucleolata, Hall. nuctila, Sowerby. xemisulcata. nutrix, Billings, nympha, Barr. var. emaciata, obovata, Sowerby. obtusiplicata, Hall. orientalis, Billings, passer. Barr. pentagona, Sowerby. Pentlandica, Haswell. phoca, Salter. plano-convexa, Hall. H. E. G (Lake Huron) Cape Smyth, West Bay, Manitouline Island, Tennessee, Ohio. Fauna E F L.Pentam. Lst... Carad., W., ILL. FaunaE, U.Llan- dov., W., L. Llandov., Niag., L. H. G. Niag., W U.Pentam. Lst... L. H. G ; S.W.Scotl.)Girvan, (Wales) Llanfyllin. (Bohem.) Beraun, (Engl.) Mayhill. England, New York, Nova Scotia, Mandinam (Wales). ? Pleta Poulkova (St. Petersburg). Russia. Delth. Sh. Lst.... U.Llandov., W., U.L. Div. I, A. Gr.. Llandov. Fauna F England, (Wales) Mar- loes Bay,(Norw.) Chris- tiania. (Anticosti) Ganiache Bay. Faunae E,G.g.l, 2, Llandov., W., L. Llandov CH (N. York)Lockport,( Engl. ) Malvern, Mayhill, &c., (Wales) Presteign &c. G. St. Lawr.) Mingan Isles. Faunae F, G. g. 1,2. L Delth. Sh. Lst.... 116 [BRACHIOPOBA. Subdivision. Genus, Species, and Author. Lower Stage. Middle Stage. Upper Stage. CH plena, Hall. plicata, Atrypa. plicatella, Dalm. plicatula, Hall. Atrypa, plicifera, Hall. Pomelii, Davidson. postrema, Barr. praegnans, ,, princeps, ,, species allied, Billings. problematica. Barr. Proserpina, Psyche, ,, pusilla, Sowerby. pyramidata, Hall. Pyrrha, Billings, quadricostata, Hall, recurvirostra, robusta, ,, Atrypa. rudis, n. s. ,, rugosa, Saffordi, Sappho, Barr. Scotica, M'Coy. scrobiculosa. Barr. secale, Eichw. semiplicata. Hall. semisulcata, Dalm. Nucula. serrata, Sowerby. sexcostata, M'Coy. sinuata, Hall, solitaria, Barr. sordida, Hall, sphserica, Sowerby. sphaeroidalis, M'Coy. (Can.E. & W.)Ottawa Eiver, Montreal, Cornwall, &c., New York, Lake Winni- peg (Eupert's Land). New York. (I. Oesel)Hohenheim, Ficht. Sweden, Lower Harz (Thu- ringia), Dudley, Sedgeley (England). (Bohemia) Trzebotov. Konieprus. (Bohem.) Tetin, Mnienian, Konieprus, Karlstein, &c., (France) Lower Loire, Thuringia. (N. New Brunswick) Eesti- gouche. (Bohemia) Konieprus. (New York, east) Albany Co. (Nova Scotia) Arisaig. (N. York) Lockport, (Can. W.) Flambro' W. (N. York, east) Hudson City. Tennessee, (Nova Scotia) Arisaig. (Bohemia) Prague? (Isle Oesel, Baltic) Lode. (N. York) Helderberg Mts., Gaspe (Canada E.). Hagley Park &c. (England), Lammermuir (S. Scotl.). Arisaig (Nova Scotia). (Bohem.) Konieprus, Mnie- nian. (Middle Gothland) Wisby, England ?. New York, (Engl.) Ireleth, Lancashire, Church Stret- ton, Dudley, Ledbury. (N.York) Schoharie County, (Engl.) Dudley, Malvern, (Wales) Presteign, Usk, &c., (Can. E.) Port Daniel. (Arctic Seas) Wellington Channel. (Wales) Uanfyllen, Llan- gyuyw (Montgomerysh.). (N. York) Albany County. (Bohemia) Konieprus. M.Sa Corall. Lst CL (N.York) Eeynale's Basin. B..BL (Can. W.) Camp d'Ours, L. Huron, New York, Penn- sylvania. L Fauna G. g. 3 . . . E. e. 1... Faunae E, F, G. g. 1. ? Fauna F . U.Llandov (Engl.) Malvern, (Wales) Llandovery. A.Gr.,Delth.Sh. Lst. Div. 2, Llandov. L. H. G. &c. ... (Anticosti) Otter Eiver. N. Wisconsin (TJ.S.A ) ? B., BL., Tr., H. E. G. CL (Can.W.) Cape Smyth, (Lake Huron) Moira Eiver, (Can. E.) Montreal, Lake St. John, New York, Ten- nessee, N.W. Michigan, Wisconsin, Anticosti. Delfch. Sh. Lst.... M.Sa (Can.W.) Nelson Townsp. L. H. G Fauna E (Bohemia) Beraun Fauna I) S.W. Scotland. (Bohemia) Beraun ? L.Pentam. Lst., L. H. G. U.Llandov., L... W Marloes Bay (Irel.) Cong &c , Galway, (S.W. Scotl.) Saughliill. (Engl.)Walsall, N. Wales, Galway (Ireland). L. H. G Fauna E (Bohemia) St. Ivan (Norway) Christiania? ... Tr. . N. York (locality unknown). W Delth. Sh. Lst... L. Llandov., W. . . Tr. . Stricklandii, Sowerby. sublepida, Verneuil. subundata, M'Coy. subtrigonalis, Hall, sulcoplicata, svlphidea, Barr. (Wales) Mathyrafal &c.... (N. York) Lewis County. Delth. Sh. Lst.... Fauna F BRACHIOPODA.] 117 Subdivision. Genus, Species, and Author. Lower Stage. Middle Stage. Upper Stage. Fauna F tarda, Barr. Tennessee-ensis, Romer. Thetis, Barr. Thisbe, transversa, Hall. tripartita, Sowerby. tumida, Hall ? umbra, Barr. upsilon, ,, vellicata. Hall. velox, Barr. ventricosa, Hall. vicina, Billings. volitans, Barr. Wilsoni, Sowerby. sp. ind., Salter. Meek. Selwyn. Rhynchcspira (subgen sequiradiata, Hall. Deweyi, Waldheimia. formosa, Waldheimia. ^lobosa, ,, sinuata, ,. Siphonotreta, Verneuil, Anglica, Morris. micula, M'Coy. unguiculata, Eichw. verrucosa, ,, sp. ind., Selwyn. Skenidium, Hall, 1860. insignis, Hall. pyramidalis, ,, sp. ind., ,, Spirifera, Sowerby, 1820. tequirostris, Verneuil. var. sequalis, var. deformata, arenosa, Hall. Baltica, Dalm. Barrandei, Verneuil. Mcostata, Hall. (Bohemia) Prague, Beraun. (Tennessee W.) Decatur Co. (Bohem.)Chotecz,Konieprus. (New York, east) Helderberg Mountains. New York. (N. York) Albany and Scho- harieCoun ties, (North New Brunswick) Restigouche. (Bohemia) Mnienian. (New York, east and central) Cherry Valley. Bohemia. (Nova Scotia) Arisaig, (Can. E.) St. Helen's Isle, Ten- nessee, New York, (Engl.) Dudley,Aymestry, (Scotl.) Pentland Hills, Ireland, Wales, Middle and South Gothland, Norway, Estho- nia, Bohemia, Silesia, Rus- sia. Arctic Seas (America). Kennedy's Channel (Arctic America). RHYNCHONELLA of authors, Hall.) (New York) Albany County. (Tennessee) Wayne County. (Tennessee W.) Nova Scotia. Dudley (England). Tennessee (U. S. America). V > (Can. E.) Cape Gaspe, De- vonian in New York. South Gothland. Bohemia, Gothland. New York) Oneida County, (Can. W.) Flambro'. Niag Faunae F, G. g. 1 Faur a E (Bohemia) St. Ivan. Delth. Sh.Lst... Llandov England, (Wales) Golen- goed. Niag Fauna E. e. 1 ... E. e. 1 ?, Carad. Delth. Sh.Lst... Fauna F (Bohemia) Beraun. Wales (M'Coy), Pwllheli ... U.Pen tarn. Lst... Div. 4, A. Gr., Mayhill. Fauna F (Anticosti) S.W. Point. Llandov., W.,L., L. H. G., Niag. Carad (Engl.) Mayhill, Wales, (Irel.) Cong, Galway. Great Barr, Staffordshire. (Caernarvon) Carnadd Da- fydd. Tasmania West. Delth. Sh.Lst.... L H G. Victoria (Australia). 1859. (TEREBRATULA & us of TREMATOSPIRA), Hall, New York (U. S. America). Carad W 1845. Sunny Banks, Coniston(Lan- cashire). (Ireland) Meath, England, (S.W. Scotland) Glenkiln, Dumfriesshire, (Wales) Conway, Builth, &c., Mel- bourne, Deep Creek (Au- stralia). (Russ.) Lake Ladoga, Poul- kova, (Esthonia) ReVal, Odinsholm, &c. Poulkova &c. (Russia), Es- thonia. Llan Victoria (Australia). Pleta L H G L H G Tennessee (U. S. America). (DELTHYRIS, Dalman ; BR (Russia) St. Petersburg, (Es- thonia) Paggart. (Russia) D'Erras &c. Russia. ACHYTIIYRIS &C., M' Coy). 118 [BRACHIOPODA. Subdivision. Genus, Species, and Author. Lower Stage. Middle Stage. Upper Stage. Carad.,Tr.,=Ut. Slate, H. K. G., CL., Niag. W.,L nforata, Schloth. Orthis. var. bijugosa, M'Coy. chama, Eichw. ., dentata, Pander. lynx, Eichw. biloba, Conrad. Bischofi, Romer. cardiospermiformis.Hising. caudata, Sowerby. colubri, Barr. concinna, Hall. crispa, Hising. cycloptera, Hall. cyrtsena, Dalm. plicatella. decemplicata, Hall, deperdita, Barr. dimidiata, . Eichw elegantula, Hall. elevata, Dalm =ptychodes. eudora, Hall expansa, exporrecta, Wahlenb trapezoidalis. exsul, Barr. falco, fallax, Giebel faustula, Barr gibbosa, Hall Barr. (MS.) granulosa, Conrad, inconstans, Hall indiflerens, Barr ii id nun. ,, inflectens, Barr. (MS.) interlineata, Sowerby plicatella. Sew York, Tennessee, Up. Mississippi River, Russia, (Wales) Llandeilo, Bala, &c., (Westmoreland) Ra- venstone Dale. (New York) Rochester &c. Sew York. Jreaghmartin, Doonquin, Ferriter's Cove (Ireland). (New York) Wolcott, Lock- port, &c. Lower Harz (Germany). (Gothland) Wisby, Djupvi- ken. (Sweden) Gothland. (New York, east) Helderberg Mountains. (N. York) Schoharie County, Lockport, Lewiston, (Can. E.) Port Daniel, Cape Gaspe, (Can. W.)Thorold, Arctic Seas (Amer.), Isle Oesel (Baltic), Norway, (Sweden) Djupviken,Low. Harz, (Wales) Llangollen, (Engl.) Malvern, Clun- gunford, (Irel.) Doonquin &c., (Scotl.) Pentlands. (New York, east) Helderberg Mountains. New York, Gothland, (Engl.) Dudley, Benthal Edge, Ledbury. (New York) Lockport. (Bohemia) Karlstein. Kaminetz (Podolia). (Wales) Plas Madoc, Llan- rwst, &c., (Engl.) Dudley, Walsall, Benthall Edge, Kendal, &c., (Gothland; Djupviken, Hoburg, &c., (Norway) Christiania, I. Oesel (Baltic), Dingle &c. (Ireland). Wisconsin (U. S. America). Gothland. (Bohemia) Mnienian, Konie- prus, Tetin. Lower Harz (Devonian ?). (Bohemia) Konieprus. New York, Wisconsin. (Bohemia) St. Ivan. (New York) Cherry Valley. Wisconsin. (Bohemia) Mnienian. (Bohem. )Chotecz,Konieprus, Franta, Pekarkovitz. (Bohemia) St. Ivan. Sweden, (Engl.) Westmore- land, Aymestry, Woolhope, Wales,(Irel.)Doonquin&c. Pleta (Russ.) St. Petersburg, Re- val (Baltic). (Russia) St. Petersburg, (Lancashire) Coniston. Llanwddn (Wales). (N.York) Middleville &c., Tennessee, Ohio, Canada, Indiana,Iowa,(Wisconsin) Mineral Point, Norway. Carad., Pleta ... Tr Niag ? Fauna E. e. 1 ... L. H. G Bohemia. Car., Llandov., W., L. L. H. G Wales, Ankerdine Hills (Shropshire). W., L., Niag. ... Niag Fauna G. g. 1 ... Carad., Corall. Lst. U. & L.Llandov., W., L., Down- ton Sandastone 9 Tr (Esthonia) D'Erras Upper Mississippi River, Tennessee. L. Winnipeg, Fort Garry(Rupert's Ld.). (Engl.) Tortworth, May- hill, Huntley Hill, &c. Wisconsin (U. S. America). Coosathorrig, Bull's Heac (Kerry). Bohemia. U.Llandov., W. L. Fauna E. e. 1 Faunae F, G. g. 1 Fauna F Niag Fauna F.f. 2 .. Delth. Sh. Lst... Niag Fauna F Faunae F, G. g. 1 H. h, i. Fauna E. e. 2 .. W BRACHIOPODA.] 119 Subdivision. Genus, Species, and Author. Lower Stage. Middle Stage. Upper Stage. Delth. Sh. Lst, L. H. G. ? L. H. G .ntermedia, Barr. ineata, Hall. macropleura, Conrad. Niagarensis, var. oligo- ptycha. Marklini, Verneuil. microptera, D'Archiac. modesta, Hall, multisulcata, Hising. Cyrt&na. musca, Barr. Saiadum, tferei, Niagarensis, Conrad. nobilis, Barr. nucula, Barr. (MS.) octocostata, Hall, octoplicata, Sowerby. ovata, M'Coy. Dachyoptera, Conrad. 3achyrhyncha, Verneuil. Panderi, aerlamellosa, Hall. 3erversa, Barr. 3etasa, jiper, Eichw. pisum, Sowerby. (see Nucleospira). plicata. Hall. plicatella, Linn. tenuistriata, Shaier. var. interlineata, Salter. radiata, Sowerby. globosa, Salter. pollens, Barr. ,, Romer. porambonites, Von Buch. var. rotunda, ,, subrecta, Verneuil. Proteus, Barr. ptychodes, Dalm. puncto-striata, Hall, punctulifera, Conrad. pusio, Hising. pyramidalis, Hall. Racinensis, M'Chesney. radiata, Sowerby. Bohemia, Sardinia. Upper Mississippi River, S. Wisconsin (L. Michigan). (New York)Helder berg Mts., (Tennessee) Wayne Co., Pennsylvania, Maryland. (Gothland) Wisby. Cumberland Co.(Maryland). Wisby (Gothland). (Bohemia) Mnienian. (Boh.) Konieprus, (France) Nantes. (Bohem.) Prague, Konieprus. (Can. W.) Thorold, Rock- wood, (N. York) Wolcott &c., Tennessee, S. Wiscon- sin", N.W. Michigan. Kozel (Bohemia). (Maryland) Cumberland Co. (Irel.) Ferriter's Cove &c., (Engl.) Abberley, Dudley, North Gothland. (New York) Cherry Valley, Canada. Ural, R. Serebrianka (passes into Devonian). (New York, east) Helderberg Mountains, (Tennessee) Wayne County. (Ural, N.) Bogoslovsk, Isle Dago (Baltic). Walsall (England). (New York) Schoharie Co. (Engl.) Malvern, Dudley. Ludlow, &c., (Wales)Mar- loesBay&c.,(Sweden)Klin- teberg &c., Norway, Rus- sia, Esthonia, I. Anticosti, Canada W., (N.York) Ge- nessee Falls, Wisconsin. (England) Dudley, Ludlow. Creaghmartin (Ireland). (Engl.) Malvern, Ledbury, Abberley, &c. Dudley (Engl.), Mid. Goth- land. Bohemia. Lower Harz (Giebel). (Gothland) Vamblingo. New York. (Tennessee W.) Wayne Co., (Can. E.) St. Helen's Isl. (Gothland) Klinteberg. (New York) Lewiston, (Can. W.) Thorold. Racine (Wisconsin). Keeper's lodge, Golden Gr. (Wales), Dudley (Engl.). N. Gothland, Chicago (Il- linois), (N.York) Lewiston &c., (Can. W.) Thorold. Sardinia. Fauna; E. e. 1, F ii CL., Niag Bohemia Canada. Fauna E. e. 1 . . . E. e. 2 ... L. H. Qt ^Bohemia) Beraun &c. L. & TI.Llandov., W. Carad.,Llandov., W. L. H. a South Wales (Irel.) Cong, Galway, &c. Pleta with green grains. L. H. G St. Petersburg (Russia). Fauna E. e. 1 ... 9 W Bohemia. (Bohemia) Beraun. L. H. G L. & U.Llandov., W., L. W., L NewYork,(Anticosti)S.W. Point &c., (Wales)Llan- gadock, Welchpool, (Ire- land)Bull'sHead,Kerry, (England) Mayhill. L.Llandov.,W.... W Quakers' Burial-ground, Welchpool. ^ Gal way) Cong &c Faunae E, F Pleta Bohemia N. Russia, Norway, Sweden. St. Petersburg (Russ.), Nor- way. Russia. Bohemia. Fauna E (base). L. H. G > Nia*". Kacine = Niag.... CL.,Niag.,W.,L (Anticosti) Jupiter River. 120 [BRACIIIOPODA. Subdivision. Genus, Species, and Author. Lower Stage. Middle Stage. Upper Stage. L. H. G recta, Pander, rugfficosta, Hall, rugosa, , , St. Petersburg (Russia). Arisaig (Nova Scotia). Tennessee (U. S. America). (Tennessee)Decatur County, (N. York) Becraft's Mtn. (Middle & South Gothland) Hoburg, Ostergarn. (Bohemia) Konieprus &c. Lower Harz (Germany). Chicago (Illinois). (Irel.) Ferriter's Cove,Kerry. Bohemia ?, Gothland, Lower Harz, West of Ireland. Bohemia. (Middle & South Gothland) Hoburg &c., Faro Isles Lansa (in Sweden). (Bohemia) Mnienian. Lower Harz (Germany). Arisaig (NovaScotia), (Goth- land) Bodahamn. Britain, Ireland, Bohemia, (N.Gothland) Temple Nas &c., Norway, Isle Oesel, Lode, &c. (Baltic), Penn- sylvania, New York, N.W. Michigan. (Bohemia) Dvoretz, Konie- prus, Lochkov. Bohemia. (Tennessee) Decatur Co., (Anticosti) S.W. Point (Shaler). (Bohemia) Konieprus. Beraun, Konieprus. (Engl.) Dudley, Woolhope, &c., (Wales)3Golden Gro., Usk, &c., Upper Missis- sippi, Ireland, Norway, (Swed.) Wisby &c., (Boh.) Litten. (Boh.) Konieprus, Chotecz. (Bohemia) Konieprus. (N.York, east) AlbanyCo.&c. New York, N.W. Michigan (Lake Superior). (New York) Cherry Yalley, Schoharie & Carlisle Cos. (Bohem . ) Prague, Konieprus. (Isle Oesel, Baltic) Hohen- eichen. (N.York) Schoharie County. Berrigal (New S. Wales). Davenport (Illinois). (France) Lower Loire. W.S.) (Canada West) Thorold. Delth. Sh. Lst.... Fauna F . . Saffordi, Schmidti, Lindstrom. secans, Barr. Selcana, Giebel. sericea, Romer. similior, Winchell & Marcy. speciosa, Schloth. spuria, Barr. =subspuria, M'Coy. striatissima, Barr. striolata, Lindstrom. stryx, Barr. subsinuata, Romer. subsulcata, Hall. sulcata, Hising. superstes, Barr. ;enella, ;enuicosta, Eichw. tenuistriata, Hall. terebratuliformis, M'Coy. Thetidis, Barr. togata, ,, toreno, Verneuil. trapezoidalis, Dalm. = exporrecta, Wahlenb. Triton, Barr. tridens, M'Coy. tyro, Barr. Vanuxemi, Hall, varica, ventricosa, viator, Barr. undifera, Romer. undulata, Conrad. Uralo-altaica, Grunewaldt. sp. ind., Selwyn. ,, (many), Stuchbury. Hall. D. D. Owen. Spirigerina, D'Orbigny. imbricata, Sowerby. nitida, subwilsoni, Cailliaud. undifera, Schmidt. Stricklandinia, Billings arachne, Billings. Arethusa, ,, Canadensis, var. brevis, ? Niaer Fauna E, W. ... Fauna F I:::::::::::.::::::::::::::::"" ^Bohemia) Beraun &c. ... j,. H. G Niag., L. H. G. &c., Fauna E, W. Faunae F, G-. g. 1 Fauna F Delth. Sh. Lst., Up.Div.F.An- ticosti. Carad Reval (Baltic). Cumberland, (Irel.) Chair of Kildare, Portrane, Dub- lin, Sardinia. Fauna F FaunaeD,E(base), F ? U.Llandov., W., L. Faunae F, G, g. 1 Carad., W Fauna F Bohemia (colony, Zippe) . . . France, Spain. (Merionethsh.) Bala Lake? (Bohemia) Beraun &c. ... (Wales) Builth &c., Shrop- shire, Malverns, &c. Tramore (Waterford) Cong (Galway). Tenta.L.,L.H.G. L. H. G Faunas E, F? ... Corall. Lst Delth. Sh. Lst.... ? CL Bohemia (Silic. Lst.) Bogoslowsk. Victoria (Australia). ? (N. York) Wayne County. Niaar. Highest part . . . P., Queb. G. ... Div.3,4,Anticosti Gr. Russia. Borkholm (Esthonia). = STRICKLANDIA, 1859. (A Point Levis (Canada East). form of PENTAMERUS, J. (Anticosti) S.W. Point, Sweden. Stricldandinia. 121 BRACHIOPODA. Subdivision. Genus, Species, and Author. Lower Stage. Middle Stage. Upper Stage. L. & U.Llandov Div. 3, Anti costi Or. Llandov., W. Divs. 3, 4, An ticosti Gr. Delth. Sh. Lst... L. H. G. ...'.' Gasp-ensis, Billings , lens, Sowerb , lirata, Strophodonta, Hall, ] 3eckii, Hall, Mee ^avumbona, Hal leadleyana, jeavensworthiana, ilanulata, irisca, punctulifera, textilis, varistriata, var. arata, Woolworthiana, Strophomena, Eafines alternata, Conrac Anticostiensis, Shaler. alterni-radiata, Shaler. alterni-striata, Hall. intiquata, Sowerby. scabrosa. ipplanata, Salter. ranea, rcuata, Shaler. renacea, j-ethusa, Billings. Lsmussi, Schmidt. Lurora, Billings. Beckii, Hall, ellula, Barr. ipartita, Salter. alternata. ipartita, Hall, isecta, Salter. amerata, Conrad. ancellata, Portlock. Orthis. avumbona, Hall. eres, Billings, mmserops, Salter. L'Anse a la Vielle (Gaspe' (Gothland) Wisby, (Wales) Marloes Bay, (Englanc Woolhope. (New York, east) Helderberg Coniston(Lancash.), (Wale Mandinam. (Anticosti) Jupiter Eiv &c., Sweden, (Englanc Shropshire &c., (Wale Meiford &c., Eussia. (Anticosti) Heath Poi &c., Norway, Malvern Mayhill, Shropshire,] & W. Ireland, Wale S.W. Scotland,. Wes moreland. 52. Mountains. (New York, east) Helderberg Mountains. New York) Schoharie Co. (New York, east) Schoharie County &c. (New York, east) Becraft's Mountain &c. (N. York, east) Helderberg Mountains. *) 'entland Hills (Scotland), (England) Wenlock Edge, Walsall, Ledbury, &c., (Wales) Pen-y-lan. England) Longmynd, Deer Hope, Pentland Hills (Scotland). 3an.E.) Cape Gaspe. 3ohemia) Dvoretz. !f .York) Schoharie County. !few York) Albany and Co- lumbia Counties. CL (N. York) Oneida Count L. H. G Corall.L.,Schoh Tentac. Lst., ] H. G.,Pent.Ls Delth. Sh. Lst (in a crystallin band). Delth. Sh. Lst.. Carad.,Llandov CH., H. E. G Divs. 1, 2, 3, 4 A. group. ? H. E. G. ue, 1820?. (LEPTAGONIA, (Anticosti Isl.) Heath Poin: (Can. E.) Lake St. John Mingan I., Montmorenci Montreal, Murray Bay Cape Smyth (L. Huron) N. York, Tennessee, Wis consin (Illinois), Dunleit (Scotland), (Engl.) Acton Scott &c., (Irel.)Portraine Dublin, (Wales) Madryn Park, Llanfyllin. M'Coy; ORTHIS, auctor Canada, New York, Eng land, Anticosti, passim Anticostilsle) S.W.Point. jlandovery, Bogmine,Ma- thyrafal,Haverfordwesi &c. (Wales), ( Anticostr Prinsta Bay &c., Scot- land. Engl.) Malvern, (Wales) Usk, Builth, &c. jiticosti Isle. England) Mayhill &c., (Wales) Presteign. Wales) Presteign. Ohio) Cincinnati, (Ken- tucky) Maysville &c. 3oniston (Lancashire), Wa- terhead, (Ireland) Chair of Kildare, (Wales) Blaen- y-Cwm,Ehaider,&c., Eiver Chatte (Gaspe). Carad., Llandov., W., Divs. 2, 3, A. G.,Llandov., Mayhill. U.Llandov., W., L. ? J.Llandov H. E. G iti Pass (Himalaya), Dam- chen &c. Anticosti Isle) Cape Obser- vation. Dsthonia, passim. Newfoundl. N. & W.) Point Eich &c. Pleta &c Divs.K,L, M,N, P, Queb. G. L H G ? auna G. g. 1 ... J.Llandov Corall.Lst.,Scho. Tr England) Horderley ^ooltack, Pembrokeshire. iti Pass (Himalaya), Bom- pras, &c. !few York) Trenton Falls, Canada, reland) Tyrone,. Carad Delth. Sh. Lst.... ..E.G., Llandov. Lnticosti Isle) Charlton Pt. itiPass(Himal.),Damchen. Anticosti) East Point. 2i StropJiomena. 122 BRACHIOPODA. Subdivision. Genus, Species, and Author. Lower Stage. Middle Stage. Upper Stage. CL Clintonensis, Hal complanata, Sowerby compressa, concentrica, Portlock Conradi, Hal corrugata, Portlock crispa, Lindstrom deflecta, Conrad deltoidea, Conrad var. j8 undata, depressa, Sowerby rhomboidalis. var. Buchiana, Barr. ,, Goldfussiana, ,, vulgaris, Donetti, Salter. elongata, Conrad, emarginata, Barr. euglypha, Dalm. expansa, Sowerby. fasciata, Hall, filitexta, filosa, Sowerby. Orthis. Fischeri, Murch. pseudo-Fischeri,Schmidt. luctuosa, Billings. 'uniculata. M'Coy. Engl., (N.York) Genesse i (Wales)Presteign, (Shrop shire) Norbury &c. I .. 1. (Engl.) Skte Mill,Hasguard, (Wales) Wooltack Bay, Moel Seisiog, (Irel.) Fer- riter's Cove. (N. York, east) Schoharie Co. (Wales) Craig-y-garcyd. Middle and South Gothland. Gasp6 (Can. E.), Anticosti Isle, Canada, New York, Tennessee, Missouri, Sout] Wisconsin, (Engl.) Mal- verns, Walsall, Ludlow, Westmoreland, (Wales Lansannan, (Ireland) Fer- riter's Cove &c., Bohe- mia, Gothland, Gembloux (Belgium) (Earrande). Boh.) Konieprus, Mnienian. (Arctic Amer.) Griffith's Isl. (N.Y.,central) Herkimer Co. Bohem.) Mnienian, Dlauha Hora, Hlubocep, Kozorz, Lochkov, Dvoretz, Hostin, Tetin, St. Ivan. Irel.)Ferriter'sCove,(Engl.) Dudley,Leintwardine, &c., Bohemia, (W.)Lansannan, Mid., S. & W. Gothland. ?huringia (lascke) ? &c. Wales) Usk, Park Lane, GoldenGrove, Llandovery, &c., (Engl.) Shropshire, White Cliff, Ludlow, Ken- dal, Wenlock, Dudley, (Irel.)DerrymoreGlen &c., Mid. & South Gothland, outh Gothland. Canada E.) Point Daniel, Dudley (Engl.), (Wales) Denbighshire, Lansannan, &c., Bohemia, Mid. Goth- land, Norway, (Ireland) Ferriter's Cove &c. Carad .. ... ( Shropshire ) Acton B ushnel] (Wexford Co.) Tramore. (Shropshire) Horderley, Gt Barr (Staffordshire), Ty rone (Irel.), Llangoller (Wales), Esthonia, Isl< Dago, Tortworth (Glou cestershire). (Irel.) Tyrone, (England Shrewsbury. Pleta, Car., U Llandov., W. Carad Pent. L., L.H.G Carad., Llandov. W. Tr Tyrone) Desertcreate, Wa- terford, (Westmoreland Leisley, (Wales) Golden Grove and Merigomish. (Nova Scotia) Arisaig. . (Wisconsin) Mineral Point Tortugal)Bussaco, Coniston (Lancashire), Horderley (Engl.), (Wales) Meifod Esthonia, (Can.) Malbay Montreal, New York, Mis souri,N.W.Michigan,Fall of St. Anthony (Minn.). (N. & S. Wales) Llandeilo Bala, Wrexham, &c. Chair of Kildare (Ireland) (Engl.) Sedberg, (Wales Carned Defydd, Snowdon &c., Ohio. Canada, England,Norway (Irel.) Bull's Head, Kerry New York, Upper Mis sissippi River, (Wales Cefn &c., Norway, Ari saig (Nova Scotia), Gal way (Ireland), (Engl. Tortworth. [Bohem.) Prague, Beraun Carad., Tr Carad., TJ. Llan- dov., W., L., CL., Niag.,Del. Sh. Lst. ? ? ? L. H. G (Bohem.) Prague, Beraun L. & U.Llandov., W., L. & U.L., Fauna E. e. 1. Carad ^. Gothland, Bohemia, Nor- way, Esthonia, St. Peters- burg (Russia). Wales) Pentref.Penmachno, (Shropsh.) Horderley &c., ChurchStretton &c.,West- morel.,Coniston(Lancash.' N.York,N.E.) ChazyViUage, Can. W.) Cape Smyth &c., Lake Huron, Mid. Ottawa River, New York, N.W. Michigan, England. Russ.)St.Petersburg, Tosna, Dunabrattin, Waterford. England, Norway, Bohe- mia, (Wales) Pen-y-lan &c. (Wales) Mathyrafal, Eng- land. CH. .. H. E. G Pleta, W.,L.L.... Tr., H. R. G. ... Fauna E, Llan- Can. W.) Ottawa City, (An- ticosti) Charlton Point. Sardinia, Wales, Ireland. dov., W., L.L. ... Strophomena. 123 BKACHIOPODA. Subdivision. Genus, Species, and Author. Lower Stage. Middle Stage. Upper Stage. Tr., H. E. G., Carad. L. H. G grandis, Sowerby. cancettata, Portlock. halo, Salter. Headleyana, Hall. Hecuba, Billings, imbecillis, Billings. imbrex, Pander. Davidson, mpressa, Conrad, incrassata, Hall. indentata, Conrad. intercostata, Portlock. interplicata, M'Coy. Julia, Billings New York, (Ohio)Cincinnati, (Engl.) Eavenstone Dale, (Westmorel.) Shropshire, Acton Scott, &c., Glouces- tershire, Mayhill, Ireland, Tirnaskea, (Eussia) Gats- china, (Esthon.)Lyckholm &c., (Wales) Llanfyllin &c. Niti Pass(Himalaya),Milam, &c. (Wales) Mathyrafal (New York) Genessee Falls. (New York, east) Helderberg Mountains. (Gothl.) Wisby, (England) Dudley, Malvern, (Walesj Craig-y-garcyd, (Ireland) Ferriter's Cove. England, Gothland. (New York) Springfield. (N. York, central) Herkimer County. (New York, east) Helderberg Mountains. Wisby (Gothland). Ferriter's Cove &c. (County Kerry). Chicago (Illinois). (West and Middle Goth- land) Wisby. Chicago (Illinois). New York. Mid. Gothland, Bohemia. Dudley (England). Whitecliff, Ludlow. Presteign (Eadnor). (Irel.) Ferriter's Cove, Pent- land Hills (Scotl.), (Engl.) Dudley &c., (Wales) Pres- teign, Ural, (Norw.) Grot- lingbo, Isle Oesel, Pich- tendahl,&c. (Bait.), (Goth- . land) Klinteberg &c., Nor- way, (Can. W.) Thorold, Tennessee, New York. New York, Tennessee, Upper H. E. G Isl. Anticosti (G. St. Lawr.). (Newfoundland W.) Port- land Creek. (Isl. Anticosti) Cape Eobert, Norway, Eussia. Div. P, Queb. G. Pleta,H.E.G.,W. CH.,B.,BL.,Tr., H. E. G. Delth.Sh.Lst.... Carad Mingan Isles (G. St. Lawr.) Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Canada, New York, Ten- nessee. Bardahessiagh (Tyrone). Chair of Kildare (Ireland). (Anticosti) The Jumpers. Div.4,A.G., May- hill. Delth. Sh.Lst.... Divs. 2, 3, Anti- costi Gr. Niag Lept&na, Shaler. Leavensworthiana, Conrad. Leda, Billings, lineatissima, Salter. Loveni, Verneuil. .unata, Sowerby. macra, Winch. & Mar. nasuta, Lindstrom. Niagarensis, Winch.& Mar. nitens, Billings, nubigena, Salter. obscura, Hall, orbicularis, Sowerby. Orbignyi, Davidson, ornatella, orthididsea, Hall. Ouralensis, Verneuil. patenta, Hall, pecten, Sharpe, Linn., Hising. ,, Dalm. perplana, Billings ? Phiilipsii, Barr. Philomela, Billings, plano-convexa, Hall. planulata, Billings. (Anticosti) East Point. Niti Pass (Himalaya), Kala- jowar. Pleta, with py- roxene. Niaff H E. G (Anticosti) Charlton Point. Niti Pass(Himalaya), Upper Eimkin. Onond. S.Gr. ... w New York, N. Wisconsin, (England) Cornwall. UL.i CH. New York (U. S. America). W CL ... . New York (U.S.America). Bohemia, (Shropshire) Ch. Stretton &c., Cong, Gal- way (Ireland), (Wales) Llandovery, Builth, An- ticosti passim. Upper Mississippi Eiver. Wales H. E. G., M.Sa., L. H. G., Car., Llandov., W., L.L., Fauna E. e. 1. Carad., Llandov.. W. L. H. G S.W. Scotland, Coniston (Lancash.), Yorkshire &c., (Wales) Capel Cerrig &c., Norway, South Bay, Mani- touline Isl. (Lake Huron). Westrogothia; Nor w., Wales, (Eussia) Lapoukhinka. Mississippi Eiver. (Canada E.) Cape Gaspe. (Bohemia) Konieprus, Hos- tin, Gothland. Fauna G. g. 1, W. Divs. 2, 3,4 Tr (Anticosti) East Point &c. Wisconsin, Ohio, Indiana, Kentucky, New York, Fort Garry, Lake Winnipeg (Eupert's Land). (Canada E.) Gasp<. Strophomena. 124 BEACHIOPODA. Subdivision. Genus, Species, and Author. Lower Stage. Middle Stage. Upper Stage. Tr.,H.E. G. .. CH planumbona, Hall plicifera, profunda, punctulifera, Conrad radiata, Hall rariuscula, Barr. recta, Conrad. recti-lateris, reticulata, Shaler. rhomboidalis, Wahlenb. rugata, Lindstrom. rugifera, Portlock Canada, New York, Ohio Kentucky, Indiana, Sa vanna (Illinois), St. An thony (Minnesota), (An ticosti)CharletonPoint,W Bay,Mani to ul.I., L.Huron (NewYork,N.E.)Clinton Co (N.York) Eeynale's Basin Arisaig (Nova Scotia). Wisconsin. (NorthNew Brunswick) Res- tigouche, (N. York) Her- kimer &c. Counties, (Can. E.) Cape Gaspe. (New York, central) Herki- mer County &c. (Bohemia) Dvoretz, Loch- kov, Slichow. (N. York, central) Herkimer CL Delth.Sh.Lst... Delth.Sh.Lst. &c Fauna F, G. g. 1 B., BL., Tr Mineral Point (Wisconsin) New York, (Canada W. Ottawa City. L. H. G Div. D (Anticosti Isle) Ellis Bay ^Anticosti) Junction Cliff County. New York, Wisconsin, In- diana, (N. NewBrunswick) Restigouche, Pentl. Hills (Scotl.), Qrotlilsind, passim, Norway, Bohemia, (Can. W.) Manitouline Island, L. Huron, Thorold, (Can. E.) Cape Gaspe". (Gothland) Wisby. (N. York, east) Helderberg Mountains. Bohemia,Gothland,England. Middle Gothland, (England) Dudley. South Gothland. (New York) Schoharie Co. Lockport, Ro- chester, Wolcott. NewBrunswick,north) Res- tigouche, (Can. E.) Gaspe, (New York) Springfield. Wisbv (Gothland), Pentland Hills (Scotland). Can. E.) Gaspe, (N. York) Helderberg Mountains. Mid.Sil.,Niag... Carad Ireland) Tirnaskea. ^Nova Scotia) Arisaig . . . L. H. G rugosa, Hall. Div. D .. depressa. rugosa, Dalm. scabrosa, Davidson. semiovalis, Shaler. semipartita, Rb'mer. serrulata, Lindstrom. simulans, M'Coy. spiriferoides, striata, Hall, subplana, Verneuil. subtenta, Hall. ;enuilineata, Conrad, tenuistriata, Sowerby. Thalia, Billings, tracheah's, Salter. undata, M'Coy. undulata, umbrella, Salter. variestriata, Vanuxem. Wahlmstedti, Lindstrom. Woolworthiana, Hall. (Anticosti Isle) Ellis Bay Carad Lower Silesia (drift). (Wales) Golden Grove, Cefn, Coch, Blain-y-Cwm, &c. Hoar Edge (Engl.), Welch- pool, Bala, &c. (Wales). L. H.G.,Niag... Onond. S. Gr., Niag. H. KG (Anticosti I.) English Head, (Ohio) Oxford, (N. York) Trenton Falls. Sew York (U. S. America). (North Wales) Fron Olen, Bettws-y-coed, &c., (Irel.) Desertcreate, (Westmore- land) Pull Scar, Leisley, Canada, (N. York) Jeffer- son County &c., (Ohio) Oxford &c., (Indiana) Ma- dison, (Kentucky) Mays- ville. (Canada W.) Ottawa City. Niti Pass (Himalaya), Chor- hoti Pass. Egool, Mayo Co. (Ireland). Chair of Kildare, Mayo Co. (Ireland). Niti Pass (Himalaya) Dam- chen &c. Tr Llandov., Carad., Tr. Tr Carad L. H. G Delth.Sh.Lst.... Strophomena. 125 BRACHIOPODA. Subdivision. Genus, Species, and Author. Lower Stage. Middle Stage. Upper Stage. ? ? H. E. G Zinkeni, Giebel sp. ind. Selwyn ,, Salter ,, Honeyman Salter Trematis, Sharpe, 1848 cselata, Hal] orbicula. cancellata, Sowerby crassa, Hal] Discina. filosa, Huronensis, Billings Montrealensis, Ottawaensis, punctata, Sowerby Discina. Siluriana, Davidson striata, Sowerby Discina. "erminalis, Emmons sp. ind., Sharpe Trematospira, Hall, 18 Acadias, Hall camura, costata, Vfathewsoni, M'Chesney. multistriata, Hall. jerforata, simplex, ,, var., Trigonotreta, Kdnig, 18 Trimerella, Sittings, 18 acuminata, Billings, grandis, Triplesia, Hall, 1858. ? ambigua, Hall, congesta, cuspidata, Atrypa. extans, Conrad. Atrypa. moniliformis, Salter. nucleata, Hall. Atrypa. >roductoides, M'Coy. [uadricostata, Hall. ["ropidoleptus, Hall, 18 carinatus, Conrad. Zygospira, Hall. modesta, ? jaupera, Billings. Lower Harz (Germany). Nova Scotia. (Arctic Seas, America), Grif- fith's Island. Hagley Park, Delbury, &c. (England). Dudley(England). (Sharpe's Collection, Geol. Society, London.) (Nova Scotia) Arisaig. (New York) Lockport (Mis- Victoria (Australia). Bolivia (South America). (Subgenus of DISCINA, J New York (U. S. America). (Canada E.) Montreal. (New York) Troy, (Wales Penwhapple &c. Canada East, (N.York)Mid dleville, South Scotland (Spain)Puerto de las Ove gas, Sierra Morena. (Can. W.) Pelletau Island (Lake Huron). [Canada East) Montreal. (Can. W.) Ottawa City, (Isle Anticosti) Macasty Bay Wales, (Shropshire) Chat- well &c. (Shropsh.) Horderley, Hoare Edge. W.S.) Tr Carad., Tr Tr Tr., H. E. G. .. Carad W., U.L Tr Sew York, Canada, Ohio. L. H. Gt 57. Niaff Delth. Sh.Lst.... Niag souri) Cape Girardeau. (New York, east) Helderberg Mountains. Chicagojllinois, Bridgeport. ^New York, east) Helderberg Mountains. (New York, east) Becraft's Mountain. (New York, east) Helderberg Mountains, (Tennessee^ Decatur County. (New York, east) Helderberg Mountains, Tennessee. Gait &c. (Canada West). Delth. Sh.Lst.... Tr 25. (See SPIRIFERA, Sowerb 65. y-~) tfew York. N.York) Medina Village, Pennsylvania, (Can.W.) Flambro'. Anticosti) Jupiter River. CL Tr New York) Middleville. N. York) Jefferson County. reland, Leisley (Westmore- land). N. York) Jefferson County. 3hair of Kildare (Ireland). Vew York (U. S. America). 57-59. New York (U. S. America). ? Carad Tr Div. 3, A. Gr., Mayhill. BRACHIOPODA. 126 Summary (Geographical). Genera. Species. Genera. Species. I 1 1 c 3 W S ^3 a h- 1 % ellistriata, carinata, Conrad. (Can.E.)Montreal,(N. York) Trenton Falls, Pennsylv. (Wales) Penblech, Yspatty, Evan, New York, (Wis- consin) Noquet's Bay. Carad Megaptera. contorta Portlock (Irel ) Tyrone Desertcreate Carad costata Conrad New York Britain BL., Tr erecta Hall & Wliitney Wisconsin (TJ S. America). Carad gryphus, Portlock Tyrone (Ireland) Tr lamellosa, Hall & \Vhitney Niag mytiloidea ,, Wisconsin (U. S. America). CH ? mytiloides, (New York) Chazy Village. Niasr neglecta, M'Chesney Chicago (Illinois), Milwau- Div. 3, A. G., Amphiccelia Leidyi, Hall, nitida Billings. (Anticosti) Jupiter River. kee (Wisconsin). Mayhill. Utica Slate Tr obtusa, D. D. Owen, orbicularis ,, Elkader (Iowa). Canada Madison (Indiana), (New York) Jefferson Co., FortSnelling&c.(Minnes.). 126* BRACHIOPODA. pa^iqBquj sap^unoQ jo jgqmn^f rHCM rH CM COCM rHr-i ,_| ,_( JQ ,_ OrHCOOCMrHi iCOt-rHO^COl-HrHOSlCl-HOrHrH CO rH i 1 CO CO rH CO * N.B. Leptcena tenuistriata, Atrypa modesta, Kentucky, U. S. A. ; Lingula antiqua, Nebraska, U. S. A. ; Lingulcpis, 2 species, Dacota Territory, U. S. A. * Countries examined. sgpadg jo agqmnjyj H^ i 1 rHCOrHCO CMrHrH CM > 1 I-HIMCOCMCO I-HrHt CO 1-HCOrH rH r-- rH CO i-H 1-H l-H 1C s saouBjeaddy ICO CMT^i < OS (Ml I1C COCO^rHCMTPOCOCO CM CM O T? CM i-H OS I-H i-H rH CM CM i 1 CDrH CO ' O5 ; iO ;iOGO ; ;CO i iiOf-HCOCNO : ;CO coco ;i-i CM . l-H . .CM (M CM paujSug; l-H I '. "^ "^ G^ ^5 " ', CO ', '^ * j C^ CD ) ^H CO iO o : : : :0 ;rn . rH T-H : : oq : : : : : 1C ^H AMERICA. sgouBJBaddy ivyojj B| (MiOGOi-*COT^J>-(MCOGOCO CO^fOO. ' O ; 1C CM ; rH . . . .' . rH ; t* rH rH ; ; ; ; CO CD co siomjj]; l-H I-H ; ; ; - co : -* I-H : : : : co CO rH T+l BA\OJ CO I-H ; ; ; -^- 0? 1-H l-H 1C 1C Boiaauiy oipay BiAtjog; CO CM : : : CM ^w _^-^ h - 5 ^w Tentac. Lst Pleta, Carad. ... Niag Desertcreate (Irel.), Acton Scott, Church Stretton (Shropshire), (Esthonia) Hapsal. Delth. Sh. Lst... Pleta Isle Odinsholm, Wesenberg (Esthonia). Fauna F,G.g.l,3 Fauna G. g. 1 . . . H.h. 1... W,UL CL.,Onon.S.Gr. L H G (Canada) Lake Ontario, Dundas, (New York) Wayne County &c. Boocaun (Galway). Delth. Sh. Lst.... Corall.Lst,,Scho- harie, Delth.Sh. Lst. Carad Desertcreate (Ireland). Delth. Sh. Lst.... Pentam. Lst., L. H. G. Niaff. Corall.Lst.,Scho- harie. Delth. Sh. Lst.... UticaSL, Tr. ... Onon. S. Gr. ... Carad (Can. E.) Bay St. Paul, (N. York) Montgomery Co., Middleville. Desertcreate (Irel.), Acton Scott (Shropshire). Faunae F, G. g. 1 Pentam. Lst., L. H. G. Niag ? Carad Victoria (Australia). Berrigal, New South Wales. Dynevor Park (Wales). 9. L. H. G ii > ii Meyambonia. 129 HONOMYARIA. Subdivision. Genus, Species, and Author. Lower Stage. Middle Stage. Upper Stage. Delth. Sh. Lst.... mytiloidea, Hall. (New York, eastern) Helder- oblonga, berg Mountains. (New York eastern) Helder- obscura, ,, berg Mountains. (New York eastern) Scho- ovata, harie County. (New York, eastern) Helder- L. H. G ovoidea, ,, berg Mountains. (New York eastern) Scho- ?, Billings. harie County. (North New Brunswick) Ees- L. H. G rhomboidea, Hall. , tigouche. (New York eastern) Carlisle Spinneri, (New York, middle) Her ki- striata, rn er County. (Nova Scotia) Arisaig. Delth. Sh. Lst.... suborbicularis, (New York, eastern) Scho- Posidonomya, Brongnia alata, Murchison. rt, 1837. harie County. Gothland. Pleta excellens, Eichw Niag ? rhomboidea, Hall. (New York) Lockport. w venusta, Miinster. Pterinaea, Goldfuss, 1840. asperula, M'Coy. Pomeroy, County Tyrone (Ireland). (Wales) Builth, (Irel.) Co. H E G bellilineata, Billings (Anticosti) White Cliff Clare, Gorlagarry. U.L Boydii, Conrad. (Westmoreland) Brigsteer, Niasr. Brisa, Hall. Wales. Bridgeport (Illinois). Llandov bullata, M'Coy. Galway (Ireland) Tr., H. E. G. ... Div. 3, Anticosti carinata, Emmons. curiosa, Billings. (Can. W.) Toronto, (New York) Turin, (Ohio) Cin- cinnati. (Anticosti) Jupiter Eiver. Gr., Mayhill. Niaff. cyrtodontoides. Winchell Chicago (Illinois). ? & Marcy. Danbyi, M'Coy. Gothland (Lindstrom). H.E.G., U.Llan- dov., W. L &U.L demissa, Conrad, elongata, Goldfuss. (Can. W.) Humber Eiver, Tennessee, N. Wisconsin. Malverns (England) New York, (Wales) Pont-ar- y-Llechan, Llangadoc, Benson Knot, Westmore- land, Malvern. Ferriter'sCove, Kerry(Irel.V W., L.L fimbriata, M'Coy. Ferriter's Cove, Doonquin, L hians, ,, Derrymore Glen (Irel.). Aymestry (England). \\r lamellosa, Goldfuss Ferriter's Cove (Kerry). L lineatu, ,, Moel Ulches (Montgomery- W., L. &U.L.... lineatula, D'Orbigny. Wales? shire), Benson Knot &c. (Westmoreland), Linsway Bay (Pembrokeshire). Wales, (S.W. Scotl.) Balmas, U.L megaloba, M'Coy. (England) Dudley, Coal- brook Dale, Malvern, &c. Stormhill (Wales). L mira, Barr. (MS.). England ? w naviformis, Hall. Westmorel., Dudley, (Can. U.L orbicularis, M'Coy E.) Gaspe. Doonquin, Derrymore Glen, W panopaeaeformis, Kerry (Ireland). Doonquin (Ireland). U.Llandov., W., posidoni&formis. plunulata, Conrad. Malvern, (Irel.)Gla8nevin, New York ?, (Wales) passim. L. Carad., W., L.... pleuroptera, M'Coy. New York, (Wales) Cyrn-y- Llandovery (Wales). Dudley, Walsall, &c. ( Wales)SwanseaEoad, (Irel. ) W posidonijeformis, Brain. Derrymore Glen, (West- moreland) Benson Knot. (Irel.) Tirnaskea, Ferriter's H. E. G prolifica, Billings. (Anticosti) Charlton Point Cove, Kerry Co., Wood- burn Hill (England). Llandov., U.L... rectangularis, Sowerby. and Macasty Bay. Malvern (England) (Wales) Horeb Chapel, (Eng- land) Westmoreland. 2L Pterincea. 130 MONOMYAEIA. Subdivision. Genus, Species, and Author. Lower Stage. Middle Stage. Upper Stage. Corall. Lst., W. U.Llandov., W., L. & U.L. reticulata, Hisiug. retroflexa, revoluta, Winch. & Mar. Silurica, Eichw. Sowerbyi, M'Coy. squamosa striato-costata, Giebel. subfalcata, M'Coy. sublaevis, tenuistriata, ,, undata, Emmons. varistriata, Billings. ventricosa ? Sharpe. volans, Winch. & Mar. sp. ind., Giebel. Sh'mon. (Engl.) Dudley, Aymestry, Gothland, Russia, Estho- nia, Isle Oesel, Ilpel, Lode. (England) Aymestry, Leint- wardine, Ireland, Wales, Gothland, New York, Ari- saig (Nova Scotia). Chicago (Illinois). ^Wales) Usk, Aymestry, Lud- low, (Ireland) Derrymore Glen. Ferriter's Cove, Kerry Co. Lower Harz (Thuringia). (S. Wales) Llandeilo &c., (Westmoreland) Benson Knot. Malvern, Ludlow,Cwm Craig Ddu &c. (S. Wales). Ben- son Knot, Howgill Fells (Westmoreland), Dent (Yorkshire), Derrymore Glen (Ireland). Westmoreland (England). Chicago (Illinois). Lower Harz (Thuringia). (S.W. Scotl.) Lesmahago. Malvern, Worcester, Nor- bury, &c., Marloes Bay (Wales). Pleta Esthonia, Reval, Odinsholm Isle, &c. L Llandov., W., L. ? W L Boocaun (Gal way) Boocaun, Gal way (Irel.). Carad., W., L. & TJ.L. Tr 9 New York. Gamache Bay (Anticosti). Div. 1, A. Gr., Llandov. Niasr U.L Summary (Geographical). Genera. Species. Minnesota. Wisconsin. i Illinois. Indiana. _c5 Tennessee. Pennsylvania. New York. Canada West. Canada East. New Brunswick. Nova Scotia. Anticosti. Ireland. Scotland. England. 00 1 France. Bohemia. Thuringia. Baltic, Russia. I Sweden. "3 > < 2 H 1 55 85 14 4 70 00 .2 3 o H Ambonychia 2 10 i 4 a 2 2 1 7 29 n 2 6 4 7 1 "2 a 9 4 "i 3 9 5 4 "2 10 "8 'i "2 "i 33 64 14 4 40 Avicula Megambonia Posidonomya i 1 1 1 Pterinaea 1 ;\ 1 a 2 1 2 4 15 2 15 12 2 2 i 2 2 12 i 9 2 2 3 2 51 10 12 1 6 7 29 3 27 21 2 10 2 6 2 6 228 155 Actinodonta. 131 DlMYABIA. STJBKINGDOM MOLLUSCA. PROVISOS LAMELLIBBANCHIATA. CLASS CONCHIFERA. GBOITP DIMYARIA. (OBTHOcoyQUEs, D'Orbigny.) Subdivision. Genus, Species, and Author. Lower Stage. Middle Stage. Upper Stage. U.Llandov.,U.L. L. H. Gt Actinodonta,PM, 1848 cuneata, Phill Anatina?, Lamarck, 180 ? sinuata, Hall Anodontopsis, M'Coy, 1 angustifrons, M'Coy. bulla, isevis, Sowerby. Lucina, Salter. perovalis, ,, Modiolopsis. quadratus, M'Coy. Salter. securiformis, M'Coy Pseudaxintts. Area, Linnceus, 1758. Brownii, Salter decipiens, Eichw Edmondiaeformis, M'Coy Naranjoana, De Vern primitiva ?, Phill Rouaultiana, Nysten Astarte ?, Sowerby, 1817. subrotunda, Barr. Axinus, Sowerby, 1821. securiformis, M'Coy Cardiola, Broderip, 1834. articulata, Barr. embryo, fibrosa, Sowerby. ^ibbosa, Sowerby. mterrupta, Brodr., Sow. = cornucopia, Barr. migrans, Barr. retrostriata, Salteri, Haughton. semirugata, Portlock. spuria, Miinster. ? striata, Sowerby. Marloes Bay (Wales)..... Marloes Bay (Pembrokesh.), Llandeilo. (New York) Herkimer Co., Gasp6 (Canada East). Benson Knot, Kirkby Moor (Westmoreland), Horeb Chapel (Wales). Llandeilo, Stormhill(Wales), Tonlegee (Irel.), Kirkby Moor (Westmoreland). Stormhill, Lechclawdd, Ho- reb Chapel (S. Wales). (Wales)Craig-y-garcyd, Usk, Buildwas, (Engl. )Ledbury , Malvern, (Scotland) Deer Hope, Pentlands. Stormhill &c. (S. Wales), Malvern. Llangadoc (Wales). Benson Knot, Westmoreland, Ledbury (England). Illampu Mountain. Bolivia (South America). (Wales) Llangynyn, Welch- pool, Benson Knot (West- moreland). South Wales, (Westmorel.) Benson Knot &c., Fresh- water East. (Bohemia) Vavrovitz. Kendal (Westmoreland). Bohemia. (Bohemia) Hostin. Bohemia, (France) La Man- che, (Wales) Welchpool &c., (Engl.) Ludlow, Park Lane, &c., (Irel.) Bolin- brook, County Clare. Franconia, Bohemia, Fich- telberg, Tyrol, Salzburg, Alps, (France) Pyrenees. Feuguerolles, Normandy, Brittany, Chambery, &c., (Catalonia) Camprodon, (Irel.)Counties Tipperary, Ckre, Kerry, (Engl.) Ul- verston,Leintwardine,&c., (Wales) Builth, Welch- pool,&c., (Portu.)Bussaco. Bohemia) Holin, Lochkov. Hostin. Arctic America) Cornwallisi Island. Wales) Llansannan, Myn- ydd, Tryfan, Usk, Shrop- shire, Dudley, &c. (Engl.). 9. L 852. Llandov., L. & ILL. U.L Tonlegee ? (Ireland). L U.L > Pleta E6val (Baltic). Coed-y-Bedw, Bala, Llan- rwst, &c. (N. Wales). (France) La Manche?, De- vonshire (conglomerate) (Spain) Eomeral, Wesl Asturia, Sierra Morena. Carad., L U.L Fauna Gr. g. 2 . . . U.L Vitr6, Poligne (France). ^SCHIZODUS, King.) Fauna E? G. g. 1 ... E.W..L... Fauna D, Col.... LlandoT., W., L. Faunas D, E ... E,H.h.l Carad [Bohemia, Colony) Krejci. Coniston Flags (Lancashire). Bohemia Brittany, Luchen, Pyre- nees, (Sardinia)Flumini Maggiore,(France)Bau- bigny, Cherbourg. 3ohemia. "reland. Franconia. W., L Cardiola. 132 DlMYAKIA. Subdivision. Genus, Species, and Author. Lower Stage. Middle Stage. Upper Stage. Pleta verrucosa, Eichw. sp. ind., Salter. Cardiomorpha, Koninc altera, Barr. cognata, ,, ibrtis, ,, ingrata, Giebel. [atens, Barr. Cardita, Bruguiere, 1789. ? rudis, Barr. Cardium, Limueus, 1758. capitatum, Barr. carpomorphum, Dalm. cornucopia, Barr. Cardiola interrupta, Goldfuss. costulatum, Barr. cunctatum, pectunculoides, Verneuil. subarcuatum, Meneghini. tenuistriatum, Barr. Cleidophorus, Hall, 184 amygdalus, Salter. Caraventesi, Verneuil. concentricus, Hall, cuneatus, elongatus, erectus, M'Chesneyanus, Winchell & Marcy. neglectus, Hall, nuculiformis, ovalis, M'Coy planulatus, Conrad semiradiatus, Hall Siluricus, Eichw subovatus, Hall sp. ind., Honeyman ,, Selwyn. ,, Bonissent Hall Conocardium, Bronn,, ffiquicostatum, Phill. Blumenbachii, Billings. Euchasma. calcis, Baily. elegantulum, Billings dipterum, Salter. var. rhomboideum, immaturum. Billings inceptum, Hall longulum, Barr miniusculum, Niagarense, Winch. & Mar ornatissimum, Barr ornatum, Winch. & Mar priste, Salter sp. ind., Bronn D. D. Owen Billings M'Coy Ctenodonta, Salter, 1851 abrupta, Billings ReVal (Baltic), (Esthonia) D'Erras. (Wales) Maes Tyddyn. (Bohemia) Vavrovitz. 'Bohem.)Hlubocep, Chotecz. Lower Harz (Germany). Bohemia) Kuchars. ^Boh.) Hlubocep, Vavrovitz. (Bohemia) Chotecz. Bohemia ? Bohemia. (Bohemia) Vavrovitz. Westmoreland. Bohemia. w Fauna G.g. 2 .. " GK g.'l, 3 Fauna G. g. 1.... Fauna G. g. 2... Fauna G. g. 1 ... F Fauua E. e. 2 ... Fauna G. g. 2 ... Fauna E k, 1847. ^Ostrogothia) Borenshult. (Sardinia) Flumini Mag- giore. Carad 7( = CUCULLELLA). (Normandy) May, Budleigh Salterton, Devon (pebbles). (Spain) De las Heras, Puebla de Don Eodrigo. L. H. G Arisaig (Nova Scotia). Chicago (Illinois). Arisaig (Nova Scotia). (Wales) Plas Madoc, Llan- rwst, Berwyn Mountains. (Britain) Keeper's lodge, Golden Grove. Arisaig (Nova Scotia). Arisaig (Nova Scotia). Dudley, Wenlock Edge, Woolhope (England). Peebles, Carlops (Scotland). (New York, eastern) Albany County. (Boh.) Konieprus, Dvoretz. (Bohemia) Chotecz. Chicago (Illinois). (Bohemia) Dvoretz. Chicago (Illinois). Bohemia, France. (North New Brunswick )Res- tigouche. Niae Shales above Tr. L. H. G S.W. Wisconsin, Iowa. Carad., W Shropsh., (Wales) Llanrwst Wales, N.W.Michigan,(Cen- tral Canada) Humber R. H. R. G., W. ... L. H, G Pleta Wesenberg (Esthonia). L. H. G " ? W Victoria (Australia). (France) La Manche. 1835 = (PLEUKOKHYNCHUS, P hillips). cs (Can. E.) Low. OttawaRiver, Mingan Isles, G. St. Lawr. Ireland. (Anticosti) S.W. Point ... Llan Div. 4, A. Gr., Mayhill, U.L. Carad (S.W. Scotl.)Craighead, Kil- dare (Ireland), Borkholm (Esthonia). (S.W. Scotland) Craighead. Mid. Ottawa River(Can.W-). BL Delth.Sh.Lst.... Faunae F, G. g. 1 Fauna G. g. 1 ... Niag Fauna G. g. 1 ... Niag Carad. ?,Llandov. Fauna F Tipperary (Ireland) ? Galway (Ireland). U.L Red River, Lake Winnipeg (Rupert's Land). BL., Tr Cong, Galway. ORTHONOTA). (=NUCULA, ARCA, &c. See (Can.W.) Mid.Ottawa River Ctenodonta. 133 DlMYAEIA. Subdivision. Genus, Species, and Author. Lower Stage. Middle Stage. Upper Stage. Pleta fcdilis Eichw Eeval (Baltic) Carad., Tr Div. M, Queb Gp. Llandov., W. .. ambigua, Portlock Area Apjohni. amy 'dalus, Salter angela, Billings Anglica, D'Orbigny (Ireland) Desertcreate. Tasmania West. (Newfoundland West) Table Head. ?.... (Wales) Llansannon, Fron- Tr fawr, Cardiff, (Westmore- (Can W ) Middle Ottawa n ; n er arrow c. Fauna D. d. 1, 3 4. Bertrandi, Bierensis, Sharpe Bohemica, Barr Bussacensis, Chauveli, Eouault Cia, Sharpe cingulata, Hisinger Eiver. Polign6, May(France), Bud leigh Salterton (England) (Portugal) Bussaco. (Bohemia) Eokitzan. (Portugal) Bussaco. Rennes,La Couyere(France) ^Portugal) Bussaco, France Mt. Roule, Cherbourg. Norway, Kendal, Dudley, contracta, Salter Costae, Sharpe costata, Helmersen ? (Can.E.)Montreal, (Can.W.) Middle Ottawa Eiver. (Portugal) Bussaco, (Spain) Mudela. South Wales. Gothland. U. Llandov costulata, Salter deltoidea, Phill Niti Pass, Himalaya (E. I.) Eastnor Park (Malvern). Carad 3es Glandii, Eouault. dissimilis Portlock Poligne, Eennes (France). B.,BL.,H.E.G. Llandov dubia, Billings. Duvaliana, Eouault. 5astnori, Sowerby. Canada West) Pakenham. Elennes, Poligne (France). Eastnor Park (Malvern) (South Wales) Llangadoc. Carad., W., U. Edmondiaeformis, M'Coy. (Wales) Llanfyllin, Coed-y- ? iendal,BensonKnot,(Wales) Llandov. Tremad Area? elongata Salter Bedw, Llanrwst, &c. Llangynyw &c. Eschwegii, Helmersen. Gothland. BL., Tr ,, Sharpe. Sscosura, izqueme, gibberula, Salter Spain) Almaden &c., (Por- tugal) Bussaco. ^Portugal) Bussaco. (Spain) Almaden. gibbosa, Hall Ottawa Eiver. ILL lopensacki, Verneuil. mbricatula, Salter. nasqualis, Pakenham. Spain) Almaden. Niti Pass, Himalaya (E. I.). Horeb Chapel (Wales). H. E. G phigenia, Billings (Can W ) Point Eich Cape Llandov., Carad. Carad ajvis, Sowerby. Laignelli, Eouault Smith, Lake Huron. 3ettws-y-Coed, Caernarvon- shire (Wales). ..' Carad., Tr., H. E. G., L. W evata, Hall. M'Coy. Can. W.) Pakenham, Mi- neral Point (Wisconsin), (New York) Trenton &c., Illinois, Iowa, N.W. Mi- chigan. North Wales) Plas Madoc, U.Llandov ingualis, Phill. Eastnor Park, Malvern, Dinas Bran, Saxony ? Tr Logani, Salter Marloes Bay (Wales). FaunaD.d.1,3,4,5 Carad Maestri, Sharpe. major, Barr. Morreni, Eouault. Ottawa (Can. W.). Portugal) Bussaco. Bohemia) Eokitzan. CH., B., Tr. ... nasuta, Hall. che. Can. E.) Montreal, Malbay, Lower Ottawa Eiver.Min- gan Isles, (Can. W.) La Cloche, Lake Huron, New York, Wales. Ctenodonta. 134 DlMYARIA. Subdivision. Genus, Species, and Author. Lower Stage. Middle Stage. Upper Stage. U.L obesa, Salter. Carad obligua, Portlock. (Irel.) Desertcreate, (Wales) land). Orbignana, Eouault. Bala Lake. (France) Eennes Vitre. W., L.L ovalis, Sowerby. Tr anglica ? paradoxica Salter. West Tasmania. land) Ludlow, Malvern, H. E. Or., W. ... Carad joststriata, Emmons. Protei, Miinster. (Wales) Derwen, (Can. W.) Humber Eiver, (N. York) Pulaski. (Ireland) Desertcreate. Llandov quadrata, M'Coy. radiata, Portlock. regularis, rhomboidea Phill. " Bardd- hessiagh. Carad Eibeiro Sharpe. (Portugal) Bussaco, (Spain) > scitula, M'Coy. semitruncata, Portlock. silens, Giebel. Mudela &c., (Normandy) May. Trel.) Lisbelaw, Fermanagh. ^Irel). Desertcreate, (Wales) Plas-hen, Llanfyllin, &c. Lower Harz (Germany). U.Llandov., L., sinuosa, Salter. subacuta, M'Coy. subasqualis, Sowerby. Eimalaya, Niti Pass. (Irel.) Desertcreate, (Wales) Plas-hen, Llanfyllin, &c. U.L. Llandov Area Eastnori. subcylindrica M'Coy. gadoc, &c. (Wales). U.Llandov., W., sulcata, Rising. Ludlow, Wooltack Bay, Has- L.L. U.L tbracioides, guard, Gothland. Carad transversa Portlock. (Ireland) Desertcreate. ? Area subtruncata. varicosa, Salter. sp. ind., (N. & S. Wales) Llandeilo, Bettws-y-Coed, Bala Lake, &c. (South America) Bolivia 11- L.Llan (W^ales) Ty-obrey. U.L (Shropshire) West of Stiper Stones. Garn (North Wales). W " (Wales) Gwyddelwern, Plas ? ? Stuchbury ,, Selwyn Berrigal (New South Wales) Victoria (Australia). Madoc. L.Llandov Cucullella, M'Coy, 185 Anglica, Salter 5. (EEDONIA, Bouautt ; CD Lord's Hill, Shelve, Shrop- CULL^EA, Lamarck, 1817 ; CLEIDOPHOUUS, Hall, 1847.) Carad shire, Budleigh Salterton, Devonshire. Llandov., U.L... antiqua, Sowerby land). Maam (Ireland). Westmoreland, (Wales) Ho- L reb Chapel, Felindre. W., L.U.L coarctata, Phill Llansannan (Wales). (\Vales) Dinas Bran Fresh- U.L ovata, Sowerby water East (Pembrokesh.), (Wesfemoreland) Benson Knot, (Ireland) Derry- more Glen. Kendal (W^estmoreland) sp. ind., Salter (Wales) Horeb Chapel, Stormhill, Golden Grove, Eington. Illampu Mountain, West Carad (Caernarvonshire) Bettws-y- Slope, Bolivia. W Coed, Berwyn Mountains (Wales) Llansannan, Fron Cypricardia?, Lamarck alata, Hall 1817. (A genus not likely to be found in Palaeozoic 'New York Fawr. rocks, yet acknowledged by Barrande, De Verneuil, Hall, &c., J.W.S.) Cypricardia. 135 DlMYAKIA. Subdivision. Genus, Species, and Author. Lower Stage. Middle Stage. Upper Stage. H E.G angustata, Hall ? angustifrons, ,, Beirensis, De Verneuil connexa, Barr. curta, Hall, cymbreformis, Bonissent. Davidsoni, Eouault. Deshayes-ensis, Verneuil. dorsata, Eichw. Esthona, ,, inflata, ,, migrans, Barr. modiolaris, Hall, pumila, Eichw. ovata, Hall, silurica, Eichw. simplex, Portlock. sinuata, Emmons. solenopsis, Barr. sp. ind., Hall. Cypricardinia, Hall, 18 arata, Hall. concentrica, crassa, dorsata, lamellosa, ,, sublamellosa, Disteira, Eichwald, 1859. triangularis, Eichw. Dolabra, M'Coy, 1844. elliptica, M'Coy. Lusitanica ?, Sharpe. obtusa, M'Coy. Stirlingensis,Meek&Worth. Edmondia, Koninck, 184 Nilesii ?, Winch. & Marcy. Eopteria?, Sillmffs,l865. ornata, Billings. Eichardsoni, ,, lypica, Euchasma, Billings, 186 Blumenbachia, Billings. Goniophora, Sowerby, I carpornorphum, Dalm. cymbajformis, Sowerby. sp. ind., Salter. Grammysia, De Verneui avus, Eichw. cingulata, Hising. New York. Cincinnati, Ohio (Spain) Almadenejos, (Por- tugal) Bussaco. (Bohemia) Chotecz. Kamenetz (Podolia). (Bohemia) Tetin. North Wisconsin. Chicago (Illinois). (New -York, 'eastern) Scho- harie County. (E. New York) Columbia County. ,, AlbanyCo. Stormhill, LI andeilo( Wales) . Stormhill,Llandeilo( Wales). Chicago (Illinois). Gothland, Eussia, England. Gothland, (Wales)Usk,Llan- sannan, Frid-y-Fedwen, Herefordshire, Ludlow, Malvern. ? Dudley, Esthonia, Gothland, Westmoreland, Eussia, Malvern, (Ireland) Ferri- ter's Cove. Arisaig(NovaScotia),(Wales) Usk, Ludlow. (South Wales) Usk, Dudley, Westmorel., Benson Knot. Benson Knot, Kendal, Horeb Chapel, Norway, Gothland. Isle Oesel, Piddul (Baltic). Westmorel.) Benson Knot, Kirkby Moor. Fauna G-. g. 1 ... H. E. G New York. (France) La Manche. Eennes, Gahard. Wesenberg (Esthonia). (Ural) Bogoslowsk. | Pleta EeclPentam. Lst Pleta Wesenberg (Esthonia). Eeval (Esthonia). (Bohemia) Colonice, Krejci. New York. Kirna (Esthonia). NewYork,Ohio (Cincinnati). (Esthonia) Wesenberg, Isle Dago,Pyhalep,&c., Odins- holm (Baltic). Tyrone (Ireland). New York. Fauna D H. E. G Dolom Lst H. E. G Pleta, Corall.Lst. Utica Slate Fauna G. g. 1 . . . Niaff. Niag 59. L. H. G Delth. Sh. Lst.... L. H. G Delth. Sh. Lst.... L. H. G Pleta, Eeval, Odinsholm (Baltic). Tilestone Tilestone (Portugal) Bussaco. H. E. G Stirling (Illinois). 4. Niag Queb. G Point Levis (Canada East). (Can. E.) Quebec (drift). (Newfoundland W.) Portau Choix. 5. Newfoundland North &c., Tablehead &c. 839. * Div. G., Queb. G. P., Divs. G, H, Queb. G., OS. Llandov., L.U.L. Llandov Cong (County Galway), (Shropshire)Minton &c. Mayhill (England). L Orthoc. L., Pleta W., L.U.L I, 1837. Wesenberg (Esthonia). Llandov., L var. a, ,, /3 triangulata, Salter. ,, y obliqua, M'Coy. extrasulcata, Salter. Goldfussi, Eichw. macroderma, rotundata, M'Coy. Mayhill (England) ILL L.U.L High Thorns, Unclerbarrow (Westmoreland ). ILL Corall. Lst CompactLst.(un- certain). UL (Isle Dago) Pyhalep. Grammysia. 136 DlMTAEIA. Subdivision. Genus, Species, and Author. Lower Stage. Middle Stage. Upper Stage. Corall. Lst U.L capha, Eichw. riangulata, Salter. Uppomya, Salter, 1865. ringens, Salter. [scharinia, Billings, 186 )licata, Billings. Winchelli, Isocardia?, Lamarck, 18 caprina, Eichw. obtusa, jotens, Barr. tola, Lucina, Bruguiere, 1792. Elisingeri, Murchison. neura, Eichw. jrisca, Hising. tellina. sinuata, Sowerby. sp. ind., Logan. Lunulacardium, Muns aliforme, Salter. elegans, ardum, Barr. sp. ind. (several), Salter. Lyrodesma, Conrad, 18 cselata, Salter. duneata, Phill. plana, Hall, M'Coy. soststriata, Emmons. aulchella, Hall IMatlieria, Billings, 1858. brevis, Billings obtusa, ,, tenera, Megalodon, Sowerby, 18 crassus, Eichw unguis, ., Megalomus, Hall, 1852 Canadensis, Hall sp. ind. Salter Modiolopsis, Hall, 1847 adrastia, Billings affinis, Helmersen ? anadontoides, Hall anatiformis ?, anomala, Eichw antiqua, Sowerby arcuata, Hall Armorica, Salter attenuata, Eichw isle Oesel (Baltic). Arisaig (Nova Scotia), (Eng- land) Ludlow, Kendal, (Wales) Llandeilo.. ^Bohemia) Chotecz. Hlubocep. [S. Gothland) Bursvick. (Esthonia) Isle Oesel, (Goth- land) Osergarn. North and South Gothland. Cape Gaspe (Canada East). Bishop's Castle, Ludlow (Shropshire). Pentland Hills (Scotland), Ludlow (England). 'Bohem.)Vavrovitz, Chotecz. Ludlow (Shropshire), North Wales. Gait Township (Canada W.V South Gothland. Ludlow,WenlockEdge(Eng- land). Carad ^Normandy) May, Budleigh Salterton (Devonshire). 5. (Anticosti) Junction Cliff. Macasty Bay. Div. 1, A. Gr., Llandov. Div. 1, A. Gr., Llandov., H.E. G. Dolom. Lst. with Orthoc. Pleta 18. [Jake Ladoga (Eussia), Pirna (Esthonia). Elohenholm, I. Dago (Bait.). Fauna G. g. 1.... Pentam. Lst. ?... w (Podolia) Orynine. L. H. G W., L ter, 1840. U.L Fauna G. g. 1, 2 W.,L Carad 37. (Normandy) May, Caen, Budleigh Salterton, De- vonshire. Wales) Marloes Bay. |New York) Oneida County, (Can. W.) North-west end Lake Ontario, (Wales) Yspatty Evan. (Can. W.) Middle Ottawa Erwer, Eiver Don, Lake Ontario, New York. ^New York) Waterford. ^Can.E.)LowerOttawaEiver. ,, Lake St. John (Canada E.). 27 = MEGALODus (Eussia). North Ural (Eussia). H. E. G., Carad. BL., Tr., Ut. SI., H. E. G. H. E. G Tr !> Pentam. Lst. .. Orthoc. Lst Onond. S. Gp. Carad., Guelph Carad Eeval (Esthonia). Horderly (Engl.). (Murch.). (England) Church Stretton (MODIOLA,.a#MTC&,1801.' (Canada W.) Lake Huron North-west end. B., BL., Tr Tr., H. E.G. .. Carad., TT.Llan- dov., Tr., L. Pleta (Canada W.) Lake Ontario, Humber Eiver, Tennessee Wisconsin. (Canada East) Montreal. EeVal, Kirna, &c. (Esthon.), Isle Dago. (Wales) Gelli Grin Mayhill(Gloucestershire) Wales. Tr (N.York) Herkimer County (Normandy) May, Budleigh Salterton (Devonshire) pebbles. (Esthon.) Wesenberg, Lyck- holm. Carad Pleta Modiolopsis. 137 DlM Y ARIA. Subdivision. Genus, Species, and Author. Lower Stage. Middle Stage. Upper Stage. Tr aviculoides, Hall. Brycei, Portlock. carinata, Hall, complanata, Sowerby. Billings ? cultrata, ,, curta, Conrad. decussata, Eichw. Deshayesiana, Verneuil. devexa, Eichw. Dictseus, Hall. ? dubia, Dunoyeri, Salter. elegantula, Sharpe. expansa, Portlock. faba, Conrad. Gesneri, Billings, ^lobosa, Eichw. ^radata, Salter. Nitssoni. incrassata, Eichw. inflata, M'Coy. Ingrica, Eichw. Isevis, Sower bv. late, Hall. lingualia, Salter. Lirata, Maia, Billings. Meyer i, ,, modiolaris, Conrad. mytiloides, Hall. nais, Billings, nasutus, Hall. Nereij Portlock. Nilssoni, Hising. ? nuculiformis, Hall, obliqua, Sowerby. obtusa, Swallow, Billings, orbicularis, Sowerby. (New York) Middleville. (Ireland) Tirnaskea, (Wales) Cader Dinmael. (N.York) Middleville, (Can. W.) Winchester. (Westmorel.)Kendal,Bridge- north,Malvern (England), Stormhill (Wales), (Isle Oesel) Ficht, (Ireland) Ferriter's Cove &c. (Canada E.) Cape Gasp6. (Isle Oesel, Baltic) Lode". Chicago (Illinois). (New York, central) Herki- mer County. (Wale8)Llandeilo,Usk,Lkn- gadoc,(England)Abberley, Walsall. ^Wales) Llandeilo, Horeb Chapel, (Engl.) Kendal, Downton. Park Lane and Middleton Park, Carmarthen ? Sweden, (Wales) Llangadoc, Usk. South Gothland, Helmersen. Carad Tr Corall. Lst., L.... H. E. G (Canada East) Yamaska. L H G H. E. G Corall. Lst Pleta (N. York) Loraine, (Wiscon- sin) Mineral Point &c., (Can. W.) Lake Ontario, Humber Eiver. Eeval, Baltischport (Baltic). Gostilitzy (St. Petersburg), Eeval &c. (Baltic), Isles Dago and Odinsholm. Niag L. H. G., Tentac. Lst. Carad Desertcreate (Ireland). (Portugal) Bussaco. (Ireland) Desertcreate, Tir- naskea, Wales? (New York) Lewis County, (Can. W.) Humber Eiver. (Can. W.) Ottawa City &c. Eeval &c. (Esthonia). Carad B., BL., Tr., H. E. G. Pleta '.'..... W LUL Pleta Ee"val &c. (Esthonia). (Wales) Pen-Cerrig and Cymmerig. Poulkova (Eussia). Carad Pleta UL Carad (N. York) Jefferson County. (Normandy) May, Budleigh Salterton (Devonshire), pebbles. Lake St. John (Canada E.). (Can.E.)LowerOttawaEiver. (Normandy)May, (England) Horderley, (Wales) Aber- hirnant, Cader Dinmael, (Can. W.) Toronto, Cape Smyth, Lake Huron, (Can. E.) Yamaska, Pennsyl- vania, New York, South Wisconsin. (N. York) Middleville, Lake Huron, North-west,Camp d'Ours. (Can.W.)Mid. Ottawa Eiver. Carlisle (Penrisylv.), (Can. E.) Murray Bay. Bardahessiagh(Irel. ), Leisley (Westmoreland). Tr B.,"BL.,Tr Tr" H. E/G., Carad. B.,BL.,Tr B BL Tr. Carad L H. E. G New York. (Normandy) Caen, (Caer- narv.) Bettws-y-Coed &c., Shropshire, (Eussia) E6- val, Baltic. (Can. E.) Montreal, Point St. Clair, Missouri, (New York) Jefferson County. (Engl.) Horderley, Gretton, Hapsal (Esthonia). Wales Pleta, Carad. ... BL., B.,Tr Carad., Llandov., W. Modiolopsis. 138 DlMYARIA Subdivision. Genus, Species, and Author. Lower Stage. Middle Stage. Upper Stage. M. Sa jrthonota, Hall. avata, >arallela, jarviuscula, Billings. jerovalis, Salter. )holadiformis, Hall. >lana, Hall & Whitney. )latyphylla, Salter. )ostlineata, M'Coy. >rimigenia, Hall. pyrus, Salter. [uadrata, Salter. Anodontopsis. recta, Hall, rhomboidea, securiformis, Portlock. striata, Billings, subalata, Hall. subcarinata, subnasuta, superba?, ierminalis, ,, Trentonensis ?, truncatus, undulostriatus, sp. ind., (2), Slimon. Salter. Honeyman Hisinger Salter D. D. Owen N. York) Medina Village, (Can.W^ Lake Ontario, West end. NewYork) Herkimer Co. England,(Wales) Usk, Llan- gadoc. Wales) Llangadoc, Storm- hill (Caermarthen). England) Malvern &c. Chicago (Illinois). Arisaig (Nova Scotia). NewYork, central) Wolcott, (Illinois) Chicago. ^Nova Scotia) Arisaig. New York) Lockport. (S.W. Scot.) Lesmahago. Arisaig (Nova Scotia). (Illinois) Chicago. NewYork, Usk, Plas Madoc (Wales). (Wales) Llandeilo, Swansea Eoad. (S. Wales) Park Lane &c., Caernarvonshire, Shrop- shire. (Bohemia) Vavrovitz. (N.& S.Wales)Golden Grove, (Engl.) Dudley, Shelve, Worcestershire, Derry- more Glen (Ireland). Plas Madoc, Linsway Bay Pembrokeshire. (Wales) Maes Tyddyn. LARIA, TELLINITES. CL Tr JfewYork (place not known). Can. E.) Montreal. (Can. W.) Cornwall, L. Huron, Lake Winnipeg, Eupert's Land. CH., Tr L H E. G S.Wisconsin,N.W.Michigan. Wisconsin. BL U.L Carad. Heifod (Montgomeryshire). New York) Medina Vil- lage &C. M. Sa Carad Wales) Llangollen, Nant Joworth. L Nias?. L H. G Irel.) Tyrone, Desertcreate, (S. Wales) Haverfordwesl &c., (Can E.) Yamaska. Anticosti) Jupiter Eiver &c. N.York) Eochester &c.... New York) Herkirner Co. Div. 1, 2, A. Gr., Llandov. CL., Niag CL L. H. G BL Wisconsin, (few York. New York) Oneida County (Ohio) Cincinnati. H. E. G Tr H. E. G Niasr. H E G Ohio) Cincinnati. Carad (Normandy) May, Budleigh Salterton (pebbles). Wales) Caernarvon, Bet- twys-y-Coed. (Wales) Plas Madoc. ,, Pont Ehievedog Llynfyllin. Prairie du Chien (Wiscons.) Tr Niag., Onon.S.G CL Myalina, Koninck, 1844 mytiliformis, Worthen HaU Mytilus, Linnants Chemungensis, Conrad cinctus, Portlock exasperatus, Phill gradatus, Salter insons, Barr mytilimeris, Conrad Nerei, Portlock Modiolopsis. simillimus, M'Coy unguiculatus, Salter sp. ind., Orthonota, Conrad, 183 ajdilis, Eichw (N. York) Herkimer Co. W 1758. Carad ^Irel.) Tirnaskea, Lisbelaw Fermanagh. W Carad., W., L... Fauna G. g. 2.. Carad. ?, Llan dov., W., L. Carad Gelli Grin, Bala (Wales). Tyrone, Desertcreate, Chai of Kildare. Chair of Kildare (Ireland). (Wales) Plas Madoc Bryc (Wales) Carreg Llwyd Malvern, Mayhill, &c. Carad., W W Pleta Craig, Usk. =NUCULITES, LEPTODOMUS, (Esthonia) D'Erras. SANGUmOLlTES, SANGUINO Orthonota. 139 DlMTAEIA. Subdivision. Genus, Species, and Author. Lower Stage. Middle Stage. Upper Stage. U.L affinis, M'Coy amygdalina, Sowerby angulifera, M'Coy angustata, Hall arata, carinata, Sowerby cingulata, Salter coraplanata, Sowerby compressa, Goldfuss contracta, Hall curta, Sowerby cymbaeformis, decipiens, M'Coy extrasulcata, Salter faba, Emmons globulosa, M'Coy Leptodomus. grammysioides, Salter impressa, Sowerby. inflata, Hall ? inornata, Fhill. macromya, Eichw. Moreni,Bonissent,Eouault. nasuta, Conrad. obovata, Miinster. Darallela, Hall. Pellicoi, Verneuil. sholidis, Conrad, sostlineata, M'Coy. irimitiva, Phillips. Area. jrora, Salter. semisukata. retusa, Sowerby. (Westmorel.) Benson Knot. (EngL)Kendal, HagleyPark, Malvern, &c., ( Wales) pas- sim, (Scotland) Peebles. (Westmorel.)BensonKnot&c. Nova Scotia. Arisaig (Nova Scotia). Dudley, Llangadoc (Wales). Linley, Bridgenorth (Engl.). Westmoreland. (Gothland) Grotlingbo. Ludlow, Wenlock, West- moreland, (New York) Wolcott. Horeb Chapel (S. Wales). (Westmorel.) Benson Knot, (Wales) Lechclawdd, (S. W. Scotl.) Kirkcudbright. Tr ichrug, Llangadoc (Wales) . Kirkby Moor, Benson Knot (Westmoreland). (Engl.) Ludlow, Delbury, Ledbury. Marloes Bay, Usk Tunne (Wales), Kirkcudbright (Scotland). Freshwater East (Pembroke- U.Llandov.,U.L Tilestone, U.L. . L. H. G Tortworth (Gloucester shire). Tilestone w. H. E. G Canada, Cincinnati (Ohio) CL., Niag Tilestone (New York) Wolcott Co (ore-bed). U.L 9 L New York. Carad (Normandy) May, Caen (Engl.)BudleighSalterton Llandov., L.L.... Tr New York. Marloes Bay U.LlandoT.,W... Pleta . . D'Erras (Esthonia). 'France) La Manche. NewYork,( Wales) Allt-y-ga- der,Shropshire,Horderley Egool, County Mayo. Canada, (N.York)Loraine &c (France)La Manche. (Spain] Alrnaden, Eomeral, &c. N. York) Oswego County. Merioneth) Bala Lake. Kamenetz (Podolia). Bala, H. KG.... H. E. G H. E. G Carad U.L L shire). Westmoreland. (Gothl.) Grotlingbo, (Engl.) Dudley, Ludlow, &c., Usk (Wales). England) Malvern, (Wales) Llandeilo, Gothland. Engl.) Ludlow &c., Wales. Builth,Llandeilo,&c.(Wales), Kirkby Moor, Westmore- land. (Engl.) Downton, Abberley, Westmoreland, Wales. iamenetz (Podolia). W. L. L.L. rigida, UL. Carad., U.L. ... Carad semisulcata, Modiola. simplex, Portlock. solenoides, Sowerby. Cypricardium. sulcata, Hisinger. ;riangularis, Eichw. triangulata, Salter. Grrammysia. truncata, M'Coy. undata, Sowerby. verisimilis, Salter. p. ind. Salter. Honeyman. ,, Selwyn. Bonissent. Palaearca, Hall, 1847-57. icutumbona, Billings. (S.W. Scotland) Ayrshire, Muloch. (Ireland) Desertcreate. LUL Carad ? Corall. Lst. UL Westmoreland, Llangadoc (Wales). Benson Knot, Brigsteer (Westmorel.), Deer Hope, Pentlands (Scotland). Dudley, Delbury, Presteign, &c. Arisaig (Nova Scotia). d, 1847. An illegitimate name, J.W.8.) UL Carad ^Montgomeryshire) Allt-y- gader. ^aernarvonsh. &c. (Wales). Carad ? Llandov., Div. 1, A. Gr. Victoria (SouthAustralia). B; CTPRICARDITES, Conra Anticosti) Junction Cliff. France) La Manche. (CYRTODONTA, Billings, 185 Pdlcearca. 140 DlMYABIA. Subdivision. Genus, Species, and Author. Lower Stage. Middle Stage. Upper Stage. Stiper Stones, L. Carad amygdalus, Salter. anglica, D'Orbigny. Shropshire, Cefn Gwynlle Mine, Norbury. (Wales) Allt-y-gader. H. E. G ? Anticostiensis, Billings. (Anticosti) English Head. Tr auriculata, Salter. West Tasmania. Llandov aviculoides, ,, Billingsiana, > (Wales) Montgomeryshire, CH NantTorweth, Llangollen. (Canada W^ ) Ottawa City. Carad bulla, Salter. (Wales) Meifod, Nant Tor- BL., Tr Canadensis, Billings weth, (Shropshire) Hor- derley. (Can.E )Montreal, (Can.W.) Tr compressa, Salter. Ottawa City, N.W. end of Lake Huron. W^est Tasmania^ H E. G cordiformis, Billings, distorta, Salter. TCmma, Billings, fforth-west end Lake Huron. West Tasmania. (Anticosti) English Head. CH faba. (Can E.) Grenville, Lower L. H. G flexuosa, ,, Ottawa Eiver. (Canada E ) Cape Gasp6. Tr gibbosula, Salter. W^est Tasmania. H. E. G jrunnii, Harrietta, Billings (Auticosti) English Head. >) CH.,BL.,Tr. ... Tr ffindii, Headi. Eluronensis, nflata Salter (Canada W.) Toronto. (Can. E.) Montreal, Lake St. Louis, (Can. W.) Lough- borough, North-west Lake Huron. H. E. G ' insularis, Billings. Anticosti, West end. L. H G lata, (Canada E ) Cape Gasp6. BL., Tr Modiolopsis. Leucothea, (Can.W.) Mid OttawaEiver Carad modiolaris, Salter. (N. Wales) Bala, Moel-y- BL. .. Niota, Hall. Garnedd. ^^isconsin. Tr obliquata, Salter Carad obscura, , (Wales) Meifod Bala BL., Tr obtusa, Hall. Yspatty Evan. Wisconsin N.^^ Tennessee L. H. G Ambonychia. orbicularis, Billings. N.W.Michigan, (N.York) Watertown, Anticosti, W. end. (Can. E.) Gasp6 Bay Anti- Tr pinguis, Salter. costi. H. E. G plebeia, Billings. (Anticosti) Charlton Point Carad ponderosa, quadrata, Salter. Dape Smyth, Lake Huron, North-east end. (^^ales) Bettws-y-Coed. BL Matheria ? rectirostris, Hall& Whitney. Tr reversa, Salter TVast Tasmania BL rotundata, Hall &\Vhitney > rugosa, Billings Saffordi, Edmondia. secunda, Salter (Can.E.)Montreal, CCan.W.) Middle Ottawa Eiver. Tennessee (U. S. America). CH..H.E. G.... Lowest Llan. ... BL., Tr sigmoidea, Billings socialis, Salter spinifera, Billings Salterton, Devonshire. Canada East, (Anticosti) Ma - casty Bay &c. (Wales) Ty-obry, Penrhyn, Tremadoc. (Can.W.) Mid OttawaEiver CH.,Tr subangulata, Hall Edmondia. subcarinata, Billings (N. York) Jefferson County, (Can.W.) La Cloche, Lake Huron, Mid.OttawaEiver. (Can E ) Montreal (Can B., Tr subspatulata, Hall W.) Mid. Ottawa Eiver, Camp d' Ours, Lake Huron. (N York) Jefferson County Modiolopsis. Palcearca. 141 DlMYARIA. Subdivision. Genus, Species, and Author. Lower Stage. Middle Stage. Upper Stage. B., Tr subtruncata, Hal] Edmondia. ventricosa, Hall&Whitney Edmondia. vetusta, Whitney Cardiomorpha. ungulata, Billings sp. ind., Salter Psammobia, Lamarck, 1 prisca, Hising .New York, Missouri, (Can W.) Middle Ottawa. . Wisconsin, N.W. Michigan (Tennessee) Stone's Rive (New York) Lowville. . Missouri, (New York) Her kimer County. . Macasty Bay (Anticostf Wales. West Tasmania. 818. Gothland, Russia. Aymestry (England). (Canada West) Dundas. Benson Knot (Westmorel. chiefly, J.W.S.) $ew York. Nova Scotia) Arisaig. !' II tf.York) Herkimer County, ew York. Tr Llan., H. R. G. Tr ? Carad.? ... rigida, Sower by Leenane (Galway) sp. ind. Selwyn Pseudaxinus, Salter, 18 ;rigonus, Salter Pyronomaeus, Hall, 185 cuneatus, Hall Eledonia, Bouault, 1851 Anglica, Salter Bohemica, Barr Deshayesiana, Verneuil Duvaliana, Rouault Dindfordii ?, Salter ;ransversa ?, p. ind., Bonissent ilibeiria, Sharpe, 1853. alcifera, Billings oinplanata, Salter onformis, ,, ongiuscula, Billings magnifica, Salter Victoria (Australia). (N.York) Oneida County 64. Budleigh Salterton (Devon] CL,Niag. ? Li. Llan.. = CUCULLELLA. Shropshire, west of Stipe Stones, Lord's Hill, Shelve (Bohemia) Rokitzan. (France) Angers, Vitre, Cher bourg, (Portugal)Bussaco (Spain) Fontanosus, AJ caraz &c. (W. Asturia). (Brittany) Vitre, (Spain) W Asturia, (Portugal) Bus saco, (France) La Manch Budleigh Salterton, pebbles (France) La Manche. Grenville, Ottawa River. Lord's Hill, Shelve (Salop) Budleigh Saltert.(Devonsh.) Grenville (Canada East). BudleighSalterton(boulders) Portugal, (Spain) Almaden, Bohemia. =ORTHONOTA, Conrad. Fauna D. d. 1 .. Carad.? CS L.Llan Carad CS Carad Fauna D. d. 1,4, 5, Carad U.L. . . . Dholadiformis, Sharpe Tellinites, M'Coy, 1855 ffinis, M'Coy 'ellinomya, Hall, 1847 Eequilateralis, Hall Ita, natiformis, ngustata, ,, ttenuata, urta, onaciformis, ,, ubia, lliptica, ecunda, fnbbosa, nflata, ,, ata, ingulicomes, M'Coy. machaeriformis, Hall, asuta, ,, ucleiformis, ,, vata, anguinolaroidea, entricosa. Vanuxemia, Billings, 1 Jayfieldi, Billings. Mxoniensis, Meek& Worth, nconstans, Billings. Palcearca. [ontrealensis, ( Onon. S. G = MYTILOIDES. (An inadm ssible genus =Ctenodonta Tr Wisconsin (U. S. America). (N.York,N.W.) Jefferson Co. Tr L H G CL N.Y.)Wolcott,WayneCo. N. York) Herkimer Co. Tr. Vew York. N.W. Michigan, (New York) Herkimer County &c. CL Grey Sa. Shales above Tr. Tr S.W. Wisconsin, Iowa. ;New York) Middleville. kVisconsin. 'N. York) Wayne County. Penmorpha, Tremadoc (N. Wales). N. York) Wayne County. Wisconsin, (N. York) Tren- ton Falls &c. CL Jingula Slate ... Tr Tr., BL Tent L L H G BL Visconsin (U. S. America). New York) Middleville Tr., L. H. G. ... BL Wisconsin. 358. Can. W.) Bayfield Sound, Lake Huron. Illinois) Dixon. Can. E.) Montreal, (Can. W.) Middle Ottawa River, La Cloche (Lake Huron). Can. E.) Farnham, Mont- real, Murray Bay. H. E. G Tr BL., Tr 2o 142 DnfYAJRIA. 35 countri saioadg jo jaqumjj saotnuBaddy (edojng;) ^o^ ;eoOi ir-Hr^ioi-H BijBXjsny q^nog 'Btpuj BISSTVJJ oujBg; % ABMJOJJ Biotaqog; "BiuoouBJj BIUlpJBg uredg pUB^OOg I- I :D r-l^< Bl^OOg BAOfJ | o I i^ "^88^ BpBUBQ ;eo I-H PH I-H eassauuaj; otqo BAVOJ ijnoseij^ r^ S S O fS PM PH PM H H |> Bellerophon. 143 HETEKOPODA. MOLLUSCA. PKOVINCE ODONTOPHORA. CLASS PTEROPODA, HETEROPODA (NFCLEOBRANCHIATA). Subdivision. Genus, Species, and Author. Lower Stage. Middle Stage. Upper Stage. Carad.,Llandov., Div. 1, Anti- costi Gr., Tile- stone. Carad Bellerophon. Montfort, acutus, Sowerby. alatus, Portlock. Alixi, Eouault. angulatus, Eichw. angustatus, Billings. Arfonensis, Salter. Argo, Billings, arquatus, Eichw. auriculatus, Hall. Aymestriensis, Sowerby. bidorsatus, Hall, bilobatus, Sowerby. var. acutus, Sharpe. angustatus,Portlock. /3, compressus, corrugatus, Hall. Bohemicus, . Barr. Boreas ?, Eichw. Canadensis, Billings. cancellatus, Hall, carinatus, Sowerby. Charon, Billings, compressus, Eichw. conspicuus, contortus, Corndensis, Sowerby. Czckanowski, Schmidt, dilatatus, Sowerby. disculus, Billings. 1808. (Anticosti Isl.)EnglishHead, Portugal, (Spain) Alma- den &c., Bohemia, (Engl.) Horderley, Eiver Onny, Norway. Tyrone (Ireland). Vitre (France). (Esthonia) Wesenberg, Isle Odinsholm (Baltic), Eops- cha (St. Petersburg). (S.W. Scotand) Ayrshire, (Wales) Haverfordwest, (Anticosti) Gamache Bay. Storm HiU (Wales). Cape Hurd, Guelph (Canada West). [N. York) Schoharie County. Isle Oesel, (Podolia) Kame- netz, (Engl.) Aymestry, Ludlow. Cheney, Longueville (Shrop- shire). Bohemia, Tetin, Lochkov, Konieprus. (Oural) Bogoslowsk. (Wales) Horeb Chapel, Plas Madoc, &c., (Irel.) Tonle- gee, (Nova Scotia) Arisaig. Gothland, Dudley, Ledbury, New York, Ludlow, Ay- mestry, Tirnaskea (Irel.). Ardoissiere Sch. Orthoc. Lst Guelph P. Passage beds, U.Tremad. B., BL., Tr Tremadoc, Llanerch, Garth, &c. (Wales). (Can. E. &W.)Lake St. John, Middle Ottawa Eiver. Poulkova(Euss.),Isle Odins- holm) Esthonia. Orthoc. Lst Corall. Lst. Sch. Pentam.Lst., Co- rail. Lst. B., BL., Tr New York, Middle Ottawa Eiver (Canada West). (Spain) Sierra Morena &c., Portugal, Brittany, La Manche (France), (Boh.) Eokitzan, (England) Mal- verns, Westmorel., (S.W. Scotl.)Saugh Hill,( Wales) Garn, Meifod, &c., (Irel.) Tirnaskea, Isle Dago (Bal- tic), Christiania (Norway) , Isle Anticosti, Lake St. John,Murray Bay, Lorette, Montreal (Can.E.),Ottawa Eiver (Can. W.), Dubuque &c. (Iowa), Mineral Point (Wisconsin).HerkimerCo. &c. (New York), Ohio, N.W. Michigan (Lake Su- perior). (N. York) with B. bilobatus, Norway. Ireland. (S.W. Scotland) Middle Drummuck, S. Wales, Malvern, (Anticosti) Gamache Bay, Canada. Ireland. Tr., Utica Slate, H.E.G.,M.Sa., Fauna D. d. 1, 2, &c., Llan., Car., W., Pleta, Div. l,Anticos. G. = Llandov. Tr Carad Llan., Car.,Llan- dov. Tr (N. York) Trenton Falls &c. Faunae F, G. g. 1 Granul.Dolom... Div. 1, Antic. Gr., Llandov., H. E. G. H E. G (Isle Anticosti) MacastyBay. (New York) Loraine &c. (N. Wales) Cerrig-y-druid- ion, Twll-ddu, Portugal ? (Can.W.)Mid.Ottawa Eiver. D'Erras, Lyckholm (Estho.). Poulkova (Eussia). Isle Dago, Pyhalep (Baltic). CorndonHills(Wales), Thu- ringia. Esthonia. (S.W. Scot.) Mullock Ac., Tyrone, (N.Wales) Cerrig- y-druidion, presqu'ile de Nouk (Esthonia). (Can.W.) Ottawa City, (Can. E.)L. St. John, Blue Point. (Anticosti) Gamache Bay. North Wales Carad., Llandov., W., ILL. B BL Tr. . (Anticosti) The Jumpers, (Livon.) Fennern,(Eng- land) Mayhill, (Wales) Mandinam. Orthoc. L., Pleta D Carad Brandschiefer ... Pleta, Carad., U. Llandov., W.,L. B., BL., Tr Bellerophon, 144 HETEROPODA. Subdivision. Genus, Species, and Author. Lower Stage. Middle Stage. Upper Stage. Compact Pleta. . Carad., U.L. .. Carad., Llandov H. E. G distortus, Eichw Duriensis, Sharpe expansus, Sowerby falcatus, Salter. fraternus, Billings. Ganesa, Salter. gibbus, Portlock. jranosus, Eichw. lelix, Eichw, lippopus, Salter. infundibulum, [ngricus, Verneuil. .ateralis, Eichw. Laurenticus, Billings ? .'Huissierei, Eouault. .ocator, Eichw. macer, Billings, megalostoma, ,, miser, multistriatus, Salter. Vfurchisoni, D'Orbigny. striatus. nanus, Eichw. nautarum, Salter. navicula, Eichw. nitens, nitidus, Barr nodosus, Salter. obtectus, Phill. ornatus, Conrad. Palinurus, Billings. Patersoni, Hall. Gatchina (Eussia). (Portugal) Vallongo. Dolydd, Ceiriog (Berwyn Mountains). Norbury, Shelve Arisaig (Nov. Sco.), (Wales HorebChapel,Plas Madoc, (England) Underbarrow, Ludlow, Felindre, Mal- vern. Tirnaskea, Tyrone (Ireland). Bogoslowsk (Ural). (Engl.) Vinnal Hill, Ludlow, Ledbury. (Canada E.) Cape Gaspe. (S. Wales) Horeb Chapel, Felindre, Malvern. Arctic Seas (America)", Dun- das Isle &c. (Wales) Marloes Bay. Chicago (Illinois). (New York) Schoharie. Arisaig (Nova Scotia). S.W. Scotland, (Wales)Llan- rwst. (S.W. Scotl.) Drummoch Ayrshire. (Anticosti Isl.)EnglishHead Niti (Himalaya), Chorhot Pass. ? Pleta Poulkova (Eussia). Shropshire, Kitton Castle Shelve. L.Llan LL Orthoc. L., Pleta >> >i L. H. G Poulkova (Eussia). (Isle Dago, Baltic) Hohen- holm. Ardoissiere Schist Pleta Bain, Vitre (France). Isle Odinsholm, Wesenberg (Esthonia). 'Can. W.) Leeds County &c Isle Odinsholm (Baltic). Macasty Bay (Anticosti). Tremadoc, Llanerch(Wales) CS Pleta H. E. G P., Low.Tremad. Llan. Llan Orthoc. Lst Poulkova (Eussia). Pleta (Esthonia) Eeval, Isle Dago, Hohenholm (Baltic). Presqu'ile de Nouk (Estho.) (Bohemia) Eokitzan. (N. & S. Wales) Llanwddyn, Bala, &c., (England) Hor- derley. (Wales) Marloes Bay Fauna D. d. 1... H. E. G., Carad. Llandov., U.L... . Llan., Carad. ... Queb. Gr Sh. above Tren- ton Lst. Niag (Can. W.) Point Eich, Lake Huron, (N. Wales) Llan- gollen, Nant Francon. Stanbridge, (Can. E.) Lake Champlain. Wisconsin. Arenig, Llan., Carad. Tr perturbatus, Sowerby. Etiomphalus. profundus, Emmons. Hall. pugnus, Salter. punctifrons, Emmons. pygmseus, Eichw. radiatus, rotundatus, Hall. semirugosus, Siluricus, Eichw. striatus, D'Orb. subdecussatus, M'Coy. sulcatinus, Emmons. Shelvc,Shropshire, Scotland, (N. & S. Wales) Bangor, AbereiddyBay, St.David's, Whitesand Bay, Pensarn Green (Ireland). New York (U. S. America). U.Pentam. Lst. . . Tr Tasmania West. New York, (Canada West) Middle Ottawa Eiver. Poulkova (Eussia). Tsle Dago) Hohenholm. New York, (Canada West) Middle Ottawa. Wales) Gwreiddian, Llan- wddyn. Poulkova (Euss.), IsleOdins- holm (Esthonia). Orthoc. Lst. . . . CH.'.' Carad Orthoc. Lst L. H. G U.Lkndov., W. CH., Tr., Carad. (S.W. Scotl.) Mulock, Llan- rwst,Meifod,Montgomery- shire. New York, (Can. W.) Mid. Ottawa, Horderley, Onny Eiver, Shropshire.Tyrone. S.W. Scotland Bellerophon. 145 HETEKOPODA. Subdivision. Genus, Species, and Author. Lower Stage. Middle Stage. Upper Stage. CH sulcatus, Hall ? Trentonensis, Dawson ? trilobatus, Sowerby. undatus, Billings. Uralicus, Verneuil. Wenlockensis, Sowerby. sp. ind., Salter. Romer. Meneghini. Salter New York (U.S. America). (Canada E.) Murray Bay. Portugal (Bronri) S.W. Scotland, Malvern, Shropshire, (Wales) Marloes Bay, Llanrwst, (Ireland) Galway, Ton- legee. JS.W. Scotl.) Lammermuir, (Wales) Storm Hill, PW Madoc, Llangadock, Fe- lindre, &c., (Shropshire)! Shelve. Nijni-Tourinsk, River Is, and Vuia (Ural). DerrymoreGlen(Irel.),Wen- lock,Malvern,Ledbury,&c. (England). Bolivia (South America). Texas (North America). (Canada West) Gait. Thornton, Cook County (Il- linois). Bridgenorth, Chicago (Illi- nois). Bridgenorth, Chicago (Illi- nois). (New York, eastern) Scoha- rie County &c. (Nova Scotia) Arisaig &c. (N.York, east) Schoharie Co. (Bohemia) Chotecz. J.W.S.) (Bohemia) Chotecz. Bohemia. Church Hill, Leintwardine (England). Bohemia. Benson Knot (Westmorel.). Bohemia. Bohemia. Tr ... U.Llandov., W., L.U.L. Llandov., W. ... Llandov Lake St. John (Canada E.). Sardinia. North Wales. (S.W. Scot.) Saugh Hill. Victoria (Australia). Carad Selwyn. Salter. Bucania, Hall, 1846. angustata, Hall, bellapuncta, ,, bidorsata, M'Chesney. Chicago-ensis, crassolaris, expansa, intertexta, [irata, D. D. Owen, pervoluta, M'Chesney. profunda, Hall. punctifrons, Conrad, rotundata, Hall Normandy, Budleigh Sal- terton, Devonsh.( pebbles). Ramsey Isle &c. (S. Wales). P., Tremad Onond. S. G. ... CL.? 'Himala.)Niti,ChorhotiPass. (New York) Iron-ore bed, Wayne County. Tr (N. York) Jefferson County, Tennessee,N. W.Michigan, Wisconsin. Niag Tr., BL (N. York) Watertown, Ten- nessee, N. &W. Wisconsin. ^New York) Watertown. S.W. Wisconsin, Iowa. CH. orTr Shale above Tr... Niag U.Pentam. Lst... Tr (N. York) MiddleviUe, Wa- tertown. (N. York) Clinton County. ^N.York) Medina Village. Pennsylvania, (New York) Medina Village, New Hartford. CH., B CL stigmosa, Hall, sulcatina, trilobate, Sowerby. sp. ind., D. D. Owen. Hall. Subgenus CENTROTHECA, Sa cuspidata, Salter. Coleoprion, Sandberger, attenuatum, D. D. Owen. Bohemicum, Barr. Conularia, Miller, 1818. aliena, Barr. anomala, ,, asperata, Billings, bifasciata, Salter. Bohemica, Barr. Buchii, Eichw. cancellata, Sandberger. consobrina, Barr. coiistricta, Eichw. corium, Salter. elongate, Portlock. fecunda, Barr. CH ^N. York, north-east) Chazy Village. M.Sa., CL Tr Fort Snelling (Wisconsin). Cor. Lst. Schoh. Llan Her, 1866. Garth Quarries (N. Wales). '1847. Wisconsin. BL Fauna G. g. 1 . . . Fauna G. g. 1 . . . 2... H. R. G (Thin, ornate, conical shells allied to Cleodora, (Anticosti) Macasty Bay. L.L Fauna 2 Orthoc. Lst Poulkova, Ropscha (Russia), Odinsholm. (North Wales) Bala Carad., U.L. ... Fauna 2 Orthoc.Lst.,Pfeto Arenig orL.Llan- dov. Carad Wesenberg, Isle Dago (Es- thonia). (North Wales)Ty-obry, Port Madoc. (Tyrone) Desertcreate, Leis- ley (Westmoreland). Fauna 2 Conularia. 146 HETEKOPODA. Subdivision. Genus, Species, and Author. Lower Stage. Middle Stage. Upper Stage. Fauna G. g. 1 . . . Tr fragilis, Barr. gracilis, Hall, jrandis, Barr. granulata, Homfrayi, Salter. Huntiana, Hall. laevigata, Salter. latisulcata, Eichw. lineata, ,, longa, Hall, margaritifera, Salter. marginata, Eichw. Mayeri, Eouault. Niagarensis, Hall. papillata, proteica, Barr. pyramidalis, Hall. pyramidata, Deslongch. rectistriata, M'Coy. Sowerbyii, Defrance. quadrisulcata. var. Gerolsteinensis, De Verneuil. splendida, Billings, striata, Eichw. subtilis, Salter. Trentonensis, Hall. sp. ind., D. D. Owen. Cyrtolites, Conrad, 1838. advena, Barr. carinatus, Sowerby. Ecculiomphalus. compressus, Hall. Conradi, desideratus, Billings, filosum, Hall, minor, Portlock. ornatus, Hall. Bellerophon. pannosus, Billings. Trentonensis, Hall. Cyrtotheca, Salter, MS., compressa, Conrad. Conradi, Hall, corniculum, Eichw. cornucopia, Salter. filosa, Conrad. Griffithii, Hicks l Divs. K, L, M, N, Queb. G. Div.F, CS.,Queb. G. CH.,Queb. G.... Orthoc. Lst Armenia (Abich). Jpper Armenia, N.W. o: Ai*arat. iamenetz (Podolia), (Isle Oesel) Ilpel. 3 (Morris). Newfoundland,N. W. )Point Rich &c. Newfoundland, W.) Keppel Island. Point Levis (Can. E.), Min- gan Isles (Can. W.). Wisconsin (U. S. America). Popscha (Russia). Divs. I, K, L, M, N, Queb. G. Divs. I, K, L, M, Queb. G. Orthoc. L., Pleta cs Newfoundland W. &N.W.) Point Rich. Newfoundland N.W.) Point Rich &c. leval (Baltic), 'oulkova, Lake Ladoga, &c. (Russia), Wesenberg (Es- thonia). Sew York. S.W. Scotl.) Ayrshire,(Can. E.) Grenville, Montreal, Mingan Isles. S.W. Scotland) Aldeans. S.W.Scotl.)Aldeans,Girvan. S.W. Scotl.) Knockdollian, River Stinchar, Ayrshire, (N.W. Lake Huron) St. Joseph Island, Virginia, (N. York) Watertown &c., Tennessee, Turkey River (Iowa), Hot Creek,Austin, (California). Llan., B.,BL. ... Carad ,.. Llan., CH Madwrea. 148 HETEEOPODA. Subdivision. Genus, Species, and Author. Lower Stage. Middle Stage. Upper Stage. Llan., OS., Queb G. Pleta matutina, Hall neritoides, Eichw oceani, Billings Peacbii, Salter ponderosa, Billings Psyche, rotundata, ? sordida, Hall speciosa, Billings. striata, Hall, sylpha, Billings. transitionis, sp. ind., Logan. Salter. Pterotheca, Salter, 1852. attenuata, D. D. Owen, avirostris, Salter. corrugata, expansa, Billings, transversa, Salter. Portlock. undulata, Salter. sp. ind. Barr. Salter. Salterella, Billings, 186 M'Cullochii, Salter. obtusa, Billings. aulchella, rugosa, Stenotheca, Salter,186& ; cornucopia, Salter. Theca, Sowerby (Morris), acuta, Eichw. alata, Salter. alter, Barr. anceps, Salter. arata, Beirensis, Sharpe. jijugosa, Salter. Bohemica, Barr. cometoides, Badly. corrugata, Salter. cuspidata ,, Centrotheca. (N. Scotland) Durness, Min gan Isles, Lake St. Louis Phillipsburg, St. Armant (Can. E.), (N. York) Mo- hawk Valley, Pennsyl- vania. (Esthonia)Lyckholm, Lower Silesia (drift). (Newfoundl.N. & W.) Table- head &c. (N.W. Scotland) Durness. Newfoundland West, Poinl Eich, Phillipsburg, St Armand (Canada East). (Newfoundland N.) Cape Norman. (NewfoundLW.) Bonne Bay. Point LeVis (Can. E.) New York. (Newfoundland N. & N.W.) Point Rich &c. S T ew York (U. S. America). (Newfoundland N.) Cape Norman. (Newfoundland N.W,) Point Eich &c. ECnockdollian (S.W. Scotl.). Chateau Gay (Canada East). [Arctic Seas, America) Lan- caster Sound. Bogmine, Shelve (Shropsh.). obably formed by worms, J.W.S.). rande, 1847. Bohemia) Chotecz. Halverns, (Engl.) Easteor Castle &c. Divs. F, G, H, Queb. G., CS. Llan Div. P, Queb. G Div.G.CS., Queb G. Div.G, CS.,Queb G. P., Calc. S Divs. G, H, I, K, L, M,Queb. G., CS. CS Div.G.CS., Queb. G. Div. K, L, Queb. G. CS BL (S.W. Scotland) Aldeans. Wisconsin. Woolhope Carad ]N. Wales) Dolbemnaen. Canada. Anticosti Isle ; Anticosti) Gamache Bay. Engl.) Damory Bridge, Shropshire. Bohemia. Dortworth (Gloucester- shire), thick and invaginated, pr .840; PUGIUNCULUS, Bar B., BL.,Tr H. E. G., Div. 1, A. G., Carad. Carad., U.Llan- dov. Carad [Ireland ) Desertcreate Shropshire (Cheney Longue- Fauna E Llandov P., Potsd. Lst.... P., L.Ling. Flags Pleta, 5. (Minute conical tubes, 3urness (North Scotland). Labrador) Forteau Bay, Strait of Belleisle (Can.). Labrador) Forteau Bay, Canada. CYRTOTHECA, Salter. St. David's (South Wales). 1844 ; HYOLITES, Eichwald, 'sle Odinsholm, Eeval (Es- thonia). North Wales) Port Madoc, Garth, &c. P., U.Tremad.... Fauna G, g. 1 ... W L. & U.Tremad. P., L. & U.Tre- mad. ? Llan N.Wales) Penmorfa, Borth- wood, Tyn-y-lan. Portugal) Bussaco. (North Wales) Tyn-y-lan, Garth, &c. Bohemia ? Ireland) Belvoir Castle, Clare County. South Wales) St. David's. North Wales) Portmadoc. Lingula Flags ... U.Tremad. Flags Theca. 149 HETEKOPODA. Subdivision. Genus, Species, and Author. Lower Stage. Middle Stage. Upper Stage. Fauna D. d. 1, 4 L. H. G., W., U.L. P., Potsdam Orthoc. Lst elegans, Barr. Forbesii, Sharpe. gregaria, Meek & Hayden. tnsularis, Eichw. lata, ,, iineolata, Salter. Menevensis, nobilis, Barr. novella, obtusa, Salter. operculata, Cleidotheca. jaradoxa, Eichw. mrviuscula,Hall& Whitney, jenultima, Salter. jrimordialis, Hall. reversa, Salter. secans, Barr. simplex, stileto, Salter. striatulus, Barr. striatus, Eichw. triangularis, Portlock. vaginula, Salter. vitrea, Eouault. sp. ind., Salter. (many), ,, Barr. ,, Selwyn. Salter. Bohemia. (Ireland) Derrymore Glen, Shropshire, Ludlow, Dud- ley, Lambrigg Fell (West- moreland), (N. & S.Wales) Dinas Bran, (Nova Scotia' Arisaig, New York. (Bohemia) Hostin. ,, Vavrovitz. (Bohem.) Hostin, Chotecz. England, Wales, Scotland. Bighorn, Rocky Mountains, N.W. America. Isle Odinsholm (Baltic). Reval, (Baltic) Isle Odins- holm. Himalaya, Chorhoti Pass. St. David's (S. Wales). Orthoc. L., Pleta P Fauna G. g. \ . . . Gr.g.2... P.,LingulaFL... P., L.Tremad. ... Pleta, Brandsch. Shale above Tr... P.,LingulaFL... Potsdam Sa Llan., Carad. ... L.Llan., Arenig Rocks, U.Tre- madoc. P Maentwrog, St.David'sHead, Tafarn Helig (Wales). (N.Wales) Borthwood, Port- madoc, &c. D'Erras (Esthonia). S.W. Wisconsin, Iowa. St. David's (S. Wales), towa, (Wisconsin) Black and Chippewa Rivers, Trem- paleau. (N.Wales) Bala Lake, (S.W. Scotl.) Girvan, (England) Horderley, New York. Shropshire, White-grit Mine, Shelve, (Bohemia) Col. Krcjci. (South Wales) St. David's. Bohemia. (Esthonia) D'Erras. Trough (Co. Clare), Desert- create (Tyrone), (Spain) Ciudad Reale, (Denbigh- shire) Cerrig-y-Druidion, Leisley (Westmoreland). Arenig Mountains (North Wales), Kitton Castle (Shropshire). Vitr6 &c. (France). Canada. England, Wales, Ireland, &c. Hof (Bavaria). England Fauna D. d. 1, 4 Pleta &c Carad., H. E. G. L.Llan Tr P.... Victoria (Australia). ? Arenig rocks . . . (S. Wales) Whitesand Bay and Ramsey Isle. Summary (Geographical). Genera. Species. Genera. Species. America. OJ & 1 fl Victoria, S. Australia. Tasmania. .i r& h- 1 Common. America. o 1 h a H Victoria, S. Australia. Tasmania. S 03 a i i Common. Bellerophon 29 16 50 1 1 7 Brought forward 75 91 3 12 5 1 1 34 2 1 10 Bucania ... . . Lonchidium Coleoprion 2 24 4 8 3 Maclurea. 21 2 3 3 Conularia .. 10 6 6 8 i 7 2 1 Pterotheca .... Cyrtolites Cyrtotheca Stenotheca Ecculiomphalus Theca 5 1 3 1 2 75 91 2 i 10 106 147 1 1 15 Acroculia. 150 GASTEROPODA. MOLLUSCA. PROVINCE ODONTOPHOKA. CLASS GASTEEOPODA (DICECIA). Subdivision. Genus, Species, and Author. Lower Stage. Middle Stage. Upper Stage. Acroculia, Phillips, 1841 ; acuta, Romer. CAPCLUS, Montfort ; PLATY CERAS, Conrad ; PILEOPSI s, &c. Low.Harz(Germany) Giebel acutissima, ,, U.Pentam. Lst. . . agrestis, Hall. (N.York) Schoharie County. L H. G alveata, ,, Albany County CL., Niag angulata, (New York) Lockport ... Lockport. U.L antiquata, Salter. (Scotland) Pentlands Les- Delth. Sh. Lst.... arcuata, Hall. mahago. (N. York) Schoharie County. CH auriformis, ? New York State (U.S.A.). Fauna G. g. 1 ... bellula, Barr. (Bohemia) Chotecz. Delth. Sh. Lst.... Billingsii, Hall. (N.York, east) Becraft's Mn. ? Bischoffi, Giebel. Lower Harz (Germany). L H Or. . . . bisinuata, Hall. (N. York, east) Albany Co. Delth. Sh. Lst. bisulcata, ,, ,, Schoharie Co. Pleta borealis, D. de Leuchtenb. Poulkova (Russia). Delth Sh Lst calantica, Hall. (N. York, east) Albany Co calyptrata, Schrenk. Gothland. Niaff campanulatum, Winchell Chicago (Illinois). P & Marcy. Cantabrica, Verneuil. (Spain, Leon) Sabero. U.Pentam. Lst. . . clavata, Hall. (N.York, east) Schoharie Co. conoideus, Barr. Littem (Bohemia). ? conspicua, Eichw. Altai Mountains (N.Russia). ? contorta, Romer. Lower Harz (Germany). cornuta, Hising. Gothland. U.Pentam. Lst. . . curvirostra, Hall. (N.York, east) Schoharie Co. depressa, Schloth. Thuringia. Delth. Sh. Lst.... dilatata, Hall. (N.York, east) Albany Co. disjuncta, Giebel. Lower Harz (Germany). Delth. Sh. Lst.... elongata, Hall. (N. York, east) Schoharie Co. rar. ?, L. '.'. '.'..... euomphaloides, M'Cov. Leintwardine (Shropshire) Delth. Sh. Lst.... Gebhardi, Hall. (N. York) Schoharie Co. &c. L. H.G gibbosa, ,, (N. York, east) Albany Co. U.Llandov., W. Delth. Sh. Lst.... haliotis, Sowerby. Nerita. incilis, Hall. (S.W. Scotl.) Saugh Hill ... S.W. Scotland, Wales, Chirbury, Norbury, Church Stretton, Nor- way. Bohemia, Dudley, Ledbury, Malvern, Ludlow (Engl.), (N. & S. Wales) Plas Ma- doc, Moel Seisiog, Doon- quin, Creagh Martin, &c. (Ireland). Virginia, (New York) Scho- intermedia, harie County. (N.York, east) Schoharie Co. ? Pen tarn. Lst.... irregularis, Eichw. Ural (Russia). Delth. Sh. Lst.... lamellosa, Hall. (N. York, east) Albany Co. ? multiolicata, Giebel. Lower Harz (Germany). Delth. Sh. Lst.... multisinuata, Hall. (N.York,east) Albany Co. &c. naticoides, Homer. Lower Harz (Germany). Delth. Sh.Lst.... Newberryi, Hall. (New York, east) Becraft's Niag Niagarensis. ,, Mountain, Columbia Co. (New York) Lockport shale U.Pentam. Lst., obesa, (Can.W. )Thorold,Tenness. (N. York, east) Becraft's Mn Delth. Sh. Lst. ornata, Romer. and Schoharie County. North-west Harz (Germany) L. H. Gr pentaloba, Hall. (New York, east) Albany Co perlata, ,, (N.York, east) Schoharie Co perplicata, ,, pileiformis, " platystoma, (New York, east) Albany and var. alveatum, Schoharie Counties. (N.York,east) Schoharie Co Delth. Sh.Lst.... plicata, (New York, east) Albany and L. H. G plicatilis, Schoharie Counties. (New York, east) Albany Co P., Potsd. Sa. ... Lower Silurian, primordialis, prisca, Barr. Kickapoo River and Trem- paleau (Wisconsin). Bohemia England. Fauna E, W. ? Pentam. Lst proseva, Eichw. Ural (Russia). W prototypa, Phillips. (Engl.)Ledbury, Burrington Wenlock Edge, Bohemia, Thuringia. Acroculia. 151 GASTEROPODA. Subdivision. Genus, Species, and Author. Lower Stage. Middle Stage. Upper Stage. Delfch. Sh. Lst.... L. H. G pyramidata, Hall retrorsa, ,, var. abnormis, robusta, ,, rostrata, Eichw selcana, Giebel sinuata, Hall spiralis, ,, subrecta, ,, sulcata, Hising sulcoplicata, Hall tenuilirata, Trentonensis, Billings, trilobata, Hall ;ubeformis, uncinata, Giebel undulostriata, Hall. unguiformis, unisulcata, ,, ventricosa, ,, vetusta, Sowerby. virginis, Giebel. Zenkeri, sp. ind., Verneuil. " Hall. ,, Eouault. Salyptraea, Lamarck, 1 calyptrata, Schrenk. Carinaropsis. Hall, 18 carinata, Hall. cunulfe, ,, cymbula, ,, orbiculata, jatelliformis, sp. ind., ,, Cerithium, Adanson, 17 avicula, Eichw. Helmerseni, De Verneuil. Chemnitzia, D' Orbigny, sp. ind., Selwyn. Chiton, Linnceus, 1758. ^anadensis, Billings. Grayanus, Koninck. Griffithii, Salter. Helminthochiton. Cirrus, Sowerby, 1818 = concoy, Barr. Cleodora, Persoon & Less sp. ind., Salter. Portlock? Clioderma, Hall, 1859. anatiformis, Hall, attenuata, D. D. Owen, caniculata, Hall, expansa, Saffordi, undulata, Clisiospira, Billings, 18 curiosa, Billings, macrophthalma, Cyclonema, Hall, 1852. jellula, Billings. (N. York, east) Schoharie Co. (NewYork, east) Albany anc Schoharie Counties. (N.York, east) Schoharie Co. (N.York,east)Albany&c.Cos. (Bohem.)Konieprus, Hostin, St. Iwan. Lower .Harz (Thuringia). (New York, east) Becraft's Mountain &c. (NewYork, east) Albany and Schoharie Counties. New York. Gothland. (N.York, east) Schoharie Co. Albany anc Schoharie Counties. (N.York, east) Schoharie anc Becraft's Mountain. North-west Harz(Germany). (N.York,east) Becraft's Mn., Columbia County. (NewYork, east) Albany anc Schoharie Counties. NewYork,east)Becraft's Mn. (New York, east) Becraft's Mountain, Schoharie, &c. North-west Harz(Germany), Aymestry? (England). North-west Harz(Germany). New York (U. S. America). [sle Oesel (Baltic), Hohen- eichen, Lode, Ficht. [sle Oesel, Lode (Baltic). Bogoslofsk (Oural). Oudley, Ludlow (England). 3ohemia. Delth. Sh. Lst.... Pleta, Faunas E, F, G. g. 1. Delth. Sh. Lst.... L. H. G Isles Dago and Odinsholm (Baltic). Tr (Canada E.) Eiver Chevro- tiere, Deschambault. Delth. Sh. Lst.... U.Pentam. Lst... Delth. Sh. Lst.... L Primordial L. H. G Castile (Spain). ^Spain) Leon, province of. Corall Lst Bennes (France). 801. Tr 46. (New York) Trenton Falls and Middleville. N'ashville (Tennessee). Louisville (Ohio). (New York) Waterford. Middleville. \brth Wisconsin. 57. H. E. G > Corall. Lst ? Pentam. Lst ? BL 1839. Victoria (Australia). (Can. W.) Mid.OttawaRiver. W, L.L. .. Llandov Ireland. Faunae F, G. g. 1. Tr EuoMriiALUS, Sowerby, 1814. ing, 1810. ;Can.W.)Mid. Ottawa Eiver. [reland, North Wales. (CENTROTHECA.) New Yorkj Watertown. Wisconsin. (Tennessee) Lebanon. ^New York) Watertown. Tennessee) Lebanon. New York) Watertown. 65. (Canada E.) Quebec (drift). ? Anticosti) The Jumpers. BL Tr Tr P., Queb.G Div.4,A.G.,Mayh. Cydonema. 152 GASTEROPODA. Subdivision. Genus, Species, and Author. Lower Stage. Middle Stage. Upper Stage. Tr., H.R. G. ... CL )ilix, Conrad. 3ancellata, Hall. 3ommunis, Billings. joncinna, M'Coy. Turbo. 3orallii, Sowerby. Murchisonia. srebristria, M'Coy. Davisii, Salter. decora, Billings. depressa, Galtensis, jranulata, ? Hageri, Halliana, Salter. tiumilis, Billings, [ineata, ? mediocris, Billings. Montrealensis, obsoleta, Hall. Oetavia, D'Orbigny. percingulata, Billings. Phaedra, ,, Psyche, quadristriata, Phillips. Rama, Salter. rupestris, Eichw. semicarinata ? Salter. sigaretiformis, Portlock. subsulcata, ,. subtersulcata, Salter. sulcata, Hall. ulcifera, Eichw., Murch. Thalia, Billings. Thisbe, trimarginata, Eichw Lake Huron) Cape Smyth, Tennessee, N.York, (Ohio) Cincinnati. N. Y.) Wayne County &c. Inticosti. )errymore Glen (Ireland), Ludlow, (Salop) Botville, Caradoc, &c., Gothland (Middle and North). Guelph (Canada West). Canada W.) Flamboro' W. Ludlow. Chance's Nitch, Malvern, Westmoreland. Guelph (Canada West). (New York) Wayne County, (Canada West) Guelph. (Can.W.) Guelph Township. Aymestry (England). (Wales) Llansannan, Bryn- Mawr. (Wales) Llansannan, Fryd- y-Fedwen. )iv. 4, Anticosti Gr., Mayhill. Carad [reland) New Eoss, Wex- ford. L., U.L N. & S. Wales) Caernarvon, Bala, CorndonGrits, West- moreland. Sash Scar, Presteign. Anticosti) S.W. Point. U.Llandov Div. 4, A. Gr., Mayhill. Guelph Tr Ireland) Desertcreate. Canada (east and west). Canada W.)Middle Ottawa. Anticosti) The Jumpers. Anticosti)nearS.W.Point. New York) Medina &c., Canada West. B. BL Div. D, A.Gr.... Carad Irel.) Tyrone, Desertcreate. Tr Canada E.) Montreal. CL.,Niag L Div. 4, A. Gr., Niag. ? Queb. G Anticosti Isle, S.W. Point (Gulf St. Lawrence). Quebec (drift). Guelph L.Llandov Pleta, Carad. ... Tr Vtalvern (England). Niti Pass, Himalaya (E. I.). Wales, (Irel.) Chair of Kil- dare, (Esthonia) Nyby, Isle Dago, Hohenholm. Can.W.)Mid. OttawaEiver. Ireland) Chair of Kildare. Ireland) Desertcreate. ^Himalaya) Niti Kalajowar Carad Onond. S. Gr. Guelph. Pleta, Carad. ... Div. 1. Anticosti Gr., H. E. G. Guelph Dyrone, (Esthonia) Kirna Odinsholm. Anticosti) Charlton Point Junction Cliff. Pleta Poulkova.Eopscha, &c. (Eus sia), Wesenberg &c. (Es thonia), Chair of Kildare (Ireland), (Wales) Allt-y gader. L undifera, M'Coy varians, Billings varicosa, Hall ventricosa, sp. ind., Salter (three keels), ,, Dentalium, Linnceus, I acus, Eichw granosum, notabile, Eunerna, Salter, 1859. aemula, Salter cerithioides, ,, Div. 4, Anticosti Gr., Mayhill. H. E. G (Anticosti Isle)S.W. Point Wales, (N. York) Wavn Tennessee (U. S. America). Ohio Tennessee CL.,Llan- dov. Carad Montgomerysh., Llanfyllin. County, Sodus. W )> Inflamm. Schist Pleta 40. D'Erras (Esthonia), Ponti lovo (St. Petersb., Eussia' Poulkova, Popova (Eussia). Tasmania West. (Canada West) Middle Ot tawa Eiver. ii Tr B..BL Eimema. 153 GASTEKOPODA. Subdivision. Genus, Species, and Author. Lower Stage. Middle Stage. Upper Stage. W cirrhosus, Sowerby Erigone, Billings pagoda, prisca, Billings strigillata, Salter Euomphalus, Sowerby acies, Eichw tequilaterus, Wahlenb tequilateralis, Hising alatus, Hising var. subundatus, Salter Brauni,major, Barr canaliferus, ,, carinatus, Sowerby catenulatus, Hising. centrifugus, Wahlenb. Uorndensis, Sowerby. cornu-arietis, Hising. costatus, ,, devexus, Eichw. discors, Sowerby, disjunctus, Hall, elegans, Eichw. gyroceras. unatus, Sowerby. *ranulatus, Barr. lemisphaericus, ncrescens, Eichw. autus, M'Coy. juzieri, Bonissent. marginalia, Eichw. matutinus, Salter. Minnesotensis, D. D. Owen. monoplectus, Barr. jlanissimus Eichw. josthumus, ,, jrasnuntius, Phill. primus, Barr. jrofundus, Conrad. Bucania. seudo -gualter iatus , Von Buch. Wenlock,Dudley (England). Gothland. Norway,NorthGothland,Ab- berley Hill, Tame Bridge (Engl.), (Irel.) Ferriter's Cove, Doonquin, (Wales) Llandeilo. Golden Grove, Llandeilo, &c. (Wales). Bohemia. (N. Gothland) Wisby, (Nor- way) Katthammer, (Engl.} Tortworth, Ludlow, Wal- sall,Aymestry, &c.,(Wales^ Mocktree. Go thla nd,Katthammer (Nor- way). Dudley,Leintwardine, Wool- hope, &c., (Podolia) Ka- menetz. Podolia, Isle Oesel (Baltic), (Gothland) Katthammer, Klinteberg. (Gothl.) Katthammer, Nas. !forth Gothland, Woolhope. Wenlock, Dudley, &c. (England), Wales. (New York,east) Carlisle &c. Counties. N. Gothknd) Wisby &c v (Wales) Lansannan, TJsk, &c., (England) Walsall, Wenlock Edge, Dudley, Aymestry, &c., (Irel.) Fer- riter's Cove &c., Bohemia. Bohemia. Lmdles, Woolhope, Dudley. Doonquin, Ferriter's Cove (Ireland). Bohemia, Franconia. k N. York) Herkimer County. Grothland, (Dalecarlia) Sjur- berg, (Aland) Sandby. B., BL (Canada W.) River Ottawa Point 1'Orignal. Canada West, Mingan Isles Wisconsin. Hunter's Isl. (Mingan Isles) Mingan Isles, (Can.W.)Mid die Ottawa River, Cam] d'Ours, Lake Huron. 1814. Isles Odinsholm and Dago (Baltic). B., BL P., CS. . B., BL Pleta . . Oslo G., Llan. . Llandoy., W., L Fauna E Norway. Bull's Head (Kerry) Bohemia. W.,L Corall. Lst., W. L. Llan Corndon Hills (S. Wales) South Thuringia. Corall. Lst W Pleta Esthonia) Wesenberg. W U.Pentam. Lst. U.Llando-v., W.. L., Pleta, Fauna E. Fauna E Xeval, Lyckholm (Esthonia). Tsle Dago) Hohenholm. ... Norway, (Engl.) Mayhill, (Ireland) Bull's Head, Kerry County, (Wales) Marloes Bay. W Pleta !sle Odinsholm (Baltic). Ireland) Gal way U.Llandov., W. ? Llan 'France) La Manche. S\Q Odinsholm &c. (Baltic), Lapoukhineka ( St. Petersb . ) . S. & N. Scotland) Durness, Sutherland, traverse des Sioux (Minne- sota). CS Pleta Odinsholm Isle (Baltic) . . . Russia,St.Petersburg)Poul- kova. Odinsholm ? Gunwick Mill, Malvern, Mayhill. U.Llandov Fauna D Bohemia. L. H. G Euomphalus. 154 GASTEROPODA. Subdivision. Genus, Species, and Author. Lower Stage. Middle Stage. Upper Stage. CoralL Lst., U. Llandov., W. U.Llandov.,W... ? Tentac. Lst., L. H. G. Llandov rugosus, Sowerby. sculp tus, * serpuloides, Eichter. sinuatus, Hall. Stinkerni, Helmersen. subcarinatus, Minister, substriatus, Barr. subsulcatus, Hising. sulcatus, Hall. supra-angulatus, Hising. tenuistriatus, Sowerby. trieinctus, M'Coy. Trochonema. trigonalis, ? triliratus, Conrad. triporcatus, M'Coy. Trochonema. irochleatus, Barr. tubasformis, Baily. ;ubiger, Barr. ungulatus, H. D. Rogers, uniangulatus, Hall. ? vaticinus, Owen. vortex, Eichw. sp. ind., Salter. Stuchbury. Salter. Helicotoma, Salter, 185 Anglica, Wyatt-Edgel. eucharis, Billings. Gorgonia, Arvata, Salter. Milligani, misera, Billings, perstriata, ,, planulata, Salter. Euomph. triliratus. var. muricata, Proserpina, Billings. pusilla, Salter. spinosa, Tritonia, Billings, umbilicata, uniangulata, Hall. Helmintho chiton, Salt Griffithii, Salter. Chiton. Mayhill (England) Norway, (Engl.) Mayhill, Malvern, Tortworth, (Ireland) Galway. (Engl.) Wenlock, Dudley, Ledbury, &c., North Goth- land, (Podolia) Kamenetz, (Can. E.) Port Daniel. Norway, North Gothland, Shropshire, Dudley, Mal- vern, Westmoreland, &c., (Irel.) Derrymore Glen. Thuringia. (Central N, York) Herkimer County, (N. New Bruns- wick) Eestigouche ?. Gothland. Franconia. Gothland,Norway, (Ireland) Tirnaskea. New York, Gothland, (Dale- carlia) Vicarby. Gothland. ( Wales)Golden Grove, South Scotland. (Wales) Golden Grove, Caer- marthen. Bohemia, Franconia. Bohemia. Arctic Seas (America). Boocaun, Cong (Galway). Carad., W Chair of Kildare, Pomeroy (Ireland). L. H. G Carad Middleton, Corndon Kills, Doonquin (Ireland). (Wales) Cyrn-y-brain Norway. Mineral Point (Wisconsin). (Wales) Wrexham Lettershanbally (Galway). Llandov., W. . . . OsloGp Tr Carad., W Fauna E Carad [reland. Fauna F CS. CH Pennsylvania, Norway ? Canada West, (New York) Saratoga County. [Minnesota) La Grange Mn. (Euss.) Tzarskaya-Slawanka, St. Petersburg, Isle Dago &c. (Baltic), (Esthonia) Lyckholm. cs P Carad Merioneth, Bala Lake. Berrigal (New South Wales). Wales. N'orth-west Scotland. 3 = OPHILETA. South Wales. (Newfoundl. W.) Tablehead. )> (Can.W.)Mid. Ottawa Eiver. Tasmania West. Point LeVis (Canada East). (Can. E.) Point Levis, Min- gan Isles. [Can. W.) Loughborough, (Can. E.) Montreal, Lower Ottawa, Highgate Springs, North-west Vermont. (Canada E.) Lower Ottawa, Grenville. Cape Norman (Newfound- land North). Tasmania West. (Canada E.) Lower Ottawa Eiver. [Newfoundland North) Cape Norman . (Canada E.) Lower Ottawa Eiver. New York, Mingan Isles (G. St. Lawrence), Point Levis (Canada East). er. "i i . [reland. ? Llan Divs.L,M,Queb. G. Div. H., CS., Queb. Or. B., BL., Tr. ... Tr Queb. Gr CS B., BL.,Tr. ... Div. G, Queb. G. Tr B., BL., Tr. ... Div. G., CS., Queb. G. CH CS U.Llandov Holopcea. 155 GASTEKOPODA. Subdivision. Genus, Species, and Author. Lower Stage. Middle Stage. Upper Stage. L. H. G Holopaea, Hall, 1842. antiqua, Vanuxem. var. pervetusta, Hall, bilix, Conrad. carinata, Forbes. Chicagoensis, Winch.&Mar. concinna, M'Coy. conica, Forbes, constricta, M'Coy. Danae, Hall dilucula, elegans, elongata, exserta, Forbes. Gracia, Billings. Guelphensis, Harmonia, Lavinia, ,, Leiosoma, Lymnseoides, Forbes. Mumia, Salter. nereis, Billings. Niagarensis, Winch.&Mar. obliqua, Salter. Ophelia, Billings, ovalis, paludiniformis, Hall. Proserpina, Billings. Dumila, Salter. Pyrene, Billings. reversa, Hall, rupestris, Eichw. striatella, Sowerby. subconica, Hall, symmetrica, turgida, Billings, yaricosa, Salter. ventricosa, Hall, sp. ind., D. D. Owen. Salter. Holopella, M'Coy, 1852. ampufiacea, Schmidt? cancellata, Sowerby. conica, elongata, Eichw. eximia, gracilior, M'Coy. (Cent.N.York)Herkimer Co. 9) Chicago (Illinois). (N. York) Chittenango Falls, Nova Scotia. Canada. (N.York,central)Manlius &c. Gait Township (CanadaW.). i Chicago (Illinois). New York, (Nova Scotia' Arisaig. (N. York, central) Auburn. Lambrig Fell, Kendal(West- moreland). (Wales)Horeb Chapel,Stonn Hill, Kendal (Westmore- land). (North Wales) Dinas Bran, Llangollen. H. R. G New York, Canada West Pennsylvania, (Iowa) Tur- key River. (N. Wales) Bala, Bhiwlas. Carad Niag Carad Chair of Kildare, Wexforc (Ireland), Denbighshire Cerrig-y-Druidion, Leis- ley (Westmoreland). (Wales) Bala Lake, Rhiwlas ,, Bala, Cymmerig Merioneth. > Pentam. Lst., L. H. G. Queb. G., CS. ... L H. Gr (Canada East) Point Levis, Phillipsburg. L. H Gr.? Carad (Wales) Bala Lake, Rhiwlas Guelph Tr " (Canada) Admaston Town- ship. (Canada East) Point L6vis. Khiwlas (North Wales). Tasmania West. (Canada E.) Montreal &c. Queb. G Carad Tr Nias 1 . Tr (N. York) Middleville, Mid. Ottawa (Canada West). [Newfoundland) Point Rich. [Canada E.) Beauharnois, Godmanchester. [New York State) Jefferson County. (Canada East) Mississquoi. 'Himalaya) Niti, Damchen. (Canada W.) Middle Ottawa River. Div.L., Queb. G. CS Tr u.cs B., BL L H. G Carad [reland, Russia, Lower Sile- sia (rolled). (Ireland) Chair of Kildare, (Wales) MoelHebog, Bala Lake, (Engl.) Horderley &c. Tentac. Lst., L. H. G. B., BL Canada, (New York) Middle- ville. Hunter' s!sland,Mingan Isles (Gulf St. Lawrence). (Himalaya) Niti, Chorhoti Pass. 'N. York) HerMmer County. Elkader (Iowa). Caernarvon, Bettws-y-Coed (Wales). Esthonia, Low.Silesia(drift). (Wales) Presteign, (Engl.) Norbury &c., Malvern, Gunwick Mill. |Wales)Llandovery, (Eng- land) Norbury. (N. Ural) Bogoslovsk. CS Tr Carad. ... Ut. Slate Carad.,Llandov., L. & ILL. Carad., Llandov., Tilestone. ? Pleta ilerioneth, Bala Lake Wakhterpag, Isle Dago (Bal- tic), Lyckholm (Esthonia). W HolopeUa. 156 GASTEROPODA. Subdivision. Genus, Species, and Author. Lower Stage. Middle Stage. Upper Stage. Llandov., W., U. L. U.L gregaria, M'Coy. intermedia, monilis, ,, obsoleta, Sowerby. plana, M'Coy. tenuicincta, ,, sp. ind., Salter. ,, Selwyn. Hormotoma, Salter, 186 nerinaea, Salter. usitata, ,, Litorina, Ferussac, 1821. Octavia, M'Coy. striatella, Sowerby. Holopesa. Loxonema, Phillips, 184 aculeate, attenuata, Hall. Boydii, compacta, Devonicans, Barr. elegans, M'Coy. Fitchi, Hall. Gaspensis, Billings. Kanei, Meek. iongrispira, Hall. M'Clintocki, Salter. Murrayana, ? obtusa, Hall. planogyrata, Eossi, Haughton. Salteri, sinuosa, Sowerby. subulata, Conrad, sp. ind., Swallow. Selwyn. Macrocheilus, Philhps, elongatus, Portlock. Polyphemopsis. fusiformis, Sowerby. sp. ind., Lindstrom. ,, Haughton. D. D. Owen. Metoptoma, Phillips, 18 Alceste, Billings, angusta, anomala, ,, Canadensis, ,, Chiton. deformis, Hall dubia, ,, Erato, Billings. E.stella, Eubule, (N.&S.Wales)Llanrwst, Ho- reb Chapel, Eadnorshire, &c., (Westmorel.) Kirkby Lonsdale &c. Underbarrow (Westmorel.). (S.Wales)Usk,Horeb Chapel, Benson Knot (Westmore- land), Esthonia, Gothland. (Wales) Mynydd Tryfan. (England) Ludlow.Norbury, Linley, Malverns, &c. (N. York, east) Carlisle Co. Guelph (Canada West). (N. York) Schoharie County, Gaspe (Canada East). (Boh.) Chotecz, Konieprus. Derrymore Glen (Ireland), Leintwardine, Eiver Onny (Shropsh.), (Wales)Craig- hir. (N. York) Helderberg Mns. (Canada East) Cape Gaspe. Kennedy's Channel (Arctic America). Illinois, Iowa, Galt( Canada). Arctic Seas (America), Port Leopold. (N. York) Schoharie County. Arctic Seas (America), Grif- fith's Island. Arctic Seas (America), Bee- chey Isles. Abberley, Vinnal Hill, Lud- low, Ledbury. Derrymore Glen (Ireland), Aymestry (Hereford), (Wales) Llan- sannan &c. Chicago (Illinois), Canada. Wales (Devonian, Newton). Gothland. Arctic Seas (America), Grif- fith's Island. Carad Sclattyn Eoad (N. Wales). (S.W. Scotland) Girwan ... Tortworth, Malvern, Bog- mine, Norbury. Tonlegee, Galway (Ire!.). Mullock Quarry (South- west Scotland). Llandov., U.L... Llandov W. , ? Tr Victoria (Australia). Tasmania West. W Carad Bishop's Castle &c. (Shrop- shire). 1. Anticosti Isle. Div. 3, A. Gh, Mayhill. Delth. Sh. Lst... Onon. S. G. ... L. H. G.? Faunae F.G.g.l. L.L Delth. Sh. Lst... L. H. G B., BL Mingan Isles (G. St. Lawr.). Pen tarn. Lst., L. H. G. L. H. G. Llandov., W., L. Niag Wales cs Missouri (U. S. America). Victoria (Australia). ? Carad., L U.Llandov Utica Slate 1841. (Ireland ) Desertcreate (Wales) Presteign. Turkey Elver (Iowa). 36. (IsleAnticosti)EnglishHead. (Canada East) Point Levis. Mid. Ottawa Eiver(Can.W-). New York (U. S. A),Canada. New York. (CanadaW.) Middle Ottawa Eiver. (MeAnticosti)English Head. (Canada East) Phillipsburg. H. E. G P., Queb. G. ... BL. '.' CH BL H. E. G CH Metoptoma. 157 GASTEROPODA. Subdivision. Genus, Species, and Author. Lower Stage. Middle Stage. Upper Stage. P., Q.ueb. G. ... Div. L, Qucb. G. P., Queb. G. ... CH ETyrie, Billings, mstabilis, ,, melissa, ,, Montrealensis, N T icteis, Siobe, Orphyne, Orythyia, jatelliformis, Hall, rastulosa, Eichw. ^uebecensis, Billings. ? rugosa, Hall, silurica, Eichw. simplex, Billings. Solaris, Eichw. superba, Billings. Trentonensis, Venillia, Murchisonia, If Arch. 8f abbreviata, Hall. aciculata, ,, acrea, Billings. Ada, Adelina, agilis, ,, Alexandra, angulata, Sowerby. Hall. angulocincta, Salter. angustata, Hall. Anna, Billings. Arachne, Billings, ar en aria, ,, Arisaigensis, Hall. Artemisia, Billings, articulata, Sowerby. aspera, Billings, attenuata, Hising. Augustina, balteata, Phill. Beatrice, bellicincta, Hall bicincta, M'Coy bilirata, Hall bivittata, Point L6vis (Canada East). (Newfoundland W.) Table- head. Newfoundland West, Point Levis. 'Canada East) Montreal. Vlingan Isles (G. St. Lawr.). ^Canada E.) Phillipsburg. ,, Point Levis. ,, Phillipsburg. Danada, New York. Poulkova (Russia). k Canada East) Point Levis. (New York) Troy. Beval (Baltic). [.Canada W.) Merrickville. Poulkova (Russia). (Canada W.) Middle Ottawa River. Montreal (Canada East). (Canada East) Point LeVis. Verneuil, 1841. (New York) Clinton County, (Iowa) Elkader. (Nova Scotia) Arisaig. Arisaig (Nova Scotia). Ludlow,Ledbury,&c., Wales, Kendal (Westmoreland), Norway, Gothland. Gothland. Dudley, Mayhill, Wales. (New York) Albany County. (Canada W.) Dumfries anc Gait Townships. cs p.,cs P., Queb. G. ... P.,CS Tr Pleta P., Queb. G. ... H. R G Pleta CS Pleta BL Tr P., Queb. G. ... CH.,Ut. SI. ... L. H. G Div.G.,CS.,Queb. G. CS (Newfoundland West) Port au Choix. Lower OttawaRiver(Can.E. ). (Newfoundland North) Cape Norman. (Newfoundl. N. & W.) Cape Norman &c. (Can,W.)Mid. Ottawa River Caernarvonshire, Carnedc Dafydd( Wales), (Wiscon- sin) Mineral Point, (few York, N.W. Michigan (Lake Superior). (N.W. Scotland) Durness. (N. & S. Scotland) Durness Knockdollian, Ayrshire New York, Sweden ? (Newfoundland W.) Hawkes Bay, (Can. E.) St. Anne and Beauharnois. Montreal (Canada East). Godmanchester, Beauhar nois (Canada East). Div.G=CS.,Queb. G. Divs.G,H=CS., Queb. G. BL Carad.,Llandov., Tr. B., Tr Eeg. B... Div. G=CS. ... Tr cs L. H. G CS LowerOttawaRiver(Can.E.) Tonlegee (Gal way) Llandov., TJ.L... CH Mingan Isles (G. St. Lawr.) Divs. H,I, K,L M, N, Queb. G Llandov., W. ... H E G (Newfoundl. W. & N.) Poin Rich, Burnt Cape, &c. Galway (Ireland), Llan dovery (Wales). (Canada East) Yamaska. (Canada E.) Lake St. John (N. York) Trenton, Turin &c., Tennessee, Kentucky Missouri, (Iowa) Elkade &c., (Illinois) Scale' Mound, N.W. Michigan (N.W. Scotland) Durness Silesia. (Ireland) Kildare, (Can. E. Montreal, Middle Ottaw River, Lorette, &c., New York, Tennessee,Missoun Wisconsin. B., BL.,Tr Llan., Carad. .. BL., Delth.Sh. L Guelph, Onon. S G. 2s Murchisonia. 158 GASTEROPODA. Subdivision. Genus, Species, and Author. Lower Stage. Middle Stage. Upper Stage. Guelph, Onon. S G. Carad., Llandov Div. K, Queb. G Queb G-. Boydii, Hall cancellatula, M'Coy Cassandra, Billings Catherina, Cicelia, ,, cingulata, Hising conoidea, Hall corallii, Sowerby Estella, Billings extenuata, Hall Franklini, Salter funata, Billings (New York) Wayne County, (Can. W.) Guelph Town- ship. Leintwardine, Herefordsh., Aymestry Scotland, Nor- way, Gothland, Esthonia, Nijni-Tagilsk( Ural),(Rus- sia) Petropaulofsk. Ludlow, Malvern, (Wales) Llandeilo, Radnorshire, (Gothland) Grotlingbo. Gait (Canada West). (New York, east) Schoharie and Onondago Counties. (Can. W.) Gait Township. Wisconsin (U. S. America). (Shropshire) Wenlock Edge. Dudley, Aymestry, Miil- vern, Herefordsh., (Wales) Mynydd Try fan, Craig-hir. Qlinois, Iowa, (Canada W.) Guelph. (Can. W.) Gait Township. Dumfries Townsh. (Central NewYork) Fayette- ville. [llinois, Iowa (U. S. Amer.), Gait (Canada West). (N. York) Schoharie County. (S.W. Scotl.) Mulock, Mei- fod, Alt-y- Anker (Wales) Point Levis (Canada East). (Newfoundl. W.) Tablehead (Newfoundland W.) Point Rich &c. South-west Scotland. Cong (Galway) Div. L, Queb. G W., L M. Sa (New York) Lockport. Carad., U.L. ... Guelph. . Tentac. Lst., L. H. G. Div. 1, A. G., Tr. 4,A.G.,May- hill. Div. 1, A. G., Llandov. Tr.,H.R.G.,Llan- dov. Carad Tasmania West. (Anticosti) The Jumpers (Isle Anticosti) Prinsta Bay &c. (Anticosti) Cape Sand-top &c. gigantea, jracilis, Hall Hormotoma. gyrogonia, M'Coy larmonia, Billings lelicteres, Salter. lercynia, Billings, rlermione, lirnalensis, Salter. lyale, Billings, nflata, M'Coy. nfrequens, Billings. Fessica, ,, Japhami, Hall, atifasciata, Portlock inearis, Billings, jloydii, Sowerby. Logani, Hall. longispira, Billings, macrospira. Hall. major, melaniaformis, Shumard ? mimetica, Salter. minuta, Hall. Missisquoiensis, Billings, modesta, multivolvis, mylitta, obscura, Portlock. Loxonema. ? obtusa, Hall. Pennsylvania, Carlisle (New York), Watertown, Wis- consin, (Canada E.) Lake St. John, Montreal, (Can. W.) Middle Ottawa River, Camp d'Ours,LakeHuron. (N. & S. Wales) Yspatty, Evan, Llanfechan, &c. Guelph B., BL., Tr Guelph Middle Ottawa River, Wis- consin. CH. orBL Queb. G Mingan Isles (G. St. Lawr.). (Himalaya) Niti, Chorhoti Pass. (Canada E.) Phillipsburg. Tonlegee, Galway (Ire- land). Llandov CH ^Canada W.) Grand Isle, near Cornwall. Point Levis (Canada East). Queb. G Racine, Niag. ... Carad Desertcreate (Ireland). Mingan Isles (G. St. Lawr.). CS W., L Onond. S. G., Niag. Guelph. Onond. S. G., Guelph. Tr Green Bay, Lake Michigan, Wisconsin (U.S.America), Dubuque (Iowa). Missouri (U. S. America). CS. ., Tr Tasmania West. Tentac. Lst., L. H. G. Queb. G Canada East) Phillipsburg. "sle Anticosti, English Head H. R. G !> (Gulf St. Lawrence), 'sle Anticosti (west end), Macasty Bay. Carad Ireland) Desertcreate. CoralLL., Schoh. Murchisonia. 159 GASTEROPODA. Subdivision. Genus, Species, and Author. Lower Stage. Middle Stage. Upper Stage. CH . orbiculata Ha New York. Niti (Himalaya), Kalajowai (Anticosti Isle) Junctio Cliff. Mandinam (Wales). Wales ?, Leenane (Ga way). Anticosti) Gamache Bay S.W. Scotland, (Wales Bogmine, (Engl.) Nor bury. New York) Orleans Co., Isle Anticosti, Flam- borough (Canada West Ireland) Egool, Mayo Co. New York, (Canada West) Flamborough W. N. York) Schoharie County. pital and Benson Knot, Westmoreland (England), Stormhill, Golden Grove. Can.W.) Guelph Township, ew York?, (Canada West) Gait Township. bhem.) Konieprus, Tetin. anadaW.) Gait Township. Div. 1, A. G. Llandov. B.,BL.,CH.,Ti Div.G, CS.,Queb G. BL pagoda, Salte papillosa, Billing . perangulata, Ha placida, Billing Procris, Pryceie, Sowerb pulchra, M'Co; ramosa, Billings rugosa, scalaris, Salte serrata, serrulata, Silvia, Billing simplex, M'Coy simulatrix, Billings var. simplex. sororcula, var. perangulata, subfusiformis, Hal subrotundata, Portlock. subulata, HalL (CanadaW.) Middle Ottaw Camp d'Ours, L. Huro Highgate Springs (N.W Vermont), Montreal (Ca E.), Mingan Isles, (Ne York) Jefferson County. JNewfoundlandNorth) Ca] Norman. (Canada W.) Middle Ottaw Eiver. L. Llandov Carad., Llandov H. E. G Wales) Meifod, Tremado Ireland, (S.W. Scotland Mulock. AnticostiIsle)EnglishHeac Anticosti I.) English Heac &c. (Wales) Llyn Idwal, Nan Francon, &c., (S.W. Sco land) Stincher Eiver. (Can.W.) Mid.OttawaEive !few York, Wisconsin, Mon real (Canada East). Point LeVis (Canada East) Div. 1, A. G. Llandov., H. E G. Llan., Carad. ... B., BL.,Tr Queb. G U.Llandov., Car Divs. H, I, K, L, M, N, CS. &c., Queb. G. Divs.H,I,K,L,M, N,CS.,Queb.G. Tr (S.W. Scotland) Girwan &c Meifod &c. (Wales). 'Newfoundland W.) Poin Eich &c. ^Newfoundland W.) Poin Eich &c. Newfoundland. Canada, (N. York) Lewis Co &c., Tennessee, Big Sprin Eiver (Iowa). Tyrone (Ireland). Carad M.Sa.,CL.,Niag. Llandov sulcata, M'Coy. terebralis ?, Hal] teretiformis, Billings. rquata, M'Coy. tricarinata, Hall. Pullia, Billings, urritiformis, Hall. Billings ?. urricula, ,, urrita, Portlock ? arians, Billings. r aricosa ?, Hall, entricosa, r erneuilli, Barr. r esta, Billings. Itellia, ittata, Hall. Corall. Lst. o: Schoharie. Div. 1, A. G., H E.G. L., Tilestone ... Tr., Ut. Slate ... Guelph sleAnticosti,CharltonPoin1 Anticosti) Gamache Bay. Mis of St. Anthony (Min- nesota) , New York, Canada. ( Wiscons.) Mineral Point, Sardinia. Corall.Lst,, Scho- harie. Onond. S. G., H. E. G. Divs. 1, 4, A. G., Llandov. Carad jiticosti Isle, west end. ew York, (Anticosti Isle' The Jumpers &c. i eland, Merioneth, Bala (Wales), le Anticosti, English Head. r . York) Jefferson County, anada W.) Ottawa Eiver, Montreal, Lake St. John (Canada E.), (Anticosti) Gamache Bay &c. H. E. G. .. ... B B.,Tr.,H.E.G., Div. 1, A. G., Llandov. Faunae F, G. g. 1. P.,CS anada East) Phillipsburg. Guelph Tr ew York) Jefferson County. Murcliisonia. 160 GASTEKOPODA. Subdivision. Genus, Species, and Author. Lower Stage. Middle Stage. Upper Stage. H. E. G., Tr. ...n Tr . ... miangulata, Hall, var. , abbreviata, Xanthippe, Billings, p. ind., Meneghini. Salter. D. D. Owen. Salter. Selwyn. Dawson. tfatica, Adanson, 1757 ; impullacea, Eichw. borealis, soncinna, >, glaucinoides, Sowerby. gregaria, Barr. nflata, Eomer. irregularis, Eichw. ininuta, Barr. nodosa, Eichw. parva, Sowerby. primigenia, Eichw. subvelata, Barr. sp. ind., Hall. Salter. Ophileta, Vanuxem, 184 abdita, Billings, anglica, Wyatt-Edgell asperostriata, Billings, bella, Circe, >, compacta, Salter. Maclurea. complanata, Hall. Eurydice, ' Billings levata, Hall macromphala, M'Coy Nerina, Billings Ottawa-ensis, primordialis, Winchell profunda, Billings sordida, Hall uniangulata, Billings sp. ind., Salter Patella, Linnaus, 1758. antiquissima, Hising constricta, Eichw New York) Middleville. ^ew York. New York) Lewis County, Turin, &c. Can. W.) Gait Township. Arctic Seas (America). Wales) Plas Madoc. Nova Scotia) Arisaig. Altai. Benson Knot and Kirkby Lonsdale (Westmorel.). (N.E. Bohemia) Littem. Gothland, Harz ? ^Bohemia) Sub-Chotecz. ^Wales) Presteign, Wool- hope &c. .Shropshire, W est- m or eland. Altai Mountains (Eussia). H E. G Guelph ] i Carad Sardinia. Caernarvon, Betts-y-Coed. Jpper Mississippi Eiver. w \v ictoria (Australia). / ! pleta iMPULLAEiA, Sowerby; NAT !sle of Odinsholm, Baltisch- port, Peninsula of Nouk (Esthonia). COPSIS, M'Coy, 1855. Altai Carad Chair of Kildare (Ireland). UL. Pleta Poulkova (Eussia). Fauna G. g. 1 ... pleta (Esthon.)Baltischport,Lyck- holm, Poulkova (Eussia). U.L Fauna G-. g. 1 . . B Bohemia) Chotecz. Isle Oesel, Ficht (Baltic). Bolivia, MillepayaValley (S. America). (NewYork)JeffersonCounty. Norbury, Bogmine. Norway. U.Llandov Queb Gr 2. (SXRAPAROLLUS.) Point L6vis (Canada East). (SouthWales) AbereidyBay 'Can.W.) Mid.Ottawa Eiver Point Levis, Newfoundlanc Stanbridge (Canada East' (CanW.) Mid. OttawaEiver New York, (Can. E.) Gren ville, (N.W. Scotl.) Dur ness. (Canada East) Phillipsburg (New York) Mohawk Va ley &c. (Canada W.) Middle Ottaw Eiver. (New York) Mohawk Valley Phillipsburg (Canada E. (S.W. Scotland) Ayrshire. (Newfoundland) Bay of S John. Middle Ottawa (CanadaW. Wisconsin. Point Levis (Canada East) Phillipsburg (Canada East] Point Levis (Canada East (Newfoundl.)Cowhead & Shropshire, west of Stip Stones. (Ostrogotha) Borenshult . Eeval (Baltic). B BL Div. P, Queb. G. B, BL Potsdam S.,CS., Llan. cs B BL CS Carad Div.F.CS., Queb G. Tr P., Potsdam . . Lst. 2, Queb. G cs ? Pleta Corall. Lst Carad . elliptica, Miinster mitreola, Eichw ' Saturni, Portloct . Tirnaskea, Desertcreate (Ty rone). . Poulkova (Eussia). Pleta scutellum, Eichw Pleta, Carad. . umbonata, sp. ind., Saltei Fhasianella, Lamarck, . gigas, Eiclr?i 1812. '. Kildare (Ireland) ?, (Estho nia) Sutlep, Kirna, &c. Pilidion. 161 GASTEROPODA. Subdivision. Genus, Species, and Author. Lower Stage. Middle Stage. Upper Stage. Fauna G. g. 1 ... Fauna G-. g. 3 ... Llan., Llandov. L.,Passage beds ? Red Pentam.L. L Pilidion,Barrande, 1865 ? Bohemicum, Barr. fastigiatum. Platychisma, M'Coy, 1 helicites, Sowerby Troohus. scutiger, Eichw simulans, Salter. Williamsi, Sowerby sp. ind., Salter. Platyostoma, Conrad, 1 arenosa, Conrad. depressa, Hall. tiemisphserica, Niagarensis, ? subangulata, ventricosa, Conrad. sp. ind., Eogers. Hall. ,, Dawson. (4), Swallow. Hall. Pleurotomaria, Defran abrupta, Billings, advena ?, Winchell. sequilatera, Eichw. Agarista, Billings. Agave, ambigua, Hall. Americana, Billings. Amphitrite, angulata, Sowerby. Murchisonia. antiquata, Hall, antiquissima, Eichw. aperta, Salter. Arabella, Billings. Arachne, Artemis, articulata, Sowerby. Anon, Winchell & Marcy ? Dalteata, Phillips. Baltica, De Verneuil. jellicincta, Hall. (Bohem.)Lochkov &c.,Tetin. Hlubocep. Westmorel., Horeb Chapel, Kington, Herefordshire, Llandeilo, Park Lane, &c., Ludlow, Arisaig (Nova Scotia), S.W. Scotland, Isle Oesel, &c. Lesmahago, Pentland Hills (Scotland). Llangadoc, Llandovery, Ho- reb Chapel (Wales), West- moreland. (Wales) Craig-hir. (New York State, east) Cats- kill. (New York, east) Catskill, Becraft's Mountain. Isle Anticosti (G. St. Lawr.), (New York) Eochester, Grimsby (Canada West). (New York) Wolcott &c., Grimsby (Canada West), Tennessee. (New York, east") Albany Co. (New York, east) Catskill &c., Gasp6 (Canada East). Pennsylvania. Arisaig (Nova Scotia). Cape Girardeau (Missouri). (New York) Schoharie Co. Isle Oesel (Baltic). (Gothl.) Grotlingbo, (Engl.) Ludlow, Ledbury. Chicago (Illinois). Gothland. 844=TROCnus. North Ural (Eussia). Llandov. ?, L. . . . w Delth. Sh. Lst.... CL., Niag Nias. 843=NATicopsis, M'Coy. Delth. Sh. Lst.... L. H. G CL (N.York) Oneida County Corall. L., Schoh. cs ce, 1825. Mingan Isles (G. St. Lawr.). Wisconsin (U. S. America). Isle Dago, Hohenholm (Bal- tic). (Newfoundland W.) Table- head. ' Minnesota)Naquerau Eiver . [New York) Jefferson County, (Minnesota)Naquerau Ei- ver. 'Anticosti) Charlton Point &c., (Can.W.)LakeHuron, Cape Smyth and St. Joseph Island, Ottawa City, Min- gan Isles (G. St. Lawr.). Mingan Isles. New Eoss (Ireland), Char- field Green, Gloucester- shire. New York. Eeval, Wesenberg, &c. (Es- thonia), Isles Dago &c., Poulkova &c. (Eussia). (Canada W.) Middle Ottawa Eiver ?. (Canada E.) Lower Ottawa Eiver. MiddleOttawaEiver,Murray Bay, Montreal (Can. E.). 3ape Smyth, Lake Huron (Canada West). P., Potsdam S... Pleta, Corall.Lst. Div.H,CS.,Queb. G. Tr B., BL., Tr., H. E. G. CH Carad CH Pleta B., Tr CS BL., Tr H. E.G TJ.L Pleta Reval (Baltic, Eussia). Lake St. John (Canada E.), Wesenberg (Esthon.), Isle Dago, Hohenholm. Pleta, Tr. ? 2 T Pleurotomaria. 162 GASTEROPODA. Subdivision. Genus, Species, and Author. Lower Stage. Middle Stage. Upper Stage. CH biangulata, Hall, bijugata, Eichw. bilex, D. D. Owen, bispiralis, Hall. Bohemica, ... Barr. Bussacensis, Sharpe. calcifera, Billings. Calphurnia ?, calyx, Janadensis, cingulata, Eichw. Circe, Billings, crenulata, M'Coy. Crevieri, Billings, cryptata, Deiopeia, delphinuliformis, Sandb. depauperata, Hall, docens, Billings. Dryope, Elora, Etna, Eugenia, exilis, Eichwal d fissicarina, Phillips. Galtensis, Billings, gentilis, Salter rlobosa, Eichwald. gonopleura, Winch. & Mar. regaria, Billings. Halei, Hall. Harpya, Billings. Hebe, Helena, Hortensia, Hoyi, Hall. Huronensis, Billings. Hyale, Ida, Hall, immatura, Billings, indenta, Hall. inflata, M'Coy. Murchisonia. insignis, Eichw. insueta, Salter. jugosa, Salter (MS.). kbrosa, Hall. latifasciata, Portlock Trochonema. Laurentina, Billings. New York (U. S. America). Bogoslowski (Ural) ? New York, (Can. W.) Gait. [Bohemia) Tetin. Bogoslowsk (North Ural) ? [Westmoreland) Brigsteer, Kington, Ludlow, &c. Elora (Canada West). Elora (Canada West). Gait Township (CanadaW.). Chicago (Illinois, U. States America). (Wisconsin) Eacine. (Wisconsin) Eacine. (Canada West) Cape Hard. (Wisconsin) Eacine. (New York) Albany County. Pentam. Lst. ... H. E. G (Iowa) Turkey Eiver. Corall.L.,Guelph Fauna G. g. 1 . . . Div.C, CS.,Queb. G. CH [Portugal) Bussaco, (Spain) Pueblo de Don Eodrigo. Newfoundland West, (Can. E.) Point Levis, Beauhar- nois. [Newfoundland North) Cape Norman. Montreal (Canada East). [Canada E.) Lower Ottawa, Mingan Isles. Isle Dago (Baltic), (Estho- nia) Borkholm. (IsleAnticosti)English Head. cs Pleta H. E. G. ... U.L. . CH (Canada E.) St. Dominique. [Anticos.)Chaloupe Eiver. Div.3, A. G.May- hill. Guelph Pleta, Mid. Sil... Shales above Tr. CH Odinsholm Isle, Sutlep, &c. (Baltic). S.W. Wisconsin, Iowa. Montreal,POrignal(Can.E.). (Can.W.)Mid. Ottawa Eiver. Ural(Pentam. Limestone). BL. Guelph Div. G, H, Queb. G., CS. BL (Newfoundl. W. & N.) Cape Norman, Tablehead. N.W. of Lake Huron (Can. W.), Montreal (Can. E.). Isle Dago, Pyhalep, (Estho- nia) Laisholm. Malvern, Norbury (Engl.). Pleta U.Llandov Guelph Carad Chair of Kildare (Ireland). Isle Dago,Hohenholm,Kirna (Esthonia). Talkhof (Livonia). Pleta, Mid. Sil.... Niag CS Mingan Isles (G. St. Lawr.), Lower Ottawa Eiver. Niag Div.G,CS.,Queb. G. H. E. G (Newfoundland North) Cape Norman. Cape Smyth, Lake Huron. (Canada) Cape Smyth, Lake Huron, (Anticosti) Charl- ton Point,Tablehead(New- foundland ?). (Newfoundl. W.) Tablehead. Div. H, Queb.G., CS. Nias? Niag., Guelph . . . Div. F,CS., Queb. G. Niaff. .. (Newfoundland West) Kep- pel Isle &c. CH (Canada East) Montreal. (New York) Watertown. Cong, Galway (Ireland). Norbury,Shropshire,Pres- teign, &c. Tr Pleta Isle Dago, Pyhalep, Hohen- holm (Baltic). West Tasmania, U.Llandov Delth.Sh.Lst.,U. Pentam. Lst. Carad Tirnaskea (Ireland), (S.W. Scotland) Stinchar Eiver. Newfoundland.Mingan Isles, (G. St. Lawrence), North Wisconsin. Div.G,CS.,Queb. G. Pleurotomaria. 163 GASTEBOPODA. Subdivision. Genus, Species, and Author. Lower Stage. Middle Stage. Upper Stage. Tr lenticularis, Hall. Sowerby. litorea, Hall, micula, Eaphistoma. mimetica, Salter. miser, Billings. Missiquoiensis, Moorei, Salter. muralis, D. D. Owen. Nasoni, Hall. Niota, nodulosa, ,, Normani, Billings. notabilis, Eichw. ? nucleolata, Hall. Numeria, Billings. obscura, Barr. ? obsoleta, Hall, pauper, Billings. percarinata, Hall, perlata, ? pervetusta, ,, pigra, Barr. plicifera, Eichw. Postumia, Billings. Progne, Prycea, Sowerby. Murchisoni. quadricarinata, Hall, quadristriata, Phillips. Quebecensis, BilUngs. Eamsayi, rotuloides, Hall. var., Billings. rotundispira, selecta, Semele, Hall, sibyllina, Billings, sigaretoides, Winch. & Mar. Silurica, Eichw. solaroides, Hall. sponsa, Billings, staminea, Dawson. (N. York) Watertown, (Can. W.) Belleville, Missouri, (California.) Hot Creek, Nevada, (Iowa) Dubuque &c., (Illin.) Scale's Mound, N. W. Michigan,Eed Eiver of the North (Eupert's Land), Minnesota State, Lake St. John(Canada E.), Anticosti. (Montgomeryshire) Meifod. Leintwardine (Shropshire). (Bohemia) Vavrovitz. New York, (Canada West] Gait. (Bohemia) Chotecz. Malvern (England). Chicago (Illinois). (Can. W.) Gait Township, New York, Illinois, Iowa. Carad., U.L M.Sa (New York) Lockport. Shales above Tr. cs S.W. Wisconsin, Iowa. West Tasmania. Mingan Isles (G. St. Lawr.). Phillipsburg (Canada East). (S.W. Scotl.) Stinchar Eiver. Cincinnati (Ohio), Eed Eiver of the North (Minnesota), L.Winnipeg (Eupert's L.). Wisconsin (U. S. America). !) !l (N. York) Jefferson County. Newfoundland North (Cape Norman). (Esthonia) Sutlep, Poulkova, Eopscha, &c. (Eussia). (New York) JeffersonCounty, Pennsylvania. Newfoundland North (Cape Norman). Queb. G L.Llandov CS BL., Tr BL B., BL., Tr Div.G.Queb. G., CS. Pleta B Div.G, CS.,Queb. G. Fauna G. g. 2 ... B (N. York) Jefferson County. (Can. E.) Grenville, Lower Ottawa Eiver, Kingston (Can. W.). (New York) Middleville. CH Tr Onon. S. G., L. H. G. M Sa (N. York) Medina Village. Fauna G. g. 2 ... Pleta I. Dago,Hohenholm(Baltic). (Can.) Pt.Levis.Philipsburg. (Anticosti) English Head, (Canada E. & W.) Mon- treal, Ottawa City, Belle- ville, Trenton (N. York). Wales. (New York) Watertown. Lst. 2, Queb. G. Q.ueb.G.,BL.,Tr. Llandov. B L Lst. 2,Queb.G... cs Point LeVis (Canada East). (Canada E.) Lower Ottawa Eiver, Mingan Isles (G. St. Lawrence). Montreal, Chateau Gaye, (N. York) Middleville, Ten- nessee, N.W. Michigan. Lake Winnipeg &c., Eupert's Land (North America). Point Levis (Canada East). (Newfoundland) Tablehead. Wisconsin. Anticosti, Junction Cliff. BL., Tr Tr Queb G Divs. H, I, K, L, CS., Queb. G. Shales above Tr. Div. 1, Antic. G. Niag. . .... Pleta, Pentara. Lst. Niag., Onond. S. G., Guelph. Div.N, Queb. G. Tr Eeval, Isles Dago and Odins- holm,Wesenberg (Estho.). Talkhof (Livonia). (Newfoundl. W.) Tablehead. (Can. W.) Palladeati Island, LakeHuron,(Can.E.)Mon- treal, Bays St. Paul and Murray. Pleurotomaria. 164 GASTEKOPODA. Subdivision. Genus, Species, and Author. Lower Stage. Middle Stage. Upper Stage. L.L striatissima, Salter. subconica, Hall. subdepressa, subrotunda, Portlock. Murchisonia. subtilistriatus, Hall. supracingulata, Billings. ienuis, Thalia, Thule, Salter. trochiformis, Portlock. M'Coy. turbinata, Salter. turgida, Hall, turricula, Eichw. turrita, Portlock. Murchisonia. umbilicata, Hall. undata, Sowerby. vagrans, Billings. Valeria, ventricosa, Eichw. Viola, Billings, virgo, virguncula, Vitruvia, sp. ind. (3), D. D. Owen. ,, Dawson. Hall. Billings. Salter. Swallow. Billings. (2), Bonissent. Selwyn. PorceUia, LeveilU, 1835. Alpheus, Hall. ornata, D. D. Owen, scutiger, Eichw. senex, Winchell & Marcy. Raphistoma, Hall, 1847 sequalis, Salter. Ledbury (England), (Wales) Usk. (N. York) Sohoharie County, Ferriter's Cove, Kerry Co., Pomeroy, Tyrone. Isle Oesel (Baltic), Lohde, Randifer. Dudley, Leintward., Shrop- shire, Presteign (Wales). Gait (Canada West). Gait (Canada West). Nictaux (Nova Scotia), U. Arisaig G. New York, Galt(CanadaW.). (N. New Brunswick) Resti- gouche. Chicago (Illinois). Chicago (Illinois). BL., Tr (Can. W.) Middle Ottawa River, (New York) Turin, Camp d'Ours,LakeHuron, (Minnesota)Fort Snelling, Watertown, Tennessee, N.W. Michigan, Anticosti (English Head &c.). Corall.Lst.,Scho- harie. Carad Tyrone (Ireland). (NewYork) Watertown, Mis- souri. Lake Huron, N.W. Marmora (Can. W.), Lake St. John, (Canada East). Cape Smyth, Lake Huron. Anticosti I., JunctionCliff. Tr n Div. 1 Llan (N. Scotl.) Durness, Suther- landshire. (Ireland) Tyrone, Desert- create, &c. Carad W cs Niti, Himalaya (Chorhoti Pass). (NewYork) SaratogaCounty, Pennsylvania. Corall. Lst B., Carad B., Tr. .. Tyrone County,Llyn,Ogwen, Cyrn-y-Brain (N. Wales), &c. Anticosti.LakeSt. John(Can. E.), (Can.W.)Mid.Ottawa, New York, Pennsylvania, Tennessee, Missouri/Falls of St. Anthony (Minne- sota) N.W. Michigan. R6val (Esthonia) Pleta, L.L Queb. G Point Le"vis (Canada East). Guelph Pentam. Lst. ?... Guelph (Ural) Nijeny-Taghilsk. Divs. H, I, K, L, Queb. G., CS. BL.' (Newfoundl. W.) Tablehead. (Can.W.) Mid.Ottawa River. Upper Mississippi River. Tr. . Onon. S. G 'P Point LeVis (Canada East). New York. (New York) Pulaski. South-west Scotland. Lancashire, Coniston. Missouri (TJ. S. America). B Ut. 81., H. R. G. Tr CS Missouri. La Manche (France). Victoria (Australia). ? Eed Pentam. Lst. ? Niag Upper Mississippi River. North Ural (Russia). TREMANOTCS. Carad ; SCALITES, pars, Conrad, E (S.W. Scotl.)Girvan,(Wales) Llanfyllin &c., (England) Shropshire. theridge. Rapliistoma. 165 GASTEROPODA. Subdivision. Genus, Species, and Author. Lower Stage. Middle Stage. Upper Stage, BL sequilateralis, Durocher Euomphalus ? seterna, Salter aperta, Billings Norway, Sweden. West Tasmania. (CanW.)Mid Ottawa Eiver Carad., Llandov L.Llan elliptica, Portlock Emodi, Salter labiata ?, Emmons (Irel.) Desertcreate, (Wales Yr. Arddu. Niti,Himalaya(Chorh.Pass' New York, North Scotland BL lapicida, Salter (Can. W )Mid Ottawa Eiver L.&U. Llandov. Carad. CH lenticularis, Sowerby planistria, Hall Caernarvon, Lynn Idwal,&c N. York, Wisconsin. New York. (Gloucestersh.)Tortworth Eadnorshire, Norbury Marloes Bay, &c. Carad var. parva, ,, ,, (Irel.) Tirnaskea Pleta qualteriata, Schloth Sweden, Norway, (Eussia CH., Tr staminea, Hall Poulkova &c., Silesia, (Es thonia) Baltischport &c. Belleisle Straits, Labrador (N. York, north-east) Clin CH., Tr aqualis ? striata, ton County, Pennsylvania (Wiscons.jEscanabaEiver N.W. Michigan, (Canada W.) Middle Ottawa Eiver (New York) Clinton County Carad striatula, Pennsylvania, Penwhapple Burn, Girvan L.Llan sp. ind. (2), Logan Salter (S.W. Scotland). (Canada W.) Middle Ottawa Eiver, (Can.E.) Montreal (N.W. Scotland) Durness. Fauna G. g. 2, 3 ,, Homer. Rotella, Lamarck, 1822. tarda, Barr. Caernarvonshire, Bettws-y Coed, Shelve. Texas (U. States America). CS., CH Scalites, Conrad, 1843. angulatus, Hall. (New York) Clinton County Tr Australis, Salter. Tasmania West. Carad enticularis, ,, Shropshire,ChurchPreen &c Divs. G, H, CS., Queb. G. B,BL Pleurotomaria. minor, Billings. Straparollina, Billings, jelagica, Billings. Straparollus, Montfort. asperostriatus, BilUngs. Lake St. John (Canada E.). 1865. Newfoundland N.) Pistolet Bay and its Cape, Norman. (See OPHILETA.) Canada East) Montreal. Tr. Circe, Guelph Daphne, ,, Gait (Canada West). Tr Eurydice, ,, Canada East) Montreal. Guelph Elippoly ta, , , Gait (Canada West). CS evata, D. D. Owen. Vtinnesoterisis, ,, Missouri. Minnesota) Sioux Crossing. Ut. Slate sp. ind., Slkader,Turkey Eiver,Iowa. Delth Sh. Lst. . Strophostylus, Hall, 18 depressus Hall. 59. N. York, east) Becraft's Mn. elegans. TJ Pentam Lst Fitchii, ,, N. York) Schoharie County. Delth. Sh. Lst. globosus, ,, New York, east) Catskill &c. TJ Pentam. Lst. . . obtusus, ,, Becraft's ? rotundatus, Mountain. N.York, east) Schoharie Co. Pleta Subulites, Conrad, 1844. amphora, Eichw. (POLYPHEMOPSIS, Portlock.] Wesenberg (Esthonia). Niasr. brevis, Winchell & Marcy. Chicago (Illinois). CS calciferus, Billings. Mingan Isles (G. St. Lawr.). Tr., H. E. G., Pleta,Llandov., Div. 1, A. G. Pleta elongatus, Conrad. igas, Eichw. Esthonia) Kirna, (Can. E.) Lake St. John, (Can. W.) Mid. Ottawa Eiver, Snake Island, Lake Huron, New York,Tennessee, Missouri, (lowa)Dubuque &c., N.W. Michigan, (Wisconsin) Mineral Point. Esthonia) Sutlep, I. Dago, Hohenholm, Lower Sile- sia (drift). 2-u Subulites. 166 GASTEROPODA. Subdivision. Genus, Species, and Author. Lower Stage. Middle Stage. Upper Stage. Pleta nflatus, Eichw. Qotatus, Billings. mrvulus, ,, M-iscus, Eichw. ?syche, Billings. Jichardsoni, subfusiformis, Hall, ventricosus, sp. ind., Portlock. (2), Salter. Trochonema, Salter, 18 3igsbyana, Salter. cincta, Portlock ? mmifusa, Salter. atifasciata, M'Coy. yrata, Euomphalus. ricarinata, Billings. ;ricincta, M'Coy. riporcata, ;rochleata, umbilicata, Hall. sp. ind. (large), Salter. Troclms, Linnceus, 1758. ? caelatulus, M'Coy ellipticus, Hising. ' fucatus, Baily. lelicites, Sowerby. Platychisma. ? Moorei, M'Coy multitorquatus, satulus, Barr sp. ind., Lindstrom Turbo, IAnn! Dlauha Hora,Lockhov. Kozorz. Konieprus. Mnienian. 91 F. f.2,G.g.l... E. e. 2 D. d. 4 E.e.2 D. d. 5 D.d. 2 E. e. 2 D.d. 1,4 .... D. d. 3 E. e. 2 F.f. 2 F. f. 2 E. e. 2 .... E. e. 2 F. f. 2 F.f. 2 Gr.g.2,3 E.e2, F. f. 1... F.f. 2 E. e. 2, F.f. 2... F.f. 2 F. f. 2 G. g. 2 E. e. 1 G. s. 1 E. e. 1 E.e.2 E. e. 2 D. d. 5 F. f. 2 E.e.2 F. f. 2 F.f. 2 F.f. 1,2 G-. g. 1 . F.f. 2 E. e. 2 E. e. 2 F.f. 2 E. e. 2 . . D.d. 5 D.'d. 5 G. e. 1 D. d. 4 . E. e. 1 E.e.2, G.s.l... E. e. 2 F.f. 2 E.e. 1 D.d. 5 E. e. 1, 2 E.e 2 E. e. 1, 2 E. e. 2 F.f. 2 E.e.2 F.f. 2 F.f.2 E. e. 1, 2 D. d. 5 D.d. 5 E. e. 2 E. e. 2 F.f.1,2, G.g.l G. s. 3 . F.f.2 E.e.2 F. f. 1 F. f. 2 E. e. 2 F.f. 2 E.e.2 F.f.2 E. e. 2 J... E. e. 2 E.e 2 F f 2 F.f. 2 E e 2 E.e.2 G g 1 E. e. 1 D. d. 5 E.e.2 D d 3 F. f. 2 E e 2 E.e.2 D d. 3 F.f. 2 D.d. 1 Gel F. f. 1 F.f. 2 F f 2 D.d. 5 E e 2 E.e.2 F f 2 F.f. 2 E.e.2 F.f.2 GASTEROPODA. 169 pa^iququt 8aix)utiOQ jo jaqumjj t~(MT I-H c I-H 1 CM I-H oo r 1C l-H i 1 l-H 1 1 r-H CO :>o "^ : : CT c I-H 5 BTUlSjI^ 1 : : : g A^on^uaji; l-H : : rH aassauuajj 1 "" co CO I-H CO : : 1-1 l-H otqo 1 1 cq : : CO SlOUqU * T 5q rd O O f 3 t* tn C cHHE- ol |1 rt a HH 1 E g 3 "o H Actinoceras. 170 CEPHALOPODA. STJBKINGDOM MOLLUSCA. PROVINCE ODONTOPHORA. CLASS CEPHALOPODA. ORDERS : DIBRANCHIATA, TETRABRANCHIATA. Subdivision. Genus, Species, and Author. Lower Stage. Middle Stage. Upper Stage. Woolh. Lst v 9 BL., Pleta w Actinoceras, Bronn, 183 baccatum, H. Woodward Backii, Stokes Bayfieldii, Bigsbyii, Bronn. Brightii, Sowerby Brongniarti, Portlock. Orthoceras. cochleatum, Schloth conoideum, Hall Discosurus. Corderii, Castelnau. crebriseptum. Hall. *racile, Lyonii, Stokes. moniliforme, Hall, nummularium, Sowerby. Orthoceras. Richardsoni, Stokes. nuifilum, Hall. var. distans, vertebratum, Whitei, Stokes. sp. ind. (2), Salter. Bronn. Meneghini. Ascoceras, Barrande, 18 Anticostiensis, Billings. Barrandei, Salter. Bohemicum, Barr. Bronnii, Canadense, Billings. deforme, Eichw. ^eshayesi, Barr. 3oldfussi, nvertens, Jeyserlingii, var. amoena, Koninckii, VTurchisoni, Vewberryi, Billings. ^orwegicum, Barr. singulare, Verneuilli, APHRAGMITES, Barrande, 1 3uchii, Barr. Ascoceras. Salteri, Ascoceras. Qri,o8socERAB,Barrande, 186 desideratum, Billings. 5; ORMOCERAS, Hall; Disco Woolhope (Herefordshire). SUKUS. Drummond's Isl., L. Huron. Malverns (England). (Baltic) Isle Oesel, Piddul, Eandifer. Lake Huron, Drummond's Island, Eupert's Land, N. Wisconsin. (Gloucestershire) Tortworth, Norway, Arisaig (Nova Scotia). Drummond's Island (Lake Huron). North America, S. Scotland, Ludlow (England). ^Bohemia) Slichov, Kozorz, Kuchelbad. ^Bohemia) Dlauha Hora. 'Bohemia) Kozorz, Gross- Kuchel, &c. 'Bohemia) Dlauha Hora. (Boh.)Dlauha Hora, Slichov. (Bohemia) Dlauha Hora, Slivenetz,Kozorz,Lockhov. " " ^Bohemia) Butovitz. ^Bohem.)Karlstein, Lockhov, Slivenetz ?, &c. Brewig (Norway). 'Bohemia) Dlauha Hora. (Bohem.)Gross-Kuchal, Ko- zorz, Lockhov. ? Thessalon Island, L. Huron, Nyby,Wesenby(Esthonia) Carad Tyrone (Ireland). Corall. Lst .. ? H. E. G North America. (N. York) Turin &c., N. Wis- consin, Pennsylvania. (New York) Watertown. N. York, Igloolik and Ooglit, (Arctic Amer.)Fort Garry, Eupert's Land. New York. Llandovery (Wales) 'New York) Niagara Co. CH., BL BL CH Llandov., W. ... BL. ... Lake Winnipeg (Eupert's Land). (New York) Watertown &c., Lake St. John ,(Can. E.), Lake Huron (Canada W.), Pennsylvania, Tennessee, Missouri, N.W. Michigan. (New York) Watertown. CL. ? Tr '.. Tasmania West. Dnited States of America. Sardinia. 47 ; CRYPTOCERAS, Barrande, 1846. (Anticosti) Junction Cliff. Div. 1, Anticosti G., Llandov. H. E. G., Fauna E, W.. ILL. Fauna E. e. 2.... H."E. G-. .'.' ... 'Anticosti Island) English Head. ^Baltic) Isle Dago, Hohen- holm. Pleta Fauna E. e. 2.... Div. 1, A. Gr., H. E. G. 9 Fauna E. e. 2 . . . Subgenus Fauna E. e. 2 ... ? Subgenus Div. 4, A.Gr.... (Canada E.) Three Eivers,(I. Anticosti) English Head. 861. 5. (Anticosti) S.W. Point. Ascoceras. 171 CEPHALOPODA. Subdivision. Genus, Species, and Author. Lower Stage. Middle Stage. Upper Stage. Fauna E. e. 2... Argill. Lst. ? .. Pleta, Fauna D d. 1, 5. Fauna D. d. 1, 5 Fauna D. d. 1.. BaseofUp.Stage Pleta gracile, Barr Ascoceras. var. curta. ,, Bactrites, Sandberger, 18 carinatus, Miinster nanus, Eichw Sandbergeri, Barr B athmocer as, Barrande complexum, Barr praeposterum, Cameroceras, Conrad, 1 Juminense, Meneghini Trentoneum, Hall Clymenia,,Munster, 1839. antiquissima, Eichw. depressa, lexuosa, Miinster. ncongrua, Eichw. Ddini, ,, rarospira, Cochlioceras, Eichwald, avus, Eichw. Cycloceras,M'Coy, 1844. annulatum, Sowerby. Orthoceras. arcuoliratum, Hall. cancellatum, Eichw. decoratum, ,. devexum, ,, enestratum, bex, Sowerby. Orthoceras. serpentinuin. Eichw. tenuiannulatum, M'Coy. Orthoceras. racheale Sowerby. Orthoceras. trochleare, Hisinger. Cyrtoceras, Goldfuss, 18 acuticameratnm, Hall, alethes, Billings, annulatum, Hall. approximatum, Sowerby. Archiaci, De Verneuil. arcticameratum, Hall, arcuatum, Aristides, Billings, atramentarium, Salter. Brateri, Portlock. Bruckneri, Boll, camurum, Hall. ? cancellatum, centrifugum, Salter. vlitus, Billings, conicum, D. D. Owen, constricto-striatum, Hall, constrictum, Billings, orniculum, Barr. Corydon. Billings. )ardanus, Hall. Dictya, Billings, yar., ,, (Bohemia) Kozorz, Dlauha Hora. (Bohemia) Kozorz, Lockhov. (Euss.)Petchora, Oust-Oukh. Sardinia. (Podolia) SmotvytschEiver. Wales,Leintwardine (Shrop- shire). Wales. New York. 5astn or Park( Worcestersh. ). Canada W.)Galt Township. New York) Lockport, Nia- gara Falls. Central Canada) Grimsby. sle Odinsholm (Baltic), Bo- hemia. Central Canada) Grimsby. Wisconsin. 42 ; STENOCERAS, Z>' Orbigny (Bohemia)Eokitzan,(Bussia Poulkova. (Bohem.)Wosek, Koenigshof 1867. (Bohemia) Vosek near Eo kitzan. 842. See ENBOCERAS. (New York) Middleville. Eeval, Kertal (Baltic), [sle Odinsholm (Baltic), [sle Dago (Baltic), [sle Odinsholm (Baltic). Eeval,Haljal,Isle Odinsholm (Baltic). 1860. Elopscha (St. Petersburg' Eussia. Shropsh., (Wales) Dermydd- fawr, Isle Dago (Baltic) Eopscha (Eussia). S.W. Scotl.) Wrae Quarry, (England) Cheney Long- ville, Coniston (Lancash.). E6val, Baltischport (Baltic). Pleta (ORTHOCERAS) Carad., Woolh., W., Pleta. Carad Pleta Corall. Lst Pleta i\ r esenberg(Esthonia),Eeval. Wesenberg &c. (Esthonia). 'sle Dago(Baltic),Lyckholm, Westmoreland, Scotknd. Esthonia) Kirna &c. Carad., Pleta . . . Pleta Passage-beds ... Pleta Esthonia) Eeval &c., St. Petersburg (Eussia). 33. Onond. S. G. ... P. Queb G Point Levis (Canada East). Canada, (New York)Middle- ville, Wisconsin, (Esthon.) Wesenberg, Pijalep. England, S.W. Ireland.... Pleta, Tr.,BL.... Llandov. &c Pleta Eeval, Isle Dago, Pijalep. Onond. S. G. ... J Tr New York) Middleville. Canada East) Philipsburg. Wales) Ehiwlas, Westmore- land. Tyrone (Ireland). !tforth Germany (drift). New York)Middleville, Wis- consin. B. 2, Queb. G.... Carad Tr BL Niag Himalaya) Niti, Eimkin. Tr Wisconsin) Mineral Point. New York) Middleville. Canada. B BL., Tr Fauna E. e. 2,W. Niag Queb G . Point Levis (Canada East). ,, Cyrtoceras. 172 CEPHALOPODA. Subdivision. Genus, Species, and Author. Lower Stage. Middle Stage. Upper Stage. Pleta digitale, Eichw. (Esthonia) Wesenberg. Tr., BL Eugium, Hall. Wisconsin. Tr exiguum, (Canada West) L'Orignal, Pleta, falcatum, Schloth. Ottawa Eiver, Upper Mis- sissippi River. B6val (Esthonia). Corall. Lst. ... falcigerum, Eichw. Isle Oesel (Baltic) B., BL.,Tr Tr falx, Billings, filosum, Hall. (Can.W.)Mid.Ottawa Eiver. New York. Fauna E. e. 2, Forbesi, Etheridge, Barr. (Wales) Ehiwlas (Bohemia) Dlauha Hora Carad. Niag, Fosteri, Hall. Chicago ? (Illinois) Div 1, A G., fragile Billings. (Anticosti) Gamache Bay Llandov. giganteum, M'Chesney. Joliet (Illinois) Fauna D hospes, Boll. North Germany (drift). BL. orTr Compact Pleta... Carad. Huronense, Billings. ibex, Sowerby. inajqui septum, Portlock. Lake Huron (N,W. end). Czarskoye-selo (Eussia), Isle Odinsholm (Baltic). (Irel.) Desertcreate, (Wales) BL., Tr Phragm. Srateri. Isodorus, Billings. Llangollen. Lake Huron (N.W. end). Jonesi, ,, ? (Canada W.)Galt Township Tr Juvenalis, (Canada East) Montreal. H. E. G lamellosum, Hall. ? ligarium, Billings. (New York) Middleville, Canada. Lake Huron (N.W. end). Tr loculosum, Hall. Wisconsin. _ .. Niaer. Luc ill us, W^isconsin. CH Lysander, Billings. M'Coyi, 'East L.Huron)Cape Smyth. Mingan Isles (Gulf of St. Tr macrostomum, Hall. Lawrence). (Norway) Christiania, Ca- Queb. G marginalis, Conrad. Metellus Billings. nada, (New York) Middle- ville, Pennsylvania, (Wis- consin) Mineral Point. (Wisconsin) Mineral Point. Point Levis (Canada East) B., Tr., Carad... Dolom. Lst multicameratum, Hall, M'Coy. multiseptatum, England, (S.W. Scotland) Knockdollian,(New York) Middleville. (Eussia) Kolpino ?. Pleta nanum Eichw. W^esenberg (Esthonia) BL.-Tr Nileus, Hall. Wisconsin. Pleta ,... Odini, Eichw. Isle Odinsholm (Baltic). Niae. Orcas, Hall. T^isconsin or Iowa Orestes, Billings. Flamboro' Township (Can. Guelph Orodes, W.). New Hope (Canada West) H. E. G posthumus, ,, (East L Huron)Cape Smyth ' U.Tremad Pleta praecox, Salter. priscum, Eichw. (North Wales) Garth, Tu- hwnt-yr-bwlch. Isle Dago, Hohenholm. B.,BL.,Tr Pleta regulare, Billings, scindens Eichw (Can. W.) Mid. Ottawa E. BL simplex, , Billings Kirna (Esthonia). (Canada) Nepean Township . ' ' B., BL sinuatum, ,, (Canada W^est) Ottawa Eiver Carad sonax, Salter. Little Chaudiere. England (N.Wales) Ehiwlas L. H. G subarcuatum, Etheridge. subrectum, Hall. ^Scotland) Ayrshire, (Irel.) Desertcreate, (Wales) Twll Dhu, Llyn, Ehiwlas. (Central N. York) Herkimer. Pleta substriatum, Eichw. (Esthonia)Isle Dago,Hohen- CH., B., BL. ... P., Queb.G subturbinatum, Billings. Svphax. holm. Mingan Isles (G. St. Lawr.). Point L6vis (Canada East). Pleta testaceum, Eichw. Wisconsin. Tr!... undatum, Whitneyi, Hall. 'Esthonia) Isle Dago. Isle Dago, Pyhalep. ? sp. ind., Meneghini. (Sardinia) Flumini Mag- Salter. N.W. Scotland. (Caernarvonshire) Carnedd Dafydd. giore. Cyrtoceras. 173 CEPHALOPODA. Subdivision. Genus, Species, and Author. Lower Stage. Middle Stage. Upper Stage. ? Queb. Or sp. ind., Haughton ,, Selwyn Cyrtocerina, Billings, 1 Mercurius, Billings typica, Dictyoceras, EicJiwald, porosum, Eichw. Discosurus, Hall, 1852. conoideus, Hall. Actinoceras. Endoceras, Hall, 1847. angusticameratum, Hall, annulatum. ,, approximatum, ,, arciventrum, camurum, cancellatum, ,, commune, Hising. complanata, Eichw. Cuvieri, Hall. distans, ,, duplex, Eichw. duplicatum, Hall. Eoum, Wyatt-Edgell. jemelliparum, Hall, lastatum, Eichw. ongissimum, Hall Boothia, Arctic Seas. (Baltic) Isle Oesel, Lohde. (Can. W.) Lake Tematscam- ing, (N. York) Lockport, (L. Huron) Drummond's Island. (New York) Lockport &c. Bohemia. Podolia) Orynine. Chicago (Illinois). Victoria (S. Australia). 865. Point Levis (Canada East). (Canada W.) Middle Ottawa River. 1860. BL Corall. Lst. Niag Tr (New York) Middleville. ,, Watertown. ,, Middleville. W.Canada Creek. New York. H Niag Pleta llu88.)Lapukhmka,Ropscha, (Esthonia) Baltischport. (Russia) Lap ukhinka, Odins- holm Isle (Baltic). Turkey River (Iowa), Ru- pert's Land (N. America). (New York) Lewis County. St.Petersburg,Ropscha(Rus- sia), Baltischport (Baltic). 'New York) Middleville. South Wales. 'N. York) Jefferson County. Lyckholm (Esthonia). (N. York) Jefferson County. Middleville. Lyckholm (Esthonia). (New York) Watertown. (N. York) Middleville, Ca- nada, L. Winnipeg, Penn- sylvania, Tennessee, N.W. Michigan, (Wiscon.) Falls of St. Anthony, (Iowa) Turkey River. 'New York) Middleville. NewYork(with proteiforme}. ffohenholm. Dago Isle (Bal- tic). Wallkhoff,LakeLadoga(Rus- sia). Turkey River (Iowa) &c., (N. York) Jefferson County. Wesenberg (Esthonia). Reval (Baltic), Ingria, Po- merania. Reval, Wesenberg, Baltisch- port (Esthonia). SVw York. BOLBOCERAS, APIOCERAS, (Ireland) Pomeroy POTERIOCERAS. Ireland) Pomeroy. isle Dago. H. R. G Tr Pleta Tr Llan BL Pleta BL Tr magniventrum, yar. megastomum, Eichw. multitubulatum, Hall. Droteiforme, var. elongatum, lineolatum, Hall, strangulatum, subcentrale, tenuistriatum, tenuitextum, ,, regulus, Eichw. remotum, subcentrale, Hall. telum, Eichw. vaginatum, vertebrale, sp. ind., Verneuil. Gomphoceras, Sowerby. approximatum, M'Coy. x>lbos, Eichw. clava, Barr. conulus, Sichwaldi, Verneuil. ellipticum, M'Coy. elongatum, Eichw. Harcyse, Winch. & Mar. ^aumanni, Geinitz. obesum, Billings. Pleta BL Tr > > > Pleta BL. Tr Pleta Carad., TJ.Llan- doT. Pleta, CoralLLst. ? FaunaE.e.4... Pleta, Fau.E.e.2 Pleta isle Dago, Pyhalep (Baltic). Wesenberg (Esthonia). ... ReVal (Esthonia), Czarskoe- celo (Russia). Black CoralLLst. Pentam. Lst. ... "Niae. Esthonia) Kattentack. H. R. G Saxony. Anticosti I.) Charlton Point &c. Gomphoceras. CEPHALOPODA. Subdivision. Genus, Species, and Author. Lower Stage. Middle Stage. Upper Stage. W., L. .. pyriforme, Sowerby. Phragmoceras. scrinium, Hall. Marcyce. septoris, subgracile, Billings. Urceolus, Eichw. sp. ind., Hall. Gonioceras, Hall, 1846. anceps, Hall. occidentale, ,, Gyroceras, Koninck, 18 Americanum, Billings. Bannisteri, Winch & Mar. Heloceras, Eichwald, 18 tuberculatum, Hemiceras, Eichwald, 1 angulosum, Eichw. compressum, cylindricum, Lituites, Breynius, 1752. anguiformis, Salter. antiquissimus, Verneuil. Apollo, Billings, articulatus, Sowerby. Biddulphi, capax, Hall. convolvens, Schloth. cornu-arietis, Sowerby. Portlock. yar. j3, Salter. falcatus, Schloth. Farnsworthii, Billings, giganteus, Sowerby. Gouldii, Salter. Hercules, Winch. & Mar. Hibernicus, Salter. Holtianus, ? ibex, Sowerby. imperator, Billings, intermedius, Verneuil. iuliformis, Salter. magnificum ?, Billings. Gyroceras. Odini, Verneuil. Palinurus, Billings, perfectus, Wahlenb. planorbiformis, Conrad. Pluto, Billings. rarospira, Eichw. Robertsoni, Hall. Sowerbyensis, D'Orb. cornu-arietis. (England) Aymestry, Leint- wardine, Ledbury. Chicago (Illinois). Gaspe,Port Daniel (Can.E.). Ural, Russia, River Ylitsch. South Wisconsin. Gaspe (Canada East). Chicago (Illinois). HAS, J.W.S.) Ludlow, Aymestry, Shelder- ton (England). Nant Glyn,Welchpool (W.), Ledbury (Herefordshire). Wisconsin. Bogmine, Shelve (Shrop- shire). Leintwardine, Malvern, As- ton (Ludlow). Chicago (Illinois). Stokesay, Ludlow(England). Ledbury (Herefordsh.), Un- derbarrow, Westmoreland. Nia ? Corall. Lst Tr ? Canada, (New York) Water- town, Tennessee, Missouri, N.W. Michigan, (Wiscon- sin) Prairie du Chien. Wisconsin. 44. Niag. . Pleta 60. (Esthonia) Lyckholm. 840. (A doubtful genus.) Isle Odinsholm (Baltic). ii (The Bohemian species are Mynydd, Frons, Frys, Llan- gollen. (Esthonia) Isle Dago, Silesia. Mingan Isles (G. St. Lawr.). of the subgenus OPHIOCE Pleta( pyr oxenic ) Carad Pleta CS., CH L.L W Niaff. BL (N. York) Watertown, River Kinnikinnick( Wisconsin). (Russia) St. Petersburg, (Es- thon.)Reval,(Swed.)Uitby. (S.W. Scotland) Peebles &c., (Wales) Bala Lake, Pres- teign, &c., (Irel.) Desert- create, Coniston (Lan- cashire), Isle Dago, Reval, Haljal, D'Erras (Estho- nia), Norway. (Ireland) Tyrone. (Wales) Denbighshire, Cer- rig-y-Druidion. Russia. (Canada East) Phillipsburg. (Wales) Presteign &c. ... Pleta Pleta, Carad., U. Llandoy., W. Carad Llan BL., Tr W., L Tr Tasmania West. Niag Carad (Ireland) Kildare. L.L W., ILL BL., Tr (Canada East) Phillipsburg. (Spain) Almadenejos. Himalaya, Niti, Chorh. Pass. Anticosti Island, S.W. end. Russia, Isle Odinsholm (Bal- tic). Mingan Isles (G. St. Lawr.). Sweden. (New York) Lewis County, England, (Wales) Bala, Cymmerig Eithin (Caer- narvon). (Newfoundl. W.N.W.) Point Rich. Reval (Baltic). Wisconsin. Llandeilo (Wales). H. R. G Pleta CS Llan Carad., Tit. SI., H. R. a. Queb. G Pleta BL Lituites. 175 CEPHALOPODA. Subdivision. Genus, Species, and Author. Lower Stage. Middle Stage. Upper Stage. Pleta teres, Eichw tortuosu8, Sowerby undatus, Hall var. occidentalis, undosus, Sowerby vagrans, Billings sp. ind., Salter !! ,, Honeyman Nautilus, Breymus,1732 calciferus, Billings ? complanatus, Hising decurrens, Eichw desertus, Billings (Esthonia) Wesenberg, Isle Odinsholm, Eopscha (St Petersburg). Welchpool (Wales). Wisconsin. (Arctic America) Griffith's Isle &c. Arisaig (Nova Scotia). (Gothland) Hamra. Wisconsin. (N. York) Schoharie County. (Central N.York) Herkimer. (Central Canada) Grimsby. (Central Canada) Grimsby. i) (New York) Schoharie Co. W.?, L BL., Tr (N. York) Watertown, Ten nessee,(Can.E.)Lorette &c Niag Llandov (Wales) Llandovery,Man- dinam. B., BL Canada. North-west Scotland. (Merioneth) Bala Lake. Llan Carad Divs.F, G,Queb G., CS. Pleta (Newfoundl. N. & W.) Cape Norman &c. Poulkova (Eussia). (Newfoundl. W.N.W.) Point Eich. Mingan Isles (G. St. Lawr.) Anticosti I., Charlton Point. (Newfoundl. W.N.W.) Point Eich. (Himala.) Niti, Gunesgunga. Mingan Isles. Div. L, Queb. G CS H. E. G Hercules, nsolens, nvolvens, Salter [xion, Billings natator, ,, occidentalis, Hall. Lituites, non Swallow. Pomponius, Billings. Tyraus, ,, versutus, Nbthoceras, Sarrande, mpressum, Eichw Oncoceras, Hall, 1846 = abruptum, Hall. 41ceum, amator, Billings. Div. L, Queb. G CH Niag CS 'Canada East) Phillipsburg. Mingan Isles. 'Newfoundland W.) Bonne Bay. 1856. (Esthonia) Lyckholra, Pres- qu' ile de Neuk. PHRAGMOCERAS. Wisconsin. ^Anticosti) Jupiter Eiver. CH Div. H, Queb.G., CS. Pleta Tr BL., Tr Div. 3, Mayhill, A. G. Tr., H. E. G. ... Corall. L., Scho- harie. Div. 3, Antic. G. M. Sa constrictum, Hall. expansum, \itile, Billings, sjibbosum, Hall, jycus, ,, ovoides, J andion, ,, Pettiti, Billings. )lebeium, Hall, ubrectum, ,, Peucer, Billings Anticosti, west end, Lake St. John, Lorette, &c. (Can. E.), OttawaCity and Eiver (Canada W.), Middleville (N.York).Tennessee,Ohio, Indiana. Anticosti) Jupiter Eiver. New York) Lockport. BL., Tr Wisconsin. L. H. G Niag Wisconsin. BL. Tr. ... Wisconsin. New York) Lockport. CL Niag. Llan ?hales, p. ind., Salter ? Drmoceras. See ACTIN Orthoceras, Breynius, 1 ibruptum, Hall, squale, Emmons. iffine, Meneghini. igeloideum, Allumettense, Billings. mplicameratum, Hall, nceps, Billings. Wales. (North Scotland) Durness. OCEKAS. 732 ; LOXOCEEAS, M'Coy. ^New York) Lockport. ^Sardinia) Flumini Mag- giore. CL H. E.G New York. 9 ? CH., BL., Divs. L, M, Queb. G. Tr., Corall. Lst., Schoharie. B., BL.,Tr Sardinia. (Can. E.) Aylraer, Clarence, Middle Ottawa Eiver, &c., Newfoundland, N.W. Canada, (NewYork) Middle- ville. Can.W.)LaCloche,L,Huron. Orihoceras. 176 CEPHALOPODA. Subdivision. Genus, Species, and Author. Lower Stage. Middle Stage. Upper Stage. BL., Tr anellum, Conrad, angulatum, Wahlenb. annulatum, Sowerby, Hall. Cyrtoceras. non Sowerby,Boll. Antenor, Billings. Anticostiense, antilope, Salter. Apollineum, Barr. arcuoliratum, Hall. Cycloceras. var., Salter. articulatum, Sowerby. attenuatum, Atticus, Billings, audax, Salter. Autolycus, Billings. Avelinii, Salter. Avellum, Conrad, bacillum, Eichw. Saculiforme, Salter. balteatum, Billings. Barrandei, Salter. Bayfieldii, Stokes. Beckii, Hall. beUatulum, Billings, bicingulatum, Sandberger. Bigsbyi, Hall. bilineatum, Hall. Cycloceras, var. a, breviconicum, Portlock. Brightii, Sowerby. Brongniarti, Troost. Brontes, Billings. Bucklandi, bullatum, Lyckholm (Esthonia), (New York) Middleville, (Wis- consin) Mineral Point. (S.W.Scotknd) Ardwell &c.. (Wales) Builth, (Ireland) County Clare. Norway, Scotland, Ireland, (S. Wales) Sholes Hook. England Eussia, Norway, (Gothland; Katthammar, W T estmore- land, Brigsteer (England), Shelve &c., (Wales) Usk, Llangynyw. Wales) Presteign &c., (Ire- land) Creaghmartin &c., (England) Malvern, Wal- sall,&c., Eussia, Gothland, Norway, Franconia, Bo- hemia. Gothland. England, Bohemia. (Norway) Hedemark, Lud- low &c. (England). (Engl.) Eiver Onny, Shrop- shire. (Westmorel.) Brigsteer &c. High Hill ViUage, Manitou- line Island (Lake Huron). Ledbury (Herefordsh.),Mal- vern (England). (Central Canada) Grimsby. (England) Stanbach, Hagley, Malvern, Lambrigg, Ken- dal, &c., (Wales) Llyn Al- wyn, Storm Hill, &c., (Ire- land) Ferriter's Cove, Din- gle, Eussia, Bohemia, (S. Australia) Melbourne, Esthonia. Carad.,Llandov., W., L.L. Car., CL., Niag., W..L. CH (N.York) Wayne's County. Vlingan Isles (G. St. Lawr.). 'Anticosti) Charlton Point, Lake St. John (Can. E.). Tasmania West. H. E. G Tr Fauna B, W. ... Carad., Tr Tr Can. W.) Lake Huron, La Cloche, (N. York) Water- town,. (S.W. Scotl.) Wrae, (N.W. Scotl.) Durness. Tasmania West. L W Queb. G ^Canada East) Stanbridge. [Wales)Bhiwlas, Haverford- west, &c., England, (Ire- land) Kildare. Canada East) Point LeVis. (Wales) Cefn Gwynlle, (Eng- land) Shropshire, Shelve. New York. ^Eussia) Lake Ladoga, (Es- thonia) Ee>al, Baltisch- port, &c. Carad. Lst. 2, Queb. Or. L.Llan Tr Pleta U.L H. E. G ^Anticosti) English Head. (S.W. Scotland) Mullock. Llandov Niag. , CS Mingan Isles (G. St. Lawr.). (Anticosti) Challoupe Eiv. Tortworth. Div. 3, Antic. G. Pleta ^Esthonia) Lyckholm, Pres- qu'ile de Neuk. New York, (Can.W.) Lough- borough&c.,(Can.E.)Mur- ray Bay, (Vermont) High- gate Springs. (S.W. Scotl.) Girvan, (Ire- land) Desertcreate, (New York) Albany, Middle- viUe, (Can. W.) Middle Ottawa Eiver, (L. Huron] Point Eich, Cape Smyth. (New York) MiddleviUe &c. Tirnaskea, Tyrone (Ireland). BL CH.,Tr.,H.E.G., Carad.,U.Llan- doy. Tr Carad W Llan., Carad. ... Niag. Desertcreate(Tyrone),(N.W. Scotland) Cribol, Saxony. Diy. 3, Antic. G. Fauna E, Llan- dov., L. (Anticosti) S.W. Point. Galway (Ireland) Orthoceras. 177 CEPHALOPODA. Subdivision. Genus, Species, and Author. Lower Stage. Middle Stage. Upper Stage. Niag Cadmus, Billings calainiteum, Portlock cameolare, M'Chesney Canadense, Billings cancellatum, Hall Endoceras. cauiculatum, Sowerby canonicum, Meneghini carinatum, Barr Catilina, Billings Cato, Catullus, centrale, Hisinger ? circulare, Sowerby clathrato-annulatum , Eomer clathratum, Hall clavatum, ,, columnare, Marcklin commune, Wahlenb complanato-septum, Portl conicum, Hisinger coralliferum, Hall coralliforme, M'Coy cornuum, Billings crassiventer, Wahlenb cochleatum. crebriseptum, Hall. crebristriatum, Meek & Worthen. cuneolus, Eichw. Darwinii, Billings, declive, Eichw. decrescens, Billings. De Franceii, Eomer. deparcum, Billings, diffidens, dimidiatum, Sowerby. Miinster. distans, Sowerby. Drummondii, Billings, duplex, Wahlenb. bisiphonatum?, Sowerby. cdax, . Billings. (Central Canada) Grimsby. Lockhov (Bohemia) Franco- nia (Ural),Nijeni Taghilsk. Milwaukee ( Wisconsin),Chi- cago (Illinois). (New York) Eochester &c. Esthonia, Eussia, (England) Ledbury, (Wales) Usk. Bohemia, Franconia. (England) Kendal, (Sweden) Vikarby, Sollero. (England) Dudley. (New York) Schoharie and. Herkimer Counties. Wisconsin. Gothland. Kendal (Westmoreland), Shelve, Bogmine (Shrop- shire), Alandia (Dalecarl.), Vikarby &c. Gothland, Esthonia. Joliet (Illinois). (Can.W.)New Hope, Guelph Township. West Tennessee. ^Westmorel.) Brigsteer &c., (Shropsh.) Leintwardine, (Wales) Eadnorshire. Franconia, Bohemia, Aymes- try (England), Bar Beacon (Staffordshire). Carad., Fauna E Niaer. (S.W. Scotl.)ArdwelL(Irel.) Tyrone, N. Persia, Eussia Div. 4, A. G. .. Niag (Anticosti) S.W. Point, (Can. W.) Lake Huron. W ? Fauna E, Carad. Queb. G ( Sardinia)FluminiMaggiore Phillipsburg (Vermont). or Canada E. (Vermont). (Esthonia) Wesenburg &c. Bohemia, Llandeilo ? (Caermarthenshire) . >) Carad., L W Tr Lower Silesia (drift). (N. New York) Middleville L. H. G Niag Oslo Group Carad Norway, Sweden, Eussia Thuringia. Tyrone (Ireland). Eastnor Park (Worcester shire),Tortworth (Glou cestershire), Marloes Bay (Wales). Clifden (Galway), (Wales) Lwyn Meredith. U.Llandov., W., L. UticaSlate.H.B G. U.Llandov CH.Tr (N.York).Turin &c., Canada Mingan Isles (G. St. Lawr.) W H. E. G (Can. E.) St. Gregoire, (L Huron) Cape Smyth.(Can W.) Eiver Don, N.W. Mi- chigan. Niag Pleta? Isle Dago, Pyhalep (Baltic) Guelph Pleta (Esthonia) EeVal, Lyckholm. (Can. E.)Montreal,(Can.W.) Mid. Ottawa Eiver, Lake Huron N.W. B., BL., Tr CH.? Mingan Isles. CH Carad., L. & U. Llandov. Pleta (Esthon.)Borkholm,L Dago. ^Esthonia) Wesenberg, Nor- way. Kingston (Canada West). (Eussia) Waivara, Popowa, Eopscha, &<;., Bohemia, (Esthonia) Isle de Eoog, Baltischport &c., Norway, New York ?, Silesia, (Swe- den) Kinnekulle, (Spain) Toledo Mountains, Huerto del Llanos, (Newfoundl.) Cape Norman, Mingan Isles, (Wales) Gorllwyn- fach, Llandovery. 'Canada East) Oxford. Pleta, Fauna E, Llandov. Pleta, CH.,Tr... cs 2z Orthoceras. CEPHALOPODA. Subdivision. Genus, Species, and Author. Lower Stage. Middle Stage. Upper Stage. L. H. G elegantulum, Hall,Dawson. ellipticum, Miinster. M'Coy. Poterioceras. elongato-cinctum, Portl. encrinale, Salter. exaltatum, Eichw. excentricum, Sowerby. exornatum, Hall, explorator, Billings, fascicularis, Romer. Ferum, Billings, ilosum, Sowerby. imbriatum, Sowerby. annulatum. Flavins, Billings. Fluminense, Meneghini. formosum, Billings. Furtivum, usiforme, apganteum, Angelin. jigas, Sowerby ? Glaucus, Billings, gracile, Portlock. ^rande, Meneghini. jregarioides, D'Orbigny. gregarium, Sowerby. Hall. Griffith!, Haughton. tiaesitans, Hagenowi, Boll. hastatum, Billings. Helderbergii, Hall hians, Romer. Hisingeri, Billings Rouault Hoyi, M'Chesney Huronense, Billings ibex, Sowerby. Cycloceras. imbricatum, Wahlenb Actinocerat. incertum, Portlock. indagator, Billings, infelix, Nictaux (Nova Scotia). Aymestry (Herefordshire). (Esthonia) Ficht, Leintwar- dine (Engknd), (Wales) Radnor &c. Arisaig (Nova Scotia). (England)Ludlow,Leintwar- dine, Aymestry, (Wales) Builth. (England)Mayhill, Malvern, Sweden. North Spain. Bohemia.(England) Ludlow. Arctic Seas (N. America). Gothland. (New York, east) Carlisle County &c. Racine (Wisconsin), Norway, Gothland (North and Central),Russia,(Eng- land) Shropshire, Hagley Park,(Wales) Builth, Usk, Malvern, Kendal, &c. (England) Ludlow, Kendal, Benson Knot, (Gothland) Katthammar, Esthonia, (New York) Lockport, Pennsylvania, Ferriter's Cove (Ireland). Pleta (Esthonia) Baltischport, Isle Dago, Pyhalep. Li LJandov ? Carad (Ireland) Chair of Kildare, Desertcreate, Tipperary, Clare. { Wales) Cefn Gwn, Shelve (Shropshire). ^Baltic) Isle Dago, Hohen- holm. L.Llandov., Are- nig E. Pleta Corall.Lst.,W... P.,Div.H, CS... ? Div. 1, H. R. G. Carad., L.Llan., W., L.L. W,L ' Newfoundland, Schooner Isl. Thuringia. Anticosti Island (West end). Coldwell, Randypike, Am- bleside (Westmoreland), ConistonWaterhead (Lan- cashire), Church Stretton (Shropshire). [Anticosti) Junction Cliff. Galway (Ireland) Div. 1, Queb. G. ? Tr., H. E. G. ... CS (Newfoundl. W.N.W.) Point Rich. Sardinia. (France) Baubigny, Cher- bourg, Pyrenees. ^Canada E.) Montreal, (An- ticosti) English Head and Junction Cliff. [Can. W.) Kitley Township. [New York) Jefferson County &c., (Can. W.) Pakenham, Tennessee, Missouri, N.W. Michigan. Sweden. Norway. (Canada West) Oxford. ? BL , ? Carad CS ? Carad. &c Carad., Fauna E, Llandov. Shale above Tr... Div. 1. M, Queb. G. B., BL.,Tr Delth. Sh.Lst.... ? CH [Ireland) Chair of Kildare, (France)Angers,Caen, &c., N. Spain. Wisconsin. (Newfoundl. N.N.W.) Point Rich &c. (Canada West) Ottawa City, Paquette Rapids. Thuringia. (Canada East) Grenville. (France) Vitr6, Polign6, &c. Racine Lst.,Niag. Tr (Canada West) Lake Huron, La Cloche. Westmoreland, (Wales) Bala Lake, Haverfbrdwest. Coniston (Lancashire), Nor- way. Ireland. Mingan Isles (G. St. Lawr.). Coolin (Galway), Norway, France. Fauna E, Carad., Llandov. Carad., Niag., L. Llandov., Oslo Gp. Carad. Anticosti Island. cs Div. H, Mayhill, Anticost i G. Orihoceras. 179 CEPHALOPODA. Subdivision. Genus, Species, and Author. Lower Stage. Middle Stage. Upper Stage. Pleta insigne, Eichw St Petersburg Kotly (Rus Niag irregulare, M'Chesney sia), Baltischport (Baltic Jolietense, Meek&Worthen Joliet (Illinois) Tr Jovellana, De Verneui] j unceiun, Hall { Spain) Asturia, Ferrones. (New York) Watertown Onon. S. G Kemas, Salter laeve, Hall 'Himalaya) Niti Chorhot Pass. (New York) ^Tayne County Div. G, H, Queb G., CS. H.R.G., Niag.. Niag Lamarckii, Billings lamellosum, Hall Laphami, M'Chesney ^Newfoundland N.)Schoone Island, Godmanchester Beauharnois (Canada E. (Can. W.) Toronto, N. York Wisconsin,N. W.Michigan W auwautosa, Milwaukee Carad., CS., Tr. laqueatum, Hall (N. York) Watertown, (Lan (Wisconsin). Westmoreland (Wales) Di- W., L. Dawson cashire) Coniston, Turke; River (Iowa), nas Bran. S'iotaux (Nova Scotia) Tr var. a, Hall ate-annulatum, New York. (N York) Middleville Niag inealatum, M'Chesney Joliet (Illinois) Fauna E, Pleta lineare, Barrande, Monster (Esthonia) Wesenberg &c. Franconia, Bohemia. Carad. Pleta ineatum, Hising (Irel.) Chair of Kildare. (Ireland) Tipperary & Clar Galway (Ireland) L. H. G Hall longe-cameratum, ,, Counties, Norway, (Swe den) Mosseberg, Odins holm Isle (Baltic). Missouri. (N.York East) Albany Co &c BL ongissimum, Billings (Can. W.) Mid Ottawa Riv Fauna E, Pleta Ludense, Sowerby (Baltic) Isle Odinsholm ?.... 3ohemia, north and central W., L. & U.L. H. R. G Lyelli, Billings. Anticosti I.) Salmon River. Gothland,Malverns,Leint- wardine,&c., Benson Kno Kendal (England), Pres- teign (Wales). W Maclai'eni, Salter. Scotland) Car lops, Peebles, H. E. G. . magnisulcatum, Billings. Lnticosti Isle, Charleton Pt Pentland Hills, Llanba darn (Radnorshire). Tr. magniventrum, ? Can W ) Cornwall Townsh W Marloense, Phillips. S. Wales) Wooltack and CH ilaro, Billings. tfingan Isles (G. St. Lawr.). Marloes Bay. Niae. medullare, D. D. Owen Jpper Mississippi River. Hall&Whitney. Llan mendax, Salter. North-west Scotland. BL Henelaus, Billings. Can. W.) Kingston, (Can. CH., B..BL. ... B 2, Queb. G. ... L Hinganense, ifissisquoi-ense, Mocktree-ense, Sowerby. E.) Montreal &c. tfingan Isles. ^Canada East)Phillipsburg. England) Mocktree Hays, CS UEontrealense, Billings. Canada E.") St. Eustache. Ledbury, Abberley, New- ent. CH., B., BL.?... Tr multicameratum, Hall. ninltiliiipat uni. Hall Canada W.) Lake Huron, La Cloche, (New York) Watertown, (Canada E.) Montreal, Mingan Isles, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, N.W. Michigan. New York. M. Sa. &c multiseptum, ,, Thuringia (drift) N. York) Medina, Lock- BL iiultituhulatum. 'Canada W.) Middle Ottawa port. Tr Murchisoni, Salter. River, (Can. E.) Montreal, rasmania West. B., BL., Tr Murrayi, Dawson. 'Can. E.) Murray Bay, (Can. CS latator, Billings. W.) L. Huron, La Cloche. Mingan Isles. Niaer. ... lodocostum, M'Chesney. Milwaukee (Wisconsin). U Llandov aummularium, Sowerby landovery (Wales) oheraia, (Engl.) Tortworth, docens, Barr. Norway, Arisaig (Nova Scotia),(Can.W.)Grimsby. Orthoceras. 180 Subdivision. Genus, Species, and Author. Lower Stage. Middle Stage. Upper Stage. Niaff. Oberon, Billings, obliquum, Eichw. Dkemas, Salter. Ommaneyii, ordinatum, Billings. Ottawaensis, pauciseptum, Hall, pelagicum, Barr. perannulatum, Portlock. Billings. crocus. perelegans, Salter. Lituites articulatus. perparvum, Billings. Perseus, persiphonatum, perstriatum, Hall. Pertinax, Billings. pileolum, piscator, Piso, plano-convexum, Hall & Whitney, politum, M'Coy. Pomeroense, Portlock. pressum, H. D. Rogers. Priamus, Billings. primsevum, Forbes primigenium, Hall. prolapsum, Richter. propinquum, Billings. fulgur. proteiforme, Bilh'ngs. pseudo-regulare, Portlock pseudo-speciosum, Portl. ? puncto-striatum, Hall Pylades, Billings pyriforme, Sowerby Python, Billings rapax, raptor, rectiannulatum, Hall recticameratum, regulare, Schloth remotum, Richter Salter Remus, Billings repens, Billings rigidum, Hall rotulatum, Billings rudis, Hall Sayi, Billings (Canada West) Grimsby. Arctic Seas (America). (N.York, east) Schoharie Co. (Wales) Usk Castle, Llan- sannan, (Engl.) Ludlow. Malvern,Hagley,(N. York, east) Schoharie County. (New York, east) Schoharie County. Pleta? Esthonia) Kirna. Simalaya, Niti Pass (E. L). cs (Can. W.) Oxford, (Can. E.) St. Anne. (Can.W.) Mid. OttawaRiver. B,BL., Tr Delth. Sh. Lst... Carad Trance)La Sarthe,Bohemia. Desertcreate, Tyrone (Irel.). Anticosti Isle, west end. H. R. Or W, f U.L BL (Canada W.) Lake Huron, north-west end. (Canada East) Phillipsburg. Cormorant Pt.(Anticosti). P., Queb. G. ... Div. 3, Antic. G. Delth. Sh. Lst... B BL [Canada West) Kingston. Anticosti (Jupiter River) Div. 2, Antic. G. Divs. I, K, L, M, N, Queb. G. H. R. G (NewfoundlandW. ) W.N. W. Point Rich &c. Xake Huron) Cape Smyth. Wisconsin. [Scotl.) Ayreshire, Penqua- ple, Knockgeirn, &c. Desertcreate, Tyrone (Irel.). Pennsylvania. Newfoundland W.&W.N.W. Radnorshire, Builth Bridge, Dry Bridge (Horton). (N.York,north-east)Mohawk River. Thuringia. (Anticosti Isle) Charlton Point. (Can. W.) Lake Huron, La Cloche, (Can. E.) Mont- morenci Falls. Reagh fadda, Tipperary(Ire- land). Desertcreate (Tyrone). Tr Cwm Bach, Builth (Wales). Upper Mississippi River, Arisaig (Nova Scotia). (Central Canada) Grimsby. Mocktree Hill(Herefordsh.). Bohemia, (Gothland)Klefva, Mosseberg, Russia, Fran- conia (Barrande). (Central Canada) Grimsby. (New York, central) Herki- mer County. (Canada West) Lake Temats- caming. (New York, east) Schoharie County. Carad Divs.L.M, Queb. G. Carad., W cs - H. E. G. .. . CS., Tr Carad L. H. G Niag. i2 Tr (Can. E.) Montreal, Kenyon Township. (Canada West) Kingston. (Anticosti) S.W. Point. Silesia (drift) B., BL Div. 4, Antic. G CH. (Lst.) CH..BL (New York) Clinton County (Can. E.) Murray Bay, (Can W.) Marmora, (N.York) Clinton County, Highgate Springs, North Vermont. (Esthonia) Reval, Baltisch- port, France, Norway ? Fermanagh (Ireland). Thuringia. (Portugal) Vallongo. Pleta, Fauna E W. ? Niag B 2, Queb. G... L. H. G Phillipsburg (Canada East). Niag. L. H. G Queb. G. Phillipsburg (Canada East), Lake Champlin Orthoceras. 181 CEPHALOPODA. Subdivision. Genus, Species, and Author. Lower Stage. Middle Stage. Upper Stage. Niaer. Scammoni, M'Chesney Sedgwickii, Billings Forbes Selwynii, Billings semipartitum, Sowerby seps, Eichw. sericeum, Salter. servile, Billings. Shumardii, ,, Sieboldi, simplex, Desnoyers. Simpsoni, Billings, sinuato-septum, Homer, sinuatum, Bichter. sordidum, Billings, striselineatum, M'Chesney. striatissimum, Salter. strigatum, Hall. styloideum, Barr. subannulare, Miinster. subarcuatum, Hall, Portl subcentrale, Miinster subconoideum, Meneghini. subcyprium, subflexuosum, Miinster. subgregarium, M'Coy. subimbricatum, Portlock. subjunceum, Meneghini. submoniliforme, subpyriforme, Miinster. Poterioceras approxima- tum. substriatum, D'Orbigny. subtextile, Hall, subtrochleatum, Miinster. subulatum, Meek & Worth, subundulatum. Portlock. Tallivignesi, Eouault. ;enerum, Billings, tenue, Wahlenb. tenuiannulatum, M'Coy. Hall. nuicinctum, Portlock. Bridgeport, near Chicago (Illinois). (Wales) Llansannan. Gait Township (CanadaW.). (S.Wales)Felindre,Usk, &c., Deerhope, Pentlands(Scot- land). Bridgeport, Chicago (Illin.). (Boh.) Butovitz, Thuringia. [Bohemia) Dlauha Hora, Butovitz, (Westmoreland^ Brigsteer. [Eussia) Petschora, Oust- Gukhta. Forden, Presteign (Eadnor- shire),Kington (Hereford- shire). (Engl.) Ludlow, Tortworth. (N. York E.) Schoharie Co. Joh'et (Illinois). L^intwardine, Ludlow, Mal- vern, Underbarrow (West- moreland), (Wales) Llan- gollen, Craig-hir,&c., (Ire- land) Tirnaskea, Kilma- culla, Co. Clare, Derry- more Glen. Isle Oesel, Eoodzekulle (Es- thom'a), (Sweden) Mount Mosseberg. Brigsteer (Westmoreland), Leintwardine, Aymestry (Herefordshire), Oernaut (Wales). East New York) Albany Co. 'L endal (Westmoreland) Di- nas Bran. Div. 1&H.E.G w Anticosti Isle, west end (Anticosti) Gamache Bay Guelph Llandov., U.L... Pleta.Corall.Lst. U Tremad. Tonlegee (Galway) (Anticosti) Gamache Bay (Sardinia) Flumini Mag- (Esthonia) Wesenberg, St Petersburg (Russia). (Wales) Garth, Tuhwynt-yr- bwlch. (Newfoundl.W.) Point Eich Mingan Isles (G. St. Lawr.) (Anticosti) west end, Light- house. Div. L, Queb. G. CH Div.l&H.B.G. ? CH Lake Winnipeg (Eupert'sL.). Thuringia Adrift). Thuringia. Mingan Isles (G. St. Lawr.). giore. ? ? cs Niaff B.,BL.,Tr Faunae D, E. e. 1, 2, &c. Carad., U.L Carad., CH Himalaya, Chorhoti Pass. (N.York) Middleville, High- gate Springs, N. Vermont. Col. Krejci (Boh.), (France] St. Sauveur le Vicomte. (Eadnorsh.) Builth, (West- morel.) Coldwell, (Lanca- shire) Coniston, Ireland, (Bohemia) Col. Krejci. (N.E. New York) Clinton County, (Can. E.) Corn- wall, Montreal. (Can. W.) Mid. Ottawa E. (Sardin.) Flumini Maggiore. (Sardinia) Flumini Mag- giore. BL ? ? Llan., L.L., U.L. Ireland)Leenane &c.,Gal- way. Sardinia. Sard.) Flumini Maggiore. (Ireland) Tyrone. ? ? Carad Pomeroy (Ireland). L L H Or ? (Sard.) Flumini Maggiore. Carad., Llandov., W., L. & U.L. B BL (Wales) Builth Bridge &c., (England) Eiver Onny, Coniston (Lancashire), N.W. Yorkshire. (France) Polign6. (Can. W.) Mid. Ottawa E. Whales TJ!J Delth. Sh.Lst.... Fauna E, Carad., W. [S. Scotland) Lammermuir, Coniston (Lancash.), Cold- well (Westmoreland), De- sertcreate (Tyrone), Tip- perary, Latteragh, Clare County &c. (Ireland). England, (Irel.) Galway. '6 A Orthoceras. 182 CEPHALOPODA. Subdivision. Genus, Species, and Author. Lower Stage. Middle Stage. Upper Stage. CH. * tenuiseptum, Hall tenuistriatum, Munster textile, Phillips Hall textum-araneum, Bomer theca, Salter Tityrus, Billings torquatum, Munster tracheale, Sowerby Cycloceras. Tacheatum ?, Eichter. Trentonense, Hall, trochleare, Hisinger. ;umidum, Barr. undulatum, Murch., Hall. undulobellicinctum,Murch. undulostriatum, Hall. vagans, Salter. vaginatum, Schloth. Varro, Billings, velatum, Portlock. velox, Billings. ventricosum, Sharpe. Creseis. vertebrale, Hall. Salter?. verticillatum,VonHagenow. veterator, Billings, virgatum, Sowerby. annulatum, Wahlenb. virgo, Giebel. virgulatum, Hall. iVahlenbergii, Helmersen. Xerxes, Billings. Xiphias, Youngii, Salter. sp. ind. (6), Hall. Bonissent. Leymerie. Logan. Meneghini. Salter. (2), Swallow. Salter. (N.E. New York) Clinton Co Desertcreate (IreL), (West moreland) Eandy Pike Ambleside. (S.W. Scotland) Girvan Haverfordwest (Wales) Bohemia, Franconia (Bar- rande). Freshwater East (Pembroke- shire). (Westmoreland) Helmfoot. (Westmorel.) Kendal.Kirkby Moor, Howgill Fell,(Here- fordsh.) Kington, (Wales Llandovery,HorebChapel, Dinas Bran, Llangollen, Stormhill. Westmoreknd, Norway, N. & central Gothland, (Dale- carlia) L. Siljan, Vicarby. Tirnaskea? (Ireland). (Gothland)Djupricken, Nor- way, Wisconsin, N.W. Michigan, (Canada West) Flamborough, Cape Hurd, Lake Huron, Tennessee, (New York) Lockport &c. (S.W. Scotland) Balmje. [Central Canada) Grimsby. (Wales) Corwen, Builth Bridge, Bron Einion, &c. (Engl.) Woodside, (Wales) Presteign. 3-othland. (New York) Eochester &c., N.W.Michigan,(England) Mocktree Hill, Malvern. New York) Lockport. Sweden. New York) Eochester. Arctic Amer.) Griffith's Isle. Arct. Amer.) Beechey's Isle. ?las Madoc (Wales). Fauna E, Carad. U.Llandov. UL Tr (New York) Watertown. Lower Silesia. Tasmania West. Phillipsburg (Canada E.). ? Tr Queb. G UL Tr Thuringia. (New York) Trenton Falls. UL Car., Col. Krejci. L.Llandov.,Tr... L.LlandoT.,Tr... Car., L.Llandov. Carad Bohemia, Desertcreate, Ty- rone. (N. Scotl.) Durness, Suther- landshire, (New York" Middleville, Upper Mis- sissippi Eiver. Westmoreland, (Lancashire' Coniston, (Wales) Bala. Engknd, (Scotl.) Ardwell, (Eussia) Archangel, Lake Ladoga, &c. , Esthonia, Thu- ringia, Silesia, Sweden. (Wales) Builth &c. Niae Carad Chair of Kildare (Ireland), (Wales) Ehiwlas nr. Bala. Mingan Isles, Montreal(Can. E.). CH W., L L.LlandoY., Tr., L. ? cs (N. York) Middleville, (Eu- pert's Land) Fort Garry, Missouri, Pennsylvania. Durness (N.W. Scotland). (Can. W.) Oxford Township. Ireland (S.W. Scotland)Kennedy's Pass. New York) Eeynale's Basin, Lockport. Llaudovery, L., Niag. CL., Niag IJower Harz (Germany). W Queb. G Phillipsburg (Canada E.). (Can. W.) Ottawa City, (An- ticosti I.) English Head. Tasmania West. Tr., H. E. G. ... Tr Queb. G Niae. Queb. G France) La Manche. Pyrenees) Luchon. Point L6vis (Canada E.). !sle Sardinia. Carad Missouri, State of. Merionethshire) Bala Lake. W Ortkoceras. 183 CEPHALOPODA. Subdivision. Genus, Species, and Author. Lower Stage. Middle Stage. Upper Stage. L.Llandov Carad sp. ind., Coquand Salter Honeyman Hall Meek. Hall. (Morocco, passim) Ceuta. ( Wales)Portmadoc, Ty-obry (Caernarvonshire) Dolwy- ddalan &c. Arisaig (Nova Scotia). Kennedy's Channel (Arctic America). (N. York E.) Schoharie Co. (England) Ledbury, Ludlow, Shelderton, Bohemia. (Engl.) Aymestry, Ledbury, (Wales) Presteign. Little Hope, Woolhope (Sharpe). Guelph Township (Can. W.). (England) Leintwardine. (Wales) Usk, Plas Madoc, Middeton Hall. (Engl.) Walsall, Ledbury, Leintwardine, &c. Bohemia, Gothland, (Engl. Ayraestry, Dudley, &c., (Wales) Cardiff. Gothland. Arisaig (Nova Scotia). New York (U. S. America). (Central Canada) Grimsby. Ludlow (England). New York, east) Schoharie County. Engl.) Shropshire, Aymes- try (Herefordshire). L. H. G M. Sa (New York) Lockport. Tr (New York) MiddleviUe. Pentam. Lst P., Treraad Salter. Hall. Phragmoceras, Broden approximatum, M'Coy. arcuatum, Sowerby. Cyrtoceras. Brateri, Portlock (non Munster). complanatum, Eichw. compressum, Sowerby. conieum, Eichw. eontractum, Salter MSS. cur turn, Eichw. eximium, Sexuosum, Schloth. Hector, Billings, intermedium, M'Coy. nautileum, Sowerby. oryx, Eichw. paradoxum, prsematurum, Billings. pyriforme, Sowerby. rectiseptatum, Homer. Sphynx, Schmidt. sulciferum, Eichw. ventricosum, Sowerby. Broderipi. sp. ind., Angelin ? Honeyman. Hall. Piloceras, Salter, 1859. Canadense, Billings. gracile, invaginatum, Salter. Billings. Triton, Wortheni, sp. ind., Salter. Billings. Streptoceras, Billings, 1 heros, Billings. Janus, ,, Trematoceras, Eichwal discors, Eichw. Tretoceras, Salter, 1857. bisiphonatum, Sowerby. semipartitum ?, Trochoceras, Hall, 1852. Gebhardi, Hall. giganteum, Sowerby. Ramsey I. &c. (S.W. Wales) (New York) Lewis County. p ; ONCOCERAS, Hall. Tyrone (Ireland). UticaSl Carad L Carad Tyrone (Ireland). Lyckholm (Esthonia). [Esthon.)Wesenberg,I.Dago, (Wiscons.) Mineral Point (Baltic) Isle Odinsholm. (Wales) Haverfordwest England. Pleta Plet.,Tr.,L.Llan- dov., W., L.L. Pleta W Pleta [St. Petersburg) Poulkova. Lyckholm (Esthonia). Lyckholm (Esthon.), I Dago Guelph LL W., L Pleta? (Baltic) Isles Dago and Oesel. (Esthonia) Kattentak. Pentam. Lst Tr (Can. W.) La Cloche, Lake Huron,Mid. Ottawa Eiver. LL Pleta (Baltic) Reval, Silesia. (Esthonia) Lyckholm, Pres- qu'ile de Neuk. [Esthonia) Lyckholm, Isle Oesel, Hohenholm. (South Wales) St. Clair ... Mayhill (England), Nor- way. it Carad., TJ.Llan- dov., W., L.L., Faunae E, G. L H G Corall.Lst.,Scho- harie. Divs.F, G,CS... L.Llan Mingan Isles and Newfound- land, north-west. (NewfoundlandN.)Schooner Island. 'North Scotland) Durness. Canada. [Newfoundland N.) Pistolet Bay. [Newfoundland West) Port au Choix. (North Scotland) Durness. Canada West) Kingston. 866. See PHRAGMOCERAS. CS Divs. H, I, Queb. G., CS. Div. H, Queb.G., CS. L.Llan Pleta d, 1861. Wesenberg (Esthonia). Wales) Llandovery, Gor- llwynfach. U.Llandov L Corall.Lst.,Scho- harie. Carad., L.L. ... Builth (Radnorshire) ... Trochoceras. 184 CEPHALOPODA. Subdivision. Genus, Species, and Author. Lower Stage. Middle Stage. Upper Stage. Corall.Lst.,Scho- turbinatum, Hall. (N.York) Schoharie County. harie. Tr., Ut. Slate ... Upper Carad. . . . Pleta Trocholites, Conrad. (L Ammonius, Conrad. anguiformis, Salter. depressus, Eichw. ITUITES.) (New York) Canojoharie &c., Fort Snelling(Minnesota), Prairie du Chien (Wis- consin), Lorette (Can. E.). Norway, (Denbighsh.) Myn- ydd Frons. (Baltic) Isle Odinsholm. Carad flexuosus, Munster. Hibernicus, Salter Isle Dago. Ireland. Pleta incongruus, Eichw. (Baltic) Isle Odinsholm. Copied from the MSS. of M. Barrande (published, or soon to be), with his kind permission. J. J. B. Stage. Genus, Species, and Author. Locality. Stage. Genus, Species, and Author. Locality. E. e. 1 Cyrtoceras, Goldfuss, accessor, Barr. acies, ,, acinaces, ,, acutum, acyrtos, adjutor, , aduncum, , advena, amulum, , tequale, , agnatum, , Ajax, , ah'enum, , , Alinse, , Alphaeus, , ambiguum , ancillans, , Angelini, , anormale, apertum, baculoides, , Baylei, , Beaumonti, , sellulum, , Beraunense, , bigener, , BUlingsi, , BoUi, bombyx, , bonum, botylus, bryozoon, Camillas, Canna, capuloides, carum, Castor, var. Pollux, circumflexum, clava, clavulum, cognatum, * concors, confertum, confine, , consangue, , consimile, , conspicuum, , constringens, , contrarium, , var. quasirectum, , 1833. Butowitz. Dlauha Hora. Karlstein. Viscocilka. Lockhov, Kozorz. Dvoretz, Konieprus. Motol (Colony). Lockhov. Lockhov, Viscocilka. Viscocilka. Lockhov. Tetin. Lockhov, Kozorz. Slivenetz. Butovitz, Kozorz, &c. Slivenetz. Hinter-Kopanina, Kon- varka. Dvoretz. Lhubocep. Kozorz, Lockhov, &c. Viscocilka, Lockhov, &c. Kozorz, Lockhov, &c. Lhubocep. Dlauha Hora. Lhubocep. Dvoretz. Lockhov. Lhubocep. Chotecz. Dlauha Hora, Kozorz, Lockhov. Hinter-Kopanina. Kozorz. Vohrada. Butovitz, Viscocilka. Viscocilka. Karlstein, Zmrzlik. Lockhov, Kozorz. Butovitz, Kozorz, &c. Lockhov, Kozorz. Kozorz, Slivenetz, &c. Lockhov. Lockhov. Kozorz. Lockhov. E. e 2 " corbulatum, Barr. cordigerum, corniculum. crassiusculum, ,, cuneiforme, cyathus, cycloideum, cyclostomum, cylindraceum, ,, Danai, debile, decipiens, ,, decurio, delicatum, derelictum, Devonicans, discoideum, discrepans, , discretuni, , distentum, , dives, , dolium, , dorsuosum, , electum, , elongatum, , Eremita, , errans, , esuriens, , exesum, , exile, , expandens, , extenuatum, , fallax, , famelicum, , fasciatum, , fenestratum, , fidum, , Forbesi (Wales), formidandum, , forte, , fortiusculum, fortunatum, ,, fractum, ,, fragile, fratrorum, fugax, Geinitzi, gibbum, G ebeli, Karlstein, Hiiiter-Ko- panina, Dvoretz, &c. Lockhov. ,, Karlstein,&c. Hlubocep. Lockhov, Hinter-Ko- panina. Kozorz, Dlauha Hora. Karlstein, &c. Viscocilka, Butovitz. Dvoretz. Kozorz. Lockhov. Karlstein, Lockhov,&c. Slivenitz. Lockhov. Kozorz. Hlubocep. Karlstein. Lockhov. Kozorz. Lockhov. Dlauha Hora, Dvoretz. Kozorz. Lockhov. Viscocilka, &c. DlauhaHora,&c. Konieprus. Butovitz. Dlauha Hora. Lockhov. Kozorz. Kozorz. &c. Hinter-Kopanina. Karlstein, Butowitz. Bubovitz. Dvoretz. Dlauha Hora. Dvoretz. Hinter-Kopanina,Ko- zorz, Lockhov. Butovitz. Dvoretz. Konieprus. Hint.-Kopanina, Lock- hov, Butowitz, &c. Butovitz. Kozorz, Lockhov. Karlstein. Kozorz. G.'ff. 3 .. n E. e. 2 F.f. 2 E. e. 2 E. e. 1 D. d. 4, 5 E. e. 2 i> G-. e. 1 . E.e.2 i ii G.'e. 3 .. E e. 2 ... E.e.2 n G. "g. 3 E.e.2 ii F f 1 E.e. 2 E.e. 1, 2 G. e. 1 . E.e.2 ii i >! n F.f. 1 E.e. 2 i) ,. ? G e. 3 E.e.2 G.g. 3 .. E. e. 2 G. g. 1 . 11 ii E.e. 1, 2 E.e.2 E.e.2 ii E.e. 1 Carad., E. e. 2 E e. 2 E.e.2 E.e. 1, 2 E.e.2 Eel > n > n ii E.e.2 E. e. 1 . E.e.2 ii Oyrtoceras. 185 CEPHALOPODA. Stage. Genus, Species, and Author. Locality. Stage. Genus, Species, and Author. Locality. E. e. 2 grande, Barr. grave, , Halli, Haueri, , Hebes, , heteroclytum, , Hoernesi, , honestum, , hospitale, ,, humile, ,, hybrida, ibis, Icarus, imbelle, imbricans, impatiens, imperiale, imperatum, indomitum, iners, inexpectatum, ,, infidum, inflectans, innoxium, ,, insociale, intermedium, inversum, invisum, Iridis, ,, laeve, latens, ,, lentigradum, ,, lentum, var. sociale, Lepidum, letlueuin, ,, Limosum, Logani, longasvum, ,, [ongiventris, maculosum, malefidum, ,, Marcoui, medullosum, miles, ., mimicum, minusculum, mirum, ,, miserum ?, ,, modicum, moestum, ,, Murchisoni, nautarum, ,, negatum, nescium, neutrum, ,, nigrum, nitidum, nobile, nocturnum, Numa, ,, nuntius, ,, obesum, obscurum, obtusum, omissum, Orion, orphanus, ,, Panderi, parvulum, Lockliov. Chotecz. Zmrzlik, Kozorz, &c. Slivenetz. Konieprus, Mnienian. Dlauha Hora. Butowitz. Luzetz. Butovitz. Dlauha Hora, Lockhov. Lockhov. Kozorz. Slivenetz, Kozorz. Kozorz, Butowitz. Lodenitz. Lockhov, Slivenetz, &c. Kozorz, Lockhof. >! )l Butowitz. Kozorz, Lockhov. Lockhov. Kozorz, Lockhov. Karlstein, To- bolka. Lockhov. Kozorz. Karlstein. ? Luzetz. Lockhov. Dlauha Hora. Lockhov, Butowitz, &c. Dlauha Hora. Dvoretz. Lockhov. Kozorz. Karlstein. Butowitz. Hlubocep. Viscocilka. Dlauha Hora, Kozorz. Lockhov, Kozorz, &c. Kozorz. Luzetz. Slivenetz, Lockhov. Dvoretz. Konieprus. Lockhov. Slivenetz,Dlauha Hora, &c. Dvoretz. Hlubocep. Butovitz, Lockhov, Ko- zorz. Viscocilka,Lockhov,Ko- zorz, &c. Dvoretz. Hinter-Kopanina, Ko- zorz, Dlauha Hora. Lockhov. Kozorz. Hinter-Kopanina. Butowitz, St. Procop. Butowitz. Vohrada. Butowitz. Listice, Butovitz, Bubo- vitz, Luzetz. Kozorz. Dvoretz, Zmrzlik. Kozorz, Lockhov, &c. E.e. 2 . .. patiens, Barr. patulum, pergratum, perversum, ,, Phillipsi, pileolus, plebeium, ,^ Pluto, Pollux, var. Castor, ,, potens, ,, praeposterum, primitium, problematicum, prudens, , pugio, , var. junceum, , pulchellum, , quasi-rectum, , var. contrarium, quidam, ,, Ramsayi, rarum ?, rebelle, recurvum, residuum, ,, retroflexum, , rivale, , Roemeri, , rotundum, , rugulatum, , Salteri, , sanum, secans, selectum, ,, semitectum, ,, sequax, scrratum, ,, Viscocilka. Kozorz, Zmrzlik. Lockhov, Vis- cocilka, &c. Butovitz. Karlstein. Dlauha Hora, Kozorz, &c. Dvoretz. Viscocilka. Butovitz. Dvoretz. Karlstein,Lockhov, &c. Lockhov. Kozolup, Dvoretz, &c. Kozorz. Lockhov, Slivenetz. > Konieprus. Dlauha Hora, Lock- hov, &c. Kozorz &c. Hinter-Kopanina. Ko- zorz, &c. Butovitz. Lockhov. Hlubocep. Kozorz. Lockhov. Kozorz. Lockhov. Kozorz. Lockhov. Hlubocep. Zmrzlik, Hinter-Ko- panina. Lockhov, Kozorz. Dlauha Hora. Karlstein, Hinter-Ko- panina. B utowitz. Lockhov, Kozorz. Slivenetz, Rzepora. Konieprus. Hinter-Kopanina. Kozorz. Konieprus. Dlauha Hora, Lock- hov, &c. Dlauha Hora. Dvoretz. Jarov. Viscocilka, Lockhov, &c. Konieprus,Lockhov,&c Dvoretz. Lockhov. Kozorz. Vohrada, Butowitz. Dvoretz, Karlstein. Hlubocep. Karlstein, Hinter-Ko- panina. Dlauha Hora. Viscocilka, Lockhov, &c. Kozorz, Lockhov. Lockhov. Kaukalova Hora. Lockhov. G- a. 1 E.e. 1 E. e. 2 F.f. 2 . E.'e. 2 E.e. 2 F.f. 1 DCol.,E.e.l,2 E.e. 2 E. e. 1 E.e. 2 E. e. 1,2 E. e. 2 E.e. 1,2 E.e. 2 F. f. 1 E.e. 2 E. e. 1 E e 2 ? E.e. 1,2 E e 2 E.e. 2 G.g. 3 .. E.e. 2 G.'e. I . E.e. 2 G.'g. 3 G.'e. 3 .. E, e. 2 E. e. 1 E e 2 G. "e. 1 . E. e. 2 serum, Sharyi, sica, ,, Silenus, simulans, ,, Sinon, sinuatulum, sociale, ,, var. lenta, solitarium, Sosia, speciosum, sporadicum, strangulatum, , stygiale, , subrectum, , var. corniculum, , Suessi, , sulcatulum, superbum, superstes, tardum, ,, tesseratum, Thetidis, timidum, Trilby, truncum, tumefactum, F " E e. 2 F.f. 1,2 E.e. 2 F.f. 2 E e 2 G-.'g. 3 E. e. 2 !) E'l 1 E.e. 2 ...'. G. g. 3 E.e. 1,2 E e. 1 E. e. 2 E. e. 2 3B Cyrtoceras. 186 CEPHALOPODA. Stage. Genus, Species, and Author. Locality. Stage. Genus, Species, and Author. Locality. E e. 2 ultimum, Barr. uniforme, Uranus, ,, urbanum, validum, velox, verna, vestitum, veteranum, victor, virgula, vittatum, vivax, zebra, Gomphoceras, Sow. accedens, Barr. aegrum, , Agassizi, , Alphaeus, , amphora, , amygdala, . anonymum, atrophum, ,, Belloti, biconicum, Billingsii, Bohemicum, ,, capitatum, centrale, cingulatum, clava, conicum, consobrinum, contrarium, conulus, ,, crassiventer, curtum, ,, cylindricum, decurtatum, Deshayesi, emaciatum, extenuatum, ferum, gracile, gratum, Halli, Haueri, imperiale, ? incertum, incola, magnum, mancum, marsupium, ,, microstoma, mirum, Mumia, , Myrmido. , iianum, , nuciforme, , obscurum, , Lockhov, Kozorz. Zmrzlik, Butowitz. Tachlowic, Butowitz. Vohrada, Karlstein, Sli- Tenetz, &c. Dlauha Hora &c. Bubovitz, Hinter-Kopa- nina, &c. Dlauha Hora, Hinter- Kopanina. Butovitz. Kozorz. Dvoretz. Konieprus, Vohrada, Lockhov. Konieprus. Dlauha Hora. Lockhov. ; POTERIOCERAS, M' Coy. Karlstein, Hinter-Ko- panina. Karlstein. Dvoretz, Hinter-Kopa- nina, St. Procop, &c. Hinter-Kopanina. Karlstein, Lockhov, &c. Dlauha Hora, Dvoretz, Karlstein, &c. Butovitz. Hinter-Kopanina, Dvo- retz, &c. Kozorz, Bubovitz. Hlubocep. Dvoretz. Hinter-Kopanina. Karlstein. Lockhov, Kozorz, Vis- cocilka. Lockhov, Karlstein, Ko- zorz, Viscocilka, Dvo- retz. Lockhov, Karlstein, Vis- cocilka, Esthonia, Dvoretz. Lockhov, Karlstein. Kozorz, Viscocilka. Bohemia. Dlauha Hora. Hlubocep. Karlstein, DlauhaHora, Lockhov. Kozorz. Lockhov. Hlubocep. Karlstein. Lockhov. Lockhov, Dvoretz. Bubovitz, Lodenitz. Karlstein, Dvoretz. Karlstein. Dvoretz, Novy Mlyn. Hlubocep. Viscocilka, Lockhov, Slivenetz &c. Hinter-Kopanina. Lockhov. Hinter-Kopanina. Bubovitz, Lockhov &c. H.-Kopanina, Zmrzlik, &c. Dvoretz, Slivenetz. Lockhov, H.-Kopanina. Lockhov. Dvoretz. Lockhov. E. e. 2 ovum, Barr. peramplum, pollens, porrectum, ,, primum, probum, rectum, rigidum, robustum, rugosum, semiclausum, senex, ,, simplex, , singulare, , Spei, , sphaerosoma, , staurostoma, , stigmatum, , striatulum, , ;enerum, , transgrediens, , Lransversum, , tumescens, , vellerosum. , Verneuilli, vespa, ,, sp. ind. (young), Goniatites, Haan (De ambigena, Barr. amoenus, ,, Bohemicus, crebriseptus, crispus, ,, emaciatus, ,, fecundus, fidelis, lituus, neglectus, ,, occultus, plebeius, simulans, solitarius, ,, solus, tabuloides, verna, Gyroceras, De Konin alatum, Barr. annulatum, circulare, ,, Devonicans, ,, minusculum, nudum, proximum, tenue, Hercocer as, Barr and mirum, Barr. var. irregulare, ,, Lituites, Breynius, 1 species are of the Sub amissus, Barr. primulus, proximus, Ophidioceras. rudens, Ophidioceras. Viscocilka, Dvoretz, Lockhov, Dlauha Hora. Elubocep. Kozorz, H.-Kopanina. Lockhov, Karlstein. Leiskov. Lockhov. Lockh.,Kozorz,Dvoretz. Dvoretz. Kozorz. Karlstein. Konieprus,Mnienian. Hlubocep. Karlstein, Lockhov. Kozorz. Lockhov. Dvoretz. Kozorz. Lockhov. Dvoretz. Karlstein. Dvoretz. Dvoretz, Karlstein. Hint.-Kopanina,Dlauha Hora. Lockhov, Kozorz. Karlstein. Dvoretz. Haen), 1825. Hlubocep. Hlubocep, Klukovitz, Gross Morzin. Hlubocep. Hlubocep, Konieprus. Hlubocep. Hlubocep, Hostin, Franta, Vavrovitz, Pekarckovitz,Chotecz, &c. Konieprus. Chotecz. Hlubocep. Hlubocep, Cheynitz, Konieprus, Trzebotov &c. Hlubocep. Konieprus. Konieprus, Hlubocep. ck, 1844. Tetin,Konieprus, Mnie- nian, &c. Lockhov. Chotecz. Hlubocep. >) Kozorz, Hostin. e, 1865. Hlubocep, 732. " (The Bohemian genus OPHIOCEEAS, J.W.S.) Konigshof. Sancta Benigna. Butovitz. Tachlovitz, Butowitz, &c. E.e. 1 G.g. 3 E e 2 E. e. 1,2 E. e. 1 E.e. 2 >! D. d. 5 E.e. 2 >) > F. f. 2 E. e. 2 >i E. e. 2 G. e. 3 . E.e. 2 >! 1) )! 11 )! )) G. e. 3 . E.e. 1? E. e. 2 G. g. 3 .. P. 2, G. g. 3 ... G.g. 3 E.e. 2 .... E.e. 4 >! E. e. 2 G. g. 1, 2, 3, H. h. 1. F. f. 2 G. g. 1 G.g. 3 ... . F,G.g.3 .. G.'g. 3 . G. s 3 E.e. 2 F. f. 2 G.'g. 3 G.g. 3 F. f.2,G. g. 3.. F.f.2, G.g. 1... G. g. 1 . E.e. 2 i* G. ff. 3 . G.e. 3 . G.g. 2, H. h. 1 G. g. 3 . E.e. 2 i) >t rf E.e. 1... D. d. 1 E.e. 1 Gomplioceras. 187 CEPHALOPODA. Stage. Genus, Species, and Author. Locality. Stage. Genus, Species, and and Author. Locality. E.e. 1 simplex, Barr Ophidioceras. tener, Ophidioceras. tessellatus, ,, Ophidioceras. Lituunculus, Barran DISCOCERAS. Nautilus, Breynius, 1 anomalus, Barr Bohemicus, desideratus, ,, Sacheri, Sternbergii, tyrannus, ,, vetustus, sp. ind., Nothoceras, Barrand Bohemicum, Barr Orthoceras,J?w^mws aberrans, Barr ablatum, accedens, Acis, Actoeon, acuarium ?, ,, tequale, var. Panderi. Agassizi, alpha, ,, alternans, alticola, alumnus, ambifarium, ambigena, ,, amcenum, analogum, annulatuin, Sowerby. anomalum, Barr. aperiens, (var. of transiens.) aphragma, ,, Apis, Apollo, approximans, (var. of Hcernesi.) araneosum, Archiaci, ,. arcitenens, ,, Argus, Arion, asparagus, ,, astutum, Bacchus, rnculus, )arbarum, ,, jifidum, ,, )ifrons, Billingsi, npellis, ,, risignatum, Bohemicans, ,, Bohemicum, >onum, Bronni, >ubo, caduceum, caelebs, (var. of dulce.) calamoides, ,, Lockhov,Kozorz,Dlauha Hora, &c. Viscocilka. Lockhov, Butovitz. leurotomum, joculum, ,, jollex, )olygaster, jolytrema, jonderosum, ,, jorites, ,, jotens, jraecox, ,, jrseda, jraegrave, iraepotens, jrseses, >rsestans, )raevalens, jrimum, )rinceps, jristinum, )robum, jrocerulum, iroclinus, jroductum, jrogrediens, )rosperum, >rotendens, jseudo-calamiteum, juer, jugio, ,; julchrum, ,, jullens, J uteolum, ., adix, ,, ectissimum, ,, edux, elapsum, ,, eluctans, enovatum, ,, epetitum, evertens, Richteri, gescens, vale, obustulum, obustum, ude, acciilus, rcinatum, aturni, ,, chmidti, chnuri, utigerum, miannulatum, milaeve, miplanum, Konieprus. Butovitz. Kozel. Konieprus, Dlauha Hora. Butovitz, Kozorz. Vosek. Listice. Viskocilka. Hinter-Ko- panina. Konieprus. Viskocilka. Butovitz, Lockhov. Hinter-Kopa nina. Dvoretz. linter-Kopanina. liockhov. 31auha Hora. fohrada. Jolednik. Butovitz, Slivenetz. Jodenitz. Kozel E.e. 2 D. d. 5, Col. . E. e. 2 .... senile, Bar sericatum, ,, serratulum, sertiferum, Severum, signatulum, Simois, ,, Sinon, ,, socium, ,, sodale, solitarium, spectandum, Sphynx, spiculum, splendidum, squamulatum, ,, Steiningeri, ,, Sternbergi, Stokesi, striato-punctatum, Miinster styloideum Barr Kozorz, Dlauha Hora. Lockhov, Kozek. Lockhov. Rzepora. Dlauha Hora, Visko- cilka. Konieprus. Butowitz. Kozorz, Viskocilka. Dlauha Hora. Leiskov, Vosek. Dlauha Hora. Konieprus. Viskocilka. Butowitz. Viskocilka, Dvoretz. Ovoretz. Eonieprus, Lock- hov. Dvoretz. lozorz, Lockhov. Jutovitz. Dlauha Hora. \jtin. E. e. 1 E. e. 2, F. f. 2 E. e. 1, 2 ., E. e. 1 F. f. 2 . D.d. 1 E. e. 1 E. e. 2 E.e. 1,2 .... D. d. 5, Col. E e. 1,2 D. d. 1, 4, 5 . E.e. 2 E. e. 1 E. e. 2 E. e. 1,2 E. e. 2 E. e. 1 . E.e. 2 D. d. 5, Col., E e. 2. E.e. 2 j> I! D.d, 4 E.e. 1, 2 D. d. 5, Col., E e. 1, 2. G. g. 1 E. e. 1 subannulare, Miinster subjectum, Barr subnotatum, ,, suboriens, (var. of Murchisoni.' substructum, subtile, Suessi, ,, ylphoideum, :aeniale, /elephus, eliforme, tern per ans, ,, res, terminus, , ^tinense, , Tiphys, iro, , ;ransforme, , ;ransiens, , ^inacrium, , ;riste, , Mtonum, , runcatum, ,, G. g. 1 Hlubocep. F. f. 2 fonieprus. Butovitz. Gros Kuchell. fozolup, Tachlovitz. /"osek. fohrada, Kozorz. Jeranka. )voretz. Butovitz. f iskocilka. Slivenitz. farlstein. jockhov. ''iskocilka. Konieprus, Butowitz. )lauha Hora. jockhov. fonieprus. r iskocilka. ^etin. r ohrada. Qubocep. iranik, Tetin. ^avrovitz. fozorz. [ostin. fozorz, Hinter-Kopa- E. e. 1,2 E. e. 2 E. e. 2 ... . linter-Kopanina. )voretz. lolin. linter-Kopanina. jockhov, Dvoretz. fozel. Carlstein, Dvoretz. lolin. ^avrovitz. jockhov, Viskocilka. Konieprus, Kozorz. jockhov. 'etin. jockhov, Dvoretz. )voretz. Cozorz. Cozel, Butovitz. Qubocep. fozorz, Slivenetz. [inter-Kopanina,Lock- hov, Slivenetz. jockhov, Viskocilka. utovitz, Kozel. : etin. utovitz, Tachlovitz. Konieprus. >! )) E. e. 1 . E. e. 1, 2 . D. d. 1 E. e. 2 D. d. 5, Col. .. E. e. 2 F. f. 1 E. e. 2 E. e. 2 G.g. 2 . !! E. e. 1,2, F. f. 2, G. g. 1. E. e. 2 E.e. 2 G.g. 1 . E. e. 1, 2 .... E.e. 2 . . F. f. 1 E.e. 1,2 G. g. 3 . F. f. 2,G.g.l,2 E. e. 2 G.g. 1 E. e. 2 E.e. 2 D. d. 5, Col., E. e. 1, 2. E.e. 1,2 D. d. 5, Col., E. e. 1, 2. G. g. 1 G-. g. 3 . umidum, ,, alens, eles, , enustulum, , ermis, , ersatile, , eteranum, , ibragei, , icarians, , G 'e 1 G.g. 1,2 H.'h. 1 E. e. 1 E. e. 2 E.e. 2 E.e. 2, F. f. 2, G. g. 1. E e. 2 nina. Kozorz, lockhov. D.d. 1 . jockhov. r osek. utovitz. Elubocep. Dlauha Hora. 'ozel. jockhov, Hinter-Kopa- nina. Jutovitz. Jockhov, Butovitz. utovitz. inter-Kopanina, Col. Krejci. jvenetz. ! ^iskocilka. .zepora. fozel. jockhov. E. e. 1, 2 G. g. 3 E. e. 1 F. f. 2 ctima, , ctor, , rescens, , sitatum, , olborthi, ulgare, oilpes, roodwardi, Can thus, ^natum, ,, hragmoceras, Bro ellatulum, Barr. cinctum, Conieprus. lubocep. ?etin. iskocilka, Gross Kuc- hell. jockhov. "ozolup. lauha Hora. onieprus. utovitz. ,, Konieprus. erip. iskocilka. )> E. e. 1, 2 E e 2 . ... G.g. 3 ., G.g. 1 E.e. 2 E. e. 1,2 Eel F. f. 2 . D. d. 5, E. e. 2 E e 2 D.d. 5, Col. ... E. e. 2 E. e. 1 E. e. 1, 2 E. e. 2 )> 3c Phragmoceras. 190 CEPHALOPODA. Stage. Genus, Species, and Author. Locality. Stage. Genus, Species, and Author. Locality. E.e, 2 bi-impressum, Barr Tobolka, Bubovitz, Ko E. e. 2 Archiaci, Barr Lockhov. E.e.2,G.g.3.. E. e. 2 Broderipi, var. sublseve, zorz. Lockhov, St. Ivan, Bu tovitz, &c. Hinter-Kopanina. arietinum, ,, asperum, ,, clavum, ,, Kozorz, Hinter-Kopa- nina, &c. Viskocilka,Slivenetz,&c. Lockhov. E. e. 1,2 G S. 3 . callistoma, comes, ,, Butovitz, Vohrada, &c. Hlubocep. R f. 2 crassius, ,, Davidsoni ,, Konieprus E. e. 2 Conradi, Lockhov, Kozorz, Hin E. e. 2 debile, ,, Slichov, Dvoretz, &c. desideratum, ter-Kopanina. Butovitz. E. e. 1,2 E. e. 2 degenerum, ,, disiunctum ,, Lockhov. ,, Kozorz. G. g. 3 . Devonicans, Hlubocep. G. g. 1 . distort um, ,, Tetin,Branik,&c. E. e. 2 discrepans, ,, Lockhov flexum, ,, Tetin. Or. g. 3 .. Forbesii, Gelinek, Burian, Hlu- E. e. 2 Hoernesi, Kozorz. bocep. E. e. 1 imperfectum, ,, Viskocilka. E. e. 2 . globulosum, ,, Dlauha Hora. E. e. 2 inclytum, ,, Hinter-Kopanina. G. g. 3 gutturosum, , [Jlubocep. intei'striale, ,, Lockhov. E. e. 1 imbricaturn, ,, Viskocilka, Butovitz. F mancum, ,, Konieprus. E. e. 2 infaustum, Lockhov, Kozorz. E. e. 2 minus, ,, Lockhov. nsolitum, .abiosum, ,, .ongum, Loveni, ,, Konieprus, Hinter-Ko- panina. Konieprus, Lockhov, Hinter-Kopanina. Karlstein, Lockhov. !> E.e. 1,2 E.e. 2 .. . . niirandum, modestum, ,, nulus, ,, lodosum, ,, var. robustum, ,, optatum, ,, Karlstein. Kozorz. Viskocilka, &c. Lockhov, Slichov, &c. Lockhov. Tachlovitz, &c. Panderi, mvidum, jerversum, yar. falciforme, ,, L/ockhov, Dvoretz,Gross Kuchell. Jarlstein. Kozorz, Lockhov, Buto- vitz, &c. Hinter-Kopanina. E.e. 1,2 E.e. 2 oxynotum, )ingue, var. of arietinum. jlacidum, postulatum, Kozorz, Hinter- Kopanina. Jin ter-Kopanina. lozorz, Butovitz. G. g. 3 subrectum, pigrum Butovitz. Hlubocep. Eel )riscum, ,, pulchrum Lockliov, Slivenetz, &c. ,, Butovitz Voh- E. e. 2 problematicum, ,, Lockhov. rada. pusillum, ,. ,, Kozorz. E. e. 2 rapax, ,, Rzepora. G. 'g. 3 . rex, Hlubocep Lockhov Dlauha Hora E. e. 2 rimosum, ,, Lockhov Hinter-Kopa- " &c. G.g. 3 Saturnum, ,, Suessi, nina. St. Procop. Hlubocep Sandbergeri, Kozorz, Dlauha Hora, &c. Lockhov, Kozorz. E. e. 2 sulcatum, Lockhov Slivenetz " Lockhov. G.g. 3 . Verneuilli, ,, Hlubocep. JJ implex E. e. 2 Fetus, ,, Lockhov, Kozorz " imulans, St. Procop. E. e. 2 Trochcceras, Hall. eequale, Barr. Lockhov. G" peciosum, ,, iiardum, ,, linter-Kopanina. Petin. asquistriatum, Slivenetz. G.g. 3 ransiens, Ilubocep. E. e. 1 .... amicum, ,, Butowitz, Vohrada, &c E. e. 2 .. rochoides ,, Lockhov, Kozorz, Vis- E. e. 2 anguis, Lockhov kocilka &c monialmn. Konieprus. I urgescens, ,, Kozorz. 191 CEPHALOPODA. sau^TinoQ jo jgqtnnjj sgioadg jo saoircjraaddy JO p*>0 1C co OS >O saotraiBaddy p^oj, ^ 5 "' <^ i-H j | ; j ; I | ; ; ; ; I-H ; ; ; IQ I ; i i i i i i i i ;'-' ;' i i i I ;;';;;;;;; \~ Bipuj ifljo_fi |::::;;i i: 1 "" 1 *"*:: ^:::::::* ''BlSSI.l.'JT I I I I III III I I * I I * ^^ ' ^H ', I I I I I fco" I i-H . . _ . . . GN i I . . 1 i 1 i i i i : : I-H j I ; ; i I j i ~ "Bisapg | :::::::i::::::i:::::::'~ t ::: 5O '~'i::::: I ::::::: : : :::::::::::::::: 1^ ::::::: :> CDii- -OS T^-C<1 K [ ' ' ' 'CO ' ' ' 00 d s I ; ; ; i ; i i ; i ! ; ; i ; iTT T . ........ ^ '.'.'.'.'.'. I I ;SOCD : : : I-H : : : : : : ;oo : ;I-HOCO rti ** f T'-i T ~. : t- T : o CD i I-H I-H \ c5 'e . . ^ * is* - : c^ co :::::::: . 1 ' ;; V.>l J . . .. t-rt* I-H : ;I-H : : :O% : : : : : : : i's" : : : tf : : : : : : ; ; ; I : ; ; *:..::.:.:::..:.&.:.:. B : ^5 : : : B I . 2- M ii!ililllli!ifiiiiiiiiiiiffiii 3^llllilllllilillslliillill!iili 1 a a & 192 INCEKLE SEDIS. Subdivision. Genus, Species, and Author. Lower Stage. Middle Stage. Upper Stage. Fauna D. d. 2... Caryon, Barrande. Ord Bohemicum, Barr. Cophinus, Konig, 1839. dubius, Murch. Furca, Barrande. Bohemica, Barr. Lobolithus, Barrande, 1 Michelini, Barr. Pasceolus, Billings, 185 globosus, Billings, gregarius, Halli, intermedius, Sedgwickii, Salter, MS. sp. ind., Billings. Pleurodictyum, Goldfu megastoma, M'Coy. Polymeres, Murchison, 1 Demetarum, Serpulites. Bohemicus, Barr. re incertain. Mount Drabow (Bohemia). (? Markings of Crinoids, M orris.) (Engl.)Ludlow,Hagley Park. (Boh.) Viskocilka, Lockhov. Kendal (Westmoreland). Fauna D. d. 2... Fauna E. e. 1, 2 Tr Mount Drabow (Bohemia). 867? 7=SpHjEROspoNmA, Salter, (Canada W.) Ottawa City. 1855. (Anticosti) Eeef Point. (Anticosti) Jupiter River. Div. 1, Anticosti Or., Llandov. Tr (Canada W.) Ottawa City. I, Carad (Anticosti) Fox Eiver. ss, 1830. Yarra, South Australia. 839. Pensarn (Caermarthen). (Boh.) Konigshof, Leiskow. D. d. 5 PISCES. [NOTE. The late Professor Pander has described many genera of Upper-Silurian fishes, mostly Ganoids ; but the strata holding them are of very doubtful age. ] Fauna G. g. 1 ... Tilestone . Asterolepis, Eichwald, 1 Bohemicus, Barr. Auchenaspis, Egerton, Salteri, Egerton. Cephalaspis, Agassiz, 18 Dewisii, Murch. Lloydii, Murchisoni, ,, ornatus, Egerton. Schrenckii, Pander, verrucosus, Murch. Coccosteus, Agassiz, 184 Agassizi, Barr. Drimus, Stenacantlms, Agassiz, abnormis, Giebel. Bohemicus, Barr. Dendrodus, E. Owen, 18 Lffivis, Giebel. Dipterus, Valenciennes $ sp. ind., Glyptolepis, Agassiz, 18 orbis, Eichw. Gompholepis, Pander. Panderi, Barr. Leptocephalus, Agassiz gracilis, Agassiz, medius, tii'Tiin, ,, Macropetalichthys, Br sp. ind., Bronn. Odontoloctus, Pander, 18 Roodzikiillensis, Pander. Onchus, Agassiz, 1837. Murchisoni, Murch. tenuistriatus, Parka, Fleming. decipiens, 840. (Bohemia) Chotecz. Railway Cutting, Ludlow, Kidderminster, Ledbury (England). Kiver Dniester (Russia). Paper-mill, Ludlow, Russia. (Downton Sandstone) Eng- ton (Herefordshire). Russia, Isle Oesel (Baltic). (Bohemia) Sous-Chotecz. (Bohemia) Konieprua. Scheerensteig, Harz (Germ.). (Bohemia)Chotecz,Tetin, &c. Schneckenberg, Harz (Ger- many). Isle Oesel (Baltic). Pilnaya-Melnitza (Russia). (Bohemia) Sous-Chotecz. ? Roodzikiille, I. Oesel (Bait.). Ludlow, Woolhope, Kington (England), Russia, Isle Oesel (Baltic). Ludford Lane (Ludlow). Balruddery Glen, Perthshire (Scotland). Sir P. M., Bart., 1857. U.L 35. Tilestone U.L Fauna G. g. 1 ... Fauna F 3. Fauna G. g. 1 ... Corall. Lst.? ... Fauna G. g. 1 ... Up. Silurian EurypterusLst. . . Pass.-beds, U.L. Bone-bed, U.L... Devonian? 1837. 40. Pentland, 1828. 43. (Gron., 1754). Poissons fossiles, p. 307. onn. 56. Plectrodus. 193 PISCES. Subdivision. Genus, Species, and Author. Lower Stage. Middle Stage. Upper Stage. UL Plectrodus, Agassis, 183 mirabilis, Agassiz. pleiopristis, ,, pustuliferus, Sclerodus. Pteraspis, Kner, 1847. Banksii, Huxley & Salter. Ludensis, ? truncatus, Huxley & Salter. sp. ind., Sclerodus, Agassis, 1839. parvidens, Agassiz ? pustuliferus, ,, ? Sphagodus, Agassis, 183 pristodontus, Agassiz. Thelodus, Agassiz, 1839. parvidens, Agassiz. Thyestes, Eichwald, 185 verrucosus, Eichw. Cephalaspis. ToUipeltis, Pander, 1856. undulatus. Pander. 9. Ludlow (England). Kington and vicinity (Here- fordshire). Church Hill (England). Kington (Herefordshire). Kington, Ludford L. (Lud- low). Norton & Ludlo w (Shropsh. ). Ludlow. Ludlow. Rooclzikulle, I.Oesel(Baltic). Ohhesaar, I. Oesel (Baltic). Pass.-bds.,Down- ton Sa. LL Passage-beds . . . Down ton Sa. ... UL 9. Eurypterus Lst. 4. 194 ADDENDA, PLANTS. Subdivision. Genus, Species, and Author. Locality. Subdivision. Genus, Species, and Author. Locality. BL Sphaerospongia. sp. ind., Salter. Stromatocerium. rugosum, Hall. Stromatopora. Bohemica, Barr. compacta, Billings, concentrica, Goldfuss. conferta, mammillata, Bell, micacea, Barr. perfoliata, tubulata, Tetradium. ? Saffordi, ? Onny River (Shropsh.). Madison (Indiana). Kozel, Tachlovitz. N.W. Vermont &c. Hinter-Kopanina (Bo- hemia), Wales, Eng- land, New York, Ca- nada. Esthonia, Konieprus (Bohemia). (L. Huron) Manit. Isl. Tachlovitz (Bohemia). Konieprus Tennessee. TTT, Actinophyllum. plicatum, Phillips. Beatricea. undulata, Billings. Buthotrephis. Goepperti, Geinitz. succulens, Hall. Hostinella, Barrande Hostinensis, Barr. Leptophycus, Barra papyrus, Barr. venosus, Palaeophycus. Hartungi, Geinitz. macrocystoides, spinatus, Phytopsis. (See ANN tubulosum, Hall. Sagenaria, Brongnia Bohemica, Barr. sp. ind., Geinitz. Sargassites, Sternber Hostinensis, Barr. (England) Ludlow,Per- ton, Woolhope (Shrop- shire). Manitouline Island, L. Huron. Lobenstein (Reuss.Ger- many). Lobenstein, Wisconsin. . (A land plant.) Hostin (Bohemia). tide, 1866. (A Fucoid). Mount Drabow. Lobenstein (Reuss,Ger- many). ELIDA.) Wisconsin, IHinois (U. S. A). rt, non Sternberg ? Hostin (Bohemia). A land plant. Lobenstein (Reuss, Ger- many). g. (A Fucoid.) Hostin (Bohemia). H. R. G Primordial . . . Tr. H h 1 E. e. 2 P.,Q,ueb.G.,CH. E. e. 2 F. f.2 L. Silur. (top). E. e. 2 Dd 9 F.f. 2 Primordial . . . B., Tr CCELENTERATA. Acervulaxia. typus, M'Coy. Alveolites. Bechii, Salter. squamula, Lindstrom. Bolborites. Americanus, Billings. Callopora. Missouriensis, Meek & Worth. Campophylltun, M. Loveni, M.-Edw. &c. Chaetetes. Fletcheri, M.-Edw. lycoperdon, Hall. Pavonia, Rommger. quadratus, Chonophyllum. Niagarense, Hall. Columnaria. alveolata, Billings, incerta, parva, Cyathophyllum. angustum, Lonsdale. articulatum, Wahl. ceratites, Goldfuss. flexuosum, Lonsd. helianthoides ?, Haughton ? irregulare, Billings, mitratum, Hisinger. patulum, Lindstrom. profundum, Conrad, pseudoceratites, M'Coy. Strephodes. pyramidalis, Hising. stellare, Lindstrom. trochiforme, M'Coy. Strephodes. ? Ferriter's Cove, Kerry. Gothland. Montreal (Mingan Is.). Missouri. -Edw. 4-0., 1850. Gothland. Podolia. Greenbay (Wisconsin). Madison, Richmond. (Indiana). " >i Gothland. (Can. E.) Montreal &c. Mingan Isles.Montreal. Wenlock, Woolhope (Engl.), Gothland. Podolia. (Gothland) Capellham- mar, Slitehamn. (Gothland) Klinteberg, Djupviken, Podolia. (Iowa) Dubuque, Arctic Seas, Lake Huron. Hespeler (Canada W.). (Gothland) Djupviken, (Ostrog.) Borenshult. Gothland. (Wiscons.) Mineral Pt. Gothland, (Wales)Pres- teign, (Engl.)Dudley. Gothland. Dudley (England). H. h. 1 W CH ? H. h. 1 ? W AMORPHOZOA. Upper Silurian B,, Tr., &c. ... H. R. G ? BL W Amphispongia. oblonga, Salter. Brachiospongia, M Lyonii, ? Marsh. Romerana, Cliona. prisca, M'Coy. Coscinium. flabellatum, Billings. Eospongia. Romeri, Billings, varians, Favospongia, M'Co Ruthveni, Salter. Ischadites = RECEPT Bohemica, Barr. Grindrodi, Salter. Kdnigi, Murchison. occidentalis, Salter. tessellatus.Wnch.&Mar Pachyspongarium. pilula, Salter. Palaeomanon. sp. ind. Lindstrom. Pentland HiUs (Scotl.). arsh, 1867. Franklin County (Ken- tucky). i) Broom (Shropsh.), Mal- vern. (Can. W.) Lake Huron, Camp d'Ours. Mingan Isles. y- Kendal (Westmorel.). ACULITES. Hlubocep (Bohemia). Malvern (England). Shropshire, (Bohemia) Bubovitz. Murray Bay (Can. E.), La Cloche Island, L. Huron. Chicago (Illin.), Shrop- shire. Gothland. Lower Silurian. Llandov., L. ... B., BL CH Llandov., W.... U. & L. Silurian W CH L Guelph G. g. 2 .. W Llan., W., L., E. e. 2. B., BL., Tr. ... Niai? W Tr W Passage-beds... W Cyaihophyllum. 195 ADDENDA. Subdivision. Genus, Species, and Author. Locality. Subdivision. Genus-, Species, and Author. Locality. Carad ;urbinatum, Sowerby. var. echinatum, Hising. ,, verrucosum, Vennori, Billings. vermiculare, Hising. vortex, M'Coy. Clisiophyllum. Dystiphyllum. Bohemicum, Barr. Siluriense, Lonsdale. Diplophylltun. iasciculus, Kutorga. Eridophyllum. Huronense, Billings. Favistella. stellata, Hall. Favosites. jasalticus, Goldfuss. cervicornis, Billings ? cristatus, Blumenbach. fibrosus, Goldfuss. Gothlandicus, Hisingeri, M.-Edw. &c. lycopodioides, Say. polymorphus, Goldfuss. var. tuberosa ramosa, Hising. ramoso-divari- cata, Hising. ramulosus, Phill. regularis, M'Coy. spongites, Goldfuss. Fistulipora. cribrosa, M'Coy. decipiens, Fletcheria. clausa, Lindstrom. HaUi, Meek & Worth. neglecta, Hallia, M.-Edwards calceoloides ?, Lindst. pinnata ?, Chair of Kildare, Cong (Galway), (Gothland) Djupviken, (Vestro- goth.) Alleberg. (Gothland) Djupviken, (Vestrog.) Alleberg. High Hill, Manitouh'ne Island (Lake Hu- ron). (Gothland) Klinteberg, Podolia. Wenlock (Shropshire). (Bohemia) Tachlowitz. !> Borkholm (Esthonia). High Hill(Manitouline, Lake Huron). 'Canada E.) Farnham, West Bay, C. Smyth (Manitouline, Lake Huron). (Can. E.)Gaspe, (Goth- land) Djupviken. ^Canada East) Gaspe". ^Bohemia) Kozel, Port- rane (Dublin), Coose- more &c. (Ireland). Dent (Yorkshire), Chair of Kildare, Wexford, Waterford, (Bohem.) Listice. Podolia,(Bohem.)Tach- lowitz, Guelph, High Hill, Manitouline I., Malvern (England). Wenlock Edge, Tort- worth (Engl.), Port Daniel (Canada E.), Thorold, Manitouline Island (Canada W.). Sardinia, Conway, Mei- fod (Wales), North America. (Galway) Coolin, Fer- riter's Cove,KerryCo. Gothland. Dudley, Westmoreland (England), Mercklin, Acton Scott (Shrop- shire), S.W. Scotland. Dent (Yorkshire), Ken- dal (Westmoreland). (Gothl.) Capellharan. Podolia. ,, May hill, Wen- lock Edge. Gothland. Waldron (Indiana), Ro- chester (New York). Waldron (Indiana), Lockport (N. York). &c., 1850. Gothland. ?Tr., Llandov. &c., Galena L., CL., Niag., E. e. 2. L. Silur. (top). Low.Stage(top). W Halysites. catenulatus, Linnaeus. labyrinthica, Goldfuss. parallela, Schmidt. Heliolites. favosus, M'Coy. Grayi, M.-Edw. &c. inordinatus, Lonsd. interstinctus, Wahlenb. macrostylum, Billings ? megastoma, Murchisoni. pyriformis, Guettard. tubulatus, Lonsd. Labechia. conferta, Lonsd. Laceripora. cribrosa, Eichw. Lithostrotion. Bohemicum, Barr. Lithophyllum, M.- sp. ind. ?, Lindstrom. Millepora. Bohemica, Barr. repens, , Sowerby. Monticulipora. bifurcata, Lonsd. Bowerbankii, M.-Edw. favulosa, Phill. Fletcheri, M.-Edw. papillata, M'Coy. petropolitana, Pander. Oldhamia. antiqua, Forbes. Omphyma. grandis, Barr. Murchisoni, M.-Edw. turbinatum, Goldfuss. Ossiculum, Barrand Bohemicum, Barr. Palaeocyclus. porpita, M.-Edw. &c. Pelliculites, Barrand simplex, Barr. Petraia. aequisulcata, M'Coy. Lake St. John, Port Daniel (Canada E.), Penlan, Llandovery, Dudley, Ledbury, Wenlock, Elora(Can. W.), UpperGlenmore &c. (Ireland), (Boh.) Kozel, Podolia. Borkholm (Esthonia). Craighead (Ayrshire). (Gothland) Wisby &c. (Can. E.) Port Daniel &c. Dudley, WalsaU (Eng- land), Glyn Ceiriog &c. (Wales), Port Daniel (Can. E),West Bay, Manitouline Is- land (Lake Huron), Middle Gothland, Podolia. High Hill (L. Huron). Thorold (CanadaWest), Creaghmartin (Irel.), Malvern (England). Podolia, Middle Goth- land, Port Daniel (Canada East). Wisconsin. Cefn-y-Garreg (Wales), Malvern. 8. and Mid. Gothland. South Gothland, Konieprus (Bohemia). Edwards ^Haime,1850. Gothland. (Bohemia) Chotecz. (Gothl.) Kapellhamn. Middle Gothland. Gothland. (Shropshire) Gretton &c., Gothland. Dudley?, Gothland. Ludlow &c. (England). St.Petersburg &c. (Rus- sia), Podolia, Estho- nia, Baltic (passim). Howth, Bray, Delgany (Ireland). Tachlowitz,Kozel(Boh.) Tortworth (England), Cardiff &c. (Wales). Podolia, Malvern, Led- bury, &c. e. Konieprus. Port Daniel (Canada East) &c. e. Konieprus. Dent (Yorksh.),Dolben- maen (Caernarvon- shire), Yspatty Evan (Wales). ; Niag W E. e. 2 Car. &c., W. ... Llan., H. K. G., CL., &c. Niaff. .. L. Silur. (top). Niag Loraine Shales. L. H. G E. e! 2 Carad., Llan- dov., &c. W., L. H. G.... Llandor., W.... Llandov., W.... F. f. 2 E. e. 2&c ? Guelph &c. ... Carad., W. ... Llan., Car., &c. Upper Silurian. W G. 2. 1 . w. g ::.:::... W Carad W L.L Llan.,Tr.,Pleta. Primordial . . . E. e. 2 W W. &c F. f. 2 W.,L. H. G.... F. f. 2 Carad Petraia. 196 ADDENDA. Subdivision. Genus, Species, and Author. Locality. CRINOIDEA. Aymestry L. . H.E. G ? Carad., Llan dov., W. BL., Tr bina, Lonsc Canadensis, Billing corniculum, Hal Streptelasma. Du Noyerii, Baily elongate, Phi profunda, Hal subduplicata, M'Coy Plasmopora. petaliformis, M.-Edw scita, ?rotarea. nordinata, M'Coy )yriformis,D. D.Owen ? ?tychophyllum. Belli, Billings. p. ind. lomeria ? Johemica, Barr. Stenopora. dhaerens, Billings. brosa, Goldfuss. Petropolitana, Pander. )ulchella, Billings. Strombodes. Iurchisoni,M.-Edw.&c )entagonus, Billings. hillipsii, Phill. licatus, Goldfuss. iyringopora. ancellata, Eichw. ascicularis, ,, unciformis, Hall. Lyelli, Billings, erpens. Lonsdale. Aulopora. erticillata, Goldfuss. Zaphrentis. ilateralis, Hall. [arcoui, Billings, tokesii, urbinata, Hall. Creaghmartin(Ireland) Shelve, Malvern, &c (England). Canada. (Can. E.) St. Antoine Lindsay, Wisconsin (Esthon.) Borkholm Ballycar (Ireland). (Ireland) Kilmoculla Bull's Head (Kerry) Llandovery, Gwyd- don (Wales), Corn's- ton, Waterhead (Lan- cashire). Marmora (Canada W.), Montreal, L. St. John, Eiver Metabechouan. Bull's Head, Kerry Creaghmartin, Bally car, Clare County(Ire land), Haverfordwest Builth, Bogmine, &c Gothland. ?erriter's Cove, Doon- quin (Ireland). Dubuque (Iowa) &c. High Hill (Manitouline Island, Lake Huron). Anticosti) South-west Point, onieprus (Bohemia). Mingan Isles (G. St. Lawr.). Podolia, Cape Sante (Can. E.), High Hill, Cape Smyth (Lake Huron). Montreal (Canada E.), Eiver Don, Osna- bruck (Canada W.). Port Daniel, Gasp< (Ca- nada East). MiddleGothland, Egool &c. (Ireland), High Hill (Manitouline Is- land, Lake Huron). West Bay, Manitouline Island (Lake Huron). Subdivision. Genus, Species, and Author. Locality. ? W Actinocrinus. Christyi; Hal moniliformis, Goldfus pulcher, Salte regularis, Hising tesseracontadactvlus, Goldfus Wynnei, Baily Anthocrinus. Loveni, Miiller, Linds Ascocrinus, Barran Barrandei, ? Draboviensis, Barr Balanocrinus, Troo inflatus, Hal Crotalocrinus. rugosus, Salter Miller Waldron (Indiana). Norway. Nant Glyn (Wales). Gothland. Kilnacreagh, Clare, anc Tipperary Counties. Middle Gothland. e, 1865-6. Moitiers d'Allone, Cher- bourg (France). Mt. Drabow (Bohem). t, non Agassiz. Milwaukee &c. (Wis- consin). Gothland,Podolia, Wen- lock Edge (England). jothland. Dudley (England). Thorold (Can. W.). Gothland. Mount Klinte- berg, Slitcham, &c. Gothland. Wisconsin. Gothland, Mt. Klinte- berg. Jobenstein (Eeuss, Ger- many). Jardahessiagh(Tyrone). Can. W.) Eiver Moira, Camp d'Ours, Lake Huron,(Can.E.)Mon- treal, Murray Bay. Uew York, Wisconsin. Eussia) Poulkova. Lindsay, Ops Township (Canada West), avanna (Illinois). Herkimer County (New York). Worcester Beacon, Mal- vern. Canada West) Middle Ottawa Eiver. Canada West) Middle Ottawa Eiver &c. Canada E.) Montreal. W Carad Carad., W., &c W D. d. 2 Eacine Lst. = Niag. W W. Cyathocriims. coralliferus, Hising Oudleyensis, Austin ornatus, Billings Julcher, Hising rugosus, Miller scrobiculatus, Hising sp. ind., Hall Eugeniacrinus. costatus, Hising Glyptocrinus. lecadactylus, M'Coy sevis, Portlock. Trochocrinus. amulosus, Billings. iphonatus, Hall&Whit. leliocrinites. chinoides, De Vern. leterocrinus. Canadensis, Billings. leterodactvlus, Hall. Mariacrinus. amosus, Hall. ?alaechimis ? Phillipsii, Forbes. Palaeocrinus. ngulatus, Billings. letiocrinus. ^mbriatus, Billings. Uiodocrinus. >yriformis, Billings. Llandov., Niag. Niag . . i Niag W Corall. Lst, .. W Div.4,Antic.G. R f. 2 W Primordial, H E. G. B., BL CH. ... Tr. &c Niag L. H. G Pleta . ... Niag. .. Tr L. H. G Tr W Jpper Silurian Niag. .. )oonquin (Ireland). othland. 'odolia. High Hill (Lake Hu- ron). 3an. W.) Sydenham. othland &c. jake Tematscaming (Canada West). Test Bay (Manitouline Island, Lake Huron). Canada W.) Thorold. .W. Point (Anticosti), Flamborough (Ca- nada West). reland) Derrymore Glen &c. H. E. G CH B W. Niag. .. H. E. G CYSTIDEA. CL i W. Marly Lst...] 1 a.piocystites. Dunctatus, Hising. ( Saryocystites. ilternatus, Hall & Whit. ( p-anatus, Forbes. ( Gothland) Mt. Klinte- berg. Wisconsin) Eacine. 3hairofKildare(Irel.). L. ? Niag i Dendrocystites; 197 ADDENDA. Subdivision. Genus, Species, and Author. Locality. Subdivision. Genus, Species, and Author. Locality. D. d. 4 Dendrocystites, Bar Bohemicus, Barr. Sedgwickii, Echino-encrinites, Bohemicus, Barr. longulus, ,, Echino-encrinus. anatiforrnis, Hall. Echinosphaerites . Balthicus, Eichw. granatus. citrus, IQoden. aurantium. Davisii, M'Coy. deletus, Barr. ferrigena, Elavus, infaustus, ,, oirum, ,, Grlyptocystites. multiporus, Billings. Hemicosmites. rugatus, Forbes. Palaeocystites. aulcher, Billings. ;enuiradiatus, Hall. Pseudocrinites. quadrifasciatus, Pearce. Scyphocrinites. elegans, Barr. Sphaeronites. aurantium, Wahl. munitus, Forbes. punctatus, ,, Trochocystites. Bohemicus, Barr. mitra, rande, 1865. Lodenitz, Zahorzan, &c. (Bohemia). Zahorzan (Bohemia). Volborth. Trubsko (Bohemia). Vosek ,, Fort Atkinson (Iowa) &c. Garrihadaggan, Wex- ford, Norway, &c. (Eland, Gothland, Ves- trogotha. Pont Hafod (Wales). Vosek (Bohemia). Holaubka (Bohemia). Mnienian Zahorzan Vosek ^Can.W.)Eiv.Moira &c. Ehiwlas, Bala (Wales). Mingan Isles (G. St. Lawr.). (Canada E.) Phillips- burg &c. Dudley(Engl.), Marloes Bay (Pembroke). Dvoretz, Karlstein (Bo- hemia). Dalecarlia, Ehiwlas, Sholes Hook (Wales). Sholes Hook, Ehiwlas (Wales). Skrey (Bohem.), Spain. Vosek (Bohemia). Llan., Carad.... Llan.? Crossopodia. Henrici, Geinitz. Scotica, M'Coy. Fucoides. (Worm-bu Alleghaniensis, ? cauda-galli, Billings, Hall. Helmintholites. sp. ind., ? Lophotenium, Geini comosum, Eichter. Hartungi, Geinitz. Myrianites. tenuissimus, Emmons. Naites, Geinitz. priscus, Geinitz. Phyllodocites, Gein Jacksoni, Emmons. Thuringiacus, Geinitz. Scolecoderma. antiquissima, Salter. Scolithus. Bohemicus, Barr. cylindricus, linearis, Hall. Arenieolites. Serpulites. sp. ind., Salter. Spirorbis. Lewisii, Sowerby. Tentaculites. Anglicus, Salter. ornatus, Sowerby. scalaris, Schloth. tenuis, Sowerby. sp. ind.. Salter. Trachyderma. squamosa, Phill. sp. ind., Baily. Trichoides, Harkne ambiguus, Harkness. Lobenstein (Reuss, Ger- many). Dunse (Berwick) &c. rrows. ) The Harz (Germany). Gasp6 (Canada East). Bray Head (Ireland). tz. Lobenstein (Eeuss, Ger- many). Lobenstein (Eeuss, Ger- many). Lobenstein. itz. Lobenstein. Malvern (England). Mt. Drabow (Bohem.). (Wiscons.) Baraboo &c. Milain Glacier, Nita, Himalaya. Gothland &c. Norway, Actoa Scot (Shropshire), &c. Wenlock Edge (Engl.), Llandeilo (Wales), Gothland &c. Gal way (Ireland). Ferriter's Cove (Irel.), Saxony, Gothland. Damschen, Niti (Hima- laya). Woolhope (Engl.), Fer- riter'sCove (Ireland). Cappatcemore, Co. Clare (Ireland). ss, 1855. (S.W. Scotland) Barlae. ! D. d. 2 D. d. 1 Llan Carad Taconic D. d. 1 Prim., Taconic. Primordial . . . D.d. 2 D. d. 2 F. f. 2 D. d. 4 D.d. 1 CH P./Potsd., Tre- mad., Llan. W > L.L E. e. 2 Carad., Llan- dov. W.,L. H. G.... ILL Carad Fauna C D. d. 1 ... ASTERIDEA. D.d. 2 Agelacrinites. Bohemicus, Barr. Asterias, Linnaeus. Bohemica, Barr. primula, False aster. Caractaci, Salter. Palaeocoma. Marstoni, Salter. vermiformis, ,, Bdellacoma. Protaster. Salteri, Forbes. T&niaster. Mt. Drabow (Bohem.). Zahorzan (Bohemia). Vosek ,, Marshbrook &c. (Shrop- shire). Leintwardine (Shrop- shire). Ludlow (Engl.), Mock- tree (Wales). (Wales) Denbighshire. D d 4 D.d. 1 CIRRIPEDES. Pny-nrl W., L.L D.d. 1,2 D.d. 3 Anatifopsis, Barran acuta, Barr. Bohemica, longa, Plumulites, Barrand Bohemicum, Barr. folliculum, regius, ,, squamatula, , , de. Mount Drabow, Vosek (Bohemia). Trubin (Bohemia). Zahorzan (Bohemia). e, 1864. Vosek (Bohemia). Trubsko Konigshof Mt. Kosov D. d. 4 D. d 1 D.d. 4 D.d. 5 ' | ANNELIDA. TRILOBITA. Prim.&Pleta... W Chondrites. informis, M'Coy. verisimilis, Salter. Cornulites. serpularius, Schloth. Eeval (Esthonia) &c. Pentland HiUs(Scotl.). (Wales) Usk, Shelve, Marloes Bay, North- west Harz, &c. W Acidaspis. Barrandei, Fletcher, bispinosa, M'Coy. centrina, Dalm. Jamesii, Salter. Dudley. Dudley &c. (Vestrogotha) Mount Mosseberg. Wexford &c. Carad., W ? Llan., Carad.... 3 E 198 ADDENDA. Subdivision. Genus, Species, and Author. Locality. Subdivision. Genus, Species, and Author. Locality. Llan., Carad.... D. d. 3,4,5 ... D d 1, 5 .ffiglina. rairabilis, Forbes. rediviva, Barr. sulcata, Agnostus. limbatus, Salter. Morei, nodosus, Belt. obtusus, ,, pisiformis, Linnseus. rar. obesus, Belt. princeps, Salter. pusillus, Naumann. trinodus, Salter. trisectus, Turneri, ,, sp. ind., Hall. Amphion. Caylei, Billings, pseudo-articulatus, Portlock. Ampyx. Halli, Billings, mammillatus, Sars. parvulus, Forbes. princeps, Salter. rostratus, Sars. Arionellus. Oweni, Hayden. Agraulos. Asaphus. Barrandei, Hall&Whit. caudatus, Dalm. cornigerus, Verneuil. expansus, Wahlenb. var. cornutus ? extenuatus, Dalman. faUax, gigas, Dekay. Guettardi, Brongn. Hincksii, Billings, hybridus, Salter. obtusus, Billings. platycephalus, Stokes. Powisii, Murchison. remulosus, Angel, tyrannus, Barrandia. Cordai, M'Coy. Portlockii, Salter. radians, M'Coy. Stoneford, Haverford- west (S. Wales), &c. Ballyvorgal, Clare Co. (Ireland). Konigshof, Vosek (Bo- hemia). (S.W. Scotl.) Piedmont Glen, Chair of El- dare (Ireland). Skiddaw (Westmore- land) &c. Mawddach R., Dolgelly (Wales). Moel, Corse-y-Garnedd (Wales). Norway &c. R. Mawddach, Dolgellv (Wales). (England) Malvern. Norway. Newfoundland, (Wales) Dolgelly, Rhiwlas, fee., Haverfordwest, (Irel.) Chair of Kil- dare, Ballyvorgal, (S.W. Scotl.) Pied- mont Glen. Dolgelly (Wales). Malvern (England) Wisconsin. Point Levis (Can. E.). Tramore, Waterford (Ireland). (Can. E.) Farnham. (S.W. Scotl.) Penwhap- ple Glen. Vinnal Hill, Ludlow, &c. (Irel.) Desertcreate &c. Dacota Territory (U. States of America). Wisconsin &c. Gothland. Russia. Sweden &c. Russia. (Ostrogotha) Husby- fjol, Heda, &c. (Smaland) Humlenas, (Dalecarlia) Sjurberg. (Ireland) Desertcreate, New York. (France) Brittany &c. Canada. Anticosti, west end. (L. Huron) La Cloche Isle. (Wales)Berwyns, (Eng- land) Westmoreland. Sweden. Wales, Odinsholm (Es- tonia), St. Peters- burg (Russia). Wales. Ireland. Wales. ? Carad., W. ... y Reg. E Bathyonotus, Hall, Bathyurus. Angelina, Billings. Bronteus. insignitus, Beyrich. laticauda, Wahlenb. pendulus, Beyrich. platyactin. Angel, signatus, Ro'mer. Bumastes. Barriensis, Hall. Calymene. Baylei, Barr. Blumenbachii, Blumenbach. var. Niagarensis,Hall. duplicata, Murchison. mammillata, Hall & Whitney, obtusa, M'Coy. polytoma, Dalm. sclerops, Dalm. sen aria, Conrad. Verneuilli, Rouault. Cheinirus. bimucronatus, Murch. clavifrons, Dalm. Jaschei, Ro'mer. juvenis, Salter. pleurexanthemus, Green. speciosus, Hising. Conocoryphe. abdita, Salter. longispina, Belt, minor, Shumard. Williamsi, Belt. Crepicocephalus. Miniscaensis, D. D. Owen, sp. ind., Hall. Cromus. Arcticus, Haughton ? Salter. Bohemicus, Barr. 1859. (Canada W.) Kingston, (Canada East) Hunt- ley. Britain, Sweden. Prague. Wisby (Gothland). Harz (Germany). Gothland, Podolia, (Ca- nada W.) Thorold, (Iowa) Turkey River CO. Podolia &c. Roosetherrig, Bull's Head (Irel.), Podolia. (Wisconsin)Milwaukee, Racine. Abereiddy Bay (South Wales). Wisconsin. Chair of Kildare? (Ire- land). Russia. Russia, (Scania) Scar- paden, (Dalecarlia) Furundal. (Wisconsin) Plattville, (Iowa) Bellevue, (Kentucky) Frank- ford &c., (Ohio) Ox- ford, (Tennessee) Da- vidson County, (In- diana) Madison, (Ca- nada W.) Russell. Brittany, Bohemia. (England) Dent, York- shire, Ledbury. Llanfyllin, Bala, &c. (Wales), Westmore- land, Sweden. N.W. Harz (Germany). England, Ireland, Scot- land. (Canada E.) Montreal, (Canada W.) Lake Huron.Camp d'Ours. (Minnesota) Falls of St.Anthony, (Illinois) Dunleith &c., (Wis- consin )MineralPoint. (Ohio) Cincinnati. SholesHook( Wales) &c. Dolgelly &c. (Wales). Wisconsin. Dolgelly (Wales). Minisca (Minnesota). (N. Wisconsin) Moun- tain Isle. Gamier Bay (Arctic America). (Bohemia) Lockhov &c., Belgium. Carad L.Llan In iron-stained Lst. Upper Dolgelly beds. Alum Shale ... L.LingulaFl.... L. & U.Ling.Fl. Llan.? Llan., Fauna E. Primordial . . . Pleta P., Carad P., Lingula Fl. L.Lingula Fl... Potsd. Sa Queb. G Carad Carad., D. d. 2, 4. Carad. &c Carad., L.&U.L. Upper Silurian. CH Llan., Carad.... L.L P., Llan Llan., Carad.... Potsd. Sa Carad W Lower Silurian. Oslo Or Tr., M. Sa., &c. Reg. E Tr., Carad Carad Ut. Slate Carad U. Lingula Fl... U.Dolgellybeds L. Potsd. Sa.... U.Dolgellybeds Potsd. Sa CH., BL., H. R. G. CH., B., BL., &c. Llan., Carad.... Reg. C E. e. 2 Llan Llan n Cybele. 199 ADDENDA. Subdivision. Genus, Species, and Author. Locality. Subdivision. Genus, Species, and Author. Locality. Carad Cybele. sexcostata, Salter verrucosa, Dalm Dalmania. Hawlei, Barr Hall vigilans,Hall& Whitney Dikelocephalus. Pepinensis, D. D.Owen Dindymene. Haidingeri, Barr Ellipsocephalus. depressus, Salter Conocoryphe. Encrinums. punctatus, Wahlenb Calymene. vigilans, Hall Eurycare. latum, Angelini Homalonotus. Harrisoni, M'Coy. Illaenus. Barrandei, D. D. Owen. Bouchardi, Barr. centrotus, Lusitanus, Verneuil, Sharpe. ovalis, D. D. Owen Eosenbergii, Eichw. Lichas. Anglicus, Beyr. Barrandei, Fletcher. Canadensis, Hall. margaritifer, Nieszk. rotundifrons, Angelin. Lcnchocephalus. Chippeway-ensis, D. D. Owen. sp. ind., Olenus. alatus, Boeck. forficula, spinulosus, Dalm. Paradoxides. actinura, Dalm. Phacops. Bronni, Barr. callicephalus, Hall. caudatus, Briinn. conicophthalmus,Boeck. Asaphus PowisiL Dujardini, Eouault. mucronatus, Brongn. Stokesii, M.-Edw. SholesHook( Wales) &c Kussia, (Yorksh.) Dent Bohemia, New York. (Wisconsin) Waukesha &c. (Minnesota) Head o L.Pepin, Mazomania Ballyvorgan, Co. Clare (Ireland), Bohemia. (Wales) Wern, Pen- morfa. (Canada W.) Thorold Gothland, Podolia. (Canada E.) Malbay Lakes St. John anc St. Louis, &c. (Sweden) Andrarum Norway, &c. Victoria (S. Australia). ^Wisconsin) Waushaka, Eacine. ( Ostrogotha) Husby- fjol, (Tyrone) Barda- hassigh. (Spain) Sierra Morena &c. ^Minnesota) Prairie du Chien, (Iowa) Elka- der. Llandeilo (Wales) &c. Ferriter's Cove (Ire- land) &c. Port Daniel, Gasp6 (Ca- nada East). Borkholm (Esthonia). 3-othland. Pennsylvania, Marine Mills, Menomonie Eiver (Wisconsin). Mountain Island, Lake Pepin. Norway &c. STorway. Norway &c. (Ostrogotha) Berg. tf.W. Harz, Bohemia. ^Minnesota) Fort Snel- ling &c. Ferriter's Cove (Irel.). Kilmoculla, Co. Clare (Ireland). |Spain) Sierra Morena &c. Vestrogotha) Mounts Mosseberg & Alteberg. South Thuringia, (Eng- land) Gunwick Mill, Malvern. Corall. Lst. . W Proetus. concinnus, Dalm. elegantulus, Angel, latifrons, M'Coy. ramisulcatus, Nieszk. Ptychaspis. granulosus, D.D.Owen. Ptychopyge. applanata, Angelin. Sphserexochiis. alatus, Angel. Olenus. juvenis, Phill. (MS.), latens, Barr. mirus, Beyrich. Sphaerophthalmus bumilis, Phill. Staurocephalus. Murchisoni, Murch. Trinucleus. concentricus, Eaton. seticornis, Hising. Wahlenbergi, Eouault. Podolia. Gothland. Bull's Head, Kerry.Fer- riter's Cove (Irel.). Esthonia. (Minnesota) Miniska E. Tosna &c. (Eussia). Norway. Chair of Kildare (Irel.). Konigshof (Bohemia). Bohemia, Irel.,0hio,&c. Upper Dolgelly Beds (North Wales). Bohemia,Bhiwlas (W.), Chair of Kildare, (Bohem.) Listice &c. Trough, Co. Clare (Ire- land) &c. Norway &c. M 1) Llandov D. d. 2 Llandov.,W.,L. L.Silur. (top)... Potsd. Sa Pleta Delth. Sh. Lst Niag., Eacine Lst. D. d. 1,5 LingulaFlags... Carad., W., &c "Res A . Carad D. d. 5 D.d.4, Niag. &c. U.Ling. beds . . . Carad., Llan., W.,E.e. 2.... Llan., Carad.... Carad L Carad. ? ... Niae. &c. . EtfTOMOSTRACA. Corall. Lst., E. e. 1. Lower Silurian. Carad R f. 2 Bactropus, Barrande. longipes, Barr. Bairdia. Griffithiana, Jones & Holl. Murchisoniana, Salteriana, Beyrichia. Bohemica, Barr. Jonesi, Boll, tuberculata, var. nuda, E. Jones. Ceratiocaris. Bohemicus, Barr. debilis, elegans, ensis, Salter. imperfectus, Barr. inaequalis, Murchisoni, ? leptocheles. primulus, Barr. tardus, sp. ind., Lindstrom. Baily. Cythere. Bailyana, Jones & Holl. Jukesiana, Harknessiana, Wrightiana, Entomoconchus, M- inchoatus, Barr. pinguis, Eurypterus. leptonotus, Barr. obesus, H. Woodward, raniceps, remipes, Dekay. scorpioides, H. Woodw. tetragonophthalmus, Fischer. Konieprus (Bohemia). Chair of Kildare (Irel.). i> (Bohemia) Trubin. Gothland. (Lindstrom). (Bohem.) Dvoretz, Ko- zorz, Beranka (col.). (Bohemia) Konieprus. ,, Leiskow. Leiskow (Bohemia). Borek, Lodenitz (Boh.). Saxony. Leiskow (Bohemia). Tetin Gothland. Boulannunane, County Clare (Ireland). Chair of Kildare (Irel.). V l Coy,"l844. Konieprus (Bohemia). > Dlauha Hora, Tobolka (Bohemia). Lanarkshire (Scotland). Gothland, New York. Lanarkshire (Scotland). Russia, Podolia, &c. Carad D. d. 3 L. ... W., L D. d. 5, E. e. 2. F. f. 2 . W L. H. G Upper Pleta . . . W D. d. 5 L. . Primordial . . . Tip. Ling. Fl.... Primordial ... Alum Slate ... E, F, G.g. 1... B., BL., Tr., H. E. G. L. &c D. d. 5 E. e. 1,2 D. d. 5 .. G. g. 1 . y F. f. 2 >j E. e. 2 Carad Lower Silurian. Carad. &c LlandoT., W., L. U.L i L. H. G U.L ffymenocaris. 200 ADDENDA. Subdivision. Genus, Species, and Author. Locality. Subdivision. Genus, Species, and Author. Locality. Pleta Hymenocaris. Salteri, M'Coy. Leperditia. brachynota, Schmidt, marginata, Keyserling. obliqua, phaseolus, Hising. punctatissima, Salter. buprestis. solitarius, Barr. Solvensis, Jones. Primitia. Neolimulus, H. Woo falcatus, H. Woodward. Primitia. consobrina, Barr. gregaria, M'Coyi, Salter. prunella, Barr. Salteriana, Jones. Sancti Patrici, Jones & Holl. tarda, Barr. Victoria (S. Australia). Borkholm (Esthonia). Esthonia &c. Borckholm (Esthonia). Russia, Podolia. Skiddaw (Cumberland). Bohemia, S. Wales. Solva (South Wales). dward, 1867. Lanarkshire, W. Scotl. Konieprus (Bohemia). Konigshof ,, Chair of Kildare(IreL). Vosek, Mt. Kosow(Boh. ) Gothland &c. Chair of Kildare (Irel.). Konieprus (Bohemia). L.Tremad fenestrata, Salter grandis, Barr Hisingeri, ? Neenah, D. D.Owen Didymograpsus. Clingani, Carruthers elegans, ,, flaccidus, Hall Forchhammeri, Geinitz. fractus, Salter. patulus, Hall, ramosus, , sextans, Suessi, Barr Diplograpsus, M' Co angustifolius, Hall antennarius, cometa, Geinitz. minutus, Carruthers mucronatus, Hall palmeus, Barr persculptus, ? pristis, Hising quadrangularis, M'Coy. Discopora, rhombifera, Schmidt. Fenestella. bifrons, Barr. gracilis, ,, Ivanensis, nobilis, parallela, prisca, Baily. Filites, Barrande. Bohemicus, Barr. Graptolithus. avus, Barr. Beckii, bryonoides, Hall. Clingani, Carruthers. Halli, Barr. intermedius, Carruthers. nitidus, Hall. ovatus, Barr. Salteri, Carruthers. Sedgwickii, Portlock. Hellipora. antheloidea, Meek & Worthen. Nereograpsus, Geini Cambrensis, Geinitz. Sedgwickii, tenuissimus, Emnions. Phyllograptus, Hall angustifolius, Hall. Anna, Jabelliformis, Angel, iliciformis, Hall. ;ypus, Ptilograptus, Hall, Geinitzianus, Hall, alumosus, Retepora. ramosa, Hising. sacculus, Barr. Rhiw-felyn, Dolgelly (Wales). Karlstein (Bohemia). Norway. Appleton, Fox River (Wisconsin). Moffat. >! Skiddaw (Cumberland). Moft'at &c. Skiddaw Slates (Cum- berland). P.Levis(C E.),Skiddaw. Moffat (Scotl.), Bendigo (Australia), &c. Moffat &c. Vosek (Bohemia). y- Bendigo (S.Austral.) &c. SkiddawGp.(Cumberl.). Moffat (Dumfries). Belvoir(IreL), Bendigo (South Australia). Bendigo (Australia) &c. Gogofau, Caermarthen- shire. Moffat, Bendigo (Au- stralia), &c. Bendigo (S. Australia). Borkholm (Esthonia). Konieprus (Bohemia). St. Ivan (Bohemia). Konieprus (Bohemia). Derrymore Glen (Ire- land) &c. Konieprus (Bohemia). Vosek (Bohemia). Moffat (Scotland) &c. South Australia &c. Moffat. Moffat &c. Point Levis (CanadaE), South Australia. Bohemia. Moffat. Kilnacreagh, Garrana, &c. (Ireland). lUinois? ts. Thuringia. Saxony &c. ; GRAPTOPORA, Salter. Skiddaw Slate (Cum- berland) &c. Canada. Norway. Canada. 1865. Point L6 vis (Can. E.). Gothland. Konieprus (Bohemia). E. e. 2 Primordial . . . Tr L.'silur. (top). Pleta &c Primordial . . . E. e. 2 Llan Llan L. LingulaFl... Uppermost Sh. F. f. 2 D.'d. 1 D. d. 5 D. d. 1, 5 . . L.Llan Carad. ? .... R f. 2 L.Llan OSTKACODA. F. f. 2 Aristozoe, Barrande, amisa, Barr. bi sulca to, ,, memoranda, mira, ,, orphana, perlonga, regina, ,, Bolbozoe, Barrande, anomala, Barr. Bohemica, Jonesi, ,, Callizce, Barrande, 1 Bohemica, Barr. Nothozoe, Barrande. Bohemica, Barr. pollens, 1866? Konieprus (Bohemia). 1866? Lockhov (Bohemia). Kozel Branik ,, 866? Konieprus. Dlauha Hora. Mount Drabow. E. e. 2 . L.Silur. (top)... F. f. 2 E. e. 2 G. jr. 1 . F. f. 2 W." F. f. 2 D d 1 E. e. 2 . D. d. 2 POLYZOA. Carad., Fau. D Queb. G Llan. . Llan Cladograpsus, Carr capillaris, Carruthers. gracilis, Hall, linearis, Carruthers. Cladopora. lichenoides, Winchell & Marcy. verticillata Climacograptus. bicornis, Hall, minutus, Carruthers. Cyrtograptus, Carr Murchisoni, Carruthers. Dendograptus. lentus, Carruthers. Dichograptus. Logani, Hall, yar. multiplex, Nicholson. octobrachiatus, Hall. reticularis, Nicholson. Dictyonema. bifida, Hall. uthers, 1868 ; PLEURO- GRAPSUS, Nicholson. Moffat (Scotland). Moffat (Scotland) &c. Moffat (Scotland). Chicago (Illinois). Moffat (Scotland) &c. Moffat (Scotland). uthers, 1867. Builth, Pencerrig (W.), Fermanagh (Ireland). Victoria (S. Australia). Point L6vis(CanadaE.), Skiddaw (England). Skiddaw (Cumberland). Point Levis(CanadaE.), Skiddaw (England), South Australia. Skiddaw. Point Levis(CanadaE.). Skiddaw (England). Queb. G Llan Niaff Llan., Carad. . . . ? Llan.? . T,lan V Llan W Carad Queb. G., OS., CH. CH P., Queb. G. .. L.Llan CS., CH Queb. Shales . . . W Queb. G L.Llan Queb. G E. e. 2 Retiolites. 201 ADDENDA. Subdivision. Genus, Species, and Author. Locality. Subdivision. Genus, Species, and Author. Locality. Pleta Retiolites. . boletiformis, Eichw deformatus, ,, Rhinopora. angulata, Hall ' tuberculosa, Hall tubulosa, ,, verrucosa, Tetragrapsus, Satter crucifer, Hall Headi, Graptolithus. . Poulkova (Russia). Czarskoe-selo (Eussia). ' New York. Dundas (Ca- nada West). Skiddaw (Cumberland) &c. Skiddaw, Point Levis (Canada East). JL. H. G Artemis, Billing attenuate, Sowerby Barr. kali, Salte Lucretia, Billing pinnaeformis, D. D. Owen riciniformis Hal Cape Bonami, Gaspe" (Canada East). Norway &c. 'Himalaya) Kalajowar.i Cape Bonami (Gaspe). (Wisconsin) Eiver St. Croix. [Wisconsin) Plattville. Fort Garry, Rupert's Land (N. America). 3hristiania (Norw.)&c. St. David's (S. Wales). (New York) Schoharie County. (N. York) Albany Co. Albany and Columbia Counties. Bohemia, Gasp6 (Ca- nada East). (New York) Herkimer &c. Counties. (New York) Carlisle and Schoharie Cos. England, Bohemia, Gothland. Gothland &c. (Hall.) Spain, Norway. (Esthon.) Eeval, Odins- holm. Jussia &c. Norway. Ferriter's Cove (Ireland), Thuringia. Ballyvorgan, (Irel.) &c. Himalaya) Niti and Mamrang Passes, Damchen. limalaya, Niti, Dam- chen. (Ireland) Ballyvorgan, BulPsHead, Ferriter's Cove, Yarra (South Austral. ),N.W.Harz, (N.E. New York) Car- lisle County &c. endal (Westmorel.), Llandeilo &c.(Wales^ Norway &c. \ T ew York) Schoharie County, jake St. Louis (Canada East), Norway, outh Thuringia &c. othland &c. limalaya) Damchen. Wisconsin) Green Bay, L. Michigan. V. York) Jacksonburg, (Ohio) Cincinnati &c. orway. Wisconsin) Mineral Point &c. !?. York) Watertown &c. nil's Head, Kerry, &c. Iimala.)Niti, Eimkin. Llan CL L. H. G Potsd. Sa Tr Niag CL ,, Niag L.Llan L.Lingula PI. L.Llan., Mene vian Gp. U.Pent. Lst. . Delth.Sh.Lst. Fauna F Delth.Sh.Lst.. U.Pentam. Lst W sp. ind., D. D. Owen Lingulella. Davisii, M'Coy 'erruginea, Hick var. ovalis. Mcganteris. requiradiata, Hal elliptica, 83 vis, ,, jrima, Conrac Merista. lerculei, Barr sevis, Vanuxem princeps, Hal VCeristella. Circe, Barr nitida, Winchell&Mar Dbolus. Bowlesi, Verneui Orthis. Asmussi, Verneui )iforata, Scliloth )iloba, Linnaeus calligramma, Dalm var. virgata, Sowerby ompta, Salter onvexa, legantula, Dalm minens, Hall filosa, Sowerby. L.Llan., Queb. G. BEACHIOPODA. W., L Athyris. didyma, Sowerb; Rhynchonella. obovata, tumida, Dalm Meristella. Atrypa. aspera, Schloth reticularis. crassicostis ? Murch tiemiplicata, Hal hemisphajrica, Sowerby marginalia, Dalm modesta, Hal nucella, Dalm Dhoca, Salter reticularis, Linnaeus tumida, Dalm Chonetes. nana, Verneui] Discina. bella, Billings cancellata, Sowerby. Trematis. nutilis, Hall. reversa, Sowerby. lieptaena. limalensis, Salter. var. textilis, mbrex, Davidson. r ascbei, Bomer. sevigata, Sowerby. Chonetes. minima, nux, Salter. epanda, ugosa, Dalm. ericea, Sowerby. ransversalis, Dalm. jingula. ncyloides, Salter. ntiqua, Hall. (Ireland) Derrymore Glen &c. Thuringia &c. (Ireland) Coosathorig, Bull's Head, Kerry, &c. Norway, England, &c. Norway. Turkey Eiver, Iowa, Wisconsin. (Ireland) Bull's Head, Kerry, &c. (Irel.) Bull's Head &c. Savannah (Illinois). (Ostrogoth.) Husbyfjol, (Esthon. )Ee val, (Eus- sia) St. Petersburg. Gothland &c. Norway, (Irel.) Bull's Head. Norway, Walsall (Eng- land), New York. (Indiana) Charlston, (Ohio) Louisville. 3ape Bonami, Gaspe. Sew York &c. (N. Wisconsin) Mazo- mania. Russia, Ireland, &c. Himalaya) Niti, Chor- hoti Pass. Canada W.) Toronto. SLW. Harz (Germany), fhuringia &c. limalaya, Niti, Milam Glacier, and Kala- jowar. Himalaya) Niti, Dam- chen. tf.W. Harz &c. 3. Thuringia (Can W.), Toronto, &c. . Thuringia. Himalaya) Damschen (16,500 feet high). Wisconsin) Falls of St. Croix &c. W., L.L U.Llandov., W U.Llandov H. E. G. W. &c Niag., W Lower Silurian Pleta Carad.,Llandov Tr. &c Pleta W. &c H. E. G.&c. .. Llandov. &c. .. Llan., W.,&c.. Carad Pentam. L., W Lower Silurian L. H.G Carad., W., &c. Delth.Sh.Lst... W., L Tr Potsdam Sa. ... ObolusSa Lower Silurian. U.Llandov. ... Carad. &c Potsd. Sa Carad., L.Llan- dov. Corall.L., Scho- harie. Tr., Llandov.... L. Llandov nsularis, Eichw. nterstriata, Hall, amellosa, Logan ? ata, Sowerby. jewisii, Davidson, nonticula, Salter. ccidentalis, Hall. arva, Pander. ecten, ? ectinella, Conrad. var. semiovalis, Hall. ustica, Sowerby. .riato-costata, Salter. W H E G ... Carad Tr Carad., W Orthis. 202 ADDENDA. Subdivision. Genus, Species, and Author. Locality. Subdivision. Genus, Species, and and Author. Locality. W &c Tibetica, Salter. uncata, Pentamerus. sjaleatus, Dalm. linguiferus, Sowerby. oblongus, ventricosus ? Hall & Whitney. Retzia. reticulata, M'Coy. Rhynchonella. borealis, Schloth. deflexa, Sowerby. navicula, nucula, Stricklandia, Siphonotreta. unguiculata, Eichw. Spirifera. multistriata, Hall. perforata, Spirigerina = ATRYP imbricata, Sowerby. Stricklandlnia. Davidsoni, Billings. Salteri, Strophomena*. cavumbona, Hall. states that the followii nore nearly allied to the ernata. deltoidea, deflec ofunda?, recta, rugosa, (Himalaya) Niti, Ku- maon. (Himalaya) Niti, Chor- hoti Pass. (France) Cotentin &c. Russia &c. Gothland &c. Wisconsin. Cheney Longueville (Shropshire), Mel- bourne (Australia). Gothland, Norway, &c. Thuringia. (Bohemia) Beraun &c. North and Mid. Goth- land &c. Gothland &c. (Russia) Archangelskoi, River Volkof, &c. (New York) Albany and Schoharie Counties. (New York) Albany and Hudson Counties. A. Britain, Russia, Goth- land. (Anticosti) S.W. Point &c. (Anticosti) Heath Point &c. (New York) Albany and Columbia Counties. ig species, described as genus Streptorhynchus ta, filitexta, incrassata, subplana. E.e.2 Astarte. Bohemica, Barr. jrajcox, subrotunda, ,, Cardiomorpha. ampla, Barr. Cardiola. alata, Barr. ibrosa, gibbosa, ,, nterrupta, ,, rregularis, spuria, Miinster. Cardium. adolescens, Barr. delicatum, jrimulum, ,, Zkmocardium. Bohemicum, Barr. 3tenodonta= NUCUL Bohemicum, Barr. major, Cypricardia. concors, Barr. Draboviensis, ,, gratiosa, , migrans, , nitidula, , jerlata, , irimula, , secans, , squamosa, , submissa, , veterana, , Hemicardium, Cuvi colonum, Barr. elevatum, ,, lumile, [socar dium ? major, Barr. minor, ,, simplex, Lucina ? calva, Barr. mater, soror, Lunulacardium. Bohemicum, Barr. Carolinum, dimidiatum, Mytilus. consors, Barr. conspicuus, elongatus, esuriens, parens, pro ten dens, securiformis, ,, Orthonota = TELLINI antiqua, Barr. costata, Selwyn. Kosoviensis, Barr. prima, Pholadomya, Sowerb Bohemica, Barr. distorta, Silurina, Barrande, 1 comatum, Barr. commune, robustum, sociale, ,, tenax, Karlstein (Bohemia). Trubin Vavrovitz. Dvoretz,Lockhov(Boh.) Butovitz, H.-Kopanina. ,, Viskocilka. Butovitz. Dlauha Hora, Dvoretz., Dvoretz. Dlauha Hora. Karlstein. Dvoretz, Lockhov. Karlstein. Konieprus. A. Trubin, Zahorzan, Vo- sek. Trubin, Lodenitz. Dvoretz, Lockhov. Mount Drabow (Bo- hemia). Konieprus. Butovitz, Dvoretz. Konieprus. Hinter-Kopanina, Leis- kow. Leiskow. Konieprus. Lodenitz. er. Col. Beranka, Butovitz. Viskocilka (Bohemia). Dvoretz, Lockhov. Dvoretz (Bohemia). Hinter-Kopanina (Bo- hemia). Dvoretz (Bohemia). Karlstein Dvoretz Karlstein (Bohemia). Dvoretz Dvoretz (Bohemia). Konieprus Dlauha Hora Lockhov Tachlovitz Konieprus Lockhov TES, SANGUINOLARIA. Leiskow (Bohemia). Victoria (S. Australia). Mt. Kosow (Bohemia). Vosek ,, y, 1826. Dvoretz (Bohemia). 865? Borek, Butovitz (Boh.). Karlstein (Bohemia). Dvoretz, Lockhov(Boh. ) Butovitz. D. d. 3 G. g. 2 . E.e. 2 Llandov. &c. . . . E.e. 1,2 E.e. 1, W., L... E.e. 1, D,Col... Carad., E.e.2... E.e.2 W W. &c E.e.2 F. f. 2 Fauna E &c. ... W &c Delth. Sh. Lst... &c. Pleta D.d. 1,3,4 ... D.d. 3,4 E.e.2 Delth. Sh. Lst. 1! w D.d. 2 F. f. 2 E.e. 1,2 F. f. 2 E.e.2 D.d. 5 U.Llandov. ... Delth. Sh. Lst... * N.B. Hall this genus, are i (King) : S. alt planumbona, pr F. f. 2 D 'd 4 D. d. 5, E. e. 2 E.e.2 E.e. 2 E.e. 2 MONOMYARIA. E e 2 E.f. 2 Avicula. Cybele, Barr. dispersa, explanata, imperfecta, manulia, migrans, Niobe, palliata, seminuda, serviens, varians, volitans, Konieprus, Lockhov (Bohemia). Dvoretz (Bohemia). Butovitz Konieprus Bubovitz Lockhov Konieprus Bubovitz, Lodenitz (Bo- hemia). Lockhov (Bohemia). Dvoretz (Bo- hemia). Konieprus (Bohemia). E.e. 1 E e 2 F. f. 2 E.e. 1 F f 2 E.e.2 E e 2 F. f. 2 E.e. 1 E.e. 2 F f 2 F. f. 2 E.e. 2 D. d. 5 D d 5 DA 1 DIMYARIA. E e 2 . . Eel D.d. 5 Anatina ? primula, Barr. Bohemica, Barr tenuissima, Mount Kosow (Bohe- mia). , 1866 ? Lockhov. Kozorz. E.e. 2 E e 2 E e. 1 Bellerophon. 203 ADDENDA. HETEROPODA-PTEROPODA. Subdivision. Genus, Species, and Author. Locality. Subdivision. Genus, Species, and Author. Locality. F costulatus, Barr. decipiens, discors, elegans, elongatus, ,, fortis, bexagon, indistinctus, magister, maximus, nobilis, novellus, ,, obvius, parens, pauper, primus, robustus, ,, rustic us, ,, sandalinus, secans, simplex, ,, solitarius, striatulus, tardus, teres, undulatus, venustus, Phragmotheca, Bar Bohemica, Barr. Pterotheca. Bohemica, Barr. Rhombifera, Barran Bohemica, Barr. Styliola, Lesueur. clavulus, Barr. Tentaculites (ANNEL mtermedius, Barr. :ongulus, Konieprus. Kosov, Konigshof, Za- bichlitz, Beraun. Konieprus. Vosek, St. Benigna. Trubin. Vosek. Mnienian. Trubin, Zahorzan, Prae- koles, &c. Straznitz near Prague. Mleschitz (Skrey). Hostin. Srbsko, Vavrovite. Bubovitz, Beraun. Mleschitz. Mnienian, Konieprus. Ginetz,Skrey,Mleschitz. Mleschitz. St. Benigna. Konieprus, Dlauha Hora. Hostin. St. Ivan, Lodenitz, Kau- kalova Hora, and 6 more. Zahorzan. Vosek, Trubin, Lode- nitz, Lieben, Ster- boholy, and 3 more. Tetin. Vosek. Czernin, Mount Kosov, Vraz, &c. Skrey. rande, 1867. Lodenitz Hills. Lodenitz Hills. de, 1867. Wraz. Holin, Vavrovitz, Karl- stein, &c. IDA). Lockhov. Slichov, Mnienian, &c. D. d. 3, 4, 5 ... F D.d. 2 Bellerophon. acutus, Barr. advena, , caudatus, , constrictus, , cristatus, , decorus, , evolvens, , eximius, , sjrandis, , in cola, ,, plebeius, pusillus, ,, Romeri, rugosus, ,, solitarius, ,, suspectus, ,, tardus, trilobatus, ,, Conularia. sequalis, Barr. aliena, anomala, Bohemica, conferta, consobrina, exquisita, fecunda, fragilis, ,, grandissima, Hawlei, imperialis, insignis, invertens, modesta, minuta, nobilis, plicosa, primula, Proteica, pyramidata, ,, regulosa, ,, robusta, simplex, solitaria, Sosia, benella, ,, Cornulites (ANNELID Bohemicus, Barr. confertus, major, Ecculiomphalus. Bohemicus, Barr. subuloides, ,, Hyolites =PUGIUNCU aduncus, Barr. alter, arcuatus, catenatus, cinctus, ,, columnaris, Mount Drabow. Lockhov. Tobolka. Dvoretz. Lodenitz, Luzetz. Kozorz. Mount Kosow. St. Ivan. Konigshof, Leiskow. Leiskow. Dlauha Hora. Vosek. Trubsko. Butovitz, Dlauha Hora. Tetin. Mount Kosow. Bubovitz, Lodenitz. Mount Drabow. Mount Drabow. Luzetz. Vesela near Beraun. Vosek, St. Benigna. Vosek. Mount Drabow. Vosek, Wraz, Trubin, Leiskow, Lodenitz, Praskoles, Zahorzan. In 16 localities. Konieprus, Mnienian. Trubin, Wraz, Lieben, Praskoles, &c. Trubin. Mauth ? Vosek, Trubin, Wraz, Zahorzan. Konieprus. Vosek. Mount Drabow. Zahorzan, Motol. Mount Drabow. Vosek. Lodenitz, Bubovitz, Leiskow, and 5 more. Zahorzan, Mt. Drabow. Mount Drabow. Vosek. Luzetz. Dlauha Hora. Kozel, Hint.-Kopanina, St. Ivan. Lieben. A). Konigshof, Gross Ku- chel, Leiskov. Trubsko, Vraz. Lockhov, Mnienian, Konieprus, &c. Gross Kuchel. Dlauha Hora. LUS, THECA. Butovitz, Tachlovitz, and 5 more places. Slivenetz,Chotecz, Lock- hov, &c. Slivenetz, Tobolka, Ko- nieprus, Beraun. Konieprus. Vosek. Tachlovitz, Borek, Ko- zel, and 4 more places. D.d. 1,4 D.d. 3 G* s 1 E e. 2 D.d. 1 D d 5 F D.d. 3, 4, 5 ... D.d. 4 E e 2 C D d 5 G. g. 1 E e 1 2 G. g. 2, H. h. 1 F. f. 1 D d 1 C D d 4 F E e. 2 C G. g. 1 D.d. 1 D. d 5 .. E e. 2 E, F D.d. 2 G. e. 1 . D. d. 2 E G. g. 1 . D.d. 4 .... D.d. 2 D.d. 1 D.d. 2 D. d. 1, 3, 4, 5 G. e. 1 . D. d. 1, 3, 4, 5.. D. d. 4 D. d. 1 D.d. 3, 4, 5 ... C D. d. 2? D d 3 4 D d 3 .. E. e. 2 D. d. 4 E. e. 2 D. d. 1, 3, 4 ... F f 2 ... D.d. 4 D.d. 1,3 D d. 2 G. g. 1, H.h. 2 F. f. 1 D. d. 1 D. d. 2 D d. 1 D. d. 4, E.G.g. 1. D.d. 2,4 F. f. 2 CYSTLDEA. D.d. 2 D. d. 1 F Primordial . . . D.d. 1 Trochocystites. lichenoides, Barr. mitra, priscus, ,, Ginetz. Vosek. E E e 2 Primordial . . . . d. 4 D.d. 5 BOHEMIAN BRACHIOPODA (additional, 1868. M. Barrande). D.d. 2, 4 E. e. 2 Atrypa. audax, Barr. caudata, ,, confortata, contumax, deformata, , Dormitzeri, , felina, , hircina, , macra, , parietalis, , praecox, , sphajrula, , squama, , Chonetes. Bohemicus, Lodenitz, Luzetz. Bubovitz. Dlauha Hora. Konieprus. Lodenitz, Zahorzan. Dlauha Hora. Mnienian. Dlauha Hora. Lodenitz, Luzetz. Kozel. Konieprus. Dlauha Hora. Lodenitz. Konieprus. E e 2 F f. 2 ET7 D. d. 4 E. e. 2 F F f . 2 E. e. 2 D d 1 F. f. 2 F E. e. 2 D d. 1 F. f. 2 E F Chonetes. 204 ADDENDA. Subdivision. Genus, Species, and Author. Locality. Subdivision. Genus, Species, and Author. Locality. E e. 2 margarita, Barr. minor, ,, soror, venustus, ,, zephyr us, Discina. hamifera, Barr. nana, triangularis, Leptaena. translata. Barr. Lingula. approximans, Barr. debilis, Feistmanteli, fissurata, ,, lamellosa, nigricans, perlonga, zebra, ,, Mimulus, Barrande, contrarius, Barr. perversus, Obolus. albescans, Barr. Bohemicus, ,, secundus, Orthis. accedens, Barr. aciculata, ,, ;i(l:w[uata, ,, alterae, Bohemica, ,, capitata, cognata, degener, dorsata, extranea, ,, fragilis, ,, Grimmi, inclyta, interjecta, ,, moesta, ne.utra, notata, partita, ,, querenda, radiatula, remota, ,, rudis, ,, soror, suburbana, tenuissima, Pentamerus. cuneus, Barr. invalidus, modestus, proximus, rarus, , , simplex, Porambonites ? Bohemicus, Barr. robustus, ,, Retzia. vesta, Barr. Spirifera. abscondita, Barr. accedens, advena, approximans, arata, armata, Bohemica, carens, deleta, Devonicans, Dlauha Hora. St. Ivan. Bubovitz, Sedletz. Konieprus. Borek. Mount Drabow, Lieben. Borek. Dlauha Hora. Mnienian. Hlava. Vosek. Kruschna Hora. Konigshof. Libetschov. Borek. Dlauha Hora. 1868.' Tetin. Listice, St. Ivan. Voleschna. Mleschitz. Voleschna. Dlauha Hora. Gross Kuchel. Dlauha Hora. Praskoles, Zahorzan. Hlava. Chrustenitz. Borek. Mnienian. Kozel, Ratinka. Konieprus. Holaubka. Lodenitz. Vosek. Lahorska, Eadotin. Vraz. Zabiehlitz. Konigshof. Lodenitz, Zahorzan. Konieprus. Holaubka. Vrschovitz. Konieprus. Eatinka. Viskocilka. Butovitz. St. Ivan, Konieprus. Mnienian. Tachlovitz. Ratinka, Bubovitz. Hlubocep. Lockhov. Mnienian. Konieprus. Branik. Konieprus. Dlauha Hora. Lodenitz, Luzetz. Eatinka. Dlauha Hora, St. Ivan. Bubovitz, Lodenitz. Luzetz, Lodenitz. E. e. 2 gibbosa, Barr. rnetuens, , occludens, , orbitata, , Strophomena. bracteola, Barr. caduca, , calcarifera, , conferta, , conformis, , folium, , humilis, , mixta, , oculata, , plicatilis, , rudis, , rigida, , suavissima, , Weitenveberi, , Trematis. terminalis, Sharpe. Luzetz, Lodenitz. Konieprus. Borek, Lodenitz, St. Benigna. Bubovitz, Lodenitz. Ezepora. Mount Kosov. Konigshof. Konieprus. Mount Kosow. Zahorzan. Listice. Dlauha Hora. Konigshof. Konieprus. Konigshof. Bubovitz, Lodenitz. F. 'f. 2 F. f. 2 E. e. 1, 2 D. d. 1 E e. 1 D d 2, 4 Eel E e. 2 E e 2 ... D.d. 5 F f . 2 F.f. 2 D d. 1 D d 5 D.d. 4 D.d 5 E. e 1 . E.e. 2 D. d. 2 D.d. 5 Eel F.f. 2 E. e. 2 D.d. 5 ? D. d. 1 E.e. 2 The Silurian Faunae of the environs of Hof, in Bavaria, determined by M. Barrande. TBJLOBITA. Fauna C DA 1 E. e. 2 Primordial? ... 2nd Fauna Subgenus Primordial . . . 2nd Fauna (the only species). 2nd Fauna Primordial . . . 2nd Fauna ... Primordial . . . n Genus uncertain 2nd Fauna ... Agnostus. Bavaricus, Barr, Asaphus. Wirthi, Barr. Bavarilla, Barrande, Hofensis, Barr. Calymene. Tristani, Barr. var. Bavaricus. Cheirurus. discretus, Barr. gracilis, Conocephale =CONO Bavarica, Barr. deficiens, discrepans, extrema, Geinitei, Hofensis, innotata, Miinsteri, problematica, quaesita, Wirthi, Lichas. primulug, Barr. Olenus. expectans, I arr. frequens, Guimbeli, Trilobita. prasvalens, Barr. corpulenta, sp. v, #> y, z, Hof (Bavaria). Hof (Bavaria). 1868. Hof (Bavaria). Hof (Bavaria). Hof (Bavaria). COKYPHE. Hof (Bavaria). Hof (Bavaria). Hof (Bavaria). ii Hof (Bavaria). D. d. 5 E. e. 2 D. d. 4 D. d. 1 D. d. 4 E. e. 1 F. f. 2 E. e. 2 F. f. 2 D.d. 2, F. f. 2 D. d. 4 E. e. 2 D. d. 1 D. d. 4 . D.d. 5 D.d. 4 F. f. 2 D.d. 2 D. d. 4 F. f. 2 E. e. 1 E. e. 2 E. e. 1 E. e. 2, F. f. 2 F. f. 2 E. e. 2 E. e. 2 F. f. 2 ANNELIDA. G. e. 1 2nd Fauna . . . Serpulites ? Hofensis, Barr. Hof (Bavaria). F. f.2 E. e. 2 PTEKOPODA. Hyolithus. imperfectus, Barr. Wirthi, Hof (Bavaria). > Cystidea. 205 ADDENDA. BRACHIOPODA. Subdivision. Genus, Species, and Author. Locality. Subdivision. Genus, Species, and Author. Locality. Primordial . . . Primordial ? ... Primordial . . . Lower Silurian. signata, Barr. Wirthi, Obolus ? minor, Barr. palliatus, Orthis. Bavarica, Barr. Hof (Bavaria). Hof (Bavaria). Hof (Bavaria). Primordial . . . Primordial ? ... Primordial . . . N.B. The ] Lickas, CaJymen stitute a transiti There are a fe [The Ad Discina. contraria, Barr. varians, Lingula, Barrande. Bavarica, Barr. cedens, ,, aumillima, ,, inchoans, ,, najority of the genera i, and Cheirurus, annoui on and connexion betwe w more Hof fossils scatt ienda usually present n< Hof (Bavaria). Hof (Bavaria). 11 > md species indicate the ice the second fauna, t n the first two Silurian ered about in the ' These ;w information, local an CYSTIDEA. 2nd Fauna . . . primordial faun tie species being Faunae. M. Barr lurus.' I stratigraphical, Cystidea. Bavarica, Barr. i, while the four genera rare. Thus this fauna ande. and frequently newly a< Hof (Bavaria). of Trilobites, Asaphus, of Hof seems to con- ^quired species.] ERRATA. Page. Error. Eectification. Page. Error. Eectification. 1 2 4 8 9 12 13 14 19 26 29 30 31 34 36 58 65 81 Palaeochorda An Annelid. Not in Llandeilo Stage. Ought to be Eeticulites. Is a Polyzoon. A Cystidean. Only in Niag. Group. Li Britain also. iNot in Llandeilo Stage. Caradoc Stage. Llandov. Llandeilo Caradoc ,, 84 95 96 97 99 102 114 116 124 140 144 157 174 176 178 181 182 overed Dele, i) Only in Llandov. and W. Caradoc. Llandeilo. Malvern. Potsdam. Sa. or Calcif. Sa. Is in W. and L. Only in Llandov. Stage. w. Llandeilo Stage. Ludlow Only in Caradoc. Not in Black Eiv. Lst. Tn Pleta only, [n Llan. only, Britain. [n Low. Llan. only. N"ot in Llandeilo. [n Llandov. only, Lenane &c., Gal way. Dele. > Jow. Llan., not Llandov. Trichoides, Har&ness Nidulites favus Leptsena calcarata Eetioulites quinquecostata ... Lingula Bechei Cladopora Corynoides squamosa. Holl Obolella polita Helopora Oldharnia Ehynchonella Davidsoni ... sexcostata . . . Ehinopora Cryptocrinites Hemicystites parasitica Chondrites informis .... Palsearca Billingsiana Bellerophon Murchisoni . . . Murchisonia bicincta ,, regularis Crossopodia Scotica Nereites Cambrensis Lituites falcatus Scolithus linear is Orthoceras Avelinii Tentaculites anglicus jEglina caliginosa encrinale filosum mirabilis Llandeilo ,, Britain. In Pleta. Woolhope, Wenlock. Cancel this species. Point Levis, Queb. G. N.B. Other errors undisc subgregarium Ampyx nasutus un dulatum Lichas verrucosus, Eichw Salter... Proetus depressus undulobellicinctum.. undulostriatum . . . may explain themselves. Climacograptus antennarius 206 SILUKIAN PALEONTOLOGY, AUTHORS CONSULTED IN THE FORMATION OF THE 'THESAURUS SILURICUS.' ABICH, Prof. H. Bullet. Soc. Ge"ol. de France, iii. n. s. 1838 ; xv. n. s. 226. Forbes and Spratt's Travels in Lycia, ii. 209. AGASSIZ, Louis. Poissons Fossiles, 5 vols. 4to, 1833- 43. Proc. Geol. Soc. Lond. ii. 99. Proc. Amer. Assoc. Adv. Science, 1849, p. 59 (Crinoids). ANGELIN, N. P. Palaeontologia Suecica, part 1. fasc. i. ii., 1852. Museum Palseontologicum Suecicum? Prof. Kroyer's Nat.-Hist. Review, 1838. Bull. Soc. Ge"ol. de France, ix. n. s. 304. AUSTIN, T. and T., jiin. Monograph on recent and fossil Crinoidea. Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc. Lond. iv. 291. Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist. vol. x. 106 ; xi. 195. AVELINE, W. T. Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc. Lond. x. 63. BAILEY, Prof. L. W. On the Geology of South New Brunswick, 1865: Fredericton (with Messrs. Mat- thew & Hartt). Upper Silurian Fossils of North New Brunswick : MS., through Principal Dawson. BAILY, W. H. Memoirs of the Geol. Survey, County Clare, Explanation of sheets 133, 160, 161, 171, 172, map of Ireland. BANKS, R. W. Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc. Lond. xii. 93. BARRANDE, Joachim. Naturwissenschaftlichen Abhand- lungen, Wien, 1847-48 (Brachiopoda). On Bohe- mian Graptolites (Monograph), 1850. Bassin Si- lurien de Boheme Centrale, tomes i. ii. iii. iv., 1850, 1865-67. Defense des Colonies, 1861, 1862, 1865. Silur. Brachiop. aus Bohmen, 2. Band, pp. 35. Parallele entre Boheme et Scandinavie, 1856. Bullet. Soc. Geol. de France, torn. viii. n. s. p. 150 ; ix. n. s. 301 ; x. n. a. 405, 417 ; xi. n. s. 34, 165 ; xii. n. s. 964 ; xiii. n. s. 535 ; xiv. n. s. 455 ; xvi. n. s. 516; xvii. n. s. 543,605, 639; xviii. n. s. 203 &c. ; xx. n. s. 476, 492. BAYFIELD, Admiral. Proc. Geol. Soc. Lond. iv. 584. BECK, L. C. Mineralogy of New York (Report). BELT, Thomas. Trans. Manchester Geol. Soc. v. 225. Geol. Mag. iv. 294, 536 ; v. 5. BEYRICH, Prof. Neues Jahrbuch fur Mineral. 1846, p. 192. Ueber einige bohmische Trilobiten, 1847. Untersuchungen der Trilobiten, 11. Stuck. BIGSBY, J. J. Journ. Acad. Nat. Sciences Philad. (Li- chas), 1824. Trans. Geol. Soc. London, 1 and 2 ser. 175, 1823. Annals Lyceum Nat. Hist. New York, 1824. Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc. Lond. viii. 405 ; ix. 86 ; xiv. 241 &c. ; xv. 86, 251. BILLINGS, Edward. Canadian Survey Reports, 1853, 1856, 1858, 1863. Geologist, v. 111. Canadian Journ. ii. 1854 ; iv. p. 275, 1859. Canadian Na- turalist &c. 1859-60, iii. 141, 331 ; iv. 361 ; i. n. s. 19, 370, 1863. Hind's Saskatchawine Exploring Expedition, p. 186, 1859. Decades of Canadian Fossils, iii. and iv. American Journal of Science, xxx. n. s. 242, 337 ; xxxii. n. s. 232 (Vermont) ; xxxiiin.s. 100,136,279,420; xxxvi.236; xliv. 48. Palaeozoic Fossils, vol. i. 1861-65. Catalogue of the Fossils of Anticosti, 1866. MS. communica- tions, 1866. Silurian Fossils from Gaspe (Canada East), MS. Geol. Mag. v. 59. BLAINVILLE, H. M. de. Manuel d'Actinologie, 2 vols. 1834. (Malacologie.) BLANDFORD, W. T., and SALTER, J. W. Palaeontology of Niti, Himalaya (E. I.), Calcutta, 1865. BLUMENBACH, Prof. Abbildungen naturhistorischer Gegenstande, 1810. BOBLAYE, M. de. Bullet. Soc. Geol. de France, x. 227. BOECK, Christian. Magazin for Naturvidenskaberne, i. 1827. Ferussac, Bulletin Sciences Nat. xiv. 146, 1828. Untersuchungen, von Leonhard's Zeitschrift, 1828, Seite 114. Gea Norvegica, vol. i. (Keilhau). Bemaerkninger angaaende Graptolitherne, 1851 (Christiania). BOLL, Ernst. Archiv des Ver. der Freunde der Natur, tome ii. BONISSENT, M. Cherbourg Soc. Imperiale des Sciences, ix. 258. BOWMAN, J. C. Proceed. Geol. Soc. Lond. ii. 666, 1838. Trans. Geol. Soc. Manchester, i. 194. BRADLEY, F. H. Amer. Journ. of Science, xxx. n. s. 241. BRODERIP, W. J. Zoological Recreations, 1849-57. Penny Cyclopaedia, 1833. BRONGNIART, Alex. Histoire Natur. des Crustaces fos- siles, 1822. Bullet. Sciences Soc. Philom. p. 62. Mem. du Museum, viii. 203, 1822. BRONN, H. G. Lethaea Geognostica (with F. Romer), 1835. Leonhard und Bronn's Neues Jahrbuch f. Mineral. 1840, pp. 455, 542. Index Palaeonto- logicus, 1848. Essai (prix), Acade"mie des Sciences, Journ. d'Histoire Naturelle, torn. i. 1856. BRUGUIERE, J. G. 419, 1792. BRUNNICH, M. T. Beskrivelse over Trilobiten-Samm- ling. Kong. Danske Vidensk. &c. 1781. BURMEISTER, Prof. Organisation der Trilobiten, 1843. Annales des Mines, xiii. 384. CAILLIAUD, M. F. Bull. Soc. Geol. de France, xviii. n. s. pp. 330 &c. 1861. CARRTJTHERS, W. Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist. vol. iii. 25. Geol. Magazine, iv. 70; v. 74, 125. Edin. New Phil. Journal, July 1862. CASTELNAU, F. de. Syst. Silur. de I'Ame'rique Septent. 1843. L'Institut, 1842, p. 74. Leonhard und Bronn's Neues Jahrbuch, 1843. SILUBIAN PALAEONTOLOGY. 207 CHAPMAN, Prof. Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist. 2nd ser. xx. 114, 1857. Canad. Journ. n. s. iv. 2, 140, 271; v. 41, 304, 358. Amer. Journ. Science, xxii. n. s. CONRAD, T. A. Annual Reports, New York, 1838-40. Journ. Acad. Nat. Sc. Philad. i. 332-4 ; vii. 441 ? viii. 1842-43. COQTJAND, H. Bull. Soc. Geol. de France, iv. 2nd ser. p. 1196, 1847 (Barbary). COBDA, A. J. C. Prodom einer Monographic der boh- mischen Trilobiten, 1848. DALIMIEB, M. Bull. Soc. Geol. de France, xviii. n. s. 664 ; xx. n. s. 130. DALMAN, J. D. Kongl. Vetenskaps-Akademiens Hand- lingar, Stockholm, 1827, 1828. Ueber die Palaaden oder die sogenannten Trilobiten, Acta Holm. 1827. DANA, James D. Structure and Classification of Zoo- phytes, 1846. Amer. Journ. Science, iii. n. s. 337 ; xxxv. n. s. 295. On Crustacea (Exploring Expedi- tion, Wilkes). Manual of Geology, 1863. Ed. New. Phil. Journ. vi. n. s. 350. D'ABCHIAC, Vicomte A. Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc. Lond. ii. 98 (For. Mem.). Trans. Geol. Soc. Lond. 2nd series, vi. 303. The Geologist, ii. 321. Bull. Soc. Ge"ol. de France, ii. 2nd ser. 448. DAVIDSON, Thomas. Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc. Lond. i. 52; v. 106. The Geologist, 1859, 97. Bull. Soc. Geol. de France, v. n. s. 171, 309 ; xi. n. s. 172, 1854. Palseontographical Soc. vol. xix. 1865. DAVIS, J. E. Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc. Lond. ii. 71. DAWSON, Principal. Acadian Geology (Supplement). Canadian Naturalist &c. v. 1 (Rusophycus) ; v. 135. Verifications of Acadian Fossils, MS. DE FBANCE, J. L. M. Dictionnaire des Sciences Na- turelles, vols. xiv. xlvii. &c. DEKAY, J. E. Ann. Lye. Nat. Hist. New York, 1824, i. 174; ii. 279, 1828. Isis, 1882, S. 564. DE KONINCK, L. Memoires Acad. Royale Bruxelles, xiv. 1841 ; torn. iii. 2nd ser. 190, 1857. Recherches sur Animaux fossiles, Liege, 1847. The Geologist, i. 146, 1858. Description des Fossiles de la Bel- gique, 1843, p. 209. DESLONGCHAMPS, Eudes. Me"m. Soc. Linn, de Nor- mandie, v. 1835. DESMABEST, A. G. Bullet, des Sciences par la Societe Philom. 1822, p. 62. DESOB, Ed. Bull. Soc. Geol. de France, ix. n. s. 314. DE VEBNEUIL, E. Russia and the Ural Mountains, ii. p. 4, 1845. Proc. Geol. Soc. Lond. iv. 722. Bibliotheque TJnivers. de Geneve, xvi. 1851. Bull. Soc. Ge"ol. de France, ii. n. s. 458 ; iv. n. s. 320, 556, 647 ; v. n. s. 339, 384, 376: vii. n. s. 769, 787 ; x. n. s. 129 (Spain) ; xii. n. s. 1018 (Spain) ; xiii. n. s. 303 (France) ; xvii. n. s. 526, 539. L'Institut, No. 1291 (1858). Acad. des Sciences Bruxelles, xix. 92. DEVINE, T. Canadian Naturalist &c. i. n. s. pp. 25, 210 (Trilobita). DEWALQTJE, G. D. Bull. Acad. Roy. de Belgique, 2nd ser. xv. No. 3. D'OBBIGNY, Alcide. Cours Element, de Paleontologie, 1849. Voyage dans 1'Amerique Meridionale, torn. iii. pp. 35, 225. DUNCAN, P. Martin. Silurian Sclerodermic Zoantharia ( Milligan, Esq.), West Tasmania, MS. DUNKEB und VON MEYEB. Palseontographica, vol. iii. DUBOCHEB, M. Memoires Soc. Geol. de France, vi- 2nd ser. pp. 29, 307 (Norway). Bull. Soc. Geol. de France, vii. n. s. 307, 1850 ; xviii. n. s. ?, 159. EATON, Amos. Geology of the Erie Canal, Albanv, 1824. EHBENBEBG, Prof. C. G. L'Institut, No. 1106, p. 93 (1855); No. 1293, p. 337 (1858). Ueber den Griinsand, 1856. Monatsberichte der Kon. preuss. Akad. der Wissenschaft. 1861, p. 445. EICHWALD, Prof. Leonhard's Taschenbach, 1828. Zeitschrift f. Natur- und Heilkunde, i. 1840. Die Urwelt Russlands, 1840, 1842, 1843. Sil. System in Esthland, 1840. Lethsea Rossica, 1861. Bull. Soc. Imp. Nat. Moscou, 1864. EMMEBICH, Prof. De Trilobitis : Dissert, inaugural. &c. 1839. Neues Jahrbuch f. Mineral. &c. 1845. Annales des Mines, xiii. 263. EMMONS, Ebenezer. Report, 2nd Distribution, New York, 1842, 1843, 1859. Proc. Amer. Assoc. A.dv. Science, 1857, p. 76. Report on North Carolina, 1856. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sciences, Philad. 1859, p. 150. EMOBY, Major. Report, Mexican and U. S. Boundary, vol. i. part 2. p. 9 (Trilobites). ESMABK, Lawrence. Magaz. Naturvidenskab. 2nden Rsekke, 1, 2, 268, 1833. EZQUEBBA DEL BAYO, J. Annales des Mines, iv. 177, 1847. FEBUSSAC, D'Audebard, Baron de. Bullet. Universel des Sciences Natur. 1824-1831. FISCHEB DE WALDHEIM, G. Oryctogr. de Moscou, 1830. Leonhard's Neues Jahrbuch, 1840, p. 736. Bullet, de la Soc. Impe'r. de Moscou, 1839, p. 125 ; 1848, p. 237. FLETCHEB, T. W. Proc. Geol. Soc. Lond. 1850. Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc. Lond. vi. 235, 402. FOBBES, David. Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc. Lond. xvii. 53 (Bolivia). . FOBBES, Edward. Memoirs Geol. Surv. Gt. Britain, ii. 457, 483 (Crinoidea). Decade I. G. Survey Great Britain. Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc. Lond. i. 174 ; iv. 297. Journ. Geol. Soc. Dublin, iv. 20, 30, 1848. FOSTEB, T. W. Report, Geological, Land District of Lake Superior (with J. D. Whitney), 1851. FOUGT, H. Dissert, de Coralliis Balthicis : Upsala, 1745. GEIKIE, Archibald. Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc. Lond. xvii. 1, 17, 232. GEINITZ, H. B., Prof. Grundriss der Versteinerungs- kunde, 1846. Bullet. Soc. Geol. de France, ix. n. s. 186 ; x. n. s. 385. Gesellschaft Isis in Dresden, 1860. Die Versteinerungen der Grauwacke von Saxe &c., 1853. Ueber ein Aequivalent der ta- konischer Schiefer Nordamerica's in Deutschland, Acta Acad. Leop.-Carol. t. xxv. 1866. GIEBEL, C. Die silurische Fauna des Unterharzes, Berlin. Zeitschrift fiir die gesammten Naturwiss- enschaften, 58, No. 1. GMELIN, S. G. Reise durch Russland, zur Untersu- chung der drei Naturreiche, Petersburg, 1771-74. GOEPPEBT, H. R., Prof. Nova Acta Acad. C. L. C. German Nat. Cur. xxvii. pp. 425 &c., and of Jena, 1860. Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc. vi. 13, 22, 35 (For. Mem.) ; viii. 18 (For. Mem.) ; xvi. 279. GOLDFUSS, G. A. Petrefacta Germanise, 1826. Petre- facta corrigenda, 1833. Annales des Sc. Natur. xv. 83 (Trilobites). Catal. Trilobites ( Von Decken), 1832. Nova Acta Acad. C. Leop. Nat. Cur. 1839, xix. 327, and 1841. Neues Jahrb. f. Mineral. &c., 1841-43. GOSSELET, Prof. J. Bullet, Soc. Ge"ol. de France, xvii. 208 SILURIAN PALEONTOLOGY. n. s. 497 ; xviii. n. s. 19, 538, 574, 1860. Bullet, de 1'Acad. v. 2nd series. GRCENEWALDT, M. de. Eastern Oural (Russia). GKEEN, James. Monogr. Trilobites North America, 1832. Amer. Journ. of Science, xxxii. 167, 343 ; xxxviii. 410. GRIFFITHS, Sir Richard. Synopsis of the Silurian Fossils of Ireland (with F. M'Coy). GYLLENHAL, J. A. Kongl. Vetensk.-Akad. Handlingar, 1772, p. 242 &c. HAIME, Jules. See Milne-Edwards. HALDEMAN, S. S. Hall's Palaeontology New York, i. p. 2. Emmons's American Journal, 1847, p. 191. Sill. American Journ. v. 2nd series, p. 107. Amer. Association Reports, 1848. HALL, James (of Albany). Rept. 4th Distr. New York; 1843. Palaeontology of New York, 1847-52, vols- i. ii. iii. Proc. Amer. Assoc. Adv. Science, p. 347, 1849. Annual Reports (Regent's) New York Library, 1857-65 (12th, 1860,13th, 14th, 15th, 16th, 17th, 18th). Geol. Survey (Report) of Wisconsin, 1860. Trans. Albany Institute, iv. 1862. Amer. Joum. of Science, xvii. n. s. 1850 ; xxxiii. n. s. 106 ; xxxv. n. s. 295, 396 ; xxxix. 355. Canad. Journ. iv. 491-3 (Vermont &c.). Canad. Naturalist &c. iii. 139 ; vii. 443. Contributions to Palaeontology, 1858, 1859, &c., four issues at intervals. Report ot the Canadian Geol. Survey, 1863 (on Graptolites). Canadian Fos- sils, Decade ii. Preliminary Notice on the Potsdam Sandstone of the River Mississippi, Albany, 1863. HARKNESS, Prof. R. Quart. Joum. Geol. Soc. Lond. vii. 46, 58 ; viii. 393 ; ix. 181 ; xi. 496 ; xii. 293, 244 ; xix. 113 ; xx. 123 ; xxi. 144 ; xxii. 480, 489, 512. Edinb. N. Phil. Journ. ii. Report British Association, 1855, p. 82. HARLEY, Dr. John. Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc. Lond. xvii. 542. HARTT, ? New Brunswick. HASWELL. On the Silurian Formation in the Pentland Hills, Edinburgh. HAUGHTON, Rev. Prof. Samuel. M'Clintock's Fate of Sir John Franklin, 1859, Append. Journ. Roy. Dubl. Soc. Feb. 1857. HAWN, Major (with G. C. Swallow). Trans. Acad. Nat. Sc. St. Louis, i. 173, 1857. HAYDEN, F. V. Amer. Journ. Science, xxvi. n. s. 276 ; xxx. n. s. ; xxxi. n. s. 244 ; xxxiii. n. s. 68. Proc. Ax;ad. Nat. Sc. Philad. 1858, 140 ; 649, 1861. Trans. Amer. Phil. Soc. xii. n. s. pp. 25 &c. (Palaeontology Upper Missouri River, 1865). HECTOR, Dr. James. MS. on New Zealand (Exped. Rocky Mountains). Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc. Lond. xvii. 388-445. HELMERSEN, General. Journ. des Mines, 1838 (Estho- nia). Mem. Acad. Imp. des Sc. St. Petersb. 6th series, tome viii. 309, 1859. Bullet. Soc. Ge"ol. de France, xiii. n. s. 14. HENWOOD, W. J. Proc. Geol. Soc. iv. 455, 1842. HICKS, Henry. British Association Report, 1865. HISINGER, Wilhelm. Memoirs on the Geology of Goth- land, 1825, 1828, 1831. Lethaea Suecica, 1837; Supplement, 1840. HITCHCOCK, Edw. Report, Geology of Vermont, U.S.A. 1861, i. pp. 260, 326, 358, 367, 419. HOENINGHAUS, Fried. G. HOFFMAN, Prof. Esquisse Petrif. Suede, 2nd edit. 1831. Verhandlungen Russ. Kais. Miner. Gesell. St. Petersb. 1857 (Trilob.). HOLDEN, Luther. Trans. Acad. Nat. Sc. St. Louis, Mis- souri, i. 97. HOLL, Harvey B. Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc. Lond. xxi. 72. HONEYMAN, Rev. D. Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc. Lond. xx. 333. Nat. -Hist. Soc. Montreal, 1860 (new Fos- sils). Canad. Naturalist &c. v. August 1860. HOOKER, Jos. Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc. Lond. ix. 12. HUGHES, T. M'K. Geol. Mag. 1867, iv. 346, 354. HYATT, Alpheus J. Amer. Joum. of Science, xxxix. 266. ISBISTER, A. K. Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc. Lond. xi. 497 (Hudson's Bay &c.). JoNES,Rupert T. Ann. andMag. Nat. Hist. 1855,xvi. 2nd ser. 81,163; 1856, xvii. 2nd ser. 81 ; 1858, i. 3rd ser. 241, 340. Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc. Lond. ix. 160. Trans. Royal Society, 1865. Mantell's Wonders of Geology, 1858, ii. 807-9. Geol. Mag. vol. v. JUKES, J. Beete. Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc. Lond. ix. 179. Student's Manual of Geology, 1862. Journ. Geol. Soc. Dublin, vi. 28 ; viii. 107 (with M. Dunoyer). London Magazine Nat. Hist. ii. 41. KEILHAU, Prof. Gea Norvegica. KETLEY, Charles. Trans. Dudley and Midland Geol. Soc. ii. 105, 1865. KEYSERLING, Count Von. Proc. Geol. Soc. Lond. iv. 742. Russia and the Ural, ii. 1845. Reise in Petchora-Land, 1846. KINAHAN, Dr. J. B. Journ. Geol. Soc. Dublin, vii. 184 ; viii. 68. Nat. -Hist. Rev. v. 1858; vi. 1859. KJERULF, Prof. Theod. Bullet. Soc. Geol. de France, xii. n. s. 350. Das Christiania Silurbecken un- tersucht, 1855. Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc. xiv. p. 36 &c. Veiviser (Christiania), 1865. KLEIN, J. Th. Specimen Descript. Petrefact. Geda- nens., Niirnb. 1770. KLODEN, K. F. Die Versteinerungen der Mark Bran- denburg, 1834. KNER, Prof. R. Leonhard's Neues Jahrbuch fur Geo- gnosie, 1848, p. 254. KONIG, Charles. Icones Sectiles &c. 1825 (4to). KUTORGA, Dr. S. Dritter Beitrag zur Palaeontologie Russlands, 1846. Verhandlungen der Kais. Rus- sisch. Mineral. Gesell. St. Petersb. 1842, 1843, p. 59 ; 1845-46, p. 85 ; 1847, p. 287 ; 1848, pp. 250, 287 ; 1854, p. 105. Compte Rendu de la Socie"te Miner, de St. Petersb. Jan. 1852. LAMARCK, J. B. P. Animaux sans Vertebres, Traite. LAMBERT, Alan. Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc. Lond. xvii. 152. LAMOUROUX. Exposition Methodique des Genres des Polypiers, Paris, 1821. LAWROW, N. Verhandlungen Russ. Kais. Mineral. Gesell. Petersb. 1856, p. 237 ; 1858, p. 146 (Mega- laspis &c.). LESUEUR, C. A. Journ. Acad. Nat. Sciences, Philad. i. 310. LEUCHTENBERG, Herzog von. Beschreibung einer Thierreste der Urwelt (Silur.), 1843 (Czarskojeselo). LEWIS, Rev. T. T. Murchison's Siluria, 4th edit. pp. 5, 128, 129, &c. 1867. LEWIS, W. A. Charlesworth's London Geol. Journ. vol. i. 1841. LEYMERIE, A. Bullet. Soc. Ge"ol. de France, 1836-37, vii. n. s. 222. SILURIAN PALAEONTOLOGY. 209 LIGHTBODY, R. Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc. Lond. xix. 369. LINDSTROM, G. Nomina fossilium Siluriensium Got- landiae, 1866? Proc. Roy. Acad. Sc. Stockholm, 1860, p. 377. Observations on Zoantharia rugosa. 1866. LINNAEUS. Petrificat. et Entomol. paradox. Acta Reg. Acad. Sc. Holmiens. viii. 1759. LLOYD, Dr. Murcliison's Siluria, 4th edit. 1867, pp. 5, 133, &c. LOCK, John. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sciences Philad. iii. p. 32. Amer. Journ. of Science, xlii. 366, 1842: xliv. 346, 1843. LOGAN, Sir W. E. Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc. Lond. viii. 199,203. Canadian Naturalist &c. v. 279 (Cli- mactichnites). Geology of Canada, 1862, p. 221. Report of Progress, 1863. Amer. Journ. of Science, xxxi. n. s. 17, 216 : xxxiii. n. s. 323 : xxxv. n. s. 105, 320. LONSDALE, Win. Silurian System, vol. ii. passim, 1st edit. (Sir R. Murchison, Bart.). LOVEN, S. Ofversigt af Kongl. Vetensk.-Akad. For- handlingar, 1844, p. 62 ; Nos. 3 & 4, 1845, p. 46. Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc. Lond. iv. 1848, p. 48. Foreign Memoirs. LYELL, Sir Charles, Bart. Princip. of Geology, 1867. Proc. Geol. Soc. Lond. iii. 28, 466 (Norway). Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc. Lond. vii. pp. 41-52 (Plants). LYON, Sidney. Acad. Nat. Sciences, Philad. 1861, p. 409 M'CHESNEY, Prof. New Fossils (Silurian &c.) from the Western States of N. America, 1860, 61, 65. M'CoY, Frederick. Synopsis of the Silurian Fossils of Ireland, 1864. Report British Association, Edinb. 1850. British Palaeozoic Fossils, 1852 (quarto). Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc. Lond. iv. 223 ; ix. 12. Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist. iii. 20, 119, 126, 270, 290 ; iv. 223 ; iv. 2nd ser. 392 ; vi. 2nd ser. 270, 477; viii. 2nd ser. 387; ix. 3rd ser. 137. Con- tributions to British Palaeontology, 1854. Report on the Geology of Victoria (S. Australia), 1862. MACLEAY, William Sharpe. Note on the Annelida : Ann. Nat. Hist. iv. 16, 385. MALAISE, C. Bullet. Acad. Sc. de Belgique, xiii. 1862 ; xviii. 1865. Bull. Soc. Ge"ol. de France, xviii. 2nd series, 1860. Memoire sur" les De"couvertes palaeoz. en Belgique, 1860. MALEMSEY, M. de. See Siluria, 4th edit. p. 360. MARCY, Prof. Oliver. Enumeration of Palaeozoic Fos- sils (Libr. Geol. Soc. Lond.). MARCY, R. B. See Winchell. MATHER, W. W. Report on the 1st Geological District of New York, 1843. MAW, George. Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc. Lond. xx. 135 (Severn Drift). MEEK, F. B. Amer. Journ. Science, xxxiv. n. s. 137, 1862 ; xl. 32, 1865 (Arctic Seas). Proc. Acad. Nat. Sciences, Philad. 1859-61, p. 128; 1865, p. 256 (Palaeontol. of Upper Missouri River and of Illinois). Proc. Chicago Acad. Sciences, 1865, i. 16. MEGLITZKY, Capt. (Helmersen, Col.). Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc. Lond. xvii. 23 (For. Mem.). MENEGHINI, Giuseppe. Paleontologie de File de Sardaigne, 1857, p. 586, 4to. (La Marmora Voyage &c.) MICHEL, M. Bullet. Soc. Geol. de France, xvii. n. s. 698 (Domfront). MILLER. Natural History of the Crinoidea: Bristol, 1822. MILNE-EDWARDS. Trilobites: Lamarck, Histoire Na- turelle, L'Institut, 1837, p. 254. Histoire Nat. des Crustacea, iii. 1840. Archives du Museum, v. 1851, avec Jules Haime ; and Palaeontographical Society, 1854, part v. p. 245. MOORE, Frederic. Texas, quoted in Dr. B. F. Shumard's Report on Texan Geology. MOORE, J. Carrick. Geol. Proc. iii. 277. Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc. Lond. ii. 359 ; v. 7. MORRIS, Prof. John. Catalogue of British Fossils, 1854. Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc. Lond. xi. 409. Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist. iv. 315, 2nd series. The Geologist, pp. 138, 189, &c. MUNSTER, Count. Beitrage zur Petrefactenkunde, 1840 und 1842 ; also Leonhard's Neues Jahrbuch, 1840. MURCHISON, Sir R. I, Bart., KC.B. Proc. Geol. Soc. Lond. i. 475 ; ii. 13, 85, 226, 407 ; iii. 1, 28, 398 ; iv. 398, 609 (Sweden), 717, 742. Phil. Mag. 3rd. series, vii. 46 ; ix. 489. Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc. Lond. i. 28 ; iii. 1, 165 ; v. 13, 264 ; vii. 137 (Scot- land), 168; viii. 172, 180; ix. 16; xi. 162, 421, 537; xii. 15; xiii. 290; xiv. 36; xv. 360; xvi. 216; xix. 354. Trans. Roy. Geol. Soc. Cornwall. Geology of Russia in Europe (with M. de Verneuil and Count von Keyserling), 2 vols. 4to, 1845. Bull. Soc. Ge"ol. de France, xi. 251. The Silurian Sys- tem, 2 vols. 4to, 1837. Siluria, 4th edit. 1867. Ann. and Mag. Nat Hist. xix. NICHOLSON, H. A. Geologist, iii. 489 (Siphonotreta mi- cvla ?, Carruthers). Geol. Mag. iv. 108, 256. Journ. Geol. Soc. Lund, xxiv. 125. NICOL, Prof. J. Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc. Lond. iv. 195 ; vi. 56; viii. 406. NILSSON, Prof. K. Vetensk.-Akad. Handlingar, 1819-36. Skandinavisk Fauna, Del i. Lond. 1820. NORWOOD, Dr. Report on Wisconsin and Minnesota (D. D. Owen's Final Report, 1852), &c. NYSTEN, Prof. Bullet. Soc. Ge"ol. de France, viii. n. s. 366. OLDHAM, Thomas. Geology of Wicklow Co., Report British Association, 1848, 71. OWEN, David D. Proceed. Geol. Soc. Lond. iv. 1. Re- port (with Norwood and Shumard) Geol. Survey Wisconsin, Iowa, and Minnesota, 1852. Annual Report Wisconsin, 1860. 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th Reports on the Geology of Kentucky, 1854-60. Re- connoissance of N. Arkansas, 1857-58. OWEN, Richard. Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc. Lond. viii. 214. Lect. Anat. Invertebrate Animals, 1855, p. 689. PAGE, David. Report British Association, 1855, 85, 92 ; 1858, p. 104 (S.E. Scotland). PAILLETTE, Adrian M. Bullet. Soc. Ge"ol. de France? ii. n. s. 461, 1845. .PANDER, Christian. Beytrage zur Geognos. des Russich. Reichs, 1830. Proc. Acad. Sc. St. Petersb. 1860. PARKINSON, J. The Organic Remains of a former World, 3 vols. 4to, 1811. PEACH, C. W. Trans. Roy. Geol. Soc. Cornwall, vi. 12. Phil. Mag. xxx. 338, 1847. Twelfth Report Corn- wall Polytechnic Society, p. 66. PEARCE, J. C. Proc. GeoL Soc. Lond. iv. 159, 160. PHILLIPS, Prof. J. Mem. Geol. Surv. Great Britain, ii. 1848 (Malvern &c.). Palaeozoic Fossils of Cornwall, Devon, &c. 1841. The Geology of Yorkshire. PLANT, John. Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc. Lond. xxii. 505. London, Edinburgh, Dublin Phil. Mag. 4th series, xxxii. 153. 210 SILURIAN PALAEONTOLOGY. PoRTtocK, General J. E. Report, Geology London- derry, Tyrone, &c. 1847. PBADO, DE, Casiano. Bullet. Soc. Ge"ol. de France, xi. n. s. 330 ; xii. n. s. 964 ; xy. n. s. 92 ; xyii. n. s. 517. Descripcion fisica y geologica de la provincia de Ma- drid, 1864. PBATT, S. Peace. Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc. Lond. viii. 270 (Spain). PBESTWICH, Joseph. Trans. Geol. Soc. Lond. 2nd ser. vol. v. PROUT, H. A. American Journal of Science, xi. n. s. 1851, p. 187. PUSCH, G. G. Petrefacten (Siid-Russ.). Neues Jahr- buch f. Mineral. 1841. Geognostische Beschrei- bung von Polen, 1833. Polen's, Volhynien's &c. Palaontologie, 1837. QUENSTEDT, F. A. Neues Jarhb. fiir Miner, p. 262, 1840. Wiegmann's Archiv, i. 337, 1837. On Cephalo- poda, 1849. Handbuch der Petrefactenkunde, 1851. RAFINESQUE, C. S. Amer. Journ. of Science, 1819-38, passim. Bullet. Soc. Geol. de France, 1839, p. 381. Prodrome, &c., Journal de Physique, torn, ixxxviii. RAMSAY, A. C. Lecture, Royal Institution Great Bri- tain, April 1858? On the Silurian System in Wales, 1866. REUSS, Fr. Ambrose. RICHTEB, R. Beitrage zur Palaont. Thuring. 1848. Zeitschrift der Deutsch. geol. Gesell. i. 1849 ; 1853, p. 439; 1854, p. 275; 1866 (Thuringia). Denk- schrift der Wien. Akad. Math.-phys. ii. 1856. ROBEBTS, G. E. Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc. Lond. xix. 229. ROMEB, Adolph. Dunker und Von Meyer's Palaeont. vol. ii. Leonhard und Bronn's Neues Jahrb. 1855, p. 540 (Harz Graptol.). Die Versteinerung. des Harz- gebirges, 1843. ROMEB, Ferdinand. Dunker & Meyer's Palaeontogra- phica, 1850, 1852. Lethaea Geognostica, Von Bronn und Romer, 1852. Die silur. Fauna westlich. Ten- nessee (Breslau, 1860). On the Chalk formation of Texas. Fossil Fauna, Upper Silurian (drift, Lower Silesia), 1861. Bullet. Soc. Ge"ol. de France, xii. n. s. 685 ; xviii. n. s. 216 ; xix. n. s. 561 (Estho- nia). Bericht von einer geolog.-palaontol. Reise nach Schweden, 1856. Zeitschrift d. deutschen geologischen Gesellschaft, Jahrg. 1858 (Leper- ditia). ROGEBS, H. D. Final Report on the Geology of Penn- sylvania, 1858, i. 471 ; ii. 751, 782, 820 ? ROMINGEB, Carl. American Journ. of Science, xxxiv. 136 ; xxxv. 82, 84, 1863. ROUAULT, Marie. Bullet. Soc. Geol. de. France, iv. n. s. 309, 320; vi. n. s. 67, 377 ; vii. n. s. 225, 376, 730 ; viii. n. s. 167, 358 ; xii. n. s. 1040 ; xv. n. s. 15. SAFFOBD, Prof. James M. Amer. Journ. of Science, xii. n. s. 252, 1851 ; xxii. n. s. 236 ; xxvi. n. s. 128 ; xxix. n. s. 248 ; xxxi. n. a. 207. Canadian Journal, ii. 138. SALTEB, J. W. Proc. Geol. Soc. Lond. iv. 220, 266? 1846. Appendix to Wordsworth, Letters on the Lake Country, 1846. Mem. Geol. Survey of Great Britain, ii. 1848 (Malvern) ; iii. 1866. Canadian Journal,!. 220, 1853. Reports British Association Adv. Science, 1852, 1853, 1865. Canadian Decade, Nos. 1 and 3, 1858. Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist. 2nd ser. ix. 1857 ; 3rd ser. vol. v. Decades ii. and vii. Geol. Survey of Great Britain. Appendix to Sedgwick and M'Coy's British Palaeozoic Fossils, 1852. Suther- land's Voyage in Baffin's Bay &c., Appendix, p. 221 &c. O^uart. Journ. Geol. Soc. Lond. ii. 124 ; iii. 13, 48, 138, 251 ; iv. 205, 299 ; v. 13 ; vii. 137, 170, 263, 303 ; viii. 205, 386, 388 (Graptol.) ; ix. 157, 177, 312; x. 63, 209; xii. 26, 243, 246, 381; xiii. 199, 210, 375,552; xiv. 177; xv. 374, 483, 553 ; xvii. 67, 161 ; xix. 81, 87 ; xx. 233, 286, 293 ; xxii. 486. MS. West Tasmania ( Milligan, Esq.). List of Ferriter's-Cove Fossils. Explanation of sheets 160, 161, &c. Map of Ireland. Numerous MS. contributions to the Thesaurus Siluricus. With H. F. Blanford, Palaeontology of Niti. Himalaya (E. I.), Calcutta, 1855. SANDBEBGEB, Fridolin. Neues Jahrbuch f. Mineral- p. 8, 1847. SABS, Prof. Bekannte Trilobiten. Isis, 333, 1835. SAY, Thomas. Zool. Journ. Lond. 11, 1826. American Journal of Science, vol. ii. Journ. Acad. Nat. Sc. Philad. 1829, p. 289. SCHABENBEBG, Dr. W. Ueber Graptolithen (Chris- tiania &c., Norway) : Breslau, 1851. SCHLOTHEIM, Baron von. Die Petrefactenkunde, 1820, Gotha. Nachtrage zur Petrefactenkunde, 1822- 23, i. und ii. Isis, p. 315, 1826. SCHMIDT, Dr. Archiv fiir die Naturkund Liv- Esth- u. Russlands, vol. ii., Dorpat, 1858. SCHBENCK, A. G. Uebers. des obern silurischen Schich- tensystems Liv- und Esthlands, &c., 1852. SCHWEIGGEB, A. F. Beobacht. vi. vii. 1819. Konigs- berger Archiv, 42. SCOULER, Dr. J. Edinb. Journ. Nat. Science, iii. 352. SEDGWICK, Prof. Adam. Proc. Geol. Soc. Lond. i. 399 ; ii. 107, 678 ; iv. 73, 256, 1848. Quart. Journ. iii. 133; iv. 216; viii. 13, 35, 137 (Cornwall) ; ix. 216, 220, 224, &c. Edinb. N. Phil. Journ. Ii. 255. Lon- don, Dublin, &c. Phil. Mag. 1854 (with M'Coy, F.), 4th ser. viii. 308, 359, &c. (Cambrian). SELWYN, A. R. C. Journ. Geol. Soc. Lond. x. 299 ; xvi. 148. Geology of Victoria, 1861. SHALEB, N. S. Bullet. M. C. Z. Cambridge (Massach.), p. 65 &c. Proc. Boston Nat. -Hist. Soc. viii. 286. SHABPE, Daniel. Proc. Geol. Soc. Lond. iii. 602 ; iv. 10, 23. Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc. Lond. ii. 283 ; iv. 66 (Trematis), 110, 145 (America); v. 142 (Por- tugal) ; ix. 141. SHUMABD, B. F. Reports: Geol. Survey Wisconsin, Iowa, &c. 1852 (D. D. Owen) ; Second Annual Re- Sort Geol. Missouri, 1855. Trans. Acad. Nat. Science, t. Louis, 1857, i. 71, 1860, 1865. American Journ. of Science, xxxii. 213, 1861. Catalogue Palaeozoic Fossils of N. America, 1866. SJOGBEN. A Swedish geologist (Trilobites). SLIMON, Robert. Report British Association, 1859, p. 63. SMITH, J. F. Canadian Journ. iv. 450 (Toronto). So WEBBY, J. de Carle. Zoolog. Journ. ii. 1826. Mur- chison's Silurian System, passim, 1847. Mineral Conchology. London Mag. Nat. History, iv. 53. Indexes to Mineral Conchology of Great Britain, 1834, 6 vols. 1812-29. Proc. Geol. Soc. Lond. iv. 220, 226, 1846. STEININGEB, J. M&noires de la Soc. Geol. de France, i. ii. STEBNBEBG, Count. Uebersight der dermalen bekannten Trilobiten, 1825. Verhandlungen der Gesell. des vaterland. Museums in Bohmen. Isis, 516, 1830. STEVENS, Esq. On the Mofiatt Fossils. STEVENSON, W. Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc. Lond. vi. 418. SILURIAN PALAEONTOLOGY. 211 STOKES, Charles. Trans. Geol. Soc. Lond. vol. i. 175, 1823 (with Dr. Bigsby). Proc. Geol. Soc. Lond. ii. 688. STOLICZA, Dr. Memoirs Geol. Survey of India, v. p. 143 &c. STRACHEY, Colonel. Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc. Lond. vii. 292 ; x. 249. Travels in the Himalaya Moun- tains. (On the eve of publication.) STRICKLAND, H. E. Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc. Lond. viii. 384 ; ix. 8. STUTCHBUBY, Samuel. Australia. SWALLOW, Prof. G. C. Trans. Acad. Nat. Sc. St. Louis (Missouri), i. 1858. 1st and 2nd Reports Geol. Survey Missouri, 1855. SUTHERLAND, P. C. Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc. Lond. ix. 296. SYMONDS, Rev. W. S. Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc. Lond. xvi. 195 ; xvii. 155. Edinb. N. Phil. Journ. i. n. s. 269 ; vi. n. s. 257. Geologist, i. 294, 330 ; ii. 485. THOMSON, Wyville. Edinb. N. Phil. Journ. 1861, p. 8. Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc. Lond. xiii. 206. THORENT, M. Bullet. Soc. Geol. de France, i. n. s. 208. TRIGER, M. Acad. Sciences Bruxelles, xix. 92. Bullet. Soc. Geol. de France, iii. n. s. 87, 1838 ; vii. n. s. 770. TROOST, Gerard. Trans. Geol. Soc. of Pennsylvania, vol. i. 1835. 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, and 6th An- nual Reports on the Geology of Tennessee, 1841 &c. . Proc. Amer. Assoc. Adv. Science, 1842 ? Silliman's Journal of Science, xxx. 391 ; xli. 385. VANUXEM, Lardner. Report on the 3rd Geol. District of New York, 1842-43. VOLBORTH, Dr. Alexander. (Ueber einige russ. Trilob.) Bullet. Scientifique de 1'Acad. des Sc. de St. Petersb. vol. x. No. 19. Verhandlung. &c. Gesellschaft. St. Petersburg, 1845-46, p. 161; 1847, part 1. Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc. Lond. xvii. 551. Trans. Miner. Soc. St. Petersb. 1845-46 (Cystidea). VON BTJCH, Baron Leopold. Bullet. Soc. Geol. de France, vii. 1836; iv. n. s. 541, 764. Archiv fur Mineral. &c., Berlin, 1840. Ueber Delthyris und Orthis, 1837. Ueber Cystidea, 1845. Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc. Lond. ii. 11. Leonhard's Neues Jahrbuch, p. 127, 1840. WAHLENBERG, Geo. Petrificata Telluris Suecana, 1821' in Nova Acta Soc. Reg. Sc. Upsalensis, viii. p. 65 &c., 1821. WHITE, M. C. Canadian Naturalist and Geologist, vii. 282. WHITEAVES, J. F. Canadian Naturalist and Geologist, ii. n. s. 312. WHITNEY, J. D. (see Foster). Report on the Geology of the Land District, South Shore of Lake Superior, 1851. Geol. Survey Wisconsin, 1862, vol. i. pp. 16-401 (J. Hall). Amer. Journ. Sc. xliii. 267, 2nd series. WILLIAMSON. Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc. Lond. xx. Manchest. Geol. Soc. v. 225. WINCHELL, Dr. Amer. Journ. Science, xxxiii. n. s. 352, 354 ; xxxvii. n. s. 226. First Biennial Report Geol. Survey Michigan. Memoirs of the Boston Society of Natural History, 2nd series, vol. i. WRIGHT, Bryce. Geologist, iv. 74 (Skiddaw). WOODWARD, Henry. Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc. Lond. xxil 503. Geol. Mag. v. 133, 239. WORTHEN, A. H. Amer. Journ. of Science, xxx. n. s. 47 (Chicago). Report on the Geology of Illinois. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sc. Philad. 1865, p. 255 (with F. B. Meek). Contrib. Palseont. Illinois &c. (New Crinoids), p. 143. Geological Report of Illinois, 2 vols. 4to, 1867. WYATT-EDGELL, H. A. Proc. Geol. Association, 1865. Geol. Mag. iv. 14, 113. Geol. and Nat. -Hist. Re- pository, July 1866. WYLEY, Andrew. Journ. Geol. Soc. Dublin, vi. 28. YANDEL, Dr. L. P. (with Dr. B. F. Shumard). Con- tributions to the Geology of Kentucky, 1847. ZENKER, Prof. Beitrage zur Naturgeschichte der Ur- welt, 1833. 212 INDEX OF GENEBA (874, a few being duplicates). Acanthopyge, 33. Acanthospongia, 3. Acaste, 33. Acerocare, 33. Acervularia, 6, 194. Achilleum, 3. Acidaspis, 33, 71, 197. Acontheus, 34. Acroculia, 150, 167. Acrotreta, 88. Actinoceras, 170. Actinocrinus, 18, 196. Actinodonta, 131. Actinopeltis, 34. Actinophyllum, 1, 194. ^glina, 34, 71, 72, 198. _3Lonia, 65. Agacanthus, 35. Agelacrinites, 27, 197. Aglaspis, 35. Agnostus, 35, 71, 198, 203. Alecto, 78. Alveolites, 6, 194. Ambonychia, 126. Amphion, 36, 71, 72, 198. Amphispongia, 3, 194. Amphytrio, 36. Amplexus, 6. Ampullaria, 160. Ampyx, 36, 71, 72, 198. Amygdalocystites, 24. Anatifopsis, 197. Anatina, 131, 202. Aneuacanthus, 37. Angelina, 37. Anisophyllum, 6. Anodontopsis, 131. Anomalocystites, 24. Anomocare, 37. Anopocare, 37. Anopolenus, 37. Anthocrinus, 196. Antipleura, 202. Aphragmites, 170. Aphrodita, 29. Apiocystites, 24, 196. Arachnophyllum, 6. Area, 131. Archaeocyathus, 3. Archaeopora, 78. Areia, 71. Arenicolites, 29. Arethusina, 37, 72. Arges, 37. Arionellus, 37, 198. Aristerospira, 6. Aristozoe, 200. Arraphus, 37. Arthroclema, 78. Arthrophycus, 1. Asaphus, 37, 71, 198, 203. Ascoceras, 170. Ascocrinus, 196. Aspidocrinus, 18. Astacoderma, 72. Astarte, 131, 202. Asterias, 197. Camarella, 92. Conocoryphe, 45, 198. Asterocrinus, 18. Camarium, 92. Conophyllum, 8. Asterolepis, 192. Cameroceras, 171. Constellaria, 9. Astrseospongia, 3. Campophyllum, 7, 194. Conularia, 145, 203. Astrocerium, 6. Campylites, 29. Cophinus, 18, 192. Astylospongia, 3. Caninia, 16. Cornulites, 29, 197, Ateleocystites, 25. Cannopora, 7. 203. Athyrus, 88, 201. Capulus, 150, 167. Coronocrinus, 18. Atops, 39. Carabocrinus, 18. Corynexochus, 46. Atractopyge, 39. Cardiola, 131, 202. Corynoides, 78, 81. Atrypa, 89, 201. Cardiomorpha, 132, Coscinium, 3, 194. Auchenaspis, 192. 202. Coscinopora, 3. Aulacodus, 76. Cardita, 132. Crania, 93. Aulacophyllum, 6. Cardium, 132, 202. Crepicocephalus, 46, Aulopora. Carinaropsis, 151. 198. Aulonotreta, 91. Carmon, 44, 71, 72. Crinocystites, 25. Avicula, 127, 202. Caryocaris, 73. Criseis, 6. Axinus, 131. Caryocrinus, 18. Cromus, 47, 72, 198. Caryocystites, 25, 196. Crossopodia, 29, 197. Bactrites, 171. Gary on, 192. Crotalocrinus, 18, 196. Bactropus, 199. Caunopora, 3. Crotalurus, 47. Bairdia, 72, 199. Cellepora, 78. Cryptoceras, 170. Balanocrinus, 18, 196. Celmus, 44. Cryptocrinites, 25. Barrandia, 39, 198. Centropleura, 44. Cryptonemus, 47. Basilicus, 39. Centrotheca, 145. Cruziana, 29. Bathmoceras, 171. Cephalaspis, 192. Ctenacanthus, 192. Bathyonotus, 40. Ceramopora, 78. Ctenocrinus, 19. Bathyurellus, 40. Ceratopyge, 44. Ctenodonta, 132, 202. Bathyurus, 39, 198. Ceratiocaris, 73, 199. Cucullsea, 134. Bavarilla, 203. Ceraurus, 44. Cucullella, 134. Beatricea, 1, 194. Ceriopora, 78. Cupella3crinus, 22. Bellerophon, 143, 203. Cerithium, 151. Cupressocrinus, 19. Berenicea, 78. Chaetetes, 7, 194. Cyathaxonia, 9. Beyrichia, 72, 199. Chariocephalus, 44. Cyathocrinus, 19, 196. Blastoidocrinus, 18. Chasmatopora, 78. CyathophyUum, 9, 194. Bohemilla, 71. Chasmops, 44. Cybele, 47, 198. Bolboceras, 173. Cbeirocrinus, 18. Cycloceras, 171. Bolboporites, 6, 194. Cheirurus, 44, 71, 72, Cyclocrinus, 19. Bolbozoe, 200. 72*, 198, 203. Cvclocystoides, 25. Boliviana, 7, 29. Chemnitzia, 151. Cyclolites, 9. BothriocidariB, 27. Chiton, 151. Cyclonema, 151. Brachiocrinus, 18. Chondrites, 29, 197. Cylindripora, 9. Brachiospongia, 194. Chonetes, 92, 201. Cymbulia, 6. Brachyaspis, 40. Chonophyllum, 8, 194. Cyphaspis, 47, 72. Brachythyris, 117. Cirrus, 151, 167. Cyphoniscus, 48. Brongniartia, 40. Cladograpsus, 81, 200. Cypricardia, 134, 202. Bronteopsis, 41. Cladopora, 8, 78, 200. Cypricardinia, 135. Bronteus, 41, 71, 72, Clathropora, 78. Cyrtaena, 93. 72*, 198. Cleidophorus, 132. Cyrtia, 93. Bucania, 145. Cleiocrinus, 18. Cyrtoceras, 171, 184. Bulimina, 6. Cleodora, 151. Cyrtocerina, 173. Bumastes, 42, 198. Climacograptus, 81. Cyrtograpsus, 81, 200. Bunoides, 73. Climactichnites, 73. Cyrtolites, 146, 167. Burmeisteria, 42. Clioderma, 151. Cyrtometopus, 48. Buthograptus, 81. Cliona, 3, 194. Cyrtotheca, 146. Buthotrephis, 1, 194. Clisiophyllum, 8. Cystidea, 204. Clisiospira, 151. Cystiphyllum, 9, 195. Calamopora, 10. Closterocrinus, 18. Cystocrinus, 19. Calapoecia, 7. Clymenia, 171. Cythere, 73, 199. Calathium, 3. Cnemidium, 3. Cytherina, 73. Calceola, 7. Coccocrinus, 18. Cytheropsis, 74. Calliocrinus, 18. Coccoseris, 78. CytocrinuB, 19. Callizoe, 200. Coccosteus, 192. Callocystites, 25. . Cochlioceras, 171. Daedalus, 3. Callograptus, 81. Ccenites, 8. Dalmania, 48, 72, Callopora, 7, 194. Coleoprion, 146. 198. Calophyllum, 7. Columnaria, 8, 194. Dania, 10. Calvmene, 42, 71, 198, Comarocystites, 25. Deiphon, 49, 72. 203. Condylocrinus, 18. Dekayia, 10. Calyptraea, 151, 167. Conocardium, 132,202. Delphinula, 167. Calyx, 18. Conocephalus, 45, 203. Delthyris, 117. Dendrocrinus, 19. Dendrocystites, 25, 197. Dendrodus, 192. Dendrograptus, 81,200. Dendropora, 10. Dentalium, 152. Dexiospira, 6. Diamesopora, 78. Dianulites, 10. Diastopora, 78. Dicranograptus, 82. Dichograptus, 82, 200. Dictyocaris, 74. Dictyoceras, 173. Dictyocrinus, 19. Dictyolites, 1. Dictyonema, 82, 200. Didymograptus, 82, 200. Dikelocephalus, 49, 199. Dimerocrinus, 19. Dindymene, 50, 71, 72, 199. Dionide, 50, 72. Diphyphyllum, 10. Diplasteea, 78. Diplograpsus, 83, 200. Diplophyllum, 10, 195. Diplorrhina, 50. Dipterus, 192. Discina, 93, 201, 204. Discinocaris, 74. Discoceras, 187. Discophyllum, 10. Discopora, 78, 200. Discosurus, 173. Disophonus, 30. Disteichia, 79. Disteira, 135. Dithyocaris, 74. Dolabra, 135. Dolichometopus, 50. Dolichopterus, 74. Dysplanus, 50. Eatonia, 94. Eccoptochile, 51. Ecculiomphalus, 147, 167, 203. Echinocrinus, 19. Echinocystites, 25. Ecbinoencrinites, 197. Echinosphaerites. 25, 197. Edmondia, 135. Edrioaster, 27. Edriocrinus, 19. Eichwaldia, 94. Eidothea, 74. Ellipsocephalus, 51, 199. Emmonsia, 10. Enallocrinus, 19. Enallopora, 10. Encrinurus, 51, 199. Endoceras, 173. Endymionia, 51. Entomis, 74. Entomoconchus, 199. Eoptera, 135. INDEX OF GENERA. 213 Eospongia, 3, 194. Heteroeystites, 26. Lophostrotion, 195. Eozoon, 6. Heteropora, 12, 85. Lothotenium, 197. Eridophyllum, 10, 195. Himantopterus, 74. Loxoceras, 175. Erinnys, 51. Hippomya, 136. Loxonema, 156, 167. Eryx, 51. Histioderma, 30. Lucina, 136, 202. Eschara, 85. Holocephalina, 52. Lumbricaria, 30. Escharapora, 79. Holocystites, 26. Lunulacardium, 136, Escharina, 79. Holometopus, 52. 202. Eucalyptocrinus, 20. Holopsca, 155. Lyrodesma, 136. Euchasma, 135. Holopella, 155. Lyellia, 12. Eugeniocrinus, 19, 196 Homalonotus, 53, 71, Lyriocrinus, 21. Euloma, 51. 72, 199. Eunema, 152. Euomphalus, 153, 167. Eurycare, 51, 198. Eurypterus, 74, 199. Exapinurus, 74. Homalopteron, 53. Homocrinus, 20. Hormotoma, 156. Hornera, 85. Hostinella, 194. Humilis, 30. Maclurea, 147. Macrocheilus, 156. Macropetalichthys, 192. Macrostylocrinus, 21. Malocystites, 26. IVTaDon 4 Favistella, 10, 195. Favosites, 10, 195. Favospongia, 3, 194. Fenestella, 79, 200. Hybocrinus, 20. Hydrocephalus, 53. Hymenocaris, 75, 200. Hyolites, 203, 204. Mariacrinus, 21, 196. Marsupiocrinus, 22. Mastopora, 85. Matheria, 136. Filites, 200. Fistulipora, 11, 195. Fleteheria, 11, 195. Forallites, 30. Hypanthocrinus, 20. Ichnophycus, 1. Ichthyocrinus, 21. Megalaspis, 58. Megalodon, 136. Megalomus, 136. Megambonia, 128. Fragna, 29. Fucoides, 30, 197. Illamopsis, 56. Illasnurus, 56. Meganteris, 100, 201. Megistocrinus, 22. Furca, 192. Illsenus, 54, 71, 72, Melocrinites, 22. Gladiolites, 84. G-lauconome, 79. 198. Inocaulis, 85. Intricaria, 3, 85. Menocephalus, 59. Merista, 100, 201. Meristelia, 100, 200. Globigerina, 6. Glossoceras, 170. Glyptaster, 27. Glyptocrinus, 20, 196. Glyptocystites, 26, 197. Glyptolepis, 192. Glyptosphaerites, 26. Ischadites, 3, 194. Ischarinia, 136. Isocardia, 136, 202. Isochilina, 75. Isocolus, 56. Isotelus, 56. Metopius, 59. Metoptoma, 156. Microdiscus, 59. Micropora, 85. Millepora, 12, 195. Mimulus, 204. Modiola, 136. Gomphoceras, 173, 186. Gomphocystites, 26. Gompholepis, 192.. Goniatites, 186. Gonioceras, 174. Goniophora, 135. Kcenigia, 56. Labechia, 12, 195. Laceripora, 12, 195. Laminarites, 1. Modiolopsis, 136. /Monograpsus, 79. Monoprion, 79. Monticulipora, 12, 195. Murchisonia, 157, 168. Myalina, 138. Goniophyllum, 11. Goniopleura, 51. Lampterocrinus, 21. Lecanocrinus, 21. Myelodactylus, 22. Myocaris 76. Grammocrinus, 20. Grammysia, 135. Graptolithus, 79, 200. Lepadocrinus, 21. Leperdifcia, 75, 290. Lepidaster, 28. Myrianites, 30, 197. Myriolites, 12. Mytiloides, 141. ; Graptopora, 82. Graptotheca, 84. Lepidostrobus, 1. Lepocrinus, 21. Mytilus, 138, 202. Guttulina, 6. Leptama, 94, 201. itr_;j.-_ i f\n Gyroceras, 174, 186. Gyrotrema, 167. Leptocephalus, 192. Leptoccelia, 97. Naites, ly/. Natica, 160, 168. \r.*ti,./-.ii.. IRQ Hallia, 195. Halysites, 11, 195. Haplocrinus, 20. Harpes, 51, 71, 72. Harpides, 52, 72. Leptophycus, 194. Leptoplastus, 56. Lichas, 56, 71, 72, 198, 204. Lichenalia, 85. Lichenoides, 203. .1 atice.ua, loo. Jfaticopsis, 160. Nautilus, 175, 187. ; !febulipora, 12. femertites, 30. l^eolimulus, 200. Haughtonia, 30. Helicotoma, 154. Licrophycus, 1. Limuloides, 76. fereites, 30. V^ereograpsus, 200. TVT'J 1*A A Heliocrinites, 20, 196. Lingula, 97, 201, 204. Nidiuites, 4. i iT"\ Kf\ Heliolites, 11, 195. Lingulepis, 100. V ileus, 59. ] .T- i ef\ Heliophyllum, 15. HeUipora, 200. Helminthochiton, 154. Helmintholites, 30, 197. Heloceras, 174. Lingulella, 100, 201. f-iingulocaris, 76. Liostratus, 58. Lithophyllum, 195. Lithostrotion, 12, 195. Niobe, 59. ] If odosaria, 6. ] 'fonionina, 6. Vothoceras, 175, 187. ] tf othozoe, 200. j Helopora, 12, 84. Hemiaspis, 74. Hemicardium, 202. [attorina, 156. Lituites, 174, 186. [Jituunculus, 187. ^ucleocrinus, 22. j Ifucleospira, 101. ^ucula, 132. Hemiceras, 174. Lobolithus, 192. fullipora, 1. j Hemicosmites, 26, 197. [joganellus, 58. I Hemicrypturus, 52. jonchidium, 147. Obolella, 102. I Hemicystites, 26. Lonchocephalus, 58, Obolus, 101, 201, 204. I Hemithyris, 113. 198. Octo-illsenus, 56. I Hercoceras, 186. Jonchodomus, 58. Odontolodus, 192. Heterocrinus, 20, 196. 1/onsdaleia, 12. Odontopleura, 59. f Ogygia, 59, 71, 72. Ogygiocaris, 60. Oldhamia, 13, 195. Olenellus, 61. Olenus, 60, 199, 204. Omphyma, 13, 195. Onchus, 192. Oncoceras, 175, 183. Ophileta, 160. Ophioceras, 174. Orbiculoidea, 102. Orbipora, 13. Ormoceras, 175. Orthis, 102, 201, 204. Orthisina, 109. Orthoceras, 175, 187. Orthonota, 138, 202. Ossiculum, 195. Pachyocrinus, 22. Pachyphyllum, 13. Pachyspongarium, 194 Palaearca, 139. Palsaster, 28, 197. Palffiasterina, 28. Palsechinus, 28, 196. Palseocoma, 28, 197. Palaeochorcla, 1. Palajocrinus, 22, 196. Palaeocyclus, 13, 195. Palaeocystites, 26, 197. Palaeocuscus, 28. Palffioraanon, 4, 194. Palaeonereis, 30. Palasophycus, 1, 194. Palseophyllum, 13. Palaeopyge, 61 . Palaaotrochus, 2. Panderia, 61. Panderella, 6. Parabolina, 61. Paradoxides, 61, 199. Parka, 192, 199. Pasceolus, 19, 192. Patella, 160, 168. Pelliculites, 195. Peltocaris, 76; Peltura, 61. Pemphigaspis, 61. Pentamerus, 110, 202. Pentremites, 22. Periechocrinus, 22. Petraia, 13, 195. Petraster, 28. Phacites, 14. Phacops, 61, 72, 199. Pharostoma, 64. Phasianella, 160. Phanopora, 85. Phialocrinus, 22. Phillipsia, 72. Pholadomya, 202. Pholidops, 112. Phragmoceras, 183, 189. Phragmotheca, 203. Phycodes, 2. Phyllodocites, 197. Phyllograpsus, 200. PhyUopora, 85. Phytopsis, 2, 194. ' Pileopsis, 150. Pilidion, 161, 168. Piloceras, 183. Pisocrinus, 22. Placoparia, 64, 71, 72. Plasmopora, 14, 196. Platyceras, 150. Platychisma, 161. Platycrinus, 22. Platymetopus, 64. Platynotus, 65. Piatyostoma, 161. Platysolenites, 30. Platystrophia, 112. Plectrodus, 193. Plesiacoma, 65. Pleurocystites, 26. Pleurodictyum, 192. Pleurorhynchus, 132. Pleurotomaria, 161, 168. Pliomera, 65. Pluinulites, 197. Polytomurus, 65. Polyeres, 65, 192. Polymorphina, 6. Polyphemosis, 165. Polypora, 85. Polytoma, 65. Porambonites, 112. Porcellia, 164, 168. Porocrinus, 23. Posidonomya, 129. Poterioceras, 173. Poteriocrinus, 22. Primitia, 76, 200. Proetus,65, 71,72, 199. Propora, 14. Prosopiscus, 66. Protarea, 14, 196. Protaster, 28, 197. Protichnites, 76. Protocrinus, 23. Protocystites, 26. Protospongia, 4. Protovirgularia, 85. Prunocystites, 26. Psammobia, 141. Psammodus, 193. Psephidium, 30. Pseudaxinus, 141. Pseudocrania, 112. Pseudocrinites, 26, 197. Pseudoniscus, 76. Psilocephalus, 66. Pteraspis, 193. Pterinaea, 129. Pterocrinus, 23. Pteropora, 85. Pterotheca, 148, 203. Pterygotus, 76. Ptilodictya, 85. Ptilograpsus, 84. Ptychaspis, 66, 199. Ptychophyllum, 14,196. Ptychopyge, 66, 199. Ptylopora, 86. Pugiunculus, 203. Pyritonema, 30. Pyronomams, 141. Raphiophorus,, 66. Eaphistoma, 164. Eastrites, 84. Receptaculites, 4. Redonia, 141. Remopleurides, 67. Rennselaeria, 112. Retepora, 87, 200. Reticulites, 4. Retiocrihus, 23, 196. Retiograptus, 84. Retiolites, 84, 201. Retzia, 112, 202. Rhabdaria, 4. Rhabdinopora, 87. Rhabdopora, 10. Rhinopora, 14, 87, 200. Rhodope, 67. Rhyzophyllum, 14. - 214 INDEX OF GENERA. Rhodocrinus, 23, 196. Ehombifera, 203. Ribeiria, 141, 168. Rhynchonella, 113,202. Rhynchospira, 117. Romeria, 196. Rotalia, 6. Rotella, 165, 168. Rusophycus, 2. Saccocrinns, 23. Sserichnites, 77. Sagenaria, 194. Sagenocrinus, 20, 23. Sagonella, 87. Sanguinolaria, 138. Sao, 67. Sargassites, 194. Salterella, 148. Salteria, 67. Sarcinula, 14. Scalites, 165. Sclerodus, 193. Schizocrinus, 23. Schizotreta, 102. Scolecoderma, 30, 197. Scolicolithus, 30. Scoliostoma, 168. Scolithus, 31, 197. Scouleria, 74. Scyphia, 4. Scyphocrinites, 197. Scyphocrinus, 23. Serpula, 31. Serpulites, 31,192,197, 204 Silurina, 202. Siphonaria, 168. Siphonia, 4. Siphonotreta, 1 17, 202. Shumardia, 67. Skeuidium, 117. Solenopleura, 67. Slimonia, 77- Sphserexochus, 67, 71, 72, 199. Spaerocoryphe, 68. Sphserocystites, 27. Spharonites, 27, 197. Sphaerophtlialmus, 68, 199. Sphserospongia, 4, 194. Sphagodus, 193. Sphenocrinus, 23. Sphenothallus, 2. Spirifera, 117, 202. Spirigerina, 120, 202. Spirocerium, 6. Spirorbis, 31, 197. Spongarium, 2. Stauria, 14. Staurocephalus, 8,199. Stellipora, 14. Stenaster, 28. Stenoceras, 171. Stenopora, 14, 196. Stenotheca, 148. Stephanocrinus, 23. Stictopora, 85. Stilonurus, 77. Straparollina, 165. Straparollus, 165. Stomatella, 168. Strephodes, 15. Streptelasma, 15. Streptoceras, 183. Streptorhynchus, 109. Striatopora, 15. Stricklandinia, 120, 202. Stromatocerium, 5, 194. Stromatopora, 4, 194. Strombodes, 15, 196. Strophodonta, 121. Strophomena, 121, 202. Strophostylus, 165. Styliola, 203. Stylonurus, 77. Stygina, 68. Subulites, 165, 168. Sycocrinites, 27. Sycocystites, 27. Symphvsurus, 68. Synbatiiocrinus, 23. Synocladia, 87. Syringocrinus, 23. Syringophyllum, 14. Syringopora, 15, 196. Tamiaster, 28. Taxocrinus, 23. Telephus, 68. Tellina, 141. Tellinites, 141. Tellinomya, 141. Tentaculites, 31, 197, 203. Tetradium, 5, 194. Tetragonis, 5. Tetragrapsus, 84, 201. Tetramerocrinus, 23. Textularia, 6. Thamniscus, 87. Theca, 148. Thecia, 16. Thecostegites, 16. Thelodus, 193. Thyestes, 193. Thysanocrinus, 23. Tiedemannia, 6. Tigillites, 31. Tiresias, 69. Tollipeltis, 193. Trachium, 5. Trachyderma, 32, 197. Trapelocera, 69. Trematis, 125. Trematoceris, 183. Trematopora, 87. Trematospira, 125. Tretoceras, 183. Triarthrellus, 69. Triarthrus, 69. Trichoides, 2, 197. Trichospongia, 5. Trigonotreta, 125. Trilobites, 69, 71, 204. Trimerella, 125. Trimerus, 69. Trinodus, 69. Trinucleus, 69, 71, 72, 199. Triplesia, 125. Trochoceras, 183, 190. Trochocrinus, 23. Trochocystites, 27, 197, 203. Trocholites, 184. Trochonema, 166. Trochus, 166, 168. Tropidoleptus, 125. Tubina, 168. Turbo, 166, 168. Turrilepas, 77. Turritella, 167, 168. Urceopora, 87. Vaginulina, 6. Vanuxemia, 142. Vermetus, 168. Vermiculites, 32. Verticillipora, 5. Vexillum, 2. Vincularia. 87. Vioa, 3. Zaphrentis, 16, 196. Zethus, 70. Zygospira, 125. THE END. PRINTED BY TAYLOR AND FRANCIS, RED LION COURT, FLEET STREET. ALERE FLAMMAM. 14 DAY USE EARTH SCIENCES LIBRARY This book is due on the last date stamped below, or on the date to which renewed. Renewed books are subject to immediate recall. General Library