THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES 7 ^B. 0. BAKER LR >. DALLAS, T r-i O H New Modern Shorthand A Complete Manual of Amanuensis, Court and Verbatim Reporting BY THE MODERN PUBLISHING COMPANY Price $2.00 SECOND EDITION Published and Sold by THE MODERN PUBLISHING COMPANY HAMMOND, IND. COPYRIGHTED 1908 BY THE MODERN PUBLISHING COMPANY ALL RIGHTS RESERVED PREFACE. Modern Shorthand is the result of years of study and careful attention to the details of the subject. The experience gleaned from my former efforts with other systems of shorthand has been of ines- timable assistance to me in perfecting this one, which I take much pleasure, pride and satisfaction in presenting to the public strictly upon its merits. This system not only meets every requirement of the amanuensis, but is especially designed for those aspiring to court and verbatim reporting. ^ In my determination to perfect a system of short- } hand which would unquestionably meet the critical ^ demands of this twentieth century, I have given my 5 best energies and bent every effort toward making ** Modern Shorthand adequate for the requirements of the student of ordinary ability, as well as of co those desiring to reach the topmost rung of the ^ stenographic ladder, where there is always room. 5 To this end I have endeavored to eliminate many of the weaknesses of other systems, introducing new and valuable points, which are, in part, obtuse S angles, shading and position reduced to a minimum ; 5 a means of vocalization by which to determine with absolute definiteness the different sounds of the vowels and diphthongs ; curves, circles and forward movements predominating; all coalescents definitely distinguished : initial and final vowels expressed ; and but little variation from the line of writing. 3 449561 I believe that Modern Shorthand an>\ver> the question "\\'hat should constitute the best >y>tein of shorthand" in that it is more easily acquired, ha.s far superior reading power, and greater speed ca- pacity than any other system of shorthand now in use. In conclusion I wish to express my heartfelt gratitude to my friends for their valuable assistance and encouragement, which have been a great aid Mid inspiration to me in developing Modern Short- hand. THE AUTHOR, \ A B C D E P G -H I J I L M ftPQ * -S T HVWX Y-LY l Z Cfl SH WH TH TW-DW SES HP-!!B MODERN SHORTHAND. FIRST LESSON. 1. The student should become thoroly familiar with each section of these lessons as given, before proceeding. Thruout the course he should practice all shorthand forms until he can write them read- ily, without hesitation, before taking up the next lesson. 2. In practicing the alphabet the student should be very careful as to the length of the strokes. It would be well to adopt the proportions given in this manual. Upward Strokes. Strokes Written Up or Down. L Q R CH I S SIS X C Z ~rrt...j(.....+f!?....& /r....*f?5... f).U ....t?.....-^. ...*<:.. 3. The hook forming a part of "Q" is large. 4. Strokes "S" and "K" ;.re written up when written alone and when they will make good joining with the character to which they are attached. POSITION VOWELS. & '''' -^<^\^>^ 5. These posit i"n> will hereafter be known as the first and second positions, respectively. MODERN SHORTHAND. 7 6. The position vowel is always read after the stroke, which is written above and not touching the line for the first position; above and touching the line, th,e second position. 7. To express "S" at the beginning of words use. the stroke. 8. Only the sounded letters of a word are written, all silent ones being omitted. six leak -/'.. ray leasi -^ . kick ^^ lace \ T quick *f7 cake .X?f^l, cheese chess . _<<... Jack f^.. took .^-. . Jew ...C.^.. cow ...j/fr... joke ...f^rr.. thaw ...^^... two ., V like ~7^ liigh ... c knock . ^~7^.. hen . ..2_<.r maze ..rT?r^ me ...T?!.. sue ...... Joe ...5:5-:... toy law make ,.-r~^~ how ..... .... rue joy ....^ ... impose .^"7 . joyous thou ...*v^- new . Vi _^... nick ^~7^ eh ...e... tack . lease ..T/ 7 ---- nook . -^^r: . lock f" juice :.Crr... ; mass thick ..T" Texas ..-r^?.... lack ._^-.. lye v ..-TfT'.... they thus Mrs. ^~~ he ra w Misses ^~~^ heal nay imbue improve-tnent ...^ _ where .(^.. from-forrrf-am .^^ . there-their ,.^r.. PHRASING. 16. A phrase as used in shorthand is two or more words joined or expressed for the purpose of facili- tating speed. 17. Too muj&^annot be said in favor of correct and judicio^lp^asing, which the student should practice persistently from the beginning. 18. Phrase only such words as are easily connected and read. 19. If the first word of a phrase depends upon po- sition for legibility, it determines the positon of that phrase, i. e., the first word takes the position it should if written alone. JJ MODERN SHORTHAND. 20. "Is," "His," "As," "Has," "Us ""Say," "This" and "\Ya>" are the only words represented 5" that may be phrased out of position. Ticks. 21. A tick is the shortest stroke that, can be made. "I," "The" Ticks. 22. The character "F." at the be^innin^ and a curved retraced tick at the end of words, "1" or "The." Practice. -Lt-k the ^7... he was ..?/ lock the r... such is the . .(. I see the where the improve the who will -^ \ wish the as is . . ^ is as . ^ '.. all the this is : is the i-; this his is i' v '- this improve this MODERN SHORTHAND. 13 Writing Exercise. 23. He may make the improvemems which I wish. Will they see the lake where I took May ? As this is all there is to see I may as well seek the lakes. I took the new lace from his sack and will make the change. Has Ray the key to this lock ? I know the news was from Hugh. Reading Exercise. 24. 14 MODERN SHORTHAND. THIRD LESSON. Downward Strokes. ? GI PU 'VW TW-DW SH Y-LT 25. Use "C" only as an initial. 26. When "Y-Ly" will not make a good joining with the preceding stroke, strike it horizontally t<> the right or left. 27. When standing alone "Ch," "Sh," "H" and "Wh" are written as indicated ; when connected with other characters, they are written in either direc- tion. valley ...v she ^ shy . ^ batch ...V... patch .. i . .. Pig .y. fetch ..^.... week . r~y~ ah fj beach ..A .. walk ~^.>- lake \^... gash .../... why = view A~> \ gnavh v__. you back , pie . v - >' es ...v.... \uch ? Lilly will bake a cake and she may also make a pie. Why does she go on the lake now" Am I to go where Joe is in July? Please see the boys and they max go as well as you. Does he own the business he is in now? 1 Mease show me where the defendant will go. There was no insurance on my house. Which boy will he defend in this case? We may see you anywher- you wish in May. I now own the house which she is in. May I go on the bay where you see Guy? He may use his influence and insure the business. 31. . Reading Exercise. MODERN SHORTHAND. 17 FOURTH LESSON. "L" and "R." 32. The circles "L" and "R" are written on the inside of curve strokes ; on straight strokes they are written in the direction opposite the movement of the hands of .a clock. This is called the circle side, and the side opposite this is called the reverse side. 33. After circle "R" use stroke "L." 34. Use stroke "R" when it is immediately fol- lowed, by one or more "R" circles, or when written alone. rear ^v. park . \*> tire foil ' or bale o 1 ball c9 twill . o ray ..t^. .. choral ...&*/... i L- barrel rt ...^... <^ quarrel ...^/.. tear soar .^ > .... pour ..Ac.... rare ...**%.. rural ...^f*S. more - ..r"7?>. .. tour ,^P... sjear pure .. poor .. ..^ ... dollar ......-: J~> r 1 1 * sell .^... C'tll ' x^o ' " rail .0^ ... impel ...^~7 .. pulp ^JQu... chair . ^. told C . born nearness Mar} 1 .'""T&s.. serene William .7^.. carr.y ^-zx... >< >lve guilt ..t. serious ^.... tlioroly WORD SIGNS. time advantage ..-... hear-here - eni'-y except take-taken .,_.., are-or our accep-t-ance satisf\ -ed at other-either .. tion-lory <^ MODERN SHORTHAND. 11) PHRASING. 37. Do not phrase "Either" nor "Other" out of/ position. 38. After the circles the character "A" is "A," "An" or "And," and the character "E" is "I" or , "The." 39. Use circle "L" to express the word "All" in the middle or at the end of words. 40. A large proportion of the words used^repeat- edly in the English language comprises a few simple words, and the observant student will find it of in- estimable help to employ the following principle : 41. Simple words that do not depend upon posi- tion for legibility may be written in the first posi- tion to express "The" or "He," and in the fourth position for "You" or "Your" following. from all the ^^y-... wire a ~~$... J- were the take all the you or I fear the for a ^/ from the ..,-. feel the in all the in ours pay all the VQ. wire the they are the .'" ^?r. they are a . c rrr?... hear the are the you may hear the from your ^_^. will all the improve all the >=-~ r sure and ^? . _"> MODERN SHORTHAND. Writing Exercise. 42. You may wire me the money to Dallas at any time. They are to hear her this week at the fair. Please see Mr. Morris, as he max use the horse to advantage. I may pay you a dollar for corn and max also take all the barley from you. There were no other teachers there who saw me take the carriage and harness from the yard. She wore her dark red shoes, and will ride the bay horse as far as the road. It is two miles from here to our farm yard, which we may sell for $7,000 cash. Reading Exercise. 43. ..{>.. _^^..#.^> .*/ ^ Z _ ' - s /> > - ^ 7yr. v , >. o/o -D-^^^ . ^_^. . -5 . ^ . MODERN SHORTHAND. FIFTH LESSON. 21 Coalescents. 44. The term coalescent as here used implies the blending of two or more consonants ; that is. the union of consonants without a Vowel sound inter- vening, as pr, dr, fr, sni, st, sir, skr, sf>r, etc. 45. The tick "S" is used at the beginning of words to express the coalescent "S." 46. Shade any stroke except those written up- ward for coalescent "R." 47. "Y" shaded may be "Ry." salary & creek slow -Z^>r*. J ,- - * steak ..^~7T... brick >-. drew .../ ... streak fJSt. celery ^ sleigh ^^ . tree gallery ol true . , trr.y grass ! >lv ^--. snow -r r. graze I/ dry snare ^ s> broke ' >- score ^ fry . V... spry X scarce . ^-^r . cry '.... H. speak ^^ Pray \_.. spire ..'V surprise ^> .. scare ^r-o figure 1 suppose 'V 7 . free sphere J strike .T7T . draw , scratch '(y stray . *T.. 22 MODERN SHORTHAND. 48. The "L" circle at the beginning of "P," "B," "F," "G," "K," and "Mp-Mb" etc., represents coal- escent 'L," and is read as follows : /'/. bl fl. /. kl.< mfl-mbl, etc. flow ..". tfliu- . .p. black Hy 9~..; 9 glass ? clay 6~ ... play .::.:. close .low if-half of-have favor-able over succeed-success- ful-ly revenue-reverend- ence christian-ity glory-fy-d WORD SIGNS. very ever-every value-able give-given gentlemen gentleman-gave experience expense \ Y. \ -v MODERN SHORTHAND. 23 PHRASING. 49. Shade any stroke to add the words "Were," "There," "Their," or "They are." Practice. to their and you if you were , . have their . .-/ they were there ' &? gave your you were x two were there ^^< have your .... ... from there ..^-^. .. to the ......... it was there ~~7 if there is in your v _ ii ,.... gentlemen were here ...t,.... have you ... from your > _. .. accept your . ^\.... all their ^^ S from the Phrase Signs. and-I-the .. r ..... -ought to _1._ and a-an .f. .... have-of I-the .../..... in the ..?.;.. for T the 50. These phrase signs should not be taken out of position. _'! MODERN SHORTHAND. Writing Exercise. 51. Gentlemen : We learn from your Mr. Sprague's favor of your failure to carry the insurance taken from us in the fall. If you care to, you may give us a value on your place in Dallas and we may carry this expense for you for a time for a fair revenue. So far we are very successful in this business and wish to see you do as well. Please write or wire us your wishe>. Yours trulv, J- Dear Sir : Please call to see us at any time and talk over our revenue on the bill of books sold your holier in May. I saw your Mr. Gray this year and he says you and I are to pay all the expenses of the trial, which is only fair to the defendant. May I see or hear from you at an early day? i J2 Truly yours, 52. Reading Exercise. S* ^ ^^ 9^. ^..V^ -r<~-j?. v x* ^ _ i > .x-rr .:>. j&. i - '< 2^^ - / ---; e. ^^ . /^ ^ ^ ^>"^ 1 \ 9, A s 1- G> /^ ^..^f. x \0^ ...o/>^ v /^ | j . t.}.Ztt;*1k~( v ^ -.^..v.*./^.^..-^. <<-* ^-7 X.t.' -/3 MODERN SHORTHAND. SIXTH LESSON. "N," "M," "L." 53. Make any stroke double length to add "N" or "M." 54. After the first character, make any stroke double length to add "L." some .j^T:... lances .^_^/* J -- . female s- - then .^T~~~~~. . cancel ^^. S stream * same ^^ slain s- Lincoln ~Y span .A mine Roman ..-^, mind .."T~C. telegram P lemon ^^ 1 than <- stone ^ tolerable \ human princess ^--^ German ^ steam princes A^ .... Blanche ~f-- came .4%T~.<. frame / .. plain ^...... scheme .7. claim ^"^ glance i reason < *^~~^.. flame S quench ^ ... prance . V . ... mountain ^ x__ , tunnel ..^.. final Kansas .^^r^. sometime ../- prison /S dances f loan -^ manner ^ a family J finance ^^, 2ti MODERN SHORTHAND. 55. To distinguish between the syllables man and men in compound words, use the stroke "N" for the latter. salesman .-< ..horsemen workman "jr""" Frenchman workmen "~2T'~~'. Frenchmen 56. At the end of words "A" and "E" may be used interchangeably. hearsay J* drawee payee ..Ss,. mica ...... WORD SIGNS. him merchandise response-ible-ility original-organize arrange P ship i-befer* object-beyond ..y.. think-thank company-come ...S~. represent-tive ^s- shall /? roturn t^ MODERN SHORTHAND. 27 PHRASING. "Will," "Well," "In." 57. Lengthen any stroke to add "Will," "Well" or "In." Practice. they were in * rr. . we will use the ^"^v all will _^/ they are very well <=--? they will ^ . V two were in the , , if ,, r ;n J* if in the ^ time will come ~/^ was in the we were in ..TTTS... this will do truly yours ' ^ if this will ..J^^..... all in the s yours sincerely ./* o sincerely yours -^[, if you were well if you were in the yours very sincerely . . /^ v=-ry sincerely ^^\^f> yours it is my will .. :^r. we are very well .7v\..... may well say if you will any will those will do MODERN SHORTHAND. Writing Exercise. 58. Dear Sir : If you will give us terms and prices on our mer- chandise, which we wish you to ship at once, we will pay you in full sometime this winter. Or. if you can arrange a loan for us, we can pay the bill now. If you can do tfiis we will see your representative before he goes to London. Otherwise, please can- cel our bill. Yours truly, Dear Sir: In response to yours of June 7th in reference to terms and prices on sealskins and other merchandise for this season, will say we think we can make them the same as before. We may also arrange the loan for you, and give you all the time you wish in which to pay same. Yours truly, 59. Reading Exercise. ~.*^ x^..,,.. l.^J MODERN SHORTHAND. 29 SEVENTH LESSON. "T," "D," "Ith," "The." 60. Make any stroke half length to add "T," "Ith" or "The." 61. Make any stroke preceding length to express "T-" lowing. north ^^ word -> ford *'. required 30 MODERN SHORTHAND. 62. When the halving principle is employed in ex- pressing the present tense of a verb, add the stroke 4 T" or "D" to form the past tense. heat ...*. scat ...< dread ...(.... heated ...5 seated ... ?{.... dreaded .0... 63. In words of more than one syllable "N" may be omitted preceding final "T" or "D." payment \->. ... resident *<{.. moment rTTTTT*.. garment .T?.... prevent ...V\.. treatment tangent ___ r .^ student t^-. torment ri'ifiment . f-x ... ferment ..^. servant ..^-<5 demand .C%... detriment *.... fervent *tn>ke half length to add "To," "It" or "Would." "Of the" is omitted before dates, and may he expressed elsewhere by writing words in close prox- imity. if it is ......, if it were will it ..."'... it would ........ go to the ...Jr.. \ve would .. ."\... to think it r -. of it ...;.... Practice. they would think it ...'jr... to it think it is they would do it "^ this would in it ..T.. .. well to do it take it all ,.U5. Phrase Signs. do not ....t... to do MODERN SHORTHAND. 33 Writing Exercise. 68. Dear Sir: In reply to yours of the 7th, the property you re- fer to rents for $75 per month. We think it a very good bargain at that rate. For any further particu- lars, please call to see us at our place of business on Wall street. I wish to thank you for the theater tickets you sent, which are very acceptable indeed. s. We should be glad to hear from you soon. Very truly yours, Gentlemen : This is in response to your letter dated June 2nd. . in reference to the change which the State BoardX i recently made in our school system. The directors were here, and there is no doubt \ that the criticisms they make are just. I will try to arrange To^go~thru to New Orleans with them on their way South. / * Yours very truly, * Dear Madam : We sent word to Mr. Ward as you requested in yours of the Sth, and we will send you prompt no- tice as to what he will do in the ^natter you refer to. They would not think it well to buy the land ; at least not before you see us. If it were not that we shall have to go to Patterson soon, we should be glad to go to see the property with you. Very truly yours, 34 MODERN SHORTHAND. Reading Exercise. 1..-S y.. % MODERN SHORTHAND. EIGHTH LESSON. 35 "F," "V," and "P," "B" Hooks. 70. A small hook at the end on the circle side of all strokes is "P" or "B," and a large hook is "F" or "V." pave Li keep drop * wave .7^>. ... cave ../^?... love . ?,.. type ..... movement ,.^~^. limp ..TT:^ lamp .__ >>x ? grape ....I .. strap ..^ a orove I , pipe . . V?.-. damp . / ... v * VJ trip modify N ..'?.... map .*-.;. defy five ..^.. . save ..*ff!.. 71. These hooks also represent pi, }}l, fl and vl. noble , v - : '... wonderful It beautiful J ' double ....C * rouble ..r-?. doubtful 6 triple 3 travel D... merciful rrar?. naval O? sample ? novel y grateful ,. L... pliable ...-. mindful ^ tactful T ' seasonable '/' dutiful 72. When a hook is followed by "T," "D," "Ith" or "The/' make the stroke which precedes the hook half length. MODERN SHORTHAND. WORD SIGNS. difficult-y .... iinportant-ancc .^ public-publish-ation .. ^ Jesus Christ .^ depart-inent ... ^ self-ish courage /".... present PHRASING. 72. "If," "Have," "I-.vcr: 1 "Of," and "Favor" arc represented by the "F," "\ " hook. 74. "Tie," "Hope" and "Been" arc expressed !y the "P," "B" hook. Practice. to have a 7- if you have cJ \ve will be in .~~~\^- they hope to we would have been. ."?:... it will be rrr~. wherever this . ' . have been ..J in any of his whatsoever is ,* we hope to l>e ,~\...... >f c^^' r MODERN SHORTHAND. 37 Writing Exercise. 75. Gentlemen : Please return promptly the insurance papers and deed of trust properly signed, which we send you herewith. We would also request that you the contract duly signed in duplicate before a Notary Public, and return a copy to us. Please quote us your lowest price and best terms on your real estate south of here. We have a beau- tiful tract of land well improved, which we should be glad tq put in on an exchange with you for your property. Respectfully yours, Dear Friend : \Ye understand that Mr. Smith, a scholarly citzen of your town and a personal friend of yours, is to write a history of modern Rome. We wish to se- cure his manuscript, and we should thank you to use your influence in our behalf. \Ye have for publication Mr. Smith's recent novel, which we think very impressive and it will prove to be a popular seller. tr Yours respectfully, Dear Sir: On Saturday last we wrote you fully and sent you two copies of the papers in the case of the Citizens' Telephone Company versus your company. You doubtless have received these papers before this. Our attorney will call to see you before your de- parture, and we hope that together you may be successful in the arrangement of this matter. Yours very respectfully, 449561 38 76. MODERN SHORTHAND. Reading Exercise. v S..A T=!> *>? k*i .C.r>Lj& MODERN SHORTHAND. NINTH LESSON. 39 "G," "J" Hook. 77. A small hook at the end on the reverse side of all strokes is "G" or "J." 78. Close this hook for "R." 79. The "G," "J" hook is also gl or jl. .Y struggle ..*rr?... straggle ^ Los Angeles gouge ...j... . vague ^ sugar stingy ... ...??. gauge ...J vinegar wagon , -\r-^ vegetable i cigars strange . z ' trudge . . ". manager strong . -i_^. trigger danger stranger ..^~~ c stronger ., stagger PHRASING. "Give," "Gave," "Given." 80. The "G," "J" hook is "Give," "Gave" "Given." gentlemen gave to give you they will give you Practice. J . was given . ^^> they gave you their ... * ^ 'rr ~~~z time given it would give you .. ? value given 40 MODEK Vocalization. 81. A dot placed at the beginning and before ( to the left of upright characters and above the hori- zontals) ; at the end and before; at the beginning and after (to the right and below) and at the end and after a character written in the first position, indicates the position vowels c, i, i, o, respectively, as in my, sit, sea, calm, not. 82. A dot placed likewise in the second position, indicates a, o, c, n, respectively, as in may, no, /vrA-, nut. 83. A dot placed likewise in the third position, in- dicates a, ow, oo, oo, respectively, as in lack, bon^li, loose, book. 84. A dot placed likewise in the fourth j^sition, indicates ft, aw, oi, respectively, as in /ra', /J^, boy. 85. The dot at the beginning and before the stroke is designated as the first place dot : at the end and before, second place dot; at the beginning and after,- the third place dot ; at the end and after, the fourth place dot. if pa pr> pc pii .. % V S^ Sw. fow foo f<5o lu taw toi MODERN SHORTHAND. 41 noise ^-/ meek N new knock ^T- make *r*T book cause .^ ... back y- ... two deck ^, few ....... duck forgive . i forget know forgave i forgot *- foe 86. Tho these dots are seldom used, the student should learn them thoroly. 87. Write and vocalize the following words for correction. joy seek so Smith tick gauge row Smythe like push view Schmidt dock view new Schmit laws walk lieu Peters pie look how Potters lie make book Brazier gay jay toy Brozier ^ tie do boy Jones league bough we Jaynes leg lay shuck June 42 MODERN SHORTHAND. WORD SIGNS. dictate-tion ..*?.. differ-ent-ence ...7.... question .'/.,, quality-qualify .. < x'... circumstance ../-* out ...*..-... without ..e^... thing ..t7!7 author .^^ thousand . t -^. custom-ary ..^ because .sTT?. world ...O. enclose-ure -^f 88. A tick intersecting a character indicates an ab- breviation or contraction. Tennessee .T^".. Delaware ._.... Iowa don't ........ West Virginia ?V\.. Xew we're ...... Wisconsin ..^....Virginia ...\. P. M. ..^rr^. Missouri ,^... Louisiana ..-^ MODERN SHORTHAND. 43 Writing Exercise. 89. My dear Sir: The lakes are not navigable at this season of the year, but as soon as we can do so we will send your goods as per your request, C. O. D. by steamer to Detroit. We think your idea quite sensible and right and we'll try to do as you prefer in the matter. How- ever, there is no doubt in our minds as to how it will come out. May we see or hear from you at an early date? Sincerely yours, Dear Madam : \Ye are in receipt of your manuscript, which we will refer to our literary critic on his return from Xew York. We have written several other publishers relative to your work and we may hear from them in a day or two. Very respectfully yours, Dear Friend : Will it be profitable for you to stop and see me on your way to Nevada ? Permit me to suggest that you give out at least a thousand circulars in your territory in the interest of yc-ir plan. It would give me great pleasure to know of your succPF-3 on the stage, and trust I may hear from you favorably. Sincerelv vour friend, II 90. v ?** MODERN SHORTHAND. Reading Exercise. ^ - ... MODERN SHORTHAND. 45 TENTH LESSON. Prefixes and Suffixes. 91. The terms prefix and suffix, as here used, indi- cate a sign or part of a syllable which represents that syllable. 92. The word signs for or, form, in, out, over, add, and self may be used to represent those syllables. OR RE e former 1 '"5 unlike yp oratorv ..^~~. *?. .. deform -N OUT order ....>. ... formal S-Q. outward j r ordeal . .> ^ - , outfit 4 ornaments <* ** IX-UX . . outside y removal ,., ^ . inform ^^ regent P r^r regret ..P. "' P regard :... inquire inveigle C) self-interest j self-willed i,: orphan Jf. . intercede ,.T. .."OVI-R ...v resourceful ^... . unusual ^^^ . . . overcharge ...^.. reputed FORM .^.. . undertake introduce '. .T^r".. over due v 3 .... overrule i' reform ..r-^ . unruly ..^jj. . ADD ..(... formulate .*rr^s unless V V. admit t> MODERN SHORTHAND. admired , administer. adhere . adverse adventure . EX . expire excel . examine . excavate example < exclude exclusive excellent EXTRA extra- ordinary . extrava- gant . extricate . extract DTS-DES . disappoint. desirous display . despair dismay .Lfi?.... . desirable #. decided ..^... distance -4^ dismiss . .'~~ SHUN- SHUL formation .^-?~& migration ..""? facial . ,^rr/... motions ,-^>. .4^7^.... motioned .-TT"! 3 . .? .... .. mistake - ' .. commis- sioned partner- ship . ViJ --- leader- _^ ship misunder- stand .yf .. misinform -- CIRCUM MAGNIF ^-, . magnify . . . IXG THING ..." circum- ference ^?\ magnifi- , . cent -^*~^ willing rr^. anvttiinor circumlo- f cution i/jf. circum- T<=>nt t^-\ . . magni- tude .-^^ magnani- 48 MODERN SHORTHAND. magnet- , ism submissive ^7 ^ FICATIOX ' s Magna notifica- Charta ffG.. TRANS . tion -^ . . modifica- , SUB -""" transmit T tion <7 submis- - ratifica- sion j^i transitive tion : kindness / sobriety . < . thought- ) lessness ;. , . minority ^ looseness rational- truthful- / ity s^ usefulness ness MODERN SHORTHAND. 49 94. After the circles and the hooks, use the "Ch" or "Sh" character to express "Shun" or "Shul." deviation Lf... variation . . \g,.. portion (^ importa- devotion (^ derision .... MODERN SHORTHAND. Reading Exercise. A^ 51 , & 52 MODERN SHORTHAND. ELEVENTH LESSON. "E," "I" and "A," "O," "U" Hooks. 98. A large hook at the beginning on the circle side of curves and on the reverse side of straight strokes is "E" or "I"; a small hook is "A," "O" or "U." 99. The hook is always rgad first and the stroke to which it is attached is itfad next. 100. \Yrite "S" down when preceded by these hooks at the beginning of words. icicle /". .. ..endeavor , < ~\ annual ^....^. assortmcn't ^ often / annum - ^ estimate s .:2-.... ...etiquette illusion allotment .^... ..ideal unique ^ ignoble . L... .. eternal .< S^" evasion % attitude T. y aside ...unity illustra- . t'ons ".'.. apt .C.<^K aspirations ........ eaten , c; .... ~7 ivory \ evasive "V^ uniform .. . "..illness C-^^ignite X age ....?. usage . . ,/ . identifica- tion j^ . one accommo- date ascertain ^automobile ^^ assumption &^ reassured ../.. T ago ....?.. omission ..5"^. another '-": ... afraid 3 according . . accounting .^.-.. .. MODERN SHORTHAND./ 53 101. The character "E" at the beginning before circle "R" and coalescent "L," also represents "I"; a small hook, "A," "O" or ( U." irritation evil "X open NV. irrational -# ' irony - tg ~ ^ art acclama- ^-=> tion irksome arouse v~ . .y . . . afloat 9- . .. urgent -f eagle / erasure . *? eraser ,.oke extmp. (extemporaneous- ly)." "Is Dr. Martin's creel, (credit) good?' After stenographers become familiar with terms and phrases peculiar to their line of work, they often abbreviate whole sentences by the use of this method. The student should practice the following ab- breviations until he can write and read them readily. MODERN S A absorb-tion .*??..... absolute-ly .^ HORTHAND. 57 constituent ^ corporation correspond-ent ^J?. contradict '..,... conversation ...^nc. D delinquent-cy ,.'..~^!. p delight ........ discriminate-tion ^ distribute-tion 'rrr' . administrator rTTT^. administratrix ^TTT^. administration .^77^. advancement /. "(JX 1 /*" agriculture-al application ^ archbishop arithmetic astonish-ment />.... B behind during .- E England ^-f--' engage-ment < ~ r -}--- enlarge .. T... enormous <= ^ if ,-- evangelist-ic-cal ^\ beheld ^ behold ..)/. C certain characteristic ..--f^... calculate ^- constitute ^? . even-evening .. r \.... evident ../\... explain .'V,... 58 MODERN SHORTHAND. elsewhere ,..C*S... investment s x^ investigate v . G orencral t. . . L govern-ment . . ..U. .. . legislate-ure N ^^ grand -ground . j lengthen ' -*/. H M headquarters ... manufacture I immediate-ly neglect possible negotiable-ility w. impossible .TT?- newspaper ^^^ ^__ , ^v*\ inconsistent ^~.^..... ^ inconsistency ..\~f^.. obligatory opinion indignant-ly-tion 1 ^^T> / indispensable P infringe-ment ..^/... perpendicular ^f inscribe-d-tion plaintiff . ^ inscriptive ... perfect . \f inspec-tibn ^rrz... R tTiQio"tiifif*n.nt tJ regular-arity lUp J{>Ui *!***** intemperate-ance ^ rern ember MODERN SHORTHAND. 59 subordinate W" testify ..rrr signify <^ ' . therefrom ' superintend-ent .^x,.... testimony -r^ Y yesterday ? WORD SIGNS. acknowledge-ment .ST. ignorant 1 information ^t?.... when <^ observe-ation y while-awhile . against . J extreme-ly <^ enough ..? . ... oblige . 9 able-ability advice-advise ..( 80 MODERN SHORTHAND. Special Phrasing. \ V> V 111. Words that are repeated may be written close together or joined and the connecting word or words omitted, as in the following illustrations: from time to time time after time from day to day day by day day after day from year to year year after year year by year ((. from month to month month after month from mouth to mouth from week to week T^.^'. week after week ."TX^vT. from summer to summer from hour to hour from place to place .. l MODERN SHORTHAND. Reading Exercise. til 112. W fcl . question <^ Jesus' Christ < ^T-. quality-qualify . .^. much - zx reprcsent-tive ...^.; - MODERN return ^-^ SHORTHAND. . 65 value-able \ response-ible-ility ,^ ... \ very ...... revenue-reverend- ance ..N was .-s**... satisfy-ed-tion- tory ^__... went . ~\ .. self-ish Cf 2. want . ... ship where .t*<^.. shall which-wish x>7 such .:if.... when 5r?f ., succeid-success- fufiy .><:.. while-awhile take-taken . without these **?.'.. will-well their-there .-_Je..'. world . O thing *7!T... yet ..> this .-^".... think-thank /^~.... - those thousand time understand y>.... understood ./..... us-use v 1 University of California SOUTHERN REGIONAL LIBRARY FACILITY 305 De Neve Drive - Parking Lot 17 Box 951388 LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA 90095-1388 Return this material to the library from which it was borrowed. a UNIVERSITY of AT LOS ANGELES LIBRARY 1908 : SOUTHERN REGIONAL LIBRARY FACILITY A 000 564 877 9