CD TABLE OF CONTENTS Page FOREWORD - 7 ADAM AND EVE - 9 NOAH AND THE FLOOD - - 15 ABRAHAM OFFERING UP ISAAC - 19 JACOB AND ESAU - - 23 JOSHUA'S EXPLOITS - 29 JEPHTHAH'S DAUGHTER - 33 ELISHA AND THE NAUGHTY CHILDREN - - 37 THE STORY OF JOB - - 4-1 JONAH - - - - - - - - 4<6 OFT TOLD TALES RETOLD Oft Told Tales Retold Mar&a Young Salver Published by tKc Author Glendale, California 1920 DEDICATED TO MY BELOVED HUSBAND, ALFRED MARK SALYER AND MY DEAR FRIEND LONA INGHAM ROBINSON FOREWORD "T") ROVE all things, hold fast to that which is good." These stories were taken from the Holy (?) Bible at least that was on the cover. The object in treating them in every-day language is not to make light of sacred things, or to destroy any one's faith in the All-Good, but to discover truth and if pos- sible to tear away the mantle of hypocrisy that covers with a "Thus saith the Lord" the most unspeakable atrocities in history. I have endeavored to keep as close to the text as possible, barring the few comments, and I think I have treated the subjects with as much reverence as they inspire. The stories in themselves are quite interesting and I trust the reader will leave out that unction that usually attaches itself to the mind on reading the scriptures, and for once, give his mind freedom to act, letting these stories take pot-luck with others of a fictitious character. I do not believe for one moment that the Great First Cause is identical with the Jewish Jehovah who in these stories is endowed with a character a decent man would scorn to possess; whose very name was jealousy (Exo- dus 34:14), and who was green with jealousy most of the time, who would fly in a passion at the drop of a hat and kill some innocent person to get even with the guilty (Josh. 7:5-24). This Jehovah whose knowledge of astronomy and geology was commensurate with that of his chosen people, who thought the earth was flat OQ7 **