mmmmmmMm:mm^^^^ AWAKENING By TEE SAME AUTHOR VILLA RCBEfN, and Other StoriM THE ISLAND PHARISEES THE MAN OF PROPERTY THE CODNTRT HOUSE FRATERNITY THE PATRICIAN THE DARK FLOWER THE FREELANDS BEYOND FIVE TALES BAINT's PROGRESS TATTERDEMALION IN CHANCE RY A COMMENTARY A MOTLEY THE INN OP TRANQUILLITY THE LITTLE MAN, and Other Satire* A SHEAF ANOTHER SHEAF ADDRESSES IN AMERICA'. 1919 plays: first series and Separateli/ THE SILVER BOX JOY STRIFE PliAYS: SECOND SERIES uttd Separately THE ELDEST SON THE LITTLE DREAM JUSTICE plays: THIRD SERIES atid Sepamulif THE FUGITIVE THE PIGEON THE MOB PliAYS: FOURTH SERIES and Separately A BIT O' LOVE THE FOUNDATIONS THE SKIN GAME UOODS, SONGS, AND DOGGERELS MEMORIES. Illustrated. AWAKENOTQ r-^^ ^-^^ WaK^N i H HI I III! II mini I Vi BY John CaspSworthy ibbvsrRnrED -Oi^ -5^ , by. ** Sf Ne\./ York /^ LHARLES bCRfBMER'S SoNa Copyright, 1920, by CHARLES SCRIBNER'S SONS PubUshed October, 1920 SRCE URL QHROUGH the massive skylight illuminating the hall at Robin Hill, the July sunlight at five o'clock fell just where the broad stairway turned; and in that radiant streak little Jon Forsyte stood, blue-linen-suited. His hair 6 AWAKENING was shining, and his eyes, from beneath a frown, for he was considering how to go downstairs, this last of innumerable times, before the car brought his father and mother home. Four at a time, and five at the bottom? Stale! Down the banisters? But in which fashion? On his face, feet foremost? Very stale. On his stomach, sideways? Paltry! On his back, with his arms stretched down on both sides? Forbidden! Or on his face, head foremost, in a manner unknown as yet to any but himself? Such was the cause of the frown on the illuminated face of little Jon. . . . In that Summer of 1909 the simple souls who even then desired to simplify the English tongue, had, of course, no cognizance of little Jon, or they would have claimed him for a disciple. But one can be too simple in this life, for his real name was Jolyon, and his living father and dead half-brother had usurped of old the other shortenings, Jo and Jolly. As a fact little Jon had done his best to conform to convention and spell himself first Jhon, then John; not till his father had explained ,^ A the sheer necessity, had he spelled his name AWAKENING Up till now that father had possessed what was left of his heart by the groom, Bob, who played the concertina, and his nurse " Da," who wore the violet dress on Sundays, and enjoyed the name of Spraggins in that private life lived at odd moments even by domestic servants. His mother had only appeared to him, as it were, in dreams, smelling delicious, smoothing his forehead just before he fell asleep, and sometimes docking his hair, of a golden brown colour. When he cut his head open against the nursery fender she was there to be bled over; and when he had nightmare she would sit on his bed and cuddle his head against her neck. She was precious but re- mote, because "Da" was so near, and there is hardly room for more than one woman at a wlio ]>lar«l 1E« concertina. / r 8 AWAKENING time in a man's heart. With his father, too, of course, he had special bonds of union; for little Jon also meant to be a painter when he grew up — with the one small difference, that his father painted pictures, and little Jon intended to paint ceilings and walls, standing on a board between two step ladders, in a dirty-white apron, and a lovely smell of white- wash. His father also took him riding in Richmond Park, on his pony, Mouse, so-called because it was so-coloured. Little Jon had been born with a silver spoon in a mouth which was rather curly and large. He had never heard his father or his mother speak in an angry voice, either to each other, himself, or anybody else; the groom, Bob, the cook, Jane, Bella and the other servants, even " Da," who alone restrained him in his courses, had special voices when they talked to him. He was therefore of opinion that the world was a place of perfect and perpetual gentility and freedom. A child of 1 90 1, he had come to conscious- ness when his country, just over that bad attack of scarlet fever, the Boer War, was preparing for the Liberal revival of 1906. Coercion was unpopular, parents had exalted WHITEWASH. • C15TERN . °4 O0«O*««*'t4fO^ AWAKENING '^^^^^^^^^^ A notions of giving their offspring a good time. Tiiey spoiled their rods, spared their children, and anticipated the results with enthusiasm. In choosing, moreover, for his father an amiable man of fifty-two, who had already lost an only son, and for his mother a woman of thirty-eight, whose first and only child he was, little Jon had done well and wisely. What had saved him from becoming a cross ^j aJiBii i Ind 4 lovtly lO AWAKENING irv srr^; between a lap dog and a little prig, had been his father's adoration of his mother, for even little Jon could see that she was not merely just his mother, and that he played second fiddle to her in his father's heart. What he played in his mother's heart he knew not yet. As for "Auntie" June, his half-sister (but so old that she had grown out of the relationship) she loved him, of course, but was too sudden. His devoted " Da," too, had a Spartan touch. His bath was cold and his knees were bare; he was not encouraged to be sorry for himself. As to the vexed question of his education, little Jon shared the theory of those who con- sidered that children should not be forced. He rather liked the Mademoiselle who came for two hours every morning to teach him her language, together with history, geography and sums ; nor were the piano lessons which his mother gave him disagreeable, for she had a way of luring him from tune to tune, never making him practise one which did not give him pleasure, so that he remained eager to convert ten thumbs into eight fingers. Under his father he learned to draw pleasure-pigs and other animals. He was not a highly educated little boy. Yet, on the whole, the Hia Ua1B Kas oH AWAKENING ii silver spoon stayed in his mouth without spoiling it, though " Da" sometimes said that other children would do him a " world of good." It was a disillusionment, then, when at the age of nearly seven she held him down on his back, because he wanted to do something of which she did not approve. This first inter- ference with the free individualism of a Forsyte drove him almost frantic. There was some- thing appalling in the utter helplessness of that position, and the uncertainty as to whether it would ever come to an end. Suppose she never let him get up any more ! He suffered torture at the top of his voice for fifty seconds. Worse than anything was his perception that " Da " had taken all that time to realise the agony of fear he was enduring. Thus, dread- fully, was revealed to him the lack of imagina- tion in the human being ! When he was let up he remained convinced that " Da " had done a dreadful thing. Though he did not wish to bear witness against her, he had been compelled, by fear of repetition, to seek his mother and say: "Mum, don't let 'Da' hold me down on my back again." His mother, her hands held up over her '"Rathnrio tnft 6 —• V df .^•^ ,,,eCT^5°"'^^"M(f^^^ .«vV ■s>] >/£ It t \ 12 AWAKENING head, and in them two plaits of hair — " couleiir de feuille morfe" as little Jon had not yet learned to call it— had looked at him with eyes like little bits of his brown velvet tunic, and answered — " No, darling, I won't." She, being in the nature of a goddess, little Jon was sat- isfied ; especially when, from under the dining-table at breakfast, where he happened to be waiting for a mush- room, he had overheard her say to his father — Then, will yoti tell Da,' dear, or shall I ? •^^9^4f7f=9-umKjAo^4^5.3<^A^° s -y To UTjeli^lo"^ oiw hi* Irath. aS Vfe (iColBev.JoIfy, «nig^il AWAKENING She's so devoted to him " ; and his father's answer — " Well, she mustn't show it that way. I know exactly what it feels like to be held down on one's back. No Forsyte can stand it for a minute." Conscious that they did not know him to be under the table, little Jon was visited by the quite new feeling of embarrassment, and stayed where he was, ravaged by desire for the mushroom. Such had been his first dip into the dark abysses of existence. Nothing much had been revealed to him after that, till one day, having gone down to the cow-house for his drink of milk fresh from the cow, after Garratt had finished milking, he had seen Clover's calf, dead. Inconsolable, and followed by an upset Garratt, he had sought " Da " ; but suddenly aware that she was not the person he wanted, had rushed away to find his father, and had run into the arms of his mother. "Clover's calf's dead! Oh! Oh! It looked so soft ! " His mother's clasp, and her — " Yes, darling, there, there ! " had stayed his sobbing. But if Clover's calf could Tl>« aty«ft8 ej" CxisJtn.c« H AWAKENING die, anything could — not only bees, flies, beetles and chickens — and look soft like that I This was appalling — and soon forgotten ! The next thing had been to sit on a bumble bee, a poignant experience, which his mother had understood much better than " Da " ; and nothing of vital importance had happened after that till the year turned ; when, following a day of utter wretchedness, he had enjoyed a disease composed of little spots, bed, honey in a spoon, and many Tangerine oranges. It was then that the world had flowered. To "Auntie" June, he owed that flowering, for no sooner was he a little lame duck than she came rushing down from London, bringing with her the books which had nurtured her own Berserker spirit, born in the noted year of 1870. Aged, and of many colours, they Dei,{;on£y,Tdr.otriTies <»- 'S^cJi AWAKENING were stored with the most formidable happen- ings. Of these she read to little Jon, till he was allowed to read to himself; whereupon she whisked back to London and left them with him in a heap. Those books cooked his -sftr i6 AWAKENING fancy, till he thought and dreamed of nothing but midshipmen and dhows, pirates, rafts, sandal-wood traders, iron horses, sharks, battles, Tartars, Red Indians, balloons. North Poles and other extravagant delights. The moment he was suffered to get up, he rigged his bed fore and aft, and set out from it in a narrow ->^ "cjsr "V" THE JOLLY ROCjEf? " UNDER sniu . ^\^.. AWAKENING 17 5»^; Sat bath across green seas of carpet, to a rock, which he cHmbed by means of its maho- gany drawer knobs, to sweep the horizon with his drinking tumbler screwed to his eye, in search of rescuing sails. He made a daily raft out of the towel stand, the tea tray, and his pil- lows. He saved the juice from his French plums, bottled it in an empty medicine bottle, and provisioned the raft with the rum that it became; also with pemmican made out of little saved-up bits of chicken sat on and dried at the fire ; and with lime juice against scurvy, extracted from the peel of his oranges and a little economised juice. He made a North Pole one morning from the whole of his bed- clothes except the bolster, and reached it in a birch-bark canoe (in private life the fender), after a terrible encounter with a polar bear fashioned from the bolster and four skittles dressed up in " Da's " nightgown. After that, his father, seeking to steady his imagina- tion, brought him IvanJwe, Bevis, a book about King Arthur, and Tom Brown's Schooldays. He read the first, and for three days built, defended and stormed Front de Boeuf's castle. •-ni d.i{ti. it ^6 fit*. i8 Who ^rmMTld AWAKENING taking every part in the piece except those of Rebecca and Rowena ; with piercing cries of : " En avail t, de Bracy ! " and similar utter- ances. After reading the book about King Arthur he became almost exclusively Sir Lamorac de Galis, because, though there was very little about him, he preferred his name to that of any other knight ; and he rode his old rocking-horse to death, armed with a long bamboo. Bevis he found tame; besides, it required woods and animals, of which he had none in his nursery, except his two cats, Fitz and Puck Forsyte, who permitted no liberties. For Tom Brown he was as yet too young. There was relief in the house when, after the KeSt kis rockJTio • hoi-6t H.WV k i, Y ' AWAKENING fourth week, he was permitted to go down and out. The month being March the trees were exceptionally like the masts of ships, and for little Jon that was a wonderful Spring, ex- tremely hard on his knees, suits, and the patience of " Da," who had the washing and reparation of his clothes. Every morning the moment his breakfast was over, he could be viewed by his mother and father, whose windows looked out that way, coming from the study, crossing the terrace, climbing the old oak tree, his face resolute and his hair bright. He began the day thus because there .-...^fo JjtaTE . 20 AWAKENING was not time to go far afield before his lessons. The old tree's variety never staled ; it had mainmast, foremast, top-gallant mast, and he could always come down by the halyards— or ropes of the swing. After his lessons, completed by eleven, he would go to the kitchen for a thin piece of cheese, a biscuit and two French plums — provision enough for a jolly-boat at least — and eat it in some imaginative way ; then, armed to the teeth with gun, pistols, and sword, he would begin the serious climbing of the morning, en- countering by the way innumerable slavers, Indians, pirates, leopards, and bears. He was seldom seen at that hour of the day without a cutlass in his teeth (like Dick Needham) amid the rapid explosion of copper caps. And many were the gardeners he brought down with yellow peas shot out of his little gun. He lived a life of the most violent action. " Jon," said his father to his mother, under the oak tree, "is terrible. I'm afraid he's going to turn out a sailor, or something hope- less. Do you see ahy sign of his appreciating beauty ? " " Not the faintest." " Well, thank heaven he's no turn for Provision tnouo^ S^' *■ rf*">"^*^ "^ U«if* AWAKENING wheels or engines I I can bear anything but that. But I wish he'd take more interest in Nature." " He's imaginative, Jolyon." "Yes, in a sanguinary way. Does he love anyone just now ? " " No ; only everyone. There never was anyone born more loving or more lovable than Jon." " Being your boy, Irene." At this moment little Jon, lying along a branch high above them, brought them down with two peas ; but that fragment of talk lodged, thick, in his small gizzard. Loving, lovable, imaginative, sanguinary ! The leaves also were thick by now, and it was time for his birthday, which, occurring every year on the twelfth of May, was always memorable for his chosen dinner of sweet- bread, mushrooms, macaroons, and ginger beer. Between that eighth birthday, however, and the afternoon when he stood in the July radiance at the turning of the stairway, several important things had happened. " Da," worn out by washing his knees, or moved by that mysterious instinct which AWAKENING Till^ ^usic-bili forces even nurses to desert their nurslings, left the very day after his birthday in floods of tears "to be married" — of all things — "to a man." Little Jon, from whom it had been kept, was inconsolable for an afternoon. It ought not to have been kept from him ! Two large boxes of soldiers, and some artillery, together with The Young Buglers, which had been among his birthday presents, co-operated with his grief in a sort of conversion, and instead of seeking adventures in person and risking his own life, he began to play imagina- tive games, in which he risked the lives of countless tin soldiers, marbles, stones and beans. Of these forms of " chair a cano7t " he made collections, and, using them altern- ately, fought the Peninsular, the Seven Years, the Thirty Years, and other wars, about which he had been reading of late in a big History of Europe which had been his grandfather's. He altered them to suit his genius, and fought them all over the floor in his day nursery, so that nobody could come in, for fearing of dis- turbing Gustavus Adolphus, King of Sweden, or treading on an army of Austrians. Be- cause of the sound of the word he was passion- ately addicted to the Austrians, and finding ^ Jtjfc TioT yr«& fici^ «te it »«oIIy loeke j , As Jm M» I Ltric Jan'i jMni- Vtrt.uIU flTlRStCrum. 26 AWAKENING yellow in stripes out of his father's water- colour box, and put some duck's feathers in his hair, saw them coming, and ambushed himself among the willows. As he had fore- seen, they came at once to his wigwam and knelt down to look inside, so that with a blood-curdling yell he was able to take the scalps of "Auntie" June and the woman " grown-up " in an almost complete manner before they kissed him. The names of the two grown-ups were " Auntie " Holly and " Uncle " Val, who had a brown face and a little limp, and laughed at him terribly. He took a fancy to " Auntie " Holly, who seemed to be a sister too; but they both went away the same afternoon and he did not see them V«I"" jl'iif"' 0'*f»»fc. RotJt» AWAKENING 27 again. Three days before his father and mother were to come home " Auntie " June also went off in a great hurry, taking the " grown-up " who coughed and his piece of putty; and Mademoiselle said,: "Poor man, he was veree ill. I forbid you to go into his room, Jon." Little Jon, who rarely did things merely because he was told not to, refrained from going, though he was bored and lonely. In truth the day of the pond was past, and he was filled to the brim of his soul with rest- lessness and the want of something— not a tree, not a gun — something soft. Those last two days had seemed like months in spite of Cast up by the Sea, wherein he was reading about Mother Lee and her terrible wrecking S c A L P 5 'Sk^ — \ V 28 AWAKENING bonfire. He had gone up and down the stairs perhaps a hundred times in those two days, and often from the day nursery where he slept now, had stolen into his mother's room, looked at everything, without touching, and on into the dressing-room ; and standing on one leg beside the bath, like Slingsby, had whispered — '• Ho, ho, ho! Dog my cats," mysteriously, to bring luck. Then, stealing back, he had opened his mother's wardrobe, and taken a long sniff which seemed to bring him nearer to — he didn't know what. He had done this just before he stood in the streak of sunlight, debating in which of the several ways he should slide down the banisters. They all seemed silly, and in a sudden languor he began descending the steps one by one. During that descent he could remember his father quite distinctly—the short grey beard, the deep eyes twinkling, the furrow between them, the funny smile, the thin figure which always seemed so tall to little Jon; but his mother he couldn't see. All that repre- sented her was something swaying with two dark eyes looking back at him; and the scent of her wardrobe. Bella was in the hall, drawing aside the big J-fiM " "'^^'^ '^ ^^ ^ D"^ Wy Clfe AWAKENING 29 curtains, and opening the front door. Little Jon said, wheedling — "Bella!" " Yes, Master Jon." " Do let's have tea under the oak tree when they come; I know they'd like it best." " You mean yoit'd like it best." Little Jon considered. " No, they would, to please me." Bella smiled. "Very well, I'll take it out if you'll stay quiet here and not get into mischief before they come." Little Jon sat down on the bottom step, and nodded. Bella came close, and looked him over. " Get up ! " she said. Little Jon got up. She scrutinized him behind ; he was not green, and his knees seemed clean. " All right ! " she said. " My ! Aren't you brown ? Give me a kiss ! " And little Jon received a peck on his hair. "What jam?" he asked. " I'm so tired of waiting." " Gooseberry and strawberry." Mt Mt» tuT" g'»»>i. . 30 AWAKENING Num ! They were his favourites ! When she was gone he sat still for quite a minute. It was quiet in the big hall open to ,M miVA- i.f. t ^ \>i4^; -/ \\ 40 AWAKENING "And did it?" " Yes. I came over all funny, so she took me home again very quick. I wasn't sick after all. I went to bed and had hot brandy and water, and read The Boys of Beechwood. It was scrumptious." His mother bit her lip. "When was that?" " Oh ! about — a long time ago — I wanted her to take me again, but she wouldn't. You and Daddy never go to church, do you ? " " No, we don't." " Why don't you ? " His mother smiled. " Well, dear, we both of us went when we were little. Perhaps we went when we were too little." " I see," said little Jon, " it's dangerous." " You shall judge for yourself about all those things as you grow up." Little Jon replied in a calculating manner — " I don't want to grow up, much. I don't want to go to school." A sudden overwhelm- ing desire to say something more, to say what . To gf-O^K/ D^ _' » «. vyfent" wbeTi._ w£ wer& tio LTifc .^' -0- .^^^ A^-^ \ <^-" ^ 42 AWAKENING ^Tr ^ « % he really felt, turned him red. " I — I want to stay with you, and be your lover, Mum." Then with an instinct to improve the situa- tion, he added quickly — " I don't want to go to bed to-night, either. I'm simply tired of going to bed, every night." " Have you had any more nightmares? " " Only about one. May I leave the door open into your room to-night. Mum ? " " Yes, just a little." Little Jon heaved a sigh of satisfaction. " What did you see in Glensofantrim ? " " Nothing but beauty, darling." " What exactly is beauty? " "What exactly is— Oh! Jon, that's a poser." " Can I see it, for instance? " His mother got up, and sat beside him. " You do, every day. The sky is beautiful, the stars, and moonlit nights, and then the birds, the flowers, the trees^they're all beauti- ful. Look out of the window — there's beauty for you, Jon." ■ Oh ! yes, that's the view. Is that all ? " " All ? no. The sea is wonderfully beautiful, and the waves, with their foam flying back." " Did you rise from it every day, Mum ? " Mow T^e &rars a»% tcr" . , AWAKENING 43 His mother smiled. " Well, we bathed." Little Jon suddenly reached out and caught her neck in his hands. " / know, " he said mysteriously, " you're it, really, and all the rest is make-believe." ■^. v;--^' V 1 /:4 ^'' 4S 46 AWAKENING She sighed, laughed, said : "Oh! Jon!" Little Jon said critically: " Do you think Bella beautiful, for instance? I hardly do." " Bella is young; that's something." " But you look younger, Mum. If you bump against Bella she hurts. I don't believe Do You think BeUd IrftautifuL .. AWAKENING 47 ' Da ' was beautiful, when I come to think of it ; and Mademoiselle's almost ugly." " Mademoiselle has a very nice face." " Oh ! yes ; nice. I love your little rays, Mum." "Rays?" Little Jon put his finger to the outer corner of her eye. " Oh ! Those ? But they're a sign of age." " They come when you smile." " But they usen't to." " Oh ! well, I like them. Do you love me, Mum?" " I do— I do love you, darling." " Ever so? " " Ever so ! " " More than I thought you did? " " Much — much more." " Well, so do I ; so that makes it even." Conscious that he had never in his life so given himself away, he felt a sudden reaction to the manliness of Sir Lamorac, Dick Need- ham, Huck Finn, and other heroes. "Shall I show you a thing or two?" he said; and slipping out of her arms, he stood on his head. Then fired by her obvious admiration, he mounted the bed, and threw fi Itima —it -4^ c ? 48 AWAKENING )^ himself head foremost from his feet on to his '>^^ back, without touching anything with his "% hands. He did this several times. '^ That evening, having inspected what they had brought, he stayed up to dinner, sitting between them at the little round table they used when they were alone. He was ex- tremely excited. His mother wore a French- grey dress, with creamy lace made out of little scriggly roses, round her neck, which was ( browner than the lace. He kept looking at ez::^^-^^^ her, till at last his father's funny smile made "CA him suddenly attentive to his slice of pineapple. It was later than he had ever stayed up, when he went to bed. His mother went up with him, and he undressed very slowly so as to keep her there. When at last he had nothing on but his pyjamas, he said : ^T " Promise you won't go while I say my prayers ! " " I promise." Kneeling down and plunging his face into the bed, little Jon hurried up, under his breath, opening one eye now and then, to see her standing perfectly still with a smile on her face. " Our Father " — so went his last prayer, '' which art in heaven, hallowed be thy Mum, 49 50 AWAKENING thy Kingdom Mum — on Earth as it is in heaven, give us this day our daily Mum and forgive us our trespasses on earth as it is in heaven and trespass against us, for thine is the evil the power and the glory for ever and ever. Amum ! Look out ! " He sprang, and for a long minute remained in her arms. Once in bed, he continued to hold her hand. " You won't shut the door any more than that, will you? Are you going to be long, Mum?" " I must go down and play to Daddy." " Oh ! well, I shall hear you." " I hope not ; you must go to sleep." " I can sleep any night." " Well, this is just a night like any other." " Oh ! no— it's extra special." " On extra special nights one always sleeps soundest." " But if I go to sleep. Mum, I shan't hear you come up." " Well, when I do, I'll come in and give you a kiss, then if you're awake you'll know, and if you're not you'll still know you've had one." Little Jon sighed, "All right!" he said: AWAKENING 51 Mum?" " I suppose I must put up with that " Yes ? " " What was her name that Daddy beHeves in ? Venus Anna Diomedes? " " Oh ! my angel ! Anadyomene." " Yes I but I like my name for you much better." " What is yours, Jon? " Little Jon answered shyly : " Guinevere ! it's out of the Round Table — I've only just thought of it, only of course her hair was down His mother's eyes, looking past him, seemed to float. " You won't forget to come, Mum ? " " Not if you'll go to sleep." " That's a bargain, then." And little Jon screwed up his eyes. He felt her lips on his forehead, heard her foot- steps ; opened his eyes to see her gliding through the doorway, and, sigh- ing, screwed them up again. Out" of tBfc iBjund-Tdtlfe 52 AWAKENING Then Time began. AWAKENING 53 For some ten minutes of it he tried loyally to sleep, counting a great number of thistles in a row, " Da's " old recipe for bringing slumber. He seemed to have been hours counting. It must, he thought, be nearly time for her to come up now. He threw the bedclothes back. "I'm hot!" he said, and his voice sounded funny in the darkness, like someone else's. Why didn't she come? He sat up. He must look ! He got out of bed, went to the window and pulled the curtain a slice aside. It wasn't dark, but he couldn't tell whether because of daylight or the moon, which was very big. It had a funny, wicked face, as if laughing at him, and he did not want to look at it. Then, remembering that his mother had said moonlit nights were beautiful, he con- tinued to stare out in a general way. The trees threw thick shadows, the lawn looked like spilt milk, and a long, long way he could see ; oh ! very far ; right over the world, and it all looked different and swimmy. There was a lovely smell, too, in his open window. "I wish I had a dove like Noah! "he thought. " The moony moon was round and bright, It shone and shone and made it light." ^j'- •//•/«, S4 ft ridc4*oon AWAKENING 55 After that rhyme, which came into his head all at once, he became conscious of music, very soft — lovely! Mum playing! He be- thought himself of a macaroon he had, laid up in his chest of drawers, and, getting it, came back to the window. He leaned out, now munching, now holding his jaws to hear the music better. " Da " used to say that angels played on harps in heaven; but it wasn't half so lovely as Mum playing in the moony night, with him eating a macaroon. A cockchafer buzzed by, a moth flew in his face, the music stopped, and little Jon drew his head in. She Da kii siii 56 AWAKENING 57 must be coming ! He didn't want to be found awake. He got back into bed and pulled the clothes nearly over his head ; but he had left a streak of moonlight coming in. It fell across the floor, near the foot of the bed, and he watched it moving ever so slowly towards him, as if it were alive. The music began again, but he could only just hear it now; sleepy music, pretty — sleepy — music — sleepy ^slee . And time slipped by, the music rose, fell, ceased ; the moonbeam crept towards his face. Little Jon turned in his sleep till he lay on his back, with one brown fist still grasping the bedclothes. The corners of his eyes twitched — he had begun to dream. He dreamed he was drinking milk out of a pan that was the moon, opposite a great black cat which watched him with a funny smile like his father's. He heard it whisper: " Don't drink too much!" It was the cat's milk, of course, and he put out his hand amicably to stroke the creature ; but it was no longer there ; the pan had become a bed, in which he was lying, and when he tried to get out he couldn't find the edge ; he couldn't find it — he — he — couldn't get out! It was dreadful ! The 58 AWAKENING He whimpered in his sleep. The bed had begun to go round too; it was outside him and inside him ; going round and round, and getting fiery, and Mother Lee out of Cast up by the Sea was stirring it ! Oh ! so AWAKENING 59 horrible she looked ! Faster and faster I — till he and the bed and Mother Lee and the moon and the cat were all one wheel going round and round and up and up — awful — awful — awful ! 6o AWAKENING / He shrieked. A voice saying: "Darling, darling!" got through the wheel, and he awoke, standing on his bed, with his eyes wide open. There was his mother, with her hair like Guinevere's, and, clutching her, he buried his face in it : " Oh ! oh ! " " It's all right, treasure. You're awake now. There I There ! It's nothing ! " But little Jon continued to say : " Oh I oh ! " Her voice went on, velvety in his ear : " It was the moonlight, sweetheart, coming on your face." Little Jon burbled into her nightgown : " You said it was beautiful. Oh ! " "Not to sleep in, Jon. Who let it in? Did you draw the curtains ? " " I wanted to see the time; I — I looked out, I — I heard you playing, Mum; I — I ate my macaroon." But he was growing slowly com- forted ; and the instinct to excuse his fear revived within him. " Mother Lee went round in me and got all fiery," he mumbled. " Well, Jon, what can you expect if you eat macaroons after you've gone to bed ? " AWAKENING 6i " Only one, Mum; it made the music ever so more beautiful. I was waiting for you — I nearly thought it was to-morrow." " My ducky, it's only just eleven now." Little Jon was silent, rubbing his nose on her neck. " Mum, is Daddy in your room? " " Not to-night." " Can I come? " " If you wish, my precious." Half himself again, little Jon drew back " You look different, M um ; ever so younger." " It's my hair, darling." Little Jon laid hold of it, thick, dark gold, with a few silver threads. " I like it," he said : " I like you best of all like this." Taking her hand, he had begun dragging her towards the door. He shut it as they passed, with a sigh of relief. " Which side of the bed do you like, Mum ? " " The left side." " All right." Wasting no time, giving her no chance to change her mind, little Jon got into the bed, which seemed much softer than his own. He 62 AWAKENING heaved another sigh, screwed his head into the pillow and lay examining the battle of chariots and swords and spears which always went on outside blankets, where the little hairs stood up against the light. "It wasn't anything, really, was it?" he said. From before her glass his mother answered: " Nothing but the moon and your imagina- tion heated up. You musn't get so excited, Jon." But, still not quite in possession of his nerves, little Jon answered boastfully: " I wasn't afraid, really, of course! " And again he lay watching the spears and chariots. It all seemed very long. " Oh ! Mum, do hurry up ! " " Darling, I have to plait my hair." " Oh ! not to-night. You'll only have to unplait it again to-morrow. I'm sleepy now; if you don't come, I shan't be sleepy soon." His mother stood up white and flowey before the winged mirror : he could see three of her, with her neck turned and her hair bright under the light, and her dark eyes smiling. It was unnecessary, and he said : " Do come, Mum ; I'm waiting." AWAKENING 63 "Very well, my love, I'll come." Little Jon closed his eyes. Everything was turning out most satisfactory, only she must hurry up ! He felt the bed shake, she was getting in. And, still with his eyes closed, he said sleepily : " It's nice, isn't it?" He heard her voice say something, felt her lips touching his nose, and, snuggling up beside her who lay awake and loved him with her thoughts, he fell into the dreamless sleep, which rounded off his past. v.. Tm End THE SCKIBNER PRESS, NEW YOEK 'i;i \::: r :■• "i 5-!" '5';;, '-"!;, JK!;'; m