Law Lib. SB 25.72 St99 '^t ^» From the Library of Professor David Mellinkoff Who donated his collection TO THE UCLA School of Law Hugh & Hazel Darling Law Library August 1999 "Cleansed of words without reason, much of the language of the law need not be peculiar at all. and better for it." The Language of the Law BY David Mellinkoff V. I O^siH ^A^<^^ O \ t\^i (i^ v^^JU ORMODERN REPORTS Berlin in the now ;^}ot^Suy: />1'- t^»A UPPER BENCH cduf T AT VVESTMINSrER i In the bcs^innins; of Hillary Term 2.1 CaroU , and conti-j nued to the end o\ Mkhatlmas Term 165 5. as well on the Cnmi- nall, as on the Pleas fide. Moft of which time the late Lord Chief Juftice %oll gave the Rule there. With neccdary Tables for the ready findingoutand making ule'ofthe matters contained in tlie whole Book. And an Addition of the Number Rolls to moft of the re- markable Cafes. B» William Style ofth Inner Temple Efquite. Mt finguh prcjhn^oitOj precor. Nam Genui et proaVos if qud non faimus ipji, Fixea nojlra ^oco. Ovid: Metamoiph. lib. 1 3. LONDON, Printed by F.L. hrJ^KLce.V.Ta^eman.qMel^aai.^ CiAiiamSySind arc to be fold at their fliops in | Fleetjlreet. i6^S. \ 1^ To the Honourable lOHN PARKER! One of the B A R O N S Of his Highnefs the LORD PROTECTORS C O V R T OF THE Publique Exchequer: JN purfuance cxf what I not long fince intimated in the clofe of the Epiftle Dedicatory prefixed to my Pradical Regifler; and in hopes of as favourable an acceptance of this tender of my refpec5tfull fervice, as you then pleafedto afford my weak endeavours, am I now encouraged to make this my feqond humble The Epijlle Dedicatory, Kilmble adrefs.Though this be but a yonger brother, in refpect of its time of production, yet in reference to its firft conception, orowih,6cparts,l may juAIy fay,it far excels the elder biith, and is much more fit to do your Honour, and thePubhque,fervice,and may be(^I conceive)capable ofaslargc,ifnot of a£;reatermeafure of your favour and pro- tection. I will notbetroublefome toyou in relating the pains (Sc time I have taken and fpent in this Collection and Publication,but {lial leave it to your judicious confideration. How great foever they have been I repent me not, but am (^ inmyfelf) abundant- ly fatisfied, and do think it reward enough, that I have thereby gained this opportuni- ty to fliew my continuing humble refpedls to your Honour , and my wiUingnefs to be fome way (erviceable to others, whatever I have been to my felf Q'm that Vocation God hath of his goodnefs been pleafed to place me in) and to give an Accompt to the Worid (a thing, which I hold every good Chriftian is bound to do) of theexpence of my time. It may be objedled, that the Prefs hath been very fertile in thisour /\ge, and hath brought forth many, ifnot too many births of this nature. 1 mufl: confefs this Truth; but how legitimate mofl of them are, let the Learned judgetThis I am fure of^there is not a The Epi/lle dedicatory. a father alive to own many of them, and ihey fpcak fo plain in the Langu;igeL of Jffjdodj that a knowing-man cannot heiieve-''^'- ^j ^-^-i. they ever fprung from Ifraehti/I) ^Pzrtnts , but by their pronouncing of Stboletb infleed/,,.^ ,. .j ^ oi Skiholethr, may evilly collect of what ex- trad: they are. What I here prefentyou with, is, ("though a Homely, yet) a lawfull ]irae,and 1 dare call it mine ov/n, and that (I believe) I may do with as good a fight as any evermightawoik oftheJjke nature, ha- ving had as little (if notlefs) afsiflance from others in the bringing it forth , as any that have travelled in this kind before me, I am not fo blindly fond , or fo opiniaflre as to think it free from Errors and Mifprifions, I fear there may too many be found in it^ and no wonder, for HunianvmeU err are ^ Ithi^ de- cipi; yet this I do knowingly aver, that I have not (hcrtin) ex propofio or willingly injured any; but have been as ftud'ous and careful! in the penning of thi.^ my CollecTiion to do right ro every perfon concerned, and co make the Truth appear clearly in its native colours,as was pofsiblc at a throngued Bar to do. Nor have i been lefs wanting in my befl endeavours, to prevent and correct the Errors of the Prefs, ( though Imuft ac- knowledge my pains and Cure are not herein fully anlwered) that it might appear in pub- lick The Efijlle Dedicatory, Jick, though not in fo rich a Drefs as to be a Companion for the beft, yet (at leaft^be by your favour fullered to pafs ( astoUerable ) smidft the crowd of a multitude of Editions, cloathed in as ill if not in a worfe and more unbefeeming habit. Inner Temple J May . Sir, lam yrurs mofl the 1 7 f fe. 1 6 5 8 . ob'i^eJj re/petlivdy to/erVeyou W I LLi AM Style. To To the IndusiriouSj and Ingenuous T^rofefjor^^ and S indent: of the Common La"^! c/Englandj hut more pMrticti' larlyj and ajfetlimatel) to the JJJociates oj the honour able Society ofthelnnet Temple. GENTLEMEN. FOr a more noble Epitliitc I know not how to give you (the areattft gibcil otmcn on carjh being in trum no more.) Triclc enfuing Reports were at hrii bra Ay taken by mc in the Law-trencii, witiioucany thought of making other ufe ot"thcm,then for my ^k privat latisfadion , And tlicy did for fome time alter lyc'^fo tonfufedly fcatiered in my Note-books, that as they then lay, they were altogether ufelcfTc to ■ any but my ieli, and that not without much cxpencc of time and great trouble, fo that what of them my unhappy memory could not retain, (which was not much)was in a manner loft as wel to my felf, as unto other?; to remedy this inconvenicnce5( if I may fo call it, ) of the lo{fe ot my conltant attendance,& pains tor fo manyyears to- gether takjen at the row uppcrBench.Bar,with very lidc profit cither to others or my felf,than lome fmall improvement ot my knowledge in the praftical partofthe law, and in purfuance of that anticnt Moral Axiomc, Omneager.s aoit propter aliquem fnem, I was encou- raged tocontinue niy travail, and expenteof time in the gathering together , tranfcribing, and putting of them into that order , and method you now behold them , yet as then not having any intent or dehrc to make them publiquc , but only more readily ufetuU to my felf, and futh ot my Friends and Acc]uaiatance as fl^,ould at any timedeilrecobe fatisfied in any thing I wasablc to impart unto them. But this not anfwering the expedation , and importunities offomeotmy necr relations, and many of my incimarc Friends and Acc]uaintance , nor knowing into whofe hands my papers might tall , nor how my felf and others be injured in the publilliing ot them after my deccafc, which I was unccrcain when it might happen , and did beheve it could not be many years off, by realbn of my declining years j but more etpccialiy in r'efped of the weak and crafy con (f itution ot my Body much macerated by iTiarp , and tedious ficknefles, and being willing to leave fome tetkimony behind me,that I have not flighted, or whcly ncgkdfed my calling, but have ever had an honourable elbeemot it,though Ihave hitherto reaped but little oftbat benefit, which too too many do fo eagerly hunt after, but have been doing fomething therein, and have not lived altogether a drone for to many years together in to tjamous a Society amidft lb many learned men, to thediflionour ditrcof , and tomyonereproach-,1 did at laflrelblve(notwithftanding the unavoi- dable cenfuresjwhich 1 was confident I fliould meet wuhal,what e- ver I havcjor could fay to avoid thero,)to give way to this publicati- A on To the Profcflbrs, and Students on of thcnijcvcn in this age, wherein moll of the Cafes, and matters herein reported are yet iirefli ( I (appofe ) in the memories of ma- ny, who may eallly trace me where ever I fk-p awry j But I hope to find them not only juft in vindicating of me, in that which I have trucly and faithfully reported , but alio favourable in cenfuring, and palfing by thofe flips and mifprifions they may herein meet withalljcaufed either by the Printers negligence, or my own mif- apprehenfion of the fenfe of the matters, and things delivered and fpoken unto, and the rather, in regard that I have endeavoured as ncer as I could to render things in the fame exprelTions they were firrt uttered , that fo I might as much as might be, avoid the danger ofinjunngofany herein concerned, by putting another (enfc upon them, than what they intenaed ; and this as it was the old way , fo I conceive what ever may be objcited to the contrary, that it is the belV, and clcereft way ot reporting. For thofe, that make it their bull ncfle to cenfure,.and not to read or underfland books, I fliall fay nothing to them, but leave them to abound in their one Icnle if they have any, and to pleafe themfelves with their own phanfics. I have made thefe Reports fpcak En^lifli, not that I believe they will be thereby generally more ufeiull, fori have been always, and yet am of opinion, that that part ot the Common Law which is in Englifli hath only occafioned the making of unquiet fpirits contcn- tioufly knowing , and more apt to offend others , than to defend themfelves J butlliavedone it in obedinece to authority, and to Hop the mouths of fuch of this Englifh age, who though they be as confufcdiy different in their Minds and ludgements , as the builders oi Babel were in their languages, yet do think it vain, if not impious lolpeakorundcrftandmore than their own mother-tongue. Some may peradventure, Notwithltanding thcreafons 1 have formerly offered tor this my publication, be ready to objeft that it was vain, glory, and a tooconfidcnt boldneffc, and high conceiptof mineown abilities that makes me thus appear in publiquej but thofe that know me I believe are of another opinion, and dare clear me of this afpcrfion , and well they may, for thetruth isIhavcaUvayes been, and yet amfo naturally diftrultiulofmy own parts, that I tall far fhort of that neceffary boldnefle which is requifite for every man to be armed withall m the excercifing of publique employments, and what loffe I have fuifered by the vvant of tins, I my felt do bcft know, and is rot unknown to many,fome of whom have out ot their well-wi£hes to me , and others to my difparagcment (as they thought )been pleafcd to take notice of it. If any of the Cafes and matters herein contcined fecm common unto any, and are to infi- pid to pleafe their curious Palates, let them palfe them over : It maybetheymay prove ufeluU toothers, and I doubt not but the molt curious may find many tilings that may give them delight and fatisfadion.Andin the farther vindication of thefeReports,Ifhall de- fire all to take notice,that firtt,thefc were moft ot them jtaken in un- fciled rimes, wherein the Law was almoft at a Hand, and therefore ic of the Common Laws o^Ergland. u cannot be rcaionably cxpcdcd they ihould be ib (.juick and full oi matter, as thofc that have been gathered when the Laws flowed in a more open, and uninterrupted Chanell , when the Courts of lu- ftice were full fraught with bufinclTe, and were in a more fplendcnt and flourifhing condition than in thcfe latter time? j ^nd next, that this work is not a collcdion only of fomc choice Cafes taken by fe- vcral hands in ail the Courts oiffefimi/jfter; but is only a continued narrative of the Cafes , and proceedings of the new upper Bench Court for I o years together, and taken by one only hand, without the help or afliftancc of any other, during which time I have o- mitted but little, faving when by reafon of fickncffe, I was for a Term or two conftrained to be abfcnt. And the more to encourage all to the perufall of them, I dare affirm that there is much various matter contained in them3& different from what is to be found in o- ther Reports taken in former years, occafioned by the many altera- tion of the face of things, and the changes of government happing at this time,and alfo by reafon of my conftant obferving,inferting , and interweaving of all the remarkable paflages tranfaftedon the Criminal fide, with thofe hapning on the Pleas fide,which in other Reports hath very fparingly at any time , if at all been perfor- med. I have alfo for the Readers greater eafe and benefit , added hereunto three Alphabetical Tables, the firfl containing the names of the feveral Cafcsj a fecond containing the feveral generalHeads , or Titles under which the feveral matters difperfed through the whole book, are properly (figcftedi and the third, and lafk, being a large Table particularly dircding to the Page and Cafe, wherein you may find the fubjed matter methodically ranged under thofe Heads or Titles. And for your further and fuller fatisfa6kion , and making the Cafes the cleerer proof, and morcauthentical authority to be cited and given credit unto, you have the number RoUcs prc- fiixcd to moft of thofe that are remarkable amongft them. I might , and would if I had thought it nccdfiTary have much enlarged thefe Reports , and made the volume fwell to a far greater bulk: But my aim and endeavours have gehc rally been to take the chief points only, andfublfanceof the matters arifing and fpoken unto, and the rational parts of the arguments and autho- rities ufed and urged, to inforcc and prove what was furmifed tO be Law on either fide, and the grounds and authorities upon which the opinions and refolutions of the Court are framed and given ,and to paflc by all the luxuriant flouriChes of wit, and the multiply- ing ofSimilaryCafes to theCafes in queflion,as fcrving more for the mofl part to prove the curious phanfy, & much read'iug of the Ar- guer,than the proof of the points of the cafes in cjueftiou, or the fatis- tadion, or information of the Auditors or Readers ludgmcntjand I have ever(yct with fubmiffion to better Iudgements,)conceived this conciie way oftaking Reports to be farr more beneficial and de- lightful, not only to the Reporter , but alfo to thofe that (hall read ihcm TotheProFcflbrs, and Students of &c, them, tlicn tliat long and tedious way, wherein rhc truth is fo ovcr- fliadovved with multiplicity of vvords,that it is very difiicult through thoreClowdstodifcover,and behold lier pcrfeft beauty ib well, as when flic appears bare-faced in iier true and natural complexion. I need not iay^iny thing in commendation of the Common Law^^thcy do fo fHffiLicntly ,and clearly fpeak t'r-eir ou'n worth, not only in our own lanJ,but even through thcChrilUan,if I may not [fay the whole known world. The fruit tiiat every one from him ti^at iits on the Throne, to her that grindcth at tiie Mill, throughout this nation in the tender prefervatioiiof our Religion, Lives, Liberties, and Pro- perties do lowdly proclaim their excellency, and do juftly claim our reverent efteem of them, and their fwcet influence which our Neighbour Nations do partake of from their light and heat, hath purchafed an honourable name, and repute amongll them. Thougli no doubt but other Kingdomes, and Republiqucs have many excel. lent written and eflablilhed Laws futable to the particular confti- tutions ofthc people , andto their ieveral frames of government, and amongft the reft the Civil or imperial Laws, yet t'ney all want many remarkable exccUenLies tiiat are in the Common Laws of England, and the proceedings therein , and amongft the reft to in- ftancc in no more , they are very deficient in this way ufed in our Law for many ages p aft, of reporting, and leaving to pofterity the learned arguments of councel at the Bar , and of tue ^rave and pro- found rcfolutions of the reverend ludgcs in the deciiion of Cafes a- riring,and controverted amongft us^anchhis way how lightly foever it be now cfteemed of by many amongft us,yet is by Strangers much valued,and was heretofore fo much let by amongft us5and thought fo highly advantageous to the publiquc, that the wif dome of this State did then think ht to appoint grave and judicious mcn,encouragcd by an annual ftipend, to attend and perform this task, and therefore I hope that he who hath undertaken this hard labour freely and vo- luntarily in relation to the publicpe good, without hope of reward, is fo far from deferving blame and reproof, that he is rather to be cherifhed and countenanced in thefe his endeavours by thofe in au- thority, andnottobc raflilyand uncharitably calumnicatcd, or cenfurcd by any, but to be favourably interpreted, and received as one that makes it his aim to be accomptedatrue lover of the Common Laws, and really honoureth the profefTion, and Profcf- fors thereof. Inner Temple, May the 19th. 1658^ Willim Style. An Alphabetical OF THE NAMES O F THE CASES. A Pag. Sir Maurice Abbots cafe 1 5 ? 1 4 Abbot and Vaughan 45° Adon and Ayrcs 346 Addon and Hunter 2c6 Allen and Reeve 88 Aliens Cafe 2 5? Allen and Holdcn 287, 288 Andrews Cafe 9 Andrews and Baily 159 Gount ArondelsCafe 26 Count Arondel&Shandois cafe 371, 371 Archer and Holbidg 185 Arnold and Floyd 4y3,476 Sir Anthony Afhly Cooper and St. John vid. C, Alhby and Child 384 A fhtvorih and Sir Tho. Stanley Askwiths cafe Atwood and Monger AtlccanJthc Lady Balcinglafl Avery and Kirton AylctandStellam Aylctand Oates Ailet and Watlefj Ayrcand Sills Ayreand Pimcomb Ayre and Hawkfworth B BAcon and Raoirey Barnaby andGoodale Bilely and Bafcly Barker and Martyn BarlyandMartyn Barrets cafe A 5(54 362 378, 379 475 I75'J7<5 100 I2I>I25 245 1(^4 38Z 4^0 1,2 16 *P'57 20 «5 fiikec An Alphabetical Table. Biker an.) tdmoous Bani(krand Wrighc Barlye? cafe Biker andDcnhim Barber and Pomeroy BarncwcUand Uranc Bambury and Balely Barmeilon and Gale Bernard and Levic -j Barcock and Tomcloii Batisfordand Yaret >Baichcllourand Parfons Baker and Smith Barnard and King Bainron and Checke Baker and Andrews Barjir and Windham Barker and Elmer Banilkrscare Baxters cafe Bankesand Pracc Barker and Welion Baker and Ramley BedWorth and Bietfworih Bealand Wytraa Benskin and fLmck Benner and the 62,63 137 1 90 1^^0,161,180,181, 182, i5?J, 196,197, 213 2 2 7 ■281,288,373, 19) 295,30?, 304 Bedvvell and Fenwick Bigford and Topfam Bird and Chriiio^ber Bifhop and Fitzhcrbert Boomer and ^'ate Boone and Sheercs Bowes and Brojdhead Bolton and Wills Bowles and Clark Boomer and Cleve Bois and Cranfield Booth and Lambert Bowyerand tantulyar Boyle anJ Scarborow 306, 307 353j354'355 5575358 3S5 41J 405 35 420,421,428 4^5 10 24P 388 //undred of /fart lord 253 Busrield and Norden Burrel and Lancalire Burcher an I Orchard Bunny worth and Gibbs BlackwcU and Afluon Blackden and //aney Bronze and More Broome md Evering Serj^eant Bradfluw and PrOifler Bruerand Southwell Brooke and Brooke BrcrciOD and Monin;^con Bra^gand Nitingall Browne and Poyncs i>'rook and ^ogg Brooke and Brooke i'rungy and Lee Aryan and Stone /)'iowncand Nclfon i^ryanand Twite ^'rock and Vernon ^fiyhtwell and Robfon i'romefield and Williamfon ^ynion and Trotter /iyronaiKlStoDehowfc C Bockingand Symons Bond and Marcyn Sir William Bronkers cafe Bnrnet and Bird Burwell and LanciOec Burgesand Dinham Butler and Long Buriallonand /Herbert Bunon and Low BucklionandShurlock 393) 394 2C9 389 398 32 79 ^5> 214 22S 231 239 276,277 155 395. i96, 440, 441. 442 W43. 444 400 353 16 54 109 Ii4>ii5 117 155 212,213,233 340 471 icp 349>35o 419 50 220 428 8 45^ 27,58,65 61 "5 140,141 147 1 64, 165 170,171 578 239 3»7)3i8 328 339>340 368,369 407,408 231 3*8,329 e\pelland Alleync Carver and Pierce Caiileand Dynely Cages cale Ca^cand Ol'cby Carcw and Biv/d Cane and Goldirg Cater nnd StartuiC Cane and Pell Cage and Dod Canrrell and Stephens Sir Charls Coor and Plunket Cook and Fincham Cooke and Alleyne Conesby and Fairefax Col ion and ^edloe Corcilli and Cowfye Collins and Page Coles and Sibley Compton and Alleyne Cofwells cafe CoUbnand Kea Cooke and More Sir Anthony Aflilcy 49 66,75 92, 95 129 »5^ i<57,id8 169,170,176,177 217 329 233>254 30c 125 iS 20 25,24 I 1 S, 1 1 9 it4- 125 15^,178 161 182 195 195 Cooper and St. John • An Alphabetical Tabic* John Cowlycand Lockton Coicman and -Blunden Collynstnd Syllys Cottcrel and Thcoballs Comport and /^eech Cooks and Chambers Ccnyeand Lawes Curtice and Columbine Cutrwot[h5carc Curtodcs aud Oucwell,Newton and Tyd. i78;i79,i8o, 1845 185,191,192 Curtodcs and Montague and Lyci»ll 209, 210 Curtodes and White 227 Ciillodes and Valconbridgs 228 CuHodes and Mayne and Serjcanc 245 Curtodcs and Arskott 343 Curtodcs and the Town. of Colchertcr 452 Cuflodes afld Hall 260 Curtodcs and Monger 265,^66 Curtodcs and Jinkes 283 Cul'odcs and Rivet 2P4 Curtodcs and the Lord Morley 295 CuHodesand Tawncyand Norwood 312, 313- Curtodcs and Howell G win 3 3 ^> 5 ? 7 362 Curtodcs and the Parifh of Stoncham 366 Curtodcs and Toos Curtodesand Martyn Curtodcs and Rickaby 374 374,2375 3<59, 375'376' 377 403 463 33 41 Curtodcs and Levingfton Cullycr and lermin ChadlyandStinch Chapel and Drew Checkcs cafe Chambers and Wollafton 78, 84, 85 Villde Charlton in Kent 14 Chambers and Floyd 89 Cheevcrs and Cage 7 1 Chrirtophcr and How 158 Chafe and Levering 220 Child and Guiac 243 Chapman and Brook 389 Ch i Id and Sir J ohn Lenthall 330 Chcefeman and Turner 343 Childs cafe 424 Clark and Pew 18 Cjcment'nn and Mountford 106 Ciarkscilc .,gj Clark and Fitzwilliami 48s Crcfwelland Vcmrycs 91 QefTuand Burgis 296 Crosltwhait and the Hundred of Lowdon 318,319 CrooLc and Simm 121 Cremcr and Gurnet: 266,267;263,z69, 270,271 272 Cydill and Spencer 341 The Hundred of Crondon 47, 19 216 D Davi 1 and Lifter Dawkcsand Payton Dawkesand Pynder 232 Davis anJ Ockham 245 Davis and the Lord Foliott 299, 510 J 311 DawkcsandCaveneigh 3475 348 Davis and Matthews 4)5,4j($ Derflcy and Derfley 57 Denoirand Oyle 1^6,167,172,173 Dell and /''row ne I74)i75,i8i Dcwick and /''amber 2c8 Denton and Hdi'iioa 229 Dethickscale 233 Denton and Cakec 247 Dentons cafe 475 Dekins and Latham 317, 318 Dekin and Turner 387 Deacon and Forcrt 1 14 Devercuxand Jacklon 477 Dickcnfon and Prerton 7 Difon and Barcue 133 Dilne and Grigfon and ^o!yec 227 Dod and Eaton 63,64 Dowlc and Marters 263 Dod and Herbert 436,459 Dorman and Snagg 411,412 Dunch and Smith 13^,146 Dudecey andColyer 225 Dudly and ZJorns 32a Drinkwater and Pack 297 Drake and Drake 363,364 Drake and Whitakcr 24, 2 y. Edwards and Fallowes 21a Eeles& Lambert 37^^8,54,55,56,73,74 Elvott and Blague 28; Elrton and Drake 39-3 Ellis and Tipoin 34,5 Elzy An Alphabetical Tabic. Elry and Mawdit Kmcrlbn and Uidly, Erhcry and Ernly and Allen Ellon and Manlcy Edward and Scitf Elmes andMarcin 22C, ill , 226 T41, 1^2 Vid7<„. 234 461 448 475 3«7 357'258 57 285 F\irfaxandFiirrax 236,237,238 hanQiaw and Bond Earmtrani Lawrence Eeildcr and lovy 241,242, Finer and JeH'ry FiBCS and Dell Fitton and Richardlon FiOirrand jcftryes Luc ye Foil hrbie scale Fortefcneind Brogravc Firchct ?nd VVoUlon Floyd and Moroan Foriune and Johnlon FowkindBoyl 3435 344i Fowk and Prclcoc Fowkand Coplye Fulhams cafe Fox and Swan Fletcher and King Floyd and Morgan Frembling and Clotherbook Frercscale Freeborn and Purchafc Frank and Burt Frank and Dixon Freeman and Childerels Freiod and Baker Fianklins cafe G 16? 2S6 38s 363 8 3 '3 5«S 348 349 458 83^84 481 582,383 3271328 48,49 '33 107 149 >53 299 388 'Awdy and Inf,ham 88 iGallop and Simplon, and Chale 1 1 ■? 126 Gardner and Jolly Garret and Blizard Lc Gaycs cafe Garland and Yarrow Gay and Gay Gilbert and Stone Gibbs and Donne Gill tnd Crofs Gilbert and Mardeo Gibbon and Kent Gibbs and Price Giles and Tymberly Giles and Sowthward 157 I9i»»93 464 322,3i3>326 258,271 72 135 148 18? 212 231 283 38J Goffs cafe Gowrs cafe Goodyerand Shaw GollaocandTayler Godwin and Backin Gough and Cann G'ydcandDudenv Greenwocd and Price. Gray »n f Wal>c Graves and Drake Grirtithand Thomas G'.ecnlingand Bawdic Green and How Griblc and Orchard H 234 261 298 3iJ)3»<5 330 341 109, no 159 199 334 404 31? 164 ■ \mond and Kingsmill 2i X.JL ^alesand More n^ri and Bucktrinlicr Harris his cafe Harwood and Psty 161,161 Harris and Gibbons Hamond and Kingfmill Hamondand Ireland Hay ward and Williams Harman and Jacob Hamond and Ward Harding and Freeman Harflop and lohnlon Harris and looker. Hayw.rd and Ducket Hacker and Newborn Hamond and Thornhill Hardrcfs and Prowd > 23>2TO 86 lOJ 451 ,iC8,i65> 17Z 32, 210 215 2 54> The Vill of Hardingham aga Harley and Mountney HcUyar and Cjrace /^cllcnaescjfi //cyford and Hohion Hcii and Green 2 J 8) 259, 276, //card and Read Weath and lldall //ether and Bowman //erbert and Law Hcniliawscale //enly and Baynton 436 //ill and //arris //ill and Farmer //ide and King [ //ill and Bird / ^illandDcchair 280 2J6 287 jio 371 40? 4i3>427 476 465 inrt Bnfly 16^ 4*y 9 II 136 260, 27J, 3i5>3i6 335 358 462 370 399 5437)43« 134 29 io« 381,38* Micks An Alphabetical Table. //icksandjoicc Hioos.tnd ^arilbn Hogg and Vaughan i/olaigh and Chale 74, Hcb'.OD and /feyward Nooke: and Lamb Hchiid and ^oralion //obs and SUnchard //od^'c sand Jane Hoblon and Hadloa i/oUingworih and VVheifionV i/offs cale Homes and Singly //odgc scale 7/owards cafe toward and /foward //udl'ons'cifc //urd and Lenthall Hunt and Popham i/umc and f/incon //udfon and DickinfoO /full and Giirnecc Hycde and Dell. 4»3.4H 6 7 J' 78/75? £8 96 122 167 I95>, 200 21 2 124 20S 211 238 304,305 416 64 I Ay and Gayj or Jay jaqucscafe Jennings and Lee. Jcnkinlbn and Porter Jervis and Lucas Jennings and DownJ JcnniugsandLec ijo Ingram and Fawfcc Jonjs and Yonguc Jones and Stanly Jones and Jacob Johnlon and^bington Johns and Levinglton Jones and flunden Jones aaJ Graves IbiOD and ^eal lies and Windfor Ireland and Michelbora Izackand Green Jones and Graves and Jay, 358, 274,275 1535^9,355 198,199 187 345)346 352 ) 1515198,199, no, 211 463 IS 38 142 163 184 2CI,206 421 165 419 171 <59,7c 4*7 61 KAleandJofelyo Kenilion and Jones 97 98 Kcnilion and Cronch 228 Herman and Johnfon 281, 282,293) 294^ KcDCuy unci hiuur 295 296 KeckwithandMoylc 344,345 Keightlcyand Nodc« 31 j Kemp and Gord 411 The King and i/o'.land 20,21,40,41,75, 76, 84, 90, 94: 95 The King and Place The King and Marefchall The King and iomcriand Kinpe aod Johnfon The King and //ide The Kit.gandSivjge The King and Apfly The King and Page, and /Garwood The King and Cory The King and Symons The King and Andrews Kings caic The King and Ann Camell 25,28,29 29,50 34 70,7' 60 85 85 85,87 87 91 lOO 116 The Kirg and Sir //enry Spillcr 108, 1 09 The King and Dodet Trig The King and Bellingham The King and Wood The King and Bray The King and Humphryes The King and Golding King ana Weeden Kitchinmans cafe Kick and Lucas Kimlock and Bamficld ' Knights cafe LAngley and Wibord Lamb and Dnft' Lawrence and i/arifon Lamplew and //cvrfon Lance and i>lackmcre 124>I35, 136 126 '45 147 154 164 374 430 309,310 2 ItO 21 I, 212 426 43S 4«53 The Earl ol Leicellcr and Samfordf 1 5 Lere and Cholwitch Loving aad Gamble Ley *nd AnJcrton ' Lcvinglion and Crompton Leake and Reynolls Le Pool and Tryan LiddalandLilkr Le Grofs and //all ' John Lilbornscal;; The City of London and Eiiwick 30,31 102 22S 359 414 470 278 47<5 96 3 J' 3$ Long and ^ennctc Xodg aiid Weeden Lovell and KDatchford 35) 3tf>4«'45 50, 5t J 20 Love- An Alphabetical Tabic. Lovedaiec cafe The City of London,ind Le i\oy Lvickxr and Palfriman 519,32053*1 I2p 126 »5> 66 466 481 7.8 3 5° Long and Hcbb I'heCuy of London, «nd //atton ' Locky'and Dnmiioc anJ the Sheriffs of London Lord and MichcU Longs Calc London and Wllcocks London and Craven Luskini and Carver LumlcyatidNeviil LuddingcoD and White Lydall and LiUcr Lynifton and Mawricc M MA.flcrmanscafe Mack and Cubitt Mdthcw and //erle Mayhiicand-^afpool MariinandMiiier Mariliaii and Porter Martin and //eniy MarfliallaadLedfliam Mattel man and Rufl>olm MalVcyand Avibcry Martcrsand VVallis Maynel and MackaHy _ Mathcw and the hundred of Godalming, 427 i59)i6o ^9h ii'4* ^02» 2°3 2 49-50 65 104 483 H3 232 246, 282 244 3 6 J, 366- 408 459>4<5o Mercer and Rule Meres and French Michell and Hepwonh 429,430 More and Savage ,♦,7. MorcficldaudWcbb 3 9' 4© Monger and Shattcrion 60, 6 r More and Cliplom 7^ More and Stone 94 The Lord Moons cafe 118 MoggandShute . *23 The Lord Mounceagles cafe 2 57 More and the EailRivcri iH Morden and Hare 47' N NAylerand Afb Needier and Gucll Ncvill and Moc Newton and Bailes Nelfon and Tompfon Ncwcon and Tydd, and Ocvvcll 223 iz 59>6o 120, 121 142,278 178 Newcomin and Leigh 249 Needier and Guc(t 254?* 5 5 NewconandGodard 290 Neve and Croft 35°j3 5^ fslcwiTian and Mafly 578 NcvYion and Osbora 3 87 Nortonscafe ito Norton and Jafon 398,599 North and j. met 439 Nulls and Cheney' 5 O OSborns cafe 158 OrcAvick.and Atncry 128 Owenandlcvon 274,277 Oliph and To-ig 389,390591,392 OylesandMarcfchalL ' 4i8 P\inandSkcltro[n 17 {^aradine and lane 47. 48 Warmitfcrand Creliy 49,74 Pay and Paxted 97 PaynandPredny 234 Parker andtfook 341 Page and^rook 401 Patnclland £rook 417 P^ge and Parr 43* Palcall and Sparinge 198 Pavvlcy and Lowdall 249, 27 J Pciribn and Dawfon 4^ Peeling and Ken iii, ria Pcndarvis and Dawks 2C5 '\ Peiic and /I/ablyc i94 Pcafeand ShrimptoH i6i Peck and Ingram ^263,264,^75 Peck and Ewre 381 Pcndarvis and St. Aubili 410,41 1 Pitcher and Symons 115 Pilkintonand Zfaglliaw 449 450 Pimlcy and Kobinfon i2i Pickering and ^Sarkley 132 P.iillips his cMi i6i Pickering and Emma i94 Piiton and Rcy 359 Pinder and Dawks aja Pinchard and Fowk 4ii5 Phillips andPhillips 420 Pitchet and Wollion Pliimmer and Sir John Lenchall 475 Poole and Coply 64 Popham and //unc j 40, 2 54 PoynsandFrarscis 181 Popham and White 231. Pow- An Alphabetical Table. Powell and Hopkins ;47 Port and Midleton 251 Poynts Mawrice his cafe 3 56 Porter and Swetman 406,407 Phi lips his cafe ,162 Pooly and Markhim 477 PragncUandGoff 11 ■ . Pretlon and Holms 148,1^9 Preuon aud Morclock 293 Price and Car 45? Prior an.l Ha'e 348 Price and Goodrick 387 The Pro:C(flor3Dd Strcercc 415,416 The ProtCvSor and Baxter 418 419 The Proteftor and Ilichardfon 430, 45 1 The ProtcAor and C-rtwrighc 431 The Procector and ^uckner 467,4^* &c. The Protestor and Lowr 432 The ProtcJ^orand Yaccs 477, 478, &c. The Protestor and Hare 434' The ProtCi^orand Summer 450 The Proteaor and the Vili of Colcheaer 44<5,447>448&c. The Protestor and Gunter 448 The Prorcftor and Norice 454 TheProtedorandCraford 457,458 The Proteaor and -SJackwell 461 Pym and Morgan, vid. Bambury and ^all-!y i6i,&c.' Ko'.yer and Langdale Rof? sndLa.vrencc Rook and Smiih Ro",er:?and Doue Roby and Twelves Robinfdn and Walker Roiirgcs and WooiyarJ Qi kUatcrmans cafe R R Awfon and Bargue 36> Raw andRav/ Raph and Davy RatcliftandDudcny Rawly and Vivers Remington and Kitigerby Reader and Palmer Read and Palmer Sir Tho. Ncvillj cafe Ridley andEmcrfon 141, 142 The Earl Rivers and More Ritch and Saunders Countefs Rivers ca(c 2 34>2 5 RicotandSt.John Rook and Knight Robinfons calc Roydon and Mecs Roberts and Tucker '34 37jSI.52> 81/82,83 119, 120 150 176 385 4 117,118 106 141,142 ,ijjvid.E. 261, 262 2)253)*54 582 9 69 79,80 191 248 263 273,274 5315332, 333'334 423424 239 426 S^\■ig6icl(i Saundtrfon and Martin and Smith Sawyers calc Sawndcifonand Rj-jfm Saunders and Ri;ch SawjerandRu.fcU Sale andWrav Seaman and Edwards Scgar and Dyer * Siacnhamscafc Scoble and Tolye ShertlifFand Timbcrly ShurJey and Semaign Shann and Shann Shayler and Bigg Shann anuBilby ^herecroft and Weeks She pheard and Gray Shcrlocks cafe SkcdlockandLaperc Skete and Clay Sladescafe Smith and Hobfon Sr.iith and Stone Smith and Hancock Smithfon and Wells Smith and Hale Smith and Dunch Smith and Andrews Smith and the Eirl of Dorfcc Smith and Ward Smith and Holyman Snelgrave and Bofvile Somes and Sir John Lenthal^ Sowthcott and Sowthcotc Spitlehoufe and Farmery Spry and Mill 182,183,203,204 Stoughton and Day 18 Stents cafe 127 Sir John Stowels cafe 104 Stradiingand Borcman l29>i3o Stubs and Mauklin 165 Staples cafe 359,360 Sir 12 »7 288, 28P • 59? 264 375 6i 31 341 102,103 219 *55 2S'''257>28o 171 280 379 445 45^.457 265 125 138 • 112, iij 65 ■ i37'»38 141 139 139,146 183,184 a77 361 327 465 103, 108 390 An Alphabetical Tabic. Sir Hujiphry S ylc and TuUyc , 286, 287 ScarkyandMill 296 Stroadand 3 3^ Sraplcj cafe 24^ Stcvcnion and Srcward 4=4 Stavcly andlliithorij 4ii»4i2 Stephens and Ask 424^4^5 Wo VrlyStrachye^cafc '*8 Captain Strecrers calc 4>5 Siroy»d and Beckvviih 454' 455 Svran and Fenham ^09,410 Simons and Leir 72 Syms and VVilfon 2 14> 2 1 5 TAnncr and Lawrence 53 Tayler aid Webb 301,^02-307, 308, 309, 319, 38? Terry and Baxter . 3? Tench and Cietheroe 59 Tench and Huhrifon 340 Theoballs and Newton 307 Thomas's calc * 461 Thynandthyn 67,(58,^9,77,78,91,92 $8,99,101,143 Tburlc and Madil'on Tbeobill and Conqiiclt Ti'bns cafe Timbrell and Bullock Tories cafe Toby and Angcll Tompkins and Jour:!en Toplady and Staly TowDl'end and Barker, Tompkins and Clark Toft and Day Torrct and Frampton Tracy and Poole Trctonand Squire Sir //umphry Tracy and Bloom Trundall andTrowcU Trorman and Standarc 462 343 153 15 15 no 131 i6y, id6 338,389,394 422 43i'47'^ 434,435 i43>'44 2 30 356 273 284>285 DoiSor Trig and the College of Phyiki ans Trcvilian and^elman Trcvanian and Pcnhollow Turner and his Wifes cafe Tucker and C^ofh Turner and Trapes Twig and Roberts Tyler and Johnfon Tyndall anJ //arington 329) 330 400, 401 452 47 288,289 412 M5 41 V Andicoorscafe 52 Vaux and Vaux vcrfus Steward 3"d Draper Vincent and Furfey Vincent and Wallii Vicciry and Barns Vidian and Fletcher 157,203 43'44 197 4IJ 472 w vv AtfonandNorbury 3,201,202 464 Ward and Coggin Waglialtand Tcmpert Watfonand VVatfon Waineright and Whitley Walker and Alder Waldron and Ward Watfon anJ Scotfon Ware and Chappcl Watts and Dix Watrs and Lord Warry and Bond Willis and BucknaUi9i, VVattsandLowth Wall and Bye Walkcnden and Heycock Weeks and Weeks WeltoD and Plowden ^^cncworch and Wrntworth w^ebbandAriimer AfeldandRumney iVc\>b and ^A-aniborn 28,56 117 449 121 186,187 188,189,204,205 230 255 292,311,312 341 352 173)178, 188 24s 260 418 ^^ecks his cafe W'eL-fcnand5trudder ^^cbb.-rly and Sir John Lcnthall ^hitchi-rch and Pa-^jt Whitwell and 5horc W'hiileyand Fawfct f^hites cafe P^ite and Thomas ff^ite and //ar wood ;^iteacre and f^illweli ^itcandWolford H^'uc and Finder w^itwelyandPinfent ff'hitehcadandBuckland 552» 353, 360, 361 37» 379 4J4 2 08 12,13 17 58,39 138 27 170 300 373^ 379.380 401,402,405 ^^ingficld Wingfield and Sherwood 5 WilliamlonandHcnly • n Willifon and Crow 75 Pawl Williams and the Cunodes , &c. 244 Williams and Tyrcr Willi? and Bond Winn and Stcbbins Williamfon and Coleman WiaccandHarby Williamfon and Mead- Winter and Bernard Wtthring and Bilhopfgate Parifll Willis and Bond. Williamfon and NorwUch Wingfield and Valence Wile and Jeoffryes Williams and Poole Wood and Salter Worfcly and Worfely A Table. . -• Wood and Clemence Wood and Holland Wood and Tophara 2i<», Wood and Mountney . Wood and Markehara Wood and Gunfton Wroath andElfy Wrijghc and Pinder Wright and Martyn Wrights cafe Wrights cafe 405 47 200 207,208 221 260 3375338 4i4»4i5 4»9 460 53 123 YAce and Batisford VatcsandLynden Yongue and Petit Yokeburft and Skot 333,i2at it iljoulD be amenoeD anu maoc abfolutc , viz, SCfjat t^e Contract luasmatic upon tbe lano, ^c, ^notbattljctoojoSjiftljereiDas anp Contract maocj, fljoulDbeputout, bccaufetfjepmaocit uncertain tnbet^ict tftcretoaaanp Contract o j no , ano fo bp confcqucnce oio ocftrop tbc tjcrp gronno of tlje furmtfe. Barnaby againft Goodale, a I Car. Banc, reg. Trin. ai Car. roc, 20 r^ A M ?it Of CEtrorfoasbjonglit to rcljcrfc a luDgentcnt gftjcn in an a« Errjr upon a (tion upon tl)C Cafe in tlje Court at Owfc bridge in York, ano tbcfirff Jut)op- twote, tobercbp Ije inas fo otfcrcDUco t|)at f]e loft hw traoe, to f)f3 Damage , &C. snotl)l0 t!)c Dcfcncant pieaos , tbctt tbc plamtfff oto Ijcrctofojc bj{nsW5;3£t3cmcnt tb^ton Jfofc"^' tf)eUio:o0 arc not aflfoii able, bccaufcttfanotaUcrrca tbat tlje partp ac» cufeoijaQDoncanpljurttO'XattcU oj otI)crli)trc, o; l)atl) bao anj? Com* munkattontDitl)tl)cDeviiU ^m fo tl)c Court bclD, bccaufc tS)c; toojog fpohcn DID not b?n a V V aLcffccfojpecrs, anoDcclarco tljatfjcbaD Cofccnanteo bp fn^iiuprment in Denture tbat bee iuoulD not tcit Doton tnoje tpmber crotofng tipon tbe ^" ^^°" "' lanBsDCimfcDtijanftifflctcntfojnccDfiilanoncceffarp reparations of tbe^°^''"*"* bourcsanDbuiloinas let unto bint; ano foj bjcacb ^ioiants, tbat be ban cutooirmtpmbcrto tbe Mne oftenpounos, anobao conl^crtca tbcm to bis pjoper life; ano upontbia batba tsicroict ano a Sluogcmcnt agatntt bini: iherwood brings a iDjit of Crrojfntljis Court to reticrfctbisSlutig. mcnt , anoafflfgnsfojCrroj, tbat tbete teas tjarrancebcttocen tbe Co« tjenant erpjefTcD fii tbe Icafe , anDtl;cCot3cnantfct fojtb in tbe Dcclara* tion tobereupon tbe bjcatb toas afoigncD , ans fo tbe 3uoament teas not giljen upon a bjcacb of tbe Co'ocnarit cvpjelTcB fn tbe leafe , viz. sCbat I)eftouliJnotcuti3otDnmo;etpmbertbantoa3 nctcffarp fo; reparations; fojbptbis bjcacb tbe plaintiff fuppofctb tbat the JDefensant bao Cot?e« nantcDnottocutooumtpmbcr t*o cniplop to tis oton nfe, tobicb is not tbe Covenant erpjcffcD in tbe Icafe, but anotbcr-. 3nD tboiigb tbe HDc= fcnoantb^Dcut Dotontpmbcr, ano tontjcrten ft to bis oton ufc", tbis trag Covenant. notabjcacboftbeCotJcnantcrpjcffcDtntbc BCnocnturc, cvccpt it be a- t3crreatbatbecut Do\un moje tban teas neccffarp foi reparations , ano coaljcrtcDtttobtaoiBnufe; aiiofoj tbis CDrcojfge 3!"03emeut teas re- tjctfeo, Whitwelland^horc. Trin,2i,CarKrot, 227. Hitwellbiougbtati action of JErcfparo foj affaulttng, beating, ano toounDing bint , agafnft fotot fetjeral perfons: th:cc of tbcm , ,' 1 ""^ . plcaonot guiltp, ano arc fount) gutltp ; ano tbe fourth pleaoa notan^AaTon o" guiltp to part , ano tuCifies foj tbe reft, viz, SCbcluounofng, ano is Tr. iv»iie. founo guiltp as to tbe irounoing onlp , pet tbe tcroict Ivas founo gcncrallp foj tbe ipiaintlff, ano intirc Damages nffclTcD sno luogcmcnt citjcn , ano 3153 "a \V Several J:- nugf-. Hill. 2 1 Car. n iDjft of Crroj toas b joucbt , ana tljc CErtoj afetcncD tea© tijat tl)E nama- gcsousftt not to be entire againft all, becaufetljattbe fourth pcrfon irag onlp founu gtjf Up of part of tljc trcfpafa , to toft , tfjc tooanofng, arnj tberc- fo?c as to Uintbc Damages ougljt to liafee been fctjercD, in relation onlp to tlje tDounoing, ano not as ft fs, fo; fo Damages fljoulD be gfbcn ttofcc fo j tl)c fame tftfng. j^frtt againft t^e tijjcc, aiiD tl)cn agafnft tbe foiirtl), Uiljfcl; tbc iDourt srantcD, anu tclicrfco tijc iuDgcmcnt, VV^ard and Coggin. Pafc. 2» Carirot. 257. Erro- upon "V \ 7 ^'^'^ b?fngs an Mion of Debt fn tbe Common pleas agafnff Cog- an=aiauof V gin , anD DctlarcB tljat tl)c SDcfcnDant JH confiDcrstfon t<)at ftc tbc^lafpitiff, attfjercqtiettoft^ieSDefenDant, bao folo ccrtafn icares toSi.&.DfDafftime ant) piomifctoftfmtljepaiUtff, tftat be luotilD pag ftjtti a fum of moncp io% tbem; anD foj non pa^'ment accojDinglp be bjfngs bisection, ano batb a merDict anD 31«Dgemcnt. Cbe SDefcnDant bjfitgs btstojftofCrrojinthfsCourttorefcerfc tbis 3i"Dgcment. anD afcfgns foj dBrro; , Cbat an 0(tfon of Debt Ipes not in tbfs cafe , becaufc tbc Debt tDbfcb tbe ©cfenDant pjomifeD to pap , ano fo?. tobftb tbe ^ttfon is bjougbt , teas raffcD , anD became a Dutp before tbt paomifc maoe foj tbcpapmcntofft, anDfoan^ctfonofDcbtcannotbegtounocDfojft on tbe p;omtfe, ^nD tbe 1do?ds fn tbe Declaration do founD mecrtp upon a p;o- cafc mffc , upon tobfcb a gooD confiocratfon foj an Action of tbc cafe map be gtoimDCD; but not to bjing an 5l£tton of Debt* Hogg and Vaughan- (If TJ Oggbjings an 3[(tion of tbe Cafe againft Vaughan fo J tbcfe too JDS iJdU'tnt in tlfpofeenofbim, viz. Thou art a perjured Prielt, anDbatba tjerDirt. Jt a.. !.a.onup-iDasmot)£Dfnarrettof3!uDgcmcnt, that tbc Idojos iccrc not actfonable, oniiicCafc. foj tbepfictnlficD no mo?c than that bc \ra3 fojflDOjn ; 315ut tbc Court belo tbattbcpmutt be meant, tbat be toaa sailtp of pcrjnrp, fo; tobicfj be mtgbt be enDirteo , anotbetefoje toere aafonablc. • Mich. 21 Car. Aftionupon J. <3ffamcs anD pjomffetbto B. tbat ffB, tofll pap 50l.foC.bfs fon', fobo the cafe upon J^^pag martcD to D.tbc 2Daugbtct of I. at fucb a time , tbatlje totll pap a promr.c. ^ ^^ j ^^ ^ j^^^ SDaugbtct at futb 3 time ; 8, paps tbe ;o I. to C. at tbe time appointcD , I. fails in papment of tbe 100 U acco joins as teas agtaeD; B.Dicsinteftate, anD E.aDminifters, anD bjings an Action upon tbe Cafe againftl; upon tbispjomifemaDetoB.tbeSCettatoj; anD aDjnDgco tbat tbc0£tionDiDtDclUiebptbcaDmfniltratoj, tbougb be ftoulD teccitw no benefit if be Diotecotict. Dickenfoo Mich. 12 Car. 7 Dickenlbn and Preftoii, Mich, 2a Car! Banc. reg» Ter. Pafc.2 2Car» rott aji. ' It tKHrftof (Etroj tDasfa;ougI)tfapPrcfton, torcterfea 3luBgcmsnf a« Error to re- •AgainaijimatYork; ann afsfgns fo j (Brroj, tbat tljc Vemre teas ^^ ^J^^^^]^"^^^^^' BalUvafua, tuftcrcao ft ongftt to ^at)c been de corpore Comitatas, anO ft ' ' cannot appear bp t^c Venire to to'bat place t^e 31BaIptofcli cytenosj ; ano tbe JBalptofcU of tbe Cftp map eictenD futt^ct tban t^c Cftp , ant) upon t^fa tl)e Venirc Conrt aDjuDseO tlJC Venire naught. More againft Savage^ 2 J Car, Banc, reg.' MOre miooto bjfngs an appeal agafnff Savage foj tfte Deatl) of W ^^^^^^^^ ^^uabanD; Savage appears anD Demurs to tfie ojtgfnal U)?ft, ano^nj^^pp^f fljetoafojcaufe, tljatfnoncpartoftlje tojft, fntteao of t^e tnojotunc (t Inas cue , ioWif maoe tibe W.^it fncettafn %o t^fs t^e Council of t^e 0- tftcr part anftoereD, SCIjat ft ougl&t to be amenoeo bp tljc Statute of 14 E. 3; ano tbat t^e Mtft ougbt not foj fo fmall a fault to be abateo ; iBat to tbrw; Luskins pjobwtljctofUfn an infcrtoHrSDIoceffl, ano not fntl)eiPJC-fnda''M»nd»- rogatfbe mus. Hill, 2 2 Car. rogatibc Court , asljc oiigbttofjabcoonc, attranget fues foj JLettersof ^omtiutttatton In tljc jpictogatitjc Court, Luskin ocCrco to pjoljc tbe tufll tijcrc, ano tftat t)c map aDnitnlttcr,tf)c Court rcfufctD to aomtt Wmto an^ ntlnlttcrtbcgooDO, crccptftctpaiputfnferurUp to tljc Cfturt to pap all tl)c ILEgattco; i)Ht(fl)c(liallrcfHfc,lBni;grantlLettcr0ofaDmln rccogni- don, feticte tbc IRccognf ?ancE teas acfenotolEDgcD, oj fn Midlelex, iilSictc U '^"" ^*" ''« tDasDelitJcrcD ano enroUco: IBiit aDjoutneo. aftettoarD3,viz.Pafc.23 Car,*"""^^'- tite Court ijelD t^at t^e Scire facias ouslit to be tobcre tl)c recognisance 10 ta- ken, anonotVobcreltfarccojoeU; fojtl^crcU bcgfnotofaea JRccojU; but tW being {n tbe Common picaa , it toaa gcoD bot^ iuaps , ano tl)erctip« on tlie pattpliaD ^f0)uDgemcnt» Rooke and Knight- si Car. Micb» Mich, 22 Car, rot, 381." r A BBuogcntent gitien fn tl^c Court at Dy m Church , a Ifmb of one of the Demurrer to x\ Cinque po?t3 toas remofeco fap a certiorari rcre not 0ctfonable, fo? tftcg "^ fa.onVi.1 BfDnotfljeto tljat tl)e pafntiff Ijao bclcftcbeD anp tftfng, oj Done anponthcCafc, tl)fngtbatbjouel)t^crta)ftt)fntftccompaf0 of tl)c Statute i Jac. acafna tSHitcti'Craft : ^uosemcnt tuao hereupon Capeo, VVilliamfbnagainft Henley. Pafc. 23 Car, Banc* Reg. Trin, 21 Car. rot. 362. Ai^ action of iDebt toas b?ougI)f upon an oblfaatfon , f|je concff ion -'^'"^ °^ . uias, tl)atiftt)c2Dcfcnt)nntDtDfcllt!)etitl)e3 in Ranfom niorctl)atn,h^^';;i'"''" fteOjoulopaptbipafrntiffactjafumofmoncp, butff Ije folo tljemnot,obiie»i «n ttiat tftcn t)c lljDulD DcUter an obltcatfon to tl)C JDIafntfff , fo? tijc papmcnt of a ccttafn fum of monep tljctcin crpjeffco at a certain oap tbercfn UmftcD, am (01 non performance of tlje conoitfon is tfje jaction bjougbt. Stjc plaintiff obtains a merDfct ; tlje JDcrennant mobC0 in Slnttt of Sufigc- jnent , tljat \)t onsl)t to ftatje contjcnf cnt tf me fo j Doing of tl)e tftfngc er- Timr. pjcffeD in tf)C condition, anotljat it appears notbp tljc IRecojD tijat fjc Ijao conljcnicnt time , anOfotbcretanobjcacljoftbE conoition. 315«ttlje Court telB, tljattftctime bcttoccn tlje Bate of tftc oblfaatfon, ano tfte Ijinging of tlje Action tuas a conDenfcnt time, anD tftat t'ftcre being a fe« tono tWng to be per fojmeD in cafe tbcfojmerlDere not Done, tljat tl)cre» fojct^atfojmcrtljingougbttobeDoncinfomcrcaronablctfmc, elcc tljc pattptooulDbetoomncljpjcfuDiceD bp ttsping to bate tfte fccono tl)ing pcrfojmeo, ano tf)crefoje ruleD tljat JuDgemcnt OjouId bccntrcD Uiitljout bcttec mattet (l^onlD be D^ctuco, ^ * Savages 1 2 Paic, 1 3 Car. Savages Cafe, Pafc, 23 Car, B,R» Err ' upon a Q Avage foas dSiififctcD foj fojcfng, antj pubUfiifns of JLcffcrgof erf* ju'siun^nr jj jp^jp jp atiX\\tx moiicp, tiiio Ivas conttacD , nno Siiogcmcnt citcna- d'a»cm 'Eainftl) tbfs tbe 3uogemcnt ioas ftapeo: foj tbc Court faio Danagcs. tbst tbc MtiXv VjouId not fupplp a cafus oniifllis to bjiiig it liitbin tbe Cobe» i>urr'}-. nant to g?cunu a bjcatb tbcrcupon,. 3t appears ttjattberc arcSoc.Slcrcs of ILano iDljfcli arc in tljc ftaiios of tijc fcinr, r.r tctict) are not tarcB as bp lato tljcp ougljt : ano fo tt)e tav i^z uniuft, brcaufc bpttienotturtntToftfjcm, a greater burocn tuas lain upon tftc reft of tl)c 3Lano,tl)an ofriafttoualittobe ; anDtbistl.c Court Ijelc a eooo cvccption , anolalD tljnt tl)c iaingo 3Lanto arc tayable fap tl)c Statute. 5lp. Ebc &ta= tutcisnotplcatseDasitougbttdbc. olp 3ti5ott)nGterp;tffc,tl)at Whit- ley in tol)ofc occupation tljeJLanDs are tljat arc tajrco, is t!)c Sfsicnccfo lynfeetftcotoncroftbciLanss, butfjcmap be a mccr ftraiiger, ano not taxable, nojl)is bcafts to be folD. yip. 3t is not fct fojt^, tfjnt I;c llicUjeD l)i3tiarrant,bcfo;cl)cm'0rsineD, asl)eouj?!)tto co: 5ntl)fscafc DiftciTc. tbc Court firft fqiD tlbat one map Difirafn, ano fell tijc Cattcl of t:;c olri:er of tte llano taicco, nonpapmcnttljcreof, but boubtcu ^aic. tubetber a ffranccrs Cattel jniol)t be aittraincD ano foiu : Roll luflice toohtl)crcG-rccptionstotl)cpica. 1. SEftattljepeatifDnot fctfojtljtbc ^^■■*- limits of tftc Commiffiion as it ouabt to do , ano teas tftercfojc ill. zip. 3l5e fait) il)e pica oucl)t to l)al3Cfl]CtecD, tlattljjec oftf)e Commifsioncrs tocre of t^c quorum. 3lp. SElatitoiD not appear bp tl)c pica tljat tbc Blanks tarcD, toljcrc tbcDfttretre teas maDc, arc iiit!)intl)c 3Lctcl , to be tajccDbptlje Commifsioncrs. 45p. SCbcSEnvis of tlic lano of fuel) an on^, ani)W3 3fBisnc0,ant)tl;t0{3toogcnaallp cxpjcffcD, anotannot be icVpeD cquallp bp fuel) a tar. 5lp. SEljc plea fcts not fojtl), t^)at tljcrc tnag anp notice giten to W hitley of t^c tav maDC bcfojc tl)c ciftretfc tahen, as tljcre oucl)t to bate been , ano fo? t^cfe rcafons , he corcluocD tl)at tljc pica teas not gooD. Bacon luftice l)c'.o. firft, tljat tljc partpbao irailico Waircr; fcis benefit of tbe pica gifecn Ijtm bp tbc Statute, bp p'caotng fpcciallv , anDb^ounljttomaheroocbtsplca, asljcliatftplcaijcij it, at bis otonpcs till: ^e belt! lifectoife , tbattbcrcourbttobcnotfcccittrnof tbctaj;. ana aDcmanDofit, befojeanp Diftreffc niicbt bctaUen, anD tbat t\)t pica teas ccfcctitc in tbis* jlp. ;Ebat be cannot fell a ftranncrs gooDs foj tH ^°^"^^- tar as Whitley is, fo; ougbt tbat appears in tbc pica. 4lp, i5p tbc Demand picaitappcarSjtbatbcbatbciftrapncoonc iilcrc of iano fo: alltutaj:, lobicbouQbtnottobc, anu upon tbcfcerccptionstbc rule lias foj tbc 2?c-. f cnBant to (beta canfe bcfo?c tbe cnD of tbc SCerm, tebp tbc plaintiff (beijlD not bate 31uD3cmcnt» St Maurice Abbct, Pafc. 23 Car. Banc, reg. Sir Maurice Abbot bat) a Bluljgcmcnf againff one ano t:fc3, .mo tbjcc pears alter Crcciition .is tafecnoutin bis name , upon tbc ^unce^^^"^"^" " merit , tbc Ccurt teas motcu to tacatc tbis 3u!jrrcmcnt . but lu.vm-nr; inoulD not, fo J tbepfaio tbat tbcrc teas no bc!p in tbis cafe, but bi' bjing. '' lnsate;itof Crroj, except tljere can be anp fvatio pjotico in tbc pjoccco. C3 fngS Eivor. 14 Pa(c, ijCar.. Fia^. tings , anD tben tbe Court toJuTafec o;oct to fj^lptbc partp gricfecD .- Sim thereupon nilcD to cramdic t^c 5lttojncp , ano tt)C pattpcs U)|jetbcr tljcrc toae Due p?occ0Dln£ts oj no^ Villde Ghar/eton in K^nr, Pafc. 23 Car. Banc. reg. Motion to ' A ^^" ^^^ '^^^"^^ ^^ Charleton fn Kcnr, upon tofjtcl) tl)C Cojoitcr takes ciuid. apie- JU^ an c Vill tol)atc tt)cm DtfcbargcD , 6p rcafon tbat tljc pjcfcnt- nicnttDagnotsooD,fojftlDasgrounocD upontbc Statute of 3 H. 7. chap. ano fctfl fo;tl) tljat fuel) a pcrfon teas Uf UcD at Charleton, ano tbat tl)c mur» Dcrcr act aloap fn tl)c n(al)t , bp iDbicb ft appears t^at tf)C ViU.fg not lpa= blc to be amcrccD toftljfn tljc statute : fo? tf)C murtbcrct ounftt to cfcapc in tbi cap bp tbe Statute, ano not fn tbe nfgbt, anu foj tbis ft teas quaftco, • A'^erccmen.s g^^ j^^ <3merccmcnt3 DlfctjargcD. 23 Car. Banc. leg. Tor niuniinenr^^*^^""^^^^'''"^^^^**'''"^*^ ^" "^^^'^ Of fcfsfons, mane foj tbe an order of I becpfng of aliBattaro CbtlD , anDtbcfcofccptfonstDcrc taUrn to tbc the Seniors oiDcr: iFfrfttbcoaDcrluas, tbat tbc partp fboulo pap a Incchlp fum foj. o( Pcacr,for jfte feecpfna of t^c Cbiio , tobcrcas no fucbojocrcoulo be maoclritboattbc Sal'd ' ^rties confent , foj bp tbe statute be fa onlp compellable to fccurc tbc |)ari(b , tobcrc tbe Cbflo teas bojn , tbat ft fljouln not be anp cbargc to tbe fsarf fb- iJnotber erccpttoir teas, tbat ft appears not tbat tbe Suftfcca bao anp potocr , to maUe anp juct at all fn tbe t afc , fo? ft appears not tobere tbcCbfloiuasbojn , ano fo ft map be it toas bo;n fn an otber Countp, lDberetbcfc3;uftJcc8 \inU no autbo:itp to ^ct anp tbing concerning ft. - mpon tbcfe crteptfonsit toas quatbctv. F;' S. Samford fo; certain 3;etocls , tbe SCrobet being laioto be in Kent, but','j'^^."';''.,Ja tfjCilDffringtbcgooDstofcU, being tbc ContierQon of tbcm being m Lon- co.ive.ViLn." don; 3t teas DoubtcD tobcrc tie trpal CjoulD be , ano tbc" Court fapcD, tbat generallp a tranJitojp 0fiion is to be lais tobcrc tbc faa teas Done , pet tbc Vcnitc partpisnot^pcDtolapfttbcrc , butmap lap itinanotbcr Countp,artD tn tbis cafe it teas bclDbp tbe Court, tbat tbe plaintiff mat' b:.tng bis miction tebcrc tbc BCctecls tecrc folo , ano tbat teas in London, as tecll as ill Ken: , tobcrc tbc SCrobcr teas lato,foj p.irt of tijc grouno Ttcvir. of tbe Action to teit tbe ConbcrDion teas in London, tbougb part of it, name* Ip tbe Srobitjtoas laiD to be in Kent, Bafdy vcrfc a luJg nici.c in Noi wicch. n6 Pafc. 2 5Car. Bafelyand Bafelcy. Pafc, 23 Car, Banc.Reg, AWrft of CErro; toao bjougftt to tdjcrfc a Slntgcmcnt cftcn in N or; ^ ^ ^ witch , ano t!)c Crroj afcfgncD toaa , t^t tljetc dId but fite of tfie 31«rp empancllco appear at tfte trpal, anu pet a mctntrt toas, gfijen , ano 3!uDgcn7cnt thereupon. SEfjc Court fa{o t^at a Cojpojatfon cannot grant a tales, nct'tljcr if tftep tonlo , fiotlj U J)cte appear tlbat tijete Tales. toaa a tales granteo, ano ttjerefojc t£t3crfeo t^e 31«i»gcmcnt, Sir William Bronkcr. Pafc, J3 Car. Banc.Reg. Sir William Bronker toas bjongl)t bcfoje a 'lattice Of peace, upon ait tnfojmation maoc , tljct ^p bao cbeatco one at plap toftb falfc Dke : tijc conim*ittc^i\T 3"'^'^'^ rcqukCB I'im to fino furetfes foj We gooo bcbattoar , ano upon a Uitt.ce of tjtS rcfnfal contmftg btm to pjifon. Sir William Bronker brings bfs habeas peace for corpus t'.i tl)f3 Conrt , anD «pon tf)c retojn tbts otattcr appcar'D , tbc jp;f. refufing to fc^g^ pjaprs bp \}i5 cotmccU to b? DcltDcrco,bccaufe tbcrc appeareo no mat« foT'the'" od ^^"^ iamcimt upon tbe teto?n io^j' be fljoulD be commfttco, but becaufe tbe bchiyiout (daoltx DefircD tfmc to amcnc tbc rctcjn,tl)e Court grantcD It , ann tooulo not Dclibcr tbe |3jtfoner,bi:i took bati foj bts appearance, viz. tbe c£arl of Good bchavi. Dover, anDCEarlofChefterfield. 0nDtbc Court tl)cnfafD,tl)at a Bluff* o'-»r- fee of peace cannot fafnD one to tbe gooa bc^atlour upon a general fnfo?= mation , oj commit bT)CTfff upon a bono gitjcn btm to fabe Win ' '',^ " Ijarmleffe, 6cc.tbc E»cfenDant plcaos tbatlie fcatb latcn btm fjarmleffe, ?biipa"k°"'"to tDfs tbc plaintiff Demurs , ano IjclD a gooQ ocmtirrer, foj be ougbt to babe plcaocD non damnificatus , ano not gnicrallp tbat be batlj fabeo bim bftrmlcirc , foj tbatbc map bo in manp tblims , ano pet tbc plaintiff map be tamnifpco in fome otbcr t bfngBtobcre in be toaa alfo bouno to fabe Ijim tjarinlcEfe. 2Ebe rale teas to fl&ciD caufe toljp 3!«Dg* incnt OjoulD uot be gil^cn Co; tbe plaintiff, White Hill. 2 5 Car. 17 White. Pafc, 23 Car, Banc.Rcg, AlJuDgcment toao gitcn in an flctfon on tl]c Cafe biottcljt bp an Sttur. ^•''?' '" «■'- ncpfOitljlfctDOjWfpobcn of l)tm;Thomas White is a perjured Knave, j^.*^'"^ '""'i-' and a fuborned Knave, fl MrU of CErrOJ toas bjougllt, ailD OltJCtfl EC- Adl M'i'on"hc ccpHonis taUcn , but tl3c pj/ncipal lucre tltjo, i, S'oat tJjc u-ojos ar^Cjicf^ notteelllart, fojt^cparcaBKflttJctDOjBs, ano fo not poGtitc enoualj to*^or tbe action bjougbt : Skeltrom appears anD plcacs , tljat at tbc time of tfje ° ^•'' ^'"^"' obligation t)e teas folus ec innuptus. 2Eo t^is |plea tljc plaintif? oemurrs. RollcIufticefaiO, t!)i6 |piea teas not tlie fame luitb ne unques loyaimenc • accouple,fo? one crtcnDcD to a feme de fafto,artD tfje otljct to a femcdeju. re.JCbc Court tfjen aofeifcD of t!)c |Dlca.but Trin.eij Car.rulco to fteto caufe tomojtoto tobp inogement ftoulo not be giben fo? tl)c plaintiff. )E> Stough(oo 1 8 Pafc.ijCar. Stoughton and Day. Pafc a 3 Car, Banc, Reg, Demurrer lit- QToughton an utiDctfljcrlff bjfngs ati SictJonof 2Dcbt agafnft Day one on 2 DccUrn- O Of Wa31BaUfif3,upon an obUgatfon toft^ a conoJtfon to fate tljc unoct. tioninDrbr.(|^etjffljaf,nl(.(j(.|„epecat{ngofpjocEtrc0, anuotljcr tbfnga contalHCD fn KVrT '^•"tbcconnmon, anoafstgnestbcbjeacljoftljcconcWontofac, tliattfttJBaf. ^ ' ■ ItffbaDnotCjccuteDfucIjbtstoartantfcntto fttm upon a pjoceac to tjim tifrccteD out of tbc Cpcbequct to letjp Iffucs upon certain lanDfi. %o tijfe occlaratfon tt)E JDcfcntant Demurs , aiiD fljctoo foj caufe , i, iSCbat tfte toartant to bz betu mo?ep?opcrlp erpjcffeo. Barker and Marty a. Pirc»23 Car. Banc, Regf Tl^e plaintiff bjJngs an S^ctfon of Etefpaffe, antjteclarc0 agarnff tljefj^J^f^^ JDcfcnBant fo} b?ea!jfng Usljoufc, anDtaWngalnap quinque inflru=;n jJ^Aaionof mcnta ferrea , Stngliu, iFctters; ano a terofrt iuas foj tbc ^lafntfff.Trcfpafs. Blttoasmobcofn^rreftof 3uogcment, t^at tlje toojo Inftrumemum is notalBOjotfjatftgnfficsi'ettcrfl; but tbat it {p fo general a toojo tbat U map crpjcffe anp otber t^ing ao iuell , anD tbat tl)c Angdce jopncD jritbit, to interpret toiiat it mcann , cannot fjclp it , bccaufe tfjcrc is a p?opcr 318:= tinU30?DtDl)icl)micl)tanD cunljtto tjaVebecnufCDto crpjetfc IFcttcrs bp. Rolle 3!t!'tttce faiD , tW bp tljc Statute nil plcaQingB ougl)t to be in Latine ^'i"<''"6»' ano et3erp pa'-ticular tbing therein ougbt to be crpjeffeo bp a Hatin too jo , if tbctc be a pjopcr latin iro ?D fo ; it, ns bcrc tljcrc is, ano tbcrcfojc tbc pjo. per JLatin liojD beiitgnot ufeo .. bnt anotbcr lo'oicb cannot flgnific tljc tbfng , tlje AngliceDotbnogooo; but part of tl)c jDcclaration (ball be juogea to be in (EngliQ) , ano fo it cannot be gooo, Sinn juDgemcnt tbcreupon teas fiapeotiUtbe otber fboulD moije. Curtice a.nd Columbine^ Pafc. 13 , Car. Bine, Reg, Mich, i2Car.rot433f Curtice bjiiigs an Action upon tbc Cafe againft Columbine upon an Af- ^^^or to re- futtipritbppavoU, toftno meat, o?inl!, loosing, &c,foj tbc plaintiff, v%rre » ludge- ■jino to tcacb bim tbc tranc of a jncrccr- 2Lbis agreement loas aftcttoaroo mi-cu in an bp confcnt of botb pavtpec put into iajiting, ciipou tbc trpal tbc plain- ^^j^!; "^g" tiff obtcinoaJllerDict upon tbc paroll agreement, ano batb 3;uOacment *" ^"'^ '' tbercupon, SLbc 2DefcnDant fajingc bis 2Clrit of CErro; in tbis vEotirt, anO Slfctfmcs foj Crroj , tbat tbcrc tuas no Affumpfit Dcc^arcDupon, ojpio- l3caftifficient, to toarrant tbc Slcroict ano 5uDaemcnt, becatifc tbatbp rcauctng tbc agreement tolujiting, tbc paroll agreement became iplo faiSotoiOjanoronojaictioncculDbcbjouobtuponit; but it o;:£ijt to bate 3© 2 been 20 Pafc.2 3^^''' been b:ougI)t upon tf)c Agreement crpjtffcD in tljc Dceo, anti t1)c ffTitc oagljt to babe been joi'ncD upon tljat , anu not upon tbc tcrball agrccmcnt,iDf)(tb istioio. 2ni)cnilcofConrt toafitofljciDtaafc tD^p Htioscnrcnt fljoulo not be rctocrfeD. Barker and Martin. Pdfc.2 3Car.B.R, Arrcft of j^ Arker bjfngs an Action of SCrcfpafg fo; an affaiilt anTi Baftcrpncafna Tfcr'T"" '" i^Martin , fimulcum , «c. anBhatb a tlcrcirt againC Dtm. %t Ujas " ^'' "^^ motcDinarrcftof 3;(jr)gcment,tl)attl)C Action ougbt to fjatc been bjougbt patttcularlp , agatrtftt!)C other Crcfpaffojs together toltb tbc SDcfcnOant, a?ie not againft tl)e JDcfenoant in pattfcitlar , toftb a general fimul cuni a- gainft t?ic reft , lubfcl) f3 uncertain , ano fignifies noting againft tbc rctt , anu tbc ratljcr , bccaufe tftc Action tacommenccDbj> bill, ano not b}> o« rigfnal; altboiigljitcoalDnotbc gooDtbotigl) it lucre bi> ojigina! : but it inaa fain bp Roilc luOice , that it map be tljc plaintiff cotilo not Arrcft tbc OifjerSCrelpaffojci, ai;t) tl)nt betoillco it Ubcn be can, ano tljat be map TicfriiTc. iDcUpjoctcDagainatbematDiViers times as be can taUctbem, but tbat iabcnfosticr be Qjail bate bao fatisfaction foj tbc aCrcfpafa none bim from anp one of tbcm, be cannot pjocccDagainttanp oftbeteft; anoittoas ttilco tbat 3uDscmcnt fljoulD be entree, * Cook and Allen. Pafc, 23 Car. Banc. Reg. iuJ{.cmcnt A 3!tttigemenf gltenfnantnfctioj Court teas rcfccrfcD In tbis Court , rtvcrfcd be Za bccaufe tbe Venire toac, Venire faciaijjc. anD CiD not fbkb) from ciiifc the Vt-tebat place tbe Venire fljoulo bee, lubicb, bp Rolie luftice, ougbt to batic Hire was i 1. jjpj.,^ cjpjgjfcg at large, it being in an fnferioj Court, anu not Initb an, &c. '"•""'"'^""■^'altbongb tbe ufcoftbc Common picas be to maUc tbe Venire ftojt , toitb Co:ninon «„ o picas. *"5 ^^' Tt\t King and Holland^ Entrcd 1 6 Car. Argued Pafc. 2 3 Car. Banc. Reg, An agjiiicntf-p^ccafc tons in effect tbis. Copj'bolo Ivasnirrenujcutol. S.fn vT'itt '^""' ■*■ **""*' tbatHolbnd an Alien, fljoalDtattc tOc pjofita tbcrcof to bis otonufe, ano benefit , upontbisaninquiflftion toas tabcn fo; tbc fctng, ano tbic matter founo: lubcreupon tlje lanos lucre fcifco into tbe ^aings banns, ano upon a trpall concerning tbcfc lanos, n fprcial tueroict teas founn , compjilTng tbe afojefaio matter. 2Ebc cafe teas argueD againft tbcfeingsSEitlc, bpMountague of tbe Middle Temple, anD foj tbe JSings title, bp Hales of.LincoInes Inn, SCbe fubftance of Mountaguct ArgU-- mcnttnas, i. Co conCiDer tbe nature of tbc trult ; ;, Ciyj nature of tbclanoout of toljicbtbe truft iuas raffeo; ano fojtljefirttljebcHi, bc- caufe Pafc. 23 Car. 21 * caufc ft teas a truC foj an 0!ten to taae tljc p:oi5ts cftljchino, cnutntlat tbcaUeiiljaD no c53te In tljelano; tl)crcfo;ctl;J lihijjcoulo not bate it, as f)e mf gl)t !:a^B Ijan tl)c InnQ (f tbc ilUen f)ao Ijau anr cttatc in it : ano is faf ti)nt tl)tfl truft u-as a tl)in5 onlp in Sitfon , ano Ucs in p?itftp , ano net to be fcifcD npon bp anctl)£t ; anu MfD a aillcfn luan a parallel pctfoit (tt labj to an Qiicn , i:x rcfpra of purr Ijafina of Janco, anfi lino a Cop(?)o{o brcti furrcnoicD tbii0 fn triift foia •aillelit , tl)ei.o;oPoo:!!Dnctl)a\jG fetfeo ft- anDtI)t3tsbiitatrul!:notCt:cutcD, itljfcbfsmtfjcntiiiacof a ufc at tl)e Common lain , ano not an it is nolo bp tl)C Statute : bcftocs, tbis truft fs talfcD out of Cop^boliD lanus, anD tticrcfoje tljc lifng cannot feife the lanDj toWfb tljc Allien Ijatljnot, fojif l)c fljonlo , tUoLojo of iubom tUc lane is !)clD, U)oulDb5p:c{uDfceD ; anol)CcftcDBeverIyestafC4. rep. 126, ano a cafcfn2?Eliz: Hales on tbcotljcrfiDcitrguco, ti)atti}e l^tns flbnii fjatic the truft, ana laiD tbcfc tluo gjonnco. i , jEljat tftcrc map be a truft raifea upontbcftirrcnBcrofadopji^ol!); anu jlp, tijat tbc f-urrenocr fettles t!)e truft in tb;iSUcn, anocitco u H.4 26. anoIjcfaiotbcretbi'njsVocrccon- fiDcrablc, I. MbetbertftclungftjallljatiEanptbfng, ano tofjat^c (ftall ftatc; 2. ^bctljer &: fi}ill i;al3c a nfc fo j an Silicn at tfjc Common lata , 0; a truft; 5. StTi;ctlKtl)c(l)nlll)al)catruttraircQoiitofaurc. iJno foj tftc firft, be latD , ttjat tbe truft irao not a tbing met rip fn 2ttioiT , but an ijercoltament ; ano partlp in poffcfijton. ano cftco Cooks Inftttutcs 469. ano fafo , t^c rcafon toftp an Hlfcn mdp not parcljafc lanos is , becaiifc tfeat tl^isiiiiigDommigbtnotbcfmpotjerdljeotfterebp, bptranfpojttng tbe te« tjcnursoftljelanolntoa fojEtrt Countrp. ano putting a part of it nnocrtbs fubjraion of afojcfnpjfncc, ano t!)e fame rcafon tomes to tlje cafe tit qiicfiion, anotljcrcfojeisnottobc fuffereo; ano ctcrp aifcn t!)at put* cbafctbisfaiotopurc^afctotijcufcoftfjcisfng, anofo Qjall it be in tl)i3 cafe , ano altfjougi) a tljfng mecrlp in action is not transferable to a Com* mon perfon , pet is it transfcrrablc to tl)C iisfng -. but tijio cafe is ftrongec fojtl)C?^{ng,fo>l)cre is not at!)ingmc;rlp in Jetton but mireo tuftlj ati intcrcft, ano it is no rcafon, but tijat tljc lata icfjic!) toas maoe to meet iDiil) tt)j fubtfiftp of fuel) alien piircljnfojs , fiioulo take place ftcre ; ano it cannot be fato tt)at tljst lato teas niaoc to giljc rcmcop to tIjD iitng fo: tljat t)c Ijao facfoje , ano a ir^eoffmcnt noia maoe in truft fo j an aitsn is all one tcitb a uf c at tftc Common laiM ; annljctftcDip. jac. tbattrufts maoe to &t. lohn Daccombe of annnftrcs ioi tl)C ILojo Summerfetc attafntcD of 2EreafontocrcaojuDgcotobcfo;fcitcD: anol)Cl)clD,tljattI)ereis nooiffe* Daccoirbe, rcnccbcttDEenatruftraifeooutofa Coppbolo ano otijet lanos , ano if Ijc Ijat!) an intcrcft Ijcre in t^c p-.cfitf, t{)c feifurc is gooo, though he hate no in- tereft in the lano , fojtIielanDmaplcfcifco bpthcpjofits^ yH. 5. foj.p. 15ut Rolle luftice DcmanOco of Hales, hotothc iiing ftjall be intitleo to the Tide, profits of the lano, tuhcre he is not intitlco to the lano it felf:- ano faio, that the Chanccrp cnnnct compell one to Crccute atruft foj an alien, ch»n«ry ano that a truft teas int'Cntcu onlp to atioio the statute of afco, ano faio , that a truft is not a thing in atfion , but map be ari Trdi. fnl^ctitantc oj a Chatell as the cafe falls cut. aojournco po» Ilea. D } Whice Ple». Pafc, 2 3 Car. White and Pynder. Pafc. 23 Car, Banc, reg, Mieh. 22 Car, rot -,40.' ^^^nJyl^^' f i^ an 0ctton of ilrofeer ano Contcrfion , t^crc tuas a Demurrer jopncu ucnce. 1 upon tfee cttoencc ; anDtljercnpontljc Court DirettcD tbc Jnrp to fino Damages fo;tl)e|D;aintiff, If upon tl)c argument of tt)c Demurrer tlje lain ftoulD be aDjuDgcD fo? fjtm , ano tt)cn t!>e partfcs DcCrcD tftc 31urp migbt be DifcIjargeD, ano rcferrcD tbc matter to tl)c ^ octcrmfnc tl)5 latD upon tl^c ctlcence. 3n tbts cafe Rollc ^ufifce tooU tbfs Difference , to left Rcc ui. betlreen pleaotng of a lIctojD, anD ctling a IRccojDin cttoencc to a 3[Hrp. 3f It be plcaccD (t muft be fub pede figilii , oj elfc tfjc SaDgcs cannot juDge of (t. ISiit ff ft be gifccn fn cbtoencc, tbougl) It be not fiab pede fi^illi, Evidcncf. ttjc Surp map fins It, if tljep tjatic otbcr gooo matter of fnDucemcnt to pjobe ft. flnotlje partpcis in tbfc cafe toere aDbifeD bp tljc Court foj tbcir olnit erpcDftion, toicttijerctobciffucoa venire facias de novo , ano to tuaibe tl)CDcmarrcr upon tbc eblDcnce,becaufc it toas not gooD,noj couId bjing tljc ntalter in qucflion bcfojc tliem tljat tbep migbt Determine it , foj one partp faitbttjereisatojit, anD tbc ot^er faftl) tbcrc is not a Icjit, tobiclj is bare matter of fact, ano not fo; us to Determine but foj a 3urp , ano tl)e Demur- rer ougbt to bavc been toijetljcr t^clBjitbegooDojtD^etljeritbe baD, ana fljoulobabe anmittcD tbat tl)crc loas a lojit tyel quel , anD tljcn Ijao tbe loljolc matter come legallp bcfojc uc , to tott , tD^etfter tlje el3iocncc gibeit to tbc 3urp be fufficirnt to j tbcm to finD a ticrDfct fo j tbc plaintiff upon ttic fffucjopneDojnot, 3l5ut tljc Court Uiill aDbifc. • Hamond and Kingfmill, 1 Pafc, 23 Cars Banc. Reg, A,ren b:re ra= tbct Pafc 23 Car. 25 tfiet in a too jfc , anc Crafncs conllraaton to grotinu an 2laion npont ant) f 0? tl)c fctonD toojUo^to faj> XT,at\)c toao a DeDaiicbcDman, ano not tDO jtlJi" to l)c a ^uUke of prarc^tljej' cannot fcc fcancalous. foi ttjcp arc fpo= hen of Wm in relation to iDl^at ftc u as in time paff, befo?c ftc toas a 3[nftice of peace, ano not as fee iras at tbc time of t!)e fpcaBing, ano it is no fcanoall to fap , a man tjstb been ocbaticIjED, fo j it map be l)c is note otbcr. leap eg. J5ut foj tftefirft Ido;ds it Irag anflnercB bp ti)2 Conncell on tbc ot^er CDC, that tf)cptrcre actionable, foattepmuC be tabcn acto?Dino to Common tonflruction , v iz, ttiat be ijau acocu not onlp irojDs of Ws oIdh Intention to tJ)c rramination , but tljc matter it fclf eipjeCeo in tljorc tDojCfl lubitt) teas not confclTcD fap tfte craminant. ano as to tfte latter too? us, it toas anfiucreD tftep tocre alfo Actionable : ano a Cafe tuas cftco tj^crc guccrcmciit Iras citcn aoainft tbc SDefenoant fo? Taping of one, t^at tc teas a tojrnpt SiiDge. Rolle lufticc teas of opinion , tftat tlje firft tnojos Cafc. tecrc actionable, but not tfje fcconD.foj toojBs fait^ be ouglrttobe taben ac- tojuing to nfuall, anO Common conftrHCtion,tftong^ t^ep ate not to be ftrai* ni:Q,fojotbctliiifcamanmapbcaburcDbprabtilitp, anoQiall bate no re. meDp , ano Inogement map be giten l^cre foj tbe firft Ujojds, ano not foj ludgement. ttjc fctono , tbe S^amagcs being fctcraU , but if tbe Damages ^aD been fn- ttre tbcreifSpDgcmEntcoulDnotbcsiticn fojbotb tbe teoaDs, it cannot be gitjcn at all. Bacon luffice mncl) to tbe fame purpofe as Rolle , ano fafD, tW tbe fittt iuojDiJ ftall be meant, tbat be aDDeo too jds of bis otnn fntjcntl^ on toitbout anp inftruaion of tbe partp, foj oftentimes Dubious tnojDs tbaO bctahcnintbetDojfcfcnfe upon confiocration of tbe Circnmftances t^t accompanptbem, anDbc teas alfo of opinion tbat tbe fccono toojos iuere actionable, ano are as fcanualons as tftc former. BJaDgementtoas gf= ten fo; tftc foimet tuojos , ano foj tl^c lattec tlje Contt tDon'tt aQt)tre> Barrett, as Car. Banc,Reg» reft of AiP action of gCtefpaffe teas b?oagljt foj Digging In Ijis lanD, anb carrp* :^ ing atoap a certain number of loaDs of cartb.anD a taerDict teas fo; tbe iuXVm IDlaintiff. 3t toas motJCD in arreft of BnDgement tijat tbe Declaration in xrefpalv teas incertain , fo j tbe Ctefpaffc is laio to be Done in lano , Iping in Dibera lEotons. alp. 3;tis not fljetocD tobat feinD of foil t])t cartb teas tbat toas carpeo atoap : but botb tbe etccptions toete obct.rnleD , ano 3laDgemcnt tales to be entreo ni{i caufa, ^. Conisby and Fairfax. Pafc, 23 Car, Banc. Reg» A31uDgcmcnt toas giten In an action of ffirefpafs in tbe Contt of Owfe* g^ ^or m bjiogc in York, la toritofCrro; toas biougbt in tbis court to tebctrcvctrtaiud/c. tbe 3uD3ement,manp ej;ception3 not m^ltial at all toete tabc«, ano man? "lem in j.Trcrpafle. VciiilC. F 2 4 Hil. 2 3 Car. otbcrs tftat tecrc ?)c!p3iJ bp tftc c!crDl(t;but tbc t^jccT^f €r«ptfone uiccF* 1 , 2Et)C jramaccfl lucre Ccdarco to be ad valentiam (juingint. librar. infteaO ofquingent* fo; t!]erc tij no Tiic^ iDOjD as quingint , to cppjcfaanp number, fo:- it" U be meant to crpjcfs i^tftp, it ougbt to be quinqaagint. but quingcn:. fi^n'fiCS 500. 2ll'.2Et)C Venire toae CfrcacD Balivis de Wapentagio , aHjercas tbcrc ja no fut!) too jp, fo? t!je teoro to crpjcfs a CSlapcntaUc is Wapemathi- um,rotbntitonnlittObc de Wapentachio,a:iD not Wapentagio. jlj-SLljC Ve= niref?, Venire facias de b4iva, anD fapcsnot lobat 113nliiDiciv,\D5)tcb(o anter« tafn, ano it cannot be fenoicn, tD'jitljcr it cvtcuBa ano upon tbcfc Gytcptiona tbc ijuDgcmcnt InasrnlcD to be reWrfcDjCvccpt better matter fbcton ^a-- turuaj? foUoiiinS. Pafc 23 Car- Banc Reg. anEndk?.'"^ V G')cccptions Itjcrc taUeu. i. =|^j (jSinOiacD fo:.ufin5facultatempirto» nient (ox uCwo ris, anO COtl) UOt faj' panis hiimani. 2lp. ^t is fOJ baling panis tricicij-Xng- ihe TraJc oP ]ice, ^^oiifljolQ bjcau, toSjcrcas tt Qgnifieo ohIp bjeaD mauc of CClfjeat, ana a Baker. notWiH^olD bjcHO , foj tJjat map bc mat)c"cf otljcr cojm jlp. jrojba-- bing panis Aflfiftoitbout a baft fo; panis Afsifs. tilpon t^cfc ©pccptf ons it toss qnadicbt Pa(c. 25 Car- Banc- Reg. ■\7 J0otx a motion foj qtiafliing anCntifitmcnf agafnft one foj appjcljcnDfns ^.rET/ft'^^ * S4imp;{foningbtm,t[;criC-rccpttonstDcrctalvcnto{t.i.3it faprstbat .'cnc "fcr 'a'rr. I)e appjcljentieD i (nip?ifoncD tb: partp toitboat a liSarram, tobcrag it oujjbt >iRg aiij in.- to bate been abfque aliqua rarionabili cauia/o; in fomcCafc© a man map be ;)iiruni!!g one. appjebtnecD ano impji'oncD tuitbont a ^Slarrant , bnt in no Cafe teitbout a rcafonabic catife.ilp SEbcCBnoirtmcit ii5,tbat be cio not Ctjcto btm tbe canfc tobp be app?-CbcnDcD ano tmpjifonco tbc partp , ano tbat be is not bouno to DO, ano vet tbe partp map bclalDfallptmp;ifoneo. jlp. 2Dbe CDnDitt. mc'it Dotl) not fap,tbat ')c appjcbcnoco ano impjifonco t'^e aartp falfelp, aa it oasbt to babe Done, Ctpon tbefc deceptions it loas quatbco* Drake ancJ V^Vhitacre. 23 Car, Banc. Reg. Hil. 22 Car, Rot, 1518. Arcflofjude- A i? )^^'°" "P*^" ^^^ ^^^^ Uasbjougbt, anba tacrbfctfounbfojtbe ir.cnt M) an A |i)laintiff foj tbcfc tiJO^Ds, Margaret vvhitacre (viz. meaning tbc f.aki: I'p.a 3i)iaintifE) did fieal ray Wood, and I will fend her to Bridewell. 3ittoa0 ti,: csfcior jj^j,.cnt in Debt plaintiff hath not IhclrcD, that the SDefenoant ofo not pap ti,e monp "P'"" ^'^^ at the Dap limiteD in the 516ili, but onlp faps, non folvit, &c. »!y. ^e Dc. ^ elates, that the SDefenoant toasbonnotopapfuch a fnm Legaiis monets, anD Dot^ not fap Angliae , but the Court otcc- tjiUD bot^ the eicceptionsj ano tnlCD tl)e jpiaintiff to tabe his JuDgement. C Pafc, Hn.2 3Car^ Pafc- 2 3 Car- Banc. Reg. Ajpotfon tons mattcbp one Colon agalntt anof^ct ncfgbboar bojoe* rfng SDoton, foj a Mrft to make tftcm rcpaft t\itit fences ; 0nD it to m.kc ub HDcputp Almonet upon a compoCitfon maDC Cc'tlficatc ^^^^ Wm,B3Con Juftice, pjocurc tbe ODcncral 2r>cpntp ^almoner to aPlutOln,' Noiicc. " Icogc It ano pjoturc ^Ijj Certificate to tfte cowrt, foj oftljc S>ub'H)cputg tnc can taiic no ncti'cc. Trin. 23 Car. Banc. Reg. To qvnni a!> T'^^sCourttoasmotJCDtoqtiafljaCntiictmentoffojclblccntrpupontljefe Hiuiictmcni. -■- ©vtcptions. 1. SCIjcrc Is no aDtttton Of tftc Countp Icftcre tbc part? ctfuicibicEn- QjjjciiQ ti)nt maDetl)efojttblecntrp,a3tI)creougl)t to bcbptlic statute of Al\itioii ^ ^' 5- ai'O toitbout tljls aoDltlon nopjoccracan faeatoarDcDtooutaalo tl)c partp, foj It mutt bc DircctcD unto tljc Countp iBbcreljcoVDCllc. ilp gCbcrc Is no Countp crpjeffcD uiJjcrctbc till lies In U)bc cnJ.a^a ,£\del foj rccafancp. 3:t Iras noto motfeo tliat l)c tooulD pleao Confojmt< for Rccuiai'tp^ but In rcgarotljat Ijc mtitt plcat) it bp 3 Certificate unucr t^c IjanD ano <=y- fcal of tbe 51Bifl)op of tbc SDioccs, anD Blftops ii ere noU) taben aluap bp tbc ^^ ^arllamcnt,l)c teas DifablcD to DO It, but fjao a Certificate unDrrtbcljanDfl Cji'LS. ^"° ^^^^° °^ *'"^ spinittcr ano- Cburcb^uarDens of tl)c |)arlfl) Uifjcrebc DlBClt, upon fl)atl9tcCiifplng bis Confo^mltp, ano tberct!ponitlua3p:ap= ED be migbt be DifcbargcD. JBut tbc Court an'.toercD , tbat tbcre is anotbet temeDp nitcn bp tbc statute , tobicb be migbt bal^e folloii:eD , tbougb tbe fojmer teas ainap , to luit, to conform at tbc ^efsfons , ano it luas ■ bis oton fault tbat be batb lott tbat aobantage bp remoljing tbe CEnDtctincnt bitber bp Certiorari, auD tbcrcfojc Vuc toill not at pjefent Dcllticr biittj but iMlll confiucr of tbc Statute , ano ftap tbe ^loccfu In tlje mean timp. Trin, Tfin. 2?- Gar. Trin. 2 3 Car- Banc- Reg. 1%, tons moftcD f o tl)tConrt tliI',cr{fFs pjifon fo; felons, anotbatoncmapbc . rent tbitbcr altfjougb tbc offence be not !clonp,ano tbat t!;c cutting of CGIooo fianoing is to be puniflicb k itli tobipping, ano fo tfjc partp map be fcnt to Bridewell foj tftat offcKce, aniifaiD,ti)attbclafilto;ti3ar"cerplanat03pof tbe fo?mcr, tbat be meant not tbc factcbargco upontbe plaintiff to be felo- np, but bao not tbc later toojoo been aoneo to rjplain bis meaning, tbe for- mer alone arc clcarlp actionable. 51But Rollluffice bdo tbctoojDsastbcp arc laio to be actionable, ano citeb Hyfords ano Stamps Cafe, Trin. 1 1 lac. & DolemananDYoiings cafe, 5 Car.anD Smith ano Wards Cafe, 21 lac, anO faio 'bat in tl'c Cafe at JBar, tb&t tbc latter toojos lucre cumnlatibc ano notfntcrp:ctatibe, ano ttjat tobere tberc arc ejipjcfrcpjcccocnt iiojosto maheoncaSbief, tbcrcougf)ttob^tiolCHttoo}D0rubftq!lcnt to giiicthcm anotbet intcrpjctation,anD not toojBs U:l)tcl) map (jc tahcu bp implication , astljcpatcintljisCafe, Adjourned. ® i VVaf J^ __ T«n;3 Car. ~ ' VVatfon and VVatfon. Trin,33. Car.Banc. Regf Hlll.c2Car.roM687» /« on of A -^ ^^'°" °^ ^'^'''' ^^^ b?ougftt upon an £)b'{natfon tet'tfj conuftfon to Dcbrfornot /iL flaiiD to AH almtD, 2Ll)c SDcfcHDant plcaus HC arbttrcmcnt maoc- pcif .rm„, jEfjc ^Dlajntiff rcplpesj , ano fcto fo;tl) tbe aUiatD , ano flfstgno a bjcac!) • '•>'-=^"i. tljcSDefcnDontoemuro, anofojcaiifeaiclDS tljat tfje alnara to miccrtafti flnDrot finalljo; it is, tl)at one of t!)E parties fljall pap fo much monep to tl)c otbcr as ftall be Due fn confcicncc, ano tftat cannot be hnoton I)01d mm\) ft map be, auDconfcquentlptlierc is no atoart), but botb parties are at ii- A n mccrtjm ]}^xtv to fo to lali) as tl)Ep toerc bcfo jr, ano fo no cno is maoc bctluccn tftcm ecod ''°' ^'fcptbeatoatDaccojDing to tbc intent tljcrcof, anotljcfc boolis lixrc citcD a= gainfttljealcatD, joEd.4.fol. i.ec4.9H.7'foI. H, 8 Ed.4. fol. 20. Jt iDas nilco bp j!)c Court to (Dcto taufc tol)p luogcmcnt ftoiilo not be anainft lljC jpiaintlffper nil capiat per billam. The King and Placq, Trin 23 Car, Banc, Reg. Erixr to re- "-p ^z Cafc betlBCcn t!)e King ant) Phce aDjourncD, Pafc' zj Car. tras a- nic'^'^r" .'"'^ * sainmotca, iDl){cl) itas tl}ic: Plpcctoas inaicteo before Finch ano !i'n En'il d'- Crawley SSuCiccs Of £)pcr ani3 2ncrminct , fo j tftcfc toojus fpohen againft mcMt upon tfte ajuccn inotljEt of France, viz. tbc£Uuccnmotl)Ctistl)e ®3l)o?e of Ba« -' ' tariitc faylon, ano is a ttHljoje, ano batb Ijao a JBattarD, ano all t5)c i^cblemcn tl)at damn ^^,{^ j,oj jppj^ i^„f[j j^g ngajnft i)cr , arc lloaucs ano Uafcalls. SCo tl)ia "^'""'- cuDictmcnttbciircfcnDantpIcatJca . ano toao founo guiltpbptlic 3!urp,ana Sutgcmcnt citicn againft bim : tElijcreupon l)C brings bis tOrit of Ctroj^ iutbiflCotirtto rcDcrfc tlje ^uatrement, ano afsigns tljcfc (Srrojfi. i» afainfltljcbcDpcftljcCnDiamentitfcIf, ano tbat Ije ougftt not to be €ti- tirtco foj tljc Uio JDS, bccaufc tl)cp arc neither fpoUen againft tbc (TommDii lain no;i againft anp Statute laVo. 2. Againft tljcpjocccoings upon tl)c 6i;2t£tnicnt, n ticlj lucre againft lato , being too fpccop, foi l)c tuaa CnDid:» ED bcfojc Jtifiiccs ot ilDper ano SEcrmincr , ano trfcoin oncoap, Inljcreas tl)creoug!)ttol)alicbecn 15. Daps betfeiirt t!]c pjcfctring of tfte C-noia. nrcnt.anDtbctrpal. 3. SCiic Venire is againft lato, foj tftc Court Dio cl)ufc,trp,anoftto;ctl)E3iurp, tub'tl) ougbt not to be. 4. ipart of tbe Suugement is , tljat tbc SDefencant ftjall be bouno to l)i3 gooo bcljatiiour , lul)icl) cannot be upon fuc!) an Cittiitmcnt as toas befojc tl)2m, 5. SHfje C];nDictmentootI)notrap,tfjattl)c iDOjDs tuere fpoUcn contra pjcem. <5. of tl)c ?HT?2cntcnt is, fliat be fijall bcTct upon ttjc piHo?p, ano lofe l)?3 cares, \x\}\i\) no lalu Icarrar.ts, but onip to be fct tl)erc to tl)c tieto of tbe; people, iittlja papcr on f)io Ijeao. 7. ZC'ic guoremrnt is l!)at be llball be fmp?tronct3fo;iapcac toitljout bail , inbfc!) OHg!)t not to be. Ko tbis laft exception t!)c Court anfircreo, tl)c partp migbt be fo committeo ; 5IBut tt.cp fa'D, t{)st t'oc 2ulltccc of £>i'er ano SDcrmincr cannot tr v an (f-noiument tl;c fame ■ I'cS Scsnilo.'i Wjgiiaiuni. Trin.2 3Car. :9 fame tiap , noj 3«fttce0 of peace at tlje fame ^efefons in toljicb ft JCaa p?c- "^'ya'". ferrcD ; anot^epciteoonc BarnabyesCafcn Car. ano Pridians Cafe, <> Car. 5 23 E. Plow.44.115ut t^cp fatDjufitcEs cf Cjj,TOa»' trr an (EnDfd:- mcnt tljc fame Dap; Roll lufticefa{o,tl)c fetngs Ben.tfe Is aCourtof Cpjfn t^eCountpUfecrcttfito, anDtl)crcfo;ctl)cpmaptrp an^^y- ticDfterc out of tl)c fame Cotmtptftc fame Dap , biitnoti'itlje rcmotcDbf-. tftcr out of anotUr Countp, foj (n tCat cafe ft is onlp a Court of £)pcr ano %txminn . 31But Bacon DcnfeQ ft, ano fafD fo teas mp 3Lo;d Cooks opfnf- on, anDtt*trasairofafDtl)at3iifttcc0of£»pcrarD Scrmfnet cannot pjo< cceouponan C-nDfctmcnt it'jicljfsnottal^cnbcfcjctbrmfcitcs, but^'-iftv cfcesofd&aol Deltterp map; ano tfje Court alfoljclD, that tljcjuraroreseledi tryati et jarati bp tl)eCourt,a0ft mull ncccffarflp be ftere unDErftooo,tDas '""^y- ■ fUcpl, fo;tbc3lurpougt)ttobeelcai bp tl)c &beriff out of tfjc Countp ; anDlaftlptfje Court ftclDjtbatlEgallptbcre ouct)t to Ijavc been 15 Oflpes bcttocentf)e<[l;nDfctment,anDtl)etrpal, anofojtljeferearons ojDcrcD to ntbcnotfcetotbcJSfn00§>oHfcftout, 0; Serjeant, to (ftcto cau'c toljp tbe SluDSEment fljoulD not be rctcrfcD» Hill and Farmer, Trin. 13 Car, Bare. Reg.' Hill. 17 Car, rot, 674* vjk j^ 0(tfon of HDebt Iras bjougljt \n tljc Common pleas upon an obltgrs Error i% Dcbc X% tfon i anD a guogement upon a Demurrer teas gitjcn fo j t^e piafntf ff- iip°" >" "bi;- t!)Cpaintiffb?{ng0a©iErftofcrrojfn tbfo Court to re^erfc tlje 3!uDge- S"'°" mentjannafsfgncgfojCBttojtbattlje JSDblfgatfon upon toftfcfj tlje Action toas bjougfit, anD ^uDgement toao gftcn, foa tiofo obUgatton bptfje sta- tute of quinto anD fexto Of Ed. 6- maD^e agafntt burfng of £)fficc0. 315ut Roll JufticeanftoereD, tbat tlbeSuDgcmcntfntbc Common pleas teas gfticn upon a mffpleaDet tticre , anotftcrcfoje pon fijoulo maUe tljat gooD' firft before poumobcrclD matter. iJnD tiicre f0 anctbcr (Erroj alfo in tljc pleaofng, U)l)fcl) itao not toncljeD upon in t\)t Common plcn0,lr!,fclj is tf)f0, firft tlje plea \s of tljc £»{ecc of tfte Delitjcrp, toftfjfn tl)c £)f fice of tijc armo= rp, anD after l)creferr0t!)e plea totbe iD^fice of tlje iSrmojp fefjfcl) fs^-'^'^^'at'''"- another iSDfficc , anD fo tbe EDcclaratfon f0 Donble. SSnotljer cjiceptfon Inas tljat tljC tuojD Armentarius irias ufeD fO? /^ rmatnentarius. More' ay foHOJofng teas gfticn to ftciDcaufetctpHuDgemcnt OioulD not bcretjcrfco. The King and Marfhall. Trio. 23 Car, Banc, Reg. MAr(liallbjfng0a Mrft of-Ctrroj to retjcrte a 5»BCcm£ntg(tcn a^E.-rorupoa gafnttt)fm uponanCnDfrtmentofbarrntrp, ano tafeco tbcfc creeps >i Fndift- tfons. I . SCtiat it Dotlj not appear fn tlje CnDfrtment, bcfo:c Ujbat Com. ""'"'• mifcfoncro tfjc CnDfamcnt toafl tahen, upon to^fcl) tljc juDgcment teas C 3 ciV'cii 50 7rin, 2 3Car. gfticn ; ano fo tlje Cnofamcnt ts not gooQ fo j tftc tnccrtafntp of ft, ano con= fequentlptl)e3u^se'ncnttaettoncou3tljat 13 ni3Elftcrp. a. SS^e Snogcmcnt is, quod folvat tantamdenanorumfurnmam, anU fljallfino flirctics fojtftc gooo bcl)3t3four , auD tl)fs ia tatljcr an atoarD tljan a 3;uDgemcnt. So tijfg I d c 1 t Erccptfon Roll lufticc anfiucrcD, f f ft be a gooo o:ocr ft fs a gooo Itiogcmcnt, u gc.ncnt. gj^jjjjjgp,j,gjjgpajtoft^glm,gc^cnt,rct lettfjefefngsCounccll^abc no= tfcc, anDtt)cp?of£nitoj(l)CUjtaurcU)f)ptl)cluDgcmEnt flmilDnot Jjc rc> tKtfco. Trin. 2 3 Ca^ Banc. Reg. Arrrft 'i "T 7 pQ^ a tctDfci gftcn fn an ejeflione firms ft toas motJCD fn ;g[rrctt of jud^cnentm y guogcmcnt, 3110 tl)c crccptfon iia0,tl)at tl)c pioftiffff 11333 cjcttsa dc fiimi °'" uno Crof:o, ti'f)fc^ teas faio to be of an unccrtafn fignificatton ; ano bccatifc tljc pa'ntfff conccf'ocD the Court Doabtco k.l)ctl)cr an ejcdionc firmae lap of aCroft.beourftnotccfcntift, but motcss foj a fpccfal 3[nDgcmcnt foj tbc reft of tl)C lantJ contafneo fn tlje iDcclaratfon, ano pjapeo ti)at ijc mfgljt rc» leafetljc Damages as to tbe Crofc. Roiieluftice ooubtca Uil)ctbct an e= Ejtflione fir- jeAione firnnae l\>ta de uno Crofto , anu-fafD tl)at a iFo?mcDon Ipcs not of a «"s-. Croft, but tfjat an afeffe Dotlj,becaufe ft la put fn bfeto to tl)E rccognfto:g,but i|..rmedon. g pf-.-jpe ipco not of ft. SEIjc Tulc of Court MS, tf)at tb; iplafntfff CjotilD '"■ take a fpecfal Jiiogcmcnt as be oefircD , ano rcleafc t|)C Croft , ano t^c Da» magcB to all , ano tljat be Cboulo batie bis Coftes* Lerc and Cholwirch" Pafc, 23 Car. Banc, Heg. Arrcn-f T Er£ bjfnis an ^ctfOH cf Dcbt tipon an £)bIfgaffon agafi.ff Cfiolwltch; imjetmcrt .i> j^ t!)c f onottfoH Of tbc Dblfgatfon U3nG,tbat a certain fiim of moncp Ujoulb Obil'Ti^" "" be pafo to tljc plaintiff 40 tsa^'cs aftcrbc flioult) return toffa bis &bip to fiicb apojtofoircbargcfoifrafglt fojbfs&bip, ano fo: non papment !)ip iuas offcbargeo Tf ^'gi.t. of |jj3 ©0003 , 0: tbat tbe 40 oaucs lucre cjpireo befojc tbc montp Deman= DCB ; So tbia Rolle Juftice faio, it is not ufual to pap fraigbt fo : a S>bip , till tbc otoncrs baVie tbcir gooos cciftcreo, but bcre tbe conoftion of tbc bono fs , topaptbemonr)>siBftbfn4oDape3 after b^s return to fucb a pojtof off., cbargc, anoitisnotfntcnocD, tb^t tbe moncp Ojall not be pafotfll ti;e 40 Dapcflbcpaft. 2LbE2d.C-rccptfonua3, tbat be ootb not fan tobcvc tbc §>bfplDasunloao:n; So tbts Rolle anflncrco , tijatft Qiall be fntcnoeo tbatfttoasuiilaocnattbcpojtHibcre ft)c nrritJcD, if tbc contrarp be not fijcirn on tbc otber fice. 3lp. S^crc fs nontot ice crpieffeo to be gftjcn of tbc Koticf. nnloacfiig of tbc S>hip , anO tUs being a coUatcrall tbing, ano pcnall to tbc Defi:noant, Ic ougbt to batic notice of ft ; So tbfs Rolle fafa, that one par- tpmfc!bta3tc'.ltalicnoticeoftbfsastbeoti}cr,fojtbetljfng to be oone fs not liitcndmci r. Trin. 13 Car. 31 ■not to be none eftljct bp t!je |9lafnt(ff, oj SPcfenuant , anu tfte fffuc fs fotmo ana{ntttl)cDcfEnDant,ti)Ctcfo?c let Wm fljcto caufe Tueiday nert Icl)^ guDgement Qjoulo not be gilien fo; tlje |3lalnt(ff. Afterwards the fame Term ludgement was given accordingly. 5egar and Dyer, Trin. 23 Car. Banc Reg, Mich. 22 Car, rot, 1 3 5, or 13 y DYcr bjtnga an 0rtton of SCrotier anu Conticrfioit , in tljc Court at Error ro rc- BriftowagafnftSegar,nnDl)at!)a vEcrDftt, anoa SuoccJticnt agatnftvcrrea ludf- t)(m; Segarbjtngot)tstIRarttoferrojlntl)f3Coutt to tctcrfctbis ^"^SC'^^J^'^j^j J""_ ment, miD Bfslgncs tbcfc Grrojs. i. SCotljcSDrcIarattontobtcl) toas^^.^^^^ °"" of tl)c2Cr6t)cr, anu ConticrCon, de uno pu!io, Anglicc a Colt, tubcrcas TuU ' lusfignJfiEsnotaColt, butp?opctlpapoung^en, ant) l)cncc toe baotbc toojD pullet but in a general acccption of tftctuojD ft map Cgiiific alfo otftct jicung tWngfl, but tfcen ft mutt Ijatjc an aojcctfbc of tbc fpecies iDtjfcl) ft f0to Cgnffie, ojafubftantftjconijcgenftflie fafejofncD Uitl) ft,aa pnilus equi. nus, puUus Afininus 0} Afini ant) t\)t Ifiic , auD ouglt not to be ufcD alone to fignffic a f olt, irii!) an Anglice jopncD to it, as ft fs l]cre. SEbe 2d. QBrtcptfcn teas, tbat ft fs not IbeU fet fojtb, boiu tljc Court teas ftelu U)!)crc tl)c 31ut3ac= went teas gf ben , fojfteuotbnotttjctotljnttljc Court teas ftclo cft^ct bp letters patents, Ojbp pjaefcrfptfon, but faftl) ad curiam tentara tali die coram . . A. D. I, H. fC. a tcrpporecujuscontrariummerooriahominum non exiftit, fC.^'*^ cnptio*. totjftl) cannot be a gooDpjxfcrfptfon,foj a Court cannot be bclD at fuc!) a tap, ano before fuel) partfcalat perfons, ffft be not erpjcffcD to be I'ecnndum confuetudinem. 2Dbc rule Of Court teas to fbcU) caufc Tuesday foilo4ufng iDljp tl)e jHDgement ttjouln not be tebcrfeo, } Trini 2 3 Car, Banc. Reg. T^cpafntfff Declares tbattbeSDcfcntjantbaocofccnanfTi) toft!) !)fin,D:murrerup' to pap bfm fo mutb monep as ibc lljoulo crpcno foj rcpafrfng, ano tftt- "" > occiara- ualli^S a febtp foj bint, ano atcrrs t^at lie UnttpcnDct) 300 1. in repairing '^'^"^"J_?^ ^' anD victualling ft, anu tl)at be gate tbc SDefcnoant notice of ft at fuel) a nap , vcnlm'. ^' anu fo? non papment be bjfngs bto 3ctfon of bjeacb of Cotcnant. SCiic De- fendant proteitando tbat tbe piafntiff feao not lafB out 300 1, fn mancr ann fo;m asbe bao ueclareD, uemurs to tbe SDcclatatfon upon tbcfc crceptfons. I.' SEbatttattbeaDeclaratfontoasnotgooD, becanfc be baonot abcrrco a"fpccfallb?catl) of Covenant : 31B«t to tbfs Roll lurticefafo, tbat tbfs tv- teptfon bao been often oter^ruleo, alp. It teas obfeitco, tbat fn tbfs cafe tbe piafntfff fl)oulD babe bjougbt an aictfon of Debt , ano not of£,,,ct;^,„^j. Cotenant. HBut to tbls alfo Roll anftoereo, tbat ft toas tocll cnougb , Aa,on. foj ft fs fn tbe-electfon of tbe plafntfff to b;fng rftbtr an :actfon of Debt, j an actfon of Covenant , ano tljat ft batb been l:cretofo?e qutftfoncD , tobe- tbet an action of S^cbt of d Ipc f n tbfs cafcbut ft Iras ncbcr ooubteo but tbat ^ an action of Cobcnant DfD bcrp t»cll Ife. a tbfio eiccEptfon toas.t^jat tbcre fa '-'• no 5* Trin. 3 Or, iio rrqticfi allrgcB to pap tljc monp, anD toitftont requcft Ijc tuas not bonnu' Demar.1. *° P'T ^^ SCotbfa Roll anflDCtEO , tbattfte plaintiffs artton luas not an flctiouof SDefatuiftcrcaa>cmantitsncccffarp, but Uisan^aionofdotc. r.ant, ano t^jcrc U is not nceofnllto allege a SDcmano. Boomer andPayte. Trin. 23 Car. Binc«reg. Dtraiirrerup. T)Aytetl)C aominiCratoj of tlje^ooDs ant) Chattels of !. S. bjJngoan on a Dcciara- X attJon Of E^tbt agafnft Boomer, ano Declares, tljat tlie 3nt£ftate bjongljt don in Dcbr. q^^ action Of STctt tf)c place. 7lpra5p tljc inccrtafntp of tlic Rctojn t!jc pain. tiff cannot plcao to ft. 81p. 3t <3fatD, tljat to^)cnl)etoagcommanDccto 00 fojtf) , fje fafo te inoulo not, but it io not fato tljat !)c cio not go fojtft. ^Ip. 3;tisfaioti)cttftc€ourtof Contmon^Counctltjmojcutlje Cotienant, Mjcreas tljcp ^ate no poVucr fap SDjuinancc of parliament to Do it, SCftc aRecoiocr of vIotmccHtoitijtijcCitpDertrco time toamcnotljc lletojnin matter of fojm onlp. 2ii\^ faio , tbat tijc plaintiff laas rcmofeeo from ^ifl place bv a Court of HccojD, ano tftcrcfojc f)opci) tc Qjoulonotbc this leap rcfto:cD, ant) tljnt lie IjaD no lofs bv leina rcmotjco, ano tljercfoae ttic Cafe 11333 tlje lcf3 confiucraljlc; ano tubercas it toas objccteo againft \)is amcnoins of thelRctojn,tf)at it inas filcD,i fotoo late to moVic foj ft,J^e faio, t^atittoas not filcDbpoiOcr of Court, but onlp oincrco tftat Copies migbt be taUcn of it foj Council to pcrnfc, ano if fo t!)cn it ia not too late to p;ap it map be amenocD, but tljougb it toerc filco l)C conccitJcD t&at in a cafe of tljia Importance it migljt be amcnoctjiitmatteroftojmagfomc^ctojngbao ieenfojmerlp in tbis Court. Roll luftice anflDercD tijelRfRjticrtottiis cffctf, ^OH ougbt to fl)cto fomc caufe upoa lijljicb tl)c partp map i)at)e reme- Dp bp a eemcntbctDjongfullpgit)cna= Remm aaintt !)im,ttitic!)pou babe not Done; ano as to the filing of tftelRetojn, a 3Rctojn map be fileu citber upon motion of tbc partp , oj bp tl;c rales of tbc ^'^'ng* Court , ano it lucre gooo, pou conCocr boU) tbts toag fileo; ano as toucbing tbefufpcnlion of tbe partp from bts place, it ougbt not to be perpetual but Sufperfion. for a time onlp, ano faio, tbat after filing of a Kctojn, be it upon motion oj bp tbc rules of tbc Court, it cannot be amcnoeo. Tuefday next follow- ^"'fn^n'c. ing was given by the Court to hear Councel on both parts» /"t^/: 5S*. Cliadly and Scinch- Trin, jj Car.Banc.Reg. Mich. 2a Car, rot. 5 5d. STinch bjougbt an 0rtion upon tbc €a^e upon an AfTumpfit U\ tbc Com* Error to re- mon pieas againft Chjdiy, ano bath a tacroict ano a SuogcmcntStinch vcrfc * ludg- brings a Mrit'ofCBrrorbcrc to rcycrfc tW3I"Dgement , ano afsigns fo; ^"* '" '" ^" Crroj, I. 2:b«t tbere tocre 1 8 rcturnco upon tbc Slurp, ano but ttoo of Jj^" "fj"" '" tbcm trpcD tbc iffue. 2lp. partof SD:clatation togrounotbc AfTumpfic" ^ * Iras in another Countp, ann not \Bitbin tbc 3furifDictfon of tbc Court tobcre the iffuc toastrpeO; and for thefe Errors the ludgemem was reverfed except caak ihould be (hewn to the contrary Thurfday ncxc. Trin. 23 Car. Banc. Reg- 1 2C teas motjcD to quafb an Cnoidment fo j ctctting of a Cottage contrarp J to tbc Statute; tbc exception tafecn to it teas, tbat b? crcaco a Cottage Hndiamen" fo: habitation , butoin notfapittuasurcDojinbabiteDaBaCottagc. 15atforcreainga Bacon Juftice anfiDCrcD, tbattbctjcrp erection Of it is an offcucc againft tbc Cottage. Statute, ano tbetefoje the Cncictmcnt DiD bcrp toell purfuMbc toojos of tbe Statute, ano tt)etefo;e IdouId uot quatb ft. if Wright Venire Jc no- 54 7r:n.2 3Car. VVright and Pynder. Tfin» 23 Car, Banc. Reg, Mich. 22 Car. rot, 440 antra. Op- ion of "T^^c Cafe of Wrir,htannPi-ndcrtoagmot):o a0a{ntol)aiJCt')c3I'J''SC- t^cC:>unon I nient of tljs Court. Roll lufticc fan, tbatmatfEtoffact oug^tto'bcn» ii-^Val'i'cv'i ^'^^•'^ *" aSDcmurrcr to anClifDcntc^otijcrtofrc t\)t€onxt cannot p?occcD iip^ dehcc. " " ' on tl)c 2Dcniurrcr,fo:. tlic 3iti3gc0 cannot trp t!jc matter in j tljat lucre fo? tl)Z 3if3acs to trf^c tl)3 VcrDttt, irfjtcl) bcloncu to tl)c Snri.' to Do , anD to P, ,. toaflje tf)c^r.ttcr in Hair, Uftfcl) tljep fljoulo Qctcrminc , anD Ije fafo, «-'i- tjjat (f a rr)ccD be plcaoeo tljc partp muft Qjcto it in xli:ourt,5jut if it be fiiticn Evi.^ersce, »" ct'ijCiicc itia iiot ncccffarp to 0)eln it if it can otijcrtoaico be pjoDcD to tlje 3'Jrp, ano fo is it of a lRcco:o siDrn in cfiocncc.anDcitco one Worfleys Cafe 17 lac. Rolls lufticetooU alfo tU)0 otijcrGvccptionstot^c plcauing, 1 ♦ JCljat tbt? ©0003 mcntioneo in t!)c &cI)cdijIc appear not to be tljs fame containco in tije HDJclaration. sip. jlia Eitlc iismaDetotljcJnocnttirc bp l)im toI)o bjingstbc Action, ano concUi3CD upon t!)c v. Dole matter tijat tl)c SDcmiitrcr tonfj not gootj, ano tljat tberc ongbt to be a Venire facias de novo to tvp tlic matter again. Bacon luOicc muclj to tftc fame effect, but hi 'm r.t Diftcr'D ii\ tl)iiJ, tbat tl)crc onobt net to be a Venire facias de novo bat faiD, ^ ' tbat Sinogcmcnt ciiuftt to be niten againft oncpartp,to luit tijc SD:fencant, fo: ill lopnfnn: in Demurrer,',to tbe intent tfte partp t^at is not in fault map be uifmiffcD, ano tl)c parties Ijcrc Ijatjc loaibcD tl)c SCrpal per psys bp jopn- inn in Demurrer. 15ut Roll anfitcre^i t^at no 3;uogemcnt at all coulD be niijcn, foj tot'o parttcsbe in fault, one bp tenojing tlje Demurrer, tljc otber bp topnins in it, ano tl)C De cnoant miafet batie cl)ofen ufjetber be Ir.oulQ batic iopncDoj no, but migbt tube pjapco tbe 3»3?fmentoftbc Co'irt Ubctljcr bi^cutbtto jopn. Slbc Court aotifco to foj a Venire facias de novo after a Demurrer upon an cli3cncc,anaif tberc te anp, tbep Ijtlo tbat tbe fame Tdxj^ ositjbt to come again, ano not anotfjcr, lu ;. Roll fato, if a fpccial tcroid be found infufficicnt, a hcjO V>.T,ire facias oagbt to iffue, ano be CalB no 'Oifferencc betlDsen tijat ano tbta Cafe, Kina and SLwnmerlanJ. Trin. 2 3 Car. Banc. Reg. J0 tl)e Cafe of Kin^ ana Sumrncrhnd again mo'oeD, tbe Court belof bat Op-r>!pnt{ Itpc plcaDing of a bargain anU talCtobJdebitomodoirrotulacumrecun* ,).hC lire jjy^; formam itatutiis gooD cnougb, tbougb it benot plcaDco to beinrollco \' caj"pE c( a 1 toitbiii fip montbs , pet rulcD ft ftoulD be niolJCD acain. ZAft fame term •'tMtoiiii.i:: t. 3HDgcmcut u 33 qi\icn, tbat tbe IDlaiutiff nil capiat per bi'hm , bctaufc tbe Deca Ujas not l&iQ to be cnrollco, ii«itber iecundumrorm3mftatuti,noj uitijia fij; iiJOi'.tbs, but onlp dcbico mode, Voblci) map be an enrollment at tbe Commou laty, anono't accojuingto tbs statute. The Trin, 13 Car. ^5 The City of London and Eftwick- Trip, 1 3 Car. Banc Reg. Tl^c Coattixjas agafnmo\3eD IntljeCafcbctiDCcntljctCtti' of London a>J-^t ano Eftwick , tljat tbe return of tf)c CUp mtgl)t bsamciiocDaltftousbArgumjnc fnTt!)cr fafD, that tftcCToiirt oftljcdommon^Coancclfsncta E,r„,. Court ofI\cto:o, fojnoCCIrUofGttoj Itcs tbcrcT but isaCourt onlj' I'.cfir.iiiicn, OfilDttfC. Biconluffice as Roll, anu fafD ,tlMt EftwickbaDonli'rcmcDp to be rctto:co bp a CClrft of KcQItutfon, ano not bp a mrrt of Crroj oj /tatatcof 2Ed. 6.anocitcBNat. brev. 48. snO :jE,4J. 4. anotfH. 7. c- j^.ano 5 H. 7. f. 37. ano fafo, tbat it is not toitbtn tbe mcan= inc of tbe fetatiitc of i Ed. d. to gibe Cbappcls pjefentatibcbrcaufcitiij not teitbtn tbe nnfcbief luMcb tbe Statute Icasniaoetopjebent. ano foin- tenos not to gi fee Cbappelc Vuitb cure of &OUI0, ano tbe too?D fne is but no^ niinal, ano Jotb not ina'ac it free if it be not fo otbcriuifcHales fo: tbe Bc- fcnannt arguco, tbat ii teas a free Cbappcll toitbtn tbe Statute of i Ed. 6, |^o;ftrftitt£!cal[cDfo,nncttC)aUbtpicfumcoftis'rigbtlp namco fo. 2lp 3tis fofomio to be bp tbe Sinrp , ano to p;o*oc tbat it is a free Cbappcll it is not pjcfciitatil'C, ano 2lp. 3t appears not to be toitbtn tbe Surifoiction oftbciDiOinarp. 5IP. SEbc iSctof i Ed.6.ican acttobicbis gcneralano aibcs all free Cbappels, ano crteaOsasUicUtoCbappelsiubicbarconlp tcpntatilT free Cbapbels as toell as to tbem U)l)!cb are fo inoeeo, rocn as it is of a Cl)aimtcrp,CoHcge . ano an imp:op;iation, as tbe Hooohs are, ano it is a fvcc CbappcU ncbcrtbclcfs it be picfcntatifac ano irttb tbe Ciirc ofS>ouls, fo; a free Cbapp:l mapnotobe tDitbtbccu'COf S>oul0|, altbougb bptbe olo Canon la\D it couh not, nsUiasbcioinClnlds cafe, 'lac. SEbsCbap. pel iritbin t'.icEoirrris a free Cbappcll Donatit0,anDpctittspjcfcnta=: t'Vc ano batb cure of Souls, fo faitb Lvnwood of tbe free Cbappel of St. Mil tiiu. 3t 12 alfo m inteut of tbe Statute, tbat it fl)oulo be fo,fo; a Col- lege Tfin. 25 Car. p S7 leffc antj a Cfiaunterp tnft]^ cure arc liftUn tfj: Statute, as mapapprar ftp tbe (Erctptlons! oftbc S>tatute of tt)C iFrcc Ctjappcl teftftcurc of feoulom t\,t sue of EelycalleOtbc Chappel of the Sea, ailD tijc beir.Q picfEtitatitie SufTex, ano ft map be a Chappel oonatibc bppjcrcrtpt !3'"of(Tn0,tl)at tbc Ecffcc fijoulD not be put out of poffEfflton ot tbc lanuo let bp fttm DiirfnctftcfafDJEcrmi aiiDtljatfincctbcDcatl) of Sir Molton I arabcrt {)fg 3Lcfroj,l)clriaoptJt out oi poffcfsion bp tncl) an one , ant) upon ttito be b;fnga f)is Sltton of ^JCoiicnantagatiift tl)C €j;ccuto?. 2Ll)c SDcfcnuant pleaD0, no J^lTcts, upon tijij an iOfiic toao icpncD, anu a fpcttal ClcrDirt ivao fonno, 2Eo tl)l3 cffcft, SIfjat Sir Molton Lan,berc DiD let t^e lanDfl mcntfoncD In tl;c iS>C^ daratfon to Eelcs prour,^tl)at tbcre loao fuel) a Co\3cnant in tljc SDccd prour, ano tbat tljc piahitfff tone put out of poffcfofon of tbc lance proutJCiicpfino UUctoffc, tftat Sir Molton Lambert maoc l)ls ^53tll , anomaDctljc St>cfen= DaritI;fCiCl;>:CCHtOJ, nno DfCDi tftat Sir Molton Lambert bp Ills Icfll gatic manplegacteo of gooes, ano tbat the IDcfcnoant befo?c tbc plaintiff toag p:it out of poffcfssion, cio pap all tljc ^Lcgatlco ti3 , a ?ii?f cmcnt f« clti^fiiru a= ~ satnft White fo:ti)cmonp. White ma^.csl)f0li(ll,?nD makes tfs j^ck et TatD Ws CBFecutoz , ano tjpes leatfrig iaiiss to ucftenD. Wh^e ag^citb;tngsa?KIIrttof errojtorEtcrfe tWiS 3ucffemrnt; gt ii-ao ar- gueo bf tl)c ConnccU of tijc plaintiff in tlje mJrit of Cue? , fijat ilje ^rlt tto Ipr, bccatifc alt^ougft tl)c )3rttottfn tljc fojmcr Stiisccment fcan but a pctfonal miction , pet intti3Cafc,tI)elLanDcfilb£ l^cirniapfcc tl?aiTco br* tl)c3;uDaement,fo;i an elrfit trap be thereupon nit to cbarrc its ndr. llanDo 'anJ)tl)ercfo?ett)c3«O0emEntfortcrtis Ijim rs ^^eir as lucU as h:. --. C-^rtutoj, ant) tftcrcfojc it is rcafcti tc ftoulD bjing a Ci^rit of Crroj to rc- tetfetbcluDsctnent, bctanfe l)c map be p?E juDicca bp it. ano a Cafe Excaucr. offinm'ngfucbrHbtile conticpanccs, ano not that flje Tr.ift. '^-bt lva« icallp loft- 0fio fojatruft itfobutanPtonamegibcntoaufc, anc fiiBcntcD toiDpfrauo tbc Statute of ufc0,anD atruft of aCoppbolo is all one toitb anotlicr trtift, foj ft is tbc tnMng of tbc pjofito of the lanD,anD not tljc CUatc in tbc lant), ano tlje M^s ftjall IjatJC ft; ^no to tbat toljfcb fs fafa tbat lien I'f g-t.vr. I -vnv. Trin. 23 Car. j^i tl]attbci^,pIeab€5f)t5sr{)artccof ■^xccpt!''" IparDon ano Clafmo, tljercbp tobctcftojcD tobis(!?ooDo ano Cljattcls = P*"^"" ' fojiEitcoto tt)c tetngbp t!)c fclonp ; ano tbc iSucaion \xiag, fotjctljcr astbe '''^'°"-'' parDontoaspennEDbcOjoulDbcrcfiojcooj noc tbeVuojDs oftljcparDon'*"^'"' upon tobbUffattonfo^'"'""' X\ttanD to an atoarQ, ano tlje patntiff DedarcBof an ilrbrtrcmert ' '^■''■" maDc tbciStb. DapofMay(nf«c!)a pear,reaDPtobcDclit3ErcDuptl)cnfne ano ttocntpctl) cap of May in tiic fame peat ; 2Et)c SDcfenoant p!eati0 nul- lum Arbicnum, 2Ebc plaintiff replies, tbat tfjc ^toarD uias maoc bptbc limpire the 2 Stb.of May rcaop to be oelibereo up upon tl)c fame ■> 8tb Dap of May,anDtotl)fa replfcattontbc SDcfcnnsnt Demurs, anD OjcUjs fouaufc tljat tbc plaintiff bao fctfojt!) Double matter, one in bis S^cclara^ion ana tbe otbet in l)is Replication ; foj tbc SiuarD fetfo?tl) in tbeSr^cclaratton anD tbat ret fo:tli in tbelKcplication cannot bcintenDcDtobconeanDtljc fame. 31But Roll luftice anftocrcD , tbat tl)c 3ffue to be trpeo ia not to be taUcn upon tbe oap of tbeilicarD maDc,anD tbercfoic it rcnuiresnoanflrcr ^ anD fo cannot be Double, anD one ounftt not to Demur foj tDcDoiiblcrefa of tbe matter upon a tbing upon icljicb no Sffae can be talien, and ru- led btttcr mattei fhould be (hewn, or elfe ludgemcnt fhould be nivcn for die Plaintiff. ^ Hlwick 4^- Trin. ,3 Car. Eftwick and the City of London. Trin, 23 Car, Banc. Reg. 'l**f.^^. "T^ !^c Cafe of Eftwick aiiO the Cicy of London toas again atgciCD bpSef Argisment In ■ jeant Glynn fO> tIjC City ; (il |)fg ^rgtimCHt 1)5 ttlltftel) UpOll tl);ccpat- ihi; c>fcof tlctilars tDbp Etlwick conlo notbcrcflojcoto .'•,fgplaceofacommon« matters concerning tJjeir i^em« bcrs, ano fo it is tierc in tbe Citie to trp tbcic HJcmbers. 4lp. 3If itfboulo not be fo, itU;oulD pjofccocftructitic to tf)c Citp, bp toafting till fuel) an offcnocr mig!)t be remotco bp a courfc iiiHalu, tofttcl) is far mojctcDioustljan tills cuitomarp vsap. %o tbcfecono point, Ije fatD , tljat bp 3lato tljcrc can be no rcff ftutton to tdis office , ano tftis is pjobeQ bp tt)C ijcrp nature of t!)c tiClrit of Kcttttution, Vjliicl) is toreftojet^epartptoa frceijolo oj fomc otbcr matter ofp;ofit, neither oftoWcl) can b; in our cafe, ano a to;it of Hcflitutionistorcftojeonc toapoffcfsion,tol)crconc map notbcrcRojct) bpan ojotnarptDap.nclibct Dotft tbe statute of Maqna char- tarrtcno to out cafe : fo; acommon=Couiiccl-mans place is merclp nrouuDcr) upontbecuftomeoftijc CItp, ann not upon tl)e Common laU) . ano l)C faiDtl)crcaretl);cegrot!n03 foj a tWrtt ofJRcftitution. i.ilcon* tempt to the liing. ilp. ilfturt to tbc !r lames Bij^qs !)nlnng a ©Elrft of llcQitutiou toas, bccaufc Ije teas ocpjibco of bisHraaeana Coi.n bv. 5?recDom,ifree=l)olD,anoour cafeotffcr3fcomtl3etafeofatceinrclationtotl)cp;ifaltnuc:foi3it ofaHccoiOerofaCojpo» ration, ano fo tt)cp all oiffer from our cafe, j^o; autl)o;(tp to tbts point in 1 7 lac. but motCO firft i6lac. Warren a COmmon-CounccUman of Coventry li as ">cnpco upoii tl)c rcto;n of bis tMrit to be rcCojco, ano our cafe ano rc« tojn 13 mo;e fttong agalnft tljc paintiff; ano Burman a Ocntlcman of one of tl): 3nnc of Court, being crpclleD,coulo not be rcfiojco bp a CGrtt of l\es tlitutfcn, ano latcipacotimon«Counccl=man tons remoljcofo; not taking tl)c pjotcltction. jT^o; the t.tro point, vthctljcrupon the cClrititfelf, as t!)tscarcf:',tl)CTCcanbcanprfaitiitionmaDe?3 conccitie not, bccaureii tc oircacu 10 tl)c ^aio; ano Commonaltp,ano Citizens of tOr Cltp of f.on- r. • , don, snofoti^cre is in It a falfe recital of the fufpcnfton; fo; be toas not rc- ^"'" ' uioVvO bp t'oc Ci;ij.-ns, ano fothe C£3tit is circaco to parties toho DID not the Trin/2 3Car. ^, the tojong , ana fo it fs ffl Dfrcctea , ano ft Differs from t!jc Circctfon of f fic ZSSlxit fn &ft lames Baqs cafc, aut) it otifflit to liaise been fiirctfco to t!)e S>fte- Tiffs oj jpiniftcrg tobo liatic autljojitpto rcttoje Urn, as tJjcp Dio rcmotic f)fm, foj tbc part)' that hatb none no Unonsr ought not to be ptintOjcD oj mo= IcIIcD ; ant) foj the ill oircaion of the liOrit coula not Warren the coaimon- Councel man of Coventry be reftojeo, anothcCojpojation of London ia refponfable foj all particulBt cptfoemcanoura Done Uiithin anp Courts of Sutttcc ioithintfee other general spifocmeanours there committcD. MiWemea- Maynard on theothtr fiDcargucD, that tic cafc tuns miftatenasit is fta: routs. nn in theUetojn, fcjit fuppofetb that the party ic remotjco atplcafiirc, ano pet tuppofcth alfo, that there is a caufc to remotsc him,to toit fits refafing to go out,anD erp:ciTcth not that he did not go out,it95 that he inao conrmano^ BD tocooiit, fautthathetoaBrequcficD. 3nDU)herc8fiiti6raiDacomnton= Coancel-mans place io no mojebut toaobife, h-'rc is moic than to aotjifc , fo? he hath a p?tt?ilepc fo j his oitn gooD , ano the goon of the Citp. 3lp» %\iz ^rft ia tDCU oirccteo, ano cannot be othcrtoifc foj the partp to Ihatie rcmeDp, ano all ttt IDjcfiocntg arc as this is, ano illDerman Harris his PreCdemt. cafc fs the fame in point irith ttfs , ttherc it teas bp thjce ^uDges rcfolbco, that hcftoulDbcrcflojcDtohis ^iDcrmans place, becaufe it teas a place oflponourastoeilas of JBnrthcn. Rol! Jufticefaio,i. SChat Ihc )t nottobc, fo; tlnofetopral Actions ought not to bclafofn one SDeclaratton. Wadham Windham of ConnccllkUb tbc plaintiff fa(D it Ipao Uicll cHougb, anu coulo not be otbcruiifc.ano tbe tbing ia tcttainlp cnongb fctfojtb, anotb^lll be interpjCtCO reddendo fingulafin^ulis, viz. tbc fpolia- vit in t'oc Declaration fl)all bate reference to tbc cloatba, anD the cepit to Tr •• an* tlic mcn)'. Rollc luftice faio , tbat an Sttiou of SLrotcr , HnD ContJcrCou ConvV: iion. fo' Dit?erfl fojtB of linncn bao been aDtnogco gooo. ano 29 E. 3. an flctioit of CrefpntTc 1 j'co fo? beating of bio fcrfcant , anD in Cletheroes cafe, an iTct. Ticfj'anc. (on of ECrcfpaffc voao bclo gooo fo; refcuing a pjifoncr from bim ivboin be bao^rrcOcD, ano tbe ^CooUofGrayes Inn b?ougbt an action of SErcfpaffc fo? tahing atoap Mo Itife, per <]uod conforcium amifir, ano it Ujao bclD to be locHbjougbt,b[itiftlKc!oatbointbe(arcat tbe bar bao not been in tbc tbcft,tbc action iDotilD not bate lain; ano be took anotbcr cjrccption.nanres inceitaiiit), 'l' tbat tbc JSDcclaration toss fo; tbc bjcaUtug Of acbcfts, anofo it appear0 not Uibcrc tbc cloatljs lucre tobcntbcpirere taken, tobctbet fn oneoj in 'Jotbof tbcm^ Tile rule was to ftay ludgement till they had fcen the Re« ordi Capcll and Allen, Trin. c5Car. Banc. Reg, Hill. 12 Car, rot, 639* C April bjougbt an action SDcbt npon an AfTurapnt to ftanfi f an afoaru, tbe E'efenoant pleaoeo Nul Arbitremcnr, tbc ?Dlnintiffrrplj'C0, ano wL'd' ^" '" fetafojtbtbc arbitrcmcnt, ano tbc bjcacb,tbc BPcfcnoant oemuta, ano fo J caufe fljctog tbat tbc atoaro toas not gooD , bccaufe it toaa maoc but of Aw;rd. onc part, fo> it tuas , tbat one of tbc parties Iboitlo do fuclj things crp^cfrco , ano tbat tbc other partp IboulD pap fo; tbe ma. iiing the JlBonDs of feubmifsion, lubicb cannot be alDatDcD, ano fo no« tbfng is atiarDciD foj bim to to , anu the arbitrators cannot atoaro this ,facj Suiniiiiion. caofc it is ttot iDtthtn tbc fubmifoion. Rolie luftice held this a good exccps tion , ano faiD ttc Charge fo; mahfng the Injitings is not iuifbfn the ^nbrnifsion , fo; tbe bonus vtjcrc maoc befoje the &ubmifflion , ano it toaa bcltt 1 3 Jac. that tbe tjDojDs fuper prxraiiTis in tbe aVoato VciU not bclp an a- toaro maoe bat of onc part. Trin,' Trin. 25 Car. • 4) Trin, 2 3 car- Banc. Reg. A j^ jactton of 2!)cbt teas bjougljt ttpon a liBono, to perfo jm t!)C Cotic- ^"■'■■J''fcr to ^ , nantsofan^nDcntiircofa 2Dctnifc fo; ^cnra. SEbc J3lafiitlfF sc.'^^jj'J,'''''';^ clarcotljatljcniaDct^clLcaretotbeiDcfcncant tfte 28. uap of May, anDabondtopc- tiat aftctlnatos fcilicet the 27 ,of tfje fame £r5ontb of May , tijc ©efenoant *'>nii covc- bjoUctfjeCotienant. SEotftfa SPeclaration ttjeSDcfcneant bid Dcmurr ,'^»''""f«" bccaufc it appears tijat tbc bjcaclj «s fct fojtl) to be bcfojc tbc Icafc Ocaan, Jj"jJ"i',"''' • toljtcb coulD not be , atiD fo tijcre (0 no caule of action. 315ut to this Bacon in,crpretati- lutlice fa'n' aomtttcD tbe lutf0Dfa: Car. Banc Res T" i^c Court li^acimoticDtl)attl)ctjnt)crC[jcrtffm Kcp'm.^ '"'■pjotirot1jcpct(grcc,to tDbtcbtbep anftocrco , SDijcp ijaii, tfjctcupon t^icp SiiiP.i fc. Id: re tio to name fomc jatturncps of tlje Countrp, tobUl) teas Done , and IVtij^rtf. tiicrtupon a rule made that they fliouid return the Jury. Nota» Trin. =3- Car. Banc Reg. I"di'I/I° T ^^^ Contt tras motjcn fox a rule to Cap pjocccofitgc fntlje Court at ^hc o fur It Maidfton fii Kent, bccaufc a fuperiedeas coiilo not be grantco , foj tbat M >ydftr-n. notl)tng erroneous tffiics out of tbfa Court. 115ut tbe Court anfsuereo, tijat bu c.kdcas a fuptrfedcas mial)t Uiell be grantee , ano fo fato Hodsden tbc ^cconoarp , altboiiPljnotbfng erroneous be fffutng out of tl}i3 Court , ano Bacon lufticc \vr irs. fa Perfon againtt Dawfon foj Aft on'tl'"' ^^ ^^^^^ toOJtis, ponrgjon inntv-ndo pour §>on Wilii'am,noIea horre,and words ""^ foldhim for ten pounds ; Cbc |31ati'.tiff »}atb a tSlctDfct, tbc SDcfcnDant motcDtnarrcftof fuDgcmenttbattbc inojosarenot aatonablc, bccaufc ^'^'^. uiiccrtain, ano tbc innuendo cannot bclptbcm ; ano tbc Hnogcmcnt teas V Vujiis. aapco tiil tbc otbcr flioulo motjc. 3it teas aftcrtearDs motjco again . ano tbc 3uDgCmcnt ftapcO , and this Term ludgemcnt given for the Plaintiff, Micfi . 2 5 . Car. Banc, Reg- EndftifcnrT^^ Court toas motco to quaft mt Cnofctmcnt npon tbc &tafnte ofu« u"un:i"cs\- fnrp. 2nbc erceptfon taljcn teas , tbattttsnot fafo corrupte agrca^ nicrt 111111). vie necaccepit, ano fotbc Statute isHOtpurfucD ; Roll luOice fafo , tbattt I'm fiuncc, is tbc cojrupt rcccttf H?, ano tbc corrupt contract, upon tob<£b ©nofitmcnts arc fraittCD upon tbc olo Statute, viz. 3. Jac. Srcbuttf tbc C-nUfttmcnt be frameo npon tbc statute of 2 1 lac. tbcre it ougbt to be upon tbe corrupt contract, ano bccaufc tbtsCnDtctmcntfoframcD upon tbc Statute of 2r Jac. ano mcntiona not tbc co?rupt contratt, it is not gooD , and therefore let i itbequafhed, • Yatci Mich. 2 3 Car. 47 Yates againft Lyndon. Mich* 13 Car, Banc. Reg. MAry Yates b?ongl)t an Action upon t\)e Cafe foj fpcafefngtljcfc toojng Arrtftof juc-g- Ofbet, Mary Yates is a Sorcerer, and a Witch, nndawhice Witch, '"^'^^ '"'^ fhe can witch and unwitch 1 ant) tjatl) a tSlcrCftt. %[c SDcfcnOant niovco „" j" '"'' in^rteftof BEuDgcmcnt tliat m toojco arc net aafoiinbic, Iccaiifc tljccifc' aDlafnt(ff"" • action: 03 to the rcCc he plcaDs, that Prince Rupert an'aiicn, ana an G'= nempoftheteinginbaDcDthclanDbjith an 0rmp, anD tetth oitjcrs ar- meo men Dio enter upon him, anD Dio Djibe alnap hie Catti 11, anD crpc licD him from the lanDs let unto hfmbp the plaintiff, anD Ucptl)fni o:;t that he coiilD not cntop the lanoo foj fnch a time; ano DcmanDs juDj^cment if foj the rmtinciirreo During that time the plaintiff oug!}t tg habcbi^ Action ;• 3i:o this plea the plaintiff Dcmurro, anD fojcaufe faith, that it ii3 neither gooD '^^""''""■'■ in matter no J fojm. Che i.qtisftion Vnag, \ihcthcr a Jicffcc foj pears otifteDbp an 3rmp of Alliens, can pleaD it inlBarr, in an Action of SDcbt-"". b;ousht foi rent Due upon the iLeafC;'janD to thia it irao faio, that this is an "'^^''''• action of SDebt,anD Ipco mecrlp upon the contract bcthjecn the partpcs ano '{^-"a^' fo this collatcrall maticr pleaoeD is nothing to the purpofe, but hao it bren an action of U)aft,if the loafthflD been Done bg Pr. Kup?rr,anD hia feolcicrs, it map be it misht habc been pIcaocD to bar tijc plaintiff, j i p. e. 2 .Brook CotJE- A^ ~ Mich. 2 5 Car. Co\3'^nanf47toa3 citco. i;5:rttljc pica uotb not fap,trjitt^earmcomcn Vttl) P^fncc Rupert Uj-rc fllicna ojCBiicmfcsoftljciidig, biJtoiilptl)at L 'my WMlUC Ruperc \ua3 fo. IBilt to tljJs CfCCptiOll Roll luftice anfU3crcD. ti)at tbep'ftjall be fo hitciioco to abcr, tbat t!)c 3lrmp tottljpjtncc Ruperc vocrcfllicno, ann citco ^ H.6, 6i. anDtl)c Conned Rbei tool; a Difference bcttocen an Ciicmp anDaiilcbcl; anotbonn^ in tijetafc of a IRcbcllion tbta niisftt not be a gooD pica, pet in cafe of an 3Int)a(ioti KcnicJy. jjp (onciioco it iv.C!5,bccai!fc Ijc coulo bauc no rcmc^p agatnft tlje partp.ano rcfcmb'eBtl)ii5 cafe to cafes of lilic nature citca out of9E. 3.7.40 E. 3 6. YVaftf. & 53 H. 6. 1. anu fala , tljat iobcrc Uiaftc ia none ia tijc Lanos let foj p:av3 b)' one > again Uiljom tl;c %tSu can !)avc no rcmcDp otocr, tljcrc tljc BLcffc foj v^tixa is not tbarseablc foj tbcvuafte, except be be bonno bp a particular Co'ocnant to hcep t!)e JLanDij let Initbont Ujnftc. fllfobptlji =Laiaof l^cafon ttfeemotfteSDefenoant in our cafe ongbt not to becljarsco iDitl) tl)c rent, brciufc l)e co.ilo not cnjop tbat tbat toas let to Ijim, anD it Cvii bw. Inas no fault of btsoLontbatbecoubnot, anotbeCibil lato, anDCanon- can.n. lato.anocpoial iiutbojflDoconfirintbiii, anoD'/er 56. & II A(T. 13. lucr:; M0..1. citcD; ano it Inas faio , tbcrcia no Difference bctloeen aninnunoationano ' lin-.mdation. jjjjg^i',^j,fj3„^ q.^q b'lo t!)C ILnnDc bccn fnrronnDBD bptuatcr , tijclLeffcc ftonlD not ba\3e been cbargeablc foUbs rent anting tbat time, ncitber as 31 conccibc fliill be be bcrc. ^:%i conftacr t'.)c nature of tbe rcfcrbatiort, i ©► Kcnr. j^gp J ,g - rcnt{!3nottobcpaiountillitma|>beintcnD:Dt!)nttl)c3leirce r.ymciir. ^^^^^^^ ^^^^ tcccitiED tbu pjoftt of tbc tljing foj iubtcb tb: rent ia to be pniD, i7'E 3.81.8 H.4.6.ritz'i. Execution 146. 9 E. ?. »(5, ncftbcr bptbeSB.u* tial lato is tbc HDctcnaar.tcbJrgcablc. ano tb« ILato is tbe Blato of jjiature • ^'^''f K '"■ 83 tocll asj of ip.nions. But Roll luiltce anflcereo 'tbat tbc pica teas inVr." "' not gooD, fo; be liatb not pleaoco tbat the ilrmp lucre aliens ano unUnolnn, Cov'.iunt, as be otigbt to bnuc Done, anD tbe plcaotng tbatittnaahoiHiisexercicus, mnUco not tbc pica mo; c certain tt)anbefo:c, ano if tbc SCenantfo; pears covenant to pap rcnt,tbougb tbc ilanoslct bim be furrounoeD luitb tuatcr,pct l)c i3 cbavgcable loitb tb: rent,mucb moje bcre. riiercfore lee die Plaintiff t^ke hisiudgcment, • Fremlingand CliKheibook^ Micb, 23 Car, Banc. Reg, ,^vc!> of lu.'g- rjRfmlinc; anD bii5 ^^tfc, eyccntrii: of A.B. bjing an 0it{on of SCroljcc niciit in Tio- |^a.iDConDerfionagai!iftCluthcrb'jok,fo;©ooDsof tbc Sbcftntojs fotinD, vcr ji.JCor- gjiQ contirrtcj h\> tbc Defendant, anoobtainco a Deroictagainftbiin. SEbc v.Li.un. nricfcnDant moiieo in aitctt of 31tiogcm:nt, ana tooU tbcfe (Erceptiong. u SEb'it tb: S>cclaratto;iloa3of a jopnt poUcfsion of ©ooDscf tbe!l)a3banD nno C2Rife, anD oamniacccs arc giben to tbc If)!isb.inD anD t^ife , mbercas tbc CJooiDa piopcrlp bilong to tbc saifc onlp as an CErccutrir, an!) not to tbe iviicru.n. ^ijgijam, ijno caif:. 2lp. 3tt)otb not fct fojtftDoiuTtnrjfcmc came to tbc pof- !r.fv5toitoftbc(!!>ooDi; 515uttotbi-3 Roll luftice anftocrcD. tb^tttbcpoltcf^ fionoftbc Cclifc, asGSrrcutrif/ajagalfotbcpoucfsfototbcr^'lJiisbanD, ano tl)at tbc oanimages reco'ocrco a^U be to tbc eftatc of tbe 2Ccttatoiir, anQ fo map concern tbcin faotb. ano foj t!jc fccono cicccption,tt3ts bcins a poffcf= farp Mich. 2 3 Car. .^ - -' ^ 49 fatp aflfottonlp, ft fenotncccOatptoflictDljotDtSepoircrsfonoft^edDoofis ]Ba0 gsineo. Stayed till cbe ocher Hiould move ^ ParmicerandCrcfljr. Mich, »3 Car. Banc. Reg, PArmiter bjfngs an Sltffon apott tfte cafe apon an Affumpfir, ano Declare©, AreiTof ludg. tJjattljcSDefenDanttnconCDeratfontliat V)Z pafntfff taofoHi ano oe. dentin an UbctcD unto Wm fucft anantbctofpfEcesof&tuffe, t6cE)efeni»antDft)ar='''*^^''''^'"* fume anD pjomKc to tljeJBIafntfff to oeUter onto t)fm t^c talae of t^e fetaffa^""'^^''* In tuci) iafpea of ©atne, Ipfng f n BradgatesCcUat fn London as tljC pafntfff l^oQlo mafee cljotfc of j ano foj not pcrfojmfng tftc fame bjfngs ftfa 9iaU on. 2Dbe paintf ff obtains a DetDict C^e SDefenoant mot)es fn acreS of Bnogement anD'dietDS tbefe canfcs. i, Sl^at tfie pafntfff Dotb not abet fn SfsBDeclatatfon, tbat be maoe anp elcttfon of tbe ppee of Mfne, Averment ■ ano bsfo je fucb elcctfon tbe SDefenoant tnas not bonno to oelf bet tbem , nap ft tuasfmpofflfblcfojbfai to perfojmtbe agreement before fbe electfon.zlp^p, _ SCbe pafntfflf ootb not fet fo jtb , tbat be maoc frts cletfton iDbete tbe Mfne ^'**""'- ipaSjiDbfcbbeoagbttoliatjeoone, becaufe of tbe fnfappo^tablenefs ofti^e commotf tp to be b;tougbt to bfm to mahe bis cbofce« Cbe Coart belo , tbat Ijere ongbt to beafpecfaltequeftmaDctoDelfbertbcHBHines, faecauteftfa Requcft fpe- opon a Contract, anbanattfonofjDebtlfesnotfojtbem, ano tbercupoit cai. arrcSeb tbe Buogement tin tbe pafntffF fl^oulo mote. 2Dbe fame JCctm Slnogcment teas gfben agafnft Vjz pafntfff, Qjjod nil capiat pec billam. Mich- 25 Car. Banc. Reg. Tag pafntffE bjfngs an 0ctfonoftbe Cafe agafnft tbe SDefcnoant, fojAfftofiujg. fpcabfng tbcfe tuojos agafnft bfm befng a jpinfftct , He is an Adultc= 2?""'" '" ='- rer, Wtiorcmafler , Drunkard, a common Swearer, and a Preacher ofthc°Cafcrr falfe Dodrine. Ebe |9lafntf ff batb a tHctbf ct. SEbc SDefcnoant mobeD fn vords. " atreft of sinogcment tbat tbe Vaojus toete not adfonable, bccanfe tbe matter Words. crpjelTeDbptbemismerclpC-tclefiaftfcal, ano nottrpable at tbe Common JY*'- latD ; ano ft toas fafo, tbat a man map picacb falie Doftrine, ano not be pa. '""«^°^f '«. nffl^eo (0% ft, ff be be not a bencSceo man, ano ft ootb not appear bere, tbat tbe pafntfffbaoanplitfng, ano facSoes, ftfsnotrafobetoasa Preach. ""«»=. er of heretical Dodrine,but Of falfc podrine,tDbfcb iDOjDsarc moje arobf- gtious. The iodgeroenewai flayed till the Plaintiff fhould move. Mack and Cubitc • Mich. 23 Car, Banc. Reg.' ^^. Pafc.23Car.rot. Q^, AreftofluJg- MAck bjougbt an jatffon npon tbe cafe agafnft Cabiit foj fpeaWng tbefe ^[^"^' '" '" »- toojDS of bf M , You are a branded Rogue, and have held op your the° clTfe for ^ hand words. PrcfiJent'. 50 Mich. 23 Car. VV>"-<'s. hand at the Bar, and defervc to be hanged, and (hall be hanged . CfjC piaiti' tiff batft a mcx^ldt S^c SD^fenoant motes b« a sciic ucias " Ugatfon to Bl jckwell,Blackwell Ijatb a guDgment afahift tl)cm,onc Of tbe upon a jujgc- S>efcnDants ofco, Blackwell rues out a Scire facia* agatnft tlje 4. aaD it toas S'^inurrcr ^•^'""tt^D to tbc Scirc facias , betanfconeeftbcD.fenoantoagainftiohoni Abiiciiicn- ibcBiuDffcmcnt upon irbfclj tbc Scire facias loa: grantee, toas oeaD tobcn ttjc Scire fuias iffucD fo;tb 3n tl)io cafeit toas faio, if ttoo be bounn jopntlp in an Obligation , ano an 0cion be bjou5l)t againfl one of tb:m onlp, upon this Obligation tbc SDcfcnoant cannot ocmur, but mac plcao in ilbatc= mcntoftbc Cdvit. 3nDift'ao bcbounl)iopiitipinan£Db!igation, ano one ' of tbcm tpc, auD ttjc Obligee bjinga an Action ofSDcbtagaintt tbc otbcc tbat furtitcs, he mutt in his declaration fctfojtbtbattbc other is ocao. SIhc plaintiff ill the cafe at tbe5i5ar,pcrccibiiig the inclination of the Court Sc;ichci:«.- to l^c tbat the Scire facias toas not gooo, motjcb foj his oton crpeoltlon to tntjc it quaibcD, which was granted. ZLodg and Weeden. Mich. 23 Car. Banc. Reg. Artfto'iuif,. 'Tl^c plaintiff baings hctoohotoman|',anD Declares to his Dammage lorauch, ano hath ateroict agafnfttbCiDcfcnBant. K\)c E>c- fcnoant motea in artett of 3[uDgcment,ant) offers thcfc crtcptions, 1 . 2CU S?cclaration is , that tbc plaintiffs Cattcl toerc infcctcu morbo niortali, Anglice VLith tbc murrain, tthcrcas there is a pjcpcr i.atfn toojD to crpiefs vvoi '^ t'^'^^u'i^ain, namclp lues, tobichowBbtto hate bcenufci), ano not to be "'""■ crpjcifcD bp luch uncertain too job as morbus mortalis io, irhich fignifics on» Ip a mojtal cifcafc, ano fo might be anp other Difcafe as totU as tbat» ilp. %iit JE^cciaration faps that the iSDcfcnuant cio caflc interioria, Anglice the intoatos oj offall of the Cattcl, tehetcas that fs not the pjopcr'n toojo fo; Trin. ijCar. f o; ti)cat, but inteftina, 3!?. S,l)e Dsclacatf on Dotb not fet fojt^ toljat Cat*. tcl ttjei' iDctc, noi Ijoto mrniv tftep iccrc, that tljc iDefenoant ban b(Uco,antt ttjjoUjn tl)ctt inluarcs 0: offall on ttjc plaintiffs dofe. Buc the Court overruled all the exceptioi-s, and ordered the Defendant to fliew better uufe why the Plaintiff (hould nc-c have judgement. Ravvfbn and Bargue. Tiin. 2 j '.Car . Banc, Reg» Vid. antea* T^c cafe bettocen Rawfon ano Barque upon tfce fpetfal tacttjfct founn in anar'.fon upon t^c §>tatatcof 2 Ed.^.fojnotfEttfngfojtbofSEUbes/rg""'"" toljcrcfn tftc ^Jueflfon toastobetbertlje Chapel teas a free Cbapel, anD gU p.^chsjei tjen bp tfje &tatnte of : Ed. 6, to ttie fefng j no, teas moteo again, ann at- „r not within aucD bp Maynard tljat ittuas afrcE Ctjapcl gifeen to Edward tl^c 6t^. bp teethe statute of Statute, anD fais, the fittt reafon toao taken from tlje tro jcs of t^z &tatnte» i Ed. 6. •afcccno tcafonfromtljc preamble of tlje^t^ute. 3. t^irD from tbe tea. ^[^^"'':, fon of tlje statute. Sim a fourtlj from t^c meaning of tbe &tatnte. JFittt ^ * tl)e intent of tl)e g>tatt]tc tsas to ctanoe Ctiapels of fuperfiition to pious nfcs, ano Doth inteno rcfojmation, anr> net to take atnap tbc Cftapcls t^em= felt!£0, ano foj tbis caui'c^t being toj fo great a gooD, tbc gitatutc ftallbe gcnctaBp at)8 PrcCentatioD. 51 Mich. 2 3 Car. ^"^ h!\1)Cfou.ioUfo, anutbctalUngofftotberirapesfiStono piirpofc to alter ition , ano niall bc iatcrpjctcDflccojoing to common acceptation^ The riilt of Court war, to argue it Next Term, becaufe it is a caufe of great cor.fcquencc. Mich. 2 3 Car. Banc. Reg, Arr- n of T3 ^'■''" ^"^ jT^cmc b?{ng an ilrtioa of aCrcfpafs of ^ffauU am 3i5aticrp , in-fpnncni ill i3 anu Declare of an ailaiilttnij, ano beating of tfjc Jremc, anD Ijaljc a 3ir.ui;ar,j tcrcict ; t!)c SDcfcnoant moDeg in arrcft of S^iogcmcnt , antifoj caufc ''"":'T . fljctos tlMt tbc 315.^ron ano Jl=cmc ouffbt not to iopn in t{)ia Action , tbouglj lo^nmR.n a jj^, <3franlt ano iBattcfp Uias DOHCto tl)C i?cmc ptirticuUvlp , but tbat tbe JBaroii oitgbt to IjaUc bjougbt tijc 0ction alone, bccaufe tobat cbct oamagcs fijoulD bc rcco'jcreo tooulo go to tJjc IBaron onlp , ann citeD p E, 4, f ol, 5 1 ► The ludgcment was arreOed till the Plaintiff fliould move, Vandicoote. Mich. 23 Car, ^anc. Reg. A-rcftr-f -f'U^t pafiuiff bjiitgsanactionofSDebtagafnftVandicoote, tljc <3re- D bi'lir.-!,! '"^°5i of l.D.foj tent Due unto him bptbeJCeltatoj in his life time, itfvnfi an Ex- anD h<)f iiitams to l)tm , ano Ijatb a tetultf 1 t!)c jtDcfcncant mol'cs in arrcft of Juugcment , ^"^"'"^''t. ano (bi:\m foj taufs, i . %l)tit it is not a^crrcD bp ti)C piahUiff , tbnt Ijc Av-rmcnr gatjc anp notice to tbc SDcfcnoant !;oUi marip cloatbs l)e baa bong!)t fo j Wm, koucc. anDfoit i3Hotccrta(nto!)ati3Dt!Ctol)im, SCotbiait toasanflDercD, tbat tlje doatljfl lucre bougin fo j ilje SDcfcnuant Uinifelf , ano I)c map tocrp iticU taUc notice of tl)c number of tbcm , Irttbout anp notice gtten l)im. SI fc« '^'f«'is affume, anDp?omifetopaptl]Cfamcnnto^iim at a certain nap, ano ftao'' ""'^'^* notDoneit, anDfojtbisftebjtngsIjiajaction, anobatljatjcrDit, tbc 2Dc= fenDantmotcDinarreftof 3uDgcment, ancfojcaufc ttjevrs tljat tljcre is no confioeration DcclareD to grounfi an Action of tljc Cafe upon,fo j rent is a rcall tl)ing , anD an Action of SDcbt oiigbt to l)aUc been bjotigt)t foj it , ano Coriiacncion not tbis 0ctfon. Roll luflicefaio, tljatljcrcisonlp a confioeration in lain fct fojtl),febicl) is not gooD to toarranttbis action: 31Bnt it map be tftcrcDcb:. tnas fome nclo confiocratton tbnt fpjung from tftc being of tbc rent bcbino tijat Dio groiinb tbis Action, but no futb tbing Dotb appear in tbc sDcclarati- Oli. SCbcrcf03Ctt)e|5laintiff nil capiat per billam , if jaufe be not ftitwn witbini4day£s why he fhould have his ludgtiacci. Wood anc3 Salter. Mich, 2 3 Car. Banc, Reg. > IiP an arrcft of 3tiDsemcnt in au action of SCrefpaffcfoj carrpinc afeapArreftof 34 loan of tpmber , 2Clje crception teas, tbat tbe SCpmbcr ig notfaio to luc'scment iii betbelpmbctipfius quercntis, ano fo no caufc of ^tfion. Vpon this Tuipjiie. ludgenieni was arreflcd, < • ^^ Bennee 54 Mich,2 3^ar. Bin net and Bird. Michi J3 Car, Banc^ Reg. A ft of "D Urnetttic flDmfnffftatoj of i. s. bjtnss an iJctfon upon tfjc Cafe a- u,TgM.K.:t in Jj aainftBird , ano Declares agafnttWttiupo" an AffumpfitmaDe bj? tlje ,nAa.onup jpcfcjiDaiit to t^c fnteftate,fo} tl)E papniciit of a cettamftimofmonp foja ^n ihe Cafe j^atiagc po?tton, at 2 fctcrall Dares of parmciit cqtiallp , ano tijat fo;^ not uponapfc- pj,jfpj,„|„gti,cfamcfntbcUfcttmcoftl)ciiitcantc , bebjmgstbfsarttou* SCftc piafntiffljat^ a mtiiiA : SCbe SDcfenDant motes in atteft of 31uDge. jncnt, ano Ibclus foi caufe , tbatt^cpafnttffDotbnot tocU fct fojtM&e granting of tbc letters of aomlmaratton to tiim, fojftcfapcs, tbep toerc granteD unto Wm bptljc jarc^^Dcacon of fuc^ a place , ano Dotft not fap loci iliiusordinariumnojcuiadminiftratiopertinuit. ilp. JtisfaiD, tftat tl)e- monp toas to be pafo at 2 fctjcrall papmcnts,U)Wcl> amounts to ttoo fcbctal pjomifes , viz. a pjomife to pap tbe firft ten pouno on fnc^j a Dap , anD a pjomife to pap tlje oti)crfum at anotljer Dap to come, ano Dot^ not allege anp parttcuiar requcft maoe bp t^c f ntettate foj tfte firC ten pounD. JBut Bacon luftice oter-ruleD faotb tt)e ejccptf ons , ano faio to t^e N tic f^^^'> ^^^^ *^^ '^^ ^^^^ *^^*^ "''^'^'^ "^ ^" ^rt^Deacon being a pubUque £>j. oTd'iMry. Df narp , ano tfterefojc ft is not nceofuU to ejpjcffe , tbat tbe letters toerc I.ettetsof ad grantCD per Archidiaconum Of fticfj a platC, Ordinarium lilius loci ojcui ad« miniflra.ioiu mininratio pcrtinuit,bHt oHjcrtotfe it toercif t^ep toere granteD toitbin ape- Peculiar. ^yjjg^ jurisDfafon. Therefore he ordered to (hew better matter or elce lud geraent fliould be given for the Plaintiff. Ecles and Lambert. Mich, 23 Car, BencReg^ vidi anteat Argument upi on c fpctiall verdift. T^t Cafe betlueen Eelei ana Lambert toas again moticD, fobftlj upon a fpecfall tcrDfttfonnD toasfbis; Sir Molton Lambert mafecs a leafeof cettainlanDs toEclcsfoj II pears bpDecD, anD Cotenants foj l)fmfelf, ■ ^is c-):Ecuto?0, aominfffratojs, anD ^afsfgns, that tl)e Icffce Iball pcaccablp, anD qufetip cnjtrp tbe lanDs let, During all the SCerm, the 3leffo? mabcs bfa mif II , anD tbctcbp mahes Lambert tt)c SDefenDant Ijis Cpecuto j, ano Dpes^ ano bp tbe WiiH Ditcrs gooDs in fpecie are DctifeD to fanD?p pcrfons , Lam« berttbe drctntoj Delibersthc gooDsbctjncatheD to the i-cgntecg, Eeles is ontteDoftbelanD6byLS,anDttErcuponbjingsana£tion of Coticnant a- Saiutt Lambert t^ Cjcecnto j , tobo pleaDs fallp abminfftrcD, ST^e qacCf* ontoas,to6ctbertbepapfngof tbcfc legatfes bp the Cjjecutoj toerc a de^ De v»ftavir vaftavit , anD fo the e^ecuto J to bc thargcD de bonis propriis to fatfsfie the Covenant bjofeen 0; no, Green of Councfl toftb the pafntfff , argues that It toas a devaRavit nottoftbftanDfngt^at the oetiifetoas of gooDs in fpecicano tljat tbe ©TEcutoj haD onlp DelitiErcD them, bccanfc that the JLcgatecs hao piopeitv nopjopettpintbegooDsbeqneathcDfhem,»icfo?ethe€recuto> hao oelfbe- TCD them, no moje than (f thcp hao wMtx been DetifcD , ano citeo i H. e* f. Mich. 2 3 Car. 55 i^^rano Cooks Lit. III. ano F)C fa(D tijc finDm0oft!)eCojcna!Jtb:o!\CiT 1030 noting to tlje parpofcana Ijc fa^o, ^ ' ' cp,aRich.3.f. i4.Glanv, lib 6, 7. C.6, 7. anD tbcpolDcr of tbe C-cclcftflaf: tal Court is DerftjcD from tbe Common-latD , auo tbe *£;ommon=lato tofll take notfcc of a compulfarp toap fn tbe CEctleQattfcal- Court to pap allcgacp. ;a[nD tbe papmpnt f n our cafe fs crccutcD , anD noto tbc Lau^ tafecs notfcc of it, bccaufe tbc H)efenDant toas compellable to ft. 3f an CErccutojpjomffcp omifc. to pap a 3lC£acp,an ;9ction upon tbc cafe iof U Ipc againtt bfnt, if be do not 56 Mich. 2 3 Car. pap ft. Roll Iii(lice,tftc %t{tato). map Defeat all Cotjcnantsbp ttjfa mcan«; ano Greens tcafon (0 not anfUjctcOjtDhkbis ttic great Doubt fn tljc cafc» 3t toao Nefton& Sharp* caff, 38 Eiiz.tbat Icgacfcfloua^t tobcpafDton- Dttfonallp, viz, to bcreftojcD, fftljcdotJcnantfljoulDbcb^oUcn. Wbenyou argue again, argue to this point. Bacon Jufticc tttCD a CafC, 3jEliz» in tbc Crcijcquer, agatnft t^e opinion of Roil, anD faio, iftlicUcsacies fljonlD not be pafD, it migbt be a lofo to tftc Common«tocalt^:fo?itniap be tl)c Coons iifllpcri(I)tDftt»bapbll[gat{on agafntt menc in Debt V V Watlon, tfte ConOitfOn 1080, tO ftattB tO t^C aiCStD Of tU)0 0rM* upon an Ob- j^gj^jg qj jjf {^g ^U^pjjg^ 2Dl)C ©efenDantpleaDanullara Arbitrium. SCftc (h.nd°t"o*° plaintiff replies, t^iattbcBmpfremaoc tljeaaar^. SCije Dcfenoant De- an award, mars, anD Qietos fo^ caafc , tbat tbc i^loarD luas not gooD : fo> it leas in* Award. certain, ano not final on bot^ parts, fo? one partp teas ainarDCD to pap fo mucb monp to t^c ot^er, as in confciencc QjoalD be Dnc, ano no man can fap, tDbat tbat is. 2H)c Court faio, tbeatoatD teas infcnfible. 0nDBjcoa luftice faiD , it toas a taicars 3itoarD. Pulifton of Counccl toitfe t!je plain- tiff titcDt^efeJBoofes to pjotetljcatDatDgooo, 8Ed.4.^ 2.2oEd.4.f. f^ 4. iS Ed.4.f. I. Pafc.4 lac. Gofnoli$cafc,6c9H. 7. anD faio , tbefe cafes pjobtD, t^at tDftcrc an intettaintp In an StoarD map be mane certain, tfterc t^e 0U)arD is gooo, ana To it is in our Cafe. ilp. i$t faiD, tbat t^c atoaro here is gmo, nottoltljftanDing it be topapfomucb monp as fljall be Due in ^ (.. Confcience : fo; it (ball be meant as is Due in BLato: fo J 3LaiD ano Confcf* . gn£gajgpnj anD tbe fame. IButRollIufticefaio, t^attfteaioarDDotljnot make a final! Determination sf tbe matters in controbcrfp bettnden t^e par« ties, ano fo it (0 no atoaro. anD Bacon luftice titeo 5 Rep. 2Ebat an Sitbt. trtment ougbt to be certain, anD final, anDt^isatDaiD.toantsbotlttbefe properties; and therefore it not good, Fitchct againft Wolfton. Micb;2 3Car. Demurrer o°n Vsti*rc"r.. pltchei taD a 3laDgcment aaalntt I. S. in an action of 2)cbt, I.' S. Dies inte» cias.a^ainft an ^ Sate^ Woifton tabcs oot Hcttcrs of dDminiCtration of t^e be Dibioeo, tl?c AfTumpfit ia gooD notlDith« CanDing. Yec we ivill liearCounccI on both parts, before the Plaintiff ihall haveludgement, Antea, 27 Golibn and Bedlce. Mich, 2 3 Car, Banc, Reg, Entred Mich, 22 Car, ror, 434^ Arreft oi'iuJe- /^Oftbn bjougbt flu Mion upon the Cafe upon an Anumpfit againff Bed* C mcnt.nan t- -^^loc, HnD ficclarcs , that iu confiDcrRtton of fo iHucb monp0, pais bp tbc ftion upon laiaintifftothc SDefcnnant, the iDcfcnDantDiDaffumcanopjontifetoDe. ''"'a'.t''^ r''" ' ^^^^^ ^'^ '"^"l' ^^^^^ °f ^''"' ""^^ ''^'" ^* ^"^'' ^ P^^^^> ^"^ ^"^ ""^^ pecfojmins anA.iuniu. |,(g pjoniffe i,e bjjuKg {,(5 c^rtion. SDhc |Dla(ntiff hath 3 ClerQict; SChc 2Dc- fcnoant motocD in arrcft of 3Itiogement upon-thefe Cvccptione. i . SChe Be-- , jjr.iftio„ claration Doth not fct fojth, that the place irherc the pjomffc toaa maoe Uias '" '°"' toithin the JurisDiction of the Court, fehtch ought to hate been, faecaufc ft is the grouno of the ^action. Co this Roll JuJliccanfiDcreo, that it Dot¬ appear, that it is out of thc^urifcictionofthcCourt, anti it ftall not be in- tcnoeD to be fo, if it be not allegcD bi' the other partp. SI fcconi) reception Re q"cft *"■ *03s, that there is not a fpccial IRcqucft fet fo;th fo; the S?cfenDant tocar- tpanolap the ^ap in the place allegcD. glp. 2Ehe plcaoing ic out of Court, . fo; ttiant o^ n continuance to the Court, fo; the continuance is not to T),uontmu- jjjp Court, biit to fuch fl Dap onlp. 4lp, SChe tElnrDictisinfojmal, ano Vcr'i.ft. flielMs no caufeUihpDammages are gilbert. Roll luftice to the firftercepti- on faio , that tl)c partp ought to hat»e taUcn aobantage in pleaoing, that the ricading. caufe of Action Xnaa out of'thc ^utifoiction of the Court,anD not to mote fuch matter in arrctt of JuDgemcnt, fo; it is improper. JBut the Court ru- IcD the |)laintiflf to fljelu caufe tohp ^uogement ftjoulD not be arretteo upon the thtrO exception,'; Afterward the fame Term judf^ement was given, nil capiu per billam,againftthc Plaintiff tor the difcontinuance in the Procefs. Tentch Mich. 23 Car. 55 Tentch and Cletheroe, Mich. 2 3 Car, Bare. Reg* Pafc. a* Car, rot. 33 2» TEntch bjfngaan Srtton of Coticnant agafnff Cletfieroe,iDccIatC!3,t!)ai Error tore- t%t BDcfcnuant Ijao cotenantco iiftij fjfm to pap fuel) a fnm of monp into ■'=■'' » W'S"e''' catife tbc Crtljcqiict fa tranfitojp, annnotfirt to one place, ano fo ll)cte can be noClenuc.bccaufc It appears not in Icljat Cocintp U 10. And for thij '""'^^ caufe the ludgment was reveried» lawyer and RulTell. Mich, 23 Car, Banc.Reg, i;«iy a v»<^iuiu< ;oi^m. si^civuuaiiv iiiuutuui uiitu ui ^laog^nicnt lOJ ttjCfC i, r" rcafona. i , &uc!)belDftcbfng 80 is mentfoncD fn tljc IDedaratfon 10 not pu- word. tiilljable bp tbc Statute of 1 lac, foj ft cornea not toftttn anp of tbe vviuh-crafr. bjanttjes of tftat statute , nrftljer tbat tobfcb fpeate of ocatb bp ^ffclj« craft, no? of tbe otfter b?ancl) ; foj ft is not a^jcrrctj, tijat tbe Coin trac btirt - oj ocflropcD bp tbc bcVuftcbfng, auDrotbcpartpianotpumftablc. Bno ft lljaU not be fntcnocD to be fo,fo; tbc partp ftall not be punffljcti fan an 'ntcn'-'ment. encfctmcnt bp an fntcntfon , ncftfjer ajall be be berc fn tbfa Cafe. Slni3 -In iro;Ds ambfguou0 of tbf0 nature, fljau be talienfn mitiori fenfu. Roll lui'ljce fafD,tl)attbcfelDO?D0, Thou hafl bewitched my Mothers Milk and Drink fjatJC vv i ban abjnDgeD actfonable, ano bercigafcanoaloftbepartp ofMjomtbc " A lDO?D0 are fpofecn; ano tbe too? 00 thou haO bejvirchcd implfcs burt ucne to » * tbc tbfng bctoitcbcD; ano tbis cafe cfffcrc from an cUbfctment : foj an C'lt' Dfctmcnt muC be mojc certain , tijnn tl)cfc toojos ncco to be. i3nt> a tfo. lent fntencment aa tcre f0,map b?fng one irftbfn tbc compafa of an ^ctfon. Therefore lee thePlaintiff have his ludgemenr, if better matter be not flicwn Monday cext. Ncvill and Moct. Mich. 23 Car, Banc. Reg. ^1FvilIbJougbt an fldton upon the Cafe agnfnflMotr, ano acclarcD.tbaf Arcttcfiu-'g S the SDcfcnoant being fn companp toftb btin Icitb a Coiiflablc, Dfo fpcak "'<^"^ '" ="■ «■ tijua of tbc ipiafntitf to tbc Conftablc, There he is, takchiro,forIcharce ^'7- 7'" •a , h ilicCaic for wards. 5o Mich.^sCar. hi^ with flat felony, "hiiD after fpoUe tftcfe U)o?D3 ofljdnalfo, Mr. Ncvill hatli tnkcn my Sheep with a felonious intent. %])C |)latntfff \)at\) a ticrtlfct; Eljcl^'-'fctiuantmotieotiiatrca of Ktioncmcnt, tljattlje Ibojds arc not attU enable, ano cUjd Poland ano Mafons cafe, Hob, Rep- ant) aOrgco tljcfc rcc- fonoaifo. i. 3ScfaiifctbclD0jDfj lucre fpohen to aConflablcfnpjofcctu tfon of BCnftfcc, Itlifcl) fljall not be taUcn bolo of bp a p;tliatc perron as a par- ticular fnjurp mcar.t to 5)tm. alp. Jt la not fato tt)c VcojDo iccrc fpohen faU Avcrmcnr. j^j & (tiaiitiofe, ac ft otigl)t to Ijatc bccM, 315iit to tl)c fccont) Crccptfon, Roll lufticc fato, 3t '0 not ncccffarptofaPjtljcpttiercfpohcnfaiio&malitiofr, luljcrc tbcp appear to be fcaiioaloua, fo : tbcrc tbc action Itco Vi ctl, tljoiigb ft be not fo crp?cffcD , ano if one charge auotljcr Iwftl) fttfpitton of jf clonp.ano fpcah fuel) \iiojC3 of l)fm, fftl>cpappcarto be malfcfonOpfpol'.cn, an action tcrptoeil lieo. The ruie was for ilicPlamtiffco take his ludgemenc, if bet* ter caufc be not fliewcd to the contrary. The King and Hide. Mich, 23 Car- Banc, Reg, r* sn ■ bUT I*^^ »noi3f d foj tlje qtiaOjintt of an CSnDfctmcut tafecn before Commf ffli* an Ed"amcm JtJ oners of &>c\i}Crc, tobcrcfn l)c teas cnofctEQ fo> a niifancc nuice fn b Com- tl)c l)iel) \T3ap bprcafon of penning of tuatcr in t\)c Kiijcr, at his jpfu, Uil)cr= niiisioncis of jjp tl)c toatct olier=floiDi!ig t^JIBanhiJDfo annop tlje toap. antJ l)"e took tl)is S:wcrs. crtcption to f.jc CnDiotmcnt , that ft Dfo not fap it toas a natijtablc Hibcr. 315nttot}}isRoll lurticeanflMcrct), it irao not netctTarp to Tap it Iras nafef' Sewers. gflblc : fo? if it be a common palTagc foj ivatcr it its fufficicnt, ano lice lott&- fnthctontifaiJcco;tl)cCoinmf'sioncro.315utRoiliufticetooh another crcepti* on to the Cncfctmcnt; 2Ehat ft fcto fo?tl) thiu oticrflotofng of the toter to bs i^T^.r amifancc tothchf5hluap,anDfojthis3thcpartplijcnDfctcD,U)hcrcas Com^ '^' miroioncrfi of Telstra ha^c no potocr to mcDDlc tufthfuchntifances in the lDap,butonlptoithpaffagC0bp Mater. And for this caufe the Endidraenc wasquifhed. Monger and 5'hacerton. ^ M ch, 23 Car, Bine. Reg, Trin. 2] Car. rot, 5^9, A tSIrit of Grro; li-as bjouaht in tljfs Conrt to rctjcrfe a 3:.oDgcmeHt g(- Vudoc- j(L\l3cn in the llBiirroto'. bp t'gc Statute, ft bciiin after a acr- Vcidft. tict. 315iJt B?con fuftitc faio, h^ Doubtcii iDhcihcr it coulD be hi^lpeo iioio fu this »I^otirt, though it misht hate been helper in the fnfcrioj Court, Inhere tg; action 1353 bjou^tit bp CFamination of it, ano therefore rulco to Iljciij taiite Emo- to rf- Mich. 25 Car. 61 caufetofjpHuDgementfljall not be tctterfcD on Friday nert. It was this Term rcverfed at the Defendants motion for his own expedition. Biooke and Brook. Mich. 2 3 Car. Banc. Reg. Trin, 23 Car. rot. 580* BRooke bjincs an SLaion of Debt upon an iDWfgatfon aca Brook, tbc comritfon toas , tljat ttje £>bltsoj fljoulo ntaUc an C-ttate',fj"^'_" q^[ «f inftctitaiicc to tbe £)bU0cc fn fncft lanes «t ftitb a nap, anUhgat.on. plate , ano foj not Dofng it, l)c bjings itis attfon. 2H)c Dcfcnoant pleaos tl)atbetDasTcaDi>att()eoap,anDplace,tomaHc tl)c plaintiff an cffatc of inljctttanccinttjcIantJS; SEftcpafntiffBcmutstotljcpIca, anfifojcaufe fijctoo tfjattftcDefenoantDotl) not Qjetotljat be gate notice to tl)C |Dlain' ^o^*«' tiff of l)is being tbcvc. 2Co tbis Roil luftice fafo , it is not ncceffarp to gibe - notice of tbc Dap oj place, jafcconoerccptionlractbat be hao not flietocD ^.^^ tbat be gate tbe plaintiff notice tobat eltate of inheritance be tooulo make mtcsl ^m. 2Eo tbtij Roll luftice fato ,be ought to bate fi}cii)n,tbat be gate notice lubat cftate be taculD mafee bini , ano tbetcfojc let tbe Defendant ihcw cauie why tbe Piain:iiFihould not have ludgcmenc. Kale and locelync^ Mich, 23 Car, Banc, Reg. Trin, 23 Car. rot, 1282, KAlebjingsanadionofSJebtacainttlocelynean Crccafoj, ant) De- clares foj tent groiun mic fince tbe Death of the 2:cftatoj, bp tirtitc of ?pi^'i"t'"an° a Icafc fo J peats mace of certain lants bp the plaintiff unto the SLcttato j Exccuto^r In iDbicb pet continues , ano Declares, that tbe Crecntoj debet & detinet, &c. Debt tor icnc 2Cbe£DefenDantplcaD3fullpaDm(tiiftrcO, tbe plaintiff Demurs upon tbe^^ °"e''f =- plea; J?0} pleaoing in the debet ano the detinet: Bacon luftice faiOjitf^y'^ ^''"'• teas gooD , ano fo bao been aDjuDgco. Co tobtcb Roll luftice anfujcreo it kxtcmor, bao been aDjuDgeo pro & con, to be cood ano to be bao , ano he faio, that an vvaivcr.' Crecutoj cannot toaitc a SCetm let to the sCcftatoj, fo? be is botmo bp Co. Cuvciianc tenant f holD it , ano faio that the SDcclaration toas gooD in tbe debet ano detinet prima facie ; foj it iftall be intenDCD that the lanD let to the SCclfa. to J is iBojth^s much bp the peat , as the rent that is paio fo j ir,till the con^ trarp be (bcfen , ano then it is rcafon that the Crecnto; be chargcD ; Bacon lufticefaiD, that the Crecutoj map toaitc the poffefsion, if l)CfinD that the rentismojcthantbelanDislDOjtb, otberinifc it map be mifchictotis to bim. Roll luflice faio, that the SDrclaratton nuift be in the detinet ano de- betjOtbcrtoife it toill be mifchictous to the plaintiff, ano faio, that a fpcci= altp (ball be fatisfieo facfo?c a rent rcfcrteo upon a leafe bp oecD . tcbicb Ba. conDenicD, ano it teas faio, that a leafe foj pears fljnirbc affctg in the a^«''- Ijanos of anCrccutoj, although the rent rcfertco be the full taluc of the Hants let bp the leafe. The Defendant was ordered to flievr caufe why ludgement fhould not be given againfl hinit 31 3 Baker 6i Mich. 2 3 Car. Baker againft Edmonds. Mich. 23 Car, B, Reg» Hill, taCar.ror, 12?, spfciii vcr- |5 Aker bjJtigs an SifXion upon tl^c vEafc agafnff Edmonds , ano Declares, didinjnAft. D tljat toljcrcaa I. S.Ujats IjiDcbtED unto tbcpiafntffffn a certain Uim o£ c Ac" wTctiici '"""P ' ""^ aftertoaros bcfng fo (nocbtco became a SBancUrapt , ano tljat a a vcrd;a Comtfflfon upon tftc fetatatc of JBanUrupt toas taken out bp W m, anu otljct wainrainMhc crcDito^s agafiitt fefm , ann tbat afsfgn oticr tlje HDcbt of tbcSDefcnoant mcnt(oncD in a certain fcbcmile, a-- mounting to fuel) a fum,iinto tl)c part of fatlafaaion of tljc 2Dcbt otoing unto lilni bj? tl)c 315nncl;rupt, biP tjirtuc Inbcrcof l)c DcnianDs tl}e fafj JDebtoftl)cSDefencant,tDl)oD{Dairumc, spjomffeto pap t^: fame.ano fo> not perfo jmlng 1)13 pjomifc,f)ebjfngfl Ijio ^rtlon, tbs SDcfenDant plcaos nonAfTumpfit, ano tljercuponaniffuc l«as jopncD , ano a fpccfaU teroict toao founo to ti)c effect, as tl)C plaintiff ban tcclarcu, but tbep futtbcr fint» tbat tlje 2Debts mentfoneo in tlie fdjcDule , auD afalgneo oijcc to tijc plain* tiff ainounteti to fuel) a fum, toljcreas tljep fino that tbe SDcfenoant oiD not • oUje unto tl): iiSanckrupt fo muclj as tbat 2Dcbt afaigneo ia, but a letlc funt. y ^,0 auD upon tl)i5\)crQ(cttl)cquertion teas, irftetber tbe tjcroict oio maintain jHUe ■ tl)ciffue, lrl)tcl) iraa non AlTumpfir.ifit oId , tften tljep ftno (07, tUe SDefcn* Aiiignnienr. not, tl)cn fo: tl)c plaintiff. Bin tbc breaking of tbc Cafe it toao mo= ijeD itDetbcr tbc flfsii^srmcnt tocrc gooD o: no, in rcgaro tbat tbc Commif-- fioncrs ban miftafeen tbc SDcbt , fo j tbc SDcbt afaigneo bp tbcm iuao grca» tct tban tbc iDcbt founo bp tbc 3iurp, ano fo mtgbt be anotbcr SDcbt, iBitt totbis Roll luflice faio,ti)at tlje afstgnmcntiDasnot uioiciallp bcfoje tbcm in qucQion, fo:ifitii)crc,it\BOulD be iuogcDanilUfi3ignmcnt,butbcrcit comcfl not in ifuie but onlp tobctbcr tbc Defendant oio affumc, a«D pjomifc oj no , ant) tbc fpcciall tocroid conclnoco not upon tbc afsignmcnt, but inbe- tbcr tbc fpcciall matter founo uo maintain tbc iffuc oj no, « tbcrfo jc be toag of opinion tbat tbc plaintiff ougbt to babe bis 3I«Dgment. Bacon ludice niU fcrcoin opinion,^ falo.tbat it is Dangerous foj Commifsioners of315anUrupt, CmiiTi:(iio. to a'"s(gn 2)cbts particularlp.3Ebc rule tb?n leas to argue it tbc ncj;t 2Ccrm: ncis, at lubtcb time Ward Of Counccl fo J tbc 2DefenDant argucD, tbat tbc feccQict Inas fo J tbcSDcfcnDant fo; tlits rcafoii,viz.l6ccaufc tbe SDcbt lalD t.i tbc ilDc- ciarat(on,anD tbc SDebt fount bp tbc tjaoict arc not tbc fame, ana fo tbc SDc- fenDant did not affume,anDpjomife tbat Inbicb is laio In tbc l!>eclaration , fo: tbcrc is no fuel; SDcbt founo, ann if be fljoulo be dmrgco teitb tbat , be Averment, mtgbt be Doublp cbargcD, foj be map lie again cbargeo fo^ tbc Debt founo bp tbc ttrDict , ano circumttanccs of quantitp, time ana place are aljcrrci) in a K>cclatat{on to mnUctljings certain, ano if tbcp fail tbc SDeclaration ta not gooo , j 8 E. ?. lol. 25. i. rep, 74, Palmers Cafe. alp. lEbc SJcclara^ tion'ictnfufficient, fo;itci:p:cffctbnotiDbat tbe fum is, but faitb, a fum mentioncD in a fcbeoulc of SDcbtB,tobfcb is inccrtain: Roll luftice intet- ruptcD Ward, ano fai?, an tbat pou bate argticn is oat of Do;es, but tbe latt matter toucbfng tbc SDeclaration, anD to tbat Hales of Councell iritb tb? plaintiff faio, tbc SDcclarctiou is gooo anD certain cnougb, foi tb:rc ap* years no otbcr (urn fu tbc fcbcDulc tban is mcntfoncD in tbe jEDcdaratlou. BacoQ Mich. 2 3 Car. 63 B»con Tuftice.2C!)eafsfsntnent i& cf tljc Dcfat of tljfs man Due to tljeBanktuft, ucitmo^e oj be it IcIIe,anDftatl) no reference to tbc accompt, ano recho- nfng bettDcen t!)Bm, ?fo tfte arsfgnraentlBgootutljougbitagrcenot (ntfte fum Mttf tDbat is iuftlp Diie,anD tljc tffue is upon toe A(rurppfit,ano not upon m,e. tl)c jafefgnnient, foj tfte 0rs(gnmcnt ts aomtttco bp tbc SDefenoant, ano fo Adniittjnce: not matcjtal tohctftcr ft be an ^fsfgnmcnt of tlje true fum oj not. Judge* men: was given for the Plaintiff. Bruerand Sowihwell. Mich. 2 3 Car. Banc, Reg» TI5C piamtfff hi this (Tafcmoticii again foj luogcmcnt , ncttoittttan' ArrcO oj cingtoJjatbaDlcenfojmerlpfpoUcntoarrtftit, fojtljoutTlj tte ^^"'^^ ],"'Sn V^ dircomputandointbclDe£larationbetnfcnfible,pcttl)cri3enoun^tnt!KSD^*'n^i,e'c"ic''' dagition togrounu tbe jattion, anu tljat to tt)e bjcatlj of tlje AfTumpfic afsig= upon an Af- nap:o Bciitcr tlje Currants bouofjt of tbc SDefcncant , ano tfje tuojD Dfr.fu'Hf''^ counting (ball not fturt ft. Bacon luniceiras of tfte fame opftnon. ilBut RoU luftice fafo, all tbe fcargafn is bcvc fet fo?tl) upon trf)fci) tbe Affumpfit AiFu.r.pfir. toas maue , ano if tbe bargain be ill, tbe Afluropfit is not gooo. Hales Coiurztt. of Counccll tnftb tbe piafntfff faio, if part of tbe bargain be in. fcnfible , ano part not, pet a goon Aflumpfit map be grcuncco «p= on tbat part tobfcb is 200D, 315at Roll faio tbe bargain bere is intirc , ano ifpartofitbenot gooDitisallnaugbt: pet bi" faiQ if part of a bargain be gooD, ano part tjoto, pet an ^rtion map be b jougbt upon it. The tule wzs) That ic (houid be argued again on both parts. Seaman againft Edwards. • Mich. 25 Car. Banc, Reg. Trin, a 3 Car, rot. 9 20. SEainanb?ing0 an action agafnfi Edwards, ano Declares againft bim as '^'"■"'■7"^" (II;);ccuto J of I. S. ( iDbereas tbe trutb toas, tbat I. S. maoc ^, otbcrs Cv- 'J by an e^- Ecutojs, ano not tbe SDefenoant. ) 2Cb'* SDcfcnoant pleats tbat be is notccutor. tbe fame pcrfon namcD in tbe 'mm. %o tbis plea tbe plaintiff Demurs , I'lca. ano foj caufcfljciDStbat be map be an Crecuto; de ion tort demcrne,tboMgb ^-''""""■• be be not nameo in tbe Will , ano fo map be cbargeablc , ano tbercfoje be ougbttobatiepleaocDneunques^DminittreocomeCrccutoa, ano of tbis opinion toas tbe Court, ano ojocrco tbe i3cfenoant to Ibcto caufc \3iifp 31uogemcnt tboulo not be gibcnagatna bim. Judgement was given for the Plaintiff. • Dod againfi: Eaton. Mich, 33 Car. Banc. Reg. DOd bjings an 0ction upon tbe Cafe actainft Eaton fo j fpcaliing tbcfe Px-cp"o^ '<> toojDs of bim, thou haft the French Pox, m JSDifcnDant plcaDs not ' ^^'"' ''"" suiltp ^4 Mich. 2 5 Car. aalltp, tbe $atv upon tWs tffac finfi a fpccinll l^cruld , viz .2Cl)at tftc iBDefcn. Oaut l;ati fnfO, thou haft had the French Pox, toiicrcupon tbc SDcfettOantiS CoiintcU fafo, tljnt tljc CI rrcirt uotli not mafntnfn tbc too job laio in tl)c H)c» claration , an'o tbat tbc tc'ojco tt)at arc fotinc hi tbc tictolo arc not aaiona- blc, anDfotbcpafntifftanbatcnoSHDacmcnt, antJCftcoi^ Jac Nut- ^^^'''^ combes Cafe, anD tbc tDOjBBfounDarcnotiffuaWe, ano fo tbc terew ia fmpcrfC£t,^o A(T. 4i.Kelway '6.i8 Ed. j.tol. ip.Pafc. sjEli/iBanc. Reg. Dame Ratdiffs Cafe. Dyer &t, lohn Burj^es CafC pjotc tbat tbc tcrDfa ia toofbojt. RollIufticefa{D,lftbctcrcJctbcimpcrfctt,tbcrcmapbc a ncto Vcnite dc no- venire facias , anD fo ft <0 agatnC tbc piafntiff , foj be caunot babe Jaoge. '"• mcnt. PaDellofCotmccU toitb the plaintiff citcD Osborn, anD Brooks Veidia Cafe tbat tbc berufrttoaafoj tbc plaintiff. 315nt Roll luflice falD, tbat tbe 3tirp cannot finn a tbing tbat is not toitbin tbc SDctlaration to main--; tbcpotisbtto bolD tbcmfeltcB to tbc iffue, anD tbat tbepbabcnot bete cone , anu tbctcfojc tbc Dcrbltt ia imperfect, ano tbcre mail be a ncto venire facias to trp tbc tffiic again, fo j Sui'Scnicnt can= notbc gitcnupontblc^crclct,foj tbcp do not finDtbat be fpakc not tbc toojDB in tbc S)cclaTation tobicb arc tbc molt material, fo tbat tbc matter is not founo fnllp cnong^ foj uBtopjocecDtoSuts^wcntonc teap ej o||;r. Adjourned. Poole againfl: Coply* Micb>23tCa. Banc.Reg^ Arrcft of D Oole b?f ngs 80 0ctton of Ctcfpaffe againtt Coply , ana batb a bctWtf ludPcmentinX agalnft tbc SDcfcHDant. gttoasmobcD in arrett of faogemcnt tbat Ticfpafic. tbc S)eclatation is incettain, fo; tbc plaintiff DctlarcB tbat tbc SDefcnoant cepitetalportavit decern coria,anglice hides, anD tbc too jO Coria isnnCEt- tain , fo J it map be coria equomra, OJ coria ovium, o; Of anp Otbct Cattcl» %o tbfflRoll luftice faiD , tbat it is tocllenongb, fo? tbc Anglice bao maoe tbc toojD certain, anD it is tbc nfaal manet to pleac it tbas. The Court ordered the Plaintiff fhould have his ludgeroent, if better matter were not Ihewn to the contrary, Hull againft Gurnet, Micbt 2 J Car. Banc. Reg. Demurrer up- yj yn jj, j^gg g„ 0(t((,n j,f fgif- fmpjifoumcnt agflintt Gurnet , tbc SDc= Xainfairc JljL fcHDant plcaos 3 fpcciall juttification, tbat be tools, ano tmpjifoncD inipn'onmem. tbc plaintiff bpbittiic of a CommifsiongrantcD out of tbc Court of tbc 5lDmiraltp. to EFaminc tbc taking atoap of ^rtain gooDs tibicb tocrc lr.;ac; c ft-m fees bp tbc &ca. %o tbis plea tbc piai.ntiff DcmurrcD, anD IbeiccD foj. -■'■ ■ caufc; aCbattbcSDcfenDantbatbnotfetfojtbtbcCuffomoftbc aamirall Court, tbat tbc firftpjocrCTctbcreof is a Capias, anD fo it appears not, tobc= A.iwrahy. tbct bcbatjc pjocccDCD right oj no. alp. 3itDotb not appear tbat tbc mat; tcr foj tobicb tbc Commifsion tons grantcD is jparitime , anD otbct matter tbcpongbtnottomcDlc toitball. The Rule of Court Wcis to flicw caufe why ludgement (hould not be given againft the Defendant upon this plea. Smith .■^nrllie.. Mich. 2 3 Car. 6^ Smith again ft Stone. Micb. 23 Car. Banc. Reg. SMithb;on5fttatl3[( Scone pedibus ambulando, • ,• n^ tbc Defenoant plcans t^ts fpeclall pica In juttlficattoit, viz. Wint tjc toag ,] "'* i},"";!i-l carr peu upon tl)c lanu of tfjc piafntf ff bp fojce , ann tfolencc of ottjero, ano pj,rj pecfenDant, anotftat afj let tl)e rent teas bcbtno , ano tfjat 6^ f 0; tbe non papmcnt of tlje rent acco;» Ding to tbe Covenant in tbe Dceo , bp birtuc of tbc claufc of rccntrp oto en- ter into tfjc lanos, inbicb is tbe fame b; cafeing of tbc jFcnce , ano entrp fo j tolitcl} tbe plaintiff bjings bis jetton , anD Demanos ^uogcmcnt if tbe |i)laintiff ousbt to batjc bis 0aton. SCo JbcfcnDant mobes in words. U atreS 66 FcLny. Avernicnt. ■ — ■ — — f Mich. 25 Car. arrfft of SluDgcmciit , ano tafecs t!)cfe eiccptiono to the ©cclaratfon. u %\iat it cbEcnanD;ot&ct too jDs t^crc arc Iclncb arc alfo Incertain, Sim tljctc (s cttoj in tt)C afsfgnment of oammagcs : fo j tfje Datnmages are afeiancD ultra valorem terrae,U)l)fcl) is arafnfttljcfetatntc. Roll Iuf>ice,tl)e Statute fs an aDOltlon oftl)Et3alucanDDt-immagc!?,fojtlic31uogemcnt fljc riiggeftctb, tljat Jjer ^^usbano DpcD fctfco in'fecof alltfte llanos out of tobltljfljcDcmanBs bcr 2DoU)cr, ano tl)at ut if it be grantcotlje matter map be trp^ CD, ano npontljat if tl)c31uDScment be erroneous a tojit of Crro; map be ?j;ougl)t in tbc in London, ano fo all t^c matter map come in queft* ion to be argucc, ano b^ TalD tljat a Charter cannot gitie an Sldion , tofjirb tlje Common lalo allotD3 not, 2uc let the matter reft as it is till we can a- grte. Mich. 2 3 Car. Banc- Reg, r.ction. Arrcftot ^ 192 piatntiffbjotigljtljfa Action upon tbe Cafe, foj tfjcfc tDOjOsj, thou luJpemenr in -t rnuttton^rnonper the:f bring home my ftoien hay. 2Et)e IDcfcnOant 'n^lfJ'"^^"•'" makes a rpetialuiCffttation,t|)attIjc plaintiff baoftollen a ttjccp, ano up= onthfsiuasaniffuciopnco, anoabcroictfoitte plaintiff, 2Ebc 2Dcfcn- Dant mot)cs in arrctt of Kuogcment tljat tlje declaration inas not gooo; fo j itonlpcljargetljtbeDcfcnoantlDltbfpcaUingof tbe toojos, ano ootb not fap dixit de quercnte , ano tboncb t^ofc IrojDs be in tlje replication, pet tbat maijeo not tbe H>cclaration gooo. R.0II luftice, SCbe Declaration is not gooo, fo J tbe toojoo map be fpol^tn of anp otber boop, as toell as of tbe plaintiff* Bacon luftice agrees hiii:() Roll, ano faio. tbat tbe IdoiO dixit ioas not in tbe Dcclavat'cn , ano fo i\ appears not tobetber tbe JDefcnoant fpoUc , 0?. Ui;it, ojtboti£bt tbeU)o;Ds,anDii.bicbiomo?eiti0notraiD,tbattb: Idojds lucre fpoUcn in tijeptefcncc of anp boop, anotben tbcp cannot be fcanoa^ lons; Roll luft.ce f^iio, one cannot reiopn upon tJDo;Ds,ti)bicb arc not in tbe ^Declaration no? in tbe plea; fojiftbe SDcclaration , ano tbe plea be R'p'.iciiioi). nausbtjtberepUcattOiuannotmaUetbem gooo. The rule of Conrt was nil capiat per billan3,excepi caule (hewn Saturday following. , Kinpe again ft lohnfonj Mich 23 Car, Banc, Reg. Pafc, 23 Car. rot. 154, F';c; u,''or. a lu('e"r"cnt 11 A ^rttof€rrojiija3b;ougbttorctcrrca3iiogeOTent gibcninHuil, 3^^j, • /\ fo; tbefe ©rrojs afsigncD, 1. SEbatoncoftbccontinuantestoasto Cu„iiuuii.c a certain cap oftbemontb,toI]Ere it ougbt to be ad proximam curiam; 2, 21'OC Declaration teas pro fc decern beltii?, Anglicc Cov;s or Whyes, iobtcO tcstoo general; fojtbetxiojobcftia map figiufic anp bcaft tobatfoetcr as iDCll MicK. ijCar. 7j iDgllasa€oiD» Theludgememwasreverfed except caufe (hewn to the contraryf More againft Clipfam. ^ Mich* 2^ Car. Banc, Reg. MOre bjfttgsa If^cplctin aaafnft Clipfam , anft Declares of a ^unojca Arpumfnr oves Matrices et vervicesDfftratncD bg Cliplam, Clipiam OCllturfl to "P"-" aR-ep**- tl)clKcplct(nfoitbcfntertatntpofft; foj ft appears not tjotomanp oftJjc^'"- i)iinD jec ftccp DfftrapncD, ano replcljfetj, iccre Mstnces, o: cipcs , ana boin inanp Iccrc vervices, oj Vt)cat!)crs ; Maynard iiioljcs foj ^tiDgcir.Ent in tbc 3Rcpletmfojt^c paintfff , ano Ijclo tljat centum oves alone loas gooo,anD certafir, ano tl)C aooftfon Matrices, ano vervices, fljall not mafec an (ncertain- tp, ano t\)t \a^^t of Iflcpletjin cotl) not Ojcto tlje eattcll Dtttraincti parttcular^ '""''*'"'y- Ip, buttbcbclpoftbcpatti', anDtf)e tlelu of tfje S>l)er«ffmaa concurrto fljeVD tD^at Cattcl arc to be oelttereD bp tlje tojit. alp, J^crc is a cooo fffucargumcntattbe,altbouel)ttbenotfo fojmal. 3!p. jniicrefo no mojCr,T- in tbc (true at tbc315ar,tl)an in tbc aboU)?p,fo; all tbe SCcrm is but one oap, f "^* tftct is no of biCon of time in it,i it is Dangerous to make fraaions,iE a§>tatute •^'=""- achnoiBlcogcD in tbc aCcrm relates to tftc firft cap of tb^sncrnt.Hales on t^c „ otberfioeagrceotbat centum oves tDft[)oiit raping anp mo;c bao been cer=Rciatk.n tain enougb, but as t\)t:^ are berc oiaingtnfbcD into Matrices , ? vervices, tbcrc is nocertaintpatall; foj tbc Cattcl in bino are ccmanDco, ano ougbt to be Dclf bercD as tbep are ocmanoeo, fo tbat if tbe oemanD b: incertain tbef c can be no certain ueliberp. alp, SCbe fffiie is ill , ano is not bclpeo bp tbe "beroit; foj i. tbetitlcmabeisnotanrtncrcD. z.SCbctraberrc is onlp to - f»v"^'=- tbc conclufion , ano roisbutbptoapofiitfcrcrtcc,anois not bclpco after ,^ • a beroitt ; fo; tbe plea is not anficcrco: fo j tbc toojos fuit ct adhuc eft fefitas "^*' is not gooB , fo; it is not material tobctbcr be locre fcifcD at tbc time of tbc Dittreffe o; no, but tobetber be ucre feifeo at tbc time of tbe rcplebin , ano tbcre is a Diftance bcttoecn tbe rcplebin, ano tbe aboiujp, am tbcre is a pri. m ant) a pofteriusinit. RollIuf>iceraiD,iti3mat)cupintbc rctojn, ano tberc is no Diftinttion of time , ant) if one plcao an ill plea , ano tbc iffu e upon it be founo againS bim , be (ball not take aobantage of bis olcn ill plea , ano if there be a ncgatitc, ano an af firmatibc, tbougb tbc tfftic be not inelUopncD, it is bclpco bp tbc statute of leofaiies, otbcrtoife, if tbcrc be iiptanaffirmatibe,anDancgatibC; fojtbcntbercisnoiffueat all topnco to be bclpco. Bacon luftice, Oves matrices et vervices is ill ; foj tbc &>bcriff Iknotocs not tibat reto jn to maUc j Roll accojos, ano faio , pon babe maoe tbat tobicb teas certain, to be incertain bp tbe fpeclfication pou babe maoe , ano a rcplebin is a ocmano, ano ougbt to be as certain as a precipe. ludge! ment was given againft the Plaintiif m the cafe at the bar, becauie the Declas ration was il!,and uncertain, Gilbert 1i Mich. 23 Car. Gilbert agaiaft Scone. Micb» 23 Car. Banc. Reg. Trin. Zj Car, rot, lyoj. Demurrer up. ^^-^nfcert b?onsU an 3ctlon of Etcfpaffc quare claufum frcf;tr,anD taking Trcfpad^ '" ^J "f ^ gclDfng,acainft Stone. 2LI)c SDcfcnoant plcaos tijat ^e fo j feat of Ijfslffe, aiiDii)oiinofnsoftiDCltcarmcDmcrT,to^otb;catncDtot5{ll ^{mtf ftc Dfo not tfjc fatt, tocnt into tl)c ftoufc of tljc plaintiff, «nD tooU tl)c gcloing. %\)c plaintiff DemtirrcD to t^is plca;Roll luiticc, Eljis is no pica to juftific Trcfpidc tbclDcfenoant ; fo; 3 map not do a Crcfpaffc to one fo; feat of tb:cat = nfngflofanotljer, fojbptl)i0mcanotbcpattj>injuteD(l)all l)at3c no fatis- fartion. fo J Y,c cannot ftaljc it of tljc pattp tljat tijjcatncD. Therefore let ibc Plaintiff have his ludgcraent. Symons and Low. Mich. 23 Car. Banc, Rcg» Trin. 13 Car. rot. 6 5 o, trro' u C Ytnons Wna.a an Action upon the Cafe againtt Low foj fpeakfng tfjefe 1 Jcgcmcnr * ^ too'Ds of hit, She, innuendo the pia{ntiff,f0 per)ntcD, anD hath a teroict, torv/ords. snD 8 luogcment; t^c 2DcfcnDant bjings H tSHtit of C^Etoj to tctetfc this Plaint. 3;utigcmcnt , anoafisignsfojcEtroj that the plaint teas entrcD the fame Dap "that the too;oc lucre fpol5en,Vrhich VuasfaiD onght not to be .bccanfc the Ff jftions. Action ttjoulo bc bjought after the luojDs fpohcn, iohfch Ihall not be intcn. ncDtobcifitbcthefamc Dap, bccaufethc J^atoaDmits of no ftaaions of timz, tehich UiiU be, if a Dap be Ditioco into fc\3eral patt0,afl it here muft be, fo J there muft be one hout fuppofcD tohen the Idojdb tuerc fpobcn , ano a-- nothcrhotit iijhen the plaint luas cntteo. ISut Roll luftice faio, it toaa lo:U enough, ano ojDcrcD the plaintiff to taUc hct 3;uDgemcnt , if caafe were not fhcwn before the end of tne Term , Cl\ecvers again ft Mich» 2 3 Car. Banc, Reg, ukc"^ uc.'j' \ 7 Pon a rule of Court to Ihcto caufe tohi' a fcire facias to rcl3t5 Car. Banc. Reg. 'T'^c Cafe fact tocen Eeles ano Lambert teas again atgiicD bpLatchfo; tljc ^ Araumems •■*' plaintiff, ano bp Twisden fo; the 2D£fcnDant,Larch atgueo to tl)ig cffctt, |',J,''!,"„'^^';'u- SCftat tbe l^cgatec hath no tight in the Icgacp, untill it be ucliteteo unto him ^'^^ Lp tbe Cpecutoi, 2 E. 4 . fol. 1 5 . but if a Icgacp be gihen in th'S manner ) if 3 Legacy. Dpe let mp Cofen hate fach a thing, there the legatee map tabe the Icgacp toithout the helibcrp of the Cpccuto^ , ano a thing tohich cannot be Detjifco Adm.niftratr- cannot be atjminlfltcD. Bradon lib. 2.C. j6. 7 H. 6. oetifc is tioio if thetCg^. be not futficicnt G00D3 facCDes to faticSc the SDcbto of thcSCcftatoj. 2, SLhc Devife. DifpoCtion of the SCeftatoj ought to agree toith the lato of GoD,thc lato of na= tnte, ano the \m of the 3LanD;anD tohcrcag it is objcctcD that there toill be an incontjenience,it the legacies fhall not be paiD, 3 anfuicr, tbc ILato tc« SatDs not this incont}eniencie;]15ut alp. this inconheniencc is none in rcfpect of the inconhcnicncc inill be on the other Cdc if the legacies be paiD, namelp the b?eaking of the Blato of Ood, the i:ato of j^iature, ano of the llano, ano the fncontenienccs fuppofeo arc hclpcu bp theC it?ill ilato , fo j it takes cau- ciution; tion in paping of legacies to rcpap them in fuch accioents as ate in out Cafe. Twifden fo J the 3DefcnDant argueo, that it teas a gooo aominiftra^ tion of thiJ gooQs , ano that there is no affcts in the hanos of the C>:cciito js, ano he agrees that a oetjifc of gooos in t'pecie , ano a oebifc of monp is all onc; but fht3 is not a SDebt , ano fo is not to be paio ; fo j in Suogemcnt o£ ILali), it is p;efumco that the Cotjcnant Hjall not be bjohen , ano that it ftall not be refpccteD in tegaro of the incertaintp tohcthct it (hall be bjohcn oj no, but the liato tafees notice of the ©a:ill,anDit is of tempoyil conufans, 2 Rich. 3. n H. 7. f. 12. ano it tabes notice ofalegacic to trp the tight of it, anotooifch'itgeit, anotheC^ecntojhcteis compellable to pap the lega« ctes , ano cannot tcfnCc ft neithet bp the Common lato, noj bp the &piritu« allato; but it isobjcdeo that it is incontjcnicnt that one (hall atoiohis^^""'"^' oton u:o\jenant bphis oton ocWfc. 2lo thiis 3 anftoer. he might haVe Don« ittnhifiiifcbPC<^p(rftijal Court cannot coinpcll a iLcgatcc to put in fccurftp fo j ftts jLc- gacp, ao (a furmifco. Adjourned to the nest Term to give ludgeraent, Mich. 23 Car. Banc- Reg. T^t Zomt lDa3 moVicij to DcUbcr tbcfr opinion in aCafc fo jmcrlp motjcD toD:rc«n tbc SJncftion toao,'-Dl)ctbcr an iltto:nmcnt maoc bp a?Lctra> foj Attornircnt. foj f"od or'nc'c pcavs tlj: famc Bap that tbc rent toas Due to be paio upon bis ILcafc to bfm tbatfjaopurcbafcotbcrctjcrftonoftbeJLanD let unto bint, anofo? tobtcbtbe , ^urtbafcr bao bjougbt Ilia flaion, be a nooo iattojnmcnt. Roll luilrcc fafo, tl)atttioagooD0ttojnnientbptbcatiCTmentmaDc, anD bptbc finning of tbc3rurp, ano tbat ^uDgcment ougbt to be foj tbe paintiff. Baconlu- ftite agrcc0, ano fa(D, tbc attornment tball be intenDeo to be bcfoic &utt fet, anu not aCtetloarDS. Therefore let the Plaintiff talie liis ludgemenr. Parmiter againft Cieney. Mich. 23 Car. Banc Reg. r iv nr^'5'^ S>cfcnDanfij Countcl upon a foj5:;ertulcofCoiirf toC&ctDcaufc, iu%c Z:h offeree fo: caufc tobp tb: plaintiff Ojoulo not babe Juogement. i . 315e= n.ouid notbccanfc tbc plaintiff bao not atierrco tbat be oio maUeanpclcaionoftbe piveninan ^KJineo tbat tbc iC^cfentiant luas to DcUtier uttto bitti. 2lp. I^cootbnot Aft ;on upon jj^,g^^ tbat be gabc tbc SDefcnoantanp notice of bis election, anotbercbc- A"vc>m-nT '' ££latationt0totbf8ummons upon a;ip one ^""="'^"'- part of tl); JlatiD, as ftatb been oblecteD on tbc otljcr Goc, is not goa3, ncttbct Ip tbe tDojog, noj tl)c intent of tbc Statute :fo: tljentbevcojoaint^e Statute lioulD be farplufagc ano folc, t^at partirularlp .Ditcttg Ijoiu it fljoulo be. J3nt) as to tbc £)bjcction,5Lftat a Summons upon one part of t^e ilano ^'^'°" °^ <0gooDinft£tionoflLato,fojtl)ercCofttie3l.ano, SianftDer, Efeat tfjtsisc'"' . not fo iD^crc tfje §>tattitc Dfrctts tbe Summons , ano tljc Idojds fecundum '*'"'"* formam Statuti cannot Ijclp toljerc tfte §>tatute is not QjelncD to bz purfueo, anDfofaft&DyerjSr^atfubftantialirojDsoagftttobcmentfoncD, Hill. 24 lac.Hob. PI, i79» Allen anO Walkers Cafe, 2ly. aCfjErE is C-tro:.rntI)cS>e. Demand, niano of tftc BDoiu : r : fo; tl)C ccrtaintp of t^e SCitljcs DcmanocD ougbt to ap- pear, ano ft Dot^ not fo fterc,ii Rep. Harpers (Cafe, f. 25* Sno foj tftat ioljict) is faio in anttoer unto tfjis, 2nbata2)emanDofS)olDcri3 Different from otfter SDemanus, 31 agree it to be trnc , 8. H. 6 5 . pet t!)E tWngs dc manocD in ja^oUjermuftbeccrtainlpDemanoco, n H.y.r.zy. asitislnan aCsife, foj an ^fsifc de uno tenemento is not gooo fo: tljc inccrtaintp, 4 E. Airifc. 2. Fitzh, Afsife, 45 1 . Cftoijcrs DemanDeD 0Hai)t to be fljeUjeo particu'larlp; fo is it of a Cojroop, 1 1 E. 3. Fitzh. Dower, {{5. Dyer, f. 84. 7 F. 6. iPafc, 5 lac, t^eCountefs of Oxfords Cafe; ono iu^creas tberc liati) this otfFcrcnce i)E£n tafeen betlDcen a SDemanQ of SDttljes in gtor0,an5 of 2Eit^cs appcnoant, ano tljat JCittjcs in gtofs muff beparticularlpDcmanOeo, but it isnotne' (CffarptorjemanoSCithcs appcnoant particularlp , 3ianftocr, SLbis is not fo, fo; tbcitappenoanrpDotltniot maUetfjcmnottobe Demanoco partiru- latlp, no'mojc ttjan if tbcp tocte in grofs, 1 8 E. 2 . Afsife, 377.0 A itement. ^g„jj>g^ g„ aotoiBfon ioiH pafs, 1 9 E. 2. Tit. brief, tl)C mrit abateD, foj *''*""■ tariancc bcttoait tbe (lEHrit anD t!)C «IDonnt» a 4th. CErroj is to atjoio t&ccrccutfon, bccati'CoftfteCrroj in fait : foj tbe^^tmDjcoof Warmifter Dotb crtcno to Sutton parva tobtcl) is not namcD in tbc ®3rit,anD fo tbc Dam^ Dammaees. magcs are giben io% mojc tban is DcmanocD, anD it fliaU not be interpjtteo iniciixiinept. ^^ jntenomcnt , anD tbc ii)unD jec is not oemanDCD : fo j tbc Hill relates to tbc JLanDanD nottotbc^unDjcD, (5E. 5. 12. 8 Rep. 119. Bonhams Cafe, ano p:apB 3uDgement fojtbe plaintiff in tbc tUSrit of Crro;. Maynard of Councel with the Defendant defired time to argne , and it was granted, Po« fiea. Cli a m b ers aga i n ft V VoUafton, Hill, 23 Car, Banc. Reg» Mich, 22 Car, rot, 21, Dcmuiicrup-/^" 2 3 Car. 7^ foas boutto in an oWigatfon fo; tfjc papmcnt of a certain fum of moirp onto A. B. ano to I. S. jopntlp. I. S. opus, A. B. futtjitcs . aiitj maUca Hoidigh bfd Crccuto?, ano ores, Holdij^h bjttigs an 0ctton of Debt in Ijts oton name agafntt Chace tl)c SOefcnDanr, anD cetlarcs upon tl;t3 obltaatton maoe to tlje SCcftato:, ant) to 1. S. anD Dott) not abet tl)at tlic 2Ecttato: m furtfbc r. S. 2LJ)eJDefcnt)antplcat)snontil- t'adum, ano tijc qurftion toae toljctljct tbi3 be a gooD pica o; no , ano to pjobc tbat it ta no cooo pica , but tbc^t it pica. teas tl)C ureo of tlje 2?cf enoant. t^c viHounccl fo: tlje |3latnttff citco tliefc bool;0, 5(5H.6.4. 5 5 H.6. fol. 39. 46 E. 3. 7. '4 f. i . foi. 4. tS E. 2. 2. anD put tWs cafe. 2CtOO cnfantejopntcnants alien, ano one Dies; snjje furtitjct biingsadumfuit infra aetattm , ant) counts of tbc J^cofmcnt of one of t^cm , ann tliere tfje tigftt toas aojuogcu not to be f cfcreo bv tljc jFes offcment , anD fo tbc tojit gooo , ano in our cafe tfje matter of Variance al= IcgcD goc3totbctojft.anDncttfje0(tion, anoitisnoLo too late foj t!je 2DcfenD'a«ittotat5caDt)antagcofit,anDp?8)>cs3Eut>Scmcnt foj tbc plain* tiff. Roil luflice faiD, tbe iiTiie is tobctfjer it be tbc SDcfcnaants dccd oj not, anD toitbout Doubt it is bis ceeo , and thereiore ice him fhew caufe why the Plaintiff fliould not have ludgeraent. Boone aoainfi: Sheers- Hill. 33, Ba, Reg, Ttin, Jj Car. ror. 288, BOone fajougrtjt an action of 2?cbt npon an obligation of 400 I. agafna Demurrer to Sheers, anD Dcclarcij tbat tbe conoition of tbc obligation ioas , tbat tbe * ^'"='- SPcfencant fljonlo mahc fucb a topage tcitlj a S>bfp , anD pap certain mo= npesat bis return, ano otber conoitionsmentionea, ano foj not petfojming tbeconcitionsbebjingsbis aaion. SLbe ©efcncant pleaos in bar tbat tt)c §?b{p Vcas taken in tbc t>opage p«r homines beilicofos, ano DcmanogPica. JnDgemcnt of tbc Action : 2Eo tbis pica tbc plaintiff Dcmurreo, ano fljeto- CD foj caufe tbat tbe plea Dio not gi\je anfiicr to all tbc Declaration. Yard Demurrer, of Conncelliritb tbe SDcfenoantfaio, tbe pica teas cooD; foj tbc plea an= riDcrs tbc tobolc conoition of tbe J5onD, tobicb toas firft to maUc tbc tjopage toitb tbc &btp, ano tben at bis retom to ptrfojm tbc otbcr conDttions , ano being binDjcDin tbc one, be toas not bounD to pctfojm tbe otber. Bacon lufticC, L?t us fee a book to confidcr of, Royfton againft Mees. Hill 23 Car, Banc. Reg, ROyOon ninUcs a leafe foi pears of certain lanDs fo I. S rcnoiing rent, ^^rfft of tbe Icffce makes btstoill, ano maizes Mees tbe Defcnoant bis ©recti- '"^*K^'"«'it \n toj , anD Dpcs,tbe C^recntoj poffrffctbbimfclf oftberemainDcr of tbc term oftbelanDslct, anD after tbe rent is bebino. Royfton bjings anflttton of 2Dcbt aciainft tbc Dcfcnoant, anD Declares againft bim fo; tbc rent fo bebino in tbe debet anD oetinet , anD upon tWs anlcTiic ie jopncD, ano a bcrDia fo> tlic plaintiff, SCbe SDefcnDant moties in arrcft of Juogcmcnt , ano Qictos n. 1 fo; canfe tbat tbe Declaration is not gooD, becanfe tbc i?lction bting an 9a. "^ ""^'O"' fun of Debt bjongbt againft tbe DcfcnDant, as an C-rcciitoj,ft ougbt to bate been fn tbc detinet, ano not in tbc debet ano detiner, JSiUVViid of Coun^ ecu 8o Mich. 2 3 Car. cell tnftl) tljc piafnttf arsncD tf) at flje SDcclaratfon toac gooi> , anu tJje Set, ion iucU biougbt in tlje debet ano detinct , anu citcD Brook title crtiiisuffl>= mcnt J 4' ^"0 tftc comment :5a6,ani) fa(D it ta an i!aion founoeo apoit a Uafe Lp oeco toftic!) loas ?nadc bp tfte 2Dcffatoj, anD cltcD 20 H. 6. i o aiiD tbat it in tbe conttant fo jm of cljargtng Crccatoje (n fuct) cafes, 14 H, 4.fol. 29,Firzh.Tir. refponder,7 E. <>. Dyer «i. 10. rtp. 118. 0nOfafOtftc tJctDid 6atl) fonno U (ti tlje debet anD dccinet toljtc!) Iball be tntcnoco to be tnic,9 Ed. 4. 41 . *7 J3c» Paul and Mordyes Cafe (n tijc Common plcaa, ano 7 lac. Smith and Nicholas Cafe, anDpMPCB ^ucgcmcnt fo; tbc plntnttff^ Hales foj tbc SDcfcnnant arciico t^at tfte Declaration fs not gooD. i. l^e fato, tbci^cttonfagooDfntljcdetiner, bccaufc tlje profits of t^elano let, teWcf) arc otjcr aiiD abotjc tt)c rent to be pa t\fz Dcfcntant , Latches argu= went tuas to this effect, i, ^c fafo, that the i.aiD fapes it io pjcfcntatitje although it be not ; ano sip, 3It is fufficicntlp founo to be a parochial Church, pet it is not material inhcthcr it be fount) fo oj no. j^cpt the tuojDs of the Statute do not cttctio to site Donatives to the toing. ^Ip. 5t is not gttien to t!)c Croton, ano althouah Ujc SDcclatatlon ano bcrtsict be that it is a free Chapell , pctitisnotcomp;ehcnocDasa Ct-apcl p^cfentatibe. Lit- 94. aChetoojD free makes a Difttnction of things, ano the partp ought net to confounD ttings, ano a free Cliapcl is altoarcs tRterpicteo foj a Church rrcc ciiapcJ. Donatitie,anD not pjefentatiVe. 2Ehc right inbcfliturc of Churches toas thal- IcngcD from the founoation of tbcm, untill toithin tUs 400 ^ears it teas al= tcreo bp the Common lain ; Scidens l^lttojp of SDithes, fol, 39:. nno "pon that alteration the name of a free Chapel came. Reg.41.3it is faio to be free from ECclcCaQicalljurifDiction. Fi(z. tit. Brief 60. 3 Ed. ^.Fitz. Tit: Aydeduroy 33. 14H. 4, II. 22H. 6, 45. 21 H-d.iy. bp Oanbyejg H. 6. Fitz, grants. ijMat. brev. 33 1. 34. f. 27 E. 3. 84. Cowels interpjetOJ, Tit. free Cljapel. 0no in all Statutes the taojolree Chapel is meant of Conatibes. Stat. 26 H. 8, cap, 3, Stat. 57 H. 8. cap. 4. Stat, i Ed. 6, cap. 14. Regift. 307. 315ntiti3 0bjecteDthatfrceCl;apelscvtcnt) to p:.efentntibCB,p,fn;rtaiior; bccaufe thep are irith cure, Lie. Com. 344. a Donatibe map be parochial, 7 E, Donative 3. f, 4i Co this 31 anftoer , Chnrchcs hao cure of fouls, inhen thep tocrc Donatibes. %o the 2d. poi!'t,bp the meaning of the Statute it appears, tljat Tcr urc onlpDonatibCfltoercintrnoco.asthepjcnmblcofitODt!) ceclarc; i3nD aUi-ra.,k- Chapels arc helD in Frarkalmoigne aslEcUasconatit'cs, ap.3foallmap^''""'£"«' be gibcn to the teing bp t!)e fame reafon. SinoWfU objection is that the toDjoCapeilaisfupcrffitious, anOtl)crefoje beingof a uipcrCitlouiS foun» nation it is gibcn to the liing , ano Cowels 3;ntcrp;ctoj is urgeo to pjote the tDOjO to be fo Dcribeo, Co this 3i anfiLCr, that Sir Henry Spelman as learneoan^uthojasCoweli, inhis gioffarp rejects Cowclls Beribation of the too jD Capelia , anO faith that Ca pells is ufco pjomifcuouGp fo; ar,\> up' per cEibcring; Slno t!;ouah t!)c name >Dcre fuptrftittous, pet ttjat mal.cs not the Chapel to be fo ; fo; fo t\}z Church of St, ' ndrew , 0; Sr. Dunrtan , fljoulfj be fuperff itictis , anc giben to the l^fng bp the Statute. Chcrc is a Double picamble of the Statute, 1 . 3 rccitall of anotljer Statute. anD the Prrambie. taUing atoap of other fupcrCitioucufes, ^Djeamblc of the Statute, 37 H. 8. 2 2 Ed 4. c?p.7. 8. rep. i37.beaftsofti)ci^o;EttareiiotCr>ttel,* 5. rep. Che marques ofWinchefters Cafe, Com. 204. Chat fomc generals map be tabcn in a rcttjamca f-;ncc, 9 H. 6. 36. ©Hojde of a Statute oucht not to be inrerprcat:- intcrpjetcc to Dcftrop ndturall Suffice. Chcftilealfocfthc9ilDothnoton. fljeto that Donatibes arc onlpintcnDcD, anotheCroUin bath not grantee thfsatoap, 3 7 H. 8. ano fo not DclfropeD them. SDonatttes ufuallp pa£f« acf lap fees.auD the pafsing of them as lap fees alters not the nature of thcCba* pells, anDtl;c,Statutegibcs(ttoihciHinga5 the incsimbertt Ijao it. anOLa .cr SB there 8 2 Hiil • 2 5 Car.""" tbcte is a fating of tbc nature oFjt fit t!)c statute. 3Itt3 obiettcD, fftat ftc ftatlj not been piCfenteOr.itionelapfu;, SCotljfsHob, 337. in Greens (TafC sites an anflner , ano Poners Cafe 9 Car. in tljc Common picas. anD it is iDcll founol)crcintl)ctetoi(tfo;t|)ci3lafiuiff , aCljatit is not Urftbin the statute. Brown fo: tbc JDcfcnoant in l)ls argument faio, tf)c qucftfon is tol)ct!)ct ft be a free vibapcl, (jf ben bp tljc Statute of i Ed. 6 . ano ». St fs loftbiii tbc loojosoftbcx)tatute J ant zip. 3t fs teftljfn the meaning 0/ tUc&tatiitC; fojtbelDojDjtbcparciimplicicur generalia, ano fo large as £nn be , auD all Cbapcls arc niten bp tbem , ano none cifccpteD. at:D*f)crc I. Cbc nature of a free CtjapcUftitobcconfiDcrcD ; J?oj Cowel be fs c^wcu ^^o^.noxfiitoijzdit^^ fo:bi8boolUuaBconDemiic3bp parliament, anD burnt D vers fonj ci ^'i' crroncous , anD rcanaalou3,fn 4 E, j. 28. Peeter Corbecs Carr,a Ctapcl Chai'cls. iopartofaCburtI), S H.<5 32. jy.Bradon 1^1, i7Ed. 3. 58. 9 Ed. 3. 1 1. tbcfc arc not iuitbfn t!)c S>tatute of 1 t d.6.2lp.2Lljercf6 Capella parocliialis tobicbi3fub(crttotl)EjurifDi£tionofthc£);Dinarp, 14 E.3.Firz,quareimpe» dit 183. L^nw-ood 142.8 Ed. 3 do.Cbe booU of cntrpCS 541. Lonj» quinto 26' 3'.i'. CTbauntrp fs tnUcn fo; a «IbaucK 4lp- SI free Cbapcl is nomen comprelicnfivum , anD compicbcnDsmucb, 13 AfT, pi. 2. 15. AIT. pi. 8. JEbccffcntialmattcr ofafriC^CbApplistobcfrccfromojtfnarp furir« Birtfon. ano not tobctiGtctbptbe£I)jDinarp,antonccom06rcgnlarlpto a frccCbapclbp tonatton,butbeingin,bcfsfrccfromojDinarp lurifoicti^ on^iS E. 3. Fitz. (cire fac. ] i. 17 E. 3. f. 45- Brook pracrnun. 21, 3ltl)at!) been obiecteD tbat it is pjefcntatitc . ano fo ft is not free; 31 anftocr ft map be frectbaugbitbepjcfcntatite .anofo tbc terolrt flnos ft to be in tbc founoatfon of ft. 2tp 2Cbe pafntiff bjingstbc action as llcctoj of a free Cbapel , ano iwto be fl)all not be fufferco to ocnp bis oion 2Dcclaratfon,3lp, 2Cbc aomffsfon. inftitution , anoinouaion implpcs jurisDittion till tbc con- trarp appear, viz.tbatitisafrccCbapel notititbttanotng it be pjcfcnta- titc, 16 E, 3 . Fitz. brief (5^0. j|5onc but tbe iliiig can founo a free Cbapel , , . anoaltbougf)itbcfrecbi'p:efcTiption,pEtitfl)aUbeiiitEnoco tobe at firtt louncaiion. fo fojiiiQeo. inititur. 44. p H. 6. f. 17. 20 E. 3. 56. SLbc liiug bp fomiDa* tion of a free Cbnpcl, map grant tbat it fliall be p jcfcntatitc , ano p: t iubcii tbc partp is In, tb^t ft fi)all be free from tbe furisoiction of tl>c (jDjoinarp . lurTd^a-or ^^^^' ""•'"■■4S. C. Sbbeocanof B.utelinSufl"cxi3p;crcntatitctotbc Wli-- tarageofB-urelbptbcBiftopofChichefter; but Vobcn be is in, be fs free from tbc jurifotction of t!;C £>:0!narp,Davyef Rep. fo. 72. Cooks inftjt. 344» fl lapfc map incur of a free Cb«pcl bp tbc founoation of a free Cbapel,3 j E. g.foJ. 3.i7E.3.fol.5i- 17 E. 3.fol i2.2Elje founoatton of a tbingmapal- tertbcla\i',7 E.3,fo. iS.2CbcolO boolt 316. SLbe effential Difference of a free Cbapel from anotbcr, iijtobefrcc an^ercmpt from tbc jurffoictton Oftbs ilDjDfnarp, 17 E.3.clorerolI in theTower.Seldens book oftithfS44i. regiO. 40, 4 1 . Pafc. 3. ]ac. in tbis iCourt Fachell anO Gaires CafC. 2Lberc arc titers injfts in our books to offcbargc free Cbapcls from tfStations , ano tbcrcfojc ft appears tbep are ercmpt from tbc jQjofnarics Jnrifofrtion. 515ut it is objctteD tbat tbc pjcfcntation mahes it pjefentatfte , tbougb it ii3ercnotfobcfo:c. SCbisfsanftocrco, 14E. Fitz- 9 E. 3 i. 27 E. 3r34. 3iVfs not tbc pjcfcntation maoc bp tbc pattp, but tbc founoatfon tbat tiiahes it pzcferttatite. alp. 3t is obicctcD tbat it is parocbfal, anD tbcrcfojc fs not free ; 31 anflDcr, ft fs not fo founo altbougb ft be fo clafmco, ano tbougb ft be fo claimco ft matjcs notnf ng to tbc puipofc. Sl^bc parf fij Cb ycb cf sTr. Ma« ryes fn Shrewsbury tuac parocbfal, ano pet gftcnfotbc iiftig bp tbfs &ta. tutC, I' H. 4. Fitz. brev. 807. Hi!; 17. lac. 'n tbiS Court in Grubbam anO G^lcsCafcaDiuogcD, tbataCbapclmapbcfounOeofn a pnrifl) Cburcb, -ano fucb arc gf ten to tbe lung. Dyer 2^7. o Car. Pale, in tbc Common picas Rawlins ano Yaxlyes Cafc. I'-P j^JJj tbc Itjojosoftbc statute tbfs is Molonc of tbc frccCbapclge)jceptfOfntljcStatutc,anDtbcrcfojcft fg tuitb^ in ' Hill. 13 Gar. iJ} ill t\ic Statute, ano tftcte appears no tffitatton fn f':c tcrnfrf founo, ana ex. ccpcio in non exceptis format regulam. foi Hit mcantng of tbc S»tat. Brook in-rprcttion prebend, i 311 parts of a atatutc cjigfttroftanD tccetl)crtf optima. Plow. 466. Pafc.j y EI. Clar}^ ano Mark 111 tbc Common p'.cas. 3; it be rot a free Chapel, ret being founo fo , It fliall be taken to be fo in reputation , ano rr.oiigb to gj^jc Rspu.-atkn. It to tbe ClOlOn : ^anDtbepiercntatlontoltlsadredonamnve libcram'ca. pellam.anblo not certain, ano fo it Is not a gooD pjefer.tatlon.bicayfc t*^c p^^f ,,j„- jilngtoasnotrlgbtlpenfojmeDluIjatlttoasbcpjcrenteBto.RegiO.foUoj. " "" • 19 E. 3 Fitz.quar. imped. ?<5o. ant) fopjapes Jucgcmsntfo J tbc plaintiff. Roll Iui>ice,JLt)ere 10 a Difference tobcre a Cl)ap:ll is founoco toitbin a C\imt\), ap?s fobcre tbc Cbnpel Is parocbfal. B«on luHite bdi) , tijat it ujas gibcn to tbe King bp tbe Statute ; foj it Is founo to be a Cbapel pap- Ing tentbco, anO tbls Statute looks to tbe Statute of 37 H g.aiio to tbingo In being , ant tl)e Cbapel teas toftbfn tbat St atute , ano bp It be migbt b^tic fcifco it , ano it Is ulthin tbc too jos, ano intent al'o of tbc Sta- tute of i Ed. (3. ano tbc p?obiro of tbe Statute lljetoa tbe meaning of It , ano Capellae depetidente $, oj Cbapcls of cafe arc not gitcn bp tbe Statute. Roll luftice to tbc fame Eflfcct, ano falDjEEbis Statute of I Ed.tatutC0. JTo tbfa it vcao anftocrcD, tbat tbe Statute of 8 H. 6- 10 fuffiticnt to fotmu tbe Cnoirtment tnttbout telatfon tootber &tatute0,fo;tbiaclaufcnpontDbfcbt!;atb. ilno tlje IReto?n fs agafntt tbcfr Cuftom, nm 3!iit)ecmcnt fo; tbc Commftment,anQ fo be pjafs Junixt* went foj tbe plaintiff. Roll luftlce fafo , Stbat tbe B/asgcmcnt ano tbc 5tlcto:narc contrary : to? tlje ^uBgemcnt Icag , tbat be fball faccommtt= teo , bccaufe be tooulo not pjomffc, not to Dtfturb : ano the licto jn fs , tbat bepjomffetbattc tof U not mfturb. CaulcwastobefhewnwhychePlaincifi' {hould not have ludgeojenc. The King and Apfley. HilK 25 Car. Banc, Rep, f A PneyrcmobeB certain ojoersmabcagainftbimbp tbc Commf'stoners To qnfiior. Jl\ of feetocrs fo? Weflmirfler, bp a Certiorari into ttjfs Court. i?nO upon '"" "^' ^om- tbc IRetojn tbcfe cyccptfong tocre taken, i. SCbat ftootb not faptbc'l''^'""""'^ Commifofon of Seiners teas unoer tbcdrzeat Seal, as ft ongbt to ctpjcrs,"'*""^* 7 Car. Allen anD Carter, & 5 Car. Rayl anO Mannings Cafe, anU Pafc 14 Car. Hungatcs Cafe, anu becaufcft f3nctrofctro?tbtbcre can no3;ffucfae tahen, tobctbcr tbepbeCommffstoncrso? not. zly. aCbcCommifsfon fs not iDCll plcaoeo, fo? ft appears not tbat t6?a of tbcm lucre of tbc quorum, actbc atattitc appoints tbere tboulo be. 51^. SCbc 11eto?n fs in englifl),ano ft ougbt to be fn Jlatfn. lout to tbfs Roll luflice anfircrco, 2Eb?.t tbe Ke. ^ to;nfBgooDnottDitbftantfng,fo?tbcCommffsfon isfnCnglfflj. 4ly. Si ^"°'"" ootb not appear, tbat Harti-homlane, toncbing tubitb tbcfr ojocrslcerc jitaoe fs IrftbfnVVeftminfter, ano fo ft cannot be tocillmoiBn, irbctbcrft loas teftbfn tbcfr potocr. faptjcrtuc of tbcfr Commffsfon to maKcanpo:* terstoucbfng tbat place. Hales of Councel fo?tbcCommffsfoncrfl mobeo, tbe 31vEto?n mfgbt bcaracnoco. J5at tbe Court anfmereo, 3;t coulc not be, Amcndmenr; bccaufe tbc llctojn toas maoc tbc SEcrm bcrojc. And it was ordered, that caufe fliould be (hewn Tucfday tollowing, why the Retorn and Proceed' ings (hould not be quaflied. Hill ^3 Car The King againft Page and Harwood. Hill. 23 Car Banc. PvCg. Quft^on upon n-^}tt men Vucrc cnofctcD at an 3fo(fc0 In t^c Countrp fo: jrclonp, fej ,Kc s Ac'«(r!ry "' ttjet tbc otl)er ttoo toers pitnctples iDltbfn that statute, o? but ilccciro?tC0, p pic. tbcp iBoulo "ot pjocccD to ^uogemciit agaJnft tbcm;©nf)ereupon tbcp tecrc /.cceflory. jj^ouobt to tljlo iS^t to bc piocECDco agatiift foi tbc j'^clonp, ano tbc Doubt toasjln rcgaro tl)cj' toctc onlp pjcfcnt , ano abetting tbc perfon tbat Dto tbs fart ano ufco no 0ct{on totoatostbe oeatlj of tijc partp, Icbetbcr tljcp toctc P;intiplco toftWn tbc Statute, oj but flttcffojica. Roll luffice falo, cierfy £Ebcp arc Hot pjtntlplcB, but iltccffojf cs, ano ougbt to bate tftefr vTlcrgp : foj tbc fetatatc of Stabbing being a penal JlalD, It ftall be taUcn flrlrtlp ano not CttentCO to f quitp , ano In Swinertons cafe Brarafton. ■ Barklcy, antt lones tlr.(roftl)c3uDgcaoftl)ta - t n . The King and 5ymmons. 1^ an e-noictment of forcible €ntrp upontbce>tatutcof 8H.^. "J'^ffs J|^j'i,^"^|'^>^'^" Crcrptions tocrc fojmcrlp taken. Roll luftice auftocrcD to tbat, tbat^,'„„;hc"sti. tbe ©nDittmetlt OiO not fap , contra Coronam & dipnitatem, it to3S\urllC'tu,cof8H. ^f Covcnanc. In aneft of Iudgcnle.^^. prebiians. Dcmuner. Allen againfl: Reeve Hill. 25 Car. Banc. Reg. Mich. Z3 Car. rot, 88. Atlen b5tf ngc an 0ct{oii of Covenant againff Reeve, anti bfs inf fe, opoti alcafe evptrco maoc of certain bonfeo Ibp oecQuntotbc luifcdum loja fuir, toberein loas a ^iTobenant to hccp tlje fjoufes in repair During tbe term, I fojb.:eatI) of t!)ti5 Covenant is tbc^rtfonb^ougbt, ann Declares as to one oftbc!;otifC5t!)at it \Da6 burnt bv nca.ligcncc. %^z S^cfcnoants plcaDa fpecial plea to ti)is effect; SCbatttjeboufcUibicb luas burnt tsas not burnt bp negligence, nojlritl) Common fire as tbe plaintiff batb occlarcD, ano as to tbe reft tbcp plcao tljc general iffuc , tbat tbcp loerc in gooo repair at tbe expiration of tbe term; tbe JDlai ntiff batb a fteroict. Nicholas of Coun-- ccl ii)itb tbe plaintiff faio , it contcins a negative preignans ;' foj tberc arc tiiio matters offrco in iifue, one tbat tbe bonfe luasnot burneo bp common fire. 2IV. SLbat it tuas not burneo bp tbe negligence of tbe partp. Roll Iunice,3fit be a negatite preignans, as pou fapitis, pou ougtt to batie oemurreD unto it as to a oouble plea. But lee us fee the book , and flay in the mean time. Hobfon againft Hey wood. Hill. 23 Car. Banc. Reg. Trin. rot. 791. Error to re- T T Qbfon b^fngs 3 .ip^tt of Crro> fn tbis Court to rcbsrfc a 3!ubgcment vcrfc a j^dec- |j^ gj^P„ agaiull bim at Bririow in an Litton of 2Dcbt foj rent , antj af- o"wTn'"n /ft;. KS"s fo J crrojs, tb't tbe fum tiemanocD to be uue fo: rent teas in figure0, o. of Debt . ' ano not in toojoo, as it otigbt to be. alp. 3t is faio, tbat t1)e Surp Afiideinc t;ror. damna foj Aflident damna, 2Ebc Court belD tbcp Itjcte botb material ej:- ceptions, ano rcberfeo tbe 31«ogcmcnt, except caufe fhould be fhewn to tne contrary Saturday following. Cham- Hill.i3Car. g^ Chambers againft Floyd- HilUzsCar, Banc, Reg. VJDonatnleotTtlje Croton Coe to Iftein caufc toftp an ^ttstc'mtnt cm^e ,«aina fljoulo not fffnc out agaftiattoo3!attfcc0 of peace fo-j not allotomg a iVu.ngcfin certiorar DitectcD to tbem out of t^fa Court to temotjcan enufttmcnt of foj- atu'cwncut. cefble cntrp tabcn at a pjfljate fectsfons befoje tfjcin. SCljc Connect foj tbc31uffkeBarg0D,tl)attbcp baDnottontemncotbcpjoccffc oft^ts Court asfsfurmffeD; fojtlje certiorari ougW to bate been DcUtiercD in open &ef0lon0 of tbe pc ace , ano tljete allotoco ; bat tbfs inas DeUberco at a p ji. Allowance. tjat&Efsfong, anDfotbeptoctcnottoalloto ft. ilp. Cbe pattp totopjo- cnrca ttjc certiorari, ougbt acco jutng to tbe Statute, to pat fn fccuritp, at tbe Certiorari. oeUberp thereof, to pjofecnte, o^ elfe it is not to be allotoeo , bnt t^at tras not Done bere , anD tbercfo jc tbep \ycre not bonno to alloto it: ano the cer» tiorari ts to remote an Cnotctment of fojciblc cntrp;bHt tbc retojii is tbat it toas a peaceable entrp , ano a forcible oetcpner, fo tfiat tijere being no facb Retom CEnoirtment befoje tftem as tbe certiorari mentions, tbep conlD sot make a tetojnaccojWngtotbetDjit, ano tberefoje it is no contempt in tfte 3;uffi-_ ces not to make a return. 2nt>c Court, anftoereo, tbat it is tbe ufual courfc ^°"""'i''* oftfteConrtto maUecertioranes in tbisfojm, anDtberefojetbisi0noct;« mtc; ^biC3unceUsatnfttf)e3|naicesargcD,tbattbiscafei3toftl)tn tbe &tatutc,tbon'-!iit ijjite at a pjibat Versions oft^epeacc, anD tberefoje t^e Saflice • arc h .a'fteTTpt. Roll luftice faio, 3! conteibe tftat tljts is cafus omifTus not pjooiuen fo ? bp tbe statute, anb if fb, tftcn are tljep not in con- cafus oraifius tempt,anDfffomc3infticsiJtafee an ©tioirtment of forcible entrp, otbec * 3aKtcc0 cantiot gi^c i ettttution upon tljis (!!;nDictment. Bacon lufticc, 2Dbc Reftitution Ja^tatnte is a rcmeuial ILaln, ano made fo} Vsz tate oft^e fabiett, anD ougbttiottobcconttrnEDftrtctlpt anDfaio.tbat a pjibai ^ef^ionois aConftruftion. ^efsions; bat rpruritp ougl) to be put in at tbe quarter ^efsions, foj it C&all ijcintenncD tiiat all tbc 3laftfce0of tlje Countp are tbcre. Roil luftice faiD/"-"^''^' ttiatapiitat Versions ongbt to take fecuritp , anD tbe Cuatctment ongbt to be retojncn tbere; bat tbe certiorari is not gooD.foj it mentions not tbe title of tbc art, pet tbe generall pjatticeoftbcCourtfeemstotoarrant ttasitis. %1ic- ^onrtoJDereDtl)epartp to bate rcttitution, anD tbe con* tempt to be fpareo bp confent of pattpes , if caufe not ihewn to tbe contrary before the end of the Term* Hill. 2 5 Car. Banc. Reg T!^c Contt toas moteo npon an Aflfidavit fo> a prohibition to the Court For » prohib:- atDoncafter, anD foj an attatthmcnt againft the ^aioj foj rcfuCngtiontothc to^lotoofafo;einplea, tcnojcD bp the SDefennant in an ^action of jDcbt^''""''^''"" bjoagbt againft bimfoj rent foj lants, that Ipe oat of the jurifDictfon of thep'Jfbition Court, ano fojpjocccDing againft him nottofthffanDing the tenoer of the Atuuhment. flea. The prohibition and actatchm^nc were granted if caufc not fliewn to the contrary before the end oi the Ternit iP t>i* po Hill. 2 5 Or. ' David againft Lyfter. I illf 2 3 Car, Bbdc. Reg, [cnd',m r^" T ^^ ^"""^ ^^^ '"^^^'^ ^^ ""^ plflfjitf ff tl)at tfjc SDcftiitJant mfgftt be o; i plead an :fiiu ocTCD toplcaD 811 (ffuflblc plcH, tr!)fcl) fec IjaD Hot DOHC, foj tbc aafon ia bfc pica. an actfon of cjcaione firrax (n toWcb tbc |3lafntfff Ijatb Declarer) , ano fl)c SPcfcnoant batb cmparlcD , ano after cmpariantc l)e plcaos t!)at tl)e p]j,, lanDs arc antfent Demean, totjuf) <0 a Dtlatojp pica. Roll luftice, it is a good pica after imparlance , for it goesinbarof the Aftionitfelfjand not, in A* batementoftheWrit, The king and Holland. Hill, 23 Car, Banc. Rfg* Sr c °nf for TJ ^" ^"'^'^ ^^'^' ^^^* *" *''*'' ^^^^ fo jmcrlp arguco, reffif utJon oagljt ta rcftiiuiion in XV bc fittcit to t^jc partp, foj tbe fame BluDgement fljall be s^bcn J)crc this Cf urt & toWtIb fljoiilo be gf ten fn Ct)anccrp , ano all tbc lltccojo {0 Ijcre befo jc U0, not in Chan- ano ttjep ftt Cbanccrp cantTot DO anp tbfrtg clucr0, ^t 1030 mobcD tbat tbc rctojtt tDa0 oot gooD.becaufc ncrrd Scw'u'^ Iras not maoc bp tbc pattpes to tobom tbe certiorari inas DtrcileD , fo; it ReVcrn. "^''tta0 DlrcctcD to tftc Commifsioncrs, ann tbc t eto?n is maoc bp tbc Clarfe of Noiicc.*,* tbc &ctocr0.31Bnttbc Court falD tbc rctojnUjasgooDcnotjrTb, fojalltbc re» to:.n0 arc fo , ano tbc Claris fg an offif er of U)bom tbc JLayo tafecg notice of , anb ft belongs to \iivn to do it. Pafe» Pale. 2 4 Car. 91 Parci4Car. Banc- Reg, AWxit ofCDrroj teaslnottobttorctctfca 3»uO£fcmcnt gftctt fn an fit' Error « re- fEtfoat court f nan action upon tlje cafe, anD tfje Ctroj afsfgncD toasverfea ludgc- tftat tl)C habeas corpus toas not \iK\l Teto:nc3, fo j ft (snot rctojnca to be in mcnt in an ir.- oranibuj fervitum ct executum as tt ougbt to bc , ano an tl)c ufual fojm (a.f'^f^°^<^f urt in Maynara of Councel againft tt)c Miit of Ctro; argucD, t^at ft teas tocU re»'|| the ' caf"'" to?neo notluftbftanofng tftofc uo?ds tocrc omfttco , bccaufc tbc 3urp DfD Retom. appear full, ano no flTucs iuerc loft , anotijejurpljatjc Dap bp t^e roll ,Dayin courr. 5 H. 7. 1 4. per HufTcv, and 9 E. 4. 14 ft fs maoc a qucftfon but not rcfolteo. 2lp. SLftoucbftbea&lfp petft fsUjlt^fn tbc Statute of 21. lac ano f0 t)cl= pcDbpft.fojtftat&tatutccrtenDstomojetljanCSlTfts, 30 map appear bp tbe Statute, anDtl)eS>tatnfcof iSElix. toucl)fnsojfgfnal ^Tiifts crtcnDai^'"-. to faults of bills , alt!)ousb o;fgfnal ©artts arc onlp namen, foj a bill fa tftc °".?^"''' '*'■'* tome in futftance tofti) a ^rft, fo l;crc tbe Mrft, anupjcceptareof t^c '"''-''• fame fuLftance. 3 Ip. ft is t^c intent of the Statute , anu tijc Statute ftaU be taken bp cquitp,Hili. 1 3. lac. in tljia Court in Gregory and Brookes cafe, tbfsqueflionlnasiQirrcDbutnotrcfoltcD, ant> Hobarco^npes tbe ^tli). re^ po?tt. (5i. tobci^aUj, ano tbcrc fsnopjocecofngspjopcrlp in fuperfout Courts bp plafnt. Roll luflice, SLbe Statute cptcnDs not to point of cquftp In fnfcrfoj Coin-ts, fo; tftcir pjocccDings are not fo regular, aa tl)C pjoccco-- fngsfntbe t)icc,2i:hercccefcnoantintfte©arftofS>otDjinanfteerto the cjcceptions fojmcrlp ta/"""'" '""^ benfalo,thatthcrammonB^.raBlriEU enough rcto?neD as it fffjbccaufefttea^summans. mane upon fomc part of the lanQtoitbfn the ail, Lonp quint, E. 4. z H. 4, I?. 39. E. 3.7. 2lp. 3tf0nptnccc(rarptoma{;etec|D?oclamatfon, tol)freproci,n,,.:on tbc fummono fs, foj i^e Statute intencs not to alter tlje courfc of the Wm- iP a mons, Pale. 24 Car Demand. larexent. UjlD'llJnl!. mons. 2lp. E^lc Uio jtfi of tl)C fetatntc arc fatlsficB, foj tl)c adtial fummona In one GlUtl0aruinmon3. f-3<5. i<5E'3 F'f^^. Q.j.-ir. Imp. i47.anlJtt Jsccrtafn cnougb, bccaiifc ft {3 of a Kcctojp, ano not of JlCttbcfi in grofs. ?l>'.2!:bc ucmano of %i[\y:ii is furplufacc. ano it tciall one as to fap , tljc IRcctojp cum pcrtincn- tiis. 2C!)cn ag to tbe £)b)ccttort tbat one tbf ng ig t'xfcc DcmanDeD, 31 anf incr, it is not fo , but tjcmanoeti as part of a tbing Dcmanoet) in ttje CJJrit, anD a jeDcKtcniJ in a tOrit of Dotucr iljall not abate tbc s rrccntfon, tbat Dammagcs are giticn foj mojc tban is oemanDco, 1 . f^crc is no tonfcfsion as It is'fuppofcD on tbc otbcr Coc , tbat tbc i^utiDjco in xte* mano ootb Ipc in anotbcr vHtll. ily. 3t ts impofsiblc fo j oammagcfl to be Pii-cn fo; mo;e of tbc ^unDjcD tban Iprs icitbin tbc mills mcntioncD in tbe"5KIlrit, anD fo are tljcrc no Dammagcs giVcnfo; tbat part of tbc !^?!uu DjcD inbfcb U'co in Sutton parva, as is obji (tcD on tbc otbcr Goc : fo? no mojc (ball be rccoticrcD t^an is contnincDintbeCarit, 9E. ^,6,16, ly* 2Cbc Oacftion tbcvc VDa3,'JLibctbcr it iucrc a pUa to tbc I'SHrtt, »7 E.3. f.44. The Court dtfired to hear another Argument, ImpJ. Ex:cu:ion, CaRle againft Dinefy^ Pafc. 24 Car. Banc. Reg. lifnr f.o re- fc fc a ludi.- pictr ill 3\\ a- & i>n uiH)Il ll!t CilC. Trin. 23 Car. rot. 'oyS, C"«A(lle bjfngs a tiKlrftof Crroj to rcterfe a KnBgement gfbcn agafnft ^Ijim i\\ tbc Court at Owfe- bridge in York, fn an Action upott tbe Cafe upon an AfTumpfK; 2Cbc Crroj afsigncD toas, tbat tbcoapoftbcQ^ontbin tol)ltb tbe p.;oni([e tonsmaDcistn iFiffurfs. 2Co tbfs tbe Conned on tber Dtbct _^ Pafc. 24Gar, 93 otl)cr floe fafa , tftat IjctetofoiC ft IjaD hkn Itzlri to be cBttor rbutnoto Qn« E"or~ the g>catute of leofailcs after a tjerofrt fsnoC-rroj. J5at I. Turner of Conned toitb t^jc p^nfntf ff in t^c EClrft of Crroj fa(a, SCftat ft ia a material exception noU) : foj tl)c AfTumpfit is tbc gronno of tbe Sttfon, ano tbercfoje tl;0 nap muft naoo be material. janotl)eterceptiontDa0,tf)r«onDarpont})cCroto(icfsionB it teas atoaroeo. Roil luftice, 3lt ia not nccctTarp , foj it fe re- tojtJCD tbcre. 3 !y. 3t appears not tobat pattp ia ocao , tcbctbcr be tbat luaaftrucbojanotbec. 4ly. 3It Dotb not appear in iubatpartoff&cboDp tbc ^douno ioae giben, no j toitb tobat tneapon. SCbe Court faio, tbat tbcp toill bear tbe iafnga Councel befo je tbep tuoulb concluoe anp tbing. JTbe Couacel mobco, tbat tbe p?ifoner migbt be bapleb , bccanfc it toasfoar^ teen pears ago Cnce be tuas enbiaeo, SEbe Court anftocrcD, till pou are af* Ognco of Counccl upon IRcco jo. we cannot bapl bini at pour pjapcr. jCbcn Biyi. tbe Conned DeCircD a Copp of tbc JRccojO. ad quod non fuie reiponfum, but tbc Court fain to tbc Counccl tabc mo;c time to conffoct of otbcr excepti- ons , fo; if tbcfc Qjall be oberruleo pour Clpcnt fa gone, viz, mutt be hangs eo. At another day he wa« bayled by four perfon$, and bound to profccute his Writ of Error with tffed. Pafc. 24 Car, Banc. Reg. ijj Action of SDcbt teas bjougbt npon an £)blfgaf ion foj qoooI.(bc''rrefto! BDefenonnt pleaoa tbat be batipaio tbe monp on fucb a Dap, tDbercas'"*^*^"'"' '■-—-■-'•-'-■• - • - ' :nDcbturcri A tbc trutb of tbcCafc U)a0,ti;at tbcre irao ttoo Daies of papmcnt limitcD in tbc'" o?r SDjUgstior, ano tijc S)efenoant baiJ paio part of tbc morics upcn one of tbe'" '' iP i Dotes Vc:d;a. 9^ Pafc. 24 Car. taicfl of papmcnt , ann t^e rctt apon tijc otftec onp, ano not all nt one cap. %\)t piafnUff tcplfC0 tbat tl)e 2Defcnoant dId not pat) tfjemonp upon tftc nap allcgcD bp tbc ffi)cfcnDant (n Wa pica, ann upon t\)ia an ^ffuc is jopnco, ano a toerolct founo foj tl)C |0la JLi'd^went 11. t'vJDO ipontl)3 , per quod fervitium amifit; %\)C SDCfcnOant plcaoo not gufltp, T.dViab; nno ttjerctipon ia an gffuc jopnco , ano a bcroictfojtlje plaintiff. Stfte AHauitan.) jai)efcnDant mobcs in an arrcftofiuoficmcnt, ana foj caufe 0)6103, t^at ^kTa«3v tbc plaintiff batl) not fetfo}tl)l)oto ttjc partp luas Ijia ^erbant, Uibetljct his 'sc> Vint, ae an flppjcntifc, 0; bp retainer, ae Ije ongl)t to tjabc oonc. IBut tbe Court Retainer. faiD, tljat tljc IRctojo fmplics tbatbctoasfeisfecrbant attbctimetDbcti the SCrcfpafs tola Done, ano tbatis cnouglj, ano tbio is theufual fojm of Declaring in tbic action in tfee Common plcaa.ano in tbis Court alfo(ano fo manp oftbc Counccl at tbc 315ar affitntcD ) and therefore lee the Plaintiff take hisludgemenc. The King againft Holland. Pafc« 24 Car, Banc. Reg. .,j ^,f ,i>c cannot be giben Ijcrc : foj a juogcmcnt muft be gibai upon tbc IRccojo it chincc.y. fflf. 2lp. it tooulD b: inconbcnicnt if it fljoulo be otI)crtDifc,fo? tbe Cbance* iucgcmc:it. jv is 3luogc of tftc Jnquifitiott , ano fo there map be luogcment one trap fit Chancerp" nno Rnoti)cr itap berc.if tbe JRccojo be not rcmobco bitbcr- ano tbcre ifl Difference tobere a tranfcript of a IRccojo is remobeb out of a Court tobicb cannot pjoteco upon tbc Ktcojo it fclf, ano toberc ft ie a tran« Tranfcnpt. fcript Of 3 Hccojo. upon Vubfcb Kcco jD tbc Court map p?oceeD, as it is in our Ca'c, 39 H, (5.6* I4E-4' '-^y- 3lp. 31t appears not to tl)i3 Court boiD tbc Commifoion ano BlnqufDition are crccutco, tubetber toell ojnot, ano tb'-rcf o?e it cannot inoge of it. Maynard on tbc otbcr Coc p^apes, tbat juogemcnt map be gibcn bcre, upon tbc memorandum of tbe l^ccojo fent l)itb'cr out of tbc Cb-intcrp fo j ti^tfc rcafonp, i . Ctcrp Court ougbt to gibe tingcment ontbsoncfioeoj otbcr ; tberefoac tftbcifiiingmapbabc iuogc- metUbcre, tbepattp map alfoba^c judgement, alp. 2C!)e Hecojofsbctc in inttis CcartttTtuallpbpfcnDfny of tfte Memorandum of ft bftbcr, anutftat i3 cnougb togfte ftioecincnt upon. jlp.SEbeCftanccrpnnotUo Court as to tl)c gfWng of juDgcmcntljcre, ate ask UiErconcCourt,2 4E, j.f. 77. 4lp. severe {0 a gtouno foi itiogcmcnt to be cfbcn bcrc, ana it cannot be gf = ten eirct;ljcte, foj anatcarsfndbancerpfsnoSiuogcment, anofot^cre A«r t°r that the SDcclaration teas not gooo, becaufc oibcts toojosin it mere in^Q^odi '"'^ fen0blc, as i . SChc ^plaintiff Declares, fo j tahing atoap unum Lenar, Anglice, a jpat, tohereasLcnat is no too:D tn anp JLangnage to Cgnifie anp thing, ano thetcfojc the Anglice cannot help ft. SCo this the Court anftocrcD , SEhat it fs all one as iffttoctelcftoutofthc SDeclatation , becaufe it Cgnifies nothing tn it, ano fo there isnooammagcsgfbenfojthat thing tehicbitDannmjg«s. Ojoulo 0gnifie. alp. ^e Declares fo; taking aiuaptria fufpendia, Anglice, Pot=hooks,oj Hakes, But the ConrthclD this gooD enough. 3!?. !^eDe= dates foj taUingatoapunum Aduftumferreum , tehith arctlvo aDiectitcs anD ftgnifie nothing. SCo this the Court faio, if thcpfisntScncthtnct,tl)en iioDaotmagesaregibcnfDj ft, and therefore let the Plaincifftakc hisludge» Oient, Pifc. 9^ Pafc. 24 Car. . Pa(c 24 Car. B^ncReg. Vponreat>fngofti)ereto;nofCoUonel Tichbome iLcfutenant of t^ie Tower of London upon an habeas corpus DlrcctcD to ^Im, on the behalf fiabcav corpus of John LilborncommfttcDbpojDcr of botHoafC0 of IDarltamcnt fo; bfs with pin. contempt to them, Cookofapiccethatthepriloner$fliallappcar at the next aftU f«atBerry inSu, .» PayagainftPaxted. Pafc 34 Car. Banc, Reg, 'A tlSUttt of €troj toas bjouabt to rctjcrfc a Sluogcment Qittn in an in- JcJfc l°]U\f fetfout Court ; 0iiD tbe Ctroj afofgneo toas (n a continuance, tobtcb vent for a d t- Iras ad proxiraara curiam, fcil. 16. die, iDbcrcas tbc Court luas not Ijclo tftat '^""' '""»"«. tap , but 26. die. Roll luflice fafo, peraDtcntute t^c fciUcct mag be toto. ^'''°""""- Y« the ludgement wa$ reverfed, antea ncf. Kenifton againft Jones. Pafc 24 Car. Banc, Reg. Mich. 13, Car. rot. 587, (A iflSfctfonofSDcbttDasbjottgbttipon an obUcratfon toftb conijftfon to '^•e"'"/ "t . J\ Vtann to an atcatD; tbc SDcfcnOant pleats nullum arbimum; tljc^n-ft'^^'^'f' f0latl)at ft ftoulD not, becaufetbatnoU) tlje patties arc concluBCD bp tbc plea, ano tJ)c tcrofrt fount) upon ft, 2lp, Mlje* tbcT t^B ;arWtrato?0 tate CTceeDCD tlje fubrnftafon; Yc bclo tbcp bao not ; fo? the fitll point be fato, i . lEtat the fubnnfsion tons tbe fiibmlislon of tbc parties, ant tbc mlBaWng of t'r e Slrtftratojg of tbe time tebcn ft tons maoe fs not J fljall burt it.foj tbc bono of fubmffsfon Is not iji tbc ciiffo- tip of tbc flrbltratojs^inD fo tbcp nilgtt caflilp niftta'nc tbc Date, becatifc tbcp baoftnottoticlu.Piow.Com.yp, Crckers cafc.jlp.SCbcDate oftbcobliaatf^Djtf on Is not an cllcntlal part of tbc obligation, fojanobliaatfon map bcaooD tbougblt babe no Date,i tberfojc tbc miCafelng of tbc Date Is not mml: mate- rial ; slp.CbcrclsnifficlentcertalMtpoftbcfaono evpjcffco In tbcatoaro. tbougbti)eDatcbemifta!jcn,faboloaDDltlonalDcrcrlptlon of ft fball not a. ■boloa gooB Dcfcrlptlon of ft fct fojtblntbeatoaro.DoufihtyescafcCook 3. rep.i Dyerj 9i ^Ip.SI^be mifrecltal is not in toojDs affjrmatltejbut nieerlp in li30?Ds relatives ip.SLbc clanfe of mlfrccftai refers to tbc occo rctftcD bp tbc prout,tobtcbf3 certain enougb, ano tbc laiB rcjcita ttic mifrecltal aa a tblng impertinent, 6. rep. 36. Dyeru(5. Jfo? tbc f^conD popnt, altbougb tbc fub- mirslonfljoulbbcboiOjpctbptbelffiicjopneotbc fubmlfsion Is confcffco, ano It Is noto contrarp to tbc fubmlfsion to plcau nul award, Dyer 3 2. 2 3,29 •H. 8. 2. rep, 4, anb tbe patties In onr cafe do olff ct onlp tubctbct tbcrc be an atoart) oj not , ant> not fcibctber tbcrc be a fubmlfsion o;no. dnn as toncbfng tlic atoaro it fclf, 3 bolo tbit tbc fubmlfsion is not etccracD , foz Avvir j. all matters in Difference betirccn tbc parties are fubmtttco ; but not tfjc bonneof tbe fubmlfsion. 2lp. 3it (ball not be tahen to be allcgcD eypjeflp £) of 98 Pafc. ^-4Car ^ of t!)c matters onl)' fiibmtttco, nnonot ofotb^rsjftftccontrarp Do not api? pear citbcrbi'tl): plaintiff 0r>UcfatcfcnDant,foj it appears not iubctbct tbe ijtb. of a- pril be bcfo?e o> after Eafler,ano fo p;apes Sluogemcnt foj tbe )EDefenDant» Roll lufticefaiDjIftbcrc appears a material tiariance bettocen tbcatnarO ifouct '«^t fo?tb , ano tbe aiuaro pleaoeu, it is ill: ano it is a qncttion tobctbcr toe be bouno to taUe notice of tbc jaimanacU, ano tbe fcatt oapes tbcre fct OoUin 0} no> Ic was adjoarned to be argued again che next Terra. Thynn againft Thynn. Pafc* 24 Car, Banc, Reg, 'Opinion of the Court concerning a rctorn. Re torn. I/p tbis t vutp JRccoiccr in bis oton name. Roll luflice ooubtco alfo, fo; be faio, all tbc olo p;i Uitnta iDCTC againft tb<0 tCt0?n, But if the Writ be dirtdtd to a R» cordcr, w h<. ic cuf^osbreviuni, cc to a Recorder, and hit Deputy, then tbe recotn as it it will ' be good. Twifden Pa{c, 24 Car. 9^ T^Wifden of Coaticeltoitb fl)c pafntfff in t^c Writ of Crroj in f^c Error and ex- ■^ Wiltfliire caufe tooktIjcfccrccpUons. SttcfirftcircEpttcntahen toae,"?'""'"'* tftatttjCtJcmanooftticDotoj.tslargctt'bantbe o;ffi,ft mattets not tobctbet be sabe notfcc of tbe fccono Venire o}no : fo^tbetnleaoftbcConrtoonotenjopnbftn togtbenotfce.Maynard of Conncel tuftb tbe Defcnoant urgco, tbat tvno of tbc 3!aro j0 tocrc of bfn, ant p? oDotctb an Affidavit to p5iotc ft, ano fain, tbat tbc Dcfenoant icaa aU fo farpjffco foj toant of notfcc oftbcfccono Venire, Roll luftice fafo , tbe fecono Venire ougbt to be cntrcD bcre , ano if ft toerc not enttco, bote can tbe SDcfcntantbnolDiDbetbetftbcaltetcoojno:' l^ctbcrcfanobjeacbof tbc tulC0 of tbe Coatt, ano fo tbe p?oceecDfngs are faft : fo; tbe Venire map Entry ^^ cnttcD, oj ft map not be entreo, ano if ft be not cntreo, tbc partp ma? go to tbc 0tto}np, anD procure a Copp of ft before tbe 2Cipal: anotbotigb tbc Venire be not cntteotfll after tbc ;ar0ffe0, tttetDCllcnongb. Therefore let the Piaincifftake hit ludgement. Thyn Pafc't»4Car. loi Thynagainft Thyn. Pdfc, >4 Car. Banc. Reg. LAtchofCoonccltDUl)tftcpa(n«fffit mm^cit of etrojateuetj again, , ,j„t ;, anci ^elo, i. SCljat t^c nature of tlje aCUljca ccmanDCD fn t^e tKHrft of i^.fwf r. ]EDotocr ongftt to fiatcbccn crpjetfeo, fo> t^c Demano map peraotcntarc tc Dunand. of focb scutes, iD^ereoft^c JFcmc (snot Doicablc. zip. ^^crc t^ctWng ft felf fe ticmaniJeD of tD^kbt^je&ftetfff fsto gfbc poCfefsfon, tbcre tlje SDe- tnanDofftongtjttobccertafn : fojasftf0tna 2>cmanDfn:an EJefiionefira iDae,ojanar8ffe,roou0!)tfttobefna2DemanDfna MtUofSDoluer, Dyer, f. 1 1 6. & 2 J 8. n Rep. Harpers Cafe, Dyer, 83. t^c &crgcantg Cafe, 44 E^ 3.5. Cooks Entries, tit. Dower p'ac. 2d. ano t|ouo^ tbcSDemanDbeofall SEft^eo, pet t^cp onglit to be fpecffico, as It tsfn Harpers Cafc; ano foftfs of SCftftes fn grofs, 1 1 Rep. Savills Cafe, Mich. 1 2 lac. Bales anD Hamond fn tbf0 Conrt» 0no as to ti^c Heto;n, a C^apelfs oemantieD, ano BiuDcement Recom. Cftjen fo; ft, ano pet tiie lUetojn ootbnot mentfon ft ; ano ft fs not enoagti to compjffc ft fn otbet inojos, ant) ft fs Doabtfull Irbctber a Cfjapel be a SBCenement o% no : fo j ft fs not a temporal 3;nbctftance, as an aotjoinfon fs, Dyer, 8j. 3!n fomcCafe tfee Mrft map be general, ano tftc Count fpetfal ; '•'^"f- but t^atfsfDbcret^erefsnota fpecfal fo'.m of Witlt. 2lp. a Chapel fsnot contjepcD fn i?fncs anolRecot)erfes,oj <£ntrie0,bp tbc name of a tenement, no^ fnanp fnofcfal pjoceeofngs, butXenementafnaOjantmapcontafna Chapel, jlp. %\iz particular enumeratfon of otfjer tbfngs, ano tbc omft» tfng of tfte Ctapel mabcs ft III; ano fo tooulo ft be fn a (25;ant bp fut^ an c- numcratfon, Dyer 161. %\)t Cafe of tbe Hamlets, j6 Eliz. £wer & Heydon,. ai &22EIiz. tljelBflftopofNorwitchescafe, 8 Rep. 18. Dodioj Bonhams Cafe, 12 Ed. I. Grants 87. iSDtfter Cfceptfons fte toobto tfje Blnogement ano ejecutfon. jTfrtt to tbc 3laagcmcnt,tftat a ^nnojeo cannot be oelftie^ Hundred. reo bp metes ano bounos : foj a i|nno jeo fs but a 3urf fotctton.ano fs entire. 7 Ip. 2CIie etecutf on fs f U : (0% a Cotitt of iFranfe^pleoge cannot be of tf oeo bp metes ano bounos, -Cooks Inftit. 32. ano S^otoer Is afsfgnable either bp metes ano bounos, 0^ In common oj In fpectat manner, lib. intrac. i8» l^e took alfo deceptions to tbe fecono 3!aogemcnt,tt)at oammages of Djm^agcs. tbe tjalue of tljc SCftftes are not to be gltjcn In SDotoer ; ncrt tbe 3nqnlQ= tfon ootb notfino, tljat tbc ^^nsbano Opcofclfeooft^eSCItl^es , anot^eti fibers can be no Stuogcment gfben foj tl>em, ano tfte opfng fclfco of tfte IHertojp, Is no oping felfco oftbedt^es, no; Is t^e oping fclfeo of t^e Cbapel, a oping felfeo of ttie Cities appurtenant to It , fo;i tbe Cbapel fa but tbe C^apclt^ufe, oj£Djato?p,ii Rep. Harpers Cafe. SCtienfoitftc (Ecro; fn faa,tt)eDemariOfsoft^e fanner of Lallington, anotblsectcnos out of Lullington, anolt Is not repugnant to tije 11eco;o to afsign t^ls CSr- ro; In fact, ano it conlo not l^atie been plcaoeo in abatement of t^eMrlt, 8 E. 3 . 68. a Nuper obiit rcfcmbles a Mrit of Dower, 7 E. 3 . 28. 7 £• 3 • P'» Nuper obi.- 5, 12 AIT, 20.26 E.J. 72. 29 Aff.js. 10 E. 4, ii.9E,4. 3.9E,4. 17- SMi fo pjapeot^e SJuOgement mIgW be retcrfeo. It was adjourned to be argued again tbe next Term. iD 3 Hill it>2 Pafc. 24Car. HiU againft Bird. Pafc. 24 Car, Banc, Reg. Caufe why 1° \ 7 Jpon a tuls of Cotitt to fteii) caufc tobp a pjoWbUfon Hjoulo not be yioiiibition to Y grantcDtotficpjcrogatftc. Larch ftatco the CDafe to be tbfs : i3l man '"•^c Couu^'" ^rc'' fntcttatc, m SDaugWct of tijc JlSiotbet of tt)c ^ntettatc ( bcc i?atbet '" ' bctnj DcaD););ocute3 Letters of iaomfniaratton, anoasonoftbe&iftet of tbc ?ntrftatc ftics in tbe pjctogatftc to rcbohc tljc aomfnfQration , o: to l)a\3C Diflribtitton of tbe Ooous; tbc iJomfnf Srato: p:ap0 a p jo?)fbtt(on ; atio hereupon be p;ap3,tt)at cttbcr no p joblfaftton at all (0 to be granteD, j clfe ft p.oiiibition. nttitt bcfpccffll.RoIl Iaafce,E:f)e SDaugbtct oU\)t 515:otbcr,anti tbe J15iotl)cr of tbc e>rot. 225. HArt bjongbt an Sirtfon of 2D0bt aponatt^DbUgatfonof aool.agafnft f^j ^^^^ Buckrainfter,anDfetsfojtbt^attUeconD{tfon o£ tbc jgDbffgatfon toaa dtm.r.dcd of to t\)i6 cffco,.El^at to^ercasHartl^aDcarrpcDfomanpt^oufanDof Billetji Pc». ano DclfKtco ttcm at Dartford in Kent, fo J t^e nfe of Buckminfterjamount- fng at fo ttiutl)bg tbe tftonfann , to a ftunojeu poano in tfte lDftolc,ff t&erefoje tbe SDcfcnoant Ojoulu pap tbe faio bnno?ED ponno at fuc^ a tfmc anu place, tijat t!jcntI)c£)bHgaffon tobctiofti,o?circto bcftifojcc; ano foj nontpap^ went teas tfte Siatoa b;ougl)t» %\)C SJcfcnDant fapc0 tbat t^e plaintiff tin not catrp ano oeUtec fo manp t^oufann of Billets to Dartford 90 ttie |0laint{ffliaDDcclatcD, anDOcmanDsSaogcmentof tftc0(tfon. 2L^epafn= tiff bp toap of tepUcation oemanos 3IuDgcmcnt(ftbc2DefenDantaaUbc aumitteD to pleaot tifs |pica, to^fcb (0 contrarp to t^e abetment of tlie S>bW Satfon, tD^fcb id W0 oion JBDao, ano Ojall not be cffoppeo t^etebp. SCo tbis Eftopie tbe SPcfcnoant Demnro. Stno tbc Court bclo tbat tbf0 recital in tbe £)bltga. tfon (0 an CEttople to tbe SDcfcnOant to pleao t^e contrarp ; and the rule was, for biro to (hew caufe why ludgemenc Ihould not be given againft him upon his Demurrert Southcott againfl Southcott. Pafc. 24 Car, Banc, Reg» Arreflof Southcott bjongbt an 0ft{on upon tftc statute ofaEd.bcat)ca. SCo this Maynird faio, tti0iDcUcnoagbnottoitbttanDtng, fojitfljaU be intenocoonlpoffuc^ CDjafn a0 ia nfuallp pat fn ©atb0. Hales ofConncelliiitbtbe SDefenoant fafo, t^c too;D Grain iDa0 too general a too?D to be ufco, ano no certaiiitp in , It, foj ftei:tcnD0 to spuflarD=fceD,Colc-fccD,lvapc=feeD, fc, ano tbc genus "'"'"'''' ougbt to be cspjcffco , ano it fljall not be intcnoco ofCojnpntindDarba. The Court would advife, but endincd the Declaration was too general, and not good, Poftca; Pafc. 104 Pafc. 2 4Car. Pafc. 24 Car. Banc- Reg. Trcafon f"?"^ ''^ °'° f" ''^ ^ ""1'' "°t P^csD, ano ff !)c Uictc to plcaD a parDDii foj 2Crca« fon, l)t coulD not do ft, till l)C ^ixrc fir ft cbacgcD toft^ tbc Cnofamcnt. ^no JDortoj Stones cafe, 32 Eliz. toas tUcD , anQ It toaa fato ,t!]at t^oagb In an CnDtttmcnt fo;^ iFclonp, If t^c JO jlfoner rcfufc to plcao Ije is to be pjcffeo; Prcrsir ^^^ '" SCrcafon It is not fo, fo; If tl)cp?ffoncrlnDi(tcDof2ntcafon\i;ill '' *"^" not put !)lmfclf npon f)lo2CrpaJ, oj anstoet impcttlncntlp , vJjIc'b Is not an. iod^cni:nr. siDcrlng« but nugation, (uogcment (l)aU be gitcn asautQ; bint as tahcn pro Pro conufT' conftlTotljat^ciscufltp. Pafc- 24 Car. Banc Reg. Ai^ action of tl)C Cafe ima bjoneftt agafnft one fo; canfmg fbe plafnfif to be cnotttcD of llebeilion ano iFclonp. SLfjeSDcfcnoantmoUcoiti ftiTn upo'nciK ^'''^^^ °f SuDScmcnt, SHD ftclDB, tijat tbc declaration tuas Inccrtaiii, fo j ft Cafe. fCtS fOJti)an CnOlCtmcnt in quo crimen rebellioms ei impofuit & felonii, teWcb toojDs are foincertaln, tljat it appears net toljat tbc plaintiff toas coarscD Ujltl) in tftcCnoictmcnt.anB fo tftcrc conlD ncticr bate been anj,'3IiiDg. jnent sibcn agalnftbtm. MiynarJontbeotbcrfiocfaia, it inas tocllc):« pjeffcD, anocoiilDnotiDcUfaeotbcttolfccrpjcffeotbanitis. Bacon luftice Kcbtiiion. faio, tbcvc map be llebcUlon tcbtcb is not capital, ao Hebclilon in Cbanccs inccnt ion. tp. ISut Roil DiffcrcD in opinion, ano falo, tbe intent of tS)c U'ojus fpoUcn is to be COnfiDCrcO.The rule was, to bring Boois to the Judges. Mayhue and Balpool^ Tr n» 24 Car Banc. Reg. BAfpool biounljt an Action upon tfjc Cafe upon a pjomlfc agalntt May. hue, antJ bntb a ^uDgcment againft bim. £D!ic SDefenDant fajings a Mtii trror upin In an Aft m jD^u?,anBbntb a ^uDgcment againft bim. £D!ic sbefenDant brings a Miit ... Ion of Ctto; in tbis Court to rcoerfc tbeKufgcment , an^afsignsfoiGtro?, upon iheCaCc. i ^^ ,g not f^lo Im ttjc iDcclaration , tbat ti)c p; omifc Ujns maoc iDitbin tbe 3urifDictioit of tbe Co!;rt. 3!5ut Roll lufticc ansiocreo, tbnt it toas, tbat tbe DcfcnDant toes inucbtcD tunc & ibide.-D , U)bicb fljclDS, tbat \)z became iuurd;a;on. fnocbtco toitbtn tbe lutlfoictlon of tbe Court, ano tbe being InocfatcDtb^re Mumpiic. jg an AfTumpiit in ILain, tljat be ticill pap tbe Debt , ano tbcrcfojc it is not necofnil tofljciDcrpjcflptbatfteOlopjomlfctbcretopapit, sip. 2C!;eVe= nire fs duodccim probos & legales homines, tol)creac ,it llloulD be iiberos, &c. But the Court overruled this exception aifo, anJ affirmed the Iudge» ment exccp: bttttr matter ihould be fliewn, Win Trin, 24Car. 105 Winn againfl Stebbins Trin, 24 Car, Bine Reg* VJDon a rule of Conrt foj a rcfhencc to tfjc &e£ontiarp,tDt)ct&cr tljc p3r= whaher » tp,anDt!)e&l3crtff mere teo to t\)is cfFett • 2Eftat tftcre toas a tojU ot CBrroj bjotigljt upon tbe 3uogc= j^ . ment befoje CEjiccatlon tabcn fojtl) ; but tl^erctoag no notice thereof oftJen " '""^*' to tftc pattp, noi anp Aiperfedeas tahcn fo;tf) to ttap Crcctitton , ano tljete- fojetfjeJDIafnttfmfgbttaheout Crccutfon, notli)US)ftaiiDmg ttje \aiit of "^"""'""^pf. CErro J brought , anu tbat t^crebp be is not tn contempt to t^c Court. Roll lofticefafD.SCbentatfteCEFccuttonnolD toeU crccateo, ano tl)e febctff ts Exccmion. in no fault. Maynard Of Counccl toftlj tbc |DlalntcfenDant fljall accompt, ano auDito:s afcign- manu/apms (D.ano ipanncaptojsfouno to appear bcfojetbe51uDttoj0,t&c Court leas inoteo foj a fcire facias agafnlt t^e spanncaptojs, becanfe tbat tbe S>efen< Bant Dio not appear at tbe cap befoje tbe 0uD(tojs afgfgnco , ano feconolp It Inas motjeD tbat tbc Court IdouId afstgne a cap percmpto jp, foj tfje par- „ .. tp to appear bcfojc tbe auoitojs. IBut Roll Inftice fafo , a Dap cannot be J* jifo"?' afsigncD antiU a certificate be maOB to us from tbe ^uoitojg; foj tijep arc trutteD , ann are SInoges of t^e canfe , ano baDe potner to ercufe tbe non- appearance of tbe partp at tlje t)ap,ff t^ep fee caufc , ano to gitie longer cap ojQjo?ter,fojt^e partp to appear an t^cp tbinfe gooo , eno t&ercfoje till . tftcptettifiejnett^ctcanpoHtjatjeaoapafsisnc^noj^ ^cire facias againft ^''" '■'^'"' t^e ^anucapto}0» ,fB Cleracnti io6 Trin. ^4Car Clementfon againft Montford Trin,24 Car. Banc. Reg. Hill. »3 Car, rot, 1493. vcrfejhid'te- /\ ont^c^afc bjoiigiitbpan jaomfii(ttrato;i fntfts Court at Efham iiieMinan L * jTj^c (j^rrojB afofgucD u ctc, I. 2Lf)c piaftitffF Dot!) not Declare tftat aa^cn upon thc nDitilntftratJon U no gtantcD unto fjtnt per loci iliius ordinarium. ilp.SClje the cak. JpiaintffF fflltl) hi l)fo ©cclaration, producic litteras Adrainiftrarorias intefta* ti,li;l.KrcEsc matter of t^ A flumpfit fs implpeo, anD tljc teo;?i5 altered) are fole, anD cfteD 3 7 El. Heydons Cafe, fo j ft is dc et Amcrccmcrt. i^uper prffraiflis, toWtt)fmplpes all tl)c wattcr. Roll Iul>ice rafD , \W Wft toojDsdcetfuperprafraiftls goc not to tl)e time, but to tf)c matter fubmit. ^ £, . teD, anD faiD tl)att&clD0?Dc poilpa, fcilicet ecdem die, upon a contract fn T,w"' '" iIatx)ftjaUbcfntenDeDtbctfmeoftl)ctontract,(jiitl}crc(3a IVccf all contract fpcciai con- anD collatctal , anD U ougtjt to be ottjcrtoffe tntcnocc, anddtfired to fee tisft a book. free« Trin. 24Car. 107 Freeborn againft Purchafe, Trin, 24 Car. Banc, Reg. Hill, 23 Car,roM575; FReebornbjousW an action upon t^c Cafe againft Purchafc, anU 00-°!^"""'"° dates tf)attt)eff)efcnDantfnconCDcratfontljat t^e paintfff tao V&i^*n i':,\aion'^ imtoljimrucbafum of moncp,DtoairunJC,anDpjom{reto iopn in tl)C fur- upon the c«fc. tcnoct of certain Coppl)olD iLanos, anotftat foj not performing tWs pjomlfe tje b^inqs ftfs actfon, SCtie SDefcnoant Demurs upon tftc E)cclata. ^^ ^5^ tton , a-.'.D ftctes tbat tftc piaf ntf flf Dot!) not allege t^at be mase anp reqtitft to tfjc SDefcnoant to jopn in tfte furrcnoer, totikl) Ije ugftt to Do , fo? (t luaa notafiuglertcttobeDonebptlFtDcfenDantalone; butbe tuas to jopn in ttieiactloUljaiiotbct, Roll JufticefalD.tbcp^omffe Is Walkers Cafe, 9 Car, aifo tbe painttff ougbt to Ijabe rbctocD tbat tbete ia fntbapatt(cnlarcuftom) tbe Action toascfcapc. bjougbt loas in anotbec Conntp , anonotintbcCountplcbere tbe jSction LocaJ.' tnasbrougbt. 55ntRoll luftlcefafD, tbat an efcape fn one place is an ef= capeall England obet, anD is not local ; tbcrcfojctbc "Dcnnc is not to be tpeD to one place more tban anotber. Yec let tbe otiicr party (hew caufe why the venae ftioald not be altced, Trin- 2 4Car- Bare, Reg. 'V\ponaruletofl)ciDcauretobp3uDgcment fljonlD not be ffapcp in an an^vcrcaTr^ V SLUion upon the Statute of 2 Ed. 6. for not fctttng fortb of SDitbcs, tbcfc in arr'cft crccptionsformcrlp taken toete anfujcrcD, 1, St teas faio tbe Statute [>" ludecmcuc toao mIfrccftcD , for tbe Dap toben tbe parliament began iobercin tbe S>ta> ^"'^^'.^'^^ ttite toas maoe is mtffafeen ; but to tbto it is anfUieceD, tbat tbe Declaration "^""oVi e "" DOtb not fap per Staiutum in Parliamento inchoat. tali die, but in Parliament, e. tor not ic'- tento tall die , anD tbc parliament toas belD bp prorogation tlie Dap tbat it tjrg tortii ut {ament{oncD,tbounbtttocrcnottbenftrtt begun , anD fo tbat fs toell e. y;''=> nougb- CotbcfcconDcrccptton.tbattbc JDcdaratfon Dotl) fap tbat tbc ^"'"'^ plaintiff Uiasprimo die occupatoracpofleaeodem die, £vc. ^0 tbat it ap^ P2 pwrg i68 Trin. 24 Car. Proprietor, pears not , tliat be teas proprietor , ann fo tf)C SLdion map not Ipc , foj ftc mapbeoccupatortD^onsfuUp, ano fo not propriecor» 3!t is anriscrcD, tl)at tl)C E^Ltlaration i0, tbatbc iuas tali die pofTeHionatus et ab eodem die occu- pavic , ano Wiia (ball be jtiDgeo o{ a rigbtftill cffate , anti iDjtt of enquirpiffucs out to enquire of tljcSDamagcs, ana befojc tijc te= ^." '^J'^"'"'= to?n tbetrof,tbe H)efenDant bjings a lD?it of Crro?, tbc queftion teas, tube* crm'^n"pica tijer tbe tojit of (Etroj tocre itell bjougbt, in regarD tbat the tourfc of tbe * ' Common pleas is not to make up tlje Siuogment untiu the Ui;it of enquirp be rcto jncD. Roll luflice faiD,t|)at a to?rt of Crro; map be bjougbt bcfojc tljc tD?it of enquirp be retojneo in an ejedione firrax, foj in that action tbC 3nogemrnt is compleat at tbc Common BLaln before it be retoancD,fo j tbe g"''^^"'^"'* 3nDgcmcnt is but to gain pollefsion , anD fo is ft in a tojft of iDoivtt ; but in an action of SLrcfpaffe b bcre Damages onlp arc to be re cotcrcD^tberc tbc Jnogemcnt is not perfect till tbc to jft of etiquirp is retojneo, no'j can be maDcup bcfojc as in tbis cafe it map, but in regaro tbat bcrc is no compleat 3ubgcmcnt entrcD, foj tbcrcis no capiat tcbicb ougbt to be in all Actions quare vi et armisjtljat t|e JSing map bate bis fine tobicb dft be cannot bate l?3 ft Arreft of lu<*gement in AiVjuIc and Battery. Mif-[worn no Xrin. 24 Car. Fn^ inlic^arfp Bonotpiorat) iiiMsCSTrft ofCnqnfrp, tfjcMrftofcSrrojfa Extcution. b:oi!f;l)t too fooii , ano pou map pjocceo to CFCcntion in tftc Common picas, foj ti)C complcat RctojDtfl not ^crc. Therefore advilc what to do in the Comnaon-pleas, for icis mikhicvous quacunque via, Norton againft Trin, 24 C ar. Banc, Reg* Norton bjouglit an Sctfon of ananlt ano1Battcrpagafnfftl)Cffi)cfen« Daiit, ano tjao a tcroftt !) mafee an ^^rarb, ant) fcts be iJOtb not IftetD, tbat tbe jatoaro \x as Dclf bcrCD op Award'. bp tbE Arbitrators, actojofng to tbc fubmtrston. Roll luftice anfioc* rco, tt teas tocll enongb, tbougb as to (hew caiife Saturday next why ludgemen: ihould not be afiirmcd. 2Ebis teas aftcrlrarOs mobcD t ofaicflco, tbat part of q,^jj„ tbc Ailutnpfu tuas to turn otcr tbc Ocfanoants Slraoc, ano oammaacs gi= ^'''' \3cn fojtbat tDbicbisimpofsiblc. Roll /ufticefaiD,if oammages entire' be gt= ijcn fo: fomc things feitb otbcrs toberoffomc arc imporsiblr,tbc Dammagca fball be oeemco to be uivcn fo;tbofctbatarcpof£ibU,anDUoiototbcrca» The Indgement was affirmed. PecHng againft Ken. Trin, 24 C«r. Banc. Reg* Pafc»Z4Car. rot, 89, D:murrer ro • Replicaiion , PficUng bjoHo^ an SdioM of 2!>cbt upon an £)blfgation to Cano to an 5i. •" i^'^c Inaro againtt Ken. SLbc SDefcnoant plcaos Nullum Aibitrium. 2Ebc"P^" onobu- |3laintlff replies ano fcts fojtb tbe jatoaro in faee verba, anDafsign8aft''nd1o"ana- bjear^-vard. iiz Tr;n 2 4Car. bjcaclj. EC'jc 2D:fcnDant Dcmnrs to t^c UcpUcatfon, ano Vac piafntfff iopng {[ttbcSDcinurrcr. Ctjccaiifccsafsigncofoi t!)C tDcmurcrtocrc, i. 2lo tijc .".ni-.d. 0toaro it felf, icbtcb is tbat mfjercas it appears tbat tl)crc leas fir pouno ano a flillUng Due bptbc plaintiff unto ttjeSDcfcnoant; tljc ^rbitratojs Ijaoa- icarocD, tUat tJjc plaintiff ftoulo pap unto tl)C Dcfcnoant fir pouno in fuB fatisfacion thereof :U)fti£l) is Icffctfjaiii tftcpocUnoui'.ciJjjcto be Due, fotljat 3,tljat on2 of tlje parties fljallDclitct Dimifsionem pracdidam, iBijcrcas it ounl)t to be Indcnruraoi dimifsionis : foj ttjcDimifsion is but tl)Cconrcnt of tfjcpac- tp to tl)c Jnocntnte, anDHOt t^c Jnocnturcit fclf,Cooks Inflit. 43 6 5lp» 2CIjep aicaro to Dclibcr dimifsionem pracdiSam in tbel^oufc ofa&trangcr, tobicft 0HCl)t not to be: foj tbe pattp mutt commit a trtfpafs to Do ft.if l^e can^ not act Icatc of tbc stranger, tubtci} l)c is not bouno to 00,9 H. 7. 1 (5. 1 8 Ed. ;;. 23 1 9 Ed, 4, 41, SEbc loojDs arc, tbat It QmllbcDcliticrnDat tijci^oufe, • ano in ans at arc all one in grammattcal conttru£tlon,Mich,a3 Car. Coleman ano Painters Cafe. 4lp. 2CI)cp atoatD one of tbe parties ftall relcafe tft?de pears rent to tijc otijer , anD tbcrc teas but ttoo pears rent Due , fo ibat it is fmpofsibletobcDone. 5lp. snijepljatjcmaoc tbcirainaroupon atWngnot fubmittcD, viz. t^at tbcre fljoulo be a releafc of all actions tobicb miaftt con- Arermcnt. ccrn tftc rent ; anD laftlp, tl)e partp ougl)t to C&eto be Ijat!) perfojmcD tijc SI* hjarD on bis part, \it)icl) beijatbnotnotDonc, 8H.6. 18. Brook Arbitre- menc. Twifdenof Councel ontl)cotl)cr fioc. to tbcfirftdErccptlonfalD, it Is not to tl)c pnrpofe : fo; arbitrators map avoaro a Icffc fum tban is Due, in fatisfactton of it, anotbougl) it be ill, pettlje au'aro is gooD as to fo mucl), irbetcofagooDbjcacblsafsfgncD. SLotbc fcconD l)C anftocrco, t^at tbc tDOjDs dimiisionera prxdiftam tefct to tljc SoDcnturc pleaoco, anD fo tftat is iDCll enough. SCatbc tbirD be falo , tbat tbe aixjaro is tbat tbc 3!nDenture 0)311 beDeliticrcDattbci()ouff, anDitislaUjfuUfojbifntogototbc f^oufc, tbougb not into tbc ^oufc of a fetrangcr. 2Eo tbC4tb.beanftoercD', tbat tbc too JDS arc to be unoerft^ooo tbat tlic partp fljall not pap tbc tent, anD not tbat b: fball rcleafc'it. %o tbe fift be falo . tbat tbe toojoa allcgcD are no part of tbe aftbitrement. ana if tbc iDbligation be te« IcafcD it is not material, foj tbc arbltrement is pcrfo?mcD, anD tbe tDOjDs pjemifes reftrain tbc a'-bitrement to tbc S)ubmifQ[on. Sim to tbcfirtb it Is not ncccffarp to fljcm bototbe arbltrement is perfojmcD: fo} if it be not,tbc otbcr partp ^atl) bis temcDp. Roll luftice falo, tbat in 1 2 lac. it toas aojuogcD. tbat if an Arbltrement toas foj a tbingto be Done fti 0; at tbe ^oufe of a Stranger, it teas tocU cnougb •• foj it map be intrn- DeD to be Done at tl)c ^oufctoitbout DolngaErefpafs, tbougb not in tbe ^oufc, erccpt tbc contrarp be fljetocD bp tbc pattp. 31" Lynyn ano VVilli= amfon. Hoofs CafC; anD as to tbe toOjDS dirailsionem p aedidam, tbat is alfo toell enougb : fo; it Iball be intenDCD tbe Jnoenturc of oemifc. But let us have Books and move ic again, Jtwai moved again, and another excepti- on taken , that the proraife was releafedj Upon which the Court would ada vifc Smith againft Hobfbn. Trip, 23 Car. rot, loyS* Arcii ti QMith an Sinn ifteeper in Warwick bjougbt an action upon tbe Cafe a* ^"'^Ibn upoW'^a^ntt Hobfon,foj fpeahitrg t^efc toojDs Collonel Egerton had theFrcnch Trin.24Car. nj pox, and hath fet it in the Houfe (meanrng tbc plafntfflfa i^oilfg ) and Wil- liam Smith and his wife (meaning tfje piafnttff nnuljfs CTffc) have ir, and all you. SC^c pafntiff Ijat!) a terofct. SCtp Dcfcnoant motjES fn ar« reft of 35uDgcment, mn foj caufc (itews, ttjat tbc iuo jds arc not attfonable : foj t!)C trojDa arc, tbat Coltoncl Egerton hath fet the French pox in the Houfe, \D\iitit ta impofgflilc : foj tljc ^oufc tonlD not l)a\3e tfjc por, anu tl)e tDOjD0 William Sraith and his Wife have it, fljall not be meant that t!;cp ^a^c tbe pop, bnt tlje ^^oufc, fojtljat tgt^cnci:t;3nfccci)cnttotbctDo;t)s, to toUclj tl)cp ftjall refer. SiiD alfo tol^crc tDOjog arc fpokcn Doubtfallp luljc. t^cr tt)cp be fpobeii true oj faifc, tftep f&all be taUcn to be true ; ana ft map be bcrc the fcDOjtJis arc trnc , ano Sijcn no iSttfon If to fo j fpeabfng of tfjem : alfotbr 315aronani)iFsmcongbttojopnfntf)c ^ctfon, fftftcpbcaofonablc, 'oyn in a. foj tbcp arc fpoUcn to botlj tftcfr p:e ja5tcc,ano the Sctfon fs not to be fa?ought ^'°"- bp tbc ^iiobanD alo.Mc, as ijere ft fa. aifo f ri this Cafe tUc Idojds bcfng fpo< kcnofa|^3arc,thcMtftof(lBnqafrpofSDammaacs muft be tubat SDam« tnaseatg comcto the ^^oufc, tobfch cannot be. Roll luftice,3If an ^adfon be bjoagbtfojluojDs.anDpartorthcmbcaatonafalc, aito part are not, pet ati ^irtfon Ipes fo; tbcm. 0nD fn tbis Cafg tbc ^^uabano alone map bjfng tbc 0afonfoj uammagcstobfntfclf , anubemapaftcrUjarDa bjfng another 3- (tfon To; tbc Dammagcanone to bfs SJdffe. 0ni> be bclo tbc tuojoa bcre actfo- nablc, an5 bfo tbc pafntlff talc bt0 3!n5Scm0nt, ffcaufclnerenot (bctDit to tb^ coj'ttatp Saturday folloiufng. ludgement was afterwards given accor* dingly, MaifKall againft P orter- HilUag Car.rot. 7d9» MArlliall bjfngs an Sctfon of aCtcfpaffl Quare vi & armis foj tafefng a« Demurrer to Ixiap bfs CatteU Cbe E)efenDant plcaoa non Cul. as to tbc vi &arcfcnDant bjings a tojit of Crro j to '"^'"^^ j l"J rctjcrfc tl){0 guDgcmcnt , anc assigns foj Crroj tfeat tbc piaintifT Declares veifio"n, "^ tftattftcgooDs fo J UibictjtljC Action fs bjougbt.venerunt ad urumipforum, VIZ. of tbc J^uflbanD , anD bfs toife, anD tljc flrangcr , tobicU cannot be, foj Dedaratidn. iljep cannot be faio to come to tbc ufc of a jFemc coljcrt. Roll luitice, SLbis is not gooD, foj be ouni)t not to Dcclr.rc tbat tbc gooos came to the ufe of tbc iTeme, but to tlje ufc of tl)C ^usbanD onlp . And therefore re verfetur judici- um,f xcept caufe fhewn to the contrary Saturday ntxc, Waincwright and VVhicIy. Trin. 24 Car.Banc. Reg. WAinewrightb;cuel)t an 0(tion upon t(je Cafe againft whitly, foj Aired of tljefeiDOjDsrpoUcnofbim; Thouartatheef, and haft broke ray jatlgoTent m CheftiSn be plairtiff batb a ■bcrDictjSrbe SDcfcnDant in arrrft of 3;nDgemcnt ^'''^'O" "pon mbtjestbat tbc toojos arc not actionable. 31But Roll luOice faio, nottoitl)- " ftanDing mp 3Lo;DHobarts opinion, be belDtbc too?Ds are actionable, foj kcr molieo the Court that this toas an olD Cnsictmcnt , anD that the p^lfoc net bno been ttDicc acqutttCD upon other CDnDittments of the fame nature ,' ana that tfjis teas p:orecuteD fo? malice, ano pjapcD that the p;ifonct might be bailcD,tehich tons granteo. And flie wsi bailed by her Husband , and by Bail. one Z^chary Ba^gs a fufficient Citizen and Fiflimonger of London, andtwo otherf, to appear at the next AfTifes to be held for the Connty of Suffolk* Trin. 14 Car. Banc. Reg To qu m »n nr ^c €mxt tras motjcD to quaOj an GiiDirtment crbtbff cd upon the S>fas ino.amcot ^ ujteofpcrjurpftKingfton upon SCIiamcgfojtiierc cjccptions. 1. Kt upon the S'j.|gj,otcjp;effca'intDhatCountpK!ng{toni3; ano alp. theC^noictmentDoth MKc o( prrji- j,j.{ £ jp,c(fj jjriiii t'nc. partp is pcriureD, fo: it Oictos not in inhat taufe it toaa no? tl-at it irao in giving anp cl'iDcnte upon oath as a ioitnclle in anp canfc, Vpon tbefe exceptions the Endidraent was quafhed.Nota Butler, ■■y Tnn.c4Car. 117 Biicler againft Long. Trin» 24 Car* Barx. Reg. Pafc,24Car. rot, 495. LOng bjoiiPljt an aatoii of SrcfpatTc nrninft Bucicr fn t!)C €itv of Error ro rr- a«t} !)at!) a vcrotrt nno n 3[aDgcmciit , t!]e SDcfentiant vcrrc 3 judge- bjtnaga toiftofCrro:toret>crfctl)t6 3i«i!gcmc»it,ant) afafnits 10: Crro:,""'"'?^'"''* I. 2Ct)at tl)c ©cclatatton Dotl) not fljctDfn litjat pariO) tettijfn tijc Citpt!jB Ccuj'"'""" CtefpaCfc ivas 3onc, as be ouffjt. 2Co thfs Roll luf>ice arfuicrca , SEI^at ft fljall not be fntcnoeo tftat tl)crc arc moje ^^atiftcg Ipttijin tbcCftp tljan one, i'-«n'ion. crccpt the contrary be fliclBCti. 2lp.EI)CiDctlarattoneO quod cum talis, vizjftc Dcfenoai.t, &c. Inftftl) fa not an crpieffc alicrment that t5)i: ©cfcn. D-daration cant oiD tbc Srcfpaffc ; but ft la ret fo jtij onl v bp irap of cfrcam&ancc tliat rieipafle. Ije DID ft, iDbfcti f3 not gooD, fo; Ijc oug^t to be t^argeo Dfrectlp toftl) ft. Roll lultice, SlIjc fcttf ng fo:tb tbc SErcfpaffe bp a quod cum is not gooD , tfjoualj in another 3afon ft map be gooo. Therefore lee che ludgemcn: be reveried,ex- cept caufe fhewo to the contrary Saturday next. Walker and AlJer; Trin. 24 Car. Banc, Reg: f A Lder!)aDa3"t>5cmcntanDanC2)fettitton agafnff Walker, anD tljcre^ AudiraquereU ,/\ upon i)e tiiaij ta!\Cn , anufnciifteopfn tfjcteftigolBentfj p:ffon. Alder '"i^ onctakea tbe|91afntfff aftcttoatDflconfcnteDt'onttbcHDcfcnoant Walker ajoalocotne ''"'^'^ "p°" tol)'C' ,picft2n Ex |jjj„ to the llcCatojb)' bio 3nDer.t[jre mace the ftift of May in fiicb a pear, ""'"'■ &c.2Ebc2Pcfrn6antplcaDe nil debet, anoiipontlusa fpcciall tjctuia toag founD to tbi« effect , %m tbe plaintiff cio upon the firft oap of May,mafee the Snoenturc of leafe to tbe SDrflatoj of tbe lanDs let , to ba^c ano to bolD.a die datuf , fo? ano During tbe terra of 7 pears, from our J^aop cap iatt patt , frombcntcfo;thf"!lpto Tje compleat ano cnoeo, upon tbis teroict, tbe nucfiior infilfcD upon bptbeCouncell \Tia3,tebctb£t there be not futba ta. "r . riantc betUiccn tbe Icafc, upon U)bicb the plaintiff batb DcclareD, ano the *' '^'^'"' leafe fount) in tl)e tjcroict, that tbcp ttjall be fafo to be feberal leafcg, oj tobe- tbcritfhnli. be anjtiDgenonc ano the fame leafe. Twifden foj the S)e^ fcncant oclo that there isfutb a fjariancc betlueen tbe leafe in tbe SDcclara- tion ano tbe leafe founo In tbe tjctoict, tbat tbep cannot be tbe fame , ano ' fo Trill. 24 Car. 119 fb tbe piafntiff can Ijatje ro Juoccmcnt, ano fte afgct tWs crontio of lalu tftat a DccD fljall be fo cor.ttrticD tbat all parte of it map be miiDe to ffcnD to. getftetifft be pofaiblc tottftoiit fo:ceDcon(iructfon of t^e tDo:DS;but this can- not be \)tu , ant) a ILcffo; map malat a Icafc to begin tnben be pleafrt!),an!) cnD iilj'en fte pleafetb, nottoitljftanDf ng tljc Date of it , ano a Icafc mace to . begin at a Dap patt,Dotb begin in tntcrcft in pjcfcnt, tiiougi) not in compu=,^'"'^^"' tation , ano ^e citeo Mufgraves cafe, Hob. rep. tolicrc ttoo computations arc '''^'"' In a Icafc foj pears, ano one is repugnant to tbe otl)ct, tl)e laft (ball be tcjcctcD. Hales of «roanccllititf)t5)cpatnttfft)elD, tfjnt tbe Icafc facring in point ofintercft from tbeoap of tbc Date, ano tftat t!)cvc is no totfancc , oj tcpugnancp bettBcen tlje leaie mentioncD Ux tije S):claration, ano tijc Icafc fomiD in tbc teroict, ano tbcrcfojc tr,c vcrDict ia fo: the painttff. Roll luftii.e fafD, it iDOulo bc l]arD fo; t)tm to maintain it , ano faiD , tbat in ,, -■ p?efumpttonofiLatr,tobenatt)inGi0tob: Done upon one oar, all tliat nap """P^'""' i0 allotDBD to DO it in foj tbe af oioing of frartions in timc,aibicii tbc J^atn as- i-.sabn'; initS not of, but in cafe of ncccfssitp, Hill. 1 4 J.ic.More and Mulgrave Mich. 10 lac. rot. 76 in the Exchequer. Si SDcmifC tl)C 5 of May , bp ^inocnturc oatco tl)C 4 of May, habendum from tljc fcaft of tbe Annunciation Istt patt , fo J 2 1 pears, to bate anD to bolD from tfje Dap of llje Date of t!:cfc p:efento. J5nt tljere arc otbet points in the Cafe at the 25ar to be conlrDcrcD of, foj tfie Action of 2:>Ebt is foj tcnt,part incurreo in time of tljc SEcttato; , ano patt in time of t! e €)iecutoj. ar.D it is in tlje detinet,tDliicb ought not to tjafec ^"""'"^^ becnjbutS conceive that that is h^rc helpcD bpthe it is toc;th cen- fioeration : Ano he faio, that an Cjccuto? cannot itait'c a SCcrm if he habc '■' VaUtr, notaffets.bntit&c ftate he map, Another thing ftcre conCoerable is , thattl)e Action is bjdngljt in the detinct, anDtheSDcfcnDantplcaos nil de. bet; |Pct he faiD, that after a tJcrDirt it might be gooD cnouglj, fojit is a SDcbt though the Action bcbjought in the detinet,frin. I oCa'r. 1289. Por* terand larvis Banc. Reg, anD he faiD that the paintiff mk mittaSen !)fg leafe, pet 31 toUl aotjlfe bp rcafon of the opinion in Muigraves cafe, Hob. rep. 3it is a Icafc in computation of time, from the fcaling, anoaccojoing to the ' "fe. habendunaalilierpanDfelCnliabend'umsdie datus DclibercD th- licrt Dap '-'"fy ="<* tijc l^ctojD, totict^ier \\)t U«Jtt faTre co cognofcendum o;liot7foj ea,ftitftat ft ia not fafo ttiat t^c ^"ftfcc of ar. for Error in fjfc j^fy-Qciato libi,&c. BS ft oug^t tO bc bp tljC fetatUtE, Roll lufricc lafDjtfte 3;nflfcc Of Sifflffcmap^a\)ea fpccfal Commffflfon to go tftc Cfrtuft alone, ano t^n ft muft not be fafo fo , but ff ftbc per formam Scatuti, ft ongbt to be affociato (ibi, &c. But the Clark of the Afsife may bring in bis notes by which Amendment, he madc the Poftea, and amend it by them : for it it his fault to make the Re« torn fo» Trin, 24 Car. Banc. Reg, A iF> 3(tfonof2DebtiBa8bjoagl)tnponan£)blfgaffonfo ftano to an 3- pia.miff /\|i,aro-2i:bcpiafnttffa)ctocD to the Court, tbat tljc atnarD mauc teas co^-\inuc°his' not unoer imn ano fcal, accoaofng totlje rnbmff0fon,anDtbcrcfojc be ban no aaion. caufe of attfon, anDpjapco tbat be mfgbt Dffcontfnue bfs actfon.Roll luftice Difcontinu. gnftocrcD, ft fs fn anfltoaro, anD 3 tofll do notbfng fn f f:bnt f f ft tocrc upon a *""-i jDcbt , ft nif Qbt be tbc SDcbt rcmaf 110, tbongb t^ ;3U)arD be f U, but BiuDge* went f0 not DcmanOeOt I will do nothing m it. Newton againft Balcs^ Trin. 24 Car. Banc. Reg. Pafc, 2 4 Car. rot. 183. on 7 8» T> Ales ban a Sutgcmcnt agafntt Newton, fn an flctfon upon flje Cafe ve-T.'juTfc- JDupon an AfToinpfit fn tUc Court at Owfe^bridgc fn York. SClje nicminan SDcfcuDant b^fugo a Mtft Of Ctroj to rc\)crretbtt>at BIuDgemcnt luas cnt(telp gfben agafnff t&em all, tD^ftl) matt be tofD agatntt tbe infant, ano fo It being tntfre (0 tola alfo to tt^ tUio otber SDefenoants. Wild ofCotincel tottli ttie S[>efenDant tn tbe ^tft of CttojatgncD, tbat tbe 3aogementmapberefcerfeoinpatf,viz ludgtmenu . aa to tlie Bnfant, ano pet map ftano gooo agalnS tbeotberSDefenoants: foj t^e Mion mfgbt ftafec ban bjong&tagalnff tbemfetjerallpastocUas jopntlp, 35 H.6.f. 21. 5 Ed, 4. f.7. Roll lafticefafD, Itlsmleocontras • tp, miiztt a Binogment is rctjerfeo fo j an erto j In 3lato agalnft fome of tlie ' JDcfcn'oants, It Is teljerfco agatntt all of tjjtm : bat tt feemg to be ot^ettof fe tobere It Is rcterfcn fo j an Crro j In j? act, 5 j H, 6, 2. Hales 1 t^e otl>er Ooe niotjcDto teterfe tbe anogcmcnt tobollp; fojft is an entire^ f.ogement ano Difcominu- cannot be teljetfeo in part onlp t fo^ all tlje SDefenoants a :e eqaailp con^ance. cerneo in tt , ano a tifcontlnnance agatntt one of tftem r£Detfe0tbe 3uDgc= ment agatntt aU oftbem, ano be Dcnpeotbel5oobof5Ed,4. anocltco^ «9Ed. 3.f. ?9- RollIuf>icefafD,lfltfaea3luDgementattbcCommon.laiD, "°'^' o> a 3inogement tabete cofts ate glDcn bp tbe &tatnt0,(f (t be retjerfeo as to one,(t (0 tet)erfeo toalUflno berclg an entire jnogementgltjen fcpt^e Com- inon>lats,anO it cannot be tielpeo. But bring me the Book, PoHea, SI Crook 12: Error. ■ Trin. 24 Car. Crook again ft Samm, Trin. 24 Car, Banc, Reg, Mich, 23 Car. rot. 311. ^ C Amm l;aD a 3 irt'acmcnt fn t!)C Contmoit.plcas upon a Nihil diclr frt an E« vcr^Tiud'e- c>)tftione fimx. 2Lt)C SDcfcncaiit bjougbt a tTOrU Of CDnojtorcbcrfctbe mcntinsnE-^uDgement, ano afsfgnco tbc general Crro?. STlje plafntfflf m tijc jca. finis. 3;uDgcmcnt p?apcD It tntsftt be affitmeo, Roll Juilicc Dcmanoeo of l)tm, ff it be aBluBgementuponaNihil dicitljotDcanUbcoftfttsaCcrm:' 2!:{)crcfo?c gttoc notice ano mobc agafn. JSiit tl)c Saogcmcnt tg, ideo hiJgcmenr, ^Q^^Qj^afyfn ^o quod jecuperet, anO tljctc toants & defendens capiatur,anD tl)crEfo?c t^c 3«Dgcment <0 erroneous, ano^olncanittljcnbeaffirmcD:' j Car. IntbcCrtbcqucr^Mich. 5lac. rot, 269. Aliens Cafe, 17 Car. Stewarc ano Stewart fn tbe €. ^. ano tbougb U be a 3!anscmcnt bp Default, pet it i& a 3uDgement, but being erroneous U tannot be af flTmeo. Therefore adyiie • what you will do. Hobait againfl: Borafton- Trin. 24 Car. Banc, Reg. )^ an 0rtgement agalnft tfte Drfcnoant. 2Ct)e p,f, V I & a- SDcfentant bjingo a Mrlt of Crroj to retjcrfc this 3iuDgcmcnt, ano arstgns irib \a Vol k. foj cErro J , that the Court Voas fnto to bc hcln on Saturday the ninth of No- vember, ii^creas the Saturday on Uhicl) tl)c af3f0ncD^,''J,;^||/'y^f; 1030, tW tljc Venire tDaflretumcD bp onctljat teas not S>ljctfff at tftc tttne pafs. of tftc return. %o tW ft teas fafo bp t^c Conned on 4l)C otfter fioc, tl)at tWs matter ougbt not to beafsfgneD fojCrroj, faccaufc ft faagafnfttfte^"'"^- j IRecojo : ontbcotl^EtCDc fttuacfnliifftcDupon, that {)c map afcfgn ft foj ©rroj. Roll lufticefafDjftmap beafsfgncDfojCttoj, butftfs aiSutCton lioto ft ftallbctrpeo: fojftfsnot upon a 3Deinutrer, ann fo tbc mattct fa not bz{0}e U0, 1 1 Car, Smicli ano Smith. And this caufe ought not as it is to have been put ioto the Paper, VVorfely againft Worfely- Trin. 24 Car, Banc, Reg, Pafc. 44 Car. rot, 489, -c T V TOrfely bjought an Sctfonof ^ccontpt agafiia Worfely. %\jt 2Dc« Demurrer V V fcnDant plcaos tbat t^c piafntiff ftanus contfctco upon tf)C S>ta- "P"" ^ ?'<:» tutc ntaoe agafnft aHicufancp, ano Demanos 3Iuogemcnt Si aftjo, SElic |" ^'"^^'j,^'^" pafnttff Demurs upon t^c plea. Wild of Councel tofth tfjc piafntfff fafa, Bar. -tbat iW matter ougljt not to be plcaoeo f n 315at of t^c 0£tfon , but \)c ougljt to toncluDc onlp 31uDgcmcnt if ^c Iftall be anftocrco. SD^c Councel on tfjc ot^et fioc Deftcen tfmc to fpeaU fn ft. Roll luftice, Shew caufe Monday next why ludgeraent ftiall not be given againfl yon Trin. 24 Car, Banc- Reg. T^c Court teas motjeo foj tlje quafljfng of an Cnufctmcnt npon thc&ta- p ^^ qufhin tutc of 8 Hen. 6, agafnft fojtfblc cnttfea, %\it crccptfon taUcn agafnft an F.?i'dift."^ ft toao tbat t^c CEntif rtmcnt not!) not ffjcto fn tobat Countp tbc fojcfblc (Bn^ menr. trplya0 upon iB^lch the CDnDictmentjDasgrounociJ. Roll lufticc anrtocrco, c<;umy, . if it be within a Liberty, it is not neceflary. * 'o-ny. Trin- 24 ("ar- Banc. Reg. Tplt5cCourtlBas molJCB totiuaCi) an cn!)fttmcnt ofJDcrfurp agafnft Stephen -*- Burtop,^!)? (iE);ccptfoit0 taken to the C'nofctm^nt to:rc tbcfCji.SCfjc Cn- ,„ Endift""^ ijfamcntfsfafotobctalicnfn plenaSefsionepacis.anDftsothnotappcartohc mm: of pci- tbe €iuartct &eisf one 80 bptfjc statute ft ongljt. 2lp. Jt is fafo,< tbat tUc jury. SDcfcntjant dis;t,&c,amj ootb not Oieto toljerc oj f n totjat plea 13c natjc tf)c c. B. 2 tjfDcncc 1 24 Trin- 24 Car. tfDcnc8toI)crctrttbcper|nrptoa0CommUtcD. 3!?, HtDotl)notfap,tl>at tb^ JDcfcnCantgabctbccWocncc corruptive, as it ougTit to do. ^\v. SCOcpj^* juDfcc fa not tain to be ad prave damnum of aiij.' boDp , anD fo no boop bcfnS pjcjuDicED bp ;rg TT^^c Coutt iDHS moteo to quafT} a Pjefcntment agamlf Triqgfojnot aniiniiift- | nofnct bcfojc fl fuflfcc cf Pcacc to tauE tljc £)atbofanii5caDbojoto, to m 5 Car, Dye ano?. tkim Cafe, and upon thefe authorities the judgement wis reverfed, 5"ir Charls Ccoc againft Plunkec. Trin, 24 Car. Banc. Reg, T^c Conrt teas motcti on tlic part of tijt sDefenoant , tftat tljc piaintif To be dir. bao DcclarcD upon an obligation tuitl) a tonoition , but ban not fct it "''"^'f^^^ "P°" fojtl) in tbc SDcclaration , ano tbcrcfojc cciircD tbat be map citbcr bate Ban"'"" iDpet of it , J elfc tbat tbe JDeclaratfon being imperfect , fo fbat be cannot pleaD , anD be being nolo in pjifon, map otberioffe be fct at large. Roll lu- flice, C23e cannot compclltixpiaintif to fetfojt^tbeconoition of tbc£)b» ligation; but till be botb tbc E>cfeniiant Iball not be compcUco to plcao, ano pj^.,^ let tbc plaintif tbeto caufc upon not ice nitcn to bim , iubp tbc SDcfenoant • fl)all not goe at large upon Common bail, gt teas n!o*jcQ again , ano tbcn ^ Rolllufticefaio, 31f pouarrcftone,ai:ODoenotp;occeco in tb?.ee Eciins, gj,'|]' ■™'°'''' be OUjibt to goc out upon Common JSail, But move it again to morrow, 3a 3 . , Trio* 12^ Trin. 24 Car. Trin^ 24 Car. Banc- Reg. To qiuni an nr ^^ '^oui^t toas motcD to quaO) an enofctmcnt npon tl^e S>tatatc of j pnjuiy. Cnafctment faU^, tlje £)atft toas taken before ISaton Atkins ano Serjeant Turner, but ftDotftnot fap tuljcte, viz. tDl)ctt)et:fslon0, OjflfStjCS. 2!y. Sttfaftb tl)e £)atft teas tahcn Coram iufticiariis Domini Regis, biit ftuotbnoteicpjcfstoftat SJuClces tijep toctc. 'he Endiamenc V7as quafhcd for chc firft Exception. T'he KingagatnftBellingham. Trin 14 Car. Banc. Reg* Formovkrati- "o Elljngham toas fnofcteDupon tije&tatiitcof J Eliz. agafnffpctjnrp, ano on ot a fine |jpleaccD j^ot *lI5uUtp, anD tuac founD©urltp, %fie CafctDastbls, BeU upon coiwi- lingham ftaD a pjoccfs DeUbcrcD !){m out of tb: Court of Cffilaroa to fcrbe ju'iT "upon one, tobfcb be d(o acco^omglp ; ano upon tbc return tbcrcof be maoe £)atbtbatbefcrticDtbe|0?ocef3upontbcpartpti)e8tb, Dapoftbc ^ontb, tobercas it teas tbe 9tb. tap but (t appcareD upon eicamtnatlon of tbs mat- ter , tbat tbe ;2Datb toaa not taken maUtfouflp , but onlp raOjlp ; anu upon tbls tbe Court teas motjeDio fct a mo*Deratc Bne. Roll luftice faio , bc« cauCc it teas fo, tbcrcfojc let tbe fine be but 10 1. Fine Emf t" le- Gallop againft Chafe. Trin. 24. Car. Banc, Reg. Pafcb. 24. Car. rot. 250. T^c Cafe of Chafe ano Gallop teas again mobeo, tobicb teas tijis. Chafe iJJous^t an action of SCrotjer ano ConUcrCon in tbe Common peas a. nKm int^ gainft Gallop ano bis teife , ano a Stranger ; ano DccIarcB tbat tbe Baron vcrand Con- anO iTcmc anO tbe ffrangcr converterunt ad ufum fuum proprium. scbe veifijn. loiatntit bao a Clcroict ano a Jimgcment . %^t SDcfenoant fajinga a Wixit ofCrrojtorcberfetbisSIaDgement, ano afsigng foj (Krroj , tbat the 2De= claration is not gooo , foj it Declares of a ContjcrCon maoc faptbe iFeme to berotenufc, ubftb cannot be, (be feeing a ifcmc Cobert, Roll luftice faio , SClje H>Eclaration ootb intcno , tbat all tbe SDefennants Dio concert __...tbcgooD3, tenicb cannot be , foj tbe JFcmc cannot conbcrt tbcm, ano ci= Co.ivclfion. tcD Crow ano Bakers cafe i Caroli? 7 H.y.f.j. Therefore let the ludgemcnt bereverfed. Tnn- i^.Car. Banc* Reg' Por a catia- ■^ ^c Court ixois molJCD foj 3 Certiorari to tcmotic an £);Dcr of Scfcions uc. -1 maBc foj t{jc cicftdig of one to be a Conttablc , tbat tbe i!J?Der map be confirmeo bcrc, anotijcConCablccompcUcDto be fteojn,» Roll luftice an« Declaration Feme Covert Tiin. 24 Car. lit anfteercD, ST^at bp grantfnc it tl)c crcctitfon otBliifffcc bptfic ^uOfcea in tbe Counttp tofU be tfttojeo , tljcrcfojc appeal to ttjc JiuttkCB of iJfsfjE, foj toe iDtUnot grant a Certiorari, tmpon tbfc a tDjft inas pjapeo out of tft{0 Court to compell tlje Conttablc to be ficojn , which was granced, M:a Jamu:, Trin, 24 Car. Banc, Reg Whether s" A 3!uD2cmcnt tone aft?cnfntbc Common picas fn an ejcftione firm^writotErr^c quod recuperet,* a to?ft of C-rquup taUen out; but before it teaa txeca^%°°<^- ten ano retojncD tljc SDcfcnoant bjoujjbt a tD?U of Crro j ; anD tJjc qneflfon tDa0iDl)ctf)crtbcto;(tof Crtoj lap o% ro. Turner of Coutucl tcftlj t6e SDcfcnDanttntfjetojftoferrojargucD, tbatftDlDnotlfc,becaufc tl)e D-- riglnal to?ft iBSs not uctermfnec ul^en tljc tojit of €xm ^ras b;cugl)t, ano fotl)c3utigcmcnt teas not perfect oj complcat, ano confcquentlp a injtt cfCrrojcotilDnot bcbjougbttoreticrreft, anotftattljc tejtt is not Betcr« jn{neonojtl)e3!«5gemcnt perfect, fspjotj^ brcanrct&e Sctfon befng an ejedione firraaeljere therefore we will '^eno ruleinitt jiiror 10 rr- Trin. 34 Car. Banc. Reg. A ^ attlon of Debt toas faioaght fo j IRent fn t^e Common picas, toljete V, n> a ju 'ge- ^ t^^ plaintif bao a tHerDitf ano a inDgement , ano a Writ of Crcoj ioas mcuinche b^ougbt in tbisCoDrt to rcijerfc tt) inant of a for rhcir char- ^ fyH gutf, pjapeD tt)e Coutt tftcp mlgbt ftabe tbcit titjargee , becaafe ttiep ^"' came a great tcap, ant> bao attcnucs long fn totom %^t Conrt anCtoereo tbcm, tbat ft loae tbek neighbours fault, tobo ofo not appear, tbat tbe ttpal toent not on, fo^ botb tbe partpes are reaop , ano if tbe canfe bao been ttp- eOt pon £^ onlb babe bao all pour cbargeo. But now wc can order nothing. ' Mich. 24 Car. Banc- Reg. • to \7PonaaRcto?nofacertiorariforcmobcanojDcrof&cr0fon0maDe a- Tn-TderTand ▼ gatnC a ^Darlft foj not repairing of a b^r* fnin nnnrannot hafacan Sdfonof snr£fCi?lTnfDifhp h'pnktmr nfntift. Ayreagainft Sils. Micb. 24 Car. Banc; Re^. AYrebjougU an Action upon tbc Cafe againlisils, upon a pjomifc to \rrcft of pap certain arrcrages of rent appearing Due unto Win upon an accompt luJjcmcnt in tnaDefaettoeenbittianut'oeSDsfcnDant: SCbe paintiCf ban a bcmfd:. 2Elje '" ^'^ °? "P" JDcfjJilantmobesinarreaofJuDSCtttent.ano fo; caufc OjeIds, tbat an^"*" "'^* Action upon tbc Cafe Dotb not Ip upon a p jomife to psp rent appearing Dae cife upon accompt, foj tbc rent tuas ouc bp a reall contrait , ann upon tbat tbe plaintiff ban rcmeup toftbout tbe pjamife. SCo tbts tbc Court faio , tbat tbis 3(tion Dot') not Ip coj rent alone Due upon a real contract , but foj tbc rent Uutbotbcrttiings it Dotblpc, yet let the Indgcraent be ftaycd , fojtberc febcrciionetoconfiDeration appearing to grounntbispjomife upon,butonlp tbe olDtonftcerationof l.atufoj tbe papmcntoftbcrcnt.anD upon tbat an aaion of tbc Cnfc Dotb not Ip, fo; it is in tbe realtp. Tomkins aga\nft Jourden. Micb, 14 Car. Bare, Reg» Trin,i4Car, rot.jJfSt A tMrit of (Etroj teas bjougbt to rclicrfc a SluDgincnt gib en fn an infcri- ETor to re-' -'^ our Court, n tbcfc CSrrojs toercafsigncD.i.StisfatDiiitbcflileof tbc"^;^'=».'"'^R=- Court tbat tbc Court teas bClD per confuetudinem et literas patences,U)t)icb is an "ntct'iour" not gooD,fo^. tbe Court cannot be l)clD bp botb.RoU Iuftice,2nbi3 is not gooo. court, alp.agatnft tbe iijit of CSrro; it is obiectcD bp tbe otbcr li^e, tbat tbe lujit of Crroj is DlredcD to one, ano is rcto jneo bp anot'ier, foj tbe certiorari jras to ccrfpfiea3luDgcmcnt gibcn bcfo?e tbe £|0aioj,aiDcrmen, anoHecojocr, anD tbc BluDScmcnt certifpcD , is a Suogemcnt gibcn befo jc tbe i^aioj ano tbc aiDermen , ano tbe lilccojoer is left out, fo tbat tbc IIccojd is not rc= mobcD,anatl)entbc SiuDgement cannot be affirnicD. Roll luftice faio, tbc plcaDingisconfufcQ, anD Bacon lufticefalD, pon babe c'jangcD tbe fiile of tbc Coipo^atto n bp pour plcaoingjSlf a Court be bclo bp Ci;ttom,anD after acuftom. patent be purcbafeD to bolo it, ano tbcp bolD it bp tbc patent, tbc Cuttom is gone; but bringusaCopyofthe cert'ficace of theftileofthe Court , and in th« mean time wc will advifc. ^ 2 Pi'cSf 13^ Mich. 2 4 Or. Pickering again ft Barkley, Micb, 14 Car, Banc, Reg, Pafc.24Car. rot, 154. Demurrer T)ickfrinp Ijoiif^t nti SJttfon ofCot^cimtit upoii ti cccD Df Cotf nantc (if iTan sfti.m -■■ Charter partr,lLljcrcti> ft tnao CotcnanteD \W tljc SDcfcntant (n con-- (fcovxnan;. fiDeratfon of accttafn fumofmoni' agrccD tobcpafototftc SDrfcnoant, fo> frafg'it of a &»!)(p flioulD maUc fntb a tiopogc, ann Icat all loffes ano caniagc ix^Wl) fliotilD befall tl)c S)l) Ibis flrtfon, %\)e SDefcnfiant plcaD0, tfjat in t!)C mafetne of ftfo topanc upon tl)c feca, tbc gifjlp iras tahcn per quoidam ig« noto« hortiines bcllicofos, luljcrf bp IjE Ua0 l)fnD;cB in malihig of tbe topagc accojDfngto l:f0 agreement; to tUs pica tl]c patntlff Demurs. SLljequefl^ on teas c as toere cvccpt= CD, Uil)ctl)cr t|)C talung of tfte S>l)tp bp tlicfe,unhK0Un men of Wtix OjoulD be actomptcD a pcrill of tijc S>ca, o^not accojoing to tl^e meaning of S^ti- tijants. Twiiden of Conned UiUbt^cpafntiff^elD it CboulD not, ano fo tlje plea toas not gooD, ant) tijat tftcr efo? c tbc paintiff ougtt to ftatic 3!nt»g5 ntcnt, anofaio, tl)iglDagnotaDangeroftl)c&ca . but a Danger upon tbe S>ca. 2lp. ^efaiD,t!)cpartp(itmapbc)mig!)t ftatJcpjctjentcDif bp tf- eilancp, J bp mailing rcftftancc, ano fo it map bcittoasftis oton fault tl)B §>liipiDastaUcn, jlp. 2D^e men of ©Hart tljat tooh t!)c &Ufp toere pcr- aDtcnture CDiiglfK) men , ano tljen tbc SDcfcnDant is not to be ercufeo, foj ^c map babe bis rcmeDp fo; tobat be is oamnificD ,agafnft tbcm , anD titeo 35 H, d.f. i.anDpjapcDSuDgemcntfoi tbc plaintiff. Hales of dCoun* ccl toftbtbc2?cfcnt)antbclo,tbatto be tahcn ana robbco bp pirates is a! Danger of tbe a»ca, ctjcn as tempcftuous Ininos, ano febclfs, ano llocfes are. ^110 2lp. Co tbat it is faiaJt^c pirates map be €n glf Qj men, toe arc not able tofapoflDljat jiiaitiontbcptocrc, anD tbcrefojc our plea is gooDin tbat point alfo, auopjapcoSluDgcmentfo?. tbe3DcfcnDant. Roll luftice faio, ft loas not VdcU plcaaca to fap per homines ignores. Bacon luftice faiD, 2Dbe SDefcnoant Dotb not fljclu tbat be ano bis &Mp toaa carrpeD per locos in cog- pij, nitos, as be tboulD bate fijcton ; but Roll luftice anftaercD, tbat it map be tbe S>bip is pet kept upon tbe &ea,faut 31 fuppofc tbat pirates are perils of tbe &ca , anD to tbis pnrpofc a certificate of (^ercb ants tuas rcao in Court , thattbeplDcrcfocffcemcDamongftfpercbants. ^et tbe Court DeftrcDta bate Granly tbc Chaffer of tbe SCrinitp boufc,anD otbet fufficient ipertbants to be b?ougljt into tbc Court to fatiefie tbe Court viva voce Friday nc j:t foU IcUifng. ludrfment was given this Term ni! capiat ptr billaro;becaHfe the iskirgby Fiiatcs are atcoreptcd perils of tl.eSsas. • Wood Mich. 24 Car. 13 j Wood againfl: Clcmencc. Micb, 24 Car. Banc.Af g. Hill»2»Car.rot. 804. Wood bjouclt an 0ctfon of S^ebt upon an DHtgntfon to ffano to an nil atl>> agalnft Clemencc. mt SDefcnDant plwoeo ttat tftc , ,7,7;. 5[tbftrato?0 mace no aUiaro : SEbe pafntff rrpUcs ttat tbe tMmpfre maue ward pleaded. anatoatD, anDfcta'tfojtb at large, .SDbc ErfcnDant otmurs, ano fo; taufc (bctDc t'at U appears bp ttjc pleaotng tbat \i)t ^mpfrc teas cbofcn be foje be oiiBbt to bc; fojft appcrirs not tbat tbe 5lrbJtrato?0 tculD not agree tn niabing tije fltoaro , o?tb^ttbrrbao anp polrct to ntat^c an mmpirc. 2lp.2Lbe5ltDatDf3maDC fojfatfofattiontotbc iSDtoncrs ano ^arfncrs of tbc febtp, toncernfng tobfib tbe ftibmifsJon teas mabe , ano one of tbcm is tbe J3lc(nt(f (n tbfs Sttton , ano tbep cannot arKtrate tbat tbe monies iBbftft concern one fliall be pain to anotbcr , anb fo all tbe atnarn is naugbt. 0iro bere is nottingarbttrateD concerning John A aon tbe spatter of tbe &bip, hbo io one of tbe parties teitbin tbe fubmifsion. Roll luftice, 3b to tbe Cift (Erccption it is not a material one,as 3 ccnceibc.But give a note of your f xceptions 10 the Ccuncel of the other fide, and bring us Books, Poltea* Frere and others again ft Mich. 34 Car, Banc. Reg. A Ji Action of 2Dcbt iuas b?o«gbt foj 1 500 l.upon a oeco of Cbarfcrrpartp. ^rreft V 2Cbc painttf ban a bcroict. 2Cbe SDcfenoant moticu in f rrctt of juDge- judgcm^ent in mcnt. anD offers 1 0? caufe, tbat tbe SDeclaration inas fnftiificient, fo; ftdcbc. appears not bp it tbat tbe jBDefcnoant is inoebteD to tbe paintif , ann tben tbcre is no caufc of jetton ; foj tbe SDeclaration onlp faps, tl:at be is inneb- teD, as it appears, but flietus not boto. Roil luHice faiD,it is bp inoenture, anU locll enougb. Dyer 2, 3 Phil.anD Mar. f. 148. Plowdeni2i. 122. Debt. Buckleys cafe 143. Browninj; anbBeeftonscafc 21 E. 4.f, 29, \jt faiD,eftbCt^°*^"»"^' an action of Debt , 0; an action of Cobenant lies bcre, fo;t it is npon a Cbarter^partp. %eretsnot inoccD a perfect allegation, pet it isiueB e= nougb , foj ft batb ba n ufuallp tbus pUaoco. speak to it again Wcdnefday next. Difonagainft Bartue, Mich.24 Car. Bano Reg. DKon bjotigbt an action of affattlt anb JBatterp.anb tafeing of bis gooos, . againftBattue,anDbaDalllerDict; tbe SDefenoant mobco in ar«ttotiJ'"„°g„t;n 31tiDgemcnt , ano fljclDCD foj caiife tbat tbe HDcclaration leas not gooD; foj M'a .u and it is toitba quod cnra, &c. inblcb in an action of trefpafs, vi et armisjfs notBjttei). gooOvfo J it is not a cirect affirmatibctbat tbe SDefrnoant oio tbe SCrcfpafs ; bat it is onlp an implication tbat b^DiD it, but as it is it might babe been goooiftbeactfonbaDbcenanaaionof^refpaircupontbc cafe The Judge- ment was flayed till the Plaint>t'ftioufd move, S3 Micbf IJ4 Tnn.-^C2t' Mich- 74 Car. Banc. Reg, • ?n Tn^Awafd A S**-"" "^ ^^^ ^^^ fajongbt opoii HH Obligation to ttantt to an a- vicaded. -/\iDarD. 2^l)C Dcfenoatit plcaDco nullum arbitrlum. 2C!)c plafntfiT.rcc pUe0, atiD fcts fo:tl) tbc a^ato, atiD afofgno a bjcacb ; 2Cbe DcfenDant dc^ muro; SCftc |3lafnt>v«i ...---.- --^- ^ , ■ — — — .- Fune. nom ipforum; Cftc Jplafntlffa bao a tjcroftt; SCIjc Dcfcnoant motjcs fn arrcff of SuDgcment, ano fojcaufcfl)ctDB,tftattbc Declaration fboultj not be ad damnum ipforum, but onlp ad damnum Of tl)C i^UflbanD Onlp I3tlt tI)C Court IjclD tljat tbc Declaration luas toell cnonsl), ano fafo , it ia tftc ufual leap of Declaring in fuc^ 0(tion0," ano tlje tnonp Due upon tbc £Dbligation not being pafD to tlje i^cme toWlcft fbc toas fole, it teas oammagc to ftcrjano note be- ing Cobcrt it is a Dammage to tljc 315aron alfo, ano fo it is ad damnum ipfo^ rum 16E. 4, Therefore let the Plaintiff take his Judgement' Quatermans Cafe. Mich. 24 Car, Banc. Reg» Ar.tientufc of T j^ tl)c Cafc of OHB Qiiaterman, Roll luftice faio, tijat out offiiDulgence p.adc. a''t^-£totbciBapl,it hat!) been tbcufe of later times, tljat jftheJSaploobifng '*'^V ■ in tbe principal bcfo?.ctl)c rcto:n of t^cfecono Scire facias, u hid) Inas taken Dif^arpf. out againft the )15apl , thereupon to offchargc t!}e IBjpl : but anticntlp tt toas not fo , but it leaj tften coantco too late to b jing htatpte ofrett , ano ft toas faf d, tftat jn a foutble enttp tfjetc ^''"''''« ""y- on^ to be an enttp, e):pal(ion, anooetepnec. Roll ludice fato, tbat t^ete oagljt to be manu forti intbeCnD(can« balls great, altbougb It appear tbat tbe luojos Ujercfpofeenbpaiferac co« tjert. Therefore let the Plaintiff take bis ludgement, exwpt caufe be Ihcwn to the contrary. ludgemeat was given the lame Term, becaufe the laft words were held CO be accumulative. Mich. 24 Car. ©anc. Reg. •y^e Clarfe of tbe dtrrojs In tbe Common.pleas attenbcb bere npon a rule a ciirk ^ of tbis Conrt,^bcreupon one of tbe Clarbs of tbe Court gabe notice of °f '^e If to tbe Court, anopjapeobemlgbtbebcatD. But the Court anfwered ^ourtough: ..• that Councel ought to more ir,and not he, * [°J ^°^"^ "J • ■= T'he King againft Do(9:or Triggj I'^^e Court teas mobeo foj Dottoj Trigg to effreafe tbe i?me Into tbe (Bx* cbcquec toblcb teas fet upon bim bp tbe-Coutt upon bis conbldlon upon ^:^' 'i'' an Information p^eferreo againft bim upon tbe Statute fojpjartlllng ipbp- 1 pTnt '"* ^* Och In London, \i)ltbout a licence from tbe College of IpbpCclans. Hales of Councel toltb tbe College of pbrSclans mobcs it map not be ettteaten, fo j It Is not neccffarp , ano bcre tbe Suogemcnt Is not onlp fo; tbe iitng : but It (0 lara pro rege.quam pro, &c. anb fo part of tbe 'iflne Dotb belong to tbe n- 3PUb. Eftreai i5l Eftrear. Mich- 24 Car. Arrcft of judgment in Trover and ConYC:(ior. Dcc!3ration. Exceptions to ail a>v;ird. ludpfmcnr. Subinifiion, &utj|ciJ, attt)fojtl)atpartt!je|iJ5oretutoj map l)at)C apjfljp fecal Jjcteto •trtotcr U : kittf ftbctttrcatcDtntotljcetcbcquetbetamiot tljcrc bate it, ano fo tc flialUofcbiisrcu'ari}, anotljcrcfojcljc DeGrcDtbei^fDcmtgWbe tcfpfteO. Bu: [he Court anfwered, we cannot rcfpite the Kings part, nor the other part: for there is an execution out for the whole Fine which cannot be ftayd, Heyford againft Hobfon. Mich, 24 Car, Banc, Reg* HEyford bjoua^t an flttfonof SCrotJcranD ConljetConagafnffHobfon in tl)c Comtifon.pleas fo> takfng ahiap ano contjcrting of o(t)cr3 of b(4 ©OOB0 ant) Chattels partlctUarlp nauiCD, ano Ijao a tjcrojrt. SCfje 2DEfe»i- uant motieD in arreft of 3t"D2cmcnt, tljat tbc SDcclaratfon toas nicertafn,fo?. amoncft ottjct things tbe plaintiff in W0 E^ctlaratton Declares foj tf)e ta- iling dc duobus caftoribus, Anglice l5at6,lDl)erca8 caftor is not a p?.opcr taiojb foj a l^at. alp. de uno fervitio argentco, Anglice one filber S)alt, anO t!;cre is nofncb tDCt;t» foja&alt, but tljcte is another pjopcr liattn teojD foj it, viz. falinarium, 3IP, De duobus catenis, Anglice tiDD filter SDiOjWf, tofticl) fs no U.OJD foj a Difl) , mticb lefs a filter Diflj Roll luftice faio, one map DEfcribe a tl}ing in a Declaration, iftljcrebenotapjopertoojDtocic* p;ers it, ant if it be foterccibetttiatttieBiurp map bnolo totalis meant bp it , it is tocll cnougl). But let the Judgement be here be ftayed , for we will advife. Wood againft Clemence. Mich, 24 Car, Banc, Reg, T^is Cafe fojmerlp ( viz. t^s Cetm) motet ant fpohen to toncWng tfte talitttp of an Stt;atD mate tontbtngtbefraigfttofa&bip, teas again moteD, ano CtccptionstahcntotbE^tuarD. K 2Ei)at t^e atoaro fs repugn nant in it ff If. 0nO2lp. 3t is not final, ant fo not gooD, Stbc Court an^ ftecret , if tbc ^toart be ill, as of pour oirn fljctoing it is,tben pon bate no canfc of0£tton, ant fopou cannot bate gntgemcnt , altljcugb tbcDcfEn* tants bar be not cfooD , ano a fiibmffsion maoc bp one foj blniftlf , ant a= notber , is goot to bint tbe pattp tbat fnbmittet. But move it again, and we will advile io the mean time, Antca, Mich. a4 Car- Banc- Reg. To qti:(li an cndiftii'cnt of (orcible ci- try. EiKl.'ctxent. Rcfttution. T^e dourt Uas motet to qualb an Gncfctmcnt of fojdble (Entrp after tbe partp encfiteo bno plcaoct, ant a Vcrltct agafiitt bim. Roll luftfcc, tXffc mutt not be fo curious in tbe framing of Gncfctments, astoquafli tljem foj cterp fmall fault, ant in tb faio tWs cor ccrns tbon in point of pjftiilcgc cf tfteCftp.ano not mccrlp in point of intcrctt.bcfojc toljom tbc Juogmcnt toas giticn. jlp' 2Cl)c confcnt of tljc partp iiatb barren Ijim of tijc aotian' tage tobicb ot^crtoifc be migbt Ijabc ban. JBut Roil luftice anftocrcD, bcrc i3 point ofintcrcft as toell as point ofpjit!ilcsr,foj part of tbe gooos tatjcii come to tbc benefit of tbc Clip, anntbcrefojetbcp ought not to be tbcic o\rn BluogcB, fo j tbis is againft natural rcafon , ano Co it is a miftrpal. Il5ut tt Dotb not appear bcre^.ubctbcrtbcjpaiojanuaiocrmen be another Coj= pojation oj not , ano Diflinct from the Co;po;ation allcgco, tobicb ccrti- fieDtijiacuaombptbc mouth of tbcUccoioer, ano tbis is tbe folc Doubt tntbcCafCi The Court ordered that there fhouldbe a nev tryal except caufe (hewn to the contrary : Q. whether there (hall bca Repleader, era new venire* VV'hice and his wife againft Hacwocci and his wife. Mich, 24 Car, Banc, Reg, V/heiVicr a writ abated T ^\ 7 Hite ant) l)is toifc bjougbt an flaion upon tbe Cafe fo; flanocrous by death of \\ ujojDs, aijaiuft Harwood auD bis ^ifc; tbrSDefcnoant Dpcs, tbe °"^j^^'j'"''^''jf cmctaUes another ^usbanopcnoing tbe futc. 3t toas moteotbat tbe ftbatcment. tojit toas abatCO.The Court iridincd that becaule the Defendant had by her mariage changed her name, therefore the Writ was abated, but :ook time to advi(e» Slade. Mich, 24 Car, Banc, Reg, toriuapc- npj^c Court tons motJCD foj 3(Wtigemcnt fojmerU' ttap:D upon a ccrtifi.' mcntftaycd -*- tatcmaDebp515aron Arkin$,tiiattbcl3crDictpaircD againft bis opinion, upon a i"''g,f^Bacon luftice faio , guDgemcnts bate been arrcfteotn tbe Common pleas, ccuifccat. ^^^^^ j.^^jj certificates. Hales of Counccll toitb tbe EDcfenaant pjapeo.tbat tbis 3!u5gemcnt might be arreftco, ano t'oattbcre might be anctotrpal, foi that it bath been Done bcretofojc in like cafes. 315ut Roll lufti'ce bdo, it ought not to be ftapeu, though ft bate been Done in the Common pleas , foi """'* it loas too^lrbitrarp to; them to Do f t,anD pou map batie pour attafnt agafrft thcSiurp, ano thi^tcfs no other rcmeop in ILato fo J pou ; but it toere gooo toajtiifethcpartptofuffcranecDtrpal fo) better fatisfatfon. And lee the Defendant take four dayes frora hence to fpeak in arreft of ludgeroent if the poftea be brought in, if not, t-hen four dayes from the time it fliall be broughc in» Andrews Mich, 2 4 Car. 159 Andrews againfl: Baiiy. Mich. 24 Car. Banc. Reg. \7|Don atrial at tl)e55at facttoccn Andrews ano Baily, uponanejetf.Dcmfationb.- mcntlearetoiicbtnsSirlobnProwds micto lanes. SlttoasCafB, tftat Letters pa- ' a man cannot be a fubiect to ttoo fctrral pjfncca. fltio tftat Ccnifatton bp '"" f° ena- lcttct0 patento no enable tbc partp to purcbafc iLanDp, but not to tn^ctit tijc ''[f ,'° '""'" ILmna ot Wa ancetto j as i^cit at ILato ; J5ut aa a purcljafo? ^c map enjop LhT,;" unds. lanD8 0fl)tatnte 3LatD,ann foj pjoof citcD i E.r.f.26. 2 E. 3. f. 3. 2 Ed. 6. C. 8. Roll luBice anftocreo, pou ought not to argtie gc» ^'^'■'"'''2''* nerallp againft the pjitilcge of ^parliament , fo; pou Unointljat ctcrp Conrt hath its p jibilegc, as this Court alfo hath , thcrcfo je applp pour felf particularlp tothisqueQion, tohethcr a Mrit of paitilcgc belongs to a Admitcara l^arliamentmanrofarasto^pjoterthisiLanDsanD Cftate, ano 3 conccfbc he is fo pjibilcogeD; ano pott babe aomitteo hfs pjflJilcgc bp ponr otpn SDcmarrer. ButwewiUadvife, Wright.' Mich. 24 Car. Banc, Reg, plaintiff afcff Aiji action ofSDebt toas bjought upon an Obligation to pcrfojm arti. »/^'^<^^^ '"°^ cles ; Sf)e ?D«fenDant plcaoeo Cobcnants pcrfo;mco -. 2:he iplaintiff ,7cw u7ai 2: J ftao - ,^0 Mk\\.2/[C2it' Ijao a tetDJct, ano after ijctDfa, anu befo?e 3tuDgcment',f)c ntotocD fojTncto trpal . bccaufc ft appcarcD ttiat tl)crc teas no (ffiic jopncD; tljc |Dlafntfff mo* tcDit fo?bti5 0lDncjpctttton,fojl)cfcarcD(fbc fljoulD enter ^tnacmcnt, tljat tl)C SDcfenDant tooulo f)?tng a Mrft of Crro?. Cbe Court anftocrcD, tliattbcrctDaoaperfcrtiffuciopncD; bat tftc plcaDfng f o not gooo, anu a tbc SDcfcnDant tcmurs to tbc JDctlaratfon s anotbe pafntlff jopne fni in an aa.on of tjjc 2Demurrcr:t!ilpon tfte plcaolng tbc Cafe appcarco to be tbl0,a iFcmc folc Covenant. ccUtjcro a ccrtafn futft ofmonghitotbebanosof I. S. anu tbe E^efcnoant tbcrcnponCotcnantotoUbtbciFrmctopapunto A.B. 100 I. a peer, fo long ao the monp (boulDtontfnuem the ^anuss of I. S. anbejFrme tahcs JlBa'ron; 2Lbc bunfijeo pounD per annum fs arrere, SCbc IBavon nrahcs t)(a Cicrcuto?, ano tpcs, ano after bffl Dcatb tl)c 100 1. a peer fa bcbtna alfo. Covenant Popham the Crctuton, bjfnnc thfs 0ctfon of Co\:cnant,an3 tbc qucKfon toas to^ctbcrtbeafliontoasttcllbjoufiht, anu the Court bclD the jetton m l|'C,fojtbECotenantDotl) concern tbECBrecutojjbccaafc be rcpicfcntatbe ffi:taatoi; btittbcqueftton bcrefalnbctl^erthcrent Due after the Dcatbof tbc ^^usb^^nl5 ought to be pafD,BnD boiD U Cball be bnoton tobctber i)Z beoeao fo? it (a not fpecfallp allegcD , ant) ff fje be not ocao tbcre (a no canfc of Sctfon. Therefore confider of this. Bragg againfl Nighcingall; Mich, 24 Car, Bane, Reg. Trio. 24 Car. rot .601. Dfmuire-to T) Rapg bjougW 8" 3ct{on Of Cotienanf agafiitt Nifihtingallupon an 3In. B Dtc'a'^ation Jjoenfire. SCbe SDcfenuant uemura to tl)eH>eclaratfon, HLbe Cafe toaa in an sfticn ^^^^ ^Tije patnttff let bp ^nDcnturc certain boufea fo j DJbera peara to tbe ''''"'"''■ ■'^efennant, anucotcnantcfilDithbtmtorepafrtbc boufea bp futb a Dap E'pjeffctJ in the Snoenture. 2Cbe SDcfcnoant bp the fame Blnocnture cotje-- n'aiitco tof tl) t^c ipiatntlff, tJjat from tljE tf mc tm tl)e jaiafnttff toaa to re- pair Mich. 24 Car. 141 paft tbc botifee, unto tfte znn of tfjc SCcrm foj toftfcb tftcp XtcTTmnHenM ~ ^ tooulo luell 1 fufficlcntlp repair, anD leat^e tftem fo repatrcD at tljc cnoof tftc SCcrnt; fo?. not perfo;nhtng oft^fsCotennntjOntbcSDcfCiiiDantspartttje §piaintflf bjoag^t bfs 3ctton.2C{)c caufc fljcmco fo: t\) e Demurrer totfteSDc- claratfonUja0,tftat t!)c |)lafntiff Ijao not fljcfcueotbat be on bts part bau repaf MD tbe Ijoufes accojDing to bis tobet^cr tbe tjerDict baD founo tbc fame pjomife ret fo;tb in tbe SDeclaration bccanfc tbat teas to fabc barmlcffc upon requcft^ but tbc pjomifc in tbc '*''^^"-% terDict mentions no ceqntft to be maDe, butfinos a p^omife generallp to fatjc onet)armleffe» SCbe Court bclo tbat tbcpiai/itiff ougbtto bate 3iuDg« ment, foj tbat it teas tbc fame pjomifc founD tn tbc tcroia , tsbtcb Utas fet fo^tb in tbe SDeclaration, fo; if one p^omife to fate one barmlclTs from a tbing, be tbat maoe tbe pjomife oug^t to do it at bis pcrill toitbouc rcq-t cflf, Rcq^tft, anotbc requeft is not material altbougb tbe pjomifcfapuponrcqticC ; Ctvcnanc. But if he be damnified if I do rccompcnce him upon requeft made, the Covenant is nocbroken. Emerfbn againft Ridley, Mich. 24 Car, Banc, Reg, Pafc. 24 Car, rot. 400, Error upon a ludgement in Idley bjongbt an Action of S>ebf upon an £)l)lig^tion againft Emerfon; Debt upon an SCbc Conojtion oftJjCiDbligationUjas, tl)attbc|DefcnDantft)oulDnotO'^''K««»o- ^5 put R i42 Mich. 2 4 Car. I^nt bis Caftcl upon fuel) a Common bcfo?c atrial ano p?oof , foj tlic Common fljoulo bclfoj the Commoners, auo affifgno a b;cacb. tftatftc DID put on Us Cattd upon tl)c Common bcfoyctbiflCri'aUo; tl)C Commo- ners; upon tl)f 6 an ^ffuc teas iopneu , ano a tjcrofct, anu a Bnngemcnt fo> tlje jaiaintiff. SDt)c JDcfenoant b;(ngfla IMiit of Crroj, ano afsigns foj Crroj, tftat tl]c bjeacf) of tbc ConDnon Ojoulo be bounD mife. per fcriptum luura debita juris forma iiend.unto tl)C |01aintif,fOj tljC payment fo; joool.foj a mariagc po;tloi?,tafsignstl)ebjcact)tl)attl)cDefenDantf bis fon DiD not become bounn per fcnptum fuurr.Obligatoriumjfoj tbe papment of tbc 3CC0 1, ant) fo J tbis be b;inge bis Action, 2Dbe plaintiff bat) a ncrDict.Cbc SDcfer.Dant in arcft cfjoogmcnt molics tbat ttc b?cacb Inns not Uiell afsign= Btcacb. CD : (oj tbc Afruirpfu tuas.tbat tbe SDefcnoant anc bis &on ftoulD be bouno per fcriptirn fuum debita jurii forma fier.d. anD tl;c b^cacb iff, tbattbcj? UiD not gitJC fccuritp per fcriptum fiiutn Obligatoriuni , tubtcb agrCCS not tcitb tbe Aflumpfit : foj ' tbe SDcfcncant migtt gitjc fccuritp bp a 3!uDgement, tobicb is not fcriptum fuum; pet it is debita forma juris fa- dum, upon tbis tbc BiuDgcmcnt teas foj tbat time ftapco, tbougb tbcii Bacon luftice cnclincD , tbat tbe bjescb toag toell afsigncn , bccaufe in torn-- won conftruction it (ball be intenoeo , tbattbcSDefcnoantafrumcDtogitc bis oton ano bis fons bonn fo j fccuritp. Hales of jEounccI toitb tftc |Dlain- tifE at anotbcr Dap moticDfo:3IuDgcmcnt, ajw bclD, tbat tbe bjcacb teas tiieU afcigncD, fo; tbat it erpjcactb tbc fubftance of tbe pjomifc, tbcugb not tbc tjcrp toojDG of it, anD tbis tuas bclD gooD, 7 Car. in Michill ano Cars cafe. 2tp. 3if tbe meaning of tbc pjomifc be confiDcrcD, it Uiili appear tljat tbc 2)c« fenDant cno bts&ontocrcto be bounD bp iDbligation 6 Car. Ccurtny ano Gavills Cafe, anD inDceo tbc pjomife cannot be fatisficDbpanpotbcrtoap tban bp an£)bliaation, foj a^uDgmcnt j aStatutc toiU not do it;foj bp tbcm be is not fato to be bounD;anD tf ougb aU tbis be aDmlttcD againft mc,pct it ia noto after a berbict.anD tbc^urp liatjc founo tbe b?cacb Maynard foj tbf £>e« fcnoant argncD,tbat tbc bjcacb teas not tocU; tbc bjcacbafsign-- ED tcnDs to a perfonal engagement foj paping tbc 5000 1, ivbicb is r.ot fo £%-. pjctfeD in tbc pjomife , but onlp a general fccuritp to be giten fo; tbe mos nics, anD a rccognifance , ano a juDgcmcnt arc not pjopcrlp fcriptum, as ini j> Car. Goidfmitb anD Sydners Cnfc>anD tlje jDcclaratfcn Dotb not fet fojtl)' ttje 14+ Mich- 24 Car. t fie Dcatb of &(r Henry Poole bp it)!)om t5)E fcciirltp tnas to be gftjcn , ann fo it tnnnct appear tobctbct be bao a tontciiicnttfmcto oottaflbcougljtto Ijaiic, Pno hcbclD, that tljc tDlalnttff IcaobounDto Dotftcfirft art, viz. to tcnDCT tbc DbUcntfon to He E)cfcnDant, oj clfc be fo not bounu to feal , ano K:<)ucP. ccittet ain\ 5no nlfo be ougbt to mahc a particular rcqueft to him to feal ano PI ajjrg. DclJtict ft. Halts TEpIpcDtf a mflnplcaDa&tatutc, {t(otriie,tbatbcouabtto Tapper fcriptiim (uum, butplcacinaotigbttobcmojcnlte tbatrtommon par- lance, sip, E:»e llWngof &fr Henry Poole iserpjcffcD, anotljcrc appears time convenient bct\t)ccntbe pjomifc anu t^ctimeofbfoocntbfoi perfo^ mir.gofit. 5!?. 3t ia not neccffarpfoiustotenocr a bono.buttbcotber cucbt to bat)c Done it at blfl oton pctill , fo j it is to be Done at Ws cbarec ano noiatours. Roll CliieflufticebJ^lD, tbat JuDscmcntotigbt to be giben fo; tbc |i)lr.inttflp, anufaio, tbat fo^bc taping oltbcp:omifc ft is not ncccffarp to piirfuc tbc berp Itjojds of tbc p;omifc,but tbc fiibttancc, fo tl;at tbere map appear to tbc»£;oiirt,tb3tt!]crci:3caufe of 3£tfon. 2lp. ^z bdotbat tbcre is no bariancc in tbc fubftancc : fo; tbc intent of tbc parties is to be confioc- rco, Uibicb toasj, to bab: anotber art Bone bp S>fr Henry Poole ano tis &on, per ahquod fcripium , ano not bp a bcrbal pioinifc, ano tnc arc to conCocr if tbc bieacb arsigncD agree to tbis, ano be bclo, tbat tbc pjomffc iufll cjtenD to a Juogcmcnt. 0; a rccognifance : fo; a ^ungcment, statute, 0; llecogs nifance is fcriptum , ano fo; tbe time, tbc 2!>e!cnDant ongbt to babe alicgco, Tcndc tbat be bao not conbcnient time, iftbctrutbU'crcfo : but bereootb appear conbEnientt{me,anD it to not neceffarpfo; tbc plaintiff to tenoer tbc £)bli= cation: but tbcDc'cnoantoiigbttoBoit at bf3 oujn perill , ano to pap tbc monp fnconbenicnt time after tbcmariage,anfltl)c otberisnot bouno to De» intc. dmcnt '"^"^ •'•> ""J ^ ^ ^^ ^^ t'jc cbargc to maUe tbe Dbligatfon. Bacon luftice to tbc fame cffcct.anD faio.tbe U3o;t)6 otigbt to be intcnucD of a iDjiting oblfgato;p. Time. nccojDingto common fntcnoment.ant) tbc meaning of tbc partfeojaltbougb it be not ('o~crp;rffGD,anD it cannot be meant of a p;omtfc bp; tbcrc are no pjrQDentsin=ILaU)fo;bcrbalfctiirftic0, but oiilp fo; fecurttfes in Inji- tiiifi:, ano Ibc ir^ojiJ in debita juris forma implies fo mucb, otbcrlDffc bcre iDOulD be onlp oncpjomifc to maUcgoou anotber p;omtrc, Pafccj lac.roc. 3(5i.Binc.Re{5.& 21 lac.ipon a t^ic patntiff. ^e^''ft j^a %t)c SDefenoant b jougftt atOTrit of CSrro; in tfjfs Court to reticrfc tlje BfaOg.^''.^'^"''"^' ntent , ano tl)e C'rro; afsfgnco iuas, tljat tijc cuflom of b:fng(ng an Siction cf BDcbt upon a concefllt fol vere is not a gooD cuftom, becaufe ft ftlnojcrc tl)c Cuftom. parto to \Bagc bfs ^ILalD, as bp the 5LaVD l)c map 00. Walker of Counccl tofth '^'S" °^*'''' tfteDefenQantfnthc ©attt ofGrrojarcueDitatftirasagooocnaom, be- caufe tftcpartp fs not thcrebp bfnojeo of a trpal , ano there arc cuftomo fn London ithfch are agatnft ihc Common Jlato , aafoj crantplc foj the Re- cojDcv to ai'oc 31ucgemcnt upon an crigcnt. SEhc Court DcGren to fee the booh, ano to hate pjefiocnra bjought them ; ano fafo , Sfafa Cuftom hao been allotocoagafnft the partp thatmaoc tbc contract; but the Doubt in inhethcr it be gooD agafnft an Cjecntoj, fo j a conceffit folverc fg Icithout a- np confioeratfon. AndRollchieflufticefaid, that this cuflom doth break three rules of the Law, Barker againil Denham- Mich. 24 Car. Banc Reg, Trin, 23 Car, rot. 1 280* BArkcr bjonght an ejeftione firmae againft Denham, anD upon not anttf p ^f''^^"'*' "''- ' pleaocD an fffne tnas jopne D, ano thereupon a fpccfal berofa toas'founQ f 'J j" '2 ^' thatfapthcCuftomofthemaiiour,foherEofthc3LanDotnfjucftfontocrchelD,mr.' "' * < aCoppbolDermightfarrenDcchfaCoppholDoutofConrttiTtothe hanoaof ttoocuaomarpCcnanti^, to the ufe of another, ano atthcncvt Court the partp to Itihofcufc the CoppholDtoas fo furrcnt)?eD ufco to be aomittcD, anu Chat there toas fuch a furrcnucc mane here , but that the »artp to' tohofe ufc the Coppfjolo toaa fo furrcnojeu opeo befo je tbe nert dJitirt, ana a (0 Dcfce Ci;flf in. 146 A/ich. ^4Car fo toaenotacmtttcD. actcquefliontraioteftft'ftcfftcDpfnsbcfojcUs aomlN tancc, fljall be fato to be a CoppftolDct bi' tl)C Ciiftom of ttjc manour oj no. Hales 0rgacD, tljat ftc is not a Coppboloct tettbfn t&c Ctiftom , ano tljeniftliifiCnttom !)lnr)cr not,tl)e ILanDa fliall Dcfceno accojDing to tl)C rulcsoftl)cCommcni,ato,fojfot3ltofaUCopp!)olD JLanus if a fpcdall tiiftom Wnocr not , nnoljcrc i.t'ocuojocottljc Cuftom arc to be conCoc- rcD,ant> jlp, 1)oUjtjM| arc to be C)fpouni)co,antjfortt)f0l)CC!t£D49E. g.f. 19. 2jE, 3- : H 4.'P»4. Cuftom fijall be confirncD atcojufng to t^e • Common nppjcljenficn of tbc lay gens, ano a Ctiflom fl)aU be intcrpjctco acfojDtngtothcmoftcfFcctualopcratfonoftI)C JLalr, 3 H'.y. 5. Doft. and Scud. 48. 21H. y.f. 33.44 rfl". f. 10.4H8. Dyer 2S. 3 Dcnpal acnal bpn Forfcitur . Copr'ool^ct to pap 1)10 tctit is 8 fo?fctttirr,not an fmplttatftjc ocnpal, lib. in^ trat. "f. 23S'. 3nD bp a fnrrcnDct of a Coppf-jOlD bcfo je aumtttancc t!)c fuu trnojr 5)at^ no real potTcfsjion , ano U}c l)cir of a Cop['l)olDcr bcfo jc Wa aos infttanccboloobptljcCopj'ofbtfiiSiiccfto;, anQ fo tjc batl) title ; but t!)c Title. nirrcnocrcc can batie no title bcfo?caomlttar.ce, ano tjccitctj Rawlins ano lones his cafc, and Spurlms £afc. furrcnijcr bcfo?e aomittanrc, f» but a a confcnt of tbe partp to part ioit!) tbccflate, but paffit!) it not, anD af- ter atjtiiinlftration it ftoulD fjate no relation to tl)e furrcnDcr. Twifden fo j Relation, tfte SDcfcnoant. i . ^z aijrccD tbat a Coppljolocr befojc aomitlancc is not perfect in tic (Eftate ; but pet tljeanmittantcftjall relate to tbe fnrrcnocr, anD botl) (ball be actounteo one entire 0ct, contrarp to otljcr learnings, 2I p, SEbc &on is tn bp Dcfccnt,anD tljc Dcfccnt muft be ruleo bp tbe cuftom, anDljcisnotorcallpaCoppboloer , anfl citco Sheliyes cafe , anD pjapet^ 3i!tigcment fo j tljc SDcfcnoant. Roll ci>(cf lufticc faio , SCtjis Cafe Differs fromfurrcni);ingfntotbcftanDgof3ncnant0,foMti0 into tbe banco of tbe Siirrcm. ©tctoartj out of Court, \Bl;icb is gooD, ant) tbc HLojDs acceptance of t)is rent Aum.irion. fg an aoniifaion. 55tit Bacon Doubteo , antj tbcrcfo jc tfte rule Inag foi tbe Cafc to be argucD again t|)cnf);t2ncrm, ano tl)cn bp reafon of CcUncffc 3 tuasabfentf But cbat Term held not by reafon of the Kings death. Dunch agiinft Smith, Mich. 24 Car. Banc, Reg. A. reft of "pvunch bjotigljt an Action of 3Dcbt as C-jrccutoj foj arteragcs of a rent UuifPtnicnc in X-^/ cf)5rgc ouc to tftc SCcftato} agninlf Dunch, an occuppcr of t!ic lanD, out DciK bu iii^ht ot to^icb tbe rent leas iSuina, anu batt) a tcruict; 2Cbe SDcf enoant mobcD b/an txc.u-jj^jj^^gjjjif^yPjjp^P^j^ ano fo; Caufe fticteco tb2t tbe paintiff ootb not ''"'' fljcui anp title that ti)e EDefcnDant bath in tbe llano ; but onlp fapes genc« rallp tbat be cntrco fnto the Pianos , ano fo it appears not ttat be is to pap tbe rent. STo this tbe Councel on tl)c other. Cue anfUJcrco, tbat the fDlain- tiff being but an (IBrecuto j cannot luiote the title, ano tljerefojc is not bouno to (hciu a. Roll chief luftice faio, tljcre can be uo 3ii''gEnicnt,fo; tljc JDc claration istoogencrall. But Bacon luftice held the Dularation good e- nough, Antca. Brown Mich. 24 Gar. 147 ©rown againftPoyns- Mich, 34 Car. Banc, Reg. Tj^e Cafe teas tljffl, a man maue u& laft ^,dii'i.ucnc J of anoDcrfeeroftljcpot)? yillacde A.on fljan taUc tbefe 5LanDs bp tbc oebifc 0; as ^ctr at llalri , anD fo tbc ocbffe tobcofnocffcatomahcbfmcomcto ttclLanoo bp ptircbafr, Cfiriftopher Turner b^lD, tbat tbc Dt\jffe fs \)ofD,bccaufc ft fapes no mo;c tban tbs liaiD faps, fo J f f tbcre baD been no fucb Dctf fe,Tohn i bl0 ^^efre (boulD babe bao tbc 3LanD, anDbctftCDPararaourand YardlyesCafein the Comentaries, and ■ Hob.rep.4 Counden and Clarkscafe. 3I5uttt fsobtCCtCD,tbat fn tbis cafc tbeilavi)rpeabsonctbfng,anDtbcDcbfrcanotbertbfng, anD fo tbc Dcbffc fapg not tbc fame tljfng. %o tbIs 3 anfiocr, tljerc (s no Dfffcrcncc concer- ning Mich. 24 Car. 149 nfngtljE aItctat(on of tlje Cftate, bctiscen tutiat ttie !Lan3 clrccta , ana tcfjat tlje Dctjffe Dfrcct0, all tlie DlffcTcnce fs fn t^e manner t)cto fefs &>on John fljall come to t!)e Cftate, 3 & 4 Phil. & Mir. Dyer, 154. & 37 El:z» a man fsffcD f n fee bao (ffac ttco Daugbter0, ano ocvifco tlje BLantis to tftcm, ann to tt)cit ^c{M, ano ft toasqucttioncDVDftctl^ert^eptDereSopnt.tcnantg, ano i con«fl3e tftcp arc, ann luljcrc one omits a tWng fn a tontjepantc toljfcl) tbcLato fuppUcg , tl) polucr to ucbifc all of tbcm o? not , foj if tl)£ p be tielD fn Cl)f= l)alrp, be can Dcljffc but ttoo parts of tbcm.astljc Statute Dfrerts. 2lp. 3t appears not, tbattbeSCcttatoj baofantonc&.onbpbfi3firttii{fc. sip. 3tf3 not ttieVDCD, tbat tbc iianes arc parcel oftbe^annoi. 4lp. St Dotbnot appear in tobofc poffcfoton tl^c ILanosare. Roll chief luflicefafo.lLantis tbat arc giten bp taafll (ball b: fntcnuco to be focagc tenure , f f tbc contra- intention tp DO not appear, ano be bclo tbat tbeDct3ffcf6tofD,ar.D tbat ft f snot fntbe jjotDCt of lohn tbc Son, to mnhc tbc clcctfon to taliC bp oefccnt j bp purcbafc atb^splcafate, but^emuftofncccfaftptalJctbeiLanDas tije JLatocfrccts, Itibfcb is bp DcftcntjanD ft fs agafntt a maifm fn ilaUj to gfbe a tbfngto fucb Ma im a perfon to icbom tbc ilaU) gf bcs it, ff ft bao not been fo gfbcn, ? & 4 Phi). "' ' & Ma. Dyer, 114. ano tbcrefojctbc iOlafntffougbt tob^bc Jnogcmcnt; ^no as to tbc berofct be batb pjf mcc poITefcfon , anotbcrefojetftbcotbcr verdifti inafee no title, tbc tjccoict is foj bim, ana gooo cnougb. Bacon laftice to tbc fame intent, viz. tbat tbc !^cir ootb here take bp oefccnt, ano not bp purcbafc, fo; tbis tbc Jlato faps, ano be cannot alter it, ano citco Fofcues Cafe, 4 Car^ anb a Cafe fn 7 Iac» And fo judgement was given for the Plaintif, Franck againft Burt and others, Mich. 34 Car. Banc. Reg. ■ T^c paintlfbjougbtan actfonofCrcfpafsfojbicakfng ofbf3!^oufc,Forco«sfor ano cartpfng atoap bis Oooos, at tbc 2trpal tb: |3lafnttf Uias non fuce. ti'c D^-en. SCbc ipiafntff mobeo, tbat tberctuas errojfntbeSDcclaratfon, anotbcrc. '^*^' "p°" foje tbere coulo babe barn no Jtiogcmcnt, ano pjapg tbat be map be fpareo Z"?"? °r coftB, Roll chief JufticeanfkBcrcD, tbat bcrctofoje ft batb bccnmaocaquc ' " """' ftion,tobetbcr tbe pafntff befng non-fuce, Iboulo papcoCs,but fince tbc Sta-c.(i$. tute of 4 lac. ft fs clear, be ought to pap cotts fo; tbe bcration of tbc Dcfcn- Dant, ano fo it batb ban rulco bcrc, ano pou arc out of Court noin bp being non=fute, anO tbcrcfojcponmuftpapcofts; And therefore except better raatcer be (hewed, let them be paid. US 3 Mich. ijo Mich. 24 Car- Mich. 24 Car- Banc- Reg. bHo!ur,he T ^^ ^""^^ trasmoijeo foj a JDjoWbltfon to t^c great &cf0fon0 of Car. great sefsioi.s * nafvan cbptfte&bcrffsof tfteCUpofNomitch asTorVsto V upon a Habeas corpus DfrccteD unto tbcmfoj one Chambers, StVoM an ii.tcriout fafo bp tftc Court , tljat it "batb been rulcD, SCfjat upon a Habeas Corpoi Ccm t ihouid to an fnfcrfour Court to remote Corpus cum canfa, tfeep ongbt to retojn all be rccoi ricd. ^^^f, (gufcs tl)at arc ccpcnofng t^crc concerning tljc partp tfjat fjatft tbe Ha« "''^"" beas Corput,(f anp of tbe caufcs ocpcncing be fo; abobc fite pouno of to^fc^ tl)cp ougt)t not to bolD iuiea , ano tbertfo;e bccaufc all tl)c caufcs lucre not rCtO?neB ^Cre upon tljC retojn of tWs Habeas Corpus, The Conrt held, the rctorn was not good, and ordered that it (bould be amended upon pain often pounds by Monday next* Raph againft Davye, Micb» 24 Car« Banc, Rrg. Arreftof TJ Aph bjongbt an action of tl)c Cafe agafntt Davy fojfpeafefngtbefe judocnicnt in XV fcOOjUs of Ijer tO t^B JDlalntlffl mother, viz. Your Daughter, innuendo tfte •aiia'^ftionfur |piaf ntlf, is a brazcn faced Whore, and dcfervcs to be hanged, anOfo^fpeak- ^''"'^- ftatoarD0One I'inicnsfudi- topap mcnpto 1. S. to tbe ulc of anotljct , tottbout fjfij tonfcnt , nno xv'^,''"'^ tl))nco, ano an ;a:r.niH> a tJcrBict fouuD fo? tbc plaintif, 2Cbc SDcfencantmobcD in arrtfl of 3luDgt on, he Caic J^f>^^t^ anD too(5 crccptiou to tbc fctting fo;t!) of tbc pjomifc, ubicb facia lip.marr;;. ^^.^^ ^^^^^ tljc iEDcfcnDaiit upon a confiocration moving from tbc piaintif, DID Afich, 24 Car. i^) «ld affame anu p?om»ant fljetoeo foj wafe tofep reftUutton ftoala not be ateatu. „ ^ ED asdntt ^(m upon an Cnotamentof fojclblc cntrp , %m be kill ap- S-;u,7on "* peat annpleaatotbeentilctnicnt. RollchiefiufliceanriDcrcD, rhenycuupon an En. niuft go to tryal the next Terra, and at your own charges. didmcnt ot forcible entry, Mich, 24. Car. Banc. Reg. \7ieont3fetoo£tibc!PatUam0nt1lloUoftbc ^tatuteof 2 Ed. 6. foj pap- ^ mcntoftftbcfl, ano compatfng tt trftb tbe SDeclaratfons in tbe caufea S'Xoueht ijCttoan Bowes an^J Broadhead , anD Bqrrafton anO Herbert , ft tnao fonnO in Court tu tbat tbe statute teas rjebtlprcdteo, nottoUbttanufng tobat bao ban ob|ei examine a tteo, anDtbcTio'-itnallBooUoflpatUamcnt p?ocuccDtotbe contrarp; ano '^''^'*"''°" tbcteapon3!acgemcnttoasgfljenfnbotb cafea, ano tbe doutt faio tbat'^^Rgji^,! tbcptoetctobetulrobptbei^atliamcntlfloU, anD not tbe journal boofe.Parii«m'enc And the fame day, in the Cafe between HBotopct and SCantnlpar , for the Roll, fame reafon, the Court ordered th e Parlianent Roll to be brought in Court ^o""^"*' the next term , to make it appear whether an adjonrnment of Parliament was ^°°^' well reciccci , and would not credit the lournal boo k. Mich. 24 Car. Bana Reg, PHillips motjeD t^e Court to qnalb an Cnbfttmcnt , foj an affanlt anD ^^ . JlBattcrp mane upon IBaron anD iFcmc, anD foj pullfng Dclcn of tljcnrdlttaient' Ijoufe of t^c JBaron, ano be took tbcfe tjcccpttonst. 1. 2Ebat tbc CD-notament t i aiBuu DtO COntluDC ad damnum ipforum , tobcrcas it ftOUlD be ad damnum of tije *nJ battery. aBaron onlp. J5ut tbe Court anftneteo, that tbe CnDidment is goo5, tboag^ tbc tUOjDS ad damnum ipforum be left out. 3 fCCOnD Cjccptfon V0U6 , tbat tbc C-nDictmcnt aotb not flbein tbe time, ano place, tubcn tbe ^aiTault luas commfttcD. 3lp. at is faio imulit anD expalfit in tbc lingular number , Eiidiftmenr. tobeteasft tftoulobeintuleruntanD expulferunt in tbe plural number , be- taufc tbe CnDittmcnt is againft Dltcra , anD fo it if falfe Jiatin. 4lp. STljc p^jf^ Latin CnDictment ufes tbc toojD lignum fo; tbc tpmbcr of tbe boufc , iybcreas it ftoulD be mareroium. Twifden on tbe otbcr CDe anflucrcD, tbat tbc Ciioict. . ment iDas gooD at leaft to tbc ;affanlt ano 15attcrp,tbougb it fail in tl;c otbcr particulars, The Court ordered the Defendants to plead to it , and would not quafh it; Mich- 1($4^. Banc. Sup. 'T'l^eCourtupontbcrcfojnofa &beriff of a rcfcoua maoc, ano rcaD,^ „ ^ luas motcD to quad) it fo j tbefe eitccptionfl taken to it. i . 3t is faio feci' kcUous. * warrantnmmeum ThoraaeTayler , atlDDOtb not fap that Thomas Tayler teas bis ilBapliff. alp. l^e Both not fap fo: tobatcaufc be maoc bis V2af Wamnr. tant , anD fo it appears not tobetbcr it toas latofull 0; not» Vpon thefe ex* ceptiQUs ic was quaihed. %2 Mich; 1 56 Mich. 1649, Mich. 164^' Banc. (up. Vaux and Vaux againft Steward.' Arreft tf ^ipon 8 tctofct founu foj ttoo |pia{nt{fFs in an Sltion upon tbc Cafe 'udpnv.cnt -n yf ^^qy\ Hii affutnpfit , JEbe SDefeiiDant motoco in fltrrft of 3;nogcmcnt , in aftionup- » t^, ,<,,,rn rt'.ptnn that thr. tn^aintiffa nttnhf nnt tn linho to.iM^n ..i «%/» n aft.onup- g^^ jq, (jjui-j; fcctos tljat tl)c pa(nt(ffs ottgbtnot to Ijabc topncuiii t^c _nan .w^f ^^jj^,,, . i,j,j. £,,,0^1 toljatc bjotigbt fcfeEtal ^ctfoiic. SEbc Cafctoaa tWs, loyn in !«!. ti)e fct-cralCattcl Of tl)c tlto piaftttifs IcErc i3(arcpnet);2Cbe SDcfCHDant up' on. on totiGDcratton of ten pounos pafo unto l)f m bp tl)c plaOitffs.nfo alTumc ano pjomlfc unto tbcm to pjocurc tljc Cattcl to betc^DcUbcrcDtmto tftcm,ano • bccaufc tl)cp tocrc not tc^ccUtcrED acojofnelptljcj'fajoiisbttlietrilafon rromifc en- fopntlp. Rol! chief lufl cefafOithcpjomffeftcrcis cntfrc,foj tl)cconCDeratfoa '■''• is entfrc,anT) fo tl)C 3ctton map be jopntlpibjousbt, Yet let ludgeracnt flay till the other move, Poflea, Mich. 1649- Banc, (up - obfcrvatiorKi T i|i SCtpal bctiticcn Cave ano Osby, fojnotfcttfngfojtbofSCIfbcsat. iipoMa Tryai. J^(0j{)fng to t^c &tatutc Of 2 Ed. d. SCbofE thfngs U)cre DsUtcrcD bp t^c PicfentJ(ion. e been b^oagbt a$a of n luftice !}clD tijcrc teas no forfeiture. Buc the Court faid the VerdiS was ill fonnd • and therefore ordered it fhould be amended, that the whole matter in Law might cpmc in queflion. Amendmcn:* Gray ag^unft Walye Mich. i(54P« [Bancfip^ ■yvi^Aiye ijjou!^ an SLdiow upontbc Cafe asafntt Gray, foj fpcabfng '^ tbcfetoOjDB of ftfm, tlj. lack Waive was quei'lioncd for ftealing ofa ^7 ■ gray Mare wuh a imp m her e»r, and hue and cry went out after him , and he i,, ^ftii n up- duritnorlhewnis face hereabouts. 2Lt>e |)latntif JjaD a clCrDfct; snD t^Con the cafe. 2>cfcrQnnt mofecD in Sitiett of JuDgcment, ttiat tljc tuojDs Itcrc not adio= nable,;becaufetbepU)ereeencrai8nDancertamtoo?Os, anD it Doth not ap- pear the partp Ujas DamniitcD Ijj' them, no j tolu long ano thcp licrc fpoken. Roll chief lufiice fato, that the pattp \ms D.';famcD bp fpeabing o' t||cm, an9 l)c ftatft laiD ft tliat be loft his CrcDit tbcrebp. Therefore le : the Plaintif have ins ludgeraent, exccp: better matter be (hewn. But Nicholas /uftice doabt« cd whether they Wfre^ftionable or nOi And Ask Inftice nihil dixit. Mich; 1^49. Banc. fup. AiPt^ttojnepoftJjisConrttliatttjastriftbfnage, appearctj f an 0£tton Error agahii propria perlona; anDplraocntoiffuc,anobaD a tcrolrt ano a uiDamcnt i"^ ^'"°'"'y fo J bim ; anu upon ttjia a tojit of Crto j wis bjougljtbere, it bcin^ an erto j appearing Infattj bccanfct&atbeinfliiiirWn age cio not appear p?rgu5rdtanum, no j;i,ofi>jj ^erya- bp bfa :attojncp ; ant ft toas fato, tij -t it is not belpcbbp tbe SJtatate of 31c= "^, being ofailg, ttjoua^ftbcafterucrotct. And thereupon the Court ihyed the Exc-""'i'". 'lo- cution. E'r»r.n/aS. A/crcer againft Rule. Mich. «64S>, Banc. fup. . 'T^eCMirttBas«io1)eo,2CbataiB>itof 0t*aj iBasbjowbtto rebcrfc a For ^s.^pofi- 5M0gemcnt, ar.otbatfttaaorcceitieaanoallolaco: ano i'.utUwt'oftanO-^yMf&a:- ■" ing tbe ^laintif tb« bat> tbe Juogemcnt ban taijen cut crccntiouianc tb^rc- t'cSment for ution it toaa pjapto fo; a iup«rfedea« teiuperfcoe tbe^rccution, auJ) fo: an '^'^."^^.^'^ c •jattacbmcit againflr the oactp fo j b,,®!!tt)etl)ct bp tbc £);olnancc of parliament maoe nottlUtbcpeat 1645. petltDUlns^acUtotbepear i(54i. tbe rcmalnDerof tbclanOslnqacaion,\ub Larch of Councel toltb tbe a^cfen^ DantargueDjEbatlttcasnotfojfclteo; x.3I5ctaufetbat tbe iD^olnance fa penal, ann retrofpcdltc j ImUlng bach ; ann tbcrclojc It Is oDloiis fn 3Lato, aniJ djail not be largclpfntcrpjcten but asftrictlpasmapbe. 2lp, SCbe preamble of t!;c £> jDlnancc fcts fo;tb 2 . tbmg0,ao tbe reafons iubp tbe iDjs tlnancc tens mane ; i. 2^t. I'yms ucfcrts, to tobom tijc lanos tocfc gltien ; alp, Morgans offences, foj toUcb be tons tbuo punllbcD ; ano fcolb tbefe gronnos fo> rnalifng tbe £Djoinancc tan cvteno no fartbct tban to tbe peat 1641. anDfonottotbetfmcoft!)crcttlfmcntmaoc i?Car. bp &it Tbo* masMorgitn; foj tben ncKbcr Of tbcfccaufcsaHegeo tDcrc fnbclng; zip, SCbc purtoletD of tbe £> jtlnancc Is Double ; 1 . pimttlbc : alp, tcmuneratlbe, I. tbe punltlbe part, tcbfcb concerns tbe piniitblng of fefr Thomas Morgan* 2lp, tbe rcmuitcratlbc part, concerning tbe rctoarDlng of ipr, Pym; anu tbe punltluc part mace In tbe pear 1645. cannot reacb tbe cftatc fetleu upon Mary bla Daughter fo long bcfojc, viz. 13 Car. foj ft can reacb no furtbet bacU tban to tbe pear 1 64 1 . at tbe moft. to tobtcb tf mc, ano no further, tbe £)3Dtnancc Is rctrofpectlte : anD in tbe Statute of 25 H. «. genera* Ujojds ofan <3itarcrcKralncD, llBcCiocs, tberclsa Dcmonflratlon In tbe £)?Df- natuc, that Kjetrs tbe £)?Dlnancc Dotb not ertcnD to tbe cttate of tbe 2Dcfen' Dant, as map appear bp tbe p^ottfoca contelneD in It ; fo j although the cblb D;en of Morgan are to bc punfll)CD tolthin the £D jDlnancc bp the fee onD pjo» tifoofft.pcttblsertenDsnottofolongtlmcaato 13 Car. tDbcn the eftatB tDasfetlcD,b»t onlptotbe ettatc, m it toas In tbe peat i64«. ^no tbcrc* foje Mch, i64p i6\ fojepjagCD SIuDgement foj tljC S!>efenDailt. Wadham Windham on f^D 0- t^iet fioe arguco , ttjatt^ccCatc of Morgan, tfjotigl) ft toag fatntobc fctlco 13 Car. toas fojfcttcD bp tl)c £D;ofnancE. JSccaufc tbc cOatciuaflnot abfolutelp fetlco at tljat tfme , foj tftere tuas a p joWfo (ti the contcpan ce to teljobe t^e fcttlcmcnt, fo tbatattljcttmcoftljc a)jomancc mau'e tt)cr. Itate liias in &ic Thomas Morgan abfolutelp to Oifpofe off as be plcafc^, anD bp tbc toojDs of tl3C £) jDtnancc Jill Morgans cftatc is paCfeo toftbout anp fa- ttng, anu tljc pjotifocs of t!)c ilDjOfnance do pjotjc, tbat tfte (Etjtlojcn of &(c Thomas Morgan toere EicccptcD ontoftt)e ratfngBmaoctopicfcrtetbcc- ftatcs of otljerfi, 0lfo llSoons atio iFatours bcftoiueD ufc to Oc amp'.p tt, pounDCD,anD tb:DereputiiitbeiiD:iDmancefo;tbeaDt)antageof Pym, ano nottop?otitDefo}Mary : fojlbc Claims from Thomas Morgan, ano fopiap^ ED 3l«cgcmcnt fo?tbeplaintif. Roll chief lufticefafo,tbat tbepjotffoco in t^ £>;DbolD caufc ftjctoc, tbat t^c |91ca U)aBcontrarptotbcSDcfcnBant0crp;cf3Cobcnantbpl)foSDccD, ano tbcrcfojc Vras not gooo. Roll chief lufticc falo, tbat a JLcffcc tfiat cobcnanf» Covenint ctb to rcpalt, ougbt to DoUlf tftc l^oufc bc bumt, bcU bpncglfgcncCjOj bp " "'* otbcrmcano. Therefore letthePlaintif have ludgemcntexceptcaufeftiew- ed to the contrary. — againft Phillips. Mich, i<349< ' anc, fup> Arreft of X ^ Sidiou upoH f^c Cafc SjoRs bjougftt agafntt Phillipt fo j fuffcrfng one judgement in xYtocfcapc; SDb^ pialuKf ftao 8 bctofrt ; arbc SDcfenoant mobcDinar^ an adi. n up- tcft of ^ttttgcrticnt, auO foji caufc fljclDO, tbat the SDcdaratfon luaa (nfuffid* on the Cafc.ji^t^ jfoj j. (t flj:lD3, tl)at tbc pattp luas artcftcQ ttjat maoc tb? cfcapc, Eicspe. butUDotI)notQ)CU3bpiJrt)iJtpjoccf0ljeU)a0arrcftca. alp, aCbc SDcclara-- tfonf(ittb,tbatbeli)asatrcftcDvirtDte Qijerelactnbfcb cannot be : fo^bcta arrcftcD bp blrtuc of the Writ, anO not of the pialnt. glp. Ti)t ^ttla- tatlon Dotii not OjcId bpvobat aatbojftptbc jDjffon toagf-cpt, outoflcblcfi - ^ tbc efcapc tri!3 maoc Roll chief luftice falB, tbai tbcfcconn crccption toaa EKapc. niatcrial, anDthcnlftbcpartpbenottoclUrrcttcD, tbcrc can be no efcapc, ano fo tbc 0ftfon lpc0 not% Therefore nil capiat per billan), ifcaulc be not (hewed ro the contrary. lohnfon Mich.i64p. i6^ lohnfon againfl: Abington. Mich, 1^49, Bine, fup. JOhnfon b;ioagl&t an 0(t{onoftl)eCafcacaefenoant tnotjco in arrcft of jtiuge- mcnt, ano fo j catife ftcios, tijat ft Doth not appear, that the &on of the SDc» Averment fenoant ofo ocfire tbc Goods thatthe|3lafnt of common rightihe tohole PariOj is chargeo tuith ft; ano here is Common no fuch pjefcrfption or particular reafon djetocD in the C-nDictmcnt, ano rithc. therefore it is not gooo. Roll chief lufticeanfiDCtcD, that of common riaht "'s'^ '"'•r' a ^amletfs not fo chargeo, but a bill fs; and therefore let ic be quafhed, bat the ifTues (hall ftand : for few will repair the high way till they be forced. Fines againft Dell, Mich^ 1649, Banc, fup. pines fajought an action of SDebt upon an Obligation to perfbim certain ^'''^""*'" Cobcnants containro in an Snocntnrc. SChc BDefcnoant pleaoo perfoj. * t'^unon an mance generallp; Ehe Plaintiff Demurs to the pica, ano foj canfe fhctos, obiigKion to that Ditjers Cobenants are compjifco in the SnDcnture, anothatfomcof prform Co- thcm are in the afarmatibe ; ano others of them arc in the i^cgattbc, anovcnant*. tbercfoje a general pleaoing of petfo;mance to all is not fufficfent : fo; as to ^''"• the Cobenants fn the Sffirmatibe hcoughttopleaDarpctialpcrfo?mance, ano to Ojc to hoto he hath pcrfo jmco them. The Court bid the Flaintit take bis JDdgcincot, except caufe be (hewed to the contrary, ffi Mich, i<$4 Mich- 1^9-_ For 1 rule to : Afich 1649- Banc- fup- Tl^e Court toas motco tdat t^cre migl^t be a rnlc of Cotirt fo> t^e partp ackn^wicajc upott fatfofactfoH fflHOc Of a juDgcment obtafncD bp bfm, to acUnoto- fjtiiiaaion. ' icDgc fatfsfactfon. JBut tbe Court uenpco it , ano fafo t^jcrc toas fomc trtcb in tl)C bufincffc ; For no doubt but the party upon receipt of what is due to him will ackncwlege fatitfadion without a rule to compel him, Crible againft Orchard. Mich. i649»Banc. fup» Entrcd Trin. i(54p, rot» : 30. Error upon a ORchardb^onQl)t an attton Of Debt agafnil Crible upon an £)bUsatfon, tljeBDefcnuantplcaDEDperrninas; upontWsaniffuctoaa logneo , ano dcbTujion an a mcrolct atiD a Sjaugcment gtbcn in tf)c Court at Barnftaplc foj tfte |6lain- obiigaiion. ^^f^ anouponaMrttofCrrojbjougU tljjEC (iErro;i8 tocrc afslgncD: i, SDbat the E>cclaratfon teas {nfuffidcnt. alp. SCI^c Common Crroj. 3lp. SCftatthc Venire toas not gccD; but thcfc Inerc oljct-rulco. 2no Roll chieflunice upon i^pcr of the Ifleco^iofounD this Crro^, 2Dbat the 3ititpf;es. ffjc atfcfslngof oamagea fap pro miffis & Cuftaoiis, &c, but ooc not not fap ludgc-.ncnt, j.|^jj (cdam cc expenditis, anD fo ft cannot appear foj ichat the coff-s aao Da- mages arc affcffeD, ano fafD, 3t fs true that the juogcmcnt la rfght enttco ; but there fs no tElcrofct to toarrant the 3IuDgemcnt, ano tbcrefoje ft cannot be gooD , anD therefore let it be rctDcrfeDtfcaufe be not Ihelon tot:;eton« trarp. But we will not pronounce it oow except the party defircitfochis own expedition. Ayrc againft Pyncomb, Mich, 16^9. Banc. fup. AYreb;oagi)tan0(tfon upon the Cafe againttPymcombfojfurchars- ingofa Common, ano fo J trcaoing thcdDjafo: aChe paintff hao a 3n"Aft;on up- merD.fct • Slhe 2DefcnDant mobCD ia Strrett of 3luDgcmcMt , SChat an Stfion onthec.fc of the Cafe Doth not lie in this cafe, but an 0roijc, zlp.SChatan Action of for fiircharg- j^tefpafs Doth not lie foj a Commoner foj treating of the <&?af0, jlp, 2Chc ingaCom. 2[;^gfpafg fg aUegcD to bc Dottc in quibuWam pcciis pafturi, anD the quantttg T.W" of them is not (heloeD. Xo the firtt C-jccptton Roll chief luftice anfiucreD , TiepfsupoiiSChstthepiafntifmaphatJcanilfdjcojan Sfctton upon the Cafe at his the cafe. Elertton , although h re be a Difturbance of tljc JDlatntffs frceholD , although that the anttcnt boobs fap the contrarp: And thereupon the Court oave Judgement for thePiaintif , except caufe flitWn to the contrary. Brook againft Hogg. Mich, 1 549. Banc, fup. Hill, 14 Car. rot, 660, ludgement in '"''fcdTr A Bui'Scmcnt giben in an anion of Debt upon an accotmt in theContt Evminh /r\of Knarcsborough vcas retjerfcD hetc , betanfe t^t Venire facias toaa Vcni^ Mich. i^4<7. i5j Veuire facias, ^c. to^fc^tn an Blnfctfont Court is not boo , but ft ongljt to \We7 fap Venire facias duodecem probos et legales homines de , &c. % fo Cjcpaefs all at large fit too jDs , ani3nottoftMn,&c. Note, Many ludgcmems given in Infcriour Courts have been here reverfed upon the fame exception : But I on« iy mention this for an authority to be cited upon occafion^ Ibfon again ft Beale- • Mich. ii$49.Banc» fup« HilK24Car.rot. 625* iBfon bjong^t a OTtft of (Error to retjcrfe a 3lmiffement gf tjen agafnft hfm ■■■foj Beale fnt!)e Court at York, fn an Sidion of SDcbt upon an ilDblfaatfon j^""""" '" ^^^ ^no afsfgneo foj Crrojs, i. acijat ttie partj? Wh not cntttuleo hfmfclf to ''"'" * '".''pf* Vattfon. ilp^StftcfffueffluotiDcUjopncn; fojtfjejaiafntff faftl», ideo' '"""''«'''• ponitieiuperpatriam, tD^Crc l)C OUgljt to fap, petit quod inquiratur per Iliue. patriaiB, glp* l^e concluDcs, to W Damage of U • (i.) fiftp pounog erp?cr< feDfnnumcrfcali^ettcrfi, viz.L, fojfiftp, anoL. foj pounos, fnftcao of°"^'e''' quinquaginti librarum. The Jludgement was reverfed upon the laft Ex- ception > Stubs and A/anklyn Mich. 1^49. Banc, fup, 'A Wrffof Crrojtoas bjougl^t to retJcrfc a 31uDgement gftjcn fn t^e Error to rc- ** Court at Owfe.bridgefn York, fnan actfonofSDcbtupon an )©blfgatf.'^'^' '•"''?«• on, anD the Common Crrpjonlp afsfgnco. 315ut Roll chief luftice upon"**^"' mdebr. £)pEr of tbe lilccojD tmfe tbfs crccptfon, ZDhat tftc IReto jo toao ideo prxtep- tumeft Vicecomiti, anD ft fs not fafo in Curia , anOfoft Dotbnot appear to be tbc IPjotCfs of tfte Court ; And for this Error the iudgeraent wasyeni-c reverfed. Topladye againft Scalye^ Mich, a(549 Banc, fup, Mich* 24 Car, rot, J96. TOpladyebjougf)tan0(t{onof2nrcfparsquare claufumfregit &pEdibus ambulando &c.agafnft Stalye ; 2L^e SDcfenoant mahes a fpccfal iallffi* 0"="'""^" catfon , %m tc Dfo enter fntojthe plafntffg Clofc to fcarcli fo? fehap that'oon":? ?!«"' iDcrc ftoUen from bfm. 2Co this ipiea the iplafnttf Dcmurr'o, ano fo: taufci.i xrcfpif., IbEiBS t^at the Juftificatfon fs not goon , fo; ft fs not fafu bp the SDcferiuant tbat tbe ipiafntff bao ttoUcn tbe &heep , 0? tliat be bao anp fufpttfon that lt& banttoBen tbem, oj tbat anp otbcr hau Collcn tbcm f D?ftjcn them upon the ^latntf fs lanD , ano fo baa no colour to tome there to fearcbfo; tbcm, ano tbcJBoofeSOf I7E.4 f, i.andayH. 8.a3.&6E.4.7.&iiH.7. f. 10. &,-.c . 22H.8.f. 36,&38E. 3.f. jciuerccfteD. 0notbcr erccptton trao aifp '""'"""o"' tafeen, S^hattbcSDefeniiantDotbnotfaptbattbcdPateoftbc Clofc inhere .becntrcDtoasopen : auotbongbbemapluttfficto fearcb fojbfo&bap fn •^cClofc, pet be cannot jutt(6c tbe b?eabfngoftif0Clofe to Doe ft, SBnt 33 3 Roll i66 ^ Mich. 1649. Roll chief lufticc oticr^tiilcMWs cj:tcptfon •. atiDfoj t^c matter in Jlato, Irbctbcr tl)D SDcfcnoant bao maoc a jjood juflificntton 0? ito. De bclD tbat ^c bao not, foj all ttjat Ijc batb aUegcD bp teap of BluftWcatton fa but mattec Diftcfs. ofpjffeatcpjofitto bfrnfclf, anotiot foj tljc ptihlfquc gooo ; foj 6c tncnt D^migcica- nottbitftettoSnuojappjcbcnDtfecJ^clon, buttolccUfojljfc&ljap; Sinn ^•>'»- ifCattclbcftoUcnanDputtntompgtonno, 3lmaptaUetbcm Damagcfea. fant. ojb?fii(ja!i S?(te ^ffurantc of a mans Hfc,tDWtb iuasfaiD to tc trpafaie at tbc Common lato, as (t \»as befo; c tbc Statute maDc tljat crcrtco tl^at Court, as map fip= peat bp tbe pjeamble of tl)c Statute. Rollihicf lufticefais, tftatt^c Sffu. tance of tfte Ufe of a man fa not toft Wn tbe Statute of aiTutance, as ttjr SlU ' fniance of a mans life upon tfte burfng of an office; but tbfs cafe to Different, fo» t^e man toftofc Ufe Torf. toilt of CCttoj to tebctre tbe juogcment. 2Cbe rrroj afsjgneo teas , tbat ""^^ ' ^'"'^'- tbe 3Iatp bab not foano tbe fffuc Jopnco ; foj tbc Iffue iopneo fa, de in* p,'s-"' '"" jnria fua propria ablque tali caufa, ant) tbe 3Iurp babe founo not nuiltp Gtnc- rallp. Panel of Councel toftb tbc 2DcfcnDant in tbc \v7tt of Ctroj fafo^tbat tbc lurp bate founo tbe cffett of tbc (true, tbougbtbep bate not founo tbc t)crptoo^DB, ano tbcrcfojc it fs groo cnongb, anObcdtcDFabjan &,;King. • ftonstate, jiEiiz, anb Wingrave & Horaci his cafe 3 Car. CntrcO i Car, rot, 6^2. Roll chief luftice anftoctcD, jBDbat tbc beroitt fouuD tbc fffue ar= gumentattbelp onlp.ano not bitealp ; anb tbcrefojc it is not gmo. lerman Vcrd^# luflicctoas of tbe fame opinion : and the ludgement was rcverfed, except ' better caufc flicwn. Carew againft Bawd. Micfa«j($49. Banc.fap. Trio* 24 Car. rot, 1607. Demurrer to CArew b;oBgbt an a(tionofttcq)asagafnft BawdCojcntting into We'i'''"?p^",' grounb, ano taferng atoap a tcttain parcel of sCpnOt ffibe j^^fcnoant -^ anVaion pleaoeooftrcfpifj. i68 Mich-i649 plcaacD tijat Ijc toac fErt)aiit unto tl)e llo:H» Moone, to^ toas a ilojo of t^ |Darlfamcnt,aniJt^atl)ctoDia!)cJEpnnbp!)t3 Commano, ano tlafrng ftia pjttitlEQc aoWa fcttant, not to be implcaDco : totljfcplca tbc piafntff dc= murra, aim foj taiifc ftetos, tljat tbe Dcfcnuant Dot!) not fljcin tl)at be toae Privilege. tt)c ILojD Monns iHcnJal fcr\)ant, aiiD attrnulng upon l)<3 pcrfon : ano it map bcijc teas l)lfl Carter oj pioluman, anDftJChfcriDantsjarcnotpjttflcgcD^ Koll chief luflicefafD, S!Ll)cp?(tUcgc<£5 nottlaiiiicDljcre marlp Qa\)is fcr- tant; but l)CHi(I(fiC0l)eTC 80 l)(s rcrbant er, tljc 2D. SCftbes are cjceptcD, anotbcpjoccrjufualipbefojctliatDtrcttcototbe JBffijop foj fe* queftration, fs not tahen atoap bp tlje statute of s Ed. 3 . jj. N, Brev. : 6 ujas accomptcD as an 3nfant al loapes lefttifn age, ano fo faboureo ciergy anD pjotcctcD bp 3iato» j^cicttbc late flJjofiiance of IparUanrcnt §at6 maoe no alteration f n tbfs cafe > foj tl)c £)jeinance fiJtcRijpD not to punfft tbe iparfons of Cburcftes, altboug!) ft Doe out IBfOjops of tftefr JBfCiopjfcfes ano ofgnftfes. 2nD as to tbe ^Dbjectfon.SCbatff tbe JEltbcsftouln not be bcre ettcnDffale,t|)eretpoulDbcafafler of jufffcc. Hanf^er, %:'^at onr cafc fs out of tbe Common lato, upon tobftbi the rule, tbat ei;trao;Dfnarp courfes are to be taken, ratljcr tfjan tbetc (boulD be a faflet of Jutttce , fs groanDeD, Roll chief luftice fafD, tljat tbere are ttoo ©uctf ons fn tWs cafe, i » Wilt' tber SEftfics arc toftbfn tbe fetatufe ^ alp, ?E3bctbcr no^u t'oat J5f(bops are tabcn atoap bp tbe ^arUamcnt,tbe ^bertts :,Tap Icbp tbe Debt ot ttje Clergp as tbe IBfOjops ufcD to Doe i ano 3 conccftie tbcp map, bp a levari facias, Lev«ri. 3But tbe great qucftfon fs, TOIbctbcr tbcEleijic Ipc ;> aino tbe Court fncUnco It DfD. But you will argue it again,therefore we will deUver no opinion in it. ^^'i'^« And the Court clearly held with Mr. &clDen, That Tithes are not due fttte DftfnO; anddireded to fearch prefidents, if a Recognifance had ever been Tithes, extended upon Tithes. Cane againft Golding, Mich, I ($4.9. Banc, fup» CAoe bjongbt an 0ctfon upon tbe cafe agafnft Golding foj Oanb jfng Ws Arrcfi of tftle.bpfpeahfngtbCfe U:OJDS,bfj.His right and title thrreanto is naught, ludpcment In and I have a better title than he, 2Cbe JDlafntff baD abcrDfrt, SCbS JBDrfen*^" idionup- fiantmobcofnarrcft of 3IuDgemcnt, tbat tbe toojDstocrcnotattfonable,"" J^ "/":' Twifden of Counccl toftb tbe pafntff argucD tbat tbe toojDs are attionabU; ,hc piaimifs fo? tbouab tH toojDs fpottcn of tbemfclbcs map not be actionable, pet berc c itic. tbep are aUcgco to be fpolxcn i'alfo et malitiofe, anD tbat tofU mafee tbcm aafonabic, 4? B. 5. f. 33, N. Br. 95. Hob. Rep. Water anD Freeraam Cafe.- ana as to tbe £?bjc(tfon tbat in maoc, tbat tbe SDcclaration is onip quod fait venfimilis vend ere, anD tbat be toas binocrcD bp tbe 'moiDg ; anD tbcrefojc tbere might babe been no bargain maDc, tbotigb tbe iticr?Ds bao not been fpoltcn: SCbc anftocr f 3, SCbat ftistoel! enougb fct fo^tbcoit tS; fo? aU treaties opon Contracts arc but Ui;clp to pjocaeD, aiiD arc not certain till tbe Contracts be raaoc ; but tobicb is moje, ft fs fattbir aUcgco bere , tbat bpreafon of tbe fpeafefngoftbcfctoojosbecoulonotrcccfbe bisSTftbes, tobicbfsanerpicrslors Hales fo? the Dcfcnoantarguco, tbat tbe inojos oftbemiclbcsareiiotattionabU', altbotigSjtbepbcfafoto bcfpohcn fahbej malitiofe, cicccpt a fpctfal Damage be allcgco to come to tbe part? ; fo? fucli ^ feojbs ii70 . Mich. 1649. toojOflaatftcfcDffftcfromtoojDstftatatcfpobenoft^ pctfon of a man-. ;9no tbong!) tl)cre be Damage, pet tbcp are not fcanoalous ; fo j the 2?eferT- DanttlahnsatUlcasjiucUafltbepIafntlf: anotbcfapfng t^at tl)c tDOjD0 tDcre fpobcn falfo & malitiofc, totl^ not maUc tijem tobc fo fpokctr, no? mahcfl tbem artJonablc, blfgatfon to ttanu to an atuatn, anD tfte ©troj af- met ... Debt gg„p^ ^^gg^ j^at t^g arbtttement crceeoeD tbc fubmlfsfon ; foj tl>e fubmff- i.gnion" ' ' fiiJ" teas to aano to tlje atoato toncJifng aU matters In Djffctcntc bcttoecii tbc partfCB, ano tljc aboaro tuas, tbat tbc parttcs fljall mafee general releafea cacb to ot^ei of all Dcmanoo ; ano t^e toojo a toojo of a larger fignlflcatfon tljan tfec toojo Differences. JBut Roll chief lufti.ce anf tuereo. Award '^^^^ ^^^^^ rcleafe be moje large fn toojos, pet it ia am enoogft: fo? It fljall be fntcnDCD onlp of all matters In Debate bctluecn t|)c parties , anD if tl^ere be otber matters, poti oiigW to tjatie (beton tbcmfn plcaDfng, otbcrtof fe t!)C Court toil! not inteno tbere are anp; to tDl)icl) tljc otfter 3I"Dges agrecD, and ga^ve judgement for the Plaintif, except better matter ftiould be (hewn. Brooke againft Brooke. Mich. I ($49. Banc. fup. M'ch. 24 Car, rot, 2 87. Ejror to t(- "DRook bjOUfibf art Hctfoit Of ttcfpafs quare claufum frcgit,? foj caffng of h(3 vcrfc 3 judpe- *-> gjafg juftj) Cattcl, «. flgainft Brooke ; lapon ^ot guiltp pleaoeo, an if- '"V"^ '"i7c '" f"c ^^^ iopneo, anD tb^ ?9laintif bao a tieroict ano a juDgement. SCfte We- dauru?n"fre., fenDant bjougbtatoiftofCErrojtoreberfetbisBItiDgement, ano afsfgnea i". fojCrtoj.tbnttliCiDcclarationUjasfncertain; foi tbe painttf Declares of y?caWng bis Clofc, anD eating bis grafs, cum qmbufdam a vcriis, anD Dot!) notfaptehatCattel; anD fo be map recover Damages in this action, ana bjing anotbcr action fo j tbe fame trcfpafs, bccaufe it cannot be fenoton tobat T-irr. CattelDiotbe fojmcr trefpafs, Hdes of Councel toithtbe IDefcnDant, A vci mer.t. fgjg (j,,; SDeclaration tag gcoD enongb ; fo?. it is gcoD in fobftancc , altbougb It migbt babe been better fn fo?m, anD ft being after a berDict,tbe incertafntp is bclpeo. SlnD tbe Sr>cfcnDant, if tbe paintif fboulo faiing a ncto action fo? tbis trefpafs, map pleaD bp abcrmcnt that be batb fatlsficD tbe ttcfpafs Don alreaDp,anDaberU)itbtDbatCattel it teas Done. Jcrman luftice faio, tbe bcntts ongbt to be namcD partictilarip ; fo? averia is a large toojD , anD fig' nificscatfclofoivicrsWtiDs; anD it is tm general a too:D to Declare upon. 315ut Roll chief IuniceanftDcrcD,iDbcrc tbe tbing it fclfisin DemanD, ano an action is b jougbt fo j ft, as it is fn an action of trobcr ano conbcrCon , tb« tbing ougbt to be particularlp namco ; but bcre tbe action is b?ougbt fo? Da- mages fo? b?eaHing bis Clol^e, ana eating bis grafs. Hno if pou bao De= n.mnrrer OTHtteD to tbe iEE)eclar?»tion, ft bao not been a gcno gJemurtet ; but noU) it fs Demurrer. ^^^^^ Mich. 1649. 17! aftctamcrm'cttoWctjmaikesttffrongctagamft tl)c SDefcnoant Nicholas- ano Ask jufticcs concutrcD tufttj Roll , To the ludgereenc was alfirmtd. Mich, 1(4^. Banc. flip. T~^cCuurtlna0mot}CDfojap?ol5fI)fttonfo tfjc 0om{ra'.tp upon a {ux--!^"^ '^'■°\'" ^ mtfc tbat one teas arreftco tijcrc foj rcfcufitg one out of tl)C l)anDD of a A^mi'rluy "^ S^ctfengec of tftc aiomttaltp , toljo itaa taben Op l)fm bv t!)c toarrant of tfje Mich- ^^'^9j-_ Harris againft Gibbons. Mich. t6'i,9> Banc, fup, Pafch. 1(549, rot. 303. Error tore- /'^Ibbons bjoujjljt ail 0tfion upon tftc Cafc acaJntt Harris upon an A:. vrrfe a jddgc- v.jrumprit, 800 DcclntcD tliat t^c SDcfcnDaut , tn tonOoeration tbat tljc n>nK in an piatiitif fi'OulD Ict tJiito tljcDcfcnoaiit 8 loootl) in Sturbridge.fair^ofDaffume Aai ,n on ti c 5 pjoHiifc to pap tl)c plaliitlf ten pounD fo j tl)C fame, anD to pap ttj: piafntf f '^' foj all fticl) ?K3fnc anu Ipopo as ftoulD be fpent (n tl)cl5(Dtb During t^e jTaIr, 2Cbe |3Iatnttf bao a Cl crotfl ano a Suogcmcnt . 2Ll)C SDefcnoant b jougbt a iDjIt of Crro; to retwfc tijfc 3;uDncincnt , ano afotttncD tl)(s Crro; , tljat ft BfD not appear iA tljc SDcclatatfon tl)at t^c fait Vuas enueo toben tbc ;a£tlon Icao b?oufll)t . antj confctjuentlp ttjat tl]cte toas caiifc of 3£tJon. 315at i wif- dcn of Ccunccl toitt) tl)c SDefcnoant in tbc to jit of Ctro j fafD , it fl)aB be in- tcnocD it toas cnoeD ; foj tiic ftanoins tl)crc During tftc J^air is tbe caufe of brciaratioi). Action. Roll chief luRice tooK anotftcr cjception. JE^at tbc SDeclatatioti Ko;ke. ' tjotb notrrpjefc tbat tljcpiaintifgaDe notice l)oto mucb Mine ano ?^op3 be laio into tbclBootl) During tbciTait, nojtbatbc maoe anp Demano of tbcpapmcntofanp fumof inoncp Due, ano fo tbe SDcfenoant couId not fenoto boto mncli monep be QjouId pap, ano tbcrcfojc tbc SDcclaration is not jrmO, bccaufe it is tro general. Therefore advife whether you will maintain ic or no , and becaufe the Councel defired not to be farther heard in ic , the ludgement was reveri'ed, Id'ich- 16^^. Banc, fup- Arrtft of A i? Action ofdolicnantlnasbjouobt upon an 3lnDenfute foj tbc pap- ludgrmcntiu XAmcnt Of 3 ccTtatn fum of moncp at 3 certain time. Ebe SDcfenoant an sttion o{ piraDcDpapmcntattbctimc, anbtipon this an iffuc teas jopnen, anD a Covenant. '^tjerDict fouuD fo? the DcfcnDanf : 2Ebc piaintif motcD in arrcff of 3iuDge« inent,anD aUcgeD fo; caufe tbat tbe S^^uc toas mif.jopneD, becaufe tbc place oftbepapmcnt teas not allegcD, ub^cb is material, anD fo there can be no 3iuDgemcnt, MaynardfojtbeSDefenDantmotJCD foj SuDgement, ana TaiD tbat tbc iCTue tuas tocU iopncD , anD tbat it toas not material to aUege tbc place of papmcnt . becaufe it is a pcrfonal action , ano tbe place flian be fntcnocD tobcrc tbc ^aiow h b:ought , i E-s , f.3 . 0nD bcrc be cannot allege • an immaterial place , anD fo it mutt ncccffarilp be intcnDco to bc'U)bere tbe Slttionisbjougbt. Roll chiefluflice,3f PDUiDiUargueitputftin tbe |pa= per. Due there is a difference between finding chc money paid, and the find- ing it not paid, • Denoir. againft Oyle. Mich, 1 649, Banc. fup» For a Prolii- CcmVof ^po V^"*" ^ ^'^"^^ fojmcrlp maoe in tbf0 cafc to Ibcto caufe fcbpa pjobibitfon Ik) hi aiiu- IboulD not be granted to tbe CDourt of |9olicp fo j affuranccs Hales opcr r»nce. ncD tbccafc,as fojmcilpbaD ban Done, ano pjapa tijat tbcre map be a J0jobf« Mich- i<^49. 175 lpjoliib(tioiierantcD,bfcaiifc t!)C partp map Ijabc rcmetp fierc ae tecB as in that Court, ano fo tb(iJ Court cuaftt to be p?cfErrci>;antt!)c contract bcrc Ijatt) no rclatfon to mcrchatiDijing: , ano fo it Dot!) not p;3pcrlp belong to that Court. Serjeant Glyn of Connccl uiftf) t^c JDefennant pjapea that tl)crcmlel)tbcnop:ol)ibttfongrnntcD, bccanfcjt!j3t!)not ban Uno^tn tliat ctjcrfucbapjobibuionuascrantca, anolicrctfteatlje statute mauc fov airurancc0of45 Eliz, anofafotWaCafcitias liift!}{n tbat Statute, a.iu fa to be trpeobptlje Court of poltcp, anotftat tWs cafe Dotlj piopcvlp con- cern mertljanDf jing , anD (a toftljfn bot!) t !C ^Letter ano rcafon of tije llaui. 0nD bp tlje iuojDB of tbe polfcp ft appears plafnlp tbat tljc Contract concerns inercfjanDf jfns,i tlje partpougftt not noi» to fuggctt tftc contrarp agflfnft his oUjntoojDfl fn t^e poltcp. Roll chief IuniccfafD,tl)Ctoo:t)s of tlje poltcp arcnotmatcrfal, fo? tbe iDo;t)0 mapbefalfc, ano tbc Contract map bs foj things not toucljfng mcrc!)anof5fns nottoftfjCanofng , ano tbe fntrnt of tftc statute ie foj tbfngs mercbantaWe , ano ff ft appear tbcp be not fo, a pioI)fbftfon ougbt to be grantco. Scrjeanr G!yn rcplpeo, lljat tfte p^^j^ j^; ;^ tjopaBCDEpcnocD upon tbesUfl of tlje partp , tcljofe life toasalTureo bpt^e '°' "'**"' poltcp, annaltljougfttlje partp tDcrefnocbtED, anDtfjcrefajerc fecurftpgf- tjenbpbaflfojftfstjcbt, totl)cfntentbe mfg^t goe tfje topage, pet tWs is tDitl)fn tfte atatutc. Roll chief luftice anficcrcD , SLbfs fs a far fcttb'D conflructfon , ann toe cannot atofo tlie granting of a p?ol[)fbftfon, but 6 jatD tl;c fiiggeftfon ano Dclftfer ft on Monday ncrt , ano jopn fffuc ana trp M IttWstcrm. SEbeCafcfn tDbicbtfetspjobibftfonUjaBmoteDfojanD gran« ^ tcD teas tbfs, Denoir and Oyle tocrc baflcD fo j one Captafn Parr (taitjofe life tuafl affureo bp ttic polfcp ) fn a fute agafntt Wm fn tl)c ilomfraltp bjoagftt AiTuranec; tp one Buftiel foj TOO !. foj frafgbt one bp Parr unto !)fm , anD upoti tbat Parr l)atfnB part fn a plantation fn tbc Barbadoes , ant) a quarter part fn t^e flifptjetDas tomafee bfatiopage, ano Ijfs If fe toa0 affureo bp Denoir ant> OyiciteliotocrcWsi ban. Wefton againft Plowden. Micb. 1^49' Banc, fop, Ror. 505. 'T'^^c Court tuas motet) fo? time fo? &fr Edmund PJowden tftcSDefcn* ^ . -■- uanttoplcaD, becanfe tl)c pafntff fjao becIarcD againft f)fmfap tl)e pic'^d™* ^° itamc o!&fr Edmund Plowden iinfglit, toftcreaobefc bp Creatfon Count ^alatf ne of Nova Albion, ano t^at is note part of \)is name, ano ic muft aU fo pleao a fpetfal plea. Roll chief luflice anfincrco, l)e is alfo calleo a Count Oflreland,anoneftl)crtbconcno?tl)eotberf0partof Ijfgname, as is fug. gcffeo; ano tberefojeffpoutofll pleao fn Cftfcf tabc a inaks tfmc mo^c fo? ft ; otftertoffc pleao at pour pttfl; fo? a Count J9alatfnc of Nova Albion 0? a Count of lreland,ate not aooftfons fn England, Aduition, Mich 1649. Banc. fiip. AiDDt(tfontDasp?ef0nteofo Commffsfonero of fectocrs acafnft oncSr^o? fojobftructfnganabfgablcmfbcr, ano p?apco tSat tbe CommffBio^Commiffio- ttcrstoOHlo remote tl)? obfttuctfon0 J upon tobfct) an jOjoet luas maoc bp ««"'>* scw- 2 3 iW' i74 < Mich. 1649, tbeCommifeionerstomahcatictD, anDto ccrtige tibe matter to tl^em, nm upon tl)i3 certificate a 3l«rp \ras rcturnco to enquire of tbc ntifance, ann aticrcia VDagn(iicnbptbc3lurpupon0rt p„ bjoual)t a Iv^it of Grro; to retjctfc tfitg 3«Dsemcnt gibcn agaiiift tljc pjittcipal.' 2Cbe Court teas molJcD to abate tl)e tojit: SEbc Coart an- ftoereD, IfthctojitofCrrojbcbjougljtHpontbepjiHcfpal SuDgcment it oug^t to be abatcD. Sit batft been a queCfon bcrctofoje , U)bet{)cr a tu?it of r cErro;b?ougbtnpontt)epjintipal SnDgcmcnt, anD alfo upon t^c ^uDgc- ' " ■ ment gitjcn againft tl)c bail togetljet be codd in part, anD ill fo j oti&er part. 3Eut of later times it tjatb been rulcD tl)at it ougljt to abate foj all. There* fore let the party (hew caufe why the writ ftiall not be abated here, Mich. i64p- Banc {up. For quin.ineT^^ Court toas moljco to quaCb 30 dEnoictmcnf foj a fojciblc dSnfrp,' an Eiui'tt- uport t!}efe (l£rccption0. i. %\)c partp fiat!) maDe no title, :lp. aCfte met. CnDfctmcntisnot faiDtobefounDbptl)e3»rp, bat bp tljc Suffices, jlp, 3t Dotl) not Tap tbat t!)e fo?cc toas contra pacem publlcam , as tfje late Sid of parliament Directs , but contra pacem reipublics. The Court anfwered , it ws$ a foul riot, and defcrved no favour , yet the Endiftnient was quafhed opon the i and 3 exceptions. Del! againft Brown- Mich, I C)49. Banc.fup. ^" ■ Tl^'^^" bjougbt an Hctfon of Erefpafa againffDell in tbc Common J-^Peas, foj taking atoap tl)jee Coicca, ana hao 31aDgcment,a'- gatnft Urn upon a nihil dicit. acije SDefcnoant b?ougl)t a tnjit of C-tco?*fit tbis Court to reberfe tlje ^nogemcnt, 2Lfte €rro j afsfgneo ioae , tbat fo j hnirc <^am» tjj,Qj,f(jjp^Q^jjPj3^jjpyj.|jjg0„p l3aj(,p ijjjijjrcj)^ auD pet entire Damages ^''' lucre giben foj tljem all, icljic^ teas not gooD, RqII Chief luflice, This is a ludgc- Mich. \649' 175 ludgcmcnt upon a Nihil dicir, and fo there is noVerdidto help it. Poftca Barber againft Pomcroy. Micb« 1649. Banct (up. Entrcd Hill. 24 dr. rot. j jj, or icjjy* BArber bjotig^t an 0ct{oii of Debt agalnft Pomeroy fo j artcragcs of tent Arrcd , f Due foj 7. pcato, ano fo? 7. Capons ; tbc JDcfcnonnt pleaocD nil debet; juJpenicnt m upon tb Yard of Councfcl iBtththepahitKhelD that ho mfght„5^„"'^"''^" aaocttcoGodfryescafe, II Rep, f. 55, b. ano Hubbards cafe, 4 Rep, ano' pjapeD foj SluDgemcnt, Twifden of Councel on the other ft'De, pjapeo juDgement mfght not be gitjcn, ano he agreeo the cafes cfteD bp Yard, ano citeo other cafes of the fame nature, uhcretlie pafnttfmap rcleafe part, anD babe 3uDgemcnt foj the rctt. IBut he fafo, that here the thing in entire ano cannot be appojt{oneD,foj then he (hall fallific hfs olnn Vojlt, i Ed.4.34. 315ut Roll thief luftice helD, that the reUnquflhing of part is not the falfifping , ofh rigiiialinthclRcca^^ocertificDVEas, that the 5r>cfcnDant hept the plaituif ice fain, 2Ube Certiorari is general, anD not inuc partes pracdiS, bat ttjC certificate is inter partes praedift, SUlU tbe ). otonplea; ano it ^eotrcontinuetia original, be map bate a ncto, bat not if Ccftiorasi. ^^ pieao , ano tbc Certiorari is gooD ^ ano \ijeB ccrtifiw, anni tberefoje Jaogcmcnt ougbt to be affirmeo. icrman, Nicholas, ano A-k to tbc fame ef- fect; andfo judgement was affirmed, except better niaccerfhould be (hewed Saturday nexCt Ratcliff and Dudeny. Mich. 1^49, Banc^fop^ Entred Hill, 13 Car, rot, 3^9, Aqucftion IT 7^onafpecialDcttiict,tftccaretDa3tbi3, SL leafc ofaboofcanD lanas Er ov" »}99pears,;99pear3, tiiE upon a fpcciai ccmainDcr to A. B. foj 99 pears ; pjotiiDeo, tbat if tbe Icffees Doe not inba. vodia. bit in tbe bonfe let During tije tobole term, tbat tben tbe leafe (ball be tioio, Stbe queflion bcre tDas,!^olD long tbe leffees trerc boano to inbabit in tbe boaic «• ubctbcr fo j tbe fiVft 99 pears :> 0; fo? tbat term, 1 alfo During all tbe ipcars in rcmainoet ^ ano lobic^ of tbe lelTees toete to inbabit :> Windham ^clD,tbat tbe ttoo grff leCTecs onlp ongbt to inbabit During tbe firlt 99 pears, anD no longer, 3Bat Roll chief luftice belD, tbat tbofeintbc remainDct toere not bounD to inbabit befojc tbe remainoer falls to tbem ; bat reddcn- dendo finguUfiiigulittbep ongbt to inbabit fuccefsitelp one after anotber* ;gnDbetoDbanc);ceptiontotbetierD{(t. Cbat tbe leafc being to begin aftet tbe Death of one Robert Dudeny, it DiD not finD tbat Robert tuas Deao, ano fo it appears not tbat tbe leafe is pet began ; anD fo tberc can be no queffion Venire. CirrcD as pet : and thereupon tbe cafe was not argued, but a vjenite faciaa De nobo was to iiTue, becaofe the (pecial verdiS was imperfed. Cane againftGolding- Micb, i64p. Banc, fup, opmion of — - ^jg 'jgfg^ foamctlp fpofecn to anD argueo , being an action of tbe "cafe Lponan^a'. ' foj flanDering tbc ipiaintifs titlc, toasnoU) fpokcu to tjp tbe ^uogcs: . f ludge. 2nO firlt bp Roll chief luftice, Ubo belD tbat tbe action Dio not Ipe, altbongb nicnt in *n ft bc alUgeD tbat tbc IroiDs iDEre fpoben fcrfco ftctc : ani3 1 1 Jac Sell ait^ Paryes cafe, B. R. lernian lufticeto tl)C fame effect : anD'gs fafQ, t^iat tljcrc oasui to be damnum cc injunaaUcgcotomafntafn tbc SLCicn ; fo:enBlcitlj= out tl)c otber is not euougfj, ano Ijcre Dot!) not appear anj.' oamfrrc, fjcceufe tbcrcappcarcnocommumcatioiioffclimgoftbc laao, Nkhoias ano Ask lullioes of t^c fame opinion ; &o tl^ rule toas, Nil capiat per biiUn?, csctpt better caufe fhewn. Roll luflice fatO, tbcrc 13 digitus Dei (« t^C cafe ; to? t&ctc luao a ffrancc tctofct founD. Mich. 1649. -Banc, f.ip. Court snlwered, You muft plead your privilege if it be I'u ; for wc cannot take cd. notice cfit upon amotion. Piiviltge. Noitcc. Ridley an J Cmerron. 1649. Banc, fup. Pafch* 24 Car. rot. 400, J^i je cafe bettnccit Ridley ano Emerfon teas again fpoI-;cii unto. Kt Iras '^'?".'^':"t '" infllujitofCJtrojtorcfcerfca Juogcmcntflttcn in m ^(Xion 0: ocbt 'or^ rcvcrfe itpon ail £)blfBation in tfte Common pcac. SCIjc Conoition of tbc £)blt'a lu-isemcnc aatfon teas, ttjat tljz 2DcfenDant (bonlD not put cattcl upon a (Tommoir, ti?. '=> ''^'" upon kanfora Moor, bcfo;ctt)ep?oof ano trpal of tl)e title oftljc Common tocrc'"' o:^;igaii- biD. 2Ct)c Dcfenoant plcaccn, tbat Ijc did not pntfntjis Cattcl. Eftc "" IpiEtntif replfcD, tbat t!)c JDcfcntjant DtDcut tb?tc ^arestljcre bcfoje tfec pjoof oj trpal, ^nerccptiontoag taken, tljat tl)crr{3 tnttaucc bettoeeti tftc lacplication ano Kclopnoer, ano tlje Conoftion of t!)c iDbligation , aoD ^^ j^^,^. foftfs notgooo. Twifdencf Comtcclon t'ocotl)crSioc, Ijclo tfjat it toaci ^''^^ "' cooDcnoiigi)UDtiDttl)aa:;CtnSj becaiifcitisaftcratjcrijict, ano t'jcrc io a gooDiffuc jopntD. Hoihcad on tfte Contrary ftclo it ill ; i. J52cntife tt)c lleplication Dot!) not afaign a b:cacl) oftl)cConoition ofrbc Dbligation. 2lp, 5t is faio in tlje Conoition, t)c ffiall not pat Cattcl into onr Common ; ano tl)C IRcplication to, tf)at be did put cattcl into fucb a Common,namins ft, ano ootb not fl)ciDto!)ctet1)c Common ltc3. jlp, SSticrcis Variance be- tiD2cn tbe declaration ano tbe iu^it of erro a 4I)', 2Dtjere is a name mitta' hen, foj in one place it is Ma the u in, ano in anotbcr it ia Math'a?. The Court bid them advile, and br'ng Books to the ludgcsj !^H Bruiigye Pica. 178 Mich. 1649. Brungy againft Lcc* Mich, 1^49. Banc. fup. Trin. 1645, rot. '49i» Demurrer up- DRungv b2oij0l)t All flctfon Of JCrcfpafBagalnft Lce,fojtaUfngofafl3are on J I'lea in -^aiiD tmpotinDfnc: t)cr tUl tl)c JDlafntff ban papcD 10 1. SCljc JEDcfcnoant 1 rcfpaf,. picaDco bp luap of jtufitfitatfoiijtbnt !)C BfD Xiittxain ftcr bp tfrtuc of an ojoct macic bp Commffsfoners of &ctDCts, foj a taj; affcffeo bp tbem upon tbc platnttf. SCbe |Dlafnttf DcmurrcD to tftis pica, ano fljctocu fo? caufc, i . Stbnt it Dotf) not appear, tl;at tftc (lommffsfoncrc toho fmpofca tljc Star ftao atitfto;ftp to do ft, foj ft otigftt to be none bp fip oftftcm, ano ft Dot!) not appear Ijerc, tlMtt^cptoetc mo jcfn number tftan four. ilj*. 3,t Dot5) not appear, t^attljeplDcrcaUoftlicm oftiicQ!iorum,aGtl)ep oiittftt to be. 3lp. SLljcre ootb not appear to be anp fault in tljc plafntff, U)l)p~l)c ftjoulD be tarcD. 4lp. SCtje number of tijc acrcsi of i^anoootb not appear upon U)l)fcl) the iCat teas lapo. sip. gt ootb not appear , tbat tfje l,ani> tarcD Dfa Ipc iDtcbfn tfte Surffofctlon of tfte Commtfsfoncrs. upon thefe Bs-- tcptions the Pica was over-ruled. Coles againft Siblye. Mich. 1649, Banc, fup. Coles b.:ougl)t an 3ctton of aSrotict anti Contjcrtion agafnff ^^ibfyc; STBe SDcfenDant pleaDcfgc statute of Jifimtatton of artfonsfnJBar. SEljc cnion'inT^o piatnttf Tcplpco, tijat Ije tcB out a Latitat fucl) aaCcrmagafnC r!)cS>efen- vcrand Con- Dant foj tljts caufcnoU) ocpcuotng , Inbfcl) icac totljfn ti^etfrncifmUeDbp vcifion. tijc gjtatutc. 2Lo tl)f0 replication tbeHDcfenoantoemurrcD, anofojcaufe fljctijei), tfjat ft toas fncertafn, anD fo no tfftic can be (opnco upon ft : foa ft onlpfapss, tbat ftctooUouta LatitatfucljaEerm, ano Doth not fijeto toljat Dap of the aCcrm he tooU it out, ano fo toe cannot take fffuc upon ft, ano tlic ufual fojm is to fbcto the Dap. Latch mafntafneo the rcpUcatfon, anD faf d, it tvao gooD in matter of fubttancc, ano the Latitat (hall be fntcnocD to fffue Term. fojth t!)c firft Dap of thc ECcmt : fo j all the 2Dcrm fa but one Dap f.i conttru- ttfon of the ILato , anD the SDefenoant map tahc a certain fifur, as ft is pleaDcD, Roll chief liiftice anfircrcD, pou ought to hat)c flbelDCD t!ic teflc of Time. the Latitat : foi the time ffl material in this Cafe, viz. to huolDtDhctberit luerc fueDfojthluithm thc time erpieffco in the Statute fo; the limitation of a»tionO: 0; tcithout , namelp^ fir pears 0; no, anD pou might babe maoe it certain bp pourpleaoing ft fpcciallp, JermanDiffcreD in opinion ,- and thereupon the Court took time to advife. Vid. antea, Cufl:odes^cn petfon. 0no ilp. tt)C cbarne piiobt to be lato tnoffFercntlp : bntbereic benefit, faVclj map accrue bp tbc mahfng of ft. 0s to tbe crceptfon tljnt ft appe area rot tbat Tyd ano Newton arc toftftfn tl)c ^^nnDjeo of Wicsbitch, toucWng Ip^fcb onlp f bfs Commffsfon of feetoers teas granteD; 3t Itias anftcercD, tbat ft itjal' be fo IntcnDco, ano ft fs alfo fo founo. 2Lo the crceptfon, tfjat tl)2 ncic JBanfe teas maoc fn another manner than the oId lEank, anD fo ft fs a net- tocilt , ano ft appears not that the partfCB tareo hatjc anp benefit bp ft; 3t \ra? ^ ifiijc^ rcD, tfcat ft Doth not appear that tbe E) japncrs hatjc Done anp thine fi. fUtit oton benefit in the making tbfslPaniT, noj tocrc anp caureofina':.(;'gthe nctD IBanb. SCo the trteptfon that ft ic not p;eterteo u-here the JBan'a fs; 3t Iras anfttiCTED, ft fs certain enough ftt fo:th fn thcp:cfciitment , ano IDiefentments are not rcqiiireo to be fo pr.ectfc aa other plcaoings arc. JCo the crceptfon tlKJt "yd ano Ncwron ought not to mate th'' i5anfe bet aufe other CotonB ttfc to no ft $t teas anftocreo, tl'at fo? maftfng it fn tlic mSn manner, the other tl iilfi arc not bouno to maitc ft alone, but thofc alfo that retcftc the benefit bp It. JEhcfe rrceptfonsfollotringtoere alfo taken to the lathing of the ?Car. i. SEhat all the JLanos toithin the afUsofNew. ton ano Tyd arcnotthargcD, but fo manp Acres in one, ano fo manp fn a-- MOthct. STo this ft Um3 antinercD, that ft tioth not appear that there tpcrc mo;e 0«res than arc tareo cfthcr fn Tyd oa Newton, ilp JDhe hi'Jh grcunoa anotl)elotogrounDaar»cqnallp tarcD,toWch«s net fuofffctcnt ; fojfome i^o A/Jch. 1649, acrMarcof-anrcatcrtialtictban otI);r3 arc. Co tMs ft teas anftocrcu, tbatfoioufibttlMtootl) appear tbcj,' arc of an cqtial liaUic. 3lp. 2:,|)cp ougfttnottofclltbeoiftrerotaUcn , bccnufctljc ffiimo cfo not bjfngfntbc number of atrec> by t^c £Df8ccr appofntcD by tl)e Commffofoncrs to ooc (t. Jt toaa anf lucrcD,tl)at tl)cp may fell fl)c gooDc, 0? alloto a Hcplctifn : :atiD fcconolp Ijcrc appcaro not to be any Diftrcfo 0: tinpounttfng of tbc CmDa. Ser. jeancBimardontbcotberCoc: i?lrft IjcfaiD , tl)at all tl)c crcrpttona arc not opcncD , ano tl)c firft cvtcption is not anfU3crcD ; foj it appears not i . . by atcrmciit t!)nt tl)C SUUo tarcD arc luitljiii tbc crtent of tbcfr €om ' mffflfon, aott ougbt doc, 2 H. 7. f. 13. J^oj ia tbc fctotio Crccption anfujcrcDj ano altbouBb tbc Counccl mfsbt at tbc finofng oftbcCom= mifofon ba\)c taken it, pet U may be taUcn noto; anoUtanot fl)clu:o bototljcolobanUlDao fnfufficfcnt , no; lobat tbe tbargc U'oiilo be tore- pair it ''. i|5o; <)5 it fljctocD boU) Tyd ano Newton arc in Danger by tbe nnt repairing ano malUng of tbc ncto bank, ailfo rbc Commifaioncrs l)al3c cvftTDCD tbcir antbojity fit evtceofitg tb: anticnt manner of taring foj tbc maintenance of tUs banl^ , ano tbe tar otigbt to be laio accojofng to tbc quality anDtinantity of tbe lanDs, Vobicbarctobe tarcD, ano bcre totb not appear boin many acres arc in tbe fcberal iHiillo, no? lobctber t\)t tar Doe crteno to all, ano tbe gmo laiios ano bao lanoa arc alfo equally tarcD, iieitber ongbt tbcrc to be a nctu tarimpofcD upon one tsiill to cafe anotbcr , \Dbfcb by tbc cuttom ougbt to repair tbc banl; : flno tbey babe alfo maDc a MClD ^Diftccr bcre , tobicb by tb'-^ S>tatutc tbey babe not autbo:ity foj, j babe maDcano;DcrtopuniQ)oncto; rcfufing tbia Office , by oidrcfa of bfa 0OJD3, tobicb ougbt not to bc; anDtbcyougbtnottorefufeareplcbfnoftbc Dili refo tahen, ac tbcy babe bcre Done, ano tbc lanDa only tbat arc lyablc to tbc tav arc to be DiftraincD fo; it , anD not tbe goooa of anotber tbat fa not luitbin tbc cptent of tbc Commtfaion, anD upon tbcfccicceptionabc p?ayco tbcp?cfentmcnt migbt Oc quaftco. Roll chief luftice anfacrcD , tic tofll not make all tbe lalutoiDfojfomecrccptiona, tbcrcfojcgibc notice upon tobat crceptiona you iwill ftano upon. Maynard anf incrcD, upon tbefe, i . SCbat tbcrc ougbt not to be fucb a tar laio , becaufc tbc lanoa tarco are not iDitbin tbe C);te'nt of tbc Commifaion ; fo? it appears not tbat tbcy arc toitb* in tbc l^unDjcD of Wisbitch. 2lp, ail tbe 31nbabitanta toftbin all tbc Clilla arcnottarcD ,tol)tcb ougbt to be, becaufc tbcy babe equal benefit, aait ap* jJCarabytbcp;efentm:nt. The Court ordered ic (hould be moved again the next term. ^nD Roll chief luftice asUcD tobp tbC D?ainera OjOUlD not Difcbargetbiscbargc, tnbo babe been tbc caufc of it , anD tbcy reccibe bc- Bffit by tbeir Draining ; anD it fa not fit tbcy ftoulD pjejuDfcc otbera by ft. PoOea. Pymm and Morgan , alias Bambery and Balely. Mich, I ($49- Banc- fup. Arfiimcn: nr^j^ig fafc U)aa again mobcD upoH 8 fpccfal lUcrDfctfnanE/cAionefirmi af vcrdift in tubcrcin tbc qucftion U)a0,caibctbcr tbc cftate of Mary Morgan tbat iuaa an n jcftione fctlcD 1 5 Car. ia talicn atoay by tbc iD jDinance of ^parliament maDc 1 645 » fi.inx. anD tobfcbloouCD back to i64i.tDbicbtoaa after 13 Caroli. St toaa belo by tbc Conned tbat argucD againtt tbc iDiDfnancc tbat ft toaa not , bccanfe tbc £)jDinancc ia maoc againft a oeaD man. 2ly. SCbc effatc of Morgan inaa fojfeitcD to tbe &>tate,anD tbcy out of it doc make an cttatc foj Pyram, to{tbrctrorpcctiontotbepcati(54i, ano no furtbcr; anD tbcrjfo?« t^t e. ffate Mich.i64p. i2 ftatcrctlcDbefo?ct{)attttnct3nottahcnaiDaj': jano if a Statute Ijaftc a ooablc fence , one agatnfi Common 3iiifi<£c, snotbcotljerujitb Common 31itftic0, In equal ballancc, itftjallbcmtcrpjctca hi tljc better fence; ano tljatU)ati)atl)beenobjcrteD, tljatt^crctaapctoccofrebocation in tl)c fet- tUmcntta not material; foj Morgan is noVu oeao, iino fo this petfonal polucr fs nolo gone, ano (ball not fjurt tl)e fcttlemcnt. fccono teafon is taken from tbe fcope of tbe £DjDinancc, tobicb confine of tbjec parta: i. 2E;()c parUamcntinturcD. alp. Morgan tl)cfl?(fcnDcrpmiifl)co. ^Ip. Pymm tcloatDCD, anDtbe^jDiiianccOjallnotbeftrclcbcDto punffl) Mary, tubo ftatb a particular fntcteft , altbotigbtberc be not an crpr.cfs failing foj bet iiltbeibjtinance, jl H. 7. 4. Plov. Conimenr.487 7Car. Part«randBel« Jingham, anotbattbtsistbs meaning Of tifz £)ji3f!iaiicc map appear, bc= caufctbersmainDcriarcfetbEDtotbc Common^incaltb; ano in ooubtftiU Coiittrurtiona of a>tatutC0 ano i!5;ofnancc3,tbat (ball be tal;cn,Uif){cb mahes i,uerpretaa. all parte of tbe £);Dinance oj §>tatiite ftano together , awtj ftjtb i3 tbc Con^ ,,11, fiructionbcrc in not interrupting tbc cftate of Mar)'. OlBiit (tie objcctcD, tbnt tbc Tifibt of tbc2Daugbtecfl is pjobtDCD fo j if tbcp claim from anofber5ln. ccfto J , ant) not from Morgan tbelr iFatbcr. 3!t iuas anftccrco, tbat tbcrc ia tbe fame rcafon to pjotiiDc fo; Morgans rlfatc tbat lias rigbtip conbcpcD fcombimbefojctbe pear 1641. a0Of attrangcrcfoucribingfromMorpan. StisalfobbjcaeDtbattbeEruftcea fo; Pymm ano tbc Common- Ujealtb ftallbatjc Morgans lanO0, ano tbep (ball not be faio to be fojfitteD. 31 triae anflocrcD, tbat tbc 2l(t tiff itbtitcs no mo;c tban is fojfcitcD , iabfcb can be no mojetban Morgan bao at tbat time. 2lp. 2Cbc parliament tool? no notice tbat Morgan Ujagfeij^D in fee Dimple, no; Uibat cftatc be bau, sip. Sifter tbc eftate of Mary Morgan entcD , tbe rctcrfrmrin fee rerurns to Thomas Morgan , fo tbat Mary batb but a particular cCtate , ano tbe ffi)jai- nancemap be fatlsfieotbougb Mary Morgans cftatc be not fojfcitcD ; fo? tbc rebcrtion map be fojfcitcD, anu tbe particular eftate pjcfcrbco, aa Cleres Cafc ia ; ano tbc fating ia not berc repugnant , aa it is objccteo, noi Dcftropea tbc gcnetalitp of tbe i©jDinance, fo; it is bcre fatisfpcD. 0na tbc parliament ootb not tahc notice of tbc conbcpance maoc bp Thomas Morgan, no;ofanp btbct eftate tbait tbat be baoattbc timcoftbcma== ijinBoftbe£D;o(nar(C8j otbcttoifetberctooulobe a great inconbcnience ; but it is ob)£itcD, tbait tbc &ons claiming untier Thomss Morgan arc e^clu^ BCD out of tbc fabing, 3It luas anflt)erco,tbat altbdugbtbep are , pet tbcp arcnot ciccluceiJOutoftbcboDpoftbc 3tt , Dycrzyj.ioEliz. ano bcre tbc crceptins of tbc intcreft of tbe iDaugbtera in tbe fabing batb its cflfcdf, viz, tbc eftate lubicb tbcp babe of Thomas Morgan after 1641. tobfcb ftall be gi- teu bp tii^ £>? , ano not ttjat lolicb tbcp bao befoje , ano fo p;apeD )UOgcmcritfo;tbepiafntif, viz. Mary Morgans Icffcc. Maymrd fo; tbc jDcfcnoant , viz. Pymms bcir faio , SCbat thz 3ctfs tbc rule to mcafurc our cafe bp; ano tbat tbc 0(t cotb tahe abap tbc rigljt of all tl)e CbilD;cn , ano tbat tbe fabing belpa iionc but firangers, ano nottuitbftanoing tbc rccom- penfc rcfctbcD fo; Pymm , if tbc eftate (ball be (bo;t , it ia intenoco of fucb an cftatc not toitbin tbe fabing ; ano tbc cftatc of tbe Cbilojcnisnot toitb' fn tbe fating , ano berc fa not a general gift, but tbcfc lanoa particularip ; ;ano in tW cafe Morgan bao poiDct to rcbofec bis fcttlemcnt , ano fo tlicrc (j no b;eacb maoc bptbc£);Dinancr of Common 3uftice, aa is oblcctco; bccaufc be bao an intcrcft in tbc cftatc, nottoitbttanoing tbe fcttlemcnt. ano all parts of tbe fld ftano tcrp toell berc togetber upon tbe bcff conftru^ dfon of it , acco;oins to tbc maUers intent. 3if 3 grant all mp trcjcs , frutt> trees tDill not pafs; but if 31 ctccpt all mp 5lpple=trccs , all otbcr fruit- trees pafS; ano tbe inbcritancc in Morgan ootb not fatisfic tbc ^a, ano fo J?av'CD3iu02cmentfo;tbc)aDcfcnDant. Roll chief lufticc fatO; ^j. May* ^a 3 nard i82 A/ich-i649 nard pou m(fta{ic ti)C firft part oftbc £D?D:f 64 1 . In otftcr lanue not crp jcffcD ? anD t)cfecmcDtocncltncfo;itbcpiatntff, buttbeotbcrSuDgcafoj tfte SDcfcn- Dant. J5ut t'.jc Court concluDcD tljat atlato>p upon tijcfe jjc- an Outlaw, y.\^ccptf one. 1 . SnftcaB of proxim. thcrcl0 ufeD px. fojan abbjefefatfon of Abbrcviaiicn. ^ ^ ^u^fthout anp DaO). alp. Slnfteao of Infra fcr. tec abb jctJtatlon of infra Icriptam ttiete <0 afcD infra fr« j3nD for thefc exceptions ic was quafhcd. Dell and Brown. Micbt 1^49, Banc* fup. Error uponjTSn tcas mobcD fojntetlp to tcbetfe a ^nosemcnt fn an 9(tfon of lufgement inisCrefpafa foj the lahfng atDapoftljjceCotDes, bctanfetheJSDcclaratf. Trefpafs. j,n DOtb ttOt fap ncithct pretii noj ad valentiam ao to ttuo of the Cotor0. Ser- jeant Earl motiCDfOJ 3IuD0cment notlBlttftanttng that ejceptfon, foj he falD It 1080 not neccffarp to cypjcfo cither , ano nrgeu 19 E. a. br. f.g42. anbPa). zoF^d. 3.f, 2. 8 H. 6. reg. 97, b. iBut Roll chief lufticeanftrereo Declaration, jchst iubith pou Urge |0 agalnft the reccltJCD opinion; foj If fhep be llbe Cattcl that are taben, It ongbt to be pretii ; bat If oeao, It ought to be ad va. lentiaih. Therefore fhew caufe before the end of the Term why the Judge- ment fliould not be rcverfed* Spry againft Mill. Mich* i(J49» Banc, fup« Pafc. 1549. rot, io8, Hrrtir to if- vcrfc a judge- QPry bjought a tujlt of C^jroj to teijctfe a Sofgcment glhen agalnff ttim '"».'-id-T'^ vJuponnnihildicittnanartlonofantotjerano ConfccrCon foj a f^ate.ln rTrovrr"andt^p<£^°"i^fat Lancefton In Cornewall , ano thefe (£rroj0 tucrc afsfgneu: Conveifion. I* 3ln tlje JUDQemcnt It t0 falD ideo ad eandum Curiam conndcratum eO; Mhcrc* Mich. 1649. 185 iDl&ereasft Ol!{t!)tto be per eandemC'uriam» 2lp. 3!t ii recupirarc debeat, iBbcreasftoiigftttobcdebet. 315ut Roll chief luftice anftocrcij . tt;at ta liTcU enougb {it a jaogemcnt upon a nihil dici:. ?lp. 3;n tl)c atoarotng of tljc Venire,efEnDant DiD appear, ann fo tljat is not matcrfal. dip. 3t is fafo Confideratum fuit, anOtt fllOUlD be Conllderatum eO. Roll chief luflice raca, anD fo tljcp babe no 31urifDicti- om JBut tbc Court biD tbeni pjoceeo upon tbeir pjobtbition , fo; tbcp Bsii. tooulDnotreleafetfjcpjironer. But if you will you may move it again Fri* day nexc, Gilbert againft Marden. Mich, 1^49. Banc. fup. Trin. i<549. rot.942t Mrit of CErro; toas b?cugbt to rcmobc a (utigcmcntgitcnfn fbCp k. Common picas In an action upon tbe cafe, mpon opening tije rccoiO, Tjd' em" n°" ^ Twifdentmh exception tljattbctecojD toasnot remo\3eD; foj tbc 3!uDge' the ^Common ntentfntbc Common pleas toasgibm Coram Pctro Phcfanr, ano tbe tojitPi««s. of Crrojtoas to tettifie a rccojD, quod coram vobis rtfide:. The Court a- bated the writ of Error for this exception. Abatement. A Smith againft Andrews- Mich. 1(549, Banc, fnp, ANdrews, an attojncp, bjougbt an Action upon the cafe agalnff Smith, Arrtft of fo; fpcahing of tbcfc toojDsagainft btm, He, meaning the Plaintif, UijRcmcnt iri ftirrsupmen to futcs, and promileth, that ifhe recover not for them, he will*'' aftionon lakenofees; and yet in a fure which he fo undertook forme wherein I was overthrown, he took Charges of me, tiUpon not guiltp plcaOED, tbcre Uias a bctDirt anD a (uogcmcnt fo; tbe piafntif, SEbc DcfcnDant bjougbt a tojit of (£tro;, ano fo; caufc it teas IftetocD bp Miynard, ti:nt tberc ate entire Da^ itlagcci i}^4 MiclvjMP^ magcfl cf^cn fo? oi{?crD luojcs fpoVxn nt one time , toljcrfof fomc arc 0(tf 6^ nfiblr, anD otljcri? not, U;l)icl) oun{)t not to be ; ana sip, 2Ll)c foojo-j in tixm- fcltcs arc rot actionable ; fo? an ilttojncp map Ok up ircn to futc6, if ttjrtt futes iJC laVofnl ; (icWclJ Roll cbict lunicc ucnpco) 17 Car. Gibfon ano Maintf nincf . Baxter. il'.'.D Dc fafo, tijat an 0tto;ncp map pjofccutc l)ic Clpcnts caufc toiitlwut fee:?, ar.r. pet it is not mafatcitanrc, Trin. 16 ar. Hill anD SsnJs W« Cafe. Hni. s on tl)c otfecr fine IjclB ti)at tfjc luojBo arc Jlctiwtab'.c ; fo;t t!)C itfi JDS fiia;i ! c taUcn in tljc I30 jft fcnfc : ant l^c nlfo ttjcluo tjolo l)C liaD Sit - rcD iipfutcG i.% an unlalofiil manner, viz. bp maliinc ofbargainci iwtJj men nt il^arkcts. Roll cbicf lufticc faio. t?)at fticft toojta ftiall be taUcn mitiori icni'n, nna tirb; is a fjiccial maintcuantc, fo? it is in t!tt cafe of an Slttojaicp , ano tl)erefo?c labottiU; bat ftcrc arrottjcr inojos fpoben to fljclu tl^at \)C fliirco up futcs nnlalufuilp ; anz t^c np of fntcs ana anaUing bat- ijainsto loUouitljcm, is in it fclfnnlalDfiiU, anojjrcat iticonbenienfca coc ftrolri bp fuel) manner of p;arti5nfr, ano all tbc Idojds oii35)t to b: talscn tOi^ tjctbcr, ans not civascblp ; foj fo pon map maUc n;ip toojos not actionable, ierman luftice Ijebtljc ioojbij Inere nafonable; bcraufc tljrparca grc t fcanoalyinD trcncbincto oeftrop tbcplaintifs litelibooo ip'.actfce. flno f-.iD, tbat 3ito;ncp3 oufl)! not to po tofliJ.uhcts toflct pjaalcc,! tftc lPo;&6 fpoUcn arctoffictDt^ioa rtirrcrupoffutrs, anbtofljeiDtljatbcUjaoa falfc Deal- er, a;;ti tv.c tooj^s R):tU be taiicn in tbc Common acccptian, anu not owtiori leniu. Nidiolas as lerm n ; a;-t) tl}at tbc I'jojas taUcn togctftir arcattiona- blc. Ask luftice to tbc f>i;nc CfTvit. Whereupon ludgemeni was affirmed, except better matter fliOuW be flic wn Monday nexr, Jchns againft Levifton. Mich.itf^p. B-nc, fup, r 1 vc't oi 1 ^^^^ b Jot??!)t an Slaian of ncbt ajjainft Levifton upon an Affnmpfit tftat uiae'cmcntin " tbc Dcfcnbant to3a:i) enter into a imscment unto tljc. piaintif foj -.-.■A :ction if-fo mutb montrci as S>ir lohn Hal! mo otnc nnto tbc piaintir". if tbt"- piatntif '."-'■Aii-inij-iyoulDtaUc Common bail of !)im tbc Dcfcnuant, if Hall CjoulDbic bcfojc '"• fucbaDap,anofoj,notp2rfojmfrtgtbfspjomifctI)c3a(ontoa3fa5ongl|)t;"p= on nnn AfTiimpii- {j.caDCD, tljcrc tow an ifftic jopncD, ano a bcroitt founo foj tbc plnintif. SL?5c 2DcfcnDant mol'CD in arrctt of 3;«i3gcmcut, ano fljciuctt tbnt it 8ot3 -not appear t':;r.t ttjerctoac anp notice cibcnbp tbc pdntif to tbc SDcfcncant, bcln mtulj monp toac one to rl)c piafnttf from g»ir John Halt, as there o»n!jt to be. Roll chief luftice anflucrcTj^pou DiDnnucrtabc to knoly, at tbe time of tbc AiTjmpfir, bolu mntb monp Ijc biD oUic, ano notice ianctneccffarp, nnoifft\tJcrc, bcmi(jI)tbabc0oiTCfo§>{tIohnH'allfotcn l)im,ai3c« fcnoant bimfcif, but tbat be miijbt b^bc alfo luioUile^gc 0; it bp otbcrs. ler= raangufltccDcubtcD, but Nicholas ana A'k3!utisc3tDcrc of Roils opinion, nnd the Plaintif ordered to cake his Judgement, ifbettermatter were not Ihewen, . \ CuHodcs Liberut. Sec. againft the inhabitants of Outwell. In tlCC. F.vctrEOrs u .oViaii'i'.'cr Mich, 1649. '"anc, fup. <•( C ininiil'.i - ct7'a!>dsn- T^'^ '^^''^ -'-"^ again mot)ci3 ; tobJrcin upon a picfcntmcnt mabc ta fv.Jr' 10 1! ciu i Coiumifutoncrs cf ^cujcra, an ojccr U).i3 mabc bn tb?m to rcimburfc tlje Mich- i ^4?. ^i'^^ tijc Dtfec-reeticc, fo: monp cypcnccD in tcpafrfng n §>ca iDaC,bp laying atar upon Ditcts iatll0, amoiicll lu^icb Owtweil loas one : DtDcrs crccpttons t)aa ' DccnfojmerlptabcntotljepjcfcntmcntanD ojocr. at tl)i0 time (t teas i.objEflcD,tl)attfjcCom:nifijfo!Krs cannot alter t'oe iifual cuComfo: ma^ Wng tlje tap, as tljcp Ijabc btrc Done .• ano ttjercfojc t\)zit £)}Dcr U not gosD. 3lt toae anttoetca, tbat tberc is no cuftom fjer*; pjefcnteo ; but ii tfterc be, pet tfte tai; cannot be lato gi^nctalip upon tbe Mtll, but ciflrfbattbelp; foz cberp one of tbc tnbabttanta Jjatc not an cnnal fbarc of tl)c lano, no; arc all the lanofl of equal £rooDnef0 : JSiiD tf)cr: f0 no cuttom fcj tlje Sltll of Owtweil to apportion tbc tar, fo tbat tbcp ba'uc no autljojitp to Doe it. Windham on tbc Tame Goc faO, tljat tftcrc is no picfcription oj cuffoin Ijcre founo, ano fo tbctai; ougljt to be riilCDbptbc Common i.alD, ano ot^et SEoiBng otigbt tfterebp to be Contttbatojp, lubicl) tcccibe benefit b)» tl)c ma^ feing of t&EbanU ; ano tbc Commffsioncrs of Sctocrsfjabcnotbcrc puc- fiieo tbc uircction of tbc fetatutc of fecuiers as tbep otjgbt to ooc. jano tjctc tbc p^cfcntments upon iLJjicf) tbf^ojoctfojtbetaFiBaggronnccD, uete tnaoebptljjec furies of fcteral^anDjcos, anD tbe bjcacbto be rcpaircD Dotb not appear to be toitftin anp of tl)c l^unojcDs iBbencc tbe Juries rome, as tbe Statute cotb Direct, ncitber is it tl)cUjcof)orotbeinfjabitantoare chargeable, iD^etbcr bp tenure, o; cuttom, ojbolDCirc. Holhead on tfje fame Boe faio, St is not faio botu tfje lanDg are Ipjifalc to t^c tar. t, 3[t iff not fljetoeD in tobat part of tbc poe^SDikc tbe bjeacb bapncD. Maynard on tbe otber ftoc faio, ttic Commffsion of enquirp fines bp tobat Default tbc bjcacb bappens , but tbep cannot tell bote manp acrcc cberp one bolDs , to cbarge tbem febcral ; ano it map be intenoeo tbat tbep bolo iopntlp, ano it dall be intenoeo tbat tbc lanos are Ipablc to tbe tar bp pzcfcrfptfon , ano it Is not ncceffarp to (beto in iibat place of tbc ipoe'2)tlic tbc bjeacb bappeneo. Roll chief luilice faio, tbc pjefcriptionbctcts toaibeO; foj pou faptbatit tBasnotan inebitablc bjcatb, ano fo pou arc at tbc Common lain, ano not upon a cuCom, ano tb^ntbetar ougbttobcequal, ano accojoingto tbc nnmbecof tbc dcres, ano it is not fo bcre. 0no it appears not tbat tbc bjeacb is toitbin tbe ^unojeos tobcncc tbc 3!nrp came ano fo tbep babe no autbojitp to enquire. Halet faio, tbat tbere is aclaufe tobclp this, foj tbcrc is a potoer in tbe Commifsfonera to cafe tbem tbat babe lD;ong oonc totbem. Roll chief luftice, Ebts toiU not belp, fo; tbc tar ought to be Tax. iDcU ano cquallp laio, acco^oiiig to tbc statute, viz. upon tbe number of tbe 0cre0, ano b^rc it is laio upon tbc pecfons of tbc inbabttants. Therefore make a new tax. Archer againft Holbidg. Mich 1 6'\9, Banc, fup, IjP tbffl cafe tbc Action being an Sirtfon b jougbt upon tbc fetatutc of i R. Arreft of j.Cap,3.ano aberoict fo? teas fojmcrlp mobeo in arrtttof lud^ement in Suogment, tbat the statute teas mifrecitcD; tubEtcupon it luao ojoerco tbc *" '*''" "P' parliament IRoU OjouId bcbjougbtfn Court, tobffb toas nolu Done, ano^"jR "* tcao, ano upon tbe reaoing it appcareo tbat it ^ras mifrccitco ; fo? tbc &ta. 3 . '' ^' tutc toas fo; fufpition of fclonp , ano tbt 2Dcclaratton teas foj felonp : Mifrccitai. tobctcuponit being bclDbp tbe Court to be mifrccitco ia matter o:fub- Sancc, tobcrenpon tbc Action toas gtounocD,* Tfic Courc ordered ami ca* piat per billam. B b Mich,' igi^ Mich. 1649 3/ich. 1 649. Banc (iipcr. For rcniiuti- A i? 3iiD<£tmcnt lofls foono agafntt oiic foj 8 fojciblc ctitrp ; K\)z SDe; on upon »u XA fcnoaiit tratjetfctl) tl)e Slncfctment, atiD enters Ws tratcrre (| plcaDg. Indian cm of 2Cbcplae the Afliff. 3nDi(tmcnt notb not fljcin lubcrc be folD tbc bjeao, nojtoUibom. Roil thcif luiticefaiDtotbcfirftevception, 3;ti0gooD cnotigb to fap be folD tbe bjcao contra a fll lam, although it fap not inbat afeifc ; but upon the fecond * exception the Indidment was quafhed. Earl Rivers againft More. Mich. 1(549, Banc. fup. Pit iLmcn/ T"^*^ ^^^^ K'ven teas tahdn fap a Latitat antJ commfftcD to the ^arflbal= pieaiicd. ■*- fca; SCbc ©arl bpbfa Counccl plcaoco b's p^itilcgc of ^peerage, ano pjapeo be migbt be fct at large. Roll chief lurtice asljeD, !^oto fo: pcttcrnap pou pleaoeoin abatement of the to?it, ano notopoupjaptobc Dcltocrctj upon a bare fuggeftion. Wild of Councel Capiis. tDftbtbeSDcfcnaantbclD.tbataCapiasDotbnoiDlpc againft an €arl; foj comes dicitur a Comitandorepe, & ceilantereqe ccffat comes, 0nQ DcntUt: rcototbcplf^foj^ii^otoffoim. llollcS'efJufticcfaid, SCbat Carls, ana iBarons arc anticnt titles of tl)c IRcalm. But let him plcao as be Uiill ftano to it, ano aoViifc luell of tbc plea facfoje tbc ISDcmiirrcr jopncD j for we can Amendment, ciye leave to amend the pica. Ware againfl Chappcll. Ml^, 1649, Banc. fup. DcmuriTto "T xT 7 Are bjougbt an 3(tion Of S?cbt foMoo. againft Cfiappei, upon m a pica in Cc \\ 3inDcnture of Coticnanto bctucan tbcm, viz. SDhat Ware fljoulo vcnam. ^j,(fp jQQ ^oulcicrSjanobjingtbcm to fucb a pojt,anDtbat Chajipel ftotilD fino Hil.i64p. 18? EnoCbfppfnganutfttnalsfojtljcmtotranfpojt t^cm to Gallicia; ano foj, not pjotiofns tbe ft fpp onbjoucljt. 2EljcH)cfciiDantplcaDCD,t^att!cpaoulD(era *aerc not taifcD; foj tf)c not ratling of tljc &oulDfcr0 tan be onlp utgcD bp toap of mf> tfgatfon of samaac0, ano rot pleaDtD (n Bifcljargc of tlje bjcar^ afsigneo. Yard Of Councel toouH)tcr0; fo tljat tfte JBDefenbant teas not to finDftlpplng, crceptt^e"''^*"^"" plalntlf ralfcD tljc §)oulcfcr0,neltl)er (0 1 txt anp notfct glben 00 bote ma« '^°"'''"°''' np&onHiferal)Cl^aDratrED. Roll chief Iunicebclt),t^attberetDa0 nocon' Ditfon p^eccDcnt^ but t^at tijep are tiififntt ant) mutual cotenants , ano t^at tticre map be feVeral actions bjougbt fo? tljcm : anD (t I0 not neccffarp to j^^ ; gfte notice of tbe nnmbcr ot tbe men ratfeo, fo? tbe number I0 hnoton to be °""' yoo» ano tbe time f j t^e Clipping to be reaop, is alfo itnoten bp tbe Cobe. rant0 ; ano pou babe pour rcmebp sgalnft blm (f be talfe not tbe men, ae be %aVi af alnft pou fo? not pjotlDlnn tbe Iblpplrg. lerman anc Nicholas lufti- cet,b£lo agalnft Roll, tljat ttere Is a pjetetcntconbltlon. Atk luftice toao ofRoU tbe CbiefluAices opinion, Nicbolasc^angeb die opinion, anOfo/udg* ment was given for the Plaintif, excepc better matter were (hewn* Jenkinfon agaihft Porter. Hill. I649, Banc,fup» Pafch. 1649, rot. 257. nr ^efe CBtr js fn tl^e IRctojo iuere af0lgncD, fo rebctfe a janatmtnt gf« _ A \jcn In tfte Court at York In an action of Bcbt. 1 . SEbat tbe time of t^e vSV?ud« 3atgementlcln figures. 2.2Ebc fum retolicrcb Is fn fi£ares. jlp. Vtnirementin debt. fs not gmb, fo? It Is Venire facias duodecim, &c. llblcl' fs not ptD tcltti &n &c. in an (nfcrfonr Court. 4lp» 3lt Dotb not appear tbat ti^e canff of ^action i0 intra jurildidioncro Cnriz. And for chefe errors the judgement wai rc;; »erfed, nifi, &c, ^ • ♦ " Wefton againft Plowden. Hill. 1649. Banc. lHp» Mich. »^49, rot. 503, 'J'^fs cafe fojmetlp fpobcn to, tuas again motjco, tuftlcft teas tftis in effect: ^'" '" '""'"^ Wefton bjougbt an Action of Debt agalnff Plowden, upon an ^©bllgatls"^'''']'''" on ofaoooi.fojtbepapmentofioool. SEbe SDefcnBant appears anD im«'™^*'*""' patls, ano after imparlance. pleaDs in Abatement of tbe tujlt, tftat ^e is Carl of Nova Albion In Ireland , anD ougbt to be ImplcaDcD bi' tbat name , and hot bp tljc name of Edmund Plowden Janlgbt : upon tbto plea tbe pain' tlf oemurreD ; i . iBctaufe it tame in after imparlantc.tobcrcas a plea in a» katemcnt of a tojit, ougbt to be pleaneD bcfo?e imparlance. 2lp, jcbe plea Is p'"* ftlbolous ; fo J be pleats tbat be tnas earl of Nova Albion bcfojc be entrca Into tbe bono, toblcb be cannot nolo pleao.foj lie is eftoppcD to plcao fo bpEftoppd. I)l8 oton D&D, toWtl) tettlfico t^c contrarp. Roll chief lufticc faiD, it is a W= 15 b 2 Iat07« m Hill. 1649. lato^rplca,foil)c(0buta!anfffl)tl)crc,tl)ougl) lie be an (£atl fti Ireland,- ano l)(3 oVon Otlfgatfon Copo Wm from plcaufng as Ijc totb. And there- fore Ice him fhew caulc why he fhall no: plead in chief within a week , other- wife lc:Iudgement be entred, vid.antea, Wats and Dix. Hil. 1649 Banc. fup. JBntred Trin. 24 Car.ror.iy:^. A'Riiment A i? ejeAione firmx toas b;ougl)t fo J certain laiiDs (n Lincolne Shire,anB upon a fpcc!- .i\.upon Hot sutltp plcaocD, tbcrc toa0 a fpccfal tocroftt founo to t^fs cffctf. aivcr^ft In ],s. bcfnsfctfeooftbcllanDsftiqucflfonfni^flemaDca J^coffmcnttbcre* r„U °"' "f ^° A- ^ ^"'^ C' I^* ^"^ ^° tl)c(r Ij^cfrc till tljcp ftoulD matsc a 3icafe of t!)8 fafo ILanDs foj uftocrg pears to certain ufcs, to begin at tljc i^eaft of Philip and Jacob ncrt cottimlng ; Ebe jFcoffccs enter, ano make a Icafe fo> I'carsof tbcJLanDsto begin from tbc i^eaft of Philip ano lacob nert* S:i)c qiicfffoit ina^ irljctljer tftc J^coffcea Ijabj maoe fuel) a ILcafc as tljc Dceo of i^coffment Bircct?, ano fo tljc ufca are raifcD tl)cretipon,oj toljcs tibcrit fljallbeintcnoEDanotbcr leafc,anD not toatrantco bp tbc jFcoffe m cnt, ant fo no ufcs raifcu ; I atch bclo tbat tljc 31 cafe Is not Uiarrantcn bv tljeoccDofircoffmcnt, ano tftat tljcrc arc no nfcs raifeo, fo; tbclrojta att^JCi^C8a, ano tbc iroiOs from tljc J^caft mahc fcticrnl beglnnlngu oftljciLeafc, ano fobcrc is another ILcafemaBe tban tbeneetj tntcnBea. 2lp. 3t Ib not in effect ano intention tbe Icafc of tljc parties, bccatifc it is not maoc accojDing to tljcit Directions, anu fo tberc arc no ufcs raifeo, fo J tbc aiitl)o?itp is not piirfaco , woi tbe pjcccocnt concf- tion obfertCB , ano fo t^c Icafc batlj anotbct beginning , ano anotbec enoing , ana fo it miift be anotbcr ?Lcafe , Fitzh. graunts 63. 5[no here is not tbe fame tcbzrfionintcnoeo to tbc partp, viz. Ws &on Watfon, fjccatifc it is upon anotber Heafc, ano fo a Different rcbcrfion. 5lno aitboagb tbe Jurp might i)abc foano the intent of tbe partp, ano fo tijc fame i,eafe, pet t6:p babe not founo it, 2. rep. Crumwells cafe. 5. rep. EariofRutlaodscafe, anoif tbc3urpfinocbiocncconlp, ano not matter of fact, the Court can gibe no 3uogemcnt, 9- rep. Downhams cafe, the mcaiiingoftbc partp ougbt to be founo, Oxfords cafe 10. T i4Eliz. Horwoods cafe tftere teas a coot) confiucratton,, alt?]oun{) tljcrc fac no monjcspafo, but lanufoilanD. zip. 3 f bargain ano fale. zjlp. QClbetbet tbcre be a gooo tonfioeration to mahc a bargain ano fale. jlp. Jftberebe not a goon bar« gain ano fale, tobetljer ittballenurebptoapcf Covenant to ttaiio fcifca to a ufc ; anobcfaio, if all tbcfs points be not foj tbe ^laintif, all iaagainft lim , ano be l)cH) tbat tbe toojos at ano from are all one as to fignifie tbe Intent of tl;e parties. 2Cbc iuoios batie berc an eytraojofnarp fignification, accojoing to time ano place , ano at j in a place arc all one , ano tbe itojo at map be fatisfieo toitb time pjctcoent 0; fubfcqucnt , & qn.cincontinenier Hunt incite dicuntur , et inftans eft indivifibile , anO be oenteo B-'twick . cafc in tbe 5tt). IRcpojt to be laiu. flno berc is no nceo of a fojcco conftruction ; fo^ tbe intent oftbepartp appears bp tbe cafc s rep. pi, iFoj tbe fcronn poihtjff tbe Heafe be not gooo, ano no ufc raifeo, tbcn tobere tbe cffatc of tbclanoisc' ^no be bclotbat it is intbe i^coffces nottoitbttanoinn^, for Ijerctbeufcislimitcs, butnetintbacafefiptitontbcotbcrfioe. Sim bcrc toasafeefimplcDEtetminablc; butit being become impofsiblc, it is a fee abfolnte, irin. iSCar. RolUndBois, anBDyer 300. is miftakcn in puts ting oftbe cafc on tbe otbccfioe: Snoitcannot refult, foj tbcreisnoufe ^erc to refult , bat tbe partp is in bp tbe vEommon ILaU). JCo tbe 3 point.i.f tbe ufc Botb refult , pet tbe eftatc of Hamond binocrs tbe bargain ano falc*; fojbeisatojongooer , bccau'"e tbat tbe fee being octcrmineobp bis bolo. tng otjet be is a iujong Boer ; fant if not, pet bis eitatc is para< mount, iFoj tbe ^tb. be bclo tbat tbe bargain ano falc is not gooo upon tbe conCoeration eppjeffco , becaufc it is not maoc foj mo- nics paio noj fccuteo to be paio. 37 Eliz, Ward ano lamberts tafcC. B. iFoj tbe 5tb. point be bclo^tbit it ootbnot enure as a iCoticnant to ftano feijcD , bccaufebercarcno too?Os of Cobenant. Boyntons cafc. Plow. Comcnt. 301. alp SEberc arc plain tooiDs to fbeio tbe intent of tbe ' partp to be againft it , flno alfo actions folloiniiig tberc!:po;T. Foxes Cafe , 5 Rep. 15 Car. Pitfieid anO Pierce, B«nc. reg. 17 Eliz. Galiards cafe. 3nO iDbetbcrtbc ufc arifctbo; not, it matters not, if tbe ufe atifctij, Watfonbatb ^^■'^'^ title, if not, Cumberland batb tbe eftate, anofo it is an ill fcofmcnt, ano piapsinogementfo? tbe JDcfenoant. Roll chief lufticefais, tbcre is a Da-- VAriance riancc , ano it cannot be tbe fame leafe ; pet it is a gooo leafe to raifc a ufe, becanfe tbe fcoffo} jopns in it. lerman luOice to tbe fame effect , ano be - bclo tbat tbe trojos ar ano from are all one. Nicholas luftice Oonbteo. Roil ' chieflufticefaio.tbatitisaoittinalcafe ; but tbe partp batb maoe fticb a leafe ano mojc , anoa fcofment maoe habendum a die datus , if tbe ttiUn be not maoe at tbe laftinttant of tbe Dap it is not gooo. The Court ordc-p^^, red it fhould be argued again Tucfday fcvennight following. Poflca. to-'^enc. J5b3 HiU, i^o Hil. 1649. Hill. 1649, Banc, fuper. VponanC5no{(imcntp;cfcrrcD zaCar.attbc flfcf^cu fa Kent agafntt oncfojcnerofsftiD: Apples, pcara^ ano CljcrrfccframeD upon tl)e>-nt Statute maac againft cngroffcto of tafctuals , tljc Dcfcnuant plcaoco ano nanAft.m |j,ag fpu^o g.,j>tp , fojmcrip tutgcmEiit trao arrcftcD, ano tftc Conned 's-^t" lpo:rft !)eatD. Edward lolinfon of tbc 3nncr SDeraplc pjapeo fo^ SuDflcmcnt fo> rpRi'?.fiii,|^v. tl)c!Seepctscftt)cUbittp, «. tiotUjItljdflnDfngtpljatbaDbcenobletfeDfo^. '^'"»'- mcrlpj anD that upon trcfcrcafono. i. IBccaufct^at Apples, ]^cars ano Cherries arc cCltctuals Irttftfn tt)c Statute , ano tbnt bccanfc tbe fetatutc is net to be ab jfDgcD, Ann ttje fetatute of 2 Ed. 6. maoc concetnf ng fraUe» rets cjponnastbfs statute, tbat Apples ano JDcar8,«. are tlllfctuals, fo; t>)c fic\i\kxcx3 are calico fellers of vCltctnals ■, nno foj Boij 1)alt is no iElfctual per fe , no? is nfeoas tElfctuaUnanpCoantrp; ^ctlttst^erc fafD to be tafctnal, IBot Apples arc tafctual per k , ano Coftermongcts are talleo tafttuallers bg tljetr Charters. Roll chief luftice faio, aCbat 4 lac. Apples toereaojaDgett notafctualB; annaftcruponatojitofCrrojtbfsJtiDgemcnt toas affirm, eo fn tlje Ctcbequer Chamber, anc tberefoje tl)at jnogement is not to be l{£l)tlp paftcD ol3et ; anoiftftcpfljoulDbe aojpDgeo mittnals, tl)c traoe of t^e Coftermongcrs toouln be oeftropeo : ano fo j &alt it is no taidual, bat a pjefertatibc of victual; ano ^ops toas aojuogeD to be no mitfnal, 20 laci upon a reference mane to tfte StfDges. i^eitftcr arc Aipples to be ac- tompteo taittnal toitWn tlic fetatutc. lerman luftice DfffercD , ano Niciio- las luftice belD , t^at Apples are micttwl tcftijin tbe Statute , becaufc tbcp are better tftan iFiOi. Ask lufticcijelo , tibat Apples are tlittual , bat not iritlifn tbe Statute , fo? a Statute cannot alter bp teafon of time , but tljc Common JLato map. It was adjourned, Barnwell againft Graunt. Hitli 1649 Banc.fup. EntrcdTrin, 1649. rot, 7^1. T^c Court toas motco fo; tijeir opinion in tbis caufe , to^et^er t\» to:lt of Crroj Dio lie oj not . 3t toas fain tbat a tojit of Crro; is not "^'^^ '/"•£''' like anotbertojft; fo> another to; ft map be afaateo foji one perfon, aim ".mcarc'"'' CanugooDtoanotbet; but if tfte to?it of CBrroj toill not lie , it is abatcoin .found cu hy, all . Hacker anO Wotton Pafcb.34Car. rot. 342. AnD Roll chief Inflice and ohcs aol^co tljc Counfcl ttbat be coulo fap to tbe IBoobs of 2 Ed. 3 , ano 3 Ed. 3* acquitted. p.Mcs fn 3Reco}D map Jopn in a tojit of Crroj , to is it bere , ano an in- F rrcr'"'"'' ton^^ntencc map come to all tbc parties bp tbis juogement , altbongb bat fomc of the parties agafntt fobom tbc action toas commenceo are fountt gufltp, ano otbersareacquftteo, anotberefojetbep map alltoclljopn in tbe to?ft. And therefore let the ludgemenc be reverfed if caufe be not ihewa Wednefday next to the contrary. Roberts Hill 1649 Tc)i R oberts againfl Tucker, Hjll.i<54p. Banc, fup. Pafch, iSCar. roMitf. Avi!SIrUofCtto; teas bjougbt to retttfe a Bltiogcment gtben fn tl5C Error to re- CoiirtatBrtdgewatertnan3(t^piitp IRccojocr , ano tbcfr ILcttcrs patents gibe not poiocr R„ujn tbftatieaSDcputplllccojoer, ano tJje tDjt't of CBrroj ia Dircflco Maiori Al- dfrmannit etRfcordatcri, The Court ordered caufe to be (hewn why the qiii'^e49. Banc. fup. Mich. 24 Car. rot. 22 1. ;af0fjee):pjcffcD,ai3Ougl)ttobc. Roll Chief luftice anftocreti, tbfs fs tlje fault of tde Clark of tbcafstj; ; Therefore let him attend and (hew caufe why the Poftea Ihall not be amended. Amendment. l-iill. 1645); Banc, (npi '^ l^t Court teas moiieb to quafl) an dBrtnfitmcnt fo? a rfotoua cnf rfng fnfo to quad, sn certain lanD, anDcatrp(nsatoap4loaD3of ^ay. SLljc crccptton ta- Endiamcnc / fecn toaa tftat tlje dDnofttment faltb afportavit dao "Carucat. fixni, fnftcao of '"f > f'° • duo Ch re(Sat. fceni. Roll chief luftice anftncrcD, 3if tl)C partp be culpable fojtbecntrpintotfte lano, althoug^^etarricu aioapno^jjap, pcttljeC'ti- DittmentisgooD, tbcrefO?e plead noncul. to all the Endidment, and it may be if it prove not good in all parts it will be naught in all. Hill. 1649. Banc. fup. T^t Cafe of tl)C tulllfl of Newton antJ Tyd conccrnfng the pjcfentments For qusfliing maoctotbeComffsioncToof §>elDPr3 foj tbe l^unD:co of Wijbitch," <:'"c"""=r.ts, artTJtbcirojDcr maoc thereupon toaa again fpoUcnto. Twiiden againft the '"^ °j!i'^'y^-'^ p?efentmcnt faio , 2L!)at it f 3 not a pjefentmrntbp 3!urp, as it ougbt to",grso£Sew. lie fap the statute ; foj tbe Slatp babe onlp polticr to enquire of tbings uitb= cts. fntbe?^unb:cCofWijbitch, ano it ootb not appear that Newton ano Tyd are tritbfn tbat l^nnujcD. 2lp. SCbefubttante of tbe pjefentment is not Coofl; fo; tbe Commtfctoncrs cannot ojocr tW Newton anu Tyd inbftb babs 1^1 Mich^4?. jjaijc no benefit bptljcrcpaWng of tbcbanhCbaUcontrfbutc to t^e tepars' tfons, »8 E 3. f. 2 2. 3lp. SCbep cannot ojoctto inaitc ancU) toaU not= toftftftanoinsCal lice I){s! opinion fnJ)f 3 rcaDfng upon tbc statute of &clt)- era. 4!^. £l)e2Ca>:t3 not toclllalo,fojtt<0notlaft)upoiiall t\)e JlanDs lolt'ofn Newton ana Tyd, as U ougftt to be cbargcD , tfanp otigbtto be» Holhead anfinctco to tbfo latt c)cccptfon, tbat icc fafo.tbatfblDCll cnougb. 2Co tl)C tbfro cyccptfon, Holhead fafo it ia not lDbollpancU)luo?U, anBtbcrcfojetl)cpmapo;Dcrtomal;cft. JCo li)!)icb Rol I chief lufticc aflcntcD , ano falD (t teas fo nottottbftanofng tbc Cafe of tbc lleofEly,fo.itbatiuaflfo;tI)cmaUfngofanttotoo?Ktotallp. SCotlie 2d. ©rccptfon l)c rcao tbc toojos of tbc pjcfcntmcnt, bj> tobicb P Ttiorpo. St vcas anfiDcrco,t!)at Ijc tjatft not taUrn up- on b^nttcpailc all tbccflatc, but onlptjieotun cftate: gtts objcaru.tljat t!jc fine lopns all tl)c cilst£6toectijcr, anopKrpo?ts tlje parcfiic of t^cm toljolcanD cittftc ; Jt toas anftoerct), tbat tlic fine cot!) not parpojt tlie Entfrccftatr,44 r. %. i. lo.fomucbfliallpr.ffctptbcgncaomaprfabtf'jllp paffc, ana no mo?c, anD fo tt)c cftatc pnffce bp fraction, Cooks Inffir. j.^j" 2i;i)c3Laii!Confituc0tl)c effect oftbc fine accojofne: to tl}c intent of tl)c par- ties, anotbattojor.gfljalliiotbeintcntJCijro is ft I}crc; 0nD if tljcre be SCcnant foj life.tbc rcmainccr in tail.tljc rcmafnucr in i'^cc to STenant foi life , if SEcnant foj life letie a fine it is no forfeiture, i o H. 4 f. z. SCcnent fo J life map pjap in apt) of all in t^,ercma(noer, anoljefafD, ti;at in tl)i3 cafe iiB no forfeiture no? cttopcl, no J ball) be pntTco tno:c tljan be l:atl),f tljcrc is no iujong bp tt)c fine; but it fljall onlp palls uljat map be paffcB.nno l)t laiD, a fine is a iFeoffmcnt 'dben tl)c tiling to paCfc bp it Ipcs in iiit»crp , ctftcttoffc it is but a grant, «nti ocbcRs no eftatc as a j^coffmcnt Dotl-.jaaa tn Baker and Hackers JTafc in tbfs Court , Bredom Cafe teas Dcnpeo foj .ILatDbpBramfton, Jones, and Barkley, Hob. 5S8, 385?. 3;tiB no DifcontiiUii ante, cnDfucfjcftatefliallfirC paflc, bp tobfctj no ipjong (ball be oonc. SCbcJuiJ^BsougbttobcAftutitoinbEntreafonstofuppojt eftatcs, ancto DcfcnD from injuries, anDU)!)eretbcConufecoft!)cfiiic Ijntb an ictereft to paffc bp it to fatiefic tljc opcratioit of it, fuel) a fine is gooo-ann Dctb no to jong, as it <« in our Cafe. St is obf ectcD, tbat tljerc is a j^a (implc ijere, iut it fo of Ko balue, fo; it if after an eftatc tapi , an2 Qjnll not be affcts in tftc l)?eir ; 3t tuas anftocrco, St is but of little Ijalue, but it batl) mojc tljan a rijj'tjt in it , antifobepjspcDtuDgemcnt for tbc SDcfenoant. Roll chief f°''^f'f"f «• luftice IjclD, it ioas a forfeiture altbougfj tbcre be no cifplacings of cftatcs , hccaufc it puts an cftate in a ftranger, irljo ougbt not to bate i^t, as Brcdors Cafcf0,tobcteoneDotbacUnolt)leDgeanotbct to baftc tbe inberitancc bp tbefinc, tbis is a forfeiture: J5p tbe fine bcrc tbcCbmifor achnolulcDges wore to tbe Conufcc tban be batb , ano be migbt batJC crprcffco in tbe fine ttc eftatc tbat be batb in tbe 3LanD,anD no more, anofo tbcrcis an eftate in potfcfsfon bcre. lerman luOice faio.tbe fine fijaH not be conftruco to no torong; buttbcCafcicofconfcqucnce, tbcrefore be tooulo aDl'ife. Ni- cholas belt) it teas no forfeiture. Asklcasoftbe opinion of tbe cbfef iuttice. Roll chief luHice faiD cftopcls Uiill make forfeitures in manp Cafes. Q> wtiac ludgemcnt was given. A/eers againfl: French. Hil, 1649 Banc. fup» • Entred Hil, 24 Car* rot, 24. Aj^ ejeaione firmae bas brougbt for ejecting fbc painfiff cut of a recto* Arrcfi ol tp , ano Declares of a I cafe tbercof maoc unto bim bp gnoenturcSCbc uidpcmcnc la Paintiff bao a bErD{ct,tbc JDefenDant mobcDin ^nttt of Suogcmcnt, tbat '." tjcaione tbe plaintiff baoDetlarcoo a leafc per Indemuram , ano Dotb not fap inlJJ"^^ • curia prolatam. SDbcCourtanftDftreDjif an pIcaDro but {,p *""""• toap of inDucement,it is not neccffarp to fap in curia prolatam, othcriDfre if ft be pleaoeo to entitle tbe partp bp it. 2lp, ^t octlares, that tbe JDefen- Dant Dine feet bim out of fucb a clofc, ano Dotb not fap toljerbct it teas pa< Cure or «rrablclanD, nor bote manp 9crcs it teas. Roll chief luftice Caf D, (t (0 not gooD if it be of a clofe of ^Lano, (f be do not gibe (t a name, noj Dower 1 94 Hill. 1649. Dcclrrc of teljat nature tijc lant) fo. 5!?, I)c Dcrlatcc tl)at tftc SDcfencant electee l)tm «ie uno Crofto, iDlfc!) fs tntcrtaftt. 313ut Roll chief luflicc faiD, ICijat a lp;lt of E>oU'cr anu an flffljfe toalt=tellar, iuf)fc!) fa not rrcDD • foj fervitiuniia i.atfn fojfcrtn'tc: Snofn Parker ano Marrvnscafefn tftfiS Cotitt , Inftrumentum ferreura, anglice a ^po;fe-locU, tows IjclD not gcDD, ano 3 !ac. Robotumscafe,Hama,angliceaCrciU)Of3;rort, ItiasaDjimgconaugM; 2ly,?^C Declares deduobus Caftoribu', anglice ttBO l^itS. jlp, De duobus Catems pro patinis, anglice SDffbcs, 4lp, Dc duode< ccmCrinalibusetplaguli?, anglice Coffs anO CrofscloatljS. Ed, Turner pjapcDfoj JtiogcmcntnottDltbttanotngtbcfccjrccptfons t JBctanfg as to tlic I . tfjcre (3 no p;opcr Voeju fo j a filter S)alt=ccUar, anu ft (3 bcrc tocH c» noiigl) DcfcrfbcD bp oftrro toojDs. alp, Cljcrc is no proper Jlatf n luojD foj. !^at6 tailct! SDemp Cnftojs, ano tbcrcfojc it is latofuU to frame l»ojDs,«i fo fo) tl): rctt, being nclu tWngs not Unoton to tfte Romans, there arc no 3Latf!i luojD3fojt()em, $roUio;03 mapbr iatJcnteDlDcUcnougbtocrpjefstfjcm, anD fervitium argentium is here Uiitl) an anglice, anDt^crcfoje ft is a gooD Defcription of ti;c tiling t anUde iriftrumentoligneoCompofito, anglice a cbtecn, IjathbeenaDtnogeogooD, bccaufctbcreisnotapjoper UjojDtocr* pjcff it. 3i5ut tl)c Court Dotibteti of tl)C toojus ufcD fo j Coifs ano Clofe» tlotljCS, farcaufc tticp arc DilJCrs tilings, lerman luftice faiO, argenteum fervi* tium, anglice, a filter Saltcellar, cannot be genu, foj fervitium fs llatine foj, fcrticc. Wrf;anscuf?tct!)attoa6cti;rntoS&r. Pvm bf £>:ofnancc of parliament, 'J^^^'""'"^ aao heretofore arsueo on bot^partSjtoas again fpoUen to : i?itft bp Tmi-^enLu^.^"' Cca denPjr ym. j^6>' '" ' Hill. 1649. 'den, irbo argucD foj tljc piafntff ; toto fafo, tfcc j©ucCfon f0, OTftctljcr tftc cfta'tc fctlco'bp Ss>tt Thomas Morgan bcfojctftc peat 164 1. be jojfdtCDb^ tl)c ;a£t of parliament, antJ tonfcqucntlp itcU gfljcnto^r. Pym, ojno- flni) be faiD,tbc Intent of tijc parlfamcnt in maUfng tWs fla fa fitft to be in-- tcrp?ctcD : ant) be bclu, tbat arcojotiic to tbc act no cftatc paffetb , but fucb cftatcao Morgan bno 1.1 tbe pear 1641. anDnomoje; fojno mancanfoj' fe(t a tbfng tbflt be batb not, but onlp tbat ubicb be batb ; but Morfjan tbcn baonottbi^cCatc: ano tbercfo?e becoulDnotfojfcIt bav)fetlcD; fojtbcp?cceDcnt irojosarctcffraincD bptbe tooiiDB fdbrcquent, AMv^ms cafe, 8 R' p. Dyer 369 ano from tbc preamble of tbc flcttomalic atonltruitfonto punilbfimocentpcrrons, is againft tbe ?Lavu of vE>oti,fS)an,anD jpature, Nichols cafe, f, -598. £)f rcVoarDs ano puniib- ments confift tbc cffencc of Commontocaltb5, ano it toulo not be tbc intent ot tbc parliament to puniib innocent pcrfone, 3 Fd, 4. 2. 2Ehe parliament Ufa not iiitcnn to gibe mojc of Morgans cflatc, tban Vobat be bao 164J. foj. tbcntbcpmicbtgiVic tbat tobicb migbt bccbi£tcD,k.bicbtbcpintemjeo not. SXm iDbereag it is objctteo, tb.'.t tbcrc is a claufc of Kctjocation in Morgans fcttlcment . ano fo tbc cftatc teas not abfolutelp fctlcD ; 3jt is anflDCtcD, SLbat notlijitl)ftan5ing tbis potocr of IRetiocation, tbc cftatc is not gibiti bg tbio 3ct unto Pym ; fojit cannot gibe a polt)cr,7Rep, 13. anbapolBCr can* not be foifcitcD, ana Mary M ugan hat) an intcreft in tbc lano, notiuittftau* ting tbc potocr of llcijocation. Sinti notiBitbftanoing tbcrc is no fating foj Mirv, pet t'lc eftatc is not paiffcD ; fo: M^iry Morgan is not intenoco to be panifbco, Niche's cafe, Com. f. 483, aao fo t:crc nceos ro fabfng foj Ijcr, 14 H. 8. f. i, anD it cannot be intencco bccaufc tbnc ij no fabing fo? bcr, tbat tbcrefojc flic fballfo;fcitbcr cftatc, ano tbc fating is not tbcrc- fcjc iblc ; fo; it batb an operation anotber toap. %\]t fating is not inten- Dct of tbc cftatc of a Collateral auiJtefto; onlp.foj tbio is tbc bcgning o[tl)e qucftion, foj tbc fating fates not apw thing, aiiotbc pcnnit^oftbc toojoa aTcagoinfttl)t3crpofit{on:anDfol)econcluDeD, tbatnotbtng u-asgitcn bp tbc Statute to fpr Pym, but tbc cftatc of Morgan tubicb be bao in tbc peat 1(541. anopaapcDiuDgcmcntfojtbcplaintff. Sreel,tbcl1ccojt)crofLon- uon, fo; tbc SDcfenoant, faio, be lioulo onlp anfitcr the argument of Twif- den, bccaufc be baa bcarD no other arguments. jSno firfr be bclo, tbat tbc 2) jDinantc reaches all the cflatcs tliat Morgan bao, as tocU bcfoje, as at tbc time i'54i. ano tbe cftatc fetleubpMaroanbefoje 1641. Inas tbc cftatc of Thoma Ins 'Hill. 1549. '97 ing tMt claufc of cttctfonfitthc£):DfMancc, an if o; ait an arc no fatfRg of '•'ti cftatc, aiiD fterc in no cWaion In t!;c cn'c : ano f-crc is ro faWng, ottjct* Ivffc tlicit eCate cannot be fa^co, foj tl)en tf)c lanos are all pafftQ, ^iiD tbe falling CFtcnOO to tl)C lnnD3 OcfccnDCD to tfje CWlOjen of Thomas Morgan, from Collateral i3t;icctto:o, ano not from i bo. Morgan tl)C i^atl;cr; ano as rcafonablc a Conftruflion otigftttobcmaoeofan £):Dinance of ^parlfa- incnta£5tl)fs{0,aij of an act of parliament, ano fo l)C p?ato Sluogemcnt fo J tlje SDcfcnoant. R'tU chief luftice fato ?^ge Dio not Doubt of the polucr of tt)e patUanient rqins cftatc Voaa fatED. SBut Jerman luftice fato, fjc conccioeo that Maries cttate iDao not ra« tJCDjbUt onlp tbC Cftatc of ttcangctS. The Courc was divided, and faid they would confidercill next Term, and then give iudgeraentin this and the Caie or(!5arret and 315lijatD» Quire, What lodgement was given in both cafes, for J was not in Court at the day they were fpokeu to again. Vincent Rgainft VVallis. Hill, 1(549' Banc. fup. Hill, »4 Catt rot. J) (5<5. rot, pocT, Ijp a IRcplet^tn foi tifttrafnfng of Cnftcl tljc 2DEfcniiant empatlcu , ano af-- J^ , "J'caTr* tcttDatDsplcaDcDtbattljclanDijarc anticnt SDemefne tDftcrctf)CDiffrefSrcpVv"lfcer toas tafecn , ano to t^is plea tfte piaintif Demucreo, Serjeant Parker fo j imparlance, tftc piatntif , ann agaitift tljc 2Dcmutrcr bclo , tbat tbc pica ia not to be at)« , mittco , bccaufc tljat tl)c partp ball) maoe bia Defence, ano cannot tbetcfo jc '^*'"* aftct\iiarO0plcao to tl)e (urifoiction of tbc Court , ano citco 1 1 H. 4, f, 47* 1 2H.7.f.i7 b. Cbat frccbolD onlp iato be fueo foj in anticnt a)cmcfne,0nD alp, ttjc plea it not fuf ficient , fo; it ootb not appear tbat tbc lanos arc bclo of tljc jpano: , but onlp arc parcel of tbc ^anoj, ano futb lanes arc plcao- ablc in otbcr Courts, 3oH.6. Mac. Brev,ii M.4ifcd.3 ?lp,3itisnot faiD tbattbclanocareplcaoablebpOaritofSDjoitClofc, tobicb ougbt to be z H. 7. f. 17. J H.6. f. 146. 4lp-l^ep;cfcrtbe6 that tbc lanos arc not plcaDa=> tie elfctiiberc , tubitbisnottnic , foj in fomc cafes tbep are pleaoablc bete intbtsCourt.Nat. Brev. 19D. anofop?apcD juogcmcnt foj tbc plafntif. Roll chief luftice DcmanocD, Uibp is tljcrc not a fp:cial Demurrer bcrc:- 0f« s^.-ciai De- ter imparlance one map plcao tbat tbc lanos arc anticnt ocmcfne. foj a ■"""". plea of lanos in anticnt SDcmcfnc to tbc jurlioiction of tbc Court Differs from otber picas plcaoeo to tbPluttsoiction of tbc Court. 31t is true tbat parcel ofajpanojofanticnt ocmcfne ia pleaoablc at tbc Common %a\n; but lanos belo of tb^ fpanoj arc pleaoablc in tbc Court of tbc lo jo. Ad< joumed to be heard Tuefday following. aftCrtoatOS it toas mobCD again , ano Roll chief luftice faio , tbat after imparlance tbfs plea is not gooo; be« caufc bp ft bebatbaomfttco tbc jnriaoiction of tbc Court, And therefore Ice ' him fliew caufe why he ihould not plead in chief. Cc 3 9i(i 198 Hill. 1649. Pafcall againft Sparing. Hill i<549, Bancfup* Pafch. 1649. rot. 7J. A Wixit of Crro} faasbjotigbt to reterfc aSuDgcmcnt gftcit in att2iaion Tirror ro rf- -'^tn Briftow upotl 8 Conceffit I'olvere faptfjc DcfcilDant. Roll chief lunice vcrfcajuctpc-fafj, t^atan j3(lfonofiDcbtDloiDClllicuponaConceffic folvcre bp tl)e ca. |""conSI c ^°"' °f Brifbow, atlD fo fs (t tn London, 2 8 H. (5. i E. -f- f. 6. flliotbut Cc folvcre. "^ roj affifgJiCQ ioas , tbatUfsfaiotbattbcpattprccotJcrcD tbc Damages per Declaration, juntores Compere. tuI)Crca3 tt OUgljt tO bc J tl)fo fS tI)C pjoper iDO^D; but tljfs exception \ras alfo otcr rulco. Latch tootj another Ejrccption*, that there IsantB the iDOjti0 pro raifisetcuftagiis (tithe affefcfns the oama* 0C0 ; ano fo It 00th not appear foj tohat the Oamagca aire affcITcD, And Ditwig-i. for this the ludgcraent was reverfed exccpc better naatcerfhewn. lennings againftLee. Hill, 1649. Bone. fup. /^^^ /^o. J.c Whether an /'"^Enning? b?ought an attfon of Strefpals of an afTaulf anc baft crp a- iUuc^Jdi'" Vjgafiitt Lee ano htatiite of geofaflg , o? If not, pet ft fs at Icatt gooD fn part. ^nD the Iffuc here Doth fmplp a negatfbc , althougli there be not a Direct negntfi'c, but an affiritintibc fn the icoj'Js of ft. ani> 6 E.'4, i6b.fna UcplcHtii, anD 9H. 5. f- i.b. there arc gcoDiffuesjopn* tD in the affirmatitiE , becaufc thep tmpip a ncgatfbe. Trin. 1 8 Jac. Banc. re^. Aldridfje and Walthalls cafe : anD hctc inaiita onlp a 'Ex.tVatilt; tDhfcfi fabutonlp matter of fo;m. ano not material, alp. SSUe OlerDirt hat^ maDc the fffuc gooD , although it bc not tocll jopnco, 5 H. 7. f, 1 j. 3lp, %t the aerota hclp-3 it not , pet the statute of Scofafls hclpa ft , 5 Rep. Nc c.'ols cafe, 19 Elz. Di':lifon5 I'^epojts, 8 ^' 9 Eliz. Bendlocs llcpojts, ai'D 14 Car. Bmc. Reg. 4lp. 3lf thc§»tatutc bclpnot,pEt it is inell cnoug!), becaufc it ia gooD in part, ant fo: part it fsuxUfouno, ano Damages fljall 1) n.agrs. be tutciitcs to'bc otticn fo: t!:at tohich fo tDcll founD, 9H.7.f.4. 16 H. 7. f. 16. 10 Uep. JJ not gcop, but idll rnalx aU naught, 40 Ed. j.f. 40. i81?.c. Aldridn«cafc. 1 6 Uc. lonei ano Gates aojuDgeD , ano he fafa that the material tU ng f s not here put in tffuc, ano fo the iffuc is tmmatcrfaf, l^ r,i! aniJ there is a Jeofail , ano th: D&mages being gitcn entire there can be no juogemcntcttien. lerman lufticeoio Differ in opinion, ano faio, if tljc E)rtcnDant plcao an finmatcvfal tt)e plafntt: jopn iffuc, ano it be founo fo J him, he (hall batjc juogcincnt ; othcrtoife hhcrc the plea fs partlp material, pattlp (mmaterfal ; fo j there tbc fff-ic curht to bc upon t^e mate- rial Mich-^Hj?. i^c) rfal tljmg, otftertotfc t!)crc can be no juuscmcnt It was adjourned till Thurfdav Tollowing. %\iz Cafe toas tl){3 , Sn ilctfott of Manlt ano JBattcrp an^j trotmu^ fnjjUjasbjoug^t; tfec SDefcnoant plcaoo non cul. to tftc tooutttJing, ano (uftifiestbcaffaultanD315atterp fn Defence of Ijet ?^usbanD,m hcepfng poffcfsfon of certain lanD0. %\\t pafntff replteu de injuria fua propria, ana ootl) not ttaticTfe abfque lali caufa. 2Dl)e Juti? finD rntfrc Damages fo j' all , Ivljeteag t!-erc ic not a perfect Iffuc jonieD as to tl)c 0r£auit ano JiBattcrp fo j toantoft^cSCratjerfe, Poftca, z/o. HocJgesagainftJanc. Hill. I 6^9» Banc, fup» Ii^an3rrcaof31iiDsemcntfntl)f3cafe,tl)e qtuttton icas, mi^etbcc an ^'''"''."„'''''* actfon DO He againtt an CEpecHtoj upon a Conceflit iblvere of t^e SCcttatoj ,.'xc?ur'or fu" upon a fpectal cuttom. Roll cliiefJuftice IjelD tbat (t Dotb not , foj tljfoc'onccmr foiv. iuoulD be to cljargc an Cjecuto j fn an 0ct(o!i oi"£D. bt , "jj^ere Ijc map bp tlje ot the Tcn» ' ilatDtoa0el)fa3iaVD, anoan0£t(onof SDcbtlusnot againft an dBpecatoj"''- Adjourned, Graves againft Drake. Hill. '649t Banc, fup, Ti^an;a(tfonof2i::rot)cr ano (tonterRon foj Dftcrs parcels of l^otiniolo ^ red of -»auff, anCycepttoniDastaUentotfteSDcclaratlon, bccaufc tbc pialntff lud'^ ^..^.u^n itth^,* fhtnira hah nrh w\m f^v n^.-z-sli:. »ln_l.: _: :: a i- . -r- amongftOtljCt things gaD DCClarcO pro fex pircdlis plumbi cinerii Anglice a Trcvcr and |3c\iiter ^ojrfngers : tubcrcastbetDOjOparcellis is uncertain; foj a par- ^°"^'^' '•''"• eel Dotl) conQft of manp tbtngg in number , ano fo fex parcelli cannot be p;o» petlpapplpEDtoCu^ojrlrtgerc, butfflttjaDbanfex peciisftljaD been bet. tcr, tibougti tljat be alfo Incertafn. Hales i)elD it luas all one as if it ftao ban pro feK peciis plumbi Cinerii, Roll chief luftice cnclineo it Iras toell cnoucr^ I)Ccaufe,tbousbtbeU)ojD0arenotfop;opcr, pet tbe Dcfcription is Sood'e! Decia.«ioni nougl). lerraanluniceinasoftbc fame opinion, JlBut Nicholas luftice bClD words. tbat tlje ILatin is not gojD , fojictftcrcbe p?oper Ujojds foj a tWng, tbep ougbt to be ufeo , otljertoffc 55arbarifm toill be inDttceo ; ano circumlocu- tion ongljt not to be ufeo toberc tbcreis a pjopcr 3Latin U)o?o to be IjaD to cjc- prefs a tfting. Ask luflice agreeo toitb Roll tl)c chici luttice : ;anD the Plain, tifwasbid take his ludgeraent, except better matter were ihewn to the coh- trary. Hobfbn a3;ainft Hudfon. Hil. 1 649 Banc, fup, HObfon fa?oagWan 0ction upon tbc cafe againlt Hudfon foj fpeaUing Arrcfiof tbefe iiiOjDS of ber, viz. She went to the Wells to be cured of the French '"''Pf'"'"' '"^ Pox. ■5Hponi;5otgutltppleaDeD,anDat3erDictfonno fo; tbe plaintif, tbe ^." 'j;'"" *'' i^cfcnoant motieo in ^xuSt of auogcmcnt , tbat tbc toojDs are not actio:= nable. zoo Hjl. 1649. ' nablc,'b'Caafc tJjcp ate (nartafn Idojdb, ano doc not erpjcia ttjat tfte piatnttfl)aDtbc French Poxattbctfmcof tl)c fpcaUdig of tijcm, ano tbe caufa dicendi ftjall not mal\c tftcnt acttonnblc Shaftoe on tl)c ot!]cr fioc falD Cafe j^ctoo;D6 ate artlonablc;fo;tbcfctoojD3 thou haft been laid of the Pox, batiK been atJjuDgeD aaionablc.tDbkb arc not fo fcaimaloms astbefc, Mich. 7 lac» 1 hou art a PocRy wliorc , and the Pox hath eaten out the bottom or thy bel- ly tDCtc l)clD aatonable. Roll chief lufticefaio tl)c Ujojcs rrf)ufrcD tonft- Dcvatlon; Luttl)ctoojDi5famto ShnftooICcuritcl toitb ^'"^" ' tbc ^plaintiff argueD tbat tbc plea toao not cooo, becaufc tbc matter in tftls Action upon tbc Cafe,anD tbe matter of tbc fojmct action of SCrefpaffc arc rotalloncjbjutarcfetcral ano tarlous matters, ano tbcrefojcfeberaU actions map b: b;ou£btfo;tbcm, 5. rep, f. 43. Sparies ca(e, Hob. 493. The Earl of Bcdfords Cafe, 4. rep, Siadej cafe, Petty brook I05. 4. rep. F. 4;. Hudfonscafe, iiEd.j. Fitzb.TrefpafTe IC7. zR.j.f". 14, 18 ^. 4. f. 33* 20H.7. f.9. 12 E.4.f. ij.Fitzh.cftopchg.y H.4.f. 44^ 0nDttjctar:^ ances bercfacttoecntf)e;actiott upon tbe Cafe, ano tbc Action of STrcfpafs pjobetbattbep arenotallonct ;cino ttiat tberc is a Difference it ii5 plain,- fo; in tbis Action upon tbe Cafe, it is faio tbat tbc DcfcjiDcnt dId enter fnto tbc ipiair.tlffs boufc malitiofe; but In tbc former Action of Ercf« pafs it toao faio.tbat 1}C QiD enter vi et armis, tob'tb '£! a plain Difference sno t)ariancc,8 H. 6.f. jy. Cooks Entries fol. 59. AnD tbc matters p!cpD»:D upon 3Recojo in tbcfe fclieral Actions do not ocflrop one another; but map iDCll IlanD together, Pafc. J Car. Laicon end Barnardsca^e: AnD l;erc tbiS ^action of tbc Cafe is to repair tbc plaintiffs crcDit ; but tbc fojmcr Action toastorecobcrDamagcB, fo; tisgooBs taUen from bim. ^n abduxit of Cattel tolll maintain a cbafing , auD one map therein recover foj tbc cba^ fing, ano tbc talue alfo, fo berc both Actions map Cano toactbcr. Ano tbcte is matter fo? both Actions, ano the matter plcaocD in Bar is but to cncreafe the Damages, ano if tbe fpetial matter allegro tnthc Action cf SCrefpafle allcgco in tbe Action upon tbc Cafe ban been letre,pct it is torll cnougb, ano it is but fuqptufage, ano onlp bp uap of insuccment to pjoDc ^D tbe 201 Hill. 1649- tlje fcannal , ano t^e JDcfcnuant licrc is not at anp mffcWcf, foj tlie too jus berc arc onlp put U\ agrtatatfon of Dammagcs, 7 H. <5 . f. 34. aiiD fo pjapea jticgcmcntfo? tbe piafntfff. Green of vCounccll toUl) tl)c E^cfcnoant p?apeD t!)C Mrft niigftt be abatcD. JBccaufe 1. here is net anp tWng lafo , tl)at ttjE E>i fenoant latljpofittbclp a(firmcD t\)t plaintiff to be aJBanhrupt* 2lp. SLfjcrc arc general Vuo jos in tijc fojmcr iJction,namcl)' aha enormia, tDbicft tDo;03 CO tompjcljeno tljc matter foj lrl)icl)tl)i0 Action is noui bjou2l)t, ano Ije oenpeo the ciffercntes taken bp tl)C Conncell on tljc otbcc fine, anD it Dotb bcrc appear to tlje tTourt.tbat tbe fo jmcr Action of JCrcf- paffc tens bjougttfoitlje fame tbings, ano carnages toere tbcrein giticn fo; tbem,anr) it isa unreafonablc to puniflj one tisicc foj one ano tl^e fame offence, ano tbe averment is gooD,anD cot!) ftctotbatbotb Actions are fo> oncano tbe fametaufe , ancljcbatftrccoticrcD carnages alreacp foj all tbe iuong lie futtaincD , anobcrc is no tcntcrlion allegec in tbc Cafe, nojisitvictarmis, anctbcllaU) bates Double Veratfon , 9 H. 6. f. 54, Brook brev. 397 3 H.7. 4.B''ook btev, 77.3110 camaijcsmigbttDcll enough be retotiercD in tbefirtt5lctton,fo>aUtbc Damages fuftaineo , 19 H.6. f» 44. ;anDif tfeis jadionnotobjOHgbt, bac been bjougbt foj calling tbe paintiffiBanhrnpt, tbciHition tooulD bate lien; but not as it is bcrc bjougftt, anD one entire action fljaUnebcr be Dibioeo to put tbcpartp to a coubletjcration, as it is in our cafe, 41 AiT. pi. i(5. Brook brev. 309. 5* rep. Hudfons cafe, anD in tf)C firft action tbe toojcs alia enormia teere piirpofelg put in, tbat all matters toucbing tbat Crefpafs migbt be b?ongbt in quetti= on, to cncreafc tbe Damages, 9 E 4. Brook Trcfp. f. 109. anofoall tbc Damages teererccotJcreD in tbe fo J mer action. Sinn be agrecD Laicons cafe put bpShafto.tbat tbe plaintiff migbt rccotict Damages ns tocll foj tbe taUie of tbe feibecp > as fo? tbe cbaftng oftbcm , anD pjapes tbe Mrit map be abateb. Roll cliief lufticc faio, it is bare to maintain Laicons cafe; foj cepit et abduxit iirtcnDs tbat tbc otoner batb not tbe &bccp again, otbcr- U'ifcit toottlo be if tbe action bnD been foj tbe Djiting of tt:cm onlp. ano Mr. ShsfcobatbtaUcna gooDgroanD,viz. tbat tbc actions arc foj fcfeerall tbings , anD tbe SDcclaration is in part but an inDucement to incrcafe tbe fcanDall , anD to pjotc it, ano tbe Ujojdb alia enormia (ball not be intenD* CD of collateral matter , but of matter ir-cioent to tbc act cone ; anD one anD tbc fame tbing map gibe fclicralcaufcs of action, anDxinc action is not to be confounocB luitbanotbcr action, krman luflice faio, Laicons Cafe teas not Ufectbis Cafe fojtbc tiucffionbercistobethcrtbe plaintiff can rrcotier Damages in tbis feconD action , v.bicbbcbatb bp intenoment tecot)ereD in tbe fojmer action, anobcinclinco tbat it map be fo bcrc, auD tbat ficrc is a reco leering of tbe fame Damages in Dibcrs manners fo j tbe fame tbin?. Nicholas lufticefaiD, be map bjing fetjcrall actions, altbougl) be migbt bat>c jopncD tbem botb in one. Afk luftice faio, Ji:i)atone act map be DitiscD into Dibers actions, ano fo it is bere, anD teeU er.ougb. Roll chief luftice faio , tbe plaintiff in tbis actt. on cannot recover Damages fo; b,fo?ft(Be duobu? Acris Tondr, Anglice^a l)opgrotiuD,tel)fcb ts not toarrantcD bp t!)c?Lat49» Banc, fupf • Entred Trin, 1649. rot, iio4> VAux ant Vaux bjoucbt an action upon tfte Cafe figafnft Draper, upon ^rrcft of a pjomifc, ano ncclarci), t^at tbc ©cfcnoant fn confiocratfon of "^eenncrtin ten poiinos pain bp tbe |9laintif0 unto tljc SPefcnDant, dId a(ranie'"\^'°" "p- anDpjomifc unto tljepiaintifs, to procure certain Cattciof tbc paintifsJpoAa'pro' taben from t^cm bp a t^rti perron, to be reoelitcrcn unto tbcm bp fncb am.ic. time, ano foj not pcrfo?mfng tl)fs p?om{fc tbep b?otiot)t tl^ctr action. tKpon Nonaffumpfit plcaDCD,tt)crcteasanifrHC jopneD, anD a tertfct founu foj . tift IBlaintifs, after t\)ie cafe ban been talcc fpofeen wnto, Cbc EDcfcntiant motcB in arroff of fuopment, tbat tlji^ jattion teas not tDcH lopnt^ fl- ip bp tbe lSlaintffo,but tbat tPcp oug^t to babe bjougljt ttoo federal ;9atono, ^"' * '°"' inTegaTDtbattbcp?omifcuponU)btcbtbe0(tion iras founteu iDng not an entire pjomirr,but teas a fctjcral pjomtfc maDc to cacb of tbc|9taintf fs.SC.bc Councel on tbc otbcr Cocpjapeo fo? Suogement, ano faio t!)c pjomifc \vna fntire,maDctobotb,anDnotfttteral. anofo tbcBlurpbatJCfounoit, tbfcl) ftaU be intcnccD to be true : anti if it Ojoulo not be fo, it tooulo be cifaotan- tagioufl fo? tbe SDefenuant. Hale* faio on tbe otfjcr ftDc, tbat tbc affcropfit tfl rct3eral,anD tbc acts to be tore bp tbc SDcrcnoant to tbc piafntifs arc fe^ tjeral, altbouab tbcsitumpfitfonnDsasaiopnt affumffit. Roll cliief lu. flice faiOjSLbat tbe Confiueratfon gitjcn is entire anD cannot be DfbiD£D,ano tbcre is no inconjjenfence in fopning in tbc jQctfon intW^'cafc; but if one l^an b?ongbt tbe Action alone, it migbt batic been queClonablc. Nicholas ano A$k lufticesof tbc fame opinion. J5ut Jerman luflice Differro , ano faiB, tbat tbep are febcral pjomifes, viz. to celibcr fucb Cattcl rci^erallp to eacb of tbem, as Dio belong p?op:rlp to tbem , ano fo tbere mud be ttoo fe* tcral Actions. But Judgement was given for the Plaiocif, except better mae* tcrlhewedf Antes, Spry againft Mill. Hill. i(54P, Banc, fup, Pa(cb, I^49,rOt. 308f %, • Error to rc- N' verrc'a judge- 1^ a Wixit of erro? bjougbt to tcbetfc a Sluogcmcnt gibcn (.1 a Crobct "?".'nd M,Z' ano ConbCrRon at Launccfton fn Cornwol, npon a nihil dicir, Preftwood vcifion. . SDOa ■ motjfD Qp4 Hill. 1649. motet), tljattbcrccojD is not certlfieDjfojUfsrctarncD bponc tobo Itf not Abatement 3"0e<^ t^ctc ; fo J ft f s tctumcD bp tl)c i^.ifo J, ^iDcrmcn , miD HDcputp^rc- co;Dcr,U)l)crcastbctD?ttof(iDtto?U)a3 torctiiniarccojDUcfojctl)ci»aBEi>. 2lp,3if3lcare, pet tbcufcQjall not retjert to tbe iFeoffo J. 3 Ip, ^t belD tbat tbcrc fs neltbct a gmo bargain ano falc, no j Dotf> ittDOjUbptoapofufc. #ojtticfirftpotatutclato. Roll chiefJufticc fats JflanOs are palTco fojmoncponljVbeoeeoougbttobeenrolleO; butffitbcfojmoncpanona- F nroi.uTcnt. jjj^^jj affc^(Q„^ (t <53 ^^Q^ nccDfuU to enroll it , but tbe lanos infll pafs toftb« '■ outcnrolmcnt. 0no fo bere tbclanopaffcs one irap oj otber; ano ff tbe ufe Itfll rlfc^ll tbe otber points are out of oojes. ano tbcrc fs bere a con* tfnning conCocration to raife a afc. ISut tbe main queftion is tobctbettbe ufe rifetb to tbe iFcoffoj , if not, all tbe otbcr points are gone, ^no be ftelo tbat tbat ^crc teas onlpa mctr matter of trutt,? tijsfntcnt fslToTtbnt tfje iFcof^ ^' fees fljall batjc anp tljfng bp tt)c not petfojming tftc trtiff , but tijc iife Cjall fcctotbciFeoffo?. ;anD tljcrc can be no o(ffciQit fn tljc cafe. 2im Ijere fs a material Dfffcrcncc in point of la\D, in t!;c maWng of ttfs Icnfe, foj (t fs Leafe. mace fo J one nap mo?c ttjcn teas agrccD b}» tbc occu , fo j that Icafc tons to begin from tl)e fcaft of Philip anB /acob;i Aftio, 2Co this |Olca the paintif be* •^1!°'''^ '" muts. She Court fafo this JDcbt cue upon the bono became not Due to the "' ^iisbano, fojitis atbingin^ction , ano tbcrcfojetlie plea is not good. ^ D 3 lones 106 Mich. 1649 lonesagainft Blundcn. Hillt 1649. Banc, fup, Michid49. rot. 34» wheriiei a HT ^fg Cflfc fojiitcdp Tpofectt to toas agaftt motcu bp Wild, iBbo Ijclo, goodtryai or -» t't)at tit rcgatD tl',at tljc matter triable atifctl^ from ttoo places, atiDfo ""• tbs venire map be from botl) places ; petftislDcUenouc^Kttbe from anp oft^cm, anotbe Court t)att) I urisDictfon in botti places, anottjerefoje Vnt trpalfstocllcnougl)fn tbtscafe. TwifdenontljcotljerODcfafD, tftat ^ere are ttoo fffues (11 trpal , ano fo ft fs not toftl)(n tbe 6>tatiite of ^cofaflg > fo> tljat fo of fojce onip iMfjcrc one fffue in trpcD. Roll chief luflice anftoeren , I)ere are not ttoo ilTucs, fo^ pou ^alie maoe t^em one bp picatifng, ano fo ft is toUljfn tl)c statute of Scofafls, ano ftelpeo bp ft . Icrman Juftice to tibe ^f"' •. fame fntent : ano fo Nicholas ano Ask lunices. Roll cliief luftice fafo , tljat Jeofails. tftcfCrueJsjopncD upon tfte matter arffingfnbotb places, annpctft fstoeu cnougb ; fo;t^cp?tncfpal matter toasfn Sc. Clements Danes. Therefore let the judgement be affirmed, except better matter be (hewn, Antea. Adftone againft Hunter. Hill, 1469. Banc fup. Arrcft of A Dfton bjougfet an actfon upon i\^z cafe agafnft Hunter anu fjfs txUf fe foj lud(tcnicntin^t|jcfCt0O}DOfpoi^en Of tljC Pafntffbp Hunters toffo , VIZ. Jane Adflon« the Caft°" °" ^^^ bewitch my good mar, innuendo her Hbsband. vEIpon i^ot gtjfitp plcaO- BD., anu a tUlcrofct founo fo j tbc piafntff, ft toaa mottco fn iSrrcIt.of (uoge* mcnt tljat tl)c toojos toere too general , ano unccrtafn,to raffe anp fcanoal, ano tl)rrcfo;e an ^ctfon coulo not be bjongljt fo> fpcaljfngof tbcm. Shaftoe ofCounccltoftbtbepafniffljelD tljat tljc toojos are atffonable, becaufc tljcp Declare an 0ct j tbfng Done, ano tljc partp fs fcanualfjco bp tbc toojos, 4 rep. Icames Ijia cafc , anB t^c too;DB my good man are toojDfi toell t^noton to Cvpjcfstjcr^^USbanDbp, as 7 lac. tofap, Thou art a healer of Felons, to«0 toell nnBcfftoot) to mean a Concealer of iFclons ; ano ft tljc toojos pood man bc fitccrtafn , pet tljcp arc certain cnouglj to fljcto tljat fomc boop fa bctoftcbcD , foj tljc 0ct oonc fa certaf nip enouglj cj;p;eirci), anc tljc ^lafn= tffffltljercbprcanoalfjcD, anobcQocoftfsaftcra taierotrt, ano bp ft tftcp - arc maoe certain, ano Damages ate gften foj fpeahfng tljem , Mich. 15 C»fV-. Car.Com.Binc.Srones cafe rot. 2<5.RoIl chief luftice faf9,2n!jcfcteO?D0,Tbou haft bewitched a man are actionable, "i ft fs a frantial to fap, One hath killed a man by Wicchcra'r.anO IjC IjelD t^C toOjDS actionable. lerman luftice^ep toulo not bc aiifonablc. becanfe bp tljcm tljerc fa no ad of toftcljtraft cjpjef* feo.Nicholas luftice fafD,tlje too jOs arc not actfonablefo j thou haft bewitched one mzT^ bc fpoUen f n a gooo fence, ? too job arc but tofno , (i fpohrn fn paf« Con fomctfmc?, ano other times fn 5cft 0? mrr\ fm?nt. Ask luftice fafD,tbat Arcrmcr.t. tlJC toojto tcno to fcauDal flsttep arcfpoUcH, anb Qjall be ftttcnccD tbat tftc fjallj bctofttfjeo oncbp2Dfatolfcal;art,9nDRoli chief ]uftic£ fafo, 3tf3 not ncccffarptoatcrtoljatactof tKHftclj^craft toag Done. ;anD thefc toojDs, Thou haft bewitched me and my Aunt Ijatic been aOjilDgcD 0(t(onaOlC fn tljfg Court. It was adjourned to be argued again the next terra. "" mi Hill. 1^49. 207 Hill. 1649. Banc fup. ^^eCoarttoa0mol3COtoquaCbani©?ijetof a pjiftate ^cfistons of i^^Q°2z*oi*' -"- peace , t^at iuas rcmotjco W\)Zt Up Certiorari. SCtie £D^Der itjag , tljat private Scfn- onefljoalncontdbuteto^nlftftc cbarscto'jjariJst^eUccpJns of a JlBaftatOons ofPcicc. CWlD, bccaufchcDtofufferafeoulDtettogcttlje Cbflo upon t\ft boop of i){0 jpatu fcrtatit. SElje Court fafotbts lias not tnitftfn tt-c Statute of 18 ElizranOtljcrefoje let the Order be quafticd, Hill. 1649. Banc, fuper. ApjobibltiontotfteCourtoft^canrnfraltp teas pjapco foj BlnckesJ'fJ^^^PJ^^^' a ClarU of t^s Court fo; Ubellfng agafnft ftfm tJjetc fo j pjofEcutfng a Adrair»ity. matter at tbe Common ILato, tob(cl) t^cp pjeteno to belong to tljcfc Court, anofojstantfnsantnjanttfonagafnft \}im to ttop l) did promile to appear we will rorcc mm to doe it Whitchurch againftPagor. Hill, 1(54?. Banc, fup. Toht rtfto- -y ^ Coutt toas mo1?cB iti tfec bebalf Of Whitchurch aClctfe of tbfsCoart, red 10 a _ I j-jjgj jjj. jj,{g|j{ ijg rctto jco to ffls iDffice in tbe Office of tfte Cuftos brevi. i^'ii.c ci^foi^^'^ff °?^'"'^ f"° ^" 2>:Bcr of tljta Court.otftertoife tfjat he map bate Ubcrtp r.rcviuni ot- to bj after Ijc per Gujrdi .^3 1 7 pearc pears olD fcc ought to fue pec Aitornacum fuum. 2Ct)e Court an- ruiii, fincreOjtljtsfsnogooDejccptJon, foj(fljcbctotfctnthe?Jgeof 21 pears, ^c map fuc pji- guardianura , anD be fa aomlttcD fap ttie Cuurt to ooc fo. And therefore let the Plaintif take his Judgement, Pafc. 1649. 209 Bigford againft Toplam. Pafc»i?esof it bptbc feta. 'D7r.'o'ntinu- *"t^ 5 3"^ ^ fi""^ ^^^^ ^^ tciocablc is not tofo, tnitill it be maoe fo bp plcao. ;n cc. Inc. 5lnD if i'ou cannot anftecr toe Dircontini!ance,all tljc reft (3 to no ptir- Ciy;ior3ri. pofc, tl)Ercfo?c taUctimc to anfiicr ttat. 3tUjagfmD alfo bp the Court, tl)at lljc SDefcnoant map remote an information ct^fbitco againft bim, out of anp Conntp to tljc Courtaat VVeflminaer , notttitliftanoinfl lljc S)ta= tUtCt Hamond againflKingfrnill. Pafci 1 549, Banc. fup» .Ar 'ft of 1^ Araond a ^afiict of peace bjougfet an action upon fljc Cafe againtt H I V"or" °" tl Kinfifraill, fo? fpeafeing tljefc fetcral ico?ti0 of bim, vJz. Sf)t Hamond didof his own head put into Mores confefCon chat he ftole the Lambs, 0nl> alp. That be was a debauched man, and is not fit tobea lufticeof Peace, tmpon not gtiiltp p!caDcD,ano a ticrsict foj tl^e plaintiff , aCfje JDefcnoant ttiol'CD in 0rrcft of ^uogcmcnt tljat none of tbe Inojts tocre actionable o\ at leaft t!}c laft Idojds arc not , ano fo Hiiogcment cannot be gibcn.jIFoj'tbe firftiBOjtflfter8io,tl)cpooel)ttobetahen in mitiorifenfu, ano tfjcp map Ijatea goooccnftru£tion,\i7,. tbat be framco tfje £onfcf0ion toftfiotjt being IjClpeO bp anp Ot I'Cr boOp. ^nO fo J tbC fCCOnO IdOJDc that he was a dcbanch- cd roan tljcp cannot toucb bis office at tbe pjefent , Mich. 24, &: 2 j. eiiz. C. Banc.i .becaufc tbcp arc fpohen in tbe p?etErperfccttence,?not intbc p?efcnt tcnce. Efte Court faio tbat tbe Itojos, toaa a ocbaucbco man,arc inccrtain iDO JDS. Therefore take lodge mem for the firit words , and nil capiat per billam for the fecond, except caufc fhc wed to the contrary. lenningsagainft Lee. Pafc, i(549' Banc, fup. ^Zn^ /sn, /^5, y.^ Fnr'a rerica-lEnnings faioaobtan 5l£tfon of 0irs«Uano3!Patferpnnaf}iff Lee, SCbe '"''" ^nrtiVeroftbem. MaynardbelDtbatbcrcfs a jopntcnancp, bccauft "'nancy I'll*"" tberUiffe tbe uEHfU cannot tafee effect in airparts. Hales belo tbat tbcre is common. a tenancp in Common, ann not a jopntensncp, no j anp croffc remainoers. Roll Chief luflice fafD, Ebat t'DE teo?t0 rqnallp to be citiDeo in a ^153111 , 00 ioynten?r,t. make atenancp in Common bpconfituttton, but in a grant it teoulo be 0=^=''^"'''^ tbettoifc J but bete upon tbe entire WiiM it ootb niot appear tbat tbe Hancs ''°°'"'°"* ftjonlD be cifciocD ; but tbat tbere fljoulo be a &urtlber. 3nD tbe Biano teas intenoeo fo; a feturitp fia; a po?tion , ano tbat tbe octifc lljoulD fiano tiUtbemonpcefboulDbepaio. ^noina tISitU tbe leftlso;csofitt)ocr-^.,, plain tbe firft tro?Ds ; but it is not fo in a grant. ^U tbe gucges a- q,!,,,; grecD in opinion faiitb tbctbicf Hufiitc, andludgcmencwasgivenforthe Plaintiffnincaufa, &c. Pafc. 1649. Banc. (up. • 'Tij^c Court teas mobebfoj a Certiorari, to tbe Eojb s^ama Coi^ ofF-" a«rii6- Majors tbe Citp of London to remote an infojmation cybibiteD in tbat Court , '"''.° ' court. agatrft a?IJooDmongerofLondon, grounuet) upon an 2a of Common CounccU. SCbe Court anftocrcD, toe tarnot 00 anp tbing in it, if it OioulD TLondon. beremobcDbitbcr, if it be gronnoco upon an aa of Common Countcl ; but Ccniorati] if tbe 3ct of Common CounceU be agair.ft liato, toe map grant a Certiora' r J. Adjourned till Friday next to hear Counccll on both fides. r Lamb againft Duff I Pafc, 164?, Banc.fup, "\7'P«>n an Affidavit tbc Court toas enfojmcD tljat Lamb bab flrrcftcD^"^*'^' Duff after a bcroidfounofo^ Lamb againft b(m, to tbc intent, tbat bc^'"^'"' map babe bim in Cuaoop, tobcn tbc Suogcment is cntrcD againft bfm, ano €Z2 fo; 212 Pafch. 1649. foj no otftct canf appears bp ^ts oton confcfefon,? ft toas tbctcfo jc p^ap. CD tbc pattp map be fct at large. SC^c Court tnaoc anftoer,tl)at tbfa iuac a Crangc ano an trregtilar courfc, ano otiglbt not to be. 3If one tabe out a Cafe. latitat agatnfl: one, anoftabe no caufc of ;actfonagainftb(m,tl)C partp map Atcacth nt .l)abCan'3cttonoftt)eCafefOjtt. Take an attachment if he will not d'lU charge the pnrty, or elfe let him (hew caufc to Diorrow why he ftiould not difcharce him. 't>' Hollingworth againft VVhetftone. Paf, J 6^9* Banc^fup. Hollingworth bjougbt an 3aton of E^efat upon a Cngic oblfgatton n- aaf nil VVhetftone, 333lje SDcfcnbant pleaueD papmcnt of part of tlje "P^f,\"'^";'f^'f(im,fincc tbe Action bjougl;t, tatutc of 13 Eliz. 3lp. Stbc statute tattitc of 1 2 Eliz Dotb not repeal tbc Statute of 3 8 H. 8, But J,. I Ut^e party fhew caufe why the ludgement fhould not be reverfcd , and let usMabook^ Burton agaiRfl Low, Pafc. id49,Banc. fup. Mich. 16^9, TOU 2Jf Dmurier to % ^ 0ctfon Of £Dcbt toss bjougi)t upon a ISonb faKcn b\> a &!)crfff, fo% a pica in 'I'tt ^^ jj^, 2?cff uDsnt to sppcar in Cljantcrp upon an 3ttatcbnient (ffuett "vVonrf ' outtbcnccagafnftUm. SCnc SDcfrntiantplcaDfl tftc Statute of 23 H. 6, 2Il)at tl)e &bcttfFoualjt ret total:r JBonooofanp, but in fpccfall cafes, an^ tbat tbto IBonD in toio, bet aufe ft fa tahen agafitft tbc statute. %o tl)i3 pica tbe piafntfff temurrco. SCbc qurflfon irao tobetbcr an ^3- tattijmcnt out of tb? Chancer?, be iDttJjin tlje statute of 23 H. 6^ The Pafch. 1(^45?. 213 The Court ordered caufe to be (hewn why ludgement fliould not be given for the Plaintif ripon this Demurrer, Ponca, Edwards againft Fallowes. Pafch. 1 6^9, Banc, (up, EDwards bjoug^tan 0(tfon upon tfjc Cafe acafjiff Fallo^cs fo; fpcaU< Arrcft of fns of ti)cretoo?Ds ofb^nt, viz. ©Jtoarcs hith ftolkn my Axe ii^^geimcnc from my Wood Pen, antjfojcaulingWtntobcfaounootjct to tbe £[Juartef l"""^^'"" g>cfi3f on. 3(t toas motjeo in attcft of iaDgcment that tbe toojos sscre not '"° '■ ■ SIctfonable, But the Court held they were adionable , and gave ludgement for the Plaintif , Nificaula, &c. Viccarye againft Barny. Pafch. i64P, Banc. fup. rot. 1724, Viccarye, bcfng a spcrcc t Dp bfs 3LraBe,bjourtbt an Litton upon tfje Cafe ■'^'^''^ °^ agaflltt Barns fo; fpcaUfns tbcfc irojDs of \)im, viz. Thou art a Cuckold, ["/^^Tds? and a Cuckoldly Rafcali , and doll owe more than thcu art worth , and art not able to pay thy debts : tapoil non culp. plcaOCD, am an fffiic topncQ, ano atcrPtctfounDfojtbepiafnttf, it txjac motoeo in Streft ofUiiogcmcnt, tIjattbetBOiDs ate not actionable; foj,fo; tbefirffpart of tbc Ido;03 tbcp are tlcatlpnot actfonable , ano foj tbc latter toojno ttjcp do not faiplp ang tljfftfngftauoo: falCboou, amsfo cannot fmplptjlm to bc'a JBanl;ni?t; fo?. tboi'S^^CDoc Otoe moje tftan be <3 tDOjtb,ann fsnot able topap bffii Qcbt3, yetbemapbeanboncftman, ano b: map bate crcoft ana frienos to fups pO?t btm in bf3 traoc. Apej ano More, Pafch. 15 Car. anO lones anO lacob, 4 Car. SCbc Court anftocrcc, bcre is no fraiiti oj ueccfpt bap, inijfcb t^e |0:atnt(f, 3t loaa mobcD in ^rtitt of 3iuiJ0c. upon an Af- mcntt^at tftc SDccUration f0 not Booo , but mfftabes tl)c pjomife,foj tt)e tumifi-, ^catl)crop;omifcDtobcpa2 f«ni fojtobtcbtbe E)cclcrr.tton fc lafo. anD alfo t!)E tlluc (0 taUcn upon tbe immaterial part oftljcplca, auDtbe matter tDcllplcaoeo ia loaiUcD. 2Cl)c CDourt anfluc- TCD , SLftatmiaaiiingofa SuDgcmcntiflamfttaucof ttjcClark, anoianot Ameiidmcnt. material ; biitl)crctl)e2Dcclarntionitfclfii3miaahcn, ano tljat is mate- rial; fojtbe aaionisgrouaDcDupontljcpjomife in ILalo, upon tl)C falc Declaration, of tljc S>bap, ano not upon anp ncvu Contract , ano bp t!)C falc tl)crc \i;ant« = s. in etierp S>l5ccp to mabc up tbe fum DemanecD , t^ctctoje tftc SDcclara. tion f0 repucrnan t. Nil capiat per billaro, nlfi, &c. More againrt the Earl Rivers. ^ ( Pafch* 1649 Bine, fup, Mich. i54p.rot. 588. T'jX 7nronofCounceltuitl)Moretl)epaintif, arguctj againff tfje plea ea'ir.S' * V V o^pderascplcaacDbptljc earl Rivers, 33 it is plcaoco, ano took pica of Peer- t^Jfc Cjiccptions. I. 31t appcaro not fterebp tljc Uctojn bp to^at ^ar. age, rant tiie Carl uaascommtttca , ano bjougbt t}itbcr , ano fo be batbjio oap tn Court, anofotbcpca tj not q,m, i\v, 31t «3 not IbclBCO bptjirtti'e of iB'gat C3arra!it be toas tahen. -.Ip. 2Cbe pica i0, i . 3in abatement of tbe IfJit. 2!p. 3inatioioanccoftbea£toftbe3iHDge, ano tbe latter ougbt not tobcqucfltonctibi'piea. 3lp. JLbereisno pica, but bare toojos, fojbe plcaog tbe Common llato. 4lp. ^^eplcaoo bii5 patent as Carl, onlp bp loap of argument- 5 'p. \^z ougbt to fljclD tbe tojit unoer tb: fecal , tcHi- fl'ing tbe matter, 8 H. d.f. 9. 6lp.Ebcintcfiitureoftbe CaricomistbeU. Dcrpanofr^iftitof tbe GarlDom, anobc batb omittco tbe picaoing the Cctcitionics of tbe intjcfting,aiio fo be ootb not flieit tbat be is an C-arl. %p Capijs tbe Statute ilaln , viz. of E. 3. a Capias \13a3 gitfcn in Debt, ano before tbat a&nmmoiTi5ix)a3tbep.:ocef0. E^be Councel on tbe otber (ioe fato tb^pbao Summons tcmurreo to tbcpica , anofli^iuc^tbccaufcof tbetr Demurrer ; but tbe Court rcp:oVco i!icm,bccaufctbrpbaDruleo tbe matter in iLain flboulo be atguDD at tb; 3Bar to cnfojm tbeit oton 3|uDgcmcnt3. Adjouniatar Poftea, 5"yms againfl V^Vilfon. Pafch. 1 649. Banc, fup. Pafch. 2 5 Car, rot, ijo. a iVaT"R:r C YiTJs bjotigbt m atffott upon tbe Cafe upon tbe fetafutc of£ponopo«C0as in an ASb" Osafntt Wilfon. 2EbeS>cfcntjant pleaoco tbe Statute of Umitationa of i.ponthcofe. aCtfOnS Sraru'C of . iim.iauons. Parcli.i64p, . 215 antonfi in J&atol toe jactton to {I;ts^lca,'ti)e piaintff oemurrco. Hales bclD t!)3t tijts action grouiiDgo upon tbc St^'ctsts i3 not toftljin tl;c &tat;itc of limitations of Actions of 21 he. is net a meet Action on tbe Cafe at t!)c Common 3LaU), but an Action upon tt)e Cafe srounocD tipon tftc &ta= tute of monopolies. 115iitTwifJen!mt{)cot?)ct fioe faio t^at a agonopo:^. Ipisan offence at tbe Common iLatD, fojlrDicl)an iJctionof tbe Cafe DiD """F^^' liebcfojetlje&tatate, anU tljat t^c Statute toaa mace but to inflict a greater panffljmcnt fo; tbc offence, ano fo it is toitbin t^c §)tattitc of lUr\U Utiotts of Actions. Zm iUk tl)c tierj? trojos of tbe §>tat!itc fap, tijat an SLCtU ono fijall be b?otigftt toitbfn ftr pears , ano l)ct!)at faps all lrift!;o'.it limitatf* on, cvcluDcs none, ano bp confcqacnce tljis Jetton ijf not,eFcUt5ci3. 5I}? SCfje cno of tbc Statute of limitations tnas to quiet falcs.ano tljercfojc tij: Statute (Ijall be largelp intcrpjeteo , bccaufe maot fo j fo pHbUi}'.ic a gooo. Adjourned to the nest term to be argued again* ?iCch- 1649* Banc fup. "\7poitat)cri5fctgii3cnagaina a ^antijcD, t!i;it ions fucD fn an Action imigcncnt in ^ upon tfte Statute of Wincfiefter of f^uc ano Cries, gt tons ntotJCD foj a" Aft^on u;.- tl)c ^unD?cQ in 0rrcft of SluDcremsnt, tfint tftc iguno?cD Iras fue* bp Jgill ,"" '''" ^"- itjbetcas it ougljt to Dabe been fuco bp £>;iflinal. ilBut tfte Court ober=ru- chcftel^^'"' leo tbe C-jceptiort, anofaio tbattbgrcarcmanp ^pjcfiDcnts to p:ote tfjatuiii ' " facljj9ction6mapbecommenccDasU3ellbp3BtUa6bj,'£>3i£fnaU original. Pafch. 1649. Banc- fup. LFtchmorcmofteo to qnaO) an 3!"qnifition tal»cn agairtt oncutjontljc Statute of Weft. 3. foj tfte tb?oVDing ooten of CEntlofures. HBnt t^e ^° '5"'^" ="* Court antlBcreo, tljal it toas not pjopet to molic tb quaC) tlje JnquiQtfon \^'V.'"'"^ becaufetl)e2DefenDantcame{nHponp?ocefs , ano tbtrefo^clje mutt cit^ct'*^""*^' tratierfe oj pleao to tbe Slnquitttion. Letdimorc replpcD, tftat tl)c Jnqnifiti. on tuas fo uncertain^ tftat tijc SDefcnoant coulo not tell IjoId to plcao to it, ^■"■ 'SButtije Court anftoeret), be mtgl)t pleao to tlje Diftringas, And tdac th^^"''"''^- • monies already levied for the offence (hould reft in the Sheri;$ hand until the tryal. Hamond againft Ireland. Pafch, 1^49. Banc. fup. Hill.1649. rot, 818. , Ai reft of V|9onatllleta{ctgit)cnfnanEjeaionefirni«, 3lt motcDin 0rrctt of SuDgement , tljat tbe paintif Declares tbat tfje JDefenoant ejecteo ";'" "' btmexunoCottagio, tnijercas ail Ejcftione firmi lies not of a Cottage , •'"j^T""^'. no mo?e tban a praecipe quod reddat lies of a Cottage, But the Court an' ne fi^mi!^ " {wered,thatanejeamentdothlieof a Cottage, bccaufc tbe DcfcriptlOR of tbe tbing bp tbat name is fufgcient anu certain enougb to Ojcto tljc S^ertf of p -^ tDbat to DeUber tbe poffcfsion of ; pet it toas rain tbat a rccotjcrp lies not of aSmy'' a Cottage. Rethonckano Chapels cafe lo lac. itas cttcD tbat an Ejedioae lies of a Cottage , ano alio a praecipe quod reddat* Wood 2i6 Pafc. 1649- V Vood againft Topham. Pafchi 1649. Banc, fup, Arrtft of \7\70odbjoua!)tan 3tffon upon t!ic Cafe agafnftTopham, qusrefilium luJgfmcnt in ^ ^ Juum & h^redcm rapuit cc maritavic, anO obtCfneD a tScrofct agattlft an aftion up- tljc SPcfcncatit.SIn airrctt of juuncmcnt motJCD foj titc SDcfcnoant, tbcie ep- on ihc cafe, ccptfong toctc taliCH agafiift tfjr SDcclaratton. i . 2Ebat it ootft not fap haerc- dem apparentctn, but onlp filium & hxredem. alp. 3It DOtft not fap rapuit contra voluntatem .♦but'onlp rapuit. glp. 3it DOt^ not fct fojtl) tljat tl)C l)C(c toas toJtbtn age. ^p. 3it OotljnotfapCujusmaritafjiumad iprum pertiner» 5But tl)C latt exception onlp toao {nfifteo upon. Wilmot of Counccl irUlj tl)cpa bp Ciuatoian ; but fo:i. Ctto; fit matter of fact , In a Judgement afben in tbio Court, a lojit of CErroj VufH lie berc toell enougb , anD it ia all one tobctbtr tbc tujit be bjougbt tbe fame aCerm, j in a;wtber SDcrm, But bring us Books and wc willadvile,Poftea. Viccarye Trin. 1550. 217 Viccirye againft Barnes. Pafcb,;i55o, Banc, fup, Ajfl iaafort upon tftecafetoasbjouafetbpa ^mcr ajrafnft tfte SDefen- ^^^td'of tcnoant , foj fpeaWns tljcfe toojoo of Mnt, Thou art a Cuckoid, and a i Jdeement in Cuckoldly Rafcal, and art not able to pay thy debts , and art not worth aanAftionup- Groat 2nt)Epa(ntffl)aDa taertfct, ano upon a motfon (n Htrcft of°"'''=Cjrc Juijgcmcnt, tecaufetbe lio;Ds tnerc fitppofco not afljonable, t^e juBjje.'"'^ ''°'*'^* nicnt toas fojmetlp ftapcD till tbc JDlaintf f fljoulo moljc. 0t tbfs cap Pepes fojtbepafntffpjaps foj juogement , bccaufebct)clDt!)ctDo;D0 toere a- rtfonablc , anD cftcn one Brapges Cafe , aDjtiDgco , ano fato tljat tljc plafn* tif ban lalo a fpcctal Damage bp tljc UJOjDff. Windham on tbc other Coc fato , Stbat the plalntff ban not lato anp fpecfal Damage aa Pcpes fuppofctb, but onlp aliegetb a general Damage , namclp, that be bp fpcaMng of the fccojDs loft Ha crcDft, ano coulD not bup toarrs upon truft ao be ufcD to Do bcfoje , but onlp fo J reaop moncp, ano fo tberc can be no ifftie jopncD. lerman /u- fticebelDtbeliJOjOsatttonable, ano alfo Roll the chief luttice, fojbc fafoft toasabtnocrance tob pahutf motico t'nat the SDcfcnoant migljtrbe ojDcrcD to carrp tbe"^ ■" ^"^^'■" tanfe Doton to; be trpcD at tbe flfsijea at big o^trn cbarge* But thcCourtl^wncLr^c " anfvveredchat -hey could make no luch Order, faecaufc tbe ftitc teas not up. denied. on an CnDfamcnt , tobicb ia at tbc futc of tbc Cuftodes , bat uuon an infoj- '"•I'^menr. mation , toWcb is at tbc futc of tbe partp. ' L.fomution. Cater ag^inft Srarcute. Trin. itfjo. Banc, fup. Hill. I64p« rot, lotj, T" ^t ^laf ntif bjongbt an action of SDcbt upon an Obligation fo ffans to D'-n^""" w -■' anatnarD: SCbeSDcfcnDantpleaDeDtbattbcrctDas no auiaro maoe i • 'd^ hT""" JLbcpainttf replica tbat there tpa? an ainarDmaop, anDfctg fojtb ti.era.a^oniiejt'i? toaro, anD afotiTns tbc bjeatb ; iHlpon tbio tbc E^efcnDant D'mnra, ano on ■> (land to fo> caufclietos tbat part oftbeatoarD teas, tbat one of tbc parties fljouio'" "w"**? iff mato 2i8 Trin. 1650, nrafecfucft a ccncral tclcafc to t!)J otijet as Coantel fljoulo aatjffc, fo fbat tbc »Ioiin(cl arc mace ^irbltratoja , in regarQ tljat a juofcfal act fs rcfcrrco totbcm, tebici) onoftt not to be ; fojtljc^rbftratojgcanrotflclcgatc tbrfc Min^ftc autbojUptoot^cro, anD8E.4. f, lottjascftcBtotbfcpurpofc. 315«t Wild Aft rial, on tbc otljcr Odc fato , tljat tbe rcfcrrfng of tl)E maWng of tljc tclcafcB to Jujiciai. Countclirastoarrantablc, bccaufctt{3bntamfnfftcrfalart,a:H)nota jw. Dfctatuteof2i lac. Hales bclD, tbat bolucber tbe partp appeatco , tobeii}er bp dSuarofan, oj fn p?opet perfon, ftfsbrlpcDbptbc Statute of 21 lac. ano cannot be afcfgneo bere fo; CBrro; , ano tbc U3;ft of Grro; tbatfs b?oucbt fsas toll to rcberfe tbc jciDgcment rftjcn bere, as tbe fo;imct juogement gftjen frt C!)ans cerp , fcbtcb cannot be , fo; tbfs Court cannot reticrfe tbcir oton 3!uDse* ntent, Erccptftbcfoj€rro;fnp;ocef3, lyH. 6. 2.44 7H. e.f- 28. noj can tUs Court rctierfe tbcfr oton juDgcmcnt fo; Crro; fn fact , bccanfe ft fs fo obcrtb;oir tbefr oton act, pet tbe Cbcp.uer cbambet map Doe ft; pet tber» Itfs mo;cpjoper to appeal to tbc patUaincnt; ana be faiD, tbat tbe (Lntea ofjRch, j.f. i.anDDyer ly^.citcD, tobcrcfolfceD, babe been fincc Dff. putcD, anc fo p;nprD tbe to;ft of Crror mfgbt abate. Roil chief luflice fafo, tbat fo; tbc firll matter, tobctber ft appears bp tbe afsfgnmcnt of Aopcarsncc t')'^ P'''"^ P 5 V.bctbcr tbc sppcarancc tocre per Guardianum, o;otbertoffe, ^^ ' toetotllnot!ma2tncftbct2tto;ncpo;CDiiarDfanfn tbe Cafe, but tbat be appcarcD in propria pcrfona , faccaufc notbfngto tbe contrarp appears bp tbe I'^ccojD, anpffitbcotbettoffcpouougbtto babe fijeton ft. jgjnD fo; tbe °''- matter, tobetber ft be Crro; to appear bp 0tto;ncp, tobcre tbe partp ougbt to appear bpbfs Ouarofan , be belD ft teas Crro; , anD tbat ft fo not belp» : CD bp tbc gitfltute of 2 1 lac. becaufc ft fsmo;e Dangerous fo;an ^i-fant to , - appear in propria perfona,o; per Guaidianum, tban per Attornatum; foj agafnft an 0ttoj!icp be map babe remcDp, but not agafnff bfmfclf oj _^ bfsOnarDfnn; anD tnfsfscafusoroifTus out of tbc Statute. BnD as to tbe cafus om iru5^^j|.jjjj|j^^ Ubctbcr tbfs Court map rcberfe tbefr oton fuDgcmcnt , b^ belD , tbat tbep map fo; (I2rro;fn matter of fact, as tbe cafe bere fs, tbougbtbep cannot fo; Crro; fn matter in ILato, as teas aDjuDgcD, Mich. 2s. rot. 96, anD Micb, j Jac, fn Watkias anO Giffins cafe , ano ff ft IboulD not be fo TrJn, 1650^ ^19 fo ftete,tl)cpattpfeoulDbetDftboutrcmct)p, fojljecattfta^c no remcupfn tl)c Ctjcqucr Chamber, ano tljcrc ia no pjeCoent icesbelotbEp tuere artfonablc. 5But Icrman luilice ooubteo, becaufc tbe partp tbat teent to tbe Wells to be cnreo mfgbt lufpcct be bao tbe ^ov tbougli iFfi ie zzo Tri'n. 1650^ 6e liaO tt^Ctn not, But iudgement was given for the Plaintiff, Ellyagginll; Mawdic. Trin. 1650. Banc. fup. Pifc, i(5jo, rot, 405. ELfyc b;ougl)t an action npon t^c cafe agnfiift Miwdit fo j jrpcalUn0 tl)cre toojDsof^fm; Thou Sirrah art a rogue and a rnn-awayrogae, and didft jiidfif nici t in run away from Oxford, and art a rogue upon Record at Oxford. %\\t ^lafrt« wo/j!'""*" tfffuponnotaiifllpplcaDcD^aoatjetDlct.thc SJcfcnuant moUeD in attcft Df3lat)gcmenttJjatt!)e toojuslDcrc general, anD uncertain, ano not actio- nable tlje Court thereupon ftapeo Snuaemcnt till tf)c plaintiff thoula mote. SChe Plaintiff at another Da J? niotjeabp, Hales of Ijts Councell fo} 31iJDgement, tDho faio that the itoojos are actionable, oj at Icatt fomcof them, for thou art a rogue upon 3Rcco;t) are actionable too jos , ano that fa part of the too?D0. SChc Court CF.tliiicD alfo that thcp tocre actionable, yet iDoalO atJtjffc, Poffea, The fame Term Indgeraent was givenfor the Plain* tiff. Chafe anci lones agamft Lovcring. Trin. 1650, Banc, fup, Arrcttof /^HafeanDlontsfajoaehtan Action upon the cafe againtlLovering, upon judgement in V^gpjomife mauebp the EDefcnoant to th^ Plaintiffo to pap unto tbcin an aftion up- jj^ |^ p^j j,f jjjj ftaisht of 3 e>hip auD foj uot pacing ft the Plaintiffs bjinii; uDon a pi'(!- ^^^^"^ actton.taipon non afrumpfit plcaBco thcrc toas an iffue jopneo , ano a ni.fc. tereict fotina fo j t')C Plafntiffu. SChe JDefcnoant moljco in arrctt of Siuoge* ment, « aUcgeth fo? caufc.thatthe Plaintiffs atcrmcnt in their SDctlaration Averment ^^ ^^>^ "°" pnpmcnt of the 84 I. io not coco , fo; It toth not appear b'g tijc a« tjernTenttl)attheretoa0anpfraightDucfojthe&hip,oiitof tohich the mo» nies toeretobcpaio. Rollchiefluf^ice anftocreo, that the Plaintiff ought to liatcafcrret)tV;at there tocre monies tjuc fo?thi: fraight i-f the Ship, o- thcni;frc hoto can it be Itnotou tohcther tl^crefae anp monpca Due to be paio 9ut of them, therefore the atiermcnt is terp inccrtairt,to tohom Icrman Nicholas anD Ask luftices agrceD. Roll ChiefluiliceaDDeD, that it is part of the pjomf fe that tljC monp fhall be paio out of the fraight . ano as the a- tcrmcnt is; the matter cannot ttanD together , ano here is no Dcmano foi the monpcs to b: paio out of the fraight. Therefore againft the Plaintiff let there b^a nil capiat per bilfam enired* Blackuen againl^ Harvye. Tiio, 1^50, Banc, fup. Hill, 1649, rot, 928, up 11 9 pi'-a at cr iin;»ai • hnte. BLackden brought an 0ction upon the Cafe, upon an indebitatus afTurfp: fit to pap unto him 9 1 upon DcWberp of certain Cloath againft Harvy asC-j;ecuto;ofI,S. SChe JDcfenoant appearcD ano imparlcD', anD after f mparlanccplcaos in abatement of the ©arit, that I, S, maoc other C-jre- cutojs Tritj. £^50. 22.1 catojs together Vtftl) the SDc" cnoant , tolp oiigbt to !}atc been nameo tntfte Wirit. ELftcpatnt(fftJem;ir0,anc fojtaufcttjetop, i-Sfjattte plafntfff Dotl) not Qjcto iDbat gooois tlje Dcfcnuant aDminfCrco, no; at to^nt tf mc l)c aDmfntftri:Danp,asfteortgI)t, anod. lac Edwards and Foyes cafe teas cftco to pjotjc eclaratton> ft Is agtecD tljat tlicrc teas a HBaffara €1)110 , ano ft fs a fcanoal to tbe partp, tobctl):r tljere tocrc a J15aftaro Cbflo 0; no, ano ff tbete toete none , pou ougbt to ftcto it on t!jc Dcfcnoants part. Therefore let the Plaintiff have his ludge^- menu El(y againft MawJic. 1 rin, 1650. Eanc, fup. Pafc. id50» rot. 409» Tl^c Cafe of Elfy and Maw dlt teas agafn molicD , tobercfn tljc pafnffff "^"(ft of bao a tcrtjfct agalcC tfjc SDcfrnoant , fn an Sctfon upon tbe Cafe '" '.S'r"="' '" bjowgbtagafnttbfm, fojfpcalifngtljcfc teojos ofbtm; Thou Sirrah arta'^^'jj]"^ ""^ rogue, »nd a runsa way rogue, and didfl runaway at Oxford, and art a rogue upon Record at Oxford; upon a motfon fn atrctt Of ^uugcmcnt , jfuugc- nient teas ttapeottU the plafntfff fl)o:ilQ mote. Hales note motco foj Huogemcnt, becaufetbctoojw are actionable, fojtbcp make tbc plafntfff to be fucb a lHogue as map be cnoicteQ tetthfn tbe statute, ano rccefte coipojal punfQjmcnt ; 3IBut Twifden tenpentt. Rol! chief loflice belD ft toas toftbfn the statute. |0et t!ic Court toonlD atJtffe. Sn this cafe lerman lufticefaid, Chat ff onc fap that anotncr fs fojftoojn tnaCourtof Re. to;D,the teo^Ds are not a(tlonablc;buf ff he fap that he fs fo;f teo?n uponi^c^ cojD, the teojDs arc aflfonable. JlBut Roll chief luftcehclo there teas no Difference betteeen tbc teojos, but tbattftcparc both ;3afonable, Ancea et Podeat if f 3 More ^^ irin. 1649 More again ft the Earl Rivers. Trin» 1 6^0* Banc, fup, Mich, 1649, rot. 588. Rivers \M Ore;g[trcffca tbe EarlRivers bg a bill of Midlcfcx fit aplta otlDcbt Cljc o^c touching iVJ earltoaB ttiempon b?otigl)tbcfoje(pr.Iuftice Nicholas to put fn batl, r-'a3ee'°^ ^"^ "°* '"^'"S ablc to put fn fufficfcnt bafl acto?Dfng to tbe courfe of tl)c 6 ' Court,toa0commfttcDtotbccutto!jpoftl)ci!parcfc^)alofH)ei^artbalfca,tl^e C!;arlbcfns in cuttoDpbjlngoljlmfelf Into Court bp a habeas corpus, ano t!jcrcplcaDsbf3p.:fW!egcofl3f)jpcetagc,an3 fapcs,tbatl)c ougftt not to bcarrcftcD,auDDcmant)c3;uDgcmcntoftljcta5E[rlt,ano pjapcs to be ulU tJercDj to tijfo tbe plafntfff ucmurrco. Hales of Conned toftft tljc Carl ar« guco to Dfticra points , but 3; couId not bcrc bf m tocU. 315ut tljc main que fiion be inCacD upon irac, toljctljcr tbat bp talUng aluap tbc boufc of J,o jog fn fBarliamcnt, to^crcbp tticfr Doiccann place in ^parliament teas gonc,tl)c fSjiWlegc of liia peerage not to be atreftco fo; SDebt, loaa aKo taUcn atoap, Capias anDf)cargucDtbatitiDa0not,fojberaiD,tl)at at t^e Common ilato, no capiaslJiolpengainffa^eer, anDtl)C§>tatuteofE.3.lDb(cl)gat3ca capias f02 SDebt againft otbcrs.Dionot git)c it againft a JDccr , anD it Dctft ap<« peari)cre tI)attbeH)cfrnDanti£ireaUp an CatI, ano not in nomination onlp , ano IjeciteD 27 H. 8. f, 2a. E-ftercaronsberaiD iubp an Carl fjao tfj" pjiWlcac not to bcarteaeD,are ttoo. %\}C firft io in rcfpcct of ti)c Dtg- nitpofbio perfon, being calico comes a comitando rege ( ns fome babe tfjougbt , ) ano be ia calleu bp tljc ^iing confanguineus nofler, 2Cbc fecono ic in rcfpc£toftl)cpjcfumpt{on of bia futfiticrcp of cftatc in lanDo to be fummoncDbp, ano not bp rcafon of bio place in parliament , foj thep I)abetbep.»it)ilc2c nottobcarrcftco, ao tocU in tbe tmcantp of |S)arlia» mcnta ao Ubcn tbc parliament Dotb fit , ano tbe pjittlegc of parliament is tbat \)c ftjall not bcfuco ; but tbep;i\jilcgc of peerage is , tbat be (ball not be arrcttcD in bifl perron, anufotl;ep are niHiiict p;iV)ilcgcg , ano bp tntiing atoap tbc 5Lo jdc boufc, tl>c fo jmcr pjitillcgc is taUcn atoap, but not tbc latter, ano tbispjitilcgc f anncrcototbcpsrron) notto be arrcffcb, map belong to a psrfon tljat batb not tbc pjiuilegc of par.liament , as fo;. Example uiito CSaiDotocg of peers tobtcb coulo not be arrcttco, ant) pet baa no place in parliament , fo tiiat tbe ejcluDiiig tbcm from tbc parliament Dotb onlp take abiaptbcirpjibilcgc of parliament, ano not tbeir pjiW» lege of peerage, ano NevliU cafe is, tbat tijepjibilegc not to be arrcftcD belcnjjs to tbcm in rcfpcct of tbc oignitp of tbeir pcrfons, 9 Rep. S lops cafe, r iSuD it batb Ijccn a qucftton tobctbcr comes be fo calico a comitando rccc,o; in rcfpcct of tbcir Counties Uj'.jcrcoftbcptocrc Carls, ano 31 ton- ccitjc tbc latter ocriMlon is tb: truer , ano tbcn tbc taWng aiuap tbe Mnz takes not aluap tbeir pjitiilegc , foj tbe Counties remain, alp. Carls babe bp iiitcnomcnt fufficicnt frabolo to cnfco;e tbcm to come in, ano an= ftocr at tbfs oap, ano tbcrcfo:c are not to be arrcftco, ano imp jironmcnt f a mans perfon fo j oebt, toas bat a fuppiimcnt to mahc bim anfioet tobJre be bao not fufficicnt frecbolo, tobfcb inc cannot inteno bcrc, Nar. brev.f.pj. iSno an Carl fbaU be amcrcco btgbcr tban anotbcr man , in rcgaro of tbc pjefumptionofbisfrecbolo.ano Carls arc calico majores Barones in tbis rcfpcct, 7 E. 4 Nevils cafc, nno tbc tofooio of an Carl bao tbc pjitilcge not to be; tljc tVoo 'ocrp tcafons t^at t)ct l)u0bano ban iVo teas it of a SBti&op 7nn.i6 50. 223 31BfCbop, ^abbot, ane pjfo; of Enfjland j but otl^ctlrffc it iuaij of a 5B:fliop ' tbat ftao a JStOjopMcU out of England 0no tftc late Statute that taUcc a. Inap t^e ISinglp office tiotb not tahe atoap t^cfr names , ano uf^nftf es,noj tfje pjefMntpKon tiint tticp l}at3C freeboifla, ano tberefoje tfjrp arc not to be arrcttco, anotfteft tDfllbcfmce tfteStf, no mojc a fatlcr of ticbt t!)?.n tijcre toa0 bcfo je, ano fo Ije pjapco tftc MIr(t mfcbt be abateo. Roll chief Abatemeuc. 3ufticeanfU)crci),poarvi:ipcntougbttol;atcp;apef>tUc tGIrtt mfaftt tiate abateu , befo?e tje uas turneo oVet to tljc iparQjaU *of tbia Court* , fo> tijcn ^c teas in Midiefex toljcre be luas atrcSco ; but tlOto it fe too late, fojnoiDbCf0crjeant Glin argueo to the fame eflFcrt on the fame ttDe, Hales on the othcrCtDe faiOv that notlnithttanoing the an. glice the SDcclsration teas incettaft:. ^nD it is not lifee tl^c cafes de tribu« pon« Trin.1650. ^225 ponderibuj, Anglice,toefsljts! ofCl'Kfc, oTWaltjC; ffonetocfgbt of ktz, 3nDtl)Clcojoraedicaracniumi3a0nncertamai3tl}COtl)ctteojQ, fcj tt Cg« nificsDitcrsfpcctefioftftfnKS, ilBut Roll chief luihcefjclDjtbattlje Djtigs lucre toell cjpjcffeD by tt)e toojos Jn tbe E>Ec!aratfon in tljc tulgar ana nfual dc,.]^,^;^,, acceptattoiT of tlje too jdb ; ano fo; t^e teojo weight ft (3 alfo vccU hnoton a- mongftCraDrfmcn. Nicholas luOicefafo, tee mnft not frame nfcettcs to otctftootDjuogemente, ano bcrc fs ccrtafntp cnoitglj (a botfj tfjs toojQsto pjcfct(bJtl)CtWns> ant)«(3lmpofefblctOEj;pjcfstf)8maptIp ano part{cu« larlp. Roll chief luOicefafD, t!)e2>ccIaratfonf3tUjob«nDjc'D tocfgftt, antj ct)Erponehi".oiDSlf)cmcaji(n0ofa!^«no;co. lermaniudicebclD t&c2)cr claratfon certain Enousl»,^anDdtcDacafctol)cre cnc orclarco pro decern doliisfpirituum, Anglice, tcn l^ogfljcaos Of &p(rft0, ano aDJiiDCeO SOOi A$koft!)efanieop(nUofCBtrojtorct3crfeajaogcmentcfbcn fn t!j" Com» Error to re.^i moH peasfoj Andertonfn an jactlon of 2Pcbt upon an £>b'Jcrattou,ano vctfc » judpc- ;af9fgn0 lo% CErroj tijat tljc iDbUgo; fn tljc £)bltgatfon upon Uihfcb the flafc "'"^ '" '''^c ontoa0bjouBbtmaoel)f0iiiffeftfaCj:ccutrfr,anODpcD ano that t'.c iJfe,''"'"" °'" being Crccutrffopco fntcttate ; ano tbat tbc ^lafntf f In tDc 0rtf on tcft ao. ''^"'"• ntfmffratlon of tljc gcooo ano Cljaf telo of tDc feme , ano bjourtijt tljc acrfon jf2Debtuponan£)blfg«tfon, 30 Sominfftratoj to tfte iuffc; toijcrcas m Pafntlfoufibtfirft totetafeenJlettcroof ^lomfr.ffJratfon ue bonis non ,d„,,„i„,„i tbc Court agwwj ano falo It <0 a plain fault , ano revcrkd the Judgement <^S El/y 226 Trln. 16^*0- Elfy againil: Mavvdit. Trin. i6jo, Banc.fap. ELfy fa?oagl)t an atlfon of flffan't ano IBatterp apfntt Mawdit an ZttoU ny oftljfsCoutt, antil)ts tcffc. %\)z JDefcnoant Mawdit appcateo in Hu-bind propria perfona , anD ftfs Irf fc toaa in cuftodia. anu fo tftc pialntff Dcclatca muft put agafntt tljcm; tl)C queftton bcre toas toljetljcr Mawdit tbc JEDcfcnoant otigftt «"i(^c in^Vfljuit "''^ ^"^ P^'^ tnbaUfo^bfstotfc. BurrelofCoancel Uiitb tljc SDcfcnoatit ar« and baltcry" ' B"^ " > tftat tfec E^Etlsratfon U'as not gooD , bccaufc tljat tlje ^uabano Maw« dit o«2^t to l)atc put fn bafl foj bfs ®3(fc, ano dtco Smith ano Smiths cafe , anDMich,i7 Car,SimonFanfhawscarc,anDDyer jyya.anO Brook title Privilege, J ^3 a^anUprep. Roll chief Iu(]icefa(5 , ^t ougljt to put (rtbaHj Bail. tljcrcfo jc the Plaintif nil capiat per billam,bccaufe his Declaration is not good againfl her in Cudodiat The Gicy of London againft De roy. , Trin. 1650, Banc, fup, c»uf£ why 9 T Atch flbelDS foj taufe tobp a procedendo fljonlo not be grantcD to. Lon= a procedendo J^don agafnftDc roy,\il)o upon a trpal agafntt Mm toaacominittco fnLon» etanIed""o don foj nOng tl)c SCtaDc Of 8 U)0?Wng ©olD=fmftl), ano a too;kfng3lclDEl- Lcndon. Icr, not ftatjfng fcttcD as an Sppjcnttfc to tftc aCrane, ano luas b;oug^t ljf< tl)cr bp a Habeas Corpus, i . £Ll)at tftc jDcclaratfon fs founocD upon a 315p» lab. anotliat 31Bplntocclarat(on is natigbt ; ano berc tfte CuCo'mfsfcttfficDfntljs ncgatfte, anBt^fsfaoppofuumin rubjedo , ano By-iaw mccrip toHtratfttoH' «" H ftlf, 8 E. 3 . 77. ano tl)e 315p4ait alfo t^at is cct« tie CO fa not certain , ano It fa alfo unreafonable , foj eticrp ftrohe tljc S)c- fcnoar.t ftrfltEc, f3 tiCng of tfs SEraoe , anofttaiuueafonablcbc fljo'ilo pap fitc pouno fo; eUerp ftroUc. alp. %\it SDcclaratlon fa not applfeo to tbc IBp* laiDupontDftUbftfagrotinoeo, fojtljcoofngofa t^lng one oap fa not u. Cngtoooeft, anotfjeteojoadiverfis vicibus 00 not Ijelp ft, foj t^ep ate notapplpcotobfatBOjUfngaaaietoellct , but to ^fa toojbfng aaadPblo- fniftl)onlp; alfoftootftnotappcarirftofa to ^atie tl)c fojfeftuce foj one tbftopart of the fine fct upon Wm ; ano ft fa not fafo t^at be gafnco l)fa U- tfng bp the 2EraDc o;i falc of the tommooftp lD?ought , ano the toojoa of u« fingftproiucroet profi:uooo not help ft, foHt map be he ufca f t foj hfa •pjftatc tifc, ano that fa to hfa pjofit, though he fell not the commooftp. ^crtftfaunrcafonablethata ftranger an 0lfcn (hall be reSrafneo bpa 55p-.lato maoe 4o)icarfiaco, lnhcrrofl;chaQnonotfcc,anothat bpreafon of (nch a ILato he Ihoulo be piinfQjco foj oofng a thfng luhich the ^Common JLatoallotoo, namclptogethfaotonUtjfng. Sitfa alfo fafo, Non cxiftenj iiberhoraoufuseft arte,*fc. toh'th ate tDOjoa tcrp fncertafn ; foj bpthe of» fence foci;pjc{ieocl3erp;appjcntfcE map be punfrtjeo fo:i inojfjfng, foj ait Slppjcntfce f a not Liber homo. M«ynard on the other Ooe cJtco 5 E. z* that a negatf t)c iofth an affirmatfbe f mplpco fa gojo , ano that ft fa cj-clulibe of fetrangcrs, anc fncluSbc of the Cftf jena. ano the offencefa the matter, $ not the tfmc of the ©cfenoatits tiSng the SDraoe , ? ft f a alfo irell oeCgn- co fn all pof nta to ii,hat ufe the fine fa to be pt!t ; ano f f there (jc Crroj thtp ought to b jfna a tojft of (Ertoj , ano to cjrcept to the SDcclaratfon; 0ntt thfa cafe cannot be Ufeenco to an ^ppjcntffea toojfefng, foj &e offes the ^ra0£ Notice. TrJn, 16 50i 22 7 SDtaOC not fo J '^fmfclfbnt!&f0 spatters faencfiU The Court de fired books, and adjourned it till the next Term. Cuftodcs liberf . '&c. againft White. WHite toasoutlatocufnan^ctfonofCrefpafg, 3it faas mot?eB toToKverfe an reUetfc t!)e £)utlalDJi? , becanfcfnt^cejtgcntft *ra0 utieft, be-- ?u'4^rjon tog put foj an abbjeljiation of utlagatus eft, ano upon tbfs Ofceptfon it toas ' tc^ctfeo* Diine againft Grigfoiii Trin,i<55o. Banc^fup. Hill» i6'\9>TOt. 98. Dlfnebjoug^tan^ttfonofHDcbfttponan ilDblfgatfon agafnft GrIgfon.Demaneraf- tbe conDitton toao foj t^c paptnentof a ccrtafn fum of moncp upon tbc '" »" '""c rcfisnattonofaUtfng, ano a certain annual fum at ttoo papment0, cbe^"^"^ * l^laintifarsfgns a bjcac^ in not paping tucl) a fum at fucl^ a Dap , upon tbia tbeiffuetDaacntrcD, ano after tbeSDcfcnoantDcmara. Roll chief lurticc, SClie SDefenoant is a ^, ano toe cannot gibe ioogcment againft i„jgfmer.t, ftim , ftap tbcrefo?e till be is rccobcreo*. Yet take your ludgement , nifl ,Errt'r. &c, for the other may bring his writ of Error if he will. Nota, Bernard againft Lcvic. Triot 1 6 J 0* Banc. Cap* BErnard bjongbt a injit of (lEtroj againft Levic to rcbcrfc a gncgemcnt Efo*" '«> •■*- gitcn againft bim in the Common pipas in an aaion upon tbe cafe ioil"l\ hi'an^*" rptahingtbefetoojDBofbtm, Thou JBernaro art a bafe fellow, andAd"on"4>on didft kill thy firft wife. SCbeCrroMfsigncD toas, tbat it DotU not appear the c>re. in tbe ^Declaration tbat tbe ^Dlaintif Iras marico bcfojc. But the Court af- firmed the )udgera£nc,anDfaiD, tbe SDcfenoant Ijatb confeffeDitbpjopnfng ^tTtie non culp,upon tbe toojDs. Wood againft Topham. Trin. i6$Ot Banc. fup. •TTI^is cafe being an 0a{on upon tbe Cafe quarefilium fuum cepit et a^'pj,ortorf I duxit,etmaritavit,tDa6 again motcD , anotbe exception infiftco upou^J,'i^'^a°ujge. Iras, tbat tbe IDlaintif DOtb not fap Cujus maritagium ad ipfum penincr» , cntln an JBut Roll chief luitice faio, tbat it coulD not be otbcritifc intcniscD , but tbat .^-i^n on ihe tbe mariagc belongs to bim , ano it uotb not appear tbat bts &on ioas mari> ^^'=' CO before, ano tbe balne of tbe mariagc is not bere material; fojtl)c mari» age of bis &on belongs unto bim as a parent^ in rcgaro of bio pjotcctton Marble. ano aotjice, lerman DiffcrcD, ano faio , tbat if be lucre niarrco bcto jc. be toas tbcn Pater Familias , ano is out of tbe pjotcction of bis i^atber. i5at^'o«fiion Nicholas ano Ask Slufiices agreeo iritb Roll, ano Roll faio, tbe matter Ijcrc is not tbe lo's of tbe mariagc, foj tbat is but toincreafe tbe Damages , but tbe jSrtion lies onlp, quarecepitet abduxitt /djourned to be argued the next Terra. Antea et Poftca. CD 5 2 Otcf* -^g Trin. 1650. Orefwick againft Armery. Trin^itfjo, Banc.Aip. Mich. 1^49* rot, 354, Errortorr. /^Refwick bjcuglit fl tojft Of (Ettoj agafRff Armcry to rctjcrfc a vcrfcajudge vyjiiogcmcntgftcnagafnttbfmfnBnnow, inanadfonof tebt upon a „„nrman ConccfTit folvcrc, accojDi an • T^^ €mxi tofl0 motJCD to quafl) an enuJctment of 0ffault ano IBafterp, Lndiamcrt * 2Et)c CBrcBptfon inag, t{}at ttjE (EoDfctmcnt toflfl tahcn before t^e JaftU ot Aiijuitandtesofa'fifjcanDdUaolDeUlJcrp. anu £>p£t anu SCcrmfncr , ano fo ft ootft Bauciy. ^ot appcat bp tjettue of Uit)at Commffafon tt teas taken* Roll chief luftice, l^c oug^t to IbeiD bp trfrtae of Ujljat Commtfslon partfcularlp (t Inas tafecn, ant) tl!crcro;e lee ic be qoafhed, and a fine of 40 s. fee upon the Clark of the p.^^ Affizes fjr his negligence. i Bowles againft Glark. Trin, 1^50. Banc, fnp, TSntDasfljciDCOfojcaufenponariilcofCoatt, tohp a ^joWbUfon fljoulo wvy a ?»rr.hi. \ not bc grantcD to tl)c |a?crogatft)c Contt, JEhat fn the lufU ioWth tbe biiioti fii°ui<*^:ctogatftieCoutteni)cabourcD to repeal, there tocrc lants gfijcntotlje ed twhc Pre- ^'^""^"J- ^'"^ '^""'^^ anftocrcD . jf the ^?erogatfbe hatje potoer to icgadve. pjotje a tuill , thcpmapalfo repeal ft bp appeal ; bat If lanosbe DcWfco, together liiUh gooDs , thep hate no potoer to repeal ft as to the Intioo, but f f thepfhoulot-atje no potoer to repeal f tag to t^e gooDs ft tooulo be mif= thfctoufl. 3I3ut th^p halje no authojftp to mahc the oetffc gooD j III , as Pr -inbuion. to the lanO0. 3no t'c Court teas at firtt agrcco to grant a pjohfbftfon as tothclanQsonlp. 315utaftcru arcs the Court hclD that there couln be no fiKh cfftifion maoe of the tofll bp }3johf bftfon , as to ftano gooo fn part, ano to bc icpealeD fo^ the rcffj and To would not grant the prohibition, Nota,. Kenifton againft Crouch. Trin. 1^50, Banc, fup. For a rule to np ^t Court iias mohcD that upon a 3!«Dgeincnt gftjcn fn the Common enter juiiRc- I Peas, fincctbcS[athatair?ftoferrojfl)nlibcnofuperfedeas,ato?e return, anufte map return fnto Wales. iSnt to t^attljc Court anftoereo, tftat to return fnto England, ojfnto Wale?, tuas all one as f o tl)e fntcnt of tbe Statutc/jlp. Etje action toas an 2ctfon upon tfte Cafe, ft tbat actfon (s not mentfoneu fn Ibc Statute, IBat Roll chief luftice fafo , tbfsf is no neto Cafe; foj ft batb been ruleo tljat an Action upon tbe Cafe is tottlj* Cafe. fn tl)e Statute. lermanlufticefaio, tftelDzotjifo of tftc Statute is fnteno- eo to be as large as tbe boop of tfte act. Nicholas luflice to tbe fame effect anDfaiDjtbattbetoojDSCterparsmentioneDfntlje act Dotft compjffe fn ft an action upon tfteCafc. J he ludgement was affirmed, mfi. Trin. 1650. Banc- fup. To q'laf!-. A/|iCnt)ictmenttoa3t|uaH)eD, faccanfeft toasraiotobetahcnadgcne= ralem SefTionem Pads Cuftodum libertatis Anglii , tobcre ft OUg^t to be Seflioncm Picis publics, bp Ierra3n lufticc , abfence Roll. Treton againft Squire. Tiin, 1650. Banc, fup. Tohivc* 'y^^c Court teas motcDtbat a p^ffcner fn tl)C ^arflbalfea migljt fjate Pi ifoner to ^ If bcrtp fcp rulc of Court to be at a trpal to site bis tcCimonp as a Wit-- Kftific at a „pfg ^^ t^j. jgufp. lerman luftice, abfente Roll, anf toerCD , IBjfng bfm tbl- * "*'• tbcr bp a Habeas Corpus , but tahe a gmo guaro icitb tj'm , fo: it fljafl be at HabeaJCor- pour pcrilff IjE cfcape, anDteftaUbeb;oHgt)ttt)ttt)cr,anDcatrfcD faacfe a< fus. gain at pour oton enlarge. Gibs Mich. 1^50. 251 Gibs aoainft Price. Tiin. 1650 Banc fup. GlbsaHBamftet of Lincolns Inne bjougftt an action upon tbe cafca=Arrtftof SafnftPricefojrpeabfngt^efetDOjD0Offtfm, William Gibs hachdcalc'"'^P'^n«nf ■'' falfelywith me being his Clyent, and hsth joyned with mine Advcrfary*'" '■^'°" *'"' mponnotguatppleaDCD, tljcreiDSsaniffuejopnED, ano a tacrcfrt often """"'" fo? tfte i^lafntft". SClic SDefcnoant moteD in Slncft of ^rnqtrntnt ttjat tftc tD0?Ds Uicrc not actfonabl0. JBnttftc Court bclo clearlp tl^c iroaos iicte attfonable, ano toetc ojDcifns juDsemem to be entrco foj tljc |31afntff,p j. bHtfaccaufeanottjctcrreptfontBastaUen, SCftattljepafntifDotft not after ' * tl^at be iras afDjactfrcr st tf)e time of tlje bringing of !)ls actfon;anD faccanfe UiDasalfoobjcfteDtftattftcpiamtiftaasnoto fcqucttreo, Jotjercfoje tbc ^^'"-""t. rale toas, tbat t^e IRcco jd oj tbc Poftea ftoulo be fajougbt fnto tbc Court , anotbat Coancel (tioulo agafn be l^taxn, 2:1510 teas ntoticD again , ano Roll chief iulticefalD, SCtjattlje palnttfotigijt toal3Ct!)e<0a|a?actlfcr,foj ije map be a^JlBarretter ano net p?a(tlfe» But ibc Court would advifc» Boomer againft Clevc. Trin. i^joi Banc, fap, Ii^ 1^10 Cafe In artcC of 3iaiiSEment npon a tjerolct giben foj f ^e piatnf If Arreft of fn an Action upon tbe fetat.of Winch, 1 2 E,i. of !^uc ^ Crj>c0,tlje qucffton '"''ptmenr ;n being , teljctfter tbe pialntlf In ^10 SDcclaratlon &ao' minrccltco t^c statute ^" ^^'°'^ "?' ojnot, Roll chief Iafticeto5ktbf0 Difference, tbatffoneb?lng an Action °u re of, "e^ upon a fetatute, anofn l)l02Detlaratton mff^reclte It, In tDojD0 iD^lcft tto cf Hue and to tljegrouno of tlie action, tftougbtberebea laeroldlntbecafc, pet It Cries t0 not ibclpcD ; but fftljcmlf- recital be in U)ojD0it)blcl) Doe not goe to tbe^^"^"'- grounDoftljej9rtlon, U is lielpeo after aetolct bp t^c fetatatc of Se'ieofa;] ofall0. . ' ^' Bynion againft Trotter. Michf 1650. Banc, fup, BYnionb?oagi&t an Action upon tlje C2jrc againft Trotter foj fpealjing Afreft of t^CfC tOOjOa of ft! nt, He is a Thief, and hstb ftollen my Turnips andiudpcmcnt in my prafs, tHpon a tUcrDlct gitjcn fo j t^c ^pialntif , SCtie SDefenDant mo- an *aion tar tcD fn arteft of Juogcmcnt tljat tftc toojD0 arc not actionable , becaafe tlie '"°"^^- Braf0 mfg^t be grotofng upon tbe gronnD, anD tbe 2nnrnlp0 fn tl^e grounD.^^jC^ ano fo part of tfte iFrecbolD. 215ut Roll chief luflice belD, tl)e Ido jos arc acti- onable , fo;t tbe aEurnfp0 Q)aU be fntenoeD to be puUcD up , ano tbe t^jafs motueDjSt^claftiDOjDsate notcumulatibe. Therefore lee the Defendant fhew caufe why the Plaiouf (hall cot have his ludgemenc. Pioder :^z Mich. 1650, Pinder againft Davvkcs. Micbt i^sOfBanc.fup, Error to re- D^fwlef ''^^'tisbt SH 0(t!on Of JCtcfpafs flgattift Dawkes , aoo Declatw, vcrTa'l°uJ|c- X quarc claufuro frcgit contra paccm publicam, et poftci ct palos fuos ibidem mcnz in noper tnventos cepit ec afportavit. %[)t piaintff Ijatl) a t3crDla anO a Tr^fpafs - jucgemcnt, tfte SDcfcnuant bjfngs a iDjJt of Cttoj to tctctfc tl)c jucac= c]u.rc c)au- ^j,.^^^ ^^^^j afsigns foj ©rto}, I » E^at t!)C ICrefpaffl toaa oonc In tbc late urn ftgii. luj^ggtjj^j;^ anDtl)crcfojEtUcSD0clatattonQioulDbaticbeen contra pac«m Dommi Re gi5,anD not publicam. alp. 2Lf)at t!)c EDcclatatton ta tnttttattt ; fo J it appears not tobetljer t^e ipoffs ann |3alc0 tocrc fiiccD to tfte groanD o:^ no, noj t)oto manp of tbcm tljcrc toete , ano fo tijc nature of tftc offence cannot be ccrtatnli' linolun. IButtbc Court bclo tbat tljc firft crtcptfon Iras but a mtftaUc of tljc Clarh , ano fo map be nmctiDco, ano as it is tljcrc is no repugnancp in it. Slno as to ttc fctonu , tbc Court ^clo tftat it fljall Amendment, jjg jntcncco tfjat tt)e pofts ano pales tDerc not fircD to tl)C grouno ; ano } „j there is no neccfsftp to etpjefsBoioRtanppofls ano Ijolu manp pales tt)C " " "'" SDefcntant tool?, ano it is not material totictftcr tftep toere fip^o oj not. But the Court would advife, and ordered Councel to ipake again to it, Popham againft White Mich, i6^0t Banc* iapf Exfcpuon to « jtjf^Cctfon of SCrober an CotcrCon Iras brought, tobcrcin tbe plaintit f ^'^^'*^''|.'°"x\Dfclarco pro Afboribus. Twifdenof Councel toltbttic IDcfenoant ar- and convcr-gncDtbattljcSDfclaration teas not gooo, bccaufc a JLrober cannot lie de fiJD. Aiboribus. Rollchief lufticc, be map Declare deArboribus, if ^e Tap ttjat I)C Isas poCTciTel) (Icut de Arboribus fuis propriis. JlBut Icrman luAice DOubtCO Therefore the Com t would advife, Martin againft Hendlye, Mich, 1^50, Banc, fup, M Artinb;ouabt an Action ofSDebtagainS Hendlye a ^beciffo^ an e- fcapc, ano ban a tHeruirt againtt bim. 2Ebc ©cfcncant mo\\tr\ in an'aal^n oV" ^trcft of Bliiogcmclit, ano toob tbefc crccptions. i . Ebat tljc action toaa Dibtacairft bjougbt tp tbc piaintif as an aominiCrato j, foj tbe efcape, tolicb taas a si.erif for macein tbe life of tbe 31ntcftatconlp. ziy.SCbat tberets no Cnpias iffneo ro an f fcipe. jjj. g>{jj;tjf, %\:,c Coutt anflDcreo , SCbat tbe e>berif cannot taUc au'oan* Advanta|c, ^^^^ ^^ ^^ crronious p?otefB ; but tbe firft erception is goon , foj tbe adion Dcrii ( r; onebt to be b jougbt in tbe Detinet onlp, tbe piaintif being tut an aomlnf- Cratoj, U bo recovers not to bis otpnufc. Therefore ilay ludgeraent till the Piainlif move. Detbick Mich. 1650. 23^ Dechick againfl: Micb, 16J0, Banc. fup. DEthick motieD fo} a p;ol)bcrfff 3n tbis cafe ft 1030 faio, tbat after tbc firft man of a Jurp ia f toojn, tbc jSrrap cannot be cballcngco. CioeaaainftDod. Mich. ;= 3LanD of fnbcrftancc. flnD alfo tbat ff a Coppbolocr fo; Iffe cut ooton tpm* l^Vj an*!!* bcr trccsjtbc JlojD map take tbcm. SlnD tbat ff an unocr ilcffee fo; pearo what 'nor l^b of ' 224 Mich. 1650, p-"ieuure. Of a Coppljoloct cut Dotoii tpJTtbcr, U OinB Hot bc 8 fojfcUiuc of t^c tatutc , as teas brio 13 Car. & 7 H. 4. f. 44. 5 rep. VVhelpdalescarf,Dyerii9. Roll chief luflice bclD,tbat a 3BonO jjfbcn to appear upon an attaftljmcnt out of tbe Cbanccrp is toftbin tbe Statute ; but it batb been fjerrtofojc a qurflion Intetber a Serjeant at ^rms of Walt^lDrrcltitbiufb: ?s>tamti butitbatbbccnftnccrulcotbatftefs not, ariD bete is a material tiariarce in tbe iSono, febicl) makes it tooto, anu neis obi/gjuor. tbcrtbe upper IPcncbnoj tbe Cbanccrp arc fijrt Courts, ano tbctefo?e t!jcS>efenDaiitonnbtnottoiJCbounijpjccffclpto appear at VVcfVminfter , ^^'['.'i"-' an.DtbcntoaoDcbicuir.qucfuerit is a material Variance, anD maizes tbe jlBononaucbt. lermanlufticetotbefameefFcrt, ano faiP, tbat tbe Cban. tcrpmap fit at anptimeoutoftbcJEermtebentbcp plcafe, anQtbeirnot Gttmc in tbe tHacatfons, is fo j tbe cafe anb conticnicncp of tbe people. Nil capiat ptr biUam n fi,?..c. Antca. Paine Mich . 16 5 0. 2 3 5 Paine againft Preftny. Mich. i6jo. Banc, fup. PAine b jottgW an 0ct(on upon tbe cafe agafntt PreHny, fo j fpcafefng f^cfc ^rreft of lDOjD0(toaConftablc)ofbfm ; Take charge of him, and carry him a. judpftncnt In way, for I lay flat Felony to him,anO fo} fpeafefnij tljefc ico?D0 to tfte plain- ^n aaion for tfffWnifelf, I willmakeyouholdupyouhandat the Bart upon not glifltp ^'■'°-'*^- pleaDeDaniCTuctoas jopncD,anDatcrDfttfounDfo;tlje|0la(nttff, 5t teas tnoteDfn arrcftofSltJDgcmentt&attbelDojDsarc not actionable ; but tbc Court ftclo tljcm clarlp adfonablc, and ruled the Plaintiff to take his l.-dge* tnent , except other caufe were Viewed to the contrary Friday following, Popham againft White. Mich. idjo. Banc. fup. "Wpon a ticttiftt founD foj tlje paintfff in a %to^tt f ConberCon, tbc H)c- Arreft of ^ fenoant inSlttttt of 3IuDgmcnt tooU eyccptton to tljcSDctlaratfon becaufe ;«''e""cnt ;n ttic plaintiff ban DcclarcD of a JCtobct 1 ConbcrCondedecemarboribus^^^^'J'^'l^j''^^^"* tobcrastbc ttccs tuete SCpmbcr trees tbat icerc fellec,! fo tbcp arc not IdcU /'a'^"^ yf. EjrpjeffcD, fo; tbe tuojo arbor pjopcrlp Cgnifics a tree tbat grotos , ano not '/ ' onecutDoion, accojuing to tbe OlD berfe, Arbor dum crefcit lignum duin crcfcere nefcit,anD fo a SCrobcr cannot be bjotiQbt pro arbore. But Roll chief j^^^,^^ .^ luflice faidjthat they were wtll enough exprefled by theDeclaration,and that Dcfcrip'ian.' they ought not to be too ftriS in fcanning lomc words where the thing is well defcribed. Goffs Cafe. Mich, 1^50, Banc, fup, C"^ LeraentGoff of Greenwitch in Kent, arraigncD of fcloni? atM idiToneA p:rJon far jfnKent, anDtbereronDcmncD, iuasbjotigbtto tbielBar, anu tbcrc^'^'W, ^i^-"- it uas DcmanOcD of bim bp tbc Clar'h on tbc criminal Bcc, tobat be cotUO f^f "J'*^ ^'' raptDbpbcOjoulDnotfuffcrDcatbaccojDingto bis Blaugcment i inbcrcup. "'"^'^ on tlje p jifoncr pleaoco be ban a partjon, ano pjootjceo it , ana it inas reaD opcnlp, tbc pjifoner Imceling on bis Ucces in tbc mean ttmc; after rcaning of teas askcD tobat it ioasbc ucmanocDibcIiDcs of tbcCourt;'be anficc- rcD , tbat be pjapcb Ws parcon migbt be allotocu, tobicb. after lerman luflice ijao maBc a grate fpcccb to eicbojt btm to a better carriage fo j tbc fatiire, tDasiJoncatcojDingli'. Wood againft Topham. Mich, 1 650, Banc, fup, Tl^ecafc bctlBCcn Wood ano Topham being an iSction of SCrcfpaflfr, J^J'J*^^*^^ . quaic fiiium et heredem fuum rapuit et mnritavir, tuas again fpofecn tin» M"l-rva^mi«c to, ancinarreff ofJuogcmcntGrtentooUtbcfccvccptionsto tbeSD-'cU;- liii/m « hc- rstion. I. aCbat it is too fl)ojt,bccaufc tbat after tbc iDOjDsquarefilmai redcm rapui: fuum oiheredero rapuit & raaritavit,tbere OUgbttobatiC been aOOCD cujus mas ^ '"ariwvit. ritagiuro^dipiumpertinct, fO} clfe it appears not tbat tbc plaintiff batft caufe of action, Inflit, f. 30. &: 3 5 El, Child and Towri cafe Banc. Reg. 2lp. ^^i Sibe 236 Mich. 165a "ICbclBDEclaratfon ootbnot fap fiiium fuam apparentem.toftfcfj ft ouaftt to no, because tb* i^atljcr is aUte. 3!?. Jt ootb not cjp.r.etTe t^c \^tk to be infra atatcra. 4lp» 3t Dotijnot faptbcl^cfr tstllcuftodiafua. 5lp. JtDotljnot fljetD tbat tljc lpcon ano l^rlr,altt)ougl)!]e be not Urftljin age; but If It be another S>on It Is not fo.NichoIas luftke to t^e fame effect; iStit bccaufc tlje Court inag not ftill,^ In rcgaro t^at t !;e Damages glten bp tbc 3iurp tocre crcefjlb0,tl)c Court Deferrco to gibe 5u3geme:it tftat time , ano perfiDaoeD tbe plaintiffs councell to go to a ncio nctotrgaU. An- teactPoftea. i/arQiall aga'nft Ledfliam. Mich, i6yo. Banc fup» Artcft cf \A Arfhall bjopgl^t an Action of Debt as an aomfniffratoj againff led- j'adgen^ftt' in IVl (liam, snD obtclns 3 feerolct agafntt t^c ©efenoant. 3t teas moteo dcbr by an fo; tl)C Dcfcnoant in arreft of Jaogement , SEljat tbc plaintiff fjao not AJm;niflatcr j|jg^jpj„^f2 2]5j£la^at,-Qnbp jj^o^ tfjB Blcttcrs of aomfnfffratfon toerc granteu unto l)f m, as l)e otigbt to do, acco jDfng to tljc book6 of ; 6 H. g. 2p» & 5 5H.(5, Ebc Court anrircr'cDtftat lie onglit to fjatjc fct ft fojtf), ano Iftcrcfoj e t!}e plaintiff mirljt bate Demurrco to tbe E>rtlaratfon ; but ft Demurrer ^oto bcfUR after a tierDfct, tftc qucttlon fs, iLa^ctl)Ct tl)at fault be not ^elpeo bp ft? And therefore they would advifc. Poflca, Wats znd his wife againft Lord. Mich, 1 650. Banc, fup, Sfn^iu in V V ^^' ^"^ ^^^ ^^^^ b;ougf)t an Sctfon of Crefpaffe of an acfanlt ano anAibJit iSatterp agafntt Lord, ano obtein a tietDict. STIje 2?cfenDant mobeo and BiH.ry. fn arreft of 3uDgement, SEfjat tfje Declaratfon toas bptbc USaron ano jFemc, fojanatlaultanDBatterpmaDetotljei^cme, ano tfeep alfo De» dare tbat tftc Defcnoant alia enormia tis intulir, tobfcfi otigbt not to be, foj the lD?ong bcfng but a perfonal toiong Done to tljc pcrfon of tl):i?cme onlp, couiD not be falD to be Done to tfte li^usbanD. To which Roll chief luftice sg'ced. Fairefax againft Fairfax. Mich, 1 tf JO. Bjnc, fup, F.rroi ro re- - T/> a iujft Of Crro? b?ouol)t to rctcrfc a ^uDgcmenf gfticn fn a Imit of vtiic a jur.g- 1 rnoiDjtl)efc exceptions toere tahen; i. 2f!}at tlje'ojfgfnal teas not i.cmindovvr.^^jj retumeo , foj tf)cfr appears not to be anp return of tftc p?ocla- matfon of Wjz fummons , ano thougf) tlje partp bo appear, pet ft inas faia tljat ft is not IjjlpeD tljcrcbp. 2lp. SC^cDemanDlsfnccrtafn, fo;tt)CDcmanDfs,;e tertia parte dccimarum girbarumin Cotton, anD bp ti)f9 A/iCh. i^j°- 257 tbfsuemanD tbe JSfno of tftc Cttljes oemansta is not maoe ccttafit, foj tlje iDojD garba aomits of Dftjcts confttnftfcns , aitnfo Lynwood tbc dttitWait lbciDS» jlp. 3tf2notcrpic!reDtol)Cti)crtl]c Dcfcnoant be tcrr.Eenant , oj ftelt. 4lp. 2Ct)C DemaunD is ac eciam de rcdoria de Acerftall Malvis,to!3ict) bfncertafn, fojitougfttto bede reftoria ecckfis. Roll chief luftice to t^c I . exception faiOjt^at tljc appearance of tl)c part ptotllljCtiJ mtfcantfmu''^'''^°n*'n"- anc0 of proces , am fo (t ootlj Ijerc, Haies to tl]C 2d. crceptloit faiD , tbat '"'"• decimxoarbaruni to certain cnotjgb to coniJiKin tttiTscrftatiofng. .. 2Co tt}e 3d. deception l)c IjelD (t not ncceffatp to fap de reaon:-. ccckfit, fo: (t mutt i)c fo neceffarilp intcnocD* Sftc Court uefiren fo fee faooas, ano fo it luaa aufonrncfl. :at another cap tij: cafe toas again moTJea , anti ttjefc fpolien to ano afifajCtcD, i . 2ls befo?c tfjat deeimT j;arbarum is certain enotia!) ta common fntenotnent. 2lp.5:batiti3notnEceffarp to ejpjcffc tfte fetting fojtft of tfte ootoj in tbe titbcs bp ntctcs ano bounu?, fo j trtbc0 cannot be fo fctfojtl), anoftisnotccnCanttoufctfiecrpjcfsion per metas ec bundas, Latchtoohanotbcr crccptiontliatit toasimpjopctlpcrpjctTeo , foj one to rntet into an aotoiufon. 3.m to tt)C ejccptton fo jmcrlp taUcn, Ijc Ijelo tljat tlje |D joclamatton of fummons oagbt to tjatje been teturneo , ano tftat fault Is not IjelpcDbptbc late Set, becaufcit is matter of fubllance, ano not meet matter of fo;m , ano t)e faio tljat appearance of t^e partp Dct^ faltjeaDircontinuanceofmeanpioccffcs ; but not of ojfgfnall pjocelTc a0 tljf0fs, tubicb 13 tbe feerp founoatfcn of tbe Sttion, ano tljat ttjouglj tfje Ivant of a fummons be ftelpcD bp tl)c partpcs appearance , pet t^e toant of returning tftcrnmmono is not ftelpeobpttiepartpco appearance, ijjert Ije Ijclo, asfozmerlp, tbatdecircacgarbarumisincertain , anDtfiattlje nature oftbecojn ougftttobcfljetoeD. Rollchief3ufticefaiD,t^attbe not retut- ^<:'"f"« inng tlje pjoclamation of fummons is not material, foj tbc fummons fs on* Ip to maKe tlje partp appear, ano Ijc Ijatlj appeareo in tfjts cafe , ano tlje late act eitenos to it if it toere not gooo liit^ont it. 0no tlje ocmano rf tertiam partem garbarum is certain enougb bp common f.^tenoment , but it fecms jnoje certain ijerc tljanfo, foj it is tertiam partem garbarum grsnorum ix}!)ict) fignifies cojn ; ilno it is not ncceffarp to eypjcfs tftc fctting fojtft of tlje Doftij per mctas et bundas, but it is toell as it is tDttl}out toat eipjefcien. ano laQlp, 3t is tocll cnougb faio, ingrefTu^ elt into tlje aototofon, altbougfj it b: not fo proper an cfpjcfsion as migtt }ja'oc been ufcO; fo? it is gooo e- nougb to make t^e partp tenant. lerman luftice to tlje fame cffci, an5 faiD,tljat if t^erc be ttooSCenants in Common, ano ohc of tljem ope.itisa great quettiontotDtbeiDifcaiall bz cnootcco, viz. icljctftcrper metas & bundas oj no. 0no fte ooubteo toljcttcr tfte Mrit of erro? Ijerc fajoug^t toere gooo oj not, foj itisretojnabic coram cuftodibu'; libertatis, &c. apud Wcftraonafterium.ltfjereasasitou^^t to be coram cuftodibus ubicunque, fojtljeparenot6j;eDto Weftminfter, Nicholas luftice to tl)C fame effect. Roll chief luftice faio it inas a gooO e jrccption tljat lerman tooU to tfjc ^lEIrit Error. of erro; 15ut tfte Court teas Ijere at Weftminffer at tt!C return of fljc CTrit, ano tlje tKJrit teas maoe bp tbc Cuftodes tljcmfclbcs, ano tlje partpcs Dto appear upon it, ano tftercfo?e!)cqueftioneDto^et^er it migbt not be maoc gooo fo; tbefe reaf ons. lerman luftice IjelD it coulo not. Koll chief luftice faio tbat all tlje Jiatin pjefiOents are agreeable to tbia COrit, ano it tnoulo be Dangerous to alter tljem; JBut let t^e curCitojs atteno , ano gitie tbeit ^''"'•''""■ reafons tobp t^ep do not alter tbis fojm,ano if tbc CGrit be gooo.ine ttinbo the Bluogement fljoulo be affirmeo. Yet we will advife a little cf the writ, and whether the demand of dcciraara partem garbarum,wiihout granorum, Lc goodornot. Poftea» ?^lJ3 Lumlcy 238 Michi6 5C> Liimley againft Nevil. *" Mich, 1650. Banc, fup. F-rror in an Ti^ ^ ^jft of crro J bjougljt tipott a31tiOscmctit gibett fn an e/eftione firmar, lubcrc ticias l3t tuao frtfo bp Roll chief luftice, SLftat if tfte tojtt of habere facias poffefii* pal flionciii. onem DO contcfn moje ^ctcs of llano tban ate ctpjclTcD In t^eSDeclaratton, tftat (t ia erroj. 315tit if t^c g>l)crtfFDo gitie poffcfsfon of moje l.anu tiiania COntCineD in the iDjit of habere facias pofTeflionem, an jetton of tl)e cafe lies againa tijc feljetiff, j an afsife Ipes foj tlje lano. 31t toas alfo fain, Etnr. tljatifaSIuiigcmcnt bcaffirmeDupon a tD?it of 0rro;i in ttje (l£)ccl)eqact c .fc. Cljambcr, pet tijcp cannot gtant out execution t^erc ; but it muft be in t^is AiFiCc. Court, txccutio". Hunt againft Popham. Mich, i(5jo, Banc, fup. The coi'rr not j^ jjjgg ntoticB foj ti^c S^efcncant to Iiatic tftc rule of Court fo j tbc piain« toA\uie"'' lt(ff fobbing in tl)epoftea,tl)at tbc SDcfcnoant map motje in arrcft of where it may BJuOgcWCnt, The Court aniwered they would make no rule, for the De- be given in fendant may give rules in the office to force him to it, and it he Will not bring the office. ij in he is to be nonfuit, Nonfuir. Fairefax againft Fairefax. Mich. 16 o. Banc, fup= ' r »d T" l^c Cafe bcttocen Fairefax anu Fairefax inas motctJ again ^ ano Hales nund in'^dnw'r • '^^'^^^ tftattije Ocmano of DolDj de decimis garbarum inasccrtainenougl), gooj or not. t5)0Ugh it bc not garbarum granoruiP,anD hc citcD tljeKegifter 46.andDycr/, 84, anDoneCavendiihescafe, 8, lac. Rollchief tlDcen a Dcmano of 2Dithc3,anD the fuing fo j a recompcncc foj 2Citbe0, up« on t^c Statute of 2 Ed. 6. ano citcn tlic Regift. 1 6s • ano Ijc ijclo tbc ocmanD Ijcre to be gooo, Uiitl) u-homconcutreti t'le otl)Ct 3uDges. Ask lufticc faio , tbat a garbisa frcnch luojo , ano'agnifics anp tljingbouno up into a bun- DlC;biit'b>> Cowtil tl)e CtUllian it ftgnifica Cojn bouno up,anD fo ta the tccjD commoiUp ufcD at t!)c Common iLato. Roll chief luftice faio tiiat a dc» Demand. manti in a p'secipe ought tobc mojc Certain , than it is neceffarpfojaue- mailD in Cotea to be. Latch faio that the irojOS coram nobis apud Weft: monaftcrium is part oc the ttilCOfthe Court, tDhfcb Roll chief Inftice Denp- co, pet he faio it toasuicU enough, bccaufe the Court luas there at the re- turn of the itjjit of CErroj, Co Ichich the other Suogcs agreeo , and the rule was that the ludgcraent (hould be affirmed nifi , &c, antea. Mich, 1650. Banc, (up, 'TT !^e Court iyas molJCD thnt one Inas avreftcD upon a Dap of thanfes-gf^ Moved to dif. -"- tingappointcD bp the parliament, ano that he ^mss fo?ccD to put fii -'lean ar fcono tothc S>')crifff 01 hc£)bltgat(ongto tljc 2EEaa- |\''cu!ion *" tojundng^fsltfc, anotbatbCDiontctpttbcrcofmfuU fatfsfattton of t^e tefo £DbUgatfons. SDo tftfs plea t^e |31atntff Dcmtitrco. Roll Chief luftice nponopenfngtbc matte tfati), tbatt^cqucttfon^ere ia, tobetljet tbc pap- nient, o^ tbc acceptance of tlj: moncp pafo in fatfsfactton be to be tratjetfeo. ;anD^ftelDft Inaa «)<0intermiB!s. janD here f0 no contingent rcmafnDcr, but onlpacontbl not from tbe Date of tbe ^blfga. tion, bccaurcamontbfromtbattfmefatoo fmall a tfme to do tbe tbfng reqnfrcD , but ff ft IbaU be after tbe rcqttcft ft tofll be a pjopojtfonable tfme fttfo;tbeDol«gft. Roll chief luftice, Slftberebc an inDfffereat con&tu* ctfon,\'?b!tb map be taken ttoo tears:, tec Uifll take ft tbat faap inbkb is inotl rcafcnablc to make tbe iDblfgatfon ffano fn fo;ce , ann me (eime ibc toojoe bcre are plafn,namelp, tbat tbe affuranre Iball be mase tefthfn a montb:aftcrrcqutft, mot after tbe tate of tlicJBono. lertnon luOicr totbe fame effect , ano fafo , tbat altboitgb tbe rcqacff fo; funber affurance Irere not ii ftbfn one n:ontb after tbe Date of tbe bono , pet tbe partp map rcqittrc ft after tbe montb fs cnDf D , anD toftbfn a mortb after fucb reqaett tbe a1ti« ranee fs to be maoe , ano tbe £)blfgatf on (ball be f ntenDcD fo; tbe benefit of JbE ilDblfgo;. Nicholas anD Ask luftices to tbe fame effect , fo judgement ruled for the PlaintifjNifi, &c. Child Ti tcri rctaii Hill.. 1650, 243 Child againftGuiat. Hill 16^0. Banc, (up. Hiil. 1549. rot» 1^3* Ij^ an iilrtion upon tbc Cafe upon an Anumpfit mace bp tijc jDcftnuant to''|'a'"Q''l'iJj. paptbe|3lamtlffacEttafnrumofmonc{',atacertainDap. tlipona fpe»fhcr*a%jri- ttall terofa,2Ct)c qucttton loas iDl)cti)cr tljcrc incre a tarlaiicc bcttoeen tljCincc between j)?omifc,anD t^c E'eclatatfon, toUct) qiicttton gtctn from tbe Doubt, totiet^-rhe <*"'»""- t^e Dap ofpapmcnt in tbeAffurapficlbaU be tntcnoeo accojoJne to t^e «>lDp"on^"e on ttUe,ojaccojD{ngtotbcn0lD, foj{f) b^re is no nccDof'atitDOt!)not appear tbattbc parties tocretrpeD in tljc Court, fo; it is onlpfaio tftat tbep Incre dudi ad barram.ano t^cn tbat tfjep locrc remoUeo from Hickes Hall to New* gate. SCfte Court anftoereo, that tfte \rojD0 dudi ad barrem tDcre fuffici- cnt , antt it is nceolcfs to fap tijcp tocre trpcD in Court. 0nD tbercfoje tftc ijubole matter refts upon tbe I. ©rceptionjtEbetljcttbc leant of tlje loojoa ad dicendum be CBrroj , anD fo; tljat let ttjc ClarU of tbc peace be bcrc on VVednefdayncvt,ant)tt)enfpeahagaintott,ant)tbcnbp tljc toijole Court tUeCfteptiou toas aDJuogcD gooD..\nd the Clark of the peace wai fined 40 1, Mafterman againft Rufholme. Hill. l^jo. Banc, fup, Pafc, 1650, rot»59^. El re r to re - ^,.,-f (,f (j^jroi toas bjougfjt to rdjcrfc a 3IuBgemcnt gitjcn in an 51- niVm m "aT' I\ ttfon upott t!)C Cafc upon an Affampfir, to pap cparincra toagcs , tl)e Ait....) upon erteptions tafeen toere firft, that the plaint uas foj 10 1, ano tijc SDeclara- an Aiitinpfir. |^j,„ {g to the uamagcfl of 20 1, ano fo there is tiariancc bctlucen the plaint , ano the SDeclaration. il^cpt the p^omife is laio to be mane the u of May, 7641 tofertcthetDcfcnoantfojapcar, snu he faith that he fertco him from the i. ofMay fojapear.tebcrcaij the i. of May ought to be crcluDCD, fo that he ouabt to fap that be ferbeo foj a pcar,from the making of the p?o. Va.ia cc mtfc Rollchicf luftice fRiD,that thcrc is tariance bcttueenlhe plsiutvana ' the 2)ccl?sration ; butiti0hclpcDbpthcteriJid:,fojtl;at finos that he hath fertea a uhoie pear. 515ut ttoo other crceptiono ioErc taljcn at the 31Bar. 1. 2Dhatthc JDctlaratton iuas pro falore infteeo of Salario. ^ntt alp. 3t is fa(j) dcfcrviret fo j defervivit. And upon thefc the Court ordered the Defcn< '^'''' dant in the Writ of error to ihtw caufe why the ludgement fhould not be reverfed. ,,.„ Hill Hill. i6 50. * 24 ^ Hill. 1650. Banc. fup. r A iI5 Action upon tfee Cafe isas bjoug^t in London fo} callins a tooman For a Proce- X\\D\}o%t,t)is Defendant reniotjco tbc caafe fnto tliii Voaa cpccutcD on tbc SDcfencanta part, ano tijerc- foje map be pleaueo fn JBar. 2Co ib^a Roll chief luftice anItocreD,botoB'r. tabe pou offcljargeD ttje 0cco;t) ^ foj pou Do not fteto ft. Latch toob ep. ccptions to tijc piafnttffa jaDeclaratfon. r.- ?Ebat tU ItojDs fet fo?t!) arc not actionable, fojituotljnoterpjcffl that tbc plaintiff uittinglp popfo. neotbcSDefcnDanta tmnclc, ojthatbccio cpc of tbc popfon, anD citca Hob, rep. 8. Miles and lacobs cafe. anD 275. Fleetwood and Cavcleys cafe. 2lp, snijerc i0 no NiommnnicatfonrrpjctfcD in tbe JDedatation to be of tbctiancle, ano it map be fpokcn of another mntlc, anotbe innuendo toil! notbelpit( bEcanfebemapbabcoibcrs^ancleo,, Twifdcn anfl»crcD,tbat It is implpctJ in tbc fence of the toojD0,tl)at lit porfonco \}im fcloniouap,ano fo confcqiicnllp tolttinglp. ilnozlp. l^efaitbthatbc toiU t)a\?cbim cfg. geuup, anDfoitmtiftbcintcnucD tbatbe^pcoof tbe popfon. Roll chief luftice belu tbat tbc too jos arc attionablc. Sinn ilp. SCfjat tbe a)cfenDantg ^f'' plea in 115ar,i3 not gooft, Icrman luftice bclo the plea in J5ar not gooO; but ""^" 6e DoubtcD tobetbet tbe SDedaratton teas gooD , foj it Dotb not appear tbctebp,tobctbcttbcpartpDpcDof tbe popfon, anbtbe latter too acabclp it not. Nicholas Juftice, anD Ask luftice agrecD toitb tbe Roll in all , an© tb^tcupon the rule was Indicium Dtfi, Lundi Suivanr. Guftodes^ &c againft A/aine and Set jeant. HilU x65o» Bancfup, Arrctt of 3!opnt CEnfo jmation teas crb^btf co againtt Main $ Serjeant 2 Jufticcs J),'^JJ,""f^"P* of j|peace,fo J not enquiring of a1R.pot,ano a tcrDict founD agntna them, l"^^,la found, 31t3» S^^e A Execution 246 Hill. 1650 %\itWcimdnlsmo^t in artea^of 31uDgcmcnt7anu bp Hales Ibcto foj tatifctl)attf)Efiifo;mattonongl)tnotto&!ibcb(in (opnt agalnft tl)cm, but febcral, bccaufe t^ctr offences are fctjcralano not jopnt . anoljetc one of t&cm (0 acqattteo , ano fo luogcment cannot be gtben agatnft t^c otftcr ttjat f0 fontit gidltp. Roll chief luflice anftoetcD , SCtjat as an attachment In a pjo^ibttton to fctjetal , fo tlje ercctition bete map be feberal , ano ft Is not matcrinl tbougb one b: acqaftteo , ano tbc otbct fount) gulltp. Icrman, Nicholas, ano Ask luftices to tlje fame purpofe. Jt tnaa tbcn fato, tbat ft fs not nccctrarptbattbencjtSiuafcegoiUpaioulo remote a fo^ce, but all t^c Force ^uftfcco Of tbcCouiitp are bounD to ft : ilno t^efe tDOjos fn tbc statute, viz. SCftat tbc 2 ncrt Juttfccs QjaU do it , are put but foj content encp , ano tbe moje fpceop cicecutfon of Sluttfce, Nichola* luftice Doubteo oJ tl)(3. Judicium nif], pro cuflodibus. Ailctagainft Watlefs. Hill, 1650, Banc, fup, Trin 1549, rot. 200, Special vcr-T^^" ^'*'''" ^^ Crcfpafs ant) CBjectment, tijcre tnas a fjjccfal bcwfit diainTrcf- ItounD, upott liiblcb tb- csfe fcll out to be ttifs. ^n infant bargafns ano pals and E. fellfl lano , ant) fs toucbcD to toarrantp , ano comes fn upon tbc ^oucber , jcftmcnt. ano tbereupon a common recoterp fs ban , ano upon tbfs tbe qucttf on toa0, iDbetbcr tbf 3 fcc fucb arccoterp, tbat tbe IC'nfant cannot atofo bp Cntrp, Hales belt) ft coulD not be atofoeo , but d(q bfno tbc infant During Ijfs W.i , but 31 coulD not beat bfs tcafons. Wild of Conned on tbc otber Coc argueo, tbat tbe 3!nfant toas not bounu bp tbc recoterp , becaufe as an infant can- not alien bfa lanDs , fo neftber can be fnffet a common tccoterp , anD cftco 6 rep, 28. 2lp. ^0 rccojD maoe bp an 3nfantcan bfnD l;fm , ano foj tbfs ftccfteD26Ed.3.Fitz. perqueferv. 24. 4^ E. j.f, 3, 44 E. j.' 10. 9 Ed, 4» 38. anDtbougbftbebreveAraicabilc, anD bp confcnt , pctftbfnDsnot,anO pCar. Newporcicarc, tobcrearccoterpfuffcrcD bp a CDuarofan toas ao. juDgeogooD, comes not to our cafe; anofojtbcfntcnDCDtaluefn a rcco« terp, tbatfsnotmaterfaltomaheft bfrtDfng; foj ft fs but a fittfon, ano not a real lvalue, RoIlchieflufUceDcmanDeotibctbcrafinc be not breve P5^^ amicabiie; anD pet befaftttbat tl)at binosan infant until ft be atofocD bp E^ror, li)jftof€rroj. anD be fata tbat tbc 3nfantf3 not bounDbere, buttbcquc« Kccovtry. ftion fs tobstljcr l)c can abofo tbe recoterp bp CEntrp , oj muft h^ing. a tojit of Crroj to aboia it. ano be belD tbat a rccotcrp fuffcreo bp a ©uarnian fs not gooD , nottcftbOanDfrig tbe opinion fn N^wports cafe. Hales replpco , tbat'tbc recotcrp bcrc f 3 binoing till it be atof oeD bp a to jft of Crroj , ano tbat tbe infant cannot atofD It bp bis ©ntrp, tbougb an infant map abofa aoeeDbpCntrp, altbougbittecnrollED. ano bere appears no confent of tbc parties, ano tbe partp cannot ftciD ft, anD bcrc fs a fojmal juogc- tnent giben , Inbfcb binos till ft be retctfeD bp a txjjtt of dUrroj, Roll chief Eri-.iy. Inltice*!, Sin Jnfant map abofo a matter in paiis by Cntrp , but not a mat« ter of IRccojD , anD bcre fs a p:opcr toap bp tbc lato to atofD ft . namclp bp atojitofCErroj, tDbfcbfsalfo matter of recojD, ano of as bfgb a nature, lerman, Nicholas, anO Ask JuQ JCCS tO tbC famc CffCCt, and fo judgeraent pro Defendente, nifi. Powell ""Hill. 1550. 2 47 Powell agnnft Hopkins. HilU i(J50,Banc»rup. Hill, 23 Car. rot* 787. Imogcmeiit teas itftien f n an action of Croijct mr> Conljcrtlon foi tljegrro^j^fe. |3latr.ttf: SCtjcSDefenuambjougfttaluitt of Ccrro;, anut^e Crcfption.ctfca judge- tafeenlvastotbcj&cclaratfon, to^ercftt .t^c piafntfv amons otljec njngsmimiivcnin DCClaveDof a 2Lrot)er de ducentis ponderibus a;ri5,& duccntis ponderibn$*^'^°^'^J^'"** plumb ijAnglice of JBjafsantJ iLcau.ano tljcrc toantsan Anglice fo? tU pom'-""^'' '°"' del ibus , fo It is unccttcifnjtoftat tbc quamitp of ciWat arc. Hno upon t^{8 ©ICCcpUon the rule war, that the ludgement fhould be reverfed, nifi, „> c, Denton againft Caket. Hill. 1650. BaaCtiTup, Trin» i6jo. rot. 150; DEntonbjounljf an^ctfon upon tljc Cafe agafntt Cakcc foj fpeaWng Demurrer m tlj.TelBOjDo, He and his fellows have ftollen her (bating fpcccKl Of a'^'^^a,^" ColD Of tfte SOcfcnOantS ) and I do charge him with flac felony ; J5p tcafOrt ^f *" ihc'cafc Of tol)fc^ toojos ^c toas taken ano Impjlfoneu, SCtic SDcfcnoant plcaoeo anfgr words. atoatO maoc ( bp &ir John Rivers , auD &ft Nicholas Miller t*xo juttfces Of ipcacc ) betirf en tljc parties In 315at. Twifden of Conned iuftft tlje pialntif falD , tftat t^atoarDDotljnot btno tfce pialntif , foj tl&c aUjarn concerns onlp tl)CfpeaU{tigoftl)cU)ojO0, anDfpcabiS notljfng of tbc Impjlfoincnt: ^nt) 2lp. tbe 5iU)arD is not gooo , fo; tlicrc is not fattsfaulon maoe bp It on lotl) parties. WildofConncelU)ltl)tlje2[)cfenBant bdu, tljat tl>; i):cla» ration ^nas not gooo, anotbattljcrcfojcbcnccoanot to luttlfie t&c plea; fo; tljoupb it ftjoulD be III, pet tlje palntlfcanljate notut)ccinent,anol;c falD tbe SDeclaratlon toas naugljt, faecaufc It allcgeo no Dap to^en, no; place 1 lT)l)Erc tl)c Dcfcnoant cl^argeD t^e JBlalntlf toltb tl)e fclonp , ano maoc fjint v to bclmpjIfoncD. Twifden ansiuerctJtbat tbcre is a place allcgcD , ano tbat tboual) tbcrc toerc none , petit I0 tocH cnouglj fpj part, anu inogc- tncntmapbcglbcnfojtbat. SCotoblcl) Roll chief lufliceagraa. Wild re* plpeo, tbentbc plea Is gooo. IBat tljc Court anstocreu, It is not, anD irbatfap pouto the 0tbttrenient ■' Wild anfirstrcD, It teas gooo, to vibfcb krman ano Ask luftices affei;teD, Roll chief luftice ansiuercD , 3lt lij a be- nefit to tljcparffi); anofo to t!5e£)terrcers of tf)c poo j. Nicholas luftice ' totljc fauic purpofc. Roll chic' luftice falD, t'^at tijc SDeclaratlon lalll.ano tbe pisa alfo , fo; t\)& pica Is enttrc , ano pet goc« i;ot to all tftc mattetaU D'c'^iuon. Icgcafnttjc SDeclaratlon, buttle plea Is onlp to part of tftem, ano tbete- foje If anp part of tbc SDeclaratlon be gooo, jaDgemcnt ougljt to be gftoi againft the SDifcnoantfojtbat part, ant) tljc plea In ISar Is naaolif, fo judgement oughc to be entirely tor the Plaintiff But it is to be confidcrcd con: cerning the damages. ^ Ro* 248 Hill. 1650, Rofyeragainft Langdale. Hill, 1^50, Banc. fup» Pafch, i(550»rot. loOf Error to re- TJ Ofycr an Cfccutoj bjougljt 80 ^ctfoit upotitbcCarc upon an AfTumpc vcifcajudge. 1\ fu agafnft Langdale a 5Fcme ;aDmtnfftrattf): , ano Declared that tljc mrm in an jEjcfcnDant , til conltoetatton tljat \)c inoulo fojOcat futc tmttl fljc ban ta* /^'''"'"i''"" J'-j;enoiitlLcttcrflOiaDmtnfftratefenDant\t'a0notlpablctobefucD na ^omfntflratrfic , until ftc ban taken out ^Letters of jaomfnlftratt'on , erccpt tbtte lucre a caufc ucpcnclng, asbercfenot. BnDb-citcD Hob. rep. Bid well anD Cottons cafe, Xbat it tbcTCbcafutccommcnccB, tbougbtljerc benocaufc foj «' c t° ft"^ ;= ccution, 30 tbc Statute uotb Direct tbcrc fboulD. The Court ordered to F Vrig. 1 view the Certificate , and to iile it , otlierwife there fhould be no proceedings Dcmuiicr. upon the fcirc facias, and direfted the party to demur upon the fcfrCfaciaST, if ic be not£Ood , bccaufe the matter alleged cannot be pleaded to ic» Cuflodcs, Hill, 1650. 249 Cuftodes againft Arskot; Hill, 1650, Banc. fup. ^^ Aynard molielj tbc Coatt fo j one Arskot tljat inas outlaiDcn fo j muD For thne to i il)£r, am Ibau Icatie to b?in!3 liie to?ft of <£tro j , tljat fje map fjatc loir-- "'" '''•p ' Writ get time to b?{ng ft , bccnttfc t!)C lifng nfcs to (ign t!)c injft , ano tljc parlt= "^ ^'■'■°''- ameiitl;aDnotojDcrcDlol)ofi)aUDo rot to nnj' partUiilar €ftate, anD fo t^c furrcnocr maoc bp R Hunt iz gmo. ^rvt of all,fuppcff:iictl)nt it be a Umitco Ctftatc, ano a contingent rrmafm Dcr, tijc qtr:(tlon tnfll tbcn bctoljctl'crtl;l3contfn!jentrcmalnDctbc oe- Droj'co 0? no , anD 3 conccf tc It ts,becaufc t!)c particular Coppljolo cftate, h)l)icl) mnft fuppojt tl;it\) a mant'.c, as It (b in tbe I nft. cute?, f. i c. (,m\n fo toas ft in tlie cafe of Am Bullcin tbat foas maoe flf)artt)(onef0 of Wincheftcr bp lung Henry the 8. ano of tl)e 3La= Dp Fioch,maDC Countcffc of Winchellea bpiiing lames, 6 lac. Paich. i. but in tbis Cafe tberc loas a non obflante, to Diipcncc toftb t^e claufe of in< tcftitHre, anu in tl)c ttifcount Barkley« cafe, tbc patent ub^rcbp !)e toao maoe Carl of Nottingham lDasaojuogconaugbt,foj toant of tljfs tlRufc, 2ip. 3t tiot^ not appear bp tbc patent, that Oie is mane an CngUlb Coun= tcfs, anDtb:nfl)cbatl)nopjitilegc, 8Ricb. j.Banc.Reg. 704. n E. ^W Banc, re .473. jpeitbetistlicreanprclrtfon to tbc patent to anp place, of tDbiftjflJc is mace a Counters, iFojaltbougbtftc patent be fcalco Initb tlje Cnglifli b?oaD &eal, tjjis ts not matertall, fo j oatlantiO) honours map begranteo bpthcbjoaD&calof trglsnd. 3lp.E[:i)ccaufctl)atIheft)aBhal3c pjiViilege of an (Sngliffj Countcffc is not material, becaufc fljc is not mauc an Cnglilh Countefs , anfi Qjc is no Conntcfs to batjc piiVilcge agafnft tfjc Common Hato, although ftc map ( it map be ) hate her pjibilcgc in point of honour in the jparfhalls Court ano ^cralDo office , bccaufe there is no puOUquc gootJ ano fcrtfcc in maUingher a Counters, 4? E 3. 4.foj being a momanCbe cannot be implopeu in ;arma, o;iotherlBifcfo;thc publique. SJnD an Cmbaffaco j cannot hal^e pjitilcges grantco hint, teh'th co not con= tcrnliimasanCmbaffaooj, Dyer <5o. and u H. 7. rot. 24 C. Banc. SCh- IS/ng cannot grant one to be cpcmptco from artcff ft fsfii Cook^Mag, Charij Paic. 7 H. 8.rot.(5(5; thcrcafon of that claufeof Migna char- ta niilii negabiraus itjOiciam. 2EI;B JS'itg cannot grant a &anctusrp to pjo« tcctmcn fromthcarrcttooihtsrubjcct3,29 AfT. 34. Kciw. '50- 5lnD there is no inflancc to be giten of a tcoman mcoc a Counters, that tons etier free anu pjotcttcD from arrctting. 31n the statute of 20 H. (^. C. 9. foj Carls lofties.anD 31 H. 8. to qunlffic Chfiplains, there is no notice taken oCCoun« tcffcs bp creation , but onlp of Coantrffcs Doivagcrs, oj Countcffcs bp DCa fCCnt.Crep. 63. C deRutlandsCafc, ano Ann Builein toas trpcO per pares as fl)c teas iliucen , anb not as fljc Inas spirchionefs of Winchtfter. ano farther the p jibtleges of Carls ano Countcffcs arc noio ertfnct,fo: the caufc oftholcpjitiilcgc0,viz. the toinganohoufc of iiojus arc crtinct , anu gone , anothcpjiViicgc of beingfrce from arrcftcis apjfbilcgc cyecutojp, ano not crccutca. i^cithcr ootlj the fufficfencp of tbcfr poffefsfons onlp gfbcthcmthcpjilM'ccenottobc arrcftro; but their publttiuc fcrl^icce to lhc6>tatc,to!]ich is the final caufc of the pjibilegc, am the other teas but a partfall caufc , ana not the folc caufe. llclicfs toe re papeb bp JtBarons anO Carls, tohcn Cariaoms aiiD Baronies tecre creatro ; but tbep arc not nottj papco ao tbep tarrc then, but accojcfn? to tftc baiuc of the poffcfsions noiu, anb Amercements of Carls ano IBarors toerc eqnalU 2Che njit^ilcgia of Carls aro 515aroi!S toas oerfbetj ojiginallp from 4)Olofcrs . after ft toas certbeD to ^ifbops , ano great CounfcUo^S;, anb fo ft appears) that thcp IDE re JHill. 1650 253 Irctcpjfbilegcotntefpettof pablfqac frnplcptnenttj, nnonot fap reafon of tbcfr tet)cnttC0. 3U t^c Abbots ano |Djfojg l;at) tIjcpjtMccetiotto bcar« rettcD, pet all Itjcre not ilojosoftlie Ipatltamcnt , 21 E. 3. Mich. jp.Tref. Mich. 7 H.7. pl.7. 31 E. 5 procels. 54. 27H. 8.7. jU.e. 11'. 29 E. 5. f. 30. Dyer n 5. 0nD a BluDgemcnt tDftljont a Capiatur toss fn SCrefpafs a- gatntt a 31B{Q[)op, bccaufe tbe tofng teas to bate nofinc, 14 H. 7. 21. SBut It f0 not fo In a tcmpojaU peer , tobere tfjc J^ftig ia to Ijatic a fine. %\)z palWlegcs l)atc fctjcvau cjpicfetons, ann tlje rcafons foj tljc pjt= •bfleges of tftc lap peerage is fullp C):p;cffcD In tbc VExiis lixtatn to tljeot, Rcfjift. 2^(7. 247. RafV. Exigent. Britton 88, 10 H. 4. ij. per Hull. 14 H. <5. 2. per Newton. 39 E. 3. f. 35. Hill. i4Eliz. Dyer 314. 3H <5.f. 38. 48E. 3.f. 3. J5 H. 6. 4<5. foj otbcr p?ffctlcgcc tbep are not aBotoablc : ano note alfo all tcmirc0 as tocU as tbc %o«fe of ILojDs fs taljcn atoap bp tbc late SlA ; ano tbougf) ber p:flilcgc Do contf* noe, pet 0)c \)at\) not ta&en tbc rtgbt trap to bate it allotoeo ; fo j the ongbt tobaticfajougbtato;ltoutof tbcCiianccrptobatcft allotocD, anc not to ftabecone U up a tUatojp plea, 8H,6.9&io, ana tbc |I)atent cannot trpb.bctbcta)CbcaCotintcrsojnct, 9rcp. 31 Inft. i6b, drep. 63. ^nh IsfflpmifcbtcfanDmirtrptonicnftieto manp, If ttfs pjlfctlccc fljoulo be allotoeo, anti tbc ticrp matter fpeaksfoj It fflf, anofo be prapco jtiDgc- Mient fo; tbe palntif. Hales of Countcl on tbe other Goe pjapco tbe pjf« Wlerc mfgbt be alloircD , ano be f olloUieo Latch In tbc points of tbfs 3rgu. ntcnt: 0nDfirftbcfaiD,tbattbctbinggrountieDbptbe patent ia onlp'iti creation of tbc Dignitp , anb tberc isno nccD bere of in'orCittire , fo J if tbcrc tocre, tbcn a recital of it fliotilo be alfo ncccffarp, but bccaufc it nccos not , tbcrcfojc it neeos no recital of it in tbc patent. SeldensTit. of honour, f. 876. 21 R.2. 2rbcrciBarccitalofan3inbe0iturc, but tl;erc teas no in* tettitute, anofo it teas not material, anoanonobftanteistono ptirpofcto Bifpencctoitbtbe toant offnticCiture, ifittoere ncccffarp, anD tbe rca« fon of tbc maUing tbc ncto patent of tbe 3Lo?d Barkeley leas not fo; tbc toantofti5cClaurcof3lnticfiit«re, fo;tbc3;ntic0{ture is a cercmonp of tb^^craulD6,anDnotcffcntialtotl)ef^onour. anti altbougb tbcrc be no certain place of ocnomination of tbc place of tbc (Earlr-om , pet is t!-,c pa- tent gooti, fo; it map be out or" England , anc pet Cjc map be an ©nglifli Counters nottoitbftantJing , ^lltbcuub 3arrrctbat fojcin bonoiirs map be grantco bp tbc 315;oaD fecal of England ; but bere be fuffjcicrt teojDs to Erpjefs bcr to be an Enolifli Countcft', 1 tbe mott p;oper tbat can be, v iz. tbe patent. Creations of fucb bonoursbalJC been frrquent,if (be tatb alfo a fuf» ficicnt cftate to ruppo;t bet fiignitp -. 3! confefs tbat it is true tbat no petfon can facp;itiilcgeD from jarrrfl- bp grant ; but bere tbc pjililcgcenfucc tbc patent of bcr Countefbip bp Cttflom ano 5LatD, as fnrioent Jo it, STbc litng cannot grant a p;itilcgc to imp;iron, but if Ije grant a Court , tbe potoer to impjifon follotos neceffarilp upon it ; SLnH tbc pji'oilcgc tobfcb tbe JiaU) cites to tbc perfon of a Counters , is tbat u bicb crcmpts bcr from Slxti. ft , as it appears in tbe Cafe of a Coimtefs bp ipariage, ano a Counters bp Creation is mo;c bonourablc tt:an a Counters bp ^ariagc ; ano tbcrcfojc oanbttobabcasbigbpiitilegcsaotbc-otbcr ; ana tbc statute maae eon- cerntng Coiintcffes, tbc toi'oes of Garls ano ilBarons do apprrtain to a Counters crcateD ; fo; tbofc fetatutcs toerc but an affirmance of tbe Com* mon5Lato, anDDiDintroDuccnoneto Biato. SCUs pjitilegc is not tahcii atoap, fo;itatorebpCaComanD bp tljc Common iLatu, ana not from iFoJCincrs, as Larch conceives, anofotbc reafonoftbatcamiot be as be urgeth , but bp tbc pjitilcge of tbe perfon tobicb inoures as torll fcbcn tbcrc fs no parliament, aBl:,bcntberei6, anntbiypiibilcgciiiDtJri.Mgli e, ano not ItUeto a pjibilcgc grantco bp rcafon of cmp'.opincnt. jTo; a Cour.tcfs !tiU3 Cotoa- SDoVoagcr Ijatftno mo^crcaroii to be p?iWlcgeB , in tclatfon to miUtarp cm= plopmcnttftnn a Counters bpCrcatfon, anabp tfte late 5(t no cmplop- ment is talien aitap ; flno fo; tljc Clcrgp tftcpincrc p:{biicn;co from ;ar= rrftg, notbrtaufcof cmplopment, bntbprrafonoflljc cmfiiEncj' of ttcfc pcrCons. Cljerc map be an €atl o j a IBaron bp iMjft o j bp pjcfcrfptton , ano t^crc it ought to be ccrtificD bp torit ; but Ijcrc the tjoncur being bp Creati- on , the patent map be plcaoco to ccrtffieit, as Vocll as if it tocrcrcrti- ficD bp icjtt , ano to picao it thus is the mojc p:opcr teap. ^JBaron o's^ht not to be ftilco Dominus in a \rjit, but bp hfjs ChJiCfian name, ano aoDittort of tonight, if he be one,if he hatie no fpccial name of IBaronp in his Creation. Roll chief lufticeDemanocD , ifonc bc mat)c alBaron, anofaenotcalica to the parliament bp ii!;tt,oj comes tljfthcr bp tofrtue of fome claufe in his pa= tent, fl)aUhebeet:cmpteDfrom;artEtt!' quafi dicsret non. 0nD if one p.iviicge. hcrctofojc i)aD Ijao ttoentp tonights fees, coiilo he hate come to the parlia« went bp rcnfon of them :> ^inDhclottjatthep^ibilcgcisnotaUolDablc, foj (he nefeerhaD reference to the parliament, ojtoDoanpother publiqnc fer=i tJice. lerman, Nicholas, anO Ask Juftices agrceD tcitij Roll Xtt all. Roll- faiD , ?f the toing grant a SCoton to be a JSurrough , the grant gibes it not p?ibilcge to feno a IBurgefs to the parliament , erccpt there be fpccial icojosintbcpatenttotoarrantit; butifhemaUc a Coontp tt is othcr« irifc bp Statute. Adiourned. Hay ward againft VVilHams Hill liTyo, Bine, fup. Hill, 1649. rot, 824. wh»thcr i T^c Cafe teas this, JFcmctoasructjasa iT^emefole,butbpthe fur- wrftofF-nor I namc of her l^usbano , foe being Cobert 315aron, ano ^uogemcnt well bioiigiu. tDas cit)jtn againft her , ano the 5I5aron b;ousht a toait of C'rro j. JDhc qncc flionluas, luhcthcrthetojitofC-rrojloaatocUbjoushtbpthcJBnren. 31t luas then faio , SChat if a iFeme Cobcrt lebp a fine as a jFeme fole , if het 3I3aroii Die the Ihall not Defeat it , buttheJBaron map Defeat it During hcc isE. 4.40.7. life, Rol 1 chief luRice to the cafe at the JBar faiD, botD tan the 31Baroti bjinga lujitof (Erroj here, toho is no partp to the llecojo , ncithep ia chargeable bp the juDgemcnt;' But lee us ice books, for the cafe it confidera. ble, PoiiQa.^SO. Needier and Gueft. Hill. 1 6 JO, Banc, fup, Trin. '<£. 5t Whether Lx- A ^tit Of (Srroj ii)33 biought in the Chcqner Chamber to rebcrfc s ccutionmiy /\iHtgrmcnt flitcn iu this Cou''t. Ehe queOion toas, b}hether noto, be notwiih- g^cc thelatc 3.A , that a iEOrit of C-troj (ball be no fuperfedeis of ^recuti- WM*^ 'oiVrroi *■" ' ^^'^^ Court map grant ertcution. Roll chief luOice faio, it map , fo?. bccToh't in ^°' othertoife the ^ct is to no purpofe. Latch faio , the iJleco jd is not noln in the Chequer this Court , aiiD thetcfojc thcre catt bc no execution grantco here. Roll Chamber. chief luitice anflcereo , pou hatte confetTcD bp pout pleaoing, namclp bg Exccu::oi, pour SDemiirrer , that the JRecojD is here fo far as to grant execution. SLhercfOje let there be Execution, except caufe be fliewed co the contrary the Saturdayr Hill. 1650, 255 day the next term. But afterwards the Court Taid , they would not grant it, but laid the party might take cxecntion at his peril. and Allsyn. Hill» i(55o. Banc, fup* A Certiorari 'ii;as tifrcttcD to tlje Countp |9alat{nc of Chefler to remote whcher i a caufc Into tbfs Court. Eftcp mafee afpccfal rctojn, viz. tbat tbeiJ J.^ot'tifr'^ Jwtjejut{sv3<(t hao a \3crDftt agafntt hfm ; Jnarrcttof 3:u5gcment ft^'^/xri"' '" toas motico that ftnoth not appear bp theSDeclaratfon to tohomthc Affumpr on the Cafc''" fit toas maoe , but ft onlp faps fupcr fe afTumpfir, ano upon this erccptfoii The Court ruled a nil capiat per billam. Warry 2^6 Pafch. 16^1. VVarry again (I Bond. Pafch. itf5i,Banc. fup, Arrcd of 1% toac mo^cB fn Hrrctt of SaDgBment fit an 0a(on of 2Dcbt bjotiglt tjp= lujgcmcnt 1 on an iDblfptfon to ttano to an aioarD, tftat t^c fubmfrBton to ttam to ill debt upon tftcillDjrotoasconoittonal, viz. fotl)attbc;atDatD irerc DcHfecrcDiip tbe n-^"d"to"an ^7 ^^l' "f f"f'' '' n^onttj : Sino tt appears tbat ttjc action bjouubt is foj not Awlrd " pcrfo;nib)?abfllofMldlcrey, anofo? toantp , „ ofbatlu^aBturneooljertotbe^arcfcljalof tbfs Court, ano b^ipg fn,cnVa.'tu.'* Cuftodia Marefchalli, tfte |I3lntntfff Dcclarefilagafnft ftfm in SDcbt upon picjd in an obligatfon. SDbe SDcfenoant pleaos bfs peerage, ano pjapeo to be sff» chief. cljargcD, SCfte Court inae motco tljat l)c mfgljt be ojoercn to pleao fn cftfef, '''" dilatory. anDnottl)l0Dtlatojpplca» The Court thereupon ordered that he fhould ihew caule, why he ifhould not plead in chief, and faid hit plea was dilatory j and lb it bad been ruled lately in the cafe of the Earl Rivers, Fielder and Tovye. , Hill, 1550. Banc, fup, Pafc, idji.rot. 430, Fielder bjougW an ^dfpn of Debt upon an obl{ga{fon,t6c SDcCrnoant pjap. Dcmu.ret ti ' ED^pcroftl)el5oni5,*anDupont3feUjtbereof Demurs to tl'.e piafntffF©* Drciaratioa SDeclaratfon , ano foj taufe Ojctes tbat tljc piafnttff occlarco foj quadra. !," fbi; "^•°" gint.librif, ano tlje 515onD ie quadragent libris,.anD fo tfjcrc fs a tarfancc. 2:0 '" '' '^'"""^ tl^fs ft toas anrtncreo bp Green, ttat tbfs fs no material offfcrence, foj ttjc tBOjDs fount! alfhe, ann tbere fs mo je Difference bctirccn dra ane drin tban bettoeen ginta ano genta, 3 betiDccn dra 5 drin ftatl) been liclD no material! tatfance , anD quadragent. fs not utterlpfntertafntjerc.foj cttfjer ftmuft be 40. oj 400. ano tbc conDftion of tbe oblfgatfon crplains tbc fum , ano tlje plaintiff licrc Declares but foj /\o I. ano fo it appears fn t!32 I'^cro jo, ^n O-'bomes cafe odogenta uias foj oSogint. anO pet Ijelo gcoo, ano Hob. 1^, Logards cafc Triqiniat fnftceD of triginji, anD fn Walter anD Pigots cafe Sep« tingent. fs ufeD foJ fepreagent. anD v'ary anD Daves cafe quinquegent. foj quii.quagirt.anD tbefp 1)^ iD no materfall tarfances. latch on tfjc otber fioc fafatbctoojDfntbc JlBono ig unccrtafn , anD tbe conoition haib notbina in ft, to reoute ft to a certain fignfficatfon, anD ff ft m&kc anp crrtafntp fn i^ ftmuft maticftftgniftr4oo 1. anD tben tbc plaintiff hatl) faiico fn bis 2Pc. daralfon, anD Hobarts cafc Differs from tbis, ano as fo; Oiborni cafe it fs tarfou{^prcpo?teD,anDfonot tobc relpeDon. Roll cnie' luilice, ^bat fap pou to reffanra f 5IBut tbc ijucftfon bere is, tofiat fbali be meant bp tbe toojDto^ct^cr^o, 0J4OO' J3nDinFi:z!ie^bcristafC;3»0SCJnent ipas gf- 3LI tjci! 258 V.uiince. Whether an tftare tail or fee CJniiitic- naJ). LiiTiitation. Perpetuity, CiTe upon a fpfcial vcr- ano if (t be certain it mud i:e unDerttooD 400. nnD t^c Action is bjougftt but fo; 40. 1, 44 Eliz. Mich, rot, * 501. Gray and Davis Cate, Sexf;int. Ujas aojuOgCD tO be a ISonD of 60 I. anD not of 600 i. jSiio tt is tlic gem. ano gint, in all tl)c cafc0 tljat maUeo tbc Difference, janutljc cafe of icifanta comconot to onrcaic,anDfo concluoco iuDgcmciit to be ttje ^plaintiff, lermsn Nicholas, ano Ask luftices of the fame opinion. Nicholas luitice falD, t^at falfe iiatin (n a 35onD Dotb not mai^c it naugt)t ; but i)z ^elo t^is loono \ob6 fo;^ 400 i, ano not 40 1. ano it ia not inccrtain fo; tt)c rtrammar ralc.ginta nocat dscem , fed genta numero centuiDjDotl) tolO ^ rc, Aniea. Gay again fl Gay. Pafc. 165 1. Banc, fup, Trin. 1650, rot, 1350, \ 7 pon a fpcctall tcrtirt founD in a rcplcWn ; JD&c cafe teas tljio, matt V fetfcDofaCoppftolDl3ojo'jgftC(tgliflj,DetifcDit toH, Ws granotljilD, anD to Ws ^eirs, ano if be ope During tl)c life of i)i£) mother, t^j rcmainoec to H. bis poungcr b;otl)cr,anDlobisl)£tr0. SDbe queftion bcre teas U)ljc« tbcrbcrebcanCttatetailinH.oja fee Cmplc crccatojp. 3f 3,tban ber cftatc fo; life toill bear' 5lnD fo: tbc obt'cction tbnt is maoc. Hbat tben tbc toojDo tbat limit tbcpoiEcr tobcraret)oiD,anfiiDlc. i^eanriL'CreD,tbatitiDnotnece[iarp tbat all the too;Bs in n ^iU fi)OHlD gitie fometl;{ng ,- but fomc Idojds map t)ecrplanato;pofotl>erUJO}D8, ano fo arc tbefe too JD3 Ijcrc , ano pet tbe tBOiDa Palch.. 16 5 1. 259 ttojDsftcrcmapaoiJ fometftfng to !)ct Cffatc, viz. to enable Ijer to mahc Cftates toftljout impeachment of toafte.Sliio tlje Ilo;D0 fball not be fnteno» ED oftbe tfmeofCDFCCutfonottSe Gttatcs niaoe bp t!)ci^cmc, fo; tljen tijep ate fOle, Hill* i Car. Banc. Reg. Danycl and Vplins cafe. One map Dffpofc an cftate bp Wi'A fo> Ufe, toitl) polrct to maKc (Eftatcs to continue after tljc neat!) of t^e partp tfjat maoc tftcm.JlBut bcrc tbc cftate fs maDconIp out of tl)efntcrcftoftl)c\r.liC,tol)!cbcannotcnoutc after ?ict life, Paf:. 4-^ Eliz. Bible and Dringhoufe, an3 fo piapCG ftlBffCmcnt fo: tl)C piattUtff. Hales foj tlicSDcfcntjant maoc ttjcfe qtieCfo: 0, i .CZHljat poincr toag niljcn bp tlic WMIU 2\v. GiS^et^cr ft tccrc toeU crecutco; ano bcfjclo tr,e feme bcfnQ Ejcccuttlieliatl) bat an Cttatc iox Iffc; 515tit ftetatb a polocr to m.alsc cCatcff, as fljc batb oonc. SCiietc fa no qucftfon but fucb a potocr map be aooeD. SCfte qijcfif on onlp fs f f tlifs poliict be aucco Ijcrc in ctir cafe, anij fjc fata ft teas atiDct) bp tfte crpjcfg too juc of t^e tofll.foj clfc tljofc tooj03 are frito= lotis, ano operate notliinff, Sn Danyel ano Vpiins cafe citeo , Uiftic!) toss BntrcD, 20 lac. Hill. 720. t!)cre is no crpjcfs (Cftate sften to tt)c partp, but a mecr potoct onlp , ano ft toas not bp reafon of tlje too jos aooco, foj tbcp are onlp conjuncttiictoo^cs. ^no lufticeVVridockftclDtljcrctbattbc ftrff toojoc aalic tt)e pouiet; aCftoiigb luftice loncs Differco in opitifotr, ano tljat cafe fo tbe tjcrp fame fett!) ours ; Ctje rcsfon f n out cafe, ffifjat tftc toojos offtc potoet to tbc fcmc,map appear bp tl)c comparing tbis part of tijc Mill tofti) tl)c otbct parts of ft, 3n otber parts of tbc SQill tobctc tbfnss are cct{rcDtoblotoffe,tbcfctooj03l)i:reureDarcnot aatico, anotbat arcues tbat tliE Eeftatoj fntcnocD tbc jTcme moje potocr, tban fn otbec tblnag Dctffeo to ber, ano tbe too jos tccmfeltes being a octiifc of a mano?,p jotcg bptbenaturc of tbctbfnctbattbeSCcftatojfntenoeo to ttfbc potoct to tbc iFcmejtomaUcC-ftatcsoutoftbcmano;, Sno ft cannot be fntcnoeo, tbat tbc toojDs In as ample maner , &c, Do onlp gf^c tbe feme potocr to af- Cgn o\}tv bcr tctm, V jugiian ano Lonjis cafe,24 C.tbc too;03 toere aojuogctt to be toojos to enlarge the potocr of tbc Hcgatde, ano fo arc tbep t}crc.;ana tbc fubfrquentclaufe During tbc tctm of bcr If fc,Tfftratns not tbc potocr, fo J tbcfe toojDs map be eitbtr refcrrco to tbe CEftates to be maoe, 0? to tbc time of mating tbcm.ano bete tbep are referrcD to tbe cvccution of tbepoto* cr,ano tbfs is more fuitable fo tbe intention of tbe partp In ojoinarp rcafon, ano tbep arc aooro to crponno tbc intent, viz. tbat tbc rcmainoer If mitco 0= t3cr fljall not binoer tbe feme, fo; be batb not barreo bcr out, ano batb tmpo= feDtl>{iJtrurtfnbcrasC¥ecntri)c,anoasiiegatce. ilnofoitbc 2d. point bcrc is a gooD execution of tbc potocr, foj ft arifctlj partlp out of Ijcr inte« tcft,anD partlp cut of bet flutbojitp, ano botb map tecll ffano togctbcr,ano tbc Cftate maoc out of bctb is a gooo C5ftatc , 0; if not, tbc Gftatc map be fntcnoco to arffc out of tbc potocr giten bcr to maUc fncb an Cftate, ano notoutofbctfntcrcft, ano tbc jopning of ber oaugbter fs not matertall, tboucb I'O gooo cftate be oerttieo from bcr , anofo be pjarco Suogcmcnt foj tbc JSDcfencant. Roll chief luflice, 3!t is ufual in tbc mtit of Eneiand to malic Cftates foj Iffecs upon tbc olD rent ; but ft is not bcrc erpjeffeo of tobat nature tbfs mano? is, oj tebctbcr it ufco to be let, nno bcrc fa no ltmi« tatfon to let ioi libcs.ilSut bcrc citbcr tbc latter toojos arc iolc. oj clfc tbe y emc batb fucb a potocr, tbat fl)C map ocftrop tbe rcmainoer. ano itO) all not be intcnoco tbat be truftco bis C'tccutrlt , toitb mo:e tban be gabc bcr , ano tlje toojDs of tbc Wiili do not cjp jefs tbat , ano tbe qticftionts bo to it fl)aUbrintcrp:.ctcD. SCbctoojosmapbcfntcrpjctco Cumularive, otbcr- ),""^'''^"*"* toifc the feme batb potoer fo ocftrop tbc rcmainoct, wblcb tooalo be a 1 aro ""' conftriictfon.sno tobicb Nicholas affcntco. Roll chier'flufiie, SCfac intention of tbc2neftato J is not tlccr to gfte tbfs potocr to tbc jFcmc; but if itioio appear to be bis meaning, it mtgbt be otbcrtoifc ; ano bcrc it is in a mm, 5no 1 1 2 tbe —I. .. - — . ■ , -t , 260 Pafch. 1651 tfje ClcrDfrtfa not tocll DjaUin np , fojtl;c€:arcln{gt)tlbat)c btcnmaBcbct* tcr ; fo? all tfte lano map be in Pcmcfnc foj oiigljt appears bp tl)c 5UrD(ct, Adjourned to be argued again , Poltea, Webb ajrainft Wilmer. Pafcb, 1(55 I, Banc, fup, Hil), 1550. rot. 309. . \7\/^ ^ -^ - --. .- - )iir-e'ni:cbt foj tent rcfctbcb bp Wm upon a )iiH(>'rn:iu in ^ tor rent rcrcrvtrfuv,-, SDEfpntiant moliCD !jement, atio allcgeo fojcaufc tljat tbc aLcifcfo,'* |9lr.fntlfI)aDabatcDl)fa tojft. SEbe cafe toaa tb<0 , Webb leafctl) ccrtafii ycjis. lanDjj to Wilmer fo J pears, tefcrWng a rent, iDUbaclanfcofrc-cntrp foj. not patuneiit , i^t rent bcfng bcbaiD , tbc letfoj bjfngs an iJdfon of JSDcbt fo; tl)C rent , ano penning tl)c futc re.cntcra be toas In poffcfsfon toben be b jougbt tbe Cftctment. Roll anstoerco, 3lf one oe* Declaration, tlarc baljfng no caufc of ^ctfon, (f tbcrc becaufc aftcrlnarojt is tocU e. D.-parturc. not,g{j^ JBut bcrc is 3 Qcparturc, anDtbei.CjcamcntfgnotrebibcDjfoj it in purgCD bp tbe re entrp. The rule was nil capiat per billara, nifi. The Cuftodes Libertatis^&c. againft Hall. Pafcb. KJji.Banc, fap. Erroriorc- TTAIIloas enoiflco fo> fo:c£fallfng of SButtcr, ano plcaoeo, ano baD vc.ica jiidg. Xrljuogcmentoiljcnagafnabiiti; lobcrcupon be bjougbt bis toiit ofCr^ n.c-jt u?..n a„ j^, ^ g^j ^ooh tbcfc crceptions. I. Cbat it Dotb not appear tbat tbe €noict» imV; c'luu '"^"^ ^"^^ ^^ *^^ ajuartet Sefsfons, as it ougbt to be bp tbe Statute of 5 liig. Ed.6.f0!itisonlpfai0tobe ad geneialcm Scilionem. Roll chief lufticc anfmcrcD, ffitbcad gi-neraiemScflionemitmap be intenoeD tbe SJuartcr i-fp.d'P • ^efgionc. ali» 3t Iras objectco tbat tbereie no Caputur atoarOED in tbe ;. .p.. ! '.cat. jj,j,gp,j,p„t^ag tjjfre ougbt to be. l he Court anfwered they would advife. VViilisagainftBoncf. Pafcb, itfjiiBanclup. Mich. i6yo. rot. 8ctiife, that his toifc Qiall cniop this lano.though the toojDs in the CSHtU are rot tierp piopcr to ctpjcfsit ; but ue mull cotiGocr them as ufcD in a OeHfH, anotfnacontcpance. Nicholas lufUcefaiD, the S^etilfojhimfclf calls them frccholDs , anD this DtffinguiCijcth them from CoppholD lanos. Adjourned (ill Saturday foilovving to be argued again. Dowfe Pafch. 1651. 26} Dowfe again ft Maftcrs; . Pa(c,id5*.Banc.fap. DOwfe bjonsHjt an Mion of SDebt upon an indebicatus AfTumpfit a- D-n-uTfr to gamtt Mafters fo; fite pounD,fn \X)Wi> t&c 2D;fcnDantplcaDco tl)atM'i"inDcb: be Dcniur«r toas jopnco. Roll chief ludice fafo, tbe pea of pje, t^c ©efenoant is (11 , foj be Dotl) not tap tbat 50 Dellbrtco tbc HBflls fit fuH fatfgfattfon , but tbat tbe JDlaJnttf recefbco tbcm in ftiU fattsfactfon , tobicft ianotgooD, fojt^cpafnttfsrccetWngoftbe JBtllomtiabe as tiici' vuerc oeUbercD, anO not otbct inaps , anu tftat te not e):p?cIlcD : Therefore let chc Plaintif take bis judgement, niri,&c, Rols againft Lawrence. Pafch. 1 6ji. Banc, fup. ROfs bjotigW an 0£tfon of tbc Cafe agafnff Lawrrnce foj fpcahtng tbcfc Arrea of Welch too JDS of t)tm, viz.De«Iiogue5WillRoItin mudon, U)Wtbarefa!"<'g="if"t Englifti, William Rofs hath forfworn himfcif , upon gffue )opnED, ano a tet- '" '^ ^^"^'^ tiaw tbepiafntlf , tl): SDcfenoant motco fn ;arrctt of Siiocement tbat forwcid"'' tbe toojDs arc notaaionab'.e , as t^cparc rcnojco fn Englifti , ano fo tl)C words Erg. jactfonUesnot. Roll chief luftfce , 3ftbctoojD0 founo fn Welch tbat thci'^'cd. pafntfftoasperjatro , pet ff tl)C ^Dlafntff Do CEnnHO) them fn Enql fh, "toMcbDotbnotamoanttopctturpjfifs fll, ano an aafon Uifll not Uc fojcafr. t^cm, Thereforclet judgeracncbeftayed. Peck againft Ingram. Pafcb, «55 1. Banc, fup» PEck bjougbt an actfon upon tbe Cafe upon an AfTumpfit , anD Declares, Arrcft of tbat tbc Defenoant , fn tonttoeratfoa tbat fijc tbe piafntff IpouId Icate ludpcmcnt Ijer iFatbcrs boufc, anD come to tbc ^oufe of ibe SDefcnoaiU In fuc'o a place , '" '" *'^'°". tfoaffume anD pjomffc unto bet tbat be tooulD marp bcr, ano tbcre-uJ°"',nVf"" upon tbe DfDlea\}c bet jFatbersl^onfe, anD Dfo come to tbe SDcfcnoantsrumjfi:. I^oufe , et obtulit fc in maritagium conjungi, anD becaufc b' bao not pcrfoj» meb bfs pjomffe Adio accrevit : tKpon fCfiie fopneo, ano a bcrofct founo fo j tbepafntff, tbe 3?cfenDant mote d fn arreftof Jjuogcmcnt.anDtook €t- ceptfons , tbat tbe ipialntff nfo not Qjeto fn bet SDeclaratfon tobcn (be left bcr JFatbcrtJ ^oafc , ano came to tbe SDefenoanto boufc , no j tbat fi)c oabc bfm anp notfcc tbcreof. WilJ mo^co fo; tuDgcmcnt , nottoftbftanafng tb2 Cyccptfon ; fo?, be fafo, tbougb ft be net ci^jjcflp fafa tbat flic gat?c tb? iDc= fcnDant notfcc tobenfljc came to bfsl^oitfi:, ret it fa fafa, quod obrulit fe in maritagiura conjungi^ tobfcb f mplfcs tbc 2?cfcnoant baD notfcc; ano bc= Rnsi berc fs no neeo of notfce ; fo; tbe AduropfK is , tiiat ff (be tofU come to tbe SPcfcnDants boufe be tofll marrp bcr , ano ft fs not fafo that tobcn (be comci$betDUlmaitpbsc, fo t^at Ue fs boiino bp tio p;omfrc to tal^e notice at 264 J'^'^^-i^^i; — ■ 'cfljcrcomfng. Roll chief lufliceanftocreo, f fall ttjefiDeclaratfon be con* ficcrcD togctbct , J)erc f3 n gooo confiocration crpjcffeo ; foj tttia is not like to tlje caic of tCrtOCt of moilCp, HnO t^C U'O joa ob;ulit (e in maricag urn con* CcnWeraii. jungi fljallbc fntcnocD to tt)e OcfcnDsut Wmfclf , ano tlicn be mnft tiaros on. ' batoc notice of bcrcoiufngtbftbcr. Dvesof Counfel loftb tbc S?cfcnoatit tool? tWs CiccpKon , tl)at tbc piaf nt jf hi fcttfl;eniapcomc toWsboufcfnpitbate, fo teat be cannot J. ,. taUcnotkeofberco-nfngtbttbcr. SCbcqueftlononlpfa tb<0, tohetbct no« *''"^'^' ttcer!, luvencis, AngliceJRunrs, & luvencis, Anglicc Heifers, tobicb ti uncertain , anD fo luogcment cannot be giuen, f o j it is uncertain foj tx)bat number of cacb of tbe fetccrs, Knnts, ant) Inciters juogement OjouId be gf- Avcrnient. ''•''cn Roll chief luftice cncllneD tbat ft fs certain cnougb, anD tbat tbc number map be atcrrcD, anO tbe Cattel arc aU of one feinb; yet, The Ccurt w/guld advife , afterward ic was ruled, ludicium, nifi» Shedlock Pa fcK. 165 1 •. A6^. 5hedlcck and La. F ecA F Pafct i6ji3anc. fup, ■ Hill* 1650- roc. 1! I. Ji^ a rairtt of C-rroj bjougljt to rctjcrfc a Kf'Ogciucnt attjcn in an fnfcrfoj ^^/rf^Vludt- Court , STlje (£rro? afslgnco toais, tfjat tfee B»iiD£cnicr.t to quod recope- n,cnt in aa rare debeaf, tnljErcas f t oagbt to bc recuperarc debet. Ko!l chiet" ludice intcilor fappofetl)a3lat)gement, fo^tftcteojueofUare fi judicium redditum fit , Ab,"f„,jn, anDfns- lacobifn tfte (EFcUcqucr Cftaiiibct tfje tjcrp cafe teas aojuDgco fo. rare ucucac, liiynt-aio II wns''>- »« ^ iv..u^/i.iai ^ uvl^vl. --^P'n«»itgffecH,ano fo no ^ritc-urt of CErtOj ifC0, therefore kt the writ be abated. jFoj t!)E uXlxit of Ctroj ^"'^^^^^ Collins againft Sillye. Pafc. 16 J I Bancfuj). Hill. idjOj rot. joit Ti^c Cafe tDaflt%f3,lLeffttfoi pears bp fnuctifurc cotjcnanfa toftb fl^e^'^'"""" 3Lcffo?,tbatl)cU)flliiotar5fgnot)crtl)clanDlct, noj anp parttbetcof,"^P°^'J),"er tDlt1)out tbe wnfcnt of tijc Heffo j. JEftD JLcffoj Dtirfng tlje term cntera Into itc /or°yearsI part of tftc lantJ let, tbc lieffec.afsfgno otier tlJC tcmafnoct of bfs term in tfte reft of tbe lanD, totbout tlje confcnt of tbe Icffo;, anD t^c ILelTo j t'ocreapon l3?f ngs an 0£t . • Barnec \ < Avowant 5" wi-.ttiier a '-»' ^c paftitiff complatrts foj tlie tafefng of Wa Catte'l , to irf t a ^ojfc, ropyhoid e. | 3 of lauuary, n Car. at Chingford ftl t^C [inft by Ihc ^liountp of ElTex tn a tlofc tftcrc calico Pipers down. Kinjs Ita'irvg ic tor i;fc. ■T"!^c Dcfentant atotos the tabfiig of tfje Cattel in loco quo, &c. as lBaf« Itff unto Thomas Boothbyc, aa Damage feafant fn tbc Clofc afo jefafD , being tbc foil ant) ttc ftce^lo of ttic faio 1 homas Boochby. Vpon the pleading, the cafe appeared to be as followeth, K3InB Henry tfte 8. bcfiig fcffcD fn $k in tbe tfgbt of Ws CroUin fn tbe maner of Chingford Comitis fntt)eCoiinipof ; Hex, of ttiftftb manont a ccttafn tenement callctJ Lornnjers alias Heriots tcitb tl^c appurtenances, tDhercoftftc faio Clofc calico pipers Down inafl parccll , tobfcl) tene- ment ano Clofc toerc parcell of ti]c faio manour , ano teas tbcn , ann ftao been tfmc out o£ mfno oemf feo , ano cemf fcablc in $tc bp Copp of Court toll, of tbc fato manour,i)fD fauf Id a nelo melTuagc upon tfjc fato 2Ecnemcnt, ano DfD afterlcaros bp hfs iletterfe patents, unDcrtfie great fcai ctant tbe office of deeper , anDfecepfngoftlicfatDmefruage, to lohnGatCjtoj term ofI)fclffc,U)ftf)^nthc l,3nD3, tenements, &£to belonging oj aoja- cent , anO Dioalfo bptfte fame ILettcrs patents gibe anD grant unto tfte fafD lohn Gate amongtt otl)er tl)fngs, tbe iianos belongfng to tfte fafo neto buflt ttietTuage , tobcrcof tt)C faio Clofc calleo Pipers down tuas part, foj. SCerm of bfs life, fo j tbe crercfGng of tbe faio officr,\Dftf) an ai/ctmcnt in tl)C plea, tljat bcfoic tftat tfme tljcre teas no furl) office of tlje heepfng of tl)c faftt fjoufc, ano tbat tbe tefng cfD not fenoto, no? teas at tfte time of tijc grant cn- fo;meD,ttjat tl)c fafo SLenement anolLanOg tofjereof ttje faio Clofe tras par « cell Ircrc CopptolD of tbe fatD manour.after tt)e grant maoc to John Gate, asafoaefafD.H.tbeS.DpcD fcifcD of the fafo manour.i of t'.^e rcterfion of tlje fafo £peffnagc ano Clofe after the oeatl^ of John Gate, ano tbercbp £d. the 6. became fcf 'ed oftljcm fn Iffec manner , ano from Ed. the 6, thcp came to ©uanVarv. SChcn IobnG»te opes, ano after his Death, Ouan Mary en- ters upon the fafo manonr ano Speffuagc tuhercof the fato Clofc irag a par- ccll , ano aftcrtoarDs bp her iLetters patents unoer her fa?oaD &eal, Dotb grant the £panoar ano rpcffuagc ano p^emifes unto Sufan Tong , ano hcc ticfrs foj c\)er, i^rom Sufan Tongbp mean contepance, the faio ipaiiout S^effaagc ano |Djemffes, came to Humphry White ano h's hefrs, ano after- terUjaros Humphrey White bcfng fcf jeD thereof fn ^k, ofo bp his inocnture ofleafeoemffcthcfaiQC^anourS^efruagcano pjcmffcs to Leigh fo.:i5o, pears, to begin from Mich.,befo2e the mafting of the fnocnture , eftcroara Humphrey White grants ainap the rcbcrCon of the fafo cpanour ^effaagc % pjcmifes to Sir John Branch, aftertoarOS Sir John Branch grants this rct)erlion to Vdall,VdallgrantsfttoBathur(t, ana Bathurft grants ft to Thoraai Boothby the 0nteCoj of Thoraa* Boothby, tohofc JSaflp Ooth here mab8 Pafch.i^5t» 2.67 make tfte aDolDjp. jaiftctteatDs Robert Leigh infjo fjan t^c Icafe of tge ~~ fa(D ^anout ano p jcmffcs as afo?rfato. fox 60 pcaro, DcWfct^ tlje refinne oftWsleafctftenunejpfrct), bpbtslBft^tllann SDcflamcnt unto Robert Leigh ftis §&oti, ano Dpc0,Robcrt Lee tl)e fon being poffelTcD of tbe tcfioue, 0^ remafnccr of tWo JEerm foj 60. pcar0,bp tfttue of tbc fafo QOfll dJd at bts court, belD fo J tbc faio jpanont of Chingford, grant the fafo ^effuage inftft tfte appartcnancea, ano ilanDs tljcrctmto belonging, toftr rcof tljc fato Clofe teas parceU, onto Edmund 1 ee Wo bjotbcr, to tjolD of tbc fame ^anour in iFee, at tfte tof 11 of tfte JLojo bp Copp of Court HoU of tbat spanour , Ed. round Lee teas thereupon aomfttco atcojpfnglp. flffcrU)arD0tl)e!"afij leafe fOJdo, pears maoebp Humphrey White unto Robert Leigh, tftci^aitbct, Bppttes: 0ftctti)arl)s Thomas Boothby,tot)o ban ttjcretcrCon of tbe faio ^anoaranopjemffesasabolJeOlo, cntrcoasfn bis rebcrlion upon tbe raiD^anouranDpjEmifcs.anoDpcDfeifcD tbercof, leading iffucThoraai Boothby^is &on, Thomas Boothby tl)e&on enters into tbe faio ^anont ano pjemifes , ann claims tlje faio ^cffuagc toitb tbc apartcnanccs toitl) tbe lanos tbcreunto belonging, tobctcof tbc Clofc calico Pipers down traa parccll, (finotoasgranteo bp Robert Leigh unto Edmund Leigh bp dopp of Court HoU as afo^efaiD jas parcell of tbe cemaines of tt)e faio ^anour of Chingford, ano Dotb Denp it to bc Coppbolo , ano to ttie intent to ttp tt>etitletbcrcof,Diobpt&c2ibotoantbi3)i5ailffFDittrcin tftc Cattel in ttie faio Clofe, as Damage feafant in bis foil ano irrcebolD. SCftiS Cafe teas argncO firttbp Arthur Harris of Lincolnes Idn,tD|>o at- gucD fojtbc plaintiff, viz. be tbatbjougbt tlje repletifn, anD in bis argu^ ment , ^emaoet^egeneraBqueftionintbcCafe tobetobctber tbe clofc callcB Pipers Down in tobitbtbe Diffrefs toas taften, tocre attljc time of tbc BittrefBtabenBcmifcablebpCoppofCourtlRoHjOjtDbetber tbe Cuftom ioas not beSropcD ,ani> be belo it tsas Demifcable, ano tbat tbecuifom tnas not oeSropco, ano betetiponi be maoe four queSions. i. Mbetber t^e grant of tbenetobonfeto &x, John Gate per nomen officii of bccpcc tbeteoftocreagooogrant. 2lp. tSClbetber the iftfng not being enfcjmeo at tbe time oftbc grant, tbat tbebonfetDasCoppbolo tenure, be tnasnot oeceitjeo in bis grant. 3 Ip. ©Hbctber bp tbis grant tbc Cuff om tuas not oettropcD. 4lp- Mbctbet tbe JSings patentee ftatb not the fame pjtbilegc to grant tbis bouie, &c. again bp Copp ofConrtlRoU after tbc oeatb of &r. lohn Gate, 0nD as to tbe i* of tbefe 4. qucttions , be (iteO 8 £.4. by Chock, and 21 E« 4. 79, and Mich. 5 Car. Banc. Reg. Mon- ibns cafe, and Pafc. 14 Car. Banc. Reg. Mefland and Burterfields CafC, and 5 Er4.f. 8. and Dyer 269. Savages CafC. SCofbc 2d. qneftionbcbel9,tbat tbcfcingteasnotbcreenfojmcDofbistigbt , anoconfcqucntlpbclDasDc- ceibeo, anotbcrofo^eougbtnottobcpjejuniccDbp bis grant, tobicb bs fitoulo be if be bao not libertp to oemife tbis bonfe again bp Copp of Court 5R8l!, after tbe ocatb of &r. lohn Gate, ano be fain tbat tbctc arc ttoo rigbts Intbeteing, njattbeCommonilato, anoilp. acuftomarptigbt, anoof tbisCuttomarptigbtjOjbisjusconcedendi betDaanotenfojmetJ, ano be cite D tbefe boo!?8,3 H. 7. 10. rep.49. 8 H.dijBr. Ayd 45 4,H.6.i<2R. 5. Hunfoj)s Cafe, ano be faio tbat tbc boofe of 5 H. 7. f. i, tobfcb is obicctcD is not to parpofc, foj tbc pjotcftation is not toeB taUen, 19 H. 6. g pjoteHati. on is to fupplp a matter, inbtcb is not fo bcrc. 41 E. 3. Fitzh. proteft. 9. 22 H. 6. J7 Br. proteftation6. Plowd. Coraent, Gresbrool-isand Foxes Cafe, and 20 Eliz. Burrell and Holcrofts Cafe* alp. 2Ebc liing is not enfo?mcD fterc in bis grant in matter in ilatD. as be ougbt to br, ano tbcrcfojc ^ie grantlbaU not turn to bispjcjuuicc, i repoi. 18 H. 8. Levels Cafe, Pale. 2 Eliz. Sr.l homas Mores Cafe, I. rep. 1^3. 16. Jac. Needlerscafe; anO Inbcreas it is faio tbat tbc trio^os ex certa fcientia in tbe patent 00 Declare tbat tbe Jiing toas enfojmcD; 3 anfiDcr,tl)attbofc Sdojds co intenD no mo?c ^ ni a but • 52 Pafch. 1651. bnttbatt^ctefngtDaijcnfojmcD of matters of fad, ant) not of matters tn Hato , ano tljc Bfn?3 grant fljall onlp be tahcn fecundum intcntioneTi ; antJ to^crcasit map bcobjcctcD tl)at bp tlje gramfncoftbeCftatc fo^ifc iintn^r* IohnGate,tbc ctittomtDDeftropeD,31 anftocr,tl)attW«bcfrtgtnt1jcCatc of tljciifng,ftfi3ane):trao?DiiiarpCafc, anD not to be meafarciJ bp o^oinarp rulC0Of\ato. ^no ilp, ilmtcntgrantoareto bcconftrucoas tl)c ?latu tua0attI)attimcl»^entl)cptocrcmaDe,9. rep. 27.6. rep.48. 1 H. 7. aj» 14E. s.Fitzb.Scirefaciasas.anDtbci&tngtijnot bouno bp a general tu« ftom ag Common pcrfon0 are, 3 5 H. 6. zp.bpPrifor, 22 Ed, 3, Cljcftfrtg fljaU not pap a ftcrfot upon tbc ptircljafc of bcrfatablc llanOfl , anO toe lljall fiiiD t^at manp majimec of Hato upon fcrfoiia fcannfng of tljcm, are not fo certain tobcrclpction,astl)cparccommonlpl)eloto bz, y, rep. Knighti Cafe, Pafc. 3 Eliz. B. R. Conisby andRisby,Dycr loEliz, anO t!)e patcn^ tec of tbe ilitng f&nll bate tlic fame pjttflegc, tliat ttje ISfng Rjoiila batjc fjau tf !jc Ijat) not grantco tljc ILettero patents , 27 Eliz- Stubs and Ri^fords cafe,; 3t anotljct Dap Arthur Harritfpahe again to tI;cpotnt, tljat tlje lifng fjao nolcgaIl 7, rep, Inglttields Cafe, and 17 E, 3.f, 19. and Cooks Inftitutet 373, and i» rep, 4(5, and Plow. 33 3 , ano as to tfjc Inft point Ijc argneo , tlint tl)c |JKtcn« tiz of tlje lifng, fljaU be in tfjc fame contt'tion, as to tlie retitfnc tf foe Co* ppbolti(£ttatc,a0tl)Cfetngfl)otilDl)atJCbecntfl)cljaDnotmaDe tliC grant, bccatifetbatt^ciSingftattitbeiFcc, ano be map grant ft as !)c pleafct^j, Dyer 16 Eliz. 337, i, rep. 31. 10 Eliz. Dyer 7(6. 24 fd, 3. Fir?.. Tit. ginrd 27. anDnopjtojftpcahbcplcaOcDagafnfttfje iMng, no: ngafr.ft lb'3|93« tcntce, Hi!/ . 30 Eliz. Stubs and Rightwayet Cafe, an Action of accompt a^ gaJnft Crecntois Dotf) Ipc onlp fo; tbe lifng. St (s trnc that pjrrogntfties toff parable, ano annc veo to tijc prrfon of tbc iijf ng, cannot be grnritco atoap IptbclSfng, butpjerogatiticsfeparablcwapbc grantco alvap u H. 4,. Fitzh. guard 8j. %\)z (Bjanteco! tfteCDjantec of t^c i^tnir fbal! hatie tl;c pjerogatfbc of tfjc fctng, bp rcafon of tljc tl}lng grantco bp tfic Isfiig , Brook piaerog.i7. »»H.7. 2, Br. entrecongcable4o. SClictoingmapDtffrefnfoj arentfcch; butnotWodDjantce, bccattfe ft fs a pjerogatfl'e fpecutojp, ano not crecntco, foj fn futljcnfc ft fs otljcrVoapcs ; ano as to tfte obfcrtton tott)ccaurcoftbc Demurrer fetfo?tl),t!)attl]cConcefllt fs not anfircrco . Ijccanfe ft onlp rapes mentionar. cfTe conceflum, 3 l)OlD ft VocU cnoug!) ; but lfftff}OiilDnotbc,pctftf3!iclpcD,fojbotl)partpesoo agree fn the fcttfng fojtb oftljE Hcttcrs patents, 34 Ehz.B R.t-. Hnrr and Smiths cnfc , anO tf)C grant fs confcffcD fn our refopnoer , ano tljougb tbe Demurrer ftonlo not be GOOD, pet tbc^^iolnant cannot t)aDc3uDgrmeut, fo? ftc ftatfj not cntftlco tifmfclf to tfje aafon as appears bp bis grant , fo> ftfs grant fs toio, ano can* not tahC effect, rep. 46. 8. rep. 301, 39 Eliz. in the Chequer Chamber. Wilizxe a.jpanoars arc granteo bp tljc name of one of tbem,tbe grant fonot B80D. ano fn our cafe Thomas Boothbvl)aDnot!:fngfnti)c lanoat tijetfme cf makfng of ttc dccd of Cotjcnant to ttanD feffcD to ufcs ao ft appears bp tftcaboitJantsotonplcaofng, anotbe ^o^a cannot liclp ft, D er m. Clarkt Cafe, Hill.^"! 5 ^ac. entred Trin. 1 5 he. rot. 29. Defmont cafe, ;o H. 615, HaIesontl)cotl}ctCtCcargncDfojtl)c ^ai'otoaiit, ano pjapes a re'= turnof the CattelDfOrcpncDi firlf, 6c put tljc Cafe at large, anofic fafo that tt)t plflfntf ff hath not Inell fet fo?tl) the isings grant fn {;fo bar , aiio foftfsaUone,asffftcl)aDnotfctftfoni)atal!,P!owd.5(53,anD!jcl)atl) Dff. putcD tftat tcftfcb toe l!al)c not allegeo, anD tljc fur rcfopiioet fs but arc gumentaft3c,ano not pofitfbc, ano notbtng appears to tbe Court, ano !)c fjatlj qnfte mfftaUen \)is courfe ano toap, JSiit aomfttfng tlje cafc.anQ tl)cpofnts to be Pafch.. 165 1. i^9 be 30 tf)Bp are mnDc,v!z. i. ©abetter the ncir£)fecc be tocll grantca.bfcatifc tftc toojD Conftituimut fs omftteo. 2.C, 2C!)ls is not an ©fficc in grofa, confinfna ar.o r^ftlno upon ft felf ; but ft ia a telatfbc Office oi an iniplopmznt rficc, pctfeerc <0 a socQ brant of an employment, toiib^cbarccoia-jrnrcmap be aDCOBj altboucb an ^fsfje cannot be bjongljt (6% it. 3 AfT. Trm. e he Abercro- mies Cafe : 0nD here tbe p jotellatfon that the iSfng teas not fnfo jmco tfjat tbfs teas Copj/bolD lane (ij unncccffarilp allcaco , anotbcttfojcft is not of necefoftg ft ftoiUn be anfitercn ; dno f f ft be not ioeU fet fo;tl) ft fs not mn« terfal. iro j tbe 2 tjiiettfon lufjet&ct tbc i&fnc teas nctef ticQ f n lis grant , be faiD tbat tbe iiifng neet>cD not to tai^c not fee of anp former cSate^, aiio tt;&t tbe statute ejipjeCTctb, tljatftfsnotneccCfarp to mftc t}j£m, 34H. i(. 21. SCO tbe 3 pofnt % ttje chief qucttfon, vuhEthct tbe CoppbolD eftatc be fufpcn:; J)coo?.cj;ttnguffl»ea, bebeloittoaaertingntfljca, ano cftcD Knights tafc. $ Alton woods cafe, ancfafo, thatthcrulcfloftbcCitiillato ought not to be applpeo to the Cotnmon ilato , no j to be cftco to pcrptcr the pjocccafnga thereof, ano tocre tbia in tbe cafe of a Common perfon , tcithout Donbt the CoppholD tllate tooulD be DeftropeD, 20 Eliz. bp Pophsm ano Fenn , ann the MnQ here b'lth tbe iFce fimple, ant) there fano DffTcrcncc bettocen the cafe of the JSfng , ano of a Common perfon in this rcgaru ; a thing totiicb Itill not pafabp tbe l^ingvJtbout notice^ Ml not pafa Vritb notice, ano here is no pjcjnDtce to tbe fetng in not taUing notice tobctbctbp the |9atcnt ttc Cu« Horn to grant CoppbolD eftates be Dcftropeu j not j ann here is a ncccffarp conftqiientc in 3La\o, that the cuftom i<5 ccSropcti, bccaufe the iSing that bautbefcc intbc£p3nojt]atbf«rpcnDeDtbe Coppholo bp Ijis grantf BU the Srgnmcnts ufcD on ttjc other fioc arc to octlrop t^e ikings crnnt , ano the cafes put 130 all Differ from out cafe, ansooftano upan their oton bot- toms: jpoj^lballthcJSingbeintcnBeDtobemff connfantof his panfculat grant, fuch as this is , although be map be in a general grant , Jib. AfT. 21. pi. 19. Palch, 1 2 Car. C. B- Glover ano Edgars cafc, ant) it itoulD uc a great mirtbieflftheCoppholo eftatc (houlD be rcti'ocD. Sis to th; point, tDliether the patentee IhflU be in tbefamccontitionas the btng toas, he faio that it ia not mate rial tobethet he be oj no, as to the Cafe inqucftioir, anb reftco upon the ^ qucttion. 31 f the iliing bath frce.toarren in lano, ano grants the lano, ano mentions not tbe toarrcn, pet the Vcarrcn paffctbbp tbe grant •. auO hct» our Slfcotojp ftanos pro confcfTo , bccaufc tijc plains tifbathmaDcnotitIr, grant of a J^anoipei: nomen maneriorum is a gooo grant of the S^nno:, ano here fs a gooo grant, ano if not , pet it is bflp= eobp tbe Statute of 3 &4Phil &Mar»C. 1. 1 H.7. f. 28. ano the Poflea here refers not to the grant of t'rc Copp , ano here is no outtcr allegco , ano if there be , there is Do of (tctQn , but it pafTetb an cttate fo; iDiU bctiiir eii tbe parties. Roll chief lufticc , St luoulo be Dangerous to make the pa- tent tjoio, bccaufe the ISfng took no notice of the Coprholo cCate, ano this point is not fit to be atguco : fl thing not raatcriaUr allegco in pleaotrig fsnotncccffartiptobeanflocreo, anoitisnotncccffarpto crentr fiich coa i©f6cc as this is , fojit ia but an cmplopmcnt. Che great queffion is , tDbetbcr after the oeatbof&r.Iohn Gate, the Coprholo eftatc can bercW- teo oj not in the cafe of tbe iSing. 3t map be Dangerous irhettier it be one Iwp, oj tbe ctljcr, jfls to tbe plcaoing toe teill not maUc it ill , if it map be ^m 3 gccof. i-yo Pafch. 1651 gOOBi Argue the great point again,for it is a difficult poinf,5nd of great confct juencc. lerraanIufticctotl)cfamccffc(t , anucmUneo, tbatttic lafngljatt .lotntcnttoDcCtropt^eCopplbolD, ano ^e t)cli> tbat tl^e £>ffice tnas toell jfrantcD, bccaiifc tt tras but an (mplopmcnt. Nicholas lufticc (ncUncD, :t)at tftc vEoppljolo luaa ocftropco. 0t another nap Wadham Windham at. CacD fo; tl)c jDlafnttf ; anD fitft be put t^c cafe at large , am tben fafo, tljat 5 . 3!t appears bp tbc tcpUcatfou tftat the atiotoant Ijatb no title, a.fec confcf* fctbtljattljciaialnttfbatbaSCmc, ©ucen Mary fctfcD of tljc ^anoj of ChingfordCoraitis, tobereof Pipers Down tc parcel, grants ft per nomen duorum illorum maneriorum, anD ft f0 not atcctcD tt)at llje bao tU)0 ^ano;t0. jTfttt, ft is conCoetablc, tobctljct tljc fDatent be gooD bp tljc Common llato, alp. ^SHbctbcr, f f not, pet ft be mace gooD bp ttjc statute of H, 8» ann be ftclD, i.SEbatfttanot gooD at tbe Common 31 aic, bccaufcft fs fntcrtafti, anD toantafuf fief entlDO^Bs, anoberefsan appatent falGtp, fo:t be batb tiro ^aiio:tg, anti be grants but one; ana fftbc iSIng batic ttoo i^anoja, ano grant tbcm per noraen Manerli , tbffl fs not a gooD grant ; Sia tithes be* longf ng to a lUcctojp cannot pafs bp the name of a portion of tf tbes, nettbec DO all tl)c Statutes of Confirmation of patents, confirm lefs o> greatet talucs grantcD , tbanarc comp?ifeDfntbe3Letter0|9atcnts, 41 Eiiz, Pa- fons cafe fn the ©iccbcqucr. pjcfcntatlon to a IRertojp tobete ft ongbt to bcadMedietateoiRedorixfsnota gooD p^efcntatfon , 9 rep. Dodingtons Cafe, Dyer ; 31. 0n iU grant fs not bclpeD bp tbe Statute, becanfe ft ia not namcD. zip. 3 falfc fuggcttionfs not bclpeD bp tbe Statute of 34 H.8. 3 Car. &fi Hatton Farmers cafc, anD fn out cafe bcre is a mfftaUc of a tbfng, anD not of tbe name , fo? ft fs a ^anoj fo:; i^ano;ts , anD fo tbere fs no true meaning, anD tbcrefojc ft cannot be belpeo bp tbe fetatute, Pafch. 1 lac, rot. 2 1 6. C. B. Dawfon againft Pickei ing, SCbc ^uctn txas fcf fcD of ttoo jpanc?0,viz. ofRufhwortb,anDof Dale, anD gtantcD tbe S^anoi of Ru(h«' worth, habendum tbe^anoj Of Rufhworth,toitbtbci|)anoj of Dale , afttt ft teas belD an ill grant at tbe Common Hals, anonotb^lpcD bp tbe &ta« tutc. J5nt it Is obiccteD tbat tbis Spano j map be Unoiun bp tbe name of tiro £^anojs , anD fo in our cafe , altbougb tbe i^lng toas fclfeD of one ^ano:^ , anD gtantcD tbfs S^anoi habendum per nomen duornm Maneriorum , this (0 gooD, Mich. 2z H. 6. p!. i6.f. 13, 2to tbis tbe anf tocr is, that ft cannot be pieaDeD per nomen iDitbout an atcrment tbat there arc ttoo ^ano}s, a Ed.4.f iS.tbelafttafe: 2[:i)eref0 a Difference betineen a fcofment anoa relcafc, afeofmcntmapbcplcaDCDpemomentDitbout anabcrmcnt; but arclcafecannotbcfoplcaDcD, foj In a fcofment tl)elibcrpopefatec to paf0 tbelano, 22 H. 6. Hill. f. ^ 9. 13. anD Dyer, tbe feerfcants Cafe; luheretbcreisccrtalntptberenccDsnoaticrmcnt •, butitfsnot fo fn our Cafc I H. 7. f. 28. anD It Is a fojcin Intcnomcnt to fuppofe tbat one i|)ano j ofChingtordCoraitistballbeUnoiDnbptbc name of tbe ttoo ^anojs of Chingford Comitis , anD toe nccDnot plcaobp a nonconccflit, becaufc tbe Sfeovtant batb maoe no title , ano fo be can baDe no return , t H, 7. f. 28» (5 H 7. t. 6. anD bcre is no ccrtalntp aoocD to maUc it certain bp tbe too jbs illorum quod nuptrperquifivimusde,&c. 2Eo the fecottD point , StbC 0« tolr-Ttnt batb confcffcD tbe paintlfs t(tlr,fo j be batb confcITeD, tbat te. H. tbe 8tb. batb maDe it a CoppbolD , auD If the Copp be gooo, our title Is gooD, astotbenuefifon, tobctbcr toljen a CoppbolD comes to tbe Jfiing, ano be IcafEtb It , this Dotb Rot fo Deftrop tbe CoprbolD , that tobcn tbe leafe fs out ItmapnotfaeCopp^olDagaln. 3bolD, that if a Common petfon leafe a CoppijolD , the CoppbolB is DeCropco ; but It Is not fo tobcre tbe iSIng lca« fctliit, as It loin out cafc, tohtchougbtnottobe meafutcD bp tfas Com» mon rule of 3Lato , foj tbe ilato of tbe Croton oijet-rules tbe Common iLato,anDtbe £.atoofCullom, 22 E. ^^%\)z l^inglsnotbonnDbpCufloni Pale. 1651. z7 a0 a common pcrfon f a , 3 5 H. <5. Sbfjc litng ftatjing (Satclftfno iniioo maj? DEftroptljc\Iuftomijjl)lcl)tt!n0U.itU fuel) lanofl pro tempore oti'p, an3 tljs ISfngc grant fljall not enure to a fecoRDarpopsratton, as Knights cafe fa $ anDftetei3nop:c)u2icetoanp pctfon t^at tbs CoppfeolD rCatc ftotilD be rctiteo , bcre tlje conrcoucnce map be re'oercc, ano it is not neceffarp; ano tbercfojctftcleafeof tlcCoppbolD, nctnamir;sit€opp^oi?,is goo5, 33 to tl)e £)bjc£tton mncc , tljatttionobcntettotlje Uinq, to matcit <£opp- ftoio again; t5)canriDcrf3, OattttsapjeiuoicctotascaUiapamans pjf= tilegeanoltbcrtp, ifti'cvetcerenocttjcr fnconticnicricc; biit'ijcvciamojc, fojtfteremapbe pjcjactcc bp lofing tbs Ccmmcu, ?c, i^notijc rule, that aCuftcmfflancntiretbtng ano cannot be cppojtfoneo, Ojall notbinotbe 5ajng, altf:onnlj tbc nntiire of tbi^ Cuftom bcrc ouebt not to be cramf - neotoitb otbcr Cuftnms , fo; it is mo jc flrict tban in otbcr cafes, foj if it be oncctJtftropeD, itisaltoapsosffropro, ano cannot be fufpenoco, ant)iti« notfojtbeJSing0Dif=ai5tantanctobat)etbe Coppboiu ocflropcD; but it is fo; bis aoiiantagc ana cont?cnicncp , ann fo be pjaps luogement foj tbc fltotpant. Roll chief luRite. SJUtoill come anD reft upon tbe laC point, to; all tbe otbet tbi"gs are aBmittea : SLbe grant is gooD bp tbc per nomen , anD it is onlp nominal, ano ootb not implp tbat tberc are ttooipanojs, nnD it map Itar.D tocll cnoucb feitb rcafon tbat it map be hnotorr per nomen: SEuttbclaCtpcinticconfiOErablCj bccr.clineDtoLatcb. Nicholas lufticeto tbe fame effect, anD tbat ttepraedift is a gooo afcermcnt. sCbe latt point is confiDcrcblf , but prima facie, bcre tbe cultom is not DclIropcD. Ask luftice to tbc fame effect, ana tbat ft appears tb3t tbc iSingintenDeo to grant but oncJSanoj. Roll, tiaeteilltahc time till tbe nert term to fpcait to tbc lalir point, tobiebisonlpDoubtfull, anD to orliber our opinions. lerman luflic, tbe plcncing of tbc partp per nomer.bclps not tbc patent, if it be not cooD in it fclf, Sbc nert SEerm Rnll chief luif ice fo; bimfclf ano tbe reft oftbc3«Dgc0, tei,o be faiD concurr'D in opinion toitb bim, DciifccrcDtb: opi- nion of tbc Court to tbis cfFcct, i. SCbat tbcp lucre agrecD tbat tbe grant oftbci!D(ficsoftbcCuftoDpoftbcbourcisa gooD Icafc fo; life, nottaitb- ftanoing it tuas Copi'bolD, it is not nccclltirp to recite in tl3C grant tbat iticCoppbolD. 2. SEbat after tbc fftatcfo; life is DctermincD , tbc iSing mapgrnrt tbe boufc ant) lano again bpCopp of Court Koll,bccaufc tbe ^ings grants flaall be tal^cn fa'ooureblp, anD not crtcnocD to tlDO indents , Itberc tberc is no ncccfsitp fo; it, as tberc is not bcrc, ano toe are not berc to intcnn a collateral intent, ano fo tl)c CoppbolD is not oellropcO; foj tbc Jiato twacs cars to pjcfcrtc tbc tnberltai:cc of tbe IHtng fo; bis ^urcef- fo;0, __ Parch.i65u 275 fojs , auiD ft map be a benefit f t^e Bf ng to ftntip ft conf fntie Copp^olu, vizi^ to ^a%c Common , ^c, aiie bia electf on f s alfo DcCtopcD , f f ^c map not ftat« ft CoppllolO, So Iudg€incnt was given for the Plaintif, nifi, Pawfey and Lowdall. Pafc,i65i.Banc, fup, Pafc* 1650, rot, 275 ♦ IjP tl)fs Cafcfojmcrlpargaeo, Roll chief Iuftice,anij Nicholas ano Aikjuj iuftices actecD , tfjattfjeDctjffcoftfjc Coppftolo here fg a Dctjffc to t^jerov/rrr/upoa ^ettsoft!)ci?atfter, ano fo a 5Fce Cmple , anb tljat tUc partp comco notafpeciai Vcr- Jnasapurcfjarcr, ano fojtbiacaufct^juDgcmcnt teas rcijcrfcD, nifi, Sls'^^^ touching totljeotljerpofnt , tDbettifttOcfuttcnoecof aCoppliolD bp a SCcnant fojr^"i!'^id°^ life be jjcdd fn t^fo cafe , t^c Court ocUDcteo no opfnfon , Antea, iand[ ° Trundall and Trowell. Pafch; i<55i,Banc. fup. • Hill, i(55o,roc. 670. 10 tU6 Cafe ft \saa ^lo tbot Cenant fn antf cnt IDcmefn cannot aftet fm< where ami. parlance plcao antfent BDcmcfn, foj Ijc fjatlj niaoc a full Defence, foj "^ Dememe %c taps Defendit vim etinjuriaraquando, &c, tofjfcf) fmplpcs all tl)e tCft /'""j^f j^' Midr, 2 2 Car, Banc, Reg, Yet it was ruled to be again fpoken to, p ca c . Peck againfl Ingram. Pafch, 1 65 J. Banc, fup, Tl^ Cafe fo?metlpfpoItenfn teas moijcDasafn, am Latch beJo , tftat whether* tlje toojDfl obtulit fe in roaritagium conjungi, toac a gmo notfcc upon t^good notice' Ubole matter , ano tljcrcfoje t^at tt)e action oto toell Ipe. Roil cbief luftice anftDcrco, tftfs fs a perfonal tbfns , ano angJ)t to be offeree to tf)e partp Wmfclf, ott)er1^)ffe ft is no notice , anotftat ootl) not appear ^cre, ano (f tl)Erc ?'e no notfcc fmplpeo, tljcn ttjc 3aion Itc3 not; ano Holme? ano Twifts tafe ifl , tW tbercousbt to be notice fftbe tbfng be to be oonc bp t^e partp tfmfclf, otbcrtoffeffftbetofaeoonebpaffrangcr, fo f0 ft l)cr«; but tlie queCfon onlp f^jff notice be fmplpcD bcre j not;> lerman lufticc fafo, t^etc f0notenocTofmariaeciftlJcotlKrpar^pbcnott6ere. The rule was for ttie Plaintif to take his ludgement, Rooke againft Smith. Pafch. 465 1, Banc, fup. ROokebjottgbt an action upon flOccaCeagafntt Smith fo J fprakfiiG tfjcfe iJ]^^^'/^^ -^ iDOjOa of bim , Thou arta poor fellow, and art not able to pay 2s, injn laTon'up? the pound, and art not able to pay thy debts, , fo tljat it be toit, in tfte life of tlj; SCenant.RoIl chief Juftice f«iiD,it la an fnton« tenfence to ocbffc fuel) a contingent Cftatc. Nicholas ooubtco, fo; i}Z faiu ft iooulo djatse manp Itiills, if it mi gl)t not be, ano fo fato Hales. The Court would advife. Hales confcCTeD tftc tjcrOftt toas fmpcrfcrt, but pjapeo ft tnfgfjt be amcnoeo ; ilBut Latch anf toereo ft fs gooo enougft f ; us t^e JDc- fenoants , fo; toe ftatjc p;imer poffcfston. SClje Court anfircrco ft troulD be gooo to Ijabe ft amenoeo , ano not to bate a venire de novo, fo; tljat toiU yg^i^f be cbargcablc ; but ff tbc tcrcfa be imperfect to b;ing tbe matter fn iLato fnaqucftion,U)ecanBranta nctu venire, altbougb it bstb been beretofojc D0ubte0» Tberefocc be advirt;d,fo that it may be argued« Antca^ Heal againft Green. Trin, 1 (Jj I. Banc. fup. Hill. 16^9, rot, 370. *T"^e cafc bcttocen Heal ano Green upon a fpecfal tcrofct (ojmfrlp ar-Arjument ctuco bp Latch teas again fpoUento, anoargneobp Twifden, ano bCT""^ '^P"'- I>elD~tbat tbe iFcme bao potocr bp tbe ^fll to mabc tbe lcafc,nottoftbCanD=='' "''^'^ ''P- fngtbatC)cbatbbutanC-Catcfo;lffe, ano cftco n Car. Br. Hill, rot.^;; '^1';™* Sio.Iob ano Whites cafe, ano 2 1 IscDanyclanoVgnel, anobcfsfo tbatof, wiii. tfte temafnocr Umftco to tbc oangbter ootb not b«rt , foj ft mnj? tJcrp tocu 276 Trin. 1651. CanD teftl) fbc Inill , nm tbe fntcnt of tljc SEcffato j appears upon tJjc Itjljolc to be to ge"n/".7on a flucftion faias lohcther the feme tocre iocH cnDoiucD bp thefe inojOs, be« fpccui vf r. taufc he Doth not far that he enootos her bp metes ano bounDs, Chafe hclo ^criff afsign Ootocr^ano eo it r.ot per meras .\ bundR? jt ts Crro j , if ^■^'''''■• it migftt Ijatie been to aioignco , ano iuijerc a feme cannot be ento iteo per rnetas & bund as (l)e map enter iDittjout ar0ignment. ludgement was given for the Defendant nifi, &c. Smith againll the Earl of Dorler, Trin, i6Si» Banc, fup. SMith motet) tl&c Court againfftlje Carl of Dorfet, foj an attatcftment Motion for foj Ditturbing of bint in tije poCTcfsion of certain JlanDa. contrarp to tbe ^" »"«'<^!'- rnle of tijis Court, fojtbc plaintiff to Ijatepoffcfsion. SDljc Court anftoe^ "^J;"'/."' '''^" rcDtljatfoj onlp tifturling i)i8 poffcfsion, tl)crc otigbt not to be an attatc&^rufcotCourt mcnt grantcD;but ifl)C be put out of poffer0ioiT,be tljaU bate an attatcljment Attatchmcn:.' SCIjc Councel replpet) tbat t^e partpea cattel tocre D;iten off from tfje lano, tDfjicljtIjcpfoncciteDUiasanouftingoftbcpartpfrombis poffcfston. %o tbia tbc Court anftuercDjtbat tbia rccmcD to be a putting out of poirEr0ion , And tficrefore ordered that theDcfendant (hould ftiew caufe why an attacch< nent (hould not be granted, Owen agaiaft Icvon. Trin. i65i.Banc, fup, Pafc, lijitfOt, 211, *T^^{8 cafe fojfflctlpfpohen onto in arrctt of Sluapmsnt , ana tften ffap* ^"^^'"'""' eD,toaa again moteo,ano ^uogment pjapeo foj tbc ipiaintitF bpSerjeant Aft-"* To'" Glyn, tobo arguED tbat tbe tDojD0 lucre aaionablc , becaufc if tbep itece words " true, tbe partp of tobomtbfp arc fpofecnia puniQjable bptbe Statute of 7 lac. foitb cojpojal punifljment ann beCoeatbe Idojds incrc fpohen Cncc tbc IPtt&tatute mate actaintt jaoulterp , VobicbDotbaggratatetbe Idojds ano matic tbem mo?e aflionablc. ludgeraent was given for the Plaintiff ni« fi. 3n tbi0 tafe it toaa faio bp tbe Coart,tbat it toaa aDinogeo in one Thec« ker ano Duncombes cafe, tbatatoemanmapbatjcacbiio in 38. toeefes ano tbat a tooman bg colOjO j baro tifage,map go toitb cbilD abote 40 tocefe0' Antea* i^ n 3 Neifon niilr. 278 Trin. 1651. . . Nelfon againft Tomplbn. Trin. idji .Banc, fup, Trin, a4 Car. rot. 34 ;• ' D-m..rrer \n 1^ Elion bjouaftt 811 aflfoit x)f t!)C Cafc agafntt Tomp(on , ano Dfo Declare p.. Aftoni.p- i ^ tbat tl)c SDcfciiDfliit , fnconfiocratfontljattljc pia tif except better matter be (hewn Friday next.' Lyda'e and Lyfter. Trin, id5i. Bine, fup. Micb, 1 650. rot. 387. ^fecmsnt in A /ji Jldion of SJcbt toss bjougljt upoH art £Dblfgation maDc fo a JSif^op b; ujion a /\ahol)is Diet, anDDoponronfult totth pour notes. lerman Jnrtice ,SEf)e tScrDitt ongl)t to 6nD tbc Dping feifcD, anD till 31 ara fatisficD from the j^otes ^ iriU DEliticr no opinion. Nicholas luflice hclD both the Detifc crooij , ano th;; ^CTDittalfo, but faiD it hao been othErtoife upon a iDemur'rcr. ' Ask la-Dcirarrer ttic: to the fame intent. lerman lufticc, $t is clear that the StcCrtn j inten* BCD to Dctffc the lanDsin Holford , ano it is a gooo dc tife, but if ilj>^ tUcr- Dirt bcfmperfcrtitisfojthcpiatntif, butifotherbifcitisfcj the S»efen, Santt The Court would advife couchin-, the Vcrdid, Hay- Who nny 'or if I 280 Trin. 1651 Hayward againft VVilliams. Trio. i<5ji.Banc. fup. Hill. i649»rot. 8:4» Ti^c Cafe toas (l)i0 , a jFcmc toaa faco as a iFemc fole, but bp tbe &ir- tiamc oi'gct ^JlusbanD , ftc bcfngtbc" Cottert. SCfje i?cme appears Mor^wiio BiiD plcaD0,ano 3."DCEnient la g(tcn againft tier, ano tfft UBaron ano jr^eme not. ' iopntnatDj 3!t teas mottco Dfbcrs tfntee, ano tbc Court aoiifeo , atiDatlsfttbcpfafo, tljat a Stranger to a IRecojD map not bjtng a tojft of CDrro j to retierfc it , but tbat ia onlp tobcrc Ije map babe anotbcrrcmcDptoaboiotbcpjElaDfcc be rstap rcccibe bp it; bat in tWa Cafe tbe loaron batl) no otber rcmcDp. (oi bis Catfc is talicn (n Crccutton, ano bptWo means be ftjaUlofe bet focietp; Andchercfore rcverfetur, oifi. Antes, ^Ty^- ^'hannagainftBilby. Trin. i(S$i.Bznc.fup: Hill. i55o,rot. io(5y, Arreft of QHinn bjOHO'nt 811 Action npon tb-' Cafe upon a pjomifc agafntt BiJby, jadgfmtrnt in i^anT) Dctlarc0 , tbat in coiiGocration tbat tbe plaintif fljoulD furrenoct an rtfti'Mi up- a CoprbolD uiito I, s. ano bifibeito, accojofng to tbe Cuftom of tbe ^ano?, ontheCi.e tbe JDcfcnoant DiD affumc anopjomffc to pap unto bim looi. anfl tbat be p^omife ^io furrcnDcr tbe Coppbolo into tbe banoa of a Cuftomarp Ccnant of tbe j;pano J , atfo?Dlng to the Cuftom of tbe i^ano?, to tbe ufc of I. S. ano bfa bcira , anc tbat tbe SJcfcnuaHt bao not paio tbe bnnojcD pounD accojDiag to bfspjomftc, ano Declares to bi3Damdgc,^c. ciponnon AfTumpfic pleaoca, ano Jffuvtbercupon lopnco, a umia teas fotmo foj tbe plaintif, 36 toas moVeD in arreft of Sn^'gcmtnt bp Latcb of Counccl luttb ttje SDefen* oant, tbat tbe tl^cclaration i0 not gooa , i.IBccaufeitDctbnot fet fojtbto iDbom tbe p:omife was maoe , ano if it do not appear to be maoe to tbe piaintif, it ia nudum p^dum , foj tbepjomifcberc is tbe confiDcratfon» xlp, SIbc ConfiDc ratio!', fa Ctecuto?p, ano tbe piaintifDotbnot ftielo tbat be batb perfojmeD it, ano tbcn be batb no caufe of 3rtlon ; 2Cbe Confi» Deration luaa, tbat tbe plaintlf Iboulo fiirrcjiDer aCoppbolD to I. S. anD W bcira, actoi5ing to tbe cuftom of tbe ^anoj; ano be onlp ftjetos tbat be DiDrutrcnoertbeCoppbolDintofaebanOflofa Ctiftomarp Xenant, accoj^ Ding to {\fi CuEom of t!jc ^ano; , to tbe ufc of I. S. ano bia beira, anD Dotb not fl)eiD that tbia furrcnacc toaa p'.efentcD at tb2 ncrt Court. anD fo it ap- Suircnder. pcfiraKOttobc 3 QOOQ futrenoer , foj it ia unccrtai-i tnbctbcr it Ibnll bz ptcfcntcD oj no, '-no tiU it be picfcntcD it ia imperfect : 2lo iobicb tbe Court affentcD, ana rulcD agaiiift tbe plaintif a Nil capiat per Billam , nifi , ?.c. Covenant. 3;n tbfa cafe it iuaa faio tbat if a man cobenant to conbcp lanoa, it ougbt to be Done at tbe cb^rcc of bim tbat cobenantctb to do it. ercept tbe contra* Coi.fiJera- TpbcagrceD ; 0nDtbatif tbcre be a Double confiDcration alleageo foja t;on. p:omife, ifoncof tb-'m be gooa, ana tbe otber be not, pet an aaion toill lie upon tbe p jomife tbat is fa jolien , to^tcb toaa grounow upon tbefc conC< fiocrations, Bac» Trin. 1651. 2i Barcock againftTompfon. Trin. 1 65 If Banc, fup, Mich. idjo. rot. 444f AWixit of Ctro J toaa bzoujtit bp tlje IBail to tcijetfc a laugcmcnt eJbcn E^ror brcu^hc agafnft ^fm upon a fcire facias,^ tbe Crroj afsfgnco U)as>that tbcrc toas '')' '''^ ^'' '• no Capias taben out agalntttbepjfncipal, atiDt^rrcfojc t\)z (are facias a- gafnft tbc IBafUs not cooo. Hales aiifiDereDjtbat it toas to late to urge tbfBnotofojCrroj j foj tfte juogc|ncni is npon tlno nichiU returnee, ano cttED ai E, 3 . f. 1 3 • Roll chief luiHce fato, t^at tlDO nichils h as muclj as a fcire feci rcturneo , anoUfsnoCrrojtogibe juDgement upon it; but ft DaQ been a gcDD pica upon t^cfcire facias to fapt^atttjereloas no Capias a- pj^, gafnft tfte p;{ncc in tbc cafe of a CTfil. ano tberc is anotljcc tooioufcobere to crplain tbc 2Ccftato;s meaning to be to ocbifc bis lanos aslseUasMs gooos, anotbat is tbc U)o:o All, tobicb comp^cbenos all manner of eftates,\ij{ti)ont exception, j^ertfftbe lano ftioulo not pafs, Ijisoebts ano JLcgatfcs cannot be paio, accojoingtotbc ctp^cfs intent of tbeJCcftatoj , ano tbc intent oftbcpartpouobtto bcfatisfieo, altbougbtnc toojos be not pjoper, bccaufc it is in a tnill , tbougb it migbt be otberluifc in a grant. anoicbercasitisobjecteotbattbcBluriesftnoingoftbe talusof tbe Debts ano llegacics, is to no purpofe , bccaufe tbc Ml cannot be belpeo bp tbc atjcrment of tbc 3itirp. 3 anfiDcr tbat abcrmcnts if tb:p ftano iDttl) tbcVoill, mapbcrcceibcotomafectbc Ceftatojs intent to appear. 3But beftoes tbis is not an abcrmcnt onlp,but a true ftating of tbe Cafc,to tbc in^ tenttofino out tbe SCcftatojB meaning. 5lp. EbcDcltfrcoftliclanoiisnot maoeffirccuto; but2nruftcc,o;DEbifcc,»tbisiBlincc ti)c&tatu!c cfJDctiifcff 32 H. 8. 2Lbc 2. qu£Cionis,tDbatcftatttibe2Det)ifcel)atbittlbelanoo7 h^ toncclbe be bfltb jTce Cmple, bccaufe \z batb all tbc €ftntc, tubfcb mnft be tbclargctt, anotbatis J^cc^fimplc. Hob, rep. pi. -So. 2i;bc toojo Itbolc goes bot^ to tbe quantity ano qnalitp of an :ftatc alio, ^no bcrc tbc conCoe- iD tatiow — tattoiTtbatbclato pap all ti3 SDcbts snu JLcgacfec, fa a rooD corfiocratfon topaf3tl)cfcc Cniplcof»;f3lanC3, ano tbousb tbcrc ma^» be a furpUifagc aftettbc JDcbtoanDjLcgaclcspalD, tljfotifnDcra noting; fojit is t)is fn-- tenttljatt^ciDct3frccfl)aUftatetl)atfiirplufagc, antifo ^e pja^'CD 3tiD5c- mcnt fojthc |?lffi.tff. TsvifdenfojttieSDtfenoant argtico, tbat cttljct notl)iiiBi>affctbbptt)etKHfU, ojifanp tbfns, tben onlp an tftatc fo: life paffcti). ^^e agreeo tfcat Improper tDo:D0 map fomctfines pais tftfnao, pet fomctf.-nccpjopct toojos lufU not paffe tWngs; viz. if toe fntciit o£-tb; pattp appear to be contrarp, 24 Eiiz, in tftc Carl ofNors tfiumberlandf cafe. % S>ctiifc of all !)f3 Jcicds, Dio not pafs l)ia Collar of «Eirc0 , ano fjis ^etoels anncrco to ftio parliament l\obc0 , ano tlje toojos l^crc are not tftat i)c Dc\3ifct^ all f)i3 eflatc in Ijio lanes , but ^is toljolc eftatc jjcncrallp . anc if t!)C toojosticrc ll)oult pafs tl)c lanua , pet tlje fee Cm. pic paffcti not , but oiilp an eflatc fo: life in tl)c lanno , Icbicft Do pafs ; no j 00 t^c teojDs papinc bis Dcbtaanu il cgacics caafc t^jc i?cc.Cmplc to pafa , fojtcrcianoIil^clpIjcDD of anp lofs to tbc Cjrecutoj; foj tftc tooaog arc not, tftat l)C IDall pap all Ijis 2?cbt3 cno Bleaacieg \ anD if lie be an Crecuto;, as tfte contrarp appears not, ftcQiallnot be cljargeD uitlj moje tljan tl)e perfonal eflatc toill Difc^arge. %\iZ too jos do amount to a ConDition , ano (ti3notfounDtbatH)ercatcanpE>£btsoj iLegatics paio, ano fo it is not perfo:mcD, anDtbc^cirmaptoell enter into t^iclanos in qtieffion, fojtfte ConDition b;oken. ilp.SCbcmeroictDotljnotfinDbototljclanDsarcijelD, iBftetber in forage, ojbp!SnigS)tsfErttcc; anD fo it appears not toftctbet tbep tan be DebifeD j no, anD tijep fliall not be intenocD to be Socage lanos, Dver,t". 207. Hill. 32 El. rot. 2. anO Pel! anD Browns cafe, jlp, Jt is not founD tljat the 2Cettatoj DpcD fcifeD of the lanDs, as it ongbt to bate been , Spfciai Vcr--' j,„j, j.^ pigj^icD ^tiDgemcnt fo} tl}e. SDcfenDant. Roll; chief laftice to tbe ^^- fcconDCrccptfontotljc GlerDittanflDercD, tbat in a Special tcrDia it is not ncccffarp to fino tobetber lanes be bda in Socage, oj fap tonigbts Sertice , anD be faiD tbat tbe too:Ds in tbe tzaill do gcc to tbc nature ano cyfcnt of the eflatc, as Barry urgco, anD be DoubteD bolD tbe terDitt fljall fupplp tbc ®aill ifitfaeDcfcctitc, fojtbatisonlptomabe tbc intent of tbc OTiH certain. Adjourned co be argued again. Poftea. Marfiial againft Ledfham. Trin, 1(55*. Banc, liip, Arrcft of ludecmcntin Tk /| Arflia! Hs 0ominiffratoi bjings an SlctioBof SDcbf foj rcHf i ano up- Ditr. J:y| on a 'ctertict fonnD fo; tbc fDlaintif , tbe SDcfenDant motieo in iJrrctt ^ ^ ^ "^ / of^nDgcmcnt, anD tafscs crccption , tbat tbc JDIaintif baD not ftclBji bp Cv'^-^/'**^.tobomtbelLettcr3Of0DminiffrationlriercgranteDunto bim, as be ougbt , / ^►O M C- to 00, bat onlp faps tbat tbc 0Dmi.i{ftration dcbico more commiffa fuif,i5at Q^r ft toas anftocrco tbat it is too late to motjc tbfs Crrcption after a dctDict , fo J tbe 3iatp batic novo founD tbat t^c 3Dmin(ffrat(on teas Diilp granteD,ant> tbelLcttcr0of3Dminittrat{ontoercpjoD«ccDinConrt, anD (bcrcfoje not Dcc:»rat;on. /ticceffarptoflielDltbogranteDtbem ; anDitirasfaiD, tbat in aSDecIara* tienitisnotnccctrarp to fl)cto bp tof;om l-cttcrs of jaDminiftration are grantcD, ojtofaptbcptocrcgrantcDbpbint, Cui pertinuit,oj per loci il- jliusOrdinarium : JlBut in a peain 55ar itisotbcrfeifc, fojtbisis not tbc rua. I caufc of tbe ;a£tion , anD effect of tbe fate , but to ftcto tbep babe been \xi tbc Spiritual Court. Judicium nifi pro quasrcntc t»ag afteriTjatDs gibcn: Anew, Gilei \ Trin,i65i. z?.^ Giles againft Tirnberky. * Trin, 1 5J i . Banc, fup» Mich. idjo. rot. 176. ( \ i^Ejeaionefirraaevlet armis me b?OKgl)f in tt)C Common PW8)y',*/,'y'V ^anDaiaogcmEntfiitcnfojtbe jpiafnttf upon a nihil (iicir,anDc|3lafnttffl)aUgafnbii5poffEf3i= '"'^g'™:". on of tl^e lano, ano tfte JDefcnoant cannot b jfng bfs toJit of €rro j until tbe Error. tojit of C-nquirp rctnrneD , ano t^c SoDgement perfetteu, tobttbit map be tDfU ncbctbc; fojlDben tbe paintif batb gotten poffcfsion of tl)c laiios IjetDill little tegatDtbC Damages* Therefore let the judgement be revere fed* Ancea, Elyott againft Blague. Trim i5$i.BanCf fap* ELyott bjougbt an adfon upon tbe Caf£ againft Blague U>i fpeafeing tbefe Arreft c f teOjD0Ofbim,viz.Thou art a Baftard getting Rogue, and hadft a Ba- luJgcment in ftardat£>);fO>0, and art a pocky rogue , and for ought I know thou ^aft ^J'^^^j^ °'' ^''^ filled my Bed full of the French pox, and no luch pocky rogues (hall lie with ""' met mponnotgailtpplcaDen.anoa xacroitt fonno (oi tbe paintif, it toa s motJED in 0ttcft of BinDgement tbat tbe too jts icere not aaionablc, be= canfefome oftbemtDetc aDicclbelp fpofeen , ano otbcrs uncertain, ano fomc of tbcm clcatlp not actionable; 315utTwifdenanftDcreD,tbatiftbc iDOjDstDcre taken togctbct as tbeptoere fpobcn, tbep toete berp fcanoa* loufl ano actionable , anOciteDoneColyersano Lydyers cafe, i Car. %o tDbicbtbc Court agceeD, and ruled tbe Plaintif to take bit judgement czcepe better cauie ihould be (hewn. Guftodes againft Ginkes. Trin, i65iBanc,fup, SErjeant Bernard mobCD to Difcbatge an jSDjDet Of SciTions mane againft To difchttr^e a if eme Cobett, tobecpadDjanocbfloof bets, bccaufc a J^cmc Co« i-^ oracc ot tett toaa not bonnn bp fucb an iSDjocr. Roll chief luftice anftoercD , that ^*'^;°"'-f g . 6er It^iisbanu isJbouno to feecp bis toifefi ©tanBcbilD bp tbe Statute ; but in ^^^" ' tcga'rD tbat tbe l^usbanD is not cbargcD bp tbe ;©;tiEt , but tbe Voifc tobo is " cobett is onlp cbatgeo , Therefore lee the Order be qualbed* ;© 2 Trot- 284 ^""- *^5li_____ Trotman againft Standard. Trim 1^51, Banc, fup, Trin, 1650. rot, lydSt ' spfciii ver- jj^ an Action npon t\it cafe a fpccfal tcrofct Ujas founu.upon Id!)uI) t!)C cafe drtt in an a- ^ jpj| Qj,t ^^ jjg ^^(jj jj^^pp jjcing fcJfcD Of lanD0 (h iFffi, Ufa make a tbar. ftion on liie ^^^ ^^^ feoffment unto tlDo otbets, ano to tbcir iitixe , anu in tbc dccd toao a lettctofi5lttojncptocntct 2lp. CaHbctJier tftc letter of attojncptoag gooDoj no, (n tegato (t ftao falfc latin eclarafion ; he anftocreo that the 3iuDgemcnt thall go to all tol ichfs lano in IJno on!p , nno ftall not tytcno to l^onff 0, arto xTottages , ano there appears to be a re» Trin. 155 1. 2^5 refidaum, 0} fatplufage. RoUch^ef luftice fafo, tljat (t (a fnccrtafn bp t\)e Vcni.a. tctDfct tuftat lanos arc meant , fojtl!crcaTC4oo3crr0of lano, aitD four mettmstg, ano four Cottage0,anD ^o acres of mecoiy in \\): Declaratfoir, ani)fotl&er8appeat0tobearefiduum,bEODe3tl)elanDfoanD fn t1)e beroto, tDftfcftmafscsittobefncertafttte^atfsfounD, 0!iDttjoua!) ft Qjoulobc a icxiia fo J part, ano be uncertain foj tbe reft , alttioug^ tljc plafntfff tofll rcUnqufCb bfs Damages fo; ttic reft, tbis totU not bclp it , fo: tljcrc mutt be ttDoBuDgementfl, ano tfee feetuia fa ill as totbathjfjfcbfafounD, petf)8 fjelD tbat ft migbt be gooD toitbout relfnqufOjfng tbe Damages at all, becaufc tbJB berclct fa gooD foj fo manp acres as are fntbe£)eclaratfon, ano ft fljafl be fntenDCD tftat tftc Blntp mfttoob tbc number of tbe acres, ano fnten« DeDbptbebcrDfctnomojctban tfte arcable lano. lerman anD Nicholas luftices DoubtcD fobetbcr tbere be a feerofct at all, bf caufe tlje gurp Ijabc not fonno tbe tljfnss contepncD fn t^c D^claratfon. Koll chief luilice, ano Nicbolaf, mutate opinionc,bclD tbe terDfrt gooo ; but fafD it teoalo bate ban otbertoffc upon a Demurrer , ano it iraa fafo tbat if one Declare fo? 40 J. anDtbe bcrDfctfinosioo Ktbeplafntfff map reUnquiflj 60 I. ana bate 31uDgement fo J tbe reft. Askluftice faio tbat bio opinion teas, tbatttje terDitt is fncertafn , anOconccibetbtljat tbe Slurp intenoeD all (n tbe 2De« claratfon. The Court took time to advifCf Afcerwards ludgemenc was given for the Plaintiff, Fitton againil Richatd(bn. Trini55i,Banc,fup» •Tl^eCourt toas moteD fo? a pjobffaftfon fo tbe Countp palatine ofForaproh;-- ■■• Chefter, upon a furmffe ttjat tbcp DfD pjoceco fn tbe Court of eqtiftp at ^"'^ "^ '''<= Cheder toucbfng tbe papmcnt of rent refertcD upon a leafc foj pears, tobfct) ^""'/'',^''n' Is a matter trpable at tbe Common Halo , ano not fn a Court of cqnftp, c'." " ' Sl^bc Court anftoercDtDeiLfll fee tbe SBill , tobetber tbere be anp matter of equftp laiD in it oj no , foj if tbere be iuc tufUnot grant a pjobibition, ano let us alfo fee fome pjcfitiento if tbere be anp , foj granting of a pjobtbiti* on in fucb cafes. Powis tobo mobeo fo j tbe pjobibition rcp'.pcD , 2Lbat in Cheiler tbepbolDttooCourts, one foa matters of Common iLaln , ano a- notbcr foj matters of equftp , anD fo tbep ougbt to obferte the ijuc p joccco « fnssfneacbCourt,acco}Dfng to tbe nature of tbe caufc, ilp. ECbfs Court of tbe upper I5encb fs tbe fuperfntenDent Court oter all otber Conrts,anD a tojft of (Brroj Ipcs oat of tbfs Court to Chefter , anD bpconfcqiicnce a pjo« ^ibition alfo to rcflrain tbe Court of equftp there, if tbep fljall p jocceo frre' '*• gularlp, 3lp, Cbere tDonlD otbertoffe be a failcr of juftice, fo? tbe Cour J*" ot Cbanterp bcre cannot grant a pjobfbitton , bccaufe tbe matter tbep p}0« ceeDin tberctanomattcrofrquitcNit. brev. f. 44H, I. Cook rep. Cor- bet$ cafe, Hot), rep. cafe 98. Owen and Holts caie. anD tbougb a Injit from bence Dotb not run tbere no? in Wales , pet a pjobfbition fs grantablc to Wales, anDtberefOjctohpnct toCheOcrjMich, 2.1aci B, R a habeas corpus toas grantED to tbe Countp palatine of Durham , ano to Barwirk, anOTrin, 1650, C, B. rot. ipdd.fu Jones and Lcnnjrds cafe a pjobibition InasgranteDtoChef^er. Nicholas luflicecitco a cafe to be aojuogsD fn tbfs Court bp Cook chief luftice tbat ft Infll not Ire de brevi ordinatio ; but fn Wales ft tofll Ip, Hales anficerco, tbat tberr fs moje bcre tban ittattcc ofcquirp, anDtD^itsmanDatojptnilllpe fn all places. Roll chieHuilice fafD tbat Cheftcr batb a Court of upper JBentb , anD tl}Ci> map grant a p;6- ^ibltion tljetc , ano U appears not to us tobctbct tbep totU gract ft oj |,ot, ^''^''''''"o"- £Do3 fo 285 Trin. 1651 fo tftst Inc knotD not itbctbct toe ticca to tnt ermeole. Hales rcplpcD, tl)at cbcrp one is botinn bp tftc Common iLain , anu tbctcfojc \joiits manoato- tp at tfjc Common iiato , U)l)fcbBLncrallp concern men its fubjccta, ano not tonccrnfng pjitatc t!)t io to \ie confiocrce tW Clieften |urtfDloioni0Ccrii3CD from ttjis Court, aiiD fo it cbtto Wiry Brooks , anc upon tbta Demurrer luDgcmcnt loas gibcn a- gainC&it Humphrey Style, anD tbcreupon be bjfngs bia tojit ofCgrroj; tobcrcin tl)? nucBion inns, tobetber tbc Debt toas rcleafcD bp tbc u.fll o j no^ Latch of Counccl fo?S)ir Humphrey Style argucD,tbat bete tons an actual tcleafe , anD ^ citco »i E, 4. f, 8. ano a cafe Trin. 10. Car. ano faio tbat a toillamotmtstoarelcafe, altbougbit benot mace of incojpojeal things, anD tbc atrcnt of Mary tbe (Brecntoj ts not necetfarp berc, fo; tbia is not liljc tbc affcnt to tbc accepting of a iLegacic, ano a Debt Due upon an £DbIfga. tion maoe to tbc 2Ccftato; ,ifl not affcts in tbe banoa of an CFecnto; , tmtiU ft be recobcrcD , ano tbis Is maje tban in tbe nature of a ILegacp, ano berc toasagreatpcrronalCBftate, anonootbcrcreoitojs arc DeceitocD bp tbis relcate, anDadevnnavitcannotbc berc fnppofc, 1 9 H.S.Dyer 8 E. 4. f, 5.Dy'eri3j),Cranmer5Cafc, anDbcrcisonlpancjconerationof a tbing, i' ano Trin.1651. 2^."^ anD no Donation of anp tbfng bp W-^s releafc, Serjeant Hen. Clark of Coun- cel on tfte ot^cr Qde arsueo,ttjat tUe Debt Ujaa not Kfcbargei) bp tfjc icfll , bc» caufc tWs tcleafe maos bp t^e totU cannot take effea till after tftc ocatb of tbc SCeftatoj.anD fo not at aU,anD fucfj a rclrafc teas rctjobcable bp tbc kc- Cato;Durfngl)fr Humphrey Style p jcfcrrcD b<0 WU elfe t^e injunction to be DfCToltieD^ Q» Nota.- Hamond againft Ward, Triut idjuBanctfup. I»afc,ii5o»rot» 58» AJ^ Action of Debt toas bjougW agafntt tbc SDefenDanf, upon an iniiranl Error to re- Computavcrunr,antiatertittani> a Juogement giten agafntt l){m,^"f«» ju-^r- lubetcnponbebjoug^tbistojitofflEtroj, ano afsfgns fo; €rro?. , t^jat tbe ""*"''" ^*^' Miction teas bjongbt agafntt bim fojtcntaBaS^c^antoflano, ano not as J^fXcmpuu- a rcceitcr , ano tbat tbetefoje an atcompt DfD not lpopleaMrieni perdif- Errortore- cent,! Slnosmcnt U)as gfbcn againft bim upon a nihil dicit , % a tojft of ^^'rc a judg. cnqairp toas atoatuco toftbout t^c pjapct of tbc pattp, anD a fpccfal JuDge. "^'"^ '" ''***' mcnt mtiam giben agafntt tl&ejaD«fcnDant,mpon a tojf t of Crroj bjongbt h^T*^ *" to * 'Wiir uf in- 288 Trin. 16 5^ ^tote'bctfctl)fo3;aogcmcnt, It toao alleagco foj erroj,ti3at tbc 5«5gcmcnt ought to taDcbeena general 3uDSemnt , atiD tbetc ought not to ^aDe been a tojltof cnqutrp, eictcpt the pattp ban p?apeD» Trin. 1649, ror. 600, H 7 ^on a fpctf al tacrtftf t^c cafe fcB mt to be tftb, iDne feffeo of Copp- spccai vcri y ijololanosoffnb r(ta»icemaDealctterofjatta?nep j?uto ttoo jopnt-^f^''*'""* Ip attD fctcrallp , to furteno: r tfte lanaa after bfa ucat^ to ccrtafn afco , u- mj,,'^'" ''' * cojDingto tte Cufiom oUU ^ano^, SL^equcftfon luas, to^ctljer tbte toaBagocDCoffomojno, ElliiofCountelijLltbtfte|9IalnttfatgnED, tl)at ftUjasnotagoooCuftom, bccaafe a Cuffotn oiigbt to be rcafonablc, but tftfs Cufiom (0unteafonable, faccaufcit fa not onlp agafifl a partitulat latD, bat ft fa agafnftttje general rale of lato to paf^s cftates of {iil)erf« fancefnfacft a ^anoj; anoaltljougbpsrtfcularCuftomomapbe againtt puHfqnc fntcrcft pro bono publico , pet tbfs is notbfng to our cafe , fo j tWi* feiiotfojttie publtquegooD , anutfterefojeftfgnot gooo, ilp. janautbo. ritp ougt»t to be coantermanoable , ano to octcrmfne bp tbe ocatb of tt:c partp tbst eftics tbe autbojftp ; but ber$ ft fs not fo , but ft is to contfnwc aU tct bfs Dcatb» i^eyt, no man can gfbe aatftojftp to anotbcr to co a tWng tDbfcb be bfmfelt coulo not do , but bs^tc ft fc otbcrtoffe, ano toe rcfo jc ft fo not gooo. jaifo bp tbe oeatb of tbe Coppbolber tbe Hlato fettles tbe lanDs fntbcbefr, ano an aatbo?ftp cannot tfbett tbcm out of bfmj tbfs fs not Ifbetotbcfnrrenojfi.gofCoppbolDlanDsfntG tbe bancs of tbc Hojd, fo; fntb a farrenoct cannot be rebotscD , bat tbfs autljojftp map be rcbobeo: JB jt tDbfcb fs mojE , tbc aerofdbcre Doth not finotbat tbc ttoo j3ttojncps atccnftomarpSCena-.teoftbc^anoj, butonlp bp leap of recital, iibfcb fenotgooD; fojtbcp ought to babe been foonofoDfrcctlp; noj Dotb ft ap. pc3ttbattbeptnEtecuft"n«arp2Ccnant3 at tbc time of tbc aomfttance of tfcep irtp , n-Mt:i;'i t- tbti ~ anp poffcfefon sr title founD fn tbc ■Dcfenoant , . anofo the ^iJntifl;.-:^;f.igp?fmctpoirer0(on,thc Defenoant fs culpable; Kcfc.;:cr ta ft 'onnD tbat tb? Cuftomarp JCcnant , tubo gatje tUs autbo;ftp, 5aD an rflate fn fccSmple fn tbc lanDs , ano ff be bao bat ai cCatc foj Ufe , Ibe coulo not maltc foch a iettct ofSittojncp; neftbetfstbe antboiftp cf. ten toarranteo bp tbt Cuftom , anD To t)c pjapeo iucgeincnt foj tbe pafit- tff. Wilmoc fo; tbe ©efenoant , aBtotheambo;ftp,befafo ttH'.t ft Uias gcDD , ano ofo iDell cnonsbfMrtftic tbe partr tbat gate ft, bccaufeft fs fup« po?tcD teftb a fpecfal Dfrrctfon from tbe partp tbat gaf e ft. i H. 7. 8. ariD tbfa tstbcteafon tbat an (Sjecuto; map fell lanos of tbc IDcftato; after bfs oeatb, viz. bccaafe bff! aofjojftp fs fo rappojfco, 21 E. 4, f. 8, 31 E. 1, Fitz. Grants 45 . 3nc bcre fn our taCc tbe bcft batb negletteo bis aotta'^tage, ano tbcrefoje fbafl not noto bt aomfttcD to take ft. IBtit bcCocs tbu autbo. rftpbcrecf^r.nfgmojet!:rtna bare autbojftp, foj ft fa batUco -itftb tbc tfrcurtiftances of time, perfans, ano of a Zattom , iobfcb fo uot of a fltabt c. Ccem fn 3Lato, ano bp iocb a Cattom trbfcb iff ^erp reafonablc ; fo; ft fs buttocttablctbJ^pfJitp to tffpcfcofbfoolxjn lanos ; ano far mojc atircafo» nable Cuftomstban t^f ^ arc allotocc fn onr lato, as tliat fn Kent fo; an 3Irfantof 15 peats of^gc to babe pofecr to fcu bfs lanos ; neftbet fs tbts Cuftom contrarPiO a; ipaoStfbe role of HaU); fo;ft fs bcre to create tbe aatboj'tp to bigin afi^r tbc partfcs oeatb tbat crcateo ft , ano fo ft fs not to oetetmfnetoffbhfsoLatb, fo; tfU tben f t begfns not , ^.no tbe Cuttom bcre fo but to alien lanuj , tofifcb f« no ftrangctblng , ano tbfs Cuftom crtcnos buttoftbfntbcf^ano;, tobttbfstuttoafmalUompafsofgtoanO; ano fo i^Pi. . ' tbc the ptiblt'nnc lo not mtitl) conccrncD (n (t , ann tbc cafe of 1 7 Car, in t^f Court, Bambridgc anD Whaddons cafe Dfffeta from our Cafe ; fo j that toaa not fnppojtco tottl) a cuftome ao tftts fa. ^nu ft ootft appear bp tbc IRcco ju, tijat Dal by tl)c 0ttojne{' <0 a ctiftomarp SDcnant, ano t^c aomifflfon ia alft) founo bptbe clcrOfcttobelecunduniconluetudinemManerii, anO fo tljat is trcUcnongb, ano tbcn one cannot gafn a CoppbolDcftatcbpcfffefQn, ano fo no p;ctlarat(on,fo? tiis fa the common courfe ufeD fji.tfjc Common |D[ea0,a6 the Clarhs tt)erc uo fnfojm mc, j there arc manp Cafes Itbc this in the Common peas. Wild of Conncel on the otbet ftoe itnftorreo , that this fs a ftrange courfe , fojthep ought ffrft to file the £); rfefnal, becaufcftfstbebcginnfnganD gronno^toojU of the fute; ano it rot being fo eonc hete, the Suogcmcnt fa gfben tofthout an :©;«2inal, 5 this ia a juogcmcnt bp Default , ano the imparlance is part of the fute. Roil impatiancf. chief luftice , SLhe^mparlance IRoU fs the piiucipsl part of the fute, ano iii.cncnicnc. to confouno tbfngs bpfiitenDment , that the imparlance map be touching a - .Ccttioian. nothctfute, isnotgooD, anD it matters not tohat the Cuflom ia in the Common peas, if it be againtt llato, ans both IRoUs ought to be certi< ftcDbere. lermanlufticead idem. Roll chief luftice, 0H the I'^ecojD in the Common ^Blcas, tohfch fa fn the cuftoup of the chief Jufifcc there, ought to bccertificD bphfm upon the IRctojn of the MritofCErroj , ano herethc gmparlsnce IKoU Is in h'e cuttoop, ano tbercfojte he ought to certffie ft; ano ^,ror. if there be tUjoto;its of^rroj, ano one is gooo ano the other naught, 'ive U ill taUe the bett to affirm the juogcment. SEhe £D jigfnal ought not to be fittPD to the 2Declaratfon , but the SPr claratfon to the fl) jfgfnal , becaufe !U £):fst.;al is tU fotuioatton of the fute , anD tljcrcfojc the courfe nfcD fn m inn. 1(551. 2,93. tbe Common peas fs a p^cpottcrous course, viz. to orclare agafutt tfje Original. JDcfcnoant, ano after to file an ojfcinal asafnft titm, to toarrant i\)C ■BDeclatation.Bt (s fterc ccrtffpcii to be ore 3lRcco?l),aiit) !;oJr tan toe take tbe emparlance II0U to be part of tlielRetozo, it befngnot ccrtpfico toJtbft:" anDiftl)creba tartancc bcttuecn tljc emparlance I'^oll, ano tbe pica HoU, ft i0 Crtoj, We will advife ; but tec muft not faffcr nc to toapcs , pet toe arelott>,nottoftlfiauD{ng toreterfe SwogemEnts gftcn fn tfte Common pleas. Therefore (hew caufe next term, why the ludgement ftiould not be rtverledt Kirman againll lohnfbn. Trin, 155 »» Banc fup, Ijj^ an ejeftione firms bjongljt bp Kf rman agafitC lohnfon a fpctfal tJerDfct Sp«iai ver~ toas founo , ano upon It tl)e cafe fcU cut to be t^u?, A gating lanes in fee '.*ift >" '" c- fimple.ano alfo gooas ano t^atcls to t^e taiuc of 5 l.onlp tn Tavenock.maoe ^'^'^'^^■^ ''•- flf0 MfU ,anD DcWfeo to W tolfe totum ftatum ibum, viz. l)fg toftclc Cttatc™"^" papfng})fsSDEbt0,anD ILcgacfcs , anoWsJSDcbtsanD Jlegacfcs Dft5 smount totl)ct)altieof4ol. HalesmaDe2qucCfon0, i. Mlbctbcr tl&e lanD0 palTc tot^ctotfebpt^eMttt ojuot. alp. Sftljepoo, tobatcftatcpaffct^olicr fntftc 3Lant)0. iFojtftefirft be argneo- tbat tbe lanD0 no paffe to tbe toffe* 1. IBccaufetbegcncralttpoftbetoojD&DofncluDc tbc lanos, as tocU a0 tbe gooD0 , fojt6ctoojD0are!)t0tol)ole(E;ftatc, fo tbat notWng is ejclufleOjpE. 4<.atcleafeofaU Sidioae^ is bclo a teleafe of all jacttons tbat tbe partpbaui;ommon Cenutc, epcept tbe contra- rp Vicrc (betoeD on tbe otber part , Denliam anDB»kerjcafr,MicJi. 14 EI* cncred Trin. z3.roc. It. 80. anotbetDOjOspapfns bfs Sr>ebt3 , anb ILcga* (te0,areU)O}v)0Ofcond(tton,anD not ofUmitatfon. lerman ad idem, and fafs, Isbcn toe fap a man fs a man of a great tl)f0fs part of tbe cafe, ludicium pro querente nifi, Antea, Pickering and Emma. Trin, i^ji, Banc, fop, T Mma obtf fncn a 31utgemcnt agaf nft Pickering , anb bao fatfsfatffon up« fcdcM upon t on ft , anu gate a rcleafe to tbe SDcfenoant, pet aftertoarog tahea out a an audiw cspias ad fatiifaciendum agflintt bfm,U5bErEupon bc fa?fng0 Ijf0 Audita que. querela. rela , ano motiC0 tbe Court tbat be map batje a luperlcdeas to tbe capias ad i>ioughc. ^L fatitfaciendum. SLbe Court ocfireo to fcc tbe releafe , ano upon trfetD thereof, The rule wa«, that the party fhould proceed in his audita querela ; but faiU they would grant no fuperfedeas , becaufe the rekafe was ambigur ou»- Cuflodes &c. againft Rivctt. Trin, i6ji.Banc.fup, • Cjufe why "V Po^ ^ '^"^^ Of Court to fbelo canre tobp an attafcbment HjouId not be ar, .^tiaich- ^ ttTantcoaoafr.ftonc,fojp?otcetfngtoatrpalfnanfnfcrfojCourt,not- ni not to bate p}0< cecscD ngafnS tbe habeas corpus ; but let tbe &econDarp ctramfne tbe mat- ter, ano tben mote agafn. But it is dangerous CO execute tbe ludgemeocj Rctnr 0. jf jjjg Statu^g be not againft the habeas Corpus. The Mich. 1651. 295 The Cuftodes againft ir.y Lord Morley. x Trin. 1651. Biiic, fup. T!^c Court teas motJtD on t!)C facIjalfoftbelLojU Morley foj a Certio-^°f» Ctmo- rarito tcmotc an Cnfiiamcr.t picferrca scafrtt tjfm at tlje ^cfsf-'^'^'y^Jfa-'"' ons of JDeacc at Hicks ^all ppon tfjc Statute aaafnft Ijrariiis of £pafs. £Lf)C.„cm. ,0 Court anflDcrcu , that they would advile, buttftat tlKl'DlD not fee ^oii) c /. U^-i-<>^- Certiorari coulD be grantcB at tlje pjaper of ttje part? , but t^icp faffi ,/• 9^l^■ At- at t^c p japct of t!)c Counccl fo j tlje @>tate it map be RtantcD. Baker againft Smith. Trin 1651 » Banc,fup» BAkcrbjongljtanflctfonupont^ Cafe aaatV.ff Smith, anD DcclarcD ^ ^rcft of tljat toijcreag tljcrc loag a fpeecl) concerning martagc bcttocen Ijcr tbe luJpemcnt iri piaintif, anD Smith x\yt SDefcnoant, in confiocration t[)at flje tbc |aiatn.'" '^ ''^ "P" ttf lioulo inatrp tl)C Dcfcnoant , tbc ©cfcnoant Dfo affumc ano pjomtfc to "" 'J'\|f If. ftertbcJ-Malntif, that J)e luoulD marrp bcr, ano tUat aftcriuarcg tljc SDc-^rVu. feneant , in conCscratton t^t tbc plaintif UioutD DifcliaTse tbe E>efenoant oftMspjomifc, tl)cSDcfcnoantD(D affumc anopjomifctbat f)e tooulo pap unto bcrtbcpiafntff, attjoufantipounl), sno tl)at Ojc d(d Dtfcbarcrc tbe SDcfenDantofbispjomifeofmartaae; ano pet tlje S^efenoant Jjat) not paia tftc loool. accojatngto^fspjomffc. taponnonafluropfitpleaDeD, anoa teroid: fjouno fo j tlje jDlaintif , 3t teao moteo in Srrcft of Juogement tbat tbeix f3 mention of ttuo pjomifcs in \^z SDeclaratfon, ana tbat it is incertain toU)Wcbp;omifctbc2D:clarationrclatC0. 2lp. 2E!)at tbere is no tempo* ral conKDcration allcgeo , but on'.p a pjoraffe to uiffolbe a Contract of ^ariagc, toblcbioatbrngiUepl, anofono conftQcration. Roil chief lu- itice nnftDcretJ, tbat bcrc is a mutual pjomife mane bp both parties , anD ^^'T'^*- tftcre bate Lcen Dithers acfons of late times bjougljt foj tbiscaufe, ano tbep * ^* IjatebccnaBjuDgeogootJ, ano the engagement to marrp is not mccrlpa a fpirttual matter , ant) t^o Action to not to compel! tlje mariage upon tfte Contract, but to recover DamagcBfo; rot Doing it, anD it is life to a tea* gcr , ano iicre is a temporal lofs, ano tbcrefoje a tempo jal Action Dotb liCf iSutitlDadaDtourncDtiUnertSDermtobeargaeD again, anD tljcn judges ment was given for the Plaintif, fo: tl)e Court i^elD, that the dif-enpagement fliall be intended to the party hiraielf, and here is no need to exprclTc notice given of it, Poltea, Kenedy againft Fifl\£r. Micii. 1 65 1. Banc. fup» KEnedy tcclarcD in an 3ction upon tbc cafe agafnC Fiftier foj fpcafefng whethf r a tbefctro;03 0fWm, he lofl his Feet by the Pox, innuendo tbc Frcnrh picaof prWI- Pox: £LbeDefcntanrDemurreDtotl)cH)cclaration, ano after impadcD, :--?« wasto anD tbcn plcaocD a plea of pjfDilcgc. HaJes DcCrco the opinion of tbe Court, ^^ "'lowe-J. toljetbcr tbis pica tocrc no\u aUotcablc, bccaufe tbe JB00U3 Differeo about it, Koll chief ]uftict anfltjcrcD , tljat the plea is not allolnable , bccaufe there \i but a pjitUege claimeo bp it , ano tt)c iplca goes not to t^c juitroiction o{ tlje fr-^. 296 Mich. 16 51' tlie Coutt , Therefore let the Defendant plead in chief, Starkey againft Mill. Mich,i6ji.Banc.fup, EntredTrin, idji^rot, 170, fuTecmcntin C Tarkey bjous^tan actfoH upoH tlic Cafe agafnft Mill upon t'jDO fetetal an Albion up" OAfl'umpfics , ano obtains a tlIlcTD<(t upon bott) , ano entire bamaces are on .nAflump. jjfbcn : 3(t tcaamobeo fo tl)C DamagcB being intire upon botb ttic Affumpfiti,! one fafUngjiiogmcnt cann ot be gitjcn, %}it cafe toas tbis , Sl^be JFatbcr gate bcddb to bis &on, (n conftDcration that tbc &on ftoulDpaptbe ]piaintif in tW action 20 1 3t toag urgcD tbat tbio can be no confiDcratfon fo; tbc piaintif to bjitig bis action, becaufc here ia no Debt Due to bint, but onlp an appointment fo; tbe &on to pap moncp to b^m , inconCtoerationoftbegooDs gibcn banM£C<. Arrcft of ludf-emcn; in A jji Sction of SDebt tDasbjonghtopon the fetatute of i Ed.^.foj tithes. Debt upon tx jiipon ml debet pleaDeD,anD a beroict ano Damages giben fo? the plain* '^^Ed'Tt' "^^^^ • *^ ^"^ mobcD in arrcft of 3luDgemcnt that the Damages giben are fo; tithes" " ""^ tithes gro\3jing upon 71 ;acres of lanD,VDi)crea0thepiaintif in hisSDeclaratis on Declares but f 0; tithes grotaiing upon 7 ojScrcs of ^anD,fo that the oama* gea are giticn fo; mo jc than is Declareo fo; , anO contrarp to the Dcmano, %o tWo it Uias anftocrcD , that this is bat the mif»counting of the gurp , ano is not material , becaufe bp the tubole IDeclaration it appears there loas but 70 acres, anothisiobutaDefcriptionbptheJarphelDthefeb.ral parcels of lanotoerefoton, viz.toithtohatCo;n. Roll chief luftlcefaia, 2Lbe SDe« (laration is that the SDefenDant tDSs fcffco of 70 acres of arable lano, ano that fomanp acres toere fotoeo toith^hcat, fomanpluith £)at0, To mai.p tPith ^cfltng , fomanp teith 25eans; ano as to the 5 a< creereGDucfotocDU)fth5Barlep, uWcb all amounts to 71 acres; ano ft ought to hate been as to 4 acres reiioue , fo that thutlato?p foj tuant of ^lodamai Motion ro re- Hon; tfteqacafontDa0\tftetftct(tmapbc!)onebp0ttojncp, t!jc pactpvcrfeanOuc- Ijfmfclf, bprcaionoffnfirmftpofboijp, facfngnotable to come fn pctfon'^^ry. tapon tjfcto of t^c Statute, Roll chief luflice fato^^e muft come in pctfcn /PP^ence, otftcttDtfc it cannot be Done ; pet tfte Court toonlo aDt){fe, Afterwards ic waJ oversruied, that it could not be revcrfed except he conje in pcrfon» Drinkwater againftPack. Micb, 1651 BanCf fup» DRinkwater bjotigljt an artfon upon an CEfcapc agafnff Pack one of t^e f"'* "^^^ ;„ &l)crifs of London , ano obtatng a taicrofct agafnft Urn, 3t teas mo- jn'faion for t)CDl)cr(f0, ano pet tfje attfon is bjongl)t agafnft bat one of fqcm, tl)c p;(foncr t Jjat cfcapcD bcfng fn Ludgate, fn tbe cuCoDp of ttie 2DcfcnDant Pack. Latch anfinereD , tbat tlje ©rceptton ie not gooo , becaufe in Jlalo tbe p jf oner t^at efcapeo 10 in tl^e cuftoDp of botb ttie ^ijtiiis. Hales on t^e otber Qoe faio , tbat it oott) not appear ttpon t^e Kcco^o, tbat t)e toao Ux tbc CattoftoDp of botb tl)c feberffs , ano it fljall not be fopplpcD bp a fo- tein intenoment, ano tbe partptftaUbcintcnoeDtobcincuftoDp.accojD- Jng to tl)c Caff om of London, anD not bp ttjc Common ILaU), Roll chief Juftice IjelD tbc SDccIaration gooB, fo j tbc'pjifoner toas in cuftotp of botb t&c Declaration. ^bcrifa , alttiougl) t)C teas in t!)C CuttoDp of Pack, anD it ftanD0 toell enough toitftttlclilECOjD, anD tt)e JrOjD0 utpracfertur DO ttOt l^Urt tbe atermcnt, Averment. anD tbe too JD0 exiftent. incnftodiaioa gooD aticrment , tbat ftetoa0 in cus Coop, as fn an tnoictmcnt, Tunc eKiftens tenementum i0 200D ; anD it is alfo Ijerefoanobp tbe 3 urptbatbctoa0 in cuff oDp; fo:i boto clfe coulD tbepfino fojtbepiaintif. Icrman ad idem: JBut becaufc tbe ttoo otber lunges baD no )15ooh0 Delitjereo tbem , tbcp tooalD DcUbec no opinion tbcn» After- ward ludgement was given for the Plaintif. Cottrell and his V^Vife againft Theoballs. Micht 1^51 Banc, iup, COttretlanDbisMifcb^ongbt an Action upon tbe CalJe apoti an Af.Arrcitor fumpfit againft Theoballs, anoDcclarcD tbat tbcSDcfcnoant, in conG= p^fRcment in Deration tbat tljc plaintff tooulo marrp A. tbat isnoto tbe J01aintif3 totfe ,*^ a,f a""^' DiDafrumeanopjomifctotbepaintiftomaliegooDa ILegacp giDen unto fJ'nJiu. ber bp ber iFatbcr0 Mill , miD tooulD alfo gibe unto bet 40 1. mo?c out of bi0 oton part gitjcn unto bfmbp tbe faio ^ ill, atbcragcof 18 pcaro, an& Dcc'.are0 furtbcr , tbat tbereupon be DiD marrp ber, anD tbat tbe HDcfenoant baDnotperfojmeaUsp^omife, ano fo conclu3e0, to bis Damage fo mucb- tUponnonaflumcfitPlcaDeD , anD a ^crDict foj tbe piaintif, tbe ©cfcn- Dantmot>cDinilrrcftofjuDgemcnt, anD took Dibcr0Crccption0 , but tfje Conrt iiififtcd but upon one of tbcm , anD tbat toas beio material , anD it tDa0tbi0, SEbat tbe ®3ifc DiD bcrelopn in tbe flctfon toitb ber ^^uabano , ^^^jon tobt'cb ibc ouglit not to Do, becaufc tbe pjoinffc teas maoe to t'oc i^usbano onlp, auDfojbis benefit, ano tbe fole confiocration foj tbe p^omifc Dotb fH t^ arife 298 Mich. 16 5 1* arffe~fronrtbc~fnobanD , namely ftfsmarpfSg'tWlFcmc; 0nD Ba- field and Co'lim V,is cafg, ji Cir. anU Cbeefman and Watt cafe 2 3 Car.tof rc iJtcD, aoDRoll chief luftice pat tWfl cafe. 0pjonitfi: toasmaoc tp on: to ai^emcGoVcrt, tftatfflftcvrillpjociircljctl^uobanntolc^ipafinc offnc^j lanoa , t!iat be tuonlD e Titip.'b. t:tp,anD VuounDins.auDastotbctalUngaUjapoftbclocUsljep'caDcDafpc- tfalplcaof juftifieation, bp tcrtue of betters patents of fnco^pojation grantCD to tbe llOCU-fmitbS of Dutham bp Cucberc 315fi5op of Durham , tibo Sao jura regalia toftbfn tI)?CountppalfitiaC Of Durham, artOtbat bp bct- tuc of tbis Cbartet tbe locks bci:ig not sooo , be as tclaioen of tbe «Iompa< npofitaUctbem. CotbfspicatbcpiaintffDemutrco, ano foj caufcit toasfbcUjeD, that ft appears not bp tbe pieatbattljc iBlack.fmftbs area Cojpo;ationctcatEBbptbci5ffliop . but onlp tbat tbc Cuttoms ufcD a« mongft tbcm in jOjOct to tbc reaulatfng of tbcft JLracc toere confitmeo bp tbc jBiftjop , iDbfcb tJotb not mate tljcin a Cojpoiatlon , plow. f. 199. Lon^ quinc. f. 40, 41. 2IP. 3t Dotb not appear bp tbe «Ibarter tbat tbcp babe a- npautbo;ftp to tal-c atoap III mao: locks ; ano tbercfojc juoacincnt toaa pjapeo fo J tbc plcfntlf. Roll chief lufticc fafD , SLbat t)cre botb not appear Co'puraiion. aup jOjDcrmaDc bp tbc Cojpojatlon to talicatoap tb? ILocks, ano tbcrcs fojc it tuas Done Initbout ii-arraiit,tl.ounb tbc Co:po;atfon bao fucb a potocr; jlBat beGoCs it UiU be 'ocrp bard to jnaiiitain tbe JLocK-fniitbs to be a vro:po- ration, bccaufc tbe 31Bia)3p confinncQ tbcir £) jbcrs. Therefore let the Plains iifhavehisiudg«ment, nifi. BiChop aga:nfl Fitzherbert. M (h. 1 651, Banc, fup. A-rcftrtf T>l{hor>b:ounl)t an fittion upon tbc Cafe agaii^ff Fitzherbert , foj fpcaU- lucp-irei.tin | }i;ig tbcfe toojDij Of btm , thouarta lheee,andbaftftollenHorfes: dp* t'ou'V ""* °" not'gniltp plcaoeu , ano a bcrtifct founu foj tbc piaintif , 3t teas moljeo inarrfttofltjosremcnt, ttiatastbctoojosarelafofntbeSDcclatationtbep are not SI: ionable , fo: it toinccrtain of tobom tbep tocre rpoUcn : 2Cbc 2bc» clarat'Oii teas tbud, 2Lbat tbc SDcfcnOant Collcqumm habcns cum querentc intbcp:Ercnccefotbcr!3, dixir, mssnfngtbe piafntif, Thou arc a Thcef, and h:,fl ffollen Hor'"e';. SLbc Court at tb' firDt molding of tbfsCafecticli^ net) tbc lDo;C3li)CTC actionable , brtaufrftfijallbefatcnocDtbcp lucre fpo« feenoftbcpiaintif, tbougbitbcnotoirettlpfaiofo; 3iio aftcrtoatD it bc« fng moteo agaid , tbe Court ftclo tbc IdojDs tocll CMOugblaiotobcaran 0ction, bccaufc upon tljelDbolcUccojt) tbc toozos plafnlp appear to be fpobcn or tbc piaintif, and therefore ludgemeo: was given for him, Free- Mich. i6ji. 29p Freeman againil Chilo'erefs. Micbf itfjr.Banc, fup» Entred Trin. i6ji,rot. 45* fReeman fa?ougl)t an Sldion upon tlje vEafe agafntt Childerefs foj Tpcafe. Arrea if tngt^cfetUOjDso.'bet, She is a Whore, and iwill prove her a Whore , '"'^'T^'^"' '^ ■ and an arrant Whore* tlpon not gufltp pleaBEt) , antJ a ClerDfa fOOTlO^o/ds """ '°^ fo; tl)C plaf nttf , U iuas motcD in atrcft of Suogcmcnt Vjat tfte tco jos are not actionable ,. betaufe tt)cp are but irojos of tijoler, ano fpoken (n pafsfon, tbe juDgcmentattljcfiramottngof Ultiagttajicti,pcttttDas tljcn Doaljtca iD^ctbct tfte tooiOfl ufo not impo jt mo: c in tijcm tljan to fap barclp of a too. man, tttt ie a Id^ojc : I3nt aftccirarog ft bdng aga(n mobcD , Roll chief luflicefafD, tbattbc toojtsUicretoo gcnetaUp fpofecn to be acfonable, anDtbattbcpatebutlDo^OQOf par&(on, ano tijat bcfo;e t\» 0a maD£ a- gafnft 3Dtiltcrp , p:o^fb(ttons bate been grantcD to tlje ^jctogaJfbc Court Pffhibron- foj UbcUfng agntnft petfons , foj calling of luomeniii^ojss, anotftetefoje ' ' '' Hil capiac per Billam,nin. Prefton againft Mortlock. • likb. i65i,Banc.fup, A^ atffon of ffi:tcfpafs iuao bjouytit agafnft 4 ©cfenBants , ano facfo j« a'sHcrDfctoncoftbemDpcD, anu tbe mcx^ia. teas founo agafrfl t^e iBDefenoant : Twifdcn pjapco t^c ^lainttf mtgftt Ijaljc jnugement againtt , . titZ omx tftjec. Roll chief lufticc anftoCteiJ,If yoa will relinqmOi your da. S^n^enr- mages at to ifce perlon thac is. dead , you may have judgcmeiv againft the r«ft, Davis againft the Lord Foliot, Mich, i<5ji,Banc. fup. T!^eCotitt tuas motiea to grant tfte gooo behabtour agafnft t\it iL.Foliot; Motion for b ccaafe he toas enotctco fo? a fo«l 15«ttcrp at tlje fstXsioM fn London '*"= '■'^ ^' aniJ the JBiU toas fount) agatntt Wn, 15ut Roll chief luftice anftocrco . It ^*'".°"'- cannot be granted upon a motion ; bu: you muft prefer Articles againft hira Good beha- here upon Oath , and then you may move for it , and if there appear caufc in v««ui . the Arcickt it (hall be granted, iiich. 16 5 1. Banc. flip. T ^e Court toasmobet) foj a tD?ft tofluxar one fa the ^Office of a S^afoj,Por « wrkto totohfthhe toasclccteD fo? the 15ojoaghof Trevenoy fn Coruewall , bc.j!||fQ^"^^ JJl^ canfc the olo £paefenoant plcaoo tt)e acceptance of tlie 40 1, of t^e ^fsigno^ (n fatfsfaafon oftbcto?ongDoneftfm{n3I5aroftl)C0tt(on, ano to tbig plea tbc piafntfflf Bar. semnrreQ, Ctje iqucttfon^cre teas, Vobcttiectboadion of Covenant Db Ipe againfl t^c fl?efenDant,Cnce t^at the piafntlff tao teceitJcD 40 1, of tta ;3f0fgno; (n fattsfaction. Roll chief ludice fafD,'tbat ^ere ta a Doable Cote> nant, one of t^c ILctro;^, anD t^e ottier of t^e Sfefgno; , anD ttjetefo^e ttie ASion V^^^V ^^V ^3^"^ tto" Siaious , anD tbcrcfoje be fs not t)crc barrcD,to bjing tWfl fecono Miction , tboiigb be baljebattcablnifclfbptbc acceptance of tftc 40 1. from bringing an 0(tion againQ \iia 0f0(gno; , anD tbe SDcfeaDant ftathnotplcaDCDtl)attbe4ol.iDa0gft)en tenants conteineD in tbe Icafcagainftbim, as fo? reparations ojt^c Ube. The rule was for the Plaintiff to take his ludgement, nifi, Mich. 1651. Banc. fup. For* ccti.v QErjeantGlynmoteDfoM certiorari to remotje an cnDftfmcnt of fojci= r»ri torrmovc Oble cntrp tliat teas once befo je temoten bftbcr,anD after fent Doton bp a anendift- procedendo , bccaufc tftr 3 uttices bcloto tcill not grant rcfttttitfon. Roll •"="'• chief luftice anflECrcD, SCbcre io a plea put in , ano in futb cafe it is not nfu- al to grant a ccrtlorai i, pet it map be tbat it map be grantcD , t^erefore let the Oihcr fide (hew caufe on Monday next why it ihould not be granted* Cantrell againft Stephens Mich, 1651. Banc, fup. Arreft ot CAntrell brought an Action upon tbc cafe againff Stephens foj ttoppfrg uu t .....> ^'^ ^^P *" " ^^"^Oto calleD Madfarook in tbc paiiOj of Redriff in Kent; traa'Aftion upon not gufltpplcaocD , ano a tjerDict founD foj tbe plaintiff, 3t teas mo= upon the care tjeD in atrcC of 3uDgement that the plaintiff as iLeffce,to tbc l^aberoafts «oi ftoff ng ers tompanpof London,claimeOtobatoca toapfoj tbem, tobcreas tljcp * **'^ • gating let ti;c lano canuot bate t^w toap , but tbc Blclfa inpoffef&ion. ilp. Mich. 155 1. ^o I 2D!)C p jefcrfptfoit (0 not rfgfttlp applpeo , fo? it ouaht to be fo; tftcm to ftaM • a iDap pro tenencibus ec occupacnnbus fui^, toNc^fsnot fo t)Cre« Twilden anfU)CT0DU{l)aUbcitUeni)eD2Eciiant0, ano ilDccuppcro to ttjc l^abecoaO): txs, t^ougt) it be not fato fuis Laccb tain tbat a p?ercrfptfon per que eflste f0 0000 man dttfon upon tbeCarr,farcaitfc no lanDtsclafmci), ano Green on tl)C fame Gdc fao The rule was nil capiat per billain, nifi, Tayler again ft Web, Mich, 16$ I, Banc, fup. Hilt, 1^50, rot, 240, Ijlsanejeaionefirmaeaponalcafe fojypcarstfterctoasa fpeeial terofctspec'isiTer. tonno,, ano t^e qticflions in tftc Xafe igrcto upon Hie too;Ds of a TOiB-i^i"*"*- t^attocrefalfc ojtijograp^jp , viz. 3 00 mabe nip Cofen Giles Bridges my^'^'"" *^'" holleAyeareandray Yexecntor, meaning tnp fole^^eit, anO CiEicecntoj,'"** Powit of Counccl toit^ tbc plaintiff bclo, tbat t^c WOAll toas gooo to mahe Giles Bnges tljc Jtcftatojo l^eir ano Crecuto? , notlDitljffanDing tt.c mff- lxi:ift{ngoftl)cli)ojBs,anotbatbptl;e iZHin tije' llano ano perfonal ctIarat(on, 1 . Etat ' * "^'' tbc§i3!a(nt(ff DOtt)not fapcujusrnaritagium ad ipfum pettine:. ily. %l)^t JjcDotbnot^apt^attfje^ektoaGlritliln agcj ana Maynard of CdohceI toUft tlK HDcfenDant fcfo tbat tfcc c;ccpt{ons"arc rot to tJjc tD;lt , but tc t^e SDrtlaratfon , ano ttic miction bcfng a SErcfpsiTc to rrcctcr tftc iDamascs, ti)e plaintiff ougbt (0 entitle fjfmfclf to tl)e marfncc fo; tbc !offc U)!)£rcof l)£ itoiilD rccoter Dnmaocp, foj tl}c t3rtr Untap be fcnct ^ctr apparent to ftfni , ant) tl)en (0 no martagc Due tobfm, ano bcre fo a fpccfal SDctlara* t Wi of the iDoman to marrp luftb tbc Dcfcncant , ano fo tbc oifcbarge of ft tan be no conliDeratfon ; fo j tbfs ia not a rccfpjocal , but a bare acccptatfoit of the pjomffe maoe bp the otbcr ? ano an aaion of the cafe lap not agafntt liertf fl)3!)aDrcfufcDtomarrplDftbtl;cDefEnDant, bccaofcbcrc is no rc» pjomffsfonmaocbpbcr. 2lp. 3t appears not tb't the Dtfcbarcc voag f;i £ont)cnfent tfmc , foHt inas a pears after; but aomfttins tljat to be fo , pet ijercfBnonotfceofti)eDffcbarge, ann tbat fa ncceffarp to be allien, ana ft fljall not be fntennco to be gfben iDitbout fljctfng ft , ioi the* Dcrlaratfon ongbt to be certain, ano bercfsnotnoaccntentfnftthattbercioas anp no- tice gf ben fn bfs pjefence , anofflttoercaitcnfnfjfs abfeiicc, be ougbt to Ijabe notice gifecn bint of bis oifcbargc , elfc boto fljoolo be hnoto ft e anDfttocreunreafonablctoc'oargebfmffbebaD'nonoticc, ano bp a tbfro perfon be cannot recclbc notfcc, as ft is in tbc Cafes put bp £p,:. Maynard on the other fine, gn tbc (Safe of Peck ano Ingram in tbfs Court aof ungco tbnt tbc partp ougbt to babe notice lobcn tbs i^cme left bcr i^atbcrs \$oulc ■ arto came to fucb a place. Koll chief lufticc ftifo, here are ttoopjomifcs, I. S^be i^cmeaffumcD, tbatff tbe ©efencant Iroulo ntarrp bcr , lljc tooulo Confidera- ' confcnt to bf rtt ; aiiD bcrc fs a coiifiDeration , altbougb tbcrc be not an abfo= •'^1 .^ . lute mutual p:omifc, fojftis a pjomffc fn lata, ano tbc iJctfon map be laT'*' '" lain bptoap of conCocratf on, ojbptoap of mutual Contraa. ilp.^er'efs MuTuai cor-''"^ 3 P?'""^f'^^'= •""'"'■<*' awD tbcrc map bcatempojallofs , altbouijli tl;c rrnft. tbfng to bc ooHc , viz.tbcmarfage, bcfpfritual; 3i:i)ti}Ci)ff=cngaacmentof Implication, tbc partp Dotb not f mplp notice ; pet tljc oemanD of tbc i oco I, nolc f mpKca ,^. . a cf fcbarge , no j can the partp here take notice of a tbfro perfon, tbcrc^ ' *' *^ fojc ft fs neceffarp to gibe bim notice ; fo j tobcrc tbc partp cannot tatc no- tice from anp but tbc partp timfclf, there notice muft be giticn bim.Icrman ]u(>icebclD, bcrc teas a gooD mutual pjomffc to raifc a confiDc ration, ano bp tbc tooios exoneravit ipfum, ft ftjaB be fntcnoco to be to tbc pc-fon. hiinfclf.i tbfs fmplres a nctfcc, cfpecfallp it being after a ticrofrt. Nicholas }n(\. much to the effect as Roll chief luft. but be Doubted toljctbcr ti)c InojDs to implp a perfonal notice, fo j it map be it toaa fn bfs ftbfencc, ana the tcr- Hia mill not help it , ano fo there can be no juogsment. A^k Juffice faio, t)ereU)a0agooDp:omifc, buttheipojos exoneravit ipfum bo not fmplp a' notice , fo the Court was divided, and would advile. Hume againfl Hinton. Mich. 1 65 1. Banc. ftp. Atftof TTUme bjougbt an flictfon upon the Cafe agaiiitt Hinton, anb DccIarcD, jadgrmcnt in ijl li^Ut vibcrcas tbc &on Of tb"- Dcfenoant oio in bis lifetime olne unto .riAfiicnup tbcpiafntifSl. anoopcDintefiatc, tbcpiaintff oio temanQ tbc faio 8!, "" 'n a"r! '^^^^^ SDcfcuoant, being J^otbcr to the iiiteftate ; tobereupon ftc being fa- upon r J- j^ggg^ pj j^j juttnefs of tbe Debt , oio affnmc ano pjomifc unto tbc jaiaintir; that Mich. 1651. > • t^at ff ftc tDOulD ff ap (0% tl^e moncp tUl Mich, nert, tftat tljcn llje tooulo pap ft» tajwn non Affuropfu plcaoeo , ano a tjcrtrfct founo fo; tbc pafnttf. tbc S^efenoant ntotjco fn 2trcft of 3;tiDgcmer.t , t^at ftctc uaa no conQoeratfoiT tcstoiinot!^eAfl"umpiuupoH,bccaufcttMa3nottl)eDEbtof tl;c partj> tl;at afTamcD to pap It, ticftljer Uiag flje Crccutojoj aDminbUgaf{on of loco 1. fojper' A0 aialon of Debt teas bjoucbt upon an £>bUgaf{on of 10 tojinanceoftl)eCoticnaina of an 3noentutc, SCfte JS a,r»cion -tl tojiHance Of 11)6 Coticnaiita of an 3noentutc. SCfte JDefenoant ne- ii. o be upo?nturatotbcSDccIatat' Awaid** '"" {ahcscjfcptfon, tl)attbc|3lafnttffct0fo;tl) tbatttjcjatWtratojg coulo not ngrec, ano after tljcp ban ocnicD to make t^c jaujaro, tftc fame nap tbe t;iimpfrc mauctljc 3toarD, Latch of Conned iBftb tftc JDcfeiinant fjclo ttit3 ^UiarD fct fo;tl)fn the l*li.pltcatton to be naua^t, becaafe ti)8 fabmifst- ^ onlnag, ti,atfflbcarbftratoj0fl}aUjwitmflU£t6catDatDtomo?roi»; tlicti tbc tamvfrcfljallmaUctbc'ampicaijc; am Icve tbc cimpfragc Is maoe upon tlu! fame cnptliattoaojiitsn to tbc ilrbttatojs to nwUc tlje SioarD, anD tl)cj? IiaUe the iob^lc Dap bp tbc fubmifoion to raoiic it fn , a«D altbong^ tbJp cannot agree to maliC it one part of t'oc uap, tbcp map acrce aftet- toatos tiie fame cap to raalic ft, ano tbf*olfscreemcnt Is not a giWi}§ w^ of tbctratitbojttp, ano Wood ano Clements cafe, 14 Car, 13 not againfi; tl)icF, alp. 3t in not fafD tbat tbc arWtrcracnt iaaa Ddiiserca, jlp. SCbc matter a» toatoco is not teUWn tbc fubmifeion , naniclp tbepagincntof tbc rent tx- picffco. HaksontbcotljcrGocarrticD.tbat t\fi Umpire migljt uiahc tbe ^iraru upon tbat Dap tbat ic fet fojib ; aua tbc ConcUion l;crc ta aU one , as if itbaD been faia , if tbc arbitrators matic tbc iJtDarB to mojro-s , ojif tbc tampirc maiic tbc StearQ to mojtoiu. Pufcl). 14 1:i% Ba»ry anD Fells cafe. ^nDtbCiJOOJDgbcrcPodquim denega(Ttnr,etdercrui0cat is a DtrCit ai;er« ment tbat tbc arbitrators coalo not afjtec to maUctb« aujar.D; ajuj arbi* tratoja map maUc an alnarD after tbcp ba'nc cboCcu. an Umpire r a«o aU tbougbtbc Cimpirc baD polucr to rnahc tbi Umpftasc a nap after tbcp maoe it j pet it it be mace facfojc it is a gooD Umpirage , ic tbe 5Lait» per. ntit it , anD tbe amplragc bcrc is urcll oclitcrco , foj tbc fubniifsion is not tbat it (ball be DclitcrcD to botb parties, butgcncrallptbatit (ball be Delis DcrcD , anD tbcrcfojc it iatocll if it briMJU'ocrcDto oitc , it being renDp to be telitcrcDtotbeotbcr: HnD fo;tbcpapmciit of tbc rent, altbougb it be a future Set , pet bcins matter of- fatisfactlon , It i» goco , altbongti it be . jj rr-\ ■ rot cppicffc J in tbe fubmirsfon. RoU chief luiiice faiit, faj tbe laflE jmittct ^'^'^' " * tbe tDOjDs ftiper pra-mifQs iTjiiigG tbepapmcnt of tiisrent Idtbtn tb« labmif« fon, otbcrtoife tbc a\t arcing of tbe p&pmenttbercofluonla not be gooobp tuap of fatiefaaion : 5l5at beta tbc Contwl^evfte in r^j tbe lam» foj tobfrb tbe tent Mich. 1651. 507 tent fa t« be paitr , ann tl)e matter uotlj not appear fo be out of t!)C fatmtfrsrf' on , ana it te not ncccffarp to fttocr tftat t!)c lano toad c tampfragc toag maoc; ano bp t^c fubmf fgfon ttje atbfttato;« ^wardi ^atienoautbojitptomaUcan Ompfrc, fojtticnft ba" been gootj, ano ft appears not that tb2 Elmpfre bao concurrent awt^ojftp irftl) tbe iJrbttra- tojs; fojftfsnotfafo ff tfce j2lrbftrato;3 mahe no arbftrcmcnt tbcn tftc m mpfrc Ojall make ft ; but berc fo a COfiBftfon foj tbe 0rb(tcato?3 f bate all t^e Dap p jeccoent to make tbe arbitration fn , ano no toncurtfng U gf ben to tbe VH mptre tbat oap , foj tbe Sirbf tratojfi bate all of ft to agr* in , ano tfll ft fs enoeti tbe 'amptre bat'tj no potecr at all , otbctojffe tbs fuD' ntf f0fon tooulo be repunnant in it felf. acbe reft of tbe 3«BgC3 coucurrco in ail ;, ano fo tuleo , i fiat tbe Plaincif nil capiac per billam, niii. • Tficoba'ls againft Newton. Mich. 1 65 r. Banc, fap^ O^etoaofueu upon tbe ©fatate of inmates, anD tbe diftringasjurata bate Date on a Sunday, auo out of Ccrnt , anD fo fs erronfous , Cbc que&fon bere teas, totctbsr ft be not bclpto bp tbe statutes of Scofailu , of i8Eliz. anoti lac. RollchieflufticebelD, tbat tbe statutes ertenD not leof*'''.' to penal Hatofl , altbougbft beambfguouflppennco, noj to anp pjoccfTea gtounocD upon tbem, fO} tbe ^jotiffoe):emptotl)e£D;fgfual action, anD bp confeqwcnceallpjoccffcfiiDepcnotng nponttatcejceptso, fo tbat here is noVcnirede good trjal, bat there fhall be a venire dc novo, niJi, novo. Tayler and Webb. Mich. 1 65 1, Banc, fup^ Tl^e Cafe ofTayler ano Webb tobfcbarofe upon a fpecfal Dctufct nport /^r,(;^^^ tbcfc toO}D0 of trail U, viz. I make my Cofen vJUflcg JBjfDge© my foil aycrc j^//upo„ the and yexecutor, toao again motjeo anD argueo bp Hales , ano be maoe t^ace v.ords of a nueCfons. i. ©abctbetanpcCatepatretbbptbetoojDaoftbe toflU alp.wai. 31f anp. tobat eftatc paffetb, jlp, ^Klbetber tbe falfe ©jtbograpbp Dotb butt tbe WW, $0% {\)z firft be fafD, tbat bp making one bfs fole bcir bffl lanD paf « fctb to bfm. SCbc toojD bcfr fs to be confiocreD cf tber fn tclatlon to an 3ln> cefto^ , ano fo one cannot mahe one bfs belt , 0; ft map be conftoereo fn tt^ latfon to a tbfng to be fnberftcD , to toft lanos oj tenements, ano fo one map make another bis bsft, anD thus a Cuftom map make one a mans bcfr, a3ftfdfnl5o^ougb altt^ougb t^ too^os ate not tierp proper ia 1 2 3 H^ 2o8 A/ich. 1651. ii H, 7, 3 DcWfc of lanofl to \iis fon after tbc ocatb of Wo feifc, p.iffca art Cr- eate fo; Ufc to tfec tectffcc to pap. 2lp. !^eDfreasb(iniDt)eretl)e contcpantes ano afTtirances of bis lanos iDcrc lafD up, iDl;icb plafnlp fljeto f)e meant Ibc fljoulo l)abe t)fa lano. jlp* 2Ef)c toojos %cfr ano Cjtcutot arc jopnco togctber, to tielD tbat be gfbes bimaUb<0lant)0anogooD0,elfconeoftbeloo}O0 muQ be fmperfect, ano ineffectual, tolJcl) fball not be fntcnteo. foi 3utf)o?ftp 7 E. 6. Br. dcvifs 3 8.bp Deblfing tbat one fe)on fijall be l^ef r to tlje otbcr, it fliall be IntenoeD of lanDa,fofnconttrii£ifonof laiDitOjall be fjcrc fntcnoeD tftat tbe SDctitfo;. inane bin»?^eirofbi0lanD0, Hob. Reports. fn Sparkes ano furnells cafe, William ano Anthony ttiall be cacb otftcra l^efr , ano ft ie not fafo of lano , petaotntgcMbatitlballbcfomeant, ano fo fs ft fn onr cafe, ano ff 3I fjatjc lanosinfccfimpU, anDmaUconcmpbcfr,ftfljall be fntenoeo tbat Ije (ball babe mplanD0fn fee ample, altbongb 31 fap not tbat 31 make bfm l^cfr of mp lanO0. JFoj tbc fccono qucCfon, tbe reafouB befo?e erpiclTeD do alfo (bctD tbst tt)c lanD0 arc paffeo fn j^ce, 80 ft is fn Purnells ano Hamble- tons cafe, fo; tbe toojD^^efrtball relate to tb2 fame Cftate, tbat tbe partp bao f n tbc lano, tcbo malse0 tbe otber bifi !^cfr, 8 lac. Inkerfali caff-iFo; tbe 3d point, tobettier bere (ball be anp gooo oebffc at all, bp reafon of tbc falfc CEnglfIb, be fafo ft toaa all one , ano to ao gooo effect aa ff tbc toojog tocre all true Cnglffb, anDncitbertbefncorgrtjftp.nojtbc fnfnfficfcncp of tbc tDO jDfl (ball bart tb^ CHfll, aa ft fa p;ctcno:i). j?o; i . SDHb fa not fn cafe of pleaofng 0; of tDjft0;but fn conbepanc? of lanoa.3;t fa trnctbat fn tbe fo:mct ft Dotb burt/jccaafc tojfta anb pleacfngs m.ip be amenocD,f f tbcp be naugbt; but ft fa fatal fnconbepance0,fo;tbep cannot be amenBCD, aa fn Trotmaa ano Standards cafe, Trin. 1 65 1 . fn tbfe Court ft icas belo tbat fmp;op?f ctp of tDo;D0fl)aU not burt,f{tbtpcan aosnit of a gooo conCtrua(otT. Dcfinet in pifcem mulier formofa luperne. 2lp. Ebia fs in a uQfU, tobicb fa fucb an Inttrimicnt, tbat is much 'aVfjureb in Hata . anBtbcrcfoje to be faboura. blpconflruct). ?lp, SEbiaiaanCnglitb StUfU, nnDaDmft0ofm:icbbarf=! etpofoialceta, ano tbcrrfoje fa not to bccrfticallpfntcrpjetco. jfJcitber arc tbcrc here anp f nfjignfgcant. 0; mffetgnificant tuojoa, aa batb been ob- ^C(tcD,but (trnificant, fo: tbc founb of tbe tooio as ftfs tojftten fa tbc fame aa ff ft bao been rigbtlp fpellco , fo; 0rcr ano l^cfr founo botb aUUc, 2ls fn 3 H. 4. t", 4 Baxter anb B isfter founbCD a.fKe, alp. 3!f tbc iDOJS ^cfc migbt Mich. 165 1. 3^^ rnigfeTwccttje an? ot^et fence , pet ft cannot do fo fjerc, bccaufe ttieirc are^ otftettDojoa JopneBto U, to Declare anoQcniect^at tfjc aEcttato; meant i^e(tofft(a3LanD0, anD not tjje element of apje , oja pear, as ^tifbten ttrangelp objccteo , ano irouln p;ot»e a rfofculous cotiflructfon. Osborni cafe 10. rrp, fn ThynscafefnttilaCourtaDcmanoofDolDercle cjpella, al- tbounlj tbe irojD iDCte of Doubtful! cor.ftruafon in it fdf, pet Dp tbc fubjctt ntattctjfttDasftelDtobcmaDecertafticrouc^, fo tlje Vdojd japcare bere ftall rrcclte conttructfon accojDfno to t^e fubjcd matter , anD ti)c tciipUns of U alfo tottb tbc Ujojd i^cicecutoj, tcttcb is alfo falfelp UijUten , CjcUjg tbe JCeftatojs intent, iFojanfU)ettotbemafuobjeafon,viz,tbat in 6 Car, tbcte teas a Decree maoe in tbe Court of toarDa , bp aobfCe of tbc SuOgea , tbat tbffl toag a toto ano fcnccleffe Will, 3i fap tbat t^at Dicrce is not of fo great tuatgbt , as ts a Suogcment gfbcn fn a Court of juDlcaturc at tbc com* won Halo, anDtbistoasbut an opinion DelibereD in Court, Isberetbe 3lnDgeg tDcre not BluDgcs , anD tb: Decree tuaamaDc as 3 am cnfojmcD. bccaufe tbep beliebeD tbc ^illtobcnonfcnce,tbc cor.trarp Vr-bcrcof DotbHcir. appear bp mp argoment . 2Cbe Court enclpneo ftronalp tbat tbe STcCato j IntenDeD to mahe tbe SDebifcc ^eir of bis lanes, anotbat tbc Idoids can teccite no otbcr conCruttion, (oj otbcr conffructionsit oulD be berp Crangc, anofo^ceD, anD tbepartp tbat maDetbeMfll, f^tobc conCDcreo as one * t^ttoasinopiconfilii , anD alfo tbat toantcD a fcribc, anD bts intent ft ems plain, anDfljallnotbetabenacco^iDinQtotbeCibilllaiD, anD if it (boulD, tbe lBo:tD !^eir tnill as toell e^tcnD to tbe lanDS as goons, Adjouraed co fcc argued again, 3/^ . Kymlock againft Bamfi^« Mich, 1 55 1. Banc, fup: Mich. 24, Car. roc. 59J, KYmlock b?oagbt an Action upon tbe cafe upon an indcbicatus affumpfit ^'" "•■"' '" againft Bamficld,fo; mahing of apparel. SEbc IDefenDant pleaDCD tbat V '"!-'" "^ ^le became bouno in a iBono of 60 1. to tbe plaintiff in fatisfattion of tbc anluebS JBDebt ,anD tbat tbe plaintiff acceptco of it, tbc plaintiff replpcD tbat be Dto atiumpiK. not accept of it,to tbiflteplicatfon tbeSDcfcnoant DcmurrcD,^ fbetus fo j caufe, tbat tbe plaintiff bao tenojco an iCTue upon tbe non acceptance of tblSono, iDbereas it fljonlD batJe been tbat tbe EDcfcnoant non devenit tentus. £nx tbe otbetCDeittDasfaiDtbatitistoellcnoagbjitbatft iyfufficicnt to fap non accepir, anD it is not necclTarp to fap be ccfnfcD tbci cblig^ition, ano tboiigb tbe replication be not gooB, pet tbe plea is alfo naugbl, anD tbercfojc no SuDgcment can be fo j ibc jEDefcnDant. Sbc plea is quod deveniilet tentus, lobcreas it ougbt to be devenit tentuf . 0nD 2lp. M^t (belos not in iubat fum o: place , no j tbat be became bonnD in fatisfaction. Roil chief luflice faiD , tbat bpcntring into JlBonD tbe former contraa is gone, if pou Do not rcfufc (t, anD it is net tufficient to fap pouDiD not accept of tbeJKonD, foj pou tnap pet accept it if pou plcafe , ano tbe partp cannot pleao non eft fadum,^"""'*^' if pou b?ing an Action upon it, until it be abfolntelp rcfufcD , ano tbe con- trad bere is turneo into a SBonD , anD tbc lain Determines the tontraa, ano pica. it is not all one tnitb pleac-ing of tbc acceptance of a b^Jfc in fattsfaafon, j ojanpotbettliingasa collateral fatisfaoion, ano tbc plaintiff ougtt to ibeU) tbat be refnfeD tbc jDbligation, anD ootb pet rcfufc it. ans bcrc is a negative prcipnan$,fo> pou implpbpfaping tbat rouacccptcD not tbc £)b-Nrgiiive Ugation in fati0fa(tion,tbat be gabe pou tbe obligation, anD I'ou mtgbt ijiXiz prciR!>in , 3io Mich. 1651J 'fafoTNoiTdevenit tentus , ano fo; tl)D otftct ejfccptlona tftcp arc to no Difcontinu. pnrpofc. And therefore ludgcmenc oughc to be given againft you; but by '"•^^ the ftvour of the Court we can give you leave Co discontinue year A(ftion, Harding againft Freeman. Mich. i65i«Banc,fap» HArding bjoiigbt an Sialon upon t!je Cafe agafr.C Frcemsn , ano oecla- reo agafnat)hn,t;;at tftc ]E>cfcnDant co;fe ufD maUe tljat affirmation , foj tljc toojos arc t:;at be Dfu ft falfo et traudulenter , ano affirmco tbc l^o^fe to be W0 oton. But tbc Court ftppcD the SltiDgcmcnt, fo;tbepfatD,tl)atbercfflno ufrcct affir* matron, but onlp an fntcnomcnt tijat facnter; fecit, yet afterward* judge- ment was given tor the i^intif* r. Davis againft the Lord Foliot* otaH-irfc. Di i or i new Mich. 1551. Banc, fu p. ,Avisb;DtjgI)tanartfonof iI[ra«ltanD3I53ttctp ana tooantfng agafnll 'the ?i.o;o Foiior, ano bao a licrDfct agatntt be cafe fell out to be tt)(8: ilCoppftolDcrofmbcrltanceai.i3ea!lettcrof atto;[nepto tlDO SpfcuiVor- jopntlg ano fctterallp to furtenfiet \m Copptjolo lajyiefn iree to certain u- .'^'^> *\ ^- fcs, after l)ta Bcatb , fictojctng to tbc Cuftom of tUe^ano?. Ebe queftion J;J'""« *" niaQcbpHllUafCcuaccltofr lohn Davis iHepojtsUfafaio, aCnfioin muft be rcafonable , ano a CuCoin ma? be tcafonable, tobcn f t la bui agahiC a partkniat JLatn, ano not a general ILato ; but tbcCiiftoat^tctfeufl to conbeplanOjfaagaJtitt a general iLato, partfcnlar stuff on;s map be agatntt pabUque intereft.probono public bat ff tftcp be Rot, as fr. otir cafe tljc}' arcnot, tljcp are not gooD. ij5c)ct an antljojf- p bono tp pfbcu ou£l)t to be Counterntar.Dable, ano to tsctermfne at tbc aeatb of t^e rubi:cc>. partp; butt5)i3tsnotfo,anotbercfo;citt3 no gooo aiit^jon'tp, 19E. 3.f» 5. alp. i^oiie can nttjean antijojttpto anotber to 00 a tbtng tDWcf) fjc conlD not DO bnnfelf ; bnt l)crc (t (s otSjcrVcffe^no tberefoj-e ft fa not a gooD aatbo« rftp. ?lp. 315pt&eocatl)oftf)eCoppbolDertl)elanDsareret!eDfntbefrirj ano tbfs aiitl)o?ltj) gttcn (ball not octift t!;cm, ana t?)fc fa not Ifhe tbc fur- tenojfng of lanoa fnto tbe tanaa of tbe JLojD ; foj a furrcnDer cannot be rc^ bofeeo, butiljfaautOojitpfarcl-oUaWe. i^ert, tbc Clcrofct Dotbnotfino tbattliezflttojnepaarcCuttomarptcnanta, fatitonlpbp tonp of rccftal, tebfcb fa net gooD ; no:^ Dot!) t;)c «i;ti0' bcre fa fappojteo toftb a fpccial of reef on , tobfcft map furufbc t^e part? that gfbes tt , I H. 7. 8. gno an autbojftp map furbfbe tfte pstif tfjat jtbcB lt;clfe ^oiD can anC'jecutoj fell lanDs bp tlje autbojftp giben wito xm^ at E.4. f. H.jiE, i,Fitzherb. 45. ansae fojtbeljcfr be Ijatb neslecteD Wa aatiai'tagc, ft be fjao anp , ano cannot nofotafec ft: ButbcfiDcs, tbenut^j r(tp ftcrc gf 'ocn is raoje t&an a bare aiitbojftp , foj \\\ circum* ttancPBoftimeanDpcrfon; anDb^rcfaalfo a Cuttom to fuppojt ft, ano tbtaCuffomfaareafonablcdtitlom, fo; ft fa but to enable a man to Dff. pofc of bta olnn lanDa : ano tbcre are far mo;c anrcafonablc Caaoms tljan tWa allcineo in our latD , aatbeCtiftomof Kent, fojoneof tljc age of 15 pcnra to be cnablcD to fell \'A^3 lanDa , anD tbia Cnfrom ie not agatntt aiTp po= fttfbe rule of ILain , foj tbe cuttom fa, to create tbc autbojitp to begin after Wa Dcatb , ano fo it fa not to Determine bp bia oeatb ; fo j till t^)en it begins not \ anD tbe Cuttom Ijcrc (0 but to alien lanes , ir^tcb ia no flrangc tl)ing , anD JI2 Ctiftom. Dcvife. Endlftment (or fp caking blifphciuous words. Hil)vi65i. "anBltlfl n;tcnDcirbut toftfjfn a fmall compifa of '.ana , an^ fo camox be t3C» tp p;cjtiDfcfal to tftc piibUquc. 3nO Bamb idge ano Wh:idd(in!, cafe lyTCar* In tljfs Court , citco on t'.)C otbcr floe Dot!) Differ from tfilo cnfc , loj t ere teas no Cuflom to ruppojt U- ^no ft oot!) appear tjerc bp the Rcco?d, ti,at Dalbytlbe3tto;ncj.' ia a tnflomarp SLenant, ano tftc aomifjfon bcrc ta founii to be fecundum confuetudinem Mancn'i. Sinn one cannot ga(n a Co- ppbolo rftatc bp Diffcffin, ano fo Ijcrccan bcnopjfmer fclftt iiittnocD , ano ft (a fo'irj? tbc «Xoppl)olocr is fcKcD. Roll chief luftict falo, 31 IdUI be ^arD to maintain t^jeCuftom, ifitbenotfoimotbattlicpartp teaafcifeo in fee oftfte" Floyd againft Morgan, Hill, 1651. Banc, fup, ATHrft of CBrrojtDas bjoucbt to rdjerfc a 3:tiB£rrmenf gftm In at! ^, Frmr 'o rc- dfon of SCrcfpafa , foj tah(ng anap cftcrs 50000 , aitB t!)e Crro; U^as ".ifc a ju-'s;- tbattbcretoas the toojofiinftiutricntum tern' ufeDhttftc ©cclaratfotT^io cj;, 'y '" Trcf- JJJCfO OftietB ttfnga, viz dcquodaminOromentoferrijAnglicc^K^ttifeT,;'-, ,^"" &dcquodaminftrumentofcrri, Anglicc a 15;anDfron , ec dequoda{T^HBt|o> s nento ferri, Anglice a s^ajtat , tofectcas there arc pjopcr JLatm iroj?srci m gi:cf. tbcih, f tberfojcarenottobcfouncErtafrilptiErcrfbco. Darcyagainft tl;e to?ft of C-tro>rafD ft tDa0 certain cnoug!: as tbcptDCre cefcrtbcOjjcitcat^e Reg. f.45.anDfafD, ff ft be not tcrtafn in tfte Hatfn urfcrfptfon , pet tie Angliceljclpsft, Roll chief luftce Dcmanoco, tofjat fap pou to tbe Cafe^'^^'P''"'''- of inftrumentum ferri, Anglicc a f^oj feuOCU , aDjuDgeO naijaljt lately fii tljffl places' anu tbcre arc pjopcr iLatfn teo;Dg fo j tbc tiifrtgs pou ocfcrfbr, tu!,fcft fou ougbt to Ijabc iifctj , tbercfoje tbfs befcrfptfon f0 itot gooD ; fo? tobcrc a 3Latfittoo;Dficn(ftt0ntanptl5fngs, there an An£;lice<0 pjopcr to be aUDeo to ft, otljcrtoffc not , ano ff tbcre be no Latfn toojD to C);pjef0 a tfjfng , one tnapfnbcnta tciojD, anb fnterpjet ft toftb an Angiice, bat ft fs not fo icrc, t^jcrcfojelcttUejuDgcmcntbcrcbcrrco.nifij&cPonea. Kei'ghtley again ft Nodes. Hill. i65i.BancJup, Trin. 16^1, rot, S69. orc- t A OTrftofCrrojtDasbjougbttarcberfe a juog^mcnt fn a SCrcfpafu Erro- . Jrxw er armif at Doncafter, 0nD tl)e Crroj afofgncD Uiao, Stltnt tbev<:f'<=^^--»<> plafntlfDcclarcotbattljc fiDefenoanttoohcertafa Cotes of bf0 out ofthe""^"' '■' ^''^' 3uri3Df£tfonoftbcCourt, anubjoutbt tbem Irftfjfn tbe iurfopfofop anD^"'^*'"""" tbereDffporcooftbcmtol)f3on,nufc, 3In tobfcb cafe, fn regam t^at tbcta.'"'* kfng oft!]cCattel,U)bfcbt3tbegrortnt)oftbc0iifon, tnas Urftbotit tbe tn- Tfsofttion of tbc Court . althougl) tbc Dlfpcangof tbcm ioae irfttifn pet tlie Court baO nojurfBDfcffon of tbe canfC, To which Roll chief lofticc agreed ann fafo, ff tbc aafon bao been a STrobcr aim Con'L'crOon ff bao bctn coob ' ^'°''-- bntbcfngaarrefpafsvictarmisfttfinaugbt, anb therefore let the InJee- ment bereverfed.nifi, ^■ Cottrell and his Wife againft Thsoballs. Hill, 1 65.1. Banc, fup, Tl$i3 cafe teas agafn mobeo.? fpoUcn nnto bpTnmcriibo pjapb f uBftmf nf • ■ f„ fi:U\^''J''^'i^'.''''^'^ '' ^' conccfbcoftbc action im LKgb .".^er L fcp tljcJ^nsbanD ano mffc , ann to pjobc ft be cftcb tbefc boohs , 59 H. 5; f Ad.on upon 45.9H.(5.f,4.Nar.Brev. 131. 28H.8. Dyer Pafch. 5 Car. Brown » i'^°'"'''^- «ndFloydut tbe pio- fflffe fa bcrfc lafo to be raaoc to tftc ^^uafaanb onlp , anb tbougb tbc monep is to be pal D to bot^ . pet ft tooulb be f nconbcnfcnt to f ntftle tlje iTcmc to ft, ano ^ctcfttBastbcfoUpoftbe^uBbanbtojopnbfs "aiit in tbe aictfon, foj ^z mfgbt babe bjougbt ft alone ff be tooulb , loj be batt) aUegeb tbat tbc pjo* . mifc toaa mabe to bfm alcnc , ano tbetefb?e tbc ;attlon fa not UjcH b?ongbt ; ano ft appeata bp tbc SDcclaratfon tbat tbc iFcme \ma of age bcfojc tbc ma. tfagc, ano fo tbc notice fa out of HDooja: 2Cbs reft of tbc Subgea agreeo toitb Roll cbief ludice fn aU , anb fo the Come ruled a nil capiac per Biliacn 'oifi. Antca» Tc o;!a(h »n tnr a p ivatc Hnojflmcnr, For artfc-' JtDCt t"uch- in(> aTitl- P=fs. Rcl:rencr. Hill. i65iBanci{up* T!^e Court tDasmotco to qnaO) an (Enbfctment , becanrc it toaa fo} a pjIbateSCrcfpafa, viz. foj Hopping an antfent tuatcr'tourfc , ano tbc Cnbfctmcnt OOtb not concluOC ad commune nocumemum , but ad prare dam- num , iDbfcb fljctoa ft to be no pnblf que nitrantc. f fobc fa not to be enoftteo^ 5i5utRoll chief luOice anfiECTCD , man map be cncfcteo fo> a pjfbate SDrefpafa. but tbc partp bete batb maoc bimfelf no title to tbe toatet-courr^, ano tbcrcfojC let ihc Endidmcnt be quafhcd, Gomporc againft Beech. HiiK id^i^BancJup. TfeeConttto33mobRbontbca)efenbantBbebaU, SCbatbctoafl a bcrp poo> man , anb fn mahfng of a SDftcb fo j anotbcr man , be ban nnVufU IfnglpcommftteoaJErerpafaagafiitttbeplaliittf, fntahfng atoap 2 o> 3 tobcclc batrougbo of €artb of tbc ^Dlaintlfa foil, ano tbercfo?e It toaa pjap. CD tbat tbc matter mfgbt be refcrrco to tbc fecconnarp to tar tbc bamagea anb Cofte fo; tbe EEtcfpafa , tobfcbbcitastcaoptopap, «tbattbc pjoccen. Inge mfgbt be (tapcb. ]3ut Roll chief luft ice AnftoeteD , Ic cannot be , but you may confier> the Adioo» Hele Hill. 1651. 315 Hele againft Green. Hill, i<55i.Banc, fup, Tj^anFjefiioHefirmacafprttal cicrofct toagfouno, upontoWtft tftcCafc^ tdiivtr- . fell out to be tljls, a man bifng ILeffc? of a j^anoj foj 199 pears, octj^.^.a man e* (ctb tt)e Ceim to tis ioife fo^ Iffe, luft^ poucr to make Tuc^ eftatcs in as ;oa;onc fi.- ample manner as fteftfmfelfmlgftt bate Done, Dating Ijer Ufe, ano tbc re*"-^. mainocr in SCail to i^is IDaug^tcr, ano Dfes , tt)c jFeme pjoteg ttie WiH ano acccptBOf t^c ?Lcgacp, anDaftctmabCflaJlcafcfoj 99 pears, ano Dfcs, ano tbc Daughter bjfngs an Ejeftione fiTci c acainft t&e ILcffce of tbe iFcmc %\ie que0(on luas, tolietber t^tatate ; ana Knigfici. cafe objcdcD comes not to tijis cafe, fojtberc teas a grant biitofpartoftbcrct'crfion oftbe lanD, tob'cb cafe comes not toitbin tbc fetatute , foj tbc dJjantoj cannot baljc aotantagc bp tbe Statute, tobcte be grants but part of tbc tctJcrRon, anoitisnotliterallp toitbout tbc &ta« tute, anDtbercfojcitistoitbiii tbcfnultpoftt,otbctl2ffcit uoulo be mif- cbieVious to tl}C dDjanto; , anDbcrcisnoDifaDi^antagetotbelLctTee bp tbe ttansfctring of tl)c conDition, fo? tbe fame Statute tbat gites benefit of tbcconDitfon,glt5Cs benefit of tbc Cotjcnants, ano tbe ©jantdc of a tcbcr» Con fljaU bate benefit of a Covenant to be ttansfctrcD , altbougb tbep are entire in U3o;Da at tbe beginning , ano batb one common concUiSon, Wild of Counccl on tbc otbcr fioc , belD tbc conDition to be entire, accojDing to Rawlins cafe, ano goes to papmcnt oftbe rent, anD tbc fine, ano tepatati* ons alfo , anD tbc rctjcrtton being afsigneo toitb inbicb tb2 tent paffctb, tbe conDition is gone alfo to tbe fine, Dyer 709. ano tbis is a ftrongcr cafe than tbatto DcOrop tbc entire con^{tion,bp grant of tbc rctjctlion, 17 El, BriglitminscnrCjC. B 2D!)E fine berc is a fum collateral j ano is not fnci- oent to tbc rc'jcrixon , ano fo tbc conDition is collateral , ano cannot be ap< po}ti« po?tfoncD,y. rep. Spencers cafe, 34 .S.Br.Cov.pj* jlp» SCftc ©fafttte of 3 2 H. 8. cannot t)clp U, fo; tftc putWclu of tfje Statute cvplotne tftc large p^camblc'oft^e statute, anofbctDStbe intent oftbcmabcrs of U to be, fo J fojfcftutea fnct'ocnt to lanos, ann rcUerfions , ano a covenant fs Ijete as general as a conoition , ano tb: £>tatiitc cttcnos not to a collateral co\dc« . iiant , ann tbctefojs not to a tonoitfon collateral, j 5 H, 6. f, 56. anu t'ac ca. '^'"^"•«"'- rc3 put on tl)e otljcr Otic come not to our cafe, ^no as fo j tljc mifcljfef toMcli tiiaj? enfiie bp tl)f3 (t matters not , fo? it migl)t bate been pjctjenteo bp pjo= tiioencc oi tDe partpeo . ano tijc inccntienienccs iubicb map Ijippen to tbcm muft not alter tbe ILato. Roll chief luftice faio, if be rclcal'e tb-: .fine, tbe condition toill not ftano as to tbc reft, otbct xifc f t.tlje fine cipfrc bp cffluri- on of time, tiM- be rcleafctljc reparations tl):conuitto:: is gone as to tbu reft , foj tb' condition bere is enti-'e , ano goes in x\)c Dcttruction of tbe CE- Cate, anDitistbeSctoftbclLEffojbinifelftoafoign ouer tbe rc\3crCons ano bp tbat all is paffeD atoap tbat is inciuer t to it , ano Op confcq-.jcncc tbc condition, lermanluftice DcmanDCD, tlObatiftbc ILcfToj fballpapall tbs fine pjefentlp i Roll chief luftice anfuercD, it map be it Vcf U urttrop the condition. Nicholas luflice faiD, tbc conoiticn is onions in ilafo ,becaufe it fiore h uettruaion of tbe CBCatc. Adjourned to be argued apiin , faccaufc ftcloacafc of confcqncncc. 3t anotbec nap ti)c cafe luas motjeo again , ano argneo bp Latch fo; tbe plaintiff, tobo mane tbe queOion to be tDbetbcc tbe conoltion as it is pcnnco mnp be fetjereo j no , anu faio, tbat as it re- fpcctatbercnt.ftlsnotacontitioningrolTe; butasittcrpccts tbe fine, it Is a conoition in grolTc , ano a contition tobicb is entire in too jtjs, map bp acts of iiato receive Dittributions. tZZUbcretbe penaltp of a conBitton ia fntire, tbcrc tbe concition cannot be appojtfonco ; but tbc condition is not fo bete , anD tbcrefojc map be appojtioncD, Dyer 306 Knights cafe, 7 H. 7» <5. Perkim. 162.7. H. 7 Kelm 60, Dyer 334, Popham in Dumports talc is contrarptoDyer,Cook Lit. 203, zip. %i is qucftionablc itbetber tbe Statute map bclp tn our cafe,3nij be faiD it Dotb,fo j tbe name of rent is not altcreo, no} tbe conoition attcnting upon it, v.oi anp tbing cone to alter tbe eirecution of tbe conoition. 3lp. JBp tbc afsignmcnt tbcrcisnoinjurp tone to tbe iLcffa , fo? bp it bere is a freeing of a tbing to be ocne , ano tbe statute is a fatjoutable statute, ano to be ertenoeo toitb inoiffecaicp. Finch ontbcotbctfioeargucomutb to tbc fame effect as be oio fojmcrlp. Rollchief lufticefaiOjitisnotncccffarp foj tbe partp to crpjefs boto tbe conoition relates to aU, viz. tbere-entrp fojnonpjipment oftberent, ano of tbe fine, ano foj not repairing, ano be faio a man cannot bp biff otott ^act Ditioe a conoition , fo? toe muft feeep tb:iralc of laiu, inbt'cb is, not to Di= tioe a conoition, toblcb goes iit OcCruction of an Cftate , ano t.^its cafe is not toitbin tbe fetatnte of 3 2 H. 8 Bll tbc tctt of tbc Huoges concutrco icitb Roll, and fo tbe rule was Judicium pro defendence , niH. Brown againft Nellbn. HilU i6ji,Banc,fup. Trih. / HilU f »^5orof»8genTnu can- not be siben againtt one ot t^e contra(to}a , in t^c oilta it map. Weld againft Rumney. Hill. 1 65 1 Banc.fup, Hill, 1650, rot, «193, Krrorto re- A Cildt of ctto; irao bjougljt to rcbetfc 8 Hluugement cfljcn ftt an 3ctf- >cifc ■ jujg- ./ion upon tlJc cafe agafnfttiDOCDrccutojfl, anotfteerroj afstgncD teas n^nr in ».. g matter in fact , viz. t^at one of tfte E>efenDanto toao luUtjfn age attfte s«K)non 'ntfmcoftbc^rtionbjougbt, anD Dfo appear, anD plcaDbpftta^ttoincp, tobcreag be ougbt to bate Done U bp bob;.cr). j^jjj ^^r. ^jjjoj, j^poj, tjjc gitattitc, oio not Ip fo: tbc partp tbat bjongbt it, foil Hill. 15 J I, ,|9 foj (t appeare ffeat^e ioae not robbco ; bat tliat the monp tuaa false n oaf of apojtmantle.tDfjft&UiaacarrpciJbptbcpcttbop.anDtbatonlp tbc }31afn- tfffaljanDtoaanpononecnoofthepojtmantlc, fo tbat tfjc poD.bor toaa robbeo ano not t^c plaintin, JBut Roll chief luflice anftocrco there is « k. npqaetttonbnttbattWatoaaarobbcrpoftbepafntifF, atiD (t (a aVonc KSfL 80 tobere mp feettjant (a rcbbco in mp pjcfcnce , ano tjcte tbe pcoos IbaU be Inued ififi" '"^ ^''^^^^^*'" ' ""^ f*" '^ <^ ^"^' >"<* thcrefoic let Indgcincne TaylerandWeb, HilUidjiBancfijp. t=l^f0cafe fojmetlp argneo at tljc 15at, anobjofeen on tftt 15enc!j , an6''P'*^'»' ^«'"- fomeopfnfonDcUteteD»ne gncD bp bfm. ^no be fafo that bp ttje Mill no lano paffctb , bccaufe lanoa Til. ' *" * ate not me.iKoneD in it , ncUbet fa tberc anp ncccOarp f mp:fcat laBp bfa ^eff, tobfcb bp tbe cf bill iiato map be of goooa ; anb fo; tbe en< Jopnfn0bfmtopapfbeannnftp,tb<3mapbeoutofotl}Ct lanoa in conCoc* latfon of tbe petfonal ettate gf ten unto bfm, 3!n Danyel ano Vblics cafe , agfft maoe bp a iFeme coparcener of bet purpartp of lano, Dfo not con^iep Ibc lanoa fn JFee. gnMarfhes cafe, tbe iFatbetgabc bfa lanoa to bfe tteo &ona to be cqnallp oftfDCD, it toaa aotuDgeD tbcte, tb^t onlp an CESate fo; iffe paircD,anD bete fa notbfng at all crpjeflp oftcn.3in Gilbert ann Withers cafe, Mich, 20 lac. Bit loaa aDiaogcDtbat tbcte ougbt not to be mane fucb a conStuctfon of a tl!2aftt,aa fa not agtcafole to iLato. 0nD tbfafa onlp a losf< cal Wii\i bp tuap of argmticnt , ant) not a gtammatfcal, nno pofttfbe ®n{ll«cin(trua''> Rollchiefluaiceanru)erED,tomakeacontttn(tfonofa®3:faubete tbJ cion. tbougbtbelDOjoaoftbeMIfllbenotpjopct.pctteemapcoUect t!ic JDctfa- toja meanfng to be, bp makfng of tbe pattp bfa i^cfr, tbat be fljo'ilo bavc bta lanoa, anoitfaafioneaaffbebaDfafDl^efr of bfa lanoe, anobercbenot onlp niakeabfntbfail^efT,bntbfa(!Brecuto}airo, anDtberefo;eff be Cbaa^'^ notba^«l)falanDa,tbeiDojD^eftfamecrlpnngatojp ano to no purpofe, fo % bp bef ng e^ccuto j onlp, be (ball bate tbe goooa, ano aa ft batb been ob< fCttJCO, be fa fn tbfa cafe haercs faSus, tboug^ not nataj. lerman luftice to tbe fame eflfc ct , anb fafo tbat tbe toojo l^efr fmplpca tfco tbfnga. i . JEbat te (ball bate tbe lonba. 2lp. SCbat be (ball bate tbcmfni^eeCmple. Ni< cholas ano Ask luOiccs concurred , and To ic was ruled chac ludgement ihould be given for Sir lobn Bridges the Devifce, niO. Lockoe againft Palfriman. Hill. 1 65 1 Banc, fnp> Hill, i6$i« rot. 1002^ ^ponafpctlaltcttfct fonnDfnane'jcaionefirmjc, tbe cafe fell out to'' p"'*'**'^- be tbfa, SCcnant fo j life, tbe tcmafnncr to JlBaror st.t JFcnte, ano tbrfr * ^ ' „ '" ^' i^efta, JBaton anb JFeme fnffet a r£C0t?ctp, SLbc qntttfon fcna, toljetbf t^^ ^x"'' tbe ' nrj V 320 Hill. 1^5 1. . t^ ^elTB of tijc ifcmctocrc botjno bp tWff rccdtcrp, fecaofet^e fm9 being cotert ft tnao contefbcD Q)C tuao not SCenant to lift prxJpe , betatire It appears not fljc luas tramlneo , aiio fo not^ftig toas rccotjereo from iftti 3ttoa0atgaEOtl)nttWsrccoticrpDlDbfiiDtl)e jFemc. i. bccaufeffa preci' pebcbjoacfitagafnttoncto!)obatl) notWng (n tftc fano , tlictojftonlp faa- batablc , Fitx. Tit. Droyt 29. i^^rt an Cftoplc Irf tft rctompencc ejclnats notonlppartfrsaiiDpjftifes, butalfoftranccrc, aflftfs fn Shellyes cafe, ano 3 lac. C.l'.fn Duke ano Smiths cafe, isE.4 f.aS- 3;n43 Ed. 3.f.48» irao tbc firft mciitfon of r^amf nation of a jFcme upon a lIctoDerp, ano fljc HiaUbcfiitcnDEOtobccjamfnrQlEre , ffUbercqtifQtc; fojlKonotfouno llje leas not cyamfneo, anO fit Br; Abridq. recovery in value 27, 23 H. }f. 3t ffl bclD tbat a i^cmc Cotcrt ia barrro bp a Common rccobctp , ano tbta ftatb been tbe continual pjactltc Qnte tftat tlmc; ano iuljcteaa It ia objctteo, tbat a colourable rccoticrpootft not bfno a i?cmc Cobcrt, ft fsanftucrcD, tljattWs ffl not a colourable rccobcrp, but a fuollfal matter of Hcro;D , ano is b?ouc^t upon an o?fe;fnal , ano tljere fo an fntcnocD rctompcnce to tftc iFemc, ano to urgetbat there fs noEcnanttbtJjepr.xcipf, faanob* irrtlon lublclj rcacftcs to tljc common pjartlte of affurcnceo , ana tljerefojc not to be aomtttco , ano f n time tbep mfgbt Date countcrplcaoeo tbc tjoucb* tr ; but note t!)cp cannot atcrt tbifl matter agalnfttbc 5Rrco?o,i9 E. j.e- f^ople 9. ana tbougb tbe J^eme be not-eramlnco , pet flje IljaU be bounn bp Ibfs retotcrp, tbougft In a fine It Is otberMfe, ubere tbere Is no rrcompcncc f n talup, as fterc tl;cre is , ano f n a fine tl)e 3uocre ex cffirio Is bouno to tf- amine tbciFemc.but not In a; Is tbere anp p:aclco of It fnlalr, 13 Ed. 3 ludgement 29. ilpartftlon maoe bp tojit ftall blno a J^emeCo- tert, Ijccaufclbc batba rccompence, fo Is It upon a partition mace upon l!lcco?o In Cbanccrp. flnobptbelBaronsrurlilblngtljei'^emcljcrc, tbe rccompence Dotb not fiirblbc to tbfUBaron, but fljall gototbc^ifrsof tbe i^eme, B^rccovery in value :.i lac. C. B. bcrc Is a reall CUate In tljc JBaron ano i^emc. Habs on tbc otbcr lloe maoe tbe qncfilon to be , iu^c* tber bp a rcroticrp bao Uilicrc tbc j^cn^c being Cctirrt 1:3 rot STcnant to tbc prrcipc,ajell3all be bouno bp lt,anD be f.Uo (Ijc Is not 31ii otbcr cafes tb; part? map be bouno bp cffople, namelr Irberc be migbt bai^c pleaoea to tbc tojlt , J mIgbt bai^c cottntcrplenoeo tbc toucbcr; but b ere tbe J^cmc I3 not fubicct to be aomlttcD to tbefe tbings ,i 7 E. ? .f. ; 7 ano tbe^cmrCotcrt net . fo concluDCD bp bcr aDmirston,that Ibe Hjall not be aomlttco to fpeakagafnft tbfsrecobcrp fffljefurbfliebcr baobano, ncftbcr arc beri)?clrsconcluDeo fffl}ci)onotrurtf'oc,aUbougbperaoticuturr nstotbeiTarrantpttrpmaptg fonclnOCO,Jo An.r'-?. 'i £.3 Fitz vrucbcr J43 2E.3.Fitz.eftoplf,246.2^E 3 1 3 .ano tbe rccotcrp berc. Is not o-iclp bats, bccaufc tberc fs no terrtcnant. Roll chief luftice fsfo, ft fs not to be qucCtoneo tobctijcr a recofterp bfno a Rtcovsry i^cme , fo: It fs tbc aommon p:ac?lcc. 2!v. Htli'tTOt ncccffnrp to era- txjmina'ion.infnr a i^emeColicrt upon fuffcrlng a rccoVcrp, aItI:oHgbU be a pjuocntf* Averment, all ttfng to CO ft ; faut ff ft be not cone, ft fs not atjrrrablc tbat ft teas not tone; but tbe Cng'.equc(!lon material bcrc.ljltibctbcr tbc i^cmc ba 2Ee« Feme Covert nant to tbc p-acore 01 not , fo tbat the Ojall be cttoppcc to fpcal; agalntt tbc rccotcrp , ano be belo (be uas cffcppeo , foi Qjc lows In tbe rccotierp tiltft !)cr|)u3banD, ano bcrc I3 no Default maacbp tbe iSaron, anonotDtijcrcs. cojD is perfect, ano a t'Jng contrarp to ft ought not to be aljcrreo agafnft It; bntbcfoiettel'leroio'raij perfect Rjcmfnbt bat'e plenoeo , anotbcrecom^ '*• pence fn Baltic bcTCfljaU go to tbe theirs of t'lcj'^eme, ano tbc SCenant foj Iffc f3 alfo bouno bp tt-fs rccoticrp,innD tbe j^cmefspartp, ano alfo pjftp to Pmy and thc ffoiTrr . am tlicrcfoie {fltlrlllblnobcr,ltInll! biro ber ^efrs nlfo. P"''^ • 3;f a ffrangcr bao been Eenant to tbe prsc^pe , ano tbe Baron sno if emc taro Hill. 1^5 1, • 321 !)aD been Votic!jco,tl)ciFcmcl)aB been bouno, anutbfs fs a Ctongct cafe, anD tbfs care map concern manp mcnss cCates , ano t^crefo je fucb recotjc* ttcsarcnottobcqucOtoncd. Tbertforelct the Plaintiff have fiis ludge. mentjnifu Hill. 1651 Banc. fup. 0z Turner anD Marian tecte IBaH fo: one bp tSjcnamcaof Turner an^^e^h^name 'Mary , ttc Court toaa motocD tbat tUc name Mary mfglit be raaae Ma«o/'j bjI!. rtan. 15at Roll chief lattice anriocccn, let tt)C partp come ano 6nl> ottjecAmcidni-hT. IBaU, fo? npon t^c matter ttifs is no Bad. ^aii. O Hill. 16 51. Banc. fup. • A iEtGnDtctmcnt teas remobeDbp a certiorari Into tbis Court, antj tbe^"""' P"^^ Court Uias moteo fo j a procedendo, becaufe no 3l3all teas put fn bere, '^'"''''' Roll thief IuDiceanftiOCreD,Ifno Bailbe put in, you may proceed below without any procedendo* Hill. 1651. Banc. fup. »T ^c Coutt tea0 motet) to fupcrfcoc an C-recntfon agafnlt onc.quia erro» To ruperfede ■*■ nice , becaufe be toao tahen in Crecutf on , tDbcteas tberc tuaa no De* »" execution. tlaratfon gfben agafnft burcty. jftbcpartptobeboutiD be a Dangerows pcrfon. Yec rake a habeas corpus, but be fure you briii^, good luretycs. ♦ Pafch. 1652. Banc. flip. Wager of A 0^ s^^o" "f ii^W lu^s bjoijsbt attafttlt one foj ^o I. Due foj uftictfl pfea Jaw waived Xa ccc of U::ncn cloatb Tolo to tbe Eicfcntiant. SCbc H?cfenDant toao rca« andapkapuiupattbcJEarto tDancbfoEaU); but tbe Court being enfojmco tbat tbc '"• jaDcfcncants tDtfe tscpt a Ojop , anu ufca to bup anu feUbp bcr busbanog pjftUp ano allotnancc , anotbatt!;crcparcsllB of cloatb Inete bougbt bp fcet to futnfft bet fljop , ano tbat tbe IDcfennant bcr I;u0bano , altbougb be toas a S>ea man , ano mcDlco not in bupfng ano felling of anp of tbe toarcs in tb( &bop, pet ila Vtifc cio it bp bis afioUiancei Roil chief lu(lice adftfeft tbe SDcfcncant to false bccD b- toagcD not bifl lain, fcj tbat be coulDnot to it Uiitb a goot) tonfcicncc , bccaufcbisnllotcance ofblatoifcsbupingtbe fcares iDasaUone, as if be bao bougbt tbem btmfelf. ano counfeilco blm to plcao, to tobfcb tbe BDcfcnoant confentco, and ihe ley gager was waived by confenc of the part)es, and an emparlance given (ill the Emparlance. ncXt TcriDt Dudley againft Boriii Pafc i^52,BaDc, fupf T^e (tonrt teas motcD on tbe part of tbe SDcfcncnt tbat in rcgart),tbe plaintiff ban obtcpnco tbe canfc bettneen tbcmto bctfpco at tbcJlBar, fy for coft""' ti^t l^)' tcfojt bc migbt be o:bcreo bp tbe Court, to gibe fccuritp to pap tbe lienyed. tofts, in tafg tbc trpal fljoulo be againtt bim ; 315ut tbe Court tooulo make no futb Tulc-.but faio^if be toill not pap tbc cofts in cafe tbc tjcrofa it againtt bimlje ftall tal^c no benefit bete, aftcrteatos upon it. • Garland againft Yarrow. Pafc. 1652, Bine. fup. ' ~T Hill. iccla= cafc-, tatfonlapstt, but fo^ beeping of a Common JBatoopljoafe. IBntlerman, Nicholas, ano Atkluftices, ( Roll chief ]uftice being abfent ; ijclD tljat tbe too JDS are axtionablc/o? t^e ftccpfng of jiBaVoDp ^oufc tbep arc but toojDc of cooler ano heat, anotbcpaintif is not bjougtjt toitftin Danger of tfte late Statute maDe againft tohojcoom, fap tbc fpcafeing of ttjcm , SnD be clteD fo J autbojitp Frcf man and Childers cafC, Trin. 16 5 1 , rot, 45.toberetl)EfclDOjD0,viz. You area Whore, & 1 will prove you an ar- rant Whore, tncrcaOfuDccb not attionatjlc. The rule was to ftay judge- ment till the Plaintif fliould move* Baiccck againfl: Torripfon. Pafch, 1652. Banc, fup, Mich, 1 6 JO. rot, 444, 1^ an Audita querela tfte Cafe luas t\)la. Sin Qction of JDebf Iras bjongljt Where an againft the ^Djincipal , anna juogcment upon a nihil dicit obtaineD, but ''"'''" '^"" no capias ad fatiifaciendum iffueD fojtl) aontnft tlim;aftCrVDareo 2 fcirefaciaj ^.i Ball uron iDcretabeiiotit againft tlje JlBail, ano znchils thereupon rcturneD", onblncircnious tbereuponlaDgemcnrlDasgiticn againft tbe IBail, tobo tbercupon bjingsjudgemcnc bis Audita querela, SLbC ^ucftion toaa, iubetber tbe Audita querela DID >B '"f^ '^^ Ue 0% not , in regara tbat tbe fcire facias iffueD fojtb againft tbe 3i5ail bcfo?e P''"''***^* anp capias ad fatiifaciendum ttjastaUen fo?tb upon tbe Juogcmcnt, upon tbe nihil dicit againft tbe pjirttipal. Green of Counccl Uittb tbe SDefenoant t)elO, tbat tbe Audita querela DID not lie, becaufc tbat tbe partp batb otbec tcmeDp to relieve bimfelf, anDtberefo?c tbe Audita querela lies not, foj tbat is gitjcnonlptobere tbe otber partp batb no otberremcDp, 21 E, 3. f« 14. Brook Audita qocr. 18. SnD bcfioes bete are ttoo nichilsrctumcD a* gainft tbe partp , tobicb Do amount to a fcire feci , anD fo tbe partp is tcarn* eo, anD tberefoje be comes note too late to bate bis Audita querela, ioi bcrc is as mucb as a luDgementbp Default after an appearance, anD bere Isnorclcafe, anD tberc (s a juDgementcrccuteDanD in fojcc, ano not re. t)erfCD bp tbe ^jincipal, Green and Le Grices cafe , Paich. 39, &(r Francii More* IRepojts, Wild foj tbe paintif bclD , tbat tljc Audita querela Dili %t, z Icefl 324 . Parch.i65 i. tocTlTf c, bctatifc t^at noTcire facias ou5l)t to Ijatje iVmt ngaftiff t!)c iBafl, bi- fojcacapias adf.itiitaciendumtat^cnfojtlj agaii.ft t^c P;ttu t^cSBail to bjfngfntfte p;ifnftpal after tbc rcto?H of t!je Capias , ano noUi attDtijoap, out of greater int)nlgcnceaffo?Dco unto tl)cJ3aiI, it is tocU e- noual) if tt)e iBatl b;iiig in tl)c principal at anp time bcfojc tlje return of t^e fcco'no fcire facias, but aftcritis returncD , tlicn ft fs too late foj bim to Error - biii\Q l)fm in , ant) tbat is tljc rcafon tr)at in fuel) Cafe a tojit of Crro; lfc0 notfojtljeJiBailtorEtcrfetbc juDgcmcntagafnfttl)e|Ojttittpal. 3fa fcire facias be b?ougl,t againtt tbr 315ail, anD ^c pleaDs tljat tijc ^ jincipal DpcD be* foje tbe return of tbc Capias againftbim, it fs aojuDgeo to be a gooD plea fojtbclBailtoDifcbarge bimfelf; but to plcao be Dpeo after tbc» return, is "' rot gooD : 0nti it is a gooo plea foj tbc Icail in a fcire facias bjougbt againft tjimtofap, tbat no capias tDasreturncDagalnfftbe JDjincipal; ^ud bcrc ie a gooD oifcbarge in ILato agaihtt tbc iBail. But tbe quettion bete fs , tobctbcr tbe return of tbe ttoo NichiU be not a Bar to bim notn , anD tbat Audita que- ^'C batb not tliercfap loll bi;ourt fs alfo obtecteo agafnft me, 3! anfwt , tJ:at tbat cafe fsfn effect tbc fame cafe luftb Dyer, anotbctiueflionln our cafe came not (noifpute, ^no tbc icill of tbc jDono: fn ocecs f£> to be cbictteo. Lir. 2Ct 3 '22, ^z6 • Pafch. 1652. 22. C.Tayl.i. rep. Shelleytcafe 103. ilJottofUjffantjfng frt fifftS fn tapl tW0 rule l)olD0 not , fo t^at a gift in tapl map be ItmftcD contrarp to tbc rule of tl)e Common ILato. 0tiD 3 nnoto not of anp autftojftp tn pjfnt, 0; to^f- tfnc agafnft mc; but in 1 3 Ed. 3, Fitz. tic variance 81 . tl^cre is an cypjeffe autljojitp foj mc,anD 4 H. 4. mp crpcdcncc 3 Ijatjc lutoton tnanpc(latcslimtteDa0ttit0i0inti)c &outl)CTn paTt0,i| i) Id gmD elates tapl,i if it flionlD be otbcrlcifc, manp cttatco Icoulo be fljaUcn.Roll chiet' Iu« fticc.CiHc laljcDclitcrcDoiir opinions bcfoje,aaainft j'ou, v. as not tlje meaning; of tbc DonouY,to applp tbc mojO l^eits to tije boop of Sufanna onlp, fo; tW0 conftrncttoit tcouto offer biolente unto t!)C Idojds, as appear* bp Littleton, tol)ointerpxetotbattl)cp arc to be applpco to tftc l^eiro of boti) tl)c partpe0 < anopourreatonisfonnocoupona tojong gtounn , ano cjcpjeflp againft Litletons cafCjanD foj pout fetonu rrafon it 10 of no toaigl)t, fo) tlje tooios ate all one as if ijc bao faio to t^e l^eixe of ti)c ^usbantt ano ioife. begotten upon ttjc toife. 3 Ip. Mie are not to frame a meaninn a- paiiift plain tDo;O0, tobfttj tijcto tbc SDonojs intent to be againftpau. 0no ^'>'- tfte Baron cannot Bat tbe (Ettate tapl as pou fnppofc , foj tbc iFeme fjatb an CEffatc fox life , anoiftljcrurijibefl}: map rctjibc tbe remaining ©(tate, ano toe muft not confiocr of incontjeniL-nccs, tobtcb pofsiblp map l)appen a- Satnft tbe c^p^cCTe too>t)0 of tt)e been , anO tbe mnttitnoe of conbcpances matjeintbisntannct, arcofnofouetoaltcttbc ILato, lerman lurtice as Roil , 2EI)at ttjc toojD ^dxa ftall be applpcD to tlje ^cir0 of botlj partpes , bECaufevoluntasdonatorisrecundumforraamchartar expreffa eft obfervan^ da, Nicholas and Atk luftices of the fame opinion. Garland againfl Yarrow; Pafc.i($52,Banc. fup* * AiTtft of Tl^ifl tafc being in atrcC o*" Sluugcment ( fojmerlptpoUennnfo; W an ^aion upon tbc cafe fo|itl)crcixo;t>0, you are a knave, and keep a an"Aa"on'fo'i'Sawdy hou'e, ira0 again mobcD bp Chriil, Turner, to^obelD tftat t^e words. toojO0 arc not actionable, i. IBecaiife tbrpatc of fpititual cognifanccv 2lp. 3;ti0not fniotlintlieljeptacommonJlBauiDpboufc. 3lp,b(:rc i0 no fpccial Damage laio, 1 o Car, SCbcfe too joo he is a pimp aoiuogeo not actio* nablc in Lewis ant) V/hittons cafe. 4lp, 31t i0 not allcgcD tbat tc tofl- linglpUcpta JlSatoopljoufe, anotljenbcisnot puniCljablc. Pepes on tije otbcr fiDc ^clo tbe tooios to be actionable , ano citcc Hill, 3 Car, Elfey ano Harifonscafejtiiou art a whore, and a Bawd to thy daughter, and keeps ai Bawdy houfe. totlicb toojDs toctc aDtuogcQ artionablc, 24 H. d. 14,3 8, 39- Eliz.31ntl)cilaDpDarkieystarc,tbcheepingof a JBstobp ftoufe is an of= fence puniftablc at the Common 3Lato , ano tbercfo^c tbe toojDs fpoUcn or- ate actionable. Rollchiefluflice, Eo call one totjoje in London is aaio- nablc, 0nB tbc lrio:i3o Ijere are actionable, fo j tbc feceping of a JBatobp tjoufe i0 a crime puniOjable at tbc Common ILato, fo: \\)c pattp map be tn- oictcD foj it , ano if ftall be intenoeu to be a common 55atoop Ijoufe, al< r.nJiam:nt. tl)ougbttbc not focrpjelTeD, ano tbe plaintiff is rcanonlifetibp tbe fpcaS- fng o'ftbe toOJbg. lerman Nicholas and Ask luiticestocrc of tl)C fame opi- nion, lugdcmcntt was given for the Plaintiff, mfi, Snelgrave PaCch. 1652.. ' 327 , 5'nclgraveand Bofvile, Pafc. i^j;,Banc,iup» Mich, Id J I, rot, 20O, * BOfvilebjoucbtan Sttfonof Debt agafntt Snclgrave, 80 ^£{c unto Us ocb: »gair.a iFatber,npon an £)bUsattatatcs;, anD toe are to confiDcr bere irbcttct tbcrc fcellatfntoojDsfn the SDetlaratton , as tbcrc ought to be fo crpjclTc tbe tijfngs. fojtobttbtbeattionfsbjougbt.anDccTtafnlp tbfs toojD quoddam inftrumentum ferri fs too general to crpjClTe anp tbfng , ano the Anglice aQs Deo to ft tofll not bdp ft ; foj ff the too jd precedent, fn ft felf, be net fit la. tfn to ctpjeffc tbc tbfng tbc Anglice lubfeqacnt fs Iftle to fac rcgarDCD , ano tbcfe too JDS being fnccrtafn tbc SDcclaratfon muft be f ncertafn , ano fo tbc ^"^j'''^'-. SDefcnDant cannot fenototobattoanftoettoft,o>boir'toocfcnobfmrclf as "*"'"»"• bcougbttoDo,tobttbntappjoteberppje|uDftfaltobfm. • lerman laftice, JEbcflTuc cannot be certain, ff the SDctlaratloii. be fnccrtafn, anDbp tbc"^""- Common 328 'Pafch. 1652. Common %a\o ano fetattitc ILato^our ple-iufnga mntt be^lUtfn, anti timers tljetc arc not clcgantllaKn toojoo to cvpjcffc tMng»,tocmai> tifc tbofc Vd " t^c Cafe toas bjoaa^t foj fpcahing tl)cfc toojos of tljc lulprmcnt In ^tJ jpia(nt(ff ; you are a whorc, and have plai«l the whoie withfo many ail Aftluii for men you cannot number them j ttpon not gufltp plraoeO, ano a terOifl foj, yotdi. tlje |9la(ntiff, ft Iras jnobco fn arreft of Slnogemcnt tbat tbc ivojos arc not actionable, fojtbcfapfngtbcpartpbaDplafotftz tofjoje arc loojDa fncct. tafn, aiiDDonotcnfojceanp 3ctof to!)o?cDomtofacDoncbpbcr ; but ler, man luff ce^bfente Roll chief lufticc j;ave ludpemcnt for the Plamtiff, foj |jg ff fo tlje toojoa fljoulo beconftrucuto a common fntcnomcnt. M «-o for 1^" Court loas motjcn foj ititigcmcnt , upon a tcrDfrt gfben » pear» luTelmcnt f^"^"^ ' ^"'5 tl)c caufc ttapcD t(U note bp m Committee of inbcmpnltp 1 dciiycJ. butltiuaeoenpco, bccaufcftUjaattjelnftDapoftbcSCctm, Nota, . Pafc. 1652. Banc, fup. Ceriiorari to TSC toao fljclrco fo? cflufc toljp a certiorari fljoulD not bc granteoto te- lenuvcan 1 moljc an fnofrtmcnt of battcrp,agatnft anatto:ncpof btsCourt.pjEfcrrcD endidiucnt. at 8 fecfofons Of tl)c pcacc fn ttjc Connttp, tbat tbc bfll mag founotbcre, ano tbe partp batb cntrco f nto a rccognf fance tljcrc to go to a trpal tbc nert &cfsfon0. Roll cliief luftice.SCherccoanffance map bs alfo rcmobcD bp fl)C certiorai i , ano lobat Ijart can It bc If tljc enolctment bc rcmotico , ano tljctrralbaoattbcafaffCB, anDffftbcrcmot!CD!>ltljer,lDetofll not qaaOj tljc cp.cfrtmrrt; but tbc partp fljall plcao anb cartpft botDn, ano trp ft at tljc ncvt afaf C0 at fjia olon cijargc, Byron againft Sconehowfc. Pafch, i6ji Bjnc. fup. Trin. i^5i.rot. 1558. E^rorto re- A tlMrft Of (Etroa toafl bjoncbttorctcrfea^ubgcmcntsfbcn fn a fei^ vcriVa ju.'p-^ofDoajCrfii the Common ^lca0,tl)c €rroj3 afolgnco lucre, tbat tnz 11 cnt In enifi'priu»tahca releafc of tftc SDcfauU ; foj bp atoarDfng tfte Default t'.;e potocr of tljc 3ItiDae of ttjc nifi pri- ui fs DctcrmfncD: ^m tbc relcafe ougftt to be of t^c Default, upon \dW^ tfte juDgemcnt ftjoulD be cftcn , anD ft fs not fo bere. ^cxi ftcrc f j no Dffcontfnuance , fo; ft fs not neccffarp to gf t?e cap to t^e SDcnant bp tbe Curia advifarc vu!t , fo J tbcn tl)Crc COUlD bc no petite Cape ; 0nD tbC luCge. mcnt l)ere fs gooo , f j tljcre f s no ottjcr Dap of Default. Ro li chief luftice, verdia b- jKbc BluDge ougbt to batccaUcD Ibc 2Cenant,oj to atoaro a petftc Cape of tl)ea;f>uit. ' lanD , ano not to ftatic tnlicn tbe Cnqueft bp Default ; but btre tbc 3uDgc of Petit capc ^afcfjeDfo not atoarD a petite Cape. JFojtbc i-Cjrccptfon, SLbc JuDgccf tbc nifi prius taD no autbo jftp to tafec tbc terDfct , ano fo tt,at fs cone coram Con judtce, snO fotbc nullo habito refptiSuto tbc Crqucft bp tbe 3ui)ge3 of tbc Common ipicas fs gooD cnougb, anofotbcp map fn tbat Court a«rrror. tcarD a petite Cape, ano tbep map alfo aoDf fc, anD tbcre fs no nrcc foj tbem togftcacapofcontfrniantc to tbc partp, fo; tbattDeretotaUcatoap tbat of tobfcbtbep iDoulD aDtffe , ano tbc ad alium diem fs alfo gnjD, ano fo tbete fs no SBrro; fn ttjc juDgcmcnt, Affirmetur nifi. Doiflor Trigg againft the College of Phylicians. Trin. 1652, Banc, fup^ Hill. i6f i.rot. 114J. Aterftof(!Erro;toafl bjougbt to rcbcrfc a fuBgcmcnt often fn tbe Error to re- Common IDlcas fo; tbc College of ^bpftcfans agafnft SDocto; Trigg y„(e a judgs- fn anaafon ofDi:btb;ougbttipontbe iLettcr0|3Gtcnt0,anDS>tat .of 3. H.^'cnt for pra-; p;actfflngJPbpIicfetottboutlfcencc. SLbc i CrrojafsfgncD teas, tbat"? ''"« •'''J' Itfsfafo tbatquidam WillielmusTripg, anDfoftmapbc fntcnDcD another l^^ "j."'^*"" partp, ano not tbc fame , tcbcrcas ft ougbt to bate been prasdiftu* WiilieU ' '" '' mus Trigg. 35ut to tbfs Roll chief lufticeanflocrcD, tbat tbc partp came fnanopleaDCD , anofobcmuft necDs bc tbe fame partp. 2Lbc 2 Crroj Icaa, tbat tbc 3luDgemcnt leas toholpgftenfo; tbe Jp;eCocnt of tbe Col- lege of |0bpficf arts, tobercss ft ftjoulo babe been gf ben part fo; tbc JDjcfii- oent , ano part fo; tbe tofng. Hales fn mafntenance of tbc iuogcmcnt an- ftDcrco, tbat tbc juDgcmcnt fs to be gfbrn fo; tbc partp tobo b;fngB tbe Mi- on , anD ff tbc adfon bao been b;ougbt bp tbc lUng onlp, 3uogcmcnt 0)oulD batf been gflicnfo;bfm onlp, pet tbc moncprecoVercD (ball be of« firfbutcD as tbc statute ofrccta. Koll chief luftice , SCbc liifng map be bet. tet trofteo tbnn a Common 3nfo;mer ; ©o tbc Cafe fs not alfl?c , luberc tbc lafnsbjfngstbc^afon, as iubcrc tbe 3lnfo;mct bjfngs ft , fo; tbe HH M fcfng 330 Trin. 1652. afngmaprctcftcalltbcmoncpjatiotftc 3!nfojmcrmap l)at)c !)(3 part bp ^etfUon to t^e ISing , anu bcre ncftUcr ttje Knfojmatfon noj tljc Cierofct fa pntfuCD, fojtDat fa tam pro Domino Regequam pro feipfo, &:c, anO !)cre ludgemenr. t!}E Jaugcmcnt loonlpfoj tl)c Jtirojmcr. SCtic tefng map ff fjc tofM.fnc alone ano ^atic3;tiDgenicnt fo; all, f f be begin tifg fate bcfo;c tljc 3nfo;mcr, bat to inbat l)z fojmerip fafo. 2lp. ^^cfaftbtbatbercnDjeobfmfclfto ibe iparefcball, tobercaa be ought to faptbat^ercnOKOMmfelfto the Court; foj ft fa tbc act oftljc Court tbat tutna ijim otct tt^ tbc ^arcfcbal. Roil chief luftice , !J?c camiot rcn. oer Tnn.1652, 331 6Ct WmfclftoSirlohnlenthal fitoffcljatgEOf ttslBafl ; foz onlp a 3|aD0eB»H. cantabeanD Dfftljarnc aJlBnU, anunot Sir John Lenthall ; but ftcrc ft (0 t^tl)cofD(tfn»i;ourt , anutljcrcfojcfttsiDCilcnonstj ; foj ^e map rcn- DetWmfclfto Sir lohn Lenthall fn Court, ttjoiigfjout of Court Ije cannot, anO tljcrcfoje let the PJaintif have his ludgement, Rogers and Dove. Trip. i^j2,Banc, fup» Pafcb, ieniEfn Courts, ans otljcr Courts map bp tb«m tbe pialntfff, anD Sdafto fo; tbe SDcfcnD= Dant. Wild bclD tbat tbc pica Vcas i\\, i . %n tbc fnDuccmcnt alp. %t fsj tU tn tbc fnbttance Of It, 3lp. SCbc traberfc is not gooD. 2Ebc fnouccmcnt is ill, becaufe it botb not confers a conberRon; butberc is a general iiTue on* ip plcaoeD, 9 E. 4. 5 . 1 2 £. 4. 1 2. 3t is iU in tbe fubttancc, becau"'e tl;e a- fage plcaoeD is agalnlt ilato, anb tiill caufc a failer of jufffcc, Isbicb ougbt not to be, fo; tbe Hato leabcs no pcrfon to;ongeb toitbout a remeop, 19 E. 3,29. Fill. lurifdid. 50 E, 5. pi, 10,44, 45 Eliz, Crifp anOVerols cafe, aR. 3.4. HaridanDFaytonscafc, 24 Car. 48. 2. inftit. 4. Cook jurifdift, 2IJ, i4t.4.2j. I^cjt tbc traberrcbatbtoaibcb all tbc matter plcaocD bc- fo;e, ant becaute tbe plea bias gooo bcfo;c, tbere Uias no necefsitp to take It, JO E. 4. 2. ano tbe trabcrfc is alfo too (Iraigbt , fo; ft batb tpcD up tbe matter to Wellington, anD fo be pjapco a rcfp;)ndes ouftcr. Shafto on tbc 0. tber GDC bclD tbe plea gooD, anQ arguco mucb to Cbetcitbe jurifoictton of tbe Conntp JDalatine , anDcftcoCook jurisdiA. f, 21922 E. 4. 34. per coU low, Dyer 1 56. Hill. 8 H. 7. rot. 228- ano bc fafD tbe plea is gooo, tbougb it be not conftncD to tbe inbabitants iottbin Cheftcr, fo; tbere toas no nrcefsi. tp to pleaotbus^ano it bao been enougbtobabepleaoeo genetallp, bccaufc t^fs Court tabes notice of tbc jurifoiaion of Cheftcr, 1 1 Zlich. 2. Fitz. breif. ano tbe plcaofng batb altoapes been in tbis mancr , as map cppccr bp tbe SBoob of entrpes, I E.4. f. 11. ano tbis cnSom bp conSruction of laU), is neceffarilp to erteno to tbe inbabitants Voitbin tbe jurifbiction , z i H. 7, 40. Dyer 46. Raftall 128, 129, tbc pjibilcge of Chefler fol- lows tbe perrons of tbc inbabitants , ano fo tbere can bc no failet of inaice as is obietteo. 0no fo; tbe traberfe, tbougb it be ill,it flliatl do no bnrt in tbis cafe to tabc alsap tbe cuSom , fo; upon tbe entire rcco;D, it ootb appear tbat tbe 0ction Ipcs luitbin tbe lurifDictton , ano if ^uogemcnt be giben bcrc. it is coram non judice, ano to tbc traberfe is no; material, 9 H.7. 12. 37 H. 6. f,26.Cook5Maq,Char, cap.347 Mag.Char»C24i. Wcftfn. Not cc. 1. C. 3 ^. Brad, 360, Hill. 7 lac. Dymocki cafe in t\)ia Court, Nicholas Iu» fticc anfmrrcD, tbe Siutticcs of tbis Court are not bonno to tabe notice of tbccuflomofChefter.otbcrtDffctbanasitisallegeo, Roll chief luflice, « %\)c matter is tobetbcc bic can take notice of pour cafe, otbctiDifj; tban poa "55 b 3 lljatjs 3 34 Trin. 16 5 2. ^atc plcaBED ft,aniJ pour plea fg naucljt, »no tbc pattp map uemurr upon fti foj U appears not to^ctftcr tbc cuttom cttcnog to Wellington toftcre tbc tro- tjcr toas, bctaufe tt appears not to^ct^ct Wellington He tottbfn tbe Pi„ Countp i)alatfnc of Cheftcr oj no , ano tl)C pea cannot be gooD ia part, ano taken zo s» for it, and 1 will ftiew it upon Record. tHpon not gnfltp pleaoeo, anD a tmcrofrt foj tbe fpialntlf , 3t toaa motcBln atreft of UnDgcmc itt , t'bat tbc too^Ds toerc not actfonabic , bccaufc it la not faio tbat be fa periurcD tn anp Court of IRccojo, but, tbat be toll! (bcto ft upon IRccojo, antt 15 Car, Morton and Clapams cafc toaa tItcD ; but on t\)z otbcr fioc it toaa faio , tbat take an tbc too;Da togetbcr tl}cp are actionable, ano Trin. 22 Car. Osborn and Brookes cafc toaa citcD. Roll chief luftice, SCbctoojDaarc faio to be fpobcnfalfo&maliuofc, anDltia not faio in tbc Wecojti tbat tbe pattp fpohc tbem in bla oton Defence , ano It map be tbcp toerc fpokcn bp tbe bp, ano not In tbe juoftfal pjocecoinaa , but It appcarco upon rcooing of tbe Kc«caf< cojD, tbat tfjcp toerc fpohcn to Dlfafalc tbc piaititlfs tiftimonp: wdbcrc- upon Roll chief luftice faio, JCbat tbc action oioaatocu lie in tbia cafc, aa it ootblic fo} enoidtng one falfo et maliiioie , fo;s Cnoiitmenta arc tno^c f a:: tourco in tbc iLato tban pjibate matters bettoccn patties, Thertforc let the Plaintif have hit ludgemenr, niil. Cufto^ jr4 Ttin.iS'^ z. Gu (lodes againft Howell Gwinn. Trin, idja. Banc. fup» HOweli Gwinn toas ttiDfctco of pcrf urp , fo j tahfng of a fnlfc £)aH) In m Affi *a vit mane befo?c a flatter of tlje € l)ancerp , ano Voao foanu gaU- ju£g'n.cnt jp^ gttoaflmoljcDftiilrteftof^HDScmcnt, i. Eliat ft Dotlj not appear mem tot pet* li' t^c liC£o:o tl)at tl)C fl)atb maoc luac anp tftfng materfal te t!)c fute De- jury, pcncing (n tftat Court , ann to it is but an crttajuuicfal iDatb , ant» ie not pcrlurp citljcr bp tfte Ctimmon ILaln , o? bp tbc fetatute. 2lp, Kt Dot!) not appear t!)at tfje partp tooU a falfe £iat^, fo; tatute» ijiert 35« Trin. 1552. ano 21 H. 6. f. 8. and 38 Ed. 3. f. 17. ano ft \Dso fafD tftat Wacarcisftronr gcr, bccaufe tljc aDmtn trpal at tl^c USat Apairft a tr- -■■ nnttllbcl}aDpafDcott& upon bcfnttnonfutc in a fojmct action foj tftcaiaciiie Bar famelanD0» Roll chief ludice, tie fliali not proceed to another tryal,un- ''" «^^ P*'** till he have paid hiscofts, for by this means we (hall inccuracc raeo to be "f"" * /" vexatious, . co«s. Freind againfl Baker. [Trin, 1 65 1, Banc, fup, "t 7" T 7ild motcD to amcns a llcroju lo^crcin a^ungcmcnt tuaa afbcn For omend- V V ^e- CBrroj fnto tfte Cftrquct CbattibEr,'l;c fault to te amenDen iras,tbat tbere ia ""^ cEffarp,iBnocif£ontinuancc , but terc toants a cap, iobicb maljcs it nota niiftontinuantCjbutaDifcontinuancc, ann fo Ids it auiuDgco, i Car. at Reading StCtm. Nicholas luflicetitEDai H. 6. f. 16. to bc aDjUCgeB t^at it fsauiftontinuance. Roll chief luftice, 31 mifcontinuance is tcbcrc one pjoccffc is ufeofoj anotber, anDfotbcpjocelTciBmittahcn; but tbis is a Birtontinuance,anti cannot be amcnDct). i^^ojtbis is not upon a tojit of '^°'''"'''"*='"' Crro; out of tbc Common picas as toe fuppofco it to be , ano tbat tbc lRcco?D ban been amenbcn tbcrc,foj tben toe teoulD babe aotifcD tobt- Mifcomin i- tber inc tooulo amcnn it here ; but it is upon a tojit of Crroj b?o«gljt in tbe *"'^'^' Cbcquer Cbambct upon a Suoacmcnt gibcn bcre. Brcck againft Vernon. Trin. 1 652. Banc fup, BRock bjougbt an action of ^cbt againff Vernon as an Crcctitoi npon a fcoGO entree into bp Vernon unto tbc SCiCato: of tbc plaintiff , tbc*7cn?int- JDefcnoantacUnoiBlcogetb tbc bono, but fapcs tbat be gate anotber icbf upon j'^ bono in fatisfactton of tbat S^ouo unto tbc 2CcCato;>,U)b{c^t6eSi:c&ato^ DiOBord. %xt act epl 34<> Aiich. i6$2. accept of fn fatfafactfon, C^: Court bclD tfjfs pica f B , ano tfjat tbc part? Th"' • A '"'C^t l^s^t^ o^ntutreo upon U , anonecDconot to ftaljc jopncD fffuc, ano a, „"^ '" put ft to tl)e 3arp, fo j ft (0 no goou plea to fan, tdat one m accept of one tb(ng in flftfon, fn fntfssfnctfon of another tl.fng in Action , nno bete the De« tcnoant tjatftconfcffcDtijc Debt , ano ttjcrcfojcftfo plea being (U, 3|uD5C« ntent ougljt to be agafnC ]}im , and luJgcmenc ac another day was given ac« cordingly. Suckftcne againft Shmlock. Mich. 1653. Bancfup. EntrcdTrin, i<552, rot. 177. Error to re- A ^tU ofCrtoj tuag b?ong^t to rctjct'c 8 Juagmentlgftcn (rt l^B Corns verfcj j.irfg /imon ^lcaouponan(nfo:matfon,fojr£lifngoftafnetcftl)otitlkcncc, rnejt in rhc (onttarp to t^c fetntutc.Cbc C!;rto; afcfgnct) tDns3,tl)nttbecrtcnnt from iibom be teas rcfcotDCD . 4. 3;t is not dieto- CD bcfojE iDljom tl)c plaint toas , upon itjbfcl) tl)c ^rrcfl toao maoc, 5, Ctjc venire {3 fUatoarbeo, fojUfototbcCojonrrs, toljErc(tougI)ttobetott)C otljcr &l)er(f , If one be a h(n to tl)z partp , ano Latch offcrca tijffl C-jrccptf- on, ttjattijeSDcclarationfounOflinSCrcfpafo, iD^fcf) 3(t(on ootb not \jcxz T.iRi'.n. lie fojtbc partp. JButto tl)at Roll chief luftice anfltiEreo, tbat ft is in Ticiiiais. tl)celc£tfonoftl)cpartptobabcanact(on upon tl)C Cafe, 0: an 0(t(on of '■ Strcfpafa ; fo j an Sictfon of tbc Cafe j an Sctfon of Crefpafg Ueo at tfjc cle . ttton of tbc partp agafnftoncfojtafetngaUiapWoMifc.^nube bemanoco tiibetbtrtbctlDO&berffBOfBriftowiDberctbeRcfcouslDas bjougbt toerc notonc&berff, ano tobetber tbc venire teas not bclpcu bp tbe statute 0110 ft Docs nlfo appear tbattbc partp toa0 in cuttoupbpbcrtuc of tbe J9jo. ccfj, auDltfsnoiDaftcra ElcrDtct: iSno be fafo, tbat ff one rcfcuc tbc partj) iibo f 3 arrettcD at mp futc , becaure tliat after tbc partp f0 arrcftco 3[ Rcfcuj. batic an f r.tcrctt In tbc boDp of tbe partp , tbfs llcfcotis f 3 a SCrcfpafu to me, foj tobfcbS 'ttflpUicUmafntatn an Action of SCrefpafc. flno lerman lu* Pledge. fticefafo , tbat tbe boDp of tbe partp arrcfteu fo; Debt is a plcO0C foj t\)t Debt ft fclf, ludgemenc was given for the Plaintif, Linifton and Maurice. Mich, 16$ J, Banc. fup. Air»iuf 'T^eCafciBasfl)f3, flnactfonofErc^pafstoaflbjougbtagafnffa^ar* lujgcaicnc in *" fon foj not Ccirrpfn? aicapbts SCftbes fn Due tfme. SLbc SDcfenoant 9nAai)noi' picaofl tbat tbe piafntlff gate bim :iO' notfce to fetcb atoap Ijis Trefpafsfor j^t^eg ; tt]e pafntff repUcss . ttiat be. Dfo gfbe bfm notfce, but »\Vrulc^^ Dotb not fljeiD iBbcrc be gaVic bfrti notice , aiio tipon tijfa Crccptfon '' judgement Ujas CtapcD : flfiertoarog Bildwin of tbe Sinner JTemplemoti:!! foiluDgemcnt, anoallegco tbat tbJ not ailrgfng tbc place toas no (Erroj. Nicholas luftice , tobat fap pou to Durdens CafC:- Roll chief Iufticc,2Lberc p,,^p arc manp cafes u here tbe place fa not materful, pet ftmuC bcaflcgcofoj. tbc 'vLlenue. BIfnOebtbebjoucbtagafnttanCDrccuto;, anobe pieao fuHp nomfni DErcD ; iftbc?0lafntf(f replptbatbe batb affcts, be ougbt to allege tbe place tobercbvbatbaffct0: 0nD 3 conteffec tbat tbcrc ouebt to be a place allcgcD bcrc, tbat a Slurp tobo arc nearcll tbc place , antJ fo map babe RtpioJcr, tbe bcftUnotolcDgeoftbc matter, map trp ft, altbougbft map be trpen In anntber place; but fftbc trpal bz iH tbe tacrDict fefllnot bslp ft , but tberc muft be a ncto trpal , Therefore it were good to replead ai to the place, Micb. Mich. 1^5^' 345 Mich. 1652. Banc. (up. O^ztmk outa Latitat out of tlifs Court ano attrffs ttie pattp , ano te- AttacKmeot fufetb to take ISail of l)jm, bat tarrpeo Wm tnto another Ubcrtp to t'^t abafn.g charge l^fnt tott!) an SLAion t^ete ; tEipon tbfs tec vToutt luag mobca to j ait ^'^ pt""Ue of ^ttacftment, fojabnQngt^cpjoceffcoftMsXoutt, And it was granted, ""='-'^"' ■ nifi, Sccf Mich. 1652. Banc. fup. Ti^ a frpal at tbe IBat faetlDecn '" heefman ano Turner aiW otbets fn SCtcf- ^,,j^^ „^ y„. •^pafsanDdBtettment, Roll chief luftice fart, SCIjatfftlicrebc DibcrsdUj;- qu« Exccu- Bcutojs of one ^tll, anooneof tljem rcfufc to pjote tlje ®3il,l)'; map tor ;$ a good pleao ne unqucs Executor, ^no t^jat a M(U in tojUtng mag betetiobeo bg ^^";^j,j^j parol, ano rctj^tcoajjafnbp parol. iv!vivV^°"* Theoball and Conqueft^ Mich, 1^52. Banc, fup, > trio. i99» /A JFteta^ettilctfnan ^ctfonofflTrefpafoaniXlElEdmenffttoasmobcB^^^^jj^^ ^ tn 3lrreft o( juogemcnt , tbattbclLeafc tuaa alterco after plcaofng, iJa^eni^, i^ iDn t^e otfter Coe ft Voas motieo fo j Juogeraent. j . IBecaufc tbe Hcafe toaa irefpafj and onlp amenoeo fn matter of fojra , anu not fn fabftance 2lp. llBccaufc bp tbe Ejcamcnt. rule of Court tbe SDefcnnant fa to confcffc tbe Hcafe , ano fo tt fs not mate» rial tobetlier tfte 3Leafe be gooD oj no. IBut Roll chief luftice anffcDercD , tl^at tbe ILeafe iuas amcnoeo (n matter of fnbCtancc . ano ft tbe ILcafe be tefcflfbetoecangftJcnojuDgemcnt, ano bp pour oton flietofng ft fa ntt Amendment, pooo , ano tl^e rule of tbe Court ootlj not bfno tbe SDefcnoant to confeffe tbe r^^^'^l^^' 3lcafe otbettcffctbanpou babe maoe ft, and therefore let the judgement be °'- ^ "^ • ftayedf Fowke and Boyle. Michidji.Banc. fup» Trin. 1652, rot, 460. T^c pafntff b5oug!;t an 0ctfon upon tbe Cafe foj fcrfng unto bfm falfc Demurrer to JBfllfl of pubUquc faftb to tbe toalue of 800 1, bnoiufng tbem to be falfc , a oeciantion tDftbanfntenttoDecefbcbfm; SCbe SDefenoant oemura upon tbe SDecla.'n Aftion ration, SfnoBabinptonoftbcBinncrSCcmplc ofTereo tbcfc Crteptfona to"P°"'^"=?*'^' ft. 1. SCbat tbe £);Dfnancc of parliament foj tbe b?fngfng fn of monep % plate fnto GHitdhalI,anD gftfng tbe Commffafonera autbojftp to afbc tbefe bfUa to tbem tbat bjongbt ft fn m rcpapmcnt thereof toftb fntcrctt at 8 U per centum, per annum, tDaamff.rccftcD j fojftfafafo that tbe £)}Dfnance iraamaoe bp both l^oufee of ^DarUament, tobcrcag ft Hjoulo be bp tbe 3L0}i)B ano Commona fn parlfament, foj tbe l^oufea arc tbe placca tobere tbcpat,anbcanmaUenoiDjofnanccfl, anobccftcD Mich, 13 Car.Tydalls cafe* Aflch.1652.. "cafe 2.2i:i)caiDcnTicnt^atcl^c CommfrsfoncrciarcnottancBljp tftcft Chjffltan names, as tljcg ought to be , biitonlpbp tljcfrl&fmamcfl. jlp.jt IgnotQjctocDtntDftatraannetttjOlBmetDcrcarfifgncDtoljfnt, but be fap0 onlp that thrp tocrc afctgncD fn Hue fojm of EatD, totlclj (0 tco pcncrallp ex* P'Cffcl),fln»tottji0 hccltCDMcI ,'0 180 BancRei^.GlafsanDGowes tnfc* ^0 tJjefc Latch anflDcrcD , SChat the mcmfonfng of tl)c £D?of nance of jpai« Uamcnt, anDofthcjaiDcrmcn,(3butbpte8pofefcnDant Demurs, aoo fo j taufc fljctos that he ouptt to hale tta^Kifea thcDcrtent,anDnottheDiffeell Dctctnt. enough been tratCtieC, And therefore let the Plaintif have ludgecienl, nifl. Reckwitch and Moyle. Mich. Idj2, Bine, fup, Trin. idjo. rot. 503. A writ of tr- \ mxlt of CBrro J toas bjongbt to reljerfc a juogcmcnt gftjcn fit an Sn- rorto tcve fe jT^fg^foimCourt . anDthc OTrft of Crroj teas to remote a llecojo, ajurt^tmc. t quQj j-oraro vobit refidec de placito in Curia mancriideCu:tingbye, Vobere* [TrVur'" placito in Curia CuffodumlibercatisAnglae authori. Court. taieParliamentideCurtingbye. anDtherefojcagafnftthc U)?U of Crroi ft toasofalecteo, that there teas a t)arfantcb:ttDecn the tojft of Ctroj ano tl;c IRccojD , anD thercfo:e that the Irjft of Crroj \me not gooo -, iBut a- galnft thf3 teas tftcD Lodge anoGoodalc! Cafe fnthffl Court 2 5 Car. that It is not ncteffarp to recUe fn a tojit of Crroj all the irojDa of the Dcfctjpti. onofaConrt,anDherethctD:ltfonottoremolica IRccojD out of an in, fcriouT Conrt, but the toift of Grroj ia to rctcrre a itiDgcmcnf fti a IRecojD, quod coram vobiiicfidet. HaKtanflDCtCD, %^at hcrc (3 a rfght Dcfcrfp. ^ Ukhy.'^z, ^ 34S ttonof-tbeCouTt , fn ucartt o^tbc place tuyere ft teas ftclu, anu of tl:e puisne of ft, butnottnresarooftftc JLojDof ft, ano t^ctefojc be conccf. tcDftamaterfalobjcflfon, becaufcapart oftbeCfle of t^e Court fgmfCa. ^ ben, f not onlp an aonfttonal oefcrfptf on of ft. Roll c'uef luftice anflDcrco,3f Viriar.cCi UbcbutanaDDftfonalaDCftfonojDcrtdptfon, it is Iccll cnono^ aa ft fa; but toe tjjf n fee ijobat batb been Done fn If he (TafCBijeretofoje; but me f.,fnl?.a tbat ft (ball be fntentjcD bcre to be Curia Cuflodum libcmtis hrp\, foj bcrc ft ffl frt a mxit of Crroj tebfcb todl not Ue ft ft be not a Court of Rccoja. 115ut Nicholas anOAjk lufticcsfafD, ^tcannot befntcnDeOaCourt Of l1:cojD , but a Court liFaron, ano fo tbc flflc fmplfcs common fntcntiment. 2Lft6 Court aDtlfeo tfU tbcnejtSCtrm. SLbfaCareVDaaaftcrtoarDs motcu b? Latcfe, tobo fato , SCbat bere is no tjarfance bcttceen tbe ^rft ano tbe lie* co;d , altboutfb tbe ?njft be not fo full as ft mlgbt babe been to oefcrfbc tbe SRecojD, ano it fa agreeable to tbe antfent ann ufual pjadfce at thfa cap, ano cfteotbeolDfaoohofCntrpea 171, anofafo. tbatfn Pay tons cafe ti;C IRccojo toas in Curia Domini Regis Ci^itatis, anotbetojftof Crroj toaa in Curit CivitatisGlocertrix, M;ch,i3 Car.Banc. Reg.'ror»5 fo j It map be be * inaa tooanneo Once pour action , ncUbcr can pou note Dtftonttnnc tbc Siai- Difcontlnu OH) bccaofe tt |0 attct 8 tcrDlct , fotbatyouarenow without recnedy. ancci A/ich. i6 5 2. Banc. fup. Monon nri^cCourttoafimotjcDfojapjobJbftfontotbc pjerogatfte Cdnrf, br. foraProh'- ^ caufctbcpDopjocecD to c)cam,ano PreroRjtive j jjg ignug arc folD , snotbiatbcp Bo to p jctcnt a trpal at ILaiu toucbtnstlre title of tbc lanotireaeD ontoftbcCbancerp. Rollchiefluftice anftocrcD, ibcp map cramfne tbe p?obatc tbcrc j fo; ['otj babe HfacUpo tfjcre to tabe be. nefit of tbe pjobate , ano tbcrcioje tbc otbcv partp map otfpjobe tbe pjobatc if be can, as fat aa concerns anpgooDaocbKcDbptb^ lulU, And therefore wc will grant no prohibition* • Mich. 1652. Banc fup^ Motion T ^^ ffi'^"' ofLondonDo not looh to tljfs, fej tbep bate potoct bp tbcft fap-latpo to Br-iaw^ waUc men ferte fncb Officca , yet take a mandarauj for tbera to be brought Mandamus, hither to Aicw caufe why they will not execute the Office, A^on and Ay res. * Mich. 1 65 2. Banc, fup, AWitit of CBrroj teas bjougbt to tcbetfe a jnugcmcnf gfben in tbe Common picas fn an Ejedione firm , ano tbc cfro j afefgnco toaa , verfc 3 j Vr" ji^gt t^e jiiogcment loas quod querens recuperet, f ttjc toojOs quod defendens ircnt in the ^^pj j^y^ g^g omfttCB. And upon tbii Exct ption the Court revc'-fed the )udgc» PiTriT.n E- raent , foj tbcp fafu in tb(s intigcmcnt tbtis cntreb tbcrc (s no return of oa- itaioncfi,-- maatfl, nojaCapiatur, anBfotlieConimon.iDraltbistojeneDoftljc fine, "'*• aniTtbcSJcfcnbant barrcDfroinbjtngfnsbfs toMt of CBtro;, ludgcmcnt, Dawkesand Covencigh. Mich. 1(552. Banc, fup. Hill. 1650. rot, 653. speriii vcr. ^Qvf neigh toasenulctct) m felonp foj b!cak(ng tbc boufc. anb taWng «iain it\ A ^^250!. oatoftbcboofeof Dawkes,anDfounoguilfp,anD teas burnt fti *r"ulre'''^ tbebanD,aftcttoarD3 Dawket bifugsan ^ctfon Of SErcfpnlTc quare clautum r'-ufLmTrc- fregit , aiitJ fo J cattptng alv^p tbe »so 1- ngafnft Covencigh, lubo pleaos not g t. aiifltp , ano tbcrcnpon n fpccf al betotct luas foanu to tbts effect , fbat tbe DcfenDant m fclonfouflp bjcab tbc boufe, ano carrp atoap tbe ^50 i. ano voas cnbftteb fo; it, ano itjas fonno S«Htp, ano burnt in tbc banu fo j (t , ano Mich. 1652. 347 U upon tbc toljoU matter, &c. 2Hc quiftfon upon tftc Cpctjal tcrtf tt tea© . •HfaftettbcSDEfenCantlrasenDlaco ano foiinfi guHtp, brd burnt bjfng bfs ZdU on, iDbtlfttbcpartpftanDgattafntct), oj tbcpartpbe.atta(ntctj,pent3fngjbe 2afonof2Crcrpaire, 35 Eli2. Wade; rd Prelects cafe in this Court, anD 34 Eliz. TrufTels tafc in this Coprr, and 6 Ed. 4, 4, ant) fn out cafc tbe j9aton tpao not biongbt till after tfc partp trpcD -, IBut ft is objcctcD.tbat tbc SCrcf.;oHrbtfo; tbc fame lat foi lobfcb tbc pnrtp toa0trpc!), ano tbcrcfojcUtsiunrcaronablctbattbcptl^oulDbccoublp punfQiei) fo: (f. Ko tbte 31 aaf iucr, tfcat ft toaa at tbe partfcs clcflfon at tbc bejjfnnfng citber to cnofttbfnt, ojtob?fngbto:a£tfonof2Crerpairc, HudCons cafe, 4. rep. 43. Sinn bcre tbe partp batb ntaoe no election , fo; tbe partp toas enofcteD at tbe futc of tbe Common CEacaltb,anD not at tbe pjofctutf on 0: tbe partp, ano fo be bafbmaoc no election unttll no lu. Sno ff tbc Sictfon mfgbt not be bjougbt, ffmfgbt p:otc ijerrp mifcbic^joua, fo: tbc partp mfgbt get bimfclf fnaftteo , ano Jo coufcn bfm tbat fa robbeo 0' tbia jnonp, Dyer'5 o. S. rep. 13. ano tbe bfsbnefs of tbc nature of tbc enofctm.ent notb not Djoton t'.c attfon ofSCrefpaffc, altbougbtbatttcaronootbojoirn i?elonp,i R. 3.1. 6H. 7, 5. 3ntjaltbougb tbc monicBbcrcttollen be fojfrftco to tbc &tatc, b^ tbe contjfctfon of tbe jFclonp , p:t at Mion of SCrefpafs (pea a. gainft tbc i^elon to caufc btm to rcnocr oamagca pro tanto , altbourb be ^ cannot rccoter tbc monp in fpecie. anu tbe fpccfal berofct ootb not fino , tbat tnv Ebfoencc teas gttien foj tbe plaintiff upon an cnofrtment, but onlp* fo J tbc &tate. ano fo; autbojftp b- citco Markham and Cobs cafc, I Jin. 2 * Car. Entrcd i. Car. rot. 112. Roil chief Tuf^icefafO, KliH Juttfcc Dodc* ridg,anD gtiflicc Whitlockbelo,tbat tbc SLrcfpafa IPCS; IButgnftfcc lones Trcfpafle. bclD tbe contrarp,bpcaure if tbe partp robbeo batjc bfa election, cftbct toEnDf(ttbci?elon,ojto bjtngbfs action of gLtcfpafa, manp iFeionfes IroulD be fmotbercD, ano tbfa tcoulo p:otc tcrp oangeroue , ano tbougbtbe partp robbeo bao cnoicteo tbc JTelon be mfgbt ijabe bao bis goooa, "oj be mfgbt bat?E bjougbt an appeal againtt bfm,ano fo tbcre fa no Fntonticnfence to bfm, 4 lic. 3!n Hicqins cafc ft iraa aojuogco irbcre an actfon of SLrefpafa teas bjougbt bp tbc ^ucbsnofo; beatfng bfs teffe , bp rcafon tcbercof (be Bpeo,tbat tbc action Ofo not Ipe.becaufc ft toaa iFclonp. lerroan luflice Of ffcrco from. Roll chieflurticcjanofafo, tbat tbc frcontienfcnce on tbc 0= tbcr Coe tooulo be greater tban fs allegco, f f tbc /Felon fljall fo tafee aotjan- tagc of Ms one tojong, ano fn 2 Car. ft toaa bclo tbat tbc actfon ootb Ipc. Roll chief iufticefafo,ff tbc jFcIonbatjc not toflftcD tbc goooa, tobcn be fa bangco tbc partp IbaD batje tcftftutf on j but f f be bate tcattco tbcm , ano batb otbcr goooa bcCballbafecrcCftutfonfn taUic. 515ut let Wild arpueit^'^''"''""' again the next Term. Sccc^ofnglpfttoasaga'nfpottcntoo bp Wild, U)bo arguco tbat tbc actfon of JEteipafs of not Ipc, firtt bccaufc tbc partp ofo not mahcftcflifuteaftertbci?eton,acco:ofngtotbc&tatutc,2i H. 8. tobfcb teas maac to encourage tbc p?orecuto; ; but tbc partp batb not pjofccuteo Ijcrc, ano ft fa an one to tccotjer oamngcs foj tl^e goooa , ano to rccobcr tbe 60008 tbcmfcltc^, fo tbat 31 conccfbe tbat fa no offfercncc. ano tbc great (nconfccnfcncctebfcb mfgbt come to tbc Common Oncaltb ff tbc actfon ttoulDlpCjUotbtountcttafl tbc Damage tbat map accrcto to tbe partp, |9ps it J48 Mich. 1652. i('ii)t Action Ipc not, Sinn it matters not tljat (t ia fafo tiit aCrefpafs is a of* Cfnct offence from tftc IFelonp, fo^ it is D jotonco fn tbc j^clonp , ano tftcre-* fo;ctl)cpartpcanl;at3enofatl0factfonfo;lt, Mich. 21 lac. Ayers ano Hig= gins cafe,C.B.3 i H 6»l>-. i j.trefpifT.- 41 y.^.IacHigqint anOBuccIurs cafc,B, R.Koll chief luOirc, 2Ll) rcnre- Dp bcfojc, !)C Qjall not notD lofe jt.anonolptbcr? ia no Dancer of com« pounDfng; fo;tijetojonctbcrcftoft{)c3;uDPCi3 SBtccD toltU Roll, andfo ludgemenc was given for the PlaintiiT. Gllisand Tipki. • Mich. 1652. fianc, (up, Tl})2 Court iuas mo'oc;j tl^at an oiitlatojp mfijljt be J^ffcljargco, bccaufc ft la nolj)par3oncobjitl)c0ctofobHtfo:j,fovnotlt]{tbftanDfngU incre[not ou;i«w 7. " parooncD if it tocre an otitlatiijp after 3lJ«osment,e):cept tbc monpea DUP,fo j ■ tLbfclbtl)cpartpi3 0iitlalDCD,bcpapcototl)cpartp, astlic bcol; oT6H.7.*'.2i. fs, pcto;itlaU);pc3bc'o?c3l!iD0jiJcr.tarc'parooncD, anobcGDcstftc parties IjereDiortibmft toanarbitrement,toucViingti)c matters in oiffcrcricc be. tlDccntbcm,anDan'alaari!f3 maDc. JBiit t!)c Conrt anflDerco.tljat tfte Sci-e f ens outlaiD;p tannot be DifcljargcD tintill tl)c partp l)a\3c bjoiicJjt ftia fcire facias imcic:). upon t^e J?a , ano ft luaer alfo fafD, tftat tftc partp at ItJtjofc futc anotljer is outlalocD, tjatb an fntcrett bp t^e outlatojp, as loeU as i^z ^tate. Motion to t Prior and Hale. Micb, i65». Bine, fop. A letter of A ^Letter Of attojncpfojoitctoappcartoanSctfonfsgooo cnotisHj? Actorncy by / V paroll to fiippojt a SJHBgcmcnt giucn t^crcnpon. JBp Pmient protono* pa.ongood taric of ihtCommon Pleas. Nota. f (1 lomc in- T^ I 1 o 1 tern. Fowke and Boyle. Mich. 1652. Banc. fup. Demurrer to "T O -vke fajotialjt an 0ctfon upoii t^E cafcasafna Boyle, fojfcHfngof falfc a Df ca-at icn f SitUg of ptibliqnc faittj uMto f)(m, to tfjc talnc of 800 ). tlje iDcfenoant dc« on'ihe^tff" «"""f^io tijeSDctlaratton, nnotoch tijcfc cjccptions to ft. i. STfjat tl)R ojoinancs of parliament, upon tDljfefj thcfc bills of publfquefaftbtocrc grotmoco teas mifrccitcD, fo; it is faiD,to be maoc bp bot'o Jjoufes, toljereas Jtougljtto bcbptbc JLojOg ano Commons. jlp.SEbc aiDcrmen tefto tocrc auti)o;ffcD bp tljc o:t!t::ancc to gi^c thefc bfliij of pabliq.te fatti), arc not na. mcD bp t'oeir CJjiiCtan names , but onlp SlDcrman fuel) a one, naming tljc furnamc. 3!?. 2Ll)crci3 7oI. crpjeffiotobepaio.asfsmentfoncointbe papers, anO it 13 not crpjeffeo at tofcat time c; place,a0 ft oiigbt to fjnte been, 16 E.4.f. 3.anOj8H. 6. f. 3, 4lp- ll^crcfsanafsfgnmcntfct fo;tb to bemaocfnoucfojmoflialD; but ootb not (IjcU) fn totjat mancr , 10. lac. Midi. Glafi ano Gowr fn tljts.Court. Larch on tf)e otfeer (toe fafo, tfjat tbe mentioning of tl)c ojoin^nce, ano of t^e aioermen toas but inouccmcnt to tbe ^aion , ano tljcrc is no nctcfsftp to rail tb'^ aioermenTjp their ChjiCf- an'namc0, but as Hjcp arc calico fntl-cOjcfnance; nojfs ftncccCfarp to Mich. 1652. >^p ■fljctototD tfie affifgnment fow maup, aHO tfjcfc toojtjs arc tfie fouj^f tif)g ■jjartp; nojf0itnecDfulltoG)EU)l)oU)tbc minita Incrs to bcpafo. Roll chief Iuftice,2Cl)e caufc of tfje Siaion ta tf)c nefcttt In arsfcnf ng the falfc btlla annafStmfnstljcmtobetruc, ano all t^cottrr matters arc bnt matters inducement, ef fnDnccment , ano bp luap of tccft^, anB not rnatctfal,anD vouftaljc to«- feffeti tfjeoecdtbp pour Demurrer, and thirefore let the Plaintiff have his . Iudpement,n'fi. ^Elpon toljtcft rule Babrngton at anotl;cr Cap mofceD tte matter agafn , ano urgcD ttwtftcre vrac an argfgntnetit of papers mcntfo- ncD, liWtl) co'.ilo not be, fo j tljnt ft is a tftinp in Action, tobtcft fs not afsfcrnai. fclc, noi tan tlje £) jotnance of |Dnr:famcnt (jibe aui!)o?ltp to afofgn a tbfng In Siaion, Roll chief lufticc, SEftc o?Dfnnnce of ^DarUamcnt ootb gf'jc an- ^ ,• tbojftp to afcfgntfte papers. Larch ti;e paper map be afofnnco. Green, '"£"'""'■• SCljc aafon f0 bjougbt foj tljc Deceit grounoeD upon tlje ojcfnante , ano ft (s not ncceffarp foj tfjeiDjDfnance to natre tlje ^llDermensCbMCian names, ana tfjcfe map be true bflls tbougb not fubfcrfbeD, toliftb fs tftc Dccctt Ijcre aU legeo, Twifdcn on \\)Z otber fioc fafO/ tljat tlje atquufttance fs fn nature of a faf U, acco jDfng to the fntent of tl)e £) jDtnance^ foj ft is not onip an atquft- tancc of Dffcftarge , but to recofccr monfcs upon tbem, anD fo tlje SDcfcnDant taHstfjem, anD bp tfte afsfgnment tlje paper fs afsfancD, ano tlic Bctfon isgrounDeDonteeDeteft, anD not upon t^c Statute", ludigemcnc was gi< ven for the Plaintiffs Burcher and Orchard. Micb» 1(55 J. Banc, fiip* ■ . . , Aireftof BUrcher bjouglf an Sctfontiponffte Cafe foj tnojos, agafnft Orchard juc-prncntin anDl)fstofff,tl)e3ntpfinDtbattl)c315aron toas gufltp, but tbat t!jc'"''^^"'"°'* i?emc teas not guUtp, Wsdham Windham motjcD fn arreft of gucgc- ^'j^\" ' ° ment, becaufc tbat t\)z Action fs f opnt, ano one of tbcm la founo not eufltp, ano fafo, ft mf filjt ^atc been otftettof fc f f t!jc ifcmc ftaD been fonno gtifltp , anbtl^cilBaronnotgufltp, anDcfteDpEd.^.f. 51. Yard on tl)c otber flee fafo , tbat tbc tcrDfct batb maoc t\)ia r j;ccptfon' gooD , ano «ff tl^c E)cfcn» oantlBOUlD {)at3C taken anp aDtantage of ft, be fljoala batjc 'Dcmurreo to. tl^e a>eclaration. Koli chief luftice Dcnpeo tbc Difference taUcn bi> Windham, ano fafo, f f anp of tftc SDefenDants fpakc tUe too joc ano be founo guiltp, tl^e 3(tton tofll toeUlpc.anDitisallonebcte, as fftbe H^cffnD ants tocte ttoo Crangcrs,tbc ^ttfon befng f opnt; but tfie Doqbt fSjVoijctljer ft bcfng after a iJcrDfct, tftfs matter map be oifereD fn arreft of KuDgemcnt. 0t anottjcr Dap Hales motea fo^ 3iuD0cmcnt ano fafo, ft toas all one ff anp of tl)c SDcfenoants be founo ff botb of tftcm tocrc founo ro,anD al- tbougft ft DO appear fap tI)c2Dcclaratfon, tl)at tfjc 3ctfon coulo not be bjougbt iopntlp agalrtft t^cm botft, becaufc ttjc lx;?ongs arc fcljetal, ano note one is foinio guiltp , ana tfjc otbct in arquitteo , ano oamaijcij arc^^ *■^;*''' alrctrco agaiaft one pnlp* 5ltiO note tbc tertict Bat^ maoci tftc "'c ,' i'" JDcclaratiou gooo, otftcrtoffc it f)ao been ff botb bao been founo' "* ■ " guiltp ano entire Damages gifecn againft lotb iopntip, latch on tl[)C ot^icrfitDc faio, tbat tftcrpcaUfng of tl)c tpojos cannot be a lopnt Set, ano tijctcfoje ougbt not to be fo laio in one SDeclaration , foj tbcp arc fcticraU 0£ts, ano fctjcrall offences , as tbc too;os do p;o« ceco from tbcm fetcrallp , ano tbis cafe is not Iffec tbc cafe of a decies tantum, nojtbccafcof a lopnt cnoittmcntagainft ttoo.foja lopnt enofctment (ball be accompteo as rcterail enoictmcnts, ano berc if tbe jfcme baa b«ii founo culpable , pcrcbancc ft migbt batjc ban gooo, brcaufc tbousb tbc tolfe onlp fpcak actionable tcojos , pc^ the PV3 ^ftfort 3^6 Mich.i65r. ^tttort onstjt to be bjougW agafnft tfte i^usbano anu tftu ^i». Roll chief lufticc, SCbe fi>«laratfon fa not tocB lalo , fo^ tijfa cannot be a jopnt fpeafefnc oftbc toojos bp tl)c l^usbanD aiiD ©a(fe , ano tljcrcfojc tbcp ougbt not to be jopncD in the Xlctlon , ttjctcfojc tbetc otisU to be fc\)f ral juogementfl anu Damages if jontccotJct , vir. ^Dncagafnll tbc l^usbano, another agafrl! tbc Intfe , but beic fa a tetofct fotino toWtb helps ft, ano thfa cafe fs all one toltt) the Cafe of 9 Ed. 4. fo> tl)cre the Dctlaration toaa not gmttaaftfanot here, anbbcrcffl not a tctcfct agafnft both , batonlpaofi- thargc, ano be citet) Rethorick anD ChappcU cafe, loberc an Cjcament terrae&hxredijDfonotUc, pct tberc b»' tdcaCng of Damflgea to tbe beft juogcmcntlDaggfbcnfojtbclanD, ano Ijctc might ba^c been a rclcafc of tamagcfl as to the toffc ff both ban been founo gufltp , but here fn effect fa a juDgcmcntbutasafnfloncofthcEDefenDants. lerman, Nicholas, ano Aik luftices to the fame Cffca , and fo judgement wai given for the Plaintif. LiuJdingcon and White". Mich, i6ja. Banc, fup, Mich. i(55i.rori45 8. Demurrer to T uddingtcn b?onght Bti 3rt{on of Dcbt opott 3 bfll agafnft White, the apicaindcbi J^gjgfp^Qant plcAoeD, that after the monep became" one, he ano the upon. bill, ^jad^tjf Jit, jjp parol fabmft to an atuaro , ano thnt there toaa an atoaro mate, thatthclDcfcnoantlhonlopapgl. tothcpiafntff at Cuch a fjoufc, ant) thereupon the plaintff tboalo gibe hfm a general releafc , ano accojt- Ip he teno jcD the monep , to thfa plea the pafntff oemnrrci , ann fo? caufc IhetDca that here t3 a fubmffcfon bp parol! plcnoco after the nap of payment crp:circo fn t^c Sofll , toWch fa not gooo, befng bp paroU to offchargc^'a ocbt D.fch»rg-. jjjjg ,jp fpecfaltp. JBut Wild anftDercn , here toere other things fubmftteo bcfiicflthfa, autJt^atmagmaUethefubmf^8fo^gooIJ. Roil chief luftice. Ri£ tec: 3; fee not iuhatauthojftp poo hatiefoj thfa, noj hotoftcanbc, anb 4H. viz. He did come to on tlic Cifei my door, and fet a Piftol to my Breft , and demanded money of nie and I in nj.urc of a fpj, fafegard ot my life did give him what money he defired. tUpon net gufU t- " P'^-^y- tp p'.raTieD , anO a aernfa foa th: pafntff, (t loaa mobco bp Fletcher of Lir.colr.s Inn, thfltthe tDojDstDcre not aflfonablc, ans thcrefo:c that the ^l6f ntif ought not to habe (uogment , ano that foj thefc rcaPons i , J5e- taufe there is but K matter of Ercfpafa aflcgco fn the tooiDa. alp-lChcp ^ y arc but argamrntatfbe, anD to not charge the patntifPircmptofthfelonp ant ft map b: the monep DcmcntcD iras tnc to the Dcfentant ant the' 3arp hate founo all that tohfch foanos to charge the jrartp tofth fclonp a- Safnfi Mich. 16 52- 351 gafntt tfje ipiatntf f. Twifden on tl)s otbet Qoe fafo , tijat tftTtoojoToogW to bchben tojjetljet , ano fot^epate attfonable, ano ou3!)t not to be fctie. WD; ;anD tftc groana of tl)c jetton fa foj c!;arc5emetit toBS gfteii fo> t!jc paftitffs fn an jactfon upon tlje Cafe an Aftion up- ibjougljt fttBriftow foj IWt too?l)0 fpofectt Of t^e Wiitx She is Lews onthcCafc Reads Whore, and he knout's her as well a$ bcr Husband, This ludgement ^"■jfy*""" was reverfed upon a writ ofError brought in this Court, becaufe U Oftt ap- Erior.* P' 8f ''P t^^ l^ctojD tfjat tfte ffiojOfl irctc fpoKcn befo?c the late art maoe a- gafnft aDulterp ant) taU{ngatoapof ttoo SCrunUo tcftb Cloat^s, anb ft loaa not f^aio tobat Cloatba, anb pet belb gooD : 0nD a Cafe fn 43 Ed, 3,24. Snotber €i;ccptfon ^uastaUcn, SCtjattbe plafntff bcclatcQ fo; tbe taUfng etoapofa great 515eam , &talc0 anb tocfgtita gencrallp, ano (bcto0 not liiliat tecfgbt0. SCO tbf0 Windham anftoercD , that toa0 toell enougb , be- tatife the JlBeam ano tbe §)calc0 ano ^cfgbto Do all go to tbe maUfng up of one ano tbe fame tbfng, ano bat>e all a relation one to tbe otbcr, as art 2£tf« 01 of 2nrErpar0 bjOUgllt fO? tbe tabfng atoap de Caruca cum apparatu f0 toell biougbt, ag appears fn tbe olD215ook of CEntrfcc. Latch on tbe otter fine fafo, tbattbcSDeclarattonfsunccrtafn, anbtbat ftfonot If lie tbe cafe of t!iC ECtefpafo de Caruca cum apparatu , lo% tbe Mcfgbt0 arc notbfng tCnOi fng to mahe tbe }l5cam perfect , anoft fo aa f ncertafn as to b^fng an j^ctfon . fo} Mich. 1651. 355 fojtlietaUinBatDa? of fite iDtlus ano i^epij, tn^fcb f)atb bnn ^elo to be naught, Htles on ttjc otijct fitc fa(3,t^t ttjerc {0 certaintp enough, becaufe it ie sU one to fap a JiBcnm VrttiJ focalcg ano Mcfgbts, toUclj mafees aB fatrt onet^ias, aetorci', bcatcs ano ^cfatits , o^ as to rapa&bfp lijftb flncrO?0 ano Cable©. Roll chief luftice, ?^oU) tan toe reoacc tbc .TOefgbtfl to anp certatntp as tljc jEDcdaratlon fa la(o ^ ano If tbc SDcclara- 'nartaimy. tton l;ao not been tDitb tbe U>o;i> and , (t Vronlo not baDebelpco (t, foj ft tnap be tbcrc lucre a bunojco totigbto , 0? a tboufano lucfgbts , Sinn tbcre. fO}e lee the ludgement be arrened rin, $t, ;Snott)Ct ;9(t(on Of SCrerpafS iuas b jougbt bp tl)C fame pattp, itbcrefn be Dcclateo foj tbc tabfng atoap of ttrd Declaration. great 3nrunhsIot?5i:&,f[iif of ll{nnctT,tiaootIcn, pctotcr, t amongff otbet tt){na0,fo} 4 pair of bcnnfnca. ocai'nft lutftb alfo,c);tf ptfcn luflfl tahrn fn ku tctt of 3Iuogcment fo j tbc bicerta(ntp. Roil chief lullice , 3 cjonceftc tbat four pafr of bangfngo fo certain cMotigb, *ut bcrc ia no vi et armis mcntloneo Roll chief luftice , 31t is not fObere , anOtbClCfOJC Uc the Plaintif have judgecDenr, nifi^ Mich. 1652. Banc. fup. 12n trnifl faiu bp Roll chief loaice, tbat in an 0ctfon of SCrefpafaquareJi^e^av'e".*'' vi et armis , &c. JEbcre ougbt to bc an ejpjefs aberment in tbc SDcclara- mens ought to tionoftbcfojce, anDftousbtnottobccvpjttTeOtoitba wherea$ there was be fach a force, Arcmnnr, Bayncon and Cheisk. MicfaidJji.Bar.c.fup* Trin. ifijitrot, 574, BAyntonbjongbtanatfionofjaitconipt agafnftChcck, aabb t«efbet.pi„,o,„ SCbe Cafe in fum iuaa tbis, Baynton ogpoCtcD t\ro bunojco potrnDs AaiondAc- lafD upon a bo jfc.racc tn tbc banos of Cheek , to bc Dclftcrcn to tbc partp compt, tljat IboiilD toln , atcojoing to articles maoc htt\joi%t tbc parties. Baynton hippofiitgbebaotDontbcmonep, oentanDstt of Cheek, tobo ban ocUte- ito ot)cc tbe inoncp to anotbet tDbom be rtippon;D bao toon tbc toagei j and 2 J tb€ 2^. Mich. 165 2. tljenionep being not BcUtJcrcD to Biynton, Baynton bjtngs.tWa 3[(t(on a« gatnft Cheek ; Cheek t^c to oncljunojtDpounDsplcaDs, Ne ' unques receptor , npon toWcb plcn l)c toas aomoccD to artompt bcfoic SuDf . •V, to?s, anBbifojctbcauBltojBbeplcatJBinDffcborgcof tl)e actompt, tbat t)Z ^atj DElfbercD otjcr tbc ironcp to anotljer tbat toon tbcuiaacr. SEbe Ipiafntffr.plpcD, Ctiattbcrctoac foul plcp ufcD bp tbc otber pattp, (ti tixMns one of tijc bo^fcs tbat ran tl)c race upon tbe jifsofe , toblcb tjoas (onl flap , ano agafnft tbc flrtlclca maoc bcttofrt tbcm , ano fo be ongbt notto |)abe DcUtcrcD tbc moncp. SCbc qucft'on toao ivtctbcr tbts toas a gooo pica In Difcbarge of tbc accontpt bcfojc tbc 0uDitoj3. Roll chief luQice fa(o, SCbe pica luas not gooD . in vcgatotbat tb" SDefcncantteas aBfiiogco to ac- compt,Viibtc!jQotb(inplp tbat tbc moncp toao faMp toonbp tbc platntff. Lacf h on tbc ot'jcr fiioc iiTgcD , tbat tbc rcpUcatfon iras not gooD , but is inip.TtJnent, ann tbcrcfojc tbat tbc |Mn(ntff can babe no Stjoaemcnt tbou£h tr/c plea i E. -1.^)7. 5 H. 5. 1. 5 E. 4.41. i E» 5.1. i7 H.y.i^.tKIblcbboohsDofljetoftmapbeaBtDcUplcaQcobefoje tbe ^uOitojci, asbcfojc fnbaroftbcflttfon, 14 E. 3. Fitz. Accompt 6S. ji E» 4.54 iBpthcfc boohs tclflcompclico to pleao tbcfc matters bcfoje Suof. to;s i ano tbc otbcr boonS are not crpjcflp agamft It -. flno In tbis cafe bcrc is not a bailment purclp to oellbcr ot^cr, but tbcre Is fubfequcnt mattet tob'tb circctfl boto It (ball be oclf bercD otcr , ano tbls matter be mutt plcao. 315ut atimlttlng tbe IBar to be IB , If tbc replication be Impertinent, ano tbat ftebatbtonfcffeotbatbcbatbnocaufeof Action , tben It Is fcltb us, antr" tjerc Is no pcrrtner.t matter plcaoeo to abolo tbe matter confeirco,ano fo tbe 3uDgcmentougbttobcagalnfltbc ^lalntlf, 3 Report, Ridgewayj Cafe is , SCbat If Impertinent matter be in a rrplfcatlon , toblcb anftners not tbc bar, IHutgemcntougbttobc gibcn agatntt tbe ^Dtalntlf, ano tbc matter confcffcolanotlnbaroftbeactlon ofaccomptaslsobfecteo , 1H.7.1.11 H.i. i6. Halcf, sntjc matter of Dcllbcrpmafecs not tbf matter, jEEbefab- fequcnt Mich. 1652. 3 55_ ftquent matter Is srounDcnnpontl-cConDftfon inaBc upon t^c miitrv » Dyer 1 69' ano IjctE is m fnfnf 6c(cnt bar,at.O tfje matter of tljs repUcatfon fa gooD, accojDfng to fl)c matter allcsctfnti;e bar , foj tljc iJrtfclco oucbt to be fntcrpjctcD atco jDfng to tljc u' 10 grantaraandamastobeOtrecteDtotbc S^ioi tbere to ftoear bim fn thatcoichtii.r 10 place. Roll chief luftice.Ifhc be duelyeleded, and he refufe tofwear bini,'"**^ '^e ukcatnaodamas* *^R-' Stewarl ihcre, iaques. Mich. 16$ 2, Banc, Aip« Tijtbccafeofonc laqucsfnanactfonof Ctefpafe quare vi cr armi*. fo^ wha.piMa- JtbeentrlngfntoblB 3Lano, at teas talo bp Roll cb.ef luftice, SCbat If in moun.s'^.o an action of aCrcfpafs ri Sc amis fo; cntring Into lano , tbe Dcfenoant "°' g"'"'}- plcaoblsentTpbpWrtaeofa leafc fo^ pcara ,tblo amounts to no moie tbannotgnfltp,anotbE|mafntfffmapocmnrnpont6c pea, ano tbeinit^'"^''"' fo} canfc of oemorrcr, tljatU amounts to no moje* *?» Mkhi Motion for a ccrriorari to J 5 g^ _^^^ Mich. 16 52. Mich. 1652. Banc.fup. here one t^ j^g (gfg (,f jmc Poynci Mawrice ft toao fafo, t^at If one b0 commlttcO (0 "dTchrcd tftc upper IBencij p?ffon.foj a mtfocmciiour, nnonotfoj ocbt,onc cannot lir.ft in occUtc againlt \tlm,as againd one « .cpiicanon J Bctlarcg, tftst Uibcrcas at tbc rr queft of tbe SDeicnoant fte UJo become l"Bond "^''" bounD IrttJi a tb 'cpicarb^ non cui. anD as to tbc reft be luftlfies that the Ca ttcl tuent fn tb^ougb " T'tfcifle the Defect of tbc plafntiffa inclofures; rbe ipiaintiff rcplpcs that fbc Cattcl " '' """'• came in tb:oucb another mans fence into bfs grounojto this replication the )BDefenDantoemurG,ilbc\r6 foj caufc that tljeplaintif Dotb not afSfgn Uibcre tbc place of the other Clbrclpcs,tf)?onghtDbitb the Cattcl camctbjoufib. Yard faio it is notncccITarpto Uiclo icbcre it Ipcs , foz thcpitci tnotfn It here tbc SDsfcnDanl bath allegcD, $ fo the traterfeis tocll taUcn Wadham Windham on the other CDC anfUjcrco, here is a netD afcignmcnt . anD be anf tocrs not the SCrefpafs fo} tobfcb the artfon(8b;ougbt,anD becaufc it is anciDarEtgnmcnt.toemuftgibEanctnanftDCr ; ana tbcrefoje pou muft * fijcin the place tobcrc pour ncio afsignmcnt Ipcs. Roll chief luRice, M^c plcaoa no mo;e but t^at t^e Cattcl came fn at another place, than is plea. Z!3 Deo 3$8^ Mich. 1652. ttc^, anuftcnccns not flbetotftc place , iiB-jt ftcre t!)c Dcfcnoanto pica fs Pie». "°^ goBD, foj ^c plcaog a pjcfcrfption tobcce it ougl)t to be a cnftom, tbat tfje occuppcra of tl)C lano oua^t tomalsc tijc fcntC3,anD t>c ougf)t not to p;;rct(bc ge <.fa fault ^-^ Dtniurd to at are not t)c;pca bi' j&tatatca arc left as tlicpiDCte at tDc Common Jlalu, Midi. 1652. Banc. fup. Mor O j^c teas mane Conftablf bp ojDcr of a Qoartcr fecfsfons, buttle partptcfufcDtofcrDcauorcmot'cij t^c ojocr l)(t!)cr bp Certiorari, ccvoi liar' ' wo^ED to qnafli) tljc o jtcr but tbcCourt IdouId not do it altl;ouab t^er tocre ons. " material crccptkmfl tahcn aga^nft i t , but ojocrco bim to pleao, bccaufe tfttp perceitcD tt)c partp tuas iltibbo^n, ano t^ci> IdouId not iVot ciuourage- ment to fact) perfons. Heath ana Vdall^ Mich, 165 2. Banc, fup. Arrcft of HEath aCarpcr bjongbt an Miction of tlieCafc agafnftVdall.ann Declares among otl)cr tbiiigflfojplunoerinsof tfm of vigintifardellas Angiicc inTaiun' '" packs, ano in arrrJl of KuDgementk teas motico tbat t^c iDOjDa vingmti upon ihc cafe fardellas Anglice pacUs is nnccTtain ; IBnt Maynnd argucD that ft migbt be CooD,bccaufetbc Carper coulD not Declare otbcrtoapcs, foj t)C coalo not Dcclararicii ''""^ ^"j^* ^^^ *" ^^^ V^tk^ , SnD ftC CftC» CttC Bedingfields CafC, Trin. lo. Car. toberc an Action luas bjotjgbt fo> a libjarp of booK0,ano fo} apparcll , anoaDiiiDgcDgooD ; ilButRoll chief lufticefafo, ft coulB not bcgoDfojtbc apparel. Wadham Windfiam on tbc otftcr ftoc hclD tbe toojDB uncertain as tl^cp art, ant faio be ougljt to batjc Cbctoca t^at tl)ep iocre patbg \vit\) gooog, ojbabcOjclccntobatteaafntbcm, fo; a pack is butameafyrc of a tbiiig. Roll chief lufticcanflBcreo, ffftbebHtameafurcofa tbtng, tlicn no Da. mages axi giten foj tbcm,anD tben tbe action is gooD fojtttc rcff ; But we *ill advifir. 0ftcttoaros in tbc fame Ccrm Maynard mol3eD fo; tbc opini- on of tbc Court , anDtbcrcupon tbc Court belD, that tbe vuoaD? arc inccc« tain as tbcp arc, fo j be ongbt to bate crpjcffeo utiat Vnas in tbc packs, and ruled a nil capiat per billain to be entred. Icviag(loa Mich. \6^i. 3 55j Lcvingfton and Crompton. Micb. I ($5 2. Banc» (up, LEvingifton bjoag^t sn Slction in tftfu Conrt agatntt Crompton, Cljc SPe* Ex«ptioi4j t* fenuant pleaos tliat Ijc fs a Clatb of ttic ClSiancetp, ann t^at all Clartjg ' p ".°'^'"'' of t^c Cljantcrp ougtlt to be fucD fn tbe Ctjanccrp onlp , ano not clfctoljerc, * ' ^"' ano ocmanDa juocemcnt ff fte ougftt to make anp otftct anflDEt in tjifs Coutt, jictoo Cpccptfons tDcre taken to tlje plea , •. ?^e faftl), SCtjat ali ClatbBOf t^e Cbancerp^ate ufen to be futo Intftc Cbanccrp,anD notclfe- iD^ctc, anODotljnotfap, nojanpof tbcmtatfcbccntifcDto be fucD clfc« tBl)ete , anti ttonol^ all of t^cm tatic not been ufco to be fueo clfciubcre, pet tftat tifnuew not bat tUat fome of tbcm Ijabc been fuco elfctotjcre. jlp . ^z plcaD0 tftat be ltton appeateb to an flfttfon bjought agafnft Ijfm at tbe fate of Rey , bat \'° p7^°7-. 1 no Declaration toas put f n agafntt bfm.tapon an A ffidavit t^t tbeJBDcfen. dcciare'fwe- Dant toas a s^crcbant, fpccDflp to go to fe>ea , gt leas mobeo fo j bfm tbat aiiy. tbe pafntft mfsbt fo?tl)lta0 granteo fti Vtt Ubc cafe, vrild on tt)C otf)cr Qoc pjapcDttmfgljtnotlCijrantct), bccaufc tlje partfcs cnofrteo Dfo not tenocc furctfc0 to p:occcD to a SEtpal npon tljc tl)C &tatatc nfrcdj?. Fine, ano bccaiifc the fine toaa fcf upon tljc pnttfcs bcfo:cthc Ccrciorari U'as dc Travcrfj. Ktatgj ^ ano ft ie tn tl>: clettfon of t^c 3ufte partp , "■ anotcfuff toaomrttbcpartPtoWotratcrfc, asfome DO liolo. Roll cbieF luiticc, Upon\)(cU)oftbcfo;rctl)e3*tt'tcinapfctafinc upon tbe partp, ano rcfofc to aonrft t%e partp to t)<3 trabcrfc, 0; pica, at Wg pleafarc; but tbc rafcfgnotfotjcrc; anBtn 15 Car. tt teas rcfolbeii, tbat ff a Certiorari bs b?oucbttotl)cfecfsiMfl torcmoucan (EnDfctment of (ojifblc Cntrp pjr. terrr D agatnft Dft^crs pcrfone, if fome of tbcra (oinc in nno ftno farctfcs fo j tbe DamagM.U tB pooo fa^ tfem al ,to rcmobc tbc CCnofflmcnt fo?tbc reft, clfe (t luotilD be mifrbfcbouo fo j tbcm tbat fine tbr furctfce. ano be fatD,tbat tbttia;bcDoncat apjtbatcfecfofona of peace, ftongt.t to bcrcturiT' EDtoaCitjartCT&efctons, oi tnto tbffl Court, Upoubfctooftbc fojcetbe Error. 3t»ft)cen oj tbe libe. Nicliolat as lerman , Ask lullice, a pair is in- certain, fo; tbat tjDo;o map be meant mo;e tban ttoo in number , as toben pou fap a pair ofcaros, ano a pair of bangings in fome places is meant a fuit of bangings. Roll chief luilice , 3f itbc fo, tbcn it is niojc inccrtain , tbe too;o bangings map be gooo cnongb ; but bote can tbe nnmbec be bnoton^ Curia adviiarevult. Afterwards the Court moved the Defeodanc to fuffer che Piaintififto amend bis Declaration , and to plead anew , and to coofent to a new (ryall. A a a Askwith* 362 Hill.i65i> AskwithsCale. HiU, i6j2.Banc,fop, Muuon to T" ^c CCotut IraB inotjct) to quail) an joct of fecfafono matje at Durham quiii. an vi- ± agatnft ^ tkwich, fo? not fct\3lng tljc o:fice of a Corttablc , oj fitiDfne ^r^otsefu- anotfterablcpcrfonto rcttett)cplarcfojt reft of I % uias titoVcb fn arrrft of 3;ntcrrnTcnt itr an 0£tfon npon tbe f afc upon an J^"jJ^e""^^J"'"lAnunipfK, anbCyccptfonstafeen. t. 2Ebat tlje SDefenBanta CbjfBfan Fiife'tilgiin. name teas mfftaU en. ;9nD zip. Ebat tbe jurata itjao crroneoue, fojft fapcioaplcaof ticpt,fnftcaOofaplcat)fDcbt, and the ludoemcnr was ar. refied for dept writitn with a P. it no word/hough it found like debt written with aB. Cuftodes and Hovvell Gwin. Hill. 16 jj. Banc, fop, luafTcnitnc a- TTOwc'l Gwin iBSs bjoucbt to fljc IBar bctnfl contfctco fo^ fo:!pefn5! of a. EJinftont XJltccD, ano leas Dcmamjeo inbat b? fO'ilo fap lobp BHwc-^ment o.nva;.dof fljoniDiiotbcgfbenanafnftbfm. Boynron of (Tounccl toftb ff>e fJiffonet '"^''^"^^ woticn tbe vCourt, tbatfn rcgaro tbere teas an fnfoimat^nn c»f p'^^rtrirp u?. pcnofngberc agafnfftb' toftne(rc0,upo!i tnbofeEcllfmon)' ttclDfronertoas fontfctco of tbc pcrfurr,ano that tbe ^Daffoncr cotb cnoeattour to m^ceeo toit^ all tl)J fpcec tbat fo pofsfblc agafr.C tbein fn tWo tnfojmatfon, tbat tJje luDorc^ Hill. 1657! \ 36} 31ttpgcment map be ffapeo fn tftc mean time Ijfm. Roll chief lufticT anfluereo, ff tljcp be founo gulUp of t:)C per jatp, tljep fljaU be puufOjcD; but we will i^iveludgemcntsgaindyoor Clyen: in tl>e mean t:ir.e, wh clj was done accordingly in thcfe words following, viz. you are convifted of forre- r j , ing a deed, by putting 3 dead mans hand onto ic therefore the Court j^ives'ortoig/" this iudgementagainft you, thatyou arc fined at a hundred pound, and fhall ' Hand on the pillory tuo hours before il.e H« ft ts not ncccffarp tbat tbc partp tbat gftics tbc IfVcrp fljonlo go to all tbc lanu mcntfonci) fn tbc dcbd of JFe. LWery and offment. flnobcairo fafo, tbat ff SLcnant at MIfU cuts Dolrn a tree^**^"* npon tbe lano , tob AdhaiH Windham motett foj a Certiorari to temobe an C'nt)(tt- r^i^msvc'an'" ^ V mcnt pjcfcttcD agaftlft Oiicfii Newgate. Rollchie/Iuftice, ^C Eiid.anienc. UCO tljCtC fo J mtirDCt , auDfS OlItlairED tljcrcupon , pet tafee a Certiorari torcmotietftc3Rcto?o, foj^fofactluas tljc ftabbffidavit« agafnft t\)Z firft Affidavit. Green on tbe ot!;cr ftoe falD , that tftepartpfofn Court, anofaps be fsftfll tn fear of his life , anD pjaps be map not be DlfcbargcD, 5i5ut bccaufe up. Peace, onrcaofngtbc Affidavits ano cramfnfng tbc matter, ft appeareo to tbe Court tbattbcp lucre bounD to tbc peace upon malfcc,anD foj tjepatlon, they were difcharged. Hill. i65Z. Banc. flip. Bp Roll chief laff Ice, 2U li)ic\) toapg Of common rfgbt arc tobcrc^ pafrcD bp tbc Jnbsbftanta of tont ?DarfKi fn tobfcb tbc toap Ifco, JBut ffanv?art!sa!arperfonii,fU crchfc anp part of a iuap oz loaftcaD. Jopnfng , b5 tijcrebi' taUcs upon \)im to repair tb3t tobfcb toas fo enclofco. Maf. Who ought to icpjir High- W5VS M Com- won I'g^i. ti ill,i6$2, 1_3^5 rri MalTeyand Auhryl Hill» idj2,Banc»fup, ' A i|i3ctfonof©cbttDa0bjotin^tuponan£)blfffatfonfoffanD to an SL* ji'^cmenr ia ./\toarD: 2LbcSDefcnDantplcaDtDttiattt)cjatbltratoj0ma5e no aicatD; q!"[.""':" "* 2Cljci9a tbe avunro that tbe pattr>' 366 .__ Hill. 16 ^1. partpfljanenjopaHWarigfttffi tb^ tiro Untes (tt oiffsrcntc bettneen tlje partfC0:' fojtbepapmentoftbcrcnt.lBotbparttcobnotD tebatrcnt fa Due , rcfcrtcDbPtbclcafcs, b:it Ijoiti tan tlicpari)'';.notD irtat t^e arrears arc Awaid. lubfcb arc accretoeo finte tbcpurcbafet" foj {join cm \)z Unoto luljen tftc ptir- tbafc toaa maoc :> ioi ft fa maoe bp a ttrangcr, ano Vtfjat If tl)c ftrangcr icfll not tell t)fm uften t)c maoe ft :• fo tljat mc tljfahs tljc fli-oaro fs nnteafona. ble, anottjcn ft cannot be sooD. The rule was. Nil capiat per iiillam» Nrfi , &c. liil). 1652. Banc. fup. Qutfton in n \$^ qucttton bcfrtg upon a motion fn ^rrctt of juBgcmrnt fn an ^afott Arrcd < ( bjoug^t foj moncp pai3 upon a IBfU of C-rc^angc bjou?l)t bp a Ui?ong luJp'mrnrirpgjron , fo to!)om tftc i5ill bcloncrco Hot , anD a fccrofft foj ti)c Defendant, fn a B p" f'^ Twifden faf3 , Eftat ff monzp be pafo to a totong psrfon upon a 3!Bfll of ©r* cxciurgc. cliangc , f f tfte iDjong pcrfon do fljctu tl)2.5!3f ll , bp tfjc CuCom of fperc!)ants tlife fs a gooo papmcnt, an^ tfte partp tbat pafo ft fljn'a not be c!).ugeo aaaf.-?, Ctftom W:Id , 3tf3DotibtfulllBl)Ct!)ert!)cCiiCombcfoo?not- Roll chief /u- ftice fafo , Ijere is a iJCtDfrt foj tljc CuOom, ano tljcrefoje ft tucrc IdcU ff tte pattfco tooulB agrcetoanctDtrpal, butiftbrpVcf Knot, take your judge- menr, becaufe the verdid hath fotind it a good cuftom. CuRodes againft the Inhabitants of Stcneham in Suffolk. Hill, 1 65 2, Banc, fup. Mtion tofetHf ^2 3:nl)abftant0o^tftcparfa) of Stcneham fn Suffolk tocrc fnufdei) fo> a fi.e nron a tiot rcpafrfttg a ?^fgl):tDap. ann a fecruftt founo agafnft tftcm. SLlje coi.viftion f iCcurtfcas moDco tbat a gooo fine map b: fct upon tftem , becaufe tijc toap i.-r 'fp^ir :f fgnptpcta^cnoeo, ano a SEratcUcr tbat paffco tftat toap fjatfi loft Ijfa ' ^" ""'"• bojfe ante tljc Surpal, bp rcafon tijc leap voas fo b30,ro tljat tbe ?^o?.fe b jabe Ws iLcg. Twifden on ttje otftct Boe motjeo tlje fine mfg^t be rcfpftcD , be« caufetbcrc Vcasa contett brttoeen tUfJ parfQjamsniiotbcrlDljfcfjoft&eni onnfjt of rfgftt to repafr tlje Uiap, ano f n rcgaro tof3 parlft) in bcrp poo j , ano laSlp, becaufe tbe i^ap cannot be amenoco until Summer, ano tl)cn ft (ball be Done, Roll chief luftice , 2tf)c fine fljall be fct upon pou foj not repaft- fng it alreacp , becaufe the tjcrDia founo pou ougl)t to do it, ano t&e Coun- 1 ft . *^^' ^^^^"^^ '^P P""^ neglect , Therefore take a Diftringas to levy a fine of "M'* twenty pounds of tbe Parifhioners for not repairing it. Hill. 1651. Banc, flip; ^ r ^ 7 Ild mot«eB tbe Court tljat papfng cotts tl)c plaintiff migbt .fjate a fhcTiain-'if ^ ^ rule to oifcontiniretfs Miction, becaufe there ieifncb a traticrsno\D Ind.rco'n.i..uftafeeittbattb2titleoftb2lano in qucftlon can ncDcr come to be Difputco. iiis Afloii, Roll chief Iurtice,33oa mapDotbfsbptbccourfeoftbc Court toitljout mo» tfon. tbercfoie luhp mol'c pou fo? it:* IBM ? conccfbc pour rea'on fs , b^- taafett-.erefgappremptojprulc of Court upon pou to trp tlje caufe tbfts mxt SCerm, ano note pou mote to aljofo lb- contempt pou map fall fnto , €on;tn-p!. fojDffohcpfngtLattule.ffpoulboulDnotgotoatrpal. Yet pay good cofts and difcoDtinueyour Ad.on. Q.. Nota. Hill, Hill. 1652. }6l Hill- 1651- Banc fup. Tf^cCoutttoasmolJcDtl^ataiFcmetbattDafl fucn onlp a« an what was done hereupon* Hill. 1652. Bancfup. • Ij^tbe cafe ofoneHofftbcCoHrt teas motJCD to confirm a rtile maue be- Motion to ttDcentbc pafntffsattojncpanotbe^DefcnDanta, foja arpal at tbeconS.m* • 35ac. Roll chief luftice, let mcn^,pleaoe3 to a feolofet fn ttjc ^tatcgfcrtfccfn Ireland, upon a tet- piea of en- tlfitatc unoer tlje banc ano fcal of an officer i\\ tbe armp tbere, unoct irbofe gjjiemcnt. commano be tDa§, tbat be ban taken ft, ano alfo upon a ccrtfficate unoer mp Ccrcificjce. Lord General Cromwells banO , anDCoronel WhaieysbanO, tbat tbcp DfD bclfetjctl'.cotber certificate irao true. Roll chief luftice anftocreo, we cannot help you, for our hands arc tyed op by the Ad, ft om which we muft notvary» Nota, Hill. 1652. Bancfup. Whether one "D O" chief luftice fafo, tbat fec Doubtec iubctber ouc cntideo of pcrjurp endaedof Xv map be batlco , altl)ounbtl)e clarkc o' fbc criminal Coe faio be perjufybs ntfobt. Q, bailable. Bright well and Robfoi\ ' fafch. iCjj.Banc. fup, Arrcft of judgement in \ j|i Slciion opon tbc catc 1083 bjougbt fo; DeUbetfng fn a falfe note of an Afiionup. jf\gooDP, fo^ Ichfrf) crcifc 1033 1 be pafo frtto tftc officc of crtffe, lubere- on tiK cafe, jjp ^ J «j,gg compelleo to pap 50 1, to bfa Damage, &c, upon not gnflt ji pUaocB ant> anc a ^crcfrf fo: tl)c plafntfff. Green mobw fn attett 0' S'.iorrcmcnt, be- caufetbattl)eS?.clarat(onDtDnotfctfo;tbtl)c ^a of |9wo,io„, bjougbtbitbcrbpahabeascorpuf;mo\3CDbpbiflcoanccllto be Diftbat- chiri^e a . geo upon tbe Set of tbe late general paroon. Roll chief iQftice,3lt appears fontr upon not to U8, tobctber pou are ejccpteo out of it j no. But enter your furmi fe '^^ Rcnerai upon the Roll by the advice of your councell as you will ftand to "^ su,nrfc Poftea. B Pafch. 16 5 3. Banc. fup. p Roll chief luftice, £)ne cannot anftocc foj. an infant as.©uarDfan , who w»y aat either in tbe Cbancerp o; in anp other Court, except be be asigneb ["{"^"gs*" ' oruatoian bp tbe Court, foj if he might that toer c to make bimfelf bis Gwidian. tbepjclcrtjatton Of tljem, altbongt) not to pafa anp cflatc, as it tflnotDbptbc&tattrtcofCEntolmcntsmaDc, 4H.7, Pafch. 1653. Banc, fup; How aJifici nj9 Roll chief Tuflicc, 3f one Diffef feme , anB a fetranger enter upon tljc finis taken ^-'oifrttfo; fo; me , tl)ts CBntrp tabes atoap tfje offfeffin ; ano (fa Copp^ol- e""iv ocrofafe.ino;cntcra3aCommoncr, ittstarigbtoftbc iLo^D, alttiougb (t be not bp Ijfa f ommano , no; l)c tiabc anp notice of it. Nota Pafch. 1653. Banc. fup. Ar.cft of A iR miction tnas bjougbt foj not papfng monfes upon tbc reccfpt of a bill iu If there be ttoo f^crthants t!)at hateajopnttraoe, anuonc ofth:macccptabillof(lErchatigc,if be do not papit, an Action IpecagainC the other. Roll chief lulhce, 3[f the bill of D A (Exchange be acccptcD there is no neccfsitp to allege a ocmanD,anD the Dc« '""*" * manD here is not laiD as part of the cuftom, upon tohicMhcjaaton is foun- teO, ihercforeletthePlaiotiff liave liisludgtmenc, ilerbertanc3 Lane Pafch, 1653, Banc, fup. An a of T T Erbert a Cartpct b?ought an anion upon the cafe againft Lane ait lid.rmenr i iJTlBnn Uccpcr, fOJgOODsloftoutofthcJnn, viz. certain pack* full oflis an Aai.,r. u,' „£„ cloatb and other goods, anD after a bcrcitt fo; the plaintiff (t teas mo= 01. u.e c;fc. ^j.^ ^„ ajjgjt 0f 3inogcment,that it Dotb not appear bp the 2Declaration,tobat fojtof cloathteas; of Irhat Dalue the cloatljano gooos lucre, r,no fo the SDeclaration is incertain. 3i5'.rt Roil chief lufticeanflDcteD, that th: SDeclaration is gooD e!ioug&/Cfpcciallpnotot5crebcinga\?etDktln the cafe. Hill. ____^ Pafeh. i6 5 3^_ 371_ Palch. 1653, Bane. fup. B33 Roll chief luftice, % Certiorari to temoDc a IReto JD ougljf not to be where 1 c«r. matte bat to a hnolDn £)fficer teboJs tjnoiun to babe tbe tuttoop of He. '"^ r; '"^^ toii!0 ant) apon a furmffe tbat be batb fucb a IRecojD fn bfs bano ; ano^j; ^""'* tberefoiC We wiil not upon an iSfftOatft grant a Cettiojarf , but upon a fur- Affidavit. mife made upoa tbe Roll, Surmifc. Pafch. 1653. Banc fup. C£)ant ArnndcianO mp 3lo}b Chandois, totobott! Count Arundel faaa^^*'lj^'^"'='* feconD fn a Duel being fojmcrip cnofctetj at Surrey 0rsijC0 bcfo?c flay^hter. luftice A^k % luflice Warburton foj tUUfng Mr. Hen, Ccraptor,i founo gntltp onlp of jpanflaucbter , bptbegtanDHnqucfttDerebjouebttolDatto beat* tafgnen fo j ft , ano toerc not aumfttca to be baflco , but toere bclibercD h-. Dct to tbe ^atftal to be bjougbt again at anotbet Dap , Nota. Pafch. 1653 Banc. fup. IOhnWeek?tDbobao been enbfctcD ano conbfcteo upon tbe statute of PirJonai feing/aines maoeagajnftftabbfng, faefngfojmerlp bjougbt totbfaiBat '"we*!. tfD pleaD tbe general paroon tDbtc!aratfon , ano go to a neto JCrpaK Roll chief Juftice, Ic would be good to do fo, for it Aincndmc ii doubtfull how we (hall cake the matter as it ftaods before us upon the Re- *^"'* corrf. Trin. i653-Banc.fup^ Til^e Contttuafl motjen foj an 0tfojncp of tbe Common |&lea0fbat teas Motion to ai- fneb fn ti)<3 Court to alloU) bfs tojU of p:(^Ucge. 315ut Roll chief luftice ''""' •'^^ ^ttor- WBWm plead his privilege, for wc cannot allow it upon a motion , and his '''>''P"^"gc (hewing of his writ of privilege. mon pici"] ■ Whitehead and Buckland Trin, i^jj.Bancfup, Hill»i6j2, rottitif trX/Hiiehead bjougfetWs flrtfon of Ercfpafsagafntt Buckland fo? faKfng Demurrer to ^ ^ ofTifa Cattel, 2Cljea)cfenDantplcaD0tbefefat.oflfmftatfon3of a.a'tpiicjtioa fifonefnIBat, tbcjpiafntffreplpeottjat ftefncbfojtb an i©jfgfnal ioftWnl" Tr«fps6 tfte tfme Wmfteo fn tbe Statute-. %o tW repUcatfon t^e SDcfcnuant Demurs, ciuci "^ ano fi)eb)0 foj canfe , i ♦ Cftat l&e fa(tt) be batb fucD out Us £) jfgfnal , bat BOtft not fap pront patet per Recordura , as be ougbt to Do. alp, ^z Dot& not pleaD tbe contfnnances upon tbe IRoU , Maynard anfioercD tbat tbe plcaofngfflgooo, anDtse cannot talse a tratjctfe upon tbcft plea, tobfcb fs rutplnfage , no; fa ft neceffarp fo j ns to Oicto f n our plea all tftc conttnuan' ces ) bat to plcao fo mutb of tbe IRecojD onlp as goes fn 3Bar. Roll chief P'". luflice , The plea is plain , and it is not neceflary to allege the continuances , for here is an apparance, PoOca, Sale and Wray. Trin. 1653. ^anc.fup, "1717 lid mobcD tbe Court tbat tbe SDcfcnbant fn an actfott of Cobcnant Motion that ' ntfgbt be ruleo to fujear bfs plea , bccaufe ft fs a fo jefn ano oflato?p cHe Oefen- |>leajplcaDCD to out tbfs Court of fts 3lurfstfttfon ano to bfnoer a Crpal-, fo j ^»"^ ■"'g'^t $e pleaDs tbat be toas at Lisbon fn Portugal at tbe Dap of tbe papmcnt of tbe *^ '*" P'"' tnoncptobct- jury. Trin. 1653. Banc, fup, n 1^2 Court tuas motcD to Cap 3fnDgcmcnt in an cSnDfftmcnf of pcrlnrp ^ foun^agafnfl oncfojpErjtirptnanctioencccit'cnbpbim in an j9ctloii ofSErotcranDCo.ilicrRon. %\)t Crccptfo.i tafectr iiias, t»-at tbe £)atlj is not al3ctrcDto be mace concerning t^e matter in (ffnc in tbe action, 1 fo it cannot be (ucb pet jarp, fo j inbicb an CnDiflment lies. Roil chief luftice , 38 tbe Cnofctmcnt grounocD upon tbe &tatiite , ojiott an Cncfctment at tbe Common ILato e SLbc Countc) anftoeteo , 3t is an CnDictmcnt framcD upon tbe fetatutc. Roll chief luflice, 2Li]cniti3 a material c);ccp- tion , but if it baD bctn an CnDittmcnt at tbe Common Halu it looulo batie been othcrtoife , fo; at tbC'Common iLato one map becnoiileDfoj a falfe ilDatb in an Affidavit. Therefore let ludgementltay till thePlaintif I: ove» Cuftodes and Martin and Long Trin, 1553, Banc, fup, T'l^cConrt teas motif ft to fjnaCb ttoo CnDirtmcnfs agafnft Martin and Long, ao ILojDs of tbe ipanoj of Clarkenweil fo; not repafrtng tbe fetoclis anD Cdbipping pott , anD not making of a pounD. SEbc Grccptlon da-re ti leas, t'jattbcmaJjingtbepounotoasnota publtquc tbing, anD tbcrefoje '" ' '"^ ""■ anCnDiamcntlicsnotfojnotDcfnttit. R^'ll chief luilice , Stbat is true, 0nD be ttDb anotber Grception , SCftat tbe CEnoittment Dotb not fljcto t'jat Martin and Long arc 3Lo JDS of tbe ilect; ^HDiftbcpbe but JLojDS of tbe ^ano} Endiftmcrt. Perjury. Fallc Oich, Motion to quad) two tndiftmcnt, Stocks Wl'.ir'ping Trin. i^;^.^ y^^ (pano?, anDnot3lo;Bsoft!iel.itt, tftcparcnct bounn cf rotrmon dgfct torcpafrttje&tocfeoanD^WppIng pcft, ano tl5ircfo:c tlj: enctctmer.t ntuafi)clo^oiDtl5cparcIjotinDtoDo{t, vu, cftfect 23 JlojcsofttlvJlcet^ 0; otljcrtcffe, o; cUc tljs patift <)5 boiinD to do tt. Cufloiles and RickabyeJ <" , Mich, &c. 1 65:. Banc, fop, \j Pon an olD rule of ttifs Court , maoc fittljc begfnnfnsj of tofngCharli.Argumenr* ' SLbc Court to smotjcB to ocUtocrtbcft opinion (ntl)c Cafe of Kickabym lucgc- tbBtbaobccncnDitteijfojmurtlicr, anc tiao bia paroon , tofjcttct "^"^ "'''ihef tbc parcon Vsas goo3 anQ to be aUoVccQ, 0: tiiat be ftoulo be trpcD notVuftl)-,^,P*[^°" '^'„ fianDtna bta paroon. Roll chief lulliccanflDcrco, 2E!]!9 Cafe teas arru^'^'ji'oUadr" eo often at t^c JBar b Caroli , toljici) leas Ions agoc, ano faefojc our times, therefor^ let us have books, and ar^ue ic ajjain , for we have vet (:C3rd no Ar- jumencsin the Cafe, itt another Dap bptulc Of Court ttcCafc Voas again motcD,anDarcucD bp Wadham Windham foj tl)c iacpcro, tf)at tbepars Don toas not pood, no; ounjjt to be allotoee , brcaufc bp tlje parDon murtfjcc inaonotparDoncD , ano in bis argument l)C maDe tijcfc cjucttionB , viz i, ^bctijcrtbeiSingcoulD paroon murtbcrbptbe Common i,au'. 2. tabc= tberljemig'tDoitbpttic LaroofOoo. 3. catjetbcrbcmisbtDoit bptbc g>tatute. 4. ^Ubcttier rt)c parson be maoc gooD bp tl)C non obilance irclu< DeDinit. i?ojtbcfirft, tbciitng ex Officio map parDon ipan-flaugbtcc bptb: Common tato, ano in fomc cafes be migbt parDon mnrtbcr , viz. tsabcrc tberc is but onlp malice implpeo m tbc i^urtbercr, but toilfuU mut« tber be conlo not paroon , bctaufe it is againtt tbc ILato of Coo, anD be citCD I 2 H, 8. f. 5. Brudtncll. 3Bp tbc laiO DelitocrCD to Noab, fljCOCiiig of blooD^ Gen.Ycr. 6. luasmaDeuiiparDonablc, anDtbat{i5apcrpetualliato,fe>tat.i3 a. i.e. I, SLbe )&tng map Delegate aDiminiQratton of BInftice to t)is ^iniftero, but not Difpcnfation of mcrcp, 15p tbe fetatute of 1 3 R. 1. c 1 . K\)e iaing teas aD« moniCbcD not to paroon murtbcr fo gcneraHp as be ufeo , but cnacteo, SIbat ff in bis parsons be Dio not C)cp;c(re tbe too^o Murcher, tbe paroon IboulD not beg 000, ano tbe \ro;D Murther is not crp^cGTco in tbis paroon, ano tbcrcfo;citi6notgooD,no:tobcgUolDC3 ,-3 inftit. 236. 8 h. 6.20.9 H.d, 8. Kel. pt. j^ojDotb tbc iiing in tliis paroon recite tbc QJnoictment ft fclf. fo; tbcn it map be tt migbt batje altcreo tbc Cafe , but onlp recites tbe fact gcncrallp , ano tbougb tbe U;o:Dfl in tbc parDon be general, anD feem to in- clnDemurtber, pet tbcp cannot make tbe parDon gooD, bccaufc it toants tbe C);p;cf8toD;Ditfelf, viz. Marcher, anD altbougb tbc Cbartcr be not t}oio , pet it cannot be allotocD fo; inant of that tDo;D , no; can ttje general non obitante in tbe paroon oifpcnrc toitb tbe Statute of 13 R. j» fo; an non obf^antes are goD onlp Vubere tbc l^ing takes notice of tbe !Lato tobcreUiitb be Difpcnfitb. anD as to tbe statute of 1 3 R. 3. i^irtt , JBp it tbc )uC potoer of tbe laing is maoe certain , mh ougbt to be Sridlp purfueo- 2!^. SCbat Statute teas maDo of grace, anoasaboone, to tbc people, intobicb tbep ba^c a fpccial intereft , ano is not to be abjisgeo. 5 Ip. St teas maoe fo;tbcmo;efreeaDmini(trationof3;uSice, l;:ftb tcbfcb tbe lling map not Difpcncc, Hob. t. 214. Here jLyfia-^scafc 1 1 Rep. f. 88. 3nD altbougb tb« partpbcrcbcpzofccuteDattbcfuteoftbeiaing, pettbe pzofecution is fo; t^ benefit of tbc people , ano tbeTefo;e tbc )&ing cannot paroon bim, 3 In(t. f. 3;7.anDfobep;apeDtbeparDonmigbtnotbcallotDeD. Halet appoint- CD bp tbc SuDgcs to acgac ad informandum confcienciam , as Windham alfo toas, argtuD fo} Ric^aby, tW tbe parDon \j)sa to be aUotocD , fo; tbc qoe- ftion Trin. 1653. ff ion noto {a not iD^etljct tfte patDon be to be granteo ojno. 0nt» zip be IjtlD t^at bcre (3 a 3000 non obftante in tbe parDon to Dif pence inftl) tbe &ta« tMte , ano be arpea tbat murtber at tbe Common 3lam toao pardonable bp otbev iDojDS, as iDcn as bp tbe iuo;o muttbcr, viz. bp tbe toojo i?clonp, anobptbetoojo£Dtatbofamaii,fo;martberts but j?elonp (naWfiboe* era, anO majus et minus nor, variant (pe iem, 4. rep. Ho. fords cafe , ailD t'je Statute of 13 R, 3. ntaUea t!)ccan°otatntEB, martbet conlo not be patooncD teUbout a non obOante fn tl e paroon, tbongO before ft mfgftt bate been parooncofn general too^oeu Zm tbe |3arlfament bat& maoe oftets statutes to rcttrafti parcons, ant) tbat martbet fljoiilD not be fo gene'rallp parDoneDa6bcfo}e.2E.3.4E.^.i4E.5.27E.j.C,-,bptoblcb&tatptC0ftmap appe«r,tbat tbc opfnfon me, tbat tbc Mm conlo not uffpence toftb tbe &ta» tute0 toftb a non obftante, antt tbe cno of all tbcfc fotatntea tBas to enfo jm tht iftfns to cramfne toljctbcr the faa b? fntenDeo to pajDon Ir a0 murtber , anotbatbefbonlonotgrcTntapatoonfo; murtber, toftbont erpjefsfng tbe toojD martber fn tbe parDon. ano tcft!) a non obftante alfo, 22 H, 7. jd^Nombftante. Kelway. 8 H, 6, f. 20. 9 E. 4, f. 1 6. Cook, Pleat of the Crown 2 26, anO fo Difpenfaii'^n. tbe iLatofstoitbont a non obftante. ilp. tEIbctbcr tte ISftigcanparooti murtber toftb a non obftante, toibcre tbe toojo mtirtber fs not c^pjeCfeu. Co ' tbat 3 fap.tbatffft ban been ro,pct tbe parBon to oulB net bate been gooO; foj tbc fetatotc cannot be offpcnfeo Irttb bpa non obft«nte,O0canfc tbe&ta- tntetoaa maoe to reform publfq«eabufc3,foj tbe benefit of tbc Commons TOealtb, 1 1 .rep. 8. Cooks Plcai of the Crown,237.tbe fcfng cannot paroon a common ntifaiicc. 2 1 p. SCbc ftmgbStbbonnpbfmfelfbp erpjeJTe toojos in t!iE&tattJte,anD be cannot of fpcncc to}fg(nal, proucapparet pcrRecordum, asi fje oas'ot to DO , foj toe DO not agree tbc tojft ttat be plcaos be b nb taken out, 4!?. I^c ^jatb concluoeD bfs plea , fo tbat ft amountsi to a ncto afsfgnmcnt , ano bfn- Detc us from objcafng agafnft ft bp toap of rejopnccr, ano be fopns an fCfue ofbfsotonl^caDofamattctnotallcgcDb'foje, anoslp.SLbe^rtfon fs foj a£Ctcfpafsooncfni645. anDpctbcconcUiDcsfttobe contra paceni publi- can), tobfcftbifngfntbclatciStngstfme toulD not be, but oucbt to babe been contra coronam et dignitacem noftrara. Latch on tbc otbcr fiOC fafD, tbat botb pattf cs agree to tbe Djfglnal, ano tbe of fagrccment f 3 onlp f n tbc tfmeoftbcE):ccutfontbcreof, anDftfsnotncccJIarpto fap prouc patet per rtcordum; no; fsftncccITarpto fljetotbccontfrniancEsoftbe pjcccfs , foj tbfs tooulD make tbc IRccojo too long , ano bcrc fs no bfnoerancc but tbep pc» map tcjopn ft tUp bate caufc. Roll chief iuftice, Sstotbe firtt Crccptf* tiior, onftfsnotncccffarptofetfojtbtbcpartfcMlarsoftbeUjjft, anDfftbe to?ft be not gooD poti map bate a to?ft of Crro j ; ano fo j tbc feconn circcptfon , tbc pica fsgooDtoftbotitCbctofng tbc continuances, anotbcrc fs no fncon- t£nfcncebpnotfcttingtbemfojtb,anD toe tofU fnttno tbat allfs rfglitip Done, bccaufcpoutiabeappcarcD, anDpou arc not bfnojcD from replpfng, tilt map DO ft ff pou tof 11 , ano bate caufc , anD tbe IRccojd bcrc fb:tos tbat joubabc appearcD to tbfs tojft ; but ft fs not gooD to concUiDc tiic pica fupec totamtnateriam as pou babe tone, fojbptbfsbcfsbfnDjeo from replpfng, anD tbcn be batb gooD caufc to ocmur, bccaufc poo bate concluDco bfm, ano tbat fap pou to tbat:" Latch , 2Cbe partp map ftrfhc out tbc too^os Et que=. tens fiiniliter. Roll chief Iuftice , !^c cannot Crfltc out tbat tobfcb belongs Repiicaiiop not to bfm , ano pou cannot go back , anD tbc otbcr (s compellcD to Demur, Dcuiurier'. ' Stbcrcfoje , Nil capiat per Billam nifi , &c, or waive the Demurrer , Poflea* Trin. 1652. Banc.fup. v'l, , m»v 1 2C teas faio fn tbe care of Homes ano Bingley, tbat aCcnant at tofD map mdc'caicVc 1 matsca Icafcfo; peats to trp a title of lano, anD fo map a Copp. totrjatiilc. bOlDer, Q; Trin. 1652. Banc.fup. Bt3 Roll chief lurtice, Sinattojnep tobobatbtoarrant to appear foj %ls Clpent, mapplcaDfo; bfm toftbout toarrant. 3I5«t tbc Claris fti v!cad«ithoui Court fafD, be map pleaD no otbet pUa toftbout a fpecfal toarrant, bat a noa a f^'f cial war- Jura informatus , ideo Q, lant. Feck Trin. 1553' 3^* Peck, and Ewre. Triflt 1^53, Banc, fup, Pafcb. i6S3,ror, ii6,or !i7» AOTdtoTCrroj \ma bioualjt to Tcbrrfc a (uDgcmcnt gftcn ftt a«Eir'>rtore- Safcn of Debt fo^ tent arrcar upon tlDOleafesfo; i'ears, viz, upon a ^'^ ^■»j"''?<- leafcfoj ; pears of!ii«, ^e ougbt to Qjetn tola mutb of tbe lanBg ate Coppbolo, anc bote miitb J^rcctolD Hales , ^ere (0 but one entfrc rent rcfctbeD , anoit fljaH be pato as luell after t&c erpfratton of .- tbc;fg{naltD: oa (hall be made a party to defend the title, and then move again, Trin. i<553. Banc. fup. u/i A Tiatbc Cafe of one Clark ft toagfafDbp Roll chief luftice, 2r:baffft!)efub« iT tal?.. in 1 mifsion to an SUnarO be , that tfte ainaro be maoc Or Dapo after tl)C fab. c'uf.vr, whcrt mifgion. the oapof tbe atoato igip betaUen incluftbc ap.n not crtluGbe, fo cxciufive. tjjat if tije atoafo be maoe t^e fame bap on toWc^ tbe fubmtfoion toag , it id A.biircmcnr. g gpo^ ^JoatQ. Ayre and Hauxefworch. Trin, 1655. Banc, fup. AY-ebjoaGbtan^ctionofSCrcfpafcagafrift Hauxefwonh foj big Cat- tela Damage fcafantin D. tbc EDefcnaant jutlificg \.n anotbct Countp, ''uuktiT" «"" tratenctft abfque hoc , tljat.bc ig guiltp (n D. o; in anpotbcr place* ' ""^ " Sntje tiucCtonltjasto^ctbcrtbetratjcrtc be uclltalicnoj not. Roll chief luft^ r anftocrco, be mull take a tratjerfe as tbig cafe i3,bccaufe tbe uifilfication is nlfccnttnu- ''>C3l * Therefore let the PI intif take nothing by his Bill , for he may not •r'cc!" (Jiicontinuchis AdionbecaufcitisinTrefpafs. Nota. Fletcher and King. Trin, idj 3, Banc, fup, E -orro'c- A mrit of Crto^ toao bjougbt to rcbcrfc a fuDgcmcnf gi^)cn in t^e vcifciju<'ge- l\ Common ^leas in an Action of Debt b;oagI)t upon sn '^fTumpfit to "'^.n 'Jn'^Ar f^^* onc^rmlefs, inDifpoQngofccrtaingoo08feifeDbpan£)jact'of tbe E"fi" Commifgioncrsof^abetonfteig i^aB; %\^z jaDcfenoant pleaoco ttiat be Tfin. 1655 383 ban faljco ftim ^armcfa ; E^c fSlatnttf rcpIpcB tfjat !)e luag tiamnfgeD , tfte E)cfcnijantu'ice» Aflt: ^84 Trin. 1653. Afliby and Child. v: Trin. i(5jj,BaHC,fup» Mich,i6j». rot, 68<), |9on a iDemurrer fit an 0(t{on of Dclt ttje cafe ioas tftte , man D(ea (ntettate, ano a fettangct poffcffct^ Wntfrlf of ttje 3!ntcff atC0 goona af. tct ILettets of aominfftratton uetc grantee to a Ctcofto j of ttie SntcOate, tctio b;(ng0 an jSittf on of Debt againS Vit firangCT (0% t^e oebt one to t)(m by tbc Sntcffatc , as Cjrcctitoj of l)(0 oton \i.?ong. STfte qncttion tnas , to&ctljetfftc Crecfto?bj» tailing tbcilctteraofaDminfftratfonijat) not fnf- penoeo I)f0 ;9(t(on fo;i t^e time tje fijoulo continue to be aomfniQrato^j TwifdentielD tbat ^(s 0afcn fo ftirpenoeo , ano cUeD 8 Rep. &t. Johns cafe , bccanfct^cgooDsoftl)c3inteftatc Cball be affcts in Ws banos, Hob ano Longs cafe ;"anDtl)eipiaa Ctcnito j map bjlng an ;na(on agafnft an Crautojiiefon tort, altbongblLcttersofSiDmfniftratfonbegtanteotoa* notftet . antJ t^c fabfcqnent aomfnfttraHon uotl) not ftifpeno tbe action tDljfcb atcrncD bcfo;e , anobcrccanbcno retainer to fatisfie bimfclf, be. canfe be batb not tlie gooos , ano it is not tbe bare ILetters of aominiStation tf)at cbarrictb tbc aominlttratoj , but tijc atTcts alfo , Com. 7. Bjffctj cafe, 2n aafon ot Debt is maintainable bp an aomlniftrato; toljo ^atti not affets. Roll chief iuftice, SLbetels aboobagainfttbat, tbattbcbcirisnotcbarge. able. Hales pnma facie , St fs a gooD plea , otbettoife it tDotilo be mifc^ie* tons , fo J all tbe gooos map be ijuaftco before fjc batb aomfniftration gtati- tcDftim; anot^ongbftemapbjinganactfonofErcfpafsfojtljeflDoiJs, pet be map bjfng bis Action to a.btcl) be teas intitleo bcfoje t^c aunifnittration Trover a nd grantcD unto bim. Roll chief Iuftice , 31 is cleat tbe 0Dminiffratoj map Convcifioii. bjingaCrotjcr anDConterftonfojtbc gooos, ano bere is bat a rigbtto affctointbeaomintttratoi, ano no affet^to charge bfm toftball, ano it • toiotilD be mifcbietoas if it (boulo bj otbrttoife ; ano tbe gtanting onto bim ILetters of a^minlff ration binoersbim not from b^i'ngingbfs 0ctfon, bc- caufc tbe goooa tocrc not tatjcn atoap after tbe aominifttatton grauteo bat P P before , ano if tlirp bao hecn tahcn atoap aftertoaros , be migbt bate bao o'/br ' a gnrotjcr ano CotirrQnn , oj an 3aion of ?!Lrcfpafs , but in tbc cafe at tbe 315a#c nap I'atjc an 3ttion of Debt, ano be cannot Cue bimfcif. therefore Sufpcnfion. liisactfonisnotfufpcnoco, ano 'ic cannot retain tbe gooos to fatfsficbim. KciaiiKr. ftif,bccatifebebatbnoPooD0, anobemapfuctbebcir bcreifbctoiU, ano b!'fttaUr(ottafecat)tantagcagainft bim bp reafon of tbc aominiff ration, brtanfe be b^'tb no atfcts to retain j fue btmfclf for , ano fo it ia In bia cle- rtion tobat actfon be mill facing , otbertoifc it tooalo be oangcrons , ano toe EitSion. j^^ijj fuppojt men in tbeit jnlt aaions. lerman, Nicholas anO Asic ad idenit And lo judgement was given for (he Plaintif, nifw Fiftiei Trin,i653' 385 Fifl\er and leoffrycs- Tfin, X <5 5 3. Banc, fop, Flftier fajotigW an jaaton of ccbt agafnft leoffrycj asCretato: fo another; whjr miy tt)c SDefcnoant (mpatl0, ano after tmparlancc be plcaos tl)at t)c (0 ^J'' ed'aftcr'im-''' mlintttato; cum tcftamento annexo , ano not Cjccuto; , ano ttiat ftc ougtJt parlance. '" to be nameo fo {n tfte iujtt , tott)toplcatbcpiaf Inftirp I pr him \\e AiCm To difchar a prirnncr .''"">. --. ^ "— — -r— - -^ , -'- '""• piatntinn tbe 3a(on loas noiD Dcao. Rolicucf luftice, Let him be dif- chargcd nlfi caufa (hewed to morrow. Nota. Trin. 1(^53, Banc. fup. Waiter of Re- "D 1^ Roll chief luftice , fli matter entree upon Hccoati cannotfae alfcreo coidnoia;e- Ouiitftout 3 mottort mnijc, ano tftc Confcnt oftt)e Court firtt obtatneo, I able » motion Court. labie without tboagljtbe^ttojnspg oti bottjCoesconfcnttoit. motion to the Trin. 1653. Banc ^"P- Ti^cConrttDa0mo^eotoqu3D[jan£E)iDlrof feefslons foj one to pap - , 3 s. a toeck to beep a JBattaro Cbflo. Roll chief lufl.ce, Let it be {^on"^ "^ 'quaJhcd , foj tfeep cffli mafee no fuel) iD:Der, foz t^e partp map tsecp tbe D9 3 Benskin ^n Mich. 1653. Benskin and Hcrick. Micbf i($53, Banc,fup» A Plaintiff DEnskin bjoagtt an fldfon of Debt upon nn£)bUsat(onflgafnl!H«rick. 1 .ft hib mcny •^j^jc SDcfcnoant pleaDD tftat be trnDjcB the monp cue apon tf)c £)bligatf= »7if£ T'"* "" "^ ^^^ "^P ^"*' P*"" "^ papmcnt, ano tbat tbc ^lafnttfF rcfufco to recelbe VetVia"-* 't- npontbistbc monp toaobjougbtfnto Court bp rule upon tt)C Dcfcn= gainft him. tant0 mot Merchants to J[ atiD(to'}0 U)crc affligOLO. X^t Court loas motjco tbat tbcp teoulD «}D6t AudiwrT** af ^° )opn fomc £»crcbant0 to tbc 3tto:ncp« on cftbcr Goc tobclptbcmto fig«cT[o re*, mannage the flccompt.bccaufctbcilttojnepa lucre notsUtlfuH (nfucbba. ctivc jnac- Gncffcfl. Roll cbief luftice, W^e can make no rule for this, butyoa.may by compt. confcnt advife with Merchants to afsift you in drawing up the Accompts, Mich: 1653. Banc. flip. ^ , tip Roll cbief TuAice , onc tbat batb bcc« bamcb in tbc baMfl foj jFclonp, in h: Lard'" «nap notU)ftbftanOira be a Uftncfcfn a Caufc : foj *jc bin acaparitp ta may be a Wit- pUrcljafc HanDo, T-nD \)iii fault nJ that was in making ^tariii. an accotnrt intlw year 1(54^. t£lpon a tcr6os t^at ije c^cateo bfm, . tot tftat ftctotcneo fjfm, frfifc^arcnotof fotfolent aconttractfcin. Wild on tite otiietttocrato, tbat Ijere in a IDartnerfljfp totfcbfanrccffarptotlie o;ffrfngofa2Ltai)e,anotDiti)oatu^d)c fpcaKfng of t^c toojos, ano none iodl Deal ioitb a man tbat lofll cofen ^(soU:n j[9artncr ; ano \» e muft cotmtcnattce2rra&« ano JCraffiqae, ano mens creofto ; ano tbc 3ccompt is t^fiiC to trase 80 Hales objects, aslstbebirfna of a fl)op to trdue (ti, o;t!;e Ube. German lufticead idem, finijfaio, that «ropnrtncT(I)tp fariccetrarv to fa(^?t Straw, an» t^e feccptng of a true Ilicompt in Wyi p;{iic(pal tl^hig be- tween ^rtncrs, Nichola* ano Asklul^icesadidem, judtiium mfi pro qoeretue. Biid and Chriflopher. Mitbf i^J3„ Bancfup, 10 tbffl Cafe upon fiibtng of an cWocncc in a Etrcfpafa anD Gicctmrnt. U Ex inpufft- lDasfa(obpRollchi£fJui}icf,tbatif3liocnfeoff l.S. ujt{)ap)ot'ffocon."><'^t "t » tafncT) tn tlje EDeeD,tit>at it ftall be iatofuU fo; me to ratohc tWc IFcoffment, J'^'^^jJ'; , ano aftcrtoarOB 3 Icbp a fine to I. S. of tijcfamc ILano, ttjis fa an ej:tfn« '" ' "' " SHfftment of t^c JD^otUo of tctocatfon. Oliv€ and Tong. iM'wh, 1653. Bine, fup. Trm. 1651. rot. I^i6. Vpon a fpecfal XitttUt in an 03 t^efe 100:100 mine own name fn it,bp tobicb tt feems tie (ntenoeo to aobance t)irname . tbonc^ it f oulD not be fo inCft:fQiait names,6 Rep.ed.&irnamcs are altcreo bp time ano C::irom of plcccs.ano bcins fo altreo do become true names, as ttie i.ame of Cromwell is note become a trne name, tbougb antientlp tbe name toaa Williams; but 31 agrec,tbatCbiiftian names cannot be altereo bp time, no moje tban tbings can be altcreo from one tbing toanotber. 3lp. IBptbe con&cn(tionoftl)e^iU,anDbptbe finding oftbe aerDi(!,tbe names are maoe one name, altbougt) bp tbe SCcffato; t)e toad bnoton bp no otber name tban tbe name of Mills, fbj be is fo calleo, ano tbis anftocrs tb« pjotjifo f n tbe tKHill, tbat be ftoulo be of tis oton &trnamc iiitb tebom bta SDaagbter toas to marp. 4lp. I^cre is a particular oebife maoe toberin tbe boDpoftbc^illoftt)eiLanDB,iftbepfl)oulDnot be oebifeo bere, 8 Rep, Claufa {;eneralia nonextenduntadca qu-r lunt rpfcialiterrecitata;anDtbereia a Difference bcttoeen a Mill anO a SDccD , foi -all tbe toojostnaJDccoare fpoben togetl)er : bat it is not fofna tS{iuii?l)icbfsambulato}p, ano map ftabe febcral conttructfons, anD one clatife map controll anotbcr, inftic. 1 1 2. ano tbe iDjoWfo bcrc in tbe latt part of tbe OTill controlls tbe fojmcr part of tbe Mill, as a Codicil roigbt babe Done, ff tbcre bao been anp , ano tbe bc- rp itiOjDB crpaefs tbe parties meaning, i Rep. Porters Cafe , Dyer 255. 3;f fn a ©Bill a claufe map receibe a Doubtful! coi Cru(tfon,tl>en a verb's non eft recedendum, ro} fljalltbcre be a particular fupplpment of ti^ojDsaoDcD to EVponno tt, crccpt to pjebcnt an abfurDitp, tnbtcb mutt not bcaomitteP, thongb in a Mill. Msynard on tbe otber iiTje maDettooqueftions. j» Mbctbcr Mills anD Mill fijoulo bctntcnOeDtobe one anD tbe fame &ir- name.anDfotobetbcSEettatojs&irname. 2lp. Mbctber hiizabethtabc tbe iLanos bp tb^ firft claufe fn tbe Mill, 0: bp tbe |D;ob(fo 0? latter claufe. foi tbe firft be bclo, tbat Mills anD Mill is not one ano tbe fame &ir-- name, becau^e tbe SCcttatojbaD a particular epeto bio oton true feirnamc, ano tbe Cafes put of names tbat Differ, pet founn alf fee, no not come to our Cafe , becaufe tbcre taas no fucb fpccial epe oj regaro as bere is. zip. &iip- pofc tbat bfa true name be Mills, ano tbat be is pjotioco foj particularlp bp" tb? Ccftatoj in bio Mill, tbcn tbe pjobffo cannot cttcno tobim, fojtbis toonlD be fenfclciTc, ano ft fs as mncb as to make tbe JEeflatoj in one b?eatb to fpcaU contraDfttorics , anb ff tuoulo be baro to make fucb conttruflfons of fucb tooijatbat Venule argue tbcpartp to be irrational tbat fpahe tbcm,anD tbe \DOios fn tb£p?obifo are fn nature of an ejxeptfon fn conftruttfon of Lato, I J Ed. I . Fitib. Grants 87, ano Career anD Ringfteeds Cafe is not pet an* ftorreO bp tbe otber CDe,Bolton and the Lady Staffords cafe,8 lac.C.B.i.rep. MildmayesCafc. SCbetnojDsfna pjobffofna Mfll o> SDeeD map be fup* plpeo tof tb otber foojBs, ratber tban to fnterpjet ft fo, ti>at;it fljall contraofd tbefo?mcrpctrtottbcMilloj SDeeD tebere ft is, ano bp tbe conltruction tbat toe mabe of tbe JOiotJffo all tbeMfll map ffauD togctber,faut bp anotbec conttructfon ft cannot«Elizabetb QiaU babe a fpecfal entapl toftid bee l^usbano bp tbe Uii claufe, ano pet tte general CCate tapl gfben fn tbe former part fltjall Cano; nno Vdb are fn tbe fnterpjetatfon of Mflls to confioer eft - camttancesanoconjcctutes, ano tl)cre arc ttoo publfcatfons founofntbio Mfn, 39a Mich. 1653. teJH, alttjouGfitWflbctlmof appBiic upm UccojB, «rn» fo ftntatmtk lUlJgClTliJnt. Roll chief lurtice, Wiare»ll ofoneopinioti,tiiSt iiMigtmcfii ou^ht to bt oivmforttieDebcndairt, 3f tt)C flrtttlanfC h tljc t3HfU tonli. Hue utTcoiittollEO by> tt)c 13,:ot)(fo, tt tafo: tl)eS:?ci"cnoant,lnitif jtfemf* MUC nrt muonirollcD It la fo j tl)E 191ac SEcltatoie trdtfeftname, ana ttjc Xcftato; (ntenoco l)hj D-iiicDttr Uku marrp C!t« of Ms oi»n rrw*: ^frnaine, atio not one of t)fj rcputatli^e n^itttD , f^iltifsfda tfccUA (>TC| anogot3iTotatfijjWngttitl>c oitsfwarp vAc-s of namco tf>at rowo atftip, aittj ft cannot be fnteftoe'D tliat tl)C Hcaato : ofb '.nean to Dctlrop one part of f)i0 Vofti bp anollKt part. iS aciiirat claurcfn a grant Cjafl not crtcwn to a partftiTlar tWngpjoftfotD ro;iin tic grant, muc!) izftj i^au ft do fo hi a waia. I liereforc lee judgeme'nc be for the DeftncJanc, nifi» Mich. 1652 Banc. fup. A jji SLUio'A oftljsCafc tD'fi b?ttigi)t Op one tbat hept a afftaafiftrs iJdccmentM -^ftonfc Jo J fpcnlifng ttjcfc Ujoj«3 01 ^Cr, There wm a mnn killed in her ai« Aitijn f, Soulier , and (he concealed the marcher, Clpon a nrtc to Cap ja3(fement tfll tbe pafntff (boulQ mote ; Wild mobto fo; Mtogcntcnt, bccaufc fte fjcio tbc taojos to be actfonablc, fii tijat tljcp amount to a ftantial of tfje ^Wntff, Fine. ao iucU aa t!,cp tcnD to caufc l;cr to be fincDtxio impjifoncu. Roll chief iiiipiifon- Iu(licc,fefte (Uallnot bcftnco anolmpjifxinco erccpt Cie izceVoz am roftifon '""". the partp that txfileo hmi, bat tijc toojDo arc fcanKalons, ano the Cafe tiffferfl from tl)c Cafes pat ontije other floe. TwiiJen foj tlic Dctrnoant urgco , that ft toaa not afjstrc9 that tl)i|)lahitffDfD Iwein of tt)t mtrttlirT. , Roll chief inftice, SCbc iiJojostmplp Ore knetu of the martljer, fo; i;aJB clfeconloibebcfaiato concral tt. Bowlftrode fo: tljt JDcfenoant fata , SChatitDotbnot appear bp the Kecojl) that anp man iBao fefBcu in the hotife, nojanpttfc; Bno here f'ro man be mirthcrco thcfct«ntf)v l^iisOano.nnD not tljc p raent ^'f" ' ^"^ ^^^ Hioncpo bcrc arc intcnDcD to be paiD fo? a martagc pojtion , jjraent. ^jj^j^jj Qotbpjopcrlp belong totbcbncbano , ano tbrp tocre not to be pafo unto bet befo je tbc mariage , nno tt Is all one In t¥^ vEarc as If t!ie |Dlaln< tlfl)aDfalD,tbattbcSDcfcnBantbaD not palQ tbemoneps to tbc l^usbana t)(tb l)ls Mllfe In marlage : Curia ad idem, The Rule thereupon was, that the Flaintif Ibould take his jud^emenr, nifi, ♦ Hicks and Joyces Mich, »d5 3,Binc. fup, Arreft of A -^ ^^^^^ °^ ^^^ ^^^^ ^^^ b?oncI)t foj tljefcloojDfl , She, meaning t^e judgement V, ./ \ HDetcnOant, is a whore, and I willproveit, and her plying place it in an Aftion fuiCheapfide , ?,nd Ihe gets 40 s. a niqht by playing the whore. %t toas tno* words. teBlnatreftof^iiDgcment, t^iat tbe icojDs ate not aalonable, becanfe tftepatebnttDojtsoftbolct, anotjctp genctal Idojds, ano map tccclbc tibers confiructfoits , anDattbcfirftmoblngtbe jnogement teas ttapeo ; but tbe mattet being motjcD again at anotbct oap , Roll chief luftice fala , thattbcrctoojcglmpojt'mojctbnn tbc barccaUfngofatooman Uiljo^e , bp Tcafon of otbct particular cirtnmflanccsfitfoatb to aggratjatettie mattet, anO ti)CtCfo;e lu the Plaintif take her liidgernent. Townefend and Barker. Mich, 1653. Banc. fup, Trin. id53« rot, 74J» Arrtft of A^ action upon tbc Cafe tnas bjongbt bp a (X !)urcljtoat&cn of a ^arf (6 , judpcmtnt in-'^fojttlcrctoOJtBfpofeenofblnt J Thoudoft make Lowns ( i.e. taxei or anaaiontor affeffments ) thy felf, and ma kefV 5 quarters in the year, and dofl cheat and '**"''*• cozen the Parifti. 3[t toaa mobcD In ^tuft of Juogcment tijat tbe inoioa are not actionable, bccanfctbepare fpofecn ofaCburcbiDarocn.lDblcbtbe Common Hato tabes not notice of: ^noilp. Jntbat It Dotl> not appear tbeptDCte fpofeenofbl.IT In relation to bis being a Cburcbtoaroen ; But It toas anfUjeteo , SCbat a Cbartbtoaroen Is an £)fficcr of aCtuft , anD taken notice otbptbe Common 3laU), ano To Isas It aoinogcD In Stroade anD Homes bis Cafe In tbis Court, ano tbe \oo%nB mud be IntenoeD to be fpofeen of bim In the relation to bis iDffice, fojtbatis Implpeo bp bis making of lloiDnsanDbfscoajeninstbclparlQ). The rule was for the Plaintif to have hit judgement. Mich; 1653. Banc. fup. • Fn.rftiient A ^ Ctttildmenf of one cntjfctctjfojtefiiftng to ferbc In tboSDfficc of a quifticd. /ll^caDboiougb tDasquaftjetj, bccanfeltuisnotfljciD tbat ftctoaacbo* AefenDant0 &on , lobo Dfo otoe unto the )dla(ntf{f fit^e J i^. ^unojeb ponno,t)io alTamc ano p^omife untot!}epUfntffFa certain Tutu of monp eirp^effeo fn tlje SDcclaratfon , upon nonafrumpfitplcaocD, ano a tjeroftt ano a jnogcment gften foj tlje pinfntfff, the IDcfcncaiit bjougt)t a tiUatft of Crro?, ano ft teas afafgnco foj (lI;rroj;2i:bat there appears no confiDcratfon to grouno the pjomtfc upon,$ to no gronno} fte ootli not IbetD tdat be 4aD Done anp thing fn p^ofccuting t^c ^rtt of ne exeat regnnra, anD Rofyer anD Langdales Cafe 1650. fnflfa Court irascftcD, ano Hob, 215. Bedwcll ano Cottons cafe, ano there fs no fuch QHrft fntljc Regifter,a0 a ne exeat rcgnum,anD tl'crefojc there coulD be no fo;br&rancc to fue out fuch a Mrit , buttherefsa Wrfttogfte fecurftp not to 50 out ol tfje IRealm to the publfqiie picfuDfce of the fefnct ano hfs people , ano here is no fuch matter crpjcffeo, but onlp that his «>oii otoco him s 00 I. 5 Nat. Brev. 8f, 1180 agrecD; anD ft teas farther objettcDbp Wild tuhoargueo agatnft the SuDgement, that though the conGoeratfon fhoulD be gooo , pet the rcplf- catkin fo not gooD ano fuffiticnt to tpe the fccono tuarit to the firft : fo; ft it not fafo that the fetono Mrft fo pro una ^ eadem caufs, ano fo it is fnccrtaf tr, Br. Trcfpais 85. 9 H. 6, anD there map be fcberal pjomffes maoc fn one Dap-, ano ff the rcplfcation fs gooD, pet the retopnDcr fs not gooo, 1 9 H. 8. 4 ? ■ fo? he onlp aomfts, that he being a tonight is the fame perfon tohich 'uas fuco bp the name of Efquire , Hob. 171. Stukelycs Cafe anDhercfa aluogc- incntbpaNihildicit;anDnoU)arrantoffltto?np. fojftfsfn JLatiii, anofo ft fs nul,ft being ftncc t^c late act maoc fo; the pjocccofngs fn iLalr> to he in €CC2 Cii5' ^9^ , Mich. 1653- ^" "~~*CninET^tch~ort'ti:cot^ct fnc piapeo tlfat jtragcnf nt might be affirmeo, anofafo.tliatticrctuajsagoD confiKratfoit to srouiiD ttjcp;omfrc upon, fo; there is a COrft of nc (xeat re^nun-,ano ani' one map movc foj it, aio it Is a benefit to ttje partr, t^it tljf plaintiff itill tojbrar to fwc It fo;tl), am Ije ftao tnufc cnouct) 1 ert to motjc to; tijts CClrit in o;t;cr to rcco^jci m Otbt , ana flltljoKCiJ) it'bc in t5)'; tlfcrctlon ct tDc Islnct , \3i cttj. t fte li,iU gvcnt it oj not, ret Iti'^fo; l)li3l)oi'OJ to ciautit,ariO tbc lUpificr ipj. 134. nno IJnt. joi. mnUc inrutioii of ttts tGttt, Init.r. 130. SLSjcrc is a caution ufcD to be tahcn ofparticsliccnfctJtonobcporiOfecacr, ttjatttjrp tljall paptMr Debts. 2lp» Et)C replication Is coiO, foj itisr.ot nccctfarvtofap, tint tl): fLConDojIut^ nal ftico fo;t:) isfoj tl)C fninc tca'e tl)atttcfojmcr loas, bctaufc it is ill an Action ispon tt)C Cnfcfct fo;tl) at large, Uiiji'b HicIbb verbatim tljat ft is fo: 't'oe fame catifc, ano fo it is plain (n it fclr. alp. 3it is falD. tl;at be facD outtl)C feconD O^itinalprocsuiapracJidii, ivl)!Ci) is a fcjificicnt abets mcnt, if there neccco anp. ano tt?;; tatiarte in t5)c oammacrc is no arsumcnt I'ljat tl)cre is ar.otljcr caufc of Sldtor, £oj Uben tljc fccono £>.:i(;iiial toes fuvD fo?tl),tl)C DPrnmagcs lucic crxreafco bp tljc ciicicafc of tfte time, being a lyi)olc pcft aftctluaras. i^ojt^; tetopnoer, it Is to be coi-.ftoereo,i. U)hai)cttl)cp''TtpbecfioppcD. zip. 3:fnct,u>Utl)tt tbc matter fctfojtU bcctooiD. i?o>tl)efitftl)cl3clo, that l)C is tfioppco bp!)t3tcmminglnfo?= mc'rlp c'acis as ar.C!q'.iirc,an3 being not bjoi:£i)t in in jDyer,i 9 ». ' there he aiallt.otplcao another name : bat here tfjfs is not aliegeo asit o'jnht to' be, fo: he o'^«"W to I avc cor.cluDca abique hoc, that he is an CLfquirc, but he hath atfirm:D hdnfclf to be an Crqiiire, bpfapingofp cdiaus^c ano hconahttohateailegcDthis!p:cia«p, viz. that Richard B-mIc iSnigirf, V b'ch fuas'fueo bp the name ot R chard Bi.ile efquirc; ano the JSooU 2 E.4» f - i3 agalnft the other lEoobs, anD the ILato is othcritales, ant) theolo ^ooU of entries, ano other pjefiocntsVuhichare agafntt me, tljcppaf- fco fub filentio auD thclLaiugcnerallp Isngair.atljefepjcQocr.ts.Raftal Crier". S4. 19 H.'d- '. ;6.44' fap,that ftels tttoppeo If he fo come In, anofo fsBr Tit. Defer.ce, 15 N :6.3: H.6. 3. 35 H.6. ano manp cfger IBoohs; anothc51Bool-ofi9H.6.4:j.ur5Ci5ontl)C other floe Is acalntt tljeui; ano thouofahc Qoulonot b: cftopp:D,pcttDc can tattc aDbantagc oftbcfirtt iDjI. oinarfojlt'l8batabatcablcbpt!icC^irr,ormcr, ano is notcbatXD, ano there fa a fla\D In the rejopnner, fo: h= cncht to hate tratjrrfeo that be teas not an Cftiutrc. i!n0 2lp. tbe zrtb- of March is after tbcOjIsinalfuco fojtb, Diinmjgcs. W. cntrp ofttjcmi. Warrant of ^tto;ncpbefc:ctlie3a;te, Ton. g lac Morlev ancMoricyiii this Coi'tt • iKt. is not t!)e er.trp the izanrrant it fcif , but onlp an cr.trp that be Is £tto?np bp ecintrant.ano fo be p;apco tbcaifirmancc of the iuog- mcnt Roll chiei luiHce , Jf one bjing a mm of loio 1. ano it be abater, arobMnos another mritfojt.c fame ocbt < can ymi cncreafc tlj: oam- maacs acctueo between tb-: f.fft a^^J ;^c f"ono mrit;- Jt cannot be, foj tte f£co"aoi3lnittbCTeVi^lngoftbcfiraciniit.anDnotancj3 Mlrlt; but bete are citcrs points confiocrable, ano fit to be fpohcn unto ?. nc exeat regnum is a fCrit ufiwUp fnco fonh .iltl^ougbtbat o:irl!iaUp it toas onlp ufeo inCa- fes of &tate bufincars. tberefojo the fo;b:aranre tcrucitfojtblsagooo connocration. The Co-ari; advif.-d to cak^ a new Pica to try ctic matter, Pi>flea, Mich. _^___ Mch. 1653. jQ-y Mich. 1653. A^ CEnDfctmcnt Uja3 p^cfttren agaiuft otic foj tcaoftig tbc IB00U of ^"^ ^"'^*^- Common pjapcr , ano ft toas motoeo to be quaiTjco upon tbfs ejccptf- "!,''"' ^"''^' on, viz. t'jat tt)e Cnolctmciit Dfo not fap tbat Ije reao jt pubUqiiclp : but onlp fa(D, tUat ijc leao cr,tl)e3latpfounDafpc£(altierD{(t, upon Ini^fcbt be Cafe toaa tl)f0, Nor. tonfojournco fntbeboufcofjafon, anDDarfngblsfojwirnfngtbcrc ti» got !)<3 SDauglitcr toftb Cbtlo ; j^our pears after lafon bjougbtan actfon up- on tbc Cafe aga(nC Norton fojnffaultfng Wa 2Daugl}ter, ano getting bet inftb CbUD , per quod fcrvitium amifit. SDbe queftfon bcre \paa, tDljctbet bccanfc no JJcton ujas bjongbt bp tb: SDaiigbtcr fo; tbc tojong Done to ber I'Jtbm fonr pears , ano tbercbpfijciiasbr.rrcDbp tbe fetattifc of Umftatf- ons or anions to b? the luDgcment ougbt to be quod dcfendens capia* tur,tebftbfa tbe Bluogemcnt fn a Ercfpafs vi ct armis, anD not fn a SCrcfpafa nuon tbc Cafc , Hob. Rep. VVheatly ano Stones Cafc , 3nD altbougb tbe 3(tfonconcluDCU)ftbaper quod fervitium amifit, pet ft founoa moic fjl JCrefpaffi t'aan to be anactfon upon tbe cafc ano tbcn be is barrco bp tbc&ta« tutccfUmitatfon0,fo:notb;fngingfttDitbin4 pears, ano berc arc f ntirc Damages alfo gitjen fo:all, 'mbftb ougbt not to be , foi tbc SDcfcnoant luas a fofourncr in tb^ plaintiff boufc , anD bao licence to enter into it, % bp confcqnence ia is not gufltp of tbe vi et armis DcclarcD,of Hob, Andrews anr» de Mich. 1553, 3^9 delahopc, aiEliz.Dyerj^p. aolac Rhetorick anD Ctiapeh Cafe, anO tljctcfoje noDammagegousljfto batte bccii gibtti fo? t6c domuTi fregir,be= caufc \)t entrco toftb llfccnfe. Roll chief luftice, St map bet^efnttre Dammageg are ai'ozn bp tbc Slurp, fo; tbc trc^paffc, ofU)!] ano iftbep be illegal tbcp are not to be pain, ipejrt tbep are commfttcB fo; not papfng all the monp bp tbem le*ieD, tobercaatbeparcJooeDurtSd.inttie pounnout of ft fo? tbefrpafni lit coUecting of it , ano fo tbep are committco fojmojetbanfanue. Roll chief luftice, The order ij not good, yet leti hem on the other fiJe take time to maintain it if they can, bfcaufc UiaanojDcr fo; repairing oftbef^fgb'fi'^ ^^"^^''^ loap, tubicl) fa fo> tftc goo of tbe Common tor altlj, . " '°"'' Henflioe. Mich, 1653. Banc.fup, f A Writ of dCrro; toaa bjougbttorcfcerfcafuagcmcntinanEiecSioneError tore- X\ firmar; it toaa moteD fo; tbe E)cfenDant in tbe Mrit of Crro j, tbat tbe ' <^' <« ' i"**?'- aRecoju toaa not pet tranfcribcD,anDtbercfojepjapeo be mfcTbtamcnDtbCp7"a'""fi JuDgement bp mabing it recuperet fnfteao of recuperare debet, becanfe it,i,r '""' '' toaa onlp tbe faaltoftbcCtarfeiii mlfentring. Roll chief Iu(licc,2i:bi0 la a matter of fubftance, ano toe cannot tell tobetbertbe juagement be final An^endmenr, 0; not. Jf it be not final it ought to be recuperare debear: but if ft be '^"'§<^'"«"'- final, It oagbt to be recuperet. Therefore we will make no rule in ir, Mich. E ror to re- verie* jiii'g niciu iu (lie Common 400 iHill. 1653. Mich. 1653. Sane, fupw D^"fcan UP Ro" chief luftice , 3tf one mahc a Icafc fo? pears of latin, rcrt- SvTon ir . D;t AQahiff ; petfone, one of iDljonttoae tD(tbant corrcfpondency with the Cavalliers. tEp« on BJiTue jopnec , anoa cicvDfctfounofojtbc }3!afiitff, 3it \am mobP?» in arrctt of iubgcment tbat tbe Idojdb tuerc not flttfoiiable , because utttrlp uncertain , either loben Col. windiiam toas Colonel, ano tr.ben tbe l^o^fe^ incre pnt \xk , ant> tbe otber tuo;Ds are as tncertain at} tbcfe. T^'.^X it lose anftDcrcD, tbatifall tbe UJ020a be tahcn together, tbcparcter iianouflii to grotino an aaion , fo> if tbcp be trtie the pinttitif tiirmbp lui! • ('e crpjef» Ip mauc a SDclinqucnt , anD babe bis cttatc fcqtt Itrct) fo> aaberfng ano ar» fifiiiigtbe teing ngalnft tbe iOarliamcnt, aiia ottljls opinion tuas tbe Court, and thereupon the Plaintif had his judi^emcMC. Hill; Hill. 1654. 401 Hill. 16 54- Banc- fup- I jptftc Cafe of one Page anu Crook, Utnagfafi) fap t^e Coart, SCIjat «whom»vU an Action o( S^terpaEs be b;ongl)t aga(nS one toft^ a fimul cum toitti o< wuneflci. ttieto , ff noticing be p}ot)eoasal)ccp, ano 26 iBnllocfeo, tfteaicpiicauon JDefencant pleaDatbe fetatnte of 21 lac. of Ifmitattons of actfona upon tbe IReco^D. Maynard anftoereo, t^at t^e tcplfcation is gooD , fo^ toe cannot tahe a traterfe upon tbcfr plea , totf cb is furplufage , anti toe neeo not pleao aU t^e continuances but it i0 fuf Scfent ft lue pleao as muc\3 of tbe llecoiiD as goes in ]5ar. Roll chief Iuftice,2Cbc plea is plain , ant) it is not ncceiTarp to allege tl)c continu. antes , foj bete is an appearance. Sit another nap Maynard fain, tbe plea in JlSar is not gooD , fo; be pKaos an immaterial tWng , foj it matters not ioben tbe ojiginal teas fueo fortb, but be ougbt to plcaD not culpable toitbin 0]C pears befoje tbe £Djisinal fueu fojtb. Roll chief luftice , SCblsis tbe a« foal it ap of plcauing , ano it is bat to put pou to a ncto nfefgnment, ano tbe ^'^^' plea is gooD , f oj pou are not tpco up bp it , toj pou arc not foiceo to iopa tlTue . f oj Jou map tnabc a neto afsignment ; but toaite tbe SDemurrcr on one part , ane tbe pleating of tbe Statute on (be otbcr part, anD tafee a neto plea anu go to a trpal , otbertiiifc toe muft gite fuogcment foj tbe paintif. But tlie Court would advjfe. Latch at anotljer Dap faio, tbattbe replication is naugbtfoj the nnccrtaintp, fojitootbnot appear toberc tbe i©jiginaltoasfueDfojtf), nojtbe time toben,fo}itis onlp faiu he i^oft" fojtbaniD?i£i!ialin Michaflmai JLcrm , anu part of Michaelmas SCernt liiap be iuitijin fir pears, ano the otber part map be after tbe ti); pears, ano fo it cannot be tmofentobctbcr it teas fueofostb in Due time oj no, ano be- caufc no place i<5thcfecD there can be no tJlenue. Adjourned to the next term , ^t apotlier tap the «Eare teas mofcD aoaiii, 9 then tbe 2 crccptions taSen, tbatitbfisnotfafoproutpatctper Rfcorc'um , ano ban not fljeten • the continttarcesof thv ptccefs, toerr oVcr-rulco bp t! cConrt; ano then a» notherCrfcptfcntoactaUcntotherrplfcation, that it concluoc!) &- liocpe. tjtquodinquiraturper patriam, Ivbifhisrot gooD, foj it binOcrs tftc Otbct partptorciopn, ano he is tompcUeo cither to topn iifuc, oj to Demur. LatchiinfircrcD , SLhat the partp map not be aomitteo to ta!?c aot-antage of this fault note opon a grncralocnuirrcr , anD be is not tpcD up from rctopn* ing , altbounh an iffuc be offereo him , fo? though the plea be infojmal pet be map pafo otjcr anD relopn , Hob. f, 80. Newman anD Stones cafe, ^ot- iDitWanDing an unncccffarptratCTfc the partp map plcaooUcr, ano is not bciuntitojopnijrue, anotheimpcrtinencpof the plea l\)all remain but onlp ifff ia 40Z Hill. 15 5 4- ae a blcmfd) in fo^im of t()e plea , ano (ban not be accompfcD a fault fn tbe fubQanccoftt. Sim alp. t^it barfs not gooo, anD tbercfo^c ft matters not tljoiigb tbe repUcatfoti br not gooo , fo; ft fa fmpettfncnt to fct fojtb an £»jfi!;fnal, butljeougbttotiabcplcaDcD gcncrallp tbnt bcvnaanot gufltp Hjftbfn 6 peats before tbe ;©}< B<«al bjongftt , bnt bcre Ije I)atl» fmpcrtfncntlp fctfojtt)ti)Ctfmeofb?fn5ftiStftc0;(g(nal, ano tl)f8 anftocrs not tbc &ta. tutc, ano tfje matter allcgco Dcftrops bffl oton pica, ano bcrc can be no jjcdd 3truc jopneo inltljotit Departure from bfs plea , to toft from Ij/s bar, ano tftfs ts not to be fufferco fn pleaufng; ano berc fs ncftljcr certafntp no j con- gruftpfntl)e parts of tbcpleaofng, foj tbe begfnnfng of tbe term fs nncct- tafnlpaHegeo. ilp. It^efljetosnot Inljat Dap of tbc 2Cerm l)c fffueo fojtft ftfs ojfgfnal , btit onlp faps gcncrallp fn Michaelmas SCerm , tobffb fn Cole ano Sibfevs cafe fntbifs Court teas latelpaDjnDgeDnatigbt. Halet on tbe otbtr Cic fafo , tfjattbc barfsgooo , anDt^attbetcplfcatfonfafnfufftcfcnt, becaufc tlje ©efcnDant f s tpcD up bp an f flue , ano f s not fuffcrcD to rcjopn, anD ft fs f nfuffictent fn fubftance , fo^ be l^atb not maoe a proper concluQon, fOjbcou:;bt to ba^C toncluDCO, et hoc paratuseftverificare, anO as ft id ftfsfmpcrtfneiit, anotbe piaf ntf f cannot pafsober to re jopn as Latch fup» pofetb , ano tbf s cafe fs not like ti^e cafe of tbe ttabccte cf teo bp bf m , U>^re be map pafs o\)cr , ft being but fn matter of fojm , but ft fs not fo berc , foj tbe a^ratjers atiers ti)c plea . ano concluDeo not tbe partp as here be fs con- cluDco ,anDcanoonootbertbfngbatDcmaro} jopnfn tbc Sffuc tcnojeO; ^na tbc bar alfo fs gooD ano fufficfent, notltitbttanoing tbe time of tbe 2>iU gfnals iffufng fojtb be allcgcD , altbougb ft tuas in bis elcttfon to babe IlielD« CD tbe tfme, oi not to babe OicUicDft ano btsfbelofng it mabes not tbe plea iDOjfcbut mojecertafn, ano altbougb ft be not tbe trutb of tbc Cafe as be batballegcD ft , 31 Doubt tobetbcr ft (boulD be a Departure foi tbc patntff to replp to a neto ;© jigfnal afsfgneo , ano ft map be tbcrc iDcre ttoo iDjfgf- nals , ano tlje Defendant rclpes upon tb'^ laft £>;ffifnal, ano ff tbc otbet £)jfgf nal be pleaocD be map replp to ft aftettoaros. alp. 0Dmfttfng be can« not D;part, tljfs tofll Doe no bnct , foi tbe plea fs not toojfc foj bfm alttiougb ft be better foj tbe otber. jlp. 3t fs not fncertafn to fap tbat ft flTuco fojtb tn Michaelmas Term , fo> aUtbeSCermfsbutoncDap tn 3laU),-anD ft fa fafDiDbcntbe2netmfaegan,namelptbe2 3 0fOdobcr, anb ff ft be not fo certafnlpevpjeffcDasftougbttobc , pet bp tbe replfcatfon tbfs aobantagc fs loft , ano ft fs not Ifbe to Cole anc Sibfeys cafe cftcD on tbc otber (toe , fo» tbcre voasa fpccfal SDemurret, but bere tbc ©emurrcr fs general, ano tbere ftU»as of tbe partfes oii>n fettfng fojtb- Latch, Jf tbc ^fsfgnment of tbe £)2fgf iial be at bis perfl , f f be fct ft not fojtb rigbt ft f s f U , anD ft fs not toell bcrc'afsfgncD , fo? tbcrc fs ncftbcr time noj place allcgeo tubcn ft fffueo fojtb. Roll chief luftice , 3 concefbc tbe rrplfcatfon fs not gmo , fo? tbc Rc,icjtion. partp fcbounDupt'oat be cannot rctopn, butmiiftcftbcr Demur oj iopn fn 3ffue\Bftbpou, ano 3 babe not bcaroofpafefngofecrfn tbfs Cafe, as map be cone fit tbe Cafe of a SCraberfe Vnbfcb concluoes not tbe partp , ano bere pou abcr not pour pica as pou ougbt,anD tbe otbcr ougbt to be left at Ubertp A.cuiui.t. to vcjopnff be plcafc.tobfcb be cannot Dobercjbut ft fs Doubtful! tobctber tbc pica fiiBar be gooD oj not,becaufc tbcre fs no tfmc ccrtafn allegeo of fffufng o:it tbc £??fgfnal , fojftfs fafo gcncrallp fn Michaelmas SCerm , tobcreas aniDjfgfnalbcarsTefteataDap ccrtafn, ano map fffne fojtb out of tbc OTy.,ii jccrm," anDftfsnotlfhea JuDfcial to)ft , ano ft fs iiticfitonablc lobctbct tbfs be matter of fo?m onlp, o? of fubftance , anD me fcems ft fs matter of fubftance to be abcrrco. The Court yvoul d ad vife. Sit anotbet Dap tbc date teas agafrt put anofpoken to bpWadbam Wind- bam, tobo, npon putting tbc Cafe iirscD, tbat tbe jEDcfenoant b:tcfctsfojtb ano- Telle. Hill. 1653 . 405 anoth,cc ojisfnal not fet fojt^ bp t\iz fdlafntff, ano t^(0 fs not b^onglbt tDitl^ifl tt)e time Umitcs bp tlie Statute; ann upon tbfe ti3C piaintff cejopnS) ano Ije tftco Coles aiio SibryesCafc, aiiotnCfteo.t^at t^eSDcfenuantep-M fn bat is not scoo tn tb^ matter of fubftancc , to; \)z njeloa no time no^ place tDbenlc ttc mi f-plcaDing of a S^tattite iubicb muft be pjccifelppleaoeo ano is matter of fubttance : but tbis is matter of fojm onlp , ano beCocs tbis matter is bete tnaftjeo < ano notbing is fljeiccD jbp tbe faiaintiff tolifcb can bar iiim of Ijfs action , noj batb tbe 2)e= Demurrer* fcnoant plcaocoanptbing to bar bim. 0nDbp tbe replication ponbat)ebin« ojeo tbe 2Dcfen8ant to plcao to potr, fo j pou bate concluoco ad patrism, ano ftoppeo bim from pjoceeDingfurt!;cr in plcaoing: bat tbe piincfpal matter i3, t^at ponbatjetoaiteo tbe matter pleaoco in bar, of tobffb pou migbt ftaDctafeenaotjantagc, ano 3 coiueibe tbat be Inbo ocmurc upon matter of fojm ougbt to ftjeU) tbe fpccial matter tDberefo;c be Demurs ; but ifit be Atatute, ano oiticrs opinions np^ on it, foj tbe Statute enjopnctb to fet fojtb tbe matter of fojm plcacco in- fufficientlpt Nil capiat per billam, nid. .•'' Hill. 165 5. in the Upper Bench. « Matter attojncp CDcnctal mobeo tbe Court aftcriffucfonicoiitan To ft«y a CBnoidmcnt picferreo againft S©r0.Lcvingfton,anD tbe SLrpal bciug to Tivai upon be the ncrt Dap , tbat tbe Erpal migbt be aapcD bprnlc of Court, bccaurc*"^"'^'^- tbe Cnoinmcnt is erroneous in manp tbings. ano tbe 2Erpal tbcrcupon toill ■"'"'• be fruitleffc, foj no Juogement can be bao upon it, ano toetnappicfcc a nctD I'crcmpiory. iwt pctcmpto?? to t^? part?; and therefore lecthcWric abace. Hill. 1654. upper Bench. whtre may RP ^0^^ '^'^^ luftice, 3f an flttlen of55attetpbp£)j,at ttootb not ap- pear fo; U)bntb:cncb of pjomtfc tbe Action lebjoti^ib^, tobetber foj tbe not paptng tb- 50 1. 0^ not paplngtbeCggeaano JSaton. alp. Zt ienot atjerret) in teliat pear tbe 2>efenDant iraa to begin to pap tbcCggeaano jpacon. £Co tbia R- II chief Joftice aHfijjerco, tb« ft QjaH be fntcnue!) to be. inwndmenc. gfn toftWn the peat n£)ct after tbe fflarlagB flbaU take effect. s^V- 3it taaa Etccptco agnf atf, tbat (t atflb not appzar foj bote manp peara tbe ©ngea ano JJaconUcreunpalD, anotbep^omlfctoaft maae anno ifi^7.'nttiittitWirit ofCnciiilrptDascrccuteD anno 1653. SBat Roll chief Iuftice otjer.ruleo tbe Crctptlona. ano to tbelaC anftoereo, tbe HecoiD ia hoc ofque, ana fo ft is ce;tatn snoujb. Therefore let the Plaiontfbavc his lodgement, Oifl, CvC, HiU Hill. 1654. __ _ _____^^ Hill. 1654 Upper Bench. 1i^ tljE Cafe of one BaniOer tD^ete t^e SMon teao an SctfiJnofBDebtJ^'"*'.'''"?^' biou&it asatnttanCEtecuto?, Roll chief Jufticf, fajo, SCtjat riens inttr„7rot '««»*- inaiaes pleaDeo bp an (trccuto% is an afftrmatfbe plea j,tbe SDefcnoant Dio affame ano p?omifc to tfje""* P'^""''- 5plaf ntf r, tftat if l)C tDOulo fojbcar to fuc bf m fo j tbc monep , ano inonla fufs fee bim to go into tbc Country, be ttonlo pap tljc monep, ano foj bjcacb of tftis pjomffe fje bjongbt bis 3afon , ano obtains a tjcroia. 3it teas mobco f n attett of Binogcmcnt, tbat tbcre appears no conGoetation in tbe Dctlara* tiontogroanotbcpjontifenpon, tobcrcbp to make tlie a>efcnDant Irable topapt&emoncptoWcftbcpjomtfeDtopap,{ojitootl) m>t appear tbat be feCrecntO}, ano Rofyer anb Lanpdalrs cafe. Anno xeio. in tl^fc Coart toatf citco. JCotbisittDasanftocreDbptbeCoiincelontbe other fiac, srbat a goob confioeratfon ootb appear tocU enongb, foj loben be faftb tbat be toaotofojbeartofaebfntasCrccotoj , it ©all be inrenoeo tbat be toaa Cpccutoj attbctfmetobenl-ei&onlDfofojbear to fue hhn , atio tbc pjo- mffe fs fo lafo , Plow. 1 a8. Rolf chief luftice , SCo Tap tbat 3 vcili fojbeac tofneoneasCic£cato>,fsnotanatfirmancctbatb3isCDi:ccato> , ^no tbcre tDBs fticb a cafe as tbfs ruleo in the CpcbcJiuer ; ano it is no mo;e , nap not fomucbasifbcbabfafOjtbatbeUjoulDnotfucbiniat air. iudgement pro Defeodencc, niil,. B Bill. 1654. Banc.fup. p Roll chief lurtice, 31n an ;3ctfon npon tbc cafc vittarmis, jt is not Where oh: not mcceffarp to concloBc contra pacem publicam , but in an 0ttion of aCref- nccd^* pafs quatevi ct atmij , tbe concluQon muff be contra pacem publicam. condude'eon- Hili. 1654 Upper Bench. f"''^'"'"- BI^Rollchiefloi^ice, afpccfalCaplpfsboanotofbetDbiBtDarranttOvvh r tbe partp tobom be is to ^rrctt , otbcrtoife tbc partp to be arrcftco is ,m>a\hcn lit nottpcotoobcpbfm.tntbeianotboimo to (hcto bis toarrant to awjrranc stranger, bnt a bnoton 1Bapl|^ fs not bcnno to f&eU) bid Warrant to anp, if f f 3 HU/. 406 >Hill. 16 54' a^4.A all jopn fn a lojft of Crto? torc\)crrctW0§tiDgemciit, tWoVDjlttclucu b)0U3ftt, foj tftc luogcmcnt ludecment to'"' crronfooa , bccaufc U arlfeth but from a pcrfonal Cobcnant,ana not upon a real contract, as Latch helo, iDhoargncofo} the plalntlf fn the tDjit of Crroj , SE'.icrefo je he falo the action of Covenant coulD not ftcre Ue agaiiift thcCrccattir, asalrarrantpin iLato blnos onlp the partp, ano notpjifcies, as Spencers cafe is, Dyensy. alp. die iDlaintiftnthe actf* pnooth not Declare that the 3Dcfenoant teas maoc Ctccutrii; , ano if (he be but fiSrccutri); de (on tort demefne, (he is not UablC to this action, Wadharo Windham on the other fioc helo , th^t the too'^os ptdoing ano paptng in the ILcafe ate an cvpjcrcf Covenant, ano the 3^ ton here is fo; rent become ar* rearinthet(meofti3C(fj:cc«tri);, ano this Covenant being a Covenant tohich maUcB the rent papafale ratione terrac , it 00th concern her, ano an ^i- ccutrirdefontortisbountJtopapthcrent. Roll chief luilicc , take time to anfiaer both €rccptton0,btit 3 conceitjc at p:efcnt , that the Vco jDs pielo* fng ano papingare an crpjcfsCo^jenant, fo: if thep tocre not . iuhat re* Covcr.anr. wcop clfc iroulothcrc be to tecoter the rent :■ foj if (he be a tiffeifo?, nef. therocbtnoj Covenant toill lie agatnft her. at another cap Windham ar- gucDtl;att'rc action teas toell brought, becaufc this is an crpjefs Cotje» liant , ano not a Covenant in iLalD. jlp. 3;t is not material to CbeU) hoio (he is vc^vi^z C!;j;ecntri)c ; ant) fo? the firft this mttft be an erpiefs Co'jenant, becaufc itigbpSnocnttire, although the irojoColJcnant be not erpjefTei), fojthatirojDisnotatoojDofart, anofonoteffential to the confiituting of a Covenant, Dyer 5 7. 27 E. 4. f, 6, . ano fo? the fctonD it is toeU fet f ojth that the is mace Crecutrir , foi it is faio Jhc entrcu as an ©tcculrir. sh'.fehehat") acmtttcohcrfclftobe Crccutrfrbpplraoing. Latch on the other Sdc helo , 2Ehat here is onlp a Cotcnant in Halo , an^fois the boob in Dyer citED bp Windham , ano the Crccutrtr (3 not bouno here , becaufe it is agaiiift the afcignceoi a SCerm , ano the terp teojos doc (hcb) that Icrcis no crpacfs Cotjenant, fo; the too^tg pieloing ana paping arc not the toojDB of the JLcffcc , but onlp bp conftrnction of Hato , but are the Iro jDS ctthc icfToj cnjopningthc Jletfectopaptherent, Roll chief Iuftice,?^otD Hill. 1^54' 407 pjotjc poatftat tWa aofon Ifcanot ajrafnfl an afsJgitcc f latcb Jrtc raft of Overton % lidncv p?obe0 it, fo J It p?otPa tbat Debt lfc»not ', ano bp tonfe. qucncc Covenant Ueb not. Sinn (0 J tl)e fccono matter , tbe SDefcnoant (0 not intttlco to t^c Icafe in p;f bttp , btcaufe it ia not QieUieD ttiat i^c ia maoe fBretutxlv , ano To djc (l;aU be taken but as an CicecatTfi^of ber oton lo^ong, ano fo ia not cbargcablc , bccaiUe fl)C batb no pjftitp of eSate bat bp ^ec en* ttp , nojisitanptoberectcrmcntfoncDtbatanpcanbc Cmattfi; de fon tore ef a SCecm. zlp.^^ cannot be a^Cetmo;, but (t)c muft be a SDitfefferefa, fo^ (be cannot apportion jcr otnnts^otig. ;lp. &1}C cannot mabca tftle totlicSCctmbpftcrcntrp, ncit mapbctipaquceHate, ano tbercfoje iiia agaiiift teafon tbat Gis (hall be a ZTermoj , ano tbeie is no auttK)}itp againft t\fl9 , Palcb- 25 Btiz in tbiavTourt. Kinp and Surges in Mores ]flepO}t0 Dyer 254. ^ponajSDemutTcr, aDjubgco tbat it t»as not to be (betoeD t)ols one teas €(:ecuto;.Roll chief Iuflicc,^it)at fap pou to tbe j^b)e(tton,ti)at tlie ;9aion io b^ougbt agaitiO: \mi aa an e);cc"ti^ pleao , ant) To aomit pour feU to be an CBrecutrir ^ Sno 3 bolD tbat bcre is an er- pjcfs ^otienant , fo;tbci3o;ib0arc tbe iigreement o( bot^ parties to t^e Snoenture , anotticn tbeCr^cuto^tistbargeable bp tbem , ann it is not libetotbeCarcof aE>emife, anb there is no fit(Ferencc berc betlseen a Cotenant in lain*, anoan crpjcfs Cobenant, bctaufe it is tontbing a tbiagtebtcbariretb from tbe land, anbrotbeBretgnce isbouno bp it, ano tbfs Cafe is not lil-^e tbe cafe citcD out of Dyer, fo^bete tbeeSate tsasoe^ termineo, but bcrc it tontinucs. Sinb as to tbe laft point, 3 tonceite pri- ma facie , tbat (be (liaU be accomptcDa true Crccutrir .• ano pou bp pleao. IngbateaDmittcDit; anoifonfftnterasan dEirecuto? upcn a 2Ceim, be map bate tbe SCcrm if tbe other tstUaomtt him to be a SCermo:^, ann he iJiaHnot be accomptea a IDilTeiro; to the liefTo^ , ant to Srangers he CbaD beacconiptcD an (Ejcecuto? in iato , if thep bjtng atfions againft him, ano tbe SCccm Qjall be aiTets in bis hattos ; SLa tf one teccibe mp rents Vrith- outmptonltut. 3 map charge him asmprctcfbcr, oj mafec Wm a DlBrcfc^'^"'' fojntmp election. Cutia ad idem, and fo tbe Judgemenc was alfirnned^ JButaftcrlsarbs it VDasmoteo again, anbthe U)?itof Crro^ toas qaathcD (02 a tariance bettoirt itaribtbe IRccojb, fo; tbe Kcco^fi ie againtt the areijfus , and the to;it of Crro; is to rcmobc a ^Rcco^o againft the ^fsfg* nee. i^oitca, Bromc field anci Sir lohn Williamfbn. Hill, i6J4-^3nc,fup. Mich, idji.rot. 353. B Rnni«{icld bjouplit an Action of fi?cbt upon an iDWffatfon to pcrfojm the Col3cnantfi of a J. cafe fo? pears againft feir lohr Williarafon , tbe°"""^J'^^;^° SDcfcnDantpleaDeDtlathcbabprrfojmcDtbe CoVerarts, ttc Plain- f„'j^b" pen' tifrtplpcB, anafet^fojthabiracb, ano upon this the SDcfenoant Demur- an obiijati- tcD , ant) upon the SDcmurrcr tbe Cafe ttas tWa : 3 iieafe leas mane fojon. one pear , the fLeCTce toiiehants fo; him ano hfe flfsigns to pap the rent, fo long as be aiio thcp (baS hat)e the pofTcf!^ion of the thing let ; the ^LcflTee af« figns oVicr bia 2CcrnT , the SCcrm evpircs, the Jlfaignrc continues tbepoffef- fion after the SCerm ejpirco',. ano foj rent bcbino bp the jflfsignee after the crptrntionoftheSCcrm, theliellip;t b;fngs the Sldion , anb tbe queQion waa tX'hcther here be futh an flfcignce that the flttion UiH lie again(f,oj not, Roll chieflufl, bclo,that though here be not an afoiemt.flrialp.actojDingto Afji^nes. the rales DfJ.aip. pet that he (haU be nccompteo fachan^rsigneeasistocovcnanV. fee* 4o8 ' ^I'^J- *^54- petfojm tijc Cotjnantfl tnaoc bettoc en tbe parties , anoralcdtheDefcn-, daaccoHiew Canfejvby the PlaintifHiould not have judgerocnc NoUt Wood and Markham. Hill. 1 <5j4, Banc. fup. Forn rcniiu-T7|9onaftE)e<5ionefirin«bjongt>t, ant) a JCtpal tlicrcupon t)ai), a Taet« tion after an \r D((t iuflc toono fo J tftc piaftitff; bat npoH an agreement mace bettD^n habere fs quirc vi contta pacem, &c. bat DOtti not fap publicam, Twifden anftoereo , tbat (t c( jrmis. jg jjjjg cnougb . becaafe tbe aafon tDaBtommenCO bp £);fgfnal , bnt if It fcau been bpHBIil It teoulDljatoc been otbertolfe. Roll chief lufticc, 3tis tbe ufe In tbe Common ^Blcas to make fntb l^o^t recitals , bat In tbe beginning of the IRccojDbcteltlsrecltcDatlarge, anblffttuerenot rcclteoat large Reciui. It iDoalD not bc gooD ; bot foj tbc matter It felf It is matter of fubffance , ant) gencraUpltoagbtto beccnclaoeotobecontra pacem publicam, pet It Is goon bete as It Is fo? tbe teafons before allegeo, Affirmctur judicium nifi, &c. Hill. 1654. Banc. fup. • o ci "T 7\7Ildmot)eDagalnfta6>berlf< tbatbcmapnot be aumlttcB to file arcluVnof'a^ V V tbc rctojn Of a tujlt Pltetfco to blm , becaofe an 9dfon upon tbe wri"""'° CafclsDepcnBfngagalnftbtm fo? not returning tbistojit, anolfbcfljoulD notD be aomltteD to file tbc retarn , be tDoalb tberebp abate our jetton. Roll chief luftice, 3Eftbe tD?lt benotfileo, It (ban not bcfilcD till the Court bemo'jEO; bnt be cannot file It as cf this Eerm, tbongb be (botilo file It ro?tbe return of tb:to?lt, (asltfeems)lslonsCncepaft, bntiftbeicto^n be aUf aop fileo pou mobe too late. Swan Hill. 1554* 409 5wan and Fenham. Trin, i65o» rot, 1072. 1^ an 0(tion of SHtepafs am CBjcttment a fpccial '^exXiia toao fonnD, ano sptciai ver- (nUtl5f3Ctittom,viz."2[;!3att^c£)tDncr0 of^^oufesfntbcSColDn of New. d^^ ■" T.ef- Caftle in fecGmplc mspDctjffetbembpparoU, but not SEcnantalntapl,?'^''"'^^- ano ft teas furtbet founo , tljat tbc Ecttatoj toaefetfeo oftftcJ^oufEBtn^ "'" qacIKon setiifc, becaufe Cnffoms are nottobcenlar- geo bp tonCriiflfon, but arc to be taben llrfctlp , ano actojDing to t^c Icttc r, bccanfe tbep run in cb?iogemcntoftt)cCommon=latD, ano To are not to be fatoureD, 9 E. j.f. 38. iiH.4,f. 33. 5 H. d. f. 51, ^crt bere are fin< material Uio^ts foano in t^e ^ercia , to; if it be t^e Cuttom fo^ SHenant in fee-Qmple to ocfcife.pct tljis C):tEnDs not to tenant in tapl,27 H.d.r. 5 t»i E. 4. f. 34. ant) a oetife of rent to be iffuing ont of ttefe l^oufesia notgooo tsitfjfn t^e Cuftom, alttoun^ tbatarcntcott)foUoti] tbe nature tft^e llano, 21 AiTil. pi. 78. 26 H, S. 5 4. 3.t is true, Cook in \)i0 Littleton, f» 1 1 1 . faftb, tbat one map oetife a rent in remainoer^but J ocnp tbis,fo? t^c authorities of tU SStcbs are againtt \iim. Sin effate in remainoet is not j^ITets , no; can be oetJifcD, 3 H. 7. f. 13,24, a conDitiongocstoanGflatc-tapl, not to a fee. fimple in rcmainozr, <5 Rep. f. 35. ^noljereis butapotoer of anCI;ttate. ano not an (Effate in po(rcfsion,lJt. feet. 137. ^no t^e finoing l^re t^t tiie. %tnmt in tapl oio Die U;itbcut tiiuc is not material, fo; t^is conlo rot be Unoton at tbc time of tftc oetifc , ano iteoetife takes its effect in ttjc time of tftC SDctlfo; , 27 H. 8. Dyer 4 j. s Eliz. Dyer, Biihops Cafe, l Rep, Ar- chers Cafe, {.(6, 2lp. ^ere is no CuCom founo to intitle tlje part? : fo j a SEotun cannot bate a Cuffom as it is bcre fotmoy t^oug^ a HBojoag^ map, 3 2Ar«. 178 anOtiiisisnotfounDto beanantientUill,7H. 6. Dyer, 22 H. 6,Fitzh. prasfcript. 47. j^Eji t^c CDi'ftom is not foimD,tftat JBurgers mak uetifeasit oug^ttobc. Turnerlohn on t^eotl;crOoc^| Cttate Botb pafs by tlje C23UI, ano it matters not Irtist Cffatc paffetlj, atW t\)C £)b ners of l^oufcs in our Cafcfliall bcinicnOtD to be S^rnants in fce= fimple, ano it is not ncceffarp tbat tl)cp be tenants in fee in pofTefsion, Perkins Oetifcs, Plcwd. 262. Dyer 22. 23Eliz, 371, p. 5. anD the Cnflom Ijere founo is no moje,bot an o?Dtnarp Cuflom common to otl)er Ibojougb?, ano it fball net be intenoeo a rpecialCuftom,)anD t^isxafe map be refcmbleo to Cafes upon Hjc Statute of 32, & 33 H. 8. fo? oetiling of ilanos, lo Rep.f, Si.Trin. 34EI1Z. Bfc^lds Cafe tljcrecitCD. anO 35 Eliz. Howards Cafe,ui)itbpjotc,tl)atrc1ctifcB,PI. 2 4o.istl)etjErpCafein qiicftion , anb tfte Cafes put on tbeotftcrfiOEcomenot tooiiT Cafe, Roll ciiief luflice. Sltisnotncccffa- rpinafpctial t!:ierD!£ttobefop?ctifea3inpleai>ing,butfomctl)ingmrrp be Srcciaiver- fupplpCD, ano tbc tertjfc tjatt) fount) ttjat ije toaa £)iBncr, anO tfjat tftc £)ton-. d^^. er map Dctifc . ano tbc Cunomie,tl!i!tcteTp£)tencr in feeOmplemapDC* tife, ano tfiP CiiCom ffiall go to llnno ■ ano bolDs to rclcrftons as locll as to lanoo in potTcfskn. ;at anotbcr nap it Uias arguco, tbat tbe Dctifc luas not gcDOjfoj tt e toojD Owners cannot cytenoto all fojts of £DiBnEr8, foj it er- tenDs not loan 3nfant ^Dtcncr of ftub !&oufc3 : foj tjt cannot oetife, )]:iner:0 in polTefoion, anD ia inDiiferent untQ all (^c Cates. J3nD altbousb a Cnftom fljallbetahenftrliilp, pet it ftiall alfo be taben reafonablp, as ^aWng rcfpect to tbe benefit of tljc partp, ano tftctc can be noreafon allegeDtobeagalnfttblsDetilfe; 2c H. 8.4. fltre- mainocr in fcc ftjall 00 accojDing to tbcCuftom, tohct^et bp t^c Cuflom 3lanD0fnfceftiallgo,tbc Cuttomfliall go to aU tbings iffulng out of tbe 3lanD,anD foto all (iSatcs in tl)e ilanD , Dyer MS.anD^creio mo^etban a pofoibilitp DctifcD, 4 & 5 Phil.&: Mar. Benloes.Blt ie raleD,tbat a fce=fimplc tppttxant cballgototbc poungeft &on bp tbcCuftom,tDberc tljc Cuftont tuas, tbat t^c pioungeft &on flionlo Ijntic tljc ILanDoof toblcfjblflilnceftoj opcD fcifeb ; anD ss to tbc ClctDia bcrc lo a gmD title founD 10 j tlie SDefen. Dant. Roil chief luftice , %^e tjcrDict I0 Impctfcrt , fo j tbe ©jcctment i0 ac gainft JBaron anD i^emc, ano tbc i^cmc io founD €|crto} bp tbc feetDlct, ano Venire iic notftlngisfounD conccmlng tbe315aron,tlbcrcfoje pou nuift ftabcaVenirede novo. novo , if pou totll not agree toameno t^e tmerDict arcojDing pto tt)e note0, If tbe notes toill tuarrant It. Afterwards a Venire de novo wai awarded by confentf # Pcndarvis and Saint Aubin. HiIi.i6S4.Banc,fup» Plei before Auditors, Trin,r653. rot. 723. T/p an Action of accompt tbc 2DrfcnDantplcaD0 nennqucs receptor, upon -* tbl0 an 3ffue tnas topncD, ano an imprrfcrt terDirt founD, auD tbcrcupon a Venire de novo iDas.alratDCD, anD tbc 3nrp f/^\^p foj tbc plaintiff, aiiD tbe H)efcnoantaDtuDgebtoaccomptbefojeSIuDlto?0. SCbe 2PcfcnDant plcaos befoje tbe ancitois, tbat be bao oelibereD otiar part of tbc monies. STo tbifl tbc ipialntiff Demurs, anD;fl)rlno fojtanfe tbat tbis pcaiscontrarp to tbc JaerDlct, fo; tbat is, tbat be fljoulD actompt foj all, anD berebe luoulo accompt but fo? part onlp. . Windham fo? tbc plaintiff argncD, tbat tbis cannot be a gooD plea befoje auDltojs in Dlfcbarge of tbe accompt , but Itgoesinbarof tbc accompt. Dyer 196. 4t E. 3.f. 3T.22H.d. 25, anoin Boynton anD Cheeks Cafe latclp in tbifl Court focb a i^lea teas aOluDncD mt eoBO. ;9nD It tootilt) be micl^fetious if it Dbonlo be otbcrtcifr, in refcrting fircb «» Hill. 1654. 4ti fucft matter to be trpeo again. Twifdcn on tijc otfjer Coe faf d bcrff, on of monif J |_ ^^jjjj jjp ^gt, leVjfcD upon an erccutfon taken out of UAq Conrt , bccaufe ImS ^''*"' •' '^""^^ f''?^'' erronfounp , fo j bcfojc tbe CErcctJtfon tahcn f jtb tbc SDcfen. Daiitbjoug()tbf3to?ft of Crroj fn tbc Cbcqtjcr Cbamber to rebcrfe tbe taogement, anntfac I'lccojD tDSsrciitobcDtbftbcr, ano altbougb tbc late statute fap , tbat a iojft of Gtroj Ojall be no luperfedcas to ttap cicccutfon , pet tbr Hcco:i5 being rcmobeo into tbc Grclicquer Cbamber , no erccutfcn can be granteo oat 'gcre, foi bcrc fs no Hcco;D to iijarrant It. Roll chief lufl-, SEbe cafe bcfng mobeo agafn af anotbcr Dap, tfll toben tbe Court toonlD ao. bffe,fafo,2Cbc KciOjDfa rcmobcD bp a lojft of Crroj fn tbc (i!;i;cbcqtiet Cbam« Hill. 1654. 415 Cbatnbet , ano is not iioto before tis, no? teas at t^c time toben tde Creca- Hon IffacD fojtj), ano tWs befng after a Vcrufd ano a lucgcmcnt tjje toitt'of ^,irgf,i^P cErroMsnofupetledcas, anD fo ft fa m yet take a fupzrfcDeas qufa crronftc to fuperfede the execution , for it was ill awarded, andcake the moneys out of the Sherifs hands* Noia» T'he Protcclor and Captain Streeter, Hill. i(554,Banc. fup. C0pta{n Streeter toas bjOUfbt fr»Coutt bp habeas Corpus, anO upon tbi^of delivery return tcao ano filcD , ftnppcargtbatbe xuaecommftteD bp an jSDjwc^^" Prifoner of parUament, fo^pHblfOifngftanDaloiw ano fcD(tfou0 booUa. Twifden^^^'^HTbeiT niobci) tbat tbe pjffoncr mfgbt be bafico, becaufc Hat t|| IparUamcnt fscorpus. note DfffoltcD , ano bp tonfequencc tbc iflDjocr bp tobfcb bnras commfttcD , <0of nofojee. ^?. :9tto?nep (Dcncral on tbe ot4;er Coc urgeo , tbattb'c parlfament toa0 not of irolt)ec,but onlp tte ntcetfng of tbofc perfons (n |£>ar- Ifamcnt toae tfffoll'eo , fo? tbe^arlfament bp tbcantfent ilain fa to be Cs tjerppear, folbattbfs fa bat fn effect an aufonrnment, ant not a offfola^ tfon, ano beCoe0,tbfs matter fojivtfcb tie piffencrftanDs commftteo can- not be bcrc f nqufrco of , ano fo tbe canfc of bfs tommftment fljall be fntenOs eotobegooo, ano tbe parliament map commfttoftbont flbetufngtbecaufe of tbe tommftment, anotbfs commftmcnt mapbefnojDer to bfaSCrpal, ano tbe pjffoncr fs not liftljotit remeop , fojbemapapplp bfmfclf to tb^ fup?cme ^atboMtp , to totom tbe |darlfament bate rcCgneB tbcfr potoer. Twiidcn foj tbe pjffoncr tonfelTea , tbat tbfaCourt cannot be Snoge of tbe |0arlfament ; but tUs £D;Dcr bp Ui'ofcb be fa commftteo offfera from an Slit of fdarUament , fo;tbtafatempo;arp,anDOeterinfnetb ; ano altbougbtbe autbojftpofpailfamcntccafetbnct, petapartfcalar|parlfamcnt map be Dfffolbeo, aatbfaVcaa. Wadham Windham, ^ben a |3arl. faofffolbiD, tbe p;oc«;Dfnga tberc are octermfncD. Flowrdews cafe i H, 7, tbe iLatfne cafe , ano tbe JDarUfanolDOfffoltei), ano not aojoarncD, nno a |0arlfa- ment oftfolteo fa not Ifhe tbe Courts of guff fee bere fn tbe tOl acatfon tf me. Wild, 2Cbf3 cafe fs not IfUc to tbe tafcirbcrctbfa Court rcmannowi a pjf:. foncr commftteo bp tbe iparlfamcnt fitting tbe parliament, fo; tbe pjffo- ncr bere fa coram Protedore txbo map Oclfbcr Ijfm. Caprain Streeter, $02- flttojnep labours to afpcrfc me ; but Cjctoa no catifc oj crime foj mp com- mitment , ano 3 am b^re bcfo?e tbe |3jot£ctoj fn bis olcn Court. Attor- ney General, ^nlptbe pcrfonaanoticfrconiicntfon fa cftroltco, but not tbe Court, no mojetbantbfa Court fa. bp tic ocmife of tbeJ^ing, 0; fntbe tiaacatfontfmc, ano 3 muft refer it to tjjc Court boU) far pon ItifH intcr- mcoole in tbis csfc , rno tbfa £)jDcr bp Vrbffb'be ftanca committeo map bt bis jnogement tbere , ano tijen be cannot be oeliberco ; ano 3 fenoto no oif= fercncc faettoeen an £)?Der ano an £Djtinance of iparliamrnt, ano tbe ftamp ano autbo jftp of p;!rliamcnt is upon this jocr ; ano ft tbe pjifonera C^fcl fap true,tbcnbc inap bnne an Action of falfe inipjifonment agairtt bi0e pco- pUfl Ubertp IrlU be loft, fo? tfecrc map not «?e a parUament in manp peara^ Roll chief luftice, ilneto parliamrnt l)3tb not reference to tljcolD, but ([ fg a netD Court treatco upon nclo fetimnionB, ano irbp map not tbe |0jtro. OCT be balleo toabout tbefe Dffpute0 .' altlongb be map applp bJmfclf cire= tibetc; But the Court would advile, bccaufetbep pcrccJbeD tbcpjffonct ttubboan- jatanotbcr l>ap,^(Jr. Actornev>"pon tbc pjtfoncra appearance a« pain upon biDct of jbarKam^nt ccafetb toUb tbe parUament, tobicb ta Diffolbe^j aa^n ^;iDer of oric&ciafonofparUamcntenDa fcftb mttee tbc fecfston , aj#(0 not UUc an 00, tobkb continues after tbe idarUament; ' ' anOflU Committees mapebpojDcr of JDarlfament DO ceafebp ofOblbtngof tbe parliament , but tbofc tobicb are mane bp 3ct of parliament Doe contf. nue aftcrtoarus ; ano tbisinoitioual parliament being Diffolbeo , tbcp can B I note mate no turtber ojuec , anu fo tbc p^ifoner map Ife perpctuallp f jt pjf. *' * fon, ant be batbalrcaop lain long in pjlfon, anD tbcrefoje it ia reafon t)e IboulD be bf ilcD. SLbc pjifoncr toaa aomonifbCD to be quiet,anD not bence- fojtb to Oifturb tbe fetate. The prifoner was ordered to bring iuretiet to be bound in s oo I. for his appearance here tbe next Terra , and Dc DC Die in HU em until S^h ^ttojnep will proceed againft him, if he will proceed at ail. Hudfon andDickenfon. Hill, 16 J4. Banc, fup. , »T-^e Court toaa mobcDon tbc bebalf of tbc piafntif , tbat a Nil capiat N,ic"pi7t per -*- pcrbiilam map bc entrcD againtt bint foj ocpeDition In an jaaion of Biiiam for ex- iCrefpafafoj tailing atoapbiaCattcl, toberein be bao obtaincD a metoitt, pedition. bccaufe be ban DeclareD fo; taking atoap 6 ^ares anD Colts , ano DiD not (bcto boto manp ipaics, ano boto manp Colts pattfculaclp. Roll chief lu> ftice , Let a Nil capiat pet Billam be encrcd. Pinchard and Fowke. Hill. 1654. anc. fup. • Prnchardbjougbt an Action upon tbe Cafe againft Fowke, upon an Af- lumpfu , anD Declares, tbat tbc ©cfrnoant , in conBocration tbat tbe an Aai^nup-'piainttftooulDfojbeattopjotcftalBiUofCrcbangcD^aton upon tbe J3[)e» on an Af- feuoant, tbat be tooalo pap tbe monepa tobcn be IbonlD nert come to ]^- fumpfic. jjon . ^no upon an glTuc lopneD, ano a aerDict fotuiD foj tbe piaintfWit toas mobcD tn arrcft of 3luDgcment,tbat bctc is no conCDcration fet fojtb to grounD tbe pjomife upon ; fo? be Dotb not fbeto tbat be tame to London , but fljctoa tbat be DpeD at Plymouth, ano came not to London. Roll chief C^nfidera- juQice, Ebc toming to London ia allcgcD to no ptirpofc, fo? tbc papmcnt of Jj°J)' tbc moncp vraa a Dntp,ano tbe monic6 to be paiD tecrc rcceibeo beponn &ca, anDioiaaDutp, auDmaoca goo3 confioccation , tbercfo?e let the Plaintit' cake bit ludgemenc, Pafcb. Trin. 1654^ 4*7 Pafc. 1654. Banc (up. 1% toas fafo bp t^e Contt tftat toften an 3Info jmcr ftat^ atfattjcD Bfs SiaU a good pie» on (n a Court, another BInfojmer cannot fnfoxmfo;itfte fame tl)(nB,anD»i!»'f'ft«n in If lie 00, tt'ii agooDplea fnJBartot^c fccono Slnfojnrtt, tljat an (nfoj- ^°^'""- tnatf on ie oeit ^nof ng againlt ^im ioi t^e fame tt)f ng. NotSf B Trin. 1654- Banc- fup. p Roll chief lufttce, 21 JBafUfofa Ubcrtp Iwtft tetarn of tD2ft0, awn How a re- t^cicfojie a tefcons maoe from Mm mnS be eicp^effeo to be ont of ^fs ^<^""' '' ("^ be banjjs , but a tefcous maue from tbe fefterffa IBaUff mttft be cppjeffeo B''''[f "^'^• tobeoutoftbet)anD0ott^e&t)cr(rd]5aUif , fo^t^e 15a(Ur ia bnt tbe&^e< tffofeiDant. P atncU and Brooke. Ttin, 1^54. Banr.fup^ T'^c Contt \sw moteo npon an Affidavit to Cap (Erecatfon apon a f tiBge . j- ■^ mtnt gttjcn foj an aomfnltttato? , becaofe tbe iLcttcr© of aDmfnfffra- cut S exc- lion tuetc tepealeo bcfojc tftc (nngcmcnt enttco. Roll chief laftice , JCftc a judgereenc. Matter comee not legaBpfnqnElHon before no, poamatt bjfng pont au- Auduaque-' dint querela, yet let ^etn the Secondary examine it, f^h. Trin. 1654, Banc. flip. nr ^e Conrt iuaa motjco foj a to?afaffant0 f nww- .J- ofa SEoton In Hummgtonfbire , foj t^jotofng fn of bante of tbc €atl of caTsLinft Bedfords in ^{0 DjalncO lanD0. Roll chief luftice , Take it , but at the re- 1- habuants of torn of the writ the Inhabitants may plead to you , notwithftanding 0i)P the ' ^^^n. late Kingi Atturncy would not have fuffered it. Nota. '''«»• and the Sherifs of London • Trio,i654. Banc. fup» Ai^jacrton upon tbe Cafe tDa0bjongbt agafnff tbe &1jet{f0 of London Moved that fo J not retnrnf ng a fieri facias : %i}z 2DcfenDant0 plcau not guHtp, ano che Defen. a^nrptnaoretntneototrptbettrne , ano after tbe SDefcnnanto files tbe<'*nc$mgiK tetnrn of tbe Scire facias. Wadham Windham mobeb , tbat tt)e fiDefcn**'''*'^ *?''"'* D8nt0 mtght toaftc tljefr general plea of not gnfltp , ano mfgbt pleao fpe- '''• tlalip, viz. achat tbcpbaoerecatcotbetojft. Rollchiefluftjce, You have pleaded already , and it is jn our power whether we will fuflFcr you to alter ''"'^"'^"^'"'' your plea or not, and we will not doe it without the Plaintif will confent, therefore make the beft of that plea you have pleaded upon your tryal. ^^^ Oylet' 4i8 Tr in. 1654. « ■ ~ Oyles andMaifliall. Trin,'id54'Bauc, fup* Ag«ir ft grji- \7 \7lld upon a talc to fljcto taafc toljp a p joWblUon fljotilo uot be cranS tii.^a I'roh.- »^ V pjj ^Qjijj, ([jouttof IDolkpofaffurantefn London, flictosfoj canfe, Co°rl 'ou'o- ^^^^ ^^^ E^cfcnoant bao plcaocD tbctc , ann tftc piafntfff ban rcplreo . ana iic7ot aSu- '^ ttjat tbc caufc ujaa tcaop fo j SErpal, ano tbat tbc pjtntfpal matter \joa0 fit to raiicc. bctrpeotberc, anotbepbauantbojUytotrplt. Roll chief luftice, SJftbep „. bate SurlfDfctfon of tbcpjtntfpal njatter, tbep batjc alfoSmlfofrtfonofall Tr'yaJ ""' mattctB inctDitit tbcrEtmto, anDtbcptnap trpthemaccoaofngtotbetourfe of tbcfr iaU), fo tbatttbcnottonttarp to tbc Common-lato. Therefore dilcharge the former rule. Trin. 1654. Banc. fup. Bp Roll chief lunice, ^fno pattfctilatpcrfott bp Cattom be bouiro to r-pafr a feca^toaH to^cretn a bjcacb is maoc , tbc tobolc JLctJCl ate Who ofcoiTi- nion r'plit aic rotcp^ir a bopnO to DO ft. Sea-wall. Trin. 1654. Banc. fup. Coipus How a Will Y^^Joit cWdchcc gfbcn in a SCrpal at tbc 5Bat bettoccn &fr lohn Bridges, maybcievo- / ,-,^0 llip ILojD Chandois,ft iDfla fafo bp Roll chief laf^ice, tbat oncmap ''^''- tctjobc a MIfll in tojftlns bp |0aroll, ano map tctrfte it agam bp J^a- roU. Trin. 1654 Banc. Tup. For a Habeas T ^^ Court toas tttotJCD foj 8 Habcfli Corpus fo} one oirt.laiDCB in fclonp, I bccaijfc be cannot be trpcD tbere tnbcte tbc fclonp teas tone, nntfB tbe £)utlato;p be rctctfeJ). 315pt ft tuaspjapco foi tbc ^a^otcctoj tbat a Ha= bea< Corpus map not be gtanteo , becaufc tbc pjtfonct ftanog tommfttco foj tf beta felonf CB anO rapc0. Roll chief luflicc, He fhall bebroughthi* ther by a Habeat Corpus toreverfe the Outlawry, but wc will remand bim to be tryed where he is, Trin. 1654- Banc, fup, Thit one "Tl^P Court loas motJCD fo; one bjonjtbt out of Wales bp a Habeas Cor* mi(.h.. be bay- 1 pus, tbat tjc map bc baplcD, becaufc tbcp babe no ©aoUoelf bcrp tbere. led. Roll chief luOice , Jt tocrc gooD a Quo warranto toerc bjougbt agafnft Quo warran- ^^^^ fj,j ^Pj „g„g t^c^ pjftflcgCS Dulp. Let the Prifoner be bound to an- "'• iwer bis offence «t the nc« /^ (Tifes, The Prote(5lor and Bixter. Eiror to re- Trin. i^j^. Banc. fup. vcifc an Out. i».v y 'nftio-^^j^c Baxter cntfcteD upon fufpftfon ofll^obbcrp tras out lairco upon cd'o'bcai-^ v.* tbc Cncf.-tment , ano taken upon tbe fl)utlato2p, ano commftteo to lowed. F'^^t Trin. i6 54« 419 Fimbury.2fcnoant (IjaU ret np an 0potbccarfeB Ojopfn Peterborough, ff tbe JSlafntfff be tben lf» tfng tftere. SLbe erroj afafgnco iuaa, tliat t)cre fa no conODcratfon lafo fn tbe JDctlaratfon to gronno tbe paomffe npon : fo j tbe confiDeratfon fa tbe re- ceipt of fibe po unDa,\rbf cb toaa bf a oton monp.foj f t tnaa one to bf m upon tbe acccompt.ano tbfacan be no gmo conGoeratfon.lBut Rollchief luftice anfinc: reo totbfa,tbat alfttle conQDeratfontoflirctt)etogrounDapjomffcnpon,*^°'>fi<'"«ion ano ft map be tbe piafntf ff tooulo not bate attmotDleDgco fo mucb aa j 1. to iatic been oue oporr tlje 2ccompt,ff tbeSDefcnuant tooulo not babe maoe tbfs pjomifc. SI fEcono rueptfon toaa tat;en that tbe pafntfffootb not abet, tbat iu!)cn the jDcfcnDcnt fet nptbcapotbecarfeafljopfn Pcrerboroogb tbat be ^vf rmenr," iraa KWng tbcre Roll chef luftice, 2Cbfefeagoooerteptfon,fojtbcfa» tent of tt)3 pfatntfff appears to be , tbat be tooulo not batcanotbetofbfa Oton Xraoe f n tbe Eoton to leffcn bfa ttaofng, Therefore le: the ludgcraent f>e revelled, niii. ^^z tori 420_ Trin. 16 54- Lord andMicViell. Trin. 1554. Banc. fup. Trin. i63 3.rot. 35S. ^'T^ZZ'c A ^'^'^ ofCtwtDaBbJoagljttorEtcrfealaDgementefbcnupoiiaNi. mem by a Ni- i\m dicit fti tbc Commonplcas in an ^alon upon tljc CCafe upon an Af, hii dicic in an fumpfit; tfte conOocratfoH teas lafs, tt)3t (fttje JplafntffflDoulofojbcarto aa.on upon fue t^c E^ef CHoant, t^at tDen tbe SDefcnoant tooulo pap fntl^ a fum of rnonp* an Aflumpdr. j^^^ crrojs toerc afafgncD to retictfe the judgement, r. ffifiat ittjcrcaa tbc confiiocratfon <0 lafo gcncrallp/.tt)at(ftt)C plaintiff IftoulD fojbcarto fne tfteHDcfent)ant,b:tDoalD paptbemonp; t^e pafnUff l)atl) not aljct« TeDttfflconfioetatfon, but fatt!) infaSotbatbeDfofoibeartofijetfU /une, tnbfcl) cannot bctbc fametonfiDcratlon. jlp. e;1)2 CSJrft of Gnqufrpfj fa tbcfc toojos, Thou aTo"n fjr*" *' art* a whorcfon Bankrupt=Rogue, ant) tbep toerc lafiJ to be fpokcn of a jFar. word>, met. Cbc crro jfl afsfgneo tucrc. r . SCbat ft ootb not appear bp tbc Dcclaratf- on tbat tbe piaf ntfff gets bfa Utifng bp bupfng ano f ellfng. ano ilp. Jt ap- pears not tbat tbc toojos mere fpottcn of bfmfn relation to btapjofefsfon. And upon thele Exceptions the judgement was reverfed, * Bancks and Pra'. Trin. 1654, Banc. Cup. Hill, 1^5?. rot, C03, Error t-- re- » cffltft of CEcroj toas bjoogbt to rctetfe ajingcmcnt gfticn in tfts vcrfc a judg'. /\ Common pi cBfl foj an attojnp fn an action upon tbe Cafe , groanneo "aTon ".p'"p jipon a P'-omffe tbat tftc Dcfcnoant tooulo pnp bfm fucb fcc3 m Ojoulo groto Piomifc. Due to bint ag an atto jnp in piofccntlng fucb a fe>-ttc fo: btm fn tbc Com- mon pleas, «>nD fojpjorecutfnganotbcr futefojbiminClianccrpasbia&oI^ lfcito;.2::be Crrois afsfgncti toerc i Xljat be uotb not Ojcto partfcularlp boto be !;atb laf 5 out tbe monp, but oiilp erpjeffctb it gcncralUp,tbat be bao crpen« tie5,ano tb:rc toas oue unto bfm fucb a fum of monp. 2lp. SLb: Ipiom/fe <3, tbat tbe Defc.noant tooulo pap bfm tbz fees fo long aa beOjonlocontf- nue to be bio atto?np ano to pjofccute foi bim,anii ft ootb not appear tbat be conffnueotobcbis attojnp, anDtop:ofecutcfo:bitn During tbc futc, mn to mafee tbe firfi ctccptfon gooo Took ano ^it Tno. Walfioghatni Cafe latc= 4. Trin.1'^54- 4.y_ Ip aujuDcBD inafl urgeD, 5But as to tbat crccptfon Roll cliiefiunicenn- ftoercDjiKsnotnecctrarp to fljcto pattfctilarlp fioto tfte monp became Due, ano teas crpcnDcD,fo> tb<0 tooulD mafee tijc 2Detlaratfon ten long,- ano tljonaft t^c plaintiff, as batl) bcenobtcdco, fljoulo bjfng anott)cr 2ctfoti fojtfte fame tt)fng, pet poo map plcaDtWa rctotitrpfn bar gene rallpagafna^fm. ^ntj as to tl)c fccono erccptf on (t Ojall be fnti noco be tontfntJCD to be l)(s 2t. ',''" ''? ^*''* tojnp, (f ft appcarsasft Dotft,t!)at bepjofctutcofoibfrn. Therefore fbew ''""*''™"^' cau'e Friday next why the judgerocnc fliould not be affiimed, Puflea* Ketnp and Gcrd. Tr in. 1654. Banc, fup/ Hill, i6j3.ror, 840. Ajp flctfon npcntfje^Eafetoasbjongbtbptbeipafoj anbCommonaltp D^n^urrcr to of tbe JEotnn of Lyfcard in Cornwall agafnft Gord foj not grfnofng at a Declaration tbefr common Jplll, %\)t SDefcnoart Demurs to t!je BDctlaratlon. ano'"'" ^^ion Wad ban) Windham fo J tbe JDcfenDant iirgcD , that theCuffomfanotiDCli"i-°"''i<= aUegeD upon tohicl) the ^flfon teas grounceD. i?oj firtt ft (snot fljeuicD that eH^V"'""' the l^oufe toherc the SDcfcnoant fnhabftcth , anobp rcafon tohcreofftfs m.I].'"^ "* fuppofeDheouBhttogrfnDatthe SpfUfshclDofthefpafojanDCommonaltp. 2lp. StfsnottbclticDjthatthcfJJntojanoCommonaltp are bounotorepafr the S^fll, anD DO conftantip hcep (SjfnDers ano iloaocrs, 3m fo^the firtt, thfs Cnftomc ought to beaffijceo, bj^ rcafon of the tenure of the ?^ouff, 0% in refprrt oftheCojngrotDfng upon the grounDtifcDtDith the ^oufe.ano it fs not p?oper to fap, a man fs bouno to grfnD bp rrafon of hfs ^^onfr,8 Rep. Farmers cafC.f. 125. Hob. Harding anD Greens caft, jp Ed. j. Fttzh.Afh 519' i^oj the fcconD, thfs grinDfugatthei^fllfsaperfonal fcrbfte, nnoff the jpafoj ano Commonaltp be not bouno to rcpafrtheipfli-, anotofino dD jfnocrs ano Hoaoers, then there fs not quid pro quo, ano the Cuffom tufll be nnrcafonablc , anoamcet oppjefsfon, 22 Aft. PI. 58. Latch on thco. thcr 0De fafo, here fa a gooD Cuftom aflegeo , anp f t fs not neceiTarp to fheto anp tenure fnthfs ^(tfon, bcfng but an Slction upon the Cafe, ano not a Seda ad molendinum , anDfo fs ft ajrreeD fn Harding ana Greens Cafe, 5lnD fn 9 lac. Hill, rot. 69i , an j9dfon ttas bjought fo? thfs trrp Canfc, ano the Cuftom toasthcn allotocD to be gmo. Rolkhief Juftice, 3; bclfclje thfs fs a gooD Cuttom,anD the Cojpo?atfon fs bouno to rcpafr the ^fll , ano there Cuftom. can be no pjefuofce foj the partp to grfnD here, ano the Cuftom hath been al. rcaDp trpcD ano founo gOOO, Therefore let the FJaintiff have his ludgemenr, nifi, &f ♦ lonesandGravcj. Tfin, K554, Banc, fup, Ijfl the Cafe of one lones ano Graven, Sf foas fafo bv Roll chief luftice, ^vherc athat ff nWdt of Cot)enant be bjonght agafnft tl);cc,ant) one of them Dfe, w. .t i. ab». the ?X3r1t fs abatcD onlp to hfm;but fs not abateo to the rtft,bnt onip abates "J, ^vhcrc .c able ; but Latch fortment that ft fs abatcD to all, Q., '^ »baicabic. ^^^3 temp* 42Z 'frin. 1^54. Tompkins and Clark. Trin. 1^54. Banc, fup* Error ort A ©Ht't «>f Ctto> ioM bjougljt fo teterfc a jnogement QiHn In tbc vcrfeV^ti'gc-x\ ^itic, fap. P ■ . T Atcb mobeD again foj^jnogementtntlifscaCefojmerlprpoken to, not* uxJm,nTn L^tDref< Ed.^.conccn-fgj,^ jlp. jCbc Safon tsbcte bjongbt upon tbe fecono bjancb of tbe &ta- wg lithe.. tntc,toWcb f0, tbat aU perfona OjaH fct fojtb tijeir tftbco, ano tbc toojo fub. jea is onlp mentioneo in tliz 6rtt clanfe. Mavnard on tbe fame Qoc faio , tbat this mif recital , fittbcamif-recital, affirms tbc fetatate, anb it fa not a falfc recital, ano tbercfojc it Dotb not burt. Roll chief luftice, 3itfa Rcciuis. not gooQ to mabcfncb rccitalo of &tatate0in a SDeclaration , nor tooalb 31 |)abe anp recital mabc bercaftcr more than is ncceffarp for tbc gift of tbe iSction. Shaftoe itiQftcD upon it , %^at tbe mif recital here is a materfal Crceptton ^ for ti)e recital f0 not true ; for ft fs not aU one to fap tije&nb|c(toftbe!&fng, anb to fap tbc Subject of tbe ti)cn Mmt foi tbe former l])ort>0goe to tbe poUftichcapacitp of tbe J^ing as &ing< anb tbe latter toorbs go to tbe natnral capacitp of bis particular perfon. Roll chief luilice, SBtJt ubatfappouto that tobftb is faio on tbc otbcr liDc, SLbat tbe Action is brought npon tbc fccont) clanfe of tbe statute , tobfcb is , tbat all pcrfons fball fct fortb t^efr titbeo , anb not upon tbe firft Ciattfe, tDbicb fpcahs of all &ub)eas of tbe l^ing: ^nb tbc recital bcrc is not material to the Slttion. 31t is true , bcrc is a mif recital , ano if tbc 3ctf. ontDerebroagbtupontbcfitil Claufeoftbc Sitatutc, fttoonlDnotbcgooo, but ft t0 not fo bete. Therefore let the Plaintif have his iudgement, nifi, Antca, Tim. 16 54. Banc. fup. For an At- "1 ^c Coott tuas mobcD for an attacbment agaf nft tbe &berif of f^tafford. tachment. * (hire , for making a frttjolous return of a Habeas Corpus , viz. SCbat tbe Committee for poor prifoners ban orbereb, ^ fijoulb not bring tbc boop till tbep bai) confulteb icftb tbe ilora cbfef Huftfce, Roll chiei luftice, Take an Alias habeas Corpus, with a pain of 80 1. Rovye t^^-^A: 51"^ *^54. 4^; Roby and Twelve^i I Trin, 1654. Banc.fup» Trin, 1552, rot. 502; Ii^ a fppcfal ticrDfrf fn an bjcflione firma?, ft tDa0 founu, tfjat there toas^speciai v«r<. cuftom toftbfii tl)c jpanojof Caltle Dunninftton , tljat anp been toufitetnianoable During b<6lffe, pet ft being not countcrmanoeo bp b. nf r (a not purfuant to tl)C tuftom, anu t^ercfojf bcre fa an aoDttlon 10 the ctiftom , anu tWa maUea all Vofo. Roll chief lufticc , Coppftoloa are imublcDbptbccullomaoftbei^nnoj, ano, inc tWnha, Ijere (a Utile 6iffe» tentc bcttDfrtt fnrtcnDjIns fnto tbc bantia of anotbcr Coppbolocr , to mahe a furrenDEt foj Wnt , anD tWo cafe, ano tftc Variances arc not fo conCocrablc as to mahe ft tKifo tjcre. Tlie Court would advife, 0t another Dap t^e lafctoaa again put, ann tbc Court BeUberco tljclr opfnfon , tbattbc caSont toasaoot); ant) Roll ihief luflice falD, t^at fbe Dtatb of t^c partp oot^ not rct?obe t^ls to?ttfng maue In t^c nature of a ILetter of jatto?nep , foj U faflrengtfjncDbi'tbccuflom, anD ft Is not Ube an ojtfnarp letter of jat. to^ncp tD^fcb bcromc t^oio bp t^e ticati) of t)fm tliat tnat)e ft , fo} Ws cuflont fa a ILatD, ano tt)e ant^o^ftp bcre furbtties, as an Crecnto^ map fell tf)e SCcftato^slanss , ft be be fmpotoercD to Do ft bp tfie tDfll , anD t^tttftu the Caflcni is good, and let the Piaintif have judgement, nifi, &c. Child . Cuftom Revocation. Authority, ixccutor. Trin, 1 ^54* Banc, fup. :- A i^ 0(tfon upon ti)e statute of $ Eliz, toas b^ongi^t fo) nGng a 2I^raDe )aant jf^ not bating ferteo an 0pp^cntfCbfp fn ft Serjeant Fletcher motjco tbat the De- fc, n-i pietrf to ti)c SDcfenoant mf gW not be compeBeD to plcaD , becaufc l&c oog^t not to be facDoutoftbeConntptobcreftenfetbtfjeCraDe, Roll chief luftice, pjo- ceeD arcojDfns to llato , anD pleao tbfs matter , 0^ mote ft fn arreS ^ ihc Aft ion. Rule4 ^oDgement , foj we will make no rale. Trin. 1654. Banc. fup. Bp Roll chief luftfce , an flttfon npon t&e cafe Botb not ifc agafnff one fo; caufuig another to beenDfaeD fo; a Ercfpafs , bat fo; caalingonc Cafe he: ond to be cnoftteD fo; a tfjfng inbltft Dcferfces co;po;al panllbment , 0; a where not. f Wng toWcl) founDs fn fcanDal of t^e partp enofflsD, an action npon t^e cafe tofU \lt, Noca, Stevens again ft Ask. Mich. 1654. Banc. ftp. C Tephent bjoogftf an flctfon upon the cafe agafnft Ask fo; tWt toojDs , Aft.on on the ^ .j.jj^y gj.j g common Baftard- bearing Whore , and hadft two Baftards by a Bnrcber, and I will prove it- tSlpon not gufltp picaDeD, anD a tierDfct foimDfo;tbci9iafntlf, Twifdenmotjeo fn jarrcft of Haogement tbat tbe f rft tBO;D0, viz. 1 hou art a common Ba(lardbearing Whorcare not actlona* Cafe for words. Artcft of ju'^erment. /!'!'). aiye words. blc, bccauretbepareaDjEctft)etDo;D0,anDarcnotpoOtft)C; 0nD fo;tbeo» tftci irio;D0 tbcp are not aflfonablc , becaofc tbcp toere fpoben of a JFeme Cotjert, tobo cannot batie a IBaftarD. tapon tbia tbe juogcment toas arre« aeDtfBtbenejtSCcrm, anD tbcn Wild motJCD fo; judgement, fo; tbat I^e concefteD that the U)o;ds tabcn togetber are aalonablc , ano cftco Owen elevens rate aDjnageDfntWsCoart to p?otje ft. RolIchi?floftice, 3f f6c tDEce Mich. 1654. ^z^ teete martfeo at t^e time of t^e too^os rpoben (be coulo not (labe a IBaffatD; ~ but pet to^p (fioalD not tlic ino joa be atffonable , fo j tbc Ujojds purport tbat flbetDasnotmaricDtobenlbeiiaotbelBaSarDs, anb ttie Blnrp ^at^ fonno fO} i^Z JBlatntfft Therefore let her cake her judgement, nifi. Barker and Wefton, Mich, i654t Banc, Alp. ^ ^e Contt toae moteo tbat t^e bail to an 0(tfon mfstit be "^o ut Koli chief laftice anftoerco, that it may not be , becaufe they cooie in upon the return of the fecond ^(le factao, Harvey and Mountncy. Mich. 1654, 'anc. fup, 10. tW8 Cafe tbe Sctfoit being a JCrcrpafs anb (Sjetfrncnt , anb t!je tftU ' concerning Hugh Audley of tbe Snncr STemple , tbe E>efenDant teas bp rule of Court, at the trpal ,iDticb teas to beat ttc bar,to appear anD confefa tbe leafe, cnttp, anb outter, ann to ftano upon the title onlp, pet at tbe trpal Piaintif non- betooulD not appear, upon tobicb tbe ^MaintiftDas non-fate, anu pet ttje '^"" '"'' >" jjoDgement teas foj tbc ipiaintif upon tbe rule , anb be teas ojocrcb 1,1^"'*"' to pap tbe 3lurp. Nota. VValkendenand Haycock. Mich. 1 654, Banc. fup. \7 |0onamerbictgibcnfojtbe|piaintifin anjaaion upon tbe tafc fojAaion upon tbefe tDOjDs fpobcn of a ^IDcner in London, viz. Thou art in a break- ihc ofe tot ing ^nd decayed condition , ana I will prove it, and if you queftion me, I will ^vord>. prove it to your difgracc. Twifden niOtJCD foj juDgcmcnt fo? tbC J9laintif , bccaufcbc bclotbe toojbs arc adionablc; fo? bptbefpcabingoftbcmtbc piaintifisDifsractcinbiapjofcfsion; foj in common unbctftanuing tbc too;D0 amount to as much as if be ban faio tbat t!jc partp is a IBanferupt.ano It is fa aberrcD in tbc IRccojo , anb founb bp tbc 3;urp , anb be ttteb Mich. 151 Tayler and Keil'ers cafe , anD Smith and Rookes cafe 24 Car. Wild on tbc otbcr fiDe faio, tbat tbc toojos are not actionable , fojtbep are aoje- AJj«a;vc ' maOEbpconttrafnt, ano fljall not be a gooD OTfll. IBp Roll chief luftice,"""^" '""• 3In a SErpal at t{>c JBarfnttcCafcofonc Hacker ano Newborn, Mich* 1654. jffi Brooge 428 TO"' *^54- Bronge and More. Micht 16^4* Banc, fup^ eft of \A ^^^'^ 6>olUtftoj general motjco fn artell of juBgemcnt in a teplctfn, ju"ccment inlVianD took tbcfE ejrccptfono to tbe at)oU)jp. i» SCtat tl)e pattp ofo a Replevin, atoto t()c tatiing of t()e CattelDantmagc fcarantinaCommon,lD^CTet>e t)ao Common, ano oot^ not Qich) t^at be i)at^ Common fo^tisCnttelle* tant ano conctiant. ilp, ^t oot^ notlbeb), tbat be loas oampnifico bp tbe Cattel tbat toeie t) ovcr»ruled the exceptions, and affirmed the ludg«inent, Antca. afhuncd. Mich. r6 54. Banc. fup. T^z Contt t3a0mot)CD, tW tteo tljat Inere baplfojone fnan0rtfoiiTodian« mjttt>aeo not aafonablo in HIUs cafe, 2 Car. ano in one lohnc fons cafe. Roll chief lultice , 3 Do not astce tbe Cafe of » Car. tilcD, but to the Cafe in qncQion, tafae aDtbe iDO^Dstogctbetaotbepatelaiotbepim* pip be i0 bjofeen in bis SCraoe, anD tbe tDojD cheated enfo?cetbtbi0fenre,' ano tbe U)O)D0 ate tetp fcanoalous, anD tbe abetmcnt,anD tbe tfetDiit mabeo , . ft mo je fttons- Therefore judicium pro querente, nifi, &c. gemenr. Fowkes and Copfye. Hill. 1654. 1% teas faiDin this Cafe, tbat if tberc be titcre fajeatbcs ofanatDato,One breach pon map afsign l)«t one oftbcm{nan;9aionb?oiigbtfojb?eacboftbe°f »" ^'^"^ iatoatD, air.gnablf. Michill and Hep worth . Hill. 1654. Banc, fup, Trin. i654.rot»7i7. A Writ of Crro? toaobjotiehtto tcbctrc a juUgcmcnteibenintbeErrorin Commonpleao in anattionofsnrefpafo fojanaffauU, ano taMng ludgeBem atoap of tbe l&lafntifo tafetng atoap of ®Irf-'" Ticfpafs^ 450 _^ Hill. 1654. tfngs , ano tino Crtojis ioecc nr^fgneo, i . %VM Wjt ^cclaratfon Ivag tDftb uod cum ^ ^^^^ cum,\nl)lcb toae fafo (0 not gooD (n an aictfon of BCtefpafa. 2 . SCI^at tfte no? good in !Pla" actlott of actontpf HgalnC Lacaf, t^e SDcfenbant Lucas a good plea in J\>pleaD0 ne unquei receptor, ant) upontb<0 BKTne t^etc toas a tcrolct fo; anaccompr tbe|plalntlf , tbat tbc jaDcienDant Qjallatcompt, tobereapon auolto^a bc« before Aud^ fug affllgncD , be plcat)0 bcfoje tbcm fn tlfcbatge of tbc atcompt . tbat be '°"- rctefteo tbe tttoncp of tbe )piainttf to oelfbcr otet, ano acco^olnglp it bai» belitcrcti tt o\}CT ; 2;beqtic(tfontoa0lt)!ietbCTtb{0pleapIcai)eo bcfo;e tbe anDtto?0 Iraa a gooD pica Shew caufc why the ludgemenc ftiould ooc be reverfed' Protedor and Gartwright- Hill. 1654, Baacfup. ]9ClDa0moteDonff)ebct)alfofCartvvric;bttf)atl^e mfgttf liate aUotsance For aiiow. -■ •f W0 l^lca confeffeD bp fp;. attoincp general pleaneo to a quo Wtrran- »"<:<: of » p'«* tob?ongl)t (0? tftc ^jotcttoj aBaat te enoo^rea nulla bona apon tiie ts^it. i\f, $t is fafo tbat \)t ttiU t»Tpo tbe tojft tbns enBo^fco to tj^e neti) feftcrff , bnt Botft not ftcto tfjat tt>e tD;ft tpae oeUbcrcD otct bp Blnsentore beticirt t^e neio &t)erf f ano ^c elD , to be tetnrncD bp Wm. 5 ly. 3t appears not tnljetbet t|>cre toctc anp return at all mane of tbe tojft bp tftc neto feberff oj t^e olo. 0no 4lp. SLbc ^ttfoit fsnotlafofntbeCounti'lBbereUonBbtto be, fojft ie neftbcr b?ougbt fn tfte Countp tobctc tbe tojft toag fntiojfco.noj toberc ft teas Dclftcreo abet. Latch anrtoereo , tbattbc attfontoa«b?ougbt foj rcvUelfterfng tbe gooDs taken fn ejccntfon back agafn to tbe partp , ano not foj tbe cnoojCng ofi^^'^e'^'f s tbe twft, ano oelf berfng ft otct to tbe nctp feberf f. But the ludgcment was'*"'^""- reverfed, nifi, &c, Poftea. Porter andSwecnam. Hill, t6^4> Banc, fup. Trin, itfj4. rot. 393» 1^ tbf i Cafe npoH « tejft of Crro j b jougbt upon a Inigemenf gften upon an 3tffon of Covenant foj not papfng of rent rcfcrbco upon a ILcafc foj tenant" peats bpjnccntutc, Sfter tbe optnfon of tbe Court teas oclfterco tbatEVprefJco- ^toojDepfclDfngano papfng fn tbe Snocntnrc maoc an etpjcfs Cobc-vcnanr. nant, ano tocrc not a bate Covenant In JLato, anotbat an attfon of Co,'^'^'''^°^^"°^ tenant DID U)cUl(e upon tbein, tbe to^u of Crroj toas qnal^co foj a ocfttf^udgime'n^f^ 43' Hill.i6 54j tn It , ann a ncto fcpjlt of CEtto; bjoagljt , aiio tl)cteapon tlje | aogcmertt toas aflafn pjapeo to be affitmcD , which wt$ done, nifi,&c. Nora. Antca* Hill. 1654. Banc. fup. H-beas Cor- -T" i^c CooTt toas moDcD fo? a Habeas Corpus to tcmotje a Pjffonet in pus. I MorthamptonCDaol, t^at teas contrfttcD of felonp, anobao been burnt JDtbcbani), upon an Affidavit tbattbcOaolcrufcDblmbarDlp. 3But Roil '."'!"*"'y"p'„ chief lafticeanftoetCD, that it could not be, but they might either endift the Sfc. »h« Gaoler,or bring an Aftionagainft him. Hill. 1654- Banc- fup- For a new Tiyal. TK^e Court toae mobeo upon an Affidavit (tn a neto tr^l ,' becaufe tt^e 3[urpVcere not kept togetbertfUtbepl^D gfben tbefc beroia, as t^i» ougbttobe. 315ut RoMchiefluaiceanftocreD, tbfsfflamffDemeanoj , pet Thr lu'ics t^e betDfctis a gooD bcroict nottoitbttanoing , pet Uie tuUltjear the Councel miidcmcanor ou bot^ Qoes before toe conclnoe anp tbfng : The fame Term ludgement was Ipoiis noi the oiven, upon another motion made for a new Tryal. Vcrdift, fc ' f . •» TUc Protedor and Lowr. Hill, 1654; Banc, fup. Toquafh an Endiftmeiit. D Arton motett to quaflj an Gnofamcnt pjefctreo agafnH Lowr at tftc SIT- ^fl^es at Cornwall, to J fpeahfng of fcanoalouo too job agafntt the parlta- mcnt ; 'SDiZ Cixeptton taken toae , tbat it ofo not appear fn tiie Cnoictment that the patUament toag fitting at tbc time tobcn tbc lnoiOfii incre fpoUen. JBut Roll chief lufiiceanftnercD, 3 1 appears not to ub but that tbc ^arlia* Uenied. ^^^^ ^^g Otting at tbe time ; ano peraobentare it toill be maoe appear at tbe trpal. Therefore plead, and go to tryal , and then move in Arreft of judgement if you have any thing to raovei > • Page and Parr. • - Hill. I654. Banc. fup. Trjn. i<5y4i rot, 1(587. , Covenant fjAge bjougbt Btt flcion Of Cotjcnant upon a Cobcnant confclncu in an upon an In- | jnDenturc of a ocmife fo; pcara , foj tbe not paping tbe rent referbcD dcn.uie. bp tbc Binoentnre , accosting to tl)cCotenant. JEbe SDefenuant pleaoa in bartbattbePaintifcntrcDintopartof tbc lano Dcmifeo bcfoje tbe rent Due, fojtBWtbtbcSafontDafl bjougbt, ano fo ban fufpenoco Wb rent: SLbc pialntif replpro, tbc H^rfcnMntoiDrC' enter , anofo teas poffclIenaB Su'"ptiifion ice,?^atcpouflieli!cot!iat be continueofn poffcfinion until tbe rent greto Due J ioi pon ought to tbtintbat be cntrett ano toaBpoITctreDantil after tbe rcnt'Dap, but bere pon babe onlp faio tbat N! rji'ijt rerjje jjjag poffcffeo in b Hill 1654- iBanc.fup* IT fee Conrt Irag motcu to qaaOj an <2nuf ctmcnt for cnftfna fo jcf blp apon ^^ -„,(}, „ ■*■ aSCenantfojpearg, agatntt tfte Statute of 2 1 lacobi, ano tfte (iEi:tcptl« Endiament. on teas, tbat t^e CEnoictmcnt ootft not fap tbat ftc entren manu fortU Roll chief lattice anftnetco, SL^e Statute fg onlp , tftat i6^^,'&ir\c,{up. Tofem»nd a •^^e Hart commUtcD to tt)E ©atcbourc appcarcBiti Coiirt upon t^ tC piifoner ap- ^Jtujg of 8 Habeas Corpus gtantCD (oj Will , anonpon tbcpjapct of bio pearing upon ^p„,,(gj ^^g tctuttt ira0 fllcD , upott toWt^ (t U)a0 HioticD Oil b<0 I>cl)alf tftat CorpuT, and Mc m tcnantfl in common. Serjeant TwifJcn IjclD, tbat tjjep tocre Whether jognt tenants, ano tbat tbfs taf« BlfFcrs from Radcliffs cafe, ann cftco joym-tenancy yj-^^^^ j^jj. ^^ j|jj ^ ^^p^ ^^^ g OTlfllmutt be flcBr ano tonfpfcuotjfl , but fo In common'' ** *'"^''*- nougb,? tftc teo?D l& ufeo l.crc abfoUitelp, f fljall be fo taken in 3 Car. laques ano Thorowgoods cafe in tbe Common pleas, tbe tDo?D equaHp laas tafien operatiticlp, ano not in common conCrnction, anoinLewin anoDods cafe fn tbe Common pleas, ^dano 37 Eiiz.tbeiDojocnuallptDasftclo bp ttoo JuDgcs to mafee a jopnt temincp , ano not a tenancp in common; ana tntbts Court alfo tbe 3iuD5Cs tocrc DitjfDco at tbe firft; but aftertoaros Pop, ■tJi Hill. 1654 435 Pophamc|)angcDl)(0op tlje toojo refprttfbelp toonlo be efenDant fboulo pap tlje wciJ ai..g.icd j^^j^ Therefore nil capiat per billam,niri,&c. Hcnly and Baynton. Tcifl. I6j4 Banc.fup, Trin; 1654. rot. '3^4» A reft of TJEnly biouo^t an Action upon tl^c Cafe aga{nffg>(t Edward B'aynton^ in Aftion up- tlfOJ fpcaWng of tbcfe toOjDS of bfm, viz. You have coufencd the State of rhe c»fe for 20000 1, and I will prove it, for you have received five and twenty thou- words. fand pounds profits of the OfRce,'and not compounded for it, and have foiffed in words into the order for your compofition, 0ftct a tetDfct founO foj tfte pafntff , ft toas motieofn atreff of 3laDgemEnt,tbat tljc tuojua as t^ep are lafo fntbeSDeclatatton ate not aaf enable: fojtbepafntlfootb not cntftle Winfclf totbe£Dfficc, but onlp toelct)cnpattooftbe pjoRta oftf)ea>fficc, anfi fobc cannot be fcanDaUjcD bp tbc toojoa as an £)r{icer,8 Hob. 267,168. &fr Miles Fleetswoods catctoaacfteD, anoHob. 76. Bray ano Humes cafe, ant> 4 lac. Cars anD Rans cafe, ann Hill, 14 lac. Snails cafe, anD2ol"• ^"^ tljougb tbc toojDfl tocTC acttonablp, pet at tbc tfme tobcn tbc Action danimjgc;. toaa bjougbt Henlv Vena parooncD bp tbe Act of £DbUtfon ff be bap Done ft, ano fo coulD not be DamntficD bp tbc SDcfenDanta fpcakfng tbc tv.o;D£E Iftbeptoetcttuc, anD fono :9£tfon Ifca, fo; no Dammagca coulobcrcco- tEtCD,Hob, S2. 294- Chuddington anD VVilkinscafC, i E. j- ?• 12 Eliz. Bartons cafc, 20 Aff. Pi. 7. 6 Rep. 13. J6 lac. Series cafc. ShaftoOrttb" fame fiDC utgcD,tbat It appcara not bp tbc Declaration tbat Henly iiiaa an £)fficir, oj iljat &f t Edward Baynton feneto btni to be fo, anD fo bcre fa an til {nDucc= mcnt Trin. I554'. ^ 4j7_ ment, sno &(t Miles Fleetwoods cafe (a, tijat fjcoug^t to bnoto tftat ftc teas an £)ffif er, ano tl)eretljeuo?O0toercpoat(tic annccttafn, butfotbep BtcnotJjere) noj core late to l;{i5£)fffcc atiDtftc tDo:osarctobetonftta« coafltftcplpetogcttjer, ano fo fomc of tbem are of a tcrp ambigitouflconi Ittactfon anu unccttafn, ani) otbcrg of tficm arc fnfer.Oble, ano on atjerment tannot mahe renfelcfs toojoa to befcnfe. flnofntlbecarc of Curie ano Tuck, 20 lac. no juogr ment tuas cter gfticn, art) pet that toaa flronger t^att our cafe. 3it ixjas alfo urgeo bp Powis on the fame Qoe, tt)at ft appears not lljat ttemoupfpofeen of Dfo belong to the &tatc, oj teas to be compounOeo foj , fo? ft map be Ijc reccfbcD tt)E monies befo?c fte Iras a SDelfnqtient, atio tftM Ije teas not to tompounDfojtl)cm,Hob. p?, BradftiawanDWalken cafe cfteo, fecrgeant Twifden foj tljc jipiafntff bclo the uojtis to be aafon' able, ant) cfteo S Car. Culme ano Denhi m Senfus com- t^ep are pofitftie too jos, 8 Car«Redwood 3 Smiths cafe,8nD tfte laft toojos are 1^°''/"' V .. onlp fpofcen to fnftancetl)cCaureofrpeabfngoft!)pfo?mer , anoftfsnot " ' material toftcfbcr tljcp be actfonableo?not, but tlje meaning oftfjetoojo foil>ing(arotfoDoubtfttll, btitfs bcrptocU tsnoton, nno fijall bcintenoeo tbat l)c bao falfclp put fn toojos fnto tfte ojoer, ano fo tbep arc fcanoalous as IrcUafl the former, 5 Car. AlleynsCa''c. j9nD tljere fs no neccfcftpfjcre to auet tbc If fe of VVhitwick as fs objcaco on tbc otber fioc , foj tl)c £Dfffce foasfoj tbe IffeofHenly ano VVhitwick, ano tl)c furtftcr oftbem, ano ff tbe afeermcnt toerc neceffarp fn fomc Cafes, pet l}ere ft fs not, brca«fe Whitwick fs an ;©fficer upon lilecojo fn tlfsCoftjrt, tofjerc tbeflafonf* bjonebt , ano fcen to be alf fee bcrc fn Court; ano bcaocs , tbc Statute of 21 lac. toonlo bdp tWs ff rcco rrqufrco, ft bcfng afteratJCtofcHano not npon a Demurrer; ano beOloes.bcre fs an aterment, tbat be bath not fofffeo toojDP fnto tblsojoerfn effect, fo? be batb atcrrcc, tbat bebaibnot foftleo lro?os Into anpojoer, ano fotonfrqucntlp not fnto tl)fo, 2 RTj.f. 7. laH. 7. f. 23. 3nD tbc 3ct of obUtfontatb not parooneotbfs offence, asfs alfo obictf CO , ano tbougb ft Iboulo, pet ft muft be plcflceo,tbnt tbe pattp map appear not to be ejrccptco ont offt, asmanpare, ano tbc Jtirp bate bcrc founo foj tbc piafntff, ano foft tball bcfntcnoeotbatbcfsontoftbei'ct, ano be ougbt to batscafcerrcoft befoje, oj bate gftcn ft fn eWocncc, ano fo be piapeo jnogement foj tbe ^aiafntff. Roll chief luftice , j-on miflahc tbe erccptfon, fo; tbcp fap ibat ^r. Hcniy fsparoonco bp tbe Act, ano focan^ iiotbconmnlficobptbetoojDslftbcf here true, anofotbcp arenotactfona= ble. Twildfn, IBptbcIt plcaofng ft appears not, tbat i^r. Henlyfs toft Wit tbe parOon,fo; there are manp pcrfons rrccptco out of ft. Roll ? Howell Of CounceU toftb tbe IDefenoant (n tbe Wixit of erroj tbat ances. tbfs fs belpeD bp tbe late Statute, tobfcbfapes, tliat no GSrftofcrroj fljan flap crecutfon , anD 3;uDgemcnts upon £>emarrcrs , as tbfs fs, ate tottbfn tbe fetatutc. Roll chief lurtice , 315p pour rcafon a Mrft of erroj. tofllnot nob) Ipe to j anp tbfn^.SCbe biantb of tbe Statute fs to be fntcnOcD of matter fnfojmonlp, but tbfsfs matter of fubftance nottoftbftanofng tbe bjancb of tbe Statnte allcscD, Therefore let the judgement be reverfed, nifi, &c, Reverfed. Yokehurft againft 5cotc. Hill. 1654. Banc. fup. Hill. 165 3. rot. 3 J. Debt i;pon \7^''^'^°'^ bjoucbt an 0ttfon of SDebt upon an £)bUgatfonaa;atnft Scor, anObiipiti- 1 tbeEDcfcnDantpleaDcDnoneft fadura. aponthfs a fpccfal fecrofct teas on, and a fpe. f oanD , tobcrcfn tbe qucflton teas, \i)betbcr ftluasbfsSDccoojno, becaufe ciai verdia. t(,g -©bifgatfon loao, tbat be teas bouno fn ccntem libris fnfteao of centum libris. Green fo; tbe ^latntff belD ft a gooD IBononotUiftbRanofngtbfa Faifc Ofcho- mfftaUc,bctaufc cencemDotbfounD If he centum, anD be cfteo manp Cafes graphy. f o p;ot3e , tbat mfMo^tfug of toojDs fn an £)blfgatfon Qjall not bart ft, as Hob. 34. TriRintat. foj trigioti , anD feff^nti foj fexcenti anD Of- bornstafe, fewcnteen foj fevtntcen , jH.^.f.j, anOPinder andTugges cafe Hili. 1654. 4^^ cafe in tljfa Coutf. ano 2 Car. Davis 6(3 Cafe, ano t6e Jorp fn oar cafe ~ fiate foanu tftat tftc ©efcnoant ofo fc al anu DeUtiEr tbe bono rg Ms ^(t ano JDfleD.Roll chief Justice ^Z^z tonOfHon of tt)C bono Dotb fet ft fojt^ to Oc i c o|, tD^erefn ttjc JDcfenoant became I'omio , therefore flicw caufe chc next rerm why the Plaintif (hould not have judgement, Juc^gtmenr. Cooks and Chambers. Hill. 1654. Banc, fap, COoks motcD fo*a|9jol)fbftfontotljepjeroBatfbc Coptt foj p jocecD^ Fof » PfoHi- fng agafnft btmtbcrcbp trap of attacbmcnt foj not obepfngtbeSDe.^'*'"" '".'''* •cree of tbat Court. Etie Cafe toas tbfa,Cooki an0 Chambers befngin fntc courT'"'* fn tbe ^;erogat(be Court ioi Hetterg of abtninfff ratten of ttie Coooe ano Cbattels of one tbat opeo fntcffate,3t laft tbep agreeo bp confcnt, tbat Cooks upon pnttfng fn bono to pcrfojm tbe Decree of tbe fDjerogattbe Conrt,tont()ing tbe Difiribution oftbeSntcfiateacftatetbonlD babet^eao< mfnffttatfon grantcn unto bf m fobereapon be nin enter fnto bono , ano ^9 ttie ILetterBofaomfnfCratfongrantePuntobfm, ano aftertoaroattje Court maoe an o^oec 0; Decree tljat be (boulo Diffribute t^e efiate in fuc^ano fac^ manner, ano fo^not-perfo^mfngoftbis Decree Chambers p^oceeoo agafnH i)(m fn tlje JDjerogatf be Court bp U)ap of jattacfemcnt. 3t loas argco a- gafnft tbe ^;olboceeD upon tbe 15ono, ano not as tbep babe Done, ItDecoulobabebjougbtabunojeototbcfame parpofeiftDC ba5> tljougbtit neeOfuU;!anD tbrir glting of uo t!;e aomtnfttration upon tbe bono giben botb ab;iDgc tbcm from maUing anp o^oer to D<0rlbute tbe cffate , 0; to p^ockd bp attacbmcnt, anoSlaynyescafe, Hob. f. 85. ano Tucker ano Loans cafe, Hob. i9(.tcerccftco. WildontbcotbcrQocagreco tbe boolis citeo, but faiD, bcre is tl;e confent of the parties , tbat tbe aomfnlffration Oioalo be as ft is bcre, ano tfcat agreement tias bcfojc tbe aominittration granteo. Roll chief luOice , Will you confent to brirg an Adion upon the Bond, and waive the prohibition. A nfwer to this to morrow, ^t anotber D«p ft toa0 No Auach* mpbeDagafn, ano tbcn Roll chief Juftice anftocrco , Proceed upon the'"enf. Bond , tor they cannot grant an attachment for not performing the decree, aU though it was made by coqfcnt. Wild replpcO , CbiS being a ]©CCCW tXaDC 440 Hill. 1654. Prohibition bpconfent, HjepftatefnbmfttcDtolt. ano Hit attacbment ia granteb ftj DffobcDicncc to tl)c Court tobomaoctfjc octree, ann tbe late £);ti:igfnal againft bim ititbin 6 peats out oftbcCbantcrpbp tbc name of Robert Bovle Cfq; ano outlatoco bim npon tbat £Djiginal, ann tbat aftcrlraros tbc SDcfenoant Boyle came in ano rcberfeO tbc ilDatlaUijp, tbc SDcfcnoant rciopna ano faps proteftando, tbat betooknotoutfucbanojigtnallritbirrd pears, fojplcafaps, tbatbeinaa a iSnigftt at tbc time of tbc ^jiginalfucofojtb, t5)e pnintif lopns tbat be came in ano reberfco tbc ^Dutlalojp upon tbat £)3isitial , foj. toant of proclamation, bptbe name of Robert Boyle ©fqufre, gCbc H)efcn- DantbploapofKcbuttcrrapB, tbat be teas a iltnigbt at tbe time of tbe £intlato:prcbcrrcD ; tbcplaintifbp toapoffur-rebutttcrfaps, bcrebet- feo tbe oatlatojpbp tbe name of Robert Boyle CEfq; upon tbis tbe SDcfena Dant oemurrco, ano upon tbc Demurrer tacgcmcnt teas giben foj tbc |3lafnttf, ano npon tbis tbc U-.jit of CBrrojtvasbjongbt in tbis Court, STbe CorfiJerjii- ^f^djg afgfgncD tocrc, 1 . 2Cbat bcrc toas no gooo conftocration foj tbia a'pn mX." P?omife , fo J tberc is no grouno of action Oictoco againft tbe fon , noj that i^c bao been at anpcbargc in tb' pjofecuting anp artion againft bim, ano Ro. fyer anO Langdales cafe 1 6^0. in tbis Court , ano Bed well and Cottons cafe fum"*' "^'^ ^°^' ^ '^ ^^^ ^^^^^ '• ^"^ ^^^' *''^" '^ "* ' "''' ''^'^^ ^^ ^" "^ *^^^^ regnum iti ''"""' tbe ikegifter ; but onlp a tojit to gibe fccuritp not to go out of tbc lUealtn totbcpubliqMcp:ciut)iccoftbc^SinganD bi3 people; ano bcrc is no fucb matter but onlp tbat be otocb Regift. ipj, 19-;. Brit. 182. Cooks inftit. 1 50. SCftercfflcantfoii to be taken of petfous KccnfcD to go bcpono §>cag, tUat tbep pap tbc(r Debts, alp. 2Cl]c reputation fsgooo, anDftfonotnecefTarpto abet tljat tfee fccono Arermenr. £>;f gfnal luae fo; ttie r^ime caufe ■, firft, becaufe it f s fn an action upon t^e cafe , ane is fet fo;tl) at large, tobfcb ffietne verbatim tbat ft ia fo; tbe fame caufc, anofaplafnfnftfclf; anoilp.ftfs fafotbatbefuen out tlje fecont» iDjfgfnalprocoufaprsdifta, toWci) is a fufficicnt abcrmcnt, ff an abet- ment be necelTarp , anDtljetntfancefntfje Damages argnes not tbat t^erc Certainlp no, fo; tfte fccono lujit tedTmiJs'! buttbcrenctoingoftbcfirftlDiit, aiiDisnotanctDtojit; Bat here aredii vers points confiderable, therefore (peak again to it, IBut a ne exeat reg- num is ufnallp fneD fo;tb fn fiicb cafeo as tbis , altbougb tbat jigirtallp tbis ^1"°^*"** Uijit Iras onlp iifeD in bafmclTcB tobicb tonternco the &tate, anD not in p.:i. tatecafcsi anD tbe forbearance to fnc it is a gooD conQoctation togrouno an j^ction upon. 0t anotbct Dap ttje Cafc teas again put bp CbriiV.Turner, mi ano 44 i Coiiftticiati- on. flgrecD Averment. tftjpp'e. Wrlmfincr plcaicd. Implication. Coi.fidera- Kcplica'iin Avrimcnc. Csufc of ACliur. Mifiiofmc; Eftoppel. Apparancf. Entry. Hill. 165 5. "«iiDl)cp;apci)tbe)uD3£metitm(al)tbcrel3crfcD, mrtin bis argument tit mace tlicic qucQiono. i. t!ini)ctl)cr tftcrc be n goot) confiocratton to laifc apjomife, antbcJjclDtljcrc is not, brcaufc ft Dot^ not appear tUat t|je jplaftUtf IjaD aiig cailfc of 0(tfon. Nat, Brev, 85. A. a ne exeat rfgnuni is at ^E ftite of tfjc Sfiig, ano not at tbc futc of a common perfoji ; ano Ubercag ftffiobjcaeotljattibetefngmnpttapnr.poncfromgotng bcpono fecaa, 3 anfiuct anp tljat t;e cannot ftap one foj ctcrp canfc , but foj a canfe toljfclj concerns tlje &tate; ano catifc it cannot be tbetcbp luioton foj Vnbat caufe tbc laft £)i<2ltial iDag fueo fojtii , Cook InO. i, 20. 4lp. SLbougb tbcrc be an abermcnt, pet (t ts tJoJD bp tbc partfMi oton a)eir'fng,45 E. 3 . y. 2 1 H.7. 24. j9nD our cafe oiffcre from tbc cafe of I o lib. Aft objcacD, foj tbere tbc atcrment toaa tbc BDcfcnoants aDcrmeia, but berc It <0tbc|Dlafntff0.flirotbet)amage0(ntbcfira£)jf. Clnal , anD tbc Damage© tn tbc fccont) j©?nrt notluitbttnnoing tbc objection that aD pleaofnga oagbt to bate ban in ilitin at tbc time cf tbc gftfng of tbc toarrant fo j a toarrant of 2iu to jnp ma)' be entreo at anp ttmc.bccaufe tbcrc is no piccifc time Dfrcctcofoj tbcer.trtngotit,!! E. j.f.i. 24 £.7.^,62,15 H7.f.i4.4Ed.4.f.i ^Star. 32H. 8, €.3.8 toatrant of 0tto?np entreo at anp tfme prnefng tbe pira fa gooo, i at tbe Hill. 1^5 5 445 tlJenfme oftbccntdngofft bptbelate Statute It oitgftt to be fiiCrglfff). Roll chieflufticemutataopmionefato, l)c map; cnctcafe t)(g eammases bPr„crcjreof bfs fccono 0ctfon, otbcrlctfc t t\jz &frnamc, jlp. £Jf aooitfonof lD;iofef0fon 4lp. a)f aoDftfon of place, ano in none oft^cmXiiau mirnofmer bepUaoeDtobete tlpc partp comes (n grati$,Br.Mi(no(mer 48.& ^ E.4.S. 27 H. 8. f. i« 1 5 H.6. Stacham pi. Error, Dyer ipi-ji E.4.f- 8.Fitzh.tit.Mirnofmer8.39H. d. i E.4.anDa3tljCC«re»- Eftopic bete (b b'' tscftoppeD to pleao mffnormcr bp reberflng of t^c 2)ntlato;p tD^ tlamatioiT, ano be rebetreo tbe £)nTlatD;p bp tbe nameofCfqutcr, ano pet note 6e irfll fap tbat be ioafl a fen penfngoftbcCafc. RoUchief luftire, be rctocrfetb tbe iDutlaUijp asati Cfqnire, ano aftectsaros fapcs be is a )knigbt. ^e map come in toftbont Outlaw y |0?occB to reberfc tbe ^utlatojp> lobcre bis perfon 0; eftatc is enoangereo bpft, 39E, 3Jn2Debt,38E. 3. but be cannot pleao i^lfnofmcr, petbemap p?otcft tbatbelsalftnfgbt, ano fatje btmfcif tn anotbcc fuic tobicbmapbe bjougbt agafnC b<»n. SfbebaOcplcaoEorfgbtpouagrce, ttat bcisnote- ftoppeobece, ano it appears tbat be is tbe fame pcrfon, ano comes in gracic Q^. bptbisname^petftisnoeftople. 0no tbe feconc£):fgfnalf3gciD, fo?it ^ ^ appears tbat be is tbe fame perfon, ano tbat bp tbe ©tatutc , nottoitbOanoing tbe badancl. ano be map come fn gratis tDitboutpjoces, ano take aoban< tage oftbcerro?. But argue again to the point, ivbctbcnb'*- map Ijfng a fecono £5^igfnal bp tbe fetatute. Sit anotber oap ft Iras arcuco again, but 3 conlD not bear , but 33 H. 6. f. 1 9. & 50. citeo , tbat tberc ougbt to Muuai E- be a mutual Cttople, viz. on tbe part of tbe Iplafntif , ano of tbe part of tbe ftopie, SDcfenoant. Roll chief luftice , 3t appears to be one ano tbe fame partp, ano toe mult maintain actions againft ibc fetatnte of iLimitations, faecaufc 1.1H rrtent ^P tljat fetatutc tbe benefit Of tbc Hatois taUen atoap tn part. Therefore affirmed. Ut thc Judgement be affirmed. Hill. 1655. Banc. fup. To fti«w ^^ Eraorandum the two Sherifs of iLonOon appeared in Court, in their 1 proper perfoniupon a rule of Court to fbevv caufe why they did not execution rot grant out execution upon a judgement given in their Court, or elfe to make a done. lufficicniretornof a Ccrtiojarfdirc&ed to theiTjbecaufc they had made three Shaift ' infufficient retorns. Upon this, their retorn now made was read , the cfFtd whereof was, that there is^no fuch judgement as the Writ mentioneth to Vitw of the malie out execution upon, IRjollcbief 3uttfce,This is a good retorn,asit now is. Record. and if thetetornbefalfe^ you may take your remedy againft them forma* icing a falfe retorn. Upon this thc Councel prayed tliat the party might have a Copy ofcheludgement out of chc Sherifs Office. IRoUcbief Suttfee, You may have a fight of the Record, and ifthey will not fuffcr you to have it, you may have your remedy againfl them. SCbe rule tDQS, tbat tbC partp (bonlo ^beaCoppoftbe llecojo Pafc. PafcH. 1 6 5 5» 445 Pafch. r6 5 5. Banc. fup. TZJDonamotfonfojanctuSCrpalBronnMD upon an Affidavit, Roll cbiefpor a new ^ lurtice fafo, JCfeat K tfecre be a SCrpal ano a tctofct gltjen opon ft, iBCfte rryai. fame Iffne cannot be trpco agafn bp t^c fame Jarp, altljoogft ttje Ctjancetp J;y*l °f "» 00 ojoct facft aatrpal, bat ii ttete be a mitttpal ttic pattp malt mot)e tftc o"^^^ , Coatt tuyere t^e ;3(tion ioas commenceo fo; a Venire dc novo to rnmmon a cLancery. nCtoliUtp. Now. Vcn.rc de novo. The Protc<5tor and Brufter. Pafc, 1655 » Banc, fup, CArew npon a rale to OieiD caufe icijp an atf aci^ment tboxAn not IttaeS^i^^^ why nb fojt|>agalnCCommfr0(onersof&etDet0fnSDfrork fo> fcttfnga ^Ine^"'^"*"'' opon one fo; not obepfng t^cf c owners, after a Certiorari toas Dclfijereo nnto tftem to remote t^je ojoers maue agafnft t^jc partp fn contempt of ttjfsConrt, fbetueo fo^ canfe , tftat tbe iFlne fet itas foj offofaepfng a neto £)joer of tftefrg maoc agaf nft tfte partp after tlje Certiorari teas tetojneo, ano not fo j Certiorjri. tlfobe^tng tfte £>}itxB temotieo fap tftc Certiorari,anD fo it me no contempt to tftfs Ctratt, Roll chief luftice, SCIje Certiorari Dot|> not temotJC tfee Commifsfon of detocrs, ano tberefojet&epmapp;oceeDapantl^eCom< mffafon nottotttiftanmng l^c Certiorari, Therefore let no'Atuchment if« fue agaiod them. Pafch. 165 5- Banc. fup. T" l^e Court tnao motjeD toqaalbarrto?nofrcrcoH0, t^etefconfer bcfngR'«i!r»of« ^ inConrt, ^tlpon tb ccD , ant) During tbc term tbe ilelTcc accepts to IjdId t^e lanos foji a leCTec S'jnender of ^^^^ bg^patol , t\)lis Is 3 futrcnDct Of tbc Hcafe bp S)ecD. 3t Inas tften al» Lcaie. fo fafo, If tl)cre be a leafe foj pears reno jins rent at a Dap, Uiitf) a claofe of tC'Cntrp fo? not papment ; 5' tbc lleffo j Do enter into parf cf tbe lanos let bcfojctbeDapofpapmcnt , anoattl)'^ Dap ticmakcsaDcmanooftberent; jJiottoltbttanDing this Demano.ano a non papment of tbc rent foUotos t^erea Avoidance ofupon, tDbereupontbc ilrffo J re-enters, ptt(haUnottl)tgre.rntrpmafeCtt)C a Lc*fc. Ileafc bolo, foj tbe rent tuas fufpcnocD at tbc time of tlje DcmanD, The Protestor and che Town o I ColcKefter. 1*afcb, 1 6) s Banc, fup, * R^mrnof » T) Ernardiflon being rcmobo from bfs F.ecoaDcrs place of tl)c ECotim 6f Writ ofri-fti- l~\ Colchefter In ElTex bp tljc IBai'lffs aoD Common fiTouiiccl of tl)e faia r-ition.r, l^^Q.j^^^ p:np:Dfoiljl3lt):ltofrcttttutlon totb2 385al[|f3 aiD Common pUcc Counccl tbercof to be rcftoreD , ano tjattj It , ano up6n tbe return tbep fet foitbtbccaufesiDbptbrpremotieDbim, anoiobpbeo-jgbtnot to be reftO"^ reo, Uibicbtocre to tbl^ cffcrt. i^lrft, tbat be being HccoiDet of tbat SCoton, at a quarter feefslons bclo tbcrc before bim ano otbzrs, one Good- all tDas enDlcteofo? baiofng ttoo Uil^cd, anDcont)f(teD tbercof, aop pjapea Ijte WoClcrgp, nno tDa3DcnfcDftbpBernardiftontbel^eco:Der,am)tDa0c«N Demnct) to d tbc&efefons tubicb tbcp fiippofc lua0 appofnteo to be belD toaa an f Itc gal appofntment of tbem , fo^t appeare not to be appofnteo bp tbofe tbat bao aiitbojUp to appoint, 0? to bolu tbem, anu fo no fault appears in tbe Amhoriiy. 3Ref o?oct foj notboloing tbem. 3lp.2]:bc 3uflfcco arc mff nameo, foj tbep are callcDtbe BuQfcpo of tbc JlBojouLib, a!bcrca0 ^^''"'" ^ ^<^i blebptbc&tatuteot 5£d.6. anQ a0 to tbc not trpfngof tbe fCTuctit lopncD lntbatn'fi> contrary Saturday next, Poftca» ^''^• Edc 448 Pafch. 1655. Tryalin Trelpifsand Ejcftmenc. Jury fuffc eJ to drink ac the Bar. Fetfting of luiies. Fur a r.crt tryal. Death ol a Wit lid's. AA cf God. Ntw tryal paying cofts. Edwards and ^'tiff. Pafch. 1655. Banc fup» MEmorandura, Vpon a tryal at the Bar in a Trcfpafi and EjeSment be- tween CotoatDB Plaintif, and fetlff Defendant, the evidence being long andthe Weathctbot, the Jury dtfircd they might have drink, which the Court granted , but faid they ftiooild have it ac the Bar, whereupon drink wasfent for for them , and they drunk it there before they went out to con- fider of the evidence. lloU c^lcf Suftkc did then reprove the Attorneys and Soliicitors for the great charges they ufed to put their Clyents to, in feafting the Jury, and ordered diatthenccfortli nomorethon 3 $,4d. (hould be allowed to any luryman to pay for his dinner, Nota* Pafch . 1 6 5 5 . Banc. fup. \; ipon an AfRdavit reao in Court, tbat a matetial toftnefTe fn tbc eanfe tbat lias fcttjto tDftft a fubpoena to gJtjc Ifis teftfmonp at tl)e ttpal, ano opcD before tbe trpal : 2Cbc Court teas tnotieD on t\)e SDefcnoants pait fo^ anehitrpal, but t^e paint(f oppofcDft, mnc^ fnCOIns upon tlifa, ttiat tfterctoaanomifcartlagc on hfa part: ^Ijetcnpon Roll chief luftite an-- ftoercD, tiere ia ttie ^ct of C3od in the Cafe, toijicti cannot be ttUtten, sno tW ttpal is final to the SDefenoant , %^tittoit if the Plaintif will not confent to takehiicoitt, andgoetoanewtryal, we will not be baity to give judge* ment, but will advife upon it. The Protedor and Gunter. Pafch. i6js. Banc, fup* ToquaOi iWo T ^^ ^^^^^ ^^^ motjeD to qnaCb ttoo CEnoictmentfl foj continning of par* Endiftments. *- pjcfturcs in tftc Ijijjb luap , ano it teas urgeo bp titie Conncel tbat t^ere \otit4 (Enoittments pjefcrreo agsiiitt ^is Clpent, ttoo fo^ erecting t^e pntpjcftures, ano tbc other ttso fo^ tbe continuing of tbent , ano upon a trp< al tue tocrc founo not guiltp of tbe erecting tbem.ano tbercfoje tne cannot be guiltp of ttte continuing of them , ano be tooU this exception to the caption of tbe €nDictmcnts,viz. %Mt it is faio tbat tbe Cnbictmentd toere p^eferreo at tbc Sefsions belt) at Eail-Grinfteed in the Conntp of Suffex , tobercit ougbt tobatoebcenattbcfecfsions of t^e peace belo at Eaft-Grinfteed foj the Coantp of Suifex. Roll chief lufticennftocreD, |0ou map be guiltp fo> con. tinuing of that \xiWif anotbcr d(d erect . ano not pou , but if tbc ercaing ano continuance be mcntioncD in one ano tbe fame Cncictment pon cannot be- guiltp. But plead to them, for no fuch thing appears in the Record, but only that you kept the Highway flopped, but fays not who flopped it. Denied. Pafch. 165 5. Banc. fup. Tl^e Court tnas mobeb to quail) an C^nnictmcnt jS^ronnbeo upon t^e ^ta- tnteof 5 Eliz»pjcferreDagaiiiaonefojnCngtl;e Crane of a 2)japet, Endiftment, ttot bating f.tbeo 33 an Slppiientifc in that SCraoe, accojuing to tbe &ta= tnte, upon tbefc 2 (Srceptions , i. 3t is faio be ufco the SCraDe in tbe peat i^ j.anb Dot!) not fap t^e pear of out il ojo. zlp.'it is not faio tljat tt»e 3urp teas 'Fafcfi.i6 55« 449 iDastetarneo, tiojto^cncctftcp tocrc, anDbotfterceptfonstoerefjelDgooo bp Roll chiefluftice , and the Endidmenc was thereupon quaflbed, Qu»(hed. iparch. i65 5.Banc fup^ T^^cCoarttoasjmotetJfoqtiaCjanenDfctmcnt aaaintt one Peers, fo> l^^^^^l^ rpeal.fug p?ot)ol-.tns language to onc,contrarp to t\}t Idte £);Dfnantc of up"on thc'or- tlje 3Lo;d |p;otECto;i ano ftfa Countcl, upon tt)efe €ircept(on0. 1 . Jt (sfafo dm^ncc a- t^c CnDlctmcnt teas at tbe fecfcfons lielD at A, ano ootft not fap tn tobat e''"^ Duds. Coontp. zip. 3t to fa(Dbpan£)jDfnanceof t^e p;ot£ttoj maoe facft a Dap, anUDotb not fap bpfomeotbcrctiftomarptoap. 3ttoa3alfofatDbpl)lm,tb3t If Copies of CourHRollsbelbcVDCOto pjotjc a Ciifiomarp cftatc, tbccnjopnmentof -futftcftatcomuftalfobcpjotetJ, otbertDlfctbcpjooflsnot gooD, 3t toaa • alfo falD upon t'e etilDcrcc,SEl)at a felfare bp tbello jo maoc ofCopp^olo en^ talleD lanDs witbin tbc fpano j of Wiikefidd in Yoi kfliire is In tbc natatc of a recolicrp to Deck tbe entail, anD that tbc manner of Doing It la citbet foj. tbe CoppiiolDcr to let bis CoppbolD fo; mojc pears tban be ougbt , j to re* fnfetotobfsfctbfcc, anDtbcntbcHojo fclfea tbclanos foj a fojfelture, ano grants It to anotbcr bp tl)c tonfcnt of tbc Coppbolocr tbat maoc tbe fo> felturc. 3!t toas tbcn alfo falo bp Roil chief luftice , tbat a Cuttom cannot bcuracDfojatblngtbatbaoltsbcctrmlng Dncc Rich, tbe i. If a Heco?t» can be fqctocD to tbc tontrnrp. 3t luas alfo falD bp btm tbat a common re. to'ocrp fup' ofetb a rccompcncc In lialue to all pcrfons Irbo loft tbc cftatc bp tbe rctotcrp. ^e falD alfo tbat be concclticD tbat tbcre coulD be no fucb Coftom to cut off entails of Coppbolo lanos bp tbc fojfelture ana fclfureoftbcJLojD, foj bis felfurc upon tbe forfeiture Dcftrops tbe Copp- bolD cftatebp tbe Common iLalu, fojItlslntbel-ojDs eledfon after tbe fclfurelDbctbcrbe tiill grant tbc cftatc again o: no , ano poii do not pjotoe tbat tbc Cuftom bfnos b(m to It. Nota. TrcrpiRard Ejcftmeni. Ettopfl. t'opyl'.old Jands ill (•!'. Cuttonury er.tji!. Fine. Siarc enjoy- ed. Scifure of C( pyhold land.' Cuftoni. Common re- covery. Rccompenfc iji valur,' Curt m.' Copyhold dc' llioyed. Harris Pafch.1655* 45 i « — ■■ - - — Harris and Pafcb,i65T«Binc,fup, T"|^cCoprttoasmol30a{nt5]e Cafe of one Harm, fljat t!jE tntrv of ajj -JIJ"? *" -^ {nogcmcntttoeltie pea r0 pall mfffinbcamcnDett npon tfje !Roll/ Batmenr. ' Roll chiicf mftice anftseteo , it cannot be after fo long time paft. Denied. Pafch. i^5 5.Banc. fup. V^on a tojft of Ctto; bjoagfet to'retjetfe a fine letf eo bp an Slrtfanf be. ^*y '° '"- f ng a |«^cm0 Coljert. SCbe Court toaa motjeo foj a oap to bjing in t^je ['"^ *" ^"* pattp tbat Ictfeo tlje ine to be infjiectcD bp tf)c Court , to^fcfj toaa granteo, ono at t^eoapfljeiDaabjousbttntotfj: Court, anotfciDcD, ano ttoo toft= ncffea oepofeB tftat Oje toaa tottWn age at t^e tfme of tl)e fine leWco, taW^ ^""J T'^ toaa entteo apon t^c Ifloll , ttpon iDtrfcfj tlje 3lffqe toaa ttpcD* '"' ^''"* Pafch. 16 5 J Banc. Cup. TCtoas fafo bp Roll chief luftice , El&at ff tfjere be ttoo Sfnfmen fn equal Euaion; -» Degree of bfno^eo to tbc gntcttate , tt fa fn ti^e elcitfon of t^e £) jofnarp to toWctj of t^em $e afll grant JLetteraof ^aomfntftratfont •Pafc^. 1655. Banc. fup. ^ ^ntlatojp toaa reterfeo, bccaafe tlje place to^ere tljc Connfp outlawry re^ Court toaa ^elo fa not Cbetoeo In t^e fccundo exaftuj, verfcd. A Pafch. 1655- Bailc. fup. tC toaa motCB tbat tbcrc toad a jutjgemcnt gftcn f n tbe Common peaa, t° **f™ • •^ ano thereupon tfteSDefenuantbjoagfjt Wa fojft of (Jrro; to tcterfc tlje |;';!f *™'eJ "or JttOgem6nt{ntW0ConTt,antiCnccpcnDfngt&eto?ft of Grroj t\)c partfca depending. ' toere agraco , ano t^crefo?e t^cp ocCrco tbc inogement mfgl)t be affirmco', betaufctljat otfjertotfe fatfafactfon of tfic fuogcment cannot be acknotoleo* geo upon t^c1iloB,becanfet!je Court of Common pcaatocrc fojdofcD to BO anp tl)lnf farther upon tfte Jnogement gffecn tl)erc bp rcafon of tfic tojft Denied. , Of€rroj, J6tJt Roll chief luftice anftoereB , It cannot be, foj ponfljctp itocaBfetoftp.tocfljouto affirm tljelnugement, anotl)ctcfoje we will make no rule in it, but enter fatfafactfon upon tIjeKoU ff pon totll at pour otoit pertl. •Pafch. 1655. Banc- fup. ISTtoPsfafobpRoU diieflufticctljatan Sctfon npon t!)e cafe tofH Ife a-Aaionuponi gafntt one ttiat b?tnga tcratfoua actfons agafntt anotlier, o: fo; enfrfna of'*" ^'^* '"^ • atffona of a great talue, to fojC£ fjfa aoberfarpto put in great bafl,to?jcte 58 vexition. i)attibutfmaUcanreof;9(tion. Noca. / ^mmi Trt^ 4^2 Pafch. i6$5- ' Trevanian and 'Penhollow. Trin. itfjj, Pka to in 'TRcvauian bjoogftt an 3ctfon apon tbc cafe acainS Penhollow foj I|?eafe- and art faUe f orfworn. SLbc ISDefenDant pleaDs tbat tl)e pia agtoeii to accept of 3 Suggs of i^cct from Wm fn ratisfactlon. S^be pafntff 6c« Demurrer. niutTCD to tl)c plca,anD fo} caufc ftclDs tijat ft Dotb not appear tbat Hie tjjjce ludgcment. ^UCS" Of IBect jBCtc {)a remotjfng Um , ano tohp be ougbt not to be rettojeo. 1. SChat thcTo»<'n.f oneGoodallbefngciiDictcD upon the fetatute foj batfng ttoo tofbea, antt CoU-heftcr. contlctcn thereof D(Dp;apt)fsClcrgp, ano teas refufeo Itbp Bernardiflon, ano U)a0 concemncD to Die , ano after at another ^efsiona he aomfttcD bint to bis Clergp , ano fo be loaij burnt f n the bano. zip. 2Cbat be negUcteo to Ctattbe&cf0(on6, itbctebptbe&efafons fojtbeSLolonconlo not bebclo outp aatbcp ongbt to bate been. 3IP. 2bbat be appofntro a Dcputp iR.Ct cojoet to ctetntc bis place fo; bfm,\ubo Ujas not an utter JBaircfter,anD con- tracted toftti bfnt fo; 40 1. per annum. 4lp. Xbatb^ neglecteo tp bolo Conttd Irbercbptanfeecoulonot fcc trfeo, to the pjcjuoice of manp. Latch of CouncBl toft^ Bsrnardifton to tbc firft taufc anftoetcD , SCbat altbougb ft toaa an Ctro; fn BIuDgement to ncnp the CUrgp tobcrc ft Hjoulo babe been grnrteo ; pettlifslraonotcommfttcDnsbetoaglRccoiDerof tbc Coton, but ea a Commfrdfoner of Oyer ano Terminer , tobfcb tuaa to en« Dure but fo; a pear, ano tens a offtfntt potacr from bfs poloct as be toas He- cojner, aiio cpecnteo bp t)fm, Itftbotherdommifsfoncrstbat lucre jopneo toftb bfm f n Commtfsfon. SCo the fccono be aufu'crco, that bere ootb not appear to be anp p;ejaDfcc to anp bp bis not bclDfng tbc iD^fsfons , no; tbat tbere loap any canfe to bc!D tbr«. ano befJocs, Itcotb appear, tbat tbe *** I^ef0% t^sv toetc appofnteo bp tbcm tbat tab no aiitbo;ftp to do ft, viz. Pafch. 1655. 453 bp Vit cpaioj aiiD IBapIffg, {xtlitnas t^cp ouc^t to be appofnteo bp tbe^aio;,^oUcco^ocr; ano ncpt tbe Bufifcesatemfr nameo, fo? ti)tp are calico tbcSuftfceo of ttc IBoioiirlj, Irljercag ttjep ougbt to be CElIcu tl)c 5iiClcc0 of tJ)C iamg. 4!?. ^^erE cotb not appear anpappofnt= mcRtat alioftbefEitiavtct ferfsfons; E^otbe anfi^cteo, ttjatftts not necrSarp tbat b~ fljou'.o appofnt a JBatrcfter to bcSDcpntpHccojnrr, ano to fap fbat be toaa not fit to be Dcputp IRecojoet fs too general a cbargc. tut ft oucbt to be IbciixD fn itbat be toas unfit . anu bfs contraafng toftb bfm {0? raoiiptonccrnsnottbeCopojatfon, neftberfsft maluminfe, bttt is cr.lp punffljable bp tbc Statute of 5 Ed. 6. Sinn as to tbc laft, viz, tf0 nrclcdfi.r; to^trp tbc tffi:co fopneo at tte oafcc appotntcD ft fa not a crfme matcrtnl to c cpjttc Vim of bf o free tolo, ano feto fetctoaros 00 otbcrtnafeo, foi tbcp 00 ufuallp ffap tftl tbep bafe a competent nnmber of Caufcs to ttp, befo;8 tbcp irUf Ct ; ano berc are bat Of caafes allcgcD to be antrpeo, ano one of tbcmtoao not trpablefntbat place, nojfsftabcrreo, tbatbeban notfcc Qiben b(ni of anp iSate tobetrpeo, ano fo tbe offence is tbe ltt9i % Rep. Seraaiones cafc , no? ootb lfice, ft fa a fbjfclfure tbcrcof, fojbpfoootngtbeCbarter f0fojfcfteD,anDbire fs no Forfeiture of fappoCtfon 0? anp ctcufe. ilp.- 2Ebereto:n fs gooo, tbougb no notice Iras m office, gttcn blm, fo J be ougbt to tabe notfcc of blmfelf as be Is an £)fficcr of tbat Court, ano enola him tbep cannot, ano If bis offence be true dc fafto tbep map put blm outofblsplace, asa^aflermappututDapbls&ertant, ano tbfs tbcfr Cbartcr U.arrants tbcm to 00 Twiidcn on ttje fame fioe fafo, be batb contractcD luify anctbcr foi bis place , ano fo fs offableo bp tbc Sta- tute. Wild , ^c coulD not uc bere contenteo, foj It fs crpjcflp fafo , tbat be tocnttounUroUji places. Glyn chief lufticc,2Ebc mafnbaCncfslnCfteD on teas bis ?bfctice but bere teas ro notice nftcntoblm, anopouougbt not to pjoceeo agatr.Ct Mm, ano iicter bear blm,tbougb tbc crime obietteo a- galnft blm be true,fo? It map be be irns ficb oi bao fome otbcr (uft ercufe fo; bis abfence, ano be ougbtalfoto bcb^arDtoalltbc otbir crimes objccteo agalnft blm. Therefore let him be reRored, nifi, &c. to morrow, lu.igement , • nfi. spmms Howard 454__ Trin. 165 5. Howard and Howard. Trin. 1655. Banc. fup. I'cerate pic - \Ji P ^'"3'^ [joward bciog tflUcM bp a Latitat out Of tl)fs Coutt appeatea Jed, ' iVl"Pontl)c Dap oftbctctojnoftt)c©ar{tiii Court, ano pleaDcD Ws p;<. Wlegc of PiitasEj ano ucmaiios In juDgcmcnt of tljc 2Eldt, anu tljcreupon to be DUc^argcD. PowisofCouncclagafntt^fmmotcD, tbatbemigbt put ^*^'; ^ (n fpc£S"!r John Lenchall. ff Trin, 1655. Banc, fup. Motion a. 'T^^^c Courf fosfl motteo fo: W(bber!y agafnff &fr lohn Lenthall , tbat giinft Sir A tohrrcas he been Uftbout temepp, ano Mandamuffei bate been gtantco foj placco of Icfaconfc- quence tbantbfa aafn Paich, 2 Car. a Mandamus toaa grantco to rcftojc one to tbe place of a SCovon Clarh , ubfcb fa a pjftatc office , ano 19 lac. a Mandamus toaa gtanteo to reftoje one to a common ClarKe place of a afU, ano s Car, ano 18 Car, to reftojc tbe partfea to parfUj Clarbo placea. 0no Utbe plats be publfque tbfa Court totli not Icatc tbc partp to feck bfa i?nn ' rcOTf' 4^S^ '^rin- 1655. mntop at lUito , anu 3!i»ctman Pflwickscafe fa tocU knofem, telio toa» rrCo?rD to tlje place ofa Common Courcel man of London, auo here tbc iinpioyment partp^afi mi imploptitent foi Mo Uic,tliotirfe^cbatJC nota free^lD (n U, foe lite. ano tljEtc is a fctlco picfit accrumg to btm , ano fo pjapea ft; vti^.x be rc- ttojcD. Wild on tbc otljcr fine ftclD,tl)at a Mand arnns IfcB not irt tb b;ieachoftbfsp;omffeheb;iing6hfs 0ctfon, ano obtafns a tcrDfct agafnft the BDcfenDant. 3t\r)a6 moKDfnarrcttof tuDgemcnt, i.SLhatthcpiafn* tff bao not a\jerrcD hoir much the tofne teas toojti that taasfpUt , ano fo he Avcrnunr. ^^^j^ ^^^ ^^^^ ^jjg^ fatfsfactfon to malie the piafntf f fo? ft , fo; he fenoiD0 Rcqucft. not the toalue. zip. ^nc Doth not appear to be anp reqncft maoc foj the fattsfactfon bp the piatr.tlf. Serjeant Twiiden anftoertD , l>crc Doth ap» pear to be an apparent Damage , ano he hath not fatfefiiO the Damage ice bal3C laiDfnourSDcclaratfon, nojhatbtheSDcfcnDant pleaoeD anp tenoet Tender of a.> Of Damaoco at all , anD the 3"rphat3C founo the Damages, ilp. ©He fnp iTi>ee>. that toe hate fo:bo?n to fue hfm , anD thfs fnipUes no fatfsfaalon maDe at iTipiicatior. tijg jfnte of the ^flfon bjought. Alleyne on the other fine , SChc JOlafntffo ^"''""« SDcclaratfon Doth not f ntftlc hfm to the ^ctfon, anD the finofng of the 3Iurp cannot mahe thts gooD. Gljn chief luftice, JBotb partfcs DfD fee the tn'P"- tob(cb tbfng fs not fubmtttctj unto bp tbc parties, ano fo no 3 voarD ougbt to '^" cuji'^^jlo. be maoc foj tbcm. glp. SCbc Sictfon bere Is ntcerlp grotinocD tipan tbc SI- Utj. VuarD, ano tbcrcfoje tbc atoarD ougbt to babe been b:.ou{;i)t Into Court, ioblcb Is not none fo; ougbt appears bcrc. Wild on tbc otbcr floe anfujereo, tbat upon tbc penning of tbc irbolcatoaro, It appears tbat tbc 100 1, fs to bcpapo fo: tbc to;ong Done to tbc partp bptbe fpeaUIng of tbc fcanoalous toojDS, anDtbeaUjarDfafttfOjtbtobcmaDcdeec fupcr prxmiflis, tDt,fcbDc& fuper malicflftgooB, asmp Lord chid luftice Rolls opinion iuac upon tbc firftpr*""fl>s. opening 0'. the 3ilcco;D , «nt) fo toas Burbidges cafe 16 Car. 3nt) as Jo tbe fccono Crceptfon b bclD, tbat tbc 8 I. atoaroeo to be papco fo; cbargcs teas IrftWn t:)c fubmlfslon , fojtbc Sfrbftatojs tabc poSncr to alloln cbarges; flno as to tbc latt eixcptlon,bc falo ft Is not ncceffarp to pjotiucc tbe filnaro fn Court. Giyn chief luftice, 3t Isto belntenDeo tbattbe 100 1. Is to bcpalD^"^'"'^'""'^' fo; tbc tD;ongDone , ano tbc 81 fo; cofts 1:3 as luell Icltbln tbe fubmllolon as tbeotbcr, anDtbcairiarofsretltco, anoftlsfafo to be maoc dc et fuper pramiills. 2Cbe onlp tjnf B f^^^j'JJ^^^^^^^ no; il=o:aH)eeo,tbatmulf 31 corfefs, be p;oi!uceD fn Court, tbat tbc ""'■"'"*'"• Court map juuge tobctbcr It bho tbc partp 0; not , ano pou pour fclbcs l)abebcrefEtfo;tbtbc;3teari3lnpourpleaDfng, But fpeak toic ar another dsy, at feblci^ time tbc cafe belnc onlp pat, Glv" chief luflice falD, If an ^flfonofocbt be bjongbt upon an Obligation, tbc £t)blfgatf on ""^^f to be ^|^'.'^"^^* ^^ pioDuceo, anD fn all otber cafes tobcrctbtngs cannot be Dcmanneo but bp ^j|j"j^y"!.j_ * jDccD ; otbertDffc fs ft,ff tbcp map be Bcmnnoro cttber bp 2Dcci),o; vftbout nicoc. SDecD; but here fs no £?cco In tljc cafe , fo; an ;arbttrcmcnt unocr fral Is no SDccD, f tbc arbftremcnt map be maoc iDltbout a SDeco, « }bcrefo;c It Ij not ^."i^',;^ necc(rarptofaep;oDuccDfnCourt , fojftfsbut a tojftlng unDcr bano ano'wiiting real, ludicium Difi pro quertuce, lu i^cment nifi. Maynelland Mackaliye. Trirt. 1^55. Banc. fup. MAvnelIb;ougbt'an Action upon tbe Cafe agafnli Mackaliye, ant) t)c.^'■rfft>f clarcD, SEbatiDbcrcaobebaoanlntcntto enter an flctfonagafnft tbe '""?'"'"' '" SDcfcnoant, anotoarrcftblmatfiitba time, tbcDcfenoar.tln confiDcra.*;'^^^';'°J|^"f' tlontbat tbcplafntiftoonlDfo^bcartoarrcftblmat tbat time dId pjomffCuponapro- tbatbetooulo putfnbatltoblmatanptfmc after tobcn be Qjall enter bfs "'re aafon agalnftbfm.ano fo; b;eacb of tbfspjomlfc be b;lngsbl3 Action, tlpoit nonalTumplitplcaDeD, ano abcrDf.rfo;tbe piaintif, ft toas mol^cD fn Ac i^nn 2 rcK c ^60 ^""- »^5 5. rcfl of fucgcment, ?Dbat ft Is not fafo tioto long tijc paf nf if fliouln fojbcat to atrtfl t^c SDcfenDant , ano ft map be foj fo Ifttlc tfmc ttjat ft tolll not be CorGdera- ^ ^^^^ conCoetatfoii to gronno tJje p^omffc. JBut ft teas anftDcrcD, tftat ft ^^^^■at^on. fd UjcU cnoneb, foj tbc DEclatatfonpatfueg tl^ toojua of tftc agreement be. Kcafonabie tlDCCH tfte pattfcfl, ant) cannot bc bettct ocpjeffeD. Glyn chief luftice, 3tf9 conftiiiaion. g gjijij, tonfiOEtatfon , ano toe mutt mabe reafonablctonftruafonof tooiM, ) udgcmcm. g];;^g^(pje !„ the Plaintif havc his judgement. Abbott and Vaughan. Trin. 165J. Banc, fup» Pafch. igyy.rot. 557. Error upon a A ^bott bjougM Hit adion npoH tlje cafe agafnff Vaughan rniD W toffe, judgement in /\foj tDojDo fpohen ot t^e plafntffbp tfte SDcfenUants tuffe, ano npon n Aajonup not gutltp pUaijeD ano at)aDinEtitofiool. atiDtbepiatiittf Declares foj 80 1 anofotbc SDccla. debt upon an ration barf eg from tbc bono. alp. 3It i9 fafD tbat tbe attfon tnao entreo cnt0 inttnictiono, Hecheranii Bowman. Mich, 1655. Banc fup. ir.ftiumentinTiPatrpalatJBar bcttoecnHether ano Bowman in SCrcfpafa ano (tied- law. -^tnentitUiasraiDbptbe Court, Cbat tbe iLo^o of a Coppboplo ia iiut an Admflron"' BlnttramcnttoaDmfttbcCoppbolDcr, ano ougbt to auinit bim aceojofng '^"' to tbc fnrrcnocr, 0? otbcrioifc the aomittance ia not gooD» • Thiirlcand Madilbn. Mich. 1655. Banc, fup. Enrolment of | JF' ^ Ctpal at tbc JBat bcttoan Thurle anu Madifon , 3!t toaa TafD bp Glyn a Deed. -^chief luOice , that if Ditjcrs pcrfpno Do real a 2DecD,ani) but of tbem aca ftnoiolcDge tbcSDita, anotbcJIDaois tbcrcupon entollco, t\}ia is a gooo Evidence ^ntoUmcjit Voitliin tl;c Statute , ano map be gitjcn in ctifnencc as a SDceo enroUco, at a2CtpaU 31t toas tljcn alfo faio, that if a dccd erpjefs a Confijera- conSoetatlon Of moHcp upon tbc putcbafc maocbp tbc 2[>cco , pettbfai iano tion. pjoof upon a trpal, tbat ttje monico cppjcffco ioctc paio, but it muft be pjo- •bCD bp tDitncffc0, Copy proved. \ yi Emorandum, Sbat upon the fame SCrpal an 0ct of iparliamcnt pjo« IVjDnccD in point foj tbc felling of £)dinqucnt0cftatC0, loas fuiojn to (ate been cramineo bp tbe iparliamtnt IRoU , ano ti;at it toas a trae Copp befo;e it icao reao in cbiocncc. N»ia. VVood and Giir>fton. Mi:h. 1655, Memoran- \ > P^n a motion fo; a ncfo trpal bcttoKn Wood ano Gundon , npon a dum, V fuppolition of cvccfsibe Damages gioenbp tbc 31urp in an Sctior/ npoti Ncwityai foitbctafetrpeoattbc55atfo>lBO}D0, vi/. CaUtngtbcpaintifSCraptoj, $c. mi'cairiage 1500 1. bcidg tbc Damagcs giticH , 3t tDfls faio bp Glyn chief Juftxe, tbatif of tiK lury. j^p ^jjy^j j,Q bclictc that tbe Blurp gabc tbcir ticrnict againft tbeir Direction giben onto tbcm , tbc Court map grant a neto Crpal. a nd a new Tryal wasgronted in chis Cafe afcer a full dgbace had by Councell on both iides* Cul- _____^ Mich. 1^55. j^6^ CuUiar and lermin. Mich. 16^5. BanoCap. CUlliar bjoagbt an actfonupont^Cafcaponapjomlfe, anDDcclarei>,ArrtJi of tftat tfteCcftatojoftticSDEfcntJantfnconCDeratfon, tftattbe ^afntff ludpcmenc tnotJlu marp fncft a Moman D(Dp2oni'^A^'°""P' pjomlfc to pap 5 J J. a peat fo; tbe rent thereof fo j fo long time as be QionlD ''" '''" *-'^' cnjoptt, ano fo; fomntb tent Due fojUfojfolongtfmc (n tbe SCcffatojs "^°" * ^'^°' Wfettme, ano foj fo raucb rent Dae fincc bfa neatb be bjfngs tbe attfon. tapon non affumpiit plcaDCD, a t)crol(t toas foanD fo? tbe |3lafntlf j ano cn= tfre Dammages gfljcn* 3t Ujas moiJCD fnattcftofSaDgemcnt, i, Subat an atffon of tbc Ca:^e ootb not l(e, Ufaefng fojtbenonrpapmcntofrcnt, tD',i licijiii. „ot boinia to flanti 3i5apl to all ctbcr iSirtlona tbat Qjall be Mclarco (n agafntt tbe pattp upon tl;c bp. buttbc3ttojnpfojbfin <3boimt»to appear foj bim in all fwtb ;:ictlon0, ano to put Jti Common bapl. WagRaffand TempeR. Mith \'^s 5. Banc, fop, nfo-nfa.on \^ '^'^^ fato bp Glyn chief luftice upon cWocnce gibwifnaCrpaUttbs wi.h a(o'tci-l315.«, bettoeeti VVapftaff aiio Tempeft, tbat \i tenant fo>Ufct)ole\)pa lu c ofaih- -jftne oftbelanMbctsfofeffcaof. to^icrcbp be fljoiilo fojfcitljfatftatc. iU(c u) 1. pet (f be w'.'" [ /^^bC Cafc Of ^crgcailt Bra.-'fh w an^ Spr. Prober of GraysJnnc. %i load p"rrof the fafo, tbatacballcncetotbcarrapfsnoJpartoftiicllccojD. but ougbt to Kccoid. be tctermhico lobetb^t ft be cooo 0? rotbptbcSaoec, befojetrbomtbe trpal of tbe Caufc 0ioulD ba^ci»ccn, ff tbe cbalicngebao not been tatjert; B) whom to ^^^ ^^ ^^^^ jj jjpgj^ ^yjgjj jjpijj^ fcrloug ao^jffc in tbe,Comtnon=plcas : ano it ncd"'^'"" tias tbcn Ifkchiffc fafo, fftberebeaocmiirrcrtoa tbaUcngcat tijeafaffe©, Dniiurrcr tan 0(tfon upon tbe Cc-ft agafnC Prowd, anb btflavcn, Arrcd cf tbat iBbcte§0 te at tbc fnflancc ano requcft of tbcSDcfenoant itm tahw i^Jgcmem i pafns to reconcile Dfflfcrenccs bettuijt tbc SDefennant ano J.s. ano otbet0, tbc '" '^'°1 "p SDefenDint Dfo aiTamc ano pjomfte unto tjje iplafntff to pap unto bim loo /, l"„'^^l ^^l^'^ at a certain nap, aiio fo; no.t paptng tbs monp accojoinglp'be b}ing0 fjfs 3.- m^c ' ^ °' ttfon. ane upon non-ailumpfit plcaoco, anB a tetDfct fount) foj tljc JDIaiH' tff. Sbe ©efcnnant mo^e!) fi! arrcft of 3;ui>ccment, i. Ebat tcre fa no conftoeration fct fujtFj in ti)z Declaration to croiiiiDtbcpjomifc upon fo> ft f0 onlp fafD , that in conGoctatfon tbat tftc =|pi5intif bao tafeen pain?' ?c. ^c ofD pjomife, 5c. ano tbis is a conCottation crccnteo, ano not fufiUcient to cor.fijcrjcion gtoano a pjcmifcupon, antjone Hunt ano Diers cafe iDafltiteDfojpjoof.^^"""^''- 2lp. i^e:iOtbnota)ctotob^np3fnsbcbat?)tafeen, ant) fo ft cannot be fenotoii tobct^et bis pains inete ftfficient to Gtouno tbe p:.omtfe nppn.«!p. tes fape^ytbat be too& pafna to tecomfic Differences bctlpirt tfjex)cfcnaant,ant> i. S. ano others, ant) Dotb not Qitvo tcbo tbefc otbcrs Ujetr. Ebc ttoo latt ey- ceptioro iDEie oliertulcD toitbout fpeahing to; ana rotlicBrUWildan' Itocrct,tbat litn iuaaa continmng conttDcration, tbougb tbe pains tabencomiruine tocrepaft, fo? it is faia be tcofetbc pains at tbefntfa:/cc ant) requcft of tbe^''^'fi'^cran«n. laiaintlf G!yn chief luftice, It is as you fay, for here is more than a volun. Voluntary tary Curt* fie, upon which no confideration for a promife can be grounded for cunefic. the pains here were undertaken at the inftance of the Piaintif, HuDfcium nfC, iC Mich. i<55 5^ Banc. flip. Bp Glyn chief lufltce, Jf one come fnupon tbc (Spfgcnt bJMaap aa- whsre one pear fap bis attojnr, butifbecomc in upon the £I>ntlaU)jpljemuttap-'"'y *m«" peat iu b's pjopct pcrfon, ano notbpbi3a;tto;np, ano fo istbeconttant ''l'^"'"'"'^' pjaafce of tSe Common pUas, ano of tbfs Court alfo. Nota, "here not. ^"0 Lon. a6'^ Micfi.1655. London and VVjlcocks. Mich. 1655. Banc fup, Arrtft of T Ondon bjoaglit an action of SCrefpafa agafntt VVilcocks inter alia , fo^ judfiemcm in l_jtaUfng ajiD tarrpJog atoap 40 loaoo of Co?n fatjout ibc pafntff, tbe ji^CfenOant moteO foj a neto trpal. JBut Sergeant Maynard oppofeD ft , anu fafD tbat after a tcroftt tbe partfalftp of tbe 3arp ought not to be qucftf . oneo, noj fa tbere anp^?tfit)entB<:ojftfnour JBtnhaoftbcHatD, anoft IcoulD be of oangeroua confequcnce f f ft fljoulD be fuffercD, ano tbe grEatncr0 of tbe Dammageagftencanbenocaafcfojanetotrpal, bHtfffttticre,tte Dammagcfl arc not berc ercefflfbe, fftbc toojUflfpohcnbc toellconQDereD, fo; tbcp tcno to tabe atoap tbe jpiafntffs Eflate,anD bfa Iffc. VVindbam on tbe otglc floe pjeffeo fo> a netotrpal, anofafoft toaaapacbcDboOnefa, clfetberetoulD not bate been fo great tiammagea, anti tbe Court batb potD» cr f n cytraojDtnarp cafca, fucb aa tbfa f 0, 1 grant a n etc trpaU Glyn chief Difcie.ion of Juftice, 3t fa fn tbe offcrctfon of tte Court fn fome cafca to grant a neto the Coutt. trpal , but tbfa mutt be a juDfcfal , ano not an arbftrarp offcrctfon , anoft Diirrctionju-jg frequent fn our IBooba fo> tbe Court to taUc notfreofrnffrarfagEBof dcs^i, Aibi- ^j,,.jgg ^ an5 to grant neto trpala upon tbcm, ano ft fa (03 ibc peoples The Coutc benefit tbat ft CboulD befo fo; aBlurp map fomctfmcc bp fnufrca ueal- not 10 be in zt man tob Doton a ftoojo in tbe §>cabbatD tu^ctj ijung *^^bb;i.g. tbcre, anD ftoo atttjc 2E)cdj 0ftl)cCijambctiDj a^) fs not lof tbfn tbe Statute bp tobfcb bfs Clergp lioulo to be taken atoap. i^ojfirfttbe&tatdtefstobcifberaUpfntcrpjctcD, be-r canfe ft famaseinreftrafntoftbeCommon.tatD, anDfttuasmaaconlptOon^'"^ *"" p;cbent fetecs bctbofrt tbe EnpliHi anD tbe Scotifh-j^atfon, vobfcb tocre tbcit apt to b?raUfoitbi anD tbe quarrel bete toas not a ojunkcnanDraDDen qnattel, but aaco npon Dettberatfon , anD beic Isanaffaalt fo great nfco jD 2 a. 468 . _,^^^^:^^ 5 5. agafnff tbcpjffoncr, t^at ftamountstoaffriitfngofWrtt, 43 E 3. f. 41.42 E 3. f.7. aiiDtbctmpjIfonmcntof blmismojc tftan an affault, anoicte (sfontiDafoufblcentrpfatoWsCljamber , ann tljc fcnufna foj a 3!5ai- Uf, anD tU flnnElng at b'c Ctiambi r too; Irttb a fUjojc fn tbc parties ijanD, tboug^notojaim, to^kljfanomncbfncffcaasfftt bao bccnojalun , ano j^Car. tbrClcrgpiiasallotocDto t'oio pcrfoua tljat a(Dc9 anD afettleD a tWro petfon fnttabbfngofa fourth man, anotlmt bicanfctfjc Clergpfljall imcndmen- not bc tafern atpapbp Intcnoments. Glynchitfluftice, Ehe Statute Ijatti not ban. fo fatourablp tonflrucD ajs ^ath been argnco , foj bcrc is no ttroab, no? iDcapon Djaton fo? l)tatiitPtbatli unptliCfpctial tcrcfit teas agafn rrpcateo bp Serjeant Maynard, rrt Iptimlt tDSsargncD foj tl)cp?ffoner, tljat be lias not tobcretDEsnoiicaponi);atiin, fo?tbt ftrojDtossIn tbc fcab* fcarD, trblcblcromojetbanaflElf fna.mnrs tanD,Stat. 5 E.6, C 4. anl» ft Is llfee to a pittol uncctfet , sno If tbc fUcjc bat) been t)?au n ft tronlo not bate alterco tbe cafe, btcaufc It tors rot In Hr rwoods bann, tcbo Iras Ilaln, butlnanotbcrs, ano pou cannot rrtrnu tbe Statute furtbcr. Glyn chief luftice, OTfBpoubatcltargucl)*arpmo?c :> Firch, i^o. Glynchleflu. •flice, 3battcton0rlcrcDoftbctI:UTtftf,ar.tltonfuit^l)•U)^tbt^c StatDtr,ani> attffcatcftb aU tbc Suogcs. sro tbcr are of'mfnc cptrfon. STbfs fe a ccoO llato, ant) to be Interp? ctcD Briflip, pet 3 bolu tbc p?H|ner ia net teftbfn ft ; fo? tbc fcopc of tbe Statute sppears'fcp tbc pjean'ble, ttc boBp, arc fating of It, Ubftb DO an confirm mpcpfnfon : fppfirftreafcinfe, tetaufe $ finD tbat tbc Intent of tbe Statute Is anafr.ftfnDccntifBfrg, butbere teas not a fatDenfellifng, ano tbc Statute tabes not atrap tbe CIcrppfrcm all man* netof^anflaugbtec, anDberetcasa^rerpafsanDanlmipjKncment satn flgflimi Micb.i''"5 5' 465» agafnffftcpjffonfr before tjcfefUcoHorwood, anofotljcart toig not fuu* Benlpconc alp. EbcboBpoftljcaitf.emgtomeait, tbattljere ortgbt^o be malice fflttite fljall be tntcrp^cteu , viz. 2Lbe- nientbctUnrttbemanotbettabblng, a;iDtb OcrDfttfinosno pjaEtoncrtbco nta'.fcc ; -ana tr>e &t?tutc ertenos to no otUr Wtlfng bp tbe provilo. Jflno If one be afTanltijO bp 2Lbccbcfl toWcb batic no f\iioiD D jatoir , anb tbe partp af. } Biiltitj fi.ib? one of tbe 2Si ccVC0, be fa not loftbfn tbe latent of tbe &tatiite, aUbougbt»cbclBftb'ntbetDo>D0ofo not conceive be fs ^tiftbfn tbe ferat j'c, f 07 tt i£ tbe affault of botb,ani) (ball alfo be aoiutigeD tbe ftrtking of but 1. A k Juftice belD be tprs tDitbin tbe Statute, bccau eiotb!ccDanocolDbla>D, aslseoonoiuDfttinguidi; anoebe- rp tuoiD in tbe §>tatutc me tbinbs ootb take atoap tlie Clergp bp toap of ar- gument, ctjenfrom tbe title of tbe 2d: to tbe ticrpeno of it, anobcreisa great fin to be puni(bco, ano crcat incont'enicnccs tooulo foloto to aomit ot tbeClcrgpinfucbcafcsastbtais, ano berc tons a fuooen killing sa tbe att crpjelTctb , fo?it taasooneiBitbaDagguUbicbtoaBnot fen, but fuo- ftcnlpOja^Tjnoutofapoctiet, ano no i capon tsag-ojatDn ngalnft bim, foj tbe p:o^of "tions allegro , tbep c ansiot amount to tbe oiatoing of a toeapon, 02 fucb a p;ot)ocatfoa ae tbe Statute fntcnoo , fo; all tbe acts Done bp Hor« wood amountco but to a SCrefpafs, ano cannot be fucb a p^otocation as fcoulo-caure Buckner to fear lis cratb , foj no violence iras uico to bis pcr« fonbpftriling.ojOjalDingofatoeapon. oj otber tnaps, ano tbe fcnoing foi JBailifa to arrcft bimcannct be fucb a p:oTtccatfon as tbe Statute in-- t.noo,tobicbiatoput tbe partp in frsr of fain life, ano tbe partp bnctu tbat Horwood came toitb an intent onlp to arrcft blm , anO not to Uill iiim , nojofo tbe partp flatn 00 anp tbfng agafrft Buckner topjoboUe bint; ano tberctsbppjefumptionof ilatoapiepcnrcomalfcei.tBuckner to Mil Hor« wood, lDl)icb is feen bp bis fuooen manner of (tabbing bint, ano Davye ;^oo 3 ano \- ^'J^ ' Mich. 165 5*. ^ "anVWilliams cafe dtgcB cm t^c otl^er Cue ia not U^xt to tWa cafe. 31 grant it cwie kill aSLljicf fuoocnlp It I9 not bjftWn tbe &tattitc,fo j fwclj feflUng toas nc« t)ct Intenueo to be pjctcntco bp ft. 2Ct)c loo jtt too joa one man can gftie a. nolftctarenotaCutfitfcntp^oDocatfon \DWn tftc; fpeaHfng of tDojosDotijmucl) Differ from DjalDing of a tocapon: i^oj is t^fa a UUlfng fc dctendendo , J bp midfojtunc , but a kflKng at tbc Common Hain , ano fo t|)e Clcrgp la taken atcapfaptbc&tatute, anottjofe ofSirj;ant« inne InFlectftrcet , amongft tubom are Bafkly anD Fofter, anoRoll , tobo Ijalie been BSuogea, ate of mp opfnfoit Glyn chief luftice belu ft not toftWn tftc statute, l)c argupD long mucb to tbc effect aa fojmerlp , but baWng taken co'.o 3 coalD not offtinrtlp bear bfm , Adjourned. SDWe Cafe toaa agafn au gneD Trin. idjrf. to cnfo;m lufticc Warburton tobo Icaa callcB to tbat 315cncb , after ttje fojmer arguments ano opfnfon of tbc Court oeUtjerco * mac^ to tftc fame manner as fo?merlp, IBp Finch foj tbe pjffoner, ano Baldwin foj tbc PjOtettoj , anD tbcrcupon mp Lord chief lufVice Gfyn , anO iuftice WirburtonUjcrc ofoplnfonagafnft luihce A'k, ano fo jnogcment inaa gtbcn fo j ttje p jffonct , tbat tbe Ilabbfng toaa not toftbfn tbe fetatntc , but loab onlp fclotip at tbe Common ILaio, anotbe p}ifonet toaaaomittcD 10 Ws Clcrgp, anD burnt fn tlje bano atcojDfnglp. VVilliarafon and Coleman. Mich. 1655. Banc. ffjp. iuon "fT-jponcbfocnccgHJenlnanjactfonof EDrefpaffli bcttD&n WiHiamfon ano P*''- * Colemin at tbcJ5at',3It Ujaa fafo bp Glyn chief Juftice. tbat tf one malsc a tftcb, 01 raffc np a ban!; to bfnocr rap Voap to mp Common , J map juttfflc tljc tb joVDfng of ft Doton, ano tbe fillf ng of ft ap». Mich. 1655. . Bp Glyn chief luftice, 3lf aiFcme bjfngatojft of ootoct, anorccober, anotbcSDcfenMntDfc, tljefemeftall fjabc (jer oamagea agafntt tfte 2Dcir=2DcnantB, Micli. 1655.; Error qMod \ OTfrft Of Crtoj quod coram vQbis refidet f 3 inbcn a tojft Of Crroj ffl c< tain vobis /\bjongt)t to rcterfc a fuugcment gftjcn fn t'oc Common picas, oi otbcc lefidet, w;iar ^Contt tobcre tbe IRecojD toaa fojmcrlp rcma\3cD f nto tbe Court of tbe (oaltinotbe ga)D,fc^ tbe moncp paio bp one coulo not be in fntlsfattton fo^ anotbcc, ano fo !be 0- ioarti (snot mane to concltiDc all tbe parties fubmftting^ fo^ Scephent Uias notconccrneoinit, anatbeaiuaroislvitbanhaquod, inbicb ortgbttobe a general atoarD,anti incline a 1! partlc0, anDtberefojcifitbc tJoiDinpart (t i0 toiD in all. Wut Grern on tbe otbcr iloe anflsereD , tbongb tbe atoaro C^oiilb be naugbt (11 part, pet it map be gooo as to Body tbat paio tbe monep, anD tl)c moneps ongtjt to be rcccfbcD as tbcp ate pafo , anD tbat Is fo j Body anDStcph.ns, and map be iDCll in fatisfattlonfojbotb oftbem. Httoasal* fo urgpo bp Howell on tbe fame Coe, tbat it appears tbat Body anb Stephem arc partners, anDtbisiiUlmaltcanenDoftbcmattEc ,foj tbcn tbe monep paio bp one oftbem map fatioftc fo? tbe otber, Glyn chief luftice, l^ereis Award in agooD atoarDbettDdentlvoof tbe parties tbat fnbmitteo, bnt tbere ap-.part. peara notbjng to be atoarDCD as to Stephens , tbe tbiro patcp, foj ft Dotb not • Jippjar tbat be can tahc anp benefit bp tbe atoaro of tbe monep to be paiD bp ludcement Body, o?tbatitcanb.anpfatlsfa(tionfojbfm,butonlpfoj Body* Iudge=for iheOe- ment for the Defendant, nifi. &:c, lendant Susfield and Norden. Mich. 16 Jj. Banc, fup, AMjftofdJrrojtoasbjougbtbpBusfteidagaintt Nordon to tetjcrfe agrjor tore " (utjgcmcntgitjcnintbeCourtfpilftatpof Kippon in an attfon nponvcrfea jud^e- nn indebitatus aftumpiitfoHnaresfolD, ttiberefn tbere befng a ioDgement i":'■■■ ^-ya Mich. 1655. V^idian and Fletcher. Mich»i6}$.Banc. fap^ s- fjcia l^ponT)lctocfaii3nCairtbjoiigl)tfirtoConrttofaefnfpcctciJ, tr&ol)aoDa« f .r "a 'lnt»pi ting cotjcrtutc lopnco iBttl) IjJt busbanu in letjptng a fine of bet lanDs flje j^. event, tpngbptbc Court aojuDgeotDttWii age, to^creupon a fcire facias iSucn out f ,c levcj j^ ({j3 E^crt'ttnatitfl '^l)o came fn anopleaoco tbat fljc toas of full age at tljc .uii.gCo- .j(^g(,ftt)CfinclciiicD, tiponltlilcljpliatffuetoagiopncD, ano atrpalUiaa ''""' '^' 1)86 at t!)e afot?c« , anuaacrofitfoj ticpiafntif, tol)onoto came In Court anopjapeu foa luogcinent upon tbe ttlcroftt. Glyn chief Jufticc; 2Ebc hiynotto ^otittteto juoscoftfte 3nfaiicp, ano not t!)c 3urp, ano ttjerefoje pou c, jj3^cnotp,p(ccDeDoulp, but 11)0 pjocccBtngfl DO tto ftutt , fojloejuDgcac Fine rcvcrk J. IMS toitljm agC , Therefore let the fine be reverfed, mfi, &c. Noca. and the hundred of Crondcri. Mith. 165 J.Banc.fup* Arrtftof judprmcnrin fc j^ ^cifon of JEtcfpafs upoH tl)C trfc toas bjougftt agafntt tl)e ^uttfijett an Aai. n u, - J;\ gf Crondon (n Hacnpftii cupon ttic fi>tat. of Winchefter,bp one tijat toas o"huc .*!d ' '^°''^^^ toltlj not. at anott)cr Dap Green urgeo , tbat tcre Dotft not appear a confiDcratlon foj tbe fpscfal p;omlfe , ano tftcn ft can be taken but fo} a pjomlfe in iLaiu , anD upon fuel) a pzomffe tbe Sictfon Pro^ife !n cannot Ipe , fo> tbe Debt Is Due to tbe hilfe nottoftbttanatng tbe marlage. '*'*• Wild anfttcreo, tbe accompt Is gooD to tbe JBaron to grounDtbcpjomlfc upon, ano be cfteD Partridge* Cafe, ano tbe pjomlfe bete to pap tbe monp af a Dap Is a fp^ clal pjomlfc anD not crcatcD bp tbe iLauu , ano.tbls makes tbe conCottatlon gcoo, ano tbe SDeclaratlon Is true, foj It Is the f^asbanas Debt, ano tbe tierolct confirms It , ano If tbe toffe op tbe aomfnt tlratlon belongs to tbe i^usbanD , tublcb pjctics ft Is bfs Debt, ano tbe Inift of crroj Is not gooD, anDfotbclRccojDlsnotrcmotjeo, tbeiDjftofetrojfs DircctcD totbeipal- oj anD &bcrlfs of Lincoln , anD tbe Court Is falD to be belD bcfo:e tbe &bc« Tifs onlp. Glyn chief luftice, 2tbe nature of tbe Debt I0 not cbangcDbp tbe tJebt chjn- accompt, no'mojc tban tbe accompting toltb anCrccutoj, but a fpecfal s'^'^- pjomtfc map alter tbe Debt: ^ftcrclaa p;omffe maDctotbc i^uobanc, ano ^e batb b lougbt tbe action aa if tbe Dcfcnoant tpcre InDcbteo to l;lm, pet be ie not InaebteDtoblmgcncrallp, but rubmodo,tl5. jurenxoris, SLbcrefe anotbcr point In tbe Cafe, 3 conceive berc Is caufe of action, but tobetbcr it be applicable to make ftafpccfal Debt Is tbe qucttlon. But the writ of error ^^)5'']J'^"'*^ is naught, therefore let it be quafhed. quaihtd. Arnold anci Floyd. Mich, »fi55. Banc, fup, ARnold a JlBjuet bjounbt an action of Debt upon a 55onD fopcrfojm » „ ( articles agafna Floyd bis Clark. Cbe iffcrt of one of tbJ articles iadgernVnc tras,tbat tbe SDcfcnoant tljoulD ocUtcr toceklp fucb aie anD 15ccr as fljoulo .n debt upon be Delf pcrco unto bf m to fucb Cuftomera as be bao In bis cbargc, 4 to r. cclbe »" obiip»u- tbe monies of fucb Cultomcrs as toerc Due f oj tbe fame, ano tbe crcffc,anD ""/° Fe:form fljoulD accompt ctjerp Saturday tcffiklp nnto tbe plalntif foj ftKb monies as"'"^ '*' %z Ibonlo uwiiz fo; tbe fame, fo: b?eacb oi Cofienant tbe ipialntie IPPP af« •certain 474 Mich. 1655. ~ afsigno tijat tfte SDcfciwant Din not accompt Ittitti til)crffg clecteDfti i.Lc return 0! t^cfr plflccs. Mljereupon the o'd fehcrffs reoeUbcrcD to the partp the DeeDa ' Writ. tahcn in crcciitton, bp tcrtuc of the Fieri facias, anD cnDojfcD nulla bona np« on the to?cclaratlon fn hts flctfon upon the Cafe 00th notfap, that thcolo Rrr .ni. &!)Crif3 Df 1 rPtojn nulla bona , but onlp that tl)Cp DfD cnDOjfe nulla bona up- on tbc tojft, tohlc^ fs not a rctojn. anD fo the ^ctfon cannot Ipc foj a falfc re- tojn. nip. ^: fapei^ that the olD fehcrlfs DcUtjcrcD the tojft thus enOoifcD to the ncltt,but 00th not fap that thep Dfo Delffacr ft to be vcto?ncD,viz, bp 3InDen« '...rfcniiir ; tiTC; as the u'e fs. jlp. 3t Doth not ?».';pear luhcthcr there tocrc anp retojn of t'ocraft maoe cither bp the olD&'-crffs o: the neto.4lp.2Chc flcffon is brought in a tojon? Co^ntp, fo: ft fa not bjought in t!)C Countp ^jn^iztz the cnDojfe* ment ano DcU'oerp ol)cr of the to:ft Vons Latch of counccl on the other Goe anfioercD, that the ;2lctfon tons brought fo j DcUberfng the gooDs bach again to the 2>;iiJnDant after theph^D tnkcn them bp tjcrtiic of a Fieri facias, ano not foj the cnDojfemcnt maoe upon the tojft. The rulewastoreverfethe ]U(3gemrn', tx;epc caufc fliewtd co the con-rarv. ^t another Dap the Court toas mo'jco to afSrinthc fuDgcmciit, ano theconncel on the other Cocfn* fitted upon the foimcr ctccptfons to retjrrfc the )uogcmcnt. Glyn chief luflice canfco the Urcojo to be reaD, ano upon Oyer thereof faio, 31 conceive it is Vnell , anoaccojofngtothecourfcfnthatUinD, fo; the olD Sherifsto ira'.jc t'e r:to;n, anD to DcUtjer the to:it oticr bj^^nDcnturetothenelo fe>vjcrfrp,anDhcretoalfon bcrDfctfnthc Cafe, anD a rctojnfsnotpjopetlg a rctom until! ft be filcD here, pet it is the rctojn of the &hcrif in the Conn- tp iDhSiC he is &hcrif. Shew caufe upon n\3cice why the judgement ought not tobc rcverfed. Ancea. Q., Den: N'cnu: Mich, ift' 5 5 47 5 Denton. Mich. 1^55' Banc, Tup, A0 ttittt Of tbe puidifttte &efetong mace apafnS one Denton foj ((^e To quanta feffiping of affiaftaro cl)flo Vdrs ^cmotJcD (nto fbisJi^ourt bp aCertiorarl, ^"""^'^ ^' '« ano tbe partpalfo uboiDagcommittcD to Aih bury- gaol fojaffobep^nfit^fio^"'^^*^' o?OEr,U)a0 b?oast)t (nto Contt upon a H abeas Corpus gratiteo unto Wm, ano ""'' npon t!iercat)fnsoftl)erctojnoftl)eH beasCorpu;, tl^fscrccptfoniraBta- hen to tl)e rctojn. that H appears bp t\fz rctojn tftat ti:e o;dct mace fo; Den- ton to U&p t^e SBattatD c^ilo toaa maoe bp tt)e Bluftfcee at tbe ^uatter &er> fions, ano tbat foj not obepfnatWo ojoctibetDaacommftteo totbeOaolbp tlDO Sufffces at a pjftiatc feefsfonBOf tbc peatc, tDfjercas tbe ^uttfces of tbe £!iuarter ^efsfons t)ao no autbo;- net , fo} ft oasbt to bate bxn mace tp tbe ntr^t tU30 BJnftfces of peace to f be place tDbere tbe SBaftaro toasbojn. Sinn to tbfs Giyn chief lufllce agreeo, but tDonlo not releafe tbc pjffonct tf II be toas bouno obet toftb 5000 bapl to tt;c nc);t €inatter Versions fo; tbe Conntp of Buckingham, toappeattbetc ano to anfluet tbe fad. ♦ Att Lee and the Lady BaUinglas, Mich. i^;5.Banc. fop^ T^^e Contt teas moben on tbe 2Dcfen!)ant« bebaIf,tbattbetctDa8aaTo difchrge Action upon tbe Cafcbjongbt agafnC JBaton anb ifeme , anD tbe a feme covert JFeme bao appearco , but tbe IBaton UjouId not , ano tbat tbe piafntffa "p°" common 0ttojnep ttooD to babe fpecfal bapl fo> bet, tobtcb Ibe toula not pjo: ^'y'* cure, ann tberefojcfttoaapjapco, tbat (bemfobtbc uclibfreouponcom^ mon bapl. JSut Glyn chief luftice anftocretJ, if there be caufe to have fpecial Denied. bayl tbe w^ife inuft lyein Pnfon, ontill the Husband appear and put Ui bay! for bcr, for (he cannot put in bay I for herfdf being Covert Baron. Elmes and Miirtyn, Micb. 1655. Banc, fup. nr^c Court tnag mobeojoj tbe piafntfftbatfnrefpcct tbat tbe 2Defcn=i^or "me to -■■ Dant bao put fn a fpecfal pica, anOpIcaBCDa bcrp long ^Itoaro , tcbfcb "^J"""' •" ' mabc tbe pica betp long , tbat tbercfojc be mfgbt babetfmccrantcDnnto'' * Wm bp tbe Court to Demur to tbfs plea. Cut Glyn chief luftPce anfteereo, you need not have time to demur to che Plea, for you may do [that prcfcntly: Denied. but ifyoudefire time to rejoyn in refpedt of the length of ibe Plea, you (hall ^'^°^°''"' have it. F lummer and Sir John Lenchall. Mich 1655. Banc. fop. I an aafott of cfcapc agafnC &ft John Lcnthall tbe i^^arcfcball oflbe^''^" '-="" jpatOjalfca of t^jfn Comrt , anb bao tberenpon a jwogement ano an wcotl. hu oftcc. ^e piifntff ftetDco to tbe^Comt bp bfBCo«tttdtbafbebaDb:oH?bt''"° P"fSir "sir John Lcnthall tbe i^^arcfcball of tbe' ' J tbereapon a juogement ano an mcntf* [ 476 Mich. 1^5 5- Tn'asafnftUin, buttbat&lr iQhntfjotiel) as being ^artball be otigftt as an £).ficcr of tbfo Court DaUp to atteno tftc Contt, cfDpctncbettbclcfgab. lent blinfcf , fo tbat tlje JDlafntf f coiilo not tahe bfm upon tbc erecution, ano tbat If l)C iDcrc p jcfcnt Ijc Doubtco , iutictbcr be mfgbt tahc bfm , fo j fear ft tDOuio be an cfcapc of tl)c pjifonera commltteo to t)(c John Lenthall m for txi-idiii- moljcD , tbat tbe Court tnoulD TCtocrfc tbejuDgement bccaufc tbcp con= *"'■ cclocD ft Voao trroneonc, fo: tbcnrctp onlp tW inac bouno foj tlje JPcfenoant tbat fje ftoulo pcrfojm SIrttclco. Glyn chief luftice, Jf Ije Do Difcontfnuctfjc Sflfon, fccbatbno^'^""""": furtfic r tcmeop analr.fl tbc E>eteniiant. But fhcw caufe why he fliould not *""' appear upon the Artittts, and Co pay fo much at jc ftiall be tcund that he Is dampnificd by breach of them, and (hail difconcinur, Dcvercux and Jacklbri; Mich. i(55j,Banc«fap. Hill, 1^54, ror, 835. AWrft of CBrto; iuaa bjousbt to rctcrfc a jtrtgemcnf gften fn an j^. Error to re; flfon of SDebt, ann tfte erteptfoti tafeentoas, fftat tbepafnt D before ^bom it loa^s belQ. 5lp. Bit ia not (bettieo in tbe retojn tbat Yate* ano tbs otbcra toere at aU conbentcD to anftoet tbefr offeti« cca, anb To tbep ate conoemncD toitbout bearincoftbem, tobicbiaiBe^ gal. STo tbcfc erccptiona Green of Councel tomainfain tbe rctojtt HiaDC tbfa anttDcr, fo; tbe firtt be faio , t!)ere ootb appear a fufficfent fact to be Doncjbp Yates ano tbe reft tocauretbcmtobcDi3francbffeD,viz. tbeft tumultuoua going into tbe Court, ano ftapingtberc after it iDaaBitTolbeD, anD making of joera, ano entring tbem into tbe IBooH, ano citeo &it lames Bags cafe, tbat tbia tbcir fact toaa a corrupting tbe ojoera of tbe Coion. jFo j tbereconDtbereto;nDotbruf6cfentip crp^cfa, tbat bp tbeir Cuftoma tbe^ map remotje pcrfona from tbeir placeo in tbe Cojpoiation foj fucb offences, Removcahic. foi tbs rcto?n faitb, tbat perfons bate been from time to time remobcable, tobicb iaafloneaaifftbao faio, tbep babe been remobeb. jlp. litis not neteffarp to fet fo jtb tbe itbole oatb of a iFrccmsn, ano bere ia a« mncb ot tbe oatb mention ea as fa neeofull to Ojevu tbat tbe oatb toas broken bp tbem. 4lp. 3t is (betoeo in tbe reto^n, tbat tbe Court Isas belo accojofng to tbt^ir CuSomes , ano (0 it (ball be intenoeo to be a gooo Court , ano rigbtip belo , ano it neeos not to be erpjeffeo befoje Inborn it toaa belo. 5IP. 3t is erpjcffeo tbat t^ep toere conbcnteo, ano tbat tbep baoalfo notice of tbe Diffolution of tbe Court, Mr, Attorney General on tbe fame fioe faiO, l^ere is caufe to oisfrancbife tbe parties; fo; bere appears bp tbeir fact to be Opyjofition cia fctting up of gobernment agninftgobermncnt, ano tbiss fa corrupting of R. vet lime in. gotcmmcnt, ano oone bp hnotoing pcrfons tbat tocllunocTflanotbcCa« ftomeoftbeSCoiun, tobicb makes tbeir crimes tbe greater, ano it is better retojneo , tbat fucb pcrfons arc remobeable, tban to fap tbep batie been rc- mobeo, ano bere is moje tban an opfiifon of one of tbe parties agcrnft tbe 0* pinon of tbe otbers, fo» tbep babe reouceo tbcir opinion into m Set to oifturb tbe gobcrnment. ^r. !ileco?Der of 1 ondon on tbe fame fine fain, tbat here is a fact Done to craoicate tbe tobolc gobcrnmcnt of tb-2Co ton, for Doing tobeteof tbe parties juftlp oeferbe to be olsfrancbifeo , ano tbeir entrfng of ojocrs into tbe 1Regtfter>foookisa corrupting of tbe Cuffoma of t^eSDoton, auOtenO0totftcfubbcrtionoftbeCojpojation,anobccftcO28 H, 8, Malc- verers Mich. 1655. v«rer5 casein Dyer. Alleyn oti t^e fame Qoc, f^etc fa faffitfgnt canfc IfteteeO' ia t!)e teto?n to turn tftc partfcs out of ibeft cfftccs , unto toljfcb t^ep pjap to be rcftojcD {f tftercfljoulonot appear Mttitnt ntattw to niehmcWe tftem. Roll l»l)o teljen t^fa caC. iraa firft mofcco tuas chieFInftice. fafo, ftcte ii3 one Groves ttiat pjaps to bc|cfto?eo,concernfng irftom t\)e retojn ftctD0 no cattfe at all toljpbe toasrewotocD, but oniptljatftctDaocnofttcoofiTe.^' """f °^ lonpjiuWcijfsnotafuffictentcauf, fo}t)smai> be ciiDftfeo falfclp, ano U mem." Bot'6 not app:ac that anp t.;(ns l)Hti) been aa pet Done upon tijc (Enofctment, ano pet t^ep allege tftfa ioi caufc irbp tbep tofll not r. ttoic bf in , anu f f pon Ijatie no caufc to rcntoUc ftfm, tbcn be (s miniillp rcmotjcD, ano ougbt to be tctto?e9, ano tljfs caufe poii ba\)c OjctDCD, fucft as ft fs. was after tbat ^e inas temoteo,anDrocoulobenocaufeofl^fgtemot3al. 315ut fo; tbe reft tberc fa • no qiieftion but tftatb^rc fa a bfgft contempt, ano juft caufc to ofsfrancbire tfte partfcs,fo}ljerefaniojct!)anan opfnfon, asftatbbeen urgcofoj tbcrn, fo^ tbcre fa an ^ct of a l)f gb nature tcntitng to ebcrt all government in ^fn< Djfng tbc pjocccDfnga of 3I«ftfcc , ano ibe pjofit ano tnellfarc of tbc CotDn, anD a greater offence of tbfs nature cannot be fmagfneo, ano tbcrefoic foj t^c matter tberc fa caufc to ofafrancbffc tbem. JBut rte queftfon fa , tobetbcr tlje retojn bz gooo , ano aa to tbat 31 con* ccftie ft not ncccffeirp to fet fojtft tl)8 toljolc £)atb , oj to atjcr tbe flDcarlng of tfte attojncp» But tbe rctojn ougbt to bate been , tbat bp tbcfr Cuttome tbep bate ufea to rcmotie perfona foj fucb offencea, Hive ufcJto ano not to fap tbep arc remoftcable , ano of tbfs 31 Doubt ano Infll aoijffe. '««>°vc. 0t anotbcr Dap Latch ofCouncclfo J Yates argco ttiat tbe rctojn luae not gooD , fo J tbep batjc not Cbelon anp SLa. oone to rcmotjc anp perfon foj mft- oemeanoja, accojofngtotbecuftom, aatbcpbab: aUcgeo ft; foj tbe re- turn fapa onlp tbat fucb partfea batie been remotafalc, ano tbfa fa enlp a pofafbflftpofanatt, anoftappearanotbotDtbcpare rcmotiafale , eftbcr bp pofsjbiiit, of tbcfr Cuftom. o% bp tbcfr Cbarter , ano confcquentlp berc fa no grouno foj an Aa, tbcfr reraotjal returneo , Pafch. ^3 Eliz. C» B, apotcntfalCuttomrcturneo ianotgcDD, pofli:& potuifletaDjuogconot gooo fn S>ft William Hattonsf*"'"'''' """ cafe , ano 2 1 lac. ufus fuit bclo naugbt. ^no a0 to tbe £>b)c(tfon tbat ft fa ' "oT "^^ not neceffarp to return tbcfr potncr torcmo'oe , becaufc It fa a tbf ng fncf oent unto tbctr Co?pojatfon , 3lanftDcrtbrpbabcrctnrneD a potoer, but babe not maoc ft goon bp tbe return. Mag Cfiart. 2 5. ano to tbe ^Dbjcctfon tbat a return nccoctb not to be fo fojmal aa a pleaofng , ano tftat tberefojc ff Ibcf r poiner Do appear upon tbe tobolc return ft fa gooo enougb , 31 anf tocr, tbat tbep batie fafleo fn tbe bcrp matter of tbef r pjefcrfptfon , ano not fn tbe fojm onlp , ano tbep muft ccrtffie n gooo caufc of tbcfr remotal , tbat tbe CourtmapfuDgcefft ; anoaatotbatUjbfcbfBobtccteD, tbat tbefr Cbar» tcr fa a Ijcrpantient Cbarter, ano tbercfoje cannot be pleaoeo , 31 anftoer, charter piea- tbattbcpmapgfbeftfn etfoence, ano alfo a Cbarter maoc tfmc out ofiedandnot* mfno map be pleaoeo aa an olo oeco map , altbougb pou cannot plcao tbat ft K'^^" '" 'cvi- InaamaoetfmeoutofmfriD. Serjeant Twifden on tbe fame {foe , 3U ca-*^'""- fiomsj ougbt to be allcgco fn h6to , 9 Car. Fletcher ano Bagnals cafe, Licitum fuic fo: a Londoner to afc anp traoc bp tbe cuftom of London aojuogco to be fU pleaoeo, ano tbougb ft map be gojo fn ait eljfocnce , pet ft fa not goio fn a return, Alleyn on tbe otbcr Coc fafo , tbat tbe return fa gooo fn tbe ,returnfug of tbe cuftom, tbongb ft tnoulo baUc been fll fn tbe .pleaofng, pjcj.iin- iBbfcb f'J ftrfcter tban a return neco to be, ano berc fa matter cnoagft return. Rccom ; CD to rcmotjc tbe partfc3,anD tbe Vobolc cuffoma neco not to be rcturncD,ano tbe fnfo jmalftp of tbe return ftjall not make ft f 0, fo j tbfs Court fa to j uogc oftbc matter of fact rsturneo, anofota Giles Bags ano Wagoners cafe, ano tbep bate returnee a cuftom to remote, ano bp confequcnce fomc bate been wmoteo , o> cUe t\)z return fa falfe, tDbfcb fs'not to be pjcrumco. Wind- ham, 480- Mich. 1655. ham , C£t)erp tnftomlBp?cfumcD bp tbe Hatn to IjaVe a latoftill bCBinnfnjr, ano ftiall be intcnoco manp tf mcu to be bp anttcnt Cftnrtet , namdi', fo> foci) tl)tnai5 aoar»not to be clatmcD toitbout a Cbnrtcr , but (f tbcp map be Antitnt Chir clalmco UiUl)out a Charter it flwH be tntcnDCD ottjcrtolfc. iJti anttcnt Cbnt* ter tct Dotb not lofc itfl fojtc bp not bchm toiifirmco (n Eyre, aa Latch batbfajo, 54 H. 6. ano iberc map be a pjcfcriptton to: tblngo ubfcb bate ncbcr been a£tet),(fit began bp Charter, 22 E./J.t. 9. Green on tbc fame fioc Ebc toc» rp Uiojoo of the rcto jn Do enfojte that pcrfonu tjabe b(tn tcmotjco, Glyn chief luOice , % Ua\7C no booUs DcUtJcrco me tn this cafe ; jano thfo Creep* tton Itao molJcD the UiQ SLerm , ano it . anftoe- tcD, 3:t tocre geo^ pou tooulo agree as the Court hath aatiifeD ,- JBut Once pou u>m not toe toill cibc our f uDgcment , fo j the caufe hath DcpcnDcD long* CMircofdif- 3nDftTft3lconcet\)ct'hatherci3gooD caufe to DtofrancWfc the parties foji (rjnchiff. cntring of ojDcrs maoc bp a pjetcnDCD Court, tehich fit truth teas no luenr. Court" fo J thcft cntrv of fticb oiDcrs is tcrp p jc juDicfal to the cojpo jatioir, anD is to the ill example of others, toDitturb the gobernmcnt. 35ut Cu- flom is the main caufe of Disfranchtfing anp pcrfon , f 0: bp the Diofranchifc«= mcntthc partp lofesljisftectolD, tchfcti is no fmall lofs, anc thcrcfojc not to be put inpjacticc but upon tjcrp gooD toarraht ; f pet fn fomc cafes fo^ the aDtancemcnt of government one map be put out of his f rccholo Without alccalpjoceeoingagainftthcpartp, as &>it lame; Bags cafe is. But there muft be a Cuttom oi a fetatotc to toarrant (t. IBut here appears no fucfj Ciiflom upon the return , foj tl)c tcturn is that fo: fiich offences the parties taijeufc-otobercmotiablcanDDirchargcablc, tohich is meerlpimaglnarp, Thinp in fieri anD a thing fn fieri, anouot in fafto , oj in ufagc, ano fo it is as a Deao i' pou hafte not nictoco that it ti^as at anp time put in pjacicc ^ 0: batic maDc anp oircrt affirmance of the CuCom , as all Cuttom& nfc to be plcaDcD. au Cnffoms fmplpttno • p nbi tbinas, to Vntt, a thing pofsiblc to be Done , ano that ftje thing hath ome- and III' "'' t^oi^s been Done, ano fo arc all out i^lcasfnsci , anfi the return ought to tiabe Tf in. 16 5 5 . 48 1 batje in ft certafntf enongJb tofnfo^m tl^e Conrt of t|ie mattet Tetameo , al« t^onot) ft Is to be ac< be certain. bnololeoeso 30 true. 3In Wagoners cafe cfteo , 3lt teas touc^eo lobet^ec t^ Cnttom tbere 10x0 toell atleseD , ano concernfng t^e CnSomo of Lon- don alfo , tobfcb Do Differ from btder toftoma, t^ep bcfng conftrmeo bp Statute, anD tbere t^ep allege a fpecfal act of Common Councel bp Cu- Com ) ano a Statute alfo to enable tbem to do as ttiep Dfo. 3 ^lot conflDe> reo toell of tbe return , ano 3H>olDtfte return to be naugbt, ano tl)ercfoje'"f«'"^f' let himbereflored. Ask I uftice concurreD fn opinion. 2Cbe Conrt toas molieD to retto^e t^e rett, totio toere4fn number , becanfe all tliefr cafes toetcaUUe. Glyn chiet luftke , Lee thcra be reftorcd aifo,niri,&c, Rcrtored. London and Craven^ Trin» idj j* irot. 44* London anD Craven cntreb into articles bp SnDcntnre bcftofrt tfjcm, toftcrefn London Dfo article to pap 1 10 1. at a certain Dap to come unto ,^,7'ment in Craven, % Craven DfD artfcle tftat upon tfte receipt of tbe 1 1 o I. unto fjfm from ;„ ^ai .n of London , tbat be toonlD sf^e unto London an acquittance fo;t tbe no 1. anD Covenant tr.r tDonlD alfo enter Into an £Dblfgatfon of 400 1. unto London to fate bfm ''r<»<^^ «' ^^' Ijarmlefs from all claims toWcbttJonlD be maDe unto certain lanDs In tbe""^^" poffefsfonoftbefafD London, fnpnrfnance of tbefe Srtfcles London DotQ tenoertbeiio UuntoCravenatt^eDaplfmfteDfn tfje artfcles, but Cra- ven cefufetf) to rccclfee tbe r 10 1. of London, anD to gfUe Wm an acqufttance, ano alfo to enter Into t^e bono of 400 1. Ililberenpon London brings tm SI- (tfon of Cotienant agafnff Craven fo^ b^eacb of tbe ^rtfcles , ano afsfgns t^e b^eacb to be, tbat ^e Dfo not gfte tllm an acqufttance fo^ tbe no U no^ enter fntotbe bono of4ool.acco;Dfng to tde^rtfcles, anD upon ftTne lopn< tbc SDc* fenHantfenottctclninfiofk; fojUljcfljoulofuefojtljeiiol. tlje |9faf»it{f map plena thfotcnDcianorcfufalflgadttt t)(m, ano tljat tofll be luDgco a papmcnt , ano icljcn be fuds poii for the 1 1 o I. poii rttap fuc l)fm fo j tbc ac= qufttatttc ano tt)C bonu, Ai-k, 3 Uabc not a bcok, but 3 t'Jiik tfjc tafc fs a0 U liatt) bren put, ano l)^ re la no Cotcnant tl)at the JDffenttant (honlD tccclbe N.l cjpUc t^^ »»^ ^* ^* '^'^ "^^^ ^'^'" ''*'^^ ^°^''^*^ ' '^'' '^^P'*^ P*-'"^ Billsra, nifi , Clark and Fitzvvilliams. Arrcft of A ili ^ittfoiiof JCtotcr ano ConVcrfion teas bjonc!)t bp Chrk agafnft hi.igcmf in in /\f itiwiHigriis fo> ottiets gcDD0anD boufl)oloftaff,anoamongft tbetctt 11)6 »J'"y"^plafntifoetlareoofaSCro\3eraitDeConrt,tl)atbettioulDbepntoatoftt,eHofloftb2ilttojnepo, anibc^^^^ '•^" '''' fincD50 I. aiiD ttjrncDotcrtb';3Bar,ancftani)comniftteD. iftc iDafitiirncD "' obec tte JBat accojoinglp at t^sCSlea e«D of tljeJBar bp tbc SLipftaffs of t^e Contt' Martyn and A/iller. Micb, 16) y. Bine, fap» Tl^cre Incte tine federal caufes trpeo bettofyt Martyn paintff, anbArrcttof Miller SDefenoant , anot&crenpon tterc teere ttoo venires, ano ttoo judgement Diftringaffes taken out, anDfaptfteni«aaf;coftbe&^er(f a to?ong Dinrin^"?"" *" f'^- gastoasfileototlje Venire, viz.tbattDttc^ fljonlD bate been fileo to tbe'°'°^'^"** Venire in tbcfirataufe, toasfileoto tbc Venire fn tlje fccono caufc, anD tbfs ioas moteo in 0rt£ft of Huogcment. Glynchief luflice, SEbisia aoif tljetetDasno Diftringas, ano iatljerefojel^elpcDfap tlje §»tatntc0 of 3eos fails, btttifitlBercan eironions Diftrirgas it coiil^ not be bclpco, ano ^crc inas a gooo iffne jopneo , ano a gmo trpal of tbat iffne , ano it toas bnt tbe mittabc of tbc Sberif, ano map be amcnoco bp tahing off tbc tojong Di- ftringas from tbe Venire,ano filing tbe rigbt Diflringas in t^e room of it, and No Rule. therefore this is no caufc toarrefl judgement. FINIS; An Alphabetical TABLE OF THE SEVE%AL HEADS Contained in the following T A B L e: ABatement i Abreriation 2 Aftion 3 Acccrtbry vid. Principal 4 Accompc 5 Acquittance 6 Addition 7 Adjournment S AtimininratiooandAdminiftrators 9 Admiilion *o Admiralty H /ffidavic 12 Alien 1 3 Amend menc I4 Amercement 15 Amoveasmanum i5 Annuity 17 Apparance 18 Appeal ip Appendant and Appurtenant ao Arraijjnment 21 Arbitrator 22 Arbitrary 25 Arreft 24 ^ccftonudgeraents, t'lVtladgemcots 2; Affets Affife Aflignmeni Affumpfit f »W, Promife Attachment Attaint Attorney and Attornment Audita querela Auditor vid. Arbitrator Averment Authority Antient demefne Award or Arbitration i BAnkrupt Baron and Feme Bargain and Sale Baftard Beggar */W, Vagrant Bay! Bailif Breach vti, Promife By'lawv('<^. Law. Rrr 3(? 27 a? 30 31 32 3J 34 35 36 37 38 t 2 3 4 5 <^ 7 S 9 An Alphabetical Tabltr. — . 1 Difcharge \6 c 1 Difcontinuance Difcretion J? iS £ 'Apias VjLafe 1 j Difcription 'P 2 ' Dt«franchi(eraent ao Ccrcificacc 3 DifD.'nfation 21 Certainty and Incertainty 4 DiflcirorandDifTeifin. itf Certiorari 5 Diftref* l» Ceftuy que ufe 6 Dtftringas »3 Champtrrty 7 Deftrudion vii, Extingaiftiraent 24 Challenge S Donative , 25 Chancery 9 Dower ^6 Chappel lO , Charges II E Chattel IS •i .^ Clergy »3 V" leftione firmac JHEIeaion i Common and Commoner H 2 Comraiflionj and CommifTioneri M Elegit ^ Commitment vU. Imprifonraent 16 Enaidment 4 Common right W. right ,»7 Engagement s Confeflion «8 Engrofiing * 6 Coodition 19 ■ Jr.quiry 7 Confefiion 26 Enrollment t^ 8 Confent 21 iquity y Error 9 Confideration 10 Confpiracy 43 Efcape Hi ConfituSion 34 Eftople 12' Contempt 25 Eftreate, 13 Continuance 26 Evidence J4 Contrad a? EKamination IJ Copyhold and Copyholder >8 Executor \6 Copy 2P Execu'ion 17 Corporation 30 Expofuion w»J. Interpretation 18 Cofts 3' Extent 19 Covenant 32 Extioguifhraent 20 Courts 33 Cnftom 34 F D ,pEefimple ^ Felony I A ■ a T^Amages XJ Datet/»JTyme I -Fecfmcnts 3 2 Feme vtd. Baron and Ferae 4 Declaration 3 Filing 5 Decree 4 fine 6 Deed 5 Forfeiture 7 Delivery vid^ Deed 6 Forgery 8 Demand 7 Formedon 9 Demurrer 8 FraSion vii, Tyrae 10 Denilon and Dcnifation 9 i Franktenement «r Di'pri'ture 10 Fraud 11 Depopulation II *-n Devaftavit 12 G Devife >3 Debt Descent 14 1 Y'^AoIet/tV.Pfifon j ^ VJ Good behaviour 1 '2 Grant ' An Alphabetical Table. Grant ? Local and Tranfitory 9 Guardian 4 M H ■Jk yl Aintenance iVX Mandamus 1 T_T Abcas Corpus iTl Habere facias pol a i TeHionem a Manflaoghter z Heir 3 Mariage 4 High way vii. way 4 Maxirae 5 Homage 5 Melius inquirendnni ^ Honour 6 Merger Mifcontlnuance vtd, Procefs 7 8 I Mondrans de droic 9 Motion lO Murcher i, H IEofails Imparlance Implication Imprifonmcnc Impropriation Infant Information Inheritance InjunSioa InquiHtion Intendment Interefl Interpretation Iflbe Iffues ludgcment lurifdidion viL Courts lary lattice of Peace •&»4 Peace ii Retainer '4 Peer and Peerage »3 Retorn 15 16 Peremptory H Reverfal Perjury 15 Reviver « 17 18 Perpetuity 16 Revocation Place Plaint »7 IS Right Robbi-ry Rule 19 20 Plea and Pleading IP 21 Poflefsion 20 2» Pojiea 21 s Precipe 22 V Vrerogit'we v(d> King H CAlc OSatisfadion . -, I'refcription »4 I Prtfentaticm 25 Saving % Pfffemment 26 Scandalui*! Ma?nattim 3 Principle and Ajceflbry 27 Scire facias 4 Prifon and Priloner 28 J Security S Privilege '9 Seiiure 6 ProcetittiJo 30 Sequeftration 7 S Proceedings 3« Settlement Procefs 32 Sewers 9 Proclamation 33 Statutes 10 Proof 34 Subraifsion It! Prohibition 3V Sureties 12 Promife 36 1 Suggeflion 15 Property 37 Sutcs 14 Protedion 3S Summons 15 Proteftation Purcbafe 39 40 SuperfcJeat Superdition 16 . 17 18 Supply ^Uaftiing of EndidmentsandOrderr, Surmife W,Suggeftion Surplufage Surrender 20 21 ^ &c, wi/, Endidments, Orders, &c. Sufpcnfion 22 23 Qvo vyArrAnto I 2 i- - i/ R 'j-Ales ■^ Tayl vtd, Fee-tayl Tax Tenant and Tenancy Tenement r- - ■ 1 T> Ecital X\. Recognifance Record * 1 3 2 3 4 Recovery 4 Tender 5 Reculanc 4 Terra <; Reference 1^ 5 Tenure 7 Rcjoynder 6 Tithes 8 Rcia:ion 7 Title P Re'eafe / 8 Transferring 10 Repeal r^W, Statute. Repleader 9 10 Tranfitoryz/U Local Traverfc II 12 Replication Rtqueft 12 Treafon Tre'pa($ 15 Trover "■ ' An Alphabetical Table. Trover 16 , Ufe ti Trytl 17 UtlawryW. Outlawry 1» Trnft 18 Tyme I? W ^ V ■yyAgerofLaWM'/. Law 1 "V/ Agrant oi ^ Value •Beggar I 2 ^ Waiver Warrant 2 * a Variance 3 Warren 3 Vtnire and VcODC 4 Waft* 4 Vcrdia 5 Wayci % Verting « Will 6 Viccarage 7 Witchcraft 7 ViduaU 8 Witnen 9 View • • 9 Words Void 19 Writ 9 to iff ;. 07 no r.'.n v/ w^9 «>.' A» J^dvertifementtothe ^I^aderin explanation of the method ohferyedin the T'ahle following, BEpleafed to take notice the Table following generally refers to the pages in the Book, whicfi you arc dircded unto by the firft figures ; and the Letter C fet after thole figures refers you to the number of the Cafes contained in that page , that is to fay the firft, fecond, third, &c. Cafe j but if the Gafc begin on one fide, and go on to another, you arc dire<5ted to that page and Cafe where the Cafe begins, and for your greater cafe you may find moft of the matters you are to lookforexprcffedinthc Margcnt to that Cafe , whether you are direded , but if you do not you fhall be fure to find it in fome part ot the Cafe. A A large TABLE OF ALL THE SEVERAL MATTERS Contained in the whole BOO K. Alphabetically digefted under proper and particular heads, agreeing to the various matters therein contained. Abatement. X7T7Hcrc a writ of Error is abitible; \^\ \ and where Doc^ but may be a- mcnded p. 7.C. 2. p.78 Where one may plead aa abatement of the Yvrir, and where not. W. writ a t/fbrtviAtkn What abreviations are gcod , tnd what noti 82 C. 2. 227 C. 2. 250 ■ i\ ■t< 5 (yfllion Fcrwhatcaufesan A(3ioc upon the cafe will lie,and for what nor, p.-^.vi-iCzi'c. Where an Ac^tlon may be "joynt , and where rhere mu(t he leveral anions, p. 3. 15 J i54>i-<5C.i.i^7C. 2.190 C. 2. 203 C. I. 297 C. ?.4Xi C. 2. Where one may have his clertion oti&i- on, and the reafon of it, p. 4. 19 C*4. p. 31 C. 2.99, 100.542 C. 1.347. Where an ai^ion of the cafe lies for word* and where not, WCafe Where Baron and Feme are to joyn in an aaiop, and where not, p. 9 €.4.0. 52 C.I. H2, 115. I2P C. 4. 215, 314. -^ ' 3J Where an aaion of Trelpafs lies , and where notyvid. Trefpafs, Where A Tabic. where one is well incitlcd lo an Aftion and where not, 107, 108 , 300, 301, 393 C. 2.401,401, 461 C. 3. 47a, 473- Where an Ailion maybe dilcontinuedby the Court, where not , i 20 C. 2. 1 34 C.1.477. Where one may (lead in bar of an Afti- on, and where noc, and what, and what not, 428c. 3. Where election of aflion lies -. and where not, 131 C. 2, 1^40.3. 287 C. 1.384, 427 C.I. Where divers aftions may be brought for one thing, and where not, 201 , 202 5 300 C. 1.398, 399. Where adions arc to be liiJ , and where not,46oC. 3. What actions are barred by the Statute of liiritationsofadions, 21 /^^.aodvvhai not , 214, 215 , 388, 389 , 401 , 402. Where an i&ioa is well comnlenccd, and whcrenot, 215C. I. 223 C. i. 301, 331 > 532, &c. 349, 350 , 381 C, 2. 383 C.I. 393 C 1.424C. I. Where an aftion lies upon a Statute, and where not 3 1 S, 3 19,424c. 1.427 C.2. 4*57, 468, &c. By what ads an aition may be fufpended and by whatnot, 384. 4 tyfccejfoyy, vid. Princlfal, 5 jiccomft. Where an t8ion of accompt lies, and where noe> 160, i^i , 287 C. i. 353, 3 54) 3 5!' 407- What plea is good before auditors in an accompt, and what not, 353, 354, 3 55, 4'oC. 1.43 oC. 1. 6 yic<]u'itttttict. What acquittance is well given, and what not, 394. 7 Aiditieni, VVhere an addition is to be given to the party, and where it needs noc, p« 26 C.3.P.19, 151 C. 2. ?94C. 3. What are additions to be given to the party, and what not> 173. G. i . AdvMtnge, Where one (ball take advantage of a thiig and where not, p. 71. 100 C. 2. 129 c. 3.232 c.3.358 C.I. 403. 8 Adjournment. \Vhetc an adjournment ij nccc(rary,and where not, 179. *nd whit not. 446. • V I 5 Alye». What thing! an Alyen may have , and whatnot, p. 20, 21,40, 41. 1 /^ Amtndvfeut^'fT^f: Jff'/' Where amendments may be made in w/its, proceffcs, and pleadings , and where not. p. 7 C. 2. p. 31, 33*P'3''- p. 85 A Table. p. S5. C.i.p. 96. C. !. iio.C. 2.1 13. - C. s. p. ii5'C. 1. 1 1(5, 117, 1 20. C. I . 167. C. 1. 1 86. C. 4. 191. C. 2. 207. C. 3. 31 ?• C. I. 218. 252.C. 1. ?3I. C. I. 5. 339.C. ?. 373, ; 74. C. 1.386. C. I. 417. C. 5.43 3. C. 2.451.0,1.483.0.2. 15 Am€rcement. VVhat isgoodcaiife toclifcharge Amerce- ments, and vvliat not. 14.C. 1. j6. /imovtAs mannm. Where an tyimovc^i manum lyes , and where no:. 84,^.1- 17 Anmity, Where a writ of Annuity lies , and Nvh:re 00c. \6i,C. I. 18 A^^arance. Where the Court will compell the party to appear, and where not. 207. C. 2. VVhere one may appear by an Attorney, and whercnot. 46S.C4 3. VVhat is a good apparance, and what not. 218. ^'.2.241. jit'w C. li 4oOiC. 19 AppeaU In whar cafes an Appeal from one Jnrif- diflion to another lies, and where not. p. 129. C 1. 147. C. 1. VVherc an appeal of Robbery, &c.lies, and where not. 347. %o jiffendant and AffurtenAKt. VVhat things (hall be faid Appendant, and whatnot. 279. 21 Arraigtimtnt, VVhere an arraignment may be, anj whercnot. p. 7.C. 2 . ( 1 2 Arbttraters. The power of an Arbitrator, p.ioj, ^. 2. VVhac Arbitrators may do , and what not. 217,218. 2 3 Arbitrary. . VVhat things are arbitrary, and what not. 78.0.2. 24 Arrefi. VVhere one may be arrefled, and where not. 166. 222, 223,405.0.4. 25 Arreft of JudgcmtntsJ \ id. Judge- ments. iS Afets. VVhat (hall be AITets inihchaodsofan Executor or AdminiHraror , and what nor.p. d:.^. 2. 384, 407. ij Ajiifti • For what things an Afsifc lies, for what nor. p. ;o. C. 2. P.77.C. I. 164. C. 3. 194, 195- C. T. 238. C. t,269. Ot what mitiers Juliices of Afjifcmay take notice, and of what nor. 430. C 2. 28 Afslgftment and Ajsignee. VVhat fliall be a good afsignment of a Debt or other thing , and what nor. p. 62.63,349. Who (hall be laid an Afsigqjc, and who not. 407. C. I. 29 Afumpfc\id.Prcmife. 30 Attachmentt Where an attathment lies', and where not. p. 84. C. I, 2. 211, 212. C. 3.239. C. 2. 277. C' I. 3 1 8. C. 2. 321. C' 4. 243.^.1.359,360,395.0.1.422.^.3. 439) 44o>445-0.2.4. 31 Atta'iKt. VVhere and for what caufej an attiini lies* and where and whatnot. 138,0. 2. Ttt 3 2i t/ft A Table. 3 1 Attorney and Actornmenti What is a good attornment, and what not, p. 74 C. I, J84, 28?. What letter or warrant of Attorney is good, and what not. j8 j, 185,491,191, 348 C. 1. 413,4:4.4:6c. I. 441. What pleas an Attorney miy plead , and whatnot 380C. 2. VVhat things may be done by an Attorney, and what not.zdyC.i. 367 C.3.386.C, 5.4i3C,4. 4»dC. I. 33 Audita querelM, Where an Audita q Mere U Met, sad where not. p, 117 C, 2. 149 C, 3. 288 C. I, 3»3.3»4>372C.2-387C,4.4i7C 3. 4T4»45J» 34 Auditor vid. Arbitrator,^. The power of an Aadiror , p, 105 C. 2.' 4<54 C, 3» 35 Averment, What averment is good , and what not. p. 30,31. p, 39, : 81 C« 2. 3P3 C. I, 297 C. 2. 30S:307j353C'»'440, 44t, &c. Where an averment is ncceflary, and wherenor, p. 49C, «. 50 C. i. 53 C*. I. p. 59,60,6a, 66,74 C. 2. p, 107 C. I. Mi, 112,1 '3 C. 2. 147 ^' 4» ^5° C.- 3, 163 C. 1.206C 2.220 C, 2, 231 C. ^( 270, 274, 3*0. 371 ^' 3» ^ 397 C. 3,400 c. 1.405 C, I. 419 C. I 2,42oC.i,4i7C. i,4j8. 135 C 2, I 441. 3 6 Authority. What is a good authority Co do a thing , •nd whatnot, 291, 19 », 3 1 1, 3 1 2,3 36, 337» I ^J hfititnt demefn, 1 6 5<>;/. Where antteni demefn may be pleaded , ! Where Bail is graniable , and where not. andwherenot.6o9C,i,i'K/,plea,. j p.63C.i.ii6C.i.i25C.3.i66C,i.324C,T, j 36SC, 5.371C. l;.37:C, I. 397 C,2. ' 4 '5, 4'8C 5. 418,419^450^1, ' Where Bail is to be given,and where noti and 3 8 Award er Arbitrament, What ftiall be faid a good award , and whatnot, p. 28 C, i. p, 44C, i,p, ^c C.I. 97,98. p. no C. 3, HI, 112, 133 C. I.i5»^«i'i78 C. I. 217,219, 256 C.I. 3o6,307,J34C. 1.35 i.c» I 365, 3^6, 382^,1,436 C, I.4J6, &c. 45 2 ( .1, 459 C. 1. 471 C. I, What breach of an award is well afsigoed, and what not. 4'? ^- 3* 436 C j. B 1 BanckrMpt, By what ads a man is made a Bankrupt. 213 C. 2. 289. What ads done by one that afterwards becomes bankrupt is good , and what not, 288,289, 2 Baren and Feme, What things (hall bind a Feme Covert, whatnot. 254 c. i. 310, qii. Where the Baron and Feme ought to joyninan adion or doing any other thing , and where not.2 97 C. 3. 3 Bargain and Sale, What ftiall be faid a good bargain and fate, and what not, 204, 205, 28S7 289* 4 Bayard. VVherea Child may be faid to be a ba* ftard, and where not, 277 C, 2, 5 BflS,"^ vid, vagrant. A Table. and! what bayU 226, C,i. 261, C4 3» jri. C. I. }ri. tJ.l. ^51, . I. ^6^,C 1.47J. C. I. 47f- C t. Where the bayl may be difchargeJ, and where not , and huw. p. izi. C. i. J34 C. j, 3*4, 33O' 33'j3«'^-'-- I.38T.<-^5.4iS ^'.i- 419. C. I. VVbat adions do lye for tliebayl, and j what againft the bayl, and what not, | How far bayl is lyable for the principle. In what manner a Baylif is to execute pro- ceiTes direded Co biiDtp, 18 C.i.^O)< 8 Breach vid. Primift% What breach of covenant or pronnife is well afsigned, and what not, p. 1 07. C« 1. 393. C, 3. p 57- id* vid. Z.'rt*'*. What By-Law is good, whatnot, and where it binds, and where not, 227, 362. C. i» I Cafiasl Where aad by what Courts a Capias may be granted , and where not. p. 1.186. C.4. Where a Cafiat lyes, and whcte not.322, aaj. 2» Cafe. Where an adion upon the. Cafe lies for words, and where not. p. 5.C.i.p,<$.C, 2.P- II* C, *.p,I7.C.l.p,22,2 3,p.24, ay, i7.C.3,p,46.C,3.47.C.i,j.49.C.2. p.4P,jo.p,s8,C.2.5j»,do,53,<54,d5)<5<5.' <5'S.C. *,70.70»C,i.7J;C,2'P'9itC.2'' lOOt Where an adion on the Cafelyei for words,&: where not.p. 1 13,113,1 1 5.0,3, 118, C, 1,127. C.2.p.i3o.C.i.p.i35,C,2. 142.0.1,150.0.3. 159.0^1.169.170,17^, •77) '83, 184.194.0,2. i99,:oo,206.C. 2,,1. 217,C.I.2'9 0.1,220.0. I. 311. C. i,s. 227,0. 3. 229 O, i-a3r,0,l. :3i,C.3, 3 j. C.i,245.C,i,2. 247.0, 5'.C.2.273.C.4.274.C,i,a74 C, J2, 285. r.2, 29j.r.3 298,C.a.299. C.i.304,305,5 12,323,3 23.C.i.3i6,C,(. 3i8.C.i.3 3y.0.3.338.C,i.35o,3ji,352. C ,1. 353, 364. 3 79. > . ).387.0,^388, 389, 383, C, 1. 394. ( , I. «. a. 4o6,(, ,4. 4'4' <^ .2.420, c .i,422.C.!.424.C.3. 42?* 0.3. 426. C. 2.429.0.2.435.0,2. 43M37j45 '-0.1.455.' .».4(Jo.C,3. Where an adion upon the cafe lies upon a proraifeand where not.p. 5.C,i.p.3. p. 53.0.2. p. 55,57-'^->.p',«52,(5j,i3i.C, • I. 141 C. 1.143, 142, •jB.Ci. 162. C,(. 203, C.r.2i3.C.i.243,348.C.i.25<5, 157* 261, C, 3, a370' C. 3, 4.371. 0. 4- 378.0.3,398, 399,42i« C, 1. 4a<5. 0» 1 . 437. 0.1. 43 1 .0,1,45 1 . C» 6, ^63, 0, 2, 47a. 0. 2,474, C, U What is a $;ood Plea in bar to an adion upon the Cafe, and what not, 345,C,a, 347, 0. 2, Where an adior»>on the Cafe lies upon an Inedbitatut Aj^Hmffic^ and where not. 160, i^i. 3 Certificate. What is a good Certificate, wbae not;' 130. 0. 3, 131, 0. 3, 137, 138. '75> 175,183,292,0, 3,368,0.4. 4, Certaintj end lucertMHtjl iV- A Tabic. 5 Certiorari. where nor. p. 86. C. j. 364. C. 1.37*' C. i.457,468.&c. In Avhit things chc C'crgv are pri.ilcgcd-, in wliat not. 151, 152, i<58, 169. In what cafes a Certiorari lies , and in what nor. p. 9. C, 2. p. 14. C, 3. 125 125,127 C.3.14J.C,;. 151.C. J, 210, 211. C. 2. 133. C., I C. 2. 328. C. 3.3^1. C.2. 35*. C. 2, Who mjv claim Co:"ninon, andwhonott Common ar.d Qjmtr.oner, IV clai 436. C.I. 356. C a. 364. C. I. 37 I.e. I ♦454 C 2. I What Certiorari is well granted, and j J-^C^mmifsioH a':dCjmmifsto»ers. what not. 8y. C. 1,176, 371. C.i 6 Cefiuj qt4t ufe^ 7» Champerty. What (hall be Champerty, what not, 9h 94. ^Challengt^ What ii good caafe of Challenge to a Jury or Juror. 100. C, 2. 1 19, C, 3»i?3»C.3. How ihe array is to be challenged, and how nor. 233, C. 3. How a challenge to the array is to be try- cdj and how not. 4(54. C . 4. 9 Ckar.cery. What things the Chancery may compcU to be donC) and what not. p. 2 1 . I o Cb-tftl ^nd ^hurch. Of Churches andChapcls and their fcve- ral natures, and the realonstliereoL p. 36> 37. p- s^) 52. 8') 82> 83. 212. C. 2. 1 1 Charges. Where Jurors or other pcrfonr, fliall have ihcircharges,v\herenor. 13S.C. 2,137. I 2 Chattels, What things fliall be faidtobechattclr, and what no:.p. Sd.C.i. 13 Clergf. Where the Clergy is to be granted, and ' 385. C, 5.417.C, 5 J Of what things Commifsioners ofSew; crs miy take conulsoceoGand of what not. p. 59. C. i.'z/'d.Sewcrr. What thini;s Commifsioners of Bankrnpc miv do, aud what nor. p. 6i, ibS^ 289.; I 5 Commnrnent, Whatisagood Cammitmenr, and what nor. p. 90. C. 3.434.C.i.4'5s C.i. vid. Imprjlonment. For tvhat offences the Court will commit one, and tor what nor. i 2P. C. 2. 374. C.I. 413. C. 2.483. C. 1. 1 6 Common right, Jee Right. 1 7 Confefuov. Where one ought to confefs and avoid, ortravcrlC5crwhcrenct.43 2. C.4. I 8 Co^ditiofi. What fliall (be faid a Condition ^ and whatnot. 294. Where a Condition fliall be faid to b: entire, an J where not. 3 16, 317. Where a Condition is transferrable to a» noiher^and where not. 316, 317. 19 Confefrion. VVhat things one fnall be faid to have conteiied by pleading , and what not« 334>343-C.3. lO.Confent. VVhat confent ofpanies is good to alter things and what not. 233. C. 3.^77* Con- A Table. 2 1 Conftderat'ian, I 29 Cop J. What fliall be a good confideration to ground a ^romilc upoojand whiCnoc, vtd. Promilc. 2 2 Co»fptrat;j, Whac fliall be laid to be a confpiracy, and what not. p. 57. C. 2. ■i^.Co*iftrHnionk 24 Contempt. What fliall be faid a contempt of rhi- Court, and what not* p. 89 C. i.p. 105 C. 1. 159^ 160.241. 25 Continuance vid. D'fcontinMAtice. Where Procclfes fliall be faid to be well continued) and where not. 11 1 C. i. 528, 529. Where continuances arc to be pleaded^ and where not. 37 j C. 2.401, 403. 26 Contra^. 27 Convi^ioH. What fliall be faid a good conviilioD , whac not. p. 12 C. i. 28 CopyhoUand Copyholder ^ What fliall be a good furrcndcr of a Copy- hold, whac DOC. p. 107 C. 1. 1453 14<5. 25(5,2575 275-C. 1.450C. 2. By what Ads a Copyhold may be forfei- ted, by what not. 5 87 C.i. What Ads a Copyholder may dr, and whatnot. 5 80 C.I. By what Ads a Copyhold -eftatc maybe dcUroyed. 4-50 C 2. Who fliall be laid a Copyholder, and who not. 145,146. Of Copyholds cntay!cJ.450C. 2. What copy ofa Deed, Record, &c. ij au- thentica! , and what not. 1 22. C. 2. Where the Court will grant a copy ot Re- cor 1, &rc. where no:. 397 C. 2.418, 419, 444 C- '• 10 Corporation. Where a Corporation ij well created^ and where nor. 298 C. i. How to levy mony upon a corporation. 567 C. 5. - S^Cofi/. Where cofts arc to be paid, and where DCC.149C.1. 153C.1.366C.3. 4f3 C 3. " 3 2 Covenant. For what an aftionofCovenant lyes, for wbatnot, and where. p.67C.i.73,74. 140 C. 2.140, 141. i62C.2.i86,i87. 265C.2.357C.i.387C.5.p.3iC.2.37, 3 8.54,55, 56.300 C.i.4o6,4C7. 407 C, I.431C.3. 481. What fliall be laid a breach of'Covcnantj and what not. 483. VVhat fliall be a good plea in bar of an x- ftion of Covenant, and whatnot, p. 67 C i.p.86C.2.p.i3 2C.i.]62C.2.i87, 3 57 C.I. 406 407,43 2 C.4. VVhat is a good Covenant in faft, and whac but a Covenant in law. 406,407. 431 C. 3. Comcell. Where the Court will afsign Councell' and where ^101^41 8, 419. 33 Cotfts, How infcriour Courts ought to proceed, and how not. p. 1,2. 171 C 1. 191 C 3. 340C. 1. 418C. 1.459,440. The caulc ot Acftion muft lye wi:hiache JuriK i^icion of the Court where ir is tryed.p. 2.313 C.2. Where one may fue inthcEcdcfiaftical Court, and W'herc coi.p. lo.C- 1 . Uuu ^here A Tabic. Where ihc Ji.rildiaion oi a Court lliiU befaid to be admiitedj an.i where nor. p. 45^.3- , , Whit Ads the Court may do, and uhat not. 3 loC. I. What Juiidiilion the C^^urtof ihellnper bench hi.h^arKi whit 1101.255 C.1.3B1, Whit auihoricy is good to hold a Court, what not. p. 51 C. 1.477,478. Ckc. What Courts arc tixt, and what not. 234 C. a. Jiirifdifiion" of Coi'rtsi"'<^' ^It*!. What ^ourt is a Court of Record , and what nor. p. 35, 36. * Where a Deed or other writing is robe produced in Courr, and wh>-'rc not. 459 C. I . VVhjc JurifJiaion the Court of Acicni- ralty haib, and what not. 470 C. 4. 34Cuflomc. What (T^all be fai I a good Cunom , and what not.4j,43 p.ySC. v.i)4 85>87. 1 24,; 25,1 37,1 j8,i45 C.^.\'}9'^■^9 C- I.;43,i5)i,2$?i.3i 1, 3 1 2.262 6.1.3(56 C. i.409>4io.4jiC'.i.4i3,424) 45° C. 2. A^Vberc and how a Cuflom onp^ht to be let forth, D. 64 jf. 2. 421 C.I. 477, &c. By what A• 135 C. 2. 164C. 2,198c. 2.214c. I. 296C. 2. 341 c.s. 398,399.478c. 2. How ditniges lluU be found u^ 00 a dt- murrer to an evidence, pag. 2aC. i. Where damages n-iall be recovered, and aj^aind whom. 470 C- 2. Whdrc damai^es may be rckalcd , and where no: . 1 7 5 C, 1 . 299 C a. VVh.rc particnlar damages are to be al- icagcd, where net. 275, 274. C. 1.426 C.2. Vvh re psrt cfdimi^.c! gi\enmay be rc- iirquifi-.ed , and lud^tment given for rherei;.i85. Where the coert may increale ihe dama- ges given tiy ihclery , and where nor. 2IC, 2 I. 345, 546.4-1 1. Whatmav he a!!eagc:d in mitigation of damages and whatnp;. 427 C. 2. 2 Diite vid. Time. 3 Dtclaration , Where a Declaration ought to be joynt , and where it i<; goo ' t^ainll one with t JinjfflcpfmJ-ic. p. I ). C. 1 .p.20 C. T, Whit Declaration is good, and what not. p. 18 C. 3. p. 19 C. ij », J. 18 C. ». p, j7 e. l.p. 4J,44, 45 C.l.p. 50,51, J5 C. 3. p. 70 C. I, p.75 C. I. p. 7?>83. 94<^-»- P- ioi> loi C. z. 3, 104 C:. »j }. p. 106 C. 1. p. 107 C, 1. 1090.1.115 C.I. 117. 118,119.114, iij, i»(;C J.I18C. <.ijo, ijt. 133 c. I. z, 3. 154 C. 1. 13< C 1. 139 C. z. 14^ C. r. 170, 17 1, 171 C. I. 176, 177, i8i C. 3. 18^. I 87. 195, «94, 154 C. I- >99 C. I. zoi, 101 » 103. 114 C. 1, 113. ii3 C. I. 114,115, iig C. I. "9 C. 3 Z3»C. z. 135 C. I. ^. 136 C. 1. 1. 141 C. ^, »43 C. z. Z47 C. z. Z55C. J. 156 C. }. i57j »f8. ztfo C. I. i^j C. 3. ztf4; C. i 174, 181 C. z. 191, rq;, 197 C. z. 198 C. 1. 5C0, ?oi. 333c. I. 31} C. I. 3iT>3i8 337'5J8, 341-343 C. 4.348,349. 3?o> 351. 353. 556 C. I. 3i8 C. 3.J60, 3^1. 3«8, 369- 370 C. 3. 4. 371 C. J. ;8i C. 1.385C. z 386C. 3.j8t C. T. 593 C. z, 397 C. 3. 464 C. 3. 4)8C. 1. 411 C. t. 414. C.i.4'SC. I. 410, 4ij, 411 C. z. 4i8C, 3. 419,43°. 45T C. 1. 4TSC.I. 4.59. 460, 4^1 C. z. 4^3 C. I. 4(f<5 C. I. 471 C. i. 473, 474 474 C. 1.476 C. 3. 1770.1,481 C. I 4 Decree. How far a decree in Chancery i? ro be fa- tisfied, and wher," not . p. 3 6'. •^Tteei AT^le. ^Detd. How a deed rr;Ul\ bq pleaded , and how given ir evidence, p. ;4C i.C-a. What wri:ingniall be laid to be a dec f', and what not. 45 ?• What is a good deed, and nhat nor. p. 97C. 1.428C. a.462C. ;. How deeds iTjall belaid lo operate, and ho.vnot.445,44^' W^ete a deed i? to be enrolled , and where cor. vid. Enroltmenr. What delivery of a deed is good, and whacDor. 251 C. 2. 6 Delivery vid. Deed. 9 Denifon Diffavot, 7 Demand. ^hat is a good demand of a rent , nomine fosa£ or othcrihing. p. /\.t6^6-[y 68, 69. 77,78.86 C. 2. 5>3.99,ici 236, 237, 238C.3- Where a demand is neceirary , and where itisnof. p. 1 51 C.i.p, 32. 172 C.I. aaoC.2.37oC3. 8 Demurrer. What is good caufcof demurrer to a de- claration, plea, &c.what not. p.6i C.I. 2.64C. 2.65c. 1.67 C. 1.P.72C. I. i88C.2.p. iToC. 3. 113 C. 1.114 , 115, 124 C. I. 139 C. 2.3. 140, 141, 142c. 2. 170C.2.178C. I. 2. 187, 188, 195 C. 3. 197 C. I. 205 C. 2. 2c9,2io,2ia C. 3. 2ii) C.3. 220, 3 21, 2 22, 223 , 239 C.3. 230 C. 1. 434C.2.236C.I. 2.239C. I. 242 C 2.245 C. 2.248 C. 2. 57, 258 262 C.i. 287 C. 1. 288C.1. 289, 286, 387,289, 298 C 1.300 C.T. 309 C. i.3^i>&c. 3 3SC. 1. 343 C. 4- 344 C.i.348>349, 350 C. I, 355 C. 2. - 356C. 2. 373 C. 2.579, 380, 382, 383,385C.i.403,432C.4. •YVhacfliiallbeiaidagood demurrer, and what not. p. 22 C. i.p. 34 C. i.p. 41 C. 2. P.50C. 1. 118C. I. 163 C. 3. 401, 402,403 C. I. 407 C. 1.410 C. 1.413 C.4.45 2C.I. 452 c. I. 45p C I, What things a denifoti may have , and what not.i79C.i. 1 o Deptrture. Where fniU be faid to be a departure, and where nor. 260 C. '. 1 1 Depucnloif. Where one may make a deputation , and where noc.ijil C. 4. 217 , 218, 357 C.i. I 2 Dev^fiavit, W'hat fliall be faid a devafiavir, and what not. p. 54) 5 S' 5<5y 286, 287. 1 3 Ijev'fe. Where and what devife is good, and whcrenot.p. 73 C. 2.148, 149,240, 261,262,274,275,278, 279, 281 , 282,292,293,294, 311, 312, 4C9, 410,476 C. 2. 14 Deht. Where an aflionoi debt lies, and where not, ind for whom. p. 6* C. i . p. 3 1 C. 2- p. 132 C. 2. P.53C. 2. 162 C. 1. 198 C.I. 199 C.I.2C5C. 2.228C. I. 2340.2.279,286, 287, 287 C.I. 305,307c. 2. 407 C. I. Whit is a good plea in bar of an ai^ion of dcbt» and whatnot, p. 47, 48, 56. 57. P.79C. 1.93.94, 105 C.I. I 24 C.I. 205, 134 C. 2. 2J9C. 1.263 C. I. 286, 287, 339,340,550c. I. 353 C. i.356C.2.37«C.i. * Where an Aaioa of debt may be brought in the dchet^ where in the detmet, and where in the debet and Jatinct. p. 52 G 2,p.6iC. a. p. 79, 80,119,232c. 3. 288 C.I. . In what order debts ought to be paid. p< 55.?. 61 C. a., 337, 3 jg. 1 5 Bifcent, \ Where one (hall be laid to be entitled to laodt A Tabic. lands by diiccnt, and where not. 148. 149. 16 Di{char^e. Where a prifoner may be difcharged-and where nor. 96,97) I 19C I. 166 C. 2. 18? C. I. ih'6C.4.2 I I J 212,222,223. 238 C. 5. 369C. 1. 395 C. J. 418 C.4. Where bail maybe diichargcd, and where Doi.v'd. bail. 1 6 Dijfeifer and D'JfeiJitit Whomay be a dilVeiforj ar>d who nor. 407 C. T -J DifcartinsaKcet Where proccflcs fliall be faid tobc dif- | continued, and where nor. P.58C.2. p. 70,71 ,97 C. 2. Ill C.i.t22 C. 3. 171 C. 2. 2C9 C.I. 209, 210, 339 C. 3. By what i$t.% an eflate tayl (hall be dii- concinucd, by what not. 192, 193, vid. Fee tayl. Where an adlioflmay be difcontmucd , where not.p.i 20 C 2.134C.1.142C.2. 306 C.I. 309 C. i.34'5.3<56C.3.382 C.3.477. I 8 D'fcreiion. i9Defcriptio». When thirg? fhall be laid to be wcUdc- icribcd, and whcnnot.p.^ 5 C. I. 125 C.1.136C. I. 194 C. I. 199 C. 2. 235C. 2.313C. I. ao. Disfra»chije»fei.t. por whatcaufcs oncmaydisfranchife, and for what not. 151 C.i.44<5'447> 448, &c. Wh»t difpenfations are good, and what oor.SJS) &c.3755&c.4(54.C.2. 22 Dtftreff. In wharcaicsadinrefsmay berakcn, and in what not, pag. 13.166C.428. C. I. Vv'hcrc adidrcfsmay be lold, and where not. p. 13.C. I. 23 Bcjiringas. In what cafes a Dflrin^as lies , and where not. 366 C. 2.417 (..4. 24'Z)//?r«i?»o»vid. Extinguish' menf, 25 Djnative, -^ Dower, How Dower ouoht to be demanded , and ofwhit.67,68,69.92j99. 194. 238C.3. 176' C. I. What al'signment of Dower is good, and v^hat nor.p.67j68,69. 23^5 237.276, J77- Where there needs 00 afsignmenc 9f Dower. 277. E. I Ejellione firmx. For what thing? an Ejenioni firms, lye J, and for what cot. p. 30 C. 1. and ia what cafes. 160, 161. 194.21$. C.3. 364 C. 2. 2 ElSion, Where one may have election of adion; vid. Aaion. 546, 347) 348, 384, Where anelcdion isneccliary,aDd where nct.p.49C. !• 338. Where 01 e n-.ay have an cledion^Sc where not. p. 80.149. 341 C. 1.450C. 2.4J1 C. 3.481 C.I. 3. Elegit. Where an EU^tt lyes? and where not, and a* A Tabic. agatnli whom, and againlt wUotnnoc. 4 Endi^lment. How a bill of Endii^menc is to be prefer red> p. 1 1. C. I. p,4(5^,C.4. 175 C. 5. ;74C. . for whar thing's an endiiftmeuc lyes, ard :or w-hai nof . p. i z. C> i . p. 2 5 C.2.P.3 3 ^. 2.::44C.). ;56 6.3.145 Ci .iPo'c.i. 258 C. 5. 25 r C.J. 3 I 20.1.514^.1.326 r'i-??^'.U7> 365?C-. I.J74 C2., 3.3P4 C. 3.397C. i.45iC".i.4]jCs.454C. 3- Tor what caufes and tau'is anendiiSl menr maybe q"inicd, for what not. p. 24 C, 1, 1. p. ijT C. 1. p. itf.C.j.p.ij, 30.P.33 C.z.p. 46 C. ^. p.T9C.i.p.6oC.i.p.7(5.C.i.p.84.C.i. p. 87 C, 1.108,109,115 C.I, 1.113 C.3,4. 1x6 C. t. i3?C. i.i3(J C.3.T44C.i,r4v C.1.147C 4. i48C.i.iyyC.3.ij7C.i.i63.C.j.i74 C. z. 186 6.1,3.191 C.3.ii8 C.1.130 C.X.144 C.I. 156 C.i.ifiy f, 1.3 14 C.i.'j^g 6.3.3^7 C.4. 374.(..i. 374 C.1,3.394 C.3. 397. C. I. 400 C.3. 431 C, 3. 433 ^- 3- 4J3 '^.J 44^ C. 3, 4.448 C.3,449.C.i, VVnere ao cndictmenc may be amended, where not.4(5j.C. 2. In what manner endiflmenrsonoht to be prcccecfedm.p. 28C.2.2'i7C. 2. What cndiftmenr is good, and what not. 244 C. 1.3 12 C.t.37«C. 3. 382 C. I. The diftercnce between an Endidtnjent and arlifortnationi 217 C. 2. Where the Court will nrr quafh an er- roneous Endidmenr.ioo C 2, Entry. Where anentry into Lands i<;lawfiill, 4nd where not. p.55 C. a 2+<5C.i.2)0, a^i* To whit intent entrncs into land Hull op- Derate .-nd to whit D0C.3 70 C- 2- VVhac ihirgsmay bcentrcdu onKecord, anJwhatnor. 379c. J'4 )3.4o4.45i C- 2 454 <^- 2- 457. - Ot the entry cfProccfs, and where it is oec i^ary ; and where not. joo C.2. 395, 441, &c. 5 Engagement, VVh re tlic plea ofrbe ef>gi?,emtnt may ^ be difcharged, and where not. 568. 6 Ettgrojsing, EttqH ij. Where a writ of enquiry lies , and where not. 2889 uoC. I. 8 EnrollnnKt, \ How an enrollment of a Deed fhall be pleaded. p. 34 C. 2. Several enrollments o^DcedS) and their operation.'. 370 C. i. Where it is necellary to enroll a Deed, and where nor. 104. Whi re a Deed is faid to be well enrolled, and where not. 462 C. 3 . ^ 9 Equity. Where there fliall be faid to be equity, and where not. 41. Law and equity not to be confoundedr p. 41. I o Error. » What may be ar^igned for error, and what nor. p. 60, 61, 69, 381 C i.70, 71. p. 72C.2.8(5C.2. 9i,P2396C.2.97C. I. 115 C. 2. 121,1220.1.131 C.2. 145 C.2. 15M54, 1 T7'^. 2.164.0 2- ^64;':if 5C.2.167C. 2. 170 C. i. 174C. 2. 187C. 2. p. 16. C. 2. p. 17 C. i.p. 19C. 2. p.40, 59C.1. 12a C. I. 2i8C. 2. ^'^hcre variance b: vvixt one part of a pleading, and another nart of it makes error, where not. p. 5 C. 2- Erjor caiifcd by giving dam.-nages intire where they oiight to beleveral.o, 56 C.3. W here awriroferror lies, and where nor, jnd for whom, and for whom not. p. IJ C. I. p. 2j c. i.p. 18,19. p. 38,39,4100.1. p. 1°. C. 1, 60 61. p. 66. C. I. 67, 68, 69, 8fi C. 1. p, 106 C. 1. 1 09, no, 1 1 J C. ». 1 17 C. I. 119, no C.J. no, III, 111 C. 3. 114, ixf, 116 C. J. 117 C I. 118 C. 5. 141, 141, r?4. C. 1. 1^9 C. 1, 170, 171 C. 1. 172 C. I. 174 C. 1. isi C. 3. C. 4, 183, 1S4, 187 .€. I. 19" C. 2. 191 C. 1. 1?4. C. 1, 1. 1 9< C t. 19« C. X. 100 C. 1. loi C. 1. 109 C. I. »ii,C. 1. 116 C. I.XI8C. 1. 114C. I. ixjC. I I. 117 C. J. X18 C. 1. 130 C. 1. 131 C.I. 138 C. 1. 144 C, 1. 146 C. I. X47 C. I. 148 C. I. i?lC. 1.1J4C. I. ttfoC. X, ?.x6fC. i.iSo. t. I. »83C.i.»8f C. I, 186. C.I. X87 C.I. Xxx 288 A Tabic. i88 r. 1.190 O I. »9oC. 1. 191. f. I. Jij c, I. jij C. i. 318 C. I. 317 f. i.p. JiTC «, p. J 17. 318. 3^8' 3»?' 3»9» 3?°- 3 J" ^- »-J3* 54') c. I. 546 c. J. 3^ c. i 3«o, 381 C. 4 383 C. i.?8?C. ^ 386C. I. ;93C. 1. 3j)5, 396, 400 C. 1. 406 C. /. 410 C. I, i. 410 c. 3. 413. C. 1.4:8 C. 3. 419, 43° C- ^Ai^ C.l, 43? C. 1.458 (.. I 44^^ C-.1.46CC.I.474, 475 477 (•■. ». How errors ought fo be afiigned and pro» fecuted. 93 C, i. 100, i j9,i6o, 208Q 1.419 C. I. Who may bring a writ of error, and who not. 47t C 2. What writ of error is good, and what not. 153 C. 3. 174C.I. «7S, i7<5. i8j C» 2. 190 C, 2, 191 C'. :o3 C. 2, ii6 C.J. 129C. 1.265 C' i.344.345,407> 471 C 2.46?. What a writ of error ijuod coram vobii re fidet is. 470 C. 3. Who may joyn in a writ of error, and who not, 406 C, I. .1 1 1 Efc»ft. Where an Aflion ofEfcapelies.and where not. 162 C, 3. 330C. 3 What will make an Efcape, and what not. 46 J C 1.475,476. I 2 Efioplt, What (hallbcaneftople, and what not. 103 C. i, 158 C. 3. 187 C. 2.192 C.I.396, 441,450 c. 2. 1 3 Efireat, Where a finemayberefpiied and not t-- ftreated , and where not, M What adions ttiay be brought againflan Executor, and what not.15 8 C. 1.199 C. 2. 228 C. I. 290C. 2. 387C.5,4o6, 407» 17 Executiati". Where an execution may beiacire,and where not.p, i8C,2.2poC.t, VVhcre one may have execution upon a judgement, and where not. 83,84.228, a 9, 338 C.I. 246, 254,255,465 C. I. Upon vvhjt grounds an execution may be flayed, and upon what not. 417,438 C. I, What execution is good , and what not, 100. p. 10 5 C.M(55,229C.2.25jC.2» 290C, 1.3210.3.414,415. What is a good difcharge of an execution, and what not.p.u7 C . :. 18 ExpefitioM vid. Interfrttatiottt 39 Exient, What things are extendible, whatnot, p, 75, 161,162,168,169. 20 ExtiMguifhrrtentt By what Ads an Eflate or other thing may be extingnithed, by what not. 349, 250^ 15 '> 266, 267 , &c. 389 C. I, ^ A Table. ■% I Fee fimple And Fee tn'l. By whac ads a fee tail may be difcontinu- ed, by whatnot. 158, iJ9, ipzj ip?* What ftnll be faid an eftate in fee firaple, and what not, 249, 250, 25 i, 278 C, a. 273 C. I. 2811 282,4340, I. What (hall bea fee tail, and what not. 278C. 2. 3»5,32^,45oC,2, 2 Feloiiy. VVbat things are Felony, and what not. p. 66. and C.a.p.ysC, i.p 9i C.i, 11 dC I. 364 C.I* f' VVhereoncmay bearrefted for Felony, . where not, 166. 3 Teofment What is a good feofmcnt, and what not. 189,193. 4 Feme vid. Baron andFeme, 5 Filiig vidi frociffe Wbat things IT ay be filed, and wbeo, and how.pag. 33, 292, 293, 336, 337, 3i 408 C. 3. 6 Fine, ^hcre the Court may ttnpore a fine , and where not. p. 9<5 C. i. 12? Ci 2.228, 239 C, 3. 244 C.I. 303 Cj. 321 C, 5. 449^.4,485 C. 1, Where and by whom a fine is Well impo» fed, and where and hy cvh .ns not, p, 130 C. 3. 3J9, 360, 5dd C. 2, 382 C, I. Where a fine may be refpited , and not c« ftreated, and where not, 135, 135, j^jj C.. 2. Whec a fine levyed of lands, &c. is good and (hall bind, where not. 3^6 C. i. 254 C, 1.472 C. I, r 7 Forfciturel What (hall be a forfeiture of a Copyhold, or other eOate. J4(S , ,48, 149, u5o, i<5i,i52, 19;, 19^,195, 197,233 C. 4«a4'> 1870,2,4460,2.453, By what ads a forfeiture may be difpen« fcdwith, 464 C, 2.483, 8 Fcrferjt The form of a judgement given upon a convidion of forgery and perjury. 36 3, 5 Formedon, For what things a Formedon lies, for what notip. 30 C. 2. loFraaitnvii^Time', 1 1 Franktenemtnt or Freehold. What (hall be faid a freehold, and what not. 161 ♦ 1 2 Frand. WhatconveyanceAallbc accompted m be fraudulent, and what not. 288 289 428 C. 2. ^<\6. * * 1 Gaoi \ld, Prifon. 2 Goodbehavionrt Where one may b:- bound to the good be- haviour, and where not. p. i«5 C. 2. :9S» 3 Gr4nt4 What things (hall paffe by a grant, and what not. p.68. p. 78. 203, How the words in a grant (bail be inter. preted. 2 1 1 C, i. What grams are good,and what not. a^2, i66^ ATaWe^ ^ GMtdlan, ^^ Ady be a Gtiardi'ati fo an InfdUr, and fiow to be au horifed > and who not. 369 C. 4 45<5C. ^. Howand wticrc a guardiaa may be aif> chrged,456C. t, H 1 liaheas corpus. Where a habeas carpnt lies, and where not ._ 1-28 C. 4. 173. C, J. 147 C. 3.. 182 C, I. 230C. 3.i39C,2, a6tC, 3. 28^,286,3* c.i, 397^.1.397,398, 4i8C'.4.432C, i»43j C.4» z Habtrt fusias ft^fffimcnti ^\\&t'9it\toi habere factas pfijfe/jtuneru is good, and what nor, 238 C.i. t|\/herea man (hall be faid to be an beir, and where not, 307, 308, 309* ^ Highiv.iy vid.rvaj/ 5 liomJ'e, 6 Htnours, Of the creation of honours and privile- ges belonging to them. 252, 253, 234, 372 C 1.452 C, I. 1 2 Imparlance^ Where an imparlance may be granted,' where not. 36? C, 2. 3 Implication, VVhere a thtBgmay be fupplyed by im* plication.and where not, 53C, 1. 351 C. 2. 428 C.I, 4 Impri/oHmerttt For what caufes one naay be imprifoned, and for what not, p, 16 C 2. 382 C. i, VVhcre an adion of falTe imprifonmenc Hei, and where not 454 C. 3, VVhat ftiall be faid a lawfull imprifon* ment,and whatnot, p. 900,3.35? C.i. 5 Improprhtiaa. J I Jeifdilf, VVhat thing? and faulcs in pleading are helped by the Statute of Jeofails, p. 70 C. I. •yii Star, 151,206 C i, 218 C 2. 215C, I, 6 J ft fan t. What afts ofan infant are good, and what not. 1 2 1 C, 1, 208 C, 4. 3 1 8 C. I. 47a C.I, How an Infant may fue, and be fued , and how not, 3 69 C, 4. 400 C. 2, VVhat ads (bail bind an Infant, and what not. 246 C. ;, Infpedion of an Infant, 451 C. a« 4S*^» 4575 472 C.I. 7 Information, The difference between an information, andanendiSraent. 217C. a. For what things an information lyes, and for what not,and where and where not, 217 C. 2. J45, 246,417 c. i-43oC. 2, In what Courts an information is to be preferred, and in what not, 340 C. i. 8 Inheritance, Who may inherit lands, and who not. 139 C,i. 9 InJM»Uiott, ■ji^ '^ VVhercaninjunSionoutof the Chance. ry is not to be admitted to ftay pro- ceed- A Tabic. ceedingiatchecormnon Law« p»27G to ^nqnifili«n. VVhatfhaU beagoodinquinnon, what , not, p. 40,41 ♦?» 75 C. a, VVbcre an inquUicion may 1 e quafhed , and where not. 285 C. 2, 1 1 Intindment Where things (lull be fiipplyed by ir- Ccndmcnt, and vn here not. p. 50, 31- 43 C. 1. 58 C. 2. p. 59 C. 2. p. 78, 119, 149,2055260 C.2. 292 C. !• 29\, 294, 404 C. 3.421, 428 -C. 3. ^(>6 C. I. 1 2 Interejh. Where one fliall be faidtohave ati inte rciHn a thing, and where not* 348 C. 1.428C.1. 1 3 Interfretathn. How words fhall be interpreted , vid. words. How Statutes and Ordinances fhall be in- icrpret6d,z'/<^. Siaiutes and Ordinan- ces. l^If Ht. What (Viall be faid a good iHae, and what not.p.70. iij C.I. 151, 172 C. 2. 198C. 2.210, 211 , 239 C. 1. 378 C.I. How the general ilTue is ro be taken up- on the meal ^&.. 37S C. i. Where one may joyn iiiue,and where not. 401,401,477. Where the Court will di.'charge iflncs, where not. 1 57 C. i. 1 86 C. 2. 16 luigtmtnt. How lodgements ought to be enrred. r. s.^ i.a.io8C.2. 229C. 2.aci C2.283 C. 1. 399 c. 2.1 30 C. 2. UiiTticiKc between a iudgcmcot in ad aiHon ot trclpils vt ct tirmis ^ and a judgement in an a:dtUK«S> In what cafes a writ of c3'^'"«^'»«jlies> and in whit nor. p.7,8C. 5. 799 C. 4. 546C.2. j55C.i.45i>452, 453> 457. 45^' 3 (^lanjlaugbter, \ What fiiiU be (aid Mtnflaughicr, and whatnot.537*G^ i* 4 M-iriage, To whom the Mariage of perfons belong?, and to whom not, 237 C.4. 5 L^-tllus intjuireridum. Where a Afe/iitt imjuirindHm lies, and where not. 4$ I C. i. 4 Maxime, , Maximes of Law are not 10 be broken. 149. 6 (^lerger. Where a tWngmaybe faid to be merged in another thing. 347, 548, 7 MifcoHtlnuxnce vid. Proceft, 8 MonfirAnce delfaits, c^f . Where Deed?, Letters Patents arc to be produced in Court , and where not. p. IS C. 2.164. C. I. • A 9 Mctitn. ■" Whit Motions are tobemade inGpnrri and what not . 1 ^ 5 C. 3 . 3 86 C. J. What things the Court will rake rretice of upon a Motion , and what nor. 1 77 f. 1.373 C.I. 387 C.4.464f.3. 10 Murthtr. What fballbe laid Vforthcr, and vriitt not." 564C. I. - • J ..■UjUA^ N .i .- -dw -.n"i 1 T^e^^tive fregnans. Where a plea conteynes x negative preg. nam and where not. p. 66 C,2- 309 Cii« I Ne exeat regMttm. Where a ^and where HOC A Table. not. 395, 39<5, 440, &c. 2 limine paite. The nature of a 7iominefce>"t, and how it is to be demanded and recovered, p. 4- 3 No» ohjlame. How ^» obflAntei fliall bc taken to inure> and how not. 575, &c. 4 Nonfnu, Where the party fhall be *'on futc , and where not. 1380. 3.449 C.4. 5 Notice. Where notice ought to be given of a thing) and where It needs noo and what is a good notice, and whit not. p. i 5 C. i. p. 30, 31. p. 53 C.I. p. 57 C.i.p.6i C.I. P.74C.2. 1C0C.2.172 C.i.ii^4C. I. '87,163 c. 5. 273 C.3.1PJ C. 2. 303 C.3. 213, ai4,342C. a.386C. 3.438 C. I. Of what Officers the Court of the Upper Bench willtakcnotice of, and of what not. p. 26 C. 2. p. S4 C i.PoC.j.p.pS, 456457'4s8. Of what things the £'ourt will take no- tice of, and of what nor, and how. p.70, ,. 465^.2. 331,332,333,334,359^. I. 368,369,378.379. 6 Nudnm failum. V Vhat fliall be faid to bc T^udum paClum, and what not. p. jSCi. 249^. 2. 330 7 Nuj For what an Ar5i(e of Nufanccliei, for what not. >95 C. i- J Odtth vid. %>4§inv'H , what Oath fliallbc laid perjiiry,vvhat nor, z/»^. Perjury. 3 Obligation. How a breach of the Condition of an Obligaiion ought to be afsigncd,?. 1 8 C. I. What i{ a good Obligation, what not. p. 28C.1.P.97 ^.1.21 2 C.3.234C.2.241 c.i. 277, 278,438 r. 2. 3 Off ernes. What are offences at the Common law, what not. p. 87 C.I. 2 1 5, 323,316 c:, ^■: t.l I. 4 Office and Officers, What Office Hiall be well granted, what nor.2'56, 267)&c. What Offices and Officers the Common- law tak' snot ice of,and what noc.3 38C. 1.3940.2.457,458. What offices may beexccurcJ by a De- puty, and what not. 3 57 C.I. 5 Older. For what caufcs orders of Scfsious, and other orders may be quaflied, and for what not. p. 14 C. 2.P.85.C.1.130 C. 3. IS4C. 1,3,4.168c. 1.173, i74t 184,185, i>>i, 192,207c. I. 283 C. 3.362 C.i>368 C.3. 385 C.6. 399C.I . 475 C.I.; V Vhere the Court will not qualh errone- ous orders. 358 C. 2. VVhat Ordcrrthc Upper Bench will take notice o*^,ind whatnot. 363 C. 1 . 41 5, 416,^45 C.I. 6 Ordinance of Parliament vid. Parliament. ■ 7 Ordinary What Aftions lye againft the Ordinary, and in what cafcSjand where not. 305. VVhat things the Ordinary niay do> and whatnot.4Ji ^.3.45<5. 8 Origi.^ A Table. 8 Original vid* writ. When an original writ ought to be filec'. 292, 2!?3. Where one may have a nevv original vvri'j and where no:. 404 C. 2. 9 Onttitwry. Whar outlawry is good, an i what nor. p. 93 C. 1. 182 C. 2. 227c- 1. 297 C. I- • 3J4C.1. 418,419,451 C.4. How an outlawry ought to be teverfcd. 297 C.I. 548 C. I. 1 o Orvfiing. What rhallbefaidan oufting one out of poiTdlion, and whatnot, 277 C. i. P 1 Paint Where the Court will enjoyn a thing up- on a pain, and where not. 368 C. i. 449 C. 4. 2 Vtyn fort et Aurtytr freffing. Where prefling is ufed , and where not. 104 C.I. 3 Paymerit. What fhallbefaida good payment, and whatnot. 366 C. i. 393 C. j. 482. What fluU b- a good proof of payment of mony, and what not. 462 C. 3. 4 Pantl vid. lurj. % Pardon, How X pardon fliall be cooftrued. p. 43 C. i-375>376, 377. How a pardon is to be pleaded , and al- lowed. 235 C. 3.337 C, i. 369 C. 2. 371C.3. Z What things arc pardoned by a general pardon , and what not. 147 C. 2. 348 V>« I • What pardon fhall be faid to be good, and whatnot. 375,37(5, 377, 6 Parijl?. of a Parifn, and of what ic confifls, and of its extent, p, 77578, 9i> 1 37 C. i. 7 Parliament, How anordinance of Parliament is to be interpreted. i<5o, 161, 195, 196,197. When orders and ordinances of Parlia- ment fhall be faid to be in force, and when not. 41 5,416. 8 Parell. What things may be done by Parol!, what not. 343 C 2. Pariy aniPrivj.' Where one fhall be faid to be party or privy,and where not.39. I o Patent and Patentee, What the Kings Patentee may do by vir- tue of his Patent, and what not, 246 , 247> &c. 1 I Pauper. For what caufes one fuing in forwa paw peris fhall be difpanpcrcd , and where not. 386C. I. I a Peace. What things luftices of peace may do, and what nor. i6<5 C. 1. 244 C. i. 24S, 246, 3*2C. 1.359,350, 475 C.t. Whar things done fliall be faid a breach of the peace, and what not.3 23. Peer and Peerage y'ld. lontur. Where Peerage (hall be allowed, and where nor. 372 C.I, z« H A Table. 1 4 Peremftarj vid. Ple^t, VVhat pleas arc pcrcmptory,ind what nor. 3880.1.4040,1. 75 Peru/. VVhat oaih fluUbc faid to be pet jury, and whatnot. 336,357,374c. z. The maner of g'ning Iiidgemcnt upon a conviition for perjury. 362,363. 16 Popduhy. What is laid a perpetuity , and what nor. 278. 1 7 Place. Where it is necefTary to allege a place, and where it is not. p. z6C. 3. p. 59 C. I.I42C.2.. ijiC.z. 287C. I. 341 C. 2. 3 57,3 5?- 1 8 Plaint. What is a good plaint, and wfnc not, and its nature, p. 86 C. 2. 1 1 5 C 1 . 19 V let and Pleading. Wharoleiisgood in dilcharge rf a Co- venants and what not. p. 8 C, 2. 163 C.3. „, ^ What plea n qnod to julUfie a diHrefle ta- ken, and rot, p. 13 <^. !• 17^' C.I. A Plea th.t is too general IS not good. p. T6C.3-p.wC.3--'^C.2. Where and one may pL-ad to the jurisdidion,whac not. . 97 C. r . 351 , '.What plea ind pleadings are "ood , and what erroncou'. p. 19 C. i. p. 37 C- '• /' ^^' 57,<;4C.x. p.78.79P. 9'^C. i. p. 9« *-• »• c\ii8C.t.if9C.x.<^5C. 5.1^7,163, 177 C. 1. 178 C. t,i. 187, i88, I9J <-■ 3- 197 C l.tOiC. I.20C'.4ti C. 1. 415 C. 4. 430 C- J.443J&C. 451 C. I. What IS a j^ood piea in debt, vid. dcbtt VVhat in TrelpalV, W. Trefpar?. VVhat in covenant. r/f^.coienanr. VVhat inTreliulson ihecale, w 319, 34iC. 1. 21. A Table. Wbat po^ta is good, and what erroneousi 120CtI. 22 Precipe, Where and for what a praecipe quad reddat lies, and where and for what not.p, 9 C, J, p, 30C. 2. 23 Prerog.ttwe vidi King. Where a I'ubjeft may take advantage of the Kings Prerogative, where not, ^67, 268, &c. 24 Prefcrlption, What is a good prefcriptior, what not p. , 31 C, 1.233 C. 4,289, 300, 301 J 44<5 I C.I. Where a prefcription is well alleged, and 1 where not, 477, &c» I a 5 Prefentation, ;What prefentation (hall he good,and wJiat not.p* 83,156 C.», 370. 26 Prtfentntentt yVhat prefcp'raent is good, and what not.p, 14 C. I. '. 24 C. 2. p. 130 C 3 . 173 €♦ 2.I9I, f92,27y» 27 Prheipaland iccefory^ Where one fiiall be '^lid to be principal , andwhercbutaccefTory. p. 86 C i. Prifon and Prifoner vid. Bail and difcharge. Where a Prifoner may be difcbarged, and where not, 90 97, '^9 C 1.238 C f. 369 C. . 369 C. 3. 386C. 4. 395 C.I. 4»8C. 4.433 C. 1.454 C«'» 3. 475 C. 1 , 47 J C. 2. t-fi*. difcharge. VVherca Prifoner may be bailed , and where not . r)6^ 9'j-,^66 C^i, vtd, bail. yVherea Prifonei may be removed, and wherenot. J39, 3(?7 r. 2. 563C, i* 397 C. 2. 434 C. 1 . 4 JO C. I » 29 Privilege, V Vbcre a writ of priv-Iegc lieir, and where not, and for whoni.andfor whom not. 139C. 3.23-fd. VVhereone may claim or plead a privl« Ifge, and where not. 167,1-^8 214 c, 2. 222.223, 234 C.I, 252, 253, jj4, ^95 C.3.373C.1.413 C, 1.454C. I, 460 C,3.t)»d'Plea. The priviltge of the Clergy, vid. Clergy,' The privilege of Peers, t//^. Honour^ 30 Ptcctdindv. Where A proudiudoUe^^ and where not^ p, 69,70. p. 100 C. I, 127 C, J. 151 C. 2.226,227, 229 c. 1.345 C'.i.3 2| C, z. ' . " 3 I Trcceidingt^ What proceedings of fourts are good.and what not. p. 45 C, 2. p, 91 C.i, '125 C. J. Where I he Court will flay proceedings,' and where nor. 41 3 C. 3. How 10 proceed in an endidment, and howinan informatioD. :j7C.a. 3 1 Process vid* FiUng^ For what things proceHe may iflue out of the upper Bench Ccurr,tor what not.p, 26 C, 7. What retorn of procefs is good, and what not. p, 330 C.I. ProcefTc how to be diredf J. p. 26 C. 5, Wh ere procefles fbali be faid to be difcon. tinued.and wherenot. p. 58 v., 2, p, 66 , 2. p. 70>7h9;C. i.p. Ill C.I, '22 C, 3.209 C, J. 210, 5:;9C, 3. Where procefTes (hall be .^aid to mifcohti.' nue,and wherenot,237,339C.3, Where the Court may Jilcontinue pro- cefles, where nor. 306. Where proc.fle mav be flayed, and where not, 147 C. 2, 18) C, 2, 33 Frac/amatio^t ■What proclaraarion is good, what not.'9r,' S>2. 237» '^ A Tabic. l^ Proof. WhatfliaUbeaccomprcd a good proof of of an Ad of Parliament or other mat- ter cf ha. 155 C. 1.462 C. 3,4. 35 Frobibiiion. Where ^ Prohibition tothe Prerogaiive Court or other Court may be granted, and where not. p .10. C i.r.55 56 74^ 75. S7 C.i.ioiC.n47C.i.228C.3. 299c. 1, 346C. 1.439 440,45 5-. 45^- Where a Prohibition lyes toan interiour Court or Jurifdiition, anJ where nor. p.45C.:. 305> 33<^C.z. 395,396, 411 C.2.440C. i.459>4<5o 47 2,47 3• Whcre a promife may be i^idiobedif- charged , and where not. 303 C. 3. What is a good oromife to .;round an A- <^tion upon the Cafe, ind what not.;\ 63 C. i.p.;o4C.3.iii C.2.i5 2,i5 5,i57 C.J. 249 C.I. 291 C.3.303 e.g. 304, 305, 330C.2.40S C. 2> 416 C. :. 419 C.2 420C.1. 440C. i.459j4^0'f'55 C.2. 472,473- , , Where a promile fl^all be faid to be joynt, an i where feveral. 23 C. i. What is a good plea indifcharge ofa pro- mife, and what not. 309 C. 1. 37 Fropert/. Where one (Kail be faiJ to have t proper- ty in a thing, and where not. p.54 C. 1. 55)73.74. Where one may alter the property of 1 thing, and where. 338. 3 8 ProtcElion. of a Proteflion, and the benefit of 1:, p. 40. Where and from whom ProreAion is due, and where nor , and to whom, and to whonot. 227 C. 4. 39 Frottfttuiev, Of thcDature ofa Prote^ation , and what is agood Protelfation , and what nor, and where it lies, and where not. 266, 267> &c. 40 Pmchafe. Who may be faid a Purchafcr , ani who noi. 1 ;9C.i.273 C.i. Who may purchafc lands, and who not. 388 C. 3. V Vho niall be faid to be intitled to lands by purchale, and who not. 148, 14$). Q-, 1 Qjmfhing of Endi^ments, Order s^ drcndt ^ndiilmtnts^ Orders, &c% 2 Quo WarratHe. For what a Quo Htfranto lycSj and for what not.418 C. 5. R 1 Recital. Whit Recital Hiall be good, and what not. p.107,108, 185 C.I. 344)34J>4o8C. 2. 411 C.i.42i,C. 2. 2 Re- A Table. 2 Recogtii^anct. Where a Recognifance may be difchar- gcdjand vyhcrcnoc.364 C. j. 5 %jcord. How a Record is co be pleaded, and how given tn evidence.! 2 C. i . What is matter tf Record , v\ hat nor.4^4 C. 4. Where one may have view of a Record, aha where not.444 C 1. Where a Record may be amended , and wherenoi. x"V. Amcndmcnr. 4 Recovery. Whit thing? are recoverable at the Com- mon-law, and what nor. p. 55. Of what things a Recovery lies , ando' what not. 215 C.5.450C. 2. Where a Recovery {hall be good , and where not. 246 C.I. 319, 320,321. Bfcufant, Hovyt a Recufant ought to conform fincc Bifliops taken away. 36 C. 4. 5 Reference. Where the Court will make a reference, and where not. 1 10, C. 2. 214 C. a. 372 C, 2. 6 %ejojnder. Upon what a Re joynder ought to be, and upon what not. p.70 C. i . Where one may re oyn and where not. 40i,8(c.44oC. I. 7 Relation. How and to what time things fhall be ■ ("aid to relate,and to what not. 341 C.3. 3 5(5C.2.38iC.2. 8 Releafe. What Releafe is good and what 1101.17$ C. \, i8<5, 287,'f73. 9 Repeal vid. Statute. What thing? may be repealed , and what not. 228 C. 5. 10 Repleader. VVherfe there ought to be a Repledcr> and where not. 2 1 0,2 1 1,41 2 C.i, I I Replication, VVhat Replication is good,jnd what nor. P.41C.2. "loC. 3.309C.1.356C. 2. 373 C. 3. 379' 3 So, 396,401:4025432 C.4. 440C. I. I 2 Retjueft. Where afpccial Requcll is nece(l"ary,and where ir is noc.49 C.i .p. 54 C. i .p.74 C, 2. 107 C. t. 141 C. 1 -1 43,144.207 c. 4. 45 8 C. I. VVhat iliall be faid a good Rcqueft, and whatnot. 138c. i. I 3 RefcoUSi For what caufes a writ of Refcous may be quallicd} for what not. 1 5 5 C4. 4 1 7 C. 2. 14 Reptution. In what cafes a Reftituticnlyes, and in wharnot.p. 35.0,41 C. i. 0.42,43, 87, 88.r. 89.^.',p.9oC.2.i36 ^-S-iSiC. 1 .1 5 5 C. 1 . 186 C1.208 C.3.347,4oS C. I-4H, 4i5>44'5C. 3«452;4s3»4y7» 458.477547^j&c- 1 4 Rent. Where a Rent fhall be fufpcndcd, and where not. ^. 2. 15 Retainer. Where a Retainer of Goods doth lye and where not. 338, 584, laaa 1 6 Rettm ' A Table. 16 Siiorf. vid. Procejfe^ VVhat Rerorn o'^Procefs is'',ood , and whatnor.p.^i,^?.p.^5.?6.p.39 4Mi> 4j,67,6t;,69 77,7?,S4.85.;.S5C.i. 89C.i,9oC.7,-t Pi f'- »-9^ ^■' •• P- 98 C.I.I 20,121,145^.2.150^.2. I 51 C.I. 1^4^. T 45?. 457,458,474^.1.475^,1.4771 478, ^c. Where ProcefTcs (hill be retornei in an exiraof liinary way, 3r.d vv.tere not. p 45 C.T. Where a Jury may be retorn«6 by the Se ccndary,acd not by the Sberif , 477 <^" 2. 2t Rohhtrjt What fhall befaid a Robbery, and what not, andofwhom.iy6 €,3.318, 319. 2 2 RnU, What Rules the Court will make, and W!l.ll n't. i(;4 t , 1. ily c. t.ir3 C. 4, 158 C a J 5 C.i.^tS C.i.jii C.3.?i8 C. I. 35J t.i. 5<'7 '. 3. 3<^* '^'.i.jKi C. t 388C. 1. 405, 404, 4I1 C. 1,1. 413 c. I. 414 C. I. 451 C. 5. 4<54 C.J. How far a rule of Court will bind, and where nor. 343 C13, \6 Rpt, What enquiry and finding of a Ryot is good, and what not. 166 C.!. 17 Rivcrfal, For what faults an Outlawry nnyhere» verled, and for w'.iat not, 227 C. 2.418, 419- Wiiere a Fine levyid may be rcverfcd, 47 2 C. t. vid. Fine. 18 Rcv'tvert How ihinq? may be revived and bow not, 4i8C.3.4'^^^<-". 2«483' 19 Revoc-ititn, What is a good Rtvocation.and what not. 4i8(^.3'4-4' 2 Right, What things belong to one of Common right, and whar not. 3(^3. Where perfons are bourvd to do thln^sof Common righr, 2nd where not. ^6^Q. 4 574,375.41 8 C, 2, 1 Sate. 2 Sati.'faUion'. What fhall be nccompted a goodSatiifafti' on to plead in bar of an Adion ofTrcf- pafs,^ what not.p,20.C.i.vid. 7rf/^a/i-, What. Debts ought by Law to be firft fatif* fiedjz^ (!/. Debt, What fhatr be accorapted a good fatisfa* dion of a Debt, &c, 239 C , 2, 5 Saving. To what intent a favingin StatutCf,Ordi5 nances of Parliament ,»&:c. (hall inure; 160, 161, 4 Scanddlum Jiiagnatuntt 5 Scire facias. In what place a Sc'tri facia* ought to be brought, p, 9, C. I, For what Caufes a Sciri fan s may be brought, and for what nor. p, a6 C, i .p, 50C. I. p. 1 05 C. 2. 251 C. 2. 290 C. 2* 348C.i.45<5,4)7, VVbat Pica is gooA 10 1 Scire facias, ztii what not, fiV. Plea, What Scire fac as Kgooi, and what not. p.72 C,3,2j;oC« 1. 6Se> A Table. 6 Stcnritj* Where one may take fecurity , and where not. p. 55, P«7J,74. p« 89 C. !♦ Where fecurity (hall be put in for doing of aching, and where not, p« 322 C, 3, 433^»i^ 7 Seifure, 2, 438C.i. 4(57,4(58, &c. \i SiibmilfieK, What is a good fubmifsicn, and what not^ 85, 136 C. a. 30(5, 307, 351 C.t. 13 Sftreti.'s. '4 Suggtfiion or Surmi/e, Ofwhat things, and where a feifure may be made, and of what not, p, 75. 233 A Tugfjcnion to grocnd a prohibition up C.4, 8 Se(]:tfflratio«i What things are fequcftrable, & by whom. I6*yl62, 169, p Setltmintt What fetlement of poor people is good, and what not, 168 C, i, I o Severs, on rauft be pofitive, and not argumen- tative, p. I. VVhere there ought to be a fuggeftion, or furmife made, and where not. 371C. I, 15 S^tfi, 1 6 Summons, What fl-iall be a good fommons, artd what not.p.67.68,dp,77,7S, 51, 92, 99, 143 C,u * Ofwhat things CommifTioncrs of Sewers , may takeconulanceof, andofwLatnct. ) i-] Su^erfcdeas, p. 6i C. «. What Coir.mifTioners of Sewers may do, ^ In what cafes a fp.ferftAeas h'es and in and what not, 178, \'J9, 180, 1S4, 185,191,192,4450,3, I i II Statutes. What Statutes arc repealed,and whatnot. 212C. 2. Where an aftion may be brought upon a ' Statute, and where not. vid, Aftion. What adions are barred by the-.tatute of liraitations.of 2 1 Jac,and what xioi,-jid, Aftion, whntnor.46C. ;.p.„8C,2.,59 ,60 «77C.:.M«C.3 255C. 2.254 C,,; 321C. 3,330c. 1.3950.1.415. 1% Snfer§it:on, What ftiili be faiJ a fupjr.litious nfe, end whatnot, 3f,37,5', J 2. ^»V. Ufe.' 82,83, 19 Supply. What faults in pleadings are helped by the \ What things the Law muft funj Ir and Statute of jeofails, and what not. p. 8; I whatnot, p. 12 C, 2, J > ana C. 2- p. 63 (55. p, 7i.p, 91 C. I, ii.) C. «. i5i,i;;9 C 2, 170C. 2-i74,i75> 198 C, 2. 206 C, I, aio, 211, 2. 8C. 2, 23^, C, i,23jC. 2. 256 C. I. 2d5 r, 2, 307C, 1,401, &c. 438 C.J. 47: C, 2. 483 C. 2. How Statutes (hall be interpreted, p. Si, 8:, 83 . 84 C, 2. p. 9 1 C. 1. 180. p, 181 , 182,190c, t. 195, )9<5, 197, 230 C. I. 3S9, 307 C. 1. 33 5 &c. 381, 58s, 430 C, 20 Sitrfnife vid. Sufgeflion, 21 Surplftfagf^ 22 Sttrrender, What A Table. what words amount unco a furrend'-r,and what not. 4> ^ ♦ !♦ What fliall be- a good furrendcr of a copy- hold, or otber eftate, and what not. a8o C, 2. 29h ^9h 4^*5 ^' '* "^^^ Ct2, aj Sitffi»f'o»> VVhat (hall be a good fufpenfion from an office or other thing. p« 3 J> 3^ 9 Tithes, yVhere a taUs taay be granted , and where not. p. \6 C, <♦ 233 C« 3» 44? C, 2. CTajlsM.Ftttajl. 3 TrtAT, VVhatisalawfulltax,and what not. p. n,t4 138", 139 » »8o, I8j, 191 , 4 Ttnant and Te*""''!* VVhit (hall be faid a tenancy in common, and what a joymcnancy. »ii ^ «2,434, 435. 5 Tenement t VVhat (hall be faid to be a tenement, and whatnot. «<5i, 162. 6 Tender, •J Term, 8 Tenure, VVhat things may be faid to lye in tenure, and whatnot. i79» Where tithes arc to be paid , and where I not, and to whom. p. 157 C, I. 1 o Title, VVhere in pleading one oughttoftiew a- nothers title to a thing and where not. .5C.Z. VVhac things the Kmg (l)all be inticled to, and what nor. p. 20,21,40, 41, $1,52, p.75,8',82,33. Where one ought co entitle himfelf to a thing, and where not. 395 C. a- 42<>. C. ». n Transferring. Where and by what adt a thing fliali be faid to be transferred to another , and where not. ii6,i\-j, I 2 Tranfiterj vid. Ltcai^ 1 3 Traverfe, VVhat chings are traverfable , and what not. p. 87,139 Ci. Where it is neceflary to take a traverfe , and where not, 150, iti, i98j 199, 373 C.:?.3S:C. 3.432C.4. VVhat traverle is well taken, and what not 332i34u.C. 1.382 C, 3. 14 Treafon, How and when Judgement (hall be given in high treafon. 104 C. 1, 15 Trtrptfft, How to declare in adion of trefpaffe vi et armit, p. 20 C. 1, 408 C. a. Where an aftion of trefpaflc lies vi et art mis, and where not, and for what, and for what not. 4^ 44. p. 94C, i. 9 !• 1 1 Trjal. Where an Aiftion is to be tryed, and where not. p. C.1.331, 532, &c. 4(5oC- 3. Where one may Jbe hindred from a Tryal, and where not. 339 C.2 . 403 C. i. Where the Court will grant a new Tryal, and where not. 448 C. 2.462 C. 5.466 C. 1. What Tryal is good, and what not. p, 3 3 C. i.p. 34C.i.42C.:.p.75C.i. 86 C. 1. 110C.2.111 C. 1. 129 C. 5.1 37 C. 3, 4' 139) 140' 191 C I. 201 ^. I. 2c6 C.I. 342C.2;4i2C3.43oC.2. 43 2^-''34SC-i. i%Trttfl^ of what things a Trull may bC) and of what not. p. 2 s • What a Truli is, and why it was invented. p. 21,40" What things a Truflee, or ceftuy quetruft^ may do) and what not. p. 41, 19 Time. The Law allows convenient time to do a thing, p.i I C.2. 143, 144. Where the time for doing or not doing a thing \i to be fet forth, and where ii is not neceff»ry, 17C. 2. 178C.2.243. Where fra«flion of cime is allowable, and where pot. p. 72 c. 1. 1 1 9. How time for doing of a thing is to be comr"ted. 170C. 3.581 C.i. Where ttie Court will allow time to do a thing, where not. 208 Cti .249 C. 1.47 5 C.3, Who {liaii be fiid who nor, 168 C. i. ^ 1 flagrant or Beggar, to be a'Vagranr, 2 f^alue. 3 FArranee. What variance in 'pleading makes error, and what not. p.5 C. 2.p.io9C.2.\i8, ii9, 141, 142,177 C.2.i88,i 89,243,244 C.2. 277.278.344)345,374 C. 1.378 C. 1.472 C. 2.477c. I. 4 Vinire or Venue. Whence the Venue ought to be upon Tryal ot an Action, p. 2. p. 7.C. i.p." 15 C. 3.341 C. 3.393 G. 1.4'^oC. 3. ■ Wi>atK^*i>*isgoodiand whatnot, p. 8.C. 2.p. 20.C. 2.p. 2 3s24. p. 28,29.p. 34 C. i.p.6o,6i.p.86C. 2. p. 96 C.2. 107 C. :. 1 1 1 C. I. 1 19, 1 20, 164, 165. 16) C. 2. 195 C. 2. ^SjC. I. where there may be a ye>:ire de novo, and where not. p.g 3, 64, 176 C.i- 205 C. 1. 275) 307 C. 1. 335 C. I. 399, 410, C.I. 445 C.I, where the Venue may be changed) and where not. 387 C. i.395C,2. 5 rerd;tt. Where ayerdia is well giv^n^ and where nor.p.6 r ,62,63,54,9 5 .94,1 ^4 c. 4.141 C I. 148 C. 2. 167 C. 2.176 C.i. 188) 279^3I i)3i2.527C.i. 328,329,385 C. 2.432 C.2.450C. i.46oC. I. What things in pleading may be helped by a Verdifl, and what not.p.80, 115 C. 2.i7o.i7i>i76'i77'iPSC.2.229C.3v 231 C. 2. 236 C.I. 265 C.2. 3C1, 307 C. 1.^2 C. I. 349C.i.37oC.4,46i C. 2.472 C. 2. What Ipccial Verdidl isgood, and what not. 282,284,285,3350.1,409,410. Bbbb eVepng" A Tabic. 6 Vefling. 7 ViccArage, What things are accompted Viftuals, and whatnot. 190C. i- 9 Vierf, What things maybe done upon a View? and what not. id^C. i. 346)451 C. 2. 472 C.I". 1 o Vo'ii, What is void) and what voidable. 209, 210. What (liall be faid a (uperftitious ufe, and what nor. 36, 57, 51, 525 81, 82, 8^. Where a ufc Oiall be faid 10 be well railed, and where not. 188,189, ao4> 205. 1 1 Uilxsvrj-, vid. Omlarvry^ w I PVager of Law, fee Law. 2 WMv'er. Where a thing may be waivcd.where not. p. 5iC. 2.61 C. 2. 119,403 C.I. 417 C.J. a If Arrant, Where aVVarrantistobefbewed, and where it needs not to be. 405 C. 4. VVhen a VVarrant of Attorney fhall be determined, and when not. 426 C. i . 3 fVarren, 4 pra/fe. V Vhat is a good plea in bar of an Adion of Warte, and what not. 48. $ fVajes. VVhooughtto repair High-wayeS) and whonot. 163C. 2. 364C.4. How t Will fhall be interpreted 211 C. I. 240, 249>*5o> 251, 258, 559.160, 261,262,275,27(5,278,279,295,194, 301, 302, 307,308,309,316,317, 319 C. 1. 3890.2.409,410,434,435. What dull be faid i good will, and what nor. 240, 427C. 3, Where a Will may be repealed, and where nor. 228 C. 3. How a Will may be proved, and hownor. 37cC. I. How a Will may be revoked, and how revived, and how nor. 343 C. 2. 418 C.3. What A&s a Tenant at will may do, whatnot. 380 ^. 2. fyhcb craft. What is Witch-craft within the Statute of 1 J l8jj 194 C. I. I9J C. t. 199, zoo, loj, 104, aOj,ii4, ii^ijf C, I. ij7,ij8C. 3.140,141, j4t t. I. 149, ijo, If I, 177, 178, 1J8, if9, j_go, itfi, 151, 179, i8t C. 1. 301, joi, 307 , 308, 309,3190. 1.3x5,316, 35tfC. 1. 358 c. 3. 3^0} 36i> 3^15 389 C. 1.407,410, 447 C. 1. 4J4>43 J f ■ 3- 4jtf> 457, 438. C.t. 4^0. How words arc to be ulcd in pleading, p. 37' ?^7' 3^8,481 C- I- Where words fhall be adjudged void. 45 C.I. 102 C. 2.334C.1. loW'/if. Where a writ fliall be faid to be well di- rcdcd) and where not. 42, 4 J, 2 37. To whom writs arc to be direcled , to whom nor. 461 . Where one may plead in abatement ofa wnr, and where not. p. 50C. i.p. 84, 99, 201,202, i6Q(^. 1., -3 8, 404^1. 4*1 C. 2. Where a writ is to be abatedjand where bucabiteible.42 1 C.2.44I. For what caufis a writ fhali be abated, and for what noc.p j,i 38 C. 1 .190 C.1.19C. I.^OJ C.I.204,2l8C.I.22I,2 2 3,237, 260, 265 C. I, 303 C. 1.407,421 C- 2. Wh^re a writ of A'ie exe^t regmm lye?jind where nor. 440 &c. Where a writ of crquiry ofdammages lie?, and where not. i 27 C. i . 288, vid. En« quiry. Wiicre the ancient forms of wiitsmay be altrcd, and where nor. 2 1 8 C. 1. Wiien an Original writ ought to be filed. 292,293. Where one may have a newOriginal writ) and where ooc. 404 C. 2. To ^.1 To the Reader* B Efhafei to (ake notice th^tmtyvithjianding mj more than ordinary care in CorrcUing , he I'rejfe-, thtfe tnfmng Erratacs have haf^cnei in the Printing, hut masj ■ cf them are but literal, ^ndatier not the [enje-, and for the others I hope pu will pardon theW) and corre^ them I? J the Errata as yott meet with them. ERRATA. P Age 10. ). f . for Barker, read Barlye p.76. r. for Bcndirj r. Denoir. p. 104, »of. r. 104, lof. p. 108. r. Paget for Psgott. p. 8. 1. 3. r. facias for facis. p. 8.1. laft but one and Jaft, r. revcrfed , for affirmed, p. if. I. 8. r. if;ainft, ior again, p. iC.l. iX. r. (or to Sub-dcimty, to the Sub-deputy. p. 17. ). T,t. r. for at Bar, at tlic Bar. p. 48. J. ly. r. againft.for again, p. 75. 1. ly. r. him, for hinn. p. 106. C. 1. in the raargent put out Ameicenient. p. 166. r. Dcnoyr, for Bendir. p. 171. 1. z^. r; bail, (or bailed. p.iSj. 1. 17. r. ce:tifie, for reft fie. p. 9S. J. 11. r. Icniijnj,s, for Gennings. p, nj. C. 3. r. Barmcftonc, for B-irnefton. p. ^l6. 1. 4j.r. and not to,t or and to. p. 228. C, 4. in the mar- gene, r. to have EKCcu'ion, infteed of to have ludgcment. p. 243 I. x J. r, but that the, for but that. p. Z49. ). C. 3. in the title, 1. Pawfye,for Bawlye. p. 258. r. lay and lay, f r Gay and Gay. p. x6n'. 1. 13. r. implyed, for imployed. p. itf j. :, C. in ihe title, r. Skedlock, for Shedlock. p. 170. 1. j y , 16. r. (he, for he. p. iSf. i'. nmrata, tor mutate, p. 194.). i. for an, r. and. p. 199. l.iy. r. Defendants. p. 306. 1. 16. r. replication, p. 311. 1. 19. r. publico, p. 32^. 1. j. r. Sufanna.for page 324. r. 33^. p. 344 111 the mjrger:t,for inditcment r. inducement, p. 34^. 1. 10. for common by intendment, r. by C6mnion intendment, p. 348. r. Tippin, for Pippin, p. 549. I. ifi. r. acquittance , for acquuirtance. p. 353. 1. 19. r. it, for 1. p. 371. 1. 8. for to bar, r. to the bar. p. 374. for Troos, r. Too?, p. 388. after Newton and O shorn, r. Tiin. itfyj.ror. 1780, p. 409.for Fcnham, r. Fenwick. p.398. !• ii. r. aftion, fofajtion. p.410.1. 4S.For Boynton, r. Baynton. p. 413. 1. 39. for caule, r. cuflom. p. 432.1,19. fo"" was fitting, r. was not (itcir.g. p. 440. 1. z. for of of, r. of. p. 44^. 1, 9. for fidavir, r. Affidavit, p. 447 .1. 13. for ttd, r. to. p. 448. 1. 8. for thou, r. then, p. 4^1. 1. laft, for gronted, r. granred. p. 477. for lackibn, r. lohnfon. p. 474. 1. 18. for deeds, r. goods, p. 180. 1. 9. for books r. book, and J. Ii, r. that lands, for chat the lands, p. 481, 482, 483. in the head of the page, for Trin. t. Mich. • • m.-y\'\^ -2» uc SOUTHERN REGIONAL ueaw^FjWjJ^^^ b 001120126 6 *A »^